Oakland try (^JO the young housekeeper Rhodes- Jamieson & Co. offers the facilities of three centrally located coal depots, affording immediate service on any quantity of fuel as the need arises. OAKLAND Foot of Broadway Telephone Oakland 770 BERKELEY 284O Shattuck Avenue Telephone Berkeley 8O Thornwall 1900 ALAMEDA Park and Blanding Telephone Alameda 440 r wkk-o/%i*n. J A\H COAL RHODES -JAMIESON ijou come Make Your Dreams Come True You have dreamed of a home one that you could call your very own. You have dreamed of pleasures and more conveniences. You want money for investment money with which to, some day, start a business of your own. These are the things of which you dream. Begin saving money now, and save dili- gently and persistently, that your dreams may come true. You may open an account with an amount as small as $1. But start the savings habit even though you can put aside but a few dollars each month. CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK Affiliated with Central National Bank 14th and Broadway Savings Branch 49th and Telegraph Agency: 3320 E. 14th. Street, Oakland, Calif. To the BRIDE and GROOM We wish to extend our Heartiest Congratulations You may need something in our lines and we invite you to our store, where you will find A Complete Line of Dependable HIGH-CLASS JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, ETC. also do first-class repair work" A. SIGWART and SONS JEWELERS 1226 Broadway Oakland, Cal. CUPID'S BOOK ft GOOD COUNSEL H^HIS BOOK is presented free to the Bride and Groom with the compliments of the ADVERTISERS therein, who make such presentation possible. We recommend them as the best in their respective lines and they will accord you the fairest kind of treatment. Your patronage will be highly appreciated by them. Please mention Cupid's Book. Compiled and Published by E. F. KIESSLING & SON Box 696, Oakland, California Office: 202 Blake-Havens Building BRANCHES: Los Angeles and San Diego, Cal.; Portland, Oregon Seattle and Spokane, Wash. Cupid's Book has the approval of . dcrrrge J. Ciross Clerk of Alameda County and is distributed by the courtesy of and through his office. in That life's sweetest offerings to those who live and love and cherish the goodness and beauty of its being may come to you and yours ; that in the strength and sanctity of your union you may know the beginning of the achieve- ment of your destinies such is our hope and wish in this wonder-hour of your life. VOGUE PLEATING AND BUTTON CO, Phone Oakland 145 1444 San Pablo Ave. OAKLAND HEMSTITCHING PIQUOTING Our Specialty BUTTONS MADE from your own material FASHIONABLE PLEATING Skirts pleated to fit your hips also finished ready to wear if you desire. FANCY EMBROIDERY Silver Edging i BRAIDING Take Elevator to Second Floor Brides: By mentioning Cupid' s Book you will be entitled to Special Prices MAIL ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION CUPID'S BOOK WEDDING ANNIVERSARY First Year Cotton Second Year Paper Third Year Leather Fifth Year Wooden Seventh Year Woolen Tenth Year Tin Twelfth Year Silk and Linen Fifteenth Year Crystal Twentieth Year China Twenty-fifth Year Silver Thirtieth Year Pearl Fortieth Year Ruby Fiftieth Year : Golden Seventy-fifth Year Diamond DIAMONDS JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE Gifts that are always welcome. Handed down from one generation to another and are eVerlasting. A. F. EDWARDS 1227-29 Broadway Oakland's Jeweler Since 1879 Forty-five Years . BIRTH MONTH GEMS Their Sentiment and Flower January Garnet: Constancy Wild Rose February Amethyst: Contentment Pink March Bloodstone or Aquamarine: Courage Violet April Diamond: Innocence Easter Lily May Emerald: Success in Love Lily of the Valley June Pearl or Moonstone: Purity Daisy July Ruby: Nobility of Mind Rose August Sardonyx or Peridot. Conjugal Felicity Pond Lily September Sapphire: Chastity Poppy October Opal or Tourmaline: Hope Cosmos November Topaz : Fidelity Chrysanthemum December Turquoise or Lapis Lazuli: Success and Happiness Holly My Mother has her Pictures and Mirrors Framed Saake s Index to Advertisers Page ARTISTIC GIFTS The Copper Shop 34 BANK Central Savings Bank 1 BUTTONS PLEATING Vogue Pleating and Button Co 6 CHINA PAINTING Andrew J. Bloom, Ph. D 55 CHOCOLATES MA BELLE Ma Belle Chocolates 38 CHOCOLATE SAY "GEAR-AR-DELLY" Ghirardelli Co 86 CLOROX "THE WHITE LINE IS THE CLOROX LINE" Clorox Chemical Corp 95- 98 COAL Rhodes-Jamieson & Co Inside Front Cover COFFEE "NATIONAL CREST" Geo. W. Caswell Co 74- 77 DIAMONDS SILVERWARE * A. F. Edwards 7- 57 EGGS BUTTER CHEESE R. E. Biggs 18, 50 FLOUR AND CEREALS Sperry Flour Co 12 FOOD PRODUCTS "LAST BRAND" The J. E. Shoemaker Co 15, 23, 69, 72 HEALTH BEVERAGE W-H-Y Bartlett Nu Products Corp 26- 42 HEALTH FOODS Hygienic Health Food Co 27- 30 HONEY J. A. Howard Apiaries 68 HOME FURNISHINGS Breuner's 10, Outsids Back Cover JEWELRY WATCHES A. Sigwart & Sons 2 LAUNDRY New Method Laundry 102 PAINTS "FOR EVERY PURPOSE" W. P. Fuller & Co 65- 66 PHOTOGRAPHS OF MERIT Fred Hartsook 17 PICTURE FRAMING Saake's Inside Back Cover, 8 SILVERWARE A. Sigwart & Sons 78- 88 STOVES SPARK Jackson Furniture Co 58 M. Stulsaft Co 58 WICKER FURNITURE Falstaff Company . 100 Furnish Your Own Home Whether it be an apartment or a house, make it a real home by furnishing it yourselves. An artistic home need not be expensive nor furnishing it a hardship if you select from Breuner's vast stocks and use Breuner's Easy Pay Plan. Ask about it! SOLD ON EASY TERMS "Everything for the Home" Clay at 15th St., Oakland 10 Table of Contents Page ANIMAL CUTS HOW TO SELECT AND BUY MEATS 46 BEVERAGES 75 BREAD, BISCUITS, MUFFINS, WAFFLES, ETC 13 CAKES AND HOW TO MAKE THEM 19 CONFECTIONS 39 EGGS 49 FILLINGS AND ICINGS 41 FISH AND SHELL FISH 59 HOUSEHOLD HINTS 96 HOUSEKEEPING NOTES 97 ICE CREAM, ICES AND SHERBETS 33 JELLIES, JAMS, PRESERVES, MARMALADES, ETC 67 MEATS 43 PICKLES 70 PIES 31 POULTRY AND GAME 51 PUDDINGS 35 PUDDING SAUCES , 37 RELISHES 71 SALADS 56 SAUCES 53 SHELL FISH 59 SOUPS 47 SPANISH AND ITALIAN DISHES 72 STAINS REMOVAL OF 99 STUFFINGS 54 TABLE ETIQUETTE 89 TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 101 TIME TABLE FOR COOKING 101 THE TABLE AS IT SHOULD BE SET 79 VEGETABLES . ............ 61 CHOCOLATE RECIPES 87 SPECIAL HYGIENIC RECIPES - - 28 SPECIAL RECIPES 85 11 From Wedding Cake to Biscuits does not have to be "from the sublime to the ridiculous" will be more than an ingredient of your first bakings it will be their success. Your cakes and pies need not suffer by comparison with those that "Mother used to make." SPERRY You will always be sure of the very finest quality in Cereals, too, if you insist on the SPERRY RED PACKAGE LINE GERMEA ROLLED OATS FLAKED WHEAT ENCORE PANCAKE FLOUR, ETC. " Ask Your Grocer" Send for a "Cereal Story" It's Free 12 BREAD SKS- BISCUITS WHITE BREAD (Quick Method) 3 Quarts Sifted Flour 2 Cakes Fleischmann's Yeast 2 Tablespoons Lard or Butter, melted 1 Quart Lukewarm Water 1 Tablespoon Salt 2 Tablespoons Sugar The best bread-makers use quick methods. One cake of yeast will suffice, but two cakes produce quicker, stronger fermentation and better bread. Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm water, add lard or butter and half the flour. Beat until smooth, then add salt and balance of the flour, or enough to make dough that can be handled. Knead until smooth and elastic, or "throw and roll." Place in greased bowl, cover and set aside in a moderately warm place, free from draught, until light about one and one-half hours. Mould into loaves. Place in well-greased bread pans, filling them half full. Cover and let rise one hour, or until double in bulk. Bake forty-five to sixty minutes. If a richer loaf is desired, use milk in place of part or all of the water. This recipe makes three large loaves. GRAHAM OR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 1 Cup Sifted Flour 1 Cup Milk, scalded and cooled 2 Tablespoons Lard or Butter, melted 4 Tablespoons Light Brown Sugar 4 Cups Graham Flour or Molasses 1 Teaspoon Salt 1 Cup Lukewarm Water 1 Cake Fleischmann's Yeast This recipe gives bread of an excellent flavor and richness, which may well be served occasionally to give variety to the diet. Both graham and entire wheat are highly valuable in the dietary since they stimulate the process of digestion and give the digestive tract needed exercise. Dissolve yeast and sugar, or molasses, in lukewarm liquid. Add lard or butter, then flour gradually, or enough to make a dough that can be handled, and the salt. Knead thoroughly, or "throw and roll," being sure to keep dough soft. Cover and set aside in a warm place to rise for about two hours. When double in bulk, turn out on kneading board, mould into loaves and place in well-greased pans; cover and set to rise again about one hour, or until light. Bake one hour in a slower oven than for white bread. This recipe makes two loaves. RAISIN BREAD 6 Cups Sifted Flour 1 Cake Fleischmann's Yeast 4 Tablespoons Lard or Butter 1 Cup Lukewarm Water %. Cup Sugar 1 Cup Milk, scalded and cooled 1 Cup Raisins 1 Tablespoon Sugar 1 Teaspoon Salt Raisin bread stands for "queen quality" among breads. Made after this recipe it will give you bread enjoyment that you never knew before. Raisin bread makes delicious toast. Whole wheat or graham flour used in place of white flour affords a pleasing variety. Dissolve yeast and one tablespoonful sugar in lukewarm liquid, add two cups of flour, the lard or butter and sugar well creamed, and beat until smooth. Cover and set aside to rise in a warm place, free from draught, until light about one and one-half hours. When well risen, add raisins well floured, the rest of the flour, or enough to make a moderately soft dough, and the salt. Knead lightly, or "throw and roll." Place in a well-greased bowl, cover and let rise again until double in bulk about one and one-half hours. Mould into loaves, fill well-greased pans half full, cover and let rise until light about one hour. Glaze with egg diluted with water, and bake forty-five minutes. This recipe makes two loaves. SOUTHERN CORN BREAD Cornmeal, White or Yellow 2 Tablespoons Melted 2 Eggs, Salt Butter or Lard 1 Quart Milk, Sour 1'/2 Teaspoons Soda 2 Tablespoons Molasses Beat eggs, molasses and butter together thoroughly; dissolve soda in the sour milk and stir in enough meal to make a light batter; pour in pan about 1% inches thick and bake in moderate oven for about Vz hour. 13 GERMEA for the baby CUPID'S BOOK NUT BREAD 1/1 Cu P p S S F ugar' *""* ''? Ca^e^Reisthmann's Yeast 2 Tablespoons Lard or Butter 1 Cup Milk, scalded and cooled White of 1 Egg 1 Tablespoon Sugar 3 4 Cup Chopped Walnuts When you want bread-goodness plus, make a loaf of nut bread after this recipe. It is a treat that combines deliciousness and big food value. The ingredients speci- fied will make one medium-sized loaf or one dozen rolls. Dissolve yeast and one tablespoon sugar in lukewarm milk, add one and one- fourth cups flour and beat thoroughly. Cover and set aside in warm place fifty minutes, or until light. Add sugar and lard or butter, creamed white of egg beaten stiff nuts, remainder of flour, or enough to make a dough, and the salt. Knead well, or "throw and roll." Place in greased bowl. Cover and set aside for about two and one-half hours to rise, or until double in bulk. Mould into a loaf or small finger rolls, and place in well-greased pans. Protect from draught and let rise again until liht about one hour. Loaf should bake forty-five minutes; finger rolls six to eight minutes. POP-OVER ROLLS 2 Cups Flour 3 Eggs 1 Cup Milk Pinch Salt and Baking Powder Put the eggs, salt and flour into a bowl; mix in the milk and pour into deep moulds, which are fully 2 inches deep; fill half full and bake in a hot oven 25 minutes. OLD-FASHIONED GINGER BREAD 4 Cups Flour % Cup Melted Butter 1 Cup Sugar 1 Teaspoon each of Ginger, Cinna- 1 Cup Milk nion and Soda % Cup Molasses 2 Eggs Mix dry ingredients; add molasses, milk, eggs and melted butter; beat smooth and bake in a sheet for about 1 hour. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS 3 Pints Flour, sifted 1 Cake Fleischmann's Yeast 4 Tablespoons Lard or Butter, melted 1 Pint Milk, scalded and cooled 1 Teaspoon Salt 2 Tablespoons Sugar These delightful little "individual breads" are among the most popular of rolls. The name denotes the shape into which you mould them before the last lightening. Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk, add lard or butter and one and one-half pints of flour. Beat until perfectly smooth. Cover and let rise in a warm place one hour, or until light. Then add remainder of flour, or enough to make a dough, and the salt. Knead well, or "throw and roll." Place in greased bowl. Cover and let rise in a warm place for about one and one-half hours, or until double in bulk. Roll out one-fourth inch thick. Brush over lightly with melted butter, cut with two-inch biscuit cutter, crease through center heavily with dull edge of knife and fold over in pocket-book shape. Place in well-greased, shallow pans one inch apart. Cover and let rise until light about three-quarters of an hour. Bake ten minutes add heaping teaspoon lard, some salt and Chili powder to taste. When the balls in hot oven. CREAM BISCUITS BAKING POWDER 1 Pint Flour 1 Teaspoon Salt 3 Tablespoons Baking Powder Cream Sift together flour, salt and baking powder; moisten with cream as soft as can be handled; roll out on well-floured board; cut in small biscuits and place in a pan, brushing over with melted butter or cream before baking; have oven very hot and bake 10 or 15 minutes, according to size. For milk biscuits use 2 tablespoons short- ening. BOSTON BROWN BREAD 1 Cup Flour % Cup Molasses 1 Cup Cornmeal 1 Cup Sour Milk Cup Rye or Graham Flour 2 Teaspoons Soda 1 Teaspoon Salt Mix ingredients; pour into a small pail, about % full; place on rack in a large kettle, surrounded with boiling water; boil on flame stove 20 minutes; remove to cabinet for 5 hours or more. By adding % cup raisins you have fruit bread. 14 Your baby tcill like GERMEA BRAND FOOD PRODUCTS Start right by using the - "LAST BRAND FIRST" they are SUPERIOR and will not disappoint you. You will find that most all Grocers and Deli- catessens carry the Last Brand Food Products and recommend them. MAYONNAISE, GRATED CHEESE, MUSTARD, OLIVES, PICKLES, HORSERADISH, POTATO CHIPS, VINEGAR, SAUSAGES, CHEESE, FISH, OILS, SAUCES, ETC. Manufactured by The J. E. Shoemaker |Co. MANUFACTURERS ANP IMPORTERS Oakland San Francisco 15 Oakland 2 CUPID'S BOOK MUFFINS 2 CUDS Flour 1 Tablespoon each of Sugar and Melted Butter 1 Cup Milk !4 Teaspoon Salt 2'/2 Tablespoons Baking Powder Mix and sift dry ingredients; mix beaten egg and milk, add to flour; add melted butter and beat to a smooth batter; bake in buttered gem pans in moderate oven. KENTUCKY WAFFLES 2 Pints Flour 1 pint Sour Cream 3 Eggs 2 Tablespoons Lard 1 Cup Milk J Teaspoon Soda Beat eggs, yolks and white separately; add to yolks sifted flour and sour cream; stir well and make batter thin with milk; add melted lard, soda dissolved in a little cold milk and lastly whites of eggs; bake quickly in hot irons. DANDY GRIDDLE CAKES 1 Pint Flour '/2 Teaspoon Sugar 1 Cup Milk '/2 Teaspoon Salt 3 Teaspoons Baking Powder These are the best plain hot griddle cakes without eggs and are light, tender and healthful. Sift well together and add milk to make into a soft batter; bake immediately on hot griddle. Should be % inch thick when baked. Smother with butter and maple syrup or honey. CINNAMON BUNS Flour 2 Tablespoons Sugar !/i Lb. Butter 1 Cake Fleischmann's Yeast 1 Cup Milk 2 Eggs 1 Cup Water Currants Scald milk, add butter, sugar and yeast cake (dissolved), egg well beaten, and sufficient flour to make a soft dough; knead lightly; put aside in a warm place; when very light, roll into a sheet, spread with butter and dust with sugar and sprinkle with currants; cut into buns; stand them in a greased pan and when very light bake in a moderate oven 45 minutes. QUICK COFFEE CAKE 1 Pint Flour 3 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1/3 Cup Sugar 3 Tablespoons Melted Lard 1/2 Cup Milk !/ 2 Teaspoon Salt 1 Egg !/z Teaspoon Cinnamon Sift together twice, the flour, salt, baking powder and cinnamon; mix to a soft dough with milk stirred into a well-beaten egg; add melted lard; spread in a shallow pan, sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon and bake in a moderate oven. FRITTER BATTER 2 Cups Flour 1/2 Teaspoon Salt 1 Cup Milk 1 Egg (For frying fish, vegetables or fruits) Mix the above to a smooth batter and coat the article for frying; if for fruit, add a little sugar. BREAD GRIDDLE CAKES 1 Cup Flour 1!/ 2 Cups Stale Bread Crumbs 2 Eggs 3 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1'/ 2 Cups Milk, Scalded '/ 2 Tablespoon Sugar 2 Tablespoons Melted Butter '/ 2 Teaspoon Salt Pour milk over bread crumbs; add butter and soak for 15 minutes; add eggs, well beaten, sugar, salt and baking powder; mix and drop by spoonfuls on a hot, greased griddle; cook on one side; when puffed full of bubbles and cooked on edges, turn and cook other side; serve with butter and maple syrup. GRIDDLE CAKES WITH EGGS 2 Cups Flour 1/2 Teaspoon Salt 1 Cup Milk 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder Mix well together, add eggs and sufficient milk to make a thin drop batter; bake at once on a hot, well-greased griddle; make them thin. 16 GERMEA ranks next to milk as a baby food if arisnok CALIFORNIA'S FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPHER OAKLAND STUDIO 408 FOURTEENTH STREET STUDIOS IN Los Angeles, 636 S. Broadway San Francisco, 41 Grant Ave. Stockton, 531 East Main St. Pomona, 357 W. Second St. Fresno, 1228 J St. Santa Rosa, 523 Fourth St. San Diego, Cabrillo Theater Bldg. Pasadena, 33 W. Colorado St Visalia, 104 West Main St. San Jose, 285 So. First 81, Modesto, 908 Tenth St. Bakersfield, 1923 I St. Sacramento, 422 K St. Riverside Long Beach, 111 East Ocean Avenue 17 There will be no dis- appointments if you buy from us. We have Six Good Reasons First - Our Eggs are direct from producer and avoid two weeks' commission house routine. Second - Our High-Grade Butter is churned fresh daily in Oakland. Third - Our Pure Domestic Honey is packed by us. Fourth - Tuttle's Cottage Cheese is delivered to us daily. Try it. It is different. Fifth - Money Back Guarantee. Sixth - Three Stores for your convenience. R. E. BIGGS East Bay Market Nineteenth and Telegraph State Market Fourteenth and Webster 18 CAKES and how to make them BRIDE'S CAKE 2 Cups Flour 1 cup Cornstarch i r^i^Vi? 31 " 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1 Cup Milk 1 Teaspoon Vanilla c-r* 4i S" P Butter ;. 8 E 99 Whites bitt all dry ingredients before measuring. Cream the butter and sugar well then add whites of 2 eggs, unbeaten, and beat well; add the flavoring, then a little of the milk; sift in a little of the flour, the baking powder and corn starch; beat; then add a little more milk and flour until all is used; lastly, fold in lightly the whites of re- maining 6 eggs, which have been beaten light and dry; bake 1 hour in a moderate oven and when cold ice with marshmallow icing. WEDDING CAKE * Cups Flour 2 Teaspoons Cinnamon Cups each Butter and Sugar 2 Teaspoons Mace 1 Teaspoon Nutmeg 1 Teaspoon Allspice \ W u me 9. lass Clder !/ 2 Teaspoon Cloves 4 Cups each Raisins and Almonds -Line pan with three thicknesses of paper; butter top layer; seed and chop raisins- wash and dry the currants; cut the citron in uniform slices, about % inch thick- blanch the almonds and chop fine; mix all the fruit, but the citron, with the dough- insert pieces of citron after dough is poured into pan. SPONGE CAKE 2 Cups Flour 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder Cups Sugar -| Teaspoon Lemon Extract 4 E 99S Pinch Salt Beat eggs separately, then beat together slowly, sugar, flour, baking powder and salt, lastly 1 cup boiling water and extract; heat the pan. POUND CAKE Cups Flour 10 Eggs 2 Cups Sugar -\ wineglass Boiled Cider 2 Cups Butter Citron and Almonds Cream the butter; add sugar, egg yolks, whites and flour; place currants into % of the dough and almonds, blanched and pounded in rose water, into another part; leave the remainder plain; fill very small, round tins % full; into half of those con- taining the plain dough put small pieces of citron, three in each, inserting the citron upright a little way into the dough; sift sugar over the tops of those containing the citron and almond before putting them into the oven; bake 20 minutes; frost the plain and currant cakes. Pound Cake is lighter when baked in small cakes than in ANGEL CAKE ii/ r, UP F L IOUr l/2 Te asP<>on Cream of Tartar 9 Eaal fwlfites) 1 Teas P on Vanllla Extract Beat whites of eggs and cream of tartar till stiff; fold in sugar very lightly, also flour and flavoring; bake in ungreased pan. DEVIL CAKE 13/ 4 Cups Flour, Sifted .2 Teaspoons Baking Powder ?/ r- P iJ?-V,? ar % Cu P Powdered Sugar / r , P n R ** 3 Oun <=es Chocolate, Melted Vz Cup Butter i/ 2 Teaspoon Cinnamon vSSma Extract /4 Teasp n C ' VeS Cream the butter and add the cup sugar; beat yolks, add powdered sugar and beat the two mixtures together; add chocolate, then flour, sifted 3 times with baking powder, and spices; then milk, extract and whites of eggs; bake in two layers- put together with fruit icing; spread white icing above. SUNSHINE CAKE Powder Cream butter and sugar thoroughly; beat yolks and add; sift flour, then sift with jaking powder 3 times and add alternately with milk to other ingredients- bake in slow oven 50 to 60 minutes. 19 Your baby will like GERMEA CUPID'S BOOK WHITE CAKE 3 Cups Flour 4 Egg Whites 1' 4 Cups Sugar 3 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1 Cup Milk 1 Teaspoon Salt % Cup Butter Cream butter and sugar; add milk alternately to flour, baking powder and salt, if ted thoroughly; add egg whites or fold in last, stirring gently; any flavor to suit FUDGE CAKE 2 Cups Flour (heaping) 1 Cup Sugar 14 Cup Walnuts 1 Cup Milk 2 Eggs y z Cup Butter 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder U Cup Chocolate Sugar Melt butter in pan over steam; cream sugar and butter together; add eggs, beating well, then milk; sift in flour, baking powder and chocolate; put in broken nnts; stir batter quickly; bake in well-greased cake tins. LADY BALTIMORE CAKE 3'/2 Cups Flour 3 Teaspoons Baking Powder 2 Cups Sugar 1 Teaspoon Rosewater 1 Cup Milk 6 Eggs 1 Cup Butter Cream the butter and beat in the sugar gradually; sift together flour and baking powder; add to butter and sugar alternately with milk and rose water; lastly, add egg whites, beaten dry; bake in 3 layer cake pans; put layers together with the fol- lowing frosting: 3 Cups Sugar 1 Cup Chopped Raisins 3 Eggs 1 Cup Chopped Nut Meats 5 Figs, cut In Thin Slices 1 Cup Boiling Water Stir sugar in water until dissolved, then let boil without stirring until syrup from a spoon will spin long thread; pour upon egg whites, beaten dry, constantly, mean- while continue beating until frosting is cold; add fruit and spread upon cake. BROWNSTONE CAKE 2 Cups Flour 4 Eggs 1i/ 2 Cups Sugar 3 Tablespoons Chocolate 1/2 Cup Milk 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 1/2 Cup Butter Vanilla Extract Cream sugar with butter, add milk, chocolate dissolved in % cup warm water, eggs, well beaten, baking powder and extract; bake in long pan; cover with following frosting: 2 Teacups Powdered Sugar 1 Egg Butter (size of egg) 1 Cup Finely Chopped Walnut Meats Cream sugar with butter; thin with cream; add beaten egg white and walnuts. WHIPPED CREAM CAKE 2 Cups Flour 1 Cup Cornstarch 2 Cups Sugar 8 Eggs 1 Cup Milk 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1/2 Cup Butter 1 Teaspoon Lemon Extract Sift all dry ingredients; cream sugar and butter well; add gradually egg yolks, well beaten, beating all until very light and creamy, then add flavoring; mix flour, cornstarch and baking powder; alternate with milk; bake in well-buttered layer pans; when cold put between layers rich, dry whipped cream and use as icing, allowing 2 hours to harden. SWEETHEART FRUIT AND NUT CAKES 1'/ 2 Cups Flour 2 Eggs 1 Cup Sugar 2'/ 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1/2 Cup Milk 1 Cup Chopped Raisins 1/2 Cup Butter 1 Cup Chopped Nuts Cream the butter; beat in sugar, raisins, nuts, eggs beaten light, not separated, milk and flour sifted with baking powder; bake in small tins; decorate with boiled frosting, small red candies, chopped pistachio nuts (green) and red candle in holder. DEVIL'S FOOD 1 Cup Flour !/ 2 Cup Melted Butter 1 Cup Light Brown Sugar 1/2 Teaspoon Soda 1/2 Cup Milk Cocoa to Color 1 Egg Mix together, being careful not to get too thick. 20 GERMEA makes a healthy baby CUPID'S BOOK FRUIT CAKE 4 Cups Flour !/ 4 Lb. Butter !/ 2 Cup Molasses 4 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1 Cup Milk % Lb. Citron 3 Eggs 2 Lbs. Raisins 1 Lb. Brown Sugar !/ 2 Nutmeg, Grated 2 Lbs. Currants !/2 Teaspoon Allspice Cream butter, sugar and eggs; add molasses and milk and 2 cups flour; mix fruit with 1 cup flour and add spices and flavorings; lastly add cup of flour, well sifted with baking powder; bake in slow oven. LAYER CAKE 1% Cups Flour 1 Cup Sugar !/ 2 Cup Milk Cream butter in a large bowl; when creamy add gradually sugar, beating con- stantly; then add egg yolks, beaten very light, and milk; beat well; mix flour and baking powder; sift and add; beat 3 minutes and fold in egg whites, beaten stiff and dry; add flavoring before folding in egg whites; bake in 3 layer cake pans that have been well buttered and floured; when cooled, spread with boiled frosting and sprinkle tops and sides with almonds which have been blanched, shedded and delicately browned in oven. CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE 1'/2 Cups Flour 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1 Cup Sugar 5 Eggs 1 Cake Chocolate, Unsweetened Grate chocolate; add flour, baking powder and eggs beaten with sugar; beat all 15 minutes and bake in layers. Filling 1 Cup Milk 1 Teaspoon Cornstarch, heaping Vz Cup Sugar 3 Eggs Butter, size Cherry 2 Teaspoons Vanilla Mix cornstarch smooth in cup of milk; beat eggs separately; add yolks to cup of milk and extract; warm; add butter and sugar; stir in egg whites, beaten when cool. MOCHA LAYER CAKE OR TARTS 1 Cup Flour 1/2 Cup Butter !/ 2 Cup Sugar 6 Eggs Put eggs and sugar in a bowl; place over pot of hot water and heat until warm; jbeat until cold; beat eggs and sugar until very light; add flour; mix until light, then add melted butter, mixing in lightly; pour into a round pan about 10 inches in diameter and bake in moderate oven about 25 minutes; when baked, take out and let cool, then cut into 3 layers, putting the following filling between layers. MOCHA BUTTER, CREAM FILLING Work 6 ounces sweet butter until creamy; beat 4 egg whites to stiff froth; place 5 ounces sugar in small saucepan with a little water; let boil until sugar forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water; when sugar is cooked pour it slowly into egg whites, stirring briskly; when cool add butter and some coffee extract, working together a few minutes; spread between cake layers. APPLE CAKE 2 Cups Flour 4 Sour Apples 2 Tablespoons Butter 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1 Cup Milk 1 Teaspoon Salt Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; cut in butter until it is a fine powder; add milk and beaten egg; turn out on shallow, greased pan; pare, quarter and cut apples in thin slices; press sharp edges into dough; arrange in rows; sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon; bake about % hour. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 5'/2^Tablespoons Shortening !/ 2 Teaspoon Salt 1 Cup Milk Strawberries 2 Cups Flour 4 Teaspoons Baking Powder Mix flour, baking powder and salt and sift; into this mix well with knife or fingers the shortening; add milk, mixing with knife; toss the dough on a floured board, pat and divide dough in half; roll each half out to fit pan; place in two buttered pans and bake 15 minutes in hot oven; spread strawberries on top and between the two cakes; serve with whipped or plain cream. Any kind of berries or fruits may be used in the same way. 21 Doctors recommend GERMEA for the baby CUPID'S BOOK CARAMEL CREAM CAKE 2 Cups Flour I ffa^o h ns e Baking Powder {4 III a" 1 Teaspoon V.nlll. '/2 Cup Butter , , Sift flour, adding baking powder; sift again 3 times; cream sugar and butte thoroughly; add flavor, then flour and milk alternately; lastly add the stiffly beate egg whites; bake in two layers 25 to 30 minutes. CARAMEL FILLING 1 Cup Sour Cream 1 Cup Nut Meats, Chopped 1 Cup Sugar Cook together until it forms a soft ball when tried in cold water; take fire and stir until cool. CRRISTMAS NOV ELTY i c c u u p p B 8 u tr p % C Te P as B p U oon er Sod a 1/3 Cu'p Grapefruit Pulp 1% Cups Flour Cream the butter, adding sugar gradually, beating all the time; add eggs, wel beaten till light, then fruit juice, then flour sifted with baking powder and soda; beat well and then fold in fruit pulp, cut in small pieces; bake; when cool, split and fill with the following: Yolks of 3 eggs, beaten till thick, and 1 cup sugar, adc gradually add % cup grape fruit juice and stir in grated rind of 1 lemon and tablespoon butter; cook until thick over hot water and cool before spreading; cut cake in small squares; frost with 2 tablespoons grape fruit juice and 1 tablespoj lemon juice made thick enough to spread with powdered sugar; before the frostmi is firm, place a little tree, cut out of citron, in the center and drip bits of fros :mg, colored red, on the branches. TRUE LOVERS' KNOTS 5 Cups Flour 1 Teaspoon Salt 1 Cup Sugar 1 E 99 % Cup Shortening 1 Teaspoon Vanilla, or 1 Tablespoon Vinegar (strong) !/4 Teaspoon Mace, as preferred Cream shortening; add gradually sugar, then eggs, beaten very light, and % cup water, with vinegar added; sift flour with % teaspoon mace and salt, unless butter is used; then use % teaspoon; when well mixed knead briskly on moulding board for 1 minute; cut off small piece of dough, roll with hands until size of lead pencil and 5 inches long; form this into ring, joining ends neatly; roll a second piece, loop into first ring, join as before; this forms a "true lovers' knot"; bake in very moderate oven till delicate brown; when cool cover with an orange icing made of grated rind of 1 large orange, soaked in 3 tablespoons cool water % hour and wrung through a piece of cheese cloth and made just stiff enough with powdered sugar to cover knots smoothly. DOUGHNUTS 4 Cups Flour 2 Tablespoons Melted Butter 1 Cup Sugar !/2 Teaspoon Salt '/2 Cup Milk 2 Eggs 3 Teaspoons Baking Powder Vanilla or Cinnamon Mix flour, baking powder and salt; sift 3 times; rub sugar and butter together; add well-beaten eggs, then flour and milk alternately and flavor; turn out on a well- floured board and roll out % inch thick; cut with doughnut cutter and fry in boiling fat. MAMMY BELDEN CAKE 3'/2 Cups Flour 3 4 Cup Butter 1 Cup Sugar 4 Eggs 1'/ 2 Cups Milk 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder Cream sugar with butter; add milk, egg yolks and flour; beat fully 20 minutes, then add baking powder, egg whites and flavor. Do not beat; fold in. Bake 40 minutes as a whole or in layers. SUSIE'S DREAM CAKE 3'/ 2 Cups Flour 2 Cups Sugar 1 Pint Milk 2 Eggs (beaten separate or together) % Cup Butter 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder Sift flour and baking powder together 3 times; add other ingredients; bake in layers. 22 The germ of the tcheat GERMEA is the most nutritious part TRADE MARK BRAND FOOD PRODUCTS Are Superior Mayonnaise Potato Chips Grated Cheese Vinegar Mustard Sausages Olives Cheese Pickles Fish Horseradish Oils Sausages, Etc., Etc. We aim to produce the best goods on the market and ask you to just try them At Your Dealer's The J. E. Shoemaker Co. MANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS WHOLESALERS Oakland San Francisco 23 CUPID'S BOOK KENTUCKY JAM CAKE 3'A Cups Flour '/2 Teaspoon Soda CUD Sugar Vz Teaspoon each Cinnamon, Cloves 1 Cuo Butter and Allspice 5 Tablespoons Sour Cream 1 Cup Blackberry Jam 3 Eggs, beaten separately Cream together butter and sugar; add eggs and soda, dissolved in the sour cream; then add other ingredients and bake. LOAF CAKE Cups Flour 2 Eggs, well beaten Cup Milk 1 Teaspoon Cream of Tartar Cup Butter !/2 Teaspoon Soda Cup Raisins, Seeded 1 Nutmeg, Grated 1/2 Cups Sugar Cream together the butter and sugar; add eggs, alternate with flour, sifted, and milk, sifted cream of tartar and soda, adding spices and raisins; flour well. FILLING FOR CAKE, ETC. 2 Cups Sugar, Powdered Vanilla or 3 Tablespoons Milk Lemon Extract Whip till creamy, and flavor. DELICIOUS FILLING 2 Cups Sugar, Powdered 3 Tablespoons Boiling Water Beat well; add small piece of butter. LIGHTNING CAKE 1 Cup Flour, Heaping 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder, Vi Cup Butter Heaping '/2 Cup Milk 2/3 Cup Sugar 1 Egg Sift flour, baking powder, sugar and pinch salt together; drop the egg into butter, lightly melted, and add milk and beat; add other ingredients; bake in 2 layers or as cup cake. DATE CAKE 4 Egg Yolks (beat well) 1 Tablespoon Flour (heaping) 1 Cup Sugar 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 1 Cup Chopped Dates (fine) Add '/ 2 Teaspoon Salt 1 Cup Chopped Nuts (fine) Add Beaten Whites Beat and add to above Two layers. Cover with cream and lady fingers. Bake Vz hour in slow oven. GINGER SNAPS 1 Cup Flour 2 Teaspoons Soda 1 Cup Molasses 1 Teaspoon Ginger, Heaping 1 Cup Sugar 2 Eggs 1 Cup Butter Heat the sugar, molasses and butter to boiling point; take from stove and stir in the flour while hot; let cool; add soda, dissolved in a little vinegar; add eggs; ginger in the flour; beat all the rest; knead enough flour in to roll out nicely. JUMBLES 2 Cups Flour \\ Teaspoon Nutmeg 1/2 Cup Butter >/ 2 Teaspoon Vanilla or Lemon >/ 2 Cup Sugar 3 Eggs Work butter into flour, sugar and eggs, well beaten; add nutmeg, vanilla or lemon extract; mix well; roll out to the thickness of about % inch thick; sprinkle powdered sugar over the dough; cut it with a biscuit or cake cutter, so that there will be a hole in center; lay them on flat tin plates and bake 10 minutes in quick oven. BILLY GOAT COOKIES 3 Cups Flour 1 Cup Raisins, Chopped Fine Cup Butter 1 Cup Walnuts, Chopped Fine 1'/ 2 Cups Brown Sugar 1 Teaspoon Soda (scant), sifted In 3 Eggs Flour ' 4 Cup Water (scant) PLAIN COOKIES 2/a Cups Flour 34 Cup Butter 1|/a Cups Sugar 2 Teaspoc-ns Baking Powder 1 Tablespoon Milk 3 Eggs Cream butter and sugar; add beaten eggs, sifted flour with baking powder and milk; roll out thin and cut in circles. 24 GERMEA makes strength for babies CUPID'S BOOK EXCELSIOR COOKIES 1 Cup U Mllk I g"P s S "9 ar rr, 1 ^ B ,r er 2 T ""P'"' Baking Powd.r -wither Sfd e tak'e. addillg en Ugh fl Ur t0 makC a S ft d Ugh ' r thin ' COCOANUT DROP COOKIES 1 Cup S Brown Sugar 1 T * as P on Soda ,,. ' 1 Box ('/i Lb.) Cocoanut Mix well and drop from spoon on greased pans. Flour 1 Quart Molasses 1 Cup Lard MOLASSES COOKIES 2 Ounces Soda 1 Gill Water car < ful and not 2 Teaspoons Ginger 1'/2 Teaspoons Baking Powder Teaspoon Salt Egg SHAMROCKS 2yi Cups Flour 1 Cup Sugar !/ 2 Cup Milk 1/3 Cup Shortening Cream shortening; add sugar gradually, then egg^e!! beaten then the milk- mix flour, baking powder, salt and ginger and sift? chill thoroughly and rolPout rather thick; cut with a cutter shaped to represent a three-leaved clover- bake rather quick oven; cool and cover with frosting colored green, or cover with shredded cocoanut colored green; if cocoanut is used, brush over cookies verjT lightly with white of egg diluted with 1 tablespoon cold water and beaten tSer- to cSS cocoanut, dilute green coloring with a little water, turn into shallow dish add cocoa nut and stir with silver fork until cocoanut is evenly colored; dry before using PRUNE SOUFFLE This is a delicious dessert, simple of ingredients and quickly prepared Pick over and wash 10 or 12 prunes; soak several hours in cold water'to cover- cook in same water until soft, then remove stones and either chop orbeat into tinv fragments or rub through a sieve. If the souffle is to serve six oeonfe ' ? whites of 4 eggs, which will be sufficient; beat until the eggs fly from the whin, then add 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 for each eg? beX agaTn and add prunes; pile lightly m a baking dish and bake until light b?own in f moderate oven This pudding falls easily unless the baking pan is set in a heaw ";*l r " 5 a couple of inches of hot water, With thg precaution Tt may^en's" aS fo? "hbrt time after baking, provided it is left in an open oven. The same foundation of eggs and sugar can be used in compounding other souffles adding dried apricots which have been cooked according to the method for prunes and beaten into small fragments. Raspberries in season make a delicious '" stewed figs can be acceptably utilized, and, in fact, almost any fruit can pressed into service, unless it is very juicy, like pineapple Notice Please do this Acknowledge receipt of "Cupid's Book" by returning postal card found elsewhere herein. Publishers. GERMEA makes a happy baby Drink W-H-Y Now Js the Time to Start Right Use a Food and a Beverage 100 Per Cent Pure BY THIS SIGN YE SHALL KNOW IT IS GENUINE" W-H-Y is a very nutritious, energizing and healthful Food Beverage, should be in use daily by every member of the family. W-H-Y may be used either Hot or Cold. W-H-Y is more nutritious than meat, contains over 450 calories of food value per cup and is rich in Vitamines. W-H-Y is a thoroughly balanced food which regulates the bowels, aids digestion, enriches the blood and is quieting to the nerves. W-H-Y is a wonderful brain and nerve builder. W-H-Y contains the essential parts of the finest grade of selected and nutritious Raisins, Figs, Walnuts, Peanuts, Barley, Wheat and Celery, prepared in such a careful and scientific manner that they lose none of their valued health and body-building properties. Upon request and receipt of your name and address we shall be pleased to send you a bottle of W-H-Y FREE "Health and Happiness in Every Bottle" PREPARED BY BARTLETT NU PRODUCTS CORPORATION Pasadena, California, U. S. A. 26 A FEW PENNIES SAVE WILL SERVE A TASTY MEAL NOURISHING AND HEALTHFUL Hygienic Health Food Co. PRODUCTS SPECIALLY recommended and used by physicians for stom- ^ ach ailments constipation, indigestion, sour stomach and sick headache, and as economical, staple foods 'for everybody. GRANTS HYGIENIC CRACKERS AND GRANTS HYGIENIC BREAKFAST FOOD Eaten Daily in Place of Bread will Keep the System in Perfect Order A WEEK'S TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU SPECIAL RECIPES ON FOLLOWING PAGES SAMPLES ON REQUEST For Sale By Leading Grocers LOOK GOOD? HYGIENIC HEALTH FOOD CO; STATION "A" Berkeley 3706 Berkeley, California 27 CUPID'S BOOK GRANTS HYGIENIC CRACKERS and GRANTS HYGIENIC BREAKFAST FOOD are every-day foods for everybody. If you are afflicted with constipation, indigestion, sour stomach, or sick headache, it is preferable and the best results will be secured by eating the Crack- ers dry, very slowly and masticating well. But TRY THESE RECIPES PAN CAKES Soak Grants Hygienic Crackers until soft (preferably over night). Fry. Salt and butter to taste, covering with honey or syrup. HAM OR BACON with Grants Hygienic Crackers Soak Crackers until soft. Fry ham or bacon. Fry Crackers in the grease. Place bacon or ham on Crackers. Serve, salting to taste. EGG on toasted Grants Hygienic Crackers Soak Crackers until soft. Toast Crack- ers on toaster or in oven (or fry). Poach, boil, fry or scramble eggs. Place eggs on toasted crackers. Serve, salting and peppering to taste. WELSH RAREBIT with Grants Hygienic Crackers Soak crackers until soft. Fry crackers on one side. Put heaping tablespoon grated cheese (Eastern) on each cracker. Turn over and fry. Serve hot and salt to taste. CREAMED PEAS with Grants Hygienic Crackers Soak crackers until soft. When ready to use place in oven to heat and toast. Cook peas and thicken with flour which has been stirred in milk. Add salt and butter. Cut crackers in strips and pour the creamed peas over them. Serve hot. ASPARAGUS with Grants Hygienic Crackers Soak crackers until soft. Have freshly cooked or hot canned asparagus and a cream sauce ready. Heat crackers in oven. Butter hot crackers. Cut aspar- agus into short pieces and place on crackers, covering with cream sauce. Salt and pepper to taste. FRUITED GRANTS HYGIENIC CRACKERS Break crackers into small pieces. Put berries or fruit (any kind) and juices at side of dish. Cover with whipped cream. HYGIENIC PATTIES Beat together 1 cup Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food, 2 cups milk (or water), 1 egg, Vz teaspoon salt. Add more mlik if necessary. Fry. CHICKEN SALAD Mix together 2 tablespoons Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, 1 cup finely chopped chicken, V* cup finely ^chopped celery, and shred- ded lettuce. Add whipped cream until soft enough to bind. Lay on lettuce leaves, add dressing, chopped sweet pickle and a little parsley. PIMENTO CHEESE SALAD Beat to stand white of one egg. Add 2 tablespoons Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food, and cream together. Add (a little at a time) a small pimento cheese. Add whipped cream until soft creamy balls can be formed. Shred a portion of head lettuce, mix with 2 tablespoons mayon- naise. Salt. Form the shredded lettuce and mayonnaise in 3-inch strips, lay in lettuce leaf, add ball on top, add more mayonnaise and sliced hard boiled egg. (Enough for 6 persons.) CRAB SALAD Beat to stand whites of 2 eggs, add 2 tablespoons Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food, mixing well together. Add % cup chopped celery and salt to taste. Shred one can crab and add to mixture together with a little mayonnaise. Place on let- tuce leaves and cover with mayonnaise. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS 28 CUPID'S BOOK PLAIN OMELET Beat 4 eggs, add 2 tablespoons Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food, then 1 cup milk. Mix well, salt and fry. CHEESE OMELET Beat 3 eggs, add 2 tablespoons milk, and 1 tablespoon Grants Hygienic Break- fast Food. Salt and add }4 cup grated cheese. Serve as omelet or drop by spoonful and fry. STUFFED TOMATOES Take 6 firm ripe tomatoes, cut off tops (set tops aside). Remove portion of in- side of tomatoes and place in a bowl. Chop part removed from tomatoes, add 1 tablespoon sugar, % teaspoon salt, }4 teaspoon paprika, 2 tablespoons Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food. Mix well, add- ing enough water to form ball (make six balls to fit tomatoes). Put a piece of butter on top of ball, and place ball in- side tomato. Replace tops of tomatoes and bake. Serve hot. If desired, chopped onion or onion juice may be added and either Spanish dressing or mayonnaise may be served on top. (Stuffed Bell Peppers may be pre- pared in similar manner.) SALMON LOAF Take 2 cups Grants Hygienic Break- fast Food, add 1 cup water, % teaspoon salt, add can of salmon and mix together. Break 2 eggs and cut with knife until thoroughly mixed. Add this to salmon mixture and form into roll. Beat third egg and cover roll and bake. Make a sauce of milk (or half milk and half water). Thicken with flour. To 1 cup milk use 1 teaspoon flour. Salt to taste. When thickened, add chopped hard boiled egg. Pour sauce over baked salmon roll, and serve. PEACH PUDDING Mix together juice of 1 can peaches (or if fresh fruit is used, 1 cup water), 1 cup Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food, ~Vz cup sugar and 1 egg. Bake and serve with whipped cream. PLUM PUDDING Mix together 1 cup Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food, 2 beaten eggs, 2 cups raisins, 1 cup currants, citron shaved in small pieces, suet finely chopped (about tablespoonful), teaspoonful cinnamon and a dash of allspice. Bake or use double boiler. Serve with sherry sauce, or cream together pow- dered sugar and butter, adding any flavor desired. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts. PINEAPPLE PUDDING To 1% cups Grants Hygienic Break-* fast Food add 1 cup water, % cup sugar, and 1 can shredded pineapple. Mix well. Bake about 20 minutes. Serve with whipped cream. HYGIENIC CUSTARD Beat 2 eggs, add % teaspoonful salt, and sugar. Add 1 cup each of milk and Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food. But- ter tin or glass dish. Pour in ingredi- ents and bake as custard. When cool flavor, and serve with sweetened whipped cream. NUT SUNDAE Mix 1 quart cream, 1 pint milk, 1 tablespoon vanilla, 1 cup sugar and a little salt. To this add 1 cup Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food. Mix well and freeze. Serve, pouring over each dish crushed strawberry syrup, and sprinkling with chopped nuts. HOT CHOCOLATE FUDGE Mix 1 pint cream, 1 cup milk, V* tea- spoon salt, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup crushed strawberries and 1 cup Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food. Freeze. Serve, pour- ing over same boiled hot chocolate. (Hot boiled chocolate may be made as follows: Take 2 cups sugar, one-half cup milk and 2 tablespoons chocolate Boil till thick.) If you cannot obtain our foods from your grocer, tell us his name and we will deliver same prepaid to you at the following prices: Grants Hygienic Crackers 30c per pkg. Grants Hygienic Breakfast Food 20c per pkg. Keepwell (Malt Syrup) Cracker _30c per pkg! Lotz "Sacchar" Cracker 25c per pkg! HYGIENIC HEALTH FOOD CO., Station "A", Berkeley, California 29 IN \v\ i i 250 Doctors RECOMMEND A SWEET GLUTENOUS B^^2*ffiMfl WITHOUT fRAOKFR SUGAR CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA SICK HEADACHE SOUR STOMACH Especially for DIABETICS AND THOSE WHO SHOULD ABSTAIN FROM THE USE OF SUGAR What the Editor of HEALTH Says: Hygienic Health Food Co., Berkeley, Cal. Gentlemen: I have made a test of the "Sacchar" Cracker and find it to be good for encouraging proper mastication and easily digested. It ought to prove a valuable staple for those suffering from diabetes, indigestion and constipation. Yours very truly, THOS. J. ALLEN, M.D.JXD. ARE YOU ONE OF THE SEVEN? Statistics show that seven out of ten persons are afflicted with some stomach ailment constipation, dyspepsia, sick headache, or sour stomach. RELIEF IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL Our foods have cured these ailments and have saved the lives of thousands. From one side of the continent to the other they are recom- mended and eaten by doctors and physicians. (We have their testi- monials.) WITHOUT MEDICINE Our foods are not Medicated, but are composed of a blend of coarse ground grains and vegetable oils so scientifically combined that their natural properties provoke the bowels to their normal healthy action. BUY THIS EVERY DAY FOOD Try eating our foods one meal a day for a week and see how much better you feel and how mu.-h you save Once tried not denied. Beware of Imitation*, oi Our Products Manufactured and Guaranteed by Hygienic Health Food Co, Seventh and Allston, Berkeley, Cal. 30 PIES PIE PASTE 1'/2 Cups Flour Pinch Salt % Cup Lard Sift together dry ingredients thoroughly; work in lard with knife or rounding edge of a tablespoon or spatula; moisten to a dough with cold water; put lightly on floured board and roll thin ready for use. APPLE PIE About 4 Tart Apples !/2 Cup Sugar Peel, core and slice apples thin; line pie pan with paste; put in apples, sugar and a little water; wet edges, cover with paste rolled out very thin; bake in moderate, steady oven until apples are cooked. Note. Any green fruit pies can be made in similar'manner to above. Note. To prevent juice of pies boiling out into oven wet the edges when upper and lower crusts are joined with thin paste made of 1 teaspoon flour and 3 of water, instead of clear water. Adding cinnamon and butter will improve. LEMON PIE 1/2 Cup Sugar 2 Eggs 2'/ 2 Cups Milk 1 Lemon 1'/2 Tablespoons Cornstarch Mix cornstarch with a little milk; heat balance of milk and when it boils stir in cornstarch and boil 1 minute; let cool and add egg yolks, 2 heaping tablespoons sugar and grated rind and juice of lemon, all well beaten together; use a deep pie pan lined with paste and fill with mixture; bake slowly % hour; beat the egg whites to stiff froth and gradually beat in remainder of sugar; cover pie with this and brown slowly. LEMON CREAM PIE 5 Teaspoons Flour 1'/2 Cups Boiling Water 1 Cup Sugar 4 Eggs 1 Lemon Beat egg yolks and whites separately; add to yolks the sugar, flour, lemon juice and grated rind and lastly boiling water; cook in double boiler and when it begins to thicken add % of beaten egg whites; stir this thoroughly and cook it until thick as desired; use remainder of egg whites for meringue to top off pie; after custard has cooled fill a baked shell of pie paste, pile meringue on top and bake in a very slow oven until meringue is brown. CUSTARD PIE 1/3 Cup Flour or Cornstarch 6 Eggs 3 Cups Milk 1!/2 Cups Sugar 1 Cup Butter Mix and flavor to taste; sufficient for 3 pies; bake pie crust first. COCOANUT PIE 1 Cup Butter !/2 Cocoanut (Grated) 2 Cups Powdered Sugar 6 Eggs Cream butter with sugar; beat in cocoanut; fold in lightly the stiffened egg whites; turn into a deep pie pan lined with puff paste; bake in quick oven. Eat cold with powdered sugar and cream. PUMPKIN PIE 1/2 Cup Sugar V* Teaspoon Allspice 1/2 Cups Milk !/4 Teaspoon Cloves 1 Cup Stewed Pumpkin 2 Eggs i/i Teaspoon Ginger Beat eggs; add sugar, pumpkin and spices; beat thoroughly; then add milk and mix thoroughly; bake in pie paste crust. SQUASH PIE 2 Cups Squash 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon 1'/2 Cups Milk '/2 Tablespoon Ginger 1 Tablespoon Melted Butter 2 Tablespoons Molasses 1 Cup Brown Sugar 2 Eggs Mix in order given; strain into a deep plate lined with paste. RHUBARB PIE 1 Teaspoon Flour 1 Cup Stewed Rhubarb 1 Cup Sugar 1 Egg and Pinch Salt Stir flour into other ingredients; bake without top crust and frost. 31 GERMEA makes a happy baby CUPID'S BOOK RAISIN PIE 1 Cup Seeded Raisins 1 Tablespoon Sugar 1 Tablespoon Butter 1 Teaspoon Vinegar Cook raisins in enough cold water for 1 pie; add butter; mix all together; bake in two crusts. BERRY PIE 2 Boxes Berries 1 Cup Cream (Small) 1i/ 2 Cups Powdered Sugar Vz Lemon Wash berries; add 1 cup sugar; let stand at least two hours in ice box, then put through cheese cloth; add balance of sugar, 1 cup water, juice of % lemon and cream; freeze. This mixture makes about a quart. Grate the rind of lemons into a bowl and squeeze in the juice; make a boiling syrup of sugar and half water and pour it hot on the lemon rind and juice; let it remain until cold, then add rest of water; strain the lemonade into a freezer and freeze as usual and at last add whites whipped to a firm froth; beat and freeze again. The scalding draws the flavdr from the lemons. It should never be boiled and fewer lemons used when they are very large. This ice is perfectly white. Note. Loganberry, raspberry, blackberry, gooseberry, elderberry or grape pie may be made as above, using more sugar with some. Lbs. Boiled Lbs. Beef Suet Lbs. Currants Lbs. Raisins Lb. Citron Lb. Candled Lemon !/2 Lb. Orange Peel 3 Lbs. Peeled Apples MINCED MEAT (ENGLISH) Beef 2 Lbs. Sugar 2 Ounces Ground Spices (equal proportions of Nutmeg, Cloves and Cinnamon) Grated Rind of 6 Oranges 6 Lemons 1'/ 2 Pints Boiled Cider or Strong Grape Juice Thoroughly clean currants and raisins; cut citron in small pieces; remove skin from and cut suet up fine; place these with the lemon and orange peel, currants, raisins and candied lemons in an earthen jar; chop apples and add; trim meat lean and clear (see that it weighs 2 Ibs. when trimmed); chop this and add to rest; then add sugar and spice; mix all together; then add cider or grape juice and cover jar; over it place a cloth and tie firmly to exclude the air and prevent evaporation. The mincemeat should be kept in a cold place. It is better to stand a week after being made. The Stands for the name of the firm The J. E. Shoemaker Co. TRADE 1MARK The stands for the name of the brand. The shoe- makers will stick to the last for the sole purpose of producing the best goods on the market. THE J. E. SHOEMAKER CO. Oakland "At Your Grocer's" San Francisco 32 ICE CREAM, ICES, SHERBETS STRAIGHT ICE CREAM 2 Quarts Milk 1 Tablespoon Vanilla or 3 Cups Sugar Lemon Extract Stir together and freeze, allowing plenty of room in freezer for expansion. VANILLA ICE CREAM 4 Cups Milk 1 Tablespoon Vanilla or 1!/ 2 Cups Sugar 4 Eggs Lemon Extract Prepare and cook ingredients in the same general way as given in the following recipe: NEW YORK ICE CREAM 5 Cups Milk 1 Tablespoon Vanilla or 1 Cup Sugar Lemon Extract 4 Egg Yolks 1 Pinch Salt 1 Tablespoon Gelatine Make a custard of milk, sugar, eggs and salt; bring to a boil; remove from fire and add gelatine, melted in a little warm water; cool, strain and flavor; whip the cream; add it to custard and freeze after it has become cold. CARAMEL ICE CREAM 1 Cup Sugar 1 Cup Boiling Water 1 Quart Cream Vanilla Melt % cup sugar in frying pan and when brown add the water; let simmer 10 minutes; strain; add cream and % cup sugar; flavor and freeze. CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM 2 Squares Chocolate 2 Pints Milk 3 Cups Sugar 2 Pints Water !/2 Pint Milk 1 Tablespoon Gelatine '/a Pint Water (Hot) Dissolve chocolate in 2 tablespoons boiling water; add this with the sugar to the hot milk; boil until it foams, stirring, as it burns quickly; add the 2 pints milk and water; when just lukewarm remove from fire and stir in quickly the gelatine, dis- solved in warm water; let stand in cool place until set firm and cool, then freeze. ORANGE ICE 7 Oranges 4 Egg Whites 2 Lemons 2'/ 2 Pints Sugar Boil sugar in 2% quarts water about 15 or 20 minutes; cool; add strained juice and when almost frozen add beaten egg whites and freeze. This will make about 5 quarts of ice. Serve in sherbet glasses or orange cups. LEMON SHERBET 1 Pint Lemon Juice 2 Ounces Gelatine Vz Glass Orange Juice 2 Cups Sugar Soak gelatine over night in % pint water; in the morning add 3 quarts of water and let it come to a boiling point; strain fruit juice, add sugar (to taste) and freeze. LEMON MILK SHERBET 2 Pints Milk 2 Cups Sugar Juice of 3 Lemons Dissolve sugar with milk; add lemon juice slowly and freeze. FRUIT SHERBET 3 Lemons 2 "A Cups Sugar 1 Orange 1 Egg White 1/2 Cup Pineapple (Shredded) 1 Quart Water Boil water and several slices of lemon and orange peel 10 minutes; cool; add juice and pineapple; freeze; when almost frozen add egg white, beaten. 33 THE SHOP OF ARTISTIC GIFT AND ART OBJECTS Let us help you furnish the new home. Our lines of distinc- tive house decoration are new and moderately priced. Start right and have your home practically and beautifully dec- orated. LAMPS CARDS PICTURES PLAQUES CANDLESTICKS SCONCES POTTERY BOOK ENDS HAND - HAMMERED COPPER Baskets of every kind Incense and Incense Burners Pine Cone Flowers Antique Furniture SPECIALTIES for GIFTS be Copper Shop MRS. B. G. WHITAKER MRS. J. G. BRAGDON Telephone Lakeside 2427 632 Fourteenth Street Oakland, California 34 PUDDINGS COTTAGE PUDDING 2 Cups Flour !4 Cup Butter /2 Cup Sugar 3 Tablespoons Baking Powder 1 Cup Milk /2 Teaspoon Salt 1 Egg, Well Beaten Cream the butter; add gradually sugar and egg; stir together thoroughly the flour, baking powder and salt and add alternately with milk to first mixture; bake in mod- erate oven 35 minutes; serve with vanilla or hard sauce, crushed berries, juicy fruits, jellies or preserves. COCOANUT PUDDING /2 Cocoanut / 2 Cup Sugar /4 Loaf Bakers' Bread 1 Cup Butter 1 Pint Milk 3 Eggs Grate cocoanut; stew slowly in milk; pour this on bread; when cool add sugar and butter beaten to a cream, then add eggs and bake. Bread Pudding Leave out cocoanut. PLUM PUDDING 2 Cups Flour 1/ 2 Cups Suet, Chopped Very Fine /2 Cup Citron 1/ 2 Cups Raisins (Seeded) 1/2 Cup Milk 1/2 Cups Currants (Mashed and / 2 Cup Orange Marmalade Picked) 4 Eggs 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 1/2 Cups Sugar 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon 1/2 Cups Coffee (Liquid) 1 Teaspoon Each Cloves and 1/2 Cups Grated Bread Nutmeg Mix all together in large bowl; put in well-buttered mould; set in saucepan with boiling water to reach half way up its sides; now steam 3 or 4 hours; turn out care- fully on dish and serve with cider or hard sauce. PRUNE WHIP i/ 2 Lb. Prunes 2 Eggs 1/4 Cup Sugar / 2 Tablespoon Lemon Juice Wash prunes and soak over night; cook in same water until quite soft; remove stones and press prunes through a potato masher; add sugar and cook 5 minutes; beat egg whites to very stiff froth; add this, with lemon juice, to prune pulp, stirring in lightly with a folk; put all in a buttered shallow dish and bake 20 minutes in a slow oven; serve with cream or custard made from egg yolks. BERRY ROLL 1 Pint Flour 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 1 Teaspoon Butter J4 Teaspoon Salt % Cup Milk Berries Sift flour with baking powder; mix into this the butter and salt; add milk and roll out l /3 inch thick; spread plentifully with any kind of berries; sift sugar over and roll; bake % hour and serve hot with sauce. NEWLYWEDS' APPLE DUMPLINGS 1 Cup Sugar Tart Apples 1 Tablespoon Flour (Large) 1 Pint Hot Water Make a fairly rich biscuit dough; pare and slice apples (a fluted potato slicer is fine for this); roll dough out % inch thick; cover with the sliced apples; roll up like jelly cake; cut slices from this roll % inch thick and place in a bake pan, not too close together; now mix together the sugar and flour in a saucepan; add gradually the hot water and cook until clear, stirring constantly; dip this same, flavored to taste, over dumplings and place at once in oven or steam cooker and cook 45 minutes; if steamed, place in oven few minutes to brown slightly. APPLE TAPIOCA 4 Cups Tapioca Sugar and Salt 4 Large Apples, Sound Soak tapioca over night in water; next morning add a small pinch of salt and set on back of range and cook until clear; select apples of cooking variety; scoop out the stem end and fill with sugar; sprinkle lightly with cinnamon; place in a casserole or granite baking dish; pour over them tapioca and bake in hot oven until apples are soft; serve hot with hard sauce. 35 GERMEA makes strength for babies CUPID'S BOOK APRICOT CREAM 1 Lb. Dried Apricots 2 Cups Whipped Cream 1 Cup Sugar Wash apricots and soak for several hours, or over night, in 2 cups water; pour off the water into a saucepan; add the sugar and cook for 5 minutes, or until a thick syrup is formed; pour this syrup over the apricots; cool and put through a sieve, using only enough syrup to make a soft pulp with the fruit; add to the whipped cream and serve very cold with whipped cream on top. PEACH COBBLER SOUTHERN STYLE 4 Cups Flour 1 E9S 1'/ 2 Cups Butter Fruit Sugar A large pie baked in shallow tins about 1% inches in depth, with bottom and top crusts, glazed and sugared on top and cut put in squares and triangular pieces. Fine puff paste is too rich for this purpose; ordinary pie crust made with butter and flour is best. Cover the bottom of pan with a sheet of paste rolled quite thin; fill with ripe peeled peaches; sprinkle over them half their weight of sugar and a little nutmeg; cover with another thin layer of paste and bake about 45 minutes; when half done brush over the top with egg and water and sprinkle sugar over; put back and bake to a rich color; if fruit is too dry make a sauce. All sorts of fruit, fresh or canned, may be used. Canned fruits should be stewed down until juice becomes thick. DATE PUDDING 3 Cups Flour !/2 Teaspoon Salt 1 Cup Molasses '/a Teaspoon Cloves !/2 Cup Milk '/2 Teaspoon Allspice 1/3 Cup Butter !/2 Teaspoon Nutmeg 4 Teaspoons Baking Powder % Lb. Dates, Cut in Pieces Melt butter; add to molasses and milk; sift together flour, baking powder, salt and spices and add with dates; put into a buttered mould and steam 2% hours; serve with cider sauce. RICE PUDDING 1/2 Cup Rice 1 Tablespoon Lemon Rind (Chopped 1/2 Cup Sugar Fine) 1/2 Pints Milk Large Pinch Salt Put rice, washed and picked, sugar, salt and milk in quart pudding dish; bake in moderate oven 2 hours, stirring frequently for the first 1% hours, then allow it to finish cooking with light brown crust, disturbing it no more; eat cold with cream. THANKSGIVING PUDDING 2 Cups Flour, Graham or Whole >/ 2 Teaspoon Salt Wheat !/2 Teaspoon Soda 1/2 Cup Molasses '/4 Teaspoon Cloves 1 Cup Milk V* Teaspoon Allspice 1 Cup Raisins !4 Teaspoon Nutmeg 2 Tablespoons Shortening Mix and sift flour, salt, soda and spices; add milk, molasses and melted short- ening; beat well and stir in raisins, seeded and cut in small pieces; turn into a well- greased mould; tie the cover on firmly and steam for 2% hours; serve with liquid or hard sauce. CHRISTMAS PUDDING !/2 Cup Flour 1 Cup Citron % Cup Suet 3 Eggs S'A Cups Stale Bread 1'/2 Cups Dark Sugar l'/4 Cups Raw Carrots V* Teaspoon Cloves 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder ' 2 Teaspoon Nutmeg, Grated 1 Lemon 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon 1 Cup Raisins, Seeded 1'/ 2 Teaspoons Salt % Cup Currants 1 Tablespoon Vinegar (Strong) Cream in a warm bowl, with the hand, finely chopped suet; add grated carrot, fine stale bread crumbs from inside baker's loaf; mix these well and add grated lemon rind and vinegar; beat egg yolks very light and add gradually sugar; beat these two mixtures well together; sift flour with baking powder, salt and spices; mix seeded raisins, currants and citron cut in small pieces; stir this into other mixture; beat well and then lastly fold into it egg whites, beaten stiff; turn into a buttered mould and steam 3% hours; unfold on a hot dish and garnish with holly berries and leaves; serve with liquid sauce. 36 PUDDING SAUCES HARD SAUCE !/4 Cup Butter !/ 2 Teaspoon Lemon or Vanilla !/ 2 Cup Sugar, Powdered or a Little Nutmeg Rub butter to a cream in a warm bowl; add sugar gradually and flavor; pack it smoothly in a small dish; stamp it with a butter mould or the bottom of a figured glass; keep it on ice till very hard or pile it lightly on a fancy dish, like Snowdrift Sauce. HARD SAUCE 1 Cup Sugar 2 Eggs !/ 2 Cup Butter 1 Teaspoon Nutmeg Beat sugar and butter to white cream; add egg whites; beat few minutes; add boiled cider and nutmeg; put on ice until needed. CIDER SAUCE (formerly Brandy Sauce) !/2 Tablespoon Flour 3 Tablespoons Cornstarch 2 Tablespoons Butter, Rounded 1 Teaspoon Vanilla % Cup Sugar, Brown Pinch Salt 2 Tablespoons Boiled Cider Melt % the butter; add flour, cornstarch and salt; when well blended, add 1 pint hot water gradually and cook 5 or 6 minutes; then add sugar; cook a minute; add vanilla and cider; remove from fire; add balance of butter and beat until very smooth; strain if necessary; serve with steamed pudding. CARAMEL SAUCE 1/3 Cup Sugar 1 Pint Cream Put sugar in spider, stir over fire until melted and light brown; add very grad- ually % cup boiling water and simmer 10 minutes; or melt sugar in saucepan; add cream and set over hot water until the caramel liquefies. LEMON SAUCE 1 Cup Sugar 2 Tablespoons Cornstarch 2 Cups Hot Water 1 Lemon 2 Tablespoons Butter Mix sugar and cornstarch; add boiling water gradually, stirring it all the time; cook 8 or 10 minutes; add lemon juice and butter; serve hot. ORANGE SAUCE 1 Teaspoon Cornstarch 3 Oranges 2 Tablespoons Sugar Mix cornstarch and sugar; squeeze juice of oranges and heat it; when sufficiently hot add cornstarch and sugar and cook till clear. BERRY ROLL SAUCE '/a Cup Sugar 1 Teaspoon Cornstarch 1 Cup Milk 1 Cup Berries, Mashed 1 Tablespoon Butter Cream together sugar and butter, berries and milk; wet cornstarch in enough milk to dissolve it and stir in slowly; let boil 3 minutes and serve. CHRISTMAS PUDDING SAUCE Use or not, as desired. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in small saucepan; add 1 tablespoon cornstarch; mix well; add 1 cup water and bring to boiling point, stirring all the time; then add % cup brown sugar and % teaspoon vanilla. 37 "MADE FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST" BEFORE and EATING AFTER C HOCO\LATL5 You have had Chocolates where you have looked through the box seeking another "like the last one." In the Ma Belle box all are equally delightful with the greatest assortment of dainty confections it is possible to give. Each succeeding "Ma Belle" Chocolate is not like the last one it is just a little better and the very last one makes you want another box. That is the secret of Ma Belle Individuality. "Keep Your Wife Your Sweetheart and let Her be the Judge" Ma Belle Chocolates are Made in Oakland at 475 Nineteenth Street, near Broadway Phone Lakeside 536 For sale at all first-class cigar stores, drug stores and candy stores who do not manufacture CONFECTIONS "Sweets for the Sweet" FUDGE 2 Cups Sugar 1 Cup Molasses 1 Cup Milk 2 Squares Chocolate Butter (Size of Egg) Vanilla Cook until crisp; beat until it sugars; pour on buttered pan; cut into squares. DIVINITY CANDY 2 Cups Sugar 1 Cup Nuts '/ 2 Cup White Syrup Vz Cup Water 2 Egg Whites Cook together sugar, syrup and Vz cup water until it hardens in cold water or cracks against the cup; beat egg whites to a stiff froth; when the syrup is ready pour slowly into the egg whites and beat hard until it is stiff; add nuts and flavoring before syrup gets cold; put in a deep dish, so as to slice it when cold. It is fine. PINOCHE 2 Cups Brown Sugar 1 Cup Walnut Meats (Chopped) 1 Cup Cream 1 Large Piece Butter Cook sugar and cream until done; add nuts; take off stove and let cool 5 minutes; then beat till right consistency. BUTTER SCOTCH % Cup Butter 1 Cup Molasses 2 Cups Sugar 1/3 Cup Vinegar Cook all together, stirring until brittle when dropped in cold water; pour into butter tins and mark for breaking before cold. CREAM TAFFY CANDY 2 Cups Sugar 1 Teaspoon Cream Tartar Butter, Size Walnut 1 Tablespoon Vinegar 1 Cup Water Vanilla Extract Boil until threads; cool and pull. PLAIN CARAMELS 2 Cups Sugar 1/3 Cup Butter % Cup Milk 1 Teaspoon Vanilla or Lemon Stir until it begins to boil, but not again; cook until it turns a light brown (20 to 25 minutes); pour out on buttered tins; when partly cooled mark off in squares. COCOANUT CARAMELS 1'/ 2 Lbs. Sugar !4 Cup Water '/4 Cup Cream 1 Pint Cocoanut (Grated) Boil together 10 minutes; add cocoanut; boil 10 minutes more; pour out on buttered dish; when cool cut into bars. ROSE HONEY Take 3 red roses, 3 cups honey, 1 cup water, put in saucepan over fire, bringing it gradually to the boiling point; add rock alum the size of a bean and continue boil- ing till syrup is thick. Strain through a cheese cloth while still hot. Put away in glasses or jars. Any other flower, not poisonous, can be used. Clover, lilac, lily of the valley or anything bees love to gather. In bulk as large as 3 roses. This is won- derfully pleasing. TRILBY CREAM 1/2 Pint Cream '/ 2 Cup Walnut Meats 1 Cup Marshmallows 2 Oranges (Pulp) Whip cream; beat egg whites stiff and fold together lightly; add marshmallows, nuts and orange pulp, a little powdered sugar if desired; serve in sherbet cups with a candied cherry on top. 39 Health and Happiness Why Candies and Cakes Are Good for Even the Children By DR. LEONARD K. HIRSHBERG, A. B., M. A., M. D. (Johns Hopkins University) Several alert, intelligent correspondents beg me to give the facts which make me disagree with the general statement that sugars, candies and sweets "are not good" for children and old persons. There are many facts to convince open-minded persons that sugary articles are not only beneficial, but decidedly necessary to children of the first as well as the second childhood. The intuitive and instinctive hunger of the tissues of youngsters for candies and cakes is theirs by virtue of necessity. It is "the call of the wild." Sugar is required by the muscles and spent muscles hunger for it. The muscular activity and play of little ones burns up the reservoirs of stored sweets. The mouth is then notified and the craving must be sat- isfied preferably after meals and between meals never immediately before the next meal. Experiments prove that sugar in the blood is, perchance, its main, essential nutriment. The heart is practically all muscle, and an insuf- ficient amount of sugar eaten by anyone who is active in a muscular way may make a deficit in the amount of sugar in the blood, a condition that can interfere with the growth and vitality of the heart. A sensation of oppression or of pain around the heart after exercise may often be relieved by eating candies and sweets. In elderly persons, sudden death has been known to occur, and in others has been diverted because of a paucity of sugar in the blood. Sugar given by the mouth is not reliable then. It must be infused in the form of grape sugar with the victim in bed. Commonly enough, in many with heart disorders, permanent im- provement in the general physical condition of those with certain types of heart disease takes place when a daily injection of half a pint of a 20 per cent grape sugar mixture is infused. Finally it has been proved objectively and experimentally that nearly 95 per cent of the infused sugar disappears at once from the blood and is taken up greedily by the muscles of the heart and the arteries, the liver and the muscles in general. Belle Chocolates Will Satisfy' MADE IN OAKLAND BY TWO MAIDS 40 FILLINGS and ICINGS CHOCOLATE FILLING 11/2 Squares Chocolate 1 Cup Sugar 3 Tablespoons Milk '/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Melt chocolate; add Vz cup sugar and milk; stir until smooth; add remainder of sugar; cook over hot water 20 minutes, then add vanilla. CARAMEL FILLING 1 Lb. Brown Sugar 2 Eggs 1 Cup Milk Vanilla Boil sugar and milk until it will harden when dropped into cold water; beat yolks of eggs and whites separately, then combine them; gradually pour the hot syrup over them, beating all the time; add flavoring and beat until cool and quite thick. WHIPPED CREAM FILLING % Cup Cream 1 Egg White l /4 Cup Powdered Sugar '/ 2 Teaspoon Vanilla Set medium-sized bowl in pan of crushed ice, to which water has been added; place cream in bowl and beat until stiff with wire whip or, if possible, use patent cream whipper; whip up well that air bubbles may not be too large; add sugar, egg white, beaten stiff, and vanilla; keep cool. CUPID'S FILLING 2 Cups Sugar, Powdered % Cup Butter Beat thoroughly; use strong, black coffee for Mocha Cake. Use chocolate if desired. BOILED NUT OR FRUIT FROSTING 1/2 Cup Fruit (Chopped Fine) \/ 2 Cup Nuts (Chopped Fine) You may use walnuts, almonds, pecans, hickory or hazel nuts, figs, dates, raisins or selected prunes. Add to frosting separately or in combination. BOILED CHOCOLATE FROSTING 2 Ounces Chocolate Vanilla !/2 Cup Milk 2 Egg Whites Powdered Sugar Boil chocolate and cream; add vanilla when cool; beat whites to stiff froth; add the sugar until stiff enough to cut; combine the two mixtures; beat and spread. MARSHMALLOW FROSTING l/i Lb. Marshmallows 1 Teaspoon Vanilla >/ 4 Cup Milk or Water 2 Egg Whites Break marshmallows in pieces; add milk or water; put in double boiler over boil- ing water; stir until melted; take from fire and while hot pour into the well-beaten egg whites; add vanilla. BOILED ICING 1 Cup Sugar 1 Teaspoon Flavoring 1/3 Cup Water 1 Egg White (Large) !/4 Teaspoon Cream of Tartar Beat egg white until frothy; add cream of tartar; beat until stiff and dry; make syrup of sugar and water; when it has reached the honey stage, or drops heavily from spoon, add 5 tablespoons slowly to egg, beating in well; then cook remainder of syrup until it threads and pour over egg, beating thoroughly; add flavoring and beat unitl cool enough to spread. MOCHA ICING 1 Cup Powdered Sugar !/4 Teaspoon Vanilla 1 Teaspoon Cocoa About 2 Tablespoons Cold 2 Tablespoons Butter Coffee (Very Strong) Cream butter; add sugar and cocoa gradually; add vanilla, then coffee, gradually until mixture is smooth, creamy and thick enough to spread. ICING FOR WHITE CAKE 1'/ 2 Cups Sugar 1 Cup Water 2 Egg Whites Boil sugar and water until it threads well; pour over the egg whites, well beaten, beating all the time; when partly cool add % cup chopped pineapple. 41 W-H-Y Should Not- -Prosperity, Health and Happiness go With You All Through Life? HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY? Our wish is that you may always be as happy and your prospects as bright as on that long-to-be-remembered the happiest day in all your life "Your Wedding Day." One of the first things to standardize in the home is the table beverage. Drink W-H-Y not only as a beverage, but consider its food and medicinal values. While W-H-Y is the most highly concentrated food known today, it also con- tains wonderful medicinal values. Every woman should know how to live without pain, how to keep that charm, that youthful vigor and beautiful com- plexion. W-H-Y gives that pink tint to the cheeks, that sparkle to the eye which is so much coveted by young and old alike. W-H-Y cleans up that pimply, sallow skin and it becomes clean and rosy. W-H-Y is invigorating and at the same time quieting to the nerves. W-H-Y strengthens and builds both body and nerves by virtue of its being an Absolutely Balanced, Pure Food. W-H-Y is not a medicine, but an absolutely balanced, scientifically prepared Pure Food, which is recommended by Dietitians and Physi- cians in complaints such as stomach, bowel, liver and kindney trouble, nervousness and all complaints peculiar to women. Do you suffer pains, cramps, headache, etc., during the menstrual period ? W-H-Y removes all suffering at such time. W-H-Y may be used in place of coffee. Drink W-H-Y as a coffee substitute, as a Food and for its wonderful medicinal values. We guarantee W-H-Y to make good every claim or we stand ready to refund your money. Send today for a FREE bottle of W-H-Y. "Health and Happiness in Every Bottle" PREPARED BY BARTLETT NU PRODUCTS CORPORATION ^ Pasadena, California, U. S. A. 42 MEATS BROILING The rules for roasting meat apply to broiling except that instead of cooking it in the oven it is to be quickly browned, first on one side and then on the other, over a hot fire, and removed a little from the fire to finish cooking. Meat an inch thick will broil in about 4 minutes. Season after it is cooked. FRYING There are 2 methods of frying: One with very little fat in the pan, to practice which successfully the pan and the fat must be hot before the article to be fried is put into it. For instance, in frying chops, if the pan is hot, and only fat enough is used to keep the chops from sticking to it, the heat being maintained so that the chops cook quickly, they will be nearly as nice as if they were broiled. Frying by the other method consists in entirely covering the article to be cooked in smoking-hot fat and keeping the fat at that degree of heat until the food is brown. It should then be taken up with a skimmer and laid upon brown paper for a moment to free it from grease. BOILING AND STEWING Fresh meat for boiling should be put into boiling water and boiled very gently about 20 minutes for each pound. A little salt, spice or vegetables may be boiled in the water with the meat for seasoning. A little vinegar put in the water with tough meats makes it tender. The broth of boiled meat should always be saved to use in soups, stews and gravies. Stewing and simmering meats means to place them near enough to the fire to keep the water on them bubbling moderately, constantly and slowly. Salt meats should be put over the fire in cold water, which, as soon as it boils, should be replaced by fresh cold water, the water to be changed until it remains fresh enough to give the meat a palatable flavor when done. Salted and smoked meats require about 30 minutes very slowly boiling, from the time the water boils, to each pound. Vegetables and herbs may be boiled with them to flavor them. When they are cooked the vessel containing them should be set where they will keep hot without boiling until wanted, if they are to be served hot; if they are to be served cold, they should be allowed to cool in the pot liquor in which they were boiled. Very salt meats, or those much dried in smoking, should be soaked over night in cold water before boiling. ROASTING Wipe the meat with damp cloth. Trim and tie into shape, if necessary. In the bottom of pan put some pieces of fat from meat. Arrange meat on rack in pan. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour. Have oven very hot at first; when meat is half done reduce heat. Baste every 10 or 15 minutes. If there is danger of fat in pan being scorched, add a few spoons of boiling water. Allow from 10 to 20 minutes per pound of meat, according as it is desired, rare or well done. When done remove to hot plate. Thicken gravy in pan with browned flour, adding more water as necessary and add seasoning. An onion may be laid on top of the roast to give it flavor, but should be removed before serving. In purchasing meat one should know how to select the best quality and the most useful pieces. Beef, which stands at the head of the list, as being most generally used and liked, should be of a bright, clear red, and fat white. It should be well clothed in fat, to insure it being tender and juicy. The finest pieces are the sirloin and the ribs, the latter making the best roasting piece in the animal. In cooking steaks remember it is far better to turn over 3 or 4 times on a platter containing a little olive oil than it is to hammer them to make them tender. The object is not to force out the juice, but to soften the fibre. In selecting pork, one cannot exercise too great care in examining it. Do not buy any that is clammy or has kernels in the fat. Remember, too, when the rind is hard it is old. Veal should be fine in grain, of a delicate pink, with plenty of kidney fat. It should never be eaten under 2 months old. Mutton should be firm and juicy, the flesh close-grained, the fat hard and white. 43 CUPID'S BOOK TO CLARIFY DRIPPINGS Drippings accumulated from different cooked meats (except mutton, which has a strong flavor) can be clarified by putting all into a basin and slicing into it raw potato, allowing it to boil long enough for the potato to brown, which causes all impurities to disappear. Remove from the fire, and when cool drain into basin and set in a cool place. HINT ON COOKING ROAST BEEF For roast beef to be juicy and tender when done, it should be basted every few minutes, so in order to save yourself this trouble, place a large piece of beef suet on top of the roast; have baking pan perfectly dry and oven very hot; place in the oven and let cook the allotted time say Vz hour according to size. You can be about your inside work and in the allotted time your roast is done to a beautiful brown and is very juicy, as it has been constantly basting itself all the while with the suet. Take roast out of pan, pour off drippings in a bowl and make a gravy on top of stove. A nice addition to this is to put % dozen or so peeled potatoes on the pan with the roast when placing it in to cook, and they will be done to a nicety when the roast is. On taking up roast lay baked potatoes around same. POT ROAST Put a very little drippings in an iron kettle. When hot, lay the beef in. Add an onion chopped and fried till brown in butter; pour in water to half height of meat; add salt and pepper and cover as close as possible; thicken the gravy; simmer from 2 to 3 hours, according to weight. When done, take up, and pour the gravy over it and serve. BRAISED BEEF Wipe and trim 6 pounds round or rump of beef without bone; sear brown on all sides in very hot frying pan over hot fire. In braising pan or iron kettle put layer of sliced onions, turnips and carrots, sweet herbs, 1 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon of pepper; on this lay meat, add pint boiling water (or water and stewed tomatoes); cover closely and cook 4 hours in moderate oven. If water evaporates rapidly, add more. Put meat on hot platter. Strain, thicken and season gravy. The vegetables may be served separately if desired. BEEFSTEAK PIE FRENCH STYLE Take a nice piece of beef rump or sirloin, cut in small slices; slice also a little raw ham; put both in a frying pan, with some butter and small quantity chopped onions; let them simmer together a short time on the fire or in the oven; add a little flour and enough stock to make sauce; salt, pepper, chopped parsley and Worcester- shire sauce; add some sliced potatoes, and cook together 20 minutes; put this into a pie-dish, with a few slices of hard-boiled eggs on top, and cover with a layer of common paste; bake from 15 to 20 minutes in a well-heated oven; all dark-meat pie can be treated precisely in the same way. CREAMED DRIED BEEF Pick in small pieces % pound of thinly-cut, rather moist dried beef and brown in a little butter; when brown pour it in a cup of milk; let it come to a boil and slightly thicken with a little butter and flour creamed together; when it boils pour it over a platter of brown toast and serve it at once. BEEF A LA MODE Take a piece of meat, cross-rib is best, put a slice of bacon or some lard in the bottom of pot, then the meat, and fill up with water till the meat is covered; then take 2 onions, some pepper-corns, cloves, bay leaves, 1 carrot and a crust of brown bread, salt and some vinegar; put all this in over the beef; keep the pot well covered; fill up with more hot water if it boils down, and let it boil 3 hours; then burn a tablespoon of flour, with some butter, a nice brown, thin with the gravy and let it boil up once more with the meat; then put the beef in a deep dish and strain the gravy over it; add more vinegar to taste. Serve with fried potatoes and red cabbage. BEEF'S HEART STUFFED After washing the heart thoroughly cut it into dice Vz inch long; put into a saucepan with water enough to cover; remove scum; when nearly done, add a sliced onion, a stalk of celery chopped fine, pepper and salt and a piece of butter; stew until the meat is very tender; stir up a tablespoon of flour with a small quantity of water and thicken the whole; boil up and serve. 44 CUPID'S BOOK CORNED BEEF Should be cooked in plenty of cold water brought slowly to a boil; if very salt, the meat should be soaked over night; but if young and not too strongly brined this will not be necessary. It should be cooked long enough to make tender, so that in a brisket or plate piece the bones may be readily removed. Preserve the liquor in the pot, and if any of the meat remains after the first meal return it and let it stand over night in the liquor, so that it may absorb it. If no meat remains to be returned to the liquor, the latter will make a good soup for next day's dinner, if the beef was not too salt. BOILED BEEF TONGUE Clean 3 fresh tongues and place in a kettle with just enough water to cover and 1 cup of salt; add more water, as it evaporates, so as to keep the tongues covered until done, when they can be easily pierced with a fork; take out and if to be served at once remove the skin. If wanted for future use, do not peel until needed. If salt tongues are used, soak over night and omit the salt when boiling. HASH Take cold pieces of beef that have been left over and chop them fine; then add cold boiled potatoes chopped fine; add pepper and salt and a little warm water; put all in a frying pan and cook slowly for about 20 minutes. TO ROAST A LEG OF PORK Choose a small leg of fine young pork; cut a slit in the knuckle with a sharp knife and fill the space with sage and onions, chopped, and a little pepper and salt; when half done, score the skin in slices, but do not cut deeper than the outer rind. Apple sauce should be served with it. SALT PORK, CREAM GRAVY, SOUTHERN STYLE Cut sweet cured salt pork into %-inch slices; put into saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to boiling point; drain off water, add cold water, stand a few min- utes; roll in flour 2 parts, cornstarch 1 part, mixed and seasoned with white pepper; have 1 tablespoon of hot bacon fat in the frying pan to prevent pork from sticking; pour off fat as it melts while frying, brown and fry until reduced one-half. For 1% cups cream gravy allow 3 spoons melted fat, add 2 level tablespoons cornstarch; cook 3 minutes in the hot fat without browning, then add 1% cups milk, Vs teaspoon salt, and cook until smoothly thickened. Serve for breakfast with baked potatoes and hot biscuit. VEAL LOAF Three pounds chopped veal, 1 pound fresh pork chopped fine, 3 well-beaten eggs, butter size of an egg, 1 pint of bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper, % teaspoon each of thyme and sage. Make into loaf; take piece of white muslin and wrap securely, also the ends; place in a baking pan with very little water; baste often; turn so as to brown both sides; leave in cloth until cold. VEAL CUTLETS, BREADED Trim and flatten the cutlets, add pepper and salt, and roll in beaten egg, then in cracker crumbs; fry in good dripping; turn when the lower side is brown; drain off the fat, squeeze a little lemon juice upon each and serve in a hot flat dish. CALVES LIVER AND BACON Cut liver in %-inch slices; soak in cold water 20 minutes; drain, dry and roll in flour. Have pan very hot; put in bacon thinly sliced, turn until brown; put on hot platter; fry liver quickly in the hot fat, turning very often; when done, pour off all but 1 or 2 tablespoons fat, dredge in flour until it is absorbed, and stifl till brown; add hot water gradually to make smooth gravy, season and boil 1 minute; serve separately. FRIED BRAINS One nice calf's brain, beaten egg, sifted cracker crumbs, butter, parsley. Soak the brain in cold water, then scald for just 1 second; dip it in egg and crumbs and fry a light brown on both sides in butter; garnish with parsley and serve hot. BROILED MUTTON CHOPS Select chops cut from the loin; trim, season with salt and pepper; dip in melted butter and broil over a clear fire nearly 10 minutes, turning frequently; lay on warm platter and garn"'-* with parsley. 45 Cuts of Meat and Their Uses Every housekeeper in fact everyone who has marketing to do should know something of the cuts of all common meats, and the most desirable way of preparing each for the table. In the illustrations below are shown the location of these cuts: 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 12. TVV\V7T7~> 4 ' 5 \ *\7 \ 8 * '5 ti \ " \ \ \ fU 5 \ f l f"" ". 18 \ 19 L- ! *"" 9 I if. \ \ BEEF 1. Head Not used for food. 2. Sticking Piece. For Soups, Beef Tea, Stews, for making Corned Beef. 3. Neck. For Soups, Stews, Beef Tea, Boiling and Corned Beef. Second and Third Chuck. Brown Stews, Braising, Steaks, Pot Roasts. First Chuck. For Roasts. First Cut of Ribs. For Roasts. Middle Cut of Ribs. Prime for Roasts. Back Ribs. For Roasts. Stews, Soups, Plate (no bones). Corned Beef. Brisket. Stews, Brown Soups, Corning. Butt-End Brisket. Corning. Bolar (no bones). Roasts. Stews, Soups, Stews, Corning, Pot 13. Bony end of Shoulder. For Soups. 14. Shin. For Soups. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Loin (including Tenderloin and Sirloin). For Roasts and Steaks. (A choice selection.) Flank or Skirt. Rolled Steaks, Braising, Boiling, Corned Beef. Rump. Roasts and Steaks. (This should be cut across the grain.) Veiny Piece. For Stews and Soups. Round. Steaks, Beef Tea, Round Steak. Leg. Soups and Stews. Tail. For Soups. 22. Pin Bone. For Roasts and Steaks. The bones, gristle, tendons and other gelatinous portions are good for soup stock. MUTTON Shoulder. For Boiling or Roast. Breast. Roast, Stews and Chops. Loin. Best end for Roasts, Chops. Neck. Best end for Cutlets, Stews, Pies. Neck. For Stewing Pieces. Head. Not used. Loin. For Roasts, Chops. Leg. For Roasts, Boiling. 46 SOUPS CONSOMME OR PLAIN MEAT STOCK FOR SOUP Consomme or stock forms the basis of all meat soups, gravies and purees. The simpler it is made the longer it keeps.. It is best made of fresh, uncooked beef and some broken bones, to which may be added the remnants of broken meats. In a home where meat forms part of the every-day diet, a good cook will seldom be without a stock-pot. Four pounds of beef and broken bones, 1 gallon of cold water and 2 teaspoons of salt. Put the meat and water on the back of the stove and let it slowly come to a boil, then simmer 3 or 4 hours, until the water is boiled away %; add the salt, strain and set to cool in an earthenware dish well covered; when cold, take off the fat from the top and it is ready for use. To make soup for a family of 6, take % of the stock, to which add J /i of boiling water and any vegetable desired; boil 3 hours; season with salt and pepper. BARLEY BROTH Put 12 pounds of shin beef in 1 gallon of water; add a cup of pearl barley, 3 large onions and a small bunch of parsley minced, 3 potatoes sliced, a little thyme and pepper and salt to taste; simmer steadily 3 hours, and stir often, so that the meat will not burn. Do not let it boil. Always stir soup broth with a wooden spoon. VEGETABLE SOUP WITH STOCK Cut 3 onions, 3 turnips, 1 carrot and 4 potatoes; put them into a stewpan with 2 tablespoons of butter and a teaspoon of powdered sugar; after it has cooked 10 minutes, add 2 quarts of stock, and when it comes to a boil put aside to simmer until the vegetables are tender, about % hour. CHICKEN GUMBO SOUP Fry 1 chicken; remove the bones; chop fine; place in kettle with 2 quarts of boiling water, 3 ears of corn, 6 tomatoes, sliced fine, 24 pods of okra; corn, tomatoes and okra to be fried a light brown in the gravy left from frying the chicken; then add to the kettle with water and chicken 2 tablespoons of rice, pepper and salt; boil slowly 1 hour. NOODLES FOR SOUP Take 2 eggs, butter the size of a walnut, 3 tablespoons sour cream, sufficient flour to make a rather stiff dough; knead, roll out very thin and cut in narrow strips; cook % hour or less. POTATO SOUP To 1 quart of water use 1 onion sliced fine and 10 large potatoes sliced fine; boil until tender, about 30 minutes, then add 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon of flour stirred with a lump of butter the size of a walnut and salt and pepper to taste; serve hot. MACARONI SOUP ITALIAN STYLE Put 4% sticks of macaroni into a saucepan with 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 onion; boil until the macaroni is tender; when done, drain and pour over it 2 quarts of good broth, beef, chicken or other kind; place the pan on the fire to simmer for about 10 minutes, watching lest it break or become pulpy; add a little grated Parmesan cheese and serve. CHICKEN SOUP ' Time, 4 hours. Boil 2 chickens with great care, skimming constantly, and keeping them covered with water; when tender, take out the chicken and remove every bone from the meat; put a large piece of butter into a frying pan and sprinkle the chicken meat well with flour; lay in the hot pan; fry a nice brown and keep it hot and dry; take a pint of the chicken water and stir in 2 large spoons of curry powder, 2 of butter and 1 of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and a little cayenne; mix it with the broth in the pot; when well mixed, simmer 5 minutes, then add the browned chicken; serve with rice. CLAM CHOWDER Twenty-five clams, chopped, not fine, % pound salt pork chopped fine, 6 potatoes sliced thin, 4 onions sliced thin. Put pork in kettle; after cooking a short time add potatoes, onions and juice of clams; cook 2% hours, then add clams; 15 minutes before serving add 2 quarts milk. 47 I Oakland 3 CUPID'S BOOK CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP One can tomatoes (2 pounds), 2 small onions, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, % teaspoon soda, % teaspoon pepper, dash of cayenne pepper, small sprig of celery or dash of celery salt, 1 cup of milk diluted with equal amount of water. Boil all but the milk together for 20 minutes; strain through a colander; add the milk, which has first been warned, and then let the mixture come to a boiling point; serve at once. CREAM OF CELERY SOUP In 5 pints of boiling water cook 3 cups of celery, cut fine, until tender enough to be rubbed through a sieve; % pint of milk thickened with 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of flour; add celery salt or extract, salt and pepper; simmer 10 minutes; a cup of scalded milk added just before serving is an addition. CLAM BROTH Wash thoroughly 6 large clams in shell; put in kettle with 1 cup of water; bring to boil and keep there 1 minute; the shells open, the water takes up the proper quantity of juice, and the broth is ready to pour off and serve hot. OX-TAIL SOUP One ox tail, 2 pounds lean beef, 4 carrots, 3 onions, parsley, thyme, pepper and salt to taste, 4 quarts cold water. Cut tail into joints, fry brown in good drippings; slice onions and 2 carrots and fry in the same, when you have taken out all of the pieces of tail; when done tie the thyme and parsley in lace bag and drop into the soup pot; put in the tail, then the beef cut into strips; grate over them 2 whole carrots; pour over all the water and boil slowly 4 hours; strain and season; thicken with brown flour wet with cold water; boil 15 minutes longer and serve. TURKEY SOUP Place the remains of a cold turkey and what is left of the dressing and gravy in pot and cover it with cold water; simmer slowly 4 hours and let stand until the next day; take off what fat may have arisen and take out with a skimmer all the bits of bones; put the soup on to heat until at boiling point, then thicken slightly with flour stirred into a cup of milk and season to taste; pick off all the meat from bones, put it back into the soup, boil and serve. MUTTON BROTH Place in a kettle 3 pounds of a neck of mutton from which the fat has been cut, and chopped into small pieces, with 6 pints of water; boil, skim, set the pan to the rear of the stove where it can simmer for an hour; add 3 ounces of washed rice, with a turnip and some celery; simmer for 2 hours; strain, free from fat and salt. BEEF TEA Take 2 pounds of lean rump beef, remove all fat, cut into small pieces and place in a tightly corked bottle; place the bottle in a deep saucepan of cold water, reaching two-thirds of the way to the top of the bottle; place over a slow fire and keep it boiling slowly for 15 minutes; take out the bottle, pour out the liquor and use as required. 48 EGGS HAM AND EGGS Fry the ham quickly; remove from the pan as soon as done; drop the eggs one at a time, into the hot fat; be careful not to let the yolks break and run, and keep the eggs as much separated as possible, to preserve their shape. The ham should be cut in pieces the right size to serve and, when the eggs are done, one should be laid on each piece of ham. ' If any eggs remain, they can be placed uniformly on the edge of the platter. OMELET SOUFFLE Take 3 eggs, 2 ounces of butter, 1 dessertspoon of chopped parsley, 1 saltspoon of chopped onions, 1 pinch of dried herbs. Beat the whites of the eggs to a very stiff froth; mix the yolks with the parsley and a little salt and pepper; stir the herbs gently into them and continue as in a plain omelet; fold the omelet and serve immediately. OMELET Six eggs, whites and yolks, beaten separately; ^3 pint milk, teaspoon cornstarch, 1 teaspoon baking powder and a little salt; the whites, beaten to a stiff froth, last; cook in a little butter. SPANISH OMELET Chop 2 large onions fine, let brown; add garlic to taste or, about 2 buttons; Vz can tomatoes, dash red pepper, 2 or 3 small chilis, salt to taste; cook all well done. Beat 6 eggs thoroughly and pour over; let brown and fold. SCRAMBLED EGGS Beat 3 eggs slightly, add ^4 cup milk or water and sprinkle with pepper; cook in hot buttered frying pan, using 1 teaspoon butter, stirring constantly until thick; serve hot. OMELET AU NATURAL Break 8 or 10 eggs into a basin; add a little salt and pepper, with a tablespoon of water; beat the whole well with a spoon or whisk; in the meantime put some fresh butter into an omelet pan, and when it is nearly hot, put in an omelet; while it is frying, with a skimmer spoon raise the edge from the pan that it may be properly done; when the eggs are set and one side is a fine brown, double it half over and serve hot. These omelets should be put quite thin in the pan; the butter required for each will be about the size of a small egg. EGGS A LA MODE Remove skin from 10 tomatoes, medium size; cut in a saucepan; add butter, pepper and salt; when sufficiently boiled beat up 5 or 6 eggs and just before you serve turn them into the saucepan with the tomatoes and stir them 1 way for 2 minutes, allowing time to be well cooked. BUTTERED EGGS Melt 1 tablespoon butter, slip in an egg and cook until the white is firm; turn over once while cooking, and use just enough butter to keep it from sticking. BREAD OMELET Soak 2 tablespoons bread crumbs in 2 tablespoons milk for 15 minutes; add pinch each salt and pepper; separate egg yolk and white, beat until light; add yolk to bread and milk and cut in the white; turn in the heated buttered pan, using % teaspoon butter, and cook until set; fold and turn on heated dish. FRIED EGGS Fried eggs are cooked as buttered eggs without being turned. They are usually fried with bacon fat, which is taken by spoons and poured over the eggs. Do not have the fat too hot, as that will give the egg a hard, indigestible crust. EGGS AND BACON Cut 8 slices of bacon very thin and fry until crisp; take them out and keep hot in the oven; break 4 eggs separately into the boiling fat and fry until brown; serve with the eggs laid over the bacon, and small fried pieces of bread placed around. Hash may be used instead of bacon. 49 CUPID'S BOOK POACHED EGGS Have the water boiling and the toast moistened in a little salt water and buttered; break the eggs, one by one, carefully into the water; let them boil till the white sets; remove with an egg slice; pare off the ragged edges and lay each egg upon a slice of toast; put over bits of butter, salt and pepper. Eggs require to be quite fresh to poach nicely. EGGS A LA CARACAS Chop finely 2 ounces smoked dried beef freed from fat and outside skin; add 1 cup tomatoes, ^4 cup grated cheese, a few drops of onion juice and a few grains each of cinnamon and cayenne; melt 2 tablespoons butter; add mixture, and when heated add 3 eggs slightly beaten; cook until a creamy consistency, stirring con- tinually and scraping from bottom of pan. CURRIED EGGS Boil 8 eggs hard and cut into thick slices; cook together in a saucepan a table- spoon of curry powder; stir until smooth, then add a large cup of skimmed soup stock and cook, stirring all the time, to a smooth paste; if too thick, add more stock; when smooth and of the consistency of cream, add salt and pepper to taste and lay into the sauce the sliced eggs, sprinkled lightly with salt; cook until very hot. EGGS AND TOMATOES Scrambled eggs with tomatoes make an appetizing luncheon dish. Take 2 good- sized tomatoes, peel, cut them in pieces and fry them in a little hot olive oil; when cooked drain off the liquid and take 4 eggs, well beaten; add some milk and scramble; mix the tomatoes with the eggs, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Serve on thin slices of toast. EGGS AND SPAGHETTI Take spaghetti and cook it with a cup of grated .cheese. When the spaghetti and cheese are cooked, add slices of hard-boiled eggs. Serve in a bowl garnished with pieces of soft toast. Among many other excellent dishes made with this paste are fried chicken with spaghetti and tomato jelly and macaroni au gratin in an Edam cheese case. EGGS IN BAKED POTATOES Six eggs; 6 potatoes, 6 tablespoons grated cheese, 6 tablespoons butter. Bake the potatoes; cut off the top and remove Vz of the inside of potato; in its place drop an egg raw; salt, cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon cheese in each and 1 teaspoon butter; put back into a hot oven for 4 minutes. Important! You will not be disappointed in the recipes of this book if you get your Eggs and Butter from the R. E. BIGGS STORES, as they are always fresh and the very best and sold on a Money Back Guarantee. Read the Advertisement on page 18 50 POULTRY and GAME HOW TO SELECT POULTRY In selecting poultry full-grown fowls have the best flavor, provided they are young. The age may be determined by turning the wing backward; if it yields it is tender. The same is true if the skin on the leg is readily broken. Older poultry makes the best soup. The intestines should be removed at once, but frequently in shipping they are left in and hence, when removed, the fowl needs washing in several waters. The next to the last water should contain % teaspoon of baking soda, which sweetens and renders all more wholesome. The giblets are the gizzard, heart, liver and neck. ROAST TURKEY Carefully pluck the bird and singe off the down with lighted paper; break the leg bone close to the foot, hang up the bird and draw out the strings of the thigh. Never cut the breast; make a small slit down the back of the neck and take out the crop that way, then cut the neck bone close, and after the bird is stuffed the skin can be turned over the back and the crop will look full and round. Cut around the vent, making the hole as small as possible, and draw carefully, taking care that the gall bag and the intestines joining the gizzard are not broken. Open the gizzard, take out the contents and detach the liver from the gall bladder. The liver, gizzard and heart, if used in the gravy, should be boiled 1% hours and chopped as fine as possible. Wash the turkey and wipe thoroughly dry, inside and out; then fill the inside with stuffing, and sew the skin of the neck over the back. Sew up the opening at the vent, then run a long skewer into the pinion and thigh through the body, passing it through the opposite pinion and thigh. Put a skewer in the small part of the leg, close on the outside, and push it through. Pass a string over the points of the skewers and tie it securely at the back. Sprinkle well with flour, cover the breast with nicely-buttered white paper, place on a grating in the dripping pan and put in the oven to roast. Baste every 15 min- utes, a few times with butter and water, and then with the gravy in the dripping pan. Do not have too hot an oven. A turkey weighing 10 pounds will require 3 hours to bake. ROAST GOOSE. Get a goose that is not more than 8 months old, and the fatter it is the more juicy the meat. The dressing should be made of 3 pints of bread crumbs, 6 ounces of butter, a teaspoon each of sage, black pepper and salt and chopped onions. Don't stuff very full, but sew very closely, so that the fat will not get in. Place in a baking pan with a little water and baste often with a little salt, water and vinegar. Turn the goose frequently so that it may be evenly browned. Bake about 2% hours. When done, take it from the pan, drain off the fat and add the chopped giblets, which have previously been boiled tender, together with the water in which they were done. Thicken with flour and butter rubbed together; let boil, and serve. BAKED CHICKEN Take a plump chicken, dress and lay in cold salt water for % hour; put in pan, stuff and sprinkle with salt and pepper; lay a few slices of fat pork over; cover and bake until tender, with a steady fire; baste often; turn so as to have uniform heat. BOILED CHICKEN Clean, wash and stuff as for roasting. Baste a floured cloth around each and put into a pot with enough boiling water to cover them well. The hot water cooks the skin at once and prevents the escape of the juices. The broth will not be so rich as if the fowls were put on in cold water, but this is proof that the meat will be more nutritious and better flavored. Stew very slowly, for the first half hour especially. Boil an hour or more, guiding yourself by size and toughness. Serve with egg or bread sauce. FRIED SPRING CHICKEN Clean and disjoint, then soak in salt water for about 2 hours; put in frying pan equal parts of lard and butter, enough to cover chicken; roll each piece in flour, dip in beaten egg, then roll in cracker crumbs and drop into boiling fat; fry until browned on both sides; serve on flat platter garnished with sprigs of parsley; pour most of the fat from frying pan; thicken remainder with browned flour, add to it 1 cup of boiling milk; serve in gravy bowl. 51 CUPID'S BOOK CHICKEN FRICASSEE Clean and disjoint chicken; wipe each piece; put in pot, cover with boiling water and simmer till tender; to the liquor add % cup or more hot diluted milk, thicken with flour dissolved in cold water; season well; boil up for a few minutes; serve with dumplings or biscuit. FRIED CHICKEN A chicken for frying should be very young, but if there are doubts as to its age, before cutting it up parboil it for 10 minutes in water that has been slightly salted. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and roll them in flour; fry in plenty of butter till done. It takes 20 minutes to fry them. Put the chicken on a platter, make a gravy by turning off some of the fat and adding % cup of milk and % cup water that has been thickened with 1 tablespoon of flour; pour this gravy over it; or the gravy can be omitted and the platter can be garnished with crisp lettuce leaves. CHICKEN CROQUETTES Cut up fine any kind of fowl, season with salt, pepper and butter, a little onion; stir in 2 fresh eggs; make in cakes, dip in beaten egg, then in cracker crumbs and fry in boiling lard or lard and butter mixed. CHICKEN POT PIE Two large chickens disjointed and boiled in 2 quarts water; add a few slices salt pork; season; when nearly cooked, add crust made of 1 quart flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt; stir in stiff batter with water; drop into kettle while boiling; cover close and cook 25 minutes. CHICKEN SOUTHERN STYLE Wash your chicken thoroughly in soda and water; dry and disjoint; put 1% cups of cold water in a porcelain pot (Dutch oven preferred); pack chicken in closely; mince 2 small onions, 1 kernel garlic, little parsley and sprinkle over chicken; cover closely and let simmer for 3 hours; J /4 hour before done season with salt and pepper. Don't lift cover during the cooking. When done remove chicken and thicken gravy with a little flour. WILD DUCKS Nearly all wild ducks are liable to have a fishy flavor, and when handled by inexperienced cooks, are sometimes uneatable from this cause. Before roasting them guard against this by parboiling them with a small carrot, peeled, put within each. This will absorb the unpleasant taste. An onion will have the same effect; but unless you mean to use*onion in the stuffing, the carrot is ^referable. ROAST WILD DUCKS Parboil as above directed; throw away the carrot or onion; lay in fresh water % hour; stuff with bread crumbs, season with pepper, sage, salt and onion; roast until brown, basting for half the time with butter and water, then with drippings; add to the gravy, when you have taken up the ducks, a teaspoon of currant jelly and a pinch of cayenne pepper; thicken with browned flour and serve in a tureen. RABBIT PIE Cut a rabbit into 7 pieces, soak in salted water Vz hour and stew until half done in enough water to cover it; lay slices of pork in the bottom of a pie dish and upon these a layer of rabbit; then follow slices of hard-boiled egg, peppered and buttered; continue until the dish is full, the top layer being bacon; pour in the water in which the rabbit was stewed, and adding a little flour, cover with puff paste; cut a slit in the middle and bake 1 hour, laying paper over the top should it brown too fast. ROAST TAME DUCK Take a young farmyard duck fattened at liberty, but cleansed by being shut up 2 or 3 days and fed barley meal and water. Pluck, singe and empty; scald the feet, skin and twist around on back of bird; head, neck and pinions must be cut off, the latter at first joint, and all skewered firmly to give the breast a nice plump appearance. For stuffing, 1 large onion, 1 teaspoon of powdered sage, 3 tablespoons of bread crumbs, the liver of a duck parboiled and minced with cayenne pepper and salt; cut fine onions, throwing boiling water over them for 10 minutes; drain through a gravy strainer, and add the bread crumbs, minced liver, sage, pepper and salt to taste; mix and put inside the duck. This amount is for 1 duck; more onion and more sage may be added, but the above is a delicate compound. Let the duck be hung a day or two, according to the weather, to make the flesh tender. Roast before a brisk, clear fire; baste often, and dredge with flour to make the bird look frothy; serve with a good brown gravy in the dish, and apple sauce in a tureen. It takes about an hour. 52 SAUCES WHITE SAUCE 2 Cups Milk 2 Tablespoons Butter 2 Tablespoons Cornstarch Salt and Pepper to Taste Rub the butter and cornstarch together and add the cold milk. Place over a moderate fire and stir constantly till it boils; cook thoroughly. This sauce may be used for vegetables. For fish, add hard-boiled eggs, either chopped or sliced. CAPER SAUCE 2 Tablespoons Butter 1 Teaspoon Vinegar 2 Tablespoons Flour 3 Tablespoons Capers 1 Tablespoon Cornstarch Salt and Pepper to Taste 2 Cups Milk Rub butter, flour and cornstarch to a paste. Add the milk and stir over moderate fire till it thickens. Add vinegar, capers and seasoning. Serve with lamb or mutton. VELVET SAUCE 4 Tablespoons Butter !/ 2 Cup Mushroom Liquor 1'/2 Tablespoons Flour 6 Whole Peppers 2 Tablespoons Cornstarch Salt and Dash of Nutmeg 1 Quart Chicken or Veal Stock Combine as directed in white sauce, using stock in place of milk. Boil 20 minutes. Skim and simmer for 1 hour. Strain and season if necessary. Add a few drops of kitchen bouquet. TOMATO SAUCE 1 Pint Tomatoes 1'/2 Tablespoons Cornstarch 1 Large Slice Onion Salt and Pepper to Taste 2 Tablespoons Butter Directions: Put the onion and bay leaf into the tomatoes and simmer gently 20 minutes. Rub through a strainer and add to the butter and cornstarch previously rubbed together. Stir over a moderate fire till it boils and season to taste. Cook thoroughly. LOBSTER SAUCE 1 Lobster 1 Pint Boiling Water 1'/2 Tablespoons Cornstarch Lemon Juice 1/5 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper Directions: Cut the lobster into dice; rub the "coral" to a paste with part of the butter. Make a sauce of the cornstarch, rest of butter and water; add the coral and season to taste with lemon juice and salt; simmer 5 minutes and strain over the diced lobster. Boil up once and serve. PARSLEY SAUCE Make a white sauce and add chopped parsley and a little lemon juice. Serve with fish. POULETTE SAUCE Add a cup of cream and the yolks of 2 eggs beaten together until they are light to cream sauce and a little paprika. NEWBURG SAUCE Make Poulette Sauce. As soon as you have removed it from the fire add a few tablespoons of white grape juice and dash vinegar. CREAMED CHICKEN GRAVY Pour desired amount of milk into pan where chicken has been fried. Season with butter, salt and pepper, and thicken with cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little cold milk. ROAST BEEF SAUCE Remove roast from pan and pour off all the fat except one good tablespoon. Add one tablespoon of cornstarch. Put over the fire and cook, stirring constantly till well browned. Add gradually, stirring all the time, 1 pint of boiling water, and cook till thick and smooth. All brown gravies may be made from this recipe. HORSERADISH SAUCE A good-sized stick of horseradish is required, which should be grated into a bowl and a teaspoon of mustard, a little salt, % pint of cream and vinegar to taste added. Stir all well together. 53 STUFFINGS CHESTNUT STUFFING FOR POULTRY One pint fine bread crumbs, 1 pint shelled and boiled French chestnuts chopped fine, salt, pepper and chopped parsley to season, V% cup melted butter. OYSTER STUFFING FOR POULTRY Substitute small raw oysters, picked and washed, for chestnuts in above recipe. CELERY STUFFING Substitute finely-cut celery for chestnuts. STUFFING FOR TOMATOES, GREEN PEPPERS, ETC. One cup dry bread crumbs, J/5 teaspoon salt, V teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon onion juice, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 2 tablespoons melted butter. Hominy, rice or other cooked cereal may take the place of crumbs. LAMB AND VEAL STUFFING Three cups stale bread crumbs, 3 onions chopped fine, 1 teaspoon salt, Vn tea- spoon white pepper, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, Vz cup melted butter or suet. STUFFING FOR PORK Three large onions parboiled and chopped, 2 cups fine bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons powdered sage, 2 tablespoons melted butter, or pork fat, salt and pepper to taste. SAGE STUFFING FOR GEESE AND DUCKS Two chopped onions, 2 cups mashed potatoes, 1 cup bread crumbs, salt, pepper and powdered sage to taste. POULTRY STUFFING One quart stale bread crumbs, salt, pepper and powdered thyme to season highly, % cup melted butter. BREAD STUFFING FOR MEAT OR POULTRY Soak 1 quart stale bread (in pieces) in cold water and squeeze dry; season with 1 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon ginger, % teaspoon poultry seasoning and % teaspoon onjon; add 2 tablespoons fat drippings, melted; mix thoroughly; add an egg, slightly beaten; add heart, liver and tender parts of gizzard chopped fine and partially boiled. TURKEY STUFFING ST. JAMES Chop together the liver of the turkey and 1 small onion; stir these in a saucepan over the fire, but do not brown, for about '10 minutes; then mix the contents into a pound of sausage meat; when thoroughly mixed, add about 2 dozen whole chestnuts which have been shelled, blanched and cooked until tender in boiling, salted water. DUMPLINGS FOR STEWS One and one-half cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons butter, cut through with a fork, % teaspoon salt and enough milk to make soft dough; drop small spoons into boiling stew; water just to the top of the meat; cover tightly and let boil slowly undisturbed for 15 minutes. Do not place dumplings on top of each other. Start Right by using CLOROX an essential in the household 54 Andrew J. Bloom, Ph. D. HEALER, LECTURER, TEACHER, ARTIST AND PIANIST Authorized by Christian Philosophical Institute 643 16th St., Oakland, Calif. Phone Oakland 9147 Correspondence Course and Ph.D. Classes Taught. Private treatment per month, $10.00. Personal calls at residence, $3.00. Out of town calls, charge according to distance. Prosperity treatments in group, $1.00 per month. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. or by appointment In connection with our healing department, we also have a large stock of White China and Statsuma. Finest stock of vitrifiable colors and lustres in America in any quantity. Hand Painted China, wholesale and retail. Foreign Stamps, Parchment Shades, etc. Firing. Designs furnished to order. Thursday Evening 8 o'clock LECTURE AND FREE HEALING MEETING Pacific Building (Ground Floor) Sixteenth and Jefferson Streets, Oakland Nature's Way, all Unity publications, Impersonal Life and a full line of Metaphysical and Occult books. Fine slock of Motto Cards 55 SALADS IDEAS IN SALADS Prepare celery stalks very carefully by removing the stringy fiber until entirely free from shreds; chop quite fine, and to 2 cups of celery add 2 cups of chopped lettuce, the latter crisp and fresh as possible; season with salt, pepper and thyme, vinegar, olive oil, bay leaf; if possible, add ^ teaspoon shoyu, or Japanese sauce, which greatly improves the flavor; mix all thoroughly and then add crab, shrimp, sardine, spiced mackerel or halibut filling. Boiled halibut, chilled in salt water, makes a good combination with crab, and when broken into small portions and allowed to stand for 1 hour or so, in the same salt water with crab, can with difficulty be distinguished from the crab itself. For sardine, potato and meat salads, a table- spoon of onion juice is desirable. Make mayonnaise dressing by using the yolks of 3 or 4 eggs, according to the quantity desired, and after beating add, drop by drop, pure olive oil, stirring con- stantly until the mixture begins to thicken; then a larger quantity of oil may be stirred in until the mixture becomes of proper consistency, about like heavy cream; do not season until thickened for fear of curdling. Salt very sparingly, and if desired sift in a little cayenne pepper, a few drops of lemon, 2 teaspoons of spiced mustard vinegar from mustard pickles. CHICKEN SALAD Cut cold roast or boiled chicken in small dice; add celery cut fine; season with salt and pepper; mix with French dressing and put aside for an hour or more; just before serving stir in some mayonnaise slightly thinned with lemon juice or French dressing; arrange on lettuce leaves and cover with thick mayonnaise. CRAB SALAD One pint of crab meat, 2 stalks of celery, cut fine, 1 hard-boiled egg, chopped fine, and 1 tomato cut into small pieces; season with salt, pepper and vinegar; mix in salad bowl, garnishing it with crisp leaves of lettuce; dress with mayonnaise dressing. EGG SALAD Cut hard-boiled eggs in half lengths, rub their yolks through a sieve, mix with equal weight of Parmesan cheese, season with chopped chives, pepper and salt, and enough butter to moisten; fill the whites with this mixture, serve on lettuce and garnish with sliced tomatoes. HOT SLAW Pick off the bad leaves from head of small cabbage; slice or cut the cabbage very thin; scald it 5 minutes in 2 quarts of boiling water and drain through a colander; mix it well with a sauce made of V cup of hot vinegar, 1 cup of sour cream, yolks of 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of oil, salt and pepper to taste. COLD SLAW Chop or shred a small white cabbage; prepare a dressing in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of oil to 4 of vinegar, 1 teaspoon mustard, salt and sugar and pepper; pour over the salad, adding, if you choose, 3 tablespoons of minced celery; toss up well and put in a glass bowl. POTATO SALAD Four large potatoes, % a small onion, a little celery, chopped fine. If the potatoes have been boiled in their skin they are better. The dressing consists of 1 cup of cream, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of butter, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, % teaspoon of mustard, 1 of sugar, salt and pepper to taste. CRAB MEAT A LA NEWBURG Clean and pick 2 nice large fresh crabs; place in a saucepan about 1 ounce of butter; when melted, add the picked crab meat; season with % pinch of cayenne pepper, 2 pinches of salt; let simmer slowly for 2 minutes, then add cream to just cover it; let come to a boil; place 3 yolks of eggs in a bowl with Ys cup milk; beat well together and add it to the crab; stir gently for a few minutes till it thickens, but do not boil; serve in a hot casserole or tureen. Serve thin slices of freshly-made hot toast on the side. Same recipe for shrimp or lobster a la Newburg. 56 CUPID'S BOOK FRENCH DRESSING Mix % teaspoon of salt, dash of white pepper, 3 tablespoons olive oil; stir for few minutes, then gradually add 1 tablespoon vinegar, stirring rapidly until mixture is slightly thickened and vinegar cannot be noticed. Mixture will separate in about 20 minutes. LOBSTER SALAD Cut the lobster into small squares and season with 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 of oil, salt and pepper to taste and let it stand in a cool place for an hour; when ready to serve line the salad bowl with crisp lettuce leaves, and after mixing the lobster thoroughly with mayonnaise place it on the lettuce; serve with toasted crackers and cheese. MAYONNAISE DRESSING Put the yolk of 1 egg into 1 cup with salt-spoon of salt and beat until light, % teaspoon of mustard and beat again; then add olive oil, drop by drop, then a few drops of vinegar and the same of lemon juice; continue this process until the egg has absorbed a little more than % a teacup of oil; finish by adding a very little cayenne pepper and sugar. FRUIT SALAD Mix % cup chopped walnuts, 2 apples, sliced thin, % cup chopped celery and lettuce leaves and serve with cooked salad dressing. NUT SALAD Take equal portions of English walnut, hickorynut and pecan meats; add twice as much chopped celery as nut meats; pour over all a good salad dressing and serve at once on lettuce leaves. THREE-MINUTE MAYONNAISE Mix % teaspoon salt, pinch cayenne or paprika and Vs teaspoon mustard in a bowl; add 2 teaspoons lemon juice or vinegar and carefully put in 1 whole egg and 1 egg yolk so as not to break yolk; pour in % cup salad oil and beat with an egg beater until blended; continue until the oil is all added. DIAMONDS JEWELRY AND / SILVERWARE Gifts that are always welcome. Handed down from one generation to another and are everlasting. A. F. EDWARDS 1227-29 Broadway Oakland's Jeweler Since 1879 Forty-five Years 57 For the Young Bride Start her out right by buy- ing a SPARK LIDTOP RANGE for her convenience and comfort. This will teach her true economy, as she can cook a whole meal with the aid of one burner. Ask about this feature. ALL QUALITY STOVES AND RANGES The SPARK LIDTOP RANGE will make her cooking hours easier. The smooth, flat top prevents vessels from tipping accommodates six pans and is as easily cleaned as a dish. The kitchen heater and warming oven are two extra big features which will win the young bride's favor. Sold in Oakland by JACKSON FURNITURE CO., 14th and Clay M. STULSAFT CO., 339 13th Street 58 FISH AND SHELL FISH TO FRY FISH After the fish is well cleansed, lay it on a folded towel and dry out all the water; when well wiped and dry, roll it in wheat flour, rolled crackers, grated stale bread or cornmeal, whichever may be preferred; have a thick-bottomed frying pan with plenty of sweet lard salted (a tablespoon of salt to each pound of lard) for fresh fish which have not been previously salted; let it become boiling hot, then lay the fish in it fry gently until one side is a fine, delicate brown, then turn the other; when both are done take it up carefully and serve quickly, or keep it covered with a tin cover, and set the dish where it will keep hot. TO BROIL FISH Rub the bars of your gridiron with dripping or a piece of beef suet to prevent the fish from sticking. Put a good piece of butter into a dish, enough salt and pepper to season the fish; lay the fish on it when it is broiled, and with a knife put the butter over every part; serve very hot. TO BAKE FISH WHOLE Cut off the head and split the fish down nearly to the tail; prepare a dressing of bread, butter, pepper and salt; moisten with a little water; fill the dish with this dressing and bind it together with a piece of string; lay the fish on a bake-pan and pour round it a little water and melted butter; baste frequently. A good-sized fish will bake in an hour. Serve with the gravy of the fish, drawn butter. BROILED SALT MACKEREL Freshen by soaking it over night in water, being careful that the skin lies upper- most; in the morning dry it without breaking; cut off the head and tip of the tail; place it between the bars of a buttered fish-gridiron and broil to a light brown; lay it on a hot dish, and dress with a little butter, pepper and lemon juice and vinegar. CODFISH BALLS Put fish in cold water, set on back of stove; when water gets hot, pour off and put cold on again until fish is sufficiently fresh; then pick it up; boil potatoes and mash them; mix fish and potatoes together, while potatoes are hot, taking 2/3 pota- toes and 1/3 fish; put in plenty of butter; make into balls and fry in plenty of lard; have lard hot before putting in balls. Variation may be had by rolling each ball in beaten egg, then in dry bread crumbs before frying. BOILED SALMON Sew as many pounds as desired up in a cheese-cloth bag and boil for 15 minutes to the pound, in slightly salted water. When done, take out and lay upon a dish, being careful not to break the fish. CREAM SAUCE Prepare a small cup of cream sauce, in which has been stirred a teaspoon of minced parsley and the juice of % of a lemon. Pour over the salmon and serve. Garnish with parsley. The choicest portion of the salmon is that at the center and toward the tail. CREAMED FISH Pick (not shred) 1 cup of codfish; place in a spider and fill and cover with cold water; stir a moment over the fire and pour off the water; stand on the stove; coyer the fish with 1% pints of milk, also a large tablespoon of butter; stir into 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons of flour and when the milk on the stove is about to boil mix this with it; when the mixture has thickened stand where it will boil no longer and stir into it 1 egg. Serve at once. FISH BALLS The remnants of any cold fish can be used by breaking the fish to pieces with a fork, removing all the bones and skin and shredding very fine; add an equal quantity of mashed potatoes; make into a stiff batter with a piece of butter and some milk and a beaten egg; flour your hands and shape the mixture into balls; fry in boiling lard or drippings to a light brown. CHAFING DISH RECIPE Skin the fish and lay on brown paper for a few minutes; then dip in beaten egg and roll in finely powdered cracker crumbs; place butter in a chafing dish so that 59 CUPID'S BOOK when melted it will cover bottom of the dish to the depth of % of an inch; when hot, place the sardines in and cook until nicely browned, being careful not to let them burn. Serve on a lettuce leaf with mayonnaise dressing. FRIED OYSTERS Twenty-four large oysters, 1 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, y> cup bread crumbs, 1 egg. Clean and drain select oysters; roll in bread crumbs, seasoned with salt and pepper; let stand 15 minutes or more, then dip in beaten egg, roll in crumbs again, let stand again 15 minutes or more in a cool place, and fry 1 minute or until golden brown in deep fat; drain on paper; serve on hot platter and garnish with parsley, sliced pickle or lemon. Serve with French fried potatoes. Fancy Fry for Bride and Groom Fry 1 dozen Eastern oysters; beat 4 eggs, put in pan with oysters and cook together; serve on buttered toast. Fancy Roast Cook 12 Eastern oysters in their own juice; add butter, pepper, salt and Vz tea- cup of catsup; let it come to a boil; serve in hot dish on buttered toast. Pepper Roast Follow recipe for Fancy Roast, adding to it a tablespoon of green peppers, chopped very fine. Hangtown Fry Spread flat omelette with thin broiled bacon; cover with fried oysters. ESCALLOPED OYSTERS Dip oysters in cornmeal; put back in shell, pour a little drawn butter over them and lay a small strip of bacon on top of each oyster; bake 3 minutes and serve in shell. DEVILED CRAB One cup crab meat, picked from shells of well-boiled crabs; 2 tablespoons fine bread crumbs or rolled crackers, yolk 2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped, juice of a lemon, % teaspoon mustard, a little cayenne pepper and salt, 1 cup good drawn butter; fill scallop shells large clam shell will do with mixture; sift crumbs over top, heat to slight brown in quick oven. CREAMED CRAB Melt Vz inch slice of butter, add % cup flour; stir all the time; to this add 4 cups of milk; season with salt, red pepper and 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce; cook 10 minutes; add the picked meat of 3 crabs and a small bottle of mushrooms; let it come to a boil once. Serve in ramikins. LOBSTER A LA LOUIE (For Eight Persons) Select a choice lobster or 2, about 4 pounds in all; but it lengthwise, clean and wash, dry it well in a towel; then cut into % slices and put in cool place; prepare 3 heads of lettuce (the harder the better); remove the loose leaves and keep for garnishing; then shred up the solid heads, dip in water and take out right away and drain. Louie Dressing Six green spring onions, chopped very fine; the same amount of very tender celery, chopped very fine; twice the amount of green peppers, chopped very fine; % teaspoon of paprika, 1 cup of mayonnaise, 1 cup Chili sauce, 1 cup tomato catsup, 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, salt to taste; mix well; arrange the lettuce leaves on a large platter, lay the shredded lettuce in the center and arrange the sliced lobster upon it; garnish with a little mayonnaise, paprika and boiled eggs, quartered, olives, pickles and the legs of the lobster; serve the dressing on a side dish and serve as cold as possible. Same recipe for Crab and Shrimp a la Louie. LOBSTER PATTIES Cut into small pieces tail part, 2 boiled lobsters; season well with pepper, salt and a little lemon juice; dissolve 2 tablespoons cornstarch in a little cold milk and turn into 1 pint of boiling milk; after it has thickened add butter and cook until quite thick; stir lobster into this mixture and heat through; fill patty shells which have been heated. 60 VEGETABLES HINTS ON COOKING AND SERVING Vegetables should be boiled in soft water, if obtainable. The water should only be allowed to come to a boil before putting in the vegetables. It is best to boil vegetables by themselves and to boil quickly. When done, take them up immediately and drain. In cooking all vegetables, a teaspoon of salt for each 2 quarts of water is allowed. Most vegetables are eaten dressed with salt, pepper and butter, but sometimes a piece of lean pork is broiled with them, which seasons them sufficiently. In stewing or boiling, always add vegetables to boiling water. Salt (1 teaspoon to each quart of water) may be added to the water in which all green vegetables, potatoes or onions are cooked. Do not add salt to parsnips, salsify, carrots or turnips or other underground vegetables until after cooking. Do not allow vegetables to boil too rapidly it dissipates the flavor and spoils the color. Cook in a vessel without a cover. SWEET POTATOES SOUTHERN STYLE Four boiled sweet potatoes, V pound butter, 1 tablespoon water, lemon juice, }4 cup brown sugar. Skin boiled potatoes and quarter; place in baking dish, with butter on top; sprinkle with the brown sugar; add the water and a little lemon juice; brown in oven and serve hot. GLAZED SWEET POTATOES Six medium-sized potatoes, % cup sugar, % cup water, 3 tablespoons butter. Wash and pare potatoes; cook 10 minutes in boiling water; drain, cut in halves lengthwise and put in a buttered pan; make a syrup by boiling 3 minutes the sugar and water; add butter; brush potatoes with syrup and bake 15 minutes, beating twice with remaining syrup. SPINACH WITHOUT WATER The following method is very little known and has the advantage of preserving all the nutriment in the spinach and avoiding the use of boiling water: Having washed and drained the spinach very thoroughly, cut it up in coarse pieces and put it in a saucepan in which you have heated 3% ounces of butter to every pound of spinach; add salt, grated nutmeg and cook sharply. SPINACH "AU NATURAL" Having cooked the spinach in salt water as before, wash and drain the leaves carefully, then remove all water and give them a few strokes with the knife without chopping them up; put them into a frying pan in which you have heated some butter; salt to taste and serve very hot. This method of preparing spinach is very much appreciated in Italy, where they add filets of anchovies to it. DUCHESSE POTATOES Take freshly boiled and mashed potatoes or some that are left over; add to them the beaten yolk of egg; place in a greased tin and form in balls, hearts or flat cakes; brush with the beaten white and brown in oven. POTATOES WITH CHEESE Hash 8 cold boiled potatoes, mix them with Vz cup milk, % ounce of good butter, a pinch of salt and pepper and a very small dash of grated nutmeg; place them in a dish, sprinkle over them 2 tablespoons of grated American cheese, 2; tablespoons of grated bread crumbs, a large teaspoon of melted butter and brown in the oven for 10 minutes. BAKED PEPPERS Cold rice and stewed tomatoes can be made into a delicate filling for peppers by seasoning highly with spices and- a little onion. These can either be baked directly or can first be fried in hot butter or olive oil, then put in a baking dish covered with a cup of white stock and baked for % hour or more. All baked peppers are better when cooked in stock. BAKED POTATOES Select smooth, medium-sized potatoes and wash with a brush; place in a dripping pan and bake in a hot oven 40 minutes, or until soft; remove from oven and serve while hot. 61 CUPID'S BOOK BOILED POTATOES Select potatoes of uniform size; wash, pare and drop at once into cold water to prevent their being discolored; soak Vz hour in fall and 1 to 2 hours in winter and spring; cook in salted water until soft. For 7 potatoes allow 1 tablespoon salt, and boiling water to cover. LYONNAISE POTATOES NO. 1 Cook 1 onion thickly sliced in 3 tablespoons butter until delicately browned; remove onion and keep in a warm place; add 3 cups cold boiled potatoes, cut in Alices; sprinkle with salt, pepper and stir until well mixed with butter; press to one side of spider and let brown richly underneath, then sprinkle onions over potatoes; let heat thoroughly; turn on a hot serving platter, top side down; sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Cooking the onion separately lessens the danger of burning. LYONNAISE POTATOES NO. 2 One pint boiled potatoes, cold, Vz teaspoon salt, pinch of pepper, 1 teaspoon chopped onion, 2 tablespoons beef dripping or butter, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley. Cut the potatoes into slices, season with the salt and pepper; fry the onions in the dripping till light brown; put in the potato and cook till it has taken up the fat; add the chopped parsley and serve. ARTICHOKE SAUTE Cut 6 fine, green artichokes into quarters and remove the chokes; trim the leaves neatly and parboil them 5 minutes in salted water; drain; lay them in a casserole, season with salt, pepper and }4 cup butter; V cup mushrooms, chopped fine, may be added; cover and cook in a moderate oven 25 minutes. Serve with any desired sauce; Hollandaise is best. BAKED BEANS One quart navy means, % pound fat salt pork or 1% pounds brisket of beef, *fa tablespoon mustard, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 tablespoons molasses, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 cup boiling water. Wash, pick beans over, cover with cold water and let soak over night; in the morning cover with fresh water, heat slowly and let cook just below the boiling point until the skins burst, which is best determined by taking a few on the tip of the spoon and blowing over them; if done, the skins will burst; when done, drain beans and put in pot with the brisket of beef; if pork is used, scald it, cut through the rind in %-inch strips, bury in beans, leaving rind exposed; mix mustard, salt, sugar, molasses and water and pour over beans and add enough more water to cover them; cover pot and bake slowly 6 or 8 hours; uncover pot the last hour so that pork will brown and crisp. BRUSSELS SPROUTS For Six Persons. Time of Preparation, Two Hours Three pounds Brussels sprouts, 3 ounces butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 pint stock, a pinch of nutmeg, a pinch of carbonate of soda, a pinch of pepper, salt, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, % teaspoon chopped onion. Throw the sprouts, after removing the outer leaves, into 3 quarts boiling water, with salt and a pinch of carbonate of soda; after bringing up to the boil again, take the sprouts out and drain on a sieve and then on a dry cloth, so that no water remains in them; brown an ounce of butter with the flour and sugar, add the stock, chopped onion and parsley, pepper, nutmeg and the remaining butter; boil up well, then put in the sprouts and allow all to simmer gently for half an hour. SPINACH COOKED IN BUTTER Cook the spinach leaves in a pan with salted water; wash them freely with water to remove the sand which they may contain completely; drain them, press out the moisture and chop them up very fine; heat some butter in a saucepan, add the chopped spinach; stir them up with a long wooden spoon, adding a little butter; this will work out all the moisture; season them to taste with salt and a little scraped nutmeg, finished by adding \Vz ounces of fine butter. BOILED ASPARAGUS Cut off lower parts of stalks as far down as they will snap; untie bunches, wash, remove scales and tie again; cook in boiling salted water about 15 minutes or until soft, leaving the tips out of the water for the first 10 minutes; drain, rtemove string and spread with butter, allowing 1% tablespoons butter to each bunch of asparagus. This vegetable is often broken into small pieces for boiling, allowing the tips to cook a shorter time than the remainder of the stock. 62 CUPID'S BOOK BOILED GREEN CORN After removing husks and threads, boil from 10 to 20 minutes in clear water; take from water and place on platter covered with napkin, drawing corners of napkin over corn, or it may be cut from cob and seasoned with salt and butter. CORN A LA SOUTHERN To 1 can chopped corn add 2 eggs, slightly beaten, 1 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, 1% tablespoons melted butter and 1 pint milk; put into a buttered baking dish and leave in a slow oven. STRING BEANS Remove strings and break in 1-inch pieces; wash and cook in clear water, adding salt last Vz hour; drain reasonably dry and add butter. BAKED CAULIFLOWER One and one-half pounds cauliflower, 2 ounces butter, 1 gill milk, % tablespoon meat extract, 2 tablespoons flour, a pinch of ground mace. Boil the cauliflower; heat 1% ounces butter and 2 tablespoons flour to a golden brown; add the milk and % pint of the water in which the cauliflower has been boiled with % teaspoon meat extract dissolved in it; boil this sauce till thick, then flavor with ground mace; strain , and pour over the cauliflower, which has been placed in a deep dish; melt the rte- maining % ounce butter, pour it over, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and bake in a hot oven, standing the dish in a pan of boiling water. ESCALLOPED CORN Six ears of cooked corn or 1 can of corn, Vi cup corn liquid, 3 tablespoons milk, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon butter. Cut fresh boiled corn, too old to serve on cobs, from the cob, or use the pulp of 1 can of corn; mix corn with the salt, pepper, flour and sugar and add the liquids; melt the butter, mix with the bread crumbs and cover bottom of a pudding dish with half of the crumbs; add the corn mixture and cover with the rest of the crumbs; bake in a moderate oven about 20 minutes and serve hot in pudding dish. MACARONI WITH TOMATOES AND MUSHROOMS One-half pound macaroni, 2 quarts boiling water, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 small onion, cut fine, 1 teaspoon flour, cup of hot beef or chicken stock, 1 pint stewed tomatoes, 1 tablespoon finely chopped mushrooms, 1 teaspoon salt, cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon parsley, chopped, 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese. Add salt and then the macaroni to the boiling water; let boil 20 minutes, stirring to avoid sticking to the bottom of the kettle; drain in colander; pour 1 cup of cold water through it, then return to cleared kettle. POTATO PANCAKES Six raw grated potatoes, 3 whole eggs, a pinch of baking powder, 1 tablespoon flour, a little milk. Peel large potatoes and soak several hours in cold water; grate, drain and for every pint allow 2 eggs, about 1 tablespoon flour, % teaspoon salt, a little pepper; beat eggs well and mix with the rest of the ingredients; drop by spoons on a hot buttered spider in small cakes; turn and brown on both sides. Serve with apple sauce or catsup. O'BRIEN POTATOES Fry 3 cups potato cubes in deep fat; drain on brown paper, and sprinkle with salt; cook a slice of onion in 1% tablespoons butter about 3 minutes; remove the onion and add to butter 3 pimentoes (canned), cut fine; when this is thoroughly heated, add potatoes, stir well and serve hot with parsley. MEXICAN STUFFED CHILI Six green peppers, 1 onion, chopped fine, 2 tablespoons of butter, 4 tablespoons of chopped mushrooms, J^ cup brown sauce, 3 tablespoons bread crumbs, 4 table- spoons lean raw ham, chopped, salt, pepper and buttered bread crumbs. Cut a slice from stem end of each pepper, remove the seeds and parboil peppers about 15 min- utes; cook onion in butter 3 minutes, add mushrooms and ham, cook a minute, then add brown sauce and crumbs; cool the mixture; put into peppers, cover with buttered bread crumbs, salt and bake 10 minutes. Serve on toast with brown sauce. FRIED PARSNIPS Boil until tender, scrape off the skin and cut in lengthwise slices; dredge with flour and fry in hot drippings, turning when one side is browned. 63 CUPID'S BOOK BAKED WINTER SQUASH Cut in 3-inch squares; remove seeds and stringy portion; place in a dripping pan; season with salt and pepper, and for each square add Vz teaspoon molasses and % teaspoon melted butter; bake about 1 hour, or until soft, in a moderate oven, keeping covered the first Vz hour. Serve in the shell with dots of butter. CORN FRITTERS One can corn, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 2 teaspoons salt, % teaspoon paprika, 2 eggs. Chop corn and add flour, baking powder, salt and paprika mixed and sifted, then add the yolks of eggs beaten thick, and fold in whites beaten stiff; cook in fresh, hot lard and drain. RICE CROQUETTES One teacup of rice; boil 1 quart milk; when boiled and hot add a piece of butter the size of an egg, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 eggs, juice and grated peel of 1 lemon; stir this up well; have ready the yolks of 2 eggs, beaten on a plate, cracker crumbs on another; make the rice in rolls and dip in the eggs and crumbs. Fry them in butter. Serve hot. LIMA BEANS Shell them in cold water; let them lie Vz hour or longer; put them into a sauce- pan with plenty of boiling water, a little salt and cook until tender; drain and butter well and pepper to taste. POTATO AU GRATIN Slice cold boiled potatoes; make a cream sauce from 2 tablespoons each of butter and flour, 1 level teaspoon of salt, % teaspoon of pepper; heat butter; add flour and seasoning; when hot, add milk gradually and cook smoothly; add potatoes; let heat through and put in buttered individual dishes or baking dish; fold lightly some finely chopped cheese and bake about 10 minutes in a moderate oven. POTATO CAKES Roast some potatoes in the oven; when done, skin and pound in a mortar with a small piece of butter, warmed in a little milk; chop a shallot and a little parsley very finely, mix well with the potatoes, add pepper, salt; shape into cakes, egg and bread crumb them and fry a light brown. CARROTS AND OTHER ROOT VEGETABLES Scrape or pare carrots, parsnips, turnips. Dice and cook gently in unsalted water till tender; drain and reheat in seasoned butter, 1 tablespoon to 1 pint, or in a drawn butter or white sauce. In early summer, when roots are small, water should be salted. Onions should also be boiled in salted water, then finished as here directed. STEWED CORN Husk corn; draw sharp knife down center of each row of grain; press out pulp with back of knife; to 1 pint add % teaspoon each salt and sugar, dash pepper, Vz cup milk; heat and simmer 10 minutes. FRIED EGGPLANT Pare and slice the eggplant as desired and dip at once into egg (previously seasoned with salt and pepper) and then into cornstarch, seeing to it that every part is well covered; fry in deep hot fat to a rich brown; lay on brown paper until served, to absorb any extra grease. Eggplant cooked in this way will be found very delicate and digestible. CREAMED CAULIFLOWER Remove leaves, cut off stock and soak about 30 minutes (head down) in cold water to cover; cook (head up) 20 minutes, or until soft, in boiling salted water; drain, separate and reheat in 1% cups white sauce. 64 Uncharted Courses Just what experiences will be yours in the next fifty years, no one knows. Our wish is, of course, that they are always pleasant ones. Much of the joy of living comes from pleasant surroundings. Your immediate environment depends upon your- self. Make your home pleasant and attractive with FULLER'S PAINTS AND VARNISHES FULLER'S RUBBER CEMENT FLOOR PAINT. A hard, dura- ble, dependable floor paint. One of the oldest of the Fuller products. Dries hard over night. Washing and mopping hard- ens it. Obtainable in twelve colors. Gallons to pints. FULLER'S SILKENWHITE ENAMEL is remarkable for its depth and intensity. If you don't know Fuller's Silkenwhite Enamel you don't know enamels. Obtainable in eight shades. Gallons to pints. FULLER'S WASHABLE WALL FINISH gives the soft pastel effects so desirable for any room. Easily cleaned with a damp- ened cloth. Obtainable in fifteen colors. Gallons to pints. We Tell You How If you are unable to locate a master painter, send for Fuller's "Home Service" Booklet, which tells you every- thing you will want to know about painting and varnishing. W. P. FULLER & CO. MANUFACTURERS "PAINTS FOR EVERY PURPOSE" AT YOUR DEALER'S 65 A FEW FULLER PRODUCTS Pure Prepared Paint Pure Colors in Oil Phoenix Pure Paint Fuller's Floor Wax Rubber Cement Floor Paint Porch and Step Paint Fullerwear Varnish Fifteen for Floors Varnish Washable Wall Finish Pioneer Shingle Stains Fuller's Hot Water Wall Finish Silkenwhite Enamel Pioneer White Lead FULLER Paints and Varnishes FOR EVERY PURPOSE Happiness is in a large measure dependent upon bright, cheerful surroundings. Increase your happiness by protect- ing and beautifying your property with Fuller's Paints and Varnishes. DECORET A richly tinted gloss finish de- signed for refinishing in color any wood or metal surface. Light Oak, Dark Oak, Walnut, Mis- sion Oak, Weathered Oak, Cherry, Flemish Oak, Mahogany and Rose- wood. Fuller's Fifteen for Floors Is the most perfect floor varnish made. Unaffected by heel marks, scratches, wear and tear of rolling furniture. Gallons to pints. Fuller's Floor Wax For polishing floors, furniture woodwork, tables, etc. Cannot be excelled. In %-lb. to 8-lb. cans. Fuller's Hot Water Wall Finish A hot water kalsomine tint, easily applied. Does not show brush marks. Dries rapidly. Obtained in 5-lb. packages. We Tell You How If you are unable to locate a master painter, send for Fuller's "Home Service Booklet," which tells you everything you will want to know about painting and varnishing. W. P. FULLER & CO. MANUFACTURERS "Paints for Every Purpose" AT YOUR DEALER'S 66 Jellies, Jams, Preserves, Marmalades IMPORTANT POINTS FOR JELLY MAKING To Prepare Glasses for Jelly. Wash glasses and put in a kettle of cold water; place on range and heat water gradually to the boiling point; remove glasses and drain; place glasses while filling on a cloth wrung out of hot water. To Make a Jelly Bag. Fold 2 opposite corners of a piece of cotton or wool flannel % yard long; sew up in the form of a cornucopia, rounding at the end; fell the seam to make more secure; bind the top with tape and finish with 2 or 3 heavy tape loops by which it may be hung. To Heat Sugar. Put in a graniteware pan or dish and place in a moderate oven, leaving the oven door ajar; stir occasionally that sugar may heat evenly and not become brown. In Making Jelly. If you get it too sweet and have no more juice put in a little pure cider vinegar; the jelly will "jell" at once and the flavor will not be impaired. STRAWBERRY JAM To 6 pounds of strawberries allow 3 pounds of sugar; procure some fine scarlet strawberries, strip off the stalks and put them into a preserving pan over a moderate fire; boil them for half an hour, keeping them constantly stirred; break the sugar into small pieces and mix with the strawberries after they have been removed from the fire; then place it again over the fire and boil for another % hour very quickly; cover with paraffine. GRAPE MARMALADE Take sound grapes, heat and remove the seeds, then measure and allow measure for measure of fruit and sugar; place all together in a preserving kettle and boil slowly 25 minutes; add the juice of 1 lemon to every quart of fruit; set away in jelly glasses. TO PRESERVE PLUMS To every pound of fruit allow % pound of sugar; divide the plums; take out the stones and put the fruit on a dish with pounded sugar strewed over; the next day put them into a preserving pan and let them simmer gently by the side of the fire for about 30 minutes, then boil them quickly, removing the scum as it rises, and keep them constantly stirred, or the jam will stick to the bottom of the pan; crack the stones and add the kernels to the preserve when it boils. QUINCE PRESERVES Pare and core the fruit and boil till very tender; make a syrup of 1 pound of sugar for each pound of the fruit and after removing the scum, boil the quinces in this syrup for Vz hour. BLACKBERRY JAM Crush a quart of fully ripe blackberries with 1 pound of the best loaf sugar pounded very fine; put it into a preserving pan and set it over a gentle fire until thick; add a glass of boiled cider and stir it again over the fire for about % hour; then put into pots and when cold tie them over. ORANGE JELLY Grate the rind of 6 oranges and 3 lemons into a granite kettle; now squeeze in the juice, add 1 cup of water and % pound of sugar to each pint of juice; boil all together until a rich syrup is formed; have ready 1 ounce of gelatine dissolved in 1 pint of warm water; now add syrup; strain the jelly and pour into glasses. APPLE JELLY Select sound, red, fine-flavored apples, not too ripe. Wash, wipe and core; place in a granite kettle, cover with water and let cook slowly until the apples look red; pour into a muslin bag and drain; return juice to a clean kettle and boil Vz hour; skim; now measure and to every pint of juice allow 1 pound of sugar; boil quickly for 10 minutes. Red apples will give jelly the color of wine, while that from light fruit will be like amber. PLUM JELLY Take plums not too ripe, put in a granite pan and set in a pan of water over the fire; let the water boil gently till all the juice has come from the fruit; strain through a flannel bag and boil with an equal weight of sugar 20 minutes. 67 Eat Honey Nature's Own Sweet, Aids Digestion There is nothing more healthful and you should use it in your cooking also, as it goes farther and is better than sugar. In buying Howard's Pure Honey" you buy direct from the producer and are assured pur- ity, cleanliness and lowest price. Demand the above label. Put up in all sizes of containers J. A. HOWARD APIARIES PRODUCERS OF PURE SAGE, ORANGE, THISTLE AND ALFALFA HONEY Try recipes on page 85 Sanitary Free Market 10th at Washington to Clay Stand 63 Oakland, Cal. Reg. 4076 Foothill Blvd. Phone Fruitvale 2925 68 CUPID'S BOOK SPICED FRUITS These are also called sweet pickle fruits. For 4 pounds prepared fruit allow 1 pint vinegar, 2 pounds brown sugar, % cup whole spices cloves, allspice, stick cinnamon and cassia-bude; tie spices in thin muslin bag, boil 10 minutes with vinegar and sugar; skim; add fruit; cc-ok till tender; boil down syrup; pour over fruit in jars and seal. If put in stone pots, boil syrup 3 successive mornings and pour over fruit. Currants, peaches, grapes, pears and berries may be prepared in this way, also ripe cucumbers, muskmelons and watermelon rind. LOVERS' MARMALADE Slice very thin 3 thin-skinned oranges, 2 grape fruit and 2 lemons; remove seeds; cover fruit with cold water; let stand 24 hours; bring to a boil and allow to simmer 15 minutes; place in stone crock and allow to stand 24 hours; measure and add equal quantity of sugar; boil until it jells; pour in glasses and cover with paraffine. CRABAPPLE JELLY Select juicy apples; mealy ones are no good. Wash and quarter and put into a preserving kettle over the fire with a teacup of water; if necessary add more water as it evaporates; when boiled to a pulp strain the apples through a flannel bag, then proceed as for other jelly. PRESERVED PEACHES Select the yellow, red-cheeked ones if possible; skin same as tomatoes, by pouring on boiling water, then thrusting them in cold water and separate in halves; proceed as for preserving cherries, only using % pound of sugar to every pound of fruit. PRESERVED CHERRIES Select the large cherries; remove the stems and stone them carefully; to each pound of sugar allow 1 pound of cherries; put fruit in granite pan and pour sugar over them; stir up and let stand over night to candy; in the morning put all into the preserving pan, place on the stove and boil gently until the cherries look clear, skimming off the scum as it rises; when the cherries have become quite clear, remove the pan from the stove and seal. Keep in dry, dark closet. PRESERVED TOMATOES A pound of sugar to a pound of tomatoes. Take 6 pounds of each; the peel and juice of 4 lemon and % pound of ginger tied up in a bag; put on the side of the range and boil slowly for 3 hours. TRADE MARK BRAND FOOD PRODUCTS Should be the FIRST in your new home "At All Leading Grocer's" 69 PICKLES FRENCH PICKLES Slice green tomatoes with onions; add salt; let stand over night; drain thoroughly and let boil % hour with vinegar; sugar to taste; white mustard seed, allspice, cloves, cinnamon, ginger and little mustard. GREEN PEPPER MANGOES Secure nice large peppers; cut a slit in them and take out the seed; slice a head of cabbage very fine; salt it as for slaw and mix very thick with black mustard seed; fill the peppers with this dressing and sew up the slit; lay them in a jar and pour over enough cold vinegar to cover them. GREEN TOMATO PICKLES Slice 1 peck of green tomatoes; add 1 cup of salt and let them stand over night; drain the water from them and add 1 gallon of vinegar, 1 large spoon of allspice, 1 teaspoon of cloves, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, % teaspoon of ground mustard, 4 cups of sugar, 1 cup of grated horseradish and simmer together 10 minutes; add more sugar. SWEET TOMATO PICKLES Eight pounds of ripe tomatoes, 4 pounds of sugar, Vz ounce each of cloves, allspice and cinnamon; peel the fruit and boil \Vz hours; when partly cold add % pint of vinegar. Put away in jars. PICCALILLI Mix tomatoes, chopped and drained, with chopped onions, red and green peppers and horseradish; add spices, sugar and a little curry powder; cover with vinegar and boil 1 hour. PICCALILLI Two cauliflowers, 2 quarts green tomatoes, 1 quart small onions, 24 medium- sized cucumbers, green peppers. Chop all together and soak over night in a weak brine; next day scald for a few minutes, then drain through a colander; make a dressing with the following: % pound mustard, 4 teaspoons celery seed, 5 cups sugar, 1 cup flour, % ounce tumeric. Mix all of these ingredients to a smooth paste; then add them to 3 quarts of boiling vinegar and allow to boil for 2 minutes; pour it over the pickle and when cold bottle and seal with paraffine. This pickle will keep for a year. Salt may be used instead of the brine and cabbage instead of the cauliflower, if preferred. WATERMELON PICKLES Boil the melon until you can stick a fork through it readily. To 7 pounds of fruit take 3 pounds of sugar, 1 quart of vinegar and 1 ounce each of cinnamon, cloves and allspice; scald the vinegar, put sugar and spices in and pour over the melon. Do this for 3 mornings. BRINE FOR CUCUMBERS Wash them in clear water, lay them in a jar and sprinkle them well with salt; as you lay in fresh cucumbers, add more salt. They will make their own brine. CHOW CHOW Twenty-five young, tiny cucumbers, 15 onions sliced, 2 quarts of string beans, cut in halves, 4 quarts of green tomatoes, sliced and chopped coarsely, 2 large heads of white cabbage. Prepare these articles and put them in a stone jar in layers with a slight sprinkling of salt between them; let them stand 12 hours, then drain off the brine; now put the vegetables in a kettle over the fire, sprinkling through them 4 red peppers, chopped coarsely, 4 tablespoons of mustard seed, 2 tablespoons each of celery seed, whole allspice and whole cloves and a cup of sugar; pour on enough of the best cider vinegar to cover; cover tightly and simmer well until thoroughly cooked. Put in glass jars when hot. SWEET CUCUMBER PICKLES Prepare as sour pickles except add sugar to taste in the hot vinegar; ginger root and horseradish may be added to vinegar. 70 CUPID'S BOOK DILL PICKLES Take medium-sized cucumbers, wash in cold water, then fill quart jars; put in each jar % cup vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons salt, pinch of pickling spices and spray of dill; fill rest of space in jars with cold water and seal. These pickles are very good and will keep indefinitely. EAST INDIA APPLE CHUTNEY Two dozen apples, 6 chili peppers, 3 onions, garlic to taste, 3 pounds seeded raisins, 1 quart cider vinegar, juice of 8 lemons, 4 cups brown sugar, % teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 tablespoon ground ginger, salt to taste. Pare, core and chop apples, raisins, onions and peppers very fine; add the vinegar and cook 1 hour; then add the other ingredients and cook 1 hour longer, stirring often with wooden spoon. This will keep indefinitely. A little of this chutney will improve all Spanish dishes, curried meats and stews. SOUR CUCUMBER PICKLES Select small cucumbers, wash, sprinkle with salt; cover with cold water, using 1 cup of salt for each gallon water; allow to stand 12 to 14 hours; rinse and pack in fruit jars; add green or red peppers, also whole spices; cover with scalding vinegar. If stored in earthen crock, place a plate with weight on top to keep the pickles in the vinegar, then cover the jar. These pickles will keep indefinitely. RELISHES TO BE SERVED WITH MEATS Fried Chicken Cream Gravy Corn Fritters Roast Chicken Bread Sauce Currant Jelly Roast Duck Orange Salad Roast Canvasback Duck Apple Bread Black Currant Jelly Roast Goose Tart Apple Sauce Roast Quail Currant Jelly Celery Sauce Reed Birds Fried Hominy with Celery Roast Turkey Cranberry or Celery Plum, Grape Sauce Boiled Turkey Mushrooms Fried Onions Pigeon Pie Mushroom Sauce Boiled or Baked Fish White Cream Sauce Drawn Butter Sauce Cold Boiled Fish Sliced Lemon and Olives Broiled Mackerel Stewed Gooseberries Fried Salmon Egg Sauce Lobster Cutlet Sauce Tartare Frizzled Beef Horseradish Corned Beef Mustard 71 Roast Lamb Mint Sauce Roast Mutton Stewed Gooseberries Pork Sausage Tart Apple Sauce Fried Apples Pork Croquettes Tomato Sauce Roast Pork Apple Sauce Cold Boiled Tongue Sauce Tartare Olives stuffed with Peppers Sweetbread Cutlet Caper Sauce SPANISH and ITALIAN DISHES SPANISH DISH Take 1 cup boiled rice, then fry 2 tomatoes and % onion together; season with pepper, salt, % teaspoon sugar and Vz chili pepper; mix with rice, all together; then add 4 tablespoons of grated Swiss cheese and 1 cup of cooked shrimps; cook on back of stove Vz hour. Very good, eaten hot or cold. SPANISH BEANS Soak 2 cups pink beans over night; in the morning cover beans with water; add a small onion and boil until beans will mash between fingers; drain the liquid from the beans, but do not throw it away; into a frying pan, not less than 2 inches deep, put a large cooking spoon of fresh lard; allow it to become quite clear; after laying in as many beans as will absorb lard, place the pan over a hot fire and mix beans and lard thoroughly together until the beans appear to have a coating of lard and begin to burst; add a cup of the liquid in which the beans were boiled and gently crush the beans with a spoon, but do not mash; now add the remainder of the liquid and allow to simmer on the back of the stove for % to 1 hour, or until the beans are of the consistency desired, either with considerable liquid (but thick) or quite dry. Success depends upon observing the following rules: Do not add salt until the beans are boiled soft. The onion is not perceptible after cooking, only gives the beans the characteristic Mexican taste, which no spice can produce. Have the lard at boiling point. Mexican chili may be added after the last portion of liquid is used. To prepare Mexican chili, take 6 dry chili peppers, remove seeds and cover with water and boil 10 minutes; chop fine and run through sieve to remove skins; put in as much or as little, according to how hot you like them. SPANISH MEAT PIE Two pounds round steak; trim off fat, fry out over slow fire, adding other short- ening if not enough fat on meat; when hot, add 1 thick slice of onion, cut fine, and 2 tablespoons bell pepper (red or green), chopped fine; cook, stirring frequently, until onion is a yellow color; cut meat in small pieces, season with salt and pepper, dust well with flour; bring fat in pan to smoking point; add meat, stir constantly until well browned; add water to cover; cook slowly until meat is tender; remove meat from liquid, put in deep earthen baking dish, add 2 cups white potatoes cut in thick slices and boiled 5 minutes in salted water; thicken liquid in pan with 2 table- spoons flour for every cup of liquid; add more seasoning if necessary; turn over the meat and potato; allow to cool while making crust. Crust Three cups flour, 2 tablespoons baking powder, 1% teaspoons salt, 6 tablespoons shortening. Rub into flour with finger tips; wet to stiff dough with cold water; roll out in a round cake to fit top of baking dish; make 2 or 3 small openings in top to let out steam; place cover over meat; brush top with a little milk; put into oven, cook long enough to bake crust thoroughly, about 20 minutes. CHILI CON CARNE One and one-half pounds of Mexican chili beans, 6 good-sized onions, 6 cloves, garlic, 1 can tomatoes, % teaspoon paprika, a bay leaf, 1% pounds hamburger, 3 tablespoons of Gebhardt's Eagle Chili Powder, salt to taste. Soak the beans over night, then cook until done; add can of tomatoes and paprika, bay leaf, salt, slice the onions and garlic; fry until done. Put the hamburger into a perfectly dry frying pan, no grease; cook until it is separated and dry; make a paste of the chili powder; add all to the beans and cook a little longer. SPANISH RICE Take onions, cut them up fine, and a small piece of garlic cut fine, and put them in a pan with 2 or 3 large green peppers; cut small and fry not too brown; then add 1 can of tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste and a little prepared chili con carne; now have a small pan with hot lard; put in rice and fry not too brown; then take rice and mix together with the sauce and fry slowly for about 1 hour. You will find this a delicious dish, also a very fine vegetable. 72 CUPID'S BOOK STRING BEANS SPANISH Boil 1 pound of string beans until tender; let them cool; beat the whites of 3 eggs until thick; put in the yellow, beat 5 minutes more; take 6 or 7 string beans and roll them in the egg and fry them and serve with tomato sauce. CHILI SAUCE One dozen ripe tomatoes, 4 large onions, 4 red peppers, all chopped fine, 4 cups vinegar, 2 tablespoons salt, 2 teaspoons each ground cloves, cinnamon and ginger; boil 2 hours. SPAGHETTI ITALIENNE Three-fourths pound spaghetti, 3 quarts boiling water, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 table- spoons butter, % teaspoon white pepper, a little nutmeg, 1 cup tomato sauce, 2 ounces grated Parmesan or Swiss cheese or 1 ounce of each. Slide spaghetti without break- ing it into the boiling water gradually and boil 25 minutes; drain; place butter in saucepan, salt, pepper and nutmeg; let cook a few minutes; add the hot tomato sauce; gently mix with a fork, then add cheese and mix well again with a fork for 1 minute or longer; dress on a hot dish and serve. POLENTA Ground meat, 1 medium-sized chopped onion, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons bread crumbs, 4 sprigs of parsley, salt and pepper. Mix well; make into small balls; drop into the sauce and boil for 40 minutes. Sauce: 1 quart tomatoes. 1 pint water, 1 onion, 1 clove, garlic, 2 bay leaves. Boil one hour, rub through colander and return to stove; add heaping teaspoon lard, some salt and Chili powder to taste. When the balls have cooked sufficiently, place them around a mound of hot boiled rice or spaghetti, pour the tomato sauce over the whole and cover with a layer of finely chopped cheese. ROYAL ITALIAN PASTE Chop fine, separately, 3 large onions, % garlic, % stalk celery, % cup dried mushrooms (soaked in water Vz hour), 1 can tomatoes, salt, black pepper, 3 or 4 chili capinas, 2 bay leaves, 2 cloves, few sprigs of each, rosemary and parsley. Have a good-sized chicken (not too young), older one preferred, cut as for frying, wash and dry. Put into kettle with hot olive oil and brown thoroughly; add onions and brown, then garlic and celery, allowing to cook a few minutes; add tomatoes and flavorings, cooking all together about 3 hours; stir often to prevent burning. When chicken becomes tender, remove. Beef may be substituted, if desired. Take about 2 pounds spaghetti, put in kettle of boiling water (salted); cook until done; then drain, dashing cold water over it to prevent sticking. Serve on hot dish, first a layer of spaghetti, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, then a layer of sauce, repeating until dish is full. PAPRIKA CHICKEN Clean and prepare fat chicken as for roasting; make, a good stuffing of bread crumbs, chopped onions, herbs to season to taste, binding together with the yolks of 2 or 3 eggs; stuff the fowl with it; tie on the breast slices of salt pork and lemon, then wrap and tie the whole in stout waxed paper; place in a casserole (or any tight- covered baking dish); add enough chicken or veal stock to cover it and 1 clove, a whole onion and some chopped parsley; put the lid on and cook in a hot oven 1 hour; strain the sauce, then add 1 cup of hot cream, the yolk of 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of minced parsley and sufficient paprika to give not only a decided flavor, but to tinge it pink; when the chicken is quite done (cooking it with this sauce as much longer as necessary to make it tender), serve it with the sauce poured over it and bordered with hot boiled rice. We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience and live without hearts. We may live without friends, we may live without books; But civilized man cannot live without cooks. Owen Meredith. 73 rare i aroma! W , J _-_^.-r- ._._-. __r-__-_ ,_r-___- -t Whet^ your appetite and as you qimff the coffee - - you sing the praises of (Swells ^^^ NATIONAL CREST offee 1,800,000 cups were served at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition GEO. W. CASWELL CO. Established 1884 442-452 SECOND STREET Telephone Sutter 6654 The proper methods of brewing coffee are described on the opposite page 74 BEVERAGES PREPARATION OF COFFEE Measure Carefully There is no set rule for the proper proportions of coffee and water. This will vary with the kind of coffee used, the way it is ground and the method of brewing and, above all, with individual taste. But once you have found the right proportion that is, the proportion best suited to your use stick to it. Don't guess. Measure carefully, both water and coffee. Remember that in brewing the coffee grounds absorb a certain amount of the water in the pot. Therefore, to make five cups of coffee, use, say, 5% cupfuls of water and in the same proportion with larger or smaller quantities. Extracting the Coffee Flavor Chemists have analyzed the coffee bean and told us that its delicious taste is due to certain aromatic oils. This aromatic element is extracted most efficiently only by fresh boiling water. The practice of soaking the grounds in cold water, therefore, is to be condemned. It is a mistake also to let the water and the grounds boil together after the real coffee flavor is once extracted. This extraction takes place very quickly, especially when the coffee is ground fine. The coarser the granulation the longer it is necessary to let the grounds remain in contact with the boiling water. Remember that flavor, the only flavor worth having, is extracted by the short contact of boiling water and coffee grounds and that after this flavor is extracted, the coffee grounds become valueless dregs. Use Grounds Only Once Although the above rules are absolutely fundamental to good coffee making, their importance is so little appreciated that in some households the lifeless grounds from the breakfast coffee are left in the pot and resteeped for the next meal, with the addition of a small quantity of fresh coffee. Used coffee grounds are of no more value in coffee making than ashes are in kindling a fire. Serve at Once After the coffee is brewed the true coffee flavor, now extracted from the bean, should be guarded carefully. When the brewed liquid is left on the fire or over- heated this flavor is cooked away and the whole character of the beverage is changed. It is just as fatal to let the brew grow cold. If possible, coffee should be served as soon as it is made. If service is delayed, it should be kept hot, but not overheated. For this purpose careful cooks prefer a double boiler over a slow fire. The cups should be warmed beforehand, and the same is true of a' serving pot, if one is used. Brewed coffee, once injured by cooling, cannot be restored by reheating. Scour the Coffee Pot Unsatisfactory results in coffee brewing frequently can be traced to a lack of care in keeping utensils clean. The fact that the coffee pot is used only for coffee making is no excuse for setting it away with a hasty rinse. Coffee making utensils should be cleaned after each using with scrupulous care. If a percolator is used pay special attention to the small tube through which the hot water rises to spray over the grounds. This should be scrubbed with the wire-handled brush that comes for the purpose. Don't Dry Filter Bags In cleansing drip or filter bags use cool water. Hot water "cooks in" the coffee stains. After the bag is rinsed keep it submerged in cool water until time to use it again. Never let it dry. This treatment protects the cloth from the germs in the air which cause souring. New filter bags should be washed before using to remove the starch or sizing. DRIP (OR FILTER) COFFEE The principle behind this method is the quick contact of water at full boiling point with coffee ground as fine as it is practical to use it. The filtering medium may be of cloth or paper, or perforated chinaware or metal. The fineness of the grind should be regulated by the nature of the filtering medium, the grains being large enough not to slip through the perforations. The amount of ground coffee to use may vary from a heaping teaspoonful to a rounded tablespoonful for each cup of coffee desired, depending upon the granula- 75 CUPID'S BOOK tion, the kind of apparatus used and individual taste. A general rule is the finer the grind the smaller the amount of dry coffee required. The most satisfactory grind for a cloth drip bag has the consistency of powdered sugar and shows a slight grit when rubbed between thumb and finger. Unbleached muslin makes the best bag for this granulation. For dripping coffee reduced to a powder, as fine as flour or confectioner's sugar, use a bag of canton flannel with the fuzzy side in. Powdered coffee, however, requires careful manipulation and cannot be recommended for everyday household use. Put the ground coffee in the bag or sieve. Bring fresh water to a full boil and pour it through the coffee at a steady, gradual rate of flow. If a cloth drip bag is used, with a very finely ground coffee, one pouring should be enough. No special pot or device is necessary. The liquid coffee may be dripped into any handy vessel or directly into the cups. Dripping into the coffee cups, however, is not to be recom- mended unless the dripper is moved from cup to cup so that no one cup will get more than its share of the first flow, which is the strongest and best. The brew is complete when it drips from the grounds, and further cooking or "heating up" injures the quality. Therefore, since it is not necessary to put the brew over the fire, it is possible to make use of the hygienic advantages of a glassware, porcelain or earthenware serving pot. STEEPED COFFEE For steeping use a medium grind. The recipe is a rounded tablespoonful for each cup of coffee desired or as some cooks prefer to remember it a tablespoonful for each cup and "one for the pot." Put the dry coffee in the pot and pour over it fresh water briskly boiling. Steep for 5 minutes or longer, according to taste, over a low fire. Do not boil. Settle with a dash of cold water or strain through muslin or cheesecloth and serve at once. PERCOLATED COFFEE Use a rounded tablespoonful of medium fine ground coffee to each cupful of water. The water may be poured into the percolator cold or at the boiling point. In the latter case, percolation begins, at once. Let the water percolate over the grounds for 5 to 10 minutes, depending upon the intensity of the heat and the flavor desired. HOW TO MAKE TEA Scald an earthen or china teapot; put in 1 teaspoon tea and pour on 2 cups boiling water; let stand on back of range or in a warm place 5 minutes; strain and serve immediately with milk or without sugar and milk. Avoid second steeping of leaves with addition of a few fresh ones. If this is done, so large an amount of tannin is extracted that various ills are apt to follow. Start Right By Using CaswelPs Coffee that rare delidousness 76 For that true coffee flavor that rare deliciousness use CasweWs Coffee HAVE COFFEE POT THOROUGHLY CLEANED DAILY USE A TABLESPOONFUL COFFEE FOR EACH CUP AND ONE FOR THE POT Follow any one of these THREE METHODS Boiling or Brewing Method A Use coffee ground medium. Pour boiling water on re- quired amount of coffee in order to bring out the rich- ness and strength. Let simmer slowly for fifteen minutes. Percolating Method B Use finely ground coffee. After the water begins bubbling over the coffee let continue so, percolating slowly from fifteen to twenty minutes until the rich, brown color and strength of the coffee are finally brought out. Filtration Method C Place coffee, ground very finely or pulverized, in bag suspended in coffee pot and pass the required amount of boiling water. The filtration method is the quickest way to make coffee, but a great deal of care must be given to the bag. It should at all times be kept absolutely clean and sweet. A good method to adopt is to start with a new bag every Sunday morning, and immediately after using the bag should be thoroughly cleaned in hot water and kept in a jar of fresh cold water. Do not use soap in cleaning the bag. N. B. Boiling water must be 212 degrees. Keep the brew hot. Chilling the brew destroys the affiliation of oils and water and therefore the flavor. The treasured secret of coffee roasting produces the wondrous flavor Our steel cut process used in grinding coffee eliminates the bitter chaff and the result is CaswelPs National Crest Coffee Families in the following cities may obtain our NATIONAL CREST brand by writing or telephoning to SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., 442-452 SECOND ST . ..Sutler 6654 SACRAMENTO, CAL., 2031 15TH ST Main 4349W OAKLAND, CAL., 1920 GROVE ST Oakland 1017 FRESNO, CAL., 479 FRESNO AVE. Fresno 2020 LOS ANGELES, CAL., 2600 SO. SAN PEDRO ST ....South 1970 PORTLAND, ORE., 25 E. 12TH ST East 7054 SEATTLE, WASH, 2817 1ST AVE Main 4271 TACOMA, WASH., 1623 SO. J ST. Main 3414 SPOKANE, WASH., 2319 N. MONROE ST Maxwell 698 77 ORANGE BLOSSOM aJJ^ This "Orange Blossom" Pattern of Wallace Ster- line (Solid) Silver holds an everlasting charm. A rare pattern, indeed, and with just that touch of refinement that will win your heart as en- thusiastically and as permanently as the orange blossom has won and held its favor and its traditions. We hope you will give us the pleasure of showing you this Wallace "Orange Blossom" Pattern. 1226 Broadway A. SIGWART & SONS JEWELERS Oakland 78 as it should I n the following pages are presented a few suggestions with the hope that they may prove helpful to those who are interested in the effective setting of the table. 79 Oakland -4 THE DINNER TABLE In the setting of the table, as in all other artistic performances, there are certain defined rules for procedure which should be observed. It is well that every housewife should have a reasonably intimate knowledge of those fundamental rules, and it is to her, therefore, that we dedicate the authoritative suggestions presented in the following: SETTING THE TABLE A "silence" cloth should always be used under the table cloth to protect the surface of the table, and to muffle the noise. The table cloth should be laid smoothly and evenly on the table. If the table top is finely polished, doilies may be used instead of a table cloth for breakfast, luncheon or informal dinners. Twenty-five or thirty inches is allowed from plate to plate. Lace doilies should be arranged on the service plates, and on these should be placed the cocktail glasses for fruit, oysters or other fish cock- tails. The bread and butter plate should go to the left of the place plate, above the forks. On the right of this, with the blade turned in, the dessert knife should be placed, followed in the order mentioned, by the meat knife (fish knife, if used), soup spoon and oyster fork. On the left, nearest the plate, is the dessert fork, followed by the salad fork, meat fork and fish fork. This rule can best be remembered by observing that the silver is laid in the order of its use from, the out- side toward the plate. The napkin should be placed at the left of the silver, with the fold at the top, the open edges at the right toward the edge of the table. The napkin should be placed at the left of the silver, with the fold at the top, the open edges at the right toward the edge of the table. The number of glasses used will be determined by the kind of beverages to be served. There are special glasses for nearly every kind. The water goblet is always essential. INDIVIDUAL COVER FOR DINNER Consists of plates, glasses, silver and napkin to be used by one person. Any graceful arrangement of the glasses on the right at the head of the knives is proper. An individual salt cellar and spoon to the left with 80 ,(. Sign-art & Sons for Suggestions in Silvenvare an individual almond dish on the right completes each place. Salt and pepper shakers may be used if desired. They should be so arranged that they will be conveniently accessible to all guests. THE TABLE DECORATIONS The arrangements of flowers is always one of personal taste. Complete color schemes and original decoration ideas are frequently fully carried out in flowers. The color schemes to be used are generally de- termined by the season, the flowers availa- ble and frequently by the event which has occasioned the dinner. A very popular custom is to place a single flower in a slender vase at each place. A low, green centerpiece is very pleasing. A single rose laid beside each plate makes an effective decoration. METHODS OF SERVING There are three recognized methods of serving a meal the English, the Russian and the Compromise. The Russian is more formal than the English and the Compromise com- bines points from both. In the English service all the food that is to be served in any given course is placed on the table in platters and other suitable dishes before the host, hostess or some member of the family. The number of plates necessary for the persons seated is placed before the carver, or they may be taken one by one from a side table and set before him. As each plate receives its portion the waiter carries it either to the person serving another article of food, such as vegetables, or sets it directly before the person for whom it is intended. When fin- ger bowls are used, a plate bearing a doily' upon which the bowl is placed should be placed in front of each person. In the Russian service serving is done from the serving table or pantry. With the exception of candies, nuts and relishes, food is not placed on the table except as it is served to the indi- vidual. A portion of the main dish of the course and possibly one accessory are placed on each plate before it is brought from the pantry. All other dishes are passed. Sometimes the plates are all set down empty and the food is passed on daintily gar- nished platters. As the plates of one course are removed the plates of the next course should be immediately set in place. The table should at no time be without plates except that between the main course and dessert all dishes should be removed and the table crumbed. In the Compromise service portions of courses or the entire courses are sometimes served on the table in the English way and others are passed as in the Russian service. The soup, for instance, may be served in individual plates from the pantry and meat carved at the table by the host, the vegetables and the salad course both passed by the maid and the dessert served at the table by the hostess. 81 A. Sigwart & Sons for Suggestions in Silverware THE COURSES Oysters on the half shell may be served first, either on luncheon plates, surrounded by cracked ice or on syecial oyster plates. It is a matter of preference as to whether this is done before or after the guests are seated. The soup service follows. If the soup is served from the table it should he brought in by the servant in a tureen, with ladle, and placed before the hostess, whose duty it is to serve it. The soup plates are either rimmed or cup-shaped. As each service is rendered the servant takes it from the hostess and passes it to the guests, always serving ladies first. When the soup is served from the pantry the tureen is dispensed with, the servant bringing in the soup in individual services on a suitable serving tray. Following the soup service comes the fish course. This requires a specially adapted service, including a long, narrow fish platter, with sauceboat, ladle and fish plates, which should be slightly warmed. The fish platter is either passed from person to person or it may be passed by the servant, and each guest is then expected to serve himself. The sauceboat is not passed until the fish has been completely served. The service plate may be removed before the roast course, although if removed it should be returned to the table after the roast course for the remaining courses of the dinner. The meat course which follows, if the English custom is employed, is brought in on a large covered silver platter or on a large china platter. The vegetables also may be brought in in appropriate covered dishes. The meat course is served on large, carefully heated dinner plates. Where steak is served a heavy wooden steak plank, with silver railing, simplifies the service and is very effective. With the meat course jello or jelly is frequently served. This is generally prepared in a special mould. These special moulds may be had in original designs to carry out almost any desired decoration. Vegetables may be served on the same plates, or preferably, passed in small, deep dishes. The salad course comes next. It is served on small plates made especially for the purpose. Appointments, with the exception of the water, beverage glass and dessert knife and fork, are now removed from each place and the table is crumbed. The dessert service depends upon the dessert. If ice cream is served in individual moulds or brick, flat plates are used; otherwise it is served in deep dishes or in tall, stemmed glasses. An individual ice cream fork or ice cream spoon is used and may be placed on the table at the head of the service plate when the table is set, or it may be given with the course at the time of ice cream service. If the dessert consists of a frappe or a similar delicacy it should be served in a comport or tall, stemmed glass. If the heavier desserts, such as pie or pudding, dessert plates should be used. According to the English custom, it is perfectly permissible for pie to be served by the hostess at the table. In this event the pie plate is placed in a container with a silver railing or gallery. 82 Small plates containing crackers and cheese are now served, being placed conveniently at several places on the table. Then follows the after-dinner black coffee or demi-tasse. The coffee should be served from a china or silver coffee pot by the hostess and should be passed to each person by a servant. Finger bowls of glass or metal, standing on a plate to match or otherwise, are now placed before each guest. SPECIAL DECORATIONS The setting of the table offers almost unlimited scope for the ex- pression of the individuality of the hostess. There can be no cut and dried rule as to table decoration. This is entirely a matter for the originality of the hostess or the caterer, for the originality of the hostess or the caterer. It is possible to create very effective, settings without extravagant cost if some definite idea is first outlined and then suggested by the decoration. By way of suggestion, very clever table settings may be accom- plished, using special occasions, special days or original ideas as motives. For instance, betrothal announcements, showers, weddings, the recurrent anniversaries, birthdays, commencements, and other such events offer unlimited possibilities for original expression. The West, with its romance, its scenic charms, and the beautiful colorings offered in the variety of its fruits and flowers, together with the ever-artistic and sentimental old mission effects, affords a wide field for decorative fantasies. There are also many patriotic days Washington's Birthday, Lin- coln Day, Independence Day, Decoration Day, and, of course, the good old holidays St. Valentine's Day, Easter, Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day each presenting its individual opportuni- ties for effective table decoration. Other beautiful decoration schemes may be carried out by the use of maline and the liberal use of flowers, either in solid colors or in con- trasting shades. For this purpose we suggest the many unusual flower centerpieces. Children's parties are also very susceptible to very clever table deco- ration. The ages of the children to be entertained, the occasion of their entertainment, and their particular inclinations, influence to an important degree the character of the decorations. WHEN DINNER IS ANNOUNCED The host, with his partner, leads the way to the dining room. At the table, cards are placed at each cover showing the seating arrange- ment. Each gentleman draws out the lady's chair, waits until the host and ladies are seated then seats himself. ORDER OF SEATING AND SERVING PEOPLE AT TABLE The guest of honor, if a man, should be seated at the right of the hostess; if a woman, at the right of the host. The order of serving is very largely a matter of individual incli- nation. All the women may be served before the men, beginning with the hostess or guest of honor. Or the guest of honor or the hostess may be served first and then the next person, irrespective of whether man or woman, continuing thus around the table. It is advisable to serve one course around the table to the right and the other around the table to the left, so that the courtesies may be equally divided. When the hostess is served first it enables her to judge as to whether the dish is properly served and provided with necessary accessories. 83 FOR BREAKFAST The development and the use of electricity for table appliances has added wonderfully to the de- lights of breakfast serving. The electric toaster makes the toast right at the table, thus insuring economy and adding to the delight of the toast itself. The coffee likewise is made in the electric per- colator, and even the bacon and eggs may be shirred on the electric grill. With the electric waffle iron you can enjoy making them right at the table. INDIVIDUAL COVER FOR LUNCHEON The illustration shows the setting for the serving of the meat course, also the position of the coffee cup, which should be placed after the remainder of the course has been served. COVER FOR BREAKFAST On the tray are three pitchers, the smallest for cream, next in size for milk and the largest for hot water, which is provided to heat the cups. Before the coffee is served the water is poured into each cup, from which it is emptied into the bowl, which is also on the tray. 84 SPECIAL HONEY RECIPES HONEY CARAMELS 1 cup extracted honey of best flavor, 1 cup granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons sweet cream or milk. Boil to "soft crack," or until it hardens when dropped into cold water, but not too brittle just so it will form into a soft ball when taken in the fingers. Pour into a greased dish, stirring in a teaspoon extract of vanilla just before tak- ing off. Let it be % or %-inch deep in the dish ; and as it cools, cut in squares and wrap each square in paraffine paper, such as grocers wrap butter in. To make chocolate caramels, add to the foregoing 1 tablespoon melted chocolate, just before taking off the stove, stirring it in well. For chocolate caramels it is not so important that the honey be of best quality. C. C. Miller. WALNUT CREAMS Boil to the hard snap stage 1 cup of grated chocolate, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 cup of ex- tracted honey and y 2 cup of sweet cream. When it hardens on being dropped in water, stir in but- ter the size of an egg. Just before removing from the fire, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 2 cups of finely chopped walnuts. Stir thoroughly and pour in buttered plates to cool, cutting it into squares. Other kinds of nuts may be substituted for wal- nuts. BUTTERSCOTCH 1 cup butter, 2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of ex- tracted honey, 1 heaping teaspoon of cinnamon. Boil ten minutes, pour into a buttered pan and when cold cut into squares. HONEY NUT-CAKES 8 cups sugar, 2 cups honey, 4 cups milk or water, 1 Ib. almonds, 1 Ib. English walnuts, 3 cents' worth each of candied lemon and orange peel, 5 cents' worth citron (the last three cut fine), 2 large tablespoons soda, 2 teaspoons cin- namon, 2 teaspoons ground cloves. Put the milk, sugar and honey on the stove to boil 15 minutes ; skim off the scum, and take from the stove. Put in the nuts, spices and candied fruit. Stir in as much flour as can be done with a spoon. Set away to cool, then mix in the soda (don't make the dough too stiff). Cover up and let stand over night, then work in enough flour to make a stiff dough. Bake when you get ready. It is well to let it stand a few days, as it will not stick so badly. Roll out a little thicker than a common cooky, cut in any shape you like. This recipe originated in Germany, is old and tried and the cake will keep a year or more. Mrs. E. Smith. HONEY AND ALMOND CAKES Put into a saucepan 2 cups of liquid honey with "4 Ib. of powdered sugar. Cook 2 to 3 min- utes, add *4 Ib. of almonds (chopped) and cook 5 minutes longer. Now add enough flour to make a stiff dough. Take from the fire, and when slightly cooled add eight ounces of candied orange peel, cut fine, the yellow rind of a lemon, % teaspoon each of ground cinnamon and grated nutmeg, % teaspoon of soda, a pinch of salt and a glass of grape juice. While the dough is still warm, roll thin and stamp into little rectangles. Bake in a moderate oven and when cold, ice. OBERLIN HONEY LAYER-CAKE Two-thirds cup of butter, 1 cup honey, 3 eggs beaten, y 2 cup milk. Cream the butter and honey together, then add the eggs and milk. Then add 2 cups flour containing 1% teaspoons baking pow- der previously stirred in. Then stir in flour to make a stiff batter. Bake in jelly tins. When the cakes are cold, take finely flavored candied honey, and after creaming it, spread between the layers. HONEY JUMBLES Chop finely x /4 pound each of citron and can- died orange peel ; place in a nappy and just cover with warm strained honey and let stand over night in a warm place. Beat 2 eggs and 1 cup of white sugar until smooth ; add the fruit and honey, a little salt and 2% cups of flour. Knead to a smooth dough, roll thin, cut into fancy shapes and bake in a rather quick oven. OBERLIN HONEY FRUIT-CAKE One-half cup butter, % cup honey, 1/3 cup apple jelly or boiled cider, 2 eggs well beaten, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, 1 teacup each of raisins and dried currants. Warm the butter, honey and apple jelly slightly, add the beaten eggs, then the soda dissolved in a little warm water ; add spices and flour enough to make a stiff batter, then stir in the fruit and bake in a slow oven. Keep in a covered jar several weeks before using. HONEY SHORTCAKE Three cups of flour, 2 teaspoons baking pow- der, 1 teaspoon salt, % cup shortening, 1% cups sweet milk. Roll quickly and bake in a hot oven. When done, split the cake and spread the lower half thinly with butter, add the upper half with % pourid of the best flavored honey. (Can- died honey is preferred. If too hard to spread well, it should be slightly warmed or creamed with a knife.) Let it stand a few minutes and the honey will melt gradually and the flavor will permeate all through the cake. To be eaten with milk. HONEY AND TAR COUGH CANDY Boil a double handful of green hoarhound in 2 quarts of water, down to 1 quart ; strain, and add to this tea 2 cups of extracted honey and a tablespoon each of lard and tar. Boil down to a candy, but not enough to make it brittle. Begin to eat this, increase from a piece the size of a pea to as much as can be relished. It is an ex- cellent cough candy and always gives relief in a short time. INDIAN PUDDING Five cups of milk, 1/3 cup of corn meal, % cup of honey, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar. Cook milk and meal in a double boiler 20 min- utes ; add honey, salt and ginger ; pour into a buttered pudding -dish and bake 2 hours in a slow oven ; serve with cream. FOR SUGAR-CURING 100 POUNDS OF MEAT Eight pounds of salt, 1 quart of honey, 2 ounces of saltpeter and 3 gallons of water. Mix> and boil until dissolved, then pour it hot on th meat. Contributed by the J. A. Howard Apiaries. For best results use Howard's Pure Honeyl 85 Ghirardelli's GROUND CHOCOLATE Say "GEAR-AR-DELLY" The all-in-one chocolate as a beverage, for baking, for dessert making 86 Ghirardelli's Brown Stone Front Cake Three-fourths cup Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate, Vz cup sweet milk. 2/3 cup brown sugar, yolk of 1 egg. Beat all together; soft boil until like a custard; set to cool. This is the cream: Take 1 cup brown sugar, % cup butter, % cup sweet milk, 2 eggs, 2 cups sifted flour. After the cake is mixed then stir in the above cream; then add 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in a little warm water; spread white boiled icing over and be- tween the layers. Chocolate Spanish Cream Take iVz tablespoons gelatine, 2 eggs, iVz teaspoons vanilla, 2% cups milk, 4 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate. Soak gelatine in milk; put on fire and stir until dissolved; add yolks of eggs, well beaten with two tablespoons of sugar; stir chocolate to smooth paste with a little cold water; add to milk; stir until it comes to boiling point; remove from stove; have whites of eggs beaten with 2 tablespoons of sugar; add whites, stirring briskly. Flavor and turn into mould. Serve with whipped cream or sauce. Devil's Cake - - All Chocolate Take 1 cup sugar, butter size of an egg; cream these ingredients to- gether; 1 cup of sour milk, 1 egg. Sift 1 cup of flour, 1 teaspoon of soda and 3 tablespoons of Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate together four or five times; add the creamed butter and sugar, then the egg, well beaten, and the sour milk; stir well; bake in a moderate oven. When cool, cover with chocolate frosting. Ghirardelli's Chocolate Fudge Four rounded tablespoons of D. Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup milk, butter the size of a small hen's egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 drops lemon extract. Boil sugar, butter and milk until thick and add chocolate; cook until thread spins when tried; then add extract and take from fire, stirring until nearly cold or becomes sugary. Turn on a well-buttered dish and cut in squares. Chocolate Bread Pudding Take 2 large cups of crumbled bread; let this stand Vz hour, covered with 3 cups of boiling milk; beat 2 eggs and add Vz cup sugar and 4 tablespoons of Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate, butter the size of walnut and pinch of salt; add this to milk and bread crumbs; flavor with vanilla extract and bake 1 hour in a covered buttered dish, in a medium oven. Serve with hard sauce, whipped cream or vanilla sauce. Chocolate Sauce One egg, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, % cup sugar, 2 tea- spoons Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Scald milk and add the cornstarch, which has been dissolved in a little of the cold milk; beat egg and add to the mixture with the sugar, chocolate and vanilla. Chocolate Icing Place 2 ounces of Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate in an enameled saucepan with a quarter pint of boiling water; set on the stove for a few minutes, stirring constantly; then remove, add % pound of pulverized sugar and stir again until perfectly smooth. 87 Instant Appeal ^ ~* * o f \J C// i/L/ Wallace Silver Plate lends an atmosphere of distinc- tion to any table it graces. The patterns possess the refine- ment and finish that one has been accustomed to associate only with the expensive Sterling ware. The discriminating public has discovered in Wallace Silver a plated ware that they are proud to present to their friends, proud to own and use, proud to hand down to their children. It will give us as much pleasure to show you our new "Hostess" pattern as you will experience in viewing it. 1226 Broadway A. SIGWART & SONS JEWELERS Oakland 88 TABLE ETIQUETTE Whether it be a family dinner without guests or a formal occasion, a man shows courtesy and breeding by waiting until the ladies have been seated. At a luncheon or dinner a woman waits politely until her hostess is seated, and a young girl does not take her place until each order woman has taken hers. Proper Seat at Table One should sit erect, and neither lounge nor bend forward while eating. A seat drawn too closely throws out the elbows, one too far away crooks the back. The proper compromise is a position in which the waist or chest is about eight inches from the table. While at the table it is not considered good manners to put one's elbows on the table, to trifle with the knives and forks, or to clink the glasses. When not occupied, the hands should lie quietly in the lap, for nothing so marks the well-bred gentleman or lady as repose at the table. Use of Napkin This must not be spread out to its full extent over the lap or chest, and none but the vulgarian tucks his napkin in the top of his waistcoat. To unfold it once and lay it across the knees is sufficient. At the con- clusion of a meal in a restaurant or at the table of a friend it is not necessary to diligently fold the square of linen in its original creases and lay it by the plate. Since the napkin will not be used again until it is washed, it is sufficient to place it unfolded on the table when arising. This rule is not followed when visiting for a few days in a friend's house. Then the guest should do as the host and hostess do, for not in every household is a fresh napkin supplied at every meal. Knife and Fork The knife is invariably held in the right hand and is used exclusively for cutting and never for conveying food to the mouth. The fork is shifted to the right hand when the knife is laid aside, and save for small vegetables, such as peas, beans, etc., it is not used spoonwise for passing food to the mouth. It is an evidence of careless training in table manners to mash food in between the prongs of the fork, to turn the concave side of the fork up and, loading it with selections from different foods on the plate, to lift the whole, shovelwise, to the mouth. No less reprehensible is it to hold knife and fork together in the air when the plate is passed up to the host or hostess for another helping, or, when pausing in the process of eating, to rest the tip of the knife and fork on the plate's edge and their handles on the cloth. When not in active service both of these utensils must remain resting wholly on the plate, and at the conclusion of a course they should be placed together, their points touching the center of the plate, their handles resting on the plate's edge. Not only fish, meats, vegetables and made dishes, melons and salads, as well, are eaten with a fork. Oysters and clams, lobster, crab and terrapin are fork foods. It is a conspicuous error in good manners to cut salad with a knife. Lettuce leaves are folded up with the fork and lifted to the mouth. Use of the Spoon Never allow a spoon to stand in a coffee, tea or bouillon cup while drinking from it. For beverages served in cups and glasses it is enough to stir the liquids once or twice, to sip a spoonful or two to test the tem- perature and then, laying the spoon in the saucer, to drink the remainder directly from the cup. To dip up a spoonful of soup and blow upon it in 89 order to reduce the temperature is a habit that should be confined to nursery days. Soup should be dipped up with an outward motion, never by drawing the spoon toward one. Liquids are imbibed from the side, not the end, of the spoon. The foods eaten with a spoon are grape fruit and its cousins, small and large fruits when served with cream, hot puddings and custards, jellies, porridges and preserves and hard or soft-boiled eggs. Use of Finger Bowl A finger bowl is the necessary adjunct to a fruit course. The bowl, half filled with water, is set upon a plate, on which a small doily lies. Unless a second plate is served with the fruit, that on which the bowl of water stands is intended to receive it. Then the bowl and doily must be removed slightly to one side and the former placed upon the latter. When the fruit is finished each hand in turn must be dipped in the water, not both together, as though the bowl were a wash basin. A little rub- bing together of the finger tips, without stirring up or splashing the water about, cleanses them thoroughly and they must be dried with the napkin on the knees. Noiseless and Deliberate Eating To eat slowly and quietly is an evidence of respect for one's health and personal dignity. Only -the underbred or uneducation bolt their food, strike their spoon, fork or glass rim against their teeth, suck up a liquid from a spoon, clash knives and forks against their plates, scrape the bottom of a cup, plate or glass in hungry pursuit of a last morsel, and masticate with the mouth open, pat the top of a pepper pot to force out the contents and drum on a knife-blade, in order to distribute salt on meat or vegetables. Conversation and small mouthfuls are aids to digestion and it is a useless and ugly exertion to smack the lips together when chewing food. Individual salt cellars are commonly used today. A well-arranged dinner, breakfast or luncheon table is provided with one between each two covers. A helping from one of these should be taken with the small salt spoon which lies across or beside it and placed on the edge of the plate, not upon the cloth beside the plate. To thrust one's knife point into the salt dish is vulgar in the extreme. When distributing salt upon food, do not take a pinch between thumb and forefinger; a little taken up on the knife's point, or whatever will adhere to the fork prongs, is enough to savor the whole of any helping of food on the plate. A last and elusive morsel of food should never be pursued about a plate and finally pushed upon a fork by the assisting touch of a finger. A bit of bread may be utilized for this purpose or, better still, the knife if it is at hand. A mouthful of meat, vegetable or dessert should never be taken up by a fork or spoon and held in midair while conversation is carried on. As soon as food is lifted from the plate it should be put into the mouth. Accidents at Table Mishaps happen even to the most careful person. When, however, anything flies from the plate or lap to the floor, one should allow the servant to pick it up. Should grease or jelly drop from the fork to one's person, then to remove it with the napkin corner is the only remedy. Very often, however, the apparently well-conducted gentleman or lady, when such an accident befalls, gravely wipes his or her knife on a bit of bread or the plate's edge and headfully scrapes away the offending morsel. This is decidedly the wrong way to do it, just as it is a bad error thoughtfully to scrape up a bit of butter or fragment of fowl from the tablecloth where it has fallen beside the plate. At the family board this is well enough, but at a restaurant or a friend's table it is bad man- ners. 90 If an unfortunate individual overturns a full water glass at a dinner table, profuse apologies are out of place. To give the hostess an appeal- ing glance and say, "Please forgive me; I am very awkward," or "I must apologize for my stupidity; this is quite unforgiveable," is enough. Should a cup, glass or dish be broken through carelessness, then a quick, quiet apology can be made and within a few days sincere repent- ance indicated by forwarding to the hostess, if possible, a duplicate of the broken article and a contrite little note. A serious and unpleasant accident is that of taking into the mouth half-done, burning hot or tainted foods. The one course to pursue, if it cannot be swallowed, is quickly and quietly to eject the morsel on the fork or spoon, whence it can quietly be laid on the plate. This can be so deftly accomplished that none need suspect the state of affairs. Foods Eaten with the Fingers At luncheon, breakfast, high tea or supper a small plate and silver knife lie beside the larger plate and on this the breads offered must be laid not on the cloth and the small silver knife not the large, steel- bladed ones used for spreading the butter. At dinners the roll in the napkin is taken out and laid on the cloth at the right beside the plate. Never bite off mouthfuls of bread from a large piece nor cut it up. Break it as needed in pieces the size of a mouthful, spread on a bit of butter, if that is provided, and so transfer with the fingers to the mouth. Crackers are eaten in the same way. Celery, radishes, olives, pickles, salted nuts, crystallized fruits, bon bons and raw fruits (save berries, melons and grapefruit), artichokes and corn on the cob are all eaten with the fingers. Cake is eaten like bread, or with a fork. Peaches are quartered, the quarters peeled, then cut in mouthfuls and these bits transferred with the fingers to the lips. Apples, pears and nectarines a'e similarly treated. Plums, apricots, grapes, etc., if small enough, are eaten one by one and when the pits are ejected they are dropped from the lips directly into the half-closed hand and so trans- ferred to the plate. Burr artichokes are broken apart, leaf by leaf, the tips dipped in sauce and lifted to the mouth. The heart is cut and eaten with a fork. Cheese is cut in bits, sometimes placed on morsels of bread or biscuit and lifted in the fingers to the lips, but more often eaten with a fork. Oranges, like green corn on the cob, are hardly susceptible of grace- ful treatment unless served in halves and eaten with a spoon. An orange may be cut into four pieces, the skin then easily drawn off, the seeds pressed out, and each quarter severed twice, forms a suitable mouthful. Deliberately to peel and devour an orange, slice by slice, is a prolonged and ungraceful performance. Is it necessary to reiterate the warnings of most all writers on etiquette that chicken, game and chop bones may under no circumstances be taken up with the fingers? Whoever is so unskilled as to fail to cut the larger part of the meat from chop and fowl bones must suffer from their inadeptness and forego the enjoyment of these tempting morsels. Asparagus is not taken up in the fingers. All that is edible of the stalk can easily be cut from it with a fork. The sight of lengths of this vegetable dripping with sauce and hoisted to drop into the open mouth is not in keeping with decent behavior at the modern dinner table. The Second Helping At a large and formal dinner party, elaborate luncheon or cere- monious breakfast, a guest, no matter how intimately associated with the host or hostess, should not ask for a second helping of any of the dishes. At a small dinner party, when a guest is a rather intimate friend of host or hostess, the request for a second helping to a dish is accepted by the 91 hostess as a compliment. At a formal dinner neither the host nor hostess should delay the progress of the courses by asking anyone to taste again of a dish that has been passed, but at a small dinner or a family dinner it displays a hospitable solicitude when a hostess invites her guests to take a second helping. At a small dinner party she could do this by directing the servant to pass the dish again to everyone at table, or, when herself helping an entree, salad or dessert, requesting her guests to accept a second serving of the dish before her. The host who carves does well to offer a little more of the meat to those who he sees have disposed of their first helping. To press a second slice of meat or second spoonful of dessert upon a guest who has politely refused is to exceed the bounds of civility. A guest is always privileged to ask for a second or third glass of water at a dinner that is formal or informal. This must be done by making the request quietly of the servant when next she approaches the diner's chair. At the Conclusion of a Meal When a meal is concluded it is most reprehensible to push away the last plate used and brush the crumbs on the cloth into little heaps. Leave the last plate in its place, lift the napkin from the lap and lay it on the table's edge, rise slowly and quietly, taking no precaution to push the chair back into place, unless dining at home or informally at a friend's house, where such is the rule. The ladies at a dinner or at the family table make the first motion to leave the table. A gentleman always stands aside to let a lady precede him, and it is only courteous to wait until everyone at a table has finished eating before hurrying away. This rule is, of course, not observed at a boarding house or small foreign hotel, where all the members of a promiscuous household gather at one long board, but it should be scrupulously observed in a private house- hold. In the latter circumstances, when anyone is obliged to leave the table before others have finished, it is but polite to turn to the mother. or whoever occupies the head of the table, and say "Please excuse me," before rising, and "Thank you," when the permission is granted. None but the hopeless provincial and vulgarian uses a toothpick after his or her meal. ANCHORED ENTHUSIASM IS ADVISED FOR ALL Enthusiasm is fine. So is idealism. So is optimism. So Is faith. So is vision. So are a whole lot of other things. But always keep one foot on the ground. Too many of us are given to flying to extremes. We lack ballast. We often let our dreams run away with us. We lose all sense of perspective and proportion. When things are going well with us we conclude that they will always continue to do so. and we accordingly neglect to provide safeguards against a reversal of fortune. The business concerns which are in direct straits today are those that overshot the mark most during the boom. They failed to look ahead. They reckoned upon prosperity lasting forever. A good many of us do the same thing. After all, plain, ordinary gumption is the greatest asset in the world. Gumption embraces level-headedness, judgment, stability, power to hold on, rational but not blind optimism, reasonable but not unreasonable self-reliance, alertness to the value of looking before you leap and of counting the cost before you run up a bill. Let us phllsophize; yes. But let us not forget that before we can philosophize fruitfully we must first buckle down to the workaday task of earning a living. Forbes Magazine, New York. 92 Below is a copy of the indorsement received by the "Bride's Cook Book" in its effort to do its part in helping to win the war. Recipes in this booh have been changed to a pre-war basis, with many new and valuable additions. Cupid's Book is a continuation of the Bride's Cook Book. LACHMAN BUILDING Telephone Kearny 4100 417 MARKET STREET San Francisco UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION RALPH P. MERRITT Federal Food Commissioner for California July 18, 1918. Pacific Coast Publishing Company, 560 Mission Street, San Francisco, California. Gentlemen : The recipes in The Bride's Cook Book have been carefully examined by the Home Economics Depart- ment of the United States Food Administration for California and found to be in accordance with its rulings. By following the Wheatless and Sugarless recipes contained therein the Housewife is performing a patriotic duty in the conserving of Food so necessary for our Allies and armies abroad. Great appreciation is given to the publishers of the book for its construction along the line of Food Conservation. Yours very truly, UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION FOR CALIFORNIA (Signed) FREDERICK O'BRIEN, Director of Education. 93 To Recipients of this BOOK T HE Publishers request that you pat- ronize the advertisers listed herein who manufacture and distribute the best grades of food products and merchandise described in the va- rious advertisements. The free distribution of this Book is made possible through revenue received from the advertisements, and the pub- lishers request that when you receive this book, you in turn, whenever possible, patronize the advertisers. The publishers of this Book will only accept advertisements from firms and merchants of well-known reputation and whose products and goods are considered the best in quality. When dealing with the advertisers, kindly mention Cupid's Book. Use this little book as a Buyer's Guide. 94 Clorox Should Be In Every Home THE MOST WONDERFUL BLEACHER, DISINFEC- TANT GERMICIDE KNOWN TO SCIENCE A Few Good Uses for CLOROX Makes Washing Easy Bleaches Clothes White as Snow Bleaches and Cleanses Toilet, Bath Tubs, Drainboards, Sinks Removes Ink, Wine, Fruit, Coffee, Tea and other Stains, also Mildew Disinfects Drains, Garbage Cans, etc. HOUSEHOLD HINTS CARE OF THE KITCHEN FLOOR A linoleum covered floor is the most easily kept clean. The hardwood floor is the next best. Anything spilled should be wiped up at once. Grease-spots on wood or stone should be covered with flour, starch or powdered chalk to absorb the grease. Or if you pour cold water on the grease as soon as it is spilled, to harden it, the greater part may then be scraped off. Sweep the floor thoroughly once a day. With care it will not need washing or scrubbing oftener than once a week. CARE OF HARDWOOD FLOOR Never use water on a hardwood floor. Wipe it with a cloth moistened with very little kerosene a teaspoon or two to begin with, and as much more when that has evaporated. Rub hard with another cloth until the wood is perfectly dry. Window sills and all hardwood finish should be cleaned in the same way. CARE OF OIL CLOTH Wash oil cloth with warm water and milk. Use one cup of skim milk to one gallon of water. Wipe dry with a clean cloth. CLEANING PAINT Take a little whiting on a clean, damp cloth and rub it on the surface to be cleaned. Take care not to let drops of water trickle down the paint. Wash off with a second cloth and clean water. Wipe dry with a third cloth. Clean a little at a time, leaving the cleaned part dry before going on. CARE OF SINK Neglect of sink causes bad odors and attracts water-bugs and roaches. Keep it at all times free from scraps. When the dishes have been washed, scour it with a good scouring soap. Wipe the woodwork and tiling. Wash strainer, soapdish and other sink utensils. Wash the cloth. Scrub the draining-board and rinse the sink. If it is of iron and is to be left for several hours, wipe it dry. If rusty, use kerosene, or grease it with mutton-fat or lard, sprinkle with lime, and leave over night. CARE OF FAUCETS Clean brass faucets with flannel dipped in vinegar or lemon juice and rub thor- oughly with rottenstone and oil, then polish with a dry cloth, or apply putz pomade or some similar preparation; rub it off with another cloth, and polish with a third one. If the faucets are greasy, wash them with soap-suds or sal-soda solution before" using anything else. Nickel faucets and trimmings need only to be wiped. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Do not put knife-handles in water. Water discolors and cracks ivory and bone handles, and may loosen wooden ones. After washing knives, scour them with bath brick. Do not wash bread-board or rolling pin at an iron sink. The iron will leave marks on them. Wash them at the table. Be careful not to wet the cogs of a Dover egg-beater. Wash the lower part, and wipe off the handles with a damp cloth. Water washes the oil from the cogs, making the beater hard to turn. Dry the seams of a double-boiler carefully. Do not waste time polishing tins. It is sufficient to have them clean and dry. Dip glasses into hot water, so that they will be wet inside and outside at the same time. Silver and glass are brightest if wiped directly from clean, hot suds, without being rinsed. A damp towel makes dull spoons and glasses. Scald and rinse with boiling water all vessels that have contained milk. Wash teapot and coffee-pot in clean, hot water without soap, and wipe dry. Clean the spout carefully. Let them stand for awhile with covers off. Wash dishpan and rinsing-pan, and wipe dry with a towel, not with the dish-cloth. Where running hot water is plentiful, time and towels can be saved by placing the dishes as they are washed in a wire rack, rinsing them with very hot water. Wipe glasses and silver. China and other ware will need only a polish with towel or strip of paper toweling. For success with this method, the dishes must be washed in clean, hot suds, and rinsed quickly. If washed in greasy water, or allowed to cool before being rinsed, they will not dry clean. Caution: Gold-decorated china should not be washed in this way. Very hot water may injure it. 96 CUPID'S BOOK REMOVAL OF TARNISH Acids dissolve tarnish. Oxalic acid, lemon-juice and vinegar may be used. But, except for spots, it is best to rely mostly upon powders in cleaning metals. A chemi- cal that removes the tarnish may attack the metal. For example, any chemical that brightens zinc, eats into it. If acid is used on any metal, all traces of it must be removed by rubbing with powder, or the tarnish will quickly reappear. Oil or water, mixed with the powder, forms a paste easy to apply. Use chamois-skin or soft cloth TO SCOUR STEEL KNIVES Scrape off a little bath brick with the back of the knife or with an old knife. Dip a cork in water or oil, and then in the brick-dust. Hold the knife firmly, with the blade resting flat upon a level surface, and rub both sides of the blade with the cork. Wash the knife. Scour steel forks in the same way. Never scour silver-plated CARE OF ALUMINUM WARE Aluminum should not be used for vegetables with strong acid or for boiling eggs. These discolor it. Otherwise it needs little care. Never use soda on aluminum. Before using any polish fill with water and bring to a boil. For bad stains use oxalic acid diluted, one teaspoon of acid to two quarts of water. If the stain still remains, rub mith a damp cloth dipped in whiting. TO CLEAN SILVERWARE The quickest way to brighten silver is by electrolysis, that is, by decomposing the tarnish by electricity. One device for this purpose is an aluminum pan with crcias-bars of tin on the bottom. Fill the pan with water, and for every quart dissolve in it one teaspoon of baking-soda and one tablespoon of salt. The silver must rest on the bars and be covered with the solution. A mild current of electricity is set up, which causes the tarnish quickly to disappear. No rubbing is needed, but embossed silver may need brushing to loosen the tarnish. Rinse in clear water and wipe dry with a soft cloth. The old way is to moisten a soft cloth with water or alcohol, dip it in fine whiting, and apply to the silver. When the whiting has dried, rub it off with another soft cloth, and polish with chamois-skin. To cleanse chasing or orna- mental work, use an old tooth-brush. Rub egg-stained spoons and other badly tarnished articles with salt before washing them. The tarnish is not soluble, but with the chlorine in the salt it forms a soluble compound. Powders or cakes sold by silversmiths are good. Patent powders and polishes often remove some of the silver. HOUSEKEEPING NOTES Mildew in white clothes may be removed by soaking for a short time in a pail of water to which has been added a heaping teaspoon of chloride of lime. Then hang in sun. Repeat if necessary. Use CLOROX as per directions. When frying potatoes, etc., try chopping with empty baking powder can instead of knife. You will find it much more handy and quicker. Try greasing cake and bread pans with a small, five-cent paint brush. Keep grease in round tin can; cut hole in cover and insert handle of brush when not in use. It is then always ready for use and does not soil the hands. To prevent cake from burning when using new tins, butter the new tins well and place them in a moderate oven for fifteen minutes. After this the cake may be cooked in them without danger of burning. When ironing with gas, place a lid of the coal stove over the gas burners and place the irons over this. The irons will always be clean and heat much better than if they are put directly over the gas flame. To clean plaster of paris figures, use toilet soapsuds and a shaving brush. Rinse well. Dipping them in a strong solution of alum water will give them the appearance of alabaster. To preserve gilt frames, cover them when new with a coat of white varnish. All specks can be washed off with water without injury. To keep lemons, put them in water. Change once a week. Will keep a long time. Do not use pins in tying up laundry bundles as it not only injures the fabrics but is dangerous. Do not use towels in wiping razor blades, but have a cloth for that purpose. Perspiration causes silk stockings to rot, so do not allow them to dry without first rinsing them. 97 HOUSEWIFE'S FRIEND ALL GROCERS SELL CLOROX 98 CUPID'S BOOK REMOVAL OF STAINS (For White and Fast Colors Only Otherwise Consult Your Cleaner) Blood or Meat Juice. Saturate the stained part with kerosene oil and then dip in boiling water. Use CLOROX as per directions. Chocolate or Coffee. 1. Stretch the stained part over a bowl and pour boiling water through it. 2, Rub with pure glycerine, then wash in soft water. Do not use soap, as this will fix the stain. Use CLOROX as per directions. Candle Wax (colored). Place blotting paper, French chalk or white talcum powder on each side of stain and apply a warm iron. Brush out chalk or powder and remove color by sponging with alcohol or ether. Fruit. Use boiling water and salts of lemon, or boiling water and oxalic acid. Pour through stained part which is stretched over a bowl. Grass. 1 Soak the stain in alcohol and rub. 2. Wet with cold water and rub cream of tartar in well, then wash out. Use CLOROX as per directions. Grease. Stretch stained part over a firm pad of toweling or other absorbent goods and rub with any of the following applied with woolen cloth: Turpentine, benzine, ether or chloroform. Ink. Dampen in cold water, dip in a solution of boiling oxalic acid (two tea- spoons oxalic acid in one glass of water), rinse and wash in soap solution. Use CLOROX as per directions. Iron Rust. Moisten stain with ammonia, then apply salts of lemon or oxalic acid; after effervescence appears, dip in boiling water. Mucus (Handkerchiefs). Soak in salt water (two tablespoons to one quart of water), wash out and boil. Use CLOROX as per directions. Machine Oil. 1. Soak in cold water, then wash out with soap. 2. Soak in cold water and borax, then wash. Milk. Wash in cold water, then warm water and soap. Perspiration. Immerse in soap solution and set in sunshine for several hours. Scorch. Soft water and strong sunshine will remove a slight scorch. Use CLOROX as per directions. Shoe Stains on White Stockings. Soak in a solution of oxalic acid, then wash out in ammonia water. Tea. Cover stain with common salt, cover with lemon juice and set in sunshine. Use CLOROX as per directions. Vaseline. Place two thicknesses of blotting paper beneath stain, and moisten with benzine. Cover with two thicknesses of blotting paper and press with a warm not hot iron. Use care in working with benzine, as it is inflammable. Egg. Cold water, followed by hot water and soap, as in ordinary laundering. Ice Cream, Sponge the stains thoroughly with water, followed by agents used in removing grease spots. Iodine. Unstarched Materials: Sponge the stain with diluted ammonia. Then sponge with alcohol (if you can get it). Starched Materials: Soak the stains in diluted ammonia until they disappear, or boil the stained material for five or ten minutes. Leather. Use an abundance of soap with thorough rubbing and proceed as in ordinary laundering. Removing Gum. If the small son or daughter gets chewing gum on the best frock or suit, simply go over the gum with gasoline. It will crumble and can be washed off. Paints. Sponge the stains with pure turpentine. If stains are not fresh, soften by moistening with ammonia and sprinkling with turpentine. Roll articles up for fifteen minutes, then wash in warm water and soap. Water Color. Dip stained portion in gasoline and rub vigorously. Salad Dressing. Soap and lukewarm water for washable materials. Soot. First brush the stain, then place on absorbent powders such as Fuller's earth, French chalk, cornstarch, corn meal or salt; work around until they become soiled and brush them away. Then wash or sponge the stain. Tomato Stain. Wash stains carefully, then moisten with lemon juice and expose to sun for several days. Sponge the stain with alcohol, which removes the green part of the stain. This is good for stains on wool or silk. 99 Companionable Furniture of Wicker A REAL HOME depends much upon the proper selection of furniture and neither quantity nor expensiveness is the test thereof. Furniture should express beauty and comfort and should be part of a harmonious whole. Falstaff Wicker Furniture measures fully up to this standard. It is carefully constructed of the best materials by expert craftsmen. We suggest for your home Daybeds, Chaise Longues, Break- fast and Dining Room Sets, Library Tables, Ferneries, Bird Cages and various other articles for your home needs. Our prices are low because we manufacture under the most economical conditions and sell direct. Falstaff Company" MANUFACTURERS OF ICCOTAN, REED and RATTAN FURNITURE 3103 East Fourteenth Street Oakland, Cal. 100 CUPID'S BOOK TIME Baking Bread, Cakes, Puddings, Etc. Loaf Bread 40 to 60 minutes Rolls, Biscuit 10 to 20 minutes Graham Gems 30 minutes Gingerbread 20 to 30 minutes Sponge Cake 45 to 60 minutes Plain Cake 30 to 40 minutes Fruit Cake 2 to 3 hours Cookies 10 to 15 minutes Bread Pudding 1 hour Rice and Tapioca 1 hour Indian Pudding 2 to 3 hours Plum Pudding 2 to 3 hours Custards 15 to 20i minutes Steamed Brown Bread 3 hours Steamed Puddings 1 to 3 hours Pie Crust about 30 minutes Potatoes 30 to 45 minutes Baked Beans 6 to 8 hours Braised Meat 3 to 4 hours Scalloped Dishes 15 to 20 minutes Baking Meats Beef, Sirloin, rare, per Ib 8 to 10 minutes Beef, Sirloin, well done, per Ib. .12 to 15 min. Beef, rolled, rib or rump, per Ib. .12 to 15 min. Beef, long .or short, filet. .. .20 to 30 minutes Mutton, rare, per Ib 10 minutes Mutton, well done, per Ib 15 minutes Lamb, well done, per Ib 15 minutes Veal, well done, per Ib 20 minutes Pork, well done, per Ib 30 minutes Turkey, 10 Ibs. weight 3 hours Chickens, 3 to 4 Ibs. weight 1 to 1% hours Goose, 8 Ibs 2 hours Tame Duck 40 to 60 minutes Game Duck 30 to 40 minutes Grouse, Pigeons 30 minutes Small Birds 15 to 20 minutes Venison, per Ib 15 minutes Fish, 6 to 8 Ibs.; long, thin fish 1 hour Fish, 4 to 6 Ibs.; thick Halibut 1 hour Fish, small 20 to 30 minutes Freezing Ice Cream 30 minutes TABLE Doughnuts, Fritters 3 to 5 minutes Bacon, Small Fish, Potatoes. .2 to 5 minutes Breaded Chops and Fish 5 to 8 minutes Broiling Steak, 1 inch thick 4 minutes Steak, 1% inch thick 6 minutes Small, thin Fish 5 to 8 minutes Thick Fish 12 to 15 minutes Chops broiled in paper 8 to 10 minutes Chickens 20 minutes Liver, Tripe, Bacon 3 to 8 minutes Boiling Coffee 3 to 5 minutes Tea, steep without boiling 5 minutes Corn Meal 3 hours Hominy, fine l hour Oatmeal, rolled 30 minutes Oatmeal, coarse, steamed 3 hours Frying Croquettes, Fish Balls 1 minute Rice, steamed 45 to 60 minutes Rice, boiled 15 to 20 minutes Wheat Granules 20 to 30 minutes Eggs, soft boiled 3 to 6 minutes Eggs, hard boiled 15 to 20 minutes Fish, long, whole, per Ib 6 to 10 minutes Fish, cubical, per Ib 15 minutes Clams, Oysters 3 to 5 minutes Beef, corned and a la mode 3 to 5 hours Soup Stock 3 to 6 hours Veal, Mutton 2 to 3 hours Tongue 3 to 4 hours Potted Pigeons 2 hours Ham 5 hours Sweetbreads 20 to 30 minutes Sweet Corn 5 to 8 minutes Asparagus, Tomatoes, Peas. .15 to 20 minutes Macaroni, Potatoes, Spinach, Squash, Cel- ery, Cauliflower, Greens. . .20 to 30 minutes Cabbage, Beets, young 30 to 45 minutes Parsnips, Turnips 30 to 45 minutes Carrots, Onions, Salsify 30 to 60 minutes Beans, string and shelled 1 to 2 hours Puddings, 1 quart, steamed 3 hours Puddings, small 1 hour WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 cup, medium size % pt. or *4 Ib. 4 cups, medium size, or flour weigh....! Ib. 1 pint flour weighs % Ib. 1 pint white sugar weighs 1 Ib. 2 tablespoons of liquid weigh 1 oz. 8 teaspoons of liquid weigh 1 oz. 1 gill of liquid weighs 4 ozs. 1 pint of liquid weighs 16 ozs. How to Measure an Ounce Housekeepers are often confused by the mingling of weights and measures in a recipe, therefore an accurate schedule is a good thing to have around. The following of the most generally used articles will be found correct: 1 oz. granulated sugar equals 2 level tea- spoons. 1 oz. flour, 4 level teaspoons. 1 oz. butter, 2 level teaspoons. 1 oz. ground coffee, 5 level tablespoons. 1 oz. cornstarch, 3 level tablespoons. 1 oz. thyme, 8 level tablespoons. 1 .oz. grated chocolate, 3 level tablespoons. 1 oz. pepper, 4 level tablespoons. 1 oz. salt, 2 level tablespoons. 1 oz. mustard, 4 level tablespoons. 1 oz. cloves, 4 level tablespoons. 1 oz. cinnamon, 4% level tablespoons. 1 oz. mace, 4 level tablespoons. 1 oz. curry, 4 level tablespoons. 1 oz. chopped suet, % of a cup. 1 oz. olive oil, 2 tablespoons. Table of Measures 1 solid cup butter, granulated sugar, milk, chopped meat equals % lb. 2 cups flour equals % lb. 9 large eggs equals 1 lb. 60 drops equals 1 teaspoon 3 teaspoons equals 1 tablespoon 4 tablespoons equals % cup 1 cup equals % pint 1 round tablespoon butter equals 1 oz. Table of Proportions 1 cup liquid, 3 cups flour for bread. % teaspoon salt to 1 quart custard. 1 cup liquid, 2 cups flour for muffins. 1 cup liquid, 1 cup flour for batters. 1 teaspoon soda to 1 pint sour milk. 1 teaspoon soda to 1 cup molasses. 1 teaspoon salt to 1 quart water. % teaspoon salt is a pinch. ^4 square inch pepper is a shake. Remember that all cup and spoon measures mean full, except where fractions are given. 101 "Send it to the jv Laundry BRIDES, NOTICE We Have Five Separate Departments in our Laundry for Your Convenience and Economy IN FAMILY LAUNDRY SERVICE (No. 1) WET WASH DEPARTMENT In this department we wash 17 Ibs. for 75c, each additional pound 4z. Flat pieces ironed if desired at following prices: Spreads or table- cloths, 7c each; sheets, slips, rollers, 2c each; towels, napkins, rags, Ic each. (No. 2) DRY WASH DEPARTMENT In this department all flat pieces are washed and ironed ready to use. Other pieces are dried, ready to dampen and starch at your convenience. The minimum charge is 11 Ibs. for 90c; each addi- tional pound 8c. ( No. 3 ) ROUGH DRY DEPA R TMEN T In this department we wash and starch the pieces that have to be starched, and dry them ready to be dampened and ironed at home, for lOc per pound. We iron all flat pieces such as spreads, table- cloths, sheets, slips, towels, napkins, handkerchiefs and rags. The rough dry receives that same careful attention as the finished work. A trial will convince you. Minimum charge, $1.00. (No. 4) FINISHED WORK DEPARTMENT In this department everything is washed and ironed and delivered ready to use, such as ladies' and gents' fancy and silk wearing ap- parel, blankets, doilies and comforters. We also wash curtains at owner's risk. We darn stockings, sew on buttons and do some mend- ing free. (No. 5) BLANKET DEPARTMENT We have installed an up-to-date machine for cleaning and renovating cotton and wool blankets. We return blankets as clean and fluffy as when they were new. We also wash curtains at owner's risk. A trial will convince you. (We make our service to fit your income.) You take as much as you can afford to buy. We call and deliver in Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda. Give us a trial. "Aiming to please is our motto" NEW METHOD LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone Piedmont 97 102 CUPID'S BOOK DO YOU KNOW That a small piece of butter added to the water prevents vegetables, macaroni or rice from boiling over? That the water from macaroni or rice alter they have been cooked should be saved for soup and gravies? That a teaspoon of vinegar added to boiled meat, while cooking, makes the meat tender? That after peeling onions if celery salt is rubbed over the hands before washing the odor will disappear? That if you add a pinch of salt to ground coffee before boiling it will improve the flavor? That if kid gloves are rubbed gently with bread crumbs after each time they are worn they will remain clean much longer than otherwise? That a poultice made of tobacco and warm water, put between two cloths and placed over the breast and pit of the stomach will relieve convulsions when nothing else will? It will do no harm. That any one who has aching feet, if the feet are placed in kerosene for about ten minutes each day will receive the greatest relief? If used regularly for a month is said to cure all corns and callous places on the feet. Will not blister or do any injury. That to relieve burns get a small bottle of picric acid and with a feather paint the burned or scalded parts, allowing it to dry? In a few minutes all the pain will be gone and you will never feel it again. Where the burns are very severe more than one application is sometimes necessary. This- is an invaluable remedy, specially where there are children in the home, for they are getting burned continually. That there is nothing better than sulphur tea for the hair? It cures handruff, promotes the growth, makes the hair soft and glossy and is very good to keep the hair from turning gray. That the whitish stain left on a mahogany table by a jug of boiling water or a very hot dish may be removed by rubbing in oil and afterward pouring a little spirits of wine on the spot and rubbing it dry with a cloth? That you should wash your weathered oak woodwork and furniture with milk? That to rid your home of ants mix thoroughly two parts borax with one part powdered sugar and put around where the ants come? For two or three days the ants will come in swarms, but after that they will disappear. Leave the powder around for a week or two and you will never be bothered again with ants. That if food becomes slightly burned in cooking, set the saucepan in cold water and it will take away burned taste? That silk stockings should be washed in water which is only warm, not hot? A soap solution is better for them than rubbing the soap itself on. Squeeze them out; don't wring them. How to set colors in cotton materials? Test materials by allowing to stand in cold water to see if material bleeds. If so, for browns, blacks and pink, use two cups salt to one gallon of water. For blues use one-half cup of vinegar to one gallon of water. For lavenders one tablespoon of sugar of lead (poison) to one gallon of water. Allow to stand in solution for an hour. The water should be cold. Putting a little salt in the last rinsing water will tend to bring out the color in cotton materials. That you can brighten your home, furniture, wickerware, chairs, floors, etc., with FULLER'S PAINTS and VARNISHES? That CLOROX is the housewife's FRIEND? 103 CUPID'S BOOK FIRST WEDDING IN AMERICA In 1609, at Jamestown, Virginia, the first Christian marriage ceremony in America was performed according to English rites, when Anne Burras became Mrs. John Leyden. This was eleven years before Mary Chilton according to some his- torians arrived on the Mayflower and won the distinction of being the first person to set foot on Plymouth Rock. IT IS NOT ALWAYS EASY To apologize, To be considerate, To begin over, To keep on trying, To admit error, To think and then act, To be unselfish, To profit by mistakes, To take advice, To forgive and forget, To be charitable, To shoulder a deserved blame. BUT IT ALWAYS PAYS. IT'S TIME TO MOVE if you are living on Spendthrift Street. if you are still dwelling in Deep-in-Debt Row. if you are sojourning in Live-Beyond- Your-Means Mansion. if you are renting quarters on Keep-Up-Appearances Avenue. if you are hopelessly loitering in Can't-Save Anything Apartment. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Some women are saving in the little things and forget the bigger ones. They fail to grasp their life and their profession of housekeeping as a whole. It is equally necessary to hold fast to the dollars as the pennies. How do you test out in that line? Do you: Budget your income, and do you make yourself stick to your budget? Pay your bills by bank checks? Save something every week? Read carefully the advertisements of special sales in your daily papers and thoughtfully anticipate your needs, your real needs? Pay cash and carry? Burn fifty cents worth of gasoline to save five cents? Check over every bill carefully? File your receipts? Have you a table in your house of the legal weights per bushel of foodstuffs in your state? Watch the markets on your household staples and buy accordingly? Observe the weights of the contents on all your cans and packages and read their guaranties? 104 CUPID'S BOOK FLAKED WHEAT MIXTURES Note: All measurements are level and flour is sifted once before measuring. One-half pint measuring cup is used. SPERRY FLAKED WHEAT CRISPS 1/3 Cup Butter 1/2 Teaspoon Salt '/ 4 Cup Sugar 1 Cup Sperry Flaked Wheat !4 Cup Milk 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Cream butter well; add sugar gradually, milk, Sperry Flaked Wheat and salt; add enough Sperry Drifted Snow Flour to roll. Roll as thin as possible; cut in strips about 4 inches long by 1 inch wide and bake in a slow oven until brown and crisp. SPERRY FLAKED WHEAT COOKIES !/ 2 Cup Shortening !4 Teaspoon Soda 1 Cup Brown Sugar 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 1 Egg 11/2 Cups Sperry Drifted Snow Flour 1/3 Cup Milk 11/2 Cups Sperry Flaked Wheat 1 Teaspoon Vanilla 1 Cup Cocoanut !/i Teaspoon Salt Cream shortening well; add sugar gradually, constantly stirring; add egg, well beaten, milk, Sperry Flaked Wheat, cocoanut and vanilla. Mix and sift dry ingre- dients and add to first mixture. Drop from tip of spoon on a well-greased pan, about 3 inches apart, and bake in a moderate oven about 15 minutes. SPERRY FLAKED WHEAT FRIED 2 Cups Sperry Flaked Wheat y* Teaspoon Salt (cooked) 1 Tablespoon Cold Water 1 Egg Bread or Cracker Crumbs Mould Sperry Flaked Wheat in a wet bread pan; when cold cut in 1-inch slices; beat egg; add cold water; dip Sperry Flaked Wheat slices in crumbs, then in egg, then in crumbs again. Fry in deep fat or saute in melted shortening. This is nice as ! a garnish for meat or served as a sweet course with jelly. GERMEA MIXTURES Note: All measurements are level. One-half pint measuring cup is used. SPERRY GERMEA PUDDING 2 Cups Milk 2 Tablespoons Melted Butter !/ 2 Cup Sperry Germea 1 Cup Grated Pineapple '/ 2 Cup Sugar 1 Egg 1 Teaspoon Salt 1 Inch Piece Stick Cinnamon Put cinnamon in milk and allow to become hot, then remove cinnamon; add Sperry Germea to hot milk, and when boiling add sugar, salt and butter; cook about 30 minutes, then add pineapple and cook until thick. Add well-beaten egg, cook until egg is set. Serve hot or cold with cream or a pudding sauce. SPERRY GERMEA SPANISH 1!/ 2 Cups Sperry Germea (cooked) 6 Olives, chopped fine '/a Can Corn Cayenne Pepper to taste 1 Tablespoon Butter 1 Green Pepper, chopped fine 1 Teaspoon Salt 1 Can Tomato Sauce 2 Onions, chopped fine Mix all ingredients, put in casserole, cover and bake in medium oven 30 minutes, or put together and heat in a double boiler. SPERRY GERMEA CHARLOTTE 2 Cups Milk >/2 Cup Sugar 2 Tablespoons Sperry Germea !/ 2 Cup Grated Pineapple 1 Egg, beaten separately 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Scald milk; add Sperry Germea and cook in a double boiler 15 minutes; add beaten egg yolk and sugar; cook until thick; remove from fire and fold in the stiffly beaten white of egg; chill, then add fruit and vanilla. Serve in individual dishes and garnish with whipped cream. When cooking cereals, measure the right amount of boiling water and put in the upper part of a double boiler. Allow % teaspoon of salt to each % pint measur- ing cup of water. When water is rapidly boiling, with a fork stir in the required amount of cereal, adding it very slowly, so that the liquid does not stop boiling, for if this happens the cereal is liable to fall to the bottom of the boiler and the grains cling together, causing lumps. Cook for a few minutes directly over the flame, then finish in the double boiler, allowing the cereal td cook the length of time called for on the package. Cereal is improved by long cooking. 105 cTWEMORANDUM 106 (^MEMORANDUM 107 Into anfc