UC-NRLF $B E7M MHb r^MSoa^L^ '• THE EGYPT THAT WAS 4^ GIFT OF r^-ab Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/egyptthatwaswithOOgartrich CL^y^ <^H^ /72.0. THE EGYPT THAT WAS Within fifteen lessons we placed the Twelve Ages for George Gartling BY HIS INVISIBLE TEACHER. MARCUS "Builded h^ the Gods it was, within which masters gained a higher consciousness. " ^ COPYRIGHTED 1919 TEMPLE OF LIVING THOUGHT 4634 Fountain Avenue LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA .^.-'^' ^ DEDICATION In loving memonj oi tke Lappij kours wken we tLree wandered tLrou^ tke ages witk Marcus. G.G. INTRODUCTION lllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll . , , , , , M ^ ^ gS a man, I chose naught but reason, and yet the I J— I 1 ways of life and the thoughts of men had given 1 ^ — •- i me but little. But one day 1 felt as if there |illlllllll illll>| was a change, and then there came unto me llll|lllilll|llllll one ^^<> called himself "Marcus," and he Jig told me of the many things that I should 8 S J know. A man's reason W2w not mine to use; W but the reasoning powers that cometh from the great invisible forces. If you who read this judge harshly the ways of the Father, then thou wilt not understand ; but if thou seekest, ais I did, with love and hope, then thou wilt read it and be comforted. So it came about that I, in my plain way, chose to find some method that I could write these things and place them into form. If the sunlight is clear for thee when thou readest, unto thee will be given many things as it hath been given unto me. Across the sea of light I send this that has been gath- ered together by Marcus for me. May it prove to many the link that connects them with that great, unbounded place wherein dwelleth all things that the Father hath 415560 /creiated.''*'A'iicl''l* Will wait and hope, fully knowing and realizing how truly beautiful are the ways of He who leadeth us day by day. It has been a work for those of us whom Marcus hath come unto, to make it full of happiness and love and trust. So I send the words of Marcus into the great, restless, heeding world that it may find a place among them. That it may find a welcome into many, many homes. So in my way, walking as I do among men and women, I hope that they may feel kindly toward what I have striven to prepare in both ways, from he who is of the invisible and I who live among men. GEORGE GARTLING. PREFACE MARCUS— June 5, 1919 I have decided to first give you the manner ot the numbering of your lessons. Beginning with the First one, place it as the third, The second as the first. The third as the second, The seventh as the fourth, The sixth as the fifth, The ninth as the seventh, Then place the last lesson as the eighth. Then take the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth, al- lowing all the rest to follow as I have given them to you. That is the method of placing them together, as that represents the centuries that followed one after the other in the great consciousness. Tonight we will follow the thought entirely within the Egypt That Was. In order that you may understand your last lesson, the bringing of the thought of the Elec- tic Circle will show you the manner by which the Egypt That Was utilized the great thought of Light, not placing it as a Light that is used in the manner that the follow- ing ages afterwards prove, but Light according to the great consciousness as it was used within that Egypt. A great slumbering city in its quietness with no shadow, neither did it claim confusion, yet in its highest condition 5 of what would be known as spiritual progress, it could not be compared with any other. Later civilization, as man calls it, may question its existence and call it a mirage or a dream, but to those who have followed out its reflection within the earth, it remains one great, won- derful Mystery, unknown and unsought many times with countless unknown laws, unknown conditions and un- known thoughts that can be unfolded and traced from the first great placing of it up to the present time. Noth- ing unreal about it, yet the lights and shadows of it flashed forth like gems whose brilliancy cannot be equalled anywhere else. Every master within it knows and comprehends fully the meaning of it as it is. And they go from place to place within it, finding always ready for them, a higher knowledge, a more perfect thought, nothing dim or unreal in it all. Here and there as the purity and the strength of spirit passeth hither and thither and yonder through it, the harmony of it all is like the wondrous breath that floats over it, protect- ing, guiding and directing it. Its great Temples, works of art, finer than man can conceive of, shine forth as if the perfection of it was greater as you look upon it from time to time. Within them the wondrous flames of purity burn ever, and the passing of they who under- stand its service within, hath no thought save that they can worship there that which created them. Thou who seekest a knowledge of the Egypt That Was, will find thyself some time looking closely and seeking out the thought that I have given you that hath made it, for thee, a reality even within physical being. Within the Egypt That Was, the triumph of spiritual- ity is like that which flows forth unceasing in its gran- deur. Here and there and everywhere, lifting themselves as if they were more perfect than others, are wonderful completed pictures carved and placed, that they, the mas- 6 ters, should become cognizant that their work was fin- ished for this great city. By the side of one of these stands a master builder. He has never known aught save the perfect fittings of all things, and yet he finds himself questioning as if some current of thought had led him here to trace out through this perfect form and give him what he sought. He looks out over the vast concourse of people and from among their number he calls the name of one he has known and wandered with through many great condi- tions. With a thought he calls him, and the beauty of the language is like the soothing fall of the quiet night. "Why standest thou," he said unto this master, "what is it that thou questioneth about? Hast thou no word from he who is the great master of Egypt? Or hath he given thee something greater to do than thou hast ever done?" "Yea", he said, "he hath given me a mar- ble, a symbol of a marble, and he saith unto me, *when thou hast reasoned with thyself and hath understood, then I wouldst that thou shouldst come unto me.' " Soft and blue was the haze that fell over this wonderful city and the master stood closer yet to this perfect statue. The hands seemed as if within them they held a secret, and he touched them with his own. "Offtimes," he said, "have I looked and wondered if there could be a more perfect place than our Egypt. I have wondered if there was a wisdom greater, a knowledge grander or a con- sciousness higher. It comes to me and flits with me whenever I strive, as thou knowest I often do, to place a purer thought within this wondrous marble. They have brought to me one of the purest stones that I have ever handled. Come thou with me, Marcus, I wouldst have thee see and know something of my thought." Through the streets of the city we walked together and at last we entered a low, rambling building; within 7 it, crowded it seemed as if with the greatest works of art. Here and there in the cool corridors a floating vision of lightness and airiness was placed as if a moment and they would take their winged way far into the great universes that lie beyond the Egypt That Was. The Master led me into a low room, fitted as thou wouldst say, to work in. Here and there and everywhere were great plans that he had drawn. He said unto me : "Hast thou had a vision greater than thou hast ever had? It seemed as if thy spirit would never be satisfied until it had reached a greater height. Why art thou not with us at all times r Why wanderest thou afar? Findest thou aught that is greater than Egypt?" He laughed and said: "My friend, there is naught that has ever been made as perfect as that which striveth to make more perfect. See thou this block of marble? It is my wish and desire that I carve it that it may stand within the eternal heights." I looked upon him, for had I not known the building of Egypt, the beloved place where we had been taught so many things. "Why seekest thou to place it within the eternal heights?" "Listen, Marcus," he said, "not long and I go hence and I would finish this that it may be placed by he whose hands are greater than mine. Watch thou with me a little while." He took and began to mold this block of marble, so pure it was it seemed as if only a touch and it began to form itself into a wondrous condition. I said no word unto him, I only waited. Outside the dripping of the fountains and the murmur of many thoughts as if they whom we had known and loved held converse one with the other. And then thou camest unto us. I had missed thee from Egypt; I had wondered whither thou hadst gone. Softly thou didst rest a while and the master worked on. Here and there he touched it and his hands seemed as if the mystery of the eternal was weaving a 8 figure, making it supremely wonderful. At last he stopped his work and, turning unto you, he said : "Whither hast thou been? Egypt hast missed thee. And we nave spoken of thee many times. What is it that hath claimed thee?" And then thou didst say: "Knowest thou not that I have been about my Father's business? The Egypt that must hold a place hath need of great foundations, and from my Universe I must bring that which shall es- tablish what the Father hath asked of me." "What, saith thou," I said, unto thee, "what great consciousness must thou place?" And then thou didst tell us of a new planet within which they saith Egypt must find a place. Into it must come from out of the Holy Places many things. From the height must we draw, as it were, the greatness that shall form a place within it." Three times, thou didst tell us, shall Egypt find a place within this planet. The master who had molded looked upon thee and said : "Truly the Father giveth thee more to do than any of us. Where is this place? How shall I find it? Who is it that hath called forth such a creation that our Egypt shall find a place within it?" Even now, I, Marcus, hear within the movements of our old Egypt a consciousness lifting itself and mingling with our thought. The mas- ter said: "Shall it be great?" And thou didst answer: "Yes, it shall be great, for the Father saith it must live ages and ages; portions of it must be placed here and there and everywhere." Then thou didst tell us of its creation. Thou didst tell us of all that would surround it. And then we talked together, taking from out of the knowledge of Egypt That Was that the Egypt of To Be should be likened unto it. Once more the master uncovered his block of marble. "I will hasten," he said, "lest I be not ready to go with thee when thou shalt be called upon to go hither, and I wouldst that this should be finished." Again the hands 9 that wove the clear pattern worked with the marble. Strangely sweet was the form and the draperies that he clothed it with that fell like soft veils around it. Looking forth thru the archways I saw many a radiant picture of our Egypt That Was; its greatness and its grandeur — and I wondered if we could translate it and place it upon a planet. *" The master finished all but the face of his figure, and then he seemed to hesitate. "Listen," he said, "I feel as if there was a call, as if from; out of the greatness of Immensity there was a call, as if the thought was sweet, sweet, in its utterance, yet majestic and grand, com- manding and kinglike. It is a strange thought I hear, I thinketh me I have not heard it before." In silence we waited and thru the silence drifted the sweetness of the thought, and thou looked upon us and in the quietness, thou didst say unto us: "Hast thou never heard it?" "Listen, and I will tell it unto thee." "Let me say that thou must understand — it was on the yesternight and I knew within my Universe that I must go into the heights. I went my way. The breath of the Infinite overshadowed me. I looked into the heights and I saw a shining figure clothed with the raiments of purity, truth and love. Closer it came to me, and with a vision of sweetness spake: 'Thou art building and placing the foundations for My Father's place. Within it thou art working out a plan for His knowledge to live within it.' I looked upon Him and I knew He was the Son of the Father." What was it that seemed to float around us as a breath, as thou spake unto us? What was it that seemed to fill the air with a silvery radiance? I say unto thee, full and truly, for as thou writest this and thinketh of it, thou shalt know how won- drously beautiful it was. A moment and He who was with us. He who claimeth 10 the first thought for the earth, and thou didst say unto us : "This is He, He who hath asked of His Father and for whom we shall work and plan and serve; He who hath asked that the Egypt That Was shall be placed as a reflection within the earth." Low His voice as He spake unto us: "Place thou,'* He said, "first a great Truth within the earth; let it be strong and true in all ways. They who hath served My Father knowest and understandeth it. Then thou shalt bring from out of thy Universe that which shall hold the foundations together and they shall be the greater consciousness growing and welding and holding themselves together until the very end when all things that have been of Egypt shall be re- turned unto her again. Then thou shalt lift above it the wonderful structure that shall stand through three great habitations ; yea, verily, even unto the fourth, and it shall be that which shall hold for all men a place. And thou shalt place it in pure form, let the Light that guideth and leadeth us shine ever above it. Let that which giveth it Light be of the Father; but its buildings shall be as I giveth it unto it. Maketh it worthy of what thy thought is that when I cometh unto it I shall find it ready." The slumbering sweetness of a new day bathed the earth in fullness and beauty, and thou and I stood in the first great habitation, with all ready to place as we had been told to do. Long hath it been and again the second habitation called for us to still place a clearer reflection of the Egypt That Was. Across the windswept condi- tion floated a thought held by us of many Universes as we gathered and protected the reflection of Egypt. And the third habitation claimed again our service and our work. It remaineth yet for no hand, no force, no element, naught can do away with it. Its symbols are as fresh as when the masters of many Universes placed them upon the stones. Its Temples are as clear and as plain, and 11 the sands have not swept over any portion of it. How keepeth we it? What hath we that the power is given unto us that it shall not pass into ruin? Hath thou not heard? Hath thou not understood? Truly thou must know when Infinite and Divinity giveth it all, it cannot pass away. So when it was ready that thou shouldst know, within the physical, I came unto thee. Let this be thy first lesson, as it is the last of the con- sciousness of Egypt for thee until thou standest truly as spirit within the City of Egypt That Was and when thou lookest into the eternal heights thou shalt find the statue of he who made it ready to fill its place ; and when thou asketh who it is, I say unto thee, it was Imhotep. The gorgeous colorings of the Egypt That Was so full of its royal splendor is the fitting word of she whom thou knowest cometh unto thee bringing thee many times a quietness, a thought and a love that is greater than all thou hast ever known. Across the vision the spirit flits. Always and for- ever the knowledge of the presence of Divinity — great as a master, loving as a brother, royal as a king, yet always gentle and sweet, and the breath of Egypt That Was floats upward and onward into the presence of the In- finite filled full of our worship and our service. QUESTIONS AND ANSW^ERS Q. Why were the lessons given that way? Could they not have been given in order? A. No, because I had to gather together from out of the different ages and place them when I procured them for myself. If you will read them as I have directed you, you will find they are perfect in the placing. 12 Q. All I have gotten now, can go in one Book? A. Yes, Sir. This that I have given you tonight may be called the Preface. Q. What shall I call this Book? A. The Egypt That Was. Three times Marcus changed his robe. The first time I (Mrs. L.) saw him he stood like a workman, wore a short jacket. Then he changed his clothing and was dressed as an Egyptian. And then when he changed his robe the last time it was white with purple and the silver symbols in it. Marcus, says: "I wanted to take you thru three great conditions — one as he who buildeth and worketh; one as he holdeth the sym- bols of knowledge; and one who serves He who is the King and the Master of the Silver Brotherhood." 13 LESSON I MARCUS— January 3, 1918 In the first great century before the beginning of the First Pharaoh, you and I were called to stand within the great consciousness of the Father's holy thought. Let me tell it unto you as it was. And no shadow fell twixt thee and me, and the great, wondrous Pharaoh, he who held within the Atlanteans a place and carried with him the gracious Law, stopped within our Universe and he took from out of that which had formed the building of many a wondrous temple, that which thou and I must gather together. Holy, indeed, was his presence. And when thou hast taken and gathered together the Law which is for you and me, within which are many meas- urements and out of which the great Israelitish nation produced what was afterwards known as the Book of Deuteronomy. Very gracious was his presence and he spake with us and he gave us the great mathematical knowledge for earth. He said : "Thou shalt only measure it by the four corners of the earth, for in thy measure- ment thou shalt find that thou hast left room enough for all the gracious presence that may be called from the mighty hosts." Then he took three stones and laid them side by side and he said unto you: "Thou sh.ilt go with me, for thou shalt know that two spiritual Pharoahs must be with the great and wondrous condition of the earth before it is called and placed in condensed form." 14 The other Pharaoh was one of the great Udanic Race. He, it was, who carried, as it were, the fulfillment of the Law. All this thou must know is within spirit. And we went and we stood where we could see. Mighty were the hosts that gathered within the four corners of the earth. ^ And again he said unto us : "Thou must hold the calculation correct, for thou must not only measure, but thou must make the measurement so per- fect that in the great spheres which the Father will create, there shall be not even the fraction of a cubit that does not join with all cubits." And he who was with him took within his hand a glass and within the glass was a six-pointed needle, and he said: "Four points of the needle shall point to the corners of the earth, but two points of the needle shall point to the spheres and to the orbit world."* Thou didst not question, neither did I. Then we saw that the Father's creation held a blue light, and the sec- ond Pharaoh took from out the wonderful atmosphere and molded within his hand, the beautiful, blue stone — the color thereof holds even unto this day within the archives where the sand hath blown over it and the ages have swept with a mighty hand across the face of it, but it still holds the blue which the second Pharaoh molded out of the pure atmosphere of God. Once more he stooped and from out of the matter portion of earth he took some clay and he gave it unto you and he said: ♦What is Orbit World? That which holds within it the laws that control all things within the orbit of the earth, or as you would say, it is the aura of all great bodies within the earth's orbit that holds and pro- tects them by the law within it. It holds the etheric fluid that is used by planetary spirit and is their sustenance. 15 "And thou shalt mold it" — and as thou didst mold it, there were two colors within it — one was red and the other was yellow — and he said: "And thou shalt have a consciousness with us and thou shalt have a conscious- ness when the race shall be red and again thou shalt have a consciousness when the race shall be yellow."* And he took the two stones in his hand. Then the first Pharoah took from out the earth and molded in his hands the clay and it was black, and he said : **I give unto this the Law, for it is the earth and the earth shall move many thou- sands of years before within it will be a Pure Law." Unto you (Mr. G.) that Law shall be unknown till thou know- est and be within the pure land of the spirit. And he handed you what he had molded and it was like unto a stone and Pharaoh had the three stones, but within them were the four colors. And he said unto me, Marcus: "Thou shalt plant four of them in the four corners of the earth and it shall be that thou hast builded well."t And he took the black stone and he took the red stone and he took the yellow stone and he divided them and placed them within the four corners of the earth. But the blue stone he left for thee. Then they went their way, and I also ; but thou didst go unto the place which is known as Zaphata and there thou didst know those were mighty as spirit, greater than earth hath ever known, and within thy hand thou didst carry the blue stone, and when thou didst stand ♦Who were the Red and Yellow Races? The first one was the Atlanteans (red) and the yellow ones were the Udans (Chinese). That is only a form of expressing this separateness of the races for spirit. fThe four colors Marcus planted in the four corners of the Earth, does that symbolize the four habitations of earth? Yes. 16 in the midst of them, thou didst show them the stone, and they said unto thee: "Stranger, thou cometh from the Seventh Universe, knowest thou not that our Tem- ple waiteth that thou shalt place v^ithin it the blue stone which is to us the Almighty — Almighty AUathami, which shall be for us undisturbed as long as the Father is?" And thou didst take with thee the blue stone and thou didst say unto them: ''Bring unto me a white stone" and thou didst take it and lay it where they wished that thou shouldst, and thou didst lay upon it the blue stone ; and when it had lain there, thou lifted it and upon tue face of the stone was the symbol of Almighty God. And thou didst call upon us who were the masters of the Seventh Universe, and we came unto thee and there were six of us. And we stood around the stone and we lifted that which seemeth the measurements by cubits, and then when we had measured it, we placed upon it six symbols of the Universe of the Seventh, and in the placing we placed the Purity of the Thought that belongs to our Brotherhood. This belongeth in the spirit. I cannot say unto you that it was one thousand or two thousand or more time, for with the passing of time with spirit it is like the flitting of the sunlight across the moment of day. But I know that thou saith unto me: "I will go to earth, for knowest thou not that the third Pharaoh rules in old Egypt alone?" And thou didst take upon thee an etheric body and it was likened unto those who dwelt within Egypt. And thou didst take for thy royal trappings the stripes of blue and red and yellow and black; and thou wert counted among the Nobles of the Seventh Race of Egypt. No man asked of thee whither thou didst come, neither didst they question thee as to who were thy people, for they knew that thou must be of a royal house or thou couldst not have had what 17 thou didst. And they spake unto thee, they who served the King, and they said: "Art thou a magi of the far East?" And thou didst answer them and say: ''Ah, farther than where the waters roll and if thou countest thou wilt find it where the sun sets and it shall be West instead of East." But they laughed at thee and they said : "So speaketh all the magi for they have the Law and the Knowledge, while thou hast more than any as yet, for did not the King Pharaoh send unto thee and did he not give thee the many chains of gold and copper that thou wearest around thy neck?" And one day when thou didst go unto the great palace of the Pharoah he said unto thee : "Surely thou didst know that I needed thee — but where is he who stood with thee when the second Pharaoh placed the stones — and I would ask thee, for I needeth them." Then thou didst say unto him : "I will send for him who cometh from my Cycle." He said : "Say unto him to bring unto me the stones that are likened unto those which were given unto Pharaoh the Second." And he showed thee the many buildings with their wondrous carvings and their heights, greater than the earth giveth a history of, and from top to bot- tom were they carved. Sonie of them were of pure white marble and some of them were of ivory. Some were of porphery and some were of the green jade. Over to the east of this great building had he placed five pil- lars of lapis lazuli. But when he spake unto thee thou didst say unto him: "Pharaoh, knowest thou that thy lapis lazuli hath not within it the Purity of Thought, for thou canst not trace the golden threads within it?" He said : "When thou cometh again bring thou thy comrade and I will send unto thee the royal robes of my scribe, for I wouldst that my nation should know that it hath need of one." "Lookest thou upon the pillars, seeth thou that they have carved them but they have written no 18 words and I wouldst that the world and the great earth within which I have planted this, shall have the spirit of the word within it, for I have come from that which held the great Spirit of the Law." And thou didst go thy way and thou didst enter into thine own place and thou didst say unto those who waited for thee : "I give audience this day unto no mjan save he who shall come from the great Temple of the Pharaoh and his name thou shalt know when he giveth it unto thee as 'Imhotep/ " And thou didst go into thy inner room and thou didst take within thy hand the circle that the mark upon it is likened unto the old Zodiac of the Atlanteans. And thou didst lay it upon a great, black tablet (table) ana wnen the light of the sun fell upon its center, thou didst know that thou hadst thy answer and that I, Marcus, would be with thee ere the light fell upon it once more. Then thou didst go into the outer Court and while thou didst wait, there came unto thee the Chief High Priest of the Temple of the Pharaoh and he said unto thee: "I am Imhotep and I come unto thee that thou mayst know that I am ready to fulfill thy mission." And he laughed and he said unto thee: "Surely thou know- est that I have come with an etheric body, as thou hast, and Pharaoh knowest me not as Imhotep, but he hath given me charge over the carvings of the pillars. But thou knowest I cannot give thee the words of the Law. But when thou waitest for the coming of he who shall be the scribe, then wilt thou know and understand that I served the Pharaoh because he belongeth unto those who are of our Universe." Around and about within the court yard white doves circled and the whirr of their wings mingled with the splash of many waters. The quiet serving man brought the iced drinks and the cooled fruits and ye did eat of them that thou shouldst take a closer form around thy 19 body for thou now must enter into a contact with ma- terial conditions.* Very silently did the hours of earth pass for you and Imhotep. You spake of the great conditions when first as formless spirit thou didst wait the knowledge of thy Father. To thee it came with that which gave thee the power of being of service, even unto the greater days. To Imhotep it came as the knowledge that he should first seek a place within earth. Still he knew as he spake with thee, that spirit is not restricted in its consciousness of earth. He spake of those who waited within the con- fines of the great condition to watch that which should follow, and then thou didst say unto him : "Imhotep, in all thy great conditions, hast thou found aught that hold- eth within it an earth like unto this?" And he answered thee: "Nay, not so, but thou knowest that there must be those who follow me that shall gather together a knowledge of many things. And when I seek to reign in Egypt it shall be that I seek to hold my spirit within physical consciousness that it may know the full mean- ing of what earth really is." The hours of the day closed around you, the low notes of a night bird calling to its n^te drifted in thru the leafy trees that grew outside your dwelling place, here and there the soft footfall of those who served broke the quiet silence. Once you went to where the water fell in a soft splash in a marble basin, you dipped your hands within it and cooled them, as it were, for you felt the pressure of the physical influence that came to your etheric body. Imhotep came and stood beside you and he said : "Dost thou miss thy place within the Seventh Universe?" And across the low vibrant tones with which he spake, there was more than a ques- *See end of lesson for answer to some questions that were asked at this point. 20 tion. Turning, you said unto him : "Yea, verily, but we must know so that when we place within the stones the symbols they must have within them a deeper thought, a greater knowledge and a purer love, that it may last ages upon ages, last until all knowledge of either Egypt or its people has passed away." Ere the sunlight of another day fell, Imhotep had gone his way to serve within the palace of the Pharaoh. Was he called ''Imhotep ?" Nay, he was called "Quais," and they only knew him as one who served the King. And then I came unto thee and I said unto thee : *'And what is it that we shall do?" And thou saith: **Go thou and bring together the knowledge of the stones that lyeth within the four corners of the earth." Then he said unto thee : "Thou knowest that there are only the three colors. What shall I do? — have only those?" And thou saith unto him : "I have with me that which, is the blue stone — gather thou the others together." And I went my way and from the north and the south and the east and the west, did I bring unto thee the colors that thou didst ask and the stones thereof. Then thou didst go unto Pharaoh the Third, according to the spirit, and Marcus clothed himself in the royal robes of the scribe and he taketh with him a tablet of pure m/arble, and when thou didst come and had thine audience with the King, thou didst say unto him: "I have done as thou saith." He said: "It is well. What shall my scribe write first? Unto thee do I give, this day, the right." And thou didst turn and say unto me: "Write these words — 'THERE IS NONE GREATER THAN THE FATHER.^ " And Pharaoh said: "It is well written. Place thou the first symbol of Egypt and it shall be a bird and it shall have a crown upon its head and there shall be many feathers upon it." And even unto this day thou knowest that it is one of the symbols of Egypt. "And the bird shall be 21 the message, the crown shall be obedience to the Father, but the feathers shall be all of those who shall be called * Egyptians' ". Then I said unto the King : "O, great King of Egypt, which is known as the Pharaoh, what shall the scribe say with regard to the talons of the bird?" And the King saith : "And it shall be this : 'That all nations shall be gathered together, gathered by the greater need that shall be for them when they have no knowledge of the Father/ " And then when thou wert ready and I had written it according as it should be, Pharaoh called unto seven men of his household. Three of them were of the High Priests and three of them were his Chief Men and one of them was he whom thou knowest as Imhotep, but the King called him by the name that he gave unto thee. And they took with them a small instrument about the size of your hand and it was made of gold, beaten down until it was smooth, and they took with them the sand and they mixed with it a red clay and some water, and when thou had taken with thee the scribe, which was myself, we laid the stones that I had brought, and there was the red one and the yellow one and the black one. And when the King said unto thee: "There are but three stones" thou didst take the blue one and thou didst fit it together, and the King knew that thou hadst built within Old Egypt the Basic Law of the Father, which gave unto four races the knowledge that the First Pharaoh gave unto thee and unto me, when we stood and looked upon what the Father had created. What didst thou do when the stones were laid? Thou didst measure them, and on one side were three cubits, on the other side were three cubits, and the four sides were equal, and thou didst think within thyself — Twelve times shall the great Law be. Twelve times shall the Universes move within the Thought of the Father. 22 Twelve shall be the numbering of the Tribes, and Twelve shall be the Disciples of the Son of God. What thinketh thou? Knoweth thou aught of what the sym- bols holdeth? Thinketh thou aught of the measurement? Thinketh thou of the colors thou hast placed? And as thou thinketh, knowest thou even now, that the nations of the earth — the red, the yellow and the black — holdeth a spiritual knowledge that the blue stone formed the key of. I say unto thee : Why seeketh thou within still water for the knowledge that floweth from the great Fountain- head? Rather wouldst thou turn thy face toward that which is greater and the consciousness of thy spirit can keep thee where thou wouldst go. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Marcus, how is this done? A. An etheric body, if it wishes to handle physical things and material things, can utilize the atoms within the atmosphere and for a certain length of time utilize that around the etheric body, and move material things with the strength of it; can utilize forces and mingle with human beings closer. Q. What was there, in the taking of the iced drinks and the cooled fruits that produced this? A. In the taking, the spirit of both knew th?* they break bread together in His Name. And it was the bond of thought that existed, even unto this day, among those who are true to their spirit. Q. In those great conditions, was it usual for spirit to use an etheric body? A. Yes, it was not until about the 5th century before the coming of the Master that spirit laid aside the use of etheric bodies. 23 Q. Will you tell us why they did it? A. One reason was, that they found that matter was forcing itself too close into physical bodies; or in other words, it was working too rapidly up to the given point of the coming of the Divine Master, so they quit using etheric bodies so much, although there were those among the Disciples who used them. There were many masters of the far East who used them; and those who were the Wise men used them; and it was later in the great period when the battle of Bonaparte was fought upon the same ground that at present is being waged warfare, that many used etheric bodies. But the century that is opening out will find many master spirits using etheric bodies. Q. Will they become plain enough for ordinary people to see them? A. No, not any more than the untrained eye of those who will not see, those who submit only the grosser things to their view; but they who are sensitized watch and see all things. Q. Marcus, what was your name when you were a Scribe? A. They called me Efalenthia, which means, just like you would say today if you were speaking of the largest animal — the elephant — it was the abbreviation, because they marked the moving of great things. And the King called me the Mover of great things. All knowledge I would place would move the greater conditions. Q. How did you place the knowledge? Upon parchment? A. No, I placed it upon an ivory tablet. They were pre- pared and transferred later upon a composition closely resem- bling bronze, but the most of it was placed upon stones. Some of the stones were prepared for several years before they were ready for the impressions. Most of them were very smooth. The rough ones were left for the lower bases or under portions of great buildings, and many of them even as far as 20 and 30 feet under ground were all carved before they were placed there. It is still intact so it can be read. The most beautiful of ivory we had, of course, was destroyed and if I should tell you of hundreds and thousands of tusks of Elephants which abounded in great numbers, you would be sur- prised. Their method of preparation was very nice and it was nothing unusual to see a tower 50 or 100 feet high built of them, 24 they were beautifully carved and you could not see where the tusks were joined together, because of the beautiful carving. We raised elephants just as you raise horses and cattle. We used them very greatly. We had many white ones which be- longed to the royal families, but there was one particular kind that there were few of, and they were a creamy color with black spots upon them — very rare — and used only by the King, They were very large and very beautiful. 25 LESSON II Form, Color, Light and Grandeur MARCUS— February 7, 1918 Well, I will begin as I always do, that you may follow me and understand the placing of all things. Egypt was at the height of her greatness, everything had been brought that there might be placed together for all the glory of the Pharaoh had been intensified and grandeur was everywhere. This condition was when Pharaoh VIII held a place and once more the conscious- ness of thy spirit must come in touch with Egypt. Every- thing that thou hath a knowledge of must come again to you that you may realize how great are all the things that are created. This time Imhotep followed closely with thee in all things that thou didst do. Even yet, however, it was needful for him to make a record of the great things that they might be placed within, not only the reflected sphere, but within the Temple of Egypt that shall some day be finished wherein it is placed. This time we had first to go into the great Color Universe that we might know how great the possibil- ities of making an impression upon the things of earth that this record of Egypt should be held for ages. From out of this Universe we brought with us a master. His name was Maluchia. It meant to us, the Master of all Color. And so we came to Egypt when seemingly Egypt 26 far greater than it had ever done was left for Imhotep to .0 T ar of us took an etheric body, vhom we went among, they it we were not as other men. •^ T le great Temples, visiting the gs that were of Egypt. We ►riests for they were the men c lore of Egypt, came to us from the King, wise man and wonderful con- far into the magic circle of the [ a King but he held not the own spirit. He had heard of :hose to demand of us an audi- s thou always art. And unto of answering his invitation. I lo came unto us and I spake "O King, thou who art the seekest thou of us? We are strangers among thy people." id then he answered : "Surely otherhood of the Seventh Uni- r hast not he who was the high e Pharaoh marked thy coming v^here the Seventh Universe is." nd I answered him and said: 1. ^ P T ?reat indeed and we will come and give thee an auaience, but it must not be within the palace of the Pharaohs, for we cometh not into thy city that we should either seek honor or place, but we come that we may bring unto they who shall form a part in the great future of Egypt, bring unto them a knowledge that is great." In taking this unto thee there cometh to me the thought fresh as it was at that time, though many 27 8 0.0 9 2.0 8.0 8 0.0 7 I.O / 6.0 2 4.0 7 1.0 A 6.0 3 5.0 7 1.0 1 5.0 I 5.0 8 0.0 2 4.0 8 7.0 ! 5.0 ^ 6.0 8 0.0 /» 6.0 3 2.0 T have been the things that have passed over the earth. It was close onto the midnight hour and we four went alone and passing into the great pyramid we were received by those who attended upon the King, but when we entered the great chamber there was no one present save the King and two high priests. When we came Pharaoh spake to us and gave unto us the signal that all they of Egypt who belongeth unto the Brotherhood hath a knowledge of. Think not strange as thou dost listen unto me that in the past among they who dwell in Egypt that they had no knowledge of all these things, for I say unto you that they knew more than what has been known by those of the West and they of the West have yet to learn of many, many things. Pharaoh was a man who was large of stature and with keen dark eyes and swarthy skin and the long braids of black hair with a high turban, as you would speak of it, or head dress, added to his height. His gar- ments were very rich and rare on this occasion, for every strip of the yellow of the Egyptian trappings it was of rich color, while the black and the red gleamed with many silken threads. He had removed the outer garment and stood clothed in pure white linen, as it is the custom of all masters within the pyramid to wear no color unless it be a head dress. His hands were long and tapering and upon one of his fingers he wore the Seal of Egypt. O, Seal of Egypt, it is that which hath closed the silent lips of many and many an age. I want you to know what it was like that you may re- member and understand it as a symbol. It was made in the form of a square cross, the stone was an unfitted, unpolished, green stone, but in the cen- ter, imbedded within it, was an emerald in the form of a scarab. I saw it gleamj and glisten like a wonaerful eye, and then I saw him who was with him, one of the 28 high priests, come and speak unto him and say : "Pharaoh, it is time for the silent prayer." The walls of the room glowed like wondrous sunlight and Pharaoh knelt close to where the Circle was to be, and we stood apart, even we claimed not the right to kneel with the King of Egypt. The sunlight on the walls began to grow dim as if the quiet stillness was forcing a reply, and at least the room was entirely dark. Pharaoh finished his prayer and I wouldst that thou shouldst know in this day and age what his prayer was : "I, Pharaoh the King, call upon the God of Egypt, and upon the gods of all forces and powers, that they may bring unto me that which I demand. And may the Gods of Egypt hold and place for us, as a people, more grandeur, more power; and I, Pharaoh the King, say — More TRUTH." Quietly as if an unseen hand had swept for a moment the stillness of the room, and then the magic circle began to form. It was as if a soft glow was melting itself within the darkness of the room. It was about three feet wide, the light of it. The circumference was about twenty feet. We stood close to the southern side and after a little while Pharaoh the King, with his two priests, came and stood with us. Then it was that Imhotep spake unto him. "Pharaoh," he said, "knowest thou that we come from the great Universe of the Seventh?" And he took from out his mantle a tablet of fine ivory, and he said: "Pharaoh, I wouldst read unto thee a word from one who was thine ancestor." Pharaoh said unto him: "Bring thou me a message from the land of Souls?" "Yea, verily," Imhotep said, "for they who have passed into the land of Souls some of them waiteth even yet 29 that they shall know the glory of our Father." "I wouldst read unto thee, Pharaoh, a message : I, Pharaoh, sendeth unto thee, who is King of Egypt, a word that shall be unto thee worthy and that thou shalt use it with thy counsellors." "Prepare," I say, "thyself." "The River Nile will have no water for the coming harvest. I say unto thee, for thy people, place thou for them great storehouses of grain, for there will be need of it, and place more than thou needest, for though it will not last but the year, there shall be those who shall come unto thee for grain, even in the far-off country." The King of Egypt listened to the message, but as he turned toward the magic Circle there was another ques- tion, and he said : "But I wouldst that thou shouldst give unto me from out of the Land of Souls some other thought. The Gods have blessed me and Egypt is in the height of her glory, but Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, hath known no love, nor nothing given unto him." I saw thee lift thy hand as if there should be a silence, and thou didst speak unto him and say : "Pharaoh, King of Egypt, knowest thou not the knowledge of spirit?" And as thou didst speak unto him, the master from the Color Universe lifted his hand above the magic ring and into its heart glowing in every direction, fell the holy color; and Pharaoh, King of Egypt, turning toward it, said: "Surely this is greater than I have ever seen. Egypt hath many colors and our mantles and all things that we make are rich and vivid with the thought we place within them. Who art thou that bringest this that I may see?" But the master answered him not, and thou silently, waited a moment, and then said thou unto Pharaoh: "Pharaoh, knowest thou not that there shall be a time when all Egypt shall not be save where the great walls have been, but thou must leave upon them something that man shall know that thou hast been." He looked, and across his 30 face fell the thought that this master came to him that he must have what had never been given unto him before. "Imhotep," he said, "what shall I do? Thou surely hast it written as thou hast the other." Imhotep said : "Pha- raoh, we brought unto thee a master, he shall place upon the stones and upon the great court yards and the pillars, this holy light, this holy color, and it shall cover all thy colors, and nothing shall remove them.* They shall last for ages and ages and when the earth seeketh a greater knowledge, they shall be there to tell of all the things that Egypt did.*' The light of the magic circle glowed and gleamed and then as the melodies of all forces seemed to blend to- gether, there stood within the Circle the Pharaoh that had been the first. How wondrously grand he was, and how strong was the tie that was between us ! He spake not, the silent message came unto us without words. Afterward we went many times unto the King and the master whom we had brought with us, placed for him the knowledge of the holy color. And thou who knowest anything of Egypt knowest that it is there, those won- drous colors, even though the winds of the desert and the sands have blown over it for ages. Once more as across the great windswept condition of time, thou waitest to know the meaning of Egypt. I say unto thee, this time thou didst go with Heldos. Within a city of Egypt there was a quaint old building ; in it had lived for ages and ages they who were known as Greeks. They mingled with those of Egypt, but their women and their men were always Greek. Unto them came those of Egypt who required not perfect form pro- duced as far as culture or carving were concerned. No ♦Is this the protection? Yes. 31 one had asked from whence they came in the beginning, and no one questioned, for they had been there a long time. Into the first room as you entered, you would find many works in the old pottery of Egypt ; here and there would be a wonderful pillar wrought with leaves and wondrous design hiding a small fountain with its trailing vines and leaves carved upon the wonderful porphyry of Egrypt. How quaint they were, and yet how wondrously beautiful. As you entered only one person was there, and she was a woman. Her long hair fell in two long braids far down toward her feet ; it was a wondrous color, dark with the gleam of red within it, showing plainly above the fair face, for Egypt had few who were fair. Heldos spoke to her and said: "We have come to see what you can do for us." And she invited you into the work-room. Back of it was a large room entirely made of crystal, which, as you know, was used in Egypt instead of glass. Many were the wonderful works of art within it; even from far-off Italy had been sent to Egypt the wondrous marble upon which this woman had carved and formed. Heldos, taking her mantle from around her, laid it aside and then the woman said to her: "Thou hast come to me because I have need of thee." How grand and sweet the light fell over all things. Outside the burn- ing sun of Egypt shone, but within this quiet place it was mellowed and the quartz shone forth with many color- ings falling upon the forms everywhere. Heldos did not seem to feel or think of this answer in a strange way, for she said : "Certainly, my child, I am ready for what thou hast for me to do." She took her into a small room and there she strapped upon her form that which she wished for her to have. It was a long, loose robe of thin mate- rial which showed the form perfectly thru its folds. She had removed the sandals from her feet and the feet were bare. She had loosened the hair; it fell like a wondrous 32 shower to the floor. She asked her would she stand a moment until she had arranged what she would use. Back of her fell the royal curtain of the great House of Egypt, and crouching at her feet was a white leopard with only here and there a tawny spot upon its fur. Whence had it come? It belonged there and was a pet of the woman. She rolled her piece of rough marble up to the point where she required to work upon and then she placed Heldos. Thou hast told me of it many times. Over and above the hair was a circlet of fine gold and in the front of it were three brilliant stars. The woman worked rapidly as if she must needs hurry. How long was it? Thou didst not count the hours, thou wert busy watching. The woman worked on. The great rough piece of marble formed itself gradually and when the light was almost gone, she said to Heldos : "Wouldst thou come again? Come thou to me when the twilight light of the morrow is." And again Heldos and thou didst go and when it was finished, it was placed within the great Temple of Hathor, and Egypt had a perfect form.* Marcus wears a rough linen (brown) robe, which has the skirt of the Roman and the wrappings of the Roman. On his head is a wreath of brown leaves. Why do you bring this? Because I have to tell and bring together the thought that belongeth only to those who understand both poetry and art. Write, he says, lest I should not *Would you explain the Temple of Hathor, and whose per- fect form was this? The Temple of Hathor, where they worshipped the God Hathor. The perfect form was the symbol of what was to be, which was the promise to the Hitites, Mona the mother of the Divine Master. 33 hold long enough that thou shouldst know how perfect it is as I bring it unto thee. How long did Egypt wait for light? Long enough that there should be brought from out of the heights the knowledge that penetrates and holds itself ready for a race that can place knowledge in the highest degree pos- sible for earth. Unity and the knowledge of greater things had swept over the creations of the Father. One by one had the Brotherhoods formed themselves that the link might be complete. The great master of the Holy Places stood waiting as if for a message. The soft glow of the eternal harmonies had mingled with all things and we of the Brotherhood of the Seventh Universe knew that we were to fulfill our part whatever it might be — the command given. We watched and waited and as the cloud of holy breath separated, there came forth a light, brilliant, yet soft, vitalizing, yet pure. The holy master said : "They of the Seventh Universe must carry this to earth for there will be a race whose first king shall be of spirit and whose last king shall hold the knowledge of silence. The seal was given unto us wherein was placed the light, and we — Imhotep and you and I — were given the right to bring it to the earth. Earth was not in darkness, neither was it surrounded by shadows, and yet we brought this which glowed and burned within the casket and we knew that it was holy. Unto he who was the spirit and the first King of Egypt, represents as a symbol the Spirit of Knowledge, unto him we gave this : he placed it within the earth and it hath remained there. Once in a while there cometh one in some age who saith : "I have found that which is the pure light" and then it cannot be used. And again the ages rolled on. Thou and I knew what it was — it was the vitality of human life. But we knew that the Father when He gave it unto us, required of the holy 34 master that we say unto the King: "As thou tellest in spirit, O King, thou must place this within the earth, for human life must not be renewed, human life must be MY gift in the future." So we brought light unto Egypt, but it remaineth as yet within the earth, for no man knoweth where it is.* I will now say unto thee for yet a little while some- thing that will belong to this. I have said unto thee I would tell thee of the grandeur of Egypt. The long, low slanting rays of the sun fell over the desert sands, from every direction came long trains oi camels bearing their burden toward the city of the great King, for had it not gone forth into every land, that the King was to place a Queen upon the throne. He was one of the Pharaohs of the last condition. And she who was to rule with him was his sister. Very great, indeed, was the demand made upon every country, all the richest stuffs, the finest jewels, the greatest quantities of gold and silver for months had they been preparing and the trains of camels came from every direction. In a wondrous room whose hangings were most beau- tiful a man and a woman stood. They were very much alike, save that she was the taller of the two. She spake to him in a low quiet voice in the language of Egypt. vShe said : "Surely thou dost not want me to be a queen, thou knowest I love another man and thou art my brother. Thou knowest I have pledged my troth to him. Why wouldst thou have me for a queen?" "Requig," he said, and his voice was even sweeter than her own, "knowest thou not that the Gods have said that I die ere the third hour of the great rule commences?" She laughed a little *Is this the light that the Holy Master will use in bringing peace Yes. 35 and answered him not. Once more he spake : "Requig, who but thou could rule Egypt, and when I am gone knowest thou not that thou canst choose whom thou dost please to choose? But ere I go, I wouldst that he who is my heir shall rule when thou hast finished thy reign." She stepped to where one of the curtains concealed a seat, and taking from off the seat a small copper tube that had been used to roll a manuscript around, she broke it in twain, and laughing, she said : "Surely thou art not feeling that this is true? Thou canst reign and reign long and wisely. Go choose thou the Seti ; of all his daughters there is none greater than she he has named for himself. Knowest thou that he has no son and he would be glad, indeed, if thou shouldst take his daughter." "Requig, knowest thou not that she is cold, she hath no gentleness for Egypt; surely thou knowest my word and tomorrow thou must be called the Queen of Egypt." Over her face swept a look of pain and she said : "My brother, surely thou shouldst not do this. As far back as our people are concerned, knowest thou not they have never done this thing that thou saith that thou wilt do ?" The morning came and all the city was awake with the glory of the day. From every direction came they who wore huge garlands of flowers, all the camels were burdened, it seemed as if the wealth of the great foliage kingdom had burst forth ; even the streets were laid with flowers. Outside the gates of the city great crowds were coming in. The sound of the low piping reed was heard everywhere, and the plaintive music of voices seemed like a wondrous melody of thought. At last the great Temple gates were opened and the sound of . Egypt's voices blended with the voices outside. The Temple was filled full, the steps were filled and the streets were filled, and over it all fell still the plaintive notes of the reed music. Within the Temple the great burning incense burned with 36 a smothering smoke, and the perfume of the flowers min- gled with it all; and over the High Altar was thrown a thin, white, silken veil ; at the bottom of it was a heavy- trimming of silver. All around and about it was spread white heavy fur rugs, deadening the sound of those who were standing there. Eighteen priests with the great high tower or cope of silver upon their heads, passed and formed a circle — back of the altar. Eighteen more with the signets of the King of Egypt formed the other half circle outside at the foot of the altar. Twenty-one maid- ens in silver and white clustered at the foot of it; and last of all came the King and his sister. The low, sweet tones of the piping grew shriller and shriller, and the voice of the High Priest chanted forth the low chant that seemed to fill all the Temple. They knelt, those two, before the Altar, and the veil of the altar fell in its shim- mering folds, revealing what was beneath it. At the top was the wondrous light and form and the wondrous eye that belongeth unto the House of Egypt. It glowed and burned and seemed to penetrate as its gaze fell every- where. At the bottom of it, moving rapidly, as if here and there it had been touched and illumined, flashed back and forth the vivid letterings in Egypt : *T proclaim thee Queen." They knelt there a long time, those two, until all the rest had left the Temple, and then he led her forth, and upon the steps of the great Temple he proclaimed her Queen of Egypt. Everywhere the beauty and the grand- eur and the feasting were beyond all that earth had ever held before. And when the night shadows fell he came and spoke to her before they were to go in to the feast. "Requig,*' he said, "when thy son is born unto thee thou shalt search for a name and I would say unto thee that thou shalt call him Tmhotep' in memory of Imhotep the Great.'' And unto Egypt was given the grandeur of a new day. 37 LESSON III A Knowledge of Egypt, beginning at the great Pyramid, which represents the Father MARCUS— December 6, 1917 Thou knoweth we came from the Seventh Universe and thou knoweth we held a knowledge within the cre- ative cycle from whence we came, and we stood within the great conditions when immensity of form first held its place within the earth. And thou didst come with Imho- tep the Great, and thou didst stand: and each of us washed our feet within the great movement of the waters of earth. Thou and I were spirit, and Imhotep took an etheric body, and we went among that which was seek- ing immense form to eventually become sufficient to re- ceive infinite spirit close enough within it to do what was needful. And in the great conditions where the first knowledge was placed, we will call them Philistines, because no other name hath been given them. And Imhotep said: "If thou wilt go unto the Seventh Uni- verse I will hold my place and I will lay the stones of the foundation for that which shall worship the Father." And he gathered together from out of Immensity the knowledge of forces, and thou dost call it at this time "electricity," while he gave no name unto it. And long afterwards when thou didst come again, thou didst see 38 that he had laid eighteen (18) stones, and he waited that thou mightest come, that we three should lay three (3) more stones, which made three sides of the Pyramid — twenty-one — making the symbol of the mystic numbers. Thou canst not understand only as I tell it unto thee, for they who quarried the stone, were large, they would make four men today. And they were strong, for they had no separation to make. And they took the stones from out the mountain and three (3) stones were dark and four (4) stones were light, and the light stones needed no quarrying, for the Father had placed them in the beginning. And the three (3) dark stones were cut, but they were cut with the forces, not with human hands. And when they were ready to be placed they were moved by the power that you moveth other things with, but you hold it subject to the small conditions: while they held it subject to the large condition. They could handle it, but you cannot. Then he waited four thousand (4000) years, and upon the twenty-one (21) stones he placed twenty-one (21) more, and he made three (3) tiers. Then he waited one hundred (100) years, and from out of every Universe came a master, and they brought with them a stone, and when thou knoweth the numberings of the Universes, thou wilt know the number of the stones within the great Pyramid. And they finished it to the last point at the top. Then came he who was the Holy Master, and he said : "It shall mark the movement of the North Star and no man in no age of the earth shall be able to calculate like unto it." Then thou knoweth that your time of earth moved on. Long, long it was. And Imhotep went into other places and he lived and moved like unto as thou hast done. And he had many experiences as thou hast had of earth, but 39 he builded no more, but when the third habitation began and from out of the residue that remaineth between the two, there came they whose knowledge was equal to his own. Then thou knoweth that once more within the last predynastic condition of Egypt, not as thou knoweth it, but as it was, Imhotep came once more, and thou didst bring with thee one black stone from out of the Universe of the Seventh, and upon it thou didst place the markings of thy mastership and thou didst give it unto Imhotep and it had seven comers, and he did place it and it was known throughout all Egypt that there should be seven pyramids built, and they took for their builder one who came from out of that which had been left between the second and third habitations, and he builded there seven great pyramids, and they were built for those who are to be known as thou knowest. One was to the Son — one to the Holy Spirit — one to the God of the Universe — one to the Most High God — one to the Holy Master — and one to the great condition that will be. And they were around and about the first one that had been builded. And when thou thinkest thou shalt know that each one took its point from the North Star, and thou shalt know the meaning of the Master Star, for the first one standeth close to the first Pyramid. (Do you mean in close proximity ? No, to you it would be a large area, but to us it is not large.) Thinkest thou not that this is physical all of it ; there is physical and there is spiritual, one within the other; and remember, no man can make the calculation. (We do not, physically, know of these pyramids to- day?) No sir, because they are not there. There are remnants of some and the remnants of the oldest one is young by the side of the others. (Those three that are in a row, do they belong to- gether?) Yes sir, did I not tell you that three were 40 dark and four were light? Three so we can see them — that belongs to earth ? Yes sir. And thou shalt know that as twenty-one marketh the knowledge of the Mystic Brotherhood, there were, when finally complete, twenty-one markings upon the stones within the Pyramid ; but upon the four stones of the Pyramid there were no markings. Then thou didst seek out thy way and did come to the old predynastic Egypt for thou wished to place a knowledge of the symbols and even into the later knowl- edge of Egypt hath come the markings of the cartouches like unto the seven cornered stone that thou didst bring from out the Seventh Universe. I will continue from time to time giving you a close and vivid description of many experiences. The begin- ning of the record, who first made it, why it was placed upon stones, why it was colored. Many incidents in the lives of the ruling Kings that history does not give. I will call them by names for you, that you may be able to understand it. I will not place any dates, for many times one incident will be connected closely with the other, while there may be intervals of thousands of years between others. I also will have to connect for you very closely the experience of spirit, not connected with earthly experiences, and this will form much of the knowledge that you must place within the spiritual Tem- ple. Particularly I wish you to know the beginning of the Pharaohs. How many Imhoteps there were; what they did, why warfare was begun ; who were the females who had much to do with the ruling of their nations — why they understood the knowledge of the soul. Why they claimed the right to the Land of Souls. Each and all of these must follow one after the other. 41 Bring this with you that we may make it a perfect history for you. I also will carry it down for you to the last great con- dition and form the corresponding symbol and the mean- ing of the conditions then and the conditions now. I will try and make it as plain as I can that should you have occasion to have it placed before others, there will be no misunderstanding, but it must be simple enough that all will know my meaning. Have I not told you that they who belonged to the Brotherhood would from time to time, place for you the knowledge of many things. Theodeous (Mr. Hare) forms the link between the second and the third habitations, and he was the master who laid the remaining stones for the other pyramids. Do you not know that I told you that the stone at Constantinople was a black stone with the white mark- ings? Was that black stone brought from the Seventh Universe? Yes sir. There is an image of the Master carved from black stone underneath the old Roman forum at this time. Who builded the Roman Temple at the place where the Master was baptized ? I had much to do with it. It was builded twelve years before He came to Jerusalem. It was builded under the directions of Linnius Aquinous (not the Linnius, the Governor). He belonged to the old Quintal family. He discovered the River and wished to build a Temple to Jupiter on this spot. I (Marcus) builded all of the pillars, then I was called away into another part that I might lay the foundation for the old Temple far to the South. I did not see it after it was finished. This history of Egypt which I shall give you will take twelve lessons (once a month). There must be other things to lead up to the understanding of what I give — 42 which will come in the intervening lessons. There must be four nations into which we must go in order to make this complete, and I will endeavor to place a knowledge of them between these lessons, that this will be better understood. Does the Vatican hold a knowledge of this Temple where the Divine Master was baptized? Yes. The rea- son it has never been given was because Rome, as a people at the time of the coming of the Master, was ready to turn toward the knowledge of the One God, just as the world today stands ready. Knowest thou? 43 LESSON IV MARCUS— June 6, 1918 I want to begin and take up for you the line of con- nection between the Babylon of the second habitation and the Egypt of the third. And I may put it in this way. Within the Seventh Universe the masters felt as if the message would come to them, so they made their prepa- ration that they might fulfill it, for they knew it came from He who giveth them the highest thought. Of the number who gathered together there were nine, and five were given the right to take unto the second habita- tion the producing and putting together of the great city that was to be known as Babylon. Egypt of the third habitation held a Babylon that was similar but not equal. Let me tell it in my way. It was needful that it should be known, and among they to whom it was to be given, was one who will be known, as far as this history is concerned, as Henaman. He gathered together the great forces that belonged in all of the Seventh Universe and unto the second habita- tion brought he that which produced the substance whereby Babylon was to be built. Then the question was brought forward among they of the Seventh Uni- verse as to how far they would go in this work, and they took from out of the knowledge of the Philistines and placed it in form within the universe that is bounded by the Belt of Orion on one side, the great land of the 44 Philistines on the other and the North Star on the other. In thy questioning thou hast never asked me the mean- ing of the North Star to the Seventh Universe, and I v^ill tell you it in this way. For us of the Seventh Universe everything hath three sides, which represent the triangle, or the law of obe- dience. In this we took the Belt of Orion for one side ; we took the North Star for the other, and we finished it according to the knowledge, according to the knowledge for the other side. This gave us the formation by which and thru which the great land of Babylon was to be divided and we went unto the great country and Hena- man came with us for he was of the Philistines and he said unto us: "And there shall be great form, first, before it shall be divided."* And you took that point which was toward the North Star, I took the other point, and the other master of the Seventh Universe took the other, and we shall give him the name of Philimon be- cause he was plain and he gathered together the four winds of the earth. f And when it was ready, to the north the boundary line was of they who came and brought in the races of the Atlanteans; and to the south side came they who were of the races of the Chaldeans; and to the east side they brought in the races of the Dandoes;t and in the north they left it plain for the great city to be builded and within it, this great city, they placed that which afterward was the city within *Did the land of the earth represent the land of the Philis- tines before it was divided? Yes. tWhat are the four winds? The four great forces that the 7th Universe gave the earth. That holds for you the four unknown laws. $And is the west left for the new race to come in? Yes. 45 Egypt — the great old city which was known as the first Heliopolis. And we brought from out of the Seventh Universe they who were master builders and they who cut stone and they who could mold and carve, and when all was complete, the races on the three sides came within and dwelt there according to the law. And from among they who were for the center, which was Egypt, they chose a king, and his name was Therigahd. And he held what was known as three reigns (reins) one for each side. And then it came about toward the end of the second habitation and there was a new king who reigned in the place of the fathers that had been before him and very mighty and great was this city of Babylon. And they worshipped great images which they made, and fine was the workmanship thereof. But at the beginning of the last year of the reign of this king, according to the annals given, there came unto him one day a tribe of people, small in number, and they called themselves Jheusus and they were uncivilized yet still disciplined and among them was a woman.* And one said : "Go unto the king and say unto this king that we come to destroy Babylon." And the word was brought to the king of this strange people, and the king said : "I know them not. Whither hast they come?" And the one who brought him word said: "It is well for thee, O king, that thou shouldst see them." And you and I waited, for unto us was given the care of this great city. And the king went and gave audience unto they who came and they had the woman with them, for she was their prophetess, and they said unto the king, "We come to destroy thy city and to scatter thy people away from the land." And the king said unto them: "I cannot give you either the ♦Did these uncivilized represent the Jesus principle? Yet. 46 city or the land." And they pushed the woman forward and she spake unto the king in another tongue and you and I came close to listen and she said unto the king: "O king of Babylon, these people they carry long rods and upon the rods is that which bringeth fire ; and they also send rods that hath poison that causeth death, and they have small bags into which they have pressed a poison that is like smoke. But fear not, O king, I bring- eth thee word that thou shalt not have battle with them." And one of their number stepped forth, not knowing what she had said, and thou didst say to the king: "Remember that they of the Seventh Universe builded thy temple and from out of the gateway of the North Star will come that which shall hold thee against the men." And these people went away, but they left the woman, and the king said : "Take her among the servants and give her food and drink." But when she had washed her face and her hands and her hair, one of the old serv- ants of the king saw she was fair and he went unto the king and he said: "O king, thou canst not leave the- woman among the servants, for she is fair to look upon and I know that she is different from others." And the king said unto him : "Send her to me." And the servant said: "How knowest I, master, that she will come unto thee?" And he took from off of his arm according as I spake unto him, and it was a brown bronze circle, and it had within it two green stones and two red stones. And he said unto the servant: "Give this unto the woman and say unto her that the king giveth her protection as it is given unto me from they who cometh and abideth with me from the Seventh Universe." And when she had clothed herself and washed her hair, it was not dark, it was yellow and her skin was white. And she placed around herself a mantle that she had with her 47 and she came unto the king and she said unto him: "What wouldst thou have of me?" And he said : "Seeth thou they who are of the Seventh Universe?" And she answered and said: "Yea verily, king, I knowest for I dwelt with them within the land of Egypt, the Egypt that thou knowest of." Then she lifted her hand and said : "O king, I cometh to thee with a message and it is of Egypt," and when she opened her mantle the inner portion was covered with symbols woven in the silk like unto the writings of Egypt. And thou didst come unto her and thou didst say : "Opha, why cometh thou from the Sixth Universe? Is it time?" And she said unto thee : "Yea verily, and Egypt hath sent me to bring unto Babylon the message from the King unto the king." And we did listen unto her and she gave her message and she said : "O king, He who is the Son of the Father will come in the third hour and He shall be King of the earth. Knowest thou not that the earth hath more land than water and it must have more water than land; for water is knowledge, and thou art close to the center of the earth and He will cleft the earth and divide it into four portions and then there shall be more water than there is land." And then she said unto the king : "Thou shalt make ready." And we went into the Temple and the king called his servants and they took down the image of stone and of brass and of wood and the places wherein it stood there came a light. Then we waited and the king waited with us and he took his crown from off his head and he laid it down and thou and I removed our mantles. And the temple was filled with something like a cloud which grew smaller and smaller ; after a while into it came the form of He who is the Master. And the king said unto Him : "I would give thee my crown." And He answered and said: "I needeth not a crown. My Father giveth Me a glory and a holiness." And he 48 lifted his hands and we saw where He cleft the earth and out of it came another cloud and there was a breath of the incense not like the temple had had before. And He said unto us: "Seeth thou this is the consciousness of the Motherhood of earth ?" And the woman said : "Mas- ter, have I done my work as thou wisheth me?" And He said unto her : "Thou hast done and thou shalt hold the perfect thought of motherhood for earth." And He went with the king and he stood in front of the temple and the king proclaimed Him a King indeed, and he called his people together and he told them what had come to them. And the Master stayed and taught them many days and then He went His way with thee and me and that which was Egypt was not Egypt any more within the City of Babylon, but it became a knowledge for the rest of the time of the second habitation. Now we must go into Egypt and I saith unto thee that we tarried not, neither did we stay our steps until we came to the great Egypt of the third habitation and many and great were the things within it. But it had no knowledge of the Kingship that was to come unto it. And we took unto ourselves a body each apiece and we dwelt near the heart of the city and there one ruled who did not belong to the House of the Pharaohs, he belonged to the Shepherd Kings. And we went unto him and spake with him and he kneweth not that we were spirit. And I said unto him : "I am a scribe and I search amidst the archives that I may find a manuscript and it is sealed with a green stone and a red stone, and it is bound around with brown bronze." And he said unto us: "I brought this with me from the great land of the North where the North Star holdeth its watch over us." And thou saith unto him: "Was there a master there that it had?" And he answered, "Yea verily." And he stay- eth and abideth with us and taught us and he sent me 49 thither. And the name of this Shepherd King was Hea- bath, and his father's fathers were Chaldeans and thru them had come this manuscript. And he said unto you : "Art thou a master?" And thou saith "Yea" but I said unto him: "I am a scribe," and he told us if we would come unto him he would have this manuscript brought forth. "I knowest not what is within it, it hath never been opened," and I, Marcus, said unto thee : "Knowest thou and remembereth thou not when he who was the scribe for Pharaoh searched for this manuscript and foundeth it not, and he knew not whither it was? And when we went, according as the king said, the king gave us the manuscript and it was bound round with the brown bronze and within that which clasped it together were the two stones, red and green, and upon the stone was the symbol of the old city of Babylon. And he saith unto me : "Thou canst have this," but I knew that I could not read it. So I saith unto thee, "We will wait until Imhotep comes to us that he may read it." And when he came we broke the seal and we took off that which bound it and we opened it and one portion of it was in the old Chaldean markings; and another portion was of the old Atlantean marking; and another portion of it was of the Egypt which was of the center of the city of Babylon. And Imhotep read it according as it was written and from the Chaldeans he read that there shall be five great circles and they shall be filled full of worlds and planets and stars and luminaries and points of light.* And they shall be as the numbering of they who shall be within the earth from its beginning. And some of them shall be great and some of them shall be small, and some of them shall be light and some of them shall be less light. ♦Are these five circles the circles of the earth? Yes. 50 i And unto the Chaldeans this knowledge is given to be held through all the different habitations. Then he read according as it was written by the Atlanteans and they said: "And they shall hold the knowledge of the races and the Law of the Infinite for each one and when there cometh a race that shall be last, they shall hold for them the great law that is made by the Father and the Son and the Son and the Son. And not until then shall this great law be known."* Then he read according to the Egypt of the City of Babylon and it read : "And they shall create and they shall build another city and it shall be ruled over by the unknown things that no man will interpret the meaning thereof until there is another habitation. And they that builded this great condition shall be of the Seventh Uni- verse, and they shall hold a knowledge of this record and when it is needed for the earth it shall be brought forth and it shall be written and the written words shall hold the thoughts of they who bringeth it unto the earth. And when Imhotep had finished reading it, thou saith unto him : "Imhotep, how cometh it that the small band that the king gave to the woman had the red and green stones within it is here within the manuscript? But there are only two stones instead of four." Then Imho- tep said unto thee: "The king and the woman took it, under obedience to the Master, unto the Sixth Universe that it may be kept perfect unto this day, but the Master giveth unto the king and unto the woman one stone eactf apiece. Unto the woman He gave the green stone which shall be the everlasting growth and purity and upliftment for her and for all of they who cometh unto her. And unto the king He gave the red stone that there shall be ♦This race that shall be last, is that the 4th habitation? Yes. 51 firmness and faithfulness and justice and chanty. And he keepeth it within this Sixth Universe. And when Egypt of the third habitation hath builded again they brought it unto Egypt and unto a Shepherd King giveth it he, for he cometh of the old race that was of the first Babylon and the first Egypt.* What thinkest thou I tell this unto thee for? Thou hast all of the greatness of Egypt. Thou hast a knowl- edge of Egypt and thou hast a knowledge of the many things of our Universe. And thou puttest all together, but they dost not know the finality of it. This which keepeth itself pure that it may hold itself for the coming of the great race that is not known, but what is to be, they will take this and they will use it, but they will only use it as a memory of what the earth has been. And they will create a new universe and they will place within it all that hath been within Egypt, but the great Egypt that was the beginning will hold unto her- self all that she ever held. Thou saith unto Imhotep: *'Let us gather together the knowledge of this Egypt, that it may be pure in spirit and not be done away with." And Imhotep saith unto thee: "It will be like gathering the stones of the temple for it is many and great." But thou saith unto him : "It is not as many as the stone in the temple I am building." And I, Marcus, saith unto thee, "Truly thou didst speak, for the stones in the temple which thou art building is life and not the thoughts of men, but the thoughts of spirit. And thou knowest the arches hold that which is pure." And thou didst say : "I will take the brown bronze that holdeth the manuscript that hath with- *And is that what will be brought forth in the new condi- tion? Yes. in it the two stones and I will place it upon the door-fold of the temple and I will do this because it is a portion of Babylon and Egypt. And this Babylon hath not to do with the Babylon of the third habitation." QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. What does Babylon mean? A. The Babylon of the second habitation means the city builded for use — for use. Ba-ba-lon. Q. What do you mean by USE? A. For the coming and the going of nations and the learn- ing and the putting together of all languages. Q. Is the 7th Universe a triangle — three cornered? A. Yes. It is the Universe of obedience. Q. Why is the Pacific Ocean so much larger than the others? A. Because they took away from the west and gave to the east that it might wait for the coming of the King. S3 LESSON V MARCUS— May 2, 1918 And so it has come to you and I have been able to bring back a holy consciousness as I have put together the many things that thou know hast been. And as we wandered thru Constantinople, so we have wandered thru Egypt. And now it is necessary that I give you here and there glimpses of what has been. First, it was that one of the great masters said unto us : "It will be needful that there shall be one who shall gather together many symbols to be placed upon the pillars of the great Temple.* Who shall it be? Who shall know how to carve them?" And then he looked upon you and he said: "Thinkest thou that thou canst carve Truth upon it?" And thou didst answer and say: "Nay, mas- ter, I carve not; but I will gather together the symbols and if thou wouldst, I will find one that can carve them for you." And he answered and he said unto thee: "Very well, then, it is for thee to decide." Then he said unto me: "Marcus, canst thou bring that which shall hold upon the base of one of the pillars the sustenance that spirit needs?" And I said unto him: "If thou wilt give me a time and a place I will go into a far land ; not what is earth, but what is greater than earth, and I will ♦Who was this master? Melchoir, the Egyptian. 54 seek to bring that which thou knowest they hath and I will place it upon the base of one of the pillars." Then he said unto the third one: "But unto thee I wouldst say that thou must go into the heights wherein the Father dwelleth and thou must seek that which shall be the greatness which the Temple shall hold. Many and long will be the days wherein thou shalt search for greater things.'* Then the three of us stood together and the master saith no more unto us, but we spake together and this one that was to go into the heights, said : "I had wished that they might send me, for knowest thou not that I wouldst that once more the breath of holiness should be breathed upon me, that my garments shall hold what no one hath ever placed therein." And he went his way and thou and I hath looked for him many times. Once in the great eastern desert we knelt in prayer and thou saidst unto me : "Marcus, seeth thou the brother of the Seventh Uni- verse? Methinks I saw him for a moment and his face shone with a great glory." And I said unto thee: "I saw nothing, perhaps it is because I must go into a far land to bring that which the master saith unto me that I shall find therein." Then we went into the great Egypt that was in the third habitation and thou didst find one who was very cunning in carving the symbols and thou and I didst abide with him a long time, even unto the days when his body grew old, according as the time of earth was.* And he carved and he learned every symbol that ever was made or ever will be made. Some of the symbols held within them volumes of thought; others held only a word ; but every language and every history, even the thoughts of great men, were within them. And *Was he Joseph? Yes. 55 he dwelt in a place in the city close by a great Temple that they had built. But one day he said unto thee and me : "We will go into the Temple, there is something I wouldst that thou shouldst see." He led us into the heart of the Temple and there was a great blaze like fire, and thou saidst unto him : "They needeth no purification for thou knowest they have been purified, for these are the g^eat days." And as we stood and watched it, there came unto us one who had an etheric body and he said : "I have been everywhere searching for thee, for thou, too, art masters. Come thou with me, all of you, for I wouldst that thou shouldst see the great change that is taking place within the earth." And thou didst go with him even into the heart of the pyramid and he took you within the great Room and within the Circle. And then thou didst see, and as thou didst look, every atom of the earth became, as it were, transparent, and the great orbit of the earth changed in its movement, and thou didst see the bodies of men become like unto vapor. "This," he said, "is the manner in which the second habitation shall pass away." And we felt as if we were lifted up within the Circle, and once more we looked and we saw a great space and everything within the earth was held silent; there was no growth, no movement, no force, no action. And the five Circles of the earth were still and the sun and the moon and the great planets and the luminaries kept in their places, and then thou didst see they who were the masters of Egypt take with them that which is a reflection and place it within the Etheric Universes that lay in the land wherein I afterwards went. And thou hast known that it is said that between the Second habitation and the Third was the windswept condition, and they of Egypt placed within the windswept condition a reflection of all that had been, and it was there and it remained there 12,460 days. Then the ether began to assume a more 56 solid form and it fractionized itself and it became a unit, each according to its own self. And thou didst say unto he who had brought us there : "Givest thou to us a mean- ing?" And he said: "Knowest thou not that as it was in the beginning, so it will be once more?" And he showed you the manner by which the great knowledge that Egypt had, came to them from the beginning when the Father separated all into races and unto them was given the atoms that held great knowledge, and unto them was given also the manner by which this could be held. And there were those who knew not save to keep the silence for the earth and he said : "They are the Udans. And they who were the Chaldeans and the Hit- ites, they shall bring both the Promise and the Blessing; and thou shalt know in the days to come why it is that it is so according to the things contained in the land of Egypt." And he went his way and thou and I went also, and the one whom thou hadst chosen to carve the symbols upon the pillar said unto thee : "I will meet thee in the great land of the souls and thou shalt tell me where I shall find the Temple that thou shalt ask of me to carve upon its pillars." Then I saith unto thee: "I go and thou must go again unto the Seventh Universe and wait for me." And I went unto the great Unknown lands and I found three Laws and I brought them with me, and I said: "We will go to earth, it is the third habitation, and we will go unto Egypt." And we went in the days of the King and there was but one Pyramid left standing and he said unto they who were standing with him : "It is needful that we shall build more pyramids, for thou knowest the old manuscripts and the old symbols saith there are three." And we went unto the King and I said unto him : "O thou, who art the king of Egypt, I wouldst that thou shouldst allow us to be with thee until the build- 57 ing of the great pyramids is complete." And he knew not that we were spirit, and he said unto thee : "Who art thou that thou shouldst demand of me to do this thing?" And thou didst say unto him: "I wouldst measure and I wouldst place the great Pyramid according as it is needful." And thou didst take from out of thy mantle and thou didst show him the old measurements and the old ways and thou didst show him how the North Star should fall directly upon the apex of the pyramid. And while he spake unto you there came one who was from Chaldee and he said unto thee: "What wouldst thou to do?" And he answered and said: "I have come, for within three days doth the North Star fall directly within the triangle of the heavens." And he said unto you: "Wilt thou be ready ?" And thou didst answer and say : "Yea verily." And we went forth, for the city was new, for the greatness and the power of the king had not been sent forth over the land as yet. And when thou hadst called together they who were not of men, but of the universes, then we began to build the pyramid. Thou knowest that there came unto thee he who was the third son of the Pharaoh, he who came unto the king, and ruled many years afterward. And thou didst bring from out the Seventh Universe he who had always builded the great things for the Father. And when thou hadst made the place that would measure the cubits from the one pyramid to the south and to the east and to the west, thou didst know wherein thy Law of Obedience came. Then thou didst go to the north and thou didst measure from the one to the east and from the east to the west and thou didst know that thy Law of Obedience was fulfilled. And the King sent for thee and he said : "What hast thou done?" And thou didst show that the markings upon the ground were for the great pyramid. Then thou didst say unto me : "Marcus, whither shall we go that we may 58 find great stones?" And I answered and I said : "I have looked everywhere." And we goeth 100 miles to the south and we go 20 miles to the east and we findeth the quarry wherein are the stones for the building. And thou didst then take they of Egypt, and some of them were great, and some of them were small, not according to size, but according to place in the royal household ; and some of them said : "What thinkest thou that thou shalt find — that where the stones are for the great pyramid?" And I answered and said : "Surely thou knowest that we are master builders." And he said no more and he went his way. And when thou hadst come to the turn of the place wherein we were to go to the east, thou didst plant an obsoleek (obelisk?) and it had three sides and it stood nine feet and two feet of it were in the ground and thou didst build it of one stone, and it measured on each side four feet — that maketh the 12 feet. And thou didst place it there that they would know whither they were going. And when they were all quiet and asleep on their journey we cometh unto it and thou saith unto me: "When thou seeth the light at the top of it thou wilt know that we are ready to move the stones." And we waited until the third hour of the morning, then the light came and thou didst pray and say that he who sendeth me sendeth also that which shall give me the power to do according as the third habitation demanded of me. And we went unto the quarry and they took long pieces of wrought and polished bronze and thou hadst filled them with steel, for thou didst make them thyself, and the point of each one of them thou hadst touched at the top of the obsoleek, and when they traced the side of the stone, it cutteth and no man knew why it cutteth. And when they came to move the stones, thou didst place them on each side of the stones and there were three on each side and there was one at the top covering 59 them. And some saith unto thee: "How far knowest thou it is that they shall be moved?" And thou didst say: "I have measured and according to the calculation of man it is many miles ; but according to the calculation of they who belongeth within the Seventh Universe, it is not far." And they knowest not what thy meaning was and when thou hadst placed the foundation stones of the two pyramids, then it was that thou didst go thy way and thou didst leave Imhotep and me, and I guided the workmen on one, and Imhotep upon the other. And when it was finished and completed the age of the earth had numbered many days. Then it was that it became known that there had been three Kings reigned in Egypt since the beginning. And these who were there called together their people and they said : "We must now arrange for it is and the great work is finished." And there was great rejoicing and many gathered from the east and from the north and from the south and they came together, and there was great feasting, and in the early hours they gathered and worshipped the God of the Sun. And among them was one who was of the Royal House and her name was Phlelu (pronounced like Flu-flo) and she was the daugh- ter of the King and everywhere throughout the land she was known for her beauty and for the gorgeousness of the many jewels that she wore. And one morning, very early in the morning, she came to the camp wherein the workmen abode while they worked to finish, and she said unto Imhotep : "Art thou the master who buildeth ?" And he said : "Not so." And she saith unto me : "Art thou the master?" And I answered and saith unto her, "No." And she saith: "When cometh the master who hath builded long and great?" And she saith unto us: "I know, for it is written among the many symbols of the House of the Kings that it was my father's father's father 60 that began the building of the Pyramid. And I know that no man liveth those number of days, so I knoweth thou art not men, thou art more than men, thou art spirit." And I, Marcus, saith unto her: "If thou wilt look thou wilt know who we are." And then she said: "Yea verily, thou art of the Seventh Universe, and thou knowest there are sons of the Universe of the Seventh and there are daughters of the Universe of the Seventh, and thou knowest I am one of the three daughters of the Unity of Thought within the Seventh Universe." And I, Mar- cus, said unto her: "Surely thou art a great and wise counselor and I looketh for he who was the master of the building." And Imhotep said unto her : "Thou wilt come at the night hour for I knowest the master cometh unto us then." And when thou didst come we told thee of her visit and thou hadst not been long until she came once more and she said : "Thou must go unto my father, the King, and thou must find thy place among they who are of the royal household." And we went, not as work- men, but as they who were prepared to be with the King, for thou bringest with thee the house robes of the Seventh Universe and they were purple with white bands and they had the gold and the silver twisted cords that held them together. And when we came to the King in the aud- ience chamber, the daughter of the King said unto him : "Father, knowest thou who this is that hath come to thee? They are not men, but spirit, and when the earth hath grown old there shall be a time when they will tell how this all hath been done, for no man will know how the two pyramids were builded." And they called unto the people and the people bowed their heads and wor- shipped the greatness of the power of he who could create according as it was given unto him to create, and when the days of the feasting and the rejoicing were over, we went unto a quiet place and thou didst say unto me: 61 "Marcus, thou hast not told me what thou didst bring unto the earth, only that they were laws." And I saith unto thee the master of the land spake and said : "Thou shalt take these Laws and they shall be placed within the earth and they are the Unknown Laws and when thou seeth he whom thou knowest will ask of thee what thou bringest, thou shalt say that when the days of the num- bering of all things have passed, He shall take a physical body and the spirit of him shall seek within the earth for the three Unknown Laws." I, Marcus, saith unto thee, one of them is the Law that giveth to the earth the power whereby the great transcendant light shall divide it and make it so that it can pass within the first great Etheric Circle that shall be placed around it. And the time shall be 149 years between the finding and the movement of one great Unknown Law. And the second then shall come and it shall be that there shall be the transition from weight unto light without weight,* and every atom shall have partaken of the light and shall be lifted up and there shall be a zone that shall measure the height and the depth of each atom and they shall move toward it, and the shadow of the earth shall pass away and there shall be three suns, not one; and the Hght of them shall be greater than the earth hath ever known; and the space between the second Unknown Law and the third Un- known Law shall be 1000 years and when the third Un- known Law is given the earth will then have come to the last condition and it shall be turned from the northeast to the southwest, and it shall not be round, but it shall be oblong; and 300 days will it be likened unto this, and then the forces that have surrounded it will be withdrawn and all the movements that have been within it shall be "^Does that mean the transition of the new earth? Yes, sir. 62 silenced, and then at the end of the days it shall again turn and move toward the west, and it shall move in great circles and the circles shall be measured according to the height and the breadth of the Seventh Universe and the Ninth Universe and the Third Universe; then shall the great circles of the earth open and the earth shall pass thru and it shall not be known as earth any more, but round about it will be the glory and the knowledge of the seven great races that the Father hath created and there shall be brought of all the universes wherein the masters have been who came to earth and the universes of the earth, which are five, shall stand to the north and the universes which have within them seven shall stand to the south and there shall be created four universes for the east and four universes for the west, and they shall all move in perfect unity and the knowledge of the Law and thou shalt look and see the glory of Egypt and thy conscious- ness within it shall be as one day according to the num- bering of the law of the Father. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. How many Dynasties does this History cover? A. Marcus says, who is it that saith thus? Because do you not know that some of the dynasties were given unto the hands of the sister of the King and she giveth it unto another family. Then how canst thou say that any dynasty worketh according to the son following? Q. I would like to know, what it was, that formed the light in the top of the column or obsoleek? A. It was the power of spirit that can measure everywhere, both great and small, and spirit understands that there is no weight to matter and those pyramids were not built to merely record immensity and weight, but to hold, even unto the next habitation, the measurement and the power of spirit. 63 Q. Weight — does not mentality have something to do with weight? — the burden — a habit? A. Yes, mentality makes a great fraction within matter and what makes it heavy is fear which comes thru mentality as it calls up no form. Q. There was a thought given that Rome or the Romans, represented, thru the atoms, the strength that is placed within what is known as the heavy mechanism of the world today. Is that correct? A. Rome impregnated, or the Romans, the atoms and placed upon them their expression of destruction, and in their depth they reached that out of which mechanism is made, or the mechanical formations of today. While mentality added its weight to those and hath produced what will destroy itself. 64 LESSON VI Subject: The Why of the Knowledge of Egypt; The Memory of Egypt; Where it was be- gun; Where it is now; What portion you and I formed, etc. MARCUS— March 7, 1918 We are going to have the Why of the Knowledge of Egypt ; the Memory of Egypt ; Where it was Begun ; and Where it is Now. What portion you and I formed within it, and Why we formed it. In order to do this, we must begin with the holy con- sciousness of what was the first Thought in the placing of us as spirit. Why Heldos gave her aura that she created to Imhotep ; and why, of all things, Egypt was the one to hold the origin for earth, of the Oath of Flame. Thou knowest why we were of the same cycle ; thou knowest and it hath been given unto thee why Heldos in the first conscious movement of spirit, created as she did. In all this you have three great Principles; three great Conditions. Thou and I had to work in one ; Imhotep in two and Heldos in the third. Why did you and I work in one? In order that one should hold the positive and the other the negative con- dition within the Principle. Unto us was given the thought, as far as spirit was concerned, to pass thru and gather together the greater knowledge in order that it 65 might be placed, and by so doing, thru the conscious knowledge of Infinite, we established that which can never be done away with. In the first great predynastic condition of Egypt, there was a purer element of knowledge, for unto the earth was given a purer condition of form, and its disobedience did not fold itself so closely within the elements of cre- ated life. Passing on down and holding ourselves subject to the thought, you will find that when in the Holy Places had gathered they who must serve the Father, He gave unto us the thought or condition for the establishment of Egypt. What did it mean to us then? A fountain of great knowledge, and a fountain of great knowledge it hath remained even unto this day. What is the meaning of this fountain of knowledge? That there shall be an in- flow of spirit that is fine, pure, delicate and everlasting. In the old predynastic condition it was not mingled with the thought of personality, and the first great conscious- ness of spirit when Imhotep held for himself the pure aura, but did not use it in physical form, then it was that we knew that that perfect knowledge for earth would always remain a perfect knowledge . You say, did they build cities and places within Egypt where this knowledge could be stored? Not at first, for spirit needed not the earth to build within it that which already was builded. In this I strive to lead you away from the thought of placing what you now know and what you have known in the past. Then following on down a few ages brought about a condition wherein form could be established. It was here that the first great Pharaoh that held form, began to build under the direction of the Brotherhood of the Seventh Universe, and with this building came the true Principle of perfect unity. In that and thru that flowed the knowl- 66 edge that hath always been. I know in coming in contact with humanity today that they think that the source of knowledge was established within earth, but I say unto you, no knowledge, it matters not how great, ever had its origin within your material earth. The purpose of estab- Ushing a great city with its temples and its places of worship, its palaces for the kings and its wonderful homes for its people, was, that there might be a form for all things thru which this could act. Unity of the perfect was carried as far as material could be obtained to carry it. The second Egypt was only an imitation of the first great Egypt, and in and thru this, I give you this knowl- edge. And if you wish to trace it, if you will read in Kings of the splendor of Solomon and the building of his Temple, and where it all came from, molded and planned and ready to be put together, and that it was put together without the sound of a hammer, you may know that in the land of Ophir, where the first condition of old predynastic Egypt was, came the material out of which Solomon builded his Temple. It came by sea and it came by land and from out of this wonderful Egypt came all things needful. Why did Solomon demand of Egypt these things? Because Solomon was of the House of Israel and the King of Egypt was one of the Shepherd Kings. Was this be- fore the physical life ? I answer you yea, and afterwards it was from the physical life. This land lay far to the southwest and was not con- nected with the later Egypt. And Solomon, in the con- sciousness of spirit, dwelt in what is now Egypt. He held, as it were, for the people there, a thought, as the Jehovah of the Jews held later for them. Coming into the second condition of Egypt after the transference of the windswept, we find still they who in the consciousness of spirit, always have acted in unison, once more establishing the condition of the second place of Egypt. In and thru all this we find the greatest and most condensed form of mathematical calculations. We find here the majesty and the force of immensity. We also find a greater grandeur than the earth has had since then, and in a portion of the knowledge of Egypt, of which you had a consciousness, we will now follow down closer than we did the last time. This time I take you with me in the consciousness of spirit to the western portion of Africa; there, abiding in great number, is a race of men and women highly cul- tured, wonderfully developed and holding their places as a remnant of the great Israelitish nation. You will find no history of this anywhere as it was never written. They became very powerful, and in the great reign of the last Pharaoh they overpowered and subdued Egypt, but not by force of arms, but by the force of numbers. Egypt had assumed a tremendous degree of power, but she had lacked the manner of holding it. She sent word to these people that she would meet them upon their own plane, and she met them, and their number was treble that of Egypt. And the exchange was this, that if they had a greater knowledge than they, then they would worship and be subdued ; but if Egypt's knowledge was not equal to their own and Egypt held not the numbering they held, then should they be proclaimed king. This was agreed upon and we were present at the time. They were called "Shepherd Kings" because they had led their people a long ways across to Egypt. They were called "Shepherd Kings'* because they always numbered their people. They also builded many cities that were walled, which had never been done before. For 18,000 years they ruled Egypt in succession. During the time and before the return of the Pharaoh, there came into their midst one •68 who dwelt in the Twelfth Universe. He v;as a mighty master and the Shepherd Kings demanded that he give them a Promise, which he did, but in exchange they were to place again the Pharaoh upon the throne. This was done in order that the succession of the great condition should become complete once more for the earth. In all this I have given you the establishment of Egypt, its pur- pose and its place. It was during the reign of the last Shepherd King that the subjugation of all the northern portion of what is now Europe was accomplished. And then began the division into tribes, and when that was accomplished, the work of the Shepherd Kings was complete. Some of them lived to be a hundred years old, some only thirty. And during that time they remained successively, not as far as father and son altogether, but according to the family that held three sons. This was one of their Laws. Now I want to bring to you one of the greatest condi- tions of spirit in the consciousness of Egypt that we have ever had together. You know there had to be some form by which the placing of knowledge would be complete, and here it is where Heldos, Imhotep, you and I formed the great con- dition. What and who was it that formed with us this condition? It was she who afterwards was known as the most beautiful woman of Egypt. History gives no truth to what really was. Her name was Hilahatha, and she came from out of the Sixth Universe, and was known with Heldos as the Triplicate of Movement. She chose to take a physical form in Egypt at this time, but before doing so, every arrangement had been made for us to be with her. She had the power of using both etheric and spiritual body, as well as the physical one. She had great creative powers and had the power of bringing them into physical form. We all assisted her in every way and this 69 is where we form the great Principle of Thought for Egypt. It was due to her marvelous powers that the grandeur of Egypt became what it did. No invention of the present equalled what they had then. No forces have ever been used since that she used, and yet with it all, there was a wonderful delicacy thru everything that was created. It was thru her the first form of language was established. Before that, language was a method of gut- tural sounds and gestures. Thru her came the first use of what afterwards was the Latin and the Hebrew lan- guages. Thru her efforts a form of numerals and letters was placed. And many were the hours that we all spent together. One day she said : "I want you to be ready to be with me tonight." Then it was that within the lofty chamber of her own home wherein she had established every light reflection, every electric force, every sensitive condition possible, that we all heard and knew of even greater things than had come to us within the Universe. It was the only time that this was ever accomplished, for earth has grown too material. Heldos assisted her in teaching her people how to manufacture and put together colors and textures. Thru her was established the method by which silken threads were woven. She also had them cultivate and raise innumerable bright colored spiders of large size who spun the most delicate webs out of which was woven exquisite laces and shadowy silk tissues. All of this we assisted in because each one had the power of utilizing some great Principle for this to be developed. The power of passing thru the air was more perfectly developed than at the present. Traveling beneath the water was also one of her great accomplishments. And at the present you have a very crude method. The attraction of great lights from planets and suns and universes and zones was nothing unusual. All this 70 will give you a slight conception of the thought of what our consciousness must have been with her. There are some few things in all this that I have wanted to tell you, for one reason, is because at one time in human life you laid aside the thought of any creation being marvelous. Are you aware that the Infinite can take breath and from out of the ether of your atmosphere which holds fire, air and water, and that you call oxygen, that one of those breaths can formulate one million forms? Perfect, animated, intelligent, all the senses de- veloped and absolutely perfectly formed. And before the earth grasped the thought of materiality, before the material atoms become the supremacy, this could be done. There is the origin of the Israelites, the Hittites, the Aryans and the Atlanteans. We call it the crystalliza- tion of atoms that are held within the atmosphere, perfect, pure, undefiled and susceptible to creation thru the breath of the Father. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. That would explain what Living Thought told us one time when we asked how many were created in the first creation, and he said, three thousand million? Yes. Q. Marcus, did this occur before planetary atoms with earth had the power of assuming form? Yes, that is what we call the quickening of the life of the spirit, but in later quota- tion, man has attempted to explain it by saying "He breathed into them the breath of life." Q. Will you explain regarding the Triplicate Movement? A. Within the 6th Universe the Triplicate Movement is known as the movement of the universe and has the power of producing a perfect condition of movement. "Triplicate" with them means the "within of the within", or, as you would say, a circle within a circle, moving in opposite directions. That gives you the space between the circles that moves in unison with both, that gives you the triplicate. 71 Q. What portion of the Tfiplicate Movement forms itself in our knowledge of zonic light? A. It forms the action that comes between the time when the soul takes the elements of atoms and the final creation of the aura for the brain. It takes a triplicate movement to do that. You have the movement of the atoms, the movement of the soul and the movement of the aura. Q. Then the Triplicate Universes must create a triplicate light within the zone. A. Yes, they certainly do. Marcus wears a dark blue robe with gold trimmings. It is different to what he usually wears. Meaning of the robes you wear? Well, I had to bring you the Law of Creation and the placing of the thought thereof. (Spiritual Law). Marcus says, if you only knew the meaning of so many things that your earth holds at the present! The formations of great events. It's like when Rome conquered the world; now spiritualization has begun her work of conquering the earth. Watch carefully, see with the eye of a Master's love, judge neither nation, nor man, then will come to you the realization of what the work is. Who was here with Dr. L. yesterday — who was the lady? It was Catherine tKe Great, the old Czar of Russia (the father of the present Czar), King Alfred of England (consort of Queen Victoria). What was the meaning? Do you not know that the fires of the Altar holdeth that which giveth a vital principle? Dr. L. is working in Russia and he came to gather together some of this vitality, for every one who has attempted a leadership in Russia has lacked vitality. 72 LESSON VII The Mystic Laws of Egypt. — The First Great Consciousness of Egypt, not as one Spirit, but as the Spirit of Egypt MARCUS— November 7, 1918 Marcus says — Aveos, Avenatus, Avenushree. Today I am with you; yesterday I was with you; tomorrow it will be the same. Tonight I give you what I have waited a long time that thou shouldst know, for thou hast questioned how it is known to the Father the measurement, the height, the depth and the greatness, for there is no other that He hath, but unto they who are known as the Gods He giveth the power of a more equal separating into frac- tions. What thou knoweth in the physical belongeth to what thou knowest as earth, and I wouldst that thou shouldst know how thou comest in touch with he who was given the placing, and he was called the God of the Universe. Yet unto none has it been told from whence he came. All that thou knowest is that he cometh from the Father. I say unto thee, thou in the spirit wert with they who were known as the Brotherhood that holdeth for the finite that which hath breath.* ♦What brotherhood is this? The Holy Brotherhood. 73 Where dwelleth they? In the heights into which the thought of man hath not entered. But I say unto thee, thou knowest not when it shall be opened and that it shall be known, for surely He who giveth infinite holdeth not back from finite what it can bear.* He who is known as the God of the Universe claimeth from the Father the universe wherein finite was created. And there were three masters of the Universe of the Sun and they brought with them that which holdeth the essence of finite breath. They had brought it with them from out of the cycles of creation ; and they kneweth not until that day what should be done with it or where it should be placed. But when the God of the Universe turneth his face toward the sun, that holdeth these mas- ters, they heard and came unto him. And thou and I and he who was of the High Heavens, which is known in Egypt as Lippotay, he who had marked that which should be the dynasties of the first Egypt of earth, and when he had finished his portion, thou and I took from out of it what we knew would hold the finite breath. And it had no measurement within it. And we went our way unto the God of the Universe, and they of the Universe of the Sun stood and formeth themselves according to the Triune — one at one comer; one at another; and another at another. And the God of the Universe saith unto them: "At this time I knowest that my Father hath need of the finite." And they of the Universe of the Sun said unto him : "Shall it be according to the multiplicity of light, or shall it be according to that which shall be placed within a circle?" And thou and I listened and he said unto them : "This is all that hath been given unto me, that when I have completed my work I must ♦Will we be able to develop in the physical so we can bear this knowledge? You can complete it in the physical. 74 call upon thee and thou must do according as thou know- est." And they closed around us and there were six of us. And I asketh of he who was the God of the Uni- verse: "Why is it that there are six of us?" And he said: "Seeth thou not another?" And as I looked I saw he who was the creator of the souls into which the breath of finite entereth. And I knew that he would be called the Hqly Spirit. Three times the light that he brought with him folded us around about like a mist that had within it many shades, and every time it covered us the shades lightened until at last it hath no shade, for all was cleared away. Thou wilt know my meaning when thou cometh close enough to the knowledge of the finite in earth which shall be thy portion when thou hast learned all these things. Then it was that the great masters of the Sun held forth their hands and from out of them, lifting itself like a vapor, floated the breath of the finite, and the Holy Spirit, he who was the great creator, gathered together that which had gone forth from them and gave it what man saith is an intelligence. Follow thou closely my meaning, and knowest this, that ever since, it mattereth not where it be, this intelli- gence permeates all things that can claim ether as a portion of itself. For this was the creation of finite breath that hath never lost its force or its power. Even now man knoweth not whither it goes, though he may claim the right to hold it and send it forth, but it is not subject unto him, he is subject unto it. Thou hast asked of me what is the height, and I say unto thee it is that which calleth, not only the God of the Universe, but the Holy Spirit, all masters and all brother- hoods, and calleth them that they may have the breath of the finite, not as man saith it is, but as God saith it is. (What God ? The God of the Great Heavens.) 75 Then thou hast questioned and thou saith unto me: "What is it that is the great measurement?" And I say unto thee: "Thru the knowledge of holy breath thou entereth into the Great Heavens. And thru the knowl- edge of the holy breath which was breathed into the infinite of thy spirit, the Great Heavens became unto thee the knowledge wherein Egypt was blessed, and gave unto Egypt the name, which is Knowledge." Then thou asketh of me, what bringeth it within a circle that hath a cycle within it? And I say unto thee, it is that thou shalt go and go and thou shalt find neither beginning nor end, for thou seeketh it not, but wherever thou findest a light, thou knowest that the cycle within the circle is not measured, but thou canst go forever and forever within it, finding what thy infinite can under- stand. What have I given thee? That which is known as the Mystic Laws of Egypt. None can read them as thou readest. Within them is the Seal of the Temple. Within them is the cornerstone which lay ready for the founda- tions of all worlds. Within them is the symbol that be- longeth within the archway. Also thou shalt find there the first creation of the Temple of Infinite Thought.* I said unto thee, there should be the White Brother- hood and the Blue Brotherhood and the Orange Brother- hood. I say unto thee, thou hast known that which is of the White Brotherhood and of the Blue Brotherhood, but tonight I giveth thee a higher knowledge of the Orange Brotherhood. Within this thou shalt trace out the outflow of the fountain whose waters hold nothing save pure thought. *Is not this Temple and the Temple of "Living Thought,' one and the same? Yes. Thou must have a knowledge of when these masters of the Universe of the Sun Hved with us within Egypt even into the third habitation. One of them, his name was Nathpo. The other was Nathor, and the third was Naleita. And they reigned in three dynasties and they builded temples that were in a circle. And when I say unto thee that this was the first time that man received a knowledge that a temple should have a dome above it, thou shalt read the symbol wherein thou didst find in Constantinople the place beneath the dome that holdeth the stone wherein were many symbols placed. This for thee will be a hard lesson and much thought wilt thou give it, and thou wilt then know the meaning of the measurement of infinite and why it is only three times that a measurement is made. I, Marcus, would speak with thee, for many things have come unto the age of the present that were foretold in Egypt of the past. And these three masters of the Universe of the Sun, when they reigned as kings, told many things. But they who made a record of them, took them away, for they knew that no man would be able to understand. The first one, he gave them what he saw. It was the movement that should come to the earth in the third habitation and he showed them the breaking of the circle and he showed them the entrance of all things that would form the holy light. And the second one of the kings wrote his, and he wrote upon a scroll of thin copper and he laid it away and no man hath found it. But upon it is written that when the age cometh there shall be divine things and they shall find a place where the masters can give them to they who waiteth for them. And there shall be confusion and turmoil and strife, but this which cometh shall come with love and peace. And the third king he giveth his unto they who Ust- eneth with the ears of the spirit and they came from every portion wherein the Father had created them, to fill, even from the heights. And he said unto them: "Wait thou, for thy Father will call thee that thou shalt know they who have been created for this earth; and thou shalt loosen every bond and thou shalt make free all places, for thou wert given a knowledge of the breath of infinite and thou wast given a knowledge of the breath of finite which they who inhabit the earth hath no knowl- edge of. And he said unto them : "And there shall be a multiplicity of light and it shall be as if the firmament of the heavens were filled full and there shalt be a coming close and a breaking asunder and a new light and a new consciousness.* And this consciousness shall be born unto they who seek it first; afterwards they shall give it unto they who seeketh not, but are listening that it shall come unto them. And I said unto him : "Tellest thou unto us why thou speakest of a new consciousness?" And he said: "Surely thou must know, for thou wert with me when we created the breath of the finite and thou shalt listen when the silence of movement of all multiplicity of light is, then thou shalt know that the transition is finished and finite hath become imbued with the breath of the infinite and my work is complete. "f In thy thought thou art feeling that there is a revela- tion at the present and thou art waiting that it shall be made plain. I say unto thee : "John wrote many things and many things were destroyed wherein he wrote and ♦Is this new light the Divine Master's star? Yes. tDoes this transition mean the spiritual mentality? Yes. 78 I bring unto thee this night one of the greatest, for when He who was a disciple of the Father, readest from the Book he readeth not all that was therein, for this revela- tion was one of them and thou hast often said : 'He giv- eth us not all, only a portion.' " Write thou these words : And there shall be no divi- sion of the land of the Father, neither shall He giveth it unto any one, but unto all. They who hath greatest love shall give most; and they who needeth most will receive it. And when the great day cometh, it shall be full of blessing and not curses. It shall be holy and blessed, and there shall be no need of strife. There shall come one who driveth three steeds that hath no color, neither white nor black ; and he holdeth the reigns of his steeds with both hands, but he hath no chariot, but his feet are winged and the soul of him was created long before the light of the earth was. This I, Marcus, say unto thee, holds the knowledge of the finality. The three steeds with no color is Divinity, Infinite, Equality. He who driveth shall be given the knowledge of all that is. He hath no chariot, for his feet are winged and beareth eternal time beneath them. This is the great revelation that hath not been ful- filled. And it cometh in a day and an hour when no man looketh for it. The harvest will be golden. There shall be no shadows of night. There shall be no curtains cov- ering or shutting away that which shall be known. This night I come unto thee with the words that tell- eth thee that I have been given the Law of the Mystics. I have served three years that it might be mine to give unto thee within earth and thou must study it and learn it that it may be yours. I wouldst thee of the things of today only a little. There are three divisions; one moveth toward the west 79 and holdeth justice; one moveth toward the east and holdeth ignorance; and one lifteth itself above and no man can direct it save He who is the Divine Master. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Marcus, what do you mean by the "Great Day?" A. It is that which hath no night in it, no closing hours. And when thou cometh to it thou shalt once more claim what is thine and it is a vision of the eternal. He says (Marcus): Thou hath often thought of me as he, who with the trowel, buildeth the wall, and yet have I not given thee a knowledge of all my building? And thou putteth it together and knoweth it is strong and powerful, and I have builded for thee from the beginning of the 7th Universe. Sometimes a portion of it was outside the orbit of the earth, sometimes it was in one habitation and sometimes in another. But thou knowest every stone fitted together, and it was the wall that protecteth thee as thou standest amidst all things and, looking, thou knewest that thou wert safe. When thou asketh of me I will say unto thee, that this I have given thee is the first great consciousness of Egypt, not as one spirit, but as the Spirit of Egypt. Q. Will you explain this a little please? A. The Spirit of Egypt, like the Spirit of a Nation, is com- posed of that which emanates from Infinite Spirit, and which- ever portion is strongest at one moment, it acteth it out. If it Is strongest with finite, thru that which was the born intelligence from the beginning, then it moveth according as that is. If it cometh closer with the Infinite — the essence of the Great Cen- tral Force — then it carryeth only a pure spiritualization. Marcus says, you (Mr. G.) look thru finite, for you are trying to hold your place within that which is form. When thou finisheth it, then thou wilt look with the Infinite. 80 Q. Will I get thru with that? (Mr. G.) Yes. Thru that thou hast found intelligence and mentality and it hath given thee a place within physical. Yet within it all was thine own Infinite breath. Q. Marcus* robes are gray this evening — what is meaning? A. Because tonight at twelve the Grey Brotherhood take their stand in a circle around all of the foreign powers. It was written by the old prophet: "Who shall withstand the armies of the Almighty." 81 LESSON VIII MARCUS— May 1, 1919 I, Marcus, must begin that we can put together for you that you may know that those of us of the Seventh Universe hold, as it were, ourselves together by the great bond that is known as they who represent in every por- tion of Infinite creation the knowledge of the Mystery or Mysticism of the Seven. I have long known that the time would come when I would give unto thee a strong, true expression and that you would pass with me from light to light and have no thought of anything ever being created but what was in perfect accord with Infinite thought, Infinite obedience and Infinite love. In the creation of all great conditions there are many ages be- fore the construction is begun, and you and I have always known when it was and how long it would be before the gfreat construction would be actually carried out. I took upon myself a place within the earth long before you did, and there are many of our Universe who have passed from place to place carrying with them a knowledge of what first produced the thought of the construction of many things. I gave you a perfect consciousness of when the foundation of the earth was laid, and yet the ages that elapsed before it was commenced were many. To- night I want to give you something with regard to the first thought of the Electic Circle. Little is known with regard to it, as the passing of the great seven's is what surrounds it and shuts it away, and not until spirit is pre- pared to use, thru human mentality, a knowledge, can it be given unto them. There are fourteen sevens that comprise the Circle that first held the thought of the construction of the Elec- tic Circle. Ours was one of the seven; and there one of the Bound Universe, one of the Free, one of the Thought Universe, one of the Unit, three of the Therum and three of the Uram. We all held ourselves very closely in our relationship, for we knew that very great, indeed, was to be the thought that could be placed and held within such a circle. We knew it was to be a circle from the formation of the wonderful condition that was to hold the power of its creation. Human thought can encom- pass Uttle of what it really was like, but I will place it as best I can that you may have some thought of its con- dition. We were called together from out of the heights and we stood facing the great circle out of which had come the Unit Universes and they of the Circle beyond, mov- nig like a tremendous mass of form, they swerved toward the east, and then came and formed a half circle. It was before the Spheres were created, and the Most High God stood upon a tremendous pinnacle looking over the great clustering of the 7's. The mystery of the thought of the 7's is this: Unity of Infinite brings forth unity of spirit. Within these words is the great key that will unlock many times for you, this knowledge. And in the silence it will come to you and you will know the mean- ing of the symbol. Seven times in holy obedience did we wait for that which would come unto us, and the Most High God closed the circle when he said unto all of us : "And thou shalt form thyselves into what shall ever afterward be known as the Circle of the Seven; and when thou hast done this, thou shalt see lifting from out of it the power 83 that shall supply anything that will be needed from now on and shall be known as the Seven and the unexplained thought of the mystic number. Difficult though it may be for me, I will still strive to trace this thought for you, and in it all you will recognize that Unity was the found- ation upon which we placed the first consciousness of this structure. What was the Electic Circle for? That there might be within it that which transcends and holds a perfect thought for spirit until spirit shall claim it. What is the Perfect Thought? — must remain for spirit to seek and accept for itself. The Electic Circle is not what would be known as simply a thread of light with projections of light, but its movement is wondrous in many ways. This movement always answers to the great Infinite con- sciousness, and as spirit watches it there comes unto them that which cannot be given in any other way. From out of the Circle of the Seven as the formation came forth, it had within it 27 great bodies of light; 6 were for the center and 21 for the Circle. Each one rep- resented the intelligence and the consciousness of every created thought that belonged to the Circle of the Seven. The Uram gave that which came from beyond what the thought of man has so far been able to grasp. The Unit Universes gave that which held always a new unfold- ment ; and within the Electic Circle this was placed ; for every degree of light there came forth still greater de- grees of light. If, after it was established, any great substance required more intensity of consciousness, the Electic Circle supplied it. The earth has never been given the right to demand anything from it. In form, if I give you its construction, it would be a wheel with millions of spokes, each spoke revolving upon its own axis, and the numbers of the outer edges of the wheel, of which there are 21, acting upon their own axis. It 84 gives you a very intricate description, perhaps, but with thought you can understand me. Upon what foundation is all spiritual form placed-^ is, perhaps, a grave question with yourself, but in the measurement and the composition of the ether lies the power of sustaining, holding and controlling everything that needs a foundation. And they of the Seven Circle (Circle of the Seven) knew this and used it. You may take in planet form, and there are millions of planets outside of the earth's orbit and they ofttimes rest upon a square of ether, clear as crystal, yet subject to instantaneous dissolution if needful. This gives you the thought that even amidst the great creations, there was placed that which can be called a foundation. The Electic Circle in the beginning, was formed for the purpose of the purification of that which surrounded it, for within it was drawn everything that did not move as a perfect unit with that which surrounded it. I do not mean by this the imperfections as placed by man within physical, but as you take from out of the great creations, portions, you will find that spirit must mold it and place it and it always gathers an added strength by passing thru such a process. The Electic Circle was rested upon 21 great portions of this ether and that you may become conscious of the immensity of such a condition, I wish to say to you that each stone measured three times the size of the earth and its orbit, four times the height of it, and there were 21 of them. Giving you this thought leads you out into the greater mathematical calculations, proving to you the immensity that spirit can encompass in its thought; but thru the mechanical formation of man's brain, there are a few who can calculate in such a way, and not unless you are prepared could it come to you in any way or explain to you the full meaning of such an immensity. 85 This brings us then to where the establishment of the placing of numbers around the Electic Circle. Why are they numbers? They are neither universes, worlds or planets ; they are what are known to us as the Numbers of Exthoidious, which means, a world within a world. And they are numbered, and as there are the two condi- tions in one, they are not placed as a universe or a planet. The placing of these was for the purpose of holding all spirit for any length of time that might want to utilize greater powers than could be used within earth ; created for earth they could claim this right and use it, but if they did, they did not go to earth for that purpose, but went into higher conditions. For example : They could go into the Unknown Lands or into the Great Heavens or into the High Heavens; they could even go into different universes. This wonderful condition of spirit placed them into such a pure atmosphere that they could not bring it in connection with finite matter at any time, age or condition. The placing of these 13 great conditions was sur- rounded each one by 14 circles of light. These circles of light could hold any condition of form at any time. At intervals great masters have placed the formation of the seals for various planets, or even for the earth. In it could be created cells for different things; and there you will often find what was left after great impressions were made of these; they never lost it, it remained the same. Outside of all that was the first placing of the Unit Universes and they held that place for over three millions of years; then they moved aside and the Electic Circle remained then within the numberings for one million of years; then it was left to move for itself. At that time the great foundations were dissolved and out of it were created over 50 millions of nebulae for them, the founda- 86 tion had to draw from the Electic Circle a great con- sciousness that had to be used for creative purposes. In all this you find that no residue but what is per- fectly complete and can be used any moment it is re- quired. I know as I come in touch with you that the grandeur and the greatness to you seem almost beyond comprehen- sion, but I wouldst that thou shouldst have a knowledge as thou dost pass forth knowing that thou hast made thy soul body as perfect as thou couldst; all this thou wilt have learned and thou canst go and become con- scious of it for thyself. All this holds within it what is known to us as the great multiplicity of spiritual thought. It is never laid aside and once in a while as the great condition moves and there are those who hold within the brain the height of the sensitive portion, it can find an outlet. While I held a place within physical life, it was long before I could make myself realize that these things were possible. But once or twice it was my pleasure to come in contact with masters who could give me a conscious- ness of these things. After I passed on I used them and I felt that I had gained (if I may use the word) a manner by which I had advanced and comprehended and used with the strength of my spirit, this high degree of knowl- edge. Passing on still further I would like to give you a thought with regard to the placing of what is known as the Arch of the Almighty. This Arch is what holds, be- fore the High Heavens, its place, and for every one who gains a knowledge, it stands forth as one of the most wonderful constructions possible to be placed by spirit. Fourteen ages within the Seventh Universe we worked upon one of its arches. There are 28 of them. It stands out clearly defined with a background of gold and blue S7 — the symbol of which is, the holiness of the spirituality of the Great Heavens. Within every Arch are 50 million small particles of light placed together. That light is held so precious that it is only when this was required, was it brought into existence ; and in no other place in all the great creations of the Father is there any portion of it save here. ' This Arch measures over many millions of miles, yet I say unto thee, many times every arch is crowded filled full of the passing of infinite spirit. Over, as if suspended in the atmosphere, is what is known as the Wings of the Messengers. They are visible at all times and they vary in 14 shades of white. Their move- ment is like unto the movement of some great sweep. The measurement of it, above the arch, would be accord- ing to human measurement, about 1000 miles wide. And it is often spoken of as the Wings of the Almighty. This Arch rests upon what is known as the founda- tions of the Great Heavens. This, to me, has never been given with regard to its age or placement. I only know that we of the Seventh Universe made one of the arches. There are in all over 10,000 of us from the Seventh Uni- verse who put it together and we put it together with a breath of radiant light. I know you will think all this tremendous in its expression, but I have done the best I could so that you could comprehend me. There are many other foundations, one of which was the foundation for the physical sun that you use. It is rotary in its form and is made completely of fragments from nebulae that have been dissolved and entered into other nebulae. It is susceptible only to the use of the great discs of the sun. The foundations for all great intellectual centers w'herein any creation enters, that they may receive and use always such an intellect, are only minor buildings as yoii might say, although some are very, very perfect. But they of the Seventh Universe seldom ever complete a formation, they usually place foundations or portions; always it is known in the great creation as a portion of the Seventh Universe, or the Mystic Seven. Seals hold usually a conscious thought of our Universe and many masters from our Universe carry these seals into great conditions beyond which I, as spirit, have never pene- trated. It has not been my portion to do. Coming down into the earth thought of foundations, you will find everywhere as the progress and develop- ment of mentality goes on, that we of the Seventh Uni- verse have had the power of placing not only the founda- tions of many things, but also that within them we placed that which permeated and held always an intelligent thought, a thought that was conscious, moving in unison with its age and holding the power of developing what- ever it came in contact with. The archway of what is known as the Heavens of Earth forms a portion of our great construction. Con- sequently, we placed them and they have always moved perfectly, there has not been one single deviation at any time to disturb the harmony of the movement of elements or any force that came in contact with it. The weight of such an arch is beyond measurement as far as anything you have to measure with within earth. One of the peculiar conditions with regard to this construction is that it is in the shape of the triangle, yet all who are studying in a human way, would say it is a perfect circle. But it is not. The point of the triangle rests upon the center of the earth and the arch of the triangle supports the great dome of the heavens of the earth. There is in the center the High Heavens and at either extremity of the half arch before it begins to form a per- fect circle for the lower portion, is again another triangle 89 and meets the point in the center of the earth, here are situated many heavens of different conditions and for different races. These, of course, hold seven that are known of man. There are, however, seven more that have not been explained. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. If 1000 years is a day, if I say a million years, then put it in spiritual things, would bring it in the 365 billion years? A. Yes. If you try to measure with thought, you will find that you bring it down to a minimum which you can calculate very readily if you choose, making a thousand years a day and feel that you can encircle a day with one thought, that gives you an opportunity to not become bewildered as you try to calculate and bring into substance the higher thoughts. The form of foundation as it separates itself would remind you very much of a cloud dispersed with the sun, separating itself and then as the light left it, collecting itself together. That will give you some idea of the passing of foundations into nebulae out of which can come creations. Q. Why do they use nebulae for creations? A. It expresses to you the idea of form for creation for your earth there is the great nebulae and then there are much smaller nebulae, one of which holds itself within the arch of the heavens and into which is placed the great stars that you call the Milky Wae. A nebulae is always endowed with certain amount of crea- tive power which has a method of attracting to it that which can be formed into substance and become as you say, solidified, condensed. A nebula really can be so rarified that human vision could not see it at all. There are many things that human vision could not see and you really do not see with the human vision at any time, it is only the focusing of spiritual vision thru finite matter is what eye-sight really is. You could not see with mat- ter because matter has not the power of sight; the senses of the soul prepares the same condition in the aura of the brain as a nebula would, only very small, and thru that the penetration of 90 spirit comes and you say, I can see. If this intensifies and the aura of the brain becomes overly sensitive then the spirit can produce, thru human vision, what you call a higher sight and then you can see what is called the invisible. Q. Does this lesson belong to Egyptian history? Yes. You were told to broaden and I am trying to assist you. Q. Is there any such thing as spreading out too far in the physical thought, Marcus? No, Sir. Do you ever think you can do that? Q. Could you become so conscious that you would not stay with the physical any more? No. The only thing that would separate spirit from the physical is when you have completed the full spiritual experience of earth; then you separate from the physical. That is the most natural separation that you can get? Yes, Sir. Really, there is no separation, it is only a certain transition, that is, you exchange one condition for an- other — it blends into each other, just like you dissolve a nebula, so you dissolve the body. 91 LESSON IX MARCUS— April 17, 1918 ... I want to give you the Placing and the Explanation that you have requested so often as to Why, under what conditions and what was the origin and connection be- tween the Seventh Universe and Egypt. To be sure I must give you as closely as I can that this may be a perfect history for you, and the best way to give it is by describing scenes, places and personali- ties. The origin of the separating of higher masters into rulers came about when thru the condition of the Great Heavens many were called from out of them to take a portion in the placing of all great thoughts that they held direct with the Father. The creation of universes to hold these masters was one among the first great movements. The numbering of them was absolutely a symbol of the age thru which they would act and absolutely the knowledge contained within them for certain ages. The Seventh Universe marked the great Mystic Age and held the tie between the Spirit of Egypt and the ma- terial and physical body of Egypt. Every habitation had to hold this great condition of Egypt. I began with you in the second habitation and tonight I want to formulate for you something of a thought, ii words can express it, with regard to the first habitation. 92 In the creation of universes and their numbering, and the placing of masters within them, only forms, as it were, a fraction of the great thought. The placing of earth and the calling together of earth-created-spirits, or they cre- ated for earth, holds only a small portion of one age, and that will give to the first Universe in its numbering, this condition. But when the Great Heavens were opened it was then that the Hosts of the Most High came forth and unto them always is given the placing of the foundations of every creation. Out of the number came they who were to formulate a portion of the Seventh Universe. When I explain to you with regard to formless, it must be in this way — that even spirit chooses no etheric condition to form a semblance, for spirit viewed spirit as it was. But in order that you may understand, I will place it closer to human thought. The majesty of the Infinite was supreme, the consciousness of spirit gleamed and glittered like a great sparkling light, universe after uni- verse clustered itself, rays above rays; it was not be- cause earth was formed, it was not because this was one of its habitations, it was because the great age in which these creations were placed, was forming itself for the history that should follow. Even then what would be called the Egypt of the Formless was there, and in a. way in which you can understand it, I will say it was a city of the gods, for it held invisible light, a light that the earth hath never had the power to attract. And in the midst of it was the cloud that held the voice of the Father. And thru this came, as it were, the first con- scious placing of Egypt, and in this thought it meant the Knowledge that should abide thru universe, thru time, thru space and thru immensity. In this you must trace out the highest thought that you possibly can. And in this Knowledge they of the Great Heavens formed a 93 part. Then it was that it was decided that each age in which Egypt should be, should be counted, not only for its knowledge, but for its form, for its mathematical dis- tinction, for its wonderful history, for its royalty and for its method of government. In this you will follow on thru many ages and in this condition gleams forth the highest condition of its magnificance and purity, for not one portion of it in any way held aught else. If I should describe it there are few words that would do justice to it. Man has attempted in many ways to grasp the idea and make something that would resemble it. The first great condition of its Knowledge was that •there should be within the space of form two great con- ditions of Egypt ; one should be in the second habitation of the material earth, and the third should be in the third habitation of material earth. The holding of this knowledge for every age should have its origin in this time and place of the first habita- tion. The manner in which this should be kept would be between the Great Heavens and the High Heavens, and if you search for the first Egypt that was established you will find it there. The movement of the universes was decided with re- gard to it and up to the 14th Universe they were to pass this wonderful condition of Egypt once in every five thousand years. This placed the masters of the 7th very close to the beginning of the great ages and I will say for you, that the 7th Universe was the one that passed in the 35,(XX)th age in the history of Egypt. This gives you a plain thought with regard to its age. This leaves you in the 7th Universe in the 7th Age of Egypt. The Call from out the Great Heavens was made before the establishment of the thought of earth, and the prepa- ration was made to answer. And if human thought asks 94 the question, your answer can be, that this is the Origin of the Thought of Human Knowledge. The formation of what was to produce the ideal of man's knowledge was only placed when the 7th Universe made its transit within the orbit of the first condition of Egypt. Many times humanity has reared a structure and considered they have established a limited time for the division of many things, particularly the form that all things must take; but the decision of the formation of universes, planets, worlds and spheres was not made until the 5th Universe entered the orbit of the first con- dition of Egypt, looking upon Egypt as the point of knowledge. Unity formed the first great thought in the move- ment of this Egypt, and in it was the perfect harmony that has never been understood save by spirit alone. When the Call was made that the earth should be, then began the wonderful transition wherein the form of all these conditions that had been created and understood by masters of all universes began to be placed within the outlines of the orbit wherein the earth was placed. In the division among the masters as to what portion should be their part to perform when Egypt should be- come a portion of the second habitation, is where you, within the 7th Universe, grasped, as it were, the great Law that always has been within the 7th Universe. There was strength, unity, method and the highest math- ematical calculation possible for you to hold. Here it was that the origin of the building of the Temple was first begun, for had you not entered from out the Great Heavens to the 7th Universe and had you not compre- hended the knowledge of Egypt? And if age and time according to human thought was what was needed, it certainly had been given. Here it was that the estab- lishment of a ruler for old predynastic Egypt originated. 95 It did not come from precedent or from superior placing ; it came thru the knowledge of the Flame Oath that was given unto the first to hold control of Egypt within the second habitation. There is no conscious word or thought that can express the meaning of what comes within that as it passes from the Father to the spirit. Following within the creation of the cycle then did they seek expression and form of spirit that they might hold a place within Egypt within the second habitation. Now I will follow down for you and say unto you that old predynastic Egypt formed the first portion of the habitation and was the foundation for all that fol- lowed thru the ages of the known earth. Here the com- prehension of form become, as it were, available for the use of spirit in a marked degree. It grew more rapidly than the third habitation has ever grown, on account of the purity of its placing. If I should say to you that Egypt was one city, I would not express to you what it was. But old predy- nastic Egypt covered a large area of the earth and within it were seven large cities, larger than any habitation that has followed it later. In this everything reached a won- drous height of perfection. And there is no creation in the third habitation that was any finer, more perfect and more highly developed in the first habitation than it has ever been in this. The first great ruling power, as it were, was arranged in different collections of personalities, not as a leader, not as a power to rule, but as an equal conscious thought giving forth knowledge. Naturally the masters from the Great Heavens that had taken their place within the universes, form the ones that could most easily do this. There were many things to be overcome, such as in the beginning of it, the reduction of immensity of form into sufficient delicacy for the use of spirit. Many times spirit 96 took upon itself the action and the development of all this, but gradually as it grew into a more perfect rela- tionship, it was easily accomplished. The interchange of both visible and invisible bodies was not unusual. The placing of material even into forms could be as readily accomplished by masters who had no material bodies as well as they who had chosen to use them. Their first great form of worship was very simple, but very plain. They worshipped in a unity of thought the Source from whence they came. They utilized all the. forces and powers of light, making them conform to whatever was needful to be done with them. The language was most pure in every way and could be used both silently and otherwise. One of the highest conditions of their per- fection was where everything moved noiselessly, it pro- duced a more harmonious vibration and did not exclude the finer sounds that were not discordant to the human personality or physical condition. I have something in regard to this that I would like to tell you. One of the great cities was named Othodoc ; it lay within the great plains that you have never known of, for the sea between you and the eastern continent lay to the north and south, instead of to the east and west, and this city was there. The magnificence of it was beyond anything that earth hath held since. Every available condition for comfort, ease and beauty was used. He whose work it was to know that each one within that large city was not only comfortable, but happy, was a small-like form of a man, delicate and fragile. He had descended from one of the great masters who called from out the different universes they who were to succeed each other. This one was from the Sixth Universe, and here it is that you sought a consciousness that you might have a realization of how high humanity could place the 97 knowledge given unto them. With you were they whom thou hast always loved and if I say unto you that the bond of brotherhood within those of the 7th Universe is very strong, I know you will understand me. The name of this one was Pharaoh, but it was not pronounced as it is at the present, but that you may understand, we will leave it as it is. You came unto him and there were seven of us together, and he asked us to remain some time as he wished us to see this beautiful city.* We went everywhere. The movement and the product of what they created was one of the most marvelous pro- ductions of the earth. Everything was produced by they who worked with it in order that it might be as perfect as they could make it. There was no question, no hurry, no forcing, each one chose what they loved to do the best and did it that it should be perfect. Among they of his household were three who had come to him, not in a physical way, but in the way of spirit. One was she who had dwelt within the 6th Universe and thou hast a slight knowledge of her. She held no physical form, but an etheric body, and she went everywhere giving forth her knowledge of what might form for them a higher ideal of perfection.f The other one was one who seemed to hold a con- scious knowledge of the coming of the Divine Master as she had come from the 9th Universe. And it was thru her that the formation in the second habitation of the Silver Brotherhood was placed. Many there were among those who inhabited this city that were found worthy to receive the Silver Corslet. ♦Were these seven the Brotherhood of the 7th Universe? Yes. tWas she who afterwards was my sister in the physical? Yes. And if you were taken into the great conditions that lie beyond even the spheres, you would find them still wear- ing the Silver Corslet. The third one took a more human thought and held a physical condition close enough that she might place the knowledge of perfect form for they whose children were to form the generation succeeding them. In all this you must remember, if memory brings you any thought, that there necessarily had to be places where these instructions were to be received. They were usually within open courtyards of the temple ; some- times, however, they were in the big courts of the palace of he who guided and controlled them. It was during one of these great times that the first conscious expres- sion of the Divine Master was made for them. To be sure it had been many, many ages since the world, or the earth as you called it, had been established, and if any knowledge of mine can be given you, I would say unto you that I cannot tell you how many times the Divine Master had been to earth. This particular time was noted for the supremacy for old predynastic Egypt. It marked, as it were, its finality of earth. Just as at the present the coming of the Divine Master marked the finality of the age of the earth. Many of course, were the things that followed even that, as it has with you. But in this great event in which you as spirit took part, there was this given that has re- mained with me consciously, for I did not lose it even when I chose a physical body, for as you know, it was very close to the age in which the Divine Master made his visit to the third habitation. He Appeared, is the word that I can use. There was no heralding of His coming. To be sure the purity of both time and condi- tion was as harmonious as would be needed. And He appeared. Throngs gathered everywhere to welcome 99 Him and He went among those people. The number of days that He remained in this one city was only five, but during that time there was not one single personality that did not greet Him in some particular way. Before He was ready to go, you met with Him within the great Hall of the one who was with you. Everywhere shone forth the grandeur and the perfection and the harmonies of both color and formation and architecture ; everything available that knowledge could produce was there. But the Master stood a simple, beautiful figure amidst it all. He spake with you as He had done many times and His words were these: "Thou hast reached, O Egypt, thy place amid the higher conditions of My Father, time it will take by which and thru which your people prepare themselves that they may be not of earth." Many were the questions asked Him and many were the answers given. One that you asked I will give unto you. You said unto Him : "Master, Thou knowest I build a Tem- ple, Thou knowest its foundation and its place. Giveth Thou unto me this thought — when in the finishing of it all where will I find the most beautiful place for it?" With a loving expression and a tenderness that belonged unto Him, He said unto thee: "Master, thou shalt know, for I shall call together they who shall have need to worship within it. And when Mine earth hath felt the glory of the Father, thou shalt see thy temple finished and used." "For," He said, "knowest thou not that no temple is worthy of they who entereth save that it hath the glory of the Father within it." In this I am leading you that you may become conscious of the wonderful history and the meaning of Egypt. Once again I came with thee into the third habitation and among they who gathered with us in the palace was one who was always known as Melchior, the Egyptian. He was a master of the 14th Universe. He held the 100 knowledge of the Double Mystic Cirdfe^^.H-jef it .A/r^S'' ^^Ko'. knew when the coming of the Master would be and when He would have to go to Jerusalem. And long he talked with us with regard to those conditions that were to be. He showed us the movement of the highest condition possible where spirit, inculcated all movements with the highest force that it is known to have. He was who had great power he could hold a physical body inanimate for hundreds of years. He could produce vital forces and life within physical. And he was older than you even. In appearance he was not wholly Egyptian, but he had many of the wonderful characteristics of them as far as form and looks were concerned. He chose many times to go as a high potentate for as far as the wealth of the world was concerned, he could command all that he desired at any time. All this, of course, formed a great condition and a great thought within the material portions of the earth. For if you will think a moment you will realize that all this impression and symbol had to be placed in the atmosphere that it might penetrate and place an influence upon the atoms of the earth. It was during this condi- tion that he gave to you, as a master, this thought, and you will realize as you look back upon your portion of physical life, the true meaning of what he told you. He said: "You will seek physical life, but you will seek no particular knowledge within it, but when knowledge comes to you, you will drink it as you would drink the waters of a fountain that is cool and clear and sweet. Many will be the things that you will do. One of them is, that we will give you a portion to hold wherein a Disciple of the Father shall place a conscious thought." 101 - ^'; yV-J IQUESTIDHS AND ANSWERS Q. The thought of human knowledge was the call of the masters from the Great Heavens? A. Yes. Q. Do you mean this as a human condition or spiritual condition? A. I am making it plain enough for a human history. Q. Do you mean that the knowledge of the Father as wc can comprehend it thru the conditions of Egypt began as spirit understood the Flame Oath from the Father? A. Yes, Egypt represents Knowledge. Q. Marcus, in all this, it seems to me as if you were only repeating what has already occurred — is it so? A. Yes, but I am weaving together the past history of Egypt and placing it that it may be understood by they who knew Egypt and holding the comparison for the present time. Q. Was Melchoir created for earth? A. No, he was created to hold a portion like a symbolical placing within the earth, but he was not created to hold a physi- cal body. He was created a Holy Master. Q. Is that the name of the Holy Master that comes in touch with us once in a while? Yes, Melchoir and the Holy Master who comes here are one and the same. The Holy Master, like the Divine Master, had many con- sciousnesses of earth? If you will stop and think, you will real- ize that in spirit, that is a master, has a consciousness of earth as many times as you are conscious of the coming of a new day, if you chose to open your eyes and see it. You know spirit often is called to go into heights and depths of conscious- ness and knowledge that the earth could form no portion of in any way, but as you are within the earth, as you are created to come to earth, as you hold a great work within the earth, we strive in this knowledge to place everything so that you can be conscious of the meaning of the earth, its creations and its placing. 102 There had to be those great masters that were not created for earth that were much older, to place these great thoughts and laws? Yes, like a family where the older ones become conscious first and then it is transferred to the younger ones. One father, one family. Marcus, says, you may call this: The Origin of the Knowl- edge of Egypt. Q. Predynastic Egypt is the knowledge that was brought forth that was used then and placed for earth before there was an Egyptian ruler? A. Yes. The origin of all things, whether it be thought or otherwise, is first within spirit form, then in ether form, then in what you would call the embodiment of form, coming closer and closer; and last but not least, comes the physical expression of it. Q. What represents the tie between the predynastic and present Egypt? A. The tie between the predynastic and the present Egypt is the Conscious Thought. That, of course, never can be ex- tinguished, because it has never been unconscious, it has always been alive, vitalized and concious. Marcus carries with him a small axe, it is not like anything I have ever seen in the form of an axe; it has a wing like a half moon and it comes down to a point and the wooden hammer fits in the round part. It is highly polished. He says, they use that in portraying force and power. It portrayed the thought of force and power which they did not use in the second habita- tion. It was the symbol of it. His robes. He wears a very dark shade of green, with glints of silver and red thru it. It represents Knowledge, the birth and the holding of the every-present Knowledge. If I should tell you that the origin of this robe was when our Uni- verse first made its movement from out the great ether Circle, where it felt that it was available for our use. Now do not begin to calculate how long ago that was because I would prefer to not tell you, for it would make you feel as if I was one of the ancients. Who created the 7th Universe? The masters, the seven masters that came from out the Great Universe created the 7th universe. 103 Q. Is that Great Universe where these masters come from where the Great Brotherhood belongs? A. Yes. If you utilize the knowledge that has been created for spirit you will have reached a great height and will be able to understand the meaning of the place wherein the Great Brotherhood dwelleth. I know there are those who think they understand how to reach even beyond their creation, but there are depths and heights unexplored, and we, as masters, dearly love to give you from time to time a leaf, a blossom, a thought or even a promise that reveals to you what still is there for you. I used to, when I had a physical body and a physical mother, ask her to please allow me to make my way into the cellars that they had because I knew I would find there what I did not know was there. If you had seen me when I escaped from the prison, you would have thought that I was more like some boys than some others. I hope you will be able to understand it for there was no other way to tell this to you except the way I have. 104 LESSON X MARCUS— July 9. 1918 Well, Marcus, what knowledge have you to give me tonight? There are many things, many things, and glad I am that I can give it unto you, for thou knowest that it is not only the words, but the meaning of them that liveth so far above the thought of man ; and I wouldst give it to thee that thou shouldst place thy memory that holdeth itself within thy spirit and connecteth itself with thy physical thought, that thou couldst follow out and read the meaning of the many symbols that are within Egypt. Tonight I want to tell you, for it is needful that thou shouldst know, that three times hath they of the 7th Universe stood and placed what was to be within the foundations of the earth, and thou placed within the Third Universe the knowledge that thou didst learn be- fore thou Cometh into Egypt that was. And I wouldst tell thee of the first establishment of the Mystic Circle and how even, as spirit, thou must be prepared to enter it. Thou knowest it hath been told about, and thou knowest it was within the third habitation wherein they called forth the Spirit of Egypt that it might give unto them that which was to be within the future ages. So I say unto thee that when the preparation was to be made for the creation of the Mystic Circle, many and great were the things that were brought together. 105 First, there must be a Light, such as transcends all other lights and it must come from the highest source wherein the spirit could procure it, and it must be ever- lasting and it must be worthy of that which is placed within it. And there were fourteen masters; seven of them came together from the North and seven of them came from the South, within immensity. And the seven that came from the North were divided, and three of them came from the 7th Universe and three came from the Vibrant Universe, and one came from the Universe of Thought. And there were seven from the South, three came from the Universe of Color and three came from the Universe of Immensity, and one came from the Universe of the Circle. And they came together wherein the great light pene- trated and they stood within what is known as the Holy Place and then they understood that they must be pre- pared, and they cast aside the mantles they had worn and they placed upon themselves white mantles lined in- side with the color of gold, and around their neck they placed the chain wherein were the golden stones. And there they waited and they had no shoes upon their feet. And when all was ready, they asked that there might be given them the right to bring together this light that it might form within the Temple of Egypt the Mystic Circle.* And while yet they waited, there came unto them one who was the Holy Master and he claimeth no portion within the earth or without the earth, for he dwelleth alone in the Holy Place. And he said unto them : "Thou shalt be known as they who hold a place within the brotherhoods of creation and thou shalt gather this light ♦Is this the Temple of Egypt in the 5th Sphere? Yes. 106 together and thou shalt number it according to the num- bers of thy mastership. And there were fourteen mas- ters, and one master who came from the Circle Universe said unto him: "I holdeth a mastership of 28." Then he said : "Thy portion shall be divided into 28 portions and thou shalt know that it shall form four times the seven- (th) circle and four times it shall move ere thou placeth thy one portion within the Circle." And another said : "Master, I holdeth only a mastership of two great conditions." And then he said unto him: "Thou shalt make thy portion in two and one shall go to the center and one shall follow the tracing of the Circle, but when thou hast finished, thou shalt take thy portion and it shall be one-half of the Circle." And one said: "Master, I hold a mastership only of one great condition." Then He said : "Thou shalt trace the circle with thy line of thought and thou shalt make it even and thou shalt make it perfect." So according to each one they were given their por- tion of the great light that they were to take unto Egypt to form the Circle that should be known as the Circle of the Great Mystic Light. And when they were ready they each one covered their raiment with the rai- ment they had worn when they came together ; and they each went according to their place. They who were to go to the center, went thither; and they who were to go to the south, went thither. And the Holy Master taketh within his hands a shuttle and within the shuttle were two threads ; one was gold and one was silver ; and he wove back and forth, and then the masters came to- gether unto Egypt and they met within the great Tem- ple, and they saw within the center of the Temple within the room that had been prepared, a tiny weaving of threads and then they began to place their Circle around it and each portion was fitted and each portion belonged 107 together and they folded and closed it and cemented it and it became perfect thru truth and thru knowledge and thru that which belongeth unto them from he who is the Holy Master. Then it was that they must choose wno should be the one who would first be able to see and understand what cometh unto them within the Mystic Circle. So there were seven chosen and seven times the great movement of all their Universes did they wait until they were made perfect enough to stand without the Circle and then they chose the garments they should wear and they were made of that which gave them a mastership within their Universe. And unto them it was given according to the Law of their Universe. And the first that came unto them within the Mystic Circle was a flame of light and it burned and it deepened and it formed a smoke that rose high within the Temple and disappeared and they knew that their Circle was blessed by the influence of the breath of the Flame Oath. And from that on each one, according to his place and his mastership, went unto the Temple at Egypt and within the Mystic Circle came they from great heights, greater heights than even you of the 7th Universe hath any knowledge of. And some brought them the knowledge of life such as was to be and such as had been.* And many understood not the symbol thereof. And many there were who questioned one with the other. Thou and I were among they who were to come last and thou saith unto me: "How long thinkest thou we shall wait?" And I said unto thee : "I know not." But we waited until the 7th day at the 7th hour and then we went unto the Temple, and they showed us a great pillar and upon the pillar was a flame and beneath the pillar ♦What kind of life? Eternal life. 108 was an arch, and it was lifted high above the Mystic Circle and it was lowered beneath the Mystic Circle, and the symbols there upon it were plain and clear. And thou saith: "What thinkest thou?" And a loud voice spake unto us: "These are the symbols that shall be used by they who shall dwell in Egypt when it shall be within the earth, and from out of it shall be taken that which shall form the language and the words for every known race that shall be upon the face of the earth." And the pillar was covered over, while yet we looked upon it, with a veil of light, and thou saith : "Why cov- ereth they the words that shall be for men?" And the same voice spake and said unto thee : "Thou art a mas- ter of the 7th Universe. Thou hast builded well. Why asketh thou this?" And yet again the voice spake unto us and it said : "The words of man shall be covered and they shall not be understood, but when the veil of men- tality is lifted, then shall they be full of spirit." Then they showed us a high mountain iind upon the top of the mountain was a pillar white like unto snow and it melted away and from it flowed forth a rapid stream of clear water. And I saith : "What is the mean- ing?" And there came one who saith: "It is that which shall heal and shall bless wherever thou goest, thou who art one of the 7th Universe." And again they showed us a wonderful circle and within it was a cycle, and it grew and there came forth many from out of it. And the last that came out of it were three ; one was clothed in white, and one in blue and one in orange. And thou saith: "Who art they?" And the voice answered and said : "One shall establish the White Brotherhood, one shall establish the Blue Brotherhood, and one shall establish the Orange Broth- erhood ; and the first shall be last and the last shall be first. For he who is the Orange Brotherhood that com- 109 eth forth last shall be the first to unloose the unconscious- ness of all things. And he who cometh first shall hold the place of purity and that shall be for He who marketh the ways of man. And he who was to be known as the Blue Brotherhood shall hold for the last days the spirit- ual mentality of man." Then they showed us a circle and within the circle was a dark spot and the dark spot grew and moved and pushed itself thru clouds of smoke, and it remained that way until around and about it shone many points of light, and then thou saith: "It is that which is to be, that which must be created upon whom must be placed a weight and a shadow until the light breaketh thru."* Many were the things that were to be done and we went our way from out of the palace and we sought out he who was to have come with us. And thou saith when we cometh into the quiet of our own dwelling: "I wouldst that Imhotep shouldst know these things that he might make a record of it." And I said unto thee: "Lookest thou upon thy robe." And all things that had been shown us, and the meaning of it, were upon thy robe in gold and silver figures. And thou didst call unto thee a messenger and thou didst say : "I wouldst that thou shouldst go and when thou findest Imhotep say unto him I needeth him." And he went his way and Imhotep came unto thee and thou saith unto him : "Make thou a record." And thou tookest off thy robe and spread it upon the floor and Imhotep began to make a record according to the way that he knew. And when he had finished there was only an imprint here and there of what had been upon thy robe. And then Imhotep said unto thee: "What wouldst thou have me do with this?" And ♦Was this the earth? Yes. 110 then thou saith unto him : "I wouldst that thou shouldst go with me, and Marcus, remaineth thou here, keep thou a guard, for I wouldst leave my robe with thee." And thou puttest on a grey robe and thou girt thyself around and about with many stones of white, blue and orange and green and purple and thou foldest within thy bosom all the colors in a large roll and we went our way unto the 7th Universe, and thou went into the Universe and thou saith unto the master therein : "I wouldst leave this here until the time cometh when I shall ask of thee that thou giveth unto me of this knowledge that it shall be known among they that I shall dwell among." And he laid it away even unto the roll that was within thy bosom, and thou didst wait until once more within the physical thou didst say unto me : "What givest thou me of the knowledge of Egypt that hath been not according as earth, but according as it is within the Great Heav- ens?" And when thou comest unto me again thou saith unto me : "Marcus, who cometh unto thee in the third hour?" And I said unto thee: "There cometh unto me a woman and she was veiled and she giveth unto me no name but she said to tell thee that when thou sought in the age the knowledge of the Divine Master, that she would come unto thee as spirit and thou wouldst know her, for she would bear for thee a message that would have within it many of the colors that thou didst place within the 7th Universe, and she left for thee this circle." And within the circle were three rings. The first ring was made of gold and the second was of silver and the third was of iron; and that which held it to- gether, the outer ring, was of ether. And thou saith unto me: "How can I carry this with me?" And I said unto thee : "If thou wilt place it within the etheric ring thou wilt always have it when thou needest it." And when thou came unto the physical of earth thou didst choose 111 thine etheric body and around and about it thou placed the knowledge that was within the etheric ring with its three circles, gold, silver and iron — Light, Purity and Truth. And thou hast often said- unto thyself : "Where lieth the great city of Egypt that thou tellest me of?" I say unto thee it lieth 20 leagues to the west of the Great Heavens, and it lieth 20 leagues from where the orbit of the great Star is which thou callest the North Star; and it is 20 leagues beyond the light of the High Heavens; and it is 20 leagues above the great Nebula. And thou must count a league equal to one millions of miles according to human knowledge. Then thou wilt know where the great City of Egypt that I have told thee about lieth, and it holdeth within it a knowledge that is not reflected, neither will it be reflected until the great day. And when thou thinkest that this spirit came together and this master cometh together and they giveth thee many things, and thou hast much food for thought, but they bringeth not unto thee what I bringeth, neither telleth thee whither thou should go and from whence thou hast come. And if thou thinkest thou wilt know that many of the symbols that thou hast laid away within the 7th Universe hath been given unto many masters and they bringeth the symbols that beareth within them a great truth. Then I wouldst tell thee of the great day and all of the city were gathered together for there was to come to them He who was the Son that was to be. And He came unto them and He told them of the Father's decree and I said unto Him: "Yea verily, it is wise," and He went His way. And there came unto them thv» Son of the Father and He saith unto them: "I wouldst give thee My Father's Law." And they said: "It is wise." And He said unto them: "I wouldst give thee My Father's Law, that is, that thou shouldst hold thy great knowledge n2 until it is demanded of thee.'* And the third came unto them and he was the Son of the Father ; and he said unto them : "I giveth unto thee a pure knowledge of divinity and thou shalt hold it and protect it and when thou seeth the great towers of the Temple that shall rise above, gather it together and give it unto they who are the High Priests of thy Temple and say unto them that they shall take it unto the great land that lieth beyond even the Great Heavens, and there they shall place it within the Temple that shall be builded that shall have many arches and many ways for all to enter and they who are the spirits of they who shall be created for that which shall be called the earth, shall stand within it and they shall understand the Law of Divinity. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. How large is this city? A. The city measureth one cubit to the north and two cubits from that point to the south, and to the east it is four cubits and to the west it is four cubits. That encompasses the portion which surrounded the Temple. And beyond it where the hills and valleys lie, there is a circle of five cubits. Meas- ureth thou it? Q. What is a cubit? A. Five hundred miles. Q. Then the city is not square is it? A. No. Q. Why was the Mystic Circle created at that time? A. They had to bring in much of the higher knowledge. Did I not tell thee that it was brought from the heights where the penetration must be given to those who must follow out and receive it, and he who receiveth it within the 7th Universe until it shall be called. 113 LESSON XI MARCUS— January 3, 1919 We laid aside for a little while the thought that we would give you and tonight we must take it up, for we must fill full for you the great consciousness that belongs to the past. And beginning with it, as I shall, it may give you many thoughts, but thru the memory of spirit do we produce for man that stronger tie that eventually reveals to him, not only what has been, but is placed in the future. Traversing as we will from the Egypt that was to the Egypt that earth must hold, entering into the third dynasty after the establishment of the spiritual reign of the first Pharaoh of which thou knowest. We must make it all as human as possible that you may carry the line of thought correctly. As you know, form held a predominate and great pro- portion, but considering the habitation of Egypt, it had been reduced sufficiently that spirit controlled in a higher and greater proportion than elsewhere within a radius of many thousands of miles. There had been an estab- lished connection between the Chaldean nation, the Assy- rians, the Nubians and a portion of an extinct race that was very small that connected lower and upper Egypt. This race was known as a fraction of the Aryans, but only once in a while were they visible to the Egyptians in either portion of their country. They hcl^ this place in order that etheric bodies should be utilized from time 114 to time. The establishment of the first great proportion- ing for their temples had to be accomplished.* So far no knowledge had come to the form of man to subject animals and place them under control. Here it is where the great Udan race produced the first great thought for this power to be used. Several of their magicians, as Egypt called them, were brought that they might pro- duce especially among what you term horses a subjuga- tion for use. It is needful that I should ti\ke you with me very closely in this thought for here it is that the first great condition of what afterwards became the will of man is brought about. Magicians, in the days of the third dynasty, were masters that understood the intellect of the animal kingdom, this intellect being held in subjec- tion by the forces of unseen light which was the power they used to place them under control. Egypt also had no particular knowledge at this time of light forces or even sun rays. They had this all to learn in order that they might be able to begin placing their temples under construction. It is here where the masters of the 7th Universe brought about these conditions. I have told you with regard to the great pyramid and its placing, but tonight I want to tell you something with regard to the majestic buildings that were builded of wood and stone combined. Here it is where the plans of the 7th Universe began to show what they can do in using the reflection of what is in the Universe. The production and the re- flection within this habitation, which was the third, is the one great condition that never has been explained either scientifically or otherwise. But in the transition of all atoms within the earth there is always known to be a certain polarization of force which holds within it that ♦Their bodies? Yes. US which can replenish and produce a recovering or a re- planting whenever it is needful. This will explain to you the great thought of how the earth can be replenished. Unto us was given the right to build four great temples. One was to lie to the south of the great pyramid, and it was then we called upon the Hettite and the Chaldean races to bring unto us the different woods to be placed with the stones. Here is your first great symbol. The woods and the stones were to be laid alternately and bound together with the metal of the earth, beginning with the first condition of iron in its natural conaition, following with copper, combining them with malachite, which is a metal that after being congealed by the mo- tion of the earth, produced what is known as quartz. Then it becomes pulverized and the sands of your desert become, as it were, another formation of it. Iron you know represents truth and upon it we laid the first formation of wood, which was teakwood, perfectly black. This represented the combining of the foundations of the earth with truth, and the shadow of the earth, which was to hold always the knowledge of Egypt until the last transition.* The next placing was the clear stone which belonged to Egypt alone, that was connected with what is known as the amberwood which the Hettites brought from the far-off isle of the sea. Science has never seen it as it only grew for this purpose of which I tell you. It was bound together with the clear stones with the copper, which is the symbol of the holding of earth, water, air and light together. Upon this we erected five great stones that stood at a height of 300 feet, from the top unto the base was covered with the hieroglyphics representing the Laws of the 7th Universe, the Laws of ♦What is the Shadow of the Earth? Mentality; physical mentality. 116 the 8th Universe, the Laws of the 3rd Universe, the Laws of the Unknown Lands and the Laws of the Great Heavens. These were covered with what was known at that time as the filings of silver which were produced by grinding within stone receptacles and they adhered to the stone by the power which man afterward hath given the name of gravitation. These five great pillars of stone represented, without the symbols, the knowledge and the consciousness of the five great Gods that Egypt afterwards worshipped as people. The first is known to you as the Most High God ; the second is known to you as the God of the Universe ; the third is known to you as the Lord God Almighty; the fourth is known to you as the God of the Hosts ; and the fifth is the Sun God or the God of Light and Power and Movement. These were placed by, not only the Hettites and Chaldeans, but Abyssinians, Nubians and Egyptians. The Aryan race exhausting the use of their etheric bodies, placed upon these great stones the silver coating over the symbols. That finished their work for earth at that time. While we were there drawing by reflection the impression upon the things within that portion of the earth, it was needful that we should hold around us all they who were masters of the 7th Universe. Among them is one of which you have never known. He was a master who came from out of the Universe of Light. He had fulfilled his mis- sion in the Holy Places and when Egypt needed a knowl- edge of light, he came with us and within this dynasty he taught, and I produced, by movement, and you, by thought, the knowledge they required. Let us at least understand that all this will some time hold a place wherein you can look upon it and understand clearly my explanation. Thousands of years afterwards one of the Pharaohs who had a slight knowledge handed down to him, strove 117 to once more reproduce, but it was only a failure in many ways, for there were not the same elements of either thought, movement or light to hold long enough to place upon the material the impression required. After this was all complete, this formed a perfect square with the four great stones and the one in the center. Here it was that the peoples of Egypt gathered together for instruction, worship and knowledge. The first Pharaoh, with a spiritualized thought, had left suf- ficient for them to arrange a form of worship, and it was like unto this. They came in what was known as num- bers up to 1200, entering thru the south entrance of this temple and forming 12 rings around the center pillar. Here they repeated in unison this form of prayer, as you call it today : "Give unto us who call upon you, a knowl- edge of thy light that we may reproduce upon the earth a reflection of what we have known." Upon the top of this wonderful towering stone would flash a light and they knew then that they had come close enough to understand and that they were understood. They would then pass out of the north entrance of the temple. On the east side of the temple was a place reserved for the reign- ing Pharaoh. Here is where we must give you a knowl- edge of what produced this Pharaoh as a Ruler. When the great division into spirit was arranged that the earth should have nations, Egypt was the first nation to divide according to its knowledge that there should be one that would lead them and when the spiritualization of the form for their nation took place, they used this knowl- edge and gave to the physical being of one a right to lead and control them. In this you see the great symbol of leadership of spirit that hath been given the right of absorption of higher and holier thoughts. The west side of the temple was reserved for all who were known to be able to come in touch with the God of Light or the great 118 master who was with us, and it was here that we were wont to gather together. There were seven of us and among the number was the Spirit of the Earth who was afterwards claimed by the Jews as the god they wor- shipped. Many times have I seen you hold before your own thought these great things and question whether they belonged to a reality or whether man was founded upon a nothingness and passed into nothingness.* But out of the great thought of the Infinite, the Spirit came unto you and proclaimed the knowledge of the past, blending together the scientific thought of light, move- ment, vibration and unison, and spiritualizing it with the higher forces, making it a fact by which human mind can accomplish a realization of its existence. The divi- sion of male and female was equal and divided according to the knowledge of the spirit of light, who were — the Spirits of the Earth — brought about what would be after- ward known to man as the equality of form and the purity and the strength of spirit. This first condition in Egypt was the highest realization that human form has had within this last habitation. You will find among some of the old hieroglyphics of Egypt this form and the symbol represents this division of male and female. It is a cartouch with two prongs and a wavy line and over it is a hawk. Some have interpreted this as the cartouch of the 28th dynasty, but that is not correct. It was the first symbol erected in the 3rd dynasty in the 3rd habita- tion and represents the division of male and female form. The ruling of the peoples and the guidance was sepa- rated equally between the two and the female of this reign was known as the Anquodes, which means the pure division, and there is where the great symbol of the two *Was this when I was an atheist? Yes. 119 prongs forming what is known in the old worship of Egypt as the "Tonghue," and here is where you will find the origin of Upper and Lower Egypt, Upper and Lower Nile. There were three other great masters from the 7th Universe ; one must produce the seal for Egypt which is a round disc with the head of the Pharaoh and the serpent coiled at the bottom. The first one was made of pure copper and burnished until it reflected every- where. The master who brought this forth was known in the 7th Universe as Amoskue. He afterwards, in order that you may understand, took a physical body and was the first to place any such thing as a rule in Russia. There is where it gets the name. The next one, or the second, was known as Kulaiex; it was he who brought the first form unto Egypt as to how they could plant and reproduce from the earth, from seed. He gathered to- gether from out of the planet Ryx this knowledge and brought it to earth and the first grain that was sown in Egypt was sown at the north tower of the temple and reproduced grain in five hours according to your count- ing. This was done in order to show what could be done, and it was done thru the reflection of light and air, as I have told you that the movement of great stones was done likewise. Man today calls it the holding of electricity in the metals. Egypt called it the great power of light and air. The next one of the masters from the 7th Universe was known as Theodusbey, he afterward be- came a ruler in Persia and ruled in the year 164 B. C. He brought to Egypt the first great knowledge of using the spun threads of three of the creatures that the earth held. One was a small animal that abounded in Lower Egypt and had a way of working like unto a spider except that it wove a small cacoon of colors gathering from out of the tree points the pulpous fibre it spun what it did. These colors were then conveyed and utilized with the 120 spider's thread and the action of the small worm which afterwards was reproduced in other countries as the silk- worm. This master gave them the knowledge of weav- ing together cloth with colors ; he also brought from out of the planet Saturn the impression that was within the earth atoms from Saturn the coloring of minerals and upon stones. All this work was not accomplished in a few days. This dynasty existed 4560 days and seven of us held an etheric body for that length of time. Here is where I must give you my knowledge of the use of these etheric bodies. They were pure because we had brought them from out of our Universe, but in coming in contact with the movement of the earth and the use of material action in which we had to come in contact, began to prove to us that they were exhaustible. This will explain to you why spirit must use more than one etheric body. While the Pharaoh reigned and the development of the people grew very rapidly under his guidance, there was no dissension, no lack of what the earth today would term as miracles. One of the great thoughts I wish to convey to you is this: there was no deformity, there was no disease; there was nothing to impair the use of these forms refined for the use of spirit, and not until the movement which is known to us of the 7th Universe as the contrawise movement of the earth did any of these things exist for man. And it began after the 12th dynasty in this great age of which I am giving you an account. Here it was that you and I learned the effect of the movement of atoms thru great bodies and refined bodies. It was here that we watched the movement of great bodies that held neither soul nor spirit, and it was here we learned the movement of refined form of bodies that held a soul — and was controlled by spirit. In the upper portion of the hemisphere in order that you may 121 understand, one of the great miracles of that age was this : there were forms of what you would call men that were tremendous in height and breadth — this was pro- duced by the reflection of infinite form that spirit created as it came within the tangibility of different universes. This symbol is often reproduced as mountains and great elevations, strive to reproduce thru reflection the forms in many of the Illumined Worlds. 1 have given you a very hard lesson, one that will require great thought. Now let me explain how the refining into form was produced. All of the great divisions of Infinite Spirit understanding the Law, began to reduce the power of reflection within earth upon atoms, and atoms began to seek a place closer within the center of the earth. This gave the outer atoms that moved into form a fuller real- ization of the movement of the earth, and the earth began to make a more rapid movement within its orbit. This congealed still more the closeness of the atoms and this is what produced a more refined form which could hold a clear reflection of infinite form of spirit. The second great thought of miracle within Egypt was when form demanded from out of the growth of the earth that which should sustain it. At first form connected with spirit had no need of such sustenance or substance as the air gave it all it required ; but the masters who were with us, understanding that the time would come when they would have need to use what the earth held, began to place within the action of thought, the knowledge of sustenance. There was also a manner used by which the atmosphere was congealed bringing forth what is known as the manna which the Israelites gave a record of. It was gathered very early in the morning and was clear and jelly-like in form, about the size of a small pebble ; this was partaken of once a day. Then came the utiliza- 122 tion of the grains and the fruits in order that there should be sufficient liquid from the fruits utilized with the grains and produce within this refined form the substance where- by the body would be supported perfectly. This is the first miracle that was known to them where bone be- came an absolute produced substance. Then came the miracle where blood was to be produced within the body. The first of this, as you know, came from the atmosphere ; then that it might be still more congealed, they were taught the use of partaking of bird from those creatures that were within the air. Later on within the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dynasties they were taught as each age pro- duced the demand, the use of animal food. This is your consciousness of Egypt at this time and this gives you an explanation of the first great production whereby the present form of man demands what it does and how it can exist. Many and great were the things that were accomplished by those of us of the 7th Universe and the knowledge whereby the transferring over water, thru air and beneath the sea was left for the 9th, 11th and 13th dynasties. You might question how many years this was. I say unto you that it covered a period of 50,462 years. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Why was it condensed into that period of time — is there any particular reason for that? A. Yes, because of the knowledge of the 5th Universe and the five great pillars of stone. Q. Is there any other symbol in connection with it? A. Yes, if you will study the different dynasties you can see what I mean by the fold of the spirit. Q. Why is it that the masters of the 7th Universe have so much to do with putting these things together? A. It belongs in the building. These are the foundations upon which man begins to build and understand the Father. 123 Do you not know it was told you that the Great Brotherhood would bring you a knowledge of the unknown things? Q. I would like to know who gave the Jews the right to choose the Spirit of the Earth and then man to hold it as his guidance instead of the Father? A. This is the key to the inharmony of atoms that pass thru the body who can claim only the right to worship that which holds it together, and the Jews, as a nation, represent that which holds the atoms together. Q. What is this — what name can you give us so we may understand? A. It is their knowledge of the Spirit of the Earth and that is what they have given you. Q. The Jews are the last ones to finish, then when it is finished, does that dissolve the earth? A. Yes. Q. It says in the Bible, that they shall be dim of vision — what does that mean? A. Can you see save with the Infinite Spirit? That will give you a clear thought that only thru the ether of the soul can the spirit give vision while in physical being. If it were given a perfect vision, then physical would not hold either the soul or the spirit. Q. What do the Jews hold, the something that stands for the purpose for which we have a soul? A. They hold etheric form, just the same as the atoms hold, as they pass from out of the physical body. Q. Who creates the etheric form? A. When you have a knowledge given you of they who are masters of the planets, that gave unto the atoms the power of holding together a reflection of spirit form, that man hath no way by which to separate it from others, then you will understand. Q. Is the Jew then in a sense planetary? A. Yes, until their work is finished, then will begin the great work of creation for them. They have never created as yet; they have always held but never created. 124 Q. You know Living Thought told us that gold is what will dissolve all else and then gold will be as easily dissolved — does he mean by that that the principle the Jew holds — because he wants to get gold? A. No, because you know the gold they get is alloyed, it is not pure. The gold that is pure represents the Divine Spirit. How can any one hold it together? Can you not read the symbol on it that as light shines everywhere it is golden, and it holds the softness of thought and penetrates and yet hath the power to lead out as light leadeth? I give unto you much food for thought as thou knowest all words of the spirit must be interpreted one at a time; not together. Q. Is that the reason why we are not given all knowledge at once because the brain would be submerged? A. Take the symbol of the submerging of the earth, the material portion of it, and you can recognize why, as spirit, we must give only what the material can stand. Q. According to the interpretation, it is claimed that the earth hath been submerged by water and it will be submerged by fire — what is the meaning of that thought? A. The inflow of the ether which is spirit, consuming with its intensity, the formation of material; not thru sensation, but thru breath, as naturally as man consumes the oxygen within the air and it is replenished by its own movement. 125 LESSON XII MARCUS— February 6, 1919 So many, many things force themselves into the great consciousness that I find myself very many times trying to separate them that you might have all that I can bring. Our Universe, as you know, has to hold much that supplies the foundations for everything, and if I should say to you that this must be for you a tho\ight wherein the consciousness of light was produced that thru it might follow a higher knowledge, law must be placed for a fulfillment, but light must be everywhere. Within our Universe many great conditions were established ; long before the earth was, and I am striving to impress upon you the thought of these great crea- tions. In the organizing, or forming, of any great plan there has to be, according to spirit, not a beginning as you would call it, but a fulfillment ; and in this lesson I would express to you the consciousness of the first great age which was created within our Universe. Let me place it for you in this way. — We had held all great conditions and it also held all ethers that were needful. Now we proceed to utilize this under three laws. The first law is the purpose of creation, and in and thru it we use Infinite Ether. The second law is the division into fractions where movement takes up its power and the law is this: No 126 movement of spirit has within it aught save a fractioniz- ing for the purpose of the intensifying of Infinite Ether. The third is where ether takes up and is held for the purpose of creating of units. These units must have for a foundation the substance known as fluidic light. Fluidic light is not as you in the physical think of fluid; fluidic light as spirit views it, is an ever-moving vitalized ether, more solid than the aura and more solid than spiritual ether. This is what forms the first sub- stance for the foundation of etheric bodies. Now in order that you may go forth with this thought into Egypt, I take you with me and we follow the line of thought up to the last condition where Egypt ruled. It was two thousand years before its finality, and the King who ruled as a spirit came from the 7th. He was vitally strong and etherically spiritual. This vitality of strength was composed of the knowledge and the consciousness of the bringing together and placing within the earth that which belonged to Egypt and which could not be under- stood by man. His etheric consciousness, strong as it was, he only used with the force of spirit. They of the 7th always used this because they hold the knowledge of the creation of the Electic Circle. Egypt had existed so long, and the power and the knowledge had grown so great, and yet it was needful that it should be placed where nothing could destroy in the future. We will make the comparison of today. As the de- struction for future intellect is complete, if the earth holds a place according to what the masses consider man's in- heritance, so Egypt with this King began the great work, and you and I were sent with Apolinus, the great master of mentality. He it was who guided and directed the gathering together of this great knowledge. Here is 127 where the great Mystic Circle of the Pyramid holds the mystery for the earth. There were twelve tablets of bronze; twelve tablets of copper and twelve tablets of gold. They were banded together with iron, and beneath the Circle within the Pyramid they were placed. Upon the tablets of copper was placed the mentality of the first knowledge of Egypt from the time of its creation, as spirit, until that age that was in existence when this was done. The tablets of bronze held the interpretation of every symbol engraved upon stone all over the whole country of Egypt. The third tablets held the knowledge of the King and the connecting link between the Mystic Circle and the Electic Circle. Here I will speak of a few things that you may know really what that means. The Electic Circle is the great vivifying circle that holds, as it does, the knowledge of spirit and the signals for the movement of every great mass, whether it be of earth or whether it be of other conditions. The Electic Circle moves in perfect unison with the great condition of the Central Force wherein abideth the Father. This Electic Circle holds more power and force than would convey or carry forth all universes and as many earths as you can calculate with your mentality. The size of this Electic Circle is three times the width of the earth and five times its circumfer- ence. Within the center of it is what is known as the great motive power of all cycles. They of the 7th are perfectly aware of all this, and upon this tablet was ar- ranged the laws that controlled the relationship between the Electic Circle and the Mystic Circle of the Pyramid. The Mystic Circle of the Pyramid had the power of reflection as the knowledge would pass thru the Electic Circle and be transferred to earth. From that time unto the present there has never been 128 a Mystic Circle strong enough to catch the reflection from the Electic Circle. All powers of transition conveyed thru this King were left upon these tablets. The symbols that hold this knowledge will never be read unless one from the 7th reaches a height strong enough to absorb, thru the transition of the earth, into spirit mentality; for as far as the symbols upon the plate are concerned, they are invisible only to one who can reach out in this way. We were within the palace and the King had been with us many hours. He expressed the thought that he was thru his work and ready to take upon himself a spiritual body, but according to the law, he must pass thru the great spheres of earth. While we yet spake together, there came one unto us who said unto us : "I Cometh unto you as an archangel of the heights and I bring unto thee, O King of Egypt, a message" and I readeth it unto you like unto this: "We held for him, for he was the only one that had a physical body, as close a protection that he might be able to receive this mes- sage without a separation from his body." The archangel raised above him a light very powerful and very strong and in its penetration we could see far into the heights. There we saw gathered together many who were higher as masters than we had ever come in touch with. They were under perfect control and waited to see whether the master of the 7th would accept what had to be done, or refuse. In placing this for you in this way, you must look closely into the height of thine own consciousness, for if not it will be as a breath that wipes it out, leaving you to once more seek out the meaning of this condition. Then was the question put to him : "Art thou strong enough, as spirit, to test the power of the Almighty?" For a moment he sat in deep thought, then he lifted his 129 right hand and he said : "Unto the Almighty I will give my oath." Again we looked and the light seemed to grow stronger as if the height had again received a fuller and a more complete question ; and once more the archangel spake unto him : "Art thou ready to go the way of all masters? For thou knowest there is a greater service than thou hast been asked to give ?" A look passed over his face and we watched him closely to see what his answer would be. And, turning, he said: "According to the law of the mastership of the 7th, I choose to serve." Again the heights moved as if a radiance had spread over it leaving naught save a place of light, and the archangel said: "If thou art a master thou canst enter the light alone." Then thou didst say unto him: "Thou art a King, thou art a master, yet feelest thou that thou canst enter the light alone?" And he took and he laid his hand upon thee and he said : "When thou hast entered the spheres, go thou to where the rhythm of light within the 7th showeth plain' unto thee and then thou shalt read the consciousness that was given to me as I entered the light." You and I left him alone with the archangel, then began following it in three days, the work of placing between the double stones of the great Pyramid that which held the records which no man will ever receive. We called from among the King's subjects one with a physical body who came from out the heights of the High Heavens. He had sought a body strong and well de- veloped and he came bringing with him all the physical strength needed. We brought from out of our Universe some of the fluidic substance and taking the rolls we encased them in it. Then this workman took and made three incisions in the rock, tube-shaped, about 28 inches long, and then he embedded these within them. Then 130 began the great work of th^ adhesion of the stones. Egypt today has thousands upon thousands of stones that have not been affected by elements in all ages of the earth's existence. This stone is 28 feet beneath the sur- face of the earth, 16 feet from the north, 350 feet from the south, 820 feet from the west and 460 feet from the east. This calculation is what forms the nucleus of the earth within which this knowledge is placed, and it is the only place within the earth where any spirit from any uni- verse hath ever placed this fluidic condition. This great pyramid was the third one constructed and is yet, a por- tion of it, in existence. After it was all complete, which took about seven days, this workman disappeared. He made a voyage to the head of the Nile, there he met the master from out of the High Heavens and he went his way from whence he came. The King of Egypt was loath to let us go. He said that we should give unto him our knowledge of our Uni- verse and he still did not know whether he would be per- mitted to pass on or would have to make the circuit of the planes. One day as the cool of the morning swept thru the great palace we three sat together. Many were the things which we talked about and his knowledge and conscious- ness of the place from whence he came were wondrous to us. This was one of the things he said : 'T know that thou shalt come unto me and within the 7th I will have many things to show thee." And while we yet spake together there came a flash of light and into his lap was dropped a tiny roll wrapped around with etheric thought. He opened it and within it were three ciphers. He read it and he said unto you : "I wouldst that thou shouldst call Imhotep. Imhotep had gone unto the High Heav- ens and would not return for three days ; and thou said unto him: "We must wait. What wouldst thou have 131 him do?" "I wouldst that he shouldst translate for me these three ciphers, for human conditions have shut away from me the power of doing it." His voice was sad as if in some way he felt the influence of what he was passing thru. That night as the great palace was aglow with light and beauty and the wealth of Egypt had come together, an old priest came and called thee and he said unto thee : "I wouldst thou wouldst go with me. Some- one needeth thee." And thou and I went together. We went to the outer wall of the city and standing close against it was the figure of a young man. He was dressed in the skins of they of the desert, and he carried naught save a water bottle with the skins that were empty. "What wouldst thou of me?" thou didst say. And he said unto thee: "Master, they of the 7th Uni- verse hath sent me that thou shalt know that the Law of Ishmael is finished." Once more thou didst look and didst see the shadow of the earth, thou didst see the vast desert where they of Ishmael wandered to and fro. I touched thee on thy hand and said: "Master, the young man waiteth that thou shalt answer him." Then thou took from out thy girdle a written word which in Ishmael means *Unto thee shall be given peace thru the knowledge of Divinity.' Turning, the old man came close to thee and taking thy robe, he pressed it within his hands and then thou didst know who he was.* And he said unto thee: "Master, ♦Who was he, Marcus? I have told you in there. Was that not the old age of the earth? Do you not know I told you about the different ages of the earth and that was one of them and he came as the old man and when he had pressed the garments, when you had known and become conscious of that age, then you knew who he was. 132 knowest thou not that the work of Ishmael is- not com-, plete?" And when thou didst look upon him thou didst know that he had the spirit of he who had first given unto the desert they who were known as Ishmael. The young man waited and the old man took his water jar and filled it full of fresh water. Then thou saith unto him : "Three days from now thou shalt meet he who ruleth over thy people. Let him write within the Book of thy Laws this which I have given thee. The old man turned and blessed him and went with him, for it was the beginning and the end of the great race. And thou and I watched them as they went their way into the far-off shadows of the desert land. Morning of the third day came and Imhotep stood beside us and thou didst say unto him : "We will go unto the King, he seeketh that thou shouldst write for him the ciphers that hath come from the land of the 7th." And Imhotep and you and I went, and the King greeted us and he saith: "I am ready," and Imhotep writeth down the meaning of the ciphers. And the first cipher saith unto the King: "Thou hast the right to ask thy freedom, but thou must go unto he who shall be known as the Keeper of the Souls of Men and he will give thee that which is thine." The second cipher was like unto this: "Thou shalt seek out within the realms of that which lieth east of the spheres and shall know that thou art to be given more than all spirit who seeketh a human body." And the third cipher saith: "If thou in thy worthiness go as thou art bade to do, thou wilt find nothing but what shall give thee what thou needeth." Then thou saith unto him : "When thou goest take with thee three stones that I giveth unto thee, for within the spheres must be laid the foundation for the Temple of Egypt. Lay thou one to the east, one to the west and one to the south. But there is one who shall come who 133 must lay the one that is to the north,* and he said unto thee: "If thou goest from Egypt I wouldst that thou shouldst leave all for me as thou thinkest." Then came there one unto Imhotep, she was the daughter of the Pharaoh who had been and her hair was white like unto the snow and she said to Imhotep : "Whither hast thou been? Knowest thou not that the days of the Pharaoh are past and the coming of that which is to be when Egypt is not, I know.'* And she showed thee many things that had been written by her father. And Imho- tep said: "I wouldst that thou shouldst not mourn for thy people for they go unto the place prepared for them." And she said unto him : "I wouldst mourn not, but I seek that I goeth unto the Egypt that was before earth claimed it as her own." And Imhotep comforted her and she went her way and when the King was ready and the fall of Egypt had begun, we three watched it from the height of the Egypt of the spirit. We saw the crumbHng of the great walls of the Temple ; we saw they who sought and destroyed the greatness thereof and we saw that which passed over it and the nation became small and reduced. And then we turned our faces toward the height for he who had been made King over Egypt had served within the spheres and as spirit was free to go his way. And he said unto us : "Within the height abideth the great knowledge of the Father and if thou wouldst go with me thou shalt see and know and understand." This was in the last days of Egypt. Thou knowest its consciousness has been perfect and complete. Thou hast sought it out and looked upon it with the vision of the ♦Who is he, Marcus? The Lord God Almighty, the last, the one to the north. Do you know why? Because he watches the incoming of all spirit to earth that unto his son he shall give the numbering. (He keeps the record). 134 human and thou hast looked upon it with the vision of the spirit. But thou shalt look upon it in its greatness and in its splendor for out of that which hath been within it they will re-create and create and create until it shall become more perfect in the sight of its creator. This lesson holds for you a knowledge of one of the Unknown Laws. And thou must study and seek for thyself a knowledge of it that thou mayst know that not of the human is it, but of the spirit. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. There is a question I would like to ask with regard to the Electic Circle: Is not the Electic Circle, in spirit, doing the acting, performing, and work, just similar to the field magnets of the dynamo? A. No, because it is created out of light; but it acts in unison with the great dymatic power. It makes, not an attrac- tion thru any metallic force, but thru vital force. Nothing within the earth has that except the human body, and the human body has a small portion; that is all. Q. Where is that portion within the human body? A. It is in the center of the soul-body; it lies at the entrance of the heart. If man could attract this in sufficient amount, he would make perpetual motion; but even the body cannot attract^ enough to keep that. There is not enough within the particles that man takes into his body to hold a complete balance for these great forces. There are many things in this one thought that can be followed out and held for future explanations, such as answering: What power holds the earth suspended in space? What power creates great cycles? What unit holds the greatest knowledge? You have never quite understood the combination of forces to a degree and height of how much they can do. As yet you are making calculations. One thing you have done and that is, 135 yea have developed the force and power within yourself to hold distinctly a thought that can penetrate into immensity. Q. Marcus, in the mastership of earth, what relationship does that hold as we strive to compare it with the mastership of a universe or of any condition greater than earth? A. The mastership of earth compares in this way: that you utilize the forces of atoms, the forces of combined oxygen, and you follow out wherever there is this condition within a uni- verse and it gives you the penetration into their creations. The mastership of earth is not for substance altogether, but in what surrounds substance and everything within that condition. Q. As I understand it, the earth and its environments with- in the orbit hold this that we gain a mastership of; beyond that lies immensity with its corresponding conditions; then those universes that hold great conditions lie beyond that? A. Yes, and among and within and around are their orbits, their cycles, their belts of light, their nebulae, their creative center and on and on and on. Q. How many nations went thru the same condition? A. Seven. Q. The number of races for the earth is seven? A. Yes. There is something I have been wanting to tell you for quite a while that you may know that within the present con- dition that the changing of mentality will seem to many as if man had lost his mentality. Q. These people who are creating all the disturbance at the present time as we look upon it as more or less unbalanced, 18 that an improved condition with them? A. No, it is the changing of mentality. Q. Later on they will straighten out and then are im- proved? A. Yes. Q. What is to be the result of this later condition? A. It will be just like the effervesence of the liquor within the jar, it will throw off and throw off until finally the pure element will remain and that will have the effect of balancing. 136 The time will come, though, when a man will be ashamed to be rich. Financially? You could not say riches from any other because it is your heritage thru the father. Q. When this combination is absorbed, what takes its place ? A. Equality. In other words, man will do to make more perfect and he will equalize everything. Q. What will take its place for exchange? A. You won't need to have exchange. If all is equal, each one has a right — there will be no exchange. They will be in sections each one choosing so many at intervals and if all is equal they won't have to make many decisions because each one will know what they ought to do. There will be enough to do for whatever the needs, will be created that to work with and that to make things out of — according to the needs. And man will not do because he has to, but because he wants to. 137 LESSON XIII MARCUS— March 6, 1919 We must take up the consciousness of what all things are created of and for. I have taken you thru great heights, both of spirit and of human ; of creations and placings ; of the consciousness and the origins — thru all ages of the earth and before the earth was. And yet I have never given you that which shall form the con- sciousness of which things are created, and why. The unit of man's thought has never risen to the height wherein even the spirituality of man forms a connection ; and the unity of spirit as it stops long enough to touch with its fingers the outer condition of man's mentality certainly has to have both reasoning, law and power to form a link. You have, in physical life, placed together two ex- tremes, and yet you have not known why. First, you took reason and submitted your mentality to it and you disposed as you thought of every fraction of conscious- ness that could enter physical mentality. I have taken you to the height where spiritual mentality held in per- fect obedience the physical mentality and have placed consciousness and higher thought, higher reason and higher proofs that you might unify and place them for yourself. The creation of "things'* embraces a large portion of what man at the present is striving to utilize and place 138 under the subjection and demand thru scientific laws a proof of what has been the thought for thousands of years within the earth. The first great composition of the consciousness of created things began before spirit was created for earth, and the creation of things embraced what I can place within mental consciousness. I say this word "things" that it may embrace and cover everything that you can think or feel may belong and be worthy of creation. The first explanation given unto me was this: That the first element of thought in the creation of a condition, a world, a place, a universe, a sphere, a planet, a star, a heaven or any zone or link, was this — **I, thru the breath of holiness, create that which shall always hold purity that it may develop higher and higher. The second consciousness was in the creation of that which should move and hold within it, immensity, space, time, movement and action; and this was the thought that produced its creation, — "Unlimitation giveth a pro- gression that holds re-creation." The third was this: That in the creation of that which was within universes, spheres, worlds and heavens should contain a diversity of conditions that would pro- duce a multiplicity for whatever they were needed. With- in this was this thought that actuated their creation — "The unifying for whatever purpose that I, Infinite, give, must hold that which will produce harmony and life for that which cometh unto it." This is what is called the Reasoning Consciousness of the Thought of the Creation of these Things. We now take up the consciousness purely of spirit, which reaches beyond what is known as reason developed thru the medium of man's mentality. With spirit we need hold no reasoning powers, for thru the conscious- ness of the thought of the origin, we only hold ourselves 139 subservient to the beauty and the love of that which created the thought first and then created that which should follow it. In this I have given you the highest degree of the consciousness of the creation of things, as far as the earth is concerned, and the thought of that which belongs to spirit as it is created for earth. Now I wish to go a little farther for you in this con- sciousness. Holiness, in its highest sense, thru the thought of creation, fills this place; without holiness there is no purity; and thru purity must I fill full the life of that which I created for spirit. This is the Consciousness of the Inward Thought of Spirit as it lifts itself into a real- ization of what it must create when it reaches this con- dition. Once more. In the consciousness of higher in- telligences of spirit, of which there are known to us at the present, three, the first is this : Its creation, passing thru the consciousness of its spirit, holds the purity and strength within this creation and only has to have Infinite Breath to make it a higher creation and a more subtile connecting link between it and the consciousness of its spirit. I can only give you these with this thought — that in the creation of all these things and conditions, the demand of spirit holds always a wonderful connection. If you make your comparisons from the highest thought you have, you will find that whenever an age, an epoch or a condition within any created thing, matters not what it is, you will find that that which is the residue within it, is always pure and holy. I now want to take you into the Consciousness of Thought. Man has never been able to measure spiritual thought. The Finite of mind holds it too closely ; while the Infinite of spirit giveth it a wide freedom. I, Marcus, as I lay together the stones in the wall upon which the founda- 140 tion of consciousness is built, find that the mathematical calculation is so great that every thought I have ever given you is like unto these stones and they fit together perfectly.* Also, in the connection between Finite Thought and Spiritual Thought, there is this — that spirit can lift finite thought into the height of spiritual thought, but in order that finite thought shall reach infinite thought, it must be transposed thru what is known as the consciousness of spirit in order that it may reach Infinite Thought. The first great creation of thought that I can find for you began with the first conscious condition when you entered the 7th Universe. And the first conscious thought that you gave to Infinite was, the creation of a consciousness within your universe. This held the knowledge that your spirit had breathed within itself when it became conscious of its separateness from the Father. You will have to take each one of these conditions and fractionize for yourself, in order to become wholly attuned to the thought. Now let me give you an example : Imhotep holds that which memorizes the knowledge of ages. You hold that which inscribes upon the foundations the impression of consciousness. I, lifting as I do, the elements of creation, place them side by side with the consciousness of thought. But the Infinite must give unto each of these creations life. Without it, it would be as if you had placed the earth without color, form, movement, or thought. Unity in all these conditions is what forms the great chain that binds together each creation into one perfect relationship. In the explanation of the creations their multiplicity ♦Isn't stone in this instance the symbol of thought? Yes. 141 is great ; without the silent language of spirit it would be impossible to explain fully; the only word that I could use would be that which means: ''without a limitation, either above, beyond, beneath or around." In drawing close to you with these thoughts, I find that many times you stand, as it were, waiting that you may hold finite (with) that which belongs only with Infinite, yet have I striven to place that between which shall aid you in what you seek. Can you put together steel and steel that you should make that which you can bend according to your plan? Or must you place iron and steel that one shall form the resistance and the other the acceptance ? Truth holdeth that which is unchange- able, yet there is an element that is impressionable and which holds not the strength of truth — that is finite. I have waited long that out of the great archives I might bring these thoughts, pure as they are, that they might form for you a higher consciousness and broaden, as it were, your perception of what lies before you, in the great work of the future. Human thought separates and leaves the earth and then gives nothing to be created afterwards ; while we of the spirit know that the life of earth is only earthly cessa- tion whose time is scarcely calculated in the experience that spirit gains thru it. I want to give you a little consciousness together in what is known as the Land of the Sun, and in speaking of this I may place for you a relationship with many who have penetrated far enough to catch a glimpse of the thought that lies within this condition. The reason it is called "The Land of the Sun" is, because it was created thru the movement of many great movements and actions and multiplicities of light which afterwards a portion was used for the creation of one of your physical suns. It is here that you can become conscious that the earth 142 has a peculiar physical sun. It is disc within a disc, and it moves alternately, as far as the earth is concerned, a part of the time throwing light thru one and then again thru the other. These discs are placed together and are composed of what is known as quartruple fluid that is created when light is reduced in a way which can be thru great spaces utilized for the earth. It is too power- ful in its original creation for the earth to use; that is why for the one physical sun it was separated into two discs and operated in this manner. This Land of the Sun holds the absolute power as far as physical matter, or earth fractions, planetary atoms and zonic atoms are concerned. However, there are other lights that are not created or held within this condition. Many universes passing, utilize some of their light, like you would stop and attract thru currents what you use at the present as electricity. This wonderful stream of light, if I should give you a knowledge of it, would be hotter than molten iron, and in size as it comes from the center, larger than five times the size of your earth. It has what you call tributaries or separating places where it is molded into great forms of light. Etheric suns, suns of great masses that supply planetary light, comes from this condition. All fixed stars are given a small fraction of it. And it is utilized in the same manner by them as you utilize water as far as the earth is concerned. They can create, accord- ing to the consciousness we have had of them, over three million physical suns if it was needed, in the fraction of a second. You have asked me if it is possible to give you a scientific consciousness and I have endeavored to do so. Electricity, elemental force, gravitation, unifying of particles, separating into zonic matter, the intelligence of ether, the radiations and vibrations of light and air, all are fractionized for the earth within this great condition 143 in the Land of the Sun. The arteries of the earth's uni- verse hold within them small particles of these great lights. Gravitation only depends in a slight degree upon the movement of these great forces that supply light. These forces have their origin in another condition, the same as you would prepare a man for a certain condition in different portions of the earth. Electricity in its pure state within this condition, holds what would be known as three hundred sixty-seven (367) degrees to every frac- tion or 80th of a second what is used for three thousand years within the earth. All solaric systems depend, how- ever, upon a higher source of light within which revolving are spaces into which are placed millions of illumined worlds and suns whose solaric system has three times the number of planets that the earth has and they, extending outward from their centers, attract from this higher light all that supplies them with whatever they may demand. There is one thought I have never given you that belongs to the work of spirit that so far man has not been given any knowledge of. And it is with regard to the animal condition within the earth and the result of their earth's experience and the placing afterwards. In the great plan of creation when the thought of earth passed into expression, that which should occupy the earth was a matter that had to be placed properly and there were those who held a knowledge of how to create certain portions and conditions and things for the earth. Among them were those who knew how to create animal spirit that it might become a life force imbued with suffi- cient intelligence; from the highest to the lowest degree of its creation there was always a combined condition of finite and consciousness. In the placing afterwards, each fraction wherein they are placed holds them according to the degree of intelligence they have absorbed as they pass thru earth's experience, but there is no degree that does not increase as it passes on. 144 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Marcus, is there anybody inhabiting these conditions? A. Certainly. They are susceptible to the influence of Infinite spirit. Some of these solaric systems hold an advanced state of planetary systems and planetary spirits. Some hold what is known as great conditions of Creative Principle. Some hold greater consciousness for they who, as spirit, may seek it. Q. What form did they take? A. Etheric form, spiritual form, divine form, whatever is necessary to enter and absorb whatever they may require. Q. What is divine form? A. It is that form which can always be distinguished by its radiance, clearness and pureness. Spiritual form has more of a tangibility, as usually they are spirits created for earth; while that which has divine form are those that hold a condition that earth has nothing to do with. Etheric form, as you know, is utilized always by spirit who wish to traverse any place or any condition. The power of etheric form is more adjustable to all condi- tions. Q. Marcus, in the placing of intelligence into everything, what really was it for? A. That it might form a portion to answer to the demand of spirit that it might become that which could be utilized in a higher degree and molded into a more perfect condition. 145 LESSON XIV MARCUS— AprU 3, 1919 Wait a minute, we have someone to come that they may hear this, for long they dwelleth within Constanti- nople and they knew every portion of it, but they know- eth not of that which lay within the Mosque within the city. IsitAbud? Yes. Is this Emelech with you, tonight, Marcus? Yes. You know there is a knowledge that cometh from master to master and we who bring it unto they who have a physical body, learn from that that there are conditions and ties where such knowledge belongeth to the other; like unto when thou wert spirit and I was physical and thou wert with me and knew of many things, and now thou art physical and I am spirit and I cometh and I know of many things that thou hast. Marcus says — Like the placing of all history, I must say that we must begin at the beginning. And this great knowledge not only belongeth unto Constantinople, but belongeth unto Jerusalem, as well. First, the wonderful enactment of it all was within Egypt that is not of earth. The first knowledge of the symbols, the first great thought that was to be placed within them and the first great coming together of not only you and Emelech, but Abud and Imhotep and the 146 master who lives in the North, all of us were together in Egypt, and the great master who was there taught us the formation and the words within the symbols. This was before the foundations of the earth were laid, and before we had learned the knowledge of the placing of the stones therein, which was in this great condition where each of us learned from what Universe we came.* And he who was of the House of Israel gave unto us this thought: That when the great fulfillment was complete he would be ready to give us a knowledge of its fulfillment. Many and great have been the days since then, and many and great have been the wonderful conditions cre- ated. And he passed from place to place and, as spirit, he entereth into the conditions of the second habitation ; yet when he entereth the physical he kneweth not the meaning of it save that he knew that he stood within the threshold of the Temple of Jerusalem and he learneth of many things. Now there cometh with us one who searched far and wide that he might bring unto these conditions a higher knowledge, that he who is the master of the High Heav- ens should have the knowledge of the Book out of which no man hath read. And he brought from out of the waste places the link that connected the past age with the pres- ent age and he serveth no man, yet doth thou know that without this link we could not procure the knowledge we need. And now that the time is ready it will be needful that that which is beneath the sand of the desert shall be brought forth that they who are ready for the knowledge may receive it and use it. All this came to us as we were within Egypt. And once more we made our way, as thou knowest, we went unto Constantinople, and thou knowest why we ♦Does this mean the stones in the foundation of the earth? Yes. 147 went and what was our errand. But there is a time that came afterward when there came unto you, within the Seventh Universe a Messenger, Imhotep, and he saith unto thee : "Thou must come unto the City of Jerusalem and thou must learn and get knowledge that is placed within the Temple by Solomon, and when thou cometh thou shalt bring a measure, and when thou entereth the Temple he who is of the High Heavens shall wait with thee, with Emelech and John the Baptist." And thou didst go unto the Temple of Jerusalem and thou didst take with thee a measure and thou didst measure the Ark and the Holy of Holies and thou didst measure the rent in the Veil that was within the Ark that had been placed there and another placed within its place ; and thou didst measure the folds of the Veil and thou didst measure the rent within it, and then thou didst go into the outer court of the Temple and thou didst measure the pillars and thou didst measure the foundations. And he who was of the High Heavens came unto thee and he said unto thee: "Hast thou measured?" And thou didst say: "It is 3 cubits and 10 cubits and 4 cubits and 28 cubits." And he turned and he said unto thee: "Wouldst thou come with me into the vast inner court, I wouldst show thee what no man hath seen within the Temple?" And thou didst go with him and no human man was there and the dome of the Temple was opened and there stood within the Temple 12 of the Daughters of Jefpheta and 12 of the planetary spirits of Jupiter and 12 of the Sons of Herschel, and they stood in the center of the Temple and he who was of the High Heavens spake unto them ; and the Daughters of Jefpheta lifted above the Temple a great star and there were eight points within it and in the center of it was a disc that revolved with five needles. And he of the High Heavens said unto thee: "Seeth thou this ?" And thou saith unto him : "Yea verily, for 148 the star cometh across the great spaces and the measure- ment within it is what shall bring from out of five na- tions that which hath never been given unto the earth before."* And the master from the High Heavens spake again unto the Daughters of Jefpheta and one of them stepped forth and she said unto him: "I have chosen from out of all the conditions that I shall leave my con- sciousness of Infinite Spirit within the planet Jupiter and I shall come unto the earth and I shall use a planetary- spirit and a physical body; and that which shall occupy and be worked out by the five nations of the earth will be many, many days from now/' And the master of the High Heavens took a solid grey veil and he placed it around her and he said: "Thou art wise and thou wilt serve, but thou wilt not serve within a physical body with thy planetary spirit."t And they who came from out of the planet Jupiter and from Herschel stood in a circle and the master of the High Heavens spake unto each one and they gave him a link of a chain and he took it within his hand and there were 70 links and he gave it unto thee and thou didst hold it, and it became welded together. And he said unto thee: "I will wait for thee and when the time cometh when I shall near, in physical life, the numbers of the years that are within the chain, I will know that it is given unto us to understand the work of our Creator. And thou shalt come from out of thine Uni- verse and thou shalt be with us in the spirit." And he showed you the great Temple of Solomon, and then each of us went our way. Once more, he who was known as the King of Baby- lon, made great preparations, and John the Baptist, in ♦What five nations are these? They are yet to be. •j-Who is she? She was the spirit of the five nations that are to be. 149 the spirit, cometh from out of the waste places and he Cometh unto Babylon and he goeth unto her who was placed to watch over Babylon until the King's son should come and rule. And the King went his way unto the spirit and she ruled his people ; and the young King went everywhere until it was time that he should return. And you and Imhotep and Emelech and myself goeth to Baby- lon, and John the Baptist came and he brought from out of the waste places the great jewel of the desert and he gave it unto the young King and he saith unto him : "It is time that thou shouldst make preparations for the mas- ters are here and they goeth unto the Temple and they lighteth the sacred fire and all of his people waiteth out- side." And we goeth within, and John the Baptist stand- eth at the arch of the Temple and he who is the Divine Master came unto them and they gave Him all glory and power and dominion. And the young King said unto Him: "Thou art the King, not I." And he who was a master of the High Heavens called unto thee and he said : "Thou shalt dwell with me within the tent and thou shalt learn the knowledge of the House of Israel and there shall come a time when thou shalt understand and know the meaning of all this and why the Master cometh unto they who form a portion wherein the House of Israel shall reign first and the House of Egypt shall reign second; and the third reign shall be a heathen reign; and then once more shall the House of Egypt restore it unto what it is to be.* And again we goeth our way and once more there cometh unto us he who is the Messenger and he saith: "Once again we goeth unto Constantinople, for the time is almost when from out of the confines of the Temples ♦Do these reigns refer to the habitations? Yes. 150 shall they of the Tribe of Ishmael take that which be- longeth unto John the Baptist. He placed it there and they will remove it." And I say unto thee the time and age and the hour hath come and they who claim the right to be of the House of Israel and are not of the House of Israel, seeketh this knowledge; but it is not there. And I say unto thee, when we goeth unto Con- stantinople we meeteth they who were to be with us and once more we entereth the Mosque and this time there are five of us and we lifteth the stone and we lifteth the dark stone and we readeth the symbols thereon. The first symbol is the knowledge of the first creation of universes. And the second knowledge is the knowledge that bindeth all spirit together. And the third knowledge is the fulfillment of all prophecies. And the fourth knowledge was when John the Baptist in the waste places stood in the presence of a Messenger of the Father and was taught the great things that the Father had to teach, and He saith unto him: "Thou shalt write and there shall be no man read it until many days pass away." And thou didst see them turn the black stone and upon either side of it were written these words : "Holiness and great- ness and glory unto all that liveth purely in the presence of the light and there shall be a bringing together of they who are great in spirit and they shall loosen the bonds of the earth and they shall seek in the prisons and in the waste places for they who are bound with bonds and they shall unroll the scroll of the High Heavens and they shall read what is written therein and they shall know the meaning of that which man claimeth holdeth no knowl- edge. And then they lifted the white stone and upon it is engravened the great knowledge under which all spirit shall live. And the first that was written is like unto this: "And in the eternal light shall spirit dwell and in the presence of that which the Father hath for them 151 shall they abide. And following it was this : "And there shall come from out of the High Heavens a greater glory and a greater fulfillment ; and once more shall the Infinite give unto them Laws that shall control and they shall obey, and they shall not be called upon to build, for already it shall have been builded. And they shall not be called upon to change, for all things have been changed/' And again they readeth : "And there shall not be neither sun nor moon, but there shall be one people and the light that cometh shall be so full that it shall be known as the multiplicity of suns and moons." And once more they readeth: "And there shall be brought together all that that hath never been known and the waste places of the earth shall be filled full, so full that the earth cannot hold it. And the knowledge of life shall be revealed and the creation of spirit shall be as a written book which hath no hidden meaning within it." And thou turneth unto he who was the master of the High Heavens and thou saith unto him: "Where shall we place the stones? for there will come a time when there shall be naught within the earth but destruction and man shall seek to destroy and deplete and do away with the symbols that holdeth the great knowledge." Then cometh he who was John the Baptist and he hold- eth up his hands and he saith : "From out of the great Universe of Light cometh that which shall protect this and once more we shall place the stones in their place." And again thou saith : "There shall be conflict and war- fare and pestilence and every man's hand will be against every man and they who have held this so long shall be driven forth into the desert without food or an abiding place." And then John the Baptist said: "When that time cometh we shall seek from out of the spirit the knowledge of the placing of these great things and unto .