TN 948 R3L6 Idnd Tha Radium-Uranium Ratio in Carnotites THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES The RALPH D. REED LIBRARY DEPARTMENT OP fiCTtLOGY UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA LOS AN<;"5l.r^. ' ALIP. TN I 3 inical Paper 88 Mineral Technology 6 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF MINES JOSEPH A, HOLMES, DIRECTOR THE RADIUM-URANIUM RATIO IN CARNOTITES S. C. LIND AND C. F. WHITTEMORE of . / - SRSITY of C LOS ANGELES, CA __ _ . PROPERTY OF OGY DEPART* LOS ANGELES WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 The Bureau of Mines, in carrying out one of the provisions of its organic act to disseminate information concerning investigations made prints a limited free edition of each of its publications. When this edition is exhausted copies may be obtained at cost price only through the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., who is the authorized agent of the Federal Government for the sale of all publications. The Superintendent of Documents is not an official of the Bureau of Mines. His is an entirely separate office and he should be addressed: SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. The general law under which publications are distributed prohibits the giving of more than one copy of a publication to one person. Additional copies must be pur- chased from the Superintendent of Documents. The price of this technical paper is 5 cents. First edition. March, 1915. Geology Library TN CONTENTS. Introduction i Work of other investigators Variations of ratio in minerals other than pitchblende Constancy of the ratio in pitchblendes The ratio in carnotites g Description of samples g Discussion of methods used 9 The emanating power of carnotite 10 Impracticability of solid-ore radiation method for carnotite 12 Emanation -method for the determination of radium 12 Solution method 12 Solution emanation method in a single operation ' 12 Solution and boiling off emanation 14 Fusion method 14 Fusion-and-solution method 15 Ignition method -. 16 Electroscopic determination of radium. W Electroscope with detachable ionization chamber 17 Standardization of electroscopes 19 Data for standard pitchblende 20 Control of standardization 20 Procedure in using the electroscope 20 The determination of uranium 21 Gravimetric method for vanadium and uranium in carnotite 21 Separation of alumina 22 Results of experiments 23 Discussion of results 26 Summary 28 Acknowledgment 28 Publications on mineral technology 29 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE I. A, View of electroscope with interchangeable ionization chambers; B, Ionization chamber detached from instrument and cap in place FIGURE 1. Apparatus for determining emanation by sealed-tube method 2. Apparatus for dissolving carnotite and collecting the emanation 3. Sulphuric-acid microdrying bulb 4. Cross section of electroscope with detachable ionization chamber. .. 18 Geology Library THE RADIUM-URANIUM RATIO IN CARNOTITES. By S. C. LIND and C. F. WHITTEMORE. INTRODUCTION . One of the recent investigations undertaken by the Bureau of Mines, in pursuance of its endeavors to increase efficiency in the mining and treatment of the mineral resources in the United States, deals with methods of lessening waste in the extraction of radium from the carnotite and other uranium-bearing minerals of Colorado and Utah. In the course of this investigation it has been necessary to study the physical and chemical properties of these ores and to determine the radium and uranium content of many samples. The radium-uranium ratio in different uranium minerals has been determined by various investigators, and among such minerals carno- tite has naturally been included, though hi rather surprisingly few instances. The general constancy of the ratios between the quantity of radium and that of uranium hi most uranium minerals may be regarded as definitely established. The bearing of this experiment- ally demonstrated fact on the theory of the source of radium in a series of atomic disintegrations from the parent element uranium needs no comment. Although the ratios so determined have been in the main constant and agree well in absolute value with what is to be expected theo- retically from other radioactive measurements, still in some instances there have been rather large deviations and the explanations offered for these must be regarded as only partly satisfactory. The devia- tions have usually been in the direction of low ratios of radium to uranium, though deviations in the opposite direction have also been reported. ; In so far as deviations from the normal radium-uranium ratio have been found for carnotite, these hitherto have been invariably low and the impression seems to have become rather general, particularly abroad, that carnotite, as a rule, contains anywhere from a few per cent to 30 per cent less radium than would correspond to its uranium content. It therefore became a matter of some theoretical interest to determine the ratio for a larger number of samples of carnotite than had been investigated. 1019021 6 THE RADIUM-URANIUM RATIO IN CARNOTITES. The determination of the ratio in carnotites has also practical value because of the increasing importance of carnotite as the largest known source of radium. The practice has been and is to buy and sell these ores on the basis of their percentage of uranium oxide (U 3 O 8 ), although European buyers have sometimes insisted on mak- ing allowance for a supposed deficiency in radium. It is evidently of the greatest importance in determining what is the justification for such practice to know within what limits the radium content is fixed by the uranium content. With a view to determining these limits the investigation reported in this paper was undertaken. WORK OF OTHER INVESTIGATORS. For the first experimental demonstrations of the constancy of the radium-uranium ratio we are indebted to the work of Boltwood/ 1 Rutherford, 6 Strutt, c McCoy/ and Eve. VARIATIONS OF RATIO IN MINERALS OTHER THAN PITCHBLENDE. Later it began to be recognized that certain uranium minerals of secondary origin, of which autunite [Ca(UO 2 ) 2 (PO 4 ) 2 .8H 2 O] is one of the chief representatives, show a radium-uranium ratio below that of pitchblende. In 1909 Mile. Gleditsch-'' announced that she had found a sample of French autunite showing only about 80 per cent of the normal (pitchblende) ratio. A low ratio for autunite was confirmed in 1910 by Russell/ who found, also in a sample of French autunite, a ratio only 27 per cent of the normal; while Soddy and Pirret A about the same time found that the ratio for a sample of Spanish autunite was 44.5 per cent of the pitchblende ratio. To account for these low ratios in a sense consistent with the Rutherford and Soddy theory of radioactivity, two different explana- tions have been proposed. One assumes that the secondary minerals are too young for the quantity of radium to have accumulated to the maximum equilibrium value shown hi older minerals such as pitch- blende. The other explanation assumes that the secondary minerals, a Boltwood, B. B., The origin of radium: Philos. Mag., vol. 9, 1905, pp. 599-613; On the ratio of radium to uranium in some minerals: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 18, 1904, pp. 97-103; On the radioactivity of ura- nium minerals: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 25, 1908, pp. 269-298. 6 Rutherford, E. E., and Boltwood, B. B., The relative proportion of radium and uranium in radioactive minerals: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 20, 1905, pp. 55-56; vol. 22, 1906, pp. 1-30. cStrutt, R. J., On the radioactive minerals: Proc. Roy. Soc. London, ser. A, vol. 76, 1905, pp. 88-101; Note supplementary to paper, vol. 76, p. 312. d McCoy, H. N., Ueber das Entstehen des Radiums: Ber. Deutsch. chem. Gesell., Jahrg. 37, Bd. 4, 1904, pp. 2641-2656; Radioactivity as an atomic property: Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 27, pt. 1, 1905, p. 391. e Eve, A. 8., The measurement of radium in minerals by the r-radiation: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 22, 1906, pp. 4-7. / Gleditsch, Ellen, Sur le radium et 1'uranium contenus dans les mine'raux radioactifs: Compt. rend., 1. 148, 1909, p. 1451; Sur le rapport entre 1'uranium et le radium dans les mhuJraux radioactifs: 1. 149, 1909, p. 267. e Russell, A. S., The ratio between radium and uranium in minerals: Nature, vol. 84, 1910, pp. 238-239. Soddy, Frederick, and Pirret, Ruth, The ratio between radium and uranium in minerals: Philos. Mag., voL 20, 1910, pp. 345-349; vol. 21, 1911, pp. 652-658. WORK OF OTHER INVESTIGATORS. 7 because of a looser mechanical structure, are more easily leached by water and that radium is more readily removed than uranium, so that the ratio of radium to uranium is diminished by this process. Additional evidence adduced principally by Marckwald and Rus- sell a appears to support the leaching theory, for in autunite the ionium-uranium ratio was found to approach the theoretical value much more nearly than does the radium-uranium ratio, thus indicat- ing a removal of radium, whereas lead, one of the end products of the uranium family, was found to be almost entirely lacking. At the same time that Mile. Gleditsch b announced the existence of a low radium-uranium ratio in autunite she reported a high ratio (about 16 per cent high) in thorianite from Ceylon. Explaining a high ratio appeared to present much more formidable difficulties than explaining low ones. Mile. Gleditsch favored the view that either ionium or some unknown member between uranium and radium had a much longer period than was previously supposed, necessitating a greater lapse of time for the attainment of equilibrium. Conse- quently, according to this view, all the uranium minerals would be slowly advancing to an equilibrium content of radium higher than that in most pitchblendes. The view held by Mile. Gleditsch did not find general acceptance. Soddy and Pirret c had also examined autunite, pitchblende, and thorianite, and, although confirming a low ratio for autunite, as already stated, they failed to find a difference between the latter two exceeding 3 per cent, which they regarded as within their limits of experimental error. In a later investigation extended to a much larger number of uranium minerals Mile. Gleditsch d confirmed her earlier results, find- ing ratios of radium to uranium varying from 1.82 X 10~ 7 for chalcolite from Saxony to 3.74 XlO~ 7 for pitchblende from Cornwall; whereas for two pitchblendes from Norway she reported 3.48 X 10~ 7 and 3.64 X 10~ 7 , respectively. CONSTANCY OF THE RATIO IN PITCHBLENDES. The most recent experimental contribution to the subject is the searching examination by Heimann and Marckwald of the radium- uranium ratio in eight samples of pitchblende from all the principal pitchblende localities of the world, including Joachimsthal, Saxony, a Marckwald, W., and Russell, A. S., tJber den Radiumgehalt einiger Uranerze: Her. Deutsch. chem. Gesell., Jahrg. 44, Bd. 1, 1911, pp. 771-775; Uber den Radiumgehalt von Uranerzen: Jahrb. Radtoakt. Elektronik, Bd. 8, 1911, p. 457. 6 Gleditsch, Ellen, loc.cit. c Soddy, Frederic, and Pirret, Ruth, loc. cit. d Gleditsch, Ellen, Sur le rapport entre P uranium et le radium dans les mineraux actlB: L Ki ium , Vnetaann, Berta, and Marckwald, W., Uber den Radiumgehalt von Pechblenden: Physlk. Ztechr., Jahrg. 14, 1913, pp. 303-305; Jahrb. Radioakt. Elektronik, Bd. 10, 1913, p. 299. 8 THE RADIUM-URANIUM RATIO IN CARNOTITES. German East Africa, Norway, Bohemia, Colorado, and Cornwall. Determinations were made by two entirely different methods the emanation method and the gamma-ray method. For all eight sam- ples the ratio was found to be constant within 0.4 per cent. The absolute value of the ratio was determined by comparison with a radium solution having its origin in the Honigschmid atomic- weight radium of the Institute for Kadium Eesearch in Vienna, and was found to be 3.328 X 10~ 7 . The satisfactory agreement of this number with the theoretical value of the ratio as calculated from radiation data 6 lend it additional reliability. THE RATIO IN CARNOTITES. As already stated, a few investigators have included carnotites among the uranium minerals they examined. The results of Bolt- wood c and of McCoy d show no abnormally low ratio for this mineral. Mile. Gleditsch e reported for a sample of Colorado carnotite a ratio of only 2.34 X 10~ 7 , which corresponds to about 70 per cent of the normal ratio. Marckwald and Russell -^ found that the ratio was 91.6 per cent of normal ratio for a carnotite from Colorado and 71.5 per cent for one from Florida (?).^ The impression seems to have been general, probably because of these results, that carnotite always has a low ratio. By way of anticipation, the authors of this paper state here that with small samples they have sometimes confirmed the low ratios, finding one almost as low as that found by Mile. Gleditsch, which, however, is to be regarded as exceptional. On the other hand, the authors have also found an equal number of high ratios Qikewise in small samples only), some as high as the highest ratios found by Mile. Gleditsch for any of the primary minerals and one considerably higher, 4.6X10" 7 , which is the highest ratio yet reported for any uranium mineral. What appears to the authors to be of the greatest significance is the fact that these abnormal ratios, both high and low, occur only in samples representing small quantities (a few pounds) of ore; whereas a Honigschmid, O., Revision des Atomgewichtes des Radiums und Herstellung von Radiumstandard- praparaten: Sitzb. K. Akad. Wiss., Abt. 2-a, Bd. 120, 1911, pp. 1617-1652. 6 See calculation by Meyer, Stefan, liber die Lebensdauer von Uran und Radium: Sitzb. K. Akad Wiss., Abt. 2-a, Bd. 122, June, 1913, p. 1085. c Boltwood, B. B., On the ratio of radium to uranium in some minerals: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 18, 1904, pp. 97-103; On the radioactivity of uranium minerals: vol. 25, 1908, pp. 269-298. n the ionization chamber a. One of the advantages of this electroscope is that the microscope, being attached directly and firmly to the leaf chamber (see PI. I, A), can not become displaced relative to the leaf. The miscroscope is held in position by a heavy brass collar set in a vertical plate which is parallel to the front of the leaf chamber and is supported at a dis- tance of about 1 inch from it by three supports screwed into the outside of the cage & (fig. 4). The charging device fc, of a simple and efficient type, is insulated from the cage by an ebonite plug n, which screws into the wall of the cage. The core of the plug is also threaded to accommodate the charging rod and to hold it firmly. Other types of discharge chambers besides that for emanation may be employed, for example, an open chamber for solids, such as is used in the cursory examination of radioactive ores, or a large water chamber of the fontactometer type as used in determining the radio- activity of waters. The purpose in designing this electroscope was to furnish a simple and inexpensive type of instrument, all the parts of which, except the microscope, can be made by any instrument maker or good mechanic. The design also permits of the replacement of any part without dis- turbing the rest of the electroscope. A detailed description of the instrument will be found in the May, 1915, issue of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. STANDARDIZATION OF ELECTROSCOPES. Standardization of electroscopes was carried out by dissolving about 40 milligrams of carefully analyzed pitchblende (see ore No. 12, p. 24) from Colorado in boiling 1 : 1 HNO 3 solution according to the procedure described for carnotites on page 14. The radium content was assumed to be that corresponding to Heimann and Marckwald's ratio of 3.328 XlCT 7 . The pitchblende was analyzed by the method given for carnotite on page 21, omitting the procedure for the separa- tion of vanadium. A number of shorter methods for determining uranium in pitchblende were found unreliable. a Heimann, Berta, and Marckwald, W., Uber den Radiumgehalt von Pechblenden: Jahrb. Radioakt Electronik, Bd. 10, 1913, p. 299; Physik. Ztschr., Bd. 14, 1913, p. 303. 20 THE RADIUM-URANIUM RATIO IN CARNOTITES. DATA FOR STANDARD PITCHBLENDE. One gram of standard pitchblende contains 0.765 gram U 3 O 8 or 0.649 gram U, and 2.16X10" 7 gram of radium. The emanating power is 2.7 per cent. Therefore, 1 milligram dissolved directly gives 2.10X" 10 curies of radium emanation. CONTROL OF STANDARDIZATION. A convenient and time-saving procedure for control of the stand- ardization of electroscopes, after careful determinations and checking, was to measure the discharge produced by the penetrating radiation from about 1 milligram of radium, the element being in the form of bromide, in a small sealed glass tube. Another glass tube, large enough to accommodate the radium tube, was fixed in a vertical position in the wooden base of the electroscope at a distance such as to produce a discharge at the rate of about 1 division per second. This measure- ment was repeated every day, as was measurement of natural leak, before using the instrument. For variations of a few per cent attributable to fluctuations of temperature and atmospheric pressure, a correction was made. Greater variations were ascribed to changes in the leaf system necessitating recalibration, but recalibrating was not found necessary oftener than once in one to two months. PROCEDURE IN USING THE ELECTROSCOPE. After the natural leak had been determined and also the pene- trating ray discharge as control of the calibration, the electroscope was evacuated to the desired degree, as determined by a mercury manome- ter attached to one of the stopcocks. After such evacuation either with an aspirator or a hand pump, the manometer was left connected with the electroscope for a few minutes to make sure that the electro- scope was air-tight. A microdrying tube was then connected to one stopcock and the air containing emanation passed into the ionization chamber from the gas burette, the ignition tube, or the ' ' emanating tube," as the case might be. After standing about three hours the instrument was charged for about 10 to 15 minutes to the voltage used during measurement. It appeared to make little difference, probably because of the sym- metrical form of the ionization chambers, whether induced activity was allowed to accumulate during the whole three hours in a chamber with or without charge. Therefore, the authors employed the method of charging for a short time immediately before measurement. Ten duplicate measurements were then made over a range of 40 scale divisions, from which the average rate of discharge was determined before correcting for the natural leak. The corrected rate of discharge THE DETERMINATION OF URANIUM. 21 can be readily computed into terms of grams of radium by means of a standardization with pitchblende carried out in exactly the same manner as the measurement of the unknown sample of carnotite. THE DETERMINATION OP URANIUM. The method which proved most satisfactory for the determination of uranium in carnotite is the gravimetric one of Ledoux & Co., described by Moore and Kithil a and given below in full detail, includ- ing the volumetric determination of vanadium. GRAVIMETRIC METHOD FOR VANADIUM AND URANIUM IN CARNOTITE. Treat from 2 to 5 grams of ore, according to the proportion of vanadium, iron, and uranium present, in a covered beaker, with 10 c. c. of HC1 and let it stand 15 minutes, shaking it occasionally. Add 5 c. c. of HNO 3 and heat on a steam bath. When quiet remove the cover and evaporate to dryness. Add 3 c. c. of HC1 and 5 c. c. of water to the residue and let it stand on the steam bath for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Dilute with 25 c. c. of hot water, filter into a small beaker, and wash the residue with warm water. Some ores do not yield all the vanadium to this treatment; a little of it may remain with the insoluble residue. To make sure that all vanadium is in solution, ignite the residue in a platinum dish, treat it with 5 c. c. of HF and evaporate to dryness on a steam bath. Do not bake the residue. It is not necessary to expel all SiO 2 . Add 3 c. c. of HC1 to the residue from the HF treatment, and evaporate to dryness. Repeat this treatment to insure expulsion of HF. Treat residue with 2 c. c. of HC1 and 2 c. c. of water and manipulate until any red crust is dissolved, then dilute the solution with water and filter it into the main liquid. Pass H 2 S into the liquid to separate copper, lead, and other metals of this group, filter and boil the liquid to expel the H 2 S. Concentrate the liquid to 100 c. c., if nec- essary, and oxidize it with an excess of H 2 2 and then neutralize with dry Na-jCC^, adding 2 or 3 grams in excess. Boil the liquid for about 15 minutes until the yellowish uranium precipitate dissolves, leaving a brown precipitate which is principally iron. Filter and wash the iron precipitate with water, reserving the filtrate. Dissolve the iron precipitate in the least possible amount of HN0 3 (1:1) and add 10 c. c. of H 2 a , neutralize with Na^CC^, add an excess of 2 grams of Na^COj, and boil as before. Filter into the beaker containing the first filtrate. The iron precipitate may contain a little vanadium reserve it for further treatment. Evaporate the united filtrates from the iron precipitation to a volume of about 200 c. c., add 10 c. c. of strong HNO 3 and boil until all C0 2 is expelled. Neutralize the free acid with ammonia (until a slight permanent precipitate appears), then add 4 c. c. of HNO 3 for each 100 c. c. of liquid. Now add 10 c. c. of a 20 per cent lead acetate solution, and [enough (about 20 c. c.) of a strong solution of ammonium acetate to reduce the hydrogen ion concentration approximately to that of acetic acid.] The object is to precipitate the vanadium as lead vanadate in an acetic acid solution. The ammonium acetate solution may be made by mixing 80 c. c. of strong ammonia, 100 c. c. of water, and 70 c. c. of acetic acid 99 per cent pure. Heat the liquid containing the lead-vanadate precipitate on the steam bath for one hour or more, filter on a tight filter, and wash with warm water. Dissolve the pre- cipitate in the least possible quantity of hot, dilute [not stronger than 1:5] nitric acid, a Moore, R. B., and Kithil, K. L., A preliminary report on uranium, radium, and vanadium: BulL 70^ Bureau of Mines, 1913, pp. 88-90. 22 THE KADIUM-URANIUM EATIO IN CARNOTITES. neutralize as before, add 3 c. c. of HNO 3 in excess, add 2 c. c. of lead acetate solution, and repeat the precipitation of lead vanadate by adding ammonium acetate in excess, filter and add the filtrate to the one from the first precipitation of lead vanadate. Reserve the precipitate of lead vanadate for treatment as described below. Evaporate the united filtrates from the lead vanadate to about 400 c. c., add 10 c. c. of strong H 2 S0 4 to separate the bulk of the lead (derived from the excess of lead acetate) as PbS0 4 , filter, and wash the precipitate with cold water. Neutralize the filtrate from the PbSO 4 with ammonia and add freshly prepared (NH 4 )HS until the solution is yellow and the uranium and what little lead is present are precipitated as sulphides. Warm the mixture on a steam bath until the sulphides settle well. Filter and wash slightly with warm water. Dissolve the precipitate in a No. 2 beaker with hot dilute (1:2) HNO 3 , add 5 c. c. of H 2 S0 4 and evaporate till fumes of H 2 SO 4 appear, cool and take up with water, boil, and let the small precipitate of PbS0 4 settle until the solution is cold; filter, and wash the precipitate with [a little very] dilute H 2 SO 4 . SEPARATION OP ALUMINA. Nearly neutralize the filtrate with ammonia; have the solutions cool (not warmer than 30 C.), and add powdered carbonate of ammonia in about 2 grams excess to precipitate the aluminum, let the precipitate settle, filter, and wash with warm water. If the precipitate is bulky or is at all yellow, dissolve it in a little dilute H 2 SO 4 and reprecipitate with ammonium carbonate as described above. Acidulate the filtrate from the alumina with H 2 SO 4 and boil thoroughly to expel CO^ Make the liquid slightly alkaline with NH 4 OH while it is hot, and heat on the water bath until the ammonium uranate collects and settles. Filter and wash with very dilute (2 per cent) solution of NH 4 NO 3 . Do not allow the precipitate to run dry on the filter after the first washing. Dry the precipitate, ignite it in a porcelain crucible, and weigh as U 3 O 8 . Dissolve the precipitate in HNO 3 and test it with H 2 O 2 for vanadium and with (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 for aluminum. Dissolve the lead vanadate in dilute HNO 3 , add 10 c. c. of H 2 S0 4 , and evaporate the mixture to fumes. Cool, take up with water [add fusion solution], add 10 c. c. of a concentrated solution of S0 2 to the mixture, boil until the excess of S0 2 is expelled and titrate the hot solution with a standard solution of potassium permanganate. The S0 2 reduces the vanadium in solution from V 2 5 to V 2 4 . It is not necessary to filter out the lead sulphate before boiling to expel S0 2 . The boiling is best done in a large flask. In expelling the excess of SO 2 it is necessary to boil the liquid for at least 10 minutes after the smell of SO 2 can no longer be detected. The iron precipitate that was produced by the addition of Na 2 C0 3 and H 2 2 to the original acid solution may contain vanadium. Ignite the precipitate in a platinum crucible and fuse the residue with Na 2 CO 3 , leach the fusion with water, filter, and acidulate the filtrate with H 2 S0 4 . The filtrate may be addded to the main solution before reducing with S0 2 , or reduced and titrated separately, as preferred. For the details of other methods of control the reader is referred to Bulletin 70 . In general it may be stated that the most prevalent errors in the determination of uranium result in the precipitation of some other oxide, such as SiO 2 , A1 2 O 3 , or V 2 O 3 , along with uranium, which would produce a low radium-uranium ratio. To guard against errors from the presence of SiO 2 or A1 2 O 3 , the authors usually redissolved the U 3 O 8 a Moore, R. B., and Kithil, K. L., A preliminary report on uranium, radium, and vanadium: Bull. 70, Bureau of Mines, 1914, pp. 82-91. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. 23 precipitate, passed the solution through a Jones's reductor, and determined the uranium volumetrically by titration with KMnO 4 solution. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. The principal data in regard to the samples tested and the results obtained are given below. For convenience of reference each ore is designated by number, and the order of numbering is the same throughout this paper. Radium values representing the sum of two determinations were determined by the complementary method; those determined by the ignition method are so designated; all others were determined by the method of total emanation by solution hi a single operation. 1. Sample of 65 pounds from Cripple Creek claim, Long Park, Paradox Valley, Colo. U 3 O 8 content: 2.10; 2.08, and 2.12 per cent; average, 2.095 per cent; average U content, 1.78 per cent; average V 2 5 content, 2.53 per cent. Ra per gram X10 9 : 5.94, 6.11, and 5.99 (ignition method); average, 6.02X10" 9 gram. Emanating power, 29.6 per cent. Ra/U=3.38X10- 7 . 2. Small sample from the Rajah claim, Roc Creek, Paradox Valley, Colo. U 8 8 content: 33.19 and 33.24 per cent; average, 33.22 per cent. Average U content, 28.18 per cent; average V 2 5 content, 14.05 per cent. Ra per gram X10 8 : 1.50+ 8.71=10.21,1.67+8.34=10.01, 1.76+8.44=10.20; average, 10.14X10- 8 gram. Eman- ating power, 16.2 per cent. Ra/U=3.59X10~ 7 . 3. Small sample from Black Fox claim, Bull Canon, south of Paradox Valley, Colo. U 3 O 8 content: 1.63, 1.57, 1.60, and 1.58 per cent; average, 1.595 per cent. Average U content, 1.35 per cent; average V 2 5 content, 5.22 per cent. Ra per gram X 10*: 2.15+2.06=4.21, 4.29, 4.30, 4.23 (ignition method); average, 4.26X10^ gram. Emanating power, 50.5 per cent. Ra/U=3.16X10~ 7 . 4. Small sample from Florence claim, Long Park, Paradox Valley, Colo. U,0 8 content: 23.54 and 23.42 per cent; average, 23.48 per cent. Average U content, 19.92 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 10.63 per cent. Ra per gram X 10*: 1.404+5.861=7.27; 1.166+6.082=7.25; 7.33 (ignition method); average, 7.28X10"" 8 gram. Emanating power, 17.7 per cent. Ra/U=3.66X10~ 7 . 5. Small sample from a Curran claim, Long Park, Paradox Valley, Colo. U 3 O 8 content: 24.03, 23.43, 24.75, and 24.37 per cent; average, 24.25 per cent. Average U content, 20.60 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 13.51 per cent. Ra per gramXIO 8 : '2.18+2.77=4.95; 2.36+2.62=4.98; 4.95; 4.97 (ignition method); average, 4.96X10- 8 gram. Emanating power, 45. 8 per cent. Ra/U=2.4lXlO~ 7 . 6. Small sample of a concentrate prepared by a method which may possibly have affected the Ra/U ratio. Hence the data for this sample are not included in Table I. U 3 O 8 content: 9.20 and 9.05 per cent; average, 9.125 per cent. Average U content, 7.74 per cent; average V 2 5 content, 10.08 per cent. Ra per gramXIO 8 : 2.166; 2.167; 2.184 (ignition method); average, 2.17X10" 8 gram. Emanating power, 30.4 per cent. Ra/U=2.80XlO- 7 . 7. Small sample from Florence claim, Long Park, Paradox Valley, Colo. U 3 O 8 con- tent: 3.16, 3.17, 3.23, and 3.19 per cent; average, 3.185 per cent. Average U content, 2.70 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 4.82 per cent. Ra per gramXIO 9 : 4.26+6.35= 10.61; 10.86; 10.58; 10.60; 10.94 (ignition method); average, 10.72X10~ 9 gram. Emanating power, 39.7 percent. Ra/U=3.97X10- ? . 8. Sample of 3,016 pounds from a Cummings claim, Bull Canyon, south of Paradox Valley, Colo. U 3 8 content: 4.78, 4.72, 4.62, and 4.61 per cent; average, 4.68 per cent. 24 THE RADIUM-URANIUM RATIO IN CARNOTITES. Average U content, 3.97 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 4.10 per cent. Ra per gram X10 9 : 4.38+8.93=13.31; 4.45+8.50=12.95; 12.42; 12.90 (ignition method); 13.67; average 13.05 XlO" 9 gram. Emanating power, 33.9 per cent. Ra/U=3.29XlO~ 7 . 9. Sample of 29,118 pounds from same locality as No. 8. U 3 O 8 content: 1.52, 1.57, and 1.48 per cent; average, 1.523 per cent. Average U content, 1.29 per cent; average V 2 S content, 4.00 per cent. Ra per gramXlO 9 : 1.052+3.294=4.35; 0.719+ 3.500=4.22; 4.43; 4.41 (ignition method); average, 4.35X10" 9 gram. Emanating power, 20.4 per cent. Ra/U=3.42XlO~ 7 . 10. Sample of about 4,000 pounds from same place as No. 5. U 3 O 8 content: 2.31, 2.45, 2.35, and 2.48 per cent; average, 2.40 per cent. Average U content, 2.04 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 5.27 per cent. Ra per gramXlO 9 : 7.23; 7.40; 7.30 (ignition method); average, 7.31X10"* gram. Emanating power, 29.0 per cent. Ra/U=3.58X10- 7 . ' 11. Small sample from Melrose claim, Green River district, Utah. U 3 8 content: 4.14, 4.11, 4.12, and 4.16 per cent; average, 4.13 per cent. Average U content, 3.50 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 5.07 per cent. Ra per gramXlO 9 : 4.83+5.74=10.57; 5.05+5.73=10.78; 11.12; 10.87; 11.41 (ignition method); average* 10.95 X10" 9 gram. Emanating power, 45.1 per cent. Ra/U=3.13X10~ 7 . [12. (Standard) pitchblende from Kirk mine, Gilpin County, Colo. U 3 8 content: 76.40 and 76.58 per cent; average, 76.50 per cent. Average U content, 64.9 per cent. Ra per gram: 2.16X10" 7 (calculated from Heimann and Marckwald'so Ra/U ratio of 3.328X10" 7 ). Emanating power 2.7 per cent, by two determinations of 5.98X10" 9 and 5.73X10" 9 curies, respectively.] 13. Sample of a carload lot (about 30 tons) from the claims of the Crucible Steel Co., Paradox Valley, Colo. U 3 8 content: 2.74 and 2.82 per cent; average, 2.78 per cent. Average U content, 2.36 per cent; average V 2 6 content, 4.67 per cent. Ra per gramXlO 9 : 3.51+4.32=7.83; 7.89 (ignition method); average, 7.86X10"-* gram. Emanating power, 44.7 per cent. Ra/U=3.34XlO~ 7 . 14. Sample of a carload lot (about 25 tons) from the same locality as No. 13. U 3 O 8 content: 3.91 and 3.95 per cent; average, 3.93 per cent. Average U content, 3.33 per cent; average V 2 5 content, 5.12 per cent. Ra per gramXlO 9 : 3.90+7.19= 11.09; 11.09; average, 11.09X10" 9 gram. Emanating power, 35.2 per cent. Ra/U= 3.33X10~ 7 . 15. Sample of a carload lot (about 20 tons) from same locality as No. 13. U 3 O 8 content: 2.85 and 2.82 per cent; average, 2.835 per cent. Average U content, 2.41 per cent; average V 2 5 content, 4.72 per cent. Ra per gramXlO 9 : 3.488+4.467= 7.955; 8.076; average, 8.02X10" 9 gram. Emanating power, 43.4 per cent. Ra/U= 3.33 X10~ 7 . 16. Sample of a carload lot (about 22 tons) from same locality as No. 13. U 3 8 content: 2.52 and 2.54 per cent; average, 2.53 per cent. Average U content, 2.16 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 3.75 per cent. Ra per gramXlO 9 : 3.191+3.916=7.107; 7.077; 7.219 (ignition method); 7.174; average, 7.14X10~ 9 gram. Emanating power, 44.9 per cent. Ra/U=3.32x'lO~ 7 . 17. Sample of a carload lot (about 19 tons) from same locality as No. 13. U 3 0s content: 3.05, 3.03, and 3.06 per cent; average, 3.05 per cent. Average U content, 2.59 per cent; average V 2 5 content, 4.66 per cent. Ra per gramXlO 9 : 8.66; 8.65 (ignition method); average, 8.66X10" 9 gram. Emanating power, 47.7 per cent. Ra/U=3.34X10~ 7 . 18. Small sample from Kelly No. 3 lode, west of Mclntyre district, Colorado, near Utah-Colorado boundary. U 3 8 content: 25.63 and 25.71 per cent; average, 25.67 per cent. Average U content, 21.77 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 22.3 per cent. Ra a Heimann, Berta, and Marckwald, W., tiber den Radiumgehalt von Pechblenden: Jahrb. Radioakt. Elektronik, Bd. 10, 1913, p. 299; Physik. Ztschr., Bd. 14, 1913, p. 303. BESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. 25 per gramXIO 8 : 1.224+6.156=7.38; 7.34; 7.37 (ignition method); average, 7.36X10-* gram. Emanating power, 16.6 per cent. Ra/U=3.38X10~ 7 . 19. About 60 pounds of a composite sample of several ores. U 3 8 content: 3.18, 3.26, 3.17, and 3.10 per cent; average, 3.18 per cent. Average U content, 2.70 per cent- average V 2 5 content, 4.03 per cent. Ra per gramXIO 9 : 8.902 (ignition method); 8.935; average, 8.92X10" 9 gram. Emanating power, 33.5 per cent. Ra/U= 3.30X10" 7 . 20. Small sample from Horse Mountain, Eagle County, Colo. U 3 8 content: 7.81 and 7.75 per cent; average, 7.78 per cent.' Average U content, 6.60 per cent; average V 2 5 content, 8.80 per cent. Ra per gramXIO 9 : 9.85+19.77=29.62; 29.91; 30.62; 30.98 (ignition method); average, 30.3 X10" 9 gram. Emanating power, 29.6 per cent Ra/U=4.59X10- 7 . 21. Small sample from a Meyer claim, South Park, Colo. U 3 8 content: 9.52 and 9.20 per cent; average, 9.36 per cent. Average U content, 7.94 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 3.85 per cent. Ra pergramXIO 8 : 1.07+1.31=2.38; 2.36; 2.37 (ignition method); average, 2.37X10" 8 gram. Emanating power, 45.2 per cent. Ra/U= 2.99X10" 7 . 22. A lot of several hundred pounds from the Wade and Taylor claims, Pac Creek, near Moab, Utah. U 3 O 8 content, 7.52 per cent; U content, 6.38 per cent; average V 2 O 5 content, 11.23 per cent. Ra per gramXIO 8 : 0.344+1.764=2.11; 2.12; 2.15 (ignition method); average, 2.13X10" 8 . Emanating power, 16.2 per cent. Ra/U= 3.34X10- 7 . 23. Sample of 1,120 pounds from the same locality as No. 22. U 3 O 8 content, 11.62 per cent; U content, 9.86 per cent. Ra per gramXIO 8 : 3.29; 3.26 (ignition method); average, 3.28X10" 8 gram. Emanating power, 25.1 per cent. Ra/U=3.33X10~ 7 . 24. Sample of about 1 ton of ore of unknown origin, very finely ground, possibly a mill product that had been mixed with a low-grade carnotite after the radium had been largely removed. U 3 8 content: 8.83 and 8.85 per cent; average, 8.84 per cent. Average U content, 7 .50 per cent; average V 2 5 content, 6.87 per cent. Ra per gramX 10 9 : 3.99; 3.88; 4.24 (ignition method); average, 4.04X10^ gram. Ra/U=0.54X10- 7 . The reasons for doubting this sample to be a natural carnotite ore are rather numer- ous. Its Ra/TJ ratio is abnormally low, and its origin could not be ascertained. Under the microscope it shows a network of crystalline needles partly soluble in water (apparently CaS0 4 ), such as could not have existed in the original ore, but must have formed after the ore was ground, because their length is several times the average diameter of other particles. On ignition considerable sulphur is distilled off, probably owing to reduction of sulphates by organic matter. For these reasons the authors do not believe it to be a natural carnotite, and have presented the data for whatever general interest they may have, without including them in Table 1. THE RADIUM-URANIUM RATIO IN CARNOTITES. A summary of the results obtained in the experiments with car- no tite ores is presented in Table 1 following: TABLE I. Results of experiments with carnotites. Percent- Grams of Radium- age of normal No. of Locality. U,0 8 . U. radium X10 9 per Emanat- ing uranium ratio. ratio (pitch- ore. gram of power. Ra blende ore. TJ X10 . ratio= 100 per cent).o Perct. Perct. Per cent. 5 Long Park, Colo 24.25 20.6 49.6 45.8 2.41 72.4 21 South Park, Colo 9.36 7.94 23.7 45.2 2.99 89.8 11 Green River, Utah 4.13 3.50 10.95 45.1 3.13 94.0 3 8 Bull Canyon, Colo Do 1.60 4 68 1.35 3 97 4.26 13 05 50.5 33 9 3.16 3.29 94.9 *98 8 19 3.18 2.70 8.92 33.5 3.30 99.1 16 Long Park, Colo 2.53 2.16 7.14 44.9 3.32 *99.7 14 3.93 3.33 11.09 35.2 3.33 *100.0 15 Do 2.84 2.41 8.02 43.4 3.33 *100 23 Moab Utah 11 62 9 86 32 8 25 1 3 33 *100 13 Long Park, Colo 2.78 2.36 7.86 44.7 3.34 *100.3 17 Do 3.05 2.59 8.66 47.7 3.34 *100.3 22 Moab Utah 7 52 6 38 21 3 16 2 3 34 *100 3 18 1 Mclntyre district, Colo Long Park Colo 25.67 2 10 21.77 1 78 73.6 6 02 16.6 29 6 3.38 3 38 101.5 101 5 9 Bull Canyon, Colo 1.52 1.29 4.35 20.4 3.42 *102. 7 10 Long Park, Colo 2.40 2.04 7.31 29.0 3.58 *107. 5 2 Paradox Valley Colo 33 22 28 18 101 4 16 2 3 59 107 8 4 Long Park, Colo 23.48 19.92 72.8 17.7 3.66 109.9 7 Do.... 3.19 2.70 10.72 39.7 3.97 119.2 20 Eagle County, Colo 7.78 6.60 30.3 29.6 4.59 137.8 101 8 a In results preceded by an asterisk the sample represents a large quantity of ore (from several hundred pounds to 25 tons). 6 Composite of several ores. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. On inspecting the last two columns of Table I there appears to be only one possible conclusion as to the radium-uranium ratio of car- notite; namely, that it is identical with that of pitchblende in all large quantities of well-sampled ore. This appears to be true regard- less of the locality of the deposit or the composition of the ore. The low and high ratios are found only in samples representing small quantities of ore, and the variations are apparently due to local transposition of radium within the ore bed; they are completely equalized on sampling sufficient quantities of ore. The authors are not prepared to go further into the nature of this transposition at the present time, because, as already stated, the samples were not col- lected with this object in view. Of course, the fact that the average of all ratios in Table I should be within 2 per cent of the normal ratio is somewhat accidental; but that the average for all the large samples is within 1 per cent of the normal ratio appears by no means accidental, and seems to represent about the average of the limits of experimental error. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. 27 The question naturally presents itself as to whether high and low ratios for other minerals can be explained in the same way as for car- notite. As far as we are aware it is true that determinations of the radium-uranium ratio have been made, in all the minerals examined, on small samples only. On the other hand, it is to be recalled that high ratios had not been hitherto reported except for primary min- erals, which are not affected as much by the action of water as sec- ondary minerals are. Furthermore, in the case of autunite, in which leaching certainly does produce very low ratios, no high ratios have ever been found to support the transposition theory as put forward for carnotite. In such instances it has been found that the leaching process removes the radium completely from association with the original uranium parent, disseminating it widely or, in exceptional cases, forming deposits con- taming considerable radium with no uranium, as found by Danne hi a specimen of pyromorphite from Issy L'Eveque. The difference in the completeness of the removal of radium by leaching exhibited by autunite and carnotite may be due to the fact that the latter occurs hi a region of very low rainfall; in fact, aridity seems to be a necessary condition for the existence of carnotite. Under such conditions and in view of the fact that the extent of many carnotite deposits is large, a transposition of radium might be expected rather than a complete removal. The high degree to which carnotite gives up its emanation by diffusion as shown in Table 1 and discussed on pages 10 to 12, appears rather remarkable. The property does not seem to be connected with any other known properties of the ores and the authors are not able at present to do more than call attention to the fact, and also to note that carnotite appears to furnish in the solid state a more abundant source of radium emanation than any other mineral with the same radium content. In conclusion it may be stated that from this investigation there seems to be no justification for regarding the radium-uranium ratio in commercial quantities of carnotite as being low or in any way ab- normal. The practice of evaluating the ore from its uranium content appears to be correct within the limits of reliability of uranium de- terminations. In a later paper the authors expect to show that it will be more convenient as well as accurate to determine radium directly than to use the indirect method of a uranium analysis. It is, of course, needless to say that the latter procedure must always be the recourse when the genuineness of the product is uncertain or any other abnormality is suspected. However, in the case of a com- mercial quantity of correctly sampled carnotite, the uranium content o Danne, Jacques, Sur un nouveau mineral radifere: Compt. rend., t. 140, 1905, p. 241. 28 THE RADIUM-UEANIUM BATIO IN CAENOTITES. of which is accurately known, there remain no grounds whatsoever to suspect the radium content as being any less than in the proportion of 1 part of radium to 3,000,000 parts of metallic uranium. SUMMARY. 1. Samples of carnotite representing large quantities of ore (a few hundred pounds to several tons) show a radium-uranium ratio identical with that of pitchblende (3.33X10" 7 ); this ratio is also in accord with the value calculated from radiation data. 2. Samples from small quantities of ore (hand specimens up -to a few pounds) tend to exhibit abnormal ratios. In one instance the ratio was as low as 2.48X1 0~ 7 , and in another as high as4.6xlO~ 7 . 3. The most plausible explanation for these abnormal ratios seems to be that of transposition of radium within the ore bed, producing local differences which are equalized in large samples. 4. The "emanating power" of carnotite is high, and varies from 16 to 50 per cent. 5. In order to obtain concordant results by the Boltwood emana- tion method it was found desirable to determine the emanation liberated by solution in the same sample from which the emanating power had just been determined, thus making the two determina- tions strictly "complementary." 6. Radium may be easily determined in one operation by the ema- nation method, either by solution or by ignition from tubes in which it has been sealed for one month to reach equilibrium. 7. In contrast with the success of the solution and the ignition methods for de-emanating carnotite, the method of fusion with sodium and potassium carbonates and the fusion-and-solution method both gave low results and were abandoned. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The authors take pleasure in acknowledging their indebtedness to Prof. R. B. Moore, physical chemist of the Bureau of Mines, for his helpful advice during this investigation. PUBLICATIONS ON MINERAL TECHNOLOGY. A limited supply of the following publications of the Bureau of Mines is temporarily available for free distribution. Requests for all publications can not be granted, and to insure equitable distribution applicants are requested to limit their selection to publications that may be of especial interest to them. Requests for publications should be addressed to the Director, Bureau of Mines. BULLETIN 3. The coke industry of the United States as related to the foundry, by Richard Moldenke. 1910. 32 pp. BULLETIN 12. Apparatus and methods for the sampling and analysis of furnace gases, by J. C. W. Frazer and E. J. Hoffman. 1911. 22 pp., 6 figs. BULLETIN 47. Notes on mineral wastes, by C. L. Parsons. 1912. 44 pp. BULLETIN 53. Mining and treatment of feldspar and kaolin in the southern Appa- lachian region, by A. S. Watts. 1913. 170 pp., 16 pis., 12 figs. BULLETIN 64. The titaniferous iron ores in the United States, their composition and economic value, by J. T. Singewald, jr. 1913. 145 pp., 16 pis., 3 figs. BULLETIN 67. Electric furnaces for making iron and steel, by D. A. Lyon and R. M. Keeney. 1913. 142 pp., 36 figs. BULLETIN 70. A preliminary report on uranium, radium, and vanadium, by R. B. Moore and K. L. Kithil. 1913. 100 pp., 2 pis., 2 figs. BULLETIN 71. Fuller's earth, by C. L. Parsons. 1913. 38 pp. BULLETIN 77. The electric furnace in metallurgical work, by D, A. Lyon, R. M. Keeney, and J. F. Cullen. 1914. 216 pp., 56 figs. BULLETIN 81. The smelting of copper ores in the electric furnace, by D. A. Lyon and R. M. Keeney. 1914. BULLETIN 84. Metallurgical smoke, by C. H. Fulton. 1914. 90 pp., 5 pis., 15 figs. TECHNICAL PAPER 15. An electrolytic method of preventing corrosion of iron or steel, by J. K. Clement and L. V. Walker. 1913. 19 pp., 10 figs. TECHNICAL PAPER 31. Apparatus for thexact analysis of flue gas, by G. A. Burrell and F. M. Seibert. 1913. 12 pp., 1 fig. TECHNICAL PAPER 36. The preparation of specifications for petroleum products, by I. C. Allen. 1913. 12 pp. TECHNICAL PAPER 41. The mining and treatment of lead and zinc ores in the Joplin district, Missouri; a preliminary report, by C. A. Wright. 1913. 43 pp., 5 figs. TECHNICAL PAPER 50. Metallurgical coke, by A. W. Belden. 1913. 48 pp., Ipl., 23 figs. TECHNICAL PAPER 60. The approximate melting points of some commercial cop- per alloys, by H. W. Gillete and A. B. Norton. 1913. 10 pp., 1 fig. TECHNICAL PAPER 81. The vapor pressure of arsenic trioxide, by H. V. Welch and L. H. Duchak. 1915. 22 pp., 2 figs. Date Due PRINTED IN U. S. A. THE JLUBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UCLA-Geo,og y / G eop hy8ic8Ub TN948R3L6 Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. ( UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001274495 9 ^^ * '