yC-NRLF B 3 ba3 c^75 .Memor.ial...Re.c.Qrd....o.f...¥a.it,.s.f.ie.M.^. DasGOiiiD - 1357» i i iiiiiii i [ ' i i . 'i' miniiiii i [ i iin] i n i i ii iiii ii un i i i m ii i 'i i iiii n ii [ i nimui i ni i in ' iJtiii i i| OTyMlTYoFVERAto ^«. ...... ^»^»....-^«.^»»L. ...,»«...«„..-., _-^_l IHE BAILEY MEMORIAL LIBRARY THE MEMORIAL RECORD OF WAITSFIELD, VERMONT. PREPARED BY Rev. A'^'^B. DASCOMB /? I^XJBLISHED 33 Y VOTE OE THE TO"WK". -fr— — c=Cj==— <»— M N T P E L I E R : PllINTED AT THE FHEEMAN STEAM PRTNTINt! ESTABLISHMENT. 3867. ) >-r THfe MEMORIAL RECORD OF WAITSFIELD, VERMONT. PREPARED BY Rev. a. B. DASCOMB. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OF THE TOWN, e ■ .: =^ i c JMONTPELIER: PRINTED AT THE FREEMAN STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1867, LOAN STACK Fin MEMORIAL RECORD. Drops of water fill the ocean ; particles of sand make up the mountain. So the great contest — largest, fiercest, bloodiest, of the cen- tury — by which the Union of the United States was saved from division, and libertv and free institutions were newlv assured to this land and the world, was carried on and made successful by the iiidividual patriotism of American citizens of the North. One by one the lovers of fheir country joined the Union army till their number was two million, and their strength, employed as it was in the interest of justice, righteousness and liberty, irresistible. Our own town, containing a population of about one thou- sand, contributed its proprortion of voluntary ofi"erings on the national altar. Though far removed from the scenes of con- flict, and employed in the most quiet of vocations — the indus- trious cultivation of a fertile soil — yet she felt the vigorous pulsations of the large, patriotic heart of the country. The bugle call of war, sounded, as she imagined, by the Goddess of Liberty, stirred the blood of her people, especially her young men, and they gathered around the national standards and re- paained with them till they were carried in triumph over all the 220 MEMORIAL RECORD. land. Our contribution of men and means, necessarily small, was by no means insignificant, and the record thereof we will preserve, and herewith transmit to our children. The record of each soldier is necessarily brief: a few dates, and all is told. But let it be remembered that these dates cover a long experience of privation, suffering and danger. That days and weeks and months were consumed in exposure to heat or cold, or storm ; in hunger, or thirst, or hard fare ; in dull and heavy life in camp, in laborious and painful marches, in lonesome, weary watchings at guard stations and picket posts ; in perils of ball and shell, in the deadly field of strife and carnage ; in sufibrings from wounds and sickness that we sadly remember too often proved fatal. These cannot be revealed, but they must not be forgotten, if we would understand at all the history of our soldier friends during their stay in the army. "Do vre count the sick man's weary bed, His days and nights of pain — The ghastly spectres that round liim flit, While the fever burns hi.^brain ? Have we watelied his feeble, wasted form, When the frenzied spell had passed — When his life as in a balance hung, And each hour might be his last ? Who knows of the weary, Aveary march Through the dust and burning lieat, When a step is an age of agony, To blistered and bleeding feet ? Who thinks of the wintry bivouac, 'Twixt the frozen earth and sky— The sentry's walk, 'mid rain and blast, AVhile the long, long hours go by — Of the night-long Avatch on the picket line, Where a fire must never burn, Where you hear the tread of the deadly foe, And death is at every turn V " MEMORIAL RECORD. LUTHER ALNS WORTH, Enlisted August 14th, 1861, in Company H, Sixth Regi- ment, and was mustered in as Second Lieutenant, October 15th, 1861 ; was promoted First Lieutenant, February 18th, 1862 ; was promoted Captain, September 20th, 1862 ; was killed May 4th, 1863, near Fredericksburgh, Ya., while leading his men in a charge upon the enemy. He was shot through the abdomen, dying a few hours after he was wounded. His home- less, orphaned children draw a pension of S20 per- month. EDWARD L. ALLEN, Enlisted February 9th, 1865, in Company K, Fifth Regi- ment ; was mustered in the same day ; was mustered out June 29th, 1865. k ALEXANDER BAIRD, Enlisted June 20th, 1862, in Company I, Ninth Regiment ; was mustered in July 9th, 1862 ; was promoted Corporal March 16.th, 1865 ; was mustered out June 13th, 1865. ALBERT D. BARNARD, Enlisted in Company B, Thirteenth Regiment, August 25th, 1862, and was mustered in October 10th, 1862. He was dis- charged with his company at Brattleboro, July 21st, 1863, in a state of exhaustion from which he -did not rally. Fever set in, and he died August 12th, at the age of twenty-one years and seven months. MITCHELL BASCONNER, Enlisted August 14th, 1861, in Company H, Sixth Regiment; was mustered in October 15th, 1861, and killed at Lee's Mills, April 16th, 1862. MEMORIAL RECORD. CHARLES M. BENEDICT, Enlisted May 7th, 18G1, in Company F, Second llegiment ; was mustered in June 20th, 1861 ; deserted August 30th, 1862. LEONARD C. BERRY, Enlisted in Company H, of the Second Regiment U. S. Sharpshooters, December 14th, 1863 ; was mustered in De- cember 18th, 1863 ; was in hospital at Washington three months with'a wound; was transferred to Company H, Fourth Regiment, February 25th, 1865 ; was mustered out July 13th, 1865. He was wounded June 16th, 1864, in the arm. THOMAS BURKE, Enlisted August 6th, 1864, in Company B, Eleventh Regi- ment, was mustered in the same day ; was mustered out Au- gust 25th, 1865. ~ ♦ EDWARD A. BURNS, Enlisted in Company K, Seventh Regiment, February 10th, 1865 ; was mustered in the sam.e day, and discharged during the following summer. , FORDIS 0. BUSHNELL, Enlisted August 25, 1862, and was mustered in as a mem- ber of Company B, Thirteenth Regiment, October 10th of the same year. He served as Corporal. He was discharged July 21st, 1863, with the rest of the company. HENRY N. BUSHNELL, Enlisted August 14th, 1861, as a member of Company H, Sixth Regiment, and w^as mustered in as Sergeant, October 15th, 1861. He received a commission as Second Lieutenant, May 4th, 1863 ; as First Lieutenant, May 15th, 1864 ; as Captain, MEMORIAL RECORD. October 29th, 1864. He was on detached service in Division Sharpshooters for four months. For five months he served as First Lieutenant in Company C, Sixth Regiment. With oth- ers of his company from this town, he was in all the battles in which the Regiment was engaged — about twenty-five engage- ments in all — covering fifty days' fighting. In his four years' service he was sick less than a week, and never wounded, save very slightly. He was mustered out June 26th, 1865. BERTRAM D. CAMPBELL, Enlisted in Company H, in Third Regiment, June 3d, 1861, and was mustered out the following August. Enlisted again in Company H, 6th Regiment, but was thrown out by the sur- geon ; reenlisted in Company G, and was mustered in October 15th, 1866. Taken sick toward the close of the summer cam- paign and sent to hospital at Philadelphia ; he was discharged Honorably October 22, 1862, receiving a pension of $6 per month. August 9th, 1864, he again enlisted for the town of of Barton, in Company C, of the First Vermont Cavalry, and was mustered in August 11th. In the battle at Winches- ter, September 19th following, he was shot through the abdo- men and died in a few moments. He was buried near a white church, one and one-half mile east of Winchester. OLIVER C. CAMPBELL, Brother of the foregoing, enlisted in Co. I, Ninth Regiment, June 9th, 1862 ; was promoted Second Lieutenant July 9th, 1862, at the time of mustering into the service. He was taken prisoner with his Regiment at the affair of Harper's Ferry, Sep- tember 14th, and being paroled, was sent to Chicago. Decem- ber 1st he resigned his commission. He reenlisted July 9th, 1863, in the Veteran Reserve Corps ; was promoted First Ser- geant at the organization of the company, and served at Rut- 8 MEMORIAL RECORD. land, Vt., Concord, N. H., and Boston, Mass., till November 15th, 1865, when he was discharged. HENRY F. DANA, Enlisted June 1st, 1861, in Company H, Third Regiment ; was mustered in July 16th, 1861 ; was mustered out July 2l8t, 1864. He was sick for six months at the time. FOSTER S. DANA, Brother of the above, enlisted July 2d, 1861, in Company H, Third Regiment ; was mustered in July 16th, 1861 ; was mustered out July 27th, 1864. He was on duty every day of his three years' service, though twice wounded, once at Lee's Mills, and again at Spottsylvania, Va. WESLEY E. DANA, Enlisted in Company F, Seventeenth Regiment, Jan. 2d, 1864 ; was mustered in April 12th, 1864 ; was discharged July 17th, 1865. He was a brother of the two preceding. He was wounded at Spottsylvania by a ball passing through the neck. Three other brothers of the above, C. S., Edwin H., and S. J. Dana, enlisted and served in the army. All six returned safely, after being honorably discharged. The six performed 12 years of service. JOSEPH P. DA\^S, Enlisted in the Second Battery, Dec. 15th, 1863, and was mustered in Jan. 8th, 1864. He was discharged June 21st, 1864, while stationed at Port Hudson, on account of disability. ALBEE H. DEWEY, Enlisted in Company B, Thirteenth Regiment, Aug. 25th, 1862; was mustered in as Sergeant, Oct. 10th, 1862. He MEMORIAL RECORD. reenlisted in the Signal Corps on the 2Sth of October. 1S63. Jan. 1st, l'^64, he was sent to Xewbern, X. C. and soon after placed in command of a signal station at Fort Gaston. On the 26th of September he was attacked bv yellow fever, and died on the 28th, aged 32 years and five months. He was buried in the Soldiers' Cemetery at Xewbern. HIRAM F. DIKE. Enlisted Aug. 1-ith, 1S61, in Company H, Seventh Regi- ment : was mustered in Oct. 15th. 1^61 : was promoted Cor- poral, 3Iarch 12th. 1^62 ; was missed in action at Banks' Ford. May -4th. l>6o. and is supposed to be dead. JULLAJS' DUMAS. Jr., Enlisted in Company B. Thirteenth Begiment, Aug. 25th. 1862, and was mustered in Oct. 10th. 1862, and. servincr his term of enlistment, was mustered out July 21st5 1863. ALBA B. DIRKEE. Enlisted in Company I. Ninth Begiment. Dec. 21st, 1863 r was mustered in Jan. 6th. 1^64. and died Sept. 25th, 1864. ISAAC H. ELLIOT. ' Enlisted in Company I. Ninth Begiment, June 26th. 1862 ; was mustered in July 9th, 1862. He was taken prisoner at Winchester, Sept. od, of the same year, and held by the enemy 20 days ; was discharged Sept. 25th. 1862. by reason of ill health. EDWARD A. FI8K. Enlisted Aug. 21st. 1862. in Company B. Tliirteenth Begi- ment, and was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862. He was mustered out July 21st, 1863. 1* 5-S ^/ 7 10 MEMORIAL RECORD. DANIEL FOSTER, Enlisted July 14th, 1862, in Company B, Tenth Regiment, and was mustered in as Sergeant, Sept. 1st, 1862. lie was promoted Second Lieutenant, June 6th, 1864 ; vras promoted First Lieutenant, Dec. 19th, 1864; was promoted Captain, March 25th, 1865, and was mustered out June .29th, 1865. HEMAN R. FRENCH, • Enlisted June 23d, 1862, in Company I, Ninth Regiment ; was mustered in July 9th, 1862 ; was taken prisoner with his regiment at the battle of Harper's Ferry, Sept. 14th, 1862 ; was promoted Hospital Steward, Feb. 4th, 1865 ; was mus- tered out June 13th, 1865. EPHRAIM II. FULLER, Enlisted in Company H, Sixth Regiment, Aug. 14th, 1861 ; was mustered in Oct. 15th, 1861, as Corporal ; was discharged Oct. 28th, 1864. He was wounded at Lee's Mills, Ya., April 16th, 1862, in both thighs. He draws a pension of $4 per month, DAVID GLEASON, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment, and was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862. He was in the hospital the larger part of the nine mouths for which he enlisted, and was mustered out July 21st, 1863. DAN GRANDY, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment, and was mustered in Oct. 10th, of the same year, and was discharged July 25th, 1863. He was confined in the hos- pital at Washington for several months. MEMORIAL RECORD. 11 WILLIAM H. H. GREENSLIT, Enlisted June 20th, 1862, in Company I, Ninth Regiment ; was mustered in July 9th, 1862, and committed suicide Aug. 21st, 1862, at Winchester, Ya. - GEORGE B. HALL, Enlisted in Company I, Ninth Regiment, June 25th, 1862 ; was mustered in July 9th, 1862 ; was discharged June 15th, 1863, on account of ill health. He reenlisted Sept. 26th, 1863, in the Third Battery, and was mustered in Jan. 1st, 1864. He was promoted Corporal, Jan. 2Xst, 1864 ; was mus- tered out of service June 15th, 1865. JAMES HARRIS! AN, Enlisted in Company G, Sixth Regiment, Sept. 2d, 1861 ; was mustered in Oct. 15th, 1861; was promoted Sergeant; was mustered out Oct. 28th, 1864. EDGAR A. HASTINGS, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment, and was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862. He was mustered out July 21st, 1863. JOHN HINES, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment ; was mustered in Oct. 18th, 1862; was mustered out July 2d, 1863. PHILIP HOFF^IAN, Enlisted in Company I, Ninth Regiment, June 20th, 1862, was mustered in July 9th, 1862. He was promoted Corporal, and then Sergeant, and was mustered out June 13th, 1865. 12 MEMORIAL RECORD. MANLEY N. IIOYT, Enlisted in Company G, Sixth llegiment, Oct. 7th, 1861 ; was mustered in Oct. 15th, 1861, and died July 18th, of the following year, at Philadelphia, of chronic diarrhoea, at the age of 31 years and four months. GEORGE M. JONES, Enlisted in the Second Regiment U. S. S. S., Company H, Nov. 28th, 1863 ; was mustered in Dec. 18th, 1863 ; was killed at the battle of the Wilderness, May 6th, 1864, while assisting a wounded ^comrade from the field. He, like the oth- ers from this town killed in that battle, was struck in the head and killed instantly. HOLLAND JONES, Enlisted in the Second Regiment U. S, S. S., Company H, Nov. 28th, 1863 ; was mustered in Dec. 18, 1863 ; was trans- ferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, Aug. 21st, 1864 ; was discharged by reason of sickness, Sept. 14th, 1864. JOHN F. JONES, Enlisted Sept. 10th, 1861, in Company G, Sixth Regi- ment ; was mustered in as Sergeant, Oct. 15th, 1861 ; was discharged April 17, 1863, on account of sickness. He after- wards reenlisted in the state of Massachusetts, and after a few months' service, sickened, and died Nov. 28th, 1864. EUGENE E. JOSLIN, Enlisted in the Second Regiment of U. S. S. S., Compan}' H, Nov. 28th, 1863 ; was mustered in Dec. 18th, 1863 ; was- promoted Corporal, Nov. 1st, 1864, and afterwards Sergeant ; was transferred to Company H, Fourth Regiment, Feb. 25th, 1865, and was discharged July 13th, 1865. He was wounded in the shoulder at the battle of the Wilderness, May 6th, 1864. MEMORIAL RECORD. U GEORGE S. KNEELAND, Enlisted Aug. 14th, 1861, and was mustered in the follow- ing October. He was a member of Company H, Sixth Regi- ment. For several months he was detailed as cook. Before the expiration of his term of enlistment, he enlisted again for three years' service, and was mustered in Dec. 16th, 1863. He was in the hospital from the summer of 1862 to that of 1863 ; during the remaining time served with his regiment ; was promoted Corporal, and afterwards Sergeant, and was mus- tered out June 26th, 1865. SEYMOUR L. KNEELAND, Enlisj:ed Nov. 28th, 1863, in the First Cavalry Regiment, Company C ; was mustered in Dec. 25th, 1863 ; was trans- ferred to Company A, June 21st, 1865, was mustered out Aug. 9th, 1865. He was taken prisoner on the 19th of December, 1864, while on picket duty near Woodstock, Va., by scouts of the 12th Yti. Cavalry. After being kept at Staunton, Va., twelve days, he was taken to Richmond and confined in Libby Prison. His food was the usual scant allowance of corn bread, poor bacon- — ^just enough to hold flesh and spirit together. He was paroled March 9th, 1865, and exchanged about a month after. HIRAM A. LUCE, Enlisted in Company B, Tenth Regiment, July 23d, 1862 ; was mustered in Sept. 1st, 1862 ; was discharged April 16th, 1863. JAMES L. MAYNARD, Enlisted in Company H, Second Regiment, U. S. S. S., Nov. 28th, 1863; was mustered in Dec. 18th, 1863; was killed May 6th, 1864, at the battle of the Wilderness, shot through 14 MEMORIAL RECORD. the head. Like the others from this town killed in that battle, his body was not recovered. ziBA H. McAllister, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Eegi- ment ; was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1 862 ; was mustered out July 21st, 1863 ; recnlisted in Company C, First Vermont Cavalry, Nov. 30th, 1863 ; was mustered in Dec. 25th, 1863 ; was mustered out Aug. 9th, 1865 — having been transferred to Company A, on the 21st of June preceding ; was wounded Oct. 7th, 1864, in the side and back, while on duty in the Shenan doah Valley, Va. EUGENE Mccarty, Enlisted Feb. 6th, 1865 ; was mustered in three days after, as a member of Company C, Seventh Regiment, and was dis- charged on the 12th day of May. VICTOR B. MIX, Enlisted Dec. 22d, 1863, in Company A, Eighth Regiment ; •was mustered in Dec. 15th, 1863; was mustered out June 28th, 1865. IRENAS P. NEWCOMB, Enlisted in Company H, Sixth Regiment, Aug. 14th, 1861 ; was mustered in Oct. 15th, 1861. He died at Hamp- ton, Va., of typhoid pneumonia, April 0th, 1862, at the age of 18 years and eight months, and was buried at that place. ALSON D. PAGE, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment ; was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862 ; was mustered out July 21st, 1863. MEMORIAL RECORD. 15 EDWIN F. PALMER, Enlisted Aug. 25tli, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment, and was mustered in as Sergeant, Oct. 10th, 1862. He was promoted Second Lieutenant, Nov. 4th, 1862, and muster- ed out July 21st, 1863. Lieutenant Palmer kept a record of his army life, and has since published it in a neat book form, entitled " Camp Life," containing 224 pp. The book is a his- tory of his company, in which there were 23 men from this town — also of the Thirteenth Regiment and Second Brigade. It is a graphic portrayal of the discomforts, weariness, dan- ger, with the occasional relief of comfort, rest, pleasure, inci- dent to soldiers' life. DEXTER PARKER, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment, and was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862. In the battle of Gettysburg, July 3d, he was severely wounded in the hand. He was mustered out July 21st, 1863. He draws a pension of $4 per month. JEROME W. PARKER, Enlisted into the First Cavalry Regiment, Company C, Dec. 30th, 1863 ; was mustered in Dec. 25th, 1863 ; was transfer- red to Company A, June 21st, 1865 ; was mustered out on the 9th of August following. He was disabled much of the time by sickness. LEVI C. PEABODY, Enlisted in the Seventh Regiment, Company K, Dec. 16th, 1861 ; was mustered in as Corporal, Feb. 12th, 1862 ; was discharged Oct. 24th, 1862. THOMAS T. PRENTISS, Enlisted in the Second Regiment, U. S. S. S., Company H, Nov. 28th, 1863; was mustered in Dec, 18th, 1863; was 16 MEMORIAL RECORD. transferred to Company H, Fourth Regiment, Feb. 25th, 1865 ; was discharged on account of affection of the heart. JOHN H. QUIGLEY, Enlisted in Company I, Ninth llegiment, June 19th, 1862 ; was mustered in as Sergeant, July Dth, 1862 ; was mustered out June 13th, 1865. LORIN B. REED, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, as a member of Company B, Thirteenth Regiment, and was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862. He was detailed for service as musician in the Brigade Band. He sickened with measles and fever, and died in hospital at Wolf Bun Shoals, May 30th, 1863, aged 21 years, 11 months. OSCAR C. REED, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, as a member of Company B, Thirteenth Regiment. Taking a fever, he died in hospital near Fairfax, Ya., Dec. 26th, 1862, at the age of 24. His body and that of his cousin, Lorin B. Reed, were brought home for burial. JOHN W. RICHARDSON, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment ; was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862, and mustered out July 21st, 1863. EDWIN R. RICHARDSON, Enlisted in Company H, Sixth Regiment, Aug. 14th, 1861 ; was mustered in Oct. 15th, 1861 ; was promoted Corporal, Feb. 8th, 1862 ; was promoted Sergeant, July 10th, 1863, and 1st Sergeant, June 5th, 1864 ; reenlisted Dec. 15th, 1863, and was killed at Charlestown, Ya., Aug. 21st, 1864. He was shot through the head, and died immediately. His body was brought home for burial. MEMORIAL RECORD. 17 LOREN S. RICHARDSON, Enlisted Nov. 28, 1863 ; was mustered in as a recruit in Company H, Second Regiment of U. S. S. S., Dec. 18th, 1863. He was transferred to Company H, Fourth Regiment, Feb. 25th, 1865 ; was mustered out July 14th, 1865. He was wounded severely in the shoulder, at Cold Harbor, June 10th, 1864. JOHN N. RICHARDSON, Brother of the above, enlisted Nov. 28th, 1863 ; was mus- tered in Dec. 18, 1863 ; was promoted Corporal, Nov. 1st, 1864 ; was transferred to Company H, Fourth Regiment, Feb. 23d, 1865, and was mustered out July 14th, 1865. THOMAS SANDERS, Enlisted in Company I, Ninth Regiment, June 19th, 1862 ; was mustered in as Corporal, July 9th, 1862 ; was mustered out June 13th, 1865. LUCIUS D. SAVAGE, Enlisted in Company F, Second Regiment, May 20th, 1861, and was mustered in June 20th, following. In the battle of Savage Station, June 29th, 1862, he was wounded and perma- nently disabled in the right knee, and taken prisoner. He was released July 25th, 1862, and discharged Nov. 29th, 1862, on account of the wound received the previous June. He re- ceives a half pension, amounting to $4 per month. LEVI SEAVER, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment ; was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862 ; was mustered out July 21st, 1865. He afterwards enlisted in Company K, Ninety-Sixth Regiment of New York Veteran Volunteers, April 6th, 1865, and was discharged Feb. 15th, 1866. 18 MEMORIAL RECORD. ALBERT IL SELLICK, Enlisted in Company F, Second Regiment, May 20tli, 1861 ; was discharged March 21, 1863, on account of disability. Dr. henry C. SHAW, AVent out from this town as Assistant Surgeon of the Second New Hampshire Regiment. Serving out his time, which was of three months, he returned, and again went into the army ; served as Assistant Surgeon in the Fifth Vermont Regiment, and died of fever at Alexandria, A^'a., Sept. 7th, 1862, at the age of 30 years. His remains were brought home for inter- ment. LUCIUS S. SHAW, Esq., Brother of the above, while practicing law in Lawrence, Kansas, enlisted in the Second Kansas Regiment ; was pro- moted Lieutenant, and was killed Sept. 3d, 1861, at the age ef 31 years, by an accident on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Rail- road, caused by the burning of a bridge. His body lies beside that of his brother. DANIEL P. SHEPARD, Enlisted Aug. 14th, 1861, in Company H, Sixth Regiment ; was mustered in as Corporal, Oct. 15th, 1861. He afterwards served as Teamster. He reenlisted Dec. 15th, 1863, and was mustered out June 26th, 1865. He was wounded in the leg at Lee's Mills, A^a., April 16th, 1862. MASON C. SHEPARD, Brother of the above, enlisted Aug. 14th, 1861, a member of Company H, Sixth Regiment, and was mustered in October 15th, 1861. He reenlisted December 15th, 1863; was traus- ferrred to Company G, January 1st, 1865 ; was tranferred back May 18th, 1865 ; was in Hospital several months ; was MEMORIAL RECORD. 19 mustered out June 2Gth, 1865. He was wounded in the breast and face at Lee's Mills, April 16th, 1862. JAxMES H. SOMERVILLE, Enlisted August 29th, 1864, was mustered in same day as a member of Company Ct, 8ixth Regiment, and was mustered out June 19th, 1865. LEWIS M. SPAULDING, Enlisted August 14th, 1861, in Company H, Sixth Reg- iment; was mustered in October 15th, 1861 ; reenlisted De- cember 15th, 1863, and was killed at the battle of the Wilder- ness, May 5th, 1864. A ball pierced his head while charging the enemy with the Vermont troops, and he died instantly. SOLON S. SPAULDING, Brother of the above, enlisted August 14th, 1861, in Com- pany H, Sixth Regiment ; was mustered in October 15th, 1861 ; was promoted Corporal ; reeenlisted December 15th, 1863, and was discharged June 12th, 1865, with health impair- ed by long continued sickness. JOHN STERLING, Enlisted in Company C, First Regiment of Cavalry, Novem- ber 30th, 1863 ; was mustered in December 25th, 1863 ; was transferred to Company A, June 21, 1865 ; was mustered out August 9th, 1865. He was disabled by reason of sickness for four months. DORIC S. STODDARD, Enlisted in Company B, Thirteenth Regiment ; was mus- tered in a Corporal March 10th, 1862 ; was discharged July 21st, 1863. 20 MEMORIAL RECORD. SIMEON STODDARD, Brother of the above, enlisted in Company H, Sixth Regi- ment, August 14th, 18G1 ; was mustered in October 15th, 1861 ; was discharged October 28th, 1864. HARLAN P. STODDARD, Enlisted into Company F, Second Regiment, May 1st, 1861, and was mustered in June 20th, following. In the battle at Savage's Station, he was wounded by the passage of a ball through the pelvis, and taken prisoner. He was discharged July 30th, 1863. His wound was so severe that he will prob- ably never recover from it. He receives a full pension, amounting to $15 per month. Three of his brothers followed him into the U. S. service. HORACE B. STODDARD, Enlisted in Company F, Second Regiment, September, 1861, and was mustered in, October 18th, 1861. A few months be- fore the expiration of his time of service, while at his post in the battle of the Wilderness, he was struck by a ball in the head, and it is supposed died instantly. His body, and that of his brother, L. Thompson Stoddard, were not recovered. WILLIAM H. STODDARD, Enlisted as a recruit in Company H, Sixth Regiment, No- vember 28th, 1863, and was mustered in December 18th, of the same year. He was discharged with his Regiment June 26th, 1865. L. THOMPSON STODDARD, Enlisted in Company B, Thirteenth Regiment, August 25th, 1862 ; was mustered in October 10th, 1862 ; was mustered out July 21, 1863. He reenlisted in Company C, Seventeenth Regi- ment, January 5th, 1863, and was mustered in the 2d of MEMORIAL RECORD. 21 March following, as a Corporal. He carried the State colors till cut and torn in pieces by shot and shell. At the time of the explosion of the mine at Petersburg, he was wounded in the shoulder while trying to get back to the Union lines, and was taken prisoner. He was spared the horrors of long con- finement in Southern prisons; he died eight days after the explosion, Aug. 7th, 1864, while in the hands of the enemy. LYMAN STODDARD, Enlisted Sept. 20th, 1861 ; was mustered in Oct. 15th, 1861, as a member of Company G, Sixth Regiment. He reenlisted Dec. 15th, 1863, and was mustered out June 26th, 1865. Two brothers also served in the army for other towns — Daniel and Franklin Stoddard. CYRON G. THAYER, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, as a member of Company B, Thirteenth Regiment ; was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862. He died May 20th, 1868, of measles, at the age of 21. JAMES M. THAYER, Brother of the above named, enlisted, and was mustered into the same Company, at the same time. On account of sickness he was discharged Jan. 22d, 1863. He has since died. JULIUS E. TUCKER, Enlisted Oct. 9th, 1861, in Company G, Sixth Regiment ; was mustered in Oct. loth, 1861 ; reenlisted Dec. loth, 1863, and was mustered out May 23, 1865. HARVEY M. WAIT, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth llegi- ment ; was mustered in Oct. 10th. 1863; was mustered out July 21st, 1863. 22 MEMORIAL RECORD. ALMON WALKER, Enlisted in Company II, Sixth Kegiment, Aug. 11th, 18G2 ; was mustered in Sept. 22d, 1862 ; was transferred to the Invalid Corps, and mustered out July lOtli, 1865. GEORGE P. WELCH,. Enlisted Aug. 3d, 186-1, in Company B, Eleventh Regi- ment ; was mustered in the same day ; was mustered out Aug. 25th, 1865. EDMUND WHITCOMB, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment ; was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862 ; was mustered out July 21, 1863. ORCUS C. WILDER, Enlisted Aug. 25th, 1862, in Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment ; was mustered in as Captain, Oct. 10th, 1862; was mustered out July 21st, 1863. Capt. Wilder and the twenty or more men in his company from Waitsfield, were hotly en- gaged in the battle of Gettysburg, though none were killed. This was all the fighting they saw during their nine months' service. IRA C. WILLIAMS, Enlisted Oct. 3d, 1863 ; was mustered in Jan. 1st, 1864, as a member of the Third Battery. He was in the General Hos- pital Aug, 31st, 1864 ; was mustered out June 15th, 1865. One man, name unknown, furnished as a substitute by C. F. Clough, Esq., he paying to him $300, and the town $700, as bounty. He served in the Navy. He was the last man en- listed for the town, and was not needed to fill the quota, it afterwards appeared, . MEMORIAL RECORD. 23 It has seemed desirable to add a record of those youno' men who grew up among us, and are known to all, even though they enlisted for other towns. MATTHIAS J. BUSHXELL, Aged 26, enlisted in the First Wisconsin Cavalry, Company B, August 24th, 1861, and was mustered in as corporal soon after. He was killed in a small engagement with the rebels, near Madison, Ark., Aug. 3d, 1862, while guarding a wagon train. All who were with him were killed or taken prisoners. HILAND G. CAMPBELL, Aged 26, brother of the two named previously, enlisted for the town of Warren, as a recruit for the Third Vermont Bat- tery, September 2d, 1864, and was mustered in two days after- wards at Rutland. In October following, he was kicked by a horse, and severely injured in the right thigh, and remained in hospital till he was discharged June 16th, 1865. He re- ceives a pension of S8 per month. Bounty, |733 34, Gov- ernment and town. ISRAEL CHILDS, A formcir resident of the town for many years, enlisted early in the war, in the Thirtieth Wisconsin Regiment, and served three years, a part of the time in the frontier service. CHESTER S. DANA, Aged 33, enlisted July 18th, 1862, in Company B, Tenth Regiment, for Faj'ston, and was mustered in the 1st of Sep- tember following, and was discharged at Brattleboro, Ma}' 22d, 1865, by general order of AVar Department, He served as First Sergeant most of the time. Bounty $200, from Gov. ernment. 24 MEMORIAL RECORD. EDWIN H. DANA, Aged 32, enlisted Dec. 23d, 1863, in Company B, Tenth Regiment, for Waterbury, and was mustered in Dec. 31st, 1863. He was wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, June 3d, 1864, in the left leg, and permanently disabled. He was discharged Jan. 27th, 1865. He draws a pension of $6 per month. Bounty, $300 Government, and $300 town. SAMUEL J. DANA, Brother of the above and of the three before named, enlisted at the age of 29, in Company B, Thirteenth Regiment, for Fayston, and was mustered in Oct. 10th, 1862. He was wounded by a shell, in the left arm, at the battle of Gettys- burgh, July 3d, 1863, and was discharged the 21st of the same month, at the expiration of his term of service. Bounty from Government, $25. WILLIAM w. McAllister, Aged 20, enlisted Aug. 8th, 1864, in the Third Vermont Light Artillery, and was mustered in the day following. He was on detached service at Rutland, Vt., and Fairhaven, Ct., for six months, and the remainder of the time was at the front near Petersburg, Yn. He was discharged June 15th, 1865. Bounty, $500. HARLEN g. newcomb, Aged 24, enlisted Aug. 19th, 1862, in Company K, One Hundred and Forty-Fifth New York Volunteers, and was mus- tered in the 22d of the next month, at camp on Staten Island. During the fall of the next year, while in hospital, was detailed as nurse. In March, 1864, was transferred to Company I, One Hundred and Seventh New York Volunteers, and next month joined the company at Shelbyville, Tenn. Detailed at MEMORIAL RECORD. 25 Division Head Quarters, September, 1864, after the surrender of Atlanta. He rejoined his company again May 23d, 18()5, and was discharged June 19th following. Bounty, S175, from Government, State and town. DANIEL RUSS, Aged 29, enlisted June 23d, 1862, in Company I, Ninth Regiment Vermont Volunteers, and was mustered in July 9th. He was taken prisoner and paroled, at the surrender of Harp- er's Ferry, Sept. 15th, 1862. He was detailed as Clerk in Dispensary, April loth, 1863 ; was in hospital from Septem- ber, 1863, till Jan. 12th, 1864, when he rejoined his company. He was promoted Sergeant, March 26th, 1864, and First Ser- geant in March of the next year, and was discharged by order of the President, June 8, 1865, at Manchester, Va. Bounty, $100. JAMES C. RUSS, Brother of the above, enlisted in Company A, Forty-Second Wisconsin Volunteers, and served nearly a year, receivintr a discharge June 28th, 1865. FRANK E. bTAULDING, Aged 26, enlisted in Sheldon, Vt., September, 1861, as a member of Company K, Sixth Regiment Vermont Volunteers, and was mustered in Oct. 15th of the same year, and was dis- charged June 30th of the next year, by reason of disability. GEORGE E. SPAULDING, Brother of the above, and of Solon S. and Lewis M., men- tioned before, enlisted at the age of 18, in Company G, Tenth New York Volunteers, for Albany, and served from April till August, 1865. Bounty §600, from town. 26 MEMORIAL RECORD. CHARLES D. TEWKSBURY, Aged 23, enlisted September ITtli, 1801, in Company B, Fifty-second Illinois, Volunteer Inftnitry, and was mustered in at Geneva, 111., October 25th, 1861, as Corporal ; was promot- ed Sergeant May IGth, 18G2 ; reenlisted as veteran December 25th, 1803 ; was promoted First Sergeant April 1864 ; was mustered out after the close of the war, July 6th, 1865, at Louisville, Ky., receiving a Lieutenant's commission. He re- ceived $502 bounty from the Government, and $1 from Bureau County, 111. He was wounded at the battle of Shiloh in the head. He was in hospital only long enough to have his wound dressed during his four years' service. He traveled with his Regiment over 6000 miles, 1600 of which he marched on foot. After that, started off under Gen. Sherman, and marched round to Savannah, and up to Washington. ISAAC NORTON TEWKSBURY, An uncle of the above named, a native of Waitsfield, and more than twenty years a resident of the town, served in the army in a Michigan Regiment, and was killed in the battle of Pittsburg Landing, at the age of fifty-two years. Other persons, natives of Waitsfield, have doubtless served in the army, but the compiler has fiiiled to learn the facts in regard to them. MEMORIAL RECORD. 27 Below are the names of the .soldiers, arranged in the order of enlistment, together with their age, and bounty of each. Names. Age. Gov't Bounty. Town Bounty. C.M.Benedict 20 L. D. Savage 23 $200 00 A. H. Selleck 19 H.P.Stoddard 24 200 00 H.F.Dana 24 200 00 ■ F.S.Dana 20 200 00 L. Ainsworth 30 M. Basconncr 27 200 00 ■ H. N. Buslmcll 23 B. D. Campbell 18 *333 00 H. F. Dike' 18 200 00 E. H. Fuller 21 200 00 Horace B. Stoddard 10 200 00 J. Harriman 29 200 00 ' Manley N. Hoyt 30 200 00 J. F. Jones 47 727 50 G. S. Kneeland 24 502 00 I. P. Xewcomb 18 200 00 E.R.Richardson 24 502 00...... D. P. Shepard 27 502 00 M. C. Shepard 18 502 00 L. M. Spaulding 19 '. . 502 00 S. S. Spaulding 21 327 00 L. Stoddard 18 502 00 S. Stoddard 22 200 00 J.E.Tucker 20 502 00 L. C. Peabody 31 -. . 100 00 Henry C. Shaw 30 A. Baird 18 200 00 0. C. Campbell 30 1. H. Elliott 34 25 00...... H. R. French 22 200 00 * Part of this is State Bounty. 28 MEMORIAL RECORD. Names. Age. Gov't Bounty. Tuwu Bounty. W. H. H. Grcenslit 2(') $200 00 G. B. Hall IS 502 00 r. Hoffman 23 200 00 J. H. Quigley 2S 200 00 T. Sanders 20 200 00 H. A. Luce 2-'] D.Foster 21 200 00 Almon Walker 45 $25 00 A. D. Barnard 20 25 00 25 00 F. 0. Bushncll 22 25 00 25 00 H. A. DeAvey 30 125 00 325 00 J. Dumas, Jr 22 25 00 25 00 E. A. Fisk 20 25 00 25 00 D. Gleason 42 25 00 25 00 D. Grandy 24 25 00 25 00 E. A. Hastings 23 25 00 25 00 J. Hines 24 25 00 25 00 Z. H. McAllister 21 402 00 325 00 A. D. Page 21 25 00 25 00 E. F. Palmer 2() 25 00 25 00 D. Parker 21... 25 00 25 00 L. B. Reed 21 25 00 0. C. Reed 23 25 00 J. AV. Richardson 43 25 00 25 00 L. Seaver 17 *725 00 25 00 D. S. Stoddard 23 25 00 25 00 T. Stoddard 18 450 00 300 00 C. G. Thayer 20 25 00 J. M. Thayer 21 25 00 H. M. Wait '. .22 25 00 25 00 E. Whitcomb 19 25 00 25 00 0. C. Wilder 34 L. C Berry 21 300 00 300 00 G.M.Jones 19 300 00 300 00 H. Jones 37..... 80 00 300 00 MEMORIAL RECORD. 29 Names. Age. Gov't Bounty. Town Bounty. E. E. Joslyn 19 $300 00 $300 00 J. L. Maynard 29 300 00 300 00 T. T. Prentiss 19 200 00 300 00 J. N. Richardson 18 300 00 300 00 L. S. Richardson 20 300 00 300 00 S. L. Kneeland 18 300 00 300 00 J.W.Parker 17 300 00 300 00 J.Sterling 19 300 00 300 00 ^y. H. Stoddard 18 300 00 300 00 V. B. Mix 18 300 00 300 00 I. C. Williams 20 300 00 300 00 A. B. Durkee 21 300 Oa 300 00 J. P. Davis 40 80 00 300 00 W.E.Dana 18 300 00 300 00 G.P.Welch 21 100 00 500 00 T.Burke 21 100 00 500 00 J. II. Somerville 21 (jG 00 GOO 00 E. L. Allen 19 33 33 800 00 E. McCarty 20 33 33 700 00 E.A.Burns 18 GG GG GOO 00 The following is the amount of money expended by the town in procuring men for the army service : Amount paid for bounty to nine months men, " " " one year men, " " " three years men, " " " substitutes, '' " [subsistence for Volunteers, " " transportation " " " services of selectmen and agentr 6575 00 2,700 00 6,202 00 700 00 18 10 38 50 190 53 810,433 13 30 MEMORIAL RECORD. The following persons were drafted and paid commutation : Charles E, Bigolow, Jr., James P. Carpenter, Carlos E. Jones, Lewis 1{. Joslin, .Vllcn G. Matthews, Henry F. Matthews, Alfred D. Steele, Franklin B. Thomas. The commutation money amounted to -^2,400. Besides these contributions of men and money, there were other gifts. A Society was formed, auxiliary to that of the Christian Commission, which was instrumental in collecting and forwarding several boxes of Hospital supplies prepared by the ladies of the town. The value of these is not known, but, together with the money also sent at different times through the same agency, to the sick and wounded soldiers, amounted, doubtless, to several hundred dollars. Xumber of soldiers credited to the town by Government, 95 Number of different individuals who served for the town, 87 Xumber Avho died by sickness, - - - - 10 Number killed in action, . _ . . _ 8 Several others died after their discharge, from diseases con- tracted in the service. Several of the deceased soldiers lie buried in unknown graves. " The kings of old have shrine and tomb In many a minster's haughty gloom; And green along the ocean side, The mounds arise where heroes died ; lUit shew me, on thy flowery breast, Earth, where thy nameless martj^rs rest ! Tlie thousands that, uneheered by praise, Have made an ollering of their days ; For Truth, for Heaven, for Freedom's sake, Resigned the bitter cup to take, And silently, in fearless faith, BoAving their noble souls to death.''