Gt , Brit. Laws, statutes, etc Abstract of the excise gen- eral regulation act... \% ■> 4--.: J UNIVERSITY OF AT LOS angele: ABSTRACT OF THE Cjccise (general l^ecjiilation 9[et* 7 AND s GEO. IV. Cap. 53. INTITULED An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Laws relating to tiiu Collection and Management of the Revenue of Excise throughout Cireat Britain and Ireland. " To commence on the 5th of January 1828. WITH A COPIOUS INDEX. L O :S'D () N : I'IMNTF.n BYR. T.WLOR, RED MON COURT, FLEET STREET. 1827. HT. • GENERAL TITLES. Page I. Appointment of the Commissioners and Assist- ant Commissioners of Excise ] § 1- II. Constitution of the Board of Excise 1 §2. H- III. Definition of certain Terms used in the Act .... 2 ^ § 3. >- IV. Appointment of the Officers of Excise 2 I § 4-5. OQ V. Of Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners -^ of Excise to act in Scotland and Ireland 3 §6. VI. Liabilities and Disabilities of Persons holding Office in the Revenue 4 § 7—13. VII. Constitution of the different Offices of Excise .. 6 § 14—17. \'lll. Entry of Premises 7 § 18—21. IX. Powers of the Officers of E.xcise 9 § 22 — 24. ^ X. Payment of Duties 10 ^ ' § 25—28. CO XI. Oaths 12 csj § 29—31. az XII. Concealed Goods, Unentered Manufactories, and ^ Search AA'arrants , . 12 § 32 — 34 ; and see § 64. XIII. Assistance to Officers of Excise 14 § 35-37. XIV. Reciprocal Powers granted to Officers of Customs and Excise 15 § 38. XV. Rescue of Seizures and violent Assaults on Officers of Excise 15 § 39—43. XVI. Accounts of, and Payment over, of the Revenue .J in the different Departments 17 g § 44 — 56. ^ XVII, Prosecutions in the Courts of Exchequer ...... 21 g § 57—64. X Vlll. Prosecutions before the Commissioners of Excise in London and the Justices of the Peace 24 § 65 — C8; and see § 71 — 79. .*ii»7G*59 iv GENERAL TITLES. Page XIX. Penalties 2G § C9— 70. XX. Proof of Orders and Averments in Informa- tions 26 § 71—72. XXI. Hearing of Informations '11 §73. XXII. Evidence 27 § 74—76. XXIII. Judgment by Defoult 28 § 77. XXIV. Power of Mitigation 28 §78. XXV. Certiorari 29 §79. XXVI. Record of Proceedings before Commissioners of Excise 29 § 80. XXVII. Appeal 30 § 81—84. XXVIII. Execution 31 § 85—96. XXIX. Stay of Proceedings 36 § 97—99. XXX. Sale of Condemned Seizures 37 § 100—102. XXXI. Distribution of Penalties and Forfeitures .... 38 § 103 — 106; and see § 112. XXXII. Seizures by Officers of the Customs or of the Peace 39 § 107—111. XXXIII. His Majesty's Share of Penalties and For- feitures 4 i § 112. XXXIV. Allowance to Poor Prisoners 41 § 113. XXXV. Actions against Officers of Excise 42 § 114—119. XXXVI, Complaints of Overcharge 43 § 120. XXXVII. Salaries and Superannuation Allowances .... 45 § 121. XXXVIIl. Purchases of Lands for the Use of the Revenue 45 § 122 — 126. XXXIX. Repeal, &c 4/ § 127—129. ABSTRACT OF THE €}:tm General i\efiulatiou ^tt 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. Cap. 53. I. — Appointment of the Commissioners and Assistant Com- missioners (>f Excise, § I. OIS Majesty may appoint under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom any Number of Persons not exceeding Thirteen to be Commissioners of Excise for the Collection and Manage- ment of the whole of the Revenue of Excise, arising in and throughout the whole of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Islands and Territories thereunto respec- tively belonging ; and any Number of Persons not exceeding Four to be Assistant Commissioners of Excise, to sit and act in and for Scotland and Ireland ; and each of such Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners is to hold his Office during his Majesty's Pleasure. Appointment OF CoM- BIISSIONERS. Appointment of Commis- sioners and As- sistant Com- missioners of Excise. Board of Ex- cise. II. — Constitution of the Board of Excise. § 2. — Any Four of the Commissioners of Excise constitute a Constitution Board of Excise for the United Kingdom for the Collection and of the Board. Management of the Revenue of Excise arising in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Islands and Territories thereunto respectively belonging, and of all the Duties payable to His Majesty as Duties of Excise, or Duties under their Collection and Management, and of all Penalties and Forfeitures under any Law relating to the said Revenues ; and every such Board is to have full Power to order and do General Power throughout the United Kingdom, or in any Part thereof, all of. Things by this Act or any other Act of Parliament,, required to AKSTItACT or TIIIC i;XC!SL (lENEIlAI- [§3. Constitution of tiik 130aiu>. Subject to the Treasiirv. be niiule or done hy the ('oinmissioners of Kxcisc.or which re- hite to the Hevenue under their CoUeetion and M;inai;enient j and all Rules, Orders, and Things relating to the said Uevenue made or done by any such lioard are to be valid to all Intents and Purposes as if made by all the Commissioners of Kxcise : — I'uovi^o, That the IJoard and the Commissioners of Excise are in all Things relating to the Execution of their Duty to be sub- ject to the Treasury, and to obey all Orders and Instructions at any Time issued to such Board or Commissioners by the Treasury. III. — Definition of certain Terms used iji the Act. Definition of Terjis. Definition of Tenns. • England' or ' Great Britain.' ' United King- dom.' ' Revenue of Excise.' Power to Com- missioners ge- nerally. Assistant Com- missioners. Application of this A ct to sub- sequent Excise Acts. § 3. — In all Cases relating to the Revenue of Excise, where ' England' or ' Great Britain' is mentioned in any Excise Act, the same is to be deemed to include Wales and the Town of Ber- wick upon Tweed ; where ' the United Kingdom' is mentioned, the same is to be deemed to include Great Britain and Ireland, and the Islands andTerritories thereunto respectively belonging j and where the ' Revenue of Excise ' is mentioned, the same is to be deemed to include the whole Revenue under the Collection and Management of the Commissioners of Excise ; and where any Power or Authority (except such as is restricted to the Limits of the Chief Office) is given to the Commissioners of Excise gene- rally, the same is to be deemed to extend over and throughout the United Kingdom as aforesaid j and where any is give4i to the Commissioner or Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland respectively, the same is to be deemed to extend only over and throughout Scotland or Ireland and the Islands and Territories thereof respectively : and this Act is to be deemed to apply to all Excise Acts here- after made ; except in any of the above Cases where otherwise specially provided. Appointment OF Officeus. Appointment 6f Collectors and other sub- ordinate Oifi- IV. — Appointment of the Officers of Excise. § 4. — Any Four of the Commissioners of Excise are authorized and required from Time to Time to appoint by Writing under their Hands and Seals, such and so many Collectors and other subordinate Officers, and Accomptants, Clerks, and Assistants, as to them seem requisite, taking in the Name of His Majesty § 6.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 (JEO. IV. CAP. 53. 3 from every of them sufficient Security for the due Performance Api-ointmf.nt of their Duties 5 and all such Commissions and Appointments of Oi-ficfrs. are to be valid and eflectual in every Part of the United King- dom ; and any Four of the said Commissioners are authorized to |)lace, remove, promote, suspend, reduce, discharge, or re- store, as they see cause, any such Collector or other suboidinate Officers, &:c., and to allow and pay to them for Salaries and to Salaries of. them or any other Persons for Charges, such Sums of Money and Allowances as shall be conformable to the Rules and Direc- tions received by the Commissioners from the Treasury in such Behalf. — Proviso, That the Number of each Description of Of- ficers and Persons so to be appointed, are not in any Case (ex- cept as after-mentioned) to exceed the Number fixed by gene- Number of in- ral Warrant or Order of the Treasury ; And also, That in all ferior Officers Cases in which it may be deemed necessary to appoint a greater J»ow increased. Number of Officers of the lowest Class, than authorized by such Warrant or Order, the Persons to be named to every such Appointment be submitted to and approved by the Treasury. § 5. — Proviso, That Collectors and other subordinate Offi- Inferior Offi- cers and Accomptants, Clerks and Assistants duly appointed by ^ers to conti- the Commissioners of Excise, are to remain and continue in their ""e, notwith- respective Offices, notwithstanding the Death or Removal of chann-lfin"th any Commissioners by whom they were so appointed, and not- Commis- withstanding any Alteration or other Determination of the sioners. Commission of such Commissioners, until the respective Ap- pointment of such Collectors, &c., becomes void by Death oris revoked by the Commissioners. V. — Of Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners of Excise to act in Scotland and Ireland. § 6. — The Treasury may from Time to Time direct any One or more of the Commissioners of Excise, together with Two of the Assistant Commissioners to sit and act as such Commis- sioner or Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners respec- tively in and for Scotland, and so in like manner for Ireland, under the Controul and Direction of the Board of Commis- sioners of Excise ; and such Commissioner and Assistant Com- missioners (under such Controul and Direction^ are invested with the Collection and Management of the Revenue of Excise,, and all Things relating thereto arising in Scotland and Ireland respectively ; and any Two of them in Scotland and Ireland re- »2 Commissioners IN Scotland AND Ireland, Assistant Com- missioners to act in Scotland and Ireland under Controul of General Commissioners. ABSTllACT Ol" THE EXCISE GENEUAL B'7— Co:M^tIS.SIONERS IN SroTi.ANn AND IllK(.AND. spcctively (iiiulor such Controul and Direction) have full Power to order and do all Thina,s relatinjij to the Ilevenue of Ivxise in Scotland and Ireland respectively ; and all Rules, Orders and Things so made and done are to be valid to all Intents and Purposes. Proviso, That such Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners are in all Thinit of Fieri Facias at the Suit of His Majesty out of the Exchequer ; and such Col- lector or other Officer issuing any such Warrant is forthwith to transun't the Affidavit on which the same was issued, with his Report of what has been done thereon, to the Commis- sioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland respectively ; and such Commissioner and As- sistant Commissioners respectively may thereupon stay the Proceedings, or grant such other Relief on such Warrant as they think fit. and Forfeitures. § 28. — All Goods subject to any Duty of Excise, and all Crown's Lien Materials, Preparations, Utensils, and Vessels for the making fo»" Arrears oi thereof, or by which any Trade subject to any Law of Ex- f^"*!.'^^^^",'!}*'^ cise was carried on, in the Possession of the Person carrying on sucii Trade, or ofany other Person, to the use of or in trust for such Person, are lo be subject to, and are chargeable with all the Duties of Excise which, during the Time of such Pos- session, are charged or become chargeable, or are in arrear or owing, from or by the Person carrying on such Trade in 12 1'avmcnt (JV Dl'TIKS. ABSTRACT OF THE EXCISE (lENEItAL [§ 29. respect of the same, or of any such Goods ; and arc also to bo subject to all Penalties and Forfeitures which, during any such Possession, arc incurred by the Person carrying on such Trade under any Law of Excise: and all such Goods, Materials, Preparations, Utensils and Vessels, are to be sub- ject to all such Duties, Penalties, and Forfeitures, into whose Hands soever the same afterwards come, or by what Con- veyance orTitle soever the same are claimed ; and such Du- ties, Penalties, and F'orfcitures, may be levied tliereon, and such Proceedings used for the Recovery or Enforcement thereof, as may lawfully be done where the Debtors or Of- fenders are the lawful Owners of such Goods, Materials, Pre- parations, Utensils or Vessels. XI.— Oal//s. Oaths. Persons au- thorized to ad- niinisler Oaths. Quaker's Affir- mation. § 29. — In all Cases where any Oath is by any Law of Excise required to be taken, the Persons or Person before whom sucb Oath is required to be taken, are and is authorized to adn.i- nister and receive the same. § 30. — In every Case in which an Oath is by any Law of Excise required to be taken, and in all Proceedings for any Misdemeanor, or for the Recovery of any Penalty or Condem- nation of any Goods under any such Law, if the Person re- quired to take such Oath be a Quaker, the solemn Affirmation of such Quaker is to be administered and received in lieu of such Oath. rerjury. § ^'L — Any Person who shall wilfully and knowingly swear, or affirm, falsely therein, is upon being duly convicted thereof to suffer the Pains and Penalties of I'erjury ; and any Person who corruptly suborns any other Person so to swear or affirm falsely, is, upon his being duly convicted thereof, to suffer the Penalties, Forfeitures, Pains, and Disabilities of Subornation of Perjury. „ Xn. — Concealed Goods, Unentered Manufdclories, and Goods, &c, Search WafTants. lciu°y\emoved ^ ^^- ^^^ Goods subject to any Duty of Excise, and all or dtimsited to Materials, Utensils and Vessels, proper or intended to be evade the Duty. — § 3k] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV, CAP. 53. l: used in the making thereof, which arc removed or concealed Concealed in any Place with intent to defraud His Majesty of" such Goons, &c. Duty, are forfeited; and in such Case, and in every Case p ^.7 „ where any Goods are forfeited under any Law of Excise^ the (^(,0,1^ a„j Packages containing or which contained such Goods, and the Packages. Vessel, Conveyance, Horses, Cattle, and all Things used in the Removal or for the Concealment thereof, are forfeited ; and the Person who removes, or conceals,' or is concerned in „ u r t- 1 1 removing or concealing, any such Goods as aforesaid, is to ^^^^, Value or forfeit Treble the Value thereof, or 100/. at the Election of the 100/. Commissioners of Excise or Customs, or of the Commis- sioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise or Customs in Scotland or Ireland, or of the Informer. Persons found employed in unentered Ex- cise Manufac- tories. First Offence Penalty 30^. § 33. — When any Officer of Excise shall find in any private Place any Goods subject to any Duty of Excise manufactur- ing, or any Materials or Preparations for manufacturing the same, and at the same Time discover in or about such Place any Person knowingly assisting or concerned in such Manu- facture, every Person so discovered is to forfeit 30/. above all other Penalties to which the Proprietor or the Person in whose Possession the same are found, or by whom the manu- facturing may be carrying on may be liable ; and any Officer of Excise, and all Persons in his Aid, may arrest and detain every Person so discovered, and convey him before one or more Justices of the Peace for the County, Town, or Place wherein such Person is so discovered ; and such Justice or Justices on Confession of the Party, or by Proof on Oath of one credible Witness, may convict every Person so dis- covered, who is immediately on such Conviction to pay the 30/. into the Hands of the Officer, to be paid and applied as other Excise Penalties : and on Refusal or Neglect to pay the 30/., the Justice or Justices convicting are by Warrant under his or their Hands to commit the Offender to the House of Correction or other Prison for the said County, Town, or Place, for Three Calendar Months there to be kept to hard La- bour, to be reckoned from the Day of Conviction, or until he shall have paid the 30/. ; and in case any Person so convicted is again discovered as aforesaid, he is upon like Conviction to forfeit and pay for such further Ofience 60/., and to be com- Second Offence mitted to the House of Correction or other Prison in man- Penalty 60/. ner aforesaid, for Six Months, or until the 60/. be paid ; and no Person committed in either of the above Cases as afore- said is under any Pretence or by reason of any Authority or Order but that of the Commissioners or Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland respectively, to be discharged until his Fine is paid or the Term of his Imprisonment has expired. § St.— If any Officer of Excise lias cause to suspect that SearchWanant. li ABSTKACT Ol- TUT. EXCISE (JENEKAL [§ 35. Goods, &c. any Goods forfeited under any Law of Excise are concealed in any Place, upon Oath being made by such Officer, setting forth tlie Ground of his Suspicion, before any Two of the Com- missioners of I'Lxcise, if such Place is within ihe Lin)its of the Chief Office, or if such Commissioners are not sitting, or such Place is in any other Part of the United Kingdom out of such Limits, before one or more of the Justices of the Peace for the County, Town, or Place where such Officer suspects such Goods to be concealed, any Two of the said Commissioners, or the Justice or Justices of the Peace be- fore whom such Oath is made, if he or they judge it reason- able, by special Warrant under his or their Hands may au- thorize such Officer, by Day or by Night, (but if between Eleven at Night and Five in the Morning, then in Presence of a Constable or other Peace Officer, ) to enter into every such Place where any such Goods are suspected to be concealed, and to seize and carry away the same; and any Officer to whom such Warrant is given or granted, is authorized in case of Re- sistance to break open any Door, and to force and remove any other Obstruction to such Entry, Search, Seizure, and Removal. Xin. — Assistance to Officers of Excise. Assistance to Officers. Persons re- quired to assist Revenue Of- ficers, § 35. — All Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Consta- bles, and all His Majesty's Officers, Ministers, and Subjects, serving under His Majesty by Commission, Warrant, or other- wise, are to be aiding and assisting to every Officer of Excise in the due Execution of any Law of Excise, and are defended and saved harmless by virtue of the Act in so doing, and upon being prosecuted for any Thing done in giving such Assis- tance may plead the General Issue, and give the Act and the Special IVIatter in Evidence in their Defence. Constable or §36. — A PENALTY of 20/. is imposed upon every Constable, other Peace Headborough, or other Peace Officer, who, upon Notice given Officer, on No- or Request made to him by any Officer of Excise, does not iiTlecthi'^'^tT'* go with such Officer, or is not present at the doing of any Thing at which the Presence of a Constable, Headborough, or Peace Officer is required by any Law of Excise, or who re- fuses or neglects so to do or be present. leglecting assist, To continue § 37. — EvERY Constable, Headborough, or other Peace such Assistance Officer having begun to assist any Officer of Excise where intoother Ju- j^g j^^g Jurisdiction, is to continue such Assistance into any other Place, and has Jurisdiction accordingly in such last- mentioned Place for such Purpose. § 40.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 53. 15 XIV. — Reciprocal Powers granted to Officers of Customs and Excise. ^ 38.— Every Officer of the Customs has the like Powers Officeks or for the Arrest and Prosecution of any Person, or for the '^'^ °^'^' Search, Examination, Seizure, Detention, Removal, and Pro- Reciprocal secution of any Vessel, Carriage, or other Conveyance, Horse, Powers granted or Cattle, or any foreign or imported Goods, or any British to Officers of Spirits, forfeited under any Law of Excise, as any Officer of Excise and Excise ; and every Officer of Excise the like Powers for the Arrest and Prosecution of any Person and for the Search &c. of any Vessel &c., or any foreign or imported Goods for- feited under any Law of the Customs, as any Officer of the Customs. Customs. XV. — Rescue qf Seizures and violent Asscndts on Officers of Excise. § 39. — A Penalty of 200^. is imposed upon every Person Rescue of who molests, obstructs, or hinders any Officer or Person em- Seizures, &c. ployed in the Revenue of Excise, or acting in their Assis- „. T tance in the Search, Examination, Seizure, Detention, or officers &c. in Removal of any Goods, or any Vessel, &c. forfeited under making Sei- any Law of Excise or Customs, or in the due Execution of zures, or rescu- his Office, or who after any such Officer, &c, has made '"S- any such Seizure rescues the same, or attempts so to do, or who whilst such Officer &c. is searching for &c. such Goods or Vessel &c. breaks or otherwise, damages or destroys the same, or any Vessel or other Package containing such Goods. § 40. — If any Person armed with any offensive Weapon with Force or Violence assaults or resists any Officer or Per- son employed in the Excise, or acting in their Assistance, who in the Execution of their Office does or endeavours to search for, take or seize any Goods forfeited under any Law of Excise or Customs, or any Vessel &c. used in the Removal of such Goods, or who arrests or endeavours to ar- rest any Person carrying, removing, or concealing the same, or employed therein, and liable to such Arrest, every such Officer &c. so assaulted or resisted may oppose Force to Force, and by the same or any other Means by which he is so assaulted or resisted may oppose such Force and Violence and execute his Office; and if any Person so assaulting or resisting in so doing is wounded or killed, and the said Officer &c. on that account is sued or pr<>secuted; he may plead Violently re- sistino-. IG ABSTUACT or Till. IIXCISE GFNERAL. [§ 41. H«S('l^P OF Ski/.okks, &c. Pi'isons against wliom Iiulii't- iiionts or lu- f'onnations for vioK'iit Uesist- aiice have been found or filed, to give Security to answer it, or in default may 1)0 committed. Proceedings when such an OHender is in Prison for want of 13ai). llic Goiioral Issue, and give the Act aiul llie Spcciiil Matter in ICvitloncc in his Pd'ence ; and any Justice of the Peace or otiii-r IMiigistnito before ulior.) any such Ofliccr &c. is brought on sugli account, is required to admit to IJail every such OHicer &c, ■ ^ 4,]. — Whenever any Person is charged with such violent Assault or Resistance as aforesaid, and such Charge by Affida- vit or by Certificate of an Indictment or Inforniation being filed against such Person for any such Oflence is matle to ap- pear to any Judge of any of the Superior Courts of llecord in which such Indictment or Information is found or filed, or into which it is removed, such Judge may issue his War- rant, and cause any Person being a Defendant in such In- dictment or Information, to be apprehended and brought be- fore him or some other Judge of such Court, or before some one Justice of the Peace, in order that such Defendant may be bound to the King with two sufficient Sureties in such Sum (not being less than 100/.) as in the Warrant is expressed, with condition to appear and answer in such Court at the Time appointed in such Warrant; and if any such De- fendant neglect or refuse to become bound as aforesaid, such Judge or Justice is directed to commit such Defendant to the Common Gaol until such Defendant shall become bound, or shall be discharged by Order of such Court in Term Time, or by One of the Judges of such Court in Vacation ; and the Recognizance to be taken thereupon is to be returned and filed in such Court, and to continue in Force until the Acquittal of such Defendant, or in case of Con- viction until he has received Judgment, unless sooner or- dered by such Court to be discharged. § 42. — Where any such Defendant is in Gaol for want of Bail, the Prosecutor of such Indictment or Information may cause a Copy thereof to be delivered to the Gaoler, with a Notice thereon indorsed, that unless such Defendant shall, within such Space of Time as fixed by the Court ia which such Indictment or Information is found or filed, or into which it is removed, cause an Appearance and also a Plea or Demurrer thereto to be entered in the said Court, an Ap- pearance and the Plea of Not Guilty will be entered thereto in the Name of such Defendant ; and the Prosecutor may also indorse on the Copy of such Indictment or Information so delivered a further Notice, that the Issue to be joined thereon will be tried in the next Term, or at the next Assizes, or at the next General Gaol Delivery or Court of Justiciary where the Offence is alleged to have been committed, or the Venue laid; and in Case any such Defendant in Gaol neglect to cause an Appearance and also a Plea or Demurrer to be entered in such Court within the Space of Time so fixed by § 44.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 CEO. IV. CAP. !i3. 17 such Notice, then, upon an Affidavit being made and filed in Rkscuk of such Court, of the Delivery of a Copy of such Indictment or Seizures, &c. Information, with such Notice as (irst mentioned indorsed thereon to the Gaoler, (which Affidavit may be made before any Judge or Commissioner of the said Court authorized to take Affidavits in the said Court,) the Prosecutor may cause an Appearance and the Plea of Not Guilty to be entered ia the said Court for such Defendant ; and such Proceedings are to be had thereupon as if the Defendant had appeared and pleadad^Not Guilty according to the usual Course of such Court; and if upon Trial the Defendant is acquitted, the jf acnritted to Judge before whom such Trial is had, although he may not be bo discharged. one of the Judges of the Court in which such Indictment or Information was found or filed, or into which it was removed, may order that such Defendant shall be forthwith discharged. § 43. — Any such Indictment or Information may be tried Venueofsuch in any C'ounty in England, Scotland, or Ireland, as the Offence indictments, was committed in any of the three Countries, or in any of the ainl Sentence Islands thereof respectively, in such Manner as if it had been tohaidLabour. committed in the County in which tried: and any Person convicted of such violent Assault or Resistance as aforesaid, may by the Court so convicting him, or authorized to pass Sentence upon any such Offender, be sentenced to Imprison- ment with hard Labour, for any Term not exceeding Three Years, either in addition to or in lieu of any otiier Punishment or Penalty which by Law may be inilicted upon such Of- fender ; and such Oifender is to suffer such Sentence in such Place, and for such Term as such Court directs. X VL^ — Accounts of, and Payment over of, the Revenue in the different Departments. § 44. — The Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland, and every Collector, Re- ceiver and other Person th oughout the United Kingdom, intrusted with the Collection or Management of the Revenae of Excise, are required to keep and render such Accounts in such manner as directed by the Commissioners of Excise, of all Duties, Penalties, and Sums of Money collected by him or intrusted to his or their Cave or under his or their Controul and Management ; and upon neglect or omission to keep and render such Accounts, or upon knowingly rendering false Accounts thereof, and being thereof duly convicted, he or they shall be adjudged guilty of a Misdemeanor, and suffer Fine and Imprisonment at the Discretion of the Court in which he or they are prosecuted for such Offence ; and by such Con- c Accounts op Uevenue. Accounts by Assistant Com- missioners in Scotland and Ireland, and Collectors or Receivers of Money. FalscAccoinits 18^ ABSTRACT OF THE EXCISE GKNETIAL [§ 4-5. — Accounts or vlction arc rendered for ever incapable of holding any Office Hkvenue. under the Crown. raymcnt over § 'l>5. — Til n Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Money re- of Exciso in Scotlnnd or Ireland, and every Collector, &c. ceivetl by iliein. nj-c directed to remit all Duties, Penalties, and Sums of Money intrusted to his or their Care, or in his or their Hands, or under his or their Controul and Management, as the Commissioners of Excise direct ; and upon omission to do so, or upon detain- ing or misapplying any such Duty, &c,, he or they shall for- feit their Offices, and be liable to pay, over and above the Penalty of any Bond entered into in respect of Office, Treble the Amount of the Duty, &c. or Security for Money, neglected or omitted so to be collected, applied, or remitted, or detained or misapplied,. Accounts by Comniissioncrs. Payment over of the Revenue by them. Excise Pen- sions not af- fected by the Act. § 46. — The Commissioners of Excise are required to col- lect and cause to be collected all Duties and every Part of the Revenue of Excise, and to keep separate and distinct Accounts thereof at the Chief Office, setting forth the Amounts charged, collected, received, and in arrear thereof, and of the Payments made or allowed in respect thereof, and of the Expenses of Collection or Management, and of all other Pay- ments and Expenses made or incurred on any other Account ; and they are to furnish such Accounts to the Treasury, when and so often and in such Manner as directed by the Treasury. § 47. — The Commissioners of Excise are daily to pay into the Hands of the Receiver General of Excise in England, or as the Treasury direct, all Money, and to indorse and transfer to such Receiver General, or as aforesaid, all Bills of Ex- change, Promissory Notes, Drafts, Checks or Orders received by or transmitted to them on account of the Duties or Re- venue of Excise (except only the necessary Charges paid of collecting, &c. the same, and all other Payments legally made thereout) ; under Penalty for fraudulently or knowingly, and wilfully detaining or misapplying the same or any Security for Money, of forfeiting their Office, and being rendered in-i capable of serving His Majesty in any Office or Place of Trust, and of also forfeiting Treble the Amount of the Money, &c. so detained or misapplied. § 48. — Nothing in the Act is to extend to make void or prejudice any Thing relative to the regular and usual Pay- ment of any Pension or Annuity charged and payable to any Person by any Act of Parliament, or by any Royal Grant, or Letters Patent. Excise Comp. § 49, — The Treasury may appoint under Seal a Comptroller miller and Au- and an Auditor for the United Kingdom for the purpose of — § 53.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. .-53. 19 IModc of Pay- ment into the Bank of Mo- nies, &c. re- ceived by the Rcx-eiver Ge- neral On ac- count of (li Kxcise He venue. comptrolHngand auditing rcspectivclyall tlic Excise Accounts with such Salaries respectively, payable by the Commissioners of Excise out of the Excise Revenue as the Treasury direct : and such Comptroller and Auditor respectively arc in all re- spects to be subject to such Rules and Directions as the Treasury prescribe and transmit for their Direction in Office. § oO. — All Money, &c.. received hv the Receiver General on account of the Revenue of Excise, (except as afterwards ex- cepted,) is to be paid by him into the Bank of England, that is to say, all Money, &c. on the Day or Day after received, and all Bills on the Day on which the same having been first duly accepted, have been indorsed by any Two of the Commissioners of Excise, for which Money, Bills, &c. the Entry in the Book afterwards mentioned is to be a sufficient Discharge ; and all such Money, Bills, &c., so paid to the Bank is to be placed to an Account to be raised in the Books of the Bank, intituled *' The Account of the Public Monies of the Receiver General of Excise," inserting th« Name of such Receiver General for the Time being-. § 51, — Svcii Receiver Gertcral may keep in his own Hands What Sums at the Close of each Day, for the Payment of daily Demands, mayhedoiaincd out of the Money so received by him as such Receiver General, 'j^-l'",'!,^"'^ ^ any Sum not exceeding 30,000/., or such further Sum not ex- '^' ^ ceeding 50,000Z. above the said 30,000/. as directed or autho- rized by the Commissioners of Excise, to be retained by him, or such further Sum as from Time to 'I'ime by Permission in Writing from the Treasury, is allowed to be retained by him. § 52.- — The Bank, or some Person authorized on their behalf ^'''"'^ Cook, is daily, upon receiving any Money, Bill, &c. from the Receiver General, to make an Entry in a Book to be provided by the Bank with the Approbation of the Treasury, and sent for that Purpose by such Receiver General ; and such Book is after such Entiy to be forthwith re-delivered to the Persons making such Payment, and to be inspected daily after its Return by the E^x- Inspection else Comptroller of the Cash, or his Clerk (such Clerk bcin,§- y tl'e first duly authorized by such Comptroller, and for whose Con- trol7eTof*the'" duct therein he is to be answerable), who is to compare the Cash, same with the Book kept by such Comptroller of the Cash, for the Purpose of seeing that the Receiver General constantly pays into the Bank all Money, Bills, &c. ; and any Default which such Comptroller of the Cash, or his Clerk discovers in that behalf, is by such Comptroller of the Cash to be imme- diately reported to the Commissioners of Excise. § 53. — The Receiver General of Excise is to pay into the Payments by Receipt of the Exciiequer at "Westminster all Money placed to ^'"^ Receiver 1 • A ^ • 1 11 1 , T-» • -IT- 1 1 General into his Account ni the Bank on such Days in every vVeek as the ,1,^ Exchequer. 2a ABSTRACT OF THE EXCISE GENEIIAL [§ 5i. — 4^'counts of Uf.venue, Treasury direct, nnd in the fullowin{? manner ; that is to say, the said Itcccivcr General or his (^lerk (duly authorized by him for that purpose, and for whose Conduct therein he is to be an- swerable) is to make an Order u])on the IJank, countersigned by the Excise Com])troller of the Cash, to write off from his Account the Sum desired ; and the Ikuik or some Person duly authorized on their behalf is to write off such Sum^ and de- liver a Note drawn (and which for greater Security is to be cancelled) in such Form as is approved of by the Treasury, for the Amount to tlie Receiver General or his Clerk, who is to pay the same into the Exchequer ; and the Bank Clerks at- tending there are directed to receive such Note as Cash to the Amount thereof; and the Bank is not to i)ay or transfer anv Money placed to the Account of the Receiver General, No Bills, lie. to otherwise than into the Exchequer as aforesaid ; or to deliver he rc-delivered any Bill, &c , except to the Solicitor of Excise in England, or except to So- i^jg Clerk, upon his Application for the same, countersigned by the Receiver General or his Clerk, and the Excise Comptroller of the Cash, or his Clerk, for the sole Purpose of prosecuting an Extent for the Recovery of the Money, for which any such Bill, &c. was given ; and in such Case the Commissioners of Excise are to be immediately acquainted with it, if sitting, by such Solicitor, Receiver General, and Comptroller of the Cash ; or if not sitting, at tlieir next assembling, and such Delivery is to be entered at the Bank in the Bank Book of the Receiver General. licitor for Ex- tent. Balance to vest in Successor to tlie Oflice. Liability of Re- ceiver General and the Bank. Forging any Instrument to obtain Money from the Bank on account of the Receiver General. § .54. — Upon the Death, Resignation, or Removal of any Receiver General, the Balance for which he at that Time has Credit in his Account as such Receiver General with the Bank, is immediately upon his Successor being appointed to vest in him in Trust for the Purposes aforesaid, and to be forthwith placed by the Bank to the Account of such Successor to be ap- plied as aforesaid. § .55. — Thk Receiver General observing the Rules prescribed by the Act is not to .be answerable for any Money paid into the Bank, but the Bank to be answerable for all Money, Bills, S:c., actually I'eceived by them on account of such Receiver General as aforesaid, except such as were delivered out for the Purposes of prosecuting an Extent, and are not returned. § 56. — It is declared to be Felony without Benefit of Clergy for any Person to forge or counterfeit, or knowingly and wil- fully assist in forging or counterfeiting, the Name or Hand- writing of any Receiver General or Excise Comptroller of the Cash, or of any of the Persons duly authorized as aforesaid, to any Draft, Instrument, or Writing, in order to obtain any Money, Bills, &c. in the Bank on account of such Receiver General, or to forge or counterfeit, or knowingly and wilfully — § 50.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 53. 21 assist in forging or counterfeiting, any Draft, Instrument, or Writing in the Form of a Draft, kc, made by any Receiver Ge- neral of Excise, or by any Excise Comjjtrolicr of the Cash, or by any Person authorized as aforesaid, or to utter or publish any Draft, &c. so forged or counterfeited, knowing the same to be forged or counterfeited, with an Intention to defraud His Majesty or any Person whomsoever. Accounts of Kevenue. XVII. — Prosecutions in the Courts of Excliequcr. % 57. — All Penalties imposed by any Law of Excise for any Oflence against such Law may be sued for and recovered j anil all Goods seized as forfeited under such Law may be returned for Condemnation, and condemned in the Courts of Exchequer at Westminster, Edinburgh, or Dublin, as the Cause of Prose- cution arose : Providf.d, That the Proceedings thereon are com- menced within Three Years next after the Commission of the Offence or Seizure of the Goods. ExCHEciUEK. Prosecutions. Excise Prose- cutions in tlie Courts of Ex- cliequcr. Liniit.ition of Time for Pro- ceedings. ^ 58. — The Courts of Exchequer in Scotland and Ireland, Juris-— KxciiEOi'rn brlnlf, nrc nutluirizcd and required to {^rncced to Trial on the Tkosi ( uTioNH. ;\leiits of the C'aujse, uilhoat iiuiuiiiiig into the* Fact or IMan- ner of luakinLr the Seizure. SUMMAIIY I'llOlKlMllNOS. rrosociitrons bo.'bro Conimis- sioners of Kx- fiso iti tlieir Siiniinary Court in London. Before Justices of the Peace. Where there are distinct Commissions of the Peace within tho Ju- risdiction. Time within which Infor- mation must be laid, and No- tice thereof given. XVII I. — Prnseciitiojis before the Commissioners of Excise, in Ijondon and the Justices of the Peace. § G.l — Foil tlie Recovery of nny Penalty iinposcd hy any Law of Excise for any Oiluncc committed against such Law, or for the Condemnation of any Cioods seized as forfeited under Such Law where the Oilence has been committed, or the Person committing the same i)as been found, or tlie Goods have been seized within the Limits of the Chief Otfice of Ex- cise in London, an Information tiiercon may be txhibited be- fore and heard by any Three or more of the Commissioners of Excise ; and where the Offence has been conmiitted, or the Person found, or (joods seized in any Part of the United King- dom, out of such Limits, the Information may be exhibited before any Juirtice for the County, Town or Place wherein the Offence was committed, or the Person found, or Goods seized; and such Information is to be heard by any Two or niore of such Justices ; and such Commissioners and Justices are respectively authorized and required upon any such In- formation so exhibited, and the Appearance and Pleading of the Person against whom such Information was exhibited, or who claims the Goods therein alleged to have been for- feited, or in Default of Appearance and Plea, upon Proof of Service of such Summons of such Person as after men- tioned, to proceed and give Judgment as well for the Penal- tics which upon Examination of one or more Witness or Wit- nesses upon Oath, or upon the voluntary Confession of the Party accused, are found to have been incurred, as for the Condemnation of any Goods seized which upon such Exami- nation or Confession are found to be forfeited, or respectively as the Case may require; and such Commissioners and Jus- tices are respectively authorized and required thereupon to grant Warrants under their Hands for the due Execution of such Judgment. Puoviso,That where such Information is ex- hibited before any Justice or Justices of any County in wliich there are distinct Commissions of the Peace, that no Part of the Proceedings thereon are to be liable to any Objection on account of the Offence having been committed, or the Person found, or Goods seized, within such distinct Jurisdiction, § 66. — Every such Infortiiation is to be exhibited as afore- said within Four Calendar Months next after the Offence or the Seizure of the Goods, as the Case may be ; and a Notice '^% Q,7.] RECiUL/tl'lON ACT. 7 ANf) 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 5^. 25 Summons to ap.ncar and plead. in Writing of tlie same having been so exhibited is to be given Rummauy to the Persoi* against whom tht same is exhibited if for Pe- rsi.uciiF,i>isos. nalties, or to tlie PeV^on, who claims the Goods in such Infor- mation alleged to have been forfeited within One Week next after the Information has been exiiibited ; and the Commis- sioners or Justice or Justices before whom the Information was exiiibited, are authorized and required to summon every -Person against whom such Information is exhibited, or who claims as aforesaid to appear and plead to and attend tlie Hearing of such Information at a Time and Place to be stated in such Summons, which Summons is to be served upon such Person Fourteen Days at the least before the Time appointed in such Summons. Puoviso, That where such Information I" Proceedings is exhibited for Recovery of Double Duty neglected to be ^'^"' i^ou'-'le paid, it is sufficient if such Summons is served within Twenty- '"^' four Hours at least before the Time so appointed. And also, Service of No- That in all such Cases it is sufficient Service of any such ^^^'^ "'' Sum- Notice or Summons, if it be left at the Place of Business '"""^• of such Person, or at the Building or Place where the Offence was committed or Seizure made, or at the Place of Resi- dence, or with the Wife or Child or Servant of such Person, the same being directed to him by his right or assumed Name. § 67. — Two or more of the Justices of the Peace in the several Counties, Towns and Places throughout the United Kingdom are to meet once in every Three Calendar Months in their respective Jurisdictions, or oftener if needful, to re- ceive and hear and determine all Matters brought before them relating to the Revenue of Excise, and all Informations exhi- bited within such Jurisdiction, for any Penalty incurred or for the Condemnation of any Goods seized as forfeited under any Law of Excise. Proviso, That if it happens that any Justice before whom the Information was exhibited, or any Proceed- ings thereon had, die, or is absent at any Time after such In- formation has been exhibited, and before Ajjpearance or Plea, or Judgment or Execution, so that the further Attendance of such Justice thereon cannot be procured, any other Jus- tice within the same Jurisdiction may act therein in lieu of the Justice so dying or absent; and that all Powers given by any Act relating to Justices of the Peace, or to Constables or other Officers acting under their Authorit}', respecting summary Proceedings, are to be enforced and applied (except where altered or otherwise specially provided for or repug- nant to or inconsistent with the Act) for the Conviction of any Person prosecuted by Order of the Commissioners of Excise or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland for any Penalty incurred under any Law of Excise, and for the Levy of any such Pe- nalty or Imprisonment of any such Offender, in the same Manner as if such Powers hatl been repeated and were con- tained in the Body of the Act. Meetings of Justices on Ex- cise Cases. For supplying the Defect oc- casioned l)y the Death or Ab- sence of any Justice during Procecdin<2;s. All former ge- neral Powers of Justices not in- consistent with the Act con- tinued. '26 AUSTIIACT OF THE i:X( ISE GENERAL [§ 68.— Summary § QH. — No Assistant C'ommissjonerof Kxcise, nor iiny Officer rkocKKDiNiis. or I'crson employed in the lievi-nue of Kxeise, is to act as a Justice of tlie IVace in any I'art of the United Kint^dom in Exe- cution of any of the Laws of Excise ; nor is any Excise Trader to act as aforesaid in any Case wliich relates to his particular Trade, or in which he is in anywise interested Jis such Trader ; and all Proceedings contrary licrtto are declared to be utterly null and void. AVlii) inny act ns Jusiici's ill Excise Cases. X I X . — Poialiics. Penalties. Pcnahics of Treble Value. Prosecutions for I'enaltics inay he citlicr joint or several. § no. — WiiKiiK by any Law of Excise or Customs, a Penalty of Treble the Value of (ioods is imposed for any ( Jllence against such Law, the Person committing the same is to forfeit either Treble the Value of the Goods, estimated at the Price for which the best Goods of the like Kind, for w-hich the Duties had been paid, sold for in London, Ediid)urgh, or Dublin, (as the ('ase mav be,) at the Time of the Ottence, or 100/. in lieu thereof, at the Election of the Commissioners of Excise or Customs, or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise or Customs in Scotland and Ireland, or the Informer. § 70. — WuiiBK by any Law of Excise a Penalty is imposed upon every Person committing the particular Oflence, and it is committed by several Persons jointly, they are jointly and se- verally to incur the Penalty, and may be proceeded against jointly or severally avS the Commissioners of Excise or the Com- missioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland deem expedient. Proof of Orders, &c. Averments in Information of Election or Order of Pro- secution l)y the Commissioncis sufficient with- out Proof. XX. — Proof of Orders a?id Averments in Lifor mat ions. § 71. — Where in any Information for Penalties, or for the Condemnation of any Goods seized as forfeited under any Law of Excise or Customs, any Averment is made that such Infor- mation is exhibited, or that the Commissioners of Excise or Customs, or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise or Customs in Scotland and Ireland, have ordered it to be exhibited, or that they or the Informant have or has made such Election as in such Information is averred, such Averment is to be deemed and taken to be sulhcient Proof of such Facts without aiiv further E\idcnce thereof. . § 75.] REGULAiyON ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 53. "27 § 72. — Upon any Trial or judicial Proceeding, where it is Proof of necessary to prove any Order of the Treasury, or of tlie Com- Oruvm^ &c. missioners of Excise, the Letter or Instructions officially re- Proof on Trial ceived by the Officer of Excise, where the Subject Matter arose, of Treasury or for the Direction of such Officer, and in which such Order is Excise General mentioned or referred to, and under whicli such Officer has Orders, acted, is to be admitted and taken to be sufficient Proof of such Order. XXI. — Hearing of Informations. § 73. — TiiK Commissioners of Excise and Justices of the Hkaring or Peace are authorized and required, u])on the Appearance of any Imohmations. Person summoned upon any Information, or in Default thereof, -p ,p^.T~~ and upon Proof of Service of such Summons, to proceed to the j^y,.,,^ Examination of the Facts and Witnesses upon Oath, and to tcrial. give Judgment accordingly, notwithstanding any Defects of Form which may appear in such Information, or in any Pro- ceedings thereupon or relating thereto. 'orin iinmu- ^Xll.— Evidence. § 74. — TiiK Commissioners of Excise and Justice or Justices Eviuence. ot the Peace, and Commissioners of Appeal, before whom any. — '- Information as aforesuid, or other Matter under any Law of ''"^ ''l.'.l!'. Lxcise IS judicially brought, are authorized and requued to sum- n^-gses. mon any Persons, (other than the Persons against whom such Information is exhibited,) in any Part of the United Kingdom M'liere such Persons then reside or are to ai)pear before them, at a certain Time and Place to be set forth in such Summons, to give Evidence uix)n Oath on such Information or other Matter as aforesaid : and a Peiuilty of .50/. is imposed upon every Person so summoned, and who has had his reasonable Expenses tendered to him, who neglects or refuses to appear according to such Summons, or who having appeared refuses to take Oath, or give Evidence, or to answer according to the best of his Knowledge and Belief, any legal Question when thereunto required. C<)m])ctcncy of aU Persons cn- r *-.- TT ..1 m • 1 TT • c 1 r i- ' titled foa Share § /J. — Upon the Trial or Hearmg of any Information or of Uns Penalty other legal Proceeding for any Penalty incurred^ or for the Con- or Forfeitmeas VViiiicsscs.. 28 ABSTRACT OF TllK EX( ISE OENKKAL [§ TG. — KvinENCE. (liMunation of any (ioods seized as forfeited under any Law of Excise, any Ollieer of Kxeise, or other I'erson entitled to the W hole or anv Share of such Penalty or of siieh Seizure, is to be admitted by the Court in wliieh, or the ('ommis.sioners or Jus- tices before whom, such Information is tried or lieard, to give Evidence upon such Information, and is to be deemed and ta- ken to be n competent Witness thereon notwithsttuiding iiny such Interest. Proof of tlic ^ 7G. — If u])on any Information for Penalties incurred or fovthe r.iyim'iit of Condemnation of Cioods seized or forfeited under any Law of Ex- V'-"oTillii'/of ^'^^^ "^ Customs, or in any Action bronj^ht by tlie Proprietor or ll'ic- c;'chh1s'\o Claimer of such Goods, against any Ofhcer or Person emplovcd tic lipoid ilie in the Revenue of Excise, or acting in their Aid, for any Thing done in pursuance of any such Law, there is any Question whether any Duty of Excise or Customs has been paid upon such Goods', or whether such Goods are of such Kind as in such Information is in that behalf alleged, the Proof of the Payment of such Duty, or that such Goods are not of such Kind us aforesaid, is to lie upon the Proprietor or Claimer thereof. Claiinur. XXUL—Judgmcul hj Default. JunOMF.NT BY Default. Jiulgincnl against a Pri- soner who does § 1'] . — "W^iiKRK any Information is exhibited before the Com- missioners of Excise, or any Justice or Justices of the Peace, against any Person in Prison on any Account whatever, for the Recovery of Penalties incurred by such Person, or for the Con- demnation of Goods seized under any Law of Excise claimed not appear and by such Person, and such Person, on a Co]>y of such Informa- plcad. lion being delivered to the Gaoler where he is confined, with a Summons to appear and plead to and to attend the Hearing of such Information, at a Time and Place in such Summons mentioned, does not appeal and plead in Person, or by some Person duly autlionzcd in that behalf, such Proceedings are to be thereupon had as before directed in the Act in Cases of De- fault of Appearance to any such Information. Power of MrriuATioN. XXI v.— 7Vciv;- of Mitigation, § 19<. — Thk Commissioners of Excise, and Justices of the Tower of IMiii- Peace, when they see Cause, exce})t where there is any Provision gation of I'c- that no Mitigation shall be made by the Justices of the Peace, iialticsby Com- ^^^ authorized to mitinate any Penalty incurred under anv Law Justit-es to Oiic of Excise tor which any Inioruiation has been exhibited before Fourth. — § 80.] UEGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 53. 29 them as they in their Discretion think fit, so as such Mitigation Power of do not reduce such Penalty to less than One Fourth Part there- Mitigation. of ; and every such Mitigation and Payment thereupon made, p^ jT^ is to be a sufficient Discharge of every such Penalty to tlie Per- niissioners and son convicted. Puoviso, That the (Commissioners of Excise, Assistant Com- and the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise mis;.ii.iiers to in Scotland and Ireland resiiectively, when tiiev see cause, are ii"t'""'''"'tigate • • • • oi" filto^ctiiGr authorized to further mitigate or entirely remit any such j^ji^jjt, ° Penalty. XXV. — Certiorari. § 79. — No Writ of Certiorari or other Writ is to be issued Ceutiorari. at the Suit of anv Defendant out of any Court of Record in „ TT •f 1 i^^i'j II I • i>ni-o • Proceedings England, Scotland, or Ireland, nor is any lidi ot Suspension, i^gfoie Com- Advocation.or Reduction to be ])assed, or any Letters of Suspen- missioners or sion, Advocation, or Reduction, or other Proceeding to be issued Justices of tlie out of the Court of Session or Court of Justiciary in Scotland, I'eacc not to be in anywise to affect any Information or Judicial Proceeding f^cted bv any before the Commissioners of Excise or Commissioners of Ap- process, peal, or before any Justice or Justices of the Peace in the United Kingdom, in Pursuance of any Law of Excise or any Judgment thereupon : Proviso, Thatsuch Regulation is not to Except a Cer- extend to any Writ of Certiorari issued in such Cases in be- tiorari issued at half of His Majesty out of the Courts of Exchequer in England, '^^pj^ ^^t oj-^ Scotland, or Ireland, respectively. ^1,^. Exchequer. XXVI. — Recurd of Proceedings before Commissioners of Excise. § 80. — In tlie Record or written Account of any Proceedings Record of before the Commissioners of Excise, it is sufficient to state Prockedings. that the Information was exhibited before the Commissioners of Excise, without statins: their Names ; and every Determina- l^^'"^'"^ /"' ^ r -I rni c 1 • ceedings before tion upon any Iniormation, by any Ihree or more ot them, is tijp Commis- declared to be valid in Law, and may be executed by Warrant sioners of Ex- under the Hands of any Three of them, whether the Com- cise. missioners signing the Warrant are the same by whom such Determination was made, or were Commissioners at the par- ticular Time when it was made or not : PKovior^n, That the Per- sons so signing such Warrant at that Time actually are such Coramiasioners. 30 ADSTIIACT OF THE EXCISE GENERAL [^ 81.— - XXYU.—ylppcal. ArvF.Ai.. § 81. — TiiK Treasury niny appoint under Seal so many Por- •; sons to be Commissioners of Appeal in England as tlicy deem Ai)ijoinimontof .jjiyi^-iijic fy,. {jn. purpose of Ilearincf A|)pcals from any Judij- of Appeal. ment given by the Lommissioners ol J'iXc ise upon any Intorma- tion exbibited before tliem, witb sueh Salaries jjajable out of the Revenue of Kxeisi; as the Treasiuy direct ; and any Three or more of such Persons so aj)poinled constitute a Court of Appeal. Appeal from llie Judgment of the Coniinis- .sioncrs of Ex^ cipe to such Commissioners of AppeaU From the Juclg- meiit of the Justices of llie IVaco to the Gcuoral Quarter Ses- sions. Defcctsof Form cured upon any siich Ap- peal. Notice of Ap- peal. § 82. — In case any OfTicer of Excise who exhibits any In- formation, or any Person against whom any Information is exhibited, or who ajipears and claims any Goods alleged to be forfeited in any Information exhibited before the Commissioners of F^Kcise, feels aggrieved by the Judgment given thereon by such Commissioners, such Officer, or other Person, upon giving such Notice as afterwards mentioned, may appeal there- from to such Commissioners of Appeal ius aforesaid ; and such Commissioners of Appeal, ov the major Part of them, upon being served with such Notice, are autliorized and required, at such Place and Time as they in behalf appoint, to hear and finally determine such Appeal. And if any Ofificer who, &c. or Person against whom, Szc, feels aggrieved by the Judgment given thereon by the Justices of the Peace, such Officer or other Person upon giving Notice as aforesaid may appeal there- from to the Justices assembled at the next General Quarter Sessions (or if there is not One Week between the Time of giving the Notice and such Quarter Sessions, then to the (leneral Quarter Sessions next after the Expiration of One Week) for the County, Town, or Place in which the Judg- ment so appealed against was given ; and the Justices of the Peace at such General Quarter Sessions upon being served with such Notice, are authorized and required thereat to hear and finally determine such Appeal. And any Defect of Form found upon any such Appeal in any Part of the Proceedings is to be amended by the Order of the Commissioners of Ap- ]ieal, or of the Justices or major Part of them, at such General Quarter Sessions upon such Appeal. §83.— Proviso, That nosuch Appeal is to be aIlowed,unless the Party Appellant immediately upon the giving of the Judgment appealed against, gives Notice in Writing of such Appeal to the Commissioners of Excise or Justices of the Peace from whose Judgment he appeals, and to the adverse Party, and lodges such Notice at the Office or with the Registrar of the Commissioners of Ajjpeal, or with the Clerk of the Peace for the Justices of the Peace at the General Quarter Sessions before whom such Appeal — § 85.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 53. 31 Notice of Trial. if5 to be finally determined ; and that no such Appeal is to be ArrEAi,. heard unless the Party Appellant witliin One Week at least before such Appeal is to be finally determined, gives Notice in Writing to the adverse Party of the Time and Place where such Appeal is to be heard : Proviso, That where the Judgment Deposit when appealed against is a Conviction in any Penalty of the Party ^^ ^^ made. Appellant, such Party is also, within Three Days after the giving of the Judgment appealed against, to deposit in the Hands of the Commissioners of Excise, or of the Collector or Supervisor of Excise where the Information was exhibited, the Amount in which such Party was convicted ; or where the Judgment appealed against is for or against the Condemnation of any Goods, the same are to be left with the Commissioners of Excise, or with the Collector or Supervisor a$ aforesaid, until the final Determination of such Appeal. § 84. — Upon every such Appeal the Commissioners of Appeal or Justices at General Quarter Sessions before whom the same is brought, are authorized and required to proceed to re-hear upon Oath and to re-examine the same Witnesses and Evi- dence only, and the Merits of the Case whereon the original Judgment was given ; and such Commissioners and Justices are authorized on any such Appeal, to reverse or confirm in the whole or in part, the Judgment appealed against, or to give such new Judgment as they think fit ; and such Commis- sioners and Justices in any such new Judgment have the same Power of Mitigation as is before given by the Act to Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Excise in Judgments given by them : Proviso, That such Commissioners of Appeal, and Justices at General Quarter Sessions, may at their Discretion, state the J'acts of any Case on which such Appeal is made specially for the Opinion and Direction of tie Court of Ex- chequer in England, Scotland^ or Ireland, as the Case may be. Evidence on Appeal. Power of Miti- gation thereon. Power to Court of Appeal to state any Case to the Ex- chequer. XXVIII. — Execution, § 85. — Where the Judgment of the Commissioners of Excise Execution. or Justices of the Peace appealed against is affirmed by the ' Court of Appeal, such Judgment is to be executed by the Com- Execution of missioners of Excise or Justices of the Peace, as if there had J"''?"^"' . been no Appeal ; and where the Judgment is reversed, and "a[io,i of Tp'" a diiferent Judgment given by the Court of Appeal, such new peal. Judgment is to be executed by the Commi?sioncrs of Appeal or Justices at the General Quarter Sessions by whom it was given. 32 AUSTRACT or Tllli EXCISE GENERAI- [§ 8G.- KxixuTioK. § Sfi. — W'liKiir, :iiiv Judgment lobe I'xcrulcil 1)V the Com- niissioncrs of Kxcisc or Justices of tlie I'cace (the suine not yroicc.hngson j,.j,,i, , l,^,^,„ aniH-alc'd against, or if appealed against, aHirmcd) l>u cxi-i'iitoil l>y '^ '"'' t'^^' C'ondi'nination of (ioods, ihc CommissiontTs and ilic Coiiiinis- Justices are authorized and required to apply the Money de- sioiicTs ol Kx- posited in Satisfaction of such Judj^meiit ; and if the same fise or Justices j^ijoj,]^! „(^j [j^. yullicient, to urant a M arrant under their Hands to any Onicer or Oincers o( I'.xcise lor tiie oale or suen lioods ; and where the Judgment is for Penalties, they are authorized and required to grant a Warrant under their Hands to any Olficer or Ofticers of Excise, to levy the Sum adjudged, or so much thereof as is not satisfied as aforesaid upon the (ioods and Chattels of the Person convicted, and either to detain and keep such Goods ancK-hattels in the Place where the same were found, or toro.move the same to the next Office of Excise. On Jiiilgmcnts to be executed l)y the Com- iiiissiouers of Ai)))eal and (iiiaiter Ses- sions. Time for Sale of Dibtic^tis. Expenses of Levy to be de- ducted. § 87.WiiRi{KanvJudgment tobe cxccutedby thcCommission- crs of Ap])eal, or Justices at the General Quarter Sessions, on Appeal, is for the Condemnation of any Goods, such Commis- sioners or Justices are authorized and required to grant a War- rant under the Hands of any Two or more of them respectively, to any Officer or Officers of Excise for the Sale of such Goods j and where the Judgincnt to be so executed is for Penalties, they are authorized and required to apply the Money so depo- sited as aforesaid in Satisfaction of such Judgment; and if the same should not be sufficient to grant a Warrant under the Hands of any Two or more of them respectively to any Officer or Officers of Excise to levy the Sum so adjudged, or so much thereof ns is not satisfied as aforesaid, uj)on the Goods and Chattels of the Person convicted, and either to detain and keep such Goods and Chattels in the Place where the same were fmmd, or to remove the same to the ne.xt Office of Excise. § 88. — It is lawful in any such Levy Warrant to direct therein that the Goods and Chattels upon which such Levy shall be made, shall be sold as soon as conveniently may be after a certain Time to be limited in such Warrant (so as such Time be not less than Four Days nor more than Eight Days), unless the Sum of Money for which such Levy is made shall within the Time limited for Payment thereof be satisfied. § 89. — The Officer of Excise making such Levy, is em- powered and required to deduct the Sum of Money for which such Levy is made, and all reasonable Expenses attending such Levy, out of the Sale, and to return the Overplus (if any) to the Proprietor of the Goods and Chattels upon which such Levy is made, or to the Person legally entitled thereto; and such Officer to show such Warrant to the Person upon whose Goods and § 91. J REGULATION ACT. 7 AND S CT.O. IV. CAP. 53. Chattels such Levy is made, and suffer such Person to take a Copy thereof; and every such Warrant is of the same Force as a Writ of Fieri Faci/is issued out of the Exchequer in En- gland for the Recovery of Crown Debts. § 90. — For want of sufficient Goods and Chattels whereon the Penalty and Expenses aforesaid may be levied, and on a Return in Writing- made upon any Levy Warrant by any Of- ficer to whom the same was directed, to the Persons by whom such Warrant was granted, or to the Commissioners of Excise, or any One or more of the Justices of the Peace within whose Jurisdiction such Warrant was issued, that such Officer cannot find, within such Jurisdiction, any Goods and .Chattels of the Person against vvlwm such Warrant was granted, whereon the same can be levied, or on a Return as aforesaid that Part has been levied or paid, and that such Officer cannot find any fur- ther Goods and Chattels within such Jurisdiction as aforesaid, whereon the Residue can be levied, the Persons by whom such Warrant was granted, or any Two or more of the Commissioners of Excise, or any One or more Justices of the Peace to whom such Return has been made, are authorized and retjuired thereupon to grant a Warrant to any Officer or Officers of Excise, to arrest and convey such Person to the Common Gaol or House of Correction within their Jurisdiction, and there to deliver the Person so arrested, with a Duplicate of such Warrant, to the Gaoler, tliere to remain until Satisfaction be made of such Judg- ment as aforesaid, or until such Person shall be ordered by the Commissioners of Excise, or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland, to be libe- rated or discharged ; any Law, Bill of Health, Custom, or Usage in England, Scotland or Ireland, to the contrary thereof not- withstanding. 33 EXECLTIOX. A Copy of tlie Warrant to be allowed if re- quired. Warrant of the same Force as a. FL'ri Facias. Warrant of Arrest. § 91 . — Where any Goods or Chattels of any Person against whom any such Warrant for Arrest has been granted are found at any Time after the Granting or Execution of such Warrant, the Persons by whom such Warrant was granted, or any Two or more of the Commissioners of Excise, or any One or more Justices in whose Jurisdiction such Goods or Chattels are found, are authorized and required, notwith- standing the Granting of such Warrant of Arrest, to grant a fresh Warrant under their Hands, to any Officer or Officers of Excise, to levy upon the Goods and Chattels so found any Penalty and Expenses, for which the former Levy Warrant was granted, or so much thereof as may not have been before paid ; and upon Satisfaction thereof, the Warrant for Arrest, is to be discharged, and the Person arrested, forthwith libe- rated out of Custody. For the Issue of a fresh Levy Warrant where Goods are found after the Issue or Exe- cution of the Warrant of Arrest. 3i AlJSTllAC r or THE F.XlISi: CIENEUAI. [§ ^>2.- Execution. For the Exe- cution of War- rants in any I 'art of the United King- dom. ^^02. — Wmkri; any such Warrant has been granted, and cannot be executed because sullicient Distress, or the Person against whom the same was granted, cannot be found within the Jurisdiction of the Commissioners or Justices in which such Warrant was issued, any One or more Justices for any other County, Town, or Place, within tlie United Kingdom, are aiiihorized and retjuircd to indorse their Name upon such Warrant; and such Warrant and Indorsement thereon is suf- ficient Authority to the Officer of Excise to whom such War- rant is directed, or having Execution thereof, to execute the same in such other County, Town, or Place, and to levy the Penalty for which such Warrant was granted, or so much as may not have been before paid upon the Goods and Chattels of the Person against whom such Wqrrant was granted, which are found within the Jurisdiction of the Justice or Justices indorsing such Warrant, or to arrest and convey such Person to the Common Gaol of the County, Town, or l^lace where such Warrant has been executed, there to remain until de- livered, as by the Act is before directed : Proviso, That no Action or Prosecution is to be brought or prosecuted against any Justice, for or by reason of his having granted subsidiary Warrants, or indorsed any Warrant in Pursuance of the Act, in Execution of any Judgment, but that any Person may bring or prosecute his Action or Suit against the Commis- sioners or Justices by whom the original Warrant in Execu- tion of such Judgment was granted in the same Manner as before. Proceedings for the Condem- nation of un- claimed Sei- § 9S. — Where any Seizure is made of any Goods under' any Law of Excise, and no Person appears to claim the same, then, if such Seizure was made within the Limits of the Chief OfHce, any Officer of Excise who made such Seizure, after the Expiration of Fourteen Days from the Day on which such Seizure was made, may cause Notice in Writing, signed by the Solicitor of Excise for the summary Jurisdiction, (o be affixed on some conspicuous Part of the Outside of the Chief Office signifying the Day when any Three or more of the Commis- sioners of Excise will proceed to hear the same; and if any such Seizure was made in any other Part of the United King- dom, such Officer of Excise may cause a Notice issued by any Justice or Justices of the Peace within whose Jurisdic- tion such Seizure was made, and before whom any Informa- tion has been exhibited for the Condemnation thereof, to be affixed on some conspicuous Part of the Outside of the Office of Excise next to the Place where such Seizure was made, during the Market Day next after the Expiration of Six Days from the Day on which such Seizure was made, or during any other subsequent Market Day ; in which Notice there is to be specified the Day (the same being any Day after the Ter- mination of Eight Days from the Date of such Notice) and § 95.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 53. 35 the Place when and v*'here the Justices of the Peace will pro- E.\ecution. ceed to the Hearing of such Seizure ; and the said Commis- sioners and Justices within their respective Jurisdictions, are authorized and retjuired to proceed, on the Day and at the Place mentioned in such Notice, to examine into the Cause of such Seizure, and to give Judgment accordingly ; which •Tudgment is declared to be as good and valid in Law as if the Proprietor of the Goods had been summoned as before directed by the Act. § 94'. — Where any Horses or other Cattle, Or any Goods of Where Horses a perishable Nature, are seized by any Officer of Excise as "' Cattle, or forfeited under any Law of Excise or Customs, the Com- •^'"il "m^J^'^' .. /.!-• ^i/-i •• lA- r-i nshablc Nature nnssioners or Lxcise, or the Lommissioner and Assistant Com- ^-e .seized. missioners in Scotland and Ireland, are authorized to order any such Seizure to be liberated and delivered up to the Claimant thereof, upon his entering into a Bond to the Crown in the Penalty of Double the Value of the Horses, &c. with Condition that such Bond shall be void upon Payment of the appraised Value of such Horses, &c. on their Condemnation ; and if no Claimant appears, or he refuses or neglects to enter into such Bond as aforesaid, the Commissioners &c. are author- ized, at any Time after the Expiration of Fourteen Days from the making of such Seizure, to direct all such Horses, Szc. to be sold at Public Auction, notwithstanding the Condemnation thereof at that Time has not taken place : Proviso, That if such Horses &c. are afterwards ordered to be restored with- out any Proceeding being instituted for the Condemnation thereof, or, if instituted, before the same have been condemned, or if upon the Trial for Condemnation thereof the Decision or Verdict is in Favour of the Claimant, the appraised Value of such Horses, &c, or the Proceeds of the Sale thereof, at the Election of such Claimant, are on Demand thereof to be paid to such Claimant by the Commissioners -n • /-^ . .. r l^ .. r inrlorsedbyOne under any Law or Excise or Customs on account or Duty ot ^^f^l^^, Solicitors Excise or other Matter relating to the Revenue of Excise, of Excise, issues out of the Court of Excliequer in England, Scotland, or Ireland, directed to any Sheriff, Sheriff" Depute, Mayor, Bailiff", or other Person having Execution of any such Writ, in any County, Town, or Place in any Part of the United v2 ' ;J6 ABSTItACT OF TIIL EXCISE UENKIIAL [§ 96. ExKi-unoN. Kiiigiloni, every such Sheriff, Ac. and their Umler Sheriffs, Deputies, and other Persons actinj^ for them in any of" the said Offices, are enjoined and required, upon tlie Apiilication of any of the Solicitors of Excise in Enghnid, Scotland, or Ireland, (such llecjuest being in Writing, and indorsed upon the Back of such Writ, and signed by such Solicitor with his Name, and Addition of Solicitor of Excise,) to grant a Special Warrant to such Persons as are specified in such Indorse- ment, for the Apprehension of the Person named in such Writ ; and in Default thereof, every such Sheriff", c*cc. and every Under Sheriff, S:c. through whom such Default was made, is liable to such Process of Contempt, Fine, Amerciament, Penalty and Forfeiture, as any of them are now by Law, Cus- tom, or Usage liable to in case of refusing or neglecting to execute the like Writ in the usual Method of proceeding thereon. ShcritFs indem- nified from Es- capes imder such Special Warrants. § 96. — Every such Sheriff", Under Sheriff, &c. so grant- ing such Special Warrant is indemnified against the Crown and all other Persons on account of any Escape of any Person taken by Virtue of such Warrant which happens between the Time of taking, and the Time of Committal to Gaol, or an Offer of the Person in Custody to the Gaol-keeper (who is required to receive every such Person so apprehended and to give a Receipt for his Body), and from all Actions and Prosecutions, on account of any such Escape. XXIX. — Siai/ of Proceedings. Stay of Proceedings. Power of the Attorney Ge- neral or Lord Advocate to enter a N^oli Prosequi to any Proceedings commenced or depending. Power of Com- missioners and Assistant Com- missioners of Excise to for- bear to prose- § 97. — Whenever any Prosecution is commenced or de- pending for the Recovery of any Penalty or Condemnation of any Seizure made under any Law of Excise, the Attorney General, or if there should be none, the Solicitor General in England and Ireland respectively, or the Lord Advocate, or if there should be none, the Solicitor General in Scotland, if it shall appear to their Satisfaction that such Penalty or For- feiture was incurred without any Intention of Fraud, or of off'ending against any Law of Excise, may stop all further Proceedings by entering a NoUProsequi, or otherwise, to such Prosecution, as well to the Share of such Penalty or Forfei- ture to which any Officer or other Person claims to be enti- tled, as to the Share belonging to His Majesty. § 98. — Where any Penalty or Forfeiture has been incurred under any Law of Excise, and it appears to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners of Excise, or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise, in Scotland and Ireland — § 100.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GF.O. IV. CAP. 53. 37 respectively, that the same was incurred without any Inten- tion of Fraud, or of offending against any Law of Excise, such Commissioners, &c. may forbear to order any Prosecution for the Recovery of such l^enalty ; or upon such Conditions as they order in that behalf may forbear to order any Prose- cution for the Condemnation of such Seizure, and may re- store such Seizure to t)ie Proprietor or Claimant thereof; and where any Prosecution has been commenced or is de- pending for the llecovery of any Duty or Penalty, or for tlie Condemnation of any Seizui-e under any Law of Excise, the Commissioners, S:c. at any Time before Judgment is en- tered up or given, may compound any Prosecution by the Acceptance of such Sum of Money as they deem reasonable in that behalf for any such Duty, or in Mitigation of any such Penalty, or in lieu of the Value of any such Seizure, in or by way of Compromise of such Prosecution ; and upon Payment thereof they may stay all further Proceedings, and restore the Seizure to the Proprietor or Claimant thereof, entering into such Compromise: Proviso, That if any such Proprietor or Claimant of any such Seizure accepts such Conditions, or receives back any such Seizure upon such Conditions, he shall not be entitled to maintain any Action for Damages on ac- count of the Seizure or Detention thereof. Stay of Pkoceedings. cute and to re- store Seizures, or compound Prosecutions at any Time be- fore Judgment entered up. On Acceptance of Terms no Action for Da- mages can be brought. § 99. — Where any Penalty or Forfeiture has been incurred under any Law of Excise, the Treasury, if they see Cause, may by any Order for that Purpose made under their Hands, direct the Seizure or any Part thereof to be restored to the Proprietor or Claimant thereof, whether such Seizure has been condemned or not at the Time of such Order, and may mitigate or remit any Penalty, or any Part thereof, either be- fore or after Judgment, in such Manner and upon such Con- ditions as under the Circumstances of the Case appear to the Treasury to be reasonable, and as they think fit to direct by such Order: and no Person is entitled to the Benefit of any such Order, unless the Conditions therein contained are com- plied with ; nor can any Person accepting such Conditions maintain any Action for Damages on account of any such Seizure, or the Detention thereof. Power of tlic Treasury to re- store Seizures, or mitigate or remit Penal- ties at any Time. XXX. — Sale of Condemned Seiz7ires. Sale of CoNDEMNEn Seizures. § 100. — All Goods seized under any Law of Excise are after the same have been condemned (such Cases only ex- cepted for which other Directions are in any other Law of For the Sale of Excise specially given) to be publicly sold to the best Bidder, Forfeitures at such Time and Place and in such Manner as the Commis- ^ . ^^'""^"^- sioners of Excise, or the Commissioner and Assistant Com- Pujjilc Auc- tion. 30705J-' 38 AHSTiiAcr <)i" Tin; r.xcisi: (ienlual [_§ 101. — Sale or condk.mnm) Seizurks. Goods subjoct (o Duty not to 1)0 sold for rioine Con- Mim]Hion :it .1 less Price than llie Duty. If not sold, to l>f tlcstroyed or i.:NpoitL(l,ordis- jK)ic(i of as tlie Treasury direct. Payment of Exp'-'nscs at- tending For- feitures out of Proceeds of Sale, or the Re- venue if not sold. niissioners of E-xcltic in Scotland ami Irr.'land respectively, orilcr ami ilirect, eubjcct to all such Rules ami Regulations as in this or any other Act of Parliament in that Behalf made. ^ 101. — No (joods of a Kind subject to any Duty of Excise or Customs, and for which every such Duty has not been paid, wliich are ordered to be sold by the Commissioners of Excise, or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland respectively, under any Law of Excise, or the Sale of which has been directed under any other Act of Parliament, are to be sold for Home Consump- tion at a less Price than the Duty not paid thereon; and all 6uch Goods which cannot be sold for such Reason as aforesaid, and all condemned Goods the Importation whereof is prohi- bited, are to be forthwith destroyed or sold for Exportation, or disposed of to such public Use as ordered by the Treasury. § 102. — All Expenses attending the Seizure, Condemna- tion and Sale of any Goods forfeited under any Law of Ex- cise (such Cases only excei)ted for which other Directions are in any Law of Excise specially given) are to be paid out of the gross Proceeds arising from the Sale th.ereof when sold, and if not sold but destroyed or otherwise disposed of, out of the Revenue of Excise. XX XL — Distribution of Penalties and Forfeitures. DisTRiBtinoN ^ 103. — All Penalties and Forfeitures recovered under any OF Penalties. jLjj^y pf Excise (such Cases only excepted for which other Distribution of Directions are in any Law of Excise specially given) are after Penalties and Deduction therefrom of all Expenses, to be distributed, one Forfeitures. Moiety thereof to the Use of the Crown, and the other to the Officer of Excise or Person who discovers, informs, or sues for the same. On Proof of Collusion the Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners of Excise may direct the Ofii- oer's Share to be forfeited. § lO-i, — Upon Proof being made to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners of Excise, or of the Commissioner and Assis- tant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland re- spectively, that any Officer or other Person to whom any Share of any Penalty or Forfeiture or any Reward is payable by any Law of Excise or Customs, has acted collusively or negligently, either in making any Seizure, or in the wilful Omission or Failure so to do, or to discover any Fraud, or to arrest or make known any Offender against any Law of Ex- cise or Customs, in the particular Case in which such Share is payable, the Commissioners, Sec. may direct the Whole 39 DlSTRIBUTIOhf OF Penalties. In Exchequer Prosecutions for Penalties, Expenses and the Officers' Share may by Direction of the Treasury be })a!(l out of the Revenue. — § 107.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 53. or any Part of such Share, which otherwise would have been payable, to be forfeited, and the same to be applied in such iVIanner as His Majesty's Share is by Law at such Time di- rected to be applied. § 10.5. — In any Prosecution for any Penalty under any Law of Excise in the Court of Exchequer in England, Scotland, or Ireland, the Commissioners of Excise, or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland respectively, under the Direction of the Treasury, may order the Whole or any Part of the Costs and Expenses of such Prosecution, whether the Money recovered from tlie Defendant by way of Penalty or Compromise is sufficient to satisfy such Costs and Expenses or not, to be paid out of the Revenue of Excise, and may allow out of such Revenue to the Officers concerned in such Prosecution, or Persons through whose In- formation or Assistance the Offence was detected, any Sum of Money not exceeding a Moiety of the Sum so recovered. § lOG. — In any Prosecution in the Exchequer in England, in Prosecutions Scotland, or Ireland, for the Condemnation of any Goods seized for Seizures in under any Law of Excise, the Commissioners of Excise, or the t''e Exchequer. Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scot- land and Ireland respectively, under the Direction of the Trea- sury, may order the Whole or any Part of the Expenses attend- ing the Seizure, or Prosecution of any such Goods whether condemned or not, and the Expenses of Condemnation if con- demned, and of Sale if sold, whether the Produce arising from the Sale thereof be sufficient to answer the said Expenses or not, to be paid out of the Revenue of Excise, and may distri- bute amongst the Officers and Persons who made any such Seizure, or by whose Information or Assistance the same was made, a Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding the Share of such Seizure, or the Value thereof, in case the same had been sold, or if not sold but destroyed, or otherwise disposed of as before mentioned, such Sum of Money for making such Seizure as is by Law directed, to be paid in such behalf respectively as aforesaid in full, without deducting therefrom the said Ex- penseSj or any Part thereof. XXX IL — Seizures hrj Officers of tJie Cicstoms or of the Peace. Seizuues bv Offichus of THE Customs § 107. — All Officers of the Customs making any Seizure Officers of the under any Law of Excise of any Exciseable Goods, are forth- Customs to with to give Notice thereof at the next Office of Excise, or to f,','^ ^^^f^^'^ "f the Supervisor or other Officer of Excise of the District where Exciseable Goods. ■10 AnsTUACT or '1111. r.xcisK cf.nkhal [§ 108. — Tl Skizurks liv Ol'l'K'Kll.S Of Seizures of Ex- I'ist'rtbk- Com- niotlitic's by I'd- lico or I'cai-e Ofliccrs to be lodjred ill llie Excise OOice. Proviso for sudi Goods stopped oil Siis- pieioii of Felony being conveyed to tiie I'olice Office. Notice thereof being given to the Excise Of- fice. Any Officer of Excise to lie permitted to examine the same. All such Goods after Trial to be deposited in the nearest Ex- cise Office. siirh Seizure is m;\(ii' ; and kucIi Supervisor or other (Officer of Excise is on such Notice to take a ))artieiilar Account of the S|)ecies and Quantities of all audi Goods -, and such Goods and every I'arl tiiereof are declared to be forfeited if afterwards re- moved without a I'erniit (wliere a Permit is for the Removal of Goods of a similar Quantity or Kind required under any Law of Excise) signed by the ))ro|)er Officer of Excise of the Place or District from whence tlie same ;vre to be removetl. § 1 OS. — .'\i.L prohibited Goods, or Goods subject to any Duty of Excise, sto|)ped or taken by any Police or Peace Officer, or other Person, by \'irtue of any Act of Parliament or other Au- thority, are flirected to be forthwith conveyed to and deposited in the Chief Office of Excise, if stopped or taken within the Li- mits thereof, or in the nearest Oflice of Excise, if in any other Part of the United Kingdom, in order that all such Cioods and the Person in whose Custody the same were found may be pro- ceeded against, as the Nature of the Case may require. § lOl). — Proviso, That in Case of any such Goods being stopped or taken by any Police or Peace Officer or other Person on Suspicion of Felony, such Officer or other Person may convey to and deposit forthwith all such Goods in the Office of the Police Office nearest to the Place where the same were so stopped or taken, or any other convenient Place directed by the Justice or Justices of the Peace before whom the same are carried, there to remain in order to be produced at the Trial of any Person charged with feloniously stealing or receiving the same ; and every such Officer or other Person so stopping or taking any such Goods is forthwith to give Notice thereof in U'riting at the Chief Office of Excise, if the same have been stopped or taken within the Limits thereof ; and if in any other Part of the United Kingdom^ tlien at the Office of Excise nearest to the Place where the same were so stopped or taken ; and any Officer of Excise is thereupon to be permitted to examine and take Account of the same. § 1 10. — As soon as any Person or Persons charged with fe- loniously stealing or receiving any such Goods have been tried for such Offence, all such Goods are immediately to be con- veyed to and deposited in the Chief Office or other Office of Excise as before mentioned, in order that Proceedings may be had for the Condemnation thereof for such Cause of Forfeiture as the same are liable to ; or that the same may be restored upon Payment of such Duty as may be due in respect thereof, or upon such Conditions as the Commissioners of Excise, or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scot- land and Ireland res})ectively think fit, to such Persons as are uroved to be the legal Proprietors thereof, or for the Purpose of being otherwise dealt with according to Law, -§ 113.] IfEGULATlON ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 53. 41 § 1 1 1 . — Ai-L such Goods are declared to be forfeited which having been so stopped or taken are not conveyed to and de- posited in the Chief Office, or other Office of Excise, as directed by the Act ; and the Person or Persons in whose Possession the same are, anil who neglect or refuse so to convey to and deposit the same as aforesaid, are to forfeit for such Offence 20/. Sfizures by Officers of THE Customs. Goods not so deposited to be forfeited. Penalty on the Offenders 201. XXXIII. — His Majcsti/s Share of Pcnallics and Forfeitures. § 112. — Tiiic Commissioners of Excise, and the Commis- sioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland respectively, are authorized and required to keep a separate and distinct Account of the Surplus (after Deduction of all Costs and Expenses) of the Money received on behalf of His Majesty from any Penalties and Forfeitures incurred under any Law of Excise j and to account for the same in such Man- ner as the Treasury direct: Proviso, That nothing in the Act is to extend to affect the Hereditary Revenue of the Crown in Scotland, or otlier Revenues there granted to King George the Second during his life, and reserved to his present Majesty during his life, by an Act 1 Geo. IV. c. 1. § 8. King's Share or Penalties. His Majesty's Share of Penal- tics and For- feitures to be accounted for as the Treasury direct. The Hereditary Revenue in Scotland not to be affected by the Act. XXXIV. — Alloxvancc to Poor Prisoners. § 1 13. — For the necessary Subsistence of any poor Person Allowance confined by virtue of any Exchequer Process for the Recovery to Poor of any Duties or Penalties under any Law of Excise, or by 1'kisoneus. virtue of any Warrant granted by the Commissioners of Excise, Allowance to or Justices of the Peace within the United Kingdom under any Excise Pri- Law of Excise, or by virtue of any Writ of Extent for the Re- soners. covery of any Debt due to His Majesty prosecuted by Order of the Commissioners of Excise, or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland respectively, the Commissioners, tic. may cause at their Dis- cretion an Allowance not exceeding Eight-|)ence per Day, to be made to such poor Person out of any Money in their Hands arising from the Revenue of Excise. •12 ABSTllACT OI THE EXCISE GENERAL \_§ Hi. — Actions AGAINST Okkicers. No Actions to be broiiglit against Otliccrs of Excise with- out a Month's Notice. Such Actions to be brought Avithin Three Months after the Cause of Action. Venue. General Issue. Treble Costs ou Failure of Ac- tion. Amends may be tendered ■within One INIonth after Notice. May be jjleadcd in Bar if not accepted. After Tender, on a Verdict for the Defendant, or on a Nonsuit, the same Costs to be awarded as if the General Issue only had been pleaded. On a Verdict for the Plaintiff Damages and Costs may be given. XXXV. — Actions against Officers ()f Excise. ^ 1 14. — No Process can l)e sued out or served, or any Action brought against any Officer or any Person employed in the Revenue of Excise, or any Person acting in their Aid, for any Thing done in pursuance of any Law of Excise, until after the Expiration of One Calendar Month next after Notice in Writing has been delivered to such Officer or Person as aforesaid, or left at the usual Place of his Abode by the Attorney or Agent for the Prosecutor ; in which Notice is to be clearly set forth the Cause of Action, the Time and Place when and where such Cause of Action arose, the Name and Place of Abode of the Prosecutor and of the Attorney or Agent ; and a Fee of 20a\ only is to be paid for preparing and serving such Notice, § 115. — If any such Action is brought as aforesaid, it must be commenced within Three Calendar Months next after the Cause of Action arose, and must be laid and prosecuted in the proper County or Place wherein the same arose ; and the De- fendant in any such Action may plead the General Issue, and give the Act, and the Special Matter in Evidence thereunder at any Trial thereon ; and if afterwards a Verdict ])asses for the Defendant, or the Plaintiff is nonsuited or discontinues such Action, or Judgment is given against such Plaintiff upon Demurrer or otherwise, such Defendant is to have Treble Costs awarded to him against such Plaintiff. § 116. — Any Officer of Excise or Person employed in the Revenue of Excise, or any Person acting in their Aid, to whom such Notice is given at any Time within One Calendar Month next after such Notice has been given, may tender Amends to the Prosecutor or to his Agent or Attorney; and in Case such Amends are not accepted, he may plead such Tender in Bar together with the Plea of Not Guilty, and any other Plea with Leave of the Court in which such Action is brought ; and if upon Issue joined thereon the Jury find the Amends so tendered to be sufficient, they are to give a Ver- dict for the Defendant ; and in such Case, or in case the Plaintiff is nonsuited, or discontinues such Action, or in case Judgment is given against such Plaintiff upon Deraun-er or otherwise, the same Costs are directed to be awarded to such Defendant as if the General Issue only had been pleaded ; and if upon Issue so joined the Jury find that no Amends were tendered, or that the same were not sufficient, and also against the Defendant on such other Plea or Pleas as aforesaid, such Jury is to give a Verdict for such Plaintiff with such Da- mages as they think proper, together with Costs of Suit. — § 120.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP, 53. 43 AGAINST Officers. § 117. — In case any such Officer, &c. neglects to tender Actions Amends, or has tendered insufficient Amends, he may by Leave of the Court in which such Action is brought at any Time before Issue joined, pay into Court such Sum of Money Defendant may as he thinks fit, whereupon such Proceedings, Orders, and pay Money into Judgments are to be had,; made, and given by such Court as Court before in other Actions where the Defendant is allowed to pay Mo- I=>^ue joined, ney into Court. ^ 1 18. — Proviso, That no such Plaintiff on theTrial of any Evidence con- such Action is to be permitted to produce any Evidence of ^"^'^ ^°}\^ . /^ ,. i . . ^ . /• ^1 • .1 XT i* r Cause oi Action any Cause of Action, except as set t-orth m the Moticeatore- j^^ ^j^^ Notice said, nor is to recover any Verdict unless it is proved on the Trial that such Notice was given ; and the Defendant in such Action in Default of such Proof is entitled to recover a Verdict with such Costs as before mentioned. § 119. — In case any Information is commenced and brought to Trial or Hearing for tlie Condemnation of any Goods un- der any Law of Excise wherein a Verdict or Decision is given for the Claimant, and it a])pears to the Judge or Court be- fore whom the same is tried or heard that there was a proba- ble Cause of Seizure, such Judge or Court is directed to cer- tify the same upon the Record or other written Proceedings on such Information ; and in such Case the Officer of Excise, or Person who made or assisted in making such Seizure, is not to be liable to any Action or Prosecution on account of such Seizure, or of the Detention of any such Goods; and in case any such Action or Prosecution is brought (whether any Information has been brought to Trial or Hearing for the Condemnation of such Goods or not), and a Verdict or Sen- tence is given thereupon against the Defendant therein, if the Court or Judge before whom such Action or Prosecution is tried or heard, certifies as before probable Cause, the Plain- tiff, besides the Goods seized or the Value thereof, is not to be entitled to more than '2d. Damages, nor to any Costs of Suit, and the Defendant therein is not to be imprisoned, nor fined more than 1*. thereon. On Trial of Seizures and Verdict for the Claimant if the .Judge certifies probable Cause, the Officer is not to be liable to any Action." If on Action is brought and Verdict given for the Plaintiff, if the Judge certifies proba- ble Cause the Plaintiff is to have only 2d, Damages with- out Costs, and the Officer is not to be im- prisoned or fined more than Is. XXXVI. — Complaints of Overcharge, Complaints of Overcharge. § 120. — Any Three or more of the Commissioners of Ex- complaints of cise, within the Limits of the Chief Office of Excise, and Overcharge any Two or more of the Justices of the Peace in any other may be heard Part of the United Kingdom witliin whose Jurisdiction re- before Ihree , x^ P I 1 • 1 1-v 1 f T-' • Commissioners spectively any Person chargeable with any Duty ot Excise ^^ ,^^^^ justices has been charged therewith, upon Complaint to them made by vvithin Twelve Months. 'It ABSTIIACT Ol' IllE EXCISE GENERAL [§ 120. CoMl'LAlNTS Of OvKKt'llAIHit. Entry of Com- plaint to be made at the Cliief Office if in Londun. Notice to be given to the proper Officer of Excise if in the Countiy. The Payment of Duties or Proceedings for the Reco- very thereof not to be there by suspended. such Fcrsoii of any Overcharge in that behalf made by any Officer of Excise, \vitf)in Twelve ('alendar Months next after the making of such Charge, are authorized and recjuired to hear and determine such Complaint, and to examine the Wit- nesses upon Oath, who arc thereupon produced, as well on the behalf of the Person making such Complaint as of the Crown and ail Parties therein concerned ; and they are thereupon by Warrant under their Hands to discharge or acquit such Person of so much of such Charge as is proved before them to have been overcharged ; and if such Person before sucfi Acquittal has paid any Mojic}' in respect of such Overcharge, the Commissioners of Excise, or the Commis- sioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scotland and Ireland, are respectively required upon such Acquittal to re- pay to such Person out of the Public Monies in their Hands, or at tlieir Direction to allow out of the next Duties becom- ing payable by such Person, so much Money as has been so paid : Proviso, That no such Complaint is to be heard before the said Commissioners of Excise unless the same is entered by the Complainant in a Book to be kept for that Purpose in the Office of the Sclicitor of Excise for the summary Juris- diction at the Chief Office of Excise, stating the Particulars thereof, and the Name and Place of Residence of every such Complainant ; and upon such Complaint being so entered, a Notice is to be given by the said Commissioners of the Time and Place by them appointed, for the Hearing of such Com- plaint ; and if such Complainant does not appear at the Time and Place so appointed, any Three or more of the said Com- missioners may dismiss such Complaint upon Proof of such Notice having been given to such Complainant, or left at the Place mentioned in such Complaint Book as aforesaid, to be the Place of Residence of such Complainant: And no such Complaint is to be heard before any Justices of the Peace, unless a Notice in Writing of the Time and Place of Hearing thereof (which Notice is to set forth the Substance of such Complaint) is given to the Collector of Excise in whose Col- lection, or to the Supervisor in whose District such Overcharge has been made, within Eight Days at the least before the Time appointed for the Hearing of such Complaint : Pro- viso, That the Payment of any Duty with which any such Complainant as aforesaid has been charged, or any Proceed- ings for the Recovery thereof are not to be delayed or sus- pended by reason of the making of any such Complaint, or of the same being depending. — § 123.] UEGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV, CAP. 53. 4-5 XXXVII. — Salaries and Supcranmtation Allowances. § 121. — No Salary or Sum of Money granted or allowed to any Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners, Officer, or other Person appointed to any Office, or employed in the Revenue of Excise, by way of Compensation for past Services, upon Super- annuation or Retirement, are after the Commencement of the Act to be wholly or in part assignable or transferable in any Manner whatsoever, or liable to be seized or taken by virtue of any Writ of Attachment or Execution, or any other Process whatsoever, before the same has been actually paid over to them or for their Use by the Commissioners of Excise, or the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of Excise in Scot- land and Ireland respectively, or by the Person employed by them for that Purpose. SuPERANNU- TION, &C. Salaries and Superannua- tion Allow- ances not trans- ferable or sub- ject to be taken in Execution. ^XXNlll.— Purchases of Lands for the Use of the Heveiiue. § 122. — The Commissioners of Excise, with the Consent of the Treasury, may contract for or purchase in Trust for the Crown for the Use and Service of the Revenue of Excise, any Messuages, Buildings, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, either in Fee Simple or for any other or lesser Estate or Inter- est therein, which they the said Commissioners deem desira- ble to be contracted for or purchased for such Use and Service, and the said Commissioners may pay the Consideration Money agreed upon out of any Money arising from the Revenue of Excise in their Hands ; and the several Messuages, &c. at any Time hereafter so contracted for or purchased, with all Appurte- nances to the same belonging, are to be conveyed to and vested in the Secretary of the said Commissioners for the Time being, and in his Successors in such Office in perpetual Succession, according to the respective Nature of the said Messuages, &c. and the Estate and Interest therein so contracted for or pur- chased in Tiust for the Crown for the Use and Service of the Revenue of Excise. Purchases. Lands, &c. may be purchased withtheConsent of the Treasury by the Com- missioners of Excise for the Crown. To be conveyed to their Secrc- t;iry for the Time beinfj. § 123. — Upon the Death, Resignation, or Removal of the Lands, &c. present Secretary, or of any future Secretary of the Commis- pmi^liased in sioners of Excise in England, Scotland, or Ireland, all Mes- suages, Lands, &c. heretofore purchased or taken by or in the Name of the present or any former Secretary of the Commis- sioners of Excise in England, Scotland, or Ireland, in Trust for theTimcbcmg the Crown for the Use and Service of the Revenue of Excise, the Name of any Secretary, to vest in the Secretary for 46 ABSTUACT Ol' TIIF, EXCISE GENFUAL [§ 124. ruKCHASEs. niul still hohkn in such Trust, by whatsoever Mode or Con- "~~- veyance the same were purchased or taken, either in Fee or for any other or lesser Estate or Interest, (whetiier such Trust is expressed on the Face of the Conveyance or Assurance of such Messuages, &c. or not,) and all Erections and Liuildings on any sucli Lands, &c. together with the Appurtenances there- unto belonging (other than and except Messuages, Lands, ^c. of Copyhold Tenure,} are to become and remain vested in the Secretary of the Commissioners of Excise in England for the Time being, and in his Successors in such Office, in i^erpetual Succession, according to the respective Nature of the said Mes- suages, Lands, &c. and the several Estate and Interest therein in Trust for thcCrown for the Use and Service of the Revenue of Excise. The Secretary under the Au- thority of tlie Commissioners of Excise may sell or let such Lands. Tlie Money produced by the Sale of such Lands, &c. to be paid to the Receiver Ge- neral of Excise, or the Person appointed by the Commis- sioners of Ex- Purchasers of such Lands, &c. to stand pos- sessed thereof discharged of all prior Claims thereon in right of His Majesty. § 124. — The Secretary for the Time being of the Comiris- sioners of Excise in England, under their Authority and Direc- tion (testified by Writing under the Hands and Seals of any Two or more of them), may sell, or in any Manner dispose of, or let, either by Public Auction or Private C'ontract, the Free- hold and Leasehold Messuages, Lands, &c. for the Time being, vested in him by^'irtue of thisAct, with their Appurtenances, to any Body Corporate, or Person willing to purchase the same ; and such Secretary, under such Authority and Direction for that Purpose, may make and execute all such Conveyances, Assu- rances and Agreements as may be thought proper, and do any other Act, in relation to any such Messuages, Lands, S:c. as are by the said Commissioners deemed beneficial for the Re- venue of Excise, or for the better Management thereof, and which might be done by any Person having a like Interest in any such Messuages^ Lands, &c. § 125. — The Money arising by the Sale or Exchange of any of the said Messuages, Lands, &c. under the Act, is to be paid unto the Receiver (leneral of Excise, or to such Person as any Two or more of the said Commissioners of Excise appoint to receive the same, in Trust for the Crown, which Money is to be accounted for by the said Commissioners as Part of the Reve- nue of Excise ; and the Receipt of the said Receiver General, or of such other Person for such Money, (which Receipt is to be indorsed on the Conveyance or Assignment of the said Messuages, Lands, &c.) is to be a complete Discharge to the Purchaser by whom the said was paid. § 126. — After the Payment of such Purchase Money and Execution of every such Conveyance and Assignment, the Purchaser making such Exchange as aforesaid therein named, is to be adjudged to stand seised and possessed of the Mes- suages, Buildings, Lands, &c. so jjurchased and conveyed or made over, freed of all Manner of Incumbrances and Demands what- — § 129.] REGULATION ACT. 7 AND 8 GEO. IV. CAP. 53. soever by any Person under or in Trust for the Crown on any Account whatsoever, save and except such Incumbrances antl Demands, if any, as specially excepted in such Conveyance or Assignment. 47 Purchases. XXXIX.— Repeal, Sx. § 127. — After the Commencement of this Act, all Laws, Repeai,, S:c. Regulations, and Provisions contained in any Act in Force at the time of its Commencement, relating to the Revenue of R'^P"^'*'^' "' . T • ■ lormcr lie*'!!— Excise in any Part of the United Kmgdom, or to any Thing lations incon- exprcssly provided for by this Act, or which are repugnant sistent with this to or inconsistent therewith, are declared to be repealed, ex- Act. cept so far as the same repeal any former Acts ; and so far as the same relate to the recovering, mitigating, levying or paying any Duty, or any Arrear thereof, charged or charge- able, or any Penalty or Forfeiture incurred under any Excise Law, which was committed, and for the Recovery of which Duty or Arrear thereof, Penalty or Forfeiture, Proceedings were commenced before and are depending at the Time of the Commencement of this Act, and except also as to any Duty or Arrear thereof charged or chargeable, and Penalty or Forfeiture incurred under any Law of Excise by this Act repealed, for which no Proceedings for the Recovery thereof have been commenced before, and are depending at the Com- mencement of this Act. § 128. — All Sub-Commissioners and Commissioners of Ap- peal in Ireland appointed before the Commencement of this Act under the Laws of Excise in Ireland, are to continue to perform the several Duties of their respective Offices until all Proceedings begun before and depending at the Com- mencement of this Act before them are completed ; and nothing in this Act is to be deemed to repeal any Law re- lating to such Proceedings until the same are completed. Proviso, That all Penalties and Forfeitures incurred underany Law of Excise before the Commencement of this Act, for the Recovery of which no Proceedings have been commenced before, and are depending at the Commencement of this Act, and all Penalties and Forfeitures incurred under any Law of Excise after the Commencement of this Act, are to be re- covered and applied as directed and provided by this Act. Sub-Commis- sioners and Commissioners of Appeal in Ireland con- tinued to com- plete depending Proceedings. After the Com- mencement of this Act, all Proceedings to be according to this Act. § 129.— This Act is to commence from the 5th of Ja- Commence- ■, ono ment oi the nuary 1828. ^^^^ INDEX. Page ACCOUNTS of the Revenue of Excise. See Revenue. ACT, Commencement of. § 129 47 applies to all future Excise Acts. § 3 .... 2 ACTIONS against Excise Officers — Notice thereof. §114 42 such Notice to be proved on the Trial. | 1 18 43 must be brought within Three Months. §115 42 — — Venue to be laid in the proper County. § 1 1 5 — — — Plea of General Issue. §115 — • Tender of Amends. § 1 1 6 — ■■ may be pleaded in Bar, if not accepted. §116 - Payment of Money into Court. § 1 1 7 . .43 — — Evidence confined to the Cause of Action in the Notice. §118 — Verdict on Issue joined on a Plea of Tender of Amends and Costs. § 116 42 for the Plaintiff when the Judge cet- tifies. § 119 43 AFFIDAVIT for Collector's Warrant for the Recovery of Dvxties in Danger, in Scotland and Ireland. § 27 11 — '■ on Claim of Goods returned for Condemnation into the Court of Exchequer. § 62 .... 23 Perjury thereon. § 62 — ALLOWANCE to Poor Persons in Prison under Revenue Process. § 113 41 ANNUITIES by Act of Parliament or Royal Grant, not affected by the Act. §48 18 APPEAL — Appointment of Commissioners of. § 81 . .30 by either Party from the Judgment of the Sum- mary Court, to the Commissioners of Appeal. § 82 — from the Judgment of the Justices to the Ge- neral Quarter Sessions. § 82 — Notice thereof § 83 — Deposit to be made of the Penalty, if the Party convicted appeals. § 83 31 of the Goods, if either Party appeals. § 83 — ■ — Evidence, the same only to be examined as in the Court below. § 84 — ■ Witnesses in any Part of the United Kingdom may be summoned thereon. § 74 . . . .27 E 50 INDl.X. Page APPEAL, Defects of Form foutul thereon, amended. § 8^ .'^0 Judgments thereon. § 84 31 Mitigation on new Judgments given by the Court of Appeal. § 81' — Proceedings thereon removable only by Certio- rari by the Crown out of the Exchequer. § 79 29 A Case may be stated by the Court thereon, for the Opinion of the Court of Exchequer. § 84 . . 31 Execution of Judgments thereon. See Execution. Warrant. APPOINTMENT. See Commissioners. Officers. ARREST, Warrant of. See Warrant. ASSAULT, violent, and Resistance of Excise Officers. §40 15 ■ Persons charged therewith. § 41 . . . .10 in Gaol for Want of Bail. § 42 .... — ■ Venue in Indictments for such Assaults. § 43 17 ■ ■ Sentence, on Conviction thereof, to hard Labour. § 43 ... — ASSISTANCE to Excise Officers — Persons required to give the same. § 35 14 Indemnity to Persons prosecuted for so doing. § 35 — Constables refusing to give Assistance. § 36 — to continue such Assistance into neigh- bouring Jurisdictions. ^ S7 — ASSISTANT COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE— Ap- pointment of. § 1 1 Extent of their Power. § 3 2 to act in Scotland and Ireland, under the Con- troul of the General Commissioners. § 6 . . 3 — The Number necessary to constitute a Quorum. § 6 — Accounts and Payment over of the Revenue re- ceived by them. § 44 17 Power to forbear to prosecute, or compromise Prosecutions, and restore Seizures. § 98 . . 36 — • to mitigate or remit Penalties. § 78 . . .29 to order an Officer's Share of Penalties to be forfeited. § 104 38 to direct such Share and the Expenses in Prosecutions in the Exchequer for Penalties to be paid out of the Revenue. § 105 . . .39 in Prosecutions in the Exchequer, for Con- demnation of Seizures. § 106 — ■ to order Persons in Prison on account of the Revenue to be liberated. ^ "6S . . .13 to allow Poor Prisoners Subsistence. § 113 41 to repay or allow Trader Duties overcharged, § 120 43 INDEX, 51 Page ATTENDANCE, Hours of, appointed at the Excise Offices. § 1(5 7 extra by Clerks and other Persons when re- quired. §1G ATTORNEY GENERAL, Proceedings in the Name of. § Gl 22 — ^ N'oli Prosequi, by. § 97 ZQ AUDITOR OF EXCISE, Appointment and Duty of. §^9 IS AVERMENT in Excise Informations of Election of Pe- nalties, or Order to exhibit the Information, suf- ficient without Proof §71 26 BAIL, Excise Officers prosecuted for opposing Force to Force, to be admitted to. § 40 IG BANK OF ENGLAND may transfer Bills and Notes to the Solicitor of Excise in England, for the Prosecution of Extents. % 53 20 liable for Money, &c. actually paid in by the Receiver General. §55 — BEAUMARIS IN ANGLESEA. Excise Office Keeper to be appointed there. § 1 5 6 BILLS OF MORTALITY. Parishes within the same, are within the Jurisdiction of the Chief Office. §,lt — EXCHANGE transferred to the Receiver General by Indorsement thereon, by the Commissioners of Excise. § 47 IS transferred by the Bank to the Solicitor of Excise in England, for the Prosecution of Ex- tents. ^ 5S 20 BOARD OF EXCISE, Constitution of § 2 . . . . 1 to sit at the Chief Office. §14 6 BOND. See Security. BRIBERY of Persons employed in the Revenue. § 12 . 5 Indemnification of either Party first giving Infor- mation against the other. § 13 6 CAPIAS. See Writ. CERTIFICATE of taking the Oath of Office. § 7 . . 4 to be entered with the Auditor of Excise. § 7 . — — of a Judge, of probable Cause of Seizure on the Trial for Condemnation. § 119 43 on Trial of an Action against an Excise Officer. § 119 — of the Court of Exchequer of Default of Appear- ance to a Subpcena served out of the Jurisdiction of the Court. § 60 22 E 2 52 INDEX. Page CERTIORARI, granted only at the Suit of the Crown, out of tiu" Exchequer. § 7 1) 29 CHIEF OFFIC'E of I'iXcise — Limits oi" the Jurisdiction thereof. § 14 G CLAIM, iMUry of, to Goods returned for Condemnation into the Court of Excliequcr. § G2 . . . .23 Security for tlie Payment of Costs of. § G.'3 . . — CLAIMANT of Goods seized, accepting Terms on Order for the Restoration of Horses, or other perishable Goods. § 91- S.5 Terms of Compromise on Order of the Com- missioners or Assistant Commissioners of Ex- cise. § 98 SG on Order of the Treasury. § 99 . . . . — CLERKS, of the Receiver General, and of the Excise Comptroller. §52 19 of the Cash authorized as their Principals, under their Responsibility. § 5 .'5 — COLLECTOR, Demand of, for the Payment of Duty. § 25 10 Warrant of, for the Recovery of Duties in danger in Scotland and Ireland. §27 11 Accounts and Payment over of the Revenue by. § 44 ' 17 COLLUSION of Excise Officers. § 12 5 on Proof thereof, their Share of Penalties may be forfeited. § 104 38 COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE, Appointment of. § 1 1 Four to constitute a Board. § 2 — subject to the Treasury. § 2 2 to sit at the Chief Office in London. § 14 . . . G Extent of their general Powers. § 3 .... 2 ■ Power of any one or more sitting and acting in Scotland and Ireland. § 6 3 Judicial Powers of. See Summary Court. Accounts and Payment over of the Revenue re- ceived by them. § 44 17 Power to appoint Collectors and other Officers. § 4 2 to appoint Office Keepers. §15. . . . 6 to appoint the Time and Place of Payment of Duties. § 25 10 to grant Search Warrants. § 34 . . . .14 ■ to forbear to prosecute, or compromise Prosecutions, and restore Seizures. § 98 . . 3Q to mitigate or remit Penalties. § 78 . . .29 ■ to order an Officer's Share of Penalties to be forfeited. § 104 38 ■ — lo direct such Share, and the Expenses in Prosecutions in the Excheqvier for Penalties, to be paid out of the Revenue. §105. , .39 INDEX. 55 COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE, Power of in Piosccu- "^"^ tions in the Exchequer for Condemnation of Seizures. § lOG ^y to order Persons in Prison on accovuit of the Revenue, to be liberated. ^33 13 toallowSubsistence to Poor Prisoners. § 113 41 to hear Complaints of Overcharge. § 120 . 43 to repay or allow Trader Duties overcharged. §120 44 to contract for, or purchase Lands, &c. § 122 45 to authorize the Sale thereof. § 124 . . .46 to account for the Proceeds as Part of the Revenue. § 125 COMMISSIONS OF OFFICERS, valid throughout the United Kingdom. § 4 3 not affected by Change in the Commissioners ap- pointing them. §5 — - COMPTROLLER OF EXCISE— Appointment and Duty of. § 49 18 . OF THE CASH— The Bank Book of the Re- ceiver General to be inspected by him. § 52 . 1 !) a Book to be kept by him, to be compared therewith. §52 — '— any Default therein to be reported by him to the Board. § 52 — -^^ to countersign Orders of the Receiver Gene- ral, for Payment of Money into the Exche- quer. §53 19, 20 • to countersign Applications of the Solicitor of Excise in England for Bills of Exchange, or Notes in the Bank. § 53 20 to acqviaint the Commissioners thereof. ^.53 — Forgery of his Hand- writing or Draft. § 56 — CONCEALING Goods with Intent to evade the Duty thereon. § 32 12 CONDEMNATION OF GOODS, returned into the Court of Exchequer. Sec Claim. CONSTABLE, the Presence of, when required to au- thorize an Officer to enter Premises. § 22 . . 9 — under a Search Warrant. §34 . . . .14 ■ • refusing to be present when required. § 36 . — to continue his Assistance into neighbouring Juris- dictions. § 37 — COSTS, on Failure of Action against Excise Officers. §115 42 on a Verdict for the Plaintiff, after Tender of Amends thereon. §11(3 — after a Certificate of the Judge, of probable Cause of Seizure. §119 43 54 INDETC. Page CUSTOMS, Commissioners of, may elect the TrebleValue, or 100/. Penalty, mider Excise and Customs Laws. §69 26 — Election or Order of, the Averment in tlie Information thereof suiticient. § 71 . • . — — Officers of, reciprocal Powers of, with Excise Officers. §38 .• • ^^ to give Notice to the Excise of any Seizure of Exciscablc Goods by them. § 107. . .39 such Goods, if afterwards removed without Permit, forfeited. H07 — — Laws of. Excise Officers entitled to a Share of Penalties, or Forfeitures under, forfeit the same on Collusion. § 104 38 Goods liable to Duty by, not to be sold for less than such Duty. § 101 — Goods liable to Duty by, Proof of Payment thereof to lie on the Claimant. § 71 . . .23 Horses or other perishable Goods, seized under. § 94 Si> in Exchequer Writs for Arrest under, the Solicitor of Excise in England may indorse the Writ for special Warrant. § 95 — in whose Name Prosecutions for Penalties, and Forfeitures under, are to be brought. § 61 22 Goods forfeited under and returned for Condemnation into the Exchequer. § 62 .23 DEBT to the Crown of Record in the Court of Exchequer for the Recovery thereof, in any Part of the United Kingdom. § 59 21 DEFAULT of Appearance to Exchequer Subpoena. § 60 22 ■ and Plea to an Information exhibited. § 65 24 — when the Defendant is in Prison. § 77 . .28 DEFECTS of Form in Informations exhibited, to be amended. § 73 27 ■ or upon Appeal. § 82 30 DEFINITION of certain Terms used in the Act. §3.2 DEMAND of Collector for Payment of Duty. § 25 . .10 DEPOSIT of Penalty on Appeal by the Party convicted thereon. § 76 28 of Goods, on Appeal by either Party. §83 . .31 may be applied in Satisfaction of the Judgment. § 86, 87 32 DISTRIBUTION of Penalties and Forfeitures. § 103 . 38 See Officer. Informer. Expenses. DOUBLE DUTY, Penalty for non-Payment of Duty as directed. § 25 10 INDEX. 55 Page DOUBLE DUTY, s^hort Summons to appear and plead U) an Information exhibited for the Recovery there- of. § 60 2-1. DUTY, Charge thereof, the Officer to make a Return thereof in Writing. § 22 9 to leave a Copy thereof on Demand when there is not a Specimen. § 22 — Payment of, Time and Place appointed for such Purpose. § 25 10 Trader not compelled to travel out of,or further than a Market Town on that account. § 26 . 11 Proof thereof to lie on the Claimant. § 76 . 28 in Danger in Scotland and Ireland may be re- covered under a Collector's Warrant. § 27 . .11 ELECTION, Interference with, prohibited. § 9 ... 5 ENTRY of Premises, Mode of Making the same. § 18 . 7 by whom only a legalEntry can be made. § 20 8 Places and Utensils, and fixed Pipes, to be described therein. § 21 — into Premises by surveying Officers, Power of. §22 9 for Payment of Duty, Trader not compelled to travel out of, or further than a Market Town, to make the same. § 26 11 EVIDENCE of the Entry of Premises, by the original Entry. § 19 8 by the general Entry Book of the Division. § 19 — ofa Person, described as any particular Excise Trader, in the Information, not necessary. § 19 — of keeping an Excise Office, or of being an Excise Officer. §17 7 of the Payment of Duty, or that Goods are not of the Kind alleged in the Information, to lie on the Claimant. § 70 28 of the Election of the Treble Value, or 100/. Pen- alty, or of an Order to exhibit an Information, not necessar}^ § 71 26 on Appeal, the same only to be examined as in the Court below. §84 31 in Actions against Officers, confined to the Cause of Action in the Notice. §118 43 See Witness. EXCHEQUER at Westminster, Payment of the Revenue into, by the Receiver General. § 53 . . . .19 Court of, The Jurisdiction and Practice thereof in England, Scotland, and Ireland, to be the same. § 58 31 56 INDEX. Page EXCHEQUER, Court of, Penalties and Forfeitures may be recovered there within Three Years. § 57 21 - ExempHficution by, of a Crown Debt for Re- covery thereof, out of tlie Jurisdiction of the Court. § 59 — Certificate by, of Default of Appearance to a Subpoena, served out of the Jurisdiction of the Court. § 60 .22 Claim to Goods returned for Condemnation into the same. See Claim. EXECUTION, under a Collector's Warrant, for the Re- covery of Duties in Danger in Scotland and Ireland. §27 H of the Judgment of Justices of the Peace on sum- mary Arrests. § 33 13 — i of the Summary Court or of Justices of the Peace. §05 .24 on Appeal, by the Summary Court or Justice of the Peace. § 86 32 by the Court of Appeal. §87 — — upon Complaints of Overcharge. § 120 . .43 See Warrant, and Seizures. EXEMPLIFICATION of a Crown Debt of Record in the Exchequer by the Court, for the Recovery thereof out of its Jurisdiction. § 59 . . . .21 EXPENSES of Condemnation and Sale of Forfeitures may be paid out of the Sale, or the Revenue if not sold. § 102 38 in Exchequer Prosecutions for Penalties, may be paid out of the Revenue. §105 . . . .39 and in such Prosecutions also for Seizures. § 106 — See Costs. FEE for preparing and serving Notice of Action against Excise Officers. § 114 42 FIXED PIPES to be painted and described in the Entry of Premises. §21 8 FORFEITURE of Goods fraudulently deposited or con- cealed, with Intent to evade the Duty. . § 32 . 12 of Packages, and all Things used in the Removal of forfeited Goods. § 32 — — of Exciseable Goods seized by Officers of the Customs, if afterwards removed without Permit. § 107 39 stopped on Suspicion of Felony, and not de- posited in the Excise Office after Trial. § 119 40 ^ — may be condemned in the Court of Exchequer within Three Years. § 57 21 INDEX. 57 Page FORFEITURES may be condemned in the Summary Court, or before Justices oftlie Peace within Four Months. ^60 24- in whose Name Proceedings for the Condemnation thereof are to be brought. § 61 . . . .22 Sec Seizures. of Office, for Interference in Election. § 9 . . 5 for carrying on an Excise Trade. § 10 . . — for Bribery. §12 — for furnishing false Accovmtsof the Revenue. §4i 17 for misapplying Revenue Money. § 45, 47 . 18 GAOL, Persons imprisoned therein on account of the Revenue, not to be liberated but on Order of the Commissioners or Assistant Commissioners of Excise. §33,90 13,33 GENERAL ISSUE, Plea of, to Prosecutions against Per- sons having given Assistance to Excise Officers. §35 14 to Prosecutions against Excise Officers, for having opposed Force to Force. § 40 . . .15 ■ to Actions against Excise Officers. § 115 . 42 See Plea. GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS, Appeal to the Justices at, from the Judgment of Justices of the Peace. § 82 .30 See Appeal. GOODS removing or concealing, with Intent to evade the Duty, forfeited. § 32 12 Proof that they are not of the Kind alleged in the Information, to lie upon the Claimant. § 76 . .28 subject to an Excise Duty, are liable to Arreai-s thereof, Penalties and Forfeitures. § 28 . . .11 See Forfeiture. Seizures. GOODS AND CHATTELS levied may be kept at the Place where seized, or removed to the Excise Office. § 87 32 of Persons arrested, afterwards found, may be taken vmder a fresh Levy Warrant. § 91 . 33 See Warrant. HARD LABOUR, Sentence of, for violent Assaults on, and Resistance of. Excise Officers, in making Seizures or Arrests. § 43 17 HEREDITARY REVENUE of the Crown hi Scotland, not affected by the Act. §112 41 HOLIDAYS kept at Excise Offices. § 16 7 58 INDEX. Page HOLYHEAD in Anglesea — Excise Office Keeper to be appointed there. §15 6 HORSES seized may be liberated on Bond, or in De- fault thereof immediately sold. § 94 . . . .35 HOUSE OF COMMONS, Members of, cannot hold any Office in the Revenue. § 8 4 so doing, incapable of acting as a Member of Par- liament. §8 — INDEMNIFICATION of either Party first giving Infor- mation against the other in Bribery. § 1 iJ . . 6 INFORMATION for Penalties or Condemnation of Sei- zures, in whose Name to be brought. § 61 . .22 in the Exchequer, within Three Years. § 57 . .21 in the Summary Court, or before Justices of the Peace, within Four Months. ^ 6G .... 24 Notice of the same having been exhibited. § 60 25 Summons to appear and plead thereto. § 66 — ■ — against Persons in Gaol. § 77 28 Averments therein of Election of Penalties, or Order to exhibit the Information, sufficient without Proof. § 71 26 for Condemnation of Seizures, — the Seizure to be taken as laid therein, without Proof § 64 . . 23 Defects of Form in Informations exhibited, or in the Prw.eedings thereon to be amended. § 73 .27 • and upon Appeal. § 82 SO INFORMER entitled to a Moiety of Penalties and For- feitures recovered. §103 38 a competent Witness notwithstanding. § 75 27 in Exchequer Prosecutions for Penalties, may be rewarded out of the Revenue. § 105 . .39 also in Exchequer Prosecutions for Seizures. § 106 . INQUEST, Exemption of Officers from Service on. § 11 5 JUDGMENTS, Execution of. See Execution. JURIES, Exemption of Officers from Service on. § 11 . — JURISDICTION of the Commissioners of Excise, as a Court, confined to the Limits of the Chief Office. §65 24 of the Chief Office, Limits thereof. § 14 . . . 6 of Justices of Peace of the Coimty, not affected in Excise Cases, by their being distinct Local Commissions. § 65 24 See Summons, Warrants. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, Persons in the Excise cannot act as such in Excise Cases. § 68 . .26 nor Excise Traders in Cases which relate to their Trade. § 68 — INDEX. 59 Page JUSTICES OF THE PEACE of the County, their Juris- diction in Excise Cases not aft'ected by distinct Local Commissions. § G.5 24- to meet every Three Months or oftener, to hear Excise Cases. ^67 25 dy^'^S ^^' shsent during Proceedings. § 67 . . . — Continuation of their former general Powers, not inconsistent vvith the Act. § 07 — Power of any one or more upon Summary Arrests. § 33 13 for an Information to be exhibited before. § 65 24 to sunnnons Witnesses in any Part of the United Kingdom. § 74 27 to indorse foreign Warrants for the Execu- tion thereof, in their own Jurisdiction. § 92 . 34 to issue Notice of the Time and Place of hearing unclaimed Seizures, Informations on. §93 .• • • - any Two or more to hear Informations ex- hibited. § 63 24 . to proceed to the hearing thereof, on Ap- pearance and Plea. § 65, 73 . . . . 24, 27 or in Default thereof, on Proof of Summons. § 65 24 to give Judgment on Proof of One Witness, or on Confession. § 65 — to mitigate any Penalty, to One Fourth the Part thereof. § 78 . . . . . . . . . 28 to grant Warrants in Execution of their Judgments. § 65 24 See Execution. to hear and condemn unclaimed Seizures. § 93 35 to hear Complaints of Overcharge. § 120 . 43 See Overcharge. Proceedings before, removable only by Certiorari by the Crown out of the Exchequer. § 79 29 Appeal from the Judgment of, to the Justices of the Peace at General Quarter Sessions. § 82 30 See Appeal. KING, Share of Penalties and Forfeitures of the. § 103 . 3S the Share of Penalties to be accounted for as the Treasury direct. § 112 41 Certiorari at the Suit of, out of the Exchequer. § 79 29 the hereditary Revenue of, in Scotland, not af- fected by the Act. §112 41 60 INDEX. Page LANDS, &c. Purchase thereof, by the Commissioners of" Excise, for tlie Use of the Revenue. § 122 . .45 Conveyance thereof, to their Secretary for tlicTime being. § 122 *.....— . Those already purchased, to vest afterwards in such Secretary. § 123 — . Sale or Lease thereof, by such Secretary. § 121 46 Purchase Money thereof, to be paid to the Re- ceiver General of Excise. § 125 . . . . . — to be accounted for as Part of the Revenue. § 125 — Receipt of such Receiver General to be a Dis- cliarge to the Purchaser thereof. § 125 . . . — Purchaser to stand possessed thereof, discharged of all Claims of the Crown. § 126 — LETTERS OR NUMBERS to be painted on entered Premises and Utensils. § 21 8 LEVY WARRANT— Goods and Chattels seized under, may be kept at the Place where seized, or re- moved to the next Excise Office. § 86, 87 . .32 LIEN OF THE CROWN— For Arrears of Duty, Pe- nalties and Forfeitures. §28 11 LIMITATION OF TIME for Prosecutions in the Court of Exchequer. % bl 21 — in the Summary Court, or before Justices of the Peace. § 66 24 for Complaints of Overcharge. § 120 . . . .43 for Actions against Excise Officers. § 115 . .42 LIMITS OF THE JURISDICTION of the Chief Office of Excise. §14 6 LLANGEFNI and LLANERCHTHMETH in Angle- sea — Excise Office-keepers to be appointed there. § 15 — LONDON within the Jurisdiction of the Chief Office of Excise. §14 — LORD ADVOCATE in Scotland— iVo/i Prosequi, by. § 97 86 MAGISTRATE. ^S-^e Justice of the Peace. MANUFACTORIES (EXCISE) unentered, Persons found therein, §33 13 MARKET TOWN, in which a legal Market is, or may be held once a Week or oftener. § 1 5 ... 6 Excise Office-keepers may be appointed there. § 1 5 — MATERIALS, GOODS, VESSELS and UTENSILS, in Premises not legally entered, liable to Duties, Penalties, and Forfeitures. § 20 8 subject to Arrears thereof. § 28 11 INDEX. CI MAYOR, Excise Officers exempted from serving the Office of. § 11. 5 MILITIA, Excise Officers exempted from serving in. § 1 1 — MINOR cannot make Entry of Premises for carrying on Trade. § 20 S • liable as visible Owner notwithstanding. § 20 . — MITIGATION OF PENALTIES, Power of Com- missioners of Excise in their Summary Court, and Justices of the Peace. § 78 28 of Commissioners and Assistant Commis- sioners of Excise generally, and to remit the same. § 78 29 = of Commissioners of Appeal on new Judg- ments given by them. § 84 31 of the Treasury. §99 37 NOLI PROSEQUI by the Attorney General, or Lord Advocate. § 97 36 NOTICE of an Information being exhibited. Service thereof. § C6 24 of Appeal. § 83 30 of Trial on Appeal. §83 31 of the Time and Place of hearing Informations of vmclaimed Seizures. § 9S 34 of Exciseable Goods seized by Officers of the Customs. § 107 39 stopped by Police Officers on Suspicion of Felony. § 109 40 of Action against Excise Officers, to specify the Cause of Action. § 114 42 . of the Time and Place of hearing Complaints of Overcharge. § 120 44 OATH of Office. §7 4 the taking thereof to be certified, and the Certificate entered with the Auditor. § 7 . — Authority to administer Oaths under the Excise Laws. § 29 12 Affirmation of a Quaker in lieu thereof. § 30 . — Perjury thereon. §31 — OBSTRUCTION of Excise Officers in the Execution of their Duty, and the Laws generally. § 24 . .10 in making Seizures or by rescuing the same. § 39 15 by violent Assault and Resistance. § 40 . — OFFICE, Public, Persons in the Revenue exempted from serving any other. §11 5 Forfeiture of Office. See Forfeiture. 62 INDEX. Page OFFICE, Chief Office of Excise to be held in London, and Limits of the Jurisdiction thereof. § 14 . . . G of Excise in Edinburgli and Dublin, and Office- keepers to be appointed there, and in Market Towns. § 1.^ — Place in which the same is held, to be pub- licly made known. § l-'' — — ^ Hours of Attendance at. § 1 6 . , . . 7 Proof of keeping the same. §17. . . . — OFFICERS OF EXCISE, Appointment of § 4 . . . 2 to give Security for the due Performance of Office. § 1 — their Commissions valid throughout the United Kingdom. § 4 3 not affected by Change of Commis- sioners. §5 — Salaries of, payable by the Commissioners according to Treasury Order. § 4 . . . . — '^— not transferable, or liable to be taken in Ex- ecution before paid over. § 121 . . . .45 their Number not to exceed that fixed by Treasury Order. § 4 3 how increased in inferior Officers. § 4 . . — not to carry on any Trade subject to the Excise Laws. § 10 ........ 5 — Power of, to enter into and survey Premises. § 22 8 under a Search Warrant. § 34 . .13 to charge the Duty, making a Return thereof. § 22 9 may leave a Copy thereof on Request where there is no Specimen. § 22 . . . .10 to seize Persons employed in unentered Excise Manufactories. ^33 13 all Goods forfeited. § 64 . . . .23 to oppose Force to Force in violent Assaults and Resistance. § 40 15 to examine Exciseable Goods seized by Of- ficers of the Customs. §107 39 ■ stopped by Police Officers on Suspicion of Felony. § 109 40 to have the same Powers as Officers of the Customs. § 38 15 Obstruction of, in Execution of their Duty and the Laws. § 24 10 in making Seizures, or by rescuing the same. § 39 15 by violent Assault upon, or Resistance of them. § 40 — INDEX, 63 Page OFFICERS OF EXCISE, Warrants in Excise Cases to be granted to them. § 8C, 87, 90, 91 . . 32, 33 ■ — by a specifil Indorsement on a Writ of Capias by the Solicitor of Excise. §95 . . . .35 Informations to be exhibited in their Names. § Gl 22 competent Witnesses, notwithstanding their Interest in the Penalty or Forfeiture. § 75 .27 — Proof of being such Officer. § 17 . . . 7 entitled to a Moiety of the Penalty or For- feiture recovered. § 103 38 which may be directed to be forfeited on Proof of Collusion. § 104 — may be rewarded out of the Revenue in Exchequer Prosecutions for Penalties. § 105 39 or in Exchequer Prosecutions for Seizures. §106 — • prosecuted for opposing Force to Force in violent Assaults and Resistance to be admitted to Bail. § 40 15 may plead the general Issue. § 40 . . .16 • if in Actions for Seizures the Judge certifies probable Cause, not to be imprisoned or fined more than 1*. § 119 43 See Actions. OFFICERS OF THE CUSTOMS, reciprocal Powers of, with Officers of Excise. § 38 15 to give Notice to the Excise of Seizures of Exciseable Goods by them. § 107 . . .39 OFFICERS OF THE PEACE to deposit Exciseable or prohibited Goods stopped by them, in the nearest Excise Office. § 108 40 • to give Notice thereof to the Excise, if stopped on Suspicion of Felony. § 109 . . — not depositing the same to forfeit 20l. § 11 1 41 ONUS PROBANDI, in case of Goods seized, to lie on the Claimant. § 76 28 ORDERS of the Commissioners of Excise or the Trea- sury, what is sufficient Proof thereof. §72. .27 OVERCHARGE, Complaints of, may be heard before Three Commissioners of Excise in London, or Two Justices of the Peace in the Country. § 120 43 • Complaints of, must be laid within Twelve Months, § 120 — Money overcharged and paid, to be repaid ov allowed. § 120 44 to be entered in London at the Chief Office, § 120 — Ci INDEX. Page OVERCHAKGE, Notice given to the Complainant of the 'I'inie and IMace of hearing. §120. . . .44 -, . Notice thereof to be given by the ComiJain- ant to the Excise Oiticer in the Country. §120 - . Payment of Duty, or Proceedings for the Re- covery thereof, not to be stayed by reason of such Complaint. § 120 — OWNER of Pi-emises, The real Owner to make the Entry thereof. § 20 8 the visible Owner liable notwithstanding. §20 — Goods returned for Condemnation into the Exche- quer, the real Owner to enter the Claim thereto. § 62 23 accepting Terms of Compromise, estopped from bringing an Action. § 98, 99 ... 37 PACKAGES and other Things used in the Removal of forfeited Goods, forfeited. § 32 12 PAYMENT of the Revenue. See Revenue. of Money into Court in Actions against Excise Officers. § 117 43 PENALTIES, Pecuniary, for not taking the Oath of Office. § 7 ..... 4 for Interference in Elections. § 9 ... 5 ■ for Bribery. §12 — for not designating entered Premises and Utensils and fixed Pipes therein. § 21 . . 8 for removing or damaging Specimens. § 23 10 for obstructing Officers of Excise in the Execution of their Duty or the Laws. § 24 . — in making Seizures or rescuing the same. § 39 15 for non-Payment of Duty. § 25 . . . .10 for removing or concealing Goods with In- tent to evade the Duty. § 32 12 on Persons found in unentered Excise Ma- nufactories. ^33 — on Constables refusing to accompany Excise Officers. § 36 14 on Commissioners of Excise detaining or misapplying Revenue Money. § 47 . . .18 Pecuniary, on Witnesses not appearing to Summons, or refusing to give Evidence. § 74 27 on Police Officers not depositing in the Ex- cise Office Goods seized on Suspicion of Fe- lony. § 111 41 Persons incurring the same, may be prosecuted either jointly or severally. § 70 26 INDEX. G5 Page PENALTIES of Treble Value, or 100/., to be at the Elec- tion of the Prosecutor. § 69 26 may be recovered in the Courts of Exchequer within Three Years from the Offence. § 57 .21 in the Summary Court, or before Justices of the Peace, within Four Months. § 66 . . 2 1 in whose Name. § 61 22 Deposit thereof upon Appeal by the Party con- victed therein. § 83 SO may be applied in Satisfaction of the Judgment. § 86, 87 32 to be distributed between the King and Informer. § 103 38 PENSIONS payable by Act of Parliament or Royal Grant not affected by the Act. §48 18 PERJURY and Subornation thereof on Oaths and Affir- mations taken or made under the Excise Laws. § 31 12 on Affidavit of Claim in the Court of Exchequer. § 62 23 PERMIT, Exciseable Goods requiring it, and seized by Officers of the Customs, forfeited if removed without the same. § 107 39 PIPES fixed in entered Premises to be painted and de- scribed. §21 8 PLEA by Persons prosecuted in consequence of assisting Excise Officers. ^35 14 Excise Officers prosecuted for opposing Force to Force. § 40 15 Default of, to Informations exhibited. ^65 . .24 against Persons in Gaol. § 77 . . . .28 by Officers of Excise to Actions against them. § 115 42 of Tender of Amends on such Actions. § 116 . — POLICE OFFICER. See Officer of the Peace. PREMISES, Entry of. See Entry. PRISONERS, Allowance to, for Subsistence. § 113 . .41 PRIVATE Excise Manufactories. See Unentered Excise Manufactories. QUAKER, Affirmation of, to be taken in lieu of Oath in Excise Cases. §30 12 Perjury or Subornation of Perjury on Affirmation. §31 — RECEIVER GENERAL of Excise, Payment by him of the Revenue into the Bank. § 50 19 F 6G INDEX, Page RECEIVER GENERAL, What Amount lie may retain to meet daily Demands. § 51 19 _— — — Payment by him into the Exchequer at Westminster. § 53 — to countersign the Request of the Solicitor of Excise in England, for Bills or Notes in the Bank. § 53 20 to acquaint the Commissioners of Excise thereof. § 53 — : = — the Balance of his Accounts to vest in his Successors in Office. § 54 — — — Extent of his Liability. §55 — — Forgery of his Hand-writing or Draft. § 56 — RECORD of Debt to the Crown in the Exchequer — Ex- emplification thereof by the Court for the Re- covery of the Debt out of its Jurisdiction. § 59 21 of Proceedings in the Summary Court, need not set out the Names of the Acting Commissioners. § 80 29 REMOVING or concealing Goods with Intent to evade the Duty thereon. § 32 12 REPEAL of former Laws inconsistent with, or provided for by the Act. § 127 47 RESISTANCE of Excise Officers. See Obstruction. REVENUE of Excise. Meaning of the Term in the Act. § 3 2 arising from the King's Share of Penalties and Forfeitures. § 112 41 from the Sale of Crown Lands, &:c. by the Commissioners of Excise. § 125 . . . .46 Accounts thereof by the Assistant Commis- sioners of Excise, Collectors, and other Re- ceivers of Money. § 44 17 Payment over thereof to the Commissioners of Excise. § 45 18 Accounts thereof by the Commissioners of Excise. § 46 — Payment over by them, to the Receiver Ge- neral. § 47 — kSee Receiver General. REWARDS to Officers and Informers. § 105, 106 . .39 SALARIES, as appointed by the Treasury to Excise Officers. §4 3 as appointed by the Treasury to the Comp- troUer and Auditor. § 49 19 to Commissioners of Appeal. §81 . . .30 not transferable or liable to be seized in Execution before paid over. § 121 45 INDEX. 67 Page ST. MARY-LE-BONE and ST. PANCRAS, Middlesex, the Parishes of, within the Jurisdiction of the Chief Office. § 14 G SEARCH WARRANT. See Warrant. SECRETARY to the Comtnissioners of Excise. See Lands. SECURITY by Officers of Excise, for due Performance of Office. §4 3 for Payment of Costs on Claim in the Court of Exchequer. ^ ^3 . 23 for the Liberation of Horses, or other perishable Goods seized. § 94 35 SEIZURES, obstructing Excise Officers in making or rescuing. § 39 15 by violent Assault and Resistance. § 40 . — on Trial for the Condemnation tliereof, the Court to proceed upon the Merits only. § 64 . . .23 if the Judge certify probable Cause after Verdict for the Claimant, the Officer is not liable to Ac- tion. § 119 43 miclaimed, may be condemned after Notice of the Time and Place of Hearing. § 93 34 — — of Horses or perishable Goods, may be liberated on Bond, or immediately sold. § 94 . . . .35 Restoration thereof, by the Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners of Excise. §98 , . 3Q by the Treasury. § 99 37 condemned, to be sold by Public Auction. § 100 . — at a Price not less than the Duties for Home Consumption. § 101 38 if not sold, to be destroyed, or exported, or disposed of as the Treasury direct. § 101 . — of Exciseable Goods by Officers of the Customs, or of the Peace. §101—107 39 See Officers. SHERIFF to grant a Special Warrant to the Excise Officers, indorsed on a Writ of Capias or Arrest by the Solicitor of Excise. §95 35 indemnified from Escapes under such Warrant, before Incarceration. § 96 3G Exemption from Service of that Office. §11. . 5 SOLICITOR GENERAL, Noli Prosequi by, when there is no Attorney General, or Lord Advocate. § 97 SQ SOLICITOR OF EXCISE, in England, on his Application to have Bills or Notes in the Bank delivered to him for the Prosecution of Extents. §53 . .19 to acquaint the Commissioners of Excise thereof. h 53 ~ F 2 68 INDEX. Page SOLICITOR OF EXCISE may indorse Exchequer Writs of Capias or Arrest, for Special Warrant. § 95 . SA . for the Summary Jurisdiction, to sign the Notice of the Time and Place of hearing unclaimed Seizures. § 93 S4 to keep a Book for the Entry of Complaints of Overcharge. § 120 44 SOUTHWARK, the Borough of, within the Jurisdiction of the Chief Office. § 14 6 SPECIMEN Book or Paper. § 23 10 SUB-COMMISSIONERS and Commissioners of Appeal in Ireland continued to complete depending Pro- ceedings. § 128 47 SUBPffiNA, ad Testificandum, or ad Respondendum, may be served in any Part of the United Kingdom. § 60 22 SUMMARY COURT of the Commissioners of Excise in London— Informations may be exhibited before and heard by any Three or more of them. § Q5 24 may su.mmon Witnesses in any Part of the United Kingdom. § 74 27 to proceed to hearing on Appearance and Plea. hQ5 24 in Default thereof, on Proof of Summons. hQ5 — — to give Judgment thereon on Proof by One Witness, or on Confession, k 0)5 — to grant Warrants in Execution. ^ (j5 . . — ■ — to give Judgment on unclaimed Seizures after Notice. § 93 34 may mitigate any Penalty to One Fourth Part thereof. § 78 28 Record of Proceedings in, need not specify the Names of the acting Commissioners. § 80 . .29 Judgments may be given, and Warrants signed by any Three, being Commissioners at the Time. § 80 — Proceedings in, removeable only by Certiorari by the Crown out of the Exchequer. § 79 . . . — Appeal from the Judgment of. See Appeal. Execution of the Judgments of. See Execution. Warrant. to hear Complaints of Overcharge. § 120 . . .43 See Overcharge. SUMMONS to appear and plead to an Information ex- hibited. § 66 24 • Service thereof to be proved in Default of Ap- pearance and Plea. § 65 — — • in Informations, as exhibited against Persons in Gaol. § 77 28 I INDEX. 69 Page SUMMONS of Witnesses in any Part of the United King- dom. § 74 27 TERMS used in the Act, Definition thereof. § 3 . . . 2 TENDER of Amends in Actions against Excise Officers. §116 42 TRADERS subject to the Excise Laws, the Entry thereof need not be proved, as described in the Infor- mation. § 19 8 not compelled to travel out of, or further than a Market Town for making Entry or Payment of Duties. § 26 11 cannot be Excise Officers. § 10 5 or Act as Justices of the Peace under the Excise Laws, in Cases relating to their Trade. § 68 26 TREASURY, their Power over the Commissioners of Excise. §2 1 — — — may by their Order regulate the Salaries of Officers' Charges and Allowances. § 4 3 their Warrant to limit the Number of Excise Officers. §4 — if such Number of inferior Officers is increased, to have the Approval thereof. § 4 .... — may direct any One or more of the Commissioners, and Two Assistant Commissioners of Excise, to sit and act in Scotland and Ireland. § 6 . . . — may direct the Hours for Attendance at Excise Offices. § 16 7 may by special Warrant appoint additional Holi- days, to be kept there. § 16 — may direct the Mode in which the Commissioners of Excise shall furnish their Revenue Accounts. § 46 18 and make Payment of the Revenue. § 47 . — may appoint a Comptroller and Auditor of Ex- cise. § 49 — and issue Orders for their Direction in Office § 49 19 may restore Seizures, or mitigate, or remit Penal- ties at any Time. § 99 87 may direct Goods comlemned and not sold, to be disposed of for the public Use. §101 ... 38 Expenses and Officers' Share in Exchequer Pro- ceedings, to be paid out of the Revenue. § 102, 105 39 Orders of, how proved. § 72 27 ■■ no Persons entitled to the Benefit of, unless the Condition thereof be fulfilled. § 99 . .37 70 INDEX. Page TREASURY, Their Consent necessary to the Purchase of Lauds &c. by the Commissioners of Excise for tlie Revenue. § 122 45 UNENTERED EXCISE MANUFACTORIES, Persons found therein may be arrested. § 33 . . . .13 UNITED KINGDOM, meaning of the Term in the Act. §8 2 UTENSILS, Entry of. See Entry. to be distinguished by Letter or Number, § 21 . 8 VENUE, in Indictments for violent Assaults, and Resis- tance of Excise Officers. §43 17 in Informations exhibited, ^ ^5 24 in Actions against Excise Officers. § 115 . . .42 VERDICT against the Plaintiff", in Actions against Excise Officers. § 115 — for the Plaintiff", after Tender of Amends. § 116 — — after a Judge has given his Certificate of probable Cause. § 119 43 WALES and BERWICK UPON TWEED included in the Terms ' England,' or ' Great Britain' in Ex- cise Acts. §3 2 WARRANT of a Collector for the Recovery of Duties in Danger, in Scotland and Ireland. § 27 . . .11 of the Summary Court or Justices of the Peace in Execution. § 05 24 on Appeal. § 80 32 of the Court of Appeal. § 87 — Levy, Goods and Chattels levied under, may be kept at the Place where seized, or removed to the next Excise Office. § 80, 87 — may specify therein the Time of Sale. § 88 — Expenses under such Warrant may be de- ducted from the Sale. § 89 — Overplus returned. § 89 — Copy thereof to be allowed to be taken if required. § 89 — of the Force of a Fieri Facias, out of the Ex- chequer for the Recovery of Crown Debts. § 89 33 fresh Warrant on Goods and Chattels found after the Issue, or Execution of a Body War- rant. § 91 _ • " — on Satisfaction thereof, the Prisoner to be liberated. § 91 — INDEX. 71 Page WARRANT of Arrest may issue on a Return on the Levy Warrant oinulla bona, or insufficient Levy. § 90 33 Copy thereof to be dehvered to the Gaoler, with the Body. § 90 — to be granted to Excise Officers in Excise Cases. § 86, 87, 90, 91 32, 33 may be executed out of the Jurisdiction in which granted, by Indorsement of a Justice of the Peace thereon. § 92 34 by special Indorsement on a Writ of Capias by the Solicitor of Excise. §95 .... 35 WESTMINSTER, within the Jurisdiction of the Chief Office. § 14 G WITNESSES may be served with Subpoena in any Part of the United Kingdom. § 60 22 not appearing thereto after Tender of Expenses. §60 — may be summoned on Information exhibited, in any Part of the United Kingdom. § 74 . . .27 not appearing thereto, or refusing to give Evi- dence. § 74 — an Excise Officer or Informer entitled to share in any Penalties or Forfeitures, competent. § 75 . — WRIT OF CAPIAS, or Arrest out of the Exchequer, may be indorsed by the Solicitor of Excise for special Warrant. § 95 35 of Subpoena, Certificate thereof by the Court, for Proceedings out of its Jurisdiction, against Persons not appearing thereto. § 60 . . . .22 THE END. 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