GIFT OF i MAY 28 inn i mmmmi iiimiimimmmiiimniiiminmTTTnimiimm mimmmilim Catalog of Books, Periodicals and Pamphlets in the Library of the Portland Cement Association iiiiiiimmiim iiiiiimiimiiimiii mm m mmiim mm iiiiimimiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiia 7;j* Tf-71? 5 , / 'J*r -*,- *-**^f 111 WEST WASHINGTON STREET CHICAGO JUNE, 1918 ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Library of the Portland Cement Associa- tion is a working reference library on the lit- erature of the cement industry. The classifi- cation of the books and pamphlets follows the Dewey Decimal Classification System. The library has an up-to-date card catalog of ap- proximately 65,000 cards, conforming to stand- ard library practice. A brief abstract on each card and full analytics make the catalog a ready index to the vast amount of technical lit- erature now written. Some 4,000 magazine clippings are mounted in folders, indexed and ready for circulation. The library contains a valuable file of Member Company publications, and some 1,200 trade catalogs of the appliances and machinery of the cement industry. In the following pages are listed, by subjects, the books and pamphlets in the Library. The list of periodicals shows one of the greatest sources of information. An author index fol- lows at the end. References and bibliographies to the uses of cement will be gladly compiled by the library staff. Such service is. free,. Write for refer- ences to, LIBRARY; ; ; PORTLAND * CEMENT * ASSOCIATION, 111 West Washington Street, Chicago. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION Accident Prevention 1 Agriculture 1 General 1 Directories 1 Architecture 2 Automobiles 2 Block Manufacture 2 Boats 2 Bridges 2 Buildings 3 General 3 Garages 4 Grain Elevators 4 Industrial Plants and Ware- houses 4 Residences 5 Schools 5 Cements, Limes and Plasters 5 Associations 5 Directories 6 General b Laboratories 10 Mills Cement; Recovery of Potash 10 Chemistry 11 Chimneys 11 Commercial Organizations 11 Concrete, Plain and Reinforced... 11 Construction Systems 15 Culverts 15 Decorative Concrete 15 Dictionaries 16 Drainage and Drain Tile 16 Drainage Associations 16 General 16 Drain Tile 17 Education 17 Engineering 17 General 17 Directories 18 Societies, Transactions and Proceedings 18 State and City Engineers' Re- ports 20 English 21 Farm Concrete 21 General .. .21 Farm Structures and Minor Construction 21 Buildings 21 Dipping Vats 22 Manure Pits 22 Septic Tanks 22 Silos and Silage 23 Storage Cellars 25 Fence Posts 25 Fire Prevention 25 Floors 26 Forms 26 Geology and Mineralogy 26 Hydraulics, Water Supply and- Sanitary Engineering 27 Associations 27 General 27 Canal Engineering 28 Dams 28 Flood Protection 28 Harbors, Docks and Wharves. 28 Sewers and Sewage Disposal.. 29 Water Supply 30 Aqueducts 30 Indexes 30 General 30 Periodicals 30 Industrial Management 30 Library Economy 30 Catalogs 30 Magazines 31 Directories 32 Parlimentary Law 33 Pavements and Road Engineering. 33 General 33 Associations and Societies .... 35 Construction, Maintenance, etc. 35 Convict Labor 37 Drainage 37 Dust Prevention 37 Experimental 37 Maintenance and Repair 38 Materials 38 Road Drag 39 Specifications 39 Tractive Resistance 40 Legislation and Bond Issues.. 40 373748 Bond Issues 41 Mileage 42 Highway Reports, Federal, State and County 42 Pipes 45 Poles 45 Rat Eradication 45 Statistics 45 Almanacs . . 45 Census Reports 45 Labor Statistics 46 State Registers 46 Surveying 46 Swimming and Wading Pools 47 Tanks 47 Tennis Courts 47 Trade Directories 47 Author Index . . 48 ABBREVIATIONS comm comp compiler dept department ed edited; edition govt government n. d. . . . . no date commissioner n. s. . . new series n. p no publisher rev revised soc society tr translated n. t. p no title page ACCIDENT PREVENTION Bergquist, J. G. Methods and appliances for prevention of accidents in cement plants. Chicago, Portland Cement Association. 1911 (pamphlet). Fay, A. H. comp. Quarry accidents in the U. S. Washington, Govt. 1917. (pamphlet) (U. S. Department of Interior. Bureau of Mines. Technical paper 165.) Hoffman, F. L. Industrial accident statistics. Washington, Govt., 1915. (U. S. Bureau Labor Statistics. Bulletin 157.) Illinois State Factory Inspector. Annual reports, 1915-16. Springfield, 111. National Safety Council. Proceedings, 1913 to date. Chicago, N. S. C. Portland Cement Association. Accident prevention bulletins, 1913 to date. Chicago, Assn. (pamphlet). Tucker, G. E. Physical examination of employees engaged in the manufacture of portland cement. Boston, n. d. (pamphlet) (Reprint from American Jour, of Public Health, vol. 5:6.) AGRICULTURE American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers. Proceedings. 1915 to date. Lansing, Mich, (pamphlet) California State Board of Agriculture. Statistical report 1913 to date. Cal. State. Holstein-Friesian Association of America. Directory Officers and commit- tees of Holstein-Friesian Association of America, n. p. 1917. Illinois Farmers' Institute. Annual reports, 1910 to date. Springfield, 111. State. Illinois State Board of Agriculture. Statistical report, 1914 to date. Spring- field, 111. Iowa, Agriculture, Department of. Yearbook, 1915. Des Moines, 1916. Kansas State Board of Agriculture. Report, 1917. Topeka, Kans. 1917. (pamphlet). Kansas State Board of Agriculture. Quarterly report, 1913 to date. Topeka, Kans. Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture. Directory of the agricultural and similar organizations of Massachusetts, n. p. 1916 (pamphlet) Michigan State Board of Agriculture. Annual reports, 1912 to date. Lansing, Mich. Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. Bulletin, 1914. Lincoln Neb. 1915. New York State Department of Agriculture. Annual reports, 1913 to date. Albany, State (pamphlet) Ohio Agricultural College Extension Service Circulars. Farmers Institutes, 1917-18. Columbus O. State, (pamphlet) Pennsylvania State Department of Agriculture. Department of Agriculture. Bulletins, 1916 to date. Harrisburg, State. DIRECTORIES U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Directory list of workers in subjects per- taining to agriculture and home economics. Washington, Govt. 1917. U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Yearbooks, 1910 to date. Washington, Govt. Washington State Department of Agriculture. Reports, 1914 to 1916. Olympia, Wash. ARCHITECTURE American Institute of Architects. Committee on Town Planning. City plan- ning progress. Washington, Jour, of Amer. Institute of Architects, n. d. American Institute of Architects, Annuary. Directory Washington, D. C., 1917. Illinois Society of Architects, Handbook of architects and builders. Directory. 1917. Chicago, Franklin. Kidder, F. E. Architect's and builder's pocketbook. 16th ed. New York, Wiley, 1916. AUTOMOBILES American Automobile Association. Directory. List of affiliated state and local clubs. Washington, Assn., n. d. (pamphlet). Automobile Manufacturers. Directory. List. Kuhl and Bent, 1917 (pamphlet). Official automobile blue book, 10 vol. New York. Automobile Blue Book, 1917. BLOCK MANUFACTURE Concrete Publishing Co., comp. Concrete Block. Suggestions for their success- ful manufacture and profitable sale. Detroit, Co. 1908. Iowa Engineering Experiment Station, comp. Effect of coloring and water- proofing on the strength and permeability of cement blocks. Ames, Iowa, College, 1908 (pamphlet). Newberry, S. B. Concrete building blocks. Chicago, Portland Cement Asso- ciation, 1905 (pamphlet). Rice, H. H. Concrete block manufacturer, processes and machines. New York, Wiley, 1906. Rice, H. H., and Torrance, W. M., and others. (The) manufacture of concrete blocks and their use in building construction. New York, Engineering News, 1905. Whipple, Harvey, Concrete stone manufacture. Detroit, Concrete, 1915. BOATS Murray, A. J. Strength of ships. Longmans, 1916. Portland Cement Association. Concrete ships a possible solution of the shipping problem. Chicago, Assn. 1917 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. (The) motor boat "Concrete." Chicago, Assn. 1918. Portland Cement Association. Progress in concrete ship construction. Chi- cago, Assn. 1918. Portland Cement Association. What the press is saying about concrete ships. Chicago, Assn. 1917 (pamphlet). BRIDGES Abrams, D. A. Tests of a 40 ft. reinforced concrete highway bridge. Philadel- phia, American Society for Testing Materials 1913 (pamphlet). (Reprint from proceedings of A. S. T. M., vol. 13, 1913.) Cambridge Bridge Commission. Chief Engineer. Report. Boston, 1909. Day, W. P., and Leonard, J. B. (The) Concrete bridge. San Francisco. Au- thors. 1913. Fowler, C. E. Practical treatise on subaqueous foundations including the cofferdam process. New York, Wiley, 1914. 3 Hirst, A. R., and Torkelson, M. W. Culverts and bridges. Madison, Wis. State, 1908 (pamphlet) (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History survey. Road pamphlet 4.) Hool, G. A. Bridges and culverts, vol. 3. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1916. Hoyt, C. H., and Burr, W. H. Highway bridges and culverts. Washington, Govt, 1911 (pamphlet) (U. S. Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 39) Illinois State Highway Commission. Modern bridges for Illinois Highways. Springfield State, 1910 (pamphlet) (Bulletin 6) Illinois State Highway Department. Contract form and general specifications for bridge work. Springfield, State, 1915 (pamphlet) Jacoby, H. S., and Davis, R. P. Foundations of bridges and buildings. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1914. Ketchum, M. S. Design for highway bridges and calculation of stresses in bridge trusses. New York, Engineering News Pub. Co., 1908. Leonard, J. B., and Day, W. P. (The) concrete bridge. San Francisco, pub. by authors, 1913. Luten, D. B. Reinforced concrete bridges of Luten design, n. p. (pamphlet) Melan, J. Plain and reinforced concrete arches. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1917. Nichols, C. S., and McCullough, C. B. Determination of internal temperature ranges on concrete arch bridge. Ames, Iowa, College, 1913 (pamphlet) (Iowa, Engineering Experiment Station, Bulletin 30) Older, Clifford, comp. Bridge manual. Springfield, State, 1916 (pamphlet) (Illinois state highway dept., Bulletin 10) Oregon State Highway Commission. Bridge manual containing standards, general information and instructions. Salem, Ore. State, 1916 (pamphlet) (Bulletin 3) Portland Cement Association. Concrete highway bridges. Chicago, 1917 (pamphlet) (Bulletin 52) Reuterdahl, Arvid. Theory and design of reinforced concrete arches. Chicago, Clark Pub. Co., 1908. Rings, Frederick. Reinforced concrete bridges. New York, Van Nostrand Co., 1913. Tyrell, H. G. Concrete bridges and culverts for both railroads and highways. Chicago, Clark Pub. Co., 1909. Webster, G. S. Concrete bridges. Portland Cement Association, n. d. (pamphlet) (Portland Cement Association, Bulletin 15) *BUILDINGS GENERAL Arthur, William. (The) new building estimator, llth ed. revised. New York, Williams, 1913. Baker, I. O. Treatise on masonry construction. 10th ed. rev. New York, Wiley, 1909. Grove, K. G. and others. (The) San Francisco earthquake and fire of April 18th, 1906 and their effects on structures and structural materials. Wash- ington, Govt, 1907. Houghton, A. A. Constructing concrete porches. New York, Henley, 1912. Howes, B. A. Building by a builder. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914. Johnson, J. B. Materials of construction. 4th ed. rev. New York, Wiley, 1909. *The Library has a file of building codes, which are being brought down to date by new accessions. Kidder, F. E. Building construction and superintendence. 2 vol. New York, Comstock, 1906-1909. Martin, C. A. Details of building construction. Boston, Bates and Guild, 1905. Merriman, Mansfield. Mechanics of materials. 10th ed. New York, Wiley, 1905. Merriman, Mansfield. Notes on masonry construction. New York, McGraw- Hill, 1913 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Remarkable test of a concrete building in the Salem fire. Chicago, Assn., 1915. Portland Cement Association. Concrete foundations. Chicago, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). Ransome, E. L. and Saurbrey, Alexis. Reinforced concrete buildings. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1912. Ries, Heinrich. Building stones and clay products. New York, Wiley, 1912. Wason, L. C. Concrete construction for mill buildings. Boston, n. p. 1915 (pamphlet). Watson, W. J. General specifications for concrete work as applied to building construction. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1915 (pamphlet). Wilson, H. M. and Cochran, J. L. Fire tax and waste of structural material in the U. S. Washington, Govt. 1910. (U. S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 418.) GARAGES mr American Architect, comp. Garages, country and suburban. New York, Amer- ican Architect, 1911. Comstock, W. P., comp. Garages and motor boat houses. New York, Com- stock, 1911. Keith, M. L. Keith's book of plans; fifty designs of modern garages. Minne- apolis, Keith, 1911 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Small concrete garages. Chicago, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). GRAIN ELEVATORS Grain Dealers Journal, comp. Plans of grain elevators. Chicago, Grain Deal- ers Jour., 1913. Ketchum, M. S. Walls, bins, and grain elevators. New York, Engineering News, 1907. Portland Cement Association. Concrete grain bins and elevators. Chicago, Assn., 1917 (pamphlet). INDUSTRIAL PLANTS AND WAREHOUSES Aberthaw Construction Co. Design and construction of a reinforced concrete warehouse for the Massachusetts Cotton mills, Lowell, Mass. Boston, Aberthaw, n. d. (pamphlet). Aberthaw Construction Co. 40-days at Colt's Arms. Boston, Aberthaw, n. d. (pamphlet). Aberthaw Construction Co. Warehouse and freight terminal. Boston, Aber- thaw, n. d. (pamphlet). Lesley, R. W. comp. Concrete factories. New York, Bruce, n. d. Libberton, J. H. Concrete in cold storage warehouse construction. 1913 (pamphlet). (Reprint from the 3d international conference of refrigera- tion). Nixon, R. L. Cotton warehouse construction. Washington, Govt., 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin 277.) Ottawa, Can. Agriculture, Department of. Dairy and cold storage series. Bulletins, 1913-1915, Ottawa, Can. Parks, G. H. Sanitary construction and equipment of abbatoirs and packing houses. Washington, Govt., 1911 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agri- culture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Circular 173.) Portland Cement Association. Factories and warehouses of concrete. Chi- cago, Assn., 1911 (pamphlet). Stone, G. C. (The) use of reinforced concrete in cotton manufacturing plants. Boston, 1915. RESIDENCES Hering, O. C. Concrete and stucco houses. New York, McBride, Nast & Co., 1912. Howes, B. A. Reinforced concrete for houses. Chicago, Portland Cement As- sociation, n. d. (pamphlet) (paper read before the Association, Dec. 1909. Bulletin 24.) Kauffman, G. M. Distinctive homes and gardens of low and moderate cost. Cleveland, Town Topics 1911 (pamphlet). Keith, M. L. Keith's attractive bungalows. Minneapolis, Keith, 1911, (pam- phlet). Portland Cement Association. Concrete houses and how to build them. Chi- cago, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 32.) Portland Cement Association. Plans for suburban concrete dwellings. Chi- cago, Assn., 1P07 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Solving industrial housing problems with con- crete. Chicago, Assn., 1917 (pamphlet). Sloan, M. M. ed. (The) concrete house and its construction. Chicago, Port- land Cement Association, 1912. Squires, Frederick. (The) hollow-tile house. New York, Comstock, 1913. White, J. H. Houses for mining towns. Washington, Govt. 1914 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Mines. Bulletin 87.) SCHOOLS Portland Cement Association. Concrete school houses. Chicago, Assn., 1915 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Concrete house vs. firetraps. Chicago, Assn., 1911 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 27.) CEMENTS, LIMES AND PLASTERS ASSOCIATIONS American Concrete Institute. Annual proceedings, 1905-13, 1916-17. Phila- delphia Institute. (In 1913 at the 9th Convention the name of the Na- tional Association of Cement Users was changed to the American Con- crete Institute.) American Concrete Institute. Journal, 1913-15. Philadelphia, Institute. American Concrete Institute. List of members and general information. 1911; 1917 (pamphlet). Philadelphia, Institute. Association of German Portland Cement Manufacturers. Proceedings and minutes 1907; 1891-97; 1898-1903; 1906-08; 1912-14. Berlin, Assn. Beck, J. P. Report on increasing the activities of the Association of Ameri- can Portland Cement Mfrs. n. p. 1915 (pamphlet). Canadian Cement and Concrete Association. Annual report and proceed- ings, 1910. Toronto, Assn., 1910. Cement Products Exhibition Co. Handbook of the Chicago Cement Shows, 1911 to date. Chicago, Cement Products Exhibition Co. Concrete Institute. Transactions and notes, 1908-16. Lewis Institute. Iowa Association of Cement Users. Annual proceedings, 1909-10. Ames, la. Mid-west Cement Users Association. Proceedings, 1915 to date. Omaha, Nebraska. Nebraska Cement Users Association. Annual proceedings, 1913. Omaha, Neb. Northwest Cement Products Association. Proceedings of annual convention, 1906. 1909. Minneapolis, Assn. Portland Cement Association. Directory of member companies, 1916 to date. Chicago, Assn. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Constitution and by-laws, 1903 to date. Chi- cago, Assn. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Minutes. 1902 to date. Chicago, Assn. Portland Cement Association. Committee on technical research. Progress reports, 1906 to date. Chicago, Assn. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Record, 1911 to 15. Chicago, Assn. Portland Cement Association. Executive Committee. Annual reports, 1911, 1914. Chicago, Assn. Portland Cement Association. Committee on trade conditions. Report, 1912, 1915. Chicago, Assn. Portland Cement Association. President's report, 1916 to date. Chicago, Assn. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Secretary's report, 1907 to 1915. Chicago, Assn. Portland Cement Association. Standing Committees, 1907 to date. Chicago, Assn. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Weekly letter, 1916 to date. Chicago, Assn. DIRECTORIES American Cement Directory. 1917. Boston, Bradley Pulverizer Co. Cement Era, comp. Directory of cement, gypsum and lime manufacturers, 1909 to date. Chicago, Engineering and Cement World. GENERAL Abrams, D. A. and Harder, O. E. Colorimetric test for organic impurities in sand. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, 1917 (pamphlet). Aiken, W. A. Methods of testing and some peculiarities of cement. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 9.) Alvarez, A. C. (The) compressive strength of Portland cement mortars of various proportions. Berkeley, University, 1915 (pamphlet). Alvarez, A. C. Some physical properties of magnesian cement mortars and concretes. Berkeley University, 1915 (pamphlet). American Railway and Engineering Association. Specifications for plain and reinforced concrete and steel reinforced concrete and steel reinforce- ment. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, 1911 (pamphlet). American Society for Testing Materials. Specifications for portland cement. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, 1916. Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers. (The) everyday uses of portland cement. London, Assn., 1912. Baker, W. H. (The) cement workers' handbook. Atlanta, Ga. Concrete Age, 1906. Bates, P. H. Properties of portland cement as affected by different tempera- tures. (Reprinted from Amer. Ceramic Society, 1913, vol. 15.) Bates, P. H. Properties of portland cement having a high magnesia content. Washington, Govt. 1918 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 102.) Bates, P. H. and Klein, A. A. Properties of the calcium silicates and calcium aluminates occurring in normal portland cement. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 78.) Bates, P. H., Phillips, A. J. and Wig, R. J. Action of salts in alkali water and sea water on cements. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 12.) Bleininger, A. V. (The) manufacture of hydraulic cements. Columbus, Ohio. State 1904 (pamphlet). (Ohio State Geological Survey. Bulletin 3.) Bleininger, A. V. Method for the rational analysis of clays for cement manu- facture, n. p. 1901 (pamphlet). (Reprint from Amer. Ceramic Society, 1901, vol. 3.) Burke, Edmund and Pinckney, R. M. (The) action of alkali on hydraulic ce- ments. Bozeman, State, 1911 (pamphlet). (Montana Agricultural Ex- periment Station. Bulletin 8.) Butler, D. B. Specific gravity of portland cement. London, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1906. Canada, Mines, Department of. (The) production of cement, lime, clay prod- ucts, stone and other structural materials in Canada, 1911. 1913-15. Ottawa, Canada (pamphlet). Chatelier, Henri Le. Experimental researches on the constitution of hydraulic mortars. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1905. Cochran, Jerome. Cement specifications. New York, Van Nostrand, 1912. Colony, R. J. Petrographic study of portland cement. New York, Columbia University, 1914 (pamphlet). Craney, A. H. Sack losses. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, 1914 (pamphlet). Cushman, A. S. Notes on the study of the temperature gradients of setting Portland cement. .Washington, Institute of Industrial Research, 1912 (pamphlet). Dancaster, E. A. Limes and cements, their nature, manufacture and use. New York, Appleton, 1915. Davis, A. C. Portland cement. 2d ed. L. Woodford Fawcett, 1909. Eckel, E. C. Cements, limes and plasters, 1st ed. New York, Wiley, 1905. Eckel, E. C. (The) portland cement industry from a financial standpoint. New York, Moodys, 1908. Eckel, E. C. and others. Portland cement materials and industry in United States. Washington, Govt., 1913. (U. S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 522.) Emley, W. E. Manufacture of lime. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 16.) Engineering Record, comp. Cement industry. New York, Engineering Rec- ord, 1900. Engineering Standards Committee. British standard specifications for port- land cement. London, Committee, 1907 (pamphlet). Eno, F. H. (The) uses of hydraulic cement. Columbus, Ohio. State, 1904 (pamphlet). (Ohio State Geological Survey. Bulletin 2.) Falk, M. S. Cements, mortars and concretes, their physical properties. New York, Clark, 1904. Gillmore, Q. A. On limes, hydraulic cements and mortars. New York, Van Nostrand, 1890. Grant, John. Experiments on strength of cement. London, Spon, 1875. Hodgson, F. T. Mortars, plasters, stucco, artificial marbles, concretes, port- land cements and compositions. Chicago, Drake, 1906. Hodgson, F. T. Plaster and plastering mortars and cements. New York, Industrial, n. d. Hyatt, Thaddeus. (An) account of some experiments with Portland cement concrete combined with iron. London, n. p. 1877. Klein, A. A. and Phillips, A. J. Hydration of portland cement. Washington, Govt., 1914 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 43.) Lazell, E. W. Hydrated lime in concrete and cement mortars. Philadelphia, Author, n. d. Lesley, R. W. History of the portland cement industry in the U. S. (Reprint from Franklin Institute, Journal, Nov. 1898.) Lesley, R. W. Manufacture of cement. New York, American Soc. of C. E., n. d. (pamphlet). (Published as paper 21, Transactions.) Marston, A. Tests of cement. Ames, Iowa College, 1905. (Iowa Eng. Exp. Station.) McCandliss, E. S. (A) preliminary report of blended portland cement. Rolla, Missouri. University of Missouri, 1917 (pamphlet). Bulletin, vol. 3:3.) Meade, R. K. Portland cement. Easton, Pa., 1911. Michaelis, W. (The) hardening process of hydraulic cements. Chicago, Cement and Engineering News, n. d. Newberry, S. B. Composition of raw mixtures for cement making. Portland Cement Association, 1906 (pamphlet). O'Harra, C. C., Coelbaugh M. F. and others. Cement resources of Black Hills. Rapid City, South Dakota, 1908 (pamphlet). (S. D. School of Mines, Bulletin 8.) Pacini, A. B. Metamorphism of portland cement. New York, Annals of American Academy, 1912 (pamphlet). (Vol. 22, p. 161-224.) Pearson, J. C. and Sligh, W. H. (An) air analyzer for determining fineness of cement. Washington, Govt., 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Stand- ards, Tech. paper 48.) Pennsylvania Internal Affairs, Department of. Portland and other cements. Harrisburg, Pa. State, 1901 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. (An) analysis of the portland cement specifi- cation requirements of foreign countries and the U. S. Chicago, Assn., 1915 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Argument on behalf of Assn. of American Port- land Cement Mfrs. on schedule B. Paragraphs 74 and 84. Chicago, Assn., n. d. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. (The) autoclave test. Chicago, Assn., n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 28.) Portland Cement Association. Bulk cement. Chicago, Assn., 1917 (pamphlet.) (Bulletin 47.) Portland Cement Association. Portland cement stucco. Chicago, Assn., 1915 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 22.) Portland Cement Association. Report on municipally manufactured cement used on Los Angeles aqueduct. Chicago, Assn., n. d. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Results of tests made in the collective portland cement exhibit and model testing laboratory at Louisiana Purchase Ex- position, St. Louis, 1904. Chicago, Assn., n. d. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Standard methods of testing and specifications for cement. Chicago, Assn., 1911 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Summary of statistics of consumption of ce- ment by states. Chicago, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Co. comp. Iron-Ore cement. Hamburg, Germany. Co. 1905 (pamphlet). 9 Rankin, G. A. Portland cement. New York, Lippincott, 1916 (pamphlet). (Reprint from Journal of Franklin Institute, June, 1916.) Redgrave, G. R. Calcareous cements. London, Griffin, 1895. Redgrave, G. R. and Spackman, Charles. Calcareous cements, their nature, manufacture and uses with some observations on cement testing. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1905. Reid, Henry. Manufacture of Portland cement. Philadelphia, Baird, 1869. Richards, W. A. and North, H. B. (A) manual of cement testing for the use of engineers and chemists in colleges and the field. New York, Van Ostrand, 1912. Richardson, Clifford. Present status of our knowledge in regard to the con- stitution of Portland cement. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin "B".) Sabin, L. C. Cement and concrete. 2d ed. New York, McGraw, 1907. Schott, Otto. German methods in Portland cement manufacture. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, n. d. (pamphlet). Searle, A. B. Cement, concrete and bricks. New York, Van Nostrand, 1914. Society for Chemical Industry. Report of committee on uniformity in tech- nical analysis of limestone, raw mixtures and portland cement. Chicago, Cement and Engineering News, n. d. (pamphlet). Spackman, H. S. and Lesley, R. W. Hydraulic properties of reground cement mortar. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulle- tin 17.) Spalding, F. P. Hydraulic cement, its properties, testing and use. 2d ed. New York, Wiley, 1906 (pamphlet). Sunderland, L. T. Sack losses. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, 1912 (pamphlet). Taylor, W. P. Notes on cement testing. Chicago, Portland Cement Associa- tion, n. d. (pamphlet). Taylor, W. P. Practical cement testing. Chicago, Portland Cement Associa- tion, Clark, 1908. U. S. Bureau of Standards. Lime, its properties and uses. Washington, Govt., 1911 (pamphlet). (Circular 30.) U. S. Bureau of Standards. (The) testing of materials. Washington, Govt., 1913 (pamphlet). (Circular 45.) U. S. Bureau of Standards. U. S. government specifications for portland cement. Washington, Govt., 1912 (pamphlet). (Circular 33.) U. S. Commerce and Labor Department of. Whitewash and cement wash formulas. Washington, Govt., 1906 (pamphlet). U. S. Geological Survey. Cement industry in the U. S. 1906 to 1916. Washing- ton, Govt. U. S. Navy Department, U. S. Government specifications for portland cement. Washington, Govt. 1912 (pamphlet). U. S. War Department Engineers Corps. Report of board of engineers and officers of testing hydraulic cement with specifications for the several classes used by the engineer department. Washington, Govt., 1901 (paper 28). West, P. C. H. (The) modern manufacture of portland cement. 2 vol. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1910. Wig, R. J. and Bates, P. H. Tests of absorptive and permeable properties of Portland cement mortars and concretes. Washington, Govt., 1912 (pamph- let). (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 3.) Wig, R. J., Pearson, J. C. and Emley, W. E. Durability of stucco and plas- ter construction. Washington, Govt., 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 70.) 10 Wig, R. J. and Davis, H. A. Value of the high pressure steam test of port- land cements. Washington, Govt., 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 47.) Wig, R. J. and Pearson, J. C. Standardization of 200 cement sieves. Wash- ington, Govt, 1914 (pamphlet). (U.S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 42.) Wig, R. J. and Pearson, J. C. Variations in results of sieving with standard cement sieves. Washington, Govt., 1913 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 29.) Wig, R. J. and Williams, G. M. and Gates, E. R. Strength and other proper- ties of concrete as affected by materials and methods of preparation. Washington, Govt., 1916. (U. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. paper 58.) Wilson, Gordon. (The) returnable cloth sack. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, 1915 (pamphlet). Wormeley, P. L. Jr. Cement mortar and concrete. Washington, Govt., 1905 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers Bulletin 235.) Yeoman, R. C. Fifty-five lessons in cement and concrete testing. Valparaiso, Ind. University, 1912 (pamphlet). LABORATORIES Hatt, W. K. and Scofield H. H. Instructions for experiments in laboratory for testing materials. LaFayette, Ind. Authors, 1911 (pamphlet). (Pur- due University, 1911). Humphrey, R. L. and Holmes, J. A. Organization, equipment and opera- tion of the structural materials testing laboratories at St. Louis, Mo. Washington, Govt., 1908 (pamphlet). (U. S. Geological Survey. Bulle- tin 329.) Illinois, University of Civil Engineering Department. Instruction and prob- lems for cement laboratory practice. Urbana, 111., 1915 (pamphlet). Schott, Otto. (The) Laboratory of the Association of German cement makers and the new German rules for the uniform testing and delivery of port- land cement. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, n. d. (pamphlet). Wisconsin, University of. Agricultural Engineering, Department of. Instruc- tions for practical cement and concrete work. Madison, University, n. d. (pamphlet). CEMENT MILLS AND POTASH RECOVERY Brown, F. W. Importance of developing our natural resources of potash. Washington, Govt., 1916 (pamphlet). (U. S. Agriculture, Dept. of, 717.) Cottrell, F. G. Problems in smoke, fume and dust abatement. Washington, Govt., 1914 (pamphlet). (Reprint from Smithsonian report, 1913, p. 653-85.) Lesley, R. W. (The) manufacture of cement. New York, Soc. 1904 (pamph- let). (American Soc. of C. E., Transactions, 21, 1904.) Meade, R. K. Depreciation and obsolescense, n. p. 1913 (pamphlet). (Re- print from Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 5:9, Sept. 1913.) Phalen, W. C. Potash salts. Washington, Govt, n. d. (pamphlet). (U. S. Geological Survey.) Porter, J. B. Electric drive for economic operation and development of ce- ment mills, n. p. 1914. (Paper read at meeting of Amer. Soc. of Mech. Engineers. Dec. 1914.) Porter, J. J. Recovery of potash as a by-product in the manufacture of port- land cement. Portland Cement Association, 1917 (pamphlet). (Read at meeting of Association, Sept 11, 1917.) Portland Cement Association. Alternating current drive in cement mills. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, 1907 (pamphlet). 11 Ross, W. H., Merz, A. R. and Wagner, C. R. Recovery of potash as a by-prod- uct in the cement industry. Washington, Govt., 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Bulletin 572.) U. S. Mines, Bureau of. Work of Riverside Portland Cement Co. in the re- covery of potash. Washington, Govt, n. d. (pamphlet). CHEMISTRY Blount, Bertram, and Bloxam, A. G. Chemistry for engineering and manufac- turers. 2 vol. London. Griffin, 1911. Contents: vol. 1. Chemistry of engineering, building and metallurgy, vol. 2. Chemistry of manufacturing processes. Clarke, F. W. Data of geochemistry, 2d ed. Washington, Govt., 1911. (U. S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 491.) Gatehouse, F. B. (A) handbook for cement works chemists. London, Griffin, 1908. Toch, Maximilian. (The) chemistry and technology of paints. New York, Van Nostrand, 1916. Tutton, A. E. H. Crystalline structure and chemical constitution. London, Macmillan, 1910. Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry. 4 vol. New York, Longmans, 1902. CHIMNEYS Thompson, S. E. Reinforced concrete chimneys. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, 1908 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 18.) COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS Bankers Directory and list of attorneys. 1918. Chicago, Rand McNally. Chicago Association of Commerce. Blue book. 1914-15-17. Chicago, Assn. Thompson, W. S. comp. Directory of mailing lists obtainable in book and pamphlet form, telling where to get them and their cost. New York, Putnam, 1917. U. S. Chamber of Commerce. Bulletins, 1917 to date. Washington, U. S. Chamber of Commerce, (pamphlet). U. S. Commerce, Department of, Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Com- merce reports, January 1917 to date. Washington, Govt., (pamphlet). U. S. Congress. Commercial and agricultural organizations of the U. S. Washington, Govt., 1913 (pamphlet). (Senate Document 1109.) CONCRETE PLAIN AND REINFORCED Aberthaw Construction Co., comp. Aberthaw tests on concrete in sea water. Boston, Co. 1914 (pamphlet). Aberthaw Construction Co., comp. Concreting in winter. Boston, Co. n. d. (pamphlet). Abrams, D. A. (The) effect of rate of application of load on compressive strength of concrete. Philadelphia, American Society for Testing Mate- rials. 1917 (pamphlet). (Reprint from A. S. T. M. proceedings, vol. 17, pt. 2. 1917.) Abrams, D. A. Tests of bond between concrete and steel. Urbana, 111. 1913 (pamphlet). (111. Eng. Exp. Stat., Bulletin 71.) American Steel and Wire Co. Hand book and catalog of concrete reinforce- ment. Chicago. American Steel and Wire Co. 1908. 12 American Steel and Wire Co. Triangle mesh concrete reinforcement. Chi- cago. American Steel and Wire Co. 1908. (Revised specifications, 1917.) Ballinger, W. F., and Perrot, E. G. Inspectors' hand book of reinforced con- crete. New York, Engineering News. 1909. Barr, W. M., and Buchanan, R. E. (The) production of excessive hydrogen sulfid in sewage disposal plants and consequent disintegration of the con- crete. Ames, Iowa, College. 1912 (pamphlet). (Iowa Eng. Experiment Station, Bulletin 26.) Boynton, W. C., and Marshall, R., comp. How to use concrete. Detroit, Con- crete. 1910. Campbell, H. C. How to make and use concrete. New York, Ransome. 1917. Campbell, H. C., and Beyer, W. F. Practical concrete work for the school and home. Oak Park, 111. 1917. Canadian Cement and Concrete Association. Standard building regulations for reinforced concrete. Toronto, Soc. 1911 (pamphlet). Carnegie Steel Co. Pocket companion containing useful information and tables appertaining to the use of steel. Pittsburgh, C. S. Co. 1913. Carnegie Steel Co. Pocket companion to the use of steel. Pittsburgh, C. S. Co. 1913. Cochran, Jerome. Inspection of concrete construction. Chicago, Clark. 1913. Colby, A. L. Reinforced concrete in Europe. Easton, Pa., Chemical. 1909. Concrete-Cement Age, comp. Use of hydrated lime in concrete mixtures. Detroit, Mich. 1915 (pamphlet). (Compilation of articles that have ap- peared in Concrete-Cement Age magazine.) Concrete Engineering, comp. Concrete engineers and contractors pocket book. Cleveland, Ohio. 1907. Dunn, William. Lectures on reinforced concrete delivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers in November, 1910. London, Univ. 1911. Eddy, H. T. (The) theory of the flexure and strength of rectangular flat plates applied to reinforced concrete floor slabs. Minneapolis, Roger. 1913. Engineering Record, comp. Concrete facts; a classified index to some of the important articles on concrete and cement that were published in Engi- neering Record, 1913-1914 (pamphlet). New York, Engineering Rec. 1914. Estes, L. A. Reinforced concrete in earthquake districts. Detroit, Mich. 1912 (pamphlet). Faber, Oscar, and Bowie, P. G. Reinforced concrete design. New York, Long- mans. 1912. Feret, Rene. Etude experimaintale du ciment arme. Paris, France, Gauthier- Villars. 1906. Freeman, P. J. (A) practical demonstration in concrete. Chicago, Portland Cement Assn. n. d. (pamphlet). Gilbreth, F. B. Concrete system. New York, Engineering News. 1908. Gilbreth, F. B. Making and driving of corrugated concrete piles. Chicago, Portland Cement Assn. n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 7.) Gillette, H. P., and Hill, C. S. Concrete construction methods and costs. Chi- cago, Clark. 1908. Goldbeck, A. T., and Smith, E. B. Tests of three large-sized reinforced con- crete slabs under concentrated loading. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pam- phlet). (Reprint from Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 6:6. May 8, 1916.) Goodrich, E. P. Cost reduction of reinforced concrete work. Chicago, Port- land Cement Assn. n. d. (pamphlet). Harding, Howard. Design of rectangular concrete beams, n. p. n. d. (pam- phlet). 13 Heidenreich, E. L. Engineers' pocket book of reinforced concrete. Chicago, Clark. 1908. Hill, C. S. Concrete inspection. Chicago, Clark. 1909. Humphrey, R. L. (The) strength of concrete beams. Washington, Govt. 1908 (pamphlet). (U. S. Geological Survey Dept. of Interior. Bulletin 344.) Humphrey, R. L., and Losse, L. H. Strength of reinforced concrete beams; results of tests of 333 beams. Washington, Govt. 1912. (U. S. Bur. of Standards. Tech. paper 2.) Illinois Steel Co. Shape book. Chicago, 111. Steel Co. 1912. Illinois Steel Co. Supplement to shape book. Chicago, 111. Steel Co. 1913 (pamphlet). Johnson, A. N. Tests of concrete slabs to determine the effect of excess water used in mixing. Philadelphia, American Society for Testing Materials. 1917 (pamphlet). (Reprint from proceedings of the A. S. T. M., vol. 17, pt. 2. 1917.) Joint Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Final Report. Chi- cago, Portland Cement Assn. 1916. Jones, B. E., and others; ed. Cassell's reinforced concrete. New York, Cas- sell. 1913. Ketchum, R. B. Economical design of reinforced concrete beams. Salt Lake City, Utah, State. 1912 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 4.) Larned, E. S. Regulation and control of concrete construction. Chicago, Portland Cement Assn. n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 16.) Lewis, M. H. Waterproofing, n. p. 1908. (Reprint from paper read before Municipal Engineers of City of New York, November 25, 1908.) McCullough, Ernest. Practical structural design. New York, United Pub- lishers Co. 1918. McCullough, Ernest. Reinforced concrete. Chicago, Cement Era. 1908. McDaniel, A. B. Some observations regarding the methods of teaching the theory of reinforced concrete design, n. p. (pamphlet). (Reprint from Soc. for Promotion of Engineering Education. Bulletin, vol. 8:4. 1917.) McMillan, F. R. Shrinkage and time effects in reinforced concrete. Minneap- olis, Univ. 1915 (pamphlet). (University of Minnesota. Studies in engi- neering 3.) Mahir, A. Influence of the time of rotation in mixing machines on the strength of concrete, n. p. n. d. (pamphlet). Marsh, C. F., and Dunn, William. Reinforced concrete. 3d ed. New York, Van Nostrand. 1907. Mensch, L. J. Architects and engineers handbook of reinforced concrete con- struction. Chicago, Cement and Engineering News. 1904 (pamphlet). Mensch, L. J. (The) reinforced concrete pocket book. San Francisco, Author. 1909. Mercer, H. C. Decoration of concrete with colored clays. Chicago, Portland Cement Assn. 1906 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 10.) Morsch, Emil. Concrete steel construction. New York, Engineering News. 1909. National Conference on Concrete Road Building. Committee 8. Mixing and placing of concrete, n. p. n. d. (pamphlet). Newhall, C. A. Disintegration of concrete in railway tunnels, n. p. 1917. (Pacific Northwest Society of Engineers. Proceedings, vol. 15:4. Oct- Nov. 1916.) Ohio State Highway Department. Load distribution tests of reinforced con- crete slab floors under concentrated loads. Columbus, State. 1915 (pam- phlet). (Bulletin 28.) 14 Page, L. W. Oil mixed portland cement concrete. Washington, Govt. 1912 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 46.) Pittsburgh Steel Products Co. Blue book. Containing information and tables relative to the use of Pittsburgh standardized reinforcement for concrete. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1911. Portland Cement Association. Concrete construction, its fireproof qualities and further data as to comparative costs. Chicago, Assn. n. d. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Concrete surface finish. Chicago, Assn. n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 10.) Portland Cement Association. Concreting in cold weather. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 115.) Portland Cement Association. Concreting in winter. Chicago, Assn. 1915 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Fundamentals of reinforced concrete design. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 33.) Portland Cement Association. Manual training course in concrete. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Proportioning concrete mixtures and mixing and placing concrete. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 140.) Portland Cement Association. Protecting concrete work done in warm weath- er. Chicago, Assn. 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 45.) Portland Cement Association. Recommended specifications for reinforced con- crete design. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 38.) Portland Cement Association. Some war uses of concrete. Chicago, Assn 1917 (pamphlet). Price, W- L - Possibilities of concrete construction from the standpoint of utility and art. Portland Cement Association n. d. (pamphlet). (Bul- letin 2.) Reid, H. A. Concrete and reinforced concrete construction. New York, Clark. 1907. Rosa, E. B., McCollum, Burton and Peters, O. S. Electrolysis in concrete. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards. Tech. paper 18.) Taft, H. S. Standard tables for estimating cost of concrete, their construc- tion and use. Seattle, Wash. 1912 (pamphlet). Talbot, A. N. Reinforced concrete wall footing and column footings. Urbana, Univ. 1913 (pamphlet). (University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin 67.) Talbot, A. N. Test of three large reinforced concrete beams. Urbana, 111. 1908 (pamphlet). (University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin 28.) Talbot, A. N., and Lord, A. R. Tests of columns. Urbana, University. 1912 (pamphlet). (University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station. Bul- letin 56.) Talbot, A. N., and Slater, W. A. Tests of reinforced concrete buildings. Ur- bana, University. 1913 (pamphlet). (University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin 64.) Talbot, A. N., and Slater, W. A. Tests of reinforced concrete flat slab struc- tures. Urbana, University. 1916 (pamphlet). (University of Illinois En- gineering Experiment Station. Bulletin 84.) Taylor, F. W., and Thompson, S. E. Concrete, plain and reinforced. New York, Wiley. 1916. Thomas, M. E., and Nichols, C. E. Reinforced concrete design tables. New York, McGraw-Hill. 1917. Thompson, S. E. Sand for mortar and concrete. Chicago, Portland Cement Assn. n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 3.) 15 Tucker, R. F. Progress and logical design of reinforced concrete. Chicago, Portland Cement Assn. (pamphlet). Turneaure, F. E., and Maurer, E. R. Reinforced concrete construction. 2d ed. New York, Wiley. 1914. Turner, C. A. P. Concrete steel construction. Minneapolis, Farnham. 1909. Union Pacific Railroad Railway Educational Bureau. Concrete construction. Omaha, Neb., Co. 1911 (pamphlet). Union Pacific Railroad Railway Educational Bureau. Placing concrete. Omaha, Neb., Co. n. d. (pamphlet). Watson, W. J. General specifications for concrete work as applied to build- ing construction. New York, McGraw-Hill. 1915. Webb, W. L., and Gibson, W. H. Concrete and reinforced concrete. Chicago, American Tech. Society. 1916. Wilson, P. H., and Gaylord, C. W. Mixing and placing concrete by hand. Chicago, Portland Cement Assn. n. d. (pamphlet). Wisconsin, University of Extension Division. Practical course in concrete. Madison, Univ. 1916 (pamphlet). Withey, M. O. Tests on bond between concrete and steel in reinforced con- crete beams. Madison, Univ. 1909 (pamphlet). (University of Wiscon- sin. Bulletin 321.) Withey, M. O. Tests on reinforced concrete columns. Madison, Wis., Univ. n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 466.) Withey, M. O. Laboratory notes on the strength of material. Madison, Uni- versity co-operative. 1912. CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS Jordan, W. A. (The) cement gun. New York, American Society of Engineer- ing Contractors. 1911 (pamphlet). (Reprint from A. S. of E. C., paper 00.) Royce, Stephen. (The) use of gunite in a steel shaft, Gogebic Range, n. p. 1915 (pamphlet). (Paper read Lake Superior, Minn., Institute, 1915.) Weber, Carl. Cement gun and its work. Chicago, Western Society of Engi- neers. 1914 (pamphlet). (Reprint from Journal of West. Soc. of Eng., March, 1914.) CULVERTS Martin, G. E. Culverts. Lafayette, Ind., Univ. 1917 (pamphlet). (Purdue Univ. Engineering Dept., vol. 1:4.) Moorefield, C. H. Data for use in designing culverts and short span bridges. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 45.) North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. Culverts and small bridges for country roads in N. C. Raleigh, N. C. 1912 (pamphlet). (Economic paper 28.) Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Specifications for culverts and short concrete bridges. Harrisburg, Pa., State. 1915 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 9.) DECORATIVE CONCRETE Davison, R. C. Concrete pottery and garden furniture. New York, Munn. 1909. Houghton, A. A. Ornamental concrete without molds. New York, Henley. 16 DICTIONARIES Flugel, Felix. Universal English-German and German-English Dictionary. 2 vol. in 3. Berlin, Wcstermann. 1911. Standard Dictionary of the English Language. New York, Funk and Wag- nails. 1916. DRAINAGE AND DRAIN TILE DRAINAGE ASSOCIATIONS Iowa State Drainage Association. Proceedings. 1904 to 1915. Ames, Assn. Minnesota State Drainage Commission. Report. 1907 to 1915. St. Paul, State. National Drainage Congress. Proceedings. 1916. Cairo, 111. North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. Proceedings, vol. 5, vol. 7. Raleigh, N. C. Wisconsin State Drainage Association. Proceedings. 1914-16. Madison, Wis. GENERAL Barret, R. E. Resume of the Charles River Basin project, n. p. (Reprint from Harvard Engineering Journal, January, 1907, vol. 5:4.) Barrows, H. H., and Phillips, J. V. Agricultural drainage in Georgia. At- lanta, Ga. 1917. (Geological Survey of Ga. Bulletin 32.) Brown, C. F. Drainage of irrigated lands. Washington, Govt. 1909 (pam- phlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 371.) Cone, V. M. (A) New irrigation weir. Washington, Govt. 1916. (Reprint from U. S. Department of Agriculture, Journal of Agriculture. Vol. 5:24.) Elliott, C. G. Development of methods of draining irrigated lands. Wash- ington, Govt. 1911. (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experi- ment Stations.) Elliott, C. G. Drainage of farm lands. Washington, Govt. 1904 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 187.) Elliott, C. G. Engineering for land drainage. New York, Wiley. 1913. Fortier, Samuel. Concrete lining as applied to irrigation canals. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Ex- periment Stations. Bulletin 126.) Harding, S. T. Irrigation in Montana. Bozeman, Mont. 1915 (pamphlet). (Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 103.) Hart, R. A. Drainage of irrigated farms. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pam- phlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 805.) Hart, R. A. Drainage of irrigated land. Washington, Govt. 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. Bulletin 190.) Jones, L. A., and others. Report on the methods and cost of reclaiming the overflowed lands along the Big Black River, Miss. Washington, Govt. 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experi- ment Stations. Bulletin 181.) Lynde, H. M. Farm drainage in N. C., 1915. Raleigh, N. C. 1915 (pamphlet). (N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 234.) Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. Installation of an experimental drainage system at the Northwest Experiment Farm. n. p. 1908 (pam- phlet). (Bulletin 110.) Nebraska State, Irrigation, Highways, and Drainage Board. Biennial reports, 1910 to 1914. Lincoln, State (pamphlet). Parsons, J. L. Land drainage. Chicago, Clark. 1915. 17 Portland Cement Association. Concrete linings for irrigation canals. Chi- cago, Assn. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 30.) Portland Cement Association. Concrete tile for land drainage. Chicago, Assn. 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 44.) Scobey, F. C. The flow of water in irrigation canals. Washington, Govt. 1915. (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. Bulletin 194.) Scobey, F. C. Gate structures for irrigation canals. Washington, Gpvt. 1914 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Experiment Station. Bul- letin 115.) Smith, G. E. P. Cement pipe for small irrigating systems and other purposes. Tucson, Ariz. 1907 (pamphlet). (A.riz. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 55.) Tait, C. E. Use of underground water for irrigation at Pomona, Cal. Wash- ington, Govt. 1912 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. Bulletin 236.) U. S. Reclamation Service. Annual reports, 1903 to date. Washington, Govt. Wig, R. J., and others. Investigation of the durability of cement drain tile in alkali soils. Washington, Govt. 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards. Tech. paper 44.) Wilson, H. M. Irrigation engineering. New York, Wiley. 1909. Yohe, H. S. Organization, financing and administration of drainage districts. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). DRAIN TILE American Society for Testing Materials. Report of the investigation on drain tile. Ames, Iowa. 1914 (pamphlet). (Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin 36.) Leidigh, A. H., and Gee, E. C. Tile drainage. Austin, Tex. 1916 (pamphlet). (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 188.) Marston, A., and Anderson, A. O. (The) theory of loads on pipes in ditches and tests of cement and clay drain tile and sewer pipe. Ames, College. 1913 (pamphlet). (Iowa Experiment Station. Bulletin 31.) Wig, R. J., Williams, G. M., and Finn, A. N. Durability of cement drain tile and concrete in alkali soils. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Standards. Tech. paper 95.) Winter, O. B., and Musselman, H. H. Durability of concrete drain tile. E. Lansing, Mich. 1915 (pamphlet). (Mich. Agr. College, Special bulletin 75.) *EDUCATION Patterson's American Educational Directory. Chicago, Amer. Educational Review. 1917. U. S. Interior, Department of, Education, Bureau of. Educational directory, 1916-17. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). ENGINEERING GENERAL Church, I. P. Mechanics of engineering. New York, Wiley. 1908. Gillette, H. P., and Dana, R. T. Cost keeping. Chicago, Clark. 1910. Godfrey, Edward. Structural engineering. Pittsburgh, Authors. 1908. Trautwine, J. C. Civil engineers pocket book. Philadelphia, Trautwine Co. 1882. *A complete file of teachers' directories, catalogs of colleges and universities is kept in the Library. 18 DIRECTORIES American Society for Testing Materials. Membership list, list of standing committees, 1915, 1916. Philadelphia, Society. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Directory of officers, commit- tees and members. 1914. Madison, Wis., Society. American Society of Civil Engineers. Yearbook, 1916. New York, Society. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Yearbook, containing list of members, 1917. New York, Society. Architect and Engineer of California. Directory of architects and engineers (of Pacific Coast States) n. d. San Francisco Architect and Engineer of California. Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Yearbook, 1916 to date. Boston, Society. Building Data League. Directory, 1915-16. New York, League. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Charter, by-laws and list of members, 1915-16. Montreal, Society. Canadian Society of Naval Architects. List of members, their addresses and grade of certificates, n. d. n. p. Chicago Engineers Club. By-laws, officers and members, 1916-17. Chicago, Society. Cleveland Engineering Society. Annual register of officers, members and con- stitution, 1913, 1916-17. Cleveland, Society. Detroit Engineering Society. Yearbook containing alphabetical register busi- ness classification of members. Detroit, Society. Engineering News, comp. Engineering societies of U. S. and Canada, 1915-17. New York, McGraw-Hill. Engineers Club of Philadelphia. Directory, 1916, 1917. Philadelphia, Society. Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania. List of members, 1917. Pitts- burgh, Society. International Association for Testing Materials. Official guide. Sixth Con- gress, 1912. Kansas City Engineers Club. Membership roster, 1916. Kansas City, Society. New York Engineers Club. Constitution, rules, officers and members of Engi- neers Club, 1914-1915-17. New York, Club. Pan-American Scientific Congress. Delegates representing associations, so- cieties, etc., of U. S., 1915-16. Washington. Pennsylvania Engineers Society. Yearbook, 1916. Harrisburg, Pa., Society. Railway Equipment and Publication Company. Pocket list of railroad officials. No. 91. 1917. Equipment and Publication Co. Rochester Engineering Society. Yearbook, containing constitution, names of officers, directors, committees, list of members, 1915 to date. Rochester, Society. St. Louis Engineers Club and Engineering Societies of St. Louis. Yearbook, 1916-17. St. Louis, Societies. San Francisco Engineers Club. Engineers' Club of San Francisco, 1916. San Francisco, Club. Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education. Directory of members, 1917. Pittsburgh, Society. Western Society of Engineers. Yearbook, 1916. Chicago, Society. SOCIETIES, TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS American Railway Bridge and Building Association. Proceedings, 1912, 1915, 1916. Elgin, 111., Assn. (pamphlet). American Railway Engineering Association. Bulletins, 1911 to date. Chicago, Assoc. 19 American Railway Engineering Association. Program of 17th annual meeting, 1917. Chicago, Assn. American Society for Testing Materials. Index to proceedings, 1898 to 1912. Philadelphia, Assn. American Society for Testing Materials. Proceedings, 1902, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1914 to date. Philadelphia, Society. American Society for Testing Materials. Standards, 1916, issued biennially. Philadelphia, Society. American Society for Testing Materials. Tentative standards. Philadelphia, Society. 1917. American Society for Testing Materials. Yearbooks, 1910, 1911, 1914, 1915. Philadelphia, Society. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Transactions, 1916. Ames, Iowa, Society. American Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings, 1912 to date. New York, Society. American Society of Engineering Contractors. Journal, 1909 to 1912. New York, Society. American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions, 1916. New York, Society. Association of Civil Engineers of Cornell University. Cornell Civil Engineer, 1912 to date. Ithaca, Association. Association of Engineering Societies. Monthly journal, 1904 to date. St. Louis, Mo., Society. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions, 1914, 1917. Montreal, So- ciety (pamphlet). Cleveland Engineering Society. Journal, 1910 to date. Cleveland, Society. Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings, 1905 to date. New Haven, Society. Engineering Association of the South. Transactions, 1904-1906, 1908, 1912. Assn. Engineering Society of Wisconsin. Proceedings, 1909 to date. Madison, Wis., Society. Engineering Society of Pennsylvania. Monthly journal, 1909 to date. Harris- burg, Society. Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania. Monthly proceedings, 1912 to date. Pittsburgh, Society. Franklin Institute. Journal, 1914 to date. Philadelphia, Institute. Illinois Society of Engineers. Proceedings, 1904 to date. Wheaton, 111., So- ciety. Indiana Engineering Society. Proceedings, 1904 to 1915. Indianapolis, So- ciety. International Association for Testing Materials. Official guide, 1912. Sixth Congress. New York, Association. International Association for Testing Materials. Proceedings, 1902, 1914. Vienna, Association. International Textbook Co. Mechanics pocket memoranda, 1900. Scranton, Pa., Society. Iowa Engineering Society. Proceedings, 1904 to date. Iowa City, Iowa, So- ciety. Kansas Engineering Society. Transactions and reports of annual meetings, 1914 to date. Topeka, Society. Louisiana Engineering Society. Proceedings, 1915-1916. New Orleans, So- ciety. Michigan Engineering Society. Michigan Engineer, Annual proceedings, 1905 to date. Battle Creek, Society. Montana Society of Engineers. Quarterly Journal, n. p. Society, 1916. New Zealand Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings, 1914 to date. Welling- ton, Society. Ohio Engineering Society. Proceedings, 1907 to date. Columbus, Ohio, So- ciety. Ohio Society of Surveyors and Civil Engineers. Transactions, 1898-1899. Co- lumbus, Society (pamphlet). Oklahoma Society of Engineers. Reports, 1917. Oklahoma City, Society (pamphlet). Oklahoma Society of Engineers. Transactions, 1916. Oklahoma City, Society. Oregon Society of Engineers. Journal, vol. 1:4. June, 1917. Portland, So- ciety (pamphlet). Purdue University, Engineering Societies. Purdue Engineering Review, 1907 to date. LaFayette, Ind. Railway Equipment and Publication Co. Pocket list of railroad officials, 1917. New York Railway Equipment and Publication Co. St. Louis Engineers' Club. Journal, March-April, 1916. St. Louis, Club (pam- phlet). Society for Promotion of Engineering Education. Military engineering, 1917. Pittsburgh, Society (pamphlet). (Reprint from proceedings of Society, vol. 25, 1917.) Society for Promotion of Engineering Education. Proceedings, 1916. Pitts- burgh, Society. Western Society of Engineers. Journal, 1906 to date. Chicago, Society. Wisconsin Engineering Journal Association. Wisconsin Engineer, 1915 to date. Madison, Wis., Assn. Wisconsin Engineering Society. Proceedings, 1909. Madison, Society. STATE AND CITY REPORTS California State Engineering Department. Biennial reports, 1911 to date. Sacramento, State. California State Engineer. Report, 1908-10. Sacramento, State. District of Columbia, Engineering Department. Annual reports, 1910 to date. Washington, D. C. Idaho State Engineer. Biennial report, 1915 to date. Boise, State (pamphlet). Louisiana Board of State Engineers. Reports, 1910 to date. New Orleans, State. Nevada State Engineer. Biennial reports, 1913-14. Carson City, Nev., State. New Mexico State Engineer. Reports, 1912 to date. Santa Fe, State. New Mexico Territorial Engineer. Biennial reports, 1908 to 1911. Santa Fe, State (pamphlet). North Dakota State Engineer. Biennial reports, 1911 to date. Devils Lake, N. D., State (pamphlet). Ohio State Engineer. Report submitting plan for protection of Miami con- servancy district from flood damage, vol. 1. Dayton, State. 1916 (pam- phlet). Oregon State Engineer. Biennial reports, 1915-16. Salem, State (pamphlet). Savannah, Ga., Chief Engineer. Annual reports, 1914 to date. Savannah, City (pamphlet). South Dakota State Engineer. Biennial reports, 1911 to 1914. Pierre, S. D. Wyoming State Engineer. Biennial reports, 1909 to date. Cheyenne, Wyo., State. 21 ENGLISH Manly, J. M., and Powell, J. A. (A) manual for writers. Chicago, Univ. 1913. Sypherd, W. O. Handbook of English for engineers. Chicago, Schott. 1913. FARM CONCRETE GENERAL Campbell, H. C. Concrete on the farm and in the shop. New York, Henley. 1916. Ekblaw, K. J. T. Farm concrete. New York, Macmillan. 1917. Fenton, F. C. (The) use of concrete on the farm. Ames, Iowa. 1916 (pam- phlet). (Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Experi- ment Station.) Glock, Haman. Concrete construction on the farm. Cleveland, Ohio Farmer, n. d. (pamphlet). Hill, Curtis. Cement for the farm and the farm home. Columbia, Mo. 1904 (pamphlet). (Mo. State Board of Agriculture. Monthly bulletin, vol. 8, No. 5.) Humphrey, H. N. (The) cost of fencing farms in the north central states. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Office of Secretary. Bulletin No. 321.) Portland Cement Association. Concrete feeding floors, barnyard pavements and concrete walks. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Concrete in the country. Chicago, Assn. 1910 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Concrete troughs, tanks, hog wallows, manure pits and cisterns. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Farmers handbook on concrete construction. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). Seaton, R. A. Concrete construction for rural communities. New York, Mc- Graw-Hill. 1916. (Agricultural Engineering series.) Spillman, W. J. (A) successful poultry and dairy farm. Washington, Govt. 1909 (pamphlet). (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 355.) U. S. Department of Agriculture. Concrete construction on the live stock farm. Washington, Govt. 1912 (pamphlet). (Bureau of Animal Industry. Farmers bulletin 481.) U. S. Department of Agriculture. Use of concrete on the farm. Washington, Govt. 1911 (pamphlet). (Office of Public Roads. Farmers bulletin 461.) Wilson, E. T. Modern conveniences for the farm home. Washington, Govt. 1906 (pamphlet). (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 270.) FARM STRUCTURES AND MINOR CONSTRUCTION BUILDINGS Bowen, J. T., and Lambert, G. M. Ice houses and the use of ice on the dairy farm. Washington, Govt. 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 623.) Chase, C. F. (A) farm smokehouse. Fargo, N. D. n. d. (typewritten sheets). (N. D. Agricultural College.) Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Storrs Experiment Station. 1915 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 81.) Dolve, R. M. Potato warehouse plans. Fargo, State, 1912 (pamphlet). (N. D. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 101.) Ekblaw, K. J. T. Farm structures. New York, Macmillan. 1914. 22 Etherton, W. A. (The) farm house improved. Manhattan, Kans. 1917 (pam- phlet). (Kansas State Agricultural College Experiment Station. Bulletin, vol. 1, No. 8.) Hill, G. C. Practical suggestions for farm buildings. Washington, Govt. 1903 (pamphlet). (U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Farmers bulletin 126.) Hulce, R. S., and Nevens, W. B. (The) arrangement of rectangular dairy barns. Urbana, 111. 1917 (pamphlet). (University of Illinois Experiment Station 199.) Hutt, W. N. Air-cooled apple storage houses. Raleigh, N. C, State. 1914 (pamphlet). (N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 228.) King, F. H. Ventilation for dwellings, rural schools and stables. Madison, Wis. 1908. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. College and farm buildings. Lan- sing, State. 1907. (Experiment Station. Bulletin 250.) Murdock, H. E. Ice-Houses. Bozeman, Mont. 1916 (pamphlet). (Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular 59.) Ocock, C. A. King system of ventilation. Madison, Wis., University. 1908. (Wis. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 164.) Sanders Publishing Co., comp. Farm buildings. Sanders. 1907. Sherwood, R. M. Chicken houses. Manhattan, Kans. 1917 (pamphlet). (Kans. State Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular 61.) Smith, L. J. Barn ventilation. Winnipeg, Govt. 1914 (pamphlet). (Manitoba Agricultural College. Bulletin 13.) Warren, J. A. Hoghouses. Washington, Govt. 1911. (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 438.) Webster, E. H. Designs for dairy building. Washington, Govt. 1908. (U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. Circular 131.) Youngblood, B. Barns for work animals. College Station, Tex. 1917 (pam- phlet). (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 210.) DIPPING VATS Gary, C. A. Dipping vats for hogs and dips. Auburn, State. 1915 (pamphlet). (Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 185.) Gow, R. M. Tick eradication laws and regulations of Arkansas. Fayetteville, Ark. 1917 (pamphlet). (Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Bul- letin 130.) Graybill, H. W., and Ellenberger, W. P. Directions for constructing vats and dipping cattle to destroy ticks. Washington, Govt. 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry. Circular 207.) Imes, Marion. Sheep tick and its eradication. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pam- phlet). (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry. Farmers Bulletin 798.) MANURE PITS Duffee, F. W., and Southwick, B. G. Farm manure and its housing, n. p. 1917 (pamphlet). (Conn. Agricultural College Extension Service. Bulle- tin 5.) SEPTIC TANKS Clark, L. D. Septic tank. Berkley, Cal., Cal. University. 1914 (pamphlet). Marston, A., and Okey, F. M. Sewage disposal plants for private houses. Ames, Iowa. 1909 (pamphlet). (Iowa Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin, vol. 4:6.) 23 Michigan State Board of Health. Sewage disposal for single houses and small institutions. Lansing, Mich., State. 1913 (pamphlet). (Engineering bulle- tin 2.) Portland Cement Association. Concrete septic tanks. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). Riley, H. W. Sewage disposal for country houses. Ithaca, N. Y., State Col- lege of Agriculture. 1914 (pamphlet). (Cornell Reading Course. Sanita- tion, series 4.) SILOS AND SILAGE Bechdel, S. I. Studies in the preservation of corn silage. Harrisburg, Pa. 1917 (pamphlet). (Penn. State College of Agriculture, Experiment Sta- tion No. 7.) Bray, I. C., and Forrester, D. R. Silos in Oklahoma. Stillwater, Okla. 1914 (pamphlet). (Okla. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 101.) British Columbia, Agriculture, Department of. Silos and silage. Victoria, B. C. 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 66.) Chase, C. F. Pit silo for North Dakota. Fargo, N. D. 1914 (pamphlet). (N. D. Agricultural Experiment Station.) Chase, L. W., and Wood, I. D. Handling silage. Lincoln, Neb. 1914 (pam- phlet). (Neb. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 145.) Chase, L. W. Silo construction in Nebraska. Lincoln. 1913 (pamphlet). (Neb. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 138.) Crisp, H. L., and Patterson, H. J. Silos and silage in Maryland. College Park, State. 1908 (pamphlet). (Md. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulle- tin No. 129.) Davidson, J. B., and King, M. L. (The) Iowa silo. Ames, Iowa. 1910 (pam- phlet). (Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 117.) Davidson, J. B. Modern silo construction. Ames, Iowa, State. 1913 (pam- phlet). (Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 41.) Davidson, J. B., and King, M. L. Modern silo construction. Ames, State. 1909 (pamphlet). (Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 100.) Demaree, F. H. (The) reinforced concrete silo. Columbia, Mo., State. 1911 (pamphlet). (Mo. Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular 48.) Dvorachek, H. E. Silos and silage in Colorado. Ft. Collins, Col. 1914 (pam- phlet). (Agricultural Experiment Station of the Colorado Agricultural College. Bulletin 200.) Eckles, C. H. (The) silo for Missouri farmers. Columbia, Missouri, Univer- sity. 1912 (pamphlet). (Mo. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 103.) Eckles, C. H. (The) silo and its use. Columbia, State. 1915 (pamphlet). (Mo. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 133.) Emery, F. E. Silos and ensilage. Raleigh, N. C, State. 1891 (pamphlet). (N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 80.) Erf, Oscar. Silos for the dairy. Columbia, Univ. 1914 (pamphlet). (Ohio Agricultural College, vol. 2:4.) Hanson, E. S. Concrete silos. Chicago, Cement Era. 1916. Hinman, C. H. Silage and silo construction. Manhattan, Kans. 1910 (pam- phlet). (Kans. State Agricultural College, vol. 2, no. 4.) Hunter, O. W., and Bushnell, L. D. Some important fermentations in silage. Manhattan, Kans. 1916 (pamphlet). (Kans. State Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Technical Bulletin No. 2.) Illinois, University of, Farm Mechanics. Silo suggestions. Urbana, 111. n. d. (Typewritten sheets.) Jeffery, J. A. Cement silos in Michigan. E. Lansing, State. 1909 (pamphlet). (Michigan State Agricultural College. Bulletin 255.) 24 Kansas State Agricultural College. Cement silo construction. Manhattan, State. 1912 (pamphlet). (Kans. State Agricultural College.) King, F. H. Silage and the construction of modern silos. Madison, Wis. 1900 (pamphlet). (Wis. Agricultural Experiment Station.) Knapp, G. N. Silo construction. Madison, State. 1905 (pamphlet). (Wis. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 125.) Long, C. M. Missouri silo. Columbia, Mo., State. 1914 (pamphlet). (Mo. State Board of Agriculture, vol. 12:8.) McKee, Clyde. (The) pit silo for western Kansas. Manhattan, Kans. 1913 (pamphlet). (Kans. State Agricultural College Agricultural Education, vol. 5:14.) McNatt, H. E. (The) plastered or Gurler silo. Columbia, State. 1911 (pam- phlet). (Mo. Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular 48.) Mathews, W. S. Alfalfa on every farm and a silo with every barn. Chicago, n. d. (pamphlet). (111. State Food and Dairy Department. Bulletin 36.) Metcalfe, T. P., and Scott, G. A. Pit silos. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pam- phlet). (U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Farmers bulletin 825.) Miller, Peter. Silo construction. Bismarck, N. D. 1914 (pamphlet). (Dept. of Labor and Agriculture.) Missouri State Board of Agriculture. Missouri silo. Columbia, Mo., State. 1914 (pamphlet). (Mo. State Board of Agriculture, vol. 12, no. 8.) Missouri, University of, College of Agriculture. Corn silage in rations for fat- tening steers. Columbia, Mo. 1917 (pamphlet). (Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Bulletin 150.) Mumford, H. W., Grindley, H. S., Emmett, A. D., and Bull, Sleeter. Study of the rate and economy of gains of fattening steers with special reference to the influence of the amount and character of feed consumed. Urbana, 111., Univ. 1917 (pamphlet). (University of 111. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Bulletin 197.) Negley, N. A. Silos and silage. Opelika, State. 1914 (pamphlet). (Ala. Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular 26.) Ocock, C. A., and White, F. M. Concrete silo construction. Madison, Wis. 1911 (pamphlet). (Wis. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 214.) Plumb, C. S. Silos and silage. Washington, Govt. 1903 (pamphlet). (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 32.) Portland Cement Association. Cement stave silos. Chicago, Assn. 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 43.) Portland Cement Association. Concrete silos. Chicago, Assn. 1915 (pam- phlet). (Bulletin 21.) Rabild, Helmar, and others. Home-made silos. Washington, Govt. 1914 (pamphlet). (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 589.) Rawl, B. H., and Conover, J. A. How to build a stave silo. Washington, Govt. 1909 (pamphlet). (U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. Circular 136.) Reed, O. E., and Fitch, J. B. Alfalfa silage. Manhattan, Kans. 1917 (pam- phlet). (Kans. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 217.) Risser, A. K. Silo construction. Bismarck, N. D. 1912 (pamphlet). (N. D. Dept. of Labor and Agriculture.) Simpson, S. T. Silos and silage. Columbia, Mo. 1917 (pamphlet). (Mo. Col- lege of Agriculture, Agricultural Extension Service. Circular 32.) Soule, A. M. Syllabus of illustrated lectures on silage and silo construction for the south. Washington, Govt. 1905 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Ex- periment Stations. Farmers' Institute lecture 5.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Cement silos. Washington, Govt. 1910 (pamphlet). (Experiment Station work, 57.) 25 U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Effect of alkali on cement structures; silo construction. Washington, Govt. 1909 (pamphlet). (Agricultural Ex- periment Station work. Farmers bulletin 353.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of. (The) octagonal silo. Washington, Govt. 1904 (pamphlet). (Experiment Station work. Farmers bulletin 190.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of. (A) reinforced brick silo. Washington, Govt. (pamphlet). (Experiment Station work. Farmers bulletin 457.) Van Ewing, Perry. Silos and silage. Experiment, State. 1914 (pamphlet). (Ga. Experiment Station. Bulletin 110.) Washburn, R. M. (The) silo, its uses and how to build it. Columbia, Mo., State. 1909 (pamphlet). (Mo. State Board of Agriculture.) Wilson, J. W. Silage and grains for steers. Brookings, State. 1915 (pam- phlet). (S. D. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 160.) Woll, F. W. (The) silo in California agriculture. Berkely, Cal. 1915 (pam- phlet). (Cal. Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular 138.) Woodward, T. E. Making and feeding of silage. Washington, Govt. 1914 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Indus- try. Farmers bulletin 578.) Wright, J. K. Silo facts from Missouri farmers. Columbia, Mo., State. 1913 (pamphlet). (Mo. State Board of Agriculture.) STORAGE CELLARS Beattie, J. H. Home storage of vegetables. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pam- phlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 879.) Portland Cement Association. Notes on vegetable and fruit storage. Chicago, Assn. 1917 (pamphlet). Stuart, William. Potato storage and storage houses. Washington, Govt. 1917. (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers bulletin 847.) FENCE POSTS Aitkenhead, William. Concrete posts. Lafayette, Ind., Univ. 1915 (pam- phlet). (Purdue University, Agricultural Extension Department. Bulletin 36.) Bainer, H. M. and Bonebright, H. B. Cement and concrete fence posts. Ft. Collins, Exp. Station. 1909 (pamphlet). (Colo. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 148.) Humphrey, H. N. Cost of fencing farms in the north central states. Wash- ington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bul- letin 321.) Portland Cement Association. Concrete fence posts. Chicago, Assn. 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 134.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of. (The) construction of concrete fence posts. Washington, Govt. 1910 (pamphlet). (Farmers bulletin 403.) Weidenfeller, R. P., and Robertson, R. E. Investigation of the relative strength of reinforced concrete fence posts. Madison, Wis. 1910. (Uni- versity of Wis.) FIRE PREVENTION British Fire Prevention Committee. Red books 34; 42; 48; 55; 61; 64; 88; 101; 106-9; 112; 114; 117; 127; 137; 154; 156; 159; 161-4; 166-7; 169; 171-4; 176-7; 178-83; 185-97; 197; 200; 202-3; 205; 209-10. Freitag, J. K. Fire prevention and fire protection as applied to building con- struction. New York, Wiley. 1912. National Fire Protection Association. Proceedings, 1905 to date. Boston, Assn. 26 National Fire Protection Association. Quarterly, 1908 to date. Boston, Assn. National Fire Protection Association. Yearbook, 1917 to date. Boston, Assn. Portland Cement Association. Why build fireproof? Chicago, Assn. 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 41.) FLOORS Aberthaw Construction Co. Wearing surfaces for factory floors. Boston, Pub. by Co. n. d. Macmillan, A. B. Girderless floors. Boston, Pub. by Co. n. d. Nichols, J. R. Statical limitations upon steel requirements in reinforced con- crete flat slab floors. New York, American Society of Civil Engineers. 1914 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Suggested specifications for concrete floors. Chicago, Assn. 1917 (pamphlet). Woolson, I. H. Report of a fire load and water test made upon triangular reinforced concrete floor system. New York, Pub. by Columbia Univ. 1908 (pamphlet). FORMS Portland Cement Association. Simple forms for concrete. Chicago, Assn. n. d. (pamphlet). Thompson, S. E. Forms for concrete construction. Chicago, Portland Ce- ment Association, n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 13.) Yeoman, R. C. Some notes on the practical design of forms for concrete. Valparaiso, Ind. 1911 (pamphlet). GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY Adams, G. I. Gypsum deposits in U. S. Washington, Govt. 1904 (pamphlet). (U. S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 223.) Bowles, Oliver. Sandstone quarrying in the U. S. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines. Bulletin 124.) Buckley, E. R., and Buehler, H. A. Quarrying industry of Missouri. Vol. 2. 2d series. Jefferson City, State. 1904. (Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines.) Burchard, Ernest. Red iron ores of East Tennessee, Northeast Alabama and Northwest Georgia. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (U. S. Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin 540-G.) Canada Department of Mines. Annual report on the mineral production of Canada. Ottawa. 1909 to date. Canada Department of Mines. Report on the building and ornamental stones of Canada. Vol. 2. Ottawa. 1914. Dana, E. S. Mineralogy, with an extended treatise on crystallography and physical mineralogy. New York, Wiley. 1908. Ells, S. C. Preliminary report on the bituminous sands of Northern Alberta. Ottawa, Govt. 1914 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 281.) Florida State Geological Survey. Annual report. Vol. 2. 1908-9. Tallahas- see, State. 1909 (pamphlet). (State Geological Survey.) Gale, H. S. Our mineral supplies. Washington, Govt. n. d. (pamphlet). Illinois State Geological Survey. Bulletins. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois. 1906 to date. Illinois State Geological Survey. Yearbooks. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois. 1906 to date. 27 Indiana State Geological Department and Natural Resources. Annual reports. Indianapolis, State. 1901 to 1909. Industrial Commission of Ohio. Statistics of mines and quarries in Ohio. Co- lumbus, O. 1913-14. Iowa Geological Survey. Annual reports. Des Moines, Society. 1914. Kemp, J. F. Handbook of rocks for use without the microscope. New York, Van Nostrand. 1911. Logan, W. N. Marls and limestone of Mississippi. Jackson. 1916 (pamphlet). (Mississippi State Geological Survey. Bulletin 13.) McCallie, S. W. Preliminary report on mineral resources of Georgia. Atlanta, Byrd. 1910 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 23.) Middleton, Jefferson. Sand-lime brick in 1916-1917. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Geological Survey.) New Jersey Geological Survey. Annual administrative report of State Geolo- gist for year 1914. North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. Biennial report. Raleigh, State. 1915. Oklahoma Geological Survey. Bulletin 22. Norman, State. 1914 (pamphlet). Rice, W. N., and Gregory, H. E. Manual. Hartford, Conn., Case, Lockwood and Brainard Co. 1906 (pamphlet). (Connecticut State Geological and Historical Survey. Bulletin 6.) Ries, H., and Watson, T. L. Engineering geology. New York, Wiley. 1914. U. S. Geological Survey. Bulletins. Washington, Govt. 1902 to date. U. S. Geological Survey. Mineral resources of U. S. Washington, Govt. 1903 to date. U. S. Geological Survey. Publications of U. S. Geological Survey, not includ- ing topographic maps. Washington, Govt. 1914. Winchell, A. N. Petrology and mineral resources of Jackson and Josephine counties, Oregon. Corvallis, Ore., Aug., '14. (Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology.) Winchell, N. H., and Winchell, A. N. Elements of optical mineralogy with an introduction to microscopic petrography. New York, Van Nostrand. 1909. HYDRAULICS, WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATIONS American Water Works Association. Proceedings, 1917. Baltimore, Md. (pamphlet). Illinois Water Supply Association. Proceedings. Urbana, 111. 1917. Indiana Sanitary Water Supply Association. Proceedings, 1914-15. India- napolis (phamphlet). New York Water Supply City Board of. Catskill water supply. New York. 1917 (pamphlet). GENERAL Carver, T. N. Principles of rural economics. Chicago, Ginn. 1911. Cole, Burt. Storage reservoirs on Stony Creek, Cal. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (U. S. Geological Survey. Water Supply paper 86.) Davis, A. P. Water storage on Salt River, Ariz. Washington, Govt. 1903 (pamphlet). (U. S. Geological Survey. Water Supply and Irrigation pa- per 73.) Fortier, Samuel. Farm Reservoirs. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Public Roads. Farmers bul- letin 828.) 28 Gerhard, W. P. Sanitation, water-supply and sewage disposal. New York, Van Nostrand. 1909. Herrman, F. C. Small reservoirs in Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota. Washington, Govt 1907 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Experiment Sta- tions. Bulletin 179.) Illinois Water Supply Association. Proceedings, 1909 to 14. Urbana, Assn. McVey, K. A. Water supply for country homes. Columbia, Univ. 1913 (pam- phlet). (Mo. Engineering Experiment Stations. Bulletin, vol. 1:2.) Maxwell, W. H., and Brown, J. T., ed. (The) encyclopedia of municipal and sanitary engineering. New York, Van Nostrand. 1910. New Orleans, La., Sewage and Water Board. Report on water purification investigation and on plans proposed for sewerage and water works sys- tems. New Orleans, La. 1903. New York City Water Supply, Board of. Annual report, 1913. New York. 1913. New York Health, Department of. Annual report, 1914. Albany, N. Y. 1916. Richards, E. H. Conservation by sanitation, air and water supply, disposal of waste. New York, Wiley. 1911. Santee, E. M. Farm sewage. New York, Judd. 1912. Scoates, D., and Carpenter, J. W., Jr. Running water for farm homes. Agri- cultural College, Miss. 1916 (pamphlet). (Miss. A. and M. College. Cir- cular 6.) Turneaure, F. E., and Russell, H. L. Public water supplies. New York, Wiley. 1903. U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Farm water supply. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (Experiment Station work 76.) Virginia, Health, Department of. Sanitary protection for the home. Rich- mond, Va. 1917. CANAL ENGINEERING Isthmian Canal Commission. Annual reports, 1913 to 1915. Washington, Govt. Panama Canal, Governor of. Annual reports, 1912 to date. Washington, Govt. DAMS Morrison, C. E., and Brodie, O. L. High masonry dam design. New York, Wiley. 1910. Smith, C. N. Construction of masonry dams. New York, McGraw-Hill. 1915. Wegmann, Edward. (The) design and construction of dams. 6th ed. New York, Wiley. 1911. FLOOD PROTECTION (The) Floods of July, 1916. How the Southern Railway organization met an emergency, n. p. Office of President. 1917. Los Angeles, Cal., Engineers, Board of. Report on flood control. July 27, 1915. Los Angeles, Cal. 1915. Miami Conservancy District. Report of chief engineers, submitting a plan for protection of the district from flood damage. Dayton, O. n. d. HARBORS, WHARVES AND DOCKS Green, Carleton. Wharves and piers. New York, McGraw-Hill. 1917. Harding, H. M. Harbor and port terminal facilities and works, 1915 to date. Washington, Govt. 29 SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL Barr, W., and Buchanan, R. E. (The) production of excessive hydrogen sul- fid in sewage disposal plants and consequent disintegration of the con- crete. Ames, Iowa. 1912 (pamphlet). (Iowa State College of Agricul- ture and Mechanic Arts. Vol. 10:4.) Beckstrand, E. H. Results of experiments on sewer pipe and drain tile. Salt Lake City, Experiment Station. 1915 (pamphlet). (Utah Eng. Exp. Sta- tion. Bulletin 7.) Davidson, W. C. Sanitation and sewage disposal for country homes. Colum- bia, Mo. 1910 (pamphlet). (Mo. Eng. Exp. Station. Bulletin. Vol. 1:3.) Detroit (Mich.), Public Works, Department of. Specifications for the con- struction of sewers in the City of Detroit, Mich. Detroit. 1917 (pam- phlet). Ehlers, V. M. Home sanitation. Austin, Texas, State Board of Health. 1917 (pamphlet). Farrington, E. H., and Davis, G. J., Jr. (The) disposal of creamery sewage. Madison, Wis., State. 1915. (Wis. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bul- letin 245.) Florida, Health, State Board of. Sewage disposal for rural homes. Florida, Board. 1914. (Publication 99.) Gillespie, C. G. Sewage disposal for isolated residences, n. p. State. 1916 (pamphlet). (Cal. State Board of Health. Special Bulletin 8.) Iowa Agricultural Extension, Department of. Sanitary sewage disposal for the farm home. n. p. n. d. (pamphlet). Minnesota, Health, State Board of. Sewage disposal in unsewered districts. Minneapolis, State. 1915 (pamphlet). Nichols, C. S. Sewage disposal for village and rural homes. Ames, Iowa. 1916 (pamphlet). (Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Bulletin 41.) Ocock, C. A. and Wright, W. H. Sewage disposal for rural homes. Madison, Wis. State, 1912 (pamphlet). (Wis. Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular 34.) Ogden, H. N. Sewer construction. New York, Wiley, 1908. Ogden, H. N. and Cleveland, H. B. Practical methods of sewage disposal for residences, hotels and institutions. New York, Wiley, 1912. Porter, J. E. Activated sludge process of sewage treatment. Rochester, N. Y. General Filtration Co. 1917 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Concrete sewers. Chicago, Assn. (Bulletin 143.) Riley, H. W. Sewage disposal for country homes. Harrisburg, Pa. 1914 pamphlet). (Pa. Farmers Advisors Reading Course No. 1.) Soper, G. A., Watson, J. D. and Martin, A. J. (A) report to the Chicago real estate board on the disposal of the sewage, and protection of the water supply of Chicago, n. p. 1915 (pamphlet). Trullinger, R. W. Water supply, plumbing and sewage disposal for country homes. Washington, Govt. 1914 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations. Bulletin 57.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Sewage disposal for rural homes. Wash- ington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (Farmers Bulletin 527.) Warren, G. M. Sewage disposal on the farm. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1916. no. 712.) Williams, E. H. Sewage disposal in rural districts. Boston, State, 1915 (pam- phlet). (Mass. State Board of Agriculture, Circular 44.) Wilson, E. T. Modern conveniences for the farm home. Washington, Govt. 1906 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin 270.) 30 WATER SUPPLY AQUEDUCTS Los Angeles-Public Service Commissioners, Board of. Construction of the Los Angeles aqueduct. Los Angeles, Cal. Public Service, 1916. Report on municipally manufactured cements used in Los Angeles n. p. n. d. Times-Mirror Printing and Binding House. Historical sketch of the Los An- geles aqueduct. Los Angeles, 1913 (pamphlet). INDEXES GENERAL Hudders, E. R. Indexing and filing. New York, Ronald, 1916. PERIODICAL INDEXES Engineering Index annual. 1901 to date. New York, Engineering Magazine. Industrial Arts Index. 1913 to date. New York, Wilson. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Smith, J. R. Elements of industrial management. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1915. LIBRARY ECONOMY American Library Association. Bulletins, 1917 to date. Chicago, A. L. A. American Library Association and British Library Association. Catalog rules. Chicago, A. L. A., 1908. American Library Association. List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs. Chicago, A. L. A., 1911. Breckenridge, L. P. and Goodenough, G. A. (An) extension of the Dewey decimal system of classification applied to the engineering industries. Urbana, Illinois. 1912 (pamphlet). (University of Illinois, Bulletin 9 revised ed.) Cutter, C. A. Rules for dictionary catalog. Washington, Govt. 1904 (pamph- let). (U. S. Bureau of Education, whole no. 340.) Dewey, Melvil. Decimal classification and relative index for libraries, ed. 8. Lake Placid, N. Y. Forest Press, 1913. Dewey, Melvil. Simplified library school rules. Chicago, Library Bureau, 1904. Ricker, N. C. (An) extension of the Dewey decimal system of classification applied to architecture and building. Urbana, 111. 1906 (pamphlet). (University of Illinois, Bulletin 13.) CATALOGS Chicago Public Library. Books added 1911-15, Part 2, non-fiction. Chicago Public Library. 1916 (pamphlet). Gates, A. J. comp. Catalog technical periodicals in libraries in the City of New York and vicinity, New York Soc. 1915. Josephson, A. G. S. comp. List of books on the history of industry and in- dustrial arts. Chicago, John Crerar Library, 1915. Josephson, A. G. S. (A) List of books on the history of science. Chicago, John Crerar Library, 1917. United States Bureau of Education. Public, society and school libraries. Washington, Govt. 1915 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 1915, no. 25, whole no. 652.) University Club of Chicago, comp. Classified list of the books in the Library of the University Club of Chicago. Chicago, Committee, 1913. 31 MAGAZINES American Architect. New York, Architectural & Building Press. Vol. 107. January to date. American Builder. Chicago, Radford, vol. 10, October 1910 to date. (For- merly American Carpenter and Builder, since February, published under title American Builder.) American Carpenter and Builder. See American Builder. American City. New York, Civic Press, vol. 6, January 1912 to date. (City ed.; Town & Country ed.) American Elevator and Grain Trade. Chicago, Mitchell, vol. 26, January 1918 to date. American Institute of Architects. Journal, Washington, D. C, vol. 4, Janu- ary 1916 to date. American Lumberman. Chicago, Hale, January 1918 to date. Architect and Engineer of California, San Francisco, vol. 40, January 1915 to date. Architectural Record. New York, Architectural Record, vol. 33, January 1913 to date. Better Roads and Streets. Dayton, Ohio, vol. 2, January 1912 to date. Black Diamond. Chicago, Black Diamond, February 1918 to date. Brick & Clay Record. Chicago, Kenfield-Leach, vol. 50, January 1917 to date. Building Age. New York, American Architect, Inc., vol. 32, January 1910 to date. Canadian Cement & Concrete Review. Monetary Times, Toronto, vol. 1, Jan- uary 1906 to November 1910. Canadian Engineer. Toronto, Monetary Times, vol. 20, January 1911 to date. (The Canadian Engineer absorbed the Canadian Cement & Concrete Re- view in 1910.) Cement. New York, vol. 3, March 1902 to November 1913. Cement Age. New York, Cement Age, vol. 1, June 1904 to vol. 14, June 1912. (Combined with Concrete Engineering, January 1911, and published under title Cement Age.) Cement and Engineering News. Chicago, Wm. Seafert, vol. 15, January 1904 to date. Cement Era. Chicago, vol. 3, April 1906 to December 1917. (January 1, 1918 published under title Engineering & Cement World, Chicago.) Cement Review. San Francisco, Creasy, vol. 1, January 1911 to May 1912. Cement Record. Kansas City, Industrial Press, vol. 1, January 1909 to vol. 6, December 1911. Cement World. Chicago International Trade Press, vol. 1, April 1907 to December 1918. (January 1918 to date, published under title Engineering & Cement World.) Concrete. Detroit, Concrete-Cement Age Co., vol. 1, March 1904 to vol. 12, June 1912. (Concrete and Cement Age combined and published under title Concrete-Cement Age, Detroit, July, 1912.) Concrete Age. Atlanta, Ga., Concrete Age, vol. 18, April 1913 to date. Concrete and Constructional Engineering. London, Concrete & Constr. Eng., vol. 1, March 1906 to date. Concrete-Cement Age. Detroit, Concrete-Cement Age Co., vol. 1, July 1912 to date. Concrete Engineering, Cleveland, Technical Pub., vol. 1, January 1907 to De- cember 1910. (Combined with Cement Age, New York, January 1911 and published under title Cement Age.) Concrete Highway Magazine. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, vol. 1, January 1917 to date. Engineering & Cement World. Vol. 12, January 1918 to date. See also Cement Era & Cement World. Engineering and Contracting. Chicago, Eng. & Contr., vol. 29, January 1908 to date. Engineering News. New York, McGraw-Hill, vol. 31, January 1894 to April 1917. (April 5, 1917, published under title Engineering-News Record.) Engineering News-Record. New York, McGraw, vol. 78, April 5, 1917, to date. Engineering Record. New York, McGraw-Hill, vol. 29, December 1893 to date. (April 5, 1917, published under title Engineering-News Record.) Ferro-Concrete. London, Mouchel & Partners, vol. 6, July 1914 to October 1916. Good Roads. New York, Powers, vol. 11, January 1910 to date. Grain Dealers Journal. Chicago, Grain Dealers, vol. 40, January 1918 to date. Industrial Arts Index. New York, Wilson, 1913 to date. Industrial Arts Magazine. Milwaukee, Bruce, vol. 3, January 1915 to date. Industrial Management. New York, Industrial Management, vol. 52, Febru- ary 1917 to date. Library Journal. New York, Bowker, vol. 42, January 1917 to date. Manual Training Magazine. Peoria, Manual Arts Press, vol. 18, September 1916 to date. Manufacturers News. Chicago, Glenn & Co., vol. 13, January 1918 to date. Manufacturers Record. Baltimore, Manufacturers Record, vol. 78, January 1918 to date. Marine Journal. New York, Marine Journal, vol. 40, January 1918 to date. Municipal Engineering. Indianapolis, Engineering Pub., vol. 6, January 1894 to date. Municipal Journal. New York, Municipal Journal, vol. 31, July 1911 to date. National Builder. Chicago, Porter-Hodgson, vol. 54, December 1912 to date. Official Bulletin. Washington, Committee on Public Information, May 1917 to date. Pacific Builder and Engineer. Seattle, Fuller, vol. 22, January 1918 to date. Portland Cement. Kansas City, Mo., vol. 4, January 1914 to date. Public Libraries. Chicago, Library Bureau, vol. 20, January to date. Railway Age. Chicago, Simmons-Boardman, vol. 62, January 1917 to date. Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way. Chicago, Simmons-Boardman, n. s., vol. 9, January 1913 to date. Road Maker. Des Moines, International Trade Press, vol. 7, April 1915 to date. Rock Products. Chicago, Tradepress, vol. 10, July 1910 to date. Special Libraries. New York, Prentice-Hall, vol. 8, January 1917 to date. U. S. Monthly Catalog of Public Documents. 1917 to date. U. S. Monthly List of State Documents. 1917 to date. DIRECTORIES Advertisers directory of leading publications. Chicago, Fuller, 1917. Ayer, N. W. American Newspaper annual and directory. Philadelphia, Ayer, 1918. Lord and Thomas, comp. Annual pocket directory of the American Press. New York, Lord and Thomas, 1917. 33 PARLIMENTARY LAW Robert, H. M. Pocket manual of rules of order. Chicago, Scott, 1906. PAVEMENTS AND ROAD ENGINEERING GENERAL Agg, T. R. Construction of roads and pavements. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1916. Baker, I. O. Roads and pavements. New York, Wiley, 1913. Baker, I. O. Report upon pavements recently built by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago. Urbana, 111. Committee on Finance, City Council, 1916 (pamphlet). Bates, Stanley E. National progress in scientific highway construction, n. p. 1914 (pamphlet). (Paper presented at American Association for Advance- ment of Science. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 29, 1913.) Billinsby, J. W. Road construction and its financing. New Orleans, 1915 (pamphlet). (Paper presented before meeting of Louisiana State Good Roads Association.) Blanchard, A. H. and Browne, H. B. Textbook on highway engineering. New York, Wiley, 1913. Byrne, A. T. Highway construction. New York, Wiley, 1900. Coghlan, B. K. Organization of a state highway department for State of Texas. College Station, Texas, 1916 (pamphlet). (Agricultural and Me- chanical College of Texas, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Bulle- tin 15.) Danville, 111. Chamber of Commerce. Vermilion County, pioneers of good roads. Danville, Danville Chamber of Commerce, n. d. (pamphlet). Davis, C. H. and Bates, S. E. National highways to bring about good roads everywhere. Washington, National Highway Association, 1913. Frost, Harwood. Art of road making. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1910. Gearhart, W. S. Public highways in Kansas. Manhattan, Kans., State Board of Agriculture, n. d. (pamphlet). (From 19th biennial report, Kansas State Board of Agriculture.) Greenough, M. B. Monolithic construction of brick pavements. Cleveland, author, 1916 (pamphlet). Hennessy, J. A. What's the matter with New York? New York, O'Connell Press, 1916. Illinois State Highway Commission. Manual of instructions to engineers. Springfield, State, 1912 (pamphlet). Judson, W. P. City roads and pavements suited to cities of moderate size. New York, Engineering News Pub. Co., 1909. Lincoln Highway Association. Complete official road guide of the Lincoln Highway. Detroit, Association, 1915 (pamphlet). Lincoln Highway Association. Report to directors of Lincoln Highway Asso- ciation on route efficiency. Detroit, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). Maryland State Roads Commission. Statement of Gov. Goldsborough as to work of Maryland State Roads Commission, Oct. 3, 1913. n. t. p. (pamph- let). Meixell, Harry. State highway system vs. old laws of poor roads, n. p. n. d. (pamphlet). (N. J. State Chamber of Commerce, Report no. 10.) Michigan State Board of County Road Commissioners. Heavy traffic roads. Lansing, State, 1917 (pamphlet). Michigan State Highway Department. County road system. Lansing, State, 1911 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 3.) 34 Michigan University College of Engineering. Proceedings of short course in highway engineering held at University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Univ., 1915 (pamphlet). Nebraska State Legislature. Act to comply with terms of Federal Aid Road Act. House roll no. 722. n. p. n. d. New England. Handbook of New England, 1916. Boston, Sargent. [Sar- gents Handbook series.] New York State Highway Commission. Report of school instruction for em- ployees of commission. Brick and concrete roads. Albany, State, 1914 (pamphlet). North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. Good roads days, Nov. 5 and 6, 1913. Raleigh, State, 1914. (Economics paper 35.) North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. Public roads are public necessities. Raleigh, Edwards and Broughton, 1913. Ohio State Highway Department. Proposed highway improvements for con- tract letting. Columbus, State, 1917 (pamphlet). Page, L. W. Roads, paths and bridges. New York, Sturgis and Walton, 1912. (Farmers practical library series.) Paxton, E. T. Street paving in Texas. Austin, University, 1915 (pamphlet). (Texas University, Municipal Research Series, 9.) Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Earth road location and construc- tion. Harrisburg, State, 1914, (pamphlet). Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Information for the road super- visors. Harrisburg, State, 1910 (pamphlet). Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Program of the dedication of the William Penn Highway. Easton, Pa., State, 1916 (pamphlet). Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Standards for the information of township supervisors. Harrisburg, State, 1913 (pamphlet). Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Work and purpose of the Bureau of Township Highways of the State highway Department, issued for the township supervisors. Harrisburg, State, 1914 (pamphlet). Pennybacker, J. E. and Eldridge, M. O. Economic surveys of county high- way improvement. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). (U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 393.) Potts, R. J. Benefits of good roads. College Station, Tex., State, 1914 (pamphlet). (Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Bulletin, n. d. vol. 2:11.) Richardson, Clifford. Modern asphalt pavement. New York, Wiley, 1908. Rogers, Frank F. Gravel roads. Lansing, State, 1917 (pamphlet). (Michigan State Highway Department. Bulletin 2.) U. S. Congress. Joint committee on Federal Aid in construction of Post Roads. Hearings before the committee. Washington, Govt. 1913. U. S. Congress. Joint committee on Federal Aid in construction of Post Roads. Reports of Committee to 63d Congress, 3d session. Washington, Govt. 1913. U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Benefits of improved roads. Washington, Govt. 1912 (pamphlet). (Farmers Bulletin 505.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of. Office of Secretary. Factors of apportion- ment to States under Federal Aid Road Act Appropriation for Fiscal year 1917. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (Circular 62.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Public Roads. Automobile regis- tration licenses and revenues in the U. S. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (Circular 73.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Public Roads. Decomposition of the feldspars. Washington, Govt. 1907 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 28.) 35 U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Public Roads. Descriptive catalog of the road model exhibit. Washington, Govt. 1911 (pamphlet). (Bul- letin 36.) U. S. Agriculture Department of, Office of Public Roads. Report of Director of Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering, for year ending June 30, '16. Washington, Govt. n. d. (pamphlet). Williams, S. M. Roads, their influence upon economic and social conditions. Lima, Ohio, Garford Motor Truck Co., n. d. (pamphlet). ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES American Automobile Association. Proceedings of first annual Good Roads convention. Washington, Govt. 1912 (pamphlet). American Highway Association. Good roads year book of the U. S. 1912 to date. Washington, Assn. American Road Builders Association. Proceedings, vol. 14, February 5-9, 1917. American Road Congress. Annual proceedings 1911-14. Atlanta, Ga., Assn. International Association of Road Congresses. Reports and communications. Paris, Assn., 1913. Michigan Concrete Roads Association. Minutes of first anual meeting. De- troit, Michigan, 1916. n. p. (pamphlet). National Conference on Concrete Road Building. Proceedings, 1914 to date. Chicago, Assn. National Parks Highway Association, Proceedings. Spokane, Wash., Assn. n. d. New Mexico Good Roads Association. Proceedings, 1913, 1914. Albuquerque, Assn., (pamphlet). North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. Proceedings of annual con- vention of North Carolina Good Roads Assn., 1913. Raleigh, Edward and Broughton, 1914. North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. Resume of work done by North Carolina Good Roads Assn., June 1910 to June 1911. Chapel Hill, N. C., State, 1911 (pamphlet). (Economic paper, 27.) Northwestern Road Congress. Handbook of first session of Northwestern Road Congress, held in Milwaukee, Oct., 1914. Milwaukee, Congress, 1914 (pamphlet). Northwestern Road Congress. Proceedings. Madison, Wis., Congress (pamphlet). Northwestern Road Congress. Program of 1915 convention, n. t. p. (pamph- let). Ontario Good Roads Association. Proceedings, 1917. Toronto, Wilgress. Pan American Road Congress. Proceedings of meeting held under joint aus- pices of American Road Builders Assn. and American Highway Assn. Oakland, Cal. New York, Congress, n. d. (pamphlet). Sheridan Road Improvement Association. Report of executive committee. Chicago, Assn., 1915 (pamphlet). State Highway Testing. Engineers and Chemists. First conference called by U. S. Office of Public Roads. Washington, D. C, Feb. 12-17, 1917. U. S. Office of Public Road Inquiries. Proceedings of National Good Roads Convention, 1901, 1903. Washington, Govt. (pamphlet). CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, ETC. Agg, T. R. and McCullough, C. B. Investigation of concrete roadways. Ames, Iowa, Commissioner, 1916 (pamphlet). (Iowa State Highway Commission and Iowa Engineering Experiment Station, Good Roads Section. Tech- nical report 1.) 36 Cooley, G. W. Report on concrete roads of Wayne County, Mich., and con- crete street pavements of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Chicago. 1910 n. t. p. (pamphlet). Edwards, R. S. Use of hydrated lime in concrete pavements. Portland, Ore., author, n. d. (pamphlet). Goldbeck, A. T. and Jackson, F. H. Expansion and contraction of concrete and concrete roads. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 532.) Hanson, E. S. Concrete roads and pavements. Chicago, Cement Era Pub. Co., 1914. Hines, E. N. (The) Concrete road. (Reprint by Portland Cement Associa- tion, 1916, of paper read before meeting of Association in Detroit, Sep- tember 13, 1916.) Hines, E. N. Concrete roads. Chicago, Western Society of Engineers, 1913 (pamphlet). (Reprint from Journal of West. Soc. of Eng., vol. 18:3, March, 1913.) Hines, E. N. Concrete roads in Wayne County. Chicago, Portland Cement Association, 1912. Howard, J. W. Portland cement concrete roads from a quarter century prac- tical experience. New York, author, 1914. Keokuk, Iowa, Engineers Department. Specifications for construction of one- course concrete pavement for streets and alleys. Keokuk, Iowa, State, n. d. Moorefield, C. H. and Voshell, J. T. Portland cement concrete pavements for country roads. Washington, Govt. 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin 249.) National Lime Manufacturers Association. Hydrated Lime Bureau. Improv- ing concrete roads. Effect of hydrated lime on permeability, expansion and contraction. Pittsburgh, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet K). Portland Cement Association. Concrete facts about concrete roads. Chicago, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Concrete highways. Assn., 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Concrete roads in flooded districts, n. t. p. (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Concrete roadway. Assn., 1907 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 14.) Portland Cement Association. Easton-Allentown concrete road as described by Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Chicago, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). (Reprint from Pennsylvania State Highway Department, Report.) Portland Cement Association. Facts everyone should know about concrete roads. Chicago, Assn., 1913-16 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Hints on concrete roads. Lincoln highway. n. t. p. (pamphlet) Portland Cement Association. Illustrating construction of a Portland cement concrete road. Assn., 1915 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Integral curb for concrete pavement. Chicago, Assn., 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 42.) Portland Cement Association. List of Portland cement concrete highways in U. S. and Canada. Assn., 1915 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. (The) Morris turnpike. Concrete country road built by state Dept. of Public Roads in New Jersey. Assn., 1912 (pamph- let). Portland Cement Association. That alley of yours. Chicago, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 31.) 37 Portland Cement Association. Your streets. Chicago, Assn., 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 40.) Portland Cement Manufacturers. Concrete facts about concrete roads in Washington. 1917. n. p., P. C. M., 1917. Schutte, A. E. Tar painted concrete pavements. Northboro, Mass., author, n. d. (pamphlet). U. S. Army, Office of Quartermaster General. Specifications for the construc- tion of bituminous macadam and concrete roads at Fort Sheridan. Wash- ington, Govt. 1917. CONVICT LABOR Illinois State Highway Commission. Crushed stone prepared by convict labor and macadam roads built without a roller. Springfield, Commission, 1913 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 4.) Pennybacker, J. E., Fairbank, H. S. and Draper, W. F. Convict labor for road work. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering. Bulletin 414.) DRAINAGE Metlen, G. R. Drainage of roads. Helena, Mont., State, 1914 (pamphlet). (Montana State Highway Commission, Road pamphlet 2.) Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Road drainage. Harrisburg, State, 1914 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 3.) DUST PREVENTION Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Road dust preventives. Reference to books and magazine articles. Pittsburgh, Library, 1916 (pamphlet). Hubbard, Prevost. Dust preventives. Washington, Govt. 1908 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Public Roads, Bulletin 34.) Judson, W. P. Road preservation and dust prevention. New York, Engineer- ings News Pub. Co., 1908. Ohio State Highway Department. Dust prevention. Columbus, State, 1914 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 27.) Roman, Frank L. Dust prevention including specifications for oils and tars used in surface treatment of various types of roads. Springfield, State, 1916 (pamphlet). (Illinois State Highway Department, Bulletin 6.) U. S. Office of Public Roads. Progress reports of experiments in dust pre- vention and road preservation. Washington, Govt. 1909, 1911, 1912, 1915 (pamphlets). (Circulars 92, 94, 98 and Bulletin 407.) U. S. Office of Public Roads. Progress reports of experiments in dust pre- ventives. Washington, Govt. 1908 (pamphlet). (Circular 89.) EXPERIMENTAL Anderton, B. A. and Pauls, J. T. Experimental roads in vicinity of Washing- ton, D. C. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Secretary. Circular 77.) Morrison, R. L. Demonstration roads at Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege of Texas. College Station, Texas, College, 1916 (pamphlet). (Agri- cultural and Mechanical College of Texas, Bulletin 12.) Ohio State Highway Department. South High Street experimental road. Columbus State, 1914 (pamphlet). Ohio State Highway Department. Supplemental report on Nelson avenue ex- perimental road. Springfield, State, 1914 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 13.) Ohio State Highway Department. Supplemental report no. 2 on Nelson ave., experimental road; and supplemental report no. 1 on experimental road work in Darke County. Columbus, State, 1911 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 15.) 38 Philadelphia Bureau of Highways. Report on service test roads. Byberry and Bensalem Turnpike. Philadelphia, Department, 1913 (pamphlet). U. S. Department of Agriculture. Object lesson and experiment roads and bridge construction, 1912-13. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (Bul- letin 53.) MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Hewes, L. I. Repair and maintenance of highways. Washington, Govt. 1913 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Public Roads, Bulletin 48.) New York State Engineers and Surveyors Department. Improvement, repair, and maintenance of public highways. Albany, State, 1906 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 12.) Portland Cement Association. How to mantain concrete roads and streets. Chicago, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 35.) U. S. Department of Agriculture. Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges from July 1, 1913 to December 31, 1914. Washington, Govt. 1915 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 284.) MATERIALS Agg, T. R. and Nichols, C. S. Use of Iowa gravel for concrete. Ames, Iowa, College, 1913 (pamphlet). (Iowa Engineering Experiment Station. Good Roads Section. Bulletin 34.) American Steel and Wire Company. Triangle mesh wire reinforced concrete pavements and roadways. Cooley, G. W. Road material resources of Minnesota. Washington, Govt 1911 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 40.) Goldbeck, A. T. and Jackson, F. H. Physical testing of rock for road build- ing. Washington, Govt. 1912 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Public Roads, Bulletin 44.) Green, R. M. Physical testing of non-bituminous road materials. College Station, Texas, College, 1917 (pamphlet). (Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, Bulletin, vol. 3:12.) Hubbard, Prevost and Jackson, F. H. Relation between properties of hard- ness and toughness of road-building rock. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Public Roads, Bulletin 370.) Hubbard, Prevost and Jackson, F. H. Results of physical tests of road-build- ing rock in 1916, including all compression tests. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 537.) Jackson, F. H. Influence of grading on value of fine aggregate used in port- land cement road. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (Reprint from Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 10:5, July 30, 1917.) Jackson, F. H. Methods for the determination of the physical properties of road building rock. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). (U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Office of Public Roads, Bulletin 347.) Leighton, H. and Bastin, E. S. Road materials of southern and eastern Maine. Washington, Govt. 1908 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Public Roads, Bul- letin 33.) Lord, E. C. Examination and classification of rocks for road building, includ- ing physical properties of rocks with reference to their mineral composi- tion and structure. Washington, Govt. 1911 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Public Roads, Bulletin 37.) Lord, E. C. Relation of mineral composition and rock structures to physical properties of road materials. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Public Roads, Bulletin 348.) 39 Moyer, J. N. and Troxell, W. P. Physical test of Pennsylvania rock for road building, n. p. (Thesis for degree of B. S. in C. E., Pennsylvania State College, 1914.) Nash, J. P. Road Materials of Texas. Austin, University, 1915 (pamphlet). (Texas University, Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology, Bulle- tin 62.) Ohio State Highway Department. Report of experiments to determine com- parative value of various road binding materials. Springfield, State, 1910 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 12.) Page, L. W. Oil mixed portland cement concrete. Washington, Govt. 1912 to 1915 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Public Roads, Bulletins 46 and 230.) Peckham, S. F. Solid bitumens, their physical and chemical properties and analysis. Chicago, Clark, 1909. Prouty, W. F. and others. Roads and road materials in Alabama, 1911. Mont- gomery, Ala., State, 1911 (pamphlet). (State Highway Department, Bul- letin 2.) Reeve, C. S. and Lewis, R. H. Toughness of bituminous aggregates. Wash- ington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Office of Public roads, reprint from Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 10:7.) Reinecke, L. Road material surveys in 1915. Ottawa, Can., Govt. 1917. (Canada Department of Mines and Geological Survey.) Roman, F. L. comp. Materials available for highway construction. Spring- field, State, 1917 (pamphlet). (Illinois State Highway Department, Bulle- tin 14.) Snoop, C. F. Investigation of concrete road-making properties of Minnesota stone and gravel. Minneapolis, University, 1915 (pamphlet). (Minne- sota University, Studies in Engineering, no. 2.) Stone, R. W. Our mineral supplies. Sand and gravel. Washington, Govt. (pamphlet). (U. S. Geological Survey, Department of Interior. Bulle- tin 666 G.) Tillson, G. W. Street pavements and paving materials. New York, Wiley, 1900. ROAD DRAG King, D. W. Use of split log drag on earth roads. Washington, Govt. 1908 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers Bulletin 321.) Martin, G. E. Use of the road drag. Lafayette, Ind., University, 1915 (pam- phlet). (Purdue University, Agricultural Extension Department, Leaflet 61.) U. S. Department of Agriculture. (The) road drag and how it is used. Wash- ington, Govt. 1914 (pamphlet). (Farmers Bulletin 597.) West Virginia Department of Agriculture. (The) road drag. Morgantown, Dept, 1914 (pamphlet). (West Virginia Department of Agriculture, Joint Bulletin 3.) SPECIFICATIONS Association for Standardizing Paving Specifications. Annual reports, 1910-13. Chicago, Assn. Illinois State Highway Department. Specifications for concrete road con- struction. Springfield, State, 1916 (pamphlet). Missouri State Highway Department. General specifications for roads and bridges for 1911. Columbia, State, 1911 (pamphlet). Ohio State Highway Department. General specifications for materials. Columbus, State, 1914 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 25.) Ontario Legislative Assembly. General specifications for concrete highway bridges, Ontario, 1917. Toronto, Province, 1917 (pamphlet). (Appendix to Annual Report on Highway Improvement, Ontario, 1917.) 40 Portland Cement Association. Specifications for concrete pavements between street car tracks. Chicago, Assn,, 1916 (pamphlet). Portland Cement Association. Specifications for one-course concrete street pavement. Chicago, Assn., 1914 (pamphlet). Specifications for concrete roads, streets and alleys, with report of Commit- tee on Resolutions of Second National Conference on Concrete Road Building. Proposed specifications presented to American Concrete Insti- tute. February 14, 1917. U. S. Office of Public Roads. Standard forms for specifications, tests, reports and methods of sampling for road materials. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 555.) TRACTIVE RESISTANCE Blow, Ben, and Davidson, J. B. How much does your team pull? San Fran- cisco, California State Auto Assn., 1917 (pamphlet). LEGISLATION AND BOND ISSUES American Automobile Association. Why federal aid in roads? n. p. n. d. American Automobile Association, Touring Bureau comp. Motor car laws as now written, n. p. Assn., 1916. Dunn, R. C. Minnesota road laws. Minneapolis, State, n. d. Florida State Road Department. Road and bridges laws. Tallahassee, State, 1917 (pamphlet). Georgia State Highway Department. Act creating Highway Department of Georgia. Rules of the department and public road laws. 1916. Atlanta, State, 1916. Iowa Secretary of State. Laws of Iowa relating to roads, bridges and ferries Des Moines, State, 1914. Iowa State Highway Commission. Recent road legislation of Iowa. Des Moines, State, 1915 (pamphlet). (Iowa State Department of Justice.) Johnson, A. N. Highway laws of the U. S., 1917. New York, Bureau of Municipal Research and Training School for Public Service, 1917 (pamph- let). Kansas Secretary of State. Kansas road and bridge laws for 1915. Topeka, State, 1915 (pamphlet). Kansas State Highway Commission. Compilation of the road and bridge laws of Kansas, 1917. Topeka, State, 1917. Kentucky Department of Public Roads. Compilation of road laws. 1916. Frankfort, Department of Public Roads, 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 6.) Louisiana State Highway Department. Gamble's compendium of law of roads in Louisiana. New Orleans, State, 1914. Minnesota State Highway Department. Road laws. St. Paul, State, 1914 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 12.) Moore, R. W. Review of legislation concerning state highway departments. Washington, D. C., American Highway Association, 1916 (pamphlet). New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce. Report on Egan Good Roads Bill. Jersey City, State, n. d. (pamphlet). New Mexico State Highway Engineer. State highway act of 1917. n. p., n. d. (pamphlet). New York State Commission of Highways. Highway law, 1916. Albany, State. North Carolina Legislation. To provide for issuing bonds for road improve- ments, for providing for country highway commission and for improve- ments of public roads of the State. Raleigh, N. C., State, 1917 (pamphlet.) North Dakota State Highway Commission. Copy of bill creating state high- way commission. Bismarck, N. D., State, 1917. 41 Ohio Good Roads Federation. Codification of present laws. 1911 and 1917. Columbus, Assn., (pamphlet). Ohio State Highway Department. Legislation pertaining to construction, improvement, maintenance and repair of roads and bridges. Columbus, State, 1914 (pamphlet). Oklahoma Road Laws. Complete road laws of Oklahoma, including legisla- tive acts, 1917. Oklahoma City, Warden Co., 1917 (pamphlet). Oregon Secretary of State. Constitution and statutes of the State of Oregon, relating to roads, highways, bridges and ferries. Salem, State, 1915 (pamphlet). Oregon State Highway Commission. Outline of road laws of Oregon. Salem, Ore., State, 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 1.) Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Road laws and instructions for in- formation of township supervisors. Harrisburg, Dept, 1915 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 11.) Portland Cement Association. Digest of road laws in U. S. n. p., n. d. (pamphlet). Schmall, J. A. Minnesota laws, statutes, etc. 1917. Minneapolis, State, 1917 (pamphlet). Schmall, J. A. Minnesota road law; being chapter 235. Laws of 1913 session, as amended by 1915 session (pamphlet). Minn., State, 1915. Sewell, N. B. State aid roads in Lewis Co., Kentucky, n. p., 1916 (pamphlet). Shackleford bill. An act to provide that the U. S. shall aid the states in con- struction of rural post roads. Washington, Govt. n. d. (pamphlet). (Bill 156, 64th Congress, House of Representatives.) South Dakota State Committee on Roads and Highways. House bill no. 161. Pierre, S. D., State, 1911 (pamphlet). U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Secretary, Factors of apportion- ment to states under Federal Aid Road Act. Appropriation for fiscal year, 1917. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Secretary. Rules and regulations of Secretary of Agriculture for carrying out Federal Aid road act, 1916. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). (Circular 65.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Secretary. Rules and regulations of Secretary of Agriculture for carrying out Federal Aid Road Act, issued Sept. 1st, 1916. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). U. S. Statutes. Federal Aid road act of July llth, 1916. Washington Govt 1916 (pamphlet). (64th Congress, Dec. 548.) Washington State Legislature. Donohue road law as amended, n. p., n d. (pamphlet). West Virginia State Legislature. Good roads law. State, 1917 (pamphlet) Senate bill 284, passed Feb. 22, 1917.) Wisconsin State Highway Commission. New state aid highway law. Madi- son, State, 1915. Wisconsin State Highway Commission. State trunk highway law. Madison, State, 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 6.) Wisconsin State Highway Commission. Review of highway laws enacted 1917. Madison, State, 1917 (pamphlet). (Road pamphlet 6.) BOND ISSUES Hewes, L. I. and Glover, J. W. Highway bonds; a compilation of data and analysis of economic features affecting construction and maintenance of highways financed by bond issues. Washington, Govt. 1915 1917 (pamph- let). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin 136.) 42 Lake County, 111., Good Roads Association. Central Committee. Lake County bond issue for hard roads amounting to $500,000. Waukegan, Committee, n. d. Vermilion County (111.) Board of Supervisors. Report of superintending engi- neer to Road Improvement Committee. Danville, County, 1917 (pam- phlet). MILEAGE Pennybacker, J. E. and Eldridge, M. O. Mileage and cost of public roads in U. S. in 1909. Washington, Govt. 1912 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin 41.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of. State highway mileage and expenditures to January 1, 1915. Washington, Govt. 1915 (pamphlet). (Circular 52, prepared by Division of Road Economics.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Public Roads. Public road mileage and revenues in central, mountain and Pacific states, 1914. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 389.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Public Roads. Public road mile- age and revenues in Middle Atlantic States. Washington, Govt. 1916 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 386.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Public Roads. Public road mile- age and revenues in New England States. Washington, Govt. 1914 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 388.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Public Roads. Public road mileage and revenues in Southern States, 1914. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pam- phlet). (Bulletin 387.) U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Public Roads. Public road mileage and revenues in U. S., 1914. Washington, Govt. (pamphlet). U. S. Agriculture, Department of, Office of Public Roads. State highway mile- age and expenditures for calendar year, 1915, 1916. Washington, Govt. 1916, 1917 (pamphlets). (Circulars 63 and 74.) HIGHWAY REPORTS CANADA Nova Scotia, Province of, Department of Public Works and Mines. Annual reports of Highway Division, 1915. Halifax, Commission (pamphlet). Ontario Office of Public Highways. Annual report of highway improvement, 1911 to date. Toronto, Legislative Assembly of Toronto (pamphlet). Quebec Roads Department. Reports 1912. Quebec, Province, 1912. United States HIGHWAY REPORTS UNITED STATES Alabama State Highway Commission. Annual reports, 1911 to date. Mont- gomery, Ala., State (pamphlet). Alabama State Highway Department. Bulletins, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9. Montgomery, Ala., State. Arizona State Engineer, to State Highway Commission. Reports 1914 to date. Phoenix, Arizona, State. Arkansas State Highway Commission. Biennial reports, 1913 to 1914. n. p. (pamphlet). California Department of Engineering. Biennial reports, 1908 to date. Sacra- mento, State. Colorado State Highway Commission. Biennial reports, 1912 to date. Denver, State. 43 Connecticut State Highway Department. Biennial reports, 1907-08, 1913 to date. Hartford, State, (pamphlet). Delaware, Newcastle County State Highway Commission. Report, 1915-16. Wilmington, County, (pamphlet). Florida State Road Department. Report, Oct. 1, 1915 to Sept. 30, 1916. Talla- hassee, State, (pamphlet). Georgia State Geological Survey. Report on the public roads of Georgia, 1910, 1912. Atlanta, State, (pamphlet). Idaho State Highway Commission. Biennial reports, 1914. Boise, Idaho, State, (pamphlet). Illinois, Cook County Highway Commissioners Good Roads Association, Pro- ceedings of meeting held Chicago, Feb. 13, 1914. n. t. p. (pamphlet). Illinois, Danville Chamber of Commerce. Vermilion County pioneers of good roads. Danville, Co., n. d. (pamphlet). Illinois State Highway Commission. Reports, 1906 to date. Springfield, State. Iowa State Highway Commission. Reports, 1907 to date. Ames, State, (pamphlet). Kentucky Department of Public Roads. Biennial reports. 1912 to date. Frankfort, State, (pamphlet). Louisiana State Board of Engineers. Report, April 20, 1910 to 1912. New Orleans, State, (pamphlet). Louisiana State Highway Department. Report of State Highway Engineer, 1914 to date. Maine State Highway Commission. Annual reports, 1909 to 1915. Augusta, State, (pamphlet). Maryland, Baltimore County Roads Engineer. Annual reports, 1911 to date. Towson, Md., County, (pamphlet). Maryland, Baltimore Commissioners for opening streets. Annual report, 1915. Baltimore. Maryland State Roads Commission. Reports, 1908 to date. Baltimore, State. Massachusetts State Highway Commission. Annual reports, 1909 to date. Boston, State. Michigan State Highway Department. Biennial reports, 1901, 1907 to date. Lansing, State. Michigan, Wayne County Board of Road Commissioners. Annual reports of County Road commissioners to Board of Supervisors, 1910 to date. De- troit, County, (pamphlet). Minnesota State Highway Department. Reports, 1909 to date. St. Paul, State. Montana State Highway Commission. Biennial report. 1915 to date. Helena, State, (pamphlet). Montana State Highway Commission. Standard Road Section. Helena, State, n. d. 44 Nebraska State Board of Irrigation, Highways and Drainage. Biennial re- ports, 1910-12, 1912-14. University Place, Neb., State, (pamphlet). New Hampshire State Highway Department. Biennial reports. 1905 to date. Concord, N. H., State. New Jersey State Highway Department. Annual reports, 1909 to date. Tren- ton, State. New Mexico State Engineer. Reports. 1912-14. Santa Fe, State, (pamphlet). New York, Albany Department of Construction. Report of first deputy. Albany, Dept., 1917. New York State Highway Commission. Annual reports, 1910 to date. Albany, State. North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. Economic papers 27, 28, 32, 35, 36 and 39. Raleigh, State, 1911-14 (pamphlets). North Dakota State Engineer. Biennial reports, 1911-12. Fargo, State. Ohio State Highway Department. Annual report, 1908 to date. Columbus, State. Ohio State Highway Department. Names and numbers of inter-county high- ways and main market routes, and highway statistics of each county. Columbus, State, 1915 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 23.) Oklahoma State Department of Highways. Third annual report of state Engineer, 1917. Oklahoma City, Okla., State, (pamphlet). Oregon State Highway Department. Annual reports, 1914, 1915. Salem, State, (pamphlet). Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Bureau of Highways and Street Cleaning. Reports, 1912-14, 1915. Philadelphia, Bureau, (pamphlet). Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Annual reports, 1906 to 15. Harris- burg, State. Pennsylvania State Highway Department. Instruction to employees in the construction and maintenance of highways. Harrisburg, State, 1914. Rhode Island State Public Roads Board. Annual report. 1904 to date. Prov- idence, State. South Dakota Highway Commission. Annual reports, 1915 to date. Pierre, So. Dak., Comm., (pamphlet). Utah State Road Commission. Biennial reports, 1909 to 14. Salt Lake City, State, (pamphlets). Vermont State Highway Department. Biennial reports. 1909 to 12, 1915 to date. Franklin, State, (pamphlet). Virginia State Highway Department. Annual reports, 1910 to date. Rich- mond, State, (pamphlet). Washington, Snohomish Co., Wash., County Engineer. Report. Everett, Wash., 1916. Washington State Highway Department. Biennial reports, 1909 to 1914. Olympia, State. 45 Wisconsin, Milwaukee Co., Wis., Highway Commission. Annual reports, 1914 to date. Milwaukee County, (pamphlet). Wisconsin State Highway Department. Biennial reports, 1911 to date. Madi- son, State, (pamphlets). PIPES Burcharts, H. and Stock, B. (The) testing of clay and cement pipes. Chicago, University, (pamphlet) 1910. Gary, Max. Cement pipe and tile. Chicago, University, 1910 (pamphlet). Hanson, E. S. Cement pipe and tile. Chicago, Cement Era, 1911. Marston, A. and Anderson, A. O. Theory of loads on pipes in ditches. Ames, Iowa, 1913 (pamphlet). (Iowa State college of agriculture and mechanic arts. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin 31.) Portland Cement Association. (The) use of cement in sewer pipe and drain tile construction. Chicago, Assn., n. d. (pamphlet). (Bulletin 19.) Quinton, J. H. Experiments on steel-concrete pipes on a working scale. Washington, Govt. 1905 (pamphlet). (U. S. Geological Survey. Water supply and irrigation paper 143.) Talbot, A. N. Tests of cast iron and reinforced concrete culvert pipe. Ur- bana, 111., 1908 (pamphlet). (University of Illinois, Bulletin 22.) POLES Coombs, R. D. and Slocum, C. L. Reinforced concrete poles. Chicago, Port- land Cement Association, 1910 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 25.) * RAT ERADICATION Lantz, D. E. Destroying rodent pests on the farm. Washington, Govt. 1916. (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Yearbook, 1916.) Lantz, D. E. House rats and mice. Washington, Govt. 1917. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Farmers Bulletin 896.) Lantz, D. E. How to destroy rats. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers Bulletin 369.) Louisiana State Board of Health. Plague. New Orleans, State, 1914 (pamph- let). (Reprint from quarterly bulletin, Sept. 2, 1914.) Missouri State Board of Agriculture. Rats and rat riddance. Columbia, State, 1916 (pamphlet). Simpson, French. Rat-proofing. Washington, Govt. 1917 (pamphlet). (Re- print from U. S. Public Health Reports.) Womens Municipal League of Boston. Bulletins, Rat campaign. Boston, League, 1917. STATISTICS ALMANACS Chicago Daily News almanac, 1918. Chicago, Daily News, 1918. World almanac and encyclopedia, 1918. New York, World, 1918. CENSUS REPORTS U. S. Commerce, Department of. Census, Bureau of. Abstract of the census of manufacturers, 1914. Washington, Govt. 1917. 46 U. S. Commerce Department of, Census Bureau of. Reports, 1910. Washing- ton, Govt. 1913. U. S. Commerce, Department of. Statistical abstract of the U. S. Washing- ton, Govt. 1917. LABOR STATISTICS U. S. Labor Department of, Labor Statistics Bureau of. Bulletins, 1914 to date. Washington, Govt. U. S. Labor, Department of Labor Statistics Bureau of. Monthly Review, 1916 to date. Washington, Govt. STATE REGISTERS Alabama, Archives and History, Department of. Alabama official and statis- tical register. Montgomery, State, 1915. Arizona State, Secretary of. Blue Book. n. p. 1915 (pamphlet). Connecticut State, Secretary of. Register and manual. Hartford, Conn., 1916. Florida, State Secretary of. Report, 1915-16. Tallahassee, Florida, State. Georgia, State, Secretary of. Annual report, 1916. Atlanta, Ga., State. Illinois, State, Secretary of. Blue book, 1915-16. Springfield, 111., State. Iowa State, Secretary of. Official register, 1915-16. Des Moines, Iowa, State. Kansas State, Secretary of. Biennial reports, 1915 to date. Topeka, State. Kentucky State, Secretary of. Directory for the use of courts, state and county officials and general assembly. Frankfort, State, 1916. Louisiana State, Secretary of. Report, 1917. Baton Rouge, La. Maryland State, Secretary of. Manual, 1916-17. Massachusetts State, Secretary of. Manual for the use of general court. 1917. Springfield. Minnesota, State, Secretary of. (The) legislative manual of the state of Min- nesota, 1917. St. Paul, Minn., State. Mississippi, State, Secretary of. Biennial reports. 1913-15. Memphis. Missouri, State, Secretary of. Official manual of the State of Missouri, 1915- 1916. Jefferson City, Mo. Annapolis, Md. Nevada, State, Secretary of. Biennial report, 1913-14. Carson City, Nevada. New Mexico, State, Secretary of. (The) New Mexico blue book. Santa Fe, 1915. New York, State, Secretary of. Manual for the use of the legislature of the State of New York. Albany, State, 1915. North Carolina Historical Commission. N. C. manual. Raleigh, 1917. Ohio, State, Secretary of. Official roster. 1915. Springfield, Ohio. Oregon, State, Secretary of. Bluebook. 1917-18. Salem, Ore., State. Pennsylvania, State, Secretary of. Smull's legislative hand book and manual. 1916. Harrisburg, Pa., State. Rhode Island, State, Secretary of. Manual, 1916. Providence, State. Texas, State, Secretary of. Biennial reports, 1916. Austin, Tex., State. Washington, State, Secretary of. Biennial reports, 1912-14. Olympia, State. West Virginia, Senate. West Virginia legislative hand book and manual, 1916. Charleston, W. Va. SURVEYING McCullough, Ernest. Practical surveying for surveyors assistants, vocational and high schools. New York, Van Nostrand, 1915. 47 SWIMMING AND WADING POOLS Allen, J. K. and King, A. G. Swimming pools. 2d ed. Chicago, Domestic Eng, 1915. Portland Cement Association. Concrete swimming and wading pools and how to build them. Chicago, Assn., 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 29.) TANKS Portland Cement Association. Concrete tanks. Chicago, Assn., 1909 (pamph- let). (Bulletin 23.) Portland Cement Association. Why not more concrete tanks. Chicago, Assn., 1917 (pamphlet). (Bulletin 49.) Tufts, Arthur. Reinforced concrete water tanks. Atlanta, Ga., author, n. d. (pamphlet). TENNIS COURTS Portland Cement Association. Tennis every day on concrete courts. Chi- cago, Assn., (pamphlet). (Bulletin 129.) Portland Cement Association. Tennis courts of concrete. Chicago, Assn., 1916 (pamphlet). *TRADE DIRECTORIES *, Sweets' Architectural catalog. New York, Sweet, 1917. Sweets' Engineering catalog. New York, Sweet, 1917. Thomas' Register of American Manufacturers. New York, Thomas, 1917. Western Blue Book and Buyers' Reference. Chicago, Winch, 1916. *The Library has a complete file of trade catalogs of machinery and appliances required by cement users. These catalogs are arranged in vertical files for ready reference. AUTHOR INDEX Aberthaw Construction Co. . . .4-11-26 Abrams, D. A 2-6-11 Adams, G. 1 26 Advertisers' Directory 62 Agg, T. R 33-35-38 Aiken, W. A 6 Aitkenhead, William 25 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 22-24 Alabama, Archives and History, Department of 46 Alabama, State of, Highway Com- mission 42 Alabama, State of, Highway De- partment 38-42 Albany (N. Y.), Construction, De- partment of 44 Allen, J. K 47 Alvarez, A. C 6 American Architect, comp 4 American Association of Farmers Institute Workers 1 American Automobile Association. 1-35-40 American Cement Directory 6 American Concrete Institute 5-39 American Highway Association. .34-35 American Institute of Architects.. 2 American Library Association 30 American Railway Bridge and Building Association 19 American Railway Engineering As- sociation 6-18-19 American Road Builders Associa- tion 35 American Road Congress. 35 American Society for Testing Ma- terials 1-6-11-13-18-19 American Society of Agricultural Engineers 18-19 American Society of Civil Engi- neers 8-10-15-18-19-26 American Society of Engineering Contractors 19 American Society of Mechanical Engineers 10-18 American Steel and Wire Co 12-38 American Waterworks Associa- tion 27 Anderson, A. O 17-45 Anderton, B. A 37 Architect and Engineer of Califor- nia 18 Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station 17 Arizona State, Secretary of 46 Arizona, Engineer 42 Arkansas, State of, Highway Com- mission 42 Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station . . 22 Arthur, William 3 Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, London 6 Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers (see Port- land Cement Association). Association for Standardizing Pav- ing Specifications 39 Association of Civil Engineers of Cornell University (See Cornell University). Association of Engineering Socie- ties 19 Association of German Portland Cement Mfrs 5 Automobile Blue Book 2 Automobile Manufacturers 2 Ayer, N. W.. 32 B Bainer, H. M 25 Baker, I. O 3-33 Baker, W. H 6 Ballinger, W. F 12 Baltimore Co. Roads Engineer. ... 43 Baltimore (Md.) Streets Opening, Commissioner of 43 Bankers' Directory 11 Barr, W 29 Barr, W. M 12 Barrett, R. E 16 Barrows, H. H 16 Bastin, E. S 38 49 Bates, P. H 6-7-9 Bates, S. E 33 Beattie, J. H 25 Beck, J. P 5 Bechdel, S. 1 23 Beckstrand, E. H 29 Berquist, J. G 1 Beyer, W. F 12 Billinsby, J. W 33 Blanchard, A. H 33 Bleininger, A. V 7 Blount, Bertram 11 Bloxam, A. G 11 Blow, Ben 40 Bonebright, H. B 25 Boston Society of Civil Engineers. 18 Boston, Womens' Municipal League (see Womens' Municipal League of Boston). Bowen, J. T 21 Bowie, P. G 12 Bowles, Oliver 26 Boynton, W. C 12 Bray, I. C 23 Breckenridge, L. P 30 British Columbia, Agriculture, Dept. of 23 British Fire Prevention Commit- tee, London, Eng 25 British Library Association 30 Brodie, O. L 28 Brown, C. F 16 Brown, F. W 10 Brown, J. T 28 Buchanan, R. E 12-29 Buckley, E. R 26 Buehler, H. A 26 Building Data League 18 Bull, Sleeter 24 Burchard, Ernest 26 Burcharts, H 45 Burke, Edmund 7 Burr, W. H 3 Bushnell, L. D 23 Butler, D. B 7 Byrne, A. T 32 C California Agricultural Experiment Station 25 California Agriculture, State Board of . 1 California Engineering, State De- partment of 42 California Health, State Board of. 29 California Automobile Association 40 California State Engineer 20 California State Engineering De- partment 20 California University of, Civil En- gineering Department of 22 California University of, Agricul- ture, College of 22 Cambridge Bridge Commission... 2 Campbell, H. C 12-21 Canada Mines, Department of. .7-26-39 Canadian Cement and Concrete Association 5-12 Canadian Society of Civil Engi- neers 18-19 Canadian Society of Naval Archi- tects 18 Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh . . 37 Carnegie Steel Co 12 Carpenter, J. W., Jr 28 Carver, T. N 27 Gary, C. A 22 Cassell's reinforced concrete 13 Cement Era, comp 6 Cement Products Exhibition Co... 6 Chase, C. F 21-23 Chase, L. W 23 Chatelier, Henri Le 7 Chicago Association of Commerce 11 Chicago Daily News Almanac.... 45 Chicago Engineers' Club 18 Chicago Public Library 30 Chicago, University Club of 30 Church, I. P 17 Clark, L. D 22 Clarke, F. W 11 Cleveland, H. B 29 Cleveland Engineering Society. .18-19 Cochran, Jerome 7-12 Cochran, J. L 4 Coghlan, B. K 33 Colby, A. L 12 Cole, Burt 27 Colony, R. J 7 Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station 23-25 Colorado State Highway Commis- sion 42 50 Comstock, W. P., comp 4 Concrete Publishing Co., comp.... 2 Concrete-Cement Age, comp 12 Concrete Engineering, comp 12 Concrete Institute, London Eng... 6 Cone, V. M 16 Connecticut Agricultural College Extension Service 22 Connecticut Agricultural Experi- ment Station 21 Connecticut Society of Civil En- gineers 19 Connecticut State Geological and Historical Survey 27 Connecticut State Highway De- partment 43 Connecticut, State, Secretary of.. 46 Conover, J. A 24 Cook County (Illinois) Highway Commissioners, Good Roads As- sociation 43 Coolbaugh, M. F 8 Cooley, Geo. W. . 36-38 Coombs, R. D 45 Cornell University, Association of Civil Engineers 19 Cottrell, F. G 10 Craney, A. H 7 Crisp, H. L 23 Cushman, A. S 7 Cutter, C. A 30 D Dana, E. S 26 Dana, R. T 17 Dancaster, E. A 7 Danville (111.) Chamber of Com- merce 33-42-43 Davidson, J. B 23-40 Davidson, W. C 29 Davis, A. C 7 Davis, A. P 27 Davis, C. H 33 Davis, H. A 10 Davis, G. J., Jr 29 Davis, R. P 3 Davison, R. C 15 Day, W. P 2 Delaware, See New Castle Co. Demaree, F. H 23 Detroit Engineering Society 18 Detroit (Mich.) Public Works, Dept. of 29 Dewey, Melvil 30 District of Columbia, Engineering Dept 20 Dolve, R. M 21 Draper, W. F 37 Drowne, H. B 33 Duffee, F. W 22 Dunn, R. C 40 Dunn, William 12-13 Dvorachek, H. E 23 E Eckel, E. C 7 Eckles, C. H 23 Eddy, H. T 12 Edwards, R. S 36 Egan Good Roads Bill, See N. J. State Chamber of Commerce. Ehlers, V. M 29 Ekblaw, K. J. T 21 Eldridge, M. O 34-42 Ellenberger, W. P 22 Elliott, C. G 16 Ells, S. C 26 Emery, F. E 23 Emley, W. E 7-9 Emmett, A. D 24 Engineering Association of the South 19 Engineering Clubs and Societies. See under name of city or state, Philadelphia Engineers Club of. Engineering Index annuals 30 Engineering Magazine 29 Engineering News, comp 18 Engineering Record, comp 7-12 Engineering Society of Wisconsin. See Wisconsin Eng. Soc. of. Engineering Standards Committee 7 Engineers' Club of Philadelphia... 18 Engineers' Society of Pennsyl- vania. See Penn. Engineering Society of. Engineers Society of Western Penn. See Pennsylvania Western Engineers' Society of. Eno, F. H 7 Erf, Oscar 23 Estes, L. A 12 Etherton, W. A 22 51 Faber, Oscar 12 Fairbank, H. S 37 Falk, M. S 7 Farmers Bulletins. See U. S. Agri- culture, Department of. Farrington, E. H 29 Fay, A. H., comp 1 Federal Aid 33-34-41 Fenton, F. C 21 Feret, Rene 12 Finn, A. N 17 Fitch, J. B 24 Florida State, Secretary of 46 Florida, State Health Board of. ... 29 Florida, State, Geological Survey.. 26 Florida State, Road Department of 40-4? Flugel, Felix 16 Forrester, D. R 23 Fortier, Samuel 16-27 Fowler, C. E 2 Franklin Institute 9-19 Freeman, P. J 12 Freitag, J. K 25 Frost, Harwood 33 G Gale, H. S 26 Gambles road laws of Louisiana. See Louisiana State Highway Dept, comp. Garford Motor Truck Co 35 Gary, Max 45 Gatehouse, F. B 11 Gates, A. J., comp 30 Gates, E. R 10 Gaylord, C. W 15 Gearhart, W. S 33 Gee, E. C 17 Georgia Experiment Station 25 Georgia State Highway Dept 40 Georgia State Geological Survey. 16-43 Georgia State Secretary of 46 Gerhard, W. P 28 Gibson, W. H 15 Gilbreth, F. B 12 Gillespie, C. G 29 Gillette, H. P 12-17 Gillmore, Q. A 7 Clock, Haman .21 Glover, J. W 41 Godfrey, Edward 17 Goldbeck, A. T 12-36-38 Goodenough, G. A 30 Goodrich, E. P 12 Gow, R. M 22 Grain Dealers Journal, comp 4 Grant, John 7 Graybill, H. W 22 Green, Carleton 28 Green, R. M 38 Greenough, M. B 33 Gregory, H. E 27 Grindley, H. S 24 Grove, K. G 3 H Hanson, E. S 23-36-45 Harder, O. E 6 Harding, Howard 12 Harding, H. M 28 Harding, S. T 16 Hart, R. A 16 Hatt, W. K 10 Heidenreich, E. L 13 Hennessey, J. A 33 Hering, O. C 5 Herrman, F. C 28 Hewes, L. 1 38-41 Hill, Curtis 21 Hill, C. S 13 Hill, G. C 22 Hines, E. N 36 Hinman, C. H 23 Hirst, A. R 3 Hodgson, F. T 7-8 Hoffman, F. L 1 Holmes, J. A 10 Holstein-Friesian Association of America 1 Hool, G. A 3 Houghton, A. A 3-15 Howard, J. W 36 Howes, B. A 3-5 Hoyt, C. H 3 Hubbard, Prevost 37-38 Hudders, E. R 30 Hulce, R. S 22 Humphrey, H. N 21-25 Humphrey, R. L . . 10-13 52 Hunter, O. W 23 Hutt, W. N 22 Hyatt, Thaddeus 8 I Idaho State Engineer 20 Idaho State Highway Commis- sion 33-43 Illinois Agriculture, State Board of 1 Illinois County Highway Reports. See under separate county. Illinois Engineering Experiment Station 11-14-21-45 Illinois Farmers Institute 1 Illinois Society of Architects 2 Illinois Society of Engineers 19 Illinois Society of Engineers and Surveyors. See Illinois Society of Engineers. Illinois State Factory Inspector... 1 Illinois State Food and Dairy De- partment 24 Illinois State Geological Survey.. 26 Illinois State Highway Commis- sion 3-37-43 Illinois State Highway Depart- ment 3-37-38-39 Illinois State, Secretary of 46 Illinois Steel Co 13 Illinois University Agricultural Experiment Station 22-24 Illinois University, Civil Engineer- ing Department of 10-30 Illinois University, Engineering Experiment Station. See Illi- nois Engineering Experiment Station. Illinois, University, Farm Mechan- ics, Division of 23 Illinois, University of Engineers Exper. Station. See Illinois En- gineering Experiment Sta. Illinois Water Supply Association. 28 Imes, Marion 22 Indiana Engineering Society 19 Indiana Sanitary and Water Sup- ply Association 27 Indiana State Geological Resources, Department of 27 Industrial Arts Index 30 Industrial Commission of Ohio... 27 Institution of Civil Engineers. .. .7-11 International Association for Test- ing Materials 18-19 International Associations of Road Congresses 35 International Textbook Co 19 Iowa, Agriculture, Department of 1 Iowa Agricultural Extension, De- partment of 29 Iowa Association of Cement Users 6 Iowa Engineering Experiment Sta- tion 2-3-8-12-17-22-23-35-38-45 Iowa Engineering Society 19 Iowa Geological Survey 27 Iowa Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, State College of .17-21-23-28-29 Iowa State Drainage Association. . 16 Iowa State Highway Commis- sion 35-40-43 Iowa State, Secretary of 40-46 Isthmian Canal Commission. See also Panama Canal Commission. 28 Jackson, F. H 36-38 Jacoby, H. S 3 Jeffrey, J. A 23 Johnson, A. N 13-40 Johnson, J. B 3 Joint Committee on Concrete and reinforced Concrete 13 Jones, B. E., ed 13 Jones, L. A 16 Jordan, W. A 15 Josephson, A. G. S., comp 30 Journal of Agricultural Research.. 12 Judson, W. P 33-37 K Kansas Agriculture, State Board of 1-33 Kansas City Engineers Club 18 Kansas Engineering Society 19 Kansas State Agricultural Experi- ment Station 22-23-24 Kansas State Highway Commis- sion 40 Kansas State, Secretary of 40-46 Kauffman, G. M 5 Keith, M. L 4-5 Kemp, J. F 27 Kentucky Public Roads, Depart- ment of 41-43 Kentucky State, Secretary of 46 Keokuk, la., Engineering Dept... 36 Ketchum, M. S 3-4 53 Ketchum, R. B 13 Kidder, F. E 2-4 King, A. G 46 King, D. W 39 King, F. H 22-24 King, M. L 23 Klein, A. A 7-8 Knapp, G. N.. .24 Lake County (111.) Good Roads Committee 42 Lambert, G. M 21 Lantz, D. E 45 Lamed, E. S 13 Lazell, E. W 8 Leidigh, A. H 17 Leighton, Henry 38 Leonard, J. B 2-3 Lesley, R. W 4-8-9-10 Lewis, M. H 13 Lewis, R. H 39 Libberton, J. H 4 Lincoln Highway Association.... 33 Logan, W. N 27 Long, C. M 24 Lord, A. R 14 Lord, E. C 38 Lord and Thomas, comp 32 Los Angeles, Cal., Engineers Board of 28 Los Angeles Public Service Com- missioners, Board of 30 Losse, L. H 13 Louisiana Engineers Society 19 Louisiana State, Secretary of 46 Louisiana State Engineers, Board of 20-43 Louisiana Health, State, Board of. 45 Louisiana State Highway Depart- ment 32-40-43 Luten, D. B 3 Lynde, H. M 16 M McCallie, S. W 27 McCandliss, E. S 8 McCollum, Burton 14 McCullough, C. B. 35 McCullough, Ernest 3-13-46 - McDaniel, A. B .13 McKee, Clyde 24 MacMillan, A. B 13-26 McNatt, H. E 24 McVey, K. A 28 Mahir, A 13 Maine State Highway Commis- sion 43 Manitoba Agricultural College.... 22 Manly, J. M 21 Marsh, C. F 13 Marshall, R., comp 12 Marston, A 8-17-22-45 Martin, A. J 29 Martin, C. A 4 Martin, G. E 15-39 Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station 23 Maryland County Highway Re- ports. See under respective county. Maryland, State Secretary of 46 Maryland State Roads Commis- sion 33-43 Massachusetts Agriculture, State Board of 1-29 Massachusetts State, Secretary of. 46 Massachusetts, State Highway Commission 43 Mathews, W. S 24 Maurer, E. R 15 Maxwell, W. H 28 Meade, R. K 8-10 Meixell, Harry 33 Melan, J 3 Mensch, L. J 13 Mercer, H. C 13 Merriman, Mansfield 4 Merz, A. R 11 Metcalfe, T. P 24 Metlen, G. R 36 Miami Conservancy District, Ohio 28 Michaelis, W 8 Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station 17-21 Michigan County Road Commis- sioners, Board of 33 Michigan Concrete Roads Asso- ciation 35 Michigan Engineering Society.... 20 Michigan Agriculture, State Board of . 1 54 Michigan County Highway Re- ports. See under respective county. Michigan Health, State Board of.. 23 Michigan State Agricultural Col- lege 23 Michigan State Highway Depart- ment 33-34-43 Michigan University College of Engineering 34 Mid-west Cement Users' Associa- tion 6 Middleton, Jefferson 27 Miller, Peter 24 Milwaukee Co., Wis., County High- way Commission of 45 Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station 16 Minnesota Laws, Statutes, etc 40 Minnesota Road Law 41 Minnesota State Drainage Com- mission 16 Minnesota State, Secretary of.... 46 Minnesota Health, State Board of. 29 Minnesota State Drainage Com- mission 16 Minnesota State Highway Com- mission 40-43 Minnesota, University of 13-39 Mississippi Agricultural and Me- chanical College 28 Mississippi State, Secretary of.... 46 Mississippi State Geological Sur- vey 27 Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station 23-24 Missouri Agriculture State, Board of 21-45 Missouri Engineering Experiment Station 27-29 Missouri Geology and Mines Bu- reau of > 26 Missouri, State, Secretary of 46 Missouri Agriculture, State Board of 23-24-25 Missouri State Highway Dept 39 Missouri, University of, College of Agriculture 8-24 Montana Agricultural Experiment Station 7-16-22 Montana Society of Engineers.... 20 Montana State Highway Commis- sion . 39-43 Moore, R. W 40 Moorefield, C. H 15-36 Morrison, C. E 28 Morrison, R. L 37 Morsch, Emil 13 Moyer, J. N 39 Mumford, H. W 24 Murdock, H. E 22 Murray, A. J 2 Musselman, H. H 17 N Nash, J. P 39 National Conference on Concrete Road Building 13-35-40 National Drainage Congress 16 National Fire Protection Associa- tion 25-26 National Highways Association.. 33 National Lime Mfrs. Association.. 36 National Parks, Highway Associa- tion 35 National Safety Council 1 Nebraska Cement Users Associa- tion 6 Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Sta 23 Nebraska Agriculture, State Board of 1 Nebraska State Irrigation, High- ways and Drainage Board 16-44 Nebraska Legislature 34 Negley, N. A 24 Nevada State, Secretary of 45 Nevada State Engineer 20 Nevens, W. B 22 New Castle Co., Del., State High- way, Commission of 43 New England Handbook 34 New Hampshire State Highway Dept 44 New Jersey Geological Survey.... 27 New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce 33-40 New Jersey State Highway Dept.36-44 New Mexico Good Roads Assn. .. 35 New Mexico, State Secretary of.. 46 New Mexico, State Engineer. . . .20-44 New Mexico, State Highway Engi- neer 40 New Mexico, Territorial Engineer 20 55 New Orleans, La. Sewerage and Water Board 28 New York, Agriculture, State De- partment of 1 New York, Paving reports for cities. See respective cities. New York City, Water Supply Board of 28 New York Engineers Club 18 New York, State College of Agri- culture, Ithaca 23 New York, State, Secretary of.... 46 New York, State, Health Depart- ment of 28 New York, State Engineers and Surveyors, Department of 38 New York, State Highway, De- partment of 34 New York, State Highway, Com- mission of 34-40-44 New Zealand Society of Civil Eng. 20 Newberry, S. B 2-8 Newhall, C. A 13 Nichols, C. E 14 Nichols, C. S 3-29-38 Nichols, J. R 26 Nixon, R. L 4 North, H. B 9 North Carolina Agricultural Ex- periment Station 16-22-23 North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. .15-16-27-34-35-44 North Carolina Historical Com- mission 46 North Carolina Legislation 40 North Dakota Agricultural Experi- ment Station 21-23 North Dakota Labor and Agri- culture, Dept. of 24 North Dakota State Engineer. . .20-44 North Dakota State Highway Commission 40 North Dakota State Legislature.. 40 Northwest Cement Products Asso- ciation 6 Northwestern Road Congress 35 Nova Scotia, Public Works and Mines, Dept of 42 O Ocock, C. A 22-24-29 Ogden, H. M 29 O'Harra, C. C 8 Ohio Agricultural College Exten- sion Service 1-23 Ohio Engineering Society 20 Ohio Good Roads Federation 41 Ohio Society of Surveyors and Civil Engineers 20 Ohio State Geological Survey 7 Ohio State, Secretary of 46 Ohio State Engineer 20 Ohio State Highway Depart- ment 13-34-37-38-39-41-44 Okey, F. M 22 Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station 23 Oklahoma Geological Survey 27 Oklahoma Road Laws 41 Oklahoma Society of Engineers. . . 20 Oklahoma State, Highways Dept. of 44 Older, Clifford 3 Ontario Good Roads Assoc 35 Ontario Legislative Assembly.... 39 Ontario Public Highways, Office of 42 Oregon Mines and Geology, Bu- reau of 27 Oregon State, Secretary of 41-46 Oregon Society of Engineers 20 Oregon State Engineer 20 Oregon State Highway Dept. of . . . 43 Oregon State Highway Commis- sion 3_4l Ottawa, Canada Agriculture, De- partment of 5 Pacific Northwest Society of En- gineers 13 Pacini, A. B 8 Page, L. W 14-34-39 Pan American Scientific Congress 18 Pan American Road Congress.... 35 Panama Canal, Governor of. See also Isthmian Canal Comm 28 Parks, G. H 5 Parsons, J. L 16 Patterson, H. J 23 Patterson's American Educational Directory 17 Pauls, J. T 37 Paxton, E. T 34 Pearson, J. C 8-9-10 Peckham, S. F.. .39 56 Pennsylvania Agriculture, Depart- ment of 1 Pennsylvania Agricultural Experi- ment Station 29 Pennsylvania Engineers' Society .18-19 Pennsylvania Internal Affairs, De- partment of 8 Pennsylvania Paving Report. See under respective city. Pennsylvania State College of Agriculture 23-39 Pennsylvania State Highway De- partment 15-34-36-40-41-44 Pennsylvania State, Secretary of.. 46 Pennsylvania Western, Engineers, Society of 18-19 Pennybacker, J. E 34-37-42 Perrot, E. G 12 Peters, O. S 14 Phalen, W. C 10 Philadelphia, Highways, Bureau of 38 Philadelphia Highways and Street Cleaning, Bureau of 44 Philadelphia, Engineers Club 18 Phillips, A. J 7-8 Phillips, J. V 16 Pinckney, R. M 7 Pittsburgh Steel Products Co 14 Plumb, C. S 24 Porter, J. B 10 Porter, J. E 29 Porter, J. J 10 Portland Cement Association. 1-2-3-4- 5-6-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-17-21-22-24- 25-26-29-35-36-37-38-39-40-41-44-45-46 47 Portland Cement Manufacturers.. 37 Potts, R. J 34 Powell, J. A 21 Price, W. L 14 Prouty, W. F 39 Purdue University Agricultural Extension Department ....10-25-39 Purdue University Engineering, Department of 20 Purdue University Engineering Societies 15 Quebec Roads Department 42 Quinton, J. H 45 Rabild, Helmer 24 Railroad Officials, Pocket list of.. 18 Railway Equipment and Publica- tion Co 18-20 Rankin, G. A 9 Ransome, E. L 4 Rawl, B. H 24 Red Book. See British Fire Pre- vention Commission. Redgrave, G. R 9 Reed, O. E 24 Reeve, C. S 39 Reid, H. A 14 Reid, Henry 9 Reinecke, L 39 Reuterdahl, Arvid 3 Rhode Island, Public Roads Board 44 Rhode Island State, Secretary of.. 46 Rice, H. H 2 Rice, W. N 27 Richards, E. H 28 Richards, W. A 9 Richardson, Clifford 9-34 Ricker, N. C 30 Ries, Heinrich 4-27 Riley, H. W 23-29 Rings, Frederick 3 Risser, A. K 24 Robert, H. M 33 Robertson, R. E 25 Rochester Engineering Society... 18 Rogers, F. F 34 Roman, F. L 37-39 Rosa, E. B 14 Ross, W. H... 11 Royce, Stephen 15 Russell, H. L 28 S Sabin, L. C 9 St. Louis Engineers Club 20 St. Louis Engineers Club and As- sociated Engineering Societies of St. Louis 18 San Francisco Engineers Club.... 18 Sanders Pub. Co., comp 22 Santee, E. M 28 Sargent, P. E 33 Saurbrey, Alexis 4 Savannah (Ga.), Chief Engineer.. 20 57 Savannah City Engineer 20 Schmall, J. A 41 Schofield, H. H 10 Schott, Otto 9-10 Schutte, A. E 37 Scoates, D 28 Scobey, F. C 17 Searle, A. B 9 Seaton, R. A 21 Sewell, N. B 41 Shackleford bill 41 Sheridan Road Improvement As- sociation 35 Sherwood, R. M 22 Shoop, C. F 39 Simpson, French 45 Simpson, S. T 24 Slater, W. A 14 Sligh, W. H 8 Sloan, M. M 5 Slocum, C. L 45 Smith, C. N 28 Smith, E. B 12 Smith, G. E. P 17 Smith, J. R 30 Smith, L. J 22 Smithsonian Institute 10 Smull's Legislature Handbook. See Pennsylvania State, Secre- tary of. Snohomish Co., Wash., County En- gineering Report 44 Society for Chemical Industry... 9 Society for the Promotion of En- gineering Education 18-20 Soper, G. A , 29 Soule, A. M 24 South Dakota Agricultural Experi- ment Station 25 South Dakota School of Mines... 8 South Dakota State Committee on Roads and Highways 41 South Dakota State Engineer.... 20 South Dakota State Highway Com- mission 44 Southern Railway 28 Southwick, B. G 22 Spackman, Charles 9 Spackman, H. S 9 Spalding, F. P 9 Spillman, W. J 21 Squires, Frederick 5 State Highway Testing Engineers and Chemists 35 Standard Dictionary 16 Stock, B 45 Stone, G. C 5 Stone, R. W 39 Stuart, William 25 Sunderland, L. T 9 Sweet's Catalogues 47 Sypherd, W. 21 T Taft, H. S 14 Tait, C. E 17 Talbot, A. N 14-45 Taylor, F. W 14 Taylor, W. P 9 Texas Agricultural Experiment Station 17-22 Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas 33-34-37-38 Texas State, Secretary of 46 Texas University, Bureau of Eco- nomic Geology and Technology 34-39 Thomas, M. E 14 Thomas Register 47 Thompson, S. E 11-14-26 Thompson, W. S., comp 11 Tillson, G. W 39 Times-Mirror Printing and Bind- ing House 30 Toch, Maximilian 11 Torkelson, M. W 3 Torrance, W. M 2 Trautwine, J. C 17 Troxell, W. P 39 Trullinger, R. W 29 Tucker, G. E 1 Tucker, R. F 15 Tufts, Arthur 47 Turneaure, F. E 15-28 Turner, C. A. P 15 Tutton, A. E. H 11 Tyrell, H. G 3 U Union Pacific Railroad Railway Educational Bureau 15 U. S. Animal Industry, Bureau of . ..5-21-22-24-25 58 U. S. Army, Quartermaster Gen- eral, Office of 37 U. S. Chamber of Commerce 11 U. S. Commerce and Labor, De- > partment of 9-46 U. S. Commerce, Bureau of Census 46 U. S. Commerce, Department of i Foreign and Domestic 11 U. S. Commerce, Department of. 3J See U. S. Commerce and Labor, Department of 1 U. S. Agriculture, Department of 1-2-4-5-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-21-22-24- 25-27-28-29-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-41-42- 45 U. S. Congress 11-34 U. S. Congress Federal Aid Joint Committee 34-41 U. S. Department of Public Road Inquiries. Se,e U. S. Agriculture, Department of. U. S. Education, Bureau of 17-30 U. S. Experiment Station, Office of 16-17-24-28 U. S. Geological Survey 4-7-9-10-11-12-13-26-27-39-44-45 U. S. House of Representatives... 41 U. S. Interior Department of Mines, Bureau of 1-5-11-26 U. S. Labor Statistics, Bureau of. See U. S. Commerce and Labor, Department of. U. S. Mines, Bureau of. See U. S. Interior, Bureau of. U. S. Navy, Department of 9 U. S. Office of Public Roads. See U. S. Agriculture, Department of. U. S. Public Health Service 45 U. S. Reclamation Service 17 U. S. Standards, Bureau of 6-7-8-9-10-12-14-17 U. S. Statutes 41 U. S. War, Engineers' Corps, De- partment of 9 University Club of Chicago, comp. See Chicago, University Club of 30 Utah Engineering Experiment Sta- tion 29 Utah State Road Commission 44 Utah State School of Mines 13 Van Ewing, Perry 25 Vermilion County (111.) Board of Supervisors. See Danville, 111., Chamber of Commerce. Vermont State Highway Depart- ment 44 Virginia State Health, Department of 28 Virginia State Highway Depart- ment 44 Voshell, J. T 36 W Wagner, C. R 11 Warren, G. M 29 Warren, J. A 22 Washburn, R. M 25 Washington State Agriculture, De- partment of 1 Washington State Highway, De- partment of 44 Washington State Highway re- ports for counties. See under re- spective county. Washington State, Secretary of.. 46 Washington State Legislature.... 41 Wason, L. C 4 Watson, J. D..... 29 Watson, T. L 27 Watson, W. J 4-15 Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry.. 11 Wayne County (Mich.) Commis- sioners, Board of 43 Webb, W. L 15 Weber, Carl 15 Webster, E. H 22 Webster, G. S 3 Wegmann, Edward 28 Weidenfeller, R. P 25 West, P. C. H 9 West Virginia, Agriculture, De- partment of 39 West Virginia Legislature 41 West Virginia Senate 46 Western Blue Book 47 Western Pennsylvania, Society of Engineers. See Pennsylvania Western Society of Engineers. Western Society of Engineers.... 15-18-20-36 Whipple, Harvey 2 59 White, F. M 24 White, J. H 5 Wig, R. J 7-9-10-17 William Penn Highway 34 Williams, E. H 29 Williams, G. M 10-17 Williams, S. M 35 Wilson, E. T 21-29 Wilson, Gordon 10 Wilson, H. M 4-17 Wilson, J. W 25 Wilson, P. H 15 Winchell, A. N 27 Winchell, N. H 27 Winter, O. B 17 Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station 22-23-24-25-27-29 Wisconsin County Highway Re- ports. See under respective county. Wisconsin Engineer 20 Wisconsin Engineers Society.... 20 Wisconsin, Engineering Society of ...19-20 Wisconsin Geological and Histo- rical Survey 3 Wisconsin State Drainage Associa- tion 15 Wisconsin State Highway Commis- sion 41 Wisconsin State Highway Depart- ment 45 Wisconsin University, Agricultural Engineering, Department of.. 10-15 Wisconsin University, Extension Division 15 Withey, M. O 15 Woll, F. W 25 Women's Municipal League of Boston 45 Wood, I. D 23 Woodward, T. E 25 Woolson, I. H 26 World Almanac 45 Wormeley, P. L., Jr 10 Wright, J. K 25 Wright, W. H 29 Wyoming State Engineer 20 Y Yeoman, R. C 10-26 Yohe, H. S 17 Youngblood, B 22 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH ' ' $1 - iiiiiimiiiimiimiiiniiiiiii': 1 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT * 202 Mam Librarv 642-J4UJ LOAN PERIOD 1 LIBRARY USE This book is due before closing time on the last date stomped below DUE AS STAMPED BELOV\T REG. 111973 FORM NO. DD 6A, 12m, 6'76 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 Dallas Indianapolis Minneapolis Pittsburgh Seattle 3 Denver Washington, D. C. llllHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIHIIIIMHIl""' Illlllllllllllllll mill mm: iiiliiilinii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii I illiilililllin ill Illlllltllllllllllllli; Gay lord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 373748 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY