LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. 7f> *** OjA^/7%-* Sk TABLES AND DIAGRAMS FOR FACILITATING THE MAKING OF ESTIMATES FOR SEWERAGE WORK BY S. M. SWAAB, C.E. NEW YORK: THE ENGINEERING NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1902. TABLES AND DIAGRAMS FOE FACILITATING THE MAKING OF ESTIMATES FOR SEWERAGE WORK BY S. M. SWAAB, C.E. UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK: THE ENGINEERING NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1902. COPYRIGHT, 1896, BY S. M. SWAAB CONTENTS. L- II.- III.- IV.- V.- VI.- VII.- Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate VIII.- Plate IX.- Plate X.- Plate XL- Plate XII.- Plate XIII.- Plate XIV.- Plate XV.- Plate XVI.- Page. General explanation 1 Method of using tables and diagrams 2 Examples worked out '2, 3, 4 Circular sewers, 2 ft. to 5 ft. 9 ins. diam 5 -Circular sewers, 6 ft. to 12 ft. diam 6 -Circular sewers, 12 ft. to 15 ft. diam 7 -Egg-shape sewers, 1 ft. 6 ins. by 2 ft. 3 ins. to 3 ft. 4 ins. by 5 ft 8 -Excavation for one-ring brick circular sewers, 2 ft. to 5 ft. diam 9 -Excavation for two-ring brick circular sewers, 2 ft. to 5 ft. diam 10 -Excavation for circular sewers, 2 ft. to 4 ft. 9 ins., in full cradle 11 -Excavation for circular sewers, 5 ft. to 8 ft., in full cradle 12 -Excavation for circular sewers, 8 ft. to 11 ft., in full cradle 13 -Excavation for circular sewers, 11 ft. to 13 ft., in full cradle 14 -Excavation for circular sewers, 13 ft. to 15 ft., in full cradle 15 -Excavation for circular sewers, 5 ft. to 10 ft., in partial cradle 16 -Excavation for circular sewers, 10 ft. to 15 ft., in partial cradle 17 -Excavation for one-ring brick egg-shape sewers, 1 ft. 6 ins. by 2 ft. 3 ins. to 3 ft. 4 ins. by 5 ft.. . 18 -Excavation for two-ring brick egg-shape sewers, 1 ft. 6 ins. by 2 ft. 3 ins. to 3 ft. 4 ins. by 5 ft. . . . 19 -Excavation for egg-shape sewers, 1 ft. 6 ins. by 2 ft. 3 ins. to 3 ft. 4 ins. by 3 ft., in full cradle. ... 20 1 03709 TABLES AND DIAGRAMS FOR FACILITATING THE COMPUTATION OF ESTIMATES FOR SEWERAGE WORK. By S. M. SWAAB, Civil Engineer, Philadelphia, Pa. The object of the accompanying tables and di agrams, as the title suggests, is to facilitate the computation of estimates for sewerage work. The figures represent in the case of masonry the gross amount of brick and mortar and stone and mortar which comprise the brick masonry and stone masonry indicated by the tables. The quantity of mortar in brick masonry amounts to about 25 to 30% of the total bulk, and the quantity of mortar in stone masonry amounts to about 32 to 35%. Five hundred bricks, more or less, of standard size are required to lay a cu- bic yard of brick masonry where the joints are from % to %-in. thick. About 2% should be al- lowed for breakage and cutting. The quantities of excavation indicated by the diagrams are the minimum quantities which will allow the trench to be as wide from top to bottom as the greatest external width of the "cradle." The quantities of excavation for sewers not in "masonry cradle" refer to a trench equal in width at the top to the greatest external width of the sewer, and at the bottom to conform to the shape of the section. Allowance has been made in all the diagrams so that the quantities indicated thereon represent the total amount of excavation to the "outside bottom" of the sewer; but as the figures rep- resenting the depth of the sewer below grade are invariably given on the "inside bottom" of the sewer, the depth, in these diagrams, for con- venience, is also given to the "inside bottom." Method of Using the Diagrarr.s. The internal dimensions in feet and inches of the egg shape and circular sewers will be found on the left 3f the diagrams in every case. Run over this line toward the right until the curve is found representing the depth to the inside bottom of the sewer below the surface; then follow down the vertical line which intersects the curve at this point to the bottom of the diagram, on which may be read off at once the quantity of excava- tion. All the quantities given in the tables and di- agrams are in cubic yards and decimals of a cubic yard pe*- linear foot of sewer. The quan- tities given in the tables have merely to be multiplied by the length of the sewer to find the total amount of brick or stone masonry, excava- tion, etc., in any given piece of work. The following examples will illustrate the method of using the tables and diagrams: Example 1. Given a 3-ft. diameter circular sewer in "full cradle," 1,000 ft. loiig, 12 ft. deep to Inside bottom: From Plate I.: Quantity of brickwork = 0.292 cu.yds. per lin.ft. 1,000 Total " 292 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. From Plate I. : Quantity of masonry = 0.48 cu.yds. per lin.ft. 1,000 Total " 480 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. From Plate VII. : Quantity of excavation = 3.54 cu.yds. per lin.ft. 1,000 Total " 3,540 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. Example 2. Given an 8-ft. diameter circular sewer In "partial cradle" 1,000 ft. long, 18 ft. deep to inside bot- tom: From Plate II. : Prom Plate IV. : Quantity of brickwork = 1.14 cu.yds. per lin.ft. Quantity of masonry = 0.50 cu.yds. per lin.ft. 1,000 1,000 Total " " 1,140 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. Total " " 500 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. From Plate II. : From Plate XVI. : Quantity of masonry = 1.414 cu.yds. per lin.ft. Quantity of excavation = 2.58 cu.yds. per lin.ft. 1,000 1,000 Total ' 1,414 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. Total ' 2,580 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. From Plate XII. : Example 4. Given a 4-ft. 6-in. diameter circular sewer, Quantity of excavation = 9.4 cu.yds. per lin.ft. 9-in. brickwork (double ring of brick all around), 1,000 ft. long, 9 ft. 6 ins. deep to inside bottom. Total " " 9,400 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. From Plate I.: Example 3.-Given a 2-ft. 2-in. x'3-ft. 3-in. egg-shape Quantlty f brickwork = -- 45 f )000 cu ' yds ' per lin ' ft - sewer in "full cradle," 1,000 ft. long, 10 ft. deep to in- side bottom: Total ' 458 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. From Plate IV. : From Plate VI. : Quantity of brickwork = 0.25 cu.yds. per lin.ft. Quantity of excavation = 2.15 cu.yds. per lin.ft. 1,000 1,000 Total ' 250 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. Total " 2,150 cu. yds. per 1,000 ft. For quantity of excavation in rock, where the arch, haunch and counterarch are used without masonry cradle, read the quantity of excavation for the given size and depth from the diagram showing- the quantity of excavation for circular sewer in partial cradle in cubic yards; next find the quantity of masonry required for the sewer in partial cradle in cubic yards; subtract the latter from the former, and the result is the total amount of rock excavation. Example 5. Given a 10-ft. diameter sewer in "rock ex- cavation" 17 ft. to inside bottom. From Plate XIII 10.7 cu. yds. excav. per lin. ft. From Plate II 1.9 " " masonry. 8.8 rock excavation. An infinite number of combinations of the va- rious tables and diagrams will suggest themselves as occasion demands. The tables and diagrams are applicable to all combinations where the gen- eral "dimensions and design" of the sewer sec- tions compare favorably with the dimensions of the sections on which these tables were based, as shown by the headings of the different tables. Plate I. Circular Sewers 5/ze Br/cfrMosonry tnyof/ Quantify /n cub/C yards pr. //nearjoor O. ZZ7 O 3 0./03 O.Z4- ZS4 Jt ....... .0 ./J8 >/&9 74 70 S. ........ +9 O60 0. 96 /.07 O 87 0.93 Plate II. 0) l " .N K Plate III. C/rcular Sewers S/ze Br/c/fMasonry /3/flArch,HaurKt, orx/ 9 "*d courtfew*& /?ubb/e Masonry /Z/rKhesrtKtfum/erGOV/ifer&nsb ff/'Z&frfrv /ftfi///Grdl* kfMMG+t /? //7. Qi/a/7///y/v cu6/c yards pr. //hffarfbot /Z *2 j. Jl.O f>ft lffl <$ ' O.JO4- '*' J'f>- O. Z6& OJ6 O./44 O -3ZI 2'6T J'9" O- 26 O O./at O.-39 J'f W O.J3S O.67-5 O./?o O.-f/ J'-f Jf S'O" v / \P- % \ \ \ \ Z'6- y'6- 4-9 \ V \\ \ \ \ V }\ \ \ 1^3 J" V NN \ \ \ \ Plate VI. /S7CV6/C 7 '/?- Dec" i n> / .*. 6 <><"" of se -T- 2 O Z.J ZJ* 7 29* J./J & <** . *.-.J ZfJ z*s Z.7* J,/J 3.27 Jtvf *7* *-.._6 Z.J& ~76 3.0 / TREI JS 3-71 *9* Z 9 f.a J06 -^ _7>. J-Tf <, 4t* J jO 30 '** 55 2*7 M *** J. ) *a !**( ^ *, ;*4 *v + 9 J. 6 * J.7J Vr~ -^r 4.9 +97 3 9 *** ~J.9" M' --+*-- -+.9- J vT-? -^ +. o *7t 4./S *4t +8 S 2 ^-^ + ,* f.-so **r ** or^ ^9 # 6 J.6? 4tt, **<> *9 ^ 2 6.0 * 9 * M*M + 66 f.O ** S76 .// 11 \0 N N 7*0* , D/cyrcrs?7 s/?< ^ xc? 12 Plate VIII. Plate IX. M\ 8'9- ?'0" S bow/no Quantify of Excaryafibr? //? cc/6/c M / ' /^._^- /~ *s /o // 13 Plate X. L s \ "J f ft? Cubic ZO 23 4- 14 Plate XL /& /n^/ Vfe ^=; >^.- ret/far fo U N xcara/7o/7^/t? ///7e5 N\ %v > Diayra/k /9 / %/,%' m