PCS 457 UC-NRLF c E 7^a ifl3 -^m?^.' THE VISITATION OP MIDDLESEX, BEGAN In the Year 1663 BY WILLIAM R YLEY, Esq. Lancaster, AND HENRY DETHICK, Rouge Croix, TO Clarencieux King of Arrni. SALISBURY. — PRINTED BY J. A. GILMOUR, BOOKSELLER, MARKET-PLACE. PUBLISHED BY J. NICHOLS, PARLIAMENT-STREET, LONDON. MDCCCXX, 9St$v$f of ^atrutn^ Abms;— 1 and 4, Argent on a chevron Sable, three qnaterfoiles Or, for Eyre; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron Gules between three birds Sable.— Crest, an armed leg, parti per pale Argent and Gules, couped at the thigh. JVo proof of the Jrms. Thomas Eyre,:=^Elizabeth, daughter of Rogers, of Poole, of Sarum. in com. Dorset. Robert, =j= .... Giles, =^ .... Christopher, Thomas Eyre, of Purbeck,=|= of Sarum. I Rooert Eyre. 2d son Giles Eyre. Thomas Eyres. of London, 3d son. com. Dorset, 4th son. Thomas Eyre, T Thomas Eyre. =p Elizabeth, daug. of Thos Banks, gent. Elizabeth 1^ Anne . . 2, Mary . . 3, I I I Sarah . . 4, Rebecca 5, Abigail . 6. Thomas Eyres. ^^$m$l^f of i^ritdington. Anns, — Argent, a chevron between three garbs Gulcb RtspUtd, Thomas. Robert. ^iili Edmund, Earl ^ Marian, dau. of Sir of Mulgrave. William Irming, 2d wife. James Sheffield, of Kensington, Esq. Jane, dau. of Sir Will. Margaret. Cockain, of London, Kt. Sarah. iam 2. Edmund James 3. Robert 4. I I Charles & John died infants. B James Sheffield. 536 iHogrr^t ^^ iSlrntontom Arms. — Gules, a fess wavy between three bucks trippant Or: a crescent for difference. Respited. Richard Rogers, of London, Goldsmithj=p: Comptroller of the Mint in the Tower of London. Edward Rogers, of Edmonton, com. Middlesex, gent. Lidia, daug. of Dr. Turner, of London. Richard Rogers, of Edmonton, =p Joatt, daughter of Mf. Dam, aforesaid, gent. r~ of Holboum. Richard Rogers, of Edmonton, =j= Elizabeth, daughter of Robert aforesaid, gent. Ross, of IS oi-w ich, gent. Richard Rogers, only son, aged six months at the time of this Vi- sitation, 1663. Richard Rogers. I^onnrnt of Sdirttiortd. Arms —Or, seme^ of cross-crosslets, and a lion rampant Azure — Crest, a lion rampant O holding a cros»-crosi>let, and charged on the bhoulder with an annulet, Azure. Jacob ... 2, Jeroniy . . 3, Nathaniel 4, Simeon . . 5, David Bonnell, of the =p Katherine, dau. of ... . Best, city of Norwich, gent. of London, gent. David Bonnell, of =f= Anne, dau. of Isleworth, Com. Middlesex, gent. And. Boney, of London, gent. Andrew Bonnell, only son. Sarah, wife of Tho. Rat* clitF, of Safl'ron St. Giles, Com. Bucks. I I loanna, Mary. David Bonnell. a 0imm^pf of I3artti'$i^ Arms. — Argent, three lions I'atnpanl A^iird. JVo Crest. Sir Thos. Mildmay, of =?= .... dan. of Sir George Harvey^ Barnes, Cora. Essex. of Marlces, Cora. Essex. Sir Tlios. Mildmay, of =p Frances, dan. of Sir John Erne- Barnes, Com. Essex, Knight. ley, of Withani, Com. Wilts, Kniffht. '»' Henry Mildmay, of =p Jane, dau. of Gideon Awnsham, Barnes, Com. Essex, & nowof Ileston. Com. Middlesex, Esq. of Heston, Cora. Middlesex. Jane. . . 1, Thomas Mildmay, Mary 3, France^ 2, eldest son, now liv- • LUcy 4. inu:, aged 10 years, 1GG3. Henri/ Mildmay. ^amti, of aittlfiition. • Arms. — Sable, three swords in pile, their points in base Ardent, pomelled Or, between two flanches Ur pellet^, — Crest, on a mount a falcon rising Or pellete, and belled Or. John Pawlettj of Willsdon, Com. Middlesex, gent; John Pawlet, of Willesdon,: Cora. Middlesex, gent. Margaret, dau. of .... NichoUs, of Finchley^ Cora. Middlesex. Margaret, dau. of Randoll Vincent, of Willesdon, Cora. Middlesex, gent. John Pawlett, of Willesdon, ^ Hanna, dau. of Edward Payn, of East Com. Middlesex, gent. | Greenstead, Cora. Sussex, gent. John Pawlett • Attested by Sir Wfn. Segar, S4 MartU, 1827, tinder hand and seal. I^. B. There are two old monuments in Willsdon churcb-yard for this family! ^OttHf of ^"^tli^t^. Akki. — Sable, on a chevron between three hinds passant. Argent, three annulets Sable.— Crest a Hind passant Argent: a Mullet for difference. Ko proof. Thomas 2, Samuel 3, Francis 4, all dead. Thomas Collet, of Lech- ==,... dau. of ... . Williams, lade,Com. Gloucester, gent. of Cirencester, Com. Glou- cester. Thomas Collet, of South- =p Joan, dau. of William Bat- lye, near Witney, Cora. Oxon, gent. r son, of Highworth, Com. Wilts. Thomas Collet, of Chel- =p Eliz. dau. of Sam. Pretty, sey, in Com. Middlesex, gent. in Com. Rutland. Thomas Collet died with * issue. Petra Katherine, only daughter. Thomas Collet. • Query " without"— id the MSS. it is " with.' jnair^dt »f iSliiitontom Arms. — Argent, on a bend Gules three lozenges Argent, In chief, a trefoil Gules. — Crest, a demi leopard erased, ducally collared Or pellette. Robert Marsh, of London, =p Florence, dau. of grocer, ob. 7 Oct., 1602. Com. Salop — 1st wife. John ... 1, Thomals 3, ob. s. p. Robert . 4, Daniel . 5, Richard 6, ob. s. p. Saml. Marsh, of Fincham- sted, Com. Bucks, gent., 1633. Saml. Marsh, Florence, wife Rob. Marsh, =pSusan, dau. ; Joan, dau. of ... . Vin- cent, of Ac- ton, in Mid, D. D. to Sir Edmund ofEdmonton, John Marsh. Sawyer, of Co. Middle- WhiteWaltham sex, gent. in Berks, Eliz. wife to Anna. & coheiress Tho. Famell, of Clement of London, Mosse, of gent. ob. s. p. Loiidon,gent. Comptroller of the Chamber. Robert Joan, wife of Joseph Clement Marsh, Marsh, Bent, of Leicester, Esq. eldest son. Jane, Elizabeth, Sarah. Robert Marsha # I&^miiii0t of mtiUti^^otu Abms. — Or, a chevron between three goats' heads erased Sable.— No Crest. No proofi Ralph . . 2, William 3, Francis . 4, John « . . 5i Francis Bennins^, of =j=. Mary> dau. of Thos. Tottenham, Com iVliddiesex, gent Thomas Benning, of : Willesdon, Com. Middlesex, gent. Bolton, of Tottenham, Com. Middlesex. Anne, dau. of Thos. Bosse, of Berton, Com. Bucks. Thomas Benning, died young* "1 Mary, wife of Rich. NichoU, of Hendon, Com. Middlesex. Thomas Benning. €Ror0^t of l^iniuiitiom AhMs. — Lozenges Arpent and Azure, a chevron Ctules, quartering five other coats. — Crest, a greyhound's head cou^ied Argent, collared Azure studded Or. Sir Ferdinando Gorge, of Ashton, Com. Somer- set, Kniglit. Robert 2. John Gorge, of AVestmin- =p ster, Com. Middlesex, Esq., eldest son. Anna, dau. and heiress of Ed- ward Bell, of oXevvlaud, Com. Gloucester, Esq. Mary, dau. of Sir Thos Mend, of Loughls, Com. Essex. _J Ferdiuuii'lo Gorge, of Mil- : lintjdon. Com. Middlesex, and of \V( stminsler, in said county, Esq. Mary, eldest dau. of Thomas Archdale, of Lekes, near Wickham, Coin. Bucks, gent. Ferdinando Gorge, five months old at the time of this Vi- sitation, liiOSi Mary, aged two years at the time of this Visitation. Ferdinando Gorge. 6 SMMUttf of l^illingiron^ Arms — Argent, a fesse connter-embattled between three crescents, Sable. — Crest, a grey* hound's head couped Argent, collared Sable, charged with three crescents Argent. Patent by Sir Edward Walker, in September, 1663. William Walker, of Wake- field, Com. Ebor. gent^ John Walker, of Hillingdon, : Com. Middlesex, gent., & one of the assistants to the Clerks attending the House of Lords. .C" William Walker, 2d son, aged 9 years. : Martha, dau. of Rob. Man- sell, of South Wales, Esq. Mary, dau. of Peter Foun- taine, merchant, of Lon- don. John Walker, eldest son, aged 1 1 years at the time of this Visi- tation. Mary, aged 5 years. John Walker. ... . 5 1 23 p. 81 *">« I 1 81 p. 63; & 24, 439, 448. SSr^oUt of HSnfitlii^ Jmu respited. Henry Dixon, of Skipton, =j= Clemens, dau. of ... i Cloveley, of in Ci'aven, Com. Ebor. Henry Dixon, of Enfield, in Middlesex, gent. Weedon, Com. Northampton. Barbara, dau. of Francis Corbett, of Shropshire; Henry Dixon, eldest son, =?= Elizabeth, dau* of ... . Burdet, of now living, 1663. Com. Leicester. I \ Samuel Dixon, only son, aged 2 years, 1663. Henri/ Dixon, mviif of itoii^on. Asms. — A cross-flory betweed four martlett, on a canton, a crescent ; quartering three other coats. — Crett, a martlet rising Gules. Thomas Bird, of the city of Chester, Alderman and Justice of Peace for that city. Richard Bird, of the city of Chester, Alderman and Mayor. Thomas 2, Richard 3. Grace Bird, aged 1 year^ 1664 William Bird, of the city of: London, merchant, and of Hackney, Com. Middlesex, William Bird, eldest son aged 3 years, 1664. Ellen, dau. of ... . Sharpe, of Neston, in Com. Cestriae, gent. Elizabeth, dau. of Peter Drink- water, of Chester, Alderman & Justice of the Peace. Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Bushell, of London, merchant. William Bird. ^Itiltei^irr, of J^t. Jfofin'd. Asms. — Per chevron Argent and Azure, in chief, six cross pattees, four and two Or. — Creit, a croas pattee Or. No Proof. John, 2d son. Lawrence Wiltshire, of the city of Gloucester, Esq., de- scended out of Bedford- shire. Gregory Wiltshire, of Lon- don, merchant. Gregory Wiltshire, of St. Johns, Com. Middlesex. Sarah, dau. of ... . Mayo, Com. Somerset. Joan, dau. of John Worrall, of London. Ann, dau. of John Hanbury, Com. Worcester. Lawrence Wiltshire, eldest son, aged 11 years, 1664. Anne 1, Joan , 2, Mary 3, Sarah 4. #; 8 itvopUt$f of iS^lri^rnltiril^ Arms. — Ermine on a chief Gules, three owls Argent.— Crest, a lynx passant guardant proper^ John Cropley, of Soham, Com. Cambridge, gent. Edward Cropley, of So- ham and of London, Esq., fined for Alderman. Sir John Cropley, of St. James's, Clerk enwell. Com. Middlesex, Knight and Baronet. Priscilla, dau. and heiress of Thosi Moor, of London, some- time Alderman's Deputy for the Ward of AldgEtte. Elizabeth, only dau. and heiress of Daniel Hollingworth. gent. Benjamin, 3d John, 2d Sir Edward Crop- =Martha, 3d. Sarah, 1st Anne 2d son, aged son, aged ley. Knight, eldest dau. of Rob. dau. aged da. aged about 14 years, about 14 son. Wilson, of about 17 about 15 1004. yrs.1664. London,Esq.yrs. 1664. yrs.1664* John Cropley. SOtnolitiiiiv}!^ of |t;ani||$itra)r^ Arms. — Barry of six, Or and Sable ; a canton Gules. — Crest, a tiger's head erased Argent, maned Or. Thos. Woodward, of the town of Stafl'ord. Richard Woodward, = of London, Esq. fined for Alderman, . , dan. of . Veal. John Woodward, of London, Esq. fined for Alder- man. Susanna, 1st dau., wife of John Hern, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. Ellen, 2d dau., wife of John Fountain, of Lincoln's Inn, Ser- geant at Law. John Woodward, Hamstead, Cora. Middlesex, gent. Ellen, dau. of Ottowell Bes- tOAv, of Com. Line. of Adiell Wood- ward, 2d soHy died without issue. John Woodward* 9 &^omtl^onf of ^"^i^mcu^ Arms. — Argent, on a fess wavy. Gules, three mullets Or, on a canton Azure, three fleur de lys Or. — Crest, a demi-griffin Argent, holding in his claws a mullet Or. Patent by Sir Edward Walker, 10th Nmember, 1662. William Gomeldon, =f= of Porton, in Wilts. Roger Gomeldon, of London, mer- chant, 2d son. Joice, dau. of William Gomeldon, =^ Mary, dau of ... < .... Wilcotts, of Porton, in Wilts. Thistlethwait, of ofWatten.Com, | Hampshire. Warwick. Issue. Richard Gomeldon, of London, merchant, 2d son^ William Gomeldon, =p Elizabeth, dau.of of Chiswick, Com. Middlesex, Esq. Thomas Gomeldon, eldest son. Cavendish Saun- ders of Gray's Inn, Esq. William, 2d son. m^^f of 9lontroit^ No Arms entered. «... Odgar, of Gaunt, =p in Flanders. Joyce Ods?ar, of Lon- =p Mary Van Stratell, don, merchant. of Sandwich. Mary Frulen, =y= Abraham Otgar, of ^ Mary, dau. of James ofCanterbury, Mary 1, Susan 2, Jane 3. London, merchant. Peter ... 1, Abraham 2, John ... 3. James Otgar, eldest son, Smith, of London, Esq. John . 2, Isaac 3. I Sarah 1, Elizabeth 2. Abraham Otger. 10 dFittt% of l^rn^indtotu Arms. — Argent, a chevron between three griffins passant Sable.- whigs overt : a crescent for difference. -Crest, a griflbi passant S^Ie, Sir Movie Finch, of . Kastwell Com Kent, Knight and Baroneb . Elizabeth, dan and sole heiress of Sir Thomas Henease', Knight, Vire-Chanberlain to Queen Klizabeih, Chancellor of the Uuchy of Lancaster, and one of her Majestj's most Honourable Privy I onncil. She was, after the death of Sir Moyle Finch, by King James made Vincoantess Maidstone, and by King Cbarle* U Countess of Wincbilsea. r Sir Theophilus Finch, Knight, eldest son, mar- ried Agnes, dan of Sir Christo- pher Haydon,of Maidstone Baronsthorpe, Com Norfolk, Kniglit. ob s.p. Sir Thns. Finch, Knt. & Birt. 2d son. afterwards Earl of V^ inchil- sea & Vise lunt John Finch, 3d son, mar- ried Ann, dan, of .... Walker. William, 4th son Francis, 6tb son. Elizabeth, dan. - of ... Crudock, widow of ... Bennett, of Com. BucJks — 2d wife. r ^^ . Sir Htfneagp Ffnch, — Frances, dan. of Sir r John . 1, William 2. ol Eostwell, in ('nm. Kent, one of the Ser- jeants at Law to King Charles 1., & Recorder of the city of Loudoo. Frances married SirClifl'ord Clif ton. Knight, son of ^ir Gervase Clifton, Bart. * I 1, Ileneage. I I 2, William. 4, John. I Ann married Edward, Viscount Conway and Killaltagb. Francis Finch, 2d son, married Rlizabeih. dan. of Sir Itobert Parkhurst, relict of Sir George Vande- pat, of Iiondon, merchant. Edmaw) Belt, of Beaupre Hall, Com. Norfolk, Knight— 1st wife. I Sir John Finch, Knight, 3d son. Doctor in Physic. 1 Elizabeth mar- ried . . . Maddi- son. Esq son and heir to Sir Kalpb M.iddison, of Lin- coln, Knight. r Sir Heneage Finch, Knight and Baronet, Solicitor Elizabeth, eldest dau, General to King Charles II., of Kensington, Com. Middlesex, 1663. of Daniel Hervy, of LiOnrion, Esq. Duniel Finch, £8%. eldest Boni 1 r T 6, Cbstleg. 8) £diiani. 9k Edward, ob. inf. 7, Thomas. ob. inf. Elizabeth, 1st dau. Mary, 2d dau. ob. infant. This is a true Pedigree as to my Ancestors and Descendants. Heneage Finch. Sep 12, 1663. II iTuHrVt of myi^nt^^vi^M So Jrma entered. Margaret, wife of Jolm Snow, of London. Simon, 2d son. Richard Fuller, of Little Abbing- =p Margaret, da«. of John ton, Cambridj^esliire. Amy, of Little Abbington. Richard FiJIcf, of Thistleworth, =p Ellen, dau. of Edmund Com. Middlesex. Mar!*h, of Little Abbington. Ridiard Fuller, of = London, merchant. Ricnard Fuller, eldest son. Frances, dau. of Simon Croston, of Gainford, Com. Middlesex. Ellen, 1st dau. married Capt. Robt. Deane, of London. "1 Bridget . . 1, Mary ... 2, Elizabeth 3, Ridiard Fuller. ' ^ampi^ttf of K^oi'tnootr^ Arms. — Quarterly 1st, Argent, a chevtwr Wufr a' fc f f we c i i tttrre cfti qne fe il s Azure. 2. Argent, a chevron between three biill's heads c.ibossed .... 3, three roundeln, ... a file of three points. — Crest, a tiger's head iTased, Argent. JRcferred to London yisUation. . Francis Hampton. Mary, wife of Andrew Corbet, of Edmunton, Com. Salop, Esq. Francis Hampton, of . hi Com. Startord, Esq. J Robert Hampton, of Nor- - wood, Com. Middlesex, Esq. Benjamin Hampton, 2d son. Samuel, 2d son. Benjamin Hampton, eldest son< y- Mary, dau. and heiress of Thomas Tristram, of Lon- don, gent. Robert Hampton, : oflSorwood, Com. Middlesex, Esq. Margaret, dau of Nicholas Pescod, of Southampton, Esq. Jane .... 1, Margaret. 2, Mary ... 3, Deborah . 4. Robert Hampton. 12 itnmmp alias ei^iirott of S!0»lr)tiort9« Arms. — Or, on a pile Vert, three garbs Or, between two lions rampant, Sable. — Crest, two garbf in Saltire, Or, on a mount Vert. Robert Comyn, alias Chilcott, of =p Ann, dau. of Walter Cade, Tiverton, Com. Devon, gent. of London, merchant. William Comyn, alias Chilcott, of Isleworth, Com. Middlesex, Esq. Ann, wife of Theo- dore Host, of Isleworth. Catherine, dau. of Thomas Billingsley, of London, merchant. William, Comyn, only son. RoDert Comyn alias Chilcott, of Isleworth, Com. Middle- sex, 2d son. William, only son. Mary, dau. of Robert New- man, of Lon- don. Ann . I, Sarah 2. William Comyn, alias Chilcott. Um^^% of mmtiii^ Arhs. — Sable, a chevron cotised between three cinquefoilg Or. — Crest, a griffin's head couped Or. Nicholas Raynton, of Enfield, Com. Middlesex, Esq. Rebecca, dau. of ... , Moulson, of Lancashire. Thomas Rayn- ton, 2d son. = ...., dau. of Nicholas Rayn- .... Enner- ton, of Enfield, by, of Lincoln- Com. Middle- shire, sex, Esq. Mary, dau. of Rebecca, wife Michael Har- of John Pye, vy, of London, 2d son of Sir Esq. Robert Pye. Mary, only dau., aged 2| years at the time of this Visitation, 1663. i v^i^U^iV 13 Sato'bf of ^amlimap. Margaret Jacob. Robert Jacob, of Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire, gent. Abraham Jacob, of Gamlin- gay, Com. Cambridge, Esq. Katherine, dau. and heiress of William Abraham, of London, gent. Mary, dau. of Francis Rogers, of Dartford, in Kent. Mary, 2d = George Burry, of daughter. Canfield, Com. Bedford, Esq. v^am(»i»tomf of e^i»mm. Abms. — I and 4. three hawks. S and 3, three chevronels imbraced in base, on a chief, three moKets. Gratia. Walter Hawksworth, of =p Isabel, dau. of Thomas Colthurst, Hawkesworth, Com. Ebor. of Edisforth, Com. Ebor. Thomas Hawksworth, =p Bridget, dau. of of Lincoln, gent Thomas Hawksworth, of Chiswick, Com. Middlesex. Thomas Hodson, of Lincoln. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Fellows. Thomas Hawksworth. Eliza 2. Ann 1. Sir Richard Hawksworth, of Hawksworth, Knight, The mark of Thomas T H Haicksworth. 14 Uif^^r^i^f of 1ii^Ut$mvfb^ Anns. — Argent, a fesse lorengy Sable, cotised Gules. — Crest, a holy lamb passant, Argent, irlth staff and banner proper. Re/erred to London, Christopher Richards, of =j= Rew, Com. Devon. I — : — ' ' John Richards, of Isle- =j= Ann, dau. of Thomas Simnell, of worth, Com. Middlesex. | Isleworth, Com. Middlesex. Elizabeth. = Anthony Bourchier, of London, gent. John Richards, only son. John Richards, Abmb. — Argent, on a canton Sable, a lion's leg erased in pale Or. Frances 2, Mary . . 3, Hannah 4, Martha 5. Rebecca . 1, Elizabeth 2, Ann .... 3. Thomas Bothby, of Friday':=p Anii, dati. of ... . Grafton. Hill, in parish of Chinkford, Essex. Query if not widow of ... . Grafton. Walter Botheby, of Totten- =p Katherine, eldest dau. of ham, Com. Middlesex. Rebecca, eldest daughter. John JoUifFe, merchant, of London. Thomas. John 2. George Witham, merchant, of London. Isaac Botheby, eldest son, aged 17 years at the time of this Visitation. George 3. Walter Bothheyi 15 HatttXtp of S0ir)tior#< AitMi.-^E^ine, io dex(er chief point a talbot's bead couped. Bef erred to London. Humphrey Barrell, of =j= Martha, dan. of John Boteler, of , .. 4 ., in Suffolk, gent. r~- T Shornbrook, Cora, Bedford. Savage Barrell, Gilbert Barrell, of Isle- ^ Susan, dau. of Humphry Lym- 3d son. worth, Middlesex, Esq. pany, of London, gent. Elizabeth. = Thomas Lan- Martha. = Henry Fauntle- Susan. = Robert Cole- grish, of Lon- roy, of London, by, of Clif- don, gent. gent. ford's Inn, gent. |^o)i0^0t »^ v^a%m$iu Gilbert SarrelL Arb(s. — Or, three crescents Sahle, on a canton Sable, a ducal coronet, Or.— Crest, an antelope'a bead couped, Or. William Hodges, of =^ Margaret, dau. of ... . Higgins, of Rigton, Com. Salop. Cordale, Com. Salop. Henry Hodges, of =p Sarah, dau. of ... . Norton, Hanwell, Com. Mid- dlesex, Esq. fined for Alderman. Cora. Bedford. Henry Hodges, 2d son, of Lon- don, merchant. Hannah, dau. and heiress of ... . Walker, of Lon- don, gent Henry Hodges. Thomas Hodges, eldest son. Henry Hodges* 16 m^HOt of ^oUmf^am^ ARJts. — Sable, a clievron between three roses Argent, a chief Or. Respited to London. Richard Mayo, of Much ^ Mildred, dau. of Richard Bridges^ Marcle, Com. Hereford. of Herefordshire, Maria Florentina Lan- p^rine, widow of John Buck, of London, mer- chant — 3d wife. Rachel Mayo, ob. s. p. James Mayo, of Tot- =. . . ., dau. of = Rachel, dau. of tenham High Cross, Talbot Pigott, John Ward, wi- Com. Middlesex, gent, of Bedford- dow of John shire — ^Ist wife. Hobson — 2d wife. Mary. 2d dau. of James Mayo, now living, 1663. James Mayo. MoUit of eoningtott^ ARMs.^Argent, on a chevron Azure between three trefoils parti per pale. Gules and Verti three bezants.— Crest, a roe-buck's head couped Gules attired Or. No proof. William Row, of Coning- ^ ton. Com. Huntingdon. John Row, of Conington, =p Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Anguer, of Ely. Com. Huntingdon. John Row and Robert Row, both died young William 2, Henry . 3, sans issue. Robert Row. 17 amnmittf of ^uVltp^ Abws. — Argent, a bend . . . ., on a canton an escallop. Crest. — Out of a moral cronn .... a cubit arm vested .•.. Cuffed .,i. hand proper grasping tin escallop ..•• Jteferred to London. Philip Bnmskill, of Bowes, =j= Christian, dau. of Com. York, gent. Roarer Alderson. -"a Elizabeth, dau. of: George Humble, of Lombard- street, London. Ambrose Brunskill, of = Rachel, dau. of Robert Baker, Hadley, Com. Middle- widow of Martin Broadgate, sex, and of North Hall, of London — 2d wife. Com. Hertford, Esq. Honora, 2d = Francis Ansty, Jane, eldest = Thomas Walton, daughter, of London, mer- daughter. grocer and citizen, chant. of London. Ambrose Bronskell ^biniiton, of mmtXti. * Akms. — Argent, a fess Gules between three steel caps Azure, lappetted Or. Crest — On a mural crown Azure, a unicorn's head caparisoned and plumed Azure, horned Or. MUtttd by Mr. Penson and Mr. Vincent, 10 Oct. 1614. Francis Evringdon, alias =p Evingdon, of Caswick, Com. Lincoln, gent. John Evington, of Enfield, =j= Dorothy, dau. of ... . Forth, Com. Middlesex, Esq. of Enfield. Mary. = . . . . Isaacson, of Dorothy, eldest = . . . . Hill, London, linen- daughter, of . . . ., in diaper. Wales. Thomas Davenport, for my uncle, 3Ir. John Evington, * This is declared to be the ancient coat of Evington, by Sir William Segar. Argent, a fesg" Azure, and a file of three points Gules, P Is ^i$mcott», of HsXt^ovf^, Akms — Gnlei, on a chevron Or, between three spears heads Ardent, three annulels Gules. Cbbst. — In a ducal coronet Or, a spear's head Argent, encircled with a garland of fluwero and roses Argent, Gules, and Vert, Robert Symcotts, of =p Ann dau. of . . . . Lee, of High ., Com. Essex. Thomas Symcotts, of Isleworth, in Middle- sex, eldest son, ob. s. p. Lee, Com. Cestriae, Esq. George Symcotts, of =^Dorothy, daui of Norton, Cheshire, gent. John Symcotts, of Isle- ; worth. Com. Middle- sex, gent. Dorothy. == Abraham Jordan, of John Symcotts, Walsall, Com. Stafford* only son. John Thornton, of Singleton, Com. Lancaster, gent. : Elizabeth, dau. of ^icasius Russell, citizen and jeweller, of London. Elizabeth, 2d daughter. ^UvUf of Shmoninn^ John Symcotts. Arms. — Or, on a bend engrailed Azure, an escallop Argent, quartered with Gules, three cross aged ^3 ^years, in 1663. 3, Lettice 3 CU "1 Francis Merrick, only son, aged 6 years, 1663. Christopher Merrick* 21 ^tii0itri% of ^nntt)Mh No Jrmi. Francis Awsiter, of Sovithall, — in Middlesex, gent. Richard Awsiter, of SoutliaU, iu Middlesex, gent. Francis Awsiter, of Southall, ^ormsaid, gent. : Jane, dan. of •• « . . Thorow- good, and sister of Sir John Thorowgood. Dorothy, dau. of Richard Cole, of Salisbury Park,alia8 Shenley Hall, Cora, Hert- ford, Esqr. Francis Awsiter^ ©rrsiUianrit^ of ^^tllin^lion* Ar». — Argent, a boar's head erased SaMe, a border Gulea. Patent by Clarencetuc Barvep, 1558. William, 2d son. Nicholas Treswallen, of lSt. ^ Creed's, Cornwall. John Treswallen, of Tres- wallen, in St. Creed's, aforesaid. r" .Joan Behenon, alias Trengoe, of St. Verian, in Cornwall. Thomas Treswallen, of Hil- lingdon, Con^. Middlesex, gent. Dorothy, dan. of Walter Wil- cox, of Wenbnry, Com. Bucks, by Elizabeth, sister to Sir Arthur Savage, Thomas Treswallen, eldest son. Mary, Thomas Treswallen. G 22 ^ai^miif of f^amnton. Arms — Argent. S bars gemelles Sable. CreiiT — A dexter Arm couped at the shoulder in Mail, the hand Proper, holding a cross crosslet fitcb^ Or- Richard Caswell of =j= Mary, dan of Richard Slany, London, esqr. of Shropshire, esqr. r-r~i 1 George,4, s. p. Capt. John: Mary, Katherine, Elizabeth, Rabsey, died, wife of John wife of John wife of Port, of Milton, of Phineus London, London, Pett, of merchant, gent. Chatham, Com. Kent, esqr. Thos.,.3, Willm.,5. Caswell, eldest son. Talbot Caswell, obiit. =Rachel, dau! of Robert Powell of Somerset, esqr. Rich. Caswell, of Hampton, Com. Middlesex. Ann, daur. of Willm. Bright, of London, gent. John Caswell, aged 2 years, 166.3. Katherine, . 2, Ann, .... 3. Richard, Mary, dead. Richard Caswell. mavfatt^f of en'^hin^on^ Akhs. — 1 Or, 3 bars Gules, on a canton Ermine, a cross Gules. 2 Sable on a chevron between 3 lions rampant Argent, an annulet Gulesa 3 Argent on a chevron bt. 3 cross crosslets Gules, 3 fleur de lys Or. 4 Barrv of 6 Argent and Azure, a liun rampant Gules. Crest, — In a ducal crown Or, a cross calvary Gules. Ralph Garfield of Kilsby, =j= Com. IMorthamp. Esq Abraham Garfield, of Catharine Hail Cam- bridge, "id Son, s. p. Benjamin Garfield of Clerkenwell, Com. Middlesex, gent. Elizabeth, dau. and heir of John Elsden. r' Henry, 2d Son ob. 8. p. Benjamin Garfield, of Tud- dington. Com. Middlesex, Esq. and one of the Gent. Pensioners to K. Cha. 2. Frances, dead Frances, dau. of John Her- borne, of Tackley, Com. Oxon. Esq. by Francis, dau. of Sir Francis Eure. Mary Garfield, aged 8 Years. JBen. Garjield. 23 f^^moniit of ^nhtfitt^^tti Arms — 1 and 4, Per pale. Azure, and Gules, 3 demi-lions passant guardant Or. 8 and 8 Azure 3 roses Or. Crest. — A wolfs head erased, quarter); Or, and Azure. .1— Leonard Hamond, of Roy- =p Ann, dau. of ston, Com. Hertford, gent. Webster. Robert Hamond, ob. s. p. Leonard Hamond, ^ Mary, dau. of Thomas Archer of London, Esq. of Royston, Com. Cambridge. Mary wife of Ann wife Thomas Leonard Ham=3Margt. dau. & Sarah wife of Thos. Canham, of George Hamond, ond, of Tud- of London, Day, of 2 Son. dington. Com. Merchant. London, Middlesex, gent. Esq. heir of Randal Philip Bartho- Manning, of lomew, of Ro- Waybridge, Chester, Com. Com. Surry. Kent, gent. Esqr. Leonard Hamond. MromtVf of mnitiotu Arms. — Barry of 8 Or, and Azure, an orle of martlets Or. Crest. — A Talbot passant Gules, under his dezter paw a ^rland of flowers Proper. Hugh Bronket, of Sundridge, Kent. Thomas Bronker, : in Com. Kent, esq. Mary, daur. & one of the heirs of Sir Thomas Hamond, of Brasted, in Kent, knt. Dorothy, wife Jane, wife Thomas of Edw. Lloyd, ofWillm. Bronker, esq. son of Sir Kent, of ofLittle- Edw. Lloyd, kut. Boscom.in ton. Com. Com. Kent, Middle- gent, sex, esq. r" Mary, daur. Elizabeth, wife Katharine, wife of Isaac Bar- ron, of Bur- well, Com. Cambridge, esq. of Robt. Lo- field, of Lon- don, mercer. of Littleton Osbalston, of Chadlinglon, Com. Oxon, esq. Mary, 7 years old. Martha, 4 years, old in 1663. Thomas Bronker, aged 10 years, 1663. Thomas Bronker. ^ msin, of f^aMir, AirMs — 'SiniVe, arross ensrraHed Arfcrit, in the dexter chief an escallop Argent. ■Cit£bT. — A cubit iirin ercct'Ci uped ai^rt veiled ^!lblo. ci find Argent, in tlie band proper a scroti Argent, nilb beal and iubel pendant inbcribed, D£0 PA Uir> Thomas 2, iLewyn- 3- Thomas Pagitt, -of Barton Segrave, =p and Jlandrc'd, nt-ar Kethering, v(Joni. Northampton, geat. Richard Pagitt, of GraHford, Cora. =p: Estf. Thomas Pagitt, of the Middle Tem- ,ple, JLondon, gent. James Pagitt, of the Mifldle Tem- ple, Esq. one of the J3arons "of the Exchequer. J J Jnstmian Pagitt, of Hadly, Com. Middlesex, and of the Middle Tem- ple, Ciistos Breviimi and liectwder of the Court of King's Bench. Katherine, dau. of Dr. William Lewyn, Dean of the Arches, and Judge of the Prerogative XJourt. ::^ Dorcas, dan. of Richard Wilcock, of London, gent. ])<)rcas, 1st dau. Maiy^ 2d dau. Justinian Paaritt, eld- est son, aged 20 years at the time of this Vi- sitation, in IdQS. iHlirftsit «f &tstim^^ Arms. — Ermine, on a fess Gules, three cross-crosslets fitchd Or. CaiCbT. — None. Voproif. Robca-t Wicks, of Staines, =y= Com. Middlesex, gent. iRo})ert Wick«, of Thomas Wicks, of Staines, =p Elizabeth, dau. of J^ohn- At- Avick, of Eghani, Com. Surry, gent. JLondon, gent. Com. Middlesex, gent. Tliomas, 1st son, ob. s. p. John Wicks, of Staines, Com. Middlesex. Elizabeth, only dau. aged 1 year, 1GG3. Martha, dau. of Tlibmas Turner, of Loudon, gent. Samuel, 3d son. John Wicks. 25 aii^r» of ^nfitl^^ Arms. — ^Gules, a chevron Or, between 3 bezants. Cbest. — 2 Lions gambs issuant and embowd. supporting a bezant. Jacob Avery, of Huwish =p Com. Somerset. Joseph Avery, of Huwish Com. Somerset, Esqr. eldest son. Benjamin Avery, of Froome, Com. Somerset. Samuel Avery, of Enfield Com. Middlesex, Esqr. iTe Proof. =P Mariabella, dau. of . . . . Miles. Catherine, wife of William Lane, of Cowley, Com. Middlesex, Esq. Mariabella^ wife of John Lake, of Bristol, gent. Christian, wife of Josiah War- ren, of Colches- ter gent. Barsheba, wife of William Knipe, of Kendall, Cora, Westmorl. Esq. daur. of =p Dudley Avery, John Allen, of Stretley, Com. Berks Esq. eldest son. William Avery, of: Enfield, Com. Middlesex, gent, second son. Susan dau. of Giles Eyre, of White Parish, Com. Wilts, Esq. Dudley 1, Allen 2, Samuel 3. Susanna. K Kathenne. William Avery 4 Bum^n of S:immnvt HtHfin^^ Arms. — Sable, on a bend Argent, 3 Escallops. Cbest. — On a Ducal cap Gules, doubled Ermine, a G. S. Argent. Thos Bumell of ^ Dover, Kent, Gent. | r' John Bumell of London, Gent. John Bumell, of Stanmore Magna, Co. Middlesex, Gent. T -J Thos. 2d. son, William Bumell, of; ob. s. p. Stanmore Magna, 3d son. =Ann dau. of. . . .Sebright & sister of Sir Edwd. Sebright of Sandy, Co. Worcester. dau. John Bumell, of of Stanmore Spearing. Magna, afore- said, gent. - Biidget dau. of Sir Thos- Thornburgh of Elmley, Com. Wor- cester, Knt. William, Thomas Bumell, John, Thomas Bumell, eldest 3 son. eldest son. 2 son. son, aged 9 years, at the time of this visit. 1663. Bridget, only daur. aged 11 years. Jo. Bumell. B 26 W&alUt^f of is^timntom Ahus. — Argent, a chevron engrailed between 3 chess rooks Sable. Cebst. — A hand erect, couped at the wrist Proper, grasping a like cheis-rook. Willm. Walters, of Cundall, Co. Ebor. Esq. .... dau. of ... . Noell, of Noell, Co. Palatine, of Lancaster. Rowland Margaret, wife Ann, wife of Robert, Christopher Walters, of Sir Guilford Wm. Kay ley, 1st son, Walters, of 3^- son. Slingsby, Knt. of Pickering ob. s. p. Cundall, Co. Lith, Co. Ebor. Ebor. Esq. 2d son. Thos. Benj. 3, 4. Mary Margt- Ann 2, 3, 4. T Ann, dau of Sir Thos. Strick- land, of Thom- tonbridge, Co. Ebor. Knt. Wm. Walters, =p Joanna, dau of Edmonton, Co. Middlesex. 2d son. William Wilson. & co-heir of John Parker, of London, merchant; & widow of Rob. Wilson, of London. Rob. Wal- Dorothy, ters, ofCun- wife of dall. Com. Ebor. Esq. 1st son. Nich. Bla- beard, of York, gent. John, 2d son. JBenL Walters, Uarit^oiit of Uv^mtitltff m ^irmiintoiu Arms. — 1 and 4, Gules, a greyhound conrant Argent, betwen 3 pheons Sable. 2 and 3, Sable, an estoile Or, between S voiders Ermine. Cbkst. — A demi-greyhound Argent, collared Or, holding between his pawi a pheon Sable. Joseph Jackson, of Lon- don, merchant. John Jackson, of Brom- field, in parish of Edmon- ton, Co. Middlesex, gent. Mary 2, Sarah 3, Katherine 4. Katherine, dau. of Miles Hubbard, by his 1st wife. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Steed. Joseph 2, John 3. Thomas Jackson, eldest son. Elizabeth, eldest dau. William Goodman. John Jackson. 27 Wltlhf of &hmonton4 Arms. — Aiure, a fess ncbule Ermine, between 3 crescents Argent. Retpittd for the Difference. John Weld, of Eaton, =y= Joan dau. & heir, of John Co. Chester. | Fitz Hugh, of Congleton. Sir Humphry WeUl, =j= Ann dau. of Nicholas Robt. 'Weld,=pEllendau. of Robt. Lord Mayor, of London Wheeler, of London, of Eaton, | Olton.ofWetenhall. I u_ I Sir John Weld, = Frances dau. of William Knt. Whitmore, of London. John Weld. Vide London, p. 184. JoW Weld, of Edmonton, Co, Middlesex, Gent. Susan, aged 8 years, at the time of this Visitation, 1663. Susan dau. of John Banks, of Enfield, Mid- -f dlesex, Gent. Robt. Elizabeth I, % 3, 4. 2d. son, Jane Ann Ellen Sman Welde ^avUttf of rottrn^^m* Nt Jrms entered. William Parker of =?= Derby, Co, Derby. I ' ' William Parker, Citizen of London, ; Elizabeth dau. of. . . .Wright, of Yorkshire. William Parker, of Tottenharn, =p Abigal, dau, of Reuben Co. Middlesex, Citizen & Grocer, of London, now living 1663, Borne, Citizen & Grocer, of London. 1 Ruben, Ruben Parker, 2 William, 3d. son now 3 Thomas, living, 1663, ob. s. p. Henry 4th son now living. Elizabeth, married to Samuel Lister, of East Toft, Com. Lincoln, gent. Wm, Parker. M S^mii^f of f^amtri^mif^^ Arms — Aiure, a Lion rampant Or, on a chief Argent, a Mallet between 2 torteaux Gules^ Crest. — A sword erect Proper, environed with an ivy-branch Proper. 1 wife. Mary dau. of Allen, of London, gent. James Smith, of Hamer- smith. Com. Middlesex, formerly of Bray, Com. Berks, Esq. 2 wife. =p Sarah, dau. of Robt. Cotton, of Barge- holt, Com. Essex> Esq. Richard Smith, ob. s. p. Aim, 1 married Adrian Dent, of London, 2 to Adrian Harbin, of Parenden, Magna, Com. Essex. James Smith, of =j= Elizabeth ,. London, Esq. marriefl to his 2 wife Mary, dau. ofWra.Goddard, Dr. ofPhysick. dau. ofRobt. Stanton, of Birchmore Hall, Com. Berks, Esq. Sarah, \*ife of Badwase, ofDatchett Co. Bucks, gent. 1 dau. Elizt"- wife of Henry Street, of London,, gent. 2 dau. Mary, aged 15 years in 1663. Jane, dau. = of Captain Robert Denny, of London, 2 wife. John Smyth, of Lon- don, Esq. Ann, dau. Mary, wife Thomas 2, Susan 4, of William of Abraham Phillip 3, Sarah 5. Wase, of Otgar, of Charles 4, Windsor, London, Co. Berks. Merchant, 3d dau. John Smith aged 1 year 1663. James Smith, only son, aged 8 years, 1663. John Smith, for my Father, James Smith, Esq^ Slu^nrrtout of iionli0m Arms. — Or, a chief indented Gules. Crest. — In a ducal coronet Or, a goat's head Argent. Sir John Swynerton, Lord =p Mayor of London. Stferred to Somersetshire, George Dyer, of =f= Sarah, dau Heytesbury, Co. Wilts, gent. of . . . . Ralph, of Enford, Co. Wilts. Thomas Swy- nerton, Esq. Joan, -^n.,.?#'*'!?i*t*ft' Arms.— Azure, on a chief Argent, 3 buckles lozengy Azure. CREbT.— A Fox's bead couped Argent, on his neck a buckle lozengy Aiure. i'illiam Thorowgood, ^ 2nd wife I'Grimstone, Norfolk, ommissary to thcf Ishop of Norwich. Lawrence. =^ Robert, late mayor and captain in King's Lynne, in Norfolk. ; Ann. diu. and heir, of Edward Hawke, of Norfolk, gent. .dan. of . . . .Mount- joy, of Essex. Edmund. John 2d. Edmund, af Mark- jam, in Norfolk. Frances, dau. of Edward Smith, of Cheston Temple, in Essex, gent. William. Mordaunt, died at the siege of Breda. Adam, = Justice of the Peiace, Cap. & of the Council in Vir- ginia. Sarah, Frances, dau. of • i « • . * Offley, of Lon- don, gent. Adam. = dau, of . . < . Yardley, Esq. = Robert Griffith, of Carmar- thenshire, in Wales, gent. Thomas, Robert, John, Mary. = Thotnas Coney, Priscilla, Ann, Frances, 17 years 14 years 9 years ofWalpole, in 19 years 12 years 2 years old. old. old* Norfolk, gent. old. old. old. John Thoroivgoodk M evatt^f of mil^ iSnlr* J:"^' Aung. — Or, in dexter chief an Escallop, between 2 bendlets Gules. » Crest. — On a chapeau Gules, doubled Ermine, an escallop between 2 wingi Or. No Fee paid. For adjusting this descent see Visitation of Gloucester, anno 1633, C 17, fo. 26, and certificate book 1, 24, fo. 86. Sir Paul Tracy, of Sfanway, =j= Ann, dau. and heir of Hugh Co. Gloucester, Knt. & Bart. Ratcliff, of ..... . in Co. Gloucester. Sir Humphry, =p of Stanway, Co. Glouces- ter, Bart. Sir Richard Tracy, of Stanway, Bart. Thomas Tracy Paul Tracy, of Stan- of Stiinway, 3d way, Co. Gloucester, son. Esq. 2d son. Margaret, dau. of Phihp Moyse, of Banstead, Co. Surry. Paul Tracy, of = Katherine, dau. of Mile End, Co. Ralph Briscoe, of Middlesex. Barnet, Co. Hert- gent. ford, Esq. Paul Tracy. ISmmn^t of Str^nr»* Arms.' — Sable, on a chevron between S Storks, Argent, S escallops Sabia, Crest,— A Tyger passant proper. Robert Browne, of = Godmanstone, Co. Dorset. No Prttf. Robert Browne, of =p Katherine, dau. of Richard Savage, Godmanstone, Co. Dorset of Sidley, Co. Dorset. Alexander 2, George 3. Robert Browne, of Step- =y Alice, dau. of Robert Frank ney, Co. Middlesex more, of Blackwall, Middlesex. Alice, only dau. aged 1 year, at the time of this visitation. Robert Srowne. m ^^%tm0nf of ^ucut^Mh Arms. — Or, a water-Utragrt SfeH«?, on a chi* f Sklile, 3'B««inft. Cbbbt. — Inadacal coronet per pale Ar^at aatf Azitre, two wiitgs' erecf coanter changed. Referred to Viaitation ef Suffolk. Francis, 2d son. William, 2d son. Hettry Johrtswa, of Albomngh, Co. Stfffolk, descended Out of Norfolk. r Francis Johnson, of Alboro', alias Alburgh, Co. Saffolk. t-" M a;f y, dan. of Peter Pett, of Kent, Esq. Henfy iohttmn, of B4ackwaFI, ^ Dorothy, dau. and heir, of Co. Middlesex, Gent. William Lord, of Melton, in Co. Kent. 1 Henfy Johnson, eldest son. Mary. Dorothy, Elizabeth. Henry Johnson. ^tua^ntr^t of ^o^lun Arms — A fess wavy Brmine, b«twced Uifet unicorn'* heads erased. Crest. — An unicorn's head erased. Rrfcrred t» Qloucesterahire Visilation, John Swanley, of Frametlud, ^ Co. Gloucester. I ■ — — ' Richard Swanley, of Framer- =p lud, in Co. Gloucester. •i fa i w H ii. '- , „ ,, - gnr^ TJi a »■ r , r ^ , Hichard l, William Swanley, of Framerlud, Co. =j= Joan, dau. of Cheney, Jeremiah 2. Gloucester, 2d son. of North Kilworth, Co. Leicester. John Swanley, of Poplar, Co. Middlesex, Gent p-ir 111 iiTu Sarah, Elizabeth. William Swanley, ag-ed 11 years in 1664. Sarah, dau. & heir of Robert Fotherby, of Blackwall, Co. Middlesex. John Swanley. 38 B^m^f of Sf^aifntii ISotti^ Arks. — Or, on a moaat Vert, m Lim rampant Anie. Cbut. — A woiCa head enaed Or. John Jones, of the City of =j= Joan, dan. of ... . Bristol, woollen-draper. Prynne, of ... . John .Jones, of the City of =j= Jane, dau, of ... . Bristol, gent. Stout of ... . r John Jones, of Stratford, =p Mary, dau. of James Bow, Co Middlesex, gent. Montford, of Tewing, now living 1664. r Co. Hertford. IViary, eldest dau. relict of Mr. William -Hardwell, of London, Goldsmith. Abigail, John Jones, only son, 2 dau. aged about 33 years, 1664. John Jones. ^mihaPf of ^romltp^ Asks. — Sable, 3 helmets Argent garnished Or, a border engrailed Or. ' Crest. — A demi Lion rampant gardant, resting his paws on an anchor Or, all proper. If o Fee foii. Sir Leonard Holliday, = Lord Mayor of London, anno 1605. ^ir Arthur Ingram, the elder, of the Co. and City of York, Knt. 2d Husband. Alice, dau. of Mr. =j= John Holliday, of London, William l^errers, of London, dra- per. merchant, only son of Sir Leonard. Sir Thomas Ingram, Knt. Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lan- caster, now living, 1664. Elizabeth, = Sir Joiin Jacob, only dau. of Bromley, Co, Middlesex, Knt. John Holliday, =p of Bromley, Co. Middlesex, Esq. Mary, dau. of Henry Rolt, of Da- vent, in Kent. John Holliday, only son now living, aged 23 yeai-s, 1664. Elizabeth, only dau. aged 2 years, 1664. John Holliday. 39 ^mtf of itonHom Rtferred to Vhitatian of Ami. AmHs.— I, Argent, on a bend Sable, three doves close Or. 2, Argent, an eagle rising Sable. 3, Sable, 3 escallops Argent. 4, Barry of eight Or, Sable. ,6, Argent, a lion rampant Gnles. /6, Argent, 8 bendletsAiure, in sinister chief a cross crosslet Sable. } 7, Argent, a fess between 3 boars' heads couped Sable. 8, Argent, a chevron engrailed Gnles, between 3 bugle horns Sable. 9, Argent, on a bend Sable, three doves close Gules. Ckest— ^A demi griffin Ermine. 1! Edmund Page, of : Pipe-place, Kent, gent. Eleanor, dau. and heir of John Heronden, or Hernden, of Heronden Place, in Kent. William Page, of Shorne, =j= Ann, dau of . ^ i . Rogers, 2d son to Edmund. r' beside Deptford, in Kent.. f/), .-//, •T-V* Edmund Page^ of London, =p Ann, dau. of Silkman, anno 1602. William Bucher. Thomas, 3d son. Edmund Page, =j= Mary, dau. of Tho- William Page, of London, gent. Mary, = James Barrett, eldest of London, dan. gent. mas Stevens, of Co. Gloucester. of Shorne, eldest son. Rebecca 2, Ann 3, Elizabeth 4, Hannah 5. : Frances, dau-ofRich-" ard Parker. Ann. ==.... Skutt, Mary, of Poole, 3d dau. Co. Dorset^ Edmund Page* m^M^f of am^it^rl^at^rt ArHS.— Or, a chevron engrailed Azure, between S mascles Gules, on a chief Sable, a greyhound rourant Argent. Crest.— A griffin sejant per bend'Gules arid Or.ducally gorged Or. ^ Patent bt/ Clarenceux Cooke to fViUiam JUeggs, 4 June, \S/J9. William Meggs, of =p Ann, dau. of London, gent. William Meggs, of: Whitechapel, Co. Middlesex, gent. : Judith, dau. of Sir Thomas Carabeli, Knt. sometime Lord Mayor of London. James Meggs, Doctor =^ Margaret, dan. of Auditor William Meggs, of White- 'iii Divinity. Carter. chapel, Co. Middlesex, Esq. Henry, 2d son. Thomas, 3d son. William Meggs, eldest son« William Meggs. Sic. in MS$, m mmtitif of i^owtfttt. Akiis. — Azure, a bend engrailed between S swant Argent^ ducally collared and chained Or. Mtetled bg Edward Norgatt, Winitor,. Alexander Pitfield, 2d son, aged 5 years, iu 1664. Robert Pitfield, of Alingf on, =p alias Atlilington, Co. Dorseti John Pitfield, of Alingtoh, aforesaid, gent. 7th son of Robert, aforesaid. Atifi, ddU. of Charles, brother to Edward, l^ord Zouch. Charles Pitfield, of Hoxton,Co.: Middlesex, Esq. Justice of the Peace for the said County. Winifred, dau. and one of the heirs of John Adder- ley, of Cotton, Co. Stafford. Henry Pitfield, elde&t son, aged 9 years, 1664. Marina, only dau. aged 8 years, 1664. Ilo^n^Qiit of i^arftnrif. Charl^ Pitfldd. No jfrmt atterii- William Johnson, of Halstedi Go. Essex, William Johnson, of Colches- ter; Essex. Ann, dau. of Verake, of Bdla» in Flanders. William ^= Sarah, dau. of Abraham Johnsoii, of =^ Jane, dau. of John Southcote, Johnson. Sigismund Su- Hiacktiey, Co. Middle- well, of Col- isex, geiit. chesteh ...r of Devon. Eiii^belh, = WiUiam Lane, AbWh^tn Johtisoii, =^ Ahn, dau. of Gile§BafRadistott, eldest dau. of London. only son. | of Clare, Co. Sufiblk, Esq. Chanes JohnSdn, eldest son, aged about 4 years, 1664. Edward Johnsott, ^d SiMi, aged 2 years, 1664. • Ko SignatuT* in lUSS. 41 WB(f^f^, of A^ Batut»*», Arus. — Gules, a cross between 4 larks Or, quartered with 2 swords in Sallire between 4 fleur de lys. Crest.— In a ducal coronet Or, a demi Eagle rising Gules. RespiUi, John Webb, of St. Giles's in the Fields, brother of Sir John Webb, of Odstock, Co. Wilts, Knt. John Webb, of St. James's, Clerkenwell, Co. Middle- sex, Esq. Mary, dau. of Sir John Bruyn, of Athelhamp- ston, Co. Dorset, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Robert Dormer, of Peterley, Co. Bucks, youngest son of Lord Dormer, of Winge. Edward, 2d son. aged about 15 years. George, 3d son aged about 1 1 years. Joim Webb, eldest son, aged about 16 years, 1664. Mary, only dau. about 14 years old, 1664. John Webbe. ^mm, of ^U @(i)r<9'd. Arms. — Aznrc, 2 bars wavy Ermine, on a chief Or, a demi lion issuant Sable, a crescent for difference, Crist. — An ostjitch Argent, in his beak a horsa-shoe Or. John Smith, of Stoke Priory, =p Co, Worcester, descended of the family of the Smiths, of Cheshire. Rcftrrtd to Oieahirs. John Smith, of Stoke Priory, =^ Jane, dau, of Richard Co, Worcester. 2d wife> Saunders, of Upton War- ren, Co, Worcester, 1st wife. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir =p John Smith, of St. Giles's, Cfipplegate, =p Jane, dau, of Si George Bynion, of London, Knt. Esq., fined for Alderman of London, 10th son of John aforesaid. Greorge 3mith, ob. mon Savery, of Bodenham, Co. Hereford. John 1, ob. Richard Mary, ob. John Smith, Ann, 2d Eliza-=p George John 2, ob Smith, now Jane, ob. eldest Son, living, 17 Jane, ob, now living years old, aged about 1664. dau, aged beth, 13 years, eldest 1664. dau. 19 years, 1664. Stave- ley, of Cozen- den, Co. Leices- ter. George. Elizabeth. John Smith, 42 ^tium, of jfttl^am. ■Arms. — Or, a chevron between 3 lions gambs eraied Quiet.. Crest. — ^A like lions gamb. Edward Powell, ofFulham, Co. Middlesex, descended of the Powells, of Penged- ley Co. Hereford. Katherine, dau. o^^ .... Young. Richard Powell, of St. Jameses, Clerkenwell, Esq. Sarah, dau. of Sir Richard Warburton,of Arley, Cheshire. r" benjamin Powell, Richard Powell, of St. James's, = Barbara, dau. of Henry 2d son, aged 22 Clerkenwell, eldest son. Cary, of Clovelly, Co. years, 1664. Devon, Esq. Richard Powell. V^m^t% of iionlroit^ Arms. — Or, on a chevron between three leopards' heads cabossed Gules, three trefoils Argent. Crest. — A leopard passant Argent, spotted Sable, ducally collared and chained Or, on his shoulder a trefoil. Attested by William Camden Clartnetaus. William Harvey of =p London, Grocer. • • • • dau. of Hare. Robert Harvey, of London, Esq. =j= Sarah, dau, or Comptroller of the Customs in the Port of London. William Harvey, of London, Esq. Comptroller for Sheriff and Alder- men of London. Audley, of London. : Mary, dau. of William Barrett, of London, Grocer. Elizabeth, = .Joseph eldest Randall, dau. of Lou- don, Grocer. Sarah. Hugh Harvey, of Lon- don, Grocer. Benjamin Harvey, 3d son, of London, Embroi- derer. Robert = Rebecca, dau. Harvey, .... Bowa- of London, ter, of Lon- Merchant, don. 1664. William Harvey. 43 ^ptf of the m^atttv |^0U$^< Arms. — I , Ermine, 3 lozenges in bend Gules. 2, Sable.alion passant Argent. 3, Per pale Gules, and Sable, a lion rampant counter- changed supporting a tree eradicated Vert. 4, Gules, three stirrups with leathers Or. 5, Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three birds Sable.three escallops Or. 6, Ermine, 3 lozenges in bend Gules. Ckest.— a cross-crosslet fitcbe Gules, between 3 w ings Argent. Vide Visitation of Berks, anno 1664; John Pye, of the iVIeentI, Co. Hereford, gent. Ann, dan. and heir of Roger Andrews, Co. Hereford, gent. John Pye, of the Meend, =p Ann, dau. of Sir Richard Co. Hereford,, gent Walter Pye, of the same place, gent. r" Roger Pye, of the same place, gent. Delahere, Co. Hereford, Knt. Margaret, eldest dau. and co-heir, to Philip Price, of Orcop, Co. Hereford, gent. : Bridget dau. of Thomas Kyrle, of ^ Watford, Co. Hereford, gent. Sir Walter Pye, of =p Joan, dau. of the Meend, Co Hereford, Knt. Sir Walter Pye, of the sameplace. Knt. William Rud- hall, of Rud- hall, Co. Here- ford, Esq. Katherine, dau. of. . . . Saunders, of Denton, Co. Bucks. Sir Robert Pye, of Farringdon, Co. Berks. Knt. Auditor of the Receipt to the Exchequer to K. James 1st, and K; Cha. Ist.< Sir Ro =p Ann, dau. Walter Pye, Robert, Katherine. Esq. 2d son. bertPye, of Far- ringdon, Co. Berks, Knt. of John Hamden, of Ham- den, Co. Bucks, Esq. John Pye, of : the Chartei- House, Co. Middlesex, and of Hoon, Co. Derbyy Esq. Hamden Pye, eldest 80D. Edward 2, Richard 3. : Mary, dau. and heir of John Cro- ker, of Ba- tisford, Co. Gloucester^ Esq. =P Rebecca, dau. of Nicholas Raynton, of En- field, Co. Middle- sex, gent. Mary 1, Rebecca 2, Elizabeths, Ann 4. Charles Pye, eldest son, aged 12 years, 1664- _L John 2, Robert 3, Thomas 4. Jo. Pye: 44 Sfioum^t o^ Mlin^nm Asm 8. — Argent, a fess ilancette betireen 3 birds Sable, quartered with Lozengy Argent, and Sable, on a feas Galea, 3 lioDs paaaat Argent. Crett. — A cornish chough riaiog between 2 spean erect, all proper. Vide VisitatioB ef Kent, 1619. NoPn^. Richard Thomas of =p Elizabeth, dau. of one of the Brittens, in the Parish of Sevenoke, in Co. of Kent. heu^s, of Thomas Tottenhorst, of Chevening in Kent, E^. ^/^zJz^/Uv Richard Thomas, of Seven- =p Mary, dau. of Christopher Clarke, oaks, in Kent, gent. j of Chevening, in Kent, gent. Christopher Thomas, eldest son of Cheven- ing, in Kent, gent. Jeoffry Thomas, of Islington, =p Elizabeth, dan. of Daniel Jeoffry Thomas, 2d son, aged 1 year, 1664. Co. Middlesex, Esq. who fined for Alderman of London and Sheriff of London andMid- dlesex, in the 11th year of K. Cha. 2. Daniel Thomas, eldest son, aged 14 years, 1664. Shatterden, of Elsham, in Co. Kent, Esq. Elizabeth, only dau. aged 4 years, 1664. Jeff&ry Thomas iMilnrn of ^nUi^t^n ^xttn^ Arms. — Ermine, 3 wolves' heads erased Or. Crest. — A wolf's head pierced through with a sword all proper. flichard Milner, of =p Lylliston Green, in the Parish of Mary- bone, Co. Middle- sex, gent. John Milner, of the same place and of Gray's Inn, Esq. Frances, dau of Sir John Brown, of East Kirby, Co. Lincoln, Knt. Richard 2, Ann Milner, John Milner, of the Edward 3, aged 14 years, same place and of Francis 4. 1664. Lincoln's Inn, gent. eldest son.^ Ann, dau. of Sir Peter Ball, of Manhead, Co. Devon, Knt. and now Attorney-General, to the Queea-Mother, 1664. John Milner. 45 Umii^UVf of ^t, BoW^^ Arms< — Argent, a cross flory Sable. Crist. — A peacock sejant, proper. Nicholas Banister, of Ids worth, Co. Southampton. Isabel, dau. of . . . . Roman, of Hampshire. Thomas Banister, ^p Jane dau. of Roger of Idsworth. Lewkener. Edward Banister, =j= Joan, dau. of John Earnley, of the same place. of Cannings, Co. Wilts. Edward Banister, of Idsworth, Esq. r"" Edward Banister, of Idsworth, Esq. Johanna, dau. of John Gunter, of Racton. Mary, dau. of Sir Richard Southwell, of St. Faith's, in Norfolk. Mary, = Robert Dormer, of Sir Edward Banister, of ^= Mary, dau. of Sir Wil- only dau. Peterley. Co. Bucks, Idsworth, Co. Southamp- liam Udall, of Wick- son of Earl of Car- ton, and now of St. John's, ham, in Hampshire, & narvon. in Co. Middlesex, Knt. sister to Sir William Udall. George Weedon, By the Appointment of the above-mentioned Sir Edtvard Banister. ^mmavif of ^t ^a^0*$* Arms. — Azure, a cheTfon wayy between three griffin's segreaiit Or. Crut. — Dot of a plume of feathers Or, and Azure, a griffin's head Or, Vide these Anns, 1 16, p. 361. Arthur Newman, of =f: Venus, dau. of Rickmansworth, Co. Hertford, Gent. Arthur Newman, of St. Giles's in the Fields, Co. Middlesex, Gent. Weedon, of Rickmans- worth, Co. Hertford. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Osbaston, of Wades-Mill, Co. Hertford, Gent. No Pro*/. Jane, ob. Alice, 3d Henry Newman. Osbaston Mary. Frances, ob. dau. aged Osbaston New- Newman, 18 years, man died young, only son 1664. now living 1664, aged about 20 years. "H = Thomas Elizabeth, 2nd Powell, dau. wife of of Gray's- Edw. Guise, of Inn, Gent. Co. Glou- cester. Henry Neicman. N 46 U$mptf of the Unmr ^$mpU^ Asm. — I, Gales, 3 j^rbs within abordnre engrailed Or, for Kempe. 2, Azure, a chevron between 3 falcons Argent. 3, Ardent, 3 crescents Oules 4, Azure, 3 cinqnefoils Dr. 5, Argent, 8 bendlets Sable. First Crbiit. — A falcon proper, hooded Gules, beakM and belPd Or. Second Crest — A pelican rising Or, vulning herself and standing on a garb. 2d wife. JEUen, relict of . . . .Gawton, of Southwark. Francis Kempe, eldest son of Francis Kempe, 2d son of Bartholomew Kempe, of Gissing, Co. Norfolk, Gent. Thomas, Susannah, died young. I Leonard, eldest son, married Elizabeth, dau. of Dr. Downham, of Bunhill. Barbara, dan. of Edward Cocks, of London. Bartholomew Kempe, 2d son, married Kathe- rine, dau ot Ni- cholas Smith, of Theddlethorp, Co. Line. Esq. Henry Kempe, of the In- ner-Tem- ple, Esq. 3d son. Ann, dau. of William York, of Basset's- Down, in parish of Lydiard Tregoze. Frances, el- dest dau. wife of Ralph Pem- berton, of St. Alban's, Co. Hertford, Gent. Elizabeth Ka- therina, 2d dau. wife of Hum- phry Shall- crosse, of Diggeswell, Co. Hertford, Esq. William Kempe, aged about 14 years. Edward Kempe, Ann, - eldest son, now eldest living, aged 22 dau. years, 1664. Anthony, eldest son. John, 2nd son. :: Anthony Southby, Henry, ob. 2nd son of John Francis, ob. Soutiiby, of Cars- William & well, in Parish of Henry, twins, Buckland, Co. ob. Berks, Esq. Charles, ob. Charles, ob. Francis, ob. Jane, ob. Henry Kempe. fflBrigfttt of matr^tonn Arms. — Or, a fesa Azure, pierced through by a pile Sable. No Crest. No Proof. Anthony Wright, of Maiybone, =^ Co. Middlesex, Gent. George Wright, of Marybone, aforesaid, Gent. Hester, dau. of Sharp, of London. Mary Wright, eldest dau. about 9 I years old, 1664. Hannah Wright, 2nd dau. about a quarter of a year old, 1664. George Wrights 47 Sbt^nltPf of ^nv^itoi'^^^lU^^ Armb. — Or, 3 eagles' legs erased Gules, on a chief indented Azure, 3 stags' heads cnbossed Or. Ceebt.— On a wreath an eagle's head Argent, charged with 3 bezants, in his beak an eagle's leg erased Gulei. attested by Mr. Philpott. ^Stanley, of Wellinp;- Seferring to Sussex Book, p . 76. borough, Co. Northampt. William Stanley, of Alton, =j= Co. Southampt. Henry Stanley, of Chiches- ter, Co. Sussex, Gent. 2d son. =f= Ann, dau. of William Madgick, of Co. Southampt. Gent. Edward 1, Mary 1, Henry Stanley, 3d son, Richard 2, Susan 2, of Cursitor's-Alley,in Philip 3, Ann 3. Co. Middlesex, William 4. Doctor in Physic. Margaret, 3d dau. and co-heif of Sir Thomas Panton, of Westminster, Knt., Lieutenant- Colonel of the Standing English Regiment in Holland, anno 1606. r Thomas Stanley, died young. Henry Stanley, only son now living, aged about 8 years, 1664. "1 Frances, died young. Henry Stanley. M. ary, 1 dau. mar: 1664. eon^t o^ iiontion^ Armi. — Sable, on a chevron between 3 hinds passant Argent, 3 annulets. Crest. — A hind passant Argent. Ifc Protf. Humphry Collet, of London. r- T Thomas Collet, of London, =p merchant. John Collet, of Loudon, =j= Susan, dau. of Nicholas Fanan, merchant. of London, merchant. Susan, 2d dau. wife of Josua Mapletoft, of Lincoln- shire. Hester, 3d Mary, 4th dau. wife of dau. wife of Fraiu'is Thomas Kestevan, Leggatt, of of Leices- Essex, Esq. tershire. Nicholas Collet, of London, Goldsmith, 2nd son. Elizabeth, 5th Joyce, 6th Judith, 7th dau. wife of dau. wife dau wife Benjamin of Edward of Solomon Woodnoth, of Wallis, of Mapletoft, Shaventon, Satry, Co. Co. Lin- Co. Chester. Hunting- coin, don. — Jane, dau. Richard 3, Thomas Collet, of =? of Farrar 4, Highgate, Co. Mid- Smith, of John 5. dlesex, Esq. and Cheshire. of the Middle Temple 1 ■ '1 John Collet, only son, of the Middle Temple, Esq. 1664. Martha, dau. of James Shering- ton, of London, merchant. Martha, only dau. aged about 16 years, 1664. Thomas Collett. 48 Wtai% of fiinroln'0^£nm Arms. — Aznre, a cross patonce Or, a border Ermine, Crest, — In a mural crown Gules, a wolf's head Or. Attated under the hand of Henry St. George, liorroy. Leonard Ward, of Henly-upon- Thames, Co. Oxon, Gent. dau. of ... . Robinson, of Yorkshire. Henry Ward, of Salisbury, William Ward, of =p Emma, dau. of Edward Co. Wilts, eldest son, ob. Salisbury, 2nd son. sans issue. Wendover, of Salisbury, Gent. Leonard Ward, of =p Joan, dau. of Richard Lincoln's Inn, Esq. Brigham. Mary, only dau. and heir, aged 13 years, 1664. Leonard Warde* M^l^mtit of mvm^^^nn^ AaMS. — Per pale Argent, and Sable, a chevron between 3 fleor de \ji counter changed. No Crest. William Nelson, of Bedall, =?= Co. York, Gent. r~ ■ William Nelson, of Chancery- Lane, Gent., one of the Cursi- tors of the High Court of Ciiancery. Martha, dau. of William Wol- ley, of St. Alban's, Co. Hertford, Gent. Penelope, 4th Martha, 2d dau. married dau Mr. Arthur Ann, eldest Abraham Nelson, of Richard Rebecca, 3(f mar- dau. married Gray's-Inn, Esq. one Nelson, dau. married ried Miles Edward For- of the Cursitors of 2d son. Thomas Denham, Marten, of sell, of Mary- the High Court of Stringer, of Apothecary London, Li- bone, Co. Chancei-y, and one of Gray's-Inoy & Citizen of nen-draper. Middlesex, the Gentlemen of the Esq. London. Esq. Privy Chamber in '.^%/ Ordinary to K. Chas. H., eldest son. AbraJiam Nelson. 'M^t 49 i!rttvn^i% of eur0itov^0 ^nnvu Asms. — Ermines, on a cross Argent, pierced of the field, 4 cross molines Sable. Crest. — A lion piissant gnardant Argent, in his dexter paw a like miliriiid. Vide Sir Edward Bysshe's grants, p. ilfUhere Ikere is another Coat. No Proof. *rhomas Turner, of Hall-Place, in Filkins, in Parish of Bradwell, Co. Oxon, Gent. Richard Turner, of Hall-Place, =j= , dau. of aforesaid, Gent. j Woodward, of Oxfordshire. Thomas Turner, of Hall-Place, =p Ann, dau. and heir of aforesaid, Gent. Dean, of John, Thomas Turner, of Cursitor's =p Ann, dan. of Thomas Falcon, 2nd son. Court, near Cursitor s Alley, Gent. Co. Derby. Ann, eldest Katherine, 2nd Margaret, 3d Thomas Turner, Arabella, 4th dau. dau. aged dau. aged 6 dau. aged 5 eldest son, aged aged 3 years, anno 13 years, in years 1664. years in 1664. 7 years and up- 1664. 1664. wards, in 1664. Thomas Turner. ^ijtWnrPf of ^t ^Um$nt 39anr«ei* Arms — Per saltire Argent, and Gulfs. Crest. — A lion's head erased per saltire Argent, and Gules. jtttested under the hand of John Philpott, 1 Sept. 1637. Isaac Shelbury, of Colchestei', =j= Elizabeth, dau. of Harvey, in Co. Essex, Gent. of Colchester, in Co. Essex, Gent. 1 Henry Shelbury, of John Shelbury, of =p Ann, dau. of Mfs. Archbold, St. Magnus' Parish, St. Clements Danes, near London Bridge, Co. Middlesex, Gent. 1 st son. Gent. 2nd son. of London, Gent. Anne, Shelbury, =^ Jonah, son of Walter John Shelbury, Cursitor Isaac, 2nd only dau. Grosvenor, of Bushbury, for London, & Middle- son, aged W Co, Staft'ord, Esq. sex, eldest son, aged years, 1664. 26 years, 1664. Henry, Jonas Grosvenor, Anile, an 2nd son. eldets son. infant. John Shelhery. 50 jT^ftttrr, of tton)riiiu Arms. — Sable, a chevron between Stamps Argent, flames Or. Crest. — A salamander in flames proper, issuant out of a ducal coronet Or'* ut patent Jji Sir Edward fValker,20lhOct. 1663, to Oeorge Farmer, Bartholomew Farmer, of RatclifF, in Co. Leic. Gent, entered in the Visi- tation of Leicester, made anno 1619. r Ursula, dau. of Robert Mootus, of Whitchurch, near Ailesbury, Co. Bucks. George Farmer, of Holbech, Co. Line. Esq. one of the Prothonotaries of the Common Pleas, 4th son of Bar- tholomew Farmer* Thomas, 2nd son. Elizabeth, dau. of John Oldfield,*^ of Spalding, Co. Lincoln, Esq. Mary Farmer, eldest dau. married Sir John Evelyn, of Godstone, Co. Surrey, Bart. Sir Edward = Margaret, 2nd dau. Farmer, of ofSir Thomas Hew- Holbech, Co. Line. Rnt. itt, of Pishiobury, Co. Hertford, Knt. and Bart. Elizabeth, 2nd dau* married to Henry Beaumont, Esq., son of Sir Thomas Beaumont, of Stoughton Grange, Co. Leic. Baronet. ^t^vttf of ^nV^am* Arms. — Vert, on a bend c'ntised Or, an annulet Sable. Crest. — A demi-pelican Or, vulniiig herself and crowned Gules. Sespitedfar Prtef. John Pearce, of Glyn, =p "Alice, dau. of .White, of Lewes, Co. Sussex. I Co. Sussex. Edward Pearce, of London, =p Mary, dau. of Thotnas Bishop, of Esq. ' ' ~ London, Gent. Edward Pearce, of Parson's-Green, in =t= Mary, 2nd dau. of Sir Dudley Carleton, Parish of Fulham, Co. Middlesex, Gent by his 2nd wife Lucy Crofts, of Croft Castle, Co. Hereford. Dudley Pearce, 2nd Edward Pearce, eldest son, aged 2 years, son, aged about 6 years. 1664. Mary 1. Lucy 2. Bridget 3. Edward Pearce. ..,:* 51 mintU^mtf of Hontron. Arms. — Gules, on a cross engrailed voMetl Or, a crown imperial. Crest. — Upon a helmet proper mantled Gules, doubled Ardent, ona wreath of his coloursademi-lion Or, holdinga cross engrailed Gules. By Sir Edward Walker Garter, M page hi of the crigihal t^iaitatim, is a grant of arms, at length, to Thomas Blinckame of Chisselhurst , in Kent.for his loyally. Geoi^e Blincarne, servant to Queen Elizabeth. Ann, dan. and heir of Thomas Stoughton, of Grimsby, Co. Line. I Elizabeths : Samuel Margaret. Wright, Co Line. : William George Blinckame, Stourton, only son, of Hol- of Boston, beche, Co. Line. Co. Line. Mildred, dan. ot Ricliard Friskney, of Benin^ton, Co. Line. I 1 John 2nd son. William .3d, GeoflVy 4th. Thomas Blinckame, of Lon- =p Elizabeth, dau. of don, sometime of Boston, & now of Chiselhurst, in Kent, Esq. now living 1664. Oliver Reynolds, oif London, de- scended from Jus- ton, Co. Salop. George Blinckame, 2nd son. Thomas Blinckame, eldest son, aged 21 years 1664. Mary, 1st dau. Elizabeth, 2nd dau. Sarah, 3d dau. Thomas Ulinckarne. Utav^ltPf of Hon^otu Arms. — Or, 2 bars Sable, between 6 lions heads couped Gules, 3, 8, and I . Crest. — A demi-eagle Ermine, winged Or, mantled Gules, doubled Argent. Brtnted to Henry Kearsley, of London. Gent, by Sir Edmard Bysthe Clareneeaux King of Arms, 2 October, 1062, which grant is entered at large in the Original of this Visilalion, Oliver Kearsley, of Dean, =p Elizabeth, dan. of . . . .Southworth, Co. Lancaster. of Atherton, Co. Lancaster. Henry Kearsley, of the Liberty : of the Tower of London without, Gent, now living 1664. I I Thomas Kearsly, Jane, el-: 2nd son, aged 22 dest dau. years 1664. Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Sole, of Gerard Legh, Henry Kearsly, Elizabeth, 2nd of Enfield, Co. eldest son, aged dau. aged 15 Stafford. 25 years, 1664. years, 1664 Henry Kearsley. ADDENDA. Page 2. In the MS. Copy is this note concerning the Sheffield Pedigree . — " Query the differenee, hating had 6 sons by hisjlrst wife, Dame Ursula, daughter of Thomas Tirwhit, of Kettleby, in the County of Lineoin, Esq. At Page 56 of the original Visitation is a grant of an Augmentation of Arms, at length, in French, granted by Sir Edmund Walker, Garter, to Sir Samuel Morland, (alias Morley,) Knt. and Bart, anno 1661. — The Arms are — Sable, a leopard's head jessaut a fleur de lys Or. Crest. — ^A like lion's head betweei* 2 wings Argent. PIN IS. INDEX TO THE Visitation of Middlesex, IN 1663. A Awsiter, of Southnll, 21. Avery, of Enfield, 25. B I Bothby, of Tottenham,. .... .14. Barrell, of Islewurth, 15. Brunskill, of Hadtey, 17. Bonfoy, of Hese', 19. Brigginshaw, of H. Burnell, of Stanmore Magna, 25. Bronker, of Littleton, 23. Blinckarne, of London, 51. C Clerk, of Edmonton, 18. Cropley, of Clerkenwell, 8. Chambers, of Hackney, 32. Collet, of Chelsea 4. Collet, if London, 47. Comyn, iilias Chilcot, ) „ of Istewor'h, J Caswell,