GIFT OF UNITED STATES NAVY DROP FORGING BOOK Covering DROP FORCINGS UNDER ALL BUREAUS FOR WHICH DIES ARE ON HAND AT NAVY YARDS ISSUE OF 1919 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 aooa PREFACE, 1. PURPOSE. The quantity of Drop Forging Books which was prepared and issued as the edition of 1917 has been exhausted, and in view of the number of drop forging dies which have been au- thorized since this edition was prepared, it has been deemed desirable to issue the edition of 1919 at this time, rather than to order the printing of additional copies of the edition of 1917. In the preparation of this and the previous edition of the Drop Forging Book, it has been the purpose of the Bureau of Construction and Repair to provide a book containing sketch plans of all drop forgings made from dies at the various navy yards in a form similar to a handbook in order that it might be kept always near at hand for ready reference. It is not in- tended to give elaborate detail plans of the forgings, and the sketches in this book are not provided for use as such, but are for the purpose of indicating the general design of the forging and the dimensions which have influence on the usefulness of the forging for general purposes. This edition contains the information and plans which were included in both the issue of 1917 and Addendum No. 1, is- sued 1918. 2. COMPILATION OF DROP-FORGING BOOK. This book has been compiled from the die books of the New York, Norfolk, Mare Island, Boston, and Portsmouth (N. H.), navy yards, and in its present form represents a consolidated drop-forging die book, containing drawings of the forgings made from each authorized die at these yards. In each case where there is a die at more than one yard, for manufacturing forgings of identical or very nearly identical design, a single sheet has been made for the forging, and a single die .number * : , - HI :.-: t 420957 assigned, designation being made by means of letters attached to the die number, to indicate the yards at which the dies are located. In connection with this consolidation of die books, new numbers in a series commencing with 1000 have been assigned and it is by these numbers that the dies are to be designated after the issue of this book. In the assignment of these num- bers no special effort has been made to arrange the sheets al- phabetically as well as numerically, but it is believed that the index to this book will provide the necessary means for readily locating any drop forging. An index of the former die num- bers at the several yards with their corresponding new numbers has also been provided to further facilitate the location of the plans of the drop forgings. In order that the sheet for each drop forging may conven- iently indicate the yards at which a die for manufacturing the forging is located, a letter indicating each of these yards has been added as a part of the die number, indicated in the lower right-hand corner of each sheet. The designating letters which have been used are as follows: P Portsmouth. B Boston. Y New York. N Norfolk. M Mare Island. S Puget Sound. It is not intended that the letters should be given each time it is desired to refer to a die by its number, the number itself being sufficient identification for any die or drop forging. The only purpose of the letters is to indicate the yards at which the dies are located. 3. ASSIGNMENT OF NUMBERS TO NEW DIES. The assignment of numbers for all new dies which are manu- factured at the navy yards is made by the Bureau, either at the time authority to manufacture the die is requested, or in IT the case of dies authorized by other bureaus or by the yard authorities, at the time a request for the assignment of the number is received. It is the Bureau's aim to act promptly on requests for assignment of die numbers, in order that the manufacture of the dies at the yards will not be delayed. In each case where the manufacture of a die has been author- ized since June 5, 1915, the date on which the Bureau's cir- cular letter relative to the renumbering of drop forgings was issued, numbers above 3000 have been assigned, and these numbers have been entered upon the respective drawings. 4. MANUFACTURE OF DIES AND PREPARATION OF DRAWINGS. When a letter is forwarded to the Bureau requesting author- ity to manufacture a die, it should be accompanied by a plan showing the fitting which it is desired to make. In the case of forgings which are manufactured under authority granted by other Bureaus or by local authority, a plan should be for- warded at the time the request is made for the assignment of a die number. In general, it is considered that the plan should be complete and in the form specified by the Bureau, but in some cases where the need for the die is urgent, or where there are unusual difficulties in the preparation of the plan on account of lack of knowledge as to how the die will be made, it will be satisfactory to the Bureau if a sketch showing the outline and dimensions of the fitting is submitted, or if refer- ence is made to the item number of a standard or Bureau plan on which the fitting appears. In cases where the completed drawing for the Drop Forg- ing] Book is not forwarded prior to the assignment of the die number, the preparation of this plan should be expedited when the required information is available, and the plan forwarded for the Bureau's files. The following principles should guide the preparation of drawings for this book: (a) The forgings should be shown in the condition in which they arc of the greatest general interest. In the case of forg- ' ings which have but one definite use, it is considered that the drawings should indicate the condition in which they are used, the necessary machining, drilling, or finishing being clearly indicated by brief notes. In the case of forgings for which there are several known or practical uses, it is belieA^ed that no finishing should be shown, except that which may be necessary before the forgings can serve any purpose. Loca- tion and size of holes and removal of draft, which may vary according to the use of the forging, should not be indicated unless accomplished in part or in whole during the forging processes. (6) All draft which is. allowed to remain on the forgings should be clearly indicated, it being understood that draft which is not shown is removed during the manufacture of the forging. (c) Drawings should be made on standard size sheets with an inner border measuring 10 by 7 inches, the outside dimen- sions of the sheet being 12} by 7} inches. The title should be arranged in one or two lines to suit the case, the letters in the first line being three-sixteenths inch high, and those in the second line one-eighth inch high. The top of the letters in the first line should be 2^ inches from the bottom border line of the sheet. The scale should be indicated as "full size,'* "half size/' etc. (d) When information is available relative to the weight of the forgings shown on the various plans, it should be for- warded to the Bureau to be incorporated on these plans. It has been suggested to the Bureau that the plans for the Drop Forging Book include the split line and other informa- tion which will permit its use as a working drawing by the die sinker. While this might be desirable for this particular pur- pose the general use to which the plans in the Drop Forging Book are put does not appear to warrant including this addi- tional information, which tends to make the drawings more complicated. It might be desirable for the yards to maintain a set of prints of the die sheets suitably marked to indicate the method of manufacture of the die and forging. This infor- VI iiiation would then be available for both the navy yard and the Bureau, should occasion arise when such information could be used. 5. NOMENCLATURE OF FORCINGS. In the preparation of the die sheets for the existing dies, it has been the Bureau's aim to adopt a uniform for drop forgings, and one which, as nearly as practicable, is in accordance with the usual commercial designations for similar fittings. The names applied to the fittings by the various navy yards and those given on the Bureau's standard plans have in each case been considered and the name which seems beet to indicate the nature of the fitting has been chosen as a title for the die sheet for that forging. It is desired that when die sheets for new dies are prepared in the future the titles be as nearly consistent as practicable with the titles of the sheets in this book for similar forgings. In the revision of the edition of 1917, it has been found desirable to change the titles of some of the plans in order that they may conform to standard plans which have been issued since this edition was published. Wherever practicable, a dimension has been chosen by which the size of the forging may be designated, and in such cases this dimension forms a part of the title for the sheet. For instance, all forgings that are classed as eyebolts are desig- nated by the diameter of the shank of the bolt, pad eyes by the size of the wire forming the eye, etc. In each case where the "designating" dimension is shown on the plan of the forging, it has been placed within a small circle, in order that it may be seen at a glance. 6. ORDERING FORGINGS. In order that some of the confusion may be eliminated which has resulted in the past from the uncertainty as to the condition in which forgings would be received, it is suggested that in 'the future there be incorporated in all orders for drop forgings the following statement: (a) The name and die number of the forging. This name should correspond exactly with the title of the die sheet in this book, and the number should correspond to the die number given in the lower right-hand corner of each page. It is, however, not necessary to include the designat- ing letters which form a part of the die numbers as given on the die sheets. It has been noted from various papers and records which are received in the bureau that in some cases reference is still being made to the old die numbers which were in effect before the Drop Forging Book was issued. In order that confusion in this connection may be avoided, it is requested that all references to dies be made by the die numbers which appear in this book, and it is desirable to avoid the use of the old die books in the various yards. An effort has been made to include the useful information contained in the former die books in the Drop Forging Book, and it would not appear necessary, therefore, to retain copies of the old books. (6) The quantity and material desired. (c) Whether "black" or "galvanized" forgings are desired. (d) Whether "standard forging" or "finished article" is de- sired. Standard forging. This term is understood to apply to forg- ings as shown on the plans in this book. In the majority of cases, the forgings as shown are without any finishing other than that which may be made as a part of the forging process, but in some cases where the forgings are used for but one pur- pose and are of no use until certain machining is done, the finishing processes have been indicated. If other finishing than that shown on the plans in this book is desired, a standard forging should not be ordered, and the remarks that follow and which pertain to "finished articles" should apply. Finished article. This term is understood to apply to forg- ings which have been machined or in some way finished for a particular use and is not intended to include "standard forg- ings" with finishes as shown in this book. In all cases where such articles are desired, it will be necessary to state specifi- cally the finishes required, and to give complete information for carrying out the work. If fittings are desired finished in accordance with a standard plan, a statement to this effect should be included in the order. (e) In cases where it is indicated on the die sheet that the forging is made in an "open die," the desired length of the open dimension must be stated. 7. MARKING OF DIES AND DROP FORCINGS. In order that the die number of a forging may be readily determined without the necessity of examining the Drop Forging Book and comparing the dimensions of the forging with the plans contained therein, it is desired that whenever possible the impression in the die include the die number, in order that this number will also appear on the forging. All new dies should be so marked, and when old dies are annealed for repair or other purposes the die number should be cut. In the case of very small forgings, where it is impracticable to mark the die, it will be satisfactory to the Bureau to omit the marking prescribed above. In marking all dies, care should be taken to place the number in such position that the number of the forging will not interfere with any possible use to which the forging may be put. 8. STANDARD STOCK OF DROP FORGINGS. Since the first edition of the Drop Forging Book was issued, the Bureau has undertaken the establishment of standard stocks of the various drop forgings which are used in the navy yards, and for which plans are included in this book. In connection with the work, the investigations which have been conducted have indicated that a number of the forgings for which plans are included are no longer used, and in such cases a note has been included on the plan, which indicates that the forgings are not carried as standard stock. In the case of a few of the larger forgings, no stock has been provided, although the forging is still used, and it is expected in such cases that the forgings will be manufactured as the demands may require. No steps have been taken by the Bureau to establish standard stocks of forgings which are solely under the cognizance of other bureaus. When dies for the forgings which are not being carried as standard stock wear out or when the navy yards consider that they are no longer of use, the dies should be disposed of, and in order that the Drop Forging Book may be kept up to date by the addenda which are issued, it is requested that the Bureau be informed from time to time of the dies which are disposed of in order that the plans for these dies may be elimi- nated from the book. There are a number of classes of articles for which plans are included in this book but which are no longer drop forged in the navy yards. Standard stocks of these articles have been established and these stocks are maintained by purchase, the specifications listed below being used in this connection in preference to the plans contained in this book. Die Nos. 1431 to 1448, inclusive Tap rivets. Spec. 43Rlc. Die Nos. 1752 to 1757, inclusive Chisel blanks for pneumatic tool. Spec. 40B4. Die Nos. 1803 and 1804 Punches. Spec. 40P1. Die Nos. 1805 to 1825, inclusive Rivet sets for use with pneumatic tools. Spec. 40R2. 9. DISTRIBUTION OF DROP FORGING BOOK AND VANDYKES. (a) Books. This revised edition of the Drop Forging Book will be issued to the various navy yards and stations, to the offices of the various superintending constructors, and to other bureaus, in such numbers as appear most desirable, after consideration of the issues of the edition of 1917 which have already been made. The new edition of this book contains a number of plans which were not included in the old edition, or in Addendum No. 1, and in a number of cases the plans have been revised, but it is believed that the books of the older editions may still serve a useful purpose in the yards. It will be necessary, however, that care be exercised in referring to the Drop Forging Book on manufacture requests, requisitions, schedules, or cost summaries to clearly state to which edition of the book reference is intended. If, in the opinion of the yards, the retention of the older editions of the Drop Forging Book is not desirable, or if but a few of these books are required, it is requested that the books of the older editions which are not needed be returned to the Bureau. While the supply of the edition of 1919 is limited, it is desired that as liberal a dis- tribution as is possible be made, and the Bureau will carefully consider all requests for additional copies of this book. (6) Vandykes. In order that the navy yards may continue the practice of issuing blue prints of the plans of drop forgings to the various shops and offices for use as working drawings, the Boston, Mare Island, New York, Norfolk, and Portsmouth Navy Yards have been furnished with Vandyke prints of the die sheets for such dies as are located at the individual yards. In every case the tracing of the die sheet for each forging is on file at the Bureau. 10. REVISION OF DROP FORGING BOOK. It is the Bureau's intention to issue about July 1 of each year, commencing 1920, addenda to this book, which will contain sheets for all dies which have been altered and also a sheet for each new die the manufacture of which has been authorized during the preceding fiscal year. At such intervals of time as the number of changes seems to warrant the action, the Bureau will revise and reissue the Drop Forging Book. 11. COMPILATION OF BOOKS OF PLANS OF OTHER DIE PRODUCTS. This book contains plans of forgings which are made in drop- forging dies and is not intended to include forgings or products made in dies used in other than drop-forging processes. The Bureau is considering the compilation of books of plans of the products of other dies, such as are used in presses, bolt ma- chines, and forging machines, and if it is found that it is prac- ticable to undertake this work a book generally similar to this one will be compiled and issued at some future time. XI INDEX. A. Die No. Air, bulkhead connection, H. P 3227 by-pass valve, H. P. (right and left hand) 3226 chamber bolt, handy billy pump. (See'JBolt drop.) escape tube flange 1508 hose; socket wrench for 1863 pump eccentric rod for steamer engine 1951-1954 lever for steamer engine 3378 tee, H. P 3228 valve handle 1496 Air port bolt. (See Bolt, drop.) socket wrench 1862. 1863 Ammunition stowage fitting 3288 trolley, side strap 2186 whip block strap 1348 Angle valve, H. P 2215, 2216, 3336 Arm, reversing 1900, 1911, 3263 socket, towel rack 2174 Armor backing bolt 1973 bolt, sleeve, half 1421-1424 Armored hatch: dog 1631 Ash bucket handle. (See Handle, bucket.) cleaning hoe, strongback for 1834 Automatic telegraph: dog 2226, 2227 ring 2229 sheave 2228, 3124 Awning bracket 1715 bracket foot 1717 hook 1272 lacing hook 3038 stanchion eye for small boats 3047 xnr Die No. Awning stanchion, foot 1727, 1728 head 1741, 1742, 1871, 3352 hook band 1712 shackle 3023 B. Backing-out punch; rivet 1806-1810 Bail, for housing chain stopper for chain cable . 3004, 3181-3186 Ball, board, bulletin 1970 Ball head pin 2119, 2120 Band, brake, end 3136 hook, stanchion, awning 1712 sheet, main : 1971 stanchion. . .' 1713, 1714 traveler, boom 1972 Bar handle, socket, for handy billy pump 2175 link (steamer engine) 3264 slice; point of 1751 Barrel, pistol, signal 2234 Batten bar fitting 2031 socket 2176,2177 Battery box gas vent 1968 Battleships, towing gear connecting shackle for 1685 Bearing, rudder 3302 Becket, standard ammunition whip (see Bolt, eye, collar) 1302-1309, 3332, 3345 Belaying pin 2121-2123 Bench, mess; fittings (see Fittings). Bending shackle, chain cable 1686, 1689, 1695, 3040 Berth, folding: hinge hook 2061 support 3197 supporting hinge. (See Hinge, female, or Hinge, male.) Blade, hinge, water-tight doors. (See Hinge, male.) stop, female, left-hand 1826, 1830 right-hand 1827, 1831 XIV Die No. Blade, stop, male, left-hand 1828, 1832 right-hand 1829, 1833 Blank for rivet sets. (See Set, rivet.) shearing coupling (mine sweep gear) 3091 Block, coaling; shackle 1688, 1689 double; strap, inner 1332-1339 outer 1340-1347 metal ; strap, outer , . 1348 wood; strap, outer .. . 1349 hook. (See Hook, eye.) snatch. (See Hook, swiveL) link (cutter engine) 3244 single; strap 1318-1325 metal: coaling: strap 1330, 1331 strap 1326-1328, 3333 wood; strap 1329 sister hook. (See Hook, sister.) snatch; crosshead 1357-1363, 3203-3206, 3276, 3311, 3312, 3323, 3405 hasp 1364-1369, 3207-3210, 3313-3315, 3325-3406 latch 1893-1899, 3316-3318 link 3211-3214, 3324, 3407 strap 1350-1356, 3199-3202, 3304, 3319-3322, 3404 swivel link. (See Swivel link.) strut, thrust, for 50-foot cutter engine 3247 Blocking hook, dry dock 1282 staple, dry dock '. 2180 Board, bulletin; ball 1970 Boat chain slings, shackle for. (See Shackle.) chest, button for. (See Button, with eye.) chock pad 2130, 2131 shackle for. (See Shackle.) stay rods. (See Bolt, drop.) chocks; strut jaws. (See Rod, jaw-end.) detaching apparatus : link end . (See Bolt, drop.) Die No. Boat hoisting shackle 1696-1699 Boats, small, bottom-board button 2001 Body, spray valve, fuel check , 3258 Boiler bolt : 3226 bushing, launch 3080 cap, launch 3020 circulating tube plug 1932 fire door; hinge. (See Hinge, male.) plug pipe (for boiler header) 3134 tube cap 1906 yoke stay 1969 Bolt, ammunition trolley. (See Pin.) armor, sleeve, half 1421-1424 backing, armor 1973 boiler 3226 brick 1555 dog 1635 dog, for gun-port shutters 1974 drop 1569-1598, 2237, 2238, 3018, 3061, 3062 nut 3063 eye 1105-1153, 1975-1981, 3037, 3055-3059, 3089, 3094, 3159-3163, 3354-3356 collar 1000-1104, 1300, 1301, 1562, 1982, 3019, 3025, 3193, 3300, 3327, 3328, 3347, 3360, 3361 davit head fitting 3357 for seaplane 3129 life line 1553 handhole plate for B. & W. boiler : 3259 hook. (See Hooks, lashing.) latch for soot door. (See Dog, with spindle.) Lewis... 1556,1557 key for 1558 locking 1550-1552 screw, rigging 1564-1568 seaplane '. 3129 securing 1559-1561 spindle, for boiler handhole covers 1983 Bolt, toggle. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Die No. track 1554 Boom , traveler: band ' 1972 Bottom -board button for small boats 2001 Bowsprit: inner end 1984 outer end 1985 Box, swivel 3041-3043 chain cable 198G, 1987, 3002, 3039, 3050-3054, 3088, 3093 mooring 3215 Brace, bench and table, mess; groove in 1291 leg, bench mess 1295, 3188 leg, table mess 1293, 3187 rod, bench mess 3092 rod, bench and table, mess; hook for 1299 end; cutter engine. (See Bolt, drop.) eye end, mess bench and table 2032 rudder; cutter 1989, 1990 cutter, racing 1991 dinghy and wherry 1992 launch, sailing 1993 whaleboat 1994 Bracket, awning 1715 foot of '.... 1717 bench and table, mess 1292 fender, pudding 1995 towel rack 1996, 1997 Braider, pawl for. (See Pawl.) Brake band end (for wire hawser reel) 3136 end, handy billy pump. (See Socket, bar handle.) Brick bolt 1555 Bridge, clamping 1902-1805, 1988, 1999, 3014, 3127 stanchion, foot of. (See Foot, stanchion, rail.) Bucket handle 1495 Bulkhead connection J ! . P. fitting 3227 coupling II. P. fitting 3223 patch plug 2232, 2233 124431 19 n xvn Die No. Bulkhead patch plug nut 2230, 2231 Bulletin board; ball 1970 Buoy pad eye for marker buoys 3090 swivel, cork 2188 Bushing, boiler launch 3080 Button, bench and table, mess 1289 board, bottom, f,or small boats 2001 boat chest. (See Button, with eye.) rivet set 1816-18J.8 with eye 2000 By-pass valve, II. P. (right and lelt hand) 3266 C. Cable retaining shackle for N. D. mine. (See Shackle.) Cage mast fittings: bottom left hand 2033 right hand 2034 top left hand 2035 right hand 2036 Cam, inlet, exhaust, for submarine engine 3293 Canopy pin 2125 Cap, boiler, launch 3020 projectile, 6-inch 2002 projectile, A. P., 8-inch 3016, 3017 tube, boiler 1906 Cap, square, crosshead, pump 1907 Cape chisel, hexagonal ; point 1758 octagonal; point 1759-1761 Cargo port dog 1626-1630 Catch for folding berths 3079 Catch for uptake doors (See Dog) 3275 Center strap, double block. (See Strap, inner, block, double.) Chain cable: Die No. bending shackle 1686, 1687, 1695, 3040 connecting shackle 1690, 3000, 3010, 3011, 3028-3029, 3035, 3083, 3085, 3095, 3137, 3139, 3141, 3143 connecting shackle pin 3001, 3008, 3009, 3030, 3031, 3036, 3084, 3086, 3096, 3138, 3140, 3142-3144 swivel box 1986, 1987, 3093, 3215, 3002, 3039, 3050, 3054 mooring 3215 Chain plate 2003-2005 stopper connecting shackle 1684 studs 1449-1470, 3032, 3033 swivel clinch ring 1988 Check spray valve body 3258 Chipping hammer 1783 Chisel, cape, hexagonal, point 1758 octagonal 1759-1761 diamond point, octagonal 1762 flat, hexagonal; point 1766, 1767 octagonal 1763-1765 gouging, octagonal . . . ., 1768 hexagonal; shank 1752-1756 octagonal; shank 1757 ripping, octagonal 1769 scaling; shank 1771 square 1770 Chock, boat; strut jaws. (Sec Rod, jaw-end.) Circulating boiler tube plug 1932 Clamp 1772-1775 deck beam 3359 case, mine 2050 collar 3261 machinist 3348 peep sight /. 3351 tube 3081, 3082 Clamping bridge 1902-1905, 1998, 1999, 3014, 3127 screw 2166 Claw, devil 1837 XIX Die No. Cleat 2006-2008 Clinch ring, chain swivel 1988 Clip, hanger, pipe 2009 rail 2010, 2011, 3380, 3381 shell 2012 Ooalbucket handles. (See Handle, bucket.) bunker door hinge 1413 chute, locking pin. (See Bolt, locking.) portable; locking bolt. (See Bolt, locking.) scuttle, securing bolt 1559-1561 socket wrench for 1864, 1865 strongback 2183-2185 T wrench 1866 Coaling block, single, metal; strap 1330, 1331 shackle 1688, 1689 swivel eye. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) boom, pin. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) shackle, for. (See Shackle.) whip, hook 1279, 1280 Collar eye, bolt 1000-1104, 1300, 1301, 1562, 1982, 3010, 3025, 3129, 3193, 3300, 3327, 3328, 3347, 3360, 3361 davit head fitting 3357 clamp 3261 lug 2013, 2014 Commutator segment 2161-2165, 3015 Compression riveters, set for 1814 Connecting rod, blower engine 3372 circulating engine 3373 gasoline engine 1942, 1943 steamer engine 1944, 1946 50-foot cutter engine 3245 shackle. .' 1683-1685 chain cable.. 1690-1694, 3000, 3010, 3011, 3028, 3029, 3035, 3083, 3085, 3095, 3137, 3139, 3141, 3143, 3399, 3401. Die No. Connecting shackle, chain cable, pin for 1705-1710, 3001, 3008, 3009, 3030, 3031, 3036, 3084, 3086, 3096, 3138, 3140, 3142, 3144, 3400, 3402. Connection piece for fuel-oil pipe 3274 bulkhead, H. P 3227 Cooling water connection for engine exhaust valves. (See Valve, straightaway.) Cork buoy swivel 2188 Countersunk rivet set 1819-1824 Coupling, bulkhead for H. P. fittings 3223 shearing blank for (mine sweep gear) 3091 wrench 3343 Cover brace foot for water-tight hatch. (See Bolt, drop.) Cover, handhole, oval 1910 oval, with spindle 1911, 3013 rectangular 1912, 3128 rectangular, with spindle 1913 hook 1284 Cowl, vent, rod, end for. (See Rod, jaw-end.) Crank, hand 1914,1915 handle (wire hawser reel) 3135 shaft, engine, blower for steamer engine 3376 circulating for steamer engine 3375 shaft, gasoline engine 1959 strap, end, for deck winch 1967 Cross, H. P 2015 Crosshead, block, snatch 1357-1363, 3203-3206, 3276, 3311, 3312, 3323, key for &teamer engine 1916 pump 1908 pump ; cap-square 1907 Cross pad eye 1184-1219 valve H. P 3334 Crow foot (for Scotch boilers) 3229 Cutter, racing, rowlock 2150 rowlock socket 2155 rudder brace... . 1989.1990 xxx Die No. Cutter, 24-foot, rowlock 2153 rowlock socket 2158 D. Damper handle for ventilation terminal 3290, 3301 Deck beam clamp 3359 Destroyers, towing gear connecting shackle for 1683 Devil claw 1837 Diamond-point chisel, octagonal 1762 Dinghy, rowlock for 2151 rowlock socket for 2156 rudder brace for 1992 Disk for safe locker in secretary bureau 3255 Dog bolt (see Bolt drop) 1635 for gun port shutters 1974 handle 1636-1640, 30GS, 3133, 3147 for boiler casings 3396 with spindle 1641-1644, for boiler casings 3395 nose pad 2141 pad. (See Hinge pad, female.) for portable ventilators 2132 spindle for flush water-tight hatch. (See Bolt, dog. ) socket 3067 Dogs 1599, 1600 with spindle 1601, 1602 rireroom hatch. (See Dog flat.) flat 1603-1608, 2168, 3066, 3145 handhole plate. (See Bridge, clamping.) handled 1609-1615 with spindle 1616-1624, 3060, 3064, 3065, 3125, 3132, 3148, 3192, 3224, 3353 hatch, armored 1631 latch 1625 magazine bulkhead light box. (See Dog, handled.) port, cargo 1626-1630 Die No. Dogs, shipwright's 1632-1634 soot door. (See Dog, with spindle.) stowage box. (See Dog, handled.) telegraph, automatic 2226, 2227 uptake doors. (See Handle, dog.) Doors, clamp nut for water-tight coal bunker. (See Han- dle, dog.) hinge, bunker, coal 1413 hook 1283 knob 3383 for safe locker in secretary bureau 3254 staple 2179 T-handle : 3384 Dory, rowlock 2151 socket 2156 Dotter, solenoid ; housing 3012 Double block strap, inner : 1332-1339 outer 1340-1347 metal block strap, outer 1348 wood block strap, outer 1349 Draft figure 2018-2026 Drift pin . 1788-1802 Drill 1776 Drop bolt 1569-1598, 2237, 2238, 3018, 3061, 3062 nut 3063 pad for gun port shutters. (See Hinge pad, female.) for single companion hatch. (See Hinge pad, female.) for turret watersheds. (See Hinge pad, female.) for water-tight manhole. (See Hinge pad, female.) Dry'dock blocking hook 1282 staple 2180 XXIII E. Die No. Eccentric rod, ahead for 50-foot cutter engine 3256 rod, astern for 50-foot cutter engine 3257 rod head, steamer engine 1949, 1950 rod, air pump, steamer 1951-1954 steamer engines 1947, 1948 Elbow, H. P 2016, 3221 Electric cutter rowlock 2149 End, brake band (wire hawser reel) 3136 of link for detaching apparatus for boats. (See Bolt, drop.) for valve, cutter engines. (See Bolt, drop.) jaw for Scotch boiler 3230 Ensign halyard eye. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Exhaust valves, engine; cooling- water connections. (See Valve, straightway.) Extractor, shell 3220, 3284, 3289 Eye bolt 1105-1153, 1975-1981, 3037, 3055-3059, 3089, 3094, 3159-3163, 3354-3356 for hose rack hinge. (See Bolt, eye, collar), for portable coal chute. (See Bolt, locking.) collar. . . . 1000-1104, 1300, 1301, 1562, 1982, 3019, 3025, 3193, 3300, 3327, 3328, 3347, 3360, 3361, 3357 life line 1553 plain. (See Bolt, eye.) seaplane ' 3129 shouldered. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Eye hook. (See Hook, single, side.) Eye pad 3078 cross 1184-1219 marker buoys 3090 straight 1154-1183 Eye pin. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Eye, center, stanchion, life line 1716 ensign halyard. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) jack rod. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) screw. (See Bolt, eye.) Eye, shroud. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Die No. stanchion, awning, for small boats 3047 swivel 2027, 2028, 3021, 3044-3046, 3216 mooring swivel 3216 tarpaulin 2029, 2030 turnbuckle. (See Bolt, eye.) F. Fastener, locker, wire 2017 Feed pump lever, for steam launch 1917 Female hinge 1370-1385, 3072, 3074, 3075, 3130, 3149, 3219 P pad 1398-1412, 3070, 3071, 3126, 3151, 3198 Figure, draft. 2018-2026 Fire-cleaning hoe, strong back 1835, 1836 Fire control equipment: catch, gear training 3275 lever 3281 lever gear clutch 3279, 3280 lever stop 3282 nut 3283 stop, training 3285 platform, stanchion, band for. (See Band, stanchion.) support end. (See head, stan- chion.) Fire-door hinge for B. & W. boiler. (Sec Hinge, male.) Fire-hose spanner wrench 1874 Firing gear shackle for N. D. mine. (See Shackle.) spanner for N. D. mine. (See Wrench, machine, single-ended.) Fitting bar, batten 2031 ammunition stowage 3288 bench, mess brace, leg 3188 end of 1295 rod 3092 eye 2032 hook for. . 1299 Die No. Fitting bench, mess; braces, groove in 1291 bracket 1292 button 1289 leg, foot of 1290 Fittings, boat stowage stay-rod pad 3027 strut pad 3026 H. P. bulkhead connection 3227 bulkhead coupling 3223 elbow 2016, 3221 strainer 3273 valve by-pass 3266 tee 2189,3222,3288 mast, cage bottom, left hand 2033 bottom, right hand 2034 top, left hand 2035 top, right hand 2036 mine, N. D. axis, drum, cable 2037 brake pawl 2044 claw Strieker 2038 connection cable 2039 firing seating gear 2047 lever 2043 lifting eye 2040 piston 2045 plunger 2046 shackle-pin head 2042 yoke .,. 2049 table, mess brace leg 1293, 3187 brace rod, hook for 1299 eye for 2032 braces, groove in 1291 bracket.. 1292 Fittings, table, mess Continued. Die No. button 1289 leg 1296 leg, foot of 1290 leg, left, head of 1297 leg, right, head of 1288, 1289 pad, deck 3146 Flanges 1498-1507, 1509-1514 flexible 3111-3122, 3296, 3297, 3389-3391 H. P 3232-3239, 3267-3269 hollow heel 3099-3110,, 3294, 3295, 3392-3394 L. P 3240-3243 tube, escape, air 1508 sounding 1508 Flat chisel, hexagonal point 1766-1767 octagonal 1763-1765 Flat dog ' 1603-1608, 2178, 3066, 3145 Fly bolt, (See Bolt, drop.) Folding berth catch 3079 hinge support 3179 Foot, awning bracket 1717 crow for scotch boiler. 3229 of leg, bench, and table, mess 1290 locker 2051 stanchion 1718, 1720-1733 stanchion, rail 1719, 1723, 1726 Force-pump lever, plumber's 1918 Fulcrum link, throttle valve, for steamer engine. . . 2096-2099 pump 2052 Furnace hammer 1777 G. Galley tub keeper 2066 Gasoline engine crank shaft 1959 Gas vent for battery box 1968 Globe valve II. P.. . 3335 Die No. Gooseneck, male 1471-1474 Gouging chisel, octagonal 17C8 Grab handle 1478-1482, 2239, 2240 iron for water-tight door. (See Handle, grab.) rod 1483-1489, 1492 coal scuttle. (See Handle, straight.) support 2053, 2054 straight 1490, 1491 Grip, hatch. (See Grab, straight.) Groove in braces, bench and table, mess 1291 Guard line stanchion; head 1735 Gudge on rudder. (See Bolt, drop.) Guide pad for gun port shutters 2134, 2135 rod for safe locker in secretary bureau 3251, 3252 Gun circle bolt. (See Pin.) port shutters, dog bolt for 1974 H. H. P. angle valve 2215, 2216, 3336 bulkhead coupling 3223 cross 2015, 3334 elbow 2016, 3221 globe valve 3335 strainer 3273 tee 2189, 3222, 3228 valve handle 3337 Hammer, chipping 1783 furnace 1777 pistol, signal 2235 riveting 1778-1781 shipfitter's 1782 Hammock hook 1267-1269 Hand crank 1914, 1915 Hand hole cover, boiler, bolt spindle 1983 oval 1910 clamping bridge for 1902 with spindle... 1911,3013 Die No. Handhole cover, boiler, rectangular 3912, 3128 clamping bridge for 1904, 1905 with spindle 1913 Handhole plate. (See Cover, handhole.) bolt for. (See Bolt, spindle.) dog for. (See Bridge, clamping.) Handle 1493, 3195, 3196, 3338 bar socket for handy billy pump 2175 bucket 1495 coal scuttle. (See Grab, straight.) crank for wire hawser reel 3135 damper for ventilation terminals 3290, 3301 dog/ 1636-1640, 3068, 3133, 3147, 3396 dog, with spindle., 1641-1644 door. (See Handle, grab.) face plate 3194 grab 1478-1482, 2239, 2240 plate 2143 pump 2055-2057 tool, fire 1.494 valve, air H. P 1496 H. P 3337 vent turning gear. (See Bolt, drop.) wrench, socket and T 1870 Handled dog 1609-1615, 3133, 3147 with spindle 1616-1624, 3000, 3064, 3065,3125,3132, 3148, 3192, 3224, 3353 Hand rail; knob 2082 pad. (See Foot, stanchion.) Haftdwheel 2058 Hanger, after, for 21-foot motor dory 3278 locker, mess, wire 2059, 2060 pipe, clip 2009 Hasp, block, enatch . . . 1364-1369,3207-3210,3313-3315,3325 latch for... 2083 XXIX Die No. Hatch, armored, dog 1631 Head, eccentric rod, steamer engine 1949, 1950 of leg, table, mess left 1297 right 1288, 1292 stanchion 1734-1746, 3252 awning 1871 Hinge berth support 3197 blade, water-tight doors. (See Hinge, male.) hook for folding berth 2061 jaws for canopy frame. (See Hinge pad, female.) pad female 1398- 1412, 2140, 3070, 3071, 3126, 3151, 3198 gas engine cover, for 3291 male 1414-1420, 3073, 3131, 3150, 3309, 3350 metal hose rack. (See Hinge, male.) nonwater-tight hatches and manholes. (See Hinge, female.) nonwater-tight doors, hatches, and manholes. (See Hinge, male.) Hinges, coal bunker trim door. (See Hinge, female.) door, bunker coal 1413 double companion hatch. (See Hinge, female.) female 1370-1385, 3072, 3074, 3075, 3130, 3149, 3219 gun-port shutters. (See Hinge, female.) hose rack. (See Hinge, male.) male 1386-1397, 3069, 3076, 3077, 3152, 3271 nonwater-tight doors. (See Hinge, female.) raised water-tight hatch. (See Hinge, female.) supporting, folding berth. (See Hinge, female.) Hoe, ash cleaning, strongback for 1834 fire cleaning, strongback for 1835, 1836 Hoisting bolt for whaleboat. (See Bolt, drop.) hook for steam cutters in heavy weather. (See Hook, eye.) pad, boat; for sailing launches and cutters. . . . 2136 Die No. Hoisting shackle, boat 1696-1699, 3387 Hook band, stanchion, awning 1712 latch : 3272 pad 1563, 2137, 2138 Hooks, awning ] 272 block. (See Hook, single, side.) bolt. (See Hook, lashing.) brace rods, bench and table, mess 1299 eye. (See Hook, single, side.) coaling whip 1279, 1280 cover 1284 door 1283 dry dock blocking 1282 hammock 1267-1269 hinge, for folding berth 2061 lacing, awning 3038 lashing 1281 life line 1270, 1271 pelican 1273-1277 pelican, for housing chain stopper for chain cable. . . / 1 3005, 3164-3169, 3217 single, side 1220-1236, 3299, 3330 sister 1250-1266, 3346 staple, door 2179 swivel 1237-1249, 3310, 3329 tarpaulin , 1285-1287 traveler, mast 2062 trolley, ammunition 1278 Hose rack hinge eyebolt. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) strap. (See Hinge, female.) Hose, air; socket wrench for 1863 fire; spanner wrench for 1874 spanner wrench for 1872-1875 suction; spanner wrench for 1875 Housing chain stopper for chain cable: bail 3004, 3181-3186 pelican hook 3005, 3164-3169, 3217 XXXI Housing chain stopper for chain cable Continued. Die No. strongback 3006, 3176-3180, 3218 turnbuckle 3003, 3170-3175 wrench 3007, 3153-3158 Housing, dotter, solenoid 3012 I. Inner strap, double block 1332-1339 J. Jack rod eye. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) pin 1475-1477 stud. (See Pin, rod, jack.) Jack start. (See Pin, rod, jack.) Jacking lever for gas engines 3286 jaw for gas engines 3287 wrench (machine, single ended, straight) 3342 Jaw-end, throttle valve stem 1966 for scotch boilers 3230 Joint, universal 2063-2065 K. Keeper, tub, galley. . .- 2066 Key 2067-2079 bolt, Lewis 1558 crosshead, for steamer engine 191 6 spring 3270 Knob door 3254, 3383 rail, hand 2082 stanchion 1 747-1749 L. Lacing hook, awning 3038 Ladder, metal: eye bolt. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) pad 2139, 3260 rung 2160 stanchion.. 1711 Lag screw for tiller. (See Bolt, eye.) Die No. Lashing hook 1281 Latch for B. & W. boiler casing. (See Dog, with spin- die.) hook 3272 block, snatch 1893-1899, 3318-3318 dog 1025 nose pad for. (See Pad, dog, latch.) pad for gun-port shutters 2133 handle for B. & W. boiler casing. (See Handle, dog.) hasp 2083 hock 3272 lever, steamer engines 191 9 Launch boiler bushing 3080 cap 3020 Leg brace, bench, mess ; end of 1295 table, mess 1293 Legs, bench and table, mess; foot of 1290 table, mess* left, head of. 1297 right, head of 1288, 1298 Lewis bolt 1556, 1557 key for 1558 Lever, for fire-control equipment 3281 gear, clutch, for fire-control equipment 3279, 3280 latch, steamer engines 1919 jacking for gas engines 3286 jaw for gas engines 3287 plumber's force pump 1918 pump, air, steamer engine 3378 reversing, steamer engine 1920, 3377 steam launch feed pump 1917 stop for fire-control equipment 3282 throttle, for steamer engine 1921-1923 Lifeline, eyebolt 1553 hook 1270, 1271 124431 19 ra xxxiii Lifeline, stanchion Die No center eye ] 713 foot 1725 head .' 1740 shackle 3023 Life rail stanchion head 1738 knob 1748, 1749 Lifter, punt. (See Chain plate.) Links 2084-2099 bar for steamer engine 3264 block 3244 block, snatch 3211-3214, 3324, 3407 endless chain 2093- fulcrum, valve, throttle, steamer engine 2096-2099 lift and force pump 2086-2088 lift pumps 2091, 2092 plumber's force pump 2090 shell stowage, 14-inch 3048, 3049 sprocket chain 2094, 2095 swivel 1310-1317, 3331 Lock pin for safe in secretary bureau 3248 Locker, foot of 2051 wire; fastener for 2017 wire, mess; hanger for 2059, 2060 Locking bolt 1550-1552 eye, raised water-tight hatch. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) pin for coal chute (see Bolt, locking) 3362 Lower rod for safe locker in secretary bureau 3250 Lubricator support 2187 Lug, collar 2013, 2014 terminal 1425-1430 M, Machine wrench, double ended (see Wrench) 3840-1842 single ended (see Wrench) 1843-1859 Machinist clamp 3348 Main sheet band 1971 Die No. Male gooseneck ' 1471-1474 Male hinge 1388-1397, 3069, 3076, 3077, 3271 pad 1414-1420, 3073, 3131, 3150, 3309, 3350 Mast, cage; fittings: bottom left hand 2033 right hand 2034 top left hand 2035 right hand 2036 Mast, traveler; hook 2062 Maul, -riveting. (See Hammer, riveting.) Mess bench and table fittings. (See Fittings.) brace rod, eye end 2032 Metal block, double ; strap, outer 134 8 single; strap 1326-1328, 3333 Metal block, snatch: crosshead 3203-3206, 3323, 3405 hasp 3207-3210, 3325, 3406 link 3211-3214, 3324, 3407 strap 3199-3302, 3404 Metal coaling block; pin for 2124 single; strap 1330, 1331 Mine case clamp 2050 Mine fittings (see Fittings) 2037-2049 Mine, N. D.; eyebolt. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) firing gear shackle for. (Sec Shackle.) Nippers, rope walk 1784-1787 Nose pad. (See Dog, flat.) for latch dog. (See Pad, dog, latch.) Nut, bolt, drop 3063 swinging water-tight door. (See Nut, octag- onal.) plug, patch, bulkhead 2230, 2231 Nuts. 2100-2114 fire-control equipment 3283 XXXY Die No. Nuts, hexagonal 2100 octagonal 2101, 3225 wing 2102-2114, 3386 O. Outer strap, double block 1340-1347 double metal block 1348 double wood block 1349 P. Pad, eye 3078 Pad eye, cross 1184-1219 marker buoy 3090 straight 1154-1183 Pads 2129-2141 boat chock 2130,2131 deck for mess table 3146 dog. (See Hinge pad, female.) for portable ventilators 2132 nose 214 1 fire-control tower 2129 guide, for gun-port shutters 2134, 2135 hinge gas engine cover 3291 female 1398-1412, 3120, 3126, 3151, 3193 male 1414-1420, 3073, 3131, 3150, 3309, 3350 non water- tight doors, hatches and man- holes. (See Hinge, male.) hoisting, for sailing launches and cutters. . . 2136 hook 1563, 2137, 2138 ladder, metal 2139, 3260 latch, dog, for gun port shutters 2133 nose. (See Dog, fiat.) rod, stay, used with boat stowage fittings 3027 stanchion 1750 strut, used with boat stowage fittings 3C26 Patch plug, bulkhead 2232, 2233 nut for 2230, 2231 XXXVI Die No. Pawl 2142 Peephole strongback in conning tower 2182 Peep sight clamp 3351 Pelican hook 1273,1277 (for housing chain stopper for chain cable) . 3005, 3164-3169, 3219 Pin. (See Bolt, eye.) Pins 2115-2128 ball head '. 2119-2120 belaying 2121-2123 Canopy 2125 coaling boom. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) drift 1788-1802 eye. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Havana floating dry dock. (See Pin, tapered.) jack rod 1475-1477 lock for safe locker in secretary bureau 3248 locking 3362 for coal chute. (See Bolt, locking) metal coaling block 2124 ridge pole. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) saddle, for steamer engine 1924, 1 925 square 2116 shackle, connecting, chain cable 1705-1710, 3001, 3008, 3009, 3030, 3031, 3036, 3084, 3086, 3096, 3138, 3140, 3142, 3144 swivel 3395, 3396 strut. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) tapered 2126 thole 2127,2128 thwart 3034 toggle. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Pipe flange " 1498-1506, 1509-1514, 3099-3122, 3232-3243, 3294-3297, 3111-3122, 3296, 3297, 3389, 3394 hanger clip 2009 plug for boiler headers 3134 socket... 2178 Pistol, signal: Die No. barrel 2234 hammer 2235 trigger 2236 Piston, for circulating engine. (See Hod, piston.) II. P. for steamer engine 1926-1928 L. P. for steamer engine 1929-1931 rod, steamer engine 1956-1958 rod, with crosshead..- 1955,3246 Plain, eyebolt. (See Bolt, eye.) Plate, chain 2003-2005, 3358 h'andhole, boiler. (See Cover, handhole.) handle 2143 face 3194 Plug nut, patch, bulkhead 2230, 2231 Plug patch bulkhead 2232, 2233 pipe for boiler header 3134 socket, pin for. (See Pin, ball-head.) tube, circulating boiler 1932 Pneumatic cape chisel; shank, octagonal 1759-1761 chisel shank, hexagonal 1752-1756 octagonal 1757 diamond point chisel, octagonal 1762 drill 1776 flat chisel, octagonal 1763-1765 gouging chisel, octagonal 1768 ripping chisel, octagonal 1769 scaling chisel, shank. ........ 1771 scaling chisel, square 1770 Port, cargo; dog 1626-1630 Post, rudder for 21-foot motor dory 3303 Projectile cap, 6-inch 2002 A. P., 8-inch 3016-3017 wind shield, 6-inch 2225 Propeller shaft for 33-foot steamer I960 40-foot steamer 1961 Pudding fender bracket 1995 Pump; crosshead, cap square 1907 Die No. Pump; crosshead, steam-launch feed 1908 fulcrum 2052 handle 2055-2057, 3378 lever, plumber's, force 1918 . lever, steam launch 1917 yoke for steam-launch feed 1909 Pumps, air; eccentric rod for steamer engine 1951-1954 lever for, for steamer engine 3378 handy-billy; bolt for air chamber. (See Bolt, drop.) Punch 1803, 1804 backing out, rivet 1805-1810 Punt lifter. (See Chain plate.) Punt rowlock : 2151 socket 2156 Q. Quadrant, steamer engine 1933-1937 throttle, steamer engine 1938-1941 R. Racing cutter, rowlock 2150 socket 2155 rudder brace 1991 Racks, towel, bracket 1996, 1997 tip, arm 2190 Rail, clip for 2010,2011,3380,3391 hand, knob 2082 pad, hand. (See Foot, stanchion.) stanchion, head. (See Bolt, eye.) shackle 3023 Reversing arm lever for steamer engine . 1900, 1901, 3263, 3377 Ridgepole pin. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Rigging screw, bolt 1564-15G8 shackle 1700-1704 swivel shackle 2169-2173 pin 3395, 3396 turnbuckle sleeve... . 2210-2214 Die No. Rings 3305-3308, 3363-3365 clinch, swivel, chain 1988 mine-sweep kite 3097, 3098, 3190, 3191 telegraph, automatic 2229 Ripping chisel, octagonal 1769 Rivet backing-out punch 1805-1810 set 1811-1825 tap 1431-1470 tongs 1338, 1839 Riveter, compression, die for. (See Set, rivet.) Riveting hammer 1778-1781 Riveting maul. (See Hammer, riveting.) Rocker, spray, for submarine engine 3292 Rods, connecting cutter engine 3245 gasoline engine 1942, 1943 steamer engine 1946, 1947 blower 3372 circulating 3373 eccentric ahead, for cutter engine 3256 astern, for cutter engine 3257 head of, steamer engine 1949, 1950 pump, air, steamer 1950, 1951, 1954 steamer engine 1947, 1948 end of 2145 grab - . 1483, 1489, 1492 support 2053, 2054 guide for safe locker in secretary bureau 3251. 3252 jaw end 2144, 2146, 2148, 3230 lower, for safe locker in secretary bureau 3250 piston steamer engine 1956-1958 with crosshead 1955. 3246 engine blower 3374 stay, boat chocks. (See Bolt, drop.) stop for safe locker in secretary bureau 3253 suspension 3265 upper, for safe locker in secretary bureau 3249 Die No. Ropewalk nippers 1784-1787 Rowlock sockets 2155-2159 cutter, 24-foot 2158 dinghy, punt, and dories 2158 racing cutter 2155 steamer 21 57 whaleboat 2158 wherry 2159 Rowlocks 2149-2154 cutter, 24-foot 2153 dinghy, punt, and dories 2151 electric cutter 2149 racing cutter 2150 steamer 2152 whaleboat 2153 wherry 2154 Rudder bearing for 21-foot motor dory 3302 brace, cutter 1989, 1990 dinghy and wherry 1992 racing cutter 1991 sailing launch 1993 whaieboat 1994 Rudder gudgeon. (See Bolt, drop.) post 3303 Rung, ladder 2160 S. Saddle pin, for steamer engine 1924, 1925 Sailing launch bowsprit, inner end 1984 outer end 1985 rudder brace 1993 Scaling chisel, shank of 1771 square 1770 Screw bolt, rigging 1564, 1568 Screw eye. (See Bolt, eye.) Screw pin, for metal coaling block. (See Pin, block, coaling.) Die No. Screws, clamping 2166 rigging, swivel shackle for 2169-2173 thumb 2167 Seaplane, eyebolt for 3129 Securing bolt 1559-1561 Segment, commutator 2161-2165, 3015 Set, rivet 1811-1825 yoke riveter. (See Set, rivet.) Shackle end. (See Rod, jaw, end.) Shackle pin, connecting, chain cable 1705-171 3001, 3003, 3009, 3036, 3084, 3096, 3138, 3140, 3142, 3144, 3400, 3402 screw, rigging 3395, 3396 Shackles 1645-1682, 3298, 3326, 3366-3368, 33S2 awning, rail and life line stanchion 3023 bending, chain cable 1686, 1687, 1695, 3040 block, coaling 1688, 1689 connecting 1683-1685 chain cable. 1690-1694, 3000, 3010, 3011, 3028, 3029, 3035, 3083, 3085, 3095, 3137, 3139, 3141, 3143 hoisting, boat 1696-1699, 3387 screw, rigging 1700-1704 pin 3395, 3396 swivel 3302 for rigging screw 2169, 2173 Shaft coupling, steam cutter. (See Shaft, propeller.) engine, blower, for steamer engine 3374 engine, circulating, for steamer engine . 3375 crank, gasoline engines 1959 propeller, for 33-foot steamer 1960 for 40-foot steamer 1961 Shank, chisel, hexagonal 1752, 1756 octagonal 1757 scaling 1771 Sheave, telegraph, automatic 2228, 3124 Die No* Shearing coupling, blank for, mine sweep gear 3091 Sheet, main, band 1971 Shell clip , . 2012 extractor 3220, 3284, 3289 stowage wedge 2223, 2224 Shipfitter's hammer 1782 wrench. (See Wrench, spud.) Shipwright's dog 1632-1634 Shouldered eyebolt. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Shroud eye. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Side strap for ammunition trolley 2186 Sight, peep, clamp 3351 Signal pistol, barrel 2234 hammer 2235 trigger 2236 Single block strap 1318-1325 hook. (See Hook, single, side.) metal coaling block strap 1330, 1331 block strap 1326-1328, 3333 wood block strap 1329 Sister hook 1250-1266, 3346 Sleeve, half, bolt, armor 1421-1424 turnbuckle, screw, rigging 2210-2214 Slice bar, point 1751 Snatch block, cheek and strap 3379 crosshead 1357-1363, 3203-3206, 3276, 3311, 3312, 3323, 3405 hasp 1364-1369, 3207-3210, 3313-3315, 3325, 3406 hook. (See Hook, swivel.) latch 1893-1899, 3316-3318 link 3211-3214, 3324, 3407 strap 1350-1356, 3199-3202, 3304, 3319-3322 Socket, arm, rack, towel 2174 bar, handle, for handy billy pump 2175 batten 2176,2177 XLIII Die No. Socket, dog 3067 pipe 2178 rowlock 2155-2159 cutter, 24-foot 2158 dinghy, punt and dory 2156 racing cutter 2155 steamer 2157 whaleboat 2158 wherry 2159 wrench 1861-1865 air hose 1863 air ports 1862 coal scuttles 1864, 1865 Solenoid dotter housing 3012 Soot door, dog and bolt hatch. (See Dog, with spindle.) latch, dog for. (See Handle, dog.) wrench for. (See Handle, dog.) Sounding tube flange 1508 ,r Spanner N. D. mine firing gear. (See Wrench, machine single-ended.) Spanner and wrench, combination 1860 Spanner wrench, hose 1872-1875 fire 1874 suction 1875 Spindle bolt, for boiler handhole covers 1983 Spray rocker for submarine engines (class S) 3292 Spring key 3270 Spud wrench 1876-1892 Square pin 2116 Stanchion band 1713, 1714 center eye, life line 1716 end for torpedo boats. (See Foot, stanchion; also Rod, jaw end.) eye. awning, for small boats 3047 foot 1718-1 733 head 1734-1746, 3352 awning 1741, 1742, 1871 XLIV Die No. Stanchion, head, guard line 1735 life line 1740 rail , 1738-1739 hook band, awning "1712 knob 1747-1749 life rail 1748, 1749 ladder 1711 pad 1750 shackle; awning, rail and life line 3023 yoke, valve - 1531-1549 Staple, blocking, dry dock 2180 hook, door 2179 Stay rod, for boat chocks. (See Bolt, drop.) pad; used with boat stowage fittings 3027 yoke, bailer 1969 Steam launch feed pump yoke 1909 Steamer engine piston, H. P 1926, 1928 rowlock 2152 socket 2157 Stem, valve, throttle, steamer engine 1963-1965 jaw end 1966 Stem, valve, with crosshead 1962 Stop, blade; female " left-hand 1826, 1830 right-hand 1827, 1831 male- left-hand 1828, 1832 right-hand 1829, 1833 lever for fire-control equipment 3282 rod for safe locker in secretary bureau 3253 training for fire-control equipment 3285 Stowage box, dog for. (See Dog, handled.) Strainer for H. P. fitting 3273 Straight grab 1490, 1491 pad eye 1154-1183 angle valve, H. P 2217 Strap and cheek, block, snatch 3379 XLV Die No. Strap, block, single 1318-1325 metal 1326-1328,3333 metal, coaling 1330, 1331 wood 1329 snatch .... 1350-1356, 3199-3202, 3304, 3319-3322 crank, end, for deck winch 1967 inner, block, double 1332-1339 outer, block, double 1340-1347 metal, double 1348 wood, double 1349 Strap, metal hose, rack. (See Hinge, female.) side for ammunition trolley 2186 Strongback 2181-2185 coal scuttle 2183-2185 hoe, cleaning, ash 1834 fire 1835,1836 housing chain stopper 3066, 3123, 3176-3180, 3218 peephole in conning tower 2182 Strut, block, thrust for cutter engine 3247 Strut jaw, lower, boat chocks. (See Rod, jaw end.) upper, boat chocks. (See Rod, jaw end.) pad, used with boat stowage fittings 3026 pin. (See Bolt, eye, collar.)" Stud, chain 1449-1470, 3032, 3033 jack rod. (See Pin, rod, jack.) Suction hose, spanner wrench for 1875 Support, hinge, berth 3197 lubricator 2187 rod, grab 2053, 2054 Suspension link. (See Link.) for valve gear. (See Link.) rod 3265 Swivel box 3041-3043 chain cable 1986, 1987, 3039, 3050-3054, 3088, 3093 chain, clinch ring 1988 eye 2027,2028,3044-3046 XLVI Die No. Swivel box, eye, mooring 3216 for coaling block. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) for coaling boom. (See Bolt, eye, col- lar.) hook 1237-1249, 3310, 3329 link 1310-1317,3331 mooring 3215 shackle ' 3022 for rigging screw 2169-2173 T. T -handle, door : 3384 T-wrench 1866 handle of 1870 Table, mess, fittings (see Fittings) Tap rivet 1431-1470 wrench 1867-1869 Tapered pin 2126 Tarpaulin hook 1285-1287 Tee, H. P 2189, 3222, 3228 Telegraph, automatic: dog 2226,2227 ring 2229 sheave - 2228, 3124 Terminal lug 1425-1430 Test-plug wrench and spanner, combination 1860 Thimble strap (see Strap, block, double, inner) . 3369-3371, 3385 Thole pin 2127, 2128 Throttle lever, for steamer engine 1921-1923 quadrant, steamer engine 1938-1 941 valve fulcrum link, for steamer engine. . . 2096-2099 valve quadrant. (See Quadrant, throttle.) valve stem, jaw end for steamer engine 1966 steamer engine 1963-1965 Thumbscrew 2167 Thwart pin 3034 Tie rod, end for. (See Rod, end.) Die No. Tiller for 21-foot motor dory 3277 Tiller lag screw. (See Bolt, eye.) Tip, arm, towel rack 2190 Toggle 2191-2207 bolt, (See Bolt, eye, collar.) pin. (See Bolt, eye, collar.) Tongs, rivet 1838-1839 Torpedo boat lifeline hook. (See Hook, lifeline.) Towel rack arm socket 2174 tip 2J90 bracket 1996, 1997 pin. (See Pin, ball head.) Towing gear connecting shackle for battle ships 1635 for destroyers 1683 shackle for. (See Shackle, connecting.) Track bolt 1554 Traveler boom band 1972 hook 2062 Trigger, signal pistol 2236 Trolley hook, ammunition 1278 Tube, boiler, cap 1900 circulating; plug 1932 clamp 3081, 30S2 escape, air, flange 1508 sounding, flange 1508 Turnbuckle eyes. (See Bolt, eye.) sleeve, rigging screw 2210-2214 Turnbuckles 2208, 2209, 3024, 3349 for housing chain stopper for chain cable. 3003, 3170-3175 U. Universal joint 2063-2065 Upper rod for safe locker in secretary bureau 3249 XLVIII V. Die No. Valve handle, butterfly 1497 Valve, angle 3231 H. P 3336 by-pass (right and left hand) 3266 cross H. P 3334 fuel check 3258 globe H. P 3335 H. P 2215,2216 handle for 3337 Valve, stem, end for, cutter engines. (See Bolt/ drop.) lower, engine. (See Stem, valve.) throttle- jaw end, for steamer engine 1966 steamer engine 1963-1965 with cross head 1962 straightaway 2217 Valve, yoke ' 1515-1530, 3388 Vent cowl rod, end for. (See Rod, jaw end.) outlet clamper handle 3290 turning gear, handle. (See Bolt, drop.) Ventilation pipe valve handle 1497 terminal damper handle 3301 Vents, gas, for battery box 1968 Very signal pistol fittings. (See Signal pistol.) W. Ward boiler tube cap. (See Cap, tube, boiler.) Washers boat shop crane 2218 Water connection, cooling for engine exhaust valves. (See Valve, straightaway.) Wedges, curved 2081 stowage, shell 2223, 2224 water-tight doors 2080 swinging door. (See Key.) Whaleboat, rowlock 2153 socket 2158 rudder brace 1994 Wherry rowlock 2154 socket 2159 12443119 Die No. Wherry and dinghy rudder brace 1992 Winch, deck, crank strap; end of 1967 Windshield, projectile, 6-inch 2225 Wing nuts 2102-2114,3386 Wire locker fastener 2017 Wood block, double; strap, outer 1349 single; strap 1329 snatch; strap 3319-3322 Wrench coupling 3343 Wrench and spanner, combination 1860 Wrench, elevating gear for interconnecting clutch 3262 engineer's 15 angle. (See Wrench, machine, single ended.) handle, socket and T 1870 housing chain stopper 3007, 3153-3158 machine double ended, 30 1840 double ended, straight 1841, 1842 single ended, 15 1844, 1845, 1847-1850, 1852-1858, 3339, 3340 single ended, 45 1851 single ended, 60 1843, 1846 single ended, straight 1859, 3341 jacking 3342 socket 1861-1865 spanner used with 4-inch mount 3189 spanner, hose 1872-1875 spud 1876-1892 T 1866 tap 1867-1869 for soot doors. (See Handle, dog.) throttle sector 3344 Y. Yoke riveter, set for 1814 Yoke, pump 1909 stanchion, valve 1531-1549 stay, boiler 1569 valve... . 1515-1530,3388 INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. BOSTON NAVY YARD. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. 1 1085 40 1638 78 1271 110 1131 2 1024 41 1616 79 1553 111 1020 3 1145 42 1365 80 1240 112 1036 5 1780 43 1281 81 1351 113 1038 6 1782 44 1190 82 1407 114 1394 7 1779 j| 45 1049 83 1:577 115 1246 8 1477 46 1882 84 1606 116 1399 9 1062 48 1722 85 1392 117 1388 10 lf>63 49 2240 86 2031 118 1370 11 1884 50 1221 87 1385 119 1356 12 1047 51 1224 88 1280 120 1242 13 1056 ro 1254 90 1155 121 1743 14 1058 53 1627 92 1159 122 1588 15 1032 ! 54 1267 93 1163 124 1401 16 1940 55 1895 94 1165 125 1409 17 1717 57 1604 % 1168 126 1611 18 1119 58 1894 97 1396 127 1582 19 1026 59 1352 98 1023 128 1594 20 22 1030 1487 60 61 1614 1635 99 I 1053 " i 2199 129 130 1561 1637 23 1476 62 1491 ,- 1789 131 1382 24 25 26 1110 1975 2060 63 1357 64 ! 1077 65 i 1241 100 1794 i 1795 I 1797 132 133 134 2212 2214 2171 27 28 1017 2059 : 66 67 1359 1373 101 J 1761 1 .1762 135 136 1275 1702 29 1.009 68 1414 102 1764 137 2171 30 31 1126 1715 69 70 2051 1361 103 f 1768 { 1769 138 139 1704 2173 32 1006 71 1362 104 1068 j 140 1277 33 34 1653 1734 72 73 1360 1353 105 J 2174 1 2190 141 142 1566 1568 36 2181 74 1353 106 1757 143 2173 37 1135 75 1366 107 1997 144 1787 38 2128 76 2004 108 2137 145 1784 39 1873 77 1351 109 2030 146 1634 INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. BOSTON NAVY YARD Continued. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. 147 1223 183 1898 221 2027 278 1461 148 1282 184 1244 222 1690 279 1462 149 1356 185 1354 223 1705 280 1463 150 2180 186 1243 225 1691 281 1464 151 1118 187 1897 227 1706 282 1465 152 2118 188 1367 233 1986 283 1466 153 1593 189 1364 240 1272 284 1467 154 1899 192 1350 246 1694 285 1468 155 1369 193 1893 247 mo 286 1469 150 1102 194 1239 248 1907 287 1470 157 2132 195 1701 249 1917 302 1236 158 1043 196 1564 250 1908 303 1683 159 1786 197 1273 252 1860 313 1695 160 1785 198 1276 256 1988 314 1686 161 162 1116 1299 199 200 2210 3211 257 f 2074 } 2142 315 316 1687 1978 163 1417 201 2169 258 1693 317 1977 164 1160 202 2213 259 1709 318 1684 165 1291 203 2213 260 1674 319 1685 166 2147 204 1703 261 1708 320 1630 167 1410 205 1276 262 1707 326 1296 168 1380 206 1565 263 2160 329 1620 169 2148 207 1567 264 1555 331 1662 170 171 172 173 174 1257 1253 1358 1225 1255 208 209 .210 211 212 1700 2170 2172 2172 1274 265 266 267 ?68 269 1692 1450 1449 1451 1452 332 333 334 335 336 1044 1479 1228 2061 1199 175 1259 213 1678 270 1453 373 1432 176 1355 214 1698 271 14-54 374 1434 177 1260 215 1008 272 1455 375 1437 178 179 1226 1261 216 217 1551 1556 273 274 1456 1457 376 f 1442 [ 1445 180 1355 218 1909 275 1458 530 1981 181 1368 219 1987 276 1459 538 2225 182 1354 220 ?0?8 277 1460 539 2002 INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard N-o. New No. Yard No. New No. 1-1 1024 3-# 1481 3-47 1650 4-24 1394 1-2 1025 3-3 1005 3-48 1279 4-27 2056 1-3 1029 3-4 1010 3-50 1087 4-28 1291 1-4 1031 3-5 1016 3-55 2207 4-^1 1160 1-5 1041 3-6 2050 3-59 1573 4-32 1299 1-6 1044 3-7 2060 3-60 Io77 4-34 1287 1-7 1046 38 1267 3-61 1580 4-35 2029 1-8 1049 3-9 1281 3-62 2105 4-36 1139 1-9 1057 3-17 15G2 3-63 2108 4-37 1719 -10 1059 3-18 1035 3-65 1007 4-38 1741 -11 -1060 3-19 1052 3-66 2232 4-39 1727 -12 1G64 3-20 1067 3-67 221 !3 4-40 1712 -13 1068 3-21 . 1074 3-68 2230 4-41 1726 -15 1070 3-22 2193 3-69 2231 4-44 1862 -19 1076 3-23 2195 3-72 2011 4-45 1511 -23 1083 3-24 2200 | 4-1 1582 4-48 1289 -27 1092 3-25 2202 4-3 1588 4-50 1514 1-32 1098 3-26 2203 4-4 1391 4-GO 1735 1-36 1100 3-27 1283 4-5 1490 4-61 1596 1-40 1101 3-28 2179 4-8 1381 4-62 2176 2-1 11.54 3-31 1744 4-7 1606 4-63 1406 2-2 1155 3-32 1729 4-8 1130 4-64 1609 2-3 1157 3-33 2031 4-9 2137 4-65 2032 2-4 1159 3-34 2175 4-10 1417 5-1 1318 2-9 1163 3-35 1002 4-11 1618 5-2 1332 2-10 1165 3-36 1745 4-12 1638 5-3 1340 2-11 1166 3-37 1731 4-14 1381 5-4 1319 2-12 1169 3-38 1550 4-15 1420 5-5 1333 2-1G 1196 3-39 2069 4-10 1559 5-6 1341 2-20 1195 3-40 1990 4-17 1560 5-7 1320 2-28 1202 3-42 1386 4-18 2184 5-8 1334 2-32 1201 3-43 1374 4-20 1594 5-9 1342 2-40 1208 3-44 1471 4-21 1408 5-10 1321 2-68 1217 3-45 1474 4-22 1866 5-11 1335 3-1 2239 3-16 2127 4-23 1865 5-12 1343 Mil INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD Continued. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. Now No. Yard No. New No. 5-13 1322 5-64 12-10 6-17 1133 7-57 1923 5-14 1336 5-65 1241 6-22 1141 7-58 1965 5-15 1344 5-66 1242 6-26 1144 7-59 1941 5-16 1323 5-67 1243 6-28 1149 7-GO 2099 5-17 1337 5-68 1244 6-29 1150 7-61 1928 5-18 1345 5-69 1245 6-30 1151 7-62 1931 5-19 1323 5-70 1246 6-32 1152 7-63 1948 5-20 1323 5-74 1237 6-34 1153 7-64 1901 5-21 1324 .5-82 1351 6-56 1137 : 7-65 2089 5-22 1338 5-83 1358 6-57 1147 7-66 1925 5-23 1346 5-84 1365 7-1 1921 7-fi7 1958 5-25 1339 5-85 1895 7-2 1963 7-C8 1946 5-26 1347 5-90 1353 7-3 1939 ; 7-69 1590 5-27 1325 : 5-91 1359 7-4 2098 7-70 1572 5-28 1221 5-92 1366 7-5 1926 7-71 1953 5-29 1250 5-98 1355 7-6 1929 7-72 1937 5-30 5-31 1222 1253 5-99 5-100 1361 1368 7-7 7-8 1956 1945 7-73 7-74 2227 2228 5-32 1224 5-101 1898 7-9 1933 9-1 1753 5-33 1257 5-106 1356 7-21 1922 9-2 1820 5-34 1225 5-107 1362 7-22 1964 9-4 1818 5-35 1?55 5-108 1369 7-23 1940 9-5 1810 5-36 1259 5-109 1899 7-24 2097 9-6 1812 5-37 1226 5-115 1363 7-25 1927 9-7 1814 5-38 5-39 1227 1260 5-142 6-1 1689 1106 7-26 7-27 1930 1957 9-11 f 1766 i 1767 5-40 1229 6-2 1108 7-28 1944 9-12 1758 5-44 1231 8-3 1109 7-29 1935 9-13 1817 5-45 1263 6-6 1112 7-42 1584 9-14 1817 5-47 5-48 1233 1266 6-7 6-8 1120 1115 7-43 7-44 1947 2085 9-15 9-16 1809 1807 5-49 1312 6-11 1124 7-45 1924 9-17 1633 5-50 1313 6-14 ir>5 7-40 1952 9-18 1792 5-52 1314 6-15 1128 7-47 1570 9-19 1793 5-63 1239 6-16 1132 7-48 1900 9-20 1796 LIT INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD Continued. Yard No. New No. Yard No. Now No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. 9-21 1798 9-33 1886 12-1 1913 12-8 1494 9-22 1799 9-34 1887 12-2 1911 12-13 1751 9-23 1800 9-35 1889 * 12-3 1905 12-14 1969 9-24 1801 9-42 1754 12-4 1902 12-15 1906 9-25 1 1839 11-1 1915 12-5 1936 9-^6 1781 11-2 1914 12-6 1601 9-31 1880 11-3 1968 12-7 2112 INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. NEW YORK NAVY YARD. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. 1 1288 32 1098 69 1624 107 2057 2 3 1300 1037 33 34 1118 1123 70 71 1631 1626 108 109 1372 2055 4 1028 35 1129 72 1617 110 1865 5 1045 36 1138 73 1632 111 2239 6 1297 37 1142 74 1629 112 1479 7 1292 3S 1146 75 1612 113 1864 8-1 1290 39 1010 76 1614 114 1853 8-2 9 1292 2119 40 f 1015 { 2194 77 78 1605 1640 115 116 1866 1485 10 2125 41 1281 79 1623 117 1488 11 1000 42 1586 80 1618 117-A 1492 12 1004 43 1578 81 1154 118 2012 13 14 2001 2080 46 47 1127 1130 84 85 1159 1184 119 120 1490 2059 15 17-1 2081 1024 48 J 1051 { 2197 87 88-1 1569 1005 122 124 1365 1394 17-2 1025 49 1588 88-8 1187 125 1380 18 1113 50 1583 89 1163 126 1383 19-3 1029 51 1585 90 1165 127 1391 19-4 1031 52 1589 91 1166 li'8 1417 20-5 1041 53 1587 93 1?060 1 1?9 1377 20-6 1044 54 1036 93-13 1189 130 1378 21-7 1046 55 1973 95 1194 I 131 1418 21-8 1019 56 1594 96 1048 132 1416 22 1057 57 2168 97 1161 |i 133 1407 23 1059 58 1611 98 2029 134 1285 24 1068 59 1604 99 2052 135 1286 25 1069 60 1622 100 1508 136 1241 26 1078 61 1770 101 1778 137 1242 27 1075 62 1756 102 1777 138 1243 28 1081 63 1755 103 1783 139 1244 29 1084 64 1760 104 1497 140 1284 30 1094 64-A 1765 105 1390 141 1267 31 1096 67 1360 106 1638 142 1563 LVI INDEX o? FORMER DIE NUMBERS. NEW YORK NAVY YARD Continued. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. Nev/ No. Yard No. New No. 143 1221 179 2087 203 1666 238 218.') 144 1222 180 2091 204 1871 239 1635 145 1224 181 2090 205 2144 240 2208 J46 1225 182 2095 206 1718 241 1352 147 1226 183 2094 207 2182 243 1354 148 1228 184 1073 208 1749 244 1851 149 1230 185 2126 209 1H8 245 2174 150 1232 186 2123 210 1139 246 1996 J51 1234 187-1 1792 211 1739 247 2120 .152 1250 187-2 1793 212 1723 24S 2003 153 1253 187-3 1796 213 1340 249 1732 154 1256 187-4 1798 214 1341 250 1746 155 12-20 187-5 1799 215 1342 251 1730 156 1258 187-6 1800 216 1343 252 1745 157 1259 188 1801 217 1344 253 1729 158 1260 189 2127 218 1345 254 1744 159 160 1262 1265 190 | 1054 1 2198 219 220 1346 1347 255 256 1621 1171 161 162 1264 1240 191 f 1001 \ 2191 221 222 1318 -1319 257 258 1172 1173 163 164 1261 1251 192 J 1066 { 2201 223 224 1320 1321 259 260 1174 1175 165 1252 193 2204 225 1322 261 1176 166 167 2076 2068 194 f 1080 j 2205 226 22-7 1323 1324 262 263 1177 1179 168 1229 195 1816 228 1325 264 1180 170 1897 195-20 1824 229 1332 265 1183 171 1802 196 1822 230 1333 266 1215 172 1239 197 1819 231 1334 268 2131 173 1918 198-11 1823 232 1335 269 2130 174 1235 198-12 1823 233 1336 270 1419 175 2093 199 1804 231 1337 271 1403 176 2088 200 2054 235 1338 272 1405 177 2086 201 1825 236 1339 273 2053 178 2092 j 202 1813 237 2183 274 2141 LTII INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. NEW YORK NAVY YARD Continued. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New ! No. Yard No. New No. Yard >:o. 275 2133 315 1441 352 1625 395 1552 276 1398 316 1430 353 2134 396 1022 277 1603 317 1429 354 2135 397 2014 278 2178 318 1428 355 1402 398 2013 279 1421 319 1427 355-A 1404 400 1387 281 1423 320 1426 356 2138 '401 1371 282 1995 321 1425 357 1400 402 1107 283 2009 322 1867 358 1415 403 1838 284 2100 323 1869 359 1376 404 1412 285 2111 324 1447 MO-1 2115 405 1393 287 1578 325 1439 360-2 2117 408 1970 288 1598 326 1444 361 1716 412 1596 289 2147 327 1438 362 1269 413 2000 290 1475 328 1435 363 1411 414 2175 291 2148 329 1433 364 1725 415 1289 292 1776 330 1436 365 1726 416 1278 293 2218 331 1431 366 1728 417 2186 295 1608 332 1446 367 2006 418 211C 296 1607 333 1448 369 2007 419 1974 297 298 2164 2165 334 335 1443 1509 370 371 2008 1064 420 f 1034 1 2196 299 300 2209 2161 336 337 1510 1511 372 373 1071 1076 421 J 2206 1 1088 301 2162 338 1512 378 1982 422 2234 302 2146 339 1513 379 2016 42-3 1554 303 1299 340 1348 380 1558 424 1980 304 1114 341 1327 382 2189 425 1979 305 2109 342 1385 383 2015 426 1560 306 2107 343 1397 384 2215 427 1559 307 2114 344 1557 385 2216 428 1582 308 2103 345 1661 386 1496 429 1592 309 2102 346 2163 387 1863 429-A 1591 310 1375 347 1422 388 2058 430 1597 311 1389 348 1424 392 218S 430-A 1595 314 1440 349 1740 394 1089 434 1647 LVIII INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. NEW YORK NAVY YARD Continued. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. 435 1652 479 2101 521 1316 1017 1841 437 1656 480 1331 522 1245 1018 1840 438 1658 481 1736 523 1238 1019 1843 439 1659 482 1750 524 1311 1020 1846 441 2176 483 1713 532 1303 1021 2082 442 2177 484 1714 533 1304 1022 1721 443 1663 485 2129 534 1305 1023 * 1720 445 1667 486-2 2017 535 1307 1024 1737 447 1672 . 489 2063 536 130S 1025 1711 449 1675 494 2223 537 1309 1026 1747 451 1681 495 2224 538 1742 1027 1105 454 f 1011 { 2192 497 498 1733 1498 553 554 3248 3249 1028 1029 1014 1033 455 1018 499. 1499 554 3250 1030 1050 456 1699 500 1500 555 3251 1031 1065 457 1003 501 1501 556 3252 1032 1072 459 2158 502 1502 557 3253 1033 1079 460 2153 503 1503 558 3254 1034 1086 461 2155 504 1504 559 3255 1035 1093 462 2150 505 1507 1000 2084 103G 1095 463 2159 506 1505 1001 1916 1052 1027 464 2154 507 1506 1002 1954 1053 1019 465 2151 508 1270 1003 1949 1054 2113 466 2156 509 2083 1004 2089 2067 467 46S 2149 2157 510 511 2140 2124 1005 1006 1901 1950 1055 2070 2071 469 2152 512 1994 1007 1938 2073 470 1849 513 1992 1008 2096 1056 2075 471 1850 514 1574 1009 1590 1057 1494 472 1S52 515 1991 1010 1925 1059 1515 473 1854 516 2139 1011 1953 1060 1516 474 1857 517 1312 1012 1966 1061 1517 475 1868 518 1313 1013 1920 1062 1518 476 1759 519 1314 1015 1951 1063 1519 477 1763 520 1315 1016 1842 1064 1520 INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. NEW YORK NAVY YARD Continued. Yard New Yard New Yard New Yard New No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1065 1521 1089-2 1546 1126 1983 1145 3229 1066 1522 1090 1547 1127-1 2226 1146 3230 1067 1523 1091 1548 1127-2 2229 1147 3231 1068 1524 1092- 1549 1128 1642 1148 3274 1069 1525 1098 1936 1129 1600 1149 3332 1070 1526 1099 1934 1130 1751 1150 3233 1071 1527 1100 2085 1131 1836 1151 3234 1072 1528 1101 1570 1132 1835 1152 3235 1073 1529 1103 1900 1133 1834 1153 3236 1074 1530 1104 1947 1134 1837 1154 3237 1082-1 1531 1107 1919 1135-1 1827 1155 32C8 1082-2 1532 1109 1941 1135-2 1826 1156 3239 1083-1 1533 1112 2098 1135-3 1829 1157 3240 1083-2 1534 1113 2097 1135-4 . 1828 1158 3241 1084-1 1535 1114 1937 1136-1 1831 1160 3242 1084-2 1536 1115 1955 1136-2 1830 1162 3243 1085^1 1537 1116 1772 1136-3 1833 1169 3244 1085-2 1538 1117 1773 113G-4 1832 1171 f 3256 1086-1 1539 1118 1774 1137 1495 1 3257 1086-2 1540 1119 1775 1138 1998 1172 3215 1087-1 1541 1121 1962 1139 2217 1173 3245 1087-2 1542 1122 1602 1140 3226 1174 3247 1088-1 1543 1123 1636 1141 3227 1088-2 1544 1124 22X5 1142 3228 1089-1 1545 1125 2236 1143 3273 LX INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. NORFOLK NAVY YARD, Yard No. Nc'.v No. Yard No. New No. 1187 Yard No. New No. Yard No. New No. 1-1 1024 2-8 2-57 1181 3-29 1483 1-2 1025 2-9 1163 2-58 1182 3-30 1484 1-3 1029 2-10 1165 2-60 1183 3^31 1486 1-4 1031 2-11 1166 2-61 1214 3-32 1489 1-5 1041 2-12 1168 2-64 1218 3-33 1870 1-6 1044 2-13 1189 2-65 1215 3-34 2018 1-7 1046 2-14 1192 2-66 1216 3-35 2019 1-8 1049 2-16 1196 2-68 1217 3-36 2020 1-9 1057 ! 2-17 1188 2-69 1219 3-37 2021 1-10 1059 2-18 1191 3-1 14S2 3-38 2022 1-11 1060 2-19 1193 3-2 1478 3-39 2023 1-12 1064 2-20 1195 3-3 1005 3-40 2024 1-13 1068 2-21 1171 3-4 1010 3-41 2025 1-15 1070 2-23 1172 3-5 1016 3-42 2023 1-17 1075 2-24 1173 3-6 2059 3-43 2026 1-20 1078 2-25 1198 3-7 2060 3-44 2238 1-22 1082 2-28 1202 3-9 1281 3-45 2237 1-24 1084 2-29 1197 3-10 1628 3-47 1985 1-2G 1091 2-31 1200 3-11 1550 3-48 1984 1-28 1094 2-32 1201 3-12 1021 3-49 1413 1-30 1097 2-33 1174 3-13 1039 3-50 1087 1-33 1099 2-30 1176 3-14 1055 3-S1 2207 1-36 1100 2-37 1204 3-16 1619 3-52 2072 1-40 1101 2-40 1206 3-17 1639 3-53 2077 1-42 1103 2-41 1203 3-18 1035 3-54 2078 1-45 1104 2-43 1205 3-19 1052 3-55 2079 1-GO 1090 2-44 1207 3-20 1067 3-56 1643 1-61 .1042 2-45 1177 3-21 1074 3-57 1613 2-1 1151 2-46 1178 3-22 2193 3-58 1268 2-2 1155 2-18 1180 3-23 2195 3-60 1751 2-3 1157 2-49 1210 3-24 2200 3-68 I960 2-4 1159 2-52 1213 3-25 2202 3-69 1961 2-5 1184 2-53 1209 3-26 2203 3-70 2145 2-6 1185 2-54 1211 3-27 1283 3-71 1910 2-7 118G 2-56 1212 3-28 2179 3-72 2112 LXI INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. NORFOLK NAVY YARD Continued. Yard No. New ' No. Yard No. New No. Yard No. New ! No. Yard No. New No. 3-73 1602 3-114 2045 4-29 1298 5-27 1325 3-74 1636 3-115 2042 4-30 1290 5-28 1221 3-75 1395 3-116 2039 4-31 1160 : 5-29 1250 3-76 2122 3-118 2038 4-32 1299 5-30 1222 3-77 2050 3-119 2037 4-33 1289 5-31 1253 3-78 2036 3-121 2044 4-34 2136 5-32 1224 3-79 2035 3-122 2043 4-35 1989 5-33 1257 3-80 2034 3-123 2046 4-36 1292 5-34 1225 3-81 2033 3-126 2040 4-37 1294 5-35 1255 3-82 1903 3-127 2049 4-38 1571 5-36 1259 3-83 1912 3-128 2143 4-39 1576 5-37 1226 3-84 3-85 1904 1932 3-129 3-130 1493 1859 4-40 5-1 1575 I 1318 5-38 5-39 1227 1260 3-86 1967 3-131 2047 5-2 1332 5-40 1229 3-87 2010 4-1 1581 5-3 1340 5-41 1261 3-88 2187 4-2 1604 5-4 1319 5-42 1230 3-89 1942 4-3 1589 5-5 1333 5-43 1262 3-90 1976 4-4 1391 5-6 1341 5-44 1231 3-91 1959 4-5 1491 5-7 1320 5-45 1263 3-92 J 1738 { 1748 4-6 4-7 1380 1606 5-8 5-9 1334 1342 5-47 5-4S 1233 1266 3-93 1724 4-8 1130 5-10 1321 5-55 1317 3-94 1270 4-9 2137 5-11 1335 5-63 1239 3-97 2066 4-10 1417 5-12 1343 5-64 1240 3-101 1610 -if 1618 5-13 1322 5-65 1241 3-102 1641 -12 1638 5-14 1336 5-66 1242 3-103 1615 -13 1614 5-15 1344 5-67 1243 3-104 1644 -14 1383 5-17 1337 5-6S 1244 3-105 1599 -20 1594 5-18 1345 5-70 1246 3-106 1943 4-22 1866 5-20 1323 5-71 1247 3-107 1999 4-23 1864 5-21 1324 5-72 1248 3-108 2166 4-24 1394 5-22 1338 5-73 1249 3-111 2104 4-25 1379 5-23 1346 5-74 1237 3-112 2110 4-26 1295 5-25 1339 5-76 1310 3-113 2106 4-27 1293 5-26 13-17 5-122 1328 LXII INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. NORFOLK NAVY YARD Continued. Yard New Yard Nw Yard New Yard New No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 5-123 1348 6-24 1143 7-16 1657 9-19 1878 5-124 1301 6-26 1144 7-17 1660 9-20 1879 5-133 1302 6-28 1149 7-19 1C64 9-21 | 1881 5-137 1306 6-30 1151 7-21 1G73 9-22 1883 5-141 1688 6-32 1152 7-22 1676 9-23 1885 5-142 1G89 6-56 1137 7-24 1682 9-24 1888 5-144 1330 6-57 1147 7-33 1670 9-25 1890 5-147 2124 6-58 1117 7-34 1655 9-26 1891 6-1 1106 7-1 1645 7-35 1649 9-27 1892 6-2 1108 7-2 1698 9-1 1752 9-28 1839 6-3 1109 7-3 1697 9-2 1771 9-29 1872 6-5 1111 7-4 1696 9-3 1806 9-31 1844 6-6 1112 7-5 1677 9-4 1805 9-32 1845 6-8 1121 7-7 1671 9-5 1821 9-33 1847 6-10 1122 7-8 1680 9-6 1811 9-34 1848 6-11 1124 7-9 1668 9-7 1815 9-40 1855 6-14 1125 7-10 1669 9-8 1861 9-41 1856 6-15 1128 7-11 1665 9-9 1788 9-42 1858 6-16 1132 7-12 1679 9-10 1790 9-47 1808 6-18 1134 7-13 16-16 9-11 1791 9-48 1875 6-19 1136 7-11 1648 9-17 1876 9-49 1874 6-22 1140 7-15 1651 9-18 1877 LXIII INDEX OF FORMER DIE NUMBERS. PORTSMOUTH, N. H., NAVY YARD. Yard New Yard New Yard New Yard New No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 1024 48 1170 134 1335 233 1638 2 1025 101 1318 135 1336 234 1618 3 1029 102 1319 138 1338 235 1605 4 1031 103 1320 139 1339 236 1480 5 1041 104 1321 147 1240 237 1994 6 1044 105 1322 148 1241 238 1992 7 104G 106 1323 149 1242 239 1574 8 1049 107 1324 150 1243 248 2062 9 1057 108 1325 161 1351 254 1972 10 1059 109 1326 163 1353 255 2005 11 1061 116 1340 179 1896 256 1803 12 1064 117 1341 181 1898 257 1993 13 1068 118 1342 192 1365 258 1472 14 1013 119 1343 194 1366 3*1 1971 41 1154 120 1344 204 1358 390 1473 42 1156 121 1345 206 1359 381 1654 43 1158 122 1346 217 1005 393 1012 44 1162 123 1347 218 1010 399 2121 45 1163 131 1332 219 1016 406 1349 46 1164 132 1333 220 1281 407 1329 47 1167 133 1334 232 1481 LXIT BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/4" Eye, 3 16" Length, 1 5/8" Weight (steel), 0.06 I>ie number, 100O-Y Former die number, (11) 124431191 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/4". Eye, 14' Length, 1 12' (steel). (M)8 Die number, 1001-Y Former die iiumDer, (191) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/4" Eye, 1/4" Length, 3" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1002 -M Former file numljer, OJ-;i5 > 3 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/4" Eye, 1/4" Length, open die AVeiglit, Ibs. J>le number, 1003- Y Former die numtoer, (457) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/1 G 7/ Eye, 5/16" Length, 3 11/16" Weight (steel), 0.13 II). Die numUer, 10O4-Y Former die number, (12) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/8" Eye, 1/4" Length, 1" Weiglit (brass), 0.075 ll>. Die number, 1.005 -MNYP Former die numbers, (3-3) (3-3) (88-1) (217) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3 /*' Eye, 1/4" Length, 1" Weight (stool), o.w; ID. lo numtoer, 1006-B Former die mimtoer, (32) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/8" Eye, 1/4" Length, 3" Weiglit, Ibs. IMe number, 1007-M Former ollc number, (3-65) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/8 /x Eye, 5/16" Length, 7,16" Weight (steel), 0.13 ID. Die number, 1008-B Former die number, (215) a HOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/8' Eye, 5/16" Length, 12" Weight o.i; u>. Die number, 10O9-B J oi ni.-r u> number, 1010 -YPMX Former 3) 13 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/8" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, 2 11 16" WOigllt, le number, 1013-P Former die immtoer, (14) 14 BOLT, KYE, COLLAR, 3/8" Eye, 1 3,8" Length, open dk- Weight, Die number, 1O14-Y Former die numTber, (1028) 1.5 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2 X/ Eye, 3/8" Length, 2 7/8" Welglit (steel), 0.22 n>. ie number, 101>-Y Former die numl>or, (10) 16 XOOT3 TOM BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 3/8* Lengtfi, 2 7/8" Welglit (steel), 0.22 rt>. Die numDer, 1016-MNP Former die number, (3-5) (3-5) (219) 12443119 2 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 3/8" Length, 2 15/16* Welgnt (steel), 0.25 ll>. Die number, 1017-B Former die numl>er, (27) 1 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 3/8" Length, open die Weight, IDS. Die mimtoer, 1018-Y Former die numt>er, (4=55) 19 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die numDer, 1019 -Y Former die number, (1053) 20 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Weight, Vfos. Die number, 1020-B Former die number, (111) 21 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 5/8" Length, open die Welgllt, lt>s. Die numt>er, 1021-N Former ale number, (3-12) 22 >IOOT8 TOM BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2 X/ Eye, 3/4" Length, 1 3/8" Welgbt (steel), 0.25 ID. Die number, 1022-YM Former die number, (396) 23 NOT STANDARD STOCK \ BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 3/4" Length, 2 5/8" Weight (steel), 0.25 Ib. Die number, 1023-B Former die number, (98) 24 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 3/4" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 1024-BYPMN Former die numbers, (2) (17-1) (1) (1-1) (1-1) 25 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2' Eye, 7/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs. Dlelnumber, 1025 -PNMY, Former die numbers, (2)Jl-2) (1-2) (17-2) NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 7/8" Length, open die Welgnt, Ifos. Die number, 1026-B Former die number, (19) XOOT3 QHACIWAT3 TOM BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 1" Length, 1 1/2" Welglit, Ibs. Die number, 1027-Y Former die number, (1052) 2S BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 1" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 1028- Y Former ale iiumtoer (4) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 1" Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 1029-PNMY Former die numbers, (3) (1-3) (1-3) (19-3) 30 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 1" Length, open die Weiglit, IbS. Die numtoer, 1030-B Former die number, (20) 31 >IOOT8 idflACIMAT BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Weiglit (steel) IDs. Die number, 1031-PNMY Former ale numbers, (4) (1-4) (1-4) (19-4) 32 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 1932-B Former ale number, (15) 12443119 3 33 )IOOT8 TOM BOLT S EYE, COLLAR, 1/2 X/ Eye, 1 5/8" Length, 1 1/2" Weight, Itos. Die number, 1033-Y Former die number (1029) 34 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 3/8" Length, open die Welgnt, Ibs. Die numtoer, 1034-Y Former ale numtoer, (420) 35 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 7/16" Length, open die Weight, ll>s. Die number, 1035-NM Former die numbers, (3-18) (3-18) 36 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 5/8" Length, open die Welgnt, ll>s. Die number, 1036-BY Former die numbers, (112) (54) 37 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 5/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 1037 -TT Former (Lie numtoer, (3) NOT STANDARD STOCK >IO|DT8 ORAQMAT2 1 '' BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/S" Eye, 5J8" Length, open die Weight, ll>s. Die number, 1038-B " Former die number, (113) 39 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8' Eye, 3/4* Length, open die Weignt, IDs. Die numtoer, 1039 -N Former die niimt)er, (3-13) 40 NOT STANDARD STOCK / BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 7/8* Length, open die Weight, ibs. iMe number, 1040-B Former die number, (16) 41 >IOOT8 U/lMUflAlC I BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 7/8" Length, open die Weight (steel) Itos. Die numb er, 1041-PNMY Former die numbers, (5) (1-5) (1-5) (20-5) 42 WOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, I" Length, 3/8" Weight, ll>s. Die numl>er, 1042-N Former die number, (1-61) 43 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, I" Length, 1 1/16" Weight (steel), 0.31 lb. Die number, 1043-B Former ale number (158) 44 QflAQMAT8 TOM BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 1" Length, open die Welglit (steel) IDs. Die numtoer, 1044-PNMYB Former die numbers, (6) (1-6) (1-6) (20-6) (332) 45 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 1 1/16" Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die numDer, 1015-Y Former die numDer (5) 46 XOOT8 TOM BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Weight (steel) Ibs. Die number, 1046-PNMY Former die numbers, (7) (1-7) (1-7) (21-7) 47 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Welgnt, lt>s. Die numtoer, 1047 -B Former ale numtoer, (12) 48 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8 x Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 1048-Y Former die number, (96) 12443119 4 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 1 1/4" 'Length, open die Weignt (steel), IDs. me number, 1049-PMNBY Former die numbers, (8) (1-8) (1-8) (45) (21-8) 50 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 1 3/4" Length, 1 3/4" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1050-Y Former die number, (1030) 51 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, Eye, 3/8" Length, open die Weight, Ibs. Die ntinil>er, 1051-Y Former die number, (48) X30T8 TOI/1 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Weight. Ibs. Die number, 1052-MN Former die numbers, (3-19) (3-19) 53 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Weight, Itos. Die number, 1053-B Former die number, (99) 54 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Weight, Ibs. IMe number, 1054-Y Former die number, (190) 55 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, 15/16" Length, open die Weight, ll>s. Die number, 1055 -N Former die number, (3-14) 56 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, I" Length, open die Weiglit, Ibs. Die number, 1056-B Former die number, (13) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, 1" Length, open die Weignt (steel), lt>s. Die number, 1057-PMNY Former die numbers, (9) (1-9) (1-9) (22) 58 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die number, 1058-B Former die number, (14) 59 XOOT8 QHA01/IAT8 TOM /M 1 <^ / <* T^ vfk -H v f^/-* 1 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, 1 1/8* Length, open die WeigHt (steel), IDs. Die number, 1059-PMNY Former rtie numbers, (10) (1-10) (1-10) (23) GO m BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4 /x Eye, 1 1/4" Length, open die Weight, Ibs. Die numDer, 1060-MN Former aie numbers, (1-11) (1-11) NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4 /x Eye, 1/4" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die number, 1061-P Former die number, (11) XOOT8 QflAQl/lAT8 TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4 /x Eye, 1 1/4" Length, open die lt>s. Die number, 1062 -B Former die number, (9) 63 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, 1 1/2" Length, open die Weight, ' Die numtoer, 1063-B Former ale number, (10) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 34" Eye, 11/2" Length, open die Welglit (steel), IDs. Die number, 1064-PMNY Former die numbers, (12) (1-12) (1-12) (371) 12443119 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/4" Eye, 1 7/8" Length, 1 3/4" Weiglit Ibs. Die nuniDer, 1065-Y Former die number, 60 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 7/8 /x Eye, 1 12" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs. I>Ie number, 1066-Y Former die number, (192) 67 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 7/8" Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1667 -MN Former die numbers, (3-20) (3-20) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 7/8" Eye, I" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs, Die number, 1008-PBMNY Former tlie numbers, (l.'J) (101) (1-1.5) (1-13) (24) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 7/8" Eye, 1 1/4" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs. I>le number, 1069-YM Former die number, (25) 70 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 7/8" Eye, 1 12" Length, open die Welglit, ll>s. Die number, 1070-MN Former die numbers, (1-15) (1-15) 71 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, .7/8" Eye, 1 3/4" Length, epen die Weight (steel), ll>s. Die number, 1071-Y Former die number, (372) 72 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 7/8" Eye, 2 1/8" Length, 1 7/8" Weiglit, Ibs. me number, 1072 -Y Former die numtoer, (1032) 73 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, \" Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Weight (steel), 9.88 Ib. Die number, 1073-Y Former die number, (184) 74 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, V Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1074-MN Former die numbers, (3-21) (3-21) 75 / V BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, \" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 1075-NY Forme f die numbers, (1-17) (27) T6 XDOT8 (WACWATS TOM BOLT, *7E, COW,A, \" Ere, 1 5/8" Length, open die Weight (stetfl), ll>s. Die numtoer, 1076-MY former die numbers, (1-19) (373) 77 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, I /y Eye, 1 3/4" Length, open die Weight, itos. Die number, 1077 -li Former die iiumljer, (61) 78 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, \" Eye, 1 7/8" Length, open die Welglit (steels IDs. Ie number, 1078-NY Former die numbers, (1-20) (26) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1" Eye, 2 1/4" Length, 2" Weigllt, Die number, 1079-Y Former die number, (1033) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/8" Eye, 9/16" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1080-YM Former die numtoer, (194) 12443119- BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/8" Eye, 1 3/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 1081 -Y Former die number, (28) 82 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/8" Eye, 1 5/8" Length, open die Welglit, IDs. Die number, 1082-N Former die numtoer, (1-22) 83 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/8" Eye, 17/8" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1083-M Former die number, (! )IOOT3 CJRAGMAT8 TOW BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/8" Eye, 2 1/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 1084-NY Former die numbers, (1-24) (29) NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/8" Eye, 2 1/4* Length, open die Weight, IDS. Die number, 1085-B Former die number, (1) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/8" Eye,. 2 3/8" Length, 2" Weiglit, Ibs. Die number, 1086-Y Former die number, (1034) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/4" Eye, 9/16" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die number, 1087-MX Former die numbers, (3-50) (3-.50; OT8 QRAQMAT8 TO BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/4" Eye, 5/8" Length, open die Wei gilt, Ibs. Die number, 1088-Y Former die number, 89 NOT STANDARD STOCK 1 Welglit BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/4" Eye, 1 1/4" Length, open die IDs. Die number, 1089- Y Former die numDer, (394) 90 Weighty BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/4" Eye, 1 1/2" Length, open die Nonstandard For standard bolt see die No. 1091 Ibs. Die nuinber, 1090-N Former die number, (1-60) 91 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/4" Eye, 1 3/4 Weight, Length, open die IDs. Die number, 1091-N Former die number, (1-26) 92 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/4" Bye, 2" Length, open die Welgllt, Die number, 1092-M Former die number, (1-27) BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/4" Eye, 2 1/2" Length, 2" Weight, Itos. Die number, 1093-Y Former die number, (1035) 04 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/4" Eye, 2 1/4" Length, open die Weight (steel), Itos. Die number, 1094-NY . Former die numtoers, (1-28) (30) 95 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 3/8" Eye, 2 5/8" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die number, 1095 -Y Former die number, (1036) BOLT, lilE, COLLAR, 1 1/2" Eye, 1 5,8" Length, open die Welglit (steel), ibs. Die number, 1096- YM Former die immtoer (31) 12443119 7 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/2* Eye, 1 7,8* Length, open die weigriit; ll>s: Die number, Former die number, (1-30) . BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/2" Eye, 2 3/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs. l>ie number, 1098-MY former die numbers, (1-32) (;J2) 99 v,.v i BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 3/4" Eye, 1 7/8" Length, open die Weight., ibs. l>ie Former die number, (l-3'J 100 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, I 3/4" Eye, 2 5/8" Length, open die Ibs. Die number, 1100-MN Former die numbers, (1-36) (1-36) 101 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 2" Eye, 2 7/8" Length, open die Itos, I>ie number, 1101-MJV aic numbers, (1-40) (l 102 NOT STANDARD STOCK BQ^T, EYE, COLLAR, 2ft Eye, 3" : Length, open die, Die number, 1102-B Former die number. 108 )IOOT8 GaAGJ/IAT8 TOM 3* BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 2 1/4" Eye, 2 5/8" Length, open die Weight, tie numDer, Former dJe number, (1-42) 104 >IOOT8 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 2 l/2 /x Eye, 2 1/2" Length, open die Weight; ibs. Die number, IIOA-N Former die number, (1-45) 305 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, J i Kyc. 1 1/4" Length, open die Weight; - . Itos. ur Die number, 1105- Y. r.f-j .TMiffrfif Former die number, (1027) 106 XDOT8 TOM ll1 * 1 / ' 9 ' !^VViH * sj . BOLT, EYE, 3/8* Eye, 3/8" Length, open die Weigh t . IWK 1 l>ie iiumlser, IKHi-MN Fr>rmM- c.tte numbers, (6-D (-i '!>} .i-xfrntrrr r .ff 107 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, l/2 /x Eye, 7/16" Length, 2 21/32* Welglit (steel), 0.22 Die number, 1107 -Y Former die numl>er, (402) 108 Weight, BOLT, EYE, 1/2" Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Ibs. Die number, 1108-MN Former die numbers, (6-2) (6-2) 109 BOLT, EYE, 1/2 X/ Eye, 3/4" Length, open die Weiglit, ll>s. l>ie number, 1109-MN Former dte ninntoers, (6-3) (6-3) BOLT, EYE, I 2 , open die . MM. J)ie iiuml>er, 1110-B >m f^ffr-r/ /f Former die number, (24) 311 /TN Welgut, BOLT, EYE, 1/2" Eye, 1" Length, open die Ibs. Die number, 1111 -N Former die iiumDer, (6-5) 112 BOLT, EYE, 1/2" Eye, 1 1.8" Length, open die WeigHt, 11*5. Die number, 1112-MN Former die numbers, (6-6) (6-6) 12443119 8 113 BOLT, EYE, 9/16" Eye, 1/2" Length, open die Weignt (steel), Itos. I>ie number, 1113-Y Former clle number, (18) 114 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 5/8" Eye, 9/16'' Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 1114-Y Former die number, 115 NOT STANDARD STOCK GHACWAT8 WeigUt, BOLT, EYE, 5/8" Eye, 9/16" Length, open die IDs. Die number, 1115 -M Former die number, (6-8) NOT STANDARD STOCK 2 QflAQMATB TOM BOLT, EYE, 5/8" Eye, 5/8" Length, open die Weight, Ib.s. Die number, 1116-B Former die number, (161) 117 MQT3 NOT STANDARD STOCK J Weight, BOLT, EYE, 5/8" Eye, 5/8" Length, open die ll>s. Die number, 1117-N Former die immDer, (6-58) 118 b HOLT, EYE, 5/8" Eye, 5/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), R>s. Die number, 1118-BY Former die numbers, (151) (33) BOLT, EYE, 5/8" Eye, 11/16" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1119-B Former die mimtoer, (18) 120 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 5/8" Eye, 7/8" Length, open die Weignt, -aaMtmtCt Die number, 1120-M Former ale number, (6-7) 121 MOTS QRACMAT8 TOM BOLT, EYE, 5/8" Eye, 1" Length, open die Weight, IDs. le number, 1121-X Former die number, (6-8) 122 BOLT, EYE, 5/8" Eye, 1 1/4" Length, open die Weignt, IDs. r>ie numDer, 1122-N Former die nvimt>er, (6-10) 123 BOLT, EYE, 3/4" Eye, 7/8" Length, open die (steel), Die number, 1123-Y Former die number, (34) 124 BOLT, EYE, 3/4" Eye, 1" Length, open die Welgnt, Itxs. Die number, 1124-MN Former die numbers, (6-11) (6-11) 125 BOLT, EYE, 3/4" Eye, 1 1/2" Length, open die Welgnt, Lbs. Die number, 1125-MN Former die numbers, (6-14:) (6-14) 126 NOT STANDARD STOCK HI BOLT, EYE, 13/16" Eye, 1" Length, open die Weiglit, Ibs. I>ie number, 1126-B Former die number, (30) 127 BOLT, EYE, 7/8" Eye, 3/4" Length, 5 1/4' Weight (steel), 1.1 Die numDer, 1127-Y Former die numl>er, (46) 128 BOLT, EYE, 7/8" Eye, 1" Length, open die WeigHt, ihs. Die numtoer, 1128-MN Former die numbers, (6-15) (6-15) 12443119 9 1 29 BOLT, EYE, 7/8" Eye, 1" Length, open die Weight (steel), lt>s. Die nuinDer, 1129-Y Former die number, 130 >i30T8 tmAQi/IAT8 TOi/l BOLT, EYE, 7/8" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, 4 7/8" Welglit (steel), 1.2 IDs. Die number, 1130-MNY Former die numtoers, (4-8) (4-8) (47) 131 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 7/8" Eye, 1 I/a* Length, open die Weight, Itos. Die nuinl>er, 1131-B Former die numtoer, (110) 132 IWAT8 TOM BOLT, EYE, 7/8" Eye, 1 1/4" Length, open die Welgllt, ibs. Die numtoer, 1132- MN Former die numbers, (6-16) (6-16) NOT STANDARD STOCK Welglit, BOLT, EYE, 7/8" Eye, 1 1/2" Lenglh, open die IDs. Die number, 1133-M Former die numtoer, (6-17) 134 >IOOT8 <3flAGMAT8 TOW BOLT, EYE, 7/8" Eye, 1 3/4" Length, open die Wei gut, lt>s. Die number, 1134-N Former die number, (6-18) 135 NOT STANDARD STOCK -f- BOLT, EYE, 1" Eye, 1 1/16" Length, open die Weight, Ifos. Die number, 113.5-B Former die number, (37) 136 NOT STANDARD STOCK Weight, BOLT, EYE, \ Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Ifos. Die number, 1136-N Former die number, (6-19) 137 NOT STANDARD STOCK /-K Weignt, BOLT, EYE, 1" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Lbs. Die number, 1137-MN Former die numbers, (6-56) (6-56) 138 BOLT, EYE, 1" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die (steel), Ibs. Die numtoer, 1138-Y Former die nuniber, (36) 139 BOLT, EYE, 1" Eye, 1 1/4" Length, epen die Weight, Ibs. ie number, 1139-MY Former die numbers, (4-36) (210) 140 re BOLT, EYE, V Eye, 1 7/8" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1140-N Former die numDer, (6-22) 141 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 1" Eye, 1 3/4" Length, open die Weight, lt>s. Die numtoer, 1141-M Former die number, (6-22) 142 MOOT8 Ofl Ad WATS TOM BOLT, EYE, 1 1/8" Eye, 1 1/4" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 1142-Y Former die number, (37) 143 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 1 1/8" Eye, 1 5/8" Length, open die Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1143-N Former die number, (6-24) 144 /fjuic UnAUvlAio iui/1 BOLT, EYE, 1 1/8" Eye, 2 1/8" Length, qpen die Weight, llos. Die number, Former die numtoers, (6-26) (6-26) 12443119 10 145 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 1 1/4" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Weiglit, ll>s. Die number, 1115-B Former die number, (3) 146 BOLT, EYE, 1 1/4" Eye, 1 1/4* Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die mimtoer, 1146-Y Former die number, (38) 147 BOLT, EYE, 1 1/4 X/ Eye, 1 1/2" Length, open die Welgbt, Ibs. Die number, 1147-M2NT Former die numbers, <6-57) (6-57) 148 BOLT, EYE, 1 1/4" Eye, 1 3/4* Length, open die Wei gilt, Ibs. Die immtoer, 1148-Y Former die immtoer, (209) BOLT, EYE, 1 1/4" Eye, 1 3/4" Length, open die Weight, lt>s. Die number, 1149- MN Former die numbers, (6-28) (6-28) 150 WOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 1 1/4" Eye, 2" Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die number, 1150-M Former die number, (6-29) 151 WOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 1 l/4 /x Eye, 2 1/4" Lfength, open die Weight, IDs. Die number, 1151 -MK Former die numbers, (6-30) (6-30) MAT8 JQ\K BOLT, EYE, 1 1/2 X/ Eye, 1 7/8" length, open die Weight, ll)s. le nuniDer, 1152-MN" I'brinfer die numbers, (6-32) (6-32) 153 WOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 1 1/2" Eye, 2 3/8" Length, open die WeigHt, libs. Die number, 1153- M Former die num'ber, (6-34:) 154 2 1 s (^"\ 'SNf^ |^> ; 2 \ _ 5 1 L_ ^ _y PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 3/8" Eye, 1/2" Size of pad, 3 1/2* x 1 1/2* x 5/16" Weight (steel), 0.55 ID. Die numDer, 1154-NMYP Former die numbers, (2-1) (2-1) (81) (41) 155 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 3/8" Eye, 3/4" Size of pad, 3 3/4" x 1 1/2" x 5/16" Weight (steel), 0.60 Ib. Die number, 1155-BMN Former die numbers, (90) (2-2) (2-2) 156 NOT STANDARD STOCK 1ST PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 3/8 7/ Eye, S/4 7 ' Size of pad, 3 13/16' x 1 1/2" x 5/16' Weight (steel), 0.50 ID. Die number, 1156 -P Former die iiumtoer, (42) 157 8 TOM i r ) PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 3/8" Eye, 1" Size of pad, 4" x 1 1/2" x 5/16" Weight, Ibs. r>ie number, 1157-MN Former die numbers, (2-3) (2-3) 158 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 3/8" Eye, 1" Size of pad, 4 1/16" x 1 1/2" x 5/16' Weight (steel), 0.75 lit). Die mimtoer, 115S-P Former die numlber, (43) 159 >IOQT8 1AT8 TOW PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 3/8" Eye, 1 1/4" Size of pad, 4 1/4" x 1 1/2" x 5/ 1G Weight (steel), 0.75 ID. Die number, 1159-BMNY Former die numbers, (92) (2-4) (2-4) (81) 160 3* NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 7/16" Eye, 9/16" Size of pad, 2 1/4" x 2 1/4* x 1/4" Weiglit (brass), 0.75 ib. Die nuniber, 1160-MNB Former die ivumDers, (1-31) (4-31) (164) 12443119 11 161 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 7/16" Eye, 9/16" Size of pad, 2 7/16" x 2 5/16" x 1/4' Weight (steel), 0.53 ID. Die number, 1161 -Y Former die numt>er, (97) 162 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 7/16" Eye, 1 1/4" Size of pad, 4 5/16" x 1 1/2" x 5/16* Welglit (steel), 0.63 Ib. Die number, 1162-P Former die number, 163 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 1/2" Eye, 3/4" Size of pad, 4 1/2" x I 3/4" x 3/8" Welglit (steel), 1.0 11>. pie number, 1163-NMBPY Former die numlbers, (2-9) (2-9) (93) (45) (89) 164 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 1/2" Eye, 15/16" Size of pad, 4 13/16" x 1 3/4" x 3/8' Welglit (steel), 0.75 ID. Die number, 1164-P Former die number, (16) 165 y T: : v 1 i ^j" . f 7X $i) ^ "^ r^ \^ ^/ \ J * \ ^/ PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 1/2" Eye, 1" Size of pad, 4 3/4" x 1 3/4" x 3/8' Weight (steel), 1.0 ID. Die nuxntoer, 1166-NMBY Former aie numtoers, (2-10) (2-10) (94) (90) 160 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/4" Size of pad, 5" x 1 3/4" x 3/8" Weight (steel), 1.3 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1166-NMY Former die numbers, (2-11) (2-11) (91) 167 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/4" Size of pad, 5" x 1 3/4" x 3/8" Welgfct (steel), l.ribs. Die nuniDer, 1167-P Former die number, (47) 168 MOOTS ^r PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/2" Size of pad, 5 1/4" x 1 3/4" x 3/8' Weight (steel), 1.5 IDS. Die number, 1168-NB Former die numbers, (2-12) (96) 169 NOT STANDARD STOCK V K PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, l/2 /x Eye, 1 1/2" Size of pad, 5 1/4* x 1 3/4" x 3/8' Welgnt, Ibs. Die number, 1169- M Former die number, (2-12) 170 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/2* Size of pad, 5 5/16* x 1 3/4* x 3/8* Weight (steel), 1.3 IDs. Die number, 1170-P Former die number, (48) 171 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 5/8" Eye, 7/8" Size of pad, 5 1/2" x 2 1/4" x 7/16 Weight (steel), 2.1 Ibs. le number, 1171-NY Former die numbers, (2-21) (256) 172 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 5/8 x/ Eye, 1 3/8" Size of pad, 6" x 2 1/4* x 7/16" Weight (steel), 2.3 ll>s. Die number, 1172-NY Former die numDers, (2-23) (257) 173 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 5/8 x/ Eye, 1 5/8" Size of pad, 6 1/4" x 2 1/4" x 7/16' Weight (steel), 3.1 IDs. Die immtoer, 1173-NY Former die numDers, (2-21) (258) 174 f I ~N v fi* t 04 /" P ^ : r ~\ \ i ^ J 1 * V r^ yj PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 3/4 /x Eye, 1" Size of pad, 6 1/4" x 2 1/2" x 5/8* Weight (steel), 3.5 Itos. Die numDer, 1174 -NT Former die numbers, (2-33) (259) 175 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 3/4" Eye, 1 1/2" Size of pad, 6 3/4" x 2 1/2 V x 5/8' Wei glit (steel), 3.8 rbs. Die number, 1175-Y Former die number, (260) 170 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 3/4" Eye, 1 3/4" Size of pad, 7" x 2 1/2" x 5/8" WeigHt (steel), 4.0 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1176-NY Former die numbers, (2-36) (261) 12443119 12 177 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 7/8" Eye, 1 1/8" Size of pad, 7" x 2 3/4" x 5/8" Weight (steel), 4.5 IDs. Die number, 1177-NY Former die numbers, (2-45) (262) 178 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 7/8" Eye, 1 3/8" Size of pad, 7 1/4* x 2 3/4* x 5/8" Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1178-N Former die numtoer, (2-46) 179 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 7/8" Eye, 1 5/8" Size of pad, 7 1/2" x 2 3/4" x 5/8* Weight (steel), 4.6 IDs. Die numtoer, 1179-Y Former die numtoer, (263) 180 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 7/8" Eye, 1 7/8" Size of pad, 7 3/4" x 2 3/4" x 5/8" Welgnt (steel), 4.6 lt>s. Die number, 1180-NYM Former die numbers, (2-48) (264) 181 PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 1" Eye, 1 1/4* Size of pad, 8" x 3 1/4* x 11/16* Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1181 -N Former die numtoer, (2-57) 182 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, 1" Eye. 1 112" Size of pad, 8 1/4" x 3 1/4* x 11/16* WeigHt (steel), 6.3 Ibs. Die numDer, 1182-N Former die numtoer, (2-58) 183 -* e r- PAD EYE, STRAIGHT, \ Eye, 2" Size of pad, 8 3/4" x 3 1/4" x 11/16* Weight (steel), 7.4 Itos. Die numtoer, 1183-NY Former die nuintoers, (2-6O) (265) 184 a I" 3 r x^ N 4f\ V "^ V. Hi J y i RH PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/8" Eye, 1/2" Size of pad, 3 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 5/16" Weight (steel), 0.53 ID. I>le numtoer, 1184-NY Former die numt>ers, (2-5) (85) 185 PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/8 x/ Eye, 3/4" Size of pad, 3 1/2" x 1 1/2" TL. 5/16" Weight (steel), 0.25 lt>. Die number, 1185-N Former die number, (2-6) 186 PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/8" Eye, I" Size of pad, 3 1/2" x I 1/2" x 5/16* Welgnt (steel), 0.25 Ib. Die number, 1186-N Former Ole number, (2-7) 187 PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/8" Eye, 1 1/4" Size of pad, 3 1/2" x 1 1/2* x 5/16* WeigHt_(steel), 0.63 lt>. Die number, 1187-NY Former die mimDers, (2-8) (88-8) 188 PAD EYE, CROSS, 1/2" Eye, 3/4" Size of pad, 3 1/4" x 2 3/4" x 3/8" Weight (steel), 1.0 ll>. Die number, 1188-N Former die number, (2-17) 189 f ^ r ^ , ^\ r ^ ^ j ^v. > V ' J PAD EYE, CROSS, 1/2" Eye, 3/4* Size of pad, 4," x 1 3/4* x 3/8" WelgHt_(steel), 0.94 Ito. Die numtoer, 1189-NY Former die numbers, (2-13) (93-13) 190 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, CROSS, 1/2" Eye, 3/4" Size of pad, 4" x I 3/4" * 5/8" Welgnt (steel), 0.88 ID. Die number, 1190-B Former die number, (44) 191 e f B PAD EYE, CROSS, 1/2" 1" Size of pad, 3 1/4" x 2 3/4" x 3/8" Weight, rbs. Die numl>er, 1191-N Former die numtoer, (2-18) 192 PAD EYE, CROSS, 1/2" Eye, 1" Size of pad, 4" x I 3/4" x. 3/8" Wdslit (steel), 0.5 ID. Die number, 1192-N Former die number, (2-14) 1244311913 193 PAD EYE, CROSS, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/4' Size of pad, 3 1/4" x 2 3/4" * 3/8* \velgnt, IDs. Die number, 1193-N Former die number, <2-lS 194 PAD EYE, CROSS, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/4" Size of pad, 4" x 1 3/4" x 3/8" Weight (steel), l.o Ib. Die number, 1194 -Y Former die number, (95) 195 PAD EYE, CROSS, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/2" Size of pad, 3 1/4" x 2 3/4" x 3/8" Weignt, libs. Die number, 1195-NM Former die numbers, (2-20) (2-20) 196 e e- PAD EYE, CROSS, 1/2" Eye, 1 1/2* Size of pad, 4" x 1 3/4" x 3/8* Weight, IDs. Die number, 1196-MN Former die numbers, (2-16) (2-16) 197 GFID- PAD EYE, CROSS, 5/8" Eye, 7/8* Size of pad, 4 3/8" x 3 5/8" x 7/16" Weignt (steel), 1.5 Ibs. Die numDer, 1197-N Former die number, (2-29) 198 PAD EYE, CROSS, 5/8" Ere, 7/8* Size of pad, 5 1/8" x 2 1/4" x 7/16* WelgHt (steel), 1.0 ll>. Die number, 1198-N ^ ' ** Former die number, (2-25) 109 PAD EYE, CROSS, 5/8" Eye, 1 1/4* Size of pad, 5 1/4" x 2 1/4* x 7/16" Weight, lt>s. Die number, 1199-B Former rile numlXHr, 200 PAD EYE, CROSS, 5/8" Eye, 1 3/8" Size of pad, 4 3/8" x 3 5/8* x 7/16" Welgnt (steoi), 2.0 Die numtoer, 1200 -N Former die numtoer, (2-31) 201 (\ (*"*} ( ^\ / Vjifg, v ^ j 4- 4- PAD EYE, CROSS, 5/8" Eye, 1 5/8" Size of pad, 4 3/8* x 3 518" x 7/16' Weight, IDs. Die number, 1201-MN Former die numbers, (2-32) (2-32) 202 PAD EYE, CROSS, 5/8 x/ Eye, 1 5/S* Size of pad, 5 1/3* v. 2 1/4* x 7/1G" weignt, Itos. Die numDer, 1202-MN Former die numbers, (2-28) (2-28) 203 PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/4" Eye, 1* Size of pad, 5 1/2* x 4 1/2" x 5/8' WelgHt (steel), 7.0 Ifos. Die number, 1203-N Former die numtoer, (2-41) 204 ^y Weight, PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/4" Eye, I" Size of pad, 5 3/4" x 2 1/2" x 5/8" IDS. Die numDer^ 1204-N Former die number, (2-37) 205 PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/4" Eye, 1 1/2* Size of pad, 5 1/2* x 4 1/2* x 5/8" Welglit (steel), 5.0 ibs. Die number, 1205-N Former die number, (2-43) 206 PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/4" Eye, 1 3/4* Size of pad, 5 3/4* x 2 1/2" * 5/8* Welgnt, Itos. Die number, 1206-N Former die number, (2-40) 207 PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/4" Eye, 1 3/4* Size of pad, 5 1/2" x 4 1/2" x 5/8' Weight (steel) 5 , 5.5 IDs* Die number, 1207 -N Former ale number, (2-44) 208 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD EYE, CROSS, 3/4" Eye, 1 3/4" Size of pad, 5 3/4" x 2 5/8* x 5/8" "WelgHt, Ibs. Die number, 1208-M Former die number, (2-40) 1244311! 14 200 IB- PAD EYE, CROSS, 7/8* Eye, 1 1/8" Size of pad, 5 1/2" x 4 1/2" x 5/8" Wclgnt (steel), 6.0 Ifos. Die number, 1209-x Former die number '; (2-53) 210 PAD EYE, CROSS, 7/8" Eye, 1 1/8* Size of pad, 6 3/4" x 2 3/4" x 5/8" Weight, IDS. Die number, 1210-N Former die number, (2-49) 211 PAD EYE, CROSS, 7/8 /x Eye, 1 3/8* Size of pad, 5 1/2* x 4 1/2" x 5/8" Weight, I>ie numt>er, Former die numtoer, (2-54) 212 PAD EYE, CROSS, 7/8" Eye, 1 7/8* Size of pad, 5 1/2* x 4 1/2* x 5/8* Weight, Ifos. Die number, 1212-N Former die number, (2-56) 213 * PAD EYE, CROSS, 7/S" Eye, 1 7/8" Size of pad, 6 3/8" x. 2 3/4" x 5/8" Weight (steel), 2.0 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1213-N Former die number, (2-52) 214 r \ PAD EYE, CROSS, 1" Eye, 1 1/4" Size of pad, 7 1/2" x 3 1/4" x 11/16* Weight (steel), 6.5 Ibs. Die mimT>er, 1214-N Former die number, (2-61) 215 4- 4- PAD EYE, CROSS, 1" Eye, 1 1/4* Size of pad, 6 1/8" x 5 3/8* x 11/16" Weight (steel), 7.5 Ibs. Die immlier. ISIS-NTT Former die numbers, (i-65) (266) 210 NOT STANDARD STOCK e- PAD EYE, CROSS, \* Eye, 1 112" Size of pad, 6 1/8* x 5 3/8" x 11/16" WelgHt, Itos. Die number, 1216-N Former die number, (2-66) 21' e PAD EYE, CROSS, 1" Eye, 2" Size of pad, 6 1/8* x 5 3/3" x 11/16* Weiglit (steel), 6.5 IDs. Die number, 1217-MN Former die numbers, (2-68) (2-68) 218 PAD EYE, CROSS, \ Eye, 2* Size of pad, 7 1/2* x 3 1/4" x 11/16* Weight, IDs. Dlo number, ISlfl-N Former die number, (2-64) 219 B PAD EYE, CROSS, 1 1/4" Eye, 2 1/2* Size of pad, 6 1/8" x 5 3/8* x 11/16* Weight, IDs. Die number, 1219-N Former die number, (2-69) 220 HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 1/2" Welgnt (steel), 0.28 Ito. Die number, 1220- Y Foriner die number, (155) 221 HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 5/8* Weight (steel), 0.50 ID. Die number, 1221-NMBY Former s. Die number, 1227 -MN Former die numbers, (5-38) (5-33) 228 HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 1 7/16" Weight (steel), 4.1 IDs. Die number, 1228- YB Former ale numbers, (148) (334) 229 HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 1 1/2" Weight (steel), 4.9 IDs. Die number, 1229 -MNY Former die numbers, (5-40) (5-40) (168) 230 NOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 1 5/8" Weight (steel), 5.6 IDs. I>le number, 1230-NY Former die numtoers, (5-42) (149) 231 NOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 1 3/4" Weight (steel). 7.8 Ibs. Die number, 1231-NM Former die numbers, (5-44) (5-44) 232 HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 1 3/4" Weight (steel), 7.8 IDs. Die number, 1232-Y Former die numDer, (150) 283 HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 1 7/8" Weiglit (steel), 9.5 IDs. Die number, 1233-NM Former die numbers, (5-47) (5-47) 234 NOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 1 7/8 x/ Welgnt (steel), 9.5 Ibs. I>le numtoer, 1234-Y Former die numtoer, (151) 235 HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 2 1/4" Welgnt (steel), 18.5 IDs. Die number, 1235-YM Former die number, (174) 236 WOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 3 3/4 x Welgnt, IDs. Die numtoer, 1236 -B Former ale xmmtoer, (302) 237 HOOK, SWIVEL, 5/8" Welglit, Ibs. Die number, 1237-MN Former die nuxnTbers, (5-74) (5-74) 238 HOOK, SWIVEL, 13/16" Weiglit, Itos. Die number, 1238-YM Former ale number, (523) HOOK, SWIVEL, 1" Welglit (stoel), 2.1 Ibs. Die number, 1239-NMBY Former die numbers, (5-63) (5-63) (194) (172) 240 HOOK, SWIVEL, 1 1/8" Welglit (steel), 2.6 IDs. Die number, 1240-NMBFV Former ale numbers, (5-64) (5-64=) (8Q) (147) 12443119 241 HOOK, SWIVEL, 1 1/4" Weight (steel), 3.1 IDs. Die number, 1241-NMBPY Former die numbers, (5-65) (5-65) (65) (148) (136) 242 HOOK, SWIVEL, 1 3/8 x Weight (steel), 4.2 Itos. Die number, 1242-NMBPY Former die numbers, (5-66) (5-66) (120) (149) (137) 243 ' , r* * 2) r Q 1 4 . a; ''10 TO< 1 I 1 i 1 t *.'.-. i'i .r* r i *t . HOOK, SWIVEL, 1 1/2 X/ Welglit (steel), 5.3 IDs. Die number, 1243-NMBPY Former tile numbers, (5-67) (5-67) (186) (150) (138) 244 HOOK, SWIVEL, 1 5/8" Weight (steel), 6.6 IDs. Die nnmtoer, 1244-NMBY Former rtle numbers, (5-68) (5-68) (184) (139) 245 \ HOOK, SWIVEL, 1 3/4' Welglvt, IDs. Die number, 1245- MY Former die numtoers, (5-69) (522) 246 HOOK, SWIVEL, 1 7/8 x Weight, Itos. Die uumber, 1216- MX1S Former ale numbers, (5-70) (5-70) (115) 247 HOOK, SWIVEL, 2" Weight (steel), 12 Ibs. Die number, 1247-N Former die number, (5-71) 248 : _i HOOK, SWIVEL, 2 l/4 7/ Weight, IDs. l>le nulnber, 1248-NM Former die numlaer, (5-72) 249 HOOK, SWIVEL, 2 1/2" Welgnt, Ibs. Die number, 1249-NM Former die number, (5-73) 250 rtr H /if g. /k *. DIE HOOK, SISTER, 5/8" Weight (steel), 0.50 Ib. Die number, 1250-NMY Former s. l>ie number, 1258-Y Former die number, (156) 259 HOOK, SISTER, 1 1/8 X Weight (steel), 2.3 IDs. Die number, 1259-NMBY Former die numbers, (5-36) (5-36) (175) (157) 260 HOOK, SISTER, 1 l/4 y Weight (steel), 3.4 Ibs. Die number, 1260-MMBY Former die numbers, (5-39) (5-39) (177) (158) * - 1 ' [ HOOK, SISTER, 1 3/8' Weight (steel), 8.7 >s. I>ie number, 121-NBY Former rtle numbers, (5-41) (179) (163) 262 NOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, SISTER, 1 1/2' Weight (steel), 4. ll>s. Ule number, 1262-NY Former Ule numbers, (5-4.*$) 263 HOOK, SISTER, 1 1/2 X Weiglit (steel), 6.1 lljs. Die number, 1263-NM Former die minvbers, (.'S-iS) (5-15) 284 HOOK, SISTER, I 5/8 x Weight steel), 7.:* Ibs. Die number, Former tile numDer, (161) 265 NOT STANDARD STOCK 5" J HOOK, SISTER, 1 5/8" WeigHt (steel), 6. 1 ir>*. I>ie numtocr, 1265- Y Former s. Die numtoer, 1266-NM Former die mimtoers, (5-48) (5-48) 267 HOOK, HAMMOCK, Welgnt (steel), 0.66 ID. Die number, 1267-MYB Former ale numbers, (3-8) (141) (54) NOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, HAMMOCK, 3 1/4" Weight (steel), 1.5 Ibs. Die number, 1268-N Former die number, (8-58) 269 >100T3 QflAGMATS TOM E HOOK, HAMMOCK Weight (steel), ihs. Die numtoer, 1269- Y Former ale number, 270 X30T8 QfliAOMATe/TOM J _ s^cr-^ i HOOK, LIFE LINE, 13/16' Weigh I, ibs. ie number, 1270- Y Former die numbers, (508) 271 NOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, LIFE LINE, 1/2" Welglift, Ibs. Die number, 1271-B Former die number, (78) 272 HOOK, AWNING, 7/16" Welgnt (steel), 0.31 ID. Die number, 1272-BM Former ale number, (240) 12443119 18 273 HOOK, PELICAN, 5/8" For rigging screw for 5/8' D. wire rope Weight, Itos. pie numtoer, 1873-B Former die numtoer, (197) 274 HOOK, PELICAN, 11/16" For rigging screw for 11/16" D. wire rope Weight, IDs. Die immtoer, 1274-B Former die number, (212) 276 HOOK, PELICAN, 1" For rigging screw for 1* D. wire rope WelgHt, Itos. Die number, 1275-B Former ale number, (135) 276 HOOK, PELICAN, 1 1/8" For rigging screw for 1 1/8* D. wire rope Weight, IDs. Die number, 1276-B ujjft t: Former ale numbers, (205 ana 198) 277 HOOK, PELICAN, 1 1/4* For rigging screw for 1 1/4" D. wire rope Weight, Itos. Die numtoer, 1277 -B Former die number, (140) 278 MOQT8 8RAOMAI8 TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, TROLLEY, AMMUNITION Welgnt (steel), 1.5 Itos. Die number, 1278 -Y Former die number, (416) 270 NOT STANDARD STOCK 1 HOOK, COALING WHIP, 1 3/4" Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 1279-M Former die number, (3-48) 280 HOOK, COALING WHIP, 2 1/4' Weight (steel), 16.0 IDs. Die number, 1280-BM Former die numtoer, (88) 281 HOOK, LASHING, 5/16" Welgnt (steel), 0.25 tt>. Die numUer, 1281-MNBPY Former die numbers, (3-9) (3-9) (43) (220) (41) NOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, DRY DOCK BLOCKING, 6 1/8* Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 1282 -B Former die number, (148) 283 HOOK, DOOR, 3 5/8" Weight (steel), 0.50 ID. Die numtoer, 1283-MN Former ale numbers, (3-27) (3-27) NOT STANDARD STOCK 3^ I W T OPEN DIE & 5 HOOK, COVER Length, open die Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 1284-Y Former die number, (140) 285 >iOOT8 QHA(]YIAT3 ./ ^t r HOOK, TARPAULIN, 3 Weigiit (brass), 0.41 Ib. Die number, 1285 -T Former die number, (134) STOCK HOOK, TARPAULIN, 3 9/16" WelgHt (torass), 0.41 ID. Die nunatoer, 1286-Y Former die mimDer, (135) NOT STANDARD STOCK "**& i S ^N^J f ^ "^s. *5? 0^ V 1 ^ \ m L Js_ ^ (J !1 fj \ J , 1^ / \ 1 1 1 fl Lr HOOK, TARPAULIN, 3 9/16 x Welglit (brass), 0.50 ID. Die number, 1287-M Former die numDer, (4-34) 288 NOT STANDARD STOCK ;j* ^% .7 ,hfr- / \ OPEN DIE \ 5-* " FITTINGS, TABLE, MESS Leg, right, head of Weight, Ibs. I>Ie number, 1288-Y Former die number, (1) 12443119 19 289 )!OOT8 GflAQMAT3 TOM IN Y. D/ s > FITTINGS, BENCH AND TABLE, MESS Button WeigHt, Itos. Die numtoer, 1289-YMN Former die numbers, (415) (4-48) (4-i 290 NOT STANDARD STOCK -Uf \ D/f FITTINGS, BENCH AND TABLE, MESS Leg, foot of Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1290-NY Former die numbers, (4-30) (8-1) 291 XOOT3 QflAQKATB TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK "h *~\ r^-i __ \ t , -^ / i (J * * tt s r A OPEN DIE FITTINGS, BENCH AND TABLE, MESS Brac^, , Weignt, IDs. Die number, 1291-MYB Former die numbers, (4-28) (8-2) (165) 292 XOOT8 TOW FITTINGS, BENCH AND TABLE, MESS Bracket] Welgnt (steel), 0.38 ID. Die number, 1292-NY Former ale numbers, (4-36) (7) 293 NOT STANDARD STOCK I tf OPEN DIE Weight, FITTINGS, TABLE, MESS Brace, leg IDs. Die number, 1293 -N Former die number, (4-27) 294 NOT STANDARD STOCK DIE NO. 1294 SUPERSEDED BY DIE NO. 3188 FITTINGS, BENCH, MESS Brace, leg Welgnt (steel), 1.0 lt>. r>le number, 1294 -N Former die number, (4-37) 295 NOT STANDARD STOCK v OPEN DIE Weignt, FITTINGS, BENCH, MESS Brace, leg Itos. Die number, 1295-N Former die number, (4-26) 296 NOT STANDARD STOCK .1 f /Jl OPEN DIE FITTINGS, TABLE, MESS Leg Welglit, Itos. Die nuxn/ber, 1296-B Former ale number, (326) 297 NOT STANDARD STOCK x: I- \>- FITTINGS, TABLE, MESS Leg, left, head of WelgHt, 11)3. Die number, 1297-Y Former die number, (6) 298 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK ^*^ i i Jfk I ^ ^'QD ) Jr 7 1, , OPEN DIE FITTINGS, TABLE, MESS Leg, head of Welgfct, Ibs. I>Ie number, 1298-N Former die number, (4-29) 299 NOT STANDARD STOCK FITTINGS, BENCH AND TABLE, MESS Hook, brace rod Welgnt (steel), 0.50 Ib. Die number, 1299-MNBY Former die numbers, (4-32) (4-32) (162) (303) 300 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 1 1/8' Length, open die Weignt, IDs. Die number, 1300-Y Former die number, (2) 301 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 9/16" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, open die Weight, Itos. Die number, 1301-N Former die numtoer, (5-124) 302 NOT STANDARD STOCK BECKET, 5/16" Eye, 11/16' Length, 1 1/4' Weight, Itos. Die number, 1302 -N fiV>T.TT. rtt A TiiimhAi> Former die number, (5-133) 303 ;Z OSAOHAT8 T BECKET, 5A6" Eye, 7/8" Length, 1 5/16* WelgHt, Ifos. Die number, 1303-YM Former die number, (532) 304 BECKET, 3/8" Eye, 1' Length, 1 9/16' Welglit, , Ibs. Former die number, (533) 12443119 20 BECKET, 3/8" Eye, 1 1/8" Length, 1 13/16' Weight, IDs. Die number, 1W.5-YM Former die number, (534) )*OOT8 QflAQMAT8 TOM BECKET, 7/16 x ' Eye, 1 1/4" Length, 2 1/16' Welgnt, ibs. Die number, 1306-NM Former me number, (5-137) 807 NOT STANDARD STOCK BECKET, l/2 /x Eye, 1 3/8' Length, 2 5/16' Weight, , Itos. Die nuniDer, 1307 T Y Former die number, (535) 308 BECKET, 1/2" Eye, 1 3/8' Length, 2 3/8' Wei gilt. ibs. Die number, 1308-YM Former die number, (536) 309 BECKET, 5/8" Eye, 1 1/2* Length, 2 5/8' weigrnt, IDs. Die number, 1309-YM Former die number, (537) 310 SWIVEL LINK, 3/8 x/ Welg lit, Ibs. I>le number, 1310-NM Former die number, (5-76) 311 & -1* /I \ -V SWIVEI, LINK, 7/16 /x X 5/16 x/ Weight, ibs. me mimDer, 1311 -Y Former ale number, (524 ) 312 SWIVEL LINK, 1/2" Weight, rbs. Die numljer, 1312-YM Former die numbers, (517) (5-49) 313 SWIVEL LINK, 5/8 Ifos, Die number, 1313-YM numbers, (518) (5-50) . / r S H -/* 4 SWIVEL LINK, 3/4" Weight, lto, Die number, 1314-YM Former die numbers, (519) (5-52) SWIVEL LINK, 3/4" Weignt, ibs. Die number. 1315 -Y Former ie number, 1318-PMNY nnml>er8, (101) (5-1) (5-1) (aai) 819 STRAP, BLOCK, SINGLE 4' 4" single metal block ll>.s. Oio .ti umber, i:fiy-'AiJNY em, (102) (>-< ' ("- * ^ STRAP, BLOCK, SINGLE, 5 /x 5" single metal block Weignt, IDs. r>ie numtoer, 1320-PMNY Former die numtoers, (103) (5-7) (5-7) (223) 12443119 21 321 **- OPN O/T STRAP, BLOCK, SINGLE, 7" Weight, Ibs. Die numtoer, 1321-PMNY Former die numbers, (104) (5-10) (5-10) (224) 322 STRAP, BLOCK, SINGLE, 7" 7" single metal block Weignt, Ibs. Die number, 1322-PMNY Former ale numbers, (105) (5-13) (5-13) (225) 823 DIE: STRAP, BLOCK, SINGLE, 8" 8" single metal block Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1323-PMNY Former s> Die numtoer, 1324-PMNY Former ale numbers, (107) (5-21) (5-21) (227) 325 J ) OPEN DIE STRAP, BLOCK, SINGLE, 12" 12" single metal block Weight, lt>s. Die number, 1325-PMNY Former die numbers, (108) (5-27) (5-27) (228) 326 1/1&T2 IlflfC . NOT STANDARD STOCK fr-S-Hfr u u STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SINGLE, 3" Weight (steel), 0.16 It). Die number, 1326 -P Former die numt>er, (109) NOT STANDARD STOCK /I-' OPEN DIE STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SINGLE, 6 X/ For ammunition whip Weight, Ibs. Die numtoer, 1327-Y Former die numt>er, (341) 328 NOT STANDARD STOCK \S ///'- -\ x '^ I _u_L J > STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SINGLE, 6 /x For ammunition whip Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1328-N Former die number, (5-122) 329 NOT STANDARD STOCK h r 1 ^ l B D STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SINGLE, 8" Weight, ll>s. Die number, 1329-P Former die number, (407) NOT STANDARD STOCK 22* -i ~~ r \ ? / p. K ID c (. < - r 3 ^ f T j ^ X N! *s X CD - V ^ ./ 5 g- M 1 4-2 r- V ft \ / ,. Vi J. S* -p r < t fc i * STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SINGLE, COALING, 12 /x Weight (steel), Itos. Die number, 1331-Y Former die number, (480) 832 OPEN DIE STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, INNER, 4" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1332-NMYP Former die numbers, (5-2) (5-2) (229) (131) 333 u OPEN DIE STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, INNER, 4" 4" double metal block Weight, IDs. Die number, 1333 -NMYP Former die numbers, (5-5) (5-5) (230) (132) 834 7" ,J >. ^S %^_ ^ Ny ^ t M^ *o ^^ V? I* 1 ^ N /* X p | r / V , 1' * Ml OPPNDlE s^*x /v STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, INNER, 5 /x 5' double metal block Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1334-NMYP Former ale numbers, (5-8) (5-8) (281) (133) L 4. j ftfift , ^ T - /* * OPEN Dl STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, INNER, 6" 6" double metal block Weight, IDs. Die number, 1335-NMYP Former die numbers, (5-11) (5-11) (232) (131) IN Af. PXOOUCT. STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, INNER, 7 X/ 7" double metal block Weight, ibs. Die numDer, 1336-NMYP Former die numbers, (5-14) (5-14) (233) (135) 124431 19 22 337 ^-tf--| ^ ! / ,' \ J^ A ** v ' 0) -* * ES " * ^ 4&--U-'' Wi A^ 1 I rl t9> 1 ij x V v '* yy V \ / 7 ft IN M t PRODUCT Hi ^"-^ ~r ^ ) ' , & / z ^ fmc. A/ n/^ ^*' ^^^ , ^^y ^fo/f d BLOCK. FO* (O fc // SL QCK. STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, INNER, 8" 8" double metal block Weigllt, Ibs. Die number, 1337-NMY Former die numbers, (5-17) (5-17) (234) 338 STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, INNER, 10" 10" double metal block Weight, Iba. Die number, 1338-NMYP Former ale numbers, (5-22) (5-22) (235) (138) 380 OPSN STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, INNER, 12" AND 14" 12" and 14" double metal blocks WeigHt, IDs. Die numtoer, 1339-NMYP Former die numbers, (5-25) (5-25) (236) (139) /< OPEN DIE STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, OUTER, 4" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1340-NMYP Former die numbers, (5-3) (5-3) (213) (116) 341 OPEN DIE STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, OUTER, 4" 4" double metal block Itos. Die numDer. 1341-WMYP Former die nnmtoers, (5-6) (5-6) (214) (117) 342 OPEN DIE STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, OUTER, 5 X/ 5" double metal block Weight, Ibs. r>ie numtoer, 1342-NMYP Former ale numbers, (5-9) (5-9) (215) (118) 343 3 f STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, OUTER, 6" 6" double metal block WeigHt, Ibs. Die number, 1343-NMYP Former die numbers, (5-12) (5-12) (216) (119) 344 STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, OUTER, V' 7" double metal block Weight, IDs. Die number, 1344-NMYP Former ale numbers, (5-15) (5-15) (217) (120) 345 3 1 FO* 3' 'BLOC*. 3jj FOR I0~&. 1 1" BLOC*. OPEN Die STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, OUTER, 8 X/ 8" double metal block Weiglit, IDs. Die number, UH5-NMYP Former die iiumliers, (5-18) (5-18) (121) (218) 346 OPEN. DIE STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, OUTER, 10" 10" double metal block Weight, IDs. Die number, 1346-NMYP Former die numbers, (5-23) (5-23) (219) (122) 347 /5 IN M.& N. pies OPEN DIE STRAP, BLOCK, DOUBLE, OUTER, 12 /x AND 14" 12" and 14" double metal blocks Weight, IDs. Die number, 1347-NMYP Former die numbers, (5-26) (5-26) (220) (123) 348 NOT STANDARD STOCK L 3 m STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, DOUBLE, OUTER, 6" For ammunition whip Welgnt (steel), Itos. Die numtoer, 1348- YN Former die numbers, (340) (5-123) 849 OPEN DIE STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, DOUBLE, OUTER, 9" AND 10 X Weight, IDs. me number, 1349-PM Former die number, (106) NOT STANDARD STOCK STRAP, BLOCK, SNATCH, 5" Weight, 11D8. I>le number, 1350-B Former die number, (192) 351 STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 6' Weight, IDs. Die number, 1351 -MPB Former die numbers, (5-82) (161) (77 and 81) 352 NOT STANDARD STOCK H- STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 7" Welgnt (steel), 2.0 IDs. Die number, 1352-YB Former die numbers, (241) (59) 12443119 23 353 QHAT3 TOM STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 8* Weight, rbs. Die number, 1353 -MPB Former die numbers, (5-90) (163) (73 and 74) 354 NOT STANDARD STOCK STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 9" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1354-YB Former die numbers, (243) (182 and 185) 355 , '. ... fcQ '1MB, pig STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 10" WelgHt, IDs. Die number, 1355 -MB Former Ole numbers, (5-98) (176 and. 180) >IOGT8 QRAQMAT3 TOM STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1356-MB Former die numbers, (5-106) (119 and 149) 357 - 1 NOT STANDARD STOCK // A* 9 *32 1- // - /'/ rn r * '* a ^ i 7l ffrOl ^-JsJ r- 1* 1 j^TSl J X "*v" \*^" ^ y J. \ I t^ % ^4^nt ^ \1 ' -/-- /lotiS i i CJ U? 7 V .' i 7 i ' ' LJ_i i tv r *H CROSS-HEAD, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 5" *OW ^OOilH ^A5IT3 yeignt, IDs. Die number, 1357-B Former die number, (63) CROSS-HEAD, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 6" AND 7" Weignt (steel), 1.3 Ibs. Die number, 1358-MPB Former ale numbers, (5-83) (201) (172) 359 CROSS-HEAD, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 8" Weight (steel), 1.6 Itos. Die numtoer, 1359-MPB Former die numbers, (5-91) (206) (66) NOT STANDARD STOCK CROSS-HEAD, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 9" Weight (steel), 2.4 Ibs. Die numDer, 1360-YB : Former ale numtoers, (67) (72) 361 X30T3 CmAdMAT8 TOM e "-!"- A V w\ 5T 1 i CROSS-HEAD, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 10" Weight (steel), 3.1 lt>s. Die number, 1361-MB Former die numbers, (5-99) (70) *jWO CROSS-HEAD, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 12" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1362* MB Former die numbers, (5-107) (71) 868 CROSS-HEAD, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 14" Weight, Ibs. Die nuniber, 1363 -MP Former die number, (5-115) 364 NOT STANDARD STOCK ft HASP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 5" Welglit, Itos. Die number, 1364-B Former ale number, (189) )IOOT3 QRAQKAT8 TO VI HASP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 6" AND 7 X/ Welgnt (steel), 0.5 ID. Die number, 1365-MYJM5 Former ale numbers, (5-81) (122) (192) (12) CI A ft 14 A TO HASP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, S x/ Welgnt (steel), 1.2 IDs. Die number, 1366-MPB Former die numbers, (5-92) (194) (75) 367 NOT STANDARD STOCK HASP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 9" Weight, Itos. Die number, 1367 -B Former ale number, (188) HASP, BLOCK, WOOD SNATCH, 10" Weight, ibs. Die number, 1368- MB Former die numbers, (5-100) (181) 12443119 24 HASP, BLOCK, WOOD SNATCH, 12 /x Weight, Ibs. Die numtoer, 1369-MB Former die numbers, (5-108) (155) 370 HINGE, FEMALE, 1" Size of shank, 5/B r x 1 3/16' D For male part see die number 1388 Weight (steel), 0.75 ID. Die numtoer, 1370 -B Former die ntimtoei?, (H8) 371 NOT STANDARD STOCK * & $ T JJE. *-. fflNGE, FEMALE, 7/8" Size of shank, 3/4' z 1 5/16" D. For male part see die number 1387 Weigh tL(steel), 0.69 U>. Die number, 1371-Y Former die number, (401) 372 QMAT8 TOM HINGE, FEMALE, 2 1/4 X Size of pad, 5 1/2' x 1 3/4' x 3/8' For male part see die number 1390 Weight (steel), 1.3 IDs. Die number, 1372-Y Former die nuniber, (108) 373 NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE, FEMALE, 2 7/16 x/ Size of pad, 5 3/8" x 1 7/8" x 1/2' For male part see die number 1414 Weight (steel), 1.7 lt>s. Die number, 1373-B Former die number, (67) 374 WeljBflit, HINGE, FEMALE, 2 3/4" Size of pad, 4" x 2 1/4" x 3/8" For male part see die number 1386 6881 isdrann *ib Mftimf 4bun W) IDs. Die numtoer, 1374- M Fornaer die num"ber, (3-43) 375 HINGE, FEMALE, 3 13/16" Size of pad, 5 1/2" x 3" x 3/8* For male part see die number 1389 Welglit (steel), 3.0 lt>s. IMe immtoer, 1375 -Y Former die numl>er, (310) 376 fflNGE, FEMALE, 4 11/16" Size of pad, 4 3/4' x 3 1/2' x 9/16' For male part see die number 1415 Weight (steel), 4.3 Itos. Die number, 1376-Y Former die number, (359) 377 HINGE, FEMALE, 5 7/8" Size of pad, 4 5/8* x 2 1/4* \ 3/4" Used with drop bolt w WeigHt (steel), 2.7 lt>8. Die number, 1377-BY Former die numbers, (83) (129) 378 NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE, FEMALE, 5 7/8" Size of pad, 5' x 2 5/16' x 3/4' For male part see die number 1416 Weight (steel), 8.0 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1378*Y Former die number, (130) 379 siwwiw vuinwnniw TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK fflNGE, FEMALE, 8 1/2" Size of pad, 7 5/8* x 2 1/2' x 1/2" Nonstandard For standard hinge see die number 1380 Weight (steel), 3.4 IDs. Die numDer, 1379-N Former die numtoer, (4-25) 380 HINGE, FEMALE, 8 5/8" Size of pad, 7 3/8' x 2 1/2' x 5/8' For male part see die numbers 1417 and 1419 Weight (steel), 3.4 IDs. Die number, 1380-NYB Former die numtoers, (4-6) (125) (168) 381 4 NOT STANDARD STOCK S" \ HINGE, FEMALE, 8 5/8" Size of pad, 7 5/8' x 2 1/2* x 5/8' For male part see die number 1417 WelglU, Ibs. Die number, I881-M Former die number, (4-6) 382 NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE, FEMALE, 10 1/2" Size of pad, 9' x 3* z 3/4' For male part see die number 1420 Weight (steel), 5.0 Ibs. Die mimtoer, 1382-B Former ale number, (131) 883 HINGE, FEMALE, 10 9/16 /x Size of pad, 9 1/16* x 3' x 3/4' For male part see die numbers 1417 and 1 418 Weight (steel), 6.3 IDs. Die number, 1383-NY Former die numbers, (4-14) (126) 384 MDOT2 QflAC NOT STANDARD STOCK fflNGE, FEMALE, 10 9/16 /x Size of pad, 9 1/16" x 3" x 3/4* For male part see die number 1420 weight, Ibs. Die numtoer, 1384-M Former die numlser, 12443119- 88: NOT STANDARD STOCK ;< - ^ . f HINGE, FEMALE, OPEN DIE Used as strap for metal hose rack For male part see die numbers 1396 and 1397 Weight, lt>s. Die numtoer, 1385 -BY Former die numbers, (87) (342) id Ji i er, 1386-M Former die number, (3-42) 387 NOT STANDARD STOCK /fe ft ntkn 1 -S 1 J | -- i /"., _. > " .. 'a 1 ^ & & Z 7 "' ^ *6 f i i t * Al r Q -d ^*v _ 'nlQ) i 1 i HINGE, MALE, 1 1/4 X/ Size of shank, 2' z 1' D. For female part see die number 1371 Weight (steel), 0.88 ID. i>ie number, 1387 -Y Former die numl>er, (400) r HINGE, MALE, 1 1/4" Size of shank, 2' z 1 1/16' D. For female part see die number 1370 Weight (steel), 0.94 ID. Die numDer, 1388-B Former die number, (117) . Welgnt (steel), 2.7 Ibs. HINGE, MALE, 3 7/16 x/ Size of pad, 5 1/2' x 2 1/2' x 3/8' For male part see die number 1375 Dte number, 1389-Y Former die number, (311) 390 .4 X -i fflNGE, MALE, 5" Size of pad, 4 1/2' x 2 1/4' z 3/8' For female part see die number 1372 Weight (steel), 1.0 ID. Die numtoer, 1390-Y Former die number, (105) 391 I .1 HINGE, MALE, 8 1/2" lize of pad. 7 3/8' x 2 1/2' x 1/2' Weight (steel), 3.3 IDs. Die nuxnDer, 1391-MNY Former die numbers, (4-4) (4-4) (127) 392 NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE, MALE, 8 1/2" Size of pad. 7 5/8' JL 2 1/2* x 3/4' For female part see die numbers 1409 and 1410 Weight (steel), 3.5 IDs. Die number, 1392 -B Former d.le miniber, (86) 393 XOOT3 QflAaAT3 TOW HINGE, MALE, 11 1/2" Size of pad, 8' x 2 1/2* x 5/8* For female part see die number 1412 Welglit (steel), 4.5 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1393- YM Former die numtoer, (405) 394 NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE, MALE, 12" Size of pad, 11 1/8" x 2 1/2' x 3/4* For female part see die number 1411 Welglit (steel), 5.0 IDs. Die number, 1394-BYMN Former die numbers, (114) (124) (4-24=) (4-24) 395 NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE, MALE, 12 3/16" Size of pad, 9 1/2' x 2' x 11/16' Weight (steel), 1.75 IDs. Die numDer, 1395-N Former die numfcer, (3-75) 396 NOT STANDARD STOCK : I *>|$ / HINGE, MALE, OPEN DIE Used with metal hose rack For female part see die number 1385 Weight, 1 1 >s. L>le number, 1396-B Former die number, (97) NOT STANDARD STOCK JI - J cvf 015 rlT fflNGE, MALE, 5 Used with metal hose rack For female part see die number 1385 Welglitl(steel), 2.1Jl>s. Die numtoer, 1397 -Y Former die number, (343) NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE PAD, EEMALE, 1 l/16 /x Size of pad, 4 3/4' x 1 1/2' x 3/8' Used as drop bolt pad. Welgnt (steel), 1.3 Ibs. Die number, 1398-Y Former die numtoer, (276) 399 )IOOT8 QflAOMATS _ HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 l/8 /x Size of pad, 3 7/8' x 1 1/2' x 8/8' Used as folding berth catch pad Weight (steel), 1.13 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1399-B Former die numDer, (116) 400 Hi TJf A i --i / ^ y _| U. 1 *l ^/ >'*- f W ? 'i- Mjh /#-"- ^ M1NGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 Size of pad, 4 3/4" x I 1/2" x 3/8' Used as drop bolt pad Weigtit (steel), 1.3 Ifos. Die number, 1400-Y Former die numt>er, (357) 12443119 26 401 fflNGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 3/16" Size of pad, 5 1/4* x 2' x 1/2" Used as drop bolt pad WelgUt (steel), 2.3 Die number, 1401-B Former die number, (124) NOT STANDARD STOCK 1 i s \ I ; 1 1 ^sfr __i T' ' _ ' J. 1 1 -J j r HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 3/18 /x Size of pad, 5 1/2" x 1 3/4" x 3/8" Used as drop bolt pad Weiglit (steel), 2.0 ibs. Die number, 1102-Y Former die number, (.'J55) 403 )IOOT8 QflAQMATS TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 5/16" Size of pad, 5 1/4' x 1 3/4' x 3'f8' Used as drop bolt pad Welgnt (steel), 2.6 n>s. Die number, 1403-Y Former die number, (271) 404 HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 5/16" Size of pad, 5 1/2* x 1 7/8' x 1/2' Welgnt, Ibs. Die number, 1404 -Y Former die number, (355-A) 405 HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 3/8" Size of pad, 5" x 3 3/4' x 3/8' Used as drop bolt pad Weight (steel), 2.5 IDs. Die number, 1405-Y Former die numt>er, (272) 406 HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 11/16 X/ Size of pad, 5 1/4' x 2 1/8' x 1/2' Welglxt, tt>s. Die number, 1406-M Former die numtoer, (4-63) 407 s HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 15/16' Size of pad, 5 1/2' x 2 1/2' x 9/16" Used as drop bolt pad Weight (steel), 4.4 IDs. Die number, 1407-YB Former die numbers, (133) H OLSS SPOTTED I MM. 0! I HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 15/16" Size of pad, 5 1/2* x 2 1/2' x 9/16" Used as drop bolt pad Wei gilt, IDS. Die number, 1408-M Former die number, (4-21) 409 HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 2" Size of pad, 5 3/4 " x 2" x 1/2* For male part see die number 1392 Weiglit (steel), 4.6 Ibs. Die number, 1409-B Former (lie number, (125) 410 NOT STANDARD STOCK r HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 2 3/4" Size of pad, 5 3/4' x 2" x 1/2' For male part see die number 1392 Weight, IDs. IMe imintoer, 1410-B Former die nuxntoer, (167) 411 NOT STANDARD STOCK y^T "\ ^-^ 'f "* If O- XT 1 /! i g-fe 1 *- p 8^- 5" 5 E3 34^' i * -J HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 2 13/16 X/ Size of pad, 8 1/4' x 2 1/4' x 5/8" For male part see die number 1394 Weight (steel), 5.6 IDs. Die number, 1411-Y Former . Die number, 1413-N Former die number, (3-49) NOT STANDARD STOCK fflNGE PAD, MALE, 15/16" Size of pad, 5 3/8' x 1 7/8' x 1/2' For female part see die number 1373 . ir,.; : - Welglit (steel), 1.8 IDs. : Die numtoer, 1414-B Former die number, (68) 415 HINGE PAD, MALE, 1 3/8 x/ Size of pad, 4 3/4" x 2" x 9/16" For female part see die number 1376 Weight, IDS. Die number, lilo-Y Former die number, (358) 416 NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE PAD, MALE, 1 3/4 " Size of pad, 5 1/2' x 2' x 1' For female part see die number 1378 Weight (steel), 3.5 IDs. Die numtoer, 1416-Y Former die numtoer, (132) 12443119 27 417 VL' A e *f W HINGE PAD, MALE, 2 5/16" Size of pad, 4 3/4' z 2' x 9/16' For female part see die numbers 1380 and 1381 Weight (steel), 3.9 IDs. Die number, 1417-NMYB Former die numtoers, (4-10) (4-10) (128) (163) HINGE PAD, MALE, 2 7/16" Size of pad, 5' z 4' x 9/16' For female part see die number 1383 WelgHt (steel), 8.0 IDs. I>le numtoer, 1418-YM Former me numtoer, (131) i 419 fflNGE PAD, MALE, 2 5/8" Size of pad, 4 3/4' x 2' x 1/2* For female part see die number 1380 Weignt (steel), 3.0 Ibs. Die number, 1419-Y Former d.le number, (270) 420 OUAGWAT2 TOW i NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE PAD, MALE, 4 1/8" Size of pad, 4 5/8' z 4' x 9/16' For female part see die numbers 1384 and 1382 Weight, itos. Die nuxntoer, 1420-M Former die numDer, (4-15) 421 NOT STANDARD STOCK SLEEVE, HALF, BOLT, ARMOR, 2" Length, 11/16' Welgnt (steel), 0.56 Ito. Die numtoer, 1421-Y Former die number, (279) NOT STANDARD STOCK r* Moo CM SLEEVE, HALF, BOLT, ARMOR, 2" Length, 2 5/8' WeJgnt (steel), 2.1 IDs. n to*a Die number, 1422-Y Former die numDer, (347) 423 NOT STANDARD STOCK SLEEVE, HALF, BOLT, ARMOR, 2" Length, 3 3/8' Wolglit, Ibs. Die number, 1423- Y Former ale numtoer, (281) 424 NOT STANDARD STOCK SLEEVE, HALF, BOLT, ARMOR, 2.4" Length, 2 5/8" Weight, ibs. Die number, 1424- Y Former ale number, (348) M> 425 NOT STANDARD STOCK LUG, TERMINAL, l/2 /x Weight (n. torass), 0.06 ID. Die number, 1425-Y Former ale number, (321) 420 )I30T8 GRAGM NOT STANDARD STOCK It LUG, TERMINAL, 1/2" Weight (n. torass), 0.13 Ito. Die number, 1426- Y Former die numtoer, (320) 427 NOT STANDARD STOCK r LUG, TERMINAL, 3/4 x/ Weight (n. brass), 0.31 Ito. Die number, 1427-Y Former ale number, (819) 428 MOOT8 3SAQyiAT8 TOH of NOT STANDARD STOCK iS^Tl LUG, TERMINAL, V Weight (n. brass), 0.88 ib. Die number, 1428-Y Former die number, (318) 420 NOT STANDARD STOCK itf >_ LUG, TERMINAL, 1 1/4" Weight (n. brass), 1.6 ll>s. Die number, 1429-Y Former clle number, (317) 430 NOT STANDARD STOCK _1 LUG, TERMINAL, 1 3/4 x Wolglit er, 1438-Y Former s. Die number, 1444-Y Former die mimtoer, (326) 445 NOT STANDARD STOCK XOOT8 QflAQ)/IAT8 TOM RIVET, TAP, 1 1/4" Length, open die Weight, Ibs. IMe number, 1445-B Former die number, (376) 446 HOOTS QflAOI/IAT8 TOM j -# i RIVET, TAP, 1 3/8" Length, 2 5/8' Weight (steel), ll>s. Die numtoer, 1446-Y Former die number, (332) 447 NOT STANDARD STOCK RIVET, TAP, 1 1/2" Length, 4 5/8' Weight (steel), 2.8 IDs. Die number, 1447-Y Former die number, (324) 448 NOT STANDARD STOCK MS EIVET, TAP, 1 1/2" . Length, 2 3/8' WiffHt (stei) t 1.8 IDs. . - Die numtoer, 1448-Y Former die number, (333) 12443119 29 XOQT8 Q8AQMAI& TOW i $ uSpKS l ^A/ ^ JJ 'i/fS. r***e^^a*^^_ 1* ^ l*B. 4s? J AeLUJ -4- m ,_ r a M Ji ABOUT S-'V^^. . > ; hitri ^*i a 4 ; n SS! *^^ w^ P-S--I -f KsjPHM i ^yUSMI^ W Sj^^ - - 1 "* OBVERSE REVERSE RAISED LETTERS AND FIGURES ! J t .. y tr L -_-^,_ >r , _--_ -?*}* 1 ^r JL ; STUD, CHAIN, 3/4 x/ Welgnt (steel), Itos. Die number, 1449-BY Former die number, (267) . 450 OBVERSE REVERSE RAISED LETTERS AND FIGURES STUD, CHAIN, 7/8" Weight (steel), Ibs. I>lo number, 1450-B Former die number, (266) 451 ABOUT OBVERSE REVERSE RAISED LETTERS AND FIGURES sen? STUD, CHAIN, (steel), itos. Die number* 1451 -B Former ale number, (268) 452 hf-J OBVERSE. REVERSE RAISED LETTERS AND FIGURES STUD, CHAIN, 1 1/8" Weight (steel), l*>s. Die number, 1152-B Former die numtoer, (269) 458 A30U7 OB RAISED LETTERS AND FIGURES STUD, CHAIN, 1 1/4" Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die number, 1453 -B Former die number, (270) 454 ABOUT - *&- OBVERSe. REVERSE RAISED LETTERS AND FIGURES STUD, CHAIN, 1 3/8" Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die number, 1454-B Former die number, (271) 455 ABOUT - OBVERSE RAISED LETTERS & FIGURES, STUD, CHAIN, 1 1/2" Welgnt (steel), Itws. Die number, 1455-BY s ma a e?j Former die number, (272) 456 OBVERSE RAISED LETTERS & F/&( STUD, CHAIN, 1 5/8" WelgHt (steel), Ifos. Die number, 1456-B Former die number, (273) 457 OBVERSE RAISED LETTERS AND FIGURES STUD, CHAIN, 1 3/4' Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 1457 -B >cfmjm el ti !": Former die number, (274) 458 RAISED LETTERS AND FIGURES STUD, CHAIN, 1 7/S* Welgnt (steel), itos. Die number, 1458-B Former ale number, (275) 450 RAISED LETTERS&FIGURS. STUD, CHAIN, 2 X/ Welgnt (steel), itxs. Die numDer, 1459 -BY Former die nuxntoer, (276) 460 r# STUD, CHAIN, 2 1/8* Weight (steel), Ifts. Die number, 1460-B Former s. Die number, 1468-B Former die number, (285) 469 >I36T3 (J8AOMAT 2- OBVERSE \ / REVERSE RAISED LETTERS Z FI6UKES STUD, CHAIN, 3 1/4" Weig ._ 'Ht (steel), Ibs. Die number, 1469-B Former die number, (286) 470 A BOOT STUD, CHAIN, 3 3/8" Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 1470-B Former die number, (287) GOOSENECK, MALE, 9/16" Weight, Itos. Die number, 1471 -M Former die number, (3-44) 472 GOOSENECK, MALE, 11/16 X/ WeigHtl(steel), 0.38 It). Die number, 1472-P Former die immtoer, (258) 473 t J W^ 3f \3 V GOOSENECK, FEMALE, 9/16 Welgnt (steel) o^3 Ib. , Die number, U73-P Former die number, (390) NOT STANDARD STOCK -* r it f *k "\ V 1 > 1 *? 1 ve J j^ 1 >J^ | J I fS* <*' J >> Hi ^ \ ? * ^ \ / to Q IT_ s / GOOSENECK, FEMALE, WelgHt, IDs. Die number, 1474-M Former er, (3-45) 475 Z TOW PIN, ROD, JACK, 7/16* Weight Csteel), 0.4 it). Die numtoer, 1475- Y Former die numtoer, (290) 476 NOT STANDARD STOCK lAQMATd TOrl . PIN, ROD, JACK, 1/2" V Weight (steel), 0.50 ll>. Die number, 1476-B Former die number, (23) 477 NOT STANDARD STOCK i PIN, ROD, JACK, 5/8 x WelgHt (steel), 0.70 ID. Die number, 1477-B Former die number, (8) 478 NOT STANDARD STOCK r^ t , . t ~^2\ SA V J T V J SfiP 7" HANDLE, GRAB, 3 5/8 x/ Height, 1 7/8' Size of wire, 3/8' Weight (steel), O.38 Ib. Die number, 1478-N Former die number, (3-2) 479 HANDLE, GRAB, 3 3/4" Height, 1 7/8' Size of wire, 3/8' Welglit (steel), 0.50 ID. Die numDer, 1479-YB Former die numbers, (112) (333) 480 NOT STANDARD STOCK . HANDLE, GRAB, 4 X/ Height, 2 1/8" Size of wire, 3/4" Weight, . Itos., !>Ie jium.t>or, 1480-P Iformer die number, (236) 12443119 31 481 4 P DIE HANDLE, GRAB, 4" Height, 2" Size of wire, 1/2' Weight (steel), 1.3 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1481-MP Former die numbers, (3-2) HANDLE, GRAB, 4 1/8" Height, 2 1/8* Size of wire, 3/4' Weight (steel), 1.4 Ifos. Die number, 1482-N Former die number, (3-1) 483 NOT STANDARD STOCK e OPEN DIE GRAB ROD, l/2 7/ Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1483-N Former die number, (3-29) 484 NOT STANDARD STOCK GRAB ROD, 5/8 x Weight, Ibs. Die imniber, 1484 -K Former die numtoer, (3-30) 13 J W- =F) GRAB ROD, 3/4 /x Welglit (steel), 2.3 IDs. Die numDer, 1485- Y Former die number, (116) 486 NOT STANDARD STOCK m X-* >M 1 1 % ^pH ' . >c, -S OPEN Dl GRAB ROD, 3/4 /x Weight, Ibs. Die numljer, 1486-N Former die number, (3-31) 487 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE GRAB ROD, 3/4" Weight, 11)8. Die number, 1487 -B Former die number, (22) 488 . GRAB ROD, 3/4" Welgtot,' llis. Die number, 1488-Y Former die numDer, (117) NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE GRAB ROD, 7/8" Weight, r . Ibs. Die number, 1489- N Tit) . TO Former ale number, (3-32) GRAB, STRAIGHT, 3 1/2* Weight, Ibs. pie numtoer, Former die numtoers, (4-5) (119) NOT STANDARD STOCK GRAB, STRAIGHT, 3 1/2* Weiglrt (n. brass), 0.38 lt>. Die niimDer, 1491-NS ^Wi) . . Former die numbers, (4-5) (62) v -'i J ,> I fOW 7" 1 : ! \ rn v 1 J i | N \/ 1 Q rCA i / t N |^-*j2 -H *fc ] ; , i 4V f[\ i n X"i^\ y y \^iv/ , >>, ^ 1 ' f5 1. -1^ c . sJ i -1- >^y^ . T '~'^' 7 - j f s. Die numtoer, 1494-MY Former die numbers, (12-8) (1057) v,T S- PR ^ HANDLE, BUCKET, Welgnt, IDs. Die ixumt>er, 1495 -Y Former die number, (1137) NOT STANDARD STOCK I Qfl4aMAT8 TOM 44* HANDLE, VALVE, AIR, H. P. Welglit (n. brass), 0.47 ID. Die number, 1196-Y Former ale number, (386) 1244311! 32 497 MOOTS QflA(MAT3 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK to"- ~m \ 12 1 HANDLE, VALVE, BUTTERFLY For ventilation pipe Weight (steel), 2.3 Ibs. Die number, 1497 -Y Former die number, (104) 498 FLANGE, 2" Weight, Itos. Die number, 1498-Y Former ale numtoer (498) AS FOKGED. 7OB FLANGE, 2 1/2" WelgHt, Ibs. Die number, 1499-Y Former ale iiiimt>er, (499) FLANGE, 3" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1500-Y Former die number, (500) 501 FLANGE, 3 1/2" Weight, ll>s. Die numtoer, 1501-Y Former die number, (501) FLANGE, 4" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1502-Y Former die number, (502) FLANGE, 4 1/2" Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 1503-Y Former ale number, (503) 504 FLANGE, 5" Welgnt, t i itos. me number, 1504- Y Former die number, (504) 505 FLANGE, 6 X Weight, IDs. Die number, 1505-Y Former die number, (506) FLANGE, 8" Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1506-Y Former die number, (507) 507 FLANGE, 5 1/2" Weight, llya. Die number, 1507-Y Former die number, (505) 508 FLANGE, TUBE, SOUNDING, 1 1/2" W. I. PIPE FLANGE, TUBE, ESCAPE, AIR, 1 1/4" W. I. PIPE Welgnt (steel), 7.0 Ibs. Die number, 1508-Y Former die number, (100) 509 NOT STANDARD STOCK FLANGE, 2 1/2" 3" Nonstandard For standard flange see die numbers 1499-1500 Weight (steel), 4.3 Itos. Die number, 1509 -Y Former die number, (335) 510 NOT STANDARD STOCK FLANGE, 2 1/2" Nonstandard For standard flange see die number 1499 Welglit (steel), 6.0 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1510-Y Former ale numtoer, (336) Oil NOT STANDARD STOCK FLANGE, 3" Nonstandard For standard flange see die number 1500 Weight (steel), 7.5 IDs. Die nuxnber, 1511-YM Former die numtoers, (337) (445) 512 NOT STANDARD STOCK FLANGE, 3 1/2" Nonstandard For standard flange see die number 1501 Weight (steel), 8.0 ll>s. me ntmiDer, 1512-Y Former die number (338) 12443119 33 513 NOT STANDARD STOCK FLANGE, 4" Nonstandard For standard flange see die number 1502 Welgnt (steel) 9.5 ibs. Die number, 1513-Y Former die number, (339) 514 NOT STANDARD STOCK FLANGE, 6 1/2" Nonstandard Weight, IDs. Die number, 15M-M Former die nunitoer, (4-50) 515 I 7 / 1 YOKE, VALVE, H. P., V AND 1 1/4 X Weiglit (steel), 1.0 lt>. Die immDer, 1515-YM Former die numtoer (1059) 516 / l ( F" k ^JO 1 i / :\I ..1 M t :iYd/.7 .3HUY YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 1 1/2 X/ AND 2 X/ Weight (steel), 1.5 IDs. Die immDer, 1516-YM Former die numtoer, (1060) 517 YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 2 1/2" Weight (steel), 2.6 IDs. Die numDer, 1517-Y v: Former die number, (1061) Bia YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 3" AND 3 1/2" Weight (steel), 4.2 IDs. Die numtoer, 1518-YM Former die numtoer, (1062) 510 YOKE, VALVE. H. P.. 4' Weignt (steel), 5.8 IDs . Die numtoer, 1519- Y Former die nuniDer, (1063) 520 I . f * ! [ 1 ^ r i ) v YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 4 1/2" Weight (steel), 7.0 IDs. Die number, 1520- Y Former die number, (1064) YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 5" AND 5 1/2" Weight (steel), 8.0 IDs. Die number, 1521 -Y Former die number, (1065) 622 E ' t I ( < f OKO V * * } I T 1 YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 6 /x AND 6 1/2" Weight (Steel), 10.2 lt>s. Die number, 13 Former die number, (1066; 523 j i. 4 *K ^ YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 7" 15.0 IDs. Die xmmtoer, 1523- Y , , ; _ Former die number, (1067) 524 YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 7 1/2" Weight (steel), 15.8 ll>s. Die number, 1524-Y Former ale number, (1068) 525 YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 8" Weight (steel), 22.8_ll>s. Die number, 1525-Y Former die number, (1069) YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 8 1/2" Weight (steel), 26.2 IDs. Die number, 1526-Y Former die number, (1070) 527 YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 9 X/ Weight (steel), 30.0 IDs. Die numDer, 15-2T-Y Former die number, (1071) 628 YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 9 1/2" Welglit (steel), 31.K rr>s. ie number, 1528-Y Former die number, (1072) 12443119 529 jgy YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 10" AND 10 1/2" Weiglit (siteel), 42.8 IDs. Die numDer, 1529-Y Former die immDer, (1073) 530 . ' . I 1 ( *i I ] YOKE, VALVE, H. P., II' Welglit (steel), 47.0 lljs* Die numtoer, 1530- Y f v>cfmr/n oi Former die numDer, (1074) 631 FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., l x/ AND 1 Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1531-Y Former clie number, (1082-1) , o r t t t T T 1 / /?" f ~1 JL^ 1 16 " ^ /4" FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 1 l/2 7/ AND 2 /x WelgHt, lUs. Die numtoer, 1532-Y Former die numDer, (1082-2) 538 OV R FLATS, *2 i <-* - *i!<5 "KD- \" i_J /6 *"" ' V FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 2 1/2" Weight (steel), 0.75 IDs. Die nuniber, 1533-Y Former die number, (1083-1) T- T" I Q nh T jJL - f % FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 3 /x Weight (steel), 1.0 lt>. ie number, 1534-Y Former die number, (1083-2) vOO OVER PLATS. \ r FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 3 1/2" Weiglit (steel), i.o m. Die number, 1535-Y Former die numl>er, (1084-1) a! i # i < c I 15 ' 1 IU * OVX FLAT* -1EU. FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 4" Weiglit (steel), 1.2 lUs. me number, 1536-Y Former er, (1086-1) 540 ..eT/* FINISHED DIMENSIONS - STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., Weight (stel), 4.0 ms. l>le number, 1540-Y Former die numDer, (1086-2) 541 OVER FLATS. =3-rf ** H^ 5 i ^^ Mi *q -w.- ;e FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., Q 1/2" Weight (steel), 4.0 lt>s. I)Ie number, 1541- Y Former ale number, (1087-1) . . nto V >: f s f?77 1 ,TP I S ' o <\/ T^ -- FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 7" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1542-Y Q *<" FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCfflON, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 8 1/2" Weight, lt)S. Die number, 1545 -Y Former die number, (1089-1) OVER r .4 i 1 J i i 7 7 .!_ i L a ^ * ,,T FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 9" Weight (steel), 10.0 Itos. Die numtoer, I546-Y Former die numDer, (1089-2) 547 OVR FLATS ,0 ? *<* >it. 1 0^0 1 T ** cvr 1 JL 55- ^G (Z" _ A FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 9 1/2" Weight (steel), 10.2 IDs. Die number, 1547-Y Former die numtoer, (1090) 548 FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 10" Welgnt (steel), 12.5 IDs. Die number, 1548-Y Former die number, (1091) 549 OVEK FLATS ,3 F 0*1 1 VALVE FINISHED DIMENSIONS STANCHION, YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 10 1/2^ AND 11" Weight (steel), 15.5 IDs. Die nuinfcer, 1549-Y Former die mimtoer, (1092) 5SO NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, LOCKING, 3/4" Weight (n. brass), 0.75 Ib. Die number, 1550-MN Former die numbers, (3-38) (3-11) 551 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, LOCKING, 3/4" Weight (steel), 1.5 IDs. r>le number, 1551 -B Former clio number, (216) 552 XOOT8 TON BOLT, LOCKING, 3/4" Weight (steel), 0.38 ID. Die numtoer, 1552-Y Former die num/ber, (395) 553 NOT STANDARD STOCK \ A i tH-w BOLT, EYE, LIFE LINE Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1553 -B Former me numloer, (79) 554 A3\Jic UnAunAid NOT STANDARD STOCK 3* BOLT, TRACK Welglit (steel), O.56 ID. Die numfcer, 1554-Y Former die number, (123) 555 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE BOLT, BRICK Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 1555-B Former die numtoer, (264) NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, LEWIS, 7/8" Weignt (steel), 4.4 Ibs. Die number, 1556-B Former die number, (217) 557 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, LEWIS, 1 1/4" Welgnt (steel), 7.6 IDs. Die numtoer, 1557 -Y Former die numtoer, (344) 558 NOT STANDARD STOCK - / ? . H j- 3 * -,-/ -^ f 41 | 4 * 9 * ^ # ^ >N >-> (&) r-s / >*X -/ H 1 * r* % S ^, > "tr N ? ^ KEY, BOLT, LEWIS Weight (steel), 1.5 Itos. Die number, 1558-Y Former die number, (380) 559 CD BOLT, SECURING, 1 1/4" For coal scuttles Weight (n. brass), 4.4 IDs. Die number, 1559-YM Former die numbers, (427) (4-16) 560 NOOT8 BOLT, SECURING, 1 1/4^ For coal scuttles Weight (n. brass), 4.6 IDs. Die number, 1560-YM Former die numbers, (426) (4-17) 12443119 36 r.oi NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, SECURING, 1 1/4" For coal scuttles IDS. Die numtoer, 1561 -B Former die nttmtoer, (129) 562 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 3/8' Length, open die Welglit, Itos. Die number, 1562-M Former die mimber, (3-17) 563 AG$AT2 TOW PAD, HOOK, 3" Weight (steel), IDs. le number, 1563-Y 564 NOT STANDARD STOCK 1 t. f "\ n 1 a , 3 ^ \ 8 / Q 2 1) ' rTl i v g v y 7* ,, OPEN DIE BOLT, SCREW, RIGGING, 2 X/ Weight, ibs. I>ie number, 1564-B Former die numDer, (196) 505 NOT STANDARD STOCK F OPEN* DIE BOLT, SCREW, RIGGING, 2 1/2" Welgnt, ll)S. Die numtoer, 1565-B Former die numtoer, (206) 566 NOT STANDARD STOCK , ) ,: 1 i ( t < r ^ i I 1 OPEN DIE BOLT, SCREW, RIGGING, 3 X/ Welglit, IDs. Die numtoer, 1566-B Former die number, (141) 567 NOT STANDARD STOCK I i. OPEN DIE: BOLT, SCREW, RIGGING, 3 1/2' Weight, Die numl>er, 15G7-B Former die number, (207) 568 L NOT STANDARD STOCK HH . BOLT, SCREW, RIGGING, 4 /x Weight, ll>s. Die numtoer, 1668-B Former die number, (142) 569 r BOLT, DROP, 5/16" Head, 5/16' x 5/8' D. Length, 2 1/16' Welgnt (steel), 0.10 ID. Die number, 1569 -Y Former die number, (87) 570 NOT STANDARD STOCK w m , BOLT, DROP, 5/16 /x Head, 3/8' x 7/8' D. Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die numDer, 1570-MY Former die numbers, (7-47) (1101) 571 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DROP, Head, 7/16' x 11" D. Length, 1 7/8* Weight (steel), 0.38 ID. Die numtoer, 1571-N Former die nuniber, (4-38) NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DROP, 3/8" Head, 7/16* x I' D. Length, open die Ibs. I>Ie number, 1572 -M Former die number, (7-70) 573 100T8 GRAQMAT3 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DROP, 3/8" Head, 1/2' z 3/4' D. Length, open die WelgHt, IDs. I>le numDer, 1573-M Former die numDer, (3- 574 r< *H 1 BOLT, DROP, 3/8 /x Head, 5/8* x 13/16" D. Length, open die Weight, ifes. IMe numtoer, 1574-YP Former die mimtoers, (514) (239) / *t BOLT, DROP^ 7/16" Head, 1/2* x 3/4' D. Length, 2 5/8' Weight (steel), 0.5 ID. Die number, 1575-N Former die numtoer, (4-40) 576 NOT STANDARD STOCK 7" L ^ "MS ^ BOLT, DROP, 1/2" Head, 5/8' x 7/8' D. Length, 2 5/16' Weiglit (steel), 0.5 ito. Die numtoer, 1576-N Former die numtoer, (4-39) 12443119 37 577 8 QflAQMATB E J BOLT, DROP, 1/2" Head, 5/8' x 7/8* Length, open die Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1577 -M Former die numtoer, (3-60) 578 BOLT, DROP, 5/8" Head, 11/16' x 1 1/4' D. Length, open die Weight, . IDS. Die numtoer, 1578-Y Former die number, (43) 579 BOLT, DROP, 5/8 /x Head, 11/16' x I 3/8' D. Length, open die Weight, lK>s. Die numtoer, 1579 -Y Former die numlt>er, (287) )IOOT3 IS" -*- BOLT, DROP, 5/8" Head, 3/4' z 15/16' D. Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die number, 1580- M Former die numtoer, (3-61) NOT STANDARD STOCK k 3 "J m ! (C \ l f 1 s y ?\ / v 'i ft T e ta ' r . , ^ JH t rP/' N ' * 1 1 BOLT, DROP, 3/4" Head, 3/4' x 1 1/8' D. Length, 4 1/16' Weight (steel), 1.25 IDs. Die numDer,^l581-N , (4-1) 583 >!OQT3 TOW REMOVED BY YI DIE BOLT, DROP, 3/4" Head, 3/4' x 1 1/8" D. Length, 3 5/8' WelgUt (n. brass), 0.63 ID. Die numt>er,ll582-YMB Former die numbers, (428)^(4- 1)^(127) 583 MOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DROP, 3/4" Head, 3/4' x 1 1/4' D. Length, 4 13/16' Weight (steel), 1.1 Itos, Die number, 1583-Y Former die number, (50) 584 TOM BOLT, DROP, 3/4" Head, 3/4* x 1 1/2' D. Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die number, 1584-M Former die numtoer, (7-42) 685 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DROP, 3/4" Head, 3/4* x 1 3/4' D. Length, 7 1/8' WelgHt, 1.3 Die numtoer, 1585 -Y Former die numtoer, (51) 586 ^_xr^ BOLT, DROP, 3/4" Head, 13/16' x I 3/16" D. Length, open die Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 1586-YM Former die immtoer, (42) 587 BOLT, DROP, 7/8" Head, 3/4' x 1 7/8' D. Length, open die Welgfct, IDs. J>le numtoer, 1587 -Y Former die numtoer, (53) BOLT, DROP, 7/8" Head, 7/8' z 1 5/16" D. Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1588- YBM Former die numbers, (49) (122) (4-3) 589 BOLT, DROP, 7/8" Head, 7/8' x 1 1/4' D. Length, 4 1/8' WelgHt (n. brass), 1.0 113. Die number, 1589-YN Former die numbers, (52) (4-3) 590 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DROP, 7/8" Head, 7/8" x 1 3/4' D. Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die number, 1590-MY Former die numbers, (7-69) (1009) 691 NOT STANDARD STOCK # BOLT, DROP, 7/8" Head, 1* x 1 3/8* D. Length, 4 3/8' WelgHt;(n. torass), 0.75 R>. i number, 1591-Y Former ale number, (429-A) 592 NOT STANDARD STOCK i P . ii BOLT, DROP, 7/8" Head, 1" x 1 3/8" D. Length, 4 7/8' Welgnt (n. Drass), 0.78 Ito. Die numtoer, 1592-Y Former die numDer, (429) 12443119 38 BOLT, DROP, 7/8" Head, 1' x 1 7/16' D. Length, open die Weight, Lbs. Die numDer, 1593 -B Former die numtoer, (153) 594 BOLT, DROP, 7/8" Head, 1' z 1 15/16' D. Length, open die Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1594-YBMN Former die numbers, (56) (128) (4-20) (4-20) 596 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DROP, V Head, 1* x 1 5/8' D. Length, open die Weight, lt>s. I>ie numtoer, 1595 -Y Former clle num/ber, (430-A) 'MI BOLT, DROP, 1" ttead, 1" x I 13/16' D. Length, open die Welglit, Itos. Die numtoer, 1596-YM Former die numDers, (412) (4-61) 597 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DROP, V Head, 1" x 2 1/2" D. Length, open die Welgnt, IMe numDer, 1597 -Y Former die mim"ber, (430) 598 XOOT3 QflAOMATe TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DROP, 1 1/8" Head, 1' x 2" D. Length, open die Welglit, - Ibs. Die numtoer, 1598- Y Former die numtoer, (288) 599 NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, 1 1/4" Weight (steel), 0.25 ID. le number, 1599-N Former ale number , (3-105) 600 DOG, 4 7/16" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1600-Y Former die number, (1129) 601 NOT STANDARD STOCK _pL . I>le numtoer, 1603- Y Former die numtoer, (277) 004 NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, FLAT, 5 1/2" Nonstandard For standard dog see die No. 1606 Weight (steel), 1.75 IDs. Die numtoer, 1604-NYB Former die numfcers, (4-2) (59) (57) 605 DOG, FLAT, 5 7/8" Weight (steel), 1.94 IDs. Die number, 1605-PY Former die numbers, (235) (77) 00t> NOT STANDARD STOCK HOLES SPOTTED DOG, FLAT, 5 7/8" Weight (steel), 2.0 IDs. Die number, 1606-BMN Former die numbers, (84) (4-7) (4-7) 607 AOMAT2 TDK DOG, FLAT, 6" Weight (steel), 1.38 lt>s. Die number, 1607- Y Former die numDer, (296) NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, FLAT, V Weight (steel), 1.5 Itos. Die number, 1608- Y Former die number, (295) 124431 19 30 609 NOT STANDARD STOCK >iDG h*"1 f8 TOM '.. ii-i"i DOG, HANDLED, 2 11/16' weigu-t, . itos. Die number, 1609- M Former die number, 610 NOT STANDARD STOCK JR. SECTION AT AA. DOG, HANDLED, 3 5/8 x Weigh? (eteel), 0.38 il>. Die number, 1610-N Former die numtoer, (3-101) 611 XDOT8 QflAGWATe TOM ^J- _ DOG, HANDLED, Weignt (steel), 0.84 Ito. Die number, 1611-BT Former die numbers, (126) A (58) 612 DOG, HANDLED, 6 1/8" Weight (steel), 1.88 Itos. Die number, 1612 -Y Former die number , (75) 613 SECTION AT /r/r. DOG, HANDLED, 6 1/2 X/ Weight (steel), 2.0 Itos. Die numfrer, 1613-N Former die numtoer, (3-57) 614 DOG, HANDLED, 6 3/4" Weignt (steel), 2.25 Itos. Die number, 1614-NBY Former die numbers , (4-13) (60) (76) 615 DOG, HANDLED, 7" Weight (steel), 3.0 ll>s. Die number, 1615 -N Former die number, (3-103) 616 MOOT3 QflAQHAT3 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK SECTION ATA-A. DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 5 1/2" Weignt (steel), 3.3 ibs. Die number, 1616-B Former die number, 617 NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, Weight (steel), 3.0 IDs. I>ie number, 1617 -Y Former die number, (72) 618 )iOOT2 TOM DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 6" Welglit (steel), 3.31 IDs. me numtoer, 1618-PNMY Former die numbers, (234) (4-11) (4-11) (80) 619 NOT STANDARD STOCK N 7T>\% * Wk( DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 6 /x Weignt (steel), 2.0 Ibs. Die number, 1619-N Former die number, (3-16) 620 NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, Weiglit, IDs. Die numtoer, 1620-B Former die numtoer, (329) 621 aflAOi/lAT8 TOM DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, T Weignt, . llts. Die number, I621-"f M Former die mimtoer, (255) 622 _L DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 8" Weight (steel), 4.5 itos. Die numDer, 1622- YM Former die numl>er, (60) 623 DOG, HANDLE, WITH SPINDLE, 8' x Weignt (steel), 5.0 Itos. Die number, 1628- Y Former die number, (70) 0*4 NOT STANDARD STOCK li" M-r^ * P SECTION At A ; A ^a DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 10 1/2* Weignt (steel), 6.0 ll>s. Die number, Former die number, (69) 12443119 40 >JOOT8 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK <* J H* j" T DOG, LATCH, For 7" Gun Port Shutters Weight (steel), 1.06 IDs. Die, number, 1625- Y Former die number, (352) 626 DOG, PORT, CARGO, 4 1/8" Welgnt (steel), 2.12 IDs. Die number, 1626- Y Former die number, (71) 627 NOT STANDARD STOCK 4t" ' Welgnt, DOG, PORT, CARGO, 4 1/4" Ibs. Die number, 1627 -B Former die number, (53) 628 NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, PORT, CARGO, 4 5/16" Weight (steel), 1.0 ID. Die tmxnl>r, 1628-N Former die number, (3-10) 620 >IOOT8 QHAGMAT3 TOM DOG, PORT, CARGO, 8 1/2" Weight t (steel), 4.44 Ifos. Die number, 1629-Y Former ale numtoer, (74) 680 X3QT8 afiAGMATB TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK WelgHt, DOG, PORT, CARGO, 9 1/2" Ibs. Die numtoer, 1630-B Former die numtoer, (320) 631 NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, HATCH, ARMORED, 5 1/4" Weight (steel), 6.0 IDs. Die numtoer, 1631-Y Former die numtoer, (70) 632 NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, SHIPWRIGHTS, 5/8" Weight, ll>s. Die number, 1632-Y Former die number, (73) 633 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE DOG, SHIPWRIGHTS, 3/4 /x Welglit, IDs. Die numtoer, 1633-M Former die numtoer, (9-17) 634 DOG, SfflPWRIGHTS, 3/4" Welgnt, Ibs. Die number, 1634-B Former die number, (116) 635 BOLT, DOG Weight (steel), 1.81 IDs. Die number, 1635-BY Former die numbers, (61) (239) 636 HANDLE, DOG, 4 7/16 x Weight (steel), 0.88 ib. Die number, 1636- YMN Former ale numbers, (1123) (12-5) (3-74) 637 NOT STANDARD STOCK HANDLE, DOG, 4 5/8" Welglit (steel), 1.0 ID. Die number, 1637-B Former die number, (130) 638 OQAFT I /V Y. CMS ONL Y HANDLE, DOG, W WeigHt '(steel), 1.8 lt>s. Die numtoer, 1638-BPYNM Former ale numbers, (40) (233) (106) (d-12) (4-12) 089 NOT STANDARD STOCK HANDLE, DOG, 6* Weight (steel), 2.0 IDs. Ie numbers, 1639-N Former die number, (3-17) 640 GftAGHATZ izj 4fm Tl / x L^ / ^^ ^T > V*' sAt; y> i J \ ^- ^ &'* H* (va 1 1 \ \ f ^ 1 JJL v a HANDLE, DOG, 8 /x Welgnt (steel), 2.44 Ibs. r>ie nnmtoer, 1640-YM Former die number, (78) 12443119 41 641 WOT STANDARD STOCK itkM * \r i* T HANDLE, DOG, WITH SPINDLE, 3 5/8' Weight, IDs. Die number, 1641-X Former die number, (3-102) 642 r HANDLE, DOG, WITH SPINDLE, 5" Weight, ll>s. Die number, 1642- Y tfyi&ff Former die number, (1128) Gi3 HANDLE, DOG, WITH SPINDLE, 6 1/2' Weight (steel), 3.0 Ifcs. Die number, 1643-N Former die number, (3-56) 644 NOT STANDARD STOCK HANDLE, DOG, WITH SPINDLE, 7' Weight, IDs. Die nnxn.'ber, 1644 -N Former die number, (3-104) 645 ** NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1/4" x 5/16 /x Weight, IDs. Die number, 1645-N Former die number, (7-1) 646 SHACKLE, REGULAR 1/4" Weight, lts. Die muntoer, 1646-x Former ale number, (7-13) 647 SHACKLE, REGULAR 1/4' Weight (steel), 0.20 ib. Die number, 1647- Y Former die number, 648 SHACKLE, REGULAR 5/16" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1648-X Former die number, (7-14) 649 SHACKLE, REGULAR 3/8" Weight, 11)9. Die number, 1649-X Former die numtoer, (7-35) 650 SHACKLE, REGULAR 3/8" WelgHt, Itos. Die numtoer, 1650-M Former die numUer, (3-47) 651 SHACKLE, REGULAR 3/8" Weiglit (steel), 3.0 IDs. Die number, 1651 -NM Former die number, (7-15) 652 fig SHACKLE, REGULAR 3/8" Weight (steel), 0.62 It). IMe number, 1652-Y Former die niinifoer, (435) 653 NOT STANDARD STOCK ' SHACKLE, REGULAR 3/8" x 7/W Welglit, itos. Die number, 1653-B Former ale number, (33) 654 NOT STANDARD STOCK ^SHACKLE, REGULAR 7/16" Weiglit (steel), 0.28 ID. Die number, 1654-P Former die number, (391) 655 NOT STANDARD STOCK i SHACKLE, REGULAR 1/2* WeigHt, IDs. le numtoer, 1655 -N Former die numl>er, (7-34) SHACKLE, REGULAR 1/2" Weight (steel), 0.66 Ib. Die number, 1656-YM Former die number, (437) 124431 1! 42 657 $TH5 SHACKLE, REGULAR Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1657-N Former die numtoer, (7-16) 658 OPEN DIE SHACKLE, REGULAR 9/16" Welgnt (steel), 1.6 Itos. Die number, 1658- Y Former die number, (438) 65t SHACKLE, REGULAR 5/8" Weight (steel), 1.75 Ibs. Die number, 1659- YM Former die number, (439) >!OOT3 Q8AQWAT8 TOW SHACKLE, REGULAR 5/8" Welglxt (steel), 1.5 Ibs. Die numDer, 1660-N Former ale numtoer, (7-17) 661 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE SHACKLE, REGULAR 3/4" Weight (steel), 0.94 ID. Die nunaber 1661-YM Former die numtoer, (316) 662 OPEN DIE SHACKLE, REGULAR 3/4" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1662 -B Former die number, (331) 668 SHACKLE, REGULAR 7/8" Weight, Itos. Die numtoer, 1663 -YM Former die number, (443) 664 T K SHACKLE, REGULAR 7/8" Weigh.! (steel), 3.0 IDs. Die nuxnDer, 1664-N Former die number, (7-19) 665 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 7/8" X 1 1/2" Nonstandard For standard shackle see die No. 1679 Weight, IDs. Die number, 1665 -N Former die number, (7-11) 666 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 Weight (steel), 3.25 IDs. Die number, 1666- Y Former die number, (203) 667 hi* open DIE SHACKLE, REGULAR 1" WeigHt (steel), ll>s. Die numtoer, 1667- YM Former die number, (445) 008 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1" Nonstandard For standard shackle see die No. 1669 Weight, ibs. Die number, 1668 -N Former die number, (7-9) 6f NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1' Welglit, Ibs. Die numDer, 1669-N Former die numtoer, (7-10) 670 X30T2 QRAQWAT2 TOM . SHACKLE, REGULAR 1" WeigHt, Ibs. Die niimtoer, 1670-N Former die number, (7-33) 671 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR I" x I 1/2" Nonstandard For standard shackle see die No. 1679 Weignt, ibs. Die number, l67i-N Former die number, (7-7) 872 CPEN Die SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 1/8" Welgnt (steel), 6.5 Ibs. Die number, 1672- YM Former die number, (447) 12443119 43 673 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 1/8" Welgnt, Ibs. Die number, 1673-N Former die number, (7-21) aur? t> NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 1/8" Weight, Ifos. Die numtoer, 1674-B Former die nuinber, (260) 675 ^J OPEN DIE SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 1/4" Weight (steel), 5.75 U>s. Die number, 1675-YM Former die number, 676 XOOT8 QHAQMAT8 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 1/4' Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1676-N Former die number, (7-22) 077 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 1/4" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1677-N Former die numtoer, (7-5) 678 OPfN DIE SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 1/4" Weight (steel), 7.9 IDs. Die number, 1678-B Former ale numtoer, (213) 679 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 3/8 x Weight (steel), 12.0 IDs. Die number, 1679-1* Former die number, (7-12) 680 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 3/8" Nonstandard For standard shackle see die No. 1679 Welglit, IDs. Die number, 1680-N Former die number, (7-8) 681 Of>N DIE SHACKLE, REGULAR_1 3/8" WelgHt (steel), 7.8 Itos. Die numtoer, 1681-Y Former ale numl>er,^(461) 682 < r _^_ SHACKLE, REGULAR 1 1/2 X/ Welglit (steel), 14.0 Ibs. Die number, 1682 -N Former die numtoer, (7-24) 683 NOT STANDARD STOCK 4 OPEN DIE SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1 5/8" Used with towing gear for destroyers. Weight, lt>9. Die number, 1683-B Former die number, (303) 684 SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 5/8* Used with housing chain stopper for 3 1/4" and 3 1/2" chain cable. Weight, 11)8. Die numtoer, 1684-B Former die numtoer, (318) 685 OPEN DIE SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 3/4" Used with towing gear for battleships Weight, Itos. Die number, 16S5-B Former ale number, (319) 686 SHACKLE, BENDING, 3 1/4" CHAIN CABLE Weight, IDs. Die number, 1686-B Former die number, (314) 687 SHACKLE, BENDING, 3 1/2" CHAIN CABLE Welglrt, Ibs. Die number, 1687-B Former die number, (315) 688 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, BLOCK, COALING, 12" Nonstandard For standard shackle see die No. 1689 WeigrUt, Ibs. Die number, 1688-N Former die number , (5-141) 12443119 44 089 XOOT2 Q8AQMAT2 TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK =j*PH SHACKLE, BLOCK, COALING, 14" Weight. ibs. Die number, 1C89-MN Former die numbers, (5-142) (5-112) 690 GPEN Die. SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1 1/4" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 9.8 IDs. Die number, 1690 -B Former die number, (222) 691 SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 41.5 n>s. Die numDer, 1691-B Former die number, (225) 692 J /^ "1 r /VT-- N \ \ \ / -^ / i 1 <| \ SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 1/4" CHAIN CABLE Weiglit (steel), 59.0 Ibs. Die number, 1692-B Former die number, (265) 693 \ SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 3/4" CHAIN CABLE Welgnt (steel), lll.o itos. Die numtoer, 1693-B Former die number, (258) 694 SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 3" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 140.0 Ifcs. Die number, 1694-B Former die number, (246) 695 SHACKLE, BENDING, 3 X/ CHAIN CABLE Weight, L,l)s. Die number, 1695-B Former die number, (313) 696 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, HOISTING, BOAT, V Weigut, Ibs. Die number, 1696-N Former die number, (7-4) 697 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, HOISTING, BOAT, 1 1/8" WelgHt, IDs. Die number, 1697 -X Former die number, (7-3) 698 NOT STANDARD STOCK x^S. SHACKLE, HOISTING, BOAT, 1 1/4" Weignt (steel), 13.0 IDs. Die numtoer, 1698 -NB Former ale numbers, (7-2) (214) NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, HOISTING, BOAT, 1 1/4" Weiglit (steel), 16.5 Ibs. Die number, 1699- Y Former die number, (456) 700 OPEN DIE SHACKLE, SCREW, RIGGING, 2' Weight (steel), 2.1 IDs. le number, 1700-B Former die number, (208) 701 OPEN DIE SHACKLE, SCREW, RIGGING, 2 1/2" Welgfct (steel), 3.0 Itos. Die numtoer, 1701 -B Former die number, (195) 702 DIE. SHACKLE, SCREW, RIGGING, Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1702 -B Former die number, (136) 703 n v SHACKLE, SCREW, RIGGING, 3 1/2 X Weignt, IDs. Die number, ITOS^-B Former die number, (204) 704 SHACKLE, SCREW, RIGGING, 4' Weight (steel), 9.5 IDs. Die number, 1704-B Former die number, (138) 12443119 45 705 r PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 3/4" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 0.75 ito. ' Die number, 1705 -B Former die numtoer, (223) 706 PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1 1/4* CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 3.5 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1706-B Former die numDer, (227) 707 PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 13.0 IDs. Die number, 1707-B Former die number, 708 K 1 " 1 v^' X *A t 7"" i " t- ! tt I i! PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 1/4" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 18.5 IDs. Die ntunber, 1708-B Former die numtoer, (261) 709 *H F $\i i 1 Jo U* ' 1 \ S O r- . 9 =>' PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 3/4 x/ CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 32.0 Itos. Die numtoer, 1709-B Former die number, (259) 710 \ * PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 3 /x CHAIN CABLE Welglit (steel), 44.0 Ibs. Die number, 1710-B Former die number, (247) 711 *-/ H -4"- STANCHION, LADDER Weight, !bs. Die number, 1711-Y Former die number, (1025) 712 NOT STANDARD STOCK { {A BAND, HOOK, STANCHION, AWNING 3 1/2" Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1712-M Former die number, (4-40) 713 NOT STANDARD STOCK BAND, STANCHION, 1 3/8" Weight (steel), 1.3 IDs. Die number, 1713-Y Former die number, (483) 714 JKATr NOT STANDARD STOCK BAND, STANCHION, 1 1/16" Welgnt (steel), 1.1 IDs. Die number, 1714- Y Former die number, 715 NOT STANDARD STOCK BRACKET, AWNING, 7/8" "Weight, IDs. Die number, 1715-B Former die number, (31) 716 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE. EYE, CENTER, STANCHION, LIFE LINE, 1 3/4' Weight, Ibs. Die numtoer, 1716-Y Former die numtoer, (361) 717 )IOOT3 GflAQ!/IAT8 TON NOT STANDARD STOCK t 7? 'N DIC FOOT, BRACKET, AWNING, 7/8 x/ Welglit, IDs. Die number, 1717 -B Former die number, (17) 718 prs NOT STANDARD STOCK MX ^y >*: / OPEN DIE FOOT, STANCHION, 5/8" Weight, Die number, 1718 -Y Former die number, (206) 719 DIP FOOT, STANCfflON, RAIL, 1 1/4 Weight, Itos. Die nuxntoer, 1719-M Former dle^numtoer, (4-37) 790 FOOT, STANCHION, 1 5/16" Used with standard 1" pipe Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 1720- YM Former die number, (1023) 12443119 46 721 . FOOT, STANCfflON, 1 5/16 /x Used with standard 1" pipe WelgHt (steel), 1.19 Ibs. Die numtoer, 1721- YM Former die number, (1022) NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE FOOT, STANCHION, 1 1/2" Welgnt, ^etfrajrifegja r>i e numDer, 1722-B rim ; Former die numtoer, (48) 723 TANDARD STL ... _ WelgHt, lo OPeN. fwMAMrM ^ tJWW , FOOT, STANCfflON, RAIL, 1 1/2" IDs. Die number, 1723 -Y Former die number, (212) 724 NOT STANDARD STOCK PI N 1 >OT FOOT, STANCHION, RAIL, LIFE, 1 1/2" e IDS. mo number, 1724-N Former ale nuniber, (3-93) 725 FOOT, STANCHION, LINE, LIFE, 1 3/4* Weight, IDs. Die number, 1725-Y Former die number, (364) 726 XOOT2 dflA(WAT3 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK ^ H FOOT, STANCHION, RAIL, 2" Welgnt, IDs. Die numtoer, 1726-MY Former die numbers, (4-41) (865) 727 NOT STANDARD STOCK FOOT, STANCHION, AWNING, 3 1/2" Used with 3" extra strong pipe Weight, ll>s. Die number, 1727-M Former die number, (4-39) 728 FOOT, STANCHION, AWNING, 3 1/2" Used with 3" extra strong pipe Weight (steel), 18.4 Itos. Die number, 1728- Y Former die number, (366) 729 FF ll; FOOT, STANCHION, 4 1/2" Used with 4" extra strong pipe Welgnt (steel), 23.0 U>s. Die number, 1729-MY Former die numbers, (3-32) (253) 730 ov FOOT, STANCHION, 5" Used with 4 1/2" extra strong pipe Weight (steel), 29.0 Ibs. Die number, 1730- Y Former die number, (251) 731 NOT STANDARD STOCK * L2 10 /' r-i=--x- % _11 cv _l V zM FOOT, STANCfflON, 5 X/ Used with 4 1/2" extra strong pipe Welgllt, Ibs. Die number, 1731-M Former die number, (3-37) 732 9 ,r &t> \ \ \N "i4^ ^,- ' FOOT, STANCHION, 5 9/16 /x Used with 5" extra strong pipe Weight (steel), 33.0 IDs. Die number, 1732- YM Former die number, (249) 733 NOT STANDARD STOCK FOOT, STANCHION, 5 9/16" Used with 5" extra strong pipe Weight, IDs. Die number, 1733 -TT Former die number, (497) 734 NOT STANDARD STOCK I ,OSAIK) HEAD, STANCfflON, 11/16" Weight, Itos. Die numl>er, 1734 -B Former die numtoer, (34) 735 HEAD, STANCHION, LINE, GUARD, 1 WelgHt, Vbs. Die number, 1735-M Former die number, (4-60) 730 NOT STANDARD STOCK HEAD, STANCHION, 1 5/16" Used with 1" pipe Weight (steel), 2.6 Itos. Die number, 1736 -Y Former die number, (481) 324431 19 47 737 :' QBl 760 HEAD, STANCHION, 1 5/16 x Used with standard 1" pipe Weight (steel), 1.9 IDs. Die number, 1737- YM Former die number, (1024) 738 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE HEAD, STANCHION, RAIL, LIFE, 1 1/2" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1738-N Former ale numtoer, (3-92) T39 >!OOT8 G8AQMAT8 -/f HEAD, STANCHION, RAIL, 1 1/2" < ,OA3H Welglit, Itos. Die number, 1739-Y Former ale number, (211) 740 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE HEAD, STANCHION, LINE, LIFE, 1 1/4 X Weight, lt>s. Die numtoer, 1740-Y Former die numtoer, (349) 741 NOT STANDARD STOCK HEAD, STANCHION, AWNING, 3 1/2" Used with 3" extra strong pipe Weight, Ibs. Die nurnber, 1741-M Former die numDer, (4-38) 742 MOOT8 GHAC1WAT8 TOW : r*: HEAD, STANCHION, AWNING, 4 /x Used with 3 1/2" extra strong pipe Welglit, IDs. Die number, 1742-YM Former die number, (538) 743 NOT STANDARD STOCK HEAD, STANCHION, 4" I 'seel with 3 1/2" extra strong pipe Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1743-B Former ale number, (121) 744 "1 & is pp <\J HEAD, STANCfflON, 4 1/2" Used with 4" extra strong pipe Weight (steel), 33.0 IDs. Die number, 1744-MY Former die numbers, (3-31) (254) 745 \ V X A \ 1 > f u^ 1 \ 1 1 1 t I 1 / HEAD, STANCHION, 5" Used with 4 1/2" extra strong pipe Weight (steel), 50.0 lt>s. Die number, 1745-MY Former die numbers, (3-36) (252) 746 A HEAD, STANCHION, 5 9/16" Used with 5" extra strong pipe Weight (steel), 63.0 IDs. Die number, 1746- YM Former die number, (250) 747 KNOB, STANCHION, 1 5/16" Used with standard 1" pipe Weight, ll>s. Die number, 1747- Y Former die number, (1026) 748 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE KNOB, STANCHION, RAIL, LIFE, 1 1/2" Weight, IDs* Die numtoer, 1748-N Former clle numt>er, (3-92) 749 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK KNOB, STANCHION, RAIL, LIFE, 1 3/4 / Weignt, IDS. Die number, 1749-Y Former die number, (208) 750 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD, STANCHION Welglit (steel), 3.2 ibs. Die number, 1750- Y Former die number, (482) 751 AQHA' OPEN DIE BAR, SLICE, POINT Weight (steel), 8.5 IDs. TMe.number, 1751-MNY Former ale numbers, (12-13) (3-60) (1130) 752 WOT STANDARD STOCK M i 3" CHISEL, 3/4 /x HEXAGONAL; SHANK For pneumatic hai weignt (steel), 0.5 Die number, 1752-N Former die number, (9-1) 12443119 48 753 N . TOM STANDARD STOCK CHISEL, 3/4" HEXAGONAL; SHANK For pneumatic hammer Weight, IDs. Die number, 1758- M Former die number, (9-1) WOT STANDARD STOCK (Q "*r =i- _k_ CHISEL, 3/4" HEXAGONAL; SHANK For pneumatic hammer Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1754-M Former die number, (9-42) 755 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE 14*1 CHISEL, 3/4" HEXAGONAL; SHANK For pneumatic hammer Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1755 -Y Former die number, (63) NOT STANDARD STOCK ^ V fc O I * /J-" - m . CfflSEL, 7/8 x/ HEXAGONAL; SHANK For pneumatic hammer Weight, n>s. IMe number, 1756-Y Former die mimtoer, 757 NOT STANDARD STOCK 1 ft , ~, If i & OPEN DIE CfflSEL, 7/8 x/ OCTAGONAL; SHANK For pneumatic hammer Weight, IDs. Die number, 1757 -B Former die number, (106) 758 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE CHISEL, CAPE 3/4" HEXAGONAL; POINT Weignt, IDs. Die number, 1758^M Former die number, (9-12) 759 NOT STANDARD STOCK ; . . , - CfflSEL, CAPE, 3/4", OCTAGONAL For pneumatic hammer Wolglit (steel), 1.1 Itos. Die number, 1759- Y Former die number, (4=76) NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE _, '2L CHISEL, CAPE, 7/8", OCTAGONAL For pneumatic hammer Welglit; IDs. Die nuniber, 1760 -Y Former die number, (64) 761 NOT STANDARD STOCK CHISEL, CAPE, 7/8", OCTAGONAL For pneumatic hammer Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1761-B Former die number, (101) NOT STANDARD STOCK CHISEL, DIAMOND POINT, 7/8", OCTAGONAL For pneumatic hammer Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1762 -B Former die number, (101) 763 NOT STANDARD STOCK CHISEL, FLAT, 8/4*, OCTAGONAL For pneumatic hammer Weight (steel), 1.2 n>s. Die numtoer, 1763 -Y Former die mimtoer, (477) 764 NOT STANDARD STOCK /2-- rl Ici CHISEL, FLAT, 7/8", OCTAGONAL For pneumatic hammer Weight, IDs. Die number, 176JL-B Former die number, (102) 765 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE CfflSEL, FLAT, 7/8", OCTAGONAL For pneumatic hammer Wclglit (steel), 1.38 IDs. Die number, 1765-Y Former die number, (,*>!- A) 766 NOT STANDARD STOCK -.4- OPEN DIE CHISEL, FLAT, 7/8" HEXAGONAL; POINT Ibs. Die number, 1766-M Former le numtoer, 1772-Y Former die numtoer, (1116) 778 CLAMP, "C," 2 3/16 x WeigHt, itos, Die numtoer, 1773-Y Former die numDer, (1117) 774 CLAMP, "C," 3 1/4" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1774-Y Former die ntimtoer, (1118) 775 CLAMP, "C," 4 3/8" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1775-Y Former die number, (1119) 776 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE DRILL, 3/4" For pneumatic drill Weight, Itos. Die number, 1776-Y Former die number, (292) 777 NOT STANDARD STOCK TF=r ^ rt rr* >- ll I/-+- HAMMER, FURNACE, 5-POUND Weight (steel), 5.0 Itos. Die number, 1777-Y Former die number, (102) 778 NOT STANDARD STOCK HAMMER, RIVETING, 3-POUND Weight (steel), 3.0 IDs. Die numl>er, 1778- Y Former die numtoer, (101) NOT STANDARD STOCK HAMMER, RIVETING, 3 3/4-POUND Weight (steel), 3.75 ll>s. Die number., 1779-B Former die numtoer, (7) 780 NOT STANDARD STOCK HAMMER, RIVETING, 5-POUND Weight (steel), 5.0 ibs. Die number, 1780 -B Former die number, (5) 781 NOT STANDARD STOCK HAMMER, RIVETING Welgnt, Ib.s. Die number, 1781-M Former die number, '(9-26) 782 NOT STANDARD STOCK tf 'r-<;. HAMMER, SHIP-FITTER'S, 2 1/4-POUND Weight (steel), 2.25 IDs. Die numl>er, 1782-B Former die number, (6) 783 NOT STANDARD STOCK HAMMER, CHIPPING, 2.5- POUND Weight (steel), 2.5 n>s. Die number, 1783 -Y Former die number, (103) 784 NOT STANDARD STOCK NIPPERS, ROPE WALK Weignt, IDs. Die number, 1784-B Former die number, (145) 12443119 50 T85 NOT STANDARD STOCK i T V Tfe I 1 ^ ^ >f !*- tf tJS * IVlU P^ NIPPERS, ROPE WALK Welgnt (steel), 0.25 ll>. Die numtoer, 1785 -B Former die numtoer, (160) 786 WOT STANDARD STOCK rr T> -* H, /"+- NIPPERS, ROPE WALK Weight (steel), 0.25 ID. Die number, 1786-B Former die number, (159) 787 NOT STANDARD STOCK M ii ms r* NIPPERS, ROPE WALK Weight, Die nuinl>er, 1T87-B Former die numDer, (144) 788 >iaOT8 OHAGI/1AT8 TOI4 PIN, DRIFT, 1/4 X Welglit (steel), 0.05 ID. Die number, 1788 -N Former die muntoer, (9-9) 789 NOT STANDARD STOCK ' PIN, DRIFT, 5/16" Weiglit (steel), 0.13 ID. Die numtoer, 1789-B Former die numtoer, (100) & jjt yi PIN, DRIFT, 5/W WelgHt (steel), 0.08 ID. I>le numDer, 1790-N. Former die numtoer, (9-10) 791 NOT STANDARD STOCK ;"$ PIN, DRIFT, 3/8 x/ Welgnt (steel), 0.08 ID. Die numtoer, 1791-N Former die number, (9-11) 792 PIN, DRIFT, 3/8" Welgnt (steel), 0.25 ID. Die numtoer, 1792- YM Former die numbers, (187-1) (9-18) 793 PIN, DRIFT, 1/2" Weignt (steel), 0.32 lt>. Die number, 1793- YM Former die numbers, (187-2) (9-19) 794 NOT STANDARD STOCK PIN, DRIFT, 1/2" Weight (steel), 0.31 n>. Die number, 1791-B Former die numtoer, (100) 795 NOT STANDARD STOCK PIN, DRIFT, 5/8" Weignt (steel), 0.44 ID. Die number, 1795 -B Former die number, (100) 796 XOOT8 GflAQMATE TOW PIN, DRIFT, 5/8" Weight (steel), 0.50..ib. Die number, 1796- YM Former die numbers, (187-3) (9-20) 797 NOT STANDARD STOCK PIN, DRIFT, 3/4" Weight (steel), 0.60 ID. Die number, 1797 -B Former ale number, (100) 798 PIN, DRIFT, 3/4" WelgHt (steel), 0.75 Ito. Die number, 1798 -YM Former ale numbers, (187-4) (9-21) 799 PIN, DRIFT, 7/8" WelgHt (steel), 1.06 Itos. Die number, 1799-YM Former ale numbers, (187-5) (9- 800 PIN, DRIFT, V Weight (steel), 1.32 lt>s. Die numtoer, 1800- YM Former die numbers, (187-6) (9-23) 12443119 51 801 8' PIN, DRIFT, 1 1/8' Weight (steel), 1.63,ill>s. Die numDer, 1801- YM Former die numbers, (188) (9-24) 302 : > . TfUJI .:,, PIN, DRIFT, 1 1/4' Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1802-Y Former die numtoer, (171) NOT STANDARD STOCK U PUNCH, 13/16' Weight (steel), 0.53 Ito. Die number, 1803-P Former die number, (256) 104 NOT STANDARD STOCK ^ I $ rv $ x i 'Q>^ / *% K ^1 ^ \ P ^ ^ X l ! "v. \ 3 t rtfe /" / -i- /& f*- '2 -2i //" i 5| Pf PUNCH, 1 1/W Welgut (steel), 0.75 lt>. 1804-Y Former die number, (199) 805 NOT STANDARD STOCK /IJU i o UnAUrlAlG luff 'a~ \ j -& PUNCH, BACKINGOUT, 1/2" Weight (steel), 1.13 IDs. Die numDer, 1805- N Former die number, (9-4) NOT STANDARD STOCK B */ ^-x ^r N^ .-0 - 1 ^j SET, RIVET Welglit (steel), 1.5 IDs. Die number, 1811-N Former die numtoer, (9-6) S12 NOT STANDARD STOCK 4 1 ' 2 ) in 31/1 t ' J ' ~V A. 5*, Q ft|^ i 8 i <} 1 ^ 1 ^. 1 vi ~> LL LJJ s 2%-" * - . 3 . -* *^-- * -^% SET, RIVET Weight, IDS. Die number, 1812-M Former ale number, (9-6) 813 )IOOT8 QflAQMAT8 TOM NOT STANDARD \ '' LI ' %^WF| SET, RIVET Welgnt (steel), 2.4 IDS. Die number, 1813-Y Former die number, (202) 814 NOT STANDARD STOCK )fuOT2 Q! ~* I/1AT2 1 ^ ' t ] 1 > CS /3- 5* " v SET, RIVET For compression riveter Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1814-M Former die number, (9-7) 818 >IOOT8 CmA(]l/IAT8 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK 5^/" ,, h Y~ T i i > M i | [ 1 Mv .. > ^ J] ' 2 : 'i -> s " I " a' f ^^ ' 1 * * ^JriJi Li^ SET, RIVET For yoke riveter Weight (steel), 1.5 Ibs. Die number, 1815-N Former die number, (9-7) 816 NOT STANDARD STOCK ti S ITT ^ i / SET, RIVET, BUTTON, 5/8", 3/4", 7/8", and l x/ and CSK, 3/4", 1" Welglit (steel). 3.8 ll>s. Die numlt>er, 1816-T Former die number, (195) 12443119 52 817 NOT STANDARD STOCK . SET, RIVET, BUTTON, 3/4" and 7/8" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1817-M Former die number, (9-13 & 14) 818 NOT STANDARD STOCK I P ,1 J Np s. Die number, 1818-M Former ale number, (9-4) 819 NOT STANDARD STOCK SET, RIVET, COUNTERSUNK, 5/8" For holding-on WeigUt (steel), 2.8 IDs. Die numfcer, 1819-Y Former die numtoer, (197) 820 NOT STANDARD STOCK , 11 *r SET, RIVET, COUNTERSUNK Weight, IDs. OlQ number, 1820-M Former die number, (9-2) 821 \L1AT- NOT STANDARD STOCK r~i **& H i 4 T T T I ^ 1 i * 2*':-.. JF- ^^AT'- SET, RTVET, COUNTERSUNK WeigHt (steel), 1.38 Itos. Die xmmtoer, 1821-KT Former die number, (9-5) 822 NOT STANDARD STOCK SET, RIVET, COUNTERSUNK, 5/8" For holding-on weignt (steel), 1.7 IDS. Die number, 1822 -Y Former die number, (196) 823 NOT STANDARD STOCK SET, RIVET, COUNTERSUNK, 3/4", 7/8", AND 1" For holding-on Welgnt (steel), 2.7 Ibs. Die number, 1823- Y Former die number , (198-11 & 12) 824 NOT STANDARD STOCK SET, RIVET, COUNTERSUNK, SPECIAL, 1" For holding-on Welgnt (steel), 3.3 lt>s. Die numtoer, 1824- Y Former die number, (195-20) 825 MOQT2 QflAGWAT? TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK SET, RIVET, DECK, 1 1/16" Welglit (steel), 2.3 itos. Die numtoer, 1825-Y Former ale numtoer, (201) 'it- m HAK STOP, BLADE, FEMALE, LEFT-HAND, 9/32" For cylinder joint Welgnt, itos. Die number, 1826-Y Former die numtoer, (1135-2) 827 STOP, BLADE, FEMALE, RIGHT-HAND, 9/32" For cylinder joint Weight, IDs. Die number, 1827-Y Former die number, (1135-1) 828 ~ STOP, BLADE, MALE, LEFT-HAND, 9/32" For cylinder joint Weight, ifos. Die numtoer, 1828-Y ? Former aie mimtoer, (1136-4) 829 STOP, BLADE, MALE, RIGHT-HAND, For cylinder joint Ibs. Die number, 1829-Y Former die number, (1135-3) 830 STOP, BLADE, FEMALE, LEFT-HAND, 11/32" For cylinder joint Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1830 -Y Former die numDer, (1136-2) 831 4 (Q Y^JL. ^ i I NS_ S* ^ p '^ ^" "^ O i>i ^1 s * 4\ i *-fe> ' r STOP, BLADE, FEMALE, RIGHT-HAND, 11/32" For cylinder joint Weignt, Itos. Die numUer, 1831-T Former die number, (1136-1) 832 STOP, BLADE, MALE, LEFT-HAND, 11/32" For cylinder joint WeigHt, Ibs. Die number, 1832-Y Former die number, (1136-4) 12443119 53 833 1KS.L tv _to- STOP, BLADE, MALE, RIGHT-HAND, ll/32 /x For cylinder joint Weight, ll>s. Die number, 1833-Y Former die number, (1136-3) S34 * aei^-4 I STRONGBACK, HOE, CLEANING, ASH, Weight, Ibs. Die -number, 1834- Y Former die number, (1133) 835 STRONGBACK, HOE, CLEANING, FIRE, 7" Weight, Itos. Die numfcer, 1835-Y Former die number,^(1132) 836 STRONGBACK, HOE, CLEANING, FIRE, 9 /x Welglit, Itos. Die nuintoer, 1836-Y Former die mim'ber, (1131) 837 OPEN DIE CLAW, DEVIL Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1837 -Y Former die numtoer, (1134) HOT STANDARD STOCK TONGS, RIVET, 12" Weight (steel), 0.69 ID. Die numtoer, 1838-Y Former die numtoer, (403) 839 (3flACiWAT8 TOM TONGS, RIVET, 18" Weight (steel), 1.25 Ibs. Die number, 1839-NM Former die numbers, (9-28) (9-25) 840 WRENCH, MACHINE, DOUBLE-ENDED, 30, SPECIAL AND 1/4" Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1840- Y Former die numDer, (1018) 841 is T5T h-W- WRENCH, MACHINE, DOUBLE-ENDED, STRAIGHT, 5/16 x/ AND 3/8 /x Weight, Itos. Die number, 1841-Y Former die number, (1017) 842 t^jQ) MACHINES ,J/ WRENCH, MACHINE, DOUBLE-ENDED, STRAIGHT, 1/2" AND 5/8" Weignt, IDs. Die number, 1842-Y Former die number, (1016) 843 MACHINED _ty WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 60, SPECIAL, SVr^HOIf V4" OPENING For engines Weight, Die numtoer, 1843-Y Former die number, (1019) 844 WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 1/4" NOTE. Use die No. 1845 when this die is ordered Weight (steel), 1.0 Die number, Former ale number, (9-31) 845 WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 1/4" AND Weight (steel), 1.0 Ib. le nuniDer, 1845-NM i dlJD ir Former die number , (9-32) 846 WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 60, 5/16" For engines Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 1846-Y Former die number, (1020) 847 WRENCH, MACfflNE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, NOTE. Use die No. 1848 when this die is ordered Weight, Itos. Die miniber, Former die number, (9-33) 848 i - T WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 3/8" AND 7/16" Weight (steel), 1.5 IDs. Die numtter, 1848-N Former die tmmtoer, (9-34) 12443110 54 849 3- -^3 WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 1/2'' Welgnt (steel), 0.69 ib. Die number, 1849-Y Former die number, (470) 850 OPEN DIE WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 5/8" Welgnt (steel), 1.32 IDs. r>le number, 1850 -Y Former die numtoer, (471) 851 L WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 45, 3/4" Weight (steel), a.Oi* ib.s. Die number, 1851-Y iofim. Die number, 1852-Y Former die numtoer, (472) 8S3 OPEN DIE WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 7/8" Weight (steel), 2.56 lt>s. Die number, 1863-Y Former die numtoer, (114) 854 OPEN DIE 1/1 .H r )V! WRENCH, MACfflNE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 1" WelgHt (steel), 8.87 Itos. Die number, 185 i -Y Former die number, (473) 855 WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 1 1/8" NOTE. Use die No. 1856 when this die is ordered. Weight, rbs. Die numDer, 1855-N Former die numtoer, (9-40) 856 /. FOR 1$ WZENCH WRENCH, MACfflNE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 1 1/8" AND Weight (steel), 9.O IDs. Dl&numDer, 1856-N Former ale numtoer, (9-41) -H* J OPEN DIE th [VfA *8\I I 2I CISCC^S^IDV WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 1 Welgnt, ll>s. Die number, 1867- Y Former die number, (474) s *x : H t vj i [ i 1 WRENCH, MACfflNE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 1 l/2 /x Welgnt (steel), ia.O lt>s. Die numtoer, 1858-N Former die numtoer, (9-42) 859 .ii A /x *%. f WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, STRAIGHT, 1 5/8' x Welglit (steel), 5.0 lt>s. Die ntrmtoer, 1859-N By itfmirjtt ell* am- Former s. Dip number, 18(iO : B Former die numtocr, (252) ^^"^ NOT STANDARD STOCK 3h XOOl 2 TOU \ V^ L$ Welgnt, WRENCH, SOCKET For 1/2" and 5/8" square or hexagonal nuts. 11)3. Die mumper, 1861 -N Former die numtoer, (9-8) 862 NOT STANDARD STOCK f kt_ s ) 1 M ** m _ j / ?' \ * | to 3Z WeigHt, WRENCH, SOCKET For air ports IDs. Die mimljer, 1862 -M Former die numtoer, (4-44) *6S WRENCH, SOCKET For air ports Weight i WRENCH, SOCKET For coal scuttles ' WelgHt (steel), 4.19 IDs. Die number, 1865- YM Former die numbers, (110) (4-23) 866 N.Pie NO. 3 -33 OPEN DIE WRENCH, "T" For coal scuttles Weight Ibs. I>le numDer, 1866-YNM Former die numDers, (115) (4-22) (4-22) 867 3IQ WRENCH, TAP weignt, IDs. Die number, 1867 -Y Former die number, 868 WRENCH, TAP Weight, ll>s. Die nuinber, 1868-Y Former die numtoer, (475) WRENCH, TAP Weignt (steel), 0.63 ID. Die numtoer, 1869- Y Former die num/ber, (323) 870 XOOT3 aaAQIMT8 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK HANDLE, WRENCH, SOCKET AND "T" Weight, Itos. Die number, 1870-N Former die number, (3-33) 871 NOT STANDARD STOCK HEAD, STANCHION, AWNING, 3 3/4' Used with 3" extra strong pipe Weight, IDs. Die number, 1871-Y Former die number, (204) 872 /^s^v a \v -n r~ W&3* ~W T ft ~l L > M , i / i 1 l H-ti *< 4- h WRENCH, SPANNER, HOSE, 1 1/2" NAVY STANDARD Weight (steel), 0.6 IT). Die number, 1872 -N Former die number, (9-29) 873 OPEN DIE WRENCH, SPANNER, HOSE, 2 l/2 /x Weight, Ifos. Die number, 1873-B Former die number, (39) 874 ^ WRENCH, SPANNER, HOSE, 2 1/2" NAVY STANDARD For fire hose Weight (steel), 1.0 ID. Die number, 1874- N Former die nuniber, (9-49) 875 WRENCH, SPANNER, HOSE, 2 1/2" NAVY STANDARD For suction hose Weight (steel), 0.75 Ito. Die numtoer, 1875 -N Former die number, (9-48) 876 WRENCH, SPUD, 1/4" NOTE. Use die No. 1878 when this die is ordered Weight, IDs. Die number, 1876-N Former die numtoer, (9-17) 877 WRENCH, SPUD, 5/16 /x NOTE. Use die No. 1878 when this die is ordered weignt, Ibs. Die number, 1877-N Former die number, (9-18) 87S WRENCH, SPUD, 3/8" Forging used for 1/4" and r, 16" wrenches, die No?. 1876 and 1877 Weight (steel), 0.75 IT). Die mimtoer, 1878-N Former die number, (9-19) 879 WRENCH, SPUD, 7/16 /x NOTE. Use die No. 1881 when this die is ordered. Weignt (steel), 1.0 ID. Die number, 1879-N Former die numtoer, (9-20) 880 WRENCH, SPUD, 1/2" Welgnt, IDs. Die numDer, 1880-M Former die number, (9-31) 12443119 56 881 MACHJNEP WRENCH, SPUD, 1/2 X/ Forging used for 7/16" wrench, die No. 1879 Weight (steel), 1.0 ID. Die number, 1881-N Former die nuxnber, (9-21) 582 MACHINED OPEN DIE WRENCH, SPUD, 5/8" Welgiit, Ifos. Die nnniber, 1882 -B Former die number, (16) 883 WRENCH, SPUD, 5/8" Welgnt (steel), 2.0 IDs. Die number, 1883 -N Former die number, (9-22) 884 MACHINED OPEN DIE WRENCH, SPUD, 3/4 /x Weight (steel). lt>s. Die number, 1881-B Former die number, (11) 885 WRENCH, SPUD, 3/4" WelgHt (steel), 3.5 IDs. Die numtoer, 1885-N Former die numtoer, (9-23) 886 WRENCH, SPUD, 3/4" weignt, llos. Die number, 1886-M Former die number, (9-33) 887 WRENCH, SPUD, 7/8" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1887-M Former die number, (9-34) 888 WRENCH, SPUD, 7/8" NOTE. Use die No. 1891 when this die is ordered Weight (steel), 6.5 Itos. Die number, 1888-N Former die numtoer, (9-24) 889 WRENCH, SPUD, V Weigut, Lbs. Die number , 1889 -M Former die number, (9-35) 890 MACHINED. ^ zes J_^A= -3"-- WRENCH, SPUD, l /x NOTE.- Use die No. 1891 when this die is ordered. Weight (steel), 6.5 Ibs. Die number, 1890 -N - Former die number, (9-25) 891 MACHINED. -3 -* R IV- KS A WRENCH, SPUD, 1 l/8 /x Forging used for 7/8" and 1'" wrenches, die Nos. 1888 and 1890 Weight (steel), 6.5 IDs. Die numtoer, 1891-N Former die number, (9-2G) 892 - MACHINED. WRENCH, SPUD, 1 1/4 X Welgnt (steel), 7.25 ll>s. Die nuxntoer, 1892 -N Former die numlber, (9-27) 893 NOT STANDARD STOCK LATCH, BLOCK, SNATCH, 5" Weight, lt>s. Die immtoer, 1893-B Former die immtoer, (193) 894 t. QMAT8 TOM LATCH, BLOCK, SNATCH, 6" weignt, Ibe. Die number, 1894-B Former die number, (58) 895 NOT STANDARD STOCK LATCH, BLOCK, SNATCH, 6 /x , 7 /x , AND 8 X/ WeigHt (steel), 0.06 Ib. Die mimtoer, 1895-MB Former die numbers, (5-85) (55) 896 J6 32. ! RAG!/!/ - rL_ IS I LATCH, BLOCK, SNATCH, 8 X Weight, ll>s Die number, 1896-P Former die number, (179) 12443119 57 NOT STANDARD STOCK LATCH, BLOCK, SNATCH, 9" Weiglit (steelj, 0.13 lt>. Die numDer, 1897-BY Former die ntnubers, (187) (170) 898 LATCH, BLOCK, SNATCH, 10/' Welglit, IDs. Die immfcer, 1898-MBP Former ale numbers, (5-101) (183) (181) 899 ""V LATCH, BLOCK, SNATCH, 12" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1899 -MB Former die numbers, (5-109) (154) soo ARM, REVERSING, fi" For steamer engines, types "K" and "L" Wei gut, IDs. Die mimDer, 1900-MY Former die numbers, (7-48) (1103) 901 I f ARM, REVERSING, 7" For steamer engines, types "M" and "E 3 * Weight, Itos. Die numl>er, 1901-MY Former (lie numbers, (7-64) (1005) 902 BRIDGE, CLAMPING, 5 1/2" For oval handhole cover Weight, Itos. Die number, 1902 -M Former die number, (12-4) 903 BRIDGE, CLAMPING, 5 9/16 x Weight (steel), 4.25 IDs. Die number, 1903-N Former die numDer, (3-82) 904 DIE NO. 1904 SUPERSEDED BY DIE NO. 3127 BRIDGE, CLAMPING, 6 1/8" For rectangular handhole cover Weight (steel), 2.0 IDs. Die numtoer, Former die numtoer, (3-84) 905 BRIDGE, CLAMPING, 6 1/8" For rectangular handhole cover Weight, Itos. Die iiumber, 1905-M Former die num/ber, (12-3) 906 CAP, TUBE, BOILER WelgHt, Ibs. Die number, 1906-M Former die number, (12-15) 907 CAP-SQUARE, CROSSHEAD, PUMP For steam launch feed pump Weignt (steel), 0.56 Ib. Die number, 1907-B Former die number, (248) 908 '-a CROSSHEAD, PUMP For steam launch feed pump Weight (steel), i.o ib. Die number, 1908-B Former die number, (250) 909 5JB y\ - I" YOKE, PUMP For steam launch feed pump Weight (steel), 0.44 Ib. Die number, 1909-B Former die number, (218) 910 COVER, HANDHOLE, OVAL, 5 7/16" X 4 1/2 X/ WelgHt (steel), 3.5 IDs. Die number, 1910-N Former die numtoer, (3-71) 911 COVER, HANDHOLE, OVAL, WITH SPINDLE, 5 15/32" X 4 17/32 /x Weignt, Ibs. Die number, 1911-M Former ale number, (12-2) 912 DIE No, 1912 SUPERSEDED BY DIE No, 3128 J2LL IP / COVER, HANDHOLE, RECTANGULAR, 4 I5/16 X/ X 4 3/4" Weignt (steel), 7.0 Ibs. Die number, 1912-N Former die number, (3-83) 12443119 58 913 yjg -i* A *-/*>-, 2z * 31 i COVER, HANDHOLE, RECTANGULAR, WITH SPINDLE, 5" X 4 13/16" Weight, ll)S. Die number, 1913-M Former die number, (12-1) 014 CRANK, HAND, 12" Weight, Itos. Die number, 1914-M Former die numtoer, (11-2) 915 CRANK, HAND, 6 /x Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1915-M Former die number, (11-1) KEY, CROSSHEAD, 7/32" For steamer engine, type "Bj" Weight (steel), 0.13 Ito. Die nnmDer, 1916-Y Former die number, (1001) 917 LEVER, 6" For steam launch feed pump Weight (steel), 2.0 IDs. Die muntoer, 1917-B Former die num'ber, (249) 918 LEVER For plumber's force pump Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1918 -Y Former die numtoer, (173) 919 98 # Hi LEVER, LATCH, 4 9/16 x/ For steamer engines, types "K" and "L" Weiglit, Die number, 1919-Y Former die numlDer, (1107) 920 LEVER, REVERSING, 24" For steamer engines, types "M" and "Ej* Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1920-Y Former die number, (1013) 921 LEVER, THROTTLE, V For steamer engine, type "K" Weight, Itos. Die number, 1921-M Former die number, (7-1) 922 LEVER, THROTTLE, 12" For steamer engine, type "L" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1922-M Former die numtoer, (7-21) 923 LEVER, THROTTLE, 14" For steamer engine, type "M" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1923-M wan* Former die number, (7-57) 924 PIN, SADDLE, 1/2" For steamer engines, types "K" and "I/ WeigHt, IDS. Die number, 1924-M Former die munber, (7-45) 925 PIN, SADDLE, 5/8" For steamer engine, type "M" Welgnt, Ibs. Die number, 1925-MY Former die numbers, (7-66) (1010) 026 PISTON, H. P., 3 3/4" For steamer engine, type "K" Weight, IDs. Die number, 1926-M Former die number, (7-5) 927 PISTON, H. P., 4 3/4" For steamer engine, type "L" WeigHt, Itos. Die nuinber, 1927 -M Former die nunitoer, (7-25) 928 PISTON, H. P., 5 3/4 /x For steamer engine, type "M" Welgnt, IDs. Die numtoer, 1928-M Former die nuxntoer, (7-61) 12443119 59 PISTON, L. P., 7 3/4" For steamer engine, type "K" Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1929-M Former die numlber, (7-6) 930 \^^^ f w - r '-- - - 4- - -*-* ~ ^-" ~ w 1 Weight, PISTON, L. P., 10 /x For steamer engine, type "L" ll>s. Die nuinber, 1930-M Former die numtoer ,(7-26) PISTON, L. P., 12" For steamer engine, type "M" Weight, lt>s. L>ie number, 1931 -M Former die number, (7-62) . PLUG, TUBE, CIRCULATING, BOILER Welglit (steel), 2.0 Ibs. Die numfcer, 1932 -N Former die number, (3-85) 933 er, (1099) QUADRANT, ENGINE, STEAMER, TYPE "L" WelgHt, IDs. Die numlber, 1935 -M Former die number, (7-29) 936 QUADRANT, ENGINE, STEAMER, TYPE "I/ Weight, lt>s. Die number, 1936 -Y Former die number, (1098) 937 QUADRANT, ENGINE, STEAMER, TYPE "M" weignt, IDs. Die number, 1937 -Y&i Former die numbers, (1114) (7-72) 938 QUADRANT, THROTTLE, ENGINE, STEAMER, TYPE "B 3 " Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1938 -Y Former die number, (1007) 939 QUADRANT, THROTTLE, ENGINE, STEAMER, TYPE "K" Welgnt, 113S. Die number, 1939-M Former die number, (7-3) QUADRANT, THROTTLE, ENGINE, STEAMER, TYPE "L" WelgHt, IDs. Die number, 1940-M Former die number, (7-23) 941 QUADRANT, THROTTLE, ENGINE, STEAMER, TYPE "M" Welgfct, rbs. Die num/ber, 1941 -MY Former die nuinbers, (7-59) (1109) 042 ROD, CONNECTING, 10 7/8" For gasoline engine, type "AA" Weight, lt>s. I>ie number, 1942 -N Former die nuxnber, (3-89) J 'J 13 ROD, CONNECTING, 12 1/2" For gasoline engines, types "GG," "HH," and "KK" Welgfct, lt>s. Die numtoer, 1943 -X Former die numtjer, (3-106) 944 ROD, CONNECTING, 13 1/4" For steamer engine, type "L" Welgilt, . IDs. r>ie numtoer, 1944-M Former number, (7-28) 124431 19 60 945 ROD, CONNECTING, 13 3/8 /x For steamer engine, type "K" WeigHt, libs. r>le number, 1945-M Former die nuniber, (7-8) 946 ROD, CONNECTING, 18" For steamer engine, type "M" WelgHt, n>s. Die numDer, 1946-M Former die number, (7-68) 947 ROD, ECCENTRIC, 9 13/16 /x For steamer engines, types "K" and "L' Weight, lts. le numDer, 1947-MY Former die minibers, (7-43) (1104) 948 ROD, ECCENTRIC, 13 5/8" For steamer engines, types "M" and "Es" WelgHt, lt)S. Die tiTiinDer, 1948-M Former die numt>er, (7-63) 949 OPEN DIE ROD, ECCENTRIC; HEAD For steamer engines, types "Bs" and "Ga Welgfct, ' lt>s. Die numtoer, 1949-Y Former die number, (1003) 950 OPEN DIE ROD, ECCENTRIC; HEAD For steamer engines, types "E 3 " and "M" Weignt, (Dimensions given for larger of two types) !bs. Die numtoer, 1950-Y Former die nuniber, (1006) 951 ROD, ECCENTRIC, PUMP, AIR, 4 1/4' For steamer engines, types "E 2 " and "E 3 " Weight, ll>s. Die niimDer, 1951 -Y Former die numtoer, (1015) 952 ROD, ECCENTRIC, PUMP, AIR, 4 1/4" For steamer engines, types "K" and "L" Weight, l"bs. Die numtoer, 1952-M Former die number, (7-46) ROD, ECCENTRIC, PUMP, AIR, 4 l/4 /x For steamer engine, type "M" WelgHt, ll>s. Die number, 1953-MY Former ale numbers, (7-71) (1011) 954 ROD, ECCENTRIC, PUMP, AIR, 4 7/16" For steamer engines, types "B 3 " and "G 2 " Welgnt, le mimt>er, 1954 -T Former die mimtoer, (1002) 955 ROD, PISTON, 23/32 /x D., WITH CROSSHEAD Weiglit (steel), 2.19 libs. Die numtoer, 1955-Y Former die numlaer, (1115) 956 ROD, PISTON, 7/8 x/ D. For steamer engine, type "K" Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 1956-M Former die number, (7-7) 957 ROD, PISTON, 1" D. For steamer engine, type "L" Weight, Itos. Die number, 1957-M Former die nuniber, (7-27) 958 MN^ 1* ROD, PISTON, 1 1/8" D. For steamer engine, type "M" "Cl' Welgut, Itos. Die numtoer, 1958- M Former d.Ie nuxntoer, (7-67) 969 SHAFT, CRANK For gasoline engines, types "AA /' "BB," "CC," and "DD" Welgllt, IDs. Die auniber, 1959-N Former die numtoer, (3-91) 960 - ' OPEN DIE SHAFT, PROPELLER, 1 7/8" For 33-foot steamer Weight, Ibs. r>lo numtoer, 1980-N Former die number, (3-68) 12443110 061 PPN DIE SHAFT, PROPELLER, 2 3/8' For 10-foot steamer Weight/ IDs. Die number, Former die number, 962 STEM, VALVE, WITH OROSSHEAD, 1/2" D. Wetgut (steel), 0.69 ll>. Die number, 1962-Y .- Former die numtoer, (1121) 1W3 3EEEE -PT 3 STEM, VALVE, THROTTLE, 7/16" D. For steamer engine, type "K" Weight, IDs. Die numDer, 1968 -M Former die number, (7-2) 964 ^) K r '1 STEM, VALVE, THROTTLE, l/2 /x D. For steamer engine, type "L" IDs. Die number, 1961 -M Former die number, 965 at frc hr /; |- ^JT~3 STEM, VALVE, THROTTLE, 9/16" D. For steamer engine, type "M" Weight, IDS. me nnmtoer, 1965-M Former die numDer, (7-58) 966 HOOTS dflAQMAT8 TOM m i OPEN DIE STEM, VALVE, THROTTLE, 9/16 D.; JAW END For steamer engine, type "Eg" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1966 -Y Former clle mimt)er, (1012) 96? NOT STANDARD STOCK flft> STRAP, CRANK, END For deck \v1iich Weight (steel), 3.0 IDs. Die number, 1967-?f Former die number, (3-86) 9C8 i..-/ r r? VENT, GAS For battery bo< Die number, 196S-M Former er, (11-3) 969 DIE. YOKE, STAY, BOILER lt>s. Die number, Former die number, (12 970 NOT STANDARD STOCK HAT3 TOM BALL, BOARD, BULLETIN Welgut (steel), 0.5O ib. i>ie number, 1970-V Former die numDer, (4O8) XOOT8 tiflAdi/lATB TDK NOT STANDARD STOCK . !;:ir , 'A. _- BAND, SHEET, MAIN WelgUt (steel), *.94 Ib. . Die number, 1971-1* Former die mimtoer, (881) )IOOT8 Qi BAND, TRAVELER, BOOM Welglit (steel), 0.75 ID. Die number, 1972-P Former ale number, (254) 973 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE BOLT, BACKING, ARMOR, 3/4 x/ Weight, I>le number, 1978-Y Former die number, (55) 974 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, DOG, F For 8" and 12" gun port .shutters Ibs. I>ie number, 1974 -V Former er, (25) 970 ill* NOT STANDARD STOCK ROT .T. KYtt 9. 119," Eye, 1 1/2" Length, 1 13/16' Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 1976-N Former die number, (3-90) "Kf/aufl oil> -3. 12443115 -02 977 NOT STANDARD STOCK Weight, BOLT, EYE, 3 X/ Eye, 2 5/8" Length, 16 1/2" Ibs. Die number, 1977-B Former die number, (317) 978 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, 3 1/2" Eye, 3" Length, 19 1/4* Welglit, ibs. Die mimtoer, 1978-B / Former ale mimtoer, (316) 979 ^H I '/"if NOT STANDARD STOCK -'1= BOLT, EYE, 4" Eye, 1 1/2" Length, 2 1/2" Welgnt (steel), 5.5 Ibs. Die number, 1979-Y Former ale number, (425) - 980 NOT STANDARD STOCK 1 BOLT, EYE, 4" Eye, 1 5/8" Length, 2 5/8" Weight (steel), 5.19 IDs. Die numtoer, 1980- Y Former die numDer, (424) NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE BOLT, EYE, 5 1/2" Eye, 3 3/4* Length, open die Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1981 -B Former ale number, (530) 682 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 2" Eye, 1 1/4" Length, 5 1/2" Weight (steel), 5.0 IDs. Die number, Former -Y 983 to . ^BOLT, SPINDLE, l /x For boiler handhole covers d Weight, ll>s. Die numtoer, 1983-Y Former die number, (1126) 084 OPEN DIE BOWSPRIT, INNER END ft'Sii ie number, 1984-N Former ale numtoer, (3-48) 1 x'T'x^ j / V * 1 r~~N * \ \ ^ ^ i OPEN DIE 3IQ BOWSPRIT, OUTER END For sailing launches Weight, Ibs. Die jmmtoer, 1985-N . Former die numl>er,^(3-4:7) 986 CK NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE BOX, SWIVEL, CHAIN, 1" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 1986-B Former die number, (233) 087 XOOT8 GHAQI/IAT8 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK 3KJ M39O BOX, SWIVEL, CHAIN, 1 1/4 X Weight, Ibs. Die numtoer, 1987-B Former die numtoer, (219) 988 NOT STANDARD STOCK RING, CLINCH, SWIVEL, CHAIN, \" Weight, Itos. Die aumbej, 1988-B ,*oerur Former die numtoer, (256) AjQlc UHAQWAT2 -'$1 ** r EL y er, (113) 1001 " 1 M BUTTON, BOARD, BOTTOM For small boats Weight (steel), 0.12 Ito. Die mimtoer, 2001-YM Former die number, (13) 1002 CAP, PROJECTILE, 6' Weignt, ll)S. Die numDer, 2002-B Former die number, (539) 1003 NOT STANDARD STOCK CHAIN PLATE, 9" Weight (steel), 0.75 Ib. Die number, 2003-Y Former ale number, (248) 1004 CHAIN PLATE, Weight (steel), 1.1 Ibs. Die number, 200-4-B Former die number, (76) 1005 , .. If _ r*~*^ ^^ -Hfc r=^' s CHAIN PLATE, 14 3/4 x Welglit (steel), 3.25 IDs. Die numtoer, 2005-PB Former die nTimtoer, (255) 10(M5 L ' ' , x ~j ; . L -,>-T_: ) i =n . ~^\ ^l v \2 y , {?") 1 /6 CLEAT, 5 /x Weight (steel), 0.88 It). Die iiumDer, 2006-YM Former die number, (367) 1007 i^Tfa: I=L T n Xj^ 4-. f^ "Xj h-t- f~~* f /2.Y" x i ( 'f"i-\ *^i(h ^\ '^JCO ^K- ; / *' 'j v sl r im^z^T' ,1 1 (. ' - . CLIP, RAIL Weignt, IDs. Die numDer, 2011-M Former die numDer, (3-72) 1012 NOT STANDARD STOCK CLIP, SHELL Welgnt (steel), 0.81 ID. Die numtoer, 2012-Y Former die nuniber, (118) 1013 NOT STANDARD STOCK COLLAR, LUG Weight (steel), 0.75 ib. Die number, 2013-Y Former die number, (398) 1014 NOT STANDARD STOCK COLLAR, LUG Weight (steel), 0.25 ID. Die number, 2014- Y Former die number, (397) 1015 XOOT8 cmAQIflAT8 TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK V t '//f . /6 CROSS, HIGH PRESSURE, 1/2". WelgHt (n. brass), 1.8 Ibs. Die number, 2015-Y Former die number, (383) 1016 NOT STANDARD STOCK * ^ J* / 6 I , L / 1 i 'o ^ rf||JO / ^x, _jr / : ~ CN cO i * r tl 4 [^ *!', 6 & *" ELBOW, HIGH PRESSURE, 1/2 X/ Welglit (n. brass), 1.1 IDs. Die mmiber, 2016-Y Former die numtoer, (379) 1017 NOT STANDARD STOCK re- '?* * FASTENER, LOCKER, WIRE Welgnt (stel), fr.38 lt>. Die numl>er, 20I7-Y Former ale numDer, (4E86-2) 1018 I If- fih vo FIGURE, DRAFT Weight Csteef), 0.38 Ib. r>le nran'ber, 2OT8-N Former die number, (3-34) 1019 FIGURE, DRAFT Weight (steel), 0.75 Ifc. Die number, 2019-N Former die number, (3-35) 1020 \ M-r- L ;r s. t FIGURE, DRAFT Welglit (steel), 0.75 U>. Die numDer, 2020-N Former dLle numl>er, (3-36) 1021 FIGURE, DRAFT Weight (steel), 0.50 lb. Die number, 2021-N Former die number, (3-37) 1022 1 a. 7 FIGURE, DRAFT Wolgnt (steel), 0.75 lt>. Die number, aoaa-N Former die number, (3-38) 1023 "j. - 'tf * w\ t ^ * r 1 /'0 ] i r I */"-* r W j ^\ -, 1 4- ( k v F tr jj > ] t/ XI? FIGURE, DRAFT Weiglit (steel), 0.75 It). Die number, 2023-N Former die numbers, (3-33 & 3-42) 1024 FIGURE, DRAFT Weight (steel), 0.50 Ito. Die number, 2024-2* Former die number, (3-40) 12443119 65 1026 FIGURE/DRAFT Welgnt (steel), 1.0 Ito. Die number, 2025-** Former die number, (3-41) 1026 *r-/ - FIGURE, DRAFT WelgHt (steel), 0.75 ID. Die ntuntoer, 2026-N ^mjjn II> vouno 1 ^ Former die number, (3-43) 102T NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE EYE, SWIVEL, 1 5/8" Weight, Itos. Die ntuntoer, 2027-B Former die number, (221) 1028 NOT STANDARD STOCK EYE, SWIVEL, 2* IDS. Die number, 2O28-B Former die number, (220) 1029 p% W i ". . ! d" ; m^g i *"/6 > txj r ; ^ ^ ~ yf*4 -t ^i^ y , ^ * M . A -im /i \^ VI ^ \>p* / r* ^to ' .- m / L /%'lN Y. DIE i - . 1 \ L '* EYE, TARPAULIN Welgnt (steel), 0.20 U>. Die number, 2029-MT saaa olJb Former die numbers, (4-35) (98) 1030 NOT STANDARD: STOCK 5 P 75 -i r_ -^ 5" ^ . * -J 4 f* N f , s - f f f f J> v r "> V * f \ ^ ^ - EYE, TARPAULIN Welgltt (steel), 0.31 Ib. Die number, 2O30-B Former die number, (109) 1031 NOT STANDARD STOCK MOT X .1 FITTING, BAR, BATTEN Welgnt (steel), 1.3 Ibs. Die number, 2031-MB Former die numbers, (3-33) (86) 1033 FITTINGS, BENCH AND Rod, brace, eye end MESS Weight, IDs. Die number, 2032-M Former die number, (4-65) 1033 NOT STANDARD STOCK FITTINGS, MAST, CAGE Bottom, left hand .WeigHt (steel), 5.0 Ibs. Die number, 2033-N Former die number, (3-81) 1034 NOT STANDARD STOCK HOLE PRILLED. FITTINGS, MAST, CAGE Bottom, right hand "Welglit (steel), 6.0 lt>s. Die number, 2034-N Former die number, (3-80) 1035 )!OOT NOT STANDARD STOCK FITTINGS, MAST, CAGE Top, left hand Weight (steel), 4.5 Ibs. Die number, 2035-N Former die number, (3-79) NOT STANDARD STOCK FITTINGS, MAST, CAGE Tp. right Weight (steel), 4.5 IDs. Die number, 2036-N Former ale number, (8-78) Cerj- 1037 * , . .. 33> -W t ~~~ I 1 *" .c \ i s. I |^7 < q> .6 S > ^ > * t I 1 ? , .;> FITTINGS/MINE, N. D. Axis, drum, cable WelgJit:(torass),.1.0_ll). Die niimDer, 2037-N Former die number, (3-119) 1038 FITTINGS, MINE, N. D Claw, strlckcr Welglxt (dteel), 0.13 ID. I>Ie nnmDer, 2038-N Former die number, (3-118) 1039 FITTINGS, MINE, N. D. Connection, cable Weight (steel), 0.25 ID. JDie number, 2039-N Former die number, (3-116) 1040 FITTINGS, MINE, N. D. Eye, lifting Weight (steel), 1.0 Ib. Die number, 2040-N Former die number, (3-126) 12443119 66 1041 NO DIE Die number, 20-11 1042 FITTINGS, MINE, N. D. Head, pin, shackle Weight (steel), 0.25 Ito. I>le number, 2042-N Former die number, (3-115) 1043 FITTINGS, MINE, N. D. Lever Wolglit (brass), 0.38 11). Die number, 2043-N Former die number, (3-122) 1044 FITTINGS, MINE, N. D. Pawl, brake WelglU (brass), 0.25 Ib. Die number, Former die number, (3-121) 1045 I Weight, ^ FITTINGS, MINE, N. D. Piston Ibs. Die number, 2045-N Former die number, (3-114) 1040 M V2fo I I a J C ay FITTINGS, MINE, N. D. Plunger Weight (brass), 0.75 Ito. Die number, 2046-N Former ale number, (3-123) 1047 FITTINGS, MINE, N. D. Seating, firing gear Weight (steel), 1.3 Ibs. Die number, 2047-N Former die numl>er, (3-131) 1048 NO DIE Die number, 2048 1049 FITTINGS, MINE, N. D. Yoke Weight (steel), 0.25 ID. Die number, 2049-N Former die number, (3-127) 1050 XOOTB QflAOWAT8 TOIfl CLAMP, CASE, MINE Weight (steel), 0.75 Ib. Die number, 2050-N Former die number, (3-77) 1051 NOT STANDARD STOCK FOOT, LOCKER Weight (steel), 1.3 Itos. le number, 2051-B Former die numDer, (69) 1052 TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE U-^i- - X "i -S- 7 . x-- -', , i r r~ $ 1 s^i.^ ,. a - 31O FULCRUM, PUMP, 2 1/2 X Weight, Ibs. I>ie nuniber, 2052 -Y Former die number, (99) 1053 ANDABD ST NOT STANDARD STOCK GRAB ROD PAD, 1 1/2'- Weight, Ibs. Die number, 2053-YM Former die numtoer, (273) 1054 NOT STANDARD STOCK GRAB ROD SUPPORT, 1 1/2 ' Welglit (steel), 7.69 IDs. Die number, 2054- Y Former die number, 1055 NOT STANDARD STOCK HANDLE, PUMP, 2 1/2" Weight. Ibs. ie number, 2055-Y Former die number, (109) 1056 NOT STANDARD STOCK t *si 1 >* \\ OPEN DIE HANDLE, PUMP, 2 l/2 /x , HEAD IDs. Die number, 2056-M Former die number, (427) 12443119 67 1057 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE HANDLE, PUMP, 3" Weight, 2 .iiKfitt ? J ? m -9 .* J c '/T I i." IMN.DIE HANGER, LOCKER, MESS, WIRE Weight (steel), 0.19 ID. Die number, 2060-MNBY Former die numbers, (3-7) (3-7) (26) (93) 1061 NOT STANDARD STOCK HOOK, HINGE For folding berth Weight, libs. Die number, 2061-B Former die number, (335) 1062 HOOK, TRAVELER, MAST Welgnt, IDs. Dlemimtoer, 2062-PM xacnro^ Former die number, (248) 1063 *0 I v^r ^vo ^ t i \ / & c =1 i ;' ? I \ } i s Af , 7 X ^ I 1-* i. 2"~* * * / " ..t ^ i y JOINT, UNIVERSAL, 5/8" Weight (steel), 0.66 Ib. Die number, 2063- 1" Former die number, (489) 1064 &^=^ iOOT3 NOT STANDARD STOCK m m if KEY, Weight, ibs. Die number, 2070-Y Former die number, (1055) 1971 NOT STANDARD STOCK /> '* KEY, IDs. Die number, 2071- Y Former die number, (1055) NOT STANDARD STOCK : a w) 3- KEY, 3/8 x/ Welglit (steel), 0.15 ID. Die number, 2072-N Former die number, (3-52) 12443119 68 1073 NOT STANDARD STOCK KEY, 3/8 x/ Welgnt, Ibs. Je number, 2073-Y Former die number, (1056) 1074 NOT STANDARD STOCK @ ^ KEY, 7/16 r/ WelgHt, Die number, 2074-B Former die number, (257) 1075 XOOT3 GaAQMATS TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK hr- Weight, KEY, 7/16 x/ lt)S. Die nunaber, 2075-Y Former ale number, (1056) 1076 NOT STANDARD STOCK KEY, 1/2" Weight (steel), 0.88 lt>. Die number, 2076-Y Former ale numtoer, (166) 1077 >100T8 QHAQI/IAT3 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK * S 4- TAt>. T KEY, WelgHt (steel), 0.29 ID. Die nuxnDer, 2077-N Former ale numDer, (3-53) 1078 NOT STANDARD STOCK s^ . \ ^ KEY, 5/8 x Weight (steel), 0.63 ll>. Die number, 2078-N Former ale nuniber, (3-54) 1079 . NOT STANDARD STOCK (& 7" ^ > 1 >-" -J ^"PEK FT. T^PEK s KEY, 3/4 x/ Welglit (steel), 0.85 11). Die number, 2079-N Former ^le number, (3-55) 1080 WEDGE, STRAIGHT For W. T. Doors Weight, IDs. Die number, 2080- Y Former die number, 1081 THOIAii WEDGE, CURVED, 5" Weight (steel), 0.38 ID. Die number, 2081-Y Former die number, (15) 1082 ra TOM ^s V^ f ^ i *"~ t KNOB, RAIL, HAND WelgHt, 1133. Die number, 2082-Y Former die number, (1021) 1083 NOT STANDARD STOCK LATCH, HASP Weight (steel), 0.19 Ito. r>le numDer, 2083-Y Former die number, (509) 1084 LINK, 2 3/4 x Weight (steel), 0.50 ID. Die numDer, 2084-Y Former die number, (1000) 1085 LINK, 2 3/4" Weight, Itos. Die number, 2085-MY Former die numbers, (7-44) (1100) 1086 NOT STANDARD STOCK LINK, 3 3/4 /x For 2 112" lift and force pumps Weight (steel), 0.56 Ib. Die number, 2086- Y Former die, number, (177) 1087 NOT STANDARD STOCK LINK, 4 3/8" For 3" and 3 1/2" lift and force pumps Weight (steel), 0.94 ID. Die numDer, 2087-Y Former die numlber, (179) 1088 NOT STANDARD STOCK LINK, 5" For 3" lift and force pumps Weight (steel), 0.97 Die numt>er, 2088-Y Former die numtoer, (176) 12443119 69 1089 LINK, 5 3/16 /x Weight (steel), 1.0 Ib. Die xxnniber, 2089-MY Former die numbers, (7-65) (1004) 1090 NOT STANDARD STOCK '1 J \ LINK, 6 3/4" For plumbers' force pumps Weight (steel), 0.56 ll>. Die number, 2090-Y Former die number, (181) 1091 NOT STANDARD STOCK id- LINK, 12 1/2 X/ For 2 1/2" lift pump Welglit (steel), 1.9 Itos. Die number, 2091-Y Former die numtoer, (180) 1092 NOT STANDARD STOCK LINK For 3" lift pump Weight (steel), 2.3 Ibs. Die numl>er, 2092 -Y Former die numljer, (178) 1093 NOT STANDARD STOCK <*! XV LINK, CHAIN, ENDLESS WeigHt (steel), O.09 ID. Die mmiber, 2093-Y Former die numTDer, (175) 1094 NOT STANDARD STOCK LINK, CHAIN, SPROCKET, 4 3/4" WelgHt (steel), 5.0 Itos. Die numtoer, 2094-Y Former die numtoer, (183) 1095 NOT STANDARD STOCK LINK, CHAIN, SPROCKET, 4 3/4" Weight (steel), 9.a ll>s. Die number, 2095-Y Former die number, (182) 1096 ^ I .1 * LINK, FULCRUM, VALVE, THROTTLE, 3 3/8" For steamer engine, type "83" Welgnt (steel), O.44 It). Die ntunDer, 2096- Y Former die number, (1008) 1097 r\ + t , -H* i ? rf- 4 JN r^ I LINK, FULCRUM, VALVE, THROTTLE, 3 3/8 x For steamer engine, type "L" Welgnt, Itos. -Die numDer, 2097-MY Former die numbers, (7-24) (1113) 1098 ylT IJL_I __L xl <*,\ i. LINK, FULCRUM, VALVE, THROTTLE, 3 11/32" For steamer engine, type "K" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 2098-MY Former die numl)ers, (7-4) (1112) 1099 LINK, FULCRUM, VALVE, THROTTLE, 3 For steamer engine, type "M" Itos. Die number, 2099-M Former die number, (7-60) 1100 * f \ NUT, HEXAGONAL, Weight (steel), 0.38 ID. Die number, 2100-Y Former die number, (284) 1101 NOT STANDARD STOCK ^ ^9 JF I I NUT, OCTAGONAL, 2 1/8 X/ Weight (steel), 0.81 Ito. Die number, 2101- YM Former die number, (479) 1102 -TO NM^UM*^ NUT, WING, 3/16" Weight, Ibs. I>le number, 2102 -Y Former die number, (309) 1103 NUT, WING, 1/4" Weiglit (steel), o.oe ii>. Die number, 2103-Y Former die number, (308) 1104 X i / < ///1_^ NUT, WING, 5/16" Weight (steel), 0.13 Ib. Die number, 2104-N Former die number, (3-111) 12443119 70 1106 NUT, WING, 3/8" Weight, IDs. Die number, 2105 -M Former die nuniber, (3-62) 1106 NOT STANDARD STOCK v d L NOT, WING, 7/16" Welgnt (steel), 0.19 It). Die numtoer, 2106-N Former die numtoer, (3-113) 1107 // / NUT, WING, 7/16" Weignt (steel), 0.12 ID. Die number, 2107- Y Former die number, (306) 1108 NOT STANDARD STOCK NUT, WING, 1/2" Welgnt, IDs. Die ntimtoer, 2108-M Former die numtoer, (3-63) 1109 xoora NUT, WING, 1/2" WelgHt (steel), 0.19 ito. Die numtoer, 2109-Y Former die numtoer, (305) 1110 NOT STANDARD STOCK T2 TOM NUT, WING, 1/2" Welglit (steei), 0.25 lt>. Die number, 2110-N Former die numDer, (3-112) 1111 MOOT8 QHAQMAT8 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK NUT, WING, 1/2" . Weight (steel), 0.25 ID. Die number 2111-Y Former die number, (285) 1112 NOT STANDARD STOCK NUT, WING, 5/8 x/ Weight, lts. Die nnmtoer, 2112-NM Former die numDers, (3-72) (12-7) 3113 QHAQMATe TOM h NUT, WING,, 5/8" Weight (steel), 0.47 11>. i* Die numtoer, 2113- Y (r-f) 'dmifrroh Former die number, (1054=) lili NOT STANDARD STOCK RAd MATE TOM NUT, WING, 11/16" rt- Former die numtoer, (307) 1115 NOT STANDARD STOCK H PIN, 7/16* 3HIW /: Weight (steel), 0.12 ID. Die number, 2115- Y Former die number, (360-1) 1116 NOT STANDARD STOCK PIN, 5/8 x/ SQUARE Weight (steel), 0.31 ID. Die numtoer, 2116-Y Former die ntuntoer, (418) im NOT STANDARD STOCK PIN, 3/4" Welgnt (steel), 0.47 Ib. Die number, 2117-Y Former die number, (360-2) 1118 NOT STANDARD STOCK PIN, 1 Weiglit, IDs. Die number, 2118-B Former die number, (152) NOT STANDARD STOCK "DKA BALL PIN, BALL HEAD, 3/8 x Welglit (steel), 0.12 lt>. Die numtoer, 2H9-Y Former die mimber, (9) 1120 MOT STANDARD STOCK *.-J>-* 5 U1_ X" N < ~T Wl P * d \ ^ *? JL I %- b> q .1 1 ..!! "I ! 5 1 ^ * * PIN, BALL HEAD, 1/4' Weight (n. brass), 0.12 lt>. Die number, 2120-Y Former die number, 124431 19 71 1121 I U>| CN <0 I ? k ? H < R j PIN, BELAYING, 9/16 x/ WeigiLt ie number, 2122-N Former die numtoer, (3-76) 1123 f COPEN DIE Welglit, PIN, BELAYING, 1 3/16* IDs. Die numfcer, 2123-Y Former die numtoer, (186) 1124 HOLE SPOTTSD /A/ Y. DIB \\ * ~* "7 ^ \ X x *-; "- f > 2 ^ I \ \ > c \ -? ^ * ^ \ 5 il< f 5 ; *i :/ 1 -**- , - S ^> _ | 1 1 - P * H PIN, BLOCK, COALING, METAL, 1 7/16" WelgHt (steel), 2.25 ll>s. Die number, 2124-YN Former die numbers, (511) (5-14=7) 1125 NOT STANDARD STOCK PIN, CANOPY, 7/16' Weight (steeli, O.i Die number, 2125-Y Former ale number, (10) NOT STANDARD STOCK PIN, TAPERED, 1 13/16" TO 2 3/16 Weight (steel), 7.0 Ibs. Die number, 2126-Y Former die number, (185) 1127 PIN, THOLE, 13/16" :. ,aaaa*iA Weight (steel), 1.6 Itos. Die number, 2127 -YM Former ale numbers, (189) (3-46) 1128 NOT STANDARD STOCK ~l >-* .1 s" ^0 ' 1 x ^*\ > j * -< --, " / ^ s ; 4f "", .i > ^ ^ ^* - S I* \ r . A \ 1 * PIN, THOLE, 13/16 /x Welgnt, Itos. Die number, 2128-B Former ale number, (38) 1129 ORAQWAT2 TOW PAD For fire control tower Weight (steel), 0.22 ID. Die numtoer, 2129-YM Former die immtoer, (485) lino MOOT8 GHACmAT3 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD, CHOCK, BOAT TA08 WelgHt (steel), 2.16 IDs. Die number, 2130-Y Former ate number, (269) 1131 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD, CHOCK, BOAT WelgHt (steel), 5.69 IDs. Die number, 2131-Y Former die number, (268) 1132 M30T3 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD, DOG For portable ventilators Welgfct, Die number, 2182-B Former die mimtoer, (157) 1133 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD, DOG, LATCH For 7" gun port shutters weigfct (steel), 0.69 n>. Die numtoer, 2133-Y Former ale numtoer, (275) 1134 NOT STANDARD STOCK ^ PAD, GUIDE For 7" gun port shutters Weignt (steel), 0.28 lt>. Die nnmt>er, 2134-Y Former die number, (353) 1135 NOT STANDARD STOCK U L PAD, GUIDE For 7" gun port shutters Weight (steel), 1.06 IDs. Die miniber, 2135-Y Former die number, (354=) 1138 PAD, HOISTING For sailing launches and cutters Weight (steel), 32.0 Itos. Die nunaber, 2136-NM Former die number, (4-3d) 12443119 72 1137 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD, HOOK, 2 7/8" Weight (steel), 2.0I1DS. Die number, 2137-MNB Former jlle numbers, (4-9) (4-9) (108) 1138 >JOOT3 QRAOMATS TOM LJ PAD, HOOK, 2" Weight (steel), 1.3 ibs. l>le numlier, 2138-T Former die numtoer, (356) 113'J WOT STANDARD STOCK PAD, LADDER, METAL WeJglit, Hs Die number, 2139 -Y Former die number, (516) 1140 NOT STANDARD STOCK DHOLES SPOTTED IN P/t . ~/\ ^~ / \4 Welgnt, fflNGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 15/16" Size of pad 5 5/8" x 2 1/2" x 9/16' Used as drop bolt pad 11)3. Die number, 2140- Y Former die number, (510) 1141 XOOT3 QHACMAT8 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK 'f ~* * g* ^tr 1 /<5^ ^\ T| V E y " )lo * r 2" 4 3-" *t2f . * I 13JAM31 ,0/ PAD, NOSE, DOG . Weight (steel), 1.44 IDs. Die number, 2141-Y Former die number, (274) 1142 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAWL Weight, IDs. Die numDer, 2142-B Former die numDer, (257) 1143 XOOT3 QHAQMAT3 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK i > ' ^] \ j^*^, i" 'H? ...t i -15 ^ " ' T ^ N^^ ^ ) . PLATE, HANDLE, Weignt (steel), 1.0 Ib. Die number, 2143-N Former die number, (3-128) 1144 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN DIE ROD, 5/8" D; JAW END Weight, Ibs. Die number, 2144-Y Former die number, (205) 1145 NOT STANDARD STOCK \ / J \ OPEN DIE ROD, 1 1/4 X/ D.; END Weight, Ibs. Die number, 2145-N Former die number, (3-70) 1146 NOT STANDARD STOCK "-N "*) CM ROD, 1 1/4" D.; JAW END Weiglit (steel), 4.8 IDs. Die number, 2146-Y Former die number, (302) 1147 \, A / -138 ,f -to ! PIE: Weight, ROD, 1 1/2 X/ D.; JAW END Ibs. Die number, 2147-BY Former die numbers, (166) (289) 1148 MOOT3 QflAai/IAT3 TOI/I / J Of L^d f OPEN ,. ROD, 1 1/2 X/ D.; JAW END Welglit, Ibs. I>le number, 2148-BY Former die numbers, (169) (291) 1149 NOT STANDARD STOCK a ROWLOCK, CUTTER, ELECTRIC Weignt (n. brass), 1.6 Ibs. Die number, 2149-Y Former die number, (467) 1150 ROWLOCK, CUTTER, RACING, 31' Weight (n. brass), Ibs. Die number, 2150-Y Former die number, (462) 1151 ROWLOCK, DINGHY, PUNT, AND DORY Weight (n. brass), 1.3 IDs. Die number, 2151-YM Former die number, (465) 1152 ROWLOCK, STEAMER Weight (11. brass), 1.9 Ibs. Die number, 2152-Y Former die number, (469) 12443119 73 1153 ROWLOCK, WHALEBOAT AND 24' CUTTER Weight (n. brass), 1.7 IDs. Die number, 2153-YM Former die number, (460) 1154 ROWLOCK, WHERRY Weiglit (n. brass), 0.91 It). Die number, 2154- YM Former die number, (464) 1155 SOCKET, ROWLOCK, CUTTER, RACING, 31' Weight (n. brass), l.o Ito. Die number, 2155-Y Former die number , (461) 1156 r- H^ i .3*' I =-1^- r-H Tnfe SOCKET, ROWLOCK, WHERRY T3H3O8 Welglit, IDs. Die number, 2159-Y Former die number, (463) 1160 NOT STANDARD STOCK RUNG, LADDER, 5/8 x/ END Welgnt, Has. r>le number, 2160-B Former die number, (263) 1161 SEGMENT, COMMUTATOR, 1/4" "Weight (copper), 0.20 Yb. Die number, 2161-Y Former ale number, (300) 1162 \ T 1 o* ^ - .^^^^^ *>. __L SEGMENT, COMMUTATOR, 1/4 X Weight (copper), 0.56 ll>. Die number, 2162-Y Former die number, (301) 1163 SEGMENT, COMMUTATOR, 5/16" Welgnt (copper), 0.37 Ib. Die number, 2163-Y Former die number, (346) 1164 7 I V, T i r SEGMENT, COMMUTATOR, Weight (copper), 0.25 Ito. Die numDer, 2164-T Former die iumtoer, (297) 1165 SEGMENT, COMMUTATOR, 7/16" Welglit (copper), 0.52 ll>. Die numtoer, 2165-Y Former die numioer, (298) 1166 >IOOT3 QflAQMAT8 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK ^ SCREW, CLAMPING, 7/8" V, T eight (torass), 0.38 ID. Die numDer, 2166-N Former die numtoer, (3-108) 1167 NOT STANDARD STOCK ! SCREW, THUMB, 5/8 /x Weight, n>s. Die number, 2167-M Former die number, (4-62) 1168 TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, FLAT, 6' Weight (steel), 2.1 IDs. Die numtoer, 2168-Y Former die numtoer, (57) 12443119 74 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, SWIVEL, SCREW, RIGGING, 2' Welgfct, Ibs. Die number, 2169-B Former die number, (201) NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, SWIVEL, SCREW, RIGGING, 2 1/2 X Weight, IDs. Die number, 2170-B Former die number, (209) 1171 XO8 -C 111 V /i \Jinivuriiiu oil ^WI\ ^ 1 ^ ^\ f ~ ?' 5 J&\ i 1 v~ > / i _1 S^^ *\_ ^/ J ^7% ^J? T 8 1 * '$ " ^^x^*^ f "^^ * I .1 t ^X^^K* s i f f 4? -i I i ^J * ^- - tS i t^S ^"^-^x^ r f SHACKLE, SWIVEL, SCREW; RIGGING, 3 /x Weight, Itos. Die numtoer, 2171-B Former die numbers, (134 and 137) 1172 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, SWIVEL, SCREW, RIGGING, 3 1/2" Weight, IDs. I>le number, 2172-B former die numbers, (210 and 211) 1178 NOT STANDARD STOCK SHACKLE, SWIVEL, SCREW, RIGGING, V WelgHt,i.j. TJL . itos. Die number, 2173-B fctt* Olfi) ,:> Former ale numbers, (139 ana 143) 1174 NOT STANDARD STOCK , SOCKET, ARM, RACK, TOWEL Weignt (n. brass), 0.31 ID. Die number, 2174-YB Former die numbers, (245) (105) 1175 )IOOT8 QRAaWATa TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK SOCKET, BAR, HANDLE For handy billy pump Weigfct (steel), 3.34 Ibs. Die number, 2175-M Y Former die numt>ers, (3-34) (414) 1176 j \ > r*n ! ""^-r'l ,; -> - 10 I i i 4-1^ i J ****-i ~ j ~r 1 i "ft .* SOCKET, BATTEN For 7/8" x 2 3/4" battens Weight, Ibs. Die number, 2176-YM Former die number, (441) 1177 y iJ> -* -ft" . ~* > < _i'l* ^J 1 *~ * 1 **. -4p SOCKET, BATTEN For 1 3/8" x 2 3/4" battens Weignt, IDs. Die number, 2177-Y i -^cijjn iM> iv Former die number, 1178 SOCKET, PIPE, 1 1/4" Weigfct (steel), 2.59 IDs. Die numl>er, 2178-Y inn OH Former die number, (278) 1178 KMM^Kat>MMK44L \ i +Q /*" "\ -r-notao-* ) xl \ J STAPLE, HOOK, DOOR (steel), 0.25 Ib. Die number, 2179-MN Farmer ale numbers, (3-28) (3-28) 1180 NOT STANDARD STOCK STAPLE, BLOCKING, DRY DOCK Welgnt (steel), 0.50 Ifo. Die number, 218O-B Former die number, (150) 1181 HOOTS QRA A/1 14 A TO I JL 2TXKI Yfl< STRONGBACK -"fAT8 Weight (steel), 0.25 ID. Die number, 2181-B Former die number, (36) 1182 NOT STANDARD STOCK XOOT8 Cm/id I/I AT3 TOM ULJ OPEN DIE STRONGBACK, HOLE, PEEP Used in conning tower Weight (steel), 0.81 n>. Die number, 2182-Y Former die number, (207) 1183 X30T8: TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK ' STRONGBACK, SCUTTLE, COAL Weignt, Ibs. Die number, 2183-Y Former die number, (237) 1184 NOT STANDARD STOCK CPEH DIE STRONGBACK, SCUTTLE, COAL welgnt, IDs. Die number, 2184-M Former die numtoer, (4-18) 12443119 75 1185 NOT STANDARD STOCK ;^ /J f. li -JU \\ )t 7| tfe STRONiiBACK, SCUTTLE, COAL, Welgnt (steel), 10.69 Ips. Oie number, 2185- Y Former die number, (238) 1186 NOT STANDARD STOCK / IT' fc J X 4 4vr I / * O E ^BMC ^ 1* > t^X X / " L ; K- *H STRAP, SIDE For ammunition trolley Wei gut (steel), 1.31 IDs. Die ; numt>er, 2186- Y Former die number, (417) 1187 >100T8 aflAQMATS TOM n NOT STANDARD STOCK SUPPORT, LUBRICATOR Weight (steel), .75 Ib. Die number, 2187-x Former die numtoer, (3-88) 1188 NOT STANDARD STOCK SWIVEL, BUOY, CORK Weight (steel),. 1.66 IDS. Die number, 2188- Y Former die nuinber, (392) 1189 NOT STANDARD STOCK f TEE, fflGH PRESSURE, 1/2" Weiglit (n. torass), 1.5 Ibs. Die number, 2189-Y Former dl^ number, (382) 1190 NOT STANDARD STOCK TIP, ARM, RACK, TOWEL Weight (n. brass), lt>s. I>le number, 2190-B Former die number, (105) 1191 MOOTS er, (191) 1192 TOGGLE, 3/8' Weight, itos. Die number, 2192-Y Former die numl>er, (454) 1193 NOT STANDARD STOCK STO, t laL TOGGLE, 1/2" Weight Obrass), 0.03 ifc. Die number, 2193-MN Former die numbers, (3-22) (3-22) 1194 U ,; - I LJP ! 5 8 L TOGGLE, 1/2 Weight, Ibs. Die number, 2194-Y Former die number, (40) 1195 NOT STANDARD STOCK , TOGGLE, 5/8" Weight Obrass), 0.05 Ito. le numDer, 2195-MN Former ale numbers, (3-23) (3-23) 1196 rr TOGGLE, 5/8 x/ Weignt, Ibs. Die number, 2196-Y Former die numt>er, (420) im NOT STANDARD STOCK TOGGLE, ll/16 /x Welglit, Ibs. Die number, 2197-Y Former die number, (48) 1198 TOGGLE, 3/4" Weignt, Ibs. r>ie number, 2198-Y Former die number, (190) 1199 WOT STANDARD STOCK TOGGLE, 3/4' Weight, Il>s. Die number, 2199-B Former die numt>er, (99) 1200 NOT STANDARD STOCK /> TOGGLE, 3/4" Weight (brass), 0.08 ID. Die numDer, 2200-MN Former ale numlsers, (3-24) (3-2dt) 12443119 76 1201 TOGGLE, 7/8" Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 2201-Y Former die number, (192) 1202 NOT STANDARD STOCK TOGGLE, 7/8 Weignt, Ibs. Die number, 2202-MN Former die numbers, (3-25) (3-25) 1203 NOT STANDARD STOCK TOGGLE, V WelgHt, IDs. Die number, 2203-MN Former die numbers, (3-26) (3-26) 1204 TOGGLE, \ Welgnt, Ibs. Die number, 2204-Y Former die member, (193) 1205 TOGGLE, 1 1/8" Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 2205-Y Former die number, (194) 1206 TOGGLE, 1 1/4" Weight, !bs. Die numtoer, 2206-Y Former die number, (421) 1207 NOT STANDARD STOCK TOGGLE, 1 1/4" Weight, IDs. Die number, 2207-MN Former die numDers, (3-55) (3-51) 1208 ? TURNBUCKLE, 5/8" Weight (steel), 1.6 IDs. Die number, 2208-Y Former die number, (240) 1209 OPEN DIE TURNBUCKLE, J Weight, U>s. Die numtoer, 2209 -Y Former die nunifcer, (299) 1210 NOT STANDARD STOCK 2k /4^- \0'~ U- 1 1 TURNBUCKLE SLEEVE, SCREW, RIGGING, 2" Welgnt (steel), 5.5 U>s. Die number, 2210-B Former die number, (199) 1211 NOT STANDARD STOCK ) 1 .r 7 p 7 i 7" -*- r * /^ /g . V * t #* t^-*-'* 7^? i L_ i t * I i TURNBUCKLE SLEEVE, SCREW, RIGGING, 2 1/2" Weiglit, ibs. Die number, 2211-B Former die number, (200) 1212 NOT STANDARD STOCK TURNBUCKLE SLEEVE, SCREW, RIGGING, 3" WelgHt, 1T3S. Die num/ber, 2212-B Former ale number, (132) 1213 NOT STANDARD STOCK TURNBUCKLE SLEEVE, SCREW, RIGGING, 3 1/2" Weight, 113S. Die number, 2213-B Former die numbers, (202 fc 203) 1214 XOOT8 QflAGl/?AT3 TOW NOT STANDARD STOCK TURNBUCKLE SLEEVE, SCREW, RIGGING, 4' Weight, 11)3. Die numfter, 2214-B Former die number, (133) 1215 NOT STANDARD STOCK VALVE, ANGLE, HIGH PRESSURE, 1/2' Weiglit (n. torass), 3.0 IDs. Die number, 2215-Y Former die number, (384) 1216 NOT STANDARD STOCK 1 1 r^D *3 * niS ilg 5 s 1 rrs. Die number, 2216-Y Former die number, (385) 12443119 77 1217 XOOT2 TOM - '?? I I /A "I -/"Lu VALVE, STRAIGHTAWAY Weiglit, !bs. Die num"ber, 2217 -Y Former die numtoer, (1139) 1218 NOT STANDARD STOCK t WASHER, 3/4" For boat shop crane Weiglit, Ifos. Die number, 2218-Y Former die number, (293) 1219 )IOOT8 GHAQHAT2 TOW Die number, 2219- *5T 1220 NO DIE Die number, 2220-Y 1221 NO DIE Die number, 2221-Y 1222 20QT3 QRAQMATS TOM NO DIE . Die number, 2222-Y 1223 NOT STANDARD STOCK "~ 3 k 1 LEFT HAND RIGHT HAND, SAME DIMENSIONS, BUT REVERSED WEDGE, STOWAGE, SHELL, 14" Wclgnt, Ibs. Die number, 2223-Y Former die number, 1224 NOT STANDARD STOCK 84- WEDGE, STOWAGE, SHELL, 14" Weight, IDs. Die number, 2224-Y Former die number, (495) 1225 WINDSHIELD, PROJECTILE, 6" Weight, Itos. Die nuniber, 2225 -B Former die numt>er, (538) 1226 NOT STANDARD STOCK *-* DOG, TELEGRAPH, AUTOMATIC Weight, IDs. I>Ie numfcer, 2226-Y Former die number, (1127-1) 1227 XOOT8 QflAdi/IAT? TOJ/I NOT STANDARD STOCK DOG, TELEGRAPH, AUTOMATIC Weight, Ibs. Die numtoer, 2227-M Former die number, (7-73) 1228 NOT STANDARD STOCK DIE No, 2228 SUPERSEDED BY DIE No. 3124 SHEAVE, TELEGRAPH, AUTOMATIC Weight, ibs. Die number, 2228-M Former ale number, (7-74) 1229 TOM 8SSS ,oH 31(3 HOOT3 jara NOT STANDARD STOCK [ 1 _ - . _ji_z ---:-:_._-..: \ ^. j U 1^ RING, TELEGRAPH, AUTOMATIC Weight (steel), 0.38 ID. Die numtoer, 2229-Y Former die numDer, (1127-2) 1230 NUT, PLUG, PATCH, BULKHEAD, 3 1/2" Weignt, Itos. Die number, 2230-M Former die numtoer, (3-68) 1231 NUT, PLUG, PATCH, BULKHEAD, 5' Weiglit, Itos. Die number, 2231-M Former ale number, (3-69) 1232 s >-"**' "^ N X \ / \ \ 1 1 \ 1 \ / \ S (P) ^ 4* ~T i /' . PLUG, PATCH, BULKHEAD, 3 1/2" Weight, 11)3. Die number, 2232 -M Former die number, (3-66) 12443119 78 1233 -T PLUG, PATCH, BULKHEAD, 5 /x Weight, IDs. Die mimT)er, 2233-M Former die nnmtoer, (3-67) Q NOT STANDARD STOCK BARREL, PISTOL, SIGNAL Weight (steel), 3.41 IDs. Die number, 2234- Y Former die number, (422) 1235 NOT STANDARD STOCK HAMMER, PISTOL, SIGNAL Welglit, IDs. Die number, 3235-Y Former die numtoer, (H24) 1236 NOT STANDARD STOCK TRIGGER, PISTOL, SIGNAL Welgnt, Ibs. Die number, 2236-Y Former ale number, (1125) 1237 BOLT, DROP, V Head, 7/8" x 1 3/4" D. Length, open die Weight, IDs. Die numUer, 2237-N Former die number, (3-45) 1238 BOLT, DROP, \" Head, 1" x 2 3/8" Length, open die WelgHt, Itos. Die number, 2238-N Former ale numtoer, 1239 NOT STANDARD STOCK HANDLE, GRAB, 4" Height, 2 1/8" Size of wire, 3/4' Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 2239 -YM Former die numbers, (111) (3-1) 1240 NOT STANDARD STOCK HANDLE, GRAB, 4 1/8" Height, 2 1/8" Size of wire, 3/4' Welgnt (steel), Itos. Die number, 2240-B Former die number, (49) 1241 - ^7T 4 t 't/*0 C5* i ' * ^**H^ 'i L I LtNfcTH OVER MJ. +t\ - N SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 3 1/4" CHAIN CABLE Weigfct (steel), ll>s. Die number, 3000 -B 1242 t N \ | t I | r > i rS IS Jfc iV N ^<"^ KL - : ^rr PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 3 1/4 X/ CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3001-B 1243 BOX, SWIVEL, 3 1/4" AND 3 1/2" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3002-B 1244 TURNBUCKLE, 3 1/2" For housing chain stopper, for 3 1/4" and 3 1/2" chain cable. (ateel), Itos. Die nuitttoer, 3003 -B 1245 T BAIL, 3 1/4 X/ AND 3 1/2 X/ CHAIN CABLE For housing chain stopper, for 3 1/4' and 3 1/2" chain cable WelgHt (steel), IDs. Die numlber, 3004-B 1246 HOOK, PELICAN, 3 1/4" AND 3 1/2" CHAIN CABLE For housing chain stopper for 3 1/4" and 3 12 chain cable Weight (steel), ibs. Die number, 3005-B 1247 STRONGBACK, HOUSING CHAIN STOPPER For 3 1/4* and 3 1/2" chain cable Weight (steel), IDs. Die , 3006-B 1248 WRENCH, 6 1/2" For housing chain stopper, for 3 1/4" and 3 1/2"' chain cable Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3007-B 12443119 79 1249 PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1/2" CHAIN CABLE Weiglit (steel), It>s. Die number, 3008-B 1250 ' J*Y, ,J(. * 1* -W- tt- PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 5/8 /x CHAIN CABLE WeigUt (steel), Itos. Die u urn her. ;tmK*-u 1251 SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1/2 X/ CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3010-B 1252 PUNCHED OUT SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 5/8 /x CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), lt>s. Die number, 3011-B 1253 NOT STANDARD STOCK 7 TUG Q3HOHU^ HOUSING, DOTTER, SOLENOID Welglit (w. iron), 6.75 Ibs. Die number, 3012-M 1254 . COVER, HANDHOLE, OVAL, 5 5/16" x 4 3/16" Weight (steel), 5.4 IDs. Die number, 3013-M 1255 BRIDGE, CLAMPING, 5 3/32" For boiler handhole covers Weight (steel), 1.6 Ibs. Die number, 3014-M 1256 SEGMENT, COMMUTATOR Weignt (copper), 0.55 It). Die number, 3015-M 1257 CAP, PROJECTILE, A. P. 8 X Weight (steel), 36 Ibs. Die number, 3016-M 1258 /IJUIo UnMUlfiHio lUlfi . WINDSHIELD, PROJECTILE, A. P. 8" Weight (steel), 6.5 IDs. Die number, 3017-M 1259 NOT STANDARD STOCK n 1 > II D /AM- <* 1 si ^55* "(""" ' ^ t f ^ ^^ .A g 5W\ t v ^ X H / ". - , ^ 00 _^ 1 ' " BOLT, DROP, 1/2" Head, 11/16" x 11/16" Length, 3" Weight (n. brass), IDs. Die number, 3018-M 1260 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/2" Eye, 1/4" Length, 1 13/16" For use as pin for swivel shackle for U. S. N. D. mines Welgnt (steel), 0.25 11). Die number, 3019-N 1261 . CAP, BOILER, LAUNCH Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 1262 EYE, SWIVEL, 1/2" For use with swivel shackle for U. S. N. D. mines Weight (steel), 0.50 ID. Die number, 3021 -N 1263 SHACKLE, SWIVEL For use with L T . S. N. D. mines Weiglit (steel), 0.50 ib. Die number, 3022-N SHACKLE, 9/16" Used with awning, rail, and life line stanchions Weight (steel), IDs. Die numDer, 3023-YM 12443119 80 1265 TURNBUCKLE, 1 3/8' Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3024-Y 1266 D STO NOT STANDARD STOCK BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 1/2" Eye, 3/4" D. Length, open die Weigut (steel), ibs. Die number, 3025-YM 1267 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD, STRUT Used with boat stowage fittings Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, .3026- Y 1268 NOT STANDARD STOCK PAD, ROD, STAY Used with boat stowage fittings Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3027- Y 1269 )iOOT3 QHAQMATg TOM SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 5.8 IDs. Die number, 3028-B 1270 SHACKLE CONNECTING, 1 3/4" CHAIN CABLE Weigfct (steel), 34.O IDs. Die number, 3029-B 1271 PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), 2.0 Ibs. Die number, 3030-B 1272 dt 7g- -* r* PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, I 3/4" CHAIN CABLE Welgnt (steel), 10.8 IDs. - Die numtoer, 3031-B 1273 ORVER5C\ REYJEIBE\ ISEO LETTERS ASSURES- I A STUD, CHAIN, 3 1/2" IDS. Die number 3032-B 1274 ST\\ *"* i-*T' k NOT STANDARD STOCK REVEIX WeigHt, STUD, CHAIN, 3 5/8" lt>s. Die number, 3033 -B 1275 rt* or~ i I s oioo * 1 i KS'H r *^> ^ ^ / V PIN, THWART, 5/8 /x D. Weight (steel), ibs. Die number* 3034-Y 1276 SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 7/8 /x CHAIN CABLE. Weignt (steel), itos. Die nnmtoer, 3035 -B 1277 PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 7/8" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), ibs. Die number, 3036-B 1278 BOLT, EYE, 6" Eye, 4 1/4* Length, open die Weiglit (steel), ll>s. Die number, 3037-B 1279 bf-d / v -ISO HOOK, LACING, AWNING Welgnt, 0.17 Ito. Die number, 3038-Y 1280 BOX, SWIVEL, 2 3/4" AND 3" CHAIN CABLE. Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3039 -B 12443119 81 1281 PUNCHED OUT. SHACKLE, BENDING, 2 3/4 /x CHAIN CABLE Weigut, Die number, 3010-B 1282 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOX, SWIVEL, 1 1/2' Welglit (steel), 9.50 IDs. Die number, 3041- r, 3041-N 1283 /i3QT2 unAu!/!AT2 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK BOX, SWIVEL, 1 3/4 Weight (steel), 16.75 Ibs. Die number, 3042-N 1284 NOT STANDARD STOCK BOX, SWIVEL, 2" Weight (steel), 21.25 Itos. Die number, 3043-N 1285 NOT STA STOC 4' < K t * 2 2 * EYE, SWIVEL, 2 1/4 X Weight (steel), 8.75 lt>s. Die numtoer, 3044-N 1286 *3s. Die numtoer, 3058-B BOLT, EYE, 3" Eye, 2 1/4* Length, open die Itos. Die numl>er, 8069-B 1S01 DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 6 3/4" For armored hatches Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3060-YM 1302 NOT STANDARD STOCK OPEN Ut 16 "tOKD ^ 16 BOLT, DROP, 9/16 /x Head, 11/16* x 5/8" Length, open die WelgHt, Die numDer, 3061-N 1303 NOT STANDARD STOCK flAT8 i^ ^ UJ s, ^2^ V N R. \ / \ f \ *- a BOLT, DROP, 5/8 x/ Head 5/8" x 1 1/16" Length, open die IDs. Die number, 3062 -N 1304 NOT STANDARD STOCK -it NUT, BOLT, DROP, 9/16 /x Used with 9116" drop bolt Wei gilt, lls. Die number, :joe:i-X 1305 H1ATP nfiAflMATP TAl/l NOT STANDARD STOCK wit into 3" UJ 0*i DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 6 X Welgnt, IDs. Die numtoer, 3064-NM 1306 DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 7 X/ Weignt, Ibs. . Die number, 3066 -N 1307 DOG, FLAT, 6 3/16* Weight, Die number, 3066-N 1308 NOT STANDARD STOCK r* -- Threaded SOCKET, DOG, 7/8" To fit 7/8" D. spindle of dog WelgHt, Itos. Die number, 3067 -NM 1809 XOOT3 TOM NOT STANDARD STOCK Weight, HANDLE, DOG, 7 /x IDs. Die numfcer, 3068-NM 1310 HINGE, MALE, 6 1/2" (For female part see die number 3071) Weight, Ibs. Die number, 3069-N 1311 COIOO mICO CO ffiNGE PAD, FEMALE, l /x Used with drop bolt Ibs. Die numtoer, 3070-N 1812 HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 1/16 (For male part see die number 3069) Weight, IDS. Die numtoer, 3071-N 12443119 83 1313 HINGE, FEMALE, VI" (For male part see die number 3073) Weight, IDs. Die number, 3072-N 1314 fflNGE PAD, MALE, 2 X/ (For female part see die number 3072) Weight, Ibs. Die number, 3073-N 1316 NOT STANDARD STOCK i4, HINGE, FEMALE, 9 7/8" Size of pad 8 7/8" x 3 1/2* x 3/4* (For male part see die number 3076) Weignt, Itos. Die number, 3074 -B 1316 NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE, FEMALE, 12 7/8" (For mate part see die number 3077) Weight, il>s. Die number, 3075-B 1317 NOT STANDARD STOCK HINGE, MALE, 10 5/8 x/ Size of pad, 9 5,8" x 3 1/2" x 3/4" (For female part see die number 3074) Welgnt, IDs. Die numtoer, 3076-B NOT STANDARD STOCK Welgnt, HINGE, MALE, 11 5/8" Size of pad, 10 5/8" * 4" * 3/4* (For female part see die number 3075) ibs. r>le number, 3077 -B 1319 MttffB 1W EYE PAD, Eye, 3/8" Size of pad, 2 5/8" x 1" x 1/8' Welglit, Ibs. Die numtoer, 3078-N 1320 CATCH, BERTH, FOLDING Weight, IDs. Die number, JIO79-N 1321 BUSHING, BOILER, LAUNCH Weight (steel), 0.50 Ib. Die number, 3080-N 1321! h-.ll- CLAMP, TUBE, 4* Weight (steel), 4.75 IDs. I>ie numDer, 8081-N CLAMP, TUBE, 2" (steel), 2.125 ibs. Jie number, 3082-N" 1324 PUNCHED CUT SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 1/2" CHAIN CABLE Weignt (steel), ibs. Die number, 3063-B 1323 PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 1/2" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), ibs. Die nurnber, 3084-B 1328 HED OUT. SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 5/8 /x CHAIN CABLE Welglit (steel), Itos. Die number, 3085-B 1827 PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 5/8 /x CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3086 -B 1828 NOT STANDARD STOCK DIE No. 3087 SUPERSEDED BY DIE No. 3187 FITTINGS, TABLE, MESS Brace, leg Weiglit (steel), ll>s. Die numl>er, 3087 -N 12443119 84 1329 SECTION A-B BOX, SWIVEL, 2 1/4" AND 2 1/2" CHAIN CABLE Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 3088-B 1330 Weight, BOLT, EYE, 4 1/2" Eye, 3 1/4" Length, open die Ibs. Die number, 3089-B 1331 NOT STANDARD STOCK m EYE, PAD, 5/8" Pad, 3 1/4" D. Eye, 1 1/4" D. For use on marker buoys Weight (steel), 0.75 lt>. Die number, 1382 PUNCH OUT "T: c tog- ,. ^. y !& T t 'r ,t f ^ L ?h I ^ y v .J-\ j i < Hf\^ SECTION A-A COUPLING, SHEARING, BLANK Mine sweep gear WelgHt (steel), IDs. Die number, 3091- B 1333 FITTINGS, BENCH, MESS Rod, brace Welgfct (steel), 1.50 Ibs. Die number, 3092-N 1334 SECTION A-A BOX, SWIVEL, 1 3/4 x/ AND 2" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), Ibs. Die numtoer, 3093-B 1885 BOLT, EYE, 3 3/4" Eye, 2 5/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die numDer, 3094 -B 1336 PUNCHED OUT SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 3 l/2 /x CHAIN CABLE WeigHt (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3095-B 1337 1 1 A -if , PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 3 l/2 /x CHAIN CABLE Weignt (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3096-B 1888 RING, 4 1/2" X 1* For 6 ft. and 9 ft. mine sweep kites Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3097-B 1339 RING, 6" X 1 1/4" For 12 ft. mine sweep kite Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3098-B 1340 AS FORCED TO&E FINISHED TO SUIT FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN \" Weignt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3099- 1341 AS FORCED TO BE 'FINISHED TO SUIT \ FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 1 1/4 Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 310O-Y 1342 AS PORGEP TO BE FINISHED TO SUIT FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 1 1/2" Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die number 3101-YM 1343 AS FOR&EP TO BE TO SUIT FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN Weigiit (steel), IDs. Die number, 3102-YM 1344 As FogfrEp TO at flNISHEP TO SUIT FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 2 1/2" Weignt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3103-YM 12443119 85 1345 FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 3" Weight (steel), lt>s. Die number, 3104-YM 1346 AS FORGED TO BE. FINISHED TO SUIT FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 3 l/2 /x Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die number, 3105-YM 1347 AS rOR&ED TO ^ FiNiSHEP TO SUIT FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 4" Weight (steel), Ibs. Die numtoer, 3106- YM 1348 or a: AS FORCED TO BE FtNISHgP TO SUIT FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 4 1/2' Weight (steel), U>s. Die number, 3107-YM 1349 AS F-ORG.ED TO BE. FINiSKED.TO SUIT !?r FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 5 X Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3108-YM 1350 AS FORftED TO SB. FINISHED TO SUIT FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 5 1/2" Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3109-Y 1351 AS FORGEP TO BE FINI6HEPTO SUIT FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 6' (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3110-YM 1852 FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 1 Weignt (steel), IDs. Die number, 3111-Y 1363 FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 1 1/2" Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3112-Y 1354 TO BE. BOftgP FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 1 1/2" Welgnt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3113- 1355 . A5 FORCED TO FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 2" WelgHt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3114-YM 1356 AS FORGED TO BE BORED TO SUIT FLANGE, FLEXIBLE 2 1/2" Welgfct (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3H5-YM 1357 AS FORGED TO BE BORED TO SUIT FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 3" Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3116-YM 1358 AS FORCED TO BE BORED TO 5LMT FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 3 1/2" Weight (steel), ibs. Die number, 3117-YM 1869 AS FORGED TO BE. BORED TO SUIT FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 4" Weight (steel), it>s. Die numDer, 3U8-YM 1860 AS FORCED TO BE: BORED TO SUIT . FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 4 1/2' (steel), ilis. l>le number, 124431 19 86 J861 FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 5" Weight (steel), ibs. Die number, 3JWO-YM 1362 AS FORCED TO 5 BORED TO SUIT FLANGE. FLEXIBLE, 5 1/2" Weight (steel), 'itos. Die number, 8121-YM 1363 ; 36 or g; A5 FORCED TO BE BOILED TO 'SUIT FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 6" Welglxt (steel), His. Die number,. 3122- 1S64 STRONGBACK, HOUSING CHAIN STOPPER For 1 1/4" and 1 3/8* chain cable Weight (steel), ibs. Die number, 3123-B 1305 %>V!0 SHEAVE, TELEGRAPH, AUTOMATIC WelgHt (steel), ibs. T>le number, 3124-M 1 .I-JL DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 8 X/ (steel), numtoet, 1367 HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 1/2" WelgJit (steel). lt>s. r>le number, 312-M PUNCHED OUT m W BRIDGE, CLAMPING, 6" For rectangular handhole cover, for B. & W, boiler* Weight (steel). it>s. Die numDer, 1369 tH COVER, HANDHOLE, RECTANGULAR, 4 63/64" X 4 51/64" r r f. . '< J . ; For B. & W. boiler Weigiit (steel), IDs. Die number, 3128-MN 1370 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 3/8*. Eye. 1/4' Length. 3 1/4* Die numloer, 8129-Y 1371 T- i i I /-- Lrj "V ~ V ~h s j l * fflNGE, FEMALE, 5 Size of pad, 4 7/8* x 1 1/2* z 5/NP Weignt, ibs. Die number, 3130- Y 1372 HINGE PAD, MALE, 1 5/8' Size of pad, 2 5/8* x 1 1/8* x 1/4* Welglit, IDS. Die number, aiai- 1373 DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, Weight, Ibs. le number, 3132 -Y 1874 HANDLE, DOG, 5' Welgiit, IDs. Die number, siaa-'jr 13T6 PLUG, PIPE, 2" For boiler header welglit (steel), 1.8 Itos. OPENlDIE CRANK, HANDLE Wire hawser reel Wei (steel), IDS. Die numfcer, 3135-B 12443119 87 1377 4 7 t \ -ICM 7 I 4 - BRAKE BAND END Wire hawser reel, mine sweeping gear Weignt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3136-B 1378 PUNCHED OUT SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 3/4" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3137 -B 1379 3! 3 _tl 3f" n fc I xTp\ //<& A , ^4 f i IMf / I ^J 1 PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 3/4 x/ CHAIN CABLE Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3138 -B 1380 tf I-- -U L 2 7".,. ... ^8 * A5< PUT (4.^0^/S.S^ t~ * 1*- > J_ I _ V * _i_ 1--H-- I $? i i^- U7T PUNCHE.D OUT SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1 l/8 7/ CHAIN CABLE Weig&t (steel), IDs.. Die number, 3139 -B 1381 5 1 $ -' s 1 . * A 7* -f 4 32 /AA. r / w ^ $ t i s I J i l J^ \ i ! >sJ^ ^s ;< IS li . > i . . PIN, CONNECTING, 1 l/8 /x CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), ibs. Die number, 3140 -B 1382 - ifVU ?j f " J^ 3^" NCT N i i ^Z J "m KO r~~ ABOiUT iSt^ OVCRALt \ lfe v ^ 1 '-H "N } > j I ^ PUNCHED OUT SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1 3/8" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3141-B 1383 H TUC PIN, CONNECTING, 1 3/8" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), , 9KI ll>8 dl Die number, 3142 -B 1384 PUNCHED OUT SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1 1/2" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3143 -B 1385 -"i s PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1 1/2" CHAIN CABLE Weight (steel), IDs. Die numt>er, 3144-B 1386 s / DOG, FLAT, 3 3/4" Weight (steel), IDS. Die number, 314S-M 1387 2* J| FITTINGS, TABLE, MESS Pad, deck r J Weigfct (steel), ibs. Die number, 3146- M 1388 :rn= HANDLE, DOG, 6 1/2" Weight (steel), Ibs. Dlejnumtoer, 3147 -M 1889 ~HS> 3 DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 6 1/2" Welgut (steel), lt>9. Die number, 3148-M 1390 r-j 'S L -m ^= fflNGE, FEMALE, 6 1/16 X ' (For male part see die number 3150) Welglit (steel), 11)8. Die number, 3149-M 1391 Hr- 4bt HINGE PAD, MALE, 2 3/8 /x (For female part see die number 3149) Welgut (steel), IDs. Die numfcer, 3150-M 1392 s- fflNGE PAD, FEMALE, 3/4" (For male part see die number 3152) Weight (steel), ibs. Die number, 3151 -M 1244311 88 1393 HINGE, MALE, 4 1/4" (For female part see die number 3151) Weigixt (steel), . WRENCH, 1 5/8" For housing chain stopper, for 5/S", 3/4", 7/8", I", *nd 1 1/8" chain cable wergnt (steel), IDs. Die immtrer, 3153-B 1395 WRENCH, 2-1/2" For housing chain stopper, for 1 1/4" and 1 3/3" chain cable AVeiglit (steel), Ibs. I>ie number, 3154-JJ 1396 WRENCH, 3" For housing chain stopper, for 11/2" and 1 5/8" chain cable Welglit (steel) Die number, 3155-B 18tit i WRENCH, 3 11/16" For housing chain stopper, for 1 3/4", I 7 ft", and 2" chain cable Weiglit le numl>er, WRENCH, 4 5/8 /x For housing chain stopper, for 2 1/4' and 2 1/2" chain cable *Die number, 3157-B WRENCH, 5 1/2" For housing chain stopper, for 2 5/8", 2 3/4", and 3" chain cable Welglit (steel), IDs. I>Ie number, 3158-B 1400 sr H 1 V v_y BOLT, EYE, 7/8" Eye, 13/16* Length, open die Weight (steel), Die number, 3159-B 1401 BOLT, EYE, 1 3/8" Eye, 11/4* Length, open die . Die number, *11~B 1408 BOLT, EYE, 2 1/2" Eye, 2 1/4* Length, open die weigut (steel), IDs. Die number, 3162-B 1404 BOLT, EYE, 2" Eye, 1 3/4" Length, open die Weight (steel), Its. Die numt>er, 3163 -B 1405 HOOK, PELICAN, 7/8" CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 5/8% 8/4", 7/ft", 1% and 1 1/8* chain cable Weiglit (steel), Die number, ;iiie number, :U*;>-K HOOK, PELICAN, 1 5/8" CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 1 1/2" and 1 5/8" chain cable Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3166-B 1408 HOOK, PELICAN, 2" CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 1 3/4*, 1 7/8", and 2* chain cable Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3167 -B 12443119 89 1409 HOOK, PELICAN, 2 1/2" CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 2 1/4" and 2 1/2" chain cable Weiglit (steel), IDs. Die number, 3168-B J410 HOOK, PELICAN, & CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 2 5/8", 2 3/4", and 3" chain cable Weight (steel), itos. Die number, 3169 -B TAP FO | "ACME" 7 & THREADS H ACME THREAD R.H 6 THREADS PER-4WCH. TURNBUCKLE, 7/S" For housing chain stopper, for 5/8", 3/4'% 7/8'', 1", and 1 1/8" chain cable WelgHt (steel), 11)8. T>le number, 317O-B 1412 TAP FOR ||*ACMR THREAD L.M. TAP FOR ||" ACME 4TKKCADS PER tNCM. 4- THREADS PKI* INCH TURNBUCKLE, 1 3/8" For housing chain stopper, for 1 1/4" and 1 3/8" chain cable Welgnt (steel), Ibs. IMe number, 3171 -B 1413 TURNBUCKLE, 1 5/8 /x For housing chain stopper, for 1 1/2" and 1 5/8" chain cable Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3172-B 1414 TAP Ftt Z ACHE 4-TMRCAD* Pe]R FKCH TURNBUCKLE, 2 X/ For housing chain stopper, for 1 3/4", 1 7/8", and 2" chain cable Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die number, 3173-B 1415 TURNBUCKLE, 2 l/2 /x For housing.chain stopper, for 2 1/4" and 2 1/2" chain cable Weisrnt (steel), lt>s. Die number, 3174-B 1416 ro* 3 ACME THMAO u.H. 4 TMW8AOS PER INCH. TAPPBO FOR 3'yicME" TMfftAO *.. 4THRCAOS PER INCH. TURNBUCKLE, 3 X/ For housing chain stopper, for 2 5/8", 2 3/4", and 3" chain cable Weiarnt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3175-B 1417 STRONGBACK For housing chain stopper for 5/8% 3/4*, 7/8", 1*. and 1 1/8" chain cabie Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3176-B 1418 STRONGBACK For housing chain stopper for 1 1/2" and 1 5/8" chain cable Weignt (steel), IDs. Die number. 3177 -B 1419 STRONGBACK For housing chain stopper for 1 9/4', 1 7/8", and 2" chain cable Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die number, 3178-B STRONGBACK For housing chain stopper for 2 1/4" and 2 1/2" chain cable Weigfct (steel), IDs. Die number, 3179-B 1421 ~ f L L . STRONGBACK For housing chain stopper/or 2 5/8", 2 3/4", and 3" chain cable Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3180-B 1422 / TiTi ~T WQ 2 ?\ / d . csr ** "OS JL-/ BAIL, 7/8" CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 5/8", 3/4", 7/8"', I", and 1 1/8" chain cable WeigHt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3181 -B 1423 flr '- BAIL, 1 3/8^ CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 1 1/4" and 1 3/8" chain cable Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3182-B 1424 fu -G r BAIL, 1 5/8 x/ CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 1 1/2" and 1 5/8" chain cable Weight (steel), Die numl>cr, 3183 -B 12443119 90 1425 7- s BAIL, 2 /x CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 1 3/4", 1 7/8", and 2" chain cable Weight (steel), Ibs. Die nuxn/ber, 3184-B 1426 BAIL, 2 l/2 /x CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 2 1/4" and 2 1/2" chain cable Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3185-B 1427 V IB ,o BAIL, S'" CHAIN For housing chain stopper, for 2 5/8*. 2 3/4*. and 3" chain cable Weight (steel), IDS. Die number, 3186-B 1428 Hfc EffiBE 3 Hfca FITTINGS, TABLE, MESS BRACE, LEG Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 8187 -N 1429 &- -tty FITTINGS, BENCH, MESS BBACE, LEG Weight (steel), Die number, 3188-N 1430 ffi WRENCH, SPANNER Used with 4* mount Mark XII WelgHt, IDs. Die numtoer, 3189 -B 1431 RING, 6" x 2" For 12 ft. mine sweep kite Welgnt (steel), Ibs. Die numUer, 3190-B RING, 4 1/2" x 2" For 6 ft. and 9 ft. mine sweep kites Welglit (steel), IDs. Die number, 3191-B 1433 DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 6 1/2" Welglit (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3192 -M 1434 1 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1/4" Eye, 1/4* Length, 1 5/8" Weignt (steel), IDs. Die number, 3193-M 1435 PLATE, FACE, HANDLE, 2 1/2" Used with dies 3195-M and 3196-M Weight (torass), ibs. Die niimtoer, 3194-M 1436 1*1- OPEN DIE HANDLE, 1 7/16" Used with die 3L94-M Weight (brass), ll>s. Die number, 3195-M 1437 f_ljs~ n g fct^ 1* HANDLE, 1 l/2 /x Used with die 3194-M WelgHt (brass), IDs. Die niamtoer, 3196-M 1438 SUPPORT, HINGE, BERTH Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die number, 3197 -M 14ii9 "H3 HINGE PAD, FEMALE, 1 1/2 X/ Size of pad, 5 1/4" x 2 1/8* x 1/2* Weight (steel), Used as drop bolt pad IDs. Die numtoer, 3198 -B 1440 STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 8" Weight, IDs. Die numDer, 3199-YM 12443119 91 1441 STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 10" Weight, lt>s. Die number, 3200-YM 1442 STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 12 X/ Weight, lt>s. Die number, 3201-YM 1443 STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 14' Weight, Ibs. Die number, 3202-YM 1444 CROSSHEAD, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, Weight, lt>s. Die number, 3203-YM 1445 CROSSHEAD, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 10" Weight, IDs. Die number, 3204-YM 1446 CROSSHEAD, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 14 Weiglit, IDs. Die numtoer, 3205-YM 1447 CROSSHEAD, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 12" WelgHt, Ibs. Die number, 3206-YM 1448 HASP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 8" Weight, ll>s. Die numtoer, 3207-YM 1449 HASP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 10 /x weight, IDs. Die number, 3208-YM 1450 HASP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 12" Weight, lt>s. Die immtoer, 3209 -YM 1451 HASP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 14' Weight. Ibs. Die number, 3210-YM 1452 LINK, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 8 X Weiglit, IDs. Die number, 3211-YM 1453 cr* LINK, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, ID" Weiglit, lt>s. I>le number, 3212-YM 1454 LINK, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 12 /x WelgHt, Ibs. Die number, 3213-YM 1455 LINK, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 14' Weiglit, IDs. Die number, 3214- 1456 BOX, MOORING SWIVEL I*, 1 1/8", and 1 1/4" ChainlCables Welglit, Ibs. Die number, 3215-B 12443119 92 1457 OPEN DIE JHV EYE, MOORING SWIVEL, 2 7/8' Weight, ibs. Die number, 1458 HOOK, PELICAN, 7/8" AND 1" CHAIN CABLES Housing chain stopper for destroyers Welffllt., IDS. Die number, 1459 STRONGBACK For housing chain stopper for 7/8" and 1" chain cables for destroyers Weight, IDs. Die number. 3218 -B 1460 JL( u_, > ^0 ' *t M 3' -J **r * j f R r "TT 7"" , [ J. , L fflNGE, FEMALE, 6 1/16" (For male part of hinge see Die No. 3150-M Modified) Weight (steel), pie number, 32L9-M 1461 .' tf.'J.'l '3 '- EXTRACTOR, SHELL, V Weight, Ibs. l>ie number. : 1462 ...^ ELBOW For H. P. Fittings Itos. Oie numl>er, 1463 TEE For H. P. Fittings Welgbt, IDs. Die number, 3222-Y 1464 s-' M 7^ (O|cO 7*- cOloO ^.1* ca *^|00 4 COUPLING, BULKHEAD For H. P. Fittings Weight, Die number, 3323 -Y 1465 hf- 7 H* * %-U I \ ' i ^^ " \ sfcrwA- 'r**'^ @ '-ff&rG >} iVir DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, 6 3/4 / WeijfUt (steel), itos. Die number, 32-24-M 1466 1 1 r** ~~~~^*^v "^^ HP L. -s tUj ,^ NUT, OCTAGONAL, 1.9 X ll>s. Die number, 3225-M 1467 Q|0 fclv '/Oft -loo BOLT, 1 3/8 /x For boiler Weignt, IDS, Die numtoer, 3226-Y Former die number (1140) 1468 CONNECTION, BULKHEAD H. P. air fitting Weight, Itos. Die numtoer, 3227 -Y Former die number (1141) 1469 AVelglit, TEE H. P. air fitting grail J/i f U ibs. Die number, 3228-Y Former die number (1112) 1470 FOOT, CROW For Scotch boilers ibs. Die number, 3229- Y Former die numl>er (1145) 1471 END, JAW For Scotch boilers Weight, Ibs. Die number, 3230-Y Former die number (J146) 1472 VALVE, ANGLE Weight, lt>s. Die numtoer, 3231- Y Former die numDer (1147) 12443119 93 1473 AS FORGED, TQ BE. , FLANGE, fflGH PRESSURE, 1/2" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 3232-Y Former die number (1149) 1474 AS FORGCP TO BE. BORED TQ SUIT FLANGE, fflGH PRESSURE, 3/4" weight, IDs. Die nuniber, 3233 -Y Former ale number (H50) 1475 FLANGE, HIGH PRESSURE, 1 Weight, a ID t lt>s. Die numtoer, 3234-Y Former die numDer (1151) 1476 FLANGE, HIGH PRESSURE, 1 1/4" Weight, Ibs. Die nuniber, 3235-Y Former die number (1152) 1477 AS FORGED . TO BE U/7- FLANGE, HIGH PRESSURE, 1 1/2" WelgHt, Ibs. Die number, 3236-Y Former die number (1153) 1478 FORGED, TO Bf FLANGE, fflGH PRESSURE, 2" Weight, IDs. Die immtoer, 3237-Y Former die number (1154) 1479 FLANGE, HIGH PRESSURE, 2 1/2" Weiglit, IDs. J>io iiumioer, 3238-Y Former die number (1155) 1480 FLANGE, HIGH PRESSURE, 3" weignt, IDs. Die number, 3239-Y Former die number (1156) 1481 FLANGE, LOW PRESSURE, 3 l/2 /x Weight, lt>s. Die number, 3240-Y Former die number (1157) 1482 FLANGE, LOW PRESSURE, 4 1/8" Weight, ll>s. Die number, 3241-Y Former die numtoer (1158) 1483 FLANGE, LOW PRESSURE, 5" Weight, Itos. Die number, 3242-Y Former die number (1160) 1484 4^ -ir- E- FLANGE, LOW PRESSURE, 6 /x weignt, Itos. Die number, 3243- Y Former die number (1162) 1485. BLOCK, LINK For 50 ft. cutter engine Welgnt, ll>9. Die number, 3244-Y Former die numDer (1169) 1486 ROD, CONNECTING For 50 ft. cutter engine Weight, IDs. Die numDer, 3245-Y Former die numfcer (1172) 1487 ROD, PISTON, 1 3/8" D., WITH CROSSHEAD For 50 ft. cutter engine Weight, IDs. Die number, 3246-Y Former die number (1173) 1488 > flfe fO r H^ 4 -} &; i? 2 "H 1 > OA 1&SSLUUJ& WelgHt, IDs. Die numtoer, 3249-Y Former die numtoer (554) 1491 V-lii ~li into V( ) H' u: k Vi oO I imcO ROD, LOWER For safe locker in secretary bureau WelgHt, itos. Die numtoer, 3250-Y Former die numtoer (554) 1492 'H '- t i * j i S N&> i -- 4 t - n \- -4 K -< ~ ^ ' 1 1 i 1 1 J 1 . i 5" GUIDE, ROD For safe locker In secretary bureau Welgnt, IDs. Die numtoer, 3251 -Y Former die number (555) 1493 I j) A t !i r 4. ~* V CHMOTfaHOTMmJ -It *"" (pjvJ f *"" , 1 ** fc \" * 1 ^ 1 i I 1 1 ^" r GUIDE, ROD For safe locker in secretary bureau Welgnt, Itos. Die number, 3252- Y Former ale numl>er (556) 1494 STOP, ROD For safe locker in secretary bureau Weight-, Ibs. Die nuxnDer, 3253- Y Former ale numDer (557) 1495 KNOB, DOOR For safe locker in Secretary bureau Welglit, IDs. Die numtoer, 3254-Y Former die numtoer (558) 1496 DISC For safe locker In secretary bureau Welgnt, Ibs. I>ie number, 3255-Y Former die number (559) 1497 ROD, ECCENTRIC, AHEAD For 50 ft. cutter engine Weight, lt>s. I>le Jitiinber, 3256- Y Former die number (1171) 1498 ROD, ECCENTRIC, ASTERN For 50 ft. cotter engine Welgnt, IDs. Die numtoer, 3257 -Y Former die numtoer (1171) 1409 BODY, SPRAY VALVE, FUEL CHECK, 1/2" For main engines of "O" and "S" type submarines WelgHt, Itos. T>le nuniitoer, 3258-Y 1500 ^ *Nl, BOLT For handhold plate, B. & W. boiler Welgnt, IDs. Die number, 3259-Y 1801 PAD, LADDER "Welgnt, IDs. Die numtoer, 3260-Y 1502 COLLAR, CLAMP For flexible fuel oil pipe to burners Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 3261-Y Former die numtoer (1184) 1503 FORGED HOLE MACHJNED WRENCH, ELEVATING GEAR, 12" For interconnecting clutch . Welglit, IDs. Die numtoer, -Y 1504 ARM, REVERSING For steamer engine, type "W-l" Weii?iit, iDa. Die number, 12443110 95 1505 BAR, UNK For steamer engine, type "W-l" WeigHt, ibs. Die number, 3264-Y 1506 , ROD, SUSPENSION For steamer engine, type "W-l" Weight, Ibs. TMe numDer, 3265-Y 1507 VALVE, BY-PASS, 1/2" For high-pressure air line Right and left hand valves made from same die Weight, -ttnufi -Jf^ ll>s- Die number, 8266 15Q8 FLANGE, fflGH-PRESSURE, 5" Weight, ibs. Die number, 3267-Y 1509 FLANGE, HIGH-PRESSURE, 6 1/2" Weight, Die number, 3268- Y 1510 FORCED. TO BE BDBE.P FLANGE, HIGH-PRESSURE, 7" Weight, ll>s. Die numluer, 3269- Y 1511 KEY, SPRING, 3 Weiglit (steel). IDs. l>ie number, S270-M 1512 HINGE, MALE, 13" ns. Die number, :WTi-!V 1513 T or Htf HOOK, LATCH, 2 29/32 x/ Welgh-t (steel), IDs. Die number, 1514 IP )- ^^. 1. r"3>- ^. 1 [ \ (0 >" 'J, 7 i i i x^ i ti i STRAINER For high-pressure fittings WelgfUt, Jbn. Die number, 3273- Y Former die nmT>er (1143) NHH it.: 11 J -iw L i CONNECTION PIECE For fuel-oil pipe Weignt, ibs. Die number, Former die number (1148) 1516 CATCH, GEAR, TRAINING For fire-control equipment Weight, Die number, 3275 -Y 1617 TO BE BEfYlOVCO CROSSHEAD, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 20" \ Weight (steel), oie number, 3276-Y 1518 PUNCH OUT TILLER For 21 -ft. motor dory weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3277-B 1510 OPEN DIE HANGER, AFTER For 21 -ft. motor dory weight (steel), Ibs. Die number, LEVER, GEAR, CLUTCH, 4 16/16" For fire-control equipment WelgHt, Die numtoer, 3279-Y 12443119 96 1521 LJEVER, GEAR, CLUTCH, 4" For fire-control equipment Weight, Die number, 3280 -Y LEVER For arc-control WjBigJit, I>le number, 3281-y LEVER, STOP For fire-control equipment Weight, : .tuiA ia I>le numtoer*, 3282-Y 1524 NUT For fire-control equipment Weight, Die number, 3283-Y 1525 EXTRACTOR, SHELL, 14" Weight, Die number, 3284- 1626 STOP, TRAINING For fire-control equipment Weight, Die number, 3285-Y 1527 J _J_ 7f V ^- L!NE E 1 LEVER, JACKING For gasoline engines Weight (steel), ibs. Die numDer, 3286-N 1528 T T'TAPER JAW, JACKING LEVER XOIT For gasoline engines TTW welgnt (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3287 -N 1529 _it- *- vi i t _; *\-^ """"' -*--- ------ '--- PUNCHCfOUT FITTING, STOWAGE, AMMUNITION Welgnt (steel), 2.25 IDs. Die numtoer, 3288-NM 1630 EXTRACTOR, SHELLS, Welglit, Die number, 3289 1581 HANDLE, DAMPER For vent outlets Welgfrt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3290 -B 1532 DRILLED PAD, HINGE For gas engine cover Weight, Die mimtoer, 3291-N 1B88 ROCKER, SPRAY For submarine engines, class "3* woignt, ibs. Die number, 3292 -Y CAM, INLET, EXHAUST For submarine engtaes, class "S Welglit, -Y 1535 753 FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 1" Weignt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3294-M 1536 F"ORG.Eip TO BE: FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN 8' Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3295- M 12443119 07 1537 FO ft zero. TO 0t. FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 1" Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3296- M 1538 FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 8" Weight (steel), Itos. Die number, 3297-M 1539 SHACKLE, REGULAR, 1/4" welglit (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3298-M 1540 . HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 5/16" Weight (steel), I>ie numtoer, 3299 -M BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/16" Eye, 3/l Length, open die Weigfct (steel), Ifcs. Die number, 3300- M 1542 HANDLE, DAMPER For ventilation terminals Welgnt, IDs. DleJnumDer, 3301-Y 1548 BEARING, RUDDER Y-r Weight (steel), For 21-ft. motor dory lt>s. Die number, 3302 -B 1544 In !*'1 ' : ' - OPEN DIE POST, RUDDER Por *" motor Weight (st*ei), IDs. Die number, 3303-B 1545 * i . DIE MS I. OPEN DftAFT PERMITTED DIE N02 OPtN STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 20 /x Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3304-T 1546 RINGS, 9* X 1 1/4" For boat slings Weight (steel), ll>s. Die numDer, 3305-B 1647 RINGS, 9" XI 1/2" For boat slings Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3306-B 1548 RINGS, 9" X 2" For boat slings Weight (steel), n>s. Die number, 3307 -B 1549 RINGS, 9" X 2 1/2" For boat slings WelgHt (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3308-B 1550 **" I tfi fl HINGE PAD, MALE, 2 5/16 x/ Size of pad, 4 3/4" x 2* x 9/16" (For female part see die number 1380) WelgHt, tuna eta ID S . Die number, 33O9-Y 1551 HOOK, SWIVEL, 3 1/8 X/ Welglit, Die number, 3310-M 1652 CROSSHEAD, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, Wclgnt, Die number, 3311-M 124431 19 98 CROSSHEAD, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 20' Weight, .ifauvjorota >s. Die numtoer, 3312- M 1554 HASP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 14" Weight, Die numtoeiv 3313-M 1555 /*"- r^ | s "to 1 \ f HASP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, Weight, r>Ie numtoer, 3314-M 1556 HASP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 20" Welglit, Die numtoer, 3315-M 1557 LATCH, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 14" Weight, rmxsa >ia Die numtoer, 3316-M 1558 LATCH, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 15" Welglxt, Die numDer, 3317-M 1559 ^-aearrs** LATCH, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 20" Weight, Die numDer, 3318 -M 1560 STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 14" Welgfct, Die number, 3319-M 1501 STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 15 /x Welglit, Die numtoer, 3320 -M 1662 STRAP, BLOCK, WOOD, SNATCH, 20 /x Weignt, Die number, 3321- M 1563 STRAP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 17 Weigtot, Die number, 3322 -M 1564 CROSSHEAD, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 17" , IDs. Die numfcer, 3323-M 1565 r LINK, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 17" Weight, Die numlser, 3324 -M 1500 HASP, BLOCK, METAL, SNATCH, 17" Weight, Die number, 1567 -H* CO M / SHACKLE, REGULAR, 1 5/S" Weignt, I>le number, 3326 -M 15G8 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 2 1/8" Eye, 2 1/2* Length, open die Welgfrt, IDs. Die number, 3327-M 12443110 09 1569 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 15/16" Eye, 2 1/8* Length, open die Welgnt, IDs. Die nuniber, 3328 -M 1570 HOOK, SWIVEL, 2 3/8" Welgnt, Itos. Die nuinber, 3329-M 1671 HOOK, SINGLE, SIDE, 2 3/8" Weigut, Ifos. Die number, 3330-M 1572 s. Die numDer, 3336-Y 1578 /HOLE TO BE BROACHED. HANDLE, VALVE, H. P. Weight (steel), Ibs. Die numt>er, 3337 -Y 1579 -*- VD HANDLE, 3 3/4" . Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3338-Y 1580 WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 1 1/8 X/ WelgHt (steel), IDs. Die numDer, 3339 -M 1581 WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, 15, 2" Welgnt (steel), ll>s. Die numtoer, 3340-M 1582 , >^r /X r \ i. r WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, STRAIGHT, l /x WelgHt (steel), IDs. Die nuniDer, 3311-M 1583 WRENCH, MACHINE, SINGLE-ENDED, STRAIGHT, 1 1/2 X/ Jacking wrench Welgnt (steel), lt>s. Die numljer, 3342- M 1684 1 WRENCH, COUPLING, 31/32" Welgnt (steel), l ) >s. Die number, 3343-M 12443119 100 1585 WRENCH, THROTTLE, SECTOR, 2 1/8 X Weigiit (steel), IDs. Die number, 3344 -M 1586 BECKET, 3/4 /x Eye, 1 3/4" Length, Z f Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3U15-M 1587 HOOK, SISTER, 1 3/4" Wei glit (steel), Itos. Die number, 3346-M 1588 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 3/8" Eye. 1 7/8" Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3347-M 1589 f DRAWING NOT AVAILABLE Die numtoer, 3348 1590 Mo Lx^" "\^ <* k t \ Sv \^ 5! ^^^ * I r i TURNBUCKLE, 3/8 /x Weight, Ibs. Die numDer, 3349-M 1591 HINGE, PAD, MALE, 2 11/16" Size of pad, 4* x 1 3/4* x 3/4 " ll>s. Die number, 335O-N 1592 CLAMP, PEEP SIGHT Weight, Ibs. Die number, 3351-N 15&3 HEAD, STANCHION, 3 1/2" Weight, IDs. Die numtoer, 3352-N 1594 DOG, HANDLED, WITH SPINDLE, V Welgnt, Die number, 3353-N 1595 BOLT, EYE, 2 1/2" Eye, 2 1/2" Length, open die Weiglit, Itos. Die numDer, 3354-N 159G BOLT, EYE, 2 3/4" Eye, 2 3/4* Length, open die TVeigllt, IDs. Die number, 3355-N 1597 BOLT, EYE, 3 1/4" Eye, 3" Length, open die Weight, ll>s. Die number, 3356-N 1598 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 1 3/8 7 Davit head fitting welgnt (steel), Lbs. Die number, 3357- Y 1599 DRAWING NOT AVAILABLE -n_/* I>!e number, 3333 1600 *" * SECTION A A *" -T >t ,D&ILLED TAPPED A 10 THREADS PER INfrt CLAMP, BEAM DECK For 3" x 2" z 3.6 Ib. bulb angle Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3359-B 12443119 101 1001 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, 5/8" Eye, 5/16" Length, open die Weight (steel), Ifos. Die number, 3360-B 1602 BOLT, EYE, COLLAR, I 1/4" Eye, 7/16" Length, open die Wtttglit (steel), Itos. Die number, 3361 -B 1008 3'i A- 1" "4. yp> PIN, LOCKING, 5/8" Eye, 1/4' dia. Length, open die Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3362 -B 1604 RING, 3 1/2" X 1 1/2" Welgnt (steel), ihs. Die number, 3363-B 1605 RING, 4" X I 3/4" Weight (steel), lt>s. Die number, 3364-B 1606 RING, 3 1/2" X \" Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3365-B 1607 SHACKLE, REGULAR, 3/4" Weight, Ibs. Die number, 3366-B 1008 -' * SHACKLE, REGULAR, 1 1/8" Welgnt, Itos. Die number, 3367 -B SHACKLE, REGULAR, 1 3/8" Welgnt, IDs. Die numfcer, 3368 -B 1610 T"T TfflMBLE, 1 5/8" X 6 Weight (steel), IDs. Die number, 3369 -B 1611 THIMBLE, 2 / Weight (steel), Die number, 3370-B 1612 :t. 4. . THIMBLE, 2 /x X 8 1/4 X/ Weiglit (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3371-B 1613 NOTE. Finished all over. Dimensions shown are finished sizes ROD, CONNECTING, ENGINE, BLOWER, 4 5/8" For jsteamer engine, type "W-l" Weight (steel), 0.978 ito. Die number, 3372 -Y 1614 NOTE. Finished all over. Dimensions shown are finished sizes ROD, CONNECTING, ENGINE, CIRCULATING, 5 1/2" For steamer engine, type "W-l" Welgnt (steel), 1.45 IDs. Die number, 3378 -Y 1615 & NOTE. Finished all over. Dimensions shown are finished sizes ROD, PISTON, 17132," D., WITH CROSSHEAD, ENGINE, BLOWER For steamer engine, type "W~l" Weignt (steel), 1.43 IDS. I>ie numlber, 3374-Y 1616 FIMI3HEOALa_OVEe,OIM. SHOWM ARE FIMISH EO SVTtS S*-' SHAFT, CBAxNK, ENGINE, CIRCULATING For steamer engine, type "W-l" Welglxt (steel), 7.0 IDs. Die number, 3375 -T 12443119 102 1617 MOTE-- PWH3HED AV.U OVER, DIM. SKCWrt ARC 1lt1l3H&0 SIZES. SHAFT, CRANK, ENGINE, BLOWER For steamer engine, type "W-l" Weight (steel), 6.5 IDs. Die numDer, 3376-Y 1618 n Uiri OPEX.DIE. wore.- . SHOWN ARC LEVER, REVERSING, 2' 8 1/2" For steamer engine, type "W-l" Weight (steel), 7.5 IDs. Die number, 3377-Y 1619 MOTC.- FIMI3ISHED AU_OVE. DIM. 8HOWT1 ARE FINI9MCD SIZE. LEVER, PUMP, AIR, 14 17/32 /x For steamer engine, type "W-l" WelgHt (steel), 2.03 IDs. Die numtoer, 3378 -Y 1020 NO DIE Die number, 3379 1621 CLIP, RAIL Welglit (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3380-Y 1622 *-~4 Ji? CLIP, RAIL . Weiglit (steel), lt>s. Die number, 3881-Y 1623 SHACKLE, REGULAR, 3/16" Weignt (steel), itos. Die numtoer, 3382-M 1C24 KNOB, DOOR WelgHt t (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3888-T 1625 T-HANDLE, DOOR WeigHt (steel), IDs. Die number, 3384-Y 1626 ^ iV- !5 JT TfflMBLE, 1 l/8 /x X 6 Welgnt (steel), IDs. Die number, 3385 -B 1627 NUT, WING, 3/4" WelgHt (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 3386-B 1628 OPtM DIE SHACKLE, HOISTING, BOAT, 1 1/4 WeigHt, IDs. Die number, 3387 -B 1629 YOKE, VALVE, H. P., 1/2" AND 3/4" WelgHt (steel), 11)9, Die mun'ber, 3388-M 1630 FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 6 1/2* weight (steel), l"bs. Die xmmtoer, 3389- M 1631 FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 8 l/2 /x Weight (steel), IDs. numl>er, 3390- M 0. FLANGE, FLEXIBLE, 9 1/2* Welgnt (steel), Ibs. Die number, 3391-M 12443119 103 1633 FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN, 6 Welglit (steel) lt>s. Die iiumDer, 3392 -M 1 * J-J'^' FLANGE, HCM.LOW-HEEL, PLAIN, 8 l/2 7/ Weijarlit (steel), ll>s. Die numl>er, W^$ =* FLANGE, HOLLOW-HEEL, PLAIN, 9 l/2 /x Weight (steel), IDs. Die numtoer, 8394- M 1636 DOG, WITH SPINDLE, 1 5/8" (for boiler casing use with die number 3396) Weight (steel), Die number, 3395 -Y 1637 DOG, HANDLE, 4 11/16" (For boiler casing use with die number 3395) Weight (steel), lt>s. Die number, 3396-Y 1638 5 *0 PIN, SHACKLE, SWIVEL Rigging screw, 2" wire rope weignt, Die numDer, 3397-B 1630 I? 1 \ PIN, SHACKLE, SWIVEL Rigging screw, 2 1/2" wire rope WelgHt, Itos. -B 1640 SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1 5/8" CHAIN CABLE Welgfrt, IDs. Die number, 3399-B 1641 4 I - ,x .! -la (fTf!) fll 1 i > W PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 1 5/8" CHAIN CABLE Wei glit, IDs. Die number, 34OO-B 1642 SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 1/8" CHAIN CABLE Weight, ll>s. Die number, 34l-B 1643 . Y PIN, SHACKLE, CONNECTING, 2 l/8 /x CHAIN CABLE Welglit, 11)3. Die number, 3402 -B 1644 WASHINGTON t GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : I9SO THIS OVERDUE. <> f n ~ 7 o *j \j i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY