PROMETHEUS : THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON: SUNDAY SUNLIGHT BY RAMON PEREZ DE AY ALA [BRARY [HE UNIVERSITY OF CAL FORNIA LOSANGE ES "24- PROMETHEUS : THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIM6N : SUNDAY SUNLIGHT POETIC NOVELS OF SPANISH LIFE BY RAMO~N P^REZ DE AYALA PROSE TRANSLATIONS BY ALICE P. HUBBARD: POEMS DONE INTO ENGLISH BY GRACE HAZARD C O N K L I N G NEW YORK E. P. DUTTON & CO. 681 FIFTH AVENUE COPYRIGHT, 1920, ByiE. P. DUTTON & COMPANY All Rights Reserved Printed In the United States of America College Library CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION BY HATWARD KENISTON vii PROMETHEUS 1 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON ... 77 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 163 INTRODUCTION Years ago Coventry Patmore called atten- tion to that "complete synthesis of gravity of matter and gaiety of manner" which is the crowning glory of the Spanish mystics. But this is not the only miracle of art in Spanish literature; with equal force he might have dwelled upon another almost paradoxical syn- thesis: the fusion of gravity of manner with gran tacano of Quevedo. Spain is a land of the picaresque tales from La Celestina to El gran tacano of Quevedo. Spain is a land of contrasts, of violent juxtapositions. Its great- est literary masterpiece, Don Quixote, is the revelation of the eternal conflict between the inspired dreamer and Philistine society. In literature, as in the other arts, the em- phasis of gravity is the result of temperament. And there are but two attitudes : the emotional and the intellectual. According as the art- ist sees life from one of these two angles, he will concern himself primarily with matter or vii viii INTRODUCTION with form. Catullus is an emotional artist; Horace, an intellectual artist. And concom- itantly with this artistic attitude, cause or effect, goes a spiritual attitude toward life; the emotional temperament, the Spanish mys- tic let us say, seeks to find the purpose and end of life, to penetrate the mystery of the fu- ture; the intellectual temperament, the pica- roon satirist, strives to analyze life itself, to solve the riddle of the present. This dominant concern for form, this con- scious effort to interpret life are the chief qualities of the younger generation of literary men in Spain which has risen to prominence in the last twenty years ; in different tones they sound the common harmony in such men as Baroja, Valle-Inclan, Azorin, and Unamuno. These men are not entertainers ; they are first and foremost thinkers. Bereft of the lyrism of the past generation, imbued with the mate- rialism of the present, they find life for the most an immense sarcasm, where self-seeking, cruelty, and injustice are triumphant, but still intrinsically interesting and worth realizing. Their art is merciless, but meticulous ; in forms of exquisite finish they seek to clothe even the banalities of life with an atmosphere of beauty. INTRODUCTION is No one reveals the varied aspects of this group more strikingly than Ramon Perez de Ayala. As poet, as novelist, and as critic he is a standard-bearer of the Spanish intellectuals, illustrating perhaps more keenly than any of his contemporaries the spiritual conflicts of modern life and the paradoxical synthesis of uncommon gravity of manner and capricious levity of matter. Ayala's birthplace, Oviedo, a provincial capital of Northern Spain, lies between the Montana and the sea. Something of the in- fluence of this dual environment runs through his work. The spirit of the mountains, with their vague melancholy of immobility, infuses his first collection of poems, La paz del sen- dero ("The Peace of the Path"), written in 1903, when the author had just crossed the threshold of manhood. In the companion volume, El sendero innumerable ("The In- numerable Path"), composed thirteen years later, it is the potent restlessness of the sea which stirs the grown man. Like all of the younger generation since Ruben Dario, he uses peregrine forms: the Alexandrine quatrain, revived from the me- dieval maestria de clerecia of Berceo, the nine- x INTRODUCTION syllable and the hendecasyllable, and free verse, as well as the traditional Spanish ballad and redondilla. And his variety of mood is no less extensive. He has heard the voice of Walt Whitman and of D'Annunzio. But his work remains intensely personal, at times as naively simple as a primitive, again sardonically satiri- cal. In the interval between the publication of these poems, Ayala had sought another me- dium of expression, the novel. The four works which appeared between 1908 and 1913 are in reality but parts of a single work : the spiritual history of Alberto Diaz de Guzman, or, if you prefer, Ramon Perez de Ayala. The first of the group, Tinieblas en las cumbres ("Dark on the Heights"), published under the pseu- donym of "Plotino Cuevas," is the story of his sojourn in the sensual garden of Circe. The second takes us back to the period of his boyhood training in a Jesuit school, acridly pictured in A. M. D. G. ("Ad maiorem Dei gratiam"). The third of the series, La pata de la raposa ("The Fox's Paw"), tells of his conflict between the two impulses of individual freedom and social order. In the last, which in the whole structure serves as an interlude in INTRODUCTION ri the preceding work, he narrates his Descent into Hell, in other words, his life among the Troteras y danzaderas of Madrid. Though they bear the title of novelas, these books are by no means novels in the hackneyed, American sense of the word. Of plot, of straightforward narrative there is almost noth- ing. The events, for that matter, most of the characters, are purely episodic. Their single unity is the spirit of their protagonist. But each episode is treated with singular attention to detail, whether it be a baptism or a bac- chanal, and all of the lesser characters possess a plastic reality which rivals the finest crea- tions of the Spanish tradition. Perez de Ayala does not hesitate to use unconventional means to secure his effects. Verses, dialogues, monologues, scraps of un- related conversation, everything in the gam- ut of human expression is called upon to con- tribute to the illumination of his theme, this story of the unavailing pilgrimage of the mod- ern spirit. And this complexity of form cor- responds with the variety of situation. For the hero's way leads him as often into the mire of society as into those neighboring realms where vice and virtue are alike disguised be- rii INTRODUCTION neath a covering of pulchritude. Yet in spite of the vulgarity or licentiousness of his expe- riences, there is hardly a trace of eroticism; Perez de Ayala is no disciple of Felipe Trigo. In style these novels of Ayala mark one of the great achievements in modern prose. Their richness of vocabulary, their suppleness of phrase, and their brilliancy of color are por- tentous. If in the earlier works the author carries his concern for form occasionally to the point of preciosity, in the last two novels he has attained a sincerity of expression which is reminiscent of the masters of the past. There is none of the conscious archaicism of Ricardo Leon, for example, but rather a certain vague flavor, piquant and penetrating, of the style of Quevedo or Vicente E spinel, arising from his spiritual fraternity with those mordant critics of an earlier picaresque society. A. M. D. 'G. and La pata de la raposa have enjoyed an exceptional popularity in Spain, the former partly because of its relation to a contemporary political question, the laicization of public instruction, the latter wholly because of its artistic merit. But Ayala has turned to another form. Already in Troteras y danza- deras there appears a sort of manifesto of a INTRODUCTION riii new theory of dramatic criticism. During the last years he has devoted himself almost wholly to this field, in which he has already published two volumes of essays, entitled Las mascaras ("The Masks"). Ayala himself says that he was first led to a study of the theory of the drama by his in- terest in the work of Perez Galdos, the re- cently departed master with whom he was on terms of such intimacy. And Galdos has re- mained to him the one great dramatist of modern Spain, to the exclusion of other play- wrights who have enjoyed a much larger share of the popular esteem. Whether we can fol- low him or not in this judgment, we cannot fail to recognize the originality and the sound- ness of his theories, nor the acuteness and dis- cernment with which he is applying them to contemporary drama, outside of Spain as well as at home. His impressions of a trip to the Italian battle-fronts in 1917 are recorded in Herman encadenado ("Hermann Enchained"), an- other penetrating analysis of the psychological and physical conditions in Italy before the disaster of Caporetto. In the following year appeared the latest of his works ; a new collec- riv INTRODUCTION tion of essays with the title Politica y toros ("Politics and Bullfights"), the two eternal themes of Spanish conversation, known to their Roman forbears as "Bread and the Cir- cus." Sooner or later every Spaniard enters poli- tics ; when a Spanish intellectual enters politics he is a radical. And Ayala had already given a vague indication of his political bent in two of the stories contained in the collection of symbolic tales which begins with Prometeo, mblished in 1916. Prometheus is not the central figure of the story to which his name is given; his father, Ulysses the Wanderer, alias Marco de Seti- fiano, is its theme. In him Ayala has created another type, after the fashion of Alberto Diaz de .Guzman; his pilgrimage through life is whimsically based upon the Odyssey; his ul- timate disillusionment and failure are typical of the modern style. Marco is a theorist and a dreamer; experience with grim irony shatters his house of dreams. But does that mean that his dream was not worth while? Ayala an- swers with a paradox: "The men who fail are the leaven of humanity," which is only another INTRODUCTION xv way of saying that it is the effort, not the result, which is all-important. The other two stories of the collection, Luz de doming o ("Sunday Sunlight") and "La caida de los Limones" ("The Fall of the House of Limon") are of a different type, per- ilously close to the novel of propaganda. Their purpose is plainly to scourge the evils of cad- quismo, the Spanish form of political "boss- ism," as it flourishes in the rural districts and in provincial capitals. It is not necessary to read between the lines to hear a call to revolt. Each chapter in these tales opens with a brief poem, in which the author foreshadows the psychological mood of the chapter, a device which inevitably suggests the musings and forebodings of the chorus of Attic tragedy; they form an organic part of the whole, as es- sential to it as thought to the brain. Ayala'si poetic gift has nowhere found more perfect expression that in these crystallizations of a fleeting mood. And the same perfection is evident in his prose. Only in Dostoyevski or the other modern Russian novelists is there found such poignant power to evoke the latent significance of scenes and even objects or to xvi INTRODUCTION characterize with a single, scintillating phrase a personality. Ayala's work is not merely entertaining; it is not for those who do not think, who suspect that thinking is incompatible with good form and the permanence of the established order, and who demand of the books they read the same innocuous vacuity. For he is primarily a thinker, charging his work with the breadth of his reading and the rich fruit of his personal observation and reflection on life. If his read- ers stop to hear his message, they will be troubled, baffled, perhaps stirred to indigna- tion, but they will be stimulated with a new faith in life, for life's sake. HAYWARD KENISTON. PROMETHEUS TO MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ ACOSTA I-RHAPSODY BYWAY OF PROLOGUE HOW THE MODERN ODYSSEUS MET WITH THE MODERN NAUSICAA Why leave the land of unhappy hours In search of fresh adventure If these lost hours are your com- panions, If the dust of the day's journey On sandal and vestment Ooes with you? Whatever way you travel . . . Foot-path . . . by-way . . . highroad . . . Always in eyes and mouth The bitterness of the dust Of a strange land! You will never reach the longed- for Destination. Tour hand will not relinquish the staff. Doomed to wander You will know yourself in the deeps of the heart Forever an exile. Do not travel by land! Make your way across the sea. Set foot upon shores of mystery, As if born to a new life. On an unknown course The sea-chariot goes flying, Owing its canvas sails To the wind. No dust arises on its journey: And the bough of an oak-tree Glories at the prow. Govern your own soul: be self- sufflcient. Make of your life a colossal dream Ceaselessly renewed. Cling to the floating spar, Strike out across the sea. PROMETHEUS HE adventure befell more or less as it is related by the bard Homer, him of the eyes with- out light. The events, as fre- quently fortunate as ill-fated, which preceded the adventure, likewise the ac- companying circumstances, reproduce the ancient fable, even though changed times have introduced slight variations. Events, circum- stances and variations afford more than suffi- cient material for a preliminary rhapsody, and therefore the narrator finds himself forced into a summary account. Thus, what in epic ages was an heroic chant, to the sound of the cither, is to-day a mute and graphic voice, that is to say, the written word, with no other accom- paniment than the languid stridency of the metallic pen over the perishable paper. The bard has degenerated into a novelist. Sing, oh meddlesome goddess of these ple- 3 4 PROMETHEUS beian days; goddess of impertinent curiosity and prying boredom, who hast no joy unless it be in raking over the ashes of thy neighbor's hearth! Sing, I tell thee, the rare emprises of love and fortune of the modern Odysseus, a man magnanimous, astute when occasion re- quired, like to the Immortals in his eminence, in his corpulence, in the breadth of his shoulders, and in his predilection for ambrosial beverages, in common speech, alcoholic drinks, which de- lightfully cloud the brain, and cause one to break forth into Olympic laughter, and other follies, wholly useless: for the Immortals, guests of the limitless Ouranos, differ from poor mortals in that, having in their own hands the dominion of incalculable time, they are not enslaved by minute practical en- deavors, and act always in a fashion that to us seems inconsistent and nonsensical. Sing, or relate, oh tattle-tale, gossiping goddess! how the divine Odysseus, born in the city where Ares was dashed down by the Baptist, set out for sacred Ilios, the citadel of which he took by virtue of his genius; how, later, he visited the land of the lotus-eaters, whose fare is a flower which causes loss of memory, and grants the sweet gift of f orgetf ulness ; how, fleeing PROMETHEUS 5 from them, he suffered ills without number, and fell at length into the arms of the vener- able and enchanting Circe, of the abundant tresses; how, thanks to Hermes, god of the golden wand, who in every respect preserves his youthful beauty, he escaped from the ma- lignant, ardent Circe and descended to the dwellings of Hades, a sorrowful land, bloom- ing with asphodels, through which wander the empty phantoms of those who have ceased to live, and how he there questioned about the inscrutable future the Theban Tiresias, seer of far-reaching fame in mythic antiquity, and how hearing him, and rinding himself sur- rounded by incorporeal shades, the illustrious and subtle Odysseus, in spite of his immutable soul, felt in his limbs the pallid terror; how his companions slaughtered and ate the flocks of Helios, who beholds all things, and moved the Immortals to vengeance ; how the excellent Odysseus, in like fashion as other less excel- lent and not at all excellent mortals, moved between Scylla and Charybdis, or, as we say, went from Herod to Pilate; and how he idled in his own despite in the pleasant lair of the caressing nymph Calypso; sing or narrate above all, oh goddess who presumest to a wis- 6 PROMETHEUS dom thou dost not possess! how the modern Odysseus met Nausicaa of the snowy arms, be- cause this is the only thing that truly interests us at this point. Perhaps more than one reader may take a fancy to this invocation, as prolix as it is mys- terious. Let us add an observation: the many N. allusions with which it is interwoven will have later their exact interpretation or explanation. And now we begin the story. The magnificent Odysseus had now to his credit forty days in the power of the wheedle- some nymph Calypso; forty days which he imagined as many years. The modern nymph did not dwell in a cave, but in a country house, distant from town by as far as a shout can be heard, to employ the system of topographical measurement of Homer himself; a system somewhat elastic, because if the house be near the sea, the loud murmur of the waves drowns the human voice before it has reached half its distance. It is meant by this that even though the house stood out in isolation, all neat and spotless in the midst of a garden, the surround- ing region abounded in groups of laborers' houses, and in mariners' cottages. Farm- houses and cottages did not crowd one another, PROMETHEUS 7 nor did they lean one upon the other forming a hamlet, much less a town, but each one went off in its own direction, scattered hither and yon, in the shelter of a hillock, or in the shadow of a figtree. The garden of the nymph was of great pleasantness. There grew the willow, the poplar, and the odorous cypress, where the birds who fly afar come to build their nests; the hawk, and the garrulous sea-raven which is always made uneasy by the whispering of the foliage. Four rivulets ran along, with- drawing or joining together, in the fashion of a net, with the limpid waters of which the gentle fields grew green, and violets and very many other flowers in every kind blossomed forth. Over the front of the house a virgin grape-vine clung tremulous with unripe clus- ters. Such was the mansion of Calypso, who, it must be said in passing, and in honor of the truth, was not called Calypso, because she was named Frederica ,G6mez, and was the childless widow of a colonist who had returned, wealthy and enervated, from South America. Nor was Odysseus named Odysseus either, but his true name shall be disclosed when the opportune moment presents itself. Frederica and Odysseus were living to- 8 PROMETHEUS gather, imperfectly united by unrequited affec- tion, for Odysseus did not respond to the pas- sion of Frederica. Odysseus was desirous of departing; but whenever he found out a way of escape, Frederica held him back with tears, wails, and commotion. To try to forget his anguish, and under pretext that he was very fond of swimming, Odysseus spent almost all the day in the sea. He swam like a Triton. He would go out into the open sea, and spend four or five hours swimming continuously. And when he was not in his bath, he sought shelter in the aloofness of a wood, where he sighed deeply for his lost liberty, until he determined in his mind to escape. And thus it befell. In odd moments he began to cut down trunks of trees which then he bound one to an- other, tying them with hempen ropes in the form of a raft. Of all this industry nobody had a suspicion, and least of all Frederica. When the contrivance was ready, Odysseus paid some laborers to take it down to the beach, at dusk. After supper, Odysseus said he was going into the garden to smoke a ciga- rette. He went out one door, and entered by another stealthily; he went upstairs to steal a sheet, and again went out with as much rapid- PROMETHEUS 9 ity as if Hermes, god of perennial youth, who has wings on his ankles, were carrying him sus- pended in air. . . . Nevertheless he stopped at a tavern to buy sundry bottles of red nectar and crystalline ambrosia, which the tavern keeper, a layman in matters mythological, de- nominated wine and whiskey. Odysseus reached the shore, bared his legs, and pushed the raft into the water with great difficulty and delay. In the meantime, Frederica, lashed by impatience, also went into the garden, and as she did not run across Odysseus, and the latter replied not to plaintive solicitations, she felt in her heart a foreboding of serious disaster. She left the garden, scoured various farmhouses, and passed by the tavern where they informed her that Odysseus had gone beachward. In that direction, then, ran the afflicted nymph; at the very moment when the fugitive had suc- ceeded at last in floating his contrivance. With oars manufactured for the occasion, Odysseus was rowing rapidly towards the somber sea. "Man alive! What are you up to?" asked Frederica. "Fleeing, my friend, as you see. I have broken the irksome bond in which you held me. I am going at random, I know not where. 10 PROMETHEUS What matter! Any servitude or punishment whatever will be better than the yoke of your roly-poly arms, because, convince yourself, oh estimable friend! you are now somewhat past your prime. Ah ! I am carrying off a sheet of heavy linen which belongs to you, but in ex- change I leave you two suits of fine woolen ; all my underclothes, which are in good condition; some patent leather shoes; some dull calfskin boots; and some alpargatas.* You come out winner." Frederica first tore her hair; then broke forth into imprecations and sorrowful suppli- cations; and finally, giving up all for lost, she screamed, "Wicked devils take you!" and stretched out her clenched hands toward the sea, as if invoking the furies of Poseidon, him who rules the waters and makes the earth tremble when it so pleases him. Meanwhile Odysseus had been lost to view. It was an August night, diaphanous, and seething with golden constellations. Odys- seus, resourceful in devices, erected a mast in the center of the raft, and with another stick as crossbeam, and with the sheet, set up a sail * Shoes with canvas tops and hempen soles, kept on the foot and bound about the ankles with a lacing. Translator. PROMETHEUS 11 as one does a banner. He drank unhurriedly a bottle of crimson nectar, and threw himself down to sleep. And thus he went sailing, be- neath the sentinel stars, over the swelling and gentle sea. He awoke late in the morning. The sun was shining almost perpendicularly. Odysseus stretched himself, and breathed as deeply as if he wanted to drink up the firma- ment. He breakfasted off white ambrosia, and cold meats which he had in his pocket. He looked about him. A promontory rose from the neighboring coast, with reefs at its base amid foam. On its summit, a light- house. And the huge mass was like the prow of a vessel painted scarlet. On either side, the land fell away toward the horizon, silvery green in color like the olive. The gulls were soaring, giving forth long cries, and from time to time appeared a wild duck with burnished throat extended, like a work of the ceramic arts. Out at sea could be seen a line of barks for tunny fishing, the sails of yellowish ochre. And Odysseus experienced a marvelous ex- pansion, as if he were lord of heaven and earth. "That must be Cape Roquedeira," he mur- 12 PROMETHEUS mured. "In any case, be it what it may, what does it matter?" He drew in the sail, put off all attire, and cast himself into the water. He swam several hours, now putting off from the raft, now resting against it. And when he got out of the water, the sun was already shining low. He let the air dry him, and having dressed, once more hoisted sail, and left the course of the raft to the will of the gods. And the raft followed the outline of the gloomy shore. Now Odysseus perceived the mouth of a large river, which melted into the sea with mournful plaint. And before the moon could peep out on the horizon, the wrathful Poseidon, as if he showed himself propitious to the prayers of Frederica, drew himself erect in all his mem- bers. The great waves, full of violence, heaved the raft from side to side. In the same fashion as autumnal Boreas drives over the plain the dried leaves, so the winds drove the raft from one side to another. Now Euros gave place, that Zephyros might pull it; now Notos gave in to Boreas. And the raft was broken into shivers. Odysseus bestrode one of the tree trunks as if it were an unbroken horse, but to no purpose; and at last he had PROMETHEUS 13 to fight hand to hand with the innumerable raging waves. He was giving himself up for lost, when the sea spat him out upon the sand. By dragging himself along, he reached a meadow in which were fragrant shrubs. He was naked and exhausted. Darkness envel- oped him. And there, beneath a shrub, he fell asleep. While the patient Odysseus lay sleeping, vanquished by sleep and fatigue, not far from the bush which served him as shelter in a house furnished with unusual lavishness slum- bered also the virgin Nausicaa, of the ala- baster arms, like to the immortal goddesses for her loveliness and grace. She slept and dreamed. She dreamed she heard a voice say- ing to her: "Nausicaa, why were you born so neglect- ful? Why don't you take pains to dress your- self in the best and most becoming things that you possess? Your beautiful clothes lie forgotten. Prepare yourself, for the hour of your betrothal draws nigh, and now you will not be a maiden much longer." When Nausicaa awoke, she said to herself: "What a droll dream! If I believed in omens " 14 PROMETHEUS But as you never can tell, she put on her loveliest garments, and, having breakfasted, in company with several other maidens, two of them her sisters, and two her friends, she went down to a meadow adorned here and there with flowering shrubs, at the farthest boundary of the estate, close to the shore. They rode in a vehicle half cart, half car- riage, drawn by a donkey named Agamem- non, and they carried sheets for the bath, and rackets with which to play battledore and shuttlecock. Their hair flying, they began the game with a great hubbub, so that they awoke the crafty Odysseus, who, seeing the maids, knew not what to do. Hunger gnawed his entrails, and impelled him to show himself; but he dared not for fear of frightening the damsels. But it befell that a shuttlecock lighted where Odysseus was. And the girl who ran up to recover it cried out frightened : "A man, and naked!" Before a prospect so horrifying, the maidens fled. Only Nausicaa remained, be- cause her heart was strong and fearless, and she divined some misfortune. Odysseus tore off a great leafy branch with which to cover his nakedness, and walking on PBOMETHEUS 15 his knees, he approached Nausicaa, and spoke as follows : "I beg a favor of thee, be thou goddess or mortal. If thou art a goddess, of those who inhabit the boundless Ouranos, thou seemest to me Artemis, daughter of the great Zeus, for thy beauty, thy stature, and thy comeli- ness. If thou art a mortal, of those who in- habit earth, thrice blessed thy venerable par- ents, thrice blessed thy brothers and sisters; but happier than all he who, lavishing upon thee marriage gifts, shall lead thee to his home. I have been shipwrecked " Nausicaa, at the same moment that she re- garded Odysseus as the handsomest man she had ever seen in her life, murmured in an un- dertone: "Poor wretch! He has lost his mind " And Odysseus, who heard her: "No, I haven't lost it yet, though I fear to do so if I contemplate you much longer." And then, with a sudden change: "Help me. See to providing me with some- thing which will make me presentable. I am an honorable man and of gentle birth. I have suffered many evils, and, last of all, shipwreck. Besides, I am fainting with hunger. Later I 16 PROMETHEUS shall relate to you my life and miracles. Grace!" Nausicaa, turning to the other maidens, shouted : "Come back! Don't be silly. Bring one of the bath sheets for this man to cover him- self." And then, addressing herself to the subtle and magnanimous Odysseus: "Come home with us, and there you shall eat something, and we shall see if my broth- ers' clothes fit you." II ODYSSEUS Od y sseus > vagabond king, The gods of the blue Ouranot Already have delayed for many years Your home-coming: When out of exile You return Home to sweet Ithaca, Will your thanes know you? The king turned beggar, Who will say it is the king of old? Who now recalls His face? But Odysseus has a bow so mighty No other living man, Odysseus and no other May set the arrow free. Heaven is the target Toward which the king aims. Bow in hand The king aims at heaven itself. Will the arrow attain such height? The arrow lost itself In the sky. You* like myself, All of us, Brother, We are as Odysseus: Each possesses a bow Useless to other men, To one man only Alive and responsive: Each aims at the sky. If any one fail . . . coward! II DYSSEUS was professor of Greek language and literature in the University of Letters of Pilares. It is not to be won- dered at that, granted his pro- fession, he should be much given to employing Homeric locutions. This false Odysseus was a great friend of ours. Hence it is that recall- ing, as we recall, very vividly his manners and character, having felt ourselves, for a moment, beneath the spell of that powerful personality, we have begun to relate his true history in a style allegoric, epic, and obedient to no rules. In his ecstasies of Bacchic enthusiasm, which were sufficiently frequent, he used to say he was Odysseus. Because in him the heroic was mingled with the humorous, Odysseus was the hero of antiquity whom most he loved and ad- mired. Whenever he read the Odyssey, he wept bitter tears, not of exaltation, but of sad- ness, as an exile in time who had been born thirty centuries too late. 18 PROMETHEUS 19 The modern Odysseus figured on the pay- roll under the name of Mark de Setifiano. But this was not his true name either. He was really called John Perez Setignano. He was born in Florence, a city which in ages of paganism had for its tutelary divinity the god Ares, according to the Greeks, or Mars, according to the Latins, and later, when the new law of Christ prevailed, placed itself under the patronage of the Baptist. His father was a Spaniard; his mother an Italian, of aristocratic lineage. His father had been a handsome youth, distinguished for his hand- some face and his indolence, a quality by which, according to some authorities, one can see that man is of divine origin. The idle- ness of this great man, who was called An- tonio Perez Fillol, was, I need not say, more than godlike; for never did he do aught else than eat, sleep, and make love to women, or rather better, let himself be made love to. He was the son of Antonio Perez Novella, a medi- ocre painter, born in Murcia, who had estab- lished himself permanently in Florence, and is there buried. He also was a fine-looking fellow, for beauty, distinction, and proud bearing were the only heritage of the family. 20 PROMETHEUS With the attractive qualities of Antonio Perez Fillol, and his splendid presence, Beatrice de Setignano became enamored. She was a young Florentine, winsome, discreet, of noble blood, and not ill-provided for as regards for- tune. They married and had a son, John; the wife died at the end of seven or eight years, and when the fine-looking youth, now wid- owed, had consumed the money his wife had left, he took himself out of the way by throw- ing himself into the Arno. The son was then somewhere about sixteen. Some maternal uncles took him in charge until he finished college. He had turned out like his father and grandfather : of unusual stature, vigorous, his features clearly cut, regular, and manly. From childhood he had been taciturn and haughty. He took no part in childish games, but went about solitary, imagining unheard-of emprises. His mind was tortured with dreams and formless chimeras. In the crisis of adoles- cence, and at the death of his father, his tem- perament changed. It seemed to him he al- ready felt himself a man, wholly free, master of himself and the future. He mingled in the youthful society of other students, and while he attended with delight his university courses, PROMETHEUS 21 he devoted himself noticeably to developing strength and agility of body. He early con- tracted the vice of drink. The very day he took his degree of doctor of letters, his uncle took him aside, and addressed him as follows: "I suppose you know that your father ran through your mother's fortune, all of it ex- cept sixty thousand liras which he could not get his hands on because I had them safely put by. These sixty thousand liras are at your disposal. On these, as you will under- stand, one cannot live, but I consider them no trifling help to enable you to see, thinking the matter over thoroughly and calmly, what you are to do, and over what road you are going to travel. You have in your favor all that a man could desire at the beginning of life. If you fail, on you will be the blame. While you are picking out your path, my house is yours." After the interview, John locked himself up to meditate. He did not know what to decide upon. He scrutinized the future, and all horizons seemed to him too limited for his ambition. He had an heroic soul, and knew not what he wished, what to resolve. If he had been asked, "Should you like to be king?" 22 PROMETHEUS he would have replied, "Pshaw!" and made a wry face. He wanted to be himself, his very self, but in a manner he could not as yet de- fine; he wanted his own glorification to a maximum degree, like a great dyke raised in the middle of the stream of time, which gathers and restrains the waters of the past in a quiet and deep lake, and then casts them over into the future in an imposing and im- petuous cataract. In a word, so vague were his aspirations that he decided to wait until they should grow clearer and become more concrete. From that moment he withdrew from social intercourse, and applied himself to reading and studying. Most of the hours of the day and night he spent at his books. And the hours of rest he devoted to exercis- ing himself in gallant and violent activities; swimming, horseback riding. Whenever his uncle asked him, "Are you considering some- thing?" he would reply, "I don't know yet. I am studying. I am thinking deeply. In any case, I shall not have lost time, for my studies will help me to win a professorship." "But are you going to turn teacher? What are you seeking in books?" "Wisdom." PROMETHEUS 23 "Wisdom does not lead to success. To attain it, intelligence coupled with natural aptitude suffices, without further training, and even instinct is sufficient on condition that upon one or the other will-power is grafted. To will is to accomplish. But in order to will one needs a plain object, looked at from only one point of view. And wisdom pre- sents to us objects in all their aspects, prevents us from going in a direct line towards our aim, and forces us to circle about one point, like the butterfly around the light by which it is dazzled or consumed. Wisdom does not lead to success. Or are you seeking wisdom for itself?" "For itself. I am endeavoring to know things in all their phases, and more than in all their phases in all their recondite mean- ings and correspondences." "But the fact is that books do not serve the purpose either. Wisdom is acquired by the direct study of nature and of men, not by the study of the dead letter; it is granted by the slow and unhurried experience of a life which has known how to employ itself well, not by the gracious and delightful ex- perience of books. The experience of one has 24 PROMETHEUS never been of benefit to the other. And when wisdom at last has been attained, in extreme old age, when strength is lacking us to make use of it, tell me: for what do we want it?" "It does not matter to me that plenary wis- dom is not gained except when one is grown old. I find no way to conjecture how great a joy it will be to know completely, because I cannot conceive that it can be greater than to learn little by little, and step by step." "In short, you wish to be a man of thought." "Yes." "I should prefer your being a man of action." "That too." "One does not fit in with the other. Thought is a hindrance to action." "On the contrary, I am convinced that it is a stimulus, a motive force. The dove can believe that it would fly more swiftly without the weight of the air, but it is certain that unless it rested its wings upon the dense air, it would fall to the earth." "I know the metaphor. The disadvantage, dear John, is that I do not understand you." "I do not understand myself either." PROMETHEUS 25 "Then let us wait until you understand yourself, and we understand each other." "Let us wait." The fact was that John felt himself pas- sionately drawn towards books and towards drink by a power of attraction superior to his will. He did not read carelessly and at ran- dom, with silent and stupefying voracity like a pedantic and unsystematic reader. He read methodically the most select works, in the classics as well as in cultured modern tongues. He imbibed with ecstasy the most noble, the most ancient, the most rarefied essences of the human heart and intellect throughout the centuries, and he assimilated them into the blood and marrow of his soul. He read as he drank: with a relish, and in such wise that his pulses quickened, his mind grew keener, and he put on as it were a new life. And so, in his spirit were becoming amalgamated countless seething inquietudes, presumptions, eager longings, glimpses, impulses and ter- rors, which flowed together in him, proceed- ing from remote zones, from the cardinal points of the soul of humanity, scattered over divers ages and over divers lands. But in him had engraved itself that sentence of 28 PROMETHEUS his uncle's: "Only action leads to success." Success, that is, the perfect realization of one's own destiny. John had confidence in his destiny. He said to himself one day: "I want to find my norms of action." And he left Florence on a journey of apprentice- ship over all Italy. He visited the cities, mingled with many classes of men, high and low, sought intercourse with women, scru- tinized, meditated, passed whole nights with his light burning, the bottle within reach of his hand, elbows on the table, and fore- head in his hands; but he could not succeed in solving the great problem: that of putting himself in harmony with himself, of discover- ing the ideal which befits one. "A man of action, yes," he would say to himself, "but where are the noble and unheard-of acts in which to engage oneself?" Italy seemed to him a country too much subject to rule and measure, like a work of art already fashioned, a piece of sculpture minutely modeled. All was petrified; all had a finished, final shape; over everything was reflected the golden dusk of tradition. And it was a deficient tradition, broken up into various traditions, unfused, without connection, and without fertility; the PROMETHEUS 27 tradition of Rome, force without grace or sagacity, and the tradition of the Renaissance, grace and subtlety without strength. For John, the living tradition, the true tradition must be one of trinity in unity, eternally renewed ; vigor, grace, and subtlety, under- standing by subtlety the active intelligence. One night in Naples, face to face with the Tyrrhenian sea, John inhaled the fragrance of the orange trees. He thought: "I seem to be in Spain Why? Why?" And he did not quickly hit upon the answer. He had never been in Spain, and in that crisis, he felt homesick for Spain. "Oh, beloved father- land," he sighed. And why? He had a sud- den revelation. "The tradition of Italy moves me not because I am not an Italian. I am a Spaniard. Italy is a statue. Spain is as yet youthful flesh, not a tradition, but blind inheritance. It is the country of possibili- ties. It is the virgin country, almost a child, for men of action, and men of thought. Why? I know not, but so it is." It was a revelation. It is true that that night he had drunk more than usual. But that night was in his life like a signpost which marks the parting of the ways. He wrote to his 28 PROMETHEUS uncle to say good-by, and took the first boat for Spain, an English vessel going to New York, which would stop at Gibraltar. The short crossing from Italy to Spain gave him an opportunity to know at close range the Anglo-Saxon. He mixed with Englishmen and North Americans. In them he found something which approached the archetype of hero towards which he was guiding himself, in which are merged strength, grace, and subtlety, so proportioned as to produce a perfect equilibrium. Then he thought that perhaps the naive and adventurous heart of the legendary Argonaut pulsed again in the English explorer, and that the Argonaut's inordinate love for wealth, more successful in gaining its ends than the Englishman's, was reembodied in the Yankee financier. But both types, even though heroic, within actual times, John judged as too paltry for his ambition. He aspired to the type of the demigod, to Prometheus; and if he himself could not be Prometheus, at least he aspired to apprehend, to understand, to divine him, and to aid in his conception. John reached Spain, and first went to Seville. There he lengthened out his stay PROMETHEUS 29 to two months, awaiting the Fair. The bull- fights impressed him profoundly. He thought for a few days that bull-fighting was his vocation. The great feast fascinated him with two powerful charms: first, the attrac- tion of naked tragedy, a struggle with the blind and hostile forces of nature, with death; and then the immediate sanction of success before the intoxicated and delirious multitude. So much to heart did he take it that he hastened to attempt the first rudi- ments of the art, passes with the cloak and the decoying of the bull, and he was obliged to cut his beard and hair which had lent to his head a Capitoline aspect. Very soon he found out that the art of bull-fighting did not embrace technical difficulties, nor require great courage or skill. Its essence was grace, a gift which the gods bestow at their caprice, and not strength, a quality which man can acquire or develop. Consequently, like any art which is the outcome of the gift of grace, it was decadent. He renounced bull-fighting, but remained in Seville, his senses overcome by gentle languor, and once more he let his beard grow. And this stay in Seville constitutes one of the adventures 30 PROMETHEUS referred to in the invocation of this story, which John designated as: "Sojourn in the land of the lotus-eaters, who feed upon a flower which causes loss of memory, and which grants oblivion." And in order to flee from that forgetfulness which threatened everything, John fell into the arms of a fas- cinating Sevillian, Lolita the Fleshy, so nicknamed in spite of her slenderness, be- cause she had been born by the Gate of the Flesh. And she is the Circe of the invoca- tion, from whom John liberated himself through the good offices of Hermes, who is also called Mercury, the god who presides over the distribution of wealth and property; and this we state in order to make plain that we have not hinted at anything malicious, but simply mean that as Lolita's fondness for him was costing John an eye, and the sixty thousand liras had dwindled to a half, John reminded himself to remind himself no longer of his beloved, and to abandon Seville. He traveled over the greater portion of Spain in search of the living triune tradition, with the following result: that in the South, grace and subtlety lacked strength; in the East, strength and subtlety lacked grace; and in PEOMETHEUS 31 the North, strength and grace lacked sub- tlety. And finally he wound up in an an- cient city, dead from time immemorial, the name of which we have no reason for di- vulging. And this adventure is the one John described as "Descent into the dwellings of remembrance, peopled by the empty phantoms of those who have ceased to exist"; because the city, although it abounded in self- propelling figures that resembled men, held only phantoms. And there he consulted Tiresias, who was a seer and had the visage of an owl. And the seer with the owl's face said to John: "Wretch, you have come to regions where one cannot arrive without hav- ing forfeited one's humanity. No longer are you a man, nor can you recover man's es- tate. Henceforth you shall be but the recol- lection of a man." And John felt in his innermost being pallid and penetrating terror. And from that city of silence John departed for Madrid. Unholy Madrid captured him with its sinister spell. Very quickly he ac- quired innumerable friends, and became an out and out son of Madrid. It was then that he became naturalized as a Spaniard, adopting the name of Mark de Setinano, 32 PROMETHEUS because he still maintained an heroic spirit, and John Perez seemed to him a passionate adjuration to a plebeian Nemesis. His stay in Madrid Mark entitled: "Episode in which my companions made slaughter of the flocks of Helios, inciting the gods to vengeance"; and by this heading he gave to understand in allegorical fashion that in Madrid night is turned into day, and the penalty is to accom- plish nothing worth while. Money was now becoming scarce; or, what amounts to the same thing, John was moving between Scylla and Charybdis, and from Herod to Pilate. As Odysseus clung to the fig tree, so Mark clung to a professorship of Greek in the University of Pilares, which it was announced was open to competitive examination. He revalidated his diploma in Spain, and ob- tained the chair without any difficulty. Once more he acquired a love for books, and ap- plied himself to the ordering of his thoughts, and moralizing on his experiences. From his love for ambrosial libations he had not fallen away one whit. When he won his professor- ship and went to establish himself in Pilares, he was thirty-three, and in the prime of his manhood. Discriminating and clear-sighted PROMETHEUS 33 in his judgments, he immediately compre- hended Pilares and its inhabitants, and the lot that the future held for him there. Nothing more appropriate than to limit ourselves to his own words. After holding his professor- ship a few months, he wrote as follows to his uncle. "Dear Uncle: I am a school teacher in a Spanish province. I came to Spain think- ing it the country of possibilities. Now I look upon it as the country of impossibilities. This, so far as I am concerned, for I have forsworn success, and acknowledged myself a defeated man. I am a failure because I have had no father, or have only half had one, for the function of a father is not merely to beget. My father transmitted to me one element of success: vigor. Grace I owe to my mother. The rest I have acquired for myself. I believe I am a perfect man, as will be proved to you by the naturalness with which I speak of my perfection. This explains, moreover, why I am a defeated man; because in order to make of myself a man, I have needed time, and upon reaching the period of perfect maturity, I see that it 34 PROMETHEUS coincides with the period of decline of the elements that make for success. The result of my journeyings and studies may be synthe- sized into a few brief postulates: Happiness is reserved for the man of action; but the man of action does not invent activity, he realizes it. The man of thought conceives action, therefore the man of thought should precede the man of action. The man of thought begins by thinking himself happy in the fruition of knowing purely for the sake of knowing; until the sorrow comes of realizing that felicity resides solely in action; and finally from this grief ascends the sublime joy of recognizing that for him also is reserved the most noble mode of action, that of begetting a man of action, and this happiness is increased when the man of thought is at the same time a defeated man of action, when he knows that he himself might have been a man of action. In other words: if indeed I have relinquished per- sonal success, it is because I aspire to the vicarious success of paternity. What I wish I might have been, that my son Prometheus will be, a demigod, a redeemer for now more than ever humanity has need of him PROMETHEUS 35 a living bond, and a link between earth and heaven. For behold how I imagine humanity. What to us, looking upwards from the earth, is heaven, is from the other side, to the gods who gaze down upon it and walk upon it, earth. And humanity is as it were a gar- land which hangs from this ceiling, forming large and diversified festoons from one point to another of the vault from which it is suspended. Very well then, each point of contact through which at distant intervals it meets heaven, is such a man as I call Pro- metheus. When from one point to another the historic distance is too greatly prolonged, the festoon drops so low that humanity wal- lows in the slime. This being so, I dream of my Prometheus. My spirit and my flesh are imbued with this meaning of the future, and make prophecy of it to me. I suppose you will say that all this is because I am in love, and want to marry. No, sir. Not yet have I met the woman whom I am destined to marry. I am going to seek her with all de- liberation and serenity. She shall be strong, as I am strong; she shall be beautiful, as I am beautiful; she shall be intelligent, as I am intelligent. I shall marry with due con- 36 PROMETHEUS sciousness of my responsibility, with the clear perception that I am the providential and beloved instrument of the genius of the race." To this his uncle replied: "Dear Nephew: I am very feeble. Soon I shall die. In my will I leave you an in- heritance of one hundred thousand liras. Your letter has greatly pleased me. I always considered you crazy, and this it is that grati- fies me. Your father was more than circum- spect, and was very uncongenial to me. I do not believe, like you, that humanity is an ornament attached to heaven by the semi- divine nature of some exceptional men. These men touch the heavens with their fore- heads because other men boost them. It is no merit in the top of the tree that it is the top, that merit belongs to the trunk and the roots. It is not to the credit of the apex of the pyramid that it is the apex, that credit is due to the base. Let humanity sink as far as possible in the mire until it gains a foot- hold. Afterwards, in his good time, Prome- theus will arrive. And from this point on you are right: Prometheus is born of men like you, men impelled by yearning desire PROMETHEUS 37 to soar, and vanquished by that very aspira- tion. These defeated men, dear John, I think are the leaven of humanity." On receiving this letter, Mark commented: "My uncle is in his second childhood; never- theless he is not far off the track." Mark fulfilled systematically the duties of his professorship, but he lived above all de- livered over to the obsession of being father to a hero. Consequently he was to be assailed by reiterated erotic attacks which grew more frequent with spring. And this was the rea- son why he began to make advances to Frederica Gomez, a sentimental, violent, portly woman, and a widow besides. Fred- erica conceived a passion for Mark, and Mark, for pastime, let himself be led whither she would lead him, which was to a lovely country house, at the beginning of summer, but unfortunately, with the beginning of summer, boredom set in for Mark. Ill _ MAT I^IPAA Naked my mother bore me, 1^^\UJ1WW\ ,, an Immorta l. I rule my destiny; Adversity flees before mt. I am Man. Man am I, King of the floating world; I am the salt of the earth; With me History ends, With me History begins. Utterly naked I am As a primeval dawn. So the sea cast me up Where its curved margin flowers. I come from mystery that sings: I come from depths of the past. Just at the future's door I find you, Nausicad, White-armed, slim, strong, Nausicad, beautiful! Fold me in your white arms; Claim me in nuptial joy. We are the pillars of Hercules On which the globe is poised; About us like a garland Is wreathed Eternity. Ill AUSICAA was called Perpetua Meana. When Mark found out her baptismal and surname, he praised the first, considering it lovely and significant, but the second disgusted him for its lack of euphony, and for other reasons. Perpetua was a hand- some girl, her figure well-filled out, but sober in its curves according to the Greek canon, very rosy and very fair, her skin covered with a silvery bloom, her eyes black. As one born in Andalusia, and as the daughter of an Andalusian, she was naturally attractive, without running into extremes of vivacious- ness, and she was simple and frank without being bold. She was the essence of femininity in her loveliness, and in her freshness like to that of a rose; somewhat virile in her character and expression. The mother had died, and as the elder sister she ruled the house. She was full twenty-five years old when Mark met her, as has been related. 40 PROMETHEUS Her two sisters were pretty too, but they had turned out puny. She had three brothers who were so many barbarians. One of them had taken a notion to play the accordion; an- other, to paint; and the third, to hunt. The father had been named delegate of the Treasury in Pilares that very spring when Mark was seized with his fancy for Frederica. Don Tesifonte Meana (a name that Mark esteemed both beautiful and melodious) was a native of Extremadura, and doubtless was descended from a race of conquerors, because the hours he was not in his office he devoted exclusively to the conquest of maid servants. Within a month of his abiding in Pilares, he was the idol of the guild of serving maids because of his generosity, the nightmare of the barracks, and famous throughout the town. Although elderly, he was still tall and erect, firm in his step, and not ill-looking. Don Tesifonte and his offspring as well, were persons with something angelic in their makeup. They rejoiced in the gift of at- tracting sympathy; they captivated the affections. Soon after their arrival in Pi- lares, the Meana family established very close, almost fraternal friendship with an PROMETHEUS 41 indigenous family, that of the widowed Marchioness of San Albano. The Marchion- ess showered all manner of attentions on Don Tesifonte, and the latter conducted himself with signal good breeding towards the Marchioness. The two sons of the Marchioness of San Albano, Donatfn and Fidelm, did not conceal their inclination for the two younger daughters of Don Tesifonte, Cachito and Pujito, appellatives derived, con- trary to every law of linguistics, from Concepcion and Paula. Perpetua was left over. Let it be said in passing that Perpetua never had enjoyed great favor with the youth of the opposite sex, doubtless because of a certain majesty and air of command for which they reproached her as very un- womanly, indeed as somewhat masculine. Finally, the two sons of Don Tesifonte, Ferdinand and Alfonso, divided their affec- tions e/jually between the accordion and paint- ing on the one hand, and on the other, the two daughters of the Marchioness, Mary Cleophas and Anuncia. Edward, the last off -shoot of Don Tesifonte, was left over. He it was who took delight in the exercise of the chase, in tramping cross-country up 42 PEOMETHEUS hill and down dale, and in pursuing and killing wild animals. In short: the two fam- ilies were so united by powerful affinities that they threatened to blend into only one. When summer came, the Marchioness of San Albano invited the Meanas to a sumptuous estate, with a medieval castle and rich in- heritance, which she possessed by the seaside, in San Albano, for there it was that the title was situate, by grace of his Holiness, Leo XIII. The Meanas accepted with alacrity. Don Tesifonte remained in Pilares because the Delegation of the Treasury held him to service as attached to the soil. On the beach of San Albano it was that Mark, fleeing from Frederica, after suffering shipwreck, found himself like Odysseus: naked, hungry and exhausted. IV-MARK AND nirr>oi7T-T T A I"ilr\i E* 1 UA , Thnlhn 9 the vigorous body! Supreme glory of earth! Joy of the senses, mouth Of woman to quench man's thirst, Bosom erect and soft Made for his eyes and touch, Voice cool like a stream Refreshing his arid soul! Song of the nightingale In the willows by the brook, Roses, roses and jasmine Woven in flowing hair! Then . . . sea, and ruddy shore, Meadows, woods, mountains, Stars above them all . . . These exist for the sake Of man and woman made one. Nature were deaf and blind Bereft of human desire; Mute, chaotic, dead, Apart from two youthful lovers. Oh ecstasy of the senses! Oh body, temple of Beauty! IV HE Marchioness was given over to the cosmetic arts. She was in the hands of a maid who was combing her hair with great skill and deliberation in such wise as to make her skimpy locks simulate the hirsute luxuriance of a merino sheep. In spite of her capillary penury, the Marchioness bore with distinction, docorum and dissimulation the limping superstructure of her beauty. She had been very beautiful. Now if she was not, she seemed to be. Her skin was still smooth and rosy; her teeth were perfect, and her limbs agile to a certain point. She stood out among the other matrons for her youth- fulness of face, her erectness of figure, and her imposing gestures. She was in her dressing-room, next to the balcony and facing the garden, with her eyes half closed, as if the tickling of the nape of her neck provoked in her delightful day dreams. She heard steps. "Who is coining in without my permis- 44 PROMETHEUS 45 sion?" she asked astonished, for she did not wish any one to penetrate into the mysteries of her toilette. "It is I, Marchioness," replied Perpetua, advancing with decision. "But were you not on the beach with the other girls?" "You shall see. Something serious has happened." The Marchioness would have liked to strike a statuesque attitude of patrician composure, indicating that she was ready to receive the most tragic of news, but the hairdresser held her condemned to a motionless and ridiculous attitude. "Has any one been drowned?" "Drowned, no. But if not drowned, it has been by a miracle." "Tell me the truth; don't waste time in circumlocutions. Who has been drowned?" "Nobody. Last night, apparently, there was a wreck near the shore." "I heard the storm. I couldn't sleep the whole night." "I always sleep like a log. Now for it. This morning we found on the beach a cast- away. He is a man, a youth, about thirty. 46 PROMETHEUS He was naked, hungry, and exhausted. We brought him along, and he is waiting in the orchard." "But, my child, did he come with you so, in that state of innocence?" "No, ma'am. None of us saw him because he covered himself with branches. That is to say, I saw his arms and the upper part of his chest. Then we gave him some sheets. And so he came. He looks like a Moor. He is very tall, very strong, and very handsome." "Handsome he has to be in order to look well to you in such attire. And what do you want me to do?" "Help him. Offer him something." "Very well thought out. See here, have them make him a cup of mallows tea, piping hot, for surely he must have caught cold." "It isn't that. I mean that he remain here, in the house. That he stay for dinner " "At the table with us?" "Yes, ma'am." "Have you gone crazy, my child? A man enveloped in a sheet, seated at table with us?" "But by dinner time he will be dressed, of course. My plan is as follows: that he put on a suit of Ferdinand's. Then let him dine PROMETHEUS 47 here, rest, sleep in the house to-night. And to-morrow will be time enough to decide. He will tell us his story, which must be very interesting." "God knows what such a man can be." "He is a gentleman, a great gentleman; it is only necessary to see him." "Thanks to you, I am now eager to make the castaway's acquaintance. All right, dearie; act and manage as if this house were yours." "Everything is already arranged. Neither your sons nor my brothers are up yet, except Edward, who went out hunting early. I have already begged clothes of the four for Mark to try on. I had forgotten, the cast- away told us his name was Mark Setinano." "The name sounds familiar, but I can't place it. Now leave me to finish fixing myself and then I will go down and offer hospitality to this stranger who has fallen from heaven, or issued from the sea." They had accommodated Mark in a bed- room of the house, where a servant brought him, shortly afterwards, a great armful of clothes. None of them fitted him. "Tell the young lady that it is impossible, 48 PROMETHEUS physically and metaphysically, for me to enclose myself in these insignificant garments, under penalty of bursting them and continu- ing as Edenic as before. What's the matter, friend? By the idiotic look upon your coun- tenance and your gaping mouth, I gather that you do not understand elegant language. See here, the best thing is for you to tell your young lady to locate herself on the other side of that door for me to explain to her what is happening." Perpetua on the outside of the room, and Mark within, held the following conversation: "Madam, these clothes are of no use to me." "I suspected it already, but you say what- ever you have in mind." "Various solutions. First: that I may be provided with a carpenter's chisel to reduce my dimensions and accommodate them to the capacity of the garments. Approved?" "Rejected." "Second: to call in a shirt-maker, shoe- maker, and tailor to take my measure for shirts, shoes, and suit. Approved?" "In San Albano there are no shirt or shoe- makers, nor any tailors." PBOMETHEUS 49 "Third: to dress myself as a woman, al- though I declare I abhor all trickery, particu- larly of this kind. Approved?" "Promptly rejected." "Fourth: that a messenger be sent to Pilares on horseback, and at breakneck speed, with a letter of mine to bring me clothes and money, for I find myself with empty pockets. Approved?" "Approved. But while he is going and coming, which is a whole day, what are you going to do?" "Send me a deck of cards and I'll play solitaire." "Nonsense! You must come out." "I'll come out in the sheet." "The Marchioness won't have it." "I'll fix it up as a tunic, adopting Hellenic lines." "Hardly!" "Well then, there's no help for it. Scour the surrounding country for a man of my size." "Oh! I have it!" exclaimed Perpetua, clap- ping her hands. "Pepon the gardener's son. He's a monster." 50 PROMETHEUS "Well, let's try if his monstrosity coincides with mine." "I did not want to hurt your feelings." "I know it. They are not hurt." "The worst is that his clothes are very coarse." "No matter." "I'll be back in a minute." "One moment, before you go " "Out with it." "Have you ever heard anything of Pro- metheus ?" "Of Prometheus?" "Have you not dreamed something out of the ordinary?" "Yes, sir; as luck would have it, last night I dreamed very queer things; but I do not remember anything about Prometheus." "All right. Thank you." "I'll hurry." Mark dressed up in Pepon's clothes : cotton trousers, slashed in the seat, and with decora- tions of green material, a flannel shirt, alpar- gatas, and some socks of Ferdinand's. In such attire he presented himself before the Marchioness, to make salaams to her, and offer her voluble demonstrations of gratitude PROMETHEUS 51 for hospitality so generous. The Marchioness observed immediately the unusual appearance of Mark, as well as the distinction and ele- gance of his manners. The matron, with frank cordiality, offered him her house for as long as he liked; and the castaway replied that he accepted only until they fetched him clothes and money from Pilares. Then the Marchioness, accompanied by Perpetua and the other girls, showed Mark the various rooms of the house, the outbuildings and the gardens, until it was time for dinner. By that time, the anything but diligent young men, Donatin and Fidelin, Ferdinand, and Alfonso, were up and had been presented to the mysterious guest, the San Albanos receiving him with undisguised frigidity. All sat down to table. "You say, Sir, that your Christian name and surname " insinuated the Marchion- ess, looking with her mother-of-pearl lorg- nette into the soup tureen which a servant placed beside her, as if she were looking for the name in the soup, which had vermicelli letters. "Mark de Setinano." 52 PROMETHEUS "Oh, yes, I know. I say that the name is not a Spanish one." "No, Madam. Although naturalized a Spaniard, I was born in Italy. Setinano is a Florentine name, a family of dukes." "In Italy, everyone is a prince and an ad- venturer. It is a great country for rogues," interpolated Donatin, who was much puffed up on account of the splendor of his title, and forgot it came from Rome. "Young man, you have uttered a piece of impertinence," replied Mark with Olympian and annihilating calmness, not deigning to look at Donatin, who, somewhat taken aback, corrected himself. "I did not mean to refer to you. You will understand that I am accustomed to move in the society of dukes." "And I in that of lackeys and upstarts," replied Mark, contemplating Donatin with such absolute disdain that the handful of let- ters the latter had in his mouth was converted into a choking mass of cacophonies. Perpetua felt her heart swell in her bosom with joy. The Marchioness said within her- self, "He is a prince in disguise." She admonished her first-born: PROMETHEUS 53 "Donatin, you are a troublesome and in- experienced youth. You should avail your- self of the lesson this gentleman has given you, and in future be more heedful of the obligations which hospitality imposes upon well-bred people. And you, Mr. Setinano, will know how to overlook the folly of his few years. Let us go on talking about yourself, of your shipwreck. The yacht, was it yours?" "What yacht, Marchioness?" "The yacht on which you were sailing." "Madam, I was not sailing on a yacht, but on a raft." And he commenced to tell the story of his wreck, suppressing its causes, in order not to scandalize the ladies. He spoke with peculiar eloquence and color, so that he held all spell- bound. Then they questioned him about Italy, and again he spoke beautifully and with feeling. At the end of dinner appeared the younger one of the Meanas, Edward, back from hunting. He was beginning his college course in Philosophy and Letters, and as soon as he saw Setinano, he advanced to greet him. "Why, do you know Mr. Setinano?" the 54 PROMETHEUS Marchioness and Perpetua questioned at the same time. "He is professor of Greek in the University." The Marchioness suffered disillusionment. "Misfortune obliged me to take up teach- ing," Mark explained. The Marchioness brooded. She muttered, as if meditating aloud: "Greek. But does Greek exist?" "It exists and it does not exist," replied Setinano. "Classic Greek is a dead language." "A dead language!" repeated the Mar- chioness. "Well, I imagined it had no existence. As we say, when a thing is unin- telligible, it is in Greek. But so it is: what more utter non-existence than to be dead! And how can one study or learn a dead language? I don't take that in." "Because, if indeed it is not actually spoken, there are preserved written works and memorials of a time when it was spoken." "Ah, now I see! But what most surprises me is how a duke can set himself to study these queer things." "Madam, there has existed in Italy since PROMETHEUS 55 the Renaissance the tradition that noblemen should be doctors in the humanities." "Yes, yes J you are right. I had not under- stood. It is perfectly clear." The Marchioness, even though she had not understood, approved emphatically, not wish- ing to display anew her simplicity and ignorance. After dinner, all withdrew to their rooms, and Mark remained alone in the one assigned him. In the late afternoon, the families went out for a walk in the country. They went in couples, a Mr. San Albano with a Miss Meana, and a Mr. Meana with a Miss San Albano; in the rear, the Marchioness leaning on the arm of Mark, whom she accepted as magnificent paladin in spite of the coarse material of his attire, and on the other side of the Marchioness, Perpetua, who smiled constantly to herself, but said not a word. That night, before retiring, the Marchion- ess said to Perpetua: "You were right, my child; the castaway is the handsomest man I have ever seen. Be- sides, how learned he is! Have you ever known any one who knows so much?" Perpetua did not reply. She went out, 56 PROMETHEUS saying good-night; she undressed quickly, buried herself between her sheets, put out the light, and questioned eagerly the nebulous divinity of dreams, on whose lap the future is held. On the following day, a little before din- ner, arrived Don Tesifonte, and the emissary with some clothes of Mark's and some papers. "A hearty welcome, Don Tesifonte," said the Marchioness. And then, scrutinizing him with her lorgnette : "I find you very much deteriorated, and grown very old." "Confounded, meddlesome old woman," thought Don Tesifonte. "Probably it is that stuck-up, mischievous imp, Manuela, who is to blame for my deterioration." Manuela was a cook who was keeping Don Tesifonte's head in a whirl. He added aloud: "It is due to overwork, and the heat, my dear and respected friend." "Why, I find father as usual " Mark, in the meantime, had opened the papers, and was glancing through them. PROMETHEUS 57 "Heavens!" he exclaimed. "My uncle, the Duke of Setinano, is dead." "Do you inherit the title?" inquired the Marchioness, tremulous with solicitude. "No, Madam, he had children." "God's will be done; neither title nor money." "Money, yes, a mere trifle; about twenty thousand dollars." "Well then, congratulations," said the Marchioness with too much readiness. "Marchioness " reproached Perpetua. "The Marchioness has spoken correctly," interrupted Mark. "My uncle died a natural death, in extreme old age. Before a life so full and harmonious, one so lengthy and ended in its appointed time, like a perfect circle which is completed, there is no reason for a lachrymose attitude. His was a great intelligence and a great heart. All that he lacked was Prometheus. His son Vittorio will certainly not be Prometheus." Mark looked into the eyes of Perpetua, and Perpetua, who had not dreamed the night before, thought at that moment she was dreaming, and the vistas of her dream were infinite. 58 PROMETHEUS During the afternoon's walk, Don Tesifonte gave his arm to the Marchioness. Mark walked beside Perpetua. "In short," said Mark, "now I am dressed like a human being. Don't you think I am another man?" "Yes, indeed you are; but I am going to tell you my opinion. In peasant's clothes you look better than in those of a gentleman. In the sheet, you looked better than in peasant's clothes. And when you appeared to me on your knees in the midst of the cinnamon bush, I liked you even better than in the sheet." "You have spoken with peculiar circum- spection, and with words weighty with mean- ing. In phrases so brief, you have said everything. Would you like our conversation to be an interpretation and explanation of what you have said?" "Very well." "A needless question. As far as my short experience goes, I am of the opinion that no Spanish girl would have dared to speak as you have spoken. Your words have been crystal." "If my sisters, or the San Albano girls, had heard me, they would have been scan- PROMETHEUS 59 dalized as if it were a question of cynical and immodest expressions." The face of Perpetua revealed a marmoreal gravity and a pallid chastity. "I am satisfied," said Mark, his expres- sion serious and tender. "Let us begin the commentary to your first words. It might be understood that in the rapid lapse of a few hours, and in process of the four phases into which I have been transformed before your eyes, I have been decreasingly to your taste." "It is not that exactly. For me you con- tinue the same, and not only have you not deteriorated in other respects, but you have gained." "Will you permit me to speak to you with words absolutely clean and truthful, avoiding all euphemism, hypocrisy or falsehood, and giving to the feelings the name that befits them?" "That is the way I should like us to talk." "You said a moment ago that for you I continue to be the same. I suppose you meant the same man, the same individual, the same essential personality, that appeared to you behind that shrub." Perpetua assented. 60 PBOMETHEUS "In fact, that was I in my most concrete in- dividuality. Presently you came to know little by little, gradually, my social entity, that com- plexity of usages, customs, costumes, conven- tionalisms, and other externalities that compose the social entity, and which, in the majority of cases, serve only to conceal the paltriness of the concrete individuality. Do I make myself clear?" Perpetua assented. "Let us take a leap in our ideas. Let us imagine the procedure of a Spanish girl who marries. She makes the acquaintance of her betrothed at a ball or on a walk, that is to say, she becomes acquainted with the most external externality of the individual who one day is to be her husband. Gradually, as intimacy and confidence become more closely estab-. lished, it is possible that she comes to see her sweetheart in his shirtsleeves, in a bath- sheet What is certain is that she will not see him as you saw me until they are married." Mark made a very thoughtful pause. "We have begun at the end." Mark made another pause, and prolonged it until Perpetua spoke. "And how would you have matters ar- ranged?" asked Perpetua, taking the colloquy PROMETHEUS 61 in a festive sense. "I hope you don't expect people to go to balls and promenades as they came into the world, with some foliage as their only garment. That would be a sight!" she ended with a strained laugh. "Yes, that would be a sight. But do not be untrue to yourself. We have agreed to employ transparent, truthful words," said Mark gravely, "Granted what the human race has ended in, it is certainly impossible for marriages to be arranged, the contracting parties having previously made each other's acquaintance in their concrete individualities. Do you understand me?" "Too well." "But that it cannot be does not mean that it ought not to be. Marriage should be a matter of the selection of the species. And what is forbidden the generality of people is granted to others selected by providential means. An ancient philosopher did not want unions to take place except between individ- uals perfect and suited to each other. And he desired even more: that the fruit of these unions, should it be born defective, should not be allowed to live." A pause. Perpetua walked with thoughtful head. "Do you not 62 PTtOMKTJIEUS find something providential in our meeting?" "Yes." "And, upon seeing me, did you experience some feeling of a distinctly different kind from any you had experienced up to that time?" "I do not know how to explain myself, and not appear immodest." "Speak sincerely." "I will tell you that of all the men I have known, not one has inspired me with any other feeling than calm and natural friend- ship. I could not see in them beings differ- ent from myself, how shall I put it? men. They seemed to me rather more girl friends than men friends; not very intimate girl friends, either, and therefore, tiresome to have to do with very frequently. Perhaps the fact that no one has made love to me has helped to bring this about. Many times I have questioned myself, what is love? When I see pairs of sweethearts, or my friends tell me their love-affairs, they produce on me the effect of people full of pretense, affected, fond of make believe and exaggeration; and within themselves empty or untrue. When I saw you I am going to be honest, PROMETHEUS 63 my first thought was: How handsome that man is ! It was the first time that my thought spelled out the word man. Afterwards, dur- ing the hours we have spent together, I have thought frequently: I could spend my whole life at Mark's side without growing weary. I cannot tell you more now." For a long time they did not speak. Suddenly Mark said: "When should you like us to be married?" "Whenever you please." "Well, then, next month." They continued in silence all afternoon. On their way back from their walk, it was night and the moon was shining. "One thing I should like you to explain to me, Mark. You have been speaking of marriage as if it were a matter of breeding horses, dogs, or thoroughbred pigs. If it is only that I do not want to marry." iei but besides, it is love." Mark took Perpetua's hand and gazed into her eyes, filled with the moonlight. Perpetua tried to repeat the last word, but her throat was voiceless. The Meanas were reputed, among their acquaintances, a clan of cave-dwellers. Their 64 PROMETHEUS voracity was phenomenal. The Marchioness said it was heavenly to see them eat. The one who ate and drank the most was Don Tesifonte. But his offspring, masculine as well as feminine, scarcely yielded him the advantage. That night, after supper, Don Tesifonte said, addressing Mark: "I am fifty." (He dropped off seven.) "Never have I run across any one who rivaled me in eating and drinking, unless it be my children. But to-night, Mr. Setinano, you have humbled my vanity. I did not think any one could surpass me. You can beat me twice over." "Excellent Don Tesifonte," replied Mark, "I eat thus because I am in love, and the same thing happens to me as to the Immor- tals who inhabit the immeasurable Ouranos. Love does not take away my appetite; it fortifies it. Because love needs sustenance to attain the plenitude of its fruition and I am the father of the future Prometheus." "I must retract my words, Mr. Setinano. Now I do not acknowledge your superiority, because drink does not lead me into any aberrations." PROMETHEUS 65 "Oh, excellent father-in-law!" concluded Mark, before the stupefied company. "The fact is you have not understood me." And he gave vent to a shout of laughter veritably Olympic. l V-PROMETHEUS Oh human bod y> tem P l * f Beauty, Poor pagan temple, The lamp of the soul was without oil, Was lifeless. Dawn-light has Uft tht temple; It has fallen into dark ruin. The gods have lost their fol- lowers, Have fled like drifting shadows, Have fled to hide them, weep- ing, Behind the scriptural fig-trees. Thither they are pursued By wavering shapes of vic- tims. Dim, far-away, Odysseus passes, Wailing for wrath and sor- row. Odysseus, bow slung on shoul- der, The bow of his misdeeds. A voice unknown Speaks with a benign music: "Odysseus, man of might, Whose gaze was fixed so high, Whose arrow was loosed Against the very heavens That brood over all, If again you aim at the sky, Take care to tip the arrow with your soul Securely caught, With your own soul of grief: Then with determined will Send it flying into the sky" PRING was on the point of merging into summer, as if it obeyed the behest of a joyous myth, when Perpetua an- nounced to Mark that they were going to have a child. Mark, who was in a dressing gown, working up some notes for his class, raised the skirt, and with it covered his head. "What are you doing?" "Shedding tears of joy, and as manly deco- rum prevents my showing my face with tears on it, I cover it over with my dressing gown, which I wish indeed were a tunic or peplus." Immediately he rose, held his wife in a close embrace, and broke forth into cries of enthusiasm. In the tender nights of spring, husband and wife leaned out of their sun parlor, their hands lovingly enlaced. She felt within her being, crowned with happiness, the throb of the great coming life, and he also thought 67 68 PROMETHEUS he felt its harmonious pulsation communicated to him through the sweet and diligent hands of his wife. Before the gallery rose a hill, and on its summit a cemetery set with solemn trees. Pale flashes of lightning at times lighted up the horizon, like the sudden wink of an enormous pupil. And Mark invoked Prometheus, who stole the living fire and gave it for the use of man. Occasionally they pressed each other's hands with greater force, as if making a silent compact of mutual con- fidence in destiny, and they sobbed, theip hearts almost leaping from their breasts. The moment arrived in which the prophecies must be fulfilled, and the eagerly desired hero emerge from nebulous omens into the J turmoil of terrestrial struggles: the throes of childbirth. "Are you casting me from the gynaBcium?" sighed Mark when they banished him from the sufferer's room. i Excited and frowning, he paced the pass- age with great strides. Heavy silence brooded over the house. The mother accepted the agony of her trial with mute energy. The midwife went in, a weazened, expec- PROMETHEUS 69 torating old woman, with horn-rimmed glasses, and her sleeves rolled up. Mark went into one of the rooms. Lolling in an armchair, the doctor was reading a newspaper. "Not yet?" asked Mark. "Not yet." Mark escaped into the passage, and then into the sun parlor. A sinister idea sud- denly insinuated itself into his brain. Sup- pose a deformed child were born to him! He began to quiver. His heart rose to God: "Who can make clean a creature conceived in corruption unless it be Thou alone, oh God?" He raised his hands to his temples as if on the point of swooning. Immediately, some- thing like a resplendent smile suffused his heart, and rose to his lips. Something mys- terious and hidden sang in his soul, giving promise of a sturdy flower of his own familiar garden. From the depths of the nuptial chamber began to rise various hushed noises; panting, steps, hoarseness, sobs. Mark had refused to inform Perpetua's family. He was alone, and he was like a man distraught. 70 PROMETHEUS The physician, tapping his shoulder, said to him: "You can go in now." "All right?" "Yes, a boy." Mark rushed into the bedroom. The mid- wife was bathing the new born child. It was a repulsive, sickly creature, with distended cranium and crooked back. Prometheus! The mother, with scarcely audible voice, murmured : "What is he like? Kiss him." And as Mark, stupefied, stirred neither hand nor foot, she insisted: "Kiss him." Half crazed with grief, Mark put his lips to that wretched, pitiful flesh, which held . such great and heroic dreams. Then he ap- proached Perpetua's bed, sank on his knees, and put his head on her pillow. There, by the sweet, feverish face, wax-colored, and made translucent by the mystery of mother- hood, he cried hopelessly, with utter abandon, like a child. A dog was howling in the street. A bell tolled a death-knell. The mother suckled the child. He grew up PROMETHEUS 71 rickety, and the sinuosity of his back defined itself as a round hump. He was excep- tionally precocious. At six, such audacity was displayed by his face, fine drawn and sharp as a blade, so penetratingly would he stare older people through and through, and so morosely would his eyes flash, that one could only say that in him was lodged some malevolent jiprifa^ Mark translated the ex- pression of his child in these words: "Why did you bring me into the world?" His parents surrounded him constantly with al- most tearful lovingkindness. But Prometheus was churlish, and rejected with coldness the fondling of those at home. With outsiders, on the contrary, and with visitors to the house, sisters and friends of Perpetua's, he was caressing and tiresome. The youngster snuggled between the knees of the women, resting his head on their laps. They stroked him with negligent gloved hands while they gabbled nothings. At times, Prometheus would seize a gloved feminine hand, breathe in its odor, and kiss it. Whenever he no- ticed that any lady looked at him pityingly, he would leap to his feet, and run out of the 72 PROMETHEUS room unsociably. He would hide in a corner and cry, and then refuse to eat. Mark confined his agony within a wall of silence. His wife, gentle and faithful, di- vined the gloomy course of his thoughts, and tried to placate them by softly kissing his brow on which the hair had turned white. At seven, Prometheus went to school. His father took him the first day. He implored fro'm the master leniency for the pupil. He was taking him to school above all for him to entertain himself with the friendship and games of the other boys, not for him to learn, for there was more than enough time for learning, granted indeed that knowledge was of any use. More than sufficiently meditative on his own account was Prometheus. The master promised to be indulgent. And he was. The professor's child enjoyed privileges and immunities which the unruly mob of pu pils coveted. They revenged themselves dur- ing the recesses by mocking the little hunch- back and calling him nicknames. When Prometheus caught the insults, his lower lip, prominent and with a premature down, would take on a ghastly yellowishness. PROMETHEUS 73 Then, beside himself, and in a frenzy, he would charge like a gigantic spider upon the insulter, and bite and scratch him. He made himself feared. Years were passing. The tall young boys went forth to grammar and high school; new pupils entered. And Prometheus was still in primary. Prometheus protested daily, with outbursts of furious anger, against his sailor suits. He tore them to tatters. He wanted to dress like a man. He was now fourteen. They ordered a young man's clothes for him. Prometheus was eager to put them on, and look at himself in the glass. Seeing himself in such attire more humpbacked than ever, he rushed against the mirror, giving howls of pain. His mother wanted to take him in her arms, and he struck her. Again he put on sailor suits, with large blue collars which covered over the hump. In the school, he came to be a petty king, y consecrated by his age, and by the tolerance of the master. He had his favorites and his gloomy hatreds, which he satisfied with ab- normal rancor. Through a whim which his mother failed 74 PBOMETHEUS to understand, and although the school was but a few steps away, Prometheus refused to go unless accompanied by the maid, who also went for him when school was over, and the two would go walking in the park. There came a time when Prometheus refused to return to the public promenades. He hated frequented places where he saw his former companions now gallivanting in incipient love affairs. The maid, Louise by name, and Prome- theus began to go out every afternoon into the outskirts of the town, and into the adjacent villages. They traversed in silence gentle fields, leafy woods. The cows grazed to the sound of the drowsy copper bells. On the farms they would take warm milk, in the shelter of the barns. One day Louise announced to her mistress her intention of leaving. No one was able to find out why. Prometheus received the news of Louise's departure with stolid countenance. On the day following, he went to school alone. When school was out, he went in the direc- tion of the environs of the city as usual. He penetrated into a shady lane bordered by the PROMETHEUS 75 high wall of a convent. The vesper voice of the organ could be heard. He came to a sloping meadow, of disagreeable color, with a red path furrowing it, and by this path Prometheus descended. Behind some fig trees a blue smoke ascended to the heavens. Prome- theus walked an hour cross-country, at random. He sat down on a white, polished stone on the edge of a road. It was nightfall. A milk- maid came along, with much swishing of skirts, her arms akimbo, her jug on her head. When she was near, Prometheus came out to meet her. "Will you give me a little milk? I'll pay you well. I'm thirsty," he said. His voice had choked. He stretched out his convulsed, bony hands towards the peasant. The milkmaid, not as yet recovered from her amazement, was gazing at Prometheus from top to toe. She crossed herself. "Heaven defend me: it is the devil." And letting fall her jug, she fled, im- pelled by terror. And Prometheus ran after her. "Why are you running away? Why are you running away?" 76 PROMETHEUS He could not reach her. He threw stones after her. He stamped his feet, and foamed at the mouth. And by that time it was deep night. Very early in the morning, Telva de Nola left the farmhouse to milk the cows, humming an old ditty as she went. She stopped, speechless. She made an effort, and shouted: "Nolo! Nolo! By the souls of the blessed!" Nolo, dazed with sleep, peeped out of an excuse for a window, framed in by a wild grapevine. "What's that thing swinging in the fig- tree?" said Telva. Nolo came down to make a closer examina- tion. At the extremity of the place, dangling from a fig-tree, the body of Prometheus danced in the breeze, misshapen and un- substantial, like an untimely fruit. THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON TO ENRIQUE DE MESA Yesterday they were two fresh roses, White and red like milk, like bright strawberries; To-day they are two poor dried-up roses Withered, brown. Yesterday their thorns thrust outward, An adornment, a defense; To-day their hearts are pierced . . . The thorns turned cruel arrows. All the world stooped down To breathe their breath; To-day all the world Treads them underfoot. Oh, sadness of two withered roses Trodden upon by every one . . . Whither has such beauty Vanished? HE story I am going to relate happened some years ago. I became acquainted with its cir- cumstances and development because the final chapter, which was the first I knew of it, interested me pro- foundly. I was then studying for my doctorate in the department of Law. A freshman as regards the windings and sinuosities of Madrid, after many and strange lodgings in hotels, inns, taverns, boarding houses, and other asylums of the same character which, as soon as occupied, I hastened to desert, either because they were too expensive, or too ugly, or too dirty I finally arrived, like a ship sighting land, at the home of dona Trina, an excellent person, a native of Alcarria,* * A region of the province of Cuenca, famous for its honey. 79 80 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON of considerable avoirdupois, a honeylike dis- position, and with a well supplied pantry. At the common table sat about thirty boarders, many of them permanent, the ma- jority transients, all of them plain people, and good pay. I remember a peculiarity of the house. It was that it never lacked a patient who had come to Madrid for an operation, or who had just gone through with one, in conse- quence of which the odor of fried oil, which is the specific scent or smell of Spanish homes, yielded a portion of its sovereignty to the odor of iodoform. And it was diffi- cult to determine which was worse. It also frequently happened that we had with us a bride and groom from one of the provinces on their honeymoon. This gave us an opportunity for jests and for envy. At the table presided by customary right, a representative from the province of Col- menar de la Oreja, a pompous and silly man, if ever there were one, who made boast of intimate intercourse with bullfighters and politicians, and was the owner of a nose which one never tired of gazing at, because it did not fit into any patterns or scheme THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 81 ordinarily recognized as that of the human nose. Intercourse at the common table was ex- ceedingly informal. There was not a single newcomer who, by the end of the meal, was not taking a share in the general conversa- tion, addressing each one, of course, by his right name or surname. The transient guests were, as a rule, simple and rustic folk. They considered themselves obliged at the very start to give a detailed account of their lives. In exchange they felt they had a right to examine closely into the lives of the other guests. One day, at the noontide meal, appeared two women decidedly past their first youth, and very similar in appearance. They were seated midway between the other boarders at one side of the table. During the luncheon, the strangers remained with eyes lowered, and heads bent over their plates. They ate very sparingly. They took no part in the con- versation; rather, it was plain to see, they avoided it. They were like two sphinxes. They seemed withdrawn from everything about them. No less than three times did the leader of the republican party of Tara- 82 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON zona, a citizen of unusual loquacity, and with a luxuriant beard parted in the middle like the udder of a goat, direct the brilliance of his oratory against the silent ladies. Their only reply was silence, and the interlocutor remained discomfited. The same thing hap- pened to don Raimundo Perejil, a canon of Atocha, a gentle and kindly man. Conse- quently, the conversation began to languish, like a sail without wind. All felt in a vague manner repressed. All continued to search narrowly the faces of the women, at first with misgivings and surreptitiously, then with all boldness and insolence. No sooner was the meal over than least as well as greatest began to hover about dona Trina inquiring curiously as to the newcomers. Strange and unwonted state of affairs ! Dona Trina, who was indeed admirable in many of her qualities, but not in the least discreet, ex- tricated herself by means of skilful and evasive replies. Here was a great mystery. At suppertime the strangers maintained the same impenetrable attitude. And it was the same on the days following. At last nobody paid any further attention to them. But they continued to disturb me, and finally came to THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 83 engross my thoughts. At table, with as much caution as persistence, I devoted myself to spying upon them, hoping to discover some key or cipher by which to clear up the mys- tery. They were of uncertain age. Both were well within that lengthy period of time which extends from the moment a woman begins to lose her youth, freshness, and attraction to the time when all womanly grace and beauty come to an end; a period which lasts from the age of thirty, or even less, to fifty or somewhat later, and which unfolds by such subtle and individual gradations that it is then almost impossible to tell a woman's age ; and it is due to this that women are able to lessen, or to dissemble their years. These two women might easily have been taken for five, ten or twenty years younger than they really were. They resembled each other very closely. Their complexion was dull brown, the color of bread crust. Although they were not thin, the bones of the cranium could plainly be detected be- neath their skin. Their eyebrows were straight like those of a Roman statue, and joined by a narrow intermediate zone where the hairs were scanty. Their eyelids, puffed up, distended, 84 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON and with few eyelashes, were shaped like a mouth with swollen, half -open lips, such eye- lids as for many years preserve a drooping, youthful appearance and in late middle age change suddenly into the typical lids of old age, shriveled and flabby. Their mouths closed tightly. Upon their upper lips and cheeks was an abundant down. The differ- ence in age was manifested by the more shrunken appearance of the one, the more plump appearance of the other; the eyelids of the latter were still almost perfect as if well filled out, while those of the other were already becoming sharply elongated; the silky, unde- fined down of the one corresponded to the stiff, coarse hairs of the other. Their hair, alike in the two, parted in the middle, and combed close over the temples, adorned their heads with noble austerity. They were humbly sorrow- ful. Their grief, whatever might be the cause, suggested the idea of a woman's destiny thwarted, something like the sadness of an aged virginity. Or, as is said in the unsparing language of every day, they had all the ap- pearance of being two old maids. It was evi- dent that they belonged to a good provincial family, and that they had come upon rare occa- THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 85 sions to Madrid. They were dressed simply, in dull purple, and they showed by certain details that they were persons of genuine, though uncultivated taste. II In heaven's broad meadows Two champions forever challenge each other. One is Day, the white warrior, The other, Night, the black paladin. They pursue each other; they never meet; Above the earth they rid . . . ride . . . While bells in the towers Ring their passing. Angelus of dawn sings Night is waning! Night is gone! Angelus of twilight cries Day is now lost. In distance. Ding dong Bell of silver! There is born a man-child; Oh white mystery! Ding dong Bell of bronze! Oh somber riddle! A man is carried To his grave. II T was the first fortnight in May. In the afternoons it was my custom to shut myself up in my room to prepare my lessons. Between whiles, and seeking some moments of respite and expansion, I would go into dona Trina's sewing room. At that time, dona Trina's only daughter, Mari- quita by name, who had married a year before, was expecting her firstborn, and this, by the end of the month. In the sewing room, all was industry, hubbub, and whiteness, in prepara- tion of the baby's layette. Dona Trina was bursting with joy, and I also took pleasure in seeing and hearing the good lady. Dona Trina was eminently maternal and sedentary. These two salient traits of her makeup were manifested in the form of a glaring allegory, by two corresponding physi- cal characteristics : a huge bust, and enormous hips. In the midst of that chaos, and of that tempestuous mass of linens, lawns, laces and 87 88 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON embroideries, dona Trina stood out, majestic and somber, like a ship of heavy tonnage en- gulfed in foam. The only thing which disturbed the white tranquillity were certain polemic disquisitions upon the sex of the infant. Mariquita wanted it to he a hoy. Dona Trina would have none of it. Arguments were presented on one side and the other. Once Mariquita ended by saying: "Well, I want it to be a boy, so there! I wish it, and that settles it!" And she made appealing little faces as if she were going to cry. "Hush, hush, goosey, you don't know what you are saying," replied dona Trina, with brooding brows and in a tone of severity. Dona Trina faultfinding? Dona Trina se- vere? This was for me, both surprising and extraordinary. She continued: "A boy? That is to say, a man? How dreadful! Haven't you before you the exam- ple of those two poor women? And who is to tell us that when he gets to be a man he won't turn out like their * * *" Dona Trina noticed that I was present. She covered her mouth with her hand and stopped. THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 89 One afternoon on entering the sewing room I encountered something unusual which at the first glance filled me with astonishment. Min- gled with the white materials were some pieces of black woolen and satin. The two strangers in company with a seamstress were cutting into the black stuff. Dona Trina and Mari- quita were eagerly sewing on the white gar- ments, without taking note of the contrast. From time to time they exchanged a few words with the mysterious women, by which I found out that the elder was named Fernanda and the younger Dominica. I snuggled down into a little corner in order to be out of the way. "At least two dresses, one for each one of us must be finished by Saturday, exactly at twelve," said Dominica. "And they will even be done by ten," said the seamstress. "By ten? What would be the use? It must be at noon. At noon, Fernanda." Dominica sighed. "At noon, Dominica," repeated Fernanda shortly. There was a long silence. I returned to my 90 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON room, but could not study. I could not rest until, taking Mariquita aside, I asked her: "Tell me, Mariquita, what was the meaning of all that about exactly twelve o'clock." "It means that before twelve they will not be in mourning, and from noon on they will." I was silent, thoughtful, and oppressed. Mariquita added: "Don't you understand? You will under- stand when I tell you that those two poor women who arouse your curiosity so much are the Misses Limon, of the Limones of Guadal- franco. Ill Ancient city of carven stone, Of clay most perishable, Eternity fixed to all Eternity, Vanity of things that pass, Nest upon the lonely cliff From which to look beyond, Haunt of the bold romancer, Eyrie of falcons and eagles Of long ago! Why do you lie there, good sir, In the dust of the way? I drained to the dregs the wine In my cup of doom. To sleep, to die, I desire nothing further; I clutched with hungry hands The fabulous round she<'.f Made by inconstant seas And changeless lands Of the world; It was all in vain, A vain endeavor . . . Said the dying noble. Upon his brow have settled Th butterfly of dream, The scorpion of sloth. Ill UADALFRANCO is an old Spanish city, capital of the province of the same name. The entire province is a pre- cipitous mountain range, with high plateaus and torrential rivers flowing, as it were, in the bottom of deep troughs. In the heart of the craggy sierra, upon cliffs which rise sheer, stands the ancient city. Although not more than twenty leagues distant from the capital of the kingdom, yet it is situated in so inaccessible a spot that to reach it a day and a night's travel are necessary; half a day on a wearisome and asthmatic railway, as far as Tendilla de los Burdeganos, and from this point on, another half day in a far from diligent diligence. To picture the degree of contempt and ob- scurity to which have fallen the province and city of Guadalfranco, once upon a time re- nowned throughout the world, it will suffice to set down here an occurrence which will re- veal how unknown both city and province are 92 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 93 at present, even to Spaniards themselves. At a certain gathering in Madrid people were talking of the city of Guadalfranco when one of the club members, a famous wit, interrupted with the words: "Stop! If you are mentioning Guadalfran- co in fun, all right. But if you are speaking seriously, I shall not stand for it, because I am one of those in the secret." "In what secret?" "In the secret that the province of Guadal- franco does not exist." "You say it doesn't exist?" "No, sir, it does not exist; really, I tell you that there is no such province as Guadal- franco. Have you ever been in the province of Guadalfranco?" "Certainly not, but I haven't been in Pekin, either." "Oh, that's all right, but you see Guadal- franco is supposed to be at the gates of Ma- drid, so to speak, and not in the Celestial Em- pire. Do you know anyone who has ever been in Guadalfranco?" "At this moment I do not remember. ..." "Do you know any native, man or woman, of Guadalfranco?" 94 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON "The truth is, I don't know. . . ." The person who was in the secret went on asking the same questions of all those present, one after another. Nobody had been in Gua- dalfranco; nobody knew anyone who had been there, or who came from there. "You see," he went on very seriously with the joke, "Guadalfranco does not exist. It is a province invented by Sagasta. It is a prov- ince which stands on the Budget of the State ; an imaginary entity; one which lacks a real existence. Search the time-tables and you will find that no railways go into the province of Guadalfranco but, on the contrary, that they pass by on the edge of its frontiers. Imag- inary frontiers; as, of course, no tickets are issued for fairyland. . . . Sagasta invented the province, and the way of it was as follows : Once again prime minister, as was his bounden duty, he devoted himself to dividing up gen- erously among his followers, friends, hangers- on and cronies, all the sinecures and all the titbits which the budget allowed him; but he found that he had not enough to bestow on all those who w^ere begging him, and that com- plaints, and even threats were innumerable. Sagasta, however, was a minister of inex- THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 95 haustible resource and overpowering inven- tiveness. Finding himself in a tight place, it occurred to him to make a new territorial classification of Spain, adding to it one more province which he made up out of his own head; the province of Guadalfranco with its fat and juicy bishopric, its hospitable chapter, its civil government, its delegation to the Treasury Department, and all these over- stocked with petty officeholders, etc., etc. So he satisfied the friends who until then had re- mained empty handed. Positions in the prov- ince of Guadalfranco are the pleasantest and easiest of all, because in order to occupy them, one does not have to leave Madrid. All office holders are like the bishop of that diocese: burocratas in partibus infidelium" Some of his hearers, badly up on geography, took in the tale as if it were trustworthy his- tory. They crossed themselves repeatedly and exclaimed : "The things that do happen in this unfor- tunate country!" There are so many Spanish cities that seem to have been invented by Sagasta! Cities which long ago were heroic, brave, full of ac- 96 TEE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON tivity, and teeming with life, today have only an imaginary and soporific existence. In a census which dates from the time of Philip II, it is on record that the city of Guadalfranco embraced within its fortified walls, forty thousand homes, with an equally large voting population. It had a worldwide reputation for its woolen fabrics, the temper of its steel, and the tanning and perfuming* of leather. Pontifical dignitaries, Floren- tine gentlemen, Venetian senators, English, French, and Flemish noblemen proudly drew on their Guadalfranco gloves. Agriculture flourished amazingly, thanks to a thousand in- genious devices by which the Moors watered and cultivated the land, which was specially adapted to the cork tree. In our day, Guadalfranco has not upwards of 20,000 inhabitants. Its cloth, steel, and leather industries have disappeared. Agricul- ture has been abandoned. Many of its houses, among them the emblazoned palaces of the no- bility, are deserted and fallen to decay. With- in the precincts of the city there are sixty churches, the majority of them closed, and more than a hundred convents, all of them of * With amber. THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 97 nuns. Of the wealth and splendor of the past, only cork trees remain. Families of ancient lineage dwell in Gua- dalfranco, but they have fallen to such low estate, that, in general, they have put aside all the insignia of aristocracy. The house of Uceda, which dates from the reign of John II, surpassed all others in ancestry and dis- tinction. The founder of the house was a certain don Eutropio de Uceda, whose prog- eny, though innumerable, was illegitimate, because his wife, dona Guiomar de los Arcos, remained childless. Juana Orbanejo, a woman of obscure origin, went from Avila de los Ca- balleros to Guadalfranco, as waiting maid to dona Guiomar. Don Eutropio realizing that his line would die with him, and that his an- cestral acres would pass on to his brother's heirs, began adulterous relations with Juana Orbanejo, relations doubly adulterous, because dona Guiomar was living, and Juana married to Lope Peralejo. Several children were born to don Eutropio and Juana, children who were legitimized by royal grant. For many cen- turies the family enj oyed the privilege of bur- ial in the church of San Bartolome y Santiago, today used as a stable in the barracks of the 98 THE FALL OF IRE ROUSE OF LIMON civil guard, and of two prominent seats in the chancel, one for the head of the house, and the other for his wife. This noble house suf- fered innumerable vicissitudes, year by year its possessions were diminished, and it dragged on in a concealed and humiliating decadence. In the second half of the last century, the male line had come to an end, and Fernanda de Uceda was the last of the house. She was twenty years of age, beautiful, and of stately demeanor. Fernanda inhabited the old an- cestral mansion in company with two aunts, one of them dona Florentina de Uceda, also a spinster, and dona Amparo Urbina, the childless widow of one of the Ucedas. The two aged women and the girl lived meagerly, concealing their poverty, and withdrawn from social intercourse. They went out seldom, and then only to church early of a morning. It came to pass that one of the partners in a certain company for the manufacture of cork stoppers arrived in Guadalfranco, to col- lect arrears of cork from cork trees which vegetate in its environs. He was called En- rique Limon. He was young, of arrogant bearing, and fond of thrusting himself every- where. The arrival of Enrique Limon in THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 99 Guadalfranco, the doddering old city, was like the beginning of a fresh period of history. He put up a small factory for which he had to bring in masons from elsewhere, as in Guadal- franco the arts of bricklaying and building had been forgotten. From time immemorial the citizens of Gua- dalfranco had been in the habit of spending the greater portion of their lives in hiding and cowering within their dens or lairs. Pub- lic entertainments, or shows of any kind, were unknown. The first thing Limon did was to found a casino, and lead the natives astray by means of the delights of coffee, the emotions of card playing, and the furies of political discussions. He had newspapers sent from Madrid, and even brought down a company of actors. He was elected representative for Guadalfranco, and ended by becoming lord and master of the entire city and province. One day when Limon went out very early in the morning, he happened to meet the Ucedas on their way back from mass. The street was so narrow that one standing with arms outstretched, could touch either side. Limon was able to view at close range, to his entire satisfaction, and without giving offense 100 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON by his boldness, the face of Fernanda. He was instantly taken with the girl, and deter- mined to make her his wife. In her turn, Fer- nanda fell in love with the stranger. Before the marriage was arranged there was serious disagreement and disputes between the two aunts, because one of them rejected the suitor , and refused to admit him into the family un- der pretext that he was of plebeian blood. This inflexible and punctilious criterion was maintained by dona Amparo, the widow, her- self a parvenu, and neither more nor less noble than Limon. Dona Florentina argued, on the contrary, very sensibly, that all that about lineages and escutcheons amounted to a mere trifle, and that there was nothing very substantial in their antiquity, and that since Limon seemed a gentleman of excellent qual- ities, deeply in love with Fernanda, and with sufficient money to restore the pristine splen- dor of the family, if^he had a mindjp, there was no reason for refusing hiSu Of course dona Florentina triumphed. Fernanda was married at twenty-one. Her husband was ten years her senior. Fernanda was very beautiful. Her greatest charm lay in her eyes, the outline and form of which re- THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 101 called the mouth of a child with both lids full and rosy like two lips. When her eyes re- garded one affectionately, she almost closed them, so that one might say she listened with them, as if drinking in one's words, even one's very soul. The marriage was blessed with many chil- dren. The firstborn, a girl, was named after her mother. Every year another child came. It seemed as if the house of Uceda was has- tening its extinction by this late abundance, as happens in the case of wounds, the most copious effusion of which is followed by death. Fernanda the firstborn lived, but her brothers and sisters died shortly after birth. Thirteen died one after the other, until another girl came, named Dominica. The mother was forty years old. She was then faded and thin, a bundle of skin and bones. Enrique Limon who with the passing of the years had wearied of Guadalfranco and of his home, lived most of the time in Madrid, neglecting his business affairs shamefully. The only thing he at- tended to, and secured more and more firmly, was his political leadership. Six years after Dominica's birth, and when no one looked for such a thing, another child was born, a boy, 102 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON who was given the name of Arias, after a distinguished ancestor, the conqueror of vast kingdoms in the western world. The mother died in childbirth. The baby, although feeble and sickly, clung to life. * And so, the Limones of Guadalfranco were reduced to father and three children. Dawns of pearl! Fairyland! White doves flying through fragrances, Old wizard Merlins Hold their enchantments Prisoned in crystal Under a spell. Prince Charming passes And the queen with him, Dressed in fine robes. Then the nurse follows Dressed in green homespun And the great mastiff Paces with her. Now master linnet, Laurel^croivned poet, Sings to the prince A thousand sweet words. The world is a country Endless, enchanted; You of that domain Are rightful lord. But Blackbird, hearing, Out of his wisdom Gloomily truthful, Cries "Nay, Your Highness, May the enchantment Nevermore vanish!" IV ERNANDA was twenty-two years old, and, therefore, of marriageable age when Arias was born. She had been wooed by many a well-to-do towns- man, and rich farmer. But, either because the appearance of her lovers and suitors repelled her, or because their low estate was not to her taste, the fact is she scorned them all. Her character was arid and imperious. She never wasted a word. From earliest childhood, she was wont to be present at every gathering held at home by her father, gatherings attended by his assistants, parasites, agents, subordinates and deputies in the domain of political bossism. She was an imp, and nobody took notice of her. Crouching behind a piece of furniture she drank in rather than listened to their words, gazing at everyone attentively with her eyes formed like two mouths. One day, finally, when she was already a woman, she locked her- self in with her father and told him with posi- 104 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 105 tive and curt gesture, that what he was to do / in a certain important matter was such and / such a thing, and that she knew the political situation better than anybody. From that con- ference on, senor Limon shared with his daughter Fernanda his place as boss of the en- tire province of Guadalfranco. The late and unexpected arrival into the world of Arias vexed Fernanda. Their mother ^ dead, how was it possible to bear patiently the inconveniences and anxieties which the nurture of her delicate little brother would entail? Fernanda called in a wetnurse whom she relegated, along with Dominica and an aged servant, to certain back rooms next the I-""" garden in the most remote part of the house. This was in order that the small fry might not rob her of her time, or disturb her in her po- litical duties and labors. As Enrique Limon advanced in years Fernanda became the ver- itable boss. She saw the baby from time to time, at most once a day, but sometimes a week went by without her seeing him, not through lack of affection, but because she was ^^ always exceedingly busy. The child was at- tractive, smiling, gentle, and lovable in his weakness. Whenever Fernanda, as was sel- 106 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON dom the case, took him in her arms and kissed him, she felt her heart melt within her. It was the first tenderness she had experienced in her life. Little by little she grew fond of him. She dedicated to him a love which was staunch though seldom openly manifested. Dominica adored her baby brother. She was unwilling to be separated from him for a moment. Before she would go to sleep, she must have him in bed beside her, his little hand in hers. It was her delight to take him in. her arms, an extremely difficult undertaking, considering her own tender years and feeble strength. Arias for his part evidenced deep affection for Dominica. Another of Dominica's lovers was Delffn, a woolly black and white terrier. And such a crafty dog was Delfin. When he stood up on his hind legs he looked like a jovial, bearded elf. After Arias was two years old it had been impossible to wean him until then his nurse stayed on as dry nurse, and brought to the old mansion to live with them her own son, Arias's foster brother. He was named Ber- mudo, and had been reared in the country. He was as aboundingly healthy, uncouth and rosy, THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 107 as Arias was feeble and delicate. Bermudo was obedient and companionable; his was the mute and loyal attachment which character- izes some kinds of domestic animals. He fol- lowed Arias everywhere, and would lie at his feet like Delfin. Arias possessed, doubtless, some peculiar charm of person. Those who surrounded him rendered him homage. He was like a mysterious center which attracts adoration. The inhabitants of the back part of the pal- ace spent the entire day in the garden. This life of freedom in the sunshine and fresh air seemed to agree with Arias. With time he grew stronger. And so several years passed. Things re- mained unchanged. Arias was the prince, handsome, and benign. Dominica was the queen mother, mother as well as child by a gracious miracle. Bermudo was like the prince's mastiff. Besides, there was a gnome, woolly and smiling. Then there was the old nurse, and lastly a kindly and bountiful fairy who wore the deceptive aspect of an aged ser- vant. And beyond that peaceful world, was the world of quarrels, of negotiations, pre- 108 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON sided over by the austere Fernanda, and the old father who very, very seldom passed by Guadalfranco, to visit his estates and give a kiss to his children. Every wave must storm The wall of the Infinite. Into the infinite sea Flow all rivers forever, Forever flow and are lost. Disasters, mighty deeds Go by and are forgotten. In the boat of your hopes Steadily swept downstream, Though you must find at last The abyss of the Infinite, Please God it be living water, Not such as the mill-dam holdtl RIAS was languid, indolent, and given to dreaming pleasant dreams, and prodigious adven- tures. He had learned to read and write very early. He never wearied of reading. What he read, and the fancies that he wove, he would relate to his sister Dominica, and to Bermudo. In the late afternoons when the shadows were falling, the three used to sit down on the grass beneath a tree. Arias recounted his imaginary adven- tures in words so passionate and so persuasive that at times Dominica would interrupt, mur- muring in a husky voice : "How beautiful is all this that you are say- ing, Arias! And how true! It seems as if I were seeing it with my own eyes." Bermudo said nothing. He listened with compressed lips. He failed to understand, but he felt in his heart an uneasiness by way of enthusiasm, and wild desires to howl and to press Arias in his arms, with infinite love. no TEE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 111 At that time Arias and Bermudo were ten years old. Later Arias began to write verses. When he read them, at the foot of the peach tree, he would weep, and Dominica and Bermudo would weep too. On one occasion, a history of the Conquest of Spain fell into the hands of Arias. His soul inflamed with noble recklessness, he de- clared to his sister and friend that he was de- termined to run away from home to conquer countries for his sister Fernanda and the king of Spain to govern. He wanted to cast into the shade the glories of his forebears. Dom- inica was frightened. She tried to dissuade Arias from so perilous an undertaking. It only irritated him that the others should not fall in with his plans. "I don't ask your advice, your permission even less, and still less that you should ac- company me," he said wrathfully. After- wards, sorry to have treated his sister harshly, he caressed and petted her, picturing to her in words full of vivacity and fascination the epic of the future of which they were to be the champions and distinguished heroes. And Dominica, grown tender, abandoned herself 112 THE FALL OF TEE HOUSE OF LIMON deliciously to the extravagances and vagaries of Arias. "I shall be like the Dona Marina of Her- nando Cortes," she sighed. "We shall sail over the seas of silver in which they say there are large golden fish. We'll cross the line of the equator where are found those marine birds which sleep as they fly, for they never alight, and which, their wings outspread, are so large that they measure three metres from tip to tip." Bermudo, who although he possessed like anyone else the gift of the spoken word, seemed to have abandoned the use of it, broke forth into speech for the first time in the as- semblies of the garden: "That's it. That's it. And what am I go- ing to do? Are you going to leave me in Guadalfranco?" he bellowed in a voice that seemed gummy and thick. "You are to come with us," replied Arias, placing his hand with dreamy abandon on the back of Beramdo's curly head, as if consecrat- ing him. "You will be my standard-bearer and official trumpeter." Bermudo leaped to his feet. He began to THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 113 caper about giving forth smothered grunts of excitement. "But where are you, you good-for-nothings ? Arias! Dominica! Bermudol" called the nurse from a window which she threw open. "It is suppertime." . . . That very night, the girl and the two little boys ran away to conquer new lands for the king, and for the austere Fernanda. It was A a moonlight night. They descended the cliff. ' They unfastened a boat, and as they did not know how to steer it, the current carried them downstream several leagues until the boat ran aground in the dead water above a milldam. j There they were found the following day. This was the first and last adventure in ac- tion. The rest were adventures of imagina- tion in the crepuscular shadows of the gar- den. And more than anything else, there were recitals of Arias's verses. WJ Once upon a time . . . Once upon a time There was a pretty child; People talked tenderness to her, Petted her for their pleasure. The little girl had a doll, The doll was pretty too, With the charming name CORDELIA. Once, once upon a time . . . The doll, I admit, was dumb, Not a word she said to her playmate. "Why don't you talk like people, Say loving words to me?" Not a word would the doll utter. The little girl grew angry; Down went the doll on the floor . . . She breaks it, stamps upon it. And then, a miracle! The doll with her last breath Spoke: "But I loved you too, And more than any loved you! Only I could not say so." Once, once upon a time . . . VI NCE only in their lives did Arias and Dominica have a se- rious quarrel. The cause was D elf in, the bearded dog, who was as mischievous as an elf or a goblin. D elf in was now old, infirm, and afflicted with rheumatism, but, far from becom- ing puffed up and embittered with age, the wily impostor performed new tricks, and invented unheard of schemes by which to gain Dominica's caresses and affection. The two boys, Arias and Bermudo, did not hide their hostile feelings towards the festive and rheumatic gnome. He was simply re- pulsive to Bermudo. The latter beheld in him a stuck-up creature, insolent, wheedling, base and treacherous. The feelings of Arias were more complicated. First, he was jealous r/ of Delfin, because of the love Dominica dedi- cated to him. Then he began to experience a sort of superstitious terror, as Delfin ad- 115 116 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON vanced in years and his beard grew whiter and whiter. There is only one sort of old age which is not venerable; that of a sorcerer. The older sorcerers are, the more repulsive they become. Arias knew this. It seemed to the child that the bearded dog was animated by a knowing, perverse spirit; that he was a sorcerer cunningly masked in the inoffensive exterior of a terrier. The eyes of Delfin, green, piercing and sarcastic, made Arias trem- ble. Fear finally turned into hatred. Delfin who was exceedingly shrewd, kept with meticulous caution to his tactics of be- ing forever attached to Dominica's skirts. He had learned by experience that whenever he wandered away from that kindly fortress and tutelary refuge, if he chanced to meet Arias, he would receive from him the most brazen kick. And so, Delfin had selected for his tricks and pranks the times when Arias was asleep, or when he was so engrossed in con- versation with Dominica and Bermudo that he paid no attention to anything else: the bearded, rascally dog had attentively observed this phenomenon. By the way Arias and Delfin looked at each other, Dominica came to find out that they did THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 117 not get along well together. One day the old goblin fell into Dominica's lap after a rapid and parabolic aerial excursion. As it is not a privilege natural to the canine species to fly Dominica could not but be amazed at seeing Delfin come to her by ways so rare and unaccustomed. On the other hand, Delfin was not celebrating with saucy barks his momen- tary triumph over the laws of gravitation, rather did he come complaining, and grieving sadly, and with his tail between his legs. Del- fin had not flown by his own strength, or de- sire. The motive force had been other than his own scheming, or his own will. It resided in Arias's foot. The moment the dog fell into her lap, Dominica turned her gaze in the di- rection towards which the moist and sorrowful eyes of Delfin were looking sideways. She saw behind some lilac bushes the face of Arias smiling with malicious joy. "Arias! Arias! aren't you ashamed of yourself to abuse in such a cowardly way a poor, defenseless animal?" Dominica spoke, caressing the ill-treated gnome, and getting up on her feet. The love and high opinion she had of Arias had re- ceived a hurt. 118 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON Arias grew pale. He broke through the bushes and came forward. "He's a creature who hates me, and I hate him. I'll end it all by killing him." "What are you saying, Arias? You'll do no such thing." "Yes I will, and this very minute." Arias, exasperated and furious, picked up Delfin by the nape of his neck, and dashed him with all his strength against the wall. The dog struck the wall with his head, and fell back flat on the ground, crushed and ap- parently dying. From the spot in which he lay motionless, he gazed at Arias with re- signed, loving, beseeching eyes as if he were saying: "I don't mind dying, I'm so old now. . . . I am no good any more. But why did you take offense at me? Why have you always maltreated me? Why have you disliked me so? I've always loved you, Arias, brother of Dominica. I still remember when you were as little as I, so that you could not walk . . . and I used to make you laugh, and you would play with me." Dominica hid her face in her hands and cried out: THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 119 "Go away, Arias, I don't want to see you! Go away, Arias, I don't want to see you !" Arias paid no heed to Dominica. Sorry for his outburst, he ran and knelt down by Delfin weeping: "Forgive me, Delfin, forgive me for all I have made you suffer! The hand with which I flung you, I would cut off that you might live! . . ." His love was so sincere, that Delfin, gather- ing all his strength, wagged his tail and his ears, signifying gratitude and the bestowal of pardon. If Delfin could forgive, how was Dominica to withhold her forgiveness? The brother and sister embraced each other with tears, and bent over to take into their arms the shattered and exhausted dog, who in those terrible circumstances seemed to Arias no longer a sorcerer but a holy apostle and martyr. Delfin did not die. But he remained quite broken and crippled. During the last months of his life, he was almost more the friend of Arias than of Dominica. WII Power! Power! Oh wine of divine intoxication! Highest good! Poison of forgetfulness, From heads you anoint, Wings are unfolded. Presumptuous power, monster towering to heaven To grasp a sheaf of stars! Yet your feet are of clay. Mad Sovereignty! To attain you To enjoy you even a moment, Men will sell the very woman Who bore them; Or pledge their souls to Satan! Good men and evil, all Kneel beside your stirrup . . . The stirrup of your palfrey. Power to injure a foe . . . Power to aid a friend . . . VII RIAS, thanks to the influence and recommendations of his father, had gone through the high-school and through college (free of charge) and without having saluted a single text-book, or learned one single useful thing. He persisted in his poetic endeavors. His ambition was to live in Madrid and publish verses in the newspapers. The greater portion of the day he was indoors, buried in a sofa, reading poetry and novels, perhaps brooding over impossible aspirations, and possibly scribbling. Bermudo, great, burly, inarticulate fellow, lay on the floor next the sofa done up in a ball. Dominica sat by the window embroidering. The worship of Dominica and Bermudo for Arias had dimin- ished not a whit. They would have given their lives for him. Arias had no friends. Whenever he went out he walked at a smart pace through the streets of the city until he reached the country. Bermudo followed in his wake like 121 122 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON a dog. Only at night was it his pleasure to wander about the town. The windows of the lower floors were open, the houses were alight. One could look into the depths of the interiors, and behold scenes of family life. The mur- mur of quiet chatter could be heard, of laugh- ter, shouts of discord, the wailing of a child, piano, a guitar, a song. Instead of a city ^ of stone and clay, a city of living flesh could be felt, with bosom open and heart revealed. And all that multiform and hidden life de- ' pended in some fashion upon the will of his < l\ father and of his sister Fernanda. In them _^xresided the dispensation of good or ill. And a day would come, not far distant now, on which he, Arias, would inherit his father's jurisdiction and his sovereign authority over the city of flesh and blood. The night watch- man, as he passed, greeted him in servile fash- ion: "Good evening, don Arias!" But don Arias, lost in the mist of his va- garies and fantasies, was unaware that the paternal authority was crumbling and falling to decay. The city and province abhorred the oppression of their boss. Subterranean forces of sedition were rumbling, and ready THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 123 to break forth. A clandestinely published sheet called The She-Boss was in circulation, and in it were coarse insults directed against Fernanda. There were innumerable omens which foretold the fall of the Limones. Arias neither knew nor suspected any of this. Ber- mudo, his companion in everything, was also blind. Dominica caught glimpses of vague forewarnings. But don Enrique and Fer- nanda fully realized to its most hidden rami- fications the extent of the evil, the speed with which it was spreading, and the calamities it would bring in its train. They were righting desperately, trying to anticipate every turn of adverse fortune. Since in Guadalfranco the earth was slipping from beneath their feet, they clutched with redoubled eagerness at every bit of support in Madrid, and in or- der to subdue those within their power, car- ried to an extreme every manifestation of au- ^/^ thority over them. But even their Madrid supporters might fail them at any moment. Don Enrique was now very old, and Fer- nanda was a defenseless woman. When least they expected it, however, they received a reenforcement. Prosperp^Merkb a young law- yer of arrogant aims, with a keen intelligence 124 THE FALL OF TEE HOUSE OF LIMON and smooth of speech, began to visit assid- uously the house of the Limones. He affil- iated himself at once with the party, because ~> it was to his advantage to do so, and became the most eloquent and fervent spokesman of his boss within the city and district. He tried to prove to anyone willing to listen to him how paternal, beneficent and profitable is the rule of a political boss. One night, don Enrique gathered his chil- dren about him and spoke to them as follows : "I am grown very old, my children, my life is now drawing to its close. Soon I shall leave you. Your future inspires me with no little dread. The property you will inherit from me is very meagre. Fernanda knows all about it. Fernanda always knows all about everything. She is a pearl, a veritable pearl. I wish you, Dominica and Arias, to re- spect her authority not so much on account of her years as because of her merits. I was much wealthier than I am, not because I have squandered my patrimony, which was yours also, but because I employed it to procure for you something which is worth more than gold : power. And it is worth more than riches, be- cause riches alone are not always sufficient to THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 125 bring power, while power can attract riches when it desires to do so, and goes after them. If to acquire power and authority I lost my fortune, and when I had them, I failed to win it back, it was because first I must needs make my authority secure. I leave it to you, and particularly to Fernanda, to use this au- thority for your own benefit. If you stand together, nobody, however much he may strug- gle and fight you, can put you down. If, on the other hand, you abandon one another, the Limones will cease to be what they have always been in Guadalfranco, your enemies will fatten on your fall, you will lose every- thing you have, and beg your bread from door to door. You, Arias, have a vivid imagina- tion; you are dazzled and made dizzy from afar by artistic glory and the applause of printed sheets. But I, with my many years and long experience, tell you that all that avails not to put bread in your mouth, and that it is all pure delusion and humbug. For your own sake, and for the sake of your sis- ters, listen to me. The day I die, what will Fernanda be able to do without a man of her own temper beside her, who will stand for the party, do the coming and going, assume 126 TEE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF L1MON its visible leadership? I wish you to be as much the heir of my control and influence as of my name, and I pray God you will rise higher than I on the foundations I have laid for you. Thrive, my son, in the region of higher politics. Then you will see how the newspapers will publish anything you write, although it be but so much foolishness, and will call you a portent, and you will even be- come a member of the academy, if you are pleased with anything so insignificant. I will not conceal from you that the friendship of Prospero Merlo seems to me valuable, and that I desire him to become a member of the family." Here Dominica's eyes dropped. Arias turned to look at her with a mixture of astonishment and vexation "You lower your eyes Dominica, good and gentle Dominica? What can remain hidden from a father, and especially, a father who is a man alert from dealing with all sorts and conditions of men? Although I must declare here and now, that before I was aware of anything, Merlo him- self gave me some indications, indirect but sufficiently explicit." "But you see, Father, he has not told me yet . . ." stammered Dominica. TEE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 127 "But he must have looked at you in a cer- tain way." Dominica grew crimson. "M erlo seems to me a man of high aims and persuasive speech, which is worth as much as to have the future clutched by the hair. More- over, he is really a handsome fellow. Unmis- takable are the tokens of his affection. What more can you desire for a husband? Con- sider, gentle and innocent Dominica, that the years are vanishing, that you are not a child, and that others, at your age, have already given up the hope of marrying. I consider it settled that you are to marry, and that it shall be within my lifetime. In this fashion, the four of you united in one single will and strong purpose will be looked up to and feared, prosperity will enter your doors, and you will perpetuate in Guadalfranco the mild and beneficent yoke of the Limones." A dumb emotion reigned throughout the room. Bermudo on the outside, seated on the floor and leaning against the door, wiped away a few tears. Oh, if don Enrique and Fer- nanda, so decorous and serious, evidencing so many civic and domestic virtues, could have been seen on this occasion by those who in the 128 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON clandestine newspaper called them "Vampires of the town," "Old Stallion," "She-Boss," "Madam Procuress" and even more compli- ments! .... When Dominica and Arias remained alone, the latter planted himself before his sister and addressed her in an uncertain voice, his eyes flaming: "Why didn't you tell me about this? Hypo- crite!" "I swear to you, Arias," replied Dominica, grieved and submissive, clasping her hands as if in prayer, "I swear to you that I did not know anything. He looks at me, yes, he looks at me, as no one has ever before looked at me, and when he does so, I do not know what to do ; I am all upset. I could not suppose he loved me. As I value my soul's salvation, I tell you that he has never told me, or given me to understand that he loved me. What was I to tell you? That he gazed at me? That he was in love with me? You would have called me, and rightly, silly, presumptuous, ridic- ulous. I am twenty-eight years old. I have never thought about men, or expected to marry. Now that Father. . . Well, you heard him, as well as I. But if you do not THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 129 wish it, if you don't like Prospero, I won't marry; I won't marry, Arias." "Of course I don't like him! As I can see a thing or two ! He's a simpleton, a meddler, a rascal ; all he wants is to climb. But do you suppose he cares for you a snap of his fin- gers?" said Arias gesticulating furiously. "Don't be angry, Arias, don't be angry with me. You are right," added Dominica sadly. "I was dazzled. Of course he can't love me! I am not young, and I am not pretty." "It isn't that, Dominica. You are lovely, and quite young enough to marry. The mat- ter is that Merlo is a rascal, a rascal, a rascal!" And Arias went out on the street, followed by the silent and loyal Bermudo. He came back when it was already very late. On pass- ing Dominica's room, he saw a light from be- neath the door. After his accesses of fury, it was inevitable that Arias's mood should change into one of childlike renunciation and tenderness. He tapped at Dominica's door. "What do you want, Arias?" asked Dom- inica. Her eyes were red. "Dominica, I hurt you a while ago. I did not know what I was saying. I only want you to be happy. The suddenness of the news, 130 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON the fear of losing you, grief at being separated from you, drove me wild." "Fear of losing me. . . Grief at being separated. . . Even if I married, you would not lose me, nor would we be separated. But I shall not marry." "You shall marry. If I told you that Merlo is a rascal, now I take it back. It was not I that was speaking: an evil spirit was speak- ing within me, a spirit which possesses me at times, drives me on, and dictates words which are not within my heart. Now Z am the one who is talking, and talking in my right mind." "I shall not marry, Arias. I don't believe that Merlo is a rascal. But I consider it an impossibility that he should love me. I am old, and not at all goodlooking." "Who that sees you and talks to you can help loving you madly," exclaimed Arias, tak- ing Dominica's face in his hands and drawing it down to kiss her brow. Dominica smiled. "That is a brother's love. No one will care for me as I have dreamed." "He will care for you, Dominica. Surely he loves you already, as much as you long for. Surely you will be happy together." THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 131 And then after a pause: "And you, do you love him?" "I ... don't yet. . ." stammered Domi- nica, with tremulous lips. Arias laughed, a soft caressing laugh that welled up from the very depths of his heart. "Well, well. It seems to me that all is go- Ing well." He put his arms around her, and once more kissed her on the forehead. "Good night, Dominica." "Good night, Arias." VIII Love, Love! Immortal torch Which a rushing wind blows to shreds! Without that insensate light of yours All that fills life's stage Would pass unseen. Love, ancient as life, Young as life, Oh Lovtl To-night tTiere is high revelry In the castle of Elsinore. Th throned King and Quetn Sit watching the players. About them gather a throng Of fawning courtiers, And there is Ophelia, the loving, The ingenuous, pure. Ther is gloomy Hamlrt Madness in his look. He seizes the torch Where it is flaring, Whirls it wildly about Like a sling with a stone. Love; gentle or mad? Rd torch . . . mild light . . . Life you reveal . . . held high In a madman's hands. VIII VERY afternoon, about six, Prospero Merlo comes to the great house of the Ucedas, and remains until suppertime in lov- ing conversation with Domin- ica. The wedding has been set for the autumn, for the beginning of October. It is now July. In the province of Guadal- franco it is suffocatingly hot. But the room in which Prospero and Dominica hold converse is fresh, humid and shadowy. The walls are whitewashed; supporting the ceiling are beams of blackened timber laid in parallel lines ; the spaces between the beams are arched. The dimensions of the room are spacious, aris- tocratic, like an ancient hall or reception room. The furniture is simple, and sparsely distributed. The floor is of red bricks, sprinkled, and here and there is a round of matting. Two enormous windows, with grat- ings, extend from the floor upwards, and give proof of the thickness of the outside walls. 133 134 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON There are pots of flowers in bloom at the foot of the windows. Beyond the grated windows is a street, narrow and deserted, and facing them, a wall painted yellow. An odor of moist earth and of rosemallows pervades the room. The bells of the cathedral are heard and the twittering of sparrows. Prospero and Dominica, seated in rocking chairs, take shelter in a dusky corner. The old nurse of Arias, and mother of Bermudo, gives countenance to the courtship by her pres- ence. Not infrequently, don Enrique and Fer- nanda are in the room, whispering about ex- ceedingly important matters. Very rarely Arias and Bermudo appear. Where are Arias and his staunch and hermetic attendant? No- body knows. Nobody tries to find out. This is the prelude to a rosy and joyous era in the annals of the Limones. When next the Cortes convene, don Enrique is counting on carrying as representatives his son Arias and his pre- sumptive son-in-law. With the hot weather, the throbbings of sedition have abated. The clandestine sheet has ceased to circulate. Over Guadalfranco hovers an Octavian peace. My lord bishop, placid and meditative, the canons of the cathedral thoughtful and melodious; THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 135 the civil governor a ponderous nobleman; the military governor a doughty chieftain; the colonel of the Civil Guards a man whose hand is heavy and whose displeasure is relentless ; in short, all the props of society are the work of don Enrique, and by his will are kept in pro- visional equilibrium and connection, like the scaffolding the architect uses to erect his struc- ture. Don Enrique and Fernanda are satis- fied. Prospero Merlo is satisfied. Like pil- grims on their way to a shrine, litigants stream into his office. Every case he pleads is auto- matically decided in his favor. He will be a representative. But the most satisfied of all is Dominica. Merlo arrives punctually at the customary hour. He wears a twill suit of light tan, and canvas shoes. He comes in with his coat and shirt collar thrown back. From his bare neck stick out tufts of hair, black, flaring and sinuous, for the lawyer is a man of hairy bosom.* His straw hat is in one hand, in the other a palmleaf fan, like a blowing-fan, with which he aerates his perspiring counte- nance. He is short rather than tall, his figure * Hombre de pelo en pecho, also means in Spanish a valiant man. 136 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF L1MON is beginning to protrude in front, his complex- ion is deep brown, his mustachios threaten both God and man, his teeth are white and even, his eyes are of the kind that fire the feminine heart. Dominica's heart at any rate he has set ablaze with an unquenchable fire which tortures and delights, which annihilates and does not consume. When Merlo is not in the house, Dominica never rests; she goes and comes from room to room as if seeking something she has forgotten; she goes out into the garden, she chews some little leaves of peppermint; she comes once more into the house, sits down, gets up immediately. She laughs as readily as she sighs. She loses sleep. When Merlo is present, Dominica's restless- ness redoubles. She would like to look at him closely, through and through, but she dare not lift her eyes from the floor. If he looks at her, she would like to withdraw her eyes from his, in order to recover her breath which is failing her, but she cannot gather up strength to withdraw them. Prospero talks unceasingly. His tongue is endowed with the gift of perpetual motion. His is a silvery tongue which strikes repeatedly, like fits of a recurrent spring dizziness. For Prospero THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 137 and Dominica it is an unchanging Eastertide. And what things Prospero says to her ! Dom- inica listens to him as if her senses were not her own. Occasionally he takes her hand. Dom- inica tries to withdraw it with beseeching eyes, as if she were in a death swoon and afraid of dying. And if the courtship lasts much longer, Dominica will die. She is growing thin and pale, withering and drooping. In two months she has aged several years. But in the midst of this glorious, dolorous transubstantiation of Dominica's soul, there remains a nucleus of incorruptible gold, the worship of all her life, the essence of her child- hood: her love for Arias. In the uneasy hours of a sleepless night, Dominica thinks, per- chance, "If Arias were to become Prospero's enemy, it would kill me." Fortunately for Dominica, Arias cheerfully encourages her love for Merlo. Arias reciprocates the adora- tion Dominica feels for him. He also adores Dominica. He is eager only for her felicity. Therefore, in Dominica's presence he laughs, jokes, proposes to her conspiracies for the fu- ture. But when he is alone Arias suffers mor- tal anguish. To witness his sister's love has been for 138 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON Arias also an awakening of body and soul to love. He is constantly on fire, with flesh and spirit tense, tortured, restless. That is why he hides. At first his has been an immaterial, absolute, disembodied passion: love for woman. He wanders alone through the streets. He thinks himself suddenly in love with every woman he encounters. He com- poses passionate and sensuous verses, as often frenzied as pathetic. At last, tHis ungovern- able groping love has centered upon one woman. Arias does not know who she is. He has seen her three times behind a grating. And now, madly in love, he dares pass no more that way. He shuts himself up in a room. He paces the floor ; tears his hair ; talks to himself. He cries out as if strangling. Bermudo, on the outside, stuck to the door, listens, doubles up his fists, turns his eyes threateningly. What can poor Bermudo do to relieve Arias? What is the matter with Arias? Who is making him suffer? Oh, if Bermudo could only get into his great paws the culprit who is so tormenting Arias! But poor Bermudo fails to make out even a mode of access to the room within whose shelter the tragedy is taking place. Finally he decides THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 139 to make use of his gift of speech, of which he is so niggardly: "What's the matter, Arias? For God's sake, tell me! Can I do anything for you?" "Of course you can't do anything for me." "Who knows! . . . For God's sake, tell me!" "I am in love, Bermudo." "With whom?" "With whom, of course? With a woman." "Who is she?" "I don't know her name." "Why don't you tell her you love her? She must be in love with you, too. It's out of the question that she shouldn't be!" "I don't dare, Bermudo; I don't dare," murmurs Arias, digging his fingers into his cheeks. "Tell me where she lives and I'll steal her, and bring her here. I swear it, upon my life!" "Hush, you simpleton. What do you know about such things?" "I swear to you, Arias, I'll bring her here whenever you like." IV Venomous night, Each star is a drop of poison, Each star is the scarlet seed Of a dark thought. Womb in which every crime lies hidden . . . Rape . . . adultery . . . theft . . . mur- der . . . Cowardice . . . terror . . . Night hostile to the lowly, Procuress of the wicked! Source of all evil! For it is within your bosom Men and animals come together And burning with blind fury Perpetuate earthly life. The monastery bell is ringing matins: The monks go to their prayers. From the sins of the night Deliver us, Oh Lord our God! Let the cock crow for dawn I And may Satan perish in depths of hell! COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO/ A new day dawns, But some there are Who cannot behold it. S the summer advanced, in ad- dition to the afternoon chat, Merlo was wont to come at night to talk with Dominica at her grating. One afternoon during the last of August, when, by a rare oc- currence, all the Limon family were together in the drawing-room, as he took leave Merlo said: "Tonight, after supper, I must go to see the widow Candelero, who has come in from the country with her daughter." "They've returned?" asked don Enrique. "When did they get back?" said Arias. "This afternoon, it seems/' replied Merlo. "The widow wrote me, urging upon me an ap- pointment for this evening. It has to do with the lawsuit she is having with her brother. She says she is bringing me any number of facts and proofs. Like any old woman, she is fussy and impatient." 141 142 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON "But she's rich, and disposes of more than a hundred votes," commented Fernanda. "Just so, and in your district, Prospero," added don Enrique. "She is rich and penurious. In order to save expenses, she hasn't even a servant. She lives alone with her daughter." "Alone?" asked Arias. "Absolutely alone as I understand," re- sponded Prospero. "Thanks to the exquisite protection of the Limones, two women, even though they are rich, may live alone and in safety in Guadal- franco," asserted don Enrique. After a pause, he added: "It seems to me I have heard that the daughter is exceedingly pretty." "To tell you the honest truth, I haven't noticed her," declared Merlo casting a pro- pitiatory look at Dominica. He took leave. The following day, the widow Candelero and her daughter were discovered in their home, murdered, their bodies riddled with wounds. The daughter had been stabbed twen- ty-seven times, and gave unmistakable evi- dence of having been violated. In the house THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 143 were found the palmleaf fan, a cane and other objects belonging to Merlo. The night watch- man testified that he had seen Merlo leave the house about midnight. Prospero Merlo was immediately arrested and imprisoned. A political motive was pub- licly ascribed for the crime. An uprising took place in the city. The mob went fu- riously to the palace of the Limones, shouting p* out: "Down with the Limones! Death to the Limones !" It was necessary to protect the pal- ace with a company of civil guards. Dominica fell ill. She would allow nobody beside her except Arias. She wept discon- solately. "But do you think, Arias, that it is pos- sible? Am I not dreaming? Is it not a frightful nightmare? Awaken me, O God, even though it be an awakening into the shadow of death!" moaned Dominica in a scarcely audible voice. "I am sure it has not been Prospero," re- plied Arias. "I don't say it merely to give you courage. I am certain it has not been he. There must be some terrible mistake. But never fear. Even if what really happened is 144 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON r never found out, and I think it won't be be- cause it is all too mysterious, at least every- thing will be arranged by means of the in- 'fluence we have in Madrid." The blow struck don Enrique also to the very heart. "Everything is at an end for us, Fernanda. I'm done for, because this sorrow will cost me my life. Our supremacy in Guadalfranco has come to an end. Everything is at an end. My poor children! Strong and intelligent Fer- nanda, gentle Dominica, Arias weak and in- genuous." "No, father, no," responded Fernanda firmly. "After all, what have we to do with that wretched Merlo. Fortunately he was not married to poor Dominica. This misfortune is Dominica's alone, and ours because it grieves us to the soul. But political catastrophe, why?" Merlo, from jail, wrote a long emphatic let- ter to don Enrique, in which he protested his innocence, waited for God to unmask the ver- itable criminals, and, in the meantime, humbly entreated the protection of don Enrique, in whose all-powerful hands he placed his cause. Don Enrique crumpled the note with fury, THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 145 grinding out reproaches against the astute and murderous Merlo. Arias came out in his de- fense so passionately and skilfully that don [/ Enrique and Fernanda let themselves be con- vinced. Don Enrique said: "Granting that he is innocent, what can we do?" "Move heaven and earth, use all the in- fluence you have in Madrid to cover the mat- v ter up, and set Merlo free." "That is impossible. The first thing is to discover the murderer." "No; the first thing is to fix up things in / Madrid." "My son, that is an undertaking beyond my strength, which is failing me. I charge you with it. Go to the capital, employ every means suggested to you by your youth and in- genuity. You are going in my name, and that is equal to my going myself." "I? I am no good at that sort of thing, Father ..." replied Arias, uncertain and crestfallen. "You can do it, if you make up your mind to. Some time you must make a beginning. There are very few days of life remaining to 146 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON ,, me. On you depends your very fate, yours and your sisters. Consider this well." Dominica wrote to Merlo that she did not believe him to be guilty, and that she loved him more than ever. The days were passing. The court was examining the evidence. Every proof was against Merlo. The city was seeth- ing with manifest exasperation. There were frequent disturbances. It was said behind their backs that the Limones were plotting to suborn the law. Dominica continued in bed, and grew sicker and sicker. Day by day don Enrique was more cowed. The timid and slothful Arias deferred his journey to Madrid. Three months passed thus. Then don Enrique died. I Y In the beginning was darkness . , . Darkness slow, confused. A nothingness . . a hollow void. There was neither form nor color. The Voice was sounding; the Voice went forth, And with the Voice, light came . . . Things took shape; Action was unfolded, History was born. Light came to be out of pain and anguish; Every birth leaves a body Broken. Now can be seen red blood on the virginal body Falling . . . heavily faltthg ... Yet there is thick night; For the light was the word Shrouded in darkness. X HE afternoon was waning. The shadows were absorbing, and saturating Dominica's room. As if the shadows were grown dense, and suddenly con- gealed, Arias appeared, silent, agitated, shud- dering. "What is the matter, Arias?" said Dominica sitting up in bed. Arias sat down at the foot of the bed. "Calm yourself, Dominica. Calm yourself, and let me try to get calm. I must talk to you. Give me a little water." Dominica offered her brother a glass of sweetened water which was standing on her night table. Arias went on : "Dominica, you well know how much I love you; how much I have always loved you. I cannot allow you to be unhappy. You are going to marry Prospero. You are going to marry at once. I shall set him free this very day." 148 Dominica was listening without a clear con- sciousness of what she heard. She could not repress a gesture of impatience. "Wait a few seconds, and your heart will be enlightened. From here I shall go before the judge and declare to him it was 1 who killed the widow Candelero and her daughter." Dominica bent forward and caught her brother by the wrists. "Arias! Arias! Arias! Are you out of your mind? Are you mad? What are you going to do, brother? Who will believe you? I cannot accept your sacrifice, I shall contra- dict what you say. All will see that you have made it up. Wake up, Arias, wake up!'* "Be quiet, Dominica. It is not a sacrifice | It is not an invention. It is the truth." ^ It grew dark in the room. Arias had sunk into the darkness of eternity. Dominica only heard him, as if his voice reached her from worlds beyond. His voice was no longer the beloved and familiar voice. "I killed her, helped by Bermudo. The nightwatchman who opened the door for us will confirm my declaration. I don't know how it was. I was beside myself. It was not I. Do you remember poor Delfin when I 150 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON tried to kill him ? Well, it was the same thing. When I entered the house it was with no thought of murdering them. I swear it by the love I bear you. Then, afterwards, dur- ing the first month, I forgot that it was I who had killed them. Whenever I heard the crime mentioned, I formed in my mind vague con- nections, as if I were in a fog, or as if I had dreamed it all. I came to think I had been dreaming, that the dream imposed itself upon me as a reality, that my reason wandered. . . I was afraid. Yesterday I asked Bermudo: 'Did I dream it, Bermudo?' I asked him noth- ing more. It was enough. Bermudo said e No' with his head. Now everything comes back clearly to me, as if it had all taken shape. Yes, it is true !" He continued after a pause. "I was in love with that woman. In love is not the word to express it. More in love than you are with Merlo. Much more, for your love received in compensation a similar love. And mine was an impossible love. Why impossible? How can I tell? It was some- thing superior to my will. I did not dare to confess it. A thousand times I wrote her, and tore each letter into bits. I tried to look at her, to make her understand, but I couldn't, THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 151 sister, I could not, I could not ! The suspicion alone that she might not love me, made my blood freeze, and then whirl into my temples, my eyes, my tongue. I did not even dare to ask the neighbors who she was, and what her name was. Then it was that Bermudo found out she was the daughter of the widow Can- delero. Every night, every single night, Dominica, I have gone to her door, and have prostrated myself to kiss the threshold upon which she trod, and I have kissed the gratings of her home more times than there are stars in heaven." Another pause. "That night we were on the watch for Pros- pero to come out. At first I thought I would tap at her window. Then I changed my mind. It was better to go in. But while I was hes- itating whether to do it or not, time passed. The nightwatchman opened the door for us. We went in. As I did not know the house, and was not going in like a robber, I lighted a match and we went forward along the entry, and up the stairs. At the top appeared Lola. She was in her nightdress. From where we were we could see her feet. I divined at once that Lola (I don't know if I have told you 152 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON that she was named Lola) was going to flee, to run to the window, and to awaken the neighbors. 'Hold her fast,' I ordered Ber- mudo. I can see him now. He leaped like a wild beast, seized her from behind, and gagged her. I myself ran forward to take her in my arms. She was so soft, so warm, so sweet. . . . My heart melts as I recall it, and I still feel that I have her in my arms. I rained kisses upon her, and that she might not scream, bit her lips and kissed them at the same time. All this was in the dark. My rea- son was forsaking me. I scarcely realized anything. From the depths of the house came the voice of the mother. She said, I can still hear her, 'But, Lola, what are you doing? Where are you V and as there was no response, she came at once. In her hand was a candle. She was struck dumb. The candle fell to the ground and continued burning. I saw myself ruined. The weight of the whole world fell upon me. It was I who drew the knife from Bermudo's pocket and stabbed the old woman. Lola had risen to her feet. She was about three paces away. She spit in my face and then rushed upon me as if to tear out my eyes. And all without saying a word. The THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 153 whole time she spoke not a word. Never did I hear the sound of her voice. If she had spoken, I think I should not have killed her; there would have been light. But she did not speak, she did not speak! Before she reached me, I had the knife buried in her breast. . . And so many times, many times, many times." And the heavy shadows which thronged the room were, for Arias and Dominica, peopled with visions. "I have never wished anyone harm. My ambitions were generous, noble. How many times I have felt myself ill, because my heart was too great for my bosom to hold it! This heart of mine, so great and passionate, sti- fled me. I have been indolent because I knew I should never accomplish deeds as lofty as I aspired to. Why did I kill Lola? How did I kill her? . . . Bermudo and I left the house. We said no word to each other. We came in and went to bed. I slept like a stone. The following day I had forgotten everything. When I heard the news of the crime, I thought I remembered vaguely. I said to myself: 'And yet they will deny that dreams are true,' thinking that I had had a presenti- ment in my dreams. And so I lived many 154 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF L1MON days. But everything has come to an end now. Good-by, Dominica. Be happy. Marry Prospero. Good-by, Dominica." Arias kissed his sister on the brow, and went out running. Dominica was rigid with terror. She tried to rush after him to hold him back. She fell senseless at the foot of her bed. Merlo was set free, but he did not marry Dominica. He wrote her a note which was, word for word, as follows: "You will understand that after what has happened, you have ceased to exist for me. Prospero Merlo." In the face of such disaster, Dominica con- \y centrated all her energies, and was able to rise above adversity. The trial lasted more than a year. Arias and Bermudo were condemned to death. When the sentence was made known to them, Fernanda and Dominica went to the prison to see their brother for the last time, and then they left Guadalfranco. VI The sun glitters with a new lure; The silver bell is ringing. This bell rings for a baptism; Godmother weeps for joy. But the sky is clouded over! This is the bell of sorrow. The prison-bell is tolling For one who had to die. Come, let us drain the cup Of honey-colored wine I Dregs lurk in the depths, Of poison-hemlock, of gall. Ding dong . . . ding dong . . . Bells in their airy towers Announce the knight in silver; Oh shining mystery! Ding dong . . . ding dong . . t Bells in the cemeteries Announce the black Paladin; Oh riddle dark and strange t XI HAT morning I woke up with- out being called. On other mornings, one of dona Trina's maids, la Prisca, was accustom- ed to bring me my breakfast. La Prisca, like her mistress, was also a na- tive of Alcarria. She had a spherical face, a cubical head, a cylindrical body, a conical arrangement of petticoats. By these geo- metric indications I mean it to be under- stood that la Prisca did not give the impres- sion of being a rational creature, nor even an irrational one, as are those other examples who perform domestic duties. She was rather a thing, in the visible form of which were rep- resented various symbolic qualities: solidity, accuracy, strength, regularity. She was like the crystallization of those obscure agencies, beneficent or irresponsible, which are found in nature for the benefit of man. I looked at the clock. It was approaching midday. I had ordered my breakfast at 156 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 157 eight. I pulled the bell-cord. La Prisca ap- peared. Into the orb of her face various fleet- ing convulsions were insinuating themselves after the fashion of facial expressions, which some human feeling had jerked forth. With- out being certain that I guessed right, I in- terpreted these expressive signs as manifesta- tions of satisfaction. The novelty of the thing made my crossness vanish. "Explain yourself, Prisca." Prisca explain herself? Well, I was not asking anything. . . "Out with it, Prisca; help me to under- stand." Prisca waved her arms, going off into fits of shrill and nervous laughter. Then she mo- tioned me to be silent. I listened. In the hall could be heard the hurried tapping of heels. Prisca filled her windpipe with air, and came out like a shot with the words : "Mariquita is in pain," and she laughed again after her own fashion. "Well, I don't consider it a cause for mirth that Mariquita is in pain." But Prisca persisted in laughing. I con- tinued to look at her. It was not exactly 158 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON a hilarious laughter. Her laughter was from the heart and due to emotion. "I've guessed it, Prisca. I've guessed it. You want to tell me that Mariquita's baby is coming." Prisca gave assent with her head. I got up, dressed, and went into the hall where I met dona Trina, going along as if transfigured, and unconscious of my presence. Then I went out and did not return until luncheon. Mariquita was in great suffering. The meal that day left much to be desired. The servants walked about hither and thither without a moment's escape, at the orders of dona Trina, as if there were no guests in the house. We ourselves set the table and brought the pans in from the kitchen, and helped ourselves as if in an eating-house. The talk, naturally, turned upon Mariquita. On that account, no one noticed that the two enigmatic women had not come to luncheon. At six o'clock in the evening, in great an- guish but safely, Mariquita was delivered of a boy. The evening meal was better attended to. The enigmatic women did not appear at this meal, nor was their presence missed. It was Saturday. THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 159 Before retiring, I read the evening papers. All published in detail, the ignominious death at the garrote of Arias Limon y Uceda, and his servant Bermudo. What I read transfixed me with horror. From time immemorial no capital punishments had taken place in Gua- dalfranco. They had to employ an improvised executioner who did not know his business, and who prolonged the agony of the con- demned for more than an hour. The entire population surrounded the jail while the exe- cution was taking place. As they were long in hoisting the black flag, the sign of death, there was a riot and the mob tried to take the prison by storm. When the black flag went up, the disturbance increased. The rioters were afraid they had been deceived. They sus- pected that the execution had been feigned in order to put in safety the son of the late Boss, and facilitate his flight to Portugal. In order to make sure, they beat the prison-door down, and one by one, all the inhabitants of Guadal- franco inspected the bodies with their own eyes. Some insulted them, some mocked at them, some spit in their faces. At Sunday luncheon, dofia Trina treated her guests to an extra course: fritters, can- 160 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON dies, sherry, and small glasses of cognac. The two unknown women unknown to all the boarders, but not to me were present at the luncheon dressed in mourning. The deputy for Colmenar de la Oreja had with him as a guest a young bullfighter in the making, nicknamed Huevillos VII, and gave evidence of being much elated with his company and friendship. He predicted to us that within a very few months, as far as Bombita and el Machaco were concerned, Huevillos VII would "eat 'em alive." The chief of the re- publican party of Tarazona, with the flowing beard divided in two, like the udder of a goat, displayed that day the aforementioned beard particularly thick and voluminous, resembling indeed a full udder a few moments before be- ing milked. All drank with genteel fre- quency. All talked and laughed at the same time. All uttered fervent wishes for the health and happiness of Mariquita and the new-born child. On one occasion when dona Trina ap- peared in the dining-room all rose to acclaim her and give her an ovation. All was hilarity, noise and chatter. But the unknown women did not lift their THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON 161 eyes from their plates and scarcely lifted a mouthful of food to their mouths. As we sat about the table, the meal over, there was a moment of silence and weariness. Don Raimundo Perejil, the canon, who was just then leaning his elbow on the table and resting his head in his hand, began to speak meditatively : "What life is ! We so uproarious, and never- theless have you read in the papers about the execution in Guadalfranco?" "It was a magnificent punishment," put in the republican leader, making use of a phrase not befitting a tribune. "They kept squeezing their gullets for more than an hour, and the wretches refused to turn up their toes." The two women in mourning rose hastily and left the room with unsteady steps. They were, however, within earshot of the last re- mark made by the man with the flowing beard : "Of course. They richly deserved it. That's what should be done with all political bosses." Dona Trina grew white. She began to speak, stammering: "Did you. . . not know . . . that those two 162 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF LIMON ladies are the sisters of Arias Limon y Uceda?" All were seized by a mortal stupor, except the republican, who struck a heavy blow with his fist on the table, drew down his eyebrows until they overshadowed his eyes, and said in a fierce voice: "So that hypocrite, the older of the two, is the one the papers call 'The She-Boss,' the worst of all the Limones? How hot it makes me that I did not know it before, so that I might have told her a thing or two! She also should have been hanged. And the other prude too, for connivance. There is no such thing as justice in this country!" SUNDAY SUNLIGHT jQual ventura serie esta, si ploguiese al Creador, que assomasse essora el Cid Campeador! Potma de Myo Cid TO LUIS ARAQUISTAIN Home of my happy days, Home of mine, precious home, Be sure I should never exchange you For palaces of kings! Room of my lonely nights, Humble bed, friendly bed. B sure I should never leave yon For those of kings and princesi Dearer to me these clothes Woven of coarsest hemp Than linens known to kings, Than linens sheer and fine: Dearer these mattresses Made of corn-shucks and wool Than those for kings made soft With feathers of heron or swan. My pillow is filled with herbs Aromatic, sweet, With tender memories And dreams about to-morrow. The king upon his pillow Lies back but cannot rest; A thousand cares pursue him, A thousand fears assail him! But I, how many nights I dreamed my love was won! Home of my happy days, Home of mine, precious home, Unless it were to marry, Be sure I should never leave you. SUNDAY SUNLIGHT ASTOR CAGIGAL was al- ready dressed in his best attire, his chin close shaved and his dark hair smooth and shiny. He wore a navy-blue suit, pat- ent leather boots, a red satin necktie, and, stuck into the knot, a heart-shaped gold pin set with varicolored stones, which represented two gal- loping horses and a whip with as many turns and cabalistic flourishes as a notary's rubric. This pin was a gift from his sweetheart. Castor looked about the room in which he was, thinking that very soon he would be liv- ing in it no longer. He counted on his fingers, and then aloud: "To-day, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sum total, six more days." He sighed. With his eyes he caressed the white walls of the room, the beams of the ceiling indigo-blue in color, the silent, homely 165 166 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT articles which dwelt there : the mahogany bed, almost as wide as it was long, more than a yard off the floor, with four fat mattresses, crocheted spread, and gaudy quilt, both these the work of dona Predestinacion, far back in her youth. Then there were the dresser, also of mahogany, big-bellied, and of courtly ap- pearance, with the great mirror which crowned it, swathed in green gauze; the carved chest, the horsehair armchair, the silver receptacle for holy-water, the blessed palm branch, the lace curtains, and, beyond the half -open door, the sitting room in shadow with its furniture upholstered in crimson woolen. It was a clean, bright, attractive, secluded, homelike apartment. It seemed not to belong to a boarding-house. Nevertheless to one it did belong. It was the only inn, lodging-house, hos- telry or hotel of Cenciella, for thus the town was named. On the ground floor there was something on the order of a shop, stocked with a variety of groceries, dry goods, iron, and tinware, and notions, and having also its bit of a tavern. House, inn and shop belonged to dona Predestinacion. In the house there lived only two regular boarders: Castor Cagigal, SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 167 secretary of the town council, and Deogracias Alpaca, leader of the municipal band. On very rare occasions some traveling salesman stayed over night. Dona Predestinacion had no use for the musician. He was forty years of age, thin as a skeleton, sallow, impertinent; his voice when he spoke rattled like a pebble, he coughed constantly, and spat in every di- rection. Moreover, he paid a peseta less than the secretary. Castor had captivated dona Predestinacion from the very first moment, for his fine, lithe figure, his gentle, childlike face, his timid gestures, his pensive eyes, and his ingenuous words. Day after day the boarding-house keeper grew fonder of him. As they lingered at table after a meal, if Mr. Alpaca were not present, she seated herself beside him and questioned him solicitously about his past life. When she found out that he had neither father nor mother, dona Pre- destinacion was moved to tears. "Poor child! Poor child," she exclaimed sorrowfully as if it were a case of an abandoned baby, and she took the napkin of Deogracias in order to wipe her eyes. As a matter of fact, Castor, at that time, was twenty-eight years old. Little by little, at various sessions, or linger- 168 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT ing after meals, Castor had related his story to dona Predestinacion. He was the son of poor farmers of the province of Salamanca. When a child, he had gone to the city as ser- vant in the home of a lawyer who taught him his primer. Later, on his own account, steal- ing the time from sleep, he had gone through the highschool, and finished his course in law, with high honor. His law course over, he had entered a preparatory academy in Valla- dolid as a student assistant, with a wretched pittance. In Valladolid, without knowing how, he had conceived a great fondness for painting in oils. He had bought a cheap box of colors and taught himself to paint. On a certain occasion he had read in the Official Bulletin of the province of Pilares that the post as secretary of Cenciella was vacant at a salary of four hundred dollars. He applied, unprotected by any favor or "pull," and with- out hope of obtaining the place. And he did get it, as luck would have it, because he had no "pull." Since his arrival in Cenciella, he considered himself happy. Before then he had done nothing but study, work, inhabit miserable rooms, live very frugally, and dream always. He had no friends, nor love-affairs SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 169 except in dreams, nor had he known play, re- laxation, or entertainments of any kind. In Cenciella he had scarcely anything to do. In the daytime he went out to paint. In the afternoons he came indoors to read, or to prepare himself for rather vague future com- petitive examinations. Within a month of his being her lodger, dona Predestinacion called him "son" and ceded to him the nuptial chamber and sitting room, in order that in the latter he might receive visitors, and place his books, papers and paintings. Castor felt, for the first time in his life, in his own house, in his own home. He was not long in falling madly in love with a girl of Cenciella, Balbina Carbajo, also an orphan, who lived with her grandfather, senor Joaco, an austere and miserly old man, who had spent his youth in South America. The old man had a moderate income, but obliged his granddaughter to work at home as a seamstress. Balbina was the most indus- trious girl in town, and perhaps the love- liest. Castor had not the courage to confess his love to dona Predestinacion but the latter had no need of confessions, for she divined it all at once, and what she did not divine, she 170 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT found out within a few days. Dona Predesti- nation felt herself moved to her very depths, and determined to lead to a happy conclusion that love affair which received from her the tenderest, the most positive and the most tear- ful approval. As Castor was afraid of the old man, it was dona Predestination who formally demanded of Sr. Joaco, the hand of Balbina. It was worth seeing how smartly dressed dona Predestination was upon that solemn occasion! So much so, that Deogracias Al- paca paid her his addresses without a shade of dissimulation. Sr. Joaco accepted the sec- retary as a most suitable match. The wedding day was fixed for the last week in April. The couple would live with the grandfather. When she returned from Sr. Joaco's house, dona Predestination kissed Castor on the forehead and addressed him as "thou." She was laugh- ing and crying at the same time. From that day, dona Predestination became sad. Deo- gracias Alpaca made every effort to cheer her, telling her jokes, and paying her compli- ments to which she replied with angry eyes and harsh words. All this had taken up one year. And now the last week in April had ar- SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 171 rived, the day when the banns for Castor and Balbina were to be published for the third time. It was Sunday. The day had dawned clear, marvelously clear. J JJ Mornings of April and May, glorious, made for love! Birds of the orchard sing from the moment God lights the dawn. The greenfinch sings like an elf. Like an elf the greenfinch sings. For joy of so much splendor, early the sun appears. But my lady, up before him, from her balcony looked. Last night she did not sleep: nor did I sleep last night. Mornings of April and May, glorious, made for love, More glorious than all others, early dawn of to-day! To-day's sun the most glorious, for this is the day of the Lord! The bell of the church is calling, calling to you, to me: How the bell reechoes, keeps ringing in my heart! With my dear one to church I go, and take my vows. Mornings of April and May, glorious, made for love! The serpent of evil Made known its voice: Through winter it slept. Summer has roused it. II AS TOR looked about his room regretfully. He was attached to it ; he had for it a vague sort of love and gratitude. It grieved him to live in it no longer. Once more he sighed. He opened his balcony, which led into a long outer corridor projecting over the town common. Castor went out into the corridor. The sun- shine, melting into the April air, enveloped him, flooded him, penetrated to his very bones and heart with exquisite quiverings. Castor had always imagined that Sunday sunlight differed from that of the other days. Sun- day light was passionate, while upon other days it was an indifferent light. But the sun- light of that last Sunday in April was, for Castor, more passionate than ever before. With his hands on the railing of the corridor, and with eyes almost closed, he gave himself to the joy of embracing confusedly within his memory, the year of his life in Cenciella, a 173 174 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT year of bliss which had reached its culmination. Someone touched him on the shoulder. It was dona Predestination. "Will you come in, my child, for a moment's conversation?" "Certainly." "Close the balcony. Close the sitting room doors. I don't want that so-called bandmaster of an Alpaca to hear us." "Is it a secret that you are going to tell me?" "There is no secret, and there is a secret. Let me see. What are you going to do to- day? Tell me exactly what you are thinking of doing." Castor shook his head with an air of dis- appointment. "If it troubles you to tell me what you in- tend to do, I should rather not have you do so." "It isn't that, dona Predestinacion. You see until this moment I had forgotten what I have to do this morning. What a bother! Just imagine . . . The whole year long, there are not more than half a dozen meetings of the town council. I write up the minutes each week, just as if there had been a meeting. And SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 175 today, today, as luck would have it, the last day of the banns, when I ought to spend the entire day with my sweetheart, the mayor sees fit to call a meeting in the morning, to con- sider the apportionment of the excise tax, so that I sha'n't be able even to attend mass with Balbina." "To this I tell you: first that as regards the tax you try to get me exempted, because last year they did me; and secondly I ask you: do you think that this inconvenience the mayor is giving you is involuntary, or, on the con- trary, intentional?" "Intentional?" "Don't you know that the mayor is at outs with Sr. Joaco, because he has been wishing for some time to buy his orchard which takes in an angle of the mayor's property, and the old man, obstinate as they make them, won't sell it for less than twice what it's worth?" "And what's the point about that?" "Don't you know that the mayor threatened Sr. Joaco?" "Gossip of the town." "And don't you know that the two polit- ical factions of the Becerriles and the Chorizos are mortal enemies?" 176 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT "That is so, unfortunately." "Don't you know that the Becerriles are spreading it about that you are on the side of the Chorizos, and are helping them in their dirty work?" "That's not true." "But the Becerriles are saying it behind your back." "I am not a partisan, and moreover I am honest. After all is said and done, both sides will be convinced of this." "And don't you know that the Becerriles, sons and nephews of the mayor, what with being two-for-a-penny nobility and political bosses, and having the frying pan by the han- dle and being the low-down beasts the Lord made them, will do any atrocious thing they take a notion to?" "And what's that to me?" "That Leto, the eldest, courted Balbina, surely you know that?" "She paid no attention to him." "Saints above! I should say she didn't pay any attention to that devil ! He is a scoundrel, a black scoundrel. You don't say anything? God have mercy on you ! You don't even find a way of speaking ill of those who have tried SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 177 to harm you. Yes, Leto courted her, and then his brother, that hideous Tarin, and afterwards another brother, that dirty $fan who be- trayed Telva, the girl in the tobacco shop. The three made up to her, one after another, and the three, with evil intention. I don't tell you this, Son, to wound you. I don't wish to make you suffer, but only to spare you sorrow, and to warn you against danger. Last night after you went up to bed, Lon- ginos was in the shop, Longinos the Jester, as they have nicknamed him, the servant, or footman, or what you will of the Becerriles. He talked on and on, guardedly, of to-day, and whether something was not going to hap- pen that was going to be heard of, and he looked at me with eyes so wicked and so re- pulsive that they made me sick and afraid." "What's going to happen? Nothing. All that you have said is certain, but since our marriage was settled, they have ceased perse- cuting Balbina." "You say they have?" "Well, they have reproached her somewhat, and they have complained now and then, but they have not troubled her again. What do they care about Balbina?" 178 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT "You think lightly of all this? They are mad. Now something else. Has Sr. Joaco invited you to dinner?" "No, ma'am." "Heavens! the stingy wretch! At what time does the meeting begin?" "At ten." "At what time will it be over?" " How do I know? Somewhere around two o'clock. With all that apportionment busi- ness, they will never get tired of arguing." "In short, you are to go to nine o'clock mass. From church, straight to the town hall, and no seeing your sweetheart. From the town hall you will come home and dine. Dur- ing the afternoon, you are not to leave Bal- bina's house, and at supper time I shall send those who are trustworthy to come back with you. We shall see if those criminals dare to do anything." "Don't you worry, dona Predestination; I shall obey you in everything," replied Castor with gentle docility. His heart had not been penetrated by the anxieties and the dread of dona Predesti- nacion. "God bless you, God bless you! You are SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 179 an angel. Of course God will protect you. Otherwise, there would be no justice above!" Castor went out on his way to church. Scarcely had he stepped into the street when he had forgotten completely the admonitions, the warnings, and the apprehensions of dona Predestination. Here, then, are the nobles. Yonder are the com- mons. These make show of seignority: all the rest are vassals. These follow the chase. Let others till the -fields. These wield the cross-bow. Let others guide the plow. Nobles and gentlemen, they lodge in palaces. Over their lintels high are careen their escutcheons. Shelter for their dogs; for their horses, stables: Wine ... a plenteous table, for the ever-booted- and-spurred, When without possessions they seize them from the poor folk. Lords in absolute right, long have they called themselves. Mills have crumbled down, flour and grain are stolen, Millers are held by force, all is desolation. Maidens are got with child: husbands are dis- honored. No woman their violence spares . . . willing or unwilling. Here is knighthood in flower! Chivalry known of old! Ill e AS TOR went a roundabout way to church in order to pass his sweetheart's house. "Balbina! Balbina!" A window opened, on the sill of whichTwas a pot of purple morning glories, and Balbina peeped out, cheerful and fresh as the morning, and bedecked in the bravest of her finery. Her hair, chestnut tinged with gold, was braided in two braids down her back, and caught at her head with a ribbon of celestial blue. Around her bare neck was a string of coral. A little merino shawl was crossed over her bosom. The sun struck her full in the face. With her hand she shielded her eyes. "I did not expect you quite so early. . . ." "I did not want to miss seeing you before mass. Look" and with his finger he pointed to the two horses galloping over the knot of his cravat. "Of course, of course," Balbina smiled 181 182 'SUNDAY SUNLIGHT proudly. Her snowy teeth gleamed in the sunlight. "Do you like it?" "I like you better. You are like a lily." And indeed she called to mind the symbolic flower, for her grace, her purity, and distinc- tion. "Hush, flatterer." Her cheeks flushed like fruit miraculously matured. "Then you are not returning this morning?" "I shall not be able. There will be a long meeting. I shall come over for dinner after- wards. And you?" "I am going to high mass, to the last pub- lishing of the banns. Then my friends are coming home with me. Grandfather has bought cakes and white wine." "You will keep something for me. . . ." "Man alive, of course ! . . ." Within the house sounded a voice calling. "Balbina! Balbina!" Balbina replied: "I'm coming, grandfather!" and then, turn- ing to Castor: "Good-by, grandfather is call- ing me." Scarcely had Balbina withdrawn, when Sr. Joaco appeared in his undershirt. He was a lean old man with coarse eyebrows and great SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 183 white beard, puffed out and full of impetus like a foamy waterfall. "Good morning, son-in-law. To-day indeed is there Sunday sunshine as you say. All well and good. Do you see to-day's light? Well, in South America 'tis always the same. Hurrah for America!" And he disappeared. Castor went off in the direction of the church to hear mass. On coming out, he was approached by Sr. Nicholas, the Teetotum, chief of the band of the Chorizos. In the town there were two political fac- tions, each of which hated the other to the death, and did each other as much evil as possible: the Chorizos were democrats, the Becerriles, aristocrats and political bosses. The democratic party was made up of all the workmen and merchants of the place. The name was derived from the only industry of the town: hog-slaughtering with its allied indus- tries of sausage making, tanning, and shoe- making. The Becerriles had no force of their own. They were merely the rural tools of the influential and powerful who dwelt in the capital of the province and in Madrid. They constituted a vast family. All of them made 184 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT show of a coat of arms in their homes. They did not work, nor did they do one useful thing. They were great hunters, gamblers, drunk- ards, and wranglers. They committed with impunity all manner of lawlessness. For many years they had been the tyrants of the town. But, aroused by such insolence and aggressiveness, the Chorizos had banded to- gether into a party so strong and determined that they threatened to make an end of the Becerriles. Already some politicians of the capital and of Madrid had begun negotiations with the Chorizos. "It's certain the mayor has gone crazy," said the Teetotum. His nickname came to him from the configuration of his body, short and chubby. He was dressed with the great- est elaborateness. Across his portly front lay an enormous gold chain with which he toyed, winding it about his red and puffy finger. "See here, Sr. Nicholas," said Castor, "I don't consider it wise for us to be seen to- gether. My position is a very delicate one. It is nothing new to you, that the Becerriles are reporting that I am on your side." "Oh, yes, that's all right, but you see you will have to come over to our side. Make up SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 185 your mind, and don't be a child. They can't put you out of your job, at any rate, even though now they have the upper hand. But the chief thing is that we have the future in our hands. The rule of the Becerriles is over." "Not yet, Sr. Nicholas. Of course you know that my sympathies are with you; but . . ." "Don't be childish, but declare yourself once and for all on our side. Now this is what I was coming to. In to-day's meeting, the ma- jority is ours." "Majority?" "Yes, sir, because you probably know that Fermin, Sabino and Justo have gone to Pi- lares to the cockfight. Apparently they had a bet on some disturbance or other for to-day. If the Becerriles lack these three votes, the majority is ours. The mayor will get hot, but pshaw! So our distribution of taxes will go through and not theirs." They were approaching the town hall. At the door, in two groups, the aldermen of each faction were waiting. In one group were the mayor, don Senin Becerril; his four sons, Leto, Pipo, Tarin, and !Sfan, all four of them alder- men by the grace of God, and his three 186 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT nephews, Doro, Laton and Nin, also alder- men. The seven young Becer riles resembled one another very closely: in their tall, big- boned, almost gigantic figures, Tarin more huge than any of them; in their faces, gaunt, stern and cold; in their fair, tow -like hair and beard ; in their mode of dress, apparently careless, in threadbare suits of corduroy and heavy boots, and in their rough, huntsman- like aspect. The Chorizos were short in stat- ure and cheerful of countenance. Every one was in his Sunday best. "We were waiting for you in order to be- gin, Mr. Secretary," said the mayor shortly. "And so to-day the banns are published for the third time ? My, my ! I suppose you must be quite happy, aren't you?" Leto asked of Castor, laughing in a perverse, sarcastic way. "Yes, sir," replied Castor briefly. "Well, you're welcome," and with his great paw he gave him a few thumps on the shoul- der. "The girl's a beauty. By Heaven! Fitf for a prince !" Before the meeting opened, the Teetotum slipped into Castor's ear: "It's plain to me there's going to be a row." IW Though I've no faith in dreams, My heart is wrung with anguish: For with my mortal eyes I saw a dove go flying, All white like driven snow, No shadow of wrongdoing. Hr eyes were full of tears. Coral-red was her beak. Seven falcons follow Torturing her as they go. Fleeing from so much evil, Finding my breast a haven, She alights upon my heart. The seven falcons follow: Now they have found my breast And torn it all in pieces: Now they have found the dove And torn her with their talons: Now they have torn my heart . What blood > still welling forth! Now her blood and mine Have mingled in one stream. Some dreams are always dreams, Other dreams come true. Over rocky ground, Climbing v/p the mountain Are riding seven nobles Mounted on nags and mules, Shouting as they ride. Now they are far away, Now they have passed the crest . Clear-cut against the sky falcons hover . . ., IV UST after it had struck two, Castor arrived at the house of dona Predestinacion . He looked pale and depressed. Alpaca had already dined, and was still seated at table, smoking a poor cigar and per- petually spitting. He excused himself to Castor for not having waited for him. "As it was a feast day, I couldn't wait. We have a rehearsal early. I suppose you know that -we are going to play a waltz this after- noon which I have composed, and which I dedicate to you and Balbina. Don't fail to be on hand. Well, I'm off. My congratula- tions to you." Before leaving, he turned to dona Predesti- nacion, looked at her with languishing eyes, and gave forth a sob : "Oh ! When are they going to congratulate you and me . . ." "Go to Guinea, you big simpleton," scolded 188 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 189 dona Predestination, who wanted to be alone with Castor. As soon as Alpaca had left the room, she asked eagerly: "What has happened?" "The very devil of a row. There they were shouting, insulting one another, pounding with their fists on the tables, until the Becerriles commenced to smash everything to pieces and so ended the meeting, without anything being decided." "And did anything disagreeable happen to you?" "Pshaw! Not exactly disagreeable. On reaching the town hall, Leto congratulated me in a certain meaning way. Then pres- ently, half way through the meeting, I had to interfere on account of Sr. Joaco's quota, which the Becerriles wanted to fix at two hundred pesetas." "The wretches!" "Basing this on the fact that he has asked don Senin seven thousand dollars for the or- chard." "Twice what it's worth." "That is what I pointed out. Then Leto said things to me." . . . 190 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT "Threats?" "I did not understand what he meant. By his tone they seemed threats. I paid no at- tention to him, because it was clear that he was pretty hot, and did not know what he was saying." ''Lord, Lord! What a ruffian! Don't you be afraid of him, because, after all, what can he do to you?" "That's what I am thinking: what can he do?" "Well, anyway, be on your guard, they are such brutes." They were silent for a long time. "You are going, you are going". . . sud- denly murmured dona Predestinacion, her eyes moist, and referring to the wedding. "Come, come, ma'am. I'm going and I'm staying. I am going away from this house but don't you suppose I don't feel sorry about it. "Of course I know that, my son." "But I am just a few steps away. You surely will be over every day to see us." "I should go very gladly; but Sr. Joaco is so rough." With his mouth full, and his paint-box in SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 191 his hand, Castor went off to his sweetheart's. As soon as she was alone, dona Predestinacion burst into tears. Balbina was waiting at the window. "I was getting impatient about you." "Oh, but you see the meeting lasted a long time and ended very badly." The grandfather made Castor tell him in de- tail all about the meeting. When he heard what concerned him, he rose to his feet with his fists clenched, and, looking at a rifle hang- ing on the wall, exclaimed: "Just so sure as that skunk tries to put any such quota over on me, I'll settle him!" "Holy Mother!" said Balbina. "Be easy, Grandpa, everything will be fixed all right. Why should we get all upset to-day? Let's see, how are we going to spend the afternoon? What you like best, Grandpa, is to play cards over at the school teacher's house." "And leave you alone at home? What would people say?" Castor, his face crimson, hastened to ex- plain : "We will go on ahead. We must be out in the fresh air to enjoy fully this Sunday sunshine. I shall paint." 192 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT "Who will go with you?" "Don't you suppose that as we are to be married this week we might go out alone, without scandal?" The old man was not long in being con- vinced. His love for card games helped him no little to easy conviction upon this point. Castor and Balbina went down into the garden back of the house, and from there out into the country. They reached the apple or- chard about the Chapel of the Redeemer. They were on the slope of a hill, covered with short, velvety, bright green grass, planted with many apple-trees, in flower at that sea- son, and falling away gently to the river. The lovers sat down on the grass, and Castor made ready to paint. The river, which was very full and deep, produced a sustained, profound sound. Through the apple-trees, all clothed in white, they caught glimpses of the Chapel, with its porch of childlike architecture, its heavily barred door, and within, a little golden light which quivered in the shadow. At the same time that he painted, Castor dreamed aloud, with his heart turned towards the future. "I'll go in for competitive examinations for SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 193 a place as judge," he was saying to Balbina. "I shall be a judge, a magistrate, president of the council of judges, president of the dis- trict court. You will be the wife of the presi- dent. What do you think?" And Balbina, enraptured, soared upwards at his side, and no whit behind him. Together they traversed the tenuous regions of day- dreams. Thus passed two hours. "Do you know, Balbina, I have discovered that I am making progress with my painting? Any day I may turn out to be a great artist. I prefer this to being president of the district court. What do you think of this picture I have been painting?" "I like it better than the real things from which you have taken it." "But has the painting Sunday sunlight? That is the essential thing. Listen: all that about being an artist consists in distinguishing the light of each day of the week, more than in distinguishing colors. Who isn't able to tell red from blue, and blue from yellow? But there are very few who can distinguish Sun- day sunlight from the light of Friday or of Wednesday. Do you suppose that to divide time up into the seven days of the week was 194 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT only a whim of almanac makers? Nothing of the sort. It was no more of a caprice than to separate the rainbow into seven colors. Things are as they are, only we are all so long about seeing into them. The sun on week days gives a light that illuminates and even gives warmth, but it does not vivify. On week days the sun does not look towards the earth." "Explain to me how that is." "Very simple. Has it never happened to you that the eyes of a person are fixed on you, and, nevertheless, you find out presently that the person was not looking at you, but was looking in your direction, only farther, ever so much farther?" "That's so." "Well, it's the same with the sun. On week days it seems to be looking at the earth, but it is looking much farther. Possibly it looks at a different planet each day. For the rest of the planets it is an empty, soulless look. But on Sunday, the sun looks at the earth, its glance penetrates the pores of the earth, it is bathed in light, and everything thrills." "This depends somewhat on whether it is cloudy or clear, don't you suppose?" SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 195 "Not at all. I shall give you as an example the contrary of what I told you before. Haven't you experienced some time with all certainty that some one was looking at you behind your back? You can't see the one who is behind you, but you know he is looking at you." "Yes, yes, it is very strange." 'Tis the same with Sunday sunlight, al- though it is cloudy. We can't see the sun, but we know it is looking at us." "It may also be that . . ." "I know what you are going to say: that on week days we work, and on Sunday rest ; isn't that so?" "Yes." "Lots of times I have had to work on Sun- day. The light was the same light to me; the same light, full of life, and penetrating as a look. Since I have been in Cenciella I have scarcely worked on any week day and yet the light of the week days seems to me wearisome, absent-minded, far away, as if it were not really for me. Don't you agree with me?" "How do I know? You are wise, and have read a lot. I am a poor village girl." "This impression about Sunday sunshine I 196 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT have had ever since I was a child. I used to feel so bad, so bad on Sunday afternoons. Others took leave of the sun on that day as on all other days, until the day following, but I said good-by to it for a whole week, until the following Sunday." The sun was setting now. The snowy apple blossoms were tinted with rose. A round sheaf of sunbeams from the setting sun gleamed parallel to the earth between two trees, resting like a lance of burnished copper on the forks made by the separating branches. A star looked out from the face of heaven, blinking at the little light before the blessed Sacrament, which now shone forth more bravely, and which seemed to have come down to peep through the door. "What peace! What beauty! And what sorrow of nature! . . ." "Why sorrow, Castor?" "Because the Sunday sunlight is dying, is dying, and all things divine that it is going, never to return. Not even next Sunday: never, never will it return. For the blossoms on these apple trees it is the last Sunday, be- cause next Sunday, they will be no more. For the water of the river, it is the last Sunday, SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 197 for on next Sunday, other waters will have taken their place. There will be another light in the Chapel. We shall be different our- selves. This Sunday is our last Sunday." "As man and maid," whispered Balbina, her eyes downcast. "Soon we shall not be two, we shall be one. How I love you, my dearest!" "How I love you, my Castor!" The band could be heard in the distance playing a strident waltz with a great many brasses. The river rolled on, with a strange noise as if a heavenly body were passing through the neighboring air. Balbina and Castor, abstracted in their con- templation of each other, failed to notice that a number of men were approaching. One of them came forward to the spot where the lovers were sitting. It was Longinos, the aged rascal, aid and jester of the Becerriles. "Those gentlemen, my masters, wish to speak to you, Mr. Secretary." "Don't go, don't go. We'll run away, we will shout out," whispered Balbina in her lover's ear, and tremblingly seizing his arm. "Why not, silly?" replied Castor, smiling and rising. 198 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT "Don't you worry, little girl, there is no question of doing harm, but of doing a favor." Castor approached the seven Becerriles, who were waiting for him with their eyes averted, and their hands in the pockets of their trou- sers. When he was beside them, three of them seized him from behind, and bound his hands. Castor did not make any movement of self- defense. He seemed not in possession of his senses. He was not able to understand what they intended doing to him. With a voice sorrowful but steady he asked: "Have I ever harmed you by word, by deed, or even in intention? Then why do you do this to me? Don't you understand that that poor woman must be in terror to see all this? Why do you make her suffer?" Without replying, they covered his mouth with a handkerchief which they tied at the back of his neck. Then they tied him to the trunk of a tree, turning his face towards a spot where three other Becerriles had Balbina also bound and gagged. They brought Bal- bina to within a few paces of Castor, who could not comprehend what they were about. They threw her on the ground, the eight of them, without saying a word. Balbina was fighting SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 199 with such desperation that they could not over- come her. They struggled to keep her quiet, growling out heavy oaths, until the girl was exhausted, and like one dead. "You, Longinos, go station yourself on the watch lest some one suddenly come upon us," ordered Leto. The waltz composed by Deogracias Alpaca could still be heard. And one after the other, the seven violated Balbina, before the face of Castor. The girl had lost consciousness. Castor had his eyes riveted on the little sanctuary light. In his head, empty of all thought, there were only four words, repeated ceaselessly in time with the furious hammering of his temples : "Bless- ed Savior, protect her! Blessed Savior, pro- tect her!" Leto took off the handkerchief which gagged Castor and said to him: "I hope that for the good of all concerned nothing of this will be found out. Good-by. We wish you a happy honeymoon." One of the Becerriles, Doro, took a notion that the adventure needed some picturesque and pointed ending. He crowned the insult 200 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT with ridicule, taking Castor's palette and painting his nose and cheeks red, like those of a clown. "You infamous scoundrel! God forgive you!" mumbled Castor, looking at him wrath- fully, and presently lowering his eyes. Doro remained looking at him some mo- ments as if doubting whether to strike him. Considering it preferable, he arched his eye- brows, cast a sidelong look at him, turned his back contemptuously and went and joined the rest, lazily and carelessly, his hands in his pockets, and his countenance haughty. It was dusk. When Balbina came to herself, she sat up on the grass, passed her hands over her eyes, rose to her feet and ran like one demented towards the river. Castor realized that she was going to throw herself into the water. Gathering all his strength, he shouted in anguish : "Balbina! Balbina! Balbina! For the love of God, I beseech you to come and untie me." Balbina stopped, then took one step after another up the slope, with her head hanging, as if broken, on her breast. She came up to SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 201 Castor, and little by little unbound him. But before she could finish she fell at the foot of the tree. Once more she had fainted. Castor freed himself altogether and bent over the beloved form of his sweetheart, lying with- ered and huddled before him. He took her in his arms weeping. He pressed her madly against his bosom. He kissed her in a frenzy. And those kisses were the first he had ever given her. Balbina began to recover consciousness. She opened her eyes languidly. With fluttering breath, she ventured to ask: "Are you going to marry me?" "Oh, Balbina!" Her voice was almost gone. "How can you love me any more?" "More than ever, more than ever! More than ever, my lily! My pure lily!" he has- tened to respond, his words rushing over one another, carried away by love and grief, and drawing the fair head of his beloved to his heart, with eagerness, yet as careful not to bruise her, as if indeed she had been a lily. \7 Up to the throne of the king The commons art thronging. An old man speaks for them all; These words he utters: King, we are begging for justice Upon the seven ravishers, For a king who fails to execute justice Has no right to live in royal state, Nor ride out upon his horse. Nor possess his queen. We are the kingdom, Not you, Sire, nor your nobles. We are body and soul, deeds and words, Voice and action. We gather from vines wine that distends your wine-skins, We procure oil for your jars, Wheat for your barns. We spin that you may be clothed, We build houses, High towers. For you the minstrels sing, the troubadours. Forests of oak, to keep you safe, Are made into spears. For your defense peasants learn To be men-at-arms, And thus you, the King, Reward our service! We suffer under wicked governors, Our daughters, our homes despoiled . . . vil gov- ernors, Thieves! The king has answered: Look upon me Most sorrowful of men! Not even the crown is mint; I live like a prisoner. It is they who rule the kingdom, evil governors! You, faithful vassals, sharpen your reaping-hooks! Gather a fitting harvest . , . the heads of traitors! HAT Sunday afternoon, about five o'clock, the seven Becer- riles and their footman, Lon- ginos, riding upon their nags and mules, had crossed the pub- lic square of Cenciella. They had stopped to say, now to one, now to another that they were going at once to the Tabardina mountains to an antelope hunt which would last more than a week. Thus they had prepared an alibi. On Sunday afternoons the entire village was ac- customed to gather in the square to enjoy the music, dancing, and other merrymaking. Be- yond the town, the Becerriles left their mounts in a wild, deserted spot and went in search of Castor and Balbina. Their deed consum- mated, they mounted once more and went away, boasting loudly of their success. In this way nobody in the village had found out, or suspected what had come to pass. Balbina had reached home before her grand- father, and had gone to bed. When the old 203 204 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT man came in, the girl dissembled as well as she was able, and said hers was an illness that amounted to very little. As Sunday was a day of much disturbance and uproar in the tavern, Castor succeeded in carrying things off without arousing the suspicions of dona Pre- destinacion. The days that remained before the wedding, Balbina continued sick, but Cas- tor refused to put off the marriage. No sooner were they married, than they took a carriage and went away to a little town on the sea. There they remained twelve days. When they came back, Balbina was more animated, stronger. They returned to Cenciella after dark. When supper was over, Balbina with- drew to rest from the fatigue of the journey. Castor and Sr. Joaco remained alone. "Why didn't you tell me?" the old man said, his face working, his eyes ablaze, his voice thick. "Do you really know all about it already?" "The whole town knows it. That mangy old Longinos told it in Parrulo's tavern." "Oh, my poor Balbina!" moaned Castor, uplifting his eyes. "And poor you, and poor me. All of us, all of us, all of us." SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 205 "Oh, my poor Balbina! Is there no justice in heaven?" "Heaven is up very high. In its affairs we have no right to meddle, we who live down here. Down here, it is well known that there is no justice except what we get for ourselves. I should have killed every last one of them," declared the old man, with unmistakable ve- racity, fixing his furious eyes upon the rifle. "No, no. That would be to slay her." "Vengeance, before all else." "Before all else, Balbina." "If I have delayed, it is because I consider it impossible to succeed in killing all of them, one after another. Therefore, the only thing to do is to deliver them over to justice and get out of them a ruinous fine." "Yes, and the matter goes before the court, she is made to relate the whole horrible oc- currence, with her own lips, to the judge, and to the jury, and then the publicity, and the newspapers. . . ." He hid his face in his hands. "Don't you see that this would kill her?" "Well?" "I don't know how, but the only way is to make Balbina forget." 206 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT "What difference does it make if she for- gets. Dishonor is never wiped out although one forgets, if others remember it." "But is she dishonored? They are the ones that are dishonored." "All of us." "No, a thousand times no." "But she, surely, feels herself dishonored, as I do. And if you don't feel the same, it is that you have no blood in your veins." "I have a broken heart, Sr. Joaco, but my reason remains unclouded. I realize the enormity of our misfortune, but I cannot ad- mit that it is irreparable, as you think, . . . and as Balbina thinks, although she has not dared to tell me so. They break the wings of a white dove and it can fly no more. Oh, what an irremediable sorrow ! It can never fly again. The mirror in which I see myself reflected is broken into a thousand fragments. That is something past repair. That is past repair. But the soul of Balbina, unblemished dove which I adore, spotless mirror in which I behold myself, it seems as if it were broken and maimed, but it is not, it cannot be. One day it will fly as before. One day I shall see myself in it as before. The sting of the SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 207 viper can be cured. And are the outrages of the wicked to remain unhealed?" And while he spoke, he wept, overcome with tenderness. At this moment there was heard out of doors a horrible tumult and roar of cowbells and tin cans furiously pounded. The town was entertaining itself with a tin pan serenade to the lovers, addressing to them at the same time coarse and dirty jokes. Senor Joaco grasped the rifle, leaped to the window and fired. Castor, who rushed after him, succeeded in turning his aim so that the shot went upwards. The serenaders scattered uproariously. But a furious cry resounded above the din. Castor leaned over the window sill and saw dona Predestinacion disheveled and beside her- self. With stick borne aloft she was pursu- ing a group of lads, and as she ran she be- labored them as she could, shouting out: "Hogs! Cowards! Low-down wretches! And you wear breeches? Why don't you go to the Becerriles, and drag them about, and skin them alive?" I \71 Marred and broken vessel Never brims with water; Rose trodden under foot Is earth, not flower; Water that turned millstones Grinds not for to-day; No swallow climbs the air With broken wings. The sun a year ago Went down the west . . . To-day another sunrise . . 80 it goes. Once lop the tail of a dog, Bob-tailed he remains; A maiden once defamed Is no longer maiden. Though they saw off the cuckold's horns H is just the same . . . This is a blind man's song; From door to door Hoarsely, loudly he sang In bitter mood. There was a girl who heard, Fainting with grief: Gently her lover kissed her, Tears in his heart: She was to bear a child, Unhappy mother! Oh, would it be the child Of a ravishr? VI HE mayor, crafty and long- headed, saw immediately that if the Chorizos took upon their own account as a political ques- tion, the outrage to Balbina, the era of the Becerriles in Cenciella was at an end forever. As he was a man with con- siderable influence in the capital, he set to work with extreme diligence to remove the young couple from Cenciella. Two days after the kettle-serenade, Castor was named a member of the provincial deputation of Pilares. Castor and his wife and the old man hastened to leave the town. They in- stalled themselves in a little house in the outskirts of Pilares. Castor spent the morn- ings in the office. In the afternoons he took his wife out to walk. At first, in the country round about, but the landscape recalled the landscape of Cenciella and it tortured them to see it. Thereafter they took their walks through solitary and deserted streets. Bal- 209 210 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT bina was ever sorrowful. She continued to be the white dove with broken wings. Often would Castor draw his hand over her fore- head, with gentle eagerness, as if he wanted to uproot from her memory the weeds of bitter recollections. Balbina would murmur grate- fully: "Your hand is soft and caressing like an angel's wing, but not even the wings of angels can cleanse my memory." The sadness of Balbina was reflected in Castor and their grandfather. Sorrow in- creased when there were unmistakable signs that a baby was coming. The very uncer- tainty of its paternity gnawed at each one of them, even though not one ventured to con- fess this to the other. Castor's office mates were not long in dis- covering the secret of his life. Rare was the morning that he did not discover within his portfolio caricatures and rhymes that alluded to it. He bore everything with resignation so long as the news did not reach his neigh- borhood. One day, his grandfather gave him, with a great air of mystery a local newspaper, growling wrathfully: "Curse the wretched scribbler! . . ." In the paper a provincial journalist had SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 211 related the outrage in the orchard of the Chapel, not in the Castilian manner of the poem of the Cid, but imitating the ironic and lascivious style of Boccaccio. And the new affront spread as far as the neighborhood in which Castor and Balbina were living. Castor decided to seek, through Gazettes and Bulletins, some secretaryship in a remote town. At last he found one, in Tejeros, a little town of Tier r a de Campos. He applied and waited. The day of Balbina' s delivery was drawing near. Sr. Joaco called Castor aside. "We must look for a midwife." "A doctor would be better." "No, no. A midwife. I'll see to it." In Sr. Joaco's eyes were gleaming dire omens. He added: "What have you thought of doing with what is born?" "I, the fact is ... I haven't thought about anything," stammered Castor. "You never think about anything, Castor." And a boy was born. The mother, warned by some hidden presentiment, refused to have the child leave her side, and would allow no one to handle it. 212 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT Outside the room, the old man was whisper- ing to Castor. "In any case, we must make that child dis- appear." "I will not consent to it, Sr. Joaco. I won't consent to it. It would be a crime. Poor mother!" "And you say that? That's what I should say, for the child, after all is said and done, is my blood. . . . But you?" "He is Balbina's child, and that is enough. And besides how is the poor girl to blame?" In spite of his murderous designs, the old grandfather immediately took to the little one, and, harsh and gruff though he was, he became bothersome, overfond, and sentimental. Cas- tor suffered more than ever. He wanted to love the child, and imagined that he could not do it. He did not wish to love him, and imagined he cared for him in spite of himself. And now it was Balbina who drew her hand over his forehead with mute sympathy. The secretaryship of Tejeros was granted to Castor when Balbina was on the way to recovery. They determined to start at once. In the bustle of the final moments and when SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 213 the last of their belongings were packed up, Balbina asked Castor: "Don't you want to help me dress the baby to save time?" She had him on her lap, naked from the waist down, whimpering and kicking up his little rosy legs. Castor bent over him over- whelmed with bitter-sweet emotion. Suddenly he turned pale. He tried to talk but could not say a word. "Castor, Castor!" Balbina besought him, "Are you ill?" Castor was making signs to his grandfather to approach and when he was by, commenced to unfasten his waistcoat, raise his shirt, and then his undershirt until he had laid bare his side. With his finger, he pointed to a crim- son mark, of toothed outline, like the leaf of a carnation. Then he pointed to a similar mark which the child also had upon his side. And he kissed his wife and son with his heart on his lips. His son! WJI Green lands they left behind them, Moist valleys, velvety fields, deep groves of chestnut, Black, sullen riven, Crags, mountains. Gray lands they left Where the sun never rises: And subtle mists like deceptive dreams. They look not back, they flee: They flee breathlessly. Memory's ghosts follow, Pursuing them . . . closer . . . closer . . . They go forth into broad Castile Through the pass of Pinares; A purple and golden country with poppies . . . wheatfields . . . Castile is broad under a silken sky, Gleaming blue silk. No ghosts has Castile: no mist. Everything is sunlight, clear, serene: The sun of justice makes radiant Its ochre and scarlet fields. Sun of justice, God grant no cruel wind out of the north Blight the crops, Bring with it hunger! Hunger for justice, Black hunger, Hunger not to be satisfied! VII OW happy we are!" exclaimed Castor, stretching out his arms wide, and looking upward. They had just had their sup- per. For more than a year they had been living in Tejeros, beloved and re- spected by all their fellow townspeople. Castor repeated: "How happy we are!" "Yes, yes," replied Balbina, forcing herself to feel happy above measure. "Never did I hope to be so happy after . . ." And it was as if a great blackness had in- vaded the room. She went on almost in- audibly: "After that last Sunday of our real life." "Hush, hush," begged the old man. "Why? The proof that we are almost cured is that I can speak of it. How many days, how long a time, to think of it set my head afire, and rather than mention it, I should have preferred death. Yes, we are indeed happy, 215 216 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT my Castor," she added, pressing his hand; "but there has been no Sunday sunlight shin- ing for us since." "It will shine after a time, Balbina. Have trust in God." "Only in America it shines always," grum- bled the old man. At that moment a knock was heard at the door. "Come in!" The village doctor walked in. "How's Joaquinito? Still asleep? All of you well?" He sat down, mopping the per- spiration. "Judge for yourselves, I'm both- ered to death. ... I have just treated a trav- eling salesman for a wound in the head which old Uncle Berrueco gave him. He is a sales- man for a cider factory in Pilares." Sr. Joaco, Castor and Balbina turned white. Without noticing, the doctor went on: "What men there are! Lord! What a lot of venomous tongues!" (He was talking with his eyes downcast.) "He says he knows you, not by sight, but by name. He started telling I don't know what story in the tobacco shop, and Uncle Berrueco, who was listening bang! SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 217 at the very first whack down goes the story teller with a broken head." There was a silence. Balbina broke it say- ing steadily: "What that man related is true." The doctor rose with horror-stricken eyes. "And didn't they hang the seven Becer- riles?" and he extended his hands towards Castor and Balbina with a grave, manly ges- ture of friendship. "Oh, my poor friends! What a tragedy!" At this moment several women of the neigh- borhood entered in a whirl. They ran to Bal- bina, embracing and kissing her, and crying out crossly: "What a shame! What a shame! The slanderer !" Balbina began to feel ill. It was necessary to put her to bed. The neighbors went out silently. When the night was far advanced, Castor was still seated near the fireplace, his elbows on his knees, and his head on his hands. His grandfather approached him: "Listen, Castor, Do you know what I have decided? I am going to sell my property. For the garden and the house I'll get out of 218 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT the mayor of Cenciella seven thousand dollars. If he should hold back, I'll threaten him with having every one of his followers put in jail. Then we are going to South America to live. You are intelligent and honest. You will make money there. Balbina will forget at last. Let us go to another world, to a world different from this one; let us go far away, far away, far away, far away. . . ." Will Poor monotonous Castile that cannot look upon the sal Unfortunate husbandman farming an unfruitful waste! I am sorry to leave you: God keep you! Sober people, noble people, Flower of a grave knighthood, What sorrow is yours That evil has entered your homes! Farewell forever. I go away; but whither? Always farther on . . . Let us go together: scatter salt on your fields! Accursed of God be the people That accepts ruin, Bows the neck to a yoke, Mingles tears with its bread! Accursed the coward Who yields to misrule! Let the governors stay apart, One like the other! How gayly the wind blows, How blue and white the sea! The galleon is impatient like a steed ready-sad died. Sailors, raise anchor Shouting for joy of freedom. Sails tremble like wings eager to take flight. Out of the kingdom of lies into the kingdom of truth Take the wheel, helmsman! You, lad, cut the cabltl The ship turns toward open sea . . . Into Eternity the sails . .. . VIII OW is the ship weighing anchor. The land is receding. Balbina leans her head upon Castor's breast. The child is asleep in the old man's arms. The land is growing farther and farther away. The land, that accursed land that weighed like doom upon the hearts of Castor and Balbina, is receding, is dissolving, is vanishing. Now it has disap- peared. Hearts take a great breath. It is midday. The heavens are immaculate and beautiful. The sun looks at itself in the sea, and sinks within its bosom. "How beautiful is the light!" exclaims Bal- bina. "What day is to-day? With all the trials of the journey I had lost count," says her grandfather. "I have not lost count. To-day is Sunday," says Castor. A steward walks the length of the awning 220 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT 221 with several letters in his hand, the addresses of which he cries out: "Justo Matutee . . . Pedro Gonzalez y Gonzalez . . . Castor Cagigal. . . ." Castor approaches the steward with his knees shaking. He asks, hesitating: "How is it that there is a letter for me?" "In the last packet which was put on as the ship weighed anchor." When Castor sees the envelope, he is im- mediately calmed, because he has recognized the writing of dona Predestinacion. He reads the letter aloud to his wife and grandfather: "Dear Castor: I know that Sr. Joaco has been here, but he did not have the courtesy to call on me. He has no manners. I know too that you are going to America. Heartless boy ! Why didn't you write and tell me so? May you be very happy, as happy as you deserve. Perhaps Sr. Joaco has told you that the Becerriles are going from bad to worse, and that the Chorizos have now the upper hand. And how they do manage things! Since you left me, I have missed you so. ... I have loved you like a mother, and I shall love you so always. At this moment I am crying. I 222 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT have been so lonely, so lonely, that I have been driven to make a resolution, and you are the first person I have confided this to. You must know that I am going to marry Deogracias. When one knows him through and through, he is not bad. As to his habit of spitting, he has improved a great deal, due to the fact that I am always after him. He hasn't yet learned to spit inside the spittoon, for that I know is difficult, but every day he spits a little closer. After all, what's a childless, lonely woman to do, and without you, her only son? May God bless you, may God bless you ! Don't fail to write me from America, and tell me if it is true, as they say, that over yonder the women go about the streets naked. Good- by, my son. Hugs to Balbina and the baby, whom I shall never know now. My heart is breaking. Good-by, God bless you, my son. Predestination Sanchez." "That's it," comments the old grandfather, "love to all, and any old thing for me. She is the one who hasn't any manners." A passenger sits down beside them. He offers the old man a cigarette and asks: "Where are you bound for?" SUNDAT SUNLIGHT 223 "To some place where people do not know us or what we are leaving behind," replied the old man grumbling discontentedly. "The world is very small, and news travels everywhere from everywhere," says the stran- ger, leaning back in the canvas chair and talk- ing to himself. They sailed for three days. That morning Castor had risen early to visit, and to learn all about the strange interior of the boat. On crossing the steerage, where the emigrants were herded together in a mass, he heard his name called: "Don Castor! Don Castor!" There were as many as six villagers from Cenciella with their wives and children. "We fled from the town. Life is not life there. Of course, as you know, things went badly when the Becerriles had things their own way. You certainly know that, you and poor Balbina. Well, with the Chorizos, things are worse." Castor wouldn't say anything to Balbina. He felt as if his heart were becoming poisoned from perpetual and irretrievable ignominy. So he said nothing to Balbina, but she dis- covered it all for herself two days afterward. 224 SUNDAY SUNLIGHT It was the tenth day of the voyage. Four o'clock in the morning. The ship struck a rock, and ten minutes afterward, the sea had devoured it as fire would a handful of hay. The old grandfather and the baby were saved along with a few others. Castor and Balbina let themselves go down gently, locked in each other's arms, like one body. And so, their souls blended in one exhalation, they winged their flight to the land of Infinite Peace, where Becerriles and Chorizos exist not, and where beams eternally the pure and uncreated sunlight of Sunday. RETURN TO ^ COLLEGE LIBRARY, UCLA LOAN PERIOD 1 ,14 DAY 2 3 4 5 6 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW 2 9'OCT1983 14Pft NOV23'83 14ft 1Y ' \ ' ' 1 1_ pn*^^ ^MY\J^J i^-L - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES, CA. 90024 UCLA-College Library PQ 6629 P41 P9E L 005 739 884 4 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001 157 287 2 FINE BOOKS 703 1-2 W. TH ST. LOS ANOEL.M