Index to General Orders and Circulars, HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD, STATE OF NEW YORK. 1867-1882. ABSEXCE OF OFFICERS FROM DIV. PAR- ADES, Etc. to be reported, Circ. Nov. 9th & 20th, 18C9 ACTIVE SERVICE. Orders for G. O. 12,1870 G. O 10, 1871 G. O. 6&7, 1877 Rendition of bills and pay-rolls for Circ. Aug. Cd, 1877' (Special orders were issued for July I zth, 1871 ) ALEXIS, GRAND DUKE OF RUSSIA. Phrade on reception of G. O. 7 & 13, and Circ. 4, ANNUAL INSPECTIONS. Ordered Relative to. G. 0.7. .Circ. Sept. 2.5, G. O. 3. G. O. 2, G. O. 9, G. 0.7. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, &c.. DIVISION STAFF. Hamblin, Joseph E., as Inspector G. O. 3, as A. A. Gen'l G. O. 6, remarks on resignation of, G.0. 13, Smith, George W., as Engineer, (declined) G. O. 3, Oakey, John, as Jndge Adv., G. O. 3, McMillan, Cuas, as Surgeon, G. O. 3, Bend, Wm. B., as Q'r-M'r ...G O. 3, ^ FowLEu, John. Jr. as Major and A. D. C. as Ord. Officer as Inspector as A. A. Gen'l as Ord. Officer as Judge Advocate. . . DiGGS,D.WM.,asMaj.&A.D.C. G.O. 3, MoMahon, Martin T., aslnsp., G. O.C. remarks on resignation of, G. 0. 13, Allen, Vanderbilt, as Eng., G. O. 0, Donaldson, John J., as Maj. and A. D. C G. O. 0, as Com. of Sub., G. 0.8, as Ord. Officer G.O. 13, 1871 1871 1^78 1878 1879 1880 1881 1868 ON . . G. O, 3, . . G. O. 6, . . G. O. 8, ..(i. 0. 13, . G. O. 1, ...G.O. 5, 1807 18C.7 1808 1867 1867 1867 1867 1807 1807 1808 1808 1871 1872 1807 1867 18(i8 1867 1867 18(i8 18;8 Chesebrough. Wm. H., as Com. of Sub., G. O. 10, 1867 as Ord. Officer, G. O. 8, 1868 as Inspector G. O. 13, 1868 as A. A. Gen'l G. O. 5, 1870 JUSSEN, C!arL, as Maj. & A. D. C, G. O. 8, 1868 as Qr. M'r. & Actg. A.D.C., G. O. 1, 1873 as Inspector (J. O. 12. 1874 detailed as Actg.A.A.Gen'l, G.O. 3, 187 > Mcf.'LURE, George, as Qr. Mr., G.O. 13, 1808 ViLMAR, Frederick, as Com. of Sub., G. 0.13,1808 Wagstafp, Alfred, as Maj. and A. D. C G. O. 13, 1868 Fairgrieve, James, as Capt. and A. D. C G. O. 13, 1868 Teller, Daniel W., as Chief of Artillery G. O. 2, 1870 Lawrence, Wm. II., as Inspector, (failed to qualify) G. O. .5, 1870 LiEBENAU, J. Henry, as Inspector G. O. 8, 1870 detailed as Actg.A.A.Gen'l, G.O. 8, 1872 Kearney, Henry S., as Eng., G. O. 8, 1870 Fairgrieve, Thomas, as Capt. and A. D. C G. O. 8 1870 .G. 0.5, 1872 as Maj. and A. D. C. Mechan, John, as Maj. and A. D. C G. O. 11, 1870 as Ord.. Officer, G. O. 5, 1872 as Engineer G. O. 1, 1874 O'Beirne, James R., as Qr. Mr., (failed to qualify) G. O. 9, 1871 Wrisley, Frank, as Com. of Sub., G. O. 9, 1871 Probst, John D., as Capt. and A. D. C, G. O. 8, 18:2 as Maj. and A. D. C, G. O. 1, 1873 as Onl. Officer, G. 0. 12, 1874 Parker, Henry II., as Capt. and A. D. C, G.O. 1, 1873 as Maj. and A. I). C, (J. O. 12, 1874 detail as Actg. Insp.. 187.5 GiLDEHSLEEVE. HeNUT A., as A. A. (ien'l G. O. 13, 1871 absence of as Cajit. Team Am. Riflemen (i. O. 3, 187.5 Belknap, Augui^tits, Jr., as Capt. and A. D. C, . . . G. O. 12, 1874 as Maj. and A. D. C, G. O. 14, 1874 as ( )rd. ( )nicer (i. O. 2, 1877 Van Slyck, (iEo. W., as (Jr. M'r G. O. 13, 1871 PcsT, Charles A., as Capt. and A. D. C G. O. 14, 1874 as Maj. and A. D. C, G. O. 1, 1870 as Ord. OfHcer G.O. 10, 1877 Sheldon, Alvanu.s W., as Judge Advocate G.O.I, 187ti Fauwell, W.B., as ln8p.ofR.P., G.O. 1,1870 Alligeu, Elijah. as Capt. and A. D. C., G.O. 1, 1876 as Maj. and A. B. C G. O. 2, 1877 Van Winkle, Edgar B, as Engineer G. O. 4, 1870 Barron, John C, as Surgeon, G. O. 7, 1870 Paine, Augustus G., as Qr. M'r., G.O. 7, 1870 Sanford, E. Harrison, as Insp. of R. P G. O. 1 , 1877 Andrews, John R.. as C!apt. and A.U.C., (failed to qualify), G.O. 2, 1877 as Gnpt. and A. D. C G. O. 10, 1881 as Maj. and A. D. C G. O. 4, 1H82 IsELiN, John II., as Capt. and A. D. C G. O. 4, 1877 as Maj. and A. D. C G. O. 10, 1877 Boughton, Wm. De L., as Capt. and A. D. C; G.O. 10, 1877 as Maj. and A. 0. C, G. O. 10, 1878 as Ord. Officer G. O. 4, 1882 Masters, Hilbert B., as Capt. and A. D. C, G. O. 10, 1878 as Maj. and A. D. C G. O. 10, 1881 Mitchell, Edward, as Judge Advocate G. O. 13, 1881 Bell, Lawson B., a« Capt. and A. D. C G. O. 4, 1882 Wood.Edavard T., as Qr. M'r., G. O. 0, 1882 ARMORIES. Relative to heating and lighting of, etc Circ. Aug. 31, 1878 ARMS, &c. Relative to collection of, in hands of unauthorized persons. . .G. O. 6, 186S Inpection of Circ. Sept. 25, 1878 ASSEMBLY OF DIVISION. Signal for, wlien services are required G. O. 10, 1868 BATTERIES. A, D, F, G and I, 1st Art'y, con- solidated as G (separate).. G. O. 1.5, 1869 B, C and K (afterwards 1st Bat- tery), 1st Arfy, made inde- pendent commands G. O. 1.5, 1809 n, 1st Art'y, transferred to 1st Brig. Cav. as Tioop TI. . . .G. O, 1.5. 1869 C and a disbanded G. O. 0, 1874 BILLS OF DRESS. Approval of to be obtained Circ. 1, 1S70 CENTENNIAL CEREMONIES AT PlilLADELPIIIA (Mr. Dec. 20, 187.5 CENTER MARKET ARMORY. Unlawful occupation of by 96th Inf G. O. 4 and 7, 1874 CLARK, EMMONS, Col. 7th Inf. (Commanding brigade, to resume command of reg't, G. 0. 1, 187.5 & 111, 1880 COLORS. Regiments to parade with G. O. II, 1867 COMPLIMENTARY LETTERS. On parades of tlie Division, &c Circ. July 26, 1869 Circ. 3, 1871 G. O. 6, 1878 Circ Jan. 5, 1882 CONKLING, F. A., Col. 84th Inf. (Charges against, etc G. O. 12, 1871 CONSOLIDATION AND REDUCTION OF ORGANIZATIONS. Batteries A, D, F, G and 1, 1st Art'y, into Battery G (separate). .G. O. 1.5, 1869 Battalion Washingtou Grey Cav'y into one troop G. O, 1.5, 1869 37tli Inf. reduced to a battalion of six companies G. O. 7, 1870 79th Inf. reduced to u battalion of six companies G. O, 7, 1870 1st Cav. reduced to eight comp.G. O, 7, 870 3d Cav. reduced to eight comp.G. O. 7, 1870 37th Inf. with 71st Inf. and reduction to SIX companies revoked. .G. O 9, 1870 Ist Cav., Troops E and I G. O. 13, 1870 .Sd Cav., Troops C and D G.O. 13, 1870 1st Inf. reduced to a battalion of six companies, and companies D in- to E, and F into B G. O. 10, 1873 1st Cav. Troop B into C, and trans- ferred to 3d Cuv. (sec disband- menis) G. O. 6, 1874 COHKE^PONDENCE. OFFICIAL MILITARY. Relative to publication of, Circ. Oct. !), 1ST8 Relative to endorsement of. etc Circ. June 10, 1S7!» Relative to orderi?, record books, etc (J. O. 2, IS(i7 COURTS MARTIAL. DIVISION. (For Delinquencies). Orders convening. G. O. 1-2 & 14. 18(i9; 2, 1H71: 1 &3, 1872; 2, 1873; 3, 1874; 2. 187.'>; 2, 1870; 3, 1877; 2, 1878; 2, 1879; 1, 1880; 1, 18S1; 1, 1882. Review of proceedinjrs of, G. 0.0,1871; 3,1872; 8,1873; 8,1874; .'5, 187.5 ; 8, 1870 ; !>, 1877 ; r,, 1878 (Reviewed in .special orders since 1878). COURTS MARTIAL, FOR TRIAL OF EN- LISTED MEN. Review of proceedin;^ of G. O. .5, 1874 COURTS MARTIAL, GENERAL, FOR TRIAL OF OFFU^ERS. Orders conveninI., Col. 2d Inf., (J. O, 10, 1869 Varian, J. M., late Brig.-(ien'l, 2d Brig G. O. 5, 1882 Vilmar, Frederick, Brig.-(jlen'l, 2d Brig G. O. 8, 1880 DECORATION DAY. Invitation to participate in ceremonies on and observance of, etc., (see parades) Circ. May 22 and 28, 1869 Circ. 4, 1870, and Circ. 1, 1871 DELINQUENCIES OK OFFICEKS. See " Absence, &c.'" DISBANDMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONS ORDERED. At/Uler!/. First Regiment G. 0.15, 1809 Batter ies C and G G. O. 0, 1874 Battery B. (See Gen. Old. G. II. Q.) Cavalry. First Brigade G. 0. 13, 1870 Third Regiment G. O. 9, 1880 First Battalion G. O. G, 1874 Separate 'I roop A (i. O. 3, 1881 Troop A, First Battalion G. O. 6, 1874 Infantry. Fourth Brigade G. O. r , 1869 First Regiment (countermanded) O.O. 9, 1873 First " G. O. 6, 1875 Second " G. 0.15, 1869 Third " G. O. 2, 18G9 Fonrth " G. 0. 15, 1869 Fifth " (See Gen. Ord. G. 11. Q.) Sixth " G. O. fi, 187.5 Fifty-fifth Regiment G. 0. 10, 1875 Seventy-ninth " G. 0. 10, 1875 Eighty-fourth ■ G. 0. 10, 1875 Ninety-sixth " G. 0. 10, 1875 DIVISION IIE.\D-(iUAKTERS. See "Fiist Division, &c.'' DIVISION PARADES, See " Parades." DIVISION STAFF. See " Appointments." Equestrian exercise l)y, ordered, &c Circ. Apr. 8, 1869 DRILL ROOM. In State Arsenal. Circ. Oct. 23 & Nov. 15, 18!;9, & 8, 1870 EIGHTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Disbanded G. O. 10, 1875 ELECTION DAY. Precautions for preservation of the peace on. .G. 0. 12, 1870, & (J. O. 10, 1871 ELEVENTH INFANTRY. Armory of G. O. 4, 1874 Transfer of from Fourth to Second Brig G. O. 15,1869 ENDORSEMENT & MEMORANDA BOOK. Rules for keeping of G. O. 2, 1867 ENDORSEMENT OF LETTERS, &c. Rules for G. O. 2, 1867 and Circ. June, 19, 1879 ENLISTMENT PAPERS. Non receipt of Circ. 1, 1870 EQUESTRIAN EXERCISE. By Division Staff, ordered. .Circ. Apr. 8, 1839 " Cavalry organizations, &C..G. O. 13, 187J Officers desiring to practice, to make application for usl' of Rendezvous Circ. 4, 1873 Proposed formation of Military Club, for Circ. 1, 1873 EXEMPTIONS from— Jury duty G. O. 3, and Circ. 5, 1870 Taxation Circ. 1, 1870 FARRAGUT, DAVID G., ADMIRAL U. S. NAVY. Funeral obsequies of G. O. 10, 1870 Invitation to participate in cere- monies of unveiling statue of, Circ. May 19, 1881 FIFTH INFANTRY. Transfer from Second to First Brigade G. O. 10, 1875 Disbandment ordered. (See G. O. G. H. Q.) FIFTY-FIFTH I^fFANTRY. Disbanded G. O. 10, 1875 FIRST ARTILLERY. Disbanded G. O. 15, 1869 FIRST BATTALION CAVALRY. Disbanded, &c G. O. 6. 1874 FIRST BRIGADE CAVALRY. Disbanded G. O. 13, 1870 FIRST RE(JIMENT CAVALRY. Reduced to 8 companies G. O. 7, 1870 Transferred from First Brigade Cav. to First Brig. Inf G. 0. 13, 1870 FIRST DIVISION. Head -quarters of, G. O. 1, 3 & 8, 1807 and 9, 1868 FIRST INFANTRY. Disbandment ordered G. O. 9, 1873 Countermanded and reduced to Battalion G. O. 10, 183 Dlsbanfled G. O. 6, 1875 Transferred from Third to First Brigade G. O. 1.5, 1869 Transferred from First to Third Brigade G. O. 9, 1870 FLAGS, HEAD-QUARTERS. See "Head-quarters Flags, &c." FOURTH BRIGADE. Disbanded G. 0. 15, 1869 FOURTH INFANTRY. Di.sbanded G. O. 1"), 1869 FUNERAL ESCORTS, &c. (See Deaths, &c.) Obsequies of Admiral Farragut, U. S. N G. O. 10, 1870 GARFIELD, JAMES A., General and Presi- dent elect. Invitation to participate in inaugural ceremonies of Circ. Dec. 18, 1880 GARFIELD, JAMES A., President U. S. Announcement of death of, etc., G.0. 11, 1881 HEAD-QUARTERS FLAGS. Description of for Division and Brig- ades, and use of G. O. 6, 1867 " HONORARY '" STAFF OFFICERS. Prohibited G. O. 3, 1871 INAUGURAL CEREMONIES. Invitation to participate in, Circ. Dec. 18, 1880 INSPECTION OF MILITARY PROP- ERTY Circ. June 17, 1879 INSPECTIONS, ANNUAL. See "Annual Inspections." INSTRUCTION. In use of sabre Circ. Dec. 24, 1869 Theoretical, for Gen'l, Field and Staff G. O. 7 & 12, 1871, and 12, 1872 JURY DUTY. Exemption from,— lists of officers and members entitled to, to be fur- nished, G. O. 3, and Circ. 5, 1870 KLEIN, KARL, Capt. Separate Troop A. Complimentary mention of on retire-' ment from service G. O. 3, 1881 LA FAYETTE, MARQUIS DE. Parade in honor of representatives of G. O. 12, 1881 LETTER BOOKS. Rules for keeping of. G. O. 2, 1867 LETTERS. Endorsement of, etc G. O. 2, 1867 MADISON SQUARE. Troops to refrain from drilling on Circ. May 11, 1867 MARKSMAN'S BADGE. See "Rifle Practice." MILITARY ASSOCIATION, S. N. Y. Guidons and medals offered by, Circ. Nov. 28, 1868 MILITARY PROPERTY. In hands of unauthorized per- sons G. O. 6, 1868 MILITARY RIDING CLUB. Proposed formation of Circ. 1, 1873 MOUNTED OFFICERS. Rendezvous for equestrian exercise by Circ. 4, 1873 MUSTER ROLLS. To be forwarded to Division Head- quarters Circ. Nov. 2, 1867 NATIONAL COLORS. Regiments to carry on parade, G. 0. 11, 1867 NATKJNAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Support of, urged Circ. 1, 1872 NATIONAL SALUTES ORDERED. G. 0. 7, 1867; 3, 1868; 4, 1869: 4, 1870; 5, 1871 7, 1872; 7, 1873; 11, 1874; 4, 187.5; 5, 1876 NEVADA BADGE. See " Rifle Practice " NINETY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Disbanded G. O. 10, 1875 Unlawful conduct of G. O. 4 and 7, 1874 NINTH INFANTRY. Transfer of from Third to Second Brigade G. O. 10, 187.") OFFICIAL MILITARY CORRESPONDENCE. See "Correspondence, &c." ORDERLIES FOR DIVISION AND BRIG- ADE HEAD-QUARTERS G. O. 6, 1869 ORDER BOOKS, &c., = G. O. 2, 1867 ORDERS, CIRCULARS, &c., , Distribution of, etc., Circ. 3, 1872 For drills, etc., to be forwarded to Inspector-General and Chief of Artillery Circ. 2 and 6, 1873 For drills, etc., to be forwarded to Insp. -Gen'l, Chief of Artillery and Div. Head-Quarters. . ..Circ. 8, 1870 PARADE GROUNDS. Tompkins Square Circ. Apr. 18, 1867 Union Square Plaza G. O. 9, 1876 Proposed Circ. 2 and 3, 187a PARADE RETLrRNS. Called for Circ. Nov. 27, 1868 " 19, 1869 PARADES OF DIVISION. Ordered for — July 4, 1867 G. O. 7, 1867 Nov. 25, 1867 G. O. 11, 1867 July 4, 1868 G. O. 3 and 4, 1868 Nov. 25, 1868 G. O. 11 and 12, 1868 July 5, 1869, G. O. 4, and Circ. June 15, and July 2G, 1869 Oct. 6, 1869 G. O. 9 and 11, 1869 Nov. 25, 1869 G. O. 13, 1869 July 4, 1870, G. 0. 4, and Circ. 6, 1870 Sept. 30, 1870 G. O. 10, 1870 Oct. 28, 1870 G. O. 11, 1870,' and Circ. 9, 1870 July 4, 1871, G. O. 5, and Circ. 2, 1871 Nov. 20, 1871 G. O. 7 and 13, 1871, and Circ. 4, 1871 May 30, 1872 G. O. 4 and 6, 1873, and Circ. 4 and 5, 1872 July 4, 1872 G. O. 7, 1872 Oct. 10, 1872 G. O. 10, 1872 May 28, 187.3, (countermanded), G. O. 4, 1873 June 3, 1873 (i. O. 5, 1873 July 4, 1873 G. O. 6 and 7, 1S73 May 27, 1874 G. O. 9, 18;4, and Circ. 1, 1874 July 4. 1874 G. O. 10 and 11, 1874, and Circ. 3, 1874 July 4, 18:5 G. O. 4, 1875 Oct. 13, 1875 G. 0.8, 1875 July 3, 1876 G. O. 5, 1876 Oct. 3, 1876 G. O. 10, 1876 G. O. 5, 1877 G. O. 3, 1878 .G. O. 5 and 7, 1879 G. O. 10, 1879 .G. O. 3 and 6, 1880 G. O. 11, 1880 G. O. 6, 1881 G. O. 12, 1881 G. O. 2, 1882 G. O. 9, 1872 May 30, 1877 " 30,1878.... " 30, 1879. . . Oct. 15, 1879 . . . May 31,1880.... Oct. 21, 1880 May 30, 1881 .... Oct. 6, 1881 May 30, 1882.... PARADES. Law relating to PAY ROLLS, &c. See "Active Service." PROMOTIONS ON DIVISION STAFF. See "Appointments, &c." RECORD BOOKS. Manner of keeping, etc G. O. 2, 1867 REDUCTIONS OP ORGANIZATIONS. See "Consolidations, &c." RENDEZVOUS FOR MOUNTED OFFICERS Circ. 4, 1873 REPORTS, Ac. List of to be rendered Circ. 7, 1870 Promptness and accuracy in rendition of, enjoined, etc. ...Circ. 6 and 7, 1872, and Circ. June 19, 1879 REPORTS OF PARADES. Called for Circ. Nov. 19, 1869 Of strength of organizations called for Circ. 5, 1873 RETURNS, ifec. See "Reports, &c." REVIEW, BRIGADE. Form for G. O. 5, 1867 REWARDS. For best drilled regiment and for enlisted men Circ Nov. 28, 1868 RIFLE PRACTICE. (See Nat Rifle Assn.) Attention called to Circ. 4 and 5, 1878, Gen'l Insp. Rifle Practice, Circ. Oct. 26, 1878 Attention called to Inter-State Match, Circ. June 29, 1878 For Marksman's Badge G. O. 9, 1875, and Circ. 1, 1875 Men to load and fire own piece witli- out siL'hting shots Circ, July 2, 1879 "Nevada Badge," competition for, G. O. 9, 1875*, and Circ. June 29, 1878 Orders for, with assignments and rules, G. O. 3 and 7, and Circ. 1, 1875 G. O. 3 and 6, 1876; G. O. 4, 1877 G. O. 4, 1878; G. O. 6, 1879 G. O. 7, 1880; G. O. 7, 1881 G. O. 3, 1882. Orders for drills in G. O. 1, 1878 Regulations as to loading at firing points Circ. June 20, 1879 Rights of members of National Rifle Ass'n to range to be respected, Circ. 1, 1877 Urged Circ. June 20, 1868 ROSTER BOOKS. To be kept G. O. 2, 1867 ROSTERS. See " Reports, &c." Called for Circ. Nov. 27, 1868 and Circ. Nov. 19, 1869 SABRE EXERCISE. Classes for instruction in. .Circ. Dec. 24, 1869 SECOND DIVISION. Joint parade with First Div....G. 0. 11, 1880 SECOND INFANTRY. Disbanded G. O. 15, 1869 SEPARATE TROOP A. (Formerly U). Disbanded G. 0.3, 1881 SEPARATE TROOP II. Transferred from First Brig. Cav. to Div G. O. 13, 1870 SEPARATE TROOP WASH. GREY. CAV. Transferred from First Brig. Cav. to Third Brig. Inf G. O. 13. 1870 Transferred from Third Brig. Cav. to First Div. (Since Battery E. & Second Battery) G. O. 6, 1874 SEVENTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Thirtv-seventh Inf. consolidated w'ith G. 0.9,1870 Transferred from First to Second Brig G. O. 10, 1875 SEVENTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Transferred from Fourth to First Brigade G. O. 15, 1869 Reduced to 6 company battalion, G, O. 7, 1870 Disbanded G. O. 10, 1875 SHALER, ALEXANDER, MAJ.-GEN'L. Assumes command of Division, G. 0. 1, 1867 Charges and specifications against, dismissed G. O. 1, 1^70 Leave of absence G. O. 15, 1874 Resumes command G. O. 1, 1875 Leave of absence G. O. 4, 1880 Resumes command G. O. 10, 1880 SIGNAL ON FIRE BELLS. For assembly of Division G. O. 10, 1868 SIXTH INFANTRY. Disbanded G. O. 0, 1875 SIXTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Transferred from Fourth to First Brigade G. O. 1.5, 1869 Transferred from First to Third Brigade G. O. 10, 1875 STAFF OFFICERS, "HONORARY." Prohibited G. O. 3, 1871 STATE ARSENAL. Drill room, use of, Circ. Oct. 23 and Nov. 15, 1869, and Circ. 8, 1870 STEUBEN, BARON VON. Parade in honor of representiitives of G.O. 12, 1881 TARGET PRACTICE. See "Rifle Practice." TAX.\TION. Exemption from Circ. 1, 1870 THIRD CAVALRY. Reduced to eight companies G. O. 7, 1870 Transferred from First Brigade Cav- alry to Second Brigade G. O. 13, 1870 Transferred from Second Brigade to Division G. O. 6, 1874 Disbanded G. O. 9, 1880 THIRD INFANTRY. Disbanded G. O. 2, 18G9 THIRTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Reduced to six company battalion, G. O. 7, 1870 Reduction of revoked and consolidated with 71st Infantry G. O. 9, 1870 THOMAS, GEO. H., LATE ilAJ.-GEN. U.S.A. Relative to subscription for monument to.: Circ. 2, 1872 TOMPKINS SQUARE. Parade ground Circ. Apr. 18, 1867 TRANSFERS OF ORGANIZATIONS. Cavalry - 1st Reg't, from 1st Brigade Cavalry to 1st Brigade Infantry G. O. 13, 1870 1st BatUilion, Troops C and D, to 3d Reg't G. O. 6, 1874 3d Reg't, from Ist Brigade Cavalry to 2dBrigade G. O. 13, 1870 3d Reg't, from 2d Brigade Infantry to 1st Division G.O. 6, 1874 Separate Troop Cavalry, from 1st Brig- ade Cavalry to 1st Div . . . .G. O. 13, 1870 Separate Troop Wash. Greys, from 1st Brig. Cav'y to 3d Brig G. O. 13, 1870 Separate Troop Wash. Greys, from 3d Brigade to Ist Division G. O. 6, 1874 Troop H, (afterwards Separate Troop A), from 1st Artillery to 1st Brig- ade Cavalry G. O. 15, 18G9 Infantry — 1st Reg't, from 3d to 1st Brig. .G. O. l.^, 18C9 1st " " 1st to 3d '• .. " 9, 1870 5th " " 2d to 1st " .. " 10, 1875 9th " " 3d to 2d " .. " 10,1875 11th " " 4th to 2d " .. " 1,5,1809 22d •' " 4th to 1st " .. " 15,1869 69th " " 4th to 1st " .. " 1.5,1869 69th " " 1st to 3d " .. " 10,1875 71st •' " 1st to 2d " .. " 10,1875 79th " " 4th to 1st " . . " 15, 1869 TROOP H. (Late Battery H, 1st Artillery, after- wards Separate Troop A). Re-organized and transferred, G. O. 15, 1869 TROOPS E & I, 1st Cav. consolidated, G. O. 13, 1870 TROOPS C & D, 3d Cav. consolidated, G. O. 13, 1870 TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Transferred from 4th to 1st Brigade, G. O. 15, 1869 UNIFORMS. See "Bills of Dress." UNION SQUARE PLAZA. Regnlations for use of as a parade ground G.O. 9, 1876 VARIAN, J. M., BRIG.-GEN'L, THIRD BRIG. In command of Division, G. 0. 15 & 16, 1874, and 4 & 5, 1880 Relieved from command of Division, G. O. 1, 1875, and 10, 1880 (See also G. 0. 12, 1871). WASHINGTON GREYS CAVALRY. (See " Separate Troop, &c.") Consolidation of Battalion to one troop, etc G.O. 15, 1869 Transfer of from 1st Brig. Cav. to 3d Brig. Inf G. O. 13, 1870 Transfer of from 3d Brigade to 1st Division G.O. 6, 1874 (Afterwards Battery E and 2d Battery). WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY. Invitation to National Guard officers to visit Circ. June 2, 1869 WILLIAMSON, D. B., MAJOR AND J. A., THIRD BRIGADE. Recruiting medal offered by. .Circ. Nov. 30, 1880, and Circ. Mar. 22 and May 9, 1881 HEAD-gUARTERS FIRST DIVISION. N. G. S. N. Y. Nkw York, February 1st, 1867. (iENEKAL OkDKRS, | No. 1. ( By virtue of an appointment from His E.xcellency the Governor of the State, and of a commission as Major-Gen eral from the Adjutant General's Office at Albany, bearing date Jan'y 23rd, 1867, the undersigned hereby assumes com- mand of the First Division National Guard of the State of New York. Head-Quarters are for the present established at 212 West 28th Street. ALEXANDER SHALER, Major- General. Official : Major and A. D. C. and Acting Di7'is'uvi Inspector. (4enei eral .^PECI State culllll ; all evet 'lisp. Head Quarters 1st Division, NATIONAL GUARD, S. H. 1. .Vi'ii' Yi'rk. Fi-hruayy jolh. :Svj. Thf iittfiiti"ii "f th,' OHic'is ..ftliis (■..iiiiiijiiiil i> .alli-.l to llii- f.illowiiiu' ' >riliM- tVoiii (;i>iu-imI If.'.i.l Quiirl \ General Head Quarters, State of New York, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. .iihdJ'.y. Fi-hnuiiy ;_t//.', .'.V;, 1 1, I, Mil, I :ill Miii.MliMn., ;iM.I nM;;ii;ili..iis uf I Iffi.-iMs in llu' Kirst llivisioii. Xali.iiiiil i;ii:ir.l ..I' tli.- Si;,i,. .,1 N.iv V,,ili. iiil.ii.l.-.l f..i llic (■..iiiiii:iiMl.r-in-l'liic-r. nill l.r li;,i,siiiitl.>il llinmjjli tlw intcrmeili»tu elmiMich '<( IMr;iliM|| In ill,- I ',,|iiilini[,liim Ulti ' ,.f til,' |livisi,,|l. ,ll|,l I.V llilll l,i tllC Ailjlltailt. GoilOVal of tllU Stlllu. .M:ij..r i:,-ii,'iiil SliiiliM- «ill in-,.iiiiil^';il,- tl,i< ..r,l,'r. I'.v ,.nl,T ,•!■ Ill,- (•,.iiiiii;ili,l,-|--il,-('lii,-r. S. K. MAin'IX, MJii/iiii/ llrmnil. eral Comini for a I; iiiterm highei by au and th the fir -• all evet and oi ino- 01 use if 'ns/i. [ii i.r(.mul)?ntiiijf Siieciul Order, N*«i. 34, (current scrice.) from (Jt-ntTul Iltwl Quttrt(;rs. the DiviBwm (*>.imii.iii(IiT t:ik.-s t\n~ ■- kasioii III n-fvr till- Officure ()f tliis command to Article xxiii, (on orders and C'(Hivs|nimience). of General Rcgultttions. lor tin- Military Korotsof the Stfiteof Ni-w York, and diriicls for the inirpose of obtaining unitorniity in the maouer of ponductinR thi- olHcinl l.usinetv. and in the manner of rerording such hiininecp, that at each Head Quarten* tlien- shall be kept one Order Book, inn- Li-rh-r Hunk, oni' Roster Bpy of every General and Special order issued and will be signed in tin- biiok by t)u- SlaH' Officer whortit name wan attached to the originals sent from the office, (-leneral Oitlers will be numbered and kept in nnc n-rien, and Siwcial orders in another the numbers always begming with the first of ilie year. Each order will be separiited from tin- one fol lowing by a red lino. Orders received will be kept within two jointed file bouixls, and the date of the receipt noted (in red ink) ui tin- l>oti..iii of ihr fii-8t 1 age. Tiiat nil oixlers from the same Head Quarters may be kept in one file, the eanie sized paper will be iiM-d wb.iln-i' written or jirinted. In the Letter tJi»)k will lie recorded every letter issued. Each will be seimmted fnim the one whir-li lollmv- in ;. nd Hue, uml each letter should be signed in the book by its writul". There should be a Margin two (3) inches mde on tin- lil'i nt'.iiili page, in which should be noted in red ink, the names of the parties, to whom copieu of the letter hove been sent, and when tin- l.ti.r bus bi-iii udilressed tn an officer under cover to his Coinmander, the fact should be noted in a similar manner. An index in ihr Lnn-r Honk will be kept in whicii it will be sutHcicnt to have the name of the person addressed ai>iiear. Tlic Rosier Bo(.k will contain the Hosiers as rctjuirod by paragraplis 487 t«. 498. Genoml Regulations inr tin- .Mi)ii.-.i ^ l-'orc-. Slate of N.w York. 'I'hc .T:nirnal. oi Kiidorju-nieut Hook, will contain a record of all pajuTs |.i,^.-iii„.' ,.i \V,,i,, , .n,.l il..' Uidan f thefilBt pag.' will b']i.';M..]. //„/. .n,n P'n-iu,,-!. The second page will !.,■ I1....I. .1, I-: ,„. u! ,n .! /i,^^...,/r, M,. h,-t ■•<.!inoii endon«>Ill.-nt I..-,.: : r .. , ,■.■.;,.■, ■ |.,.|n.|- uu- .ii>|..-s.'.l ..r Tl: .lllli.- >h..ul.i 1..- S.'ni.nitr.l I.V :, n ,1 lii,. ,,(,.l a V^.r:H,r Lettei-s i-eccivi!d and not forwarded <»r ivtunied, Avill bo filed, after being folded, (letter paper in Ihn-r njiinl imd ijip 1 four), and endoi-sed at the top of the first fold with the place and date of the letter, name and rank of tlir n iitir, utid a sum- its contents, and at the bottom of the same fold with the date of the receipt in red ink. ivill be folded and endoreed in the manner just deHi-nl»ed tor letters ncriail. Th..s.- iuiii.-l.d I'-r ibr „I,?ivw.i,.*i ,., tbf \.liiiiMnt General of theStote-. for the Division Commander, to the nivi^ioH Inspector, !. - i;)iy,.]. h,-|...r,,r and for a Regimental Coninmnder. to his Adjutant. The of the I I" ^'11 1 .Li 1.. t,,|. 1 the second fold, and follow ouch other in the order of their dul.s. In | iissing tn i"[-. Ill' III 111. (I 1 1, -iifiied by the Commanding Olhccr. but in pat-sing down may be r-igin-d by liis onier. (oiieral's Department, All eommimications will be written on not less than one-half of » leiter Jiheel, ill be left blank for the endorsements. Commnnications containing enclosures will Imve marked upon d(!8igiiated {-an be obtained by a reijuisition upon the Adjutant (ieneral. All such Bonks, with ilie oixIers lit Head Quartere, will continue the p^^pel■Iy i»f the State, and be tiirnwl over l>y tb<- Conunand ej-sors in ciaiimand, but Commanding Offir-ers may obtain iv/;»Vj( of all orders I'nr their private All comn nnii-ii idUS (■..mmnlulHr- 111 111 1 1h. illteniii'tiiuli liigliir ll.-n. (■,., ii.UI'i q.,,: bv an officir of III A.lji tiilll and the outside or ast 1 aKe \ the first fold the n nil bin of in TllL lil»*8 lll-lV n do and otBoial | ilum 111 fill. attl ins Offioers. irinii. tot UBfifdcKilV, , Tlii ■ will bo 1 MA.l. HEN'L. AI.I':XAMI|-.I1 SIIAI.KH. VV, B. IIKMI Mai. A. D.C.iiiid Aifj; Miv. 1iiS|ht O' HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, March 7th, 1867. (General Orders, / No. 3t f The followino; appointments are announced on the Staff of the Major-General Commanding : Joseph E. Hamkmn, Division Inspector, with the rank of Colonel. Captain George W. Smiih, Division Engineer, John Oakey, Division Judge Advocate. Charles McMillan, M. D., Hospital Surgeon, " " Major WiLLL\M B. Bend, Division Quarter-Master, with the rank of Lieu- tenant-Colonel. John Fowler, Jr., .\ide-de-Camp, with the rank of Major. Captain D. Willlvm Diggs, Aid-de-Camp, with the rank of Major. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. Head-Quarters of the Division are now located at 93 Broadway, where all official communications will hereafter be addressed to Colonel and Brevet Major-General Jos. E. Hamhlln, Division Inspector. By command of Major-General Alexander Shaler, VV. B. BEND, Major ami Act'g Div. Insp. HRAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. NiiW York, May 17th, 18(J7. Gknkral (Jkdkks, / No. 4. ( A General Court Martial will assemble at the Armory of the 12th Regiment, Infantry, (Nos. 694 and 696 Broadway, New York,) at 10 o'clock \. m., on the lOth day of June, proximo, or as soon thereafter as possible, for the trial of Colonel William H. Fakkar, 8Tth Regiment, Infantry, and such other prison- ers as may be brought before it. Dktail for the Court. 1.— Brig. Genl. William G. Ward, 1st Brigade, Infantry. 2. — Colonel John H. Wilcox, 9th Regiment, Infantry. ;^. —Colonel JonN E. Bendix, 3d Regiment, Infantry. Major Geo. R. Schieffelin, Judge Advocate on the Staff of the 1st Brigade of Infantry, is appointed the Judge Advocate for the Court. By order of Major-General Alexander Shalek. Official : B)e7^et A/ttjur-Ciriwral and Division Inspector HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, May 22d, 1807. Gknf.ral Orders, } No. 5. \ I. — The following form of a Brigade Review will hereafter be observed in this command whenever the parade-ground will not admit of the formation of deployed lines. II. — The Brigade will be formed in line of battalion columns by divisions, right in front, or double column at full or half distance, at shouldered arms, with thirty paces intervals between battalions. III. — Colonels will be posted ten paces in front of the centre of their respec- tive columns ; Lieutenant-Colonels, Majors, Adjutants and Sergeant- Majors, on the left of their respective columns, as prescribed by Infantry Tactics ; Non-commissioned Staff Officers five paces in rear of the file- closers of the rear division ; Staff Officers, according to rank from right to left, five paces in rear of Non-commissioned Staff. lY. — Bands will be posted on the right on a line with the first divisions ; the left of them four paces from the right flank of the columns. The Field Music in rear of the Bands. V. — The Brigade Commander will be posted twenty paces in front of the line of Colonels, opposite the centre of his Brigade. His Staff in one rank in' his rear ; his flag and orderlies (if any) immediately in rear of the Staff. VI. — A Camp Color will be stationed to mark the position of the reviewing officer, at a hundred paces in front of centre. VII. — When the Reviewing Officer takes his position, the Brigadier-General will command : "'prepare for Kieview." The Colonels will repeat this command and add : "Rear, open order." The Brigadier-General then com- mands : "March," — repeated bj' the Colonels. The Colonels seeing the ranks aligned command : " Front. " At the command " March," the Company Officers will take post four paces in front of their ccmipanies. The Color-bearer will march four paces in front of the centre of the first division ; the Color-CorpheeUuo- distance." In passing in review, the position of the different officers and non-commissioned staff will be the same as described in General Regulations, except that the Brigadier-General will ride six paces in front of the centre of his Staff, and his Brigade flag and orderlies (if any) six paces in rear of his Staff. When the line is ployed into column, the Staff will keep well closed up to the rear division of their respective regiments ; and the Bands and Field Music will face to the left with their battalions, and march ten or twelve paces, before wheeling by file to the right into the general column. X. — In passing in Review the music of each regiment will wheel out of the column in front of the Reviewing OflScer, and will re-enter it in rear of its regiment as soon as the regiment has passed. Each Colonel will com- mand " Shoulder — Arms," when within 40 paces of the Reviewing Officer. XI. — In this form of Review, all mounted officers will remain mounted. The troops will march past the Reviewing Officer in quick time only — all officers saluting. Each regiment, after passing the Reviewing Officer, will be closed in mass on its leading division, without halting, by tiie commands of its Colonel, and halted opposite the position it occupied in the line. The line will then be re-formed, and half or full distance taken on the first divi- sions, by command of the Brigadier-General, and the Review will termin- ate bv the ranks being opened, arms presented, etc., as previously de- scribed. XII. — If the formation be a simple column of divisions and it be the wish to pass in review by company, the Brigadier-General, after breaking from line into column, will command : 1. '' Right Shoulder Shift — Arms." 2. "Fass ill Re-c'ie'iC, guide right." 3. " By the head of Column, by company, take wheeling distance." The first company will move forward at once ; the second company will oblique to the right as soon as it is disengaged from the first, and foi-ward when it covers the first ; the third moves forward when it has its proper distance from the second, and so on to the rear of the column. After passing in review, the divisions will be re-formed, and the battalion closed in mass as before described. By command of Maj(jr-General Alexander JOSEPH E. HAMBLIN. Col. and Brev. Major-Gen' I, Division Inspector. HEAD-gUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 1(», 1867. General Orders, ( No. 6. \ The following Promotions and Appointments are announced on the Staff of the Major-General commanding : Colonel and Brevet Major-General Joseph E. Hamklin to be Assistant Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff, with the rank of Colonel. Colonel and Brevet Major-General M. T. McMahon to be Division Inspec- tor, with the rank of Colonel, vice Hamblin promoted. Vandkri!II,t Ai.len to be Division Engineer, with the rank of Colonel. Major (oHN Fowl ER, Jr. to be Ordnance Officer, with the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. John J. Donaldson to be Aide-de-Camp, with the rank of Major, vice Fowler promoted. Thev will be (jbeyed and respected accordingly. Bv command of Major-General Ale.xander Shaler. JOSEPH E. HAMBLIN. Co/, and Bvt Major-Gen I, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 20th, 1867. Gkneral Orders, } No. 7. I" This Division will parade on the Fourth of July next, to celebrate the Ninety- first Anniversary of our National Independence. The Troops will be formed in the following order, viz.: The First Brigade of Infantry on West Twelfth Street. The Second Brigade of Infantry on West Thirteenth Street. The Third Brigade of Infantry on West Fourteenth Street. The Fourth Brigade of Infantry on West Fifteenth Street. The First Brigade of Cavalry on West Sixteenth Street. The Right of each Brigade will rest on Fifth Avenue. Brigade Commanders will promptly report to the Chief of Staff, at the corner of Fourteenth Street and Fifth Avenue the arrival of their respective Commands upon the Ground. At 7.30 o'clock, A. M., precisely, the Command J/(7;r/^ will be given, when the First Brigade of Infantry will move up Fifth Avenue, followed at proper inter- vals, by the other Brigades in the order above named. The line of march will be up Fifth Avenue, through Thirty-fourth Street, down Madison Avenue, through Twenty-third Street, down Fourth Avenue to Fourteenth Street. The Avenues and Streets above enumerated, from curb to curb, are hereby designated as the Division Parade Ground for the day. As the Command passes the Worth Monument, the Honors of a Marching Salute will be paid to the Mayor and Common Council of the City. Brigadier-General Louis Burger will direct a National Salute to be fired from the Battery at Sunrise and at Noon. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler, JOSEPH E. HAMBLIN, Brevet Major-General, A. ./. G. and Chief of Staff. HEADQUARTERS ist DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, yum 28, 1867, General Orders No. 8. On and after the \ st of July next, the Headquarters of this Division will be established at No. 2 PARK PLACE. By order of Major-Gen. ALEXANDER SHALER, JOSEPH E. HAMBLIN, Col. and Brevet Major-General, A. A. G. and Chief of StafF. OFFICIAL. Specification t^th. — " In tliis ; tliat lie, tlie sai 3d Brigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., at day of March, 1SG7, having in liis possession ;ii the said 37th liegiment, or the Regimental were received by said Colonel William II. Farra Kegiment, entrusted to him for that purpose, and w to him for the sole use and benefit of the said Regi said Regiment, did then and there take, convert to 1 , of Ten Hundred and Fourteen Dollars and Sevent\ entrusted to him as aforesaid." Charge III. — " liendering and maMng af<. moneys entrusted to him^ knoioing such, statement a) Specification — " In this ; that on or about tl York, the said Colonel Wm. PI Farrar, of the 37th ' made and rendered to Captain George G. Nolt( said Nolton l)eing then and there the Treasurer of' a statement and account of certain Regimental .■ and sale of certain bonds of said 37tli Regiment, ei ^ ment of such moneys by him, the said Colonel ^. disbursement of said moneys was false and fraudnkd e Charge IV. — '■'■ Co7iduct unhecoming an offic Specification 1st. — In this ; that he, the said 'c in uniform, at a public reception given by the Offic ment, in the presence of ladies, citizens and soldier Tliis at the Armory of said 37th Regimen of the nineteenth day of October, 1866." Specification 'id. — "In this; that he, said Co unifoi'ni, at a public reception given by the Office" ment, in the presence of ladies, citizens and soldiers This at the Armory of said 37th Regiment, i the twentieth day of March, 1867." Specification Sd. — "In this; that he, said Col or about the twenty-seventh day of June, 1866, h; moneys Ijelonging to the said 37tli Regiment, or th moneys were received by said Colonel William I of said Regiment, entrusted to him for that purpos entrusted to him for the sole use and benefit of the gations of said Regiment, did then and there ta embezzle the sum of Five Hundred and Seven Dol' HEAD-QUARTERS Ist DIVISION, N. G. S. N. T. New- Tori-, OctoUr \-tth, 1S07. General Orders, i No. 9. i I. Before a General Court Martial, which convened at the Armory of the 12th Regiment Inl'antry, N. G. S. N. T., jnn-siinnt to General Orders No. 4, dated Head-quarters 1st Division, N. G., S. N. Y., New-Yorlj, May IT, 18(!7, and-.if wliicii liri;;. Gen'I William G. Ward, 1st Brigade Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y., is President, was arrait^ncd and triod, Colonel William II, Farrar, 37th Regiment Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y. CnAKGE I. — ^'Drimkenitess on Jfi/f.yy Spee.ifimtlon 1«<.— "In tin's; tliat he, the said Colonel William II. Farrar, of the 37th Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., was drunk while in uniform and on duty in connnand of the said 37tli Regiment, at a parade of said Regiment made in pursuance of Regimental General Orders, 37tli Regiment, No. 10, series of ISGB, and of Brigade Orders, 3d Brigade, No. 6, series of 18Gfi, and of the Divisif)n Order, in last-nientioned order referred to. All this on Broadway, in the City of New- York, on or about the twenty-ninth day of August, 1S66." CuARGE II. — " Willful mi saf^pli cation and emJjeszlement of Regimental fmid^ and jntMic immeys entrusted to him.^' Speoi^fication 1st. — "In this; that he, the said Colonel William H. Farrar, 37th Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., at the City of New- York, on or about the 11th day of May, 1S60, having in his possession and entrusted to him, certain moneys belonging to the said 37tli Regiment, or tlie Regimental Board of Officers thereof, which said moneys were received by said Colonel William H. Farrar, from the issue and sale of certain bonds of said Regiment, entrusted to him for that purpose, and which said moneys were so received i)y and entrusted to him for the sole use and benefit of the said Regiment, and for the payment of certain obligations of said Regiment, did then and tliere take, convert to his own use, willfully misapply and embezzle the sum of Five Hundred Dollars or thereabouts, being part of the moneys entrusted to liim as aforesaid." Specification "id. — "In this; that he, the said Colonel William H.Farrar, 37th Regiment, 3d Brigade, Ist Division, N. G. S. N. Y., at the City of New- York, on or about the twenty-seventh day of June, 18G6, having in his possession and entrusted to him, certain moneys belonging to the said 37th Regiment, or tlie Regimental Board of Officers thereof, which said moneys were received by said Colonel William H. Farrar, from the issue and sale of certain bonds of said Regiment, entrusted to him for that purpose, and whii:h said moneys were so received by and entrusted to him for the sole use and benefit of the said Regiment, and for the payment of certain obligations of said Regiment, did then and there take, convert to his own use, willfully misapply and embezzle the sum of Five Hundred and Seven Dollars and Thirty- eight Cents, or thereabouts, being part of the moneys entrusted to him as aforesaid." Specification 3d. — " In this ; that he, the said Colonel William H. Farrar, of the 37th Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., at the City of New- York, on or about tlie twenty-seventh day of June, 18116, having in his possession and entrusted to hiui, certain moneys belonging to the said 37th Regiment, or the Regimental Board of ( >tHi i is thciinf, which said moneys were received by said Colonel William H. Farrar, from the issue iiikI -:i1i nt rui-tain bonds of said Regiment, entrusted to him for that purpose, and which said moneys were -. icriM'd by and entrusted to him for the sole use and Ijcnefit of the said Regiment, and for the payment of certain obligations of said Regiment, did then and tiiere take, convert to his own use, willfully misapply and embezzle the sum of FilYeen Hundred and Twenty-two Dollars and Fourteen Cents, or thereabouts, being part of the moneys entrusted to Inm as aforesaid." Specification ith. — " In tliis ; tliat he, the said Colonel William H. Farrar, of the 37th Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., at the City of New- York, on or about the twenty-seventh day of June, 1866, having in Ins possession and entrusted to him, certain moneys belonging to the said 37th Regiment, or the Regimental Board of Officers thereof, which said moneys were received by said Colonel William H. Farrar, from the issue and sale of certain bonds of said Regiment, entrusted to him for that purpose, and which said moneys were so received by and entrusted to him for the sole use and benefit of the said Regiment, and for the payment of certain obligations of said Regiment, did then and there take, convert to his own use, willfully misapply and embezzle the sum of Ten Hundred and Fourteen Dollars and Seventy-six Cents, or thereabouts, being part of the moneys entrusted to him as aforesaid." /^ # Specifieatim, 5e Adjutant of said Regiment, nor was he an Officer of said Regiment, which fact was then and there known to the said Colonel William H. Farrar. All this at the Regimental Arnnn-y of said 37th Regiment, in the City of New- York, on or about the ninth day of April, 1807." Specification id. — " That he, said Colonel William H. Farrar, 37th Regiment, 3d Urigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., at a Division Drill of the said Regiment, held pursuant to orders duly issued therefor, was present in uniform, accompanied liy one George Dudley Waring, said Waring then and tliere, in the presence of saiil Colonel William II. Tarrar, and witli his assent and approval, assuming to act as the Adjutant of said Regiment, and wearing a uniform as such Adjutant, when the said Waring was not Adjutant of said Regiment, nor an Officer tliereof, which fact was then and tliere known to the said Colonel William H. Farrar. All this at the Regimental Armory of said 37th Regiment, in tile City of New-Tork, on or about the 9th day of April, 1867." To which charges and specifications the accused, Colonel William IT. Farrar, 37th Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., pleaded as follows: To tlie Specification, " Not Gnilty." To the Charoe, " Not Guilty." Charoe I. CnAROE II. c To the 1st Specification, "To the jurisdiction of the Court." To the 2d Specification, " To the jurisdiction of the Court." To the 3d Specification, "To tlie jurisdiction of the Court." To the 4th Specification, " To the jurisdiction of the Conrt." To the 5th Specification, " To the jurisdiction of the Court." To the Charoe, " To tlie jurisdiction of the Court." ClIAKQE III. The " Charge and the Specification under it, baving been read in tlie iiresence of tlie Court and the accused, the Court announced tliat having considered the question of jurisdiction raised by the Judge Advocate, the Court was of the opinion that they had no jurisdiction of this charge, and therefore rule it with its specifications out." Charge IV. To the Ist Specification, " Not Guilty." To the 2d Specification, " Not Guilty." To the 3d Specification, " Not Guilty." To the -Ith Specification, " Not Guilty." To the 5th Specification, " Not Guilty." To the 6tli Specification, " Not Guilty." To the Charge, " Not Guilty." Charge Y. To the 1st Specification, " Not (iuilty." To the 2d Specification, " Not Gnilty." To the Charge, " Not Guilty." The Court having maturely considered the evidence adduced, finds the accused, Colonel William H., 37tli Regiment, 3d Brigade, Ist Division, N. G. S. N. Y., as follows: Charge I. Of the Specification, "Not Guilty." Of the Charge, "Not Guilty." • Of the 1st Specification. "Guilty, Of tlie 2(1 Specification, "Guilty. Of the 3d Specification, "Gnilty, Dollars and Fonrtecn Cents." and in lieu Of the 4th Specificati Of the 5th Specificati and Seventy-six Cents," and in lieu the: ' excci>t as to the words "Fifteen Hundred and Twenty-two thereof "Forty-seven Dollars and Sixty-one Cents." N,.t Guilty." Gnilty," ex(rept as to the words "Ten Hundred and Fourteen Dollars f "Three Hundred and Sixty Dollare." Of the Charge, "Guilty," except a^ to the words "and puhlic moneys." CnARRE IV. Of the 1st Specification, "N<.t Guilty." Of the 2d Specification, " Not Guilty." Of the 3d Specification, Of the 4tli SpecificHtiou, Dollars and Fourteen Cents,' Gnilty, "Guilty," except as to tli, d in lieu tlicrwf "Forty-s Of the ."ith Specification, "Not Guilty." Of the (!th Specification, "Guilty," Of thcCuAKoK, "(iniltv." "Fifteen Hundred and Tweuty-tv cu Dollare and Sixty-one Cents." Of the 1st S|)ecificatinTi, "N,.t (iuilty Of the 2d Specification, "Not Guilty Of the CuAWiK, "NotGnillv." SENTENCE. And the court does therefore sentence him, the saiil Ci>lnuel William H, Farrar, Regiment, 3d Brif^adc of Infantry, l,st Dirision, N, G. S. N. V., to be Casuikeeo. II. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case of Colonel Williai 37th Regiment Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y., are approied. By order of Major-General ALEXANDER of the 37tli 1 H. Farrar, 3 JOSEPH E. HAMBLIN, Colonel and Bi'evet Major- General^ Assistant Adjutant General, and Oldef of Staff. GE II. .s to the words "Fifteen Hundred and Twenty-two Forty-seven Dollars and Sixty-one Cents." 1 3 to the words "Ten Hnndi-ed and Fourteen Dollars Hundred and Sixty Dollars." vords "and public moneys." IE IV. 5 to tlie words "Fifteen Hundred and Twenty-two Forty-seven Dollars and Sixty-one Cents." ::(^,E V. TEN'CE. I, the said Colonel William H. Farrar, of the 37th G. S. X. Y., to be Casuiereo. in the foregoing case of Colonel William H. Farrar, ved. Kler of ] Major-General ALEXANDER SHALER, i>. Genftral Orders i .Yo. /(}. S t.y 1^ %il ^^i 2/, /S'S. '/■ The foll()win<( appointment on the Staff of the First Division N. G. S. N. Y., is hereby announced : 1 W'm. H. Cheskhkolm^h. Commissary of Subsistence, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of Major-Generai Alf.xandkr Shalkr, J. E. HAMBLIN, Brevet Maior-Gencral, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G., S. N. Y. New York, November 13, 1867. (teneral Orders, ( No. 11. f I. This Division will assemble for Parade on Monday, S.'ith inat., {Erneuntion Day,^ in the followino; order : The First Brig-ade Infantry on West Sixteenth street. The Second Brigade Infantry on West Fifteenth street. The Third Brigade Infantry on West Fourteenth street. The Fourth Brigade Infantry on West Thirteenth street. The First Brigade Cavalry on West Twelfth street. Tlie right of each Brigade will rest on Fifth avenue. Brigade Commanders will promptly report to Brevet Major-General J. E. Hamblin, Chief of Staff, at the corner of Fourteenth street and Fifth avenue, tlie arrival of tlieir respective commands upon the ground. At l.:30 o'clock p.m, the command M.vmii will be given, when the First Brigade Infantry will move down Fifth avenue, followed at proper intervals by the other Brigades in the order above named. The line of march will be down Fifth avenue, through Waverley Place, Broadway, Canal street, Bowery, Fourth avenue, Twenty-third street, Madison avenue. Thirty-fourth street, and down Fifth avenue to Twenty-third street. The avenues and streets above enumerated, from curb to curb, are hereby designated as the Division Parade (iround for the day. As the command passes the Fifth Avenue Hotel, the honors of a marching salute will be ])aid to His Excellency R(!uben E. Fenton, Governor of the State. Commanding officers will conform to the General Rules for Re- views, as laid down in paragraph 13, Ajipendix II,, Upton's Tactics. II. Hereafter every regiment in this Division will parade with tiro colors, one of which shall be the National Color. By order of Major-General At-ex. Shaler : JOS. E. HAMBLIN, Brevet Major-General, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Official, : HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, May 11th, 1867. Circular. Brig. GE.\'r. Lloyd Aspinwall, Commanding 4th Brigade Infantry, General : In consequence of a petition from citizens resident about the Square, and at the request of the Street Commissioner, the Major-General Commanding directs that hereafter the troops of this command will refrain from drilling on Madison Square. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOS. E. HAMBLIN, Division Inspector. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, April 18th, 1867. Circular. Chapter 593 of the Laws of 1866, declares the public Park known as Tomp- kins Square, " a public parade ground for the use of the National Guard of the 1st Division, State of New York, at such times as Commandants of Regiments in said Division shall designate by orders." In order that each Regimental Commander may know in advance what days the ground will be unoccupied, a reference table will hereafter be kept at these Head-Quarters, upon which any Regimental Commander may enter his name opposite the date when he desires to use the Parade ground, and thereby ensure its uninterrupted use. By order of Major-General'DER Shaler, Commanding. JOS. E. HAMBLIN, Division Inspector. HEADQU AKTEKS HKST DIVISION, X. G., S. X. Y. Xew York, Xoveniber 2, 1867. Circular : Commanding officers of re Albany, April (5, 1868. ) Special Orders, } No. 86. )■ " Colonel William H. Farrar, of t\\ti Thirty-seventh regiment, Third Brigade, First Division, National Guard of the State of New York, having appealed from the proceedings, findings and sentence of a General Court-Martial Constituted by General Orders No. 4, dated, Head-Quarters First Division, National Guard, of the State of New York, May 17, 1867 (which proceedings, findings and sentence were subsequently approved by the Division Commander), to the Com- mander-in-Chief, the following decision, after a careful review of said case in reference to said appeal, is hereby rendered. " The appeal of Colonel William ti. Furrar, Thirty-seventh Regi- ment National Guard, is hereby dismissed, and the proceedings, findings, and sentence of the Court in his case are approced. '• Bv order of the Commander in-Chief. (Signed) " S. E. MARVIN, " Adjutant-General." 2. Tlie General Court-Martial, of which Brigadier-General William G. Ward is President, convened by General Orders No. 4, dated Headquarters First Division, N. G. S. N. Y.. May 17tli. 1867, is her by dissolved. By order of Major-CTeneral Alexander Shaler. JOSEPH E. HAMBLIN, Bvt. Maj.-Gen., A. A. G. and Ch. of Start'. Headquarters First Division N. G., ^. N. Y. New York, Aprtt- 2B, 1868. General Orders, ) No. 2. S A General Court Martial will assemble at the Armory of the Eigrhth Regiment, (Centre Market,) at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 6tli day of May, 18C8. or as soon therealter as possible, for the trial of Colonel Thomas M. Reid, Second Regiment Infantry N. G., S. N. Y., and such other prisoners as may be brought before it. DETAIL FOR THE COURT : 1. Brigadier-General Joshua M. Varian. 2. Colonel Daniel W. Teller, First Regiment Artillery. 3. Colonel Geo. B. Post, Twenty-second Regiment Infantry. Major Philip J. Joachimsen, Judge Advocate, on the Staff' of the Second Brigade of Infantry, is appointed the Judge Advocate for the Court. The Court will sit without regard to hours. By order of Major-General Alex. Shaler. JOSEPH E. HAMBLIN, Bv't Major-Gen., A. A. G., and Chief of Statf. OPFTCIAL. HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y., New York, June 23, 1868. General Orders ) No. 3. S This Division will parade on the Fourth of July next, to celebrate the Ninety-second Anniversary of our National Independence. The Troops will form in the following order, viz : The First Brigade of Infantry, on West Twelfth St. The Second Brigade of Infantry, on West Thirteenth St. The Third Brigade of Infantry, on West Fourteenth St. The Fourth Brigade of Infantry, on West Fifteenth St. The First Brigade of Cavalry, on West Sixteenth St. The right of each Brigade will rest on the Fifth Avenue. Brigade Commanders will report to the Chief of Staif, at the Corner of Four- teenth St. and Fifth Avenue, the arrival of their respective Com- mands upon the ground. At 7:30 o'clock A. M., the Command March will be given, when the First Brigade of Infantry will move up Fifth Avenue, followed at proper intervals, by the other Brigades in the order above named. The Line of March will be, up Fifth Avenue, through Forty-sec- ond St., down Madison Avenue, through Twenty-third St., down Fourth Avenue to Fourteenth St. The x\venues and Streets above enumerated, from Curb to Curb, are hereby designated as the Division Parade ground for the day. Commanding Officers will conform to the General Rules for Reviews, as laid down on page 380, paragraph 13, Appendix II., Up- ton's Tactics. Before the parade is dismissed the honors of a Marching Salute will be paid to his Honor the Mayor and members of the Common Council of the City of New York. Brigadier-General Louis Burger will direct a National Salute to be fired from the Battery at sunrise and at noon. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. JOSEPH E. HAMBLIN, Brevet Major-General, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Official HKADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, X. G. S. N Y.. N?^w York. June 37, 1868. Generol Orders \ No. 4. \ So much of (xeneral Orders No. 8, c. s., as directs the march of this Division through Forty-second street on the 4th day of July, prox., is hereby revoked. The column will pass from the Fifth ave- nue through Thirtii-eirjhth .street (instead of Forty-second street) to Madison avenue. His Honor the Mayor and the members of tlie Common Council of tlie City of New York will receive the Marching Salute, as indi- cated in General Orders No. 3, c. s., in front of the "Clarendon Hotel," east side of Fourth avenue, corner Eighteenth street. By order of Major-General Ai.kx.\nder Shaler. JOSEPH E. HAMBLIN, Brevet Maior-(Teneral, A. A. (t. and Chief of Staff. ^3i^»^. HEAJ)QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 30, 1868. (reneral Orders \ No. 5. \ I. — Before a (leneral Court Martial, which convened at the Armory of the Sth Regiuient Infantry, X. G. S. N. Y., pursuant to General Orders No. 2, datid Headquarters, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., New York, A])rii 33. 18GS, and of which Brio^adier-General .loshua M. Variau is president, was arraijjned and tried, Colonel Thomas M. Reid, 2d Regiment Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y. Charge. — Disobedience of orders. Specification, 1st. — "In this; that he, the said Colonel Thomas M. Reid, of the 2d Regiment, 1st Brig-ade of Infantry, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., being in command of the said Regiment, and being ordered in writing by Brigadier (General William G. Ward, com- manding the said Brigade lo cause to be made out and sent to t .e Headquarters of the said 1st Brigade of Infantry on or before the the 2Gt I day of December, 18(57, a new series of Consolidated Reports for certain parades of said Regiment, held on the 25th and I'Oih days of September, 1867, anjl on the 25th day of November, 1867, in place of certain ConsoliLated Reports for said parades which had theretofore been sent to the Headquarters of said Brigade, and to cause to be made on said new series of Consolidated Reports, certain alterations from those theretofore returned as afore- said, did refuse to obey &nAA\t\ disobey said orders. All this at the City of New York, in the County and State of New York, between the 5th day of December, 1867, and the 7th day of January, 1868." Specification 2d. — " In this ; that he, the said Colonel Thomas M. Reid, of the 2nd Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. v., being in command of said Regiment, and being ordered by Brigadier General William G.Ward, commanding said Brigade, by written orders to forthwith strike out from the Company and Regimental Rolls of said Regiment, certain names which had been a short time tlieretofore directed to be stricken out by Major Edward (lilon, Inspector of said Brigade, and to cause the Company and Regimental Descriptive Books of the said Regiment to be made to correspond thereto by suitable entries and to report to said Briga- (li;.T-G.-neral William (i. War.l in writin t when said order should have been obeyed, with lists of names so stricken oat, did refuse to obey, and did disobey said order. All this at tlie City of New York, in the County and State of New York, between the 5th day of Decemb( r, 1867, and the 7th day of January, 1868." To which charo^e and specifications tlie accused. Colonel Thomas M. Reid, 2 1 Reofiment, 1st Brirrade, 1st Division N. G. S. N. Y. pleaded as follows : To the 1st Specification, " Not (xuilty. " To the 2d Specification, " Not Guilty. " To the ('har:> HK AD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, November 9th, 1869. General Orders No. 12 iRS, I PLirsuant to Section 250, Military Code, State of New York, a Court- Martial to pass upon the delinquencies of the Officers of this Division, on the occasion of any parade or drill held in pursuance of Orders from these Head-Quarters, which, by law, thej' were required to attend, during the year commencing November 1st, 1S68. and ending October 31st, 1 86!), is hereby ordered to assemble at the Armory of the 22(1 Regiment Infantry, on the :!Oth day of November, 1869 Detail for the Court: 1. Brigadier-Geueral WiLt.iA.M G. AVahd, 1st Brigade Infantry. 2. Colonel Frederick A. Coxklixo. 84th Regiment Infantry. :!. Major Christiax H. Mei>ay, Ttli Regiment Infantry. The Court will sit without regard to hours. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. JOHN F0WLP:R, Jr., (Jolonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Official: Major and A. D. C. General Orders, Xo. 13. HEAU-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. Nkw York, November 11th, 1869. \ I. — This Command will parade for review in celebration of the 8Gth Anni- vers.iry of tlie Evacuation of this City by tlie British Troops, on Thursday, 25th instant. II. — The troops will assemble in close column of companies, the heads of columns resting on Fourth Avenue, as follows: The First Brigade Infantry on East 19th Street. Tha Second Brigade Infantry on East 18th Street. The Third Brigade Infantryon East Uth Street. The Fourth Brigade Infantry on East 16th Street. The First Brigade Cavalry on East 15th Street. III. — Brigade Commanders will report to the Chief of Staff at the " Wash- ington Statue," as soon as their commands are formed. IV. — The column will march at 2 o'clock, p. m., the First Brigade Infantry leading, the other Brigades following in the order above named. V. — The line of march will, in part, be identical with that followed by the American Troops when entering the City to resume possession in 1783, to wit: down Fourth Avenue to the Bowery, down Bowery to Canal, through Canal to Broadway, up Broadway to 14lh Street, through 14th Street to Fourth Avenue, up" Fourth Avenue to 23d Street, throuo;h 23d Street to Fifth Avenue, and down Fifth Avenue to 14th Street. VI. — The Avenues and Streets above named, from curb to curb, are desig- nated as the Division parade ground for the day. VII.— At the corner of Fifth Avenue and 14th Street, the column will pass in Review before His Honor the Mayor, and the Municipal Authorities, and will be immediately thereafter dismissed. VIII. — Brigadier-General Burger will direct a Salute of thirteen guns to be tired on the Battery, near the site of old Fort George, at 12 o'clock, noon. By order of Major-General Ai.e.kaxder Shaler. JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Official: Major and A. D. C. HEAD-QUART P:RS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, November 22d, 1869. General Orders, ) No. 14. I General Orders No. 12, dated at these Head-Quarters, November 9th, 1869, is hereby modified to read as follows : Pursuant to Sec. 250, Militarj' Code, State of New York, a Court- Martial to pass upon the dehuqueueies of all officers of the Division below tlie rank of General Officers, and above the rank of Company Officers, on the occasion of any parade or drill held in pursuance of Orders from these Head-Quarters, which, by law, they were required to attend, during the year commencing November 1st, 1868, and ending October 31st, 1869, is hereby ordered to assemble at the Armory of the 22d Regiment Infantry, on the 30th day of November, 1869. Detail for the Court: 1. Brigadier-General William G. Ward, 1st Brigade Infantry. 2. Colonel Frederick .1. Coxkling, 84th Regiment Infantry. 3. Major Christian H. Meday, 7th Regiment Infantry. The Court will sit without regard to hours. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Official : Major and A. D. C. ab:/Vl)-QU'ARTERS FIRSr DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, December 14th, 1869. General Orders, [ No? 15. f J. — In comi)li:nice with Ouneral Orders No. 17, current series, from Gene- nil IIead-Qiiarti?rs, the following disbaudments, transfers, consolidations and changes, in the organization of this command, are hereby announced: 1. — Tlie Fourth Brigade is disbanded, and the Staff Officers thereof are rendered supernumerary. 2. — The 2d and 4th Regiments Infantry are disbanded, and the Officers thereof are rendered supernumerary. 3. — The 1st Regiment Infantry, Third Brigade, is transferred to the First Brigade. 4. — The 11 til Regiment Infantrj^j Fourth Brigade, is transferred to the Second Brigade. 5. — The 22d, 69th and 79th Regiments Infantry, Fourth Brigade, are transferred to tlie First Brigade. 6. — Tlie 1st Regiment Artillery, Second Brigade, is disbanded as a regimental organization, and the Field and Staff Officers thereof are rendered supernumerary. 7. — Batteries "B," "C" and "K," are constituted independent commands. 8. — Batteries ''A." '"D," "F," "G," and "I," are consolidated, their Offi- cers rendered supernumerary, and will, until further orders, be known as Battery ''G," under the temporary command of Captain B. M. LeMoyne, supernumerary. 9. — Battery '' H " is transferred to the First Brigade Cavalry. 10. — The Battalion Washington Grey Cavalry is consolidated into one troop, its Officers rendered supernumerary, and temiDorarily placed under tlie command of Lieut. Effingham M. Van Buren, super- numerary. II. — In the disbandment of the 2d and 4th Regiments Infantry, (with \vhiih the Commanding Officers of the First and Fourth Brigades are respec- tively charged,) the detailed instructions contained in General Orders No. 14, series of 1868, from General Head-Quarters, will be strictly complied with, and particular attention is called to Pars. XII. and XXIII. of that order. III. — Upon the receipt of this order, the Commanding Officers of the seve- ral organizations above transferred, will immediately report, in person, to the Commanding Officers of the Brigades to which they are transferred. IV. — The Commanding Officers of Batteries " B," "C" and "K," will report, in person, to these Head Quarters immediately, for instructions. V. — Batteries "A," "D," "F," -'G" and "I," will, under the command of their respective officers, assemble at the Armory of tlie 1st Regiment Artil- lery, at 8 o'clo'jk', p. M., on the 27th instant, for inspection by the Division Inspector, and consolidation, under the supervision of Colonel D. W. Teller, supernumerary. The provisions of Par. III. of General Order No. 1 7, current series, will be strictly observed, and as soon as the consolidation is effected, the officer designated to command will nsport to these Head-Quarters for instructions. VI. — The Commanding Officer of Battery " H," (to be known, until fur- ther qj^ers. as Troop " H,") will, upon the receipt of this order, forthwith reporfJElie Commanding Officer of Brigade Cavalry, under whose direction he will proceed at once to re-organize his command as a Troop of Cavalry. VII. — The Battalion Washington Grey Cavalry will assemble under the command of its officers, for inspection and consolidation, at its Armory, at 8 o'clock, p. M., on the 27th instant. The consolidation will l>e effected under the direction of the Commanding Officer First Brigade Cavalry, and the command will, until further orders, be known as the Troop Washington Grey Cavalry. VIII. — The attention of all officers rendered supernumerary by this order is directed to Section 46, Military Code. IX. — All the books of record and reference, papers, documents, Ac, the property of the State of Kew York, pertaining to the Head-Quarters of Brig- ades, Regiments, and Battalions, and to the Companies disbanded or discon- tinued in accordance with this order, and the Head-Quarter Flag of the Fourth Brigade, will be forwarded to these Head-Quarters by the respective Commanding Officers, for transmission to General Head-Quarters. X. — All muster-out rolls, reports, and papers, which are required to be tbrwarded to General Head-Quarters, will be sent through the intermediate channels of communication. XI. — The attention of the members of the organizations disbanded by this order is called to Paragraph XV, of General Orders No. 14, Series of 1868. XII. — The Brigade Commanders of the First and Second Brigades Infantry, and First Brigade Cavalry, will, upon the completion of the changes herein ordered, make report thereof in writing, to these Head-Quarters. XIII. — The muster rolls required in effecting the disbandments and consol- idations above specified, will be furnished on application to these Head- Quarters. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Official: Major and A. D. C, HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, April 8th, 1869. Circular. The practice in horsemanship heretofore had as Officers of the Staff, on Thursday Evenings, is hereby discontinued. Until further notice, the Staff, including personal Aides, will assemble for equestrian exercise every Friday Evening, commencing on Friday next, the 9th instant, at 8 o'clock, at the Head-quarters of the First Brigade of Cavalry, 13th Street, near 5th Avenue. Each Officer will provide himself with a horse. Whenever circumstances make it necessary for an Officer to absent himself from any of these exercises, he will make his application for excuse to these Head-quarters, in writing, at least twenty-four hours before the evening designated. Hereafter, Officers of the Staff who intend to accompany the Major-General in answering invitations, will have a carriage sent for them by sending a notice of such intention to these Head-quarters on the day previous. By order of Major-General Alex.\nder Sh.'VLEK, JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, Asst Adj-Genl and Chief of Staff. Official : Major and A. I). C. HKAD-QUARTKRS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York. May 22d. 1869. Circul'jr. It Is announced to the Officers and Members of the First Division, that on SuNTDAY NEXT, the 30th instant, the graves of the Soldiers who fell in uphold- ing the Union during the (xreat Rebellion, will be decorated with flowers, and that other appropriate exercises, to be hereafter announced through the public press, will take place at Cypress Hills Cemetery. The Division is invited to take part in the exercises of the day, and such Regiments as desire to eml)race this opportunity of manifesting their respect for the memory of the fallen heroes, will be reported by their respective Brigade Commanders to these Head-quarters, as early as Thursday next, the 27th instant, in order that instructions may be issued in advance for the for- mation of the line, and arrangements made for transportation to and from the Fulton Ferry. The Division Staff will report at the quarters of the Major-General Com- manding, in full uniform, at 8 o'clock, a. m., on the 30th instant. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. JOHN FOWLKR, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Official: HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Mav 28. 1869. Circular. The Field and Staff Officers of the Regiments not reported for the parade on the oOth instant, are invited to join the General Officers and their Staffs, and take part in the exercises of the daj'. The column will form on East 15th Street, riglit on Fourth Avenue, at 10 o'clock, A. Ji. Regimental Officers will be reported to tlie Chiefs of Staff of their respective Brigades, and by them assigned to positions in the Brigade colnmn. Officers and Troops will be assigned positions in the general column by the Chief of Division Staff in the order of their Brigade numbers, the First Brigade on the right. By order of Major-General Alex.wder Siialer. JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., .-md Chief of Staff. Official: > HEAU-QUARTKRS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 2, 1869. Circular. The Major-General Oommandin^ the Division has received from Brevet Brigadier-General Pitcher, CotnmandiMg at West Point, a notice that the Annual Examination of the Cadets of tlie U. S. MiHtary Academy will com- mence on Wednesday, the 2d instant, at 9, a m.. and be continued daily (Sundays excepted) from 9, a. m., to 3, p. m., until tinished. In a personal note, General Pucker expresses his pleasure in seeing the Officers of the N. G. S. N. Y. at these examinations; this is announced to the Officers of the 1st Division, many of whom take an interest in the exer- cises of the Cadets, in order that tliey may feel assured that they are wel- come in their visits to the Point, and that no feeling of delicacy need prevent them from emliracing an op[)orUniity to witness exercises which cannot but result to their advantage. The drills and parades of the Cadets during the Annual Kxaminations are always interesting and instructive. Upon any day in the week (Saturdays and Sumiays excepted) at 5, p. m., can be seen either a drill in Infantry, Artillery, or Cavalry, and the Major-General Com- manding recommends to all Officers whose time will permit, at least one visit to this great Military School during the Examination. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. JOHN FOWLEH, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Official: HKAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 15, 1869. Circular. In the marching sahite to His Honor the Mayor, on the morning of the 5tli of July next, arms will be brought to a carry, all officers will salute, bands will play, and colors will be drooped, but commanding officers and bands will remain in the column. In passing in review before the Officers of the Army of the Potomac, the provisions of Pars. 15, 16, and 17, Form 1, of Article Second, Appendix II, on page 372, and Pars. 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12, of Appendix II, on pages 379 and 380, of Upton's Tactics, will be compHed with. The parade will be dismissed imraediatoly after passing in review, and regiments in complying with Par. 12, on page 380, of Upton's Tactics, will take different routes to their armories, so as to avoid the possibility of a halt in front of the reviewing officers. Brigade Commanders, with their Staffs, will remain with the Division Commander and Staff, until the entire column has passed. Regimental Commanders will cause at least three additional drummers or trumpeters to wheel out of the column with their bands, to beat the ruffles or sound the trumpet flourishes, for a Major-General, when the colors are drooped. The rest of the drum corps will remain at the head of the regiments, to conduct them to the armories. Bands will cease playing as soon as the rear companies of their respective regiments have passed the reviewing officers, and at once follow their regiments in quick time and la good order. The attention of Regimental and Staff Officers is called to the provisions of Pars. 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16, of Form 1, Article First, of Appendix II, on pages 367 and 368, of Upton's Tactics, which, so far as applicable, will be observed. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. Official: JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Major and A. D. 0. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. T. New York, July 26, 1869. Circular. The subjoined resolution of thanks, and letter transmitting the same, is hereby promulgated to this Command : "Head-quarters of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, "New York, July 15, 1869. "Major-General Alexander Shaler, "Commanding 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y: "General, — On behalf of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, I "have the honor to transmit the enclosed certified copy of a resolution of "thanks to you, and to the officers and men of your Division, which was "passed at the meeting of the Society held in this city on the 5th of July. " I am, General, very respectfully, your ob't serv't, (Signed.) " W. C. Church, Corresponding Secretary." "At a meeting of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, held in the "City of New York on the 5th day of July, 1869, on the motion of Major- "General George G. Meade, U. S. A., it was "Re-solved, That the thanks of this Society be extended to Major-General "Shaler, Commanding the 1st Division of the National Guard of the State "of New York, and to the officers .-md men of his Division, for the very "handsome Review with which they complimented us, and that we congrat- " ulate them on the evidences of discipline and drill exhibited by them on "that occasion. "Attest: (Signed.) P. H. Sheridan, Lt.-Gen'I, " President. (Signed.) " W. C. Church, Corresponding Secretary." By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. . JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Official : yf j/t /» HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, October 2M, 1869. Circu/iir. Notice has been received at these Head-quarters from the Commissary-Gen- eral of Ordnance, that the repairs to the Arsenal building, corner of 7th Avenue and 3oth Street, have been completed, and that the same will be ready for the use of the National Guard on and after Monday next, the 25th instant. Commanding Officers can obtain permission to occupy the drill room by applying at the office of the Commissary-General of Ordnance, in the Arsenal building. By order of Major-General Alexander Shalek, JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, Ass't Adj-Geii I and Chief of Staff. Official : Major and A. D. C. HKAD-QUARTKRS FIRST DIVISION. X. G. S. N. Y. Ne\v York, Noveni))er !)tli, 1869. Circidar. The attention of Brigade Commanders is called to Section 250, Military Code, State of New York. In compliance therewith they will forthwith make to these Head-Quarters a return of all delinquencies on the occasion of tlie Division Parades, held during the year ending October :51st, 18G9. B3' order of Major-General Alexander Shalek. JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Official: Major and A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, November 15th, 1869. Circular. The followuig letter from the Commissary-General of Ordnance, S. N, Y., i.s hereby promulgated for the information of this command : •'STATE OF NEW YORK, •' Department of Commissary-General of Ordnance, " New York, November 11th, 1869. " Major-General Alexander Shaler, •'Commanding 1st Division N. G. S. N. Y. " General, " For the convenience of regiments drilling at the State Arsenal. " 7th Avenue, I have placed in the drill room, for their use, three " hundred muskets, two guidons, an infantry and a national color, •• Ver}' respectfidly, " Your ob't s'vt, (Signed) By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. WM. H. MORRIS. "C. G. 0," JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. Officiai &^ HKAU-QUARTP]RS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, November 19th, 1869. Circular. Brigade Commauder.s will hereafter furnish these Head Quarters, within ten days after each Division or Brigade Parade, or Annual Inspection, with a Consolidated Report of llieir commands on the form herewith furnished. For the last Annual Inspection this Report will be forwarded to these Head- Quarters immediately. They will also furnish these Head-Quarters witli a Roster of their respec- tive commands, embracing General and (General Staff, Field and Regimental Staflf Ofacers. and showing the Name, Corps, Rank, Position, Age, Date of Commission, Address, Residence, and Brevet rank, if any, of the OtBcers al)ove mentioned, a.s existing on the 20th inst. They will be made out on the forms herewith furnished, and forwarded to these Head-Quarters imme- diately thereafter. By order of Major-Genera 1 Ale.xanuek Shaler. JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Stall'. Official: HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, November 20th, 1869. Circular. In lieu of tlie returns required by Circular from these Head-Quarters, dated November 9th, 18G9, Brigade Commanders will make return of all delinquencies on the part of officers below the rank of General Officers, and above the rank of Company Officers, on the occasion of anj' parades, re- views, drills, &c., which, bj' law. they were required to attend, during the year commencing October 31st, 1868, and ending November 1st, 1869. In case an officer, so reported, no longer belongs to the National Guard, it will be so stated in the column of remarks. Each officers" address will also be given. The returns will be forwarded to these Head Quarters forthwith. The attention of Brigade Commanders is directed to Sec. 250. M. C, the provisions of which requires them to convene Courts to pass upon the delin- quencies of all officers below the rank of Field Officers. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. JOHN FOWLER. Jr.. Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Stall'. Official: ..'^ \ HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York. December 24th, 1869. Circular. Classes, for the instructiou of the Officers of this Division, in the use of the Sabre, will be formed by the permanent Brigade and Regimental Com- manders, immediately upon the receipt of this order, and a copy of each of the orders made for this purpose, will be forwarded to these Head-Quarters. as soon as issued. The permanent Brigade Commanders and the Officers of the Division Staff, will assemble at these Head-Quarters, in fatigue dress with side arms, for military improvement, on the evenings of Saturday, January 8th and 15th, 1870, at 8 o'clock. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of StaflF. Official : HKAD-QUARTKRS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. ''0 New York. March IGth, 1870./ General Ordkrs. No. 1. The following Special Order from (Teneral Head-Quarters is promulgated for the information of tliis i-ommand : GKNKRAL HEAD-QUARTKRS, STATE OF NEW YORK. Adjutant-General's Office, Albany. March 12, I87(l. Special (Jrders, ) No. 3:!. f It appearing to the satisfaction of the Commander-in-Chief, upon his examination of the Charges and Specifications made hy Colonel and B'v't Brig.-Gen'l John E. Bendix, commanding the Fifth Regiment Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y., against Maj.-Gen'l Alexander Shaler, commanding the First Division of the National Guard, and of the official records in the Adjutant-General's Office, that no sufficient grounds exist for ordering a Coin-t Martial thereon, it is hereby ordered that the said Charges and Speci- fications l)e dismissed. By order of the Commaxder-in-Ciiief. [Signed.] FRANKLIN TOWNSEND, Adjutant General. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. JOHN FOWLER, Jr., Colonel. A. A. G., and Chief of Statt. Official: Maior and A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTKRS FIRST DIVISION, X. G. S. X. Y. New York, March 28th, 1870. General Orders, } No. 2. \ The following appohicment is aniiouuced on the Statf of the Major-Oeaeral Commanding : Colonel D.'VKiHL W. Teller. Sapernumerary, late commanding First Regi- ment Artillery, to be Chief of Artillery, with the rank of Colonel. He will be obej'ed and respected accordingly. By order of Major-General .\lexander Shaler. JOHN FOWLKR. Jr., Colonel, A. A. G., and Chief of Stall. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, X. G. S. N. Y. New York, May 21st, 1870 General Orders, [ No. 3. j I.— The following extract from Chapter 539, Laws of 1870, is published for the information and guidance of the OfBcers of this command tlierein referred to : "§ 31. Within sixty days after the passage of this act, the captain or •'commanding ofBcer of each and every company or troop in tlie First " Division of the New York National Guard, shall deliver to the Com- "missioner of Jurors a certified list containing tlie names and residences •'of all the members and officers in his company or troop, uniformed •'and equipped, and doing active duty and none others; which list shall '•be filed in the Commissioner's office. The Major-General command- "ing said division shall issue orders to carry this section into effect, and •' shall furnish to said Commissioner a certified list of all officers and •' members of said Division not comprised in the lists or rosters of said •' companies or troops. It shall further be the duty of every such offi- •' cer to report, at least once in every year, the names and residences of "all new members, provided such new members shall be fully uniform- "ed and equipped, and doing active duty. Such report shall also con- "tain the names of each and every member who shall have resigned or ■•have been expelled, or who shall have ceased or neglected to perform ••the full duties and services required bylaw. Any such officer who •• shall neglect or refuse to perform any duty prescribed by this act as •' aforesaid, or who shall include in any such list any person not an " active member of said Division, or who shall offend against any pro- •• vision of this section, shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars for each •'offence, which shall be collected by the said Commissioner in the ■•name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New "York, and paid into the County treasury." II. — Commanding Officers of Batteries, Troops, and Companies, will fur- nish the required lists, certified as directed, to the Commissioner of Jurors. Room 21, City Hall, on or before the 31st instant. III. — The several Brigade Commanders will forward to these Head-Quar- ters, on or before the 28th instant, a certified list containing the names and residences of all Officers and members of the command, comprising the General and General Staff, Field and Staff Officers, Non-commissioned Staff Officers, Musicians, and all other actual members of the several organiza- tions in their respective Brigades, not contained in the list to be furnished by the Company Commanders. IV. — Between the 20th day of September and the 1st day of October of tlie present and of each succeeding year, the Commanding OfBcers of Batte- ries, Troops, and Companies will furnish, to the Commissioner of Jurors, the reports required by the Section above quoted. V. — Brie^ade t'omniandants will, between the 20tli and 25th du\- of Sep- tember of the present and of each sncceeding year, forward to these Head- quarters a certified report containino: the names and residences of all new Officers and members, and the names of all those who shall have resigned, been dismissed, expelled, or who shall have ceased or neglected to perform the fnll duties required by law, since last report. VI. — In making the lists and reports required, care will l)e taken to com- ply as well with the spirit as the letter of Section 31 above (pioted, in order to ensure correct and satisfactory returns. By order of Major-deneral Alex.\xder Shaler. CARL JUSSKN, Major. A. D. 0. and Act'g Asst Adj. -Gen. Official : Major and A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. Xew York, June ISth, 1870. General Orders, ) Xo. 4. \ I-— This Division will parade for review and in celebration of the Ninety- fourth Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States, on the Fourth of July next. TI. — The troops will be formed at 7 o'clock, a. m., in deployed line, as follows : The First Brigade Infantry on the west side of Broadway, left resting on lith Street. The Second Brigade Infantry on the south side of 14th Street and west side of 5th Avenue, right resting on University Place. The Third Brigade Infantry on the west side of 5th Avenue on the left of the Second Brigade. The First Brigade Cavalry on the west side of 5th Avenue, north side of 34th Street and east side of Madison Avenue, on the left of the Third Brigade. Battalions "B," •' C," and "K," Artillery will be posted around Union Square, under the direction of the Chief of .Artillery. ni. — Brigade Commanders will report to the Chief of Staff on Broadway, corner of 14th Street, as soon as their respective commands are formed. lY- — Captain E. M. LE^foY.VE, commanding Battery "G," will detail a section of his Battery with 24 pounder howitzers, under Lieutenant S. M. Wright, to fire a National Salute on the Battery at meridian. V. — Tiie line of march and point of review will be hereafter announced. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. CARL JUSSEN, Major, A. D. C. and Act'g Ass't Adj.-Gen. General Orders No. 5. FIEAD-QUARTKRS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 20th, 1870. Tlie tbllovviug appoiutnients are announced on the Staff of the Major- General commanding : (Jolonel Wm. H. Chesebrough, to be Assistant Adjutant-General and Cliief of Statt, with the rank of Colonel, vicf Fowler, resigned. Brevet Brigadier-General Wm. Hudson Lawrence, (U. S. Vols ) to be Division Inspector, with the rank of Colonel, vice Chesebrough, appointed Chief of Staff. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of Major-General Alexander Sh.iler. CARL JUSSEN, Major, A. D. C. and Act'g Ass't Adj. -Gen. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, X. G. S. N. Y. Xew York, July 4th. 1870. Gexeeai, Orders, ) No. 6. f 1. — It is with the deepest regret that the General Commanding announces to the Division that Brevet Major-General Joseph E. Hamblin, late Assist- ant Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff" of the First Division, who served with such well-known distinction in the late war for the Union, died at his residence yesterday, the 3d instant. II. — The following detail is ordered as an escort to his remains: The Ninth Regiment Infantry ; The Troop of Washington Grays Cavalry ; The separate Troop Cavalry, Captain Klein, conmianding; Two sections Battery K, Artillery. Ill- — The escort will be commanded by Brigadier-General Postley, and will report to him in Madison Avenue, between Twenty-lifth and Twenty- sixth Streets, at 1:30 o'clock, p. m., on the 5th instant. lY. — The General Commanding feels that this information will be received with the profoundest sorrow bj^ the officers and men of the Division, and is assured that all who have known the late General Hamblin, either in his military or social character, will readily accord the last respects due one who has been so well known and so well beloved. The Officers of the Division who desire to take part in the ceremonies are invited to attend his funeral at his late residence. No. 136 Lexington Avenue, in uniform, and will assem- ble at Apollo Rooms, corner of Twenty-eighth Street and Broadway, at 1:30 o'clock, p. M. Y. — The following Officers have been re(iuested by the friends of the fam- ily to act as pall-bearers, and will meet in uniform, mounted, at the residence of the General Commanding, No. 346 West Twenty-eighth Street, at 1:30 o'clock, p. M. Major-General Alexander Shaler. Major-General M. T. McMahon. Major-General C. K. Grahaai. Major-General Abram Duryee. Brigadier-General Thomas H. Neill. Brigadier-General G. W. Palmer. Brigadier-General H. E. Tremain. Brigadier-General L. Burger, Brigadier-General J. H. Liebenau. Colonel John Fowler, Jr. Colonel William H. Chesebrough. Lieutenant-Colonel George T. Haws. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH. Colonel, Ass't Adj.-Gen'l and Chief of Staff. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, X. G. S. N. Y. New York, July Uth, 1870. General Orders, No. 7. } The following change.s in the organization of this command are directed l)y General Orders No. 17, current series, from General Head-Quarters: I. — That the 37th Regiment Infantry, of the Third Brigade, and the 79th Regiment Infantry, of the First Brigade, be reduced to Bat- talions of six Companies each, and that the respective Comman- dants of the same designate the Companies to be mustered out to make such reductions, and that the several Colonels, Lieutenant- colonels, and Majors remain in commission in accordance with the provisions relating thereto in Section 19, of the Military Code. II. — That the First and Third Regiments of Cavalry be reduced to the minimum of eight Companies each, and that the respective Comman- dants of the same designate the Coaipanies to be mustered out to make such reduction. The consolidation of the above commands will be effected under the direc- tion of the Commanding Officers of the several Brigades to which they are respectively attached, who will upon the completion of said consolidation report in writing to these Head-quarters. The provisions of General Orders No. 14. Series of 1l ,; vr .,:> ^)V>U{ 1 /lOIOltnA '!0 J98 A .Ithb 9flJ ..iwivnriU'Doqo.'n I .;iii^ uiij of;iJ Y_ni(i ai! xfoiaivif ! .'j.i;. ,o«1k iioote'ioLnu 90 ol Jt /I.Hfv/ '! KiioiJjsiioI' svio-joi o3 IfincRiA oili .!J!om ■I '(uav ad oj •loiioil oifJ it/sul 1 (Jo isjoY i:u)j;. :jiir,0— .11 .;>5irij,pb!39l[ OSOlh .LiiDuoflaasjJHO .h .mw .ricja 'lo 'loidO fo0B I'lis^D-.LfcA *'aaA ^aaoIoO HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Oct. 21st, 1870. Circvlar. No. 9. The following instructions are published for the information and govern- ment of the troops upon tlie occisiou of the Review ordered for the 28th instant: The Division will be formed for review in two lines — the Infantry in bat- taUon columns, by division, right in front, nt half distance. The Cavalry on the right and the Artillery on the left. Commandants of Brigades, Regiments and Batteries, will conform strictly to tlie provisions of Form 3, Article 2, Appendix II., and also of Paragraphs 9, 10, 11, 12. General Rules, Upton's Tactics. The Regimental Bands, with the exception of the one at the head of col- umn, will not commence to play until within fiftj'- paces of the reviewing officer. This point will be designated by a flag. In passing the reviewing officer, the music of the rear regiments of each Brigade will cease to play so soon as it has given the ruffles for the colors of the rear battalion. On the arrival of the Commander-in-Chief upon the ground, a salute of twenty-one guns will be fired by Battery " B," Artillery, the Commanding Officer of which will see that his command is provided with the requisite ammunition. A detail, of two Commissioned Officers and forty men, will be made by the Commanding Officer of the First Brigade immediately upon the arrival of his Command upon the ground, to act as a "provost guard," and prevent straggling from the field. The Division Staff will assemble at the residence of the General Com- manding at 8 o'clock, A. M. The detail of orderlies, for Division Head-Quarters, will report at the same time and place. Those for the several Brigade Head-Quarters will report at such time and place as the Commanding Officers may direct. In accordance wiih Paragraph 534, General Regulations, the General and Field Officers. Division Staff, Chiefs of Staff and Brigade Inspectors, will meet for theoretic instruction, at these Head-Quarters, No. 127 Mercer Street, on Wedxesd.vy EvEyiNCr, 26th instant, at half-past 8 o'clock, p. ii. The Division Staff will assemble at the same place one hour earlier. The attention of Brigade Commanders is called to Circular of November 19, 1869, from these Head-Quarters. The reports therein referred to will, hereafter, be furnished within the time specified. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH. Colonel, Ass't Adj.-Gen'l and Chief of Staff. Official: Major and A. D. C. // HKAD-QUARTKRS FIRST DIVISION, X. G. S. X. Y. New York. Jnmmrv -ith, 1871. General Orders, > No. 1. f The foUowinjr niipoiiitmcnt i^J aiinoiin<'ere His Honor tlie Mayor of the City, who will be accompanied by the members of the Common Council and Heads of Departments. The troops will be dismissed immediately thereafter. YI. — The Streets and Avenues above named, from curb to curb, are desig- nated as the Division parade-ground for the day. VII. — The Commandant of Battery "C" will tire a National Salute on the Battery at meridian. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH, Colonel, Ass't Adj.-Gen'l and Chief of Staff. Official: and A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION. N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 19, 1S71. General Orders, ) No. fi. f A review of the proceedings of a Court-Martial, appointed under the pro- visions of Section 235, Military Code, by General Orders No. 2, from these Head-Quarters, for the purpose of passing upon delinquencies of Officers at parades, itc, held in pursuance of orders from Division Head-Quarters, dis- covers irregularities wliich sliould be corrected, as much for the purpose of establishing correct rules of action for any similar court tliat may hereafter be ordered, as to insure exact justice to those returned as delinquents to the existitig court. Among tlie rules which seem to have governed the court, in passing judg- ment upon the various cases, all of them for absences from parades, drills, or meetings, are three, notably itnsound. They are as follows : First. — An officer who testified to not having received a notice was excused. Second. — An officer who furnished the court with evidence that his superior officer had excused him. was excusable. Third. — An officer engaged in the discharge of the dutie.'^ of his office was excusable. Whenever these rules alone have governed the Court in its decisions, the Division Commander has felt constrained to disapprove of the proceedings. In the class of cases first referred to, viz: those officers who testified to not having received notices, the Court should have required positive evi- dence that the failure to receive the notices was not due to the neglect of the warning officer. The provision of the law, defining wjiat constitutes a legal notice and how it shall be served, is very explicit, and the Court had a riglit to presume upon a correct discharge of the warning officers' duties in tlie absence of proof to the contrary. The proceedings, therefore, in the cases of Lieut. Klelscii. 6th Regiment, absent from parade Sept. 30. 1870, Capt. and Lieut. WninnT and Lieut. Cone, of Battery " G," absent from Artillery Officers' drill, Nov. 11, 1870, and Major Brown. 22d Regiment, aud Major DoR.VN. 69th Regiment, absent from meeting for instruction at Divi- sioii Head-Quarters, October 26, 1870, so far as the same relates to the ab- sences referred to. are disapproved. In the class of eases next referred to, viz; those officers who furnislied evidence that their superior officers had excused them, the ('ourt should have remembered that the law plainly prescribes in Section 235, Military (Jode, that excuses for absence from " any parade, drill, or meeting for im- provement." held in pursuance of orders from Division Head-Quarters, shall be made to a Court-martial to be appointed for tlie purpose, and, therefore, it is not in the power of any subordinate authority, either before or after the the i)arade. etc.. to relieve'an officer or soldier from his oljligations under that order. Were it otherwise, the requirements of the law in the matter of parades, etc., might be evaded and its provisions neutralized to a damag- ing extent If a General may e.xicuse one of his Field or Staff" Otficer.s he mav all. If a Captain may e.xcuse one of his subaltern Officers, he mijy all. The law does not contemplate any such liberties. When a Commanding Oiti- eer issues an order for one of the '-parades, encampments, drills, or laieet- ings," which the law requires shall be, every officer and soldier in the command must attend or submit his excuse to the only legal authority recognized, viz. : the Court appointed for the purpose. The Commanding (Jfficcr himself is not aulliorized bv law to assume the power of excusuig in such cases. The proceedings, therefore, in the eases of Captain Tate, 22d Regiment, and Lieutenant Dubois, 55th Regiment, absent from parade .Tuly 4th, 1870, Surgeon Nealis, G9th Regiment, and Lieutenant Lindsay, TOtli Battahon, absent from parade September 30lli, 1870, Captain Brexnax, 69th Regiment, and Lieutenant- Kelly. 69th Regiment, absent from parade (no date given by the Court), and Lieutenant 1<]aglesox, 84tli Regiment, absent from parade October '28t]i, 1870, so far as the same relate to tlie absences referred to, are disapproved. In the class of cases alhided 1o in tlie third instance, viz. : those officers engaged in the discharge of tlie duties of their respective offices, tliere ap- peared no evidence that they were thus engaged at that particular time by orders from the same or higher authority than that wliicli ordered the meet- ing for improvement, which would have furnished the only justitication for their absence. Tliere is an old and simple rule which every military man should remember, that where a conflict of orders (apparent or real) exists, those issued from the highest Head-Quarters first, and ne.xt. the latest issued from the same Head-Quarters, takes precedence and must be obeyed. It is true that in the cases of Colonel Scott, and Major Appi.eton, of the 8th Regiment, the order for tlie inspection of the Regiment was issued but one day after the date of the Division Order, and perhaps before its receipt at Brigade Head-Quarters, and that some inconvenience might have resulted to a large number of officers and men in clianging the evening of inspection, but that furnishss no legal excuse for disregarding the Division Order nor does the Court suggest this or any other reason for excusing the parties named, except the bare fact tiiat they were occupied in the discharge of other military duties. In the case of Lieutenant-Colonel Madden, 1st Cavalry, still less reason for excusing existed, since the Court might have learned that the inspection of the Cavalry was ordered for two o'clock in the after- noon, while the order for the meeting was eight o'clock in the evening. The proceedings, therefore, in the cases of Major Gilon, 1st Brigade Staff, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Webster, 1st Regiment. Colonel Scott, 8th Regiment. Major Appleton, 8th Regiment, Colot^el Wentavoktii, 3d Brigade Start', Lieutenant- Colonel Seward, 3d Brigade Stafl', and Lieutenant-Colonel Madden, 1st Cav- alry, absent from meeting for instruction at Division Head-Quarters, October 26th, 1870, and Major Gilon, 1st Brigade Staff, absent from parade Septem- ber 30th, 1870, so far as the same relate to the absences referred to. are disapproved. In prescribing the amount of fines which ma}' be imposed upon enlisted ni'in for absence from parades, etc.. the law (see par. 2, Sec. 207, M. C.) very wisely makes a marked distinction between the members of a troop parading mounted, and others. It is believed that the application, on the part of Courts appointed to pass upon the delinquencies of officers at parades, etc., of the principle herein established, would be eminently just and proper and have a salutary effect. The expense of parading is so much greater to mounted officers than to foot officers, that if the amount imposed by this Court upon mounted officers should become a standard one. tliere would be great economy in their absenting themselves and paying the fines. It is well therefore, while excessive and burdensome fines should not be imposed except in aggravated cases, tliat those infiicted upon mounted officers should, as a rule, exceed those imposed upon foot officers, and that the should be rather more than less than the amount of outlay required to make a parade. In a few instances the same officers were returned for absence from a legal parade which required them to be mounted nearly a whole day. and for oc- casional absence from a series of evening drills or meetings. The Court, in determining the penalties, should have discriminated between the two classes of delinquencies and imposed for each a proportionate fine. That fixed upon by the Court for absence from the evening drills and meetings as compared with the full dress day parades is regarded as greatly in excess, and there- fore the proceedings in the cases of Lieutenant (]one. Battery ■Mi." and Lieutenant Kas.sciian, Battery "B," absent from Artillery Officers' drill. De- cember 30th, 1870, so far as the same pertain to the imposition of tlie fines for absence from the Artillery Officers' drill above designated, are disap- proved, and their cases are respectively mitigated Ijy a reduction from five dollars for each unexcused absence to two (2) dollars for each unexcused absence. The fines imposed upon the Officers of tlie 1st Division Staff for absence from a series of weelcly evenin<; meetings are extremely excessive but the proceedings in their cases are confirmed. [n the cases of Lieutenant HuGGixs, 22d Regiment, absent from parade October 28th, and Lieutenant Lediard, 8th Regiment, absent from parade July 4tli, both out of the citj- on business at the dates named, Capta n Yan ScHAiCK. 22d Regiment, alisent from parades September 30th, and October 28lli, and Lieutenant BFJUifi.':, 22d Regiment, absent from parade September i{Oth, all of whom pleaded luisiness as an excuse, the Court accepted the plea as sufficient, while in the cases of Captain Barkkr, 8th Regiment, and nine otlier officers returned for alisence from various parades, drills, and meetings, the plea was refuse I and the delin([uents were fined. Absence from t!ie city on business, in exceptional cases only, should be allowed as a sufficient excuse. Unless it is clearly shown that the service of the notice was not ma ie before the day of the delmquent's departure from the city, the excuse of absence should be regarded as insufficient. The proceedings do not show any material difference between the cases cited, and the reviewing officer, lieing imalile to discover the influences which actuated the Court to impose penalties in the cases of Captain Barker, and others, and not in the cases first named, feels constrained to disapprove the proceedings of the Court so far as the same pertain to the cases of Lieutenant Huggixs, 22d Regiment, Lieutenant Lediard, 8th Regiment. Captain Van Schaick, 22d Regiment, and Lieutenant Briggs, returned for absences for tlie parades before named. The proceedings in the case of Commissaries Charles E. Schade, 71st Regiment, JoHX Cooxax, 69tli Regiment, Johx B. Morss, 12th Regiment, and George Akry, 1st Cavalry, are disapproved, these officers having no legal existence as Commissaries, are not amenable to a Militar}' Court and should not have been returned for delinquencies. The reference of their cases to the Court by tiiese Head-Quarters was an oversight. In the case of Surgeon Buttles, 71st Regimhnt, absent from parades July 4th, and Septeml)er SOtli, the record does not" state what was the nature of the excuse offered, but tiuit it was satisfactory to the Court, and he was ex- cused. It is neeessar}- for a full understanding l)y the reviewing officer of eacli case, that the excuse offered should be fully written out in the pro- ceedings, and as it was so written in all the other cases, it is presumed to liave been an oversigiit on the part of the Judge Advocate in writing up the proceedings The omission however is not of sufficient importance to affect the final action of the Court, and the proceedings in this case will therefore stand approved. In a number of cases the Court excused officers returned for absences from parades upon the bare statement that they were not absent. This direct conflict between the officer making the return and the officer returned should have suggested to the Court the propriety of obtaining additional evidence, in order not only that exact justice sliould lie secured to the accused, but that the (jfficer.s making erroneous returns might be informed, and thereby guarded against making similar errors in future returns. The proceedings, in all cases not herein referred to and disapproved, are continued. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH, Colonel, Ass't Adj.-Gen'l and Chief of Staff. Official: and A. D. 0. HEAD-QLTARTKRS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York. October 12, 1871. General Orders. } No. 7. f I. — The Infantry organizatiens of this DivisioQ will parade on the occasion of tlie Reception of His Imperial Highness, Alexis, i iraud Duke of Russia. 11. — The order, date, and hour of formation will be announced in further orders, published in tlie Daily Newspapers, as soon as the time of the arri- val of His Imperial Highness has been definitely determined. III. — In accordance with Paragraph 534, General Regulations, all General and Field Officers, Division Staff', Chiefs of Staff, and Inspectors of Brigades, will meet for theoretical instruction at these Head Quarters, 127 Mercer St., on TrESD.w. 17th instant, at 8 o'clock, p. m. By order of Major-General Alex.'VNDER Shaler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH, Colonel, Ass't Adj.-Gen'l and Chief of Staff", Official: and A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, October Uth, IHTI. General Orders, ) No. 8. f A General Court-Martial is hereby appointed, to convene at Head-Quarters of the Second Brigade, Irving Hall, on the Second day of November, 1871, at Eight o'clock, P. M., for the trial of Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Unbekani', 11th Regiment, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y., and such other per- sons as may be brought before it. Detail for the Court. Brigadier-General William G. Ward, 1st Brigade. Colonel W. B. Allen, ooth Regiment. Colonel F. W. Sterry, 6th Regiment. Major Geo. R. Schieffeli.n, 1st Brigade Staff. Judge Advocate. The Court will sit without regard to hours. hy order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief oj Staff. Otficial : and A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Yokk, Oct 17., 1871. GrENERAIi ORDERS, } No. 9. f The following appointments are announced on the Staff of the Major- General commanding : James R. O'Beirxe, (formerlv Brevet Brigadier-General, U. S. Vols.) to be Quarter-Master, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, from date, vice McClure. resigned. Frank WRfSLEY, to be Commissary of Subsistence, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, from date, viceYiiAiMi, elected to the Colonelcy of the 11th Regiment, Infantrj-. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH, Colonel, Ass't Adj-Gen'l and Chief of Staff. Official : and A. D. C. IIEAD-QL'ARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. Nkw York, Nov. 4th, 1871. General Ohdeks, / No. 10. \ In pursuance of a demand this day received from tlie police authorities of this city, the division will hold itself in readiness for service on Tuesday next, the 7th instant. The followin:^ named Rei^iments will assemble it their respective Armories, at A. M., on the 7th inst., with the new repeating Rifles, and e(iuipped lor active service, with forty rounds of ammunition, an I await orders from these Head-Quarters: 7th Regiment, Col. E. Cl.\I{1\, Commanding. 13th " Col. J. Ward, Commanding. 22d " Col. J. Porter, Commanding. 71st " Col. II Rock.^kellei!, Commanding. As the officers and men of the above named Regiments assemble, they will be formed and kept within the Armories. The attention of the otlicers and men ot the other organizations of the Division, is called to the Provisions of General Orders No. 12, Series ot IH70. The Division Slatf will report at these Head-Quarters at 6 o'clock A. M. ]}y order of Major-General Ale.\.\nder Siialer. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH, Colonel, A. A. G. & Chief of Stafl. < )fficl\i- ; Major and A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. (i. S. N. Y. New York, Nov. Sth, 1871. (tENEhal Orders, ) No. 11. )' and :>d Avenue. By order of Major-General Alexander Shai>er. WM. II. (^IIESEBROUGH, Colonel, A. A. (i. & Ciiief of Start. ( )fkici.u. ; and A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Nov. 8tli, 1871. (iKNEKAL OUDERS, / No. 12. f Charges of" Conduct unl)ecominKRS, I No. 18. \ The troops ordered to parade on the Reception of Hi.s Imperial Highness, (iRAND Di'KE Ai.KXis, of Russia, will he formed in line at 1.80 P. M., on the '2flth inst. The landing of His Imperial Highness and sia'/^ is expected to take place at 2 P. M. By order of Major-General Alexander Shalek, WM. H. CHESEBROUGH, Coloiel, Ass't AdJ-Gen'l and Chief of Staff. Official : and A. D. C. HEAD-QUAKTEKS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Dec. 19th, 1871. Gknerai, Orders, } No. 14. \ I. At a c^eneral oourt-niavlial which convened at Head-Quarters of the Second Brigade, Irvin^^ Hall, city of New York, pursuant to General Orders, Xo. 8, C. S. from these itead-Quarters, and of which Brigadier- General VV"m. G. Ward, First Brigade, is President, was arraigned and tried, Lieutenent-Colonel Frederick Unbekant, Eleventh Regiment, Second Brigade, First Divison. N. G. S. N. Y., on the following Charges and Specifications : CHARGE I. — Disobcdiemc of Orders. SPEC.iFiCA.Ttox First. — In this, th it he, thu said Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick L'nbekant, commanding Eleventh Regiment, Second Brigade, First Division, N. G. S. N. Y., being in command of said Regiment, and being ordered by Brigadier-General Augustus Funk commanding Second Brigule, First Division, X. G. S. N. Y, by General Orders, Xo. 10, from said Head-Quarters to transmit one copy of the Muster Rolls of each com- pany of his command to Major W. C. Dickel, Brigade luspectoi, on or Itefore the 28th day of September, 1871, and four copies to the Brigade Inspector one week belore the time appointed for inspection, did refuse to obey, and did disob-y the said orders so given by said Brigadier- General Auiiustus Funk, as aforesaid. Specification Second. — In this, that he, the said Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Unbekant, commanding the aforesaid Regiment, being in com- mand of said R"giment, and being ordered by Brigadier-General Augustus Funk, commanding the aforesaid Brigade, by General Orders, Xo. 10, from said Mead-(.2uarteis, lo furnish said Head-Quarters with a complete roster of the Field, Staff, and Company Officers of his command, on or before the Isl day of Octobei-, 1871, did refuse to obey, and did disobey the said orders so given by said Brigadier-General Augustus Funk, as aforesaid. CHARGE II. — DLirexpect to his Superior Officers. Specification First.— In this, that he, the said Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Unbekant. commanding Eleventli Regiment, X. G. S. X. Y., did, on the evening of Friday, Septeml)er 29th, 1871, in a public bar-room in the City of Xew York, before citizens and others, use language of great disresjiect, and unbecoming an officer, towards his superior and command- ing ofiicer, to wit, "General Shaler is not fitted or comjietent to command a Regiment, or march a Redment around a corner," or words to that effect, and other remarks of like improper nature. Specification Second.— In this, that he, the said Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Unbekant, commanding the aforesaid Regiment, did, on the evening of Friday, September 29th'^ 1871, in a public bar-room in the City of Xew York, belore citizens and others, say " General Funk, (meaning his superior and commanding officer,) is a liar." Specification Third.— Iii this, that he, the said Lieutenant Colonel Unbekant, commanding the aforesaid Regiment, did, when asked for a reeeipt, for a special order fro;n the Head-Quarteis aforesaid, on or about September 8lJth, 1871, tlirow his pen upon the floor, and in low and con- temptuous language, say, " I have no time to bother with this, I have my business to attend to,"' or words to that effect. SPEcrFicATiON Fourth. — la this, that he, the said Lieulenant-Colonel Frederick Unbekant, commanding the aforesaid Regiment, did, on or about the 30th day of August, 1871, transmit his tender of resignation to the Head-Quarters of the Second Brigade, First Division, N. G. S. N. Y., without submitting it to his commanding officer, Brigadier-General Augustus Funk, at that time commanding Eleventh llegiment, N. G. S. N. Y. CHARGE in. — Conduct prejudicial to good order and dimpline. Specification First. — In this, that he, the said Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Unbekant, commanding the aforesaid Regiment, did on or about August 26th, 1871, transmit his tender of resignation to the Head- Quarters of the Second Brigade, N. G. 8. N. Y., with a certificate of non- indebtedness from the Commissary-General of Ordnance, which had been used a j-^ear prior and tlien withdrawn. Specification Second. — In this, that he, the said Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Unbekant, commanding the aforesaid Regiment, did, on or about August 20th, 1871, transmit his tender of resignation, with altered dates, to the Head-Quarters of Second Brigade, N. G. S. N. Y., said resignation having been used, and transmitted to the aforesaid Head-Quarters, and withdrawn a year previous. To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follows : To the first specification, first charge — " Not guilty." To the second specification, first charge — " Xot guilty." To the first charge — " Not guilty." To the first specification, second charge — " Demurs." To the second specification, second charge—" Demurs." To the third specification, second charg<3 — " Demurs." To the fourth specification, second charge—" Demurs." To the second charge — " Not guilty." To the first specification, third charge — " Not ffuilty." To the second specification, third charge — " Not guilty." To the third charge — " Not guilty." FINDINGS OF THE COURT. Of the first specification, 1st charge — " Guilty," except as to the words "did refuse to obey." and of these words "Not guilty." The court, however, attach no criminally to the disobedience, it appearing that the accused attempted to comply with the order, but was hindered by the imperfect condition of the records of the regiment, for which he, having but recent- ly come into command, should not be held accountable. Of the second specification, first charge — "Guiltj," except as to the words " did refuse to obey," and of these words — " Not guilty." Of the first charge — " Guilty." Of the first specification, second charge — " Not guilty." Of the second specification, second charge — " Not guilty." Of the third specification, second charge — " Not guilty." Of the fourth specification, second charge — " Not guilty," Of the second charge — " Not guilty." Of the fiist specification, third charge — " Not guilty." Of the second specification, third charge — " Not guilty." Of the third charge — " Not guilty." SENTENCE. The;court does therefore sentence him, the said Lieutenant-Colonel Fred- erick Unbekant, Eleventh Regiment, Second Brigade, First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York — " To be reprimanded in General Orders by the publication of this sentence." II. The proceedings in the foregoing case are approved, and the sen- tence is hereby confirmed. III. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Unbekant, Eleventh Regiment Second Brigade, is hereby released from arrest, and ordered to report for duty. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH, Colonel, A. A. G. & Chief of Staff. Offici.\l ; and A. D. C. HKAD-QUARTKRS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, May 22, 1S71. Circular No. 1. The foUowiajr iavit;ition, received at these Head-Quarters to-da}% is pro- iiuilgated to this coram-.ind : '■ HeadQuautkrs Meiioei.vl Executive Committee " Gawn Army of tub Republic " Unioa Square and 14th Street, •'New York. May 22, 1S71, •■ Major-Gen'l Alexander, ,. Commandin.s; Fir.-t Division, X. G. S. N. Y. •'Sir, ' "At a meeting of tlie General Committee of the G. A. R. "held at No. 2.3 Thir.l Av^enue, on Saturday. May 20lh. it was unanimously •■ resolved, that an invitation be extended to you and your command to "parade and participate with us, on the 30th instant, in our annual tribute •' to llie 'Nation's Dead.' '" I liave the honor to remain " Very respectfuU}'. your obdt serv't, (Signed) "FR.\NK M. CLARK. Secretary." Such orgaaizations as desire to participate in the exercises of that day will report to Fran'k M. Clark, Secretary of the General and Executive (Committees, as early as practicable. By order of Major-Geueral Ale.xander Shaler. WM. H. CUES EBRD UGH. Colonel, Ass't Adj.-Gen'l and Chief of Stat!'. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIYISIOX, N. G. S. N. Y. Xew York, June 16, 1S71. Circular Ko. 2. The following instructions are published for the guidance of the troops upon the parade ordered for the 4th of July next : In passing in review, Regimental Commanders will cause at least three additional drummers, or trumpeters, to wheel out of the column with their bands, to beat the ruffles or sound the trumpet flourishes for a Major-Gene- ral, when tlie colors are drooped. The Regimental liands, with the exception of that at the head of the Division column, will not commence to play until with tifty paces of the re- viewing officer. Attention is called to Paragraph 9, Form 2, Article Third, Appendix II., Upton's Tactics, as follows: ''As the troops are passing the reviewing offi- cer, the music of each Brigade will cease to play as soon as it has given the ruffles for the colors of the rear battalion. Then the music of llie succeed- ing brigade will commence to play, and conform to the above." Tlie details of mounted orderlies for Brigade Head-Quarters, will not ex- ceed the number prescribed in General Orders No. 6, dated Head-Quarters First Division, July 1, 1869. Tlie Division Staff will assemble, mounted and in full uniform, at Ko. 9 West 13th Street, at 6.30 o'clock, \. M. By order of Major-General Alex.a.nder Sh.aler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH. Colonel, Ass't Adj.-Gen'l and Chief of Staif. Official: and A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. T. New York, July 31st, 1871. Circular No. 3. The following communication, received at these Head-quarters to-day, is promulgated to this command : " Ceeemore, Ontario, July 2Gth, 1871. " Sir : " I hereby transmit a copy of a resolution passed at a District " Meeting held on Saturday, the 22d instant, by the District Lodge of Not- " tawasaga, comprising six different private Lodges : '• Moved by Bro. Alex. McKee, Dep't Master of 704, and seconded by "Bro. Wm. Young, Treasurer of 651, and Resolved, That we tender our " heartfelt sympathy to the sorrowing relatives of the brave officers and pri- " vate soldiers who fell while defending the laws of their country ; while we " deplore their death and offer such consolation as we can to those to whom " their death is a sore bereavement, it must be a great consolation to know " that they fell at the post of duty, fighting to upheld the rights of the " people, and to vindicate the majesty of the law. "You will please accept this as an acknowledgment of our respect and " esteem for the valuable services of the Military of New York in protecting "our brethren of that city on the 12th instant, and greatly oblige by com- " municating the spirit of the above resolution to those entitled thereto. " I have the honor to be your obedient servant, "S. C. McMANUS, M. D., " District Master of Nottawasaga, " Gen'l Shaler, New York. Ontario, Dominion of Canada." By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. WM. H. CHESEBROUGH, Colonel, Ass't Adj.-Gen'l and Chief of Staff. Official: and A. D. C. New York, Oct. lOtli, 1871. Circular No. 4. The orsjanizations of this Diviaioii designated iu General Orders No. 7, C. S., and the troops from Brooklyn and Newark, who have intimated a desire to take part in the reception of His Imperial Highness, Grand Duke Alexis, oi Russia, will be formed on the day and at the hour to be hereafter announced in the daily papers, in a deployed line on the south side of Battery Place, and the East side of Broadway, the left resting on West Street, in the following order, viz.: 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Brigadier-Genera] Ward, Commanding. 3d Division, ]M;ijor-General Woodward, Commanding. 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Brigadier-General Funk, Commanding. New Jersey Brigade, Brigadier-General Plume, Commanding. 1st Division, od Brigade, Brigadier-General Varian, C!ommanding. As soon as the line is formed, two men from each company will be posted in their respective fronts, to ensure the unobstructed use of the carriage-way, from curb to curb. As the Gr.vnd Duke approaches, these sentinels will face inward and salute without orders. The Commanding Otiicers of tiie 1st, 2d, and '^i\. Brigades, 1st Division, will each detail one Ilegiment from their respective Brigades, to serve as an escort to His Imperial Highness and smte. The Commanding Officers of the Regiments on this detail, will report to Brigadier-General VV^ard, Com- manding Isl Brigade, who is hereby assigned to the Command also of the Esort^These Regiments will be formed and posted as follows, viz: One Regiment in line of l)attle on the East side of I3roadway, its lett resting on the right of the general hue — one Regiment in line of battle on the West side of Broadway, its left opposite the right t)f the Regiment just located — and one Regiment in open column of Comp;inies right in front, the rear of the column a little in advance of the flanks of the two Regiments in line last named. The music of these two Regiments in line, will take post in the rear of the Regiment in column, and on the march will play alternately. The Grand Duke and suite will land at Pier 1, N. R. As he moves along the line, each Regiment will in turn pay him the compliments due to a Major-General, remain at present arms, until the rear carriage has passed, then break into column ot Companies and join the Rear of the moving column. When the leading carriage reaches the right of the line, the two Regiments ol the Escort, in line alter saluting, will l)reak into columns of fours, and the whole Escort move forward under the orders of the General of the 1st Brigade. The two Regiments on the flanks, marching in columns of fours, wdl keep tlie heads of their columns abreast of the leading horses of the foremost carriage, and so open or close their columns as to keep the rear close to the Regiment in rear of the carriages, which Regiment forms a part of the escort. The Colonels of the two flank Regiments with their Staffs, will march in one line just idicad of their respective columns. The line of march will be up I3roadway to 14th Street and 4th Avenue to the Clarendon Hotel at 18lh Street; upon arriving at the Hotel, His Imperial Highness will receive a marching salute, the bands remaining in column, and the troops will immediately thereafter be dismissed. Alter saluting. General Officers and their Staffs will wheel out of the column. The Division Staff will asseml)le at No. 9 West i:3th Street, one hour earlier than the hour published in the Daily Newspapers as the time of assembly. By order of Major-General Alex.\nder Siialer. WM. II. CIIESEBROUGH, Colonel, A. A. G. & Chief of Stafi'. ( )fficial ; A. 1). C. head-(21'arti:rs fihst division, n. g. s. x. y. New York, Jan. 2."5tli, 1872. Gejneral Okdeks, No. 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section ioo of the Military Code, a Court Martial is hereby ordered to pass upon the delinquencies of Officers '•absent from any parade, encampment, drill, or meeting for instruction," durinji' the year 1871, held pursuant to Division Orders. DETAIL FOK THE t'OURT : Brigadier-ersonage has passed each battery of artillery, it will be formed in column of sections and closed up to proper distance. The infantry and cavalry will also break into column, after the reviewing personage has passed, and close up the intervals formed by the movements of the artillery. By order of Major-General Ai>exander Shalbr. I WM. H. CHESP^BROUGH, Colonel A. A. G. & Chief of Staff, Officiai, ; i and A. I), C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Yokk, Oct. 5, 1872. CiRCULAK, I No. (}. j A list of Rosters, Reports, Returns, etc., required under the Military Code, General Regulations, and existing orders, was published in Circular No. 7, series 1870, from these Head Quarters, with a view of aiding inex- perienced officers, and of securing a prompt and efficient discharge of this part of the duties of Commanding Officers. It is noticed with regret that the latter result has not been attained. There seems to be a disposition on the part of many officers to delay preparing their Reports and Returns until the same are ikie at the Head Quarters above, and such papers, pre- pared in a hurry, have frequently to be returned tor correction, causing still further delay, and preventing in many instances the Head Quarters above from making up and forwarding their Returns and Reports within the required time. Inaccuracy is hardly less reprehensible than neglect. An incorrect Report forwarded by a company commander delays not only the Regi- mental Report, but the Reports of the Brigade and the whole Division. When an Adjutant does not commence examining the Company Reports until the Brigade Reports are due at these He id Qaarl;ers, discovers errors which require them to be returned to the Company, and tinaily makes an incorrect Report to Brigade Head Quarters, it is manifest that the Brigade and Division Reports are delayed m an increased ratio. The mere for- warding of a Report or Return does not necessarily comply with existing rciiuirements — correctness and accuracy are equally indispensible with promptness. The attention of all Commanding Officers is directed to this subject with the hope that, hereafter, more promptness and correctness will be observed in the rendition of Returns, Reports, etc. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Brevet-Brigadier General, Inspector & Acting Chief of Staff' Okftcial; anexandei{ J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of Stf C". Official; Aide-de-Camp. H EAD-Q U AK 'l'JjJKb i^ ' lKM UiVi& iT7i>f; jrn?. o . xn. i. New York, May 19th, 1873 General Orders, No. 4. I. This command will parade for review by His Excellency Governor John A Dix, Commander in Chief on the 28th inst. II. The troops will be formed in close column of companies, right in front, the head of the column resting on Fifth Avenue, as follows: The Second Brigade on West Ninth Street. Battery " B" on East Ninth Street. The Third Brigade on West Tenth Street. Batteries "C""and "G" on East Tenth Street. The First Brigade on West Eleventh Street. Battery "K" on East Eleventh Street, III. For this occasion the Artillery is hereby assigned and will report as follows: Battery "B" to the Second Brigade. Batteries " C" and " G " to the Third Brigade. Battery " K " to the First Brigade, and they will be formed under the sui)ervision of the Acting Chief of Artillery. IV. The Separate Troop Cavalry will report at Nos. 7, 9 & 11 West Thirteenth Street at four o'clock P. M. V. Brigade Commanders will rei)ort to the Chief of Staff at the Thirteenth Street Rendezvous as soon as their commands are formed. VI. The column will march at half past four o'clock P. M., the Separate Troop Cavalry leading, the Brigade oi-ganizations in open column of companies, following in the order named, parading the Artillery assigned to each in rear of the Infantrj- and the Cavalry in rear of the Artillery. VII. The line of march will be up Fifth Avenue to and through Fourteenth Street, to the point of review which will be established on the Plaza at the northei-n end of Union Square. VIII. To avoid unnecessary interference with the lines of travel, the following line of marcli will as nearly as possible be observed after passing in rtn'iew : Organizations whose armories are located on and above Fourteenth Street and west of Fifth .V venue will continue through Seventeenth Street to and through Irving Place nortliward; all others will continue through Seventeenth Street to and through Third Avenue to their several armories. IX. Attention is called to Form I., Article Second, Appendix II., I'jiton's Tacti(;s, which will be observe'! s(j far as applicable. X. The Division Staff will assemble at the "lleudezvous" at two ()'clo('k P. M. on the '2Sth inst. mounted and in full uniform. By order of Major-General Ai.exandeij Su.\leu J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of Staff Official; A. 1). C. HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Yokk, May 22ncl, 1873. (tENEral Ordeus, No. 5. The parade for review by Hi.>s Excellency Governor John A. Dix, Conimander-in-Cliief, ordered l>y General Orders, No. 4, c. s., from these Head-Quarter.s, will take place on Tuesday, June 3d, 1873. By order of Major-(jeneral Alexander Shaler J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig, (^en'l, ]3ivision Inspector and Acting Chief of Staff Opficiai.; A. D. C HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 25th, 1873. General Orders, No. 6. , I. This Division will parade in celebration of the ninety-seventh anniversarj' of the Declaration of Independence of the United States, and for review b}^ His Honor the Mayor of this Cit}^ on July 4th next. II. The Troops will be- formed in close column of companies, right in front, the head of each column resting on Madison Avenue, as follows: The Third Brigade on East Twenty-fourth and East Twenty-fifth Street. The Second Brigade on Twenty-sixth Street east and west of Ma- dison Avenue. The First Brigade on Twenty-seventh Street east and w^est of Ma- dison Avenue. III. The Artillery will report as follows: Batteries "C" and "G" to the Third Brigade. Battery "B" to the Second Brigade. Battery "K" to the First Brigade, and will be formed under the direction of the Acting Chief of Artillery. IV. The Separate Troop Cavalry will report at the "Rendezvous'' Nos. 7, 9 and 11 W. i:3th Street at half-past seven o'clock a. m. V. Brigade Commanders will report to the Chief of Staff at the corner of Madison Avenue and Twenty-sixth Street, as soon as their commands are formed and the column will be in readiness to march at eight o'clock a. m. VI. The Division Staff will assemble at the "Rendezvous" at seven o'clock .\. m. mounted and in full uniform. VII. The line of march and point of review will be hereafter announced. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of StalT Okficl\l ,^-y/''^. ^^^^t,^^^^^^^^^^ A. D. C HEAD QUARTKHS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Yohk, July 1st, 1873 General Orders, No. 7. I. The line of niiircli on llie 4tli inst. will tic ui> .Madison Avenue to, and tlirough. Forty-second Stfe(?t 1o, and down. Fit'tli Avenue to, and through Sixteenlli Street to the point of review which will he established on the Plaza at the nortiiern end of Union S(|uare. II. The commanding Officer of Battery " I^> "' will cause a national salute to be tired on tlie battery at meridian. III. The instructions contained in Cinidar Xo. 2, series of 1871, will be observed on this occasion. By order of Mjijor-(4eneral Alexander Sii.\ J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen). Division Inspector and xVcting Chief of Staff Ofkiciai,; A. D. C HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Yoi;k, Jul}' ^oth, I8T0. Genkual Orders, No. 8. T. The prooeedings, timlinu's and sentences of the Court Martial, convened pursuant to General Orders No. 2, c.s., "to pass upon tlie de- " linciueucies of officers absent from an\' parade, encampment or meet- •■ ing- for instruction during the year 1872," do not in all cases meet the approval of the Major General Commanding. II. Twenty-seven officers were e\cused on the ground of sickness, without the i)resentation of surgeon's certificates. The CJourt seems to have forgotten the rule laid down in Gericral Orders No. o, series of 1872, which reads: "In every case wliere sickness is offered as a plea ".for non-performance of duty, courts for trial of delinquent olRcers "'should require a surgeon's certificate." The proceedings and findings in the following named cases, all of the referred to, are disap- jiroved: Brigadier-General Augustus Funk, 2nd l^rigade, Colonel John J. Shaw, 7i)th Infantry, Colonel Andrew Stauf, DOtli Infantry, Colonel John H. Budke, ;^rd Cavalry, Colonel George D. Scott, 8th Infantry, I ieutenant-Colonel F. Unhekannt, 11th Infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Hitchcock, 0th Infaniry. Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Schmale, 3rd Cavalry, Major S. V. R. Cruger, l2th Infantry. Major W. C. Dickel, 2nd Brigade staff, Captain J. F. Leslie, 8th Infaniry, Captain Thomas Tate, Jr., 22nd Infantry, Captain Henry Rommel, 11th Infantry, Captain John \V. Ilaaren, 3rd Cavalry, Captain Jacob Aberle, .wth Infantry, Adjutant E. S. Allien, !)th Infantry, First Lieutenant A. L. Whitelaw, 8th Infantry, First Lieutenant Charles H. Raynor, 6th Infantry, First Lieutenant Claus H(jups, Hd Cavalry, First Lieutenant Adam ^luller, 8d Cavalry, First Lieutenant S. Schweckendick, 'Ad Cavalry, Assistant Surgeon F. B. Ward, 7th Infantry, Second Lieutenant Edward A. 1"aylor, 22d Infantry, Second Lieutenant Win. H. Beckwith, 22d Infantry, Second Lieutenant Kmilc Cardozc, 71st Infantry, Second Lieutenant Joseph E. Popper, .J5th Infantry, Second Lieutenant Valentine Schreiner, 35th Infantrv, III. A number of officers were excused on account of leaves of ab- sence, but the record does not .show as it should, by what authority the leaves of absence were issued, nor even that they were presented to the Court IV. In a few cases officers were excused upon the statement that they were not delinquent. Such statements should have been sustained I y "proofs, and the record should show the character of the proofs. V. In the cases of Colonel Richard Vose, 71st Regiment; Colonel Emmons Clark, 7th Infantr}'; Captain Maurice Schnabel, Gth [Infantrj'; and (Quarter-Master Charles Birch, 84th Infantry, the proceedings are disapproved on the ground of insufficiency of excuse. VT. It is believed that the fines imi)osed are greater than the in- terests of the service require in some cases, and they are therefore modified as follows : Colonel and Bv't Brig, (ien'l J. Henry Ijiebenau, 1st Division Staff, for absence from review, Sept. 11, and" meeting for instruction, Nov. 12, from 125 to $15. Colonel IL S. Kearney, 1st Division Staff, for absence from par- aile July 4, and Oct. lu"; review Sept. 11, and meeting for instmc- tion i^ov. 12, from if 55 to .f;55. Colonel Charles .McMillan, 1st Division Staff, for absence from parade (^ct. 10, anl m^'eting for instruction Nov. 12, from $25 to $15. Lieutenant-Colonel Frank VVrislcy, 1st Division Staff, for absence from meeting for inslruction Nov. 12, from $10 to $5. Lieutenant-Colonel Carl Jussen, 1st Division Staff, for absence from reviews Sept. 11 and 25, and meeting for iusti notion Nov. 12, from $40 to ^25. ^lajor August F. Freeh, 2d Brigade Staff, for absence from par- ade Uct. 10," from ^lo to $10. First Lieutenant J. B. JNIorss, Com. of Sub. 12th Infantry, for absence from parades July 4 and Oct. 10, from $80 to $20. Colonel Josiah Porter, 22d Infantry, for absence from meeting for in -traction JNov. 12, from $10 to $5. First Lieutenant E. A. Heath, Com. of Sub. 22d Infantry, for absence from parades July 4 and Oct. 10, from $30 to $20. Captain R. K. styles; 22d Infantry, for absence from parade July 4, from $10 to !^5. CJuarter-Master John Stacom, OOtli Infantr}^ for absence from pai-iides July 4 and Oct. 10, from $:}0 to $20. Captain M. Brennan, COth Infantry, for absence from parade July 4, from $10 to $'>. Capiain Daniel U. Leddy, 69lh Infantry-, for absence from par- ade .July 4, from $10 to $5." First Lieutenant Daniel Draddy, (>!ith Infantry, for absence from parade July 4, from $10 to $"). Surijeon James Norva], 79(11 Infantr}", for absence from parades July 4 and Oct 10, from $80 to $20. ilajor George W. Saner, 8(1 Cavalry, for absence from meeting for insiructiou Nov. 12, from $10 to $"). Captain John C. Offinger, Gth Infantry, for absence from par- ades July 4 and Oct. 10, from $2 ) to $10. Assistant Surgeon CHaience Satterlee, 84th Infantry-, for ab- sence from parades July 4 and Oct. 10, from $80 to $20. Second Lieutenant David H. Brownlee, H4th Infantr}^ for ab- .sence from parade Julj' 4, fro:n $10 to $•"). First Lieutenant Cuno^ iMoorhotf, 11th Infantry, for absence from parade Oct. 10, from $10 to $0. First Lieutenant Charles Ivinkel, 1 Itli Infantry, for absence from parade Jul}' 4, from $10 to $o. Second Lieutenant Benjamin Parr, 7th Infantry, for absence from parade Oct. 10, from $10 to $.'5. Second Lieutenant D. Ferry, Jr., 7th Infantry, for absence from parade Oct. 10, from $10 to $0. Major John F. Appleton, 8th Infantry, for absence from meet- ing for instruction Nov. 12, from $10 to $.~). Lngineer George L. Fo.\, 8tli Infantry, for absence from par- ade July 4, from ^1.) to .plO. Captaui Daniel D. Wylie, Washington Grej^ Troop, for absence from parade Jul}' 4, from $15 to $10." VII. In the case of (^ol. Frank W. Sterry, Gth Infantry, the record is unnecessaril}' encundjered with his plea in bar. Colonel Steny origi- nally pleaded that on the face of the return it appeared " thathe was " absent on leave at the time charged." Pending the consideration of this plea he presented a i)lea in bar; after liaving already pleaded to the merits of the case the accused had no right to interpose a plea in bar. The Court excused Colonel sterry for reasons outside of the plea in bar, and therefore such plea was improperly made a part of the record. VI II. The proceedings and findings in all cases not herein referred to and disapproved, are coutirjned. By order of Major-General Alexandeu Siialeu J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of Staff Okkici.\l; A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Aug. 8th, 1873. Gexehal Orders No. 9. I. In conformity with General Orders, Xo. 20, c. s., from General Head-Quarters, the First Kegiment Infanlr}' will be immediately mus- tered out of the service, and the provisions of General Order, No. 14, series of 18G8, from General Head-Quarters, will be observed so far as applicable. II. The Commanding OfBcer of the Third Brigade will cause the regiment referred to, to be assembled for muster out as soon as practica- ble and will designate the mustering officer III. Upon the completion of the disbandment, the Brigade Com- mander will report that fact to these Head-Quarters. IV. The attention of the Commissioned Officers rendered supernu- mary hereby is directed to Sec. 24, M. C. By order of Major-General At,ex.\ndek i J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of IftafE] OfficiaIj; 1 A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Aug. 28tli 1873 General Okdeks No. 10. I. In obedience to the fcjilowing orders from Genenil Head-Quar- ters, General Grders No. IJ, c. s., from these Head-Quarters, are hereby countermanded : GENERAL HEAD-QUARTERS, STATE OF NEW YORK. Adjutant Genekai.'s Office, ALB.\Ny, Aug. 2Gtli, 1873. Genekal Okoebs No. 23. I. So much of General Orders No. 30, current series, as pro- vides for the disbandmentof the 1st Regiment of Infantry, National Guard, is hereby rescinded. II. The 1st. Regiment Infantry is hereby reduced to a Bat- talion of six companies. Companies "D" and "E ' of said Reg- iment are hereby consolidated, and will be liereafter known and designated as Company " E." Company "F" will be consolidated with Company "B" to be hereafter known and designated as Company "B.' First Lieutenant J. O'Nkil will be retained in service as First Lieutenant of Company " B." Second Lieutenant O. II. Kraft will remain in service as Second Lieutenant of Company "B." First Lientenant P. IVIcShane, will be retained in service as Lieutenant of Company " E." The remaining officers of the companies liereby consolidated, are rendered supernumerary. By order of the Commander-in-Chief, JOHN F. RATH BONE, Adjutant-General. II. The Commanding Officer of the 1st. Regiment will proceed with the consolidation above ordered, at once, and upon its completion, will report tiiat fact to these Head-Quarters in writing. By order of Major-Gencral Ale.xandkk Siiai.kii J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'I, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of Staff Okfici.vt,; A. D. C. ^■^■li^ru iv-ur: v;::rr:rA'K:-(i/ .'>»■ HEAn-(iUAirrEKSFIH8T DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Youk, Jan. :5, 1873. Vircular, No. 1. lu order that the greatest facilities for improvement in horsemanship may be enjoyed in tlie use of tlie 13th street rendezvous, by the mounted (jfficers of the Division, it is proposed that a Military Itiding Club or Association be fornied; and for the purpose of taking the initiator}^ steps, you are invited to meet the Brigade and Regiiiiental Commanders and their staffs, at these Head-Quarters, on I'lmrschiy the 9tl) inst., at S o'clock P. M. 15)- ordei- of Major-Uesicral At.exakdek Shalek. J. HENRY LIEBENAU, C'ol. Brevet Brigadier (Tcneral, Insi)ector & Acting t'hief of Staff. Ofeiciat-; and A. D. C. To HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Yokk, January iUh, ISl'fi. Circular No. 2, I. For the information of the Inspector General, S. N. Y., regimental, bat- talion and battery commanders, and the commandant of the separate troop cavalry, will at once forward to these Head-Quarters, a copy of all orders for evening drills to be held during the drill season, and hereafter immediately upon their issue. II. Battery commanders in addition to the above, will forward to the acting Chief of Artillery, at these Head-Quarters, copies of all orders as soon as issued. By order of Major-General Ai.kx.vndek J. HENRY LIEBENAU. Col. Bvt Brig. Gen' I, Division Iitspeitor and Acliiig Chief uf Staff. Official : (/;/(/ .4ide-de-Catnp. HEAD-QUARTfiRS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. Nkw Yobk, January 13th, 1878. Circular No. 3. An juljourned nnH'tiiig of the mounted officers of the Division for the [Hirpose of receiviu'j; tlis report of the committee appointed to draft a constitution and b}' laws to govern the proposed Military Riding Clah, will be held at tli^-;; Head-Quarters, on Saturday, the 18th inst., at S o'clock P. M. The (General, (4ciieral Staff, Field and Staff, and the officers of the S('parat(; Troop, tii« Washington Grey Troop and the mounted batteries «)f the Division, arc invited to attend the meeting. By order of Major-General AtEXANBER Shausb. J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. (4en'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of Staff. C).-:i(iM.; Aide-de-Camp, HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, K G. S. N. Y. IsEW YouK, March 201L, 1873 CriicuLAR, No. 4. It is annouaced that the building, Nos. 7, 9 & 11 West 13th Street has been fitted up as a Rendezvous for mounted Officers, and will be opened for inspection on the evening of Monday the 24th inst., from 8 till 10 o'clock. A liinited number of lockers for uniforms and for horse furniture have been provided, and will be assigned at an early day. Applications for the use of the same should be made in writing to Lieut. Col. JussEN, Division Quarter-Master, on or before the first of April next. Any officer, or classes of officers, desiring to practice in horseman- ship at stated hours, will make written application to these Head- Quarters. Rules and Regulations governing the of tlie building will be announced as soon as practicable. By order of Major-General At.exandei! SnAi.EU. J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of Staff. Officiai,; Aide-de-Camp. HEAD-gUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y, Nkw York, April Uth, 187^. Circular No. 5. The Commandants of Brigades, Batteries and Troops will forward to these Head-Quarters at once, a report showing the numerical strength at date, of each organization, and giving in detail the number of commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates. By order of Major-General Alexander .1. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen I, Division Inspector and Actitig Chief of Staff. Official : A ide-de- Ca mf. HEAD-QUAltTERS FIH^T DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Youk, Anu; '^Ttli, 187o CmcriiAK No. *i. Hy request, (_'oinm;u)(l:ui(s of Brigades, Kegiments, 8ei)anite Troops, and Batteries, are directed to forward copies of all ordei's for reviews, insi)ectioiis aud drills, as soon as issued hereafter, to Brevet Major General Wm. II. Morris, Inspector General, S. N. Y., through the usual channels of communication. By order of .Major-General Ai>k\.\noku Siiai-eu J. HKNRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, ]3ivision Inspector and Acting Chief of Staff Okkicial; A. D. ('. •■?3V< !'•*■' HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, X. G. S. N. Y. New Yoi;k, Jan. Ist, 1874. CJp:xeral Oudehs No. 1. I. The following; appointiiuMils on tlie Ptalf of tlio M;ijor-General Commanding are aunonneed to take elfect from this date: I ieutenant-Colonel John Median, Ordnance-Offieer, 1o be Division-Engineer with tlie rank of Colonel, vice Kearney, resigned. T. ^Nlatlack Ciieesman, M. D., to he Division-Surgeon with the rank of CUjhjnel, vi(;e McMillan, resigned. Lieutenant-Colonel Cornelius B. Mitcliell, 84th Regiment In- fantry, N. G. S. N. Y , to be Ordnance-Otticer with the rank of LieiUenant-Colonei, vice ]Mechan aiijioinied Divi^i()n-Engineer. They will lie oi eyed and resjiecled accordingly. By order of Major-General Ale>cam:)EK Siialei{. J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Insjieclor and Acting Chief of Staff. Oki-iciaf,; A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. K Y. Nkw York, Jan. 24th, 1874. General, Orders / No. 2. f I. A General Court Martial will convene at the "Rendezvous," Nos. 7, 9 and 11 West 13th Street, at eight o'clock P. M., on Thursday, February ■>, 1874, or as soon thereafter as possible, for the trial of Colonel Andrew Stauf, Ninety-Sixth Regiment, Second Brigade, First Division, N. G. S. N. Y., and such other officers as may be brought before it. Detail for the Court: Brigadier-General William G. Ward, 1st Brigade. Colonel Charles R. Braine, 9th Regiment. Lieuteuent-Colonel Henry C. Lockwood, 71st Regiment. Colonel John Fowler, Jr., Division Judge Advocate, is appointed the Judge Advocate for the Court. The Court will sit without regard to hours. By order of Major-General Alex.vnder Shaler. J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of Staff. Official; A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTEKS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Jan. 37th, 1874. General Orders / No. 3. \" Pursuant to the provisions of Section 235 of the Military Code, a Court Martial is lierel)y ordered to [)ass upoQ the deliquencies of Officers ' 'absent from any parade, encampment, drill, or meeting for instruction," during the year 1873, held pursuant to Division Orders. Detail for tub Court : Colonel Emmons Clark, 7th Regiment. Colonel Josiah Porter, "i^nd Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. E. Van Wyck, 6th Regiment. The Court will assemble at the "Rendezvous" Nos. 7, 9 and 11 West 13tli Street on Thursday, February 2()th next, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaleb. J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Geu'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief of Staff. Official; A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Jaa. 27th, 1874. General Orders { No. 4. f I. — The extraordhiary conduct of the 9(}th Reghneat in taking unlawful possession of an armory wliich had by proper authority been assigned to another, and the subsequent neglect and refusal of its field officers to obey the directions of the civil authorities and the orders of superior military authority, and the strong evidences of a mutinous agreement on the part of the principal officers of the regiment to resist any and all efforts of the civil and military authorities to have said armory vacated, show such a lack of subordination in that regiment, as not onl^'^to destroy its usefulness as a military organization, but to make it, also, an unsafe body to be trusted with arms or other state property. (Tcncral Head-Quarters has therefore been notified of the unlawful seizure and occupancy of the armory referred to by the l)6th Regiment, and the subsequent arrest of its field officers, and the Chief of Ordinance has been requested to at once take charge of, and remove for safe keeping, all arms and other state property found in the Centre Market Armor}^ now in possession of said 'JOth Regiment. II. — All orders heretofcjre issued from Brigade or Regimental Head- (Juarters, for meetings of the i)(jth Regiment, for drill or other purposes, are herebj' countermanded, and until further orders no meetings for drill or other purposes will be held by the regiment or any part thereof. III. — Uj)on the removal of the state property from the Centre Market Armory, the Commanding officer of the llth Regiment will imniediatelj^ take possession of said armory and occupj' the same for the use and purposes of said llth Regiment as authorized by resolution of the Board of Supervisors passed August oth, 1873, and as recentlj^ notified to these Head-Quarters as being ready for occupancy bj- said llth Regiment. IV. — Any and all Regimental and Company property belonging to the 96th Regiment, found in the rooms of said armor^', will be carefully removed and stored in one of the rooms, subject to such disposition as may hereafter be made from these Head-Quarters. V. — 1 he Division Quarter Master is charged with the execution of tliis order. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. .1. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Inspector ^id Acting Chief of Staff. Official ; A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, January 31st, 1874. (teneral Orders } No. 5. f I. — Upon a review of the proceedings of a Court Martial appointed in pursuance of Section 201 of tlie Military Code by Special Orders No. 24, series of 1873, from these Head-Quarters, for the trial of non- commissioaed t)f!icers, musicians and privates of tlie Separate Troop and Batteries B, C, G, and K, First Division, N. G. S. N. Y., the General Commanding de-iires to direct attention to certain irregularities. 1. VViiere sickness is pleaded as an exc ise for non-per- formance of duty a surgeoii's certificate should be presented to the Court. A certificate appears to have been presented in one instance only, to this t^ourt. In the cases of the following non- commissioned ofIi;;ers and privates excused on the plea of sick, ness the proceedings of the Court are therefore disapproved: Corporal Christian Thielmann, Battery K. (Jorporal Henry Meese, " " Private Edward Brosemer, " " " Jose,)h Muller, " " " Gustav Walter, " " Sergeant Charles Reese, Separate Troop. Corporal George Hillabrand. '" Private August Braun, " " " George Mayer, " " " John Val. Mayer, " " (Jorporal Joseph Sanger, Battery G. John W. Smith. " " " Private Stephen Pendergast, " " " Nathaniel Whaley, " " Waller H. Martin, " " 3, Tiiere are many cases which the Court did not pass up )n in consequence of a return, presumjibly by the warning ofiicjr, of "not found." In these cases the Court should have require 1 the Marshal to show what efforts he made to find the delinquents. 3. In the following cases the excuses offered were not ade- quate : Corporal George Hillabrand, Separate Troop, charged with leaving Troop without permission on Sep ember 10th, 1873. Private August Braun, Separate Troop, same charge as preccdin'i-. Private Michael Moran, Battery G. " George Copeland, " " The proceedings of the Court in these cases are therefore disapproved. 4. In all cases where non-receipt of orders is ottered as an excuse for non-attcjiidance at several parades or drills, the Court should require the evidence of the warning otticer as to service of such orders and not receive tlie testnnony of the accused as conclusive agamst his deliquency. .1. la many cases returned under Section 38(3 M. C the Court did not take action in consequence of no statement liaving been furnished as to a aount of tines imposed. It was the duty of the officer making of deiiqaents to furnish sucii statement and on liis failure to do so, tlie Oourt should have ordered its pro- duction, postponing action in the cases until this had been done, in so lar therefore as these remarks apply to the cases of Sergeant James Fitzgerald, Battery G Corporal John liean, " " Private John Eagan, " " " Thomas i^ynch, " " Samuel MuUiearn, " " " William J. Martin, Cornelius O'Brien, " " " Robert Welch, " " " Michael McUuire, " " " Felix Smith, " " William Kerrigan, " " Lewis F. Chilcls, " " the proceedings of the court are disapproved. II. — Tiie proceedings in all cases noc herein referred to and dis- approved, are contirmed. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. , J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Gen'l, Division Inspector and Acting Cliief of StAff. OFFICIAL; A. D. C. HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, February t), 18T-1. General Orders ) No. U. f I.— Ill compliance with General Orders No. 3 c. s. as modified by General Orders No. 6 c. s. General Head-Quarters, the following di&baud- ments, consolidations and transfers are hereby effected: 1. The 1st Battalion Cavalry is disbanded as a battalion organ- ization and its officers, with the exception of those herein after specified, are rendered supernunierarj^ 3. T.-oops "B" and "C" of the 1st Battalion Cavalry -will assemble at the armory of the 3d Regiment Cavalry on Wednesday the 18th instant at eight o'clock p. m., for consolidation and muster into one troop, under the direction of the Division Inspector, and tianslcr to the 3d Regiment Cavalry as Troop "C" under the com- mand of First Lieutenant John A. Piigge. 3. Troop "D" 1st Battalion Cavalry will assemble at the armory of the 3d Regiment Cavalry on Wednesday the 18th instant at eight o'clock p. m., for muster and transfer, and will thereupon report to the commanding officer of the 3d Regiment Cavalry for duty. 4. Batteries "C" and "G" and Troop "A" 1st Battalion Cavalfv will asseml)!e for muster-out, by the Division Inspector, at the "Rendezvous" Nos. 7, 9 and 11 West 13th Street, on Tuesday the 17lh instant, at eight o'clock p. m. 5. The Commanding Officers of the 3d Regiment C'avalry and the Troop Wasliington Greys Cavalry, will upon receipt of this order report to tiiese Head Quarters for duty. II. — In the disbandments ordered, the detailed instructions contained in General Orders No. 14, series of 18(58, General Head-Quarters, to whifii reference is made, will be strictly complied with. III. — The attention of all officers rendered supernumerary by this be forwarded to General Head Quarters, will be sent through the inter- mediate channels of communication. YI — The attention of the memtjcrs of the organizations disbanded l)V this order is calleJ to Paragraph XV, of General Orders No. 14 Series of 186S. VII. — 'I he commanding officer of tlie 3d Regiment Cavalrj-, will, upon the completion of the change herein ordered, make report iLiereol in writing, to these Head-Quarters. YIII. — The muster roHs, discharges, &c., required in effecting the disbandments above specified, will be furnished on application to these Head-Quarters. By order of Major-Gencral xVlexaxder J. HENRY LIEBENAU, Col. Bv't Brig. Geu'l, Division Inspector and Acting Chief cf Stnlf. Official A. D. C. HKAD-gUARTKRS FIRST DIVISION. X. G. S. N. Y. New Youk. A])ril 8tli. 1S74. General Orderis. > No. 7. ] 1. — Before a Genei-al Court Martial, wliicli convened at the " Keii- ilezvous," Nos. 7, 9, and 11 West 18tli Street, City of New York, pursuant to General Orders No. 2, dated Head(|uarters First Division N. G. S. N. Y., New York, January 24, 1874, and of which Brigadier General William G. Ward, First Brigade N. G. S. N. Y., is President, were arraigned and tried, the following named ofBcers : First. — Colonel Andrew Srauf, of the '.MJtli Regiment Infantry, 2d Brigade, 1st Division. N. (t. S. N. Y.. on tlie following charges and specifications : Chauck I. — Conduct unlieconiing an officer and a gentleman. Spcrificiitidii Ixt. — In this, that on or about the twenty-third day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and on divers other days and at divei's other times between that day and the twentieth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, at the Cily of New York, in the County and State of New York, he the said Colonel Andrew Stauf, Ninety- sixth Regitnent Infantry, Second Brigade, First Division, National Guard State of New York, well knowing all that time, that a certain armory situated on the second tiour of the Centre Market Building on the north-easterly side of Grand Street, in the said City of New York, and known and distinguished as the Centre Market Armory, had prior to the day and year first above mentioned been fitted up, prepared and duly assigned by competent authority for and to the use and occupation of and by the Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Second Bri- gade, First Division, National Guard Slate of New York, and while said assignment of said (Jentre Market Armory to said Eleventh Regiment Infantry, was unchanged, unrevoked and in full force and effect, and while the said l'>leventh Regiment Infantry was fairly entitled to the possession, use and cjccupation of said Centre Market Armory, did with full knowledge of the rights of the said Eleventh Regiment In- fantry in the premises, enter into and take and hold possession of and occupy tlie said Armory. All this on or iiliout the twerity-tliivd day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and on divers othei' days and at divers other times between said twenty-third day of De- cember, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three and the twentieth day January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, jit the City of New \(irk, in tlie County and State of New York. Spenji cation :.'(/. — In this, that mi or aliout tlie t weiity-lliird day nf December, in the year one tliousand eight Innulred and seventy-three and on divers other days and at -, c. s., fi-oiu tlicve Heaf Staff. HP]AD-QUARTEKS FIRST DIVISION, N. (i. S. N. Y. New York, December IT. 1874. Circnhn- No. 2. Delinquencies and delays in turwaiding j'eturns and repin-t.s have become so numerous and aggravated, as to make it necessary to call the attention of Commandants to their neglect in respect to the sanu'. and to the penalties attached thereto. Commanding Officers are also reminded that the interests of (he members of their several organizations are seriously prejudiced by sucii plain omissions of duty. Those who have not CDUiplied with the requirements of General Orders No. o, series 1870, from these Heail-quarters, in respect to returns to the Commissioner ot .Jurors, will do so at once; and all reports and returns now due from Commandants of Brigades will be forwarded witliout further delay. It is confidently hojjcd that the several officers of the Division who have made the issuing of tliis circular necessary, need only to be put in mind of their duty to secure its diligent performance By order of Brigadier-General .Joshua M. Vaiu.vx, Commanding. iii:nry a. gildersleeve. Colonel A. A. G. and Vlnrf of SUiff. Official : Col. and Act'c/ A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Youk, Maich 11, 1875. General Orders, \ No. 1. ;■ Tlie Major-General having reported for duty from leave of absence, hereby' resumes the command of the Division. Brigadiei'-General Joishia M. Vauian, 3d Brigade, and Colonel Eji.mon.s Ci-AKK, 7th Regiment, will at once resume their proper com- manils. By order of Major-General Alexaxdkr Sualeh. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Otticial : ■A>^ HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Yokk, March 13, 1875. General Orders, \ No. 2. J Pursuant to the provisions of Section 235 of the Military Code, a Court Martial is hereby ordered to pass upon the delinquencies of Officers " absent from any parade, encampment, drill, or meeting for instruction," during the year 1874, held pursuant to Orders from these Head-quarters. Detail for the Court. Brigadier-General William^. Ward, 1st Brigade. Colonel Edward Gilon, 55th Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Kraeger, 5tli Regiment. The Court will assemble at the "Rendezvous," Nos. 7, 9 and 11 West 13th Street, on Thursday, April 8th next, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Official : Col. and Act'g A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. Nkw Yokk, June 4, 1875. General Orders, 1 No. 3. i I. — Pursiuant to orders from General Head-Quarters under date of the 1st instant, the infantry and cavalry organizations of this command will engage in rifle practice at Creednioor, as follows : 1st. — Two companies from each of the regiments composing the Third Brigade will practice on the 14th, 17th, 18tb, 21st, and 24th instant, except the Seventh Regiment companies, which are excused from practice on the 17th and 18th instant. 2d. — Tliree companies of the Third Regiment cavalry will practice on the 17th and 18th instant, and the remaining companies of tliat regiment, together with the Separate Troop of cavalry, the First Troop Washington Greys, and the re- maining companies of the Seventh Kegiment Infantry, will practice on the 25th instant. II. — The dates for the practice of the regiments composing the First and Second Brigades will be announced in subsequent orders. III. — Transportation, ammunition and scoring tickets for the prac- tice herein ordered, will be furnished by Brigadier-General Kii.iURX Kxo.x, Chief of Ordnance and Acting Quartermaster-General, S. N. v., through tlie Inspectors of Rifle Practice, upon requisitions in duplicate. IV. — The troops will leave Hunter's Point not later than 9.oO, a. M., on the days named, but will return as soon as the practice is concluded, at an hour to lie designated by the commanding oflficers respectively. V. — The practice will be conducted in conformity with the pro- visions of (Jircular No. 1, c. s., from the office of tiie General In- spector of Rifle Practice and the rules of the National Rifle Associa- tion, and be supervised by the Division, Brigade, and Kegimental Inspectors of Rifle Practice. VI. — The practice for the " Marksman's Badge," as provided for in the Circular above quoted, by the officers and members of the Third Brigade, will take place on the 18th and 2oth instant, at 8:30. p. M., and be supervised by the Brigade Inspector of Rifle Practice. Any officer or member of the brigade who has been reported to the Brigade Inspector of Rifie Pi'actice, on or prior to the days of prac- tice, as competent, will be admitted to these competitions without preliminary practice. VII. — Colonel Cari, .Tusskx, Division Inspector, is announced as Acting Chief of Statf, and Major Henry H. Parker, A. D. C, as Division Inspector of Rifle Practice, during the absence on leave of Colonel Henry xV. Giloersleeve, Chief of Staff", and Lieutenant- (Jolonel Cornelius B. Mitchell, Division Inspector of Rifle Practice, who accompany the Team of American Riflemen to Ireland, the former as Captain of the Team and the latter as Referee in the In- ternational jNIatch, which takes place near Dublin, Ireland, on the 23th instant. By order of Major-Gcneral Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Official : Col. and Act' g A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 16, 1875. General Orders, ") No. 4. J I. — This command will parade in celebration of the Ninety-ninth Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and for review by His Honor the Mayor of the City on the 4th prox- imo. II. — The troops will be formed in close columns, the head of eacli column resting on Fifth avenue, as follows : Separate Troop Cavalry, in line, on Fifth avenue, between 'lod and 22d streets. Third Brigade on West 22d street. Battery " B" on West 21st street. First Troop Washington Greys on East 21st street. First Brigade on West 20th street. Battei-y " K'" on East 20th street. Thii'd Regiment Cavalry on East 19th street. Second Brigade on West 19th street. 111.— The Division will march in the order of formation, at eight o'clock, A. M., and the route of march will be down Fifth avenue and South Fiftii avenue, to and through Canal street, to and up Broadway to the point of review, on the Plaza at Union Square. The column will de dismissed at 17th street and Fourth avenue. IV. — The Division Staff will assemble at the "Rendezvous." at 7:1") o'clock, A. M., mounted and in full uniform. V. — The Commanding Officer of Battery "B" will cause a national salute to be fired on the Battery at meridian. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. CARL JUSSEN, Colonel, A. A. A. Gen' I, and AcCy Chief of Staff. Official : Col. and Acfg A. D. C. H?:AD-QUAUTEKS first division. N. (i. S. X. Y. Nkw Yni;K', .lime -MK IBT-"). General Orders, \ Ao. f,. t I.. — The proceedings, finiliiigs and sentenees of llie Court Miirtirtl convened liy (Jenevul Onlers, No. '1. c. s.. f'roiTi these Ilend-Qiiafters, with the exception of the line of tive dolhus iiuposed on Captain J( Liis Wii.i.ixti, Flftli Keginient Infantry, whicli is remitted jmrsuanl to tlie reconiiueiidation of the Court, are liereby apjiroved and con- firmed. 11. — The Cotirt Martial (d' wliicli nrigadier-Geiieral Wii.mam (i. Waki) i.s President is hereby ilissolved. By order of Major-General Ai.k,xani>ku Siialkr. CARL .Jl'SSKN. Colonel, A. A. A. Gen' I, and Act' -i'ih-ir HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, March 21, 1876. General Orders, \ Ao. 1. J I. The following appointments on the staff of the Majoi'-General (Vjnimanding are announced to take effect from the 27th instant : Alvanus W. SiiKLUoN (formerly U. S. Vols.), to be Judge Advo- cate with the rank of Colonel, vice Fowler resigned. Lieutenant-Colonel CoRXEi.irs B. Mitchell, Inspector of Rifle Practice, to be Chief of Artillery with the rank of Colonel, vice Teller resigned. WiLLARi) B. Farwell to be Inspector of I'.ifle Practice, vice Mitchell appointed Chief of Artillery. Captain Charles A. Post, Aide-de-Camp, to be Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Major, vicc Parkeu resigned. Eli-tah Alliger (formerly U. S. Vols.), to be Aide-de-Cainp with the rank of Captain, vice Post appointed Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Major. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. II. Colonel Josiaii Porter, '22d Regiment, is relieved from duty as .Vcting Chief of Artillery, with the thanks of the Major-General Commanding for the efficient service rendered in tliat position By order of Major-Gcneral Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and C kief of Staff . Official : Col. and AcC g A. I). C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Maroli 28, 1876. (ieneral Orders, \ No. 2. J I'ursuant to Section 2;5-5 of the Military Code, a Court Martial is hereby ordered for the trial of the officers in the several brigades above the rank of captain and of all officers belonging to the cavalry and artillery organizations of this division who liave been returned as "absent from any parade, encampment, drill or meeting for in- " siruction." held pursuant to orders during the year 1875. Detail kou the Court : (Jolonel GEOR(iE D. S(;ott, 8th Ivegiment. Lieutenant-Colonel S. Van Renssai.aek (/Ritgkk, 12th Regiment. Major Edwin A. McAlpine, 71st Regiment. The Court will assemble at the " Rendezvous," Nos. 7, '■) and 11 West 13th street, on THtrRsuAv, April 20th next, at 8 o'clock, v. m. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Official : Col. and .Act'g A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DR^SION, N. G. S. N. Y. New Ycirk, May (J, 187(5. General Orders, \ No. 3. i I. — Tlie Iiit'iintn' and Cavalrv organizations of this Cdiniiiaml will engage in I'ifle practice at Creedmoor, as follows : For the Marksman's Badoe. By all meniber.s who are now ^larksmen and those who are in the First Class. (H' the Infantry organizations, on the loth instant. Of the Cavalry " •• 19th For Third Class Practice. Thii'd Brigade, on the 2'2d instant and 9th and 22d proximo. Second '• '■ 29th " " 12th and 23d '• First '• '• 2d. loth, and 26th proximo. Three companies of eacli regiment will practice on each of the two (hiys first named for each brigade, and the remaining compnnies on the last day. II. — The troops will leave Hunter's Point on the S:.3() a. ji. train, and will return as soon as the practice is concludeil, at an hour to he ilesignated by the commanding officers respectively. Requisitions for transportation, ammunition, and scoring tickets must be made on the Chief of Ordnance anil Acting Quartermaster General, S. N. V.. through the inspectors of rifle practice, at least twenty-four hoin> before the time of departure. III. — The practice will be conducted in conformity with the pro- visions of Circular No. 3. c. s. from the office of the General Inspector of Rifle Practice and the rules of the National Rifle Association, and will be supervised by the Division. Brigade and Regimental Inspectoi-s of Rifle Practice. By order of Major-General .Alexander Sh.\ler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEKVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Official : Col. and .■i.ct'g A. I). C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, May IL 187G. General Orders, \ No. 4. J I. The following appointment on the staff of the Major-General Commanding is announced to take effect from this date : Edgar Beach Van Winkle (formerly U. S. Vols.) to be Division Engineer with the rank of Colonel, vice Mechan resigned. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of Major-General Alexander Sualer. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Official : Col. and Acfg A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, June 22, 1876. General Orders, \ No. 5. j I. For the purpose of taking part in the great popuhir demon- stration of the citizens of this city on the night of July 3d, 18715, in celebration of the one hundredtli anniversary of tlie Independence of the United States, this Division will parade on the evening of that day in full uniform. II. The General, Field and Staff officers, the cavalry and officers of the artillery, will parade dismounted. The cavalry and artillery will be armed witli sabres only, and will he provided with torches. The artillery will parade without guns. III. The ti-oops will form at '.) o'clock, i'. m., in close column, the head of each column resting on Third Avenue, facing east, as Ibllows : Third and First Brigades on East 22d street. Second Brigade on East 21st street. And they will march in the order named. IV. The Major-General commanding having accepted the invita- tion of the General Committee on the Centennial Celebration to act as Grand Marshal of the Illuminated Procession, Brigadier-General Joshua M. Vaimax, 3d F.rigade, will on that occasion assume com- mand of the Division. V. The cavalry and artillery organizations will report as follows : The Separate Troop, to t!ie (Jrand Marshal, at the Rendezvous, at 8 o'clock, r. m. The First Ti-oop Washington Greys, to the Commanding Officer of the Division, at 22d street and Third avenue, at 8:45 o'clock, 1'. M. Three Troops of the od Regiment Cavalry, to the Commanding Officer Third Brigade, at 22d street and Third avenue, at 8:4-") o'clock, r. m. Four Troops of tlie 3d llegimeat Cavalry, to the Commanding Officer First Brigade, at 22d street, west of Third avenue, at 8:45 o'clocli, v. m. One Troop of the 3d llegiment Cavalry, and Batteries " B" and " K," to the Commanding Officer Second Brigade, on 21st street and Third avenue, at 8:45 o'clock, p. m. VI. The Commanding Officer Battery " B," will detail one platoon to fire a salute at midnight, at a point to Ije hereafter designated. VII. The Division Statf will report as Aids to the Grand Marshal, at tlie Rendezvous, at 8 o'clock, i>. m. By order of Major-Genei-al Ai.exanokr Shalkk. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and CInef of Staff. Official : Col. and Act'g A. JJ. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, July 8, 1876. General Orders, \ No. 6. J I. — The Cavalry and Infantry organizations of this command will conclude the rifle practice at Creedmoor begun in compliance with General Orders No. 3, c. s., from these Head-Quarters, as follows : For Thiru Class Practice. One Battalion of the Third Regiment Cavalry and tlie Separate Troop on the 17th instant. One Battalion of the Third Regiment Cavalry and tlie First Trooji Washington Greys on the 4th proximo. First Brigade, one-half on the 3d and one-lialf on the 17th proximo. Second Brigade, one-lialf on the olst instant and one-half on the 14th proximo. Third Brigade, one-half on the 28th instant and one-half on the 11th proximo. For Second Class Practice and the Mabksman'"s Badge. Third Regiment Cavalry, Separate Troop and First Troop Wash- ington Greys, on the olst proximo. First Brigade on the '28th proximo. Second Brigade on the 2"ith proximo. Third Brigade on the 24tli proximo. The second class practice for infantry to be at 300 and 400 yards. II. — Brigade Commanders will designate a field officer to command and detail a medical officer to accompany tlie detachments of their commands upon each occasion. III. — The senior cavalry officer present will assume command ot the cavalry detachments, and the Commanding Officer of the Third Regiment Cavalry will detail a medical officer to accompany tliem upon each of the days named for cavalry practice. IV. — The provisions of Paragraphs II and III, General Orders No. 3, c. s., from these Head-Quarters are made applicable to this practice. V. — Upon the completion of each day's practice the senior Rifle Inspector present will make a written report to these Head-Quarters direct, of the service performed under the provisions of this order, which will embrace all violations or evasions of prescribed regulations or orders governing rifle practice, as well as all infractions of disci- pline, with the designation of the organization in which they may occur and the name of the officer in command at the time. By order,ii£J\Iajor-General Alexajjder Shaler. ^^ J HENHY ^GILDERSLEEVE, ^r ^y Cmonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, July 21, 1876. General Orders, \ No. 7. J The following appointments on the staff of the Major-General Com- manding are announced to take effect from this date : John C. Barron, M. D., to be Division Surgeon with the rank of Colonel, vice Cheesman resigned. Augustus G. Paine to be Division Quartermaster with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, vice Van Sltck resigned. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HKNRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Official : Col. and Aci g A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, August 25, 1876. General Orders, \ No. S. \ I. The proceedings, findings and .sentences of the Court Martial convened by General Orders, No. 2, c s. from the.-ie Head-Quarters, are hereby approved and confirmed. II. The Court Martial of which Colonel George D. Scott, 8th Regiment, is President, is hereby dissolved. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. CARL JUSSEN, Colonel, Divixion Impector and Acfg A. A. G. Official: Col. und .Act'g A. J). C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New YdRiv, September 15, 187G. General Orders, \ No. 9. J I. — The following rules govei'iiing tlie use of the "Plaza" at Union Square by the National Giianl, prescril)ed by the Board of Commis- sioners of the Department of Public Parks, are hereby promulgated and will in future be strictly observed : "For occasions in which .Military Bodies auk to ise reckived OR reviewed. " I.— An application from a Regimental or Brigade commander of '• the First Division National Guard of the State of New York, or from " the Major-General commanding the same, is to be addressed to the '• President of the Department of Public Parks, at least twelve liours " in advance of the proposed use of the ground. " II. — A suflBcient guard is to be detailed to be on the ground half •'an hour before the time fixed for the review, at which time the •' park-keeper on duty will turn over to the officer of the guard the ■' committee room (to be used as a guard room), the plattijrui, and all •' the ground to the northward of it. "III. — An officer of the guard is to be named in the application, " whose duty it will be to keep the ground for the review clear, pie- •'vent climbing on the flagstatfs, ironwork, railing or walls ; regu- " late the occupation of the platform, and who shall be responsible •• for such fixtures and furniture belonging to the Department of Pub- '■ lie Parks as are made use of. " General Rules. "I. — No procession or militai-y column shall be formed or halted " on the lines of railroad. "II. — Processions and military columns approaching or leaving tiie '• Muster Ground shall be so divided and ordered that at intervals not "exceeding ten minutes, cai-s waiting on the rails shall have oppor- " tunity to cross the line of march." By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Stuff. <)ffia#fil :, HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, Septemher lU, 1876. General Orders, ) No. 10. i I. — This Division will parade for review by His Excellency the Coiuraander-in-Chief, on Tuesday, the od proximo. II. — Line will be formed on Fifth avenue, facing eastward, in the following or'ler from right to left, the left of the Second Brigade rest- ing on i')od street : The Separate Troop. The First Troop, Washington Greys. The Third Brigade. Battery " B." The First Brigade. Baitery " K." The Second Brigade. The Third Regiment Cavalry. The formation will be completed at 4 o'clock, p. m. HI. — The following necessary modifications of the prescribed forms for review, will be observed : 1st. The rear rank of the infantry will be aligned upon, the cavah-y rank against, and the artillery in column of sec- tions, (pieces in liattery) along the curb. The distances between ranks will be diminished as fol- lows : For the infantry, two yards from the rear to the front rank, two yards from the front rank to the line of company officers, one and three yards respectively from the line of company officers to the croup of the field officers and com- mandant's horses. The cavalry file closers will be in rank, the chiefs of pla- toon, troop, battalion, and regimental commanders, respect- ively, one, two, three and four yards from head to croup of horses, in advance of the rank. The chiefs of platoon and batterj^ commanders, respect- ively, one and three yards from muzzle of pieces to croup of horses, in advance. The brigade commanders with their staffs and orderlies will take post on the right of their respective brigades and slightly in advance of the line of regimental commandants. They will cause their commands to salute upon the arrival of the reviewing officer at a point twenty yards from the right of their brigades, and to carry arms when the salute is acknowledged. The same rule will govern the comman- dants of the cavalry and artillery organizations on the ap- proach of the reviewing officer. 2d. When the retiewing officer has passed the left of each of the organizations named, they will move forward to the op- posite side of the avenue and align, with tiie front rank of the infantry upon, the cavalry rank against, and the artillery in column of sections, (pieces in battery) along the curb. The distances between the ranks will be the same as before. The field officers of the infantry organizations will take post on the right of their regiments. The company officers, battalion and regimental comman- dants of the cavalry organizations will take post on the right- of their respective troops, battalions and regiments. The cavalry file closers will take post one yard in rear of the rank. The artillery officers will take post on the right of their respective batteries. When the reviewing officer has passed along the rear and cleared the right of each of the organizations named, they will be formed in column to pass in review. IV. — The line of march will be down Fifth avenue to the Worth monument where the point of review will be established. V. — Care will be taken to observe the prescribed intervals between the several organizations, both in the formation and the passage in in review. The interval between the sepa7-ute troops will be sixteen and that between the batteries or troops and adjoining brigades, sixty yards. VI. — .\fter passing in review the several organizations will march to their armories by the shoi-test available route, turning in the proper direction as soon as practicable, in order that lines of travel may not be unnecessarily obstructed. VII. — The division staff will assemble, mounted and in full uniform, at the Rendezvous (Nos. 7, 9 and 11 west 13th street), at 1 oclock, p. M. By order of Major-General Alexanhkr Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Official : Col. and AcCg A. D. C. HEAD-QUAKTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, February 20, 1877. General Orders, \ No. 1. ; The following appointment on the Staff of the Major-General Com- mnnding, is announced to take effect from this date : E. Harrison Sanford, to be Inspector of Rifle Practice with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, vice Farwei.f,, resigned. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of Major-General Alkxandek Shalek. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff. Official : Colonel, and Act'g A. D. C. HEAU-QUAKTKKS FIRST DIVISION. N. G. S. N. Y. New York, March :^, 1877. General Orders, ) No. 3. / The followinractice will be for all members in the second class, and for the Markmans' Badge by all who may have qualified in the third class but failed to become first- class shots, as follows : First Brigade, on August 80. Seconil " " " 31. Third " " Sept. 8. .'). — In addition to the above, three days are assigne/ Stnf. Official: ^^^'^r~^>J^/fC:^^ Colonel, rind AcCg A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. G. S. N. Y. New York, May 16, 1877. General Orders, \ No. 5. ] I. — -The Division will parade on tlie 30th instant to participate in the ceremonies of Decoration Day, and to escort the organizations parading under the direction of the Grand Marshal of the day. II. — The formation will be in close column, the heads of columns resting on Madison avenue, in tlie following order: The Separate Troop, on 24th sti-eet. The First Troop Washington Greys, on 25th street. The Third Brigade, on 27th and 28th streets, east and west of Madison avenue. Battery " B," on 2'M\\ street, east of Madison avenue. The First Brigade, on 29th street, west of Madison ave- nue, and on 30th street, east and 'west of Madison avenue. Battery " K," on 31st street, east of Madison avenue. The Second Brigade, on 31st street, west of Madison avenue, and on 32d street, east and west of .Madison avenue. The Third Regiment ("avalry, on 33d street, east and west of Madison avenue, by battalions. The troops will be prepared to march at 10 o'clock, a. m. III. — The line of march will be up Madison avenue, in the order above given, to and through 34th street, to and down Fifth avenue, to and through 14th street, to and down Broadway, to Chambei's street. IV. — The honors of a marching salute will be paid to His Honor the Mayor of the City, accompanied by the members of the Common Council and the Heads of Departments, at the Worth Monument. \'. — Line will be formed on Broadway, the right resting on Cham- bers street, upon the arrival of the head of tiie column at that point, for the passage of the organiz:itions under escort. The rules pre- scribed in tlie first section of Paragraph III, of General Orders No. 10, series 187tJ from these Head-Quarlcrs, will govern in this forma- tion, the salute being given to the Grand Marshal upon approaching the left of the several organizations and in the manner therein di- rected. VI. — When the rear of the escorted organizations has passed tlie right of the line, the Division will "break from the right to march to the left," by regiments ami proceed up Broadway to Union Squ 157 Merceh Street, New York, Sept. 2od, 1878. General Orders, 1 No. 8. I A General Court Martial will convene at the ••Rendezvous" (Nos. 7, 9 and 11 West 13th Street) on ^Ionday, the 7th proximo, at 8 o'clock, i>. m., or as soon thereafter as possible, for the trial of Captain .John C. Bui.t.max,' Co. n. od Regiment Cavalry: Captain George H. Hotmeu, Co. B, 3d Regi- ment Cavalry ; Captain Louis Gerner, Co. F, 5th Regiment Infantry ; First Lieutenant .John H. Hartcorx. Co. H. 3d Regiment Cavalry ; First Lieuten- ant George C. Gutheil, Co. I, 11th Regiment Infiintry ; "First Lieutenant Robert A. McLaren, Co. C, 71st Regiment Infantry, and .such other officers as may be brought before it. Diftail for the Court : Colonel Emmons Clark, 7th Regiment Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel William H. Chaddock, 71st Regiment Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel William G. Wilson, 12th Regiment Infantry. Colonel Alvanus W. Sheldon, Division Judge Advocate, is appointed the •ludge Advocate for the Court. The Court will sit without regard to houre. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. Gen' I and Chief of Staff. Official : _ ^ Colonel and Act'g A. I). C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, Nov. 23d, 1878. General Orders, ) No. 9. / Before a General Court Martial, which convened at the " Rendezvous," (Nos. 7, 9, and 11 West 13th Street), city of New York, pursuant to General Orders No. 8. c. s., from these Head-quarters, and of which Colonel Emmons Clark, 7th Regiment Infantry, is President, were arraigned and tried the following named oificers : 1. — Captain John C. Bultmann, of Company " H," Third Regiment Cav- alry, oji the following charges and specifications : Charge First. — Violation of section two hundred and seven of the Military Code of the Stale of New York, by knowingly permitting a substitute to shoot in the name of a member of his command. Specification. — That said Captain John C. Bultmann, being in command of Company " H," Third Regiment of Cavalry, First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day did knowingly per- mit a person whose name is unknown, to shoot as a substitute for and in the name of one Sergeant Bramman, whose first name is unknown, and who was not present on that occasion and who was a member of saiil com- pany and command. Chargk Second. — Violation of section two hundred and seven of the 3Iilitary Code of the State of New York, by making a false entry jipon a score blank or return of rifle practice. Specification. — That said Captain John C. Bultmann, being in command of Company " H," Third Regiment of Cavalry of the First Division of the Na- tional Guard of the State ot New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifie practice of said regiment and company on that day, did cause a false entry to be made upon a score blank by permitting and directing a score to be entered upon the score blank of the rifle practice of his said company as being made l>y one Sergeant Bramman, a member thereof, whose first name is unknown, which score was in fact made by another person, namely, by a person whose name is unknown. Chahge Third. — Violation of General Orders, number four {_^), series of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, of the First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, by permitting a person to shoot in a class to ichich he did not belong. 1 Specification. — That said Captain John C. Bultmaiin, being in command of Company " H," Third Regiment of Cavalry, First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Lung Island, on the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day, did knowingly per- mit a person whose name is unknown, to slioot as a substitute for one Ser- geant Bramman, whose first name is unknown, and who was a member of said company and command. Charge Fourth. — Neglect of duty. Specification. — That said Captain John C. Bultmann, being in command of Company " H," Third Regiment of Cavalry of the First Division of the Na- tional Guard of the State of New York, during the rifle practice of said regi- ment and company at Creeilmoor, Long Island, on the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, did allow a person whose name is unknown, to answer to, and shoot in the name of one Sergeant Bramman, a member of his said company, whose first name is unknown, and allow the score made by said unknown person to be entered upon the score blanks of the rifle practice of said company as having been made by said Sergeant Bramman, said Sergeant Bramman not being present and not liaving shot, and the allowing of such acts by said Captain John C. Bult- mann being a neglect to enforce a provision of section one hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New York. Charge Fifth. — Disobedience of orders by viofatiny paragraph three hundred and eighly-nine of the Manual of Rifle Practice, by allowing one man to shoot in the name of another. Specification. — That said Captain John C. Bultmann, being in command of Company " H," Third Regiment of Cavalry of the National Guard of the State of New York, during the rifle pi-actice of said regiment and company at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the fifth day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, did allow a person whose name is unknown, to answer and shoot in the name of one Sergeant Bramman, a member of his said company, and allow the score made by said unknown person to be entered upon the score blanks of tlie rifle practice of said com- pany, as having been made by said Sergeant Bramman, said Sergeant Bram- man not being present and not having shot. To wliich charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follows : To the Specification to the First Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the First Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Second Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Third Charge. — '• Not Guilty." To the Third Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fourth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Fourth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fifth Charge.— " Not Guilty." To the Fifth Charge. — ■' Not Guilty." 2 Findings. The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, finds the accused Captain John C. Bultmann, as follows : Of the Specification to the First Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the First Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Second Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Second Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Third Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Third Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Fourth Charge. — Guilty. Of the Fourth Charge. — Guilty. Of the Specification to the Fifth Charge. — Guilty. Of the Fifth Charge. — Guilty. Sentence. And the Court does therefore sentence him, Captain John C. Bultmann, of Company " H," Third Regiment of Cavalry, to he Cashiered. The proceedings and findings of the Court on the first, second and third charges and the specifications to each, are approved. The findings of the Court on the fourth and fifth charges and the speci- fications to each are disapproved ; on the fourth for the reason that the testimony taken by the Court clearly established the fact tliat the accused was not in command of his company on the occasion in question as alleged in the specification (having been detailed as officer of the guard upon the arrival of the detachment at the range) ; and on the fifth for the same reason and the additional one, that the ottense alleged in the specification, even though it were proven, did not constitute a disobedience of orders. " In a charge of disobedience of orders, it is requisite to show that the " communication was an order from a commanding officer to an inferior, "in terms sufficiently explicit to disclose the intention of such superior "that the accused should, or not, do some certain act, and that he failed to " obey." (Par. 178. General Regulations.) This is also in conformity with long-established usage in the military service, a disregard of directions and requirements of tactics, books of instruction, regulations, etc., being pro- perly charged as a violation of such a paragraph, etc., while a refusal or neglect to do as required on a specified occasion by either a verbal, writ- ten, or printed order, is plainly a disobedience of orders. Captain Bult- mann will resume his sword and return to duty. II. — Captain George H. Hotmer, of Company " B,"' Third Regiment Cav- alry, on the following charges and specifications : Charge First. — Violation of section two hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New York, by knowinyly permitting a substitute to shoot in the name of a member of his command. Specification. — That said Captain George H. Hotmer, being in command of Company " B," Third Regiment of Cavalry of the First Division of the Na- tional Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the 3 fifth clay of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the riile practice of said regiment and companj' on that day, did knowingly permit a person whose name is unknown, to shoot as a substitute for and in the name of one H. Mocker, whose first name is unknown, and who was not present on that occasion and who was a member of said company and com- mand. Charge Second. — Violation of section two hundred and seven of the Milit Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fourth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To tlie Fourth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fifth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Fifth Charge. — "Not Guilty." Findings. The Court, having maturely considered tlie evidence adduced, finds the accuse 1, Captain George H. Ilotmer, as follows : ()f the Specification to the First Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the First Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Second Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Second Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Third Cliargc. — Not Guilty. t)f the I'liiui) Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Fourth Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Fourth Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Fifth Charge. — Not Guilty. Of tlie Fifth Charge. — Not Guilty. And the Court does therefore acquit him. Captain George H. Hotmer, of the offenses charged. The proceedings and findings in this case were appi-oved and confirmed by Special Orders, No. 71. c. s., from these Head-quarters, on the 24th ultimo, and Captain Hotmer was ordered to resume his sword and return to duty. in.— Captain George II. Hotmer, of Company " B," Third Regiment Cav- alry, on the following charges and specifications : Charge — Violation of section two hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New York, by knowingly permitting a substitute to shoot in the 7iaiiie of a member of his command. Specification. — That said Captain George Hotnier, being in command of Company " B," Third Regiment of Cavalry, First Division of the Na- tional Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, daring the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day, did knowingly permit J. Rothenberg, a non-member of said company, to shoot as a substi- tute for and in the name of one J. Gertenbach, who was not present on that occasion, and who was a member of said company and command. Charge Second. — Violation of section two hundred and seven of the Militai-y Code of the State of New York, hi/ making a false entry upon a score blank or return of rifle practice. Specification. — That said Captain George H. Hotmer, being in command of Company " B," Third Regiment of Cavalry, First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day, did cause a false entry to be made upon a score blank by permitting and directing a score to be entered upon the score blank of the rifle practice of his said company as being made by one J. Gertenbach, a member thereof, which score was in fact made by another person, namely, by J. Rothenberg, and who was not a member of the above regiment. Charge Third. — Violation of General Orders, number , series of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, of the First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, by pennitting a person to shoot in a class to which he did not belong. Specification. — That said Captain George H. Hotmer, being in command of Company " B," Third Regiment of Cavalry of the First Division of the Na- tional Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day, did knowingly permit .J. Rothenberg, a non -member of the regiment, to shoot as a substi- tute for one J. Gertenbach, who was not present on that occasion, and who was a member of said company and command. Charge Fourth. — Neglect of duty. Specification. — That said Captain George H. Hotmer, being in command of Company •' B," Third Regiment of Cavalry. First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, did allow one J. Rothenberg to answer to, and shoot in the name of one J. Gertenbach, a member of his said company, and allow tlie score made by said J. Rothenberg to be entered upon the score blanks of the rifle practice of said company as having been made by said J. Gertenbach, said J. Gertenbach not being present and not having shot, and the allowing of such acts by said Captain Geoi-ge H. Hotmer being a neglect to enforce a provision of section one hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New York, t) Charge Fifth. — Disobedience of orders hij violating jiarayraph l/iree hun- dred and eighty-nine of the Mannal of Rifle Practice, by allou-ing one man to shoot in the name of another. Specification. — That said Captain George H. Hotmer, being in command of Company " B." Tliird Regiment of the National Guard of tlie State of New York, during the ritie practice of said regiment and company at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the fifth day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, did allow one J. llothenberg to answer and shoot in the name of one J. Gertenbach, a member of his said company, and al- low the score made by said J. Rothenberg to be entered upon the score blanks of the rifle practice of said company as having been made by said J. Gertenbach. said J. Gertenbacli not being present and not having shot. To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follows : To the Specification to the First Charge. — '• Not Guilty." To the First Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specfication to the Second (Jharge. — " Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Third Ciiarge. — '■ Not (iuilty." To the Third Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fourth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Fourth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fifth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Fifth Charge. — " Not Guilty.' The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, acquitted him, Captain George H. Hotmer, of the offenses charged. The proceedings in this case were approved and confirmed by Special Orders, No. 71. c. s., from these Head-quarters on the 24lh ultimo, and Captain Hotmer was ordered to resume his sword and return to duty. IV. — Captain Lewis Gerner, of Company " F," Fifth Regiment Infantry, on the following charges and specifications : Charge First. — Violation of section two hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New York, by knowingly permitting a substitute to shoot in the name of a member of his command. Specification. — That said Captain Lewis Gerner, being in command of Com- pany " F," Fifth Regiment, First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the twenty-seventh day of June, one thousand eiglit hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on tiiat day, did knowingly permit one Gustave Vieser to shoot as a substitute for one William Vieser, who was not present on that occasion and who was a member of said company and command. Charge Second. — Violation of .section tivo hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of Neiv York, by making a fa/.'te entry upan a score blniik or return of rifle practice. Specification. — That said Capt.ain Lewis (Jerner, being in command of Com- pany " F," Fifili Regiment, First Division of the National Guard of tlie State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the twenty-seventh day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day, did cause a false entry to be made upon a score blank by permitting and directing a score to be entered upon the score blank of the rifle practice of his said company as being made by one William Vieser, a member thereof, whicli score was in fact made by another person, namely, by one Gustave Vieser. CHARGF4 Third. — Violation of General Orders, number four {4-), series of eighteen hundred and seventij-eight, of the First Division of the Xational Guard of the State of Neio York, b;/ permitting a person to shoot in a rlass to whioh he did not belong. Specification. — That said Captain Lewis Gerner. being in command of Com- pany " F," Fifth Regiment of tlie First Brigade and First Division of tlie National Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor. Long Island, on the twenty-seventh day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seveuty- eiglit, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day, did knowingly permit one Gustave Vieser to slioot as a substitute for one William Vieser, who was not present on that occasion, and wlio was a mem- ber of said company and command. Charge Fourth. — Neglect of diiti/. Specification. — That said Captain Lewis Gerner, being in command of Com- pany " F," Fifth Regiment of tlie First Brigade, First Division of the Na- tional Guard of the State of New York, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the twenty-seventh day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, did allow one Gustave Vieser to answer to, and shoot in tlie name of oue William Vieser, a member of his said company, and allow the score made by said Gustave Vieser to be entered upon the score blanks of the rifle practice of said com- pany as having been made by said William Vieser, said William Vieser not being present and not having shot, and the allowing of such acts by said Captain Lewis Gerner being a neglect to enforce a provision of section one hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New York, Charge Fifth. — Disobedience of orders bi/ violating paragraph three hun- dred and eighty-nine of the Manual of Rifle Practice, by allowing one man to shoot in the name of another. Specification. — That said Captain Lewis Gerner, being in command of Com- pany "F," Fifth Regiment of the National Guard of the State of New York, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the twenty-seventh day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, did allow one Gustave Vieser to answer and shoot in the name of one William Vieser, a member of his said company, and allow the score made by said Gustave Vieser to be entered upon the score blanks of the rifle pi-actice of said company as having been made by said William Vieser, said William Vieser not being present and not having shot. To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follows : To the Specification to the First Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the First Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Second Ciiarge. — " Not Guilty." To the Second Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Third Ciiarge. — " Not Guilty." To the Third Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fourth Charge. — "Not Guilty." To the Fourth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fifth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Fifth Charge. — " Not Guilty." FlNl>INGS. The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, finds the accused. Captain Lewis Gerner, as follows: Of the Specification to the First Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the First Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Second Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Second Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Third Charge.— Not Guilty. Of the Third Charge.— Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Fourth Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Fourth Charge. — Not Guilty. Of the Specification to the Fifth Charge.— Not Guilty. Of the Fifth Charge. — Not Guilty. And the Court does therefore acquit him, Captain Lewis Gerner, of the offenses charged. The proceedings and findings in this case are approved and confirmed, and Captain Gerner will resume his sword and return to duty. v.— First Lieutenant George C. Gutheil, of Company " I," Eleventh Regi- ment Infantry, on the following charges and specifications: Charge First. — Violation of section tivo hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New York, by knoioinghj permitting a substitute to shoot in the name of a member of his command. Specificatijm. — That said First Lieutenant George C. Gutheil, being in com- mand of Company "I," Eleventh Regiment, First Division of the National Guard of tlie State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the nine- teenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifie practice of said regiment and company on that day, did knowingly permit one Isador, whose first name is unknown, to shoot as a substitute tbr one Trivate Buch, whose full name is unknown ,who was not present on that occasion and who was a member of said company and command. Charge Second. — Violation of section two hundred and seren of the Militari/ Code of the State of New Vorh, by miikiiiy a false entry upon a score blank or return of rifie practice. 9 Specification. — That said First Lieutenant George C. Gutlieil, being in com- mand of Company "I," Eleventh Regiment, First Division of the National Guard of tlie State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the nine- teenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day, did cause a false entry to be made upon a score blank by permitting and directing a score to be entered upon the score blank of the rifle practice of liis said company as being made by one Private Buch, whose full name is unknown, a member thereof, which score was in fjxct made by another person, namely, by one Isador, whose full name is unknown. ('harge Third. — Violation of General Orders, number four {4), series of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, of the First Division of the National Guard of the State of JVew York, bg permitting a person to shoot in a class to which he did not belong. Specification. — That said First Lieutenant George C. Gutlieil, being in com- mand of Company "1," Eleventh Regiment, Second Brigade and First Di- vision of the National Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sev- enty-eight, during the riHe practice of said regiment and company on that day, did knowingly permit one Isador, whose full name is unknown, to shoot as a substitute for one Private Buch, whose full name is unknown, and who was not present on that occasion and who was a member of said company and command. Charge Fourth. — Neglect of dutg. Specification. — That said First Lieutenant George C. Gutheil, being in com- mand of Company " I," Eleventh Regiment of the Second Brigade, First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, did allow one Isador, whose full name is unknown, to answer to, and shoot in the name of one Private Buch, whose full name is unknown, a member of his said company, and allow the score made by said Isador to be entered upon the score blanks of the rifle practice of said company as having been made by said Private Buch. said Private Buch not being present and not having shot, and the allowing of such acts by said First Lieutenant George C. Gutlieil being a neglect to enforce a provision of section one hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New Y''ork. Ch.^rge Fifth. — Disobedience of orders bg violating paragraph three hun- dred and eightg-nine of the Manual of Rifle Practice, hg allowing one man to shoot in the name of another. Specification. — That said First Lieutenant George C. Gutheil, being in com- mand of Company "I," Eleventh Regiment of the National Guard of the State of New York, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the nineteenth day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, did allow one Isador, whose full name is unknown, to answer and shoot in the name of one Private Buch, whose full name is unknown, a member of his said company, and allow the 10 score made by said Isador to be entered upon the score blanks of the rifle practice of said company as having been made by said Private Buch, said Private Buch not being present and not having shot. To which charges and specifications tlie accused pleaded as follows : To the Specification to the First Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the First Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Second Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Secoxi> Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Third Ciiarge. — " Not Guilty." To the Thiro Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fourth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Fourth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Specification to the Fifth Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Fifth Charge. — " Not Guilty." A motion having been made on behalf of the accused to dismiss the charges and specifications against him. after the announcement that the prosecution rested, the Court, after deliberation, granted the motion. The action of the Court in dismissing the charges and specifications does not appear to have been strictly regular, for if the evidence adduced on be- half of the prosecution failed to sustain the charges and specifications, the accused was obviously entitled to a finding of not guilty upon each of them, and to an absolute acquittal ; instead of which the action recorded is equiva- lent only to a finding of not proved, which manifestly does not entirely relieve the accused of the imputations contained in the charges and specifi- cations and which is for this reason deemed an objectionable one. It is held that the power to dismiss charges and specifications is not vested in a Court to which they have been referred for trial, but that it is the plain duty of the Court to arraign the accused, to take his pleas and the testi- mony, and to record its finding and sentence or acquittal. Notwithstanding these errors in the proceedings of the Court in this case, and to prevent delay and further expense, they are approved and confirmed and First Lieu- tenant Gutheil will resume his sword and return to duty. VI. — First Lieutenant Robert A. McLaren, of Company " C," Seventy- first Regiment Infantry, on the following charges and specifications : Charge First. — Violation of section two hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New York, by knoivingly permitting a substitute to shoot in the name of a member of his command. Specification. — That said First Lieutenant Robert .\. McLaren, being in com- mand of Company '-C," Seventy-first Regiment, First Division of the Na- tional Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the seventeenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day, did knowingly permit one G. W. Reinhard, a private in said company, whose full name is unknown, to shoot as a substitute for and in the name of one J. II. Munson, who was not present on that occasion and who was a mem- ber of said company and command, and whose full name is unknown. 11 Charge Secohv.— Viohition of section two hundred and seven of the Militanj Code of the State of New York, by making a false entry vpon a score blank or return of rifle practice. Specification. — That said First Lieutenant Robert A. McLaren, being in command of Company " C," Seventy-first Regiment, First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the seventeenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eiglit, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company on that day, did cause a false entry to be made upon a score blank by permitting and direct- ing a score to be entered upon tlie score blank of the rifle practice of his said company as being made by one J. H. jMunson, whose full name is un- known, a member tliereof, which score was in fact made by another person, namely, by one G. W. Reinhard, whose full name is unknown. Chauck Third. — Violation of General Orders, number four {4), series of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, of the First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, by pennMling a person to shoot in a class to which he did not belong Specification. — That said First Lieutenant Robert A. McLaren, being in command of Company " C," Seventy-first Regiment. Second Brigade and First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, at Creed- moor, Long Island, on the seventeenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, during the rifle practice of SMid regiment and company on that day, did knowingly permit one G. W. Reinhard, wliose full name is unknown, to shoot as a substitute for one J. H. Munson, who was not present on that occasion, and wlio was a member of said company and command, and whose full name is unknown. Charge Fourth. — Neglect of duty. Specification. — That said First Lieutenant Robert A. McLaren, being in command of Comp.any " C," Seventy-first Regiment of the Second Brigade, First Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, during the rifle practice of said regiment and company at Creedmoor, Long Island, on the seventeenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sevent^'-eighf, did allow one G. W. Reinliard. whose full name is unknown, to answer to, and shoot in the name of one J. II. ^lunson, whose full name is unknown, a member of his said company, and allow the score made by said G. W. Rein- hard to be entered upon the score blanks of the rifle practice of said com- pany as having been made by said J. H. Munson, said J. H. Munson not being present .and not having shot, and the allowing of such acts by said First Lieutenant Robert A. McLaren being a neglect to enforce a provision of section one hundred and seven of the Military Code of the State of New York. Charge Fifth. — Disobedience of orders by violating paragraph three hun- dred and eighty-nine of the Manual of Rifle Practice, by alloicing one man to shoot in the name of another. Specification.— That said First Lieutenant Robert A. McLaren, being in command of Company " C," Seventy-first Regiment of the National Guard of the State of New York, during the rifle practice of said regiment and 12 company at Creedmoor, Long Island, oa the seventeentli day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, did allow one G. ^V. Reinhar 157 Mehoer Street, New York, Jean. 29th, 1879. General Orders, | No. 1. / A General Court Martial will convene at the " Rendezvous" (Nos. 7, 9 and 11 West 1.3th Street), on the 18th proximo, at 8 o'clock, p. m., or as soon thereafter as possible, for the trial of Captain Martin L. Vantine, Company " C," 71st Regiment Infantry, and such otlier officers as may be brought before it. Detail for the Court : Brigadier-General William G. Ward, 1st Brigade. Colonel George I). Scott, 8th Regiment Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel (-harles A. Post, Ordnance Officer, 1st Division. Major Daviu B. Williamson, Judge Advocate, od Brigade, is appointed tiie Judge Advocate for the (]ourt. The Court will sit without, regard to hours. By order of Major-General Alexander Shalek. HENRY' A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. Gen' I and Chief of Staff. Official : /? ^<^ Colonel and AcCg A. 1). C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AND 157 Mkrcku Sthket, New York, March 7th, 1879. General Orders, > No. 2. I Pursuant to Section 285 of the Military Code, a Court Martial is hereby ordered for the trial of the officers in tlie several brigades above the rank of captain, and of all officers belonging to the cavalry and artillery organiza- tions of this Division, who have been returned as ".absent from any parade, encampment, drill or meeting for instruction," held pursuant to orders during the year 1878. Detail for the Court: Brigadier-General Frederick Vilmar, 2d Brigade. Colonel Cornelius B. Mitchell, Chief of Artillery, 1st Division. Lieutenant-Colonel William DeLacy, (J9th Regiment Infimtry. The Court will assemble at the "Rendezvous" (Nos. 7, 9 and 11 West 13th Street), on Thursday, March 27th, 1879, at 8 o'clock, p. m. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. Geti'l and Chief of Staff. Official : Colonel and AcCg A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N'ATIONAL guard state of new YORK, 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, April 5th, 1879. General Orders. ] No. 3. / 1. — Pursuant to Special Orders No. 40, c. s., from General Head-Quarters, the organizations of this command are hereby ordered to parade for in- spection and muster as required by section 130, Military Code, upon suita- ble parade grounds to be selected by the several commandants, as follows: 71st Regiment Infantry on Monday, the 12th proximo, at 2 o'clock, p. m. 8th " •• ' ■• Tuesday, 13th " " 2 9th •• '• •• Wednesday. 14th " " 2 " " «9th •' " " Thursday, 15th " " 2 5th •• " " Friday, ' 16th " " 2 11th '■ •' •• Monday, 19th " " 2 12tli ■• •• '• Tuesday, 20th " " 2 7th •' •• •• Wednesday, 21st " " 2 " " 3d '• Cavalry, '• Thursday, 22d " " 2 '• " 22d " Infantry, " Saturday, 24th '■ " 12 " M. Separate Troops •' \" and " B," on Moiulay, 2()th " " 2 " p. m. Batteries •• B" ami " K, ' on Tuesday, 27th " '• 2 " " II. — The Field, Staff, Troop and Battery officers will parade mounted. III. — The commandants of the several organizations will designate the pariide grounds selected, in orders, and forward two copies of the same to these Head-(juarters. as soon as they are promulgated. IV. — The necessary blank muster-rolls will be provided and one copy of the same, properly prepareil and endorsed with the full post office address of the commandant, will be forwardeeat the practice on the same day not more than once. III. — On any practice ilay, when men qualify in any class, tliey will be practiceil in the next class if time will peruiit. IV. — Kach regiment and separate troop may draw for one transportation to and from Creedmoor for each officer, non-commissioned officer and sol- dier in each organization on March 31st 1879, as sliown by the returns for the first quarter of 1879. The commanding officer of each regiment or separate troop sending a team to Creedmoor to compete for the State prizes for infantry and cavalry will be allowed one transportation to and from Creedmoor for each member of such team (excluding all substitutes and attendants), provided that requisitions therefor, duly approved at Di- vision and Brigade Ifead-quarters be forwarded in time to reach the Chief of Ordnance and Acting Assistant Quartermaster General at least thirty flays prior to the time fixed for such competition. Under no circumstan- ces will other expenses connected with teams competing in any match be defrayed from the military fund of the State during the current year. V. — The division and brigade staffs, each regiment and separate troop having a figure of merit for 1878 of over 25 (see G. 0. No. 23. series 1878, A. G. 0.), will be allowed to draw not to exceed forty cartridges for each officer, non-commissioned officer and soldier therein on March 31st, 1879, as shown by the quarterly returns. Organizations having a figure of merit of 2o or under will be allowed to draw not to exceed twenty cart- ridges in the same manner, and as soon as they have expended that amount in class firing, will be allowed to draw twenty rounds more. VI. — Requisitions for ammunition and transportation will be made upon blanks furnished by the Chief of Ordnance and Acting Assistant Quarter- master General, signed by the commanding officer of the organization, and forwarded through the regular channels with the approval of Brigade com- manders endorsed thereon to the Chief of Ordnance through these Head- Quaiters. The ammunition will be issued either at the New York State Ar- senal or from the State magazine at Creedmoor as commanding officers may elect. VII. — Blanks for rifle practice will be issued from these Head-quarters. They will be kept carefully written up and the " Company Classification Roll" must be conspicuously displayed in the various company rooms. VIII. — Commanding officers will make the necessary details for guard duty and give such instructions as will insure good order and discipline in going to, returning from and while oti the I'ange, which instructions will embrace that part of the range assigned to the use of the troops, but must not interfere with the privileges of members-of the National Hifle Associa- tion who have at all times the right to enter within the range and use any portion of it not occupied by the troops. IX. — Troops will leave Long Island City by train at 8, a. m. (34th street ferry. New York, 15 minutes earlier), and will return by train leaving Creedmoor at 5:30, p. m. X. — Brigade commanders will issue the necessary orders for carrying out the provisions of this order without delay, an extra copy of which, as well as of the regimental and troop orders issued in pursuance hereof, will be forwarded to these Head-quarters. By order of M.ajor-General .Alkxa.nukr Shalei?. HENRY A. GILUERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. Gen' I and Chief of Stuff. Colonel and Acl'ff A. D. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AND 157 Merckk Stkeet, Nkw Yofk, May 19th, 1879. General OuoEiis. | No. 7. / I. — Tlie time for the column to move on the 30th in.stant ns dii-ected in Pai-agraph II of General Orders No. 5. c. s., from these Head-Quarters, is hereby changed to 9:30. a. m. II. — The Division Staff will assemble at 8:30. a. m., instead of 10. a. m., as directed by Paragraph VII of General Orders No. 5. c. s. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. Gen" I and Chief of Staff. Official : _ // Colonel and AcCg A. D. C. HEAD-^JUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, l-^S AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, July "28, 1879. fiENERAL Orders, ) No. 8. i A General Court Martial will convene at the "Rendezvous" (Nos. 7, '.> find 11 West loth Street), on the 11th proximo, at 8 o'clock, p. m., or as soon thereafter as possible, for tlie trial of Captain Hugli Coleman, Company " E," 69th Regiment Infantry, and Second Lieutenant Leon Backer, Com- pany " F," 22d Regiment Infantry, and such other officers as may be brought before it. Detail foh the Court : Brigadier-General J. M. Varian, -Sd Brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel M. P. L. Montgomery, 9th Regiment Infantry. Major Wm. DeLancey Boughton, A. D. C. 1st Division. Major H. W. Webb, Judge Advocate, 1st Brigade, is appointed the Judge Advocate for the Court. The court will sit without regard to hours. By order of Major-Genei-al Alexander Shalek. HENRY A. GILDEllSLEIiVE, /^~\ Colonel, A. A. Gen I and Chief of St. iff. Ohiciai, : / N. I 1 Colonel and Acl'ff A. I>. C. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, Oct. 2, 1879. General Orders, | No. 9. / I. Before a General Court Martial which convened at the " Rendezvous," (Nos. 7, 9, and 11 West 13th Street) city of New York, pursuant to General Orders No. 8. c. s., from these Head-Quarters, and of which Brigadier-Gen- eral Josliua M. Varian, 3d Brigade, is President, was arraigned and tried : Captain Hugh Coleman, of Company " E," Sixty-ninth Regiment Infan- try, on the following charges and specifications : Charge First. — Disobedience of orders. Specification First. — In this that he, the said Captain Hugh Coleman, Company '-E," Sixty-ninth Regiment, Tliird Brigade, First Division Na- tional Guard State of New York, wliile on duty and in uniform, did disobey the legal order of his superior and commanding officer Major Edward DuflFy of the said Sixty-ninth Regiment, as follows, to wit: the said Sixty-ninth Regiment being on the march from the regimental armory to the place to which it had been ordered to proceed for inspection the said Major Duify being then and there the superior and commanding officer of the said Cap- tain Hugh Coleman, and the said Captain Hugh Coleman being then and there in command of Company " E," of said regiment and said Company "E" being the seventh company from the head of the column of said regi- ment as the same was then marching, and said Company " E" having lost much distance so as to leave a long interval, namely an interval of about one hundred yards, be the same more or less, between the said Company "E" and the rear of the portion of the column then preceding it, the said Major Edward Uutfy with the intention and for the purpose of causing said com- pany to take its proper place in the column, did give to the said Captain Hugh Coleman the order to cause his command to march at double time by saying '-Captain, double time," or words to that effect, which order the said Captain Hugh Coleman did then and there disobey. This at Ludlow street in the City of New York on the fifteenth day of May, 1879. Specification Second.— \n this that he, the said Captain Hugh Coleman, Company " E," Sixty-ninth Regiment Third Brigade First Division Na- tional Guard State of York, while on duty and in uniform did disobey the legal order of his superior and commanding officer Major Kdward Duffy, of the said Sixty-ninth Regiment as follows, to wit: the said Sixty-ninth Regiment being on the march from the regimental armory to the place to which it had been ordered to proceed for inspection, the said Major Edward Duffy being then and there the superior and commanding officer of the said Captain Hugh Coleman and the said Captain Hugh Coleman being then and there in command of Company "E" of said regiment and said Company "E" being the seventh company from the head of the column of said regi- ment, as the same was then marching, and said Company " E" liaving lost much distance so as to leave a long interval, namely an interval of about one hundred yards, be the same more or less, between the said Company "E" and the rear of the portion of the column then preceding it, aftei he the said Major Edward Dutty had once given tlie said Captain Hugh Coleman an order to cause his command to march at double time, and after said Captain Hugh Coleman had once disobeyed such order, he the said j\Iajor Edward Duffy, after waiting a reasonable time to allow said Captain Hugh Coleman to cause said order to be execuled, did, with the intention and for the purpose of causing said company to take its proper place in the column, again order said Captain Ilugli Coleman to cause his company to march at double time saying to said Captain Hugh Coleman, " Captain, double time" or words to that effect, which order the said Captain Hugh Coleman, did then and there disobey. This at Ludlow street in the city ol New York on the fifteenth day of May, 1879. Specification Third. — In this that he, the said Captain Hugh Coleman, Company •' E," Sixty-ninth Regiment, Third Urigade First Division Na- tional Guard State of New York, while on duty and in uniform did disobey the legal order of his superior and commanding officer Major Edward Duffy, of the said Sixty-ninth Itegiment, as follows, to wit: the said Sixty-ninth Regiment being on the march from the regimental armoi'y to the place to which it had been ordered to pi'oceed for .inspection, the said Major Edward Duffy being then and there the superior and commanding officer of the said Captain Hugh Coleman, and the said Captain Hugh Coleman being then and there in command of Company "E" of said regiment, and said Com- pany " E" being the seventh company from the head of the column of said regiment, as the same was then marching, and said Company "E" liaving lost nuich distance so as to leave a long interval, namely an interval of about one hundred yards, be the same more or less, between the said Com- pany "E" and the rear of the portion of the column then preceding it, after lie, the said Major Duffy, had twice given the said Captain Hugh Coleman an order to cause his command to march at double time and said Captain Hugh Coleman had twice disobeyed such order, he the said Major Edward Duffy, being then and there in command of the left wing of the said regi- ment which had become separated from the right wing of said regiment, did with the intention and for the object and purpose of causing said left wing to resume its proper place in the column, give the said left wing an order to marcli at double time in the words "Left wing, double time," or words to that effect. Upon hearing said order given as hereinabove last set forth, the said Captain Hugh Coleman did then and there order his com- pany, viz. : Company "E" of said Sixty-ninth Regiment, to "Halt," and did cause said order to halt to be executed, said company being then at the head of the column of the left wing of said Sixty-ninth Regiment and did thereby delay and prevent the prompt execution of the aforesaid legal order given by said Major Edward Duffy to the left wing of said Sixty-ninth Regi- ment, and the said Captain Hugh Coleman, at or about the time of causing his command to halt as hereinbefore last set forth, did say to Company " E" of said Sixty-ninth Regiment then under his command, or to officers or men of said company, " Take no orders from that fellow do as I tell 3'ou." referring thereby to Major Edwai-d Duffy. This at Ludlow street in the city of New Y'ork on the fifteenth day of May, 1879. 2 specification Fourt/i. — In this tliat he the said Captain Hugh Coleman, Company "E," .Sixty-ninth Regiment, Third Brigade, First Division Na- tional Guard State of New Vorli, while on duty and in uniform, and in the presence of commissioned officers and enlisted men of the said regiment, while said regiment was proceeding from the regimental armory to the place to which it had been ordered to proceed for inspection, did disobey the legal order of Major Edward Duffy, his superior and commanding offi- cer, by refusing to consider himself in arrest when ordered to consider himself in arrest by the said Major Edward Duffy who was then and there in command of the left wing of said Sixty-nintli Regiment, of which left wing tlie said Company "E" formed a part. Tliis in Houston street in the city of New York on the fitteenth day of May 1879. Chaugb Second. — Conduct to the prejudice o/'/jod order and viditari/ discipline. Specijiciition First. — In this that he the said Captain Hugh Coleman, Com- pany " E," Sixty-nintli Regiment, Third Brigade, First Division National Guard State of New Vork, while on duty and in uniform, and while the said regiment was on parade and in the presence of commissioned officers and enlisted men of said regiment, disobeyed the legal orders of his superior officer, M:ijor Edward Duffy. This in Ludlow street in the city of New York on the fifteenth day of May, 187'-'. Specification Second.— In tliis that he, the said Captain Hugh Coleman Company " E," Sixty ninth Regiment, Third Brigade, First Division Na- tional Guard State of New York, while on duty and in uniform, and in the presence and hearing of commissioned officers and enlisted men of said regi- ment, ordered his company not to obey the legal orders of his superior offi- cer Major Edward Duffy of the said Sixty-ninth Regiment. This in Lud- low street in the city of New York on tlie fifteenth day of May, 1879. Ch.-iuge Third. — Breach of arrest. Specification First. — In this that he the said Captain Hugh Coleman Com- pany " E," Sixty-ninth Regiment, National Guard State of New York, while said regiment was proceeding from the regimental arnun-y to the place desig- nated for a regimental inspection after he tlic said Captain Hugh Coleman had been duly placed in arrest by the legal orders of his superior officer Major Edward Duffy did attempt to assume command of his company, and did then and there in presence of officers and enlisted men of said regiment say, " I disregard the authority of Major Edward Duffy to put me in ar- rest," or words to that effect. This in Second Avenue New York on the fif- teenth day of May, 1879. Specification Second. — In this that he, the said Captain Hugh Colemnu, Company " E," Sixty-ninth Regiment National Guard State of New York, while the said regiment was marching from the regimental armory to the place to which it had been ordered for inspection, after lie the said Captain Hugh Coleman had been legally placed in ai-rest and after Lieutenant Rob- ert McFeeley had been duly assigned by Colonel James Cavanagh command- ing said Sixty-ninth Regiment to the command of Company "E" of said regiment in place of said Captain Hugh Coleman did, while in arrest, order the said Lieutenant Robert McFeeley to leave said Company "E" and to go to his own company, and did thereupon, and while in arrest take com- mand of said company. Tiiis in Second avenue New York, on the fifteenth day of May, 1879. Charge Fourth. — Conduct xmhecommij an officer and a qentleman. Specification First. — -In this that lie the said Captain Hugh Colemnn, Com- pany " E," Sixty-ninth Regiment National Guard State of New York, while in arrest and being in uniform, in the presence of commissioned officers and enlisted men of said Sixty-ninth Regiment, did address Major Edward DufiFy of said regiment, while the said Major Edward Duffy was in uniform and on duty, with abusive and improper language and among other things, did say in a threatening manner, " I will beat you in this ; you don't know anything," or words to that effect. This in Seventh street in the city of New York on the fifteenth day of May, 1879. To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follows : To the First Specification to tlie First Charge. — "Not Guilty." To the Second Specification to the First Charge. — " Not Guilty." To the Third Specification to the First Charge.—'' Not Guilty." To the Fourth Specification to the First Charge. — "Demurrer on the •'ground that the accuser does not state in his specification that "the left wing of the -'i: % ^ HEAD-QUA KTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AN'ii 157 Mkroku Strf.f.t. Nkw York. May 1. 1880. Genkrai. Ordkrs. No. 5. I. In compliance with Geiiei'al Orders No. 4, c. s.. from these Head- Quarters, the undersigned hereby assumes commaii No. fi. i I. The points of formation and the hour designated in paragrapli II of General Orders No. 3, c. s. from these Head-Quarters for the parade of the 81st instant, are hereby changed as follows : Separate Troop '• A" and Battery " E" on East 42d street. The Third Brigade on West 42d street. Battery " B " on East 41st street. The First Brigade on West 40th street. Battery " K " on East 40th street. The Second Brigade on West 39th sti-eet. The Third Regiment Cavalry on East 39th street. The column will move in the order above given at 10 o'clock, a. m. II. The time for the assembly of tlie Division Staff fixed by pai-agraph VII of General Orders No. 3, c. s. from these Head-Quarters, is hereby changed to 9 o'clock, a.m. TIL Permission to paraile in the column on the 31st instant having, upon the request of the Commanding Officer of the 22d Regiment, been given to th^ 2d Regiment Infantry Pennsylvania National Guard, it is hereby assigned w^l^First Brigade for that purpose. By order of Brigadier-General J. M. Varian. ^ HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, y'J Colonel, A, A. Gen^l and Chief of Staff, /:!i^ , Tij^c^'^^ HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION. NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AND 157 ^Ierokr Street, New York, IMay 17, 1880. Generai, Oroers, 1 No. 7. r I. The rifle practice of this Division at Creedmoor for the season of 1880 will be comliicteil in .icconlance with the provisions of the following oriler from General Head-Quarters State of New York : "GKNKRAL HEAD-QUARTERS, STATE OF NEW YORK, " Adjutant-Gexeral's Office, "Albany, April \2, ISSO. "General f)RDERs, | "No. 1.5. I "I. The Rifle Practice oftlie year l.s.SO, will be conducted tliri)iisliimt the ori\e, cxriiit iiig as In the disposition of the feet of the men when ioad- " ing in twn laiik-, as to wbieb the requirements of the T'nited States Infantry "Tactics (I'ptoirs) will jirevail. " II. Every enlisted man of infantry organizations and those of the cavalry and " artillery, armed with carbines, excepting such as have already qualified as " marksmeu, will be required to jiiactice on the range onck during the season. " The s])ecific days to lie devoted to range practice in each Division, and the man- " ner in which the various organizatiiuis shall be sent to the ranges, will be pre- " scrilied in orders by the respective Division Commanders, suliject, however, to " the following provisions : " The classification and order of duty will be : " (a.) Practice ry Marksmen. " (Duty optional.) The shooting in each Division will commence with a day or days (known as 'Marksman's Day ") devoted to practice iii tbe First Class for the Marksuian's Decoration (badge)." Only marksmen of IsTIi, and they, on this occa- sion only, will be permitted to shoot directly for the decoration. Those who (|naliiy on Marksman'.s Day need not practice further on the ranges, but those who fail must parade on the day of First (ieneral Practice as 'Third Class' men. " ( ti. ) First General Practice. " (Duty Comiiulsory.) Following Marksman's Day Commandants of Subdivis- ions will, /111 tbe days spei-illed by tbe Division Commaiider, respectively parade ' their entire commands for rifle practice at the range, excepting such of their ' men as have already qualified as marksmen. Each organization will proceed to ' the range in a hody, or successively by detachments according to the accommo- ' dations for transportation, and for shooting at the range. Care will be taken not 'to overcrowd the means of transportation, or have more men at the range than ' can perform the specitied dulv in the time available. " The practice, on this occasion, will be in the Third and Second Classes only, ' tollowcd liy volley and file firing by squad, platoon or company. Not more than ' five cartridges per man will be expended in vollev firing (three .standing and ' two kneeling), and five for file firing (three standing and two kneeling). " ( c. ) Second Oener.a.l Pr.-vctice. " (Duty coni]iulsory for the Fouitli (las-; ; otlierwi>c ni.tioiial.) When an entire '(■oniiiKuid has liad oiijiiirtunity fur tirst -cneral pra.ti.r a- piovided herein, the Coniniandant will order, on a subsuciucnt dav or davs, a scrond parade for gene- ^ ral practice, which will be optional with nien in" the Third and higher clas- ' ses, but conii)ulsory with men who, for any reason except previous qualifica- ' tion, were absentees on the occasion of the parade for first general practice, and I who coni])risi', tbci-efoic, the lM)urth Class. Those present will practice in the ^ classes to whirli ibey rcspeL-tively belong, except that only those who were pre- sent on duty tliiring First (iencral Practice may shoot in regular for the I honor of the Marksman's Decoration. It should be po.ssible, on this occasion, I without trenching on the necessary time for individual firing, to practice tiring ' by squad, platoon or coini.anv, as above prescribed, which will complete the ' course. " III. The following regulations of a general nature will be observed: " { a. ) Pr.\ctice in Matches.— .1/acA-4TOe« o/ mn, who, for any good reason, can- " not Vje present on Marksman's Day, may .shoot for the decoration with- " out previous i)ractice in the lower classe's, at anv apprcjved Rifle Associ- " ation Match jiriorto First (n-ncial Practice itliey must furnish, at their " own expense, however, their transportation and' ammunition). Marks- "men present on Marksman's Day, but who fail to qualifv, cannot "thus shoot for the and ;!;U) will be duly respected by all concerned, and " enforced by the commaniling officer on duty. " In regular jnacticc each enlisted man will" shoot with the piece issued " by the Ordnance Deijartnient of the State, and lirought liy him on the " ground, unless the same is condemned, for actual defects, by an Inspec- " tor of Rifle Practice. In that case the man may shoot with the near- " est approved piece in the ranks, and the one condemned will be re- " turned to the Chief of Ordnance for repairs or exchaiige. " (d. ) Class Firixg and Scoring. — All hut marksmen of 1879 (who are per- " mitted to shoot directly for the Decoration on Marksman's Day or iu " the matches above designated only) must shoot through the regular " classes prescribed in the Manual, and are prohibited from tiring in " any class to whicli they do not belong, and from shooting for a second " or higher score in a class in which they ha\e alieudy qualified. The " record must stand upon the first qualifying score made. " Xo score by oflicer or enlisted man will be recognized unless made " at a target to which he has been regularly assigned, and where his " name has been previously entered on a setre blank. " Second practice will not be allowed while any who are entitled to " shoot are waiting for first practice. No officer or enlisted man will be " permitted to fire more than ten individual shots at any one distance " on the .same day, except the )u rii^cu y ^i^diting shots to ascertain ele- " vation, windage and the conditinn of jiieces, which may be fired by " officers under the inspection of an Inspector of Rifle Practice. " (e. ) Officers. — A sufficient number of commissioned officers must accompany " all parties for rifle practice to command and instruct the men. At " least one company officer will be present with any part of his com- " pany on duty, and a field officer will take command'of all detachments " of two or more companies. An officer is not exempt from duty, as " such, because he has completed liis own rifle practice. " For the sake of discipline coniniissioned ollicers will make their own " scores on targets especially assigned them and not with their men. " The responsibility of otficers on the range is very great. They will " not allow their own shooting to interfere with their first duty in in- " .structing the men. (Jood officers will lie theoretically proficient in the " use of the rifle and able to apply armory instruction in the field. The " men will be instructed as much as ])ossilile while waiting their turns " to shoot and will have their sights blackened, and the correct elevation " and windage given them before going to the firing points. Inspectors " of Rifle Practice will report to their commandants officere who neglect, " or are incompetent, to properly instruct their men. " (/. ) Rkcord.s. — The blanks and books for record of rifle practice (issued " through Division head-quarters) must be kept written up, and must " be written iu ink, including the original score blanks. Alterations " in score blanks can only be made under certificate of an Inspector of " Rifle Practice. The ' Company Classification Roll ' will be conspic- " nously displayed in Comi)any rooms. " III. All previous orders, regulations and rulings, relating to rifle practice, nor " in conflict with this order, will remain in force. " By order of the Commander-in-Chief. "(Signed,1 FREDERICK TOWXSEXD, '■ Adjutant-General" II. The various organizations of this Division will practice at Creedmoor on the dates below assigned : 1. Marksmans's Day. First Brigade, 2^5 Marksmen. on June 7th. Second Brigade, 232 Marksmen. on June 11th. Third Brigade, 550 Marksmen. 7th Regiment, on June 18th. 8th and G9th Regiments, on .June 21st. Cavalrg Organizations and Battery "B." on June ISlli. 2. First General Practice. First Brigade. June 25th, July 15th and 29th. Second Brigade. July 1st, 19th and oOth. Third Brigade. July 12th, 23d, and August 2d. Cavalrg Organizations and Battery "U." August 5th. 3. Second General Practice. First Brigade. August Gth, lotli and 28d. Second Brigade. August 9th, IGth and 20th. Third Brigade. August r2lh, rjtli and 2(3th. Cavalry Organizations anil Battery " E." August 27th. 4. No two or more regiments or detachments from dilferent regi- ments will occupy the range on the same day. Brigade Com- manders will be guided by the above provision in issuing their orders. 5. In addition to the above dates, there will be a number of days after September 1st on which the range may be secured for practice by organizations desirous of so doing, upon proper and approved application therefor, made through the usual channels to these Head-Quarters. III. Each organization will be allowed one transportation to and from Creedmoor for each officer, non-commissioned officer and soldier therein, as shown by its quarterly return for the first quarter of 1880. The Com- manding Officer of each Uegiment, Separate Troop " A " and Battery " E " sending a team to Creedmoor to compete for the State Prizes, will be al- lowed one transportation to and from Creedmoor for each member of such team (excluding all substitutes and attendants), provided that requisition therefor, duly approved by intermediate commandei's, is received at least thirty days prior to tlie time of such competition. Under no circumstances will other expenses connected with teams competing in any match be de- frayed from the military fund of the State during the current year. IV. Ammunition for target practice during the current year will be lim- ited as follows : To the 5th Regiment, . . . not to exceed 20,040 cartridges. •' 7th ■• ..."'• 3o,9G0 " 8th " . . . " " 17,600 " '.)th '• ...'•" 29,520 '• 11th " ...•'" 24,160 " 12th " . . . " " 16,960 " 22d " . . . " " 22,040 " 69th " . . . " " 29,240 " 71st " ...•'" 21,080 " 3d " Cavalry, . " " 15,840 '■ Separate Troop " A " " " 2,360 " Battery " E," " " 2,400 " 1st Brigade " " ^ " 440 " 2d " " " " 480 " 3d " " " •• 440 V. No further issue of ammunition will be made to any organization. Any greater amount required for class or teniii practice, or for competitions of any kind must be provided independently of the State. Musicians, be- ing non-combatants, will not be furnished with ammunition. VI. Requisitions for ammunition and ti'ansportation will be made upon blanks furnished by the Chief of Ordnance and .Acting Assistant Quarter- master General, signed by the Commanding Officer of the organization and approved by intermediate commanders. One half the allowance of ammu- nition herein prescribed will be issued to each organization on receipt of its requisition, and the remainder will be i.ssued on receipt by the Chief of Ordnance of the shells of the first issue. On the second issue, a deduction from the allowance of each organization of one cartridge for every three shells not returned, or returned in bad order, will be made. The ammu- nition will be issued either from the NewYork State Arsenal or from the State Magazine at Creedmoor, as Commanding Officers may elect. VII. Commanding officers will make the necessary details for guai-d duty and give such instructions as will insure good order and discipline in going to, returning from and while on the range, which instructions will embrace that part of the range assigned to the use of the troops, but must not interfere with the privileges of members of the National Rifle Associa- tion who have at all times the right to enter within tlie range and use any portion of it not occupied bj' the troops. VIII. — Troops will leave Long Island City by train at 8 a. m. (34th street ferry New York, 15 minutes earlier), and return at such hour as may be designated by the commanding officer, who will communicate to the Gene- ral Passenger Agent of the Long Island Railroad the hour at which he de- sires his command to leave the range. IX. In case at tlie hour of assembly tlie weather should be stormy, or of a nature so threatening that in tlie judgment of the commanding officer (lie practice ordered for the day cannot be carried out, he may countermand tlie order for practice on such day, but must immediately notify the Gene- ral Passenger Agent of the Long Island Railroad and the Superintendent of the range at Creedmoor of such action, and will also report the same to Brigade and Division Head-quarters in order that another day may be as- signed to his command to complete its practice. X. Brigade commanders will issue without delay, the necessary orders for carrying out the provisions of this order, a copy of which, as well as of the regimental and troop orders issued in pursuance hereof, will be for- warded immediately after issue, to Lieutenant-Colonel E. II. Sandford, Di- vision Inspector of Rifle Practice, 157 Maiden Lane, New York. By order of Brigadier-General .1. "SI. Variax. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. Gen' I arid Chief of Staff. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, June 7, 1880, General Orders, ) No. 8. I I. It is with feelings of profound regret that the death of Brigadier- General Frederick Vilmar, Second Brigade, which occurred at four o'clock this afternoon, is announced to the Division. General Vilmar entered the military service of the State as Adjutant of the Eleventh Regiment Infantry on May 8, 1861, and served with it in that capacity during the campaign of 1862, in the Shenandoah Valley. He was appointed Commissary of Subsistence with the rank of Lieuten- ant-Colonel upon the staff of the Division Commander on December 19, 1868, which position he vacated to assume the Colonelcy of the Eleventh Regiment on September 22, 1871, and on March 8, 1875 he was chosen Brigadier-General of the Second Brigade, in the command of which he re- mained to the time of his death. He will be buried with military honors on Thursday, the 10th instant, at 2 o'clock, p. M., from the First Presbyterian Church, Fifth avenue, between 11th and 12th streets. II. The following organizations are detailed as the funeral escort: Separate Troop "A," Cavalry. Platoon of Battery " E," Artillery. Seventy first Regiment, Infantry. The escort will be commanded by Brigadier-General Wm. G. Ward, Commanding First Brigade, and will assemble at 2:30 o'clock, p. M., on Fifth avenue opposite and facing the church. III. The following named officers have been requested by the friends of the family to act as pall bearers, and they will meet, in uniform, at No. 24 Bond street, at 1:30 o'clock, p. m. Brigadier-General J. M. Varian. Colonel Henry A. Gildersleeve. Colonel Carl Jussen. Colonel Cornelius B. Mitchell. Colonel John Mechan. Colonel Henry Lux. Colonel Joachim MaidhofF. Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Wrisley. Lieutenant-Colonel Hermann Sussmann. ■A\^- IV. Officers and organizations of the National Guard desiring to take part in the ceremonies are invited to attend the funeral and to assemble in uniform for that purpose on Fifth avenue, south of 10th street, at 2:30 o'clock, p. M. By order of Brigadier-General J. M. Varian, Commanding. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. GerCl and Chief of Staff. r^^. wk HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, Sept. 27, 1880. General Orders 1 No.|} / I. Pursuant to the provisions of Special Orders No. 192, c. s. General Head-quarters, the Third Regiment Cavalry is disbanded and will be assem- bled for muster-out at its armory on Tuesday, the 19th proximo, at 8 o'clock, p. M. II. The commanding officer of the regiment will at once cause three copies of the muster-out rolls, and the discharges by disbandment, to be pro- perly prepared, tilled up, signed and in readiness for the mustering officer on or before the 13th proximo. III. Attention is directed to the provisions of paragraphs IV, VI, VII and VIII of General Orders No. 8, series 1878, General Head-quarters. By order of Brigadier-General J. M. Varian, Commanding. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, / / Colonel, A. A. GenH and Chief of Staff. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, Oct. 1, 1880. General Orders, No. 10. The Major-General Commanding having reported for duty from leave of absence and resumed the command of the Division, Brigadier-General J. M. Varian, 3d Brigade, and Colonel Emmons Clark, 7th Regiment v?ill at once resume their proper commands. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. GenH and Chief of Staff. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORE, 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, Oct. G, 1880. General Orders, ) No. 11. i I. Pursuant to orders from General Head-quarters the Division will pa- rade on Thursday, the 21st instant, fully uniformed, armed and equipped. II. Line will be formed on Fifth avenue, facing eastward, in the follow- ing order, from right to left, the right of the Third Brigade resting on 50th street : Separate Troop " A." Third Brigade. Battery " B." "E." "K." First Brigade. The formation must be completed at 1:30 o'clock, p. m. III. The Second Division, N. G. S. N. Y., Major-General .lames Jourdan commanding, having been ordered to join in this parade, will be received by this Division in line with open ranks. IV. Brigade Commanders and their staffs will take post on the right of their respective brigades, and when the Second Division has cleared the left of the line, the division will form column. V. The line of march will be down Fifth avenue to 42d street, where the honors of a marching salute will be paid to His Excellency the Commander- in-Chief. VI. After passing in review, the several organizations will march to their respective armories by the shortest available route. VII. The Division Staff will assemble mounted and in full uniform at the " Rendezvous," (7, 9 and 11 West 13th street) at 12 o'clock, m. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. GeuH and Chief of Staff. x!^ iii:ai)-quaiiteiis fiiist division, national guard state of new york, 155 AM) 157 Mkuckr Sirkkt, Nkw York, Nov. 30, 1880. ClUCULAU. Tlie following coniiiHmication from Major D. 1). AVillianison, Tliird ]5ri- gade Staff, offering a prize for recriiiliiig, receives tlie cordial approval of tiie Major-Geiieral Coiiimaiidiug the Division, and is publisiied for the in- formation of all concerned. Notice of the manner and form of returns re- quired, will be announced at an early day : " Hi;au-Qiiautkr.s Tiiiiu) Bisigadk, Fiust Division, N. G. S. N. Y. "Ni;w York, Nov. 20, 1880. "Major-General Alexander Shalei;, "Genkrai, : — I should like through you as (Commandant of the First " Division, to offer to present a gold badge to the non-commissioned officer "or private of the First Division, N. G. S. N. Y., who shall have obtained " the gi-eatest, number of recruits (either by new enlistments or re-enlist- "nients) between the 1st day of December, 1880, and the 1st day of April. "1881. " If this meets with your approval, 1 shall esteem it a favor if you would " issue to the commandants of the troops, batteries and companies a circu- " lar informing them of my offer. If accepted, I will hereafter make known "the manner in which I should wish to be apprised of the successful com- " petitor. " Respectfully, "DAVID B. WILLIAMSON, " Major and Judge Advocate, 3d Brigade.^' By order of Major-General Alexander Sualer. HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A, Gen' I and Chief of Staff . [official. ] .and A. D. C. HEAU-QUAIlTEllS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK. 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, Dec. 18, 1880. Circular. An invitation has been receive'.)th Kegiment Infantry N. G. S. N. Y., " What right have "you here? Your presence is insulting and impertinent." " 1 don't res- "ipect you. I order you out of this room." "1 knew you lied," ol- did use similar words, or words to the same effect, when the said Lieutenant- Colonel was then and there present at the request and invitation of the said Captain Martin McDonnell commanding the said last named company. This at the armory of the said 69th Kegiment Infanti-y N. G. S. N. Y., at the City of New York, in the County of New York, on or about the 28tli day of June, 1880. Charge Second. — Disrespect to his superior officer. Specification l.—\n this, that at a meeting of Company " H," 69tb Regi- ment Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y., held at its company room for the election Of ti first lieutenant of said Company " H," pursuant to orders from the head- quarters of sail 69tli Regiment Infiintry. at which Lieutenant-Colonel Wil- liam DeLacy 6'.)ih Kegiment Infantry N. G. S. N. Y., was in attendance for the purpose of presiding at such election, and was then and there the officer of the highest rank present, he, the said Patrick K. Horgan, Company " C," (19th Regiment Infantry N. G. S. N. Y., said to the said Lieutenant-Colonel William DeLacy, his superior officer, " What right have yoii here? Your ■'presence is insulting and impertinent. You can't preside here. I don't ••respect you. I order you out of this room, "or used similar words or words to the same eifect ; and then and ihefe acted in an insulting and dis- respectful manner to the said Lieutenant-Colonel William DeLacy, in the presence of officers and members of the aforesaid Company " C," 69th Regi- ment Infantry. This at the armory of said 69th Regiment Infantry N. G. S. N. Y., at the City of New York, in the County of New York, on the 28th day of June, 1880. ■ CHAKr.E THm\K— Violating sedlinit nevenlff-isight (ff the Military Code. Specification /.—In this, that at a meeting of the nicmbers of Company 1 •• H, " byth Kegimeni liitkiitry N. G. C». N. V., lielJ lor tiie election of a first lieutenant of said Company ■' H," in compliance with special orders No. 21, series of 1880, from the head-quarters of said 69th Regiment Infantry, he, the said Captain Patrick K. Horgan, Company •• C," GOtli Ktgiment Infantry N. G. S. N. Y., did undertake and assume to preside at such meeting, al- though he was not the ofticer of the highest rank present, and altliough Lieutenant-Colonel William DeLacy of said 61tth Regiment Infantry N. G. S. N. Y. was then and there present for the purpose of presiding at such meet- ing, and was the officer of the highest rank present, and was well known to said Captain Patrick K. Horgan so to be. And that the said Captain Pat- rick K. Horgan did then and there assert his right to preside and did pre- side at such meeting, and denied tiie right of said Lieutenant-Colonel Wil- liam DeLacy to preside thereat. This at the armory of said tiUth Regiment Infantry N. G. S. N. Y., at the City of New York in the County of New York, on the '2Ht\i day of June, 1880. Chargk ForuTH. — Conduct to the prejudice of good onler oiid miUlaii/ dis- cipline. Specification 1. — In this, that at a meeting of the members of Company "H," (39th Regiment Infantry N. G. S. N. Y., held for the election of a first lieutenant of said Company " H," in compliance with special oi'ders No. 21, series of 1880, from the head-quarters of said 69th Regiment Infantry, in the presence of many of the members of said company, and of others, members of said 69th Regiment, he, the said Patrick K. Horgan, Company " C," 69th Regiment Infantry N. G. S. N. Y., asserted and maintained his own right to preside at such election, and did preside thereat, although he was not the officer of the highest rank present, and disputed and denied the right of Lieutenant-Colonel William DeLacy, 69th Infantry' N. G. S. N. Y., who was then present, to preside thereat, although the siid Lieutenant-Colo- nel William DeLacy was the officer of the highest rank present, and did then and there say to the said Lieutenant-Colonel William DeLacy, his su- perior officer, -'What right have you here? •• Your presence is insulting "and impertinent." You cnn't preside liere. I dont respect you. I order "you out of this room." "I knew you lied," or used similar words or words to the same effect ; and then ami there acted in an insulting and dis- respectful and abusive manner toward the saiil Lieutenant-I^olonel William DeLacy. This at the armory of the 69th Regiment infantry N. G. S. N. Y., at the City of New York, in the County of New York, the 28th day of June, 1880. To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follows : To the First Specification, First Charge and to the First Charge. — " The accused demurs on the ground that the specification does " not set forth facts sufficient to constitute a charge within " the meaning of the sixty-first Article of War, neither does "it state the Brigade and Division to which the accused be- " longs, and further it does not state whether Captain Horgan " knew that Lieutenant-Colonel DeLacy was his superior offi- " cer or not, and further no authority exists in law permitting " a captain to invite an officer whom he desires to preside at " an election, neither does it state that Captain Horgan was on "duty. The Court decided "that the facts as stated in the "specification do not amount to the offence charged, and the "first charge is therefore dismissed." To the First Specification, Second Charge and to the Second Charge.-^ "The accused demurs on the ground that the specification " does not state the Brigade and Division to which the accused "belongs, neither does it state that Captain Horgan knew that " Lieutenant-Colonel DeLacy was in the room for the purpose " of presiding, or that Captain Horgan was on military duty." Tiie Court decided "that the demurrer is not sustained," whereupon the accused pleaded "Not Guilty" to both the specification and the charge. To the Specification, Third Charge and to the Third Charge.- — " The accused demurs on the ground that the specification " does not state the Brigade and Division to which the accused "belongs, neither does it state tacts sufficient to constitute a " military charge within the meaning of tiie law." The Court decided " that the facts as stated in the specification do not " constitute the ofi'ense charged, and the third charge is there- " fore dismissed." To the First Specification, Fourth Charge and to the Fourth Charge. — ^" The accused demurs on the ground that the specification " does not state the Brigade and Division to which liie accused " belongs, and further as Charge Fourtli is precisely the same "as Charge Second, the Judge Advocate must elect under '• which charge tlie accused siiall be tried." The Court deci- " (led that the demurrer is not sustained," whereupon the ac- cused pleaded " Not Guilty ' to both the specificaiion and the charge. Findings. The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, finds the accused, Captain Patrick K. Horgan, Company " C," 69th ^Regiment In- fantry, Third Brigade, First Division, N. G. S. N. Y., as follows: "Of the Specification, Second Charge. — Guilty." "Of the Second Charge. — Guilty." " Of the Specification, Fourth Charge. — Guilty, except as to the words, and abusive, and as to the excepted words, Not Guilty." "Of the Fourth Charge. — Guilty." ' '. ■■■'.■■ -.v.-;- . -Sentence. " And the Court does therefore sentence him. Captain Patrick K. Horgan, "Company " C," <^,.^^^i:^: HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK. 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, May lOtli, 1882. Gexkral Orders, ) No. 2. ' \ I. The Division will parade on the 30th instant, in participation of the ceremonies of Decoration Day, and as escort to the Grand Army of the Republic and other organizations parading under the direction of the Grand Marshal. II. The formation will be in close columns, the heads resting on Fifth Avenue, as follows : First Brigade on West olst Street. First ancf Second Batteries on West 50th Street. Second Brigade on West 4ftth Street. III. The Division will move in the order above given, in column. at 9.30 o'clock A. M., down Fifth Avenue to the Worth Monument, where the honors of a marching salute will be rendered, and continu- ing the march down Fifth Avenue to 14th Street, to and around Union Square, to and through Broadway to Canal Street, where the parade will be dismissed ; the several organizations directing their march in such a manner as not to impede the march of the rear of the column or to unneccessarily olistruct lines of street car travel. IV. The Division Staff will assemble mounted and in full uniform, at No. 7 West 13th Street, at 8 o'clock A. M. By order of Major-General Alexander, HENRY A. GILDERSLEEfVE, Colonel, A. A. Geu'l and Chief of Staff. // ' HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK 155 AND 157 Mercer Street, New York, May 25th, 1882. General Orders, } No. 3. f I.— The rifle practice of this Division at Creedmoor for the season of 1882, will be conducted as follows: No two or more regiments or detachments from different regi- ments will occupy tlie range on the same da}-, imless in Second General Practice, and then permission must be previously obtained from these Head-quarters authorizing a change in this regulation. Commandants will rigidly require first general practice of their entire commands, excepting musicians Avho are not allowed to practice . subject to the penalty provided in the ^lilitary Code for delinquency ; but may excuse such members as afterward volun- tarily, and without expense to the State, perform the duty in- cluding tiring in ranks. Practice in matches is not considered equivalent. Those who are present at lirst general practice will not be required to perform further lield duty as riflemen. Companies which fail to parade at least 50 per cent, of their strength for field rifle practice will be published in orders as delinquent. II. — Transportation for the day of first general practice onl}', will be provided for each officer, non-commissioned oflicer and soldier present for practice on such day. Ammunition will lie limited to thirty rounds for each officer, non-commissioned officer and soldier enrolled as per the quarterly returns for quarter ending March 31st, 1882. Requisitions for transportation and ammunition must be made on and forwarded directly to the Chief of Ordnance, New York City. CLASSIFICATION. III. — The classification and order of practice will be the same as in 1881, and as prescribed in G. O. No. 10, c. s. A. G. O. A score of forty or upward in the first class constitutes a sharp- shooter. SECOND GENERAL PRACTICE. IV. — When an entire command has liad opportunity for first gen- eral practice the commandant may, in his discretion, witli the approval of tlie Division Commander, fix a subsequent day or days for voluntary general practice, without additional expense to the State. Those present will practice in the classes to which they respectively belong. In other respects the tour of duty will be identical with that prescribed for tirst general practice daj', in- cluding firing in ranks. C4ENERAL REGULATIONS. V. — Practice in Matches. — Scores made (in any class) at a regular Rifle Association match, observing the full military conditions includ- ing uniform, and approved by the General Inspector of Rifle Practice , will be recognized as official. Such practice however must be without expense to the State. Wooden targets will be used for volley and file firing. Iron targets must not be used for this practice. Surgeons. — Commandants will in all cases detail a surgeon to accompany any party ordered out for rifle practice, and the duty should not proceed without the presence of a competent medical officer, Inspection of Practice. — Brigade Inspectors of Rifle Practice will inspect the practice for the marksman's decoration (except in authorized matches), and Brigade or Regimental Inspectors the class shooting in their respective organizations, and certify the returns. Organizations having no inspector of rifle practice immediately attached, will be inspected by the brigade or division inspector. An inspector who is not able to be personally present on any occasion of duty will so report to his commanding officer, who will then detail a competent officer to act in his stead. The powers and authority of rifle inspectors in the field will be duly respected V)y all concerned, and enforced by the command- ing officer on duty. In regular i)ractice each enlisted man will shoot with the piece issued by the Ordnance Department of the State and brought bj'- him on the ground, unless the same is condemned for actual de- fects by an inspector of rifle practice In that case the man may shoot with the nearest approved piece in the ranks, and the one condemned will be returned to the Chief of Ordnance for repairs or exchange. Class Firing and Scoring. — All members of the National Guard must shoot through the regular classes, and are prohibited from shooting for a second or higher score in a class in which they have already qualified. The record must stand upon the firs't qualifying score made. No score by officer or enlisted man will be recognized unless made at a target to which he has been regularly assigned, and where his name has been previously entered on a score blank. In regular class practice no officer or enlisted man will be per- mitted to fire more than five shots consecutivel}' at any one dis- tance , except the necessary sighting shots to ascertain elevation, windage and the condition of pieces, whicii may be fired by officers or well instructed men under the inspection or approval of an Inspector of Rifle Practice. Trial practice between classes is forbidden. Officers. — A sufficient number of commissioned officers must accompany all parties for ritie practice to command and instruct the men. At least one company officer will be present with anj' part of his company on duty, and a field officer will take command of all detachments of two or more companies. An officer is not •exempt from duty as such because he has completed his own rifle practice. For the sake of discipline, commissioned officers will make their own scores on targets especially assigned them, or on the ■company targets, before the men come to the firing points. The responsibility of officers on the range is very great. They will not allow their own shooting to interfere with their first duty in instructing the men. Good officers will be theoretically proficient in the use of the rifle and able to apply armory instruc- tion in the field. The men will be instructed as much as possible while waiting their turns to shoot, and will have their sights blackened and the correct elevation and windage given them be- fore going to the firing points. Inspectors of Rifle Practice will report to their commandants officers w^ho neglect or are incom- petent to properly instruct the men under their charge. Records.— T\\Q blanks and books for record of rifle practice [which, with the exception of score cards, will be issued through Division Head-quarter.s] must be kept written up, and must be written in ink, including the original score blanks. Alterations in score blanks can only be made under certificate of an Inspector of Rifle Practice. The "Company Classification Roll" will be conspicuously displayed in company rooms. Close of Practice. — The practice for the season will close on October 15th, and no scores made after that date will be re- cognized, The full reports of rifle practice from minor organiza- tions will be made to the Brigade Commander on or before Nov- ember 1st; of Brigades, to the Division Commander on or before November 15th. VI. — The several organizations of this Division will practice at Creed- moor on the days below assigned : 7th Regiment, on June 8th. 71st " " 9th. 11th " " 16th. 12th " " 19th. 8th " " 28d. 22d " " 26th. 2d Battery " 29th. 9th Regiment, on July 1:5th. 69th '• " 20th. VII. — The following dates are available for second general i)ractice for such organizations as may desire to make such practice, but per- mission to use any day or days must first be obtained from these Head- quarters : July 21st, 24th, 28th and 81st; August 3d, lOlh, 11th, 14th, 24th, 2Sth and 31st, (for 2d Battery only on August 31st); Sei)tember 8th, 18th, 21st, 25tli and 29th; ()ctol)er 5th, 6tli, 9th and 12th. VIII.— Commanding officers will make the necessary details for guard duty and give such instructions as will insure good order and discipline in going to, returning from and while on the range, which instructions Avill embrace that part of the range assigned to the use of the troops, but must not interfere with the privileges of the members of the National Rifle Association who have at all times the right to enter within the range and use any portion of it not occupied by the troops. IX. — Troops will leave Long Island City by train at 8 a. m. (34th street ferry New York, 15 minutes earlier), and return at such hour as may be designated by the commanding officer, who will communicate to the General Passenger Agent of the Long Island Railroad the hour at which he desires his command to leave the range. X. — In case at the hour of assembly the weather should be stormy, or of a nature so threatening that in the judgment of the commanding officer the practice ordered for the day cannot be carried out, he may countermand the order for practice on such day, but must immediately notify the General Passenger Agent of the Long Island Railroad and the Superintendent of the Range at Creedmoor of such action, and will alsa report the same to the Brigade and Division Head-quarters in order that another day may be assigned to his command to complete its practice. XI. — Brigade commanders will issue without delay the necessary or- ders for carrying out the provisions of this order, a copy of which, a& well as of the regimental or battery orders issued in pursuance hereof, will be forwarded immediately after issue, to Lieutenant-Colonel E. H. Sanford, Division Inspector of Rifle Practice, 157 Maiden Lane, New York. By order of Major-General Alexander Shalek, ^ HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. Gen'l and Chief of Staff. HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 and 157 Mercer Street, New York, June 23d 1882. General Orders. No. 4. The following appointments and promotions are hereby announced to take effect from this date : Major AVm. De Lancey Boughton, A.D.C, to be Ordnance Officer, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, vice Post resigned. Captain John R. Andrews, A. D. C, to be Aid-de-Camp with the rank of Major, vice Boijghton, appointed Ordnance Officer First Lieutenant Lawson B. Bell, supernumerary, (formerly A.D.C. to Brig. Gen'l Vilmar, 3d Brigade), to be Aid-deCamp with the rank of Captain. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of Major-General Alexander Siialer, HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. Oen'l and Chief of Staff. / J /^ •^7 s ij:>£>'^-^^.^^ A HEAD QUAKTEKS FIK8T DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, New Youk, July 25lh, 1882. Genkkal Okders / No. 5. \ I.— The death of Brigadier-General Joshua M. Vakian, late Com- raaudaut of the Second Brigade, which occurred on the 24th instant, is regretfully announced to the Division. General Varian's long career in the National Guard may be briefly summarized as follows : He enlisted as private in the First Troop Washington Greys 3d Regiment, 1st Brigade, on October 24th, 1844 ; was elected First Lieutenant on ]March 28th, 1845 ; Captain in the 8th Regiment, 3d Brigade, on August 12th, 1847 ; Colonel of the 8th Regiment, 3d Brigade, on December 4th, 1861, and Brigadier-General of the 3d Brigade on November 20th, 1866, in which capacity he con- tinueil to serve (the 3d Brigade having meanwhile been designated as the 2d Brigade) until his resignation, induced by ill health, which was ac cepted on February 10th, 1882. II. — The following organizations are detailed as the funeral escort under the command of Brigadier General Wm. G. Ward, First Brigade : Platoon of the 2d Battery. Eighth Regiment Infantry. They wnll report at 14th Street and 7th Avenue, at 9.80 o'clock, A. M , on Thursday. 27th inst. III. — The following-named officers have been requested to act as pall- bearers, and will assemble, in full uniform, at No. 151 West 13th Street, at 9.30 o'clock, A. M. : Major-General Alexander Shaler, Brigadier-General Daniel D. Wylie, " •' William H. Brownell, " Louis Fitzgerald, Colonel William Seward, Jr. Lieutenant-Colonel David B. Williamson. IV.— Officers and organizations of the National Guard desiring to take part in the ceremonies, are invited to attend the funeral, and to assemble in uniform for that purpose, on Seventh Avenue near I3tli Street, at 10 o'clock, A. M. V —The remains will be escorted from the late residence of the de- ceased (No. lol West 13th Street), to the Seventh Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, between 13th and 14th Street, and from thence to the Ferry at the foot of West 23d Street, for interment in the New York '•y {,'emetery. By order of Major-General Alexander Siialeu. &^ HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Colonel, A. A. Gen I and (Jhief of Staff . HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK. New York, December 16th, 1882. Grnerai. Oudp:rs, ) No. 6. ^ The foUowiug appoiutmeut is hereby auuouuced to take effect from this date: Edward T. Wood to be Quarter-Master with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, rics Paine resigned. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By Order of Major-General Alexander Shaler, HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, Coloml, A. A. Oen'land Chief of Staff. ^^,-^ HEAD-QUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF NEW YORK, 155 AND 157 Mkrcer Street, New York, January 5th, 1882. Circular. The following communication from the Cliairman of the French Reception Commission relative to tlie parade of the Division on October 6th, 1881, is hereby promulgated : Office of the French Reception Commission, ( 69 Bible House, ) New Y'ork, 29th December, 1881. Major-General SHALER, Commanding First Division, N. G. S. N. Y. : Dear Sir : By order of the Commission appointed by His Excellency the Governor, to extend the courtesies of the State to the French Delegation to the York- town Centennial, I have the honor to thank you for the generous coopera- tion to carry out the resolutions of the Senate of the State by your tender of a review of the First Division of the National Guard State of New York, in honor of the distinguished guests. His Excellency the Governor not only sanctioned the Review, but added dignity to the same by his own pres- ence accompanied by his staff. The extraordinary international occasion, and the beauty of the scene, as the regiments passed, after liaving been inspect- ed, giving the marching salute, will long be remembered by all who participated in and witnessed it. I have been charged by the French gentlemen to express their high ap- preciation of the great honor thus extended to them, and to compliment you. and through you the officers and men of the Division, for their admirable marching, soldierly bearing and precision of movements, giving evidence of thorough drill and equipment, and of readiness for efiective duty when called into active service. Accept, my dear General, for yourself and the members of your staff, the assurances of my high consideration, and believe me to be, Very respectfully yours, JOHN A. KING, (//lairman. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler. HENRY A. GILDERSLI':i<:VE, Colonel, A. A. Gen' I and C kief of Staff. (TiL. L 006 180 635 2 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 734 722 2