WONDERS I OR6E GIFT OF /o THE BY DR. GEORGE W. CAREY ADVENT SEPT. 7. 1845 ^ Wonders of tke Human Body Physical Regeneration According to the Laws of Chemistry and Physiology DR. GEORGE W. CAREY Author of Text Books on Chemistry of Life Published by THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE CO. Los Angeles, Cal. 1918 Copyright, 1918 10 DR. GEORGE W. CAREY Los Angeles, Cal. DEDICATION To THE SPIRIT OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ; To THE THREE GREAT PILOTS, GEORGE WASHINGTON, ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND WOODROW WILSON ; To THE NOBLE, BRAVE AMERICAN SOLDIERS WHO ARE UPHOLDING WORLD-DEMOCRACY ON THE BATTLEFIELDS OF EUROPE J AND To THE SELF-SACRIFICING WOMEN THE MOTHERS OF AMERICA WHO STAND BEFORE ALMIGHTY GOD AND GIVE ALL THEY HAVE TO TRANSMIT TO POSTERITY A WORLD FREE AND REDEEMED FROM AUTOCRACY THIS BOOK IS REVERENTLY DEDICATED. INTRODUCTION HE days of speculative philosophy have ended. One by one, those who have been blind are com- mencing to see; ears that were deaf are bgin- ning to hear, and more and more people are rec- ognizing the importance and the significance of the ancient command, "Man, know thyself." Hungry to learn, the earnest investigator, with eager in- tellect and open, unbiased mind, knocks at the door of the sanctuary and asks: 'Where is the Kingdom of Heaven?" "What is salvation?" "How can I be saved?" The answers hitherto given are indefinite and vague. The laboratory door opens and a Professor greets the anxious enquirer. "I cannot explain to you the mysteries of life here," he said, "or that of the life hereafter, if, indeed, we live hereafter. We hold certain theories and can tell you somewhat of the composition of your body; but we know not where the Kingdom of Heaven is, nor the actual process by which salvation may be attained." And thus neither the church nor the laboratory have solved the age-long problem. They have blazed no trail to the Kingdom of Heaven; neither have they analyzed soul- stuff, or located the Holy of Holies. Is there, then, any solution to these problems ? Where can the Kingdom be found? And if found, anywhere, why has not the church and the laboratory discovered it? The church could have found it. The laboratory could have found it. "Seek and ye shall find"; "Knock and it shall be opened unto you". vii Introduction The church has not sought God; neither has the labora- tory. The churches and the laboratories have sought mammon. They tried to make themselves believe that they were searching for God, and sometimes they succeeded in making others believe it, also. If they had truly and humbly sought, they would have found that which they sought. Does the Almighty make a promise and not keep it? The Bible, the Kaballah, the Vedas, and ancient cunei- form tablets, torn from their hiding places in the heart of Mother Nature, all hold the key to the wisdom of the ages ; and some there are who have turned the key and the door to understanding has opened. The author of this work has found the key and he has turned it. Erect and unafraid for he has nothing to lose or gain he reverently offers you that which you are seeking. He does not claim to be the only one who has discovered the key, but, working along the lines hinted at by some mod- ern and many ancient seekers, he hereby presents the results of his many years of scientific research. He shows that the correct translations of the Greek and Hebrew scriptures plainly state that all the allegories and fables of these works refer to actual physiological facts; and the statements "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you"; "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you", and "Be ye therefore perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect" can be physiologically and chemically explained. INEZ E. PERRY. FOREWORD June 1st, 1917, Dr. Carey published the Tree of Life, a book on the marvels of the human body and physical regeneration as taught in Greek and Hebrew texts, from which the English Bible was translated. The book aroused such intense interest that the edition was virtually sold out in less than a year. The Wonders of the Human Body may be termed u an en- larged edition of the Tree of Life", containing more than double the amount of information. Many more Bible witnesses have been called to the stand, than were heard in the Tree of Life, to testify to the truths of Scripture and to indubitably prove that the Greek and Hebrew writings were based in the truths of chemistry and physiology. This book was not compiled for the purpose of antagoniz- ing so-called Christians. It was written to prove the truths of the fables, parables and splendid allegories, such as the book of Job and Revelations, with a firm faith that truth will triumph and at last lead the world to Peace. THE AUTHOR. Los Angeles, California, September 7, 1918. Table of Contents PART ONE DEDICATION v INTRODUCTION vii FOREWORD ix THE WONDERS OF THE HUMAN BODY 13 TRANSMUTATION OR TURNING WATER INTO WINE 30 PSYCHOMETRY 34 IT, THE ETERNITY OF PERFECTION 37 ALCHEMY, BIOCHEMISTRY, WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND MEN- TAL HEALINGS 52 THE END OF THE WORLD ASTROLOGICALLY CONSIDERED 58 THE MARVELS OF THE TWELVE MINERALS OF THE BODY. ... 61 PARADOXES OF CIVILIZATION 63 THE NEW NAME 70 PART TWO PHYSICAL REGENERATION 75 THIRTEEN, THE OPERATION OF WISDOM 81 DANIEL IN THE LIONS' DEN 87 NOAH, THE ARK AND THE ANIMALS 96 TRANSLATIONS OF SCRIPTURE 101 JOSHUA COMMANDS THE SUN AND MOON TO STAND STILL. . 103 THE ANTI-CHRIST 105 THE MYSTERY OF MASON REVEALED 113 As A MAN THINKETH IN His HEART So is HE 116 A VISION OF IMMORTALITY AND THE NEW AGE. . ... 123 PART ONE THE WONDERS OF THE HUMAN BODY "For thou didst cover me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are thy works." 139th Ps., 13 and 14-th