atters of Interest to Mexican Veterans. PHOCEKOIXW.S Or '; MEETIAO FEBRTAKi i-3, 1S76. -i of r!i.' ,Nn:ion- sil Association, oaltad in aee..>'ilance with :i 'I 1>V tl'- tribute the in. da! badges in accord a lie - with the design adopted by the National Convention, reported the imans adopt ed to enable them to fulfill thin-duties. It was deemed important to ihU insignia of membership distributed b"- fore the meeting in Philadelphia, in vcnti" of 1^7.1, was li Id ie. \V.s- irder to distinguish members froiii im- .">t\ of Fehriary, Frt'-nl nt, .1 'V ' ' snver 'ii tin- ; wlio would be likely to assume the character of veteians for the sake fl d of ontainii'.ir privileges fr . - < 'inpanics and the centennial :iiith'>ri- tives of the army and navy) were p.'< s- tics at I'liiladelplna ; ,-iit in pprson or by proxy. THE SKLUCTIO.N* OH" AS OKATOH For rl: ' ' be hi Id on t.he July, at Philadelphia. .va> .. lei I'he coin- that pnrp pcrhaps. wonKI cheerfully extend conrte-ies to veterans if there was any way to dis tinguish them. '1'he committee had made arra igements with the director of t.he Mini to have the .lie engraved and the medaisstriick in that establish ment, MIHl had pel Hiolll il li;e I'M iili-ul ' , , , . . nafy On moiion of .Mi. Yuttmin, of V->\ OH went ini .-. 'u.le to i.oinin- orator, with the understanding from i -i eeiving the - ii'Mih ! . 'Hid he selected by tie- president to deliver ation. I itleoien . of vote; : >hio; iien. Albei , i-. and II. S. enmmithie captured cannon in aid of t.he enter prise, \vhicli was promptly granted The whole work of c.t ting the medal,-. and amalgamation of the material was left to the superintendent andcoiuerof the Mint, wtio are presumed to under stand their business betler than the commit!, e. who are not skilled in the science of m lallurgy. The other work and the lahor of di-- tribntion, printing, clerical labor, etc . was estimated to eo-t *J to each appli cant who cuiild show by a elear state- nient of service he was entitled to wear the badge. P-pres-iiting an a -socia- tion in \ew York, moved that his so ciety hi; allowed to t -ike such Mimber of the medals as they may di >iiv, :it the Mint cost, and have the privilege of em bellishing them in their own way at New York city, where the engraving. &.(:., could he done cheaper and 'f'he mover took tin- ix'c ision to^e. in some personal 1'ell ,-ei.ions on tile mo- I . I Hit) .,,.' in which they were doinu the work. Secretary Keiia lay Male I that this, proposition had been h'fore. made to the committee, who had, after due con .: vt. ri>MMrj"ri>; OF AKKAM;K- MEUTB. Col. \Vm. I. ;, , of Mary- ''i'"'- : I the meeting, showing sideration! declined to'aceeiV to' it" oil ""' |i; '"" having an active, the ground that the badu-e was the i,,- of the sjirniaof membership in the National ments of the meeting Association, and while every soldier or to be held in Philadelphia, during the sdlorof the Mexican U'ar.'in local or- ebration, and moved gai i/,ations, could be supplied on appii- that be authorized to cation and compliance with the rules "IT" ' Vl.pred. adopted, it was necessary tha,t his till,- l"iit announced the foi- to y FIN,\\ \^m..l. m , -inbershii) most of the gallant N-w Robert York veterans who served in .\b having withdrawn from it, it is stated) the result would be that every oilier , Treasurer, and : '^ " niilt . io11 i'"'"; """> "ould Imve just Commlftee, made ^^ " f complaint, and then would be .,t. si, ,wh,g re- : '".' -" l "' r:l1 reewd " { 8"-TlTOM any- ceijits i i I iy tin- Finance i."s : Total re from i "olina ; $25 ' from Khodc l-'and : s"J5 fio'ii N'cvada; \Ve-t Virginia ; fit) from i irom - ' lf , ,. . . of the ha ; l^ ; as a memento , consUted in its emai ftis.lo ; 10 from Illinois; 825 from ;,. fro.n ( 'o!.ir.'.> lie exce, mostly eonflned to one or two individuals of tin- . ;. I'le from tin- com miUee apputiHed to prepare and dis- -New association (Who did not, how ever, represent that Stale in Mexico) who have been .chronic fault-linders utli everything done by the oilicers 'I'om the beginning fomenting dis cord and endeavoring to throw obsla- cles. in ttleir feeble, way, totlie onward maicii of ihe vast column of survivors who have joineil the National Organi sation and sustain ir by their cheerful contributions, or good words at least. The .Secretary did not propose to halt :n his iii-ogre- s and go down to their brain level to ascertain the motives of ilie.-e growlers Considerable discussion ensued, re sulting in the almosi unanimous en dorsement: of tin: entire action of the Kadge Co;innit f e." in eveiy particular. KAILROAD FARKS. The Secretary read the correspond e;:ce hail with nilroad companies rela- i .i\\' to transportation of veterans to and the ('eiitennial. which was refer r'd to the Committee of Arrangements. HOTEL AT KNCAMPMENT GUOUNDS. The See''- tary al.o reported that, '.nth a view to aid the Committee of Arrangements in their labors, (the con vention of last year not having delegat ed power to any one to make definite ar rangements.) lie had solicited parties to he ready wiln proposals when the dele- gales assembled, and that Col. James i'l :, -.', propri-tor of the Imperial Ho tel in this city, ha 1 submitted an agree ment to go :o Philadelphia and erect, on the encampment, grounds to be set apart for the veteians, a mammoth can \ci> tent lor hotel purposes, in which lie would furnish meal- ton cogni/edmem- !>rr- of !h a-sociation at the moderate rate of ONKIJULLAK PKU DAY for each man. and will furnish as good food as e:i!i be had in the nitrket. ills h.ll of fire to be as follows: BREAKFAST. Fish, beefsteak, mut- lon ch.ips, liver and bacon, veal cutlets, 1 . liai.i a, id <-ggs, fried p./ . 1 iked potato's, bread, tea and coffee. DlX.N'KH. Sou;} or chowder, fish; -Beef, veal, mutton; Hulled. 'I mgue, cor.nbe.ef and ham; Vegetables. -Potatoes, cabbage, rice, succotash. i cans, pickles. \c. Pastry. Puddings, t \.c. Srt'i'KK. Cold meats, beef steak, v-al cm lets, (ried potatoes, tea biscuits, p;ain bread, crackers, tea and coll'ce. The meeting then adjourned. THE PENOING BILL IN THE HOUSE. In the early part of February, 1'rcsi- di nt Denver and Secretary Kenadaj c. lied oil th" lion. (i. W. Hewitt, by i: vitalion. and submitted such statistic? a.- had b (! n collected at the headquar- ii s of the association in .support of the n .'inorial In fore i 'on^res>. Dn theiittiiof February, llon.Cold- >i lirh \V. Hewitt of Alabama, from the (.' jimnittee of Invalid Pensions, report ed the following bill, with a favorable ri por'. -iili>iantiai!y Ihe same as that, n ade by the minority of the committee o last session, which was published in c-ir proceedings of the convention of V 'bruary 22, 187."), on pages 15 and Hi. A bill granting pensions to certain M Idlers and sailois of the .Mexica'i, F orida, and the Black Hawk wars, and i;. rtain widows of deceased soldiers a: id sailors of the same. 1'iiiK-hii hi/ the fe 'inii House, j , That the Secretary of the Interior !> . and he i^ hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension-roll the names of the surviving officers and el !i-ted men, including militia and v< luntcers of the military and naval Berries* of the United Slates, who served sixty days in I he war of eighteen hundred and forty-six with Mexico, or in the Florida war or in the Black Hawk war thirty days, and \vcre honorable discharged, and to such other ollirers and soldiers and sailors as may have been personally named in any r< solution of Congress for any specific service in Paid war, all hough t.tieir term of service may have been I ss than sixty days, and who shall subscribe an oath to support the Con stitution of the United States an..! the surviving widows of such officers and enlisted men as were married prior to the discharge of such officers and en- li.-ted men : Provided, That such widows shall not have remarried. SEU. '2. That this act shall not apply to any person who is receiving a pen sion at ihe rate of eight dollars or more per month, nor to any person receiv ing a pi nsion less than eight dollars per month, except for the difference between the pension now received and eight, dollars p> r month. Pensions : under this act shall be at the rate of eight dollars per month, except as herein provided when a person is re ceiving a pension of less than eight dollars per month, and shall be paid to i the persons entitled thereto from and after the passage of this act, for and during the term of their natural lives. SEC. H. That before the name of any person shall be placed on the pension- roll under this act, proof shall be made, under such rules and regulations a.s the Secretary of the Intel ior may pre scribe, that the applicant is entitled to a pension under the provisions of this act ; and any person wdio shall falsely take any oath required to be taken under the provisions of this act shall b.- guiltyj,)f perjury; and the Secretary. tlFTtlterior shall cause to I),- strick en from the pension-roll the name of any person whenever it shall appear, by proof satisfactory to him, that such name vas put upon such roll through false and fraudulent representations as to the right of such person to a pen sion under the provisions of this act. The los; of certificate shall not deprive the applicant of the benefits of this act, nnt other proof of services per formed and of an honorable discharge shall he deemed snllicient. SKC. I. That the provisions of see lions twelve and thirteen of t.he act entitled "An act supplementary to An act to grant pensions,' " passed .Inly fourth, eighteen hundred an 1 sixty-four, and of sections two. three, and foin of the act entitled "An act supplementary to several acts relating to pensions," approved June sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, shall be applicable to the pensions granted by this ;!:(.; but no law now in exis : tence which in any way conflicts with the provi-ions of tins act shall be ap plicable it> the survivors of the wars above mentioned, or be so construed as to deprive them of the benefits of this act. SKC, .">. That this act shall notapply to person- under politi"al disabilt.ies Head twice, committed to the, com- IDlttee of the whole, and ordered to be printed. The members of the committee are Messrs. GI "X'e A.J.-nks, Pennsylvania; ilohn ('. li.i.'.'by, Illinois Bcnj-unin \V"d son, West Virginia ; A M 151iss, New York; <; '.V. Hewitt. Alabama; A. V. Kice.Ohio: Jesse J Yeates, North olina: -ier miah M. Knsk, Wisconsin; Clement 11. Shmickson. New .Jerae>; W. .}. Pin-man, Florida; and ,1. H, Kaincy. So;iih Carolina. 3 JMO.VTII.V I..YTK4 Ht%. K raveis hen: in \\V: On the nrd of March, H-.-, I! f information Riddle ot following bill, which I- before t,. '' " f app mittee on Military At: haci mwundersto by the c'omii! i-hor- A Bill to authorize the Secretary of itie *-ii*Ui" medals without the tht- Treasuary to pay to offl'-< soKli. i in tin- war with the three m.. nth-' ex ra pav provided for by the net of July nit. eighteen hundred and fort\-ei He it enacted by the > Him"'. c., That tlie Secretary of the Tiva-nry iio belong to a foreign power, an I tue direc tors anil oflK-erg of our compmy h , l:i-l of this opportunity ol making rec -ga tion of tt.eir .-- i \ . FRANK S. BOND, Vice Prc-o't. i appeal to - [he Stale- of Iliinol, Ind a:m. Iowa, :il. North Caroliun and the name of \\ die had to he ,_ it for the 'Mr. 11 ml arrangements mai..- with The >\ork is now in a fair \\a\ to supply members with very little delay. lluntiiioion -mm i ; u, Col. I). K. Smitli, V. 1'. of North ('arolin i. writes thai he ILL- ni.ide a- remain d until the hr. aking out of the wi i-n !h- he iv- . Wa-liing:o(i,and ten.!, r i' his in, -i!- with ihe railroad c ....-, , Q Mf Ull( . ()|ll he, and he is herel-y. dm any moneys in the TIVJI un not miier wise appropriated, to pay to officers and KV< AM1>IK\T GROUND-*. On i nioiii I Win Loui- SJilev, chairman of Connciltee .".' ! . ll: " ^"." f " r nmderlnsjurisdiclon. '"" urvlvi i I l- '.I IHI K* ' '* VHV bill W UWMkl 1^3 i . L pav provided for bv tin- ' ;1 "g J 1 "' 1 "'" CU '"P -"'"".' Il>r 'K nlni ieenlh. eighteen hnmr, "' if Mexican \\ar -eight, in all SIRC-S upon the pr* Vftenfl* will \. w f,ee uj .i.e.. . j ....:.i i...f within modrrutu di-tance oi the Cen orably discharge* i. ' the three mouths' extra i July til forty sentatlon of satisfactory evidence that said extra compensation 1ms no; been previously received. The act of July la, 1848, (which was repealed in 1870) to which tiie forego ing bill refti-s, provid.-s that (.iflct-rs. non-commi-sione.l officers, musicians and privates, engaged in the. military i-ervlce of the United State.-, an 1 who have seived out the lerm of tlc-ir en- gagement, or have been hoi.onri charged: And flrst, to tlie wfdowg; second, to the children; third within inin; i/ice of the tvnnlal ground-- uiii. railroad. Tiie details of the, eeiemo- nl - for tin- 4ili of July an; n- \ct uii- decided, but the associition will not be I'or-rotteij when the programme is made up. TRANSPORT AT ION. Colonel b.jhiey iil-o writes; " Gov. Buwie will attend to tran-j -01 tatio.i iiom VVa-lib.i>ion by the Bihimore & Potomac Railroad (oi which n-.-i I'r.-.-i- dellt.) als to Philadelphia for lh parents, andfonrth, to the brothers and erans here [Baltimore.] The commit sisters of such who have been killed in tee will select i.ol. Pierce of tho Imj.e- the battle, or who died In .-enie , or ,-m hotel. a'..l are trying to see what who having been honorably dlschar- ! privileges we can get for him, I tak- tfed, have since died, or may hi reafu-r I it for grunted they will 1 liberal. * * die without receiving the three n.onth.-' Will go to Phil ideJphU a- BOOM a-, l-'i- pav herein provided for, shall be en titled to receive three' extra A DBWEBVBD < OHPI.1M K.\ r. I caunot forego the pleasure, lu thi- connectiou, of repnhhsliing il Joined arlicle from tho I'lnttc City; .I/,. ; lit oi .March 'i which pa] ! al the head i.f it- colum name of the. worthy Piv-ldeiit of our Association as its oondldate for t're.- ident of the United State.* It will !>e read with interest by our comra showing the antecedent- of the gentleman who has Served u. flu- leader in the movement, in which we are now engaged from the beginning of the agitation GSSN. DENVER. The National l>i:iuocralic Convon- ilo i nas been called to as-emblu al St. Louis on the 27th day of June u select'-- for the otlice.s of MI -ii, d Vic: Pl'e.-ldent i.f tin United Sta . -. n.d we think ih has now arrived for some e.xptvs.-.iouoi' opinion by the press of the c -mnlry as to the mo-t suitable person, to b ; chosen for these hign U e tlierefore to-day give expression to our maueui >usr^.-,ion* are received from -etieral H'auley. He refei-s to us all P*y. 'in Mexican war 1 1 tmvc no means of Judging wither t mwx-l >' ( rans- this Just law will be revived atii; session, but comrad-s who have i National Association ill the already leeeived their three inoiitl,- and to the l.-r-nl organi/ extra pay, or the widow.- < r oiln-i as the railroads have ilxed that them heirs of di ceasf-d soldi. 'rs of the . \Iex- -elvc.-. I.,n;ii />, he ir.r thrtn lean war. will be supplii-ij wiiii blank >" commit/- tkeir ovn forms of application by applying to % ken. anil i hey should not rely altogether the undtTbigned, and authorizing nim on the tommittee, but htlji themselves. to file tlie claim. Tho-.- r You had li ! icr l.-t ail matters re.ating dljcliarged vfttr July 19, 1848, ai^ iiji- to tho meeting com. 10 the commiitec pOifd to have received their i-xtia jav: |Tli'' x - " ( -'ui- but many of tlie voln h-irgeii \ v m I.oii:.-S<;ldey. chairman. &c., P. In 1840 and '47. have never made ap- Uo.\ 5I&. P.^-'mop-. Md. ; 'j plication, and will be entitled to the in l)-l alt of an -i- and was ap| , liii^.t 'ioi-Gi in nil.and comman lc He i.s now 1'vlng nt \Vi!mln experienco, I have found a nutuljcrof the vnhmteori who served under tlie first call for fFrom Waihinffton Republican, March 81.] M, XIC>:V VKTKtlAKS, Free BKIe* to I lie Centennial. At Ihe solicitation of Mr. A M. Kensday, !-y.iMi M.[lonl \BsoclHit.i.iof.\lox- ir n Wnr V^t.-riii-. ^tiiiutor -i H. -MMVi-y, of Texns o 'Inn .) W. 1 hroe.kmor n, elean ^ troops, atid who were m isiereo out at "' i from thmt State, mac ibi. I'lul nt thri.u inf. 0111:18 > Scolt IHe ,".' ' the .,m-.ards married. From Ohio he came to this county where he resided until the breaking out of the Mexican war. when In- i.ti.-ed a company in this \icinity having been appointed n lain by President Polk, ami with hU company joined the army of Gen. Scott, -er\iug to the end of the war with credit to himself, the entire tails faction to his officers and men, and greatly beloved by his own company. At the close of the war be retu. m:ty. wiioe he remainod until tin 1 1. by the d.;.-hc then so wid. lliro'igliout tiie West to visit the then Lew found i.l Dorado which hi.s own exi-riious and th Be of hi, bra\e co.ri- panions had contributed as pan of harbiugei ot _ .H| will iru to our now country. A. panions had contributed as pan of j J-' '" '' i ien . Sen. i '- ar.ny in recently winning i Irom.Mr-x.eo. and joining a party of | ' ADVI;I;I i - M KEVADAY re-i^ctfully nn- nomices 10 hi- i I the :d : he linsi ueMofATTORyUTI 01' DIE I'ROS- IOy OF 01 AIMS i:i the De partments 0? t!. i ...v-rl]ili6lit anrl be ore tin 1 - of '-our Having had ov. r six years' 6Xperienc .aut.-i as an EX A.MtNER OF Cl.AtMS. (from which I < I't.-ig. ed in 187-!, !!)lci,.!-hi-ii record for diici.-ncy mid lideli y.) he bear in his ii".v Vo .' \\ ith tin; rietalls of ihe n-ine^t of an Anorncy tha ! will ren- ler him n-efn) to -do him :he . rust their io his 1tl .,i i-,,,! , and Han. J. W. 1 : t run in r'i:r-ipt of your cok-, March, with reference t-. tin- vr ti inns of ih 'lalrus 'Hl-^ '.ill- ri-ii:i.hiii:.l nm hni j>\ r :o lie tie to iniorm you th it on n 1-1 frnii: i. .- preimenl of the nl tlin iiunilif-r of ihr-.-e -nl-li, r, Ih: t inlrn'l vi-it:n(? 1'lilln- ifornia amid hardships too well ,-i oi i by o n Ae.-tein p.-opleto reijnire description at our ha Aftir his arrival in California (Jen. : was juccesslvr !.. i ati --Dnator, aiy of Mate, ai.rl in I 1 *.". I. v. a> elected t'r> tlie Con^res-. of the Uniiud States v\ ar \ Mm to be of valuable :is,i-t nice io ilv- i clients in .-{ the WHBKEAB00T8 i)F SURVIVING COM- - Ill order to .-ludile ;l Oiii to iheir identity. Witho'i the merits rif his com. THE MI.IAI. BADGES. The delay in delivering t..e mcilal bmdires to applicants requires explana- 'ir-phm, naw tin order of tlie itinctor of the tiii,t writ ten and mailerl to (hi- sA&eriutenilent at Philadelphia, t pruceni the work It was siipposiil that nr)t more rhuti a week would elap-c t.--fon- khev would be ready for tW; workmen asfllin.'l. o! that tnc v.-tirans will < omr- .n. t..- ..-iii'.i|\: hut il -n.-li in not the in- ii-uti. n, on a proper cer iflr-atc of mcru' from ihr- pr--- i-,inttun. I II In- fur-MD-lli ll for :ill Vi-ti-l uii-inol the Aip.vicnir >\.u ort-r our li:c< an. I return We fu ly apprcrintc the fact IhaS but for [he valor of Ibon old gol-Jiers thu i Ibrouirh whicii onr line of road uaaaea no&td .lmini~ira:ioM t . "/inV s ' , r ,u ; n, > a y &T him in wliich all paities A. M. EENADAT, heartily joi 525 Six h St. X. W. The beautiful city of Denver, the j Lock Box 37.