w^ USEFUL SANSKRIT NOUNS AND VERBS. IN ENGLISH LETTERS. COMPILED PA' CHARLES JOHNSTON, BENGAL CIVIL SERVIOK ; DUBLIN UNIVERSITY SANSKRIT PRIZEMAN ; INDIA CIVIL SKRVICE SANSKRIT PRIZEMAN. "JVoc/urm'i versate viaiui, versate diitTii6.' LONDON: LUZAC & CO. 1892. South/ Southeast Asia Library Service iiie (Jenaral Library University of California Berkeley, California 94720 / PEEFACE. Need I say that this little book does not claim to be more than an introduction to Sanskrit grammar ? It owes its existence to the practical difficulty which I have felt in putting before students the simple declensions and con- jugations in a form in which they might most easily be learnt by heart. The grammars of Professors Max-Muller, Whitney, and Sir M. Monier- Williams are open to the objection that beginners are compelled to pick out the transliterated forms from amongst the Devanagari, while advanced students are under the opposite difficulty : their atten- tion, following the line of least resistance, is led away from the Devanagari forms to the English letters, and thus important differences are overlooked. The ideal grammar would contain these two elements separated : first, a section containing the rules, and all forms transliterated, and then the Devanagari forms printed separately, so that the eye might follow them, unimpeded by English transliterations. Pending the appearance of such an ideal grammar, I have printed here a few of the most useful nouns and verbs, limiting myself as far as possible to the indispen- sable elements, which every student must learn by heart ; and the student who commits to memory the following thirty pages will probably have little difficulty in under- standing all the forms he is likely to come across in the J6 719 ^tox IV PREFACE. first two years of his Sanskrit studies, after which he will probably turn to one of the larger gramTuar.s for fuller information. I have omitted the rules of phonetic assimilation, behind which, as by a formidable outwork, the larger grammars are entrenched. They are best learned by practice — in the actual coui*se of reading — and not by rule beforehand. I have further omitted the accent, and also the rules for variations of declension and conjugation, which can only be properly understood after the actual forms have been learnt by heart ; in fact. I have excluded everything which might impede a beginner in the ele- mentary study of a beautiful language, the difficulties of which have been greatly exaggerated. My thanks are due to Dr. Fitzedward Hall for valuable suggestions. C. J. NOUNS. USEFUL SANSKRIT NOUNS AND VERBS. VOWEL STEMS. Masculine and Neuter Stems in *a.' Examples: deva (masculine), god; jala (neuter), water. Singular. Masculine. Nominative, devas Accicsative. devam Instrumental, devena, Dative, devaya, Ablative. dev3,t, Genitive, devasya, Locative, deve, Vocative, deva. (subject) (direct object) with, hy to, for from, than i in, at Dual, two (subject) tivo (object) Neuter. jalam jalam jalena jalaya jalat jalasya jale jala Nominative, devau, two (subject) jale Accusative, devau, tivo (object) jale Instrumental, devabhyam, with, hy, two jalabhyam Dative, devabhyam, to, for, two jalabhyam Ablative, devabhyam, /rom, than, two jalabhyam Genitive, devayos, of two jalayos Locative, devayos, in, at, two jalayos Vocative, devau, tivo jale Plural. Nominative, devas (subject) jalani Accusative, devan (direct object) jalani Instrumental, devais, ^vith, by jalais Dative, devebhyas, to, for jalebhyas Ablative, devebhyas, from, than jalebhyas Genitive, devanam, of jalanam Locative, deveshu, in, at jaleshu Vocative, devas, jalani Note Masculine D. Dual and D. Plural ; Neuter, V. Sin- gular and N. Dual. Decline thus — Masculines. Neuters. Nom. Kamas, Ciqnd vanam, loood hastas, hand kulam, famihi kakas, croxo dhanam, tcealth manavas, man annam, food analas, ^?'e pushpaui,y7o?rer pak^has, wincf satyam, truth USEFUL SANSKRIT NOUNS AND VERBS. Masculine and Feminine Stems in 'i.' Examples: agni (masculine), /?'e ; mati (feminine). thouf/ht. Singular. Masculine. Feminine. N. agnis matis Ac. agnim matim I. agnina matya D. agnaye mataye Ah. agnes mates G. agnes mates L. agnau matau V. agne Dual. mate N. Ac. V. agni mati I. I). Ah. agnibhyam matibliyani G.L. agnyos Plural. matyos N. agnayas matayas Ac. agnin matis I. agnibliis matibhis D. agnibhyas matibhyas Ah. agnibhyas matibliyas G. agninam matinam L. agnishu matishu V. agnayas matayas Note long i in Dual N., Ac.y V., and Plural Ac, G., of botli genders. Compare /. Singular and Ac. Plural of Masculine and Feminine. Decline thus — Masculines. Stem, kavi, poet nidhi, treasure ravi, 82171 adhipati, lord ali, bee sandhi, p^acf' Feminines. ruchi, ray gati, (jait siddhi, success niti, 2^oIicij (lyuti, hriijldncfis vipatti, adversity USEFUL SANSKKIT NOUNS AND VERBS. Masculine and Feminine Stems in 'u.' Examples: ketu (masculine), /a^'; dhenu (feminine), cou'. Singular. Masculine. Feminine. K ketus dheuus Ac. ketum dhenum I. ketuna dhenva D. ketave dlienave Ah. ketos dhenos G. ketos dlienos L. ketau dhenau V. keto Dual. dheno N. Ac. V. ketu dhenu I. D. Ah. ketubhyani dlienubhyani Cr. L. ketvos Plural. dbenvos N. ketavas dlienavas Ac. ketun dhenus I. ketubhis dlieuubhis D. Ah. a. ketubliyas ketubliyns ketiinam dhenubhyas dhenubhyas dhenunam L. ketushu dhenushu V. ketavas dhenavas Note long ?t in Dual N., Ac, V., and Plural Ac, G., of both genders. Compare Masculine I., Singular, and Ac. Plural ^vith tlip Feminine. Decline thus — Masculines. Stem, vibhu, master bhanu, sun Manu, Manu indu, moon manyu, distress bahu, much (ma.sc.) Feminines. chanchu, beak jambu, rose- apple tanu, form Danu, Danu prthu, opium kaku, muttering Feminine nouns of this fleclen.'«ion are rare. ro USEFUL SA^-^^KRIT XOUX.S AND VERRS. Masculine and Feminine Stems in 'r.' Examples: datr (masculine), giver; svasr (feminine), sister. N. Ac. I. n. Ah. G. L. V. Masculixk. data datrirani datra datre datur datiir datari datar Singular, N. Ac. V. datanai /. D. Ah. datrbhyrun G. L. datros DhoJ. N. Ac. I. D. Ah. G. L. V. dataras datfn datrbliis datrbliyas datrbliyas datfn am datrshu dAtilras Plural Feminixk. svasa svasaram svasra svasre svasur svasnr svasari svasar svasarau svasrbhyam svasros svasaras svasfs svasrbhis svasrbliyas svasrbliyas svasfnam svasrshu svasaras Note long r in Plural Ac. C. of both genders. Compare Ar. Plural, Masculine, with Ac. Plural, Feminine. Decline like datr, kartr (a