t'.'rV, mm&&& \& MINERS' GUIDE CATALOGUE PRICE LISTS CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS SAN FRANCISCO t - muSSalBSB Bras n ^LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIF'T OF" Received . ..... ^^ -.188 TH E MECHANICAL MINERS' GUIDE ISSUED BY THE CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS SUCCESSORS TO A. S. HALLIDIE MANUFACTURERS Ot ROPE AND THE Four Pointed Steel Barb Fence Wire Office: No. 6 CALIFORNIA ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA FOURTH EDITION NOTE. The Scales, Tables and Rules contained in this pamphlet have been carefully compiled and condensed from the best authorities, and care has been taken throughout to make use of only such as the requirements of the mechanic and miner call for. The compiler for many years resided and worked in the mining region, and often felt the want of a small pamphlet containing the weight and strength of different materials ; rules for calculating the velocity and power of water, etc., etc., and the strength and weight of ropes and chains and such general information. It is offered with a full description and explanation of the use of Wire Rope, Wire Rope transportations, transmission of power by Wire Rope, Cable Railroads, etc., to those interested, trusting to meet their approbation. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS Successors to A. S HALLIDIE. INDEX. A PAGE. Advantages of Wire Rope 9 and 10 Alloys and Compositions 76 Alloys Melting Point of 77 Angles Fall of Different 45 Animals Strength of 83 Annealed Stone or Weaving Wire 89 Application of Grip Pulleys 57 Areas of States, Territories, etc 14 Attaching Clips 41 B Babbitt Metal 76 Bailing Wire 88 Barbed Fence Wire 96 Bar Iron Weights of 65 Blasting 49 Blocks and Tackles Power of 11 Boiler Iron Thickness of Required by law 67 Boilers Shells of 73 Boiler Tubes Lap Welded 67 Brackets for Insulators 95 Brake Wheel and Grip Pulley 37 Bridges Wire Suspension 79 Broom Wire 90 Burglar Alarm and Annunciator Wires . 95 c Cable Railroads 64 Cables Wire For Susp. Flumes.. 19 & 81 Calculating Speed of Drums and Pulleys . 74 Call Bell and Annunciator Wires 95 Cements and Mortars 79 Chain Pump 78 Chain Weight and Strength 86 Clothes Line Wire 92 Columns Strength of 17 Conductors Lightning 25 and 92 Cones for Wire Rope 93 Coppered Wire 88 Copper Wire Electrical Properties of . . 83 Copper Wire Rope Conductors 92 Cords Wire 25 and 92 Crucible Steel Wire 90 Crushing Strength of Materials 18 D Derrick Fall Ropes 23 Derrick Guy Ropes. 23 Description of a Miners' Inch of Water.47 Drilling in Rocks 49 Drums and Pulleys, Calculating Speed of .74 E Earths, Rocks, Etc. Measure of 62 Economy of Wire Rope over Hemp and Manila , 15 Effect of Heat Upon Various Bodies 78 Electrical Properties of Copper Wire 83 Erection of Hallidie's Ropeway ... 32 to 45 Excavating, Hauling, etc 62 Expansion of Iron by Heat 12 F Fall of Angles 45 Fall Ropea for Derricks 23 Fencing Barbed Wire 96 Ferry Ropes (Iron and Steel) 19 Force of Steam and Temperature of Water 84 Form of the Groove of Sheaves and Pul- leys 81 G Galvanized Barbed Fence Wire 96 Galvanized Cones and Thimbles 93 Galvanized Wire. . . . . 88 G CONT'D. PAGE. Galvanized Wire Clothes Line 92 Galvanized Wire Rope for Ship Rigging. 13 Gas Pipes Sizes of 80 Gauges Diameter of Different 60 Gold Value of an Ounce of 75 Gravities Specific 24 and 25 Grip Pulleys 36, 54, 57 and 93 Groove of Pulleys 16 and 81 Guy Ropes for Derricks 23 H Hallidie's Patent Ropeway Descrip- tion of 26 to 31 Hallidie's Ropeway Suggestions as to the erection of 32 to 45 Hauling and Excavating 62 Heat -Effect of on various bodies 78 Heating and Warming Rooms 63 Hemp Rope Weight and Strength of . . 86 Hoisting Wire Rope for 15 Hoop and Scroll Iron 68 Horse Power 77 Insulators 95 Inventor of Wire Rope (Andrew Smith) 7 Iron, Expansion of by Heat 12 Iron Weight of Bar 65 Iron Wire of every description .... 88 to 90 Iron Wire Useful Data of 87 L Lap-Welded Boiler Tubes 87 Lightning Conductors 25 and 92 M Measure of Earths, Rocks, etc 62 Melting Point of Alloys 77 Metals To Convert into weight of different 65 Metals Weight of difierent Sheet 59 Miners' Inch of Water 47 Mode of making Wire Rope 9 Mortars and Cements 79 N Nails Length and Weight of Cut 71 Nails Wire 84 Ore Buckets for Ropeways 43 Overshot Waterwheel Rule to ascertain Power of.. ..48 Painted Barbed Fence Wire 96 Picture Cord 25 and 92 Pile Driving 77 Pipes Sizes of Gas 80 Pipes Velocity of Water in 46 Portable Steam Engine with Grip Pulley. 56 Posts and Columns Strength of 17 Power of Blocks and Tackles 11 Power needed to ascend R. R. Grades . . 82 Power Transmission of by Wire Rope.50 Price Lists 88 and 91 to 94 Pulleys Form of Groove of 16 and 81 Pulleys and Drums Calculating Speed of 74 Pulleys and Drums On -the proper size of 80 and 86 Pulleys for Rope Transmission Table of Sizes and Speed 63 Pulleys Sash for Wire Cord 93 Pump Chain 78 Pump Ropes for River Mining 49 R. PAGE. Railroads Street Worked by Wire Ropes 64 Railway Curves 82 Railway Grades, Power needed to ascend. 82 Resistance of Soils to running Water . . 46 River Mining Pump Ropes 49 River Pumps 78 Ropes See Wire Ropes Ropeways Price List of 94 Ropeways Wire 26 and 45 s Sash Cord 26 and 92 Sah Pulleys 93 Scutt's Patent Barbed Fence Wire 96 Self Dumping Ore Buckets 43 Sheet and Bar Brass Weights 68 Sheets Weights of different Metals .... 59 Shells of Boilers Resisting Pressure of. 73 Ships, Rigging Wire Rope for 13 Signal Cord 25 Sizes of Gas Pipes 80 Sizes Proper of Pulleys and Drums 80 and 86 Sizes of Wire Rope Table of 86 Smith, Andrew Inventor of Wire Rope 7 Solders Various kinds of 76 Sound Velocity of 80 Specific Gravities and Weight of Sub- stances 24 and 25 Splicing Wire Rope Long Splice 38 Spooled Wire (Iron and Tinned) 90 Spring Wire (Carbonated) 88 Standard Sizes of Washers 71 Staples 84 and 90 Stationary Engine with Grip Pulley 58 Station Frames for Ropeways 34 Steam Force of 84 Steel Barbed Fence Wire 96 Steel Wire 88 Strand Wire For Guys, Signals, etc . . 92 Street Railroads worked by Wire Ropes . 64 Strength of Animals 83 Strength Crushing of Materials 18 Strength of Iron Wire 87 Strength of Posts and Columns 17 Strength Tensile of Materials 12 Strength Tensile of Wire Rope 13 Strength Transverse of Materials .... 20 Strength of Wire Ropes 15 and 86 Submarine Telegraph Cables 81 Suspension Bridges 79 Suspension Carriageway Wire Rope.. 23 T Table of Wire Gauges 60 Table showing number of Nails and Tacks per pound 71 Table showing number of Railroad Spikes in 100 pounds 72 Table showing number of Rivets and Bars per pound 71 Table showing number of Washers in 100 pounds 71 Table showing sizes of Tanks and Con- tents 72 Table showing what Cast Iron Columns will bear 72 Table showing Value of Gold 75 Tabular Scale of Ropes and Chain 86 Telegraph Cables Submarine and Sub- terraneous 81 Telegraph Supplies 95 Telegraph and Telephone Wire . . 89 and 95 Temperature of the Earth 49 Temperature of Water and force of Steam. 84 Tempering Steel 74 Tensile strength of Materials 12 T CONT'D. PAGE. Tensile strength of Wire Rope 13 Terms of Purchase 88 Testimonials 29 and 30 Thickness of Boiler Iron required by law . 67 Thimbles for Wire Rope 93 Thorough-braces-Wire Rope for wagons. 92 Tiller Ropes 18 Tinned Wire 89 Tramways Wire 26 to 45 Transporting heavy loads 44 Tranverse strength of Cast Iron Bars. . .21 Tranverse strength of Materials 20 Transmission of Power by Wire Ropes.. 50 Transmission Pulleys Table of Sizes and Speeds 53 Transportation of Material by Wire Ropes 26 to 45 Tubes Lap Welded Boiler 67 u Ultimate strength of Materials 20 Use of Tabular Scale 86 Uses of Wire Rope 8 V Value of an ounce of Gold of different fineness 75 Velocity of Earthquakes 16 Velocity of Sea- Waves 16 Velocity of Sound 80 Velocity of Streams, etc 46 Velocity of Water in Pipes and Sewers . .46 Vineyard Strand 92 w Warming and Heating Rooms Notes on. 63 Washers Standard sizes of 71 Water Miners' Inch of 47 Water Power of Niagara Falls 47 Water Quantity flowing out of an open- ing 48 Water required in working Quartz 78 Water Temperature of 84 Water Velocity of in Pipes 46 Water Wheels Overshot Power of. . .48 Weight of Brass, Copper, Iron and Steel Wire 69 Weight of Bar Iron 65. Weight, length and size of Iron Wire. . . 87 Weight of Sheet and Plate Iron 66 Weight of square foot of Metal Sheets. .59 Weight of Substances 24 Weight of Wire Rope, Hemp Rope and Chain 86 Wire Cables for Suspension Flumes. 1 9 and 81 Wire Cord, Strand, etc 25 and 92 Wire Fencing 77 and 96 Wire Kinds of 75 and 88 Wire Nails. 84 and 90 Wire Rope for Derrick Falls 23 Wire Rope for Derrick Guys 23 Wire Rope for Ferries 19 Wire Rope General remarks 9 Wire Rope for Hoisting 15 Wire Rope for Lightning Conductors ... 92 Wire Rope Price list 91 Wire Rope for River Mining 49 Wire Rope for Ship Rigging 13 Wire Rope for Suspending Hydraulic Hose 19 Wire Rope Suspension Carriage-way . . .23 Wire Rope Table of Strength, Weights etc 85 and 86 Wire Rope-Thorough-braces for wagons . 92 Wire Ropeways or Tramways 26 to 45 Wire Staples 84 and 90 Wire Strantt for Guys, Signals, Fencing, etc 92 Wire Suspension Bridges 79 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., 1882. We are prepared to furnish the Mining, Manufacturing, Shipping and Ferry Interests on the Pacific Coast, with Iron and Steel Wire Rope of all kinds, in any length, size and quantity desired, from our manufactory in San Francisco, on favorable terms. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS. The adaption of Iron Wire to the manufacture of Ropes, is due to Mr. Andrew Smith, a civil engineer by profession, and a native ol Dumfrieshie, in the south of Scotland. His first experiments were made in 1828. As a substitute for raw hide ropes, he employed as counterbalance ropes for shutters and eleva- tors; and the partial success he met with was encouraged by the great advance in the price of Russian hemp. His first patent was dated January 12th, 1835; his second patent was dated March 26th, 1836. A third patent was granted him on December 21st, 1836, and a fourth patent was granted him March 20th, 1 839; and at subsequent dates other patents were issued him for improvements in Wire Ropes and Wire Rope machinery. Since then Wire Rope has become an important industry, and has added much to the wealth of the country, in helping to develop the iron interests. Wire Rope is now generally employed for Mining, Ferry, Shipping and general purposes; and forty years' experience has proved that it possesses many great advantages over Hempen Ropes being lighter, stronger, more durable and cheaper than Hemp or Manila, and is not affected by atmospheric changes. The many purposes to which Wire Rope has been applied where Hemp Rope would soon have been destroyed, and chain found too heavy, soon in- duced its general adoption throughout the mining regions of the civilized world, wherever shafts and incline planes are sunk to great depths; and the universal preference given to it over other ropes and chain, is a sufficient guarantee of its superiority. On the Pacific Coast, the consumption of rope for mining purposes is very great. Until the erection of our works in 1857' 8 Wire Rope was not in the market, although the requirements of the mining and shipping interests had long demanded it. This demand we have since been able to supply, and have recently remodeled our works with machinery of the most approved pattern, capable of turning out all kinds of Flat and Round Wire Rope, which we guarantee to be equal to any made. Round Wire Ropes are made from charcoal iron, bessemer steel or refined crucible steel, galvanized or not, and of each of these, two kinds of Wire Rope are made, Coarse Rope having 42 wires, and Flexible Rope having 114 wires- The latter being used for hoisting, etc., when the sheaves or drums are of small diameter. In addition to the Round Ropes, Flat Iron or Steel Wire Ropes are made from 2 inches to 10 inches wide, and from J to li inches thick. It is almost impossible to specify the precise uses to which Wire Rope is adapted in preference to hempen ropes or chain; but for the following purposes it has been a long time in use, and in every respect is much preferred: For Hoisting from Deep Shafts and Incline Planes. For Guy Ropes for Derricks. For Pump Ropes for Driving River Machinery. For Suspension Cables for Water Conduits or Aqueducts. For Signal Cord. For Ferry Ropes. For Ships' Standing Rigging. For Tiller Ropes for Steamers. For Guy Ropes for Smoke Stacks. For Sash Cord for Window Sashes, Hanging Pictures, etc. For Power Ropes, for conveying power to any distance. For Wire Tramways. For Endless Wire Ropeway, for the transportation of material over moun- tainous and difficult roads, etc. For Steam Cultivation and Land Tillage. For Street Railroads. For Ships' and Tugs' Hawsers. For Thoroughbraces, etc., etc. For Store and Hotel Elevators. Lightning Conductors for the protection of Dwellings, Ships' Masts, etc. WIRE ROPE GENERAL REMARKS ON WIRE -ROPE. The numerous purposes to which rope is applied, its great cost being a large item in a mining company's expenses, necessitates the use of economy in its application; therefore, when it is satisfactorily proved, that by the application of Wire instead of Hemp Ropes, a saving can be effected, it should be a guarantee of its general adoption. When the machinery is properly arranged, and drums and pulleys properly proportioned, the durability of Wire Rope over the best quality of Hempen Ropes is as 3 to 1. But Wire Rope can be destroyed like other rope, if badly used; and as we do not claim for Wire Rope more than it deserves, the surest test is a fair trial; but we do claim for it the following advantages over other ropes, under a fair and legitimate trial: 1st. It is less than two-thirds the weight of dry Hemp Rope. 2d. It is but one-fourth the weight of a wet Hemp Rope. 3d. It is less than one-half the size for same strength. 4th. It does not stretch and shrink (being unaffected by the atmosphere), nor does it absorb moisture. 5th. It is three to five times as durable. 6th. The excessive heat of the Summer sun does not rotiit, nor does the moisture of Winter cause it to swell. 7th. It can be spliced as easily, wet or dry frozen or otherwise and more snugly and neatly than Hemp Rope. 8th. And lastly We do not have to send to Manila or Russia, or any other foreign country, for the raw material, but obtain it from the iron-fields of our own country, thus being essentially a home-manufactured article. 10 Wire rope is usually made of six strands, the core or heart around which it is formed being either hemp or wire; the former being preferred for hoisting ropes, or where the rope works around a sheave or draw. The strands are formed of six wires around a centre wire, thus giving in all 42 wires to the rope. This is the best form for a rope which has to work over sheaves and drums of large diameters, or in cases where the ropes are used as guys or stays. When sheaves and drums of comparative small diameter are employed, then the strands are composed of much smaller wires, and usually nineteen wires form each strand, giving 114 wires to the rope, and making a very soft and flexible rope. The rigidity or flexibility of a rope is also modified as the wire is either soft or hard. For a rope of great tensile strength, hard drawn wire is required, but if it is necessary to have a rope of extreme softness and flexibility, annealed wire can be used: but it must be born in mind that wire loses 40 per cent, of its tensile strength by annealing. Refined Crucible Steel Wire largely combines both qualities of great tensile strength, flexibility and toughness. The following are some of the Advantages of Wire Rope for Ships' Rigging, Etc.: 1. Wire Rope is not affected by the atmospheric changes, consequently does not stretch or shrink in dry or wet weather, avoiding the necessity of re- peated setting up as in Hemp. 2. Wire Rope is 40 per cent, less weight than Hemp, saving so much top hamper. 3. Wire Rope is very much smaller for equal strength, and having but four-tenths the surface of Hemp Rope exposed to the wind, enables the ship to run closer to the wind. 4. Wire Rope is spliced equally well in all kinds of weather, and much more neatly than Hemp. 5. The jib runs down Wire Rope freer, seldom requiring the down haul. 6. Wire rope presents a neat and trim appearance, looks ship-shape; and one suit of wire-rigging in the absence of accident, will last the ship's life. 7. Lastly, and to ship owners very important! Wire rope COSTS VERY MUCH LESS than Hemp or Chain. 11 Explanation of the Signs used in this Work. Addition or plus, . + Division, . . -5- Cube Root, Subtraction or minus Equal to, . . = Square, . Multiplication, . x Square Root, . ,/ Cube, .. On the Power of Blocks and Tackles. RULE FOR ASCERTAINING THE POWER TO BE EXERTED IN RAISING WEIGHTS BY PULLEYS. When only one Rope or Cord is Used. RULE. Divide the weight to be raised by the number of the parts of the rope engaged in supporting the lower or movable block. Ex. 1. What power is required to raise 1200 Ibs. when the lower block contains six sheaves, and the end of the rope is fastened to the upper block ? 1200 Ibs. -4- 12 = 100 Ibs., the power to be exerted. Ex. 2. Suppose the end of the rope is fastened to the lower blocks, what power is required ? 1200-7-13=92,1, Ibs., the power to be exerted. TO ASCERTAIN WHAT WEIGHT CAN BE RAISED BY CERTAIN POWER EXERTED. RULE. Multiply the number of the parts of the rope by the power exerted. Example. Suppose six parts of rope to be used and fifty pounds power exerted the weight that can be raised will be 300 Ibs. Note. The Weston differential or Doyle Chain Pulley consists of a double and single block, the upper block consisting of two chain sheaves, of different diameters, fixed to each other the lower block being a single chain sheave. The power gained being in proportion to the difference in the diameters of the two upper sheaves the smaller the difference the greater the power, and vice versa. The chain fall is endless and does not run back by the load being hoisted. Heavy derricks and cranes have recently been fitted up with wire rope tackle, two, three or four fold, iron blocks with sheaves 12 or 14 inches diameter, with a steel rope li inch circumference for a fall, works very much smoother than chain, and does not rot out like a Manila fall rope. 12 Tensile Strength of Materials. Weight or force necessary to tear asunder 1 in. square in Ibs. Metals. Copper Ibs. 32,500 Copper Wire " 61,200 Gold, cast " 20,000 Iron cast. ..Ibs., 18,000 to 30,000 " medium bar Ibs. 50,000 Iron Wire " 100,000 " annealed . . " 60,000 Lead, cast Ibs. " milled " Platinum Wire " Silver, cast " Steel soft " " razor " Ref d Crucible Steel Wire 1,800 3,320 53,000 40,000 120,000 150,000 175,000 Woods. Mahogany Ibs. Oak, American white .. " Oak, seasoned " Pine, "pitrh," " Teak, Java " Walnut.. . " 21,000 11,500 13,600 12,000 14,000 7,800 Ash Ibs. 16,000 Beech " 11,500 Cedar " 11,400 Elm " 13,400 Fir, strongest " 12,000 Lignum Vitae " 11,800 Miscellaneous Ar ticks. Brick Ibs. 290 I Slate Ibs. 12,000 Ivory, " 16.000 | Whalebone " 7,600 Note. The practical value of the above is about one-fourth. TO FIND THE STRENGTH OF DIRECT COHESION. RULE. Multiply area of transverse section in inches by weight given in the preceding table the product is the strength in Ibs. Example. What is the strength of a bar of medium iron 2 inches square ? Transverse section of 2 inches=4 inches, multiplied by 50,000. equals 200,000 Ibs., the answer required. The absolute strength of materials pulled lengthwise, is in proportion to the square of their diameters. Expansion of Iron by Heat. The tensile strength of metals varies with their temperature, generally decreasing with increase of temperature. 100 of heat will expand a bar of cast iron .0006173 or the 1620th of its length. 100 of heat will expand a bar of wrought iron .0006614 or the 1512th part of its length. 13 Galvanized Iron Wire Rope for Ships' Standing Rigging Possesses many advantages over Hemp, requiring no stripping or refitting, as Hemp Rope must have every few years ; and being once set up, it obviates the attention and trouble caused by the stretching and shrinking of Hemp, and by its extreme lightness, being but two-thirds the weight of Hemp, increases the ship's capacity for cargo. And the advantage derived from the smaller surface opposed to the wind, (Wire Rope being one-half the size of Hemp) especially in beating to windward, needs no comment while for the jib and flying jib stays, its smallness and smoothness permit the hanks to travel on it much more freely. EXTRACT FROM THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, 1867. "During the year, twenty-three vessels have been wholly, and several others partially wire rigged. Tests of the comparative strength of Wire and Hemp Rope, and reports of commanders of wire rigged vessels, have been so satisfac- tory, that the Bureau recommend the erection of a building, and the purchase of necessary machinery, for the manufacture of wire rigging" (at Charleston Navy Yard). EXTRACT FROM SAN FRANCISCO Times, AUGUST, 1867, IN REFERENCE TO THE BURNING OF THE SHIP " Blackiva.il? IN THIS HARBOR. " The forehold, where the fire originated, was burned nearly down to the shell the forecastle was completely destroyed, the foremast so badly burned that it will have to be taken out, and the houses on deck were also rendered useless. // was a fortunate thing that the ship's rigging was all wire; had she been rigged with hemp, the shrouds would, of course, have caught fire, and the masts and yards would in all probability have been burned, and the difficulty of saving her would have been doubled." Wire Rope possesses so many advantages for the standing rigging of ships that it is rapidly displacing every other kind of rigging. Tensile Strength of Wire Ropes. The tensile strength of Iron and Steel Wire Ropes, is about 40,000 Ibs. per inch area of Iron Rope, and 80,000 Ibs. per inch area of Crucible Steel Rope; or, 1 Ib. of Iron Wire Rope, 1 foot long, breaks at from 10 to 12 tons, and 1 Ib. of Steel Wire Rope, 1 foot long, breaks at from 18 to 20 tons. One-sixth to one seventh of the breaking strength of Iron and Steel Wire Rope, is con- sidered a safe working load. 14 Areas of States, Territories, Etc., in Square Miles. The following table gives the areas of the States and Territories according to the last census: O O 03 BJ S* * o . g sr B i fl, on If T*3" W s-i' 1-1 * CO p p pu IB 1 Lakes and ponds Total water surface . . Total land surface .... Alabama 52,250 113,020 53,850 158,360 103,925 4,990 149,100 2,050 70 58,680 59,475 84,800 56,650 36,350 64,690 56,025 82,080 40,400 48,720 33,040 12,210 8,315 58,915 83,365 46.810 69,415 146,080 76,855 110,700 9,305 7,815 122,580 49,170 52,250 41,060 96,030 45,215 1,250 30,570 42,050 265,780 84,970 9,565 42,450 69,180 24,780 56,040 97,890 5,740 620 100 440 260 80 540 240 270 80 610 60 10 390 300 200 515 330 600 450 380 375 540 300 500 60 260 360 340 630 410 630 35 80 120 115 300 250 140 500 200 10 180 200 800 80 50 520 560 135 420 85 10 20 265 1,600 10 40 790 710 100 805 2,380 280 145 1,400 90 10 4,440 495 510 650 440 600 550 380 400 3,300 3,145 2,350 275 1,485 4,160 470 680 770 670 960 300 360 120 1,550 3,670 300 1,470 230 165 400 300 3,490 2,780 430 2,325 2,300 135 1,590 315 51,540 112,920 53,045 155,980 103,645 4,845 147,700 1,960 60 54,240 58,980 84,200 56,000 35,910 64,090 55,475 81,700 40,000 45,420 29,895 9,860 8,040 57,430 79,205 46,340 68,735 145,310 76,185 109,740 9,005 7,455 122,460 47,620 48,580 40,760 94,560 44,985 1,085 30,170 41,750 262,290 82,190 9,135 40,125 66,880 24,645 54,450 97,575 5,740 Arizona Arkansas California 540 Colorado Connecticut 25 Dakota . Delaware 30 District of Columbia Florida 1,800 '150 2,250 45 310 135 110 Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Indian Territory . . Iowa 100 Kansas Kentucky ... . . 25 1,700 2,300 Louisiana 1,060 545 1,850 125 Maine Maryland Massachusetts 90 1,225 3,800 100 50 360 40 925 220 35 5 900 160 160 920 30 20 5 100 180 2,700 380 25 360 Michigan Minnesota Mississippi 30 Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . . New Jersey 205 New Mexico New York 350 3,260 North Carolina Ohio Oregon 50 Pennsylvania . Rhode Island 135 215 South Carolina Term essp.fi ..... Texas 2,510 Utah Vermont Virginia 1,780 1,380 Washington West Virginia Wisconsin 1,170 230 Wyoming Unorganized Territory .... Delaware Bay 620 100 620 100 Raritan Bay and lower New York Bay Totals . . 3.025.600 17.200 14.700 23 900 55 fiOO Fig. 10. The next operation is to tuck in the ends, and we will proceed to tuck in B 1. It will be remembered that the ropes are made of six strands laid around a core or heart, usually of hemp, of the same size. Two clamps (Fig. 11) made for this purpose, are fastened on the rope so as to enable the operator to untwist the rope sufficiently to open the strands and permit the core to be taken Fig. 11. ' out (see diagram) which is cut away, leaving a space in the center of the rope; the strand B 1, is placed across A 1, and put in the center of the rope in place of the extracted core, forming in fact a new core. A flat-nosed T-shaped needle used in splicing, the point of which is about one-half inch wide by three-sixteenths of an inch thick, rounded off to an edge, is well adapted to this purpose. The strand B 1 is laid in its entire length, the core being cut off exactly at the extremity of strand B 1, so that when the rope is closed around the inserted strand, the ends of the strand and core should abut. If there is much space left in the center of the rope without a core, the rope is liable to lose its proper form and some of the strands fall in, exposing the projecting strands to undue wear. The same operation is performed with A 1, running the other way of the rope, and so on, until all the strands are tucked in, which, if properly done, will leave the rope as true and round and as strong as any other part. Other operators prefer to start from the end of one rope and consequent end of splice. The operation is about the same, but the experience of the writer justifies him in saying that more care has to be used in bringing all the strands to an even tensions in the parts spliced. Other variations in detail are made according to the fancy or practice of the splicer, but after making a few successful splices in manner above described, the operator can afterwards vary to suit himself. The rope is now spliced into an endless rope, and is in position between the station sheaves, and around the end grip pulleys, so that by turning the grip pulleys at either end the rope should travel freely. B 41 Attaching the Clips. The next thing is to place the clips and hangers on the rope; the number of clips to be placed on the rope depend upon the amount of ore to be con- veyed, and if it is conveyed in ore sacks, a simple hook, or a L-shaped plat- form is attached to the clip, so that the ore sack may be hooked or laid on. Usually the mode of conveying the ore is by means of rectangular sheet iron boxes, the bottoms of which are on hinges, with counterbalances to close up the bottom and a catch to release or retain it. These boxes hold 100 Ibs. of ore. The clips are made of the best steel of the following shape: (see Fig. 12.) Tig. 12. The thin part is warmed and opened thus: (see Fig. 13.) Fig. 13. so that the rope can be slipped into it, the thin plate being immediately closed over and enveloping the same. The thin plate is drawn over to its place tightly by driving a key into the slot and securing by the set screw. It is thus closely secured to the rope, and capable of sustaining a very heavy load, the peculiar form of the clip enabling it not only to clasp but to rest on the rope. The outer washer is removed from the turned part of the clip and the eye of the hanger of the ore box is slipped on; the washer is then put back and the pin driven in to secure the same. The ore box is now on, ready for use. It 42 will be observed that the hanger of the box has a short bend in it; this is to compensate for the projection of the clip. The ore box is made of sheet iron, and the bottom is hinged at one end, the other end being held in place by means of a keeper, which has a projecting arm. As the loaded bucket passes the place where the ore is to be delivered, the projecting arm strikes a stop, which throws the keeper of the catch, releases the bottom of the ore box, and dumps the ore; a counterbalance attached to the bottom closes the ore box, and it is then ready for reloading. Figure 14 is a side view, and Fig. 15 an end view of the ore bucket. The clip will naturally hang at right angles to the line of the hanger, which is plumb or vertical when it is at rest. See Figs. 5 and 15. In same manner the remaining clips and ore boxes are put on. In no case leave the clip without a hanger, as it is liable to turn over and get foul between the station sheaves. Direction the Rope should Travel, In the absence of any reason to the contrary, the rule in regard to the direction the rope should travel, is, that the right hand rope recedes from you, as you look towards it, but it can be made to run either way. When the line has any descent, the most convenient place to put on the clips and boxes, is at the upper end right hand of the grip pulley. In a gravitation line, by loading the boxes as they are put on, they facilitate the moving of the rope. The Ropeway is now ready to put in motion, and if the angle of descent is sufficient, say eight degrees, it will deliver its load to the mill by gravitation, and carry back to the mines light loads, such as tools, provisions and a fair amount of drift timber. The ore boxes being self-dumping at the lower terminus, require no attendance, and one man can run a line of ordinary length however, the machinery has to be oiled and kept in order, and a man should pass over the line to oil and examine the station sheaves, the grip pulley gear, etc., every day. The rope should be kept well tarred (Swedish tar and linseed oil, 4 parts to 1, boiled together, should be used), and all running parts kept from rusting. No good mechanic need be told that it pays to construct work well, and to take care of it afterwards. SELF-DUMPING ORE-BUCKET WITH HANG Eft. Pig. 14. Fig. 15. Angles, In long lines, sharp angles have sometimes to be formed around bluffs, or the line may have to be diverted so as to reach various desirable points, either to discharge or receive ores, or to utilize water power, etc. In these cases the angle is made by using horizontal sheaves of about six feet diameter. A single sheave, placed horizontally, makes the angle of the rope, on which the clips project outward ; but to make the angle of the rope where the clips project inwards, two sheaves are required. See upper Fig. 16. 44 Pig. 16. The two sheaves of the interior angles must be placed at different levels, so that at the point of intersection of the rope, one part of the rope will be sufficiently high above the other part to permit the ore box to pass over it, say seven feet, and the sheaves must be set so that the rope leads fair on to them. When the angle is but a few degrees, and of great radius, a series of sta- tions are placed contiguous to each other, the sheaves of which are placed so that the rope leads on them fairly and is deflected slightly after leaving the sheaves in th,e direction of the angle desired. See lower diagram Fig. 16. To Transport Heavy Loads, When it is necessary to transport loads heavier than 200 Ibs. on a rope five-eighths inch diameter, the number of clips may be increased, and placed from two to four feet apart, as shown in Fig. 17. 46 Pig. 17. Estimates furnished, contracts entered into, or reliable men sent to super- intend construction. For further information, address the CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, LICENSEE, P. 0. Box 2050, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Secured under U. S. Patents Nos. 100,140, 110,971, 115,309, 115,310, 121,776, 124,391, 127,690 143,087, 162,915, and applications now pending. Fall Fall of Angles. of 1 in 1 equals angle of 45 degrees. 2 3 4 5 6 j 7 8 10 11 15 19 28 57 27 19 15 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 46 Velocity of "Water in Pipes and Sewers. Table of the heads of water necessary to maintain different velocities of water in 100 feet of pipe. V represents the velocities in feet per minute, and C the constant number for those velocities. V C 60 8.62 70 11.40 80 14.58 V C 90 17.95 100 21.56 120 29.70 V C 140 38.90 150 44. 180 62.13 Table of the constant number for different velocities. D represents diameter of pipe, in inches, and c the constant number for their diameters. D 4 5 c .028 .053 D 6 7 c .078 .104 D 8 RULE. Then when H represents the head of water, DxC .134 =H. Example. It is required to determine what head of water would be necessary to send water through 1500 feet of six-inch pipe, to an elevation of 80 feet, and at a velocity of 180 feet per minute. 0=62.13-=- (6+f.078) 6.078=10.22 in. which x 15 (the number of 100 feet) =153.3 in. (12 ft. 9i in.) this added to 80 gives 92 ft. 9i in., answer. The time occupied in an equal quantity of water through a pipe or sewer of equal length and with equal falls, is proportionately as follows: In a right line, as 90, in a true curve, as 100 and in a right angle as 140. Velocity of Streams and Resis Vel< In Feet Ordinary nature of current. per Sec. Very Slow 0.25 stance of Soils. scity Materials that resist these In Miles velocities and yield to per Hour. more powerful ones. 0.171 Wet Ground Mud. 0.341 Soft Clay. 0.682 Sand. 1.364 Gravel. 2.046 Stony. 2.284 Broken Stones, Flints, etc. 2.380 Collected Boulders, soft Schistose. 6.723 Hardened Rock. Gliding . . . . 0.50 Gentle 1.00 Regular 2.00 Ordinary Velocity , 3.00 Rapid Floods 3.35 Rapid Floods, (extraordinary) ... 3 50 Torrents and Cataracts . 9.86 47 The force of running water against an object, increases as the square of the velocity. The transporting power of water varies as the 6th power of its velocity. 3 inches per second will carry off fine clay. 6 " " fine sand. 8 " " " coarse sand, size of linseed. 12 " " " gravel. 24 " " " pebbles. 36 " " " angular stones size of hen eggs. Description of a Miner's Inch of Water. A miner's inch of water is a quantity that will flow through an inch aperture with a free discharge and under a constant pressure of six inches above the top of the opening. An aperture 12ixl2f inches, under a pressure of six inches above the top of the opening will discharge 200 inches, and is the basis of all measurements where water is retailed in small quantities in the States of California and Nevada. A miner's inch will discharge a quantity of water equal to 2,250 cubic feet or about 17,000 gallons, weighing 139,500 pounds, in 24 hours. Water will hold in suspension or solution 1.670 of its entire volume; i. e. , an inch of water (miner's inch) having a grade of four inches to the rod, will carry off in 24 hours a distance of ten miles, ten tons of heavy quartz, sand and iron. At one gravel mine in Nevada county, California, 25 cubic yards, or 40 tons of detritus or tailings, as the washed material is called, is moved from three to fifteen miles every 24 hours. One hundred miner's inches of water con- ducted through iron pipes and falling 350 feet vertically, and applied by means of a nozzle against a hurdy-gurdy wheel 16 feet in diameter, will furnish sufficient power to run an 80 stamp mill, besides carrying off all the ore which it has furnished the power to crush. Deadwood Times. Water Power of Niagara Falls. To pump back the water which passes over Niagara Fall would require the expenditure of 17,000,000 horse power, and assuming that 3 Ibs. of coal were used per hour, per horse power, there would be required an annual expenditure of 200,000,000 tons of coal. The weight of water falling over Niagara is about 100,000,000 tons per hour, falling a depth of 150 feet. 48 Overshot Water- Wheel. RULE TO ASCERTAIN POWER. Multiply the weight of water, in Ibs., dis- charged upon the wheel in one minute, by the height or distance, in feet, from the lower edge of the wheel to the center of the opening in the gate; divide the product by 50,000, and the quotient is the number of horses' power. Example. Suppose the weight of water discharged per minute is 39,000 Ibs. If the height of the fall is 23 feet, the diameter of the wheel is 22, what is the power of the wheel ? 22 feet less 8 inches clearance below=22' 4"=22.33. 39,000 x 22.33= 870.870H-50, 000=17.41 horse-power. RULE TO ASCERTAIN VELOCITY OF WATER AND WEIGHT PER MINUTE, IN POUNDS, DISCHARGED ON OVERSHOT WATER-WHEEL. Extract square of height of head of water (from surface to middle of gate) and multiply by 8 if the open- ing is large and head small; if the reverse, multiply by 5.5; or, from 8 to 5.5 in proportion to size of opening and head of water. Example. The dimensions of the stream are 2 by 80 inches, with a head of 2 feet to upper surface of water. What is the velocity of the water per minute ? 2 feet plus half of 2 ins.=25 ins.=2.08, the square of which is 1.44 x 6.5 (estimate of velocity )=9.36x 60=561.60 feet. What is its weight ? Example. 80 inches X 2x6739.20 inches (=561.60 feet)=.l, 078,272 -i-1728 (inches in a cubic foot)=624 cubic feetx62 Ibs. (weight of cubic foot of water)=39,000 Ibs. weight discharged in one minute. To Find the Quantity of Water which will Flow Out of an Opening. RULE. Multiply the square root of the depth of the water by 5.4; the product is the velocity in feet per second; this multiplied by the area of the opening in feet will give the number of cubic feet per second. Example. If the center of an opening is 10 feet below the surface of the water, and its area is 2 feet, what quantity of water will run out in one minute ? v/10=3.16x 5.4x2=34.1496 feet=(34 1-7 feet.) Water will fall through 1 foot in \ second, 4 feet in \ second, 9 feet in f second, and so on being actuated by the same laws as falling bodies. 49 Wire Rope for River Mining. For Pump Ropes, especially if of a great length, the advantage of using Wire Rope is obvious. A Grip Pulley, (see pages 37 and 38) is fixed to the shaft of the water wheel and pump, a Wire Rope is used to transmit the power. (See page 50.) The fact that when spliced and put on the grip pulleys, the Wire Rope does not stretch and allow the pump to stop working, is a matter of very great moment to the river miner, saving him an immense amount of trouble and care; and those who have once experienced the loss of time and money by the filling up with water of a large and deep pit, can more fully appreciate this. Blasting. In small blasts 1 Ib. powder will loosen 4J tons. In large blasts 1 Ib. powder will loosen 2f tons. One man can bore with a bit 1 inch diameter from 50 to 100 inches per day of 18 hours, in granite, or 300 to 400 inches per day in limestone. Two strikers and a holder can bore with a 2 inch bit 10 feet per day in rock of medium hardness. Temperature of the Earth. At the depth of 45 feet the temperature of the earth is uniform throughout the year; below this ihe temperature increases on the average one degree for every 53 feet. 60 Transmission of Power by Wire Ropes. 51 Transmission of Power by Means of Wire Rope. Wire Rope is employed extensively for conveying power from one point to another, as in the case of a mill situated half a mile or so from the water wheel from which power is obtained, and has been found to be very economical and durable. In France and Germany Wire Rope is used wherever an econ- omic motive power exists and can be attached, in many cases there being 5 or 6 miles between the motive power, and the machinery to be set in motion. Considerable attention is now paid to this method of transmission, the econ- omy and simplicity of its application are very strong recommendations in its favor. The manufacture of flexible ropes from steel wire, having great strength, with lightness and elasticity, insures the extensive application of this system. Evidently the power which can be transmitted by this plan, under given positions, depends upon the adhesion existing between the rope and the pulley, and the amount of this adhesion determines the velocity of motion of the rope, in order to transmit any given power. When, by peculiar construction of the pulley, the adhesion is made equal, or nearly so, to the strength of the rope, the velocity of the rope can be made to be quite slow, while at the same time transmitting great power. This is done by means of Grip Pulleys, where the rims of the pulleys are made up of a great number of jaws operating on the principle of the toggle joint, to clamp the rope firmly between them while they are drawn down together by the force of the strain that is put upon the rope. As soon as the rope is released from strain, the jaws open readily for its free escape as it leaves the pulley. From experiments made with Grip Pulleys of this construction, it has been ascertained that the gripping power varies with the angle at which the jaws are set, and is from 40 to 100 times the strain of the slack rope, or of the rope paying on from the slack side. The shape of that part of the jaws which receives the rope is the same as that of the rope, and since there is no slipping of the rope between the jaws, the wear upon it when in use is very slight. By reference to figs. 7 and 8 pages, 37 and 38, the operation of the clips will be readily understood. The rope is denoted by h; t, i are clips working on a fulcrum xx. The rope pressing on the clips at the bottom, as it enters them, causes them to close over it, gripping it securely and preventing its slipping. The part of the rim, k, is cast separately and bolted to the main wheel, /, by bolts. The rim of the wheel is cast with recesses to take the jaws, fitting to them and allowing them to work freely; while the jaws cannot possibly be displaced except by removing the part k, which is cast separate for this purpose. From this it will be readily understood that the rope is grasped as soon as the pressure begins to act on the jaws, and is released as soon as the pressure is removed, the whole acting 52 automatically and invariably. For conveying power over long distances, thisf feature is of the greatest value. In this system the rope is made of strength sufficient for the transmission, and moves at velocity of from 300 to 800 feet per minute. With the high speed system the rope is of smaller size, and travels at a velocity of from 1,500 to 6,000 feet per minute. In order to prevent the too rapid wear of the rope, the high speed pulleys are made with gutta purcha seating for the rope. A dovetailed groove is made in the rim of the pulley, into which the gutta percha is forced in the shape of small blocks, dovetailing on the sides, and having a score on the top. When the groove is filled with these blocks, they present a firm and elastic seat for the rope, giving the greatest adhesion possible under the circumstances; or, instead of using gutta percha blocks, hard rubber belting may be used, being cut in strips of sufficient depth for the dove- tailed groove of the pulley, and placed side by side, so that the rope will run on the edge of the rubber belting. The strips are driven in tight and held together by being glued. The accompanying cut shows the mode of constructing the high speed pulleys, and the advantage these have over the grip pulley is, that a much smaller rope can be used, the proportion being as the velocity of the rope. In many places in France and Germany, vast amounts of power are trans- mitted. At Shaffhausen, Switzerland, the water-fall is economized through an overshot water-wheel, and by means of Wire Rope, 600 horse-power is trans- mitted for a distance of one mile, and thence distributed by means of other smaller Wire Ropes to various factories. The whole Pacific Coast is full of water-powers, and a knowledge of this mode of transmitting power will make many of these water privileges available. [UNIVERSITY 53 In San Francisco there are two or three notable instances where wire rope transmission is used to great advantage. The Risdon Iron Works have used this method for many years a steel wire rope 2J inches in circumference run- ning over 10 feet sheaves at 5,000 feet per minute has transmitted 40 h. p. for six years without renewing the rope. At the Wire Mills of this Company a steel wire rope 2i inches in circumferance running over 8 foot sheaves has been running steadily for a period of 3 years at a velocity of 4,500 feet per minute, transmitting 80 h. p. A table of dimensions and velocities is here inserted, which will be found convenient for reference in ascertaining the size and speed of ropes and pulleys, to transmit any given power, either by high speed and smooth pulleys, or by low speed, and grip pulleys. Transmission Pulleys. APPROXIMATE TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND VELOCITIES. HIGH SPEED. t CO CD 173 S W a> "d co O f % CIRCUMFERENCE B CD 3 CD 1, (3 CIRCUMFERENCE E< i o. in the 14 " " sandy soil. j bank. One man can pick and loosen ready for shoveling per day of 10 hours, 18 to 22 cubic yards, common earth. 9 " " compact earth, clay and stony. One man can excavate and throw 6 to 12 feet, 8 to 12 cubic yards common earth. 4 " " compact " One man can wheel on a level 100 feet, 20 to 33 cubic yards compact earth. 24 to 28 " " " gravel. Transporting earth under 100 feet the wheelbarrow is cheaper. " " over 100 and under 500 feet, one horse cart is cheaper. " " " 500 feet, ox cart is cheaper. For every foot vertical rise cost 24 to 1 for wheelbarrow, 14 to 1 for horse cart. Rock excavated increases in bulk about one half. Light sandy soil shrinks one eighth. Yellow clayey earth shrinks one tenth. Gravelly earth shrinks one twelfth. Will give cost of hauling per cubic yard. 63 To ascertain cost of hauling by horse cart for distances as follows: For 300 feet divide wages of cart and driver by 24 " 500 19 " 1,000 12 " 1,500 " ' 9 " 2,000 " " 7 " 2,500 6 " 3,000 " " " 5 Example. Suppose wages of driver $2.50, horse and cart $1.25, total $3.75, 2,000 feet will cost $3.75, divided by 7=53 4-7 cts per cubic yard. From experiments made, the comparative cost of loading, hauling and dumping easy dirt was as follows: Distance. Wheelbarrow. One Horse Cart. Ox Cart. Feet. Per cubic yard. Per cubic yard. Per cubic yard. 30 11 cts. 16.4 cts. 17.2 cts. 60 13.8 16.8 17.6 90 16.4 17.2 17.8 120 19 17.6 18.2 150 21.8 18 18.6 300 35 20 20.2 600 61.6 24 23.6 900 88.2 28 26.8 1,200 114.8 32 30.2 1,500 141.4 36 33.6 Wages being, laborer $2.00, horse, cart and driver $2.68, ox team and driver $3.20 per day, ploughing cost li cts per cubic yard. Notes on Warming and Heating Rooms. 100 cubic feet of space to be heated require 1 square foot of heating sur- face of pipe and coils. When difference of temperature outside and in is 69 f., 3i square feet of surface will condense 1 Ib. of steam per hour, 1 Ib. coal evaporates 8 Ibs. water, then 8x3^=25 sq. feet heating surface x 100=2500 cubic feet of space heated per hour. If 3 Ibs. coal are required per h. p. per hour, then 1 h. p. will distribute exhaust steam to heat 7,500 cubic feet of space. Allowance must be made for pipes to expand i inch for 8 feet in length= 6 1 <. Divide heating surface by 400= pro per area of pipe; thus, if treating sur- face is 1,200, size of pipe will be 3" area or 2" diameter. 1 superficial foot of steam pipe is required for each 6 feet of glass in windows, and for each 6 cubic ft. of air escaping through ventilators, and for each 120 superficial feet of wall and ceiling, 1 cubic foot of boiler required for each 2,000 cubic feet of space to be heated. 1 h. p. boiler is sufficient for 50,000 cubic feet of space, steam c 112. 64 Cable Railroads, The invention of Mr. A. S. Hallidie, were first constructed in the City of San Francisco in 1873, on Clay Street, which runs west from Kearny Street to the top of Russian Hill, reaching an elevation of 307 feet in a distance of 2,800 feet. The grades on Clay Street are very irregular, varying from 1 in 28 to 1 in 6, with several cross streets which are level at the crossings. The principles of its construction and operation are as follows: An ordi- nary double track is laid on the street flush with the surface; between each track and below the surface of the street a channel or tube is constructed about 2 feet deep by 16 inches wide, on the crown of which is an opening or slot inch wide running the entire distance of the tube. In the tubes are placed, about 40 feet apart, iron sheaves for a rope to run on, and at the places where the angle of the street changes upwards, similar sheaves of small diameter are placed to keep the rope down and to prevent it striking the crown of the tube. A wire rope, which is made endless by splicing, is placed in the tubes and around large horizontal sheaves at the ends of the track and the driving drum, which is situated in the engine house. When the driving drum in the engine house is set in motion it sets the rope in the tubes also in motion, the rope running on the sheaves up one tube and down the other. By connecting the moving rope to a car on the track in the street above, the car will of course be hauled along. To effect this a certain apparatus is provided called a gripper, which can be connected with or disconnected from the moving rope at will. The gripper is provided with a shank about | inch thick, which passes down through the opening in the crown of the tube, the gripping jaws being under the tube and the machinery for actuating the jaws being on the floor of the car at a con- venient height for the man in charge to control. By reference to the accompanying engravings this will be better under- stood. This system has up to this time (October, 1882) been adopted by seven different companies, five in San Francisco, one in Chicago and one in Dunedin, New Zealand. They are all working successfully and effect a saving in oper- ating of from 25 to 60 per cent, on horse cars, freeing the streets from the un- healthy deposit of the horses, saving wear and tear on the streets, furnishing an agreeable and pleasant mode of traveling, and enabling one to travel up the steepest streets without any need of compassion for overloaded, struggling horseflesh, or fear of being stuck on the heavy grades. The patents in the United States are controlled by a corporation called the Cable Railway Co., whose headquarters are in San Francisco. The ropes for nearly all the roads are made at our works; some of the ropes made by us have worn over two years. ac o . v r / / s ^ ' \ ^ v , ( .-V i SECTION THROUGH DUMMY & ROAD BED SHOWING CABLE AND GRIPPING ATTACHM 3JLfcSJi TY * i' J 5 in A . HG.2 PLATE Ul 00 s & s o s^ & s w 0. O X o o 2 o. Q_ 65 Weight of Bar Iron. Square, from f to 2J inch, and 1 foot long. Size Weight in in Inches. Lbs. Size Weight in in Inches. Lbs. Size Weight in in Inches Lbs. Size Weight in in Inches. Lbs. 1 .475 i 2.588 . If 6.390 If 11.880 i .845 1 3.380 H 7.604 2 13.520 ft 1.320 1$ 4.278 1ft 8.926 2i 17.112 * 1.901 It 5.280 U 10.352 2J 21.120 Round Bar, from f / fr'o ^ S 1 2 |l II E 3 s h "3 * a "*" IJ i I *o "3*2 3 ^~ O 1 rS a | S % J> .2 *~ [o Jaf-5; Q EQ ro 'a? >* X 1 a 2 fs S J ^"S a "S >^ H i t ( H SL M o a. h- 1 w * Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Feet. Feet. Ins. Ins. Lbs. 1 3.142 0.856 2.689 0.072 4.460 3.819 0.575 0.785 0.708 1* 3.927 1.106 3.474 0.072 3.455 3.056 0.960 1.227 0.9 H 4.712 1.334 4.191 0.083 2.863 2.547 1.396 1.767 1.250 if 5.598 1.560 4.901 0.095 2.448 2.183 1.911 2.405 1.665 2 6.283 1.804 5.667 0.098 2.118 1.909 2.556 3.142 1.981 2* 7.069 2.054 6.484 0.098 1.850 1.698 3.314 3.976 2.238 2i 7.854 2.283 7.172 0.109 1.673 1.528 4.094 4.939 2.755 2f 8.639 2.533 7.957 0.109 1.508 1.390 5.039 5.940 3.045 3 9.425 2.783 8.743 0.109 1.373 1.273 6.083 7.069 3.333 3i 10.210 3.012 9.462 0.119 1.268 1.175 7.125 8.296 3.958 3* 10.995 3.262 10.248 0.119 1.171 1.091 8.357 9.621 4.272 s| 11.781 3.512 11.033 0.119 1.088 1.018 9.687 11.045 4.590 4 12.566 3.741 11.753 0.130 1.023 0.955 10.992 12.566 5.320 *i 14.137 4.241 13.323 0.130 0.901 0.849 14.126 15.904 6.010 5 15.708 4.72 14.818 0.140 0.809 0.764 17.497 19.635 7.226 6 18.849 5.699 17.904 0.151 0.670 0.637 25.509 28.274 9.346 7 21.991 6.657 20.914 0.172 0.574 0.545 34.805 38.484 12.435 8 25.132 7.636 23.989 0.182 0.500 0.478 45.795 50.265 15.109 9 28.274 8.615 27.055 0.193 0.444 0.424 58.291 63.217 18.002 10 31.416 9.573 30.074 0.214 0.399 0.382 71.975 78.540 22.19 Thickness of Boiler Iron Required and Pressures Allowed by the Laws of the United States. PRESSURE EQUIVALENT TO THE STANDARD FOR A BOILER 42 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND J INCH THICK. Diameter. Thickness; . o4-in. in 16ths. 36-in. 38-in. 40-in. 42-in. 44-in. 46-in. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 5 169.9 160.4 152. 144.4 187.5 131.2 125.5 *i 158.5 149.7 141.8 134.7 128.3 122.5 117.2 ! 147.2 139.1 131.8 125.1 119.2 113.7 108.8 135.9 128.3 121.6 . 115.5 110. 105. 100. 3 124.5 117.6 111.4 105.9 100.8 96.2 92.0 3J 113.2 106.9 101.3 96.2 91.7 87.5 83.0 3 101.9 96.2 91.2 82.6 82.5 78.7 75.1 Weights and Dimensions of Gas Pipes. Inside Outside Weight Inside Outside Weight Diameter in Diameter in per foot in Diameter in Diameter in per foot in inches. inches. pounds. inches. inches pounds. i 0.40 0.24 3 3.5 7.54 0.54 0.42 3i 4.0 9.05 g 0.67 0.56 4 4.5 10.72 0.84 0.85 4 5.0 12.49 J 1.05 1.12 5 5.56 14.56 1 1.31 1.67 6 6.62 18.77 4 1.66 2.25 7 7.62 23.41 H 1.95 2.69 8 8.62 28.35 2 2.37 3.66 9 9.68 34.07 2* 2.8J 6.77 10 10.75 40.64 68 Weight and Thickness of Boiler Iron. 1-8 inc 3-16 ' 1-4 ' 5-16 ' 3-8 ' 7-16 ' 1-2 ' h we: ghs. . 5 I 74 ..10 ..124 ..15 ..174 ..20 ' )S. per squ iare foot. No. 1 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 7 Iron is 5-16 in ch thick. . . . 9-32 1-4 ii . . 7-32 3-16 Weights and Dimensions of Lap-Welded Iron Boiler Flues. Outside Diameter. Thickness W. G. Lbs. weight per foot. Outside Diameter. Thickness W. G. Lbs. weight per foot. If 14 if 2 2J 2} 2f 3 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 11 1.65 1.70 1.85 2.10 2.30 2.50 3.15 3.60 3i 34 3| 4 5 6 7 11 10 10 10 9 8 8 4.15 5.20 5.30 5.55 7.1 10.5 12.2 Hoop and Scroll Iron. NUMBER OF FEET IN A BUNDLE OF FIFTY-SIX POUNDS. HOOP IRON. SCROLL IRON. Size. Feet in T> Jl Size. Bundle. Width. Thick. Bundle. Width. Thick. Feet in f inches No. 21 815 4 inches No. 10 240 i 20 630 16 430 1 19 450 i 14 347 i 18 360 10 190 if 17 278 1 16 360 il 16 217 1 14 290 4 15 160 1 12 208 ii 15 139 1 10 160 2 14 110 i 16 310 i 14 249 i 12 175 1 16 270 1 14 216 1 12 152 Sheet and Bar Brass. WEIGHT fN POUNDS. -. ti o g sT , +3 M 03 tab SI ji !4i o> o OQ cs a i! * *M "o | 3-5:2 o> 2 Js rt M cS O 3 O 1 S * c If 1 ! |3 J? 03

er Cubic Foot. 70 Weight of Iron, Steel, Copper and Brass Plates. DIAMETERS AND THICKNESS DETERMINED BY AMERICAN GAUGE. (BROWN & SHARP'S.) No. of Gauge. Size of each No. WEIGHT OF PLATES PER SQUARE FOOT. Wrought Iron. Steel. Copper. Brass. Inch. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 0000 .46000 17.25 17.48 20.838 19.688 000 .40964 15.3615 15.5663 18.557 17.533 00 .36480 13.68 13.8624 16.525 15.613 .32486 12.1823 12.3447 14.716 13.904 1 .28930 10.8488 10.9934 13.105 12.382 2 .25763 9.6611 9.7899 11.671 11.027 3 .22942 8.6033 8.7180 10.393 9.8192 4 .20431 7.6616 7.7638 9.2552 8.7445 5 .18194 6.8228 6.9137 8.2419 7.787 6 .16202 6.0758 6.1568 7.3395 6.9345 7 .14428 5.4105 5.4826 6.5359 6.1752 8 .12849 4.8184 4.8826 5.8206 5.4994 9 .11443 4.2911 4.3483 5.1837 4.8976 10 .10189 3.8209 3.8718 4.6156 4.3609 11 .090742 3.4028 3.4482 4.1106 3.8838 12 .080808 3.0303 3.0707 3.6606 3.4586 13 .071961 2.6985 2.7345 3.2598 3.0799 14 .064084 2.4032 2.4352 2.9030 2.7428 15 .057068 2.1401 ' 2.1686 2.5852 2.4425 16 .050820 1.9058 1.9312 2.3021 2.1751 17 .045257 1.6971 1.7198 2.0501 1.937 18 .040303 1.5114 1.5315 1.8257 1.725 19 .035890 1.3459 1.3638 1.6258 1.5361 20 .031961 1.1985 1.2145 1.4478 1.3679 21 .028462 1.0673 1.0816 1.2893 1.2182 22 .025347 .95051 .96319 1.1482 1.0849 23 .022571 .84641 .8577 1.0225 .96604 24 .020100 .75375 .7638 .91053 .86028 25 .017900 .67125 .6802 .81087 .76612 26 .01594 .59775 .60572 .72208 .68223 27 .014195 .53231 .53941 .64303 .60755 28 .012641 .47404 .48036 .57264 .54103 29 .011257 .42214 .42777 .50994 .48180 30 .010025 .37594 .38095 .45413 .42907 31 .008928 .3348 .33926 .40444 .38212 32 .007950 .29813 .3021 .36014 .34026 33 .007080 .2655 .26904 .32072 .30302 34 .006304 .2364 .23955 .28557 .26981 35 .005614 .21053 .21333 .25431 .24028 36 .005000 .1875 .19 .2265 .2140 37 .004453 .16699 .16921 .20172 .19059 38 .003965 .14869 .15067 .17961 .1697 39 .003531 .13241 .13418 .15995 .15113 40 .003144 .1179 .11947 .14242 .13456 Specific '3-ravitv. . . 7.200 7.296 8.698 8.218 Weight per Cubic Foot. 450. 456. 543.6 513.6 71 Standard Sizes of Washers. Diam. Size of Hole. Thickness, Wire Gauge Size of Bolt. Diam. Size of Hole. Thickness, Wire Gauge Size of Bolt. ! j 11 ij '5-16 5-16 1 7-16 4 9-16 i No. 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 3-16 5-16 7-16 is 3-16 If 2 2* 24 2f 3 34 11-16 13-16 15-16 1 1-16 i 4 No. 10 " 10 " 9 " 9 " 9 " 9 " 9 g I i Number of Washers in 100 Pounds. Size. No. to 100 Ibs. Size. No. to 100 fts. Size. No. to 100 K.S. 4 i 5715 4010 2235 f i 1450 1185 940 H }I 14 510 415 335 Tables Showing Number of Rivets and Burs to the Pound. BELT RIVET* AND BUBS. i 5-16 1 7-16 4 9-16 i I 1 H li 14 Burs. No. 7. 8. 272 276 250 248 228 208 180 200 164 178 160 172 148 15? 112 136 116 110 100 104 84 96 80 69 345 390 ' 9. 340 280 272 248 228 220 184 176 156 136 610 ' 10. 544 448 384 340 304 300 ?7? ?38 ?04 716 ' 12. 588 512 452 404 364 334 304 ?7fl 985 ' 13. 996 852 532 .... 1630 Weight of Round Bolt Copper per Foot. Weight per foot Diameter. in length. Weight per foot Diameter. in length. I .755 l| 5.71 i 1.17 li 6.79 1.69 IS 7.94 2.31 H 9.21 i 3.02 12 10.61 H 3.82 2 12.08 Number of Nails and Tacks per Pound. NAILS. TACKS. Title. Size. No. per Ib. Title. Length. No. per ft>. 3 penny fine. IJ inch. 760 1 oz. inch. 16,000 3 4 li 480 14 3-16 " 10,666 4 14 300 2 i 8,000 5 if 200 24 5-16 " 6,400 6 2 160 3 i 5,333 7 2i 128 4 7-16 " 4,000 8 24 92 6 9-16 " 2,666 9 2f 72 8 8 " 2,000 10 3 60 10 11-16 " 1,600 12 31 44 12 f " 1,333 16 34 32 14 13-16 " 1,143 20 4 24 16 I 1,000 30 44 18 18 15-16 " 888 40 5 14 20 1 800 50 54 12 22 1 1-16 " 727 60 6 10 24 IJ " 666 6 fen ce. 2 80 8 24 50 10 3 34 12 U 29 72 Railroad Spikes. SIZE. No. in 100 Lbs. SIZE. No. in 100 Lbs. Length, Inches. Thick, Inch. Length, Inches. Thick, Inch. *j 3 5 5 5 5 5 7-16 i 7-16 * 9-16 8 351 267 473 326 260 197 172 84 H 54 6 6 6 4 9-16 4 9-16 1 237 193 146 207 175 131 Sizes of Tanks and Contents. Diam. Depth. Gallons. Diam. Depth. Gallons. Ft. 12 14 16 18 20 22 Ft. 8 9 9 10 10 11 6767 10363 13535 19034 23499 31277 Ft. 24 26 28 30 32 34 Ft. 12 13 14 15 16 17 40607 51628 64481 79310 96253 115451 Cast Iron Columns. WEIGHT THAT CAN BE BORNE WITH SAFETY BY CAST IRON COLUMNS IN 1000 LBS. (Trenton Iron Works.} LENGTH OF COLUMN IN FEET. q : 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. 12ft. 14ft. 16ft. 18ft. 20ft. 2 12.4 9.4 7.2 3 44 36 30 24 20 18 4 102 88 76 66 56 48 38 28 5 184 164 146 130 114 102 80 64 52 44 6 288 264 242 218 198 180 136 122 100 84 72 7 414 386 360 332 306 282 238 200 170 144 124 8 560 532 502 470 440 410 354 304 262 226 196 9 728 698 660 630 596 560 494 432 378 332 292 10 916 884 850 812 774 739 658 586 520 462 410 11 1126 1082 1056 1016 974 932 846 774 686 616 552 12 1354 1320 1281 1240 1196 1152 1056 966 878 799 720 13 1570 1530 1486 1440 1392 1292 1192 1094 1000 912 14 1798 1754 1706 1656 1550 1440 1332 1228 1130 15 ! 2086 2040 1992 1940 1828 1712 1596 1482 1372 The above table is based upon the following conditions : The column must be placed precisely perpendicular; both ends must be faced exactly at a right angle with the vertical axis, and the load must be evenly distributed over the whole face. If both ends are rounded, the weight should be reduced to one-third of the above; if one end is rounded, two-thirds should be allowed. 78 Shells of Boilers. RESISTANCE TO INTERNAL OR BURSTING PRESSURE. (From Haswdl. ) Bursting Pressure Bursting Pressure per square inch. per square inch. 1 1 .2 1 sl f' 1 13 sl I .If > a i CH ^ o > p 1 02 s H do **** Feet. Ins. Lbs. Lbs. Feet. Ins. Lbs. Lbs. 2 i 573 745 7.6 5-16 191 248 2.6 458 596 7.6 229 298 3 1 382 496 8 5-16 179 233 3.4 ^ 318 414 8 215 279 3.4 5.16 398 518 8.6 5-16 168 219 3.6 i 327 426 8.6 8 202 263 3.6 5-16 409 532 9 5-16 159 207 4 | 286 372 9 1 191 248 4 5-16 ! 358 465 9.6 5-16 150 196 4.6 i 254 331 9.6 181 235 4.6 5-16 i 318 413 10 5-16 143 186 5 i 229 298 10 1 172 224 5 5-16 286 372 10 i 229 298 5.6 i 208 270 10.6 5-16 136 177 5.6 5-16 260 338 10.6 i 163 212 5.6 8 312 406 10.6 4 218 284 6 i 191 248 11 1 156 203 6 5-16 239 311 11 208 271 6 g 286 372 11.6 1 149 194 6.6 5-16 220 287 11.6 199 259 6.6 g 264 344 12 1 143 166 7 5-16 204 266 12 191 248 7 f 245 ' 319 Tensile resistance of the Plates without Riveting is taken at a mean of 55,000 pounds per square inch. The single-riveted are estimated at .5 the resistance of the plates, and the staggered riveted at .65. Such allowances for the resistance and wear of the plates, oxydation, etc., are to be made, as the character of the metal, the nature of the services, and the circumstances of using fresh or salt water, etc., will render necessary. In riveted plates, it is customary in practice to estimate the safe tensile resistance of the metal of a boiler or tube, when exposed to salt water, at one- fifth of its ultimate resistance or bursting pressure; and when exposed to fresh water alone, at one-fourth of it. 74 For Calculating the Speed of Drums and Pulleys. PROBLEM No. I. The diameter of the driven being given, to find its number of revolutions. Rule. Multiply the diameter of the driver by number of its revolutions, and divide the product by the diameter of the driven, the quotient will be the number of revolutions of the driven. PROBLEM No. II. The diameter and revolutions of the driver being given, to find the diameter of the driven that shall make any given number of revo- lutions in the same time. Rule. Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven; the quotient will be its diameter. PROBLEM No. III. To ascertain the size of the driver. Rule. Multiply the diameter of the driven by the number of revolutions you wish it to make, and divide the product by the revolutions of the driver; the quotient will be the diameter of the driver. N. B. In ordering Pulleys, be careful to give the exact size of the Shaft on which they are to go; also state how you wish them finished on the face Flat face for shifting belt, Rounding for non-shifting belt. Tempering Steel. (Haswell.) Steel in its hardest state being too brittle for most purposes, the requisite strength and elasticity are obtained by tempering or letting down the temper, as it is termed which is performed by heating the hardened steel to a certain degree and cooling it quickly. The requisite heat is usually ascertained by the color which the surface of the steel assumes from the film of oxide thus formed. The degrees of heat to which these several colors correspond are as follows: At 430, a very faint yellow. .. | Suitable for hard instruments; as hammerfaces, At 450, a pale straw color j drills, &c. At 470, a full yellow | For instruments requiring hard edges without At 490, a brown color f elasticity; as shears, scissors, turning tools,&c. At 510, brown, with purple ) f For tools, for cutting wood and soft metals; spots f At 538, purple ) such M P lane - irons > knives > &c - \ For tools requiring strong edges without ex- At 550, dark blue f treme hardness; as co ld chisels, axes, cut- At560, full blue J ^ &c> At 600, grayish blue, verging ] For spring-temper, which will bend before on black [ breaking; as saws, sword-blades, &c. If the steel is heated higher than this, the effect of the hardening process is destroyed. 75 Wire. We have quite recently completed a new Wire Mill, fitted up with all the latest improvements and complete in its appointments, and with capacity to turn out 3, ('00 tons per annum. It has connected with it Galvanizing and Tinning works and we are pre- pared to manufacture any kind of wire required on this Coast, among which are the following: Telegraph Wire, Fence Wire, Bridge Wire, Bessemer Spring Wire, Brass Wire, Charcoal Wire, Stone Wire, Bright Wire, Tinned Wire, Broom Wire, Telephone Wire, Baling Wire, Steel Wire, Copper Wire, Lacquered Wire, Flat Wire, Annealed Wire, Reaper Wire, Grape Wire, Training Wire. Special Wire, of various forms, made to order. All sizes from 000 to 40 constantly on hand and supplied to dealers on favorable terms. Gold. Table of the Value of an Ounce of Gold of different degrees of fineness. Fineness. $ cts. Fineness. $ cts. Fineness. $ cts. Fineness. $ cts. 750 15 50 875 18 08 894 18 48 909 18 79 760 15 71 880 18 19 895 18 50 910 18 81 770 15 91 881 18 21 896 18 52 911 18 82 780 16 12 882 18 23 897 18 54 912 18 85 790 16 33 883 18 25 898 18 56 913 18 87 800 16 53 884 18 27 899 18 58 914 18 89 810 16 74 885 18 29 900 18 60 915 18 91 820 16 95 886 18 31 901 18 62 916 18 93 830 17 15 887 18 33 902 18 64 917 18 95 840 17 36 888 18 35 903 18 66 918 18 97 850 17 57 889 18 37 904 18 68 919 18 98 855 17 67 890 18 39 905 18 70 920 19 01 860 17 77 891 18 41 906 18 72 930 19 22 865 17 88 892 18 43 907 18 74 940 19 43 870 17 98 893 18 45 908 18 77 950 19 63 76 Alloys and Compositions. Zinc. Tin. Copper. Anti- mony. Lead. Bismuth. Babbitt metal 10. 1. 1. Babbitt metal, harder 89. 3.7 7.3 Bell metal 5. 16. Brass, common 5.2 10.5 84.3 Brass, common 25. 75. Brass, common hard 6.4 14.3 79.3 Brass, for engine bearings .25 13. 112. Brass, tough, for engine work. . . . 15. 15. 100. Brass, tough, for heavy bearings . . 5. 25. 160. Brass, yellow, for turning 1. 2. Brass, for locomotive bearings .... 1. 7. 64. Brass, for straps and glands I. 16. 130. Brass wire 34. 66. Bronze, red 13. 87. Bronze, yellow 31.2 1.6 67.2 Bronze medals 7. 93. Flanges to stand brazing 1. 32. 1. Metal to expand in cooling 2. 9. 1 Muntz metal 4. 6. Pewter 86. 14. Spelter, for brazing 1. 1. Statuary bronze 5. 2. 90. 2. Tvt>e and stereotype . . 15.5 69. 15.5 In the manufacture of alloys, the most fusible metals should be melted first. Babbitt Metal. To make Babbitt's Metal: Melt four Ibs. Copper; add by degrees, twelve Ibs. Best Banca Tin, eight Ibs. Regulus of Antimony, and twelve Ibs. more Tin. After four or five Ibs. Tin have been added, reduce the heat to a dull red, then add the remainder of the metal as above. This composition is called hardening for lining; take one Ib. of this hardening and melt two Ibs. Banca Tin with it. Solders. SOLDERS. Zinc. ' Tin. Copper. Antimony Lead. For lead 1 tt tin . 1 2 pewter . . 2 1 brazing (soft) 3 1 4 < 2 1 " (hard) 1 1 (hardest}.. 1 3 77 Wire Fencing. The most durable fence is a wire fence. The objection to a plain wire fence is, that the wire is too small to be seen by cattle; by running a board along the top this objection is removed. A wire fence made from single wires, is not so good as that made from two or more wires twisted together. Wire strand made from seven wires twisted together, makes a very strong and durable fence, and if galvanized, will last for generations and will wear out probably fifty sets of ordinary fence posts. We make wire strand of various sizes, and put it up on reels in one-half mile lengths, so that by putting it in a wagon it will pay off at the tail end, as the wagon is driven over the ground to be fenced in. Recently, BARBED WIRE FOR FENCES has been introduced; this is usually two wires twisted together and having sharp points projecting every six inches, so that it pricks any animal that comes in contact with it, and warns him to keep off. Barbed fences are very effective and cheap, and do not require so many wires, as fences made of plain wire. Thus there are three kinds of wire fences, viz: plain wire, twisted strand and barbed, all of which we manufacture and supply at the lowest market rates, either from galvanized or black wire. Melting Points of Alloys. Lead 2, tin 3, bismuth 5 312 Lead 1, tin 3, bismuth 5 210 Lead 1, tin 4, bismuth 5 240 Tin 1, bismuth 1 : 286 Tin 2, bismuth 1 336 Lead 2, tin 3 334 Tin 8, bismuth 1 392 Lead 2, tin 1 (solder) 475 Lead 1, tin 2 (soft solder) 360 Zinc l,tinl 399 Lead 1, tin 1 368 Lead 1, tin 1, bismuth 4, cadmium 1 155 75 parts of lead, 16 7-10ths parts of antimony, 8 3-10 parts bismuth, forms a metallic alloy that expands in cooling. Pile Driving. In sandy soil, the greatest force of a pile-driver will not drive a pile over 15 feet. Horse Power. A horse-power is equivalent to 33,000 Ibs. raised 1 foot high in one minute. 78 Effect of Heat upon Various Bodies. Degrees. Ammonia boils 140 Ammonia (liquid) freezes 46 Antimony melts 951 Arsenic melts 365 Bismuth melts 476 Blood (human) heat of. 98 freezes 25 Brandy freezes 7 Brass melts 1900 Cadmium melts 600 Coal Tar boils 325 Cold, greatest artificial 166 " " natural 56 Common Fire 790 Copper melts 2548 Glass melts 2377 Gold (fine) melts 2590 Gutta-percha softens 145 Heat, cherry red 1500 " " (Daniel) .... 1141 " bright red 1860 " red, visible by day 1077 " white 2900 Ice melts 32 Iron (cast) melts 3479 " (wrought) melts 3980 The sign before the figures Degrees. Iron, bright red in the dark .... 752 " red hot in twilight 884 Lead melts 504 Mercury boils 662 volatilizes 680 " freezes 39 Naphtha boils 186 Petroleum boils 306 Platinum melts 3080 Potassium melts 135 Proof Spirit freezes 7 Saltpetre melts 600 Sea-water freezes 28 Silver (fine) melts 1250 Snow and Salt, equal parts .... Spirits of Turpentine freezes ... 14 Steel melts 2500 " polished, blue 580 " " straw color 460 Strong Wines freeze 20 Sulphur melts 226 Sul. Acid. (sp. grav. 1.641) freezes 45 Tin melts 421 Vinous fermentation 60 to 77 Water in vacuo boils 98 Zinc melts... 740 indicates that many degrees below zero or 0. River Pump. To construct and use a chain pump to the best advantage, the distance between the buckets should be equal to their breadth; and the pump barrel should have an inclination of 24 21". With this arrangement it produces a maximum effect. Water Required in Working Quartz. Each stamp uses 10 pounds per minute. Each pan uses 16 pounds per minute. Each settler uses 9 pounds per minute. If the water is run from the mill into settling tanks it can be saved with a loss of 20 per cent. This will make the actual supply of water required in pounds per minute to be as follows: FOR 1 Stamp 2. 1 Pan 3.2 1 Settler.. 1.8 79 Wire Suspension Bridges. We are prepared to supply material for the erection of wire suspension bridges or to contract for their construction, having during the past twenty-two years erected a large number of such bridges on the Pacific Coast, as far north as Frazer River, B. C. To parties about to erect Wire Suspension Bridges, we will be pleased to estimate for the same, and can guarantee excellence of workmanship and satisfaction. Especial attention paid to cables for bridges. Mortars and Cements. Stone Mortar; eight parts cement, three parts lime, thirty-one parts sand. Brick Mortar; eight parts cement, three parts lime, twenty-seven parts sand. Brown Mortar; one part lime, two parts sand, and a small quantity of hair. Lime and sand, and cement and sand, lessen about one-eighth in volume when mixed together. In mixing mortar the sand should be sharp and clean, and not mixed with the lime until it is slack; the mortar should be mixed at least one week before using. CEMENT FOR COATING CISTERNS. Mix glycerine and litharge until it becomes a thick paste, then apply; hardens quickly. RUST JOINT FOR IRON. One pound sal ammonia, two pounds flour of sulphur, eighty pounds iron borings, made to a paste with water. CEMENT FOR CISTERNS OR WATER CASKS. Melted glue eight parts, linseed oil four parts, boiled into a varnish with litharge; hardens in forty-eight hours. CEMENT FOR LEATHER BELT. Common glue and American isinglass equal parts; placed in a glue pot; add water to cover the whole; soak ten hours; then bring the mixture to boiling head, and add tannin until the whole becomes spongy or like the white of an egg; apply warm. Buff off the leather where it is to be cemented ; rub the joint surfaces solidly together ; let it dry for a few hours and it is ready for use. No rivets are needed if properly cemented, as the cement is as strong as the leather. 80 Size of Gas Pipes. Following is the London rule for gas pipe sizes : For two hundred lights, two inch iron tube; one hundred and twenty lights, one and one-half inch; seventy lights, one and one-fourth inch; fifty lights, one inch; twenty-five lights, three-fourths inch; twelve lights, one-half inch; six lights, three-eighths inch; two lights, one-fourth inch. Sound. Sound has a mean velocity through air of 1,092 feet per second, and passes through water at a speed of 4,708 feet per second. On the Size of Pulleys, Drums, Etc. We cannot too strongly call the attention of the mechanic and miner to the general errors committed in proportioning the Pulley, Drum or Sheaves, of hoisting or driving gear. We would remind them that when a pulley is under a certain diameter for certain sized ropes, be the rope of Hemp or Wire, it will very soon destroy the fibres by the constant chafing and wearing of the internal portion of the rope, long before it has had a chance to test its strength or durability. An examination of any rope after running for some time on a pulley of a small diameter, will fully and clearly demonstrate the fact to the examiner; moreover, as it requires some exertion to bend a rope around a small circle, an unprofitable expenditure of power is required, and besides there is a loss of frictional surface, and this is a serious matter in driving heavy machinery, when the grip pulley is not employed; therefore, it is very essential that the diameter of the drum or pulley should be attended to, and for the guidance of those erecting such machinery, we offer them the following general rule: RULE. For Wire Rope, the pulley or drum should be 100 times the size of the rope, if made of six strands of seven wires; but for a flexible rope made of six strands of nineteen wires, the size of the pulley or drum may be sixty times the size of the rope. For Hemp Rope the pulley should be fifty times the size of the rope. A good general rule for Round Wire Ropes is to have the drum or pulley 1,000 times the size of the wire from which the rope is made. For Flat Iron Rope, the diameter of the barrel should be not less than 150 times the thickness of the rope. It will be seen that the same size pulleys answer for both Wire and Hemp Rope of the same strength. [See Table of Comparative Strength of Ropes.] 81 On the Form of the Groove of Sheaves and Pulleys. Tt is also important that the groove of all pulleys and sheaves should have the same form as the rope, t. e., a rope one inch diameter, requires the groove to be laid out with a radius of full half an inch, so that the width will be, say, l,i inch, and the depth of bed jj; the sides or flanges of the groove should be carried up sufficiently high to prevent the rope ever jumping out, and should have sufficient flare to avoid coming in contact with the rope. [See fig. A. ] A rope running on a flat, ill-fitted groove, son becomes injured, destroy- ing the rope and cutting into the groove. [See fig. B.] Fig. A. Fig. B. Wire Cables for Suspension Flumes or Water Conduits. For conveying water across deep gulleys, canyons, rivers, etc., with gal- vanized iron piping, joints, suspending rods, etc., etc., complete the most economical way of carrying water over a deep canyon. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates given and material furnished low. Submarine and Subterraneous Telegraph Cables. We are prepared to manufacture and supply submarine telegraph cables of any size or length, and having erected new and improved machinery for covering the same with any size armor desired, can fill at short notice any ordinary order. Having machinery and facilities in San Francisco, and keeping on hand or ordering through our European agency, the very best of English and German wire and insulated core, we are prepared to give estimates and contract for large orders, which we can execute in bond for export or foreign market, there- by bringing the cost of the same to the lowest figure. 82 Railway Curves. Railway curves are expressed as being of such a degree of curvature, or of such a radius. The radii corresponding to the various degrees are as below: Radius in feet. 1,274 1,146 1,042 955 882 819 764 716 674 636 The radius corresponding to any angle is found by dividing 5730 by any number of degrees in the angle of deflection. Thus, the radius for a 3^ deg. curve is Q - =1637. o. Angle of deflections Tangent deflections in degrees. in feet. i .436 1 .873 u- 1.091 1* 1.309 1* 1.527 2 1.745 2* 2.181 3 2.618 3* 3.054 4 3.490 Radius in feet. Angle of deflections in degrees. Tangent deflections in feet. 11,460 4* 3.926 5,730 5 4.362 4,584 si 4.798 3,820 6 5.234 3,273 6J 5.669 2,865 7 6.105 2,292 7* 6.540 1,910 8 6.976 1,637 8| 7.411 1,433 9 7.846 Elevation for the Exterior Rail. The less the radius of curvature, and the greater the speed, the greater is the elevation of the outer rail upon a curve. Radius of Curve in feet Elevation of the Outer Rail in inches ; the velocity in miles per hour being being 10. 20. 30. 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 0.57 0.29 0.15 0.10 0.07 0.06 2.83 1.43 0.71 0.47 0.36 0.28 8.56 3.30 1.65 1.10 0.83 0.66 It is well, in connection with the ordinary rail gauge, to use a clinometer graduated for different radii of curvature. Any trackman could use such an instrument and could carry it in his pocket. The proper elevations would thus be maintained undisturbed by the repairs of the road-bed. Power needed to Ascend Railroad Grades. It is a very interesting fact that a Standard engine having a sixteen inch cylinder, twenty-four inch stroke, sixty-inch driver, and weighing thirty-two and a half tons, with four drivers and four truck wheels, will easily haul : Tons. On a level grade 1,000 On grade of only 20 feet to the mile 460 On grade of 60 feet to the mile 205 On grade of 80 feet to the mile 150 On grade of 100 feet to the mile 120 83 Strength of Animals. Two men working at a windlas with the cranks at right angles to each other, can raise seventy pounds more easily than one man can raise thirty pounds. The mean effective power of a man, unaided by machinery, working to best advantage, is raising seventy pounds one foot high in one second for ten hours per day. The strength of a horse is equal to that of five men. A horse should be allowed four gallons of water per day. One horse power in machinery }t estimated at 33,000 pounds, raised one foot high, in one minute. A horse can exert this power but for six hours per day, therefore one horse power steam, equals four horses. Electrical Properties of Copper Wire. RESISTANCE OF PURE COPPER. (BROWN & SHARP'S GAUGE.) Gauge. Diameter in inches. Pounds per 1,000 feet. Feet in one Pound. Ohms per l.OUO feet. Feet per Ohm. Ohms per Pound. Gauge. .325 319. 3.13 .102 9783.63 .00032 1 .289 253. 3.95 .129 7754.66 .00051 1 2 .258 200. 4.99 .163 6149.78 .00081 2 3 .229 150. 6.29 .205 4876.73 .00129 3 4 .204 126. 7.93 .259 3867.62 .00205 4 5 .182 100. 10. .326 3067.06 .00326 5 6 .162 79.32 12.61 .411 2432.22 .00518 6 7 .144 62.9 15.9 .519 1928.75 .00824 7 8 .128 49.88 20. .654 1829.69 .01311 8 9 .114 39.56 25.28 .824 1213.22 .02086 9 10 .102 31.37 31.88 1.040 961.91 .03314 10 11 .0907 24.88 40.20 1.311 762.93 .05269 11 12 .0808 19.73 50.7 1.653 605.03 .08377 12 13 .0720 1565 63.9 2.084 479.80 .1332 13 14 .0641 12.41 80.6 2.628 380.51 .2118 14 15 .0571 9.84 101.63 3.314 301.75 .2368 15 16 .0508 7.81 128.14 4.179 239.32 .5255 16 17 .0452 6.19 161.5 5.269 189.78 .8515 17 18 .0403 4.91 203.75 6.645 150.50 1.354 18 19 .0354 3.78 264.25 8.617 116.05 2.277 19 20 .0320 3. 324. 10.566 94.05 3.423 20 21 .0285 2.45 408.56 13.323 75.06 5.443 21 22 .0253 1.94 515.15 16.799 50.53 8.654 22 23 .0226 1.54 650. 21.185 47.20 13.763 23 24 .0201 1.22 820. 26.713 37.43 21.885 24 25 .0179 .97 1033. 33.684 29.69 34.795 25 26 .0159 .77 1303. 42.477 23.54 55.331 26 27 .0142 .61 1643. 53.563 18.68 87.979 27 28 .0126 .48 2072. 67.542 14.81 139.89 28 29 .01126 .38 2612. 85.170 11.74 222.45 29 30 .01025 .30 3294. 107.391 9.31 353.74 30 31 .00893 .24 4152. 135.402 7.39 562.22 31 32 .00795 .19 5237. 170.765 5.86 894.24 32 33 .00708 .15 6603. 215.312 4.64 1421.65 33 34 .00634 .12 8328. 271.583 3.68 2261.82 34 35 .00561 .10 10501. 342.443 2.92 3596.1 35 36 .00500 .08 13239. 431.712 2.32 5715.36 36 84 Steam. THE ELASTIC FORCE OF STEAM AND CORRESPONDING TEMPERATURE OF THE WATER WITH WHICH IT IS IN CONTACT. (From Haswell.) el .9 ** *iJ Sg^-S cs . 2 4H I t *M > fl} ** O v S S E i a; o .j fi " o S 2 (5 o "*" M O *H 3 S S ^ 2 hS Q **H 1.9.H 0,0 fe m Is"" "o -^ ssllji 2 ^ m 2 M .tj IS ** ii Jj jj< >> V i! 7 . w P*-^ 3 > o<-2 g Jj 05 SH C C8 53 Q ^^ ^ I* O c8 CQ 3 la o ^ g d 4) p ^> t_i Q C3 flj C* Jj C 3 H^^ 2 l>^ O ^ <* 52>^ Ibs. Ibs. 14.7 30.00 212.0 1700 68 138.72 304.4 419 15 30.60 212.8 1669 70 142.80 306.4 408 16 33.64 216,3 1573 72 146.88 308.4 398 18 36.72 222.7 1411 74 150.96 310.3 388 20 40.80 228.5 1281 76 155.06 312.2 379 22 44.88 233.8 1174 78 159.14 314.0 370 24 48.96 238.7 1084 80 163.22 315.8 362 26 53.04 243.3 1007 82 167.30 317.6 354 28 57.12 247.6 941 84 171.38 319.3 346 30 61.21 251.6 883 86 175.46 321.0 339 32 65.28 255.5 833 88 179.54 322.6 332 34 . 69.36 259.1 788 90 183.62 324.3 325 36 73.44 262.6 748 92 187.70 . 325.9 319 38 77.52 265.9 712 94 191.78 327.5 313 40 81.60 269.1 679 96 195.86 329.0 307 42 85.68 272.1 649 98 199.92 330.5 301 44 89.76 275.0 622 100 204.01 332.0 295 46 93.84 277.8 598 110 224.40 339.2 271 48 97.92 280.5 575 120 244.82 345.8 251 60 102.00 283.2 554 130 265.23 352.1 233 52 106.08 285.7 534 140 285.61 357.9 218 54 110.16 288.1 516 150 306.03 363.4 205 56 114.24 290.5 500 160 326.42 368.7 193 58 118.32 292.9 484 170 346.80 373.6 183 60 122.40 295.6 470 180 367.25 378.4 174 62 126.48 298.1 "456 190 387.61 382.9 166 64 130.56 300.3 443 200 408.04 387.3 158 66 134.64 302.4 431 Staples. We manufacture wire staples of all sizes from galvanized or plain wire. These staples are pointed and cut, so that they clinch in driving. Wire Nails. Made from the best charcoal iron or steel wire, all lengths and sizes. Special sizes made to order. 85 USE OF THE TABULAR SCALE. The accompanying Tabular Scale is so arranged that a person desiring to order a rope can do so intelligently. The first and most essential thing to determine is the load to be lifted; this includes the weight of ore, of bucket or cage, and of rope. For example: Ore to be raised 4,000 pounds. Weight of cage 1,800 " Weight of rope say 1,000 feet long 1,00^ Total lift 6,800 pounds. By referring to scale, it will be found that there will be required an Iron Wire Rope 3J inches circumference, weighing l^ pounds per foot, or a Cruci.- ble Steel Rope 2J inches circumference, weighing 1 pound per foot, or a Hemp Rope 8i inches circumference, weighing 2i" pounds per foot, or a Flat Iron Rope 3xf, weighing 2* pounds per foot, or a Flat Steel Rope 2xf , weighing I!M pounds per foot, or an Iron Chain inch link, weighing 5J pounds per foot. I OS* ^^ r- **- 73 O s 82 so WU 4 fe II ^ U 1 1 if o e .s .2 i-J O u. c . iodccooo C O O CD ^"* co-r^ocoeo ^ i-H O IO (M O IO CO . 1 0. No. 11 Length in inches. . . No. to the Ib. about . 2 50 1 60 * 2 60 If 77 81 8 2 2 1 95 i 1 ioa 4 14 120 150 15 7 1 185 Price per Ib., cts. . . 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 11 11 11 11 1 1 11 Size of Wire. IS r o. 1 2. No. 13. Is r o 1 4 N o 15 No. 16. Nc 17 Length in inches No. to the Ib. about. 20 u 2 1 20 U 227 1 292 38 1 4 1 80 675* 845* 9 i 70 Price per Ib., cts. . . 1 14 114 12i 12 4 1 2* 124 14 14 15 Discount, Galvanized per cent. " Plain per cent. SPECIAL SIZES MADE TO ORDER. Wire Nails. Prices per pound. LENGTHS. WIRE GAUGE. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I Cents per Ib . 26 28 30 I Cents per Ib . 26 28 30 1 Cents per Ib 24 26 26 14 Cents per Ib. 18 22 24 26 i* Cents per Ib. 18 20 22 24 1* Cents per Ib. 17 17 17 18 20 24 2 Cents per Ib. 16 16 17 17 18 20 22 15 35 35 30 30 26 26 25 16 35 35 33 33 30 30 30 17 40 40 35 35 30 30 30 18 19 20 57 57 55 55 45 45 40 37 35 35 45 45 43 40 40 32 M ft) ^ ff 3 toH UH rf*=t>-'H-' WwtsH*^ Hwic*-'**- 1 _. &d 0. 3 S ^__i 3 3 o ITS W * g n ill IK B' i CQ -IQ BjEinixoaddy |J ! .. s t-H *l o [* 1 o 5i 3 ^l O o o S *. w 3 1 0. w n ll> 3 o 3 ^ ^H Sg" 2 i__l II; ^^5gg^oiSg: : | 1 1 TJ "" "O *' 1 1 " o P o e^ a a. ,_, a 3 |_| n X (-) | bObObOgbObObObObObObOWCOOSW^^ o 11 O a s 8 2. - ^^J X-. O tn* 2! ^^3 09 " C/2 3* ^* i_j 9 u w rs 9 gQ r s ^J o L^J O C/3 M 0- bObObOfcObObObOO5O5COO5O5COrfi.cn- CnCnOiCXJOOOOOOOOObOfcOOSOlO- X & ? S. ^^3 / A SO o ^^3 i 1 5T o ii 1 o. td c. ^ ,_! t-l ') 'I '1 'Ml l-l 'I '1 '1 l- M H- 'bObO o cr- O ^ TJ o l-'l-l-'l-'l-'l-l-'l-'bObObOO5CnO5COO ! E. O t3 < ^S e w p n' a' 3 3 Z- w >5 "3 l ^ ? - 3 *T! O tW ( t 1 1 (- l- l- I-* M H- l- M I- 1 bO bO fcO fcO bO fcO S" 3' g ? P- ? X P 3 5-*J S 5C ^ * t"d B jf CO 8 2. - o -d i, 6 strand, 12 ;e Cables, etc., ler Steel, same | 1' | | " g" | o i | 1 i 1 1 | td CQ 'hj a *o * ^ C7 4 to '"' 3 D- *O iij s. -. v S S R ft O S T3 -, r* w D J^ Co rt 0) /S ^^j S H 3 U B . " *< 3. * ' 9 o^ 3 o^' CL ^ 3 - ^ K- " 0" cl o a If 6" P^*i GJ C i3 fli ^rl W ^4 C n v ' M r w. ; : it <| Y o. " ' ' & ; B B p 92 Price List of Wire Cords, Strands, Etc. Cords for Window Sashes, Dumb Waiters, Signal Purposes, Picture Cords, etc Circumference in inches Price per yard, Plain Iron Price per yard, Galvani Price per yard, Copper Price per yard, Tinned Crucible steel cords, prices on application. i s i l I ron 10 13 16 18 20 8 22 cents ized Iron. 14 18 16 21 18 23 20 25 25 30 30 cents. 35 cents 13 14 17 19 24 30 cents. Copper Wire Rope Lightning Conductors. Diameter in Inches Price per foot 28 it 32 37 cts Flat Wire Rope Thoroughbraces. For wagons and coaches. These thoroughbraces are but i the weight, 1-5 the size and 5 times as durable as the best leather thoroughbraces: For 1 horse wagon. 2 horse wagon. 4 horse wagon. Price per pair, iron.. $1600 $1800 $2000 " " steel . . 22 00 24 00 26 00 Seven-ply Wire Strand for Guys, Fencing, Signals, Etc. Trade Number 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Diameter, inches i 7-16 5-16 i sml 1-5 1-6 1-7 Price pr. 100 feet, black $5.00 4.00 2.80 2.35 1.90 1.40 1.00 .85 .75 Price pr. 100 feet, galvanized... $5. 25 4.30 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.15 1.00 .80 Galvanized Clothes Line Wire 7 ply. Trade Number 7 7J 8 Price per doz. coils of 100 feet each. $8 00 8 00 7 50 6 75 Vineyard strand for laying out vineyards 1 ct. per foot. 93 Galvanized Thimbles and Cones for Wire Rope. Circumference of Rope... U U 1| 2 2* 3 3* 4 Price of Thimbles, each .. 20 20 25 25 25 30 35 40 cts. Price of Cones, each $3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 50 3 50 4 00 4 00 Afr/*. Thimbles are spliced into the ropes. In the Cone the wire rope is inserted, the wires turned back, the hemp heart removed and a tapering plug driven in, or the space filled with lead or sulphur. Patent rope clamps, each $1 10. Sash Pulleys for Wire Cord. Diameter of Wheel. Brass face and wheel. Iron face and wheel. If $4 25 per doz. $1 75 per doz. 4 50 2 00 DIAMETER, feet .. PRICE, Gold Patent Grip Pulleys. 345678 9 10 $30 $50 $80 $125 $175 $220 $280 $320 [See Transportation of Ore, page 26.] For all material other than Wood or Stone work, but including all Iron- work, Wire Rope, Self-Dumping Ore Buckets, (holding 100 Ibs. each,) etc. Measured along center of line, and from back of Grip Pulley. For a line 4,000 feet long or less, $1.00 per foot and $1,000 for end machinery. For a line over 4,000 feet and under 6,000 feet, $1.20 per foot, and $1,000 for end machinery. For a line 6,000 feet to 10,000 feet, $1.40 per foot, and $1,600 for end machinery. VERTICAL ANGLES are extra. If power is needed this will be extra. With Angle of Descent=7 degrees (fall of 1 in 8) line will run by gravi- tation. Above lines will deliver from 5 to 12 tons per hour with aid of two men. For Ropeways, a special kind of Wire Rope is manufactured. Prices of Wire Ropeways, Wire Tramways, Suspension Bridges, Sub- marine Telegraph Cables, and other manufactures will be given on application. 95 TELEGRAPH SUPPLIES. We keep in stock the usual telegraph supplies and can manufacture and furnish anything needed in that line. Galvanized Telegraph and Telephone Wire. Sizes: No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B. B Extra B. B . . Office Wire. Red and white braided. Paraffined and compressed cotton and linen double covered office wire, fine finish. Size: No. 12 14 16 18 ) t1 nn n Feet per Ib. 35 52 90 132 f $L00 P er lb ' Burglar Alarm, Call Bell and Annunciator Wires. Double cotton wrapped, waxed and paraffined. Sizes: No. 18 19 20 Feet in 1 lb. 155 200 239 Price per lb. 90 cts. $1.00 $1.00 Insulators. Regular pattern $9.00 per 100. Pony " 6.50 " " Brackets. Good Strong Oak $7.00 per 100. " painted 8.00 " " 96 BARBED FENCE WIRE. We are the sole licensed manufacturers on the Pacific Coast of the patent Barbed Fence Wire. We manufacture the four pointed all steel cable laid Barbed Fence Wire, as per engraving. THE SCUTT PATENT STEEL BARBED FENCE WIRE, Farmers and Ranchmen will please note that the poorest fence you can use is a brush fence. The next best is a worm fence. A board fence is better still. A WIRE fence is still better. A BARBED WIRE fence is the best, most effective, cheapest and most enduring. The CHEAPEST is the best, and the BEST is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS. Two cable laid wires, combining all the advantages of all barbed wires, with the best four pointed STEEL Barb in the market. Manufactured under license from the holders of the original patents, in our own factory, under our own supervision, employing only the best workmen. The barbs are six inches apart, and the whole is neatly put up on strong reels holding about 100 Ibs. each. Galvanized, or coated with a weather proof Iron Cement, rust proof. Weighs 17 ounces to the rod. Costs from 40 to 20 per cent, less than a strong board fence. 1440 Ibs. will make a fence one mile long and four wires high. Wind and fire have no effect on it. Boys do not disturb it. It is a strong four-pointed argument which both man and beast will heed. Three wires and one board, with posts eight or ten feet apart, make a hog tight fence. For horses and cattle a safe and strong fence is made with three wires, with posts from ten to twenty feet apart. To fence 1 square section requires 4 miles single Barb Fence Wire, weighs about 1440 Ibs. 3 2 U 1 4 I 4 i i 80 ac es 40 20 10 5 The above table will enable you to order what you require. 1080 720 540 360 270 180 135 Office aid Salesroom, 6 California Street, San Francisco. Vice-President, JAMES B. STETSON, I. LAWRENCE POOL, JAMIS B. STETSON, President: A. S. HALLIDIE, Secretary and Treasurer. HENRY L. DAVIS. Directors: W. W. MONTAGUE, HENRY L. DAVIS. A. S. HALLIDIE. Banker : BANK OF CALIFORNIA. The above Company has acquired all the works, factories, stock in trade, and business of A. S. Hallidie, The California Wire Works Company, and Robinson & Hallidie, and is prepared to fill orders for Wire Ropes and Cables, Wire of all kinds, Wire Goods, Wire Cloth, Barbed Fence Wire, and for everything manufactured from Wire, with promptness and dispatch. You are cordially invited to visit our show-rooms, No. 6 California street, where you will find an immense variety of Wire Work, decorative and useful. ALL THE STREET CARS PASS THE DOOR. Catalogues sent on application. Estimates given, and careful mechanics sent to put up work. INDEX. A PAGE. Adjustable Music Stands 106 Anchors for Floral Work 34 Aquarium Flower Stands f Arbors and Summer Houses yr""'Jitt Arches, Plain and Pillar 17 and 18 Assayers' or Druggists' Sieves : - 41 Aviaries .*? Awnings for Cages im Davy's Safety Lamps ................................. 11 Delusion Mouse Traps ................................ 48 Designs for Floral Work ............................ 34 Diamond Window Guards .......................... 71 Diamond Wire Work, Prices ................... 74 Dish Covers, ................................................... 42 Dog Muzzle's ................................................ >C> 1 Dress Stands ................................................ 45 Druggists' Sieves .............................. ........... 41 104 * Balconettes.. Balloon Fly Traps ....... .... ............. Bank and Counter Bailings Banner Signs Barrel Covers ................... Battery and Holting Cloth Bird Cages, Brass ..... ... Bird Cages, Japanned Bird Cage Fixtures, etc Bonnet Brackets Bonnet Stands Bonnet Trees .................... ; Bonnets for Smoke Stacks ........................ M Bottle Backs or Bins .................................. 108 Boys' Suit Frames ....................................... brackets for Windows ................................ Brass Cloth Market Grade ........................ 1 Brass Cloth Milk Strainer. ........................ 12 Brass Guard Cloth ....................................... 104 Brass Sieve Cloth ........................................ jg Brass Sugar Cloth ....................................... 105 Brass Twilled Cloth .................................... 10o Brass Wire, Price List ................................ 5 Broilers .............................................. ..... . 1. Brushes for Castings .......................... 63 and fi4 10* Cages, Brass ..... .. Cages, Japanned Cage Krackets Cage Fixtures, etc ...................................... {"4 Cage Springs ............................................... l * Cane Stands ................................................. *> Card Backs ........................................ ..... 1 06 Casting Brushes ................................. 53 and 54 Chairs (all Wire) .................. , ...................... 19 Cheese Safes ........... ................................... 5U Cloth, Brass Sieve ....................................... J* Cloth, Chess or Long Mesh ........................ 10 Cloth, Iron Screen ....................................... Cloth, Light Grade Iron .............................. 10 Cloth, Machinery Grade Iron .................... 9 Cloth, Malt Kiln Floor ..................... , ......... 9 Cloth, Market or Hardware Grade ............ 7 Cloth, Market Grade Brass ....... ............... 12 Cloth, Market Grade Copper ..................... 105 Cloth, Milk Strainer ................................... 12 Cloth, Rice .................................................. ' Cloth, Biddle Grade .................................... ' Cloth, Square Wire Smut ........................... 8 Cloth, Tinned Sieve ................................... 12 Cloth, Twilled Brass and Copper ............... 105 Cloth, Twilled Iron ...................................... 8 Cloth, Window Screen ...................... ... ..... 5 Coal and Ore Screens ........................ 39 and 40 Coat Hangers ................................................ 43 Coat and Vest Stands .................................. Copper Wire ................................................. ,55 Copper Wire Cloth ....................................... 105 Corn Poppers ................................... . ........... 4 Corset Frame ............................................... 46 Cravat Stands ................................................ 43 Crimped Spark Cloth .................................. Crosses for Floral Work .................... 33 an d34 Crowns for Floral Work .............................. 34 Cuttle Fish Holders .................................... 104 E-F Extension Pink Frames ............................. 20 Fanning Mill Wire Cloth ............................ 10 Fence or Garden Border ............................. o Fence Staples ............................................ 1 j> Fencing, Galvanized Twist Wire ............. 13 Fences, Grave and Cemetery ........... .......... 70 Fences, Lawn, etc ............................. '"""* aa Fences, Wrought Iron ...................... 67 and 6 Fences, for all Purposes ..................... 59 to 70 Fences, Price List ............................. . ..... * Fenders and Fire Guards .................. do ana d/ File Brushes ................................................. 54 Fish Hatching Wire Cloth .......................... 7 Flat Wrought Iron Guards ....................... '* Floral Designs ............................................ * Flour and Meal Sieves ...................... ... ..... 41 Flower or Moss Baskets .................... 30 and 31 Flower Pot Balconettes .............................. 4 Flower Pot Brackets ........................... Flower Pot Stands .............................. ***S. Flower Trainers and Trellises .................... ^0 Folding Fenders ................................ - - 3 Foundry Biddies ................................ 39 and 40 Frames, Cape and Mantilla ........................ 4J> Frames, Coat and Vest ................................ Frames, Corset ..................... ........ ................ 4& Frames, Ladies' and Girls' Suits ............... 45 Frames, Men's and Boys' Suits ................. 45 Fruit Stands ........................................ J Furniture, Garden and Lawn .............. 17 to 20 Galvanized Cloth ^ish Breeding) 7 Galvanized Trellis Work 1* Galvanized Wire Cloth 7 Galvanized Wire Fencing } Galvanized Wire Netting -..13 to 16 Garden Arches 17 and 18 Garden Fences 59 to b Garden and Fence Border W Garden and Lawn Furniture 1 Garden Trainers and Trellises 18 and 20 Gauges (Comparative Table) 77 German Sugar Cloth 105 Girls' Suit Frames *> Grain Screen Cloth W Grave Fences '" Gravel Paper '" Guards for Fireplaces 36 a na d7 Guards and Bailings 60 to to Guards for Stalls <,*> Guards for Windows 71 and 73 Gipsy Flower Baskets 81 H Hardware Grade Wire Cloth 7 Harps for Floral Work 34 HatBrackets Hat or Bonnet Stands 4d Hat or Bonnet Trees 4d Hurdle Fences w NO. 8 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. I-J PAGE. Ice Pitcher Stands 19 Iron Wire Cloth 6 to 10 Iron Wire, Gauges of 77 Iron Wire, Sizes of 72 Iron Wire, Weights, etc 78 Japanned Cages 97tDl03 Ladies' Suit Frames 45 Landscape Screen Cloth 5 Lattice Work 72 Lawn Fences 69 Lawn Wire Furniture 17 to 20 Light Grade Wire Cloth 10 Locomotive Spark Cloth 6 and 8 Long Mesh Wire Cloth 10 Lyres for Floral Work 34 M Machinery Grade Wire Cloth 9 Malt Kiln Floor Cloth 9 Mantilla Frames 45 Marriage Bells 34 Meal and Flour Sieves 41 Meat Safes 60 and 51 Men Suit Frames 46 Milk Strainer Cloth 12 Miners' Safety Lamps 11 Miners' Steel Wire Kiddles 40 Mocking Bird Cages 95 Monuments for Floral Work 34 Mortar Screens 39 Moss Baskets .30 and 31 Mouse Cages 96 Mouse Traps 48 Muzzles, Ox and Dog 51 N-O Netting, all Grades 13 to 16 Novelty Corn Poppers 49 Nursery Fenders 36 Oblong Dish Covers 42 Office Railings 57 to 61 Ore Screens 39 Ornamental Fencing 59 to 65 Oval Dish Covers , 42 Ox and Dog Muzzles 51 Oyster Broilers 49 Paragon Fly Traps 106 Parrot and Paroquet Cages 94 Photograph Racks 108 Pink Frames (Extension). 20 Pitcher Stands 19 and 52 Prices, Brass and Copper Wire 55 Prices, Cage Fixtures 104 Prices, Diamond Wire Work 74 Prices, Fenders, Guards, etc 38 Prices, Galvanized Netting 16 Prices, Garden Wire Work 21 and 22 Prices, Moss or Flower Baskets 32 Prices, Office Railings 57 to 59 Prices, Screens, Sieves, etc 40 and 41 Prices, Wire Fencing, etc 66 Prices, Wire Signs 77 Provision Safes 50 and 51 Railing and Fences 56 to 70 Rapid Transit Mouse Traps 48 Rat Traps 47 and 48 Rice Wire Cloth 9 Riddles 39 Rolled Malt Kiln Cloth 9 Rose Trainers 20 Round Corn Poppers 49 Round Dish Covers 42 S PAGE. Safes, cheese 50 Safes, provision, etc 50 and 51 Safety Lamps, Miners' .- 11 Sand Screens 89 Screen Cloth 6 Screen or Shade Cloth 5 Screen*, Coal and Ore 39 Settees, Stools, etc 19 Sherwood's White Wire Goods 106 Shoe Stands, etc 44 Show Window Brackets 43 Sieve Cloth (brass and tinned) 12 Sinves, Assayers' 41 Sieves, Druggists' 41 Sieves, Meal and Flour : 41 Signs, Open Wire Work 76 Sizes of Wire Cuts, etc 72 Smoke Stack Bonnets 53 Spark Cloth, crimped 6 Spark Cloth, twilled 8 Spark Guards 37 Spiral Springs 54 Sponge Baskets 19 and 20 Square and Compass for Floral Work.... 84 Square Corn Poppers 49 Square Wire Smut Cloth 8 Squirrel Cages 96 Stable Wire Work 75 S(.all Partitions or Guards 75 Stands, Hat and Bonnet 43 Stars for Floral Work 34 Steak Broilers 49 Steel Battery Cloth 11 Steel Wire Brushes 53 and 54 Steel Wire Riddles 40 Store Fixtures 44 Stove Guards 37 Sugar Mill Cloth 105 Suit Frames 45 and 46 Summer Houses . 17 Table of Wire Gauges 77 Table of Wire Sizes 72 Tinned Wire Cloth 7 and 12 Torrey's Weather Strips 79 to 81 Towel Racks 52 Trainers and Trellises )8, 20 and 72 Traps 47, 43 and 106 Tree Guards 18 Twilled Brass Cloth 105 Twilled Copper Cloth 105 Twilled Spark Cloth 8 Twist Wire Fencing 13 Twist Wire Netting 13 to 16 U V Umbrella Stands a5 Umbrella Vine Trainers 18 Vegetable Boilers 49 Vine Trainers 18 and 20 W Wash Stands 52 Waste Paper Baskets 19 Weather Strips 79 to 81 Whip Stands 35 White Mortar Screens 89 White Wire Goods 106 Wine Bottle Racks 106 Window Brackets 43 Window Guards 71 and 73 Window Screen Cloth 5 Wire, Actual Sizes of. 72 Wire, Brass and Copper 55 Wire Brushes 53 and 54 Wire Cloth, Iron 6 to 10 Wire Cloth, Brass 12 and 105 Wire Cloth, Copper 105 Wire Cloth, Galvanized 7 Wire Cloth, Tinned 7 and 12 Wire Forms and Figures 45 and 46 Wire Gauges, compared 77 Wire Netting, Gavlanized 13 to 16 Wire Signs 76 Wire, Useful Data of. 78 Wrought Iron Hurdles 68 Wrought Iron Guards 73 TERMS, Etc. All bills not paid during the month following the purchase will be drawn for at two days' sight. When a longer time is agreed upon, interest must in all instances be added from date, (or average date) of invoice. All Prices Subject to the Market Changes, without Notice In ordering Wire Cloth, please specify accurately the width and length, mesh and size of wire, as we cannot exchange Wire Cloth after it is cut from the roll. To patrons at a distance requiring work made to order, we urge the impor- tance, of sending careful and correct measurements, clearly expressed, and accompanied with drawing or diagram, whenever practicable. Strangers, and persons not engaged in regular business, must give city reference, or send remittance when ordering. No goods will be sent by express C. O. D., unless a remittance of not less than 50 per cent, of value is received before shipment. No goods made to order for strangers until a deposit of 50 per cent, has been made. Package and cartage will in all instances be charged at cost. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS. No. 6 California Street, S. F. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. P. Plain-Painted, Figured and Landscape. An extensive line of all marketable widths, grades and colors. (Cut No. 1.) Price List of Window Screen and Safe Cloth, Per Square Foot. ct Plain, Green or Drab, by the Roll @ Figured, Black or Green, " " " Landscape, Plain, " " " " " in Colors, " " .. " '< (No length less than 100 ieet is understood to be a Roll.) Heavy Crimped for Coal-Burning Locomotives, (Cut No. 2. (Cut No. 3.) No. 3 Mesh, No. 12 Wire. (Cut No. 4.) No. 6 Mesh, No. 16 Wire. (Cut No. 5.) mmmmmmmmmmmm l,!'^* '^^ -_ . |l!l^~=i^^ ^_-j ^^ ^ No. 4 Mesh, No. 14 Wire. No. 8 Mesh, No. 18 Wire. Price List of Heavy Crimped Spark Wire Cloth, The mesh in Wire Cloth is the distance from Center to Center of Wires. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. 3* 13 50 , 4 14 ... .50 t 5 IK KA 6 16 50 t 8 18 50 i 9 19 ..50 , Price List of Heavy Screen Wire Cloth, The space in Screen Cloth means the space between the wires. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. 1 inch space 6 wire 50 cents per square foot. | " "7 " 50 " " " "9 " , 50 " " " " 10 " 50* " " " " No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. -OF- REGULAR MARKET GRADE IRON WIRE CLOTH. (Cut No. 6.) No. Wire Cloth, Partly Unrolled. The Mesh in Wire Cloth is the distance from Center to Center of Wires. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. 2 Mesh, made from No. 16 Wire 15 cents per square foot. 24 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 32 34 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 Tinned Wire Cloth. Any width made to order, not less than 100 feet. For price add 20 per cent, to price of Iron Wire Cloth. Galvanized Wire Cloth, Same widths and Meshes as Iron Wire Cloth. For price add 25 per cent, to the price of Iron Wire Cloth. Galvanized Wire Cloth for Fish Hatching Baskets, No. 5x f, for Salmon 20 cents per square foot. " 6x f, for McCloud River Trout 20 '*" " " "> " 8x2, for Eastern Trout 20 " " " 12x2, for White Fish 20 " " WOODBURY'S FISH HATCHING BASKETS MADE TO ORDER. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS. The Mesh in Wire Cloth is the distance from Center to Center of Wires. Twilled Spark Wire Cloth for Wood Burning Locomotive, No. 10 Mesh Cloth. We make all Meshes from No. 4 to No. 14. (Cut No. 7.) D.M '* ,' ,' a *,' ' ' B ' ,' !' ,'', '( >( ' B BI.I ' .' Bin'* ,'' , , ,', '. < <' H.B'B m )' '( '(' B ( , ',,'. !' I- ' ^i- '! '! (' . '! '. < . H Q|0'l 9 ! <( '! .' '( O , < . ' *,' )' ', J',B -, ,m ','. B'B .',' B aii'i a.a a ', a _, _ <. B',I BMljB |H ! JJI (' <> i'M ' *: -' li'lll ', B' ,' ,a'l a BIB B<,H H B'BjB B B 1 -^ ' <) ') B ,B' ' ,B B I|B B' )! . B, Price List of TwiUed Spark Wire Cloth. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. No. 4 Mesh, 16 Wire 30 cents per square foot ..30 5 6 8 10 12 14 17 18 20 22 23 24 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 (Cut No. 8.) Square Wire Smut Cloth, No. 4 Mesh, Square Wire Smut Cloth. Price List of Square Wire Smut Cloth. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. Nos. 4 to 10 Mesh, Extra Stout $ .75 per square foot. " 4 to 10 " Steel Wire Stout .. . 1.25 " ' " No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. The Mesh in Wire Cloth is the distance from Center to Center of Wires. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. Heavy Boiled Wire Cloth for Malt Kiln Floors, (Cut No. 9.) This Floor secures four time* more hole space per square foot than punched sheet iron; allows an unrestricted passage of hot air through the grain, and saves lialf the fuel and much time in the manufacture of Malt. No. 6 Mesh, of No. 14 Wire 90 cents per square foot. Samples furnished on application. Price List of Extra Heavy Machinery Grade Iron Wire Cloth No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. ). 2 Me 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 sh, made from N( . 14 V( 15 16 18 20 22 23 24 25 27 29 fire 30 cent s per s ' 30 ' 30 ' on ' 30 ' 30 ' 30 ' 30 < on : :; :: ; 30 ..30 square foot. Price List of Stout Eice Wire Cloth. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. No. 8 Mesh, made from No. 20 Wire 30 cents per square foot. "10 " " " " 22 " 30 "12 " " " " 23 " 30 "14 " " " " 24 " 30 " 16 " " " " 25 " ..30 " " " 10 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, The Mesh in Wire Cloth is the distance from Center to Center of Wires. No. Price List of Light Grade Iron Wire Cloth. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. 2 Mesh, made from No. 18 Wire 10 cents per square foot. 2i " < " " 19 ' 3 " " 20 ' 4 " 22 ' 5 ... " 23 ' 6 " " " 24 < 8 " " 26 ' 10 " HH ' 12 " " 20 ' 14 < " 33 ' 16 " 34 ' 18 " " 35 ' 20 " " " " 36 a .10 10 .10 10 10 ,10 10 ,10 10 ,10 ,10 10 Any width made to order at short notice. OR- Long Mesh Wire Cloth, Mesh FOR GRAIN SCREENS. 1x4 15 cents per square foot. f x5 15 " " 2x6 15 2x7 15 2x8 15 2x9 15 2x 10 15 2x 11 15 2x12 15 3x9 ..15 " " 3x 10 15 " " 3 x 11 15 3x12 '..15 4x 12 15 4x14 15 4x16 15 " CHESS CLOTH extra heavy, 20 cents per square foot. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. II Price List of Heavy Steel Tempered Wire No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. No. 24 Mesh, made from No. 27 Wire (Blued) 55 cents per square foot. 30 35 40 50 60 64 70 74 80 29 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 ..56 ..57 ..58 ..59 ..68 ..75 ..80 ..90 1.05 This grade of Cloth is wove and kept in stock, 18 and 24 inches wide. The increasing demand for HEAVY BATTERY AND BOLTING CLOTH has induced us to turn our attention more particularly to this branch of the business, and we feel confident in saying, we can and do produce an article superior to any ever before manufactured in this country. It is made of a large wire and driven up square, which, on an average, makes it equal to ten meshes finer per square inch. (Cut No. 10.) (Cut No. 11.) No. 1. Sir Humphrey Davy's Improved. No. 2. Price of Miners' Safety Lamps, No. 1, Brass Mounted, as per cut $72.00 per dozen. " 2, Galvanized Iron 21.00 " " Extra Guards for same.. 7.50 " " CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, OF REGULAR MARKET GRADE OF BRASS WIRE CLOTH. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a Roll. No. 2 Mesh Brass Wire Cloth, made from No. 16 3 5 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 150 n Center to Center of Wires. per sq. foot. >m No. 16 Wire, 50 cents " 17 50 " ' " 18 50 n ' " 19 50 n ' " 20 50 tt ' " 22 50 it < " 23 50 ii 1 " 24 50 it i " 25 50 tt ' " 26 50 < " 27 50 i i " 28 50 i 1 ' 29 50 ' ' ' 30 50 i t ' 31 52 i ' 1 33 55 i t ' 35 58 i ' " 36 60 t( t < 37 70 n t < 38 90 it i ' 39 " 1 10 it i 1 40 " 1 30 it ' ' 42 " 1 75 it ' ' 43 3 00 a Brass Milk Strainer Wire Cloth, By the quantity, (1000 square feet and over) 20 cts. per square foot, Net Cash. In less quantity at an order 25 " " " " Sieve Cloth. BRASS WIRE SIEVE CLOTH. No. 20 Mesh, 26 inches wide 25 cents per square foot. " 24 " " " " 27 " " " " TIN PLATED SIEVE CLOTH. No. 18 Mesh, 26 inches wide "... 12 cents per square foot. " 20 " " " " 13 '' " ' " it 24 " * " " 15 " " " " No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. GALVANIZED 13 FOR FARM, GARDEN AND DIVISION FENCES. No. 1. (Cut No. 12.) No. 2. (Cut No. 13.) Prices of Galvanized Twist Iron Wire Netting for Fencing. No. 1 is put up in bales of 100 yards each No. 2 is put up in bales of 100 yards each No. 1, 2-inch Mesh, 4 feet wide, No. 16 wire 75 cents per yard No. 2, 4-inch Mesh, 4 feet wide, No. 16 wire 60 cents per yard 14 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, Galvanized Twist Wire Netting, Continued, (Cut No. 14.) (Cut No. 15.) 1-inch Mesh. (Cut No. 16.) f-inch Mesh. For Prices of above see page 16. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. Galvanized Twist Wire Netting, Continued. (Cut No. 17.) 1-inch Mesh. 15 The foregoing Cuts show the different meshes of Galvanized Netting which is used principally for Garden or Ornamental purposes, such as Fencing, Bird Cages, Chicken Coops, etc., where strength, economy and beauty are desired. For Chicken Yards this Netting is indispensable, being cheap, light and durable and does not harbor vermin like lattice work. It is thoroughly galvanized after made which protects it from the action of the weather. For Prices of above see page 16. 16 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS. GALVANIZED AFTER MADE. Mesh. 4 inch. 2 " 2 " 2 " I*" 1* " 1 " (Cut No. 20.) Size of 1-inch, 1^-inch, and 2-inch meshes of Wire Netting. IN ROLLS USUALLY OF 50 YARDS. Size Wire made from. Width usually on hand. Price per sq. ft. No. 16 Gauge. 4 feet 5 cents. " 16 " 3 feet and 4 feet. 7 it 18 " 3 4 " 5 " a 19 " 2 3 " 4 " 16 " 3 4 " 10 H 18 " 2 3 " 6 H ft 18 " 2 3 " 10 2d*m QAftDEW WlftE WOftK, ETC, (Illustrations, pages Nos. 17 to 34.) Floral Designs of Every Description in Stock and Made to Order, at the Lowest Rates. Wire Devices, Letters, Emblems, Etc., Pot Brackets, Moss Brackets, Trainers, Pink Frames and Trellises, Flower Stands, Tree Guards, Arches, Wire Arbors and Rose Temples, Fountain, Flower Bed and Path Borders, Out -Door Furniture, Chairs, Settees, Etc. Florists, Nurserymen, Gardeners, and others are cordially invitetl to exam- ine our goods and terms. Novelties and unique pieces for special occasions designed and made with the utmost dispatch. I C (Cut No. 71.) 24 inches high, each . 30 " " " . .$1 25 36 inches high, each. . 2 00 48 " .$2 50 . 4 00 34 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, Cross. 10 inch per doz, 81 50 Crown. 8 inch per doz., 10 " ., 12 " . 13 " . 15 " . $ 6 00 8 40 1080 12 00 1800 Lyre. 12 inch per doz., $ 7 80 15 " " " 9 00 18 " " " 10 20 Marriage Bell. 12 inch per doz., 812 00 15 " " " 18 00 18 " " " 27 00 21 " " " 33 00 24 " " " 36 00 8 inch 10 " . 13 " . 15 " . 18 " . Star. per doz., $ 1 95 240 " 3 60 " 4 20 600 Harp. 12 inch per doz., $ 7 80 16 18 21 21 9 00 10 20 13 20 15 00 Anchor. 12 inch per doz , 83 00 14 " ' " 4 20 16 " " " 540 18 " " " 6 00 Square and Compass. 12 inch per doz., 8 7 80 18 " " " 12 00 Doves " " 24 00 6 inch Letters.. " " 3 00 8 " " " 4 20 10 " " " 540 Monument. 12 inch per doz., 8 6 Oi 15 " " " 9 00 18 " " " 12 60 21 " " " 16 20 24 " " " 21 00 No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 35 (Cut No. 72.) (Cut No. 73.) Cane or Umbrella Stand. 28 inches long, with 32 holes $10 00 36 " " " 40 " . . 12 00 (Cut No. 74.) Cane Stand. 30 inches high, as per cut, holding 74 Canes $15 00 The same, plainer 10 00 (Cut No. 75) Umbrellas and Cane Stand. Umbrella and Whip Stand. 28 inches high, for Canes only $5 00 30 " " " and Urn- 28 inches long, with 22 holes $800 brellas 600 36 " " " 30 " ....1000 Other Styles in Stock and Made to Order. 36 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, (Cut No. 76.) Nursery Fenders. (Cut No. 77.) Laced Work Fenders. These are necessary articles in every family, to protect the little ones, and to save rugs and carpets from flying sparks and hot coals. We make them plain or elaborate, and of various styles and sizes. Young Children are effectually barred from the fire by our close laced Fire Guards, which are made to fit and enclose the entire hearth, and hook securely to the grate. Also, Guards for Stoves, Heaters, etc. Fireplace Fenders, various designs, prices accordingly. See page 33. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 37 (Prices of Fire Guards on page 38.) (Cut No. 79.) (Cut No. 78.) Spark Guards Diamond Work. Spark Guards Laced Work. (Cut No. 80.) Wire Stove Guards. Made any size and height. Price, 50 cents per square foot. Indispensable safeguards for Stoves, Heaters, etc., where there are young children. Other styles and shapes made to order, to go entirely round the stove, or enclose three sides and hook to the wall. They are made with door, as shown, for convenience in replenishing the fire, etc., at small additional cost. In ordering, give height and diameter required, and distance of door from the floor. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, OF AND cannot too urgently advise the use of Fenders and Fire Guards, in the nursery, play-room, parlor and all apartments where open fires are kept. Close Laced Fire Guards, of the best workmanship, made to fit the fire- place and fasten securely, with Ornamental Scroll Work, etc., $7.00 to $12.00 each. NURSERY FENDERS. (Cut No. 76.) 12 inches high, Brass Tops $ 75 per running foot. l^ 25.0U 28.50 33.50 42.00 52.50 70.00 100 750 800 9.00 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.511 21.00 2500 30.00 35.00 40.00 47.50 57.50 75.00 42 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, (Cut No. 89.) (Cut No. 87.) (Cut No. 88.) Round Wire Dish Cover. Set of Round Wire Dish Covers. Set of Oblong Wire Dish Covers. DISH COVERS. Round, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 inches $1 00 per nest (of 5) Oval, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 inches 2 60 " " " Oblong, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 inches : . . . . 3 35 " " " Round, 6 inch , . . '; 1 50 per dozen. " 7 1 75 " " 8 " 2 25 ' " " 9 " 2 75 " " " 10 " 325 " " 12 " 7 00 " " " 14 " 9 50 " " Oval, 8 " 3 25 " " 10 " 4 75 " " 12 " , 6 25 " " 14 " 7 75 " " 16 9 25 " Oblong, 8 " 4 00 " " 10 " 6 00 " " " 12 " 8 00 " " " 14 " 10 00 " " " 16 " . 12 00 " " No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET. 43 (Cut No. 91.) (Out No. 90.) Cravat Stand. 9 Branches $3 00 (Cut No. 92.) (Cut No. 93.) Hat or Bonnet Tree. With Adjustable Slides $3 50 (Cut No. 94.) t Show Window Brackets. 16 in., bronzed, $3 50 per dozen. 18 20 24 4 00 5 00 6 00 Single Hat and Bonnet Stand No. 0, 10 to 14 inches, per dozen . $2 00 " 1, 12 to 18 " " " . 3 00 " 2, 20 to 24 " " " . 4 50 " 3, 26 to 30 " " " . 6 00 " 4, 36 to 46 " " " . 7 50 " 5, 48 to 54 " " " . 9 00 For Show Windows, Counters, etc. Neatly Finished in Bronze. Bonnet Brackets. Plated Wire.$l 25 per doz. (Cut No. 95.) Wire Coat Haugera. Per dozen 75 cts. Used for hanging up coats and vests in Stores, Wardrobes and Closets. 44 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, (Cut No. 96.) STANDS FOR SHOES, HATS OR NOTIONS. OF BRONZED IRON. 36 inches high, 36 inches wide, with three Wire Shelves $10 00 42 " " 42 " " " " " " 11 00 (Cut No. 97.) . r r r OF BRONZED IRON. Rods per lineal foot, $ 20 Brackets each, 1 25 We are prepared to furnish, at short notice, and on the best terms, any style of Show Stands, Window and Store Fixtures, Brackets and Arms, Coun- ter Stands, Upright and Suspended Rods, Wire .Shelves, etc., of Brass or Plated Work, or of Iron Tube, Painted or Bronzed, for the display of Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Millinery, Fancy and Furnishing Goods. Estimates furnished, and work put up when required, with skill and dis- patch. NO. 8 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 45 All Sizes and Descriptions, in. Stock and to Order. (Cut No. 98.) Corset Frame. Each.. ..$2.00 (Cut No. 99.) (Cut No. 100.) Mantilla and Dress Stand. $2 50, $3 00, $3 25. Girls' Dress Form. $2 00, $2 50, $3 00. We make these Dress Figures to represent the Latest Fashions; also, to special order and measure for Modistes, and ladies who require exactness in contour, size, etc. Our Forms are much more strongly made, of more stylish outline, and of better workmanship than the common articles offered to the public. 46 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, Wire Figures, Suit Frames, Etc, Continued, (Cut No. 101.) (Cut No. 102.) Boys' Full Suit Stand. (Cut No. 103.) Coat and Vest Stand. Man's Suit Frame. No. 1, Boy's 27 inches high each, $2 50 2, " 32 " 3, " 36 ' 4, " 46 " 1, Youth's, 54 " 1, Man's, 60 Coat Frames, full man's size 3 00 3 50 4 50 5 00 6 00 3 00 No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 47 COMMON SQUARE BAT TRAP. (Cut No. 104.) Price, size 12x7x3$ inches $5 00 per dozen. ' " 12x8x4 " 6 00 " " PATENT LEVER SPRING- BEVEL END RAT TRAP. (Cut No. 105.) Wire Bottom Size, 15x9x5 inches. Price with back door per dozen, $10 50 "without" " " " 900 SQUARE, DOUBLE END. (TWO DOORS.) (Cut No. 106.) Wire Bottom Size 15x9x5 inches. Price per dozen, $12 00 OUR "PATENT LOCK GALVANIZED TRAP." Made of CRIMPED WIRES, and put together in such a manner that they cannot be displaced. The whole Trap is Galvanized after being made, by dipping them, thus making it absolutely rust proof. Size, 15x8x6 Inches. Price, with back door per dozen, $10 50 " without " 9 00 48 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, Eat and Mouse Traps, Continued, ROUND, SELF-SETTING- BAT TRAP, WIRE BOTTOM. (Cut No. 107.) Price, 12 inches diameter per dozen, $12 00 " 14 " " " " 18 00 " 18 " " " " 30 00 THE DELUSION MOUSE TRAP. (Cut No. 108.) Price per dozen, $3 00 THE RAPID TRANSIT MOUSE TRAP. Very similar in design to the Delusion. Price per dozen, $2 50 WHEEL MOUSE TRAP. (Cut No. 109.) Size of Bottom, 6^x3 inches. Price . per dozen, $3 00 No. 8 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 49 CORN POPPERS. (Cut Xo. 110.) Round, holds 1 quart. Square, No. 1, holds 1 quart " 3, extra large, holds 2 qiiarts. Novelty Patent, holds 2 quarts VEGETABLE BOILERS. (Cut No. 111.) 19 $2 00 per dozen. 2 00 4 00 4 00 6 inch diameter, 4 inches deep $6 00 per dozen 7 " " 5 " " 6 50 8 " " 6 " " 700 9 7 7 50 WIRE STEAK BROILERS (Cut No. 112.) PATENT REVERSIBLE BROILKRS AND TOASTERS, ( in. spaces). Extra heavy and strong, with Patent Slide. These Broilers are the best in the market, being made of steel wire retinned, the bars of which cannot ivork loose. No. 1, feize, 6 inches by 9 inches $3 00 per dozen 74 9 10* 12 134 3 38 3 75 4 25 5 00 5 75 PATENT OYSTER BROILERS, (i Inch Spaces.) No. 1, Size, 6 inches by 9 inches $5 00 per dozen "2, " 74 " 9 " 5 75 "3, " 9 " 9 " 650 "4, "104 " 9 " 726 60 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, Cut No. 113.) Portable Meat Safe. Size, 17 inches wide, 17 inches deep, 19 inches high. 21 " " 21 " " 23 " " 25 " " 25 " " 27 ,$3 50 each. . 4 25 " . 5 00 " CHEESE SAFES. (Cut No. 114.) Cheese Safe. Price from |3 00 to $4 00 each. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 51 Meat and Provision Safes Continued, (Cut No. 115.) DOUBLE SAFE. No. 1, 4 shelves, 37 inches wide, 16 inches deep, 50 inches high $12 50 " 2, 5 " 44 " " 16 " "57 " " 16 00 Handsomely varnished, with figured wire cloth on the two doors, and at each end, which gives free circulation of air, and protects the meat, milk, etc., from flies, insects and vermin. Every family should have one. They are a handsome piece of furniture, and occupy very little room. DOG AND OX MUZZLES. (Cut No. 116.) Dog Muzzles $5 00 per dozen. Ox " ..12 00 ' 52 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, (Cut No. 117.) Wash Stand. (Cut No. 118.) Towel Rack. Price of "Wash Stands and Towel Racks. Wash Stands, painted green, (without fixtures) $30 00 per dozen. Towel Racks, " " 21 00 " " No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. SMOKE STACK BONNETS. Showing Bonnet attached to Smoke Stack. These Bonnets or Spark Guards are made with a strong iron frame, and cov- ered with No. 4, 5 or 6 mesh heavy spark catcher wire cloth. They are adjusted at the bottom so as to clasp the stack firmly and hold it in its place. Mills, Foundries, machine shops, factories, hotels and every other building, should protect their own, as well as adjoining property, with these coverings. They can be made any size, and to fit round or square, iron or brick chimneys, and no spark can get through them. A high wind creates a strong draft, which carries live coals into the air and on to the buildings. In ordering, state whether the stack is round or square, and give the outside diameter at the extreme top, and also four inches below. For dwelling houses they are made smaller and of gothic shape, which improves the general appearance of the chimney. (Cut No. 120.) No. 3. 4 inch wire, with leather handle. No. 1, 2 inch wires, per dozen $ 8 00 "2,3 " " 900 " 3,4 " 1000 (Cut No. 121.) Two rows, 3 inch wires, with wood handle. No. 4, two rows, 3 inch wires, with wood handle, per dozen $ 8 00 ' 5, three " 2 " " " ' " ' " 900 " 6, " " 3 " " " " " " " 1000 The 2 inch Brushes are used where a hard, stiff brush is required, and 3 and 4 inch for ordinary and stove castings These Brushes are made of the best flat steel spring wire, and on the most approved principle, large sizes and well-finished. 54 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, STEEL WIRE CASTING- BRUSHES. (Cut No. 122.) No. 7. Six Inch Wires. No. 7, Six inch Wires, per doz $12 00 No. 7 Brushes are used for cornices, corners, crevices, and ornamental work. FILE CARD, OR WIRE BRUSH, FOR CLEANING FILES. Price $2 50 per dozen net SMALL COILED WIRE SPIRAL SPRING. (Cut No. 123.) Showing close coil, f in. diameter, No. 19 wire. Any size made to order. COILED SPIRAL SPRINGS. (Cut No. 124.) This end shows close coil, No. 9 wire, and 1 inch diameter. This end open coil, No. 7 wire. PRICE OF BRASS WIRE COILED, SPRINGS. No. 3 to 6 wire, coiled, i to 2 in. diameter, per Ib $ 60 " 7 to 9 " " to 2 " '' " " 65 " 10 to 14 " " f to 1J " " " " 70 " 16 and finer, " i to 5 " " " 1 25 Open coil is to push together. Close coil is to pull out. Price of Coppered Bessemer Steel Spring Wire, Coiled Springs- No. 4 to 8 wire, coiled, f to 2i in. diameter, per Ib $ 30 " 7 to 10 " " 4 to 2 " " " " 35 " 11 to 16 " f to ii " " " 40 A spring, to be effective, should be coiled upon the most approved ma- chinery, and if coiled evenly and properly will last longer and have more elasticity and strength than one made of the same wire and not properly coiled. Any size and shape made to order. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 66 High Spring Low Copper Brass Brass Brass per Ib. per Ib. per Ib. per Ib. Nos. to 20 33 35 37 43 <> oj 36 38 40 46 " 22 37 39 41 47 " 23 38 40 42 48 " 24 40 42 44 50 " 25 . . 43 45 47 53 High Brass per Ib. Spring Brass per Ib. Low Brass per Ib. Copper per Ib. No. 26 . 45 47 49 55 "27 . . 48 50 52 58 " 28 52 54 56 63 " 29 55 57 59 66 " 30 58 60 62 72 " 31 62 64 66 78 " 32 v 66 68 70 84 " 33 70 72 74 93 " 34.. 74 76 78 1.03 Low Copper Brass per Ib. per Ib. No. 35 .... 82 1.10 36 89 1.22 "37 . 1.05 1.35 " 38 1.35 1.87 39 1.85 2.50 " 40.. 2.32 5.00 Flat, Square, and Half-Round Wire 5 cents per pound advance on Round Wire. Fancy Wire not less than 10 cents per pound advance of Round Wire. Wire straightened and cut, smaller than No. 8, and not less than 2 feet lengths, 45 cents per pound. Wire and Rods less than 2 feet length, special rates. 56 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, 5,1 No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. t 5b" ' (K I * r 2 B a- c- * s rt- s ~ * f t cH ^S J* B. w . f I 8. S. W . j;- . o on < ^ O p *"$ ^ ^ > g S, ^o PI- WWK)^ g- ~J H- i-sj O t"OO p^ g r S 5 II ^ 3 uw " er o 58 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, BANK AND OFFICE RAILING-Continued, No. 4 PATTERN COUNTER RAILINGK-Square Frame. (Cut No. 127.) Not less than 18 inches high 70 cents per square foot. For Pickets 30 cents per running foot, extra " Rosettes : 30 " " " " " Ogee Ends and Returns $2 00 each, " Cash Holes 3 00 " Doors 4 50 " Locks on Doors.. . 2 00 " No. 4 PATTERN COUNTER RAILING Round Frame. (Cut No. 128.) Of lx2 inch Diamond Mesh, inch Wire, f inch Round Frame. Prices No. 4 PATTERN COUNTER RAILING Round Frame. From 6 to 12 inches high f 70 cents per running foot. " 12 to 20 " " 85 " " 20 to 24 " " 1 00 " " 24to30 " " 125 " " " 30 to 36 " " 1 50 " For Rosettes 30 cents per running foot, extra. Ogee Ends and Returns SI 00 each, extra. Cash Holes 1 50 " Doors 2 50 " Latches.. . 1 00 " No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. P. 59 V 8 ^ *H ^ fc %3 6 - w 2 S O 111: j3-,a nj w 0303 H 2 u o w o 2 -S^S -a^^ fj J3 rfl oododoooo M CO CO CO **<* t> -*- 1 oT ^ S o> ^ w 'S as *? PH d * * o i 60 UVf Cut No. 130.) For Prices See Page 74. Plain Diamond Wire Work. WIRE FENCE, GUARDS OR RAILING. (Cut No. 131.) (Cut No. 132.) (Cut No. 133.) Wire Fence, Guards or Railing, No. 1 Pattern. Plain. Wire Fence, etc., No. 2 Pattern. (Cut No. 134.) With Pickets. Wire Fence, etc. No. 3 Pattern. Pickets and Rosettes. Wire Fence or Railing, No. 4 Pattern. For Prices of above see page 66. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. P. 61 WIRE FENCES, GUARDS OR RAILING-Continued, Plain. With Rosettes. Pickets and Two Lines Rosettes. (Cut No. 135.) Wire Fence, Guards or Railing, No. 9 Pattern. Plain. Pickets and Rosettes. Pickets and Two Lines Rosettes. (Cut No. 136.) Wire Fence, Guards or Railing, No. 10 Pattern. For Prices of above see page 66. 62 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, WISE FENCE, GUARDS OE RAILING.-Gontinued. With Pickets. (Cut No. 137.) Wire Fence, Guards or Railing, No. 11 Pattern. (Cut No. 138.) With Two Lines Rosettes. Pickets and Two Lines Rosettes. Plain. Wire Fence, Guards or Railing, No. 12 Pattern. For Prices of above see page 66. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. WIRE FENCE, GUARDS OR RAILING.-Oontinue . (Cut No. 139.) Wire Fence, Guards or Railing, No 13 Pattern. (Cut No. 140.) Wire Fence, Guards or Railing, No. 15 Pattern. For Prices of above see page 66. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, WIRE FENCE, QUARDS OR RAILINa.-Oontinued, (Cut No. 141.) Wire Fence, Guards or Railing, No. 14 Pattern. (Cut No. 142.) Wire Fence, Guards or Railing, No. 16 Pattern. For Prices see page 66. No. 8 CALIFORNIA STREET WIRE FENCE, GUARDS OR RAILING.-Continued, (Cut No. 143.) On the Door, No. 9 Pattern, Wire Guard. I On the Balcony, No. 11 Pattern. Wire Kai On the Window, No. 53 Pat , Flat Iron Guard, | Balustrade, from No. 12 Pattern Railing. Fence fromNo. 15 Pattern Railing. (Cut No. 144.) No. 16 Pattern, Drive Way Gates. For Prices of the above, see page 66. 66 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, DESCRIPTIVE AND PRICE LIST See Illustrations, pages 60 to 65. PATTERN NUMBER. CUT NUMBER. WIRE NUMBER. SIZE OF WIRE. DESCRIPTION OF MESH. PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT. No. 1 No. 131 No. 8 1-6 inch. $1 25 " 2 " 132 " 10 1-8 " 60 " 3 " 133 5 7-32 " 1 25 " 4 " 134 " 10 1-8 " 1 x2 inch, Diamond 1 00 " 4 " 134 " 10 1-8 " Ux2i " " 90 " 4 " 134 9 1-7 " l|x3 " " 90 " 4 " 134 " 10 1-8 " 2 x4 " " 65 " 4 " 134 " 8 1-6 " 2 x4 " " 75 " 4 " 134 6 3-16 " 2 x4 " " 90 " 4 " 134 3 1-4 " 2 x4 " " 1 15 " 4 " 134 3 1-4 " 2^x5 " " 1 00 " 4 " 134 3 1-4 " 3 x6 " " 85 " 4 " 134 5-16 " 4 x8 " " 1 00 " 4 " 134 " 000 3-8 " 4^x9 " " 1 20 " 9 " 135 " 10 1-8 " 1^x2^ " Double Crimp .. 1 00 " 9 " 135 9 1-7 " Hx3 " " " .. 1 00 " 9 " 135 6 3-16 " 21x4i " " " 90 " 9 " 135 3 1-4 " 3 x6 " " " .. 95 " 9 " 135 3 1-4 " 4 x8 " " " . . 85 " 9 " 135 5-16 " 4 x8 " " " .. 1 10 " 10 " '136 5-16 " Fancy Designs 1 10 " 11 " 137 3 1-4 " 1 10 " 12 " 138 3 1-4 " 1 10 " 12 " 138 " 5-16 " 1 20 " 13 " 139 " 10 1-8 " 1 10 " 14 " 141 " 10 1-8 " K <> 1 10 " 15 " 140 " 3 1-4 " K 1 10 " 16 " 142 " 000 3-8 " a 1 35 " 16 " 142 " 5-16 " 1 20 " 16 " 142 3 1-4 " . 1 10 The above Prices include Painting and Bronzing. Extra charge for Pickets, cast iron, per lineal foot .... $ 30 " " " wrought iron, per lineal foot 1 25 " ' " Rosettes, per lineal foot 30 " " Banding, per square foot 12 " " Cast Iron Posts, from 3 00 upwards. " " Single Gates, " 6 00 " " " Driveway Gates, per pair, from 35 00 " " " Scrolls, from 2 00 " Unusually small pieces and irregular shapes charged extra. The illustrations referred to in the above list represent various styles of our ORNAMENTAL WIRE FENCES, ETC., tor Gardens, Parks, Pleasure Grounds, and all enclosures where an attractive and substantial boundary is required. These WIRE FENCES combine beauty, strength and durability, with an airy grace and lightness not at- tainable in fences of cast iron, wrought iron or wood. Hence, while forming a substantial barrier, they ob- scure no natural beauty of the grounds enclosed. This class of Wire Work, long generally used and appreciated in Europe and the East, is becoming justly popular in this country for grounds surrounding private residences, country seats, villas, etc. When required, a competent man will be sent to measure and give estimates for Fences, Railings, Guards, Store Fronts, and any work in our line. Work made according to any design, and put up when completed, at the lowest possible rates. Fencing. Railing, Guards. Wire Cloth, etc., galvanized at from 8 to 10 cents per pound. See useful table of raference, showing the exact size of each number of Wire, from No. 3 to 18, page 72. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. IF (Cut No. 145.) 67 No. 18 Pattern, 4 iiich spaces, % inch rods, 3% feet high, per lineal foot $1 75 " " " " " " "4 " " " " 200 (Cut No. 146.) No. 19 Pattern, 4 inch spaces, % inch rods, 3% feel high, per lineal fool . $2 25 250 68 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, (Cut No. 147.) 'X^Y^^ WROUGHT IRON HURDLES, No. 7 PATTERN. (Cut No. 148.) WROUGHT IRON HURDLES, No. 8 PATTERN. We show two styles of HURDLES, which we make in great variety of design and pattern. They are made in Sections of 6 feet long by 48 inches high, with feet or prongs to run into the ground 12 inches. The sections are strongly bolted together at the top and bottom with screw bolts, making the most substantial and ornamental Portable Fence in use. It is easily put up, and can be painted in a variety of ways to beautify and preserve it. Prices of Wrought Iron Hurdles. Section 48 in. x 6 ft, as shown in Pattern No. 7 $7 00 each. 48 in. x 6 ft., " " " "8 4 00 " " 48 in. x 6 ft., covered with Diamond Work 8 50 " No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET. 69 UCttT tAWN FENCES, (Cut No. 149.) < ??T8 > SSS- (Cut No. 150.) Light Lawn Fnce, No. 5 Pattern. Light Lawn Fence, No. 6 Pattern. Price of Light Lawn Fences. No. 5 Pattern, 3 feet high, "5 " 4 " "6 " 3 " "6 "4 " inch wire, 3 inch space at the top ......... $1 90 per yard. " " " " " " ......... 2 40 " " " " " " " ......... 1 85 " " " " " " " ......... 2 35 These Lawn Fences are made in continuous lengths, and for the conven- ience of shipping can be rolled up in the same manner as the Galvanized Twist Netting. They are usually stapled to wooden posts. For a light Fence be- tween gardens and pleasure grounds they are very popular, and very much used when a cheaper fence is required than we show in cuts from No. 1 to No. 18 Pattern. (Cut No. 151.) Circle-Top, No. 1 Pattern. (Cut No. 152.) Gothic-Top, No. 2 Pattern. These Wire Borders are secured to the top rail of Garden and Front Fences, and are in extensive demand as an ornamental finish, but particularly as a protection against plant and flower thieves, and vagrant animals. They are also serviceable for garden walks, croquet grounds and flower bed boundaries. Made of imperishable galvanized wire, any height, length and design, from 40 cents upward per lineal foot. 70 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, (Cut No. 153.) inch by 4 inch Mesh, No. 17 Wire. Above style of mesh gives same protection to the glass as one-fourth inch square mesh, while it gives three times the space for admission of light. Used for protecting windows in basement, shop, cellar or storehouse. 15 cents per square foot, black wire. 20 cents per square foot, galvanized wire. (Cut No. 154.) Price, 3 feet long, 18 inches wide $ 6 50 "' 3i " " 21 " " 850 " 4 " " 24 " " 1000 " 6 " ' 30 " " 1200 Cemetery Fences of various Designs, for which estimates will be given. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 71 WISH WITO@W FOR Residences, Warehouses, Public Buildings, Jails, Asylums, Etc. (Cut No. 156.) (Cut No. 155.) Window Guard, No. 9 Pattern. (Cut No. 157.) Window Guard, No. 4 Pattern. Window Guard, with Round Top, No. 4 or Diamond Pattern. OUR STRONG CRIMPED WIRE GUARDS for skylights, attics, nursery, play-room, basement and all exposed windows, afford secure protection from burglars and breakage, and safety for children, without obstructing light or ventilation. They furnish better security against unlawful entrance than burglar-alarms or shutters; and being almost invisible at a short distance, present none of the heavy, jail-like appearance of cast or wrought iron guards. They are screwed or stapled firmly to the window-casings, or made with hinges and locks, or other fastening device, when required to be opened occa- sionally. In ordering from a distance, please designate the work desired by refer- ence to Cut and Pattern Nos. in Catalogue, furnish exact measurements, and state whether they are to fasten between or outside of window-jambs or casings. Curves and irregular outlines are best shown by diagrams or paper patterns. For Prices, see page 74. 72 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, FOR Basement and Garden Walls, Division Fences, Porches, Etc. Our Diamond Wire Trellis is in extensive demand where vines and flowers are to be trained on walls, fences, house basements, and blank spaces generally, and is rapidly supplanting the perishable and unsightly wooden lattices. Being made of Wire heavily galvanized it needs no painting; is entirely unaffected by exposure, and absolutely rust-proof. This style of Trellis or Lattice is exceedingly congenial to plants and flowers, and affords many of the requisite conditions of rapid and thrifty growth. DIAMOND WIRE TRELLIS. (Cut No. 158.) Price, 4 inch Mesh, No. 12 Wire, (put up) 18 cents per square foot. " " 10 " " 22 " " " " Any kind made to order and special rates given on large orders. Showing Full Sizes of Wire and Ultimate Strengths. TRADE Nos. 3 to 18. No. 18 16 14 12 11 10 98 M6in. 3-32 in. 160 264 456 800 $ m. 1000 1280 5-32 in. 3-16 in. 1560 1840 2510 3620 4250 Ibs. (The above figures show the Breaking Strain. ) The above cuts represent the sizes of Wire most used, which will be convenient to refer to in ordering Springs, Window Guards, Wire Cloth, Wire Fencing, Railing and other Wire Work. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 73 I' ii (Cut No. 159.) No. 51 Pattern, Flat Iron Guard. (Cut No. 161.) CUUUUUUUUA (Cut No. 160.) No. 52 Pattern, Flat Iron Guard. (Cut No. 162.) No. 53 Pattern, Flat Iron Guard. No. 54 Pattern, Flat Iron Guard. For Prices, see Opposite Page. 74 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, PRICES OF- (See Cuts, Pages 58, 60 and 71.) PAINTED. GALVANIZED. ROUND FRAME. SQUARE FRAME. ROUND FRAME. SQUARE FRAME. 1 inch Diamond Mesh, No. 12, Wire, per square foot $ 45 $ 55 $ 55 $ 65 1 14, it 40 50 50 60 " 16, " .... 35 45 45 55 ti " 10, < 45 55 35 65 " 12, ' .... 40 50 50 60 " 14, ' .... 35 45 45 55 " 16, ' .... 30 40 40 50 14 " 8, ' .... 45 55 55 65 10, ' .... 40 50 50 60 ' 12, ' 35 45 45 55 ' 14, ' 30 40 40 50 if ' 8, ' .... 40 50 50 60 ' 10, " 35 45 45 55 ' 12, " .... 30 40 40 50 ' 14, " .... 25 35 35 45 2 ' 6, ' 45 55 55 65 ' 8, ' .... 40 50 50 60 ' W, ' 33 43 43 53 ' 12, ' . . . . 26 36 36 46 21 ' 4, ' .... 45 55 55 65 ' 5, ' .... 40 50 50 60 ' 6, it 35 45 45 55 ' 8, " .... 30 40 40 50 ' 10, " .... 25 35 35 45 3 ' 4, " .... 40 50 50 60 ' 6, " .... 35 45 45 55 ' 8, " 30 40 40 50 34 ' 4, " .... 35 45 45 55 ' 6, ' .... 30 40 40 50 ' 8, ' .... 25 35 35 45 4 ' 3, ' .... 40 50 50 60 ' 4, ' 35 45 45 55 ' 6, ' .... 30 40 40 50 N. B. Small pieces, curved and irregular shapes, and work less than 18 inches wide, charged extra. Very favorable rates allowed on large orders. Prices of Flat "Wrought Iron Guards. (See Cuts, opposite page.) No. 51 Pattern, 3 inch Mesh, No. 12 Gauge, by inch Iron $ 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 80 per square foot. 80 85 85 90 90 1 00 1 00 No. 8 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 75 ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, STABLE AND STOCK OWNERS will find this class of our manufactures far superior to similar work of wrought or cast iron, in the essential points of safety, durability and beauty of appearance. The open wire work is strong and elastic, with none of the heaviness and dangerous brittleness of cast iron. Any size made to order, and finished in any color, or galvanized. No. 1 -DIAMOND WIRE "WORK STALL GUARD. (Cut No. 163.) Ordinary sizes, 7 feet to 9 feet 6 inches long, by 30 inches high. Price, 75 cents per square foot, rectangular measurement. The same work for Box Stalls, 30 inches high, $1.87J per running foot. No. 2-DOUBLE CRIMP WIRE WORK STALL GUARD. (Cut No. 164.) Price, 85 cents per square foot, rectangular measurement. Nos. 1 and 2 patterns of Crimped Wire Stall Partitions are made with a sub- stantial wrought iron frame, finished on top with half-oval or corrugated iron covering bar; or to special order, with solid round bar iron, or wrought iron pipe of large diameter, when extra strength and massiveness are desired. The wire is thoroughly interlocked and riveted into the frames, ensuring the utmost strength with beauty and lightness. 76 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, (Cut No. 165.) A SIO-^TS. (Cut No. 166.) \ WIRE SIGNS are unquestionably the safest and most attractive of all elevated signs, and have the especial advantage of showing at long distances. The let- ters, numbers, trade emblems, etc. required, are made of galvanized sheet iron, fastened to an open net-work of galvanized wire, thus being proof to all weather action, and offering little surface of resistance, are safe in the strongest winds. They are practically indestructible and unchangeable. The letters, etc., are painted any required color, or gilded. Banner and Roof Signs of any size and design made and put up on the most reasonable terms. Estimates fur- nished on application. For Prices, see Page 77. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 77 IE 3 IR, 1C IBS OF (See Cuts, page 76.) 8 feet long, 6 feet high $20 00 10 12 14 16 18 30 00 35 00 40 00 50 00 65 00 10 feet long, 12 " 14 " 14 " 16 " 18 " 8 feet high $32 00 38 00 43 00 45 00 55 00 75 00 The above prices do not include Letters or Ornamentation. The size and number of Letters required on a Sign will determine its dimensions. Prices of Letters, etc., are according to size and finish. 12 inch Letters, painted each, $1 00 12 " " gold " 175 WIRE WORK BANNER SIQ-NS. (As per Cut No. 166.) 36x42 in., with lettering, scrolls, etc., in gold and colors, complete for putting up, $22. Signs made to order of any size and form, with any required lettering, device or emblem, and put up on the lowest possible terms. Estimates and drawings furnished. Comparative Table of Wire Gauges, For the guidance of those using or requiring Wire for particular purposes, the fol- lowing table of the different gauges in use may be of advantage: Nos. WORCESTER Diameter. TRENTON Diameter. BIRMINGHAM Diameter. BROWN & SHARP. Diameter. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. .323 .305 .331 .32486 1 .283 .285 .300 .28930 2 .263 .265 .280 .25763 3 .244 .245 .260 .22942 4 .225 .225 .240 .20431 5 .207 .205 .220 .18194 6 .192 .190 .200 .16202 7 .177 .175 .185 .14428 8 .162 .160 .170 .12849 9 .148 .145 .155 .11443 10 .135 .130 .140 .10189 11 .120 .1175 .125 .09074 12 .105 .105 .110 .08080 13 .091 .0925 .095 .07196 14 .080 .080 .085 .06408 15 .072 .070 .075 .05706 16 .063 .061 .050 .0508 17 .054 .0525 .045 .0452 18 .047 .045 .040 .0403 19 .041 .038 .035 .0359 20 .035 .033 .030 .03196 The Gauge in use at our Works is the Worcester Gauge. 78 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, Table showing Size, Weight and Length of Iron Wire (Worcester Gauge). Gauge Nos. Diameter Inches. Area Square inch. Ultimate Strength inlbs. Weight of 100 feet. Ibs. Wt. of i mile. Ibs. Feet in 63 Ibs. Feet. Feet in 2,000 Ibc. Feet. 0000 .393 .121300 9,704 40.94 2163. 154 4,885 000 .362 .102900 8,232 34.73 1834. 181 5,759 00 .331 .086040 6,883 29.04 1533. 217 6,886 .323 .081930 6,754 27.66 1460. 228 72,30 *. 1 .283 .062900 5,032 21.23 1121. 296 9,425 2 .263 .054320 4,345 18.34 968. 343 10,905 3 .244 .046759 3,741 15.78 833. 399 12,674 4 .225 .039760 3,181 13.39 707. 470 14,936 5 .207 .033653 2,692 11.35 599. 555 17,621 6 .192 .028952 2,312 9.73 514. 647 20,555 7 .177 .024605 1,968 8.03 439. 759 24,906 8 .162 .020612 1,648 6.96 367. 905 28,734 9 .148 .017203 1,376 5.08 306. 1,086 34,483 10 .135 .014313 1,144 4.83 255. 1,304 41,408 11 .120 .011309 904 3.82 202. 1,649 52,356 12 .105 .008659 693 2.92 154. 2,158 68,493 13 .092 .006647 532 2.24 118. 2,813 89,286 14 .080 005260 421 1.69 89. 3,728 118,343 15 .072 .004071 328 1.37 72. 4,598 145,985 16 .063 .003117 248 1.05 55. 6,000 190,476 17 .054 .002290 184 .77 41. 8,182 259,740 18 .047 .001734 138 .58 31. 10,862 344,827 19 .041 .001320 105 .45 24. 14,000 444,444 Ft. in 12 Ib 20 .035 .000963 .32 17. 3,750 625,000 21 .032 .000803 .27 14. 4,444 740,741 22 .028 .000615 .21 11. 5,714 952,381 23 .025 .000491 .17 9. 7,059 1,176,500 24 .023 .000415 .14 7.4 8,571 1,428,580 25 .020 .000314 .11 5.8 10,909 1,818,180 26 .018 .000254 .085 4.5 14,117 2,352,940 27 .017 .000227 .076 4.0 15,790 2,631,580 28 .016 .000201 .067 3.54 17,910 2,986,560 29 .015 .000176 .059 . 3.11 21,340 3,390,000 30 .014 .000154 .052 2.75 23,080 3,846,150 31 .013 .000133 .045 2.38 26,666 4,444,444 32 .012 .000113 .038 2.00 31,600 5,263,160 33 .011 .000095 .032 1.69 37,500 6,250,000 34 .010 .000078 .026 1.37 46,154 7,692,310 35 .0095 .000071 .024 1.27 50,000 8,333,333 36 .009 .000064 .022 1.16 54,545 9,090,909 37 .0085 .000057 .019 1.03 63,160 10,526,520 38 .008 .000050 .017 .897 70,600 11,764,700 39 .0075 .000044 .015 .792 80,000 13,333,333 40 .00725 .000041 .014 .739 85,715 14,285,710 The strength of the wire in above table is taken at 80,000 Ibs. per square inch; and the table of ultimate strength is for hard or bright wire. Annealing or softening re- duces the tensile strength about 40 per cent. The Gauge in use in our Wire Mills is the Worcester Gauge. When great accuracy is required, the diameter should be given. To convert into weight of other metals, multiply the above for teel, by 1.01; for copper, by 1.15; and for brass, by 1.09. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 79 Cemented W'alnut and Rubber (TORREY'S PATENT) THE VERY BEST IN USE. The engravings below represent a short piece of each. They consist of neat Wood Mouldings of Black Walnut and Oak, with a strip of Vulcanized Rubber inserted securely in grooves in such angles and positions as to ensure the greatest efficiency. (Cut No. 167.) (Cut No. 168.) No. 1. No. 1 thoroughly excludes wind, rain, snow and dust from the bottoms of doors. Close the door and screw the strip to the bottom, inside, (or the side the door opens) so that the rubber presses firmly on the sill. Use 1 inch round head screws. Walnut or Oak, per foot 12 cents. White Enameled, " 15 " No. 2. No. 2 is used for the bottoms of light inside doors, the rubber to press gently on the sill. Close door before applying. Use li inch finish- ing nails, or 1 inch screws. Walnut or Oak, per foot 10 cents. White Enameled " .15 cents. 80 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, TORREY'S PATENT WEATHER STRIPS-Continued. (Cut No. 169.) No. 3. No. 3 is applied to the lower sash of lift- windows, making them air-tight and also pre- venting their rattling. Close the sash and brad to the stop bead, at the sides and bottom, so that the rubber will press gently against the sash. For a neat job, mitre the corners. This is also used for upper sash by applying it outside. Use inch brads or finishing nails. Walnut or Oak, per foot. White Enameled, " (Cut No. 170.) . 5 cents. .7 cents. No. 4. No. 4 is a perfect arrangement for closing the joints between double doors. Close the doors and nail to one door with the rubber pro- jecting over the other. Use li inch finishing nails or brads. Walnut or Oak, per foot White Enameled, " . . 12 cents. .15 cents. (Cut No. 171.) No. 5. No. 5 is used for the upper sash of lift-win- dows, making them air-tight, and also preventing them from rattling. Cut only a little of the meeting rail of the lower sash before applying, so as to allow it to move freely over the No. 5. Close the sash and brad to the parting strip, the rubber pressing gently against the sash. Use f inch brads or finishing nails. Walnut or Oak, per foot 5 cents. White Enameled, " ... 7 cents. (Cut No. 172.) No. 6. No. 6 is a neat and effective device for clos- ing the joint between the upper and lower sash of lift -windows, to close the joint between the two sashes. For lift-windows apply to the under side of upper sash, with rubber projecting over the lower one. Use 1 inch brads or finishing nails. Walnut or Oak, per foot .7 cents. White Enameled, " . 9 cents. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 81 TORREY'S PATENT WEATHER STRIPS-Oontinued. (Cut No. 173.) No. 7. (1 inch wide.) No. 7 or CUSHION Weather Strip. This is an entirely new and superior arrangement, calculated to supercede all others for the purposes for which it is adapted. Its cushion shape makes it more graceful and elastic, and conse- quently more effective in its operation than any other form. It is applicable to single and double doors and French windows. Close the door and brad the strips to the jamb or frame outside, so that the cushion rubber presses very gently against the door. Walnut or Oak, per foot 8 cents White Enameled, " 10 " NO. 8. (14 inch wide.) This is also a CUSHION-STRIP. It is used for heavy doors, or when too much warped to admit the use of No. 7. Walnut or Oak, per foot 12 cents White Enameled, " 15 (Cut No. 174.) Spring Bottom Strips, for Outside of Doors, with Rubber Insertion. These Strips are well known, being extensively used for the outside of doors. We have made a great improvement in them, by the insertion of a Strip of Rubber in the bottom edge, making them much more effective for excluding the weather. In fitting, cut Strip to width between door jambs, screw on the Strip, and then the striker to the jamb, on opening side. Price -. $1 00 each How TO ESTIMATE QUANTITY REQUIRED. Measure twice the height, and three times the width of Sash Windows; three times the height and twice the width of French or Hinged Windows; twice the height and one width of Single Doors; three times the height and one width of Double Doors. Add to doors one width of Bottom Strip. The Directions will enable any one to fix these Strips, or any carpenter can apply them. 82 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, See Illustrations, Prices, Etc., Pages 83 to 104. Our stock of Cages is unsurpassed on the Pacific Coast in extent, variety of designs, excellence of manufacture and finish, embracing BRASS, HOLLAND GILT, GOLD BRONZED, SILVER- PLATED, BRIGHT METAL AND JAPANNED CAGES, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. We have in our warerooms the most approved patterns of AVIARIES, CANARY BREEDING, MOCKING BIRD, PARROT, PAROQUET, QUAIL, ROBIN, SQUIRREL CAGES, And Cages for all purposes, some of which are here illustrated, with prices appended, to which your attention is cordially invited. Also every kind of Cage Trimmings and Fixtures, wholesale and retail. With or without Galvanized Iron Roof, Built to Order any Style and Size. Estimates and designs furnished. All work made in a superior manner, and put up at the lowest possible rates. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. No. 1100. SEVEN-INCH ROUND TOP. Base, 9J inches di- ameter. Height, 11 inches. $10.50 per Dozen. No. 1105. SEVEN AND ONE- HALF INCH ROUND TOP. Base, lOf inches di- ameter. Height, 12 inches. $13.50 per Dozen. No. 1110. EIGHT-INCH ROUND TOP. Base 11 J inches diameter. Height 13 inches. $16.50 per Dozen. No. 1115. NINE-INCH ROUND TOP. Base 12i inches diameter. Height 14 inches. $19.50 per Dozen. No. 1120. TEN-INCH ROUND TOP. Base 13 \ inches diameter. Height 15 inches. $22.50 per dozen. THE ABOVE CAGES NEST. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, BEASS CAGES Continued. No. 00. SEVEN-INCH ROUND TOP. Base, 9 inches di- ameter. Height, 14 inches. $12.00 Per Dozen. No. 000. SEVEN AND ONE-HALF- INCH ROUND TOP. Base, 10$ inches di- ameter. Height, 16 inches. $18.00 Per Dozen. No. 200. EIGHT-INCH ROUND TOP. Base Hi inches diameter. Height 16J inches. $21.00 Per Dozen. No. 205. NINE-INCH ROUND TOP. Base. 12J inches diameter. Height 18 inches. $26.00 Per Dozen. No. 210. TEN-INCH ROUND TOP. Base 13i inches diameter. Height 19 inches. $30.00 Per Dozen. THE ABOVE CAGES NEST. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches wuh the above Cages. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. BRASS CAGES Continued, No. 202. EIGHT-INCH DIAMETER. Base 11 J inches diameter. Height 17 inches $22.50 Per Dozen. No. 215. NINE-INCH JAPANESE. . Base 12J inches diameter. Height 19 inches. $30.00 Per Dozen. No. 216. No. 220. NINE-INCH FANCY. TEN-INCH JAPANESE. Base 12J inches diameter. Base 13J inches diameter. Height 18 inches. Height 19 J inches. $30.00 Per Dozen. $36.00 Per Dozen. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. 86 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, BRASS CAGES Continued, No. 225. NINE-INCH MANSARD. Base 12J inches diameter. Height 19 inches. $39.00 per Dozen. No. 235. NINE-INCH BALLOON. Base 12 J inches diameter. Height 19 inches. $39 00 per Dozen. No. 230. TEN-INCH MANSARD. Base 13i inches diameter. Height 19 J inches. $42.00 per Dozen. No. 240 TEN-INCH BALLOON. Base 13i inches diameter. Height 19^ inches. $42.00 Per Dozen. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 87 BEASS CAGES Continued. No. 1200. SQUARE. Body 9* x 6* inches. Base Hi x 8i inches. Height 12i inches. $21.00 Per Dozen. No. 1205. SQUARE. Body 10x7 inches. Base 12ix9 inches. Height 12J inches. $24.00 Per Dozen. No. 1215. SQUARE. Body 10|x7f inches. Base 12|x9| inches. Height 13 inches. 827.00 Per Dozen. THE ABOVE CAGES NEST. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, BEASS CAGES. Continued, No. 300. SQUARE. No - 301 - SQUARE. Body 10Jx8i inches. Body 10fx8i inches. Base 13Jxlli inches. Base ISfxllJ inches. Height 15 inches. Height 14 inches. $39.00 Per Dozen. $30.00 Per Dozen. No. 305. SQUARE No. 310. SQUARE. Body lOf x8& inrhes. Body 10J x8J inches. Base ISixllJ inches. Base 13^x11^ inches. Height 18 iriches. Height 18 inches. $51.00 Per Dozen. $51.00 Per Dozen. . Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. No. 8 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. BRASS CAGES Continued, No. 315. SQUARE. Body 9^x7 inches. Base 12*xlO inches. Height 14 inches. $30.00 Per Dozen. No. 316. SQUARE. Body 9 x7 inches. Base 12^x10 inches. Height 12 inches. $26.00 Per Dozen. . 320. SQUARE. No. 325. SQUARE. 80 Wires 5-16|inch space. Same size as 64 Wires 5-16 inch space. Same size as T*No. 800. No. 315. $42.00 Per Dozen. $39.00 Per Dozen. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, BRASS CAGES Continued. Body . . Base . . , height No. 340. SQUARE. . . . 13 x 8J inches. 15J x 11& inches. . . 16 inches. $45.00 Per Dozen. No. 345. SQUARE. Body 1 3 x 8i inches. Base 15f x 11 inches. Height 19 inches. $51.00 Per Dozen. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 91 BEASS CAGES Continued, No. 1. CANARY. Body 7f inches. Base 10J inches. Height 15 inches. $21.00 Per Dozen. No. 2. CANARY. Body 7f inches. Base 10J inches. Height 15i inches. $24.00 Per Dozen. No. 3. CANARY. Body 8 inches. Base 12 inches. Height 16J inches. $27.00 Per Dozen. No. 4. CANARY. Body 8i inches. Base 12 inches. Height 16 inches. $30.00 per Dozen. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. 92 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, BEASS GAGES Continued, No. 9. CANARY. Body 10 inches. Base 13 inches. Height 20 inches. $54.00 Per Dozen. No. 11. CANARY. Body 10 inches. Base 13* inches. Height 21 inches. $57.00 Per Dozen. No. 10. CANARY. Body 10 inches. Base 13 J inches. Height 20 inches. $54.00 Per Dozen. No. 12. CANARY. Body 10 inches. Base 13 inches. Height 21 inches. $60.00 Per Dozen. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 93 BRASS CAGES Continued No. 40. CANARY. Body 8x9 inches. Base 11x13 inches. Height 1 If inches. $36.00 Per Dozen. No. 45. CANARY. Body 9^x12 inches. Base llf x!4 inches. Height 13 inches. $57.00 Per Dozen. NEW DESIGN. No. 47. CANARY. Body 9x11 inches. Base 11x13 inches. Height 13i inches. $51.00 Per Dozen. DESIGN. No. 48. CANARY. Body.- 9x11 inches. Height 13 inches. With Drawer Base. $54.00 Per Dozen. Patent Cups and Metal Tipped Perches with the above Cages. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, BRASS CAGES Continued. <> . No. 62. PAROQUET. Body 13f xll inches. Base 12xl7 inches. Height 16| inches. Price $7.75 each MATERIAL: Frame Work Fancy Brass Tube. Filling Wires Brass Spring Wire. Base Black Walnut, Oil Finish A Drawer in this Cage. No. 74. PARROT CAGE. Body 15x22 inches. Base 17x24 inches. Height 22 inches. $11.00 Each. No. 75. PARROT CAGE. Body 15x18 inches. Base 17x20 inches. Height 22 inches. $10.00 Each. MATERIAL: Fancy Brass Tube, Eng. Tinned Wire, Black Walnut Base. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. leSLiE No. 70. LARGKE SIZE MOCKING- BIRD. Body 14x23i inches. Base 16^x25^ inches. Height 23^ inches. Price $10.00 Each. No 71. SECOND SIZE MOCKING BIRD. Body 14|x20 inches. Height 21 inches. Base 16^x22 inches. Price $9.00 each. MATERIAL: Frame Work Fancy Brass Tube* Filling Wire English Tinned Wire. Base Black Walnut, Oil Finish. Height 27 inches. Width 14i inches. No. 81. AVIARY. Body Measure. Length 23^ inches. Price, Each $18.00. Will accomodate 20 to 30 Birds. MATERIAL. Spring Brass Wire and Fancy Brass-Tube Bodies, Black Walnut Bases, Oil Finish. A Drawer in these Cages. 96 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, BJ No. 64. GRAY SQUIBREL. Body . , 15x1 8 inches. Wheel 14 inches. Full Height 23 inches. $10.00 Each. No. 65. RED SQUIRREL. Body .13x15 inches. Wheel 11 inches. Full Height 19 inches. Base 15x20 inches. $9.00 Each. No. 68. DOUBLE RED. Body 13x18 inches. Two Wheels Full Height 19 inches. Base 15x20 inches. $12.00 Each. MATERIAL. Frame Work of Body Fancy Brass Tube. Filling Wire English Tin'd Wire. Bases Black Walnut, Oil Finish. Pan and Grating in these Cages. SQUIRREL AND MOUSE CAGES. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 97 NO. 1. ROUND TOP. Flat Base 7 inches diameter. Height 16 inches. No - 2 - No. 3. ROUND TOP. ROUND TOP Flat Base 8 i inches diameter. FJat fiase gf inches diamet er. Height 17 inches. Height 17* inches. No. 4, (same pattern as above) Round Top, Flat Base, 9 inches diameter. No. 5, " " " " " " " 10i " " These Cages are sold only in Nests of Five. Price per Nest, (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) * $4.00 NOTE. The above Cages are packed in Nests ready for shipping, with trimmings inside. CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, JAPANNED CAGES Continued. No 4. FANCY ROUND, FLAT BASE. 8^ii ches. .diameter [ $12.00 Per Dozen. No. 7, same design) 9 in. dia., $15.75 Per Dozen. No. 8. FANCY HEXAGON. inches diameter. I $18.00 Per Dozen. No. 14. HEXAGON, STAND BASE, in. .diameter. | $23.50. .Per Doz. No. 26. ROUND, SCOLLOPED BASE. 9 in diameter I $16.25. .Per Dozen. NO. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. JAPANNED CAGES Continued. No. 27. ROUND, SCOLLOPED BASE. i in. . .diameter. | $13.25. .Per Doz. NO. 64. ROUND, HEXAGON BASE. 9 in diameter | $15 75. . .Per Dozen. Nc. 63, ROUND, HEXAGON BASE, in diameter. | $13. 75. Per Dozen. No. 63, with this Base. $14.50 Per Doz. | No. 64, with tins uase, $16.25 Per Doz. 100 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, JAPANNED OAGES-Oontinued. No. 28. No. 74 ROUND, FANCY, BELL BASE. OVAL, FANCY. 9 inches diameter. I $16.25 Per Dozen. 9x11 inches. . . diameter. | $21 .75 . Per Dozen. NO. 84. HEXAGON, FLAT BASE, inches diameter | $16.25 Per Dozen. No. a. ROUND, FANCY BASE. 9 inches | $22.75 Per Dozen. No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET. JAPANNED CAGES-Continued, 101 No. 39. Extra Fancy Open Square. 10 x 7 in. Height, 16 in. $20.00 Per Dozen. No. 44. Cottage with Perforated Roof. 10 x 7 in. Height. 15 in. $24.00 Per Dozen. 102 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, JAPANNED CAGE Continued, 10* x No. 72. New Style Square. Two Sizes. in. Height, 14 in. 10 x 7 in. Height, 13 in. Sold in nests only. $13.00 Per Dozen. 89*. Swiss Cottage, Plain. 10 x 7 in. Height, 16* in. $18X)0 Per Dozen, No. 6 CALIFORNIA STREET, S. F. 103 JAPANNED OAGES-Continued. No. 78. New Style. Fancy Square. 10* x 1\ in. Height, 16 in. $18.00 Per Dozen. No. 100. New Style. Fancy Square O. G. Cottage 10* x 74 in. Height, 19 in. $25.00 Per Dozen. 104 CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, Price List of Gaffd Fixtures, Etc Harp Brackets, No. 5, Japanned $1 25 Per Dozen. 10, " 1 50 Patent O. D. Brackets, Nos. 5 and 6 2 50 3 " 4, Brass 3 00 Colored Awnings, Nos. 1 and 2, Round $6 75 Per Dozen. No. 3, Square 750 Brass Chains, with Safety Hooks, 24 inch 1 25 Brass Cage Springs, with Safety Hooks 1 75 Bath Cups, China, two sizes (oval) 1 00 Opal, " " Canary 100