M^:^.;^ l.lllKARV >'■ III) University of California^ <»iH"r HI-- Class ■^. ■:x\ •>j :vV) \i^\ ^:>] / '^~\'. '1 f g i \ \ i AMKRDI I:N UNI\KRSirV STl'DIKS. No. I. — Roll of Alumni i/i Arli of Iht UniPinily anil Kiug't Colltgr of AbcrdtrM. 1596-1860. Edited by Petet John .\ndcriton, M.A., LL.B., Libraiin" • ■ •'— I'nivxriuty. Aberdeen : 1900. No. 2. — Rffordt 0/ Old AbtrdtfH, 1157-1891. Edited b>- Alexander Macdonald Munro, F.S.A. Scot. Vol.1. Aberdeen: 1900. No. 3. — Plact Naifui 0/ Wfil Abfrdttnihirr. By the late James Macdonald. F.S.A. Scot. Aberdeen : 1900. pri sfrrnissimum illnstrissimmn .ir inUicfissimnm ,■•. 4. i;. qn;irto iioi'.;is :iprilis niino nuUr.simo rt qiiinnrntfiimo hoc insiniu collrgium hitomi iiurpnunt rditiciir. Roll of Alumni in Arts of the University and King's College of Aberdeen 1 596 — 1 860 Edited by Peter John Anderson, M.A., LL.B. Libraiian td tlic Univcisitv (it Aberdeen Aberdeen Printed tor the University 1900 i.*^ .(\^ ]■ UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. Committee cm Puhliciitions. Cvnveiur : Professor James \V. H. Trail. M.A., M.l)., I-.K.S., Curator of the University Library. Principal Sir William D. Geddes, M.A., LL.l)., Litt.D. Professor Herbert J. C. Grierson, M.A. Professor Francis R. Japp, M.A., I.L.U., I'.K.S. Professor John A. Macvvilliam, M.D. Professor Charles Xiven, M.A., O.Sc, K.K.S. Professor Alexander Ogston, M.D. Professor William P. Paterson, M..-\., D.D. Professor William M. Ramsay, M.A., LL.U., U.C.L. Professor William R. Sorley, M..\. Professor John Dove Wilson, LI..D. Oeiural Editor : P. J. Anderson, M.A., LI, .13., Librarian to the University. 97638 Ol>i Wf ^iiKKatr yr»^, Tai4 i» aai iripitt. 'n« irtpin' ytrtil, h nir pvi. v i' 4»»A*>«. PREFACE. This volume, the first of a series of .Uwrdecn University Studies, is intended tt) supplement the same editor's Fasti Academiac Mariscallanac, Jjgj-/S6o, and Offi.ccrs and Graduates of Kiuo's Colleoe, i^g§-io6o — w hich were issued by the New Spaldinj4 Club. It completes the publication of the extant lists of Alumni in Arts of the two academic corporations which were united in 1860 to form the University of Aber- deen. Th(j Roll of Aiiimni \-\2.s, been compiled from the matricu- lation and _i-1, I66(v7(), 1672-82. U>86 (transcribed from A) ; 1683-8-1. 1693-95. 1697, 17(K)-()1, 17(t5.(Ki, 1710-11 (from Thesc-s. iufrn): 1712 1811 (from C) 1812-64). A I hum F. Students in classes of .Mathematics, .Natural Philosophy, .Moral Philo- sophy, Senior Greek. Senior Latin. Chemistry : 1821 (cont. from D). Ditto; also in Junior Greek, Junior Latin : 1822-40. Alhum U. Students in classes of Greek, .Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Moral Philosophy: 1817 21. (Transcrilu-d from D.) Ditto ; also in Junior and Senior Latin, Senior Greek, Senior Mathe- matics, Chemistr)' : 18-11-55. Ditto; diit8.S-89. 1691 94, Ui96, 1698170.S, 1707 U, * The curlicut of lhc»c curiouit Hundu run* an follcm'ii " Itc it kcnd till all men be lliir preKrntN thut (oraHmciklc an (he under «uhih:r)'vcr« B( the mMCkintl of thir prexcntH havcmK reccuved the fjvourck ln>m the inunlem nnJ niember« nf the Kin^'ii 0>lled|;c of f fKEFACE. IX Mortification accounts, 1695-1731, 1733-44, 1751. Ditto. Vouchers for payments to bursars, 1669-70 to 1723-24 (imperfect). Procuration accounts. "Vouchers of Founded and Leys bursars, 1713 14 to 1752-53 (imperfect). Bnrsars book. 1753-1822. This supplies information as to years of attend- ance for the period prior to 1812, not found in Albums D, E. Lihnirv accounts : 1658-59 to 1674-75. 1685-86 to 1712-13, 1714-15 to 1730- 31, 1732-33 to 1734-35, 173839 to 1747-48, 1750-51 to 1753-54. Address book of students, 1854-59. Hutton minutes, 1807-61. Xotes on non-graduate Alumni who applied in 1868 for admission to General Council. By .lohn Fyfe, Registrar. Roll of the Registered Masters of Arts, 1856-v58. (See Appendix ii. to Ahcrd. Univ. Cat., 1860-64: Aberd., 1900.) Collections on King's College. By Professor Thomas Gordon (d. 1797). 2 vols. Biographia Abredonensis. Collections hy Dr. Joseph Robertson (d. 1866). 3 vols. Some \aluable informiitidii has been gleaned from the printed 'I'/icscs. which usually contained the names of the candidates for the dej^ree of A..M. There can be little doubt that from 1622, when Hdward Raban began his work in Aberdeen, down to at least 1711, hardly a year passed with- out a King's College 77/^5f.9 appearing from the local press; but the editor has been able to trace only the following : — Aberdeen that our selfts our soncs or freinds ar admitted to cotnpetitione for ane burse ; Thcrfor all and evry one of us binds and faithfullie obleidges us and evric one of us that if it shall happen tliat our sclffs sons or freinds efter tryell and examinatione prove veake in learning; acid not worthic to he admitted to the same benefices. In that caice \vc bind and obleidge us that if we put them to any Colledj;e upon our owne charges we shall put them to the Kings Colledge abovcsaid of Old .Aberdeen ore wherever it shall happen then to sit for the tyme and that under the paine of ane hundreth pounds Scotts money to be peyt be ilk ane of us respectivlie |that happens to faillzic) unto the principall of the said Colledge or anie haveing the Colledge power to receave the samen, and that within fyfteine daycs efter it be made out and qualieHed that our sons or our selfl's ar in anie other Colledge in Scotland befor the cxpyjing of ther four years course, unlessc we obtaine ane IxmcHce in an other Colledge. Uthcrwayse we bind our selffs as is abovcsaid to pey the penaltie of ane hundreth pounds Scotts money. ... In wittness wherof we have subscryved thir presents with our hands (written be William Jack student in the said Colledge) at the said Colledge the thritteinth day of October the yeare of God J'" vi' thrie score and eight veares: fiefor thir wittncs John Uoss janitor, the said William Jack, and George Gordon of Kethiksmilne. • W. Persone for Jeames Persone. Mr. Bcroald Inncs for John Wilsone. William Fergussone for Georg Fcrgussone. J. Gordone for James Gordon. John Rob for William Rob. Jo. Rose for Francis Fordice and for Allcxr. Forl>es." l> X IkEKAi K Thfui philosophical. AlcxHiidcr Lunan. Abcrd , 1622. (9 nnnics. Abrnl. Univ. lihr.) pKrttii'Hts nliquol. Willium Korbt-s. Alnrrd., \^'IH. (12 name* Aht*nJ. Univ. libr.) //l<•^f■^ phUosophiiitf. John FI7 j Theses philosopltinie. David Leech. Abcrd.. 1638 (14 names. Ifi"S- Abred., ii., 299.) Theses philosophicae. Patrick Gordon. Abcrd., 1643. (15 names /''"a,'. Abred., ii., 304.) Posiliones mmuullae . . . quas . . . iiililur Siiiiiuei Decanus. Aberd., 1643. {Diof^. Abred.. ii.. 305.) \Theies.] Alexander Middleton. Aberd., 1649. (18 names liiog. Abred., iii., 233.) [Theses.] .lohn Strachan. Alierd. 1659. ( ^ names. Orem., cd. of 1782, pp. 163 64.) [Theses.] [Patrick Sandilands Aberd., 1660. (.No names. Htxll. libr.) Theses philosophiitie. George .Middleton. Aberd . 1675. (28 names. Edin. Univ. libr.) Theses philosophiitie. Robert Forbes. Abcrd., 1680. (? names. D. Laing's ,<;,./,■ r.,i.,!, ..,,.. II . 222.) I'KEFACE. Xl 77/(Nt.< pliiliisopli/iiu-. John Buchan. Aberd., 1681. |30 names. Edin. Univ. libr.) [Theses.] George Fraser. Aberd., 1683. (28 names. Transcr. in Album E.) [Theses.] Robert Forbes. Aberd., 1684. (25 names. Transcr. in Albiini E.) Tlie.tes, probleiiiatii, etc. William Black. Aberd.. U-)8(i. (34 names. Haigh Hall libr.) I'ositioiies philosopliicae. George Skene. Aberd., 1688. ( r names. D. Laing's Sale Catdlogiw, II., 222.j Positioiies philosophicne. George Fraser. Aberd, 1691. (? names. Con- stable's Catalogue of Tracts. 1827, p. 181.) Detenniiiatioiics philosophicae. Alexander Fraser. Aberd., 1693. (31 names. Transcr. in Album E.) [Theses.] William Black. Aberd. 1694. (42 names. Transcr. in Album E. Chalmers' Life of liuddimau, p. 14.) Theses philosophicae. George Fraser. Aberd., 1695. (29 names. Aberd. Univ. libr.) [Theses.] Alexander Fraser. Aberd., 1697, (18 names. Transcr. in ^-l/i)H«( E.) [Theses.] George Skene. Aberd., 1700. (29 names. Transcr. in Album E.) [Theses.] George Skene. Aberd., 1701. (25 names. Transcr. in Allium E.) Cogitnta uounulla. William Black. Aberd.. 1705. (24 names. Gla.sg. Univ. libr.) Theses philosophicae. George Fraser. Aberd., 1706. (25 names. Slains Castle libr.) I'lacita nounulUt. James Urquhart. Aberd., 1710. (20 names. Aberd. Univ. libr.) Theses. William Black. Aberd.. 1711. names. Slains Castle libr.) The entries in tlie matriculation albums ai'e almost always autograph, while those in tlie ••raduation albums are usually in the handwritinj^ of a Res^ent. When a student's surname has been recorded in different forms, an autograph spelling* is selected where possible ; when the autographs themselves \ary, preference is given to the earliest. When the form in the graduation list differs essentially fi'om that in the matri- culation list, the former is added in brackets after " A.M.," and both forms ai'c indexed ; i\o., Jacobus Wishart, A..M. (Sopho- cardius). XII IkEFACK Under each qundricnnium arc entered the names t>f the orij^inal bajan matriculants, and of other students who sub- sequently joined the class as semis, tertians, or ma;4istrands: the latter bein;^ distinj^uished as explained in footnotes to pa^es n and 120. The same student often appears in se\eral classes, and where identity is obvious, a forward reference is inserted from the earlier to the later date. .An alphabetical arranj^ement under preM.iMn.-s li.i?s becM adopted thi'ouj^hout the Roll, such beinj^ characteristic of the Aberdeen Collej.;e rej^isters. .\s the entries are with few exceptions in Latin, the order is i-e;,;ulated by the Latinised prenanie. Tiius " William " must be looked for under " Ciulielmus ". It must further be borne in mind that certain prenames (such as " Petrus " and " Patricius," ".Aeneas" and " Anjjus," •hunald" and " 13aniel "') are often used as interchanj^eable. .No attempt has been made to trace the fortunes of the students in after life, but academic dej^rees conferred on alumni, or academic offices held by them, have been iKited. When a deji>ree lias no name of a University attached, it is, if prior to I.Sth September. ISW), from Kinj.; s College; if aftei- tliat date, from the Uni\ersit\ of Aberdeen. I lie holders of certain other University distinctions are also indicated. In 1711. in I7I(>, and from I7IS onwards, the l-aculty .Minutes furnisli the name of the '■ !-irst liursar," who stood at the head of the successful candidates in the annual competition, and who by academic tradition was marked out as the natural leader of his Class. In I7S0 James l-raser (A.M. l(i(-»4. LI. 1) 172.^) founded a bursary, the presentee to which, while a stuiient of theoloj;\. was to act as College Librarian. The llultoii prize, instituted in ISIS under the will of (jcorj^e Mutton (.\..NL I7,^i<), was the blue ribbon of the fourth or ma^istrand \ear, beinj; awarded as the PREFACE. XIII result of an examination conducted, each in his own subject, bv the Re<4ents or Professors of GreeU, Matlicmatics, Natural Philosophy and Moral Philosophy. In 1842 special prizes to those ma^istrands who made the most distin<»uished appearance in Greek and in Mathematics were founded under the will of John Simpson (A.M. 1779, LL.D. 1820); and it became customary for those winning the Hutton prize as well as either of the Simpson prizes to resij^n the former to the next in oi\ler of merit. In footnotes will be found occasional corrections of entries in Offiars and Graiiuata of King s College. When that volume was compiled, too <*reat reliance was placed on the accuracy of tile lists of names printed in Fasti Aberdonenses (Aberd., 1854) and List of Persons admitted to the degree of M.A. at A'n/g's College (Aberd., 18v56) ; but not infrequent errors in these books have been detected b) collation w ith the orij;inal I'ecord. The editor has pleasure in acknowledging indebtedness to the care and zeal of his assistant. Miss M. S. Best, who checked the te.xt of the AW/ of Aliuiiui with the manuscript sources, and compiled the statistics of .Appendi.x B. He has also to record his grateful tiianks to the Rew Stephen Ree, Boharm, and Lieut. -Colonel William Johnston of Newton Dee, who read the proofs and made many sui^i^estions of \alue. .Mr. James F. Kellas Johnstone, London, has been especialK' helpful, and the editor owes much to his advice and encouragement. He not mereh re\ ised the text of the Roll, but verified every entr\ in the index. It may be noted in conclusion that the foi'm of tiie Noll and of its index is that of the General Catalogue <.i'i X.\\yt oldei- .American Unix ersities. P. J. A. ILLUSTRATIONS. Crown Tower of King's College, from the Engraving by R. W. Billings Frontispiece Seal of the College, from the original Silver Matrix . . Page 212 < I CONTENTS. Album A, 1596-1600 to 1679-83 Classes, 1680 84 to 1707-11 Albums C, D, E, F, G, 1708-12 to 1859-63 Appendix A. Masters of Arts not .Alumni ..... .Appendix B. Comparative Table of Entrants and Graduates in King's and Marischal Colleges ......... 204 Index 213 VAC, K 1 44 53 193 fvl \BHKI-.\ I \I ioNS. acad. . .icjidemia. K.C. King* College. ace .ICCCHHlt- /...//■ /.I J/ of I'rrioHt, fU. alb .illnim Icct. lecturer. alunin. .iluninuK. libr. librarian b. I. pnn principal f.AM. Faili Atatl. Mameatl prof. profc»»«>r. F.H.S. Haiti Eictttiar Seat. rcct rector. HI. fliiua. rcK regent. frat. . frater. rc«. reaigned G.L.P. Grace, ling. pro( semi., t.i .. ^iiiilcMi til gytnn. . |>> mnaxiarcha . second year H I..P Humun. Iitt. pro! H 111 •win of lion. ClaH«. CluHHical honoiini. Simp Simpium prire. Hon. Sc. Int. l'hiU>M»phical honourH Kuh'prin. sub principal. Hon. Sc. Math. .Mathematical honoui'H. (. leriian, i.i.. ntudent hum. . humaniMl of third year Hull. . Hutton prize. \ 1) M \ crbi Dei MiniMer ALBUM A. 1596-1600 to 1679-1683. 1596-1600 [Regent : John Chalmer] Gilbertus X'ilsoune, A.M. Gulielmus Keithe, A.M. Henricus Leithe, A.M. Jacobus Cuninj»h:ime, A.M. Jacobus Reid, A.M. Jacobus \'at, A.M. Johannes Robertsoune, A.M. Robertus Reid, A.M. Thomas Reid, A..M. 1597-1601 [Rei^eiit : Andrew Young] Alexander Lumisden, A.M. Alexander Stratoun, A.M. David Wod, A..M. Georgius .Macky, A.M. Gilbertus* Keyth, A.M.; Reg. 1601-13 Johannes Forbes, A.M. Johannes Forfar, A.M. Patricius Guthry, A..M. 1602-10: Sub-prin. 1610 19 Patricius .Maitland, A.M. Walter Andersoun, A..M. 1598-1602 [Keffeiit : James Strachan] R tg- Georgius Leyth, A.M. Gulielmus Setoun, A.M. Henricus Rois, A.M. Joannes Craig, A.M. 1599-1603 [Regent : Patrick Guthrie] Rcct. 1645-50 Alexander Prat, .-\..M. Alexander Rohertsoun, .-^.M. * .Misprinted ■ Gulielmus " in Fasti Abcrtioiunsts, p. 502. + Not in Album A. but in a ■ Censura studiosorum, 1603-04 Dauid Lindsay, A.M. ; Georgius Spens, A.M. Jacobus Rait, A.M.; Hum Reg. 1610-19 Johannes Wrquhart, A.M. Robertus Iruinge, A.M. Thomas Chalmer, A.M. Thomas Hoge, A.M. 1600-04 [Rei^eiit : John Chair .Alexander Chalmer, A.M. Alexander Fraser, A..M. Alexander iveythe, A.M. Alexander Lindsay, A.M. Alexander Sibbald, A.M. [Andreas Straquhant] Georgius Keythe, A..M. Georgius Symmcr, A.M. Jacobus Lindsay, A.M. Joannes Stevard, .A..M. Johannes Straquhan. .A..M. 1604-09; loose scrap of piiper. INIVKRSITV AM> KINGS COLLKGE. [1601 1601-05 [Rtgent : Gilbert Keith] Ak'xnndcr l^isiuit, A.M. Alexander Gordone GulielmuK Gordonc, A..M. ; .Med. IH32-40 GulielmuK I^-isk, A.M. Guliclmus LumisJ.-inus, A..M. Jacobus Irvinus, A..M. Jacobus Strathauchinius, A..M. Johannes Cheync Joannes l-yffe Johannes Strato Joannes Symmer. A..M. Hi()7 •N^atthacus l.uniisdanus, .A-.M. PatriciusKaedus,A..M.IW)7:Uen. IfilO Kichardus .Maitlatul. A..M. 1602-06 [Rcf^eiil : James Strachan] Allexandcr Arbuthnot Allexander Bettone, A..M. Alexander Innes, A.,M. Alexander Strathauchinc Gilbert Keth, A..M. Gulielmus Keythe Gulieinius Onstowne : s, .Mar. Coll. 1605; RcR. .Mar. Coll., 1619-35; D.D l6-» Guliclmus Wischartt, A.,M. Huno .Movatt, A.M. Jacobus l-orbcs,-*- A..M. Jacobus Ofjilvyc Joannes Leslie Walterus Urquhart 1603-07 [Rcf^dil : Patrick Guthrie] Adamus Barclay, A.M. ; Prof. Div. 1642 Alexander Cumeniu* de Culter Alexander Hosrus, A.M. Andreas Car, A. .M. Guillielmus Innes, A..M. Jacobus Innesius Joannes Simpson Johannes \Vn Geor^ius Annand Gulielnius l-raser. A.M. Gulielmus Cjordon, niaior Gulielnius Gordone, minor Gulielmus Mancur. A .M. Guilielmus ())(iluie Gulielmus Setoune, A..M. (julielmus Straquhan, A M. Jacobus .■\ndersounc. A.M. Jacobus l-orl>cs Jacobus Gibsone Jacobus Lauc, A.M. Jacobus Meluiil, A.M. Jacobus Richie Jacobus X'alterstone Johannes Bissat Johannes Irving, A.M. Joannes Sctf>unc Joannes Stephan Johannes Turinjje Johannes Watt. A .M. Robertas Innes Robertus L'dnae, A.M. Thomas Collace,* A.M. Thomas Karquharsone 1609-13 [Rfgetit : Gilbert Keith] Alexander Douglass, A.M. Alexander F-crrcs, A.M. Alexander Gordon, A.M. Christophorus I'erres Oauid Stratone Gulielmus Chalmer. A.M. 1614 Guiielmtis Keyth Gulielmus Ouchterlony Henricus Grahamc Jacobus Maird. A .M Jacobus Strato, AM. Joannes jrx'inj;, A..M. Joannes Ross.* A.M. Joannes Stephanuii, A.M R. Bruicc Robertus Duglas, A.M. Thomas Dunbar, A .M Thomas l.e>> 1610 14 [Rf(;fiils h, I'atrick Reid and Robert Dunbar; «. /, tii. Robert Dunbar] Alexander Clark, A .M Allexander Cuming Alexander Ouchterlouny, A .M. Geor^ius Collaceus, A.M. Guilielmus Ross, A.M. Gulielmus Turing Jacobus .M'Oucn. .-\ .M Jacobus Watt Joannes Leich, A..M.-'- Joannes Turing. A..M. Patricius Dunbarrus, A.M. IHI.S Patricius Ouchterlony. A..M. Thomas Gordone Thomas Maitland, A.M. 1611 15 [Regent : Patrick Guthrie] Alexander F-othringhamus Alexander (juthrie Alexander Lunan. A .M. ; Hum.. Reg., l(il8 2.S Alexander Reid (/-. W.u-. Coll.), ac cessit Mil'i, A .M Alexander Setoune, A .M. Andreas Gray Dauid Collace, AM. Gulielmus Camerarius Gulielmus I.eslv. A.M.: FVD. 1«27; D.D. 16 :; Hum.. Rcr.. 1617 23; Subprin. 1623-32: Prm. 16.32-39 GuliclmuR Lcslye ' Nut in li«t of RnlrantK. + Misprinlccl •■ l.cilh " in h'titli Abrr.l.. p 4.Vi ; Urcm i6i4.] ALU.MN'I IN ARTS: ALHUM A. 5 Gulielmus Mair Gulielmus Rait Jacobus iMories(jun, A.M. Ifilfi Joannes Innesius, A.M. Robertas Couttis (/). Mar. Coll.), ac- cessit 1612, A.M. Robertus Doujjlas Thomas Gortionus 1612-16 [Reireiit : James Rait] Allexander .Arbi.ithnot, A..M. Alexander Blakhall Alexander Couttis, A.M. Alexander Dauidsone, A.M. Allexander Forbesius {b, Mar. Coll.), accessit * Alexander Noray, A.M. Alexander Patersone Colinus Mackenzie, A.M. Dauid Sibbald, A.M. Franciscus Barclay, A.M. Gilbertus Baird, A.M. Guilielmus Barclay Gulielmus Forbes (6, Mar. Coll. 1610), ace. Guilielmus Hepburne, A.M. Hendricus Turinj^ Jacobus Irving, A.M. Jacobus Sibbald, A.M. Jacobus Torie, A.M. Joannes Allan, A.M. Joannes Forbesius (h, .Mar. Coll. Hi 10), ace. Johannes Mackenzie, A.M. .loliannes Reidfuii'd, A.M. .Miirdochus .Mackenzie, A..M. Robertus Stratone, A.M. 1617 Robertus Tulloch 1613-17 [Regent : William Forbes] .Alexander Innes, .A.M. Arthurus Steuart, A.M. Charolus Angus, A.M. Dauid .Arbuthnott Dauid .Monro Dauid Ross, A.M. Georgius Gordoune, A.M. Gulielmus Chalmei', A..M. Gulielmus Cuming, A.M. Gulielmus Falconer, A.M. Gulielmus 1-orbes, A.M. Hugo Ross, A.M. Jacobus Barclay, A.M. Jacobus Heruy, A..M. ; Hum. 1623-26 Joannes Forbes Magnus Kennedie, A.,M., Mar. Coll. Nicolaus Carngill, .A..M. Robertus Rait Thomas Fraser, A..M. 1618 Thomas Gordone, A.M. 1614 18 [Regents : b, s,t, Robert Dunbar; ;;/, William Forbes] Alexander Andersone, AM. 1620 Alexander Forbes, A.M. Alexander Hay Alexander Irving, A.M. Alexander Youngson (/;, .s. Mar. Coll.), ace. 1617, A.M. Andreas Raitt Dauid Carnegay, A.M. Donaldus Ross, A.M. 1619 Gilbertus Andersone, A.M. Gulielmus Forbes Gulielmus Rait, ma., A.M. Gulielmus Rait, minor. A..M. Gulielmus Ray Jacobus Blakhall (7-, .s, .Mar. Coll.), ace. 1617 Jacobus Camphellus (/;, .s, /, .Mar. Coll.), ace. 1617, A.M. Jacobus Chalmer, A.iM. Jacobus Dunbar Jacobus Forbes, A..M. I I • I.e., juincd the class in its semi, or other Inter scssiii IXIVKKMTV \XI> KINC.S lOLMCGE. [1614. JacobuK V'yshart JohaiincK Gurxiuun, nu., A.M. : 1).I). 1635 Johannes (jordonc, mi. Johannes Hay, .A.-M. Joannes .Munni Jo.innes Kay Joannes W.ilear, A.,M. Patricius I'alconer Thomas RIakhall (fc, s. Mar. Coll.), ace. I(U7. A..M. Tlu)mas Horlnrs (fr, s, I, Mar. Coll.), ace. I«I7 Thomas Oj>ilvic, ace. 1617 1615-19 [Regent : Patrick Guthrie] Alexander Clark, A..M. Ale.vander l-orbes Alexander Garioch. A..M. Andreas Gihsone. A..M. Archihaldus Car, A..M. Archibaldiis Doufilas Artluirus l-ullartius Cumniin}{, A.M. Georf;ius Douglas, A.M. Geor^ius Gordone Gulielmus Douglas, A.M.: Prof. Div. I6-J;<(i6 Gulielmus Jaffray. ace. 1618, A.M. Gulielmus ()>, A.M. 1620-24 II [Rfi^i'iit : John Forbes J Alexander Gordone Dauid Leiche, A.M.; D.D. ;11 Reg. 1627-32; Sub prin. 1632-38 Georgius Robertsouiie Gulielmus Falconer Gulielimis Forbes, A.M. Jacobus Leslye, A.M. .loannes Barclay Johannes Duff. A..M. Joannes Findlater, .A.M. Johannes Leith Joannes Liuingstoune Joannes Patersone, A.M. Patricius Dunbar, A.M. Patricius Liuingstone Robertus Forbes Walterus Torrie, A.M. 1621-25 ** [Rciicnt : William Leslie] Adamus Gordoune Alexander Douglasse Andreas Fraser Archibaldus Youngsone, A.M. Georgius Kennedie {h. Mar. Coll.), ace. 1623 Georgius Leith, A..M. : Reg. 1627-33 Georgius Speid, .A.M. ' The names of the eight graduates of this class, together with that of .McNaiuicr Sophocarilius (Wishart), are appended as •' propugnati pro niagisterii gradii," to the printed Tlusis of 1622 (.\berd. Univ. Libr.), the earliest extant for King's College. tThe eleven graduates of 1623, together with Jacobus Annand (16IS-22). sign the printed Thcsts (Abcrd. Univ. Libr.). J Misprinted " Denny " in Fasli Abird.. p. 456. § Scott's Fasti Eccl. Sent., iii., 477: perhaps confused with kobcrt Dun, i\l,D, II The eight graduates of 1624 sign the printed Tluiis (Abcrd. Univ. Libr.). •] Scott's /•". E. S., Iii., 587. "The graduates of 1625 (except Arch. Youngson) sign the printed /Vkks (Abcrd. Univ. Libr.). 1618-22* [Regents : b, William Forbes and Alexander Lunan ; ,s, /, in, Alexander Liman] Alexander Leslaeus Alexander \'yscharte Andreas Watt, A.M. (Walterus) Georgius Gordone, A.M. Gilbertus Wysharte, .A..M. Gulielmus Cuming, .A..M. Hendricus Lyndesay Jacobus Annand Jacobus Reid Johannes Elphinstoune, .A..M. Joannes Lundy, A.M.; Reg. 1625-'28 ; Hum.: D.D. 1631 Michael Elphinston, .A..M. Patricius Forbesius, .A..M. : Reg. 1623-25 Walterus Barclay 1619 23 t [Regent : William Forbes] Alexander Fraserius de Philorth Alexander Spens. A.M. Andreas Watson, A.M. Archibaldus Guthrie, ace. Gilbertus Gardyne Gilbertus Ross, ace. 16'2() Gulielmus Gray Jacobus Forbes, .A.AL Joannes Chalmer, A.M. Johannes Forbesius Johannes Read Joannes Strathauchine, A.M. Patricius Lyoune, ace. 1620, A.M 620, A.M. A.M. i rSIVKKSITY AND KINT.'S COIJ-EGE. fl62I. Guliclmus Hrskync Guliclnuis W'atKonc, A.M. Jacohus Ki'ythc Jacobus Leslie Jacohus Kait Joannes Irving Lachlanus Orant. A.M. I'ctruK Younnsonc. A.M. Simon l-raser Thomas Chalmer, A..M. Thonias Cjordoune. A.M. Thomas I.cythc Thomas .Molyssoun, A..M. N'alterus Kosse, ace. !(V23 1622-26 [liegeiits : h, s, I, Alexander Lunan : ;//, John Lundie] Allcxander Dunne Alexander I'orbes (h. Mar. Coll.), ace. IH2-», AM. Arthurus Dalnarno l-arquhardus Clark GcorKius Milne. A.M.: Hum. 1628; Gilbertus Andersone. A..M. Gilhertus KImslie, A.M. Gulielmus Lunane, A.M. Hector Monro Jacohus Douglas Jacobus Tarres Joannes Gordone Johannes Malcolmo; A..M., .Mar. Coll. Joannes .Monro Jde. lialbegno Joannes WVqiihart .MurdiK-hus M'Ken/.ie; A..M., .Mar. Coll. RolH'rtus Cumyng de Alter KobertusO({iluy. A.M. ; Ueg. 1633-38: Sub-prm. 1638-1I Robertas Williamsone, A .M. Thomas Sandilandis, A..M. Thomas Urquhardus de Cromartie 1623-27 [Regents : Patrick Forbes and John Lundie] Alexander Barclay, ace. 1624 Alexander (iordoun Alexander Irwinjj Dauid Hdgar David Grahame, A..M. Dauid Ho\vst KINC.S COI.I.I.IJK. fi62; Alcxandcr Gairdinu*. A.M. ; Ren. 1635 45 Andrcns Sf>cn»s. AM DsiuJd Dunbarus, A..M. Friinciscus Leslie Gcorjjius Beadie Geornius Speiis. A.M. Gulielinus DunburuK GulielmuK .Macken/.ic'.acc. I(>30, A.M. Jacobus \'alker Jiiannes Dunbareus, A..M .li>annes Hd^ar Joannes .Mackenzie, ncc. 1630, A.M. .Normandus Leslaeus, A.M. Patricius Horbcsius, A.M. Patricius Eraser Patricius W'olum, A.M. Robertus Dunbarus Kobertiis l-orbes Thomas Oj{iluy Thomas Urquhart S'alterus Innesius, A..\l. N'alterus Kinnaird 1628-32 [Regeiils: David Leech, George Lcith, William Leslie, Andrew Strachan]* Alexander Garden Allexander Gordone Andreas Burnet Andreas Chessore Geor>;ius Leyth Gilbertus .Middiltoun, A..M. Gulielmus Lauder, A..M. Jacobus Abercromhy, A..M. 1635 Jacobus Raitt, A.M. Joannes Abercrombie, A..M. Joannes Abercromby Johannes Douglas (/;, .Mar. Coll.), ace. 1629 Johanneu l-ullertoune, A..NJ. * During iteiiMonii ltt28-29 to I64U-4I the nyitem of circulatinf{ KcKcnt* wiis ab.in. Joned. uiui each HtuJcnt paMcd lhrou(|h the haiiilK uf four Profcmtom. ♦ The fifteen >;raJui>tc» of ItW't higii the printed Than (AbcrJ. I'niv. Ubr. ). ; The KradualeH of \igraf>nia Abrfilonrnsn, li., 293. ( .Minprinted •' Dollaius" in F^iiti Ahrrii . p 4flO Joannes Gordone Johannes .Middiltoune Patricius Gordone Patricius Leith Robertus Hroun, A..M. Rolu-rtus Iruin^, A.M. Walterus Abercrombie \\"alteruB Tornor. A.M. 1629-33 t [Regents: David Leech, Georjje Leith, William Leslie, David I.^"ech] Alexander Auchmiek Allex.inder Spens, .Moraviensis, A..M. Allexander Steuart. A.W Arthurus Forbes, A..NL Geor^jius Adamson. A..M. Gulielmus Campbell, .Moravieii., A .M. Gulielmus Reid, A..M Jacobus I,eith. .A.M. Jacobus .\\c I ntoshe, Moraviensis, A.-Nl. Jacobus .Middiltoun Jacobus Taylzour, .Moraviensis, A. .M. Joannes Lillie, A..M. Joannes Sandilands Patricius Gordoune, A..M. . Rejj., Civ , Hum., Prof. Hebrew. 1640-95 Patricius Vatt. A..M. Robertus Barclay, .Mernicnsis, A.M. Robertus Irving Robertus Strachane, .Mernicnsis, A. .M. Thomas l-orbes, A.M. \"alterus Innes 1630-34! [Regents : David Leech, Georjje Leith, — ? — , David Leech] Alexander Dollasius.tl Alexandei' Scro^ie. A..M.; Rej{. 1638- 39 ; Rect. 1659-60 r 1632.] ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBIM A. I I < Arthuius Forbesiiis Georjiius Gordonius tie Huntlie Oeorjjius Meldrumius, A.M. (iulielmus Camerarius, A.M. Gulielmus Forbesiu.s Gulielmus Hay,* A.M. Hendricus Forbes,* A.M. .lacobus Barclaius, A.M. Jacobus Cummingus, A.M. Jacobus Forbesius Jacobus Fullertoune, .A.M. Jacobus Gordonius, frater Georgii .Joannes Donaldsonus .Joannes Georiie, A.M. Joannes Ogiluius, A.M. Joannes Raitt Patricias Andersone, A.M. Patricius Glas, A.M. Patricius Guthreus Robertus Donaldsonus, A.Al. Samuel Suecus Thomas Rosseus, A.M. 1631-35 t [Ri\<^r,-iits : David I^eech, — ? — , Alexander .Middleton, David Leech] .Xlexander Brodie de eodem, ace. Alexander Douglas .Alexander Gordounus .Alexander Irving. A..M. .Alexander Lesly .Alexander Middiltoun Alexander Pringic, ace, A.M. Alexander Reid, A.M. .Andreas Cheine. .A.M. Dauid Barclay Georgius Ogilvie Gulielmus Cheyne, A.M. Gulielmus Strachane, A..M. Gulielmus Straquhane {b, Mar. Coll., 1630), ace. Gulielmus Syme, A.M. 1636 Joannes Findlay, A.M. Joannes Garioch, A.M. Joannes Wrquhart *. Patricius Paplay Patricus Symsonus, A.M. Petrus Guthrie Robertus Blake. A..M. Thomas Ogiluy Walterus Ritchie, A.M. 1636 i632-36§ [Regents : George Leith, — ? — , Alexander Middleton, David Leech] Alexander Cant, A.M. Alexander Hay, ace, A.M. Alexander Murray Alexander Sangster, A.M. Duncanus Forbes Georgius Douglas, A.M. Georgius Geddes Georgius Hallyburtone, ace. 1635. A.M. Georgius Jhonstoune de Caskibenne Gulielmus Lichtoune Jacobus Gordonus (s. Mar. Coll.), ace, A.M. JacobLis Melvill. ace 1635. A.M. Jacobus Peark, .A.M. Jacobus Ranie, A.M. Joh&nnes Forbes Johannes Forbes, A.M. Joannes Jonstone Lachlanus Grantaeus (/;, .Mar. Coll.), ace. Nicolaus Jonstone {b, Mar. Coll. 1, ace Robertus Innes Walterus Innes * Not in list of Entrants. t The ten graduates of 1635, to}«ethcr with Thomas Ogilvy. si)>n the printed Tlusfs. liiog. Ahrcd.. ii., 2i)5. ; Omitted in Fasti Abcnl., p. 461. .§ The twelve graduates of 16.36, together with Lachlan Grant ;ind Walter Innes. sign ihe printed TIhsis. Rioi.'. Abrnl.. ii., ,'<01. IMVKKSIT\ AND KIN(;'s CoLLKGE. (•633 1633-37* [Kff^tnU : Kcitx-rt Onilvic. William Stnichnn,AK'xiinili.T Middlcton. David I-ccch] AlcxandiT Dunbar Alexander Gordone Alexander Wilsone Constantinus Kamfiay Georniiis Meldruni, A M. Georjjius \Vri|uhart Gulielnius AK-rcrombie Guliclmus Harper, A.M. Guliclmus Leslie de AiUnavay. A..M. .lacobus Innes, .A.M. .latobus Sharpe, A..M. ; Rejj., St. Leon. Coll., St. And . I642 47 : Prof. Divinity, St. Marv s Coll., I(?61- ; etc' .loannes Gcllie, A..M. .lohannes GfKxlrickc, An^lus, doniini Henrici (joodrickc equitis aurati filius natu minor, ace. 163S Robertas Grahame, A..M. i634-38t [Kif'cuts Robert O^ilvie, .Alexander Gardyne, Alexander .Sliddleton, F)avid Leech and Robert Oj{ilvie] A. Lesley Alexander Dunbare .Mexander Ojjilvius Dauid l.iddell. A..M. ; Prof. Divinity, Glasfj.. I(i74 82 Guliclmus Raite,A..M; Re^. 1(^41 4S; Prin IWi1.62 Guliclmus Scrogie. A..M , KVm. l663-«6 Guliclmus Sibbaldus, A..M. Ili4l .lacobus Allan Jacobus Raird de Auchmedden nationis [..audo- l(v<.S. A.M. AM Laudonicnsis, Jacobus Dou({las Jacobus Dunbar. .V.M. 1639 Jacobus Dunbar, ace. I63.S Jacobus Forbes, A..M. Jacobus Ramisaeiis.^ nationis Lau doniensis, A.,M. .Johannes Dunbare .loannes .Mcluill .Joannes Nairnus, ; nicnsis. A .M. .loannes Ross, A..NL .loannes Strachan. ace. .loannes Stniquhanus. Patricius 0}(iluius Robertus Keith. A.M. Robertus Leslacus.J Henrici l-cslaei. episcopi Dunrnsis m Hybernia. filius, .A..M. . B.A. Dubl.,' 1637 ; .MA. Oxon., 1^39 Robertus Strachane. ace. 16.3.S Thomas Porbes (// .Mar Coll 1. ace. I(v«i. A..M. ; Prof. .Med. Pis;i. l(vS9- Thomas .Meldrum Walterus Ofiilvie. .\..M. »035 39 \Rffitiiti : Rolx-rt l)>;ilvie, Alexander Gardyne. Alexander .Middleton and .Alexander Scro^ie, Rotx-rt ()j;ilviel Alexander Dunbar Allexander Forbes, A.M. Andreas .Monro de .Miltowne .Archibaldus Wood Dauid Guthno. .A..\V Geornius Bruce (^eor^jius (joidon Geornius Gordone. junior de Gietli Gilbert us O^iluius de Craij{e (juliclmus Crichtonius, Jacobi fratcr Gulielmiis Lesleyc, A.M. 'The MTvi'n Krudunlcs <>( lltt? mjjii ihc priiilcd 7/h>ij. HikK- Ahrrd.. li.. 'Ml. • The c\vel\c i;r:i>liiaiCK iif lrt:W. ii>}>elhcr with >l,imi'» nainl .mil Palnck Onilvy. mun Iht printed Thtif^. liit*i;. Ahrrtl., ii.. 'iJW. ; No) in list I if Entrants. ■639] ALUMNI IN AkTS: AI.IUM A. 13 Gulielmus Noble, A.M. Giilielmtis Ogiliiy, A.M. Gulielmus Rire.^i, A.M. Jacobus Crichtonius, junior ile Fren- draught Jacobus Gordoune, A.M. 1640 Joannes Conset, Anglus. c comitatu Eboracensi, ace. 1636. A.M. Joannes Cumming Joannes Gairdyne, .A.M. Joannes Grante Joannes Innes, .A.M. Patricius Gordonius Patricius Innes Robcitus Innes, junior de eodem Walterus Ogilvie de Boynd 1636-40 [Rei^eiils : Robert Ogilvie, .Alexander Gardyne, Alexander Scrogie, Robert Ogilvie] Ale.xandei" Sutherland de DufFus Alexander Sutherland Georgius .Middeltoun, .A..M. : Heg. 1642-50 Georgius Shand Gulielmus Chalnier, A..M. Gulielmus Younge. .A..M. 1639 (Junius. .Anglus) .lacobus Allardes Jacobus Forbes Johannes Barclay. .A..M. Johannes Forbes Johannes Innes Johannes Lausoun, A..M. Johannes Lesly Johannes Lyie Johannes Sutherland Robertus Innes Thomas Houstoune 1637-41 [Rffffiits ■ Robert Ogilvie and .Alexan- der Middleton, Alexandei- Gardyne, Alexander Scrogie and Alexander Gardyne, Robert Ogilvie] Alexander Forbes Franciscus Ross, A.M. Gidielmus Anstruther. ace. 1640, A.M. Gulielmus Dun, A.M. Gulielmus Forbes Gulielmus .Mowat, A.M. Gulielmus Ogstone Jacobus Raitt Jacobus Ramsay Jacobus Steuart Thomas Collace 1638-42 [Rii;ciils: Alexander Middleton, Alex- ander Gardyne, Patrick Gordon, Alexander .Middleton] Alexander Fergusius David Ogilvius Georgius Bairdaeus, A.M. Gulielmus Gordonus Johannes Fergusius, .A..M. Johannes Fraserius, A.,M. Lodovieus Gordonus de Huntlie Patricius Leslaeus Patricius Sandilandius Robertus Achenlecus. A..M. (.Afflect) Robertus Maine, ace. 1640, .A. .M. Thomas Lyelius 1639-43* [Regents: Alexander Middleton, .Alex ander Gardyne : /. in. PatricU Gordon] Adamus Barclaius, A.M. Alexander Setonus, A.M. .Andreas Hendersone. .A.M. ■ The thirteen jjradiiates ol 104;*. toj;cther with Aiutrcw Thdiiisoii aiul IVici Spccht, Nijjn the printed Tliesis. Biog. Abrnl., ii., 304. Samuel Dccaniis prints a separate Tliisis. 1 1 r\i\KkMi\ ANh KiN»;s cou.k<;k ( 1639. Andrx'iiKThtimiiuniuK, ScotU'B41. A..M. .iacdhuK Cruikshank i/>, .Mar. Cull.i, ace. 1(>-JI A..M. Jacobus (iordonus .laeohus .Morisannes l-orbcsius • loanncs (jordonius. A.,M Inannes (iuildiuK .loannes .IhonstoniuK, A .M. .loaniK'K .Middletonus, A..M. •loanncH UhactuK, Mernicnsis. .•\..M •loanncH Spaldinnius. A..M. PatrieiuH AiidcrKonuN, A..M Patricias l-ari|uhardus. A.M 1641' 45 I Htneiiti : b, S.I, Alexander Gard> nc : III, Andrew Younnwin) Arthuruo (Jordonius, A..M I64S David (jordonius, A..M Duncanus l-orbcsius Geor^ius CruikshankiuK ; in, .Mar. Coll. Gulielmus Kamisaeus Hu^o l-raserius Jacobus Cameninus, .A W. . K'l-i; M.o. Coll. 164 Jacobus l-raserius Jacobus (jordonius Jacobus .Middletonus. A.M Jacobus Petraeus, A..M. Jacobus Kitchaeus, A.M. Joannes Car^illius ; in, .Mar. Coll. Joannes Oj^ilvius Joannes Seatonius, .A..M. Joannes \'allacius, Scoto-Battavus, ace. 1642 Patrieius Khaedus, ace. 1644. A..N\. 1O42 4O [A'e !,'<•»/ . Alexander .Middletnn] Alexander Clerkius, A.^\. .Alexander Haius Alexander O^ilvius Alexander Personi 1649 Alexander Straehanus, A..M. .Andreas Rossius. ace. I64,'< 164:<-47 (leorfjius .Melxillus, A..M Geor^ius Rossius, A..M. (lulielmus D:il);arnaeus. A.M. (tulielmuK l-orlvsius (lulielmus Sparkius, A..M. Henricus Jenkes, AnnloHorussus A.M Oxon, 1(W»; Prof ace. 164;<. A.M. See A.M A .M Oxon ,. Rhetoric, GrcRham Coll., 1670-76 * In Sci>«ii>n IA4I 42 the nvKtcm nf circulating Krurntn wh» re inlnHlucol linucd in force until the year 1800. Il con. »^ 1645.] ALUMNI IX ARTS: AI.Kl'M A. '< Henricus Stcuai'tus Jacobus Brodaeiis. See 1643-47 Jacobus Southerlanilius, A.M. <)acobus N'ishartus, Angusianus, A.M. I(-)59 (Sophocardius) Joannes Brodaeus, A..M. : Hum., c. 1653-58 Joannes Cheync [h. Mar. Coll.), ace. 1643 Joannes Forbesius. A.M.. 1648 Joannes Gordon us, A.M. l^atricius Gibsonus Kobertus Chevne (A. .Mar. Coll.), ace. 1643, A..M. ■ Thomas .Abcicrombaeus. \W. 1643-47 [Regent : Patrick Gordon] Alexander Car, A.M. .Alexander Massaeus ' A.M. Andreas Browne, A.M. .Andreas Ross, ace. 1646, A.M. Archibaldus Erskyne Georgius Gumming, A.M. Georgius Dalgarno Georgius Gordon, A.M. Gulielmus Rait, A.M. Hercules Scot Jacobus Brodaeus, ace. 1644, A.M. Jacobus Dunbar, A.M. Johannes Gastor ' .Johannes Hendrj Joannes Strachanus. See 1644-48 Kobertus Gumming de Alter Kobertus Douglas, A.^\. Kobertus Fraser j Kobertus Gordon, A.M. Kobertus Rinnald. A.M.; Keet. 1668- 70 Kobertus Scot • Not in list of lintrants. t The nineteen graduates of 1H49 (except ThfScS. Biog. Abnd.. iii,, 233. J .Misprinted "Sctonus" in Ftisti Aberd., Koderieus .McKen/ie Samuel Wallas Thomas Dunbar 1644-48 [Rei^iiil : George Middletonj Alexander Cheyne Alexander 1-raser, ace. 1645, .AM. Alexander Gray Alexander Leith Alexander Monro Georgius Clerk Gulielmus Annand. See 1645-49 Gulielmus Duneane. A..M. Guliellnuis Innes Jacobus Forbes, A..M. Jacobus Fraser Jacobus Innes Jacobus Ogilvie Jacobus Rhette, A.M. Johannes Annand, A.M. Joannes Stratiuhan, ace. 1645, A.M. ; Reg. 1650-59 Robertus Neaper, A.M. Thomas Kobertsone, A.M. Walterus Ogiiuie, A.M. W'alterus Ogilvie Walterus Stewart, A.M. 1645-49 + [Regents : b, Andrew Youngson ; .<, /, in, Alexander Middleton] Alexander Andersonc, A..M. Alexander Dunbar, A.M. Allexander Keyth Archibaldus Peirsone, ace. 1646, A.M. Arthurus Forbes, A.M. David Andersone, A.M. Donaldus Betonus,:^ A.M. Georgius Forbesius de Corse, ace. 1646 * i Alex. Persone : r. 1642-46) sign the printed p. 467. I'. I'NIVKRSITV ANti KING'S COLI.KfiE. :i645- (iuliclmuR AniianJ, ace l(>46. A.M. . D.I).. St. And.. \ti--> (juliclmus Huriu-tt. .A \\ Williiimc Scatone, junior di- .Mi-nic. ace. 16-16 .lames .Auchinleck. A.M. •lames Broune Jacohus Diiunlas. .A. .\l Jacobus Kaethus,* .A..M. .Joannes (lorxJone tie Haddo •lohannes Kennedy, junior de Ker muks. ace. 1646 •loannes Scatoun. ace. 1646 .lohannes Stewart. A..M. .loannes Strachanus. A.M. Joannes W'lsluiirte, ace. 1646 Lodvicus Gordone, .\.\\ Patricius (Jordon, A..M. Kohertus I'orbes, A..M kodoricus .McKen/ie, A..M. Thomas Cheyne. A..\V Walterus l-o'rbes. See 1646-50 1646-50 [Ke,i;nil Patrick Sandilands] Alexander Dunbar, .Moravien., A.M. Alexander IrwinR. junior de Fed darett, ace 1647 : /.. ,Mar. Coll.. 1649 (>1 .Andreas .Monro. Kosscnsis. ace. 1647, A.M. .An^usius .McKen/ie, Rossensis Donaldus .Monro. Rossensis, A..M. Oeorfjius .Mackenzie de Tarbart. ace. 1649 Geor^ius .Morison, Aberdoiiensis Gillvrtus Skeiiie. AI>erdonensis Sec 164751 (jullielmus Dcnune, RoRsensis. A..M. (julielmus Geddes, .Moravien , A..M (julielmus Innes, frater Johannis, Aberdonensis (/<. Mar. Coll. 164.S). ace. 1648, A..M. Guhelmus I^)\v. AberdoncnHiH, ace 1647. AM GulielmuR .Miln, Aberdonensis, A. .M. GulielmuK Sanders, .Mi>nivicn., A..M Gulielinus Sinclar, de .May junior (lulielmus Slivensone. Muchanensis, A.M. Guhelmus Tailifcr. Aberdunen., \.\\ Hujjo .Monro de I'indon, Rossensis .loannes Heattie. .Montrosensis Johannes (Jrahame. .NU-rnien . A..M Joannes InnesdeCulrossie. Rossensis. A.M. •lohannes Innes de TipixTte, Abcr donesis (A, \\:\r Coll. 164S), ace. I64S. A..M. •loannes Irwin^. Alexandri fnitcr. ace. 1647: /.. Mar. Coll. 1649 [Jl Joannes Leslie. .Moraviensis, A .M. •lohannes .Mackenzie, RoRsensiK. ace. 1649 .loannes Ross • lohannes L i\|uhairt Patrlcuis Thomsone. Aberdfinen.. ace. 1647. A.M. RobertusGrahame, junior de .Morphie Thomas O^iluie. Angusiensis Walterus l-orlx-s. AlH-rdonensis, ace. 1648: m. .Mar. Coll. 1647-51 fAV. \iits li, .\. I, Patrick Gordon : III. John Stnichan] ace. Alexander Cuming, Aberdonen 1648. A..M. Alexander Fraser de Philorth Alexander l-raser de Tyrie Alexander McKenzie AlexanderStrachan, Aberdonen , A .M Alexander Swane. ace. 1648. A..M. Andreas l-raser. ace. 1648: /. .Mar Coll Andreas GaruK'he; in, ,Mar. Coll. Charles Gordon, .Moraviensis. A.,M. Donaldus .Mclntoschie Geor>{ius (iordon Gilbertus Skeine. ace. 1648, A..M. Guhelmus Murnet. A.M. ; A..M. Dxon. 1661 ; .M D. Anjou I66.< MinprintCil " Racthun in luitti Ahrtd., pp. il.\ . It, i, I. Alcxaiulcr Middle ton; m, GillK-rt Kule] Alex;inder Oumbar, Moravien., A.M Alexander Krskyne Alexander I'rasser Alexander .Maiisone, Sutherlandicus, AM Alexander .Murison Alexander WoK'rtson, A.M. Alexander Sutherland, Sutherlandi- cus, A.M. Alexander Wdny de eodem David .Munro Donaldus .McKrae, A.M. Georjjius Gordone Gcorgius Guild : i. Mar. Coll. Gcornius Inncs, Moniviensis, A.M ; D.I) . 16— • Geiirjjius Leith ; s, A.M. 16.S4, .Mar. Coll. Georfjius .McKen/ie Gulielmus Gordone, A.M. 1(>6I Gulielmus Innes, A..M. Gulielmus Macky Gulielmus Koss Jacobus liurnet Jacobus Carnegie Jacobus Sutherland. Sutherlandicus, A.M. Joannes Lauder: s, ,Mar. Coll. Joannes Rule, .Martianus, A.M. (Re- gulus) Joannes Williamsone, A..M. Patricius Dunbar. .Moravien., A.M Robertus Dunbar. .Moravien.. A.M Thomas Gairdyne. A.M. Walterus Innes • Scott* Faiti Eccl. Scot., iii., 49S. t : .Ml«print«Ml " RnnaU" in F. .4 . p 47 165054 [HeiitHls : h, s, Patrick Sandilands : t. III. Hugh Anderson] Alexander Arbuthnot. i-iuchunensis, A..M. .Mar. Coll Alexander Walker. Abcrdoncn., A..M. Andreas t Nisbet, ace. 1651, A.M. I6.S:<, propter supplicationem David Lyall. .Montrosensis Geiirgius .Maekeen/ie. Rossensis Gulielmus I-erguss«)ne. Alx'rdoncnsis Gulielmus Ogilvaeus Gulielmus Persone, Angusiensis Gulielmus Reid, Rossensis Gulielmus Walker, .MernieoMs. .\..M. Mar Coll. Hugo .Munroe, Rossensis Jacobus Robertsone, Aberdonensis Johannes .Major, BamHensis. A.M Johannes Walker, .Aberdonen.. A .M Kenneth .Mackenzie de Seaforth Lodovicus Burnett, AK-rdonensis. X.\\. .Mar Coll.: Oxon. I66S: Cantab. 1680 Robertus Douglas Robertus l-ergussone. Aberdonensis, A .M. .Mar. Coll. R(jbertus limes de BaKvenie Robertus Jhonston, Aberdonensis Robertus .Mel vile de Dysart Robertus .Munroe. Rossensis Thnm;is Andersime, Aberdonensis Walterus Innes de Innerbrakie, ace. I6.SI 1651-55 [Kff;fnt : John Strachan] Alexander Renald, J Angusien., A.M. Arthurus Stratone Donaldus .NU'Klcane, ace. 16.S2. See 16.S2-56 Geoigius Anderson, Abe rdi men , A.M.: D.I). 1704 : I'rof. Divin. 1704-10 .Minprintcd "Thomnii" in Fm/i Ahmi , p. SI.S. 1653.1 Al.lMM I.\ .\kr>: ALULM A. '9 Georgitis Gordon Gforf^ius Sharp, Aberdonen, A.M. GulieliiiLis Cochran GuHchiuis (jcllic, .Aheiiionensis {h. .Mar. Coll), ace. 1652, A..M. Hugo Praser, .Abertioncnsis, .A.M. Jacobus 1-raser, .N\oraviensis, A..M Jacobus Leslie Jacobus Robertsone (/>, .Mar. Coll.) ace. 1652 Jacobus Shanks, HaniHensis, A.M. Joannes Chalmer. Bamfiensis, A..M. Joannes Gordon .lohannes Lyone Johannes Scott Johannes Strachane, Aberdonensis, A..M.: Prof. Divinity, Edin. 1683- 89 Patricius Seaton Robertus Hervie Robertus .Mansone Simon .McKen/.ie Thomas .Andersone, ace. 1652 Thomas Dumbar de Grainge Walterus Ogilvius. Bamfiensis, A.M. 1652-56 [Regent : Patrick Sandilands] .Alexander Burnett, junior de Leyes Alexander Frasser ; ,v, /, A.M. (1657) .Mar. Coll. .Alexander Grahame, .Merniensis .\lexandcr .McKcn/ic, jimior dc Coule .Alexander Ogilvie, Coloniensis ; /, u,. A..M. Mar. Coll. Colinus .McKen/.ie, major, Rossensis Colinus .McKen/.ie. minor, de Loggie Rossensis Donaldus iMclntoshie: .s (1654), .A..M. (1657) .Mar. Coll. Oonaldus McKlean, Rossensis. ace. 1655, A..M. (Insulanus) Georjiius Gordon, .lohaiinis frater Gulielnius Burnett Gulielnuis Chalmer. Aberdonen.,.A..M. Gulielmus Cumine, .Moravien. See 1653-57 Gullielmus Jonstoune Gulielmus Speed, A.M. Jacobus .Mair, Bamfiensis, .A.M. Jacobus Ogilvv de l-indlater et Des- fuird ; /, .Mar. Coll. Johannes Gordone, maior Johannes Gordon, minor Joannes Gordon, junior de Park Patricius Farquhair de Tonlay, Aber- donensis Patricius Gordon, Sutherlandicus, A.M. 1659 Patricius Grant Patricius Ouilvy. junior de Boynd Patricius Strachanus, .Aberdonensis, A.M. Robertus Burnett. Aberdonensis, A..M. Robertus Dunbar, .Moravien., A.M. Robertus Frskine, Angusiensis Thomas Craig, .Moraviensis, A.M. Thomas Dunbar, .Moraviensis 1653-57 [Ri\i;c'ut : Gilbert Rule] Alexander .Abercrom bit- Alexander Gellie Alexander Pantone, .A..M. Alexander Rheede. .A..M, .Alexander Rosse Gullielmus Burnet, .A..M. Gullielmus Cumminge, Moraviensis, A.M. GLillielmus l-ra/.er. .A..M. Gullielmus .losse. See 1657-61 Jacobus Cunningham, comitisde Glen- carne filius ; .v. .Mar. Coll. Jacobus Lundie, .A..M. Joannes Gardene Joannes .\isbet, .A.,M. Patricius Grant Thomas Rule, .Martianus, .A..M. ( Re- gulus) JV i M \ 1 K \ Ml MN<, > I i_»LLt«il 1 '"54 1654-58 [hff;i 'II > : I', A. Hunh AiiilcrMni ; I, in. Andrew .Massif] Ali-xaiiJiT AiiJcrsonc. l-iuiiiKcii., A.M. AlcxaiiJcr Camplu-ll AlcxandiT Diinharus, .Moravicii.. .-\..M. AlcxandiT (iorJouno. A..NI, Mi.S". propter supplicatiitiK'iii Ar)drcas .Abcrcronibius.* .Alvrdo- ncnsis. A..M Christiiphorus Pciwcllus,* Anglus. Hipstonicnsis in coniitatu Uxo- nicnsi. A..M. l-ranciscus Rrodic Occirnius Lcith. Ahrodtmcnsis. A.M. Oulielmus BrodiL*. .Moravicnsis, A.M. (juliclmus Watson. BaniKi'n., A..M. Hu^o .Munro, ace. Ui.S.S, .A..\1. lli.S7, propter supplicationeni Jacobus Cyniinius Jacobus Lasone, .-Xbeidonensis, .\.S\. .Iau>bus .Milii. Abredonensis. A.M .loannes Beatunc. Russensis. A..M. Joannes (inrdimius, Kossensis, A.M. Joannes Kow. Aberdonensis. A..M. W'alterus Birnic, BaniKensis, caecus. A..M. 1655-59 [Hfli;eiils : h, s, I, John Strachan : 111. ,Inhn Strachan and I'atricli Sandilands] Alexander l-orbes Allexander (lordone. major. .Moravi ensis. A..M. Alexander Gordonc, minor, Aber donensis (/*, Mar. Coll), ace. 1658, A..M. CaroluK Gordone Colinus .McKenzie. tr.iter tiiniins ;i Seaforth, ace. 16.^8 David + (iordone. \.\\. (ieorniiis Baiinerman, .Mernien , A..M.; lA-K. .Mar Coll. IWi.S (ieorniuh Birnic. Bamliieiisis, A.M (jeor^ms (}ordone. Alwrdoiien.. A.M.; Ken. HvSt».t>;< (je McKcn/ie. frater cumitiii a Seaforth. ace. KvSS (iulielmus HerKUKiiun, AlH.-rdoneni>is, AM. (lullielmus .McKinnoune. See Uo«i b() (iulielmus Rose Hunh l^ose. Kilniwock Jacobus (jraiil. .Moynes .lacobus Uose. See ltt.'»(v(^l Jacobus Smith. .MoraviensiN, A .M Jacobus Wallace. BaujAiensis. A.M. .loannes .Xdamsone. .Moravien.. A.M. .lohannes .McKinnon. Insulanus, ace. 1638. AM .loannes SUene Joshua Pearson. .An){lus. Carlisleiisis, A..M. Patricius Barclay a Towie. ace. lrt.S8 Uobertus (ilendinninj;. ace. I65t> K'obertus Kaitt. .Vberdonensis. A..M Kobertus L dny llinmas Burnett \\"alterus Uosse. Kossaeus, A..M. 1656-60 [Nff;eiil Patrick Sandilands] Alexander Seton, Pyvie Alexander L'rqhart de Cra^hous. Uossensis (//, .Mar. Coll), ace. l(o8. A..M. .Andreas I)alf(ardno, Aberdonen.. A..M. Andreas 1-raser. .Aberdonensis Duncanus .McPhail. .Moravicnsis Geor)(ius Adamus. Alvrdonensis Georjjius Kuddachus. Bamtiensis, .\ .M. < iulielmus Camera rius, Strabo)(iensis; AM. Mar, Coll (iulielmus Campbell. .Moravicnsis (iulielniiis D.il^ardiio. Abci'doncnsiK, A.M. ' Nrii in likl of Hnlraiim. ♦ Minprinicd "Jacohus" in lunli Ahrnf.. p. 479. 1658.1 Al.lMM IX AKTS : ALUL M A. 21 (jLilit'lnuis Davidsoac, Aberdoncnsis, A.M. Guliclmus Henderson, Lothiaiius Guliclmus .NlLlviiinon, Insulanus. ace. 1659. A..M. uMcFinnanus) Cjulielmus Robcrtsoune, .M()ia\ iensis, A..M. Gulieljiui.s l-iose. Ciava ( julielnius Torrams, Abcrtlonen., .A..M. Jacobus Abell, .Aberdonensis, -A.M. Jacobus Gainie, Aberdonensis Jacobus .Mclsleane, Rossensis. aec. 1 (S57 Jacobus Rose, .Mora\ iensis, ace. US37 Jacobus Straehanus.* a Thorntoune, Coniaichus .Merniensis, A.M. .lacolius Stuai"tus, Hariiphiensis .loannes lietonus Joannes Forbesius, .Abcrdonen., .A M.: Hum., i. 16(S2 Johannes Gordounius, tVater l-Joberti. See 1660-64 Johannes Gordone, Strabugiensis (h, Mar. Coll.). ace. 1657 Johannes .Mclntosche, Moraviensis .lohannes McKeenzie. Rossensis (/y, .Mar. Coll.), ace. 1657 Joannes .McRa. A.M. Johannes .Melvill, Anisusiensis Johannes W'aUer, Aberdonen., .A..M. Lauchlanus .McKintoshe de eodeni Petrus Trunibell, .Anj^usiensis, .A.M. Robertas Gordonius, apparens haeres de Strathloch, Aberdonensis Hobertus .Maitine, Moraviensis Robertus Robertson, Aberdonensis, A..M. Robertus St rachane,. Aberdonen.,. A.. M. Robertus Tarresius, .Moravien., .A.M. 1657-61 [Ke^^eiil : William Johnston] .Alexander Auchteriaunie. Brichinen- sis. ace. 1660, A.M. Alexander Dunbar. .A..M. Alexander Falconer, .Woi-avien., A.M. .Alexander George, .Aberdonen., .A..M .Alexander Howat, .Moraviensis, .A..M. .Alexander Innes, ace. 1658 .Alexander Leslie, A..M. .Alexander Sutherland. Kinminnitie (/;. .Mar. Coll.), ace. 1659 Caiolus Rosse, ace. 1658 Guliclmus Cobanc (julielmus Cumminius. .Moraviensis, A.M. Guliclmus Hervie, .Aberdonen., A.M. GulielnuisJosse.lacc. 1659, A.M. 1660 Hugo Sutherland, Cathanensis {s, .Mar. CoU.i. ace. 16,59, .A..M. Jacobus Gordoun is. .Mar. Coll.), ace. 1659. A..M. .lacohus .Mitchel, .Aberdonensis. .A..M. Joaiines Cuming, .Moraviensis, A.M. .lohannes Gordoun, ace. 1638 Joannes .Mongomerius. .Moraviensis, A..M. .Michael Baird, Lothianus (/;, .Mar. Coll.), aec. 1660, A.M. Richardus Lowry, Anglus Carleolen- sis, A..M. (Laurentius) Robertus Innes, .Moraviensis, .A.M. Robertus Sinclar, filius domini de ■May {s. .Mar. Coll.). aec. 1659 Tliomas Johnston, .Abredonensis Thomas Law, A..M. 1658-62 [Rcf^eiit : Andrew .Massie] Adamus Sutherland. Cathanensis. A .^L 1663 .Alexander Cumininius. .Moraviensis : /);. .Mar. Coll. .Alexander Grant, .Moraviensis, A..M. ; .M.D. 1673; Reg. St. Leon. Coll.. St. And., 1668-73 -Alexander Grcgorius, B.imttiensis. A..M 1661 .Alexander Hervie, .Abcnlonen., A.M. 1664 Not in list of Entrants. t Mispriiitcil 'Kosse" in Fiisti Ahinl., p. AT4. ■M\lk>-n\ vsi. ki\<.^ « ol.l.iu.l. ir>;K Alc3uinJc'r Iniu-s. .Mdimxii'iiki- AlcxiindiT Milna-us. AK-rJuncn.. \.S\ Alexander IVdJif.* AiifiuKicnsis, A.M. AlfxandiT K'liSM.-. iiiajnr. Kosseiisis AlcNundcr Uossi-. iniiii>r. Uiisscnsis, AM Alexander Strai.|uhaii, Alvrdoiieiisis Arthuius Strachan, Alvrdnensi>.. A .M : UeK. I«7;<79; SuS IVin. \iu9»4 : Pnn. 1884 1717: I) I). St. And. 1«8:< (jeorjiius Kkss. Uossensis. See 1859 63 (luilielnius Donaldstin. .Aherdonensis, A.M. (juilielmus Jaffray, Aherdonensis Oulielnius .Macky. Strathnaverensis (jLilielmus .Mair, Banftiensis. .A..M. (lulielmus Uosse de Clava, ate. 16W) (lulielinuK Sutherland de DufTus HuRi) Fraserius, .N^oraviensis, tilius Alexandri, V.D.M. de Pettie. A..M. Hujjo Kinrose, .Moraviensis, A.M. Jacobus Christaeus, Aherdonensis, A..M Jacobus Dunbar. .MoraMen., Moth Jacobus KIphinstonus. .Aherdonensis, eques de Lo^ie. .A.M. .lacobus (Jarden, .Aherdonen., A.M.; I).l>. 1881 Prof. Divinity, 1680- K7 Jacobus Ojjilvie, Hamftiensis. ace. 1659. A..M. Jacobus Sinclcrus,* Aherdonensis. A..M., propter supplicationem ■lacobus Spensaeus.-*- .Moravien.. A.M. .lacohus Suderland. .Mora>iensis ■loannes HarNiur. .N\oraviensis .loannes Craniond, Anjjusiensis, .\ .M Joannes Leslie, AlH-rdonensis, .A..M. Joannes .McKen/ie. I'Jossensi--. A .M •loannes ()({ilvius, Aherdonen.. .A .M. * Misprinted " UciImcii'* in /-'.o/i ' Not In liHl ii( l-^nir.inio. .■ii.iiiiit's Koscus, KosM.-iiMs. .A..M. \lH>'.i (? .Moraviensis) Joannes Sintlarus. Catlianensis .loannes I'diiie. Atx-rdonensis l^clilanus .Ml Kinloshe. .Moruviensis. ace. MvSK. A..M l.udoMcus Innes, .Moraviensi>. A..M. ( )nuphrius .Masonus. .An)>lus I'atneius Clunesius, Kossensis. .A .N\. I'.itricius O^ilvy. frater cumitis j-ind- later IVtrus Koss;eus, BaniphienKis, A..M. Kohertus liowis, .Merniensis (.Mar. Coll 18.57), A..M. UolxTtus Dunbar, ,Montvien., Burjjie Kobertus SincUler, Aherdonensis K'odencus .MacUy. Strathnaverensis Thomas Hosse, Uossensis 165963 [Hegeiil : George Gurdiin] .Alexander J-ordyce. .Moravien.. .A..M .Alexander (ladderer, .Moravien.. A..M. .Alexander .McToshe. Rossensis Andreas .Monroe. Kossensis Colinus Nicolsone. .Moraviensis, A.M. 1684 David Duncane, Moraviensis I)u|,ialdus .Mathesone, l.ochahriensis (ieor^ius Uieth. Huchanensis. A..M. (Kitcheus) (Jeor^e Kosse. Uossiensis. ace. 166U. .A..M. I8W Geornius Straquhan. .Alnrdonensis, A.M (iilbertus Hav, Muchanensis (iullielnuis Dickie, Muchanen., A.M. (lulielnuis .Moiesone, .AIxTdonensis (luliclnnis I Vttindreich, Riii hanensis. AM (iulielnms Thonisone, Aherdonensis. AM Jacobus Anderson, .Moraviensis. A.M. lA.r./.. p. 5IK; Ofi. imrf Or,i>i.. p ItW. I ' -60. AIAMM I\ ARTS : AI.IilM A. Jacobus Ciordnne. Stratlibogien., A.M. Jacobus Gi'ant, Strathspcycii., .A.M. Jacobus Stuart, .Moravieiisis, A..M. John BaiUlaj de Johniston. Mcrnien- sis, ace. lti(SO John Care. BamfHensis (//, .Mar. Coll.), ace. 1660. See 1660-64 Joannes Cuminj", Buchanensis, A.M. Joannes Fraser, Rossensis, A.M. (? MoraviensisI Joannes Hay. Buchanensis Joannes Rosse, Rossensis, Innorncs [sicl John Shande. Buchanensis, A.M. Joannes Sinclare, Catunensis Joannes Stuart, .Moraviensis, A..M. Nathaniel Gordon, Strathboj>iensis Patricius Dunbar, Sutherlandius Petrus Raite,* Angusiensis, A.M. Richardus .Maitland de Pittrichie Robertus CJreeme de Crige, Mernien- sis (/^ Mar. Coll.), ace. 1660 Robertus Hervie, Aberdonen., .A.M. Thomas Crevie. Abeidonensis, A..M. Thomas Fraser de Tayrie f Thomas Gardne. Aberdonensis, A.M. 1660-64 [Regents : h, s, t, Patrick Sandilands ; ;;/, Robert Forbes] Alexander Gordonius, Aberdonensis. A.M. Alexander Lunanus, .Aberdonensis, A..M. .Alexander Tailzour, Buchanen., A.M. Alexander Wilson, Buchaniensis Beroaldus Innes, .Moraviensis, .A..M. David Houstonus, Buchanensis, A.M. David Livingston, Angusianus David Scott, Montrosensis Duncanus Hay, .Marriensis, A..M. Franciscus Muriay, Bamfiensis Georgius Cuthbert, .Moraviensis, a Castlehill Georgius Rose, Rossensis, .A.M. Georgius Setoni us,* Aberdonen., .A.M. Georgius Smitheus, BamHensis Gilbertus .Marshall, Speevallen., A.M. Gulielnuis Burnet us, .Aberdonen., A.M. Gulielmus Dunbar, Moraviensis W'lUielmus Loggie, Aberdonen., A.M. Gulielmus .MacUev, Strathnavn., ace. 1661, A.M. Gulielmus .Mitchell, .Abei-donen., A..M. GuUielmus Ord de Finnuchtie. Hn zianus Gulielmus Ydle,* Aberdonensis (h, Mar. Coll.), A.M. Hector McKen/ie, Rossensis, A..M. Hugo Spenseus, Moraviensis, A.M. Jacobus Bairdeus de Auchmedden, junior Jacobus Fraserius, .Moravien., A.M.; LL.D. 1725: eximius Coll. Regii instauratoi- Jacobus Gordon, Aberdonensis Jacobus .McKenzie, Aberdonensis Jacobus .Metellanus, Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Burnet, Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Gordonius, .Aberdonensis, FechillJ Johannes Gordon, Aberdonen., Hlius domini de Straloch (.s. Mar. Coll.), ace. 1662 + Johannes Gordon. Aberdonen. ] Johannes Haius. Enzianus, .A..M. Joannes Kere, Aberdonensis, ace. 1662, A..M, Joannes Lindsay, .Moraviensis, A..M. Joannes {-"atersonus, .Moravien.. .A..M. Joannes Pearsonus, Londinen. Joannes Rosse, Rossensis, .A..M. .loannes Sinclair, Catheniensis N'icolaus Dunbar, .Moraviensis Patricius Sandilandius, Aberdonensis, A.M. * Not in list of Entrants. t .Misprinted "Taync " in Fasti Abi-rtl.. p. 476. \ "Joannes Gordonus, Aberdonensis." is A.M. 19 Jiil\-. Hi(i4 ; ■'Johannes Gordoun, Aberdonensis," is .\<.M.. M August. IWi9. -M IMVKRSITV AMI KIN«i S <0|.|.K(;K. (1660. I'iitriciuK ScMtonuK, BumHcniii*. A.M. K'oK-rtus DunKii'us. .Mnou.. A \\. K'uK-rtus Mitihcll. AbtTddiK-n.. A..Nr Iv'.kIiiicus N^iickcy, Str,ithn:ivorn.. .Kc. IrtJi'J. ,\S\ KiHlcricus .MiIaikIcus. Suthcrlandius UunalJus Hiiyni-. Kossi-nsis. ace. IWil riiiimas hVascius. Moravicnsis, A.M. Thomas Nairnc, An^jusianus. ace. I MS I \'altiTus Kviinaird, .MorHviirnsis 1OO1-O5 [l, .Mar. Coll. !««:< David Knifjht. ace 166-1 Donaldus h"ari|uharsone. .Marriensis Ijeorjjius .Arskyne, fratcr Cnilielnii (5. Mar. Coll. IWil). ace tfifi.S Georgius CIcrU, Buchanensis Gcor^ius Ross, Rossen.. A..M IW>6 (irej{orius Grant, Strafhspaianus. ace lfi63 (iulielmus Arskyne de F'lttodrie (s. Mat. Coll. I«6I). ace I66:< (julielmus Durhame de Ardunie, ace. 1662 (iulielmus l"ernuson, .Marriensis (iulielmus l-orhes. .Marriensis, ace. 1662 (iulielniu* Hay. AK'rdonensis Hector Corhat. Rokri-hms. .A W * JacohuK Cr:iij;e, BaniJieiisis .facohus Dumhar, Rossi-nsis.acc. 1662 Jacobus l-ak'oner. .\\oraviensis. ace. 1662 .lacohus l-orhcsius. .Moravicnsis .Iambus Gordon, junior de Rothiemay Jacobus .McKen/ie. .Marriensis [ Jacuhus Sandilands dc Crahstone .laeobus Skene, frater domini de Skene o. .Mar Coll. 1663). See I (>(i2 (i6 Joannes Duff, BamHcnsis Joannes Grant, .M6.3 .lohanncs Smyth. Buchanensis (/», .Mar Coll.). -ICC. 1662 Robertus Burnet, fratcr domini de Lyes RoK-rtus G(»rdone. Buchanensis Robertus Grant, Transpayanus K'obertus Skene, Abcrdonensis Robertus Taylor. .Montrosensis Simon .McKen/ie. Rossensis Thomas .lohnstoune, Alvrdonensis Thomas Kennedy. Aberdonensis Thomas Lyell. .Montrosensis W'alterus Cr.Ti^e. Bamffiensis, ace. 1(>64 W'alterus Kinnard, .Momviensis Walterus Stuart. Buchanensis 1662-6C [litgeiil : Andrew .Massic] Ahrahamus Clunesius, Rossensis Adamus Duff de Drumnuire Alexander Adamus. .Aberdonen.. A .M. Alexander D(>u)>{l]assius, Aberdonen., AM .Alexander Duff. Banflensis. A \1 • There iH no Imt of Ifi*^'' Maulem in Album A. The ilenrce* •<{ Mowat ami Corbal arc noted in I he l.ihrar\- account* 1 663. 1 AHMM IN arts: AI.IUM A. !5 A[le.\aniler] Klphinston doniiiuis df eoitcni Alexiiiuler l-earn, l-Josscn. See l(S63-(i7 Alexandei' Fi-aser, Moravien. See 1663-67 Alexander Hamiltoiuis, Glascuensis Alexander irvinj", Aberdonen., A.M. .Alexander Ker, .Marriensis, A.M. .Alexander Robertsone, Aberdonensis, ace. 1663 .Alexander Smart, Banttiensis, A..M. .Alexander Symson, Anj^usiensis, A..M. .Allaniis Grant, Strathspeyensis, A. .M. Andreas Gedde.s, .Moraviensis Andreas Hey, Bantiensis, A..M. Carolus Sinelare, Catanensis, ace. 1663 David Sutherland, Sutherlandiensis Gavinus Stuart, Bantiensis Geor^iusBuc ban us, .Aberdonen., A.M. Georgius Cadlie, Baniffiensis (.v. Mar. Coll.), ace. 1664 Georgius Cook,* Bamffiensis, A.M. GeorgiusGardenus. .Aberdonen., A.M.; Reg. 1673-74 Georgius Key, Mora\ iensis, A.M. Georgius Mastertoune, Laudoniensis Georgius Stewartus, Baniien., A.M. Georgius Symmer, .Moravien., A.M. Gilbertusf Hervie, .Aberdonen., A.M. Gulielmiis Douglassius, Aberdonensis, A,.M. Gulielmus Forbesius de Garneston, A.M. Gulielmus Fordice, Aberdonen., .A..M Gulielmus Fraser, Rossensis, A..M. Gulielmus Man, Rossensis Gulielmus .Murrey, Aberdonensis Gulielmus Raitt de Halgreene Hugo Ligh, .Moraviensis, A..M. Jaccjbus Cheyne, Aberdonen., A.M. Jacobus Donaldsonus, Aberdonensis Jacobus Gellen, .Marriensis, A,.M. Jacobus (Jordon. .Aberdonen., A.M. Jacobus Hey, Moraviensis, .A.M. Jacobus Innes, .Moraviensis, A.M. Jacobus l\ynnard, Moraviensis Jacobus Leslie, Bamffiensis, HI. Gul. de Ailienvay, A..M. Jacobus Ogilvie, Banfiensis Jacobus Ore, Aberdonensis Jacobus Sinclar, .Moraviensis, A.M. Jacobus Skene, Aberdonen., ace. 1664 Jacobus Smith, Rossensis Jacobus Walker, Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Couts, Marriensis; s, Mar, Coll. Joannes Cuming, Marriensis, A,.M. Joannes Dunbar, .Moraviensis, A.M. Joannes Hlphingston, frater domini de eodem Joannes Findlason, Rossensis Joannes Innes, Moraviensis Joannes Midelton, Aberdonen., A.M. Joannes Shilps, .Moraviensis, A.M. Joannes Sinclar de Rattar Joannes Sutherland, junior de Cleine Joannes Thanus, Marriensis, A.M. Fatricius Kerus, Marriensis R. [or F.] Young, junior de Seaton Robertus Arbuthnet, Merniensis Robertus Farquharson, Marriensis Robertus Innes, Moraviensis, A.M. Robertus Ore,:{: Aberdonensis, A.M. Robertus Watson. Moraviensis; /, .Mar. Coll. Thomas Dunbar, .Moraviensis Thomas Hepburne, Moraviensis, ace. 1664, A. .M. Thomas Orem, Marriensis Walterus Coupland, Banfien., A.M. Walterus Major, Bantiensis, A.M. 1663-67 [Rci^aiit : Patrick Sandilands] Adamus Hay, Bamfiensis Adamus Teyrie, Strabogien., A.M. Alexander Clarke, Belhelviensis Alexander Hlphingston, Laudonien. * Not in list of Entrants. + Misprinted " Gulielmus" in Fasti Abird., p. .S2I. ; Misprinted •■ Ord." Fasti Aherd.. p. .V21 ; Off. ,uul Grad.. p. 201. O IXIVKKSITS AM) KINGS COLl.KC.K ('66.V AlcN.iiiJcr |-airii, UoKsviiNiR, itcc. IWiti. A.M. Alexander l-raiscr. Montvicnsiii, ace. I»i«>4. A .M. Alexander McKen/.ie de Belmaduthie Alexander Mill, Montisr<»s;inus. A.M. Alexander t)nilvius, l82 88 Ale.xaiider Kiiddaeh. Hamphien.. A..M. Alexander Scirrald. .AKerdonen., A..M. .Andreas Geddes. .Moraviensis, aec. I(i5 Andreas Kussel, .Moraviensis Andreas Sleiric, Abordonen. Sec 1 664 88 Archihaldus l-'alconer, major, .M<»ra- viensis .Archihaldus Falconer, minor. .Mora- viensis David Barclay, .Marniensis, A.M. David Cuming, .Moraviensis. ace. I(>(>6, A..M. David .Monr»), Kossensis, .A..M. David Pearsone.t Anjjusien., A.M. Georj.'ius Cummin, .Moravicn., A.M. Geor^ius 1-raiser, -Moravien., A..M.; Kej-. 167i»-84; Sub-IVin. 1684-1710 Geor^ius (jarioch, Gariochensis (/;, .Mar. Coll), ace. 1664 Gcor^ius Kaius, .Moraviensis Georjjius Keid. Aberdonensis Geor^ius Sharp, Kothemayen., A..M. Geor^ius Sinelare Gullielmus Adam, GariiKhien., A..M. Gullielmus Boyne,Cathanesien., A..M. Gullielmus Buchanan, .Montisrosanus, AM. Gullielmus Dunharre. .Moraviensis, A..M. 1670 Gullielmus Falconer, .Moravien., A..M. Gulielmus (jray, AI>erdoneiisis GulielmuK Hallyhurton, Ferthensis. ace. I(i64. A .M. Gulielmus Leith, junior de Newlunds (jullielmus .Man. KoNsensis, ace. 16«o, A .M. Gullielmus .Murray, Gariuchcn., A..M. Gullielmus Smclare, Cathanesiensis, A..M. Gullielmus Stuarte, Invernessensis Gullielmus Watt, tjarnKhien.. .A .M Jacohus Alves, .Moraviensis Jacobus Cook, .Moraviensis. See I6(i4 68 Jacobus Fraiser de Knock Ginin^; Aniensis [? Jacobus Gillon, .Moraviensis Jacobus Gordon, Strabofjiensis Jacobus Hamilton, .Moravien.. A.M. Jacobus Shand, Al>erdonensis. A..M. Jacobus Smith, Culomensis, A..M. Joannes Dunharre. .Moravien., A .M, Jcninnes Flphinston, frater remili de Flphinston. ace. HUMi Joannes l-inlasmi, Kossensis, ace. I66«i, A..M Joannes Grejjorie, Culoniensis Joannes Innis, junior de Uipple Joannes Innis, .Moraviensis, ace. 1664, A..M. Joannes .Melvil, .Marniensis, A..M. • loannes Ross, frater domini de Kil- rauoke Joannes Sinelare. frater Georjjii Kennetluis .Morisone.J Ins. Leuen., A.M. .Michael Fraiser, Moraviensis ; s, .Mar. Coll. Patricius Galatheau, Burde^allensis Patricius Sc<»t, .Montisrosanus, A .M. Paulus .McPherson, Balveniensis RolK-rtus DaKleish, l£dinbur)(ensis Rcilvrtus Dunbare. vicecomes .Mora- viensis Robertus Dunbar, .Moraviensis * Mummrnia t'lur. (ilnig., iii., 3a.S. t Not in lilt of linlranlH. A " David Pcr*onuK ' i» A .M M»r Coll. lfl6U. ; Not in li«l of RntranlH 1664.] ALL MM IN AKIS: ALliLM A. Kobertiis Farquharsone, Marriensis, ace. 1(S64 ; /. Mar. Coll. Robertas Oordon,* Strabogiensis Samuel Cuiiinijliame, A.M. Tbomas Fraiser, Moraviensis Thomas Lyel de Whytfeikl Thomas Orum, Aberdonensis, ace. 1(SR5, A.M. Thomas Strachan, Garioehensis Thomas Urchardus, Rossensis Walterus Grant, junior de Arindillie 1664-68 [Regeiil : Robert Forbes] .Adamus Gordone. Aberdonen., .AM. .Alexander Barclay, .Abeidonen.. A..M. .Alexander (jordone, t'rater .laeobi .Alexander Keith, .Aberdonen., A.M .Alexander .Mackra .Alexander Ogilvie, Rossen.,acc. 1666 .Alexander Ramsey,t Mont-rosanus, A.M. Alexander Rosse .Alexander Urquhart, junior a Kinudie Andreas Cant, .Aberdonensis (//, Mar. Coll. 1663), ace. 1663, A.M. .AndreasGeorj>son,Cathanesien., A. .M. .Andreas Rennie, Montisrosanus .Andreas Slirie, .Moraviensis, .A.M. .\ndreas Walker, Aberdonensis. A..M. David Forbes, filius domini a Col- lodne, A.M. David Forbes, junior a Thornhill David Rosse, Crater Alcxandri David Sibbald, .Aberdonensis, A.M. Duncanus Forbes, Invernessen., A..M. Franciscus Douj^uid, junior ab .Audi inhive : .•;, .Mar. Coll. (^ieor;4ius Rroun. .Aberdonensis, A.M. Geor<>iiis Duncan, .Aberdonen., A.M. Georyius Tod, .Moraviensis, A .M. (ndielmus Grant, a Lurj< Gulielmus Scro.nie, .Aberdonen., .A..M. Gulielmus Skene, filius domini a Dyce t Gulielmus Skene, frater domini a SkeneJ Gulielmus Watsone, Moraviensis, A.M. 1669 Gustavus Craij^, Ramffiensis Henricus Bailie, Invernessen., A.M. 1669 Henricus Gordone Henricus Scougall, filius episcopi Aberdonensis, A.M.; D.D. 1674: Reg. 1669-73; Prof. Divin. 1674-78 Jacobus Anderson, Rossensis Jacobus Cook, .Moraviensis, ace. 1666, A.M. lacobus Ferguson, Aberdonen., A.M. Jacobus Gordone, filius domini a Pitlurg Jacobus Guthrie. fil.-Alex.. Keithensis, A.M. Jacobus Hird. Culloniensis, A..M. (Third) Jacobus Innes, .Moraviensis, frater [^oberti, A..M. Jacobus Josse, Bamffiensis Jacobus Ker. Aberdonensis, .A..M. Jacobus Rait Jacobus Reid Jacobus Stewart, Culoniensis Jacobus Strachan, Aberdonen., .A.M. iJoannes Forbes, .Aberdonen., A.M. Joannes Garden, Buchaniensis, ace. 1665. A.M. Joannes Grant, junior a Dalrachny .loannes Grant .Joannes Hepburn, A.M. 1669 Joannes Lieth, Aberdonensis, filius domini a Xewlands, .A..M. .loannes McBnzie. filius 1 domini a Logic See 1665-69 .loannes iMcFnzie • loannes .Maekean, .Moravien., .A..M. .loannes .Monroe, Cathanesien., A.M. ; Reg. St. Leon. Coll, St. And., 1 685-96 Joannes Ord, Culoniensis, .A.M. Joannes Sharul. .Aberdonen.. .A..M. I I • Omitted in l-asli Alunl.. p. 4«(). + Not in list of Entrants. * Oiil. SUcnc. .Aberdonensis. Hraduatcs A.M. in 16fi8. 38 UMVKkSlTV AM> KIN«;'S COI.I.KCF; (1664. Koniu-thus MiKii/ic Kcnnothus Sti-mson. Moravicn.. AM Patricius Chalmcr. Abcrdonennis (.», Mar. Coll.). ace 1««7. AM. Patricias Hcrvic Kichardiis Harclay UiiK-rtus Hurnct, Abcrdoucn., junior a Sachaii. A..M Kdlvrtus DouKlaH, junior a Tilly- i.|uhilly ; s. .Mar. Coll. KoK-rtus Inncs. junior a Moortoun TliDmas Gcr. Knsscnsis Thomas .McKn/ic Thomas .Marischall,* .Montisrosanus, AM Thomas Wamsc-y. An(>usicnsis Thomas Strachan. Gariochcnsis, ace. I Wis. AM. W'altcriis Shirronc. Sec IWMvTO 1665-69 [Rcgfiil : William Johnston] AdamuK Barclyc : "/. .■\..M. .Mar. Coll. Alexander Craij;. Buchanien.. A..M. Alexander Crauford, Buchanien., A..M Alexander .Mair. Bamflensis, A M. Alexander .Monr(»c. Invernesiensis Alexander Oj{ilvie, filius re)>uli de Bamf. ace. 1667 Alexander Ki)sse. junior de I'itcandic Alexander Rossc, Rossensis, ace. 1666. A..M. Andreas Jamisone, Montisrosanus, A.M. Andreas Lamb, junior de Brinton. .Marniensis. A..M. Art hums Milne r. .Montisrosanus. A.M. Carolus Oliphant, dominus de eodeni Colinus Uohertsonc. Invernesiensis David Kosse, Rossensis. frater Alcxan dri, ace. 1666. A.M. Donaldus .McKintoshe, Badenochicn- sis. aic. I(>(>6 Oeor^iuR (fordone. StratliN>jiicnsi» (leorjiius Watsone. Bamtiensis (jilhertus Andersone. Buchanicnsis. AM. (lulielmug Cummynj{.* A.M. Oulielmus Frniser, Bamflensis. A..M (lulielmus (jari(Kh. (lariochen.. A..M. (fulielmiis (Iraye, .\hirriensis, A.M. Jacobus Burnet ; "/. A..M. .Mar. Coll. Jacobus (irant. .N^oraviensis, A..M. Jacobus Rolx-rtsone. Invernesiensis Jacobus Scounal. Alius episcopi Abor- donensis Johannes Campbell. Marniensis, ace. Mi67. A..M Johannes Cumin. Invernesiensis .lohannes CuthK-rt. Invernesiensis. AM Johannes (iordone, Rossensis (/». .Mar. Coll ). ace. 1667. AM .lohannes Innese. filius domini de Innesc. ace. 1666 Johannes Johnstone. .Marrien . A.M. Johannes l.ambie. Anjjusien.. A .M Johannes .McKeinzie, ace. 1667, A..M. 1670 .lohannes Polsone. Invernesiensis .lohannes Ritchie. Buchaniensis .lohannes Webster. .Montisrosanus. AM l.udovicus (jordone, major, frater Oeornii. A.,M. l.udovicus (iordone. minor. Strath- bofjiensis, A..M Robortus Bizet, junior de Lessi-n- drum. ace I(>(>6 Robertus Dumbare. Cathanesiensis, ace. l6Wr A .M Robertus (lardvne, junior de I. alone, ace 1666 RoliertuK .lamisone, .Montisrosanus. AM Rolvrtus Milne. AW K'oberius Rosse. juni: ALIJLM A. 29 major, Aherdo- miiior, Abeido- 1666-70 [Regent : Andrew MassieJ Alexander Burnet. Aherdonensis .Alexander Cant, .Aherdonensis. ace. 1667 .Alexander Cutts, .Aberdonen.. A..M. .Alexander DiifFe, Bamffiensis .Alexander Dunhar, filiiis de Boath .Alexander ErsUcne, frater doniini de Pittodrie .Alexander Gaiioch, nensis* .Mexander Garioeh. nensis* .Alexander Have. .Moraviensis Alexander Innes. filius de Coldiaine. ace. 1667 .Alexander Innes, Aherdonensis Alexander Lind, .Aherdonensis, A..M. .Alexander Mathewe, .Moraviensis .Alexander Rosse, Rossensis .\lexander SchirrcfFe. Aherdonensis. A..M. .Alexander Seatone, Aherdnneii., .A..M. .Alexander Strachan, An«usien., .A..M. Andreas Ferquhar. Aherdonensis .Andreas Lawsone. An^usiensis. .A..M. .Andreas Livingston. .Aherdonensis .Arthurus Andersone, Bamffien., A.M. Carolus, dominus de Areslsene, ace. 1667 Carokis .McKenzie. filius domini de Pluseardine Carolus Ramsey, a Ballmaine Carolus Stewart. .Moraviensis David Lindsev, junior de Kdzell. aec. 1667 David Sihhald, .Aherdonensis Hdwardus Boner. .Anjjlus, W'iltonien- sis, ace. 1667. A..M. (Bavnardi I-'dwardus Stitsyde, Anjjius. Sussexen. Ocorjjius Andei'sone. .Merniensis (lenrjjius Camphell, Luthien,. A..M. Georj;ius Cramonde, Anj>ius Hutchion. .Moraviensis Geor}>ius Lesly, Aherdonensis, A..\l. Geori^ius Nicolsone, Moraviensis Georj>ius Strachan, Bamffien., A.M. Guliclmus Craike, Buchanien., A.M. Gulielmus Donaldson, filius domini de Hilltone Gulielmus Duffe, Bamffien.. frater Alex. GulielmLis Jacke, Aherdonen., A..M. Gulielmus Leith, filius de Thriefeild, ace. 1667, A..M. Gulielmus Orem, Aherdonensis Gulielmus Pursse, .Moraviensis, A..M. Gulielmus Seatone, Frater .Alexandri Hu.mo Pope, Rossensis, ace. 1667, .\..M. Hu.tusianus. .A..M. Jacohus l.ato, Bamffiensis Jacobus Murishone, Aherdonensis, A..M. Jacohus Nieol, Moiavieiisis. See 1667-71 Jacohus Ogilvie, Bamffiensis Jacobus Sinclare, a Prisake Joannes Andersone. .Moraviensis Joannes Buchan, frater domini dc Aucbmacoye : Rej;. 1674-86 Joannes Chalmer, MeiMiiensis .loannes Do\vjordravicnsis Joannes InncK. .Marriensis. A..M. Joannes Lesly. Klius dc BiirJshaiike, Coloniensis. A M. .loannes I^esly, junior a I'itcapple Joannes l.inds;ive. An^usiensis. ace. IWv. A..M. •loannes l^i^jie. Aberdoneiisis .loannes Monro, Sutherlandius .loannes Raite. .Aiinusiensis .loannes Woode. .Merniensis, frater doniini a Haiitx-Kno. A..M. I'atricius Dunbar, .Moraviensis Patricius (jrante, .Moraviensis I'atricius Walker. Aberdonen.. A..M Ixichardus Cjowre. Annlo-Dunclmen- SIS, ace. 1»>67. A.M. Uobertus Afflcct. .Merniensis. A .M i.Auchinlecke) Koberfus Dowbson. An^lo-Dunel- inensis. ace. IW>7 UoK-rtus Glasse. .Moraviensis Kobertus Symsone. Aberdonen.. A..\\. Thomas Innes. .Moraviensis, A.M. Th8 Alexander .Midletoune. .Aberdonensis Alexander Pur\es de Wideslye .-Xlexander Kose. .Moraviensis .Alexander Smith. .X^arriensis Alexander Taylor. AK-rdonensis Andrc.is Hay. Huchaniensis .Andreas Ross. Rossensis. A.M.. Iti74 Andreas Straehane, filius de Glen kinnie Arthurus E-indlater, I-raserburjjensis Gal. .McKenzic. Rossensis ; .Mar. Coll. Carolus .Maitland, HIius de Pittrichic Carolus Ritchie, Invernessiensis [)a\id An^us, Narniensis David Robertsone. Huchanensis Diinaldus Deiioon. Cathanesiensis Diinnldus .McKrae. Rossensis Kvander Camplx'll. Insul. I.ewcn. S I'ranciscus Dou^;. .Annusiensis I'ranciscus Rate de Coninsyth Geornius Chalmer, Drumletensis. A.M. 167-1: D.D (jeorj{ius Diljiarno. Gariochensis Geor^ius Dunbar. .Moraviensis. ace. 1668 Geor^ius Gordone. Rothicmaiensis Geor)>ius Hav. Hoinensis Geor;;ius Hay. a Kirkland. Perthen- sis. ace. 1670 Georgius Ochterlownie. .Montisr^s- anus (ieorj;ius Seatonc a .Minnes Georjjius Straehane. filius de (ilcn- kinnie Gulielmus Adamson. Fluehanensis Gulielmus Black, Buchanensis. See 166872 • MioprinlcJ •• Shirrof." h'aHi Ah,ri (irad.. p JIKI ) Thr Krnilti.-ilrn nf IK7I arc ni>l entered in Album A. I .Mixprinioil " Hruin," F. A . p. 4W. C Kxandrr Sliiikr.rt join* ihc M.ir. Coll. chioo of lli(<7 71 .iflcr ihr l<.ijan M.-Kiii<>n. antl KrailualcH A .M in IH7I Sc7.< (jcrj{iiis (iiirJiiiK'. A rcr[XTsie (loorums H.iy. AKtiIdiu-iisib (jcortjius Ucod. Alvrdoncn., A W Gillvrtus Clci'k. Kuchaniciisis Gilbcrtus Kcitl). Abcrdoncn., AM Guliclmus Kliu'k, Abcrdoncii.. ace. 1671. A..M. . Uon. IrtS-J 171 1 : Sub prill. 171 IN Guliclmus Hurnct, til. Join, a Sauchaii Guliclmus Caldcr, Cathancsicnsis (juliclmus I'rascr, a l-'itcayl/ian Guliclmus (jcddcs. .Morravicnsis. A S\. It>73 Guliclmus Leslie, major. Huchani- ciisis. A.M. Gulielmus Leslie, minor. Garioeheii- si8, A..M. Guliclmus .McKen/ic, Hlius cpiscopi .Moravicnsis Gulielmus .Nislvtt, liuehaniensis Guliclmus Uaitt. Huchamensis, .A..M. (iulielmus Wamsay. Hlius doinini a Henholme Guliclmus Kobh, liuchanien., A..\\. Guliclmus S|x:nec. a Bruntstcine Gulielmus Sutherland, Sutherlan- ' dius, A..M. I«74 i Gulielmus Todde, .Morruviensis, A..\r ! I (573 Gulielmus Ydle, Aherdoncnsis Hendrieus Streaton, lilius domini a Laurenstoun Hujjo .Monro, Kosscnsis, ace. I(i7(l Jacobus Arbuthnot. Aii){usicn , .A..M. Jacobus Chalmer. Aberdonensis Jacobus l-'orbes, Aberdoncn. See 1669-73 •lacuhuK (}ordi>n, Strathbo){iensts .lacobuK .\icoll, .Moravicnsis, ace. 1671. A.M. 1673 JacobuK Penriwtn, iMuntis-rosan., A.,M. • Pat. Grant. .Morav.. (ji f Xot in li«t of HnlrantH •l.icubus Quyte, Hucliaiiieiisis. A.W. J.icobus I lioiiiMiiic. .MciniciiMs. A .M Joh.inncs K.irklay. Alvrdoncn.. A..M. Johannes Chalmer, Strathlvi^ieiisiH .lohanncs l-urlH-s, a Pitfluijje .lohannes Gillcndcrs, .■Xlx'rdonen. ; in .lohanncs Gordone. major, a CtK- larachie J .lohannes Innes, minor, .Monivicnsis Johannes Linds;iy, Klius domini dc Hd/ell .lohannes .McKen/.ie, Hlius domini a Coull Johannes .Monruc, Uosscnsis, A.M. Johannes .Morray. .Moravicnsis, A..M. 1673 Johannes Kams.iy. See l6f;o .McCulloch. Uosscnsis Jacobus Rarclayc, .Marricnsis Jacobus RIackc. .Moravicnsis Jacobus l-rascr, fratcr rc^uli dc Hrascr Jacobus Gavin. Mcrnicnsis, .•\..M. Jacobus Hamilton, Haniflicnsis, \W. Jacobus Hcndcrsonc. liamRicn., A..M. Jacobus Innes, junior de Sandsyde, A..M. •lacobus .McCulloch. Kosscnsis. A..M. Jacobus .Monsonc, .Moravicnsis .Incobus Oswald. Cathancnsis, A.M. Jacobus I'hilpc. junior dc Ambrc closRc Jacobus Raitt, .Mcrnicnsis. ... / Jacobus Roberts. .An^lus, ace 1671, t Jacobus Str.inuhan. junior dc Thor- ton .l.icobus Sutherland. nia)>istcr de !.)ufTus, A, I .l.icobus Wachope. .Moravicnsis .I.Kobus \\"ats«iii. Anjjusien., A. .M. Jacobus W'lllox, .Marriensis, A .M. Joannes Uurnet. Abcrdonensis, .» Joannes l-'orK-s, Buclianicn . A..M. JoannesGordounc,Strathlv»j;iensis.s,/ Joannes .Mc Maine, Invcrnesiensis Joannes .McGilif;inc, Rossensis Joannes .Maxucl. .Moravicnsis Joannes .Mylne. Pert hensis. ace. I(i7l, A..M. (An^usiensis) Joannes .Monro, HIius doniini (jeor};ii .Monro equitis de Culkairne. i. I Joannes .Monro, Rossensis. See 1671 7.S Joannes .Murray, junior a Clarendun. / Joannes Urde, HI. doni.de Finachi,.-\..M. Joannes Ouchtcrloany. .Mcrnicn., A..M. Joannes Stcweart, I'rater de Kin- machly, A.M. Joannes Trumbell. junior de Stra catro Joscphus .Monro, fratcr de I'owcllis. / .loshua Snowdon, Kboracensis, ace. 1671. .\..M. Patricius Sinclare, junior de South- dun, / Robertus l-rascr,* Hnvernessensis, A..M Rol>ertu8 Gordon, HIius de Abachie, Robertus Innes, Klius domini de Linhtnct, A..M. Robertus .Mackie. .Marriensis, A.M. Robertus .McKintoshc. fratcr a Kv- lachi Robertus Sheffeild.Annlus.acc. 1671,/ riioiii.is (jordoun. HIius doniini de Strathlochc Thomas Patcrson, Invernesien., A..M. Thomas Sinclair, .Moravicnsis, A..M. I? Catancnsis) Walterus Bruce, Cathanensis, t * Not in li*t uf Entrants in Album A. 1672.] ALUMNI IN ARTS: AI.HUM A. 35 1671-75 * [Rcf^ciits : h, ,s, Patrick Sandilands ; t, 1)1, George Middleton] Alexander Clerk, Gariochensis, A.M. •Ale.xandci- Cuthbcrt, Invernessensis, s,t •Alexander Elphingstone,Gareochen., t Alexander (jrant, filius domini de Ballandallach, A..M. Alexander Johnston, Marriensis, .t, t Alexander Leslie, tilius doiiiini de Kininvie, ,« Alexander Paterson, \ Alexander Robertson, Buehancnsis, ace. 1674, A..M. .■\le.xander Sutherland, Siitherlandi- ensis, A.M. Andreas Fraser, 5. See 1672-76 Angus .McBean, Invernessien., A.M. Donaldus .McPherson, 5 Donaldus McQueen, .s Georgius Broun, Aberdonensis, .^..M. Georgius Ogiluie, .s' *Georgius Strachane, Gareochcnsis, ■S i *Gulielmus Gumming, Moraviensis Gullielmus .Marnoch. .Aberdonensis, A..M. *Gulielmus .Monro, Rossensis, ace. postea, t Guillielmus Seatoun, Bamfien., A..M. Gulielmus Sinclair, Cathanensis, .s, / Jacobus Forbes, Moraviensis, A.M. Jacobus Lambie, Angusien., A.M. •Jacobus Ogiluie, .f tiacobus Raitt, .Montrosensis, s Joannes Baird, filius domini de Ach- medden, .A..M, •.Joannes Davidsone, .v, t •Joannes Forbes, filius domini de Collodin, 5, t Joannes Goodricke, Anglus, ace. pos- tea [1673] Joannes Henderson, s Johannes Innes, Elginensis, A.M. Joannes Monro, Rossensis, frater Gulielmi, ace. postea, A.M. Joannes .Monroe Joannes Sinclair, s Joannes Stratone, .Arbrothen., .A.M. Joannes Sutherland. Cathanen., A.M. •Jonathan Forbes, filius domini de Collodin, .•;, t ; M.D. Lachlanus Campbell, -s Mathaeus Wood, Anglus, ace. postea Patricius Sime, .';, / Petrus Brooke. .Anglus, ace. postea [1673), A.M. *Robertus Grant, .Moraviensis, s Robertus Innes, Cathanensis, s, t Robertus Johnstoun, .Marriensis, t Robertus TuUoh, Moraviensis, A..M. Thomas Fraser, ,■;. See 1672-76 Thomas Grant, .Moraviensis, A.M. Walterus Rose, Rossensis, A.M. 1672-76 t [^Rc^eiit : Robert Forbes] .Allexander Cumming, fil. Davidis a Duthie, A..M. Alexander Fraser, fil. magistri Alex- andri a Pettie, A..M. .Alexander Gordon, fil. Jacob! a Terrisoul, .•- Alexander Gordon, fil. Patricii ad Loath in Sutherland, .'; Allexander Grant, fil. Uuncani a Ban- chel, A..M. I *Thc members of this Class sign Album B when Semis in \^TA and when Tertians in l(i74, as shown, for non-graduates. The names of the graduates of l(i75 as given in Album A (except George Stcinson of l(Tistri .lacobi a Phap- pachie, ace. 1674. A-.N\. Andreas Watsime. Anfjusiensis An^usius .Mclntijsh. a Keilachic, s An^uKius .Mcl-ec>d, Hod, frater, j Archibaldus Dunbar, .Muraviensis, A.M. ArthuruR Forbes, .Marriensis, A.M. Carolus (jordon, Aberdonen., A.M. ; Prof. Divinity lfi98 Carolus Steuart, .lacobi frater David Andersoun, A M 1678 Jacobus (jray, AK'rdonensis, A..M. Jacobus Guthrie, .Moiitisnisanus Jacobus Kyi, Taodunensis, % Jacobus Kynnaird. HI. domini Gcorgii a Uossie, t Jacobus 0)(ilvie, Culloniensis a I^Kie Jacobus Steuart, Ke^ulus a Doun Johannes Kayley, Anglus, ace 1673, AM Joannes Cuming.* HI. Joannis a Lo^ie, A..M. Johannes Douglas, Rossensis, i Johannes Dunbar, HI. domini a Boath. A.M. Johannes Gauld, Roveniensis, A..M. Johannes Gordone, HI. Patricii ad Loath in Sutherland, A.,M. Joannes Cjordon, a Seatoun, A.,M. Johannes (iordone, Hibernus, acc. 167;<. A.M. Johannes Grant, Patricii frater ger- manus, s Johannes Howie, Culloniensis. A..M. Johannes Kemptie. Buchaniensis Johannes Kin^, Fdinhur^ensis, 5 Johannes Kynnaird. HI. domini Georgii a Kossie, s Johannes O^ilvy a Pitmowies, s Lachlanus .Mcintosh, Gul. frater, s Lachlanus .Mackintosh, a Coribruch, j Lachlanus Rose, Kefhensis, fll.+ capitanei, A..M. 1680 Patricius Forbes, HI Duncani, Inver- ncssiensis, s Patricius Grant, ab l£lcheis Patricius Leith, HI. ma^istri S., A.M. RolKTtus Cuming. HI. Johannis a Lof-ie Robert us Gordounc. ex ThornibanU Robertus Turie. Rl^inensis. A..M. Rodericus .Mcl.eud. a Piiscurrie Th«imas Fordyce, Kelhensis Thomas l-raser, frater* domini a fielladrum. acc. 1674. A .M. * N°<>t in lint nf Hnlranln in /Mhuiiiii A or B. ; ■ l-iliun' in l\ A., p. 4il.1. 1 " l-ralcr" in I'atti Ah/rJ., p. 492. 1 674-] ALUMNI IX ARTS: AI.IU'M A. 37 1673-77 * [Regents : b, Georj^e Garden ; 5, /, m, John Buchan] AlexanJcr Hurgcs, liamfensis. A.M. Alexander Duff, Inverne.ssensis Alexander Hay Alexander Lesslie, junior de Bochrom Andreas Fraser, invernessensis Archibaldus .Mair, Bamfensis, A.M. Carolus Gordon, fil. domini de Stra- loch. See 1674-78 David Rose, Invernessensis,-|- A.M. Donaldus Taylor, Invernessensis, A.. M. (Daniel) Franciscus Ogiivy, junior de N'ew- grang Georgius Barclay, Buchanensis, .A..M. Georgius .Monro, Cathanensis, A.M. Gulielmus Cheyne, Aberdonensis, ace. 1674, A.. M. Gulielmus Cunnings, Aberdonensis, A.M. Gullielmus, magister de Forbes Gullielmus Fraser. junior de Tech- merie Gulielmus.lohnston, Buehanen., A .M. Gulielmus Leith, Buchanensis, A.M. Gulielmus Raite, Angusianus, A.M. Gullielmus Reed, Angusianus, A.M. Hector Munro, Rossensis {b, Mar. Coll., 1672), ace. 1674, A.M. Jacobus Chalmer, .Merniensis, A.M. Johannes Burnet, Anglus, ace. 1674 Johannes Cumming, Moraviensis. See 1674-78 Johannes Lorimer, Bamfensis, A.M. Joannes .McPhersone. .Moraviensis, A..M. (Rossensis) Johannes Monro, Cathanensis, A.M. Josephus;J: Robertsone, Invernessen. Patricias Leslie Robertus Forbes, Mariensis, A.M. (Buchanensis) Suetonius Grant. .Moraviensis, X.Vl. 1674-78 ^ [Regent : Andrew .Massie] ■■Eneas .McPherson, fil. a Killihuntlie Alexander Anderson, fil. domini de Waster Alexander Bairde, fil. domini de .Auch- medden Alexander Che\es, junior a Moortoun Alexander Denune. .Moravien,, .A..M. .Alexander Falconer, .Moraviensis Alexander Innes, Jacobi t'rater Alexander .McPherson, Baudinochen- sis, A..M. Alexander Miln, Moraviensis, A.M. Alexander Scrougie, Aberdonensis. See 1675-79 Andreas Monro, major, Rcssensis Andreas Monro, minor, Rossensis Carolus Cjordon, fil. domini de Stra- loche, ace. 1675. A..M. 1682 Carolus McKenzie, t'rater Hectoris, A.M. Carolus Ogilvie, fil. domini de Ball- fowre David Ferrie, servus Joan. Guthrie David Fouler. Envernessensis David Guild, Angusiensis, A.M. David L^indsay, Cromartiensis Georgius .Adamsone, Aberdonensis Georgius Brocas, Angusiensis Georgius Gordon, Aberdonensis Georgius Setonc, .Aberdonen., A..M. ; Libr. 1684-87 * The Bajans of this Class sign Album B in Hi74, and the graduates of 1677, as given in Album A, also sign Album B in that year, except S. Grant, who signs in UiSO, and Gul. .\l-Intosh, of 1H72-76. t .Misprinted " Rossensis" in Fasli Ab,ril., p. .S'i,'^. ; .Misprinted "Johannes" in F. A., p. 493. S The Bajans of this Class sign Album B in 167.^. and the graduates of 1678, as given in Album A. also sign Album B in that year. 38 TNIVERMTV AND KINGS CulXEUK. 11074. Guliclmus Durhim, dc Umuchic, ace. I67.S Guliclmus HaL'k;itt, Haniticn., A..M. Gulii'linus H;iyi". AhcrdDiicnsis Guliclnuis I^iw, Al>cnl(>ncn., A.M. Guliolmus l^iile, fratcr ilomini dc Barra Guliclmus Uosc, .Moravicnsis. A..\r Guliclmus Scatono, AlHTdoiu-iisis (lulicliuus Smithc, .MuTdoncn.. A..M. Guliclnuis Sutherland. Suthorlan- dicnsis. A..M. Guliolnuis L'mphcuc, Zcthlandensis, ace. h>7.T Guliclmus W'rquhart, Cromarticnsis Ciuliclmus ^'uunt;s(>nL^ Abcrdonensis, A .M Hector .McKonzic, frater dom. de Gar- loch. A..M. Henricus Watsone, fil. praefecti de Dunhcith. ace. 1675 Hercules Scote, a Brothertoune Hu^;c) .Andcrsone. Cromarticnsis Hu^o .\1iinro, junior a Teninnich Hun<> Koss a Broadleye, junior Jacobus Inncs, a Li^ihtnott junior Jacobus Li^htone, An}(usiensis, ace. Iti73 Jacobus .Massie, Aberdonensis Jacobus .Midletone, Al>erdonensis Jacobus Raitt, frater domini de Hal Krcen Jacobus Scote, junior de Benholme Jacobus Wrquhart. Aberdonensis Jacobus Woode, junior de Bonnitoune Joannes Brodie, .Moravicnsis Joannes Cumine, F^audenochcnsis, ace. 1«7.S Joannes l-raser, l-tamficnsis, A..M. Joannes Hrascr, Alius a Kilicke Joannes I'yfT, B.imHensis, A..M. Joannes Gordone, Patricii fratcr Joannes Guthrie, junior a Kinedward Joannes Haldon, junior a (jleneajjles Joannes McGillit(ine, KosMrnsis, ace. US75 Joannes .McPhersonc a Dallmdir, junior, /V..M. Ui77 Joannes .Milln, BamHensis Joannes .Mitchell, Schetlanden., A..M. Joannes Koss, Hu(;onis frater Joannes Scote. frater Jacobi Joannes Stewart. Alvrdonen.. A..M. Joannes Wrquhart. AlH-idunensis Joannes Watt, Bamtiensis, A..M. Joannes Will, BamKensis Jonathan Wri|uliart, HI. de Newhall Patricius Gordone, junior a Nether- moor Patricius Middlcton, Abcrdonensis, A.M. I\'trus()jjilvie,fil. domini de Ballfowre Petrus Ramsey, Alvrdonensis Robert Burnet, frater domini de Leyes Robertus* Calder, .Moravicnsis, A.M. Robertus Carnenie, HI. de Ne\venate RoK'rtus l-ari|uhar, Aberdonensis, A.M. I(i75t [Alb. B] Robertus (jordone, .Moravicnsis Robertus Grant, HI. a Glenbcjy} Robertus Innes, .Moravicnsis RolxTtus Watsone. fil. praefecti dc IJunbeith, ace. Ifi?.^ Se^erus Goris, Hollandus, ace. 1675, A.M. Thomas I-ordice, Bamflen., ace. 1676 Thomas Robertson, Aberdonensis 1675-79 ^ [Rfi^fiit : Georne .Middleton] Adamus Harper, Boveniensis, A..M. Adamus Shaw. .Moravicnsis. A..M. Alexander Arbuthnot, junior dc I'in- dowrie, An^usiensis Alexander Innes, Abcrdonensis * Mmprinlcd " Alexander" in Fntti Aberil., p. .^29. 4 The |{raduatc|>cthrr wilh l{. l-'art^uhur of l)i74'7Hl. mjin Allmm B in ili»l year, except (»e<> .McQueen and Jo. Kullcrlon, who »i(;n in l«<80. 1 676.] Al.UMNI IN ARTS: AI.BU^r A. 39 Alexander Rorison, Cathaneiisis Alexander Scrougie, Aberdi)nensis, ace. 167(1. A.M. Alexander Sibbald, dominiis de Kere, .Merniensis. See 1676-80 Arthurus Innes, Cathanensis. Sand- syde, A.M. Carolus Kynnaird, Hi. domini de Rossie, Perthensis, A.M. Franciscus .Melvill. .Merniensis Georgius Innes, Aberdonensis, frater Alex. Georgius Leith, Gareochensis, Three- feild Georgius .Mcyueen, .Moravien., A. .VI. Georgius .Monroe, Cathanensis Georgius Scrowgie. .Aberdonensis Georgius Sinclair, major. Cathanen., Ulbster Georgius Sinclair, minor, Cathanen., Stircock Gulielmus Grant, major, .Moravien., Ballindallach, A..M.' Gulielmus Grant, minor, Strath- speiensis Gulielmus Gordon, major, Aberdonen. Gulielmus Gordon, minor. .Aberdonen. Gulielmus Gray, junior de Inerichtie, Angusiensis Gulielmus Swan. Aberdonen.. .A..M. Jacobus Grant. Strathspeyensis Jacobus Hodge, Sterlinen., burs.,,?, /, m Jacobus .Middleton, .Merniensis Joannes Fullarton, .Angusiensis, ace. 1676, A..M. Joannes Innes, Cathanen., A..M. 1680 .loannes Johnston, Scoto-Polonus Joannes .Munro, Cathanensis, A.M. Joannes Rose. Rossensis Joannes Smith, .Aberdonensis Joannes Turing, Aberdonen., A..M. Patricius Leslie, Aberdonen.. A..M. Patricius .Murray, Cathanensis Patricius Sinclair, Cathanensis, frater Geo. minoris Robertus Gordon, .Marriensis, ace. 1676 Robertus Innes, Aberdonen., A.M. Robertus .Munro, Cathanen., A.M. Robertus Ochtcrlownie, .Angusiensis, Guinde Thomas Barrie, Brichinen., ace. 1676. See 1677-81 Thomas Fairwather, Angusien., A.M. Thomas Jaffray, Aberdonen., A.M. Walterus Sutherland, Sutherlandius 1676-80 * [Regent : Robert Forbes] Alexander Burnet, dominus de Alla- gaven Alexander Ferchard, .Mariensis, A..M. Alexander Fraser, Kethensis, A.M. ; Reg. Prof. Greek, Sub. Prin., 1686-1742 Alexander Gaderer, Elginensis Alexander Munroe, Rossensis Alexander Panton, Buchaniensis Alexander Rose, .Murraviensis, iii Alexander Sybbald, dominus a Kere, ace. 1677, in Alexander Watt, Aberdonensis, A..M. Andreas Mearns, Angusiensis, ace. 1677, A.M. Carolus Gordon, Kethensis Carolus Melvin, .Merniensis David Thomsone, Angusiensis, A.M. Georgius Forbes, junior a Craigie, ace. 1677 Georgius Henderson. Buchaniensis Georgius Leslie, dominus a Kincragie Georgius .Maitland, Buchanien., A.M. Georgius. Morison, dominus de Pitfour Georgius Sincklair, dominus a Dune, Cathaniensis Georgius Spalding, Aberdonensis Georgius Turnbull, Angusiensis Gulielmus Andersone, Murraviensis, A..M. 'The graduates of 1680, as given in Album A, sign Album B in that year; and the names of the magistrands appear in the Roll of 1679-80, as shown for non-graduates. I 40 UNIVERSITY ASK Kl\<;s roLLEGK. fift-r, A.M. Abcr- Guiliclmus Porhcs, dominus a Cornc Guilii'lmus Ofjilvic, HI. doniini a Now- (•rnnxo See Ifi77-8I Guiliclmus Smith, liuchaniciiKis HuRo .Munroc. RosRonsis Hu^;>i Kdro, dominuK ;i Kilrawock .lacobus (jordon, Knzicnsis Jaciihu-i Hav. Kossonsis. in . KWJ [Alb 'H] Jacohus Leslie, ex Varthill, doncnsis Jacobus KuKsell, Hlfjinensis Joannes Davidson, .Marriensis, A.M. Joannes Gr.mt, Strathspeyensis, Gar- vald Joannes Innes, .Murraviensis, /// Joannes. McKen/ie, Kossensis,Ardlair. A.M Joannes .McKulloch, fil ma(>istri Joannis a Golspie Joannes .Morison, frater domini de Pitfour Joannes Reynold, fil. Roberti prae- fecti Montisrosiini Joannes Watson, Invernessensis Joscphus L'rquhart, fil. magistri Jaco- bi, ministri Patricius Turnbull, An(;usiensiB RanalduK .McDonald, Insulanus Robertus Cuming. Strathspcyensis, ex Duthel, A.M Robertus Porbes, .Muraviensis, frater domini a Thornhill, .A .M. Robertus .Nlitchell, Strathspcycnsis, A.M. Robertus .Munroe.dominusdc l^haulls Thomas Pullertoun."*- ('^ .Mar. Coll., I67fi). AnRusiensis.ex Kinabcr..\..M. Thomas .McKilij;ine, fil magistri Joannis 1677-81 • [l\n;enl : .lohn l^uchan] /Hneas .Mcintosh, Invernessensis, A..M (Rosscnsis) Alexander Brodie, .Moraviensis 'Alexander Campbell, junior a Calder, /, III Alexander Dunbar. Aberdonensis, /, III Alexander Moore, Aberdonensis, A.M. ; Libr l(>87 Alexander Seton, fil. domini a Min- ness Alexander Sinclair, Cathancnsis Alexander Sutherland, Invernessensis, A..M •Andreas Praser, Invernessensis, /, //i •Archibaldus Porbes, fil. d;usianus, A.M. Gulielmus Dunbar, .Moravien., A.M. Gulielmus Porbes. HI. domini de BalfluiK. t Gulielmus Praser, junior de Dalklach *(julielmiis Johnstone. Aberdonensis, t. III Guiliclmus .Mcintosh, junior ab Abcr- crdor. A.M. * The Rraduntct of 16RI. as pivcn in Album A, sign Album B in that year : a* ili>ci 1*. Giilhric. Thrir namcn (except Thomas .Mitihclll arc appendcJ to the printed Thun iit lAKI il-Ctlinh I niv. I.ihr.l, as also the names to which an astciisli is prclixcd. " laurcac mai;i*teriahs cundiJati ". The names of the tertians and of the magiilrands appear in the Kolt* of |f<7f«.Hl and I6W).XI. as shown fur non-graduatct. * Not ID list of Bntrant*. a Smiddiehill, a Castletown, 1678.] ALUMNI IX ARTS: ALHL'M A. 41 Gulielmus McKen/ie. Rossensis Gulielmus Oj^iluy, til. domini de Neu- granf>e, ace. 1678, / Gulielmus Robertson, Rossensis, / Gulielmus Ross, Rossensis Gulielmus Sinclar. Cathanensis, t Jacobus Buchan, Aberdonensis, t Jacobus Clerk, Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Cuming, Invernessensis, / Jacobus Gordoun. junior a Birkin- burn Jacobus Hamiltone, junior a Cuberdie, t Jacobus Lyel, Montrossensis, A..M. Joannes Broddie, junior a Windi- hills Johannes Cuthbert, Bamphensis, t Joannes Forbess, fil. domini de Fov- ren •Joannes Home, Moraviensis, /, ;;; Joannes Johnston, Aberdonen., A.M. Joannes Mckfersan, Invernessensis Joannes J Mitchell, Buchaniensis, A.M. *Kennethus .McKenzie, junior, domi- nus de Kildin, /, iii LachlanusMcBeane.Narniensis, A.M. Patricius Gordone, Aberdonen., A.M. *Patricius Guthrie, Montrossensis, A.M. [Alb. B] Patricius Innes, Narniensis, / •Patricius Scott, junior dominus de Rossie et Craig, /, ;'( Richardus Graham, Anglus,acc. 1679, A.M. Robertus Chalmer, Aberdonensis Robertus Dunbar, major, junior a Granghill, f Robertus Dunbar, minor, junior de Dumfail. / Robertus Rose, Aberdonensis, A.M. (Invernessensis) Robertus Straiton, .Montrossensis Rodericus Mackenzie, Rossen., A.M. Thomas Barrie. Angusianus, ace. 1679, A.M. Walterus Ross, Rossensis, A.M. 1678-82 § [Reire)!ts : h, Andrew Massie and George Middleton; 5, /, in, George Middleton] Sinclair, Cathanensis Alexander Fraser de Beaufort, 5. See 1679-83 Alexander Fraser de Strechin, s, t Alexander Gordon, Strathbogiensis, A.M. Alexander Leich, Aberdoniensis, s Alexander Munro, Rossensis, s Alexander Sinclair de Dumbeath, Cathanensis, 5, i Alexander Symmer, Moraviensis, s, t David Monro, major, Rossensis, x, t David Monro, minor, Rossensis, 5, t David N'airn, Aberdonensis, s, t Donaldus Melntoshe, Moraviensis, 5 Franciscus Grant, Moraviensis, .s, t Georgius Adamsone, Buchanensis, s, t Georgius Crichton, Aberdonen., A.M. Georgius McKenzie, Rossen., A.M. Georgius Sutherland de Forss, Catha- nensis, s, t Gulielmus Anderson, Bamfien., A..M. Gulielmus Fraser, Moraviensis. frater Jacobi, 5 Gulielmus Gordon, Moraviensis, x Gulielmus Ross, Rossensis, s, t Gulielmus Sinclair, frater Alexandri de Dumbeath, .s, / Gulielmus Stuart, Rossensis, s, t Jacobus Fraser, Moraviensis, s J Misprinted " Thomas' in Fasti Aberd., p. 530, and Off. and Grad., p. 212. §Thc graduates of 1682, as given in Album A (except Alex. Gordon), sign Album B in that year: ns do Car. Gordon of 1674-7.^. Ja. Hay of 167fi SO, nnd Ro. Browji. The njmcs ol the semis and of the tertians appear in the Rolls of 11)79-80 and loSO-61, as bhown for non-graduates. F 4i l^^\IK^ll^ AM' KIN<.> (. iJt.l.Kl.l- [1678. Jacubus HiTveus. Abcrdoncn.. A S\ . M.I) I7():< Jacobus Massic. Alvrdoncnsis, AM JuL'obus Yoiinj;. Muravicnsis, AM. Joannes Alexander, Lawdoniensis, frater Thomae. s. t Joannes (jordon. Aberdonensis, v Joannes Hose, Kossensis, A.M. (Mor- aviensis) Joannes Simon, BamHen., A..M. .loannes Sinclair, Cathanensis, .« Joannes Sinclair, n)in., fniter Alexsin- dri de Dumbeath, .(, / Joannes Stewart. Muraviensis, A-.M. •Iiiannes L"dny, junior dc eodem {l>, .Mar Coll.). ace. 1«81 Joannes L'rquiiart. .Woravicnsis, s Joannes WikhJ, HIius domini de Bon- niton, An^usianus, s, I Kennethus .McKenzie, Rosscnsis, frater Georjjii, A..M. Lachlanus .Mclntoshe, .Moraviensis, 5 Patricias Smith, l-iamflensis, A..M. Kobertus Mrown, .Aberdonensis, A..M. [Alb. H.l Robertas Gibsone, .Moraviensis, s, / Unbertus Innes. .Moraviensis. See I(i7il83 Kobertus Kose, Kossensis, s, I Simon 1-raser, .Moraviensis, frater Jacobi, s Thomas Alexander, l.awdonicn., A..M. Thomas Bateman, Anglus, s, t 1679-83* [Regent : George Fraser AineAR Mfirison, Levissensis, .< ; A..M. Edin 1683 Alexander Chissolm. Inucrnessen., 1 Allexander I'rascr de liewfort, ace. I(i80. A..M. .•Mexander Gordon, Abredocien., A.M.; Hum. 16H.S-I738 Alexander Innes, Abredunen.. A.M. Alexander Seton, Abredonensis, j Alexander Tuach. Kossensis, A.M. Alexander L'dny de Ochterellon, s Alexander Walker, Abred<»nen., A.M. Andreas .M( ihiN Thcii'* ii now Known to exist. In Album K it in cTroneously slated of .i// ihe c;indid.itrH. Liur-eain m.iuiMen.iliiii adcpti sunt " Hut . '. roolnotc lo IH7I 7.S The name* of the b,(j.in:. anj ..( tlu :.. nu.. appear in the HolK nf Ii.7'i.n<( and llit<0-t)l, as shown for non-graduates 1679-] ALUMNI IN ARTS: AI.HUM A. 43 Johannes Ogilvie de Innercaritie, .■; ♦Joannes Strachan, Moraviensis, 5 Kennethus McKenzie, fil. doniini de Tarhott, s- Kennethus McKenzie, Rossensis LudovicLis Grant, Morraviensis, A.M. Pattricius Frascr de Doors, ,s Richardiis .Murray, Cathanesius *Robertus Farquharson, Moravien., .s * Robertus Innes de Blackhills, ace. 1680, .■; Simon Frazer, frater Guilielmi, ace. 1B8(). A.M. Thomas Dunbar, Moraviensis, A.M. ; A..M. Oxon. 1707 Thomas Fraser, major, Innernessensis .A.M. Thomas Fraser, mi., Abredonen., A.M. Thomas .McKenzie, Rossensis, 5 [Thesis, Ui84] Thomas Nicolson de Clunie, 5 'i , i. • i J » CL.ASSES 16H0-H4 to 1716-20. 168084' [Rti^tnt : Robert Forbes] Alexander Kor Alexander .McLetcrta ex Thcsi imprcHKa ". No copy of thin Thc«iH is now known 10 Clint. Alexander .Mannic. (icorjje Simiion. William Crithlone and William Huic arc competitor* for bursancH m l«8fl See /'/(■/■if.-, p. viii. t Delete thin name from Djf. mnf (trad., p. 213. fiKitnotc 2 I The namen of thm cIbhh arc found only in Album It. appended at graduates tu (he Oath of Alletjiancc in \WS (44) 1683.] ALL'MM IN ARTS: 1680-1716. 45 George Cramond, A.M. Georg. Mair.f A.M. \\'illiam Mackintosh, A.M. Wm. Stuart, A..M. Ja. Andersone, A..M. Ja. Burnet, A..M. Ja. Robertson, A.M. John Davidsoun, A.M. John Gibsone, A..M. Joan. MacRae, A.M. Pat. Dunbar, A.M. Pa. Ogilvy, A..M. Rob. Denune, A.M. Robert Forbess, A.M. Ro'. Muschett, A.M. Tho. Stronach,:^ A. 1^1. 1682-86* [Regents : h, s, George .Middleton ; t, III, William Black] •Adamus Barclay Alexander Burnet, Aberdonen., A.M. Alexander Dunbar, Moravien., A.M. .Alexander Findlater, Moravien., A.M. Alexander .Mannie, Moravien., A.M. Alexander Ross, Rossensis, A.M. Andreas Skeen, Aberdonen., A.M. Carolus Falconer, .Mernien., A.M. David Cuming. .Moraviensis, A.M. Donaldus^ Campbell, Cathanen., A.M. Georgius Morison, Aberdonen., A.M. Gulielmus Binning, Buchanien., A.M. •Gulielmus Cuthbert Gulielmus Garioch, Aberdonen., A.M. Gulielmus Gordon, Aberdonen., A.M. Gulielmus Ross, Rossensis, A.M. * Henricus Guthrie ♦Jacobus Peirsone * Jacobus Scot James Stewart, A.M. [Alb. B] * Jacobus Walker Johannes Anderson, Aberdonen., A.M. Joannes Annand, Enziensis, A.M. Joannes Crookshank, Bamfien., A.M. Joannes Gray, Angusianus, A.M. John Lammie, Angusien., A.M.; D.D. 1713 Joannes Leslie, Aberdonen., A.M. John McLaine, Insulanus, A..M. Joannes Peirie, Aberdonen., A.M. * Joannes Ramsey Patricius Gordon, Mernien., A.M. * Robertus Chalmer * Robertus Scot Robertus Sutherland, Cathanen., A.M. Robertus Thomsone, Mernien., A.M. 1683-87 II [Regent : George Fraser] Alexander Thomson, Moravien., A.M. [Alb. A] Gulielmus Chrystie, Aberdonensis, A.M. [Alb. E] James Elphinstone, A.M. [Alb. B] Jonnes [.su] Haliburton, Angusianus, A.M. [Alb. A]; Civ. 1687-89 l< * With the exception of R. Sutherland, the graduates of 1H86 as given in Alhum A sign Album H in that year: as does Ja. Stewart. The non-graduates, distinguished by an asterisk, are taivcn from the list of " Candidati " appended to the Tluscs of 1686 in the possession of the Earl of Crawford. Alexander Mor is competitor for a bursary in 1KS2. t .Mispriiited ■ .Moir " in Off. and (iraJ., p. 214. ; .Misprinted " Avonach " in Off. ami Grail., p. 214. § '• Daniel" in Theses and Album B. — .Murray, — .Muschett, Alexander Duncan, Alexander .Moricc. Alexander ^■oungson. Arthur Birnie, James Watt, John Falconer, John Gilbert, Patrick Kenney, Kobert Gelles, Walter Turing. William Falconer are competitors for bursaries in 1683. 46 LNIVKKSITV AM) KINGh (.(Jl.I.KGE. |K>}<4. 1684 88 [Rfgffils : b.i.t. Kuhcrt Horbc« ; »", George Skene] Kubertus Chulmerti, Mernicn., A.M. (Alb. A] 1685 89* [Rtgtnti : h, .lolin Huchan ; s.l.m, Alexander I'rascr] 1686-90 t [Rtunit : William Black] Alexander Grant, HamKensis Alexander .Matlieusone, .Marriensis Alexander Oliphant, Bamtiensis A[lcxandcr] Sympson, Abcrdonensis Andreas l-ordyce, Bamfiensis Andreas Skene, Aberdonensis Geornius (jrub, Aberdonensis Gcor^ius Hay, Aberdonensis Georgius Skene, Aberdonensis (julielmus Lain^;, .Marriensis Gulielmus Leslie, .Aberdonensis Gulielmus .McBeth, .Marriensis (lulielnuis .Morison, Bainliensis Jacobus Adamson, Leys, // Jacobus Arbuthnot, Angusiensis Jacobus* Lyndsay, BamHensis Jacobus Spence, Gariochensis Jacobus Strachan. Aberdonensis Joannes Allan, BamHensis Joannes Hay, Aberdonensis Patricias Leith, Aberdonensis Patricius l-esly, Aberdonensis P.ittnck .Murray. Cathenusiensis K'ulviius Mill, .-Xni^usiensiK 1687 91 ^ [hff^fiil : George Hrascr] 1688-92 [RegtuI : George Skene) 1689 93 •^ [Regent : Alexander I-rascr] Alexander Davidson Alexander Dunbar A M Alexander Hat .Alexander Pillar Ale.xander Scton Alexander Shand Ale.x;mder Tulloch Carolus Anderson David Denunc, .Ml). 1698 David Lindsay David Ogilvie. unus David Ogilvie, alter Georgius Gordon ; Prof. Heb. 1693- \TM) Georgius Laing (jeorgius Ogilvie Gilbert us Ramsiiy (julielmus (lordon Gulielmus .Mair • No extant records Alexander .Murlin. Alexander Oliphanl. Andrew Oairdn, David Chalmer, John Hruwn. \\'illiani ComeinK. \\'illiam l^inK, William l^eKlic. William .Moriwin arc competitor* for hursiirics in IW4.S. t l-'roni Alhum A. the laiit cnir)' therein (autograph |: no record of de(;reeii. John An);us, John l-rawrr, Patrick Strachan and Thoman Crevey are compel itoni for hursaric* in Iti86. ', .MiHprinlcd " Johannc*" in h'atli Abrni., p. .SOO. ( No extant record*. OeorKc Duncan, Jamco Gordon, James \\ ilson. Patrick Watson .irc competitors for hursarics in IKK7. Adam l'er){us»on, Alexander Cordon, James Gair, John Barrack arc competitors for bursaries in ItiNH. * Album K (except Alex Dunbar: Album A|. Names of candidates "ex Tliesi im- prrsou ' - not nou ext.int Sec fiHitnote to IK7tl-H3. James Chapman and John .Morison arc candidates for bursaries in l*i8U. 1691.] Gulielmus Munro Huj<<) Fraser Jacobus Livingston Jacobus McLean Joannes Annand .loannes Banks .loannes Cruckshanli Joannes Farquherson Joannes Laing Joannes Milne Joannes Symson Kenethus Bailie Patricius Crighton Thomas Milne 1690-94 * [Regent : William Black] Alexander Clerk Alexander Lawson Alexander Milne Alexander Ogilvie Alexander Shand Andreas Angus Archibaldus Dovvglass Archibaldus Ogilvie Georgius McGill Georgius Seton Gulielmus Byres Gulielmus Elphinston Gulielmus Forbes; ALD. Pisaf Gulielmus Gardne Hector Monro Hendr. Barclay Jacobus Adam Jacobus Anderson Jacobus Chapland Jacobus Duff Jacobus Shand ALUMNI IN ARTS: l68o-l7l6 47 j Jacobus Stevenson .Joannes Anderson Joannes HIphinston, unus Joannes Elphinston, alter Joannes Falconar Joannes Gordon Joannes Grant Joannes Mitchel Joannes Ogilvie Joannes Panton Joannes Reid Joannes Temple i Kenethus McKenzie Milcolumb. McGregor Kobertus Davidson Robertus Forbes Robertus Sharp Robertus Tailour Thomas Rudiman ; 1st burs. ;^; A.M. Thomas Symson Thomas Thomson 1691-95 § [Rege)it : George Fraser] Alexander Fraser Alexander Garioch Alexander Paxton Alexander Strachan Calenus Mackenzie Carolus Thoirs David Ogilvie David Thoirs Georgius Campbell Gulielmus Rose Gulielmus Shepherd Henricus Stratton Jacobus Brechin I * Album E. Names of candidates " ex Thesi impressa " — not now extant. See foot- note to 1679-83. + Scott's Fasti Eccl. Scot., iii., 591. : r.S/c- by G. Chalmers, p. 12. § Names of candid;itcs from printed Tlirsfs of 1695. in Aberdeen University Library The statement " lauream magisterialcni adepti sunt," heading the transcript in Album E, i-i again proved to be unwarranted. See footnote to 167y-83. John Strachan, Patrick Fergusson, Thomas kudiman are competitors for bursaries in IG91. . I, i 48 UNIVERSITY ANU KING'S CULLEUE. [1691. Jacobus Chapniuii Jaccr(\v(MHl Jucohus Mackplu-rKon Jacobus Sirachan Jacobus Urquhart ; M.D. 1707; Kcf{. 1709.17 Joannes Cuthbcrt, unus Joanni's Cuthlvrt. ultor Joannes l-orbcs Joannes Mackenzie Joannes Sandilnnds Joannes Sinclair Kenethus (jordon Kenethus Strachan Murdochus Macklcod {h. Mar. Coll.) Patricius Dunbar Simon F-raser • Ci/ra 1692 t Lord Haddo, with Mr. Charles Bten- sall [.Mar Coll.. 1fi7S-79] for his Governoiir Lord Pitniedden's eldest, with his (jovernour, .Mr. William Smith [A .M. \tiS4] I^ird Pitslijio, who had chambers in the College Lord 1-iae, with Mr. Andrew .Monro for his Govcrnour Broadland's sons The Laird of Kin^uidie's sons Laird of Mcintosh, with .Mr. Adam Shaw [A..M 1679] his Govcrnour Two other (iovernours who had pupils, Mr. Innes and .Mr. Middle- ton Alexander Annand Alexander Dunbar [1689-93] Alexander Ross, with his Govcrnour, .Mr. James .MacUen/ie Alexander Seaton [ 1689-93] l-rancis l-orbes. son to the lainl of Crai|;ievar (leorjje .Milne William l-raser William (jordon, nephew to Gordon of Seaton [1689-93] Henry liarclay [1690-94] James Lainf; Jac. Livingston [1689-93] John Harquherson [1689-93] John Gordon [1690-94] John Likely John Lyon John Walker Patrick Ferguson Patrick Hay 1692-96 t [Rtl^tnl : George Skene] Andrew Junor, burs., ;;; William Stewart, burs., m John Gelles. burs., ;;; 1693-97 § [Regfiil : Alexander Fraser] Alexander Christie, burs., /, in Alexander Cuthbcrt Alexander Simm Alexander Webster, burs., in Arthurus Sutherland Calenus Innes. burs., in Gulielmus Praser * Aftdii. Lord Ivoval. Chalmcri Kudiliman. p 14. * "The Album of both studentu and Rrjduatc» nni havin); been flilcd up Anno 1692 and about that time Home n.imcs m.iy be supplied from an examination of witncssei extant in the Charter Chest as bclon|;in(; to that year. ->Alb. E. ; No c\iani records in Albums, but fur years IW>3-I7I0. a few names have been recovered from the bursary accounts. Ch;irles MarcLiy. James Uuchan. John Shepherd, Jiihn Strachan arc cuntpelitors for bursuncH in 11^.2. i Alb. li Names of candidates " ex Tlicsi imprrsHa - n<'t lum extant I'harica Kosc J. Cooper. John CUrk, John Husa, Hatrick Gordon ars cumpctilors for buruines in I(>1>3. 1697.] ALUMNI IN ARTS: 168O-I716. 49 Gulielmus Gordon Gulielmus Orem, burs., w; Gulielmus Watson .lacohus Ferguson Jacobus Greig Joannes Kennedie Joannes .Mackbean Joannes Rob, Hib., burs., /;/ Kenethus MacUeiver Lachlanus Rose, burs., t, in Thomas Reith, Anglus, burs., in 1694-98 * [Regent : William BlackJ William Miln, burs., s, t, m James .McRobie, burs., / John [-{oss, burs., t [or 5 1695-99] John Tailiour, burs., t [or s 1695-99] Patrick Elmslie, burs., 5, t, in Patrick iMorison, burs., t Richard Nisbet, burs., / [or .< 1695-99] 1695-99 t [Regent : George Fraser] Alexander McKenzie, burs., s David Grant, burs., .s Duncan Cassie, burs., h, s, t, in James Robertsone, burs., h, s, t, in Joseph Dumbar, burs., b, 5, t, in William M'Conchie, burs., s 1696-1700 X [Regent : George Skene] Alexander Falconar Alexander Laing, burs., h, .s, /, in Alexander Sheriff Andreas Coupar Andrew Fullartouii, burs., b, s, t See 1697-1701 David Aedie David Midleton Georgius Cuthbert Georgius Fordyce Georgius Gordon ; M.D. 1702 Gulielmus Arnot Gulielmus Nicol Jacobus Barclay Jacobus Borrowes, Hibernus Jacobus Fraser Jacobus Grant Jacobus Ogilvie Jacobus Urquhart Joannes Anderson, Reg. Mar. Coll. 1717-21 Joannes Deuchar Joannes Donaldson Joannes Leslie Joannes Macky Murdacus McKenzie Patricius Garden Patricius Walker Robertus Arbuthnot, burs., b, s, t, in Robertus Grant Robertus Ross Robertus Sinclair 1697-1701 § [Regents : b, s, t, Alexander Fraser ; in, George Skene] Alexander Brodie Alexander Keith Alexander Webster Andreas Boyn Andreas Fullerton Andreas Monro Daniel McKenzie * No records in Albums. — .\lowat. John Duiuaid. William Thomson are competitors for bursaries in 1694. t No records in Albums. I Album E. Names of candidates, except And. Fullartoun, "ex Thesi imprcssa " — not now e.xtant. — I-Vaser. George .Mitchell. William Gordon, William V\ylie, Patrick Gordon are competitors for bursaries in 1696. § Album E. Names of candidates " ex Thesi impressa " — not now extant. G so UNIVKRSITV AN'li KINU's COl-LE«'.K. [1697. David Small Ocorj;ius Cuming Gcorjjius Hiiy Gcor^ius MuriiMin Gcorjjius Sangstcr. burs.. /<, s, I, in Guliclmus Grant Guliclmus HiiuRtdun Gulii-lmus McKcnzic Guliclmus Sticppard, burs., h, s, I, in Jacobus MiM)!' Jacobus Murray Jacobus Dnilvic Joannes Clerk Joannes Cuming; Joannes Gordon Patricius Ogilvic Patricius Stuart Thomas Whyt 1698-1702 • [Regent : William Black] Andrew Thomsone, burs., b, s. I. in John Forbes, burs., h, j, /, in 1699-1703 + [Regent : George Fraser] Adam Thomson, burs., b, s, I, in Alexander Kobcrtsone, burs., tn Andrew Baxter, burs., b, 5, t, in Francis Couts, burs., in Gavin Drummond, burs., b, s, t, in James I-arquharsone, burs., in John Allaiie. burs , in 1700 04 X [Regdils : I'rof. J Alexander l-raser ; George Skene] Alexjinder Junor, burs., I, in William Seton. burs., t, in James .Mitchell, burs., /, in James Walker, burs., b, j, /, in James Wallace, burs., b, j Jo. .Middieton. burs., t, in John .Milne, burs., b, s, t, in Thomas Young, bui-s., /, in 1701-05 [Regents : Prof. A Fraser ; William Black] Adamus Urquhart Alexander Farquharson, burs., b, s, I Alexander Fraser Alexander Williamson, burs., 5, / David Cowper David Kinloch Georgius Gordon Georgius Kobertson. burs., s, I (julielmus Gordon Guliclmus Gray, burs., s, t (nilielmus Ogilvie Henncus Warden, burs., b, s, I Jacobus Gellie * No fxcord* in Albums. Kiftccn (>r->'lui>'i''i ■■< I7U'2 t'-ibr. Ace. Alexander t.iKcri wood, Alexander .Mcl-ennan. David .Melville, I'rancis CoutH. Gavin Drummond. George Elphinston. JamcH HcnderHon, Jamcit Tayluur. John Arthur, John Campbell arc com- pelitorn for huntjries in IK9H. t No record* in Albums. Alexander Davidsonc. OcorRC I'orbc*. (icorge Stewart. {icor|{c Thomnone.W'illiam Seton. James Walker. Jamc» Wallace. John .Middieton. Patrick Falconer. Patrick l-orbeu are competilor» for bursaricH in 1(*»SI. I No records in AlhumH. • Gairden. Alexander WillianiHon. Arch. .George Brodic. Gi-orKC Uobertiion, William Ui»et. James Ord. John Jnhniiton, Robert Thorn- »on. Walter Sim were competitors for bursaries in 1700. f In I7(N) the b.ijans were appointed to Ixr tauKbt by a permanent Professor of Greek, the other three KeKcnIx to "circulate " as licforc. Names of cindid.ites from printed Thrin of l7U.'t, in Glasgow University I.il William Cowie, burs., /; William Winchester, burs., h James Leal, burs., in John Watsone, burs., /; Normand McLeod, burs., /; Robert Lyon, burs., b 1704-08 X [Regents : Prof. A. Fraser ; William Black] George Forbes, burs., t, ni William Robertson, burs., /, in John Gilzean, burs., /, ;;; John Robertson, burs., t, in i * Names of candidates, except George Garden and James Barclay, from printed Thist-s of 1706, in possession of the Earl of Erroll. Alexander Simpson. Charles Forbes, David l.esly. Donald Fraser, John Gordon, Robert Deuchars, Thomas Simpson are competitors for bursaries in 1702. t No records in Albums. Alexander Gumming, Ale.xander Murray, Andrew Tassie, Charles Gray, Charles Stephan, David Stewart, Duncan Forbes, Hary Crystie, Thomas Reid are competitors for bursaries in 1703, X Fourteen graduated in 1708 (Libr. Ace). Alexander .\liln, David Tyric, Francis Grant, George Gordon, George Ingraham, George Law, George Ray, William Couper, William Deuchars, William Smith (1), William Smith (2), James JunUen, James Lesslie, James Smith. Robert Mortimer were competitors for bursaries in 1704. J 5^ UNIVERSITV AND KING'S COLI.hUiK. [1705. 170509 [Hegenls : Prof. A. Prasor ; George Fraser] James Forsyth, burs., s, t, m John Gray, burs., s, I, in Lauchlan Janu-Kon, burs., s, 1, 111 Thom.is Clark, burs . s, I. 111 1706-10 t [Regents : Prof. A. Fraser ; George Skene ; George Skene and James Urquhart ; James Urijuhart] Alexander Dey, burs., in Alexander Fyffe Alexander JacUson Alexander .Mackenzie Alexander Robertson Archibaldus Cumming Carolus Burnet Gulielnius Ulack, burs., m (julielnuis Duncan, burs., in Gulielnius Farquharson, burs., in Jacobus Ogiivy, burs., b, s, I Jacobus \Vats<»n, burs., in Joannes Cumming Joannes Fraser Joannes .Macinnes, burs,, h, .s, 1, m Joannes Nairn, burs., h, s, I Nigellus Mackinnon RobcrtuB Farquhar Robertus Gordon Robertus Harmld 1707-11 X [Recenlf : Prof. A. l-raser ; William Black] Alexander Bean, burs., h, s Alexander (}arden . D.D. 1726. Alexander l.ongmoor, burs., f Alexander .Murray David Ogilvie Donaldus .McSween, burs., /, hi Georgius Inghrame Georgius Scot, burs., s, I Gulielnius Barclay, burs., / Gulielnius Craford Gulielnius Kdward Gulielnius Finnic Gulielnius .Mitchel, burs., h, s Jacobus Anderson Jacobus Blak, burs.. / Jacobus Stuart Jacobus Williamson Joannes Falconar, burs., in Joannes Hunter, burs, / Joannes I.awson. burs, / Joannes Matthew, burs.. I>, s Joannes Sludders Lachlanus Shaw, burs, / .Mag. Henderson Robert Smith, burs., b, s, t •Twelve cradunlcd in 1709 (l-ibr. Ace). Alcxundcr Scton. David .Mu>lard, OcorRC Scott, James Henry, John Anderson, John t'ullarlon, KuK-rt Cruickshank, KuK-rt Rcid arc compel itom for buriuirics in ITO.S. t Names of Candidates from printed Thnri of 1710 in Aberdeen University Library. Scventein graduated |Libr. Ace). ; Names, except Alexander Bean, William Barclay and Hobcn Smith, (mm printed Thiifi of 1711, in possession of the Earl of Erroll. the last extant for Kin|<°s Collece. Nineteen ({raduated (Libr. Ace). James .Milne, John l^slic arc competitors for bursaries in 17(17. ALBUMS, C, D, E, F, G. 1708-12* to 1859-63. 1708-12 t [Regents : Prof. A. Fraser ; George Fraser; George Fraser and William Simsone; William Simsone and Alex- ander Burnet] Alexander Cromar, Hybernus. A..M. Donald .McLeod, hurs., b Gawinus Drummond, Perthen., A.M. James Johnston, burs., s James Kennert, burs., b Johannes Burnet, Marriensis, A.M. Joannes Fraser, Rossensis, A.M. John Gordon, burs., s Richard Burnett, burs., /; Thomas Constable, burs., s Walterus Sim, Bamfiensis, A.M. William Longmoor, burs., 5 1709-13 t [Regents : Prof. A. Fraser ; James Urquhart] — Fullerton, burs., b Arthur .Mitchell, burs.,/*, in Charles Hay, burs., in Duncanus McPherson, .A.M. George Allan, burs., b, in George Hacket, burs., b, in Gulielmus Barron, A..M.;Libr. 17 18- 19 Gulielmus Dyce, .\..M. William Garioch, burs., b, in Jacobus Smith, A.M. Jacobus Taylor, A.M. John Urquhart, burs., /;, in Thomas Reid, A.M. 1710-14 [Regents : Prof. A. Fraser ; William Black] Alexander Campbell, A.M. Alexander Mcintosh, A.M. Alexander Mitchel, A.M. Alexander Murdoch, A.M. Alexander Panton, A.M. Andrew Mitchell, burs., t, in Archibaldus Sctone, A.M. David Walker, A.M. Georgius Barclay, A.M. Georgius .Munroe, A.M. Gulielmus Barachel, A.M. •Prior to class of 1717 21, the record is of j;raduates only (Album C|, not of entrants. t William Copland, William Sanyster. James Green, James McKenzic, James Williamsone, John Craig, John Falconer, John Farquhar, Robert .Mitchell are com- petitors for bursaries in 1708. J Alexander Reaty. Arthur Williamsone, William Hadichcll. William .Murra\', John Bremner are competitors for bursaries in 1709. (53) M UMVKRSrTV AM) KING'S COLLEGE. [1710. Jacubus DcfKKin. "i • Jacdbus LinJjiay, A.M. JoanncH Clerk. A..M. Joannes Currie. in • Joannes .Morison, A..M. Lachlanus .Mclntush, in * .Murdacus .McKen/.ic, A..M. UoK-rtus Ik-an, A.M. Uodericus Cheyn. A..M. 1711-15 t [Kegeiils Prof. A. l-rascr ; Alex- ander Burnet] Alexander Barclay, Auchterlesscnsis, A..M. Alexander ()j;ilvie, burs., s, I, in Alexander Paterstm, burs., /), s Alexander Robertson, burs., b, s. I Alexander Ross, .Marriensis, A..M. Andrew Gauld. burs., h, s, I, m Oonaldus .Mcl.eod. SUiensis. A..M. l-erchardus Beton. Skiensis (/<, .Mar. Coll 1710). 1st burs.. .V.M Geor({e Grant, burs., s (luliclmus Dingwell, DinKwellcnsis, AM Guliclrnus Dyce, / • Gulielnius Webster, Anjjusien., A..M. James Duff, burs., .<, /, in •lacdbus f-raser. Invcrnesscnsis, A..M. .Iiihn Davidson, burs., b, s, t, in Joannes Gray, .Moraviensis, A..M Joannes .McKcnzic. /• Kennethus l-orrester, / • .Mordaehus .Morison. Rosscnsis, A.M. Uiehardus (jordon, Abcrdoncn., A.M.; Ketj. 171.S.I7 1712 16 t [Rtsenti : Prof. A. l-raser . James L'rquhart I Aeneas .\\cPbers • Andrew Ross, burs,, / Georgius Campbell, s • Georgius Grant, .* • Gilbertus Prascr. .^ • (lulielmus L'rquhart, s • .lacobus Arbuthnot, s • .lames BIrss. burs., b. s, I, in .lacobus Hervie. s • .lacobus .McKen/.ie, s • .loannes Davidson, Rossensis, A.,M. .loannes Forbes. Hybernus. A..M. Patrick Leith, burs., b. s, I, in Patncius Ogilvie, ^ burs., s, t. in K'obert Praser, burs., b Robert Warrender, iS burs., b, s. I. in 1713-17 II \Regents : Prof. A. Praser ; Richard Gordon] l-.ncas Sage,!! burs., b, s, t. See 1719 23 Alexander Prascr, A.,M. ' Calalof^i Ptmnelanlium, I7i:<.|'4. f Alexander lr\'inf>. Alexander Panton. Charles Laurence. James Cmmar. Jamen Har\-cy. Jiihn Crai(>. John Kiihcnsun. John Sclhie. Patrick Du^laK. Kobcrt (icddck, Thoma» .Morison arc compel itors for hursaricN in 1711. % George i-arquhar. George I^riiuc, William Dyce, William JohiiMon, Jamc* l.cith, Jamct WiUon. John Melon, John Jaflray, John Simc. Murdoch .Morison, Thomas JafTray arc competiloru for bursaricii in 1712. I Hxpclled for Hcditious practiccH, 'M April, 17l7«S- GuliclmuK Ko'ic, A..M Hu^o ,MLl)..nalJ. A S\. Jacobus Clerk, Invcrncsscnsis, A..M Jacobus Mitchol. A.M. Jacobus Moir. A..M. Joannes An>>us, A..M Rodericus .Mcl^'nnan, A.M. Waltcrus Johnston, burs., Ii, m 1716-20 [Regtnt : Alexander Hrascr] • Alexander .Mitchel, Mariensis, A.M.; s. of .lames .M. Alexander Ueid, son of Alex.. Upper Banchory ; 'Jnd burs., I> Alexander Shaw, Skicnsis, .-X .NV And. Ross, Rossen., s David Ross, .Mariensis, A..M. ; M.D. Rheims 1726; .M.D., K. C, 1751 Gilb. Paip. Rossen., s. Sec 1717-21 Gilb. Shand. burs., s (.Uix. of 17 Dec, 1717) Gulielmus Dyce.-*- Marriensis, A.M. Gul. l-orbes. .Marrien., burs., i, i, /, m Gulielmus t)nilvie. Boynensis, A.M. Gulielmus Russel, Rl^inensis, A .M. Hector .Mackenzie, Rosscnsis, .•\..M.; Libr. 1721-26 Jac. Forbes. .Marrien., burs., b, a, I, m Jacobus Hog. Mernien.; 1st burs.; A.. M. Jacobus Mair, Buchanensis, A..M. Jacobus Panton, .Marriensis. A..M. •lacobus Stuart. Fiuchanensis, A..M. Jac. Winchester, Narnien.. burs , />,.(,/ Joannes Gordon,-'' .Marriensis, A.W. Joa. .Maclligan. Innernessen., s Joannes Porteous, Innernessen., A..M. Pal. I.aing, Buchanen., i Pat Sharp, Bogen , burs., j, / Rob. Dunbar, de Kirkhill, Boynen. A.M 1724 (.Vifi. of 2.S M.ir.) Robertus Gellan, .Mariensis, A.M. Robertus .Nidrie, i^lginensis, A.M. Simon .Mackenzie, de , Rossen., s 1717-21! [R€i;(iits : Prof. John Ker ; Alcxan der Burnet) Adamus Smith, Aberdoncnsis, ace. 1718, s. I /Hneas Beaton, Skicnsis, A.M. .•Kneas Shaw, Innernesscnsis, ace. 1718. i,l Alexr. Clark. .Marriensis, ace. 1718 .<, / Alexr. Cromby. .Aberdoncnsis, ace. 1718, A.M. Alexr. Dick, .Moraviensis, A..M. Alexr. Forrester, de Culnade, Rog»cn- sis. ace. 1718, A..M. Alexr. Johnston, Rossensig, ace. 1718, s, t Archibaldus Ogilvic. de i^ggel, Bam- fensis. ace. 1718, .-;. / CarolusFraser.de Inveralachichacres nobilissimidominide Fraser, /),5,/, /« Carolus Henderson, natusdno.de , ace. 1718, s / Duncanus .N\acintosh, de Stronn, Innernessensis. ace. 1718, s, / Duncanus Rhind, .Moraviensis, ace. 1718, s / Franciscus Skene, .Marrien. natus V.D..M.ad Kinkell.acc. 1718. A .M.; LL D. .Mar. Coll 176(i: ReR. .Mar. Coll. 17,S4-7.S • Alexander Fraser dcmiltcd the ProfeRsomhip of Greek in 1717. rcHumlni; the three year cycle as a Wc|;cnt. The namv^ nf the nonKniduulcs of thin clau (except A. Kcid and G. Shandl arc t:iken from a list of the Semis of 1717-18. which i* civen on the fly- leaf of Alhum 1). « Scholars with .Mr. Bumct {.Minutn of 2f> Sept. and 10 ()cl. 1720). ; Henceforward the names of cntrantK are taken from Alhum D. Ihc dcRrci-R from Alhum C . with occaitional ;idditi<>ns :ind corrections fnim the transcript in Album i£. from the Mortification Accounts, and from hursars' vouchers, niirsaries .ire not noted in ihiN Roll i( hcUl only in the bajan year or by a student who graduates in due coume. See I8B2-96. n.M-S?. I7I8.] ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS C AND U. 57 Georgius Dallas, Rossensis, ace. 1719, A.M. Geo. Macintosh, inncrnessensis, na- tus M"^" Joanne, Jurisconsulto, ace. 1718, .? Gilbertus Palp, Rossensis, ace. 1719, A.M. Gill. Denoon, Inncrnessensis, ace. 1718, 5, / Gul. DufF, Rossensis, natus V.D.M. ad Feme, ace. 1718, A.M.; Reg. Mar. Coll. 1727-38 Gulielmus Gray, Bogiensis, b, s, t, in Gul. Leslie, Bogien., natus dno. de Northleslie, aee. 1718, A.M. Gul. .MacKenzie, Suthcrlandius, ace. 1718, A.M. Guiielmus Robertson, Marriensis, A..M. Henricus Ker, Dunblanensis, ace. 1719, demort. 1720 Hugo Forbes, Inncrnessensis, burs., b, s, i, m Jacobus Forbes, natus dno. de Water- ton, b, 5, /, in Jacobus .Man, Elginensis, ace. 1718. A..M. Jacobus Moorison, Merniensis, ace. 1718, A.M. ; Prin. St. Mary's Coil. St. And. 1747-79 Jacobus Paterson, Keithensis, burs., s, /, in Jacobus Smith, Merniensis, ace. 1718, demort. 1720 Jacobus Troup, Aberdonensis, ace. 1718, 5, t, in Joannes Coutts. Edinensis, burs., /;, s, t* III Joannes Keith, Edinensis, b, s Joannes Maciivray, de Aberquhalder, Inncrnessensis, ace. 1718, .«, t Joannes Meldrum, Bamfensis, .-X.M. Joannes Murray, Merniensis, ace. 1718, .s / Joannes Rhind, Buchanensis, ace. 1718,5, t Joannes Touch, Bamfiensis, A..M. Jonathan Forbesius, Inverness., ace. 1720. See 1718-22 .Murdaeus MacKenzie, Innernessen., A.M. Patricius Duncan, Speiensis, burs., 5, t, III Patricius Miln, Bamfensis, ace. 1718, 5, t Robertus Drummond, Perthensis, na- tus V.D.M. apud Crcfam.ace. 1718, A.M. Robertus Fuliarton, Merniensis, A.M. Walterus Ogilvie, natus dno. de Raggel, Bamfensis, ace. 1718, .■>, t 1718-22 [Regents : Prof. J. Ker ; Daniel Bradfut] Ale.xr. Rait, natus dno. de Finlayston, Merniensis, aee. 1719, A.M. ; Reg. 1732-51 ; Prof. Maths. Alexr. Rose, Rossensis, A.M. Ale.xr. Wilson, Buchanensis, ace. 1719, A.M. Archibaidus Maepherson, Bamfensis, aee. 1719 Colinus Dunbar, Moraviensis, A.M. David Eraser, Inncrnessensis; 1st burs. ; A.M. Georgius Gordon, Bogiensis, b, s Georgius Leslie, Foveranensis, b, s Hugo Anderson, Moraviensis, natus V.D.M'° apud Dunenses, Med. D., aee. 1719, A.M. Jacobus Dawson, Bogiensis, burs., b, Sy t Jacobus Taylor, A.aM, (Miit. of IS May, 1722) + Joannes Barclay, Auchterlessensis, A.M. * Expelled, 18 Jan., 1720, for " complexc misbehaviour," but rcponcd 30 .March. t fJot in list of Entrants. •■ Under .Mr. Blak some yeares agoe." II 5« UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COI.LEtJK. :i7'8. Joannes Booth, Skcncnsis, hurs., b, s, I : ». of David B. JitanncK Nlaclcotl, Skicnsis. A.M. Ji. " ' II, dc Invcrcshic, .(. r JoaiiiiCN Stuait, iialuR \'. D.M'o apud InviTncsscnscs, ace. 1719, .\.S\. Jonathan l-orlxrs, Innernosson., natus dno. do WcllHcKl. Sec 1719 2:4 Ni({cllus Mcn/.ics, Pcrthcnsis, natus dno. JacoNi, ccnturionc, l>, s, / Rohcrtus Gordon, Bamfcnsis. A.W. Kobcrtus Gowic, .Moravicnsis, A..M. Uobcrtus Ross. Marricn, burs., b, I, in ThcfKlorus Gordon. Bo^icnsis,* natus .\l'" (juhclmo, dc Oriimbuiln, ace. 1719, A.M. Thomas .Macphcrson, dc Dalrodie, Badcnachcnsis, I/, s Thomas Onilvic, Bamfcnsis, A..M. Thomas Ray, Bogicnsis, A..M. 1719 23 [Regents: Prof. J. Kcr ; Alexander Praser] .Hncas Sagcf in {Miii. of 17 Dec. 1722) Alexander /Hdie, .Marriensis, A.M Alexander Smith, Aberdonensis Andreas Corse, Cathancsiensis, ace. 1720, -s Benjamin Williamson, Cathnnesien., ace. 1720,5 Colinus Palconer, .Moravicnsis, A..M. David Ross, natus dno. de .Auldic, Rosscnsis. See 1720-24 Donaldus .Maclean, Skien, ace. 1720. A.M. Donaldus .Mil.eod. SUiensis. A..M. Duncanus Praser, natus dno. de Auch- natjairn, Rossen., b, s, t Gc3 l7:iU. 1 Not in Albumii. : Off. lutil (ir.iJ.. p. Tin. folliiuiiiK u wrong cntr>- in Alb. Cgivci the name " Ucorgiun ", I Not ill the likt of Unlruntii. 1721.] ALUMNI IN ARTS : ALBUMS C AND D. 59 Andreas Moir, Buchanensis, hurs., /, m Archibaldus Campbell, Bamfiensis, A.M. Carolus Farquharson, Marriensis, natus dno. de , ace. 1721 David Macwarrand, Buchanensis, b, s David Ross, major, Rrssen., ace. 1721 David Ross, minor, Rossensis, b, s Georjiius Abercrombie, natus 1'. D. Jacobo de BirUenbog, Boynensis, ace. 1721 Georgius Bruce, Bamfiensis, ace. 1721, A.M. Georgius Law, Buchanen., ace. 1721 Georgius Matthison, Marriensis, ace. 1721, A..M. Georgius Ogilvie, de Coifinne, Boy- nensis, ace. 1721, A.M. Georgius Sandie, Buchanensis, ace. 1721, burs., / Georgius Sinclair, Cathanesien., natus dno. de Georgius Wilson, Bogiensis, A.M. Gulielmus Forbes, Buchanensis, ace. 1721 Gulielmus Gairden, natu'^ dno. d_' Troup, ace. 1721 Gulielmus Gordon, Bamfiensis, burs., b, s, t, in Gulielmus Irvine, Bogiensis, A.M. Gulielmus Legg, Bamfien., ace. 1721 Gulielmus Macintosh, de Blairvie, .Moraviensis, ace. 1721 Gulielmus Ogilvie, Bamfiensis, burs.. b. s Gulielmus Shearer, idem qui prioix- anno; iterum Graecis Uteris in cumbebat, burs., b, s Gulielmus Sinclar, de Dun, Catha- nesiensis Hugo Brodie, .Moravien., natus dno. de Lcthen, ace. 1721 Jacobus Adamson, Buchanensis. b, s Jacobus Crookshanli, .Morthlicen., ace. 1721, A..M. Jacobus Leslie, natus dno. de Kiniiivie, burs., /;, t Jacobus Nieolson, Moraviensis, b, s Jacobus Oliver, natus V.D.M™ ad ecclesiam de Forbes, b, s Joannes Brown, natus V. D. M. Aber- dourensi, Buchanen.; A.M. 1725 Joannes Burnet, .Marriensis, burs., b, s Joannes Henry, Buchanensis, burs., /;, ,■;, t, in Joannes Macbeth, Cathanesien., ace. 1721 Joannes Mackenzie, major, Rossen., b, s Joannes Mackenzie, minor, natus V.D.ISU" Dalmore, Badenachen. Joannes Macleod, major, Skiensis, ace. 1721, A.M. Johannes Sinclair, de Foss, Catha- nesiensis, aec. 1721 vioannes Turing, Bamfiensis, natus N'-D.^Uo ad ecclesiam de Drum- blade, /;, s Joannes Weath, Angusiensis: 1st burs. : A.M. Nieolaus Dunbar, de Tillynaught, Bamfiensis, ace. 1721, A.M. Patrieius Gordon, Speien., ace. 1721, burs., ;;; Robertus Shaw, Bogiensis. A..M. Thomas Craig, Elginensis Thomas Forbes, burs., /;, 5, / Thomas Innes, Bamfiensis. natus dno. de , ace. 1721 Thomas .Macintosh, Innernessensis, ace. 1721 Thomas Thomson, natus \'.D..M apud Hlginenses, A.M. 1721-25 [Regents: Pmf. J. Ker ; Daniel Bradfut] Alexr. Corse, Aberdonensis, natus X'.D.M^o Aberdonensi, A.M. 6o UNIVKkSITV AXI) KING'S COLLKr.E. I172I. Alcxr. Cruikshank, Butjicnsift, natus dno. dc .Monclic, h, 5 Alcxr. Gordon, major, Ruchancnsis, A.M. Alcxr. Gordon, minor, dc Garlic, ncpos dni. dc Kilgowcr, Suthcr- landius Alcxr. Paip, Suthcrlandius, ace. 1722, A.M. Andreas Hoimcr, Mernicnsis, A.M. Andreas Kcr, Dunhlancnsis, A..M. Caroius .Murray, Spciciisis, b, j Canilus Uosc, BuchancnsiR, A.M., LI,.I) , 1748 David Corse, natus \'.I)..M'" Abcr- donensi. See 1722-2H Ge«>rj{ius Anders<)n, .Marriensis, A.M. Gulielmus .Anderson, .Moraviensis, b, s Gulielmus Brown, Buchanensis, b, s (julielmus Duthie, .Marriensis, A.,M. Hu){o .Macdonald. Insulanus dc Uist Boreali, /», i Hugo Sutherland, de Breanudie. Sutherlandius, ace. 1722 Jacobus Anderson, natus Davidc S. Th. Professorc Abcrdoncnsi, A..M. Jacohus Buchan. F-rascnburn., A.,M. ( Bamfensis ?) Jacobus Chalmers, natus \M)..M"' dc Drumbiade, A..M. ; 1st 1-raser's div. burs. 1725 29 and Libr. 172(^29 (Mill, of 21 I-eb and 28 .\ov. 172«) Joannes Copland, Boynensis, burs., A, .«, /, III Joannes Kdwards, Mcrnicnsis, A..M. Joannes Grant, Speicnsis, ace. 1722 Johannes MacLeod, Sltiensis, b, i Joannes Stuart, Speicnsis, ace. 1722, A.M. Joannes Walker. .Xn^usiensis, /), 5 Joannes W'oikI, Bamfensis, burs., b, \, I. Ill LuduvicuH Gordon, Buchanensis, ace. 1722, A..M. (Bamfensis?) Patrieius l-raser, GaricKhensis, b, s Patricius lnncs,de Tillyfour, .Marrien., b.s Robertus Forbes, Buchanensis, burs., b, s, I, III Rolvrtus Ker, Angusiensis, natus \'.I). .Ministniapud Dunenses, A.,M. Kobertus Symon, Scoto-Anglus, ace. 1722 Thomas .Macpherson, Inncrnesscnsis : 1st burs. ; A..M. W'altcrus Hay, natus dno. de Ardm- l^ith, .Marrien. 1722-26 [Regents: Prof. J. Ker; Alexander l-raser] Aeneas .Macaulay,* maj., Leogcnsis, A..M. Aeneas .Macaulay,* min.. nat. V.D.M. Skiensi. A..M. Alcxr. .Miln. Banchoricnsis, A.M. Alcxr. Walker. .Moraviensis David Corse, Aberdonensis, A..M. Franciscus !-arquharson, de Fin/can, ace. 1723 Gcorf>ius Frascr, Buchanensis, ace. 1723. See 1723 27 Gulielmus Dunbar, de , Buchan- ensis, b, s Gulielmus Sym(»n. Bamficn., A..M. Hector .Morison, Sutherlandius, A..M. Hu^o Maculloch, de GInsstullich, Rossensis. Sec 1723-27 .lacobus Brodic, .Moraviensis Jacobus Cant. An^usianus. .A.M. Jacobus .Mitchell, .Marriensis, A..M. Jacobus Sandilands, de Crabslonc, Aberdonensis, b, s Jacobus Smith, Aberdonensis, burs., 'i, S, t. III •lacobus Walker, Bo^jiensis, .A..M. Joannes Fdwards,* Rossensis, A. .M. Joannes Forsyth, Banfcnsis, A.M. (Badenachensis ?) * Not in lial of l^nlruntN. 1 724-] ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS C AND D. 6i Joannes Macintosh, Badenachensis, ace. 1723 Joannes Mackenzie, Rossensis, /;, s Joannes Macleod, Skiensis ; 1st burs.: A.M. Thomas Brodie, nat. D. de Lfthen, iMoravien. See 1723-27 1723-27 [Rfgi'itts : Prof. J. Ker ; Alexander Burnet] Alexr. Dunbar, de Boath, Moravien., b, s Alexr. Geddes, Keithensis, ace. 1724, A.M. Alexr. Keith, Gariochensis, A.M. Alexr. Lyon, Poveranensis, A..M. Alexr. Mitchell, de Colpna. nat. V.D.M. Aberdonensi. See 1724-28 Alexr. Monro, Rossensis, nat. \'.r)..M. Tainensi, ace. 1724 Alexr. Scott, Merniensis, A.M. Alexr. Shand, Fraserburgensis, A.M. Alexr. Wright, Aberdonensis. See 1724-28 Carolus Gordon, Buchanen., A.M. Daniel Mcintosh, Invernessen., A.M. David Dunbar, nat. D. de Kirkhill, Moravien., b, s Georgius Fraser, Buchanensis, ace. 1724 Gulielmus Chaplain, Mernien., A.M. Gulielmus Duff, Edinburgensis, ace. 1724, A.M. Gulielmus Moir, Aberdonensis, A.M. Gulielmus Rcid, Marriensis, /;, .•; Gulielmus Tolmie, Moravien., A.M. Hugo MacCulloch, de Glasstullieh, Rossensis, /.*, ,"; Jacobus Adamson, Bogiensis, ace. 1724, A.M. Jacobus Cruikshank, Bamfiensis, de , /;, .s Jacobus Hlphinstone, de Logic, nat. D. Joanne, Ecjuite Baronetto, /;, s Jacobus Smith, Merniensis; 1st burs. ; A..M. Jacobus Turing, nat. \'.D.,M. de Drumblade, /;, 5 Jacobus Walker, Angusianus, A.M. Joannes Black, Buchanensis, h, s Joannes Chalmer, Moraviensis Joannes Dow, Bamfensis, aec. 1724, A.M. Joannes Fullarton, Marriensis, burs., b, s, t Joannes Garden, Bamfen., ace. 1724 Johannes Grant, Speiensis, A.M. Joannes Hamilton, Keithensis, ace. 1724 Johannes .Martine, Moraviensis, b, s Joannes Reid, Gariochensis, b, s Joannes Taylor, Bamfensis, ace. 1724, A.M. Patricius Grant, Speiensis, A.AL ; D.D. 1774 Robertus Bam, Xeoburgensis, A.AL Robertus Davidson, Speiensis, ace. 1724 Robertus Dunbar, nat. D. de Moy, Moraviensis; /;,.<;; mort. 1723 Robertus Logan, Forressensis, ace. 1724 Robertus .Milne, nat. \'.D..M. de Ud- ney, b, s Thomas Brodie, Moraviensis Thomas Hay, nat. D. de Likelyhood, Gariochen., b, s Walterus Goodale, Boynensis, burs., b, s, t. III 1724-28 [Regents: Prof. J. Ker; Daniel Bradfut] Alexr. Fraser, Invernessensis Alexr. ATackenzie, Rossensis, b, s, t Alexander McLeod, Skiensis, ace. 1723, A..M. Alexander Mitchell, de Colpna, Aber- donen. Alexander Scot, Aberdonensis, /;, .^ 63 UNIVERSITV ANIJ KINC'S COI.LTOK. (1724. AlcxanJcr Wrij-ht. Ahrcdoncn., A.M. Callftuis MacKcn/ic, ace I72t\ A.M. Duvid Kit. nut. Al. dc Kildrumniic, Marricn. I'ranciitcus l-urdycc. Murruvicnsis, ace. 1725. A.M. Geor(;ius Grantt. Boinensis, ace. 1725. J. / GeorRJus .Malcolm, Knnficnsis, A.M. Guliolnius CrkKhanl{, ace. 1725 Guliclmus l-ras«.T. Invcrnosscnsis, ace. 1725. i, I Gulielmus Gnint. Spcyensis. h, s Guia-iiiius McKcn/ic, dc Bennctflcid, KoKsensis, ace. 1725, s, I Gulielmus Scott, Invcrnessensis, b, s (julielmus Shaw, .Moraviensis, b, s, I Gulielmus Taylor, Buehancn., A.M. Hcnricus Innes, dc Burlum, Catha- ncsien.. aec. 1725 Jacobus Brodic, Cathancs., nat. V.I) .M de l<;iy. ace. 1725. A.M. Jacobus Davidson, Rosscnsis. A..M. (invernessensis ?) Jacobus Dunbar, Moraviensis Jacobus Kdwards, Aberdoncn.. A.M. 1747 {su) Jacobus Lamb. Tarvesicnsis, .A..M Jacobus .Smith, Tarvesicnsis. ,\..M. Joannes Black. Buchanensis, A.,M. Joannes .McPherson, Skvcnsis, ace. 1725, A.M.; D.D. l/Jif Joannes .Munro, Sutherlandcn., ace. I72.S, A .M. Joannes.Morison. Kossen ,nat.\'.D.,M. de Brand, ace. 1725. A.M. Joannes Sanderson. .Moravien., nat. V.D..M de Alves. A.M. JoanncR Smith, Buehancn.; Istburs.; A.M. Kennethus .Maeken/ic, Rosscn., ace. 1725, s. t Kennethus Sutherland, But hcrlandiuK, ace. 1725 .\i({ellus .McLeod, Skiensis, A..M. Norman .Morison, Rossen.,nat.\'.l).,M. de Brand, ace. 172.5, A..M Patriciua Grant, maj., nat. D. de Duthel. Speiensis PatriciuK Grant, min.. SpeiensiK, nat. D. dc Kudric Patricius Macconachic, Speiensis, ace. 1725. A..M. Patricius .Mitchel. .Marriensis, A..M. KodericuR Matthison, de Hajfieid. Rosscn.. ace. 1725, j, / Thomas Anderson, Buehancn., nat. V.D..M. de Rathen. A..M. 1725-29 [Regetiti : Prof. J. Ker ; Alexander Prascr) i Alexr. Dunbar, Buchanensis. burs., b, I S, t. III Alc.xr, l-raser. Invernessensis, Praser's burs., b, s, I, A..M. ; div. burs and Libr. 1730-32 Alexr. Jamcscjn, Buchanensis. .A M. : .M.D.. 1742 I Alexr. .Miln, Abcrdunensis, burs., /*, ' S, I, III .Alexr. .Mitchel. .Moraviensis, A..M. .Alexr. Willikin, Bamfensis, A,,M. Collinus Campbell, Narnien.. nat. I) dc Dclnic, A.M. Pinelaus Maclcnnan, Rosscnsis, b, s, burs.. I, III Pranciscus Adam. Marriensis, A.M. Pranciscus Porbes, de Pornaught Georjjius Cuniinn, Speiensis. /(, s Geor^ius Gordon. Aberdoncn., nat. M'" G.G.. Or. l.l-.P. See I72« ;«) D. Geo. Hay. nat. nobilissmui Mar- chione [111""] de Tweeddale. See 1726 30 Gulielmus Hay. l-overancnsis ; 1st burs, (julielmus Innes, Buchanensis, A.M. Jacobus Anderson, Bamfensis, A.M. Jacobus Dunbar, .Moraviensis, Praser's burs., /), s, A.M. 1726.] AI.UMM IX ARTS: AI.IU'MS C AND D. 63 Jacobus Falconer, Moraviensis, burs., b, s, t, 1)1 Jacobus McLean, dc Cappernach. Moraviensis, /;, ,s Jacobus Walker, de Torrieleith, Aber- donensis, }>, s Joannes Gibsone. Cathanesius, nat. V.D..M. de Caneshay Joannes King. .Marriensis, A.M. .Joannes Taylor, .Aberdonensis, A.M. Robertus Lyon, Forfarensis, A.M. Robertas Young, Moraviensis, .A..M. [R C'cnts 1726-30 Prof. J. Ker Burnett] Alexander Alexr. Abernethie, nat. D. de .Mayen, Bamfen., b, s Alexr. Innes, nat. \'.I)..M. de .Mort- lich, BamfF., /^ .s .Alexander .Matheson, Rossensis, ace. 1727 Alex. Oliphant,* A.M. Alexander Ross, Leogensis, ace. 1727 Car. Barclay, Scoto-Hibernus, nat. Pat., S. Th. D.,exantiqua Barclaio- rum gente de Gartlie oriundus. {Min. of 12 Dec. 1727) Daniel Clark, Invernessensis, A.M. Daniel .MackAulay, Skiensis, ace. 1727, A.M. David Bannerman, nat. \'.D..M. de Forglen, Speiensis, A..M. Dav. Ross, de Rives, Rossensis Donald Xicolson, Skiensis, b, s M. Fairfaxius Krskine, nat. nob. Comite de Buchan. See 1727-31 Geo. Gordon, .Aberdonensis. .A..M. ; Prof. Heb. 1730-67 Geo. Grahame, de Drynie, Rossensis. See 1727-31 D. Geo. Hay, Lothianensis, 6, 5 Georgius .\lcKy, Strathnavcriensis, ace. 1727, A.M. Geo. Ogilvie, Boynensis, A.M. Gilb. Lundie, Angusiensis, A.M. M. Gul. Fraser, nat. nob. Domino de Saltoun. See 1727-31 Gul. Gerard, Bamffensis, ex par. de Marnoch, A.M. Gul. MacKenzie, major, de Suddie, Rossensis Gul. .MacKenzie, minor, de Pitlundie, Rossensis, /;, .s Gull. .Monro, Rossensis. ace. 1727 Gul. Schanks, nat. V.D..M. de Drum- oak, Aberdonen., .A..^L Hen. Spence, Murraviensis, A.M.; D.D. 1761 ; Prof. Div., St. Mary's Coll., St. And., 1779-88 Hugo Christie, Merniensis ; 1st burs. ; A.M. Jacobus Gordon, Banffen., ace. 1727 M. Jacobus Hay, nat. dno. Davide Hay de Belton, Marchioni [l"""] de Tweedale nepos ; ace. 1727, A.M. Joannes Abernethie, Bamfensis, ace. 1727 Joa. Brown, Buchanensis, burs, b, s, t, 1)1 Joa. Chalmers, de Clunie, nat. \'.D.M. de Marnoci cella, Bamff., A.M. ; D.D. 1746; Reg. 1740-46; Prin. 1746-1800. Jo. Imray, Aberdonensis, burs., b, s, t, ))i Joa. MackEwer, Skiensis, b, s Jo. Maitland, Aberdonensis, b, s Joa. .Man, Buchanensis Joa. Mitchell, nat. .Ai. dno. de Colpna, V.D..M. Aberdonensi Jo. Nicolson, Skiensis, b, s Joa. Rose, Moraviensis Joa. Sim, Aberdonensis, burs., b, s, t, m Joa. Smith, Formartinensis, burs., 0, s, t, »i Joa. Stuart, de Inchbreck, Mernen., b, s : M.D. Rheims 1735 Joa. Watt, Aberdonen., A.M. 1731 ' Not in list of Entrants. 64 IMMKMTV AND KIXCJ'S COI.LKXJE. [1726. Ninianus Dunbar, Murravicnsis, ace. 1727 Kob HendiTs, burs., b, 5, 1, Ml [Kegenis 1727-31 Prof. J lir.idfutl Kcr: Uaiiicl Alexander Andcrstin.* Alx-rdoncnsis, A.M. Alex. Auchyndachy, Buchancnsis, de Kincrany Alex. Paliiincr, .Moravicnsis, A..M. Alcxiindcr 1-orbcs, Strathdoncnsis Alex. Mcl^, Kosscnsis Alex. Willox, Duchanensis Archibaldus Scton, Kdinburnen., HI. Gul. de Pitmedden. See 1728.32 Daniel Mackquecn, Invernessensis Duncanus .McPherson,* A..M. l-airfaxus Hrskine. An^'licanus Geo. Auchyndachy. Buchancnsis, de Kincrany Geornius l-iddes. Aberdoncnsis Geo. Graham, de Drynic, Kossensis Ger. Macken/ie, Kossensis Gulielmus Copland. Alu'rdonensis, e parochia de Tounh, A..M. Gull, l-orbes, Strathdoncnsis, de BellabcR Gul. Hraser, Buchancnsis, frater Car. de lnveraU)chy Gul. l-raser, .Maricnsis, fli. Dom. de Salton Gulielmus .Mitchell, .Moravien., A.M. Gull. Stuart. Banfcnsis, burs., /», 5, /, III HuRri .Mackay. Strathnavericnsis Jacobus .Moir, Banfcnsis, burs., />, ^, /, III Joannes Clerk, Aberdoncnsis. burs., b, s, /, III Joannes Corse, Cathanesicnsis, nat. \.D..M apud Bower, ace. 1729, A .M ; D.D, Glasj; 177(> Johannes .Mackleod, Skyensis, A.M. Joannes Pantoun, Alx-rdonen., A..M. Joannes Kait, .Maricnsis, A.M. Kenncihus .Macken/ic, Kossen. : 1st burs.; A.M. Normannus Beton. Skyensis, A.M. Patricius Don. i^anffensis Pat. (irant. Spveycnsis, burs., b, s, t, in Tho. (jordon, Aberdoncnsis, nat. .M'o G.G., LL 00 l> : A.M. ; Libr., Hum., Ren., Prof. Greek, 1733-97 1728-32 [Regtnis : Prof. J. Ker ; Alexander Frascr] Alex. Irvine, Aberdoncnsis Archibaldus Duff, Aberdonen., A.M. 1739 Archibaldus Scton, Bdinbur(>ensis Geo. Bean, Aberdoncnsis, burs., b, s, I, III Geo. Piddes. Aberdoncnsis, A..M. Geo. .Mackav. .N'averniensis. HI. nob. D. dc Keay Gcorfjius Paton, AK'rdonensis, dc Grandhomc ib, .Mar. Coll 1727). See 1729-33 Gulielmus Chisolm, Invcrncssensis, ace. 1729. A.M. Gulielmus Gordon, de Park, lianffen. Gul. (jrant, Speiensis, A..M. Henricus Inncs, .Moravien., burs., b, s, I Huf^o Praser. nat. \' 1)..M apud Inverness, ace. 1729. A ,M. Jacobus Burnet. .Mcrniensis. de .NUm- boddo Ja. Porsyeth, Aberdonen.. A..N1. 1733 Jacobus Irxine. Buchancnsis, /», s Joa. Abel, .Marriensis; 1st burs.; A.M. Joannes Black, Aberdoncnsis ' Nul In list of Untranln. 1 729-: ALUMXI IN ARTS: ALBUMS C AND D. 65 Joannes Clark, Invernessensis, ace. 1729, A.M. Joannes Fraser, Invernessensis, ace. 1729 Joa. Gibson, Buchanensis, A.M. Joannes Dalrymple Horn, I^othiensis, dc Horn seu Westhall .loannes .Marr, Abertionensis, .A.-M. Lachlanus Fi'aser, nat. V.D..M. apud Inverness, ace. 1729, A.M. Pat. Bailiie, Lothianensis, A.M. Rob. Anderson, Moraviensis, A.M. Robertiis Maepherson, Badenacben- sis, b, .■>. See 1729-33 Robertus Munro, Rossen., aec. 1729, A.M. Simon Gray, Rossensis, A.M. 1729-33 [Regents : Prof. J . Ker ; Alexander Burnet] Adamus Rose, Rossensis, ace. 1730, A.M. .Alexander .Allan, BanKensis, aec. 1730. A.M. Alex. Cuthbert, Invernessensis Alex. Irvine, .Aberdonensis, A.M. Alexander Jameson, Edinbiirgensis .Alex. McKenzie, Rossensis Alex. Smith, Aberdonensis Andrew Fraser, Invernessensis, burs., /, III Arcbibald .McBean, Invernessensis Arehibaldus Stevenson, Banfiensis, ace. 1730 Car. Forrester, Rossensis, A.M. Carolus Gordon, Rossensis, ace. 1730 Charles Sterlinji, Buchanensis, burs., /;, s, t, III ; s. of Gilbert S. Franciscus .Moleson, .Merniensis, burs., b, s Georgius .Allan, Banfiensis, aec. 1730 Geo. Forbes, .Aberdonen., M.D., 1736 Geo. MacUay, Naverniensis Georgius Paton, Aberdonensis, de Grandhome Georgius Youngson, Banfiensis, burs., b, s, I Gulielmus .McBean, Invernessensis Gulielmus Mackenzie, Rossen., A.M. Gulielmus .McLeod, Skyensis Gulielmus Nicolson, .Merniensis, de Glenbervie Gulielmus Proctor, Moravien., A..M. Gulielmus Wight, Aberdonensis Hugo Kemp, Rossensis, ace. 1730, A.M. Jacobus Hogg, .Merniensis, aec. 1730 Jacobus Keith, Bucanensis, ace. 1730 Jacobus Monro, Bamfiensis. burs., b, S, t. III Jacobus Reid,* A.M. Jacobus Watson, Buchanensis, A.M. Joannes Allan, Banfiensis, burs., b, s, t Joannes Black, Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Cummmg, Cantabrigiensis, ace. 1730 Joannes Ogston, Buchanensis, burs., b, s, t Joannes Paul, Angusianus, A.M. Joannes Ross, Rossensis, aec. 1730 Kennethus McEwer, Leogensis, aec. 1730, A.M, Murdacus McLeod,* A..M. Patricius Bannerman, Banfiensis, ace. 1730 Patricius C}ray,+ burs., b Robertus Forbes, Aberdonensis, ace. 1730; A.M. 1736 Ro. Kilgour, Buchanensis, A.M. Robertus .McPherson.* burs., .s, /, //(, A.M. Robert LIS Rait, .Merniensis, ace. 1730 Samuel Copland, .Mariensis, nat. N'.D.M. de Tough, A..M. ; D.D. Mar. Coll. 1784 Thomas Forbes, Buchanensis Tho. Ross, Rossensis, A,M. ' Not In list of Kntraiits. + Not in .Mhums. 66 UXIVI-RSITY AN'h KINGS COLLKC.E. '1730. [RrgtHts : 1730-34 Prof. J. Kcr; Bradfut] Daniel Alexander Dou^al, Muraviensis, ace. 17:ilvius, BanHensis, burs., I), .1, I, III Jacobus Stuart, .Mernensis Jacobus Sutherland. Suthcrlandius Joannes Clark, Kossensis Joannes Gordon, Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Lufnsden, Aberdonensis, burs., b, s, I, III Johannes McCaskle, Skyensis Joannes Mair. Aberdonen., ace 1731, AM JoanncH Mitchel, Aberdonensis, burs., b, .«, /, III Kenncthus Bayne. Kosscn., ucc. 1731 Patricius Chalmers, BanHensis Walterus .Morison, BanHensis. burs., b, s, t. III 1731 35 [Rf genii : Pn)f. J. Kcr: Alexander Kait] Alexander Gordon, nat. .M'» G.G., Or. LL Prof.: A.M. Alexander Houstoun. Invernesscnsis, A..M. ; .M.D. 17.S() Alexander Moir, .Al-ierdunensis ; 1st burs. ; A.M. Colinus Jack. Aberdonensis, A.M. David An^us, AlH-rdonensis. A..M. Jacobus Dalnarno. Aberdonen. Sec 1732-3fi Jacobus Grant. Bamflensis. See 1732-36 Jacobus .Marshall, Kdinburjiensis Jacobus Petrie, .Annusianus, ace. l/.Vi. A .M, .lacobus Watson. Alx'rdoncn., .X.-M. ; D I). 1770 Joannes l^ower, Aberdonensis, burs., h, s Joannes Forbes, Banfiensis Joannes Sime. Banfiensis, A.M. Joannes Spence, Kossen., ace. 1733, A.M. I*atricius Chalmers, Bamflensis, burs.. h, s, t, III Patricius Henderson. Aberdonensis Robi-rtus (larden. .Xberdonen.. A.M. Rolvrtus Hill, .Annusianus. A..M Uobertus .Milne, .M.irriensis, A..M. Thomas Uuddach, BanHensis, burs., b, s, I, III Thomas Sime, Angusianus, A.M. * Not in Albums. 1733-: ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS f AND I ). 1732-36 [Re>[eiils : Prof. >I. Ker : Alexander Burnet] Alexander Ballantine, Angusianus Alexander Forbes, Rossensis Alexander Hay, Aberdonensis, A.M. Alexander Leith, Aberdonensis Alexander MaeUenzie, Rossensis Andreas Greig, .Aberdonensis, A.M. Arehibaldus Calder, Moravien., A..M. Carolus Smith,* A.M. David Garrow, Banfiensis, A.M. Georgius Dunbar, Buchanensis Georgius J. Gordon, Londonensis, ace. 1733 Georgius Gregorie. .Aberdonensis Georgius Taylor, .Aberdonensis Gulielnuis Chalmers, RanRen., nat. X'.D.M. apud .Marnoch, A..M. Gulielmus Reid, .Aberdonensis Gulielmus Ross, Aberdonensis, burs., b, s, /, in Gulielmus Thomson, Moravien. ; 1st burs.; A..M. Jacobus Dalgarno, .Aberdonen., A.M. 1739t Jacobus Grant, Banfiensis Joannes Cook, Banfiensis, biu's., /;, ,<;, t. III Joannes Cummine, Banfiensis Joannes Doiigal, Moraviensis Joannes Forbes, .Aberdonensis Joannes Glass, Rossensis, ace. 1733 Joannes Grantt, Aberdonen., ace. 1733 Joannes Hackat, Aberdonensis, burs., b, s, I Joannes Skinner, Bamfiensis. ace. 1733, A..M.+ 1739 Jonathan Forbes, Rossensis, A..M. Lachlanus Ogilvie, Perthensis. burs., b.s Lodovicus .McKenzie, Rossensis .Matthxus Haj', Perthensis, burs., b, S, t, III 67 Patricius Bradfut. nat. .Mro. D., Gr. Ling. Pro., A..M. Robertus Morrice, Buchanen., A.M. Rodericus Mackenzie, Rossen., A.M. Thomas Fraser, Banfiensis \ alterus Ruddinian, Banfiensis, burs., b. K t [Regents 1733-37 Prof. J. Ker Gordon! Thomas Alexander .Adam, Aberdonensis, A.M. Alexander Chaplain, ex par. de Ar- buthnot, .A..M. Alexander .Mackenzie, Rossensis Alexander Margach. .Moraviensis, burs., b, s, t, III Alexander Schaw,* Moraviensis, A.M. Duncanus Thomson, .Aberdonensis, burs., b, s, t, in Georgius Gregorie, fil. nat. max. Jacobi, in hac Academia Medicinje Prof. Gulielmus Abernethie [Drummond], Banfiensis [de Hawthornden], ace. 1734; .Mar. Coll. 1735-39; M.D. Edin. 1754 Gulielmus Arnott, Londinensis, fli. Jo. de Abbotshall Eq. Baronett., A.M. 1743 Gulielmus Chisolm, Invernessensis, ace. 1734 ; M.D. 1789 Gulielmus Cuming, Buchanensis, burs., b. s, t, m Gulielmus Weems, Aberdonensis Hector Macphail, Invernessen.; 1st burs.; A.M. Jacobus Clerk. Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Fraser, Invernessensis Jacobus Grantt, .Aberdonensis. .A..M. Jacobus Grantt, Banfensis, minor Jacobus .Milne, .Aberdonensis, A.iM. Jacobus Ogilvie, Sterlinensis, burs., b, s, /, in ' Not in list of Kntrants. t Degrees from Library Accounts, not in Album C or in Off. ami Grail., p. 233. 68 rNIVKR.sITV AXO KIN(;'s C(>LI.Kt;K. t<733 JouniicR DiMiis, ii.it \' n M do Cjiiliolnius Hi-iidorwin. c par. do Birw. A M Clatt. AM Joannes l-orbcs. AK-rdnnonsis (lulii-lmuK Mitchell,* c par. ct villa Johannes l-orlvs. Abcrdoncnsis de Loith, burs., in. A.M. JnhnnncK Gordon. Abcrdoncnsis, ace. Guhclmus Sutherland, Cathancsicn.. 1734 A .M 1739 Joannes Mcl^-cxJ, Insulanusdc Rasay Gulielmus W'ardlaw, Pifensis Joannes Kattray. I\'rthcnsis. burs.. Henricus SchanU. Abcrdoncnsis '', <. '. '" Jacobus .Mitchell. Kanflensis, burs., Joannes Wood. Ruchancnsis. burs.. h, s, I, in h, s, I, III l-achlanus .Macldean. .l-'budensis Patriiiiis Cjordoii. .Abi-rdcun-nsis. ace. \7M Patricius Jameson,* .\M. I'atricius Ker. Abcrdoncnsis N'aiterus Grant. f^anfTensis 1734-38 [Regents: i'rof. I). Bradfut ; Alex andcr Rait] Alexander Couper, c par. de Clatt, A..M Alexander Fcrjjuson, e par. de Insch, A..M .\lexander Garden, Abcrdoncn. See 1 733-39 Alex. Henricus Gordon, [)ublincnRis, ace. I73.'> .\lcxandcr .Mackay, Rosscnsis ; I st burs., I), s. t. III Alexander Ruddach, e par. dc Grange, ace. 173S, A.M. Alexander Smith, e par. de Garlly, A .M. Carolus Jameson, .Abcrdoncnsis, ace. 1735 Daniel Copland, luit. \M)..M. de Gull. Cumine. Abcrdoncnsis Tounh, .A .M Gull. 1-orbes. .Merniensis David I'orbes, Abcrdoncnsis, burs.. Hu^o Ross. Abcrdoncnsis, A.M. b, i Hu^o Stevenson, Ar(;athcliensis, ace. Gcoffiius Dunbar, BanHensis, burs., 1 1736 Ij, i I Jac. Shand, .Moravicnsis, A..M. Geornius Grenorie. e par dc l-ordyce, Joa. .NKAulay, SUiensis, A..M. A..M Juan. Ray. Rosscnsis Joannes .Maxwell. Tyronicnsis. ace. I73.S. A.M. Joannes .Mcarns. Abcrdoncnsis. burs.. /*. .1, I, m Joannes Strachan. c par. dc Peter head. A..M. Robertus Annand, AK-rdonensis Gualtcrus Leith. Abcrdoncnsis 1735-39 [Kegenls : Prof. D Bradfut ; Alex- ander Burnet] Alexander Burnett, Mernien.,ace. 1736 Al. Garden. Abcrdoncnsis: 1st burs. ; A..M Alexander Garioch. .Merniensis, dc .Mcrj{y, ace. 173t> Alex. .Moir, major, Abcrdoncnsis Alex. .Moir, minor, BanHensis, A..M. ; .M.D. 1763 Cal. Falconer. BanHensis, burs., h, s. I, III Car. AitUcn. .Abcrdoncnsis. burs., /), s. I. Ill Carolus Gordon, Abcrdoncnsis, burs., /), S, I, III (jco. Innes. .Moraviensis. burti., h. s,l ' Nut in li«t of Knlrant*. I737-J ALUMM IN ARTS: AI.HUMS C AND I). 69 Joannes Sciogie, Aberdonensis, HI. V.D.Al. apud Strathbo«v, ace. 1736, A.M. Joa. Strachan, Merniensis, .A.M. Nath. Morgan, Aberdonensis, A..M. Rob. Chisolm. Invernessensis Tho. Richardson, Banfiensis 173640 [RiXt'iils : l^rof. D. Bradt'ut ; Thonias Gordon] Adam Hay, Aberdonensis, de Cocldaw Adamus Steven, .Aberdonensis, e\ par. de Rhinnie. .A..M. Alexander Gordon, Aloraviensis Alexander Jopp, Aberdonensis, burs., h, s, t, III Alexander Xicolson, nat. \'.D..M. de Kiltariatie in comit, de Inverness, ace. 1737, A.M. : Fraser's div. burs. and Libr. 1741-44 Alexander Wiseheart, Aberdonensis, ex par. de S. .Machar, vulgo Old Aberdeen, A.M. •Andreas Dyce, .Aberdonensis, nat. V.D.M. de Belheivie Calenus Mackenzie, Rossensis David Cooper, .Aberdonensis, burs., /;, ,v, /, /;; Donaldus Munro. e comit. et par. de Inverness, 2nd burs. * ; A..M. Georije Gordon, Aberdonensis Georgius .Munro, Sutherlandiensis, ace. 1737 Gulielmus Bi'aick, .Aberdonensis, ex par. de Oyne, A..M. Gulielmus .NlacUenzie, Rossiensis, ace. 1737 Gulielmus Rose, .Aberdonensis, .A..M.; LL.D. 1783 Gulielmus Ross. Rossensis, dc Kin- dace Gulielmus Ross, minor, Rossiensis, ace. 1737 Jacobus Adamson, Aberdonensis, burs., b, s, t. III Jacobus Forbes, Aberdonensis, burs., b, s, I, III Jacobus Henry, Thulensis, ace. 1737 James Mudie, Merniensis Jacobus Oliphant, nat. \'.l) .M. di- Glenbucket in com. de .Aberdeen, A..M. Jacobus Paterson, .Merniensis, ex par. de Arbuthnot, A..M. James Simson, .Aberdonensis Joannes Davidson, .Aberdonensis Johannes Gregory, Aberdonensis; M.D. 1746; Reg. 1746-49; Prof. Med. 1753 66; and at Edin. 1766-73 Johannes Longmoor, Banfiensis, burs., b, s, I, III Joannes Mackenzie, Rossiensis, ace. 1737 John Reidfoord, .Aberdonensis, burs., b, s, t, III Martin Shank, nat. \'.D..M. de Drum oak in comit. de .Aberdeen, .A..M. Patrick Synipson, .Aberdonensis, nat. \'.D..M. de .Monymusk in comit. de Aberdeen, .A..M. Theophilus Ogilvie. Banffiensis, burs., b, s, t, III Thomas Gordon, Aberdonensis, nat. X'.D.iM. de Lonmay in comit. de Aberdeen, A..M 1737-41 [Rt\i;ciits : Prof. 1). Bradfut ; Alex- ander Rait] Alexander Fraser. Buchanen., A..M. .Alexander Gordon, Banfheiisis, biu's., b, s, I, III .Alexander .Napier, .Merniensis, nat. V.D.M. de .Maryculter, A.M. .Alexander Seton, .Merniensis, burs., Ii, s, t. III .Alexander Stuait, Banfiensis, burs., ii, -s /, III The 1st buisar. .hinics Barclay, did not enter, 70 L'NIVEkSITV AND KINCj's COl.LKGK. '737 Alexander White • dc Ailavhill (fc, .Mar Coll.), A..M Andreas Cassie, AlK-rdonenxiK Andreas Oj^ijvie, lianfliensis, burs., h, i, I. Ill Archihaldus Napier, .Merniensis. nat. V.D.M.de .Marvculter. A..M. : .MIX I7(v< David Chissr}>ius Chapman, TurrefTen., A..M. (>eorf;ius Morison, .Aberdonensis, e par. de l-orgue. A..M. Geusianus, burs.. /», .V, I, III Georgius Simc, Bamphicnsis Gulielmus Harqrs, .1, /, III Jacobus Houston. Aberdonensis, ace. 1739 Jacobus .\ory. Aberdonensis. e par. de Banchory DevenicU. .A..M. Jacobus Sim, Aberdonensis. nat. V.D.M. de Tullynessle. A..M. Jacobus Walker. Aberdonensis, burs., h, s, t. III Joannes Arbuthnot, Aberdonensis .loannes lirown, Kxetrensis Joannes Dick, .Moraviensis. A.M. Jonathan .Macdonald, Invernessensis, AM Uobertus I'orsyth. Aberdonensis, e par. de l-!llon, A..M. Kobertus Innes, .Moraviensis, e par. de Alva. A.M. 17-J.S: .M.D. Edin. I7.s:i Thomas Fairbaim M;imlii-nsis Thomas Ix'ndrum, Aberdonensis, c par. de Slayns, A .M. Thomas .Meicer. AK-rdonensis. nat. V DM. deTyrie. A.M. 1738-42 Alex [Rffjents . Pr, s, t. in Jnnnnos Campbell, ArKathclicnsis Joannes l-'rccbairn, An)(usicnsis, c p;ir. dc Arbuthnot, A.M. I.udovicus Gordon. Abcrdoncnsis Patricius Gordon,* l-rasor's burs., /;, s, I, III, A..M. ; div. burs, and l^ibr. 1744-47 Thomas Onilvic, Hamfcnsis, burs., b, S, I, III 1741-45 [liegeiits . Prof. I). Hradfut : Al.x ander Hurnct] Alexander Annand. Aberdoiicn.MS Alexander Barron, Aberdonensis (/(, .Mar. Coll. 1741). ace. 1742 Alcxanderl-orbes, Aberdonensis, burs., /», .1, /. Ill Ale.\ander Fyfe, An(ianensis, A..M. 17.S() Gulielmus .Mitchel, Palwo-Aberdonen,, A.M. Gulielmus Pierie, Aberdonensis Jacobus Innes,* burs., h, •., I, m Jacobus .McLean, .l-^huden., de North List, A.M. Jacobus Smith, AlH-rdonen., ace. 1742 JncnbuH Steel Aberdonensis Jacobus Thoni. Neo-Alvrdonen., A .M Joannes l-orbes. Aberdonensis. filius domini de Wateitown, ace. 1742 Joannes Gordon, An^usianus, A..M. Joannes Gordon. .Moraviensis Joannes Grub. AK-rdonensis, burs., U, i, I, III Patricius S;innster. Alvrdonensis, burs., b, i, / Kichardus Hannot Bennett,* Annli- cus, ace. 1742, A..M ; D.D 1778 KoK'rtus Allardice, .Merniensis, A..M. Kobertus Steuart. .Aberdonensis ThomasBro\vn,\'allibt>Kianensi8,burs., A, .«, /, III Thomas Wiseheart. .Merniensis, e par. lianchory Ternan, A.M. Waltcrus .Mitchell,* burs., /), s, /. ni 1742 46 [R. ; Sec Appx. A. I7.V». JaeobuM Brown, Ahcrdoncnsia, A..M. Jacobus Kams;iy. .■\berdoncnsis, A..M. Joannes l-ifc. AnKusianus, dc Porfar, AM Joannes Hutcheon, .MernicnsiH, burs., ''. A. /, III Joannes .McKcn/.ie. Kossonsitt Lachlanus .Mcintosh. Inverncsscnsis, burs., /, III Palrieius Gordon, Alx-rdoncnsis Patrieius Lunan. Aherdonensis, burs../ Kol-veitus P.ttcrson. .Moravicnsis, nat. \' IX.M. dc St. Andrews, ace. 17.S0. A..M. 175054 I lienciili : Prof. D. Bradfut : Alexander Burnet 1 .Alcxiindcr Davidson. AtH-rdonensis. burs., Ii, s, I Alexander Paterson. .Moraviensis, burs., h, i Alexander Peat. I'erthcnsis, dc Crief. Sec 1749-33 Alexander Temple, .\lx-rdoneiisis, c par. dc Kinncthnuint. See 17.31 .33 Cnllinus .Maefaiquhar. Uossiensis : Wat Coll. before 173S (ieorjiius Durno. .\lx-rdonensis. par. dc Uayn. A.M. Georjiius (iauld. Bantien.,* burs., />. >. t Geor^ius Rainy. Turruflicn., ace, 1731 Gcorjjius Stephen, Banflen.,deGairtl\. A..M Gcornius Symincr, .Merniensis (luliclnuis Peirie, Alvrdonensis Hcnrieus (iilehrisf, Aberdoncn., aec, 1731 Jacobus Anderson, Aherdonensis, de .MuTdour, A..M Jacobus Hay. Kl^inensis, A .M.; D.I) 1778 s ■lacobus Innes. AlH'rdonensis * \<>l in All'umn. e ScollK I- Hill. ill.. H>\. 1752. AI.UMM IN ARTS: ALISU.MS C ANH D. n Jacobus Johnston, Banfiensis, burs, s Joannes Alexander, Ans^usianus, ace. 1731 .Joannes Henderson, Aberdonensis, burs., h, s, Joannes Robertson, .Angusiensis, do Craig, A.M. Johannes Ross, Merniensis, burs., v .Nathaniel Stuart, Moraviensis ; 1st burs., h. .s Robertus Garrow , Banfiensis Robertus Ray, Banfiensis, A.M. 1751-55 [Regents : Prof. D. Bradfut ; Rode- rick Macleod] Alexander MacAulay, Invernessensis, ace. 1732. burs., / Alexander .Macsween, Invernessensis, ace. 1753 Alexander Ross, Banfiensis, .\..M. .Alexander Temple,* burs., I, in, A.M. Georgius Lumsden, Aberdonensis, burs., h, s Georgius Robertson, Rossen., e par. de Aines, ace. 1752, A.M.; D.D. Glasg. 1795 Gulielmus Leith, Banfiensis. c par. de Grange, .A..M. (julieimus Mackenzie, Kossensis, HI. dom. de Gerioch, ace. 1732. Gulielmus Tulloch, Moraviensis. nat. de Tanachie, A iM. Henricus Robert.son, Rossensis, nat. V.D.M. de Kiltearn, A..M. Hugo Finlay, Rossensis, A,.M. Hugo Macleod, Rossensis, .A..M. ; D.D. 1780: Libr. 1756-39; Prof. Church Hist. Gla.sg. 1778-1807 Jacobus Davidson, Gariochensis, ace. 1752 Jacobus Tavlor. Banfiensis: 1st huis. Joannes McGown, Banttiensis Joannes Maclean, Invernessen.. ace. 1752, A.M. 1756 I^iidovicus Grant, Banfien., ace. 1752 N'igellus .Maclean, Invernessen., ace. 1733 Patrieius Stuart, Banfiensis Paulus Fraserius, Invernessen., ace. 1732, .A..M. ; Fraser's div. burs., 1756-60: D.I). St. And. 1796 1752-56 t [Regents : Prof. D. Bradfut ; Thomas ReidJ Alexander Fraser, Invernessen., s. of Alex. F., baxter ; Fraser's burs., /;,.';,/ Alexander Grant, Banfiensis, ni. Mar. Coll. Alexander Hay, Aberdonensis, burs., h, s : in. Mar. Coll. 17.54-55 .\lexander .McKenzie, Rossiensis, ace. 1753 Alexander Peterkin, Banfiensis, burs., s; ni, Mar. Coll. 1754 55 .Archibaldus Dunbar, .Moraviensis, de Thunderton Carolus Gordon, burs., I>, s ; .\..M. Mar. Coll. 1735 Carolus .Maeeiver, Leogensis David Moncrief, .Angusianus, ace. 1753, A.M. Georgius Chalmers, .Aherdnnensis, ace. 1753 (jeorgius .Mark, Banfiensis, .\..M. Gulielmus l-raser, Aberdonen., ace. 1753 (julielmus Lf the King's Coll. session was inci'easeil in 17.S4. I.ifc of James .Macpherson liy Gleij;, in Eitcxc. liril., 3rd ed. ^ 7» Hu({bui> Klair. .An^usianuK, A..M .lacobus .Wliitiiv. Hannu'iiKis, A..M. Jaoibus .Macl'hiTsiin, Invcrncssi-nKis . III. Mar. C..II. I754 5.S tiacnbus Milncr. AtxTdimcnsiK : 1st bum.; A.M. ■lacobus Saunders. HanfTi'nsis .lacobus Tod. Klumcnsis Joannes Coiipcr. AbcrdoiiciiMS, burs.. I>. s . m, .Mar. Coll. I7.S4-.S.S .loanni's .McKcn/ic, Kosscnsis. \.\\ K'obcrtus /Xdam. Strathbojjicnsls Kobortus Duff. .-Vbcrdoncnsis. A.M.; I) I) 1811 • KolicTtuN Dunbar, Muravicnsis, ace. 1753 (jualtcrus .Mcarns, Abcrdoncn.. A .M. V'altorus .Morison. Banllicnsis, A.M. 1753-57 + [Rtgents : Prof. D. Bradfut ; Alex andcr Burnet] Alexander l--lphinston. Aberdonensis. de (]|acU CarolusSympson, Aberdonensis, burs., S, III Ocornius Leslie, .Aberdonen.. ace. postea (Jeornius Taylor. Aberdonensis (lulielnuis I'ordyce. Aberdonensis (iulielmus .McKen/ie. Uossiensis. See I75-J.S8 (iiiliclmus Ofjilvie. Banfiensis. burs., /', s See I75-I .S8 .lac<»bus Ainslev, Angusianus ; .-X .M. .Mar. Coll LNIVKK.Mr\ .\.M) KI.\i;.S COU.K«;K. '752- Jacobus NicolMin. InvernciiKcniiiR. See I7.S.S..S9 .loh.innes Benin(, . burs.. />. > (julielmus OniKy ? . burs.. .%. I Gulielmus l\oss, Uossiensis, e par. dc T;iin, ;icc. Mr^Ft. A W (iulielmus Sutherland. Wossiensis.nat. \ .D..M de Tain. ace. I7.S.S. A .M. Hector .Macdonald. Iiiv>>ii>.sensis * .Mi»printctl \Hi2 in Drf. „i„l Gi.nl.. p. lOH. t Fri>m IJ.V* til IKII ihr ■ HiirHiirs Ho 10 yciiro (if ulicndancc not to l>v Iminil in All>uin O. and liiihcrtn ^Icnnril (ii>ni .Vinnintx •>r hiirnam' vnuchcrH. Sec 1717 '1\. ; Two Macticnr.icK ^radiiulr in I7.W: " nnnaldiis. nat. V.I)..M. di- Ia:«ii»,' and " DonalduA. nai. dc .Mcddal ". I Not in AllniinH. 1756. AI.L'MNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS C' AND \). 79 Jacobus Behn, Bamtiensis : burs.,/', S, /, III Jacobus Brunus, Angusianus, A.M. Jacobus Oarioch, .Aberdonensis ; .v. /. .Mar. Coll. Joannes Forbesius, Strathcion, A.M. JoannesMacAulay, Rossien.. ace. 1755 ■Joannes Ross, Rossiensis Joannes Stuart, Banfiensis Robertus Ross, Rossiensis : .<. t .Mar. Coll. Samuel .Mackenzie, Rossiensis Stephanus BucUle, Norvicensis, A.M. 1759 (Mill, of 7 .Mar. : when he is Rector of HacUford. Norfoll;)* 1755-59 [Regents: Prof. J. Leslie; Thomas Reid] Alexander Dunbar, Moraviensis .Alexander Grantt. Bamfiensis. .A.M. Alexander Thoni. .Aberdonensis, A.M. Carolus Grant, .Aberdonen., ace. 175(S Gulielmus Oj^iivie, Moraviensis, A.M. ; LL.D. Columbia, 1793; Asst. Reg. 1761 ; Reg. 1764; Hum. 1765-1819 Gulielmus Robertson f ; burs., /;, ,s. / Gulielmus Stuart, Banfiensis, A.M. Isaacus Amory, Lincolniensis, ace. 1757, .A..M. Jacobus Garrioch + ; burs., h, ,s, / Jacobus McKenzie, Aberdonensis: burs., b, s, t Jacobus Nicholson * ; burs., ,■; ; A..M. Joannes Grant, Invernessensis, A..M. Joannes Paterson, .Aberdonen., A.M. Joannes Ragg,Aberdonen.,nat.V.D.M. de Belhelvie, A.M. Joannes Touch, Bamfiensis: 1st burs.: A.M.: D.D. 1781 Lachlanus Duff, Invernessensis Ludovicus Grant, Moraviensis, de Knockando Robertus Mitchell, Cromartien., ace. 1756 Rodericus McLeod, Invernessen., nat. V.D..M. de Duirinish, A.M. 1761 Thomas Steel. Kdinburgensis, ace. 1757, .A..M. Thomas W'rijjht. Banfiensis, A..M. 1756-60 [/^(•^^eiifs : Prof. J. Leslie; -Alexander Burnet^ Alexander .McKenzie, Rossensis (Mar. Coll. 1755-57), ace. 1757 Alexander Wilson, Banfiensis, nat. \'.D..M. de Gemrie : burs., /;,.<. See 1757-61 Andreas Hill, .Angusianus, A..M. .Andreas .Mitchell, Cathanesiensis, ace. 1757 Bannatinus Gul. .MacLeod, Edinbur- gensis, ace. 1757 Carolus Gordon, .Aberdonensis Christophorus Grant, Aberdonensis, A..M. 1761 Georgius Mackenzie, Rossensis, de Inchculter Gulielmus Brown, Bamfiensis : burs., h, s, t, III Gulielmus Innes, Moraviensis Gulielmus Ogilvie, Bamfiensis; burs., /;, ,s-, t, III : A..M. 1767 [Miii. of 18 Apr.) Jacobus Fraser, iMoravien., ace. 1757 Jacobus Henderson, .Aberdonensis, e par. deTowie; 1st burs See 1757- 61 Ludovicus Fraser, nat. \'.D..M. de In- verness ; Fraser's burs., /', .s", / ; A.M. 1761.; div. burs. 1760-62 Patricius Morison, Bamfiensis; burs., Il, S, t. III Rodericus .Mackenzie, Rossensis, de Scotsburn. See 1757-61 * In Ojff. and GraiL. p. 241, this degree is wrongly given under 1758. + Not in Albums. ; Not in list of Entrants. So rXIVKkSITV AM> KINT.'S COI.I.K.r.K 1756. ThfiKloru* l-orbcH 1^'ith, AlHTjunon , aci. I7.S7. Sec I7.S8 62 ThiMiuis Wilson, M.iiitii-n.. iiat. \ .D.M. lie Gcnirif : burn.. A. ^. Sci- 1757 til 1757-61 [/{ff;enls : Prof. J. Lcslio ; Kinlorick .Mack'iMl] /Hncas MaicAulay, Invcrncsson., n;it V.D..M. dc Harris, ace 17SS : hiirs.. /. 1,1 : A.M. .Alexander Dunhar. .Wiraviensis. do B.iath. ace. 17.S8 .■\lcxander (irant. Banftiensis .Alexander .N^acUcnzie.Kosscnsis; burs.. /'. s, I .Alexander .McKonochv. Banfien., ace. 17.S8: burs , / .Alexander Sutherland.Siithorlandicn., nat \'.D..M. de K'o^iart. ace. I7.S8. .A.M Alexander Wilson, Banfiensis, ace, burs., .\, /, III ; A.M. .Andreas Grant. .Moravien., ace. 17.S8 Christophoriis Douglas, liantiensis Geornius Chalmers, Aberdonensis (jcor^jius Chalmers. .Moraviensis, nat. \'.D..M. de Mortlach [Glass], A.M. Gcor>{ius Gordon, Suthcrlandiensis. ace. 17.S8, A.M. (juliclmus Duff, Aberdonensis, nat \I)..M. de Kinj-edward. A..M (iulielmus l"orlx-s l.eith. Aberdonen., de Whitehaunh, See I7.S8-H2 Gulielmus Hunter. Aberdonensis ; burs., /(, A, /. HI Gulielmus .lohnston, Aberdonen.: 1st burs ; A.M. Henrieus Kobertson, I'ertheiisis ; burs., .^, /, III .lacobus Dunbar, Momvien.. fli. Dom de B..ath. A..M.: Asst UeR. 1765; Hen 17(^-94; LL.D .Mar Coll 1780 .lacubus Hcndenoin. Alicrdoniensis. ace. burs . /, m . A..M. J.ieubus Warwick. Aherdoncngis : burs., b, J, /, III .Michael Uoy. Aberdonensis. ace. 1758 N'ormannus .McI>-od. Invernessensiii. e par. de Portrie. A..M. Patricias Proctor, .Moraviensis; burs., s, t Rodericus .Macken/ie. Rossen., ace. Sylvester Douglas. Alx-rdonensis, de l-echil. A..M. I76.S(.V.M of 16 Dec.): .M.D. l-evden, 1766; Lord Reel. l8().S.ia Thomas Dyce, Roxbur^ensis Thomas HIder, .Anj^usianus Thonias Robert s, I, III : A..M I758-O2 [Rcticnis : Prof. J. Leslie ; Thomas Reid Alexander Allan. Aberdoniensis: burs., /'. s, t Alexander .Angus, AK'rdonensis, nat . \'.D M de Culsalmond, A .M. .Alexander Duff. Aberdonensis, ace. 17.S9. A..M. 1769 .Alexander Pullan.AberdoneiiMs Imrs b, .s Alexander Cjrant. Bantiensis Alexander .McLean, Skiensis, A.M. .Alexander .Meariis, Alx-rdonensis, nat. V.D..M. de Inche, A..M. Alex;inder K'eid, .Merniensis Alexander Reid. .Aberdonensis, ace. 17.S9 ; burs.. \ I Georniu*i Bruce, Lothianensis. e par. de Dalkeith, A .M. (jeorjjius Chalmers, Moraviensis, an- tea in Album relatus, 17,S7-6I (iulielmus |-istrand Class, uiul -40 were promoted to the Degree of A. .VI. publickly or privately. ' Note in .AUnim C. 8a UNIVERSITY AND KINO'S COI.I.ERR. 1760. Alexantlrr Anili'rKatheliensis Robertus Arthur. Buchanen. : burs.. //. A. /. See 1763-67 Kobertus Paul, Aberdoncnsis, A..M 1763-67 [Ke/itul^ : Prof. .1. IatsIic ; KodencU .MacLeod .-Hneas .McDonald. Aberdoncnsis; burs., h. >,, t, III Alexander Campbell.* .Moraviensis, e par de l-orress, A .M. .Alexander Clarli, Nairniensis: burs., /', 1. / Alexander Gordon, Aberdoncnsis: burs., h, s, I Alexander .Mac Donald. SUiensis, nat. V l)..M. de Portree. A .M. .Alexander .Macdonald, Invernessen sis, acc. 1764 Alexander .Molleson, AnKustan., A.M. Alexander .Murray. Kossensis, A..M. Alexander Ojjilvy, Anf^usianus, A..M. Carolus Calder. Invernessen.. fr.itcr I Hu^onis; 1st burs.; A..M. Carolus l-orbes. .Aberdoncnsis. e par de Strathdon. A .M Carolus .M'hardy. Alvrdonensis. e I par. de Strathdon. .A .M Cumbria .Moffat, Lothianus Dunaldus .McI-can, Inncrncssis, acc. [ 1764, A.M. I Donaldus .Morison, Skiensis, acc. i 1764, A..M Dou>;ald Campbell ■•• : burs.. I>, s. t, 111 ; A.M. Gideon Gifford. Hethland. de Busta Gulielmus Dunbar, .Moraviensis, HI. Dom. de Thunderton, A..M. Gulielmus Gourlay,Angusianus. See I 1764-68 Gulielmus Ross, Rossensis Gulielmus Sangster, Aberdoncnsis; burs., h, s Hector MacAulay, .Arj»athcliensis ; burs., Ii, s Hcnricus Robertson, Rossensis, nat. \'.D.,M. de Kincardine, acc. 1764, A..M ; D.D .Mar Coll 1802 Huj;o Calder. Invernessensis, nat. V D M de Croy. A .M Hun tins decree i* wnmgly ^iven i«l»o under I7, s, t ilacobus marty. Jacobus de Cro- Davidson, ex com. A..M.; D.D. 1794 Grant, Murraviensis, fil. \'.D..NL apud Nigg Jacobus Gregory,. Aberdonen., fil. Job., .Med. Prof, in Acad. Edin. ; .M.D. Hdin. 1774; Prof. Inst. Med. Edin. 1776-89: Pract. .Med. 1790-I82I Jacobus Pirie, .Mernien.; burs., b, s, t Joannes .Adam, .Aberdonensis, ex par. de Drumoak, A..M. Joannes Leslie, Moraviensis Joannes Robertson, Rossensis, fil. V.D.M. de Lochbroom, A..M. Joannes Scott, fil. Mri. Jacob!, de Westwood in provincia Virginiae, ace. 1766, A.M. Joannes Taylor, ex India Grientali, ace. 1765 J Patricius Forsyth, Aberdonensis Theodorus Fraser, Invernessensis, fil. \'.D..M. apud Boleskin ; Fraser's burs., h, s, t, in; .A..M. : div. burs., 1768-70 Thomas Gulielmus Lutrel. .Anglus, fil. Dom. de Irnham in Anglia, ace. 1765 1765 69 [Rei!;eiits : Prof. J. Leslie; James Dunbar] Alexander Aitkin, .Angusiensis, A.M. Alexander Gordon, .Morav., ace. 1766 • Not in list of Entrants. + A. Stephen, D. Johnston, aTul H. Fr;iscr had gained bursaries at .Marischal College, which they resigned. ; " Only nine years younger than his mother." T. Gordon's Album. 86 UNIVKkSITV AM) KING'S COU.KGK. 1765. I Alexander Ingram, Alvrdoncnfiis : 5th burs.* Alexander McAdam. NairnienKis, ace. I7«itv A..M Alexander U'cilvrts, .Nlerniensis, A..M. Alexander Smith. .Moraviensis Colin Maeken/ie. Uossensis. ace. I7(i6 Donaldus .Munro, Inverncsscnsis, A..M. 1770 l-ranciscus Walker, .Mcrnicnsis. A.M. (lulielnuis Bremner. Banfiensis, A.M. Ciulielnuis (iourlev.''' burs., n: . .A .M, ; .Ml) l-:din. 1782 (julielmus .Milne, .Mcrnicnsis; burs., /'. s, t Ciulielmus Shand, .Abcrdoncnsis. A..M. (uiliclnius Smith. .Aberdiinensis, .\..M. Jacobus .NlcKonoehy. BamHensis, ace. 1766 Jacobus .Macleod. Rosscnsis Jacobus Shepherd, Aberdoncnsis Jacobus Smith, Mernicnsis, A..M. Jacobus Sutherland, .Nairniensis Joannes Beaton, Invernessensis. See 176(1-70 Joannes Dallachy, Banfiensis, fil. .loan., Keith ; burs., h, s, / .loannes Stevenson, B.mfiensis. A..M. .loannes Strachan. Aberdonen , A..M. Joannes L'ri|uhart, Cromertien., A.,M. Josephus .Anderson. .Moravien.. A..M. Normannus Campliell, Invernessensis Thomas Birnie, Aberdoncnsis, A..M. Thomas Duncan I76O 70 [K(i;tiits : Prof ,1. Leslie; Roderick MacLeod] Alexander Bean, Aberdoncnsis Alexander .McLeane, Arnatheliensis, ace 1767 Alexander Paterson, l-'ifensis ; burs,. Archibaldus .Murray. .Moravicnsiii Arthtn'us Ross, Kossiensis l^urnetus .Munro, l^ossensis Carolus McDonald, Invernesscn., ace. 1767 Carolus .McKinnon de .McKinnon, In vernessensis, A .M. Carolus Shand, Aberdoncnsis Christjiphorus .Mole, Greenwich, ace. 1767. A..M. Colin .Mackenzie, Aberdoncnsis; burs., h, s, /, /// David Constable, Banfiensis, e par dc l^ordyce, A. .M. [)avid DufT. .Moraviensis, A.M. Donaldus .McLeane. .Ar^atheliensis, dc Coll, A.M Donaldus .McLeane. Invernessensis Donaldus .McLeod, Invernessensis Donaldus .McLeod, Skiensis, ace. 1767 Donaldus .MacRae. Rossensis, A..M. Duncanus Beton, Invernessensis Duncanus .Munro. Rossensis, de Cul- cairn ; 1st burs. Duncanus .Munro, Rossen., ace. 1767 l-ranciscus Russell, .Moraviensis, ace. 1767 Oeor^ius Duncan, Aberdonen., c par. de Oyne, A..M. Georfjius Gordon, Aberdonen.. e p:ir. dc Strathbo^y, A..M. ; D.D. I7W,S Gcor^ius Lawtie. Banfiensis, A .M. Georfjius .Mackenzie, Rossensis, ace. 1767, A .M. Geor^ius .Munro, Rossensis. Culcairn Geor^ius Ojjilvy.J burs., / Guliclmus .MiLeod. Rossensis, ace. 1767 Hector .McKinnon, Invernessensis; burs., l>. i. I Hunh B.iillie, Rossensis, ace. 1767 Hu^h Ross, An;;lus. ace. 1767 .lacobus Thomson, Alvrdoncnsis. Sec 1767 71 •The Hn.t four bursiirs, Jniiics Adam, Alexander Thorn. John Mruce and Thomaa Lynch, " dCHcrtcd " their bumaricn ;ind went to .Mnr. C<»ll. t Not in li«t of Entrantii. : Not in AlhuiUM. 1767.] ALUMVI rv ARTS: ALBUMS C AND D. «7 Joannes Beattie, .Meiniensis ; Inirs., b, s, t Joannes Beton,* burs., i ; A.M. 1772 (Aebudensis) Joannes Cameron, liUL-inessen., ace. 1767 Joannes Forbes, .Abcrdonen., ace. 1767 Joannes Fraser, Moraviensis, A.iM. ( Invernessensis) Joannes Gordon, Rossensis, ace. 1767, A.M. Joannes Kennedy, invernessen., Bade- nach, A.M. Joannes McGilvray, Invernessen., A.M. Joannes MacRae, Rossensis, .A.M. Lachlanus .MeKinnon, Invernessensis, ace. 1767 Mileolumbus Macqueen. In\ ernessen., M.D. l-:din. 1777 Robertus Blair, Angusien..nat. \'. D.M. de Edzell, A.M.' Robertus Forbes, Sutherlandiensis, ace. 1767 Rodericus McKenzie, Rossensis. See 1767-71 Samuel Masson, Aberdonensis, c par. de Colstone, A.M. Thomas .Munro, Rossensis, nat. Dom. de Culeairn, A.M. 1767-71 [Regents: Prof. J Leslie: RodericU MacLeod] Alexander Beattie, Merniensis, A.M. Alexander Milne, BamHensis, Brae- head, A.M. Alexander Sellar, Banfiensis ; also Mar. Coll. Alexander Simp.son, Aberdonen., A.M. Andreas Johnston, BanKensis, .A..M. Donaldus Cameron, .Arijatheliensis * Not in list of Entrants. Donaldus McLean, Argatheliensis, ex insula de Col, A.M. Geor^iiis Oj^ilvie, Mernien., lil.Thoma; apud F'ordyce Gulielmus Dauney, Aberdonensis, ex par. de New .Machar Gulielmus Gordon, .Moraviensis, A..M. Gulielmus Gunn, Caithniensis, ace. 1768, A..M. Gulielmus Linton, .Anj»usiensis, .A..M. Gulielmus Spcnee, Banfiensis, A..M. Jacobus Duff, Banliensis. .A..M. Jacobus I'iddes, Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Gillan, Moraviensis; 1st burs., /;, s Jacobus Grant, Rossensis, til. Pat. V.D.M., Nigg, ace. 1768, A.M. Jacobus Hogg, Merniensis, A.M. ; D.D. 1796 Jacobus .Mair, Aberdonensis Jacobus Thomson, + major, burs., b, s,t Jacobus Thomson, minor, Aberdonen- sis, .Moutherley Jacobus Wallace, Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Campbell, Argatheliensis, ace. 1768, A.M. Joannes Hutchinson Fraser, ex in- sula St. Christophori, nat. Simon, Fineallan, ace. 1768, A.M. Joannes Mac Donald, Invernessensis, ace. 1768 Joannes Macciueen, Invernessensis, ace. 1768 Johannes .Morison, Abei'donensis, .A.M. ; D.D. Kdin. 1792 Kennethus McKenzie, Banfiensis Mileolumbus McCaskell, Invernes- sensis Patricius Davidson. .Moravien., A.M. Robertus .Arthur. .Aberdonensis, ace. 1768, A..M. Rodericus McKenzie,* burs., .'; ; .A.M. Thomas X'ernon. Eboracensis, .A.M. 1770 t Not in Albums. 88 rNIVKRSITY AND KINGS COLLEGE. '1768. 1768-72 \Regfnls : Prof. J. Ia-rIjc ; James Ounbiiri Ak-xanilci Cummin)(, KlKincnsis, ace. I7(iv». AM Alexander Davidson, Damflen. : Hraser's burs., l> ; A.M. Alexander (inrdon, Banfiensis, ace. I7(>9, A..M Alexander (Jray, Kamticnsis, A.M. Alexander Sajje. Unssius, ace. I7ti9, A.M Hduard Hay. Alvrdiu8 Daun, Bamflensis, A.M. (Aherdonensis) Gulielmus Cumin)>. I^l^inensis, A.M. Gulielmus Forbes, Alx'rdonensis, de Crai^ievar, A.M. Gulielmus I-rascrius, Invernessensis ; Eraser's hurs., 5, / . son of John F., farmer, Kiltarlity Gulielmus M'KcnIy, ex insulA Sti. Christophori, ace. 1769, A.M. Gulielmus .Maule, An^usiensis, A..M. ; D.D. St. And. 1812 Gulielmus Orclierton, .Mernien., A.M. Gulielmus Shaw, Moraviensis (h .Mar. Coll.) ace. 1769. \.S\. Jacobus Donald. .Mei'niensis, A..M. Jacobus Hay, BanHensis, .A.M. ■lacobus .Munro. .Moraviensis, A.M. Joannes Pindlay, Moraviensis Joannes Praserius, Rosscnsis, (Invernessensis) ; Kraser's burs., 1773 Joannes .MaeRae, Rossensis, 1769, A..M. Joannes .Maver, BanfTiensis, ace Joannes .Milne, An^;usiensi« Joannes .Morison, AberdonensiR, A.M. Joannes Ritchie, Mcrnicnsis; 1st burs. /), I, /. Ill A.M. div. t^^i 1769-73 [Hfi^fiits : Prof. J. I^*slic ; Roderick .Macl^odj Alexander Anderson. Aherdonensis, fil. de Keand.K.rai)', A..M. Alexand<-r Bisset, Aherdonensis, A .M. Alexander Gordon, BanHensis, HI. V.D.M apud Ardersier. A .M. Andreas Pirie. .Merniensis, .A .M Archihaldus .S'apier, Aherdonensis Daniel Cruiekshank, Moravien,, A. .M. David Tarbat, An^jusiensis, A..M. Donaldus .Mae Lean, Skiensis, A..M. Donaldus .Martin, Skiensis, ace. 1770, A..M l£venus .Nlei-'herson, Badenachensis, A.M. Georgius Glcif(. Mcrnicnsis, A.,M. ; LL.D. 1796 Gulielmus Gresham, Invernessensis Gulielmus Innerarity, An^usiensis Gulielmus .Mcintosh. Innernessensis ; burs., b, s Gulielmus Sanders, Cambrobritannus Jacobus Grant, Rosscnsis, nat. \'.D..M. apud Logic, ace. 1770, AM. Jacobus Harper. Aherdonensis, A..M. Jacobus Linds;iy. An^usiensis, A.M. ; D.D. I80.S Joannes Downie, .Alvrdonensis Joannes Gramus, Suthcrlandiae. ace. 1770 Joannes Grant. Rosscnsis, ace 1770 Joannes Hiscox, Londinensis. A..M. Joannes Price, de Chester, A..M. Joannes Walker, .Merniensis, A..M. Rolvrtus Bremner, Aherdonensis ; burs., b, s. I, III Robertus Leslius, Bamphien., A.M. Robertus Smith, AK-rdonensis Rodi-ricus .MacLeod. Innernesseniis, cGleneln; 1st burs; A.M.; D D. 1793 Rmlericus .Morison, Innernessensis, AM. 177I-J ALUMNI I\ ARTS: ALBUMS C AND D. 89 Skeneus Ogilvy, Angusianus, nat. N'.D.M, apud Cortachy, A.M.; U.D. Mar. Coll. 1799 1770-74 [Regents : Prof. J . Leslie ; Thomas Gordon] Alexander Anderson, Moravien., A.M. Alexander Clark, Invernessen., A.M. Alexander Cushney, Aherdonen. ; 2nd burs.* ; A.M. Alexander Fraser, Invernessensis ; Fraser's burs., s, t, in ; A.M. ; div. burs., 1774-78 Alexander Thomson, Angusiensis, HI. V'.D.M. de Kingoldrum, ace. 1771, A.M. Alexander Young, Aberdonen., A.M. Andreas Harper. Aberdoniensis, ace. 1771 Andreas Murray, .Moraviensis, fil. \".D.M. de Duffus, A.M.: D.D. St. And. 1822 Calenus Chisholm, invernessen., son of Provost of Invss. ; M.D. 1793 Carolus Watson, Moraviensis, ex par. de Ouerrywood Georgius Gordon, Nairniensis, fil. \'.L).M. de Arderseer, A.M. Gulielmus Grant, Moraviensis, A.M. Gulielmus Munro, Rossensis Gulielmus Smith, Banfiensis, A.M. Hugo Dougall, Moraviensis, fil. D"' Dougal medicinaepraxim exereentis apud Keith. A.M.: .M.D. Rdin. 1778 .lacobus Hay, Aberdonensis, fil. D''"* Roberti Jacobus Longmoor, Banfiensis Jacobus Stormont, Angusianus, A..M Jacobus Watson, Moravien., A.M. Joannes Cameron, Aberdonensis Joannes Grant, Invernesiensis, ace. 1771 John Macqueen, Invcrnessiensis, ace. 1771 ; burs., / Joannes Richardson, Bamfiensis, ace. 1771 Joannes Stuart, Banfiensis, A.M. Richardus Brodie, Cathanesiensis ; burs., t ; M.D. 1776 Robertus Spark, Merniensis Robertus Touch, Banfiensis, fil. V.D.M. de Mortiach, aec. 1771 Theodorus Morison, Aberdonensis, fil. Bogney Thomas Gordon, Moraviensis, fil. V.D.M. de Speymouth : /, Mar. Coll. Thomas Mcintosh, Invernessensis ; burs., /;, .s Thomas Lrquhart, Rossensis; burs., .s /; A.M. Mar. Coll. 1775 1771-75 [Regents: Prof. J. Leslie; James I Dunbar] Alexander Duncan, .Merniensis; burs., , l>, s, t ' Alexander Grierson, Aberdonen., A.M. Alexander Melvill, Angusiensis Alexander Skakel, Bamfiensis, A.M. ' Alexander Stephen, Moraviensis, ace. ! 1772 Ale.\anderThomson, Aberdonen., A.M. Alexander Thomson, Edinburgen., A.M. Alexander Thomson, Moraviensis, ace. 1772. See 1775-79 Carolus Manson, Banfiensis : burs., h, s David Strachan, Aberdonensis; burs., t Donaldus .McLeod, Ebudensis, A.M. Donaldus .Mcyueen, Invernessensis; burs., b, s, t Franciscus Clifton, ex Insula S" Christophori, A.M. 'The 1st bursar, .lames Smith, did ndt enter, j;"'"K '" Mar. Coll. M I'NIVKkMTV AND KINGS COI.LK<;li. 1771. Gcornius Tniill, CnthncnsiK, ucc. 1773 Gulit'lmus Cjull, DucluknieiiHis, A.M. Guliclmus Greit(. .McrnicnHiH, A.M. Guliclmus Kamsiiy. .Moravicnsis, A..M. Jacobus Mniwn, Buntionsis, A.M. Jacobuii Grant, H.imlicnsis Jaccihus Grant. .Muravicnsis, A..M. Jacohus Traill, Catlincn., nat. V.D.M. Jc Dunnct (/., .Mar. Coll. 1772), ace. 1773. A. M Joannes AnJcrson. Kanficnsis ; s, .Mar. Coll Joannes Craik.An^usicn.: 1st burs.,/;, 5 Joannes Maclean, Invcrncsensis, ace. 1772. A..M. Joannes Maleom, Aberilonien., A..M. Joannes Taylor, Kantiensis, A. .M. Joannes Tod, .Moravicnsis, .A..M. Patricius Barclay, Shethlandiensis, ace. 1772, A.M. Pryse Campbell, Narniensis, .A .M. Stileman Bostoek, Surriensis, A..M. Thomas Hraser, Invernesseiisis. HI de UunU.llach, ace. 1772, A..M. Thomas Jolly, .Merniensis, A..M. Thomas .Mcffarnuhar. Uossien. ; S\.D. Kdin. 1777 1772-76 [Kcgeiili : Prof. J. Leslie ; Roderick MacLeod] /fincas Macdonald, I nvernes. ,acc. 1 773 Alexander Praser. Invernessensis : Hrasers burs., /, ;;/ , A..M. Alexander Nicol. Alierdonensis, A..M. Alexander Spark, An^usiensis ; 1st burs.; A.M.; DA). I8(t4 David .Mackay, Sutherlandien., A.M. David Kose, Moravicnsis Deskfoordus |-lolt, Banflensis Deskfoordus (Jrant, Banflensis. See 1773-77 Bdmundus Waller, Anfjius, de Bea- consHeld, inclyti fMx'tae R. W ahnepos, A..M. CjeorKius (joi^lon. Alvrdonensis, de Halhead.acc 1773, AM Geor^ius Innes. ex insulA S'' Chris- topheri Geor^ius Nicolls, Abredonensis Geornius O^ilvy, An^usiensis Gulielmus Ballin^.il. Abredonen., A..M. Gulielmus Cis. de Boynly. A..M Joannes Lumsden, Alvrdonensis Joannes MacLeod, Skicnsis, A .M ; D.D. 1795 Joannes Macphersf)n, Invernessensis. Joannes Strachan, Abredonen., A..M.; LL.D 1806 Lauchlanus MacLean. Invernessen , .ICC 1773. See 1773-77 Lennardus Wray, An^jlus, ace. 1773 Ludovicus Grant, .Moravicnsis, A.M. .Vol in lint of Bnlr.intii. '774] ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS C AND D. yi Ludovicus Urquhart, Aberdonensis, nat. de Meldrum, ace. 1773, A.M. Patricius Gurley, ex insula S" Chris- topiiori Patricius Nicolson, Cathanesiensis, nat. V.D.M. de Thurso, A.M. Robert us Farquhar, Aberdonensis Robertus Mill. Banfiensis; burs.,5,^,);( Stewartus Kyd, Angusiensis, A.M. 1773-77 [Regents: Prof. J. Leslie; Thomas (jordon] .Abercromby Gordon, Banfiensis, fil. V.D.M. de Arderseer, A.M. Alexander Fraser, Aberdoniensis ; burs., /;, .s', / Alexander Imlach, Banfiensis Alexander .McDonald, Narniensis .Alexander .Munro, Rossiensis, ex par. de Urquhart, A.M. Alexander Simpson, Banfiensis. ex par. de Alva, A.M. .Alexander Wilson, Nairniensis, ex par. de Auldearn. A..M. .Alexander Wishart, ex par. de Old .Aberdeen, A..M. .Arthiu-us Owen, de Chelsea, A.M. Carolus Grant, Banffien., ace. 1774 Deslifoord Grant, qui nomen retulit 1773, ace. 1774 ; burs., .v, /, "/ Georgius Cuthbert, Georj^ianus, de Castlehill Georgius Gleig, .Merniensis, ex civ. de Brechin, A.M. Gilbertus Gerard, .Aberdoniensis, fil. Al., Theol. in hac Acad. Prof., A..M.; D.D. 1788; Reg. 1790-9.S; Prof. Divinity 1795-1815 Gilbertus Harrow, ex par. de Old .Aberdeen, ace. 1774, A.M. Gulielmus Dunbar, .Moraviensis. de Forres, .A.M. Cnilielmus Lumsden, .Aberdoniensis ; burs., /), X, t, III Gulielmus .Mcintosh. Innernessensis, de Aberarder, A.M. Gulielmus Simpson, Rossiensis, fil. V.D..M. de Avoch, A..M. ( J ulielm us Sutherland. Sutherlandien., fil. V.D.M. de Dornoch; 111, A..M. .Mar. Coll. Jacobus Fraser, Invernessensis Jacobus Grant. Aberdonen., ace. 1774 Jacobus LiUlv, Aberdonensis, fil. V.D.M. de Old Meldrum, A.M. Jacobus Moodie, Orcaden., ace. 1774; h, t Mar. Coll. Jacobus StalUer, In\ernessensis (/), Mar. Coll. 1772), ace. 1774: A..M. (ex par. de EdinUillie) Joannes Christie, Banfieii.; burs.,i<, .< Joannes Dunbar, BanHen,,ex Portsoy Joannes Gourlay, .Angusiensis, de Brechin, A..M.' Joannes Morgan, Annandianus ; 1st burs., /;, 5, /, in Joannes Moiison, Banfiensis, ex par. de .Mortlach, A..M. Johannes Munro, Rossiensis Johannes WilUie, Angusianus, ex par. de Kirriemuir, A.M. I.achlanus .McLean, ex insula de List, qui nomen retulit 1774, ace. 1776, A..M. Petrus Gordon, Americanus e Pensil- vania, fil. de Knockespick, ace. 1774 Robertus Leslie, .Moraviensis, fil. de Balnageith, ace. 1774 Robertus Smith, Angusianus, A..M. Robertus Wai-rack, Aberdoniensis ; burs., I). $, t. III Simon Hossack, Rossien.. e par. de Avoch. See 1775 79 Thomas Ogilvy. Angusianus, .A..M. 1774-78 [Regents: Prof. J. Leslie: James Dunbar] .4^neas Campbell, Invernessensis Alexander Barclay,* Strathbogiensis, ace, 1775, A..M.' Not in Alhiini I). V-' rvivKKsiTV Axi» kino's COl.l.hU;K. I7"4- Alexander Hiuwn. AbcrJuncn., A..M AloxunJcr J-rasfr. InvcrncsHcn.. aci. 1775; Prasor s burs.. /. m : \.\\. . div burs.. 1778-82 Alexander Grant, majjir. Invernessen. Alexander (Irant, minor. Invernessen. Alexander Simpson, Ranflensis Alexander Winht, Kdinburnensis Alexander Wilson. Banflensis ; burs., h, J, /, III David Smith, Aberdoniensis. A..M. Pranciscus Diincai), Abcrdonensis. ace. I77.S: m, .Mar. Coll 1778: .M.D Kdin. 1787 Georgius Lonnmoor, BanHen.. .A..M.: .M.D. I79« Geor^jius Ross, Aberdonen. ; burs., ''. s Gulielmus CruickshanU. Aberdonen. ; burs,, //, J, I, III Gulielmus Dallas, Nairnien., ace. I77.'i Gulielmus .NU'Bain. Invernessen.. act. I77.S. A.M. Gulielmus .Mackenzie, Kossen., A.M. Gulielmus Williamson. Kossien.. A.M. Jacobus Grant [.M.icGrenorj, Aber- dtmensis, A..M (8 Jan., I7W no- men majorum assumpsit ex Acto Parl"° 15"" Geor^ii HI.) Jacubus Kirk, Gallovidianus : 1st burs. : A..M. Jacobus .Mackie. Abcrdonensis, A..M. Jacobus Sliand. Banfiensis : burs., h, S, I, III Jacobus Thomson, Banflcn.: burs., / Joannes Bannerman. Perthcnsis ; burs.. /', s Joannes Gillanders, .-Vberdonien.. .\..M .loannes Leslie. Banfiensis Joannes .Matheson, UosRicnsis, ace. 1775. A .M. .losephus Simpson, AK-rdonensis ; burs., h, .V. / Lachlanus .McPhcrson, Ranliensis, e par. dc .Mortlach, A.M. I-iidovicus Rose. Rossiensis. A.M. Petrus Leslie, Banflensis Kobertus Barclay, ex insula Zetlandiar Robertus 1-eslie. .Moravicnsis, ex urbe de Kl((m. A..M. Samuel Craik. Aberdoniensis, A.M. 1775-79 [Kegfiili: Prof. J. Leslie: RixJerick .Macl^'od] Ale.Xiinder Dunbar. Cathanesien.. ace. Alexander Gordon. Abi'rdonensis .Alexander .McDonald, Invernessen, dc Boistil. ace. : m. .Mar. Coll. .Alexander .Moris«in. Abcrdonensis : >, I .Mar. Coll.. M D. there 1783 .Alexander Thomson.* burs., ;//, .A..M (e par de Keith I .Alexander TiKrher. Banfiensis, A .M, .Alexander Umphray. Banfiensis, e par. de Keith. .A..M. (Humphrey) .Allanus .McDonald. Invernessen., ace. .Archibaldus .McLean, Inverness., ace Calenus .Maclver. Leogensis. e par. de Stornowav (/'. .Mar Coll.), ace, A.M. Calenus .McKen/ie. Rossiensis, aic. Carolus WixkI, Rossen., nat. \".D..M de Rosmarkney. ace. A..M. David Anderson. .Moravicnsis . burs . h, s, I, III David Gerrie, Banfiensis Donaldus .MacDonald ( 1 1. ln\ernes. sensis. ace. Donaldus .MacDonald (2), Invernes- sensis. ace Duncan .Maclntyre. Inverncssensis, e par. de l-'ort William, A.M. (iiilielmiis Cameron. Rossiensis. e p.ir. de 1-erntosh, .icc. .\.S\ Gulielmus Dunbar, Cathnensis, ace. (lulielmus l-'aleoner, .Moravicnsis. e par. de Hlj{in. A.M. Gulielmus George. Banfiensis Gulielmus Harper, Alvrdonensis. e par dc L'dney, A.M. Gulielmus Laing. Aberdonen., A..M. Not in liHl (if EnlriiniK. 1776.] ALUMNI IN ARTS: Al.lUMS t AND I). 93 (juliclnuis MacLi-od, ln\f niessensis, ace. HuuoGillan. Moraviensis, AM ; M.D. Edin. 1786 Isaacus Law, Ani>Lisicn; 1st burs., b, s Jacobus Bowman. .Aberdoncnsis, ace, A.M. Jacobus Caldci'. .Naiiiiiensis. ace. Jacobus McDonald, Inverness., ace. .lacobus .Maxwell, Sterlingensis, .A..M. (? Americanus, S. Carolina) ; .M.D. 1790 Jacobus Morice, Aberdoncnsis, e par de Inverurie. A .M. Joannes Brown, Aberdoncnsis, e par. de Tarvas, A..M. Joannes .McLeod, Invernessen., ace. Joannes .MacRae, Rossiensis; burs., h. s, t Joannes Ma.Kwell, Aberdoncnsis; h, s, t .Mar. Coll. 1776-80 Joannes Simson, Bantiensis, e par. de Keith, A.M.; LL.D. 1820; founder of Prizes : see 1838-42. Joannes Weir, Angusiensis. See 1776-80 Joannes Wilson, Banfien. : burs., b, s, t .losephus Forsyth, .Moraviensis. e par. de Elgin, A.M. .Malcolunibus .MacLeod. Skien., .A..M. .Marischallus Keith, .Aberdoncnsis, e pai'. de Kintore, A..M. Nigellus .MacLeod, Invernessensis Petrus Jullian, Anglus e com. de Middlesex, A..M. RobertusBurnside, Londin.,ace.,.A.M. Rodericus .Mac Lean, Argatheliensis Simon Hossack,* burs., / ; A.M. Thomas Alves, Invernessensis, ace. 1776-80 [Regents: Prof. J. Leslie; Thomas Gordon] Alexander Baird. Banfiensis, e.\ par. de Keith. A..M. Alexander Campbell, .Aberdoncnsis, ex par. N'eteris .Aberdoniae, A.M. .Alexander Carmichael, Banfiensis. ex pai\ de Aberlour, A..M. -Alexander Ferrier, Banfiensis, ex par. de Aberlour, .A..\L .Alexander Forbes, Banfiensis .Alexander (loodlet. .Angusianus, Kir- riemuir : burs., .v .Alexander Ogiivy, .Angusianus, i\ir- riemuir .Alexander Peat, .Merniensis, Fetter- cairn, A.M. .Alexander Robertson, .Angusianus, .Montrose. A..M. 1781 -Alexander Simpson, Rossiensis, ex Ferintosh, .A..M. .Alexander Watt. .Aberdoniensis, ex par. de Fintray, A..M. David Rose, ex par. et com. Inver- nessensi, A..M. Donaldus .McOuecn, Eiinernessen- sis Bdwardus Warren Jones, ex com. Pembroke, ace. 1777 Franciscus Kemlo, ex urbe de .Aber- deen ; 1st burs. ; A..M. Georgius Bathie. .Angusianus Georgius Ironside, -Aberdoniensis. See 1777-81 Georgius Johnston, ex par. Net. Aberdoniae. A..^L Georgius -Mavor, Banfiensis Georgius Sharp, Banfiensis, Rothie- may ; burs., b, s, t, m Gulielmus Anderson, Rossiensis, Cro- marty Gulielmus Christie, -Aberdoncnsis, Culsalmond Gulielmus Frasei\ .Aberdoniensis, fil. Dom. de i-inrak : /;/. .Mar. Coll 1780 Gulielmus Hossack, Rossiensis, ace. 1777 Gulielmus Wilson, Banfiensis, Alva ; burs., b, s, t ' Not in list of Entrants. •M I'MVKKMTV AM) KINCi'S COIXHliU 177<^. HuK<> .Maclean.* ex cum. do Utts*. AM Hu({<) Kitss, UosHicnsiK, ace 1777 : A .M Mar Coll. 1782 JacubuN Cowc. ItanKcnsis. ex par. dc l-ordyco. A..M. JncohuH Dalian. .Moravicnsis, ox pai' dc Kdinkcllic. A.M. Jacobus Dawson. Abcrdoncnsis. Sec 1777-81 Jacobus (jr;iy, Ranflensis, ex par. de Deskford. A..M. Jacobus Hacket, i^anliensis, ex par. de Alva. A..M. Jacobus Kellje. .Moraviensis. ex par. de Alves. A..M. Jacobus I^rimer, BanHen. See 1777 1781 Jacobus .McAiidrew, .Moraviensis, ex urbe Hlgin, A.M. Jacobus .Milne, Aberdonensis Jacobus .Murray. Banfiensis. Cullcn , burs., v. / Jacobus Stormonth. .Aii^;iisi.mus, Kir- rienuiir, A..M. (? ex Eidinburvjoi .loannesChristie, BanHensis, Pordycc . burs., /), V Joannes CruicUshanlt. .MiiTdoncnsis, ex par. de Auchterless, .\..M. Joannes .McKen/.ie. Sutherlandiensis, ex Assint. .A..M. Joannes .Milne. BanHensis, ex par. de Deskf(H)rd. A..M. ; D.D.-^ Joannes Weid. .Merniensis. ex par. de Durris, A .M. Joannes Urquhail, Ro8sien..acc. 1777; A.M. .Mar Coll I78'J .loannes Weir, ex .Arbroath, idem qui nometi retulit anno I77.S, aci . 1777, A..M Josephus Wilson, BanHensis : burs., '', », I. Ill Petrus Beattie, Aberdonensis, ex par. de Insch, A..M. * \cii III liHt fif KniruntH. * Prync Goriltm'H Mimoin, I ; Not in Albuinit. but itcc !>■' Pricius Gordon, BanHensis, HI. V.D..M. de Arderseer : burs , //, .\ Uolx-rtus l-orbes, Aberdoniensis, ex ur|-»e de Inverury. .\..M. Kodericus.McKen/.ic, HosBn-n-.!". TihI derty Thomas Bostock.J York Thomas Smith, AK'rdonensis 1777-81 [Kef;eiils : Prof. J. 1.^'slic : .lames Dunbarj Alexander Brebner. BanHensis .Alexander Duncan, Aberdonensis ; /, .Mar Coll 1780 .Alexander Falconer, .Nairniensis, ace. Alexander Gray. Aberdonensis, A.M. Alexander Joass, BanHensis, ace. 1788. See 1784-88 .Alexander Johnston. Pordycc .Alexander .Mitchcl. .Moraviensis .Alexander Proctor. Aberdonen.. .M.D 1799 .Alexander Thomson. BanHensis, A.M. .Alexander Wilson. .Aberdonensis, A..M. .Arthurus Burnett, .Alvrdoniensis Calenus .Matheson, Kossiensis Carolus Burnev. l.ini Regis, ace, A..M. (de Greenwich 1 ; LI..D, 1792; 1.I..D. GlasR. 1792: A.M. Cantab. 1808: D D. Lamlu-th, 1812 Donaldus Nicolson, Invernessensis, A.M. (Jeorgius Browster, Aberdonensis: burs., Ii. s. I, III Georgius Ironside *; bins . ^ . .\ .M Geor^juis Kinloch. .Angusianus, A..M. Gulielinus l)unb:ir. BanHensis (julielmus l-alconcr, Nairniensis, A. .M. GulielmusGil/.ean, Moraviensis; burs., I), S, I, III Gulielmus (juthric. BanHensis {b, i. Mar Coll I77.S.77), ace, A ,M. 43. 'lion s M.m.. I . IU6 128. 177«- AI.UMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS C AND Ii. 95 Gulielmus Rohlc. Abercionensis, A.M. Gulielmus Sim, .Anousiaiuis ; .A..M. Mar. Coll. Hu«() Hay, AbcrJoneiisis, ace, .A.M. .lacobu.s Dawson, .Aberdoncnsis, idem qui priore anno : 1st burs. ; A..M. Jacobus Fowler. Rossiensis. A.M. Jacobus Lorimer. BanHensis, itleni qui priore anno, .A..M. ilacobus MacLeod, Invernessensis Jacobus Murray, BanHensis, A.M. Jacobus Perie. Aberdonensis Jacobus Robertson, Aberdonen., .A,.M, Jacobus Scott, AujJusianus, A,M. Jacobus Touf»h, Aberdonensis, .A..M. Joannes Burnett, Aberdoniensis Joannes Copland, Banfiensis, A..M. Joannes CruicUshanU, .Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Dick, Aberdonensis, A.M. : D.D., Princeton. 1814 Joannes Gerard, Aberdonensis, A,.M, Joannes Maver, Moraviensis ; burs., b, s, t .Joannes Ritchie, Perthiensis, A.M, Joannes VVillox, Aberdoniensis Jonathan Watson, .Aberdoniensis Lachlanus .McLean, Invernessensis: s. Mar. Coll. Milcolumbus .McLean. Invernessensis 1778-82 [Regents : Prof. J. Leslie : RodericU .MacLeod] .-Eneas Mac.Aulay, Rossiensis, ace. /Eneas Macleod, Invernessensis Alexander Brymer, .Aberdonensis ; burs., /), ,■;, t Alexander Lumsden, Banfiensis. .A..M. Alexander .Macdonald, Invernessensis, ace. Alexander Riddoch, Banffensis, .A.M. Alexander Straith, Banfiensis; burs., b, s, t : III, Mar. Coll. 1783 Alexander Thorn, Aberd, See 1779-83 Archibaldus Gray, Moravien. ; burs.. / ; D.I). 1804 .Archibaldus .McLean, Argatheliensis, ace. Calenus Brown. Anijusianus : ;;;. .A.M. Mar. Coll. David .Middleton, Aberdonensis ; burs,, b, s, t. III Donaldus Rose, Aberdonensis : 1st burs.; A,.M. Donaldus Stewart, Invernessensis Georgius Grant, Banfiensis, A,.NL Georgius .Mackie. Banfiensis ; burs.. b,s,t Georgius Lre, Angusianus ; /;, s, t .Mar. Coll. 1779-83 Gregorius Grant, Invernessensis; s, .Mar. Coll. Gulielmus Campbell, Invernessensis, ace. (juliclmus Gardner, .Aberdonen., de Reiny, A,.M. Gulielmus Gordon, Aberdonensis, nat. de Hallhead, A.M. Gulielmus Gray, Banfiensis, A.M. (Buchanensis) Gulielmus .Munro, Rossiensis Gulielmus Nicol, .Mernien., de Bervie, ace. A..M.; .M.D. .Mar. Coll. 1803. Gulielmus Paterson, Rossiensis Gulielmus Spence, Banfiensis, A.M. Henricus Clark. Anglus Jacobus Anderson, Aberdonensis ; burs,, b. s Jacobus Anderson, Banfiensis Jacobus Fraser, Invernessensis; Fraser's burs., b Jacobus Leith, Merniensis Jacobus MacOueen, Invernessensis, de Sky, ace. A,.M. Jacobus Roy, de Forres, A..M. Jacobus Smith, Aberdoniensis A.AL Johannes Campbell, Invernessensis, de Harris, A..M. Joannes Cruden, Moraviensis; burs., b, s, t Joannes Garvie, Merniensis If '/' rs'ivKRsiTV \xn kino's toi.i.K<;K. 't77». JiKiiiiu'K Hour) Hiti>liri'»is JiMiiiu-s l^-sli(.'. Alx-rJoni'iisis. AM .tuhaiiiii'K .N\aiCi-.i\v, KosshmikIs .IdiiniicK Mai- Ivor. KoKsicnsis .toaiuu's .McI,ox, \ Geornius Imlach, Bamflensis (ie (iemnius Sinclair. L'aithncsu-ii.. ace. I78(» Cjulielmus I'alconcr, .Mermen.. A. M. Gulielnius l-rascr, Invcrneiisensis 1/. //;, .Mar. Coll.): l-rascr's div. burs.. 1782-84, A..M. I8().S (.U,h. of 23 Nov.) Gulielmus Alexander Hay, Aberdoii. (lulielmus Simpson. l-iossiensiM. ace. 1780, A.M. (lulielmus Thomstm. Annandicn.: Ist buis.: A..M Henricus Kyd, Aberbrothensis (/;, Mar Coll.): ace. 1780, A..M. Hu^o l-raser. Invernessen.. ace. 1780 Jacobus Davidson, e Tarvis, A..M. Jacobus .Moris4in. See 1780-84 •lacobus Simpson. Aberdonensis. ex Auchterless, ace. 1780 Jacobus Smith. Angusiensis : burs., h, s, I, III Joannes Davidson, Alx-rdonensis Joannes l-raser. .Moraviensis, ex l-orrcs, A..M. .lo:innes Leslie, Aberdonensis, M. M" Jo., Linfj. Gr, \>r. .loannes .Mcl-eod. Invernesscnsis. See 1778-82 Joannes Ueid, Aberdonen . Tarland ; /), s, I, III Joannes Skakel, Ranf^ensis. ex par. de Alva. A .M. ■ losephus Anderson. .Merniensis, ex .Montrose .Milcolumbus .McLeod, Invernesscnsis, Isle of Skie. ace. 1780 I'aulus Lyon. .NU'rniensis. .\..M. Kalph Kin^j. .Moraviensis. A. .M. Kobertus Grant, HanHensis Uobertus (}utherie. Banflien.. Cullen, ace. 1780 Robertus Reid. Alx-rdonensis : burs., /'. > Robertus Strnchan, Abcrdonien.. A..M. * Nut in lim of Entrant*. i78i.] AI.U.MM IN ARTS: ALBUMS C AND D. 97 1780-84 [Regents : Prof. J. Leslie ; James Dunbar] iCneas Mcintosh, Invernessensis, ace. 1781, A.M.; D.D. 1823 Alexander Downie, Rossiensis, A..M. ; D.D. 1812 Alexander Dunbar, .Moraviensis, ace. 1781 Alexander Fraser, Invernessensis ; Fraser's burs., b, s, t, iii ; .A.M.; div. burs. 1784-88 Alexander Fraser, Invernessensis; / Mar. Coll. 1784 Alexander Low, ab Southesquia Ani^usiana Alexander .Macdonald, Invernessensis Alexander- .McLeod, Cathanesiensis Alexander .Murraj-, Moraviensis ; burs., h, s, t. III Alexander Shand, Aberdonensis, A.M. Allan us Cameron, Invernessensis Archibaldus .Macdonald, Invernessen., ace. 1781 David Denoon, Rossiensis, A.M. David Forbes, a Monte Rosarum .Angusia.' ; 1st burs., b, s, t, in Donaldus .McLeod, Invernessensis Donaldus Robertson, Rossiensis Georgius .Anderson, Bamfiensis ; burs., h, s, t, III Georgius Dunbar, Moraviensis, nat. de Boath, A..M. ; M.D. Edin. 1789 Georgius .Macaulay, Rossiensis Guliclnius Cowie, Aberdonensis, A..M. Gulielmus Dallas, Nairniensis ; burs., b, s,t Gulielmus Robison, Aberdoniensis, ace. 1781 Henricus .Mitchell, Aberdonensis .lacobus Aven, Bamfiensis; burs.,fe,s Jacobus Chalmers, Aberdonen., A.M. Jacobus Clapperton, Banfiensis, A.M. Jacobus Farquhar, Aberdonen., A.M. Jacobus Gordon, Aberdoniensis Jacobus Greig, Rossiensis, ace. 1781 Jacobus Hay, .Moraviensis, A.M. Jacobus Leslie, Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Lyal, .Merniensis Jacobus Alclntosh, Invernessensis, A.M.; LL.D. 1808; M.D. Edin. 1787; LL.D. Harv. 1822. Jacobus Mcintosh, Rossiensis, ace. 1781, A.M. 1785 Jacobus .McPhail, Rossiensis. See 1781-85 Jacobus Morison, Bamfiensis, A..M. Joannes McGhie, Gallovidianus Joannes Mackenzie,* Aberdonensis ; burs., b, s, t Joannes McKenzie,* Rossiensis; burs., s, t Joannes Ruddach, Banfiensis ; i, t. Mar. Coll. Joannes Sutor, Banfiensis, A..M. Joannes Taylor, Caithnesiensis, A.M. ; M.D. Edin. 1787. JoannesWatson, Invernessensis, A.M. Josephus Anderson, Aberdonensis ; 5, Mar. Coll. Lachlanus McLean, Invernessensis; M.D. Edin. 1790 Patricius Cuming, Moraviensis, A.M. Petrus Alexander, Aberdonensis, A.M. Robertus Smith, -j- burs., 111 ; A.M. Samuel Miller, Cathanesiensis, A.M. 1781-85 \Regeiits : Prof. J. Leslie ; Roderick MacLeod] Alexander Bethune, Skiensis, A.M. Alexander Frigg, Morav. ; burs., b, s Alexander Grant, Aberdonensis Alexander .McBeath, Moraviensis, A.M. 1787 Andreas iMensal, Aberdonensis, A.M. Carolus MacLean, Argatheliensis, ace. 1782 11 * " Joannes .MacKcnzie, without designation, graduates A.M. in 1785. t Not in list of Entrants. 98 L'NIVERSJTV ANl) KING'S COLLEGE. I1781. Donaldus .McKcnxic, KosKJcnitis, ace. 1782; m. Miir. Coll. DonalJus .MacLcan, Uistcnsis, ace. 1782. A..M. DonalJus .MacLeod, Invcrncsscnsis, A..M. Duncaiius l)oi(>, An^usianuK. See 1783 87 Duncanus l-orbcs, Rossonsis, A..NI. Duncanus .MacKcn/ic. Kossicnsis, ace 1782 Hcrnus l-crnuson, burs., /.* Sec 1782-86 Gc<)rj;e Colnian, LonJon f GcorfjcOardcn, AlxTiloncn.,acc. 1782. Sec 1782-8(i Geornius Humphrey, Bamfcnsis Guliclmus Ahcrdcin, Abcrdunicnsis ; burs., b, s GuliclmuR Earlc. dc comitatu Eboraci Guliclmus 1-indlay. .Moraviensis Guliclmus l-orK's. Kossicnsis, ace. 1782. Sec 1782-86 Guliclmus Fordycc, Abcrdonicnsis ; burs., Ii, a, I Guliclmus l-orsyth. Annandicn.. A..M. Guliclmus I-raser, Inverncsscnsis Guliclmus Jack. Shctlandus, ace. 1782, A..M. : .M.I). 1788; D.I). 1849; KcR. 1794 1800; Sub-Prin. 1800 15; Prin. 1815 54 Guliclmus Smith, Cathancsien., A..M. Hector .McDonald, Inverncsscnsis Henricus .N\itchcll, Aberdoniensis ; burs., h, s, t, III Jacobus Coke, Abcrdonensis, A..M. Jacobus I'arquharson, Abcrdonensis, ace. 1782. A.M. Jacobus Innes, Abcrdonensis; burs., I,, s, I Jacobus Johnston, An)(usianus, A.M. Jacobus .MePhail,t burs., m ; A..M. Jacobus Stewart. Banfcnsis Jacobus Thorn, Abcrdonensis Joannes Boddic, Abcrdonensis Joannes .MeKcnzic.J burs., in . A .M. Joannes .McLcikJ, Haraiensis Joannes Rosier, Abcrdonensis, A..M. Joannes Smith, Bamfcnsis; burs., 6, s, I, III John David Perkins, i Staines, Middlesex ; A .M. Oxon. 1792 ; 1) I) Oxon 1808 Josephus Stennett, I.ondinensis .Mordaehus Downic, Lco^ensis; burs., t. / Patricius Bremner, Banfcnsis; 1st burs., h. s, I, III Patricius Cummin(>, Banficnsis Petrus Jolly, .N\crniensis Kobcrtus Brussius, Shctlandus, ace. 1782 RoK-rtus l-iddcs, Abcrdonensis. A..M. Robcrtus Gray, Inverncsscnsis Rcrtus [ Kdcn] Scott. Abcrdonensis, A.M.; RcK. 178S 1811 Rodcrieus MacLeod, Inverncsscnsis, A.M. Thomas Wishart, Inverncsscnsis, ace. 1782; A..M. 1788 1782-86 [Regents : Prof. J. Leslie ; Thomas Gordon] Alexander Donald, * burs., h Alexander 1-arquhar. Abcrdonicnsis Alexander [.loannes] Forsyth, Abcr- donicnsis, A.M.; LL.D. 1834 Alexander Sinclair, Cathnensis, t\\. Jac. de Harptdale, ace. 1783; /, in, .Mar. Coll. 1785-87 t Fer^usius Ferguson, Skicnsis * Not in AtbumB. + •' The Younger." Not in yMhum», but ncc hi» Riiiiiiom Rttordi, vol. ii. 2 Not in lint of Bntnintn. I Not in Albunm. but nee Colman '» Riiniiom Rciorrfi. ii., R8. IR.S. I783-] ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS C AND I). 99 George Garden,* burs.,/. See 1783- 1787 Georgius Walton, e.\ insula dc Barba- does, ace. 1783 Gulielmus Donald, Aberdoniensis ; 1st burs.; A..M. Gulielmus Forbes.f burs., /)/, A.M. Gulielmus Jolly, Merniensis ; burs., b, s, t Gulielmus Longmore, Banffien., ace. 1783, A..M. Gulielmus .Milne, Banfen., A.M. 1789 Gulielmus Ross, Rossensis Gulielmus Stuart, Keithensis Gulielmus W'ynn, Britto ex com. de Carnarvon Hugo Fraser, .Moraviensis, A..M. Jacobus Cruiclvshank, Aberdoniensis, ex par. de Clatt, A..M. Jacobus Gumming, Moraviensis; burs., b, s ; t, iii, .Mar. Coll. Jacobus Russel. Aberdoniensis, A..M. 1787 (.Moraviensis) .lacobus Thom, .4berdoniensis, .^.M. Joannes Garvock, .Aberdonien., A..M. Joannes Glegg, Mcrnien. ; burs., /;, .'; Joannes Mackenzie, Rossiensis; burs., s; f, III, A..M. .Mar. Coll. 1783-83 Joannes Urquhart, Rossiensis Ludovicus Littlejohn, .Aberdoniensis, A.M. Patricius Gordon, Banfen., fil. \'.D.,M. de Keith Patricius Nicol, .Moraviensis, A.M. Robertus Burnett, .\berdonien.. A..M. Robertus Innes, .Moraviensis Robertus Russel, .Moraviensis, A.M. Rodericus .Maci-Jae, Rossiensis; in, .Mar. Coll. 1787 Theodorus Gordon. Banfensis, lil. V.D..M. de Keith; ; burs., /), .s, t, III : M.D. 1796 1783-87 [Regents: Prof. J. Leslie: Dunbar] James Alexander Macdonald, Invernesien., ace. 1784 Alexander Simmers, Angusianus ; I, in, A.M. Mar. Coll. Alexander Smith, .Aberdoniensis, A.M. Alexander Walker, Aberdoniensis ; burs., b. s Donaldus Campbell, Skiensis. See 1784-88 Duncanus Doig, antea in Album relatus ; burs., b, s, t Franciscus Lindsay, .Moravian., A.M. Georgius Garden, antea in Album relatus Georgius Stephen, Aberdonensis, ace. 1784, A.M. Georgius Thain Gulielmus Chisholm, Invernessensis, de Chisholm Gulielmus Copland, Aberdoniensis Gulielmus Blmslie, Aberdoniensis. See 1784-88 Gulielmus Gill, Moraviensis; 1st burs. ; A.M. Gulielmus Macbean, Nairniensis, ace. 1784 Gulielmus Mcintosh, Invernessensis Gulielmus Rob, antea in Album relatus [?] Hector Holm, Rossiensis ; burs., .s Hugo .Mcintosh, Invernessen., A..M. Hugo .McLean, Argatheliensis Hugo .McLeod, Rossiensis Jacobus Bowes, .Aberdoniensis, .A.M. tiacobus Grant, Invernessen., ace. 1784 Jacobus Leslie, Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Limgair, Angusianus, A.M. * Not in Albums. t Not in list of Eiitmnts. ;"\\'as examined in ordcj- to his degrees and pay'd Examination dues, but did not actually graduate, on account of his having a view of being an Exhibitioner from Glasgow on Dr. Snell's .Mortilication at BaHol College, with which a degree is inconsistent." — T. Gordon's Albiiin. loo L'NIVKRSITV AND KING'S COLI.KCE. •783 JacobuK WiliiKuostf, Abcrdonicnsis. Svc 1784-88 Jacubus Wilkic. Bnnfivnsis, A.M. JoliMiincs HailliL-, InvcrncKscnBis, ace. 1784, LI..D 1803 Joannes Kuwmun, AnKutiiiinus, A.M. Joannos Onilvic Duff. Pcrthcnsis, act. 1784. A.M. Joanncii Durham, Hcrmilcxluncnsis, A..M. •Iiiannos Hiiycs. .Moravicnsis, A.M. Joannes Low. Hantiensis. A..M. Joannes .MtI.eod. Invernessensis Joannes .Meniiss, .Mermensis : burs., b, s, I, III !.,udovicus Duff,* Aberdonensis (6, .Mar. Coll. 1784), A..M. .Nlordacus Cameron, Rossiensis, A.M. I'atrii'ius .Morison, Aberdonien. See 1784-88 Kobertus Green, Northumbrien., A.M. Hobertus Watson, .Moraviensis. A..M. Kodentus .McKenzie. Kossiensis 1784-88 [Rfi;(iils : I'rof. J. Leslie ; Roderick .MacLccxl] Alexander Campbell. Skiensis, ace. 1786. A.M. Alexander Joass,* burs., in, A.M. David lijack, An^usianus Donaldus Campbell.* burs., /, in, A..M. ; D.D. Kdin. \»2e Donaldus .Macdonald. Invernessensis, A .M Donaldus .Macleod, Invernessensis Donaldus .MacNiel, lnvernessen.,A.M. Pranciscus Thomson, Ramfiensis Geo. Sackville Sutherland. Suther- landiensis, ace. 1785 Gulielnuis HImslie, antea in Album relatus, A .M. Gulielmus Ingram, Uamflensis, A.M. Gulielmuii Patcrson, Moravicnsis Gulielmus Paul. Alvrdonensis, A..M. : Prof. .Nat. Phil. 181134 Gulielmus Kiach, Hamfien ; burs., b, s Gulielmus Kobertson, Bamflensis ; 5, /. Mar. Coll. ((ulielnuis \'ass. .Moraviensis. A..M. Hector .Maclean. L'istensis Hut{o Gordon. Sutherlandiensis, ace. 178.S Hu)(o .Macpherson, Sutherlandiensis, ace. I78.S. A.M.: .M.D. Kdin. 17^14: Prof. Hebrew, 1793 97, Prof. Greek. 1798 18,S4 ; Sub- Pnn. 1817-54 Jacobus Crain. Alvrdoncnsis, A..M. Jacobus O^ilvy Henderson, An}>usian. Jacobus Lyon. Hamfien. See 1786- 179(1 Jacobus \V'ildj>. s . A.M. 1790 Donaldus .MacLeod, Skien., acc. 1788 I-erdinandus HIlis, Aberdonen., A..M. l-raneiscus Weir, Cromarensis. A..M. Geornius .Moriiuin, Hanfiensis, Ist burs. ; A.M. (jcor^iuH Willox, Aberdoncnsis, acc 1788 Ciulielmus Duff, Hamflensis, acc. 1788 (lulielmus Oordon, .Moravien., .M.D. |8()(> Oulielmus Lawrence, BanHen. ; burs., I>, s, I. See 1788-92 Hcnricus Ofjilvie, Aberdoniensis, acc. 1788 Jacobus Clark, Invernessensis, A.M. Jacobus Lycll, Invernessensis; burs., b, s Jacobus .McDonald, Invernessensis, acc. 1788 Jacobus .McLauchlan, Invernessen. ; burs., b, I, III (l-raser's) ; A..M. Jacobus .Milne, .Merniensis, A..M. Johannes Clark. Invernessensis, acc. 1788 Joannes Durward, Aboyncnsis, A..M. Joannes Gordon, .Moravicnsis ; /, /", .Mar. Coll .lohannes Grant, Londinen. (b. Mar. Coll. I. acc. 1788 Joannes Kennedv. Rossiensis, ace. 1788, A..M. Johannes Lobban, Aberdoncnsis (/», .Mar. Coll.), acc. 1788, A..M. Joannes Lumsden, Alx-rdonensis ; burs., /;, / .loannes .MeCandie, Rossiensis .lohannes .Macdonald, Invernessensis, acc. 1788 Joannes .MacSwcen, Skicnsis Joannes .Milne. Hanlicnsis; burs., t, s Joannes Patience, Rossiensis, acc. 1788. A..M. Joannes Reid, .N\oraviensis, A..M. Joannes Rose, Rossiensis Josephus Gcils, acc. 1788 .Malcolunibus .McDonald, Invernessen sis. acc. 1788. A..M. Normandus .MacLeod, Skicnsis Normaniuis .MacLeod. Invernessensis, acc. 1788 Pctrus Copland, Aberdoncnsis ; burs.. i, I, III .Vot in lint of Entrant*. 1789.: ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALlIUi\fS C AND D. 103 Richardus X'errall, de com. Sus- sexiae Robcrttis Adam, AbL-rdoncnsis, A.M. ; B.A. O.xon. 1 800 Robcrtus .NUinro, Rossiensis Simon Fraser,* I'raser's burs., s, t. See 1789-93 Thomas Geils, ace. 1788 1788-92 [Regents , Prof. J. Leslie: Scottl Alexander Donald, Banfiensis, A..M. Alexander Masson,Aberdonien.,Aboyn Alexander Nicol, Aberdoniensis, Chapel .of Garioch, A..M. .Alexander Smith, Moraviensis, Elgin ; burs., b, s .Arthurus .Mitchell, .Aberdonien., fil. \'.D..M. apud Kinellar, A..M. Georgius Anderson, Banfiensis, Gardenstone Georgius Christie, Banfiensis, Ordiquhill, A..M. Georgius Duff,* burs., b Georgius Straith, Narniensis, Fort- George, ace. 1789 Georgius Thomson, Banfiensis, Grange, .A..M. Gulielmus Bisset, Aberdoniensis, Inverury, A.M. (julielmus Lawrence, Banffiensis, qui nomen retulit 1787, ace. 1789, A..M. Gulielmus Low, Aberdonensis, ace. 1789, A.M. .lacobus Allan, de Inverkeithnie, ace. 1789, A.M. .lacobus CruickshanU, Aberdoniensis ; burs., b, s Jacobus Forbes, Banfiensis, Keith : 1st burs.; .A.M. Jacobus Thomson, Banfiensis Joannes Anderson, Banfiensis, Cullen; burs., b, s Johannes Gordon, Banfiensis, fil. V.D.M. de Keith, A.M.; .M.D. I-:din. 1805 Joannes Mackimmie, .Moraviensis ; burs., /;, .s, /, ;;; Ludovicus Leslie, .Aberdonensis, Cairnie, A..M. Patricius .McLeod, Rossiensis Robertus Baxter, Aberdeen ; burs., b, s, t. III Robertus Ewen, Aberdoniensis, .Aboyn, A.M. 1789-93 [Regents : RE. Scott ; James Dunbar] Alexander .Allardice, Banfiensis, A.W. Alexander Duncan. Banfiensis, .A.AL Alexander Foular, Aberdonien., A..M. Alexander Fraser, Invernessensis ; .M.D. Edin. 1799 Alexander Skakel, Aberdonien. See 1 790-94 Alexander Wardon, Moraviensis; burs., /;, .s Carolus Calder, Banfiensis, A..^L Duncanus Cameron, Argatheliensis Georgius Yeats, Londinensis, ace. 1790, A.M. Gulielmus Addison, Banfien. : 1st burs., I), s Gulielmus Duncan, Aberdoniensis Gulielmus Gordon, Banfiensis; burs., b, s Gulielmus Johnston, Aberdon., A..^L Gulielmus Thomson, Banfien. ; burs., b, s, t Herveius Taylor, Londinensis, ace. 1791, A..M.' Hugo Fraser, Invernessensis Jacobus Anderson, Invernessen.. A..M. Jacobus Cordincr, Banffiensis, .A.M. Jacobus Duff, Banfiensis, ace. 1790 Jacobus Farquharson, Edinburgensis, ace. 1790; burs., / J '1 ' Not in Albums. I04 f NIVERSITV ANI» KINT.'s COLLEGE, 1789 JacobuM Milne. Abordonicnsin, A..M. Jacohus KolvrtsDn. Uanfii-nsis. A.M. JrtcohuK Ki»v»-. .\\i>ravicnsisdc (icdilcs. acc. I7t»unhsedj;e. I.cmdinensis, A.M. Robcrtus Jamieson, .Moraviensis, acc. 1790, A .M. Simon Praser,-"- burs., in . [Regents 1790-94 R. E. Scott .Maclctxll A.,M. Roderick Alexander l-iddes. Banfiensis, .-X.M. Alexander(jeorj{e. .Moraviensis: burs., I,,s Alexander Longmore, BanHensis ; burs., h, s, I, ni Alexander Skekel.-*- burs., h, i, I, in ; A.M.; LI. I). I84S Alexander Thurburn. Banfiensis ; burs., b, s Allanus .MacCaskill, Invernesscnsis. acc. 1791, A .M. Andreas Lonjjmore, Banfiensis Andreas .Macphers, J, I (jeddes Simpson, Rossiensis, A..M. Cjeor>{ius Addison, Aberdonien., A.M. ; D I). St. And 1830 Gulielmus Arbuckle, Invernesscnsis, A.M. (julielmus .Mitchell. Banfiensis Gulielmus Sivri^ht, .Mx-rdon., A..M. tiulielmus Smith. J burs., s, ni Jacobus Campbell, Invernesscnsis, A..M. Jacobus Cooper, Abcrdoniensis; 1st burs.; A..M Jacobus Dick, Banfiensis Jacobus Grant, Banfiensis, A..M. Jacobus Lorimer, Banfiensis. Sec 1794-98 Jacobus .Milne, Banfiensis. See 1791- I79.S Jacobus Smith. Cathanesiensis, A..M. Jacobus \Vd, Banfiensis: burs., /», .V, I, III Joannes .Mackinnon, Invernesscnsis, acc. 1791 Joannes Proctor. Porfarensis, acc. 1791 Joannes Rou}(h, Aberdonien. ; burs., b, s, I, III Joannes Scott, Invernesscnsis .loannes Taylor, Banfiensis, A..M. Josephus Clark, .Merniensis ; burs., ''. .'. / Josephus Duncan, Lumphananensis, A.M. Ludovicus Grant, .Moraviensis; burs., '', .'. / Normandus .McLeod, Rdinburfjensis, acc. 1791 Robcrtus Gellie, Banfiensis ; burs., l>. '■ Robcrtus Proctor, Porfarcn.. acc. 1791 Thomas Thain, Abcrdoniensis • Wrongly slyltJ .M.A. 111 SI' * Nut in list of Entrants. of iiih April, 1S03 ; O/. uh.I GraJ.. p. \ Not in Albums. 146. 1792.] ALUMNI I.\ ARTS : ALBUMS C AND D. 105 1791-95 [Regents : Prof. Gilbert Gerard ; .<, James Dunbar; /, n:, William Jack] Alexander Anderson, Moraviensis Alexander Fletcher, Xarniensis, A.M. Alexander Spence, Banfiensis, A.M. Alexander Webster, BanKensis, A..M. .Andreas Pyper, .Aberdoniensis Arthurus .Mantach. Moraviensis Carolus .Mathison, .Aberdonensis, ace. 1792 David Garment, qui antea lelatus erat, ace., A.M. David Reid, Aberdonensis. .A.M. Duncanus .McGillivray, Invernessen. ; Fraser's buis., /), s, t, in ; A.M. ; div. burs., 1795-99 Fra. Vass, Aberdonensis : 1st burs., b, s, t Georgius Deason, Banfiensis, A.M. GulielmusGarrioch. Aberdonen.,.A.M. Gulielmus Lorimer, Banfiensis: burs., Gulielmus McNishie, Invernessensis Jacobus Alexander, Banfiensis, A.M. Jacobus Grant, Narniensis : burs., /;, ,s- Jacobus Milne, Banfiensis, qui anno priore nomen retulit ; burs., h, s, t, III Jacobus Somervaille, Angusiensis, A..M.: LL.D. 1827; Principal, Fredericton Coll., New Brunswick, 1820-40 Joannes .Murray, Banfiensis, A.M. Joannes Reid, Aberdoniensis Joannes Rose, Aberdoniensis Johannes Thomson, Angusiensis, ace. 1792, A..M. Joannes Wilson, Banfiensis, A.M. Josephus Paterson, Banfiensis, ace. 1792 Josephus Tod. Merniensis, A.M. Petrus Cameron. Argatheliensis Petrus Fenton, Angusiensis, A.M. • Not in Robertus Forbes, Aberdonen. ; burs., b, s, t. See 1795-99 Thomas Munro, Rossiensis, ace. 1792. See 1794-98 1792-96 IRegeiils : Prof. G. Gerard : Roderick Macleod] Alexander Russel, Aberdonensis; 1st burs, ; A M. Bricius Fletcher, Anglus Carolus Duncan,* burs., b Donaldus .MacLeod, Invernessensis, A.M. Georgius Fleming, Banfiensis Georgius Jessiman, .Aberdonensis ; burs., b, s Georgius Longmore, Banfien., A.M. Gulielmus Buchan, Aberdonensis ; burs., b, s, t, III Gulielmus Leslie, Narniensis; burs; h, s Gulielmus McRae, Rossiensis, A.M. Jacobus Barclay, Merniensis, A.M. ; M.D. Edin. 1805 • Jacobus Grant, Banfiensis, A.M. Jacobus Ingram, Aberdonensis, A.M. ; D.D. Glasg. 1864; .Sciuor ©rab- uatc at his death, 3rd Mar., 1879 Jacobus Paterson, Aberdonen., A.M. Jacobus Smith, Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Bisset, .Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Duthie, Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Grant, Narnien. ; burs., b, s Joannes Herdman, Aberdonensis; burs., b, s Joannes McKenzie, Rossiensis. See 1793-97 Joannes Simpson, Banfiensis, A.M. Joannes Thurburn, Banfiensis: burs., /), 5, t Linvvoodus Fletcher, Anglus Patricius Rickard, Forfarensis ; burs., b, s Petrus Dunbar, Narniensis Albums. O I! 106 UNIVKkSirV ASM) KINGS COLLKGH. 1792 PotruK l£miilic, AlxTjoncnsis, A..N\. Philippus Prior, l^>ndincnsis, A.M. RiibortuK CorJincr, HanHcnsin ; burs., //. ^ 1793-97 [HegtHls : Prof. G. Gerard ; KotJcrick Macl^'od] Alc.viiiidcr Grant, lianliciisis, A..M. Alexander Gunn, Cathancsien., A..M. Alexander Hermanus .Macdonald, Melius, ace. 1794: ,M.D. Edin. 1799 Alexander . Mackintosh, Narnien., A.. M.; I) D. 1814 Alexander .McKerdonensis, ace. 1794 ; burs., / Rolx-Ttus .Marquis, BanKensis, A..M. Robertus Stratton, Abcrdoncnsis ; burs., b, s Rodericus .MacLean. Invernessensis, A.M. Theodorus Rainy, Abcrdoncnsis, A.M. Thomas Low, Abcrdoncnsis; burs., h. i, I. Sec 1795.9i) 179498 [Kegeiils . Prof. G. Gerard , R. K. Scott] j4tneas Kennedy. Rossiensis, ace. I79.'>. A..M. Alexander Dunoon, Invernessensis, A..M. (David*) Alexander l-ordyce, Banfiensis; burs., b, s Alexander Grant, Bantiensis, A..M. Alexander .MacCaskill, Invernessensis, ace. 179.S. A..M.; .M.D. 1804 Alexander .MacleiMl, Sutherlandiensis ; 1st burs. ; A .M. Alexander .Milne, Aberdonien. ; burs., b. s, I Daniel .McDonald. Banfiensis, A..M. David Aird, ex insula Antigua, ace, 179.S Duncanus .Mclntyre, Abcrdonicnsis, ' AM ' So in Album C . corrected to " Alexander " in Album E. 1795- ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALliU.MS C AND D. 107 Georgius Alexander, Aberdoniensis, A.M.; M.D. Mar. Coll. 1818 Georgius Duguid, Aherdonen. ; burs., b, s, t ' Gulielmus Fotheringhani, Angusianus Gulielmus Paton, Aberdoniensis Hugo Gordon, .Aberdoniensis, A.M. Hugo McCandie, Rossien., ace. 1795 Jacobus Adam, .Aberdoniensis, A.M. Jacobus Carmichael, .Moraviensis ; burs., b, s Jacobus Christie, Banfiensis, A..M. Jacobus Cordiner,* burs., b, s, t Jacobus Farquharson, Aberdoniensis, A..M. ; LL.D. 1887. Jacobus Giennie, -Aberdonien., .A..M. Jacobus Gordon, Aberdoniensis Jacobus Lorimer, ace. 1797 Jacobus Paterson, Moraviensis, A.M. Joannes Laing, Aberdoniensis, A.M. Joannes Russel, .Moraviensis; burs., b,s Joannes Thorn, Aberdoniensis, .A..M, Ludovicus Hill, .\berdonensis, A.M. Patricius Keith, Sutherlandien., A.M. Patricius .McEwen, Iiivernessensis, A.M. Robertus Falconer, Banfiensis ; burs., b, s, t Rodericus Stewart, Cathniensis, ace. 179.5 Thomas Monro f; burs., 111 ; A.M. Thomas Gulielmus Thristans, Londin- ensis 1795-99 [Regents : Prof. G. Gerard ; William Jack] .Alexander Dingwall.Cromartien.,A.M. Alexander Falconer, Banfiensis. A.M. Alexander Skinner, Aberdonien., A.M. Carolus Bannerman, Aberdoniensis Evanus Maclean, Invernessensis Ferchardus McKinnon, Invernessen. ; burs., i Georgius Chalmers, Banfiensis; 1st burs., /;, s Georgius Graham, Perthensis, A..M. Georgius Proctor, Angusiensis Georgius Riddoch, Banfiensis, A.M. Georgius Robinson, major, Aber- doniensis ; burs., b, s, t Georgius Robison, minor, Cathinen. Gulielmus Duff, Aberdoniensis ; burs., b, .S-, / Gulielmus Fordyce, Aberdonensis, ace. 1796, A.M. Gulielmus Gordon, Aberdonien., A.M. Gulielmus .Middleton, .Aberdoniensis, A.M. Gulielmus .Mitchell, .Aberdoniensis. See 1796-1800 Gulielmus Peterkin, .Moravien., A.M. Gulielmus Russell, .Moraviensis Henricus Edmondston, Zetlandiensis. A.M. Jacobus Duff, Turriffensis Jacobus Grant, .Moraviensis, A.M. Jacobus Hunter, Cathnien, ace. 1796 Jacobus Nimmo, Edinburgen. See 1796-1800 Jacobus Stewart, Banfiensis, A.M. Joannes Craigie-f- (i. Mar. Coll.), burs., s, t, III ; A.M. Joannes Crombie, Aberdonien. ; burs., b, s Joannes Duncan, Aberdoniensis Joannes Fraser, Invernessensis; Eraser's burs., b, s, t, m ; A.M. ; div. burs., 1799-1801 Joannes Leslie, major, MoraviensisJ Joannes Leslie, minor, .Aberdonien.* Joannes .Middleton, Aberdonien., A.M. Joannes Sutherland, .Aberdoniensis, A.M. Josephus Reid, Angusiensis Pat. Cruickshank, Angusianus, ace. 1796 * Not in Albums. t Not in list of Entrants. \ Joannes Leslie, without designation, griidiiatcs A. .VI. in 1799. lo8 rNIVEkSITV AND KINC.'S COl.LKCK. '•795- Petrus Mclntyrc, ln\crncsstrn., A.M. Pcirus Wait, Hiinfli-nsiK. A..M. Kiilvrtus Copland, Abordimicn., A.M. RuNrrtus l-orbcs,* burs., m ; A.M. Thomas Low,* burs.. I, in : A.M. Thomas .Munro, RossicDsis. untca re- hitusaimo 17Vt2. Sec 1791 9.S Thomas Ofjilvy, An^^usianus Oualtcrus Bcattie, Abcrdonicnsis ; burs., />, s, I 179O-180O [Kegeiils . William l^aul, Kodcrick .MacLood, Kobert l-IJcn Scott. William Jack] Alexander Caic, Abcrdunicnsis, A.M. Alexander l-raser. Narnicnsis Alexander Noble, Invernessen., A.,M. Ale.sander Shaw. Invernessensis Alexander Smith. Cathniensis, A..M. Calenus Campbell, .Aberdonien., A..M. Carolus Winchester, Alvrdonensis ; burs., Ii, s Daniel .Miller. Cathenensis David .Macrae. Narniensis, A.M. Donaldus .Macleixi, Sutherlandiensis ; burs., h, s. See 1797-1801 Bvcnus McLachInn, Abriensis ; 1st burs.; A..M. ; Libr. 1800-19 Guliclmus I-orbes, Aberdonien., A..M. Gulielmus Hay,-*- burs., in Gulielmus McLcod, Sutherlandiensis; burs., h, s, t, in Gulielmus .Mann. An^usiensis. A.M. Gulielmus .Mitchell, + burs., .v (iulielmus Panton, Abcrdoniensis, Turriff, A.M. Gulielmus Kainy, Aberdonien., Turriff Gulielmus Sutherland, Sutherlan- diensis, A..M. Hector Hethune. Rossiensis, A..M. Hujjo Tod, .Moraviensis, ace. 1797; bum., I Jacobus Gordon, iianflensis, A..M. Jacobus .Mitchell. Abcrdonensis, New- hills, A..M. Jacobus Nimmo, Alx-rdonensis, rcla- tus anno priore, A..M. Jacobus Scott, ■*■ burs., in Jacobus Thomson, lianfiensis, A.M. Joannes .Xlx'rnethy, Auchtert(K>len. ; bui-s., /. See 1797 18(1 1 Joannes Gordon, Abcrdonensis Joannes .Munro, Invernessensis, re- latus anno 1794 John Robertson, Hethlandicus, ace. 1797 Joannes Saunders, Abcrdoniensis ; burs., h, s, /. Sec 1798-1802 Petrus George, Banfiensis, A..M. Petrus Skene, Abcrdonensis ; burs., I.,s RobiTtus Patcrson. .Moravien. ; burs., s . .M.D. Kdm. 1803 RoluTtus Scott, ManHensis. A.M. Rodericus .McQueen. Invernessensis, Skye 1797 1801 y\'<;,'erdonensis, A.M. (lulielmus Norman. .Moraviensis; /, .Mar. Coll. 18(K> Gulielmus Ross, Abcrdonensis . burs., I), s, I Hector .McAskill, Invernessen.. A .M. * Nut in lim nf BnlriinlH. t ,\iit in AlbunK. 1798.] ALUMNI IN arts: ALBUMS C AND D. 109 Hugo Fraser, Invernessensis, A.M. Hugo Arthurus Low, Aberdoniensis, ace. 1798 .lacobus Allan, Banfiensis, A.M. Jacobus Fraser, Invernessensis, A.M Jacobus White, Banfiensis, A.M. Joannes Abernethie,* burs., 111 : A.M. Joannes Williams Blagrove,* England, ace. 1800, A.M. {.1//;;. of 17 .Mar.) Joannes Fraser, Aberdoniensis, .A.M. Joannes McDonald, Cathanesiensis, A.M. Johannes Munro, Rossiensis (h. Mar. Coll.), ace. 1798, A..M. Joannes Stuart, Moraviensis, A..M. Josephus Ritchie, Aberdonien. ; burs., b, s, t; A.M. 1805 Nigellus McLean, Invernessen., \.\\. Nigelius Smith, Invernessensis, A.M. Patricius Cameron, Banfiensis, A.M. Patricius Gordon, Angusianus Patricius N'immo, Aberdonen, ; burs., b, s, t Robertus Farquharson, Aberdonien. ; burs., b, s Robertus Fraser, Invernessen., A..M. Robertus Grant, Moraviensis Silvester Gordon, nat. dc Wardhouse Simon Fraser, Invernessen. ; Fraser's burs., /, m ; .A.M. ; div. burs., 1801- 1805 Thomas Seaton. .Abredonensis ; burs., b,sj 1798-1802 [Regents : Prof. H. Maepherson. Roderick .Macleod, William Paul, R. E. Scott] Alexander Falconer, Strathnaveren. ; 1st burs. ; A.M. Alexander Mackenzie, Rossiensis ; burs., b, s, t Alexander Milne, Aberdoniensis Carolus .McDonald, Invernessensis; burs., b, s, t Carolus Mackenzie, Invernessensis, ace. 1799 Colin Fraser, f burs., iii Donaldus McGillivray, Invernessen. ; burs., .s. See 1799-1803 Donaldus .McKinnon,-|- burs., t, iii Edvardus Bannernian, Aberdoniensis, A.M. Georgius .Alexander, Aberdoniensis; burs., -s /. See 1799 1803 Georgius MacCulloeh, Rossien., A.M. Georgius Wallace, .Aberdonien., A.M. Gulielmus Dow. Aberdoniensis, A.M. Gulielmus Falconer, .Moravien., A.M. Gulielmus Mackintosh, Invernessen. Gulielmus Pratt, Aberdonien., A.M. Gulielmus Sim, Banfiensis, A.M. Gulielmus Smith, Aberdonien., .A.M. Henrieus Munro, Rossiensis Hugo .McLean, Argatheliensis, de Coll, ace. 1799 Jacobus Duncan, Aberdoniensis .laeobus Gordon, Angusiensis, .A.M. Jacobus Logie, .Moraviensis, .A..M. Jacobus Murray, Demerary Jacobus Rainy, Banfiensis, A..M. Jacobus Scott, Hethlandicus, ace. 1799 ilaeobus Scroggie, Aberdoniensis Jacobus Sim, Banfiensis, A.M. Jacobus Thomson, Fifensis Jacobus Wilson,-f- burs., in Johannes Macintosh, Invernessensis Joannes Melver,f burs., /;( Johannes McKenzie, Banfien.; burs., b, s Joannes McKinnon.f burs., m Joannes MeLeod,f burs., 5 Joannes Murray, + burs., I Joannes Ogilvy, de Airly, aec. 1799 Joannes Rannie, Banfiensis, A.M. Joannes Saunders,* burs., in : A.M. Johannes Sinclair, Cathanesiensis Not in list of Entrants. t Not in Albums. MO rS'IVKKSITV AMI KIN(;*S roi.i.Kc.r.. 1798 I^urcntius Smith, Hcthlandicus, ace. Martin MacPhorson. Invfrncsscnsis. ace. 17W Kobcrtus Skene. Aberdonien. ; hum.. h, s Therus(«<)rd. i. t Jacobus McKen/ic, Aberdoniensis .lacobus .Milne. AlH-rdoniensis. A .M. Jacobus Stewart. An^usiensis Joannes Clark. Invernessensis, ucc. I8(MI, A .M. Joannes Htirbes, Abredonensis. de Blackford, ace. 1801 . burs., tn Joannes Gerard. Al^erdoniensis. A. .M Joannes .McHardv. Abi-rdoniensis, A.M. Joannes .McLeinJ. Invernessensis. A.M. Joannes .Morison, Hethlandicus. A..M. Joannes .Murray. .Aberdoniensis; burs., /', s, I .I(»annes Reid, Aberdoniensis, A.M. .loannes Tulloch, Cathnesiensis. A.M.; I.L.D. 1847; Prof. .Maths. 1811-47 .losephus Allan, i-iantiensis, AM. Patricius Grant. Invernessensis. A .M. Kobertus Allan. Rossiensis. A..M. K'olH-rtus Daun. Aberdoniensis, A.,M.: .M D. 1813 Robertus Scott. Shetlandensis, ace. I8(K) Thomas Catanach. Aberdoniensis: i, .\»ar. Coll. Thrcclt. .Matlicni.itii.!>. Nulur.il I'hilokophy and .Moral I'hilonophy. who retained ihc n;>n)t- of KeKenlm. i8oi. ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALIiUMS C AND I). I I I Alexander Flyter, Moraviensis; burs., b, s. See 1801-05 Alexander Inj^ram, Aberdonen., A.M. Alexander .McDougal, Invernessensis, ace. 1801 Andreas Scott, Hethlandicus, ace. 1801 Archibaldus .McQueen, Rossiensis, ace. 1801 Carolus [Ross] Matheson, Rossiensis, A.M. Carolus Scott, Hethlandicus, ace. 1801 Donaldus Macbain,* burs., /, ;;/ ; A.Al. Donaldus Mackenzie. Invernessensis; burs., /), 5, t Donaldus .Maciiinnon, Invernessensis, A.M.: M.D. Edin. 1807 Franciscus Muil, Aberdonensis, A.M. Georgius Gil/.ean, Moraviensis, ace. 1801 ; burs., in Gordon Raeburn, Aberdonensis, A.M. Gulielmus Forbes, Aberdonen , A.M. Gulielmus Robertson, Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Allan, Banfiensis, A.M. Jacobus Bayne, Aberdonensis ; burs., b ; s, Mar. Coll. See 1801-05 Jacobus CruicUshank, Banfien., A.M. Jacobus Denoon. Invernessen. ; burs., h, s. See 1801-05 Jacobus Horn, Aberdonensis; burs.. b, s Jacobus Houston, Invernessen., A.M. Jacobus Ketchen, Xarniensis, A.M. ■Jacobus Mitchell, .Aberdonensis; 1st burs.; A..M.; LL.D. 1823 Jacobus Thomson, Aberdonen., .A..M. Jacobus Wilson, .Aberdonensis, A.M. .loannes .Adams, .Aberdonensis. A..M. Johannes Burnett, Abredonen. [of Kemnay], A..M. 1807+ (.V;». of 12 Nov.) Joannes Gordon, + burs., in * Not in list of Entrants. t " Had studied three years at this L'niv J Not in Alhums. Johannes Henderson, Aberdonensis ; burs., b, s, t Joannes Johnston, .Aberdoniensis ; burs., b, s Joannes McAllister, Invernessensis, ace. 1801. Joannes MacKinnon, Invernessensis, A.M. Joannes .McQueen, Rossiensis, ace. 1801 Johannes MacTavish, Invernessensis Joannes .Murray, Aberdonensis, .A..M. Johannes Shand, Banfiensis, .A.M. Kennethus Mackay,J burs., ni Kennethus MacRae, Rossiensis Robertus Carmichael, Invernessensis; burs.. //, .s Robertus Tod, .Moraviensis, .A..M. ; .M.D. Edin. 1817 Rogerus Aitken, Aberdonensis; s, t. Mar. Coll. 1801-05 \_Regents : H. Macpherson, W. Jack, \V. Duncan, R. E. Scott] Alexander Birnie, Banfiensis, .A.M. Alexander Flyter,* burs., in ; A..M. Alexander Forbes, Aberdoniensis Alexander Eraser, Invernessensis; Eraser's burs., b, $ Alexander Geddes.;}: burs., b, s Alexander .MacKenzie, Rossiensis Alexander .McKinnon. Invernessensis, ace. 1802 Alexander .Macleod, Invernessensis, ace. 1802 Alexander Ross, Banfiensis ; 1st burs., b, s, t Alexander Thain, Aberdoniensis, A.M. Alexander Urquhart, Rossiensis, ace, 1802. See 1805-09 Arthurus D. Geddes, Moraviensis crsity and a fourth year at Edinburgh."' IT 113 U.NMVF.RSITV AMI KINGS lOLUKtiE. ISOI. Colinus Hramrr, KuHsicnKis ; l-'rascr's bur».. m ; A M. ; div burs.. 1805.09 Colinus Macdi>nalJ, ArKathi'licnsiK Donaldus M.icAlistcr. InvcrncHscnsis HvanuK .Mai'diinalil, Arniithclicnsis Gcornius Adams. Abrodnncnsis, A.M. (»cornius Haillic, Invcriicssi-nsis (julii-lmus \Vint«in. AK-rdonicnsis. .A.M. Hcnricus Gordon, BanHonsis, A.\\. Jacobus Havnc,* burs , s, I. m . A S\. : .Ml) 1811 Jacobus Bruce, Abcrdonicnsis Jacobus Caldcr, Invcrncsscnsis, A.M. Jacobus Cassic, Aberdonionsis, A..M. Jacobus Dcnoon,* burs., t ; A.,M Jacobus .MacDonald, Inverncsscnsis Jacobus .Miinc, Abcrdonicnsis. A..M. Jacobus Soutcr, Abcrdonicnsis, A..M. Jacobus Williamson, Cathancsicnsis, ace. 1802 Joannes Cassic. Abcrdonicnsis. A..M Joannes ClarU, Abcrdonicnsis, X.W. Joannes .McDonald, .Arnathcliensis Joannes .Mclver. Invernesscnsis, A..M. Joannes Walker, de Jamaica .S'ormannus .Macleod, Invernesscnsis, ace. 1802. Patricius I). Calder, Cathancsicnsis, ace. 1802 Kodcricus l-inlayson. Kossicnsis Thomas Kanlicn, Invernesscnsis, A .M . MI) 1818 1802-06 [Ktntiiti : H. .Macpherson. W. .lack, \V. Duncan, \< li. Scott] AlcxanderJcssiman,Banflensis;burs., b, 5 Alexander Ligertwood, Abcrdonicnsis, A.M. Alexander .Macpherson. Narnicnsis ; burs., /», /, in Alexander .McKae. Inxcrncssicnsis, ace. 1803 .Alexander .Manson, Kossicnsis. aec. I8().<:.M D. l-din. 181! Alexiinder Ui.ich. AlHTdoniensis. A .M. Alexander Thorn, .Mernicnsis. A..M. Andreas .Minty. .AIxTdoniensis, A..M. .Xrchibaldus liarclav . Hethlandicus, A..M : l,L.D. 182i Arthurus GifTord, Hethlandicus Carolus .Miller, .Narnicnsis ; burs., b. Sec 1803 07 Donaldus l-inlayson, Cathancsicnsis, A.M. Donaldus Leitch, Kossicnsis: tst burs.; A..M. Gcorjiius Terroll, Abcrdonicnsis (luliclmus Baillie, Invernesscnsis Gulielmus Cowie, Banlicnsis, A..M. Guliclmus Grant, Invernessen., A .M. Gulielmus Gray, Abcrdonicnsis, A .M. Gulielmus .Masson, Aberdonensis ; burs., /-. s, I, w. Sec 1803-07 Gulielmus Thorn, Banlicnsis Hector Monro Inncs, Banlicnsis A..M. Hugo .Mclntire, Banlicnsis; burs., /;, s Jacobus Chalmers, Abcrdonicnsis, A..M. Jacobus K. CruicUshank. Banlicnsis, A..M.: D.l). 18.S»i Jacobus Simpson, .Narnicnsis. A..M. Joannes Bruce, Kossicnsis ; burs., ,* Joannes Kwing, Alvrdoncnsis, ace. 1803 Joannes Gordon, Aberdonensis, A.,M. Joannes Gordon, Aberdonensis (l>, .Mar. Coll.). aec. 1803. See 1803- , 1807 Joannes Kcid, Abcrdonicnsis ; burs., Patricius Humphrey, BanHensis ; burs., b, i Not ID liki of Entrants, uSo+l ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS C AND D. '"3 Patricius Merson, Aberdi^iiiensis ; burs., b, s, t. See 1803-07 Robertus Sinclair, Cathanesiensis, ace. 1803 Robertus Tulloh. Roxburgensis, ace. 1803 Rodericus Mackenzie, Rossiensis Simon Fraser, Invernessensis ; burs., b : s (Fraser's); t, m ; A..M. Suetonius Grant, Moraviensis, A.M. Thomas Burnett, Aberdonien., A.M. Thomas (jifford, Hcthlandicus, ace. 1803 1803-07 [Regents : H. Macpherson, \V. JacU, W. Duncan, R. E. Scott] Alexander Calder, Invernessen., A.M. Alexander McArthur, Narnien., A.M. Alexander McBean, Moravien., A.M. .Alexander Reid, Abcrdonensis, A.M. Ale.\ander Scott. Banfiensis : burs., b,s Alexander Sutor,* burs., ,s. See 1805-09 .\rchibaldus Leslie, .Moraviensis, ace. 1804 .Archibaldus .Mackinnon, Invernessen- sis, A..M. Carolus Millar,* burs., / David Henderson, Cathensis, ace. 1804 Donaldus .Mcintosh. Narniensis ; burs., b. s, t Duncanus Mackay, Rossiensis ; burs., Georj. s, t Jacobus Barclay, .Aberdoniensis; 1st burs. ; A.M. Jacobus Clark, Banfiensis, A.M. 1848 (.Vn/. of 30 Aug.); .M.D. Edin. 1817 Jacobus Knight, Invernessensis Jacobus Smith, .Aberdoniensis, A.M. Jacobus W'arracU, .Aberdoniensis Jacobus Welsh, .Angusiensis, .A..M. Joannes Davidson, .Narniensis Joannes Gordon, + burs., ;// ; A.M. Joannes Macdonald, Sutherlandensis, ace. 1804 Joannes Smith, .Aberdoniensis, A.M. Kethus Cooper, Aberdoniensis, A..M. Patricius .Merson, + burs., in ; A.M. Robertus Duff, .Aberdoniensis ; burs., b, s Simon Davidson, Cathanesiensis ; burs., .s, t Thomas Bain, Invernessensis, .A .M. Thomas Holm, Rossiensis, A.M. Thomas Laing, Aberdonensis, ace. 1804 1804-08 [Rei(ents : H. .Macpherson, W. Jack, W. Duncan, R. E. Scott] .Alexander Duncan, .Moravien. ; burs., b, s Alexander Gerard, .Aberdonien., A..M. Alexander Henderson, Cathanensis, ace. 1805; A..M. 1824 .Ale.xander .MacPher.son. Invernessi- ensis ; burs., / Alexander Rae, Aberdonensis : burs., .•.■; t, ni, A.M. .Mar. Coll. .Alexander Roger, Aberdonensis, .A..M. Carolus Forbes, Blackford, Aberdon- ensis, ace. 1805 Not in Albums. + Not ill list of Entrants. Ill INIVKRSITV AM> KING'S COLLEGE. fl804. CarnluK Mackay, Ahcrxloncniiis ; tut bum,, h. i Camlus MacPhcrson, Moravicnuis ; burs.. />. III. S«.c I8t>t> 10 Daniel l-orbtfs, Suthcrhiniiicii.. A.M. Duncanus Grant, Invcrncssicn., A.M. Franciscus W (ir;int, Invcrncssicn., A..\l. GcorniuR W'l'bstcr, .\bcrdoncn., A.M. Gulii'lmus .Milne. Hanflicnsis. A..M. Guliolmus Kaiinii*. Banftionsis, A.M. Guliclmus Smith. .-Xbcrdimcnsis Haius Kosa Gcllic, B.inflicnsis Hcnricus David l-orbcs. Abcrdoncn., A..M. Hu>;<> .McKcn/ic, Suthcrlandiensis, A.M.; .M.D. 1819 Jacobus .Anderson. Kerrieniuiriensis, A.M. Jacobus Christie, Aberdonen. ; burs., b.s Jacobus Cordoner, Aberdonen., A.M. Jacobus Grant, lianfliensis ; burs., fc, s. I Jacobus Grant, Narniensis, ncc. 1806. See 180.S.09 Jacobus Sutor, .Moravicnsis, ace. 1805 Joannes Duncan. Handiensis Joannes Loj^ie, .Moravicnsis Joannes .Maclntyre. Invernessicnsis, ace. 180,S, 1-raser's burs., s. See 1805 (W Joannes Koss, Rossiensis; burs., i, s. See 1805-09 Joannes Smith. Aberdonensis, A..M. Joannes Smith,* burs., / Kodericus Keid, Nossiensis, A..M. 1805-09 [/((gdili : H. .Macphers Archibaldus Baillie, InvcrncssicnKig Don.ildus Clark. Invernessiensis Donaldus .McLean, Invernessiensis Donaldus .Mitchell, .Varniensis, A..M. l-rannscus Walker. Alterdonen.. A.M. (jeor^ius Alexander, Kincardiriensis Geor^ius Davidson, Cathanen., A..M. Georjiius Gordon, Aberdonensis, A..M. Cjeor^ius .McKay, Cathancnsis, A..M.; D.D. 18.S() (julielmus Allan, Kincardinensis Ciuliclmus Asher. .Moravicnsis (luliclmus DufT, Banlliensis, A..M. Gulielnuis Hay Leith, dc l-"reeHeld, Aberdonensis, ace. 18(H> Gulielnuis .McKen/.ie, AlH-rdonensis, ace. 18()« Gulielmus .M. .\lcKen/.ie, Suthcrlandi- ensis Gulielmus .Milne, Banflliensis (julielmus .Murray, Alierdonen. ; burs., /', s. t Gulielmus Smith, .Moravicnsis, A..NL ISIO Gulielmus Stephen, .Moravicnsis Hujjo .Mcyueen, Pcrthensis ; burs., I), s Jacobus Alexander, Banfficnsis Jacobus Gordon, Aberdonen. ; burs , i. ' Jacobus Grant, Nairniensis, ace. 18(»7, A.M. Jacobus Gray, Banfliensis, A..M. Jacobus Green, Banfliensis, A..M. Jacobus Herd, Aberdonensis: 1st burs : A.M Jacobus Stcinson, Banfliensis, A..M. Joannes Alexander. Kincardinensis Not in Alhumii. t Omitted in Litl of Prrt., p. H. i8o6.] ALUMNI IN ARTS: AI.15UMS C AM) Ii. I I Joannes lin.-ninor, major, Moravieii.. ace. 180(i .Joannes Bremnci-, lianffiensis, ace. 1806 Joannes Dicliinson, Abcrdonen.. .A.M. Joannes Farquharson, Aberdonensis, A.M.: M.I). 1817 Joannes Gordon, .Anj^usiensis, .A..M. Joannes Harper, Aberdonensis; bins., i, ,s- Joannes Leslie de Powis, Aberdonen., A,,M. Joannes .Mclntyre,* burs., in, A.M. Joannes McLean, Moraviensis, A.M. Joannes McQueen, Narniensis, A.M. Joannes Moir, .Aberdonensis, A.M. Joannes Rannie. Banffiensis ; burs., /;, s, t .Joannes Ross* burs., iii. \.W. I^udovicus Rose, Narniensis; burs., 6, s.t. See l.S0(S-10 l^obertus Collie, .Abeidonensis l^obertus Innes, I^anFHensis, A..M. I-?obertus Ogg, Aberdonensis, A..NL 1806-10 [Res^eiits : H. .Macpherson, W. Jack, W. Duncan, R. B. Scott] Alexander Bremner, Banffiensis Alexander l^\vin_t;, .Aberdonensis; 1st burs. : A.M.; "M.D. Bdin. 1813 Alexander Gra)-. Banffien. ; burs., h, s Alexander Mel\ay, Aberdonensis ; burs., /), .s' Alexander .Mclienzie, Rossiensis, ace. 1 .S()7 Alexander Sutor,* burs., 111, A.M. Alexander Webster. .Aberdonensis ; burs., h, s, t, III Alexander Whyte, Forfarensis, A.M. Archibaldus .\aus»hton, .Aberdonensis Carolus (}ordon, Sutherlandensis, ace. 1807 Carolus Grant, Aberdonensis, A.M. Carolus .McPherson, .Moravien., antea relatus, ace. 1807 Carolus Torrie, Aberdonensis, A.M. Colinus .McKenzie, Rossiensis, ace. 1 807 David .McKen/.ie, Sutherlandensis A.M. David (3j4ilvy, .Aberdonensis David Weir, Anj^usiensis, ace. 1807; A..^L 1811. See also 1809-13 Donaldus Mcintosh, Invernessiensis Duncanus McKen/.ie, Rossiensis Georjjius Daun, .Aberdonensis, ace. 1807 Georj^ius Gordon, Aberdonensis, A..M. Georgius McKenzie, Rossiensis Geor^ius Wilson, Aberdonensis Guliclmus Donaldson, .Narniensis, .A.M. Gulielmus Dunbar, Narnien. ; Fraser's burs., h. See 1808-12 Gulielmus Garden, Aberdonensis, ace. 1807; burs., / Gulielmus Jack, Aberdonensis, A..M. Gulielmus .Mcintosh, InveiMiessiensis Gulielmus Merson, Aberdonen., A.M. Gulielmus Smith, Forfarensis, A.M. ; M.D. 1812 Gulielmus Walls, Imei'nessiensis, A.M. (Wills) Gulielmus Watt, Banffiensis ; burs., b, s, t, III Hector Allan, Rossiensis, A..M. Jacobus .Alexander, .Aberdonen., A.M. Jacobus Chree, .Aberdonensis, .A.M. Jacobus Ci-uickshank, .Aberdonensis; A..M. .Mar. Coll. Jacobus Fairbairn, Rossiensis; .M.D. Kdin. 181.S ilacobus .McDou<>al, Invernessiensis, ace. 1807 Jacobus Milne, Aberdonensis, .A M. Jacobus Thomson, .Aberdonen.. .A..M. Jacobus Torrie, Abei-donensis ; burs., /', .s .- M.I3. 1823; Lect. Inst, of Med. 1828-31 Not in list of Entrants. I ]<> I'MVEkSITV AM* KI,\(;'S CXtLLEUK. [1806. Jacobus \V«tt. AbcrdoncnKiK. A.M. ■lacohuK WIntf. l-cirfiuxMisis JoaniiCN Christie. AlvrilimiMisis (h, Wat. Coll I. iiic. 1807 Joannes Cuniino. AhenJoncnsis Joiinncs Davidson, Alvrdoncnsis Joannes I'inlayson. Kossiensis. See 1810 14 Joannes Innes, Banflfiensis. A.M. Jfiannes Macleod, AtvrJoncn., A.M. Joannes MacLeod. Invernessiensis Joannes Dufjuid .Milne.* AlH-rdiinen., A.M. Joannes .Morrison. Banflicnsis ; D. D. (ilasK. ISM Joannes Nichols4>n. Invernessiensis. A.M. Joannes Skinner, Aberdonensis. :uc. 1807. s, .Mar. Coll 1808 Joannes Stephen, .Moraviensis Joannes Whyte. Horfarensis ; burs., I.,udnvicus Rose,+ burs., in . A..\r .Martinus .McLcchI, Invernessiensis, A .M 1811 Matth.eus Bethune, Suthcrlandiensis, A .M.: MI) 1820 Norrnanus .Mclver. Invernessiensis Palricius (jrant. Banftiensis PauluR .McColl, Arf;atheliensis ; burs., /', A. ' PrysiuR Clark, Narniensis : burs., b, i. I Kobertus Anderson. Aberdonensis, ace. 1807 UolxTtus Duncan, .Moraviensis Kobertus Innes, Aberdonensis . burs.. /,, s Kinleritus .MrKenzie, Uossiensis Simon .McDonald. Invernessiensis Thomas Stirling. Banflicnsis : burs., h. See 1807-11 Thomas Thompson, Banflicnsis, A..M.; .M.D. .Mar. Coll. 18.S4 1807 n [Hf!;fiili : H. .Macpherson, W. Jack, \V Duncan. K. K. Scott and \V. Jack] Adamus Smith. Aberdonensis. A.M. .4-Ineas .Maclntyre. Invernessiensis: burs., /.. s. Sec 1808 12 Alexander Peter, AK-rdonensis. A.M. Alexander Str«inach. Banflicnsis ; burs., .s Alexander Tulloch, Cathanen., A..M Arthurus Smith, Invernessien. ; burs., /'. s. t Camlus Clark. Rossien. See 1809 13 Carolus Donaldson, .-MHTdtmensis ; 1st burs ; A.M. Carolus .NlcKcnzie, AK>erdius .lobnston, .Aberdonen., A.M. Geor<;ius Gordon .Maclean, Narniensis, A.-M. , .M.D. 1819: .Murray lect. 182(S ; Prof, of Hebrew, .Mar. Coll. Georyius -Murray, -Moraviensis Geor>>ius Robertson, .Aberdonen., A.-M. Georgius Stephen, -Aberdonensis ; burs., /), .s, / Georgius Stewart, -Moraviensis Georgius Wyatt, Anglus, ace. 1809 Gulielnius Bartlet, Banffiensis, ace. 1809 Gulielnius Duguid, Aberdonensis, A.M.; D.D. 1853 Gulielnius Dunbar,-*- burs., /. See 1809 13 Gulielnius Gordon, .Aberdonensis Gulielnius -McGillivray, Aberdonen. ; burs., t. See 1811-15 Gulielmus Malcolm, .Aberdonen.,. A.. NL Gulielnius Urquhart, -Aberdonensis ( J ulielmus Wiseman, Banffiensis, A.. M- Hugo Fr-aser, Invernessiensis, A.-M. Jacobus Barnet, Aberdonensis, -A-M. Jacobus (jarioch, .Aberdonensis, A.M. .lacohus (jordon. .Aberdonensis, A.-M. Jacobus Gordon. .Moraviensis, A. .M. .lacobus Harniwei-, Invernessiensis Joannes Allan, .Aberdonensis .loannesClark, Invernessien. ; Fraser's burs., /), ,s-, /, ;/( . .A.M. Joiuines Donaldson. Banfiicnsis, ace. 1 809 Joannes Fraser, Invernessien.. .\..M. Joannes Innes, Cathanensis Joannes .M'Kenzie, Rossiensis, A.M. ■Joannes Mackenzie, Rossiensis, A.M. il ' Not in list of Entrants. t Not in Albums. ; The Degrees of IS12 onwards are taken from Album E. lis INIVEKSITV AMI KINO'S COLLEGE. 1808. Jdunnofi Mitchrlt. CalJrrv'n«is Joannes Munni. <»l;isiufHNis; liuis.. •loannt's Nicol, AlvrdiMu-iisis. A .M. Joannes Turner. Hiinticnsis Jonathanus l-orlH-s,* Ahcrdoncn., A.M. Normandus MacLeod. Sutherlandcn. Patricias (lerard. AlK'rdonensis Kobortus Clark, Sutherlandensis. Si-e 1810-14 Kobertus Wilson. KanfRensis Kodericus Macleod. Alx'rdonen.. A.M.; .M.I) l-.din. 18l« Simon l-Vascr .Macintosh. Invcrncssi- cnsis. Sec 18(19 13 Thomas Harclaius, Thulensis; 1st burs.: A..M.: D.D. 1849; Prin. Univ. Glasj.. 18.S8.73 V'ernus .Macleod, Sutherlandensis 1809-13 [tifgfiils : H. .Macphcrson. W. .lack and \V. Duncan, W Paul. W. Jack] ,4^neas Macintyre, Invernessensis ; 111, M..I). I82.S Alcvander Cameron, Inverncssicnsis ; burs., //, s. See 1810-14 Ale\ander Clark, Invernessien.. A.M. Alexander Piiilayson, Uossiensis Alexander l-raser. Aberdonensis, A.M. AlcjCiinder (Jarden, Abcrdoncn., A.M.; Ml). 1835 Alexander MacKcnzie, Rossiensis Alexander .MacRac, Rossiensis Alexander MacRae. K'ossiensis, A.M. (Inverncssicnsis) Alexander .Munro. Sutherlandensis. See I81(t.|4 Alexander Ross, Inverncsicn. ; burs,, /, ///. A.M. Alexander Smith, Kanfliensis, A..M. Alexander Warden, Aberdonensis Andreas Suter, lnvcrnessen.,acc. 1810 Andreas Thomiion, Abcrdoncn., A.M. .XrchibalduH Anderson, BanfTiensis See 1811-l.S Carolus Clark, U ... A.M. Carolus Rose. In» ' nsis. .\..M. Colinus l£ldcr, Invernessien. ; burs., h.s David l-Vaser, Rossien. See 1811-l.S David Weir, Angusiensis. Sec ISOti- 10 Donaldus Macrae. Inverncssicnsis ; burs., h, s Donaldus Smith Younn, Invernesien- sis. :icc. 1810 Rvanus .Macphcrson, Inverncssicnsis 1-ranciscus .\dam, Abredonensis, .\..M (Adams) ; .Ml). (Hon.) 1856; I.I..D. CilasK. I84fi Predcricus .McKen/ie, Aberdonensis, ace. 1810 Gcorjiius Adam, Abredonensis, .-\..\^. Geor({ius Baillie. Invernessien., A.,M. Gcorgius Lumsden. Abred, Aberdoncnsis, A.M. Joannes Skinner, .Aberdoncnsis Joannes Smith, Aberdoncnsis; /, ;;(, A..M. Mar. Coll. .MansHeldius I'orbes, Aberdoncnsis, ace. 1810 Nigellus Koj', Aberdoncnsis ; burs.,/), .•; ; /, in, A.M. Mar. Coll. Patricius Inglis, Banffiensis. See 1811-15 Robertus Adam, .Aberdoncnsis, A.M. Robertus Hinlay, Angusicnsis; in, A.M. Mar. Coll. 1812 Robertus Innes, Moraviensis; burs., b, s, t, in Robertu.s Mintie, Aberdoncnsis, ace. 1810. See 1811-15 Robertus More, Rossiensis (//, .s. Mar. Coll.), aec 1811; .A.M. Robertus Rannie, .Aberdoncnsis Robertus Warrand, i^nncrncsius Robertus Wilson, Bervicensis ; in, A..M. .Mar. Coll. 1814 Simon Fraser .Macintosh, Invernesius Thomas Inkson, Moraviensis, A.M. Gualterus Bethune, Sutherlandensis, A.M. Gualterus Ross, Rossiensis 1810-14 [Regents: H. .Maepherson. John TuUoeh, W. Paul, W. Jack, Alexander Cameron, Invcrnessensis, ace. 181 1, A.M. ; l-'raser's div. burs. 1814 Alexander Clark, Narniensis Alexander B. Mackey, Aberdonen.. A.M. Alexander MacPherson, .Aberdonen. Alexander MacRac, Rossicn., /^ [.•>]/ f Alexander Munro, Sutherlandiensis, ace. 1813, A.M. Alexander Noble, liivernessicnsis Barronus Milne, Aberdoncnsis, A M. Calenus Mackenzie, Invernesius, burs., b,s Carolus Begrie, Aberdoncnsis; 1st burs. ; A.M. Carolus Fyvie, Aberdoncnsis, .A..M. Carolus Ogg, Aberdonen. [b, s. Mar. Coll. 1809-11), ace. 1812; A.M. Colinus Macdonald, Inxerncssensis, aec. 1812, t -f Donaldus .Maclachlan, Ahricnsis, ace. 1812, / + Duncanus MacRae, Rossiensis, b, [s] , t + Evanus MacLennan, Rossiensis Farquhar Maclver, Rossiensis, burs., h,s. See 1811-15 Georgius Begg, Angusien. ; burs., b, ,s Gulielmus Forrest, .Aberdoncnsis, acc. 1812, A.M. Gulielmus Gerard, .Aberdonen., .A..M. Gulielmus Johnstone, Anglus, acc. 1811 ; A.M. Mar. Coll. 1813 Hugo Munro, Invernesius; burs., /;, 5 Hugo Urcjuhart, Rossiensis, A..M. ; 1-raser's div. burs. 1815; D.D. 1856 Jacobus Anderson, .Moraviensis Jacobus Bird, Aberdoncnsis, .\..\1. : .M.D. 1848 Jacobus Clarke, Sutherlanden., A.M. |i t I.e., is a tertian in 181213, but does not appear again. I20 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COU.E<;H. '1810. Jacohus Dunn, AbcriloncnKiR ; burs., ti, i, I, III Jacobus Gall, AbonJimcn.. A.M JacubuK ()(;ilvic, K.inflicMKiK Jacobus U, .1 Donaldus .MacAulay. Uossiensis, A.. M. Donaldus .MacDonald. Invernessicn., Donaldus .Mackcn/.ic, Invernesiensis, h, s Duncanus Chisholm. Invernesicn , /*, 4 Duncanus Gil/.ean, Invernesicn., /'..<./ l"erchaidus .Matlver, Uossien., t, A.M. l-ranciscus Gul. Grant, linernesien.. b. s. See 1813-17 Hranciscus Hay. Hanfliensis. A..M. Gcor^ius H. Gordon, J burs., b. Sec 1807 II liulielinus Allan, Aberdonensis, A..M. Gulielnius Craifjie. Aberdonen., A..M. Cjulielnius Glass. Hanfliensis. A.M. Gulielnius .Macnillivray, in, A.M. ; LI..D. 184-1: Prof Civ. and Nat. Hist . .Mar Coll. 1841 52 (julielnius Uobertson. Uossien., A.M. Gulielnius SUinner. Uossiensis, b,s,l. See 181 2- lb (itilielmus Wilson. Invernesicnsis, /;, .< Hu^o .Macleod. Sutherlandensis, //. See 1812-16 .lacobus Gordon, Aberdaralc records arc (tcpl of the najans. ncniis. tcrtiank and nia|;iBlrands. ThcMr clanscs arc indiiatcd liy the ilalii IcltorH h. i, /, »i, appt-ndi-d to HliidcnlH' iiaincs A .M.. without a date and without itahc Icltrrs. implies thai the student was b, s, /. m. in regular sequence, and ({raduuted nt the completion of hiH fourth •vcssiun. ; Not in Album*. I \Vri>n|{ly jjivcn as " l.ewi» Charles " in l.iti of I'm., p. 14. and Ojf. ami (rrSl2.] Al.l'.MM IN ARTS: Al.HlMS I) AMi K. I Jl ilacobus Innes. Cathanen., h, s. See 1812-16 .lacobus Taylor. Banffiensis, /;, .s- ; -M.D. 1865 Jacobus Troup, Abcrdonensis, h. s, t Joannes Allan,* burs., /;/ Joannes Praser. Invernesiensis, /;. .V, t Joannes Garden, Aberclonensis, b, s Joannes Geddes, Moraviensis, b, s Joannes Irvine, Abcrdonensis, b, s .loannes Mclntvre, Invernessensis, );^ A.M. Joannes .Mann, .Abcrdonensis, .A.-.M. Joannes Mathcson, Rossiensis, b .loannes Nicoi, Abcrdonensis, h, s Joannes Scott, .Mearnicnsis (b, .Mar. Coll.. 1810), /;..<,/,■ A..M. 1846 (.V/;;. of 23 Sep.); .M.D. Edin. 1820 Joannes Taylor, Abcrdonensis, s Joannes Watt, Banffiensis, .<. Joscphus Beattie, .Abcrdonensis, A..M. Josephus i^rovan, .Abcrdonensis; 1st burs.; A..M. Kennethus .Macqueen, Rossiensis, b, s, I Normannus W. C. .MacLeod, dc Dal- vey, .V, / Patricius Gray, Abcrdonensis, b Patricias lnj;lis, Banffiensis, /, in, A.M. Robertas Lyon, Banffiensis, A.M. Robertas iSliddlcton, Abcrdonensis, A..M. Robertus Mintie, .Aberdonen., priore anno relatus, cum Mathematicis . studeret, b Robertus Simpson, Angusiensis,A.M.; Murray lect. 1831-32; Prof. Hebrew, .Mar. Coll. 1832-37; D.D. 1856 Rodericus .Macleod, Invcrnessiensis, A..M. Thomas Mackenzie, Rossiensis, s, t 1812-16 [Regents : H. .Macpherson, J. Tul loch. W. Paul, W. Jack] Adamus Spence, Abcrdonensis, b : t. .Mar. Coll. 1816 Alexander Braick, .Aberdonen., .A..M. Alexander Bransby, .Aberdonen., A..\L Alexander Cameron, Abriensis, b Alexander Donaldson, Bervicen., /;, .s. /. See 1838-42 .Alexander Fowler, Rossiensis, b, s Alexander Grant, Invernessen., ,■;, / Alexander Imlay, Abcrdonensis, A..M. Alexander Irvine, Abcrdonensis, A.M. .Alexander .Mac I vcr, Invernesien., A.M. Alexander .Mac Kcnzic,. Aberdonen. ,/y,.\- Alexander .Morison, .Aberdonen., h. s Alexander Patcrson, .Aberdonen.. A.M. Alexander Reid, Abcrdonensis, A.M. .Alexander L'rquhart, Rossien., A.M. ; D.D. 1853 Alexander Wiseman, Banffiensis, b Andreas .Murray, Abcrdonensis, /),,•;, / ; III, A.Al. .Mar. Coll. Andreas Will, Abcrdonensis, A..M. Archibaldus Anderson, in, A..M. Christopher .Nockclls, Londinensis, ,? David Grant, .Moraviensis, A..M. David .Mac Donald, Rossiensis, b, s, t. See 1813-17 Donald Macleod, Moraviensis, b. See 1813-17 Donaldus Stewart, Aberdonen., A.M. Forbesius Rannie, Aberdonen., A..M. Franciscus Finglas, Benj^alensis, b Georgius Allan. Abcrdonensis, .A..M. Georjius S. Taylor. Suthcrlanden., b Georgius Will, Aberdonensis, b ; s, t, in, A..M. .Mar. Coll. Guliclmus Hardic, .Aberdonensis, ft, ,«, / Gulielmas Hay, .Moraviensis, -s * Not in Albiinis. 22 IMVUksnV AM) KINGS CiUXtXH:. [|K|2. Guliclmus Skinner, iit, A.M. HuRo l-rascr. Invcrnesicnsiii, /■. » Hunu .NlutConiiiicli. Abcrdoncn., A.M. Hu^d .M.uLcikI, Suthcrlandcn., A..M. Jucohus Clark. AbiTdunciiMs, A..M Jacobus Cumniinj;. .Ahcrdoncnsis, b, i Jnccibus l-alcoiiar, .N'arnionsis. /», s .lacobus Horbcs, Cathancnsis. /». See 1813 17 Jacobus Prnscr, Inverncsicn. ; Praser's burs., h, s Jacobus Inncs, Cataiicnsis, i Jacobus .MacKay, Narnicnsis. I>. \. / Jacobus Murray, Moariiicnsis , 1st burs. ; A.M. Jacobus Nicol, Abrcdoncnsis, b, s ; I, m. A.M. .Mar. Coll. Jacobus H. Kobinson, Banfticn. ,/<.<./ Jacobus Wilson. Hanllicnsis, U, s Joannes Arbuthnot. .Abcrdoncn.. //, > Joannes Hethune. inverncsicn., A.M. Joannes Downic, Kossiensis. I>. Sec 1813 17 Joannes Grassich, AK'rdoncn., A.M. Joannes Henry, Banfliensis, b, s Joannes .Maclntyre. Abriensis,* .?, t, m, A..M.; LL.D. 18tS3 Joannes .MacKay, .Abredonensis, A,M. Joannes Smith, Banfliensis, A..M. Joannes Tod, Banfliensis, i, s Murdochius Campbell, Kossiensis, /, /H, A..M I^etricius Tawse, Abcrdonensis, b, y Petrus Grant, Invernesiensis, a Kodericus .Macieod, Moraviensis, b, s Thomas Buchan, Abrcdoncnsis, de .Auchmacoy, A.M. Thomas Kose, Invernesiensis, b, s, /. See 1817-21 181317 [Regents: H. .\lacphers4jn, J. Tul- loch, W. Paul, W. Jack] Alexander Campbell, Catancnsis, b Alexander Duthie, Abcrdonensis, b, s Alexander .Mclean, Catanensis, A.M. Alexjtnder .Moir, An^usianus, h. > Alex;inder Smison, Kossiensis, A..M. Allanus McKenzie, Kossiensis, A.S\. Andreas Lamb. Perthcnsis, A..M. Andreas Tod, Banniensis, A.M. ; DM. 1858 Archibaldus Innes, Catanensis, /. Carolus Joannes Bayne, .Moraviensis, A..M. , l-raser s div burs., 1817-20 Carol us .Macieod, lnvcrnesicn../',i,/,m Carolus Simpson, Banflien., b. See 1815-19 Cosmo Innes'f : Glasf{. 1814-17: B.A Oxon. 1820, .M.A. 1824 ; Prof Hist, lidin.. 1846-74 David .Macdonald, Kossien., /'/, A.M. Uonaldus Davidson, Invernes., 6, .^, t Donaldus l-inlayson, Invernes., b, s, I Donaldus Grassick. Stratlidon., A..M. Donaldus .McLean, Catancnsis, /', .^ Donaldus .MatleiKl. .Moraviensis, b. See 18I.S h) Duncanus .McKcnzie, Invernesiensis, A..M. Franciscus Gulielmus Grant. Inver- nesiensis, /, lit, A..M. Franciscus .Mackenzie, Aberdonen., /> Franciscus Porter. Abcrdonensis ; 1st burs. ; A..M Geor^jius Arthur, Kossiensis, / Geoi^jius Pine, Abcrdonensis, b. s Gulielmus Brodie, de Brodie, .Moravi- ensis, s. I Gulielmus Cassic, Abcrdonensis, b, s Gulielmus l^umsden, Aberdonen., s, / Gulielmus .Murray, Aberdonen., b, a : I t, .Mar. Coll. ' Gulielmus Koss, Sutherlanden., /<, .(.'. See 1816 20 Gulielmus Taylor, Aberdonen., A..M. Hector Holm, Kossiensis, '>. See 1815-19 Henritus Leith, Alx'rdonensis, A.M. Hu^o .Mackay, Sutherlandensis, / Jacobus Adam, .Moraviensis. /<, a • Wrongly K'^'<^" " AbcrJccn " in List of Ptr\., p. 15, and Off. onA (iraii., p. 27.S. t Not in Albums. Sec Shmoir by hi* dauKhtcr. Edin. Iti74. iSi4. ALUMNI IX ARTS; ALIU'MS IJ AND K 123 Jacobus Christian, Kincardinen., b,s,l ilacobus Forbes, Catanensis, s. See 1814-18 Jacobus Forrester. Perthen., ;//. See 1814 18 Jacobus iMorison, Rossiensis, A.M. Jacobus Simpson, Abredonensis, b,s, /, III Jacobus Smith, Abredonensis, A.M. Joannes Bey, Abredonensis, b, s, I Joannes Brown, Banffiensis, s, / Joannes Cameron, Banffiensis, b, s, t Joannes Cameron, Invernesien., b, s,t. See 1814 18 Joannes Downie, Rossiensis. .s Joannes Forbes, Aberdonensis. A.M. Joannes .McLennan. Rossiensis, h. See 1814.18 Joannes Macpherson. liivernesicnsis, /), S, t, III Joannes Murray, Aberdonen. (/', .Mar. Coll.), 5, /, III Joannes Primrose, Banffiensis, /;, .s, t Joannes Ramsay, .Abredonensis, A.M. Joannes Wilson, Bervicensis, h Joannes Wink, .Moraviensis, A.M. Kennethus Mackenzie, Rossiensis, h, s, t, III Ludovicus Carmichael, ,Moravien., 5 ,■ /, Mar. Coll. Ludovicus Grant. Invernesien., A..M. .Mackay Gordon, de Swiney. Cathnen- sis, .V .Murdochius Campbell, Rossiensis, /;. See 1812-16 .Murdochus Robertson, Rossien., b, s Petrus Gordon, Aberdonensis, b : s. Mar. Coll. Petrus Robertson, Aberdonen., b. s, t; III, A.M. .Mar. Col! 1818 Robertus Bethune, Sutherlandcn., /',,s Robertus Simpson. Banffien.. /', .s, / Rndericus .Macaulay. Rossien., b, s. t. Sec 18KS.19 Thomas .MilhourncClark,ilamaicen.,/j Thomas [.'rimrf)se, Banffiensis, A.M. Gualterus Turnbuli, .Aberdonen., b, s, t 1814-18 [Regents : H. Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, W. Paul, D. Dewar] Adamus Duff, Merniensis, b, s, t Adamus Lind, Angusiensis, b .4£neas .^1cKay, Invernesiensis, b Alexander Bremner, Banffiensis (b, Mar. Coll. 1813). .f. See 1815-19 Alexander Colvin, Invernesiensis; Fraser's burs., /; Ale.xander Elder, Invernessiensis, .i Alexander .McDonald. Cathnen., b, s, t. See 1815-19 .Alexander .McKav. Invernesiensis, b Andreas l\nl<;ht Beattie. Aberdonen. {b. Mar. Coll.), .s t, 111, A.M. Archibald .Macqueen, Invernesien., b Benjamin Baillie, Invernesien., b, s Carolus Ross, Rossiensis, i Daniel Fraser, .Marniensis, h, s. See 1815-19 David Simmie, Banffensis, b, s, t, in DonaldusChisholm, Invernesien., A.M. Donaldus Gordon, Sutherlandensis, b. See 1815-19 Donaldus MacLeod, Invernesiensis,/;. Sec 1815-19 Donaldus Sutherland, Rossensis, b, s. See 1815-19 Duncanus Fraser, Invernesiensis, b Ebenezer Brown. Londonensis, A.M. ; M.D. 1825 Edwardus Stirling, Jamaicensis, .f Georgius .Angus, Aberdonensis, A.M. Georgius Edward, Aberdonensis, A.M. Georgius Glcig, Anguscicnsis, b, s Georgius Kirkland, Angusciensis,A.M. Georgius 1. Jameson, Invernesien., /; Georgius Tulloch, Cathancnsis, b. See 181(S-2() Gulielmus Brown, .Anguscicnsis, A.M. Gulielmus Campbell, Invernesiensis; 1st burs.; A.M.; Libr. 1819-23 Gulielmus Creighton, Perthensis, b Gulielmus I-orbcs, Aberdonensis. /'. .^ If 124 IMVKksITV AMI KINti's CoLLEGK. 1S14. OuliclniuM Cioddeh, lii\crne»8icnsiii, li OuliolmuK In-inc. AbtTdiincn«i«, /' ; .», /. Mar. Coll. 1816-18 (juliclmuK.Muc^ucon.lnvcrncssicnsiH, AM. (juliclmus .Murray, Kossicnsis. v Ouliclinus Scott, Abcrdoncnsis, A..M. HuKo .Munro Warrand, InverncRsicn., I'.s Huf(o Prascrius VouHKi Invcrncssien., I, James Duchan, dc Auchmacoy, Abcr doiicnsis, I), s James Cobbon, Abcrdoncnsis, h, .<•, I ; //(.A.M. .Mar. Coll. JamcR CrKik, .MoraviensiH, h Jacobus Porbcs, Cathanensis, I. Sec I81S 19 Jacobus Porrester. Pcrthensis, '/, i Jacobus Grieve, Rervicensis, s, t James Henderson. Catanensis. > James Henr\-, Hanfliensis, /-, v James Innes. Hannk'nsis, /<. *, /, /// , .\..M. 1822 (James Kose Innes) <\tui. of 1 Jan.): LL.I). I84(i James Kinnaird, Ranftiensis, /> Jacobus .Macintosh. Rossicnsis. A..M. Jacobus .Mair. Abcrdoncnsis, h. .\ . /. »//. A..M. ,Mar. Coll. Jacobus .Morice, Kincardinensis.A.M.: .M.I) 1826 .lacf/bus Smith, Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Taylor, Aberdonensis, /> Jacobus \\'all/. A.M. Joannes Davidson. .Moravicnsis, // Joannes Ounn. Abredonensis, lt,s,l,ni Joannes l-orbes, Aberdonensis. />. s ■toannes (irant. .Moraviensis, A. a •loannes Humphrey. Hanfliensis, //, .^, /. ;// Joannes l.ind, AnKusiensis, // .loannes .McKenzic. Kt>Ksien.. /> See 1815 19 Joannes Mcl^-nnan. KussicnsiR, s, t, ///. A.M.; .M D. 1849 Joannes .McUae.(jlenshiellcn.,6 (.U//(. of 15 July) Alexander Mreniner. BanfTiensis. /. ///, AM Alexaiuler Mruie. Abredonen.. \.\\ Alexander Chejne. AI»crdonensis. /', .», /, /// i8i 3-j ALUMNI IN AKTS: ALhl'MS I) ANO K. 125 Alexander Douglas, Foifaren.,/j,.s, /, //( Alexander Finlayson, Skyensis, .s Alexander Irvine, Aberdonensis, /; ; i, /, III, Mar. Coll. Alexander Macdonald, Catanensis, iii, A.\\. .Alexander Mackintosh, Nairnensis, /; Alexander Mann, Aberdonensis, .A.M. .Alexander Morison, de Auchintoul, Banffiensis. h, s, t Alexander Stewart, Banffiensis, A.M. Alexander Urquhart, .Janiaicen.. /;, .v ,• /,/;;, A..M. .Mar. Coll.; .M.D. Hdin. 1823 .Alexander Webster, Old Deer, b. s, t. See 181«-2() .Alexander Voiini>, Aberdeenshire, .s, / Andrew Jamieson, Aberdonensis, h, S, t, III Andrew Ritchie, Abredonen., /;, ,s, /, in .Archibald Brown, Abredonen., A.M. .Archibaldus Miinro, Invernesien., h Carolus Airth. Porfarensis, 1st burs., b, s, t, III Carolus Baillie, de Madrass. I nverness. b. .s Carolus Gordon, Suthei'landen., I>. s. t Charles Maclnnes, .Aberdeen, s Carolus Simson, Banffien..,s, /,;;;, .A..M. Daniel Fraser. .Narniensis, t David Denoon, Rossensis ; Fraser's burs., /;, .s, t, in ; A.M. David Whyte, Forfarensis, b. .s, /, ;// Donaldus Gordon, Sutherlandensis. s, t. III, A.M. Donaldus [Alexander .Macleod, Mor- aviensis. s. /, 11,, A.M. ; M.D. 1821 Donaldus .MacLeod, Skyiensis, .«, / Donald .Mitchell, Invernesiensis, b, s Donald .Murrav, Rossiensis. /), ,s. See lSl(S-2() Donald Sutherland, Rosien.. /,;/;, A.M. Hdward .Masson. Kincardinen.. /), .f, /, III , A.M. 1824 {Mill, of 31 Aug.) Georgius Cooper, Aberdonen.,/), s, /, in Georgius Crati. Aberdonen., />, .v. /, /;; Gef)rgius I-orbes. Banffiensis, h, .s Georgius Johnston, Banffiensis, A.M. ; Hutt. (1st award );B.D. Cantab. ISSK Georgius Mackav. Sutherlandensis, b. See 1817-21 Georgius Milne, .Abredonensis, A.M. Georgius .Morgan, Abredonensis, b, s, t, III Gulielmus Bruce, Aberdonien.. A.M. Gulielnuis Cruickshank, Aberdonen., .A.,M. Gulielmus Hay, .Moraviensis, b Gulielmus Kinloch, Invernessiensis, b, .s, I Gulielmus .Masson, .Aberdonensis, b. See 18US-20 Gulielmus Niel, Aberdonensis, b. See 181620 Gulielmus Webster, Banft'ensis, A.M. Hector Holm, Rossiensis, .s. See 1816-20 Jacobus Cant, Brechinensis, / Jacobus Forbes, Cathensis, in, A.M. Jacobus Fraser, Rossiensis. b. See 1816-20 Jacobus Grant, BanfTensis, b, .v, /, ;;/ .lacobus Milne, Banffensis, A.M. Jacobus Rait. .Aberdonensis, b, s, t Jacobus Simpson, Invernessiensis, .< Jacobus Smith, .Aberdonensis, A..M. Jacobus Smith. ,Moravicnsis, b Jacobus Topp, Aherdoniensis, b, s, t, in John Allan. Rossiensis. .s, /. See 1816-20 Joannes Gordon, Banffiensis, b Joannes Mclnnes, Argatheliensis, i Joannes McKenzie, Rossiensis, A.M. .loannes Murray, Rossiensis, b, s Joannes Smith, Cromartiensis, s Joannes Watson, .Moraviensis, t, in Joannes Wilson, Banffensis, b, s, t Kennethus McKen/.ie, Rossiensis,t,.v. See 1816-20 Kennethus MacLeod. Rossiensis, /. See 1816-20 Neil .Mcinnes, Aberdeen. .\ Nicolas Munro, Invernesiensis, b Patricius Kinncar, Forfarensis, b 126 CMVUKSITV ANIi KING'S COLLKtiK. I Sis. PctruK SuthiTland. CathncnHiK, /», j Sec 1817-21. Kobcrt Ruchan, ANrrdccn. s,/, in Kcibcrtus ,N\;kU;i\ . SutherlandcnuiB. /> Kolvrtus .M.intach. MurnivionsiK. h, s. /, III . A.M. IS-IO <.Ui, i, t.iii : A .M. 1843 (.;. ..f 1 8. Mar): .Murray kct. 1839 •».<; LI..I> 1856 Alexander Heattic, Abrcdoncnsis, h, i, t. Ill . .M.I) 1848 Alexander I). Cameron, BamHen., Ii : 5. .Mar. Cull. Alexander (icddes. .Morayviensis, /», .* Alexander Henry. Banffien., It, s, I, m .Alexander .Mitchell. Banfliensis, b Alexander Taylor. Banfliensis, h, j, / Alexander Webster, Abredoncnsis, ;/; , .Ml). Hdin, 1823 Andrew Allan, .Mairnensis. A..N\. Charles (jrassiclt, .Abredoncnsis, A.M. Charles .M. .Macdou^al. Invernesicn sis, A.M. Carolus NocUells. l-ondinensis. s.l, in Charles Skene. Abcrdoncnsis, li Ca nil us Calder Stewart. Uossien. ,/;,.«,/ Colinus 1-raser, Kossensis, b, .<, /. ni : l-rasi-rs div. burs.. 1820-22 David Christison, l-'arfaren.. b, s, /, /;/ David .Maeken;ric. Cathness. h. See 1817 21 David \Villiams. < Diincanus Robertson. Banntcn . A ..M .Murray led. 1828 DuncunuH Stewart. KoMiensia, b, i, I : .M.D. 1824 l-ranciscu« l-orbes. Aberdonen., /», *. /. /. ,Mar. Coll 1819 See 1817 21 GcorKnensi«,i, .»,/.('* OcurtfiuH Hu^h .Maed<)nell..M<»ravicn.. b. s, t (leorse U. Stenneti. Jamaica, i, / tjcor^ius TulUK'h, Cathnensis, j, t. in : A..M. 1830 {Mm. of l-eb. I81; .Murray Icci. 1829 34: L1..D. 1847 Gordonus Reid, Cathanensis, b, \ Guliclmus Henderson. Cat hanen., A. M (julielmus l.illie. Abredoncnsis, A.M.; Hutt.; .Murray lect. 1828-29: D 1). 1857 Guliclmus .McKilli}>in. Banfliensis, .^. See 1818-22 (iulielmus .Masson. Abredoncnsis. b. Sec 1818 22 Guliclmus Niel, Abredoncnsis, b, s, I Guliclmus K'cid, An^usiensis {b, s. I, •Mar. Coll.), m Guliclmus Koss, Suthcrlandien., m (juliclmus Wussct, .Moravicn.. b, s. I. See 1820-24 Harry G. Gordon, Banfticnsis, b, .», I Heitor Holme, Wossicnsis. /, ni Hu^o Hrascr. Invernesicnsis, b, I .lacobuK Brown, Abredoncnsis. A..M. Jacobus Cochrane. Invernesicn., /'. > .lacobus H. David.son, lianftiensis b .lacobus l"raser. Uossiensis, v. See 1818-22 .lacobus .Mcintosh, Uossiensis, />, v, I. Sec 1817 21 .lacobus .McKilli>(in, Banfliensis, ^ .lacobus W, .Moffat, .Moravicnsis, b, .\ Jacobus Paterson. Invernesicn.. /', ^ Jacobus Caldor Stcvv.irt. Kossicnsis. /'. \ I .loannes Allan. Uossiensis, in. A.M. .loanncs Anton. Banliensis, A.M. .loaiincs .Macdonald Brown, Abre- doncnsis, A .M. Jo.innes Kddic. .Mor.iviensis. A..M. iSij.; AIJ'MM IN AkTS: AI.r.lMS I) ANh K. 12/ Joannes Hrasci% Moraviensis, A.M. loannt-s Gillan, Moraviensis, /; John Henderson. Caithness, h, s Joannes l\ennecly, Londonensis, h Joannes Maedonald, Invernesien.. h, s. See 1817-21, J. .M., minor- Johannes MeKenzie, Rossiensis, /;,.■>, /. See 1818-22 Johannes .Maekenzie, Rossiensis, /;. See 1817-21 Johannes G. Malcolmson, .Moravien., h. s : t. Mar. Coll. Johannes Murdoeh, BanHiensis. h, s, I, III : 1st burs. Joannes Nieol, .Moraviensis, h Joannes Burnett Pratt, .Aherdoiiensis. A.M. ; LL.D. 1864 Joannes Smith, Aberdonensis, b, s Johannes Stewart, Argathehensis, .v iloannes Sutherland, Invernesien., h, s Kennethus .MeKenzie, Rossiensis,/;..'. Kennethus .MacLeod. Rosiensis, h, m Laehlane .Mcintosh, Jamaieensis, li Patricius Hender-son, Cathenensis,/),.s Robertus Finlayson. Cathnensis. h, s. See 1817 21 ' Robertus .Jack, Aberdonensis, //, ,s, l.iii Samuel Barron Luint", Xairnen., b, s, t Thomas Ross, .Aberdonensis, h .■ s, t, in, A.M. 1823. .Mar. Coll. 1817-21 [Rfi^ciits : H. .Macpherson. .1. Tul- loch, W. Paul, H. Scott] Abercromby Lockhart Gordon, Banl- fiensis, /;, .s',/,;/; .Adam Gordon, Kincardine O'Neil, h : s, t. III, A..M. .Mar. Coll. Alexander Chapman. .Abcrdoniensis, .A..M. .Alexander Cowie, Aberdonensis, A.. M. .Alexander Gordon,* Aberdonensis, l>, s, t. Ill : A..M. 1829 (Min.oii 2 Nov.) : B.A. O.xon. 1842; M.A. 1847 .Alex. .MacLennan, Rossiensis, b, s -Alexandei- Rose, .N'arniensis, b,s,t,iii .Alexander VVm. Shand, Rossiensis, ex Tania, b, s. /, /« . A..M. 1837 {Mill, of 18 Feb.) Alexander Simpson, N'arniensis, /;, .v Alpinus Fowler, Inverncssis, I), s, t .Archibaldus Brown, Aberdonen., A.M. Arehibaldus Ellis, Invernessien., A.M. ' Benjaminus Saunders, Aberdonensis, 0, .s, t, III Carolus [Calder] Macintosh, Tani- ensis, A.M.; D.D. 1850, Union Coll. Schenectady Carolus Severij;ht, .Ahredon., b, s, t, in Colin Falconer, Aberdeenshire, ,s. See 1818-22 Colinus GrejJor, Rossiensis, b Colinus .MeKenzie, Rossiensis, b. s Daniel Clark. Invernesensis, />, .s. See 1818 22 Daniel .McGrej^or, Banftiensis, b. See 1818-22 David Collie. Kincaidinensis, b David lni>lis, Forfarensis, //, ,v, t, in David Keith, Aberdoniensis, li : A..M. Mar. Coll. 1822. David Mackenzie, Caithenien. ,.■;,/, «( David Williamson, Rossiensis, in Donald Campbell, ln\ernesiensis, h. See 1818-22 Donald Mcintosh. Invernesia, b. See 1818-22 1 Franciscus Cameron, Aberdonensis, A.M.: D.D. 1873 Francis. G. Cumine, Aberdonen., s, / Franciscus Foi-hes, .Aberdonensis, in, A.M. Georgius Glenny Anderson, Aber- donien., A.M. Georgius Cruickshank, Aberdonensis, A.M. Geor}»ius Leslie, Banffshire, b, s, t, in Georgius Mackay, Sutherlandensis, .S t, in ; D.D. 1878 Georj^ius McLeod, Rosiensis, b Georgius .Macleod, Sutherlandensis, ' Sec footnote to Alexander- Gordon, 1832-;W. liK rviVKRSlTV AM) KIN«;s COI.I.Kr.K. 1817. Ucorxiu* UitlJoch. KunfHcn«iH, A.M. (iif>rxiuK Tiimc. Ahcrdonion»is. (• . IkI bum Gulii'Inius C;iiiiplH-ll. Cataiu'iisiK, .«. / Gulit'lmuK DunKir, KanOiciiHiH, h. i, I, III (luliclmuii Hall. Huntlvcnsis, h: <■. Mar. Coll Ciuliclnius LawMjn. Moravi;c, h Guliclinus i,a\vs(iii, N'nirn., h, s, I, m GuliclmuK Losla-us. Abordoncnsis. />, J, /. lit : Hutt. GuliclmuK .Mackay, Alx-rdonensis. h, .1, /, III Guliclinus Paul. Abfrdoncnsis. I>. Sec 1818 22 (luliclnius I'iric, major, Hanticn., /<, s. Sec 1818-22 (iuliclinus Kohuison Piric. minor. .■Vlxrrdonciisis, li, >, /, 111 ; D.U. 4 Nov. 1844: 0.1). .Mar. Coll.. 2« t)cl. 1844 •; Prof. Ch. Hist 184;<-77; Principal. 1877 8.S Hu^o l-rascr l.A;slie, Abcrdonensis, /», S, I, III Hu>jh Kosi-. .\airni;v, />, v, / .lacobusCoutts, AlHTdoncn., /»,.*, /. ///; A.M. 1842+ {Mm. of 23 July) .lacohus Cruickshank, .Abcrdoncnsis, II, S, I, III Jacobus Gil/can, .Moraviensis, /', .' Jacobus .Mcintosh. I^ossicnsis, 111 Jacobus .Mclntyrc. Abricnsis. /«. .», /, III .lacobus Nose, l-orfarshirc, //. Sec 1818-22 Jacobus KoKs, Koss-shirc, /', a Jacobus Scott. Abcrdoncnsis, It. s, I : III, A.M. .Mar. Coll. .lacobus Simmic, Abcrdoncnsis, //, .v, /, III : A..M. 184.S {.V,/;. of 28 .Marl ■lacobus Taylor, Kl){inensis. h, s Jacobus Webster, l-orfarshire. h. \ .luciibus Wilson. Invcrnessshire. />. * ; .M.I), lidin. 1823 Joannes Camcnin. Moravshirc. Ii, s . I. ,M«r. Coll. .loanncs Campbell, Inveriiessiensis, li Joannes Cruickshank. Hanflionsis, A..M. : Murray led 1827. I). I) I8ti«> Joannes Denhani. Nossicnsis, li, s Joannes Gordon. Kincardine O'N'ii'i, & Joannes Petrus(jrant. Invernessien...* Joannes Hay. Manfliensis. />. ^. t Joannes Innes, Hanniensis, .%. I Joannes .McDonald. Inverncsicnsis, /i, ^. I. Sec 1818-22 Johannes .Macdonald. minor, Inver- ncssiensis, / Joannes .MacKen/.ie, Ki>ssien.. s, I, 111 Joannes .McHae. major, Inverncsien- sis (Par. Croy), l>, », /, in Joannes .McKac. minor. Invernes sensis (at Inverness), h, s. I, in Joannes 'riionipson, .Aberdoiiensis, li, s lx>ckhart Lei){hton, .Mcarnen., /<..*./,«/ .Malcolm .Maclean, Inverness-shire. Patricius Harnm, Alx-rdonensis, ii, .v, I. Ill : A..Nr 1833 (.V/ornt>chcn . 1, /, in Kobertus Watson. Aberdeenshire, h, s Kodericus .Macdonald. Invernessen., Ii.s Thomas Carnejjy, An^us, s,t Thomas Kose. Invernessiensi*. in ' cy. David .McTafu;art in ClaH» Iti23-Z7. ♦ In I. Ill of Ptr>., p IS. and Off. im<1 Cirml.. p. 278. thin degree i» wrongly dati-d 1K2I. iSi8. AI.IMM IN AKIS: Al.l:r\lS I) AM) K. 129 1818 22 [Rft^iiils : H Macphersun, J. Tul loch. W. Paul, H. Scott I .4:ineas [Mackintosh .Mc(}illivray. Sutherlanclensis, /;, .s, /, /;/ Alexander Cummint;. Invernessensis. Alexander Gair. Ciomartiensis, h. See 1819-23 Alexander Irvine, Aherdonensis, A.M. : D.U. 187;? Alexander Alilne, BanfKcnsis, .s, / Alexander .Mitchell, .Anj^usiensis. /;, .s, /, III Alexander Morrison, Banffiensis, li. See 1819-23 .\le.\ander Riach. Banfensis, l>. See 1819-23 .Alexander Kobie, .Anj;usiensis, /;, .< .Alexander Ross, Rossensis, h, s, t, in .Alexander Straith. .Abredonensis. I> : A,.M. .Mar. Coll. 1823 .Andreas Praser, Invernessensis ; Frasers burs., .s, t, in : A.M. : div. burs, 1822-2(i; l.ibr 1823 26 .Andreas Panton, Aherdonensis. /;. See 1819-23 Benjamin Forbes, Aberdonien., h, s, f, in ; A.M. 1825 * (Mui. oi" 3 May) Carolus Dovvnic, Rossensis, b, $, t, in Colin Falconer, .Aberdoniensis, /. See 1819-23 Daniel Clark. Inverness, /, in, A.M. Daniel .McOregor, Banffen., h, s, t, in : A .M. 1824* (Min. of 5 Jan.) David Williamson, Banffensis, A.M. : Murray lect. 1827 Donaldus Campbell, Invernesiensis, 5, t, in : A..M. 1858 [Min. of 1 Nov.) Donaldus .Mcintosh, Invernesien., s, / Donaldus MacKenzie, Invernessensis, h. s, t. See 1819-23 Donaldus .Munro, l-Jossiensis, s Donald iMunay, Rossiensis, in Franciscus lr\ine. .Abredonensis, /y, .< ," .M.D. 1845 Franciscus Knox, .Abredonensis, A.M. Georgius Innes, Cathnensis, ,s, t Georgius Le^jj^, .Aberdeenshire, b, s, t . See 1821-25 Georgius .Mc Innes, Abredonensis, b, S, t. III Georgius Pirie, Abredonensis, b : 5, .Mar. Coll. 1820 Georgius Riach. Banffensis, b. See 1819-23 Georgius Thom,son, Aberdonen., A..M, Georgius Wilson, Banffensis, A.M. Georgius Abcrcromby Young. + Banf- fen., b, s, /, in Gulielmus Cameron, Rossiensis, b. See 1820-24 Gulielmus Gi'eig, .Aberdoniensis, /;,.s, / Gulielmus Henderson, Aberdoniensis, A..M. ; Murray lect. 1835-36 Gulielmus Herald, .Angusiensis. b, s Gulielmus Kinnear. Kincardinensis, h, ,s, / Gulielmus Lucas, Kentensis, b. See 1819-23 Gulielmus Aber. .McKilligin, Banff- iensis, A.M. Gulielmus Masson, Abredoniensis, / Gulielmus Paul. Aherdonensis. A.. M. : D.D. 1853 Gulielmus Pirie, Banffiensis, / Gulielmus Robertson, Aberdoniensis, b, s, t. See 1819-23 Gulielmus Ronald, Aberdonien., A.M. Hugo MacColl, Invernessensis, i Jacobus Boter, Demerarensis, b, s Jacobus Collie, Banffensis, b, s, t, in Jacobus Elmslie, Forfarensis, b, s, I Jacobus Fraser, Rossiensis, t Jacobus Grant, major, Invernessen., A.M. " In List of Pits., p. also under 1822. IS. and Off. 1111(1 Grail., pp. 278-9, this degree is wrongly given I Afterwards G. A. Young Leslie. I30 li\l\KK.slT\ ANH KIN«;'s fOU.KCK. IXIS. JacobuK Grunt, minur, InvvrncsscnsiK, do MukIu, b, !. Jacohuii JcnkiiiH. Moravicnsiii. A.,\r Jacobus Uiw. AbrcJitncnsis, A.M. JacohuK .Mac kay. CathitcnsiK, b, s, t,iH Ja< '' ■ I shire, s, /, m Juv . Joncnsis, b, > Jaculiu!< G. Sun, li.iiiflicnsis, b. .« Jacobus Sniitl), Banflfcnsis, b, > Jacobus Stuart, .Moravicnsis, b, i, I. Sec 1820 24 Jacubus Voun^. .Moravicnsis, A.M. Joannes Burnett, Londoncnsis, it . /, Mar. Coll. Joannes Grunt, Abredonensis, b, .•> Joannes .Wacdonald, Invernesscn., in Joannes Mackenzie, Uossicn., in, A.M. Joannes Macleod, Sutheriandensis, b, s, /, III Joannes Prin^le Nichol, An^usiensis, b, s, t, in: Hutt. ; A..M 18.S6 (Mill, of 17 Oct.); LL.D. Glasjj. lS3(i: Prof. Astronomy, Glasg. 1836-59 Joannes Paul, An}>usiensis, b, s, t, ill Joannes Kobertson, Banfliensis.b,!, t ; M.IJ. Edin. I82.S Joannes Simpson, Narnicnsis, /) Jonathan l-t)rbes, Aberdonensis, /», .<, I, III Patricius Brodie, Cathnensis, .^ I'atricius Buchan. Angusiensis, b. See 18h»-2:i Patricius Crerar, inverncsiensis, /'. See 18iy-23 Patricius I ones, Cathnensis, s Kobertus MacBean, Invernessensis, /' Robertus MacKay, Sutherlandcn., b, s Kobertus Primerosc, Bdinensis, 1st burs. ; A..M. Koderickus ,Munro, Invernessensis, b Samuel Charters .Macpherson, Aber- duncn.b. See 1819 23 Thomas Forrest, Berviensis. b Thomas .Munm, Invernessensis, b Thomas Kiddell, Londonensis, b Thomas TiMJd, L, b, .« Gualterus U. Taylor. Croniartien., b. See 1819 23 1819-23 [Kfi;enli ; H .N^acphcrson, J. Tul lr^.h. W Paul. H Scott] Adamus Thon), An^usiensis, b. i, t, in ; A .M 1824 • {Mm. of 31 Aug.): LL.U. 1840 .-Hneas MacI.ean, Invernessiensis, j,r See 1820-24 Alexander Brander, Moraviensis, b, ». Sc-e 182024 Alexander Coull, Moraviensis. b. See 1820 24 Alexander Gair. Cromartiensis, .^ See 1820-24 Alexander Gri^or, Cromartiensis, b Alexander Jack, Abredonensis, s, I, in Alexander .Mc.Arthur, Nairnien., b, i Alexander .McColl, Invernessen., b, s,t Alexander .McDonald, Invernessen., b. See 1821 25 Alexander .Mcintosh. Invernessen., b Alexander .McW'att, Invernessensis; Praser's burs., b, s, t, in Alexander .Morrison, BanfTensis, A..M. Alexander .Murdoch, BanfTcn.,//, s, l,ni Alexander Kiach, BanfTensis, A, 3,/, »h Alexander Smith, .Nairniensis. b Allanus .Nlurray. Hossiensis, A..M. Andreas Anderson, Abredonen., A..M. Andreas Panton, Abredonensis, A.M. Anj^us MacLcan, Inverncsiensis, h Arthurus Forbes, Abredonensis, b. See 1820-24 Arthurus J. Robertson, Invernessen- sis, /( Carolus Milne, AnKusienRts, 6, i, /, in Carolus Wat kins. .\U-diusSexones, b Colinus l-'alconer. Alierdonensis, b David l-raser. K'ossiensis, /;, .». See 1820 24 * In Lit! of Ptri., p. lU. and Off. itnA Grnd.. p. 2HU, this decree is wrnnfttv dated IR2.^ i8i9- ALUMNI IN ARTS: AI.UUMS U AND K. 13> David R. Lt)uson, Angusiensis, A.M. David .Men/.ics, Kiiicardinensis, A.M. Donaldus .Macintosh. Ro.ssiensis. b, s. See 1820-24 Donald .McKen/.ic, Rossiensis, b Donaldus iMcKenzie, Invernessen., in Donald .MacRae. Rossiensis, A.M. Diigaldus Gilchrist. Sutherland., b, s Edvardus Davics. Invcinesiensis, h, s Rdvardus Woodford. Abredonensis, b. See 1820-24 Ferchaidus .MacRae, Rossiensis,. A. .M. Fianciscus Hdmond, Abi-edonen.sis. A..M.; LL.D. 1881 (jeorgius Birss. Abredonen., b, s, t,iii Georgius Keith, Abredonen., b, s, t, in; A..\l. 1832 (Min. of 1 Dec.) Georgius Pope, Sutherlandensis, /. See 1820-24 George Riach, Banffensis, s, t, in Gulielnuis Bremner, .Moravien.,^,5,/,H( Gulielnius Frascr, Invernesiensis, 6, .■: Guliclmus Ginn, St. X'intiencis, /;, s,t Gulielnius Gunn. Caitnasensis, b, a, t. See 1820-24 Gulielmus Lucas. Kentensis, A..M. Guliclmus Mc I ntvie, Sutherlandensis, /;, .S-, /. See 1823 27 (julielmus McKay. Catanensis, /;, ,v ( juliclnuis .McKenzie, Angusien., A.M. Gulielmus Robertson, Abei'donen., m Cnilielmus Tait. Invernessensis, b Hector MacKen/.ie, Rossiensis, b Hector .MacLcan, Invernesiensis. /;. See 1820-24 Hugo ilameson, Invernesiensis. b, s Hugo .MacUay. Rossiensis, h Hugo Ross, .Moraviensis, A.M. .lacobus .Alexander CruicUshanU, .Abredonensis, A.M. Jacobus Cut hill, .Angusiensis, /),,■>,/./;(, • A.M. 1826(.V/;/. of 3 Apr.) .lacobus Grant, Angusiensis, b, s .lacobus Kirton. .Abredonensis, A..M. .lacobus Mearns, Aberdonensis, A..M. ■lacobus .Murray, Abredonensis, 1st burs., b, s. I, in ; M.D. Edin. 182fi .lacobus .Murray, Rossiensis, /' Jacobus Noble, Rossiensis, b, s. See 1820-24 Jacobus Souter, Abredonen., b, s, t, in; .A.M. 1830 (.V(«. of 23 Apr.) Joannes Fraser, Invernesien., b, s, t, in Joannes Gordon, Abredonensis, b Joannes GrassicU, Aberdonensis, 5, / Joannes Gunn. major, Caithnensis, b, s,t^ Joannes Gunn, Catanainsais, /) Johannes Lyall, Montrosiensis, b : t, Mar. Coll. 1821 Johannes .Mackenzie, Leogen.. b, s, I, in Joannes .McKinnon, Moraviensis, b, s Joannes MacLeod, Invernesiensis, b,s John MacMillan, Invernessensis, in. See 1821-25 Joannes McRae, Rossensis, b. See 1 1820-24 Joannes Munro, Rossiensis, s Joannes Skinner. Aberdoniensis (b, .Mar. Coll.), s, t Joannes Grant Stewart, Inverness., b Kennethus .McKinnon, Invernesiensis, fc, s ; M.D. Hdin. 1826 Ninian .MacKenzie. Stornoway, b, s, i Patricius Buchan, Angusiensis, b, s, t. 111 ; A.M. 1827 (Min. of 6 Sept.) Patricius Crerar, Invernessen., .s, /, ;« Patricius McArthur, Xairnensis, .s Patricius Watson, Banffensis, b Radolphus Anderson, .Moraviensis, h. See 1820 24 Robertus Ross Bremner, Moraviensis, A.M.: .Murray lect. 1834: LL.D^ 1 8.S6 Robt. Clunes, Narniensis, b. See 1821 -2,S Robertus Fiddes, Abredonensis, (b, -S-, Mar. Coll., 181.S-17), A..M. Robertus Leslie. Aberdonensis, .s, / Robertus .Mac Key, Midmarensis, b, s Robertus Sliand. Abredonensis, b, s, t. in ; A.M. 1840 {Min. of 2 Nov.) Robertus S. Taylor. Sutherlanden., // Samuel Charters .Macpherson. Abre- donensis. .\, / 1 MVKkSlTV .\M» KlXr.'S Cf)U.K«'.K. 1X19. ThutnaM Hra«cr. InveriicHicniiis, '■, ^ Gualtcrus R Taylor. Cn>martu-nsis. -«. t. »,. AM ;'Hutt. ; D.O. IS/V*: >riuor fftr.ibn;itr at his death, 5th On I89H 1820-24 [Regents H. .Macphcrwm, .1. 'I'ul- loch. W. Paul. H. Scott] .•fineas Macl-can. Invcrncssicnsis, in Alexander Hrander, Moraviensis, /, "/. A..M. ; n.l). 1855 Alexr. Coull. Moraviensis. /;, 1, /, m Alexr Davidson. .Moraviensis, b Alexander l-raser, Invernesiensis, 5, I Alexander {»air, Cromartiensis. /, in Alexr. Mcintosh. Rossiensis. h Alexr. CarncRie Somer\ ille. .Annusien- sis. /(. .1. /. m : A.M. 1826 (Miii. of 3 Apr.) Alexander Spcnce, Alu-rdonicnsis. s Alexr. Thorn. Ahredonensis. h Alexr. Webster. Kincardinen.. h, s,l,ni Allanus Cer Todd. Ranffensis. h, s .\ndreas Duncan. .Moraviensis, A..M. .\ndrcas Praser. Sutherlandensis. !>, s Andreas .Malcolm. Abcrdonen., A..M. .Xrthurus l-orbes.* Alx'rdrtnen. /», s. I Carolus Robertson. Invernesiensis. '< Coliniis Brown. Arjjathaliensis. .A .M. C. See 1821 25 David Praser. Rossiensis. /. ni. A .M David Whyte. Antjiisianus. A .M. Donaldus Macintosh. Rossiensis. .' S*e 1821 25 Donaldus StiiartiiK. Rossiensis. A..M Duncanus CanipK-ll. Invcrncsien., '■ See 1821 25 Duncan MacRae. Invernesicn.,/<,.»,^m KdvarduH \V'«rdoncnsi* ; A.M. I.I. D 1843 Chancellors .Assessor. 18»>4 (i9 (Jeoinius Allan. Alvrdonensis. //. .» (}eor>>iuK Chalmers. Aberdonensis, l>. See 1821 25 (jeor^ius Gordon. Catanensis, > Geor^ius Greif; .MacKcn/.ic. Nairn- iensis, />, ] Gcorjiius .Mitchell. An>;usianus, i, I Georjjius Pope. Sutherlandensis, l> Georfjius Ross. Sutherlandensis, l>. See 1821 25 Geornius Williamson, Cromartiensis, A..M Gulielmus Camenin, Rossiensis, s, t.ni Gulielmus Campbell. Cathncnsis. Reay. b, s Gulielmus Campbell. Caithness. Wick, b, s, I, m Gulielmus Gordon Davidson. Inver- nessiensis. b, s, t, in ; A..M. I85() (Min. of 16 Nov.) Gulielmus Denoon. Cromartien., b, s; I. m. Mar. Coll. 1823 25 (lulielmus Gordon. Invernesensis. '», ^. t. >n Gulielmus Gnuor. .Moraviensis. b, a Gulielmus Gunn. Caithnessensis, /' Gulielmus Henderson, .\bredoncnsis. // ; A. t. Mar Coll Gulielmus Henderson .An^usiensis. /-, >, I, III . A..M 1826 tMni. of 27 Nov.) Gulielmus .Mclver, Rosscnsis. />. > Gulielmus .NUKillican. Narnicnsis. b. S, I, III William Russel. .Moraviensis, in. A .M. Giilii'lmiis Smith. Aberdonensis. .\..M. Gulielmus Stephen. HanfTensis. \.\\. Hector .Mac Lean. Invernessiensis, .». t. Ill Hii>;o .Allan. .Mvrdonensis. A.M. Hujio .NUKav. Siitherlanili-nsis. \. See 1821 2.5" A>tcr»anl» A. F^•rl1c^ Oordnn. I82I. AI.IMM IN AKT>: AI.lilMS I) AND K. ^53 .lacobus Buchan Ciuitl\ . Aht-rddii- ensis, b, s, t. in Jacobus Dunhar. Aheidoiiensis, h. See 1821 25 Jacobus Grant, Banffiensis, A.M. Jacobus (j. Henry. Aherdonensis. h. S, t. Ill Jacobus Munro, Anj^usiensis, h. s. See 1821-25 Jacobus Noble, Rossiensis. /). See 1821. 25 Jacobus Peter. .Abiedonensis. A.M. Jacobus Robie, An^usiensis, /.;, s, t, in Jacobus Simpson, .Moraviensis, A.M. Jacobus Stewart, Invernesensis, fc, x, < Jacobus Stuart, .Moraviensis, in, A.M. Jacobus Smith Wallen, .Aberdonen.. I). See 1821-25 Johannes R. L'dny Bisset, .Abiedon- ensis ; 1st burs.; A.M. Johannes Buchan, Abredonen., b, s, f Johannes CormacU, Caithnensis. b; s. t, in. .Mar. Coll. 1821-25 Johannes Farquharson. .Aherdonensis, b. s Johannes Oardiner, .Aberdonen.. //, s,t Johannes McCailum, Cromartiensis, b, s. t, in : A..M. 1832* {Min. of 2 Apr.) Johannes .Macdonald, Kossien., .A..M.: Hiitt. Johannes .MeCJregor, Invernesien., b, s Johannes .Mclver. Invernessicn., b, s. See 1821-25 Joannes .MacRae, Rossiensis. x Johannes Ross, Rossiensis, /' Johannes Ross, Sutherland., /'. .n, I. in Joannes Scott, Zetland, .s .Murdocus .MacDonald, Rossiensis, b PatriciusCormack. .Aberdonen., /;,.v, I ; III .Mar. Coll. Patricius Innes, Cathinences. b, s, I Petrus Pope. Sutherlandensis. b l\adr)lphus Andei-son, .Moraviensis, •S /, in. .A..M. Robertus CruickshanU, .Abredonensis. A.M. ; Libr 1839-41 Robertus Forbes, .Aherdonensis, i. .v, / Robertus Sutherland. Sutherlanden- sis, b. s Robertus Oj^stenus Vounj4. .Aherdon- ensis, .A..M. Simon Ale.x. Oeo. N'ouny. Inveiiiessi ensis, ,s, t Simon Fraser N'ounj;. Invernessen., b Thomas Reid, Angusiensis, /;, 5, t, in Thomas Russel, .\\oraviensis, .A..M. Walter R. Gair, Cromartia, A..M. 1821-25 [Rt-^r^nts . H. .Macpherson, .). Tul- loch. \V. Paul. H. Scott .4ineas .MaeUintosh. Invernessien., b, Alexander Davidson, Catanensis, s Alexander Fraser, N'airniensis, s, t Alexander W. Gardiner. Banfiensis, b, s, t Alexander .McDonald, Invernessien., ,s; /, Mar. Coll. See 1822 26 Alexander .McGillivrav, Invernessien.. /;. See 1822-26 Alexander Mc(jregor. Iineniesslensis, s. See 1822-26 Alexander .McLean, Sutherlanden , /; .Alexander .Munro. Ross shire, b .Alexander Ta\ lor, Kincardinen.. A.M.; .Murray lec't. 1830-38: l.ihr. 1834- 39: D.D. 18.55 .Alexander Watson. .Moraviensis, b, s Angus .Macdonald, Invernessien., b, .<, /, III Archibald .Milne, Banfiensis, /^ .s, / Campbell Mackintosh, Invernessien.,/^ Carolus Carnegy, .Angusianus. b, s Carolus Crawford, BanKensis, .A.M. Carolus Grant Thomson. Aberdon ensis, ,A,.M. Colinus Stimrtus, Rossien../, /;/,A..M, I. ' In List of P,rs.. p, 20, and Off. mitl Oniii.. p. JSO. this ilcHi't't' is \vi ; t. I. »,. AM .M;ii Coll. David Whyto, AiinusianuK, h Donaldiis Konni'dy. Kosscnsiii, A.M. Donaldus .Macdonaid. Invcrnvsicnsis. '', A. /. Ill Donaldus Macintosh. Uossicnsis, in Uonald .McKcn/ic. Uossionsis, b, .». / Donald .Mathii'son. Rossicn.. h,s,l,m Donaldus .Munro. Uossicnsis, h. .<.. Si-c I822-J8 Duncan Camphcll. InvcrncsicnsiK. s. I. III. A..M. Duncaiuis Koid. .■Xbri'doncn.. fc, 1, /,/« , AM I8.<4» i.Mni. of 18 Jan.); .M.I) 1843: Kxamini-r in .M«d. I8<^4 Cicornius (1. Allardicc. An^usiensis. / (jcornius Chalmers, .Abrcdoncnsis. s (icor^ius Gray. Aberdoncnsis. h, s : I, .Mar. Coll. (icornius Logn. Ahrcdoncnsis. ///. A..M.; LI. D 18-4.S (icor^ius .Mcarns. Abrcdoncnsis. Ii , I. in. A.M. .Mar. Coll. (jcornius Koss, Suthcrlandcnsis, s (icor^ius Smith, liaiiticnsis. /). .s, /, in (jcor^ius rayli>r. Uossicnsis, /», s (icird'Mi .Mac'donald. Cathncssicnsis. h (juliclmus Harclaius. Thulcnsis, /< (lulicImuK CruicUshank. Hanffcnsis. Ii. . /. See I822-2K (julielmus Duncan. .N'arniensis. h Oulielmus Kllis. Kdinensis, h, s, I, in ; 1st burs.. A..M 1827 (Min. of 26 June); I.I. D \»M (iuliclmus lMne>>. Kossicn., />. s.l. See 1 822 2« (Milielinus I.awrie. I-t)rfaren8i8, h, s, I. in. A..M 1827 • (.Vm of 3 Mar. I (lulielmuK Sk .\UI). in James Sinclair Bnidic. C.itcncnsis, /> Jacobus Crabb. Kincardincnsis, A..V. Jacobus Dunbar, Abrcdoncnsis, h. .v. /, in . A..M. 1827 (.V(/i. of 7 Apr.) Jacobus Bmslic, Abcrdunus, h, s, I, in Jacobus Forbes. AK-rdccn. I>. s ilacobus Kiddoch I-otherinnham. Or- cadensis. A..M. Jacobus Urant. Invernesicnsis. /' .lacobus Low. l-orfarensis. /«. Sec 1822 26 .lacobus .Macdoiiald. Kossicn, 6, .<,/,»> Jacobus .Mc(jrc;;or. Uanflicnsis, b Jacobus .McKillican. Invernesicnsis,/; Jacobus .Milne, Hanliensis. A..M. Jacobus .Mitchell. Forfarensis. A..M. .lacobus .Munro. An^usien., /, in, A..M. Jacobus Noble. Kossiensis, / Jacobus Smith. Abrcdoncnsis, li Jacobus Smith Wallcn. .Abrcdoncn- sis, /;. s. t. Sec 1822-26 Joannes Clark. Suthcrlandcnsis. b. s Joannes Coulter. Abrcdoncnsis. /«, .v. / Joannes Grant. Hanliensis. A.M. Joannes Grant. Invcrnessicn.. />, s,l,iii Joannes Invcrarily. l-orfarcn.,<», .«,/,«/ •lohanncs Kyd, l-orfarcnsis, b Joannes Macdonald. Sutherland. /', v See 1822-26 Johannes .Maclvcr. Invcrnessicn.,/./// Johannes .Mac.Millan. .-Xrnathalicn., / ; A..M 1824 .loanncs .Mihn-. RanHensis, /'. > .loanncs .Minty. Hanfiensis, b. \, / Johannes .Mitchell. .-Xnnusianus. '/. s, I . .MI) l-.din. 1828 Joannes I'rimcrose. Hdmensis, //, .^. /. ;/; ; A..M. 1836* (.W//;. of Nov. 7i: I.ibr. 1841 44 Joannes Stew;irt. Kiiicardinensis. in : Ml). Kdin. 1828 • In /./•/ ,-f P.rt.. p. ai ami D/f. under IH2X. I' 'jMl.ihis ilc|;rcc i» wninuly K"'"^" ■'•" IS22.J AI.IMM IN AKls: Al.ia\l> H AM) K '35 Joannes \V;ittie, Abreilonensis. h. s Josepluis .McKcnzic, Abertloiiensis, s KLiuKthus .McKcn/.ie, Hoss-shire, /' Leith Hnislie. Abredonen.. t, in, A.M. .Marcus Gunn, Catanensis, b, s, t Murdochus Macintvre. Rossiensis, //. See 1824 28 Fatricius Taylor, Banffiensis, ,s' Petrus Dewar, Xarniensis, A.M. Kobertus Adam, Kincardincshii-c. Ii,s : t. III. A..M. Mar. Coll. Robertas Clunes, .Narniensis. .<, t,ni Robertus Dunbar, .Narniensis, b, s,t,iii Robertas Gillies, Forfarshire, A.M. Robertus Rose .MacKay. Caithness- shire, b. See 1823-27 Robertus Paul, Aberdonensis, i, / Robertus Torrie, Abredonensis, b, s, t. III . A.M. 1827 (Mill, of 26 June) Rodericus .Millar, Rossensis, b Samuel Trail, Abredonensis, A.M. ; Hutt.; LL.D. 1847: D.D. 18S2: [-"rof. of Syst. Theol. 1867-87 Simon Chisholm. I: vernesien., /;, .s, /. See 1822-26 Simon Fraser, Invernessiensis, /; Simon Alexander .Munro, Catinen., .s Thomas Galatian, Aberdoniensis b : A.M. Mar. Coll. 1827 Wallace F. Dunlop, Ayrensis, b 1822-26 [Regeiiti : H. .Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, W. Paul, H. Scott] .-'Kneas Kinloeh, Inverniensis, i Alexander Adam, .Moraviensis. b. s. See 1823-27 Alexander Angus, Aberdoniensis, b, s, t,ni,: A. .M. 1827* (.U/«. of 30 Jan.) Alexander Davidson, .Moravien.. .A..M. Alexander Forbes, Invernesiensis, /^ .■> Alexander Fraser, Invernessiensis (Kirkhill) : Fraser's burs., b, s, t, in : A.M. ; div. burs, and Libr, 1826-30 Alexander Fraser, Invernessiensis (Ft. George), b, s, t. •Alexander .McDonald, Invernessien., /, III : .M.D. F:din. 1829 .Alexander .MeGillivrav. hnernesien.,.'.. See 1823-27 .Alexander .MacGregor, Aberdonen., b Alexander .McGregor, Invernesiensis, ,s, t. See 1823-27 Alexander Reid, major, Baiiffien.,A..M. .Alexander Reid, minor, Kincardin- ensis, .A..M. Alexander Rhind, .Moraviensis, b. s, t. See 1823-27 Alexander Ross, Rossiensis. /;, .v, / .•\ndreas Henderson Leith. .Aberdon- iensis. A..M. : M.D. 1847 .Andreas Moir, Aberdonensis, /^ .<,/,»/ ; Hutt.; .M D. 1840; lect. .Anat. 1839-44 Archibaldus .Macdonald, .Aberdonen- sis, b, ,s, /, in: A.M. 1847 (Min. of 1 Jan.) Carolus Gordon, Aberdonensis, b, .s Colinus Fowler, Rossiensis, b Colinus .MacRae. Invernessien., b, s ; t, .Mar, Coll. 1823. See 1826-30 Daniel Farquharson, Perthensis, b. See 1823-27 David Forbes, Aberdonensis, b, s : t, Mar, Coll, Donald .Munro. Rossiensis, /, iii Dugald Christie, Huntly, A.M. Duncanus .McDougall. Invernesien., b Georgius Cameron, Invernesien., h,s. See 1824-28 Georgius Corbett,Cromartien.,t,i,^»/ Georgius G. .MacDonell, Glouces- teriensis, .s, / Georgius .Mearns, Aberdonensis, A..M. Gulielmus Andrew, Invernesiensis, // (julielmus .McL. Bethune, Invernes- iensis, /;, .S-. /, III : A,.M, 1827 Gulielmus Center, Banftien., b, s, t, in Gulielmus Cruickshanks, Banffien.,'" Gulielmus Falconer. Xairniensis, b Gulielmus Greig, .Aberdonensis (b, .<, .Mar. Coll.), in Gulielmus Innes, Rossensis, in, A..M. * In List ff P.rs.. p. 21, and ()(T. ami Grad., p. 282. this degree is wronj-ly given also under 1826. I'NIVKRsnV AM> KIN(;s Cdl.LKOK. \^6 GuliclmuK Jiiniiciu)!). HunHicii , A.M. (luliclmus Kemp, InvcriK'HKicnkiii, /«. (juli<:lniu> .M;u IMiail, NarniciisiK, /*, .« Guliclnius .Wutch, Abn-iloncn., A.M. Gulii'Imus Kiiss, Kcissicn , s.l, iii,\.S\. Guliclnius Oovcrtic Str.ichan, Korfar icnsis, b. i, I, {in. Mar. Coll.) : 2niJ burs.* : A.M. (luliclnius Jactibus Taylcr. H.mlicn- sis, A.M.. H.A. Cantab. \»M): .MA 1835 (iuliclmus Pantiin Walker, Abcrdon- icnsis, A..N\. (juliolmus Sccit Wilson, Hilien., //, .', /, ,n. A.M. 1827-^ (Mill, of 3 Mar.) : O.D Hobart, N V. I8.S^»; LL.l). Dubl. I8(i() Hujjo .\UKac l-alconcr, .Nloraviciisis. AM Hu(4<) (irant. Kossiensis, li, .•■. See 1 82^ 28 Hiijio .\lacl\.i\. Kossiensis, n; Hufjo .Wcl-cod, Sutherlandensis, .A..\l. Mun<) Nieolson, Catanensis, .\ James Cruden, Aberdonensis ('/, .M.', Aberdoniensis, A.M. .lacobus ln){rani. .■\berdoniensis, A..M.: .Murray Icct. 1832-33 .lacobus Low, |-orlarensis, A.M. .lacobus Uobertson, Perthensis, A..M. ; L1..U. l8.Sti Jacobus Smith Wallen.i Abrcdonen.. m, A..M. Joannes Allan, lianlliensis, b, s, t, in : A..M. 1838 (.V/«. of 13 Dec.) .lohn Anderson. Aberdonensis >• See 1 823. 27 John Campbell, Invernesicnsis, /', s, I, III : A..M. 1830+ {Mill, of 27 .Mar.); .M.D. Hdin. 1830 .loannes Carnegy, Annusianus, b 1 832. .loannes Christie. .Vbredonien.. A.M. ; M I) 1841 .loannes Copland. An^usiunus. />, s .lohn Cunmiin^, Abredonemiis, A.M. : I) I). !-:dm. 1843 .loannes l-inlays Joannes l-orbes, Invernsiensis. /.. » S»^-e 1823 27 Joannes Gordon, HanHiensis, b, \ .loannes Downie Kennedy, Rossensis, AM. .loannes I.eal, .Moraviensis, />. > Joannes McDonald, lnvernesien.,A..M. .loannes .MacDonald, Sutherlandien- SIS, /. Ill Joannes .McGillivray. Invernesien., s Joannes .Mclnnes. Aberdonien., b.s.t Joannes .Mcl.eod. .Mora\iensis, s Joannes Milne. Aberdonensis, A..M. ; LI. 1). I84VI Joannes Noble. Invernesiensis. A..M. .loannes Sinclair. Catinensis. b. See 1827 31 .loannes Thurburn. Hanftiensis, .*. / .lip.iiines Watson. .Nloraviensis, b, s, I. Sec 1823 27 l.achlan .McQueen. Aberdonensis. \ .Milcolumbus .MacLachlan, Ar)(athul' iensis, b. See 1823 27 •Miirdochus .MacDonald. Kossiensis, .v Ninian .MacKen/.ie, Kossiensis, li,s,t. See 182.S-2M Patricius .Mcl-l\van, Kossiensis, > Kobertus Mrander. .Moraviensis, b. \. I Kobertus Sliirvin^;. .Moraviensis. .» Simon Chisholm, Invernesiensis. in Simon .Macdonald, Kossiensis, b Thomas Best Cheves, Aberdonensis. A.M. Thomas Crerar. Cmmartiensis, ''. See 1823-27 Thomas l-raser .McDonald. Kossien- sis. /», S, I. Ill ' The Im iHimar, John .Milne Craig, did n under IKW. ; In l.nl 'if /Vri . p. 22, and OJf. uml (trad., p. 282. thin graduate's name i» miHprintcd • Wallace ". i823.] ALUMNI IN AkTS: ALBUMS K AND F. '37 1823-27 [Refreiits : H. Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, W. Paul, H. Scott] Alexander Adam, Moraviensis, /, /;/ Alexander CruickshanU,Abredonen., 6. See 1824-28 Alexander Duncan, Moraviensis, 5 ; h, 1823, ^ 1825, Mar. Coll. Alexander Fraser, major, Invernes- iensis ; Fraser's burs., b, s, t, m Alexander Fraser, minor, Invernes- iensis, h, s, t, 111 Alexander Fraser, Invernesiensis, h Alexander Gardner, Aberdonien., A.M. Alexander Grigor, Moraviensis, b, s, I Alexander Henderson, .\ngusien., .A.M. •Alexander .McGillivray, Invernesien- sis, /, III Alexander MacGregor, Invernesiensis, III. A.M. Alexander McKenzie, Invernesien., b. See 1824-28 Alexander .Muir, Angusiensis, /; Alexander .Murray, Banffiensis, b, s. See 1828-32 Alexander Paterson, Aberdonen., b, s Alexander Rhind, .Moravien., in, A.M. Alexander Richardson, Nairnensis, b Alexander Shewan. Abredonen., b, s, t Alexander Sutherland, Invernessiensis (Ft. George), /' Allan .Mackintosh, Invernessien.. A.M. Andrew Martin. Abredonensis, A.M. Carolus Buchan, .Abredonensis, b,s Carolus Sutherland. Rossiensis, b Daniel Farquharson. Perthen., b, s, t David .McTaggart, .Angusiensis, A.M.; D.D. 9th Apr. 1853. D.D. .Mar. Coll. 8th Apr. 1853 * David Rose, Angusiensis, b David Sinclair, Cathnesiensis, 6, .■: Donaldus Fraser, Invernesiensis, 6, 5. See 1825-29 Donaldus .MacKenzie, Rosiensis, b Donaldus Ross, Rossiensis, i, /. See 1827-31 Duncanus .McLean, Invernesien., b, s. See 1824-28 Duncanus .Mathison, Rossiensis, b Farquhardus Henderson, Rossien., b, s Georgius Fraser, Narniensis, b, s ( Inverness.) Georgius Henricus Gordon, Banffi- ensis, b, s, t Georgius Grant, Abredonensis, b Georgius J. N'icol, Abredonensis, b. See 1824-28 Georgius Whyte, .Abredonensis, A.M. Gulielmus Catto, .Abredonensis, A.M. Gulielmus Duncan, Elginensis, b, s, t Gulielmus Grant Gordon, Moravien- sis, A.M. Gulielmus Mclntyre. Suthcrlanden- sis. III Gulielmus .McPherson, .Abredonen., h. See 1825-29 Gulielmus Orrok, Aberdonensis, i Gulielmus Rainy, Abredonen., i, 5,/, «( Gulielmus Ross, Nairniensis, b Gulielmus Thoni, Angusiensis, /; Gulielmus \\'alUer, Moraviensis, t. See 1824-28 Hector Young, Rossiensis, b, s ; t, 111, Mar. Coll. 1825-28 Henricus .Macintosh. Nairnien., b, s, t Jacobus Bain, Perth, iit Jacobus Brucius, Aberdonensis, A.. M. Jacobus CruicUshank, Abredonensis, ; b, s, t. See 1824-28 j Jacobus Duncan Gellie,Banffien., 6, s ; \ t, III, Mar. Coll. Jacobus Leighton. Angusianus; 1st burs., 6, .•;, .', >;: Jacobus Low, Abredonensis, b, s, t. Jacobus McKenzie, .Moraviensis, 6, 5 Jacobus Milne, Abredonensis, b Jacobus Moncur, Kincardinenais, b, s * Cf. Gulielmus Robinson Pirie In class 1817-21. S i3« LNIVKKSIIV AM* KING'S COLLEGE. 1 1823- Jacobus Scott, Shctlandincnsin, b Jacubus Smith, .•\brcdonensis. A.M. Jacobus Smith. .Xbri'doiuMisis, .\..M. JaoibuH Smith, AiiKuKiciisis, b, s, 1, 111 Joannes AndcTson, AlH-rdononsis, m, Joannes Hcattic, Abcrdccnshinr, /*, .<, / Joannes lioulton, Abrcdoncnsis, b. s. Sec 1824 28 Joannes Cassie, Abrcdonensis, A.M. Joannes Chippcrton, Dumfricsiensis, A.M. Joannes Dean, .Moraviensis. b, s. I. Sec 1824-28 Joannes l'orbes,Herthensis,/,m, A.M. Joannes Grant, .Moraviensis, b, s, I Joannes (jricve, Abcrdononsis, b Joannes Irvine, Aberdonensis, A..M. Joannes .Marshall, Horfarensis, b, s ; t, .Mar. Coll. Joannes .Morf>an, Aberdonensis, A.M.; Murr.iy lect. 1841 42 Joannes Reid, Hossicnsis, /(. Sec 1824-28 Joannes Keith, .Merniensis, A..M. Joannes .Morricc Roger, Aberdonen- sis, A.M. Joannes Strachan, .Aberdonensis, b Joannes Watson, .Moraviensis, lu Joscphus Saunders, Hanfiensis, b Ludovicus .McPherson, .Moraviensis, b, s, I, III Malcolumbus .McLachlan, Argathal- iensis, s, /, w Patricius Piric, Abrcdoncnsis, s, I, m Peter Crawford, Hanfiensis, b, s, t, m Petrus .Marshall, Abrcdoncnsis {b, s, I, Mar. Coll.), Ill Petrus .Murray. .Moraviensis, A..M. Robertas Duff. Hanfiensis, b, s, t. in : A.M. 1828 RoK-rtuH Row .VlacUiiy, Caithincnsis, I, /, "I Robcrtus .McPherson, Horfarensis, TV-.M.; Hutt.; D D. 1852; prof, of Divinity, 18.S2 67 Samuel Grant, Suthcrlandicnsis, b, s. Sec 1824-28 Stephanus Curbs, Surrey, b, s, I. See I82.S29 Stephen Lambton, N«>rfolk {b, s, ,Mar. Coll ). /,,//, A..M. Thomas .-Xiiderson, Abrcdoniensis, / Thomas Crerar, Invcrncsscnsis, s, /. Sec 1824 28 Thomas .MacPhersoii, Rossicn., A..M Valtcrus Rojjcr, Aberdonensis, A..M. 1824-28 [Rf/^'fiili : H. .Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, \V. Paul, H. Scott .Ad.im Whyte, Angusicnsis, b, s, I, in Alexander Allan, Abrcdoncnsis, A..M. Alexander Chisholm. Inverncssicn., b Alexander Collie, H.infensis, />, s, / Alexander Cruickshank, Abrcdoncn- sis, i. t, III, A.M. ; M.D. .Mar. Coll. 1838 Alexander Cumming, Abrcdoncnsis, h Alexander .MacKenzic Downic, Rossi- cnsis. /;. See 182.S-29 Alexander Kdwards, .Moraviensis, b, s Alexander Parquhar, .Aberdonensis, A.M. Alexander Forsyth, Moravien.,fc,s,/,(H Alexander .Mackenzie. Inverncssicn., i Alexander .Mackintosh. Nairnicn., /*, i Alexander .Mearns, Abcrdoncn.. A..M. Alexander Nicol, Abrcdoncnsis,.^. Sec 1828-32 Alexander Skinner. Sutherlanden., b Alexander Thompson. Abcrdoncn., b Alexander Walker. .Moraviensis, b. s, I Arthur .McHardy. Abcrdonicnsis, b, 1 .•\rtliur Stephen. Hanfliensis, b, s, t, in Charles LainR. Invernesicn., />, s, I, in Carolus Ritchie, Anjjusianus, b, s Carolus Stewart. Rossicnsis, /', i, 1, 111 Cosmo .Macpherson. Hanffien. ,'),.»,'."• Daniel Allan. Rossiensis, b. See I82.S.29 Daniel Lucas, Kentcnsis, b Donald .Macleod, Inverness., 6, s Duncan McLean. Inwmcsicn., t, m 1824. ALUMNI I\ ARTS: ALBUMS E AND F. 139 Farquhar Matheson, Rossiensis, b, s, t, in George Cameron, Invernesiensis, 111 Georgius Geddes, iMoraviensis, b Georgiiis Innes, Caithnessensis, h, s, t Georgius Jaffrayi Nicol, Abredonen., A.M.; M.D. 1841 ; E.xam. in Med. 1861-62 Georgius Stephen, Banfficii., 1st burs. b, s, t, in Georgius Taylor, Rossiensis, b, s Georgius Wilson, Banffiensis, A.M.; M.D. Edin. 1833 ; ^cn^or (i^ra&uatc at his death, 'llth April, 1897. Gulielmus Copland, Abredonensis, b Gulielmus Grant, Banffiensis, b, s, t, in ; A.M. 1829 {Min. of 2 Nov.)* Gulielmus Kemp, Invernessiensis, t GulielmusMacLeod. Invcrnessien., 6,i Gulielmus Ogilvie, Banttiensis, A.M. Gulielmus Robertson, Moraviensis, b, in, A..M.; D.D. 1840 Gulielmus Walker, .Moraviensis, b Gulielmus [Strachan] Watt, Kincar- dinen., A.M. Hugo Grant, Rossiensis, /. See 1825- 1829 Jacobus Allan, Banffiensis, b, s Jacobus Anderson, Rossien., b Jacobus CruicUshanIi, Abredonensis, in, A.M. Jacobus Dempster. Banffiensis, A.M. Jacobus Gibb, Aberdonensis, b, s Jacobus Gibb, Perthensis, b James Knox, Aberdonensis, b James D. Macpherson, Invcrnessien., b, s, t James Ramsay, Aberdonensis, b, s James Ritchie, Aberdonensis, b, s, t, in James Walker, Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Wilson. Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Young, Kincardinen., A.M. John Anderson, Abredonensis, /;. See 1823-27 John Anderson, Nairniensis, b, s, t, in Joannes Boulton, Aberdonensis, t ' In List vfP.rs , p. 24, and Off. ami G under 1828. John Catanach, Aberdonen., b. See 1825-29 Joannes Copland, Angusianus, A.M. Joannes Dean, Elginensis, in, A.M. Joannes Durward, Abredonensis [b, s, t. Mar. Coll.), in Joannes Eraser, Morayensis, b, s Joannes Leslie, Abredonensis, b Joannes McDonald, In\e]"nessien., ii j Joannes Pat. .Mcintosh, Invcrnessien., I b, s, t. III Joannes .MacLachlan, Argathalien., b Joannes .Matheson, Invernessiensis, A..M. Joannes Reid, Rosiensis, i, t, in Joannes Robertson, Abredonensis, b ; s, t, in, A.M., Mar. Coll. Joannes Swanson, Rossiensis, b, s, t, III Joannes Tait, Abredonensis, A.M. Joannes Taylor, Banffiensis, A.M. Joannes Torrie, Banffiensis, b,s, t, in. ; See 1825-29 Josephus McKenzie, Aberdoniensis, b Ludovicus Houston, Sutherlandiensis, /;, .s Murdochus Macintyre, Rossiensis, s, t. III Patricius Grant, Invernessiensis, /;, s, /, in Patricius M'Gregor Grant, Inver- ; nesiensis, b, -s, /, ni : A.M. 1836 (.V;;;. of 6 Feb.) Patricius McKenzie, Rossien., A.M. ; Murray lect. 1835-36; D.D. 1875 Patricius Watson, Angusianus, 6. : See 1826-30 Philippus Grant, Invernesiensis, b Philippus McGillivray, Sutherlandi- ensis, b, s, t, in Robertus Mar Erskine, Glasguensis, b, s, f. See 1825-29 Robertus Milne, Banffensis, b, s Robertus Ross, Edinensis, A.M. Rodericus MacLennan, Rossiensis, b Samuel Grant, Sutherlandiensis, t, m nil]., p. 2S4, tills degree is given wrongly also 140 L'NMVKkSITV ANti KINt;'s COLLEOK. 1824. Simon Prascr, Invcrncsicn., b, s, I, III* . Hraser's div. burs. 1829 Thomas [Joannes] Urcnincr. AKt- ijonicn., A.M. Thomas Brown, Moravicnsis, h Thomas Chisholm, Invcrncssicn.. '> Thomas Crvrar, Inverncscnsis, in Thomas Koss, Koimicnsis, b, s, I. See 1826-30 Thomas Simpson, Rossicnsis, A.M.: Hurt. Thomas Smith. Invcrnossiensis. b 1825-29 [Rf^^en/s : H. .Ntacphcrson. .1. Tul l(Kh. W. I^tul, H. Scott] .4^ncas .Mac.Willan, Invcrncssicnsis, b .•l^neas .Martin, Invcriicssicnsis, b, s Alexander Cuthill, Annusianus, />, s Alexander .McKcn/ic nowiiic, Rossi- ensis, //(. A.M.: .M.I). 1846 Alexander OreiR. Aberdoniensis, b ; J, t. III. A.M. Mar. Coll. Alexander .Mcintosh, Kosie^.,/^.^/,"/ ; .M.D. Hdin I8;V2 Alexander .McKcn/ic. Kosicnsis, b. See 1827 ;n Alexander .Munro, Kossicn . h, s, t. in ; M.I). Kdin 1832 Alexander Stewart, Aberdonen., A.M. Alexander Walker, Kincardincnsis, b, s, I. Ill ; .M.D. l£din. 1832 Alexander Wilson, Banffiensis, b, s f Carolus .Macwatt, Narniensis, A.M. Carolus .Miller, 1-orfarensis, in Charles Onj{. Annusiensis, b, s, t Daniel Allan, Uossiensis, s. I, in David Adam, Kincardincnsis, A..M. David Sutherland, Cathniensis,//. See I8.'<()34 David Taylor, Cromartiensis, s David Webster, Abcrdoncnsis, b : s, I. .Mar. Coll. David Voun){. KossienKis, b Donald l-raser, InvcrncRicnRis. / Donald Kennedy, Uossiensis, b. See 1826-30 Donald .McDonald, Invernesien., ^,.»,'. Si-e I826:M) Donaldus .McTavish, Invcrnesien., b Dou^lassius I.ittlejohn, An^usicn., b,i Kvanus .MaeLachlan, Uossiensis, /'. See 1829 33 Georjjius C, s. I, in Geor^ius .Murray. .Alterdonen.. A..M. Georj^ius Walker, Banffiensis, b Gulielmus Brown, Banfliensis, b : s, Mar. Coll Gulielmus Clerk, AlK'rdonensis, b, s Gulielnuis Forbes, Cathniensis, b. See 1831-33 Gulielmus Grant, .Narniensis, A.M. Gulielmus JalTrey, AlHTdonensis, b Gulielmus Lawson, Aberdoniensis, b, i, I. ni Gulielmus Macphcrstin, AK-rdcmen., 1 Gulielmus .Meldrum. .Moravien., />, .1, /, in Gulielmus Richardson, Perthensis {b, s. t. .Mar. Coll.), in, A.M.; M.D. St. And. I8.S0 Gulielmus .A. Stables, Nairnien., />, J Gulielmus I-. Stewart, Aberdonen., /». Sec 1826-30 Hii^;<) Grant, Rossiensis, in. A.M. HuRo .McKinnon, Invernessien., /', s HuRo Skinner. Rosianus, />. s. See 1827 31 Jacobus Ben),;, Aberdonen., b, s, I, in Jacobus l-orbfs. Aberdonensis, A.M. Jacobus Gordon, Aberdonensis, A.M. ; M.D. Kdin. 18.33 * In I83.S (Mm. of 2 Apr. > n Simiin t-'riiitcr han the dr| Alexander McKenzie, Rossiensis, .';, / Alexander Rennie, Abredonensis, b ; s, t, in. A.M. Mar. Coll. Alexander Ross, Aberdonensis, .s- Alexander Mackenzie Ross, Rossien- sis, b. See 1828-32 Alexander Scott, Banffiensis, b Alexander W'atson, Invernessien., b,i. See 1828-32 Brodie Cruickshank, Aberdonensis, b. See 1827-31 Charles Fraser, Invernien., b, s. See 1827-31 Charles Smith, Banffensis, /), ,s, / Colin Fraser, Rossiensis, A.M. Colin .Mackenzie, Rossiensis, A.M. Colinus .McRae, Invernesiensis, m David Argo, Fovariensis, b David Cargill, Angusianus, A.M. David Durward, Kincardinensis, b David Logan, Rossiensis, b, s. See 182731 David Milne, Kincardinensis, A.M. David Sutherland, Moraviensis, b Donald Corbet, Rossiensis, b. See 1827-31 142 UNIVERSITY AM» KINC.'S COLLEGE. 1826. Donald Gordon. Edincnsis, / DonalJus KiMincdy. Kossicnsis, A.M. Donaldus .Nl.u'donald, miij.. Iiivornesi- cnsis, h, J, /, in Donald .Macdonald, minor, Invcrncs- icnsis. A .M. ; .Murray lect. 1837 38; D.D. I8.S<) Donaldus K. See 1827 31 (I) Ericus Joannes l-indlatcr, Sutlicr landionsis. h. s. t. Sec 1827 31 Hranciscus Ouliclmus Inncs, Banff- L-nsis, /- See 1827 31 (jfornius CruicUshanIi, Abordoncnsis, A.M. (jcor^tus Hcphurn. niajnr, Alx-rdon- cnsis. Ii, s Gcor^ius Hepburn, minor, Hanftien- sis. A..M.* ; 5»tnior (TuaiUnlc at his death on Kith April, 1899 Gcorj{ius I^ijjie, Abredssiensis, A..M. ; .M.D. .Mar. Coll. 1855 Gulielmus Poison, Aberdonen., A..M. Gulielmus Rae, Abredonensis, b. See 1827 31 Gulielmus Ross, Sutherlanden.,/j,.'i,/, HI Gulielmus Shand. Lumergensis (h, .Mar. Coll.), i. See 1827 31 (julielmus Strachan, Invernesien., b. See 1827-31 Gulielmus F. Stuart, Abcrdoniensis, i. /. III. A.M. Gulielmus Thurburn, BanfTen., s, t, in Gustavus Aird, Kossiensis, A.M. ; D.D. 1885 Hector Mackenzie, Rossiensis, /), s, I. See 1827 31 Hector Neil McLean, Arfjilcnsis, i Henry .Maclcod, Kossiensis, !•, .\, /, in Hu}*o Munro, Rossiensit, b, s Jas. Cooper, .Moraviensis, 6, s ; .M.D. St. And. 1839 Jas. DufT, BanfTensis, /«. See 1827-31 Jacobus Grant, BanfTensis, />, i, /, m Jas. Au^* Grant, Moravensis, b. See 1827-31 Jacobus Grei|{, Aberdonensis, A.M. : .Murray lect. 1839-40 Jacobus JafTray, Aberdonensis, A..M. Jacobus .Mackintosh, Nairniensis. /', s, t. See 1827 31 Jacobus .Miller, .Moraviensis, b Jacobus .Mitchell, lillonensis (/>. Mnr. Coll.) ; s. I. in. A..M. Jacobus .Mutch, Aberdonen., h. s. I, m Jacobus Poison, Alx'rdonensis, b Jacobus Ross, Aberdonen., in, A..M. ; .M.D. 1852 Jacobus Paul Toufjh, Aberdonensis, t Jacobus Watson, .Nairniensis, b, s. See 1828 32 Joannes Cluncss, .Nairniensis, A.M. Joannes Grant. Invernessiensis, b. s John Gunn, Sutherlandshire. s, t, in Joannes .Macdonald, Nairniensis, b, s, t. in Joannes .Mcpherson, Banfen., /'. See 1827-31 Joannes .Michie, An){usianus, b. i Joannes .Millar, Abredonensis, A..M. Joannes Gul. Sinclair, Ultima Thule. b. s. I Joannes Smith, Bantiensis, A..M. Joannes Taylor, Cromartien . I>. See 1827-31 Joannes S. G. Watson, Kincardinen- sis, /*, s, t KutusofTus Nicols, v, /, in Joannes Campbell, Rossiensis, I Joannes Duncan, Aberdonensis, , / Joannes GreRor, Banffensis, A..M. Joannes Imray, Invernessien., A.M. Joannes .Macbcan, N'arnicnsis, b. See 1828..32 Joannes .MacDnnald. Rossiensis,;, m, A.M. Joannes Car .Mackenzie. Invcrncssicn- sis, A..M ; .M D. Rdin. 1810 John .McKinnon, invcrnesRcnsis, b John .MacLcnnan, Ross-shiiv./;, s t, m John .Mcpherson, BanKensis, A..M. Joannes .Murray, Banfflen»i«. b, i. Sec 1828-32 Joannes Sinclair, Cathinensis, s. See 1828-32 John Stephen, Aberdonensis, A .M.; Blackw. 1834 Joannes Taylor. Cromarticn., i. See 1828-32 Joannes N'ounjj, Kincardinensis, A..M • Johannes K'udnlph ZeederberR. Cape of Good Hope, b .- .M.D. Hdm. 1833 Josi-phus Downie, .Moraviensis, b, s Kutusoffus Nicolson, Rossiensis, 5, /, m. A..M. Lorenzo Chiappini, Cape of Good Hope, b Matthias Dunnct, Cathenesis, 5 Normanus ,Mcleod, Invernensis, i Patricius Osborn, Aln-rdunensis, b. See 1828-32 Petrus Chiappini, Cajie of Good Hope, /. , .M.D. Kdin. 1832 Petrus Garden. Aberdonensis. b, s. See 1829 33 Ricardus Penman, Aberdonen., ;>/ Robertus .McPherson. .Moraviensis, A..M. Roderick .MacKenzie, Ross-shirc, b,s Samuel Davidson, .Aberdonensis, b. See 1828 32 Thomas Collie. .Moraviensis. A..M. Th Jacobus Taylor, Banffiensis, b Jacobus Watson, Nairniensis, t. See 1831-35 Jacobus Wilson, major, .Aberdonen., : A.M. Jacobus Wilson, minor, Aberdonen., /;, s, f I Joannes Cooper, Aberdonen., b, s, t, iit I Joannes Forster, Aberdonen., A.M. Joannes Inglis, Moraviensis, 5, / Joannes Kennedy, Invernessien., />, 5f (1832-34 Edin.; 1834 35 Glasg.) ; A.M. 1843 (Mni.o{ 18 .Mar.) ; D.D. Abd. and Edin. 1872 Joannes McBean, Nairnensis, A.M. 1^1 ill * In List of Pt-rs.. p. 28, and Ujf. niid Grud., p. 287, the name of this graduate is mis- printed •' David ". t In List of Pen., p. 57, wrongly styled a non-alumnus. T 146 UMVERStTV AND KING'S COLLEGE. [1828. JoanncK McPhcrson, AbrcdtmcnsiK, /*. Soc 1829-33 Juanncs .\V»ir, AnKuKJanus, A..NK J()aniu-> Murray, Hanflion , /, //(, A.M.; .MI). .Mar. Coll 1837 Joannes Kanisity, .Middlescxcn.. A.M. Joannes Sinclair, Catlianonsis, /, 111, A..\». Joannes Stuart, Abredonensis, b, s ; I. .Mar. Coll.; LL.D. 18(6 Joannes Taylor, Cromartyensis, ( Joannes Turner, India, s. See 1829- 1833 Joannes S. Walker, Abredonensis, b Joannes Will, Kincardinen., b, s, t, in : A.,M. 1834 (Mill, of .Mar. 22) Joannes Wilson. Banfiensis, A..M. Kennethus liethune, Kossiensis, /(, s Patricius Campbell, Inverncssicnsis, A..M. Patricius .McLean, Isle of Lewis, b Patricius Osborn. Abredonen., A..M. Hobcrtus McGillivray, Sutherlanden., A..M. Kolicrtus .Mackay, Cathenensis, in. See 182933 Rodcricus .Macdonald, Kossiensis, b Samuel Davidson, Aberdonen., b,s,l, in : .M.D. 18.S7 Thomas Coull, .Moraviensis, b Tlujmas IJufT, .N^oraviensis, b, s, t 1829-33 • [Regents : H. .Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, W. Paul. H. Scott] Adamus Gray, Poveran, A..M. Adamus Ross, Horrcs, b, s. See 18.30 34 Alexander Allan, Chapel of Garioch, A.M. Alexander Bremner, Kinkardien., /» Alexander Collie, Aberdonensis. /) Alexander I-iddes (jrei^;, Abredonen- sis, b, s Alexander .McGillivray, Assynt, \.W. * Fmm .ind uftcr the .Matriculation of Scanion IK<2'.t3 the Pariih of cvcr^- atuilcnt ia named in the Album, Alexander .N\cKen/.ie, Kilmorack,/, rn; A.M. 18.S9 {Miu. of 22 Jan.) Alexander .Morrison, Aberdonensis, s, Alexander .Murray, Banfensis, b Alexander Philip. .Aberdonensis, b, s Alexander Reid. L'rray. A..M. Alexiuider Smith. Old .Machar, A.M. Alexander Wilson. Cullen, b, s, t. See I8;«) 34 Alexander Wrinht, Abredonensis, b,s Alexander Younn. Aberdonensis, b Allanus Balnavus. KinnefT, b, i, t, in Carolus (jrant. .Moraviensis, b, s, t. See 1830-34 Carolus .Munro, Rossiensis, b, j Carolus WaRstalT, Bellie. A.M. ; B.A. Cantab. 1837; .M.A.. 1840 David Campbell. Halkirk, /, in David Durward, (jarvock. A..M. David .McKen/ie .Murray, Suther- landensis. b, s, I. See 1830-34 David Watson, Invcrnesiensis, b, s Donaldus Corner. Rossiensis, b. See 1832 36 Donaldus .McLean. Arnylensis, / Donald .Munroe, Rossiensis, /», s Evanus .MacLachlan, Rossiensis, .^ Gulielmus Catanach, Abredonensis, b. s : 1st burs. Gulielmus Chisholm, Kiltarlity./*,i,f,w Gulielmus Davidst)n. Dyke; A.M.; Hutt.; D.D. 1872 Gulielmus Porsyth, Rossiensis, /», a, I Gulielmus Gordon, Suthcrlandicnsis, s. I Gulielmus Reid, Kildrummy, A.M.; D.D. Kingston, 1876 Gulielmus Robertson. Perthis, b, s,l Gulielmus Ross, .Moraviensis. /) Gulielmus Taylor, Tain. /'. .*. t. See 1830. 34 Huno .McKillop, Fcarn, Rnssien., /;. (, /, m Jacobus Carment, Glasgow, A.M. Jacobus Dickson, I^ervie, A..M. Jacobus 1-raser, Invernessiensis. h \'2 1830.] ALUMNI IX ARTS: ALIiUMS E AND V. 147 James .Macdonald, Rossiensis, b, s. See 1830-34 James R. Mact'arlane, Crathie, A.M. Jacobus Morrison, Invernessiensis, b. See 1831-35 Jacobus Kidd Oswald, Abrcdonen., b.s Jacobus [Stuart] i-Jussell, Hlj>in, b, s, ^ in; A.M. 1841 {Miii. of Mar. 30) ; D.D. 1888 Jacobus Steinson, Banffanensis, h. See 1830-34 Jacobus Todd, Kilpatricii, A.W. Joannes Bain, Rossiensis, b, s, I. See 1834-38 Joannes Garment, Glasgow, b, s, I. See 1830-34 Joannes Duff, Moraviensis, b, s, t Joannes Dunbar, ISloraviensis, s Joannes Forbes, Invernessien., /*, 5, t Joannes Graham, Rossiensis, h, s Joannes Irvine. Glasgow, /;, .<, /, iii Joannes iMcKay, Sutherlandensis, b Joanes .MacKenzie, Rossiensis, /;, s Joannes Macpherson, Old .Machar, s, f, III, A..M. ; M.D. 1845 Joannes Sinclair, Rossien., )). s. See 1830-34 Joannes Turner, India, / Joannes Walker, Elgin, A.M. Josephus Forsyth, Fortrose, /;, s, t, in Josephus Stuart, Bdinensis, /;, .s Kcnnethus .McKenzie, Knockbain, b, S, t, III Lachlan Mactjuarie, Argylensis, 5 .Murravius Welsh, Forfarensis, b. See 1830-34 Patricius Garden, .Aberdeen, ;;;, A..M. (Gardyne) Patricius Gordon, Aberdonen., b,s,t Patricius Robertsonus, Perth, A.M. Robertus Fraserius, Ardersier, /;, s /. Ill ; A..M. 1836 (Miii. of 27 Feb.) Robertus Gill, .Moraviensis, b, s, t Robertus Mackay, Cathinensis, b, s Robertus Thomson, Rothes, A..M. Robertus Thurburn, .Alexandria, b Robertus Warren, Old Machar, A.M. Ronaldus .Mackenzie, Rossiensis, i Stewartus Clark, Abredonensis, b Stewartus Smith, Kincardinensis, b. See 1830-34 Thomas Bain, Fortrose, A.M. Thomas Foster, Hiberniensis, /;. See 1831-35 Thomas Fraser, Nairniensis, b Thcjmas McLauchlan, Moy, A.M. ; LL.D. 1864 1830-34 [Regents : H. Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, W. Paul, H. Scott j Adamus Campbell, Sutherlanden., /;. See 1833-37 Adamus Gordon, Sutherlanden., b, s Adam Ross, Forres, t,iii, A.M. Alexander Cowie, Bamffensis, b Alexander Forbes, Tarbat, b, s, t Alexander Gatherer, Bantfiensis, b, s. See 1833-37 Alexander Greig, Udnv. .A.M. ; M.D. Edin. 1837 Alexander .Mackintosh, Nairn, b, s, t Alexander Todd, Forfarensis, b. See 1831-35 Alexander Wallace, Aberdoniensis, b Alexander Wilson, Cullen, ni, A.M. ; .M.D. Edin. 1838 Andreas Taylor, Banffiensis, b Arthurus Cant, Moraviensis, b Arthurus Read, St. Nicholas (b, Mar. Coll), .s t Carolus W. Connon, Old .Machar, A.M.; LL.D. 1857 Carolus Cruickshank, Glass, A..M. Carolus Grant, Invernessiensis, b Carolus Grant, Knockando, in, A.M. Carolus Stewart, Invernesiensis, b Carolus Sutherland, Argylliensis, /) Claudius Allardyce, Fordyce, b, s, t, in David McKenzie .Murray, Criech, in. A..M. David Ross, Rossiensis, s. See 1831- 1835 David Sutiierland, Halkirk, s, t, in III I4)< I'XIVFKStTY AND KING'S COLLEGE. [1830. DonalduK .Mncdunald. Daviot, Inver- ncsicn.. /', i, I. Ill Donald Mctiillivrny, Invcrncsiensis, /> Donald .NUKinnon, Strnth, A.M. ; D.I) lvK86 KilcrinKton Kccd. Sutherlandcn., b, s. Soc 183:^^37 Evanus .Mathcwm, Sutherlandcn., /'. Set- l8^<.S.3it Georjjius Adam. Klfjin, A.M. Gcornius CiH)ki:, Hl^incnsis, b {^l•o^^>ius .lamicson, TurrifT (h. Mar. Coll.). s, I. m. A.M.; B.D 1867; D I). 1886 Cicorjjius Kno.\. Tarvcs. A.M. Ocornius .Malcolm. Abrcdoni'Msis.//. s. I. Mar. Coll. Gcor({ius Milne, Boyndic, b, s, I Geornius Rt)ss, Moravicnsis, s, I (Cal- cutta) Guiiclmus Porbes, major, St. Nicho- | las; 1st burs. ; AM. ' Guliclmus l-orbes, minor, Daviot, Abrcdonen., /', s, t, ni Guliclmus .McKenzie, Tongue, A.M Gulielmus Mackenzie. .Madras. / Guliclmus Ord .N^acUcnzie. .Moravi- cnsis, i Guliclmus .Macleod, Halkirk, A..M. Gulielmus Milne, Kothiemay, A.M. Gulielmus Paul, Kothiemay, b, s, I Guliclmus Porter. Fornuc, /', s, I, Sec 1831 3.S Gulielmus Sherrct, Fettcresso. h, s, /. Ill Gulielmus Taylor, Tain, in, A.M. Guliclmus W'rinht, Jamaica, h Henricus Uobertson, Banff, A.M. Hu^o .NUKcn/ic. l-arr, h, .n, / .lacobus .McKcn/ie Allardyce, In- verness, A..M : D.D. 1873 Jacobus Anderson, l-orfarcnsis, /> Jacobus l-lemin^, Banffiensis. h Jacobus Hraser, Cromdale ; Eraser's buni., b, s, I . A.M. ; div. burs. 1834; D.D. I89.S • l.nl 0/ I'm., p. W. and Off an.l Oratl. entry in Alhum B Jacobus Hyfe, Banffiensia, b Jacobus Grant, Duthil, b, j, / Jacobus Har\ey. Abredonensis, b James Kennedy. Kincardinensis, b, i Jacobus .Macdonald. Kosemarkev, '. Sec 1831 3.S James* .Mclnnes, Uothes, A..M. James .Mann, Nairnicnsis, b, s. Sec 1832-36 James Jones] Ross, DorniKh, b, s, I. Ill . .M.D. St. And. 1839 Jacobus Steiiison. I'ordyce, A.M. James Stephen, .Mortlach, b, s, t, 111 James Taylor, Cromartyensis, b, s .lacobus \\', .«, / .Ic.hn Bcadnell. .Middlesex, A.M. Johannes Carment. Glasjjow. in. A.,M. ; LL.D. 1877 Johannes Palconer, Nairn. A .M. . Murray lect. 1844 4.S Johannes Hav. Tan'cs, A..M.; Hutt., LI..D. 1887 Joannes Lo>>an, Kossiensis, b. See 1832-36 Joannes .Mcl.cur. Invernessis, /'. Sec 1831 3.S .lohannes .Masson, Abrcdoniensis, b ,lo;inncs Ruxton, 1-ovcran. A..M.: .M.D. Kdin. 1838 Joannes Sinclair, Stornoway, /. 111 Joannes Smith, major. Nairn, A..M. Joannes [Stuart] Smith, minor, In- verallan, A.M.; .M.D. Kdin. 1839 Kcnncthus .Mackenzie. Rosskeen, b, .<, (. Ill .Murdochus Gillandcrs, Rossiensis, b. Sec 1831 -3.S .Murdacus Stuart, Contin, A..M. .Murravius Welsh, Ivirfarensis. b PatriciusClerihue. Old .Machar, A.M.; Murray lect. 1843 Robertus Campbell. Sutherlandiensis, '', ^ Robertus Oliver, Haddinntoncnsis. /) Robertus Stewart. St. Perjjus. A..M. p 2S9, yivc "John," following an incorrect I83I.1 ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS K AND V. 149 Simon Macintosh, Petty, b, s, t. See 1831-35 Stewartus Smith, Kincardinensis, 5. See 1831-35 Thomas Forsyth, Petersburgensis, .t Thomas Fraser, Auldearn, A.M. Thomas Gray Wilson, Ayrensis, /;, .s \'alterus Ross, Dornoch, h, s, t. 111 1831-35 [Regents : H. .Macpherson, ,1. Tul- loch, W. Paul. H. Scott] /Eneas Macbean, Leghorn, /), s, t Alexander Fraser, Cullen, A.M. Alexander Grant, Murraviensis, b Alexander Kennedy, Killearnan, 6, .s', / Alexander Law, Auchindoir, /' Alexander McLa.^gan, .Aboyne, b, s, t Alexander Miller. 'Huntly, A..M. Alexander .Mitchell, Ellon, /;, s, t Alexander Paterson, Inverness, b,s,t Alexander Simpson, Old .Meldrum, A.M. Alexander Taylor, Cromarty, /'. See 1832-36 Alexander Todd, Brechin, .A..M. Carolus Grant Campbell, Banffshire, b. See 1832-36 Charolus Gordon, Edinburgensis, b Carolus Lenox Grant, Portsmouth, b, s, t Carolus Thurhurn, Keith, .A.M. Cornelius Leith, Aberdeenshire, b David Begg, Thurso, Catanensis, .■; David .Mackay, Rafford, A.M. David Reid, I-orfar, b. See 1832-1836 David Ross, Kincardine, Ross, t, in, A.M. Douglasius Edwardus .Milne, Aber- deen, b, s, t Georgius Campbell, Sutherland, b George Chisholm, Kilmuir Easter, /^.s. See 1832-36 George Denoon, Cromarty (b, s, t. Mar. Coll. 1827-32), m Georgius Grigor, Elgin, t>, s, t Georgius Kemp, Aberdeenshire, b, s Georgius Mackintosh, Croy, b, s, t, in Georgius .McLean, Dingwall, A.M. Georgius Runcie, Abredonensis, b, s ; M.D. 1847 Gregorius Grant, Narniensis, b Gulielmus Burns, Forfar, A..M. ; LL.D. 1843 Gulielmus Clark, Elginensis, li Gulielmus Forbes, Reay, ,s ' Gulielmus Macdonald, major, Caith- ness-shire, b Gulielmus Macdonald, minor, Himtly, b, s, t. III Will. Porter, Forgue, ;/;, A. AL Gulielmus Scroggie, Banchory, A.M. Gulielmus Taylor, Cabrach, b, s Henricus[D.] Knowles, Linlithgow, b. See 1832-36 Henricus [Hopper] Miles, London, b, .S-, m ; A.M. 1839 (Min. of 1 Oct.); LL.D. 1867; LL.D. McGill Coll. and D.C.L. Bishops Coll. 1866; Prof, of .Maths., Lenno.xville 1845- 67 Henricus Nicoll, Kildrummy, A.M. J. H. Blackwell, l£dinensis, b Jacobus Burton, Old Machar, b, s, t, ni Jacobus Cowpar, .Nairnshire, b Jacobus Forbes, Morayshire, /; Jacobus Gordon, Elgin, b, s Jacobus Kennedy, Invernessiensis, b. (1832-34 Edin. : 1834-35 Glasg.) A.M. 1838 Jacobus Laing, Forfarensis, b, s. See 1833 37 ilacobus Legg, Huntly; 1st burs.; A.M. ; Hutt ; LL.D. 1869 ; D.D. New York, KS42 ; A..\L Oxon. 1876; LL.D. Edin. 1884; Prof, of Chinese, Oxford, 1876-98 Jacobus Macdonald, Fortrose, in Jacobus McWilliam, Old Machar, A.M. James Milne, Ellon, A.M. Jacobus Morrison, Croy, s, t. See 183236 Jacobus Sherrat, Kincardinensis, b. See 1832-36 II ISO UNrVERSITY ANI> KING'S COLLECE. [1831. JacobuH Simpson. Banfficnsis. b, s JacobuH Stewart, Abordccn, A.M. JacuhuK SutlicrluiiJ. Moraycnsis. // Jaciihus Watson, Crssel, Old .Machar. A..M Wilsonus Pratt. Abcrdonen«i«. b. See 1832-36 1832-36 [Rfgeiit-s . H. .Macpherson, J. Tul loch, J. Reminfj. H. Scott] Adamus Annand (jordon, Craij;, b, 5, /. »i , A..M. 1846 (Mm. of 25 .Mar.) Alexander Duncan Andersc Innes, Deskford, A.M. Georgius Leslie, Rothes, b, s Georgius Mathieson, Oyne, A.ftL Gulielmus Davidson, Rafford, b, s. See 1833-37 William Fairbairn, Grenada, W.I., b,s William Eraser, Daviot, Inverness, b. See 1833-37 William Gordon, Santeren, Portugal, b Gulielmus Houston, Clyne, s William Leith, Wick, b William Russell, Alves, A.M. William Pirie Smith, Old Machar, b, s, t. See 1835-39 Henricus Goodwin, Hanover, Ja- maica, b Henricus D. Knowles, Rosebank, Lin- lithgow, A.M. Hugh Martin Macpherson, Old Machar, b, s, t. See 1833-37 Jacobus Belt, London, >ii James Forbes, Boharm, A.M. James Eraser, Cullen, A.M. James Grant, Abernethie, Invernien., A.M. James Grant, Strathspey, A.M. ; .M.D. Edin. 1841 James .McKenzie, Slains, b Jacobus Mann, Auldearn, /, in, A.M. James Mitchell, Inverness, A.M. James Morrison, Auldearn, b, s, t, in James .Morrison, Croy, ni. A.M. James Russel, Gairloch, b James Scllar, Keith, /-. See 183337 James Sherrat, Glenbervie, A.M. ; Hutt. John Brander, Fordyce, /;, s, t, ni John Bremner, Strathdon, A.M. John Brown, Elgin, b, s John Connon, Aberdeen, b. See 1833-37 John Farquhar, Rathen, b, s. See 1833-37 John Forbes, Huntly ; 1st burs. ; A.M. John Green, Aberlour, b, s John Hepburn, Keith, /;. See 1833- 1837 John Keith, Keith, b, s tJoannes Logan, Knockbain, i, /, //(, A.M. John McDonald, Farr, A.M. John Mackintosh, Nairn, b, s Johannes McLeur, Sleat, t John Pringle, Banff, A.M.; M.D. Edin. 1839 John Reid, Auldearn, b, s John Rose, Nairn, b, s Joshua Popjoy, Northampton, b Lewis Urquhart, Elgin, b, .s Patrick Cruickshank, Glass, A.M. Patrick [B.j Ogilvie, Gamrie, A.M. Robert Bremner, Keith, A.M. (Miii. of 12 Sept.) Robert Reed, Clyne, /;, x, /, in Robertus Rose, Rosskeen, x,/, /«,A.M. Robert Young, Benholme, b, s, t, in ; A.M. 1837 Wilson Pratt, Cruden, h, s, t. in 1833-37 [Regents: H. Macpherson. J. Tul- loch, J. Fleming, H. Scott] Abcrcromby .Milne, Boyndie, s-. / Adam Campbell, Tongue, .<, /. See 1836-40 Adam Stephen, Huntly, b Alexander Cooper, Kinnethmont, b .Alex. Gatherer, Keith, /, in, A.M. .Alexander Gregory, Drainy ; 1st burs. ; A.M. "52 UNIVERSITV AND KINGS COLLEOIC «833 Alexander Harper, Daviot, Abre- dollLMI.. A..M. Alexander Macdonald, Kcdeastle, s Alexander .NU Ken/ic. InverneNS, A.M. Alexander .Munni. .Montn>se, li, s Alexander Turner. .Madras, I) Alexander Wilson, Cairnev. A.M. ; LL.I). IS.S4 Andrew D. .MacKen/.ie, Stornoway, b,s. Stfc 183539 Andrew Wilson, tJamrie, A.M. Aulus Cordus Cremutius Calder, l^indiin. AN' Charles Glass, Birse. / ; A.M. 1836 Christopher H. Craske. U>ndon. h, i Colin Spalding;, Alvrtarf, h Daniel l-raser, Nairn, /», .«, t. Sec 1834-38 David Carment, Rosskeen, h, s, t David Hay, Kluin, /', $, / David Ross, Birse, b, $ David Watson, Croy, I Donald Praser, Inverness, b, s, I. See 1834 38 Donald .MeKenzie, Kiltern, b, s Donald .MacLean. Thurso, s Donald .M. Smith, Thurso, s Ellcrinnton Reed, Clyne. / Franciscus Hdniund, Old .Machar, iii, A..M. See 1834-38 Frederick Dunbar, Auldearn, /), s George Blaik. Peterhead, /*. s. t Gcorj{e Buries, RafTord, /', s. t Gcorjjc Cowie, Cairncy. b, s, t, m Gcorgius Forbes, Boharm, /», s, / Georjjius .Munro Gunn, Watten, b, s, I Gcornius Hay, Tarves, l> Gcor^ius .Mitchell, Kllon, b, s Georgius .Murray. Gamric, b. s, t Guliclmus Allan. Forfar, A.M. Guliclmus lieaton. Cruden, A..M. Guliclmus Brander, Klgin, b. I Guliclmus Chicklcy, St. Gcorjje. Grenada, b Guliclmus John Rawson * Constable, Isle of WiRht (1832-3S. GlasR. ; B.A. 1835; LL.D. I8«y), /. A.M. 1836 (julielmus Davidson, ■*- I'tafTord, /, in, A.M. (julielmus Forbes, Creich, /', i Guliclmus Frascr, Inverness, s, I, in, A..M ; Frasersdiv. burs. 1837-41 Guliclmus Greift, Glenbcr\ic, A.M. Guliclmus .Macl^'od, Assyent, s Guliclmus Firie, .Methlick. A.M. Guliclmus Shepherd, Aberdoncn., /», s Guliclmus Stephen, Drainy, \, t Guliclmus Sutherland, Lathcron, /< Guliclmus Walker, Inverness, b, s, t Guliclmus Williamson, Old Machar, b, .1. See 1834 38 Henry G. Pine, Old .Machar. /-, s, t Henry Walker, Inverness, A.M.; M.b. Edin. 1840 Huj;h Gunn, Rcay, /' Hu>>o .Martin .Macpherson, Old .Machar, m. A..M. HuKo Paton, Old Deer, b James Douglas Cordiner. Ijartly, b, j James Davidson, I-onmay, A..M. Jacobus Duff. Hatton Castle, Turriff./ James Flytcr. Alness, />..<. Sec 1834-38 James Forsyth. Forres, 6, i Jacobus Gill. Hlxin. b Jacobus Lain^. .Menmuir, /, tn, A.M. Jacobus i-ongmore, Banff, b, s Jacobus .McConnachie, Banff, b, s, I, in Jacobus MeKenzie, Inverallan, A.M.; Hutt. Jacobus .McLean, L'rquhart. Moravi ensis. b, s, I Jacobus .Mair, Old Machar, b, s Jacobus Frascr .Munro, Fetcrcsso. b. s, I Jacobus F?oss, Killearnan, b. See 1835-39 'Lilt of Prri., p. 31, and Off. ami Grail., p. 290, give the middle initial* >■ following an incorrect cntrj- in Album E ♦ Omitted in Lit! ■>/ Prri., p. A2. •C. M," 1834-J ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS E AND F. 153 Jacobus Sellar. Keith, A.M.; D.D. 1858 Jacobus Walker, Banchory Devenick, A..M. Joannes Addison, Aberdeen, A.M. Joannes Connon, Old Machar, A.M. Joannes Farquhar, Lonj^side. /. in. A.M. Joannes Fraser, Stornovia, b, s John Gordon, Old Machar, b, s Joannes Hendry, Edzell, A.iM. Johannes Hepburn, Keith, b, s. t, in John Ingram, Gamrie, A.^\■ John .McDonald, .Appin, l> John McDonald, Rathven, A.M. John MacKav, primus, Reay, b, s. See 1834-38 John MacKay. secundus, Rafford, b, s,t Johannes iMcKay, tertius, Golspie, ,•; John McLeod, Golspie, A M. John .Mathieson, Kilmuir, .A.M. John Prinii'osc .Miller, Huntly, A.M. John Balfour Nicolson, Lerwick, A.M.; .M.D. Mar. Coll. 1841 John Rose, Moy, Inverness, b John Rose, minor, Auchterless, b John Ross, Inverness, b, s John Wallace, Rosskeen, b. s, t, in Joseph Gruer, Aboyne, b Nigellus Urquhart, Resolis, b. See 1835-39 Norman MacLean, South List, b Robcrtus Ferguson, Dingwall, b, s, t Robertus Sutherland, Reay, b. See 1834-38 Thomas Thompson, Pocklington, t, in, A.M. Thomas Wilson, Banff, b, s 1834-38 [Regents: H. Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, J. Fleming, H. Scott] Alexander Duncan, Tarves, A.M. ; .M.B. 1864 .Alexander Joannes Fraser, Inverness, A..M : M.B. Mar. Coll. 1841 .Alexander Gregor, Keith, b. See 1835-37 Alexander Henderson,Thurso, fc,x,/,/» .Alexander Keith, Keith, b .Alexander Ross, Towie, 6. See 1835-39 Alexander Skene, Peterhead, .A.M. Andreas Fleming, Old Machar, A.M.; .M.D. Edin. 1843 Andrew Longmore, Boyndie, b, s, t .Archer [Irvine] Fortescue, Mary- culter, /, ni Charles Begg. Towie, A.M. Charles Chatfield, London, t Carolus Gibbon, Lonmay, b, t Carolus Lawie, Cluny, A.M. Carolus Ross. Urquhart, Moravien., A.M.; LL.D. 1856; B.D. Hdin. 1843 Daniel Fraser, Nairn, »;, A..M. David Arbuthnott, Arbuthnott, b, i David Middleton,Edzell, A.M.; LL.D. 1869 David Sinclair, Auldearn, b David .Mackay Sutherland, Reay, A.M. Donald Fraser, Inverness, ni, A.M. ; Eraser's div. burs. 1838-41 Donaldus Macdonald, Inverness, b. See 1835-39 Donaldus MacKenzie, Redcastle, b Dugaldus Grant, Keith, b. See 1835-39 Duncanus Ogilvie, Keith, A.M.; D.D. 1868 Franciscus Allardyce. Rhynie, /) ,■ b, s, Mar. Coll. 1835-37 Franciscus Edmond. Old Machar, b,s; AM. 1837 Georgius Arrhibaki, Tarland, b. See 1835-39 Georgius Chisholm, Kilmuir Easter, in, A.M. Georgius Corken, Kinellar, b, s, i, in ; A.M. 1847 (Min. of 23 Jan.) Georgius DuiT. Elgin. A.M. ; M.D. Edin. 1841 George George, Huntly, b '54 L'NIVERSITV AND KINCi'S COLLEGE. '834- Guliclmus Allan. Newhills. />. s. I GuliclmusArbutlinott.Arbuthn, s, I . Ist hurs. Sec 1835-39 Hujji) l-rascr, major, Ardcrsicr, b, s Hujic) l-rascr. minor, Invcrncssicn., b. Sec 1835 39 Huno .MacKay. RafTord, A.M. HuRo Wilson, Gartly, h, s. I, iii Jacobus Allardyce, Gartly, A.M. Jacobus Cameron, Kljjin, b Jacobus Coutts, Towic, A..M ; W.D. I860 Jacobus Cowic, Boyndie. /*, s, t, in James Plytcr, .\lncss, /. /»/, A..M. Jacobus Forbes. Golspie, b, s, I, in Jacobus Porsyth. Pdenkillic, b Jacobus Grant, Cromdalc, /(. See 1836 -JO .lacobus .MacKcnzic, major, Kincar- dine, Rosscn., b, s Jacobus .MacKenzie, minor, I-och- brixjm. h Jacobus Brodie .Mackcn/ic, Auldearn, b, s, I Jacobus Rose. Petty, h. s, t, in Jacobus Wilkie. Tarland, b, s, I Joannes Bain, RoscmarUie, m John Campbell, Kirkhill, b. See 1835-39 .loanncs Christie, Huntly, />. s, I Johannes Clayton, Banff, A..M : Hutt. Johannes KIrick, Aberdeen, m, A.M. Joannes D. l-raser, Cullen, b, s Joannes Hcriot, London, b Sec 1835-39 Joannes Johnstone, Auchindorc,A.M.; .Ml). Kdin. 18-12 Johannes .Mackay, Reay, Sutherland- cnsis, /, in, A S\. Joannes .MacKen/ie, Port William, b. J Joannes .Macrae, l^uchalsh, b Joannes .Mellis. Aberdour, b ; I, .Mar. Coll. Joannes Paul, Huntly, b, s Joannes Trench, Clarendon, Jamaica, b Joannes Watt, Banff, A.,M Joannes Wilson. .Alvah. b Joscphus .Mackimmic, E^l)(in. A .M. Nathaniel Rogers. A..M.* Patricus .S'icol, Old .Machar. b Patricius Sutherland, Nairn. A..M. j Patricius Thoms Robcrtus Sutherland. Reay, .v. I. ni. AM. Robcrtus Turner, .Madras. < Robcrtus Ward, Pordycc, A..\\. Simon Praser, m.ijor, Bolcskinc, b, i Simon l-raser, minor, Bolcskinc, b, s Thomas f-rascr, KirUhill, Fraser's burs., b, s, t, in, A..M. Thomas Gordon, Old Machar, b, s, I i835'39 [Regents : H. Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, J. PleminR. H. Scott] I ifincas McLeod. Invcrncnsis, A.M Alexander Allan. Elf;in, b. See 1836-40 Alexander Dnunlas. Kirkhill, b, s Alexander Grenor, Keith. />. s: Ist burs. Alexander Macintosh, Auldearn, b I Alexander .McKay, Lathcron, b, s. Sec 1836-JO Alexander .Mackenzie, Avoch, s. I v.. I 'I l-'ntruntn. I83S-] ALUMNI IN ARTS : ALBUMS E AND F. ISS Alexander Miinro, Knockiintio, Alexander Hiach, Elgin, b, i, I. Alexander Ross, Tovvie, A.M. Alexander Watt, Gamrie, s Alexander Wood, Fortrose, t. See 1836-40 Allan Cameron, Balachuiish, b Andrew Leslie, Udny, /) Andrew D. Mackenzie, Stornovia, /, /)(, A.M. Angus McLeod, Inverness, b Arthur Gerard, Turriff, A.M. Charles McKenzie, Redcastle, A.M. David Hay, Elgin, t Donaldus C. Grant, Abernethy, Moravien., b Donaldus Macdonald, Inverness, s, t, in, A.M. Donald McGillivray, Killmalic, A.M. Dugaldus Grant. Keith, A.M. Duncanus McKenzie, Appin, b. See 1836-40 Duncanus .MacPherson, Killmalie, b Evanus Matheson, l.airg. .■;. See 1836-40 Franciscus G. Alexander, Elgin, /; Franciscus Gul. G. Falconer, For- dyce, A.M. Georgius Archibald, Tarland, A.M. Georgius. Murray Brand, Arbuth., A.M. Georgius Duncan, Golspie, b, s Georgius Gordon George, Huntly. b Georgius Gordon, Evie, b, s Georgius Hugo McKay, Helmsdale, A.M. George Marr, Tarves, A..M. (jcorgius Alexander Sinic, North Berwick, b. See 1836-40 Gulielmus Burges, Forres, /*, .?. / Wm. Forsyth, Turriff, b Gulielmus Eraser, Georgia, Anieri canus, 5 Gulielmus Hay, Ordicjuhill, b, s, Gulielmus McKenzie, Forres, b, s, t Gulielmus .Murdoch, St. Andrews, b Gulielmus Smith, Chapel of Garioch, b, s : t. Mar. Coll. Gulielmus Pirie Smith, Old Machar, w, A..M.; Hutt ; D.D. 1873 Gulielmus Sutherland, Dornoch, b See 1836-40 Gulielmus Watt, Gamrie, b, s Gulielmus Wright, Meldrum, b, s Henricus Walker, Elgin, in, A.M. Hugo Eraser, Invernessien., s, t, in, A.M. Jacobus F. Balmain, Perth, in Jacobus Forbes, .Monymusk, b, s Jacobus Forsyth, Elgin, A.M. Jacobus Gerard, Gamrie, b. See 1836-40 Jacobus Hay, Elgin, b. s, t James Keith, Inverness, b, s, t Jacobus D. M'Donald, Inverallan, b, s,t James Mackie, Kinellar, A.M. Jacobus Morrison, Peterhead, b, s, t Jacobus Morrison, minor, Boyndie, / Jacobus Porteus, Gamrie, b, s, t James Proctor, Forfar, A.M. Jacobus Ross, Killearnan, s, t, in Jacobus Sime, North Berwick, /). See 1836-40 Jacobus Trail, Udny, .'i Jacobus Watson, Banff, b. See 1836- 40 John K.Cameron, Killmalie, /' Johannes Campbell, Kirkhill, s, t Joannes Cran, Huntly, A.M. Joannes Fraser, major, Abernethy, Moravien., /;, ,? Joannes Fraser, minor, Boharm, b, s Joannes Heriot, London, b Joannes Johnston, Banff, b, s Joannes McKay, major, Lairg, /; Joannes Mackay, minor, Reay, Caith- nensis, b Joannes G. Petrie, Elgin, b, s, t Joannes Rose, Petty, b. See 1836-40 Joannes Ross, Dunlichity, A.M. John Smith, Dunlichity, b, s Joannes Tulloch, Calder, Invernies- sen., A.M. Josephus Reid, Rothiemay, A.M. '56 UKIVKKMTV AND KISCiS lOLLEGK. I«3S Joscphus Simpson, Old Machnr. b. i. / I.uJtivicuB Jack, Petty, /■, ^, t, ui Lewis Turner, Old Aberdeen, J .MartJDus .M'liityre, Kilmunivaif;. '>. >. /, m NinelluN L'rquhiirt. Kesolis, i l'.itrii.iiis .\. .MacUay. Killmalic, '< UolxTtus Davidson. Forres, b, s Robert us Wilson, l-or^len, b. s. See 1836-40 l^oderick B. Maclcod, l^ondon, .^ Thomas Hrascr. Kiltarlity, Fraser's burs., b Thomas Smith .McKean, Sorby (1834 37, Glasni. /. .A..M. 1838 Thomas Stephc-n. Kluln, A.M 1836-40 [Rtgenls ; H. .M.icphorson. J. Tul- loch. J. Fleminn. H. Scott] Adamus Campbell, Suthcrlanden.. tii Alexander Allan, Elgin, A.M. Alexander Clerihew, Tullyness., b. Sec 1837-41 Alexander Davidson. .Moy, A..M. Alexander Forbes, Old .Nlachar, A.M. Alexander 1-orteath, Alves, b, i : I. .Mar. Coll. .■Xiexander Fraser, Oldmcldrum, b Alexander .M.ickav. Latheron, /. m. A.M. : LL.D. 186.S Alexander .McKid, Thurso, b. See 1837-41 Alexander Macqueen, Whitchorn, b. Sec 1837-41 Alexander Reid, Knockandii, .n Alexander Wood, Rosemarkie, /). See 1837-41 .Andreas Ross. El;;in. A..M. Andreas J. Thomson. Inverury, b , /, .Mar. Coll. 1837 CaroluB H. Bayne, Doors. Inver iiessen., b, s Carolus R. Fraser. Andersier. I', ■. Carulus .Merson, lilgin, A..M. Carolus Ramsay, .Manchester, b Cosmo Reid. Rathvcn. /-. i. I. Sc* 1837 41 David Sutherland. l.jithen>n. b. See 1838 42 David Watson, Kddcrton, m Donaldus .Macdonald. Rcisskecn,6,.t,/. See 1837-41 Donaldus .McLean, Tobermory, b Duncan .McKenr.ie, Appin, b. S«c 1837 41 Fdvardus Procter, Oldmachar, .n Kwen Hugh .M.itheson. Lair^. '. »«, A.M. Oeor^jius Bremner, Marnoch, A..M. Georgius Dawson. Ordiquhill. b. s, I. See 1837-41 Gecirgius Hutchison, Auldearn: 1st burs: A..M. ; D.D. 18«9 Georgius Lcith, Boharm, b. s .- ,M.D. 1845 Georgius Mundie, New Deer, b Georgius Robertus Nuttall. London, A.M Georgius Alex. Sim, North Berwick. A..M. Georgius f Simmie ) Smith, Rothiemay, Georgius f Simmie) S A..M. . D.D. 1897 Wm. Lawson Brown, Kilrenny (1834-35. Glasg.)./. A..M. 1839 William Lyval, Keith. A.M (Julielmus Sutherland. Dornoch, .«. /, til, A.M. William Walker, ChafH:! of Garioch. A.M.; LL.D 1885 Hugo Cameron, Inverness. /' James Aug. Devine. Aberdeen, A.M. Jacobus Forbes. Delting, b. s, I James Gerard. Gamrie, A.M. Jacobus Grant. Cromdale, s James Grant. Towie. A.M. ; D.D 1894 James Aberigh .MacKay. Inverness, A .M. ; B.D. Hartford. 1851 ; D I) .\berd 1881 •lacobus .\icol, Banff. /<, .<• Jacobus Piric. .Mcthlicr. S.e 1837 1841 i837- ALUMNI IN ARTS. ALBUMS E AND F. 15; North Berwick, Jacobus Sime. b, S. t, II! James Stephen, Drumoak, h. See 1837-41 James [Rose] Sutherland, Duffus. A.M. James Walker, Huntly, b, s James Watson, Banff, /). ,\ James Weir, Aberlour, A.M. .lames Young, Tain, li Johannes Cameron. Grenada, Ind. Occ., /;, .s- Johannes Christie, Banff, /;, 5, A.M. Johannes Davidson. Old Machar, b, s Johannes Dockar, Ganirie, /' Johannes Fraser, Redcastle, Fraser's burs., b, s, t, III : div. burs. 1842: A.M. 1846 Joannes Gillanders, Shieldaig, b Joannes G. Gollan, Petty, /;, .■; Joannes Kennedy, Killearnan. b. s., t, A.M.; D.D. 1873 Joannes McKay, primus, Golspy, A.M. Joannes McKay, secundus, Lochcar- ron, b Joannes McKay, tertius, Reay, Catan- ensis, b .loanncs Murdoch. Moi'tiach, A.M. : Hutt. Joannes Rose, major. Petty, -f, t, in, A.M. Joannes Rose, Banff, A.M. ; M.B. Mar. Coll. 1846; M.D. 1847 Joannes Ross, major, Fearn, Rossen., b, s, t Joannes Ross, minor. Tain, b, s Joannes Shearer, Clatt, b, s. See 1837-41 Joannes Smith, Leslie, b, (Glasg., 1837-39), A.M.*; LL.D. 1854 Joannes Sutherland, Duffus, b. See 1837-41 John Watt, Lumphanan. b. See 1837-41 John Wilson, Nairn, A.M. : M.D. Fdin. 1842 Lewis [Ai Forbes, Boharm. b. See 1837-41 Lewis Mackay, Rafford, b, s, t Morris Cruickshank, Glass, b. See 1837 41 Murdoch McKay, Thurso, A.M.; .s. Mar. Coll. 1843-44 Nathaniel Gill, Bromley, b, t Patricius .Morrison, Leslie, b. See 1837-41 Robertas Duff, KIgin, /;, ,9, / Robertus Findlatei-, Durness, b, s, t Robertas Ross, Brechin, A.M. Robertus \\'ilson, Forglen,,';,/,;)(, A.M. Ronaldus Bayne, Dores, A.M. ; M.D. 1843 Samuel E. Rosser, Sittingbourne, b, s Simon A. Fraser, e Georgia Ameri- cana, b Simon Keir, Dyke, b Thomas Henncus Dawson, Culsal- mond, b, s, t. See 1839-43 Thomas Fraser, Redcastle, b, s, I. in : Fraser's div. burs. 1841-43 Thomas Robertson, Lonmay, b. s ; M.B. Mar. Coll. 1842 Thomas Houston Rutherford, Kil- donan, b ; M.D. Edin. 1843 Thomas Smith, Bower, /; [Regents loch JEneas M Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander 1838-42 Alexander 1837-41 H. Macpherson, J. Tul- J. Flemmg, H. Scott] acRae, Kilmorack, b, s .Anderson, Banff, A..M. Clerihew,Tullynessle,.-\.M. Fraser, Inverness, h Gordon, Old Machar, A.M. Inglis, .Montrose, b, s McKid, Thurso, 5, /. See McQueen, W'hitehorn. b * Attended classes of tertian session in 183(I-4U. 158 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. "837. Alexander Forlxrs Moir, StrathJon, 6, s, t. III Alexander Wood, Fortrose, i Allan Sinclair, Glcn-Urquhart, b, i. Sec 1838 -12 Andrew Kinnaird, TurrifT, /), s, /, ni Archibald D. Wright, l-ordyce, A..M. Colin Simson, Urquhart, Inverncs- sen., b, s, I Cosmo Reid. Kathven. in, A.M. Uavid Brown, Bers-ie, b, .i, / Donald Corbet, Art;athelensis, / Donald Frascr, Inverness, b. See 1838-42 Donald .Macdonald, major. Rosskeen, III. A.M. : on 18(i9 Donald .McDonald, inverallen, A..M. ; .M.D. 1846 Duncan McBean, Invernesen., b Duncan .McKen/ie. Appin, s. //; ; A..M. 1851 (.\tiH. of 1 .Ian.) Rbc-nezer Stead Hart, Paisley, .\.\\. Ericus Sutherland, Duffus, b. See 1838-42 FranciscusGul. Grant, Boyndie, A.,M. Franciscus Shaw. South Parish, Aberd., A.M. Fraser Gordon. Union Parish. Aberd.. b. s George Rainy Anderson. Turriff, b, s ; I, .Mar. Coll. 1842 ; .MB. .Mar. Coll. 1843 George Brown, Tar\'cs, b George Clufjston. Forfar, b. See 1838 42 Georjjius Dawson, Ordiquhill. /, in.. A..M. ; Lect. Kind's Coll. l-ond. 1861 78 George Duncan, i-oth, b Georjje Forbes, Old .Machar, b. s. I. See 1839-43 Georjjius Stables, Keith, // Georjjius Watt, Inverury, /). See 18.38 42 Georgius Wilson. Insch. A.M. Gulielmus Cariieron, Fddcrton, b. s, t Gulielmus FVaser, BolesUine, b VN'illiam Fyfe. Kirriemuir, i, /,»»;, A. .M. Gulielmus Gibson, Slains, /), i. I Gulielmus .Munro. Dornoch, b, i Gulielmus Leslie Heid, Aberdeen, A..M. Jacobus Adamson. Aberdeen, /; Jacobus Bain, Keith, A.M. Jacobus Bcfjj;. Aboyne, b. i. I. in Jacobus Clunston. Forfarensis, b James Gardiner, Banff, b, s ; M.D. Fdin. 1843 .lames .M.icUeii/ie. Uaviot, Aberd., a, / James .McKiddie, North Parish, Aberd., b, s James Mitchell, Forglen, b [James] Manstield Nuttall, Old Aber- deen, s, / James Pirie, Methlick, Aberdonen.. b Jacobus Simps, Benares, » ; /, .Mar. Coll Patricius Cameron, Urnuhart. Invcr- nessien., /), s, I, ni Patricius Cooper, Kinnethmont, A.M. 1838. ALUMNI IN ARTS: ALBUMS E AND F. 159 Patricius Morrison, Leslie, b Patrick Robertson, Old Machar, A.M.; Hutt. Robertas .Anderson, Forres, b, s, t : 1st burs. Robertus Grant, Towie, /;, t Rodericii : Uonald] .Macpherson, Old Machar. /;. See 1838-42 Simon Gumming, Horres, /; Stewartus A. Allen, Kincardine, Ross- ensis, /; Thomas Bell, St. Thomas East, Jamaica, b 1838-42 [KeKcnts ; H. Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, J. Fleming. H. Scott] A. C. Donaldson, Putney College, A.M. (Mln. of .Mar. 12)* .Alexander Fraser, Inverness, b, s. I Alexander Mci\id, Thurso, //;. A.M. Alexander Matheson, Kilmuir, b Alexander Simpson, Inveriicithny, A.M. ; Simp. Math. (1st award) Alexander Stephen, Keith, b, s .Allan Sinclair, L'rquhart.Invernesien., t, III, A.M. Anthony Smith, Kintore. b, i Archd. Robertson, Keith, b, s, t Archd. Young Rose. Banff, .A.M. Benjn. Henderson, Thurso, b, s, t David Cowie, Cairney, A.M. David Ferguson, Latheron, b, s. See 1839 43 David Robertson, Fdzell, /) David Sutherland, Latheron, /;, .•;, //( David Ross N'ass, Tain, b, s Donald Fraser, Inverness, s, /, ;;/, A.M.: D.D. 1872 Donald Fraser, Kilmuir, ;;/ Donald .Murray, l-crrintosh, A.M. Ericus Sutherland, Duffus, /; Fife Fowler, Elgin, b, s ; M.B. Mar. Coll. 1844; .M.D. 1838 George Brown, Tarves, A.M. Fraser's Georgius Clugston, Forfar, i, t George Stephen, Glass, b George Watt, Inverury, A..M. Gideon A. Gifford, Zetland, .s. t Gordon Smart, Cabrach, A..M. William Garden, Duffus, 1st burs.; A iM. ; Simp. Greek (1st award) William .McDonald, Snizort. b See 1839-43 William Ogilvie, Keith, A.iM Hector Fraser, Kirkhill, burs., b, s, t, III, A.M. James B. Bayne, Nairn, A.M. James Cruickshank, Inverkeithny, A.M. James Dove, Brechin, A.M. James Elli.son, Tain, b, s James Forsyth, .Abernethy, b Jacobus Gunn, Latheron, .s, t James Jaffray, Kinnell, b, s James Macdonald. Ferrintosh M.D. 1845 James MacRae, Lochalsh, b Jacobus Thain, Forgue, .';, / James \'ass, Tain, b, s ; M.D 1844 John Christie, Kildrummy, Hutt; D.D. 1869; prof. History, 1877-89 John Clark, Deskford, A.M. John F. Dove, Brechin, b John Duncan, Durris, b, s, t, John Ellison, Tain, b, s John Fyfe, Kinneff, b John Gray, Elgin, b, s Joannes Gunn, Catanensis, 5 J no. Innes Mackintosh, Auldearn A.M.; M.D. 1844 Jno. MacLennan, Lochcarron, b .Joannes Morgan, Cattanensis, .< John Robertson, Rosskeen, A.M. John Ross, Lochalsh, b, s, t, in John Russell, Gairloch, i, .■; John Smith. Old .Aberdeen, b, s, t John Steinson, Ordii-iuhill, b John Stewart, Sneizord, b A.M. Edin. A.M. ; Church A.M. •••Alumnus," but not in list of Entrants; .' the "Alexander Donaldson " of 1812-16. Degree not given in List of Prrs.. p. 38. or Off. ami Grad.. p. 29.S. i6o UNIVERSITY AND KINti's CULLEGE. 1838. John (}ray Touch. Kinoull, 1. /, in, A .M. John Walker. Marnoch. /' John Wilson, liartly, A..M Kcnnclhus .Macdonald. L'rquhart, Kosscn., A..M. Norman Macphi-rson. Old .Machar. s, I, III. A..M.; LL.D. 186.S: pn)f. Scots Law. I-:dinh 1 8(0-88 IVtcr Grant. Keith, A..M. IVtcr [R.] Harper. Uanff. A..M. Kolvrt l-raser. Huntly. ''. s, I, in Robert (jr.int. Strathilon, A.M. Robert l-raser Robb.» A.M. {-. .Mar Coll. 184.'<); .M.D. 184.S Roderickus .McGregor, Kiltern. /' Rodericus [Donald] Macpherson. Abcrdonen., J Samuel Gill. Bromley, /' Thomas. Mac Kenzic Frascr.Cromartv, A.M. Thomas Innram, Kcht, l>, s. t 1839-43 [Regenls : H. .Macpherson. .1. Tiil- loch, J. I-leminn, H. Scott' Alexander CfKjk, Halkirk. A..M. Alexander Daniel, Abcrdonensis, b Alexander I-alconer. l-orres, b, s. Sec I840-4-* .\lexander l-orbes, Strathdon, A..M. Alexander Porsyth, l^l>;in. b, s, I Alexander F-raser, Kilmorack, b Alexander Giles, Kinnethmont, b, s,l. See 1841 4S Alexander Gordon, l-orres, b, s Alexander Henderson. Kirkhill. b, ■■, I. See 1840 44 Alexander .McPherson. Kilmorack. /> Alexander Petric, Oyne, b Alexander Stewart, Inveraven, Banf- fensiK. b. j, A.M. Alexander Stuart, St. .Nicholas, b. \, t. in Alexander Sutter, l-orres, b ' Not in lint Charles Falconer, Inverness, b Charles l-lctcher, Banff, b.s, I Charles L C. Tulloch. Dallas, b. 1 David l-ernusrfarensis. // Donaldus Cameron, Kilmallie, i, t.in. A.M. Donald .Morrison, Edinkillie, A.M . Simp. .Math., and Hutt. (res.) ; L1,.D I8«9 Donald .Martin Stewart. .Mortlach, /. . LL.D. 1881 l-rancis Robertson. Old .Meldrum, b, s (JeorRius l-'orbes. Old .Machar. in William Boulton. Aberdoncnsis. b William Bruce, Gamric, b. i, t William l-orbes. Thurso, b William F-orsyth, Aberncthy, .Mora vien., A.M. ; D.D. 18«0 Gulielmus l-raser, Inverness. /) Giilielmus Lamond. Liimphanan, b. s Gulielmus .McDonald. Sni/ort. s Gulielmus I-. .Matheson, Kilmuir Master, A..M. : Simp. Greek Gulielmus Russell. GairliK-h, // Gulielmus Shand. .Mortlach. A..M. Gulielmus Smith. Strathdon. /;. s, t, III Jacobus Allan. Newhills, Abcrdonen.. b, s, t Jacobus Mackenzie. Barony (^ .Mar Coll.). in Jacobus .Milne. Huntly. b, s, I : .M D. I84.S Jacobus Reid. Kildrummy, /' .lacobus Robertson. .Marni>ch ; 1st burs : A..M.; M.D. 1847 .lacobus Watson. AI">erdour. A..M. Joannes Brown, Bervie, b (a. Mar. Coll.). I.in : A..M. 1844 Johannes [Dawson] Dawson. Knock- ando, /'. s, t, m ilohannes l-raserius. Cromarty, /*. i, I. in . Hutt. ; A.M. 1844 (A/i»i. of .11 .luly); LL.D., Kan sas, 1877 if Entrant!. 1 840. ' Al.l'MM IN ARTS: AI.IU'MS K AND K. t6l Johannes Gauld. Ballater, /;. See 1840-44 .lohannes Grant, Clyne, in Johannes JaeU, Lonniay, A.M. Johannes .MacdonalJ. Inverness, A.M. Johannes .Mackintosh, Dalarossie, A.M. Johannes .Macleod. Londonensis, /; .lohannes Mitchell, .Arhuthnott, Kin- cardinensis, b, s. See 1842-46 JohannesGrant Nicolson, Bracadale,/^ .lohannes Reid, Kildrumniv. h. See 1840-44 Johannes Robertson, Elgin, b, s Johannes Robertson, Banffiensis, b Johannes Torry, Upper Banchory. /' Johannes WalUer, Huntly, b, s Johannes Watt, Kinnethniont, A.M. .lohannes Webster, Forglen, .A.M. ; Murray lect. 18.S0-51 ; D.D. 188.S .Nicolson .Mackenzie, Fodderty, /'. See 1840-44 Robertus Leslie Poison. Old .Machai". b, s. f, III : .M.D. 1847 Robertus Rose, Banffiensis. h Rodericus Macdonald, North Uist, / Roderick McGregor, Inverness., .■;, t Thomas Cochrane, Kirton, Notting- ham, /', ,s Thomas Henricus Dawson, Culsal- mond, ;;;, A.W. X'alterus Macdonald. Cromarty. Ros- sensis, /;, .\- 1840-44 [Regents : H. .Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, J. Fleming, H. Scott] Adamus Humphrey, Leochell, b,s,t,iii Alexander Daniel, St. Nicholas, b, s, t Alexander Falconer, Inverness, /, ;/(. A.M. Alexander Green, Huntly, A..M. Alexander Henderson, Kirkhill, /. /'/ Alexander .Morison, Boyndie, b, s Alexander Smith, Gamrie, A.M. Andreas Christie, Kildrummy. A..M. David Thomson, St. Cuthbert's, Edinen., A..M. David Webster, Fearn, b, s, I. See 1841-45 Donaldus McDonald, Ardersier, b, s, t Donald .McRae, North Uist. b. s, t Donald Rose, Kirkhill, b, s Georgius .McDonald, Huntly, b, a. See 1841-45 Georgius TuUoch, Dallas, / Gilbertus [Gul.] Spence, Lerwick, b, .S-, t : M.D, Edin. 1848 Gregorius Gordon, Inverallen, /;, .■> Gregorius Stuart, Cromdale, A.M. GulielmusChristie, ma.,Ordiciuhill, 6, .s■ GulielmusChristie, minor,Kildrummy, .A..M. Gulielmus Fraser, Inverness., .<,<, »/, A..M. Gulielmus McCulloch, Boyndie, A.M.; Hutt. Gulielmus .McDonald, Urray, b, s, I. See 1842-46 Cjulielmus .McRohert, Leochell-Cush- nie, A.M. Gulielmus Reid, Rescobie, b, s. See 1841-45 Gulielmus Sinclair, Inverness, A.M. Gulielmus Smith, Caithness., b. See 1841-45 Jacobus Milne, Airlie, i/. s. See 1841-45 .lacobus Scott, Cabrach, A.M. ; B.D. 1868; D.D. Wash, and Lee 1880; LL.D. Iowa 1883 .lames Spence, Huntly, A.M. ; Simp. Greek; D.D. 1856 James Tulloch, Banffiensis, b John Fraser, Kiltarlity, b, s, t. in ; Fraser's burs. John Fyvie, Invernessiensis, /; .lohn Gauld. Ballater, .s-, /, ni, A.M. .lohannes Grant, Abernethy. Mora- vie n., /), .s' •lohannes Reid, Kildrummy, A.M. .lohannes Sinclair, Urtiuhart. Inver- nessien.. />, .•; tl 1 62 I'MVKRSITV ANH KING'S C0LI,E«;K.. flK40. Joftcph Cullic, Kl^iii, A.M. Kcnncthus MatUciuic, SuthcrlunJcii- KiK, 6 Set- I8-I1-I5 Niciilwiii .NU Kcn/.i«r, l-oddcrty, \. NigclluK J. .McKechnic, Old AlxTdccn, l>. s . 1st burs. Sec 1841 45 Patricius Beaton, l-yvic, A.M.; s, M.ir. Coll. 1847 48 Patricius Cjr.int, Cromdalc, A.M. Patricius KiMy. Aberdeen, //. See I841-4.S Kichard .McKay. Kafford, / Uobertus Dawson, Ordiquhill, A..M. Uobertus MurdiKh, Keith, b, s, t Kobertus H. Kose, Banff, h, s, I Kodericus Fniser, Kilmcirack, l>. See 1841-45 Simon Fr.iser, Dores, li Thomas .Morrison Pirie. Turriff, A.M. Thomas .Molison Smith. Old Aber- deen, h, .( Th(jmas Walker, Hraserburnh. A..M. : Simp. Math. 1841-45 [Rtgtnts : W. .Macpherson, J. Tul- loch, J. Hleminn, H. Scott] Adamus .McLeod, Kildonan, A.M. .Alexander Cameron, Hlgin, /», .s . ^. .Mar. Coll. 1843 Alexander Giles, Kinnethmont, 111, A..M. Alownder Ingram, Echt, h; s, I, m, .Mar. Coll. Alexander Macrae, .\ortli Uist, /'. See 1842-4(i Alexander Nevay, l-orfar. /' Alexander l-*aterson, Inverness, l>. See 1842-46 Archibaldus Donaldson, Cruden, b, .< Arthurus Geo. Macpherson, Old .Machar, h. See I842-4H Arthurus .Mitchell, l.ane Knd, Staf- ford.A M.; .M D 1848. LL.D. 187(i Arthurus [S. , W'lllocUs, l-ettercairn, h ; i, /, .Mar. Coll. 1842 4fi Benjaminus Rcid. Kmcardine O'Neil. A.M. Carolus Chree, Glenbucket. A.M. : D.D 1878 Carolus Walker, Aberdour. /». \, t David O^ilvie, Kirriemuir. A..M. . Simp. Greek . LL.D. 18H7 David Ueid, Kosemarkie, li David Webster, l-earn. Forfar. 1;;, A..M. Geornius Kdwards, Dunottar, A..M. Georums Gt)rd<»n, Assynt. I> Geor^ius .Mac Donald. Huntly. /, ///, A.M. ; LL.D. I8(>8 Geornius G. .Miliie. Bellie. A..SJ.; .\lurray Icct. 1852-53 Gec>r>(ius .Munro, Alvah, A..M. Georjjius Thomson. Inverury, .^ Gulielmus .McKay, Inverness, A..M ; Simp. .Math, and Hutt. ires.) Gulielmus .McPhcrson. Kirkmichael. Banff. A .M Gulielmus Keid, Wescobie, /. m. A.M. Bower, ^ See A..M. : .Murrav LI. 1). Gulielmus Smith. 1842-46 Gulielmus I-. Thom, licht. A..M. Hunii \i. Wallace. Rosskeen, />. 1842-46 Jacobus Frascr, Aberdeen, Frasersdiv. burs. 1845 48 ; lect.. 1849-50; D.D. 1866 Jacobus C}unn. Halkirk, li Jacobus Keith. Keith, A..M. 1883 Jacobus Byres Lain^, Alvrdeen (1836-39, Glas^.i, /. A..M. 1844. .M.D. .Mar. Coll. 18.55 Jacobus Lumsden. Kildrummy, A.M. Jacobus .Milne. Airlie. /, ;/;, A..M. Jacobus Whyte, Fettercairn, s. I, in Jacobus Winchester, Delting, b, s, I ; 1st burs. Jeremiah Co^lan Bayne, Dores. A.M. Joannes Brow n, Birvie. I. See 1 839-43 .loannes Duncan. Alv;ih, .v .loannes Hwcrdine, Linnrty. I> Hu«h .M. .McI.c.kI. Tain, h Hunli U Walhuc. Kosskccn. .». /, n. Jacobus Baijirio, Pctorhcad, l> Jacobus Cameron. Coldstonc, A.M. •. D.D. I88.S Jacobus Christie, Kildrummy, A..\l. JacobuK Cruickithank. Knockando, A.M. Jacobus [Shepherd] l-orsyth. Rourtie, A .M. Jacobus [.Miller] Mackintosh. Nairn. A.M. Jacobus McWilliam. Grenada. W.I.. h.s Jacubus Murray, Boyndie, A.M. .lohn .Anserniet, Huntlv. '< See 1843-47 John liurni-ss. Peter Coulter, h John H. Davidson, ma., l-athen)n, t,.\ Joannes [David] Davidson, minor, Porrcs, h, s Johannes Fraser, Red Castle; Hraser's burs., /*. *. /, III, A.M. John Gordon, major. Forres, /<, j John Gordon. minr)r, Thurso, i. See 184347 John .McH.Tttle. Deskford. v, /, in, AM Johannes ,Macleod, Tain. /«. v Johannes .Mitchell. Arbiithnott. /, 111. AM Joannes Neil. Al^oyne. A.^\. John Riach. Forres, '», a John Ross. I.atherfin, A. See l84li.SO Marcus Bain. Watten. h, s, I Patricius Barclay. Auchterless. A.M. Patriciiis Gordon, Cromdale. A..M. Patricius Gul. KolH-rtMin, Kinloss, A.M. RolH-rtus I)ou|;lasK, Kllon, 0, .« Kobertus Reid. .North Parish. Aberd.. A.M. Robertus S|X'ncc. HuntI). A.M.; Simp. Math, and Hutt. Robertus Troup. Rhyme. I> See 1843-47 Thomas Just. Dundee. A.M. . Simp Greek Thomas Robertson, Inverness, * Wellington Rom-. Croy, > 184347 [Ji(f;eiils : H. .Macpherst>n. J. Tul- l»Kh, D, Thoms.> Alexander Brown, Bl>(in, /'. .v, / Alexander Leslie, l-yvie. A.M. Alexander Lyon, Kildrummie. A .M. . Simp. .Math, and Hutt. (res.) Alexander .\UKen/ie. Kiltearn, A, 5, f, III Alexander McVN'illiam, Old Machar./*. See 1844-48 Alexander .New lands, Rathvin, //, x; III, Mar. Coll. Alexander Paterson. Drumblade. /> Alexander Paxton. Kdinkillie. A..M. I.V/H. of 5 Nov.) .Alexander Roberts. ALirykirk ; 1st burs.: A.M.; Simp. Greek; D.D. l-:din. 1864; I'rof Humanity. St. Andrews. 1871-99 .Alexander C. Webster. l-orj{len. A.M. Alexander Weir. Kildrummy. A..M. An}{tis Smith. I)a\uit. Inveinessen . > Archibald Kenned\ Irvine. Diinottar. /. ; s. t. III. .Mar Coll 1844-49. .M.I). 1849 Charles Cameron. Lochabtr. '<. .» Charles MHard\. Strathdon. A M. Charles Stewart. F'ort George. '', s, I. in: A..M 1849(.V(»i. of 24 ,Mar.l« Daniel Munro. Knockundo. A.M. David McGregor Sutherland. Rea\ , .'.-»(. A.M Ml). F.din 18.S2 In I. Ill 11/ I'iri., p. 43, und Off. ami lir.ii , p. '.W. lhl^ di-jjrvc is wronniy dnicil im" 1844. AI.U.MM l.\ ARTS: AI.IIIMS E AMI C 165 Donakl Gunn, Golspie, .? Donald Levack, Bower, s Duncan Forbes, Forfar, b, s Francis H. McKenzic, Kilmalie, ^ /;/ Frederick Cruickshanlis. Kirriemuir, b. See 1844-48 Frederick Perry, .Montrose. .A.M. George Baston, Kirriemuir, /; George C. Morrison. Leslie, b, s. See 1844-48 George Murray. Fordyce. b Gordon Ingram, Hcht. A.M.: B.D. 1870 William Gordon, Cabrach. AM. William Jaffrav, Cawdor, .v William B. .Moyes. Banff. A..M. William .Munro, Kiitearn, A.M. William Munro, Rosskeen, b William Paul, Elgin, b, s, t Gulielmus Reid, Stirling (1836-38 Glasg.), /; A.M. 1846 {Min. of 24 June) William Selbie, Keith-Hall, /*, .v .• t,i,i. Mar. Coll. 1846-48 Hugh Cameron. Inverness. /) James Allan, Huntlj-, b. s, /, A.M. James Cameron. Stornoway, b Jacobus X. Currie, Kdinburgh. A.M. Jacobus K. Bdwards. Kirriemuir. A.M. (.1/;/;. of 1 June) : Hutt. Jacobus C. Falconer. Inverness, A.M. {Mill, of 26 Apr.) .iacobus Forbes, Chapel of Garioch./i ; •s Mar. Coll. 1845 Jacobus Leith Ironside, Methlick, A.M. Jacobus Lawrance, Old Deer, b. See 1844-48 Jacobus Ledingham. Premnax'. h, $. See 1844-48 Jacobus Ray, Quarrywood, /), v Jacobus Rennie. Huntly. A.M. Jacobus Annand Sellar, Peterhead, A.M. Jacobus Smith. Crathie. b. s. I See 1844-48 James Prent ice Thomson. Tviiemouth. b, s, t, III Joannes Ansermet. Huntly, b Joannes Barnett, Resolis, b Joannes Barrack, Old Machar. A.M. Joannes Bartlet, Banff, b. See 1844- 48 Joannes Sim Clark, Old Machar, A..M. Joannes Davidson, .Moy, b, s, t John Fortune, Grenada, W.l. {s. Mar. Coll. 1842), b : t. Mar. Coll. 1844 John Gordon, Thurso, t. See 1844-48 Joannes Hill, Huntly, A.M. •loannes Irvine, Old .Machar, b, s, t : .M.D. 1849 Joannes .McDonald, .Auchtertool, // John .McDonald. Huntly,. v, t, in, A.M. Joannes [Alexander] McKenzie. Auld- earn, A..M. Joannes Martin, Blgin. /». .■.. See IS4,S-49 Joannes .Milne. Rothiema) , .A..M. John T. (juelch, St. Ann's, Jamaica, b Joannes Rennie, Forres, b John Forbes Watson. Strathdon, A.M. ; .M.D. 1848; LL.D. I87.S Patricius Barron, Tarves, A..M. Robert Steel, Pantague, .Monmouth, b. .s, /; Ph.D. Gott. 1861 ; D.D. Lafayette 1870 Robert Troup, Rhynie, A.M. Samuel Glass, Birse. A..M. Simon F. .McKenzie. Old .Machar. /(. See 1844-48 Thomas Mackenzie, Ferintosh, b. See 184S-49 Thomas Morrison, Bdinkillic. A..M. : LL.D, 1881 1844-48 [Regents : H. Macpherson (G. S. David.son), J. Tulloch, D. Thomson, H. Scott] 1 b, .Mar. Coll. I 1845 Alexander Anderson, Old .Machar, A.M. .Alexander Black, Cawdor, /' .Alexandei- Cameron, Kirkmichael, Banftien.. b See 1845-49 Adannis McW'illiam, Glass, b Alexandei- .Allardvce. Glass, b KiT) IMVUksnv AM) KINt.'s COLLEUI [1844. AloiuinJiT M. Clarke. DurncsN. • AlcxanJiT Collie, New Machar. Ir Alex. Aix'h. OonaldHon, KirkcudhriKlu It. ». / AlcxiinJor Horsvth, 'rurriff. Ii . v. /, .Mar. Coll. AicxiindiT l-rasi-r. L'lquhart. /» .-Vlcx. Hampton. .Montrose, .^ Alcxunder C liouston. Cromdale. /». .^. / . III. .Mar. Coll. Alexander Kennedy. i.iKhtarron, /< Alex;»nder .McKay, Pictou. Nova Scotia, s. I. III. A.M. .Alexander Mackintosh. Daviot. Inver- nessien.. Ii. See 18'45-49 .Alexander .Mcl-ennan, Lochalsh. h .Alexander .McW'illiani. major. Old .Machar. A..M. .Alexander .McW'illiani, Glass. I> . .», .Mar. Coll. .Alexander Kamsay, Hcht. h : s. I. 111, A..M. .Mar. Coll. \SA9 .Alexander Uobh. I'intray ; 1st hurs. ; A.S\. : Simp. Greek, Simp. .Math. (res.) and Hutt. (res.); D.D. 1868 Alexander Wilson, Hyvie. />. s, in, A.M. An^usus ,McKen/ie. Stornoway. /;, s, I, III Archihaldiis .Matlieson, Kilnuiir. Ii. s Arthurus .M.icphersttii, Old .Machar. / Caroliis W.ilker. Chapel of Garioth, A.M. Clarl< Nairn Stables, Old .Machar, A. .M. Colvin Smith. Old .Machar. A .M.l). I8.SI Oonaldiis Kenned}, l-ochcairon. h Donald [Tolmie] .Masson. Knockhain. >. /. Ill . A.,M. I84tt* [Mill, of 24 Mar.); .MI) St. And. 1862 Donald G. I'endrith, Golspie, l> : I .Mar. C Georjjius Weir, Cromdale, A..M. ; 1. 1.. I). 1881 : prof. ClaK8ics,Kintiston 18.S3-64 Gulielnuis Hoyd. l-"eterhead. A..M. Gulielmus Brandcr. Wothes, h. s, I, ni (lulielmus Kuhinson Clark, Daviot, .Aberdonensis. A..M. : H.A. Oxon. 1864: A.M. 18(o; D.C.I.. Hobart, N.V.. 1891 ; Prof. .Mor. Phil . Trinity Univ., Toronto. 188S CJulielmus C. M. Grant. Kirkmichacl. Manflien.. A..M. (lulielmus Grej-or. Keith. A .M. (lulielmus (lunn, Halkirk, b. Sec I84.S49 Gulielmus .Mackenzie. Coull, b,s, I, m Gulielmus .Mair, New Deer, b Gulielmus Kew Pratt. Petercultcr, A..M.: .M.l) I.ieRe, 1864 Gulielmus Temple, L'dnv. A..M.; D.D. 1 89.S Henricus Poison, Old AK-rdeeii. .A..M. {■.. .Mar. Coll. 18.S2); .M.IV I8.=i:< Henricus Reul. Rclhelvie. I> .lacobusGr.int. l\n<>cliando.//.>./.A.M. .lacobus l.awrance. Old Deer, v .lacobus I.eask, St. Nicholas, .Aber donensis. />, * .lacobus l.edin^ham. Premnav. ', »". A.M. .lacobus .MacConochie, StrathNifjie. /'. Sec 184.S 49 James G. .Mackintosh. Cawdor. A.M. James .Mitchell. Tain, l> James Smith, (ilenmuick. in, A .M. Jacobus Strachan, St. Nicholas, li Jacobus Taylor. Peterhead, .A..M. Jacobus Williamson. Kl);in. /< * In /.Iff uf Prn,, p. 44, and Off. •no/ Oratl., p. 300, thiii Jc|{rcc i* wn>ni{ly dated IK4(*. IS45.1 AMMM I\ ARTS: AMU'MS E AXT) C, l6~ Jacobus Wilson, Tyrie, b, s, I, in ; A.M. 1849 (Mi„. of 1 Dec.) Jacobus VVishart, St. Ola, h, s. See 1845-49 Joannes Bartlet, Banff, h. s Joannes Chalmers, New Deer, .A. .M. ; Hutt. : LL.D. 1878 Joannes HImslie, Oki Machar (h, s, 1843 45,/,184(i,.Mar Coll.): /;;, A.M. Joannes Fertjuson, maj.. Davi(Jt. Abend., A.\\. iloannes Ferijuson, min., Kinloss, /;, .< Joannes Frasei". .Ardersier ; Fraser's hurs., h. s, /, ;;/ ; A.M. ; div. burs., 1848-52 Joannes Fyt'e, Carmylie, A.M.; LL.D. 1895 : asst. prof. .Mor. Phil., 1854- W): librarian, 1857 76; prof. .Moral Philosophy, 1876-94 Joannes Gordon, Thurso, li, in. A.W. ilohn Jaeli, Cromarty, b, s Joannes Mackintosh, Glen (Jrquhart,/.i Joannes F. McPher.son, Cullen, b, s, t .loannes Massie, Oil Machar, .A..M. ilohn Moir, Fintray, Abredonensis, /; / s, I, III, A..M. -Mar. Coll. iloannes Pendrith, Golspie, /;, .s', / tloannes Pirie, Applecross, b, .< .■ /, ;;/, .A.M. Mar. Coll. ; M.B. Mar. Coll. 1851 Joannes Russell, Newspynie, /), .s, t. See 1848-52 Joannes Stewart, Watten, b, s : t, in, A..M. .Mar. Coll. 1849 John Stirlinu, Peterculter {b, s, t, Mar. Coll. 1842-47), in. A.M. Joannes Tulloch, Latheron, .•; Josephus Morison, Kin<>edward, A.M. Kennethus Findlater, Durness, b Malcolumbus .McDonald, Ardersier, b. See 1845-49 Nigellus Mackay, Reay, h Patricius Oj>ilvie, Elgin, h Patricius Walker, Chapel of Garioch, A.M. Robertas Bruce, Keithhall, A.M.; Simp. .Math, and Hutt. (res.) ; D.D. 1880 Robei'tus (}ray, Tarvcs, A..M. Robertus Law, Brechin, // Robertas .Mitchell. Keithhall, h Robertus Pringle, Banff, h. s Robertas Ross, Huntly, b Robertas Sievewright, Aberdeen, b Simon F. .MacKen/.ie. Rogart, A.M. Stewartus Fearn, Kirriemuir, b, s Thomas Grant, Banff, /; Thomas Sharp. Reay. h. See 1845- 1849 X'alterus Gregor, Keith. //. .v, /. See 1845 49 1845-49 [Res^int.'i : H. .Macpherson (T. L. Williams), J. Tulloch, D. Thomson, H. Scott] .Alexander Black, New Deer, b, .1 .Alexander Cameron, Kirkmichael, Banff, 5, /, /)/, A.M. ; Simp. Greek ; asst. prof. Greek, 1851 54 Alexander Cassie, Keith-hall, b, .< Alexander I. Cheyne, Cuminestown. Aberdonen., i- Alexander Mcintosh, Daviot, Inver- nessien., 5, t, in, A.M. Alexander McKenzie, Glen L'rquhart, b Alexander McLean. Pictou, .\. America, A.M. Alfred Sanderson, Old .Machar. A.M.; M.B. .Mar. Coll. 18.53 Antony Murray Touch, Kinnoull, /' Charles F.Corbet, Kilmoracl<, ^. See 1846-50 Charles Macdonald. Old .Machar, b. See 1846-50 Daniel Fraser, Rosemarkie, /'. See 1849-53 David Gray Begg, Fraserburgh, b, s David Hutchison, Auldearn, b. .< David .Mair, Kirriemuir. Ii. s. I. See 1846-50 David Rose. Tain (b. .•;, /. .Mar. Coll. 1844-48), /;; David Hood Wilson, Brechin, A.M. ■ 68 rxiVKKSITN AM" KINGS COM.EtlR. I«45. DiMi.ilil .McAul:iv. l..ith«.*ron. It. Sc« Doii.ilJ Munrii. Diii^Wiill, // Duncan .Milntvrc. KilnuinivaiK, l>, Soe l8-»tv50 l-ranciR W. ticiirjjo. HanfT, It, s, I, m ; A.M. 1835 (.\t,,i. of 13 Oct ) G«.w.,i'.' Allan, Keith, A.M. {jcorjic I). H.irtii: l-ornli-n. A.M. Gcorn«r Wright Kemp. Uycc. '», s, I, m Gi'xrt'i- Mclntiisli, Kiltcarn. /' tJoorno Mclrvino. tilass. A.M.; Mur- ray Icct. IS.^.S (jcnr^c Cj. .McLc(»d, Kildonan. .A..M. Gcorni-" .Murray. Uafford. /< (jcornc Kobcrts, Banchory, h, s. I Ofornc Kuthfrford, Bfiharm. .•X.M. Gourde C. Sinith, Khynli*. A..M. (joor^ius 'I'hiiuison. Durris. />, v /, /'/. A..M Mar. CII. I8.S() (luliclmus Adams, Udncy. /> GuliclmuK K. Barric. Ci)upar-An){us./> W'llhani Brown. Tarvcs. Ii. v . /. //(. .M.ir Coll Guliolmus Campbell, Wicli, /' (iuliclmus l-rascT. Pcttv. '». Sec l84«v.S() Gulidmus (jiant. Lathcron, l> Guliclmus Gray. Rothes. /), s, I William Gunn, Halkirk, s Gulielmus JafTry. l-yvie, />, .«. /, iii Guliclmus .Murray Keay, MonymusU, /.. See I846-.SO (julielmuK .Malcolm. Nairn, h, s Guliclmus Stewart .lames Home .\Uiin-o. I.atheron, h. s. See 1846- 1 8.S0 Gulielmus Paul, .Nether Banchory, />,.< Gulielmus Skinner, Auchindoir. A..M. Gulielmus Walker. Daviot, Abcr- deensh., '» (julielmus Wilson, Old .Machar, A.M. Hcnricus Gordon, Durris, h, .s, /. See 1 84B 50 Hcnricus Reid, Belhelvie, h Hunh Grant. Latheron, /< Hu^h .NUIntyrc, Kincardine, It, .\ •lames Alexander, Fornue. A..M. •lacobus Chalmers, Peterhead, A.M. ; Hutt. .lacobuK Davidson, liamne. A .M. .lactibus Gray. Rothes. .\.S\. •tames .MaConachie. Huntly, > Jacobus .McDonald. KIkhi: 1st bunt. ; A.M. : LL.D 1872 Jacobus William Norris .McKay, Raf f.)r.|.A..M. ; M.D. Kdin. I8.SM Jacobus .Moir, St. .Nichol.is. A. .M. .lacobus Rcid, .Marnoch, .-\..M. •lacobus Robbie, l"orfar. ^ Jacobus Slaker. Cruden. A .M. .lacobus Stewart. Rothiemav. ''. See l84tv.S(» Jacobus Thomson, Udny. h, \ .lames Wishart, Kirkwall. ;;/, .A..M. Joannes Cameron, .\bcrnethy. .Mo raysh., A.M. ■loannes Clarke, Durness, h. s .loanncs Curr, Kirriemuir. Ii. See I84(v5() .lohn Duncan, Old .Machar. h, \ .loannes l-er({usson. Barr, \ •loannes H. .McDonald, Huntlv. '». v /, See 1846. SO Joannes .Maclean, Glenlivat, li John l-'ernus<»n .NlcLcnnan. Inverness, A.M.; Simp. .Math and Hutt. (res.); LL.D. 1874 John .Martin, Elgin. / •lohn .NUIne, Horfar. A.M. John Stephen. Dranie. s Joannes Gul. Tolmie. Durinish, A..M. Lachlan Kennedy, .Moy, l>. s .Malcolm .M;icdonald, .Ardersier, s .Neil Kennedy. Red Castle. //, .s Patncius l-orlx-s. Old .Machar. /». See I846-.S(I Patricius •lamies. I Robert Mclntyre. Kincardine. Ross ! shire, b, s, I, III Robert 'G. Ross, Huntly. A.M. Robertus Smith. Okl .Machar, l>. See 184(v.SO 1846, ALUMNI IN ARTS: Al.llUMS E AND C l6g Sinclair Corner, Orphir, /; Thoniiis Brown, Keith, A.M. Thomas Frasei', KirUhill, A.M. ; Fraser's div. burs. 1849-52 Thomas McKenzie, Ferintosh, s; I, Mar. Coll. 1848 Thomas Sharp, Reay, .s Walter Gregor. Keith,;/;, A.M. ; LL.D. 1885 1846-50 [liei^n'nts : H. Macpherson (A. Robinson), J. Tulloch, I). Thomson, H. Scott] .Alexander Collins. Dunottar, h, s .- M.B. 1854; M.D. 1870 Alexander Gordon, Fordoun, h, s Alexandei' Innes, Drumblade, b. s Alex. McKenzie, minor. Aberdeen, h. 5. See 1847-51 Alexander .Matheson, Lochalsh, /; Alexander Munro. Bonar Bridge, b,s. See 1847-51 Alexander Rothnej- Reid, Fordyce. b : .?,/,»;, A.M. Mar. Coll ; .M.B. 1854 Alexander Thomson, Marnoch. b, s, t, in Alexander Yule, Kinnethmont, A.M. Andrew Barron, Hcht, A.M. Andrew .Masson, Knockbain, /; Andrew Jamieson .Milne. Fyvie. A..M.: LL.D. 1865 Angus McBean, Duthill, /;, .•; Charles G. Black, Fordyce, A.M. Carolus Bruce, Cairnie, A.M. Carolus F. Corbet, Beaulv. s. See 1847-51 Carolus Fraser, Bellie, b Carolus Macdonald, .Aberdeen, .A.AL; Hutt. ; .Murray lect. 185B-(S0: Prof. Maths., Dalhousie L'niv., Halifax. 1863- Carolus .Macl^ean, Torosay, A.M. Colinus Alexander Campbell. Croy, b, s, t, HI Colinus ^Macrae .MacKinnon. Strath (Glasg I845-46|, /-, .v, / David Mair, Kirriemuir, in, A.M. David Soutter, Fettercairn, b, s, I Donald McDonald, Resolis, b Donald McRae, Killearnan, b, s (Stornoway). See 1847-51 Duncanus .Slclntyiv, Kilnionivaig, A.M. Duncanus Taylor, Alness, b, ,s .• /, .Mar. Coll. 1850; .M.D. Mar. Coll 1854 Evan [.McK] Masson, Knockbain. b. s. See 1847-51 Finlay Matheson, Inverness, b, s, t. See 1853-57 Franciscus Rae, Aberdeen, b, s, t George Boyd, Cromarty, b. See 1847- 51 George Clark, Ellon, A.M. Georgius Coull, Rathven, A.M. Georgius McArthur, New Deer. A.M.; Simp. .Math, and Hutt. (res.) Georgius C. Minty, .Aberdeen, A.M. Georgius Petrie, Elgin, b. s : 1st burs. Georgius Stewart. Knockando, b, s, I. Ill William Adams, Oldmeldrum, .s Gulielmus Anderson, Skene, b, s. See 1847-51 Gulielmus Anderson, Dallas, b Gulielmus Fraser, Petty, .s Gulielmus Mui-ray Keay, Monymusk, A..M. Gulielmus Lillie, Wick, .< Gulielmus .Macaulay, Latheron, /; Gulielmus .Macdonald. Inverness, A. M Guliehiius .Morison, Cullen, /;, s, t. See 1847-51 Gulielmus S. J. H. .Munro, Latheron. t . .M.D. 1851 Gulielmus Murdoch. Elgin. A..M. Gulielmus Robb, Peterhead, A.M. Gulielmus Rough. Fintray, b, s Henricus Gordon, Durris, /); .lames .Anderson, Turriff, //, .s .lames N. Bell, Forres, b, s James Calder, Dyce. .A.M. .lames Duncan, .Alvah. .A..M. !l I I/O INIVKRSITY AND KIN«;s COLLECK. I H^r. James Blmsly, Hrvchin, />. « Janu's Heard. Knocluindo, A.M. Jacohus Hiiii-.t. 1858 Robert Webster, I'intray, A.M. Simon Hraser. Dores ; l-raser's burs . Simon Mackenzie, ReMilia (/ .Mar. Coll. 1845 49), m . A.M. 185-i Summers G. Hunter, Inverness, b Thomas Hanton, Lintrathen. /< 1847-51 [Ii(i;nils : H. .Macpherson (N. .Mac- phersonl. J. Tulloch. D. Th«imsnn. Banchory Ternan, A.M. Charles Peters. .Marnoch. b, s. I, m : 1st burs. David Anderson, Kinnethmont, />, a David .Mitchell, (ilenmuick. b Donald l-rascr. Dores, Fraser's burs., b, s, I, III, A..M. (Rosemarkie) ; div. burs. 18.52-5 Thomas A Allan, Hl|{in. /'. ^ Thomas Andrew. Gamrie (/', .Mar. Coll. 1846). A..M. Thomas I'raser. Kirkhill, /> Thomas Riddel. (ilennarr\'. /> Thomas Tallach. Inverness. A..M. 1848-52 \Rtiieut H .Macpherson (A. H. Hr\ce), J. Tulloch, D. Thomson, H.' Scott (P. Keay)] Adam Lind, Tarves, A..M. Alexander Ar^o. Tarves. Ii Alexander liirse. Lcochel. fi, s, /, in Alexander Cameron. Nairn, h, ,\ Alexander George Cardno. Praser- biirjih. //. A Alexander Douglas. St. Nicholas. ^ Alexander (irant. Lumphanan ('<, .Mar. Coll. 1847). A .M. Alexander .McHardv. Braemar. A .M. Alex. .Hneas R. '.McO. Mclntyre, Kilnionivai^. A..M. Alexander .MacLean, St. Andrews. Canada. A..M. Alexander .Morrison. Klj;in, h. s Alexander .Murray, l-ordyce. h, s. I Alexander KrsUine .Murniy. Dollar,.?,/ Alexander O^ilvie. Kothicmav. A..M. : I.I,.n 188.1 Alexander Rohb. l-ordyce. '<. ^ .M.B. .Mar. Coll. I8.S4 Ml) I8W) Alexander Reid Saunders. Hordyce, .A.M. Alexander Simon. Bellic. '< : \. I, in. Mar. Coll. I8.S0..S.< Alexander Stewart. .Nrdersier, > See I84i)-.S.'? Alexander Thomson. Keith. /', .* Andreas Grijjor, Dyke. I> • .Andreas Henderson. I'yrie, '<. 1. /. in Aii^jus .Macaulav. I^itheron. '<. See 1 849. S3 An^us .\lcI-eod. I'ictou, .N. S., b Charles Brcmner. .Marnoch, h, s, I Colinu's Sutherland, Latheron, b Daniel l-raser,* F-raser's burs., li David A. 1-orbes. Creich. /<, > David Henderson. Thurso, .», / David Innes. Keith. /-. See I849-.S3 David .Murray. .Montrose, h, s David Stewart, Oathlaw, b, 1, /, in ; A..M. 1858 (Mi'i of 22 .Mar) Prancis Duncan. Tarvas. h. s . /, m. Wat. Coll. 1851 .5.S Pranciscus Porsyth. TurrifT. Ii. s. I. in Pranciscus Lucas, Kandv. Ceylon, h : A, /, .Mar Coll.; M.D. i-:din.l8.S4 Gcorj{ius Collie. St. Nicholas, h: s, .Mar Coll Geor^ius Daniel. Peterhead. />, s. See 1849-.5.S Geor>;ius Duncan. Knockando, h, s. I Geor^ius Ironside. New Deer, h, .\ Geornius .Marr. L'dnv, A..M. ; .M.D. 1 854 (»eoi"Huis PriM-tor. lillon. I. m, .\.S\. Geor^ius Scott. Rothiemay, h. .» (jeorfiius Robb Sim. Peterhead, A..M. Georgius Simmers. Tarves, A.M. Geor^ius Stuart, Aberdeen, h Gordon Rciil. Kildrumniv. v ' Si-e 185155 Gulielmus Adie. Strichen. .\.S\. Gulielmus Barrack. Old .Machar. A.M.: Hutt.: I.L.I). 1875 (lulielmus Cram. Peteresso, ii Gulielmus Crockett, Brechin. /' Gulielmus Paii)uhar. Old .Mach.ii . /< . .M.B. ,Mar, Coll. 18.53; .M.D. I8.S7 Gulielmus Ruxton Praser, l-aurence- kirk. A..M Gulielmus Gordon. Spi*ymouth, '', s Gulielmus Hay. L'ri|uhart. Aloravien.. /'. .*. /. "/ Gulielmus McK.iy. Lybster. /< Gulielmus Ross. Brechin. A..M. * N'ol in Albums. i.S4.^. ALUMNI IN AKTS: \I.I!LMS K AND C '/J Gulielmus Stuart, Old Macliar, h Gulielmus Watt, Kinnethmont, A.Al. Henricus J. B. Dunn Smith, Cullen, A.M. Hugh Rose, Petty, Invcrnessiensis, h Jacobus Bremner, Huntlv, A.M. ; M.D. 1856 .Jacobus CaldLM', Tarland. Ij Jacobus Cannichacl, Cairncy. .s, / Jacobus Croniar, l^umphanaii, h. s. t James K-er^uson, Chapel of (jariocli, A.M. Jacobus Gerald, Aberdour, h. s Jacobus Keilor, Brechin, li Jacobus Kinnaird. Marnoch, l>, s. I . in , [A.M. 1875, • .Jacobus .Munro, Gamrie, //, .■; Jacobus Oj4jj, Aboyne, b, s Jacobus Reid, Keij^, l>. See 1849-53 Jacobus Riach, Elgin, / Jacobus S. Sharp, Rothiemay, l> Jacobus .Ale.\. Skene, Skene, b. s, I. iii .Jacobus Smart. Huntly, A..M. .Jacobus Sutherland, Duiibeath. b Jacobus Watson, Wick, h Jacobus Wilson, Premnay, // Jacobus Leggat Winton, .Muthil, b. s. t Joannes Anderson. St. Fergus, l> Joannes Anderson, Morpeth, ,■., / Joannes Annand, Bellie. A.M. : Simp. Greek .Joannes [Smith Barcla\ , ( )ld .Machar, /;, .f. See 1849-53 .Joannes .McL. Camert)n, Kirkmlchael, Banffsh.. b, s . .M.B, .Mar. Coll. 1854 Johannes I'raser, Inverness, iii, .-X.M.: Fraser's div. burs. 1856-59 .loannes Fraser, St. Nicholas, b .John Holm. Rcsolis, /* Joannes Houston, Inverallan, b, ,s John .McCarter, Brechin, b .loannes .McDonald, .Alness, .v, I .John .Mackay, Inverness. A..M. .John .Mair, Cruden, li. s Joannes .Muil, .Aberdeen, // .Joannes Reid, Chapel of Gari(jch. / .Joannes Robertson, .Abernethy. In- verness, A.M. Joannes Russell, Kathven, /. See 1849-53 Joannes Russell. .Morayshire, ///, .A.M. .loannes Squair. .Auldeain, b. .< .lohannes Suthei-land. Clyne, // .Joannes Tullv. Bellie. .A..M. : Simp. .Math. Josephus-*- Whvte .Mitchell, Peter- head, A .M. Kennethus .Macpherson, Golspie, b, s Lewis Beaton, Knockando, b : .v, /, in, A.M. Mar. Coll. .Niel Kennedy, Poolewe, b .\igellus Rose, Thurso, .s Peter Calder, Cromdale, b, s, 1 : 1st burs. See 1850-54 Petrus Davidson, Tarves, b Petrus .Meston, Old Machar. A..M. Robertas Bain, Cromdale, A.M. Robert Craig, Brechin, b Robertus Cruickshank. Strichen, b. See 1849-53 Robertus Liston, Redgorton, /;, .v, /, ;« Robertus .McKerron, Aberlour, b. See 1849-53 Robertus Maclaurin Coldingham, / Robertus .Macpherson, Golspie, b Robertus Milne, Tannadice, A..M. ; D.D. St. And. 1882 Robertus Scott, .Mortlach, .A..\ . Robert Haivey Smith, Rhynie, .A..M. Samuel Middleton. Old .Machar. /) Thomas Annand, Kintoje, .A..M. ; Libr. 1856-57 Thomas Fraser, Dores, b Thomas Hunter, St. Nicholas, A.M. Thomas McLennan, P. H. Island. N. .America, /;, .s, / Thomas Stewart, Inverness, b Gualterus .Arnold, ^'armouth, b Gualterus .Murray, Resolis, b Gualterus R. Ross. St. Nicholas,/;, s, t, in ' See footnote to I857-[61]. t Misprinted •■ John " in U/f. mid Or.nl.. \\ 'M-i. 1 74 I \r\KKSITV AM) KIN«;'S lOl.LF.GK. l«4y 1849-53 IKtgenh : H. .Nliuphcrwui (A. H. Brycc). .1. Tulloch, I). ThimiMin. H. Scot I (R. Uoss)] Alexiindcr Anderson, Crathic, h. s. Soi- I8SO-S4 Alexander H. UoyU-. St ^uivux, /<. > Sic 1851-55 AlcxandiT Carmichacl. Cairncy, A.M. Alexander Davidson, Old Deer, A.M. Alexander (irant. Coull, li. s, I, 111. See I852.5« .■Mexander Leal. Iilj;in, /> .Alexander Stephen. ManelKiryTer nan, h. <. , 1st burs. See I850-5-1 Alexander Stewart, Ardersier, I Alexander .Mc. Stewart, Wick, h Alexander Whyte, Fettercairn. /< ; /-, s. -Mar. Coll. 1850-52 Andreas Nicolson, LerwicU, />. .Anjjusius (jimn. Old .Macliar. .A-.M.. Hutt. . D.D. St. And. IWI Anjjus .Macaulay. Latheron, a .Archibaldus .McKae. Stornoway, !> Arthurus Mrewm. Crediton. Devon, b Carolus Howie, Kirriemuir, //, \. See 1850-54 Carolus Shirres, St. Nicolas, // Carolus Tulloch, Cawdor, A..M. Daniel i-raser, Kosemarkie, .1, /. ///, A..M.. l-rasers div burs. 18.55.56 Daniel Kose. ManfT,/-, v,r See 18.5054 David Innes. Drumblade, s, I. in. ,\.S\. David W'ilkie, j-ettercairu, /», .v David Williamson. Cromarty, '' : s, I. .Mar Coll. Donaldus .M. Campbell, Tongue, h Donaldiis .Macauley. Latheron. a, / Donaldus .Wclntosh, Inverallen, //, .» Donaldus .MclA'nnan, Inverness. A.iM. Duncanus Cameron, l-ortinKall, l> Duncanus G. .McDonald. Cromdale. />, \. I, III (Keith I (>ef;an, Cruden, //, ^ (.leorne .Morrison, major, Cairnie, l> (leor^ius .Morrison, lidinkillie, h See 18,50,54 Geur^ius Samuel, St. Thomas in the Kast. Jamaica, A..M. : Simp. Greek (leorRius .Middleton Slesser. Old Deer. A.,M. ; Simp. .Math : B.A. Cantab. (Senior \Vrannler( 18.58 ; A .M. 18(^1 ; Prof. .MathR.. yui-en s Coll . Belfast I8W)-«J Geor^ius Smith. .Aboyne. A .M (leorfjius Gul. .loan. Sutherland. PitsliRo. A.M. (Latheron) (jeor^ius Tait. I'ordycc, b, s Geor^ius Walker. Kavnc, '», .%. /. See 1850 54 Gilbertus Kobcrtson, Invernessicnsis, A..M GreRorius .Mc(ircKor, Cromdale, /<, s Gulielnuis Allan. St Nicholas. /i,,<.^»> Cjulielmus Calder. .M. s Gulielmus .Moir, Chapel of Garioch. A.M.; M.B. 1859 Gulielmus Ojjilvie, Pordyce, .\..M (Alvesl Gulielmus B Uolvrtson, .Abredon.. A.M. Gulielmus L. Stuart. Cattodomi (Keithhall). A .M. (lulielmus G W.ilhice. Pettercairn. William Watson. Old .Machar. A..M Hector B. Bethune, Dingwall, v, /, ///, A.M. Henricu8 Nicoll, I'orfar, /■ Huyo I-raser, Boleskine. ■■ s« i 1 8.5(1, 54 H 11^11 \i DiilT .Mcyueen. Knockando, .\.M. IS 50. ALUMM IN ARTS: ALBUMS K AMi (). ■75 Hugo Robert Meiklejohn. Strathdon, b, s : t, Mar. Coll. Hur Libertas McKen/.ie, hiverness, b,s. See 1850-54 Jacobus Bain, I-orres, A.M. Jacobus Bisset, Bourtie, b, s, I, in Jacobus Christie, Abredon., /;, .v, / Jacobus Cormack, Wick, h Jacobus Coull, Newspynie, b, s James Theobald Fraser, Trinidad, b Jacobus Home, Raj-ne, b, s, t, in Jacobus McDonald, Cawdor, /; Jacobus Mcintosh, Uaviot, Inverness, A.M. Jacobus S. McKen/.ie, Inverness, A.M. .lacobus Maclean, Inveravon, b, s Jacobus Middleton, St. Nicholaus, A.M. Jacobus Milne, Lintrathen, b, s. See 1853-57 Jacobus Reid, Keig, b, s, I, in ; A.M. 1858 {Mm. of 1 Dec.) Jacobus Troup. Rhynie, A.M. Jacobus Wilson, Cu len, A.M. Joannes [Smith] Barclay, Old Machar, t, in, A.M. Joannes Calder, Cromdale, A.M. Joannes Cameron, Abcrnethy, In- vernessen., A.M. Joannes Carnegie, Forglen, A.M. Joannes Davidson, Forres, b, .s, /, ni Joannes Forbes, Xew Deer, A.M. Joannes McDonald, Knockando, A.M.: .M.B. Mar. Coll. I860 John Russell, Rathven, in, .A..M. Joannes Stuart, Rafford, b Josephus MacKay. Inverness, A.M. Petrus McLean, St. .Andrews, b Robertus Cran. Inverkeithney. '' Robert Cruickshank, Strichen, s, t Robertus Fenton, Strachan. b, s, I Robert Gray, Old .Meldrum. A.M., .M.B.. 1859 Robertus .McKerron. .Aherlour. •.. /. in, A.M. Robert .McLeod, Helmsdale, A..\l. Robert .Morrison, Fordyce, /*, s, / Robertus Morrison, Peterhead, .v Robert Muir, Ayr, A.M. Roderick MacKenzie, Resolis, /; Thomas Forbes, Kirriemuir, b Thomas (jrant Keith, Keith, b, s Thomas Alexander ; Fraser] Scott, Old Machar, h, s. See 1850-54 Gualterus .Arnold, N'aiMiiouth, b 1850-54 [liei^^cnts : H. .Macpherson (A. H. Bryce), .1. Tulloch, D. Thomson, H. Scott (R. Ross)] Alexander Allan, Kiltearn, A.M. ; M.D. Kdin. 1858 Ale.xander Anderson, Crathie, t, in Alexander Creyk, Inveravon, b Alexander Fraser, Tyrie, 1/ Alexander Gunn, Latheron, 1/ Ale.xander Johnston, N'igg, Kin- cardinen., b, s, I Alexander Johnston, Huntly, .A..M. Ale.xander Mackay, Inverness, /; Alexander Morrison, Cullen, l> Alexander Riddoch, Turriff, li Alexander Sandison, Arbroath, // Alexander Emslie Smith, Deskford, b, s Alexander Stephen, BanchoivTernan, /, in, A.M.; .M.D. 1857 Andrew Balmer, Goreton, /;, .< (Bellie) Andrew Gray. .Abovne, b, s, t. See 1851-55 Carolus Howie, Kirriemuir, /, in, A.M. Charles Robertson, Longside, A.M. Charles Slessor. Old Deer, A..M. ; M.D. 1860 Daniel Rose, Boyndie. in, A..M. David Ross, Barvas, b. See 1851-55 Donaldus .Allan, Kiltearn, A.M. ; M.D. Hdin. 1858 Fife Allan, .Xewhills, A.M. l-ranciscus Tocher, Daviot, Aberd., /) Gabriel Mackay, Inverness, b George Brown, Old Machar, A.M. I,-'' fNl\rkv|T\ Wh KINT.'S roLLKCK. Il«50. S. Crai|{. KettcrcRs l»i-<>rf{c A. Gn»rit, IX-cr. It, s, /, in Gi-nrnius C»rt*ij{, Kincff, A.M. Goorj'c I jiw. l-i.'ttiTcii«r>, /». s, I. See 1851-55 Gcor^ius Mcirris<»n, Kdinkillic, A M. . Simp .Math, and Hutt. (eq.): LUI). 1891 Gforjjius l-t>rlvs Iniu'B Philip, l-or- dycc. A.M. Gc(>r}(ius Taylor. Keith, A.M. Geor^ius Walker. Rayiu'. in Gulielmus Brand. Pearn, l-orfaricn . .A..M. GuliclmuK I. m Gulielmus A..M. Gulielmus l-'raser, New Deer. Aher- diiiiiensis, .-\ .M (luliclinus ( ie< true. Old Al>erdeen. t. in. A.M. (tulielmus Keith. Old .Machar. ii, .<. /. See 1851 55 (lulielnnis .MtGrcK'T. Knockandn. A..M. (Julielmus .Miine. Strathdiin. .\..\1. Gulielmus .Mitchell. Kinnethmrint ./». s. See 1851-55 Gulielmus Kose, Ordiquhill, l>. See 1852-5« (julielmus Sutherland. Dunbeath. />. See 1 8.") I -55 (Julielmus Wiseman. Keith. A.M. Hufjo HrRser. Boleskine. . 1-raser s burs., I), s, t. m : div. burs.. l855-t->() Hur 1-ihertas .MeKen/ie. Invernens, /. m, A.M . D.I). 1899 .lacohus Adams. Lumphanan. h. \. t. See 1851 -.55 .lacobus Anderson. Crathie. I>, s .lacobus CInrk. Auchindoir. A.M. .lacobus Drummond.Glenbervic. A.M.; M.n IR.58 .lacobus Pernuiioii. KintoKs. />. \ .laciibus (iraiit. Inveraxon. A .M. : I. LI). 1889 .laiobus Inkson. GraiiKe. h. a . .M.I). l-:din. 1857 Jacobus W. l.,«m(c. Alx-ndeen. b. See 1851 55 James .McColl. Lismore. Ii. s. I. m Jacobus .McHardy, Strathdon, A.M. Jacobus .Mci.jichlan, Koharm : litt bun*.: A.M. Jacobus 1-arquharson .McPheriwin. Kirkmichael. Banftien.. Ii, i. /. ih . AW. 1855 {.Mm. of 6 |-"eb I Jacobus Pcars Joannes L. Adamson. Riithillet. !• Jc)annes G. Anderson, Stromness. A..M. .loannes Brown, Dunkeld. A..M. (.Monedie); Simp. Greek: .MI). Kdin. 18.59 .liiannes Carn\ . Gamrie, /'. s : M.D. .Mar Coll 18.57 .loannes Cummin^. Glenmuick. '>. ^ Joannes Gibson. Avoch. A..M. Joannes Gilchrist, l-orres. /;. .\ John CumminR Gr.int. Clvne. /* . .i. /. m, A..M. .Mar. Coll. .loannes .lenUins. lilgin. A.M. , loannes .Mcl>iu((all. ,Moy and Dal- antssie, /i .loannes .McGref{or, Cromdale. A.M. • loannes .McKen/ie. Kilmorack. b, s .loannes .McLean. Salen, A.M. .loannes Primrose Meikleham. Grange, A..M. .loannes Gibb Niven. Peterhead. It, 5. /, til Joiinnes Innes Kol>ertMun, Nairn, b, .« .loannes Shand. I^l^!in, A.M . LL.D. 1889: Prof Nat. Phil., Lniv. of OtaKo. 1870 i iS:;i. AI.IMNI IN ARTS: AI.IUMS K AND U '// Joannes Smith, Old Machar, /'. See 1851-55 Joannes Suthcrlani.t, Loth,.'; Joannes Thomson, Crudeii, /;, .■;. See 1851-55 Joannes Watson, Fordyce, A.M. Kennetiiy .Mclver, Dornoch, h, s Petrus Calder, Cronidale, /;/.A.M. Petrus Cameron, KirUmichacI, Banf- fien., i, .f. See 1851-55 Petrus McKerron, Aberlour, A..M.: Hutt. (eq.) Richardus Wij^ht,* DyUe, A.M. Robertus B. Burgess, Kirkmichael, Banffien., A.M. Robertus Geo. Crookshank Hamil- ton. Bressay, A.M.: LL.D. 1884 Robertas Innes, Coldstone, /; Robertus Kirkpatrick, Walsall. .\..M. Robertus Mitchell. Kelly, h Robertus Rose, Boyndie, // Robertus Stuart, Kirkmichael, Banf- fien., A.M. Thomas Forbes, Kirriemuir, h, s, t, iii Thomas McDonald, Kn(jckbain, A.M. Thomas Scott, Old .Machar, .s Thomas Still, Xewhills, A.M. 1851-55 [Rei;fnts: H. Macpherson (A. H. Bryce and A. Cameron). F. Fuller, D. Thomson, H. Scott (J. Fyt'e) Alexander Hannah Boyle, St. Nicho- las, / ; III, Mar. Coll. Alexander Calder, Coldstone, b, s Alexander Duncan. Rothiemay, h. See 1852-56 Alexander Mclver, St. Andrews. Morayshire, h. See 1852-56 Alexander Profeit, Towie, A.M. Alexander Shewan, St. Fergus, A..M. Alexander F. Smart, Elgin, h. s Andreas Gray, Aboyne, ;;/, A.M. Andrew Guthrie, Enzie, /', s. See 1852-56 Archibaldus McGillivray, Daviot, In- verness, A.M. Archibaldus Ogilvic, Keith, I), s, t, in Charles Anderson, N'igg, Kincardine, A.M. Carolus R. H. D. Gordon, Glass, A.M. CarolusGrant McDonald, Keith, A.M. Colinus M'Kenzie, Knockbain, h, s David Hay, Fraserburgh, /' David Nicol, Old Deer, b, s David Philip, Grange, }> David Ross, Logic- Easter, .■! David Shoolbraid, Mortlach, /;. See 1852-56 David Stewart. .Aberdeen, A.M.; LL.D. 1895 Donaldus Mackenzie Rose, Daviot, Inverncssen., X.W. Donaldus Stuart, Cronidale, b, ,•;, t, in Duncanus McPherson, Ardersier, A.M. ; Hutt. (eq.); D.D. 1880 Edvardus Lothian Murray. Melrose -■i, t, in Georgius Bartlet, Boyndie, b Georgius Gilzean, Aberlour, b Georgius Henderson. Cullen, b,s,i,iii ; M.D. 1858 Georgius Law, Fetteresso, )// Georgius Lyon, Towie, b Georgius Wilson, Gamrie, b Gordon Rcid. Kildrummy, b Gulielmus Brown, Turriff, .A.M. (}ulielmus Bruce, Keig, A..M. : M.D. 1858; LL.D. 1891 Gulielmus Davidson, Daviot, Inver- nessen., .s Gulielmus Dunbar, Turriff, b Gulielmus Duncan, Taives, b Gulielmus CJlenny, Dunipace, b, s Gulielmus Inglis, Ft)rglcn, /), .f Gulielmus Keith, Old .Machar, ni, .A.M. Gulielmus Douglas Legg, Reading ; 1st burs. ; A.M. ; LL.B. Lond. 1862 * Misprinted " Wright " in List of Firs., p. 52, and Off. nitd Grad., p. Z ;w(i. irS l-MVKKSITV ANM» KINC.S Cc»I.I.K(;K. I1851. Ouliclmuii Mitchell. Kinncthniunt. t. Stfo I853-S7 Ouliclmus Mutch, Ncwhillt, /<. ;i. S Sec \»ri2Mi Ouliclmus Smith. St. .Nicholas, h, y. Gulielmus SutlicrlanJ. Latheron, > Guliclmus Wells, UumfricB, b, s Hcnricus Scott, LiK'hcarron, li HuRoPrascr, Bona, /»..■(,/. Scel8.S2-5(S Jacobus Adams, Lumphanan, in, A..M. •lames Cameron. Invcravon. A..M. Jacobus GccUic. Kinfauns. A.M. James Gordon. Glass. A.M. Jacobus Grant, KirUmichacl. Banf- Hen..s. I. Sec 1«.S;<..S7 Jacobus A. Jenkins. Kl){in, U. s Jacobus Keir, Kinloss, h, s Jacobus Wilson l-enj{e. Old .Machar, A..M. Jacobus .McPherson. Abcrlour, b, s. See 1832-56 Jacobus Philip, Dyce, A.M. Jacobus Scott. Stockholm, b, s Jacobus Shepherd. Tan-es, b, s, /. See 1852-56 Jacobus Stirling. Old .Machar, A..Nt. ; Simp. Greek: 1,1,1). 1887: B.A, Cantab. (Senior Wrannlcri I860: A..M. 1863 Joannes Black, Abcrlour, A..M. : Simp. .Math.; I.L.D. Glasy. 1881 : Pri>f. Humanity. Aberd 1868-«l Joannes Gill, .\c\vhills, A..M. Johannes P. Hill. Dundee, h, .», /, in Joannes .Macdonald, Portree, 6 .Joannes .Middleton. Old .Machar. ''. Sec I852-.S6 Joannes .Milli^an, Iron^ray. A..M. Joannes Smith, Old .Machar, s Joannes Thomson. Cruden. t. m, A.M. Joannes Watson. Banff, /' Joannes Watt. Ci>rtachy. '» Kennethus.Macdonald.GleiiL'rquhart, A..M. ; DA).. Knox Coll., Toronto .MilcolumbuH Carmichael, Horres. // Petrus Cameron, KirkmichacI, Banf- fien., /, in Peter Kmslie. St. Nicholas, b, s. t, in Petrus B. 1-eiider. Carniil. />, s,l. Sec 1852-5«i Kobertus KIphinstone l-iddes. Kin- cllar. .A .M ; Hutt leq ) Robertus Alexander Petrus (}rant. Dawlish. A.M. Kobertus Milne, Rhynie, b, s Thomas Her^uson. Closeburn, b 1852-56 [Jiff^ents : H. .Macphersoii (A. Cameron). P. Puller. D. Thoms«in. H. Scott (J. Pyfc) Alexander T. .Anderson. Peterhead. Alex;inder I'tainv lirotchie, Kintoix-. A.M.: .MB. r8.S9 Alexander Cruickshank. Hl^in. .>, / Alexander Cruickshank, Glass b Alexander Cummin^, l-ordyce, b .Alexander Duncan. Kothiemay. A..\r : Hutt. Alexander Grant, Coull, tn. A.M. Alexander .Mclver. St. Andrews- l,hanbryde, A..M. Alex;inder 0^;ilvie. Keith. /<, .1, /, in .•Alexander Kitchie. Pitsligo, b, j Alexander Ross, Kdderton. A..M. Alexander Sclanders. P'orres, .\.S\. ; .M.D. Edin 1859 Andreas Beattie, Old .Machar, '> Andrew Guthrie, Kn/.ie, / Carolus Dunn, Lumphanan, b , %, I, in. A..M. .Mar. Coll David Simon Brotchie, Kintore (/>, .Mar. Coll. I8.SO1 A..M. David l.ockhart, Thornton, // David .McCurrich. (lask. '<, s iSS-.j Al.L'.MM IN AKTS: ALIiLMS K A.\l> G 1/9 David .Mackie, Fyvie, A.M. ; .M.D. 1862 David SliDolhraid. Lochwinnocii, b,s Donaidus .McDonald. L'ix]uhart, In- vcrncssieii.. .A.M. Donald McLean, Portree, li Donald .Maclcod. Durinish, h Donaidus Shearer. Canisbay, /; Duj>aldLis Christie. Kildi-unimy. -Aber- doncn., A..M. Duncanu.s Harper, Kincardine O'Neil. h. See 1853-57 Franciscus Gellie, King- Edward. A.M. Georgius Bremner, Huntly, b, s Georgius S. Cameron, Kirkmichael, Banff, /;, ,s ; .s Mar. Coll. 1854-55 Georgius Chree, GlenbucUet. .A.M. Georgius Christall. Hiintlv, '' .' ■'-■ .Mar. Co'll. Georgius Grant, Small Isles, Inver- nessien., ,s ; .M.B. 1858 Georgius Lamb. St. .\icholas, b Georgius .Main, Fetteresso, /;, .s. See 1853-57 (jeorgius Robb, Keith, /;, s ; b, s, I, iii, .Mar. Coll. 1855-59 (jcorgius Svmon, Glass, h,s: M.D. 1 859 Grigor Allan, Abernethy, Invernes- sen., A.M. (nilielmusG. C. .Asher. In\eravon, /*. n Gulielmus Linton Baxter. Dundee. A.M. Gulielmus Center, Longside, A.M. ; Simp. .Math.; .M.B.. CM. 1865 (julielmus Daniel. Cruden, /', .<. See 1853-57 Gulielmus Givan. Moffat, h, s, I, in ; A.M. 1857 Gulielmus Green, Aberlour, b, s Gulielmus .McKenzie. Old Machar, /< (julielmus .Milne, .Mortlaeh, b, s Gulielmus Mutch, N'ewhills, s, t Gulielmus Robb, Fintray, .A..M. (nilielmus Robbie. Old .Machar, /', .\ Gulielmus Robertson, Logie Buchan, A..M.; .M.B., CM. I8(>4 Gulielmus Rose. Ordiciuhill, .■;, /. See 1853-57 Gulielmus Simmers, Savoch, h, .s. See 1853-57 Hector Black, Old Deer, b Hugo Fraser, Inverness, /// Jacobus Fraser, major, Abernethy, Moravien., A.M. Jacobus Fraser, minor, Inverness; Fraser's burs.. /), .■;, t, in ; A.M. 1857 Jacobus Gentle, Alves, b, s, t Jacobus Irvine, Old Machar, b, s Jacobus .Macpherson, Aberlour, t, in Jacobus .Meikleham, Grange, b, s. See 1853-57 Jacobus Morrison, Fordyce, b. s, I Jacobus Ross, major, Knockando, b. s. I Jacobus Ross, minor, Peterhead, b, ,s, t. See 1853-57 Jacobus Roy, Huntly (/^ Mar. Coll.), .S-, t. in. A.M. : B.D. 1867 James Russell, Elgin, b. See 1853- 57 Jacobus Shepherd, Tarves, t, m, A.M. Jacobus Smith, major, Nairn; 1st burs. ; A.M. : Simp. Greek ; B.D. Edin. 1865: LL.D. Aberd. 1892; Asst. Prof. Greek 1860; Exam. in Class. 1867-70: .Memb. Univ. Court, 1888- Jacobus Smith, minor, Rothiemay. A..M. Jacobus Young, Elgin, ,s, /, in, ,A..M. Joannes Buyers. Benares, A.M. .loannes Corsie, Rousav, /', .<. See 1853-57 .loannes C. Currie, Colvend, I). See 1 853-57 Joannes Garden. Rathven, b. See 1 853-57 .loannes Hutchcon, Fintrav. A..M. Joannes .Maitland, Aberdeen, /', .■- .loannes .Middleton, Old .Machar. .< Joannes Paterson, Dumfries, o .loannes Richardson. .Aberlour. A,.M.: M.B. 1859 iKo INIVKRSITV AN'li KINCS COI.LEtiK. iSs: Jtmnncs Kobbic, Tarlund, A.M. Jonnncs Stalker. Abcrlour. //, ^, I Sec I8.S3 57 Juanncs Stewart, Atx-rlour, A.M. Joamics .Mian Stewart, liJdrachillis, h. J. /, III Joannes Urquhart, Cromarty, /> Joannes W'alUer. .Mortlach, t, s, / Lennox Kolvrtson. (jartly, li Petrus H. (•ender. Caru'll. '" Petrus (jrant, Inveravon. A.M I'etrus Ross, Duthil, /». .< Kobertus Robertson Rannie. Wails. /*. J, /,• [III, I8W): A..M. 1869 • Robertus Sim. .Methlie, li. > Thomas Sed^■ewicl^, New .Machar, li, i, I, III 1853-57 t [ki;;i III. ■■ : H. .Maepherson (A. Cameron), P. Puller, I). Thomson. H Scott (J. Pyfc) .'Ivneas .Maepherson. Kinfjussie. (to l£din. I Alexander Alexander, l-or^ue, l> Alexander Davidson, Old .Machar: 1st burs. : A..M. Alexander P'errier, Old .Machar, /'. •■. See I8.S4-.S8 Alexander Praser, Cullen, //, \, I Alexander (irei^. New .Nlachar, '• Alex. Pdw. .Murray .McConnochie. L'njuhart, Inverness, /», s, I. in Alexander .Mitchell, Drumblade. ''. s. See I8.S4 .S8 Alexander Taylor, Rosskeen. ^ .M.B., CM. I8(il Alexander H. Thomson. Rothes, " Alexander Hutchison Tolmie, Inver ness. /), s, I Andreas R. Cameron. Tarland, l>, s Andreas .McPhcrson, Inverness. A..M. Andreas Ritchie. P'ordoun, A .M (Hon. III.. Sc. Int.) Archibaldus Porbes. Koharm, li, i . lA.A). IS84 Archibaldus .McNeill. Inverness, b Arthurus Rettie, Alx-rdour. Abcrdo- nen . /-, .«, /. See I8.S4-.S8 Charles A. I)avids«in. Rayne. A..M. (Hon. I.. Sc. Int.) Carolus Irvine, Tar^'es. h. s David Cochrane. l\-rth. b. See 1854 I8.S8 David l.ockhart. Thornton, ';, .1, /, in Donald .McI.cikI. LafUjan, b, s. Sec I8.S4-.S8 Donaldus Stewart. Aberlour. A.M. Duncanus Har|->er. Kincardine O'Neil, s Pinlay .Mathieson, in, A..M. (Hon. II . Sc. Int.) (ieorye .Main, l-etteresso. I. in. A..NL (jenrnius Paterson. .Monquhiter, /'. v See I8.S4-.S8 (leorniiis C. Smith, Hobart Town, /<, .« Gcoinius Sturrock. Kirkden, b, s, I, m (jiilielmus Buyers. Calcutta, /', s, I Guiielmus Connon. Old Deer, A..M. (l-overan) : .M.B. and .M.D I8W) Oulielmus Daniel. Cruden, /. in. .\..M. (Hon. III.. Sc. .Math.) Oulielmus Duncan, Tarves, />. a ((ulielmus .lackson KImslie. St, Nicholas. A.. M.; .\\.l) l-:din. 18»S4 (lulielnuis Palconcr. Croy. />, s, I (nilielmus I'orbes. Boharm. b • >, .Mar. Coll. I8.S.S (lulielmus Oordon, Cromdale. /< Clulielmus .McGregor. Ordiquhill. A .M. (Hon. II.Sc. .Math.: II . Sc. Guiielmus .Mitchell, Kinnethmont. in Int.); Hutt Ciulielmus .Murdoch, .Mortlach, .\..\l. Guiielmus Rose. Ordiquhill, in • Sci- rinnu- (■> IH.S7{<*I1. ' Ai ihi- KrntliintiiMi of IK,S7. the ilcn'cc "f A .M wjn, for the Hn>l tunc. tirantcJ with Monniiro (of ihrrc ;;r:i(lf Ali-x;iniliT (lU'KK CrciRhton. Old Machar. I'. *, ', '" AloxamltT l-Vrricr. Old Mailiar, /, 111. A.M. (Hon III.Sc. Int.) .AlcxandiT (jcntlc, AUcs. Ii, s. I .Alexander Onrdon, Korhicmay. A.M. .-Xlcxandcr Oroij", \f\v .Machar. A..M. .Alexander Hutchisj>n. .Muckhart, l>. > .Alexander .Mitchell, Drunihladc. \, I , .M.D.. C .M. I8fil , Asst. Prof Anatoniy. IWil .Arnritus W'yiie Pierie, Llannader. /< .\itliuriis Uettie. Aherdour. .Xherdo- nen.. I, ni. A. .M. Canilus ,1. .Mitchell. Old Machar, b. s Charles OctaviusYounR, Old .N\achar,.\ David Cochrane, Perth, li.s.l.in, A.M. Donaldus .McLeod. Kilmallie, /, in. A.M.: D.D. 1887 Donaldus Rnd. I86.S (leor^iu'" Nicol Ifvine, P»'lerhe:id. A..M.; .M.D. C.lasK I8fi2 (»rorj{iiis.M'Conibic l^)w, St. Nicholas. (ieorniiis.M. .Wacpherson.Old .Machar, \..M. (Hon. I. Class ; II. Sc. Int.); I.L.D 1887 (leornius F- S. .\\air. Kllon. Ii ■•. .Mar Coll (leorniiis S. .Miinro, Cro\ . .\.,M (ieorRius Paterson. .Monc|iihittcr. /. Sec I8.VS..V1 < ieorniuN.M. Paul, Banchory Dvvenick, .\.\\. (Hon. II.. Class.) (.jeor^iuk ra)lor. Portsoy, /-, >, / (jcrarduH .Ntiddlcton, Birae, b, s, t, III (iulieliiius Allan, .Montrose. A..M. (Hon. II.. Sc Int.) (tulielmuv Barron, Clatt, />, \, / (iulielmuK Robertson Bruce, .New Deer (/.. ,Mar Coll. 1853). A..M. ; D.D. 1895 Ciuliclnius Creyk, Invcravun, Banf- Kensis, h. s. .M.B. I8«(l. Asst. Pn)f. Chemistry, I8ti() Gulielmus A. l-orhes, Uoihcs, b; t, .Mar. Coll. Cjulielmus (Jerard. rurriff. />, .\. /, 111 Oulielmus Ironside, Kinnethmont, /< ; .M.D. .Mar. Coll. 18«() Gulielmus Keith, St. X'ifjeans. A..M. (Hon. I.. Sc .Math.); Simp. Math. (cq.);' Asst. Prof. Nat. Phil. I860 Gulielmus .McParlane, Bellie, A..M. Gulielmus McKen/.ic. Old .Machar, /(, S, I, III Gulielmus .Milne, Old .Machar, A..M Gulielmus .Morrison, Grange, .\ .M. Gulielmus Pnn^jle, Auchtcrardcr, b Gulielmus Proleit. Tnwie. h. S«fe 1 855-59 (julielmus l\ait. Old .Mach.ir, '' Sr<- 18.55.59 (lulielmus Thomson, Keith, /<, • Hcnricus Steele. ,Montrosc. /<. > . .M.D. Kdin. I8«l Hujio .MacDonald. Boleskinc, b, x, I. Ill .lacobus Donald. Peterhead. A .M.* .lacobus Beattic Porivs, Old .Machar, .V, /, III. A..M. .lacobus Gillilhin. St. Nicholas, />, s .lacobus (Jrant. .Vbernethy, Invernes- sien., A..M. .lacobus .Mclnnes. St. Nicholas. /< ; -. .Mar Coll. 18.55 . .MB. .Mar. Coll. 18.59; .M.D 1861 • \iH Ciul H Urucc an in Ojf. .m./ Or.i./ . p, :«W • Nami' iimitird in Off. •mil OraH.. p. WW. IS5 5.1 AI.fMNI I\ ARTS; AI.IUMS K AN'D C. ■83 Jacobus MacKay, Toujjh, A.M. Jacobus .McLauchlan. Blaii- .Atholl. /^ .s. See 1853-59 .lacobus .McXaughtcn, Hallater. h, .s, t, III Jacobus .Morison, Tarves, h, s, t, in Jacobus Tawse, Towie, b Jacobus Wilson, .Macduff, /, in Johannes l-inlaisoti. Loughton, Essex, ,v, / Joannes Keith, Old .Machai', //. See 1835-59 Johannes Lilhe, Wick, s Joannes McKav. Premnav . /), .< ; M.B. 1860 Joannes Pringle, Auchterarder, h Joannes Reid, Tullich, h, s, I, in : .M.B., CM. 1863; .M.D. 1868 Joannes Xorman l^obcrtson, .New- hills, h, s : 1st burs. Joannes Sandison, Arbroath, h, .>, Johannes Simpson, Invernessensis, A.M.; .M.D. Kdin. 1861 Joannes Stalker, Aborlour, ;//, A.W. Joannes .M. Watson, Fordyce, /), s,t Josephus Bhick, St. .Nicholas, A..M. ; D.D. 1891 Josephus .McKay, Fordyce, A..M. (Hon. II., Sc. Int.) Lachlanus .McLean, Tobermory, A.M. iMichael Watt, Daviot, invernessien., A..M. (Hon. 1., Class.); Simp. Greek ; D.D. 1889 Petrus Burgess, Inveravon. A..M. ; .M.B., CM., 1863 Petrus Still, Peterhead, b, s, /, in Petrus Wyness, Skene, h. s : t. in. Mar. Coll. 1857-59 Robertus Gibb Forrest, Old Pitsligo, A.M.(Hon.lll.,Sc. Int.): D.D. 1892 Robert us Henry, Fin tray, h Robertus Innes, .Montiuhitter, .< Thomas 1-raser, Boharm, A..M. Thomas C. Fraser, Dores ; Fraser's burs., /;, ,s. t, in. .A..M. 1855-59 [W.-;,'t///,v . W. D. Geddes, F. Fuller, b. Thomson, H. Scott (J. Fyfe)] Alexander .Anderson, Keith, A.M. Alexander Barclay, Auldearn, It .Alexander Cran, .Auchindoir, A.M. .Alexander Cruickshank, Greyfriars, Aberdeen, A..M. (Hon. 11., Class.) .Alexander Home, Forgue, li, s .Alexander Kenned), Dundee, .A..M. (Hon. 11., Class.) Alexander Lillie, Wick, A..M. Alexander MacGregor, lona, l> Alexander .Millar, Old .Machar, A..M. Alexander Neil, .Aboyne, b .Alexander Spence, Old Machar, /), .s, / .Alexander Stewart, Resolis, /; .Alexander Cowie Willox, Hllon, A.M. Angus .McDonald, Cirange, .A..M. (Hon. 111., Class.) ; Hutt.; .\1.D. Hdin. 1864 David .Manson, Old .Meldrum, A .M. ; M.D., CM. 1862 David Morrison, Fordoun, Aberdoni- ensis (b, Mar. Coll. 1854), A.M. (Min. of 7 Apr.) David Stuart Ross, Old Machar, .A.M. (Hon. 111., Sc. Math.) David Winter, Tannadice. A..M. Donaldus Duff, Caputh, /; (.s. Mar. Coll.), t, in., A..M. (Hon. 111., Sc. Int.) Donaldus Fraser, Boleskine, b Donald .McCormick, KilKnchin. // Krnestus Lowe. Durness, in. .A..M. : .M.D., CM. 1862 Fredericus Perkins, Tunbridge. b. See 1856-60 Fredericus Stewart, Rathen, A.M. (Hon. 1.. Sc. Int.) ; LL.D. 1879 (icorgius .Andrew. Huntlv. /'. See 1 856-60 Georgius Duthie, .Metlilic, b, .>., / Georgius Petiie Ha\ . Keith, b, .■; .• .M.D . C .M. 1861 1 84 I'NIVERSITV ANMl KINT. S COI.I.KiiK. :'«55. ((OorKius Johnston. Old Machar. /< (>i->iut> I'.ttL'fsiiii, Mdiiquhittcr, in (icorjjius I'owric, lirrnl, //, » (iulidmus Alcxanilcr. Old Machar. /'. J. / (nilielmus l,an(( Baxter. .North Parish. Aberdeen. A..M. (Hon. I . Class.) ; Hutt. (res.): D.I). I«8« (iulielniuK Du^uid, Olass. I>. > See I85««) (iulielnuis l-raser. Moharin. A..M. (julielmus Macdonald. Inverness. A Oulielnuis .Murray. Inverarav. />. >. t : S\ 1). Glas)-. IStS3 (lulielnius Profeit. Towie ; 1st burs ; A..M. (Hon. III.. Class.) (julielmus Kait. Old .\\achar. h.sj.m : Ph.D. Oulielnius Ueid, Cluny, //. > (lulielmus W'ishart, Kinellar. AW. (Hon. III.. Se. .Math.) Heiiricus Clarli. St. Nicholas, h. See I8.S6-W) Jacobus Harnett. Kesuiis, /i, s, I, iii Jacobus W.itt lilacU, l-ordyce. A.M. (Hon. I.. Sc. .Math.): Simp. Math.: .M.D. Kdin. 1862 Jacobus Brebner. Lonmay. A.M. (Hon. II.. Class.) Jacobus Campbell. Kannoch. li .lacobus M. D. Cummin}}, St. Nicho- las, h, 5. /. /// .lacobus Cruickshank Oeddes, (jlass, A..M. (H Jacobus Robertson, Alyth. A.. \l (Hon. I., Sc. Int.); D.D 1880; Pn>f. Orient. I.an)(., Glas(> . 1877 .lacobus Scott. .Mortlach. A..M. (Hon. II.. Class.) Jacobus SjXMice. Keith. I>, s, I Jacobus Stuart, (jlenlivat. l>, s, I, iii .l.icobus Stuart, l-orj^ue. A..M. .lacobus Walker. I*etteress4i. h, j, /, in Jacobus Walt. Kllon, '< .lo;innes l-ord .Anderson. Boyndic (.«, .Mar. Coll.). / .loannes Gall. Aberdour. Aberdonien.. A..M. (Hon III., Class.): LL.B. Lond. 1865; Prof. .Math. Lucknuu .loannes Gray. Cruden. h, s. : M.D. 1861 ; CM. 1863 Joannes Wilson Henderson. Cullen,/>,.« Joannes Keith. Old .Machar. A..M. Joannes .McKen/ie. Dyke, /». s, I, in Joannes Pyper.Koot Dee. Aberdonien.. I, Joannes Ritchie. Old .Machar (*, .Mar. Coll.). / Jo;innes Robertson. .MH-rlemno, b, s John Stewart. Old .Machar. / Joannes Alexander Teivodale. Roth- iemaia. I> Joannes Wallace. Auchterless. A.M.; .M.D. Hdin. 18(i2 .Murdoch .McKen/ie. Lochcarron. S, I , III Petrus Smith. Rhynic. //. Sec 18.S6 60 Robertus l-inl.ivson. .M;irvkirk. I>, .\, / / HA. Hdin 1861 Robertus Henderson, Cullen, /'. s Robertus .Mcl)oun:ill. .Moy. /». s. See I8.S6 6() Robertus .Mctirenor. Cromdale. /' Robertus .Minty. St. Nicholas, h, s Thomas Burnett. Daviot. Abcrd.. A..M. (Hem. III. Sc. int.) Thomas Jackson. Perth. Ii, ■. Gualterus Gray, l-ordyce. I>, ■. 1856.] ALUMNI IN ARTS : ALBUMS E AND G. 185 1856-60 [Regents: \V. D. Geddes, F. Fuller, D. Thomson, H. Scott (J. Fyfe)] Adamus Arbuthnott Laing, Cruden, b, s, t, m : [A.M. 18691* Alexander Beattie, Leslie, .A..AL .Alexander Hay Benton, Boharm ; 1st burs. ; A.AL (Hon. 1., Class.) Alexander Cowieson, F^-vie, h, s, t, ni Alexander Irvine, Old .Machar, b, s Alexander Kemlo, Old Machar, A.M. (Hon. III., Sc. Math.) Alexander Russell, New Spynie, /;, .< .Alexander Thomson, Huntly, b, s ; M.D., CM. 1861 Alexander Wilson, Old .Machar, Aber- donensis, A.M. AltVedus Moore Perkins, Matlock, /;, s, t. See 1857-[61] Andreas Fraser, Inverness, Fraser's burs., h, s, t, in, .A..M. Andrew .Meldrum, Kirkmichael, Banf- fien., A.M. Archibaldus Sutherland, Drainie, A.M. (Hon. II., Sc. Int.) Arthurus Ramsay, Mortlach, /; Carolus Black, Aboyne, b Christophorus Smith, Dundee, b, s David Graham, Kirriemuir, b David Lumsden, Aboyne, .A..M. ( Hon. II., Class.) Donaldus McDonald .Mclver, Ding- wall, b Donaldus McLean. Tyree, b, s [t, in, 1861-63] Duncanus Rebecca, Banchory De- venick, A..M. (Hon. 111., Class.) Finlaus .Munro Harper, Olrick, b, s, t ; [m, I860, A..M. 1862] Fredericus Perkins, Tunbridge, A..M. Gavinus Hamilton, Stonehouse, b Georgius Anderson, Chapel of Garioch, b. See 1857-[61] Georgius Andrew, Huntly, .A..M.(Hon. II., Class.); .M.B., CM. 1864 Georgius Brandcr, Cairnie, /), s Georgius Gordon Cameron, Elgin, A..M. (Hon. 1., Class.); D.D. 1890 Georgius Cassie, Keith Hall, /'. .■;, /,/'; Georgius Garden Green, .Meldrum, A.M. Georgius .lohnston, .\e\\ Deer, b, s Georgius .McDonald, Cromdalc, h. See 1857-[61 (jeorgius Russel .McKen/ie, Old .Machar, b Georgius Porter, Drumblade, b, s Georgius Walker, Peterhead, b, s Georgius Christie Watt, St. Nicholas, A.M. (Hon. 1., Sc. Int.) ; B.D. 1867 Georgius P. Wilson, Fraserburgh, b, s Gulielmus Brown, Keithaula, b. See 1857-[61 Gulielmus Coutts, Towie, b, s (julielmus Cruickshank, Turriff, b Gulielmus Duguid, Glass, s, I Gulielmus Duthie, Tarves, b. s Gulielmus B. Gall, Perth, b Gulielmus Grimmer, /) ,■ M.D., CM. 1861 Gulielmus Hamilton. Stonehouse, /;, 5 Gulielmus Harper, major. Grange, A.M. (Hon. 111., Class.; II., Sc. Math.); Simp. Math, (eq.)and Hutt. Gulielmus Harper, minor. Banchory Ternan, .A.M. (Hon. II., Class.) Gulielmus Johnston, Fordyce, b,s,t,in Gulielmus D. B. Ketchen, Nairn, .■; Gulielmus Gosden King, Elgin, h Gulielmus Laird, Drumblade, A..\L Gulielmus M. .Munro, Kincardine, Rossen., b Gulielmus Murray, Old .Machar, /;. See 18.57-[61j Gulielmus Osier, Roscobie, .A.AL (julielmus Henry Perkins, Leather- head, Surrien., b. See 1857-[61i Gulielmus Rhind, Fordyce, b, .<< 'Entries in square lirackets refer to sessions or A..M. degrees of the University of Aberdeen. |86 UNIVERSITY AXn KING'S COLI.EGH. fi856. Gulielmus KuskvII, Hl)(in, b. s Hcnncus l-dward Ariuit. L'itcnhagc, C;»|x* of t», Mar. Coll.), s, t [m.A.M.J Gulielmus Smith, New Deer, b. Sec 1 839- [63] Jacobus Campbell. Kilmorack, /;, s, I Jacobus Gardiner, Rathven, <'>. See 1 8.S8 [62] .I.icobus Grant. Glen L'rijuhart [A.M.] Jacobus [B.] Inglis. Fordvce, /;, .s-. See 1858- [62] Jacobus Alexander Innes, .Mortlach, /; ; M.D., CM. 1864 Jacobus Keith, Old Machar, b, s Jacobus Lillie, Ellon [A..M.] Jacobus Mitchell, Kilmorack, //. See 1858 [62] 1 88 UNIVKKSITY ANI> KINU'S COLLEUK. I'«S7. Jacobus RuKHcll, RcclcKmachan, l> JacohuH S. Smitli. St. Vincent, W. Indies, t. Sec 18.SS-62 Jacohus Tolmic, I.afU(an, s Jacnhus Troup, Newhills A..N\. : Hon III. Sc. Int. .I;ic'>bus Waterslou. Keith-hall A.M. : Hon II., Sc. Int. Joannes Caniplvll. Coull, />, s Joannes Praser. .Xbernethy, .Moray, t, 5 .loannes l-raser, Keith. ''. s. I [iii] Joannes Orant. Cromdale, h : M.D., CM. I8(i2 Joannes .Mclean Grant, Inveravon, Banff. /., V. / m. A..M. 1862; .loannes .McCorkindale. Kilniorack. /) .lohannes Walker Mclntyi'c, Kilmoni- vain. /'. A, t \iii] Johannes Strachan .NliUohbie, Old Machar, /-. /, .MB CM. 1863: .M.D., 1868 Joannes l^innie, Belhelvie, Aber- donensis. h, s [I, in, A..M. 18621 Joannes Stewart. Crathie 'A..M.I Joannes Webster. I'ornue A.M. : Hon. I.. Class. : III., Sc Int.; Joannes Williams, s Robertus Alex. I"ari)uharson. Ballatcr A.M. : .M.B.. CM. 1864 Robertus Fraser, Kirkmich;icl. H;inf- lien. A S\. Robert us Iniies, Aberlour, '(, < Robertus Wilson, Cullen, /», s Samuel Davidson. Ravne A..M. ; .MO.. CM 1864 Simeon Ross .Macphail, Porres, / [w, A..M.: Hon. III.. Class.: III., Sc. Int. : DO. 1900 Thomas lr\'inc Rowell. Old .Machar. '., V . 1st burs.: .M I)., CM. 186.1 1858-1 62* I [Pn./essors : W. D. Geddcs. i-. Fuller (D. Thomwin, W. .Martin)] Alexander Ojjilvy Barrie. Kirriemuir, h, s I, III : A..M. 1864: Hon. I.. Class. ; Simp. Greek Alexander l-yfe Burns. St. \'if{cans [A..M. Alexander Burr. St. Nicholas, b Alexander Snell Cantlav, Cruden. /», s [/. ml ^ Alexander (iarden, R.ithven. Banff- ensis, b. ,v |7, in ; A .M. 1864] Alex:inder tinldcs. (jiass. h. s. Alexander (Jrantt. Inveravon A..M. : Hon. II.. Class. .Alexander (lordon Duff .McKillinin, l-ornue, b. .s; [t, in. 1861-63 Alexander Gordon .Mitchell. Ravne [A..M. : .M.B.. CM. 1865 Alexander Ogilvy. Clov;i A..M. Alesander Paterson, Bahia. Brazil. /'. s I. in : A.M. 1864 ; .MB.. CM. Edin. 1866. M.n. 1868 .■\lex:indcr Whvte, Kiirieniuir [.A..M. : Hon. II . Pliil.] . I) I). Kdin. 1881 Alexander Wilson, Ordiquhill [A.M.. Andreas N'icol. Errol. b, s [I, in. A.M.; Canjius Fraser. Croy. Frascr's burs., b.s[l, in : A.M. 1879] Carolus Grant, Inveravon (A..M. : Hon. I., Class] Carolus H. \.. Johnston. St. John. .\. B., /. Cosmo .McPherson Grant. Kirk- michael. Banffen.. b, s [l, m ; A..M I86.S Hon. I . Class.; II.. .Math. ; Hutt. •The L'nivcmity Comniii»iiioiKT» of IWW. by an Onliii.incc which wan approved by Order in Ciiuiicil. tWth April. 1H6I. instituted Honmiru lof iwd uni.lcm in the ilcp.irtiiicniH of CliiHUicii. .M«thcma(ic» and Philmuiphy ; and luf one grade) in Natural Science. 1X58. ALL'MXI IX ARTS : AiJiU.MS K AXD C 189 David Galloway KiiimoiKl, Alvth [A.M. : Hon.' II., Class. : ll., Math.] David Finlay Law. .\ew .Machar [A.M.] David Robertson, Fordoun [.A.M. : Hon. II., Phil.j; LL.B. Lond. 1865: B.Sc. Lend. 1883 Donaldus Robertson, Rothes [A.M. : Hon. II., Phil.] Duncan Ferguson, Inverness, /; Duncanus Campbell Ross. Kiltearn [A..M. Duncanus .Mearns Scott, Old .Machar, h.s Edvardus Sanuiells CooUe, Calcutta, i EdvardLis Smith, Old .Machar, li,s 7,»;] Georgius Findlay, Keith [.A..M.] : M.D., CM. I860 Georgius G. Gunn, Dornoch, h Georj>ius McLeod. Kildonan, b, s Georgius Innes Sim, Deskt'ord [A.M.J; B.D. Edin. 1868 Gulielmus Boyd, Kincardine, Rossen. (b, St. And.), ,s- [/. ,•;/, A.M.] Gulielmus.loan.Cruickshanli.Bytown, L'pper Canada, b. \ Gulielmus Leslie Low. Inverury, rA..M. : Hon, II.. Class.: I. Math.J ; D.D. 1901 Gulielmus Tajlor Low, Durness, b Gulielmus Dallas McDonald, Huntiv, b, .■. [/, w ,- A..M. 1863, Gulielmus .McRae, East River of Pictou, Nova Scotia [.A..M. : Hon. I., .Math.; Simp. Math.: ; .\LB., CM. 1866 Gulielmus Simpson. I'ordycc, Banf- t'ensis, b, s [t Gulielmus Stewart Sim the, Hathurst, X.S.W.. b. s Gulielmus Stephen, Tullynessle, b ; [s, t, 1860-62 ; i„, 1863-64; Gulielmus Henricus Stewart, Aber- nethy, Moravien . b; ,M.B,. CM. 1864 Gulielmus Jacobus N'alentine, Skene I A.M.] Harcourt Macleod Hust'eild, Hali- fax, b Jacobus Cowie, Keith [A..M.] Jacobus Gardiner, Ratliven, b, s Jacobus B. Inglis, Fordyce, .f Jacobus Mitchell, Kilmorack, .s Jacobus Philips, Old .MeMrum, b, s Jacobus Hay Mackenzie Shand. Elgin, b; [.s, 1,111. A,.M, 1863] Jacobus Brown Smith, .Manchester, b Jacobus Steinson Smith, St. X'incent, Ind. Occ. [A.M.I Joannes Brechin, St. .Nicholas i [A.M.] ' John Cameron, Laurencekirk [.A.M. : Hon. II., Math.] Joannes Cooper, St. Nicholas, /;, .s [/] i Joannes Johnston Copland, Iron- gray [A.M.] Joannes Coutts, Old Machar [A.M.] Joannes Yeats Flockhart, Saint Nicliolas, b. See 1859-63 Joannes Eraser, Dores, b Joannes Hendrie, Forres, b, s [t, 111] John .McDonald, Calcutta, b, s John .Macdonald. Loch Carron, b. s [f, /;; ,■ A.M. 1874] Joannes Alexander .McDonald, Ban- chory Ternan, b ; 1st burs.; M.D., Q.U.I. 1863 Joannes Balmain McLeod, Kilm;Uie, b, s ; M.D., CM., 1863 Joannes Macpheison. Huntiv, b, s ; M.B., CM. 1865 Joannes Murker, BantT, b. See 1859- 63 tloannes Pirie, Premnay, b, s [t, in] Joannes Rose, Auclitei-less [A.ALJ Joannes Allan Sutoi', Rothes [A.M.] Joannes Thomson, Bellie, b, s Joannes Watt, Kintore, b, s [I, 111 : A..M, 1863: Hon. II,, Class.]; D.D. 1888; B.D. Edin. 1869 Petrus Stewart, Kirkmichael, Banf- fen.. /; ly. fNIVKkSITV .\M> KI.N...^ ...,.,. I. .K. (iSs.y. Kobcrl Cowii". l.orwiiU. '-. < [/, m . AM I8r>;< : M.i). i:dm i8ti«i UfilHTtiis W'I.cikI (irin'»r, Cromarty, b KiilxTtUN Hciidcrsiiii, KinncfT, /<, j Kohcrtus DaviMin Ki-inp.Old Machar, /'. .MB.. CM ISM Kubcrtus Brcmncr Thi)mR«)n, Bollic, ''. < Thomas RobcrtsoiV, Cabnich [A..M.) Thomas .Mawhinny Watt. Belfast [A..M.] i859-(63M [Regtnls: \V. I). Goddcs (I-. Fuller, D. Thomson. VV. .Martin)] Adamus Waddol .Icjhnston, (jiamis, li ; [h.s.t : m. A.M. I8«5j Alexander Center. New Pitsli>{o( A..M.] Ale.tander ClarU, L'diiy [.A..M.1 Alexander Thomson tirant. Old .Machar (/., .v. .Mar Coll. 1852-.S4), b [s. I] Ale.xander Kerr. Old .Machar, /* [s] Alexander Barclay .McConiliie Ross, .lamaica. /' [.s ,'/. I8(i21 Alexander Cjeornius \\ alUer, St. Andrews- Lhaiihryd. b i, I Alexander .Macdunald Walker, Kil druinmy, /< Allanus Rannie Andrew, .Mv.ih. Banf- Hensis A..M. .Andreas Soulier, Banff (l>, .Mar. Coll. I85(i) A.M.I Arthurus David .Morice, Old .Machar A..M,J Benjamin (irahani, Kuthes |A.M.J ; .MB.. C .M. I8(><> Carolus .N'iven, Peterhead A..M. : Hon. I, .Math.; Simp. .Math ; B.A. Cantab. (Senior Wrannler) 1867; .M.A. 1870: Prof .Maths.. gucen'8 Coll., Cork, 1867 80; Prof. Nat Phil.. Alvrd.. 188(1 ; D.Sc.. y.L I 1881 Carolus Thomsiin. .Minve A.M. Carolus T.Kld. Alvah. /■ . (//. >, ifHiO- 186JJ David l-errier. Old .Machar, 1st burs. A..M : Hon. 1., Class.; I.. Phil.; Hutt.]; LL.D. 1881 ; MB.. CM. Kdin. 1868; .M.D 1870; LL.D. 1898 David Johnston, Kincardine O'.N'cil, b ; [b. ,^, I. m, A..M. 1864] David Arthur Kerr, Old .Machar, b ; .MB., CM 1S6.S David Lius Allan. Banff A..N1. ; Hon. 1., Class. ; Simp. Greek Geor^ius .Milne Hae. L'dny (/', .Mar. Coll.) [A..M.] ; D.D. 1893 Geor^ius Thom, 1-ornuc [A-M.j; LL.D St. And. 1887 Gulielmus Benton. B, t\ Robertus Abercromby Todd, Alvah, b; [b,s, 1860-62] Robertus Francis Tytler, Agra, b Samuel Fraser, Alness [A.M.] I •CI APPENDIX A. MASTERS OF ARTS WHO WERE NOT ALUMNI OF UNIVERSITY AND KINGS COLLEGE. 1721. Oct. y. John Rutherford. ■•Tlie Principal and .Mr. George Gordon having produced letters from .\Ir. Archi- bald .Murray, advocate, one of the College Lawyers, in favour of Dr. John Kutherford, Dr. of .Medicine, desiring that he might have a diploma as .M.ister of Arts from this University : which the .Masters also agreed to recommend to Mr. George Gordon to write to Mr. .Murray that the said Doctor should come here personally if possibly he can." (Miiiut.s). M.D., Hheims, 1719; F.R.C.P. Ed.. 1724. 1722. Nov. 10. Alexander Fraser. ■The Masters allow Mr. Burnet to gradual Alexander Fraser, son to iMr. Alex- ander Fraser, sub-principal, .Master of Arts." LL.D., 1725; Civilist, 1724-41. 1724. Mar. 10. Jacobus Ogilvie. ■•V.D..M. de Futtie, renunciante .Mro. Geo. Chalmers, Principali." {Alb. C.i Alumnus of Mar. Coll., 1709-13. Jacobus Udney. " Scriba Abcrdonensis. renunciante Mro. Geo. Chalmers, Principali." {Alb. C.) Alumnus of Mar. Coll., 1699-1703. 1725. Mar. 9. Jacobus Howie. •'V'.D.M. de Newhills. renunciante .Mro. Geo. Chalmers, Principali." (Alb. C.) Alumnus of .Mar. Coll., 1701-05. Aug. 30. Andrew Burnet. " A young gentleman who had studied three or four years at Dublin as appeared by his Certificates." After examination by Mr. Kerand .Mr. Bradfut in Latin, Greek and Philosophy. 1726. Jan. II. David Malloch. "The .Masters having formerly seen and approvcn an English Poem written by Mr. David .Malloch, Tutor to th ■ DuUe of .Montrose's sons, in imitation of the Donnidt-5, and having ordered the same to be published therewith, they, as a rnnrli of their esteem and respect for the said .Mr. .M.illoch. and being sufficiently satislied of his good Letters and bright qcjalifications otherways. unanimously agreed that a Diploma shall be sent to him conferring on him the Degree of .Mr. of Arts in this University." [David Mallet, the poet. A.M.. Edin. 1734 : " olim alumnus".] BB 194 APPENDIX A. 1727. Jan. 21. Thomas Hortoii. Anglui. " Having iccn a ccrtiRcal of hi* kkill in Philolo({y and Philosophy 1737. John Aikin. "StuJcnl in Divinity, having reiulcd in the College fur a conoidcrahlr iimc pan! . . . and gi\cn gtMtd Icstimirny i>f his ProHcicncy in the l.ibral Arts, and hiA regular and decent Hchaviour. the L'nivcrMiy did unanimouiJ} agree <■•' I"*, (.irlhcr Kn couragcntcnt that he ahou'd be graduate .Maater of Art*.' 1741. June 19. [John: Mason. "The .Master* unanimously agreed to give a Degree of .Master of Arts to .Mason. .Minister ol a Dissenting Congregation at Dorking in Surrey : they being well certified of his Sufficiency and .Merit." Author. 17-45. Auj;. 2. Kofjcrus Kindcrly. • De Norwich, V.D..M." (Alb. C.) 1750. Apr. 20. Joannes Canton. • Londinensis." (Alb. C.) F.R.S., 1749. Electncian. May 28. Georgius Craig. " Elginensis. et Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter." \Alb. C.) 1752. Aug. 6. Francis Lhcrondell. ■ Hector of Sturmcr in Essex, recommended by the Rcvd. James Carrington, ,M A.. Prebendary of Exeter, the Rcvd. Alexr. Cornwall. ,M.A.. Rector of Great Yeldham in Essex, and Tho. Tounson of .Magdalen College. Oxford." 1753. Sept. 3. William Parr. "Student of Physick in the University of Edinburgh. .M.D. Edin., 17SS. F.R.S.. 1770. 1754. Apr. 23. Thomas Llewcllin. ".Minister of the Gospel in London; attested as qualified fur this Degree by .Mr. John Walker and .Mr. Canton, Masters of Arts." 1757. Jan. 28. Thomas .Moses. " .Minister of St. Paul's Chapel at Aberdeen." Sept. 20. George Davis. " Recommended by J. Pipe, .M.A.. late of Pembroke College, Oxford : G. Rawlins. M.A., Chaplain to honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, and James Clarke, .M.A.. late of King's College, Aberdeen." 1759. Mar. 7. James Kuddoch. •' Minister of St. P-iul's. Aberdeen : " ' the Alumnus of 1743-47. Aug. 25. George Gauld. "Teacher of Mathematics aboard the Preston : " ? the Alumnus of I7S0'S4. 1759. Nov. 16. Jr,hn Ruddc. "Vicar of the parish of St. Peter, Portesham, Dorsetshire; recommended by Dr. John Walker. " If II APPENDIX A. 195 1761. May 20. [Thomas] Stackhouse. " Recommended by Dr. Walker." Author. 1763. Apr. 25. Liscombe Maultbe Stretch. " Recommended by Dr. Walker and .Mr. John Canton." May 13. Patrick Wilson. • Of Aberdeen, Esqr." Alumnus of Mar. Coll., 1757. 1764. May 14. Henry Mayo. " .Minister of a Congregation of Dissenters at London : recommended by Drs. Langford and Walker at London." 1767. Apr. 18. Charles Case. " Preacher of the Gospel in London." — . — Thomas Gibons. "Son to Doctor Gibons in London." M.D. Edin. 1775., ■■ Recommended by Doctor John Walker and the Revd. Mr. Watson." June 22. Guhelmus Windle. " Eboracensis, Sheffield." (Alb.C.) Oct. 17. [William] Kingsbury. " Dissenting minister at Southampton." [Edward] Ashburner. " Dissenting minister at Pool in Dorsetshire.". " Who both studied si.\ years under Doctors Conder, Walker and Gibbons, and whose qualifications are attested by Doctor Walker and J. Watson, A.M." Authors. Samuel Beldam. " V.D.M. apud Dunmow in comitatu Essexiae." {Alb. C.) Gulielmus Johnson. "V.D.M. apud Chelmsford in comitatu Essexiae." (Alb. C.) 1768. .Mar. 4. John Stratton.* " Esqre. of London, recommended by Doctor Walker and by Dr. Connop," 1769. Nov. 29. John Dwyer. '• A presbyter of the Church of England, whose qualiflcations and regular Academical Education at Oxford were attested by Dr. John Walker and Mr. Mayo, both graduates of this University." 1770. May 17. Benjamin Fuller. ■■ Of London, recommended by Doctor John Walker and Dr. James Watson." Called Jo. Fuller in Alb. C. Nov. 14. Richard Griffith. "Chaplain to H..M. -ISth Regiment of Foot, Vicar of Aghmacart in the Diocy of Ossory, and Curate of the united parishes of Killbrittain and Rathelaren in the Diocy of Cork." * In Off. and Grad,, p. 247, this degree is wrongly given also under 1767. 196 AITHNniX A. 1771. Jan. S. John Clarke. " Rector of Collingirrc in the county of Northampton, and McaJmBttcr of the Cjramm.ir School at ljuil>N>r«ui;h. rcvi>inmcndcd by ihc KcvJ. Juhn Myland, A M <•( .Vurthamplon, and A. Kothcrnill. .M D.. Phytioan in Northampton." 1783. Pcb. 10. Bcckwith Dixlwcil Fnre. " Student of law at the fniver»itv of Oxford [matnc. 1778). member of Alhun Hall there, and of the HonWc Society i^f Lincoln > Inn, l»ndon ; recommended by I'ran. Randolph. I'rin>.ipal, and John I'rec, 1)1).. late \'icC'principal of Altun Mall, and Uilli.im Cranitford, Sen., A. .M. of Aberdeen, and William Crannlord, Junr. A.M. of Oxford ' July 10. GeorRc Hunt. "Of Dorset Street. I^mdon . . . certificate tubfcribed by Gilbert Stewart. I.L.D.. William Thomson, .M.A., and David Grey. M.A." 17tK). l-oh. ly. John Gixjsc. •• K.S.A. Lecturer of St. Olive's. Soulhwark, and .Miniittcr of the Tower of l^ndon . . . ccrtiHcd by the Kev. Dr. John Hree, and B. D. Free. M.A. ' Author 1791. Sept. 29. Joseph Jefferson. "Curate and lecturer of St. Ann's, Soho. London: recommended by the Rcvd. Dr. Huuh .M<.lA:od, Prufcksor at Glasgow, and the Kcvd. Dr. Henry WhinHcld. of Lxindon, S.T.P." Author. 1792. Feb. 14. William Woolicy. "Chaplain to the .Marshalsca : recommended by .Mr. John Grose, .M.A.. and .Mr. U. D. Free. .M.A." 1794. Jan. 20. Robert Wilson. " From CharlcsKin, South Carolina, whose Literary Abiliiyt arc fully ccrtify»d by Professors Gordon and Ogilvie. " 1794. April 2. John Clayton. " Rector of Froonie. St ^uintin and livershot in the county of Dorset, whose .Merit and Literary Abilitys were attested by Rol>crt .Master. H..M of Oxford: William Nance. I.1..H. of Cambridge ; John Chapman. D.D.. PreK-ndary of Mristol : lidward .Mor»head, A..M., Fellow of Kxctcr Ciillcgc, Oxf. , Th. Folh'crcill. D D.. Oxf. : Isaac loathes, A.,M., Fellow of Jesus College. Camb. : Thos. Heaij Dowson. Oxf. : Thos. Owen. A. .M., Fellow of Queen's College. Oxf." 1795. Nov 7. (Icorgc .Mitchell. "Amply recommended by the .Masters of Marischal College under whom he studied." II7H9 9I.] — — Thomas Chevalier. " Of the City of I^ndon. Surgeon . recommended by Dr Jenkins and .Mr Evans, A.M., both graduates of this University, as a good I'hilovipher and an amiable. worthy man." Surgeon to George IV. Author. 1796. Aug. 22. William Blair. " Member o( the Corporation of Surgeons in the City of l^ondon : recommended by the Revd. Dr. Joseph Jenkins and 'I'homas Chevalier. A..M.. as a gentleman of Ability and Learning." Author. Si APPENDIX A. 197 1797. Sept. 8. Jonas Asplin. '■ From England who has regularly attended all the Medical and Philosophical classes at Edinburgh for five years past." Author. 1799. Dec. 24. Thomas Webb. "Master of Cavendish Academy, etc., svhose moral character and literary abilities are certified by the Revd. B. D. Free, A..M.. etc., and the Hevd. .Mr. J. Grose. A.M." 1801. Dec. 21. Thomas Haigh. " Master of the Grammar School, Tottenham . . . attested by Messrs. B. D. Free and J. Grose, M.A.s." Author. 1803. Mar. I. John Morley Wood. "Of St. Bride's in London . . . attested by John Pridden, .\I.A., Queen's College, Oxon.; Wichard Edwards, Trin. Coll., Camb. ; Rod. Macleod, U.D. ; and James Lindsay, King's Coll., Abdn." 1804. Oct. 11. Morgan Davies. ■ Curate of St. James in the Liberty of Westminster . . . attested by .Mr. Gavin Hay, master of an Academy in London, and Mr. William Paul, minister of Mary- culter." 1806. Mar. 18. William Moore Johnson. "Certified by John Shaw, .M.A., Line. Coll., 0.\on., and S. Dubordieu, Trin. Coll., Dubl., as well as very amply by .Mr. Adam Clark of London, well known as the author of several literary works." 1807. Jan. 31. Adam Clarke. • .Member of the Philological Society of Manchester, and author of some literary works of merit." LL.U. 1808. May 11. David Evans. " Now in priest's orders in the Church of England, who had been educated at the University of Oxford [matric. 1789: Vicar of Headcorn, Kent, 1803] . . . attested by the Kevd. Dr. Roderick .Macleod, Rector of St. Ann's, Westminster, and the Revd. .Morgan Davies, A.'VI. " Author. Sept. 11. Thomas Etherington. " Lecturer of Saint Martin's [? Michael's], Cornhill . . attested by the Revd. Thomas Robert Wrench, .M. A., Queen's Coll., Oxford; the Rev. James Blenkaine, M.A., Emmanuel Coll.. Cambridge ; and the Revd. John Rose, .M..A.. St. John's Coll.. Oxford." Author. 1809. July 8. Charles Bradley. ' .Master of the Foundation School at Wallingford, Berks, and author of a work on English Grammar . . . certified by William .Mairis. .A .M., Rector of St. Peter's, Wallingford, and William Hazil, A.,M., late Fellow of Pembroke Coll., Oxford." Sept. 19. Edward V'alpy. •■ Rector of Stanford Dinglcy. Berks, second master of Reading School, member of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, and author uf a highly esteemed publication entitled ' Elegantiae Latinae ' . . . attested by William March, A.M., Vicar of Basiklcn, Berks, and George Gleed. AM.. Fellow of St. Jnhn's Coll.. Oxford." B.D.. Cantab., 1810. 198 APPENDIX A 1810. July M. William Roy. •• S the Hc\-d .Mr. Caul of Mjrvculter . . . had applied to .Mr. Scott to he i-\amined previoun to hi* MilicitinK the Dejjrcc een examined hy the Sub I'rincipal and regent* in Cla»wcal Literature, .Malhematic*. and the difrcrcnt branches of I'hiloviphy. and found to l>e well verkant in all these subject*. They, thcreftire. have no hesitation in recommending bim to the mccliiij; as deserving the Dc>;rcc ertson Bar- clay, .M.A., and John Playfair, A.M., Prof, of Nat. Phil.. I£din." Appointed Prof, of Civil and Natural History, Mar. Coll., on 1st July. 1811 : M.D. Edin., 1792. July 17. Nash. " Attested by .Mr. Roy. teacher of an Academy at Fulham, and who has been known from early life to .Mr. Paul." After examination. 1812. Aug. 1. Thomas Edmonds Williams. ■Rev. . . . certified by the Revd. Gil. Wall, of Exeter, A..M.. and the Revd. Benjamin Pope, A..M., Curate of Caversham in Oxfordshire " Author. 1813. Jan. 6, Thomas Exiey. " Bristol . . . attested by Dr. Adam Clarke and [\V. .M.] Johnson. M.A." Author. Dec. 23. William Allen. " Revd. ... of Newbury, Berks, , . . certified by Edward Houlditch. .M.A.. Vicar of Speen. Berks, and B. Wilson, A..M.. Rector of Shcflord. Berks." Author. 1 81 a Dec. 2. Hew Scott. "Of East Lothian, who besides producing a Certificate of having attended the following classes in the University of l-Idmburgh. ■.•:.. Humanity. Ixgic. (>reek. Natural and .Moral Philosophy. Scots Law, Anatomy. Surgery. Chemistry. Practice of .Medicine and Agriculture, is warmly recommended and his literary and moral qualifications amply attested by James l-er^uson. Es<)r., of Pitlour. and John Buchan, Esqr. , W.S." D.D. St. And., 1867. Compiler of Faili EccUiiar Scoticanat. 1817. July 16. Joseph Sutcliffe. • Revd. ... of Deptford . . . attested by Olinlhus Gregory, LL.D., Professor of ,Mathematics in the Royal Academy at Woolwich, and James Hamilton. .M.D.. Artillery Place, l^ondon." Author. Dec. 31. Thomas Hartwcll Home. " Sub-librarian of the Surrey Institution, author of several literary work*, copies of which he presented to the College . . . certiHed bv Samuel Burilcr. A.M.. and Joseph Sutclifl. A..M." B.D. Cantab, 1829; D.D. Trin. Coll.. Hartford. 1829; D.D. Pennsvlvania. 1841 APPENDIX A. 199 1819. Jan. 30. John Pears. " Alumnus of the University of Edinburgh, and a licenciate of the Church of Scot- land, whose abilities were strongly testified by Edward Irving, A.M., Edinr. ; James Brown, A.M., Edinr. : and Walter N'ichol, A.M., Edinr. ; and in whose favour a very strong certificate from the Presbytery nf Kircaldy was e.vhibited." New Regulations minuted, under which the Honorary Degree of A.M. may in future be conferred. — Dec. 12. John Duncan. " Master of a Classical Academy at Hampstead Heath, and Afternoon Lecturer at St. James, Pentonville . . . certified by Samuel Burder. A..\l.. Lecturer of Christ Church, Newgate Street, and Solomon Pigot, A..\L, perpetual Curate of Latchford and Lecturer of Clerkenwell." 1820. Apr. 28. Richard Dodd. "Master of an Academy at Tichfield, Hants, . . . certified by Adam ClarUe, LL.D., and Joseph Sutcliffe, A.M." Dec. 29. James Smith Kidston. " Certificate signed by John Love, D.D., and Gideon Colquhon, M.D." 1821. May 3. Thomas Mortimer. "Lecturer, St. Olave's, Southward, . . . certified by Charles Bradley, A..M., Curate of High Wycombe, and Thomas Boys, A..M., Trinity Coll., Camb." Aug. 30. Hercules Scott. M.A. Mar. Coll. I8I2: a( York . . . ccniAed by Rev Thomat Mnrtimcr, A.M.. Kins'* Coll.. Aberdeen, and U C Dillon. A M St Ed- mund * ll.ill. Oion " LL.D.. 1824. Dec. 7. Henrj' Johnson. "Curate of RaUlon. Wiltn . ccrtiflcd by Mevd, George Lawson. Vicar of Heverkham. and Kcvd John Cuatet. A..M.. .Minister of IxinKwood." 1823. Jan. 14 John .Mitchell. •Of Squirrel Hall. YorUa . certified by John Backworth. A .M . Vicar of Dewsbury, and William \Va««, A.M., Minister of Darton." July 23. William Hayward. " Uc\-d. . certified by William Waia. A..M.. and C. T Jcnninga, A.M." Au^. 16. John Whatcly. ■ .M D. Edmr (1823) . . . certified by Thomas .Mallison. .M.D.. Edinr.. and \\ H Crawford. .M.D., Edmr.' P. Bailey. " Revd. . . certified by the RiRht Rev Bishop GleiR, Stirhng. and the Kevd Oeorfje Robert Glcif;. A .M. " 1824 Jan. 27. l-i^ncis M. Gourricn. "Certified by Christopher Irving, LL.D.. .inJ Samuel MKn I.L.D.. both of this University." Jonathan Rdmonson. " Revd. . . . Rochester . . . certified by Rcvd. Henry Heap, Vicar of Brad ford : Revd. William Stcadman. D.D. ; and Joseph SutclifT. A.M. of this L'niversity." Pcb. 4. Robert Allan. " Bath . . . certified by Christopher Irxing. LL.D.. and Samuel Allan. LL.D . both of this University. " Apr. 2. William H. Brewster. " Curate of Crosscrake . . . certified by George Lawson. A..M.. Cambridge, and John C;irt\vell. A.M.. Oxford." ^— Thomas Jones. "Curate of St. Augustine's. Norwich . . certified by John .McAulay. A .M. Glasgow, and Charles Pritchctt. A..M. Trin. Coll.. Cambridge July 22. Samuel Wass. "Incumtx-nt of .Mirflcid . . . ccrtiflcd by William Wass. A .M.. Revd. Rich. Korth. n.A.. and John .Mitchell, A.M." AuR. Ifi. John .McKenzie. •Rcvd. . . . Dcplford . . . certified by George Ritlicck (?). M.D .inJ James Mitchell, LL.D. " Oct. 7. Thomas niacklcy. ".Minister of Roihcrham . . . certified by H. S. .Milner, LL.D., .Merton Knc) ■ boniugh, and C. W, liyrc. AM . Rector nf Hnnnn Roberts. ' i ?•; 1825. Apr. 11. Thomas Garratt. V " Perpetual Curate of Altcar . . . certified by George Vanbrugh, LI^.B.. Rector ■■7' of Oughton, and A. Bressac [?], Fellow of Queen's Coll., O.tford." -if May 3. William Barnes. i,)\ APPENDIX A. 201 bridge, and the Revd. William Wass, LL.D., King's Coll., Aberdeen." Apr. 3. George Bennett. " Master of the Boarding School at High Wycombe and Staines . . . certified by James Mitchell, LL.D., and Eneas .Mclntyre, both of this University." Nov. 1. T. Sharp. "Revd. . . . Woolwich . . . certified by James .Mitchell, LL.D., and Charles Begrie, A.M., both of this University." 1830. July 28. R. R. Bailey.* " Resident Chaplain of the Tower of London . . . certified by D. .McKinnon, M.D.. J. Rainnie, Somerset House, and James .Mitchell, LL.D." Aug. 7. Nathaniel Meeres.* •' Of Enfield . . . certified by John Milne, A..M., and James Mitchell, LL.D." 1831. Apr. 14. William Thomson.* " .M.R.C.S., and Lecturer on .Medicine in Edinburgh. . . . The meeting in con- sideration of .Mr. Thomson's highly respectable character agreed to confer the honorary degree of A..M., proposed by Dr. .Macpherson." M.D. Mar. Coll., 1831. Nov. 19. Duncan McCauley. "Who had gone through a regular course of education at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, and produced testimonials and certiBcates to that effect." 1832. Nov. 17. George Wallace.f ••B.A. Cantab [1831] . . . certified bv W. Whewell, Tutor. Trinity Coll. Cam- bridge , Archdale W. Taylor. .M. A. Oxford ; John Tuson, M.A., Fellow of Clare Hall ; and James Allan, A.M. King's Coll., Aberdeen." * In List of Pcrs., pp. 56, .S7, this degree is wrongly dated 1826. t Omitted in List of Pers., p. 57. CC ' Oct. 14. Henry Heap. %^. "Vicar of Bradford . . . certified by the Revd. William AtUinson, A..'V1., Jesus ; .•', Coll., Cambridge, and the Revd. R. Powell, A.M." V; \f — — Octavius C. Sim. i', ' Of Brompton, Beeslaw, YorUs . . . certified by John Lowe, A.M., O.xford, and William Wass, LL.D., King's Coll." 1826. Jan. 3. William M. MacQuine [?]. " Revd. . . . Portman Chapel, B.iUer Street . . . certified by the Revd. Henry Glossop, Vicar of Isleworth, Middlesex, and James Mitchell, LL.D." James Taylor. " Revd. . . . Yorlishirc . . . certified by William Atkinson, Jesus Coll., Cam- 202 AlllNKIN A. 1833. Oct. 26. ThDmas Martin Ready.* • I.I..H. Canl:ib [IH-TJ], Curaic o( Calcoll, SftmcniclKhire . . . certified by W. H SpnnKCtt, A..M.. C^anlab, and Alcutiidcr Bdmond, A..M.. .Mar. Coll." 1835. Mar. 7. James BurneR "The ScnaluH omfcrrcd the Degree o( .M.A. on J:iine» Hurnes. .M.D. [ ? J, K.R.S.L , and author of A V'lul lu tht Court of Stioi." I.L.D. on Sept 21 Apr. 21. Henry Ince. "Certified hy Jamex .Mitchell, I.L.D.. and Bncas .Macintyre, I.U.D." 1837. Dec. 9. Benjamin .Mackay. "The mcctinj! unanimously mnferrcJ ihc Honorary Decree of A..M. on Ben- jamin .Mack:iy. Em].. one of the Teacher* in the High School of Edinburgh." 1839. July 18. John BerrinRton.-f " Kcvd. . . . whose testimonials had been previoualy circulated, and who had been warmly recommended by Dr. Simpson of Worcester." 1845. Oct. 10. David Thomson. B.A. Cantab, 1839; .M.A.. 1845; ad funJem. Ke^ent and Professor of Natural Philosophy. 1847. l-eb. 4. Andrew Scott. M.A. Edin., 1826: ad fiimlnn. Professor of Hebrew. June 1. John Cockle. " .M.D. [IH46], he having produced most ample testimonials of his literary and scientific acquirements." July 26. Robert [W.] Frascr. " Minister of the parish of St. John's, Edinburgh ; he having produced, etc." Nov. 9. George r^erjjuson. .M.A. Edin.. 1833; ad (undrm. Professor of Humanity; LL.D.. IHtJU. 1848. Mar. 18. John Carmichael. "Student of Divinity, who has passed a regular cotirsc of study at the I'niver- sity of Glasgow " Fraser's div. burs.. 1846-49. Nov. 18. T. Swinhurne Carr. " Thereafter it was agreed to confer the degree of A.M. on Rev. T. Swinburne Carr." Dec. 2. Alexander Wilson. "Thereafter Prof. Ferguson moved and Dr. Fyfc seconded thjt the degree of A..M. be conferred on Rev. Alcxr. Wilson. Head .Master of the National Society's Training Institution. \ni the Principal moved and Prof. A. Scott seconded as an amendment th.it the regulations of the College as to the conferring of degrees In: adhered to in this ciisc as in all others. A vote beio;; taken there voted for Prof. Ferguson's motion. Dr. Scott. Dr. l-yfc. Pnifn. Thomson :ind I'crgiison. and it was . accordingly cirricd Prof A. Scoti protested and craved leave lo give in rc;i>on» of priMcHt." I ' the Alumnus of I82.S-29. Afterwards Vicar uf Tottenham and Preben- dary of St. Paul's.) • Omitted in Liil of Pttt., p. 57, t |n Litt of Ptrt., p. 57, this degree is wrongly dated 1837, I IT APPENDIX A. 203 J^ 1849. Sept. 11. Peter Redfern. '/. .M.D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology in the University. " In testimony ^^ of the high opinion which they entertain of his talents, acquirements and pro- •' fessional eminence." 1850. May 17. James Carter.* "Of Jersey, a gentleman Unown by several of the members, and who has passed a regular course of Study at the University of Edinburgh." 1851. .June 2. Frederick Fuller. B.A. Cantab, 1842: .\I.A , 1845; nd etiudem. Regent and Professor of Mathe- matics, 1851 : LL.D.. 18S3. 1854. Mar. 11. Robert Grant. " F.R.A.S.. Author of the History of Physicil Astronomy, and Secretary of the Royal .Xstronomical Society" : on the motion of Prof. Thomson. LL.D.. 1865; Prof, of Astronomy, Glasg., 1859-92. June 10. Peter Colin Campbell. .M.A. lildin., 1829: 111/ nindcm. Regent and Professor of Greek, 1854; Principal, 1855; D.D. Edin., 1855; King's Coll., ad lumtcni. * In List of Pers., p. 57, this degree is wrongly dated 1849. ii '% \i'i'iM)i\ n. TAHLH SHOWING NUMBKKS OH ENTRANTS IN KACH YEAR AT KINO'S COLLEGE AND AT MARISCHAL COLLEGE. WITH COK'RHSI'ONDINC. NLMHHRS Ol- GRADUATES Year. Bajans. Of whom M.A.s. y Bajant. 0( whom M.A.*. ]?'9G 1597 10 1598 H 1599 7 1600 10 1601 N 10 1 (>()2 13 6 U>03 15 7 ia)4 38 20 \>M)S 11 .s 11 I (S<)t-i 21 11 37 1607 14 9 1608 33 15 19 1609 18 11 28 1610 14 10 15 1611 15 6 15 [2t] 1612 22 17 9 7 1613 20 15 + iri 17 9 1614 24 13 21 8 + f3t] 1615 25 18 + [rj 22 1616 8 .s 18 [3tl 1617 15 II 16 :2t: At .Marinchal College. (204) ' At King's College APPENDIX B. 205 Year. King's College Bajans. Of whom M.A.'s. Marischal College Bajans. Of whom M.,-\.'s. 1618 14 8 18 1619 14 8 10 1620 16 8 24 1621 19 9 18 8 1622 22 8 + [2*] 21 9 + [2t] 1623 12 8 21 10 1624 18 9 22 [If] 1625 23 12 22 1626 29 13 15 1627 22 10 27 10 1628 20 9 23 1629 20 15 22 1630 22 12 23 12 1631 21 11 33 1632 15 6 13 1633 13 7 24 15 1634 20 10 23 [If] 1635 24 9 35 1636 17 5 18 1637 10 3 31 1638 11 4 16 1639 11 9 13 3 + [If] 1640 16 12 14 1641 15 7 15 1642 19 14 16 [ItJ 1643 21 10 7 1644 19 9 6 1645 20 16 9 [2t] 1646 21 12 17 1647 34 18 12 [2t] 1648 46 13 14 1649 29 14 + [1*] 16 1650 22 3 + [4*] 33 15 1651 21 10 30 [If] 1652 29 9 + [3*] 22 13 1653 15 9 19 10 1654 15 12 35 15 1655 22 13 20 12 1656 31 15 + [1*] 31 18 % ' At Marischal College. tAt King's College. 206 APPENDIX B. bajanft. i'lfcchal Colic^jc 1 r.i: I 1! ^v ri..i:, M .\ - Ba^an*. 1 M n l.t.n, M \ ^ 1657 15 13 27 i't 1658 46 27 19 1659 32 19 34 [It] 1660 44 28 49 1661 35 18 1662 68 39 18 1663 62 27 13 166-1 63 33 25 1665 35 20 + [2*] 17 10 + 11+] 1666 80 33 22 11 l(S67 77 + [2*] 18 12 1668 84 29 26 8 1669 35 13 16 16 1670 82 27 31 1671 42 18 54 1672 63 26 30 ['t] 1673 28 18 33 1674 73 23 26 5 1675 40 15 30 1676 44 12 12 1677 56 19 38 1678 46 15 29 1679 42 20 34 9 1680 41 22 19 1681 19 18 5 1682 26 3At 1683 59J 1684 1685 30t 1686 23 1687 1688 29 1689 19* 1690 1691 1692 1693 18t 1694 1695 24t ' At Marinchal College. t At King's College. Candidati. ,^: «'^t APPENDIX B. 207 Year. King's College Bajans. Of whom M.A.s. Marischal College Bajans. Of whom M.A.'s. 1696 27+ 1697 1698 1699 1700 28i 1701 24 1702 1703 1704 14 36+ 1703 12 1706 17 1707 19 1708 5 37+ 1709 6 1710 16 15+ 1711 10 1712 2 1713 12 1714 25 1715 14 1716 17 1717 15 7 28: 1718 18 9 1719 24 11 1720 30 8 1721 28 14 1722 17 9 26; 1723 33 15 1724 24 13 1725 25 14 1726 35 11 m 1727 29 9 1728 22 11 19+ 1729 31 10 1730 24 3 1731 19 12 1732 31 11 1733 25 8 1734 18 9 '? : Candidati. Vcar. King'k CollcKC It 17 Of whom MA... 7 MviKhal CollcKC Bajan*. Of whom M.A.'i.. 1735 1736 27 10 1737 32 16 1738 28 7 7 1739 18 6 12 1740 25 8 1741 26 11 1742 31 9 1743 17 6 1744 19 9 1745 25 6 1746 24 9 1747 11 3 1748 19 14 1749 21 10 8 1750 20 8 12 1751 11 7 10 1752 25 10 + [1*1 2 + \* 14 1753 13 12 1754 19 7 16 1755 16 10 39 1756 13 7 25 1757 18 8 11 1758 14 8 12 1759 24 13 13 + [2+] 1760 44 31 12 + [if 1761 26 13 11 1762 31 15 23 1763 28 14 + [1»] 17 + [It] 1764 23 12 12 1765 23 14 IS 1766 32 16 11 1767 25 15 28 1768 18 13 13 + [It] 1769 26 18 Ih 14 1770 25 13 + [\*] 12 10 1771 26 \i 33 26 At MariiichnI Collcfjc. + At Kinj;'* College. APPENDIX B. 209 King's College Uf whom 1 Manschal Of whom Of uhom Year. Bajans. M.A.'s. College Bajans. Magistrands. 23 M.A.'s. 1772 37 18 46 20 + [2t] 1773 30 IS + [1*] 42 25 22 1774 29 14 19 9 7 1775 27 16 44 27 22 + [2t] 1776 46 27 33 17 12 1777 38 19 + 1*1 46 19 15 1778 41 14 + 1*' 27 9 7 1779 30 17 39 21 18 + [If] 1780 42 21 35 19 13 1781 39 15 28 13 12 1782 27 12 + 1*1 42 17 12 1783 34 19 + l*- 42 22 18 1784 29 16 44 21 15 + [If] 1785 22 13 37 14 5 1786 24 17 41 25 17 + 1 + 1787 31 14 52 25 14 + :it: 1788 20 10 34 16 10 1789 31 16 34 11 10 1790 29 12 44 26 18 1791 25 14 39 18 14 1792 28 15 30 17 12 1793 22 12 37 20 17 1794 28 17 42 21 12 1793 37 19 36 17 17 + [If] 1796 31 19 33 21 18 1797 27 18 34 15 13 + [If] 1798 30 17 27 14 14 1799 31 19 47 23 22 + [If] 1800 33 24 34 21 15 1801 29 14 33 15 13 1802 32 19 42 16 16 + [If] 1803 28 16 52 23 23 1804 1 26 15 + [1*1 47 29 27 1805 45 25 54 35 33 1806 57 26 + 1* 44 24 23 1807 : 37 25 + '1*' 50 22 23 + [If] 1808 52 T, ? 56 32 32 I \ 'It * At .Vlarischal College. + At King's College. DD 3IO APPENDIX B. \tM. Colli ,(<^ liajank. MaK'""*"''*' 36 M.A.» 56 Mugittrandk. 35 MA ■». I8()9 71 34 + ;5«j 35 + ll+l 1810 33 18 18 56 35 32 laii 41 19 22 53 26 24 1812 55 29 28 + (3» 77 :6 Mi 1813 54 29 23 + :i»; 55 31 29 I8N 74 37 33 + [-I*. 79 38 34 f 1 1-^1 1815 57 32 |18 * [!• (i8 n 41 I8I(^ 64 30 |17 + (!•' 61 31 27 1817 75 43 21 + i3«' 83 45 43 1818 68 43 24 + 1I»J 58 28 26 I8IH 80 43 27 63 38 32 1820 76 41 28 59 35 28 1821 80 40 22 + [4«] 73 35 26 1822 67 45 36 74 33 16 1823 77 37 27 64 29 27 + [I-^] 1824 83 43 26 + !•] 78 24 19 1825 77 43 28 + !• 54 23 19 + [1 + 1826 81 41 30 + !• 64 28 23 + [2^ 1827 72 43 33 + 1» 61 :«) 23 1828 77 34 30 49 29 27 1829 70 39 28 50 22 19 1830 75 40 31 53 18 18 1831 78 42 3(> 55 24 22 1832 72 41 AS 61 27 25 1833 82 35 30 i^) 19 18 1834 76 39 34 50 21 20 1835 71 31 28 51 19 19 1836 81 39 40 50 21 18 1837 71 31 26 44 19 17 1838 59 29 26 48 18 18 1839 58 26 21 40 17 17 1840 45 28 23 41 15 15 + [It] 1841 47 27 25 39 20 18 1842 62 28 26 + [1«] 44 21 17 + [1 + 1843 68 39 37 43 18 12 + [2t 1844 90 40 37 + .^^•J 46 23 21 1845 80 43 38 + \i'\ 49 25 23 At Marinchal College. i At KinK H CollcKe. APPENDIX B. 211 Year. King^ College Bajans. Of whom Magistrands. Of whom M.A.'s. Marischal College Bajans. Of whom Magistrands. Of whom M.A.'s. 1846 77 43 38 + [1*] 59 35 24 1847 90 38 33 50 26 18 1848 109 45 39 + [1*J 58 22 18 1849 90 50 42 53 26 17 1850 92 59 49 + [1*1 53 23 14 1851 69 37 29 49 19 16 1 852 76 38 34 + [1»] 51 19 18 + [If] 1 853 76 33 28 69 30 26 1854 71 44 33 71 31 25 1855 77 42 35 + [1*] 5r> 23 16 1856 100 51 40 + [I*] 72 33 23 1857 76 43 39 64 31 26 1858 75 47 39 55 20 18 1859 68 40 31 59 27 17 ' At .Marischal College. t At King's College. sinlllum fommmu roilrnii bf.iff muiif UiiiDrrsitiitis uDriiioiunsi.s. ^212) INDEX. Siirmimcs an ^iven under Ihcir iismil English spelling : other spellings and Latinised forms heing added within lirackels. All Christian namei are Englished, and to each name is prefixed the first year of the Class K'hich the Student attended. An affixed n indi- cates that the name occurs in a Note : an affixed a that it occurs in Appendix A. The date of graduation i\ noted when the student's name does not occur in the corresponding class. Abei (Abell) 1656 J.llUUS 1723 John 1837 John Abercrombic ( Abercromb.ieus, Abercromb}') 1624 Alo'xantli'r 1653 Alexander i668 Ale.Nander 1670 Alexander (i) 1670 Alexander (2) 1654 Andrew 1745 t-harles 1720 (jcorge 1628 James 1628 John (0 162& John (2) 1642 Thomas 1628 Walter 1633 William Aberdein 1781 William Abernetliv' ( Abenicthie) 1726 Alexander 1648 John 1726 John 1796 John 1797 John 1733 William Achinlecus (see Auchiiileckj Adtun (Adams Adam us) 1602 Alexander 1733 Alexander 1787 Alexander 1822 Alexander 1823 Alexander 1825 Uavid 1725 Francis 1809 Krancis 1656 George 1801 George 1809 George 1816 George 1830 George 1690 James 1765 rt James 1794 James 1813 James 1827 James 1850 James 1851 James 1764 John 1800 John 1752 Robert 1787 Robert 1809 Robert 1821 Robert 1825 Robert 1663 William 1809 William 1826 William 1845 William 1846 William Adamson (Adamsone) 1629 George 1674 George 1678 (ieorge 1686 James 1720 James 1723 James 1736 James 1837 James '655 John 1850 John I.. 1667 William Addison 1790 George 1760 James 1833 John 1789 William Adie, Aedie (see a/so Eddie) 1719 Alexander 1696 David 1848 William Affleck, Afflect (j; W'llluiiii Wilhani WiMuim William Willutni Allardycc ( Allardcs, Allanlicc) 1789 \li-\«ninc& 1838) 1731 '7*5 1750 A.,, 1 If IH,. '»37 ■ 84-1 IB; If. ■ IBs. «8m i8(c 17" I.- 1 I .-•• • 1811 l8ll lO 1'. tH: 164s 1670 167a •775 1847 1844 16*4 1651 U. rr S. AlfMindrr ■M»*%:in«lrr '■■r [ i.r T. AicKantlcf Mrtnnclrr Aii.l.il..il.l ArL-hil>.ilil I 1H04 iRlo 1850 iai;3 1850 ■ b6(> 1667 1682 1690 ■ 696 1705 J-iJllCS Janice Jamc> Jamrs lanif-^ Jumo lain*^ J a mo Jamo 1» Janirs k. John John John John John « John lohn i.^"j iolin 1833 John 1833 John 1834 John (I I 1834 lohn 131 Uatiil David David David David Duncan < ic«rj;c (*1-OfgC .n (l| »(al Andrew Angus 1758 Alcuindn 1H33 Akrxandn (M.A 1837) I'^r' Aii.Irrw 17(1 : rrm An (land 1604 Ali'xandrr I'-"/? M»'\andci miIct 174s William Anscrmct 1S4J John 1 84 J JoJin INDEX. 215 Anstiuther 1637 William Anton i8i6 John Arbuckle 1814 John 1790 William Arbuthnot (Arbuthnet, Arbuthnotus, Arbuthnott) 1602 Alexander 16 1 2 Alexander 1650 Alexander 1669 Alexander 1670 Alexander 1675 Alexander 1613 David 1834 David 1668 James i686 James 1712 James 1737 John 1812 John 1607 Roljerl 1662 Robert 1696 Robert 1834 William Archibald 1834 George 1835 George Areskene {see Erskine) Argo 1848 Alexander 1826 David 1847 George Arkley (Arklay) 1828 James Arnold 1848 Walter 1849 Walter Ariiot (Arnott) 1856 Henry E. 1696 William '733 William (M.A., •743) Arskyne [see Erskine) lArthur j 18 1 3 George I i6g8 fi John 1762 Robert 1763 Robert 1767 Robert Ashburner 1767 ii [Edward] Asher 1847 Alexander 1847 John Gordon 1805 William i 1852 William S. C. I Asplin 1797 a Jonas Auchindachic [ (Auchj-ndach)' 1727 Alexander 1727 George Auchinleck (Achinlecus, Afflect, Auchinlecke, Auchinlek) 1629 Alexander 1679 Gilbert 1645 James 1638 Rtjbert :666 Robert Auchterlaunie {see Ochterlon)' 'Austeane 1604 Alexander I. Baillic (Bailej-, Bailie, Bailyie, Bal\iL-, Bayley) 1805 Archibald 1814 Benjamin 1815 Charles 1801 George 1809 George 1664 Henry (M.A., 1669) 1766 Hugh 1672 John 1783 John 1689 Kenneth 1823 ,/ P 1728 Patrick 1830 .; R. R. 1677 William 1754 William 1802 William Bain (Bayne, I Bean, Behn) 1707 Alexander 1766 Alexander 1813 Charles J. 1836 Charles H. 1728 George 1754 James x8oo James i8ot James 1823 James 1837 James 1838 James B. 1849 James 1841 Jeremiah C. 1647 John 1829 John 1834 John 1730 Kenneth 1842 Marcus 1710 Robert 1723 Robert 1848 Robert 1660 Ronald 1836 Ronald 1803 Thomas 1829 Thomas Balfour 1779 Alexander 1668 Andrew 1768 George [785 John i Ball an ty lie (Ballantine, Ballenden) j 1732 Alexander 1702 James I jBallingal 1758 Henry 1772 William Balmain 1835 Jajues 1*'. Balmer 1850 Andrew Balnaves (Balnavus) 1829 Allan Aven 1780 James Badichell (see also Barachel) 1709 // William 1 'Baigrie {see I Begrie) Baird (Bairdaeus Bairde, Bairdeus 1674 Alexander 1776 Alexander 1638 George i6t2 Gilbert 1609 James I 1634 James 1660 James I 1671 John I 1657 Michael Balyie(itr BaiUie) Banks 1689 John Bannerman (Banerinan) 1605 Alexander 1795 Charles 1726 David 1798 Edward 165s George '774 John 1729 Patrick Barachel .v(Y tt/so Badichellj 1710 William Barbour 1658 John )i 2l6 INPEX. Barclay 'Harclacus, Marclaius, H.m l.iyc, H.iii lius, Harclyc, Harklay; ifM.i A'l.iin '7' 17? i6a6 Uavid 1631 Unvid ■663 Ilavid 1613 Knincis 1669 Ucorgc 1673 OcorRr 1710 George 1690 Henr)- 169a Henry 1613 inmcs ■630 James l^^i l.iliirv 16., 170. 1736 'I j.UIM-^ 1760 Janie* 170a 1 l^Vl-^ 18. l6jo I'lin 1634 John 1636 John 1659 John 166S lolin 171" ' ' iHi l8jb luliii I6« I'a I nek ITT' I''; !'•' I'.. "7 Ih. I'-i I'm 17 18^ i Barker i8s3 Hioniat Kamcs ■ 815 a William Barnett 1808 Jiunn 1855 Jamra 1843 John Barrack 177a J«me» 1688 K John 1843 John 1848 William Bar-. rO. Id. 1H45 \\ illi.im K Barron ( Baron 1741 AlexiindcT IXJJJ 1843 I'nincK 1709 William 1854 V\'illiam Barllett fBarll. hn tin K-vi \\ illinm Rate 10 James iBatcman 1678 rhoina>. Bathir Baverlc)' {scr Bcvcrlc)- 1 Kaxtor 1699 Andrew If i.i \\ Ml .till i^in^ Bayley(j/'<-Bai!H<- Baj'nanl 1666 Kilo-ard Ba)nc .f.r Bain Hc.irlic 1' J 1 icoritr Bcadncll 1830 John I Bean {sr^ Bain Beaton (Bcatonc, Mrthunc, Bcton Bct Inmes 1730 lohn (M.A., iTa^^j iTJ't Vim |8|6 1^50 1638 1678 1 74 1 1K34 184^ «7<- •7- <7' B. John lohn M. (M.A. Roljcn Robert niomo* 'I h'-mn*. 1801 UlltUt iSaj Janiei ■ 859 James 1648 John ■765 I John ■80a John 1600 R. ,.u, :.. ._... I.- . I' l^ i.- li>4, ■■ 1851 William 1854 William R. Brunus (see Brow nj Bryden 1760 Janici Br)mer 1778 Alexander 1779 Dand »*«>Buchan ( Buchanus 1823 I lutlo. I7JI Jaiuo. 1763 James 1814 James 1666 l8»o iFi i antes ohn iBumess '^Bumcs, Burnsj I . ■ 1B4J John iBumct I (Burnaetu^, Burnett, Blirii(tUs) Icr Ici ler 7V3 i.*COt^C 681 la M.A., 1837) Brooke 1671 Peter irt^! w ilium 1 7'/ J \\| 1»74 Knl-^l INDEX. 219 ■7'3 1744 1782 1603 1655 1802 1855 164s 1647 1652 1653 1660 1668 1672 1746 Rolwrl Kohell Tlumas Thomas Thomas Thomas Wilh.im WiHiam WnUam W'iUiam Wilham W'iUiam Wilham Wilham Burney 1777 Charles Burns (see- a/so Burn ess) 1858 Alexander V. 1831 Wilham Burnside 1775 Robert Burr 1858 Alexander 1672 George Burton 1831 James Busfield 1858 Harcotirt M. Buyers 1852 John 1853 William Byres 1690 William Cadal (Cadell, Cadlle, see Calder) Caie (see Kay) Calder (Cadal, Cadell, Cadlle) 1667 Alexander 1803 Alexander 1851 Alexander 1732 Archibald 1833 Auliis C. C 1763 1789 1662 1763 1745 '775 1801 1846 1848 1624 •759 1849 1801 [848 1850 ! 1674 1668 1849 Charles Charles George Hugh James James James James James John John (M.A., 1764) John Patrick D. Peter Peter Robert William William Camcrarius 1. Chalmers) Cameron ^ 1809 Alexander 1810 Alexander i8t2 Alexander 1816 Alexander I 1841 Alexander 1844 Alexander 1845 Alexander 1848 Alexander 1761 Allan 1780 Allan 1835 Allan 1853 Andrew 1843 Charles 1767 Donald 1839 Donald 1789 Duncan 1849 Duncan 1739 Evan 1817 Francis 1822 George 1824 George I 1852 George S. ' 1856 George G. 1836 Hugh 1843 Hugh 1834 James 1842 James 1843 James 1851 James 1763 John 1766 John 1770 John 1813 John(i) 1813 John (2) 1814 John 1817 John 1835 John K. 1836 John 184^ John 1848 John M. 1849 «8S3 1858 1783 1797 1837 1791 1850 1851 1775 i8i8 1820 ■837 1847 John John John Murdoch Patrick Patrick Peter Peter Peter William William William William William Cam (C 1830 1833 1836 1774 1654 1677 1710 1738 1763 1776 1784 1799 1800 1813 1720 1831 1832 1648 1725 1762 1796 1846 1682 I 1827 ' 1829 1682 1783 1784 1786 1817 1818 1849 1759 1762 1762 •763 1820 1821 1667 i666 1668 169 1 1712 1831 1857 1614 pbell ampbellus) Adam Adam Adam Aeneas Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Archibald Charles G. Charles G. Colin Colin Colin Colin Colin A. n Daniel David David Donald Donald Donald Donald Donald 1(M.A., Donald ) 1858) Donald M. Dugald Du'gald (1) Dngald (2) Dugald Duncan Duncan Evan George George George George George George M. James 1790 James 1855 James 1857 James 1665 John 1698 It John 1740 John 1767 lohn 1778 John 1817 John 1822 John (M.A.. 1830) 1825 John 1827 John 1834 John 1835 John 1857 John 1758 Kenneth 1761 Kenneth 1671 Lachlan 1810 Murdoch 1812 Murdoch 1813 Murdoch 1765 Norman 1762 Patrick 1789 Patrick 1828 Patrick 1854 a Peter C. 1771 Pryse 1830 Robert 1629 William 1656 William 1778 William 1814 William 1817 William 1820 William (i) 1820 William (2) 1845 William Cant 1632 Alexander 1666 Alexander 1608 Andrew 1664 Andrew 1830 Arthur 1722 James 1815 James Cantlay 1858 Alexander S. 1820 James B. iCanton 1750 it John Car (see Carr) Cardno 1848 Alexander G. 220 INDEX. CarRill (Carpillius. CaruKill) C'arcnciit 17 I'aii'l jCasc I 17(17 a Liurin Cassic •7 •Tl •m ! ^ I i \\ llmm Chevalier ■ 7«5 .: Hiotniu Cheves 1674 .Mexander iS*a Tliomu 11. Chcync (Chcin. fl.,;ii,- Chejn) ■ 830 John Carmichacl Ib46 1813 I 1851 M.llLOIIll inoo R"bm Carnegie (C arnc- gay, CariK'Ky) 1670 Alexander 1668 ChnrW i8ai ' 1614 1799 1 homo* ■ Sag Willi.im Catto I 1813 Williiim iCentcr ttii,it Alexander ' iH» Willinni I 1853 William I Chalmers (Cainerarius, Chalmer) ' r^oo Al*"^^nd«-f 1007 «,»eorgr (M.A. «'«74l 1H17 lli'liii* Carngill (stc Car- KiH) Carny ■850 John Carr (Car, Care. xrf ii/sc Kerr/ 1643 Aleiandef 1603 AndrmA I An Arehilntd Carter i8jo a J^nir* ibu6 Unics 1614 Inines ■ , ' 'in lOjj John (M. A. 1651 John 1666 John 1668 jc.hM 1733 Jnhn ijab jiAn 'I .M.A.. If*. I'M 1611 \N'ilU.ini 1611 U ,i:L.,in l^ ■ I'-. 170a \K liiiiiii. 1797 Willi. >i»i Chaplaiid 1690 Janii-s Chaplin (. hapliiinj 1733 Alei.indrr 1745 John Will 17»3 'illiani Chapman 1R17 .M'-v.iihl'-i 1 - )7 I norce I' ■ l.in»e* I'-.i l.iiite* I74n J.tnics Chatficid 1834 Chnrln Cheape 1669 Heniy 1673 William Chiappini |8»7 Ixirenro i8»7 thMro Chicklcy 1833 William Chisholin (Chisolm, Chissolm, Chissolmu> (■lu->iolm) ■ .let Irr .ler der i.-j; I'.i^^'i 1614 IMnald 1811 Duncan 1831 George ig'»3 ( H^^rfte 1630)1 Chcin, Cheine (Sir Chcyno) IChcssor (Chcssore) i6jfl .\ndre« 1O05 Willwiii 1733 William I78( Willi.ini 1839 William m INDEX. 221 Chivas (si'e Chcves) Chree 1841 Charles 1852 George 1806 James 1857 Peter ChristaKChristall 1761 Alexander 1754 George 18^2 Geortje Christian 1813 James 1850 James R. Christie ^Christaeus. Chrystiej 1693 Alexander 1840 Andrew 1822 Diigald 1852 Dugald 1788 George 1703 // Hary 1726 Hugh 1658 James 1764 James 1794 James 1804 James 1827 James 1828 James 1842 James 1849 James 1773 John 1776 John 1789 John 1806 John 1822 John 1834 John 1836 John 1837 John 1838 John 1837 Johnslon 1683 William 1719 William 1776 William 1834 William 1840 William (i) 1840 William (2) Christison 1816 Uavid Chysolm (see Chisholm) Clapperton 1780 James 1823 John Clark (Clarke, Clerk, Clerkius) 1807 II Adam 1610 Alexander 1615 Alexander 1642 Alexander 1663 Alexander 1667 Alexander 1668 Alexander 1671 Alexander 1690 Alexander 1702 Alexander 1717 Alexander 1763 Alexander 1770 Alexander 1809 Alexander 1810 Alexander 1844 Alexander M. 1857 Alexander 1859 Alexander 1715 Benjamin 1807 Charles 1809 Charles 1726 Daniel 1817 Daniel 1818 Daniel 1805 Donald 1622 Farquhar 1607 George 1644 George 1 66 1 George 1846 George 1668 Gilbert 1778 Henry 1855 Henry 1856 Henry 1677 James 1 1715 James 1733 J'mes 1 1743 Jai'es I 1758 James j 1761 James I 1787 James 1803 James (M.A.. ; 1848) 1810 James 1812 James 1850 James 1856 James 1693 n John 1697 John 1710 John 1727 John 1728 John ; 1730 John I7S3 John 1771 .; John 1787 John '799 John 1801 John 1808 John 1821 John 1838 John 1843 John S. 184s John 1790 Joseph 1806 i'ryee 1808 Roljert 1810 Kobert 1825 Robert (M.A. 1839) 1829 Stewart 1705 Thomas 1813 Thomas M. 1807 William 1825 William 1831 William 1844 William R. Clayton 1794 ««-mI ■CI 1 ■ . 1) Corse l-ji \;r..in.|.-i H 1 :- 17JJ 1 1,1.1(1 tjtj John ■ I- Corsic 1853 John 1853 John 1859 Willuim C \f-r . r1 ■d ' f i;~j \\ ill. ,111 1814 Willuim Corbel (Corbat, r-,.,iv.ii f..,i.;t Cosgrove ■859 Wilhiim U. Coulic (src CoWie) r<...ii 1 1 1 irT Cow per {scf Cooper) Crabb iSai Jamrt ' "raford {sff Craw fordi •ultcr ji Jolin Craftes 1677 D»«-icl (■finlincr C(K)|jcr) 11* (< "(iriloiitt ' * ■•utts iCouts, 1;-.., l.iTur. 1 Couttis Cuts, M. riH.ix-i (Cou|>ar. . Cowp.i tge (M A '1. v. 1849 \\ iiii.\m S. INDEX. 223 Craik, (Craike Crakaeus) 1626 James 1771 John 1774 Samuel 1666 William Cramond (Cramondc Cramondius) 1666 (jeorgc 1681 George 1648 Hercules 1640 James 1666 James 1658 John 1677 William Cran 1855 Alexander 1815 George 1835 John 1841 Patrick 1857 Peter 1849 Robert Craske 1833 Christopher Crawford (Craford Crauford) 1665 Alexander 1821 Charles 1827 David [G.] 1823 Peier 1707 William Creightoii (see Crichton) Crerar 1818 Patrick 1819 Patrick 1822 Thomas 1823 Thomas 1824 Thomas Crevie (Creve)-) 1639 Thomas 1686 « Thomas Creyk 1850 Alexander 1854 William Crichton (Creightoii, Crichtone, Crichtonius, Crichtonus, • Crighton) 1854 Alexander G. j 1607 CJeorge 1677 George 1678 George 1635 James 1668 I^wis i68g Patrick 1635 William 1680 // William 1814 William Crockett I 1848 William Cromar 1708 Alexander 1711 « James 1847 James 1848 James 1853 James Crombie 1717 Alexander 1795 John Cruden 1822 James 1778 John I 1730 William Cruickshank (Crookshank, Cruckshank, Cruickshanks, Cruikshank, Criiikshankius) ' 1721 Alexander ! 1823 Alexander , 1824 Alexander 1852 Alexander (i) 1852 Alexander (2) j iBss Alexander 1826 Brodie 1827 Brodie 1830 Charles 1769 Daniel 1843 l-"rederick 1844 I'rederick 1 64 1 George 1817 George 1826 George 1639 1720 1723 1782 1786 1788 1800 1802 1806 1817 1819 1823 1824 1838 1842 1853 1680 1682 1689 1776 1777 1785 1817 1836 1837 •795 1832 1705 1820 1848 1849 1724 1761 1774 1786 1815 1821 1822 1850 1856 1858 James James James James James James James James R. James James James A. James James James James James John John John John John John John Morris Morris Patrick Patrick a Robert Robert Robert Robert William William William William William William William William William William J. Culbard 1846 John C. Cumming (Comeing, Cuinenius, Cumin, Cuniinc Cuniinj^, Cumingns, Cummin. Cumminc, Cummingc, Cumminius, Cumm\-ng, Cumyng, Cyminiusj 1603 .\l<'xander 1610 /Mexandcr 1647 Alexander 1658 Alexander 1661 .■\lexander 1672 .\lexander 1703 // .Alexander 1768 Alexander 1808 .Alexander i8i3 .Alexander 1824 Alexander 1826 Alexander 1852 .Alexander 1706 .Archibald 1663 David 1682 David 1817 Francis G. 1615 George 1643 George 1663 George 1697 George 1725 George 1617 James 1630 James 1654 James 1672 James(M..A., 1677 James 1680 James 1782 James 1812 James 1855 James M. D. 1623 John 163s John 1657 John 1659 John 1662 John 1665 John 1667 John 1672 John 1673 John 1674 John 1697 John 1706 John 1729 John 1732 John 1806 John 1822 John 1850 John 1780 Patrick 1781 Patrick 1622 Robert 1643 Robert 1672 Rol)ert 1676 Robert 1680 Rotwrt 1837 Simon 1667 Thomas 1613 William 1618 William 1652 William 1653 William 1657 William 1665 William 1671 William 1678) 22A INDEX. C'li nulling I7«>S \Vi;ii.iiii CiuiniiiKlMin (Cuiiinnhainc, Cunniiii^li.'iinc. Cuimin^h.iiniu- 1596 J»nn!» 1653 jaroo 1647 John 1663 Samuel Cunnings 1673 Willwiii Curr 1845 John 1846 John Currie 1843 Jiimo A 1710 John 185a John C. 1853 John C Cushney 1770 Alc«an Cnthill ( \minius {sff (/iiinmingl Dalfjamo 1 ).il'^ar i(M .\.. I I7») I'ic'i \\ ;;::.»in 1667 Wilhuin Dal^lclsh !8 (irurgr 1 .-t- /, I ir. It xe Dauncy (sff nlso Ddwnic) . ndrf Davidson (Dauidsonc, D;r -'^ (030 AU'V.uulcl 184U Alexander •"' ■ >'■•' indcr ■ir r» A. .Id • iKC 1844 lieorgc i3o7 Hugh 1724 l;inie» I7<;i lainr* ; 1764 janie* I '779 J»n>e« I 1811 ;? Inines .. •. H. Culs, Cutis (see Coutts) iKfiJ . M. i'>7i juiin • 167* John 1681 John 1711 jotin I 171a John 1736 John 1763 li>lin 1774 John 17K<) John 1803 John I 1806 John I 1810 John 1R14 I-lin i.-itj I'liiii I). 1843 lohn H. 1843 John 1849 John 1767 Painck 1848 Peter iSf/o Robert "^ i.-j; -^.iiiiuel I8a8 Samuel iSt'' "iimuel uiwl ■ m . ..(M.A.. Ih.. 18,,, ■' 1847 Willuim 1851 Willuini Davies 1819 HJ! ■ ■ 1804 •/ M Davis 1757 a Ciewrge 'Dawson i8a7 Charlc» 171,1 (",r,.ii;r 1776 James I "777 Jarne* 1839 John 1840 kolicn 1836 Thonia* II. 1839 Tboma* H Da>- (j«Y Dey) JDean (Deans) 1733 John ' i8a3 John 1824 John 1847 WilUani 1849 Willmni Dcason (.»v Daw- son) Dccanus 1639 Samuel I Dempster 1 i8a4 Janie* rjiii INDEX. Deiiham 1817 John Denoon (Denune, Dunoon) 1674 Alexander 1794 Alexander 1689 David 1744 David 1780 David 1794 David (?) 1815 David 1667 Donald 183 1 George 1710 James i8oo James 1801 James 168 1 Robert 1646 William 1717 William 1820 William Deuchar (Deuchers) 1695 John 1702 n Robert 1704 /I William Devine 1836 James A. Dewar 1 82 1 IVter Dey (Day) 1706 Alexander 1763 James 1859 John 1857 William Diack 174s Alexander 1809 James Dicl< 1717 Alexander 1790 James 1737 John '777 John Dickie 1659 William Dickinson 1805 John Dickson 1829 James Diigarno {see Dal- garno) Dingwall (Ding- well) 1795 Alexander 1762 James 171 1 William Dobson {see Dowbson) Dockar 1836 John Dodd 1820 (1 Richard Doig 1781 Duncan 1783 Duncan Delias, Dollasius {see Dallas) Don 1727 Patrick Donald 1743 Alexander 1744 Alexander 1782 Alexander 1788 Alexander 1768 James 1827 James 1854 James 1853 Peter 1786 Thomas 1782 William 1799 William 1828 William Donaldson (Donaldsone, Donaldus) 1838 A. c. 1661 Alexander 1812 Alexander 1844 Alexander A. 1841 Archibald 1807 Charles 1662 James 1761 James 1630 John 1696 John 1808 John 1630 Robert 1658 William i666 William 1806 William Doug 1667 Francis Dougall (Dougal) 1730 Alexander 1770 Hugh 1732 John 1740 William Douglas (Douglasius, Douglass, Douglasse, Douglassius, Dowglas, Dowglass, Dowglasse, Duglas) 1608 Alexander 1609 Alexander 162 1 Alexander 1631 Alexander 1662 Alexander 1815 Alexander 1835 Alexander 1847 Alexander 1848 Alexander 1615 Archibald 1690 Archibald '757 Christopher 161 5 George 1632 George 1640 George 1754 George 1615 James 1622 James 1634 James 1645 James 1679 James 1702 James 1624 John 1626 John 1628 John i666 John 1672 John 171 1 !t Patrick 1713 Patrick 1609 Robert 161 1 Robert 1643 Robert 1650 Robert 1664 Rohcri 1668 Robert 1842 Robert FF 225 1757 Sylvester (M.A., 1765) 1607 William 1615 William 1662 William Douguid (see j Duguid) Douny (see Downie) Dove 1838 James 1838 John F. Dovertie 1759 George 1748 William Dow 1779 Anthony 1742 David 1723 John '745 John 1742 William 1798 William Dowbson 1666 Robert Downie (Douny, see also Dauney) 1780 Alexander 1824 Alexander M. 1825 Alexander M. 1818 Charles 1748 John 1769 John i8i2 John 1813 John 1827 Joseph 1781 Murdoch 1619 Robert iDrummond 1698 n Gavin , 1699 Gavin lyoS G-iN-in I 1850 James 1702 John 1717 Robert '733 William A. :Du liois ! 1786 James .1^ n. 1 [ f 326 DufTiDunTct 1663 Ai'.^ni lSl4 ^r'.in. \t> . i6r- «*r "7' •75 1786 Air. I7»< Areliir., 1 Si ■811 Arthur i;66 Da«Kl 1855 Donald 1708 Grotjr i8j« Urorgr 1690 Jnntn 1711 James 1743 lame* 17A7 James ■ 789 James ■795 JAmes 171^ Jainrt ■ 836 James ■897 jarocs 1833 James i6ao John i66i John 174a John 1761 John 1783 John O. ■839 lohn 175s Lachlan 1783 l^-KIS 1743 rjirick 1738 Kobcrt 175a Kolirrt ■ B03 Ruben 1833 Robert (MA. I8a8l 1836 Rolicrl 1814 'l*honias A. ' ' ' nias mi im 1717 \V'illLam 1737 William ■--- V "im >in im it>o5 WiMum Duglas (j.Y Douglas I DuRuid (Douguid) M A 1664 Krancu INKKX. Uukc 1847 Willum iDun (sff Dunn jDunbar (Dumbar, !)umbarre. l)umlMru>, l)iiiit);irc-, I )urib.irfiis, l)ui)l>arr Duiibarri . Dunbarrus) i^?- »' '••• I'- 1' I' I' i'> 17. >7- 17 17 17 1718 Colin 1637 Daviil 1733 LXiviil 1816 Duncan jB-- ' - ' I I'i. It.. i K- lU 16'. .,..,>,. I'TI) I7tj 1 ;.-nr;:r '7 ir. I( 10 . 1643 James 164H 1'.;- I inir» ■^ .•-» '7'>. J ., niM I (M.A.. 1 •8»7» I'lao 1' I ' • it .MA.. i«.o \^'.iii.iir. ^.«6»| ,66, William (MA I '<7. •' I I Duncan (Duncanc) 1M3 n Aleuindrr i~>ii I li.irla ■ '■f; I >.IMavK] Fcrricr i7~' •■• 1708 « lohn 1833 Jolin ■8j3 John 1640 Painck M.A., 171.. "73- 1817 < <un.ilij 1666 John 1733 Francis ■683 i> John 1807 tjcorgc 1690 John 1699 James 1707 Jolin «739 James 1781 James 170B rt John 1738 John 1789 amcs 1747 John 1794 amcs 1758 John 1689 ohn l8jo lolm 1693 ohn 1614 ^'atrick 1805 John 1699 1 I'alrick 1830 lohn J817 'atnck 1603 Kobcn 17^ Robert I5i5 Rolicrt 1613 WilHnm 1648 kol)rrl Ibr ' 1663 Kolicrt 16' 1603 Kobert iMj . .', 1679 Roljerl 1775 William 1763 RolxTl 1777 VVillt.im 1707 RnlKTI 177. ■'. 18 . \ 17., 1' 18a.: .', 17-' 1853 U'llliam •737 William Faniiihar (l-anjuar. Far(]uhair, Parr 1753 a William l*"aru .Mrutnder I -J^ ( fr<»(^' I-.; I.,n,.■^ ir-i K..i»-n ibm KolicTt j 1851 Robert K. I F idler j 1719 William 'Fife (sre Vyfci ] {Findiason (sff ' Finlayson) iFindlalcr I (Fin later) 1683 Alrkander I 1667 Arthur 1 1836 Knc J ' i?i- Itt j. ih Findlay (Finlay, F'inlcius) I -I.J Ali-x.indcr . nder 1008 i'alfKk (M..\., •673) 1849 William Fingla-s 1813 Francis Finlatcr (j«y Findlater) INDEX. 229 Fin lay (see Findlay) Fiiilayson ^FllKllasoIl, I""iiicllasone, Finlaison, Finlason) 1809 Alexander 1815 Alexander 1670 Donald 1802 Donald 1813 r)onald 1808 George 1662 Joljn 1663 John 1806 John 1 8 10 John 1822 John 1854 John 1816 Roljert 1817 Rolxtrl 1855 Robert 1801 Roderick Finnic 1707 William Fisher '853 John Fitzjames 1825 Richard Fleming 1834 Andrew 1792 George 1830 James 1847 William Fletcher 1791 Alexander 1792 Bryce 1839 Charles 1792 Linwood Flockhart 1827 Alexander 1858 John Y. 1859 John Y. Flyter 1800 Alexander 1801 Alexander 1833 James 1834 James Forbes (Forbess, Forbesius) 1612 Alexander 1614 Alexander 1615 Alexander 1622 Alexander 1624 Alexander 1635 Alexander 1637 Alexander 1655 Alexander 1668 Alexander (i) 1668 Alexander (2) 1702 Alexander 1727 Alexander 1732 Alexander 1739 Alexander 1741 Alexander 1776 Alexander 1799 Alexander 1801 Alexander 1822 Alexander 1830 Alexander 1836 Alexander 1839 Alexander 1677 Archibald 1853 Archibald 1625 Arthur 1629 Arthur 1630 Arthur 1645 Arthur 1648 Arthur 1672 Arthur 1677 Arthur 1819 Arthur 1820 Arthur 1818 Benjamni (M.A., 1825) 1702 n Charles 1763 Charles 1804 Charles 1804 Daniel 1664 David (i) 1664 David (2) 1734 David 1744 David 1745 David 1780 David 1822 David 1848 David A. 1672 Donald 1632 Duncan 164 1 Duncan 1664 Duncau 1703 « Duncan 1781 Duncan 1843 Duncan 1692 Francis 1725 Francis 1 8 16 Francis 18 17 Francis 1626 George 1645 George 1676 George 1699 « George 1704 George 1729 George 1730 George 1760 George 1785 George 1815 George 1833 George 1837 George 1839 George 1850 George 1630 Henry 1804 Henry D. 1717 Hugh 1602 James 1607 James(M.i\., ; 1608 James 1614 James 1619 James 1623 James 1630 James 1634 James 1636 James 1644 James 1661 James 1668 James 1669 James 1671 James 1702 James 1714 James 1716 James 1717 James 1736 James 1746 James { i ) 1746 James (2) 1788 James 1812 James 1813 James 1814 James 1815 James 182 1 James 1825 James 1831 James 1832 James 1834 James 183s James 1836 Jaines 1843 James 1853 James B. 1854 James B, 1859 James 1597 John 1606 John ji) 1606 John (2) 1612 John 1613 John 1615 John 1619 John 1623 John (M.A.. 1632 John (i) 1632 John (2) 1636 John 1640 John 1642 John (M.A., 610) ■634) 1656 1664 1668 1670 167 1 1677 1691 1698 1701 1712 1731 1732 1733 1733 174 1 '754 1766 1772 1799 1813 1814 1822 1823 1825 1829 1832 1837 1849 1671 1717 1718 1719 1732 1808 1818 1846 1847 1714 1807 1836 t837 1809 j6i8 1627 1672 1699 1845 1846 1620 1624 1627 •639 •645 1667 1669 1673 1675 1 680 1681 1690 1721 1729 1648) 1766 John John John John John John John lohn John John John John John(i) John |2) John John John John John John John John John John John John John John Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Keith Keith Kenneth Lewis Lewis A. Lewis A. Mansfield Patrick Patrick Patrick // Patrick Patrick Patrick Rolxrt Roliert Rolwrt Roliert Robert Robert Robert Rolxrt Robert RolxTt RoU'rl Rol)ert Rolwrt Robert (M.. A, 1736) Robert 230 I-orbcs I'orbcss. Forbcsius* ,776 Robm 1791 Roljert •795 R"'*" 1830 Kobcn i6i! V > Ifo- tt'.. 16* «r- '7- IK: l8c 1641, \\ ■ I-' 1646 W' "■> 1760 WaH'-f 1606 Williaiii ,60- William i6ia W'llli-ini 1613 \Villi->m t5i4 William l6ao Will"'" ,(^5^ William ( 1 1 INDKX. Ai'-valujrl 1719 ■7»o •7»7 1730 w William W " im 1B07 Wiii-im 1B14 William ,.(■* ilSjo U .;...ini (a) 1B11 William 11154 \\'.;.:.iiii |8S9 William Fordyce(Ford |6S9 Alr(«n 1814 James 171 1 Kenneth l''orstcr 1838 John Fcirsxth 178; '■■ '7«7 1811 .1 1B17) 1824 Alrxancler iSiu Alrxandcr 1H44 Alixandcr 1848 I raiicil 1704 Jam« 1738 Jamcs(M.A. 1748 janiCT 1833 jaiiir'. I'll h .k ■ rl 'iia» i7ai William M.A. I'urtcath i8je> AlfxandcT I'ortcscue i8j4 Arclwf [I.) iF'urtunc I 1843 John 'F'oster iF'ostor) ..IS 1^1 1 ".»» l"othcrint;ham Fothrint;hamu- 161 1 Alcxan cr iBii James K. '7V4 William Fowler (Foular, Fouler) 17R0 M'-«ander ■ indrr I ibaa (..ulin I 1674 Uavid 1838 Fife 1777 Jamc!. Fraser (Fraiser, 1-rascrius, ' IVascrus, ■j Frasscr, Fra/x-r) 1696 « ! i6<. • ' • I6i ■741 "74- >7'- "77 >77- •77 "77. 17 17./ ■ B< 1 iR.- »») ' (I 18. 18. i^. il- ■ I^- !>■ 1^ It-': !>• - !'• !'• Itj.; 1647 Andrew I65'' .Andrew If, 1677 Andivw l-^Ki .\nilre>« .«733) ICf ibli 1647 1647 164'' 16 i 16; - iiy I" i Ki 1770 a Hcnjamin "ivtMiick Fullcrton ( Fullarton, FulLirtonc. Fullartoun, FullaitoiiiK-, Fullcrtoune) 1709 — 171a AlrtniKler 17H AleitindcT 1 ■ ' • Icr lohn lOyU \V;.ll.itu Fulton 1839 Alliin FyfeiFifc. Fyff. Fyffc) ■ 706 Alriandrr l!)04 J'-!ili 1674 Jolin w let ..Irr .' » ■ Bao Walter R. Gairdcn, Gair- dinus, Gairdn Gairnc [St-f Garden) Galathcan 6<>j I'attnk Galatian Gall {GaaI, see )t/so Gauld) 1810 Iim~ 1673 I ■ 1771 W'tUi.ini 1856 W'illinm H. jGallie {see Gcllie) iGaminic i8a6 Palrick Garden (Gairdcn Gairdinus, Gairdn, Gairne, Gardene, Gardenus, Gardin, (iardnc, seea/s0 Gardyne) 1700 1 i5i7 Alrxnndcr i6a8 Alexander "^K* kT KT ck ck 1IJ/J.J \v,,;,.iin 1837 Willuim Fyvie 1810 Cbarln 1840 John Gaddcrcr. (GadtTcr, sre also Gatherer) 1659 Al"-' "vl'f 1676 AiexiOda I- I' . I'- |.- 1^- „ •7M J»n>" I7^« lame* I' I- . I' I' !'■ I' 1702 Gourge i6qO V^'iliutfll 1838 Willuni Gardiner (Gardner) iSai A'etnn'ler W. t8j: ' 1 8.; iSj; .: 1857 Jamei 1858 James ■830 lohn 1778 \N1lliam Gardyne (Gairdyn. Gairdjne, Gaird\iius, Gard> nus, see also (jarden) 1615 David 1617 George 1619 Gilbert 1635 John i66j Robert 1636 'ITiomas I&49 I'hoinu i6a4 Willmm Gariocli (Gareoch Gariauch liariochc, (iariioch. sec ,i/> • Ociric^ 1' '. 1791 M'liiMin Garland 1838 Jitmct Garratt 1835 . . \rihiii r 6*7 Adam 664 Adam 817 Adam 836 Adam 830 Adam 833 Adam A. (M. 1S46I mMA. / •68»i R. H. U. .MA 655 Al. K. W J A. ,r(H.](M.A tSii (rcoTKr H. ic H. i.-.i'' 1 l.tiry G. iwj^ Hinr>' (!) 1033 James iftjt lnmr»(M.A.,l64L ("I i-^Jlj l.tlUCA 1741 |.tnic& I 769 Atcjuin'l- 1736 »»«K|EC (■1 iHji. l8.il U...V. 1851 Janie* ■ (>I4 John (!) 1614 Jotm (a) i6aa John |6>8 John 1640 J7i| I «7>o 1730 '733 '74' 1741 I '7« '74S I '763 1766 1787 i '788 '793 1796 ■ 800 1809 i8oa > 1803 I iSoj 1815 1817 1819 i8u ■ 844 1856 1691 •. John Sohn ohn otm John iohn ohn ( 1 1 ohn (3) John John John |uhn lohn lohn lohn |ohn |ohn |ohn ( ■ I lohn (a) |ohn lohn John John John Jc»hn r,.i,„ •(') r.(a| y,\m John iohn Lcanetti J I\I1KX. 23s 1638 1-ewis 1645 l^cwis 1665 Ixjwis (i) 1665 Lewis (2) 1668 Lewis 1721 Lewis 1740 Lewis 1813 Mackay 1659 Nathaniel 1604 l*atricl< 1606 Patrick 1628 Patrick 1629 Patrick 1635 Patrick 1645 Patrick 1648 I'atrick 1652 Patrick (M.A. ■659) 1674 Patrick 1677 Patrick 1682 Patrick 1693 It Patrick 1696 « Patrick 1720 Patrick 1733 Patrick 1738 Patrick 1739 Patrick 1740 Patrick 1749 Patrick 1782 Patrick 1797 Patrick 1829 Patrick 1842 Patrick '773 Pcler 1813 Pfter 1776 Pryce 17H Richard 1643 Robert 1656 Rotjcrl 1661 Robert 1663 Robert 1670 Robert 1672 Rolxiri 1674 Rolwrt 1675 Rotjert 1706 Rotjert 1718 Robert 1738 Rol)erl 1742 Robert 1817 Robert 1834 Rotert 1856 Samuel 1797 Sil' ester 1718 Theodore 1782 Theotlore 1798 Theodore 1610 Tliomas 1611 Thomas 1613 Thomas 1617 Thomas 162 1 Thomas 1665 Thomas 1670 Tliomas 1713 Thomas 1727 Thomas '736 1770 1834 1601 t6o8 i6o3 1638 1639 1647 1647 1649 1670 1675 1675 1678 1682 1689 1692 '693 1696 1701 1713 1715 1720 1728 ■738 1740 1740 1742 '759 1764 1767 1778 1787 1789 '793 1795 1808 1820 1823 1828 1829 ( 1832 1843 1848 •853 Thomas Thomas Thomas WiUiam WiUiam (i) WilUam (2) WiUiam William William (1) William (2) William (M. 16611 William William (1) William (2) William William WiUiam William William » W^illiam William William William William William William William ( 1 1 William (2) W^iliiam William William William William William William William William William William William tj. William William William William William William Goris 1674 Segerus Gourlay (Gou GurleyJ 1773 John 1772 Patrick 1763 William 1764 William 1765 William Gounicii 1824 a Francis B. iGow 1859 Peter 1826 William Gower (Grwre) 1666 Richard Gowie 171 8 RolK-rt Graham (Grahame, Gramus, Greeme) 1652 Alexander 1859 Benjamin 1623 David 1856 David 1726 George 1727 George 1795 George 1609 Henry 1626 John 1646 John 1769 John 1829 John 1677 Richard 1633 Robert 1646 Robert 1659 Robert Giant (Grantaeus, Grante) 1658 Alexander 167 1 Alexander 1672 Alexander i636 Alexander 1740 Alexander 1742 Alexander 1749 Alexander 1752 Alexander 1755 Alexander 1757 Alexan-ler 1758 Alexander 1759 Alexander 1774 Alexander (i) 1774 Alexander (2) 1781 Alexander rley,' '793 Alexander 1794 Alexander 1812 Alexander 1828 Alexander 1831 Alexander 1848 Alexander 1849 Alexander 1852 Alexander 1857 Alexander 1858 Alexander 1859 Alexander T. 1662 Allan 1702 Andrew 1757 Andrew '755 Gharles 1762 Charles '773 t harles 1806 Charles 1828 Charles 1829 Charles 1830 Charles (i) 1830 Charles (2) 1831 Charles L. 1858 Charles 1756 Christo|)her(M.A. 1761) 1858 Cosmo M. 1695 David i8i2 David 1772 Deskford 1773 Deskford 1835 Donald C. 1834 Dugald 1835 Dugald 1804 Duncan 1828 Duncan 1842 K. W. 1678 Francis 1704 n Francis 1804 Francis W. 181 1 Francis W. 18 13 Francis W. 1837 Francis W. 1711 George 17 1 2 George 1714 George 1724 George 1760 George 1778 George 1823 George 1825 George 1844 George 1847 George 1850 George 1850 George A. 1852 George 1661 Gregory 1760 Gregory 1778 Gregory 1785 (Gregory 1831 Gregory 1822 Hugh 1824 Hugh 1825 Hugh 184s Hugh 1655 James 1659 James 1665 James 1675 James 1696 James '73' James 1732 James 1733 James (i) '733 J^mes (2) '737 James '743 James 1764 James 236 INMKX. Grant (Grantacus, Grante) •7 "774 1783 1790 •TV" "Tva "r • ; IS. IS--. iHi Ihi 181V 1 8 JO i8ai i8a6 ■ SiA IH. jnnic* lamnt )«nici t.inia janin janics Jarnr* Inm*** A. 1B30 t8j7 18". 1 i8}t> I8« 1847 1850 ■ 851 ""53 i8m 1635 jujlh i63( lohn IW : • ■ 1833 John i8ao John |8)9 Juhn 1B40 lohn 1841 lohn i«^'. Ir.hn |RJ4 *>.»riitlrl 1S4,, Kf.liwt n M. '75' '755 1761 1 77 J 1847 |AC3 Ix'Wi^ l^-«i« I..-W- I'.lrirk I MA., amc» 1668 I>t>lr4i (a| Jama (a) Jantct l7iM 1 7*4 ('.•ii.ck(i| i'.iinck 111 James I" - 1 . . 1 Jnmet ' J.imcs JamcK lanm 1 834 l'.ilnck .M. (M..\ K. uiu '.flU xdl - (GrfL!firic, I , ^ ! !«.; (MA., I8j^ Al. 17O4 Iaiiic* 1663 John 1736 John INDKX. 237 Greig 1730 Alexander 1825 Alexander 1829 Alexander F. 1830 Alexander 1853 Alexander x8s4 Alexander 1732 Andrew 1850 George 1693 Janies 1780 James 1825 James 1826 James 1828 James 1853 John 1771 William 1818 William 1822 William 1833 William Gresham 1769 William Grierson 1771 Alexander Grieve 1814 James 1828 James 1823 John Griffith 1770 c. Hey) 1663 Ad.im 1736 Adam Hay (llaius, Ha>c. Hey) t6l4 ^ ' • l''4 «7'- Andrru ■i<» ■ r% . - .1 Uavid Unvid Duncan EdKitrd Francis (j»vin INDEX. .851 ■660 1768 iSii 1785 1666 1667 166: I66^ |66« ■669 1686 1697 iTaS 1736 1740 '777 166a 1670 I7»6 '7.1* I7<>(f 177" I7lhj 183^ |B.>7 '835 ■ 614 G«>r|{r (3) t-irorgc (joorgc Grorgc OorgF ■ ■ -Rr kC I'. - n c..:uTt Hugh J.imrA lamc»(M A. .ifr''. Janif*« l.llUOk Janice Jamr% jolm I"!"! (M.A., i6i 1080 John 1743 John 1817 }itim l8«u loliii 1733 NLitthrw |(>V3 I'alhck 1841 Prnfow 1617 'Pionui '7>* • 7- "TTtnTTii^ 17 • 7- !»■. I" >'•; ■ !(■- T- ■ 7i «rr »7" lii. i8i^ Wiiiwin :i^ Willuiti William 1857 William i8;^ Inhn W Ha)ward 1833 .: William Heap 1825 -\.in7'3 I7SO iSoo 1816 AiitlicA AiidreH lirnjninin Charles Ihavid Daviil Far(|uhar I ..-iigr rg,- .ti:% ■ Jamrs lainrs Innict jamrft Jamn O. Jama John » John iolin olin ohn >•- •' '(•) i8ao Willuun(M.A.. 1836) Hcnr\ Hcndri, Hciuiric, Hcndr)') 1816 Ali-wndcr 1043 John ■730 John 1778 John 1813 John 1833 John 1858 John 1854 Kolim Hepburn (llcpburnc, Hcpbtirnus) 1617 Alexander i'>7.' M' v.i.drr i«3j jcl.ii 1833 John 1&63 nionink ■ 6i3 William Herald 1818 U'llliani Herd (Heard, Hird) 1664 lninc» 1805 1a inn 1B46 Jnmrk n,, ,!,,,,„ .Irr Hcriot 1834 John 1835 Juhn Herx'ie. Hcrucus. Heruy, Hcr\cy (j»r I larvcx't Hcsbcn 1715 Kranci* Hey (see Hay) Hill 1S31 K.hii y. 1794 lx*%Kl» 1731 RoImtI Hillton 1670 Alriandn Hird (see Herd) Hiscol 1760 John Hitch 16O9 Jrf. Hockatt (Ayr- n/in Hackct) 163** lifOlgr 1 lodge 167s jaiiic« H'>KH (Hofj. llo)^'il 1716 .1.11,. 17** I 1767 James 1831 Jamro 1591J Ihomat Holme (^Holm) 1783 HrclM:.liiiu'Mii^, Innis) if^ - It,;;, 1670 1703 "743 180b 1808 1817 1658 ■6a6 l6j<; Ifv tSia 1810 i6oli 1635 |63<> ■ 63a l6n I'.. I' . juliii ,M..\., lOfeo) ittdj WilUaiii Julin Invcraril)' (Inncraritjl i8ai lolin Willuiiii John ;<>hn i>lin oliii lohii l.«Utll I'alrick I'.ilrrk 1'aini.k r.itrick Kulrrt Kobcrl Kobcn 1657 KullCtl 1660 kniicn 1'.- . •■ ■ K.7' 1674 1678 1679 16 o 1713 >737 178a l8o^ 18-V Robert kol«rl Rolx-il Kobcn Koben Robert Kobcn (M.A '74S» Kobcn Kolicn Rulnrrt 10. 1033 W.illrf I'y. . .'. ... . 1603 Wilhaiii I7<»> Ironside itfi4 WilUani l>hislcT 1843 .Mriunder K. Jack (Jackc) I 18 lu AlrjandcT |8»7 .\nilm«- l-^T < n'ln Irvine < I ruing. lriiinj,'c, Irvin, Irving, Irvinus, lr\)ng, Irwing 1614 .VIcKandcr 1617 .Mrx.indcr I- •■' ..l.T l.T I'.ji lohn I'l" lohn I M I li'lin ti'.j\ \ithu la^v julin 1B43 John ,m .^ . ■' Alll 1806 Willuini Jackson 1706 .\li-«andcr 1855 'Hioniiis J affray fjaffrcy, laffrv , I 71 \ (i -•.^^■. irij It... I', 7; I l1,•m.l^ 171-' '/ rttonm« 1^1 ; W'llli.iiii umS WilliAin 183^ U'llliam 1843 William 1845 Willinni J aincs 1807 John Jamieson Jaincsfin, Jamcsone, Janiisonc> 1',^ ,' \ i, v.iiiiirr 16- "7' >7j. ■ 84s I'ollick i84(> ■■mricli 1665 Kolnt 1746 Kolicn 17B9 Kolim i8a6 KoIkti iSaa Willinni Jefferson 1791 ,1 Jotrpli Jcnkfs ■64a Henry Jenkins i8a7 C^jrgc I 1818 Umn 1851 Jamet A. i8jo John ■ 761 lowph Jessiman 1801 AlrxAndci 179a Ucoqtc Joass (Joas) s-d, K>-dd,) 1779 Henry 1846 Jamob 1847 James 842 iSji lohn 177a Ste»-»ri Kidston i8jo •> lamn Snah Kilgour 1814 Painch I7»» Robert Kiiuicrly 1745 a Rogrr KiiiR 167a John 1735 John 1779 Ralph 1856 Willinm (> Kingsbury 1767 » (Willuiin) Kinguidic's 1693 torn Kinloch I 8m .tncit 1701 [>avul 1777 George "739 James (NOFX. 1739 rohn 1815 Wil lliam Kinmond 1857 David O. 1858 David G. Kinnaird (Kinard Kinnard. Kynaini. Kviiiiaird, K\tin.ird) 1 679 James 1814 lnm«« if.' ■ Kinrosc I it)58 llu^h |Kirk 1774 Jjmrt 174» KobctKM A Kirkland 1814 George Kirkpatrick i8jo KobcTI Kirton ■ 819 Jamrs Kissach i8j9 Janics Knight 1661 Da\nd 1803 James Knowles (Knolls) l8;(i Urnn' (1).] 1833 Henr\- I) 1667 James Knox i8i8 Frnncit 1830 GeoTfce ■ 8x4 Jiimcs '739 John 1836 William Kyd {sff Kidd) Kyi 1673 Jamw Kynaird (srf Kin- nairdj K\n'>rh ■ 668 . ■074 1 \l \ I ■•IH. K" iti^7 \\ illuni I^ird i8s6 Willuun Lamb 1665 Andrew 1813 Anilrew 1853 (Jt-orgc 1734 J.ini» 1673 Willuini Lambert (LamlxTtus) 1604 Klch.ird Lambic (see Lammie) Lambto:i |8»3 Stephen Lammie(I-ambic) i'>73 I>.n-id I'l^i J.tnie» i"'S John ' !■ Kj John I .amond ! .1: <>n\j ;'h |n,.t •'i iM-» louder (l-awtiiT) 1649 John I 1793 John ■638 William I^urenlius '■<'■• Lowry I 'Law (I^ue, I^wei iiiai i'>"7 \^ 11 nam 1674 William I^iwie I 1834 Charles I Lawrence (Laurence, Liiwrance) 180s AleXiindcT 1711 ■ ' '' ■"■^ '7' 1843 J.llllCi 1844 Jnnie* ^ 1831 lohn 1787 William 1788 William Lawrie (Lowry) 1057 Kidi^rd i8ai William (M.A.. lBt7) INDKX. Hi Lawson (Lasone, Lauson, Lausoun, Lawsone, Louson, Lousonc, I.ouson) 1690 Alexander 1666 Andrew 1759 Charles 1819 David R. 1859 David 1654 James 1636 John 1707 John 1604 Thomas 1668 Thomas 1604 William (M. A., 1606) 1817 William (i) 1817 William (2) 1825 William 1859 William R. Lawtie 1766 George 1701 James Laying (jtv Laing] Leal (Leall) 1849 Alexander 1703 James 1822 John Leask (Liesk) 1844 lames 1667 John 1601 William Ledingham 1843 JaniL's 1844 James 1853 James Lees 1807 John i8ro Johd Loggea.eg,Legg; 1818 George T821 George 1831 James 1850 James W. 1851 James W^ 1856 James 1856 John (M.A., i862)j 1609 Thomas ! 1720 William 1851 William D. Leighton (Lichtoune, Liglitono) 1674 James 1823 James 1817 Lockharl 1632 William Lcitch (Leich, Leiche) 1678 Alexander 1617 Andrew 1620 David 1802 Donald 1610 John Leith (Leithe, Le)-th, Le}-the, Lieth) 1644 Alexander 1732 Alexander 1762 Alexander 1822 Andrew H. 1831 Cornelius 1598 George 1621 George 1628 George 1649 George 1654 George 1675 George 1828 George 1836 George 1596 Henry 1813 Henry 1629 James 1712 II James 1778 James 1607 John 1620 John 1664 John 1746 John 1628 Patrick 1672 Patrick 1686 Patrick 1712 Patrick 1760 Robert 1736 Theodore F. 1758 Theodore K. 1621 Thomas 1734 Walter 1663 William 1666 William 1673 William 1742 William 1751 William 1757 William V. 1758 Wilham I'. 1805 William H 1828 William 1832 William Lend rum 1827 Alexander 1853 John 1737 Thomas Leslie (I.eslaeus, Lesley, Lesleye, Leslius, Lesly, Leslye, Lesslie, Lessly) 1634 A. 1745 Abraham 1618 Alexander 1631 Alexander 1657 Alexander 1667 Alexander 1668 Alexander 1670 Alexander 1671 Alexander 1673 Alexander 1738 Alexander 1842 Alexander 1843 Alexander 1604 Andiew 1670 Andrew 1835 Andrew 1803 Archibald 1702 II David 1703 David 1627 Francis 1739 Francis 1762 Francis 1605 George 1625 George 1626 George i666 George 1668 George 1670 George (i) 1670 George (a) 1676 George 1718 George '753 George 1764 George 181 7 George 1818 II George A. Y. 1832 George 1772 Hugh 18 17 Hugh V. 1620 James 1621 James 1625 James 1651 James 1662 James 1676 James 1704 // James 1720 Jame^ 1740 James 1780 James '783 1786 1602 1604 1625 1636 1646 1658 1666 1666 1680 1682 1696 1701 1707 1764 1774 1778 '779 1789 1795 '795 1805 1824 '83. 1846 ; '742 I 1788 1627 1607 1625 1638 1 1648 1673 1675 ! 1686 1714 1774 1634 1769 1773 '774 1810 1819 '738 1611 1611 1626 '633 1635 1668 i 1668 1685 1 636 , '717 1764 1792 1B07 1817 James J antes John John John John John John John(i) John (2) John John John John II John John John John John lohn John (i) John (2) John John John John Lewis Lewis Norman Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Peter Robert Rolx-rl Robert Robert Robert Robert Thomas Willian\ (i) William (2) William William William William (1) William (2) II William William William William William William William Lessel (Lessels) 1744 James 1831 Thomas L. 1853 Thomas 244 1 A-vack l^vinjjston (iff Livingston ^ 1786 John Lcyth (s.v Keith Lherondcll 17^3 .1 Kruno* Lichtounc (sff LciRhton) Liddcll 1634 t>.ivul INUKX. Lindsay ( Lindsayc, Lind>*cy, Lindscyc, I Lyndcsa\ I ' \brr' " '- 1674 D-ind i.,vk1 ncii iin' 1686 lamrt 1710 lamc» 1769 jamc* 1660 lohn i6«6 Jolin , 1668 tohn ' 1738 hohcrt I 1739 Robert 1607 William Licsk(j«l.cask) Li'\to" (Lyntounc) 1614 Waller 1767 William Ligertwood i6q8 « AleiandfT 1745 AlciandiT i8oa Alcxandrr i6Qt lamr* LiRh i«63 HuRh Likely (Likly ,773 Jamr* I 69 J John Lillic (Lilly) 1617 Alexander 1855 Alexander 1857 Jam« 169Q lolm 184; WiUuiin Limgair 178J lnmr» Lind ■ 814 John Llcwcllin Lobban 1787 John Lockhart (Lochari i8«vid 1853 l»«v)d Logan i8a6 Da»nd iB»7 D.ivid I7J3 Roh« iheri Liston 1847 KolKTl 1848 Robert ILithgow 178<; lohn Litster 1667 Alexander Littlcjohn 1825 I>ougl.i 1783 l.n»i« i8aq Ixrwix I Livic 1743 John 1761 John 'Livingston (Lcvingston. Liviiv^stniine) 1 . .\i I nwc) let let idtu ruUiv:k Logie (1-oggic) 1666 lohn 1B04 lohn 1660 \Villuim Longmorc (Longmoor) 1707 Alexander i-!T» Alexander * ■ --ider -.der ^* j 1634 AiiJrc« I 1774 <"«eorKe ' l-r,; l'„-..lKe 1B33 J.ime\ 1736 lohn ■ 708 William 178a William Lorimcr 1776 J.imcx 1777 lame* \~r/~. ! mil** I 1791 Willmm Louson. Lowson I (si-f Liiwsnni I ^th \N mam I- 1858 William T. Lowry (sff Lawric) Lucas 18x4 Daniel 1848 Francti i8i8 William 1819 William Lumsden (Lumisdanus. Liimisdcn. Lumi-i'ii-ni-i Francix Cex-TCi- "597 16a I 17V •7r 1850 <74« 170 'rr 1761 Jame» 1841 Jumc* 1730 John 174a John 177a Jolin 1787 John ■601 Nlatlltew 1617 I'atnck 1761 Kolieft 1778 Robert 1603 Walter (M.A., l6ia| 1601 William 1773 William ij^i 1 William INDEX. Lunan (Lunane, Luiianus) 1611 Alexander 1660 Alexander 1738 James 1749 Patrick 162a William Luiidie (Liindy) 1726 (jilU'rl 1653 James 1618 John I.uticl 1764 Thnma-S W. Lyall (Lyal, Lyel, L}-elius, Lycll, Lyle) 1650 Uavid 1677 James 1780 James 1787 James 1616 John 1636 John 1819 John 1638 Thomas 1661 Thomas 1663 Thomas L)'nch 1765 // Thomas I,>'ntoune (see Linton) L}on Lyone, L)T)nne,) 1661 Alexander 1723 Alexander 1843 Alexander 1851 George 1784 James 1786 James 1651 John 1692 John 1619 Patrick 1779 Paul 1703 Robert 1725 Robert 181 1 Robert 1826 Roljert MacAdam 1765 A!exand»H" Mac A Mister (McAlaster, MacAlistcr) 1801 Donald 1800 John '793 Matthew MacAndrew 1847 Henry C. 1776 James MacArthur L (MacCarter) 1803 Alcxaiuler 1819 Alexander 1846 (jcorge 1848 John 1789 Patrick ; 1 819 Patrick MacAskiil (McCaskell, McCaskill, McCaskle) 1805 .Kne.rs 1794 Alexander 1790 Allan 1828 Allan 1797 Hector 1785 Hugh 1730 John 1793 John 1831 Johji 1767 Malcolm 1825 Malcolm Macaulay (Mc("aiiie\-, McAule)-, Mackaulaj) 1722 .-Eneas {1} 1722 .^ineas {2) I7S7 .lineas 1778 .-Eneas 1751 Alexander 1848 .-\ngus 1849 Angtis 1726 Daniel 1811 Donald 184s Donald 1849 Donald 1831 II Duncan 1780 George 1763 Hector 1735 John 1754 John 1859 John 1738 Kcnnelli 1793 Kenneth 1761 Neil 1813 Roderick 1815 Roderick 1846 William Mac Ha in (Mackbcaii, McBaine, McRean) 1805 .-Eneas 1831 ^neas 1803 .Alexander 1826 .\lexander 1 67 1 .-\ngus 1846 .Angus 1729 .Archibald 1799 Donald 1800 Donald 1837 Duncan 1827 George 1803 Hugh 1670 John 1693 John 1809 John 1827 John 1828 John 1677 Lachlan 1817 Patrick P. 1818 Robert 1729 William 1774 William 1783 William Mac Beth (McBeath) 178T .Alexander (M..A. 1787) 1720 John 1686 William 1786 William .MacCaliuni I 1820 John (.\1..A., 1832)! MacCandic 1752 Hugh 1794 Hugh 1787 John MacCarter (.svc Mac.Xrthiir) iMacCaskiil, McCaskle, (siX .MacAskiil) 24s MacCleud (see Macleod) MacColl (MacCole) 1819 .Alexander 1818 Hugh 1850 James 1806 Paul MacCombie (McKonibie) 1738 Alexander 1827 Thomas MacConnach 1812 Hugh MacConnachie (MacConachie, MaConnachie, McConchie, McConnochie, McKonochj-) 1757 .Alexander 1853 Alexander K. M. 1765 James 1833 James 1844 James 1845 James 1724 Patrick 1695 William MacCorkindale 1857 John McCormick 1855 Donald .MacCraw {see MacRac) MacCulloch (McKulIoch) 1798 George 1670 Hugh 1722 Hugh 1723 Hugh 1667 James 1670 lames 1647 John (M..\.. 1652) 1648 Jolm 1676 John 1742 Patrick 1667 Rolx-rt (.\1..\.. 1672) 1840 William 246 IM'I.X. MacCurrich k 'I AlacKarlaiii; I (M.icph.trl.iiK-) Macl>>M.ilfl 8ii AicmmkY 814 AlciaiiHcT Pi- •■■ I-r Baa Architnld (Nf.A , '847) r . 11. 74'-' '-"!'" 801 Colin 810 Colin 793 Coll. 794 I>.inicl 813 Dnviil 813 D.iviil 7-! I),„, .1,1 .,t «lt M.Ml.lM 831 Doii.ilil 8j-. i« .r,,:,i 840 LHM4KC l,-,.v . ...... 1.. 1760 John '7*7 John 1787 John •793 John 1797 John 1801 John 1803 John 1816 John 1817 John (II 1817 John (31 181 8 John 1830 Inhn 1 . . 1 j(. I. -hi. i-.T Jiihn I - u- Kthn iMi l<>hn(i) 1 u lohn (a) 1-... I..hn I .- I'' it»hn M. 1 1: J.ihn I'^r lohn i.-^4; U uluini I - vS William D. iMacnoncll .:cH. ,c Ci. . .■. k i8a6 KanAld MacDiiURall (M I- ■■••■'• i.-ir 1H33 Uiincan It MacKnzic (.ur Mackenzie) MacKwfii (Mad'" wan) t**^ Hin«-% k . .. ^ : ..k MacKwer, MacwtT (.<■«•(• Mai Ivor) I 1^54 V\iUuun iMacl'arciuhar ■ 7)0 ( ulin 1771 fhoniiu j 1773 Willum M.icl'iiinanus (sff MacKmnun) MacGhie 1760 John !MacGilii.;ii)c {siy Mackilli^an) Mac(Mll(MackKil. Maki^ille) 1640 (froflfr I 1603 KobcTt I 1604 Kobcrl Mac(iillivra)', (Macilvray, .McCJilliwraye, McGilviay) 1818 .4-n^il^[M.] I-. It*: '7^ '■' ■ 1799 Uon.itfl l8jo !»f>nnlit lli'i. '""■ 107 , - I 1717 lohn ■7O6 )ohn 1784 John i8aa John iSai ■'hilip i8aH Kobm 1793 William 1808 William ■81 1 William MacCiowan (Mcljown) 17^1 Jolin 18C1O John S. I 1856 kotxTt INDEX. i 247 IMacGregor 182 1 Alexander 1822 Alexander (i) 1822 Alexander (2) 1823 Alexander 185s Alexander 1857 Charles 1817 Daniel I (M.A., i8i8 Daniel ) 1824) 1854 Duncan 1827 libenezer 1849 Gregor 1774 James G. 1821 James 1847 James 1820 John 1850 John 1690 Maleolni 185s Robert 1838 Roderick 1839 Roderick 1850 Willian\ 1853 William MacHardj- (M chard ic) 1848 Alexander 1824 Arthur 1745 Charles 1763 Charles 1843 Charles 1850 James 1799 John MacHattie 184 1 John 1842 John Machar 1810 John Machray {see MacRae) Maciligan [st'f Mackilligan) Macilvray (ser MacGillivray) Machines 1828 Alexander 1815 Charles 1818 George 1830 James 1853 James 1854 James 1706 John 1815 John 1822 John 1760 Miles 1815 Neil Macintosh (Mclntosch, Mcliitoschc, Mcliitoshc, Mclntoshie, Mackintosch, Mackintosh, McKintoshc, McToshc) 1692 Laird of 1677 .Eneas 1780 .-Kneas 1821 .-Eneas 1659 .Alexander 1710 .Mexander 1793 .Alexander 1797 .Mexander 1815 .Mexander 1819 .\lexander 1820 .Mexander 1824 .\lexander 1825 Alexander 1830 .-Mexander 1835 .-Mexander 1842 .-Mexander 1844 Alexander 1845 Alexander 1823 Allan 1672 Angus 1821 Campbell i8ii C^harles 1817 Ch.arles [C] 1723 Daniel 1749 Daniel 1647 Donald 1652 Donald 1665 Donald 1678 Donald 1803 Donald 1806 Donald 1817 Donald 18 18 Donald 1819 Donald 1820 Donald 1821 Donald 1849 Donald 1717 Duncan 1717 George 1831 George 1845 CJeorge 1823 Henry 1783 Hugh 1827 Hugh(M.A.,i8s6) 1629 James 1759 James 1780 James 780 James(M.A.,i785) 1780 1814 1816 1817 1826 1827 1828 1842 1844 1849 1656 1722 1798 1824 1832 1838 •839 1844 1846 1656 1658 1672 1672 1678 1710 1749 1816 1670 1808 1809 1830 1831 1856 1720 1770 1672 1677 1681 1720 1769 1773 1783 1786 1798 1806 i8-.^7 1847 James James James James James lames S. James I M.] James G. James John John fohn John R John "John I. John John lohn l.achlan Lachlan Lachlan (1) Lachlan (2) Lachlan Lachlan Lachlan Lachlan Robert Simon K. Simon F. Simon Simon Simon Thomas Thomas William (M.A. 1677) William William William William William William VV'illiam William William William William Maclntyre (.Mclntire) 1807 .tneas 1808 .■Eneas 1809 .Eneas 1848 .Alexander McD. 1857 .Alexander 1775 Duncan 1794 Duncan 1845 Duncan 1846 Duncan 1802 Hugh 1845 Hugh .v.. K 17.5-' 1817 1804 1805 1810 1810 1811 1812 1856 ■857 '835 1821 1824 1795 ■845 1819 1823 James James John John John (I) John (2) John John lohn K K. John W. Martin Murdoch Murdoch I'eier Robert William William Mac Irvine 184s (Jeorge Maclver (Macciver, Mackeiver, Mackiver) 1812 .-Mexander 1851 .Alexander 1852 .-Mexander 1752 t harles •775 Colin 1856 Donald M. 1810 Karquhar 18 1 1 Karcjuhar 1856 James R. 1726 John 1778 John 1798 John i8ot John 1820 John 1821 John 1693 Kenneth 1729 Kenneth 1850 Kenneth 1759 Murdoch 1806 Norman 1820 William Mackaulay (see Macaulay) MacKay(McKey, McKie, Macky, sec fi/so Mackie) 18 14 .-h^neas 1734 AUxander 1806 Alexander 1810 .Alexander 1814 .Alexander 1835 .Alexander 1836 Alexander MS INDKX. MacKay (McK' n McKie, .Mack\ sft ttiso Mack lev iKju R..lm a;. „Inf t'^n Ihintun t M \ ■R44 Wvar IH. lb. lb... - 177a Ilavid igji IV.^vl If.- |h Ih. lb: If :l Isij Hugh 1819 Hugh iSao Hugh ■ Sai Hugh iSxa Hugh 1834 Hugh iSia lames 181" It I8.i 1854 JHIilC* 1696 John i8ia John 1899 John "8.« Inhnd) Id; 18. 18^ "835 ohn III Inhn h\ iB^s IH: If 18,. , ,. ■ 848 ohn ohn 1854 184 ih . If-- Ih . 18. 1844 N.-il '«3S l^airick N 1845 i'cter S 1840 Richard 1670 Ho»»fi iHi i.^ 1' If If . lb.-- ^4-^ V\ llI*4IU Macklx.-an (.fiv Macbain) Mackclcod jtu Macleod) Mac K can io(>4 John 183s Iliom^i S. MacKechnic 1840 Ncil J. 1841 NdlJ. MacKcnlj- 1768 Willi.ini Mackciuie Mackccnzic, Mcl-'.nzic. McKciii/ic, McKfiizic, McKcn/w It. 105a Colin (I) ih^j < olin (a) 1713 Loliii 1704 C'olin 1705 Colin 1766 C'oltn 1754 Uuuald 1781 llonnli] 1H0.1 l>..n.il(l III 1 ^ ■niM . .1,1 Ibis I . '1 l8i<< iRll . 1 .-^ .- 1 1 ' .1..1I1I 1 "..- 1 ' . i| 1 -in ■ic« 1737 Ucf. 1C60 Hector 1674 Hector 171O Hector i8ig Hector i8a6 Hrclor i"»7 Hector . ■ ■ Cl. II14V Hul Libert.1% isto Hur l.itjcna>. 1708 1 lanick 1813 Ihincan Ujj I. mien 1834 JaroolU ,j,. I...,r»(a) . > B. l^y^ lauict 1849 Jamet S. 1855 lame* i6ia John 1(07 John i04(j John 1056 John i".i J'.hn (M.A.. i«7o) INDEX. 249 1668 John 1675 lolm 1679 John (M.A.. 1684) 1691 John 1702 John 1711 John 1720 John (i) 1720 John (2) 1722 John 1736 John 1749 John 1752 John 1776 John 1780 John (M.A.. 1785) 1780 John 1781 John 1782 John 1792 John 1793 Jo'i" 1798 John 1808 John (i| i8o3 John (21 1809 John 1814 John 1815 lohn t8i6 John (i) 1816 John (21 1817 lohn 1818 John 1819 John 1824 ,1 John 1825 John R. 1827 John t'. 1829 John 1834 lohn 1843 John [A. 1 1850 John 1855 John 1821 Joseph 1824 Joseph 1616 Kenneth 1650 Kennelli 1664 Kenneth 1667 Kenneth 1677 Kenneth 1678 Kenneth 1679 Kenneth (i) 1679 Kenneth (2) 1690 Kenneth 1713 Kenneth 1724 Kenneth 1727 Kenneth 1742 Kenneth 1767 Kenneth 1813 Kenneth 1815 Kenneth 1816 Kenneth 1821 Kenneth 1829 Kenneth 1830 Kenneth 1840 Kenneth 1841 Kenneth 1732 Lewis 1778 Lewis 1846 M.icKav 1612 Murdoch 1622 Murdoeh 1647 Murdoch 1667 Murdoch 1696 Murdoch 1710 Murdoch 1717 Murdoch 1758 Murdoch 1853 Murdoch 1855 Murdoch 1839 Nicolson 1840 Nfcolson 1819 Ninian 1822 Ninian 1825 Ninian 1760 Norman 1824 Patrick 1643 Roderick 1645 Roderick 1647 Roderick 1667 Roderick 1668 Roderick 1669 Roderick 1677 Roderick 1732 Roderick 1756 Roderick 1757 Roderick 1766 Roderick 1767 Roderii:k 1776 Roderick 1783 Roderick i8o2 Roderick 1806 Roderick 1825 Roderick 1827 Roderick 1849 Roderick 1829 Ronald 1754 Samuel 1651 Simon 1661 Simon 1716 Simon 1843 Simon F. 1844 Simon F. 1846 Simon(M.A. 1664 Thomas 1668 Thomas 1679 Thomas 1743 Thomas (i) 1743 Thomas (2) 181 1 Thomas 1843 Thomas 1845 Thoinas 1627 William 1667 William 1668 William 1677 William 1697 William 1717 William 1724 William 1726 William (i) 1726 William {21 1729 William 1736 W^illiam 1739 William 1743 William 1852) 1751 1753 •754 1764 •77-t 1805 1805 1809 1819 1826 1830 1830 1830 ■834 '835 1844 1849 1852 1854 1859 William William William William William W'illiam William M. William William William William (I) William (2) William O. William W'illiam William William B. William William William MacKcrron (McKeron) 1746 Alexander 1850 Peter 1848 Robert 1849 Robert Mac Key {see Mac- Kay) Mackferson (see MacPherson) Mackgil (set- MacGill) MacKid 1835 Alexander 1837 Alexander 1838 Alexander 1785 Robert MacKiddie 1837 Jame> Mackie {see nlso Mackay) 1852 David 1778 George 1842 George 1760 James 1774 James 1835 James 1785 John Mackilligan (McGiligine McCjilligiiic, Maclligan, McKilican, McKiliijino, McKillican, McKillicane, AIcKilligin, Mackilmeiieus) 1858 Alexander G. D. 1816 James 1821 James 1647 John 1670 John 1674 John 1716 John 1759 John 1760 John 1676 I'homas 1816 William I8i3 William A. 1820 W'illiam MacKillop 1829 Hugh MacKilmeneus, i.e., MacKilligan MacKimmie 1855 James 1788 John 1834 Joseph MacKinnon (McFimianiis, Mckiniioune) 1801 Alexander 1803 Archibald 1766 Charles 1846 Colin [M.] 1759 Donald 1760 Donald 1786 Donald 1798 Donald 1800 Donald 1827 Donald 1830 Donald 1795 Farquhar 1766 Hector 1825 Hugh 1655 John 1790 John 1798 John 1800 lohn II 2$0 INDEX. MacKiniiiiii Maclaurin ^sffaUo Mcl-"innamj>, McLcran ) Mlinoutio) '*4« KolKTt M.A. 17. ' M.icIamii 1 17 1 McKlcan. • 7 If. Ih It. I ■ 1 M' Klianc; 1 .cth > 1' irr i It Mackintosh \stf Macintosh lan If! Mackiver (.f<-«- ' -47.' >lm i>lm '7' I7i Maclvcr) MacKoinbic {set MacCombic 1845 Alexander i-,i \i. v.iiider .aHA ..lid IB53 Ndl N. (M.A.. 18591 limn • 7. 17; 17'. I7'' 17 «7 MacK(JH Uuiuild (a 1767 Donald Macl^cran 1: Mackra (j If • MacLachlaii ( McLaiichlan) 1 !■ t ■ 8j5 Kvu> 187^ Kvnn 1 .1 ■11 ..■ G. '■.- 0. r r T N. iis4S obn F. 1847 ohn 1841 ■■ 17'^ «7"i 1804 Kvxlnn^^k 1848 Thoma* Macleod I.- . 1- \- 171-. >7S' ■7«3 1811 181 3 I8a3 184a 176? HiiRh Hugti HukI> Hnqh Hut:' ^ ].uii.-. 1 1 (McClcu.l, Mackclcoti, 1777 1786 1718 jitnick lanie^ John I - , - -- -.---■ Macl^ggan i8ji Alexandrr li>33 Jalur* Macklc(Hl, MackleiuJ) ■ 841 Adam 1700 M,nie»\ 1778 Xmbu 1719 «7*» I7ai i7aa •7»7 «7J3 ohn ohn lohn John ohn lohn ^l f*.? INDKX. 251 1762 John 1772 John '775 John 1778 John 1779 John 1781 John 1783 John 1784 John 1793 John 1798 John '799 John 1806 John (II i8o6 lohn {21 18 18 John 1819 John 1822 John 1833 John 1839 John 1842 lohn 1858 John H. 1793 Keith 1815 Kennt:th 1816 KennKlh 1742 Magnus 1775 Malcohii 1778 Malcolm 1779 Malcolm i8o6 Martin (M.A. . i8it) 1691 Murdoch 1729 Murdoch 1738 Murdoch 1724 Neil '743 Ntjil '775 ^'cil 1703 Norman 1757 Norman 1762 Norman 1763 Norman 1787 Norman (i) 1787 Norman (2) 1790 Norman i8oi Norman i8o3 Norman 181 1 Norman W. C. 1827 Norman 1788 Patrick 1849 Robert 1660 Roderick 1672 Roderick 1742 Roderick 1755 Roderick (M.A. . 1761) '759 Roderick 1760 Roderick 1769 Rotlerick 1778 Roderick 1781 Roderick 1808 Roderick 181 1 Roderick 1812 Roderick 1814 Roderick 1835 Roderick H. 1808 Verney 1729 William 1766 William , 1775 William ' 1796 William 1824 Williatn 1830 William 1833 William 1847 William MacLeran (McLearen, sre a/so Maclauiin) 1738 James ' 1739 James MacLeur 1830 John 1831 John 1832 John JMacMillan 1825 .IJneas 1819 John 1821 John 1856 John MacNaughton 1854 James MacXeil (Mcneal, McNeill) 1743 .Eneas 1853 Archibald 1738 Daniel 1784 Donald 1746 Roderick MacNishie I 1791 William MacPhail 1656 Duncan 1779 George 1733 Hector 1780 James I 1781 James 1 1856 Simeon R. 1857 Simeon R. 1822 William Macpharlaiic [sci- MacFarlanel Macl'her.son (McPhersonc, Mackferson, Mack[ihers(in, Mckpherson) ' 1674 .-l£noa> 1712 it^neas 1853 iEneas 1674 Alexander 1740 Ale.tander 1799 .Alexander 1802 Alexander 1804 .•\lexander 1810 .\lexander 1839 .Alexander 1842 Alexander G. 1827 .Allan 1790 .Andrew 1853 Andrew 1718 Archibald 1841 .Arthur G. 1842 .Arthur G. 1844 Arthur 1804 Charles 1806 Charles 1824 Cosmo 1730 Daniel 1671 Donald 1709 Duncan 1727 Duncan 1835 Duncan 1851 Duncan 1769 Evan 1809 Evan 1854 George M. 1809 Henry 1784 Hugh 1832 Hugh .M. 1833 Hugh M. 1691 James 1752 James 1824 James D. 1850 James F. (.\I ■855) 1851 James 1852 James 1673 John 1674 John (M..\.. 1677 John 1718 John 1724 John 1742 John 1760 John 1772 John 1813 John 1826 John 1827 lohn 1828 John 1829 John 1831 John 1844 John K. 1858 -John 1848 Kenneth 1774 Lachlan 1823 Lewis 1760 Martin 1798 Martin 1837 .Norman 1838 Norman 1663 Paul 172R Robert 1677) 1729 Rolieri 1823 Robert 1827 Robert 1848 Robert 1837 Roderick D. Roderick [11. 1838 i8i8 Samuel C". 1819 Samuel C 1718 Thomas 1721 Thomas 1823 Thomas 1823 William 1825 William 1841 William 1857 William M. Viae Phie 1827 Daniel Mac quarie 1829 Lachlan Mac Queen (Mackqiieen, M cOiien, M acQuine) 1836 Alexander 1837 Alexander 1760 Allan 1800 Archibald 1814 Archibald 1727 Daniel 1671 Donald 1715 Donald '73° Donald 1771 Donald 1776 Donald 171S Edmund 1762 Edmund 1675 George 1805 Hugh 1849 Hugh R. 1) 1610 James 1778 Janu's 1767 John 1770 John 1800 lohn 1805 John 1846 John 1811 Kenneth 1822 Lachlan 1766 Malcolm 1796 R oderick ■738 William 1814 William 1826 r; Williftiii M IM ■! \ .M.ICK.U- ( MacTrau McCrau. M.iclii;i\ , Mackra'. Mackrae, McRa. McKah- lS?7 " . hn ■ Un •I In 1 M ac Kobic M .1. 1,(, M. ■S« ecu Mac 1 'aj(i;art 1833 UavicI MacTavish I.M.. . J.. Ill I iSjf i'ainck M.uToshc .?«•<• Macintosh 1 MacWarraiid 1730 David Mac Walt iHi»i Alf\*indcf i8ac; I'lurlci M I -W 'liam Main iMainci Mainwarin^ 1837 Nomuin Mair (Major, Mc-ar) IT »•■ s iMancur [srf nho ' Monc»ir> M.iun (Man) rlK. xni ini luini ifir>j \\ itliani I 17^ Williani M mnie \l<\.>rMlw i«5« \' ■844 Willnuii Maitlaixl ' V llanus) ck .nl .nl 1740 W tiiiaiii I Major {sff Mair) Makgille fj«Y McGill) Malcolm j (Malcolmc MalcoMii i8jo AndifM .Ik !'.>JJ Ji.llll 1771 lohii 1H08 \Vi\liaiii ■S45 WillMni Malcolmson Malloch (Mallil) i7>tt •> DhvkI |f. ■T !'■- Manson 1- •u-» li- - ' J 1855. ri.uiii 1651 kohrri Mantach 1791 Anliur ■815 Koliert(M..\.. l«40) Margach '733 Alcx«ndct Manschall (sfr Marshall) Marjoribanks i&7« (o-«t|;i- Mark • 7S» INDKX. 253 Marshall (Marischali, Martialis) 1617 Gilbert 1660 Gilbert 1731 James 1823 John 1823 Peter 1664 Thomas Martin ( Marline) 1825 .■Eneas 1685 « Alexander 1823 Andrew 1769 Donald 1723 John 1843 John 184s John 1656 Kotiert 1826 Samuel Mason (Masonus) 1741 <: [John] 1853 John 1658 Onuphrius Massie (Massaeusj 1643 Alexander 1674 James 1678 James 1844 John 1760 William Masson {sre a/so Mason j 1788 Alexander 1846 Andrew 1744 Arthur i8s7 David 1842 Donald T. I M.A. 1844 Donald T.j 1849 1S15 Edward 1846 Evan M. 1847 Evan M. 1830 John 1766 iSanmel 1802 William 1803 William 1807 William 1815 William 1016 William 1818 William Maslertounc 1662 George Matheson (MathesoiK-, Matheusone, Mathicsoii, Mathisoii, Matthisoiij 1686 Alexander 1726 Alexander 1808 Alexander 1838 Alexander 1846 Alexander 1844 Archibakl 1791 Charles 1800 Charles [K.] 1777 Colin 1821 Donald 1659 Dugald 1823 Duncan 1830 Ewen 1835 Ewen 1836 Ewen H. 1824 Farquhar 1846 Finlay 1853 Finlay 1720 George 1832 George 1853 James 1774 John 1809 John 181 1 John 1824 John ■833 John 1807 Murdoch 1724 Roderick 1763 Roderick 1839 William F. Matthew (Mathewc; 1666 Alexander 1667 Alexander 1707 John Maule 1768 William Mavor (Maverj 1776 George 1742 James 1768 John 1777 John 'Max\vell(Maxuc 1775 James 1670 John 1734 John 1775 John Mayo 1764 a Henry Mear (see Mair) Meanis i^Mearins) 1758 Alexamler 1824 Alexander 1676 Andrew 1821 George 1822 George 1819 James 1856 James 1734 John 1752 Waller 1828 William 1842 William Meercs 1S30 ./ Nathaniel Mcikleham 1852 James 1853 lames 1850 John P. Meiklcjohii 1849 lluijh K. Mfldriini (Mekirunuisj 1856 Andrew 1630 Cieorge [633 (Jeorge 1717 John 1634 Thomas 1625 William 1742 William 1825 William Mellis 1793 John 1834 John Mclvill Mciuill. Meivil, Mcivilf, Mdvillus 1771 Alexander 1698 II David 1675 I'rancis 1642 George 1608 James ly 1632 James 1634 John 1656 John 1663 John 1650 Robert Melvin 1676 Charles Memis (Memmcs) 1783 John 1814 John S. (M.A.. 1822) Mensal 1781 Andrew Men/.ies i^Menzie) 1739 Charles 1819 David 1680 Duncan 1718 Neil 1668 Paul 1667 Thomas Mercer (Mercirus) i6ts Robert 1757 I'homas Merchant 1720 All- ider Merson 1836 Charles 1802 Patrick 1803 Patrick 1806 William Meston j 1847 Alexander 1848 Peter Mftcliaiuis {sec Maillaiuil Michell (JVC Mitchrm Michie 1828 James 1 1826 John 2S4 INKI \. MidtJlfton Mii|>|<-lt(>iii) Mil-. ■Ulv. MicldiltDiin, MiMcliltoune, MiTUI^, Mi'Ulton. Midlfti.n. Mullctoiic i*9a - l6j^ WMnrlrf !'•. 't I'' 1 IM^- ... ., l6lS IXlVHl ■ 778 DavMl 1834 t)aWd 1636 CicOTKC 1658 Gtnricr 1854 UcnnI i6ae Oillirrt 1699 Jantis 1641 lunia 1674 lames 1675 I.imes 1849 JunHS 1700 la 1635 joliii 1638 John 1640 John ■663 John 1699 » John '795 John 1851 John 185a John 1674 I'atnck 161V Kolirrt 1811 Kolirrt 1848 Suniucl i66h Hiiimuk i7t)S Willuni MiU-s 1831 Htairv H. (M..\. ■«39> Mill (stf Milne) Millar r Miller ■ noj I hurlii • 835 < hArIra i7,f Milliuan 1851 John Milxc Mill. Millii Milii, MilnacMis, MillKs, '7i.4 J«"ic» 1748 laniot 17^ ' I - » ■ [tilK-li I ;■ 1 '-illir* i7«^* liinm 1801 hiiim i8ab jiinii> 1815 Jjmis D.) iTfn \\ iili.'llii 1773 William 17KJ Williiiiii (M 178^,1 I-,. \\y...,m |r^V4 »\ iill.mi MiliK-r i'*j Ariliiir 175a janm Miichdl .Miclidl Mitchcl. M ■ l.il, ui tlXI.A.. 171 1 ,-. , , I'.l.i. |..lin '7^4 Krilli iKio Nii-olvm i-l~ I-.trnk '71.? 1 Koben 1710 Andm 173.1 K.iliCTt 175* ■\ndrr%» '7.*i KolvTl ■ S.lMl I7J8 KoUri 'ir 1773 K..l.ti iir H34 k.-t.rrl 'ir '"x; ■ t ■ '.e% 1 • 1 .Id i> 1615 iJunald til '7+1 (iavin rll Ml Llll rg. I7aj ■ 837 Janm tNDEX. !5S 1844 1857 1858 1674 1677 1690 1726 1730 1808 I82I 1823 ■839 1842 1856 1848 1724 1660 1676 1708 •755 1844 1850 1856 1741 1660 1707 1727 1734 1741 1760 1790 1795 1796 1850 1851 ■853 James Jann's James John John John John John John John (/ John John John John Joseph W. Patrick Robert Robert n Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Walter VVilham Wilhani WiUiam Wilhani WiHiani Wilhani William William William William William William Moffat 1763 Cumberland t8i6 James W. Moir (Mor, More, Moor, Moore, Morus, Mure, see also Muir) 1677 Alexander 1682 n Alexander 1731 Alexander •735 Alexander ( i ) 173s Alexander (2) 1813 Alexander 1837 Alexander V. 1679 Andrew 1720 Andrew 1749 Andrew 1822 Andrew 1730 George 1828 George 1647 James 1679 James 1697 James 1715 James 1727 James 1845 James [805 lohn 1828 Jolin 1844 John 1809 Rolx'rt 1679 William 1723 William j 1849 William Mole 1766 Christopher MoUison (Moleson, Molison, Mol\-ssoun 1763 Alexander 1729 Francis 1742 John 1621 Thomas Moncrief 1752 David Moncur [see also Mancur t 1823 James Monro (^^'^ Munro) Mont<;omery (Mongomeriiis) 1657 John Moodie (see also Mudie) 1667 James •773 James Moor, Moore, More (see Moir) Moresone (see Morrison! Morgan 1815 George •773 John 1823 John 1837 lohn 1838 John •735 ^'-Th 1764 William Morray (see Murra>i Morrice (Mon'ce) 1683 // Alexander 1859 Arthur l).i\icl •775 James 1814 James 1732 Rol>erl 1745 William Morrison (Moresone, Morisoune, Morison. Morisone, Morisonus) 1679 -Eneas 1649 Alexander 1713 Alexander 1739 Alexander 1745 Alexander 1775 Alexander 1785 Alexander 1786 Alexander 1812 Alexander 1815 Alexander 1818 Alexander 1819 Alexander 1829 Alexander 1840 Alexander 1847 Alexander (i) 1847 Alexander (2) 1848 Alexander 1850 Alexander 1739 Charles 1748 Colin 1855 David 1761 Donald 1763 Donald 1839 Donald 1702 Krederick 1646 George 1676 George i63o Gt'nrge 1682 George • 737 George 1746 George 1779 George ' 1787 George | 1843 George C. 1844 George C. 1849 George (i) 1849 George (2) 1850 George 1722 Hector 1611 JameslM.A.. 1616) 1639 James 1670 James 1772 James •779 Janies 1780 Janies 1813 James 1829 James 1831 Janies 1832 Janies (i) 1832 James (2) 1835 Janies (i) 1835 James (2) 1852 Janies 1854 James 1676 John 1689 // John 1710 John 1724 John •739 John •745 John 1767 John 1768 John •773 John 1799 John 1806 John 1814 John 1859 John S. 1844 Joseph 1663 Kenneth 1759 Kenneth 171 1 Murdoch 1712 // Murdoch 1714 Murdoch 1724 Norman 1694 Patrick 1756 I'atrick 1783 Patrick 1784 Patrick 1836 Patrick 1837 Patrick 1849 Robert (i) 1849 Robert (2) 1769 Roderick 1853 Roderick 1770 Theodore 171 1 11 Thomas 1843 Thomas 1730 Walter 1752 Walter 1778 Walter 184 1 Walter 1659 William 1685 « William 1686 William 1846 William 1847 William 1854 V\'illiani Mortimer 1704 II Robert 161 5 Thomas 1821 */ Thomas 1603 Walter Morus (see Moir) 2 so M<>utra> Mow i«o4 John^XI.A., I'- MoW.it Mou.ltt. M..V .1- I'- IfK 1 i6i^ Unm IXhK^ r H 1673 V\'illkiui Moves 1H4) Willuim li. Mudic {sff also W .' 1; , '/.<■' '■ 1745 Jo»>n MUJI itfOO l-'fAltClft i A. > •« '. K- «M.A 1 /wi i :> 1.1 M i' M.I M. . s ill (S. .1 .III \\ .11 Si Murchisone 1680 Duncan MurdiKrh iMl.r.I.--. 17H-. :.kl l>unaki Dnnalil ■ ■ . .1.1 1 gr IT 1 7<>j .-\ 1819 Altzxitmlcj JulUO •'^t '••/ INDEX. 25; '777 .I''>nies 1798 Janu's 1812 James 1819 James (i) 1819 James (2) 1828 James 1842 lames 1668 jolin (M.A., 1670 John 1717 Jolm 1791 John 1798 John 1799 John 1800 John 1807 John 1813 John 1815 John 1827 John 1828 John 167!; Patrick 1686 Patrick 1823 Peter 1679 Richard 1848 Walter 1662 W'iUiani 1663 VViMiam 1709 II William 1805 William 1813 William 1814 William 1855 William 1856 William 1857 William Muschett 1683 II i68o Robert t68i Robert Mustard 1769 Archibald 1644 Robert 1807 Thomas Nash '705 David 1673) Mutch 1826 James 1822 William 1851 William 1852 William M>'ers 1827 Alexander Smart Nairn (Xainie, Nairnus) 1678 David 1634 John 1706 John i56o Thomas Napier (Neaperj •737 Alexander 1737 Archibald Naughton [806 Archibald Neaper {see Napier) Neil 1855 Alexander 1842 John 1831 Robert 1815 William 1816 William Neilsouiie I 1616 James Neva}' 1 84 1 Alexander 1622 John I 'Nevvlands 1842 Alexander 1843 Alexander 1827 James Nicol (Nichol, Nicolaus, Nicollj 1772 Alexander 1788 Alexander 1824 Alexander 1828 Alexander 1858 Andrew 1 85 1 David 1785 Francis 1823 George ri.l 1824 George LI. J 1831 Henry 1849 Henry 1666 James 1667 James 1668 James(M.A., 1812 James 1836 James 1778 John 1808 John 1811 John 1816 John 1818 John P. (M./ 1856) 1782 Patrick 1834 Patrick 1696 William 1762 William 1778 WiUiam 1803 William Nicolis 1772 George Xicolson (Xicholaus, Nicliolsoii, Nicolsone) 1736 Alexander 1786 Alexander 1849 Andrew ! 1808 Arthur 1659 Colin (M.A., 1664) 1726 Donald 1777 Donald , 1666 George I 1821 Hugh I 1822 Hugh 1648 James I 1720 James «753 James '755 James 1772 James 1726 John 1806 John 1833 John B. 1839 John G. 1826 Kutusoff 1827 KutusolT '753 Malcolm 1772 Patrick 1778 Patrick 1826 Patrick 1679 Thomas 1729 William Niddrie (Nidrie) 1744 David 1716 Roljerl Nimmo ' '795 Janies I 1796 James I 1797 Patrick 1850 lohn G. 1857 William D. Xoble (Xobih's) 1796 .\lexander 1810 Alexander 1625 James 1819 James 1820 James t82i James 1822 John 1635 William Xockelis 1812 Christopher 1816 Charles 1673) Nisbet (Nisbett ) 1650 Andrew (M..^.. 1653) 1653 John 1694 Richard 1668 Willi;im Niven 1828 Adam ; 1859 Charles KK Norman 1797 William jNorrie (Nora}', Norie, Nor}') 1612 Alexander t8o8 Charles i 1604 George I '737 James Nuttall 1836 George [R.] 1837 [Jnmesl .Mansfield OchterloH}' (Achterlaunie, Ochterlownie, Ouchtcrlaunie, Ouchtcrlonie, Ouchtcrlounie) 1610 Alexander 1657 .Alexander 1667 George 1670 John 1610 Patrick 1675 Robert 1609 William Ogg 1810 Charles 1825 Charles 1847 Charles S. 1848 James 1784 John 1809 John 1805 Rotert (58 IXIiKX. O^ Orem (Orum) » );'ilvv. 17' >7' 17 K I 17- 1 '7. 1 It; \ 1674 Cluitln ■63B David ,(,"-- •■ • I 'J 1745 David 1805 n.ivlrl It-; 16x4 jamcK ■ 635 jamri 1644 Jamet rAjj Jainaa j09)^ i6jo John 1641 John 165U John 167a lolin 679 John 6qo lohfi .III III 1 ;.-i >iii .If 11 1 : 1 '1 11 :lftl .u\ ttt in \\ Ml III .till i;c'> ;i am III 111 alll 1717 \'- 1748 u 1606 W iiiMin 1635 William iOgston (Ogstonc, j . \\ .....1111 •C \\' .li.mi 'Oliphant 1703 (.11111-^ 1763 John Oliver I7X> Jamc^ ■ 830 Kobert Oracus (sft Urc) C)rchcrt(»n l7Vrf Ianir\ i-^h William 17^ William Orel 1700 1 J«mr> iV»4 John 1670 John I7«4 John (M.A.. i/ia 1660 Willwm 1713 William Ore 166a Jamo 166a R..bcrt .'/., n, Orrok 18x3 Willuini Osborn 1877 ■■airick IH38 I'altirk O.slc-r 1856 William Oswald 1670 Janm 1819 Jaino K. Ouclitcrlaunic (sff Ochtcrliiiiic) ( )\VCII 1773 Arthur I'adficlcl 1857 Franci* J. I'aip (f'■ - |8|H Andrrw 181 V Andrrtk 1670 David 1716 James i.i.n Paplay (I'oplacus) I6a6 Ulivrr ■ 631 PalrKk i6s6 Roben INDEX. 259 Paterson (Patersone, Patersonus, Patterson) 1012 Alexander 1670 Alexander 1671 Alexander 171 1 Alexander 1740 Alexander 1743 Alexander 1750 Alexander 1766 Alexander 1787 Alexander 1812 Alexander 1823 Alexander 1 83 1 Alexander 1841 Alexander 1842 Alexander 1843 Alexander 1858 Alexander 1730 George 1853 George 1854 George 1855 George 1853 Henry [F.] 1717 James 1736 James 1759 James 1760 James 1792 James 1794 James 1816 James 1853 James 1620 John 1660 lolin 1738 John I7S5 John 1784 John 1852 John 1791 Joseph 1749 Robert 1796 Robert 1670 Thomas 1778 William 1784 William Patience 1787 lohn Paton ( I'attonus) 1640 David 1728 George 1720 George 1833 Hugh 1760 John 1794 William Paul 1828 David II. 1854 George M. 1729 John 1818 John 1834 John 1841 lohn L. 1856 John T. 1762 Robert 1821 Robert 1784 William 18 17 William 1818 William 1830 William 1843 William 1845 William PaxUni 1691 .\lexander 1843 .Alexander I'earke 1632 James Pears 1819 a John Pearson (Pearsone, Pear.soiuis, Peirsone, Pcr.sone) 1642 .Mexander 1649) 1645 .Archibald 1663 David 1668 James 1682 James 1850 James 1660 John 1655 Joshua 1650 William Peat (Peatti 1749 .Alexander 1750 .Alexander 1776 .Alexander (M..A. Penman 1827 James G. 1827 Richard Perkins 1856 .Alfred M. 1857 .Alfred M. 1855 Frederick 1856 Frederick 1781 lohn David 1856 William H. 1857 William H. Perry 1843 Frederick Persone {see Pear- .son) Peter 1807 Alexander 1820 James Peterkin 1752 .Alexander 1795 William Peters 1847 Charles Petrie (Petraeus) 1839 .Alexander 1746 .Arthur 1846 George 1641 Janies 1714 James 1731 James 1835 John G. 1742 Lewis ' 1617 William I'cttitulrcich (.viY l'ittendricM M. |8.- Vo\K ( I*ai|j, PaifK-l 17J, NV. • '■■ It*- i6r iBiv '>■'-'?*;•" ■ Bao Ocorgr 1716 Gilbcn 1717 Oilbm 1667 Hpclor 1666 Hugh 1648 liihn I Bao I'cier 1604 William Popjoy iBja Jovhun I'oplaeus {sre l'aplay» 1744 Ncil iSiB Robert i8n Thonuu Pri .1.. Prior j 179a Philip I Proctor 1777 \:rv..ll.U-l l7yo Ixllll •757 I'ainck 1790 Kolicn 1739 William Portcous(l'orteus)il'rofeit (Prophit) 1835 lanid 'R-i \!. > ui,l,- ■716 John Porter ■831 Wiliuini ibit7 WtiiiAJii Uacburn iHoo (fofiloii Kagu '755 Jfti" \ 1713 Thoniiii Rainj- {sfi- Rcnuic) Kait (Raitt, K.iitc. Rate. Reat. Rhaetus, Rhaitt. Rhette ■An I (Ml 1 ' ■ 6(17 I Prevail iBii Jow|>li I'urssc 1666 Williiiiii Powell Powelliis 16.M ( hrivio|ih<'f Purves I'owrie 1B5S tiCOTKC Pratt (I'. • IWB Al. iPi' • 17 ■ 1831 Wu« iBja Wilwm I'rire 1769 Jollll ftfj- WMIiam ■ifii im i^v4 \\ iiiiani 1B511 Wiltuni Ramsa)' (Ramisacus Ramsey) . .ndri -imJct indo 1044 Airkaftdcr iWH Andnrw '/■* ■ >74 16/1 l^lurA 1674 Ihiiio 1701 lHni» iBi$ lanicn ■667 AlrikunUtr Pypcr 1791 Andrew 18m John ( }uclch ■43 John I 17^'. Ouytef-vrt-VVIivtci ""^ Ra.(Ray i6ua l.«>rtl 1804 Almamlri I'-'-j ■771 Willuini Ranir, Rannic- siv Rennie Rankin Raiiken) 1785 Duncan 1801 Ihonias Rate sf4- Rail) Ratlra)- ■ Tte l>4ViI.\. 261 Rea\-, Lord {.ur Rae) Rebecca 1856 Duncan Red fern 1849 ti Peter Regulus {see Rule) Reid ( Raedus, Rede, Rccil. Rhaedus, Rhedus, Rheede) 161 1 Alexander 1631 Alexander 1653 Alexander 1716 Alexander 1758 Alexander (i) 1758 Alexander (2) 1803 Alexander 1812 Alexander 1822 Alexander (i) 1822 Alexander (2) 1829 Alexander 1836 Alexander 1846 Alexander R. 1830 Arthur 1841 Bt:njaniin 1832 Cosmo 1836 Cosmo 1837 Cosmo 1791 David iSii David 1831 David 1832 David 1841 David 1821 Duncan (M.A.. ■834) 1830 EUeiington 1833 Ellcnngion 1663 George 1668 George 1827 George (M.A., 1834) 1844 George 1816 Gordon 1848 Gordon 1851 Gordon 1844 I-Ienry 1845 Henry 1596 James 1618 James 1648 Jaine^i 1664 James 1729 Janice ■ 1839 James 1845 James 1846 James 1848 James ^ (M.A., 1849 James f 1858) 1616 John 1619 John 1690 John 1723 John 1738 John 1760 John 1776 John 1779 John 1787 John 1791 John 1799 John 1802 John 1814 John 1823 John 1824 John 1832 John 1839 John 1840 John 1847 lohn 1848 John 1854 John 1795 Joseph 1835 Joseph 1601 Patrick (M.A.. 1607) 1641 Patrick 1596 Robert 1615 Roljert 1705 n Robert 1761 Roliert 1779 Roljcrt 1832 Rotwrt 1842 Roljert 1847 RolKrt 1804 Roderick 1596 Thomas 1703 « I'homas 1709 Thomas 1820 Thomas 1629 William 1650 William 1673 William 1674 William 1723 William 1732 William 1816 William 1829 William 1834 William 1837 William L. 1840 William 184 1 William 1843 William 1851 William [1..) 1855 W'illiam Rcitlfoord (Reidfuird) 174K Alev.inder 1612 lohn 1736 John Reith (Rieth) 1659 George 1823 John 1693 Thomas Renald {sec Rey^ nold) Rennie (Raiii)-, Ranie, Raiinie, Rennc)) 1826 Alexander 1664 Andrew 1812 Forbes 1750 George 1632 James 1798 James 1843 James 1798 John 1805 John 1810 John 1841 John 1843 John 1857 John 1683 « Patrick 1809 Rolx;rt 1852 Robert R. (M.A., 1869) 1793 Theodore 1793 William 1796 William 1804 William 1823 William Rettic Rcaty) 181S Adam (M. A., 1856) 1709 // Alexander 1853 Arthur 1854 Arthur Reyiicild RtMiald, Rinnald) 1650 Alexander 1669 Alexander 1676 John 1643 'Robert 1669 William Rhaedus, Rhedii> Rhecdc {SO' Rcitl) Rliind 1822 Alexander 1823 Alexander 1737 David 1717 Duncan 1717 John 1856 William Riach 1742 Alexander 1802 Alexander 1818 Alexander 1 8 19 Alexander 183s Alexander 1818 George 18 19 George 1847 James 1848 James 1842 John 1784 'William Richardson (Richardsone) 1823 Alexander 1647 James 1770 John 1852 John '73S Thomas 1825 William Richie Jiv Ritchie) Rickard 1792 Patrick Riddel (Riddell 1818 Thomas 1847 Thomas Ritldoch (.V(V Rlictte( j2 IVftKX Ritchie (Richie. RubtTl-xill !.■'• U Ritchacus, (R'llxTtMiiu-, II Kitchcus) RoIktImiIIUs, Ki>lKTt>iiiiin, Roborlsoum- Roliison (si-r Robertson .a K-,),..,.., "iiii Robshi< ■ 8x> (iroiip- ■i;r Ro^;c I7«i John ill (M.A., ■ H05I i6ji \VnlicT(M.A., 1636) Robb ( Rob) .r.l V M K. Robbie (R,, bit) iKiH \l.«.inil>T 1711 AiCKUIfdcf 1713 AlriAiidrf 17.- \ 1 • ■ 7~ 1838 A..' iSlQ .\<: 184J .\,: 1830 Cli... . 1850 1665 Cdin 1667 David 1838 Dntid ■ 839 David i8s8 David 167a Donald I7«" l».,„ .1.1 18;. 18; ■ 8r IH; !<■- 10. 170 1701 (,■■..:«.■ '714 * n'orjjc i-;i ' ■">fKf kT ■■rt ■..111. M i.ry '7S7 1 inirt I7/>1 1 Irnry 1859 J'rtCT 165* Rr.t«T «7i3 '7'1 « Iboniu 'l"hf>nin«i i"t.' \\ >riutni I&7; 1704 '717 '7." 17" 1 1800 1811 \\ U.;n.,„, Willuni (II WMli ini (31 Williuin U' •: ..in M isjj WaJtrt Rogers i8,v« Naih;inH-l Rnis SiY Ros> RollaiHl iHii Alrk.milit Ronald ihth Willi. lilt Rorison 1675 .\lcxandcr Rose (Roscus, sfr It/so Ross) ilcr «lll!» RoUrts 1 ;'■ . \'< ».iiH In ■ Irr lb.^5 Jjlllr^ I.--. . 1834 |83<, 1849 |8«3 Willuni WiIIliiii Willuini II. Williuni Rcibinsoi) (Rnl. 174J « 1 79S ' 1778 Jaillr« ■ 8;3 Jamn 1746 John 17^7 .Mich.ii-I Riuld.icli, Uudilachus, Ruddoch (.IV r ii/si> Kid'lnclit '7SV -^ J-ui"-. 1780 ^olin 1711 Ihoma* Ruddc I7S9 a John l\ii(l(liman I Riiiiiiiiin) I' I7.JJ Wailrl Runcic i«3i Cttoffr Rus>cll iRusscI) Irr SampMui 1S37 Jnhri Samuel 1A49 (irv*!^ Sanders (sff Saunders) < ....L-.on I ■83a I.. s 1 iM \ /Sandic 1 " ■ (JrorRr Rust I ■iai jninn Rutherford 1845 tw-Ofgc 1731 .1 John 18/1 I'homat II. iRuthven \ 1658 Kr.mci« I IRuxton i8jo John i^- I • I '. ' I701> AIcouhI'-i S.iiidil.'inds S.tiidiclaiuls, Sandjiandis, Sandil.iiulius) lOJS l} AllilTrM 1800 Charln 1660 I>a>id 1857 Ihincnn M ' 1858 Ihinun M. 1705 1 (ir|;r 1 1707 ifcorijc I 1719 (foofjjr 1807 (;«>r|{c 1848 (rrori^ 1851 Hmry 1643 II^TCUl^^ 1674 llrrculc* |83| (I Hcfxtilc* 1816 ■> llr« 1674 lanua 1 i68a JaniM c1> INDEX. 26 s 1777 James 1796 lames 1798 James 1817 James 1823 James 1840 James 1851 James 185s James 1651 John 1667 John 1674 John 1764 John 1790 John 1811 John (M.A.. 1846) 1814 John 1820 John 1663 I'atnck 1677 Patrick 1643 Roterl 1682 Rotert 1748 Robert 1781 Robert [E.] 1796 Robert 1799 Robert 1847 Robert 1848 Robert 1742 Thomas 1849 Thomas A. [K.] 1850 ThoniaG 1724 William 1749 WiUiani 1814 William 1821 William Scougal (Scougall) 1679 David 1664 Henry 1665 James Scrimgeour (Scrimgerus) 1647 Henry Scroggie (see Scorgie) Seaton {see Seton) Sedgewick 1852 Thomas Seivevvright (Severight, Sivright, Sivewright) 1817 Charles 1828 James 1825 |nhn 1844 Rol>ert 1790 William Selbie 171 I « John 1843 William Sellar 1767 Alexander 1832 James 1833 James 1843 James A. 1 84 1 Rotert Seton (Seaton, Seatone, Seaton i us, Seatonus, Seatoun, Setone, Setoniis, Setoun, Setoune) 161 1 Alexander 1639 Alexander 1656 Alexander i666 Alexander 1672 Alexander 1677 Alexander 1679 Alexander 1689 Alexander 1692 Alexander 1705 « Alexanul Sibbald (SibbMl'ln- Syb: lii; Jjiiic»lM..\ , iH^st Simon (jz-f-Symon) Simpson (Simpsonc, Simson, Symson, S\ in-- iiic. ■^N i!l--'iriu>, '111 t.-r| IU41. Sim (Simc, Simm, c;. ....... Symc; 1 A., 1790)' \ 1731 Jutiu 1857 Lfwu i6ji U ill-uu I.M.A.. 1636) 17,-' \V" Simmers (m dim Svmmer) 1-,- -. .- . 1853 Wlllwin 1« Icr Irf In In Irr ■ \cr .•^mtl.iiri.SinckUir, Sincklcr, Sinclar. Sinclarc, Sinclarus, Siiif liru-- 1 .si\ii^lit, Sivc- \\ ri^jht (iff .Scive- wri^jht) Skakcl (Skckch Skene (Skccn, lasa vviiiuiiii m 1 1 SI lb l>>4 cifw 1 IJ 1 68 J \l..lic» uj 168b Andir» t;"^ kT 1046 LillbcU i;o 1647 Oilbcn 7 lluKt. |8»7 John 1648 J.inir* ■838 John 173a John (MA. 1839 joh i8v> Joh 1 ■ 806 John 1 1800 lohn . , .. 1, .1. 181 ! • - \k in ■ k IM • rl 1845 vvaiMiii ■rt ■ rl ■rl Skirving Miai ■Baa Koben ■im Slak 1S45 ini lit! cr • ni Jamrft jm Sle.s 1B50 ini ini *or jm Charlct 1040 William 1B49 Geargr(M.] I7N) i INDEX. 267 Sligo I7S9 William Slide fSleirie) 1663 Antirew 1664 Andrew Sludders 1707 John Sma 11 1779 Alexander 1697 David 1821 a Henry Smart 1662 Alexander 1851 Alexander F. 1838 Gordon 1848 James Smith (Smithe, Smitlicus, Sm\-th. Smythe) 1717 Adam .807 Adam 1843 Adam (i. 1842 .-Eneas 1667 Alexander 1719 Alexander 1729 Alexander ■734 Alexander 1749 Alexander 1765 Alexander 1783 Alexander 1788 Alexander 1796 Alexander 1S09 Alexander 1819 Alexander 1828 Alexander ( i 1 1828 Alexander (2) 1829 Alexander 1840 Alexander 1850 Alexander E. 1679 Andre\\ '843 Angus 1838 Anthcmy 1807 Arlhur ■732 Charles 1826 Charles 1856 Christopher 1844 Colvin •774 David 1832 Donald |M.) ■833 Donald M. ■847 Edward 1858 Edward 1660 GcorgL- 1821 George 1836 George [S.] 1845 George C. 1849 George 1853 George C. 1857 George 1848 Henry J. t8o9 Hugh 1655 James 1662 James 1663 James 1704 // James 1709 James 1714 James 1717 James 1722 James 1723 James 1724 James 1741 James 1742 James 1746 James 1765 James 1770 « James t778 James 1779 James 1786 James 1790 James T792 James 1803 James 1809 James (i) 1809 James (2) 1810 James 1813 James 1 8 14 James 18 15 James (i) 1815 James (2) 1818 James 1821 James 1823 James (1) 1823 James (2) 1823 James (3) 1825 James 1843 James 1844 James 1852 James (i) 1852 James (2) 1857 James S. 1858 James B. 1858 James S. 1647 John 1661 John 1675 John 1724 John 1726 John 1781 John 1803 John 1804 John (i) 1804 John (2) 1809 John 1812 John 1814 John 1815 John 1816 John 1826 John 1830 John 1830 John [S]. H. D. '83s 1836 1837 1838 1850 1851 1856 1856 1798 1797 1678 1841 18SS 1856 1853 1707 1769 1773 1778 1780 1825 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 i 1829 1830 1 1831 1776 1824 1836 1840 1674 1676 1680 1692 1704 1704 1740 1743 '759 1765 1770 1781 1786 1790 1798 1804 1805 1806 1820 1828 1832 •834 1835 ' "835 1839 1840 184 1 1842 1847 18^1 John John John John John John John(.) John (2) Laurence Neil Patrick Patrick [R.| Peter Peter Richard Robert Rotx^rt Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert (1) Robert (2) Robert Robert S. Robert H. Stewart Stewart Stewart Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas M. William William William William n William (t) 11 William 1 2) William William William W'illiam William William William William W'illiam William WiHiam (MA. 1810) William W'illiam William William I". William William William 1'. William William William William William V\'illiam 1857 William 1858 William S. 1859 William Snowdon 1670 Joshua Somers 1759 James Somerville (Somervaile) 1820 Alexander C. (M..-\.. 1826) 1791 James Sophocardus, Sophocardius, i.e., Wi.shart Souter (Soutter, Sutor, Sutter) 1803 .Alexander 1805 Alexander 1806 .Mexander 1839 Alexander 1809 Andrew 1859 Andrew 1846 David 1801 James 1804 James 1819 James(M..\.,i83o) 1780 John I 1856 John .\, 1858 John A. Spalding (Spaldingius) 1833 Colin 1676 (ieorge 1640 John SparU (Sparke, Sparkius) 1772 .-Mexander 1624 ."Vrchibald 1615 Robert I 1770 Robert ! 1642 William Spccht(Spechtiu.';) 1632 Peter iSpeed (Speid) 1621 George 1669 John I 1652 William i« >»|)cnscus. St J•t^s,'^ , Stables 1S4: Stackhousc Stalker <773 }""<=* 185a lohn 1853 John |8S4 John Steele (Steel: ■ Bj4 Henry ■ 741 Jama 184.1 Kolarrt IJi,^ 'I'honiOA Stetinett 181A (Jcorn: K 1781 Jnaqlh •^Iciih.iii Siephanus, Ib^j J allien |6^(I Jainn i68h lamn 1837 laino 1840 jaincx 1855 James ■ 714 jrmmo I'- ... |..!,i, 1778 William 1- . lohn 1 -' lohn 1 - ■ lohn S|>enccr ; l-hn 1843 ODr|[c A. Squair 1848 John Stcphensun (Steinson, Stevenson. Stcwcti.sonc) 17.*** .Xnlnlfcilil I06y (korK«(M.A.. '6751 iS^5 Hii|;h Stevard (sft Stewart Stewart (Stcuari Stmiartus, Stc-vard, Sti-wartus, Sti-wc-art. Stuart. Stuartc, Stiiartus) 1 \ ur» >*> rirk ■■iir» nam -■np» .r» ■iir» :ir> :ic-» I7»l lolin tyjfi Jolin •7M Jo''" 1760 luhn ■l.H.(.\|..\.. • 849I iSao Colin n itiiv lutin a iSai lohn ,,i .... I i.p 1(1 KM. \ .18.1 :. A. i>h ii. I. ■046 William '•ck r ick 1099 » lieorgc .,,. i. iKtt I i7«o Kobot INDEX. 269 1830 Robert 1850 Robert 1794 Roderick 161 5 Thomas 1624 Thomas 1 1625 Thomas | 1841 Thomas 1 1848 Thomas j 1644 Walter 1661 Walter I 1624 William | 1663 William 1678 William j 1681 William I 1692 William 1727 William 1755 William , 1782 William 1825 Williaii\ V. I 1826 William V. 1848 William 1849 William L. 1858 William H. Still 1854 Peter 1850 Thomas Stirlin 1681 Koticn ■ 8so Robert 1833 Robni 1834 Kotirn Ift, S>ms<>n (ser Simpson) Tai lifer 1646 WiUiAni Tailidtir, Tailoi Tailzour (><•-• Taylor) M..\ "':v 1O74 W'llliiini 1730 Willum 1734 WilltiUii (M..V. •73"' 17- i ■'■ " 18, Tail 1700 I 1B19 W lallach (Sir (*/- lulloch) 1847 nioniiu itx^ Jahn 173^ Ifihii Tarbil 18 c. i;f„ ll.it ill 1771 julill Sulor, Sutter (j^rTarres (Tarrcsius 't*" ["I"" Soutcr) Swan (Swanc) 1647 \'- \..ti'!ri Svvans«)n 1809 jiiino I . 1824 jolin Sybljald (.«/•(• SibbalH) Symc (sec Sim 1 S\-mmrr isft' n/so Tarrcsse) l''JJ I. UK Tassic 1703 • Andrro Taw I. ij ruiiLk TaN'lor Tailiour, Tailmir, Tail/Diir, ■{"ayl'iur, lavlzour, •r.'vi.,r,- 1601 John (M.A., I' Sv ■ 'n..!> 18^ U<.'<4K>^ I I ii s. r K I k. Ill lit III rii III I. in I. (Ill ...,_ .'. — iiii 1831 Willuni Ti'iviHlalc iHji lohn A. "rt-niplc ' ; 1- I 71. 1 1847 AI.A.iliM. I ion 11 VVllllAill Tevindaill 1&48 jnhn Tcylor ( j/"^Ta)'lor ) Teyric (sfr Tyriel Th.f I 7. A' I 11' 'tlM- Tltilw.M Tliir.I , 1664 Jlun<-^ Thoirs i6c>i (.'barlo 1691 Uattd Thom 1819 Aiiini (M.A. l89j( 1741 lami-* 1781 1.11111^ Tlionison rhoinpson, Thomsonc, ■|'hi>in>rf>niuN IhnmsonU!*; ,, Ail^ini . ih8o Akvandcf INDKX. ■iji 1683 1770 177' 1771 1771 1775 1777 1824 1846 1848 1853 1856 1857 1639 1698 1809 1836 1842 1821 1859 1676 1840 ■845 1733 1623 1784 1699 1788 1818 1841 184s 166S 1766 1767 1767 1774 1788 1796 X7Q8 1800 1806 1825 ■843 184s 1850 1714 '79' 1817 1850 I8S' 1858 1646 1834 1606 1682 1700 1817 1817 1829 1858 1690 1720 1806 '833 1659 Alexander Alexander Alexander ( 1 1 Alexander (2) Alexander (3) Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander B. Alexander Alexander M. Andrew Andrew- Andrew Andrew J. Anthony F. K. I- harles U. Charles David David a David Duncan Francis FYancis n George George George George George James James James (i) James (2) James James James James James James James James P. James James // John John John John John John Patrick Patrick Rolx!rt Rolx;rt II Robert Robert (l) Robert (2) Robert Robert B. Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas William 1694 /; William 1714 William 1732 William 1779 William 1789 William 1831 ti William 1847 William 1854 William Thristans 1794 Thomas W, Thurburn 1790 Alexander 1857 Alexander 1831 Charles 1792 John 1822 John 1829 Robert 1826 William Tindal 1859 James J. Tocher 1775 Alexander 1850 Francis Todd (Tod, ToddeJ 1830 Alexander 1831 Alexander 1820 Allan C. 1813 Andrew 1859 Charles 1664 George 1680 Hugh 1796 Hugh 1752 James 1829 James 1771 John 1812 John 1791 Joseph 1800 Robert 1859 Robert A. i8i8 Thomas 1604 William 1668 William (M.A.. 1673) Tolmie 1853 Alexander H. 1856 James 1857 James 1845 lohn [W.J 1853 John (M.A., 1858) 1723 William Topp 1827 Alexander 1S15 James Tornor (jvv Turner) Torrie (Torie, Torraeus, Torr)' 1806 Charles 181 7 George i6t2 James 1806 James 1859 James 1824 John 1825 John 1839 John 1821 Robert (M.A.. 1827) 1620 Walter 1656 William Tough (Touch, Tuach) 1679 Alexander 1845 Anthony M 1842 Fflwaril 1777 James 1826 James P. '7'7 John '755 Joh" 1838 John G. 1759 Patrick 1760 Patrick 1770 Robert 1761 William Trail (Traill) 1771 George 1859 Hercules S. 1771 James 1835 James 1831 John R. 1821 Samuel Trench 1834 John Troup (Troupaeus) 1607 1717 1811 1849 1856 1857 1842 1843 1859 James James James James James James Robert Robert William Trumbcll [sei' Turnbuirj Tuach (sei- Tough) Tulloch (TuUoh) 1689 Alexander 1807 Alexander 1839 Charles L. C. 1849 Charles 1814 George / (M.A., 1 8 16 George j 1830) 1840 George 1825 James (M. A., 1 849 1 1840 James 1850 James 1799 John 1835 John 1844 John 1846 John 1 83 1 Marcus 1680 Patrick 1612 Robert 1671 Robert 1802 Robert 1648 Samuel 1669 Thomas 175 1 William Tully 848 John Turie {see n/so Durie; 1672 Robert Turing (Turin, Turine, Turinge) 1612 Henry 1759 Inglis(M.A.. 1766) 1723 James 1608 John i5io John 1668 John 1675 John 1720 John 1759 Robert 1760 Robert 1683 /; Walter 1610 William TurnbuU (Trumbcll ' 1676 Cjeorge 1670 John 1676 Patrick 1656 Peter 1813 Walter '■72 IXDKX. T>nci 1670 Willum Tv nV Tryrie; Tvticr LMny (Udn.ie. ''!•■■■• Wdnv Umphegf l»»74 WillMin Umpliray (set Humphrey) L'niuhart fUrcharflus, Urqhart, Urquhardu^ Urtiwhart, Wnjiiliart) lODo John 1647 Utonu-s I likM WiIImiii \' iliiitinc Wilh.un j V'alkcr is^r Walker) \'.i!l.i.iiis {sff V'altci-itoue {sfi- Watcrstoiic) Vass (see also Wass) 4 W.11.AIU \ at Kie( W.itt V'at-^onf til'.- Watsonl iVcnters I |8,) lohn iV'cnion [ I7<>7 Thoma* |Verrall j 17S7 KKhiinl iV'ilsoune (sft I Wilson) V'olum (Woluml ■ 6x7 I'alnck . 1786 Willuuii V'yschartc (.v«v ' Wishart) AVachopc I 1670 Jame> W'agstaflT I 1899 Churla Walker (Valkcr, VVaker, Walcar ■6|;o Alrx.iiidrf \ tSia AlrtAnilrf '■I ' I IB09 » Ed«iinl 1^41 K lk.tlk:& 1844 CtmrlrA 1710 David 1759 David i(w7 16O) >7J7 180) iHjo l«37 '«55 1614 ■ 650 1656 169a 1719 I7ai 1769 ■ 801 1898 18J9 i8j8 1839 1853 ■ 80 j. in lev Jiintrx lanio tanirs Janm Janir* )ubn John Jobn John John Juhn John John John S John John Sohn ohn ohn Ih,. \\ . 1S3.1 \\lil...l>. iHs^ W^' l:: I«^, _\ Wallace \allacius Wall., 1749 M 1830 Air>.in>ir 1798 Ocotijr ^ INDEX. 273 1832 a George 1841 Hugh K. 1842 Hugh R. 1847 Hugh 165s James 1699 n James 1700 James 1767 James 1786 James 1641 John 1833 John 1855 John 1643 Samuel 1849 William G. Wallen 1820 James S. 1821 James S. 1822 James S. Waller 1772 Kdmund Walls (Wills) i8o6 William Walterstone (Valterstone, see Waterston) Walton 1782 George Ward 1789 John 1831 Richard 1834 Robert Warden (Warden) 1789 Alexander 1809 Alexander j 1701 Henry I Wardlaw | 1734 William I Warrack 1 (Warwick) 1757 James ! 1803 James | 1773 Robert I Warrand 1814 Hugh M. j 1809 Robert Warren 1829 Robert Warrender 1712 Robert Warwick {see Warrack) Wass (see also Vass) 1822 ii William 1824 a Samuel Wate (see Watt) I Waterston 1608 James I 1857 James Watkins j 1819 Charles Watson (Vatsone Watsone) 1821 Alexander 1826 Alexander 1828 Alexander 1619 Andrew 1672 Andrew 1770 Charles 1670 David 1829 David 1833 David 1836 David 1665 George 1674 Henry 1670 James 1706 James 1729 James 1731 James 1770 James 1826 James 1828 James 1831 James 183s James 1836 James 1839 James 1848 James 1615 John 1676 John 1680 John 1703 John 1780 John 1814 John 1815 John 1822 John 1823 John 1826 John S. G. 1841 John 1843 John F. 1850 John 1851 John 1854 John M. ■777 Jonathan 1687 /( Patrick 1819 Patrick 1824 Patrick 1826 Patrick 1604 Robert 1662 RobtTt 1674 Roljert 1783 Robert 1817 Robert 1647 Thomas 1605 William (M.A. 1612) 1621 William 1654 William 1664 William (M.A., 1669) 1693 William 1847 William 1849 William 1859 William Wattie 1821 John VVdny (see Udny) 'Weath 1720 John Webb 1799 a Thomas Webster 1693 Alexander 1697 Alexander 1791 Alexander 1806 Alexander 1815 Alexander 1816 Alexander 1820 Alexander 1843 Alexander [C] 1827 Andrew 1825 David Walterus.Wate) '8-»o David /; ^ »i A '^41 David 1676 Alexander - - Watt I'Vat, Vatt, 776 Alexander 183s Alexander 1618 Andrew 1670 David 1837 George 1838 George 1856 George C. 1596 James 1610 James 1679 James 1683 « James 1806 James 1853 James 1855 James 1856 James 1608 John 1674 John 1726 John (M.A., i8n John 1834 John 1836 John 1837 John 1839 John 1851 John 1858 John 1853 Michael 1854 Michael 1629 Patrick 1795 I'eter 1745 Thomas 1858 Thomas M. 1663 William 1806 William 1824 William [S.] 1835 William 1848 William 173') 1804 George 1817 James 1665 John 1807 John 1825 John 1839 John j 1847 John 1857 John 1825 Robert 1846 Robert 1856 'Ihomas B. 1711 William 1815 William 1821 William Wedderburne 1648 William Weems 1733 William Weir 1843 Alexander 1806 David I (M.A., 1809 David / i8n) 1787 Francis 1844 George 1836 James j 1775 John I 1776 John I Wei Is I 1851 William MM 274 Welsh iBr: ■ • IP. Wcmyss {sre Wccms) Whatcly 1H33 .1 IlKMnu E. Williamson (Williamsonc) 1700 * Alruutdcr 1701 Akxandct irik, *i \rtliur 1S44 l.inic:> irj^ij lohn 1701 John I 856 John iHt- Inhn Willikin 1725 Alexander W Wight '774 Alrxandcr ■ 850 Kichard WiUigoosc 17S3 James 1784 j«mc» Wilkic 1849 LMnd 1783 laniea 1834 Umc* 1773 John Will |8|3 Andrrvi i8ia Cxorge 1674 John I8s8 John (M.A.. 1834H Ihj4 1843 In ..io < K. M K' T. '-V >-% laoo |8|3 1 ; ■ ) 1817 J.>ll>uk (1) 1.1 nia ' (M.A m Willockv In C. 1070 Luni-s 1777 John Wills (Walls) 1806 William Wilson (Vilsoune, WilsoiiiM ',-73 J ullll 1791 ohn 1807 ohn 1813 ohn 1S14 ohn (0 I'ck .: kniicrt Mot«T« '75'' "757 K.>l> It 1 hwnia» 'I'hom.'ik 1B45 M'tlliaiii " tcr Windic I7«7 a WUIiain Windram Wj7 J.inn-» Wink ■813 John Winter 1855 David Winton 1S48 lames I« 1801 William ««<'>■ W III .mlet ,„. .. M.uni 1850 Willuun Wisliart (Sophocardu.s. V'isharlus, Vyschartc, Wischari. Wischartt. Wischcart. Wishairtc, \\\ SI Ii.il le-l 161 If . it^j l.iin<~v(M.A .l6$9» 1B44 lAMin 184J jamc* 1606 John INDEX. 275 1645 John 1603 Roberl 174 1 Thomas 1781 Thomas (M.A. 1788) 1602 William 1855 William VVolum {set' Voliiml Wood (W'od, Woode) 1761 Alexander 1799 Alexander 1835 Alexander 1836 Alexander 1837 Alexander 163s Archibald 1775 Charles 1597 David 1604 David 1674 James 1790 James 1830 James 1603 John 1622 John 1666 John 1678 John 1721 John 1733 John 1803 a John M. 1814 John 1671 Matthew 1603 Patrick 1809 William Woodford 1819 Edward 1820 Edward Woolley 1792 (7 William Wray 1772 Leonard Wright 1723 Alexander 1724 Alexander 1829 Alexander 1837 Archibald D. 175s Thomas 1748 William 1827 William 1830 William 1835 William Wrquhart {see Urquhart) Wyatt 1808 George Wylie 1696 « William Wyness 1854 Peter Wynn 1782 William Wyscharte {see Wishart) Ydle (see Idle) Yeats 1789 George 1857 John Young (Younge) 1668 Alexander 1770 Alexander 1815 Alexander 1829 Alexander 1832 Alexander 1854 Charles O. 1825 David 1809 Donald S. 1818 George A. 1823 Hector 1814 Hugh F. 1678 James 1818 James 1824 James 1836 James 1850 James l8c2 lames 1784 John 1827 John 1662 K. ,ir P. 1725 Robert 1820 Rolwrt O. 1832 Robert (M.A., 1837) 1820 Simon A. G. 1820 Simon F. 1700 Thomas 1636 William (M.A. , •639) 1680 William 1785 William 1847 William Young.son (Youngsone Youngsonus) 1614 .Alexander 1640 .Alexander 1683 « .'\lexander 1741 .Andrew (M.A., '747) 1621 Archibald 1729 George 1847 John 1621 Peter 1674 William Yule 1846 Alexander Zeederberg 1827 John [R.] 4 THE .^Bl;RDKF:N UNIVERSITY PRESS LIMITED. '§ \l f RHTVRN TO DESK FKOM U „,ai BORROVTED .'' LOAM r*.—- .^k,T HOME USE i^nj fORAA NO DD6 x<5 ^^^ :■■'( >•'-> "^4/ 5^5 5^P ^^ ^ ^