ilifornia ional ility THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES < . LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY JOHN COMFORT FILLMCRE. AUTHOR OF "HISTORY OF PIANO MUSIC." " NEV LESSONS IN HARMON?,* ETC. PHILADELPHIA : THEODORE PRESSER 1708 CHESTNUT STREET. ENTERKP ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS IN THE YEAR l888 IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON. D. C. Mnsfc Library PREFACE. THIS little book is the result of the author's own efforts to interest his pupils in the History of Music and to give them an outline of that history, presenting its salient facts in a clearer per- spective than he could find in any text-book he had tried to use. Since the book was begun, the excellent history of Dr. Langhans has appeared in English, but the translation is so clumsy as not to preclude the necessity of some other text-book for English-speaking students. There still remains the need of an exhaustive history to follow such an outline as is here attempted. Those who read German can find it in the admirable histories of Von Dommer and Ambros; but the counterparts of these works are not yet to be found in English. Chappell's history, so far as it has gone, is interesting, and instructive to discriminating readers; but its author seems too opinionated and too unbalanced to be thoroughly trusted as a guide. Rowbotham is valuable to those who can devote attention to such details as the minute study of Greek rhythms and other fine points of ancient music, and will be interesting even to those who can read it but superficially. But the second of his two large volumes already pub- lished only brings us through the music of the Greek tragedy. The histories of Burney and Hawkins are not to be forgotten, but they are, of course, antiquated. Macfarren's, Kilter's, Bouavia Hunt's, Eockstro's and others are outlines only. The most important auxiliary to the English speaking student of musical history is Grove's " Dictionary of Music and Musicians," by far the most complete encyclopedia yet published in English, a library in itself. It ought to be accessible to every student of music. There is a short "Dictionary of Music and Musicians" appended to W. S. B. Mathews' "How to Understand Music," which will be found very handy for reference. The book itself is valuable reading, and a second volume, now in preparation, will cover important ground in the history of music. Naumann's History is valuable for its illustrations. Many of these are also to be found in Mendel's ".Conversations-lexicon," the most extensive musical encyclopedia for those who read German. A smaller, but most valuable German encyclopedia is Dr. Hugo Kiemann's " Musikalisches Conversations-Lexikon." Among special histories Hi 1860929 Riemann's ' Studien zur Geschichte der Notenschrift," is perhaps the most important contribution to our knowledge made in recent years. It ought to be translated into clear and readable English. Dr. Riemann is doubtless the greatest living musical theorist and no student of music can afford to ignore his works. Unfortunately none of them have been translated except his lecture on " The Nature of Harmony " and his " Comparative Piano School." In biography we are better off. The series entitled " The Great Musicians," edited by Franz Hueffer is strongly to be recommended. Its American publishers are Scribner and Welt'ord, New York. Kara- sowski's " Life of Chopin" is now to be had in English. This is the stand ird biography of Chopin. Liszt's " Chopin " is interesting but is, in some respects, inaccurate and misleading. Schumann's Essays are well-known and so is Wasielwski's " Life of Schumann." It is matter of pride to Americans that the standard life of Beethoven is the production of an American, A. W. Thayer. Unfortunately, it has thus far appeared only in German. The works connected with Mendelssohn's name are numerous and valuable ; his letters are especially charming. "Music and Morals" and " My Musical Memories," by the Kev. H. R. Harvies, are excellent reading. But I will not further extend a list which could hardly be made exhaustive. The student who makes his own choice of the books here enumerated will know how to discriminate as to his further reading. Milwaukee, Wis., November 1887. J. C, F. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. INTRODUCTION. IN the logical order of thought, the considera- tion of the nature of music naturally precedes the investigation of its function. But its function was undoubtedly perceived ages before there was any thought of investigating its nature on scien- tific principles. We shall not go astray, then, perhaps, if we first try to imagine to ourselves what the first music in the world must have been and why people practiced it. If we can get at the real motive which impelled people to make music we shall surely become enlightened as to its real function in the economy of human nature. The insight we thus gain will serve as a sure guide through all the mazes of musical history. We may assume as certain that the first ele- mentary efforts at music were vocal, and not instrumental. For the human voice was certainly in existence before any other musical instruments were invented. People sang before they had instruments to play on. Mothers crooned to their babes, rocking them backward and forward in their arms as they hushed them to sleep. Men shouted defiance to their enemies in inarticulate cries and yells. Young men and maidens danced, and sung to their dancing. We may be sure of these things, because they are to be found among the most primitive and savage peoples of our own time, and because we have authentic accounts of them among ancient primitive peoples. Human nature is essentially the same in all ages and under vii INTRODUCTION The nature and function of music. The earliest music not instrumental, but vocal. via LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. INTRODUCTION. The function of music is to express and excite feeling. The nature of music. Primitive music made up of melody and rhythm. all conditions, and we cannot doubt that the impulse which leads to such manifestations now led our remotest ancestors to express their feelings in similar ways. This phrase "express their feelings " suggests at least one of the motives which impelled people to sing. The savage yells at his enemy because his yelling is the natural expression of his emo- tional excitement. The mother croons to her babe because she feels like doing so. It is the natural expression of her emotional state. But this is not all. She does so because of its effect on the child. She knows intuitively that this monotonous, meas- ured flow of sound, the expression of her own quiet happiness, will soothe the infant into a rest- ful state of feeling and dispose it to slumber. The warrior feels that the expression of his rage by means of violent sounds will excite his comrades to valor and perhaps strike terror into his ene- mies. The singing of the dancers is equally expres- sive of their emotional state, and tends to excite those feelings to still greater activity. Vocal music, then, is a natural product of human nature, and its function is to express and excite feeling. In the primitive music above referred to we find two of the essential elements of all music Melody and Rhythm. Melody is a succession of single musical sounds, differing more or less in pitch. Ehythm is a succession of beats or pulsa- tions occurring at regular intervals. There is a natural tendency in human nature to make all melody rhythmic. The mother's low song to her babe naturally falls into regularly recurring rhythmic divisions, accompanied by corresponding movements of the body. Khythm is of the very essence of the dance; and the rhythmic motions of the dancers are accompanied with rhythmic INTRODUCTION. IX song, the clapping of hands and the stamping of feet. The element of rhythm becomes most strongly marked iu war dances. In these the motions are violent, the songs loud and harsh and the rhythm often marked by the striking of war clubs on hollow logs or on some resounding instrument of percussion. Instruments of percussion were, doubtless, the first to be invented. From marking the rhythm by pounding on a tree or post with a club, it was not far to covering the end of a hollow log with a stretched skin, thus producing a rude drum. Progress was then easy toward the whole family of drums, tom-toms, gongs, cymbals, tambourines, etc., the latter kind as soon as metals and metal working had been discovered. Wind instruments were probably invented by some such accident as hearing a broken reed give forth a musical tone when blown across by the wind. The Egyptian and Greek myth has it that the god Hermes, walking by the Nile bank, picked up a tortoise shell which had some sun-dried membranes stretched across it, and that this gave him the idea of the lyre. It is not improbable that some such accident as this really occasioned the invention of stringed instruments. Or perhaps the idea came from a tightly-stretched bowstring. However this may be, the first instrumental music must have been associated with vocal music, and must have been essentially the same in its nature and function. That is, it consisted of rhythmical successions of sounds, which owed their origin to the innate impulse to express, convey and excite feeling. As time went on and the savage developed into the barbarian, and from the barbarian into the civilized man, there was, we know, a gradual INTRODUCTION. The beyiiiniiujs of instrumental tntuic. _ Sensuous of tone. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. iNTRODtTCTIOV. The i Unity. growth in refinement. This improvement showed 'tself in musical perception as well as elsewhere. The power of discriminating qualities of tone, like other faculties, grows with use and attention, and sensuous beauty of tone gradually came to be regarded as a refined sensuous pleasure in itself. It was enjoyed apart from its emotional signifi- cance, just as the perfume of a rose is. So we find it now. There are persons who lay undue stress on the element of sensuous beauty in music, disregarding other and higher considerations. To such, music becomes a sensuous indulgence refined, indeed, but still involving a minimum of intellectual and moral quality. In the course of time the awakened human in- tellect began to deal with music as with other sub- jects in which men were interested. Philosophers began to investigate the physical and mathematical relations of tones, and thus arose the science of ACOUSTICS. Composers began to analyze rhythms and to balance groups of small rhythmical units against each other to make symmetrically larger units, and thus began the science and art of MELODIC FORM. They also began to combine two and afterward more melodies sounding at the same time into one whole, and thus arose COUNTERPOINT.* They learned to secure Unity in these composi- tions by using the same melody as a second voice- part, only beginning it some time after the first. Thus arose Strict and afterward Free IMITATION. From this principle were developed, in the strict style, CANON and FUGUE. From the free treatment of * " Counterpoint" means "point against point." The term was first used before our modern notes were in- vented, when points were used to indicate tones. INTRODUCTION. XI imitations were developed all the modern forms. This unity of idea, secured by developing a com- position through varied repetitions of a few melodic ideas (Themes or Motives), is called THEMATIC TREATMENT. Once the idea of combining melodies had been developed, the step was inevitable to thinking sounds in combinations, or Chords. It took a long time before men learned to think complex music otherwise than as combinations of simultaneously progressing melodies. They thought it horizontally, so to speak. But after a time they learned to think it perpendicularly. That is, they learned to think of each combination of simultaneously sound- ing tones (chord) as a musical unit ; and they gradually found out the laws governing the natural relations of succession chords. The science of chords and of their successions and relations is called HARMONY. Finally, men developed the art of combining and contrasting the different qualities of tones produced by different kinds of instruments so as to produce beautiful effects, and to heighten and intensify emotional expression. This is the art of INSTRUMENTATION, or ORCHESTRATION. All these belong to the intellectual element in music. Logi- cally and historically, they come after the emo- tional and sensuous enjoyment of music. The imagination is the great constructive faculty. In the beginning of music it had only the simplest elements of melody and rhythm as material with which to deal. But it dealt with these in their relation to feeling, and the folk-songs of all nations are the sincere, spontaneous expression of natural feeling. Gradually, as the sensuous perception and the intellectual elements in music were developed, the food for the imagination INTRODUCTION Harmony. Instrumenta- tion. The imnijiii'ition. Xll LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. INTRODUCTION. Summary. lielatine rant of compoiert and their works. became richer and more varied, until we have now a wealth of musical material sufficient to tax the imaginative power of a Beethoven or a Wagner. To sum up, then, music is, in its nature, that one of the Fine Arts which has for its material musical tones. It affords us enjoyment on its lowest plane through the discrimination of refined from coarse tones and by combinations and con- trasts of different qualities of tone. The pleasure thus derived is refined, but it is sensuous merely. Music adds to this very high intellectual enjoy- ment. In its more elaborate forms, such as the fugue, the sonata, the symphony, the music-drama, it taxes the intellectual resources of both composer and student in equal degree with the greatest intellectual productions of the human mind in other fields of activity. It thus adds intellectual to sensuous enjoyment, and so ranks high in the scale of mental activities. But its primary and ultimate function is to express, convey and excite feeling. To this the sensuous and intellectual elements are subordinate. The imagination reaches its highest flights and performs its most legitimate function when it deals with its musical materials in their relation to emotion. The rank of a composer, like that of any other creative artist, depends, first of all, on the vigor, vividness and fertility of his imagination. Crea- tive power means the gift of spontaneous invention. It can neither be learned nor taught ; it is an original gift which can neither be acquired nor accounted for. This is it which is commonly called Genius. Nothing else can take the place of it. Wherever it appears, as it does here and there i among men, and often under the most unexpected INTRODUCTION. xm and apparently unpromising conditions, the world does not willingly let it die. Men may be slow in recognizing it ; but once acknowledged, it becomes a precious and immortal possession for the whole race. Next to this in importance comes what is commonly called Talent. This means a special aptitude for artistic perception and attainment, and for applying acquired ideas, without much original power of invention. In its higher mani- festations talent so closely approximates the lower orders of genius that it is often not easy to distin- guish them, and there are many cases that have occasioned dispute among critics. But whether a composer be possessed of genius or only of talent, it is absolutely essential that he should have his mind amply stored with musical material, and should have mastered music from the intellectual side. He must, first of all, have material for his imagination to deal with, must acquire musical experience. Accordingly, we find that all the great masters of composition have diligently studied the works of their predecessors and have missed no opportunities to hear the best music. They have studied them also from the intellectual and technical side ; have become mas- ters of the technic of composition. They have realized that no matter what ideas a composer may have, he can only become an artist by acquir- ing the power to express them. This they have done by infinite painstaking, and so much have they been impressed with the necessity of this, that the greatest of them have repeatedly said, in one form or other, that genius is only the art of taking pains! But this is not enough. Given an original, creative mind, with acute musical perceptions, ample intellectual and technical attainments and INTRODUCTION. Nf4 of it \dy. Tlie moral element. XIV LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. INTRODUCTION. JVincipte* of orUicitm. a clear comprehension of the relation of music to feeling, it still remains for him to decide what kind of emotion he will choose to embody in music. He may choose noble or ignoble subjects ; he may, if he chooses, treat noble subjects in an ignoble way. This has often been done by composers of music for religious worship and for the drama. Nor can he escape moral choices even in purely instrumental music. He may make his music as high in aim as the Beethoven fifth symphony, or as unheroic, not to say frivolous and base, as an Offenbach waltz. This will depend on his own moral character. Base men cannot write great music, nor heroic men ignoble music ; though even weak men may have their heroic moments, and noble men their weak ones. But, other things being equal, the rank of a composer will depend on the nobility of his feeling and of his moral purpose. The relative rank of his works will depend on the degree in which they embody the noblest and best that is in him. The principles above set forth are those which will determine the judgments of composers and their works which are to follow in this book. It will seek to trace the development of the different factors in musical production *and in musical enjoyment at different times and in different nations. It will seek to show how and why the course of musical history became what it was. This the author regards as of even more import- ance than an authentic record of historical facts. INTRODUCTION'. xv QUESTIONS. How do we seek to gain an insight into the nature of music? What natural impulses of human nature produced primitive music? Give illustrations. What are the primitive elements of music? Give the probable origin of primitive instruments. How did men come to a more discriminating percep- tion of the difference in quality of tone? Give an account of the intellectual element in music. How many kinds of enjoyment are derivable from music? On what does the rank of a composer depend? Why do even gifted composers need study and experi- ence? What relation has music to the moral nature of man ? INTRODUCTION. L Chinese Instruments. The " ChS " or Wonderful." a 25-stringed instrument, and the "Po-son," a small drum. . The earliest Egyptian Harp. (XVI) III. Greek Instruments, (a) Plectrum, (b) Kithara, (c) Psaltery or long lyre, (d) Chelys, a small lyre. IV. Oreek Instruments, (a) and (c), Varieties of the Lyre. (b) Trigonon. (XVII) LESSON I. ORIENTAL AND ANCIENT MUSIC. Music, as we know it, in its developed form as a fine art, belongs to the Christian Era, and practically, to the last four centuries. It is the latest born of the family of fine arts 4 and is that one of them which specially corresponds to the needs of emotional expression as devel- oped by Christianity. Nevertheless, music in its more elementary forms, and even in a considerable degree of development, as regards melody, has existed for thousands of years, among nations and races the most various and diverse. Harmony, coun- ter-point, form and instrumentation, as we know them, are modern ami occidental. But the most ancient of Oriental civilizations, in China, in India, in Persia, in Egypt and especially in Greece, used and prized melody, established scales, investigated acoustics, and had, possi- bly, more knowledge of harmony and of instru- mental combinations than we have yet been able to discover. (See illustration I. ) In all ancient nations music was believed to be of divine origin and in that stage of mental development when mythologies invariably arise there was always a mythology connected with the art of music. In India the gift of music was ascribed to BRAHMA. To his son, NAKED, was ascribed the invention of theFtna, an in- strument of the guitar type. In Egypt the invention of the lyre was ascribed to the god TIIAUT, who, walking one day by the Nile, took up a tortoise shell to which some dried mem- branes still adhered, accidentally set them in Music a recent art. Melody older than harmony This chapter preceding ancient mythology concerning LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. Miraculous t^owers attributed to music. Music "vgarded as elevating. ibration and thus produced musical tones. In Greece a similar legend attached to HERMES. Other similar examples might be cited from China and elsewhere. (See illustrations II, III and IV.) Miraculous powers were attributed to music and musicians. Some of the ancient sacred songs in India produced rain ; some produced darkness. Others no mortal might sing under penalty of destruction by fire from heaven. Others when sung forced men, animals and in- animate objects to obey the will of the singer. In Greece, ORPHEUS and AMPHION were followed by trees and by wild animals which lost their ferocity when they heard their songs. In Judea, the walls of Jericho fell at the sound of the priests' trumpets. These legends serve to show how great was the impression produced on the minds, feelings and imaginations of the ancients by such music as they had. In all the pre-Christian civilizations music was regarded as an elevating exercise of the feelings, intellect and imagination, and an im- portant element of culture. Theorists occupied themselves with the science of music, with the determination of intervals, the construction of scales and the building of melodies. Curiously similar results, as regards scales, were arrived at by nations widely remote from each other in distance, blood, language, religion and customs. The Chinese and the Indians seem to have had the same pentatonic (five-toned) scale which is still to be found in the ancient music of the Celtic nations, such as the Irish and Scotch. It is simpty our major diatonic scale with the fourth and seventh omitted. These intervals were supplied later, and this scale, which we call " natural," was found equally satisfactory ORIENTAL AND ANCIENT MUSIC. by Oriental barbarians whose ideas and feelings are incomprehensible to us. But the musical results they otained from it, especially in China, are such as do not in the least appeal to our musical sympathies. In fact they often outrage our musical susceptibilities, as our music does theirs. Some of the ancient nations also had a five-toned under-scale afterwards developed into an eight-toned one. This last was the reciprocal of the major or over-scale, having the same order of tones and semi-tones going down that the over-scale has going up. Examples : Five-toned over-scale Five-toned under-scale: In both these pentatonic scales the fourth and seventh, i. e., the intervals which give the semitones or " leading-note " progressions are left out and were afterwards supplied. All these ancient nations had stringed instru- ments, wind instruments of wood and of metal and instruments of percussion. In China, the latter class predominates. To India we proba- bly owe the invention of stringed instruments played with a bow. Egypt and Greece made common use of stringed instruments plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum, such as the lyre and the harp, the precursors of our modern harpsichord and piano-forte. The splendid intellectual civilization of the Greeks included an elaborate musical system. The beginnings of Greek musical theory were probably derived from Egypt, but of the Egyp- tian theory of music we know nothing and of its practice very little. Of the Greek system Over-scale and Under-scate, Different families of Instrument*. The Greek musical system. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. The xtraoJiord. we are now able to give a tolerably complete account. The latest researches have profoundly modified, not to say revolutionized the ideas of it which have been current in Christendom since the first attempts to revive the Greek scales as a basis for Christian melody about the end of the fifth century of our era. Those attempts resulted in a serious misapprehension of the facts of Greek theory and practice, and the blunders of the early Christian theorists resulted finally in the adoption and perpetuation in our system of a so called "minor" scale vastly in- ferior in naturalness and in rationality to the Greek scale from which it was perverted. As a consequence, our present minor scale is a clumsy and confused substitute for what might have been as clear and satisfactory a scale as our present " major " one. On this account Greek musical theory has a special interest for us. In brief, the Greek musical s}*stem had for its fundamental unit the tetrachord, or series of four tones. The three intervals separating these four tones consisted invariably of two tones and one semitone. The tetrachord was named ac- cording to the position of the semitone. When the semitone came between the first tone and the second (going downward), the tetrachord was called Lydian. When it was between the second and the third, it was called Phrygian. When it was between the third and fourth, it was called Dorian. There were three different octave-species," modes "or scales, as we should call them, corresponding to these, made by con- joining two tetrachords of the same kind sepa- rated by a tone. They seem to have been all written and thought downward, not upward, as we think our scales. Expressed in modern notation they would be as follows : ORIENTIAL AND ANCIENT MUSIC. T LlMHl. ^fte " modes" "octave- species" or scales. o_ ! >] 1 l 1^11 1. Lydian Scale: ["^ & .& w I 1 ^- \f fJ ^a J Ki d. 1st tetrachord. 2d tetrachoi ipJ i] - 3 i ^ 1st tetrachord. 2d tetrachord. 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 i 3. Dorian Snale : f"A. ^ ^ i^r 1 a LCB ' ' / ^ 1st tetrachord. 2d tetrachord. The Lydian corresponds to our modern msijor scale thought downward. The Dorian is the exact reciprocal in under intervals of our major scale in over intervals, the semitones coming between the third and fourth and seventh and eighth, giving each tetrachord a descending leading-note, as each tetrachord of our major scale has an ascending leading-note. The Dorian scale was the favorite one of the Greeks, owing, doubtless, to this peculiarity ; for the semitone between the seventh and eighth, seems to be a natural demand of the human ear and mind. The Lydian scale they did not like so well, probably because they thought it downward and not up- ward, thus missing the peculiarly satisfactory characteristic of the upward leading-tone. When, after the lapse of about four centuries, there began to be felt a desire to base the music of the Christian church on scientific principles and to cultivate music in a scientific way, the natural recourse was to the Greek system, for that was the only culture-music yet developed in the world. But the Greek civilization had ' then perished, Greek scholarship was unknown Greek scales thought down ward. Attempts to base ClirixtidK music on that of the (Sreeks. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. The error which produced our "minor" scale. The 14 complete syttnn" f# the Greeks. in Christendom, and the attempt to revive the Greek scales resulted in a complete misappre- hension of the way the Greeks thought their music. Bishop Ambrose, of Milan, did indeed get hold of the Greek scales, but he inverted them, thought them upicard instead of down- ward, and his mistake was perpetuated in Christian music. The error was serviceable in that it gave us the real natural way of thinking the major scale, which finally became the pre- dominant scale of European music. But it did harm in that it inverted the natural order of the Dorian scale and prevented any true per- ception of its real character. That scale, begun on its fifth (A) and thought upicard, thus, m eventually became our present so-called "minor" scale. Thought as the Greeks thought it, there is no propriety whatever in calling it a "minor" scale ; it is an tm^er-scale, the true reciprocal of the oyer-scale,which we, with equal infelicity, call "major." The revival of the under-scale with its characteristic melodic and harmonic possibilities is greatly to be desired as an en- richment of our musical resources. In later times the Greeks had what they called a " complete musical system ; " a scale of two octaves, made up of five Dorian tetrachords not separated by a tone as they were in the octave- species, but overlapping and with a final added tone, thus : The Greek "Complete Musical System." 1st tetrachord. 3d tetrachord. 5th tetrachord. : =-=^77f =* - 1= ? 2d tetrachord. 1th tetrachord. Added final note. ORIENTAL AND ANCIENT MUSIC. The final A seems to have been added merel} to complete the two octaves. Finally, this "complete system" was*transposed, without change of the order of intervals, to each of the twelve semitones of the octave, making twelve different " modes, "or, as we should say, "keys." Each of these modes had a special name. Of these, five, namely, those beginning on D, Dt, E, F and F *, were regarded as principal and the others as subordinate. Each principal mode had two subordinate ones, one beginning on the fourth below and. one beginning on the fourth above. Those beginning on the under-fourtR were designated by the term " hypo" which means "under" and those beginning on the fourth above were designated by the term "hyper," which means "over, "thus: Scheme of the Greek Modes. A, Hypo-Dorian. D, Dorian. G, Hyper-Dorian. A#, Hypo-Ionian. D#, Ionian. B, Hypo-Phrygian. E, C, Hypo-Aeolian. F, C#, Hypo-Lydian. F#, Lydian, Observe that some of these are duplicates. Observe, also, that whereas the Dorian "Octave- species " began on E, the " complete system " which began on E was called Phrygian. These names were confused by the mediaeval theorists, who applied to the scale E-F-G-A-B-C-D-E the name " Phrygian Mode." So that they com- mitted at least two blunders ; they thought this under-scale, the Greek " Dorian octave-species " upward instead of downward, as the Greeks thought it, and they applied to it the name which the Greeks gave only to their " complete system " beginning on the same tone. They blundered similarly with reference to all the other scales they adopted from the Greeks, so G#, Hyper-Ionian. Phrygian. A, Hyper-Phrygian. Aeolian. Bb, Hyper-Aeolian. B, Hyper-Lydian. Its transpositions. Confusion of medtteval nomenclatw e. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. that Greek musical theory, instead of being an enlightening element in our modern music, as it might have been* became a misleading and confusing one. The effects of this early and long continued misunderstanding of Greek musical ideas have been for centuries firmly embedded in our musical system and are now easily recognizable in our confused treatment of the " minor " scale. It will probably be a good while before we learn to treat the " minor " scale and the " minor " chord in a rational way. For a lucid presentation of this subject see " The Nature of Harmony," by Dr. Hugo Rie- mann, translated by the present writer and published by the publisher of this history. QUESTIONS. What did the ancients do in music ? What did they not do, so far as we know ? What origin did they assign to music? What effects were attributed to it in their mythologies ? Give examples. What two five-toned scales were used by the ancient Chinese and East Indians? What modern races have had one or both of these scales? Into what two eight-toned scales were these afterwards developed ? What kind of instruments did the ancients use? W T hence did the Greeks probably get their music? Give a brief account of the Greek theory of music. What lay at the basis of their system? Describe the difference between their "octave-species" and their " complete system." Which "octave- species" or scale was their favorite? How did this scale become our modern "minor" scale? What effect did the misapprehension of Greek ideas produce on Christian music? In what respects did the early Christian and mediaeval theorists misunderstand the Greek musical theory which they sought to revive ? LESSON II. THE FIRST TEN CENTURIES OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC. THE history of music practically begins with the Christian era. There had been music, of one sort or another, from a very early period, and some nations, as the Greeks, for example, had a very elaborate theoretical and practical musical system. But what was really valuable in their system was not made available in modern music. With the advent of the Christian era, music had to begin anew, almost from the foundation. The beginnings of Christianity were surrounded by Greek influences. Begun and propagated by Hebrews, it soon spread among the Greek popu- lations which enclosed Judea on all sides, and Greek churches were speedily organized. Before the death of the immediate disciples and followers of Jesus, numerous Greek congregations called themselves by his name, professed his doctrines, worshiped on the first day of the week, broke iread and drank wine in remembrance of him, and sang hymns in divine service. Thus began a new era which was to supplant the ancient civili- zation and the ancient worship. The central element in the new faith and worship, as com- pared with the paganism of the Greeks, was a pure mo/ality. Some of the Greek religious rites, in the ceremonial part of which vocal and instru- mental music played a prominent part, were shockingly immoral. The worship of Bacchus and of Aphrodite (Venus) consisted principally in unbridled sensual indulgence. To these licen- tious orgies, universal among pagan Greeks, all 9 LESSON II Beginning anew. Necessity of it. 10 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HIS TOE Y. LESSON II. the resources of musical art and science as then known contributed their fascination and power of emotional excitement. Bands of frenzied and half-intoxicated revelers danced and paraded to the sound of flutes and other instruments, and sang Bacchanalian and erotic songs. It was no wonder that, considering the associations inevitably connected with the popular music of the time, the Christian teachers and elders should have pro- claimed that " no pure Christian maiden ought even to know the sound of a flute." Those who celebrated the pagan worship were as far as possi- ble from purity; and this class included nearly or quite the whole Greek population ; so that Christian worship, accepting the ideals of its founder, seeking purity and holiness, not only in act, but in word and thought, had to break finally and completely with heathen ideas, prac- tices and associations. For the time, the music of the Christian churches must be wholly dissociated from all music to which the Greek proselyte had been accustomed, unless, indeed, as may have been the case, they perhaps retained some of the more dignified and reverential strains used in the worshipof Apollo and of Diana. Clement of Alex- andria, almost two hundred years after Christ, even forbade his congregation to use the chromatic- mode in their singing during the church service, and there seems to have been for a long time a constant struggle to eradicate pagan feelings, and the music with which they had been associated. Of the real character of Christian music, and of its progress for centuries, we know very little. That the disciples of Jesus were accustomed to sing hymns in their own religious meetings, we gather from such casual remarks as that of the evangelist in his account of the Last Supper, THE FIRST TEN CENTURIES. 11 " And they sang a hymn and went out." Doubt- less the melodies and hymns they had used in worship from childhood continued to be used in the new church services, and it seems likely that the apostles who first preached the Gospel to the Gentiles introduced the same familiar music into the worshiping assemblies of their Greek prose- lytes. There is every reason to believe that this music was purely monophonic ; that is, it consisted of a single melody or voice-part, without any accompaniment, either of harmony or of instru- ments. It lay in the conditions of the time that progress in music should be slow. Little or no attention could be given to it, or to the cultivation of any art or science, except that of Theology. The church had to suffer persecution. The zeal of its preach- ers found ample room for its full expression in making converts, in establishing churches, in con- firming the faithful, who were often called on to endure martyrdom, in answering the numerous doctrinal questions which the acute Greek intellect inevitably raised, in defining clearly to their own minds their own theological belief. The first centuries of the church were full of theological disputes, concerning the nature and relations of God, of Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. These disputes were in the highest degree acrimonious. Parties were formed, headed by leaders of oppos- ing views ; and party spirit led not only to virulent abuse and blows, but to massacres in the streets and even in the sacred precincts of the churches. The professed followers of the meek and lowly Jesus warred with one another for differences of opinion on the most recondite and incomprehen- sible points of metaphysical speculation. No wonder that they could give no time or thought LESSON II. Why progrett was slow. 12 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. LESSOX II. Pope Sylvester, 314 A.D., establishes staging schools. to the development and improvement of church music. But as church services went on, and church organization and ritual grew more elaborate, it was inevitable that, sooner or later, the time must come when imperfect music would cease Probable solution? s -&-G>- .cflB-lo-rnmlatt -'da-te FIGURE 1. to be tolerated, and when attention would be given, not only to improvement in singing, but to the increase of musical intelligence. In the early part of the fourth century, Pope Sylvester started singing schools, the first of which we have any record in the Christian era. By that time certain musical formulae had become pretty well THE FIRST TEN CENTURIES. 13 established, as appropriate to the different feasts LMSOJ) n - and fasts of the church, and these singing schools had for their main object the preservation of these established chants. They had to be taught by - at* of sing- jii'l in It'll;/ in the nth century. ability to perform the best works they were able to compose. Of course, the introduction of solo singing in the church service, in opera and oratorio greatly stimulated vocal cultivation. How far this was carried in the seventeenth century, and how great were the demands of various kinds made on singers, we may learn from the following para- graph, translated from von Dommer's " History of Music," (Chap. XVI, page 440). It refers to the training of the singers for the Papal Chapel in the time of Pope Urban VIII, about 1636. " The pupils were obliged to practice difficult passages one hour daily, in order to acquire a good technic. Another hour they devoted to the practice of the trill ; a third to correct and pure intonation, all in the presence of their mas- ter, and standing before a mirror, so as to observe the position of the tongue and mouth, and to avoid all grimaces in singing. Two more hours they devoted to the study of expression and taste, and of literature. This was the forenoon's work. In the afternoon they devoted a half-hour to the theory of sound, another to simple counterpoint, an hour to composition, and the rest of the day to harpsichord playing, the composition of a psalm or motette, or some other work adapted to the talent and inclination of the pupil. Sometimes they sang in some of the other Roman churches, or went there to hear the works of masters. When they came home they had to give the master an account of all they had experienced. They fre- quently went out by the Porta angelica to Monte Mario, to sing, where there was an echo, in order to observe their own faults from its responses. Such studies may well have produced results which seem incredible to us. It is said of the MUSIC IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 81 distinguished singer Baldasser Ferri, of Perugia (1610-80), for the possession of whom the courts of Europe competed, that he could sing a chain- trill of two octaves in chromatic intervals up and down in one breath, and this with absolute purity of intonation. Besides this, he was quite as dis- tinguished for characteristic variety of expres- sion." This may serve to show the condition of vocal technic toward the latter part of the century. It is quite probable that what was then regarded as characteristic expressiveness in singing would sound very crude to our ears. But as regards mere vocal gymnastics, purity of intonation and beauty of tone, the results then achieved Were probably the limit of human capability. LESSON IX. 82 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. LESSON IX. QUESTIONS. i Who was The Father of the Cantata and the Oratorio ? Where did he live? How did his ideals differ from those of most contempo- rary musicians? What is the difference between a cantata and an ora- torio? What traits have they in common ? Of what elements do they consist? What can you say of the influence of Carissimi's work ? Who wrote the first German oratorios ? Name another German composer in this connection. Give some account of Schlitz's work. Who first wrote monophonic church music in Italy ? Give an account of his work. What is a basso continuo ? Who was the best known composer of polyphonic church music at this period? What influences conduced to the development of solo singing? Give an account of the studies of young singers at this period. Give an instance of Ferri's attainments in vocal technic. LESSON X. MUSIC IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. (Concluded.) The Development of Instrumental Music. THE crude orchestration of the early opera and oratorio was referred to in the last lesson. But it was a matter of course that, although solo sing- ing naturally received the greater stimulus from the neAV monophony, nevertheless the instrumental portion of the operas, oratorios, chamber cantatas, church concertos, etc., should share more or less in this impulse, and should gradually be developed. The attempt to give characteristic expression to all portions of dramatic works led to a keener and more refined perception of instrumental effects, and so the art and science of orchestration was gradually developed. The necessity of perfection in details also led to the gradual development of each individual class of instruments, the sifting out of those kinds least available for the purposes of dramatic expression, the further sifting of the varieties within each class, and the survival of the fittest. Thus, for example, the stringed instru- ments played with a bow were of two general orders : I. Knee violins (da Gamba), and II. Arm violins {da Bracdo). In the first order there were three kinds of bass and three of tenor viols. In the second there were three kinds of violas and four kinds of violins, three of them smaller than ours. Thus there were thirteen different kinds of instruments played with a bow. The sifting pro- cess has reduced this number to four: violin, viola, violoncello and double-bass. The wood-wind and 83 LESSON X. Orchestral music. Instruments of the violin class. 84 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. Lsssos X. Lully's over- ture*. A. Scarlatti. Chamber music. Corelli. 1653-1713. brass instruments also diminished in number by the same process. Side by side with this sifting went on the gradual development of the individual instruments and of solo playing. In the accompaniments of dra- matic music, composers had to study the capacities of each kind of instrument for characteristic ex- pression and also its technical capabilities, and, of course, both they and the players gained knowledge and skill from experience. With the improvement in individual playing came in- creased freedom in writing, and the gradual de- velopment of independent pieces for the orchestra. Lully wrote overtures to his operas, which, though short, were, nevertheless, in form, the germ of the modern overture, sonata form and symphony. They had a slow introduction, followed by a lively minuet or a fugue. Alessandro Scarlatti, whose work belongs partly to the next century, and who will be mentioned further in the next lesson, did a great deal for the development of the orchestra. Instrumental chamber music began to flourish in the latter half of the seventeenth century. The world owes the early development of this branch of art also to Italy. " The father of the true chamber music style and of real violin play- ing," as von Dommer calls him (p. 456), was Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713), the most renowned violinist of his time. He is said to have produced a pure, clear, even, beautiful tone; his style of playing was characterized by a noble, dignified simplicity and by profound musical feeling. He composed a great deal for his instrument- church sonatas, chamber sonatas, concertos and sonatas for the violin associated with other in- struments. They were short, but well defined in MUSIC IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 85 form, rich in power of melodic invention, beauti- fully lyric in style, refined and pure in harmony, dignified, avoiding all display of what is now called virtuosity. " Corelli set instrumental music for the chamber, once for all, on the right path," says von Dornmer. He was not distinguished for great execution on his instrument; indeed, many other violinists of his time surpassed him in this. But the main features of his style, both as player and composer, are models for all time, because based on universal principles. His pupils, of whom he had many, and successors only carried out and developed what he had begun. Corelli is said to have been a very modest, dif- fident man, easily embarrassed and confused, so much so that in the orchestra and in concerted playing he frequently appeared at great disad- vantage as compared with others who were in most important respects greatly his inferiors. The Venetian School of Organists was supreme up to the early part of the seventeenth century. The sceptre was then transferred to Rome. The greatest organist of the first half of the century was Girolamo Frescobaldi (1588-1653), called " the father of the true organ style." His com- plete works are still preserved. He wrote a great many pieces for the organ and harpsichord, and attained the highest reputation as organist of any man of his time. People flocked to hear him play, his admirers followed him from city to city, and at his first public performance in Rome, thirty thousand people are said to have crowded to hear him ! Pupils came to him from all over Europe, and he educated the best German organ- ists of the next generation. He contributed much to the development of the fugue style of organ music which culminated in Sebastian Bach, and LESSON X. Organ music. Frescnbaldi. 1588-1653. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. LESSON X. Stredinck, 1540-162) Scheldt and other distin- guished German organists. Pasqtiini, 1637-1710. marks the culminating point of Italian organ From his time there was a gradual fall- music ing off, and supremacy in this field passed over to Germany. But it ought not to be forgotten that both Fres- cobaldi and his German contemporaries owed much to Netherland teaching. Frescobaldi spent several years of his early life in Flanders, where the organist of the principal church in Amster- dam, Jan Plet&r Sweelinck (1540-1621), had a great reputation, and taught a great many foreign pupils, especially Germans Sweelinck, however, had studied in Italy, having gone to Venice in 1557, where he was a pupil of Zarlino. He seems to have been an exceptionally excellent teacher as well as a great organist, and he educated a large number of the best German organists, among them Samuel Scheldt, of Halle (1587-1654), the greatest German organist of his time ; Melchior Schild, of Hanover ; Paul Syfert, of Danzig ; Jacob Schultz and Heinrich Scheidemann, of Hamburg, and Johann Adam Reinken (1623-1722), also of Hamburg. Other renowned German organists of this century were Johann Jacob Froberger (1635-1695), Johann Caspar Kerl (1628-1693), both pupils of Frescobaldi, Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706), and Dietrich Buxtehude (1637- 1707). Sebastian Bach, when he was a lad in the school at Luneburg, used to walk to Ham- burg to hear Reinken, and made at least one trip to Liibeck to hear Buxtehude. Bernardo Pasquini (1637-1710) was, next to Frescobaldi, the greatest Italian master of the organ. He was, like his older contemporary, a thorough musician, furnished with all the best knowledge of his time, and highly respected not only in Italy but in Germany. He also educated MUSIC IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 87 many German musicians, and distinguished him- self as a harpsichord player and as a dramatic composer. The harpsichord was an instrument so con- venient for producing harmony and for poly- phonic playing by a single performer that, al- though its artistic capabilities were very limited, it nevertheless grew into high favor among musi- cians and amateurs. Its development kept pace with that of the organ, and by the end of the seventeenth century it had nearly or quite reached the limit of its capacities. It had become quite a large, elaborate instrument, with two keyboards. These two manuals could be coupled together, the upper one reinforcing the other by a separate set of strings an octave higher, thus adding power and brilliancy to the instrument. In this form it was in common use, especially for concert pur- poses and in the orchestra. The spinet or vir- ginal, a small, square harpsichord, was much used in small rooms, in convents and households. The clavichord was used more by artists and less by amateurs, for reasons given in a previous lesson. Mastery of these" instruments was expected of every professional musician as a matter of course. Every organist was also a harpsichord player ; music written for the organ was played on the harpsichord, and vice versa. There was also some writing of music specially adapted for the harpsi- chord and clavichord. The numerous embellish- ments of the harpsichord music of this and the following century seem to have been not so much mere imitations of vocal ornaments as attempts to fill up the time of long notes on an instrument in- capable of a sustained tone. The French excelled at this time as harpsichord players. There was a family named Couperin, at Paris, very distinguished LESSON X. Harpsichord and clavichord music. 88 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. LESSON X. F. Couperin, 1668-1733. J. P. Rameau. Louis Mar- chand. 1G69-1732. Summary. both as organists and harpsichordists for more than a century. Francois (1668-1733) had the highest reputation for the elegance, refinement and tastefulness of his harpsichord music. His works and performances did much to establish French taste in this field all over Europe. J. P. Rameau, to be mentioned later as a French opera composer and an epoch-making theorist, wrote fine harpsichord music, and Louis Marchand (1669-1732) was an extremely brilliant player of this instrument as well as an excellent organist. In Italy, Frescobaldi and Pasquini were excellent harpsichordists; so was Alessandro Scarlatti ; and, in general, organists and musicians made it a point to master the harpsichord. The German organists mentioned above were all good harpsichord play- ers, some of them very distinguished. At the end of the seventeenth century the status of instrumental music was this : The violin family had been reduced, by a process of natural selection, to nearly its present limits and the art of violin making had been brought to perfection. All through this century the Amati family, and later the Guarneri and Stradivari families, in Cremona, were making their famous instruments, never since equaled and worth enormous sums to their pres- ent possessors. The lute family had come to occupy a decidedly subordinate position. The incapacity for artistic purposes of all instruments of the guitar type was recognized and they have ever since been mostly given over to peoples and individuals whose musical taste is of a primitive, undeveloped char- acter. The wind instruments, both wood and brass, were still undergoing the sifting process. The combination of them into the groups of our mod- MUSIC IN- THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 89 ern orchestra had not yet been dreamed of, and was not to come until nearly a century later. The harpsichord and the clavichord had reached the limit of their development and their deficiencies were so generally felt that active efforts were being made to improve them in the direction of sustained tone and increase and diminution of power. Out of these efforts came the piano-forte, in the first decade of the next century, an instrument which only partially meets these demands. But the experiments which finally resulted in the invention of our present instrument were by no means the only ones. Attempts were made to transform the harpsichord into an instru- ment producing the same effect as if played with a bow. In this instrument the pressing of each key brought a resined wheel in contact with the string. The wheels were kept rotating by machinery set in motion by the foot. Other ideas looking toward the improvement of the harpsichord were also broached. As regards this instrument the attitude of the musical world was one of eager desire and expectation of radical improvement. The organ was in condition to meet the fullest demands of polyphonic playing and a vast deal of music in this style was written for it by the organists of the time. Solo playing on all the instruments in use had reached a high degree of perfection, both as re- gards technical execution and grace, finish and expressiveness of style. Concerted chamber music was fairly under way and a good deal that was valuable had already been accomplished. Out of these elements the materials of the orchestra of the future were shaping themselves. As for the actual orchestra of the time, it had hardly emerged from infancy. LESSON X Deficiencie* of the harpsichord and the cUtvi- chord. Attempt* to im- prove t'teiu. Solo playing. 90 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. LESSON X QUESTIONS. What motives operated to reduce the number of varie- ties in each class of instruments?. How did the development of the different kinds of instruments and of solo playing come to pass? How many kinds of stringed instruments played with a bow were there? How many are there now? Into what two orders were they divided ? Name two men who contributed to the early develop- ment of orchestral music. Who was "the father" of chamber music? Tell what you know of him and his playing. What great Italian organist was called " the father of the true organ style? 1 ' Give some account of him. Who was his teacher ? Name some of the German pupils of this teacher. Name some other great German organists of this time. Name the second greatest Italian organist of this century. Describe the harpsichord of the end of this century. Give an account of the state of harpsichord music. Name some distinguished French harpsichord players. German. Italian. Who were the great Italian violin makers of this cen- tury and in what city did they live? What was the fate of the guitar (or lute) family of instruments? What was the condition of the wind instruments at the end of the century? Of the harpsichord and the clavichord? Describe the attempts to improve the harpsichord. How far was the organ developed ? What was the condition of solo playing on all solo instruments? What was the condition of the orchestra ? LESSON XI. ITALIAN OPERA FROM ALESSANDRO SCARLATTI TO THE PRESENT. ITALIAN OPERA, as we have seen, originated in an attempt to revive the Greek Drama. As music-drama, it involved music as one of its principal elements; but the element of dramatic representation ought to have been, and was, at first, the predominant one. We have already seen that the French, a nation pre-eminent in dramatic taste and talent, retained this ideal of opera after Italy had lost it. Opera in Italy went from Florence to Venice, where it was developed by Monteverde and others. Then the seat of its supremacy was transferred to Naples. In this city there was developed a style of music, especially in opera, no less origi- nal and influential than that of Venice. The first great name in Neapolitan music is that of Alessandro Scarlatti (1659-1725). He was a pupil of the Roman school of Carissimi, and was thoroughly educated in the style of church music, oratorio and chamber music cultivated by that distinguished master. His general musical education was of the very best; he was thoroughly trained in all the special branches of his profession, and as singing teacher, con- ductor, performer and composer in all styles, he ranked among the first musicians of his time. The Roman school of church music, of which Palestrina had been and will always remain the foremost representative, was char- acterized by sublime elevation of style, by 91 Opera in Venice and in Kaptes. Alessandro Scarlatti, 1659-1725. 92 LESSORS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. Charactfr i.ttics of Italian Opera. noble and dignified simplicity. That of the Neapolitan school, headed by Scarlatti, was characterized mainly by sensuous charm and beauty of melody. He was an incredibly pro- lific composer. He is said to have written two hundred masses, a very large number of motets, psalms, concertos, etc., five hundred cantatas, many madrigals, etc., and one hundred and fourteen operas, besides a great deal of instru- mental music. In his hands the musical element of the opera was predominant. Not that he did not seek to fit his music, in a general way, to the emotional character of the words and of the situations of the drama; but he was concerned still more with the perfecting of the musical forms, and his arias and overtures served as models for Haendel and for all composers of Italian opera. His overtures resembled those of Lully, and contained the germs of the modern S3anphony. They were commonly in three divisions, the middle part being slow and the other two fast. After these overtures and others written on their model began to be played as separate orchestral pieces in concerts, the three parts of the overture were gradually de- veloped into three separate pieces, or "move- ments," and became what is now called a symphony. From Scarlatti's day to our own the Italian opera has laid prime stress on its melodies. The first aim of Italian opera composers has been to invent good singable, pleasing melodies, well developed as regards musical form and grateful for singers. The emotional character, while not disregarded, has been a subordinate matter, and no Italian writer has hesitated to ITALIAN OPERA. 93 stop the action of the drama in a critical situa- tion in order to give a singer opportunity to sing a long and elaborate aria, pleasing in melody, perhaps sensational in character and often full of technical difficulties, for the display of the singer's attainments in vocalization. For the rest, Scarlatti was as bold and original in his treatment of harmony as was Monteverde before him, and was treated in much the same way. His innovations were condemned by pedants and theorists, and imi- tated by all the young generation of composers ; so that his school became a model, and exercised a most powerful influence, not only in Italy, but in Germany, in England and even in France, where Italian opera had a strong party of de- fenders opposed to the national school. Scarlatti's Italian pupils, Leonardo Leo (1694 -1746) and Francesco Durante (1684-1755) were among the most distinguished of those who helped to establish the supremacy of his style ; Nicola Piccini (1 724-1 800), another Nea- politan, carried it to France and competed against Gluck with considerable success. George Frederick Haendel (1685-1759) mod- elled his operas on it, carried it to London and produced numerous works for the English stage for a period of about forty years; and numerous pupils of Scarlatti, both native and foreign, spread the ideas and traditions of the Nea- politan school all over Em-ope. Other import- ant Neapolitan composers of the time immedi- ately succeeding Scarlatti were his son, Do- menico Scarlatti (1683-1757), Francesco Feo (born 1699), Nicolo Porpora (born 1685), Gio- vanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1737), almost the first to write comic opera; Leonardo Vinci Scarlatti's influence. His pupils. JIaendel, l85 1759. Important Neapolitan comnoserx after Scarlatti 94 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 1690-1734) and Nicolo Jomelli (1714-1774). Antonio Sacchini (1734-1786) did most of his ife-work as an opera composer in Paris; Gio- vanni Paisiello (1741-1815) wrote for most of the Italian stages and even for that of St. Petersburg, and was a favorite in German}-. Dominico Gimarosa (1749-1801) was one of he greatest Neapolitans. He wrote seventy operas, and his // Matrimonio Segreto, written ? or Yienna, was one of the greatest operas of ts time. After Alessandro Scarlatti, and even partty ;ontemporary with him, there were Italian jomposers in Rome, Bologna and Yenice, who were second in ability and reputation to him alone. But there was no school of operatic omposition which can be discriminated from the Neapolitan in fundamental principles. His successors equally devoted themselves mainly to the musical side of the opera, neglecting the dramatic element, broadening and perfecting Scarlatti's musical forms, and making the Aria the principal element of the opera. In Rome, one of the most renowned masters was Giuseppe Pitoni (1657-1743). Another was Francesco Gasparini (1660-1737), and still another was Agastino Steffani (1655-1730), part of whose life was spent in Hanover. In Yenice the greatest name was Antonio Lotti (1667-1737). Of other Yenetians, Antonio Gaidar a (1670- 1736), Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739) and Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785) had great reputation. Of similar rank were Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1750), for some time a rival of Handel's in London, and Emanuale Astorga (1681-1736). In Germany, besides Haendel, most of whose -writing was, however, for the Roman and Venetian composers. ITALIAN OPERA. 95 London stage, there were numerous celebrated composers of Italian opera on the model of Scarlatti. In Vienna the greatest name before Mozart, who also wrote Italian opera, but modi- fied, and who holds a unique position, was Johann Joseph Fux (1660-1732), renowned not only as composer, but as conductor and the- orist; his Gradus ad Parnassian was for a long time the standard text-book in counterpoint. In Berlin, Carl Eeinrich Graun (1701-1759) was the leading name ; in Munich, Johann Caspar Kerl (1628-1693) ; in Dresden, Johann Adolph Hasse (1699-1783). In all these cities there were numerous Italian conductors, com- posers and singers. The Italian language was used in the librettos, even by German masters, and Italian opera held its ground with great tenacity until well into the present century. Meanwhile, not only was prime stress laid on the music as opposed to the dramatic action, but this one-sided tendency was carried to the greatest extreme. The aria became not only the most important element of the opera, but came to serve mainly as a means of displaying the utmost brilliancy of vocal attainments on the part of singers. Male sopranos (eunuchs) competed with female singers in virtuoso per- formances. Great schools for the training of solo singers arose in Bologna, Rome, Milan, Venice, Naples and Florence, and solo per- formances were the central feature of Italian opera, everything being sacrificed to sensuous charm, brilliant effect and tho vanity of soloists. Among the most celebrated male singers of this period were Pistocchi (born 1659), Ber- nacchi (born 1700), Senesino (born 1680), Nicolini (born 1685), and, greatest of all, Far- German composers of Italian opera. Italian opera degenerates into a mere display of vocalization. Great ginpcrt of the 18tfk century. 96 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. inelli (born 1705). Among great female sing, ers were Francesco, Cuzzoni (born 1700) and Faustini Bordoni (born 1693), the wife oi Hasse, the composer. These two ladies and Senesino were among Haendel's singers in London, where he was not only composer, but conductor and theatre manager, until quarrel with the nobility, his patrons, threw him into bankruptcy, and forced him to devote hu powers to oratorio. Man} T amusing anecdotes are related of the vexatious trials he had to undergo from the vanity, rivalries and unend- ing caprices of these singers, especially Cuz- zoni's. For details of these matters the reader must be referred to Schoelcher's or Rockstro's "Life of Haendel," or to Grove's "Dictionary of Music and Musicians," The plan of these lessons will not admit of biographical sketches of any length. A long list of singers since Haendel's time have been the exponents of Italian opera: Catalan^ Pasta, Sontag, Malibran, Viardot, Schroeder-Devrient, Grisi, Persiani, Alboni, Jenny Lind, Cruvelli, Titiens, Kilsson, Patti and numerous others, both male and female, of greater or less distinction. The first require- ment in such singers has always been beauty of tone combined with florid execution ; but many of them also possessed in a hig-h degree the dramatic instinct and that peculiar " magnetic " quality which attracts and captivates an audi- ence. Italian opera, embodying the tendencies above noted, culminated in Giachomo fiossini (1792-1868), one of the most original creators of melody known to musical history. His operas are full of sensuous charm of melody 3^eat singers since Haendel's time. Rossini, 1791M868. ITALIAN OPERA. 97 and harmony. They are brilliant and striking, easily to be enjoyed without intellectual effort, calculated for the entertainment of an idle, luxurious, pleasure-seeking society. As such, they continue to amuse the civilized world, even to this day. Only one of them ; William Tell, has any special dramatic force or elevat- ing tendency. His principal operas, besides William Tell, were Tancred, The Barber of Seville, Othello, La Centenerola, La Gazza Ladra, Moses in Egypt, The Lady of the Lake and Semiramis. He was born at Pesaro, studied under Padre Martini, a celebrated teacher of Bologna, began writing operas early, made a fortune by his brilliant produc- tions and retired to Paris to enjoy it. Not- withstanding his spontaneity, which enabled him to produce fine melodies with the utmost ease and fluency, he seems to have had no im- pulse to compose after the pressure of pecuniary necessity ceased. For nearly forty years he lived a life of luxurious ease in the French capital, producing nothing but his brilliant and sensational, but false and tmreligious, Stdbat Miter. His remains were taken to Italy in 1887. Following Rossini came Vincenzo Bellini (1802-1835), whose principal works were Norma, Li Sonnambula and / Puritani, and Gaetano Donizetti (1798-1848), the composer of Anna, Bolena, Elisire d'Amore, Lucrezia Borgia, Lucia di Lammermoor, La Fille du Regiment and other popular operas. These two are only second in rank to Rossini, and their best works still keep the Italian operatic stage, being heard more or less frequently all over Europe and America. Lesser names were Mis opera. Ifis S-fnfiat Mater. Bellini, Donizetti and otheri. 98 LESSORS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. Verdi, born 1813. Jfis state. His oneras. foito. Mercadante (1797-1870) and Carafa (1787- 1872). One great Italian operatic composer remains to be mentioned, more serious in aim than Rossini or any of his successors, and nearly or quite as great in every respect as Rossini himself. This is Guiseppe Verdi, born in 1813 and still (1888) living and producing important works. His early life was devoted to operas of the common Italian type, full of melodic charm, but much more markedly dramatic in style, and far more conscientiously written, than those of other Italian composers. The orchestra, too, is treated more seriously than in most Italian operas, where, as Wagner once said, it is commonly used " like a mighty guitar." With Verdi the orches- tra is less a mere accompaniment of arias, and more an integral portion of the musical means of enhancing the dramatic effect. In short, he has aimed more at the creation of real music- drama, and less at mere sensational effects than have his Italian contem poraries and predeces- sors. This tendency is shown in all his great works, such as H Trovatore, Rigoletto and La Tramata, and still more decidedly in his latest operas, Aida and Otello, written in his later years, and showing decided traces of the in- fluence of Wagner's theories and practice. His great "Manzoni" Requiem Mass shows the same influence and tendencies. Of the present generation of Italian com- posers, the best known outside of Italy is Arrigo Boito, born in 1842, a talented composer and poet. He wrote the text to Yerdi's Otello, and has become widely known in Europe by his great opera, Mefistofele, based on Goethe's "Faust." He has travelled much, and is thor- ITALIAN OPERA. 99 oughly conversant with the theories of Wagner, as is proved by the style of Mefistofele. Since the liberation and unification of Italy, the in- tellectual life and artistic efforts of the Italians seem to have taken an upward tendency, and it looks as if we might hope for a new " Revival of Learning," such as made the Italy of three hundred years ago the intellectual and artistic centre of the civilized world, and the source of mental inspiration. 100 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. QUESTIONS. In what city, after Venice, did Italian opera receive its greatest impulse ? Who -was the great composer who did most for its de- velopment there ? Give some account of him. How did his church music differ from that of the school of Palestrina? What was the predominant element in his operas? What did he do for Italian rpera? What has been, since his time, the chief characteristic of Italian opera? Give an account of its degeneration. .Name some of Scarlatti's Italian contemporaries and successors. Name the most important German composers of Italian opera. Name some of the great singers of the first half of tl.e last century. Name some later singer", down to our own time. In whose work did Italian opera culminate ? Name his most important successors. Name some operas by these composers. Give an account of Verdi's woik. Name his leading operas. Who is the best known Italian operatic composer of to- day? Name his prindiial work. LESSON XII. FRENCH OPERA FROM LULLY's TIME TO THE PRESENT. LULLY'S operas, as we have seen, kept the French stage for abo'ut a century. During this long period no French composer appeared who even approximated Lully's creative power. The first of his successors who could bear com- parison with him was Jean Philippe Eameau (1683-1764). He was a much greater musician than Lully, a man of great scientific attain- ments. His works on harmony made an epoch in the treatment of the subject. He sought a basis both for the major and the minor chord in the science of acoustics. He derived the major chord (over-chord) from the series of harmonic overtones, but failed to discover the corresponding undei'-tone series which make the minor chord (under-chord) the reciprocal of the major. This discovery was reserved for our own time, and the application of it to the science of harmony is only now fairly begun. But much of Rameau's work is permanent, and most of it was so valuable that it has formed the foundation of harmony teaching from that day to this. He did much toward introducing the system of "equal temperament," and he, perhaps more than any one else, determined the abandonment of the old church modes and the establishment of our modern major and minor keys. He was a virtuoso on the harpsichord, and his compositions for that instrument had a great reputation in their day. 101 LEMON XII. JRameau, 1683-1764. Sis theoretical work. 102 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. Lesson XII. ffis work as a composer. Rise of French comic opera. Rameau was nearly fifty 3'ears old when he wrote his first opera. His works of this kind are twenty-two in number, and are a great advance on Lully's in originality, in wealth and variety of resources, and in dramatic effective- ness. Like all epoch-making minds, he was violently attacked by those who were accus- tomed to the old, and could not reconcile them- selves to the new modes of musical expression, however suitable. But his works made their way and are justly regarded as among the most brilliant achievements of the French musical genius. His work, like Lull's, had for its main object truthfulness of dramatic expres- sion, and is by this distinguished from the Italian school. It surpassed Lully's mainly in the enlargement of the musical means of expression. Rameau, like Lully, devoted himself to "Grand Opera," as it is called musical dramas on seri- ous and mostly classical subjects. But it was during his time that French operetta (opera comique) arose, and has held its place beside grand opera ever since. In 1752 a company of Italian singers produced Italian comic opera in Paris, and although they remained there only two years, they gave the Parisian public an impulse which resulted in the production of French comic opera on national everj-day sub- jects in a free, unconventional style. There had been French operettas before, but thej" were comparatively insignificant. Now, stimu- lated by the awakened desire of the public and by the reaction against the stiff and stilted manner w r hich had become established as the only respectable style in French literature and art, men of ability began to devote themselves to FRENCH OPERA. 103 comic opera in real earnest. First among these composers were Dauvergne (1713-1797), an Italian; Duni (1709-1775); Philidor (1726- 1795), and Monsigny (1729-1817). Their work culminated in Gretry (1741-1813), in whose works French operetta reached a point perhaps never since surpassed. They are thoroughly representative of the French dramatic genius in this field. How great was the unnaturalness of the intel- lectual tendencies these men combatted, we may learn by a single example. In Louis XI Vs time, the art of landscape gardening in France was held to require that all the trees should be clipped into regular and fantastic artificial forms, no tree being allowed to develop itself natur- ally or express its own nature in its own way. The mental tendencies of the French cultivated classes were just as artificial in all departments of art and literature as in landscape gardening, and it was inevitable that a reaction should take place in the direction of giving free play to the natural tendencies of human nature. This reaction culminated in the so-called " philosophy of enlightenment," of which Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) is the greatest representative. In the thought of these men the ideal of the unrestrained play of all human impulses was carried to as great an extreme as had been the ideal of artificial restraints and even distortions in their predecessors. This ideal culminated in the license and extrava- gance of the French Revolution, extended its influence to all fields of mental activity and to all social relations, and has not yet spent its force. Rousseau contributed to musical history some important controversial writings directed Composers of JFrench comic opera. Artiflctalness of intellectuai lif" in France at this period. Kousseau and the " philosophy of enlighten- ment.'" 104 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY against the artificial forms prevalent in grand opera, a Dictionary of Music, and an original operetta or melo-drama. French Other composers of operetta at this period composers of &n & later were D'Alaura c (1753-1809), who operetta. . /' wrote about sixty operettas and operas; Isouard (1177-1818); Berton (1766-1844); Catel (1773- 1830); Boieldieu (1775-1834); the composer of The Caliph of Bagdad and La Dame Blanche; Gossec (1734-1829); also an important composer of grand opera and of symphonies and chamber music, Mehul (1763-1817), best known b}' his opera of Joseph and his Brethren; Herold (1791-1833), best known by his opera Zampa, the overture of which is familiar to everybody ; Halevy (1799-1862), author of The Jewess, Auber (1782-1871), author of Fra Diavolo and Masianello, and Adam (1803-1856). These names bring us fairly up to our own time and to comic operas, and, for that matter, to serious operas, which are still heard on the. French, German, English and American stage. Now, to go back to the development of French Grand Opera, the greatest name imme- diately succeeding Rameau was Christoph Hitter von Gluck (1714-1787), a Bohemian, the author of Orpheus, Alceste, Armida, Iphegenia and other grand operas on classical subjects. His was a creative genius of a high order, and his Orpheus, at least, is still given both in concert rooms and on the stage. He held very strong opinions in favor of dramatic truthfulness in operatic music, as opposed to the prevalent Italian tendencies ; and, as he was unable to make any headway against the fashion of the time in his own country, he went to Paris, found there a congenial field, and spent most Gluck. ffls work and influence. FRENCH OPERA. 105 of his life writing for the French stage. One of the prominent characteristics of his operas, and of French Grand Opera since, has been recitative, in broad, elaborate form, fully ac- companied by the orchestra, giving free, spon- taneous utterance to the emotions of the indi- vidual actor in the drama, as opposed to the formal aria of the Italian opera, where the musical predominates over the dramatic ele- ment. It is the recitative that primarily char- acterizes the French Grand Opera. Two Italian composers deserve to be men- tioned here, because they were both strongly in- fluenced by the works of Gluck, and both wrote more or less for the Paris stage. These are Salieri (1750-1828), who spent most of his life in Vienna, but wrote The Danaides for Paris; and Spontini (1784-1 851), for a longtime direc- tor of the Royal Opera at Berlin, whose best known opera is La Vestale. The next great name in the annals of French Grand Opera is M. L. Cherubini (1760-1842). He was an Italian, born in Florence, trained a musician, and a composer of Italian operas until he went to Paris in 1786. A visit to Vienna enabled him to hear some of Haydn's symphonies, which produced a great effect upon him, and influenced profoundly his whole future activity as a composer. His style is severe and classical. His operas, Medea, The Water- carrier, Faniska, The Abencerrages, Lodoiska and others, give him a very high, place as an operatic composer. His Requiem is considered the noblest Catholic church music since Pales- trina, and he wrote many other important works. From 1816 to his death he was Director of the Paris Conservatory of Music, and Pro- Salieri and Spontini. CTierubini. His operas and other works. 106 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. L.KSSOK XII. Meyerbeer. His operas and heir character- istics. Ami/raise Thomas, Charles Gr&unod, Hector Berlioz. fessor of Composition there. As the titles of his operas show, classical subjects, taken from the Greek mythology, began now to give way to other serious subjects in Grand Opera. From his time on, the characteristic distinction be- tween Grand Opera and Comic Opera has been that Comic Opera admits spoken dialogue, while in the Grand Opera everything is sung, the dialogue and soliloquies being mostly in recitative. It is surprising how many of the great names among French Grand Opera composers are names of foreigners. Lull}' and Cherubini were Italians; Gluck was a Bohemian; Gossec was a Belgian. To these names we have to acid that of Jacob Meyerbeer (1794-1864), a German Jew, born in Berlin, where his father was a wealthy banker. He was a fellow student with Weber, under the Abbe Vogler, in Vienna, found his congenial place in Paris, and wrote a series of Grand Operas for the Paris stage. The greatest of them are Robert the Devil, The Huguenots and The Prophet. Meyerbeer had great gifts and much skill as a composer ; but he wrote for effect, more to please and amuse than to elevate the Parisian public, and stands lower in the estimation of musicians than he would if his aims had been higher. He helped to degrade French taste and to make Wagner's success in Paris impossible. Since his time the greatest names in French opera have been Ambroise Thomas (born 1811), who has written many operas, both serious and comic, Mignon being the best known; and Charles Gounod (born 1818), best known by his masterpiece, Faust. Hector Berlioz (1803- 1869) occupies a unique position in French FRENCH OPERA. 107 flaint-Saent. Offenbach. opera, and, indeed, in French music generally. His operas, Benvenuto Cellini, Beatrice and Benedick, The Trojans in Carthage and The Fall of Troy, had no success in his lifetime. The same is true of his symphonies, cantatas and sacred music. He is only now beginning to come into vogue. Camille Saint-Saens (born 1835) has also written good operas. But comic opera has been the characteristic field of French com- posers since the time of Boieldieu, that is, since about 1800. Jacques 0/enbach (1819-1880), another foreigner, a German Jew, born in Co- logne, represents the culmination of the ten- dency toward burlesque in French comic opera. He flourished during the corrupt period of the Second Empire, and wrote burlesque full of equivocal situations for the amusement of the Parisians. He had much originality and his melodies are often striking. His operettas: Orpheus in the Underworld, La Belle Helene, Blue Beard, The Grand Duchesse of Gerolstein and others have made their way all over the civilized world. E. Audran (born 1842) is known in this country by his operettas, Olivette and the Mascotte; Robert Planquette (born 1850), by his Chimes of Normandy; Victor Masse (born 1822), by his opera, Paul and Virginia (he has written many others), and J. E. Massenet (born 1842), by his opera, Don Csesar de Bazan. The last two are professors in the Paris Con- servatory and have composed much in other fields. Audran, Planquette, Masse, 108 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. QUESTIONS. Who was the first important French opera composer after Lully ? What was his rank as a theorist? fn what special way did he advance the science of harmony ? How old was he when he began writing operas ? . How were they received and why? In what were they an advance on Lully's? When did French operetta begin lo be prominent ? To what was the rise of operetta due ? Name some composers in this field? What name mat ks the culmination of this species? What were the intellectual tendencies of the time, as illustrated in French landscape gardening? What was meant by the ''philosophy of enlighten- ment?" Who was its greatest representative? Give dates ? Name some of the important composers of French comic opera up to our own time ? Name the great composer who succeeded Rameau ? Give dates ? Name some of his operas? Name and des< ribes a prominent characteristic of his operas and of French grand opera since ? Name two Italiaji composers who were strongly influ- enced by Gluck ? Who was the next great composer for the Paris stage ? Name some of his operas ? What is now the distinction between grand opera and comic opera? Give an account of Meyerbeer's work ? Give dates and name his important operas? Name the greatest French opera composers since his time and those of operetta ? LESSON XIII. GERMAN OPERA. OPERA in Germany, 'as we have seen, was, for a long time, by no means German opera. The nearest approach to it was in Hamburg, which city was, for the half century, beginning about 1690, the musical metropolis of Germany. Several composers of ability contributed to this result. One of the most important of them was Reinhard Reiser (1673-1739), who went to Hamburg in 1694. He was an original and prolilic genius, and wrote a hundred and twenty operas, besides a great deal of other music. These operas not only became very popular in Hamburg and elsewhere in Germany, but even made their way to Paris. As each of them contained forty or fifty arias, besides recitatives and concerted pieces, they represent a vast amount of productive power and in- dustry. Reiser's melodies are said to have been graceful melodious and passionate. If his character had commanded as much of respect as his talent did of admiration, he would have exerted a profound and far-reaching influence on German musical art. But he preferred cheap and temporary popular success to ideal ends, and so degenerated and finally lost the respect of the public. His genius raised the Hamburg opera, for a short time, to a high plane, so that it attracted such a man as Haendel. But by 1740, it had sunk to a mere display of scenery and decorations in which real art-ideas were of small account. LWSON XI It Opera in Hamburg. Reiser. 109 110 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. LESSON "KITL. Mattheimn. Telemann. The "Sing- spiel." Mozart, 1756-1791. In the meantime, Hamburg had greatly profited by the work of some remarkable men, especially Johann Mattheson (1681-1764), a composer of talent, an excellent theorist and a highly accomplished musician in every respect ; George Philip Telemann (1681-1767) and, finally, of Haendel himself, who went there as a youth of eighteen, played in the orchestra, and wrote his first opera for the Hamburg stage. The beginnings of German opera proper, in Hamburg as elsewhere, are to be found in the Sing-spiel. The Sing-spiel, like the English Ballad-opera and the French Vaudeville, was originally a light play interspersed with popu- lar songs, generally ballads, apt to be of a satirical tendency and with a short refrain. Such plays were popular all through the period when Italian opera was fashionable, and were often composed by writers of high standing in the various capitals and musical centres of Europe. W. A. Mozart (1756-1791), in Vienna, some of whose best operas were written to Italian texts, and most of whose work is quite as much Italian as German, adopted this form, used German words and subjects which, if not characteristi- cally German, were no more Italian than Ger- man, and made real operas out of them. These works, especially his Magic Flute and his Ab- duction from the Seraglio, may be looked on as addressed more to the German than to the Italian taste. But this can hardly be said of his Don Juan and The Marriage of Figaro. Mozart was, in short, a German, with Ger- man feelings and tastes, but trained in the prevalent Italian school. He never departed in any essential particular from the princi- ples of Italian opera. The plan of his works GERMAN OPERA. Ill is the traditional one; the arias are, to all intents and purposes, Italian arias. But hav- ing German leanings and being an original creative genius of the first rank, his Italian schooling was sufficiently modified, especially when he wrote from the Sing-spiel standpoint, to give his works, in part, a quasi-national character. The Magic Flute, in fact, is com- monly regarded as a real German opera. But its arias and its forms betray Mozart's Italian training. It is really a mixture of styles, but with strong German tendencies. L. von Beethoven (1770-1827) made a single attempt at opera, and aimed to make his Fidelio a German opera. So it was, if we regard only its serious aims, its earnestness and depth of feeling and the absence of all concessions to the vanity of solo singers. In these respects, indeed, it is an advance beyond Mozart. But Beethoven established no new principles of form or content in the music-drama, and the subject of Fidelio is cosmopolitan rather than German. In short, what Beethoven did was merely to inculcate seriousness and elevation of aim in this one example. But these qualities are not necessarily confined to Germany. To create a really characteristic German music- drama something more was needed than a mere protest against the shallowness, the brilliant sensationalism and the seductive tunefulness of current Italian opera as represented by Bee- thoven's great contemporary, Rossini. Fidelio is German in that it represents an earnestness and elevation of tone much more frequently found among German than among Italian com- posers since Palestrina. But it is, after all, Beethoven rather than Germany that speaks in Beethovfn. 1770-1827. 112 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. Weber, 1786-1826. it. It is an opera which represents an indi- vidual rather than a nation, and it does not mark the beginning of a national style of opera. Besides, it has serious defects as a singable and dramatic work. Beethoven's great field lay in the symphony, not in the opera. Schubert's attempts at dramatic composition were still less successful. What neither Beethoven nor Schubert could do for German opera was done by a great con- temporary of theirs, Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826). The son of a theatre manager and actor, "Weber was familiar with stage effects from his earliest childhood. A roving life made him familiar with German feelings, Ger- man legends, German modes of thinking in all classes of society. His training was German rather than Italian, and was picked up in a desultory way from a variety of masters. He acquired experience as an opera conductor when he was very young, taking his first con- ductorship at Breslau when he was only eigh- teen years of age. Thus he was amply equipped to write operas in the German spirit to German text, embod3 T ing German legends, ideas and feelings. This he did in his great opera, Der Freischutz, written for Dresden in 1821. He had been called there for the express purpose of conducting German opera in a theatre espe- cially set apart for it, in opposition to the es- tablished Italian one, which principally enjoyed the favor of the court. He had a hard fight, meeting with all sorts of opposition. But Dur Freischutz was such a master work, it was so original and fresh, it so characteristically em- bodied the peculiar romantic spirit of the Ger- many of that day, it appealed so strongly to GERMAN OPERA. 113 national and patriotic feelings that it overcame all opposition. No opera was ever more popu- lar. It went all over Germany, it aroused popular enthusiasm, it stimulated hosts of imi- tators among young composers; in short, it marks an epoch in musical history and may fairly be considered as the beginning of Ger- man opera. Two other operas followed this, Euryanthe and Oberon, both of high rank. Weber's earlier attempts, Abu Hassan, Peter Schmoll and Sylvana are less important. With Weber begins the great Romantic period of musical art. We have already ap- plied the term " classical " to Palestrina (see Lesson XI.) on the ground that he combined nobility of Content (what he had to express) with perfection of Form (mode of expression), and that he exerted permanent, profound and far-reaching influence on the future course of musical history. In this sense, Bach and Haendel were " classical" composers, so were Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven in the field of instrumental music. But when, through the labors of these and other great men, musical Form, the whole technic of musical composi- tion, had been developed to the point where it was available to express freely and perfectly all phases of human feeling, there came a time when men began to lay more stress on the emotions to be expressed than on the form of the expression. The " Classical " movement was essentially a development of Form. The " Romantic " movement, beginning with Weber, was essentially an attempt to utter, perfectly if possible, but at any rate to utter, whether perfectly or not, feelings remote from every- day experience, aspirations after ideals unat- Bfginnlng o/ the Romantic Period. The "Classi- cal" contrasted with the" Ro- mantic" move- ment. 114 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. Occasion of the Romantic movement in Germany. tained and perhaps unattainable, dissatisfac- tion with present surroundings, longings after ideal conditions more or less vaguely appre- hended in imagination. The Romantic move- ment in music was nearly contemporary with a similar movement in German literature, and was a part of the same .great movement of mind. As Dr. Langhans has pointed out in Chapter XI of his " History of Music," the tendency to seek relief from present unsatis- factory conditions in the imaginary surround- ings of an ideal world is by no means new, nor is it confined to any period of the world's history. But it shows itself with peculiar force whenever outward conditions become peculiarly unsatisfactory or painful. Whenever men are oppressed with pain, hunger, want, disappoint- ment of any sort, they turn for relief to the world of the imagination, and this life of the imagination sooner or later finds expression in some form of art. The Romantic movement in German litera- ture and German music was closely connected with the oppressions, confusions, privations and political and social disturbances of the Napoleonic era. Beethoven, for a time, was a worshipper of Napoleon, as the world's great deliverer and the champion of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. The noblest hopes and aspira- tions of the time of the French Revolution find expression in Beethoven's music. But when Napoleon became a self-seeking despot, the oppressor instead of the deliverer of Europe ; when governments fell before him, when whole peoples were thrown into confusion, homes were destroyed, women Were maltreated, men were butchered by the thousand for his GERMAN OPERA. 115 aggrandizement ; when all Europe seemed to be crushed under his despotic sway, and every one seemed powerless to cure the evils of the time, men's dissatisfaction, aspiration, anxiety, despair, anger, fear, hope, denied their natural outlet of action, found relief in the fields of literature and art. Thus was born the German romantic literature and, a little later, the Ger- man romantic music. Weber's " Der Freischiitz " was popular not only because its subject and treament were romantic, but because they were national. Following him came a host of lesser competi- tors. The greatest of them was undoubtedly Heinrich Marschner (1796-1861). He was a highly-educated, liberal-minded man, a musi- cian of groat accomplishments and a composer of marked talent. From 1831 to 1859 he was conductor of the Royal Opera at Hanover. His greatest opera, Hans Heih'ng, forms a sort of connecting link between Weber and Wagner. He wrote a number of other operas, of which only two survive, The Vampire and The Tem- plar and the Jewess, founded on Sir Walter Scott's IvanJwe. Next to Marschner in importance conies Ludwig Spohr (1784-1859). His greatest and best known opera, Jessonda, was first given in 1823. The romantic movement in opera culminated in the work of Richard Wagner (1813-1883), certainly one of the greatest minds of our time and probably one of the greatest yet produced by the human race. He was born in Leipzig during the year of the great battle there in which Napoleon received his first check. His childhood and youth coincided with the re- Marschner. Spohr. Bichard Wanner. 1813-1883. 116 LESSONS TN MUSICAL HISTORY. ffis youthful rharacteristlcs and mental activity. actionary years when the defeat of the great French emperor had strengthened all the other European sovereigns against all liberal tenden- cies in France and among their own subjects. It was a time of dissatisfaction, of suppressed aspiration and longing among the. nations. The leaven of the great ideas of the French Revolution was working in the mind of Europe. and fresh outbreaks of the revolutionary spirit were gradually preparing. Young Wagner was of an ardent tempera- ment, had a clear, strong intellect, a glowing imagination, and shared enthusiastically in the liberal, patriotic aspirations, enthusiasms and disappointments of his time. His earty study of the piano came to nothing, because he could not be made to practice the necessary technical exercises, and there is no record of any other systematic study of music in his early years. After his father's death, which happened in his infancy, his mother married an actor, Ludwig Greyer, a cultivated, intelligent man, who did much for Wagner's education. The family then removed to Dresden, where he became interested in ancient languages and in the Greek literature, especially, and afterwards in Shakespeare. His reading of the latter stimu- lated him to write a tragedy in which, as he informs us in an autobiographical sketch, he killed off forty-two of his characters before the end of the second act, and had to let most of them reappear as ghosts in order to keep up the action. This play occupied him for two years. Such energetic mental activity as this, in a mere child, was prophetic of the creative power which afterwards engaged the attention of the whole civilized world. GERMAN OPERA. 117 The first profound impression made on him by music was at one of the early performances of " Der Freischiitz." His mother, again a widow, soon after removed to Leipzig, and here he made the acquaintance of the Beethoven S3-mphonies and of the same master's music to Goethe's Egmont. This stirred him up to write music to his own tragedy. He found he knew nothing of harmony and that he needed it, so he undertook to prepare himself for composi- tion in a week's study of a text-book, without a teacher! Characteristic, this, of his un- bounded self-confidence, independence, and also of his native energy and spontaneous mental activity. His whole student life was full of just this sort of self-guided activity. His mind responded to whatever stimulus suited its peculiarities, and whatever he became inter- ested in he pursued with resistless energy until some new interest turned his intellectual forces into a new channel. It was during these student years in Leipzig that he determined to become a musician, pur- sued his musical studies, partly under excellent teachers, for he did, at last, find out that teachers could help him, and wrote considera- ble music, of no value except as apprentice work preparatory to his future creative career. He developed himself on many sides, not only by musical and literary study, but by practical acquaintance with the stage, availing himself of the opportunities given him by his relatives, some of whom were connected with the theatre, making the acquaintance of many works and writ- ing an opera, which was not performed. He also began writing criticisms which showed much vigor of intellect and keenness of perception. LISBON XIII. Removal to Leipzig and student life there. Musical studies. 118 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. LESSOX XIII. Conductor in 1834. Conductor at Kr>nigxl>r.rg and R!ya, 1835-6. Composes " Rienzi." &oes to Paris. Poverty. This brings us to 1834, the year of his majority. In the fall of that year he became onductor at the Magdeburg theatre, a position which he held two years, profiting greatly by his experience. He studied thoroughly a great number of the current German, French and Italian operas, and learned a greal deal more from his work in preparing them for stage per- formance than he could ever have learned in any other way. He wrote here his second opera, on Shakespeare's " Measure for Measure," and had it performed, but with very incomplete success. In 1836 he was conductor at Konigs- berg, and the next year at Riga, but became more and more dissatisfied with the deficiencies inevitable in the appointments of the theatres of these small towns, and more and more con- vinced that they were no place for him and his work. They had served his ends for appren- tice experience, and he had outgrown them. He had planned and finished a grand opera on the story of " Rienzi," the last of the Roman Tribunes, an opera which demanded the full resources of a first-class stage. With character- istic audacity he determined to strike out boldly for success on the Parisian stage. Noth- ing less than this would content this plucky young fellow. So to Paris he went, sailing first to London through the Baltic and North Seas, meeting with stormo, picking up sea legends from the Norwegian sailors, seeing much of the coast scenery of the Baltic and conceiving the plan of his next opera, " The Flying Dutchman." But when he got to Paris, success did not come. Meyerbeer tried to help him secure a hearing for his Rienzi, but failed. He had no money, he lived from hand to mouth, GERMAN OPERA. 119 by doing hack work for the music dealers and by writing for the newspapers. There was absolutely no opportunity for him in Paris. He stayed there in poverty until the spring of 1842, wrote his "Faust" overture and his " Flying Dutchman " during the interval, and tried to get them performed in Germany. In this he at last succeeded. " Rienzi " was ac- cepted in Dresden and the "Flying Dutchman" in Berlin, both in the spring of 1842. He went to Dresden to supervise the production of "Rienzi, "and was soon appointed to the con- ductorship formerly held by Weber. Now be- gan his great career as a composer. " Tann- hiiuser" was given in 1845, but was so original in style, so different from anything to which the public was accustomed, that hardly any- body liked . it, and the critics fell foul of it in the savage way to which every one of his predecessors in original musical creation had to submit. It was no new phenomenon in musical history. He wrote " Lohengrin " in 1847, but could not get it performed in his own theater. Then came the stormy }-ear of 1848, a year of uprisings against oppression, thrones totter- ing, aristocracies shaking in their shoes, but ending in hopeless submission for the masses and death or exile for many of the noblest men of Germany. Wagner, always a liberal, took active part in the revolutionary movement, and when the end came, had to take refuge in Switzerland. In Zurich he lived until 1859, occupying himself largely with writing contro- versial pamphlets in which he set forth his own art beliefs, his theories of the relation of music to the drama and his opinions on things in Faust over- ture. Flying Dutchman, Conductor in Dresden, 1842. Tannhauser, 1815. Lohengrin. 1847. Revolution and exile, 184& H Is contro- versial writings. 120 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. His audacity. Grounds for his .ielf-confl- dence. Summary of his ideal of Music-drama . general and art matters in particular. He violently attacked not only the absurdities and trivialities of the Italian opera, but Meyerbeer, Mendelssohn, in short most of the reigning powers, saving Beethoven, whose worshiper he always declared himself to be, and whose work he aimed to continue and enlarge. He did not stick at trifles, this man whose operas the public would not listen to. Nothing was too audacious for him. He went his own way, thought his own thoughts, expressed them publicly in no measured terms, knocked the popular idols from their pedestals right and left with sledge-hammer blows, set up his own productions in their place and loudly called on the outraged devotees to fall down and worship the new divinities on pain of being considered stupid, dull Philistines, devoid 'of all true artistic intelligence. In most men this would have been insane conceit. In Wagner it was self-confidence, based on a true insight. He had seen, clearly, truths which the greatest of his predecessors had at best dimly divined. " The Music of the Future " was the title of one of his pamphlets in which he set forth the theories on which he worked. It became a rallying cry for his friends, and a phrase of contempt in the mouths of his enemies. The central point of his con- ception, briefly stated, is as follows: The ideal art-work, which is to meet the rational require- ments of the future, must combine all the arts in the service of one poetic conception. Music must not, as in the Italian opera, claim pre- cedence of poetry, nor must poetry exclude music, because music is capable of vastly in- tensifying the emotional efiect of the words. GERMAN OPERA. 121 Combined with these two must be the added effect of the other fine arts painting, sculpture, acting, pantomine, dancing, everything, in short, which can add to the clearness of the author's conception and enhance the effect upon the im- agination. No concessions must be made to the vanity of singers, none to intellectual supine- ness or indolence on the part of the audience. The creative artist's poetic ideal must be su- preme. The personality of the interpreters must be sunk in the realization of this ideal. In short, the art-work of the future was to be a music-drama, setting forth in beautiful form some noble conception, and combining the resources of all the arts for its worthy embodi- ment. Each art must sacrifice its supremacy to artistic unity of effect. It was not enough for Wagner to set forth this conception in glowing colors in his numer- ous pamphlets ; he attacked all existing, aa well as all previous art-work, as unworthy of this, the only true ideal. He proclaimed the inferiority of the spoken drama, of purely in- strumental music. He affirmed that Beethoven, the greatest of instrumental writers, after bring- ing pure music to the utmost limit of its de- velopment, had felt the necessity of combining it with words, and that the Ninth Symphony pointed the way to the art-work of the future, which it was Wagner's mission to proclaim to the world. He did more than theorize and controvert. He embodied his theoretical principles in a series of stupendous master-works, which, in spite of the violent storm of opposition they had to encounter, both on account of their novelty and on account of the personal enmitj" His attack on other produc- tions. His great Master -works. 122 LESSORS IN MUSrCAL HISTORY. their author had incurred by his audacious polemics against established and long-cherished ideals, forced their way to recognition, chal- lenged, and gradually commanded the respect and admiration of the best minds, and stand to-day acknowledged as among the most colos- sal products of human genius. He had now reached his intellectual maturity, and had made clear his own ideals to his own mind, partly by his attempts to embody them in his music- dramas, and partly by his efforts to explain them to others in his controversal writings. Henceforth, he looked not only on "Rienzi" and "The Flying Dutchman," but also on " Tannhauser " and " Lohengrin," far in ad- vance of popular appreciation as they then were, as mere apprentice work the necessary preparation for his mature period of produc- tion. In " Tristan and Isolde " he fully and satisfactorily embodied his ripe views, and" fol- lowed it up with his great tetralogy, based on the " Xiebelungen Lied," called, " Der Ring des Niebelungen," a series of four connected music- dramas, "Das Rhinegold," "Die Walkiire," " Siegfried " and " Gotterdamerung." The list of his masterpieces closes with " Die Meis- tersinger," his sole effort at comedy, and " Par- sifal," which deals with the legend of the Holy Grail. In consonance with the principles above stated, these works show important peculiari- ties of structure. They dispense entirely with the traditional operatic and instrumental forms. There are no arias, no "closed" forms any- where. Wherever the action goes on the music goes on. The continuous flow of melody cor- responds to the emotional current of the Tristan and JMtfe. The Niebel- ungen. Tetralogy. Thf Jfaster- singers. Structure of these musle- Arainas. GERMAN OPERA. 123 drama,. The vocal parts are more impassioned declamation than singing in the traditional sense. The orchestra has a principal place in- stead of being subordinated to a mere accom- paniment. Each leading character is indicated or suggested by a characteristic " leading-mo- tive," and these motives are continually inter- mingled in the orchestra in a complex web of melodies varying according to the dramatic situations, and to the progress of events upon the stage. Nowhere is the attention of the auditor withdrawn for an instant from the mat- ter in hand. All the elements present combine into one grand, artistic whole. From the be- ginning the interest is concentrated on the progress of events, until the drama culminates in a, magnificent climax. In all the essential requirements of an art-work, unity, variety, sym- metry, contrast, climax, these music-dramas are ideally perfect. In harmony, Wagner was an innovator. The essential peculiarity of his harmonies lies in his recognition of the value and naturalness of the third and sixth relationships.* There had been hints of this in Beethoven, Schubert, and others. But in Wagner the principle comes, for the first time, to its full recognition and application. He broadened the conception of tonality to its utmost limits, to the utter confu- sion of contemporary theorists. No stricture on him was more common than the assertion that his music was devoid of tonality. It is now beginning to be recognized that even those harmonic connections in his works which once * See the writer's " New Lessons in Harmony." To pursue this subject in detail here would take up too much space. Peculiarity o} his Harmony. 124 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. ffit orehestra- tif>n. His creative power , and energy and commanding influenc'. seemed most forced, strange, and unnatural, are really simple and easily comprehended. He merely discovered, clearly recognized and applied certain natural principles of harmonic relationships which had been overlooked by his predecessors. This is one of the strongest evi- dences of his genius. It was real creative in- sight. His orchestration is as original as his har- mony. The most impressive quality of it is a rich sonority, which makes even the colossal Beethoven symphonies sound somewhat small in comparison. Yet, Wagner's orchestration is by no means noisy. It is surprising, when one thinks of it, how sparingly he uses the brass instruments, and how few additions of special instruments he has made to the Bee- thoven orchestra. The overwhelming sonority of his scores seems to be due mainly to the dis- tribution of harmonic elements, and" to the rich- ness and variety of the chords themselves. It shows what can be done by a great master with resources which, in the hands of a com- monplace composer, would produce only insig- nificant effects. Whatever we may think of Wagner's the- ories, or of certain details in them; whether he was or was not more or less one-sided; whether he did or did not exaggerate this or that truth at the expense of others which will sooner or later claim and obtain recognition, the facts will always remain that he created some of the most important and effective art-works the world has yet seen, that he occupied a most commanding position during a large part of the present century, and that he possessed an intellect and a creative power never surpassed GERMAN OPERA. 125 and seldom equaled in the world's history until now. He won worldly success, also. Failing a second time in Paris, after he left Switzerland, he turned again to Germany, made his way gradually, and in 1864 was called to Munich by Ludwig II, who had just acceded to the throne of Bavaria. From that time until his death he enjoyed the support of his royal pa- tron, he outlived the worst of the opposition to his works, he actually got a special theatre built at Bayreuth, a little remote town, had it fitted according to his own ideas for the pro- duction of his own works, and thither the best and most intelligent musicians and connoisseurs flocked from all over the world to hear his music-dramas. In that theatre the orchestra and conductor are out of sight, the auditorium is in gloom, and the whole attention of the hearer is concentrated on the drama enacted before him on the stage. Recalls are unknown ; each singer devotes himself exclusively to the interpretation of the drama ; in short, it is a temple where art alone is worshipped and where self-seeking vanity is sacrilege. The man who achieved such results may have made mistakes ; he had his errors, follies, weaknesses; but he also had splendid, noble qualities, he believed in his ideals, he had the courage of his convictions, faith in himself, indomitable energy, perseverance and courage. He made the world go his way at last, and his achievements are a permanent enrichment of the world's intellectual and spiritual life. Sis worldly success. Sayreufh 1876. Kummarv 126 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. QUESTIONS. In what city was the earliest advance made towards the production of real German opera? Name one of the most important composers there give dates, at least approximately, and give some account of his character and work. Name other composers of that city. What is a " Sing spiel " ? Give an account of Mozart's work. Give dates of his birth and death. What opera did Beethoven write? Did it involve any new principles of dramatic compo- sition ? What is the general tone and spirit of it? Give dates of Beethoven's birth and death? Who gave the first effective impulse toward the produc- tion of German opera ? Give dates of his birth and death. What opera produced this result? In what year was it composed and where ? Name the two other great operas of this composer? What great period of musical art begins with Weber? State, as clearly as you can, the difference between the "classical" and "romantic" ideals. What periods of history have been specially favorable to the development of "romantic" art and literature and why ? What era gave rise to romantic literature and music in Germany? Name two of Weber's greatest successors and their most important works. In whose work has German opera culminated? Give dates of Wagner's birth and death. Give some account of his mental activity in his child- hood and youth and of his education. In what cities was he conductor of opera during hit apprentice period ? What was his first important opera ? To what city did he go to get it performed? By what route? Describe his fortunes there. What was his second great opera ? Where were his third and fourth written and ho\? came he there ? GERMAN OPERA. 127 What were they, and what was their fate ? How came he to leave Dresden ? Where and how did he spend the next period of his life? Where did he live from 1864 to 1883 ? Name his remaining operas. Give some account of the Bayreuth Theatre. Give an account of Wagner's theory of the music-drama. Describe the peculiarities of structure in his later works What are the most striking innovations in Wagner'*- harmony ? Of his orchestration ? Give a brief summary of his character, work and place in musical history. Italian. Pre- dominance of the formal element. French and German. Pre~ dominance of the dramatic element. LESSON XIV. THE OPERA: SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK. THE music-drama, started in Italy almost three centuries ago, has developed along two great lines. In Italy its course was in the direction of musical form. The musical part of the opera was exalted at the expense of the dramatic element, with the inevitable result of making the singers eventually the ruling per- sonages of the opera. Vocal attainments and vocal display naturally and inevitably became the prominent feature; singers were no longer interpreters of a dramatic work, and Italian opera was degraded from the ennobling aims of the drama to a mere entertainment. It cul- minated, so far as this tendency is concerned, in the brilliant, hollow, showy but enticing operas of Rossini. Verdi's tendencies have been toward higher aims, and there are not wanting signs that Italian opera is to be regenerated, largely through the influence of Germany and espe- cially of Wagner. The other line was that looking toward dra- matic truthfulness of expression as the true aim of opera, and making the musical element subordinate to this end. To the French be- longs the credit of keeping this ideal alive when Italy had lost it, and for a century or more before there was any independent national opera elsewhere. As regards this, its true ideal, French opera culminates in the works of Gluck. Meyerbeer, the greatest Parisian favorite since Gluck, among composers of grand 128 THE OPERA; SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK, 129 opera, was nearly as insincere and as con- sciencless as Rossini himself, and contributed in no small degree to the degradation of French taste. Ballet, scenic display, sensationalism, these are but too prevalent now in French grand opera, and as for comic opera, one needs only to mention Offenbach to be conscious of how low French taste for "amusement" has fallen. But Gounod and Saint-Saens, at least, are redeeming elements of a high class, and there are indications of radical improvement. The honor of developing opera in the line of the true music-drama passed over to Germany about 1820. The two great names are Weber and Wagner, in which last it has reached a height the immensity of which we cannot yet fairly estimate and beyond which we cannot yet see. No one can prophesy the future of German opera. There are signs, however, that serious aims in opera are not to be given up. Anton Rubinstein's " Nero " is a work whose merits are highly extolled, and Hermann Goetz's (1840-1876) "Taming of the Shrew" was an admirable work, and gave great promise of what might have been but for the untimely death of its author. But probably little remains for young composers, at present, except to imitate Wagner. Such periods as his are commonly followed by periods of rest and a lying fallow of the creative imagination before another great period of production can come. Minds like Wagner's appear only at rare intervals. The field of comic opera and of operetta has been well worked in Germany, and especially in Vienna, which pleasure-loving city fairly vies with Paris in its craving for amusement. Resi- dent composers have not been slow to provide Anton Rubinstein Hermann Ooetz. Viennese composers of operetta. 130 THE OPERA: SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK. Xlcolat. Opera in l.n'jlau'1. it, and the operettas of Suppe, Strauss, Genee and Milloecker have nearly or quite crowded out Offenbach's in Europe and in America. In North Germany there has been less of this sort of work, composers there rarely descending be- low comedy to farce. Nicolai's ' Merry Wives of Windsor " is a fair example of the type of comic opera in North Germany, as Suppe's " Boccacio " is of the Viennese operetta. All this activity on the lighter side of the musical stage has gone on side by side with the serious work of Wagner, and there are no signs of its diminution. In England there has been no original school of opera. English composers of more or less talent have followed on the lines of Italian, French and German composers, and have pro- duced works of some merit, though it would be difficult to mention any such works that are likely to prove lasting. The two most impor- tant of the older names are M. W. Balfe (1808- 1870), who wrote a considerable number of operas, the best of which was " The Bohemian Girl," and W. V. Wallace (1814-1865), whose best opera was " Maritana." To these names should be added two foreigners, long resident in London, Sir Michal Costa (1810-1 884), and Sir Julius Benedict (1804-1885). Sir Arthur S. Sullivan (born 1842) is now extremely conspicuous in the field of the oper- etta. He owes a great deal to his librettist, W. S. Gilbert, who is an adept in the manufac- ture of droll absurdities in rhyme. His libret- tos are wholly free from the risky situations improper suggestions which characterize Balfe. Wallace. Oosta. Benedict. and so many of the Parisian and Viennese operettas, a fact to which they doubtless owe no small LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 131 portion of their popularity among the best classes in England and America. Sullivan is not a composer of any marked originality. His scores are full of reminiscences and borrowed ideas. But both he and Gilbert are clever writers and skillful purveyors of amusing trifles, and have won an enormous popularity. Their H. M. S. Pinafore was their first successful operetta. It had a great run in England and an enormous one in this country. It was fol- lowed by Patience, lolanthe and The Mikado, all of which have been successful. Frederick H. Cowen (born 1852) is an opera composer of promise, who has done excel- lent work in the field of instrumental music. A. G. Mackenzie (born 1847) has done nothing yet in the field of opera, but his other work suggests that he might be successful here also. England has at present a number of thoughtful, earnest, native composers ; but there is nothing to indicate that they are about to originate a national school of opera, unless, indeed, we look on the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas as a national type. The librettos, at least, could have been produced nowhere but in England. In America, thus far, there have been but few attempts at operatic composition, and none of them have yet won a pronounced success. 132 THE OPERA: SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK. QUESTIONS. What were the two great lines along which opera developed? What was the result of the Italian method ? In whom did this tendency culminate? What great Italian composer has shown himself some- what superior to this tendency? Have the French maintained their original standard of opera? Name two prominent composers whose influence tended to degrade it. Who adopted the French ideal and improved on what that nation had done ? Name two great contemporaries of Wagner. Name some of the Viennese composers of operetta. Name the prominent English composers of opera ano operetta. LESSON XY. ORATORIO, CANTATA, PASSION MUSIC AND SACRED MUSIC FROM 1700 TO THE PRESENT. MOST of the opera composers of the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries wrote more or less church music, and many of them wrote also oratorios and secular cantatas. There was a gradual broadening of the forms and a growing freedom of treatment until the oratorio culmi- nated, as regards perfection of form and dignity and nobility of content in the works of George Frederick Haendel (1685-1759). He was a Saxon by birth, showed musical giits in early childhood, mastered all or nearly all the musical knowledge of his time while he was still a youth r spent some time in the Hamburg opera, went to Italy for what he could learn there, then became conductor and composer in Hanover, but soon went to London, where he spent the rest of his life. He wrote a good deal of music for the organ, harpsicnord and violin, but devoted him- self mainly to the Italian opera, on the model of Alessandro Scarlatti. He was composer, conductor and theatre manager, all in one, and wrote forty-six operas, which survive now only in detached arias. His career as an opera com- poser closed in 1740. He had failed two or three times, owing to quarrels with the nobility, the only patrons of the opera at that time, and thenceforth devoted himself to oratorio exclu- sively. He had already done some work in this field. Esther, Deborah, Athalia, and the cantata Ads and Galatea antedate his withdrawal from the opera, and so do his Anthems and the Det- 133 Haendel 1GS5-1759. 134 ORATORIO, CANTATA, PASSION, SACRED MUST His great oratorios. Distinction between " oratorios," "sacred aaUatcu" and" secular cantatas." Israel in Baypt. The Messiah. tingen Te Deum. His greatest oratorios, written in the full maturity of his powers are The Messiah and Israel in Egypt. Others which approximate these are Judas Mac cabaeus, Saul. Samson, Joseph, Joshua, Susanna, Solomon, Theodora and Jephtha. The Messiah and Israel in Egypt are the only ones which employ scrip- tural words exclusively. The others have tests based on scriptural stories, written by con- temporary authors of reputation, and might appropriately be called " sacred cantatas." " Ora- torios," " sacred cantatas " and u secular canta- tas" have precisely the same form, differing only in the character of the words. All three are written for solos, chorus and orchestra. The solo parts consist of recitatives and arias, then there are commonly duets, trios, quartets, etc., for solo voices. But the most characteristic feature is the chorus, a large part of the genius and skill of the composer being spent on the choral writing. Israel in Egypt is a chain of colossal choruses, many of them double chor- uses, for two choirs. The solo work is compara- tively slight. It is given much less frequently than The Messiah, which has become the com- mon property of all English speaking men and is now given every Christmastide in many places in England and America. It owes its enormous popularity largely to Haendel's happy selection of his text from the Holy Scripture. He had a special aptitude for appreciating and expressing the sublime, and The Messiah, perhaps even more than Israel in Egypt, shows him at his best. It was written in an incredibly short time and with the greatest facility, and everywhere displays the hand of a great master. The steady march of his magnificent choruses has never LESSONS /JV MUSICAL HISTORY. 135 ceased to uplift and to inspire the souls of thousands, and the noble climaxes of the Halle- lujah chorus and Worthy is the Lamb have never been surpassed in choral writing. There are tender passages, too, such as the part beginning " Behold the Lamb of God." The contralto aria " He was despised " and the short tenor aria " Behold and see " are unsurpassed in pathos, and the noble soprano air" I know that my Redeemer liveth " is perhaps as immortal as the sublime hope and faith of which it is the worthy expression. There is a good deal, how- ever, in The Messiah which betrays the Italian opera composer. In the soprano air " Rejoice greatly, "and in numerous other portions of the work there are roulades and fioriture which are much more suggestive of solo display than of devout worship. Notwithstanding the fact that even these portions of the work correspond in their general emotional tone to the sentiment of the text, they are largely made up of ele- ments which are temporary and according to the fashions of the time rather than permanent and universal. It is probable that this will become more and more clear to the general musical perception as men become gradually familiar with the noble, serious music of Wag- ner's Lohengrin and Parsifal, and that The Messiah, as a whole, will suffer by comparison. There are not wanting signs that the time will come when the musical world may possibly receive more religious inspiration from Wagner than from Haendel, though this opinion must now seem extremely heretical. The Passion Music differs from oratorio, first, in confining itself in its selection of Scriptural texts to those portions of the Gospels narrating Influence of Italian opera inthf. Messiah. Cnmparison of War/ner with Haendel. Passion Music. 186 ORATORIO, CANTATA, PASSION, SACRED MUSIC. f. S. Bach, 1685-1750. St. Matthew, Passion Music. the suffering and death of Christ; and second, in combining with the Scriptural narrative solos expressive of the emotions of the individual believer and choruses to express the feelings of the multitude. Both these latter have words not taken from the Scriptures. Most, if not all, the examples known were written for actual use in church service on Good Frida}'. The great master in this form was Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Like Haendel, he was a Saxon by birth, began his musical edu- cation in early childhood, mastered the harpsi- chord, violin and organ, became the greatest organist and fugue-writer of his time, perhaps of all time, and finished his life as organist and choir-master in the Church of St. Thomas in Leipzig. This position he occupied for twenty- seven years, writing hundreds of motets, canta- tas, chorals, etc., for the use of his choir. He is said to have written five separate examples of" Passion Music," the greatest of them being the "Passion Music according to St. Matthew," a colossal work in every respect and a perma- nent embodiment of this phase of Christian faith and worship. It was first given at the Good Friday service of 1729, and then was laid aside for a whole century. It was revived by Mendelssohn and his friend Edward Devrient in 1829, and is now given publicly every year in Leipzig and elsewhere. Not only did the Passion Music culminate with Bach's great work, but it seems to have ended with it. Since that time, so far as the present writer's recollection goes, there has been no art-work of importance of this kind. The oratorio, however, has been successfully cultivated. The most conspicuous examples of LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 137 it since Haendel have been The Creation, by Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), which perhaps ought to be called a sacred cantata, and the two oratorios St. Paul and Elijah, by Felix Men- delssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847). The latter, especially, is of a highly dramatic character. Unlike The Messiah, it illustrates the progress of a story, and is a real music-drama, without action or scenic accessories. Both musically and dramatically, it is of a very high order of merit, and its climaxes are exceedingly effective. So is that of the first part of St. Paul. These two oratorios would be sufficient to give Men- delssohn a permanent place in musical history, if he had written nothing else. Since Mendelssohn a good many oratorios of merit have been written. Conspicuous among them are Naaman, by Sir Michael Costa ; Christus, by Fredrick Kiel (1821-1885), late professor of composition in the High School of music in Berlin ; Calvary, by Ludwig Spohr (1784-1859), and in America, St. Peter, by John K. Paine (born 1839), professor of music in Harvard University. Related to this are sacred art-forms intended for concert performance rather than for church service. Such are the great mass in B minor, by J. S. Bach, some of the masses of Mozart, particularly his Requiem, those of Beethoven, especially the great Missa Solennis in D major, Rossini's Stabat Mater, a brilliant and effective, but insincere and non-religious work, Cheru- bini's " Requiem, Berlioz's Requiem, Yerdi's ' Manzoni " Requiem, etc. The masses for the Catholic church service have been numerous, but none of them have ever approximated the dignity, nobility and LESSON XV. Haydn. Mendelssohn. Cb.ita. Kiel. Spohr. Paine. Concert, Mitssev, etc. Church Musto 138 Jforitz flauptman\ Crtylhh ana A**rt/ in CAx^Cft ,\ \tsic ORATORIO, CANTATA, PASSION, SACRED HUSIC. serene religious feeling of Palestrina. Many modern masses, especially by Italian and French composers, are showy, false and mere- tricious to the last degree. The Lutheran Church music is based on the choral. Its art- forms consist mainly in motets and short sacred cantatas. Bach wrote them in great numbers, and most German composers since his time have written more or less of them, especially motets. Moritz Hauptmann (1792-1868) one of Bach's successors in his Leipzig post, was one of the best of motet composers, distinguish- ing himself in this field of composition more than in any other, and surpassing most if not all others in it. In the Anglican Church, the Anthem is the most important form, and well- trained English composers, from the madrigal composers down, have written anthems for the church service. The other Protestant sects have mostly eschewed the chants of the Angli- can Church, but have largely adopted her hymn- tunes and in part her anthems. They have also borrowed motets, etc., from German sources. Besides this, many congregations use frequent arrangements from operas, secular songs, etc., set to sacred words, not always in the best taste. The hymn-tunes and especially the Sunday School tunes of this country are^ often mere jingle, wholly unrelated to true religious feeling and corrupting to the taste of those who habitually use them. But there are also excellent tunes in use, and on the whole, the tendency is probably toward better and higher things. Among our best native church music is the work of Dudley Buck, whose two motette collections have exercised an elevating influence on American church music. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 139 The secular cantata has been cultivated from the time of the birth of the oratorio. Bach and Haendel wrote cantatas, Haydn wrote The Seasons, Mendelssohn wrote Antigone and others, Schumann wrote Paradise and the Peri, based on Moore's " Lalla Rookh," and the ex- amples since are too numerous to mention. Bei'lioz's splendid Damnation of Faust belongs to this species. Conspicuous among later German works are Max Bruch's (born 1838) Lay of the Bell and Frithjof, Heinrich Hoffman's (born 1842) Cinderella, Johannes Brahms' (born 1833) Einaldo, Song of Fate, and others, and Anton Dvorak's (born 1841) The Spectre's Bride. In England A. C. Macken- zie's (born 1847) Hose of Sharon is perhaps the best work of this kind. Sir Arthur S. Sullivan (born 1842) has written The Prodigal Son and a setting of Longfellow's Golden Legend, but the latter is inferior in every respect to that of our own Dudley Buck (born 1839), who has also written The Legend of Don Munio,&i\d a " Cen- tennial " cantata. J. K. Paine's Oedipus is an excellent work. Most of these works are essentially operas without action. Rrc.ular Cantatas 140 ORATORIO, CANTATA, PASSION, SACRED MUSIC. QUESTIONS. In whose works did the oratorio culminate ? Name his two greatest oratorios. How came Haendel to devote himself to writing ora- torios ? Describe the distinctions between " oratorios " and sacred and secular " cantatas." Tell what you know of the peculiarities of The Messiah and Israel in Egypt. How does the " Passion Music " differ from " oratorio"? Who wrote the greatest work in this kind ? What do you know of him and of his work? Who wrote The Creation f What do you know of Mendelssohn's oratorios? Name them. Name some other oratorios and their composers. Name some great masses intended for concert perform- ance. Name one of the greatest motet composers. Describe the condition of English and American sacred music. Name an important American composer in this field, Name several prominent composers of cantatas and theb principal works. LESSON XVI. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SONG. SONGS were among the earlie-st, probably the \ery earliest, manifestations of what could be called music. The impulse to express feeling vocally is universal. All the world over women have sung lullabys to their babes, and men have given vocal expression to emotional excitement. The feeling for rhythm, too, is universal. The monotonous chants of savages naturally and spontaneously fall into measured cadences, and their war songs are accompanied by the rhyth- mical beating of drums, gongs, etc. Out of this natural feeling for melody and rhythm grew both lyric poetry and the music to which it was sung. The early song is, in fact, com- monly a four line ballad stanza, fitting exactly to an eight-measure musical period having two four-measure clauses (or sections), each sub- divided into two phrases of two measures each. The plan of such a period then is as follows : 4 meas. clause. 4 meas. clause. 1st Phrase. 2d Phrase. 3d Phrase. 4th Phrase. The first phrase rhymes with the third and the fourth with the second, i. e., the third is a nearly or quite exact repetition of the first, and the fourth repeats the second, but commonly with a different close. Quite often, however, the fourth differs from the second more than merely in the close. The two clauses stand in the relation of antecedent and consequent (Thesis and Antithesis). This simple period- 141 Genesis of Song. Metrical Form.. The simple period. 142 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SONG. Two period* with connecting link, (refrain.) Development of Form. The elaborate long of the Romantic epoch. Schubert, 1797-1828. form, applied to the first stanza of a ballad, used to be applied equally to all the rest, the same tune being used for all the stanzas. Sometimes there is a short refrain of two lines after the stanza, and then the stanza is repeated. An excellent example of this is the ancient French tune " Malbrook," known in this coun- try as "We Won't Go Home Till Morning." Here the two-phrase refrain is in the nature of a connecting link between two repetitions of the main period, and the whole is the germ of what some writers call the " First Rondo- Form." These simple formations were more or less extended as Form was developed in the, hands of the great masters. The arias of the great operas and oratorios were elaborate forms, either in the smaller rondo-form or in the composite primary forms, and the more elaborate songs of Mozart, and especially of Beethoven, were built on a similiar plan. But it ought to be noted that the more elaborate of these songs and arias were often, if not gener- ally, set to words not cast in the ballad mould. Even the great masters, when they treated the ballad stanza, were apt to make a single air do duty for a good many stanzas. With the rise of the romantic epoch came the feeling that every portion of the song ought to have its special, appropriate form of emo- tional expression in music. The man who once for all established this principle in song-writing, and made the emotional character of the sepa- rate stanzas the governing principle in the music, was Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828). In spite of what had been done before him, his work was so important, both in quantity and in quality, that he is regarded as the creator of LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 143 the German art-song, as opposed to the folk- song, or popular ballad. In Schubert's songs, the instrumental portion takes a much more prominent place than in the folk-song and in the songs of the masters who had preceded him. It is no longer a mere accompaniment ; it is an essential portion of the emotional interpreta- tion of the poem, has independent melodic value, and frequently takes the principal mel- ody, the vocal part being subordinate. In this respect, Schubert's innnovations in the song are closely analogous to those of Wagner in the opera, where the orchestral portion is as important as the vocal, or even more so. Schu- bert wrote some six hundred songs, and set to music a large part of the German lyric poetry known in his day, and no small portion of the English. He was a creative genius of the first rank as regards spontaneity in the invention of beautiful and characteristic melodies, and his work constitutes an art-treasure of perma nent value. Following him came the great romanticists, Mendelssohn (1809-1847), Schumann (1810- 1856), and later, Robert Franz (born 1815), a most original and charming composer. Among the greatest of living song-writers are Anton Rubinstein (born 1830), and Johannes Brahms (born 1833). There is a host of song composers of merit, both contemporary with these men and younger than they. They are far too numerous to mention, and mention is the less needed, as none of them have made any innovations on the principles of the romantic writers. They have simply enriched musical literature with numerous songs, more or less excellent. Sfendelssotm. Schumann. Robert Frana Bubinstein. rahm. 144 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SONG. LXSSOH XVI. QUESTIONS. In what impulse of human nature did vocal music take its rise ? What determined the form of the simple period ? Give plan. Do lyric popular ballads commonly have more than one tune for the different stanzas? Give an example of ballad stanzas with a refrain. Of what art-form is this the germ? What is the essential difference between the lyric ballad and the art-song, as developed in the romantic period? What was the feeling which led to the development of the art-song ? Who was the great composer of such songs ? Give dates. What is the relation of the instrumental to the vocal portion of Schubert's songs ? Give some account of his work, both in quantity and quality. Give names of later song composers of the first rank. LESSON" XVII. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC FROM 1700 TO THE PRESENT. THE germs of the symphony, as we have seen, were in the opera overtures of Lully and of Alessandro Scarlatti. The three parts of which they were composed became separated after the overture began to be used as a sepa- rate instrumental piece in concert performances, and thus it became the modern symphony. The sonata, originally a piece in one movement, also took on the same form as the symphony.* J. S. Bach and Haendel cast a great deal of their harpsichord music in the form of suites, generally consisting of six or eight dance tunes, contrasted with one another in tempo, but all in the same key. Johann Kuhnau (1667-1722), Bach's predecessor at Leipzig, was the first man who used the title " sonata " for his harpsi- chord music. Domenico Scarlatti (1683-1757), son of Alessandro, was a great harpsichord vir- tuoso. He wrote numerous " sonatas " in one movement for his instrument, which differed little, if any, from the single movements of Bach's suites. All the composers of the time wrote fugues, Bach's " Well Tempered Clavi- chord " and his organ fugues being the culmi- nating point of this style. The first to write sonatas for the harpsi- chord in three movements was Carl Phillip Em- manuel Bach (1711-1788), son of J. S., for a long time court-pianist to Frederick the Great of Prussia, and afterwards settled in Hamburg. * For a fuller exposition of the sonata, see the writer's " History of Piano-Forte Music." 145 Origin of th> symphony. The Suite. The Sonata. Jiuhnau. D. Scarlatti. C. f. . Barn 1711-1788. 146 LMIKMI XVIL Hm/dn, Mozart, 1766-1791. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PAST AND PRESENT. His style differs greatly from that of his father, and he is the real creator of the modern sonata, for Haydn, Mozart, and even Beethoven mod- eled on him. The French contemporaries of Bach and Haendel, Rameau, Couperin, Mar- chand, etc., have been referred to in a previous lesson. After Emmanuel Bach had outlined the so- nata, it was taken up by Joseph Haydn (1732- 1809) in Vienna. He wrote a great number of piano-forte sonatas, trios, string quartets and symphonies (one hundred and eighteen of the latter), all in the same form, and showed so much inventive genius, originality and skill that he is by far the most prominent figure of his time in instrumental music. His work marks an epoch in this field. W. A. Mozart (1756-1791) lived during Haydn's career, had the benefit of his work, possessed a splendid originality, and surpassed Haydn in the development of his forms, and in the richness, fulness and variety of his instru- mental combinations. The most of Haydn's symphonies were written for a small orchestra, made up of the usual string quintet (first and second violins, viola, violoncello and double bass), two oboes and two horns. Mozart added to these two flutes, two clarionets, two fagotti (bassoons), two trumpets and two kettle-drums. Haydn's later symphonies, after Mozart's work was published, approximated his in fulness. Both had the four great families of instruments : viz., 1, stringed instruments played with a bow ; 2, wood-wind ; 3, brass; and 4, instruments of percussion. In his three greatest symphonies, the "Jupiter" in C, the G'minor,and the E-flat major, Mozart not only developed the symphony LESSONS TN MUSICAL HISTORY. 147 form to its utmost limits, but enriched the world with beautiful instrumental combinations greatly in advance of Haydn, and hardly surpassed by even Beethoven himself. Mozart wrote a vast quantity of piano music, chamber music, songs, and orchestral music, besides his operas, church music, and forty-one symphonies. Ludwig von Beethoven (1770-1821) was the next great symphony writer, although he was much less prolific than Mozart or Haydn. He wrote only nine symphonies, the last closing with a movement for solos, chorus, and orches- tra. He accepted the form of the symphony as completed by Mozart. He added to Mozart's orchestra two more horns and three trombones, a combination now known as" grand orchestra," and accepted by all symphony composers since. The piccolo and contra-bassoon he used but rarely. His acknowledged superiority to all other symphony writers before and since lies in the nobility, elevation and depth of the emo- tional content of his works. They reveal a moral earnestness and a high spiritual quality not to be found before him, nor after him until we come to Wagner. His chamber music, his church music, his one opera and his piano-forte sonatas display the same nobility of character, the same serious thoughtfulness and the same consummate mastery of style. Franz Schubert (1797-1827), the great song- writer, also wrote nine symphonies and a great quantity of piano-forte and chamber music, very little of which was performed during his lifetime. His greatest work is the ninth sym- phony, in C major. All these works are charac- terized by spontaneity, freshness of melodic invention, exquisite beauty of harmony, refine- 148 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PAST AND PRESENT. Weber Hummel. Other instrumental composers. ment,and,in the chamber and orchestral works, by extreme beauty in the instrumental combina- tions and contrasts. Most of them are prolix and lack mental concentration, and in general there is more vividness and exuberance of im- agination than intellectual restraint and self- control. He shows the dawning influence of the romantic period even more than Beetho- ven, who, more than any other composer, com- bines in himself tho superior excellences of both the classical and the romantic ideals. The opera overtures of C. M. von Weber, the great contemporary of Beethoven and Schu- bert, are instrumental compositions of high ex- cellence in every respect. They are romantic in spirit; but as regards form, do not depart from classical models. His piano-forte music is of less importance. Next to these three, their most reno-wned contemporary in the field of instrumental music was J. N. Hummel (1778-1837). In his time he had a great reputation as a pianist and a composer of piano-forte and chamber music, and some of his concertos and chamber compo- sitions are still played. Other composers of distinction in this field were Muzio dementi (1752-1832), Pleyel, Dussek, Steibelt, Woelfl, Cramer, Field, Hies,, Onslow, Moscheles, Czerny.* These names bring us up to and even beyond the opening of the romantic epoch, for Mos- cheles and Czerny outlived most of the great romantic composers. The four years, 1809- 1813, ushered into the world five great com- posers, whose work, taken together, constitutes * See the writer's " History of Piano-Forte Music," for a more definite account of these men and their work. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 149 the romantic epoch. These were Felix Men- delssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847), Frederic Chopin (1810-1849), Robert Schumann (1810- 1856), Franz Liszt (1811-1886) and Richard Wagner (1813-1883). To these names must be added that of Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), who wrote in the spirit of extreme romanticism, but his work was almost isolated, met with very little success during his lifetime, and exer- cised comparatively little influence in shaping the course of musical history. His symphonies, " Episode in the Life of an Artist," " Harold in Itaty," and others, are extremely fantastic. Of the others, Wagner's instrumental writing, although of great importance, was almost ex- clusively in his music-dramas, and has already been treated of under the head of German opera. Of the others, Mendelssohn, Schumann and Liszt wrote piano-forte music, chamber music and orchestral music. Chopin's writing, with the exceptions of his two concertos, a few other concerted pieces and some songs, was confined to the piano-forte. The work of these four men has been so fully estimated, especially as regards their piano-forte writing, in the pres- ent writer's " History of Piano-Forte Music," that the subject may be treated briefly here. Mendelssohn was, by nature and education, a classical composer. He modeled on the classic writers ; the violence, self-assertion and stormy passion of the extreme romanticists was foreign to his nature and repulsive to his taste. His music is. above all, refined, elegant, graceful.. His style is clear and finished. But he could not escape the influences of his time, and was more or less of a romantic composer, whether he would or no. Probably his greatest The R(/mantlc composers. Berlioz, Mendelssohn, 1809-1847. 150 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PAST AND PRESENT. Lsso XVII. Schumann. lBlO-18,%. orchestral work is the overture to Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream," a thoroughly romantic work in every respect. He is roman tic, also, in that he sought, in his overture, " The Hebrides," his " Italian," " Scotch" and " Reformation " symphonies, and in his " Songs Without Words " for the piano-forte, to express emotions connected with definite scenes. He wrote a great deal for the piano-forte and for the organ, and some excellent chamber music, besides his orchestral works. Schumann was constitutionally a romanticist, and his natural tendency was fostered by his early reading of the German romantic litera- ture. He was taciturn, but the passion which did not express itself in words or behavior found vent in his music. His songs, his piano- forte works, his chamber music, his symphonies, are characterized by profound feeling, by burn- ing passion, often by headlong impetuosity. His imagination is vivid and powerful, but he has also light and playful fancy. His intellect was characterized by strength and depth, rather than by clearness. His style as a com- poser is bold and original, but often somewhat obscure. This last quality is partly due to his original and peculiar rhythms. He was late in mastering the technic of composition, and never had it at such complete command as did Mendelssohn, whose " Midsummer Night's Dream " overture, perhaps his greatest orches- tral work, was written when he was only seven- teen years of age. Schumann wrote several symphonies, an opera, " Genoveva," and some cantatas ; but he will probably live in history by his piano-forte music, especially the Fantasia op. 17, the Etit- LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 151 des Symphoniques, the Kreisleriana, the Novel- ettes, the Fantasy Pieces and the Forest Scenes, by his songs and his chamber music. Schumann can hardly be said to have originated any new forms ; his forms are adopted or slightly modi- fied from the traditional ones. He is at his best when, using the simpler forms, under no re- straints imposed by an elaborate plan, he gives free rein to his imagination, and allows the stream of his romantic feeling to flow without hindrance. Chopin was perhaps the most strikingly original of all the romantic writers except Wagner. His reputation depends exclusively on his piano-forte music. It is characterized by extreme refinement and finish, by elegance and grace, but some of it also by a volcanic passion which knows no restraint but that imposed by an exquisitely refined artistic per- ception. Chopin is profoundly original in his melodies and embellishments, in his harmonies and cadences, and in his applications of the principles of form. Among his greatest works may be named the two concertos, especially the one in E minor, the Etudes, op. 10 and op. 25, some of the Polonaises, especially those in E ilat and in A flat, the Scherzos, the Ballades, the Impromptus and the Fantasie in F minor. But hardly less original and fine are the Noc- turnes, Mazurkas and Preludes and, in truth, he has written almost nothing which would not be sufficient to stamp him as an epoch-making composer. Liszt will be known in history as the man who, more than any other, developed the mod- ern piano-forte to its highest capacity, by the demands which his works make on the instru- 152 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PAST AND PRESENT. Lnsn* XVI I. The Symphonic Poem compared with the symphony. ment, especially as regards sonority. He also ranks as the greatest of piano-forte virtuosi. But he will also be known as the inventor of the " Symphonic Poem," an important modifica- tion of the orchestral symphony. The Symphony, as developed by Haydn and Mozart and applied to the highest ends of emotional expression by Beethoven, may be regarded as the culmination of classical form. In its most elaborate form, it consisted of four separate pieces or " movements," contrasted with one another in tempo and in emotional character. One of these movements was always a " sonata-form," * the most elaborate of the different forms of the classical epoch. The symphonic poem, on the other hand, is the culmination of the romantic ideal in the field of instrumental music. That ideal de- mands that form shall be subordinate to con- tent ; that the free expression of feeling shall be the first aim and end of music ; and it re- gards form merely as an indispensable means to this end. In the symphony, each separate movement serves to express a separate phase of emotional experience. It comes to an end, the players stop, and the work enters upon an- other phase of feeling, disconnected with what precedes and what follows. But in actual ex- perience, feeling is continuous throughout our waking hours. One emotion fades into another, or is replaced by another, without any break in consciousness. Commonly, each phase of feel- ing is developed from those which went before it ; when it is not, there is either a profound modification of feeling or a change, which may *See the chapter on "Form " in the writer's "History of Piano-Forte Music," or any good work on musical form. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. amount to revolution, by the occurrence of some unexpected event. The symphonic poem seeks to conform itself to these facts of emo- tional experience. Its movements follow each other without break, and it aims to express truthfully not only separate phases of feeling, but the connection and relation of these phases. It discards entirely the classical sonata-form, rondos and dance-forms, such as the scherzo and the minuet, and aims to determine the suc- cession and relation of its musical ideas solely in accordance with the exigencies of emotional expression. Of course, it must and does meet the intellectual and aesthetic requirements of every work of art. It must, in order to be beautiful, meet the demands of unity, variety, symmetry, contrast and climax. But this orderlj- arrangement of ideas is not, as in the classical symphony, predetermined according to a cut-and-dried formal plan, to which the emotional content is subordinate, but is de- pendent on the natural order and succession of the emotions to be expressed. In the sym- phony, the logical order is form first and con- tent second. In the symphonic poem, the logi- cal order is content first and form second. Form is only a means of expressing feeling. Perhaps a word may be needed here with ref- erence to the capacity of music to express feeling. No one will doubt that music is capable of expressing and revealing such simple emotional states as pain and pleasure. Every one regards certain music as cheerful, or joyous, or exultant, or martial, or sad, or solemn, or melancholy, etc., as the case may be. But can music express the more complex feel- ings, such as love, hate, anger, jealousy? The 154 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PAST AND PRESENT. LESBOS XT II Its limits "Programme Mule." answer is, yes and no. Love, for example, im- plies the relation of two persons, and these persons and their relation constitutes a neces- sary element of the conception. This element music cannot express. There is no musical formula, no succession or combination of tones which can represent to our minds a man or a woman, or the relation of the two. But the emotional element of the case, the states or movements of feeling involved, are expressible in music. It is entirely possible to write music which shall be universally acknowledged as ap- propriate to a love-scene, as revealing an emo- tional state which could exist under no other conditions. Love, then, is not merely a feeling, but the conception of it implies an intellectual as well as an emotional element, and this ele- ment must be supplied by words, or scenery, or pantomime, or by all three, if the conception is to come to complete and vivid realization. Music expresses only the emotional element, but it expresses it with a force, subtlety and intensity such as no other means of emotional expression can pretend to. These considera- tions are the true ground on which the Wagne- rian music-drama must rest for its justification. It is the union of all the arts for the complete embodiment of complex mental states and move- ments, such as cannot be fully and perfectly realized to- the imagination by means of any one of them alone, or perhaps even by any two in combination. The symphony and the symphonic poem, being instrumental music, can, of course, ex- press feeling and only feeling. But, since all our feelings, except occasionally the simplest ones, are induced by ideas, by scenes, events, LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 155 the relations of persons, etc., it was natural and perhaps inevitable, that the composer of the symphonic poem, starting from the desire to express definite feelings and laying out his emotional plan on which the form of his work was to depend, should imagine to himself some story. A connected series of events, power- fully affecting the feelings and progressing to a climax, would afford the needed basis for such a work, and would be likel}' to kindle his im- agination more vividly than would mere musical phrases unconnected in his mind with any characters or defined occurrences. This is what Liszt did. His symphonic poems bear such titles as "Mazeppa," "Tasso," "Hamlet," " Dante," "Prometheus," etc., and are attempts to express the train of emotions appropriate to the series of events in the stories, and to ex- press them in their natural connections and relations. Whether he aimed to express them with such definiteness as to make his music suggest clearly each separate incident of the story be- yond the possibility of mistake, may perhaps be questioned. The best of all his " symphonic poems" is probably " Les Preludes,'" 1 which aims to express the emotions awakened by a passage from Lamartine, the gist of which is that life in all its vicissitudes is but a prelude to eternity. This central thought gives scope for lofty feeling, noble aspiration, solemn, sub- lime emotion in the contemplation of Infinit}^, and for the contrast of such feelings with the ordinary experiences and passions of human nature. Liszt's success in this work is proba- bly due, not only to the more inspiring char- acter of his theme, but also to the fact that Llszfs symphonic poem "Jjfs Preludes." 156 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PAST AND PRESENT. LESSON XVII. ^Tendency to overstep the limits of expression in music. Liszt's place in musical history. there was no story. It is no part of the func- tion of music to tell a story. "While it may legitimately illustrate a story by intensifying the expression qf the feelings connected with it, there is a constant temptation, in a purety instrumental composition, where a story is used as basis, to make the music overstep its natural limitations. There will be a constant tendency to try, not only to express the feelings, but to suggest the ideas. There have been marvel- ously clever, ingenious and measurably suc- cessful instances of this in the "programme music " which makes up so large a portion of the work of the romantic writers, and to which Berlioz's symphonies and most "symphonic poems " belong. But, at best, such efforts can only be incompletely successful. Purely in- strumental music is better confined to the ex- pression of moods and movements of feelings without seeking to embody other than musical ideas. If a story is to be told, words or visible scenes and pantomime can express fully and clearly what music can, at best, only suggest vaguely and indefinitely. It is, perhaps, too earty to make a final esti- mate of Liszt's rank as a composer." His place in history, as regards his creative work, will ultimately depend on his intellect, imagination, originality, feelings and moral qualities. As regards intellect, imagination and originality he will rank high; though this latter quality showed itself less in power of melodic invention than in his innovations in harmony and in his extensions of the traditional limits of tonality. In these particulars he is hardly inferior to Wagner himself. But when we come to the content of his music, to the feelings he sought LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 157 to express and the moral qualities they reveal, it is at least very doubtful whether he can be accorded any but an interior rank. " Les Pre- ludes " is probably his greatest work, and it certainly deals with the noblest and most in- spiring themes, but it nevertheless reaches no such heights of elevated emotion as do the noblest works of Bach, of Beethoven or of Wagner. The moral implications of the best works of these three men are such as raise them high above the plane of feeling revealed in the best of Liszt's compositions. But the fascinating influence of his personality, the dazzling brilliancy of his performances as a piano-forte virtuoso, the force of his character, the consciousness of power and the quiet audac- ity with which he commanded worldly success, as well as some amiable and generous qualities, have so possessed the imaginations and blinded the perceptions of two generations of young musicians, that comparatively few of his con- temporaries are capable of applying sober judg- ment, either to his works or to his personal character, of which his works are the outcome. Later generations will probably judge his seri- ous defects much less leniently. Among the best writers - of " programme saint music" is Gamille St. Saens (born 1835), a Parisian organist, pianist, conductor and com- poser of great ability. His symphonic poems, " Phaeton," " Danse Macabre," " Le Rouet d' Omphale"and "La jeunesse d' Hercule " are extremely clever and successful attempts at suggesting the story indicated by the title, by means of characteristic musical treatment. But he has not confined himself to this field of com- position. He has also cultivated the classical 158 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PAST AND PRESENT. Other composers of instrumental music in our time. forms, writing symphonies, concertos, organ music and piano music, besides church music, an oratorio and several operas. He ranks high among living writers, and is the most origi- nal among the younger generation of French composers, as Berlioz is the most original in the generation which preceded him. His work is much more sane than that of his extremely eccentric predecessor, whose work, although it has latterly excited much interest as the work of a powerful intellect and a brilliant, vivid, heated imagination, is never likely to be accepted as a model. In one respect only has Berlioz's life-work been obviously productive of results in the musical world. He enriched the orchestra with new instruments and with new combinations and contrasts, producing many novelties in special effects. His work on in- strumentation has been widely studied and very influential. In Germany, composers of sonatas, sympho- nies and chamber music have been innumerable, this kind of work being aimed at by every ambitious student. The greatest names are Joachim Raff ( 1822-1 882), who occupies middle ground between the classical composers and the extreme romanticists ; Johannes Brahmes (born 1833), and Anton Rubinstein (born 1830), whose work is of the most important in our generation. Other noteworthy names in this field are Carl Eeinecke (born 1824), Niels W. Gade (born 181 T), Robert Volkmann (born 1815), W. Sterndale Bennett (1816-1875), an English pupil of Mendelssohn; Max Bruch (born 1838), Heinrich Hoffman (born 1842). 8. Jadassohn (born 1831), Anton Dvorak (pron. Dvorshak, born 1841), a most origi- LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 159 nal and eccentric genius ; Edw. Grieg (born 1843), /. L. Nicode (born 1853), Moriiz Moszkowski (born 1854), Philip Scharwenka (born 1847), and his brother, Xaver (born 1850), Peter Tschaikowsky (born 1840), G. Sgambati (born 1843), one of the best represent- atives of the New Italy, F. H. Cowen (born 1852), and A. G. Mackenzie (born 1847, in Eng- land), and John K. Paine (born 1839, in this country). This list might be indefinitely ex- tended. The mere mention of all the names of composers of ability and promise would take up too much space for our present limits. It is peculiarly gratifying to an American to see how many young composers are now coming forward in this country, with thoroughly creditable work. This remark would be still more forcible if applied only to pianists and composers for the piano-forte. America now contains a large number of these of very high standing, and their ranks are being constantly. recruited. Because of the primary importance of the violin as an orchestral instrument, this lesson would hardly be complete without a brief sketch of the progress of violin music since the time of Corelli. In his day, Italy was the home of violin music, as of all other music, and that country long retained her supremacy in this field. Omitting lesser names, the next great Italian violinist was Giuseppe Tartini (1692- 1770). He was a highly educated man, and contributed much not only to the development of violin-playing, but to general musical intelli- gence. He discovered the combination (re- sultant) tones, and utilized them as a means of securing pure intonation. He not only derived the major chord (over-chord) from the first six LISBON XVIt Violin music. Tartini. ir>o INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PAST AND PRESENT. LE.SOJ. XVII. Vfatti. Pnaanint, of the overtone series, as did Rameau,his great contemporary, but he succeeded, where Rameau had failed, in basing the minor chord (under- chord) on the undertone series. But, as in the time of Zarlino, who made the same discovery before him, this idea bore no fruit, because the mind of musical Europe was not yet prepared to receive it. Whether the time is even yet ripe for the inevitable revolution in harmonic conceptions consequent on this idea, remains to be seen. It doubtless lies at the foundation of scientific harmony teaching in the future, near or remote. Tartini was a prolific composer, writing a great deal of violin and chamber music. He had a romantic experience in early life, conse- quent on a secret marriage with a young lady related to Cardinal Cornaro, the discovery of which necessitated flight and a long conceal- ment in a monastery. Most of his life was passed as solo-violinist, orchestral conductor and teacher in Padua, where he founded a high school of violin playing. His compositions rank high, and are even now played. Another great Italian name in the field of violin-playing is Giovanni Battista Viotti (1753- 1824), called, "the father of modern violin- playing," and regarded as one of the most im- portant composers for his instrument. He wrote twenty-nine violin concertos, eighteen violin sonatas, and a great deal of chamber nmsic. A larger part of his life was spent in Paris, The greatest of ail Italian virtuosi on the violin, and probably the greatest player yet known, as regards technic, was Niccolo Pa- ganini (1774-1840). He was a Genoese, came LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 161 of an uncultivated family, had little or no edu- cation, and was by no means an admirable character. But he possessed special talent for music, early became a master of the violin, combined all the excellences of other virtuosi and surpassed them all, and astonished all Europe with his enormous technical attain- ments, and with the fire and passion of his playing. He was not an interpreter of the great classics for his instrument; he was original, wilful, capricious, and, above all, effective, not to say sensational. In France and Belgium, a French-speaking country, there have been many great violinists in our time Artot, Baillot, de Beriot, Lafont, Molique, Leonard, Vieuxtemps, Sauret, Rhode, Ovide Musin, and others. In Germany and elsewhere in Europe, the greatest names of our century are Spohr, Ferdinand David, long a distinguished teacher in the Leipzig Conserva- tory, Kreutzer, Ernst, Wienawski, Auer, Dan- da, Joseph Joachim, August Wilhelmi, Remenyi, Saraste. Many other distinguished players might be named, and there are now young vio- linists coming forward who bid fair to" rival the solo performances of the best of their predeces- sors. Modern 162 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PAST AND PRESENT Lssox XVII. QUESTIONS. How did the modern symphony arise? What is a "suite?" Who were the greatest writers of suites? Who was the first composer who employed the title sonata?" How many movements in D. Scarlatti's sonatas ? How did these differ from the pieces of Bach and laendel ? Who was the greatest composer of fugues? Who wrote the first harpischord sonatas in three move- ments ? What great composers modeled their sonatas on his ? Describe Haydn's services in the development of instru- mental music. How did Mozart's symphonies differ from Haydn's ? In whose works did the symphony form culminate ? Who is acknowledged as the greatest of symphony com- )osers and in what does his superiority consist ? Give some account of Schubert's instrumental music. Weber's. Name some noted contemporaries and successors of theirs. Who were the great romantic composers? Give some account of the works of Mendelssohn, Cho- pin and Schumann. Also of Berlioz and his works. Name some of the principal works of each of these composers. " By what achievements will Liszt be known in history? What is the characteristic difference between the Sym- phony and Symphonic Poem ? What is the relation of music, as a means of expression, to such emotions as love, hate, etc. ? What considerations justify Wagner's principles as a composer of music drama? How comes it that so many symphonic poems of Liszt and others have names-implying a story or underlying plot ? Can music tell a story ? If not, why not ? Given a story which excites a series of contrasted feel- ings, can music suggest the story to any one who knows beforehand what it is? LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 163 Would it be likely to suggest the story to any one who did not know beforehand that the composer had the story in mind when he wrote his music ? Name Liszt's greatest orchestral work. Why is it more successful than his other works? How does it compare in nobility with the greatest works of other great writers ? By what qualities will Liszt's final place in history be determined ? In which of these qualities is his pre-eminence doubt- ful? By what qualities did he become popular? Name the best of the younger French composers of programme music and give some account of his work. Give some of the greatest names in instrumental music in Europe and in America. Give some account of Tartini. Of Viotti. Of Paganini. Name some of the other great violinists. LEMON XVIII. Relation of Ancient to Modern Music. Twelve centuries of hut slight progren. LESSON XVIII. CONCLUSION. WE have now dealt, in outline, with the whole history of music as developed in the Christian Era. Pre-christian music has received but slight treatment, not because the subject is not in- teresting, but because it is greatly inferior in interest and importance to our own music. Ancient music, even in Greece, never passed a certain rudimentary stage, and it is to our own time that we must look for all the higher de- velopments of the art. Nevertheless, tbe Greek theory and practice, although the latter was imperfectly understood and the former grossly misapprehended, exercised on Christian music an influence so important that it seemed neces- sary to give a brief account of the Greek theory, at least, and to point out its relations to our own, as was done in Lesson I. But the limits of the space allowed forbade a complete state- ment of all the later refinements of Greek theory, such as the enharmonic and chromatic modes, etc. The history of modern music begins with the first attempts of Christian prelates to improve church music. The first events of note are few and far between. The setting up of singing schools and choirs in the early part of the fourth century, the establishment of the four f authen- tic " scales by St. Ambrose about the end of the same century, the addition of the four " plagal " scales by Gregory the Great, two hundred years later, the spread of the Gregorian chant under the Empire of Charlemagne, the first crude 164 LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTOEY. attempts at harmony by Hucbald, three hundred years after Gregory, the beginnings of our staff notation by Guido of Arezzo a hundred j*ears after Hucbald, the first use of notes to measure ^he length of tones by Franco, of Cologne, two hundred years later still, these are all the events of note in the development of scientific music for the first twelve centuries of Christianity. It was a thousand years after the early Christians began singing hymns in their worship before there was any adequate means of representing relative pitch, and twelve hundred years before there was any adequate notation for represent- ing the length of tones. Thus slowly did the fundamentals of musical science develop them- selves. After the thirteenth century progress went on with constantly accelerating rapidity. The beginning of the fourteenth century ushered in the great and decisive epoch of the Netherland- ers, and at the very culmination of their work came the invention of opera, as an attempt to revive the Greek drama, and the oratorio, grow- ing out of the miracle plaj^s. Out of these has come a stead}' growth up to the latest culmina- tion of the opera in the music-drama of Wagner. These forms of art necessitated the perfection of vocal music, both solo and choral, and the independent development of the organ and harpsichord and of the several orchestral instru- ments. Out of the latter came solo playing and the special development of instrumental music, culminating in the fugue, as the acme of the contrapuntal style and in the sonata, symphony and finally, of the symphonic poem as the acme of free style. 165 LKSSOS XVIII Accelerated progress from the 13th century onward. 166 CONCLUSION. tfonew path yet clearly marked out. Thus far we have come ; and the question naturally arises : What next ? Is there to be an advance on Wagner in the field of the music- drama ? If so, in what direction ? Will any composer in the field of the oratoria surpass Haendel's Messiah or Bach's Passion Music according to St. Matthew? Will orchestral music go beyond the Beethoven symphonies or the symphonic poems of the later romanticists? If there is now existing any new principle to be developed in any field of musical art, it is not plainly to be seen, and, so far as known to the present writer, no one has announced the discovery of any new path into which the com- posers of the next few decades are to lead us. Instrumental composers content themselves with reproducing the classic forms of Mozart and Beethoven, infusing into them more or less of the spirit of the romantic school, or they return to still earlier, even archaic forms, such as the suite and its components. Comparatively few seek to follow in the steps of Liszt and of Berlioz. Yet precisely in the field of the sym- phonic poem is there room for the originality of genius to assert itself. That form is new and it is also legitimate, based on true natural princi- ples. Liszt originated it, but he did not exhaust it. With the symphony it is different. Beet- hoven's genius was so colossal that it is hardly conceivable that his greatest symphonies can ever be surpassed. Whereas Liszt's genius was by no means commensurate with the form he invented. It is quite within the possibilities that men now living may listen to symphonic poems by some composer as yet unheard of, the content of which shall be vastly more sublime than that of any such works now existing. Tfiefleldof the symphonic pofmopen to uriglnal work. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 167 As regards oratorio, no one seems to dream of any advance in principle on those of Haendel. Mendelssohn's "Elijah " is more dramatic, but that is merely because it deals with a subject capable of dramatic treatment. And no ora- torio since " Elijah " has equalled that work. The music-drama of Wagner represents the culmination both of dramatic ideals and dra- matic effects in the realm of opera, so far as yet appears and so far as can now be foreseen. And as regards solo performances, both technical skill and interpretative power seem to have reached the limit of human capability. Nevertheless it would be rash to conclude that the art of music has fully exhausted its possibilities and is now to enter on a period of stagnation and decadence, as other arts have done. It would be presumptuous now, certain- ly, to affirm that the next generation may not have as great surprises in store for it as the great romanticists have given us. When they have come, if they do come, they will furnish matter for the critic and the historian. At present they are beyond prophecy and even beyond conjecture. LSSHON XVIII jyresent unwise. 168 CONCLUSION. LWXTIII. QUESTIONS. Why was it best to deal but briefly with Ancient Music? Why deal with it at all? Describe the slow progress of early Christian music. Give a brief summary of musical progress after 1300. Do we know of any new principle in musical art likely to be developed in the near future ? Why is there now more room for the exercise of original creative power in the field of the symphonic poem than hi that of the symphony ? Is there any apparent prospect that the Wagnerian music-drama will be surpassed ? LESSON XIX. PROGRESS FBOM 1887 TO 1894. During the seven years which have (nearly) elapsed since this book was written, there has been a great deal of musical activity, both as regards composition and performance. New composers, players, and singers have come before the musical public of Europe and of this country, and many of them have won unqualified success. But none of them can be called epoch-making, in the sense that they have struck out new paths which future musical production or interpretation will follow. All the composers now living, even the greatest, are producing works on lines already laid down before their activity began. Such originality as appears in these works is shown in the strongly individual way in which these men have appropri- ated the materials at hand and have re-arranged them in accordance with their own individual characters, not in the discovery of any new prin- ciples or methods. This is not to deny origi- nality to all the works of the greatest composers of these latter years ; one has only to mention such names as Tschaikowsky and Dvorak to be re- minded of works which have character of a strongly marked type. These men had something to say of their own, and they have said it in their own individual and characteristic way; but none of them has broken any new p#th, such as Chopin did in the domain of piano music, and Liszt when he invented the symphonic poem; not to speak of the epoch-making work of Wagner in the domain of musical drama. 169 No new paths struck out 170 PR G RESS 1887-1894. Optra in Oermuny. " Bringing this book up to date," then, must mean nothing more than chronicling the most im- portant of the new men and new works which have appeared on the scene since 1887. To record all the phenomena would obviously be impossible; several such volumes as this would be required to make even a brief notice of all the young compo- sers, players, and singers of the last seven years, and to give a critical estimate of what they have accomplished. The most I can hope to do is to attempt a record of the most important and char- acteristic phenomena; and even such an attempt is certain to be more or less unsuccessful. Only a small percentage of the compositions and perform- ances of this time have come under my own obser- vation, and the reports of them which I have seen may possibly not always have been trustworthy. In musical criticism, as elsewhere, the " personal equation " has always to be allowed for; ami in forming an opinion at second hand, it is impossible to make the right allowance, unless one knows the critic upon whose estimate it is necessary to rely. What is here said, therefore, is offered, I hope, with becoming modesty. It is more than probable that men or works will be omitted who deserve mention quite as much as many of those finding place in the present record. I trust, however, that readers who see reason to find fault on this score, or who may differ from any of my conclu- sions, will at least give me credit for good inten- tions, and will attribute any defects and errors which may be found to the inevitable limitations of the situation. Let us begin with the field of opera. Produc- tion and performance have been incessant. In Germany new operas have appeared every year as candidates for popular favor, which some of LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 171 them have succeeded in obtaining ; but if any of them are of anything like epoch-making impor- tance, that fact is not yet sufficiently evident. Few of them have made their appearance on this side of the Atlantic. Vienna has shown its usual in- terest and activity in the field of operetta, but, so far as I am aware, nothing has been produced there to surpass the works in that genre already in ex- istence. Indeed, the new ones which I have thus far heard show more power of imitation and of utilizing reminiscence than originality ; and, for that matter, nothing in this field with which I am acquainted displays the real genius of Offenbach, the originator of the genre. In Italy, on the other hand, the tendencies shown by Verdi in his Aida and Otello and by Boito in his Mefistofele seem to have become dominant. Verdi himself, although an octoge- narian, has produced a comic opera, Falstaff, which has excited the greatest enthusiasm not only in Italy, but all over Europe; and he is reported to be at work on still another important opera on the subject of " Romeo and Juliet. " There are numerous young men in that country engaged in the production of opera, two of whom have become celebrated all over the civilized world. These are Pietro Mascagni and Ruggiero Leoncavallo. The Cavalleria Rusticana of the former, a one- act opera, or rather music-drama, has made its way with unexampled rapidity and is successfully given everywhere. It is a radical departure from the old-time methods and principles of Italian opera, being first of all intensely dramatic. The action is swift, exciting, absorbing; so much so, indeed, that it became necessary to interrupt the action by an orchestral intermezzo, to give relief to the hearers. This piece is extremely popular In Vienna. In Italy. Mascagni and Leoncavallo. 172 PR GR ESS 1887-1894. New operas in Germany. on the concert stage. Mascagni has written other operas : L'Amico Fritz, I Rantzau, William Rat- cliff, and Sigaretta; but none of them, I believe, have yet made their way across the Atlantic, nor have any of them become as popular in Europe as the one which first made Mascagni's reputation. Leoncavallo's reputation was made by a similar opera, / Pagliacci (The Mountebanks), His other works thus far consist of three operas, / Medici, Gerolamo Savonarola, and Cesare Borgia, meant to succeed each other in the order given as a tri- logy. Of these only the first has been performed, so far as I know ; indeed, I am not sure that the remaining two are yet finished. Both these men are very young in the early twenties, I believe. Their work characterizes the new departure in Italian dramatic music. It is very strongly influ- enced by the practice of Wagner and is as far as possible from the ideals and practice of Rossini, Bellini, and Donizetti. How far this tendency is followed by other young Italian composers I have at present no means of knowing. It will require some time yet before we can estimate the value of the operatic productions of to-day in Italy, France, and Germany. Some late operas in the latter country proceed from composers of high reputa- tion in other fields: for example, Moszkowski's Boabdil, X. Scharwenka's Mata-swintha, and Eugen d' Albert's Der Rubin (The Ruby}. But so far as yet appears they are not on new lines. The French composers seem to be slowly coming under the Wagneriao influence, which they escaped for long; but the fruits of it are not yet ripe. There is no production in this field in either England or America which appears to possess historic impor- tance, although there is considerable activity in both countries. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 173 In the field of the oratorio and the cantata there is no new departure, although many have been produced. English composers have been, as usual, active in this field. Among recent works may be mentioned A. C. Mackenzie's Bethlehem, F. H. Cowen's Water Lily, A. R. Gaul's Una, Hami?h MacCunn's Lay of the Last Minstrel, and J. F. Barnett's The Wishing Bell. Rubinstein hks lately finished an oratorio entitled Christus, which he is said to look on as the crowning work of his career. In instrumental music the two foremost names within the past few years have been those of Peter Tschaikowsky and Antonin Dvorak, both of whom have been exceedingly active in the production of works in both the smaller and the larger forms. The world of music suffered a great loss in the death of Tschaikowsky, which occurred very sud- denly, from cholera, November 6, 1893. Dvorak has within a year become an American, and is now in New York as Director of the Conservatory founded by the public spirit of Mrs. Jeanette Thurber. He has written a new symphony within the past year. Anton Bruckner, Professor in the Vienna Conservatory, is a name spoken of with great respect, especially on account of his seven symphonies, but he is practically unknown in this country. Among the younger men the names of Ludwig Schytt6, a Danish composer, and E. A. Macdowell, an American, take high rank for orig- inality of ideas and superior workmanship. Edu- ard Schuett, "born in 1856 in St. Petersburg, but now a conductor and composer in Vienna, ranks also very high. Schytte is a somewhat older man, born in 1848, while Macdowell is younger, born in 1 860. The latter is a man of whom all American musicians and connoisseurs are proud ; for he is Oratorio in England. Instrumented music. Tschaikowsky . Dvorak. Schyttt. Macdowell. 174 PR ORE SS 1887-1894. Pi.initts of the pruent. Teresa Crirrello. Finny Blown- field- Zeisler. probably not outranked by any European com- poser of the time, certainly not by any of his age. In England, Hamish MacCunn occupies a some- what similar position. There is much meritorious and musician-like work among the younger com- posers on both sides of the Atlantic, vastly more than can be mentioned in my present space. Of performing artists many new ones have come forward during the past few years. Among pian- ists, the names of Sauer, Siloti, and Reisenauer appear frequently in European records. Arthur Friedheim, Moritz Rosenthal, Eugen d'Albert, Alfred Gruenfeld, Vladimir de Pachmann, and, above all, Ignaz Jan Paderewski have become known in this country. The latter has excited an interest and enthusiasm comparable only to that formerly excited by Liszt. I was present at a mat- inee recital of his in Chicago when the great Au- ditorium was filled with more than five thousand - people. This crowd sat or stood more than two and a half hours to hear him play, and then in- sisted on a final recall. This Pole is a many-sided artist, who inspires by the sheer force of inborn genius, a quality which also appears in his com- positions. De Pachmann is a most delicate and unique exponent of the feminine side of Chopin, which he seems to make his specialty. Two American lady pianists, Mme. Teresa Carreno d'Albert and Mme. Fanny Bloomfield- Zeisler, nave won great favor and renown in Europe within the past year or two. Both are artists of very high rank. But no pianist has surpassed the standard set by Liszt a half-century ago. Piano-playing, the piano being what it is, seems to have reached its extreme limits, the difference between concert pianists, nowadays, being merely differences of individual character. Whether the LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 175 piano is to be improved, or even transformed into a different instrument, as the harpsichord was transformed into it, does not yet appear. The Janko keyboard seems to be making its way, only very slowly. The " Harmonic Attachment" exhibited by Mr. Hlavatch, the Russian commissioner to the World's Columbian Exposition, would seem to involve great possibilities, but it is still known to but few. I hear also of the application of elec- tricity to the instrument by Lipp & Son, of Stuttgart ; but this, too, is still undeveloped. Per- haps the next decade or two may witness great achievements in this field. Among violinists, the young ladies appear to be coming to the front very rapidly. The names of Teresina Tua, Maud Powell, Geraldine Morgan, and " Arma Senkrah" occur to me as appearing very frequently in European musical news. All but the first of these are Americans. Miss L. Florence Heine, of New York, is another Ameri- can girl who has won an assured place as a violin- ist, and I have lately heard still another, Miss Leonora von Stosch, who is already a mature and exceedingly satisfactory artist. The young French violinist, Henri Marteau, although not yet twenty years old, seems to be exciting nearly as much enthusiasm as Paderewski does in the field of piano-playing. But the violin and violin technic are just what they have been ; and the young artists are simply continuing the traditions of their elders. Among singers, there is the continually vexed question of dramatic effectiveness versus vocal tech- nic, in which both sides are right and both wrong. In musical drama, whenever it is worthy of the name, the first business of a singer is to produce dramatic effects. But to this end an approx- Improvemenls in the pianr* forte. Lady violinists. Marteuu. Dramatic Singers vs. Fir. tuosi. 176 PR GRESS 1887-1894. Theory and literature. iraately correct use of the voice, to say the least, it necessary. But human nature is weak enough, so that when the opportunity for vocal display is denied, raany singers will neglect vocal technic and seek to attain dramatic effect without going through the drudgery necessary to attain virtuos- ity. Thus, one reads every week in the New York papers that Mme. Melba is a vocal vir- tuoso of the first rank, but lacks passion and dramatic power; and that Mrae. Calve is a great dramatic singer, while nothing is said of her vocal virtuosity. Doubtless we shall have these two classes of singers always. Those who have fine voices but lack dramatic ability will cultivate vocal technic and display it in concerts and in the older Italian operas. Those who have dramatic power will exercise that mainly. Some of them, like Alvary, Fischer, Reichmann, the de Reszke brothers, Lilli Lehmann, and our own Emma Eames (to mention only a few of those now on the stage) will be conscientious and ambitious enough to make the most of their vocal resources by the most severe study, while they subordinate them to the requirements of emotional expression, and will thus become not only great virtuosi, but great artists. In the fields of theory and of literature about music and musicians there has been a good deal done. The theories of Riemann and Von Oettin- gen seem not to have made their way as yet, physicists looking on the acoustic basis of their theories as not having passed beyond the stage of speculation, while musicians regard them as too much of an innovation. There will need to be much further research before they can be con- sidered as established, if they ever are. Mr. Julius Klauser has published a very ingenious and LESSONS jy MUSICAL HISTORY. 177 decidedly revolutionary theory, which he entitles " The Septonate." It remains to be seen how widely it will be accepted. There is much activity in the field of primitive music with a view to dis- covering the fundamental laws which govern the spontaneous production of folk-music. A book on primitive music has lately been published in Lon- don by R. Wallascheck, and numerous essays in magazines and separate brochures have appeared both in Europe and in this country. An American lady, Miss Alice C. Fletcher, a Fellow of Harvard University, has made an extremely important contribution to this subject in her " Study of Omaha Indian Music," lately published by the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology of Harvard University. In this work she had the valuable assistance of Mr. Francis La Flesche, an Omaha Indian. Such portion of the work as required the train- ing of a professional musician was entrusted to myself. It is not too much to say that the re- . searches in this work establish the important fact that folk melody always runs on harmonic lines, a conclusion confirmed by further investigations of mine, especially during the past year. Those who are interested in these investigations will find the records of them in various issues of the magazine, Music, in the Journal of American Folk Lore, and in the Proceedings of the Anthropological Congress, held at the World's Columbian Exposi- tion. Biographical literature has centered about the personality of Wagner. To say nothing about the German works concerning him, in France there has been a biography by Jullieu ; in England, Ferdinand Praeger's " Wagner as I Knew Him " has excited much interest ; and in America we 12 Studies in primitive mutic. 178 PR GRESS 1887-1894. have Krehbiel's " Studies in the Wagnerian Drama " and Finck's " Wagner aud His Works." But it would be impossible to recall and name all the interesting works in this field which have recently come to light. Suffice it to say that interest in music and in the great names in music is rapidly on the increase, and that musical culture and knowledge in our own country, which most especially interests us, are rapidly growing. What may eventually come of it nobody can now pre- dict, but we have a right to be very hopeful. The list of notable names in the necrology of musicians since 1887 is, fortunately, not very large; but it includes some of the most prominent. Stephen Heller died in 1888, Niels W. Gade in 1890, Robert Franz in 1892, Charles Gounod and Peter Tschaikowsky in 1893, and Hans Guido von Buelow in 1894. In. America, we lost Dr. Louis Maas and Dr. Karl Merz in 1889, George W. Morgan in 1892, and John Sullivan Dwight, formerly editor of Dwight's Journal of Music, to whom American musical culture owes an enor- mous debt, and whom many of us revered with- out knowing him personally, in 1893. JOHN COMFORT FILLMOBE. MILWAUKEE, Wis., MARCH 3, 1894. LESSONS IN MUSICAL HISTORY. 179 QUESTIONS. Has any one done epoch-making work in composition within the past seven years? In what does originality, nowadays, consist? In what country is there at present a new departure in the field of opera, as compared with former styles of o)>eratic composition in the same country ? What are the two names which mark the new epoch ? Give the names of their principal operas. Name three new operas in Germany, and their com- posers. Name some new oratorios and cantatas and their composers. What are some of the most prominent names at present in the field of instrumental composition? Name several of the greatest pianists and violinists of the present. What are the prospects of improving the pianoforte ? Name some recent works in the fields of theory and musical literature. 180 c < 5 < M . ?gs K | S^^ H ^ So MO fcp aj-g-g ^^.g S-ga ^^a fc "S,o's2' ! =S9' S-o a>n^ 5J a SSc=sa=iS ^^S^ o o33 OIT; S Jiv N R5 i* -M PH q g~ .Is^s'S^ldl 5 ^ ifaci ti <2>%z'*^ a \\UuHt KJ . . t> . . (* gio oSojn o ~< OJ t^ 155 OS rH tp lO tC ^H 1C ?D ^5 182 TABLE OF CHRONOLOGY. g S M , ^3 QO O 3 d > Hf, S'-t'so >. 5,58 2?? bsi^n S a 1 M^a 1 flfrdsa d '?, a o-^> ^>o ^S S O cu'2 5-5 o 10 oo T-H CO 00 00 O o H f^O g|lg|g| Ct^r^- r6 v: :c T ~ .- x tC ' * "- '- " ' O . e-g E2 -. o. ^ .h TABLE OF CHRONOLOGY. 183 ! *| sS . - g d * d > C 2 ^ g .0 s0 "gaog 5 2 ^ || 2 5- M Jj'SlgS CJ CO o <*-! fl " a -s c . B d |3 3n of Indepc S ^ S 5 H| A .|H . O _, O 3g5-S-S C3 ^ *H C *" < ?r'S"c> a o3rM ^1^5 Illfe'llll dS| 1. ! IH 5'l t S? SsSal g|||ols|Sg i- ii-Ht .I^PH^WP^K^OC l||o|i o . s-gi^-s |^w^-< ;= '-". U" "J 3 CO CO ' ^ JO i i 10 TJ! ir o r-' oc oc cc i: 66 S t; s A 0> ^H . ll S OJ-S cog a sf S 1 o CO 7 B M v: t-> a. ^-^ ;_ H p >5 99 o ^ o ^ Ej 3* ^ X c d c i '^ . ^H^H Andrea Amati, d. Cremona. Violin first introduced into England. Gregorio Allegri, b. Rome. A celebrated Church Composer. Rise of the ' 'Opera." The " Gresham Lectures on Music " founded. Orlando Gibbons, b. Cambridge. Wrote Church music which is still in use. Heinrich Schiitz, b. Kosteritz. Wrote Oratorios, and the first German Opera. John Merbecke and T. Tallis, d. London. Giov. Pierluigi Palestrina, d. Rome. Orlando di Lasso, d. Munich. Decline of the "Early Belgian School." Nicholas Amati, b. Cremona. Renowned for his splendid Violins. Performance of the first Opera, " Dafne," by Peri. DATE. 1600?: Giacomo Carissimi, b. Italy. Wrote Oratorios, and invented the "Arioso." Peri's second Opera, " Eurydice," performed. First Oratorio in Italy. 1609? 1612 1620? 1623 1625 1626 1627 1628? 1633 1637 1643 1644 1645 1648 1652 1653 1655 1658 1659 Thomas Brewer, b. London? Called the "Father of the English Glee." Harpsichords introduced into England about this time. John Wilbye, d. England. Jacob Stainer, b. Innsbruck. Celebrated for his Violin making. Jacobo Peri, d. Florence. William Byrde, d. London. Orlando Gibbons, d. Canterbury. Professorship of Music founded at Oxford. First German Opera, "Daphne," by Schlitz, at Dresden. Matthew Lock, b. Exeter. The Composer of the first English Opera. Dr. John Bull, d. Hamburg? Jean Battiste Lully, b. Florence. The chief foun- der of the French Opera. The first Opera House built (Venice). Claudio Monteverde, d. Venice. Antonius Stradiuarius, b. Cremona. The greatest Violin maker who has ever lived. Rise of the French opera. Alessandro Stradella, Naples. Composer of some fine Oratorios. Dr. John Blow, b. Nottinghamshire. Composer of some excellent Anthems. Gregorio Allegri, d. Rome. Arcangelo Corelli, b. Bologna. Called the " Father of modern Violin playing." First Festival in aid of the " Sons of the Clergy Corporation." Henry Purcell, b. London. One of the greatest musical Composers of England. Alessandro Scarlatti, b. Italy. Wrote Masses, Oratorios, Operas, etc. The first French Opera produced. DATE. 1668 Francois Couperin, b. Paris. Wrote some good Suites for the Piano, etc. 1672 1673 1674 1676 1677 1681 1683 1684 1685 1687 1689 1692 1694 Heinrich Schiitz, d. Dresden. Music Copper-plates first used in England about this time. First Concerts in London with audience admitted by payment. First English Opera, "Psyche," by Matthew Lock. ?Giacomo Carissimi, d. Rome. ? Thomas Brewer, d. London? Dr. William Croft, b. Warwickshire. .An excel- lent writer of Church Music. Matthew Lock, d. London. Alessandro Siradella, d. Genoa. Jean Philippe Rameau, b. Dijon. Composed the opera "Castor and Pollux," and other works. ? Jacob Stainer, d. Italy. Purcell's Twelve Sonatas for the Violin pub- lished. Giuseppe Guarnerius, b. Cremona. A very cel- ebrated Violin maker. Domenico Scarlatti, b. Naples. Wrote excellent music for the Organ and Pianoforte. Francesco Durante, b. Naples. Wrote good Church Music. Nicholas Amati, d. Cremona. Professorship of Music founded at Cambridge. Johann Sebastian Bach, b. Eisenach. Wrote the "Passion Music," and many world-famed works. George Friedrich Handel, b. Halle. Composer of the " Messiah," " Israel in Egypt," " Saul," etc. Jean Battiste Lully, d. Paris. Nicolo Porpora, b. Rome. Violinist and Com- poser for the Violin. Giuseppe Tartini, b. Pirano. Celebrated Violin- ist and Composer. Purcell wrote his celebrated " Te Deum." a DATE. 1695 1699 1700 1705 1706 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1717 1719 1720 1723 1724 1725 1726 Henry PurceH, d. London. Johann Adolph Hasse, b. Hamburg. Wrote Operas, Oratorios, and other works. Italian Opera introduced into England. Handel wrote his first Opera, " Almira." Giambattista Martini, b. Bologna. Wrote Masses, Operas, and other works. Giov. Battista Pergolesi, b. Ancona. Wrote a splendid " Stabat Mater ;" died very young. Dr. T. Augustine Arne, b. London. Wrote Op- eras and " Rule Britannia." Dr. William Boyce, b. London. Composed good Church Music. Handel first came to England. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, b. Hamburg. Good Composer; introduced a new style of fingering for the Pianoforte. Invention of the Hammer-Clavier (Pianoforte). Swell Organ introduced. Arcangelo Corelli, d. Rome. Handel's " Te Deum " for the peace of Utrecht. Christoph Willibaldv. Gluck, b. Bohemia. Wrote splendid Operas, " Orfeo," "Alceste," "Ar- mide," etc. A good model Pianoforte made by C. G. Schroter. The firm of Breitkopf and H'artel, Leipzig, founded. Sir John Hawkins, b. London. Wrote a cele- brated ''History of Music." Handel's " Esther;" first Oratorio in England. Fran9ois Couperin, d. Paris. Bach appointed Organist of " St. Thomas," Leip- zig. " The Three Choirs Festival" first instituted. Alessandro Scarlatti, d. Naples. First Vol. of Bach's " Preludes and Fugues" ap- peared. Johann G. Albrechtsberger, b. Vienna. Wrote a great work on " Harmony and Composition." Clarionets invented about this time. 7 DATE. 1727 1728 1729 1730 1732 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1743 1745 1747 1752 Gaetan Pugnani, b. Turin. Violinist and Com- poser. Dr. William Croft, d. London. Johann Adam Hiller, b. Prussia. Composed Op- erettas, etc. NiccoloPiccinni, b Naples. Wrote good Operas ; a great rival of Gluck's. First performance of Bach's " Passion Music." Luigi Boccherini, b. Lucca. One of the earliest writers of Symphonies. Joseph Haydn, b. Austria. World-renowned Composer of all kinds of music. Pedals invented to Harps about this time. Antonius Stradiuarius, d. Cremona. First performance of Rameau's " Castor and Pol- lux." Giov. Battista Pergolesi, d. Naples. " Royal Society of Musicians," London, founded. Dr. Samuel Arnold, b. London. Wrote Operas, Oratorios, and Church Compositions. Handel wrote the Oratorios "Saul" and "Israel in Egypt." Second Vol. of Bach's " Preludes and Fugues" appeared. " God Save the King " (Queen) first sung (?). " Rule Britannia" composed. First performance of Handel's " Messiah." Handel wrote a "Te Deum" for the peace of Dettingen. Charles Dibdin, b. Southampton. Wrote the "Waterman," "Tom Bowling," etc. Giuseppe Guarnerius, d. Cremona. Frat^ois Tourte, b. Paris. A great Violin-Bow Maker. Johann Sebastian Bach, d. Leipzig. First performance of Handel's "Judas Macca- bseus." Sebastian Erard, b. Strasburg. Founder of the firm of Pianoforte and Harp Makers of that name. 8 DATE. 1762 1753 1755 1756 1757 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 Muzio Clementi, b. Rome. Professor, Pianist, and Composer. Giovanni Battista Viotti, b. Piedmont. Distin- guished Violinist and Composer. Federico Fiorillo, b. Brunswick. Violinist ; wrote excellent studies for the Violin. C. P. E. Bach instituted a new mode of fingering for the Pianoforte. Domenico Dragonetti, b. Vienna. A magnificent Double bass player. Francesco Durante, d. Naples. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, b. Salzburg. Wrote " Don Giovanni," " Figaro," and other world- famed works. Ignaz Pleyel, b. Vienna. Composer for the Piano- forte, etc. Domenico Scarlatti, d. Madrid. Georg Friedrich Handel, d. London. Haydn composed his first Symphony. Maria Luigi S. Cherubini, b. Florence. Cele- brated Theorist and Composer. Harpsichords going out of fashion about this time. Johann Ludwig Dussek, b. Bohemia. Wrote sev- eral well-known Pianoforte pieces. First performance of Gluck's " Orfeo." Etienne Henri Mehul, b. France. Wrote the Opera "Joseph" and other works. Daniel Steibelt, b. Berlin. Composer of Piano- forte Music. Jean Philippe Rameau, d. Paris. Friedrich Heinh. Himmel, b. Saxony. Composed several Operas. Samuel Wesley, b. Bristol. A writer of Anthems and other works. Rudolphe Kreutzer, b. Versailles. Celebrated Violinist and Composer for the Violin. First German musical periodical published. Thomas Attwood, b. London. Wrote Anthems and other Church Music. Bernhard Romberg, b. Oldenbourg. Distinguished Violoncellist and Composer. DATE. 1767 Andreas Romberg, b. Munster. Wrote Cantatas, Operas, and Symphonies. Nicolo Porpora, d. Rome. First performance of Gluck's "Alceste." 1768 ' First Birmingham Musical Festival. 1770 Ludwig van Beethoven, b. Bonn. The greatest of all musical composers. First Musical Festival at Norwich. 1771 1774 1775 1777 1778 1779 1780 Pierre Bailliot, b. Paris. Celebrated Violinist and Composer for the Violin. Johann Baptist Cramer, b. Mannheim. Pro- fessor, Pianist, and writer of splendid Piano- forte studies. Giuseppe Tartini, d. Padua. Pierre Rode, b. Bordeaux. Celebrated Violinist and Composer for the Violin. John Braham, b. London. Distinguished Vocal- ist; wrote "The Death of Nelson," etc. First performance of Gluck's ' Iphigenia in Aulis." Dibdin's " Waterman" first produced. Fran9ois Adrian Boieldieu, b. Rouen. Wrote "La Dame Blanche" and other Operas. Dr. William Crotch, b. Norwich. Wrote Ora- torios, Motetts, and a treatise on " Harmony." Manuel Garcia, b. Seville. Distinguished Operatic Singer. First Concert at the Hanover Square Rooms. " Gluckists vs. Piccinnists " at Paris. First performance of Gluck's "Armide." Johann Nepomuk Hummel, b. Presburg. Cele- brated Pianist and Composer. Dr. Thomas Arne, d. London. Dr. William Boyce, d. London. Piccinni's " Roland" produced. First performance of Gluck's "Iphigenia in Auris." Thomas Moore, b. Dublin. Celebrated for his Irish Melodies. Piccinni's "Atys" produced. 10 DATE. 1781 Anton Diabelli, b. Salzburg. Wrote some good pieces for the Pianoforte. The " Gewandhaus Concert Hall," Leipzig, opened. Piccinni's "Iphigenia" produced. 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1786 1787 John Field, b. Dublin. Great Pianist; one of the first to write "Nocturnes." Daniel Fran. Esprit Auber, b. Normandy. Wrote " Fra Diavolo," " Masaniello," and other Operas. Conradin Kreutzer, b. Baden. Composer of sev- eral Operas and Masses. Johann Adolph Hasse, d. Venice. Piccinni's " Didon " produced. Fran9ois Joseph F6tis, b. Belgium. Distinguished writer on Musical History. Ludwig Spohr, b. Brunswick. Celebrated Vio- linist and Composer. Friedrich Kalkbrenner, b. Berlin. Pianist and Composer. Gasparo Spontini, b. Ancona. Wrote " La Ves- tale" and many other Operas. Nicolo Paganini, b. Genoa. The greatest Vio- linist who has ever lived. Ferdinand Ries, b. Bonn. A distinguished pupil of Beethoven's. George Onslow, b. France. Composer of Sonatas and other works. Giambattista Martini, d. Bologna. Great Handel Centenary Festival in England. First Liverpool Musical Festival. First performance of Mozart's " Figaro." Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, b. London. Wrote several English Operas and Songs, "Home, Sweet Home," etc. Friedrich Kuhlau. b. Hanover. Wrote Operas and many good Pianoforte pieces. Carl Maria v. Weber, b. Holstein. Wrote " Der Freischiitz," "Oberon," and other great works. Chris. Willibald v. Gluck, d. Vienna. f U DATE. 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1794 1795 1790 1797 First performance of Mozart's " Don Giovanni." Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, d. Hamburg. Robert Nicholas C. Bochsa, b. Montmedi. A distinguished Harpist and Composer for the Harp. Friedrich Ernst Fesca, b. Magdeburg. Wrote several Quartettes, Songs, etc. Carl Joseph Lipinski, b. Poland. Distinguished Violinist and Composer. First performance of Mozart's " Cosi fan Tutte." Ferdinand Herold, b. Paris. Wrote "Zampa" and other Operas. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, d. Vienna. First performance of Mozart's " Magic Flute." Sir John Hawkins, d. London. Mozart wrote his " Requiem." Haydn first came to England. Gioacchimo Rossini, b. Pesaro. Great Operatic Composer; " William Tell," "II Barbiere," etc. " Marseillaise" composed by Rouget de Lisle. Cipriani Potter, b. London. A celebrated teacher of the Pianoforte. Moritz Haupttnann, b. Dresden. Professor, Com- poser, and Theorist. Jacques Fereol Mazas, b. France. Talented Violinist and Composer for the Violin. Giacomo Meyerbeer, b. Berlin. Great Operatic Composer; "Huguenots," " Dinorah," etc. Ignaz Moscheles, b. Prague. Professor, Pianist, and Composer. Carl Czerny, b. Vienna. Celebrated for his ex- cellent Pianoforte studies. Heinrich Marschner, b. Zittau. Wrote "Hans Heiling" and other Operas. Paris Conservatoire of Music founded. Erard's first Horizontal Grand Pianoforte. Saverio Mercadante, b. Naples. Composer of several Operas. 12 DATE. 1797 Gaetano Donizetti, b. Bergamo. Wrote " Ln- crezia Borgia," "Lucia," and other favorite Operas. Franz Schubert, b. Vienna. Famed for his splen- did Songs, Masses, and other great works. 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 Giuditta Pasta (Madame), b. Como. A distin- guished Singer. Henry Bertini. b. London. Well known for his excellent Pianoforte studies. Haydn's Oratorio, "The Creation," finished. "Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung" first pub- lished. Fran9ois Elie HaleVy, b. Paris. Wrote "La Juive" and other Operas. First performance of Boieldieu's " Caliph of Bag- dad." Sir John Goss, b. Hants. Theorist ; Composer of splendid Church Music. Niccolo Piccinni, d. Passy. First performance of Cherubim's " Wassertrager." Beethoven's First Symphony. Vincenzo Bellini, b. Sicily. Wrote the operas "Norma," " Sonnambula," "Puritani," etc. Charles de Beriot, b. Belgium. Great Violinist and Composer for the Violin. Dr. Samuel Arnold, d. London. Beethoven's Second Symphony. Hector Berlioz, b. France. Wrote several Grand Symphonies and Operas. Bernhard Molique, b. Nurmem. Violinist and Composer. Charles Adolph Adam, b. Paris. Wrote " Pos tillon de Lonjumeau " and other Operas. Albert Lortzing, b. Berlin. Wrote " Czar und Zimmermann" and other Operas. Gaetan Pugnani, d. Turin. Sir Julius Benedict, b. Stuttgart. Celebrated Composer, Pianist, and Professor. Johann Strauss (Sen.), b. Vienna. Prolific Com poser of Dance Music. 13 DATE. 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 Franz Lachner, b. Bavaria. Composer of excel- lent Symphonies, Suites, etc. Johann Adam Hiller, d. Leipsig. Beethoven's Third Symphony. Luigi Boccherini, d. Madrid. First performance of Beethoven's "Leonora." (Fidelio.) John Barnett, b. Bedford. Wrote an Opera, " Fair Rosamond," and many other works. Beethoven's Fourth Symphony. Mehul's "Joseph" produced. Michael William Balfe, b. Limerick. Distin- guished Operatic Composer ; ' Bohemian Girl," "Talisman," etc. Maria Felicita Malibran (Mad.), b. Paris. Re- nowned Operatic Singer. Giuseppo Mario, b. Turin. Renowned Operatic Singer. Ernst Friedrich Richter, b. Zittau. Professor and celebrated Theorist. Wilhelmine Schroder- Devrient (Mad.), b. Ham- burg. Celebrated Operatic Singer. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Beethoven's Sixth Symphony. Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy, b. Hamburg. A great Composer and Pianist. Wrote " St. Paul," "Elijah," etc. Joseph Haydn, d. Vienna. Johann G. Albrechtsberger, d. Vienna. Robert Schumann, b. Zwickau. Great Composer of every description of Music. Sir Michael Costa, b. Naples. Celebrated Con- ductor and Composer. Wrote "Eli,'' " Naa- man," etc. Frederic Fran9ois Chopin, b. Warsaw. Distin- guished Pianoforte Player and Composer. Otto Nicolai, b. Konigsberg. Wrote " The Merry Wives of Windsor" and other Operas. Ferdinand David, b. Hamburg. Celebrated Violinist, Composer, and Professor. DATE. 1810 1811 1812 1813 Ole Bull, b. Norway. Renowned Violinist. Samuel Sebastian Wesley, b. London. Wrote magnificent Anthems and other works. Felicien David, b. France. Pianist and Composer. Joseph Gungl, b. Hungary. A well-known Composer of Dance Music. Friedrich Wilhelm Klicken, b. Hanover. Re- nowned for his Songs. Franz Liszt, b. Hungary. An unrivaled Pianist and great Composer. Ambroise Thomas, b. Metz. Wrote " Mignon," "Hamlet," and other Operas. Ferdinand Hiller, b. Frankfort. Pianist, Pro- fessor, Theorist, and Composer. Wilhelm Taubert, b. Berlin. Pianist and Com- poser ; has written some favorite Songs. Giulia Grisi (Mad.), b. Milan. World-renowned Singer. Friedrich von Flotow, b. Mecklenburg. Wrote " Martha" and other Operas. Michael von Glinka, b. Moscow. Wrote "Life for the Czar" and other Operas. Sigismund Thalberg, b. Geneva. Celebrated Pianoforte Player and Composer. John Pyke Hullah, b. Worcester. Renowned Teacher of Singing ; Writer and Critic. Louis Autoine Jullien, b. Sisterron. Conductor and Composer of Dance Music, etc. Johann Ludwig Dussek, d. Paris. Federico Fiorillo, d. Amsterdam. Beethoven's Seventh Symphony. Beethoven's Eighth Symphony. Stephen Heller, b. Pesth. Well-known for his charming Pianoforte Compositions. Richard Wagner, b. Leipzig. The greatest Dramatic Writer and Composer of the age. Sir George MacFarren, b. London. Theorist, Composer, and Professor. Prosper Sainton, b. Toulouse. Renowned Vio- linist. 15 DATE. 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 Henry Smart, b. London. Composer of Churct Music. London " Philharmonic Society" founded. Rossini's " Tancredi " first performed. Giuseppe Verdi, b. Parma. Great Operatic Com- poser, "Trovatore," "Traviata," "Aida," 6tC Vincent Wallace, b. Waterford. Wrote " Mari- tana," "Lurline," and other Operas. Adolph Henselt, b. Bavaria. Distinguished Pianoforte Player and Composer. Theodor Dohler, b. Naples. Pianist and Com- poser. Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst, b. Moravia. A great modern Violin Player and Composer. Friedrich Heinh. Himmel, d. Berlin. Charles Dibdin, d. London. Robert Franz, b. Halle. Celebrated for his Songs, etc. Delphin Alard, b. Bayonne. Violinist and Com- poser. Robert Volkmann, b. Saxony. Distinguished Composer of Symphonies, Suites, etc. Schubert wrote " The Erl King." Sir Wm. Sterndale Bennett, b. Sheffield. One of England's greatest Musicians. August Wilhelm Ambros, b. Bohemia. Wrote a celebrated " History of Music." First performance of Rossini's "II Barbiere di Seviglia." Niels Wilhelm Gade, b. Copenhagen. Has com- posed Symphonies, Overtures, etc. Ernst Camille Sivori, b. Genoa. Celebrated Violinist. Etienne Henri Mehul, d. Paris. Charles Gounod, b. Paris. Distinguished Com- poser, " Faust," "The Redemption," etc. Clara Novello, b. London. Celebrated Singer. Antonio Bazzini, b. Brescia. Talented Violinist and Composer DATE. 1818 1819 1820 1821 Charles Dancla, b. France. Violinist and Com poser. Theodore Kullak, b. Posen. Professor, Com- poser, and Critic. Rossini's "Moses in Egypt" first performed. First Musical Festival at Dlisseldorf. First Musical Periodical in England, viz. : The Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review. Clara Schumann (Mad.), b. Leipzig. Distinguished Pianiste. (Wife of Robert Schumann.) Charles Halle, b. Westphalia. Celebrated as a Pianist and Conductor. Franz Abt, b. Eilenburg. Well-known for his Songs. Hubert Leonard, b. Belgium. Distinguished Violinist and Composer. Brinley Richards, b. Caermarthen. Pianist. Composed " God Bless the Prince of Wales." Jacques Offenbach, b. Cologne. Celebrated for his Operettas, "The Grand Duchess," etc. Henri Vieuxtemps, b. Belgium. Renowned Vio- linist and Composer- Enrico Tamberlik, b Rome. Celebrated Singer. Franz von Suppe, b. Dalmatia. Writer of Operet- tas, " Die schone Galatea," "Fatinitza," etc. Louis Kohler, b. Brunswick. Well-known for his Pianoforte Studies. Sir George Grove, b. London. Distinguished Musical Critic and Writer. Henry Charles Litolff, b. London. Talented Pianistand Composer. Spohr conducted at the London Philharmonic Concerts. Liszt first played in public. John Sims Reeves, b. Woolwich. England's greatest Tenor Vocalist. Jenny Lind (Mad.), b. Stockholm. Renowned Singer in Operas and Oratorios. Charlotte Sainton-Dolby (Mad.), b. London. Celebrated Singer, Teacher, and Composer. 17 1821 ' Pauline Viardot Garcia (Mad.), t>. Paris. Re- nowned Operatic Singer. Andreas Romberg, d. Gotha. First Performance of Weber's " Der Freyschiitz." 1822 Joachim Raff, b. Lachen. Distinguished Com- poser of Symphonies, etc. | Henry Wylde, b. Herts. Distinguished Professor and Lecturer. i Henry Leslie, b. London. Well-known for his Part Songs, etc. Felix Maria Victor Masse, b. France. Wrote " Paul et Virginie" and other Operas. London "Royal Academy of Music" founded. 1823 Alfredo Piatti, b. Bergamo. The greatest living Violoncellist. Giovanni Bottesini, b. Lombardy. The greatest player of the Double Bass. Daniel Steibelt, d. St. Petersburg. First performance of Weber's " Euryanthe." First performance of Spohr's " Jesaonda." First performance of Rossini's " Semiramide." 1824 Carl Reinecke, b. Altona. Renowned Pianist, Conductor, and Composer. Marietta Alboni (Mad.), b. Italy. Celebrated Contralto Vocalist. Thepdor Kirchner, b. Saxony. Composer of Pianoforte Music, etc. Giovanni Battista Viotti, d. London. Beethoven's Choral Symphony. First of the Triennial Festivals at Norwich. 1825 August Manns, b. North Germany. Distinguished Conductor of the Crystal Palace Concerts. Johann Strauss (Jun.), b. Vienna. Writer of Comic Operas, "Fledermaus," etc. Sir Fred. A. Gore-Ousley, b. London. Writer of Anthems and other Church Music. Boieldieu's ''La Dame Blanche" produced. 1826 John Thomas, b. Bridgend. Distinguished Harpist and Composer. PATE. 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 Ernst Pauer, b. Vienna. Composer, Pianist, and Professor. William Thomas Best, b. Carlisle. Celebrated Organist. Carl Maria v. Weber, d. London. Friedrich Ernst Fesca, d. Carlsruhe. Weber came to London and produced his "Oberon." Ludwig van Beethoven, d. Vienna. Mendelssohn's Overture to " Midsummer Night's Dream." Franz Schubert, d. Vienna. Auber's " Masaniello" first produced. Anton Rubinstein, b. Moscow. Renowned Pianist and Composer. Jacques Blumenthal, b. Hamburg. Pianist, and well-known for his Songs, etc. Louis Moritz Gottschalk, b. New York. Pianist and Composer. First performance of Rossini's " William Tell." Mendelssohn first visited England. Hans Guido von Billow, b. Dresden. Distin- guished Pianist and Conductor. Alfred Jaell, b. Trieste. An excellent Pianist. Carl Goldmark, b. Hungary. Wrote " The Queen of Sheba" and other Operas, etc. Louis Ries, b. Berlin. Violinist at the " Monday Popular Concerts," etc. Sir Herbert Stanley Oakeley, b. Baling. Organ- ist and well-known Composer of Church Music. Pierre Rode, d. Bordeaux. Spohr's "Last Judgment" produced at Norwich Festival. Auber's " Fra Diavolo" first produced. Joseph Joachim, b. Hungary. Renowned Vio- linist and Composer. Albert Niemann, b. Magdeburg. A celebrated Tenor Vocalist. 19 1831 Therese Tietjens (Mdlle.), b. Hamburg. Re- nowned Singer in Operas and Oratorios. Dr. Ludwig Nohl, b. Westphalia. Well-known for his Musical Biographies. Joseph Ascher, b. London. A favorite Piamst and Composer. Joseph Bennett, b. Gloucestershire. Distin- guished Musical Critic. Rudolph Kreutzer, d. Geneva. Sebastian Erard, d. Paris. Ignaz Pleyel, d. Paris. Meyerbeer's " Robert le Diable " first produced. Paganini's first appearance in England. Bellini's " La Sonnambula" first produced. Herold's "Zampa" first produced. 1832 1833 1834 Alberto Randegger, b. Trieste. Teacher of Sing- ing, Composer, and Conductor. Frederic Louis Ritter, b. Strasburg Has written an excellent " History of Music," etc. Dr. Leopold Damrosch, b. Posen. Eminent Conductor. Muzio Clementi, d. London. " Sacred Harmonic Society" (London) founded. Manuel Garcia, d. Paris. Donizetti's " Elisir d'Amore " first produced. Friedrich Kuhlau, d. Copenhagen. Johannes Brahms, b. Hamburg. The greatest Classic Composer of the age. David Faure, b. Moulins. Distinguished Singer. Ferdinand Herold, d. Paris. Spohr's Symphony, "The Power of Sound," pro duced. MarschnerV" Hans Helling " produced. Mendelssohn first conducted the Diisseldorf Festivals. Charles Santley, b. Liverpool. Renowned Bary- tone Vocalist. Charles Lecocq, b. Paris. Writer of Comic Operas, " Girofl6 Girofla," etc. 20 DATE. 1834 1835 1836 1837 Theo. C. Salome, b. Paris. Organist and Com- poser. Francois Adrien Boieldieu, d. Near Paris, Donizetti's " Lucrezia Borgia" produced. Henri Wieniawski, b. Poland. Renowned Vio- linist and Composer. Ebenezer Prout, b. Northamptonshire. Excel- lent Composer and Critic. Camille Saint-Saens, b. Pans. Distinguished Composer and Pianist. Ludwig Straus, b. Presburg. Violinist at the " Monday Popular Concerts," etc. Theodore Thomas, b. Hanover. CelebratedCon- ductor in America. William Hayman Cummings, b. Devonshire. Vocalist, Composer, and Writer on Music. Vincenzo Bellini, d. Paris. Ha levy's "La Juive " first produced. Francois Tourte, d. Paris. Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor" first pro- duced. Balfe's "Siege of Rochelle " first produced. John Tiplady Carrodus, b. Yorkshire. One of England's greatest Violinists. Arabella Goddard (Mad.), b. Brittany. Cele- brated Pianist. Maria Felicita Malibran (Mad.), d. Manches- ter. First performance of Mendelssohn's " St. Paul." Meyerbeer's " Les Huguenots " first produced. " The Musical World " first published. Adolph Jensen, b. Kb'nigsberg. Composer of Songs and Pianoforte Music. Alexander Guilmant, b. Boulogne. Great Or- ganist and Composer. Johann Nepomuk Hummel, d. Weimar. Bristol " Madrigal Society" founded. Samuel Wesley, d. London. John Field, d Moscow. DATE. 1837 1838 1839 1840 Nicolo Antonio Zingarelli, d. Torre de Greco. George Bizet, b. Paris. Wrote the Opera of " Carmen," and others works. Ludwig Burreu, b. Berlm. Composer and Author. Joseph Barnby, b. York. Distinguished Com- poser and Conductor. Zelia Trebelli (Mad.), b. Pans. Renowned Con tralto Vocalist. John Francis Barnett, b. London. Composer of " The Ancient Mariner," and other works. Max Bruch, b. Colognei An eminent modern Composer. Berthold Tours, b. Rotterdam. Composer of Church Music, Songs, etc. Ferdinand Ries, d. Frankfort. Thomas Attwood, d. London. Donizetti's "La Fille du Regiment" first pro- duced, Wilhelmine Norman Neruda (Mad.), b. Moravia. Renowned Violinist. Joseph Rheinberger, b. Lichtenstein. Eminent Composer. Berlioz's Symphony, " Romeo e Juliette," pro- duced. Sims Reeves appeared as a Barytone at Norwich. Hermann Goetz, b. Kb'nigsberg. Wrote " The Taming of the Shrew" and other works. Johann Severin Svendsen, b. Christiana. An excellent Composer of Symphonies, etc. Xaver Scharwenka, b. East Prussia. Good Pianist and modern Composer. Louis de Brassin, b, Brussels. Celebrated Pianist. Dr. John Stainer, b. London. Renowned Organ- ist and Theorist. Frederic Clay, b. Paris. Writer of Operas, Songs, etc. Nicolo Paganini, d. Nice. Liverpool " Philharmonic Society " founded. 22 DATE. 1840 1841 1842 1843 Mendelssohn's " Hymn of Praise" produced. Carl Tausig, b. Warsaw. A great Pianist. Antonin Dvorak, b. Bohemia. A splendid mod- ern Composer. Ignaz Brlill, b. Vienna. A talented Pianist and Composer. Victor Nessler, b. Baer. Wrote "The Piper of Hamelin" and other works. Dr. Julius Spitta, b. Wechold. Critic and Author. Bernhard Romberg, d. Hamburg. Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan, b. London. Re- nowned Composer of Oratorios, Operas, etc. Pauline Lucca (Mad.), b. Vienna. Celebrated Operatic Vocalist. Edmond Audran, b. Lyons. Celebrated Composer. Janet Patey (Mad.), b. London. Distinguished Contralto Vocalist. Arrigo Boito, b. Padua. Composer and Poet. Heinrich Hofman, b. Berlin. Talented vocal and instrumental Composer. Walter Bache, b. Birmingham. An excellent Pianist. Jules Massenet, b. France. Composer of "Le Roi de Lahore " and other works. Salvator Cherubim, d. Paris. Pierre Bailliot, d. Near Paris. First performance of Wagner's " Rienzi." Spohr's "Fall of Babylon" produced at Nor- wich Festival. New York " Philharmonic Society " founded. Carl Augustus Nicolas Rosa, b. Hamburg. Emi- nent Conductor of the "Carl Rosa Opera Company." Adelina Patti (Mad.), b. Madrid. The greatest Operatic Singer of the age. Edvard Grieg, b. Norway. Talented modern Composer. Giovanni Sqambatti, b. Rome. Eminent Pianist and Composer. 23 DATE 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 Hans Richter, b. Hungary. Renowned Con- ductor. Christina Nilsson (Mad.), b. Sweden. Celebrated Soprano Vocalist. First performance of Wagner's "Flying Dutch- man." First performance of Balfe's !i Bohemian Girl." "Royal Conservatoire of Music," Leipzig, founded. Edward Dannreuther, b. Strasburg Eminent Pianist, Conductor, and Critic. Oscar Beringer, b. Baden. Talented Pianist. Pablo Sarasate, b. Pampeluna. Great Violinist. First performance of Verdi's " Ernani." " Musi- cal Times" first issued. Joachim's first appearance in London. Auguste Wilhelmj, b Nassau. A great Violinist. Edward Lloyd, b. London Celebrated Tenor Vocalist. First performance of Wagner's "Tannhauser." David Popper, b. Prague. Talented Violoncellist and Composer. Franz Ries, b. Berlin. ' Violinist and Composer. Marie Roze (Mad.), b. Paris. Brilliant Operatic Singer. Thomas Wingham, b. London. Talented Com- poser. Anna Mehlig (Mdlle ), Stuttgart. Distinguished Pianiste. Domenico Dragonetti, d. London. Job. Ch. Rinck, d. Darmstadt. Mendelssohn's "Elijah" produced at Birming- ham Festival. First performance of Wallace's " Maritana." Alexander Campbell Mackenzie, b. Edinburgh. Celebrated Composer, "Colomba," "Rose of Sharon," etc. Philip Scharwenka, b. Posen. Composer and Teacher. 24 DATE. 1847 Agnes Zimmermann (Mdlle.), b. Cologne. Ex cellent Pianiste. Charles Swinnerton Heap, b. Birmingham. Talented Composer. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, d. Leipzig. Dr. William Crotch, d. Taunton. First performance of Meyerbeer's " Huguenots." Sims Reeves' first appearance in Opera at Drury Lane. 1848 1849 1850 Sophie Menter (Mad.), b. Munich. Celebrated Pianiste. Charles Hubert Parry, b. Gloucester. Talented Composer and Theorist. Gaetano Donizetti, d. Bergamo. Irish " Royal Academy of Music " founded. Chopin first came to England. First performance of Flotow's " Martha." First performance of Nicolai's " Merry Wives of Windsor." William Shakespeare, b. Croydon. Eminent Vocalist, Conductor, and Composer. Dr. Hugo Riemann, b. Grossmeba. Learned Writer. Johann Strauss (Sen.), d Vienna. Jacques Fereol Mazas, d. France. Frederic Fran9ois Chopin, d. Paris. Otto Nicolai, d. Berlin. Friedrich Kalkbrenner. d. Paris. Couradin Kreutzer, d. Riga. Emma Albani (Mad.), b. America. Brilliant Singer in Opera and Oratorio. Xaver Scharwenka, b. Posen. Composer and Pianist. Annette Essipoff (Mad.), b. St. Petersburg. Talented Pianist. George Henschel, b. Breslau. Talented Singer and Composer. Antoinette Sterling (Mad.), b. New York. Well- known Contralto Vocalist. 2o DATE. 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 First performance of Waguei's " Lohengrin. " Mary Krebs (Miss), b. Dresden. Distinguished Pianists. Arthur Goring Thomas, b. Sussex. Wrote the Opera " Esmeralda, " and other splendid works. Albert Lortzing, d. Berlin. First Performance of Verdi's " Rigoletto. " Gasparo Spontini, d. Ancona. Emile Sauret, b. France. Celebrated Violinist. Charles Villiers Standford, b. Dublin. Excel- lent Composer of Oratorios, Quartettes, etc. Frederic Hymen Cowen, b. Jamaica. Talented and popular Composer. Raphael Josefiy, b. Presburg. Excellent Pian- ist. Minnie Hauk (Mad.), b. New York. Brilliant Operatic Singer. Thomas Moore, d. Devizes. A. B. Furstenau, d. Dresden. George Onslow, France. Died 1853. Franz Hummel, b. London. Eminent Pianist. Verdi's " Trovatore " and "Traviata" first pro- duced. Moritz Moskowski, b. Berlin. Eminent Modern Composer. Henrietta Sontag, d. Mexico. Bach's " Passion Music " first performed in England. Maude Valeria White (Miss), b. Dieppe. Tal- ented Composer of Songs. Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, d London. Crystal Palace Saturday Concerts instituted. Robert Nicolas Charles Bochsa, d. Sydney. Costa' s "Eli" produced at the Birmingham Festival. Wagner conducted the London Philharmonic Concerts. Nathalie Janotha (Mdlle.), b. Warsaw. Dis- tinguished Pianiste. 26 DATE. 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 Robert Schumann, d. near Bonn. Theodor DiJhler, d. Florence. John Braham, d. London. Charles Adolph Adam, d. Paris. Carl Czerny, d. Vienna. First Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace. Michael Von Glinka, b. Berlin. Rubinstein's tirst public appearance in London. Johann Baptist Cramer, d. London. St. James' Concert Hall (London) opened. Anton Diabelli, d. Vienna. First Leeds Musical Festival. Sigismund Neukomm, d. Paris. Bennett's "May Queen" produced at Leeds Fes- tival. Luigi Lablache, d. Naples. Tietjens' first appearance in London. Ludwig Spohr, d. Cassel. First performance of Gounod's " Faust. " " Monday Popular Coneerts " (London) instituted. Louis Antoine Jullien, d. Paris. Macfarren's Opera, " Robin Hood," produced. Wilhelmine Schroder Devrient (Madame), b. Coburg Wallace's "Lurline" produced. Heinrich Marschner, d. Hanover. London Academy of Music (St. George's Hall) first opened. Carl Joseph Lipinski, d. Austria. Patti's first appearance in London. Francois Elie Halevy, d. Nice. Sullivan's Music to the " Tempest " first per formed. Benedict's *' Lily of Killarney" first performed. Josef Mayseder, d. Vienna. A. F. Hesse, d, Breslau. Eugene D' Albert, b. England? Talented young Pianist and Composer. Giacomo Meyerbeer, d. Paris. 27 DATE 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 Anton Schindler, d. Bockenheim. 'College of Organists" instituted. Costa's '"Naaman" produced at the Birmingham Festival Christine Nilsson's first appearance. Vincent Wallace, d. South of France. Giuditta Pasta, d. Como. Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst, d. Nice. First performance of Wagner's " Tristan and Isolde." "Saturday Popular Concerts" (London) instituted J. W. Kalliwoda, d. Carlsruhe. Dr. Adolph Max, d. Berlin. Ambroise Thomas' " Mignon " produced. G. Pacini, b. Persia. Bennett's "Woman of Samaria" produced at Birmingham Festival. Gioachomo Rossini, d. Paris. Sir George Smart, d. London. Moritz Hauptmann, d. Leipzig. Alexander Dreyschock, d. Venice. First performance of Wagner's " Meistersinger. " Ambroise Thomas' " Hamlet " produced. Sallivan's "Prodigal Son" produced at Wor- cester Festival. Hector Berlioz, d. Paris. Lefebvre Wely, d. Paris. Louis Moritz Gottschalk, d. Rio de Janeiro. Bernhard Molique, d. Stuttgart. Joseph Ascher, d. London. Giulia Grisi, d. Berlin. First performance of Wagner's " Rheingold. " Charles de Beriot, d. Brussels. Michael William Balfe, d. Hertfordshire. Saverio Mercadante, d. Naples. Ignaz Moscheles, d. Leipzig. First performance of Wagner's " Walkiire. " Benedict's "St. Peter" produced at Birming- ham Festival. DATE. 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 Wagner's " Flying Dutchman" given in England. Carl Tausig, d. Leipzig. " Royal Albert Hall " (London) opened. Cipriani Potter, d. London. Sigismund Thalberg, d. Naples. Daniel Fran9ois Esprit Auber, d. Paris. Fran9ois Joseph Fetis, d. Brussels. "Trinity College" (London) instituted. Freidrich Wieck, d. Dresden. Ferdinand David, d. near Leipzig. First Bristol Triennial Festival. First performance of Balfe's " II Talismano. " Grand New Wagner Opera House opened at Bay- reuth. First performance of Bizet's " Carmen. " Last Concert at the Hanover Square Rooms. Sir Wm. Sterndale Bennett, d. London. George Bizet, d. Paris. J. P. Pixis, d. Baden Baden. New Opera House opened at Paris Wagner's " Lohengrin '' given in England. Rubinstein's Opera, "The Demon," first pro- duced. Rubinstein's Opera, " The Maccabees, " first pro- duced. Samuel Sebastian Wesley, d. Gloucester. A. E. Batiste, d. Paris. Felicien David, d. Aix. Henri Bertini, d. Meylan. Ed. Runbaut, d. London. August Wilhelm Ambros, d. Prague. Hermann Goetz, d. Zurich. First performance at Bayreuth of Wagner's Gr*at Trilogy, " Der Ring des Nibelungen. " "National Training School of Music (London) opened. Wagner's " Tannhauser " given in England. Therese Tietjens (Mdlle. ), d. London. Wagner Festival at the Royal Albert Hall. 29 DATE. 1877 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 Macfarren's "Joseph" produced at Leeds Fes- tival. Joachim made a " Doctor of Music " at Cam- bridge. Ernst Friedrich Richter, d. Leipzig. Henry Smart, d. London. Wilhelm Taubert, d Germany. (?) Adolph Jensen, d. Baden Baden. Wagner's "Rienzi" given in London, Sir John Goss, d. London. Ole Bull, d. Norway. Jacques Offenbach, d. P&ris. Henri Wieniawski, d. Moscow. Rev John Curwen. d. Manchester. Sir John Goss, d. Brixton. "Guildhall School of Music " instituted. Henri Vieuxtemps, d. Algiers. Rubinstein's " The Demon" given in London. Theodor Kullak. d. Berlin. Alfred Jaell, d. Paris Friedrich Wilhelm Kiicken, d. Schwerin. Joachim Raff. d. Frankfort. Wagner's " Nibelungen "given in London. Fiftieth Jubilee of the " Sacred Harmonic Society." Wagner's " Tristan and Isolde, " and " Meister- singer, " given in London. Gounod's "Redemption" produced at the Bir- mingham Festival. First performance of Wagner's "Parsifal. " Friedrich von Flotow, d. Wiesbaden. Albert Franz Dopple. d. Vienna. Richard Wagner, d. Venice. Robert Volkmann, d. Buda-Pesth. " Royal College of Music" (London) instituted. First performance of Mackenzie's " Colomba. " First performance of Goring Thomas' " Esmer- alda. " Giuseppe Mario, d. Rome, so DATE. 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Sir Michael Costa, d. Brighton. John Pyke Hullah, d. London. Felix Maria Victor Masse, b. Paris. Mackenzie's " Colomba " given in Germany. First performance of Rubinstein's " Nero. " Production at Hamburg of Stanford's " Savon- arola. ' ' First performance of Mackenzie's ''Rose of Sharon." Charlotte Sainton-Dolby (Madame), d. London. Ferdinand Hiller, d. Cologne. Franz Abt, d. Wiesbaden. Brinley Richards, d. London. Dr. Leopold Damrosch, d. New York. Sir Julius Benedict, d. London. Gustav Meikel, d. Dresden. Handel and Bach Bi- Centenary Festivals. Gounod's " Mors et Vita" produced at Binning ham Festival. Franz Liszt, d. Weimer. Jenny Lind Goldschmidt, d. Wynd's Point, Mal- vern. G. A. MacFarren, d. London. Wilhelm Valentin Volckmar, d. Hamburg. Stephen Heller, d. Paris. Henri Herz, d. Paris. Diephin Alard, d. Paris. Gustav Schumann, d. Berlin. Adolphe Henselt, d. Warmbrunn. Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley, d. Hereford. Neils Gade, d. Copenhagen. Franz Lachner, d. Munich. Giovanni Bottesini, d. Parma. Herm. Litolff, d. Paris. Delibes, d. Paris. Charles G. W. Saubert, d. Berlin. Freidrich Louis Ritter, d. Antwerp. Giulio Alary, d. Paris. Robert Franz, d. Halle. 31 BATE. 1892 1893 1894 Heinrich Dorn, d. Berlin. Francesco Lamperti, d. Milan. Charles Fran9<>is Gounod, d. Paris. Peter Tschaikowsky, d. St. Petersburg. Sir George Elvey, d. Windsor. Alfred Jaell, d. Cairo. Ernst Camille Sivori, Violinist, d. Genoa. Francisco Asenjo Barbiere, Composer and Au Ihor, d. Madrid. Hans von Buelow, d. Cairo. Madame Janet Patey, Contralto, d. London. John Henry Cornell, Theorist and Author, d. New York. Otto Singer, d. New York. INDEX. PAGE. Preface , ..<, iii Introduction . . . . vii Oriental and Ancient Music I The First Ten Centuries of Christian Music. 9 From Guido of Arezzo to the Beginning of the Supremacy of the Netherlander, about 1000 to 1400 19 The Epoch of the Netherlanders, about 1400 to 1600 27 The Rise of Dramatic Music, 1600 37 The Beginning of Oratorio, 1600 46 General Survey of the Musical Situation at the End of the Six- teenth Century. Condition of Instrumental Music 52 The Progress of Opera , 64 Music in the Seventeenth Century 75 Music in the Seventeenth Century (Concluded) 83 Italian Opera from Alessandro Scarlatti to the Present 91 French Opera from Lully's Time to the Present 101 German Opera 109 The Opera : Summary and Outlook 128 Oratorio, Cantata, Passion Music and Sacred Music from 1700 to the Present 133 The Development of the Song 141 Instrumental Music from 1700 to the Present 145 Conclusion - ... 164 Progress from 1887 to 1894 169 A Comparative Table of Chronology , 180 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. MUSIC UBRABXi *Hnn MUS-U MAR 1 6 1990 V A 000135781 3 ^.-3if BBao^Hi^HH^HHB T* rt