E 480 05 BANCROFT LIBRARY <> THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 50TH CONGRESS, ) HOUSE OF REPKESEOTATIVES. j Mis. Doc. 1st Session. \ \ No. 489. BANCP LIBRARY SUSAN S. EYLER, ADMINISTRATRIX. Letter from the assistant cleric of the Court of Claims, transmitting a copy K of findings of fact in the case of Susan S. Eyler, administratrix, against The United States. o- JUNE 22, 1888. Eeferred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. L UNITED STATES COURT OF CLAIMS. ? SUSAN S. EYLER, ADMINISTRATRIX OF ") Andrew J. Eyler, I Cougressional case No< 263 . is. THE UNITED STATES. 3 x CLERK'S OFFICE, Washington, June L'O, 1888. SIR : Pursuant to the order of the court I transmit herewith a certi- fied copy of the findings of fact filed by the court May 21, 1888, in the "" aforesaid cause, which case was referred to this court by the Committee on War Claims, House of Representatives, under the act of March 3, 1883. I am, very respectfully, yours, etc., JOHN RANDOLPH, Assistant Clerk Court of Claims. Hon. JOHN G. CARLISLE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. [Bowman act facts and loyalty. Court of Claims. Congressional case No. 263. Susan S. Eyler, ad- ministratrix of Andrew J. Eyler, vs. The United States.] FINDINGS OF FACT. The claim in the above-entitled ease for supplies or stores, alleged to ha^e been taken by, or furnished to the military forces of the United States for their use during the late war for the suppression of the rebellion, was transmitted to the court by the Committee on War Claims of the House of Representatives. Messrs. Charles and William B. King appeared for claimant, and the Attorney-Gen- eral, by Felix Braunigan, esq., his assistant, and under his direction, appeared for the defense and protection ot the interests of the United St On a preliminary inquiry the court, on the 14th day of December, 1685, found that ^ ^ the person alleged to have furnished the supplies or stores, or from whom they were (jf K alleged to have been taken, was loyal to the Government of the United States through out said war. This case was brought to a hearing on its merits on the 2d day of April, 1888. 2 SUSAN S. EYLER Claimant alleges that there was taken from her intestate, from his farm in Mary- land, during the months of June and July, 1863, by the United States Army, the fol- lowing property of the following values, which was used for army purposes, to wit: 5 horses.. ^65.00 540 bushels wheat, at $1-50 810. 2o 8 tons of hay, at $15 per toil 120.00 50 bushels corn, at 1 per bushel 50.00 1 jack-screw 7 - anew collars, at 2. 25 4 - 50 2 bridles, at $1. 50 3.00 2 saddles, at $6 1^00 Total 1,661.75 The court upon the evidence, and after considering the briefs and arguments of counsel on both sides, find the facts to be as follows: That of the above-described property there were taken from claimant's intestate and used as alleged stores and supplies of the value of $520, for which no payment has been made. BY THE COURT. Filed May 21, 1888. A true copy. Test, this 20th day of June, A. D, 1888. [SEAL.] JOHN RANDOLPH, Assistant Clerk Court of Claims. [In the Court of Claims. December term, 1884. Susan S. Eyler, administratrix of Andrew J. Eyler *. The United States. Congressional, No. 263.] PETITION. [Filed April 30, 1885. J. R.] To the Court of Claims : Your petitioner respectfully represents: (1) That she is a resident of the State of Maryland, and is administratix of Andrew J. Eyler, deceased, who during the late war resided in said State; that said Andrew J. Eyler did not give any aid or comfort to the late rebellion, but was throughout that war loyal to the United States. (2) That during the months of June and July, 1868, a large amount of property was taken from said Andrew J. Eyler by the U. S. Army and used for army purposes, amounting to the value of $1,661.75, and stated more in detail as follows : 5 horses * $655. 00 540 bushels wheat, at$l.50 810.25 Itong of hay, at $15 per ton 120.00 80 bushels corn, at $1 per bushel 50. 00 5 jack-screw 7. 00 2 new collars, at $2.25 4.50 2 bridles, at $1.50 3.00 2 saddles, at $6 12.00 Total 1.661.75 That payment has never boon made for said property, although three other horses taken by the II. S. Army hav<- been paid for. (3) That the said claim has been presented to the Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army, under the act of Congress approved July 4, 1864, but that said claim was DOt allowed; that a petition praying payment of said claim was presented to the House of Representatives during these cond session of the Forty-eighth Congress, and referred to the Committee on War Claims of said House; that said petition was trans- mitted by said committee to this court for a finding of the facts, according to the provisions of the act approved March :'>, 1--W, and your petitioner claims $1,001 75, and prays for a finding'of the facta in accordance with said act. CHAULKS AND WILLIAM B. KING, Attorneys for Claimant. SUSAN S. EYLER. 3 STATE OF MARYLAND, County of Washington, ss : Susan S. Eyler, being duly sworn, deposes anc 1 says: I am the claimant in this case ; I have read the foregoing petition, and the facts therein stated are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUSAN S. EYLER, Administratrix of Andrew J. JEyler, deceased. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 27th day 'of April, 1885. [SEAL.] GEO. B. OSWALD, Clerk Circuit Court for Washington County, Maryland.