A A o 'E, 3D JO 9 4 CD ^^=^ ^^ 2 9 5 9 8 ARMY RATION ISSUE AND CONYEESION TABLES Adapted to the Rations pirscribed hy (i. <>. No. .V,. l|i-ail,|iiaiiiTs Ainiy, A. C P.. April a. I'.tOl. and to the Filipino Ration prescribed by ti.O. No. :i4. Hdrirs. Army, A. (i. (>.. Mar. IJ, 10ii2. ARMY RATION Issue and Conversion Tables. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR FOR USE IN THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. SKCOJVU KDITIf )^J^. War Department, office op the commissary general, Wasiiinokin, .\pril 1, 1902. WASHINGTON. Government Printing Office 1902. = =;" .a o 1 o 2 >^ H 2 H -«! Canned Fresh Beef AND Vegetable Stew. ( When iiniirailiial.le to i-ssue both the fresh meat and vege- table components of ration. ) 2 "j» 1 "' '0?im'in 5 » 1 i o a D X w w 03 ^.on(M»,^.*o i;O(jja0Tj< l^joo'j" |cx '=» i^ <" '^ ' ^. p'^"^'°'°^'-«S^SI«g3g?2^g.||i^|gggj3|Sg Canned Meat. ( When im- pr.actlrable to furnish fresh meat.) •/ 55 1 PQ ^N3o.* |o>oo'* 123* l°° 1* l°° 1^ 1 1 1 ! 1 "S'"' |h i'^ i 1 1 i i i i i i ;3 1 ^ ''--s 1| WE " « ? ^.-tiooOQ iTjiooiq i-^x 100 ix |^ 1^ I I i 1 b W W 03 S X 5c, ^.Tf-ooc^ l'*^?^ I"**) 1" 1* 1°° I'" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 • ,'^"""*""2^2-«°S--§s^iiipii%^Sii OS -/ (2) -7/3 ^ r-< CO -tr is 3Q w^ i-< ^ -^ Sji2E=3o?.2ig; i-iot-«>;c»»)3;>-inti< »~S3S jj N"<»g£22«5gu5g,!5gosgoogc — ■ C SrtC|c4ccisCfc-xS^iC?5Ki r-i?qc0'>9<|(»:0i:~x>3isooO2Q=^S=3S322a2SSSS3 '-■?j«T><-r3c-30r>22c5SQ3S£x5 — 12 SrjM'j^ :a I- 55 o " >j re in .• ' c- X 5 « .• :v> is o •H IS rH F^ ^4 jr* TT ;S -o c- ?. o ?» iO :>5 ra ^ ■" m — -J IMTTtaOO^fM* (M^oojg ^OOCg [■*X jOO jao [30 [XI H,i,ot-3»o«Ns;jn5es°223«»!^S?'"^x22W!Qgg — " i; ^-"ficc-»>tt'-ct-Ss?>Scr)5S ' " - "':' -o ir i' I = c 5 5 O (B) 365172 Table showiii;' the ftarrisoii Ration — Continued. VE(iETABLE COMPONENTS-Continued. Or, In lieu of Potatoes Or, In lien of the fore- Or, In lieu of the fore- alone, the following : going, the following : going, the following : Potatoks and NtmBER OF Rations. Fresh Vegetables Pota- toes. Potatoes and Onions, or not Canned. (When the vegetables not Desiccated Vegetables. Potatoes and Canned canned can be obtained in (When impractical)lo to Tomatoes. the vicinity or transported in a wholesome condition from a distance.) furnish fresh vegetables.) Potatoes. (80 per cent.) Onions or Canned Tomatoes. (20 per cent.) (70percent.)!(3--t,^ Ig.«ue author- ized in .\laslia only. Lbx. Lbs. Oz. LbK. Oz. Lbs. Oz. Lbs. Oz. Lbs. Oz. Lbs. Oz. 1 1 - 12| H . Hi H 2§ 3| 2 2 9| 6f 6f 9| 44 7i 3 3 3 6f 9f 2 If 14| ^ 10| 4 4 3 H 124 2 12| 1 ^ n 14S 5 3 4 "l 3 8 1 8 12 ' 1 2 6 6 4 12* 1 H 4 H 1 124 14f 1 n 7 7 5 9f 1 6f 4 14f 2 ^ ""{ 4 "6 1 H 8 8 6 n 1 9f 5 9| 2 ^ 1 ^ 1 12* 9 9 7 H 1 124 6 4| 2 Hi 1 5f 2 k 10 10 8 2 7 3 1 8 2 4' 20 20 16 4 14 6 3 4 8 30 30 24 6 21 9 4 8 6 12 40 40 3i 8 28 12 ... 6 9 50 50 40 lO 35 15 7 8 1 11 4 60 60 48 12 42 18 9 .--! 13 8 70 70 56 14 49 21 10 8 15 13 80 80 64 16 56 24 12 _ 18 90 90 72 18 63 27 13 8 20 4 lOO 100 80 20 70 30 15 22 8 200 200 160 40 140 60 __. 30 ... 45 ___ 300 300 240 60 210 90 45 67 8 400 400 320 80 280 120 .__ 60 ._ 90 500 500 400 lOO 350 150 75 112 8 600 600 480 120 420 180 90 135 -J TOO 700 560 140 490 210 105 157 8 800 800 640 160 560 240 120 180 900 900 720 180 630 270 135 202 8 i,ooo 1,000 800 200 700 ___ 300 ,.. 150 .-- 225 5,000 f), 000 4,000 1,000 3, 500 1,500 750 1, 125 io,ooo 10,000 8,000 __. 2,000 7,000 3, 000 1,500 2,250 50,000 50, 000 40, 000 10, 000 --- 35, 000 --- 15, 000 •■-- 7,500 11,250 --- Note.— In Alaska the allowance of fres/i vegetables Is 24 ounces instead of 16 ounces. (4) Table sluMviiisr the Garrison Ratiim— Continued. Dried (or Evaporated) Fruit Components. COFFEK AND SUGAR COMPONENTS. NrMBEK OF Rations. Prcnes. OR Apples, or Peaches. SOpercentoftlie issue to be prunes | when practicable. Or, In lieu of Green Coffee, either of the following: Coffee Green. Sugar. i6.s. OZ. 1 H 2 H 3 44 4 61 5 8 6 91 7 11> 8 12* 9 14f 10 i 20 o 30 3 40 4 50 5 60 6 70 1 SO s 90 9 lOO 10 200 20 300 30 400 40 500 50 600 60 700 70 soo 80 900 90 1 ,ooo lOO 5,00() 500 io,ooo 1,000 50,000 5,000 (5) Table sliowiiisr tin* liurrison Iinti<»n — Continued. Nl'MBKH (IF Rations. i s .s u and SEASONING COMPONENTS. ■ 1 SOAP AND CANDLES COMPO- NENTS. l'lNKG.\K. one-half the e in Vinegar tlie otlier half SAi/r. Pepper. Black. Soap. Candi.ks. (Wlien illiiiiiinatioii in nut fumislic'd by tlie Quarter- master's Department.) 1 11 Cucumber' Pickles. Issue author- ized in Alaska only. Gall. 9ts. Fts. GilU. ite. Oz. LbK. Cte. Lbx. Oz. Lbs. Oz. Lbs. Oz. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 SO 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 SOO 900 1,000 5,000 io,ooo 50,000 ---- --- ... 8 ¥5 I* If Iff 6 91 ■» 2|f 3i 2| If 1 i 2 2 3 3 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 200 400 2,000 Vi Iff m 3t m m 5A 6| 124 3i 9f 61 12* 3i 9f "l 1 1 1 2 2 2 12 25 125 #5 ^% i ¥% 7 8 ¥5 1 If 2 2| 2f 3i 3| 4 s 12 4 8 12 l" 8 8 i 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 200 400 2,000 16 12V 111 m 3i 3M 4il 6| 121 6 2S 18 2 a M m IH 111 2| 4* 9| 12 141 i '4 8 "s" s" 's" 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100 200 1,000 8 1* 1/5 Ig 112 2/5 2^ 211 3i 6| 9i 121 '3^ 6§ 9i 12i ---- --- " -,-- ... 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 31 .... n -— I 1 n If 4. 6f 12* 31 9| 1 1 1 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 ^ 13 o 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50 100 500 __- 15 --_-l 75 150 750 (6) cs © o o fa» 5 ■* Kg IM -* ;0 3D 5 "X '* '00 ""^ '"^ S S! ■* c — «3 |- •^="3 rH^rt,^-N-q5,Ngg f.: -g-S"S'^-£'w-5-^=i'' _^,-i^-^^>-»^T'I'«< iCd^-fOCX) .-H^_;snn »n= i (M-«<;0 3CSIM-* i5> :L -' H*"" 1 1" 1 1 III! '~' ^•- 5 2 5- «■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li-n-li-I^Si5'«"=^^ ICOCMCOCJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *^ i -^ i i i i i 1 i 1 i i i i i VlNK(JAK. Or, one-half the Issue In Vinegar and the other half in Cucumber Pickles. .1 ;;,;:,;,,,., r^ ,u3le<#te,^K nu:^>e^4£ff*e i 1 i i i i i i i i i f i i ^ -H^rtNlMIMjjcqrt jOT(Mrt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 i jS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lr-40i-l lOi-IOrt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 i~c 1 1 j 1 1 ] 1 ] ] 1 j 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ' ~ I 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 l,-HrH51T^Cq»5OT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 =^ 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 1 " 11111111111:1 =' i i i i 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i I— =^<"'^»3=='^^=>wg2?5 Z z o s s « C6 & • 02 Q Z ->! K 1^ o o ■< X ,...™ L™. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I^C<5;OOiC-«jcek!'e«. K oc^M*»=«s i t i i i i i i i i i i i i C i-( •d ^ C^ C^ C^ ^ !« Ca Cq iCf3COC5(M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 1 I ! 1 : ! ! ! I 1 ! 1 ; I ! •^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - fe f- - O K - « ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C^^^^scid^c^oDOi-HAjcscoco i!>ias;oco i i i i t i i i i i i i i ''"^ r i i i i i i i i i i i i i ■^liiijiiiii " t' Z 4i-H:si^io^,oo05"^ci"«'MO X ;;-fC^ j^^jac-* |5>aD'<< ^X^ | s 3 1 i 1 i i 1 i i i i ^"^Z' 1 ^ -"Hs (10) Table showing the (Quantity in Bulk of the several Coiiiponents of th<^ Travel Kation for from 1 to 100 Rations. For Troops Traveling otherwise than by Marching, or wlien for Sliort Periods they are Separated from C'ookiiifr Tacilities and do not Carry Cooked Itations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 TO 80 90 lOO IN LIEU OF ALL COMPONENTS OF THE ORDINARY RATION. Corned Beef. Canned; OR Corned Beef Hash. Soft Bread. Or. Hard Bread Baked Beans. TM. Oz. Lbs. 12 1 1 8 2 2 4 3 3 . 4 3 12 5 4 8 6 5 4 6 9 6 12 10 7 8 11 15 22 22 y 33 30 45 37 s 56 45 67 52 8 78 60 90 67 8 101 75 112 Oz. 2 4 10 12 14 '2 4 8 12 4' 8 12 4" Lhx. Lhn. 1 2 3 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 2 9 2 10 2 20 5 30 7 40 10 50 12 60 15 70 17 80 20 90 32 100 25 > Oz. 4 8 12 "I' 8 12 Coffee, Roasted AND Ground. \Lbs. j.... 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 10 15 20 25 80 35 40 45 50 Oz. Lbs. 8 8 .... 8 ---- 8 ---- ..... 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 rv --- 8 1 Oz. 1 Lbs WV --- 2H j — SU i-- 7W 10/5- llif 12| 9| 6| H 124 61 31 Oz. ^ 7i Or, in lieu of coffee and sugar in kind, the follow- ing money allowance per day for Liquid Coffee. "5 1 12 V 14f 1 1 ^ i 1 ^ 1 H 1 8 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 10 8 12 13 8 15 \Dols. TRAVEL RATION (11; Otluu- authorized Issues «>f Subsistence Stores. AHTICLKS. 1. Candles, when oil, gas, or electricity for ilhniiinating purposes is not furnished by the Quartermaster's Department: To headqunrtcrx Of a deiiartment, per month Td hmihiwirlerti hi thtJMd— <»l each separate army, when composed of more than one cori)S. per month (If an army corps, per month Of a division, per month Of a brigade or regiment, per month Of a battalion or squadron, per month To hos^pitalx— To a division hospital, per month To a brigade hospital, per month To a regimental hospital, per month To offices and .storerooms — Of the chief quartermaster or chief commissary of a department or depot of supply, from April 1 to Sep- tember 30, per month Of the (piartermaster or commissary of a post, from April 1 to September 30, per month From October 1 to March 31, not exceeding double the above quantities. To r/nnrd^ — To the principal guard of each camp, per month 2. Lantern Candles: To stables— Such number of pounds as the comiiianding officer may order as necessary. 3. Matches: For lighting fires and lamps for which fuel and illuminat- ing supplies are issued— Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. 4. Toilet Paper: For use of enlisted men stationed at such military posts and camps as are provided ivith modern loater-closets with sewer connections— For each two enlisted men, per month, one package or roll of 1,000 sheets. For iise in ivater-closeis of post guardhouses where such closets have sewer connections — Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. 5. Salt, Rock : For public animals— For each animal, per week Or, when in the opinion of the commanding officer so much Is necessary, not exceeding, per month 6. Vinegar: For ei'ery loo public horses or mules, for sanitary purposes- Such amount as the commanding officer may order as necessary, not exceeding, per week 7. Flour: For paste used in target practice- Such quantity as the commanding officer may order as necessary, not to exceed 50 pounds for each troop, battery, or company during the target-practice season. 8. Towels, Huck : For use in the offices of the adjutant, quartermaster, and commissary- Such number as the commanding officer may order, not to exceed twelve per year, for each of the above offices. ALLOWANCE. Quantity IN Bulk. 30 pounds- 40 pounds— 30 pounds— 20 pounds— - 10 pounds— 10 pounds— 2, (567 l,3:iS 667 667 40 pounds— 30 pounds— 20 pounds— - 2,667 2,000 1,333 10 pounds— 667 5 pounds- -- 333 12pounds--- 800 3 ounces _ 1 pound -- 2gallons- Equivalent IN Rations. 2,000 200 (12) other authorized Issues of Sulisistenee Stores — Continued. ARTICLES. ALLOWANCE. 9. Toilet Barbers', Laundrt, and Tailors' Articles: For general prinonent confined at military iioxts without jxiy or allowances — Such of the following articles as may be necessar.v: Beeswax, Blacking, shoe, Brooms, whisk. Brushes, blacking, Brushes, hair. Brushes, shaving. Brushes, tooth, Buttons, Combs, fine. Combs, horn, Mugs, shaving. Needles, Razors, Razor strops. Scissors, Soap, issue, Soaji, shaving, Thread, Toilet iiajier. Toweling, unbleached. When specially authorized by the Secretary of War, the Subsistence Department will supply to [josts where thirty or more general prisoners are confined a, sewing machine and other necessary tailors' utensils for use in mending prisoners' clothing. For use of recruits nrd at a station csinblishid ost, nor at a recruiting rendezrous — Such of the following articles as may be necessary for the use of all tlie recruits at the station : Blacking, shoe. Brooms, whisk. Brushes, blacking. Brushes, hair, For use of recruits at recruit rendeznous Toilet paper Combs, coar.se, horn. Toilet paper. Toweling, unbleached. For use at a recruiting station at a military jxjst, exchisively by applicauts for enlistment, recruits on jjrobation, and newly enlisted men awaiting transfer to 2>ermanent stations — Toweling, unbleached, for a 6 month.s' supply Soap, issue Not to exceed in value 50 cents per month for each general prisoner. Not exceeding in value 70 cents per month for the station. Such quantities as may be absolutely neces- sary. Not exceeding 12 yards. Such (juantity as may be necessary. (I3j OTHER ARTICLES a:" .2------- ,-... •5 /i ^ ^ z •^ C4-I o 7. o 1. f- Si ^-1 ■< V « r^ Q S''"'""" --- . . e- ^ ^ J ^ ;z; o o PC L-; c: O «.' GO "^ rlcsr-H -^tt. y c 1 >1 -^ , , 111' •- i r^ -^ 1 1 1 i Q .£ 1 ! >. ^ >.i ^ i ! ■ >.>> ' P3 S >> -^^-^ ^.-^Srt;^ -->. O <5 -^ '^-3^ ^ '£'"^,:2 'i ■;^-^ H >> en fl ": S ao S C S vj w Ca '/.' •S' 'g . g '2 --^ - '^ - =^ •£ ■£ 'S ^ '1^ "3 - s O r^C— ' C -l-^^-^O »— 1 r— < Ph (nCLhm fin ^^cif^ ^nA. a: ai . ci; :S ■j: -j-l tc o O X •/;' c . c c ^ ^ . P^ C X cScc-j 33 c«C?;co ce S a; ^ J r^ u '^ b '^ w' .X .;s '2 - —■ -■ P - - - 3 PQ 3 -^ CO & O £ H tf o M O 01 ^ - < 2 as o s 3 1 a p 1^ o „IW^iC-C! OMk- » ic lo te 1 33 1 >> O s r2 H X K s _>. o :::::::::::::::: : "H- -k^ s P^^ 1 < ' •42 c 3 *-! -tJ 'cS C be +^ 1 a X I X o > ' S S 1 « _h > ^.^ <1> 1 u u ; c , ^ +^ ^ ^ >^ EI c ir. =tH i 5 '55 i X 1 0) ^^ £ ■< 1 fcC ■ pq-S ■ 0. ffl 0) 1 tH CO J a c -tJ CO 12 •J 7: ^3 ' : it s 1 c 3^ be C r ^ ^ X af aJ , .p ^ H cS :S - ce cj S -k^ JCQW PhP^KCl, * (14) a < « U: AM o V 1-J s Q ^J w » tf C£ o b H 1— t ^— t c^ arroi" -* c-.i«;:,^SHsSS: d, C cr cS cS C O C 03 g cS S o .. o cj -- j£ ^ o o o o o =; =|_© O O lO O iC =»n «r'-i 1-1 ^ (M -* CT «i c fl aj S Si- s - s CS f-5 o ■ ^ ^ o s c ce i-H o> CO |o lo !=> pi^|— . In r+*«b> t*» 1" r" tW i^ )*i lift 1»«^'i3 (w H" *--' !*-•[?) 3 5 CS eg 130^" = <5 X ' '■/■- s S ^' " 5 3 -• s <- "^ OJ ^ri- _-^ »— -ri C r,' g ' w CO c ^ ^ bj), > ' T. ■r. ^_ r; ;J o O 6^ ,=bO <1: w 'S. P cn C c3 C j: . O c5 ^ X — ' 1-1 ^*,-H . (a s -_„ ^^ ^-j 03 C C i=iS> >^ -rH "i-l .r^ ,-> '^ cWd, o CH (Iti) H p OS m of Ed .rjx-r i-MX-r rj X . x ■ X i X i x 1 1 1 1 . i i i ■ . o'^ \" i" i ; I I i i i i j i i i i i ; : : •< 33 "^ i 1 i ; i i i i i ! i i i i i i i i i i ! i i ! i i ! i i :3 ---55 s i ! 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! ! ! 1 ! 3 "-=g if' o c >. X Z w z o 8 H m 22 "S""" i"^ i" i i i i ! i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;2 1 ... ccc--D^' < < £ .mx-w m»^ 15MX IX ix ix ix 1 j 1 1 1 11 o"" i'^ i'^ i i i i i i 1 i ill .X 1 X iX 1 X iX 1 1 1 1 j j 1 1 1 j 1 • ] j 1 1 j ] ] [ S i ! i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 1 1 i 1 >-J , IM 5 25 Z 2 z 3^1 . X X /- £ t 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 1 1 c^ i i 1 i 1 ! i 1 i 1 1 : : 1 == 1 . 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H finllM-^* -^ ?} -rff.-vmy-* j-t • 00 = O O O Iff O O Oin >Tj< OC ■^ ^ TT M GO iO t Oi:ih Kt-fK^O-ffH^-tDXH^t^H I— I t-|v-+»-pr tf -e ioa « A H w C C s ^ . _ « r- -* S w -S c s h S) (19) FILIPINO RATIONS TO BULK BULK TO RATIONS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Form L-0 2om-l,'«(1122) cmiTsasiiiii ^^ i^ llllllii ff7 I llllllillll ^ 3 11 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 942 959 58 00661 0629 r PLEASf DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD n x>^iLIBRARY6>/C. University Research Library ro '■£' ro ] ] J