HJ I30Z V3 % -fc-**-*^ SR,*^ 'sC^- *- 3^ ^^^ ^ ft* i^ -^^ "^ ^ -« -f * ,♦ ■^ . "P-NRLF t>37 fl7^ »=■ POCKET EDITION Vandegrift's Digest DINGLEY Tariff Bill 1897 Revised to July i, 1902 RETAIL PRICE, 50 CENTS FOR SALE BY F. B. Vandegrift & Co. Customs Brokers and Forwarders New York 66 Beaver Street Chicago 315 Dearborn Street "t-j F. B. VANDEGRIFT & CO. Custom House Brokers and Forwarders Have their own houses at 66 BeavQX St.j New Y-»rk, and 315 Dearborn St., Chicago. St. Louis, Mo. , Offices : Bureau of Expedition Building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Also Room 24, Laclede Buiidng, 4th and Olive Streets. The address of their principal North American agents are given below : Atlanta, Qa Custom House. Baltimore, Md Custom House. Boston, Mass Board of Trade Building, 131 State St. Buffalo, N. Y 62 White Building, 298 Main Street. Charleston, S. C P. O. Box 317. Oiuclnnati, Ohio Atlas Bank Building:. Clevuland, Ohio 197 Superior Street. Uentury Building. Columbus, Ohio Custom House. Donver, Colorado 1553 Arapahoe Street. Detroit, Michigan 32 Lafayette Avenue. Duluth, Minn 414 Sixth Avenue West. Galveston, Texas 2120 Strand. Grand Rapids, Michigan Board of Trade. Hamilton, Ontario, Can 18 Hugh son Street, South. Indianapolis, Indiana* 34 South Pennsvlvania Street. Kansas City, Missouri 208 Federal Building. Key West, Florida Custom House. London, Ontario, Canada....436)4 Richmond Street. Lo« Angeles, Cal 222J4 North Main Street. Louisville, Kentucky 147 East Main Street. Mobile, Alabama 208 Pollock Bldg., Royal & Conti Streets. Montreal, Canada 41 Common Street. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 414 Goldsmith Bldg., s.w. cor Wisconsin A JeflTerson Streets. Minneapolis, Minn 516 Guaranty Loan Building. Nashville, Tennessee.. 105 Broad Street. New Haven, Conn 207 Long Wharf. Newport News, Virginia Silsby Bldg., 27th & Washington Ave. New Orleans, La 125 Decatur Street. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Can..Opposite Custom House and Post Office. Norfolk. Virginia Citizens' Bank Bldg., Main Street. Omaha, Nebraska 404 Karbach Block, 209 South 15th Street. Ottawa, Canada ...Egan Block, 25 Sparks Street. Philadelphia, Pa 50 South Fourth Street. Pittsburgh, Pa 431 Fourth Avenue. Portland, Ma-ine.. 103 Commercial Street. Portland, Oregon 106K,Third Street. Port Townsend, Wash 3-4 Hastings Building. Providence, R. I Custom House. Quebec, Canada Custom House Building. RousHS Point, N. Y 26 East State Street. San Diego. Cal 1328 F Street. San Francisco, Cal. 409 Washington Street. Savannah. Ga .....126-130 Bay Street, West. Seattle. Washington 33 Coleman Building. * ,, r< St Albans, Vt Local Freight Office, Cent. Vermont Ry.CO: St. Johns, N. B 171 Prince William St. St. Joseph, Mo 114 South Sixth Street. St Paul Minn 618 New York Life Building. Tacoma, Washington 55 Pacific Cold 8toraf?e Building. Tampa Fla Ashley Street, foot of Modis(»n. Tolecio Ohio... Custom House. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.. ..27>^ Front Street East. Vancouver, B. C 627 Hastings Street. Viptnria R 1 Fort Street. Washington, D. C .V.....1218 Tlhrty-flrst Street, N.W. WUra Sfton Del 9th and Shipley Streets. W Irnlniton N. C 9 South Water Street. Winnipeg, Atanitoba, Can... Canada Life Bldg.,Main St. & Portage Ave, POCKET EDITION OF THE Dingley Tariff AS PASSED BY CONGRESS, JULY 24, 1897 TOGETHER WITH SCHEDULE OF ARTICLES Revised to July i, 1902 With Rate of Duty and Paragraph of Law Compiled and Edited by WM. W. RICH, Pres. F. B. VANDEGRIFT & CO. ) — f~-ri — » — •— »- . > , » Published by F. B. yahdegrift & Co. Custom House Brokers AND General Forwarders New York, Chicago, 66 Beaver Street 315 Dearborn Street o>-^ COPYRIGHTED 1902 BY F. B. VANDEGRIFT & CO. * » « F. B. Vandegrift & Co. iii GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS For Shipments to the United States. 1. Each package must be fully addressed or have a shipping mark, and the name of the country of origin. 2. Every package for delivery at an interior city must be marked "in bond to " (Here give name of city.) 3. Make out four invoices if goods are for an interior port; if for a seaboard port, three copies will suffice; if valued over one hundred dollars, have same certified by United States GonsoL If under one hundred dollars, the invoice need not be certified. Mail two copies to F. B. Vandegrift & Co., New York. 4. Instruct forwarding agent at point of shipment to consign goods to F. B. Vandegrift & Co., and mail them bill of lading by steamer not later than the one carrying the goods. 5. If goods are for an interior port see that the bill of lading is made out F. B. Vandegrift & Co., New York, in bond to (Here give name of city.) 6. If invoice and bill of lading do not reach F. B. Vandegrift & Co., New York, by the time the goods do, expensive genera] order charges may be incurred. (Note. — ^Accuracy and precision in customs proceedings are sa essential to the interests of importers that the services of a com- petent broker are usually worth vastly more than the small cost of such services.) 3271.1.0 IV F. B. Vandegrift & Co. IMMEDIATE TRANSPORTATION PORTS. Dutiable merchandise may be transported in Bond without examination to the following ports. Act June lo, 1880, Amended Act February 23, 1887. Albany, N. Y. Astoria, Oreg. Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Bangor, Me. Bath, Me. Boston, Mass. Bridgeport, Conn. . Buffalo, N. Y. Burlington, Vt. Calais, Me. Charleston, S. C. Chicago, 111. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Denver, Colo. Des Moines, Iowa. Detroit, Mich. Dubuque, Iowa. Duluth, Minn. Dunkirk, N. Y. Durango, Colo. Durham, N. C. Eagle Pass, Tex. Eastport, Me. El Paso, Tex. Enfield, Conn. Erie, Pa. Evansville, Ind. Everett, Wash. Fall River, Mass. Galveston, Tex. Gladstone, Mich. Grand Haven, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Greenbay, Wis. Hartford, Conn. Honolulu, H, I. Indianapolis, Ind. Jacksonville, Fla. Kansas City, Mo. Key West, Fla. Knoxville, Tenn. I^aredo, Tex. Leadville, Colo. Lincoln, Nebr. lios Angeles, Cal. Louisville, Ky. Marquette, Mich. Memphis, Tenn. Middletown, Conn, Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Mobile, Ala. Nashville, Tenn. New Bedford, Mass. Newark, N. J. New Haven, Conn. New Orleans, La. Newport, R. I. Newport News, Va. New York, N. Y. Nogales, Ariz. Norfolk, Va. Oakland, Cal. Ocala, Fla. Ogdensburg, N. Y. Omaha, Nebr. Petersburg, Va. Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Port Huron, Mich. Portland, Me. Portland, Oreg. Portsmouth, N. H. Port Townsend, Wash. Providence, R. I. Pueblo, Colo. Richmond, Va. Rochester, N. Y. Saginaw, Mich. St. Augustine, Fla. St. Joseph, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. St. Paul, Minn. San Antonio, Tex. San Diego, Cal. Sandusky, Ohio. San Francisco, Cal. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Savannah, Ga. Seattle, Wash. Sioux City, Iowa. So. Manchester, Conn. Springfield, Mass. Syracuse, N. Y. Tacoma, Wash. Tampa, Fla. Titusville, Pa. Toledo, Ohio. Vanceboro, Me. Vernon (Rockville), Ct Washington, D. C. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, N. C. Worcester, Mass. F. B. Vandegrift & Co. We are Practicing CUSTOMS ATTORNEYS And make a Specialty of the United States Tariff AND . Customs Laws We are Regular Attendants at the Board of General Appraisers In the Interest of IMPORTERS Regarding Questions of CLASSIFICATION AND VALUES F. B. V^"^^g^i^t & Co. Custom House Brokers and Attorneys New York, Chicago, 66 Beaver Street 315 Dearborn Street vi F. B. Vandegrift & Co. PROTESTS. Rates of duty are frequently exacted by Collectors In liquida- tions of entries on duty of merchandise, which the owners or importers of the merchandise consider erroneous. We make a specialty of these cases, and if there appears to be a good claim we carry the matter before the Board of General Appraisers, and if necessary appeal to the Courts. We make no charge unless successful in obtaining a refund of excessive duties. ADVANCED VALUES. Invoice values are advanced by the Appraiser when they are below wholesale market price at the time of shipment. Import- ers may appeal to a General Appraiser, and if dissatisfied with his decision, to a board of three General Appraisers. We rep- resent the importer in such cases, and present his claims. DUTIES. By communicating with us in advance, importers can arrange for the payment of duties at any of the ports of entry in the United States or in the Dominion of Canada. Nhen goods are consigned to us for importers located at places which are not ports of entry, duty will be paid by us at port of arrival and charged forward against the goods. Goods may be warehoused or forwarded in bond, without pay- ment of duties, either to Interior port or export port. Goods warehoused in United States must aave duty paid or exported within three years from date of arrival. Either the whole shipment or any number of packages, but nothing less than a package can be withdrawn at one time. FORWARDING. We receive and deliver according to Instructions goods for Import or Export, but we never purchase for our own account or receive on consignment for sale. (Note. — Accuracy and precision in customs proceedings are so essential to the interests of importers that the services of a com- petent broker are usually worth vastly more than the small cost of such services.) F. B. Vandegrift & Co. vu ENERGY ECONOMY DISPATCH F. B. VANDEGRIFT & CO. Custom House Brokers Foreign Express General Forwarders Fire and Marine Insurance Brokers CARTAGE, STORAGE and WEIGHING ATTENDED TO Drawback collected on all exported arti- cles entitled to same, manufactured from im- ported materials Correspondence Solicited Entrance and Clearance of Vessels • Special attention Given to THIS Work Members New York Maritime Exchange Agents and Correspondents Throughout the World New York Office 66 Beaver Street Telephone : 928 BROAD Cable Address, Vangrift Chicago Office 315 Dearborn Street Telephone: 840 HARRISON Cable Address, Vangrift Vlll F. B. Vandegrift & Co. Foreign Express TO ALU PAINTS OP THE WORLD. 66 Beaver Street, New York, 315 Dearborn Street, Chicago. -|5»^ Bates on Small Packages of Merchandise from New Tork • TO 1 2 3 4 6 7 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 100 ll Lb 25 Lb 25 Lb 80 Lb. SO Lb. 85 Lb. 35 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 60 Lb. 65 Lb. 56 Lb. 60 Lb. 66 Lb. 70 Lb. 11 Baltimore, Ud 40 40 45 1 00 0& 1 Buffalo, K.T 25 25 30 80 40 hO 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 85 90 1 26 10 1 Butte OitT, Mont.. Boetoa, MASS 25 30 45 60 75 1 00 1 60 2 00 2 50 3 25 3 75 4 25 4 75 5 25 5 60 10 60 20 25 25 30 SO 85 35 40 40 45 50 65 55 60 66 70 1 00 05 lOhloage. Ill 25 30 45 50 55 65 76 80 90 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 25 1 25 250 10 GolnmbuB, Ohio. . . 25 25 40 ii 60 55 60 70 80 90 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 7 00 10 Cinolnnati, Ohio.. 26 25 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 10 Clerelaud, Ohio... 25 25 35 40 45 60 65 60 70 76 85 90 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 75 10 Denrer, Colo 25 30 45 60 75 1 00 1 35 1 75 2 00 2 50 3 00 S 50 4 00 4 50 4 50 8 60 20 Dee Moines, leva. 25 30 45 «0 70 85 1 00 1 10 1 25 1 50 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 25 2 25 4 26 15 Detroit, Mich 25 25 40 45 60 55 60 7C 80 90 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 10 Oalreston, Tex... 25 30 45 60 75 1 00 1 20 1 50 I 75 2 00 2 50 2 75 H 25 S 50 3 60 6 60 15 Indlanapolie. Ind. Kansas CUT, Mo... 25 30 45 50 55 65 75 80 90 1 00 1 10 1 20 ) 25 1 25 1 25 2 25 10 25 30 45 60 70 85 1 00 1 10 I 25 1 60 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 25 2 25 4 60 16 LooisTllle. Ky 25 30 45 50 55 65 75 80 90 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 2511 25 2 60 10 Memphis, Tenn... 25 30 45 60 65 75 90 1 00 1 15 1 30 1 50 1 60 1 75 2 00 2 00 4 00 15 Minneapolis, Minn. •i!> 30 45 60 70 85 1 00 1 10 1 25 1 60 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 25|2 25 4 60 15 Mexico City, Mex.. 50 60 90 1 20 I 40 1 75 2 2ft 2 75 3 15 3 80 4 50 5 10 6 75 6 50.6 50 12 26 40 Milwaukee, Wis... 2a 30 45 55 65 70 75 85 100 1 10 1 25 1 35 1 45 1 60 1 60 3 76 10 Newark, N.J 25 2u 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 25 25 SO SO 30 .W 40 0» New Orleans, La.. 25 30 46 60 70 90 1 00 1 15 1 SO 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 25 2 50 2 60 5 00 15 Ogden, Utah 25 30 45 60 75 1 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 25 3 75 4 25 4 75 5 25 5 60 10 50 30 .Omaha, Neb 25 30 45 60 70 85 1 00 1 10 1 25 150 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 25 2 25 4 60 15 Philadelphia. Pa.. 25 25 25 30 80 35 35 35 35 40 45 45 50 50 55 75 06 Pittsburgh, Pa.... 25 25 80 35 40 45 50 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 1 00 1 50 10 Portland, Ore 85 40 50 65 85 I 15 165 2 35 3 00 3 75 4 50 5 25 6 00 6 75 7 50 14 50 20 Bochester, N.T... 25 25 30 30 40 40 45 50 65 60 65 70 75 85 90 1 16 10 St. Joseph. Mo.... 25 30 45 60 70 85 t 00 1 10 1 25 1 50 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 25|2 25 4 60 15 St. Lonis.Mo 25 30 45 55 65 70 75 85 1 00 1 10 1 25 1 35 1 45 1 50|1 60 n 00 10 St. Paul, Minn.... 25 80 45 60 70 85 1 00 1 10 1 25 1 50 1 60 1 80 •i 00 7 23 2 25 4 50 16 SaltLakeClty.Ufh 25 30 45 60 76 1 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 25 3 75 4 25 4 75 5 25i6 50 10 50 20 SanFranclsco.Cal. 35 40 50 65 80 1 15 1 65 2 35 3 00 3 75 4 60;5 25 6 00 6 75 7 50 14 50 SO Seattle, Wash 35 40 50 65 85 1 15 1 65 2 35 3 00 3 75 4 50;5 25 6 00 6 75 7 50 14 50 30 Topeka, Kan 25 80 45 60 70 90 1 00 1 15 1 30 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 25 2 50 2 50 6 00 15 Toropto, Ont 25 25 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 86 10 WashlDgton, D.C. 25 25 30 SO 40 40 45 50 65 60 65 70 76 85 90 1 26 10 o H o a a u H S s o OS a F. B. Vandegrift & Co. ix Qeaeral Instructions and Information Relating to Shipments to Europe and other Foreign Points Via Atlantic Ocean Routes. I.— PACKING, ADDRESSING AND WAT-BIMiING — Packages must be carefully packed with regard to contents and distance and in such manner as to facilitate Ctistom House examination. While F. B. Vandegrift & Co. will exercise the greatest care, we can- not accept responsibility for damages to goods from careless handling in the Custom House. Shipments must be legibly addressed in English, and street and number given on packages for cities or large towns. The name and address of shipper must appear on every package, to insure reports of refused or undelivered goods. II.— DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS AND VAI.UE.— Con- tents and value must be fully marked on each package or an invoice or detailed memorandum of the nature and value of the contents of each package must accompany goods. Shipper will be held liable for any fines, extra duties or expense in- curred by reason of alleged false or inaccurate representation of what- soever nature. III.— MARINE INSURANCE.— Shipments for foreign countries are not insured by b'. B. Vandegrift & Co. against losses arising from perils of the sea, unless Marine Insurance is desired and charged for. IT.— FOREIGN CUSTOM HOUSE CHARGES, dues and other Governmental expenses are not included in any rates given ; they must be guaranteed by shippers. A deposit sufficient to cover these expenses (known or estimated) will be required where absolutely free delivery to consignee is desired. T.— PREPAYMENT OF CHARGES is compulsory to Spain, Por- tugal, Africa, China, Japan, the Mediterranean Levant, Central and South America and West Indies, and on samples and packages of nomi- nal value to all points. VI. — IilVE ANIMAIiS will not be received for shipment to Europe until after special arrangement has been made with us at New \ork. Til.— TOBACCO FOR ENGL. AND, IREL.AND, SCOTEAND AND WAEES will not be accepted in packages less than eighty lbs. net; except that samples of tobacco under four lbs , if so marked on face of package and prepaid at double rates, will be taken. Tobacco must never be packed with other articles for shipment to any foreign country. Till —THE FOELOWING WILE NOT BE RECEIVED FOR SHIPMENT: Fresh fruits for Germany. GtiiipOTVder, Oils, Acids, or any other articles of a com- bustible or an explosive character, or Petroleum, Essential Oils or other liquids which, by leakage, are liable to cause injury to other goods. Medicine for Norway, Sweden, Russia, France, Austria and Hung^ary. Roses lor Holland. Plants ivitti root** for France and Germany. Potatoes to Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, or Austria. Reprints of Works by English authors of English copyright songs for En$i;-land. Packages for Russia unless packed in wooden boxes, otherwise they are liable to seizure as improper importations. Teg^etables and Eive and Cut Plant«>, Bulbs and Roots to Italy. IX. — Whiskey, Wine, Beer and liquors generally, including any prepa- ration, whether medicinal, toilet or otherwise, in which Alcohol is used, also Tea and Coffee destined to Great Britain and Ireland will not be received unless the exact contents are plainly marked on face of packages X. — EETTERS must not be enclosed in foreign packages. XI.— BUEKT or UNWIELDY PACKAGES will be charged for at one and a half or double rates, according to size. Bicycles charged double rates, except for quantities of three or m^e wheels, when special rates will be furnished upon application to us at New York. XII.— PURCHASES IN EUROPE willjbe made at regular commission rates. F. B. Vandegrift & Co. F. B. Vandegrift & Co. xi SPECIAL RATES FOR HEAVY SHIPMENTS To or from Europe and other Foreign Countries Will be quoted by this Company on receipt of the infor- mation designated below: I. Number of pieces. 2, Kind of goods. 3. Total number of cubic feet, exactly or approximately. 4. Total weight, exactly or ap- proximately. 5- Whether by fast or slow steamer. 6. Destination of shipment. 7. Date goods are to be shipped. 8. Amount of Marine Insurance, if wanted. 9. Whether charges are to be prepaid or collect. CUBIC MEASUREMENT. To ascertain the exact cubical measurement of an article, multiply the leng'th by the width and the product thus obtained by the height, reducing such measurement to inches. Example : A box 2 feet 4 inches long, 3 feet 8 inches wide and I foot 7 inches high (reduced to inches) is figured as follows: 2^ 4-^^ or 28^^ multiplied by y h^^ or 44^'' is 1,232 inches, multiplied again by 1/ 7// or 19'''' gives 23,408 cubic inches, which when divided by the number of cubic inches in 1 cubic foot, or 1,728, gives 13,944 — 1,738 cubic feet. Charge for 14 cubic feet. In ascertaming cubical measurement of boxes, etc., of irregular shapes, or those having projecting parts, it is the rule of the Steamship Companies to exact measurements of the largest side. When measure- ments, as made by shippers or agents, do not agree with those made by Steamship Companies, the latter will prevail. THROUGH NEGOTIABLE BILLS OF LADING for bank- ing purposes are issued by us for HEAVY GOODS to all foreign places, with or without Marine Insurance. RATES ON BONDS, PRECIOUS STONES, Etc., quoted on application. DRAYAGE. We attend to all kinds of cartage work. Packages called for and delivered from railroad stations, steamship piers, ware- houses, etc., in any quantity and on every class of merchandise at the customary rates charged by truckmen generally. CUSTOM HOUSE ENTRIES promptly attended to on all im- port shipments. DRAWBACK COLLECTED on export shipments manufactured in whole or in part from imported materials. F. B. VANDEGRIFT & CO. FOREIGN EXPRESS AND GENERAL FORWARDERS, New Yoric, 66 Beaver St Chicago, 315 Dearborn St, INDEX TO TARIFF ACT, 1897. Page Agricultural products and provisions — Schedule G 35 Animals, live — Schedule G 35 Articles manufactured, nonenumerated — Section 6 77 Articles unmanufactured, nonenumerated — Section 6 77 Bounty — Sections 77 Breadstuffs and farinaceous substances — Schedule G 35 Brick and tite— Schedule B 18 Buttons and button forms — Schedule N 59 Cement, lime and plaster — Schedule B 19 Chemicals — Schedule A 13 China and earthenware — Schedule B 19 Clays or earths — Schedule B 19 Cotton manufactures — Schedule I 42 Cutlery — Schedule C 27 Dairy products — Schedule G 36 Discriminating duty — Section 22 83 Explosive substances — Schedule N 60 Farm and field products — Schedule G 36 Firearms — Schedule C 28 Fish— Schedule G 37 Flax, hemp and jute manufactures — Schedule J 47 Free list 64 Fruits and nuts — Schedule G 37 Glass and glassware — Schedule B 20 Gloves — Schedule N 62 Gold and silver — Schedule C 30 Internal Revenue — Sections 9 to 15 78 Iron and manufactures of— Schedule C 27 Jewelry and precious stones — Schedule N 61 lycad- Schedule C 31 Leather and manufactures of— Schedule N 62 Machinery for repair — Section 19 82 Marking, branding and stamping — Sections 78 Meat Products — Schedule G 38 Metals and manufactures of— Schedule C 23 Miscellaneous manufactures — Schedule N 63 Miscellaneous products — Schedule G 30 Nails, spikes, tacks and needles — Schedule C 29 Oils— Schedule A 15 Paints, colors and varnishes — Schedule A 16 Plates— Schedule C 29 Penalties — Section 32 85 Potash — Schedule A 17 Preparations, medicinal and toilet — Schedule A 17 Pulp, papers and books — Schedule M 56 Reciprocity — Section 3 75 Saws — Schedule C 29 Silks and silk goods — Schedule L 54 Similitude clause — Section 7 78 Slate— Schedule B 23 Smelting and refining — Section 29 84 Soap — Schedule A 18 Soda— Schedule A 18 Spirits, wines and other beverages — Schedule H 39 Steel and manufactures of— Schedule C 27 Stone— Schedule B 22 Sugar, molasses and manufactures of— Schedule E 33 Sundries — Schedule N 59 Tobacco— Schedule F 34 Trademarks — Section 11 79 Vessels, materials for — Section 12 80 Wire— Schedule C 25 Wood and manufactures of— Schedule D 32 Wool and manufactures of—Schedule K 50 AN ACT To provide revenue for the Qovernment and to encourage the industries of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tliat on and after the passage of this i^^ct, unless otherwise specially provided for in this Act, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles imported from foreign countries, and mentioned in the schedules herein contained, the rates of duty whi:!i are, by the schedules and paragraphs, respectively pre- scribed, namely: Schedule A. — Chemicals, Oils, and Paints. 1. Acids: Acetic or pyroligneous add, not exceeding the 3pe- cific gravity of one and forty-seven one-thousandths, three- fourths of one cent per pound; exceeding the specific gravity of one and forty-seven one-thousandths, two cents per i>ound; bo* racic acid, five cents per pound; chromic acid and lactic acid, three cents per pound; citric acid, seven cents per pound; sali- cylic acid, ten cents per pound; sulplhuric acid or oil of vitriol not specially provided for in this Act, one-fourth of one cent per pound; tannic acid or tannin, fifty cents per pound; gallic acid, ten cents per x)ound; tartaric acid, seven cents per pound; all othe.-' adds not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 2. All alcoholic perfumery, including cologne water and other toilet waters and toilet preparations of all kinds, containing al- cohi 1 or in the preparation of which alcohol is used, and alco- holic compounds not specially provided for in this Act, sixty cents per pound and forty-five per centum ad valorem. 3. Alkalies, alkaloids, distilled oils, essential oils, expressed oils, rendered oils, and all combinations of the foregoing, and all chemical compounds and salts not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 4. Alumina, hydrate of, or refined bauxite, six-tenths of one cent per pound; alum, alum cake, patent alum, sulphate of al- umina, and aluminous cake, and alum in crystals or ground, one-half of one cent per pound. 5. Ammonia, carbonate of, one and one-half cents per pound; muriate of, or sal ammoniac, three-fourths of one cent pep pound; sulphate of, three- tenths of one cent per i)ound. 6. Argols or crude tartar or wine lees crude, containing not more than forty per centum of bitartrate of potash, one tint. 14 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. per pound; co^itaini-.^ more than forty per centum of bitartrate of potesh, one and one-half cents per iwund; tartars and leei crystals, or partly refined argols, containing not more than ninety per centum of bitartrate of potash, and tartrate of soda or potassa, or Rochelle salts, four cents per pound; containing more than ninety per centum of bitartrate of x)otash, five cents per poun^; cream of tartar and patent tartar, six c nts per pound. 7. Blacking of all kinds, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. S. Bleaching powder, or chloride of lime, one-fifth of one cent per po nd. 9. Blue vitriol or sulphate of copper, one-ihalf of one cent per pound. 10. Bone char, suitable for use in decolorizing sugars, twenty per centum ad valorenL 11. Borax, five cents per pound; borates of lime or soda, or other borate material not otherwise provided for, containing more than thirty-six per centum of anhydrous boracic add, four cents per pound; borates of lime or soda, or other borate material not oth_-rwise provided for, containing not more than thirty-six per centum of anhydrous boracic acid, three cents per pound. 12. Camphor, refined, six cents per : ound. 13. Chalk (not medicinal nor prepared for toilet purposes) when ground, precipitated naturally or artificially, or otherwise prepared, whether in the form of cubes, blocks, sticks or disks, or otherwise, including tailors', billiard, red, or French chaliS, one cent per pound. Man~factures of chalk not specially pro- vide L for in this Act, t enty-five per C3ntum ad valorem. 14. Chloroform, twenty cents per pound, IS.^Coal-tar dyes or colors, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem; all other products or pre- parations of coal tar, not colors or dyes and not medicinal, i^A specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad va- lorem. 16. Cobalt, oxide of, twenty-five cents per pound. 17. Collodion and all compounds of pyroxylin, whether known as celluloid or by any other name, fifty cents per pound; rolled or in sheets, unpolished, and not made up into articles, sixty cents per pound; if in finished or partly finished articles, and articles of which collodion or any compound of pyroxylin is the component material of chief value, sixty-five cents per pound end twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 18. Coloring for brandy, wine, beer, or other liquors, fifty per centum ad valorem, 19. Copperas or sulphate of iron, one-fourth of one cent per pound. 20. Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, balsams, buds, bulbs, bulbous roots, excrescences, fruits, flowers, dried fibers, uded insects, grains, gums and gum resin, herbs, leaves, lich- ens, mosses, nuts, nutgalls, roots, stems, spices, vegetables, seeds (aromatic, not garden seeds), seeds of morbid growth, weeds, and woods used expressly for dyeing; any of the fore- going which are drugs and not edible, but which are advanced in value or condition by refining, grinding, or other process, and not specially provided for in this Act, one-fourth of on« Tariff Act, 1897. 15 cent per pound, and in addition thereto ten per centum ad ra- lorem. 21. iJJthers: Solphiiric, forty cents per pound; spirits of ni- trous ether, twenty-five cents per pound; fruit ethers, oils, or ess.^ces, two dollars per ponnd; ethers of all Mnds not spec- ially prcMded for in this Act, one dollar per pound. Provided, That no article of this parasrraph shall pay a less rate of duty thaL twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 22. Bxtracts and decoctions of logwood and other dyewoods, and extracts of barks, such as are commonly used for dyeing or tanning, not specially provided for in tliis Act, seven-eighths of one cent per pound; extracts of quebracho and of hemlock bark, one-half of one cent per pound; extracts of sumac, and of woods other than dyewoods, not specially provided for in this Act, five-eighths of one cent i>er pound. 23. Gelatin, glue, isinglass or fish glue, and prepared fish bladders or fish sounds, valued at not above ten cents per pound, two and one-half cents i>er pound; valued at above ten cents per x>ound and not above thirty-five cents per pound, twenty-five i)er centum ad valorem; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifteen cents per pound and twenty per cen- tum ad valorem. 24. Glycerin, crude, not purified, one cent i r pound; refined, three cents i)er pound. 25. Indigo, extracts, or pastes of, three-fourths of one cent per pound; oarmined, ten cents per i>ound. 26. Ink and ink powders, twenty-five per centum ad valoreoL 27. Iodine, resublimed, twenty cents per pound. 28. Iodoform, one dollar per pound. 29. Licorice, extracts of, in paste, rolls, or other forms, four and one-half cents per i>ound. 30. Ohicle, ten cents i)er pound. 31. Magnesia, carbonate of, medicinal, three cents per pound; calcined, medicinal, seven cents per iwund; sulphate of, or Ep- som salts, one-fifth of one cent per nound. OILS: 32. Alizarin assistant, sulpho-ricinoleic acd, and ricinoleic Acid, by whatever name known, whether liquid, solid, or in paste, in the manufacture of which fifty per centum or more of castor oil is used, thirty cents per gallon; in the manufacture of which less than fifty per centum of castor oil is used, fifteen cents per gallon; all other alizarin assistant, not specia^Uy pro- vided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 33. Castor oil, thirty-five cents per gallon. 34. Cod-liver oil, fifteen cents per gallon. 35. Cotton-seed oil, four cents per gallox. ^f seven and one- La,lf i)ounds weight. 36. Croton oil, twenty cents per pound. 37. Flaxseed, linseed, and poppy-seed oil, raw, boiled, or oxi- dized, twenty cents per gallon of seven and o: e-half i>ounds wei:,-nt 38. Fusel oil, or amylic alcohol, one-fourth of one cent per pound. 39. Hemp-seed oil and rape-seed oil, ten cents per gallon. 40. Olive oil, not specially provided for in this Act. forty 16 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. ^entB per gallon; in bottles, jam, tini, or similar packages, flft^ cents per gallon. 41. Peppermint oil, fifty cents per pound. 42. Seal, herring, whale, and other fish oil, not specially pro- rided for in this Act, eight cents per gallon. 43. Opitnn, crude or unmanufactured, and not adulterated, containing nine per centum and over of morphia, one dollar per pound; morphia or morphine, sulphate of, and all alkaloids or salts of opium, one dollar per ounce; aqueous extract of opium, for medicinal uses, and tincture of, as laudanum, and other liquid preparations of opium^ not specially provided for in this Act, forty per centum ad valorem; opium containing less than nine per centum of morphia, and opium prepared for smoking, six dollars per pound; but opium prepared for smok- ing and other preparations of opium dex)osited in bonded ware- houses shall not be removed therefrom without payment of duties, and such duties shall not be refunded. PAINTS, COLORS, AND VARNISHES: 44. Baryta, sulphate of, or barytes, including barytes earth, unmanufactured, seventy-five cents per ton; manufactured, five dollars and twenty-five cents per ton. 45. Blues, such as Berlin, Prussian, Chinese, and all others, containing ferrocyanide of iron, in pulp, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, eight cents per pound. 46. Blanc-fixe, or artificial sulphate of barytes, and satin white, or artificial sulphate of lime, one-half of one cent per pound. 47. Black, made from bone, ivory, or vegetable substance, by whatever name known, including bone-black and lamp-black, dry or ground in oil or water, twenty-five per centum ad va- lorem. 48. Chrome yellow, chrome green, and all other chromitun colors in the manufacture of which lead and bichromate of pot- ash or soda are used, in pulp, dry, or ground in or mixed wita oil or water, four and one-half cents ijer pound. 49. Ocher and ochery earths, sienna and sienna earths, and umber and umber earths, not specially provided for, when crude or not powered, washed or pulverized, one-eighth of one cent per pound; if powered, washed or pulverized, three-eighths of one cent per pound; if ground in oil or water, one and one-half cents per pound. 50. Orange mineral, three and three-eighths cents per i)Ound. 61. Red lead, two and seven-eighths cents per pound. 52. Ultramarine blue, whether dry, in pulp, or mixed Tfith water, and wash blue containing ultramarine, three and three- fourths cents per pound. 53. Varnishes, including so-called gold size or japan, thirty- five per centum ad valorem; spirit varnishes, one dollar and thirty-two cents per gallon and thirty-five -per centum ad r*- lorem. 54. Vermilion red, and other colors containing quicksilrer, dry or ground in oil or water, ten cents per pound; when not containing quicksilver but made of lead or containing lead, fire cents per pound. 65. White lead, white paint and pigment containing lead, dry Tariff Act, 1897. 17 or in pulp, or ground or mixed with oil, two and seven-eighth* cents per pound. 56. Whiting and Paris white, dry, one-fourth of one cent per pound; ground in oil, or putty, one cent per pound. 57. Zinc, oxide of, and white paint or pigment containing zinc, but not containing lead, dry, one cent per pound; ground in oil, one and three-fourths cents per pound; sulfid of zinc white, or white sulphide of zinc, one and one-fourth cents per pound; chloride of zinc and sulphate of zinc, one cent per pound. 58. All paints, colors, pigments, lakes, crayons, smalts and frostings, whether crude or dry or mixed, or ground with water or oil or with solutions other than oil, not otherwise specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem; all paints, colors and pigments, commonly known as artists' paints or colors, whether in tubes, pans, cakes or other forms, thirty per centum ad valorem. 59. Paris green, and London purple, fifteen i>er centum ad valorem. 60. Lead: Acetate of, white, three and one-fourth cents per pound; brown, gray, or yellow, two and one-fourth cents per pound; nitrate of, two and one-half cents per pound; litharge, two i.nd three-fourths cents per pound. 61. Phosphorus, eighteen cents "per pound. POTASH: 62. Bichromate and chromate of, three cents per pound. 63. Caustic or hydrate of, refined, in sticks or rolls, one cent per pound; chlorate of, two and one-half cents per pound. 64. Hydriodate, iodide, and iodate of, twenty-five cents per pound. 65. Nitrate of, or saltpeter, refined, one-half cent per pound. 66. Prussiate of, red, eight cents per i>ound; yellow, foxxt cents per pound; cyanide of potassium, twelve and one^half per centum ad valorem. PREPARATIONS: 67. Medicinal preparations containing alcohol, or in the pre- paration of which alcohol is used, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty-five cents per pound, but in no case shall the same pay less than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 68. Medicinal preparations not containing alcohol or in the preparation of which alcohol is not used, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; calomel and other mercurial medicinal preparations, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 69. Piasters, healing or curative, of all kinds, and court-pla«- tcr, thirty-five i)er centum ad valorem. 70. Prejmrations used as applications to the hair, mouth, teetii, or skin, such as cosmetics, dentifrices, pastes, pomades, powders, and other toilet articles, and articles of perfumery, whether in sachets or otherwise, not containing alcohol or in the manufacture of which alcohol is not used, and not specially provided for in this Act, fifty i>er centum ad valorem. 71. Santonin, aud all salts thereof containing eighty per. cen- tum or over of santonin, one dollar per pound. 18 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. SOAP: 72. Oaatile soap, one and one-fourth cents per pound; fancy, perfumed, and all descriptions of toilet soap, includinjr so- called medicinal or medicated soaps, fifteen cents per iMund; all other ..soaps not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem. SODA: 73. Bicarbonate of soda, or supercarbonate of er square foot; glazed, encaustic, ceramic mosaic, vitrified, semi-vitrified, flint, spar, embc^sed, enameled, ornamental, hand painted, gold decorated, and all other earthenware tiles, valued at not exceeding forty cents Tariff Act, 1897. 19 per square foot, eight cents per square foot; exceeding forty cents per square foot, ten cents per square foot and twenty-five per centum ad yalorem. CEMENT, LIME, AND PLASTER: 89. Roman, Portland, and other hydraulic cement, in barrels, sacks, or other packages, eight cents per one hundred pounds, including weight of barrel or package; in. bulk, seven cents per one hundred pounds; other cement, twenty i)er centum ad va- lorem, 90. Lime, five cents per one hundred pounds, including weight of barrt. c- package. 91. Plaster rock or gypsum, crude, fifty cents per ton; if ground or calcined, two dollars and twenty-five cents per ton; pearl hardening for paper makers' use, twenty per centum ad valorem. 92. Pumice stone, wholly or partially manufactured, six dol- lars per ton; unmanufactured, fifteen per centum ad valorem. CLAYS OR EARTHS: 93. Clays or earths, unwrougiht or unmanufactured, not spec- ially provided for in this Act, one dollar per ton; wrought or manufactured, not specially provided for in this Act, two dol- lars per ton; china clay or kaolin, two dollars and fifty cents per ton; limestone rock asphalt containing not more than fif- teen per centum of bitumen, fifty cents per ton; asphaltum and bitumen, not specially provided for in this Act, crude, if not dried, or otherwise advanced in any manner, one dollar and fifty cents per ton; if dried or otherwise advanced in any man' ner, three dollars per ton; bauxite, or beauxite, crude, not re- fined or otherwise advanced in condition from its natural state, one dollar per ton; fullers' earth, unwrought and unmanufac- tured, one dollar and fifty cents per ton; wrought or manu- factured, three dollars per ton. EARTHENWARE AND CHINA: 94. Common yellow, brown, or gray earthenware, plain, em- bossed, or salt-glazed common stoneware, and crucibles, all the fore oing not decorated in any manner, twenty-five i)er centum ad valorem; Rockingham earthenware not decorated, forty per centum ad valorem. 95. China, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen, stone, and crock- ery ware, including clock cases with or v/ithout movements, plaques, ornaments, toys, toy tea sets, charms, vases and stat- uettes painted, tinted, stained, enameled, printed, gilded, or othe-'wise decorated or ornamented in any manner, sixty per centum ad valorem; if plain white and without superadded or- namentation of any kind, fifty-five per centum d valorem. 96. All other china, porcelam, parian, bisque, earthen, stone, and crockery ware, and manufactures thereof, cr of which the same is the component material of chief value, by whatever name known, not specially provided, for in this Act, if painted, tinted, stained, enameled, printed, gilded, or otherwise deco- rated or ornamented in any manner, sixty per centum ad va- lorem; if not ornamented or decorated, fifty-five per centum ad valorem. 20 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. 97. Articlefl and wares composed wholly or in chief value of earthy or mineral substances, or carbon, not specially provided for in this Act, if not decorated in any manner, thirty-five -per centum ad valorem; if decorated, forty-five per centum ad va- lorem. 98. Gas retorts, three dollars each; lava tips for burners, ten cents per gross and fifteen per centum ad valorem; carbons for electric lighting, ninety cents per hundred; filter tubes, forty- five per centum ad valorem; porous carbon pots for electric bat- teries, without metallic connections, twenty per centum ad va- lorem. GliASS AND GLASSWARE: 99. Plain green or colored, molded or pressed, and flint, lime, or lead glass bottles, vials, jars, and covered or uncovered demijohns and carboys, any of the foregoing, filled or unfilled, not otherwise specially provided for, and whether their con- tents be dutiable or free (except such as contain merchancMse subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a rate of duty based in whole or in part upon the value thereof, which shall be dutiable at the rate applicable to their contents), shall pay duty as follows: If holding more than one pint, one cent per pound; if holding not more than one pint and not less than one- fourth of a pint, one and one-half cents per pound; if holding less than one-fourth of a pint, fifty cents per gross: Provided, That none of the above articles shall pay a less rate of duty than forty per centum ad valorem. 100. Glass bottles, decanters, or other vessels or articles of glass, cut, engraved, painted, colored, stained, silvered, gilded, etched, frosted, printed in any manner or otherwise orna- mented, decorated, or ground (except such grinding as is neces- sary for fitting stoppers), and any articles of which such glass is the component material of chief value, and porcelain, opal and other blown glassware; all the ioregoing, filled or unfilled, and whether their contents be dutiable or free, sixty per cen- tum ad valorem. 101. Unpolished, cylinder, crown, and common window glass, not exceeding ten by fifteen inches square, one and three- eighths cents per pound; above that, and i ot exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, one and seven-eighths cents per pound; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, two and three-eighths cents per pound; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty-six inches square, two and seven-eighths cents per pound; above that, and not exceeding thirty by forty inches square, three and three-eighth/i cents per pound; above that, and not exceeding forty by sixty inches square, three and seven-eighths cents per pound; above that, four and three-eighths cents per pound: Piovided, That unpolished, cylinder, crown and common window glass, im- ported in boxes, shall contain fifty square feet, as nearly as sizes will permit, anj the duty shall be computed thereon ac- cording to the actual weight of glass. 102. Cylinder and crown glass, polished, not exceeding six- teen br twenty-four inches square, four cents i)er square foot; above tnat, and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, six cents per square foot; above that, and not exceeding Tariff Act, 1897. 21 twenty-four by sixty inches square, fifteen cents per Bquare foot; above that, twenty cents per square foot. 103. Fluted, rolled, ribbed, or rough plate glass, or the same containing a wire netting within itself, not including crown, cylinder, or common window glass, not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, three-fourths of one cent per square foot; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty inchea square, one and one-fourth cents per square foot; all above that, one and three-fourths cents per square foot; and all fluted, rolled, ribbed, or rough plate glass, weighing over one hundred iwunds per one hundred square feet, shall pay an additional duty on the excess at the same rates herein imposed: Pro- vided, That all of the above plate glass, when ground, smoothed or otherwise obscured, shall be subject to the same rate of duty as cast polished plate glass unsilvered. 104. Cast polished plate glass, finirhed or unfinished and un- silvered, not exceeding sixteen hy twenty-four inches square, eight cents per square foot; above that, and not exceeding t\7enty-four by thirty inches square, ten cents per square foot; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by sixty inchec square, twenty-two and one-half cents per square foot; all above that, thirty-five cents per square foot. 105. Cast polished plate glass, silvered, cylinder and crown glass, silvered, and looking-glass plates, exceeding in size one hundred and forty-four square inches and not exceeding six- teen by twenty-four inches square, eleven cents per square foot; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, thirteen cents per square foot; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by sixty inches square, twenty-five cents per square foot; all above that, thirty-eight cents per gquare foot. 106. But no looking-glass plates or plate glass, silvered, when framed, shall pay a less rate of duty than that imposed ui>on similar glass of like description not framed, but shall pay in addition thereto upon such frames the rate of duty appli- cable thereto when imported separate. 107. Oast polished plate glass, silvered or unsilvered, and cyl- inder, crown, or common window glass, silvered or unsilvered, when bent, ground, obscured, frosted, sanded, enameled, bev- eled, etched, embossed, engraved, flashed, stained, colored, paiL.ted, or otherwise ornamented or decorated, shall be subject to a duty of five per centum ad valorem in addition to the rates otherwise chargeable thereon. 108. Spectacles, eyeglasses, and goggles, and frames for the same, or parts thereof, finished or unfinished, valued at not over forty cents per dozen, twenty cents per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at over forty cents per dozen and not over one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, forty-five cents per dozen and twenty per centum ad valorem; valued at over one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, fifty per centum ad valorem, 109. Lenses of glass or pebble, ground and polished to a spherical, cylindrical, or prismatic form, and ground and pol- ished piano or coquill glasses, wholly or partly manufactured, with the edges unground, forty-five per centum ad valorem; if 22 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. with their edges ground or beveled, ten cents per dozen pairs and forty-five per centum ad valorem. 110. Strips of glass, not more than three inches wide, ground or polished on one or both sides to a cylindrical or prismatic form, and glass slides for magic lanterns, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 111. Opera and field glasses, telescopes, microscopes, photo- graphic and projecting lenses and optical instruments, and frames or mountings for the same; all the foregoing not spec- ially provided for in this Act, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 112. Stained or painted glass windows, or parts thereof, and all mirrors, not exceeding in size one hundred and forty-four square inches, with or without frames or cases, and all glass or manufacturers of glass or paste, or of which glass or paste is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 113. Fusible enamel, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. MARBLE AND STONE, AND MANUFACTURES OF: 114. Marble in block, rough or squared only, sixty-five cents per cubic foot; onyx in block, rough or squared, one dollar and fifty cents per cubic foot; marble or onyx, sawed or dressed, over two inches in thickness, one dollar and ten cents per cubic foot; slabs or paving tiles of marble or onyx, containing not less than four superficial inches, if not more than one inch in thickness, twelve cents per superficial foot; il more than one inch and not more than one and one-half inches in thickness, fifteen cents per superficial foot; if more than one and one-half inches in thickness, fifteen cents per superficial foot; if more than one and one-half inches and not more than two inches in thickness, eighteen cents per superficial foot; if rubbed in whole or iL. part, three cents per sui>erficial foot in addition; mosaic cubes of marble, onyx, or stone, not exceeding: two cubic inches, in size, if loose, one cent per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; if attached to paper or other material, twenty cents per superficial foot and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 115. Manufacturers of agate, alabaster, chalcedony, chryso- lite, coral, cornelian, garnet, jasper, jet, malachite, marble, onyx, rock crystal, or spar, including clock cases with or with- out Liovements, not specially pr -^ided for m this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem. Stone: 116. Burr stones, manufactured or bound up into millstones, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 117. Freestone, granite, sandstone, limestone, and other building or monumental stone, except marble and onyx, un- manufactured or undressed, not specially provided for in this Act, twelve cents per cubic foot. 118. Freestone, granite, sandstone, limestone, and other build- ing or monumental stone, except marble and onyx, not specially provided for in this Act, hewn, dressed, or polished, fifty per centum ad valorem. 119. Grindstones, finished or unfinished, one dollar and seventy-five cents i)er ton. Tariff Act, 1897. 23 Slate: 120. Slates, slate chimney-pieces, mantels, slabs for tables, roofing slates, and all other manufactures of slate, not si>ecially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem. Schedule C. — Metals and Manufactures of. 121. Iron ore, including manganiferous iron ore, and the dross or residuum from burnt pyrites, forty cents per ton: Provided, That in levying and collecting the duty on iron ore no deduc- tion shall be made from the weight of the ore on account of moisture which may be chemically or physically combined therewith; basic slag, ground or unground, one dollar ^per ton. 122. Iron in pigs, iron kentledge, spiegeleisen, ferro-mangan- ese, ferro-silicon, wrought and cast scrap iron, and scrap steel, four dollars per ton; but nothing shall be deemed scrap iron or scrap steel except waste or refuse iron or steel fit only to be remanufactured. 123. Bar iron, square iron, rolled or hammered, comprising flats not less than one inch wide nor less than three-eighths of one inch thick, round iron not less than seven-sixteenths of one inch in diameter, six-tenths of one cent per pound. 124. Round iron, in coils or rods, less than seven-sixteenths of one inch in diameter, and bars or shajyea of rolled or ham- mered iron, not specially provided for in this Act, eight-tenths of one cent per pound: Provided, Tlhat all iron in slabs, blooms, loops, or other form less finished than iron in bars, and more advanced than pig iron, except castings, shall be subject to a duty of five-tenths of one cent per pound: Provided, further^ That all iron bars, blooms, billets, or sizes or shapes of any kind, in the manufacture of which charcoal is used as fuiel, shall be subject to a duty of twelve dollars per ton. 125. Beams, girders, joists, angles, channels, car-truck chan- nels, T T, columns and posts or parts or sections of columns and posts, deck and bulb beams, and building forms, together with all other structural shapes of iron or steel, whether plain or punched, or fitted for use, five-tenths of one cent per pound. 126. Boiler or other plate iron or steel, except crucible plate steel and saw plates hereinafter provided for, not thinner than number ten wire gauge, sheared or unsheared, and skelp iron or steel sheared or rolled in grooves, valued at one cent per pound or less, five-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one cent and not above two cents per iwund, six-tenths of one cent i>er pound; valued above two cents and not above four cents per pound, one cent per pound; valued at over four cents per pound, twenty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided^ That all sheets or plates of iron or steel thinner than number ten wire gauge shall pay duty as iron or steel sheets. 127. Iron or steel anchors or parts thereof, one and one-half cents per pound; forgings of iron or steel, or of combined iron and steel, of whatever shape or whatever degree or stage of manufacture, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; anti-friction ball forgings of iron or steel, or of combined iron and steel, forty-five per centum ad '^alorem. 128. Hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel, not otherwise pro- 24 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. Tided for in this Act, valued at three cents per pound or leM, eight inches or less in width, and less than three-eighths of one inch thick and not thinner than number ten wire gauge, five- tenths of one cent per pound; thinner than number ten wire gau^e and not thinner than number twenty wire gauge, six- tenths of* one cent per pound; thinner than number twenty wire gauge, eight-tenths of one cent per pound: Provided, That barrel hoops of iron or steel, and hoop or band iron or hoop or band steel flared, splayed or punched, with or without buckle* or fastenings, shall pay one-tenth of one cent per pound more duty than that imposed on the hoop or band iron or steel from which they are made; steel bands or strips, untempered, suit- able for making band saws, three cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; if tempered, or tempered and polished, flix cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem. 129. Hoop or band iron, or hoop or band steel, cut to lengths, or wholly or partly manufactured into hoops or ties, coated or not coated with paint or any other preparation, with or without buckles or fastenings, for bailing -^otton or any other commo- dity, five-tenths of one cent per pound. 130. Railway bars, made of iron or stet^l, and railway bare made in part of steel, T rails, and punched iron or steel flat rails, seven-twentieths of one cent per pound; railway fish- plates or splice-bars, made of iron or steel, four-tenths of one cent per pound. 131. Sheets of iron or steel, common or black, of whatever dimensions, and skelp iron or steel, valued at three cents per pound or less, thinner than number ten and not thinner than number twenty wire guage, seven-+enths of one cent per pound; thinner than numbe/ twenty wire guage and not thinner than number twenty-five wire gauge, eight-tenths of one cent per pound; thinner than number twenty-five wire guage and not thinner than number thirty two wire guage, one and one- tenth cents per pound; thinner than number thirty-two wire guage, one and two-tenths cents per pound; corrugated or crimped, one and one-tenth cents per pound: Provided, That all sheets of common or black iron or steel not thinner than number ten wire gauge shall pay duty as rlate iron or plate steel. 132. All iron or steel sheeta or plates, and all hoop, hand, or scroll iron or steel, excepting what are known commercially as tin plates, lerne plates, and taggers tin, and hereinafter pro- vided for, when galvanized or coated with zinc, pelter, or other metils, or any alloy of these metals, shall pay two-tenths of one cent per pound more duty than if the same was not so galvanized or coated. 133. Sheets of iron or steel, polished, planished, or glanced, by whatever name designated, two cents per i>0' nd: Provided, That plates or sheets of iron or steel, by whatever name des- ignated, other than the polished, planished, or glanced herein provided for, which have been pickled or cleaned by add, or by any other material or process, or which are cold-rolled, smooth- ed only, not polished, shall pay two-tenths of one cent i)er pounL4 more duty than the corresponding gauges of common or black sheet iron or steel. 134. Sheets or plates of iron or steel, or taggers iron or steel, Tariff Act, 1897. 25 coated with tin or lead, or with a mixture of which these met- als, or either of them, is a component part, by the dipping or any other process, and commercially known as tin plates, teme plates, and taggers tin, one and one-lhalf cents per pound. 135. Steel ingots, cogged ingots, blooms, and slabs, by what- ever process made; die blocks or blanks; billets and bars and tapered or beveled bars; mill shafting; pressed, sheared, or stamped shapes; saw plates, wholly or partially manufactured; hammer molds or swaged steel; gun-barrel molds not in bars; allojb used as substitutes for steel in the manufaeture of tools; all descriptions and shai>es of dry sand, loam, or iron-molded steel castings; sheets and plates and steel in all forms and shapes not specially provided for in this Act, all of the above valued at one cent per pound or less, three-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one cent and not aove one and four- tenths cents per pound, four-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one and four-tenths cents and not ahove one and eight-tenths cents per pound, six-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one and eight-tenths cents and not j bove two and two- tenths cents per pound, seven-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above two and two-tenths cents and not above three rents per pound, nine-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above three cents per pound and not above four cents per pound, one and two-tenths cents 'per pound; valued above four cents and not above seven cents per pound, one and three- tenths cents -per iwund; valued above seven cents and not above ten cents per iwund, two cents per pound; valued above ten cents and not above thirteen cents per pound, two and four- tenths cents per pound; valued above thirteen cents and not above sixteen cents per i)ound, two and eight-tenths cents per pound; valued above sixteen cents per pound, four and seven- tenthii cents per pound. WIRE: 136. Wire rods: Rivet, screw, fence, and other iron or steel mre rods, whether round, oval, flat, or square, or in any other r less per pound, four-tenths of one cent per pound; valued over four cents per pound, three-fourths of one cent per pound: Provided, That all round iron or steel rods smaller than num- ber six wire gauge shall be classed and dutiable as wire: Pro- vided, further, That all iron or steel wire rods which have been tempered or treated in any manner or partly manufactured shall pay an additional duty of one-Oialf of one cent per jwund. 137. Round iron or stvel wire, not smaller than number thir- teen wire gauge, one and cne-fourtb cents per pound; smaller than number thirteen and not smaller than number sixteen wire gauge, one and one-half cents per pound; smaller than number sixteen wire gauge, two cents per iwund: Provided, That all the foregoing valued at mere th .n four cents per pound shall pay forty per centum ad valorem. Iron or steel or other wire not specially provided for in this -ict, including such as is commonly known as hat wire, or bonnet wire, crinoline wire, corset wire, needle wire, piano wire, clock wire, and watch wire, wih ether flat or otherwise, and corset clasiw, cor- tet bteels and dress steels, and sheet steed in stilps, twen^-five 26 F. B Vandegrift «fe Co. one-thousandths of an inch thick or thinner, any of the fore- going, whether uncovered or covered with cotton, silk, metal, or other material, valued at more than four cents per pound, f^rty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That articles manufactured from iron, steel, brass, or copper wire, shall pay the rate of duty imposed upon the wire used in the manufact- ure of such articles, and in addition thereto one and one-fourth cents per i>ound, except that wire rope and wire strand shall pay the maximum rate of duty which would be imposed upon any wire used in the manufacture thereof, and in addition thereto one cent per pound; and on iron or steel wire coated with zinc, tin, or any other metal, two-tenths of one cent per poun I in addition to the rate imposed on the wire from which it is made. GENERAL PROVISIONS: 138. No allowance or reduction of duties for partial loss or damage in consequence of rust or of discoloration shall be made upon any description of iron or steel, or upon any article wholly or partly manufactured of iron or steel, or upon any manu- facture of iron or steel. 139. All metal produced from iron or its ores, which is cast- . and malleable, of whatever description or form, without regard to the percentage of carbon contained therein, whether pro- duced by cementation, or converted, cast, or made from iron or its ores, by the crucible, Bessemer, Olapp-Griflath, pneumatic, Thomas-Gilchrist, basic, Siemens-Martin, or open-hearth pro- cess, or by the equivalent of either, or by a combination of two or more of the processes, or their equivalents, or by any fusion or other process which produces from iron or its ores a metal either granular or fibrous in structure, which is cast and mal- leable, excepting what is known as malleable-iron castings, shall be classed and denominated as steel. 140. No article not specially provided for in this Act, which is wholly or partly manufactured from tin plate, terne plate, or the sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel herein provided for, or of which such tin plate, terne plate, sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel shall oe the material of chief value, shall pay a lower rate of duty than that im- posed on the tin plate, terne plate, or sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel from which it is made, or of which it s-aJl be the component thereof of chief value. 141. On all iron or steel bars or rods of whatever shape or section which are cold rolled, cold drawn, cold hammered, or polished in any way in addition to the ordinary process of hot rolling or hammering, there shall be paid one-fourth of one cent per pound in addition to the rates provided in this Act on bars or rods of whatever section or shape which are not hot rolled; and on all strips, plates, or sheets of iron or steel of whatever shaixe, other than the i)olished, planished, or glanced sheet iron or sheet steel hereinbefore provided for, which are cold rolled, cold hammered, blued, brightened, tempered, or polished by any process to such perfected surface finish or i>olish better than the grade of cold rolled, smoothed only, hereinbefore pro- vided for, there shall be paid one cent per i>ound in addition to the rates provided in this Act upon plates, stripe, or sheets of Tariff Act, 1897. 27 iron or steel of common or black finish; and on steel circular saw plates there shall be paid one-half of one cent per pound in addition to the rate provided in this Act for steel saw plates. MANUFACTURES OF IRON AND STEEL: 142. Anvils of iron or steel, or ^f iron and steel combined, by whatever process made, or in whatever stage of manufacture, one and seven-eighths cents per pound. 143. Axles, or parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks, or forg- ings for axles, whether of iron or steel, without reference to the stage or state of manufacture, valued at not more than six cents per pound, one cent per pound: Provided, That when iron or steel axles are imported fitted in wheels, or i>arts of wheels, of iron or steel, they shall be dutiable at the same rate as the wheels in which they are fitted. 144. Blacksmiths* hammers and sledges, track tools, wedges, and crowbars, whether of iron or steel, one and one-half cents per pound. 145. Bolts, with or without threads or nuts, or bolt-blanks, and finished hinges or hinge-blanks, whether of iron or steel, one and one-half cents per i>ound. 146. Card-clothing manufactured from tempered steel wire, forty-five cents per square foot; all other, twenty cents per square foot. 147 Cast-iron pipe of every description, four-tenths of one cent per pound. 148. Cast-iron vessels, plates, stove-plates, andirons, sad- irons, tailors' irons, hatters' irons, and castings of iron, not specially provided for in this Act, eight-tenths of one cent per pound. 149. Castings of malleable iron not si>ecially provided for in this Act, nine-tenths of one cent per pound. 150. Cast hollow- ware, coated, glaze«^, or tinned, two cents per pound. 151. Chain or chains of all kinds, made of iron or steel, not less than three-fourths of one inch in diameter, one and one- eighth cents per i)ound; less than three-fourths of one inch and not less tnan three-eighths of one inch in diameter, one and three-eighth cents i>er pound; less than three-eighths of one inch in diameter and not less thaai five-«ixteenths of one inch in di- ameter, one and seven-eighth cents per pound; less than five- sixteenths of one inch in diameter, three cents lyer pound; but no chain or chains of any description shall pay a lower rate of duty than forty-five per centum ad valorem. 152. Lap welded, butt welded, seamed, or jointed iron or steel boiler tubes, pipes, flues, or stays, not thinner than number sixteen wire gauge, two cents per pound; welded cylindrical furnaces, made from plate metal, two and one-haJlf cents per pound; all other iron or steel tubes, finished, not specially pro- vided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. CUTLERY: 153. Penknives or pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, and budding knives of all kinds, or i)arts thereof, and erasers or manicure knives, or parts thereof, wholly or partly manu- factured, valued at not more than forty cents per dozen, forty 28 F. B. Vandegrtft & Co. per centum ad valorem; valued at more than forty cents per dozen and not exceeding fifty cents per dozen, one cent per piece and forty per centum ad valorem; valued at more thaa fifty cents per dozen and not exceeding one dollar and twenty- five cents per dozen, five cents per piece and forty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than one dollar and twenty-five cents per dozen and not exceeding three dollars per dozen, ten cents per piece and forty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than three dollars per dozen, twenty cents per piece and forty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That blades, handles, or other parts of either or any of the foregoing articles, im- ported in any other manner than assembled in finished knives or erasers, shall be subject to no less rate of duty than herein provided for i)enknives, pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, manicure knives, and erasers valued at more than fifty and not more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen. Razors and razor blades, finished or unfinished, valued at less than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, fifty cents per dozen aiid fif- teen per centum ad valorem; valued at one dollar and fifty cents per dozen and less than three dollars per dozen, one dol- lar per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at three dollars per dozen or more, one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen and twenty i)er centum ad valorem. Scissort and shears, and blades for the same, finished or unfinished, valued at not more than fifty cents per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem; vailued at more than fifty cents and not more than one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen, fifty cents per dozen and fifteen i>er centum ad valorem; valued at more than one dollar and seventy-five cents i)er dozen, seventy- five cents per dozen and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 154. Swords, sword-blades, and side-arms, Mrty-five per cen- tum ad valorem. 155. Table, butchers', carving, cooks', hunting, kitchen, Lrread, butter, vegetable, fruit, cheese, plumbers', painters', palette, artists', and shoe knives, forks and steels, finished or unfinished, with handles of mother-of-pearl, shell or ivory, sixteen cents each; with handles of deer horn, twelve cents each; with han- dles of hard rubber, solid bone, celluloid or any pyroxyline ma- terial, five cents each; with handles of any other material than those above mentioned, one and one-half cents each, and in ad- dition, on all the above articles, fifteen per centum ad valorem: Provided. That none of the above-named articles shall pay a loss rate of duty than forty-five per centum ad valorem. 156. Files, file-blanks, rasps, and floats, of all cuts and kinds, two and one-half inches in length and under, thirty cents per dozen; over two and one-hailf inches in length and not over four and one-talf inches, fifty cents i)er dozen; over four and one-half inches in length and under seven inches, seventy- five cents per dozen; seven inches in length and over, one dol- lar per dozen. FIREARMS: 167. Muskets, muzzle-loading shotguns, rifles, and parts thereof, twenty-flve per centum ad valorem. 158. Double-barreled, sporting, breach-loading shotguns, com- bination shotguns and rifles, valued at not more than five dol- Tariff Act, 1897. 29 lara, one dollar and fifty cents each and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than five dollars and not more than ten dollars, four dollars each and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than ten dollars, six dollars each; double barrels for sporting breech-loading shotguns and rifles further advanced in manu- facture than rough bored only, three dollars each; stocks for double-barreled sporting breech-loading shotguns and rifles wholly or partially manufactured, tjhree dollars each; and in addition thereto on all such guns and rifles, valued at more than ten dollars each, and on such stocks and barrels, thirty- five per centum ad valorem; on all other parts of such guns or rifles, and fittings for such stocks or barrels, finished or unfin- ished, fifty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all double- barrel sporting breech-loading shotguns and rifles imported without a, lock or locks or other flttings shall be subject to a duty of six dollars each and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; single-barreled breech-loading shotguns, or parts thereof, ex- cept as otherwise specially provided for in this Act, one doUar each and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Revolving pistols or parts thereof, seventy-five cents each and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 159. Sheets, plates, wares, or articles of iron, steel, or other metal, enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses, forty per cen- tum ad valorem. NAILS, SPIKE'S, TACKS AND NEEDLES: 160. Cut nails and cut spikes of iron or steel, six-tenths of one cent per pound. 161. Horseshoe nails, hob nails, and all other wrought iron or steel nails not si>ecially provided for in this Act, two and one- fourth cents per pound. 162. Wire nails made of wrought iron or steel, not less than one inch in length and not lighter than number sixteen wire gauge, one-half of one cent per i>ound; less than one inch in length and lighter than number sixteen wire gauge, one cent per pound. 163. Spikes, nuts, and washers, and horse, mule, or ox shoes, of wrought iron or steel, one cent per pound. 164. Cut tacks, brads, or sprigs, not exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand, one and one-fourth cents per thousand; ex- ceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand, one and one-half cents per pound. 165. Needles for knitting or sewing machines, including latch needles, one dollar per thousand and twenty-five per centnm ad valorem; crochet needles and tape needles, knitting and all other needles, not specially provided for in this Act, and bod- kins of metal, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. PLATES: 166. Steel plates engraved, stereotype plates, electrotype plates, and plates of other materials, engraved or lithographed, fackage of five hundred leaves. 178. Silver leaf, seventy-five cents per package of five hun- dred leaves. 179. Tinsel wire, lame or lahn, made wholly or in chief value of rold, silver, or otiher metal, five cents per pound; bullions and metal threads, made wholly or in chief value of tinsel wire, lame or lahn, five cents per pound and thirty-fiye per centum Tariff Act, 1897. 31 ad valorem; laces, embroideries, braids, galloons, trimmings, or other articles, made wholly ar in chief value of tinsel wire, laoe or lalm bullions, or metal threads, sixty per centum ad valorem. 180. Hooks and eyes, metallic, whether loose, carded or other- wise, including weight of cards, cartons, and immediate wrap- pings and labels, five and one-*half cents per pound and fifteea per centum ad valorem. LEAD: 181. Lead-bearing ore of all kinds, one and ome-half cents per pound on the lead contained therein: Provided, That on all importations of lead-bearing ores the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a bond given in douhle the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded ware- houses or otherwise. On the arrival of the ores at such estab- lishments they shall be sampled according to commercial meth- ods under the supervision of Government officers, who shall be stationed at such establishments, and who shall submit the samples thus obtained to a Government assayer, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make a proper assay of the sample, and rei)ort the result to ihe> proper customs oflS- cers, and the import entries shall be liquidated thereon, except in case of ores that shall be L*emoved to a bonded warehouse to be refined for exportation as provided by law. And the Sec- retary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to enforce the provisions of this paragraph. 282. Lead dross, lead bullion or base bullion, lead in pigs and Toars, lead in any form not specially provided for in this Act, old refuse lead run into blocks and bars, and old scrap lead fit only to be remanufactured; all the foregoing, two and one- eighth cents per pound; lead in sheets, pipe, shot, glaziers' lead and lead wire, two and one-half cents jyer pound. 183. Metallic mineral substances in a crude state, and metals unwrought, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem; monazite sand and thorite, six cents x>er pound. 184. Mica, unmanufactured, or rough trimmed only, six cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; mica, cut or trimmed, twelve cents per i>ound and twenty per centum ad valorem. 185. Nickel, nickel oxide, alloy of any kind in which nickel is a component material of chief value, in pigs, ingots, bars, or sheets, six cents per pound. 186. Pens, metallic, except gold pens, twelve cents per gross. 187. Penholder tips, penholders or parts thereof, and gold pens, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 188. Pins with solid heads, without ornamentation, including hair, safety, hat, bonnet, and shawl pins; any of the foregoing composed wholly of brass, copper, iron, steel, or other base metal, not plated, and not commonly known as jewelry, thirty- five per centum ad valorem. 189. Quicksilver, seven cents per pound. The flasks, bottles. 32 F. B. Vandegbift & Co. or other Teasels in which quickBilyer is imported shall be sab- ject to the Siame rate of duty &b they would be subjected to if imiwrted empty. 190. Type metal, one and one-half cents per pound for the lead contained therein; new types, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. ' 191. Watch movements, whether imported in cases or not, if having not more than seven jewels, thirty-five cents each; if having more than seven jewels and not more than eleven jewels, fifty cents each; if having more than eleven jewels and not more than fifteen jewels, seventy-five cents each; if having more than fifteen jewels and not more than seventeen jewels, one dollar and twenty-five cents each^ if having more than seventeen jewels, three dollars each, and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; watch cases and parts of watches, including watch dials, chronom- eters, box or ship, and parts thereof, clocks and parts thereof, not otherwise provided for in this Act, whether separately packed or otherwise, not composed vdiolly or in part of china, porcelain, parian, bisque or earthenware, forty per centum ad valorem; all jewels for use in the manufacture of watches or clocks, ten per centum ad valorem. 192. Zinc in blocks or pigs, one and one-half cents per pound; in sheets, two cents per pound; old and worn-out, fit only to be remanufactured, one cent per i>ound. 193. Articles or wares not specially provided for in this Act, composed wholly or in part of iron, steel, lead, copper, nickel, pewter, zinc, gold, silver, platinum, aluminum or other metal, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, forty-five per centum ad valorem. Schedule D. — Wood and Manufactures of. 194. Tilnber hewn, sided, or squared (not less than eight in<*hes square), and round timber used for spars or in building wharves, one cent per cubic foot. 195. Sawed boards, planks, deals, and other lumber of white- wood, sycamore, and basswood, one dollar per thousand feet board measure; sawed lumber, not specially provided for in this Act, two dollars per thousand feet board measure; but when lumber of any sort is planed or finis'hed, in addition to the rates herein provided, there shall be levied "ud paid for each »ide so planed or finished fifty cents per thousand feet board measure; and if planed on one side and tongued and grooved, one dollar per thousand feet board measure; and if planed on two sides and tongued and grooved, one dollar and fifty cents ■per thousand feet board measure; and in estimating board measure under this schedule no deduction shall be made on board measure on account f planing, tonguing and groov- ing. Provided, That if any country or dependency shall impose an export duty upon saw logs, round unmanufactured timber, •tave bolts, shingle bolts, or heading bolts, exported to the United States, or a discriminating charge upom broom sticks, or chains used by American citizens in towing logs, the amount of such export duty, tax, or other charge, as the case may be, shall be added as an additional duty to the duties imposed upon Tabiff Act, 1897. 33 the articles mentioned in tliis paragrapli when imported from such country or dependency. 196. Paving posts, railroad ties, and telephone, trolley, elec- tric-light and telegraph poles of cedar or other woods, twenty per centum ad valorem. 197. Kindling wood in bundles not exceeding one-quarter of a cubic foot each, three-tenths of one cent per bundle; if in larger bundles, three-tenths of one cent for each additional quarter of a cubic foot or fractional part thereof. 198. Sawed boards, planks, deals, and all forms of sawed cedar, lignum-vitae, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahog- any, rosewood, satinwood, and all other cabinet woods not fur- ther manufactured than sawed, fifteen per centum ad valorem; veneers of wood, and wood, unmanufactured, not specially pro- vided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem. 199. Clapboards, one dollar and fifty cents per thousand. 200. Hu'bs for wheels, posts, heading bolts, stave bolts, last- blocks, wagon-blocks, oar-blocks, heading-blocks, and all like blocks or sticks, rough-hewn, sawed or bored, twenty per centum ad valorem; fence posts, ten per centum f^d valorem 201. Laths, twenty-five cents per one thousand pieces. 202. Pickets, palings and staves of wood, of all kinds, ten per centum ad valorem. 203. Shingles, thirty cents per thousand. 204. Casks, barrels, and hogsheads (emp+y), sugar-box shocks, and packing-boxes (empty), and packing-box shocks, of wood, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per cen^ turn ad valorem. 205. Boxes, barrels, or other articles containing oranges, lemons, limes, grai>e fruit, shaddocks or iK>melo6, thirty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That the thin wood, so called, comprising the sides, tops and bottoms of oacge and lemon boxes of the growth and manufacture of the United States, ex- ported as orange and lemon box shooks, may be reimported in completed form, filled with oranges and lemons, by the payment of duty at one-half the rate imposed on similar boxes of en- tirely foreign growth and manufactuie. 206. Chair cane or reeds, wrought or manufactured from rat- tans or reeds, ten per centum ad valorem; osier or willow lare- pared for basket makers* use, twenty per centum ad valorem; manufactures of osier or willow, forty per centum ad valorem. 207. Toothpicks of wood or other vegetable substance, two cents per one thousand and fifteen per centum ad valorem; butchers' and packers* skewers of wood, forty cents per tboa- sand. 208. House or cabinet furniture, of wood, wholly or partlj finished, and manufactures of wood, or of which wood is th* component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Schedule E. — Sugar, Molasses, and Manu- factures of. 209. Sugars not above number sixteen Dutch standard in color, tank bottoms, sirups of cane juice, melada, concentratsd melada, concrete and concentrated molasses, testing by ths polariscope not above seventy-five degrees, ninety-nre one- 34 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. hundredtba of one cent per pound, and for every additional de- gree shown l)y the polariscopic test, thirty-five one-thousandth* of one cent per pound additional, and fractions of a degree in proportion; and on sugar above number sixteen Dutch stand- ard in color, and on all sugar which has gone through a process of refining, one cent and ninety-five one-hundredths of one cent per pound; molasses testing above forty degrees and not above fifty-six degrees, three cents per gallon; testing fifty-six de- grees and above, six cents per gallon; sugar drainings and sugar sweepings shall be subject to duty as molasses or sugar, AS the case may be, according to polariscopic test: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to abro- gate or in any manner impair or affect the provisions of the treaty of commercial reciprocity concluded between the United States and the Kirg of the Hawaiian Islands on the thirtieth day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, or the pro- visions of any Act of Congress heretofore passed for the exe- cution of the same. 210. Maple sugar and maple sirup, four cents per pound; glu- cose or grape sugar, one and one-half cents per pound; sugar cane in its natural state, or unmanufactured, twenty per cen- tum ad valorem. 211. Saccharine, one dollar and fifty cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem. 212. Sugar candy and all confectionery not specially provided for in this Act, valued at fifteen cents per pound or less, and on sugars after being refined, whvu tinctured, colored, or in any way adulterated, four cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than fifteen cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem. The weight and the value of the im- mediate coverings, other than the outer packing case or other covering, shall be included in the dutiable weight and the value of the merchandise. Schedule F — Tobacco and Manufactures of. 213. Wrapper tobacco, and filler tobacco when mixed or packed with more than fifteen per centum of wrapper tobacco, and fill leaf tobacco the product of two or more countries or de- pendencies when mixed or packed together, if i nstemmed, one dollar and eighty-five cents per pound; if stemmed, two dollam and fifty cents per pound; filler tobacco not specially provided for in this Act, if unstemmed, thirty-five cents per pound; if stemmed, fifty cents per i)ound. 214. The term wrapper tobacco as used in this Act means that quality of leaf tobacco which is suitable for cigar wrai>- pers, and the term filler tobacco means all other leaf t6bacco. Collectors of customs shall not permit entry to be made, except under regulations to be prescribed by the Stcretary of the Treasury, of any leaf tobacco, unless the invoices of the same •hall specify in detail the character of such tobacco, whether wrapper or filler, its origin and quality. In the examination for classification of any imported leaf tobacco, at least one bala, box, or imckage in every ten and at least one in every invoice, shall be examined by the appraiser or person authorized by law to make sucli examination, and at least ten hands shall be ex- amined in each examined bale, box, or package. Tariff Act, 1897. 35 215. All other tobacco, manufactured or unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty-five cents i)er pound. 216. Snufl: and snuff flour, manufactured of tobacco, ground dry, or damp, and pickled, scented, or otherwise, of all deacriih tions, fifty-five cents per pound. 217. Cigars, cigarettes, cheroots of all kinds, four dollars and fifty cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; and paper cigars and cigarettes, including wrappers, shall be aubject to the same duties as are herein imposed upon cigara. Schedule Q. — Agricultural Products and Provisions. ANIMALS, LIVE: 218. Cattle, if less than one year old, two dollars per head; all other cattle if valued at not more than fourteen dollars per head, three dollars and seventy-five cents i)er head; if valued at more than fourteen dollars per head, twenty-^even and one- half pei centum ad valorem. 219. Swine, one dollar and fifty cents per head. 220. Horses and mules, valued at one hundred and fifty dol- lars or less per head, thirty dollars per head; if valued at over one hundred and fifty dollars, twenty-fiv<» per centum ad val- orem. 221. Sheep, one year old or over, one dollar and fifty centa per head; less than one year old, seventy-five cents per head. 222. All other live animals, not specially provided for in thia Act, twenty per centum ad valorem. BRBADSTUFFS AND FARINACEOUS SUBSTANCES: 223. Barley, thirty cents -per bushel of forty-eight pounds. 224. Barley-malt, forty-five cents i)er bushel of thirty-four pounds. 225. Barley, pearled, patent, or hulled, two cents per pound. 226. Buckwheat, fifteen cents per bushel of forty-eight pounds. 227. Corn or maize, fifteen cents x)er bushel of lifty-aix pounds. 228. Com meal, twenty cents per bushel of forty-eight pounds. 229. Macaroni, vermicelli, and all similar preparations, one and one-'half cents per pound. 230. Oats, fifteen cents per bushel. 231. Oatmeal and rolled oats, one cent per pound; oat bulla, ten cents per hundred i)ounds. 232. Rice, cleaned, two cents per i>ound; uncleaned rice, or rice free of the outer hull and still having the inner cuticle on, one and one-fourth cents per pound; rice flour, and rice meal, end rice broken whichi will pass through a sieve known com- mercially as number twelve wire sieve, one-fourth of one cent per iwund; paddy, or rice having the outer hull oa, three- fourths of one cent i>er pound. 233. Rye, ten cents per bushel; rye flour, one-half of one cent per pound. 234. Wheat, twenty-five cents per bus'-iOl. 235. Wheat fiour, twenty-five per centum ad ralorem. 36 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. DAIRY PRODUCTS: 236. Butter, and substitutes therefor, six cents per pound. 237. Cheese, and substitutes therefor, six cents per pound. 238. Milk, fresh, two cents per gallon. 239. Milk, preserved or condensed, or sterilized by heating or other processes, including weight of immediate coverings, two cents per pound; sugar of milk, five cents per pound. FARM AND FIELD PRODUCTS: 240. Beans, forty-five cents per bushel of sixty pounds. 241. Beans, pease, and mushrooms, prepared or preserved, in tins, jars, bottles, or similar packages, two and one-half cents per iwund, including the weight of all tins, jars, and other im- mediate coverings; all vegetables, prepared or preserved, in- cluding pickles and sauces of all kinds, not specially provided for in this Act, and fish paste or sauce, foily per centum ad valorem. 242. Cabbages, three cents each. 243. Cider, five cents per gallon. 244. Eggs, not specially provided for in this Act, five cents per dozen. 245. Eggs, yolk of, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; albu- men, egg or blood, three cents per pound; dried blood, when soluble, one and one-half cents -per -pound. 246. Hay, four dollars per ton. 247. Honey, twenty cents per gallon. 248. Hops, twelve cents per pound; hop extract and lupulin, fifty per centum ad valorem. 249. Onions, forty cents pc-r busLel; garlic, one cent per pound. 250. Pease, green, in bulk or in barrels, sacks, or similar packages, and seed pease, forty cents per bushel of sixty pounds; pease, dried, not specially provided for, thirty cents per bushel; split pease, forty cents per bushel of sixty pounds; I>ease in cartons, papers, or other small packages, one cent per pound. 251. Orchids, palms, dracaenas, crotons and azaleas, tulips^ hyacinths, narcissi, jonquils, lilies, lilies-of-the-valley, and all other culbs, bulbous roots, or corms, which are cultivated for their flowers, and natural flowers of all kinds, preserved or fresh, suitable for decorative purposes, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 252. Stocks, cuttings or seedlings of Myrobolan plum, Mahaleb or Mazzard cherry, three years old or less, fifty cents per thousand plants and fifteen per centum td valorem; stocks, cut- tings, or seedlings of pear, apple, quince and the St. Julien plum, three years old or less, and evergreen seedlings, one dol- lar per thousand plants and fifteen per centun ad valorem; rose plants, budded, grafted, or grown on their own roots, two and one-half cents each; stock, cuttings and reedlings of all fruit and ornamental trees, deciduous and evergreen, shrubs and vines, manetti, multiflora, and brier rose, and all trees, shrubs, ijlants and vines, commonly known as nursery or green- house stock, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five fer centum ad valorem, 253. Potatoes, twenty-five cents per bushel of sixty pound*. Tariff Act, 1897. 37 254. Seeds: Castor beans or seeds, twenty-five cents per bushel of fifty pounds; flaxseed or linseed and other oil seed* not special y provided for in this Act, twenty-five cents per bushel of fifty -six pounds; poppy seed, fifteen cents per bushel; but no drawback shall be allowed upon oil cake made from im- ported seed, nor shall any allowance be made for dirt or other impurities in any seed; seeds of all kibds not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 255. Straw, one dollar and fifty cents per Ion. 256. Teazles, thirty per centum ad valorem, 257. Vegetables in their natural state, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. FISH: 258. Fish known or labeled as anchovies, sardines, sprats, brislings, sardels, or sardellen, packed in oil or otherwise. In bottles, jars, tin boxes or cans, shall be dutiable as follows: When in packages containing seven and one-half cubic inches or less, one and one-half cents per bottle, jar, box or can; con- taining more than seven and one-half and not more than twen- ty-one cubic inches, two and one-half cents per bottle, jar, box or can; containing more than twenty-one and not more than thirty- three cubic inches, five cents per bottle, jar, box or can; containing more than thirty-three and not more than seventy cubic inches, ten cents per bottle, jar, box or can; if in other packages, forty per centum ad valorem. All other fish (except shellfish), in tin packages, thirty per centum ad valorem; fish in packages containing less than one-half barrel, and not spe- cially provided for in this Act, thirty i>er centum ad valorem. 259. Fresh-water fish not specially provided for in this Act, one-fourth of one cent per pound. 260. Herrings, pickled or salted, one-half of one cent per pound; herrings, ^^osh, ono fouiixi of one cent per pound. 261. Fish, fresh, oinoked, dried, salted, pickled, frozen, packed in ice or otherwise prepared for preservation, not specially pro- vided for in this Act, three-fourths of one cent per pound; fish, skinned or boned, one and one-fourth cents per pound; mack- erel, halibut or salmon, fresh, pickled or salted, one cent per pound. FRUITS AND NUTS: 262. Apples, peaches, quinces, cherries, plums, and pears, green or ripe, twenty-five cents per bushel; apples, peaches, pears, and other edible fruits, including berries, when dried, desiccated, evaporated or prepared in any manner, not specially provided for in this Act, two cents per pound; berries, edible, in their natural condition, one cent per quart; cranberries, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 263. Comfits, sweetmeats, and fruits preserved in sugar, mo- lasses, spirits, or in their own juices, not specially provided for in this Act, one cent per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; if containing over ten per centum of alcohol and not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem and in addition two dollars and fifty cents per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein in excess of ten per centum; jellies of all kinds, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; 38 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. pineapples preserved in their own juice, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 264. Figs, plums, prunes, and prunelles, two cents per pound; raisins and other dried grapes, two and one-half cents per pound; dates, one-half of one cent per pound; currants, Zante or other, two cents per pound; olives, green or prepared, in bottles, jars, or similar packages, twenty-five cents per gallon; in casks or otherwise than in bottles, jars, or similar packages, fifteen cents per gallon. 265. Grapes in barrels or other packages, twenty cents per cubic foot of capacity of barrels or packages. 266. Oranges, lemons, limes, grape fruit, shaddocks or pome- los, one cent per pound. 267. Orange peel or lemon peel, preserved, candjed, or dried, and cocoanut meat or copra desiccated, shredded, cut, or sim- iliarly prepared, two cents per pound; citron or citron peel, pre- served, candied, or dried, four cents per pound. 268. Pineapples, in barrels and other packages, seven cents per cubic foot of the capacity of 'barrels or packages; in bulk, seven dollars per thousand. Nuts: 269. Almonds, not shelled, four cents per pound; clear al- monds, shelled, six cents per pound. 270. Filberts and walnuts of all kinds, not shelled, three cents per pound; shelled, five cents per pound. 271. Peanuts or ground beans, unshelled, one-half of one cent per pound; shelled, one cent per pound. 272. Nuts of all kinds, shelled or unshelled, not specially pro- vided for in this Act, one cent per pound. MEAT PRODUCTS: 273. Bacon and hams, five cents per pound. 274. Fresh beef, veal, mutton, and pork, two cents per pound. 275. Meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 276. Extract of meat, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five cents per pound; fluid extract of meat, fifteen cents per pound, but the dutiable weight of the extract of meat and of the fluid extract of meat ^hall not include the weight of the package in which the same is imported. 277. Lard, two cents per pound. 278. Poultry, live, three cents per pound; dressed, five cents per pound. 279. Tallow, three-fourths of one cent per pound; wool grease, Including that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease, one-half of one cent per pound. MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS: 280. Chicory-root, raw, dried, or undried, but nnground, one cent per pound; chicory root, burnt or roasted, ground or granu- lated, or in rolls, or otherwise prepared, and not specially pro- vided for in this Act, two and one-half cents per pound. 281. Chocolate and cocoa, prepared or manufactured, not spe- cially provided for in this Act, valued at not over fifteen cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound; valued above fif- teen and not above twenty-four cents fer pound, two and one- Tabiff Act, 1897. 39 half cents per pound and ten per centom ad valorem; yalaed above twenty-four and not above thirty-five cents per pound, five cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem. The weight and value of all coverings, other than plain wooden, shall be included in the dutiable weight and value of the foregoing merchandise; powdered cocoa, unsweetened, fiv« cents per pound. 282. Cocoa-butter or cocoa-butterine, three and one-half cents per pound. 283. Dandelion-root and acorns prepared, and articles used as coffee, or as substitutes for coffee not specially provided for in this Act, two and one-half cents per pound. 284. Salt in bags, sacks, barrels, or other packages, twelve cents per one hundred pounds ; in bulk, eig'ht cents per one hun- dred pounds: Provided, That imported salt in bond may be used in curing fish taken by vessels licensed to engage in the fisheries, and in curing fish on the shores of the navigable waters of the United States, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; and upon proof that the salt has been used for either of the purposes stated in this proviso, the duties on the same shall be remitted: Provided further. That exporters of meats, whether packed or smoked, which have been cured in the United States with imported salt, shall, upon satisfactory proof, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, that such meats have been cured with imported salt, have refunded to them from the Treasury the duties paid on the salt so used in curing such ex- ported meats, in amounts not less than one hundred dollars. 285. Starch, including all preparations, from whatever sub- stance produced, fit for use as starch, one and one-half cents per pound. 286. Dextrine, burnt starch, gum substitute, or British gum, two cents per pound. 287. Spices: Mustard, ground or prepared, in bottles or other- wise, ten cents per pound; capsicum or red pepper, or cayenne pepper, two and one-half cents per pound; sage, one cent per pound; spices not specially provided for in this Act, three cents per pound. 288. Vinegar, seven and one-half cents per proof gallon. The standard proof for vinegar shall be taken to be that strength which requires thirty-five grains of bicarbonate of potash to neutralize one ounce troy of vinegar. Schedule H. — Spirits, Wines and Other Beverages. SPIRITS: 289. Brandy and other spirits manufactured or distilled from t grain or other materials, and not specially provided for in this Act, two dollars and twenty-five cents per proof gallon. 290. Each and every gauge or wine gallon of measurement shall be counted as at least one proof gallon; and the standard for determining the proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any kind imported shall be the same as that which is de- fined in the laws relating to internal revenue: Provided, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury, in his dis- 40 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. cretion, to authorize the ascertainment of the proof of wines, cordials, or other liquors, by distillation or otherwise, in cases where it is impracticable to ascertain such proof by the means prescribed by existing law or regulations: And provided fut- ther. That any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquors imported in any sized cask, bottle, jug, or other package, of or from any country, dependency, or province under whose laws similar sized casks, bottles, jugs, or other packages of distilled spirits, wine, or other beverage put up or filled in the United States are denied entrance into such country, dependency, or province, shall be forfeited to the United States; and any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquor imported in a cask of less capacity than ten gallons from any country shall be for- feited to the United States. 291. On all compounds or preparations of which distilled spirits are a component part of chief value, there shall be levied a duty not less than that imposed upon distilled spirits. 292. Cordials, liqueurs, arrack, absinthe, kirschwasser, rata- fia, and other spirituous beverages or bitters of all kinds, con- taining spirits, and not specially provided for in this Act, two dollars and twenty-five cents per proof gallon. 293. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous beverages than that fixed by law for the description of first proof; but it shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof, and all imitations of brandy or spirits or wines imported by any names whatever shall be subject to the highest rate of duty provided for the genuine articles respectively intended to be represented, and in no case less than one dollar and fifty cents per gallon. 294. Bay rum or bay water, whether distilled or compounded, of first proof, and in proportion for any greater strength than first proof, one dollar and fifty cents per gallon. WINES: 295. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles con- taining each not more than one quart and more than one pint, eight dollars per dozen ; containing not more than one pint each and more than one-half pint, four dollars per dozen; contain- ing one-half pint each or less, two dollars per dozen; in bottles or other vessels containing more than one quart each, in addi- tion to eight dollars per dozen bottles, on the quanitity in ex- cess of one quart, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per gallon; but no separate or additional duty shall be levied on the bottles. 296. Still wines, including ginger wine or ginger cordial and vermuth, in casks or packages other than bottles or jugs, if containing fourteen per centum or less of absolute alcohol, forty cents per gallon; if containing more than fourteen per centum of absolute alcohol, fifty cents per gallon. In bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs, containing each not more l^an one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and sixty cents per case; and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of five cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shal] be assessed on the bottle* or Tariff Act, 1897. . 41 jugs: Provided, That any wines, ginger cordial, or vermuth imported containing more tlian twenty-four per centum of al- cohol shall be classed as spirits and pay duty accordingly: And provided further, That there shall be no constructive or other allowance for breakage, leakage, or damage on wines, liquors, cordials, or distilled spirits. Wines, cordials, brandy, and other spirituous liquors including bitters of all kinds, and bay rum or bay water, imported in bottles or jugs, shall be packed in packages containing not less than one dozen bottles or jugi in each package, or duty shall be paid as if such package con- tained at least one dozen bottles or jugs, and in addition there- to, duty shall be collected on the bottles or jugs at the rate* which would be chargeable thereon if imported empty. The percentage of alcohol in wines and fruit juices shall be deter- mined in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall by regulation prescribe. 297. Ale, porter, and beer, in bottles or jugs, forty cents per gallon, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed oa the bottles or jugs; otherwise than in bottles or jugs, twenty cents per gallon. 298. Malt extract, fluid, in casks, twenty cents per gallon; in bottles or jugs, forty cents per gallon; solid or condensed, forty per centum ad valorem. 299. Cherry juice and prune juice, or prune wine, and other fruit juices not specially provided for in this Act, containing no alcohol or not more than eighteen per centum of alcohol, sixty cents per gallon; if containing more than eighteen per centum of alcohol, sixty cents per gallon, and in addition there- to two dollars and seven cents per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein. 300. Ginger ale, ginger beer, lemonade, soda water, and other similar beverages containing no alcohol, in plain green or col- ored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, containing each not more than three-fourths of a pint, eighteen cents per dozen; containing more than three-fourths of a pint each and not more than one and one-half pints, twenty-eight cents per dozen; but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles; if imported otherwise than in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, or in such bottles containing more than one and one-half pints each, fifty cents per gallon and in addi- tion thereto, duty shall be collected on the bottles, or other cov- erings, at the rates which would be chargeahle thereon if im- ported empty. 301. All mineral waters and all imitations of natural mineral waters, and all artificial mineral waters not specially provided for in this Act, in green or colored glass bottles, containing not more than one pint, twenty cents per dozen bottles. If contain- ing more than one pint and not more than one quart, thirty cents per dozen bottles. But no separate duty shall be assessed upon the bottles. If imported otherwise than in plain green or colored glass bottles, or if imported in such bottles containing more than one quart, twenty-four cents per gallon, and in ad- dition thereto duty shall be collected upon the bottles or other covering at the same rates that would be charged thereon if imported empty or separately. 42 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. Schedule I. — Cotton Manufactures. 302. Cotton thread and carded yam, warps or warp yam, in singles, whether on beams or in bnndles, skeins or coi>s, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton hereinafter pro- rided for, not colored, bleached, dyed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yams together, three cents per pound on all numbers up to and including number fifteen, one-fifth of a cent per number i>er pound on all numbers exceeding numher fifteen and up to and including number thirty, and one-fourth of a cent per number per pound on all numbers exceeding number thirty; colored, bleached, dyed, combed or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns to- gether, whether on beams, or in bundles, skeins or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton hereinafter pro- vided for, six cents per i)ound on all numbers up to and in- cluding number twenty, and on all numbers exceeding number twenty and up to number eighty, one-fourth of one cent per number per i)ound; on number eighty and above, three-tenths of one cent per number per i)ound; cotton card laps, roping, sliver or roving, forty-five "per centum ad valorem. 303. Spool thread of cotton, including crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons on spools or reels, containing on each spool or reel not exceeding one hundred yards of thread, six cents per dozen; exceeding one hundred yards on each spool or reel, for every additional hundred yards or fractional part thereof in ex- cess of one hundred, six cents per dozen spools or reels; if otherwise than on spools or reels, one-half of one cent for each one hundred yards or fractional part thereof: Provided, That in no case shall the duty be assessed upon a less number of yards than is marked on the spools or reels. 304. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, paint- ed, or printed, and not exceeding fifty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, one cent per square yard; if bleached, one and one-fourth cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, two cents per square yard. 38C. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, paint- ed, tr printed, exceeding fifty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, one and one-fourth cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and three- fourths cents per square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, two and one- fourth cents per square yard, if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, three and one-fourth cents per square yard; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard: Provided^ That on all cotton cloth not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, not bleached. Tariff Act, 1897. 43 dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, yalued at over (seyen cents per square yard, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over nine cents per square yard, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; and dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve cents per square yard, thero shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem. 306. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, paint- ed, or printed, exceeding one hundred and not exceeding one hundred and fifty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, two cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, two and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding eight square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents pep square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, two and one-half cents per square yard; exceed- ing four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding eight bquare yards to the pound, three and three-fourths cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding four square jards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, four and one- fourth cents per square yard; exceeding eight square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard: Provided^ That on all cotton cloth exceeding one hundred and not exceed- ing one hundred and fifty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, paint- ed, or printed, valued at over nine cents per square yard, thirty I)er centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over eleven cents per square yard, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; dyed, col- ored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 307. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, paint- ed, or printed, exceeding one hundred and fifty and not ex- ceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, two cents per square yard; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; ex- ceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three cents per square yard; exceeding six square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; ex- ceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard; exceeding six square yards to the pound, four and one-fourth cents per «quare yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and 44 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-fouLrth cents per square yard; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, four and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceed- ing six square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard: Provided, That on all cotton cloth exceeding one hundred and fifty and not exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over ten cents per square yard, thirty-five i)er centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over twelve cents per square yard, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of forty per centum ad valorem. 308. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, paint- ed, or printed, exceeding two hundred and not exceeding three hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and fill- ing, and not exceeding two and one-half square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding two and one-half and not exceeding three and one-half square yard* to the pound, four cents per square yard; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding five square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding five square yards txi the pound, five cents per square yard; if bleached, and not exceeding two and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding two and one-half and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; exceeding three and one- half and not exceeding five square yards to the pound, five and one^half cents per square yard; exceeding five square yards to the pound, six cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, six and one-fourth cents per square yard; exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, seven cents per square yard: Provided, That on all such cot- ton cloths not bleached, dyecf, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve and one-half cents per square yard; bleached, valued at over fifteen cents per square yard; and dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over seventeen and one-half cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of forty per centum ad valorem. 309. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, paint- ed, or printed, exceeding three hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding two square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard; exceed- ing two and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding three and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; exceeding four square yards to the pound, five and one-half cents per square yard; if bleached and not exceed- ing two square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; exceeding two and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, five and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding three Tariff Act, 1897. 45 and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, six cents per square yard; exceeding four square yards to the pound, six and one-half cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained* painted, or printed, and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, six and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding three square yards to the pound, eight cents per square yard: Pro- videdf That on all such cotton cloths not bleached, dyed, col- ored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over fourteen cents per square yard; bleached, valued at over sixteen cents per square yard; and dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twenty cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of forty per centum ad valorem. 310. The term cotton cloth, or cloth, wherever used in the paragraphs of this schedule, unless otherwise specially pro- vided for, shall be held to include all woven fabrics of cotton in the piece or otherwise, whether figured, fancy, or plain, the warp and filling threads of which can be counted by unraveling or other practicable means. 311. Cloth, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber and silk, whether known as silk-striped sleeve linings, silk stripes, or otherwise, of which cotton is the component material of chief value, eight cents per square yard and thirty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no such cloth shall pay a lew. rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. Cotton cloth, filled or coated, three cents per square yard and twenty per centum ad valorem. 312. Handkerchiefs or mufflers composed of cotton, whether in the piece or otherwise and whether finis^hed or unfinished, if not hemmed, or hemmed only, shall pay the same rate of duty on the cloth contained therein as is imposed on cotton cloth of the same description, weight, and count of threads to the square inch; but such handkerchiefs or mufllers shall not pay a less rate of duty than forty-five per centum ad valorem. If such handkerchiefs or mufflers are hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, or revered, or have drawn threads, they shall pay a duty of ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty hereinbefore prescribed, and in no case less than fifty-five per centum ad valorem; if such handkerchiefs or mufflers are em- broidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, mono- gram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, eppliqued, or trimmed wholly or in part with lace or with tucking or insertion, they shall not pay a less rate of duty than sixty per centum ad valorem. 313. Cotton cloth in which other than the ordinary warp and filling threads have been introduced in the process of weaving to form a figure, whether known as lappets or otherwise, and whether unbleached, bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, shall pay, in addition to the duty herein provided for other cotton cloth of the same description, or condition, weight, and count of threads to the square inch, one cent per square yard if valued at not more than seven cents per square yard, and two cents per square yard if valued at more than seven cents per square yard. 314. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, including neck-ties or neckwear composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, or of which cotton or other 46 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. ▼egetable fiber is the component material of chief value, made up or manufactured, wholly or in part, by the tailor, seam* stress or manufacturer, and not otherwise provided for in thia Act, fifty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That any out- side garment provided for in this paragraph having india- rubber as a component material shall pay a duty of fifteen cents i>er pound and fifty per centum ad valorem. 315. Plushes, velvets, velveteens, corduroys, and all pile fab- rics, cut or uncut; any of the foregoing composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, nine cents per square yard and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; if bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, twelve cents per square yard and twenty- five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That corduroys com- posed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, weighing seven ounces or over per square yard, shall pay a duty of eighteen cents i)«r square yard and twenty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided further, That manufactures or articles in any form including such as are commonly known as bias dress facings or skirt bindings, made or cut from plushes, velvets, velveteens, cord- uroys, or other pile fabrics composed of cotton or other vege- taWe fiber, shall be subject to the foregoing rates of duty and in addition thereto ten per centum ad valorem: Provided fur- ther. That none of the articles or fabrics provided for in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than forty-seven and one-half per centum ad valorem. 316. Curtains, table covers, and all articles manufactured of cotton chenille or of which cotton chenille is the component material of chief value, fifty per centum ad valorem. 317. Stockings, hose and half-hose, made on knitting machines or frames, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, and not otherwise specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 318. Stockings, hose and half-hose, selvedged, fashioned, nar- rowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless stockings, hose and half-hose, and clocked stockings, hose and half-hose, all of the above composed of cot- ton or other vegetable fiber, finished or unfinished, valued at not more than one dollar per dozen pairs, fifty cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than one dollar per dozen pairs, and not more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen pairs, sixty cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than one dollar and fifty cents I>er dozen pairs, and not more than two dollars per dozen pairs, seventy cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than two dollars per dozen pairs, and not more than three dollars per dozen pairs, one dollar and twenty cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than three dollars per dozen pairs and not more than five dollars per dozen pairs, two dollars per dozen pairs; and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than five dollars per dozen pairs, fifty- five per centum ad valorem. 319. Shirts and drawers, pants, vests, union suits, combina- tion suits, tights, sweaters, corset covers and all underwear of every description made wholly or in part on knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, finished or unfinished, not including stockings, hose and half-hose, composed of cotton or other Tariff Act, 1897. 47 vegetable fiber, valued at not more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, sixty cents per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen and not more than three dollars per dozen, one dollar and ten cents per dozen, and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than three dollars per dozen and not more than five dollars per dozen, one dollar and fifty centa per dozen, and in addition thereto twenty-five per centum ad valorem; valued at more than five dollars per dozen and not more than seven dollars per dozen, one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen, and in addition thereto thirty-five per' centum ad valorem; valued at more than seven dollars per dozen and not more than fifteen dollars per dozen, two dollars and twenty- five cents per dozen, and in addition thereto thirty-five i)er cen- tum ad valorem; valued above fifteen dollars per dozen, fifty per centum ad valorem. 320. Bandings, beltings, bindings, bone casings, cords, gar- ters, lining for bicycle tires, ribbons, suspenders and bracea, tapes, tubing, and webs or webbing, any of the foregoing ar» tides made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, whether com- posed in part of india-rubber or otherwise, and not embroidered by hand or machinery, forty-five per centum ad valorem; spin- dle banding, woven, braided or twisted lamp, stove, or candle wicking made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, ten cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; loom harness or healds made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, or of which cot- ton or other vegetable fiber is the component material of chief value, fifty cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; boot, shoe, and corset lacings made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, twenty-five cents per pound and fifteen per cen- tum ad valorem; labels, for garments or other articles com- posed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, fifty cents per pound and thirty per centum ad valorem. 321. Cotton table damask, forty per centum ad valorem; cot- ton duck, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 322. All manufactures of cotton not specially provided for in this Act, forty-five per centum ad valorem. Schedule J. — Flax, Hemp, and Jute, Manufac- tures of. 323. Flax straw, five dollars per ton. 324. Flax, not hackled or dressed, one cent per pound. 325. Flax, hackled, known as "dressed line," three cents per pound. 326. Tow of flax, twenty dollars per ton. 327. Hemp, and tow of hemp, twenty dollars per ton; hemp, hackled, known as "line of hemp," forty dollars per ton. 328. Single yams made of jute, not finer than five lea or num- ber, one cent per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; if finer than five lea or number, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 329. Cables and cordage, composed of istle, Tampico fiber, manila, sisal grass or sunn, or a mixture of these or any of them, one cent per pound; cables and cordage made of hemp, tarred or untarred, two cents per pound. 48 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. 830. Threads, twines, or cords, made from yam not finer than fire lea or number, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or either of them is the component ma- terial of thief value, thirteen cents per pound; if made from yarn finer than five lea or number, three-fourths of one cent per pound additional for each lea or number, or part of a lea or number, in excess of five. 331. Single yams in the gray, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, not finer than eight lea or number, eeven cents per pound; finer than eight lea or number and not finer than eighty lea or number, forty per centum ad valorem; single yams, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, finer than eighty lea or number, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 332. Flax gill netting, nets, webs, and seines shall pay the same duty per pound as is imposed in this schedule upon the thread, twine, or cord of which they are made, and in addition thereto twenty-five per centutn ad valorem. 833. Floor mattings, plain, fancy or figured, manufactured from straw, round or split, or other vegetable substancet not otherwise provided for, including what are commonly known ac Chinese, Japanese, and India straw mattings, valued at not ex- ceeding ten cents per square yard, three cents per square yard; valued at exceeding ten cents per square yard, seven cents per square yard and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 334. Carpets, carpeting, mats and rugs made of flax, hemp, jute, or other vegetable fiber (except cotton), valued at not ex- ceeding fifteen cents per square yard, five cents per square yard and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; valued above fif- teen cents per square yard, ten cents per square yard and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 335. Hydraulic hose, made in whole or in part of flax, hemp, ramie, or jute, twenty cents per pound. 336. Tapes composed wholly or in part of flax, woven with or without metal threads, on reels, spools, or otherwise and de- signed expressly for use in the manufacture of measuring tapes, forty per centum ad valorem. 337. Oilcloth for floors, stamped, painted, or printed, includ- ing linoleum or corticene, figured or plain, and all other oil- cloth (except silk oilcloth) under twelve feet in width not spe- cially provided for herein, eight cents per square yard and fif- teen per centum ad valorem; oilcloth for floors and linoleum or corticene, twelve feet and over in width, inlaid linoleum or corticene, and cork carpets, twenty cents per square yard and twenty per centum ad valorem; waterproof cloth, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, whether composed in part of india-rubber or otherwise, ten cents per square yard and twenty per centum ad valorem. 338. Shirt collars and cuffs, composed of cotton, forty-five cents per dozen pieces and fifteen per centum ad valorem; com- posed in whole or in part of linen, forty cents per dozen pieces and twenty per centum ad valorem. 339. Laces, lace window curtains, tidies, pillow shams, bed sets, insertings, flouncings, and other lace articles; handker- chiefs, napkins, wearing apparel, and other articles, made wholly or in part of lace, or in imitation of lace; nets or net- tings, veils and veilings, etamines, vitrages, neck rufllings, Tariff Act, 1897. 49 Tuchings, tuckings, flutings, and quillings; embpoideries and all trimmings, including braids, edgings, insertings, flouncings, gal- loons, gorings, and bands; wearing apparel, handkercbiefs, and, otber articles or fabrics embroidered in any manner by hand or machinery, whether with a letter, monogram, or otherwiae; tamboured or appliqued articles, fabrics or wearing apparel; hemstitched or tucked flouncings or skirtings, and articles made wholly or in part of ruflflings, tuckings, or ruchings; all of the foregoing, composed wholly or in chief value of flax, cotton, or other vegetable fiber, and not elsewhere specially provided for in this Act, whether composed in part of India rubber or other- wise^, sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided^ That no wear- ing apparel or other article or textile fabric, when embroidered by hand or machinery, shall pay duty at a less rate than that imposed in any schedule of this Act upon any embroideries of the materials of which such embroidery is composed. 340. Lace window curtains, pillow shams, and bed sets, fin- ished or unfinished, made on the Nottingham lace-curtain ma- chine or on the Nottingham warp machine, and composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, when counting five points or spaces between the warp threads to the inch, one cent peT square yard; when counting more than five such points or spaces to the inch, one-half of one cent per square yard in ad- dition for each such point or space to the inch in excess of five; and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this paragraph, twenty per centum ad valorem; Provided, That none of the above-named articles shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. 341. Plain woven fabrics of single jute yarns, by whatever name known, not exceeding sixty inches lq width, weighing not less than six ounces per square yard and not exceeding thirty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, five- •eighths of one cent per pound and fifteen i>er centum ad val- orem; if exceeding thirty and not exceeding fifty-five threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, seven-eighths of one cent per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. 342. All pile fabrics of which flax is the component material of chief value, sixty per centum ad valorem., 343. Bags or sacks made from plain wx)ven faT^rics, of single jute yams, not dyed, colored, stained, painted, printed, or bleached, and not exceeding thirty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, seven-eighths of one cent per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. 344. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and similar fabrics, suitable for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of jnte, jute butts, or hemp, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding sixteen threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weighing not less than fifteen ounces per square yard, six-tenths of < ne cent per square yard. 345. Handkerchiefs composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances, or either of them, is the component material of chief value, whether in the piece or otherwise, and whether finished or unfinished, not hemmed or hemmed only, fifty per centum ad valorem; if hemstitched, or imitation hem- stitched, or revered, or with drawn threads, but not embroid- ered or initialed, fifty-five per centum ad valorem. 60 F. B. Vandegbift & Co. 346. WoTen fabrics or articles not specially provided for in diis Act, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which theM substances or either of them is the component material or chief ralne, weighing four and one-half ounces or more per squar* yard, when containing not more than sixty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, one and three- fourths cents per square yard; containing more than sixty and not more than one hundred and twenty threads to the square inch, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; containing more than one hundred and twenty and not more than one hun- dred and eighty threads to the square inch, six cents per square yard; containing more than one hundred and eighty threads to the square inch, nine cents i)er square yard, and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, thirty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That none of the foregoing articles in this para- graph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. Woven fabrics of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, including such as is known as shirting cloth, weighing less than four and one-half ounces per square yard and containing more than one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 347. All manufactures of flax, hemp, ramie, or other veg*- table fiber, or of which these substances, or either of them, is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, forty-five per centum ad valorem. Schedule K — Wool and Manufactures of Wool. 348. All wools, hair of the camel, goat, alpaca, and other like animals shall be divided, for the purpose of fixing the duties to be charged thereon, into the three following classes: 349. Class one, that is to say, merino, mestiza, metz, or metis wools, or other wools of Merino blood, immediate or remote, Down clothing wools, and wools of like charactef with any of the preceding, including Bagdad wool, China lamb's wool, Oa«- tel Branco, Adrianople skin wool or butcher's wool, and such as have been heretofore usually imported into the United States from Buenos Ayres, New Zealand, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, Russia, Great Britain, Canada, Egypt, Morocco, and elsewhere, and all wools not hereinafter included in classes two and three. 350. Class two, that is to say, Leicester, Cotswold, Lincoln- shire, Down combing wools, Canada long wools, or other like combing wools of English blood, and usually known by the terms herein used, and also hair of the camel. Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals. 351. Class three, that is to say, Donskoi, native South Amer- ican, Cordova, Valparaiso, native Smyrna, Russian camel's hair, and all such wools of like character as have been here- tofore usually imported into the United States from Turkey, Greece, Syria, and elsewhere, excepting improved wools here- inafter provided for. 352 The standard samples of all wools which are now or may be hereafter deposited in the principal custom-houses of the United States, under the authority of the Secretary of the Tabiff Act, 1897. 51 Treasury, shall be the standards for the classification of woola ander this Act, and the Secretary of the Treasury is anthorized to renew these standards and to make such additions to them from time to time as may be required, and he shall cause to be deposited like standards in other custom-houses of the United States when they may be needed. 353. Whenever wools of class three shall have been improved by the admixture of Merino or English blood, from their pres- ent character as represented by the standard samples now or hereafter to be deposited in the principal custom-houses of the United States, such improved wools shall be classified for dnty either as class one or as class two, as the case may be. 354. The duty on wools of the first class which shall be im- ported washed shall be twice the amount of the duty to which they would be subjected if imported unwashed; and the duty on wools of the first and second classes which shall be imported scoured shall be three times the duty to which they would be subjected if imported unwashed. The duty on wools of the third class, if imported in condition for use in carding or spin- ning into yams, or which shall not contain more than eight per cent of dirt or other foreign substance, shall be three times the duty to which they would otherwise be subjected. 355. Unwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have been shorn from the sheep without any cleansing; that is, in their natural condition. Washed wools shall be considered such as have been washed with water only on the sheep's back, or on the skin. Wools of the first and second classes washed in any other manner than on the sheep's back or on the skin shall be considered as scoured wool. 356. The duty upon wool of the sheep or hair of the camel. Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals, of class one and class two, which shall be imjyorted in any other than ordinary condition, or which has been sorted or increased in value by the rejection of any part of the original fleece, shall be twice the duty to which it would be otherwise subject: Provided^ That skirted wools as imported in eighteen hundred and ninety and prior thereto are hereby excepted. The duty upon wool of the sheep or hair of the camel, Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals of any class which sihall he changed in its character or condition for the purpose of evading the duty, or which shall be reduced in value by the admixture of dirt or any other foreign substance, shall be twice the duty to which it would be other- wise subject. When the duty assessed ujyon any wool equals three times or more that which would be assessed if said wool was imported unwashed, the duty shall not be doubled on ac- count of the wool being sorted. If any bale or package of wool or hair specified in this Act invoiced or entered as of any speci- fied class, or claimed by the importer to be dutiable as of any specified class, shall contain any wool or hair subject to a higher rate of duty than the class so specified, the whole bale or package shall be subject to the highest rate of duty charge- able on wool of the class subject to such higher rate of duty, and if any bale or package be claimed by the importer to be shoddy, mungo, flocks, wool, hair, or other material of any class specified in this Act, and such hale contain any admixture of any one or more of said materials, or of any other material, the 32 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. whole bale or package shall be subject to duty at tke highest rate imposed uj>on any article in said bale or package. 357. The duty upon all wools and hair of the first class shall be eleven cents per pound, and upon all wools or hair of the second class twelve cents per pound. 358. On wools of the third class and on camel's hair of the third class the value whereof shall be twelve cents or less per pound, the duty shall be four cents per pound. 359. On wools of the third class, and on camel's hair of the third class, the value whereof shall exceed twelve cents per pound, the duty shall be seven cents per p-iund. 360. The duty on wools on the skin shall be one cent less per pound than is imposed in this schedule on other wools of the same class and condition, the quantity and value to be ascer- tained under such rules as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. 361. Top waste, slubbing waste, roving waste, ring waste, and gametted waste, thirty cents per pound. 362. Shoddy, twenty-five cents per pound; noils, wool extract, yam waste, thread waste, and all other wastes composed wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in thi« Act, twenty cents per pound. 363. Woolen rags, mungo, and flocks, ten cents per pound. 364. Wool and hair which have been advanced in any man- ner or by any process of manufacture beyond the washed or scoured condition, not specially provided for in this Act, shall be subject to the same duties as are imposed upon manufac- tures of wool not specially provided for in this Act. 365. On yams made wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than thirty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be two and one-half times the duty imposed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class; valued at more than thirty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three and one-half times the duty imi)osed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, forty per centum ad valorem. 366. On cloths, knit fabrics, and all manufactures of every de- scription made wholly or in part of wool, not specially provided for in this Act, valued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this Act on a pound of unwashed wool of the first class; valued at above forty cents per pound and not above seventy cents per pound, the duty i)er pound shall be four times the duty im- posed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, fifty per centum ad valorem; valued at over seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class and fifty- five per centum ad valorem. 367. On blankets, and flannels for underwear comxxjsed wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be the same as the duty imposed by this Act on two pounds of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad val- orem; valued at more than forty cents and not more than fifty cents per pound, the duty per iwund shall be three times the duty imposed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of Tariff Act, 1897. 53 the first class, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On blankets composed wholly or in part of wool, valued at more than fifty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Flannels composed wholly or in part of wool, valued at above fifty cents per pound, shall be classified and pay the same duty as women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, and goods of similar character and description provided by this Act: Provided^ That on blankets over three yards in length the same duties shall be paid as on cloths. 368. On women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, and goods of similar description and character of which the warp consists wholly of cotton or other vegetable material with the remainder of the fabric composed wholly or in part of wool, valued at not exceeding fifteen cents per square yard, the duty shall be seven cents per square yard; valued at more than fifteen cents per square yard, the duty shall be eight cents per square yard; and in addition thereto on all the fore- going valued at not above seventy cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem; valued above seventy cents per pound, fifty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That on all the foregoing, weighing over four ounces per square yard, the duty shall be the same as imposed by this schedule on cloths. 369. On women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, bunting, and goods of similar description or character comi>osed wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in this Act, the duty shall be eleven cents per square yard; and in addition thereto on all the foregoing valued at not above seventy cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem; valued at above seventy cents per pound, fifty-fire per centum ad valorem: Provided, That on all the foregoing weighing over four ounces per square yard, the duty shall be the same as imposed by this schedule on cloths. 370. On clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, including shawls whether knitted or woven, and knitted articles of every description, made up 0(r manufactured wholly or in part, felts not woven and not spe- cially provided for in this Act, composed wholly or in part of wool, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto sixty per centum ad valorem. 371. Webbings, gorings, suspenders, braces, bandings, belt- ings, bindings, braids, galloons, edgings, insertings, flouncings, fringes, gimps, cords, cords and tassels, laces and other trim- mings and articles made wholly or in part of lace, embroider- ies and articles embroidered by hand or machinery, head nets, netting, buttons or barrel buttons or buttons of other forms for tassels or ornaments, and manufactures of wool ornamented with beads or spangles of whatever material composed, any of the foregoing made of wool or of which wool is a component material, whether composed in part of india-rubber or other- wise, fifty cents per pound and sixty per centum ad valorem. 372. Aubusson, Axminster, moquette, and chenille carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character -54 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. or description, sixty cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 373. Saxony, Wilton, and Toumay velvet carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or descrip- tion, sixty cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 374. Brussels carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or car- peting of like character or description, forty-four cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad val- orem. 375. Velvet and tapestry velvet carpets, figured or plain, printed on the warp or otherwise, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, forty cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 376. Tapestry Brussels carpets, figured or plain, and all car- pets or carpeting of like character or description, printed on the warp or otherwise, twenty-eight cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 377. Treble ingrain, three-ply, and all chain Venetian carpets, twenty-two cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 378. Wool Dutch and two-ply ingrain carpets, eighteen centi per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 379. Carpets of every description woven whole for rooms, and Oriental, Berlin, Aubusson, Axminster, and similar rugs, ten cents per square foot and in addition thereto, forty per centom ad valorem. 380. Druggets and bockings, printed, colored, or otherwise, twenty-two cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 381. Carpets and carpeting of wool, flax, or cotton, or com- ,posed in part of either, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem. 382. Mats, rugs for floors, screens, covers, hassocks, bed sides, art squares, and other portions of carpets or carpeting made wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in thii Act, shall be subjected to the rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpetings of like character or description. 383. Whenever, in any schedule of this Act, the word "wool** is used in connection with a manufactured article of which it is a component material, it shall be held to include wool or hair of the sheep, camel, goat, alpaca or other animal, whether •manufactured by the woolen, worsted, felt, or any other pro- cess. Schedule L Silks and Silk Goods. 384. Silk partially manufactured from cocoons or from waste sed of silk, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, one dollar and fifty cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; plushes, composed of silk, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, one dollar per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; but in no case shall the foregoing articles pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. 387. Woven fabrics in the piece, not specially provided for in this Act, weighing not less than one and one^third ounces per square yard and not more than eight ounces per square yard, and containing not more than twenty per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, fifty cents per pound, and if dyed in the piece, sixty cents per pound; if containing more than twenty per centum and not more than thirty per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, sixty-five cents per pound, and if dyed In the piece, eighty cents per pound; if containing more than thirty per centum and not more than forty-five per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, ninety cents per pound, and if dyed in the piece, one dollar and ten cents per pound; if dyed in the thread or yarn and containing not more than thirty per centum in weight of silk, if black (except selvedges), seventy- five cents per pound, and if other than black, ninety cents per pound; if containing more than thirty and not more than forty- five per centum in weight of silk, if black (except selvedges), one dollar and ten cents per pound, and if other than black, one- dollar and thirty cents per pound; if containing more than forty-five per centum in weight of silk, or if composed wholly of silk, if dyed in the thread or yarn and weighted in the dye- ing so as to exceed the original weight of the raw silk, if black (except selvedges), one dollar and fifty cents per pound, and if other than black, two dollars and twenty-five cents per pound; if dyed in the thread or yam, and the weight is not increased by dyeing beyond the original weight of the raw silk, three^ dollars per pound; if in the gum, two dollars and fifty cents per pound; if boiled off, or dyed in the piece, or printed, three dollars per pound; if weighing less than one and one-third ounces and more than one-third of an ounce per square yard, if in the gum, or if dyed in the thread or yarn, two and one-half dollars per pound; if weighing less than one and one-third ounces and more than one-third of an ounce per square yard. If boiled off, three dollars per pound; if dyed or printed in the piece, three dollars and twenty-five cents per pound; if weigh- ing not more than one-third of an ounce per square yard, four 56 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. dollars and fifty cents per pound; but in no cases shall any of the foregoing fabrics in this paragraph pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. 388. Handkerchiefs or mufliers composed wholly or in part of silk, whether in the piece or otherwise, finished or unfinished, if not hemmed or hemmed only, shall pay the same rate of duty as is imposed on goods in the piece of the same description, weight and condition as provided for in this schedule; but such handkerchiefs or mufflers shall not pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem; if such handkerchiefs or muflSera are hemstitched or imitation hemstitched, or revered or have drawn threads, or are embroidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, appliqued, or are made or trim- med wholly or in part with lace, or with tucking or insertion, they shall pay a duty of ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty hereinbefore prescribed, and in no case less than sixty per centum ad valorem. 389. Bandings, including hat bands, beltings, bindings, bone casings, braces, cords, cords and tassels, garters, gorings, sus- penders, tubings and webs and webbings, composed wholly or in part of silk, and whether composed in part of India rubber or otherwise, if not embroidered in any manner by hand or machinery, fifty per centum ad valorem. 390. Laces, and articles made wholly or in i>art of lace, edg- ings, insertings, galloons, chiffon or other fiouncings, nets or nettings and veilings, neck rufflings, ruchings, braids, fringes, trimmings, embroideries and articles embroidered by hand or machinery, or tamboured or appliqued, clothing ready made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, including knit goods, made up or manufactured in whole or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer; all of the above-named articles made of silk, or of which silk is the comiwnent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, and silk goods ornamented with beads or spangles, of whatever material composed, sixty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That any wearing apparel or other articles provided for in this para- graph (except gloves) when composed in part of india-rubber, shall be subject to a duty of sixty per centum ad valorem. 391. All manufactures of silk, or of which silk is the com- ponent material of chief value, including such as have india- rubber as a component material, not specially provided for in this Act, and all Jacquard figured goods in the piece, made on looms, of which silk is the component material of chief value, dyed in the yam, and containing two or more colors in the fill- ing, fifty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all manu- factures, of which wool is a component material, shall be class- ified and assessed for duty as manufactures of wool. 392. In ascertaining the weight of silk under the provisions of this schedule, the weight shall be taken in the condition in which found in the goods, without deduction therefrom for any dye, coloring matter, or other foreign substance or material. Schedule M. — Pulp, Papers and Books. PULP AND PAPER: 893. Mechanically ground wood pulp, one-twelfth of one cent Tariff Act, 1897. 67 per pound, dry weight; chemical wood pulp, unbleached, one- sixth of one cent per pound, dry weight; bleached, one-fourth of one cent per pound, dry weight: Provided, That if any country or dependency shall impose an export duty on pulp wood exported to the United States, the amount of such export duty shall be added, as an additional duty, to the duties herein imi>osed upon wood pulp, when imported -^^rom such country or dependency. 394. Sheathing paper and roofing felt, ten per centum ad va- lorem. 395. Filter masse or filter stock, composed wholly or in part of wood pulp, wood flour, cotton or other vegetable fiber, one and one-half cents i>er pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. 396. Printing paper, unsized, sized or glued, suitable for books and newspapers, valued at not above two cents per iwund, three-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above two cents and not above two and one-half cents per pound, four-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above two and one-half cents per pound and ixot above three cents per pound, five-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above three cents and not above four cents per iwund, six-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above four cents and not above five cents per pound, eight-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above five cents per pound, fifteen per centum ad valorem: Provided, That if any country or depen- dency shall impose an export duty upon pulp wood exported to the United States, there shall be imposed upon printing paper when imjKyrted from such country or dependency, an additional duty of one-tenth of one cent per pound for each dollar of ex- port duty per cord so imposed, and proportionately for fractions of a dollar of such export duty. 397. Papers commonly known as copying paper, stereotyx>e pai>er, paper known as bibulous paper, tissue paper, pottery pa- per, and all similar papers, white, colored or printed, weighing not over six pounds to the ream of four hundred and eighty sheets, on a basis of twenty by thirty inches, and whether in reams or any other form, six cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; if weighing over six i>ounds and not over ten pounds to the ream, and letter copying books, whether wholly or partly manufactured, five cents per pound and fif- teen per centum ad valorem; crepe paper and filtering paper, five cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. 393. Surface-coated papers not si)ecially provided for in this Act, two and one-half cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; if printed, or wholly or x>artly covered with metal or its solutions, or with gelatin or flock, three cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem: parchment papers, two cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; plain basic photographic papers for albumenizing, sensitizing, or baryta coating, three cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; albumenized or sensitized paper or paper otherwise surface coated for photographic purposes, thirty per centum ad valorem. MANUFACTURES OF PAPER: 399. Paper enveloi)efl, plain, twenty i>er centum ad valorem; If bordered, embossed, printed, tinted, or decorated, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 400. Lithographic prints from stone, zinc, aluminum or other 58 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. material, bound or unbound (except cigar labels, flaps, and banda, lettered, or otherwise, music and illustrations when forming a part of a periodical or newspaper and accompanying the same, or if bound in or forming a part of printed books, not specially provided for in this Act), on paper or other material not exceeding eight one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, twenty cents per pound; on paper or other material exceeding eight one-thousandths of one inch and not exceeding twenty one thousandths of one inch in thickness, and exceeding thirty- five square inches, but not exceeding four hundred square inches cutting size in dimensions, eight cents per pound; ex- ceeding four hundred square inches cutting size in dimensions, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; prints exceeding eight one- thousandths of one inch and not exceeding twenty one-thous- andths of one inch in thickness, and not exceeding thirty-five square inches cutting size in dimensions, five cents per pound; lithographic prints from stone, zinc, aluminum or other ma- terial, on cardboard or other material, exceeding twenty one- thousandths of one inch in thickness, six cents per pound; lith- ographic cigar labels, fiai)s and bands, lettered or blank, printed from stone, zinc, aluminum or other material, if printed in less than eight colors (bronze printing to be counted as two colors), but not including labels, flaps and bands printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, twenty cents per pound. Labels, flaps and bands, if printed entirely in bronze printing, fifteen cents per pound; labels, flaps and bands printed in eight or more colors, but not including labels, flaps and bands printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, thirty cents per pound; labels, flaps and bands printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, fifty cents per pound. Books of paper or other material for children's use, containing illuminated lithographic prints, not exceeding in weight twenty-four ounces each, and all booklets and fashion magazines or periodicals printed in whole or in part by litho- graphic process or decorated by hand, eight cents per pound. 401. Writing, letter, note, hand-made, drawing, ledger, bond, record, tablet, and typewriter paper, weighing not less than ten pounds and not more than fifteen x>ounds to the ream, two cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; weighing more than fifteen pounds to the ream, three and one-half cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem; but if any such pa- per is ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, or decorated in any manner, it shall pay ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the foregoing rates: Provided, That in computing the duty on such paper every one hundred and eighty thousand square inches shall be taken to be a ream. 402. Paper hangings and paper for screens or firehoards, and all other paper not specially provided for in this Act, twenty- five per centum ad valorem; all Jacquard designs of one line paper, or parts of such designs, finished or unfinished, thirty- five per centum ad valorem; all Jacquard d:jsigns cut on Jac- quard cards, or parts of such design^i., finished or unfinished, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. MANUFACTURES OF PAPER: 403. Books of all kinds, including blank books and pamphlets, and engravings bound or unbound, photographs, etchings, maps, charts, music in books or sheets, and printed matter, all Tariff Act, 1897. 69- the foregoing not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-fiye per centum ad valorem. 404. Photograph, autogroph, and scrap albums, wholly or partly manufactured, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 405. All fancy boxes made of paper, or of which paper is the component material of chief value, or if covered with surface- coated paper, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 406. Playing cards, in packs not exceeding fifty-four cards and at a like rate for any number in excess, ten cents per pack and twenty per centum ad valorem. 407. Manufactures of paper, or of which paper is the com- ponent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Schedule N. — Sundries. 408. Beads of all kinds, not threaded or strung, thirty-five pot centum ad valorem; fabrics, nets or nettings, laces, embroider- ies, galloons, wearing apparel, ornaments, trimmings and other articles not specially provided for in this Act, composed wholly or in part of beads or spangles made of glass or paste, gelatin, metal, or other material, but not composed in part of wool, sixty per centum ad valorem. 409. Braids, plaits, laces, and willow sheets or squares, com- posed wholly of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier, or rattan, suitable for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets, or hoods, not bleached, dyed, colored or stained, fifteen per cen- tum ad valorem; if bleached, dyed, colored or stained, twenty per centum ad valorem; hats, bonnets, and hoods, composed of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier, or rattan, wheth«r wholly or partly manufactured, but not trimmed, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; if trimmed, fifty per centum ad val- orem. But the terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural form and structure, and not the separated fiber thereof. 410. Brushes, brooms and feather dusters of all kinds, and hair pencils in quills or otherwise, forty per centum ad valorem. 411. Bristles, sorted, bunched or prepared, seven and one-half cents per pound. BUTTONS AND BUTTON FORMS: 412. Trousers buckles made wholly or partly of iron or steel, or parts thereof, valued at not more than fifteen cents per hun- dred, five cents per hundred; valued at more than fifteen cents per hundred and not more than fifty cents per hundred, ten cents per hundred; valued at more than fifty cents per hun- dred, fifteen cents per hundred; and in addition thereto on each and all of the above buckles or parts of buckles, fifteen per cen- tum ad valorem. 413. Button forms: Lastings, mohair, cloth, silk, or other manufactures of cloth, woven or made in patterns of such size, shape, or form, or cut in such manner as to be fit for buttons exclusively, ten per centum ad valorem. 414. Buttons or parts of buttons and button molds or blanks, finished or unfinished, shall pay duty at the following rates, the line button measure being one-fortieth of one inch, namely: 60 R B. Vandegrift & Co. Buttons known commercially as a^ate buttons, metal tronsen buttons (except steel), and nickel bar buttons, one-twelfth of one cent per line per gross; buttons of bone, and steel trousers buttons, one-fourth of one cent per line per gross; buttons of pearl or shell, one and one-half cents per line per gross; but- tons of horn, vegetable ivory, glass, or metal, not specially pro- vided for in this Act, three-fourths of one cent per line per gross, and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this paragraph, fifteen per centum ad valorem; shoe buttons made of paper, board, papier mache, pulp or other similar ma- terial, not specially provided for in this Act, valued at not ex- ceeding three cents per gross, one cent per gross; buttons not specially provided for in this Act, and all collar or cuff buttons and studs, fifty per centum ad valorem. 415. Coal, bituminous, and all coals containing less than ninety-two per centum of fixed carbon, and shale, sixty-seven cents per ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to th« bushel; coal slack or culm, such as will pass through a half- inch screen, fifteen cents per ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel: Provided, That on all coal im- ported into the United States, which is afterwards used for fuel on board vessels propelled by steam and engaged in trade with foreign countries, or in trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States, and which are registered under the laws of the United States, a drawback shall be al- lowed equal to the duty imposed by law upon such coal, and shall be paid under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; coke, twenty per centum ad valorem. 416. Cork bark, cut into squares or cubes, eight cents per pound; manufactured corks over three-fourths of an inch in diameter measured at larger end, fifteen cents per pound; three-fourths of an inch and less in diameter, measured at larger end, twenty-five cents per i>ound; cork, artificial, or cork substitutes, manufactured from cork waste and not otherwise provided for, eight cents per pound. 417. Dice, draughts, chessmen, chess balls, and billiard, pool, and bagatelle balls, of ivory, bone, or other materials, fifty per centum ad valorem. 418. Dolls, doll heads, toy marbles of whatever materials com- posed, and all other toys not composed of rubber, china, porce- lain, parian, bisque, earthen or stone ware, and not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 419. Emery grains, and emery manufactured, ground, pulver- ized, or refined, one cent per pound; emery wheels, emery files, and manufactures of which emery is the component material of chief value, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES: 420. Firecrackers of all kinds, eight cents per pound, the weight to include all coverings, wrappings, and packing mate- rial. 421. Fulminates, fulminating powders, and like articles, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad val- orem. 422. Gunpowder, and all explosive substances used for min- ing, blasting, artillery, or sporting purposes, when valued at Tariff Act, 1897. 61 twenty cents or less per pound, four cents per pound; valaed above twenty cents per pound, six cents per pound. 423. Matches, friction or lucifer, of all descriptions, per grosa of one hundred and forty-four boxes, containing not more than one hundred matches per box, eight cents per gross; when im- ported otherwise than in boxes containing not more than one hundred matches each, one cent per one thousand matches. 424. Percussion caps, thirty per centum ad valorem; cart- ridges, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; blasting caps, two dollars and thirty-six cents per one thousand caps. 425. Feathers and downs of all kinds, including bird skins or parts thereof with the feathers on, crude or not dressed, col- ored, or otherwise advanced or manufactured in any manner, not specially provided for in this Act, fifteen per centum ad valorem; when dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced or manufactured in any manner, including quilts of down and other manufactures of down, and also dressed and finished birds suitable for millinery ornaments, and artificial or orna- mental feathers, fruits, grains, leaves, flowers, and stems or parts thereof, of whatever material composed, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem. 426. Furs, dressed on the skin but not made np into articles, and furs not on the skin, prepared for hatters' use, including fur skins carroted, twenty per centnm ad valorem. 427. Fans of all kinds, except common palm-leaf fans, fifty per centum ad valorem. 428. Gun wads of all descriptions, twenty per centum ad val- orem. 429. Hair, human, if clean or drawn but not manufactured, twenty per centum ad valorem. 430. Hair, curled, suitable for beds or mattresses, ten per centum ad valorem. 431. Haircloth, known as "crinoline" cloth, ten cents per square yard; haircloth, known as "hair seating," and hair press cloth, twenty cents per square yard. 432. Hats, bonnets, or hoods, for men's, women's, boys', or children's wear, trimmed or untrimmed, including bodies, hoods, plateaux, forms, or shapes, for hats or bonnets, com- posed wholly or in c^hief value of fur of the rabbit, beaver, or other animals, valued at not more than five dollars per dozen, two dollars per dozen; valued at more than five dollars per dozen and not more than ten dollars per dozen, three dollars per dozen; valuisd at more than ten dollars per dozen and not more than twenty dollars per dozen, five dollars per dozen; valued at more than twenty dollars per dozen, seven dollars per dozen; and in addition thereto on all the foregoing, twenty per centum ad valorem. 433. Indurated fiber ware, and manufactures of wood or other pulp, and not otherwise specially provided for, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. JEWELRY AND PRECIOUS STONEiS: 434. Articles commonly known as jewelry, and parts thereof, finished or unfinished, not specially provided for in this Act, in- cluding precious stones set, pearls set or strung, and cameos in frames, sixty i>er centum ad valorem. 435. Diamonds and other precious stones advanced in condi- 62 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. tion or value from their natural state by cleaving, splitting^ cutting, or other process, and not set, ten per centum ad va- lorem; imitations of diamonds or other precious stones, com- posed of glass or paste, not exceeding an inch in dimensions^ not engraved, painted, or otherwise ornamented or decorated, and not mounted or set, twenty per centum ad valorem. 436. Pearls in their natural state, not strung or set, ten per centum ad valorem. LEATHER, AND MANUFACTURES OF: 437. Hides of cattle, raw or uncured, whether dry, salted, or pickled, fifteen per centum ad valorem: Provided, That ux>on all leather exported, made from imi)orted hides, there shall be allowed a drawback equal to the amount of duty paid on such hides, to be paid under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. 438. Baud or belting leather, sole leather, dressed upper and all other leather, calfskins tanned or tanned and dressed, kan- garoo, sheep and goat skins (including lamb and kid skins) dressed and finished, chamois and other skins and bookbinders* calfskins, all the foregoing not sx)ecially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem; skins for morocco, tanned but unfinished, ten per centum ad valorem; patent, japanned, varnished or enameled leather, weighing not over ten pounds per dozen hides or skins, thirty cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; if weighing over ten pounds and not over twenty-five pounds per dozen, thirty cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; if weighing over twenty-five pounds per dozen, twenty cents per pound and ten per centum ad va- lorem; pianoforte leather and pianoforte action leather, thirty- five per centum ad valorem; leather shoe laces, finished or un- finished, fifty cents per gross pairs and twenty per centum ad valorem; boots and shoes made of leather, twenty-five per cen- tum ad valorem: Provided. That leather cut into shoe uppers or vamps or other forms, suitable for conv**rsion into mann- factured articles, shall be classified as manufactures of leather and pay duty accordingly. Gloves: 439. Gloves made wholly or in part of leather, whether wholly or partly manufactured, shall pay duty at the following rates, the lengths stated in each case being the extreme length when stretched to their full extent, namely: 440. Women's or children's "glace" finish, Schmaschen (of sheep origin), not over fourteen inches in length, one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; over fourteen inches and not over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and twenty-five , cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, two dol- lars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" fin- ish, Schmaschen (sheep), three dollars per dozen i>airs. 441. Women's or children's "glace" finish, lamb or sheep, not over fourteen inches in length, two dollars and l^ity cents i>er dozen pairs; over fourteen and not over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; over seven- teen inches in length, four dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" finish, lamb or sheep, four dollars per dozen pairs. Tariff Act, 1897. 63 442. Women's or cliildreii's "glace" finish, goat, kid, or other leather than of sheep origin, not over fourteen inches in length, three dollars per dozen pairs; over fourteen and not over seven- teen inches in length, three dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" finish, kid, goat, or other leather than of sheep origin, four dollars per dozen pairs. 443. Women's or children's, of sheep origin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, not over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; men's, of sheep origin, with exterior surface removed, by whatever name known, four dollars per dozen pairs. 444. Women's or children's kid, goat, or other leather than of sheep origin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, not over fourteen inches in length, three dollars per dozen pairs; over fourteen inches and not over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars and seventy- five cents per dozen pairs; men's, goat, kid, or other leather than of sheep origin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, four dollars per dozen pairs. 445. In addition to the foregoing rates there shall be paid the following cumulative duties: On all leather gloves, when lined, one dollar per dozen pairs; on all pique or prix seam gloves, forty cents per dozen pairs; on all gloves stitched or embroidered, with more than three single strands or cords, forty cents per dozen pairs. 446. Glove tranks, with or without the usual accompanying pieces, shall pay seventy-five per centum of the duty provided for the gloves in the fabrication of which they are suitable. 447. Harness, saddles and saddlery, or parts of either, in sets or in parts, finished or unfinished, forty-five per centum ad valorem. MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURE®: 448. Manufactures of amber, asbestos, bladders, cork, catgut or whip gut or worm gut, or wax, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 449. Manufactures of bone, chip, grass, horn, india-rubber, palm leaf, straw, weeds, or whalebone, or of which these sub- stances or either of them is the comi)onent material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem; but the terms "grass" and "straw" shall be under- stood to mean these substances in their natural form and struc- ture, and not the separated fiber thereof. 450. Manufactures of leather, finished or unfinished, manu- factures of fur, gelatin, gutta-percha, human hair, ivory, vege- table ivory, mother-of-pearl and shell, plaster of paris, papier mache, and vulcanized india-rubber known as "hard rubber," or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act 64 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. and shells engraved, cut, ornamented, ar otherwise manufac- tured, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 451. Masks, composed of paper or pulp, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 452. Matting made of cocoa fiber or rattan, six cents per square yard; mats made of cocoa fiber or rattan, four cents per square foot. 453. Musical instruments or parts thereof, pianoforte actions and parts thereof, strings for musical instruments not otherwise enumerated, cases for musical Instruments, pitch pipes, tuning forks, tuning hammers, and metronomes; strings for musical instruments, composed wholly or in part of steel or other metal, all the foregoing, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 464. Paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, and statuary, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem; but the term "statuary" as used in this Act shall be understood to include only such statuary as is cut, carved, or otherwise wrought by hand from a solid block or mass of marble, stone, or alabaster, or from metal, and as is the professional production of a statuary or sculptor only. 455. Peat moss, one dollar per ton. 456. Pencils of paper or wood filled with lead or other ma- terial, and pencils of lead, forty-five cents per gross and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; slate pencils, covered with wood, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; all other slate pencils, three cents per one hundred. 457. Pencil leads not in wood, ten per centum ad valorem. 458. Photographic dry plates or films, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 469. Pipes and smokers' articles: Common tobacco pipes and pipe bowls made wholly of clay, valued at not more than forty cents per gross, fifteen cents per gross; other tobacco pil>e8 and ripe bowls of clay, fifty cents i>er gross and twenty- five per centum ad valorem; other pipes and pipe bowls of what- ever material composed, and all smokers' articles whatsoever, not specially provided for in this Act, including cigarette books, cigarette book covers, pouches for smoking or chewing tobacco, mnd cigarette paper in all forms, sixty per centum ad valorem. 460. Plows, tooth and disk harrows, harvesters, reapers, ag- ricultural drills, and planters, mowers, horserakes, cultivators, threshing machines and cotton gins, twenty per centum ad va- lorem. 461. Plush, black, known commercially as hatters' plush, comi>osed of silk, or of silk and cotton, such as is used excltis- ively for making men's hats, ten per centum ad valorem. 462. Umbrellas, parasols, and sun shades covered with ma- terial other than paper, fifty per centum ad valorem. Sticks for umbrellas, parasols, or sun shades, and walking canes, fin- ished or unfinished, forty per centum ad valorem. 463. Waste, not specially provided for in this Act, ten per centum ad valorem. Free List. Sec. 2. That on and after the passage of this Act, unless otherwise specially provided for in this Act, the following ar- ticles when imported shall be exempt from duty: 464. Acids: Arsenic or arsenions, benzoic, carbolic, fluoric. Tariff Act, 1897. 65 hydrochloric or mnriatic, nitric, oxalic, phosphoric, phthalic, lucric or nitro-picric, pnissic, silicic, and valerianic. 465. Aconite. 466. Acorns, raw, dried or undried, but unground. 467. Agates, unmanufactured. 468. Albumen, not specially provided for. 469. Alizarin, natural or artificial, and dyes derived from ali- zarin or from anthracin. 470. Amber, and amberoid unmanufactured, or crude gum. 471. Ambergris. 472. Aniline salts. 473. Any animal imported specially for breeding purx>ose* shall be admitted free: Provided, Tlhat no such animal shall be admitted free unless pure bred of a recognized breed, and duly registered in the book of record established for that breed: And provided further, That certificate of such record and of the pedigree of such animal shall be produced and submitted ta the customs officer, duly authenticated by the proper custodian of such book of record, together with the affidavit of the owner, agent, or importer that such animal is the identical animal de- scribed in said certificate of record and pedigree: And pro- vided further^ That the Secretary of Agriculture shall deter- mine and certify to the Secretary of the Treasury what are recognized breeds and pure bred animals under the provisions of this paragraph. The Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe such additional regulations as may be required for the strict enforcement of this piovision. Cattle, horses, sheep, or other domestic animals straying across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven across such boundary line by the owner for temporary pasturage purposes only, together with their offspring, may be brought back to the United States with- in six months free of duty, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. 474. Animals brought into the United States temporarily for a period not exceeding six months, for the purpose of exhibition or competition for prizes offered by an agricultural or racing as- sociation; but a bond shall be given in accordance with regular tions prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury; also teams of animals, including their harness and tackle and the wagons or other vehicles actually owned by persons emigrating from for- eign countries to the United States with their families, and i» actual use for the purpose of such emigration under such reg- ulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; and wild animals intended for exhibition in zoological collections for scientific and educational purposes, and not for sale or profit. 475. Annatto, roucou, rocoa, or Orleans, and all extracts of. 476. Antimony ore, crude sulphite of. 477. Apatite. 478. Arrowroot in its natural state and not manufactured. 479. Arsenic and sulphide of, or orpiment. 480. Arseniate of aniline. 481. Art educational stops, composed of glass and metal and valued at not more than six cents per gross. 482. Articles in a crude state used in dyeing or tanning not specially provided for in this Act. 483. Articles the growth, produce, and manufacture of the United States, when returned after having been exported. 66 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. without having been advanced in value or improved in condi- tion by any process of manufacture or other means; casks, bar- rels, carboys, bags, and other vessels of American manufacture exported filled with American products, or exported empty and returned filled with foreign products, including shooks and staves when returned as barrels or boxes; also quicksilver flasks or bottles, of either domestic or foreign manufacture, which shall have been actually exported from the United States; but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made, under general regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but the exemption of bags from duty shall apply only to such domestic bags as may be imported by the exporter thereof, and if any such articles are subject to internal tax at the time of exportation, such tax shall be proved to have been paid before exportation and not refunded: Provided, That this paragraph shall not apply to any article upon which an al- lowance of drawback has been made, the reimportation of which is hereby prohibited except upon payment of duties equal to the drawbacks allowed; or to any article manufactured in bonded warehouse and exi)orted under any provision of law: And provided further. That when manufactured tobacco which has been exported without payment of internal revenue tax shall be reimported it shall be retained in the custody of the collector of customs until internal revenue stamps in payment of the legal duties shall be placed thereon. 484. Asbestos, unmanufactured. 485. Ashes, wood and lye of, and beet-root ashes. 486. Asafetida. 487. Balm of Gilead. 488. Barks, cinchona or other from which quinine may be extracted. 489. Baryta, carbonate of, or witherite. 490. Beeswax. 491. Binding twine: All binding twine manufactured from New Zealand hemp, istle or Tampico fiber, sisal grass, or sunn, or a mixture of any two or more of them, of single ply and measuring not exceeding 600 feet to the pound: Provided^ That articles mentioned in this paragraph if imported from a country which lays an import duty on like articles imported from the United States, shall be subject to a duty of one-half of one cent per pound. 492. Bells, broken, and bell metal broken and fit only to be remanufactured. 493. Birds, stuffed, not suitable for millinery ornaments. 494. Birds and land and water fowls. 495. Bismuth. 496. Bladders, and all integuments and intestines of animaU mnd fish sounds, crude, dried or salted for preservation only, ftnd unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this Act. 497. Blood, dried, not specially provided for. 498. Bolting cloths composed of silk, imported expressly for milling purposes, and so i>ermanently marked as not to be avail- able for any other use. 499. Bones, crude, or not burned, calcined, ground, steamed, or otherwise manufactured, and bone dust or animal carbon, and bone ash, fit only for fertilizing purposes. 600. Books, engravings, photographs, etchings, bound or an- Tariff Act, 1897. 67 bound, maps and charts imported by authority or for the use of the United States or for use of the Library of Congress. 501. Books, maps, music, engravings, photographs, etching!, bound or unbound, and charts, which shall have been printed more than twenty years at the date of imiwrtation, and all hydrographic charts, and publications issued for their subscrib- ers or exchanges by scientific and literary associations or acad- emies, or publications of individuals for gratuitous private cir- culation, and public documents Issued by foreign Governments. 502. Books and pamphlets printed exclusively in languages other than English; also books and music, in raised print, used exclusively by the blind. 503. Books, maps, music, photographs, etchings, Hthograiyhic prints, and charts, specially imported, not more than two copies in any one invoice, in good faith, for the use or by order of any society or institution incorporated or established solely for re- ligious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary pur- poses, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. 504. Books, libraries, usual and reasonable furniture, and similar household effects of persons or families from foreign countries, all the foregoing if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other i)erson or persons, nor for sale. 505. Brass, old brass, clippings from brass or Dutch metal, all the foregoing, fit only for remanufacture. 506. Brazil paste. 507. Brazilian pebble, unwrought or unmanufactured. 508. Breccia, in block or slabs. 509. Bristles, crude, not sorted, bunched, or prepared. 510. Broom corn. 511. Bullion, gold or silver. 512. Burgundy pitch. 513. Cadmium. 514. Calamine. 515. Camphor, crude. 516. Castor or castoreum. 517. Cat gut, whip gut, or worm gut, unmanufactured. 518. Cerium. 519. Chalk, crude, not ground, precipitated, or otherwise manufactured. 520. Chromate of iron or chromic ore. 521. Civet, crude. 522. Clay: Common blue clay in casks suitable for the maaii- facture of crucibles. 523. Coal, anthracite, not specially provided for in this Act, and c >al stores of American vessels, but none shall be unloaded. 524. Coal tar, crude, pitch of coal tar, and products of coal tar known as dead or creoscte oil, benzol, toluol, napthalin, xylol, phenol, cresol, toluidine, xylidin, cninidin, binitrotoluol, binitrobenzol, benzidin, tolidin, dianisidin, naphtol, naphtyla- min, diphenylamin, benzaldehyde, benzyl chloride, resorcin, nitro-benzol, and nitro- toluol; all the foregoing not medicinal and not colors or dyes. 6» F. B. Vandeqrift & Co. 526. Cobalt and cobalt ore. 626. Ooccolus indicus. 527. Cochineal. 528. Cocoa, or cacao, crude, and fiber, leaves, and shells of. 629. Coffee. 530. Coins, gold, silver, and copper. 531. Coir, and coir yam. 632. Copper in plates, bars, ingots, or pigs, and other forms, not manufact ired or specially provided for in this Act. 533. Old copx)er, fit only for manufacture, clipping from new copper, and all composition metal of which copper is a compo- nent material of chief value not specially provided for in this Act 534. Copper, regulus of, and black or coarse copper, and cop- per cement. 635. Coral, marine, uncut, and unmanufactured. 636. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured. 537. Cotton, and cotton waste or flocks. 638. Cryolite, or kryolith. 639. Cudbear. 640. Curling stones, or quoits, and curling-stone handles. 641. Curry, and curry powder. 542. Cutch. 543. Cuttlefish bone. 544. Dandelion roots, raw, dried, or undried, but unground. 645. Diamonds and other precious stones, rough or uncut, and not advanced in condition or value from their natural state by cleaving, splitting, cutting, or other process, including miners', glaziers' and engravers' diamonds not set, and diamond dost or bort. 546. Divi-divi. 547. Dragon's blood. 548. Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, balsams, buds, bulbs and bulbous roots, excrescences, fruits flowers, dried fibers, and dried insects, grains, gums, and gum resin, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, nuts, nutgalls, roots, and stems, spices, vege- tables, seeds aromatic, and seeds of morbid growth, weeds, and woods used expressly for dyeing; any of the foregoing which are drugs and not edible and are in a crude state, and not ad- vanced in value or condition by refining or grinding, or by other process, and not specially provided for in this Act. 549. Eggs of birds, fish, and insects: Provided, however. That this shall not be held to include the eggs of game birds or eggs of birds not used for food, the importation of which is prohibited except specimens for scientific collections, nor fish roe preserved for food purposes. 550. Emery ore. 551. Ergot. 662. Fans, common palm-leaf, plain and not ornamented or decorated in any manner, and palm leaf in its natural state, not colored, dyed, or otherwise advanced or manufactured. 553. Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels. 664. Fibrin, in all forms. 655. Fish, fresh, frozen, or packed in ice, caught in the Great Lakes or other fresh waters by citizens of the United States. 656. Fish skins. 657. Flint, flints, and flint stones, unground. ri'irtm — nnr Tariff Act, 1897. 69 558. Fossils. 559. Fruits or berries, green, ripe, or dried, and fruits in brine, not specially provided for in this Act. 560. Fruit-plants, tropical and semitropical, for the purpoee of propagation or cultivation. 561. Furs, undressed. 562. Fur skins of all kinds not dressed in any manner and not specially provided for in this Act, 563. Gambler. 564. Glass enamel, white, for watch and clock dials. 565. Glass plates or discs, rough-cut or unwrought, for use in the manufacture of optical instruments, spectacles, and eye glasses, and suitable only for such use: Provided, however^ That such discs exceeding eight inches in diameter may be pol- ished sufficiently to enable the character of the glass to be de- termined. 566. Grasses and fibers: Istle or Tampico fiber, jute, jute butts, manila, sisal grass, sunn, and all other textile grasses or fibrous vegetable substances, not dressed or manufactured in any manner, and not specially provided for in this Act. 567. Gold-beaters' molds and gold-beaters' skins. 568. Grease, and oils (excepting fish oils), such as are com- monly used in soap making or in wire drawing, or for stuffing or dressing leather, and which are fit only for such uses, and not ppecially provided for in this Act. 569. Guano, manures, and all substances used only for ma- nure. 570. Gutta percha, crude. 571. Hair of horse, cattle, and other animals, cleaned or un- cleaned, drawn or undrawn, but unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this Act; and human hair, raw, uncleaned, and not drawn. 572. Hide cuttings, raw, with or without hair, and all other glue stock. 573. Hide rope. 574. Hones and whetstones. 575. Hoofs, unmanufactured. 576. Hop roots for cultivation. 577. Horns and parts of, unmanufactured, including horn strips and tips. 578. Ice. 579. India rubber, crude, and milk of, and old scrap or refuse Indii. rubber whicdi has been worn out by use and is fit only for remanufacture. 580. Indigo. 581. Iodine, crude. 582. Ipecac. 583. Iridium. 584. Ivory tusks in their natural state or cut vertically across the grain only, with the bark left intact, and vegetable ivory in its natural state. 585. Jalap. 586. Jet, unmanufactured. 587. Joss stick, or Joss light, 588. Junk, old. 589. Kelp. 590. Kieserite. 70 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. 691. Kyanite, or cyanite, and kainite. 692. Lac dye, crude, seed, button, stick, and shell. 693. Lac spirits. 594. Lactarene. 595. Lava, unmanufactured. 596. Leeches. 597. Lemon juice, lime juice, and sour orange juice. 598. Licorice root, unground. 599. Lifeboats and life-saving apparatus specially imported by societies incorporated or established to encourage the saving of human life. 600. Lime, citrate of. 601. Lithographic stones, not engraved. 602. Litmus, prepared or not prepared. 603. Loadstones. 604. Madder and munjeet, or Indian madder, ground or pre- pared, and all extracts of. 605. Magnesite, crude or calcined, not purified. 606. Magnesium, not made up into articles. 607 Manganese, oxide and ore of. 608. Manna. 609. Manuscripts. 610. Marrow, crude. 611. Marsh mallow or althea root, leaves or flowers, natural or unmanufactured. 612. Medals of gold, silver, or copper, and other metallic ar- ticles actually bestowed as trophies or prizes, and received and accepted as honorary distinctions. 613. Meerschaum, crude or unmanufactured. 614. Minerals, crude, or not advanced in value or condition by refining or grinding, or by other process of manufacture, not specially provided for in this Act. 615. Mineral salts obtained by evaporation from mineral wat- ers, when accompanied by a duly authenticated certificate and satisfactory proof, showing that they are in no way artificially prepared, and are only the product of a designated mineral spring. 616. Models of inventions and of other improvements in the arts, including patterns for machinery, but no article shall be deemed a model or pattern which can be fitted for use other- wise. 617. Moss, seaweeds, and vegetable substances, crude or un- manufactured, not otherwise specially provided for in this Act. 618. Musk, crude, in natural pods. 619. Myrobolans. 620. Needles, hand sewing, and darning. 621. Newspapers and periodicals; but the term "periodicals'* as herein used shall be understood to embrace only unbound or paper-covered publications, issued within six months of the time of entry, containing current literature of the day and is- sued regularly at stated periods, as weekly, monthly, or quar- terly. 622. Nuts: Brazil nuts, cream nuts, palm nuts and palm-nut kernels; cocoanuts in the shell and broken cocoanut meat or copra, not shredded, desiccated, or prepared in any manner. 623. Nux vomica. 624. Oakum. Tariff Act, 1897. 71 625. Oil cake. 626. Oils: Almond, amber, crude and rectified ambergris, anise or anise seed, aniline, aspic or spike lavender, bergamot, cajeput, caraway, cassia, cinnamon, cedrat, chamomile, citron- ella or lemon grass, civet, cocoanut, fennel, icbthyol, jasmine or jasimine, juglandium, juniper, lavender, lemon, limes, mace» neroli or orange flower, enfleurage grease, nut oil or oil of nuts not otherwise specially provided for in this Act, orange oil, olive oil for manufacturing or mechanical purposes fit only for bucIi use and valued at not more than sixty cents per gallon, ottar of roses, palm, rosemary or anthoss, sesame or sesamum seed or bean, thyme, origanum red or white, valerian; and also spermaceti, whale, and other fish oils of American fisheries, and all fish and other products of such fisheries; petroleum, crude or refined: Provided, That if there be imported into the United States crude petroleum, or the products of crude petroleum produced in any country which imposes a duty on petroleum or its products exported from the United States, there shall in such cases be levied, paid, and collected a duty upon said crude pe- troleum or its products so imported equal to the duty imposed by such country. 627. Orange and lemon peel, not preserved, candied, or dried. 628. Orchil, or orchil liquid. 629. Ores of gold, silver, copper, or nickel, and nickelmatte; sweepings of gold and silver. 630. Osmium. 631. Palladium. 632. Paper stock, crude, of every description, including all grasses, fibers, rags (other than wool), waste, including jute waste, shavings, clippings, old paper, rope ends, waste rope, and waste bagging, including old gunny cloth and old gunny bags, fit only to be converted into paper. 633. Paraffin. 634. Parchment and vellum. 635. Pearl, mother of, and shells, not sawed, cut, polished or otherwise manufactured, or advanced in value from the nat- ural state. 636. Personal effects, not merchandise, of citizens of the United States dying in foreign countries. 637. Pewter and britannia metal, old, and fit only to be re- manufactured. 638. Philosophical and scientific apparatus, utensils, instru- ments, and preparations, including bottles and boxes containing the same, specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society or institution incorporated or established solely for religious, pholosophical, educational, scientific, or lit- erary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school, or semi- nary of learning in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Sec- retary of the Treasury shall prescribe. 639. Phosphates, crude. 640. Plants, trees, shrubs, roots, seed-cane, and seeds, import- ed by the Department of Agriculture or the United States Bo- tanic Garden. 641. Platina, in ingots, bars, sheets, and wire. 642. Platinum, unmanufactured, and vases, retorts, and other 72 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. apparatus, yesselfi, and parts thereof composed of platinum, for chemical uses. 643. Plumbago. 644. Potash, crude, or "black salts"; carbonate of potash, crude or refined; hydrate of, or caustic potash, not including re- fined in sticks or rolls; nitrate of potash or saltpeter, crude; sulphate of potash, crude or refined, and muriate of potash. 645. Professional books, implements, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment, in the actual possession at the time, of persons emigrating to the United States; but this exemption shai; not be construed to include machinery or other articles imports, for use in any manufacturing establish- ment, or for any other person or persons, or for sale, nor shall it be construed to include theatrical scenery, properties, and ap- pare*; but sucn articles brought by proprietors or managers of theatrical exhibitions arriving from abroad, for temporary use by them in such exhibitions, and not for any other person, and not for sale, and which have been used by them abroad, shall be admitted free of duty under such regulations as the Secre- tary of the Treasury may prescribe; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by lav7 upon any and all such articles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation: Provided^ That the Secretary of the Treasury may in his discretion ex- tend sudi period for a further term of six months in case ap- plication shall be made therefor. 646. Pulu. 647. Quinia, sulphate of, and all alkaloids or salts of cinchona bark. 648. Rags, not otherwise specially provided for in this Act. 649. Regalia and gems, statuary, and specimens or casts of sculpture, where specially imi)orted in good faith for the use and by order of any society incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale; but the term "regalia" as herein used shall be held to embrace only such insignia of rank or office or emblems as may be worn upon the person or borne in the hand during public exercises of the society or institution, and shall not in- clude articles of furniture or fixtures, or of regular wearing apparel, nor personal property of individuals. 650. Rennets, raw or prepared. 651. Saffron and safflower, and extract of, and saffron cake. 652. Sago, crude. 653. Saladn. 654. Salep, or salop. 655. Sausages, bologna. 656. Seeds: Anise, caraway, cardamom, cauliflower, corian- der, cotton, cummin, fennel, fenugreek, hemp, hoarhound, man- gel-wurzel, mustard, rape. Saint John's bread or bean, sugar beet, sorghum or sugar cane for seed; bulbs and bulbous roots, not edible and not otherwise provided for; all flower and grass seeds; all the foregoing not specially provided for in this Act. 657. Sheep dip, not including compounds or preparations that can be used for other purposes. Tariff Act, 1897. 78 658. Shotgun barrels, in single tubes, forged, rough bored. 659. Shrimps and other shell fish. 660. Silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, but not doubled, twisted, or advanced in manufacture in any way. 661. Silk cocoons and silk waste. 662. Silkworm's eggs. 663. Skeletons and other preparations of anatomy. 664. Skins of all kinds, raw (except sheepskins with the wool on), and hides not specially provided for in this Act. 665. Soda, nitrate of, or cubic nitrate. 666. Specimens of natural history, botany, and mineralogy, 'vhen imported for scientific public collections, and not for sale. 667. Spices: Cassia, cassia vera, and cassia buds; cinnamon and chips of; cloves and clove stems; mace; nutmegs; pepper, black or white, and pimento; all the foregoing when unground; ginger root, unground and not preserved or candied. 668. Spunk. 669. Spurs and stilts used in the manufacture of earthen, por- celain, and stone ware. 670. Stamps; foreign postage or revenue stamps, canceled or uncanceled. 671. Stone and sand: Burrstone in blocks, rough or unmanu- factured; cliff stone unmanufactured; rotten stone, tripoli, and sand, crude or manufactured, not otherwise provided for \u this Act. 672. Storax, or styrax. 673. Strontia, oxide of, and protoxide of strontian. and stron- tianite, or mineral carbonate of strontia. 674. Sulphur, lac or precipitated, and sulphur or brimstone, crude, in bulk, sulphur ore as pyrites, or sulphuret of iron in its natural state, containing in excess of twenty-five per centum of sulphur, and sulphur not otherwise provided for. 675. Sulphuric acid which at the temperature of sixty degreea Fahrenheit does not exceed the specific gravity of one and three hundred and eighty thousandths, for use in manufacturing su- perphosphate of lime or artificial manures of any kind, or for any agricultural purposes: Provided, That upon all sulphuric acid imported from any country, whether independent or a de- pendency, which imposes a duty upon sulphuric acid imported into such country from the United States, there shall be levied and collected a duty of one-fourth of one cent per pound. 676. Tamarinds. 677. Tapioca, cassava or cassady. 678. Tar and pitch of wood. 679. Tea and tea plants. 680. Teeth, natural, or unmanufactured. 681. Terra alba, not made from gypsum or plaster rock. 682. Terra japonica. 683. Tin ore, cassiterite or black oxide of tin, and tin in bar«» blocks, pigs, or grain or granulated. 684. Tobacco stems. 685. Tonquin, tonqua, or tonka beans. 686. Turmeric. 687. Turpentine, Venice. 688. Turpentine, spirits of. 689. Turtles. 690. Types, old, and fit only to be remanufactured. 74 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. 691. Uranium, oxide and salts of. 692. Vaccine Tims. 693. Valonia. 694. Verdigris, or subacetate of copper. 695. Wax, vegetable or mineral. 696. Wafers, unleavened or not edible. 697. Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons arriving in the United States; but this exemption shall only include such ar- ticles as actually accompany and are in the use of, and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such per- sons, for the immediate purposes of the journey and present comfort and convenience, and shall not be held to apply to mer- chandise or articles intended for other persons or for sale: Provided, That in case of residents of the United States re- turning from abroad, all wearing apparel and other personal effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign coun- tries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their identity being established, under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but no more than one hundred dollars in value of ar- ticles purchased abroad by such residents of the United Statet •hall be admitted free of duty upon their return. 698. Whalebone, unmanufactureu. 699. Wood: Logs and round unmanufactured timber, includ- ing pulp-woods, firewood, handle-bolts, shingle-bolts, gun-block« for gunstocks rough-hewn or sawed or planed oa one side, hop-poles, 8hii>-timber and ship-planking; all the foregoing not •pecially provided for in this Act. 700. Woods: Cedar, lignum-vitae, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, and all forms of cabinet woods, in the log, rough, or hewn only; briar root or briar wood and similar wood unmanufactured, or not further advanced than cut into blocks suitable for the articles into which they are intended to be converted; bamboo, rattan, reeda unmanufactured, India malacoa joints, and sticks of partridge, hair wood, pimento, orange, myrtle, and other woods not spec- ially provided for in this Act, in the rough, or not further ad- vanced than cut into lengths suitable for sticks for umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, whii)s, fishing rods, or walking canes. 701. Works of art, drawings, engravings, photographic pict- ures, and philosophical and scientidc apparatus brought by pro- fessional artists, lecturers, or scientists arriving from abroad for use by them temporarily for exhibition and in illustration, promotion, and encouragement of art, science, or industry in the United States, and not for sale, shall be admitted free of duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all such articles aa shall not be exported within six months after such importation: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a further term of six months in cases where applications there- for shall be made. 702. Works of art, collections in illofltration of the progress of the arts, sciences, or manufactures, photographs, works in ter- ra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, antiquities and artistic Tariff Act, 1897. 75 copies thereof in metal or other material, imported in good faith for exhibition at a fixed place by any State or by any so- ciety or institution established for the encouragement of the arts, science, or education, or for a municipal corporation, and all like articles imported in good faith by any society or asso- ciation, or for a municipal corporation for the purpose of erect- ing a public monument, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than herein expressed; but bonds shall be givea under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treas- ury may prescribe, for the payment of lawful duties which may accrue should any of the articles aforesaid be sold, transferred, or used contrary to this provision, and such articles shall be subject, at any time, to examination and inspection by the proper officers of the customs: Provided, That the privileges of this and the preceding section shall not be allowed to asso- ciations or corporations engaged in or connected v^ith business of a private or commercial character. 703. Works of art, the production of American artists resid- ing temporarily abroad, or other works of art, including pic- torial paintings on glass, imported expressly for presentation to a national institution, br to any State or municipal corpora- tion, or incorporated religious society, college, or other public institution, except stained or painted window glass or stained or painted glass windows; but such exemption shall be subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre- scribe. 704. Yams. 705. Zaffer. Sec. 3. That for the purpose of equalizing the trade of the United States with foreign countries, and their colonies, pro- ducing and exporting to this country the following articles: Argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, crude; brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other ma- terials; champagne and all other sparkling wines; still wines, and vermuth; paintings and statuary; or any of them, the Pres- ident be, and he is hereby authorized, as soon as may be after the passage of this Act, and from time to time thereafter, to enter into negotiations with the governments of those countries exporting to the United States the above-mentioned articles, or any of them, with a view to the arrangement of commercial agreements in which reciprocal and equivalent concessions may l)e secured in favor of the products and manufactures of the United States; and whenever the government of any country, or colony, producing and exporting to the United States the above-mentioned articles, or any of them, shall enter into a commercial agreement with the United States, or make con- cessions in favor of the products, or manufactures thereof, which, in the judgment of the President, shaU be reciprocal and equivalent, he shall be, and he is hereby, authorized and emi)owered to suspend, during the time of such agreement or concession, by proclamation to that effect, the imposition and collection of the duties mentioned in this Act, on such article or articles so exported to the United States from such country or colony, and thereupon and thereafter the duties levied, col- lected, and paid upon such ; rticle or articles shall be as fol- lows, namely: 76 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. Argols, or erode tartar, or wine lees, crude, five per centum ad valorem. Brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials, one dollar and seventy-five cents per proof gallon. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles contain- ing not more than one quart and more than one pint, six dol- lars per dozen; containing not more than one pint each and more than one-half pint, three dollars per dozen; containing one-half pint each or less, one dollar and fifty cents per dozen; in bottles or other vessels containing more than one quart each, in addition to six dollars per dozen bottles on the quantities in excess of one quart, at the rate of one dollar and ninety cents per gallon. Still wines, and vermuth, in casks, thirty-five cents per gal- lon; in bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and twenty-five cents per case, and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of four cents per pint or frac- tional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed upon the bottles or jugs. Paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink draw- ings, and statuary, fifteen per centum ad valorem. The President shall have power, and it shall be his duty, whenever he shall be satisfied that any such agreement in this Section mentioned is not being fully executed by the Govern- ment with which it shall have been made, to revoke such sus- pension and notify such Government thereof. And it is further provided that with a view to secure recipro- cal trade with countries producing the following articles, when- ever and so often as the President shall be satisfied that the Government of any country, or colony of such Government, producing and exporting directly or indirectly to the United States coffee, tea, and tonquin, tonqua, or tonka beans, and vanilla beans, or any of such articles, imposes duties or other exactions upon the agricultural, manufactured, or other pro- ducts of the United States, which, in view of the introduction of such coffee, tea, and tonquin, tonqua, or tonka beans, and vanilla beans, into the United States, as in this Act hereinbe- fore provided for, he may deem to be reciprocally unequal and unreasonable, he shall have the power and it shall be his duty to suspend, by proclamation to that effect, the provisions of this Act relating to the free introduction of such coffee, tea, and tonquin, tonqua, or tonka beans, and vanilla beans, of the pro- ducts of such country or colony, for such time as he shall deem just; and in such case and during such suspension duties shall be levied, collected, and paid upon coffee, tea, and tonquin, tonqua, or tonka beans, and vanilla beans, the products or ex- ports, direct or indirect, from such designated country, as fol- lows: On coffee, three cents per i)ound. On tea, ten cents per pound. On tonquin, tonqua, or tonka beans, fifty cents per pound; vanilla beans, two dollars i>er pound; vanilla beans, commer- cially known as cuts, one dollar j^er pound. ' Tariff Act, 1897. 77 Sec. 4. That whenever the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, withi a view to secure reciprocal trade with foreign countries, shall, within the period of two years from and after the passage of tiis Act, enter into commercial treaty or treaties with any other coun- try or countries concerning the admission into any such country or countries of the goods, wares, and mer- chandise of the United States and their use and disposition therein, deemed to be for the interests of the United States, and in such treaty or treaties, in consideration of the advantages accruing to the United States therefrom, shall pro- vide for the reduction during a specified period, not exceeding five years, of the duties imposed by this Act. to the extent of not more than twenty per centum thereof, upon such goods, wares, or merchandise as may be designated therein of the country or countries with which such treaty or treaties shall be made as in this section provided for; or shall provide for the transfer during such period from the dutiable list of this Act to the free list thereof of such groods, wares, and merchandise, being the natural products of such foreign country or countries and not of the United States; or shall provide for the retention upon the free list of this Act during a specified period, not ex- ceeding five years, of such goods, wares, and merchandise now included in said free list as may be designated therein; and when any such treaty shall have been duly ratified by the Sen- ate and approved by Congress, and public proclamation made accordingly, then and thereafter the duties which shall be col- lected by the United States upon any of the designated goods, wares, and merchandise from the foreign country with which such treaty has been made shall, during the period provided for, be the duties specified and provided for in such treaty, and none other. Sec. 5. That whenever any country, dependency, or colony shall pay or bestow, directly or indirectly, any bounty or grant upon the exportation of any article or merchandise from such country, dependency, or colony, and such article or merchandise is dutiable under the provisions of this Act, then upon the im- portation of any such article or merchandise into the United States, whether the same shall be imported directly from the country of production or otherwise, and whether such article or merchandise is imported in the same condition as when ex- ported from the country of production or has been changed in condition by reman ufacture or otherwise, there shall be levied and paid, in all such cases, in addition to the duties otherwise imposed by this Act, an additional duty equal to the net amount of such bounty or grant, however the same be paid or bestowed. The net amount of all such bounties or grants shall be from time to time ascertained, determined, and declared by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make all needful regulations for the identification of such articles and merchan- dise and for the assessment and collection of such additional duties. Sec. 6. That there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of all raw or unmanufactured articles, not enu- merated or provided for in this Act, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem, and on all articles manufactured, in whole or in 78 F. B. Vandegbift & Co. part, not provided for in this Act, a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem. Sec. 7. That each and every imported article, not enumerated in this Act, which is similar, either in material, quality, texture, or the use to which it may be applied, to any article enumer- ated in this Act as chargeable with duty, shall pay the same rate of duty which is levied on the enumerated article which it most resembles in any of the particulars before mentioned; and if any nonenumerated article equally resembles two or more enumerated articles on which different rates of duty are chargeable, there shall be levied on such nonenumerated article the came rate of duty as is chargeable on the article which it resembles paying the highest rate of duty; and on articles not enumerated, manufactured of two or more materials, the duty shall be assessed at the highest rate at which the same would be chargeable if composed wholly of the component material thereof of chief value; and the words "component material of chief value," wherever used in this Act, shall be held to mean that component material which shall exceed in value any other Bingle component material of the article; and the value of each component material shall be determined by the ascertained value of such material in its condition as found in the article. If two or more rates of duty shall be applicable to any im- ported article, it shall pay duty at the highest of such rates. Sec. 8. That all articles of foreign manufacture, such as are usually or ordioarily marked, stamped, branded, or labeled, anJ all packages containing such or other imported articles, shall, respectively, be plainly marked, stamped, branded, or labeled in legible English words, in a conspicuous place, so as to indicar.e the country of their origin and the quantity of their contents; and until so marked, stamped, branded, or labeled they shall not be delivered to the importer. Should any article of im- ported merchandise be marked, stamped, branded, or labeled so as to indicate a quantity, number, or measurement in excess of the quantity, number, or measurement actually contained in such article, no delivery of the same shall be made to the im- porter until the mark, stamp, brand, or label, as the case may be, shall be changed so as to conform to the facts of the case. Sec. 9. That section thirty-three hundred and forty-one of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and hereby !•, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 3341. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall cause to be prepared, for the payment of such tax, suitable stamps denoting the amount of tax required to be paid on the hogsheads, barrels, and halves, thirds, quarters, sixths, end eighths of a barrel of such fermented liquors (and shall also cause to be prepared suitable permits for the purpose herein- after mentioned), and shall furnish the same to the collectors of internal revenue, who shall each be required to keep on hand at all times a suflacient supply of permits and a supply of stamps equal in amount to two months' sales thereof, if there be any brewery or brewery warehouse in his district; and such stamps shall be sold, and x)ermit8 granted and delivered by such collectors, only to the brewers of their district, respectively. "Such collectors shall keep an account of the number of per- mits delivered and of the number and value of the stamps sold by them to each brewer.** Tariff Act, 1897. 79 Sec. 10. That section thirty-three hundred and ninety-four of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended, be, and the same is hereby, further amended, so as to read as fol- lows : "Upon cigars which shall be manufactured and sold, or re- moved for consumption or sale, there shall be assessed and col- lected the following taxes, to be paid by the manufacturer thereof: On cigars of all descriptions made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing more than three pounds per thousand, three dollars per thousand; on cigars, made of to- bacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing not more than three pounds per thousand, one dollar per thousand; on cigar- ettes, made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weigh- ing more than three iK)unds per thousand, three dollars per thousand; on cigarettes, made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing not more than three pounds per thous- and, one dollar per thousand: Provided, That all rolls of to- bacco, or any substitute therefor, wrapped with tobacco, shall be classed as cigars, and all rolls of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, wrapped in paper or any substance other than to- bacco, shall be classed as cigarettes. "And the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the ap- proval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall provide dies and adhesive stamps for cigars weighing not more than three pounds per thousand: Provided, That such stamps shall be in denominations of ten, twenty, fifty, and one hundred, and the laws and regulations governing the packing and removal for sale of cigarettes, and the affixing and cancelling of the stamp* on the packages thereof, shall apply to cigars weighing not more than three pounds per thousand. "None of the packages of smoking tobacco and fine-cut chew- ' ing tobacco and cigarettes prescribed by law shall be permitted to have packed in, or attached to, or connected with, them, any article or thing whatsoever, other than the manufacturers' wrappers and labels, the internal revenue stamp and the to- bacco or cigarettes, respectively, put up therein, on which tax is required to be paid under the internal revenue laws; nor shall there be affixed to, or branded, stamped, marked, written, or printed upon said packages, or their contents, any promise or offer of, or any order or certificate for, any gift, prize, prem- ium, payment, or reward. Sec. 11. That no article of imported merchandise which shall copy or simulate the name or trade-mark of any domestic man- ufacture or manufacturer, or which shall bear a name or mark, which is calculated to induce the public to believe that the ar- ticle is manufactured in the United States, shall be admitted to entry at any custom-house of the United States. And in or- der to aid the officers of the customs in enforcing this prohibi- tion, any domestic manufacturer who has adopted trade-marks may require his name and residence and a description of has trade-marks to be recorded in books which shall be kept for that purpose in the Department of the Treasury, under such regu- lations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, and may furnish to the Department facsimiles of such trade-marks; and thereupon the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause one or more copies of the same to be transmitted to each collector or other proper officer of the customs. 80 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. Sec. 12. That all materials of foreign production which may be necessary for the construction of vessels built in the United States for foreign account and ownership, or for the purpose of being employed in the foreign trade, including the trade be- tween the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States, and all such materials necessary for the building of their ma- chinery, and all articles necessary for their outfit and equip- ment, may be imxwrted in bond under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; and upon proof that fiuch materials have been used for such purposes no duties shall be paid thereon. But vessels receiving the benefit of this sec- tion shall not be allowed to engage in the coastwise trade of the United States more than two months in any one year ex- cept upon the payment to the United States of the duties of which a rebate is herein allowed: Provided, That vessels built fn the United States for foreign account and ownership shall not be allowed to engage in the coastwise trade of the United States. Sec. 13. That all articles of foreign production needed for the repair of American vessels engaged in foreign trade, in- cluding the trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States, may be withdrawn from bonded warehouses free of duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Sec. 14. That the sixteenth section of an Act entitled "An Act to remove certain burdens on the American merchant ma- rine and encourage the American foreign carrying trade, and tox other purposes," approved Juue twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, be amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 16. That all articles of foreign or domestic production needed and actually withdrawn from bonded warehouses and bonded manufacturing warehouses for supplies (not including equipment) of vessels of the United States engaged in foreign trade, or in trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States, may be so withdrawn from said bonded ware- houses, free of duty or of internal-revenue tax, as the case may be, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; but no such articles shall be landed at any port of the United States." Sec. 15. That all articles manufactured in whole or in part of imported materials, or of materials subject to internal- revenue tax, and intended for exportation without being charged with duty, and without having an internal-revenue stamp aflBxed thereto, shall, under such regulations as the Sec- retary of the Treasury may prescribe, in order to be so manu- factured and exported, be made and manufactured in bonded warehouses similar to those known and designated in Treas- ury Regulations as bonded warehouses, class six: Provided^ That the manufacturer of such articles shall first give satis- factory bonds for the faithful observance of all the provisions of law and of such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided, further, That the manu- facture of distilled spirits from grain, starch, molasses or sugar, including all dilutions or mixtures of them or either of them, shall not be permitted in such manufacturing warehouses. Whenever goods manufactured in any bonded warehouses es- tablished under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall Tariff Act, 1897. 81 be exported directly therefrom or shall be duly laden for trans- portation and immediate exportation under tbe supervision of the proper officer who shall be duly designated for that pur- pose, such goods shall be exempt from duty and from the re- quirements relating to revenue stamps. Any materials used in the manufacture of such goods, and any packages, coverings, vessels, brands, and labels used in putting up the same may, under the regulations of the Secre- tary of the Treasury, be conveyed without the payment of revenue tax or duty into any bonded manufacturing warehouse, and imported goods may, under the aforesaid regrulations, be transferred without the exaction of duty from any bonded warehouse into any bonded manufacturing warehouse; but this privilege shall not be held to apply to implements, machinery, or apparatus to be used in the construction or repair of any bonded manufacturing warehouse or for the prosecution of the business carried on therein. No articles or materials received into such bonded manu- facturing warehouse shall be withdrawn or removed therefrom except for direct shipment and exportation or for transporta- tion and immediate exportation in bond under the supervision of the officer duly designated therefor by the collector of the port, who shall certify to such shipment and exjwrtation, or ladening for transjwrtation, as the case may be, describing the articles by their mark or otherwise, the quantity, the date of exportation, and the name of the vessel. All labor performed and services rendered under these provisions shall be under the supervision of a duly designated officer of the customs and at the expense of the manufacturer. A careful account shall be kept by the collector of all mer- •chandise delivered by him to any bonded manufacturing ware- house, and a sworn monthly return, verified by the customs of- ficers in charge, shall be made by the manufacturers, containing a, detailed statement of all imported merchandise used by him in the manufacture of exported articles. Before commencing business the proprietor of any manufac- turing warehouse shall file with the Secretary of the Treasury «, list of all the articles intended to be manufajctured in such warehouse, and state the formula of manufacture and the names and quantities of the ingredients to be used therein. Articles manufactured under these provisions may be with- •drawn under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe for transportation and delivery into any bonded warehouse at an exterior xwrt for the sole purpose of immediate export therefrom. The provisions of Revised Statutes thirty-four hundred and thirty-three shall, so far as may be practicable, apply to any bonded manufacturing warehouse established under this Act and to the merchandise conveyed therein. Sec. 16. That all persons are prohibited from importing into the United States from any foreign country any obscene book, pamphlet, paper, writing, advertisement, circular, print, pict- ure, drawing, or other representation, figure, or image on or of paper or other material, or any cast, instrument, or other article of an immoral nature, or any drug or medicine, or any article whatever for the prevention of conception or for calm- ing unlawful abortion, or any lottery ticket or any adverti«e> 82 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. ment of any lottery. No encli articles, whether imported sepa- rately or contained in packages with other goods entitled to entry, shall be admitted to entry; and all such articles shall be proceeded against, seized, and forfeited by due course of law. All such prohibited articles and the package in which they are contained in the course of importation shall be detained by the officer of customs, and proceedings taken against the same as hereinafter prescribed, unless it appears to the satisfaction of the collector of customs that the obscene articles contained in the package were im;losed therein without the knowledge or consent of the importer, owner, agent, or consignee: Provided, That the drugs hereinbefore mentioned, when imported in bulk and not put up for any of the purposes hereinbefore specified, are excepted from the operation of this section. Sec. 17. That whoever, being an officer, agent, or employee of the Government of the United States, shall knowingly aid or abet any person engaged in any violation of any of the pro- visions of law prohibiting importing, advertising, dealing in, ex- hibiting, or sending or receiving by mail obscene or indecent publications or representations, or means for preventing con- ception or procuring abortion, or other articles of indecent or immoral use or tendency, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and shall for every ofEense be punishable by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment at hard labor for not more than ten years, or both. Sec. 18. That any judge of any district or circuit court of the United States, within the proper district, before whom com- plaint in writing of any violation of the two preceding sections is made, to the satisfaction of such judge, and founded on knowledge or belief, and if upon belief, setting forth the grounds of such belief, and supported by oath or affirmation of the complainant, may issue, conformably to the Constitution, a warrant directed to the marshal or any deputy marshal in the proper district, directing him to search for, seize, and take pos- session of any such article or thing mentioned in the two pre- ceding sections, and to make due and immediate return thereof to the end that the same may be condemned and destroyed by proceedings, which shall be conducted in the same manner as other proceedings in the case of municipal seizure, and with the same right of appeal or writ of error. Sec. 19. That machinery for repair may be imported into the United States without payment of duty, under bond, to be given in double the appraised value thereof, to be withdrawn and exported after said machinery shall have been repaired; and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to protect the revenue against fraud and secure the identity and character of all such importations when again withdrawn and exported, restricting and limiting the export and with- drawal to the same port of entry where imported, and also limiting all bonds to a period of time of not more than six months from the date of the importation. Sec. 20. That the produce of the forests of the State of Maine upon the Saint John River and its tributaries, owned by American citizens, and sawed or hewed in the Province of New Brunswick by American citizens, the same being otherwise un- manufactured in whole or in part, which is now admitted into Tariff Act, 1897. 83 the ports of the Uuited States free of duty, shall continue to be so admitted, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time prescribe. Sec. 21. That the produce of the forests of the State of Maine upon the Saint Croix Eiver and its tributaries owned by American citizens, and sawed or hewed in the Province of New Brunswick by American citizens, the same being other- wise unmanufactured in whole or in part, shall be admitted into the ports of the United States free of duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time prescribe. Sec. 22. That a discriminating duty of ten per centum ad va- lorem, in addition to the duties imposed by law, shall be levied, on which such tax has been paid and refunded by allow- ance or drawback, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty equal to the tax imposed by the internal-revenue laws upon such articles, except articles manufactured in bonded warehouses and exported pursuant to law, which shall be sub- ject to the same rate of duty as if originally imported. Sec. 28. That whenever any vessel laden with merchandise, in whole or in part subject to duty, has been sunk in any river, harbor, bay, or waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and within its limits, for the period of two years, and is abandoned by the owner thereof, and person who may raise such vessel shall be permitted to bring any merchandise recovered therefrom into the port nearest to the place where such vessel was so raised free from the payment of any duty thereui>on, but under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Sec. 29. That the works of manufacturers engaged in smelt- ing or refining metals, or both smelting and refining, in the United States may be designated as bonded warehouses under Buch regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre- scribe: Provided, That such manufacturers shall first give satisfactory bonds to the Secretary of the Treasury. Ores or matals in any crude form requiring smelting or refining to make them readily available in the arts, imported into the United Stateo to be smelted or refined and intended to be exported in a refined but unmanufactured state, shall, under such rules as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, and under the direction of the proper officer, be removed in original packages or in bulk from the vessel or other vehicle on which they have been imported, or from the bonded warehouse in which the same may be, into the bonded warehouse in which such smelt- ing or refining, or both, may be carried on, for the purpose of being smelted or refined, or both, without payment of duties thereon, and may there be smelted or refined, together with other metals of home or foreign production: Provided, That each day a quantity of refined metal equal to ninety per cen- tum of the amount of imported metal smelted or refined that day shall be set aside, and such metal so ret aside shall not be taken from said works except for transjwrtation to another bonded warehouse or for exi>ortation, under the direction of the proper officer having charge thereof as aforesaid, whose certi- ficate, describing the articles by their marks or otherwise, the ^antity, the date of importation, and the name of vessel or other vehicle by which it was imported, with such additional Tariff Act, 1897. 85- particulars as may from time to time be required, shall be re- ceived by the collector of customs as sufficient evidence of the exportation of the metal, or it may be removed under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury oiay prescribe, upon entry and payment of duties, for domestic consumption,, and the exportation of the ninety per centum of metals herein- before provided for shall entitle the ores and metals imported under the provisions of this section to admission without pay- ment of the duties thereon: Provided, further, That in respect to lead ores imported under the provisions of this section the refined metal set aside shall either be re-exported or the regu- lar duties paid thereon within six months from the date of the receipt of the ore. All labor i)erformed and services rendered under these regulations shall be under the supervision of aa otficer of the customs, to 'be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and at the expense of the manufacturer. Sec. 30. That where imported materials on which duties have been paid are used in the manufacture of articles manufac- tured or produced in the United States, there shall be allowed on thfc exportation of such articles a drawback equal in amount to the duties paid on the materials used, less one per centum of eu-'h duties: Provided, That when the articles exported are made in part from domestic materials the imported materials, or the parts of the articles made from such materials, shall «o appear in the completed articles that the quantity or measure thereof may be ascertained: And provided further, That the drawback on any article allowed under existing law shall be continued at the rate herein provided. That the imported ma- terials used in the manufacture or production of articles en- titled to drawbacks of customs duties when exported shall, in all cases where drawback of duties paid on such materials i» claimed, be identified, the quantity of such materials used and the amount of duties paid thereon shall be ascertained, the facts of the manufacture or production of such articles in the United States and their exportation therefrom shall be deter- mined, and the drawback due thereon shall be paid to the manufacturer, producer, or exporter, to the agent of either or to the person to whom such manufacturer, producer, exporter, or agent shall in writing order such drawback paid, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. Sec. 31. That all goods, wares, articles and merchandise manufactured wholly or in part in any foreign country by con- vict labor shall not be entitled to entry at any of the ports of the United States, and the importation thereof is hereby pro- hibited, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized ar.d directed to prescribe such regulations as may be necessary for the enforcement of this provision. Sec. 32. That sections seven and eleven of the Act entitled "An Act to simplify the laws in relation to the collection of the revenues," approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, be, and the same are hereby, amended so as to read a» follows: Sec. 7. That the owner, consignee, or agent of any imported merchandise which has been actually purchased may, at the time when he shall make and verify his written entry of iiu^ merchandise, but not afterwards, make such fidditioo in the 86 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. entry to the co«t or value given in the invoice or pro forma in- voice or statement in form of an invoice, which he shall pro- duce with his entry, as in his opinion may raise the same to the Actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise at the tim» of exportation to the United States, in the principal markets of the country from which the same has been im- ported; but no such addition shall be made upon entry to the invoice value of any imported merchandise obtained otherwise than by actual purchase; and the collector within whose dis- trict any merchandise may be imported or entered, whether the same has been actually purchased or procured otherwise than by purchase, shall cause the actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise to be appraised; and if the appraised value of any article of imported merchandise subject to an ad valorem duty or to a duty based upon or regulated in any man- ner by the value thereof shall exceed the value declared in the entry, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, in addition to the duties imposed by law on such mercnandise, an additional duty of one per centum of the total appraised value thereof for each one per centum that such appraised value exceeds the value declared in the entry, but the additional duties shall only apply to the particular article or articles in each invoice that are so undervalued, and shall be limited to fifty per centum of the appraised value of such article or articles. Such additional duties shall not be construed to be penal, and shall not be re- mitted, nor payment thereof in any way avoided, except in caser arising from a manifest clerical error, nor shall they be refunded in case of exportat! n of the merchandise, or on any other account, nor shall they be subject to the benefit of draw- back: Provided, That if the appraised value of any merchan- dise shall exceed the value declared in the entry by more than fifty per centum, except when arising from a manifest clerical error, such entry shall be held to be presumptively fraudulent, and the collector of customs shall seize such merchandise and proceed as in case of forfeiture for violation of the customs laws, and in any legal proceeding that may result from such seizure, the undervaluation as shown by the appraisal shall be presumptive evidence of fraud, and the burden of proof shall be on the claimant to rebut the same and forfeiture shall be adjudged unless he shall rebut such presumption of fraudulent intent by sufficient evidence. The forfeiture provided for in this section shall apply to the whole of the merchandise or the value thereof in the case or package containing the particular article or articles in each invoice which are undervalued: Provided further. That all additional duties, penalties or for- feitures applicable to merchandise entered by a duly certified invoice, shall t>e alike applicable to merchandise entered by a pro forma invoice or statement in the form of €in invoice, and no forfeiture or disability of any kind, incurred under the pro- visions of this section shall be remitted or mitigated by the Sec- retary of the Treasury. The duty shall not, however, be as- sessed in any case upon an amount less than the invoice or en- tered value. Sec. 11. That, when the actual market value as defined by law, of any article of imported merchandise, wholly or partly manufactured and subject to an ad valorem duty, or to a duty Tariff Act, 1897. 87 based ul whole or in part on value, cannot e otherwise ascer* tained to the satisfaction of the appraising oflQcer, such oflBcer •hall use all available means in his power to ascertain the cost of production of such merchandise at the time of exportation to the United States, and at the place of manufacture; suosed by this Act and to no other duty, upon the entry or the withdrawal thereof: Provided, That when duties are based upon the weight of merchandise dei)osited in any public or private bonded warehouse, said duties shall be levied and collected upon the weight of such merchandise at the time of its entry. Sec. 34. That sections one to twenty-four, both inclusive, of an Act entitled "An Act to reduce taxation, to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes," which became a law on the twenty-eighth day of August, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, said repeal to take effect on and after the passage of this Act, but the repeal of existing laws or modifications thereof embraced in this Act shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued, or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil cause before the said repeal or modifications; but all rights and lia- bilities under said laws shall continue and may be enforced in the same manner as if said repeal or modifications hud not been made. Any offenses committed and all penalties or forfeitures or liabilities incurred prior to the passage of tnis Act under any statute embraced in or changed, modified, or rei)ealed by this Act may be prosecuted or punished in the same manner and with the same effect as if this Act had not been passed. All Acts of limitation, whether applicable to civil causes and pro- ceedings or to the prosecution of offenses or tor the recovery of penalties or forfeitures embraced in or modified, changed, or re- 88 F. B. Vandeqrift 4 " sulphate of ^ lb 90 F. B. Vandegbift & Co. Par. Article. Rate 4 Aluminous cake ^c n> 172 Aluminum, crude 8c It) 176 " leaf, pkge 100 leaves 6c 193 " m-s., n. s. p. f.... 45% 172 " plates, sheets, bars and rods 13c lb 470 Amber, crude Free 448 " mfs. of 25% 471 Ambergris Free 470 Amberoid, crude Free 6 Ammonia, carbonate of ...11^ lb 5 " muriate of ....%c lb 5 sulphate of ....8-lOc lb 663 Anatomy, preparations of Free 258 Anchovies. (See Fish.) 127 Anchors, Iron ll^c lb 480 Aniline, arseniate of...Fr§e 472 •• salts Free 496 Animal bladders, crude Free 499 " carbon Free 473 Animals for breeding purposes Free 474 " for exhibition Free 222 " live, n. s. p. f 20% 475 Annatto, and extracts of Free 173 Antimony %c lb 476 *' ore, crude sul- phite of BYee 142 Anvils of iron or steel, l%c lb 477 Apatite Free 252 Apple stocks.. n.OO M & 15% 262 Apples, dried 2c lb 262 " green or ripe.... 25c bu 174 Arg ntlne crude 25% 6 Argols, crude cont'g not more than 40% B. of P Ic lb " cont'g more than 40% B. of P V^c lb 6 " partly refined, con. not more than 90% B. of P 4c lb " partly refined, con. more than 90% B. of P 5c lb " refined 6c lb 292 Arrack $2.25 gal 478 Arrowroot, crude Free 479 Arsenic and sulphide of. fYee 481 Art educational stops, val. not over 6c gross Free 97 Articles of earthy or mineral sub- stances, or carbon, n. s. p. f., not dec- orated 35% Decorated 45% Par. Article. Rate Sec. 6 Articles manufac- tured, n. s. p. f.... 20% Sec. 6 Articles unmanufac- tured, n. s. p. f... 10% 58 Artists' colors 30% 486 Asafetlda Free 484 Asbestos, crude Free 448 " manufactured .... 25% 485 Ashes, beet-root and wood Free 93 Asphalt, limestone rock contg not over 15% bitumen 50c ton 93 Asphaitum, crude, n. s. p. f $1.50 ton 93 " dried, n. s. p. f., $3.00 ton 143 Axles, axle bars, blanks of and forgingsfor, valued not over 6c lb Ic lb 193 " valued over 6c lb.. 45% 251 Azaleas 25% B. 273 Bacon 5c lb 343 Bags jute, not dyed nor ex. 30 threads to sq in %c lb and 15% 417 Balls, bagatelle, billiard, chess, or pool .... 50% 487 Balm of Gilead Free 700 Bamboo for canes or umbrella sticks . . .Free 559 Bananas, green or ripe. Free 536 Bark, cork uncut Free 22 " extract, n. s. p. f.%c lb 488 " quinine Free 223 Barley, bu. 48 lbs 30c bu 224 " malt, bu. 34 lbs.. 45c bu 225 *' patent and hulled. 2c lb 226 " pearled 2c lb 205 Barrels con. oranges, lemons, 1 i m e s, grape fruit, shad- docks or pomelos.. 30% 204 " empty, n. s. p. f . . 30% 44 Baryta, unmanufactur- ed 75c ton manufactured $5.25 ton 489 " carbonate of Free 44 " sulphate of. (See Baryta.) 44 Barytes. (See Baryta.) 46 " art. sulphate of. .%c lb 44 " earth. (See Bary- ta.) 208 Baskets, bamboo or wood 35% 449 " chip or grass 30% 206 " osier pr willow 40% 93 Bauxite, crude ....$1.00 ton 4 " refined 6-lOc lb Schedule of Duties. 91 Par. Article. Rate 294 Bay-rum and Bay water, $1.50 gal 408 Bead embroidery, laces, ornaments and trimmings 60% 408 Beads, not strung 35% 240 Beans, bu. 60 lbs 45c bu 264 " castor, bu. 50 lbs. 25c bu 2*i " prepared 2%c lb 274 Beef, fresh 2c lb 18 Beer, coloring for 50% 297 " in bottles 40c gal 297 " in bulk 20c gal 485 Beet root ashes Free 490 Beeswax Free 656 Beet, sugar, seed Free 492 Bells, broken Free 524 Benzol Free 45 Berlin blues 8c lb 262 Berries, dried 2c lb 262 '• edible, nat. condt.lc qt 559 " n. s. p. f Free 300 Beverages, cont'g no al- cohol. (See Ginger ale.) 417 Billiard balls 50% 649 Bird eggs Free 425 " skins, crude 15% 494 Birds and land and wa- ter fowls Free 425 " finished for milli- nery use 50% 493 " stuffed, not for millinery Free 495 Bismuth Free 95 Bisque, decorated 60% 95 " plain white 55% 292 Bitters, containing spir- its $2.25 gal 93 Bitumen, crude, n. s. p. f $1.50 ton 93 " dried, n. s. p. f $3.00 ton 47 Black, bone, ivory or vegetable 25% 7 Blacking 25% 496 Bladders, crude Free 448 " mfs. of 25% 46 Blanc Fixe l^c lb 367 Blankets, wool. (See Wool blankets.) 8 Bleaching Powder ...l-5c lb 547 Blood, dragon's Free 497 " dried, n. s. p. f....Free 245 " dried, soluble... li^c lb 45 Blue, containing Ferro- cyanide of iron ... 8c lb 45 " Berlin, Chinese and Prussian 8c lb 52 " ultramarine 3%c lb 9 •♦ vitriol %c lb 152 Boiler tubes, pipes, flues or stays not thin- Par, Article. Rate ner than 16 wire gauge 2c lb 162 Boiler tubes, n. s. p. f.. 36% 498 Bolting cloth, silk for milling Free 145 Bolts and blanks, iron or steel l^c lb 47 Bone, black 25% 414 •• buttons, 14c line gross and 15% 10 " char 20% 543 " cuttlefish Free 499 '* dust and ash Free 449 " mfs. of. n. s. p. f.. 30% 499 " crude Free 137 Bonnet wire 45% 409 Bonnets, straw. (See hats.) 503 Books, maps, photo- graphs, etchings, lithographic prints and charts, not over two copies in one invoice, for use of any society incorporated for re- ligious, philosoph- ical, educational, scientific or liter- ary purposes, or for encouragement of the fine arts, or for use of any col- lege or school of learning in the U. S. or any State or public library, and not for sale Free 500 " for, use of U. S Free 502 " in foreign langua- ges Free 502 " in raised print for the blind ....... ..Free 397 '• letter copying, 5c lb & 15% 403 " n. s. p. f 25% 501 •• printed over 20 years Free 645 •• professional, ac- companying own- er Free 501 " by scientific asso- ciations Free 438 Boots, leather 25% 1 Boracic acid 6c fb 11 Borate material. (See Lime, borates of.) 11 Borax 5c lb 100 Bottles of cut, engraved or ornamental glass, filled or unfilled, and whether contents are dutiable or free 60% "92 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. Par. Article. Rate 99 Bottles, plain grreen or colored, molded or pressed and flint, lime or lead glass, filled or unfilled, n. s. p. f., whether their con- tents be dutiable or free (except such as contain merchandise subject to an ad va- lorem rate of duty), holding over 1 pint...lc lb Holding not over 1 pint, nor less than ^ pint l^c lb Holding less than ^ pint 50c gross None of the above pay less than 40/^. 206 Boxes con. oranges, le- mons, limes, grape fruit, shaddocks or pomelos 30% 406 Boxes, fancy paper 45% 204 " packing, n. s. p. f. 30% 164 Brads. (See Iron tacks.) 179 Braid, tinsel wire 60% 289 Brandy $2.26 gal 290 " in less than 10 gal cask Prohibited 18 " coloring for 60% 506 Brass, old and clippings of Free 508 Breccia, in blocks Free 87 Brick, decorated 46% " not decorated .... 25% 87 *• fire, weighing not over 10 lbs each, not glazed or dec- orated, $1.25 ton 97 ** fire, weighing over 10 lbs., glazed or decorated 45% 87 not decorated. $1.26 ton 674 Brimstone, crude, in bulk Free 609 Bristles, crude Free 411 " sorted 73^0 lb 175 Bronze leaf, per pkge of 100 leaves 6c 175 Bronze powder 12c lb 610 Broom com fYee 410 Brooms 40% 410 Brushes 40% 412 Buckles, trouser. (See Iron Buckles.) 226 Buckwheat, bu 48 lbs. 16c bu 261 Bulbs, flower 26% 666 " n. s. p. f Free 611 Bullion, gold or silver.. Free 182 " base 2^clb 179 " fringe 60% Par. Article. "Rate 179 Bullion, threads. .6c lb & 36% 341 Burlaps. (See Jute fab- rics.) 671 Burrstone, rough Free 116 Burrstones, bound into millstones 15% 236 Butter 6c lb 286 " substitutes for, I. R. tax & 6c lb 282 " cocoa 3%c lb 413 Button forms, of mo- hair, cloth or silk 10% 414 Buttons, agate and metal trouser, 1-12C line gross & 15% 414 " bone and steel trouser, %c line gross & 15% 414 Buttons, collar and cuff 60% 414 " horn, glass, metal, and vegetable ivory, %c line gross & 15% 414 Luttons, pearl and shell, l%c line gross & 15% 414 " shoe, val. not over 3c gross Ic gross valued over 3c gross.. 60% C. 242 Cabbages 3c each 700 Cabinet woods, rough.. FYee 198 " " sawed ... 15% 329 Cables, hemp 2c lb 329 " istle, manilla or tampico Ic lb 513 Cadmium Free 514 Calamine Free 438 Calfskins, bookbinders'. 20;^ 438 " dressed 20% 68 Calomel 35% 434 Cameos in frames 60% 516 Camphor, crude Free 12 " refined 6c lb 212 Candy. (See Confec- tionery.) 206 Cane for chairs, wrought from reeds 10% 462 Canes, walking 40% 424 Caps, blasting $2.36 M 424 " percussion 30% 287 Capsicum 2:^ lb 97 Carbon, articles of, n. s. p. f., decorated 45% not decorated 35% 98 Carbon pots, porous, for batteries, without metal connections ... 20% 98 Carbons for electric lighting 90c 100 99 Carboys, glass. (See Bottles.) Schedule of Duties. 93 Par. Article. Rate 146 Card clothing of tem- pered steel wire.. 45c sq ft 146 ward clothing, n. s. p. f., 20c sq ft 406 Cards, playing, 10c pack and 20% 372-373 Carpet, Aubusson and Axminster, mo- quette and chenille. Saxony, Wilton and Tournay velvet, 60c sq yd & 40% 374 Carpet, Brussels, 44c sq yd & 40% 376 " Brussels, tapestry, 28c sq yd & 40% 380 Carpet druggets and bockings..22c sq yd & 40% 382 Carpet mats, screens, hassocks and art squares. (As Carpets.) 381 Carpet, wool, n. s. p. f..50% 377 " three-ply chain, treble ingrain and Venetian, 22c sq yd & 40% 375 Carpet, velvet and tap- estry velvet, 40c sq yd & 40% 379 Carpet woven whole for rooms. . .10c sq ft. and 40% 4124 Cartridges 35% 204 Casks, empty 30% 677 Cassava Free 667 Cassia, cassia buds and cassia vera, unground. Free 683 Casslterlte Free 516 Castor Free 254 " beans bu. 50 lbs.. 25c bu 33 " oil 35c gal 516 Castoreum Free 517 Catgut, crude Free 448 " manufactures of.. 25% 218 Cattle, under 1 year old.. $2 all other, val. not over $14 $3.75 Val. over $14 273^% Sec. 26 Cattle, neat.. Prohibited 437 Cattle hides, uncured.. 15% 17 Celluloid 50c lb 17 " articles... 65c lb & 25% 17 " rolled or sheets, unpolished 60c lb 534 Cement, copper Free 89 " Roman, Portland and other hydraulic, inc. weight 2^fi sq yd Above 4, not ex. 6 sq yds to Tb, 3c sq yd Above 6, not ex. 8 sq yds to lb, 3%c sq yd Above 8 sq yds to lb 3%c sq yd VaL over lie sq yd 36% 807 Ex. 160. and not ex. 200 thr. sq in., not ex. 3^ sq yds to lb, 2%c sq yd Above 3^ not ex. ^% sq yds to lb, 3%c sq yd Above 4^, not ex. 6 sq yds to lb, 4c sq yd Above 6 sq yds to lb 4%c sq yd Val. over 12c sq yd 36% 808 Ex. 200, not ex. 300 thr. sq in. not ex. 214 sq yds to tb . . 4^c sq yd Above 2^ not ex. 3% sq yds to lb, 6c sq yd Above 3%, not ex. 6 sq yds to lb, 5%c sq yd Above 6 sq yds to lb 6c sq yd Val. over 15c sq yd 40% 8M Ex. 300 thr. to sq in., not ex. 2 sq yds to lb .... 6c sq yd Above 2, not ex. 3 sq yds to lb, 5^c sq yd Above 3, not ex. 4 sq yds to lb . 6c sq yd Above 4 sq yds to lb 6^fi sq yd Val. over 16c sq yd 40% 304 Cotton cloth, dyed, not ex. 60 thr. to sq in 2c sq yd 306 Ex. 60 and not ex. 100 thr. to sq In., not ex. 6 sq yds to lb 2i%c sq yd Above 6, not ex. 9 sq yds to lb, 3^c sq yd Par. Article. Rate Above 9 sq yds to lb......... 3^ sq yd Val. over 12c sq yd 30% 306 Ex. 100, not ex. 160 thr. to sq in., not ex. 4 sq yds to lb . .3^0 sq yd Above 4 not ex. 6 sq yds to lb, 3%c sq yd Above 6, not ex. 8 sq yds to lb, 4^c sq yd Above 8 sq yds to lb 4^c sq yd VaL over 12^ sq yd 8ix 307 Ex. 160, not ex. 200 thr. to sq in., not ex. 3^c sq yd to lb, 4%c sq yd Above 3% not ex. 4^ sq yds to lb, 4%c sq 3rd Above 4^ not ex. 6 sq yds to lb, 4%c sq yd Above 6 sq yds to lb 6c sq yd VaL over 12%c sq yd 40% 308 Ex. 200, not ex. 300 thr. to sq in., not ex. 3^ sq yds to lb, 614c sq yd Above 3^ sq yds to lb 7c sq yd VaL over 17i^c sq yd 40% 309 Ex. 300 thr. to sq in., not exceed- ing 3 sq yds to lb 63^c sq yd Above 3 sq yds to lb 8c sq yd VaL over 20c sq yd 40% 311 Cotton cloth con. silk (min. 60%).8c sq yd & 30% 311 Cotton cloth, filled, 3c sq yd & 20% 314 •• clothing 60% = 338 " collars and cuffs, 1 45c doz pieces & 16% 302 '* card laps 46% 316 " corduroys. (See Cotton plushes.) 319 Cotton drawers and other undergarments. (See Cotton shirts.) Schedule op Duties. 97 Par. Article. Rate 315 Cotton dress facinsrs, bias, not bleached (min. 47%%). 9c sq yd & 35% bleached (min. 47%%). 12c sq yd & 35% 321 Cotton duck 36% 637 " flocks Free 314 " garments, outside, with India rubber, 15c n> & 60% 460 Cotton gins 20% 320 " healds 50c lb & 25% 318 " hose, fashioned, val. not over $1 doz prs...50c doz pairs & 15% val. over $1, not over $1.50.. 60c doz pairs & 15% val. over $1.50, not over $2. .70c doz prs «& 15% val. over $2, not over $3. $1.20 per doz prs & 15% val. over $3, not over $5... $2 per doz prs & 15% val. over $5 doz prs.. 55% 317 Cotton hose made on frames 30% 820 Cotton labels for gar- ments 50c lb & 30% 313 Cotton lappets in add. to cotton cloth, val. not over 7c sq yd, Ic sq yd Val. over 7c sq yd 2c sq yd 320 Cotton loom harness, 50c lb & 25% 322 Cotton manufactures n. s. p. f 45% 314 Cotton neckties 50% 315 " pile fabrics. (See Cotton plush.) 315 Cotton plush, not bleached (min. 47%%). 9c sq yd & 25% Bleached (min. 47%%). 12c sq yd & 25% 302 Cotton roping and rov- ing 45% 36 Cotton seed oil 4c gal 319 •♦ shirts, val. not over $1.50 doz, 60c doz & 15% val. over $1.50, not over $3 doz $1.10 doz & 15% val. over $3, not over $6 doz $1.50 doz & 25% vaL over $5, not over $7 doz.... $1.75 doz & 35% val. over $7, not over $15 doz... $2.25 doz & 35% val. over $15 doz 50% 316 Cotton skirt bindings. Par. Article. Rate (See Cotton dress fac- ings.) 302 Cotton sliver 46% 320 " spindle banding. lamp wicking, &c., 10c lb & 15% 318 Cotton stockings, seam- less. (See Cotton hose, fashioned.) 320 Cotton suspenders 45% 321 " table damask 40% 303 •• thread, not on spools, %c 100 yds or fraction. 302 Cotton thread and yarn, not colored, up to No. 15 3c m Above 15, not above 30 l-5c No. per n> Excdg. No. 30, %c No. per lb Colored up to No. 20, 6c Vt> above 20, not above 80 -.-^c No. per n> Above No. 80, 3-lOc No. per lb 339 Cotton trimmings 60% 316 " velvets and vel- veteens. (See Cotton plush.) 302 Cotton warps. (See Cotton thread.) 537 Cotton waste Free 337 " waterproof cloth, lOc sq yd & 20% 314 " wearing apparel... 50% 69 Court plaster ,... 35% 262 Cranberries 25% 58 Crayons, n. s. p. f 30% 524 Cresol Free 137 Crinoline wire 46% 431 •• cloth 10c sq yd 95 Crockeryware. decora- ted 60X 95 " plain 56% 36 Croton oil 20c lb 251 Crotons 26% 144 Crowbars, Iron or steel, l%c lt> 538 Cryolite Free 539 Cudbear Free 414 Cuff buttons 60% 415 Culm 15c ton 460 Cultivators 20% 264 Currants 2c lb 262 *• green or ripe...25o bu 540 Curling stones and han- dles for Free 541 Curry, and curry pow- der Free 340 Curtains, Nottingham lace, window cotton, counting 5 points be- 98 F. B. Vandegbift & Co. Par. Article. Rate tween warp threads to inch Ic sq yd & 20% Counting more than 6 points between warp thread to inch, %c add. per sq yd for each point, with a minimum of 50%. 542 Cutch Free 153 Cutlery. (See Knives.) 643 Cuttlefish bone lYee 591 Cyanite Free D. 283 Dandelion root as cof- fee sub 2^c lb 644 Dandelion roots raw....Ftee 264 Dates V^ lb 100 Decanters of cut, en- graved or ornamental grlass, filled or un- filled, and whether contents are duti- able or free 60% 279 Degras %c lb 99 Demijohns, glass. (See Bottles.) 70 Dentifrices, non-alco- holic 50% 286 Dextrine 2c lb 545 Diamond dust Free 435 Diamonds, cut 10% 545 " miners', glaziers' and engravers' Free 545 Diamonds, uncut FYee 417 Dice 50% 546 Divi-divi Free 22 " " extract %c lb 418 Dolls and heads for 35% 425 Down quilts & mfs. of. 50% 425 Downs, crude 15% 251 Dracaenas :^5% 417 Draughts 50% 454 Drawings, n. s. p. f 20% 368-369 Dress goods. (See Wool dress goods.) 137 Dress steels 46% 460 Drills 20% 20 Drugs, adv. in value, ^c lb & 10% 648 " crude, n. s. p. f....Free 410 Dusters, feather 40% 175 Dutch metal in leaf, per pkge of IdO leaves 6c 469 Dye, alizarin Free 482 Dyeing, crude articles for Free 648 Dyeing, wood for Free 22 Dyewood extract, n. s. E. 93 Earth, fullers', un- wrought $1.50 ton Par. Article. Rate 93 Earth, fullers', wrought $3 ton 94 Earthenware, common yellow, brown and gray, plain 25% 95 Earthenware, decorated or ornamented 60% 96 Earthenware, plain white 55% 94 " Rockingham, not decorated 40% 96 decorated 60% 93 Earths unwrought, n. s. p. r. ., $1, ton 93 Earths wrought, n. s. p. f %2 ton 97 Earthy substances, ar- ticles composed of n. s. p. f. not decorated.. 35% decorated 45% 504 Effects, household, used abroad not less than 1 year Free 636 Effects of citizens of U. S. dying abroad Free 697 Effects, personal, of persons arriving in U. S., except citizens re- turning who are limi- ted to $100 purchased abroad Free 549 Eggs, birds, fish, in- sects Free 549 Eggs of game birds. .. .Free 662 " of silk worms Free 244 " n. s. p. f 5c doz 245 •• yolk of 25%, 408 Embroidery beaded 60% 179 " of tinsel wire 60% 419 Emery grains, ground.. Ic lb 550 " ore Free 419 " wheels, files, mfs. n. s. p. f 25% 113 Enamel, fusible 25% 564 " white for clocks and watches Free 500 Engravings for use of U. S Free 403 •• n. s. p. f 25% 501 " over 20 years old.. Free 399 Envelopes. (See Paper envelopes.) 153 Erasers. (See Knives.) 551 Ergot Free 503 Etchings for society. (See Books.) 500 Etchings for use of U. S Free 403 Etchings, n. s. p. f 25% 501 " over 20 years old.. Free 21 Ether, all n. s. p. f. (min. 25%) $1 lb 21 Ether, fruit $2 lb Schedule of Duties. 99 Par. Article. Rate 21 Ether, spirits of nitrous (min. 25%) 25c lb 21 Ether, sulphuric, (min. 25%) 40c lb 252 Evergreen seedlings, $1 M & 15% 248 Extract, hop 50% 22 Extracts, logwood, dye- wood, etc., n. s. p. f. %c lb 25 Extracts of indigo %c Vb 29 "of licorice, n. s. p. f 4%c lb 22 Extracts, woods not dyewoods, n. s. p. f. %c lb 108 Eyeglasses and frames. (See Spectacles.) F. 427 Fans, all except palm leaf 50% 552 Fans, palm leaf Free 410 Feather dusters 40% 425 Feathers, crude 15% 425 " for millinery use.. bO% 553 Felt for sheathing ves- sels Free 394 Felt, roofing 10% 370 Felts not woven, 44c lb & 60% 433 Fiber ware, indurated.. 35% 566 Fibers, vegetable, n. s. p. f Free 554 Fibrin Free 111 Field glasses 45% 264 Figs 2c lb 270 Filberts. (See Nuts.) 156 Files, blanks for rasps and floats, 21^ in. long or less 30c doz Over 23/^, not over 41^ in. long 50c doz Over 43^, under 7 in. long 75c doz 7 in. long and over, $1 doz 419 Files, emery 25% 395 Filter masse or stock, ll^c lb & 15% 87 Fire-brick weighing not over 10 lbs each, not glazed, or decorated, $1.25 ton 87 Fire-brick, glazed or decorated 45% 87 Fire-brick over 10 lbs ea. not glazed or decora- ted $1.25 ton 97 glazed or decorated.. 45% 420 Firecrackers 8c lb 496 Fish bladders, crude... Free 23 " bladders. (See Glue.) 549 Fish eggs Free 259 Fish, fresh water . . . .T^c lb Par. Article. Rate 555 Fish, fresh water, caught by citizens of U. S Free 260 Fish, herring, pickled, i^c lb 260 " herring, fresh.... ^c lb 258-261 Fish in pkges. con. under Vo bbl, n. s. p. f S0% 258 Fish, known as sar- dines, etc., pkTin oil, in pkges con. 7i^ cu In. or less li^c pkge Con. over 71^, not over 21 cu in . . . . 2%c pkge Con. over 21, not over 33 cu in 5c pkge Con. over 33, not over 70 cu in 10c pkge Other than as above.. 40% 261 Fish, mackerel, halibut, salmon, salted Ic lb 258 Fish, n. s. p. f., in tin pkges 30% 42 Fish oil Segal 626 " oil from Am. fish- eries Free 258 Fish paste 30% 261 " prep., for preser- vation, n. s. p. f....%c lb 659 Fish shell Free 261 " skinned or boned, i:>4c lb 556 " skins Free 367 Flannels for underwear, (See Wool flannels.) 346 Flax articles, woven fabrics, n. s. p. f. weighing 4% oz. or more sq. yd., contg. not more than 60 thr. to sq. in., l%c sq. yd. & 30% contg. more than 60, not more than 120 threads to sq. in., 2%c sq. yd & 30% contg. more than 120, not more than 180 threads to sq in., 6c sq yd & 30% contg. more than 180 threads to sq. in., 9c sq yd & 30% Minimum rate 50% weighing less than 4^ oz. sq. yd. and contg. more than 100 threads to sq in 35% 334 Flax carpets, val. not ex. 15c sq yd., 5c sq yd & 35% above 15c sq. yd., 10c sq. yd. & 35% 100 F. B. Vandborift & Co. Par. Article. Rate 381 Flax, carpets, n. s. p. f . 60% S26 " hackled as dressed 339 Flax laces 60% S47 " manufactures, n. 334 Flax mats and rugs. (See Flax carpets.) 324 Flax not hackled or dressed Ic lb 332 Flax nets, same duty as thread from which made and 25% 342 Flax pile fabrics 60% 336 " tapes, measuring. . 40% 323 " straw |5 ton 331 " yarns in the gray, single, liot finer than No. 8 7c lb finer than No. 8, not finer than No. 80 40% finer than 80 15% 264 Flaxseed 260 bu 37 " oil 20c gal 557 Flint Free 557 " stones, unground..Free 166 Floats. (See Files.) .537 Flocks, cotton Free 363 " woolen 10c lb 232 Flour, rice y^ lb 233 •• rye %c lb 236 " wheat 25% 656 Flower seed Free 425 Flowers for millinery use 60% 261 Flowers, natural 26% 453 Forks, tuning 45% 558 Fossils Free 494 Fowls, land and water.. Free 117 Freestone, undressed, 12c cu ft 118 " dressed 50% 68 Frosting, n. s. p. f 30% 262 Fruit, apples, peaches, quinces, cherries, etc., green or ripe, 25c bu 264 " dates y^ lb 262 " dried n. s. p. f....2c lb 264 •• figs 2c lb 299 " Juices. (See Cher- ry Juices.) 425 " for millinery 50% 265 " grapes in pkgs. 20c cu ft 559 " n. s. p. f. Free 559 " In brine Free 266 " oranges, lemons, limes, shaddocks, srrape, pomelos... Ic R> 268 " pineapples In bulk, $7.00 M Par. Article. Rate 268 Fruit, pineapples in packages 7c cu ft 560 " plants for cultiva- tion Free 264 " plums, dried 2c M» 263 " pres. in sugar, spirits or own Juice, n. s. p. f. Ic lb & 35% Con. over 10% al- cohol and n. s. p. f., in addition $2.50 gal on alco- hol in excess of 10%. 264 " prunes and pru- nelles 2c lb 264 " raisins 2%c lb 252 " stocks, n. s. p. f.. 25% 93 Fullers' earth, wrought, $3.00 ton 93 ** unwrought....$1.60 ton 421 Fulminates 80% 426 Fur, dressed on the sivin •••••••••••••• 2v^ 432 " hats. (See Hats, fur.) 426 " for hatters' use... 20% 450 " mfs. of n. s. p. f.. 35% 426 " skins carroted .... 20% 662 " skins not dressed.. Free 561 Furs, undressed Free 208 Furniture, house or cab- inet 36% 38 Fusel oil :^clb G. 408 Galloons, beaded f0% 179 " tinsel wire 6C% 563 Gambler Free 549 Game birds' eggs under regulations Free 249 Garlic Ic lb 115 Garnet manufactures .. 50% 98 Gas retorts $3.00 ea 23 Gelatin. (See Glue.) 450 " mfs of n. s. p. f... 35% 300 Ginger ale or beer in bottles con. not over % pint 18c dos In bottles con. over %, not over \y^ pints, 28c doz No additional duty on bottles. Others than In bottles as above 50c gal Additional duty on coverings. 667 Ginger root, unground. .Free 296 " wine. (See Wines, still.) 101 Glass, unpolished cylin- der, crown and win- Schedule of ' Dut^ks^, ;:^ 101 Par. Article. Rate dow, not ex. 10x15 in. square l%c lb Ex. 10x15, not ex. 16x 24 In. sq 1% lb Ex. 16x24, not ex. 24x 30 in. sq 2%c lb Ex. 24x30, not ex. 24x 36 in. sq 2'T^c lb Ex. 24x36, not ex. 30x 40 in. sq 3%c lb Ex. 30x40, not ex. 40x 60 in sq 3%c lb Ex. 40x60 in. sq 4%c lb 102 Glass, cylinder and crown polished, not ex. 16x24 in. sq..4csqft Ex. 16x24, not ex. 24x 30 in. sq 6c sq ft Ex. 24x30, not ex. 24x 60 in. sq ... ..15c sq ft Ex. 24x60 in sq...20c sq ft 104 Glass, cast polished plate, finished or un- finished and unsilver- ed, not ex. 16x24 in. sq 8c sq ft Ex. 16x24, not ex. 24x 30 in. sq 10c sq ft Ex. 24x30, not ex. 24x 60 in. sq 22%c sq ft Ex. 24x60 in. sq..35csqft 105 Glass, cast polished plate silvered, cylin- der and crown grlass silvered, and looking glass plates, ex. 144 sq in., not ex, 16x24 in. sq lie sq ft Ex. 16x24, not ex. 24x 30 in. sq 13c sq f t Ex. 24x30, not ex. 24x 60 in. sq 25c sq ft Ex. 24x60 in. sq..38csqft 107 Glass, cast polished plate, silvered or un- silvered, and polished cylinder, crown glass silvered, or common window glass, silver- ed, or unsilvered, when bent, ground, frosted, beveled, en- graved, painted or decorated, shall pay in addition to the rates 5% 103 Glass, fiuted, rolled, rib- bed or rough plate, or the same con. a wire netting within itself, not ex. 16x24 in. sq., %c sq ft Par. Article. Rate Ex. 16x24, not ex. 24x 30 in. sq 114c sq ft Ex. 24x30 in. sq. .l%c sq ft If weighing over 100 lbs per 100 sq ft, shall pay additional duty in excess at the rates imposed. If ground or decora- ted, pays as cast polished plate glass unsilvered. 100 Glass bottles, decanters or other vessels or ar- ticles of glass cut, en- graved or ornamental, filled or unfilled, and contents dutiable or free 60% 99 Glass bottles, vials, jars and covered or uncov- ered demijohns or carboys, filled or un- filled, and whether contents dutiable or free (except such as contains mdse. sub- ject to an ad valorem duty) holding more than 1 pint Ic lb Holding not over 1 pint, not under 3^ pint. . .l%c lb Holding less than 14 P*" 50c grross None of above to pay less than 40%. 414 Glass buttons, %c line gross & 15% 109 Glass lenses ground and polished to a spheri- cal, cylindrical or prismatic form, with edges ungrround 46% With edges ground and bevel. . . .10c doz prs & 45% 112 Glass manufactures, n. 100 Glass, opal and porce- lain 60% 565 Glass plates rough, for optical instruments. . .Free 110 Glass slides for magric lanterns 46% 110 Glass strips not over 3 in. wide, ground to a cylindrical form 45% 112 Glass windows, stained 45% 111 Glasses, opera and field 45% 109 " piano or coquIU, ground and polished, with edge unground.. 45% With edge grround and beveled. 10c doz prs & 45% 102 F. B. VANDEaRIFT & CO. Par, Article. Rate 446 Glove tranks shall pay 75% of duty provided for gloves in fabrica- tion of which they are suitable. 442 Gloves, men's "glace" finish, kid, goat, or other leather than sheep origin. .$4.00 doz prs 441 Gloves, men's "glace" finish, lamb or sheep, $4.00 doz prs 440 Gloves, men's "glace" finish Schmaschen, $3.00 doz prs 444 Gloves, men's goat, kid or other leather than sheep, with exterior grain surface remov- ed $4.00 doz prs 443 Gloves, men's sheep ori- gin with exterior grain .surface remov- ed $4.00 doz prs 445 Gloves, men's lined, pay In addition to above rates $1.00 doz prs Pique or prix seam add 40c doz prs Emb. with more than three cords, add 40c doz prs 441 Gloves, women's or chil- dren's "glace" finish, lamb or sheep. Not over 14 in. long, $2.50 doz prs Over 14 in., not over 17 in. long $3.50 doz prs Over 17 in. long. $4.50 doz prs 442 Gloves, women's or chil- dren's "glace" finish, goat, kid or leather other than sheep, not over 14 in. long, $3.00 doz prs Over 14, not over 17 in. long $3.75 doz pre Over 17 in. long, $4.75 doz prs 440 Gloves, women's or chil- dren's "glace" finish, Schmaschen, not over 14 in. long... $1.75 doz prs Over 14 in., not over 17 in. long $2.25 doz prs Over 17 In. long, $2.75 doz prs 444 Gloves, women's or chil- dren's kid, goat or other leather than sheep, with exterior grain surface re- Par. Article. Rate moved, not over 14 in. long $3.00 doz prs Over 14 in., not over 17 in. long $3.75 doz prs Over 17 in. long, $4.75 doz prs 443 Gloves, women's or chil- dren's, sheep origin with exterior grain surface removed, not over 17 in. long, $2.50 doz prs Over 17 In. long, $3.50 doz prs 445 Gloves, women's or chil- dren's lined, pay in addition to above rates $1.00 doz prs Pique seam, or emb. with more than 3 cords, add ....40c doz prs 23 Glue, not above 10c lb, 21/^c lb Above 10c, not over 350** lb 25% Over 35c lb 15c lb & 20% 572 Glue stock Free 210 Glucose l^^c lb 24 Glycerin, crude Ic lb " refined 3c lb 438 Goat skins, dressed 20% 108 Goggles and frames. (See Spectacles.) 567 Gold beaters' molds and skins Free 511 " bullion Free 530 " coins Free 177 " leaf, per pkge 500 leaves $1.75 193 " manufactures, n. 612 " medals as troph- ies Free 53 " size 35% 425 Grains for millinery 50% 118 Granite dressed 60% 117 " undressed 12c cu ft 266 Grape fruit Ic lb 210 " sugar ll^c lb 265 Grapes 20c cu ft 264 " dried 2l^c lb 409 Grass braids for making hats. (See Straw braids.) 449 " manufactures, n. 566 " n. s. p. f Free 656 " seed Free 626 Grease enfleuraged Free 568 " for soap making.. Free 279 " wool %c lb 119 Grindstones $1.75 ton 569 Guano Free Schedule of Duties, 103 Par. Article. Rate 286 Gum, substitute and British 2c lb 658 Gun barrels, single tubes, forged Free 699 Gun blocks rough hewn or planed on one side. Free 422 Gun powder, val. 20c or less per lb 4c lb Val. over 20c lb 6c lb 428 Gun wads 20% 158 Guns, combination shot and rifle, double bar- reled, sporting or breech loading, val. not over $5, $1.50 each & 15% val. over $5, not over $10 $4 each & 15% val. over $10, $6 each & 35% without locks or fit- tings $6 each & 35% 158 Guns, double barrels, and stocks for double barreled, sporting breech loading shot- guns and rifles, fur- ther adv. than rough bored $3 each & 35% 158 Guns or rifles, parts, n. 158 Guns, single barreled breech loading. $1 ea & 35% 157 Guns, shot, muzzle load- ing 25% 517 Gut, cat, whip or worm crude PYee 448 Gut, cat, whip or worm manufactured 25% 570 Gutta percha, crude. ...Free 450 " " mfs. of .... 35% 91 Gypsum, crude 50c ton 91 " ground $2.25 ton 571 H 358 859 431 431 430 429 450 571 410 431 261 H H. air, animal, cleaned or uncleaned Free " camel's, third class, val. 12c or less 4c lb Over 12c lb 7c lb " cloth, crinoline, 10c sq yd " cloth, seating, 20c sq yd " curled for beds 10% " human, cleaned . . . 20% " human, mfs. of... 35% " human, uncleaned. Free " pencils 40% " press cloth... 20c sq yd alibut, salted or fresh. Ic lb Par. Article. Rate 144 Hammers, blacksmiths', l%clb 193 •• n. s. p. f 45% 453 " tuning 45% 273 Hams 5c lb 312 Handkerchiefs, cotton hemmed. (Same as cloth; min. 45%.) Hemstitched in add. to hemmed, pay 10% add. (min. 55%). Em- broidered (min. 60%.) 345 Handkerchiefs, flax, hemp or ramie, hem- med or not 50% hemstitched, not em- broidered 56% 388 Handkerchiefs, silk, pay rate on piece goods of same description (min. 50%). Hemstitched or embroidered, add 10% (min. 60%). 447 Harness, leather 45% 460 Harrows 20% 460 Harvesters 20% 137 Hat wire 45% 432 Hats, fur, val. not over $5 doz $2 doz & 20% Val. over $5, not over $10 doz $3 doz & 20% Val. over $10, not over $20 doz.... ..$5 doz & 20% Val. over $20 doz, $7 doz & 20% 409 Hats, straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, os- ier or rattan braids for making, not bleached 15% bleached 20% 409 Hats, straw, trimmed.. 50% not trimmed 35% 246 Hay $4 ton 22 Hemlock bark extract, %c lb 327 Hemp and tow of $20 ton 346 " articles. (See Flax articles.) 327 " hackled $40 ton 347 " manufactures n. s. p. f 45% 39 " seed oil 10c gal 331 •♦ yarn. (See Flax yarn.) 260 Herring, fresh 14c lb 260 " pickled %c lb 42 " oil gc gal 572 Hide cuttings Free 573 " rope Free 437 Hides, cattle, uncured.. 15% 664 " raw, n. s. p. f....Free 145 Hinges or blanks, iron or steel l^c lb 104 F. B. Vandeqrift & Co. Par. Article. Rate 674 Hones Free 247 Honey 20c gal 180 Hooks and eyes, metal- lic. « 6^c lb & 16% 675 Hoofs, crude Free 248 Hop extract 60% 699 " poles Free 676 " roots for cultiva- tion Free 248 Hops ;..12c lb 414 Horn buttons, %c line gross & 15% 449 " manfs. of, n. s. p. f 30% 577 " tips Free 677 Horns, crude Free 460 Horse rakes 20% 163 " shoes of wrought iron Ic lb 220 Horses, valued $150 or less $30 valued over $150 25% 335 Hose, hydraulic, of flax, hemp, jute or ramie. 20c lb 604 Household effects iised abroad, not less than one year Free I. 678 Ice Free 449 India rubber manufac- tures 30% 680 Indigo Free 25 " carmined 10c lb 26 " extracts and pastes %c n> 26 Ink and ink powders... 25% 549 Insect eggs Free 839 Insertlngs, cotton or flax 60% 463 Instruments, musical and parts of 46% 645 Instruments, profession- al accompanying own- er Free 681 Iodine crude Free 27 " resublimed 20c lb 28 Iodoform $1 lb 682 Ipecac Free 583 Iridium Free 127 Iron anchors l%c lb 127 " anti-friction ball- forgingrs 46% 142 " anvils l%c lb 159 " articles glazed with vitreous glasses ..40% 143 " axles, axle bars and blanks and forg- ings for, val. not over 6c lb ..Ic lb 123 Iron, bar 6-lOc lb 124 " bars or shapes of rolled or hammered iron, n. s. p. f 8-lOc lb Par. Article. Rate 128 Iron barrel hoops, punched, in addition to duty on band iron, 1-lOc lb 126 Iron beams, grirders, joists, angles, chan- nels, car truck chan- nels, TT columns and posts, deck and bulb beams and building forms 6-lOc tb 126 Iron boiler plate, not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, val. Ic lb or less 5-lOc lb val. over Ic, not over 2c lb 6.-10C lb val. over 2c, not over 4c lb Ic lb val. over 4c lb 26% 162 Iron boiler tubes, not thinner than No. 16 wire gauge 2c lb 162 Iron boiler tubes, fin- ished, n. s. p. f 30% 146 Iron bolts and blanks. l^c lb 412 Iron buckles for trou- sers, val. not over 15c 100 5c 100 & 16% val. over 15c, not over 50c 100.. 10c 100 &16% val. over 50c 100, 16c 100 & 16% 149 Iron castings, mallea- ble, n. s. p. f 9-lOc n> 148 Iron castings, n. s. p. f., 8-lOc lb 151 Iron chains. (See Chains.) 124 Iron (charcoal, used as fuel) $12 ton 620 Iron, chromate of Free 129 " cotton ties 5-lOc lb 160 " cut nails and spikes, 6-lOc lb 152 " cylindrical furnaces, 2%c lb 123 " flats, not less than lx% 6-lOc lb 127 " forgings, n. s. p. f. 35% 144 " blacksmith's ham- mers, sledges, track tools and wedges l^c lb 146 " hinges or blanks. l^c lb 160 '• hollowware, coat- ed 2c lb 128 Iron, hoop, band or scroll, n. s. p. f., val So lb or less, 8 in. or less wide, and under % In. thick, not thin- ner than No. 10 wire gauge 6-lOc lb Schedule of Duties. 105 Par. Article. Rate thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, not thin- ner than No. 20 wire gauge 6-lOc lb thinner than 20 wire gauge 8-lOc lb 16S Iron horse, mule or ox shoes Ic lb 122 Iron kentledge, spiegel- elsen, ferro manga- nese and ferro sili- con $4 ton 193 Iron manufactures, n. s. p. f 45% 138 Iron, no allowance for rust. 121 " ore 40c ton 122 " pigs $4 ton 147 " pipe, cast 4-lOc lb 180 " railway bars, T- rails and flat rails, 7-20C lb 180 " railway fish plates or splice bars..4-10c lb 167 " rivets 2c lb 123 *' round, not less than 7-16 in. dia., 6-lOc lb 124 Less than 7-16 in. dia 8-lOc lb 169 Iron screws for wood, over 2 in. long 4c lb over 1 in, not over 2 In. long 6c lb over y^ ^^' J^ot over 1 in. long 8i^c lb y^ in or less in length, 12c lb 131 Iron sheets, common or black, and skelp iron, val 3c lb or less, thin- ner than No. 10, not thinner than No. 20, wire gauge 7-lOc lb thinner than INO. 20, not thinner than No. 25 wire gauge 8-lOc lb thinner than No. 25, not thinner than No. 32 wire gauge... 1 1-lOc lb thinner than No. 32 wire gauge 1 2-lOc lb corrugated or crimped, 1 1-lOc lb Above, not thinner than No. 10 gauge, pay as Plate iron. 132 Iron sheets or plates, except tin plates, coat- ted with zinc, spelter or lead, pay 2-lOc lb more than if not coated. Par. Article. Rate 133 Iron sheets, polished. ..2c lb 126 Iron skelp, sheared. (See Iron boiler plates.) 163 Iron spikes, nuts or washers Ic lb 123 Iron, square, rolled or hammered, not less than 1 in. wide nor less than % in. thick 6-lOc lb 148 Iron stove plates. ...8-lOc lb 674 " sulphuret of Free 19 " sulphate of y^o lb 164 " tacks, brads or sprigs, cut, not ex 16 oz per M l^c M ex 16 oz per M li^ lb 134 Iron taggers, coated with tin or lead....l^c lb 152 Iron tubes, n. s. p. f.... 35% 170 " umbrella and para- sol ribs and stretchers 50% 148 Iron vessels, n. s. p. f., 8-lOc lb 171 " wheels for railway purposes 1^^ lb ingots for l^^c lb 137 Iron wire, not less than No. 13 wire gauge.. l^c lb less than No. 13, not less than No. 16 wire gauge l^c lb less than No. 16 wire gauge 2c lb val over 4c lb 40% 122 Iron, wrought and cast, scrap $4 ton 148 Irons, hatters' and tai- lors' 8-lOc lb 23 Isinglass. (See Glue.) 450 Ivory, mfs. of, n. s. p. f . .35% 584 " tusks, crude or cut Free 584 " vegetable, crude.. Free J. 585 Jalap Free 53 Japan varnish 36% 99 Jars, glass. (See Bot- tles.) 115 Jasper, mfs. n. s. p. f . . 60% 263 Jellies 35% 586 Jet, crude Free 115 " mfs, n. s. p. f..... 60% 434 Jewelry, n. s. p. f €0% 191 Jewels, clock or watch. 10% 587 Joss stick Free 597 Juice, lime, lemon and sour orange Free 688 Junk, old Free 566 Jute, fibers Free 341 " fabrics, woven, not ex 60 in. wide, weigh- 106 F. B. Vandegrij-t 459 " pouches 60% 684 " stems ....Free 213 " wrapper, stem- med $2.50 lb unstemmed $1.85 lb 70 Toilet articles 50% 2 " preparations, al- coholic 60c lb & 45% 524 Toluol Free 685 Tonka beans Free 685 Tonqua or tonquin Free 645 Tools of trade, accom- panying owner Free 144 Tools, track, iron or steel li^c lb 207 Toothpicks of wood or quill 2c M & 15% 418 Toys n. s. p. f 35% 96 " china, not dec 55% decorated 60% 326 Tow of flax $20 ton 252 Tree stocks 25% 640 Trees for United States Free 408 Trimmings, beaded 60% 152 Tubes, boiler, not thin- ner than No. 16 wire gauge 2c lb 152 Tubes, iron or steel n. 98 Tubes, filter 45% 686 Turmeric Free 688 Turpentine, spirits of.. Free 687 " Venice Free 689 Turtles PYee 330 Twine, flax hemp or ra- mie. (See Threads, flax.) 491 Twine, istle fiber, sisal grass or sunn, not ex. 600 feet to lb .Free 190 Type metal, on the lead, ly^c lb 190 " new 25% 690 Type, old Free U. 52 Ultramarine blue ....3%c lb 691 Uranium, oxide and salts of Free 49 Umber, earths. (See Ocher.) 170 Umbrella ribs and stretchers 50% 462 " sticks, finished ... 40% 700 " sticks, rough Free 462 Umbrellas 50% V. 692 Vaccine virus Free Par. Article. Rate 693 Valonia Free 86 Vanillin 80e oz 53 Varnish 35% 53 " spirits, $1.32 gal & 35% 274 Veal, fresh 2c lb 695 Vegetable wax Free 257 Vegetables, natural, n. 241 Vegetables, prepared, n. 634 Vellum Free 386 Velvet, silk and ribbons, (min. 50%).. $1.50 lb & 15% 198 Veneers of wood 20% 694 Verdigris Free 229 Vermicelli l%c lb 54 Vermilion red con. quicksilver 10c lb Not con. quicksilver, 5c lb 296 Vermuth. (See Wine, still.) 99 Vials, glass. (See Bot- tles.) 288 Vinegar 7i^c gal 252 Vines, n. s. p. f 25% 1 Vitriol, oil of, n. s. p. f., 34c lb W. 696 Wafers, not edible Free 270 Walnuts. (See Nuts.) 163 Washers of wrought iron or steel Ic lb 52 Wash blue 3%c lb 537 Waste cotton Free 463 '• n. s. p. f 10% 661 " silk Free 362 " thread 20c lb 361 " top, slubbing, rov- ing, ring and garnet- ted 30c lb 362 Waste yarn 20c lt> 191 Watch cases and parts. 40% 191 •• jewels 10% 191 " movements, hav- ing not over 7 jewels, 35c ea & 25% Having over 7, not over 11 jewels, 60c ea & 25% Having over 11, not over 16 jewels, 75c ea & 25% Having over 16, not over 17 jewels, $1.26 ea & 26% Having over 17 jewels, $3 ea & 25% 137 Watch wire 46% 564 Watches, enamel for ...Free 490 Wax, bees' Free 448 " manufactures of... 25% 120 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. Par. Article. Rate 695 Wax, mineral or vege- table Free 408 Wearing apparel, bead- ed* 60% 889 " apparel, lace 60% '697 " apparel of per- sons arrivingr in U. S. ($100 limit) Free 370 Wearing apparel, wool- en 44c lb & 60% 144 Wedges, iron or steel li^c lb 449 Weeds, mfs. of, n. s. p. f 30% •698 Whalebone, crude Free 449 " mfs. of, n. a. p. f.. 30% 42 Whale oil 8c gal 234 Wheat 25c bu 235 " flour 25% 419 Wheels, emery 26% 171 " for railway pur- poses l%c lb 171 Wheels, ingots, for rail- way purposes l^c lb 574 Whetstones Free «17 Whipgut, crude Free 448 " gut, manufactures, 25% 700 " sticks, rough Free 66 White lead 2T4c lb 66 " paint con. lead, 2%c lb 67 " paint con. zinc, (See Zinc.) 56 Whiting dry 14c lb Ground in oil or put- ty Ic lb :206 Willow for basket mak- ers 20% 206 " manufactures .... 40% 101 Window glass, common, not ex. 10x15, in sq.1%c lb Ex. 10x15, not ex. 16x24 In. square... .l%c lb Ex. 16x24, not ex. 24x30 in. square 2%c lb Ex. 24x30, not ex. 24x36 in. square 2%c lb Ex. 24x36, not ex. 30x40 in. square 3%c lb Ex. 30x40, not ex. 40x60 in. square 3%c lb Ex. 40x60 in. square, 4%c lb 107 Window glass, common, when bent, ground, graved, painted or decorated, shall pay in addition 6% 18 Wine, coloring for 60% ^96 " sparkling. (See Champagne.) 296 Wine, still in bottles, per case of 12 qts. or 24 pints $1.60 296 Wine, still, in casks, Par. Article. Rate con. under 14% alco- hol 40c gal Con. over 14% alcohol, 60c gal 296 Wine, still, con. over 24% alcohol, pay as Spirits. 137 Wire, articles made from, shall pay rate of duty imposed on wire used in manu- facture, and in addi- tion l%fiVb 137 Wire, coated with any metal shall pay rate of duty imposed on wire used in manu- facture, and in addi- tion 2-lOc lb 137 Wire iron or steel, round, not less than No. 13 wire gauge . . l^c lb Less than No. 13, not less than No. 16 wire gauge l%c lb Less than No. 16 wire gauge 2c lb Valued over 4c lb 40% 137 Wire, iron or steel, n. 182 Wire, lead 2i^c lb 641 " platina Free 136 " rods, val. 4c lb or less 4-lOc lb Valued over 4c lb...%c lb Rods smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, duti- able as wire. 137 Wire rope and strand shall pay rate of duty imposed on wire used in manufacture, and in addition Ic lb 179 Wire, tinsel 5c lb 489 Witherlte Free 485 Wood ashes and lye of.. Free 204 " barrels and casks (empty), n. s. p. f.... 30% 198 Wood, cabinet sawed... 16% 700 " cabinet rough ....Free 199 " clapboards $1.60 M 194 " for spars and wharves Ic cu ft 699 " handle and shin- gle bolts Free 200 " heading and stave bolts, rough 20% 194 " hewn or sided, Ic cu ft 197 " kindling, in bund- les, not over 14 ^^ '*• 3 -10c bun. Bundles over 14 cu ft, for each additional ^4 Schedule of Duties. 121 Par. Article. Rate cu ft 3-lOc 699 Wood, fire, n. s. p. f...Free 200 " last, wagon, car and heading: blocks, rough 20% 201 Wood laths 250 M 208 " manufactures, n. 196 " paving posts 20% 202 " pickets, palings and staves 10% 200 " posts, rough, saw- ed or bored 20% 393 " pulp, chemical bleached ^c lb 393 " pulp, chemical unbleached l-6c lb 433 " pulp, manufac- tures, n. s. p. t.,.. 35% 393 " pulp, mechanical- ly ground l-12c lb 196 " railroad ties 20% 203 " shingles 30c M 207 " skewers 40c M 204 *' sugar box shocks.. 30% 196 " telephone, trolley, electric light and tel- egraph poles 20% 207 Wood toothpicks, 2c M & 15% 198 * • unmanufactured, n. s. p. f 20% 198 " veneers 20% 200 " wheel hubs, rough, sawed or bored 20% 348 Wool, hair of the camel, goat, alpaca and like animals shall be divi- ded into three classes: 349 Class one. — Merino,mes- 357 tiza, metz or metis, or others of merino blood, Down clothing wools, Bagdad, China lamb, Castel Branco, Adrianople skin, but- chers', and such as have been imported from Buenos Ayres, New Zealand, Austra- lia, Cape of Good Hope, Russia, Great Britain, Canada, Egypt and Morocco, and all not described in classes 2 and 3 . . . lie lb 354 Wool, class one, washed, 22c lb 854 " class one, scour- ed 33c lb 350 Wool, class two — Lei- 357 cester, Cotswold, Lin- colnshire, Down com- Par. Article. Rate bing, Canada long wool and other of English blood, and hair of the camel. Angora goat, alpaca and like animals .... 12c Ib^ 354 Wool, class two, scour- ed 36c lb 351 Wool, class three, Don- 353 skoi. South American, 358 Cordova, Valparaiso, 359 native Smyrna, Rus- sian, camel's hair and wools of like character imported from Tur- key, Greece and Syria. When improved by a mixture of English blood, shall be classed as 1 or 2. Val. 12c lb or less.... 4c lb Val. over 12c lb 7c lb 354 In condition for card- ing into yarn or con. not over 8% dirt, three times the duty other- wise. 364 Wool advanced beyond washing and scouring. (See Wool cloths) 387 Wool blankets, val. not over 40c lb.. 22c lb & 30% Val. over 40c, not over 50c lb 33c lb & 35% Val. over 50c lb, 33c lb & 40% Over 3 yds. long, pay duty as cloths. 370 Wools, clothing, shawls, and wearing apparel, 44c lb & 60% 366 Wool cloths, knit fab- rics and manufactures of, n. s. p. f. Val. not over 40c lb, 33c lb & 50% Val. over 40c, not over 70c lb 44c lb & 50% Val. over 70c lb, 44c !b & 55% 368 Wool dress goods with cotton warp, val. not over 15c sq yd., not over 70c lb. 7c sq yd & 50% Val. over 15c sq. yd., not over 70c lb, 8c sq yd & 60% Val. not over 15c sq yd and over 70c lb, 7c sq yd & 55% Val. over 15c sq yd and over 70c lb, 8c sq yd & 55% 122 F. B. Vandegrift & Co. Par. Article, Rate Weighing over 4 oz sq yd, pay as cloths. 369 Wool drees goods, n. s. p. f., val. less than 70c It) lie sq yd & 50% VaL over 70c Tb, lie sq yd & 55% Weighing over 4 oz sq yd, pay as cloths. 362 Wool extract 20c lb 167 " flannels for un- derwear, val. not over 40c lb 22c lb & 30% Val. over 40c, not over 50c lb 33c lb & 35% VaL over 50c lb, pay aa Dress Goods. 279 Wool grease %c lb S66 " manufactures. n. s. p. f. (See Wool Cloths.) 360 Wool on the skins duti- able Ic lb less than other wools of the same class. 862 Wool waste, n. s. p. f..20c lb S61 " waste, top, slub- bing, roving, ring and gametted 30c lb ni Wool webbings, gor- ings. suspenders, braces, etc., 60c tb & 60% 866 Wool yam, val. not over 30c lb 271^0 lb & 40% val. over 30^ lb, 381^0 lb & 40% Par. Article. Rate 703 Works of American ar- tists temporarily abroad Free 701 Works of art, engrav- ings and scientific ap- paratus for temporary exhibition Free 702 Works of art for perma- nent exhibition by so- cieties Free 517 Wormgut, crude Free 448 " mfs. of 25% 524 Xylol Free Y. 704 Yams Free 531 Yarn, coir Free 385 " silk 30% 365 " woolen. (See Wool yarns.) 245 Yolks of eggs 25% Z. 705 Zaffer T Free 57 Zinc, dry Ic lb ground in oil l%c lb 192 Zinc blocks and pigs..l^c lb 57 " chloride and sul- phate of Ic lb 193 Zinc manufactures .... 45% 192 " old Ic lb 57 " oxide of. (See Zinc.) 192 •• sheets 2c lb 57 •* white sulphide of l%c lb Revised to July /, igo2. Kilograms Reduced. 123 HLOGEAMS EEDUOED TO AVOIRDUPOIS POUTOS. 1000 Grams^^I Kilo. =2.2046 lbs. Kilos. PouQda. Kilos. Pounds. Kilos. Pounds. 1 2.2046 38 83.7748 74 163.1404 2 4.4092 39 86.9794 75 165.3450 3 6.6138 40 88.1840 76 167.5496 4 8.8184 41 90.3886 77 169.7542 5 11.0230 42 92.5932 78 171 9588 6 13.2276 43 94.7978 79 174.1634 7 15 4322 44 97.0024 80 176.3680 8 17.6368 45 99.2070 81 178.6726 9 19.8414 46 101.4116 82 180.7772 10 22.0460 47 103.6162 83 1 82.98 i 8 11 24.2506 48 105.8208 84 185.1864 12 26.4652 49 108.0254 85 187.3910 13 28.6598 60 110.2300 86 189.5956 14 30.8644 ^> 112.4346 87 191.8O02 16 33.0690 62 114.6392 88 194.0048 16 35 2736 63 116.8438 b9 196.2094 17 37.4782 64 119.0484 90 198.4140 18 39.6828 66 121.2o30 91 200.6186 19 41.8874 66 123.4576 92 202.8232 20 44.0920 57 126.6622 93 205.0278 21 46.2966 58 127.8668 94 207.2324 22 48 5012 59 130.0714 95 209.4370 23 60.7058 60 132.2760 96 211.6416 24 62.9104 61 134.4806 97 213.8462 26 661150 62 136.6852 98 216.0508 26 67.3196 63 138.8898 99 218.2554 27 69.5242 64 141.0944 100 220.4600 28 61.72S8 65 143.2990 200 440.9200 29 63.9334 66 145.5036 300 661.3800 30 66.1380 67 147.7082 400 881.8400 31 68.3426 68 149.9128 500 1102.3000 82 70.5472 69 162.1174 600 1322.7600 33 72.7618 70 164.3220 700 1543.2200 84 74.9564 71 166.5266 800 1763.6800 36 77.1610 72 168.7312 900 1984.1400 36 79.3666 73 160.9358 1000 2204.6000 37 81.5702 124 Values of Foreign Coins. Values of Foreign Coins. Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. , July /, 1^2. Country. Argentine Re public Austria - Hun- gary Belgium Bolivia.. Brazil British Posses- sions, N. A. (except New- foundland). Central Ameri- can States — Costa Rica.. British Hon- duras Guatemala ~\ Honduras i Nicaragua j Salvador... J hile Standard. Gold. Gold... Gold .. Silver. Gold, Monetary unit. Peso. Crown «. Franc Boliviano. Milreis.... Gold. Gold, Gold, China , Colombia Cuba., Denmark Silver , Gold, Silver . Silver Gold, Gold, Dollar Colon . Dollar. Peso... Peso... Value in terms of U. S. gold dollar. I0.965 .203 .193 .382 •546 1. 000 TaeH Peso. Amoy Canton ... Chefoo Chin Kiang... Fuchau ... Haikwan (Cust'ms) Hankow.. Hong- kong Niuch- wang Ningpo ... Shanghai Swatow.... Takau. ... .Tientsin... Peso.... Crown. .465 I.OOO .382 •365 .618 .617 .591 .604 .572 .629 •579 (t) .580 .595 .565 .571 .622 • 599 .382 .926 .268 Coins. Gold : argentine (I4.824) and % argentine. Silver, peso and divisions. Gold: former system — 4 florinsf^i 929), 8 florins (I3.858), ducat (J2.a87) and 4 ducats (1)9.149). Silver: i and 2 florins. Gold; present system — 20 crowns (I4.052) ; 10 crowns (^2.026). Gold : 10 and 20 francs. Silver: 5 francs. Silver : boliviano and divi- sions Gold : 5, 10, and 20 milreis. Silver: ^, i, and 2 mil- reis. Gold : 2, 5, 10, and 20 co- lons ($9,307). Silver: 5, 10, 25, and 50 centimos. Silver : peso and divisions. Gold : escudo ($1,825), doubloon ($3,650), and condor ($7 300). Silver peso and divisions. Gold : condor ($9,647) and double condor. Silver: peso. Gold : doubloon Isabella, centen ($5,017). Aiphonse ($482^). Silver: peso. Gold : 10 and 20 crowns. f The " British dollar'' has the same legal value as the Mexican dollar in Hong- kong, the Straits Settlements, and Labuan. Values of Foreign Coins. 125 Country. Ecuador Egypt Finland France German Emp. Great Britain.. Greece Haiti India Italy Japan Liberia Mexico Standard. Gold. Gold. Gold, Gold. Gold. Gold. Gold. Gold, Gold. Gold, Gold, Gold .., Silver , Netherlands ... Gold Newfoundland Gold Norway Persia Gold Silver Peru Gold Portugal Russia Gold Gold Spain Gold Sweden Gold Switzerland. ... Gold Turkey Gold Uruguay Venezuela Gold Gold Monetary Unit, •S O o ^; Sucre Pound (loo pi« asters) Mark Franc Mark Pound sterling.., Drachma Gourde Pound sterling^. Lira Yen Dollar Dollar Florin Dollar Crown Kran Sol Milreis Ruble Peseta Crown J^ranc Piaster Peso Bolivar .487 4.943 .193 .193 .238 4.866 J^ .193 .965 4.866 J^ .193 .498 I.OOO .415 .402 1. 014 .268 .070 .487 I 080 •515 .193 .268 .193 .044 1.034 .193 Coins. Gold : 10 sucres (114.8665). Silver: sucre acd divi- sions. Gold : pound ( 100 piasters), 5, TO, 20, and 50 piasters. Silver : i, 2, 5, 10, and 20 piasters. Gold: 20 marks ($3,859), 10 marks ($1 93). Gold : 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 francs. Silver : 5 francs. Gold : 5, 10, and 20 marks Gold : sovereign (pound sterling) and ^ sovereign (jold : 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 drachmas. Silver : 5 drachmas. Gold: I, 2, 5 and 10 gourdes Silver : gourde and divi- sions. Gold: sovereign (pound sterling) Silver: rupee and divisions Gold: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 lire. Silver : 5 lire. Gold : 5, 10, and 20 yen. Silver : 10, 20, and 50 sen. Gold: dollar ($0,983), 2%, 5, 10, and 20 dollars. Silver: dollar (or peso) and divisions. Gold : lo florins. Silver : %, I, and 2j^ florins. Gold: 2 dollars ($2,027). Gold : 10 and 20 crowns. Gold: %, I, and 2 tomans ($3,409) Silver: }i, %, I, 2, and S krans. Gold: libra ($4.8665). Sil- ver : sol and divisions Gold : 1, 2, 5, and 10 mil- reis. Gold: imperial, 15 rubles ($7,718) and % imperial, 7J^ rubles ($3,859). Sil- ver . }^, %, and I ruble. Gold : 25 pesetas. Silver; 5 pesetas. Gold : 10 and 20 crowns. Gold : 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 francs. Silver: 5 francs. Gold : 25. 50, 100, 250, and 500 piasters. Gold : peso. Silver : peso and divisions. Gold : 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 bolivars. Silver: 5 boli- vars. JThe sovereign is the standard coin of India, but the rupee ($0.3244 J^) is the money of account, current at 15 to the sovereign. R. E. PRESTON, Acting- Director of the Mint. The foregoing estimate by the Director of the Mint, of the values of foreign coins, I hereby proclaim to be the values of such coins in terms of the money of account of the United States, to be followed in estimating the value of all foreign merchandise exported to the United States on or after July i, 1902, expressed in any of such metallic currencies. H. A. TAYLOR, Acting Secretary 0/ the Treasury. 126 Reduction of Foreign Coins. MARK OF GERMAN EMPIRE, Reduced at Custom House Stani )ARD OF • 23^ Cents. Marks. 9 cts. Marks. f cts. Marks 1 cts. 1 .238 38 9.044 75 17.850 2 .476 39 9.282 76 18.088 3 .714 40 9.520 77 18.326 4 .952 41 9.758 78 18.564 5 1.190 42 9.996 79 18.802 6 1.428 43 10.234 80 19.040 7 1.666 44 10.472 81 19.278 ft 1.904 45 10.710 82 19.516 9 2.142 46 10.948 83 19.754 10 2.380 47 11.186 84 19.992 11 2.618 48 11.424 85 20.230 12 2.856 49 11.662 86 20 468 13 3.094 60 11.900 87 20.706 14 3.332 51 12.138. 88 20.944 15 3.570 52 12.376 89 21.182 16 3.808 53 12.614 90 21.420 17 4.046 54 12.852 91 21.668 18 . 4.284 55 13.090 92 21.896 19 4.522 56 13.828 93 22.134 20 4.760 57 13.5(16 94 22.372 21 4.998 58 13.804 95 22.610 22 i5.236 59 14.042 96 22.848 23 5.474 60 14.280 97 23.086 24 6.712 61 .14.518 98 23.324 25 5,950 . 62 14.756 99 23.562 2(> 6.188 68 14.994 100 23.800 27 6.426 64 15.232 20O 47.600 28 6.664 65 15.470 300 71.400 29 6.902 66 15 708 400 95.200 30 7.140 67 15.946 500 119.000 31 7.378 68 16184 600 142.800 32 7.616 69 16.422 700 166.600 83 7.854 70 16 660 800 190400 34 8.092 71 16.898 900 214.200 35 8.330 72 17.136 1000 238.000 36 8.568 73 17.374 37 8 806 74 17 612 Kedcjction of Foreign Coins. 127 FRANC OF FRANCE, BELGIUM AND SWITZERLANa ITALIAN LIRA, GRECIAN DRACHMA AND SPANISH PESETA. REn>ucED AT Custom House Standard of 19^ Cents. l^rancs. $ CU. Francs. 9 cts. Ffancs. $ eta. 1 .193 38 7.334 75 14.475 2 .386 39 7.527 76 14.668 3 .579 40 7.720 77 14.861 4 .772 41 7.913- 78 15.054 5 .965 42 8.106 79 15.247 6 1.158 43 8.299 80 16.440 7 1.351 44 8.492 81 16.633 8 1.544 45 8.685 82 15.826 9 1737 46 8.878 83 16.019 JO 1.930 47 9.071 84 16.212 11 2.123 48 9.264 85 16.406 12 2.316 49 9.457 86 16.598 13 2.509 50 9.650 87 16.791 14 2.702 51 9.843 88 16.984 15 2.895 52 10.036 89 17.177 16 3.088 53 10.229 90 17.370 17 3.281 54 10.422 91 17.663 18 3.474 55 10.615 92 17.756 19 3.667 56 10.808 93 17.949 20 3.860 57 11.001 94 18.142 • 21 4.053 58 11.194 95 18.334/ 22 4.246 59 11387 96 18.528 23 4.439 60 11.580 97 18.721 24 4.632 61 11.773 98 18.914 25 4.825 62 11.966 99 19 107 26 5.018 63 12.159 ICO 19 300 27 6.211 64 12.352 200 38.600 28 5.404 65 12.545 300 57.900 29 5.597 66 12.738 400 77.200 30 5.790 67 12.931 600 96.500 31 5.983 68 13 124 600 115 800 32 6.176 69 13;317 700 135.1.00 33 6.369 70 13.510 800 164.400 34 6.562 71 13.703 900 173.700 35 6.755 72 13.896 1000 193 000 36 6.948 73 14.089 37 7.141 74 14.282 128 Reduction of Foreign Coins. POUND STERLING OF GREAT BRITAIN. Reduced i;o Dollabs and Cents at Custom Housk Standard, $4.8665, as Provided by Law, K. S. 3665. £ 8. Z Ct8. £ 22 S cts. £ S ctft. £ 102 $ cts. 1 .2433 107.0680 62 301.7230 496.3830 2 .4866 23 111.9295 63 306.5895 103 601.2495 3 .7299 24 116.7960 64 311.4560 104 506.1160 4 .9732 25 121.6625 65 816.3225 105 610.9825 5 1.2165 26 126.5290 66 321.1890 106 515.8490 6 1.4598 27 131.3955 67 326.0555 107 620.7155 7 1.7031 28 136.2620 68 330.9220 108 525.5820 8 1.9464 29 141.1285 69 335.7885 109 530.4485 ' 9 2.1897 30 145.9950 70 340.6550 110 535 3160 10 2.4330 31 150.8615 71 315.6215 111 640.1816 11 2.6763 32 155 7280 72 350.3880 112 545.0480 12 2.9196 33 160.5945 73 355.2545 113 549.9145 13 3.1629 34 165.4610 74 360.1210 114 554.7810 14 3.4062 35 170.3275 75 364.9875 115 559.6475 15 3,6495 36 175.1940 76 369.8540 116 564.5140 16 3.8928 37 180.0605 77 374.7205 117 569.3805 17 4.1361 38 184.9270 78 379.5870 118 574.2470 18 4.3794 39 189.7935 79 384.4535 119 679.1135 19 4.6227 40 194.6600 80 389.3200 120 583.9800 £1 4.8665 41 199.5265 81 394.1865 121 588.8465 2 9.7330 42 204.3930 82 399.0530 122 593.7130 3 14.5995 43 209.2595 83 403.9195 123 598.5795 '4 19.4660 44 214.1260 84 408.7860 124 603.4460 5 24.3325 45 218.9925 85 413.0525 125 608.3125 6 29.1990 46 223.8590 86 418.5190 126- 613.1790 7 34.0655 47 228.7255 87 423.3855 127 618.0455 8 38.9320 48 233.5920 88 428.2520 128 622 9120 9 43.7986 49 238.4585 89 433.1185 129 627.7785 m 48.6650 50 243.3250 90 437.9850 130 632.6450 3f 11 53.5315 51 248.1915 91 442.8515 131 637.5116 12 58.3980 52 253.0580 92 447.7180 132 6423780 13 63.2645 53 257.9215 93 452.5845 133 647.2445 14 68.1310 54 262.7910 94 457.4610 134 662.1110 15 72.9975 55 267.6575 95 462.3175 135 656.9775 16 77.8640 56 272.5240 96 467.1840 136 661.8440 17 82.7305 57 277.3905 97 472.0505 337 666.7105 18 87.5970 58 282.2570 98 476.9170 138 671.5770 19 92.4635 59 287.1235 99 481.7835 139 676.4435 20 97.3300 60 291.9900 100 486.6500 140 681.3100 21 102.1965 61 296.8565 101 491.5165 141 1 686.1768 lackawanna Railroad We are the Only Regularly Appointed Import Freight Agents OF THE Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Over Which Operate the Following FAST FREIGHT LINES: Lackawanna Line Lackawanna Grand Trunk Line Wabash and Lackawanna Despatch RAIL AND LAKE : Lackawanna Transportation Co. Lackawanna Green Bay Line Northern Steamship Co. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Buffalo S. S. Co. Port Huron & Duluth Steamship Co. Union Transit Co. Wabash Lake Line Detroit & Buffalo Steamboat Co. Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. We also operate out of Philadelphia over the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co., and out of Boston over the Boston & Maine Railroad. On application, we will quote you rates. Correspondence invited on all questions. Through Bills of Lading issued by our Foreign Agents. F. B. Vandegrift & Co. IMPORT FREIGHT AGENTS New York, ^ Chicago, 66 Beaver Street 315 Dearborn Street mmm THIS IS AN ABRIDGED EDITION OF Vandegrift's United States Tariff! FOR A COPY OF AN UNABRIDGED EDITION Revised to July i, 1902 CONTAINING Dingley Tariff in full, Foreign Exprej Tariff, Drawback Rates, Decisions of General Appraisers and Courts, Schedule of 25,000 Articles, and Administration Act WRITE OR SEND TO F. B. Vandegrift & C Customs Brokers and Forwarders New York 66 Beaver Street Chicago 315 Dearborn Stre< PRICE, $2.50 Postage, 14 cents additional The most complete Tariff Digest ever published Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. V PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 3271)0 ieo2 -Y3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY