GIFT OF n d \l \J/\} SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 1913 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING In Force April 1, 1913 COMPILED BY ROSE A. BIRD-MALEY Superintendent of Public Instruction, Cheyenne, Wyoming THE CHEYENNE PRINTERY Commercial Printers and Booklet Makers CHEYENNE, WYOMING School Laws of Wyoming Shall Have Free Access to State Offices For What Purpose. Sec. 83. The governor shall have free access to the office of any state officer for the inspection and examination of all books, papers, records and proceedings. [S. L. 1890-91, Ch. 95, Sec. 5.] May Require Reports to Be Made to Him When. Sec 84. The governor, or either house of the legislature, may, when in the opinion of either of them, the public interest demands the same, require any state officer, commission or board of a state institution, to communicate in writing any information concerning any subject pertaining to such office, commission or board, as the case may be. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 5, Sec. 2.] Custodian of Bonds. Sec. 106. The secretary of state shall be the custodian of all bonds of state officers, excepting his own. If at any time the sureties or any of them upon any official bond shall die, remove from this state, become insolvent or from any other cause cease to possess the qualifications required by law, the secretary of state shall require the officer giving such bond to give a new bond with such sureties as are required by law. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 1687.] Investments of Land Funds. Sec. 125. All permanent funds arising from the sale of state lands and any permanent addition thereto, may, and whenever practicable, shall be invested by the treasurer of the state with the approval of the governor and attorney gen- eral, in bonds of the United States or of the state of Wyoming, or in bonds issued by school districts within the state or reg- istered coupon county bonds of the state or registered coupon municipal bonds, issued by any corporate city or town in the state of Wyoming, or interest bearing warrants of his state. The interest only shall be used for the purpose for which the grant of lands was made. Provided, That all funds belonging to the state for public school purposes, the interest and income 293055 4 SCHOOL, LAWS OF WYOMING of which only are to be used, shall be invested only in bonds issued by school districts or registered county bonds of the state or state sureties of this state or of the United States. [S. L. 1903, Ch. 30, Sec. i.] How Invested. Sec. 126. Whenever in pursuance of any law of the state, authorizing such investment, the state treasurer shall propose to invest any of the permanent state land funds in bonds of any school district in the state, or registered bonds of any county in this state, he shall be and he is hereby authorized, if in his judgment it shall be desirable or necessary to do so, to offer and pay for any such bonds out of any such permanent funds, a premium for the same in such reasonable amount as shall be deemed proper and necessary to secure such bonds. Provided, That the treasurer shall not pay for any such bond a price in excess of their market value at the time of purchase. Such premium so paid to be thereafter returned to the permanent fund from which it shall have been taken out of the first interest moneys received on such bonds, until the permanent fund is entirely reimbursed for the amount of the premium so paid. [S. L. 1897, Ch. 67.] SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. General Duties. Sec. 133. The duties of superintendent of public instruc- tion shall be as follows : He shall file all papers, reports and public documents transmitted to him by the school officers of the several counties, each year, separately, and hold the same in readiness to be exhibited to the governor, or to any com- mittees of either house of the legislature, and shall keep a fair record of all matters pertaining to the business of his office. He shall have a general supervision of all the district schools of the state, and shall see that the school system is, as early as practicable, put into uniform operation. He shall prepare and have printed suitable forms for all reports required by law and shall transmit the same, with such instructions in reference to the course of studies as he may judge advisable, to the several officers entrusted with their management and care. He shall make all further rules and regulations that may be necessary to carry the law into full effect, according to its spirit and intent, which shall have the same force and effect as though contained herein. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3906.] Disposition of Donated Books, Maps, and School Apparatus. Sec. 134. One copy of all books, maps, charts or school apparatus, which may be received by the superintendent of SCHOOL, LAWS OF WYOMING 5 public instruction from publishers, inventors or manufacturers, shall be placed by him in the public library of the state. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3907.] Distribution of School Funds. Sec. 135. On or before the 3ist day of March in every year, if there shall be any money to the credit of the income fund, for the use of public schools, in the state treasury, including the rents of the unsold school lands, the state su- perintendent of public instruction shall distribute such income among the several counties of the state according to the num- ber of children of school age in each, the same to be determined by reference to the last preceding annual reports furnished to the state superintendent of public instruction by the several county superintendents of schools. Such moneys so distributed shall be paid to the county treasurer of each county by the state treasurer, upon the requisition to that effect by the state superintendent of public instruction, which said requisition shall state the county entitled thereto, together with the amount, and the fund out of which it is to be paid; and the superintendent of public instruction shall at the same time notify each superintendent of schools that such distribution has been made ; such requisition shall be accompanied by a war- rant of the auditor upon the treasurer covering the amount of the requisition in each case, and the superintendent of pub- lic instruction shall file such requisition with the auditor and a copy of the same with the treasurer. Upon such distribution being made and said money being paid to the respective county treasurers, the county superintendent of schools in each county shall cause such money to be distributed among the several school districts in the county pro rata in the same manner and in the same proportion as the regular county school tax is re- quired by law to be distributed. Provided, however, That any law with reference to the distribution of the county school tax which provides for a certain amount to be paid to each school district before the pro rata distribution of the balance is made shall not apply in the case of the distribution of said money; Provided, further, That no apportionment from said state fund shall be made to any school district for a year in which a school has not been maintained therein for at least three months. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 53, Sec. I ; R. S. 1809, Sec. 93.] Salaries Shall Deposit Fees. Sec. 136. Until otherwise provided by law, the governor shall receive an annual salary of four thousand dollars ; the secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, and superin- tendent of public instruction, shall each receive an annual 6 SCHOOL LAWS OF WiYOMING salary of three thousand dollars ; and the salaries of any of said officers shall not be increased or diminished during the period for which they were elected, and all fees and profits arising from any of said offices shall be covered into the state treasury. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 54, Sec. i.] Shall Reside at Seat of Government. Se>c. 137. All officers hereafter elected to the offices men- tioned in Section 136 shall reside at the seat of government, and shall keep their offices at the state capitol. [S. L| 1909, Ch. 54, Sec. 2.] Attorney General Legal Advisor. Sec. 145. The attorney general shall prosecute and de- fend all suits that may be instituted by or against the state of Wyoming, the prosecution and defense of which is not other- wise provided for by law, and he shall represent the state in all criminal cases in the supreme court, and shall defend all suits brought against the state officers in their official relations, except suits brought against them by the state. He shall be required to attend to the interests of the state in all suits, actions or claims in which the state is or may become interest- ed in either the supreme court of the state, or in any of the United States courts. He shall be the legal adviser of all elective and appointive state officers, and of the prosecuting attorneys of the several counties of the state, and shall, when requested, give written opinions upon questions submitted to him by such officers, and by either branch of the legislature, when in session. He shall also, within thirty days next pre- ceding the meeting of the legislature, make a report to the governor of the condition of affairs of his department, and in said report make such suggestions as shall appear to him cal- culated to improve the laws of the state, and shall communi- cate to the governor or either house of the legislature, when- ever requested, any information concerning his office. It shall be the duty of the attorney general to pay over to the state treasurer all funds that may come into his hands by reason of the duties of his office. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 22, Sec. 5.] Limitation of Expense. Sec. 249. No state officer shall be authorized to create any expense of any kind or character as a charge against the state in excess of the amount expressly provided for his use as a contingent fund. Any officer creating an expense in ex- cess of such amount shall be responsible for such expenditure under his official bond; Provided, further, That the various contingents must be made to cover the full period of two years SCHOOL, LAWS OOP WYOMING 7 for which they are appropriated, and that any outgoing officer who shall not, when his term of office expires, have on hand the full sum of one-eighth of his entire contingent, to cover the period to the first day of the following April, shall be considered delinquent, and shall be held responsible as above provided. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 35, Sec. 3.] Penalty. Sec. 250. Any person or persons, or board, who shall violate any of the provisions of the preceding section, shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined in the sum not to exceed two hundred dol- lars. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 35, Sec. 5.] Receipts to Be Attached to Vouchers. Sec. 251. When an appropriation is made by law as a contingent fund for any office or officer, or board, or for any other purpose, to be expended for the state, the officer or board having charge of such fund shall keep an account therewith, showing when, to whom, and for what purpose any portion of said fund has been expended; which account shall always be open to public inspection ; and every officer or person presenting any voucher to any board for allowance, or to the auditor for payment, shall have fixed thereunto receipts for all moneys expended ; and any and all claims failing to comply with this provision shall be rejected by the auditor, or any of said boards to which such claims shall be presented ; if any officer or person shall make or present any voucher for a greater sum of money than was actually paid or expended for the purpose stated or indicated in or by such voucher, be shall upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of embezzle- ment of the amount so falsely included in such voucher in the excess actually paid or expended, and shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than five years. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 35, Sec. 4.] Contingent Fund. Sec. 252. Whenever an appropriation is made as a con- tingent fund for the use of any state office, officer, bo'ard or commission to be expended for the state, the officer, board, commission or other agency having charge of such fund shall keep an accurate account thereof showing when and to whom and for what purpose any portion of said fund has been expended and when such expenditure is made as an incident to travel on business of the state, a statement as to the nature and purpose of such travel, which account shall always be open for public inspection. Every such officer, board, commission or other agency having charge of such fund shall file with 8 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING the secretary of state not later than the 3e kept in such fund. [S. L,. 1888, Ch. 72, Sub-Div. 3, Sec. 3.] Discrimination on Account of Sex or Religious Belief Prohibited. Sec. 1965. In the employment of teachers in the public schools in this state, no discrimination shall be made in the question of pay on account of sex, nor on account of the re- ligious belief of the applicant for the position of teacher, when the persons are equally qualified, and the labor is the same. [S. L. 1890-91, Ch. 21.] Examinations Required. Sec. 1966. No certificate shall be granted hereafter to any person to teach in the schools of Wyoming, who shall not pass a satisfactory examination in physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3972.] Note This is interpreted not to apply to those who have shown that efficiency to render them eligible to secure cer- tificates without examination. Teacher's Report. Sec. 1967. It shall be the duty of the teacher of every district school, or graded school, to make out and file with the district clerk, at the expiration of each term of the school, a full report of the whole number of scholars admitted to the school during such term, distinguishing between male and female, the names of such scholars, the number of days each scholar attended the same, the aggregate number of days of attendance of said schools, the text-books used, the branches taught and the number of pupils engaged in the study of each of said branches. Any teacher who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the requirements of this section, shall forfeit his or her wages for teaching such school, at the discretion of the district board. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3973.] Refusal to Deliver Records to Successor Penalty. Sec. 1968. Every school district clerk, or treasurer, who shall neglect or refuse to deliver to their successors in office, all records and books, belonging severally to their offices, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3974.] Employment of Counsel. Sec. 1969. In all cases where suits may be instituted by, or against, any of the school officers contemplated or created by law, to enforce any of the provisions herein contained, SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 45 counsel may be employed, if necessary, by the officer insti- tuting the suit, and the expense of the suit shall be borne by the district, county or state in whose name, or against whom, the same may be instituted. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3975.] Collection and Disposition of Fines. Sec. 1970. All fines, penalties and forfeitures provided by the school laws may be recovered by action in the name of the people of the state of Wyoming, for the use of the proper school district or county, and when they accrue, belong to the respective districts or counties in which the same may be ac- crued ; and the treasurer of such districts, and the county com- missioners of such counties are hereby authorized to receive and apply the proceeds of such forfeiture as the interest of the permanent fund is now, or may hereafter be, applied. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3976.] Officer Failing to Pay Over Money Penalty. Sec. 1971. Any officer or person collecting or receiving any fines, forfeitures or other moneys and refusing and fail- ing to pay over the same as required by law, shall forfeit double the amount so withheld, and interest thereon at the rate of five per cent, per month during the time of so withholding the same. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3977.] Effect of Change in County Boundaries on School Districts. Sec. 1972. If by any act of the state legislature changing the boundary line or lines of any county or counties, or form- ing new counties from counties already formed, any legally organized school district is or has been separated from the county to which it then belonged and is or has been joined to another county, the members of the school board of such school district so separated from one county and joined to an- other county, shall hold their respective offices until the next annual school election following said change in county boun- daries ; and until such annual school election said school board may draw the public school funds for paying teachers, or other necessary legal school expenses from the school treasury of the county to which said school district formerly belonged, and in the same way and manner as said board would have drawn and expended said public moneys had no change in county boundaries been made. fR. S. 1887, Sec. 3978.] State Treasurer Authorized to Receive Donations for Schools. Sec. 1973. Whenever the state of Wyoming shall be en- titled to receive any moneys or funds from the United States of America, or from any other source or authority, to be ex- pended for the benefit of the public schools of the state, or 46 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING held or in any manner applied for their benefit, the state treas- urer is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for such moneys or funds, and to make such application and use of the same as may be required by law. Should such moneys or funds be donated to the state, and should the act of donation require such moneys or funds to be applied or held, or used in a particular manner, they shall be so applied. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 398i.'J Liability of Treasurer for School Money. Sec. 1974. The state treasurer shall faithfully account for all moneys or funds received pursuant to the foregoing section, and he and his sureties upon his official bond shall be liable for any failure to so account for such moneys or funds. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3982.] School Board May Establish Manual Training Schools. Sec. 1975. The school board of any district in the state shall have power to establish and locate industrial and manual training schools, in connection with the public schools of said district. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 88.] Humane Treatment of Animals Taught. Sec. 1976. There shall be taught in the public schools of Wyoming,, in addition to the other branches of study now prescribed, a system of humane treatment of animals, as em- bodied in the laws of Wyoming; such instruction to consist of not less than two lessons of ten minutes each per week. The principal or teacher of every school shall certify in his or her reports that such instruction has been given in the school under his or her control. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 8.] DISTRICT OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. Director to Preside at Meetings and Countersign Orders. Sec. 1977. The director, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the board of the district, and countersign all orders on the treasury for the payment of money. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3951.] How Drafts and Orders Drawn. Sec. 1978. All drafts and orders drawn on the district treasurer, as required in the foregoing section, shall specify the funds on which they are drawn, and the use for which the money is designated, and shall be signed by the district clerk. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3952.] By Whom District to Appear in Actions. Sec. 1979. The director shall appear in behalf of his dis- trict in all suits brought by or against the same ; but when SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 47 he is individually a party, this duty shall be performed by the clerk. [R. S. 1887., Sec. 3953.] Duties of Clerk. Sec. 1980. The clerk shall record all the proceedings of the board and of the district meetings in books to be kept for that purpose, and report in writing to the county superinten- dent of schools the name of the director and treasurer imme- diately after they are chosen or elected, and he shall preserve copies of all reports made to the county superintendent, and shall file all papers transmitted to him, by school officers or other persons, pertaining to the business of the district, and shall sign all drafts, warrants and orders drawn by him. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 77, Sec. 4.] Clerk to Certify Debt Limit. Sec. 1981. The clerk of each school district of each county shall endorse a certificate upon every bond or evidence of debt issued pursuant to law, that the same is within the lawful debt limit of such school district, and is issued according to law. He shall sign such certificate in his official character. [S. L. 1890-91, Ch. 43, Sec. 2.] Clerks Shall Keep Accounts. Sec. 1982. The district clerk shall keep an accurate ac- count of all the expenses incurred by the district, and shall present the same to the district board, to be audited and paid as herein provided, out of the school fund. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3955-] Notice of District Meetings. Sec. 1983. The district clerk shall give ten days previous notice of all regular and special meetings of the district, herein authorized, by posting up a written notice in three different places therein, and shall furnish a copy of the same to the teachers of each school in the district, to be read once in the presence of the pupils thereof. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3956.] Duty District Clerk. Sec. 1984. The district clerk shall immediately after the annual school meeting and not later than the fourth Monday in May in each year, submit a report to the county superin- tendent for the past year ending April 3Oth next preceding. i. Of the number of schools taught in such district, the number of days each scholar attended the same, and the ag- gregate number of days of attendance of said school respec- tively, as certified by the teachers of the several schools of such district. 48 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 2. The number of schools and the branches taught in each. 3. The number of pupils in each school, and of each sex. 4. The number of teachers employed in each school and the average compensation of each per month. 5. The number of days the school has been taught, and by whom. 6. The average cost of tuition for a pupil, per month, in each school. 7. Books used in each school. 8. The number of volumes in the library of each school. 9. The aggregate amount paid teachers during the year, the source from which the same was received, and the amount of teachers' fund in the hands of the treasurer. 10. The number of district school houses and the cost of each. 11. The amount raised in the district by tax for the erec- tion of school houses, and for other purposes authorized by law, and such other information as he may deem useful. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 15, Sec. 2.] Failure to Make Report Penalty. Sec. i. Failure to Make Report Penalty. Should the clerk fail to file his report, as above directed, he shall forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars, and shall be liable to make good on his official bond, all loss resulting to the district for such failure, and it shall be the duty of the prosecuting attor- ney to bring suit in both cases upon complaint by the county superintendent of schools, whose duty it shall be to make the complaint. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. [S. L. 1913, Ch. 92.] Note Local authorities may, at their discretion, require this bond. Duties of the Treasurer Publication of Report. Sec. 1986. The treasurer shall have the custody of all moneys belonging to the district, and shall pay out the same upon the order of the clerk, countersigned by the director ; and shall keep an account of the receipts and expenditures thereof, in a book provided for that purpose. He shall cause to be pub- lished in some newspaper of general circulation in the county wherein such school district is situate, on the first week of July in each year, a full and true report of the receipts and disbursements of said district for the year next preceding such report. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3959.] SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 49 Teachers' Fund. Sec. 1987. The moneys for the payment of teachers shall be called the "teachers' fund," and the treasurer shall keep distinct and separate accounts with them ; and no warrant for money shall be paid by the treasurer which does not specify the fund on which it is drawn, and the specific use to which it is to be applied. [R. S.. 1887, Sec. 3960.] School House Fund. Sec. 1988. The school house fund shall consist only of taxes collected in the district ; and all other school moneys be- longing to the district shall go to the teachers' fund, and shall be applied to no other use except to pay the wages of school teachers in the district. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3961.] Treasurer to Receive District Money. Sec. 1989. The district treasurer shall apply for, and re- ceive all money apportioned to the district, by the county superintendent, when notified of said apportionment. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3962.] Treasurer to Render Statement on Request. Sec. 1990. The district treasurer shall render a statement of the finances of the district as shown by the records of his office, at any time when required by the district board. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3963.] Flag to Be Displayed on School House. Sec. 1991. It shall be the duty of the trustees, at the ex- pense of such district, in each school' district in the state of Wyoming, to cause the American flag to be placed in a proper and suitable manner upon each school house, flag staff or tower, in such respective school districts in the state of Wyo- ming. And they shall cause said flag to be hoisted upon each of said school house or school houses, flag staff or tower, in such respective districts, during the time when school shall be in session. [S. L. 1903, Ch. 83, Sec. i.] Annual Enumeration Children. Sec. 1992. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees of each school district in this state to cause to be made during the month of April in each year a full and true enumeration of all children of school age, to-wit : those between the ages of six and twenty-one years, in their respective districts. Such enumeration shall be in duplicate and in such form as may be prescribed by the state superintendent of public instruction, and shall set forth and state the name, age, sex and residence of each child enumerated, and the same shall bear a certificate 50 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING signed by all or a majority of the trustees of such school dis- trict to the effect that it has been examined by the board of trustees of such district and found to be according to the best judgment and belief of the subscribers a full, true and correct enumeration of all the children of school age in their district. One of the duplicate copies of said enumeration shall be filed by the clerk of the school district with the other papers and records of the district in his custody and the other shall by said clerk be transmitted to the county superintendent of schools of his county on or before the fourth Monday of May in each year. [S, L. 1909, Ch. 41, Sec, i.] Employ an Enumerator. Sec. 1993. y ne board of trustees of each district shall, if in its judgment it is necessary so to do, have power to employ a suitable person or persons for such time as may be actually necessary to make such enumeration for such district and re- turn the same to the said board; such person so employed shall before commencing the making of such enumeration take, sub- scribe and file with the district clerk an oath in writing to the effect that he will faithfully, diligently, truly and to the best of his skill and ability perform his duty as such enumerator. [S. L. 1903, Ch. 91, Sec. 2.] False Enumeration Penalty. Sec. 1994. Any trustee of any school district or any enu- merator employed to make or assist in making the enumera- tion for any district who shall knowingly and wilfully make any false enumeration of the children of school age in such district or who shall certify to the correctness and truthfulness of any such enumeration knowing the same to be false, incor- rect and untrue, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on con- viction thereof shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. [S. L. 1903, Ch. 91, Sec. 3.] Failure to Enumerate Penalty. Sec. 1995. In the event that the board of trustees of any school district should fail, neglect or refuse to make or cause to be made such enumerations as hereinbefore provided for in the event that the clerk of any district shall fail, neglect or refuse to transmit to the county superintendent of schools on or before the fourth Monday in May of each year the duplicate copy of the enumeration of his district as hereinbefore pro- vided, then and in either of such cases it is hereby made the SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 51 duty of the county superintendent of schools to cause such enumeration to be made on or before the third Monday in June following at the expense of the school district, and to that end the said superintendent shall have all the power hereinbefore conferred upon the board of trustees for that purpose, and for the purpose of paying the expense of such enumeration the said superintendent is hereby authorized and directed to issue to the person making such enumeration an order upon such school district for the amount due such person and upon pres- entation of such order it shall be the duty of the director and clerk of such district to issue a warrant upon the treasurer of the district for such amount. Provided, however, That in the event that such enumeration shall be made because of the failure, neglect or refusal of the clerk of the district to transmit a duplicate copy of an enumeration which had been made, then and in such case the said clerk shall be liable to his school district for the cost and expense of the enumeration made by the county superintendent, and the said district may, by an ac- tion at law recover of and from such defaulting clerk the .cost thereof, together with costs and attorney's fees. Provided, further, That if such enumeration by the county superinten- dent be rendered necessary because of the neglect or failure or default of any members of the board of trustees in the per- formance of the duties by this or the three preceding sections enjoined upon them, then and in such case such defaulting members shall be jointly and severally liable to the school district for such cost and expense; and the same, together with costs and attorney's fees, may be recovered by the district in an action at law from such defaulting members of the board. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 41, Sec. 2.] County Superintendents Duty Report. Sec. 1996. It shall be the duty of the county superin- tendent of schools to compile the said reports of the enumera- tion of children of school age in the several school districts of his county reported to him as hereinbefore provided and there- from to ascertain and determine the number of children of school age in his county, and at the time of making his annual report to the state superintendent of public instruction he shall include in such report a statement of the number of children of school age in his county as shown by such enumeration. [S. L. 1903, Ch. 91, Sec. 5.] Distribution of State School Funds. Sec. 1997. It shall be the duty of the county superin- tendent of schools in distributing to the several school districts of his county the funds or moneys apportioned and distrib- 52 . SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING uted to his county for school purposes by the state superin- tendent of public instruction. Provided, however, That no por- tion of the funds apportioned to any county by the state super- intendent of public instruction for school purposes shall be apportioned by the county superintendent of schools to any district for the year in which a school has not been maintained for at least three months. [S. L. 1903, Ch. 91, Sec. 6.] PUBLIC KINDERGARTEN. Power of Trustees to Establish Kindergarten. Sec. 1998. The board of trustees of any school district in this state shall have power to establish and maintain free kindergarten schools in connection with the public schools of their district, for the instruction of children residing in such district and between the ages of four and six years, and shall establish such courses of training, study and discipline and such rules and regulations for the government of such kindergarten schools as said board may deem advisable ; Pro- vided, That the cost of establishing and maintaining such kin- dergarten schools shall be paid from the special school fund of said school district, and the gross sum to be so expended by the said board for such kindergarten schools shall be annually fixed and determined by the qualified electors of such district at the annual meeting of such electors. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 50, Sec. i.] Shall Be Part of School System Teachers. Sec. 10/99. The said kindergarten schools shall be a part of the public school system and governed as far as practicable in the same manner and by the same officers as is now, or here- after may be provided by law, for the government of the pub- lic schools of this state ; Provided, however, That teachers of the kindergarten schools shall be the holders of certificates or diplomas from some reputable institution for the training of kindergarten teachers, and shall pass such other examination and possess such other qualifications as may be required by the board of trustees of the district employing them. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 50, Sec. i.] Law Not Changed in Reference to Apportionment. Sec. 2000. Nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to, in any manner, change the law, as it now exists, with ref- erence to the taking of the census of the school population, or the apportionment of the state and county school funds among the several counties and districts in this state. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 50, Sec. i.] SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 53 How Carried Into Effect. Sec. 2001. That for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter, it shall be lawful for the quali- fied electors of any school district in the state at the annual meeting held under the provisions of existing law, to vote such sum of money as may be necessary to establish and main- tain such kindergarten schools, during the school year next following such meeting, such sum in the aggregate not to exceed one mill upon the dollar of the valuation of the prop- erty in the district, as determined by the next preceeding an- nual assessment thereof for the purposes of taxation, the same to be certified, levied, collected and disbured in the same man- ner as is now provided by law with respect to the special school funds of the several school districts in this state. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 50, Sec. 2.] FREE TEXT BOOKS. Text Books in Public Schools. Sec. 2002. The board of school directors in city or county are hereby empowered, and it is made their duty, to purchase all text-books necessary for the schools of such city, town or district; and they are further authorized to enter into con- tract, as hereinafter provided, with the publishers of such books for a period' of years, not to exceed five ; Provided, That the contract prices of such books shall not exceed the lowest price then granted to any dealer, state, county, town- ship, school district, or other individual or corporation in the United States, to be determined as hereinafter provided: and Provided, further, That such contract shall guarantee to such district any further reduction that may be granted elsewhere during the life of such contract. Said boards are hereby em- powered to purchase, as a book of reference for use in their schools, the History of Wyoming, in thee volumes, of which C. G. Coutant is the author, and "The Sabbath as an American War Day," in one volume, of which W. P. Carroll is the au- thor ; Provided, That the price paid for the said work shall not exceed the price paid therefor by subscribers generally. Pro- vided, That no school trustee or officer of the district shall be interested in any way, directly or indirectly, in the sale of school supplies in the district in which he is a director. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 38.] Publishers Must File Bond. Sec. 2003. Before any publisher of school books shall be permitted to enter into contract with any school district under the provisions of this chapter, he shall file with the state 54 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING superintendent of public instruction, to be approved by him, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of two thousand to twenty thousand dollars, which amount shall be fixed by the state superintendent of public instruction, for the faithful per- formance of the conditions of such contracts, and the observ- ance of the requirements of this chapter, and such publisher shall also file with the state superintendent of public instruc- tion, a sworn statement of the lowest prices for which his series of text-books are sold anywhere in the United States; and a failure to file such bond and sworn statement of prices shall be a good and valid defense on the part of the district against payment for any books that may be sold by such pub- lisher prior to the date of filing such bond and sworn state- ment of prices ; and all such contracts to which such publisher is a party made prior to filing such bond and sworn statement of prices, shall be null and void. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 29, Sec. 2.] Books Paid for from Public School Land Income Fund. Sec. 2004. The books to be purchased under the pro- visions of this chapter shall be paid for by the directors of the different school districts of the state, out of the public school land income fund, when the same shall be distributed to such districts annually. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 29, Sec. ii.J Books Paid for by Order on District Treasurer. Sec. 2005. For the purpose of paying for school books, the school district officers may draw an order on the district treasurer for the amount of school books ordered. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 29, Sec. 3.] Orders From What Funds Paid. Sec. 2006. The district treasurer shall pay orders drawn by school district officers for the purpose of school books out of any funds in his hands belonging to the district, except the money belonging to the teachers' fund. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 29. Sec. 4.] Publisher Becoming Member of Trust Nullifies Contract. Sec. 2007. Any contract entered into under the provi- sions of this chapter with any publisher who shall hereafter be- come a party to any combination or trust for the purpose of raising the price of school text-books shall, at the wish of the school board of the district using such books, become null and void. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 29, Sec. 5.] Duty Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 2008. The state superintendent of public instruction shall, within thirty days after the filing of the hereinbefore SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 55 mentioned sworn statement of prices of text-books, have the same printed and forward a sufficient number of certified copies of the same to each of the county superintendents of the state to furnish all the school districts of such county with one copy each ; and the county superintendent shall immedi- ately after receiving said certified copies of prices of books send or deliver one of such certified copies to the director or secretary of each school district or board of education in such county, to be filed as a part of the records of such district; and he shall also file one of said certified copies of prices in his office as a part of the records of said office. [S. L,. 1899, Ch. 29, Sec. 6.] Superintendent Must Furnish Form of Contract. Sec. 2009. It shall be the duty of the state superintendent of public instruction to prepare and have printed a form of con- tract between district boards and publishers of school books and to furnish the same through the county superintendent to the several district boards of the state ; and no other form of contract shall be used by such district boards and publish- ers. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 29, Sec. 7.] Attorney General Must Investigate Violation of Contracts. Sec. 2010. Upon the filing of a written complaint with the state superintendent of public instruction by the officers of any district board, charging any publisher with violating the provisions of such contract as hereinbefore mentioned, the attorney general is hereby instructed, and it shall be his duty, to investigate the same, and if he finds probable cause for action, he shall immediately begin proceedings in the name of the state to enforce the liability on the bond hereinbefore men- tioned. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 29, Sec. 8.] Books Property of District. Sec. 2011. All books purchased by district boards, as hereinbefore mentioned, shall be held as the property of the district and loaned to pupils of the school while purusing a course of study therein, free of charge; but the district board shall hold such pupils responsible for any damage to, loss of, or failure to return such books at the time and to the person that may be designated by the board of such district. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 29, Sec. 9.] Pupils May Purchase Books. Sec. 2012. The provisions of this chapter shall include all school supplies ; Provided, That nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit any pupil or parent from purchasing from the board such books as may be necessary, at cost to 56 SCHOOL, LAWS OF WYOMING the district; Provided, further, That the board may designate some local dealer to handle books for the district with such an increase above contract price to pay cost of transportation and handling, as may be agreed upon between said board and said dealer. [S. L. 1899, Ch. 29, Sec. 10.] TEACHERS. Board of Examiners. Sec. 2013. There shall be established in the state of Wyo- ming a state board of examiners, which shall be composed of three members, who shall be selected and appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction from the principals of the high schools, city and county superintendents and the faculty of the state university in the state. The board shall receive $5.00 a day while actually engaged in the performance of duty and also their actual traveling expenses in attending meetings. It shall be the duty of said board to meet at least annually in the office of the state superintendent of public instruction at the state house and adopt rules and regulations for the granting of certificates to teachers, to prepare examina- tion questions, which shall be sent to the county superintend- ents of the several counties, where examinations shall be held at least twice a year; to receive all papers written by appli- cants for certificates in the various counties and mark such papers, and to return within two weeks to the county superintendent from whose county the papers were received, the result of such examinations and when the result warrants, to recommend to the state superintendent of public instruction that he issue to the applicant a certificate of the proper grade, to keep on file for one year in the office of the state superin- tendent of public instruction at the state house all examination papers and all other papers pertaining to the work of the board, which shall be open at all times to the inspection of the public ; to recommend to the state superintendent of public instruction the issuing of five regular classes of certificates as follows, to be determined by the qualifications of the applicants in each case. Third Class. The applicant shall pass an examination in the following subjects : orthography, reading, penmanship, arithmetic, English grammar, geography, United States his- tory, civil government of the United States and Wyoming, physiology, hygiene and agriculture, securing an average of not less than 70 per cent, and not falling below 50 per cent in any one branch. [S. L. 1913, Ch. 102.] Second Class. The applicant shall pass an examination in all of the subjects required for the third class certificates SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 57 with the following additional subjects : Rhetoric and compo- sition, theory and practice of teaching, securing an average grade of not less than 80 per cent and not falling below 60 per cent in any one branch. First Class. The applicant shall pass an examination in all of the subjects required for the second class certificate with the following additional subjects : Elementary algebra, English and American literature, elementary physchology, physical geography, and any two or more of the following subjects : Plane geometry, botany, zoology, chemistry, general history, Latin, German, political economy, bookkeeping, short- hand, securing an average of not less than 80 per cent and not falling below 60 per cent in any one branch. An applicant for this class of certificate must have had not less than one school year of successful experience in teaching. Professional Second Class. The applicant shall pass an examination in the same subjects as those required for the first class certificate with at least two additional electives and the following subjects in addition thereto : School manage- ment, pedagogy, methods and history of education, and secure the same average and minimum grades as those required for first class certificates. Applicants for this certificate must have had not less than two years of successful experience in teaching. Professional First Class. The applicant at the time of his application must have had not less than three years of suc- cessful experience in teaching and must have previously been granted a professional second class certificate and pass an examination upon the subjects of advanced psychology and school supervision. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. I.] Recommend Issuance of Certificates. Sec. 2014. The state board of examiners shall upon appli- cation recommend to the state superintendent of public instruction the issuance of certificates of any of the classes named in section 2013 to the following persons without exam- ination : Third Class. Graduates of the preparatory school of the University of Wyoming and of high schools in the state of Wyoming whose diplomas represent the completion of a regu- lar four years' course of study above the eighth grade. Second Class. Graduates of the preparatory school of the University of Wyoming and of high schools in the state of Wyoming whose diplomas represent the completion of a regu- lar four years' course of study above the eighth grade, who in addition thereto have successfully pursued a course of study 58 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING in the state normal school of the University of Wyoming for a period of not less than eighteen weeks. First Class. Graduates of the preparatory school of the University of Wyoming and of high schools in the state of Wyoming whose diplomas represent the completion of a regu- lar four years' course of study above the eighth grade, who in addition thereto have successfully pursued a course of study in the state normal school of the University of Wyoming for a period of not less than one year, and must have had not less than one year of successful experience in teaching. Professional Second Class. Graduates of the state nor- mal school of the University of Wyoming who have had at least one year of successful teaching. Professional First Class. Graduates of the college of lib- eral arts of the University of W^yoming who have elected their major subject in their course of study at the university in the departments of psychology and pedagogy, said major being equal to at least one-fifth of the entire course of study pursued, or who pass a satisfactory examination upon the professional subjects required for a professional second class certificate and who have had at least two years of successful experience in teaching. Provided, That no certificates of any class shall be renewed without examination except as hereinafter pro- vided by this chapter. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 2.] Classes of Certificates. Sec. 2015. The various classes of certificates named in Section 2014 shall be valid in the entire state of Wvoming for the following periods : Third class, one year ; second class, two years ; first class, four years; professional second class and professional first class for life. Provided, That no certificate shall be granted to any person under seventeen years of age and that any certi- ficate of any class upon recommendation of the state board of examiners may be revoked by the state superintendent of pub- lic instruction for gross inefficiency or immoral character. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33. Sec. 3.] Grades. Sec. 2016. The various classes of certificates named in Section 2014 shall be valid to teach in the schools of Wyo- ming as follows : Third and second class certificates in the common schools from the kindergarten to the eighth grade, inclusive; first class certificates in the common schools from the kindergarten to the eighth grade, inclusive, and for assis- tants in high schools in subjects covered by the examinations SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 59 and for principals and superintendents of schools having no high school grades ; professional second class certificates in any public school and for principals and superintendents of schools having not more than a two year high school course ; profes- sional first class certificates in any public school and for prin- cipals and superintendents of schools of any grade. Provided, That persons now holding positions in this state as principals and superintendents of schools having high schools of any grade may continue to teach and supervise in positions of the same class upon any certificate of as high grade as that now held by the said person until July 1st, 1911. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 4.] Special Certificates. Sec. 2017. The state superintendent of public instruction upon the recommendation of the state board of examiners shall issue the following special certificates: A Temporary Certificate. An applicant for this class of certificate must have been engaged to teach a school in the state and present a request to the state board of examiners for this class of certificate from a member of the school board engag- ing her services, endorsed by the county superintendent of the county in which the applicant has been engaged to teach. Provided, That a good and sufficient reason must be presented showing why such temporary certificate should be granted and that this class of certificate is good only until the next regular examination. Diploma Certificate. This certificate shall be granted to graduates of the state normal school and of the college of liberal arts of the University of Wyoming for the period named in Section 2014 necessary to gain experiences required for any life certificate. Special Primary Certificate. This certificate shall be granted for four years upon the following qualifications and shall be valid to teach in primary and kindergarten grades, the applicant must have held previously two certificates of as high a class as the second class and must have had not less than four years' successful experience in teaching and shall pass an examination upon primary and kindergarten methods, elementary psychology, methods and school management, making an average of not less than 75 per cent and not falling below 60 per cent in any one branch. Special Technical Certificate. This certificate shall be valid for four years to teach special technical subjects. The applicant shall pass an examination in the special branches 60 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING which he expects to teach, making an average of not less than 80 per cent. Provided, That this certificate may be granted without examination to graduates of any technical school or college of the University of Wyoming to teach subjects cov- ered by the course of study which the applicant pursued and that it may be renewable for life for such applicant upon exam- ination in professional subjects required for the regular professional second class certificate. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. State Board of Examiners Shall be Judge. Sec. 2018. Certificates granted in other states and of as high rank as the first or second class certificates, having requirements equivalent to those in this state may be given the same validity in this state. The state board of examiners shall be the judge of equivalency. Exemption certificates granted to graduates of the state normal school and other schools of the University of Wyoming, may be granted to the graduates of other normal schools and colleges of equivalent rank. The state board of examiners shall be the judge of equivalency. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 6.] Board Discretionary Power. Sec. 2019. The board of examiners may have discretion- ary power to extend the first and second class certificates upon the completion of course of study in the state reading circle, provided, however, that no certificate shall be extended for a longer period than that for which it was originally granted and that after July ist, 1911, no extension shall be made for more than two years at a time and that the examination for each year's extension must be based upon the reading of not fewer than two books. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 7.] Certificate Necessary for Compensation. Sec. 2020. No person shall teach or supervise a public school in the state of Wyoming and receive compensation therefor out of any public fund who at the time of rendering such services is not a holder of a certificate granted under the provisions of this chapter. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 8.] Examiners Recommend List of Books. Sec. 2021. It shall be the further work of the state board of examiners to recommend annually a list of books for the state reading circle for teachers and also a list of books suit- able for general reading for pupils of the various grades. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 9.] SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 61 Register Their Certificates. Sec. 2022. Teachers who contract to teach in any county of the state of Wyoming and who secure a certificate of any class from the state superintendent of public instruction shall in every case register their certificate in the office of the county superintendent of schools of said county before begin- ning to teach therein. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 10.] Fees. Sec. 2023. Every applicant for a certificate of any class to be granted upon examination or by exemption or renewal shall pay to the state board of examiners the following fee : Temporary certificates $ .50 Second and third class certificates and . special certificates i.oo First and professional certificates 1.50 These fees shall be collected by the county superintendent of schools at the time of taking the examination, or at the time of making application for a certificate. The county superintendent of schools shall transmit to the secretary of the state board of examiners all fees collected^ as provided by this section, who shall issue his receipt therefor in duplicate, the original to be forwarded to the county superintendent and the duplicate to be transmitted to the state superintendent of public instruction. The fees received by the state board of examiners shall be paid to the state treasurer and by him credited to the general fund of the state. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. ii.] Duty Secretary of Board. Sec. 2024. It shall be the duty of the secretary of the state board of examiners to give bond of not less than $1,000, for the faithful performance of his duties, the expense of said bond to be borne out of the funds appropriated for the support of the state board of examiners, said bond to be approved as other state bonds. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 12.] Temporary Certificates. Sec. 2025. A teacher contracting to begin a school in the interim of examinations and not holding any certificate to teach in this state may make an application for a temporary certificate as provided in Section 2017; and in the meantime the county superintendent of schools of the county in which the applicant proposes to teach may issue to such an applicant a permit to proceed to teach legally in said school for a period long enough for the state board of examiners to act upon such applications. Provided, That no such permit shall be valid unless an application for a certificate shall be made to the state 62 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING board of examiners of even or preceding date and that said permit shall state the fact of such application therein. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 13.] Certificates How Issued. Sec. 2026. The superintendent of public instruction shall issue to teachers certificates of the proper grade on recom- mendation of the state board of examiners, which certificate shall entitle the holder to teach in Wyoming for the time fixed by law for that particular class of certificate. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec. 14.] Annual Report. Sec. 2027. The state board of examiners shall make an annual report to the state superintendent of public instruction covering such points as the state superintendent may require. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 33, Sec, 15.] SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. Note. School trustees are urged when considering the issuance of school bonds, to consult with local attorneys. Authority to Call Election to Determine Issue. Sec. 2028. The board of school trustees of any school district may, whenever a majority thereof so decide, submit to the electors of the district the question whether the board shall be authorized to issue the coupon bonds of the district to a certain amount, not to exceed two per cent of the taxable property in said district, and bearing a certain rate of interest, not exceeding six per cent per annum, and payable and redeemable at a certain time, not exceeding twenty-five years, for the purpose of building one or more school houses in said district, and providing the same with necessary furniture, and funding outstanding indebtedness evidenced by warrant or otherwise, against said district. [S. L. 1897, Ch. 41.] Bond Election Issue of Bonds. Sec. 2029. Such elections must be held in the manner prescribed for general or special elections in school districts, and the ballots must contain the words "Bonds, yes/' or "Bonds, no." If the majority of the votes at such election are "Bonds, yes," the board of trustees must issue such bonds in such form as the board may direct; they must bear the signatures of the president of the board of trustees and be countersigned by the clerk of the school district, and bear the district seal and be countersigned by the county treasurer, and the coupon attached to the bonds must be signed by the presi- SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 63 dent and clerk and the county treasurer. And each bond so issued must be registered by the county treasurer in a book provided for that purpose, which must show the number and amount of each bond, and the 'person to whom the same is issued, and the said bonds must be sold by the said school trustees, as provided in section two thousand and thirty. [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. 2.] Sale of Bonds Application of Proceeds. Sec. 2030. The school trustees must give notice in some newspaper of general circulation, published in the capital of this state, and also in some newspaper published in the county in which said school district is located, for a period of not less than four weeks, to the effect that the said school trustees will sell said bonds, briefly describing the same, and the time and place where such sale will take place ; Provided, That the said bonds must not be sold for less than their par value, and the said trustees are authorized to reject any bids, and to sell said bonds at private sale, if they deem it for the best interests of the district; and all money arising from the sale of said bonds must be paid forthwith into the treasury of the county in which said district may be located, to the credit of said district, and the same shall be immediately available for the purpose of building or providing the school house, or school nouses, authorized by this chapter. [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. 3.] Pledge for Payment. Sec. 2031. The faith of each school district is solemnly pledged for the payment of the interest, and the redemption of the principal of all bonds which are issued under this chap- ter. [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. 4.] Tax Levy to Redeem and Pay Interest. Sec. 2032. The board of county commissions of the proper county of each district must ascertain and levv annual- ly, the tax necessary to pay the interest as it becomes due, and a sinking fund to redeem the said bonds at their maturity ; and said tax is a lien upon the property in said school district, and must be collected in the same manner as other taxes for school purposes. Said tax shall be known as "district bond tax of school district No " [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. 5.] Redemption. Sec. 2033. When the sum in the sinking fund equals or exceeds the amount of any bond then due, the county treasurer shall post in his office, a notice that he will, within thirty days from the date of such notice, redeem the bonds then payable, giving the number thereof, and the preference must be given 64 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING to the oldest issue ; and if, at the expiration of the said thirty days the holder or holders of said bonds shall fail or neglect to present the same for payment, interest thereon must cease ; but the treasurer shall, at all times thereafter, be ready to redeem the same on presentation, and when any bonds are so purchased or redeemed, the county treasurer must cancel the same by writing across the face of each bond in red ink, the word "cancelled," and the date of such cancellation. The annual interest on all of said bonds shall be payable at the office of the treasurer of the proper county on the first and ten succeding days of January in each year. [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. 6.] Payment of Interest. Sec. 2034. The county treasurer may pay out of any moneys belonging to a school district tax fund, the interest upon any bonds issued under this chapter by such school dis- trict, when the same becomes due, upon the presentation at his office of the proper coupon, which must show the amount due, and the number of the bond to which it belonged, and all coupons so paid, must be reported to the school trustees at their first regular meeting thereafter. [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. 7.] Preparation of Bonds. Sec. 2035. The school trustees of any district shall cause to be printed or lithographed at the lowest rates, suitable bonds, with the coupons attached, when the same become necessary, and pay therefor out of any moneys in their treas- ury. [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. 8.] Penalty for Misapplication of Funds by Trustees. Sec. 2036. If any of the school trustees fraudulently fail or refuse to pay into the proper county treasury the money airsing from the sale of any bonds provided for by this chap- ter, they shall be deemed guilty of felony, and upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the state penitentiary for a term of not less than one year, nor more than ten years. [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. 9.] County Treasurer Shall Have Custody of Funds. Sec. 2037. The county treasurer of such county shall have the custody of all funds realized from the sale of said bonds, until the same are drawn out by the order of the board of directors of said districts. [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. 10.] Additional Bond of County Treasurer. Sec. 2038. The board of trustees of said district shall SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 65 require the said county treasurer to give said district a separ- ate bond in such sum as said board may deem proper, with two or more sufficient sureties, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of the duties required of him by this chapter, and the faithful accounting for the moneys deposited with him and realized from the sale of said bonds, as herein provided for, and such bonds shall be approved by said board and shall be and remain in the custody of said board of trustees. [S. L. 1888, Ch. 72, Sec. ii.] REFUNDING SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. Power of Board to Issue Refunding Bonds. Sec. 2039. The board of directors of each and every school district in the state of Wyoming are hereby authorized to issue refunding bonds of such school district, for the purpose of taking up outstanding bonds of such school district, for any sum not exceeding the amount of outstanding bonds; Provided, That the qualified electors of any school district shall so elect and determine at any regular meeting, or at any special meeting, held for such purpose. [S. t. 1893, Ch. 10, Sec. i.] Form of Bond, Time and Interest. Sec. 2040. Said bonds shall be issued in sums of not less than one hundred dollars, and shall be redeemed by the school district issuing the same within a period not exceeding thirty years, and not less than five years from the date of issue, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, on each dollar of their face, which interest shall be payable annually or semi-annually, the rate of interest to be determined by the board of school directors. Such bonds shall be numbered from one upwards, and be header! "Refunding bonds of school district No , in the county of , state of Wyoming" ; and before being issued shall be registered by the treasurer of the county within which such school dis- trict is situated. [S. L. 1893, Ch. 10. Sec. 2.] Registration of Bond. Sec. 2041. The county treasurer of each county shall keep a book in which shall be registered all such bonds, showing the number of the bond, the date of issue, amount, number of coupons, date of redemption, date of registry and payment of interest on such bonds, which book shall, during business hours, be open for inspection. [S. L. 1893, Ch. 10, Sec. 3.] By Whom Signed and Sale Thereof. Sec. 2042. All bonds so issued .shall be signed by the presiding officer of the board of directors of such school dis- 66 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING trict, countersigned by the county treasurer of the county in which such school district is situated, and attested by the clerk of such school district, with the seal of such school district attached ; and none of such bonds shall be sold for less than their face value, and shall not be sold until thirty days' notice shall have been given in some newspaper of general circulation in the state of Wyoming. [S. L. 1893, Ch. 10, Sec. 4.] Coupons Where Paid. Sec. 2043. Said bonds shall have coupons attached, repre- senting the interest to be paid each year; and the coupons representing said interest shall be detached from the bonds before presentation for payment of the interest for the year corresponding and upon payment shall be forthwith cancelled by the county treasurer, by writing the word "cancelled" across the face thereof. The interest on all such bonds shall be payable at the office of the county treasurer of the county in which such school district issuing such bonds is situated, or in any place designated by the board of school directors of such school district. [S. L. 1893, Ch. 10, Sec. 5.] Tax to Pay Interest and Principal. Sec. 2044. There shall be annually levied by the board of county commissioners of the county, within which is sit- uated any school district issuing any such bonds, as are herein provided for, on all taxable property within the limits of said school district, a tax not to exceed seven mills on the dollar of valuation, which shall be known as the "Refunding bond fund of school district " Said tax shall be payable only in the lawful money of the United States, and shall be used to pay the interest and principal of said bonds, and for no other purpose, and said tax shall be collected in the same manner, and at the same time as the county taxes, and paid into the county treasury by the collector of taxes. [S. L. 1893, Ch. 10, Sec. 6.] Duty of School Directors as to Redemption. Sec. 2045. The board of school directors of any school district, which may issue bonds, as provided in this chapter, shall each year, after the tenth year, retire as many of such bonds as can be redeemed, with the amount of said bond fund at the time in the hands of the county treasurer, and in all such cases, such bonds shall be redeemed by the payment of number one first, and proceeding continuously upwards with those outstanding. AH cancelled bonds shall be turned over to the board of directors at such times as they may direct. [S. L. 1893, Ch. 10, Sec. 7.] SCHOOL, LAWS OF WYOMING 67 Property in District Pledged for Payment. Sec. 2046. All taxable property of any school district issuing bonds, as herein provided for, at the time of issuing such bonds, shall be pledged for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds in the manner herein provided, and it shall not be lawful to use or divert any portion of such bond fund for any purpose whatever, except for the payment of such principal and interest. [S. L. 1893, Ch. 10, Sec. 8.1 Duty of County Treasurer. Sec. 2047. The county treasurer of each county in which any school district, issuing bonds as herein provided for, is situated, shall have custody of all funds realized from the sale of such bonds, and shall pay the same out only upon the return of such bonds, for the redemption of which the refunding bonds, for the issue of which this chapter provides, may*have been issued. Such bonds so redeemed shall be cancelled by the county treasurer and turned over to the board of school directors of the school district which issued said redeemed bonds at such time as they may direct. It shall be the duty of the county treasurer to give a separate bond to be made to such school district, in such sum and with such sureties as the board of county commissioners of the county may deem proper and sufficient, conditioned for the faithful accounting of the moneys deposited with him and realized from the sale of such bonds as are herein provided for, and such treasurer's separate bond shall be and remain in the custody of the county clerk of the county in which such school district is situated. [S. L. 1893, Ch. 10, Sec. 9.] Funds Realized from Sale of Refunding Bonds. Sec. 2048. Whenever any school district shall have issued its refunding bonds, and the funds realized from the sale of such refunding bonds, by reason of such bonds selling for more than their par value, are more than sufficient to redeem all the bonds, to redeem which said refunding bonds were issued, such surplus may be used : First, to pay all the expense of issuing and disposing of said refunding bonds. Second, any surplus still remaining shall be turned by the county treas- urer into the "Refunding bond fund" of such school district, and used for the purposes for which such fund is used as pro- vided in section two thousand and forty-four. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 10, Sec. i.] Balance in the Hands of County Treasurer How Used. Sec. 2049. Whenever any school district shall have issued its refunding bonds and there remains in the hands of the 68 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING county treasurer of the county in which said school district is situated, any moneys belonging to the funds provided by law for the payment of the principal or interest, or both, of the bonds, to redeem which said refunding bonds were issued, said money may be used : First, to pay any deficiency in the expenses of issuing and disposing of said refunding bonds that cannot be paid by the surplus realized from the sale of said refunding bonds. Second, any moneys still remaining in said fund shall be turned by said county treasurer into the "Re- funding bond fund" of such school district and used for the purposes for which such fund is used as provided in section two thousand and forty-four. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 10, Sec. 2.] Surplus How Used. Sec. 2050. The county treasurer of any county in which is situated a school district that may issue refunding bonds, is hereby authorized and required to pay out the surplus moneys derived from the sale of any such refunding bonds, or the surplus moneys remaining in the old fund for the expenses incurred by such school district in issuing and disposing of such refunding bonds on orders of the school board of such school district, which orders shall state on their face that the money to be so paid was a legitimate expense incurred in the issue and sale of such refunding bonds. When all of such expense has been paid by the issue of such orders or otherwise, the board of directors shall, over the seal of said district, notify said county treasurer of the fact that all the expense incurred in the issue and sale of such refunding bonds has been paid, whereupon said treasurer shall immediately transfer all moneys remaining in his hands applicable to the payment of interest or principal of the old bonds to the "Refunding bond fund" of such school district ; Provided, however, That all the bonds to redeem which said refunding bonds were issued have alread)^ been paid. [S. L. 1895,, Sec. 3.] HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. High School Districts. Sec. 2051. That for the purpose of affording better educa- tional facilities for pupils more advanced than the studies provided in the district schools existing in the several counties in this state, and in addition to such school districts as are now organized, or which may hereafter be formed under the laws for the creation and formation of the same, there may be organized and established a high school district and a free high school therein on conditions and in the manner herein- after prescribed, the territorial- extent of which may embrace SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 69 any number of present organized and constituted school dis- tricts, the qualified electors of which may vote to become a part of such high school district and participate in the main- tenance and benefits of such high school organization. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. i.] Body Corporate. Sec. 2052. Each high school district which may be formed under the provisions of this chapter, is hereby declared to be a body corporate by the name and style of " High School, State of Wyoming," and in that name it may hold property and be a party to suits and contracts. [S- L. 1907, Ch. 57, Sec. i.] How Formed. Sec. 2053. Whenever one hundred freeholders in any ter- ritory sought to be organized into a high school district under the provisions of this chapter, a portion of which shall be free- holders of each school district intended to be embraced within such high school district, shall petition the board of county commissioners of the county within which such territory is, requesting the organization and establishment of a high school district under the provisions of this chapter, defining the boun- daries thereof, and describing the lands to be embraced therein, by townships and ranges or fractions of townships, the board shall, at their first meeting thereafter, give twenty days' notice by publication in the official paper of said county that the question of the creation of such high school district will be submitted to the electors of the territory so to be embraced in such high school district at a designated time, not to exceed thirty days from the expiration of the said twentydays' notice, whether such high school district shall be created and estab- lished. In addition to said notice, the trustees in the several school districts embraced within such territory thus to be organized into such high school district, shall be notified by such board of county commissioners of the holding of said election immediately after the first publication of the notice provided for in this section. And it shall be the duty of said school trustees to post a copy of said published notice on the front door of each school house in their said respective districts of such impending election. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 34.] Election Called by County Commissioners. Sec. 2054. Such election shall be conducted in all respects the same as the election for school trustees, except that the said board of county commissioners shall call the election and that there shall be no registration of voters required or printed 70 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING ballots furnished. Each school district to constitute a part of such high school district, shall constitute a voting precinct for the purpose of this chapter. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 4.] Failure Trustees to Open Election. Sec. 2055. If for any reason the trustees of any such school district fail to open such election in the manner pro- vided, then and in such event the qualified electors of such school district assembled at the time and place for holding such election shall organize by appointing a ctiairman and secretary, who shall act as judges of such election. [S. L,. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 5.] Judges of Election. Sec. 2056. In school districts having six trustees, three of their number shall be designted by them to act as judges of such election, but if for any reason they do not appear, the qualified electors of such school district there assembled may proceed to elect three persons having the qualifications of electors to act as judges thereat. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 6.] Election by Ballot. Sec. 2057. Said election shall be by ballot either written or printed and none but qualified electors of such school dis- trict shall be permitted to vote thereat. And the name of each person voting shall be recorded by the judges certified as such and return thereof made with the ballots as hereinafter pro- vided. Those in favor of the creation and organization of the high school district shall write or print on their ballots "For high school district." Those opposed to the creation and organization of the high school district shall write or print on their ballots, ''Opposed to high school district." [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 7.] Canvass. Sec. 2058. After the election the ballots on said question shall be canvassed in the same manner as for school trustees, except that the judges of such election in the different pre- cincts shall forward the returns by registered mail to the county clerk of the county to be canvassed and the result to be determined by the board of county commissioners. The work of canvassing the returns shall be expeditiously done, and if for any reason delay should occur in forwarding the returns from the different precincts or from any of them, the board of county commissioners shall see that the delayed returns are promptly obtained. ['S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 8.] SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 71 When Created Appointment First Trustee. Sec. 2059. When the returns of such election shall have been received by the county clerk, the board of county com- missioners shall proceed without delay to canvass the same, and determine and declare the result of such election-, and enter the same upon their minutes. Such high school district shall be created, and said board of county commissioners shall declare the same to be composed of all precincts wherein a majority vote has been in favor of said proposition. The board of county commissioners shall give notice of the result of the election, naming the territory embraced in such created high school district, as shown by the election and as provided in this section, and thereupon ?uch territorv shal) at once be created and constitute such high school district. The board of county commissioners shall thereafter, by order duly entered, promptly proceed to appoint six persons possessing qualifications of electors within the described territory and taxpayers thereof, who shall, with the county superintendent as ex officio member thereof, constitute a board of trustee* of said high school district. Each of such trustees so appointed shall hold office until the first Monday in May next following his appointment, and until his successor is elected and quali- fied and shall within ten days of his appointment qualify by taking the oath required of 'county officers, and giving bond as may be required by the county commissioners for the faith- ful discharge of his duties, whereupon said high school dis- trict shall become fully organized. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 57, Sec. 2.] Election of Trustees Time. Sec. 2060. The election of high school district trustees '.hall be held at the same time and place and in the same man- ner as trustees of other school districts except that in high school district elections the returns shall be made to the county clerk of the county, and the same canvassed, the result deter- mined and declared by the board of county commissioners as in the organization of a high school district. The acting and qualified trustees of such high school district may, until other- wise provided by law, make rules and regulations to secure uniformity in the nomination of candidates for such trustees ; Provided, however, That no such rules and regulations shall abridge the right of qualified voters to vote for any candidate they may desire for such trustee. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 57, Sec. 3.] Trustees Terms. Sec. 2061. There shall be elected in each high school dis- trict at the regular annual school election on the first Monday in May of each year, in the same**nanner as provided by law 72 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING for the election of trustees for school districts, except as pro- vided in the preceding section, three trustees for such high school district, who shall hold office for a term of two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. On the next succeeding first Monday in May after the establishment of a high school district there shall be elected in said district six trustees, who shall be divided into two classes of three each. The term of those in the first class shall expire one year from the first Monday in May following their election, and the term of those in the second class shall expire two years from the first Monday in A-fay following their election . When a vacancy occurs in the office of trustees in said district by death, resignation, removal from the district or otherwise, the fact of said vacancy shall be immediately certified by the secre- tary, and such vacancy shall be filled by appointment by said board of trustees until the next annual election, at which time such vacancy shall be filled by election. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. II.] Quorum. Sec. 2062. A majority of such board of trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business, but four votes shall be required to decide any question. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 12.] Where Located. Sec. 2063. The high school in said district shall be located at the county seat of government whenever said county seat is within the territory constituting such district, and a high school may be located in any other district selected by the electors of said district. [S. X. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 13.; S. L. 1907, Ch. 57, Sec. 4.] Powers of Board Officers. Sec. 2064. At their first meeting in each year the trustees shall choose from their number a president and a secretary, who shall hold office for one year or until their successors are chosen and qualified. The county treasurer of the county wherein such high school district is, shall be the custodian of all funds available for such school purposes, under the provi- sions of this chapter. Payment shall be made by said treas- urer upon warrants, drawn against said funds duly signed by the president and secretary. The trustees shall have author- ity to make all necessary rules for the government of said high school not inconsistent with law, and shall possess all powers which may be delegated to the board of trustees in other school districts, at the annual meetings thereof. Such high SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 73 school district shall be recognized as one of the regular consti- tuted school districts of the county, and shall be entitled to and shall receive all the rights and benefits as such. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 14.] Tax Levy Bonds. Sec. 2065. At the first meeting of the board of trustees after any election in each year, or at any appropriate time, the said trustees shall make an estimate of the amount of funds needed for building purposes, for the payment of teachers' wages and for the payment of contingent expenses, and they shall present to the board of county commissioners a certified estimate of the tax required to raise the amount desired for such purpose. But in no case shall the tax for such purpose exceed in any one year the amount of ten mills on the dollar on all taxable property in said district, and when the tax is levied for the payment of teachers' wages and contingent ex- penses only, it shall not exceed two mills on the dollar. Provided, That said trustees may, if in their judgment they think best, bond said district for the purpose of raising money necessary to build, equip a high school in said district, and to purchase a suitable site therefor. But no bonds shall ever be issued to pay teachers' salaries, or for the general expenses in maintaining said school, or, further, that no bonds shall be issued, by such district beyond the united bonding capability of the territory embraced within such district, tak- ing into consideration existing obligations thereof at the time of the creation of such high school district, nor shall the issuance of any such bonds impair any outstanding obligations of any portion of the territory embraced within such high school district. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 15.] Submission of Bonding Question to Electors. Sec. 2066. The board of trustees of the high school dis- trict, whenever a majority of the board shall so desire, may submit to the electors of said district the question of whether the board shall issue bonds of said district for the purchase or erection of a building for high school purposes and the equipment and for a suitable site therefor, provided that no such district shall be bonded for the above purpose in any amount to exceed $50,000.00 and provided such bonds must run a term of twenty-five years or less, but no longer, and provided any such issue of bonds shall not increase the school indebtedness of the territory of said district beyond the maxi- mum limit fixed by the state constitution. Said election shall be held in the manner prescribed in this chapter for the sub- mission of the question of the establishment of said high 74 SCHOOL -LAWS OF WYOMING school district, except that the board of high school trustees shall officiate in the place of the board of county commission- ers in giving the notices for and in determining the result of said election. The ballot shall be in the form as follows : "Shall bonds be issued and sold to the amount $ , bearing per cent interest, for the purpose of pur- chasing a school lot and building a school thereon and to equip the same?" "Bonds, Yes." "Bonds, No." The ballots herein provided for shall be printed and fur- nished in sufficient quantities at the different polling places for the use of the electors by the board of high school trustees. The elector shall prepare his ballot by crossing out thereon parts of the ballots in such a manner that the remaining part shall express his vote upon the question submitted. If a majority of the votes cast at such election are "Bonds,Yes," the board of high school trustees shall issue such bonds in such form as the board may direct and shall bear the signature of the president and the secretary of such board written in ink. The coupons attached to said bonds shall be signed in the same manner. Lithographic or fac simile signatures of the president and secretary may be affixed to the coupons only when so stated in the bonds. Each bond so issued shall be registered by the county treasurer in a book provided for that purpose, which shall show the number and amount of each bond and the person to whom same is issued. Said bonds shall be sold by said trustees in the manner provided for the sale of school dis- trict bonds, and the moneys arising from the sale thereof shall be paid into the treasury of the county to the credit of said high school district. The faith of the said high school district is solemnly pledged for the interest and redemption of the prin- cipal of the bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter. The county commissioners at the time of making the levy of taxes for county purposes shall levy a tax for that year upon the taxable property in said high school district for the interest and redemption of said bonds, and said tax must not be less than sufficient to pay the interest of said bonds for that year and such proportion of the principal as will come due during such year, and in any event must be high enough to raise an- nually for the first half of the term, (and) high enough to pay such annual interest and to pay annually a portion of the principal of said bonds equal to the sum pledged by taking the whole amount of said bonds outstanding and dividing it by the number of years for which said bonds have to run, and all moneys so collected must be paid into the county treasurer to the credit of said high school district and kept in a separate SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 75 fund, and to be used for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds, and for no other purpose. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 16.] Payment of Bonds. Sec. 2067. Said bonds shall be paid, principal and inter- est, in the manner provided for the payment of school district bonds. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 17.] Estimate for Maintenance When Bonds Are Issued. Sec. 2068. In case bonds are issued, then the trustees, in making estimates for the maintenance of the high school, shall not include estimates for buildings or whatever said bonds are issued for. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 18.] Collection of Tax. Sec. 2069. The tax provided for in Section 2065 shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other county taxes, and when collected the county treasurer shall place the same to the credit of said high school district. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 19.] Record of Proceedings. Sec. 2070. The said board of trustees of said high school district shall keep a record of all the official acts done by said board, shall keep a full record of all warrants issued against the moneys belonging to said high school district. Payments of money can only be made upon warrants drawn against funds belonging to said high school district and the warrants so drawn must specify upon their face the purpose for which funds, called for by the warrants so issued. Said board of trustees of said high school district shall provide, at the ex- pense of their district and for said district, a seal, upon which shall be engraved the words " County High School, State of Wyoming," said blank space to contain the name of the county wherein is located such high school district. The seal shall be kept in possession of the clerk of said dis- trict. Said seal shall be affixed to all communications or no- tices required by law to be sent or published by said high school board and to all warrants drawn upon the treasurer of said high school trustees. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 57, Sec. 5.] Trustees Provide Suitable Buildings. Sec. 2071. The said board of trustees shall proceed as soon as practicable after their appointment and qualification to establish the high school contemplated by this chapter, and may at their discretion lease suitable buildings for the use of the high school while the new buildings are in process of erection, or may contract with the trustees of the local school 76 SCHOOL, LAW^ OF WYOMING district, or with other parties for the use of suitable buildings for such high school purpose, and for such time as may be deemed best for the interest of such high school district, and if at any time the qualified electors of such district shall vote bonds, as herein provided, said trustees shall select the best site that can be obtained and the title thereto, upon procuring such site, purchased or otherwise, shall vest in such high school district under the name herein provided for and the trustees shall then proceed to make purchase of material and to build said building thereon, or to let such contracts for the neces- sary school buildings as they may deem proper. They shall not, however, make any purchase or enter into any contract whereby obligations are assumed in excess of the amount, of funds on hand or available through the levy of taxes or the is- suance of bonds for the current year. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. ] Employment of Faculty. Sec. 2072. After suitable buildings are secured as herein above provided for the carrying on of said high school, the trustees shall employ some suitable person to take charge of said school, who shall be known as principal of said school, and who shall possess such qualifications as may be prescribed by said board of trustees, except that said principal shall be required to possess at least five years' experience in teaching, and the trustees shall furnish such assistant teachers as they may deem necessary, and shall designate the salaries which shall be paid such principal and assistant teachers. [S. L- 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 22.] Government. Sec. 2073. The principal of any such high school, with the approval of the board of trustees, shall make such rules and regulations as may be deemed proper in regard to study, conduct and government of the pupils under his charge; and if any such pupil shall not conform to or obey the rules of the school, they may be suspended or expelled therefrom by the board of trustees. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 23.] Courses of Study. Sec. 2074. There shall be provided such courses of study as will prepare and fit a student attending such high school for admission to the university of this state, and such courses of study must be sufficient for such purposes. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 24.] Tuition Admission. Sec. 2075. Tuition shall be free to all pupils who are bona fide residents of said high school district. The board of SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 77 trustees shall make such general rules and regulations as they deem proper in regard to age and grade of attainments es- sential to entitle pupils to admission to said school ; Provided, That no person shall be admitted to such high school who shall not have passed a satisfactory examination, or who does not hold an eighth grade common school certificate. If there shall be more applicants than can be accommodated at any one time, each district shall be entitled to send its proportionate number of pupils according to the number of pupils it may have as shown by the last report of the county superintendent of schools, and the boards of the respective school districts shall designate such pupils as shall attend subject to the proviso above stated. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 25.] Admission of Pupils From Other Districts. Sec. 2076. If at any time the school can accommodate more pupils than apply for admission from the district, the vacancies may be filled by applicants from other counties or school districts, upon the payment of such tuition as the board of trustees may prescribe, but at no time shall such pupils re- main in said school to the exclusion of pupils residing in the district. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 26.] Mileage of Trustees No Compensation Reports. Sec. 2077. The trustees of said high school district who do not reside at the place where said high school is established are entitled to mileage in attending the meetings of the board. The trustees of said high school shall serve without compensa- tion, and the board shall make such reports from time to time as the county superintendent of schools or the state superin- tendent of public instruction may require. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 27.] Certificates of Graduation Admission to State University. Sec. 2078. Upon the presentation of a certificate of gradu- ation from any such high school within one year of the date of same, to any state institution of learning, the person pre- senting the same may be admitted without further examina- tion to said instituion of learning. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 28.] No Tuition to Bona Fide Residents. Sec. 2079. Such high school shall be free to all persons of school age, possessing the qualifications, who are bona fide residents of said high school district. [S. L. 1905, Ch. 67, Sec. 29.] 78 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Districts How Annexed. Sec. 2080. Whenever any "high school district" shall have been created in any county under the provisions of this chapter, and any school district in the county wherein said "high school district" is located shall not, at the time of the election on the establishment of such "high school dis- trict," cast a majority vote in favor of such proposition, such school district may at any time thereafter become a part of such "high school district" in the manner hereinafter provided. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 58, Sec. i.] Petition for Annexation. Sec. 2081. Whenever ten freeholders in any such school district mentioned in Section 2080 hereof, not incorporated within such high school district as mentioned in Section 2080 hereof, shall petition the board of county commissioners of the county wherein said school district is located to make such school district a part of such "high school district" as men- tioned in Section 2080 hereof, describing the lands embraced in said school district by townships and ranges, or fractions of townships, the said board shall, at their first meeting there- after, give twenty days' notice by publication in the official paper of said county that the question whether such territory shall be incorporated within said "high school district" will be submitted to the electors of such school district at a desig- nated time, which shall not exceed thirty days from the expira- tion of said twenty days' notice. In addition to said notice the trustees in said school district thus intended to be incorporated into the said "high school district" shall be notified immedi- ately after the first publication of said notice by such board of county commissioners of the holding of such election, and it shall be the duty of said school trustees to post a copy of said published notice on the front door of each school house in said school district. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 58, Sec. 2.] Submission of Question. Sec. 2082. Such election shall be conducted in all respects as near as may be, as provided in Sections 2054, 2055, 2056, 2057, and 2058, and the duties and acts to be performed shall be performed in the same manner, and by the same persons as therein specified. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 58, Sec. 3.] Return Commissioners' Action. Sec. 2083. When the returns of such election shall have been received by the county clerk, of said county, the board of county commissioners shall proceed without delay to can- vass the same, determine and declare the result of such elec- SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 79 tion, and enter the same upon their minutes, and if a majority vote of such school district has been cast in favor of incorporat- ing such school district within said "high school district," then such school district shall at once become a part of and be incorporated within such "high school district" with the same, force and effect and to all intents and purposes as though originally embraced therein, and for the purpose of maintain- ing and supporting the said "high school district" and its purposes and objects and to pay the current or other expenses, or pay the bonded indebtedness or the interest thereon, the property of such school district, so incorporated within said "high school district" so incorporated shall after such incor- poration in each year be subject to the same taxation as the property of the other territory embraced within said "high school district" and be subject to all the laws, rules and regu- lations governing such "high school district" as though originally incorporated therein. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 58, Sec. 4.] GENERAL ELECTIONS. Vacancy in State Office. Sec. 2087. At each of said general elections there shall also be elected such state officers as may be required to be elected to fill any vacancy occurring by operation of law, or the constitution of this state, including any vacancy or va- cancies in the office of justice of the supreme court. [S. L. 1890-91, Ch. 68, Sec. 4.] State Officers. Sec. 2088. At the general election held in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, and at the general election held every fourth year thereafter, there shall be elected a governor, a secretary of state, an auditor, a treasurer, a superintendent of public instruction, and such other state officers as are, or may be, created by law, and made elective, whose election shall occur, or ought to occur at such general election. [S. L. 1890-91, Ch. 68, Sec. 6.] County Officers to Be Elected. Sec. 2091. The following county and precinct officers shall hold their office by election; and there shall be held in the several voting precincts of this state, on the Tuesday next following the first Monday in November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and on the Tuesday next following the first Monday in November, in each 80 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING second year thereafter, a general election at which the follow- ing county and precinct officers shall be elected : The clerk. The commissioners. The surveyors. The sheriff. The county treasurer. The county and prosecuting attorney. The superintendent of schools. The assessor. The coroner. The justices of the peace. The constables. The clerk of the district court for each county, whenever his term of office shall expire before the next general election, or whenever a vanacy therein is to be filled, and such other county and precinct officers which may be created and made elective by law. In counties having an assessed valuation not exceeding five million dollars, the county clerk shall be ex officio clerk of the district court, and shall perform all the duties pertaining to the office of clerk of the district court, but shall receive no additional or separate compensation there- for. [S. L. 1890-91, Ch. 100, Sec. 3.] Relating to General Elections. Sec. 2092. Except as hereinafter provided every person shall be qualified and entitled to vote who is a citizen of the United States and over the age of twenty-one years and who has been a bona fide resident of Wyoming for one year and of the county wherein his residence is located sixty days next preceding the election at which he votes and of the election district he seeks to vote for a period of ten days next pre- ceding election and who shall be able to read the constitution of this state and who has complied with the provisions of law concerning registration; Provided, however, That any person prevented by physical disability from being able to read the constitution of this state shall not for this reason while labor- ing under such disability be deprived of his right to vote ; Pro- vided, further, That where any qualified elector who has reg- istered in any other precinct in such city or town before the date of election, such voter shall be entitled to vote in the pre- cinct where registered ; Provided, further, That any person who is a citizen of the United States and who was a qualified elector on the tenth day of July in the year 1890 and who has since then continued to be a resident in this state and who has complied with the provisions of law concerning registra- tion shall continue to be an elector of this state ; and, Pro- SCHOOL, LAWS OF WYOMING 81 vided, moreover, That any person who is sewing in the army of the United States or is an officer or solider and who is resid- ing on any military reservation in this state shall not be en- titled to vote at any election held in this state unless such person has acquired the rights of citizenship by residence therein for a period of not less than one year while serving in the army of the United States as such officer or soldier. [S. L. 1911, Ch. 60, Sec. i.] Special County Elections Shall Be Ordered by County Com- missioners. Sec. 21 10. All special elections for county and precinct officers shall be ordered by the county commissioners, which order shall be countersigned by the clerk of the board of county commissioners. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 80, Sec. 53.] Vacancy in Office Who Determines Fact of. Sec. 21 12. Whenever it is alleged that a vacancy in any office exists, the officer, court or county board, whose duty it is to fill the vacancy, by appointment, or to order an election to fill such vacancy, shall have power to determine whether or not the facts occasioning such vacancy exist. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 80, Sec. 47; R. S. 1899, Sec. 217.] GENERAL PROVISIONS. Qualifications of Office Holders. Sec. 2273. No person shall be eligible to any office who, at the time he is chosen and during his encumbency therein, is not a qualified elector and an actual resident of the district, county, town, ward or precinct, as the case may be, in which he holds such office. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 80, Sec. 6.] Woman Suffrage. Sec. 2274. When they possess the other qualifications of an elector, the rights of women to the elective franchise and to hold office shall be the same as those of men. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 80, Sec. 7.] Persons Disqualified from Voting or Holding Office. Sec. 2275. The following persons shall not vote or hold office. One who is under guardianship. One who is non compos mentis. One who has been within Wyoming convicted of any fel- ony, unless restored to civil rights by pardon. One who has made or become, either directly or indirectly, interested in any bet or wager depending upon the result of ,82 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING the election at which he or she shall offer to vote. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 80, Sec. 8.] Resignation of Elective Offices. Sec. 2276. Resignation of elective offices shall be made to the officer, court or county board authorized by law to fill a vacancy in such office by appointment or to order an election to fill such vacancy. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 80, Sec. 43.] Vacancies in Elective Offices How Made. Sec. 2277. Every elective office shall become vacant on the happening of either of the following events to the incum- bent before the end of his term of office : 1. His death. 2. His resignation. 3. His becoming insane or non compos mentis. 4. His ceasing to be an inhabitant of the state, or if the office is local, his ceasing to be an inhabitant of the district, town, ward or precinct for which he was elected. 5. His conviction of an infamous crime or of any offense involving a violation of official oath. 6. His removal from office. 7. His refusal or neglect to take his oath of office, or to give or renew his official bond, or to deposit or file such oath or bond within the time prescribed by law. 8. The decision of a competent tribunal declaring his election void. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 80, Sec. 45.] TAXATION AND REVENUE. Purposes for Which Taxes Levied Limitations upon Amount. Sec. 2320. There shall be levied and assessed upon the taxable real and personal property within this state in each year, the following taxes : First For state revenue, four mills on the dollar when no rate is directed by the state board of equalization before the date in each year when the tax ought to be levied and assessed, but in no case shall the tax for state revenue pur- poses exceed said four mills on the dollar ; except for the sup- port of state educational and charitable institutions, the payment of the state debt and the interest thereon. Second The county commissioners shall annually levy a tax for the support of the common schools in their county, not to exceed three mills on the dollar. For county revenue for all purposes there shall be levied annually a tax. but the aggre- gate tax for county revenue, including general school tax, shall not exceed twelve mills on the dollar, exclusive of state SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 83 revenue, except for the payment of its public debt and the in- terest thereon. An additional tax of two dollars for each per- son between the ages of twenty-one years and fifty years, inclusive, shall be annually levied for county school purposes ; Provided, always, That the board of county commissioners in each and every county of this state shall not expend in any one year, from out of the revenue so raised, for the support of the poor and lunatic purposes, a sum amounting to more than two mills on the dollar for each and every dollar of the assessed valuation of the property within their county for the then cur- rent year; for road purposes, a sum not amounting to more than three mills on the dollar of each and every dollar of assessed valuation of the property within their county for the then current year. [S. L. 1895, "Ch. 102.] Property Exempt from Taxation. Sec. 2321. The following described property is hereby exempted from taxation : First The property of the United States and of this state, the property of any county, township, incorporated cities, towns and school districts ; public libraries, lots with buildings thereon used exclusively for religious wor- ship ; church parsonages ; public grounds by whomsoever donated to the public, including all places for the burial of the dead. Second Fire engines and all implements used for extinguishing fires, with the grounds used exclusively for the buildings of a fire company or companies. Third Household and kitchen furniture, beds and bedding, wearing apparel of every person, and the food provided for each family, not to exceed in all the value of one hundred dollars. Fourth The polls of all persons who have arrived at the age of fifty years. Fifth The property engaged and used in the manufacture of beet sugar or any of the products of sugar beets, in the state of Wyoming, shall be exempt from taxation annually during the actual use of such property for such purpose, for a period of ten years. No factory thus engaged shall be entitled to such exemption unless at least seventy-five per centum of the sugar beets consumed therein during each year shall have been grown in Wyoming; Provided, Sufficient supply can be ob- tained in this'state. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 52; S. L. 1897, Ch. 50.] Property Exempt From Taxatiom Sec. 2322. That lands, with the buildings thereon, used for schools, orphan asylums or hospitals, and for lodge rooms for the meetings of all secret, benevolent and charitable so- cieties or associations shall be exempted from taxation so long as said lands and buildings are not used for private profit. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 5.] 84 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Bonds Exempt From Taxation. Sec. 2323. Coupon or registered interest bearing bonds of the state of Wyoming, or any county, school district, or mu- nicipality of the state of Wyoming shall be exempt from taxa- tion when owned by actual residents of the state, provided, that the owner or owners of such securities shall list the. same annually on their assessment schedule, describinp- such bonds and the amount thereof, and shall mark opposite thereto, on such schedule, "exempt." [S. L. 1905, Ch. 17.] What Property Subject to Taxation. Sec. 2324. All other property, real and personal, within this state is subject to taxation in the manner herein directed, and this section is intended to embrace lands and lots in towns, including lands bought from the United States, whether bought on a credit or otherwise; buildings or improvements erected upon lands, the title to which still remains in the United States, or in any incorporated company, and all lands entered by pre-emption, final or commuted homestead, or as desert land, or at private or public sale, or under any act of congress, when final receipt therefor has been issued, shall be subject to taxation whether patent for the same has been issued or not, and when such final proof shall have been made before the 1st day of April in any year, the land so entered shall be subject to taxation for that year. It shall be the duty of the county commissioners of each county to obtain from the officers of the United States land district in which the county may be situated, an accurate transcript and plat of all entries and sales of public land which may or should be subject to taxation under the laws of the United States, or of this state, described by land numbers in their respective counties. Such tran- scripts shall be filed and preserved in their office, and they shall have the same corrected each year by obtaining as afore- said, additional or supplementary transcripts. On the first Monday in April of each year, they shall cause to be furnished to the county assessor of the county, a true and correct 'plat or plats, corrected as aforesaid of all lands hereinbefore de- scribed, situate in the county, and they are hereby authorized and required to make any appropriation necessary to secure the execution of the work provided for in this section. Ferries, franchises and toll-bridges, all of which, for the purpose of this chapter, shall be considered real property. Horses and neat cattle, mules and asses, sheep, swine, goats, and all dogs and other animals; money in bank bills, coin or gold dust, whether in possesion or on deposit; property, money or labor, due from solvent debtors on contract, or on judgment, and whether within this state or not; mortgages and other like SCHOOL, LAWS OF WYOMING 85 securities, stock or shares in any bank or company, incorpor- ated or otherwise and whether incorporated by this or any other state, and whether situated in this state or not; public stocks or loans, household furniture not otherwise exempt, in- cluding gold and silver plate, musical instruments, watches and jewelry, pleasure carriages, stages, hacks, omnibuses and other vehicles for transporting passengers, wagons, carts, drays, sleds, and every other description of vehicle or carriage, all real and personal property within this state of every kind and description not heretofore enumerated, belonging to or claimed by any incorporated company, whether incorporated in this state or not, annuities but not including pensions from the United States, or any state, nor salaries, nor payment for services expected to be rendered and all other property not above exemptd, although not hrein spcified. [S. L. 1890-91, Ch. 36, Sec. 2.] Time of Making County Levy Form of Tax List. Sec. 2343. On the first Monday of September, of each year, the board of county commissioners shall, by an order to be entered of record among their proceedings, levy the requisite taxes for the year, and the same may be levied at any time prior to the first Monday of September, if the statement and notice required by Section 2340 has been received from the auditor. Immediately after the taxes have been levied the county assessor shall compute the taxes from the credit valuations as corrected by the board of equalization, and as entered by him in the column of corrected valuations in the combined assessment roll and tax list ; Provided, That all taxes for state purposes may be computed as a whole and en- tered in one column. The state examiner is hereby authorized and directed to prescribe the form of such combined assess- ment roll and tax list, which shall be uniform as to general requirements in all counties of the state. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3806; R. S. 1899, Sec. 1781; S. L. 1901, Ch. 10, Sec. i; S. L. 1909, Ch. 121, Sec. i.] Tax for School Purposes. Sec. 2401. The county commissioners shall, at the time of levying tax for county purposes, cause to be levied a tax for the support of schools within the county, as provided by law, which shall be collected by the county collector, at the same time, and in the same manner as state and county taxes are collected, with the exception that it shall be receivable in cash or warrants of the school district. The county treasurer shall, at all times, hold subject to the draft of the proper offi- cers, all moneys belonging to teachers' or school house fund. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3964.] 86 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Assessment When Made. Sec. 2402. Whenever a sum of money has been voted by a school district, as by law provided, the clerk shall, under the supervision of the directors, make out and certify over his official signature, the amount of money voted in his district, and on or before the fourth Monday in May of each year cause the same to be filed in the office of the clerk of the board of county commissioners ; the clerk shall also at the same time notify the district assessor of the assessment district in which said school district is situated, in writing, of the action of the district. Said district assessor shall at the time of making the annual assessment of his district also assess the property of each school district, from which he has received notification as aforesaid, and return to the supervising assessor at the time of returning the assessment schedules, separate schedules list- ing the property of each school district by him assessed. Said separate schedule shall be by the supervising assessor, com- piled, footed and returned to the board of county commission- ers as hereinbefore provided for other assessment schedules. [S. L. 1903, Ch. 79, Sec. 13.] Equalization of Assessment and Levy of Taxes. Sec. 2403. The board of county commissioners of each county shall have the power and it is made their duty to equalize the assessment and valuation of the taxable property of all the several school districts in the county which is assess- able by the county assessor, and shall also have power to add to such assessment any taxable property in such school district not included in the assessments as returned by the assessor, and which it was his duty to assess in the same manner as is or hereafter may be provided by law for county and state pur- poses, and it shall be the duty of the board of county com- missioners when making the annual levy for taxes, to levy upon the taxable property of each school district a tax suffi- cient to raise the amount of money voted in the district for the year, which levy shall also be made upon the assessed valu- ation of railroad and telegraph property in such school dis- trict as assessed by the state board of equalization. And the county clerk in making out the annual tax list shall carry out in a separate column the amount of the district school tax in the same manner as other taxes. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3966.] Manner of Collecting Taxes. Sec. 2404. The taxes and assessments of all school dis- tricts for all purposes, except as otherwise specially provided by law shall be collected like county taxes and all delinquent taxes shall be returned by the collector in the same manner SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 87 as other delinquent taxes are required by law to be returned. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3967.] To Whom School Moneys Paid. Sec. 2405. The amount of tax collected by the county collector shall be paid over to the county treasurer like other taxes, and shall be held by said county treasurer subject to the draft of the county superintendent, and shall be paid over accordingly ; Provided, That the money collected on the dis- trict tax rolls shall be paid by the collector directly to the treasurer of the proper district, and his receipt taken therefor. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3968.] Land Income Funds Available When. Sec. 2485. On the I5th day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and on the I5th day of January of each second year thereafter, any and all moneys which shall be in either of the following land income funds shall become available, and may be used for the following purposes, respectively : First The "deaf, dumb and blind land income fund," for the support, maintenance and education of all such deaf, dumb and blind persons as are or may hereafter become charges upon the state. Second The "insane asylum land income fund," for the support and maintenance of the state insane asylum and the inmates thereof. Third The "fish hatchery land income fund," for the support and maintenance of the state fish hatchery in Albany county. Fund Appropriated. Sec. i. The sum of sixteen thousand seven hundred thirty-five dollars and ninety-five cents now to the credit of the penitentiary in Albany County Land Income Fund, to- gether with any further amounts which may accrue thereto, is hereby appropriated for the payment of expenses heretofore or hereafter accruing for the support and maintenance of the state penitentiary located in Carbon county, and the care and subsistence of the convicts therein. Repeal. Sec. 2. The fourth sub-division of Section 2485 of the Wyoming Compiled Statutes of 1910, relating to the fund named in Section i of this act is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 22, 1913. Fifth The "university land income fund," for the sup- 88 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING port and maintenance of the state university at Laramie, the same to be paid by the state treasurer to the treasurer of the board of trustees of the state university upon the warrant of the state auditor to be issued upon request of said board of trustees. Sixth The "state charitable, educational, penal and re- formatory institutions land income fund," for the custody, support and maintenance of state convicts and persons con- fined at the expense of the state in reformatory institutions within or without the state. Seventh The "penal, reformatory or educational insti- tution in Carbon county land income fund," for and toward the completion, furnishing and maintenance of the peniten- tiary at Rawlins, in Carbon county. Eighth The "miners' hospital land income fund," for the support and maintenance of the Wyoming general hospital, at Rock Springs. Ninth The "public building at the capital land income fund," for the care, repair, maintenance and furnishing of the capitol building. Tenth The "poor farm in Fremont county land income fund," for the care, repair, maintenance and improvement of the poor farm in Fremont county. On the fifteenth day of January, nineteen hundred and one, and on the I5th day of January of each second year there- after, it shall be the duty of the' state treasurer to make a report to the governor and to the senate and house of repre- sentatives, showing the amount of money in each of said land income funds on that date. [S. L. 1897, Ch. 30.] CHAPTER 106, SESSION LAWS OF 1911. City or Town. Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful for any city or town council, or other officer or officers authorized or whose duty it shall be under the laws of the state, to direct, fix or make any tax levy for city or town purposes on the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of their re- spective cities or towns, to hereafter direct, fix or make any such tax levy which will produce a sum of monev increasing by more than two per cent the total produced within their respective jurisdictions by the tax levied for town or city pur- poses for the preceding year. Provided, however, That if, in any city or town, it shall be found to be unnecessary in any year to raise any revenue for city or town purposes by direct taxation, no levy shall be made for such purposes, and in that SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 89 case the limitation in this section provided shall thereafter relate back to the last preceding year in which a levy was made ; and provided, further, that the qualified electors of any city or town may, by direct vote at any general or special elec- tion held as provided by law in such city or town authorize for one year a further increase in the levy above the two per cent increase specified in this section, but thereafter the addi- tional sums raised by such specially authorized levy shall not be taken into account in computing the authorized two per cent annual increase in the levy. County Commissioners Limit. Sec. 2. The power of the board of county commissioners of each of the several counties to fix rates of levy annually by means of which to create a fund out of which to meet and de- fray the current expenses of the county is hereby limited as follows : Assessed Valuation Limit. Sec. 3. In any county which has an assessed valuation for the current tax year of four millions of dollars or less, the levy shall not exceed seven mills on the dollar of such valua- tion; and in any county which has an assessed valuation for the current tax year of five millions of dollars and not less than four milllions of dollars the levy shall not exceed six and one- half mills on the dollar of such valuation. Method of Estimating. Sec. 4. In any county which has an assessed valuation for the current tax year of more than five million dollars and not in excess of twenty million dollars, the maximum lew shall be determined by reducing the levy of six and one-half mills allowed upon a valuation of five millions dollars one-tenth of one mill for each one million dollars in excess of five million dollars, and any rate of levy so determined shall be the maxi- mum rate of levy for all assessed valuations which are frac- tions of the next higher one million dollars of valuation. The Same. Sec. 5. In any county which has an assessed valuation for the current tax year of more than twenty million dollars, the maximum levy shall be determined by reducing the levy of four and one-half mills allowed upon a valuation of twenty million dollars one one-hundredth of one mill for each one million dollars in excess of twenty million dollars, and any rate of levy so determined shall be the maximum rate of levy for all assessed valuations which are fractions of the next higher one million dollars of valuation. 90 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING Detail Illustration. Sec. 6. The limitations of the county current expense tax levies as prescribed and fixed in sections three, four, five and six of this act are illustrated in detail, as follows : The maximum levy for valuation less than $6,000,000 shall be 6.5 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $6,000,000 and less than $7,000,0000 shall be 6.4 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $7,000,00 and less than $8,000,000 shall be 6.3 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $8,000,000 and less than $9,000,000 shall be 6.2 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $9,000,000 and less than $10,000,000 shall be 6.1 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $10,000,000 and less than $11,000,000 shall be 6 mills. The maximum levy for valuation of $11,000,000 and less than $12,000,000 shall be 5.9 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $12,000,000 and less than $13,000,000 shall be 5.8 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $13,000,000 and less than $14,000,000 shall be 5.7 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $14,000,000 and less than $15,000,000 shall be 5.6 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $15,000,000 and less than $16,000,000 shall be 5.5 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $16,000,000 and less than $17,000,000 shall be 5.4 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $17,000,000 and less than $18,000,000 shall be 5.3 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $18,000,000 and less than $19,000,000 shall be 5.2 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $19,000,000 and less than $20,000,000 shall be 5.1 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $20,000,000 and less than $21,000,000 shall be 4.50 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $21,000,000 and less than $22,000,000 shall be 4.49 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $22,000,000 and less than $23,000,000 shall be 4.48 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $23,000,000 and less than $24,000,000 shall be 4.47 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $24,000,000 and less than $25,000,000 shall be 4.46 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $25,000,000 and less than $26,000,000 shall be 4.45 mills. SCHOOL, LAWS OF WYOMING 91 The maximum levy for valuations of $26,000,000 and less than $27,000,000 shall be 4.44 mills. The maximum levy tor valuations of $27,000,000 and less* than $28,000,000 shall be 4.43 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $28,000,000 and less than $29,000,000 shall be 4.42 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $29,000,000 and less than $30,000,000 shall be 4.41 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $30,000,000 and less than $31,000,000 shall be 4.40 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $31,000,000 and less than $32,000,000 shall be 4.39 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $32,000,000 and less than $33,000,000 shall be 4.38 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $33,000,000 and less than $34,000,000 shall be 4.37 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $34,000,000 and less than $35,000,000 shall be 4.36 mills. The maximum levy for valuations of $35,000,000 and less than $36,000,000 shall be 4.35 mills. Provided, That if in any county it shall be shown by the board of county commissioners of such county that the levy authorized by this act would not be sufficient to pay the cur- rent expenses of such county, or to liquidate its floating indebt- edness, the board of county commissioners of such county may apply to the state board of equalization for authority to make a larger levy for the current year and such board of equaliza- tion shall give such authority. This proviso shall apply to the years 1911, 1912 and 1913 only. Provided, always, That the board of county commissioners in each and every county of this state shall not expend in any one year, out of the revenue raised for county current expenses, a sum amounting to more than one-fifth of such revenue for the support of the poor and lunatic purposes, and shall not expend for road and bridge purposes in any one year a sum amounting to more than one- half of the revenue raised for said county current expenses ; and provided, further, that the qualified electors of any county may, by direct vote at any general or special election held as provided by law in such county, authorize for one year an increase, not exceeding two mills on the dollar valuation, in the levy for county current expenses, over and above the maxi- mum levy for such purpose in this act provided, and if so authorized then the county board may make such increased levy for the year voted upon, and thereafter the limitation of this act shall apply unless an increased levy for a particular vear shall be voted at another election in like manner. 92 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING County Library Tax Limit. Sec. 8. The authority of the board of county commission- ers of each county to levy annually a county library tax, is hereby limited so that the board shall not levy in excess of one-fourth of one mill on the dollar upon all taxable property in the county. School District Limit. Sec. 9. The authority of the qualified electors of any school district at the annual meeting, to vote a tax for school purposes, is hereby limited to the extent that no tax shall be voted for such purposes which shall be in excess of three and one-half mills upon the dollar of all the taxable property of any such school district. Provided, That in no event shall any school district levy any greater tax than is reasonably neces- sary for the ensuing school year; and provided, turther, that the question of an increased levy above the limitation herein- before specified may be submitted by the district board of any school district to the electors of the district at the annual meeting or election, and if so submitted due notice thereof shall be given for at least thirty days in advance of such election or meeting by posting written or printed notices upon the front door of each and every school house in the district, in at least three additional public places in the district, and said notice shall state the proposed increase in the levy, which increase shall not in any case amount to more than five mills on the dollar valuation of all the taxable property of the dis- trict, making the aggregate levy not to exceed eight and one- half mills. If fifty-one per cent of the votes cast at such elec- tion or meeting shall be in favor of the increased levy, as named in said election notice, then the officers charged with levying taxes may make such increased levy for the year voted upon, and thereafter, the limitation of this act shall apply, unless an increased levy for a particular year shall be voted at another election in like manner; and in all cases where an increased levy is voted the school district clerk shall forward to the county clerk and the county superintendent, with his certificate of the school district levy, his affidavit showing that all of the notices herein required to be posted were in fact duly posted at least thirty days in advance of the election, and shall also forward a report showing the number of votes cast for and against the proposition for an increased levy. Bonded Debt. Sec. 10. This act shall in no way limit the amount of any levy necessary to be made for the purpose of paying any bonded debt, judgment or the interest thereon, against any county, city, town or school district. SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 93 Excess Levy Unlawful Duty of Assessor. Sec. ii. Any levy which may be certified to the county clerk in excess of the limitations fixed by this act shall be un- lawful, and in any such case, it shall be unlawful for the county clerk or county assessor of any county within the state to enter upon the tax roll of the county any such excessive levy ; and in case of any such excess in any levy it is hereby made the duty of the county assessor to reduce such levy and to extend upon the tax roll only such part thereof as will comply with the provisions of this act. Misdemeanor. Sec. 12. Any member of any board, or any other officer who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than one hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars and shall also be subject to removal from office by a civil action prosecuted by any tax payer. Repeal. Sec. 13. Sections 2341 and 2342 of the Wyoming Com- piled Statutes of 1910 and all acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 14. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 2nd, 1911. DEPOSIT OF PUBLIC MONEY. Officers Deposit Monthly. , Sec. 2486. Every state officer, employee, department, or commission receiving money, for or on behalf of the state, from any source, shall on or before the first Monday of each month pay to the state treasurer all such money, received dur- ing the preceding month, and on the same date shall file a detailed verified statement of such receipts with the state' audi- tor and a true copy thereof with the state examiner. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. i.] State Board of Deposits. Sec. 2487. There is hereby created a board of deposits consisting of the governor, state treasurer and secretary of state, and said officers are hereby required to perform the duties herein prescribed, as members of said board of deposits, without any extra or additional compensation. The governor of the state shall be chairman of said board, and the state treasurer, secretary thereof. The records of said board kept 94 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING by said secretary, or a duly certified copy thereof, shall be prima facie evidence of the matter appearing therein in any court in the United States. It shall be the duty of said board of deposits to meet on the first Monday of April of each year, or at any other time, upon the call of the chairman, and desig- nate such banks within this state, as it may, under the pro- visions of this chapter, deem eligible to be made state deposi- tories for the purpose of receiving on deposit funds of this state. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 2.] Designation of Depositories. Sec. 2488. All banks, applying to be made state deposi- tories under the provisions of this chapter, shall, on or before the first Monday in April of each year, file their application, in writing, with the secretary of the said board of deposits, said application to be accompanied by a sworn statement of the financial condition of said bank at the time the application is made. The board of deposits at its meeting shall pass upon all applications made in compliance with this chapter, and shall, over the signatures of the members of said board, or a majority thereof, endorse on said application their approval or rejection. Any and all banks whose applications may be en- dorsed with the approval of the board as aforesaid, shall be deemed eligible to be made state depositories under the provi- sions of this chapter. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 3.] Deposits by Treasurer. Sec. 2489. The state treasurer may deposit any portion of the public moneys in his possession in such national banks within this state, or in any state banks incorporated under the laws of and doing business in this state, as shall have been approved under the provisions of this chapter by the board of deposits as herein provided; but the said treasurer shall not have on deposit in any bank of public funds more than one-half of its paid in and unimpaired capital stock and sur- plus at any one time. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 4.] Interest and Security. Sec. 2490. For the security of funds so deposited under the provisions of this chapter, the state treasurer shall require all such depositories to deposit securities of the kind and char- acter hereinafter described, or to give bonds in some respon- sible surety company authorized to do business in this state, extend upon the tax role only such portion thereof as will for the payment of such deposits and interest thereon. Said bonds, when given, shall run to the state of Wyoming, and, together with the securities offered, shall be approved by the SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 95 said board of deposits. Said bonds shall be conditioned, that the depositories shall on or before the tenth day of each month render to the state treasurer, and state auditor, a statement in duplicate, showing the daily balance of state funds, and the amount of money of the state held by it during 1 the month preceding, and the amount of the interest accrued thereon, and for the payment of the said deposit and the interest there- on, as herein provided, when demanded by the state treasurer, or his authorized deputy on his check, order or demand at any time, and generally to do and perform whatever may be re- quired by the provisions of this chapter, for a faithful discharge of the trust reposed in such depository. Said bonds shall con- tain the further obligation to settle with and pay to the state treasurer, for the use of this state, interest upon daily balances on said deposits, at the rate fixed by said board of deposits, payable quarterly, on the first Monday in January, April, July and October in each year, or at any time when the account may be closed. Said bond shall be in substance as follows : Know All Men by These Present : That we, , as principal, and , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Wyoming in the just and full sum of dollars, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and our successors and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. Dated this day of , A. D The condition of the foregoing is such that, Whereas, the said bank, in consideration of the deposit of certain moneys of the State of Wyoming for safe keeping in bank of , the amount whereof shall be subject to with- drawal or diminution by the state treasurer of said state as the requirements of the said state shall demand, and which amount may be increased or decreased as the said treasurer may determine, and, Whereas, The said bank, in consideration of said deposits, and for the privilege of keeping the same, has agreed to pay and will pay to the State of Wyoming inter- est on account' of said deposit at the rate fixed by the board of deposits of the said state, to- wit; Interest at the rate of per centum per annum, the same to be paid quarterly on the first days of January, April, July and October in each year upon the daily average balance of the deposit of state funds in the said bank, for the quarter or any fraction thereof next preceding the payment of said per centum, which shall be computed and credited to the account of the state, and shall become a part thereof. Now, Therefore, If the said bank of shall on or before the tenth day of each month render to the state treasurer and state auditor of said state a statement in 96 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING duplicate, showing the daily balance of the state moneys held by it during the month next preceding, and the interest there- on, subject at all times to the check, order or demand of the state treasurer, or his authoized deputy, as aforesaid, and shall pay over the same, and any part thereof,- upon the check, order or demand of the state treasurer, or his authorized deputy, and shall calculate, credit and pay said interest as aforesaid, in the amount and manner aforesaid, and shall in all respects save and keep the state of Wyoming and the state treasurer, or his successor in office, safe and harmless for and by reason of the making of said deposit, or deposits, then this obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to be and to remain in full force and virtue. It being the further condition of the above, however, that said surety shall have the right to terminate its obligation here- under upon giving notice in writing to the governor and state treasurer of said state of its election so to do, and such term- ination shall take effect at the expiration of thirty days from receipt of said notice by said governor and state treasurer. Witness our hands and seals, the day and year first above written. (Seal) (Seal) In addition to the other limitations herein provided, the said treasurer shall not have on deposit in any bank, at any time, more than ninety per cent of the amount of trie bond given by said bank, and the bonds shall be deposited with and held by the state treasurer. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 5.] Collateral Security. Sec. 2491. Any such depository may, instead of such bond in an approved surety company, furnish, as security for such deposit, or deposits, United States government bonds, or state bonds of this state, county, city or school district bonds or warrants issued by virtue of the laws of this state, worth not less than their par value, and in an amount equal, at least, to the maximum amount of money at any time to be deposited with such bank ; Provided, however, That for temporary depos- its in excess of the amount for which such bank may bond as provided by this chapter, such depository or bank may deposit local securities having an appraised value of at least twenty- five per cent more than the amount of such temporary depos- its ; the said securities to be approved by said board of deposits and to be accompanied by a written assignment vesting the legal title thereto in the state of Wyoming, as collateral secur- ity, that such depository, so depositing and assigning said securities, shall and will safely keep and pay over to the state SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 97 treasurer, or his authoirzed deputy, on his check, order or demand, all money which may come into the possession of such depository, under and by virtue of the provisions of this chap- ter, together with all interest accruing thereon as herein provided, and providing, that in case of default on the part of such depository, the said state shall have full power and au- thority, to sell, in the manner hereinafter provided, said secur- ities or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the full amount of the funds of the state so deposited in said depository, together with the interest thereon. The interest on such bonds, so deposited and furnished, shall, when paid, be turned over to the bank so depositing the same, as long as it is not in default. [Amended Chapter 94, Session Laws, 1909.] Annual Interest Rate. Sec. 2492. The said board of deposits shall annually, on the first Monday in April of each year, or as soon thereafter as possible, taking into consideration all information before it, fix the rate of interest to be paid on the deposits herein pro- vided for, which shall not be less than two per centum per annum, nor more than four per centum per annum, and which said rate shall be and go into effect on the first day of May following, and which rate shall not be changed for a period of one year. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 7-1 Daily Balance Computations. Sec. 2493. The amount to be paid by any and all banks, under the provisions of this chapter, for interest on such public funds on deposit, shall be computed on the average daily bal- ance of public moneys kept on deposit therewith, and shall be paid to the state treasurer quarterly, on the first Monday in January, April, July and October of each year, and said banks shall quarterly, on the first Monday of January, April, July and October of each year, render a statement in duplicate to the state treasurer and state auditor, showing the amount so paid. The state treasurer shall require, and it is hereby made the duty of every such depository to keep accurate accounts of all moneys deposited with it, showing the amount deposited and when deposited, and to render on or before the tenth day of each and every month, to the state treasurer and state audi- tor a statement in duplicate showing the daily balances of the state moneys held by it during the month next preceding, and the interest thereon ; and all sums paid to the state for interest as aforesaid shall be credited by the treasurer to the account of the several funds from which it was derived. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 8.] 08 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Withdrawals. Sec. 2494. Nothing in this chapter shall be held to prevent the state treasurer or his auhorized deputy from withdraw- ing any and all of said funds so deposited, for the purpose of paying the appropriations and obligations of the state and paying the same out as lawfully required, nor shall anything in this chapter prevent the state treasurer or his authorized deputy from withdrawing any or all of said funds so deposited, whenever he deems it advisable or to the interests of the state to do so. The state treasurer, and his sureties, shall be respon- sible for the faithful performance of the duties of said treas- urer under the law, and for a proper accounting and turning over to his successor of all moneys paid to said treasurer as such ; but he shall not be held personally liable for any moneys that may be lost by reason of the failure or insolvency of any bank selected as a depository under the provisions of this chap- ter, nor for the deficiency or loss upon any bond, or securities deposited by any bank, if the said bond or securities so de- posited have been approved by the board of deposits; Pro- vided, however, That if such loss could have been avoided by the exercise of reasonable care and diligence on the part of said treasurer or his deputy, then and in such case the said tresurer shall be liable to the state for such loss ; but nothing in this section contained shall be construed as relieving from any liability any bond given or any collateral deposited under the provisions of this chapter. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 9.] Funds Not Deposited. Sec. 2495. Whenever any state funds remain on hand which cannot be placed in the banks of this state under the provisions of this chapter, then the state treasurer shall imme- diately notify the chairman of said board of deposits, which said board shall immediately thereupon hold a meeting, and, if possible, secure other banks in the state to hold said funds under the provisions of this chapter. During the time that funds cannot be deposited in the banks entitled thereto under the provisions of this chapter, the state treasurer shall hold said funds in safe keeping, and in that case he and his sureties on his bond shall be responsible for the safe keeping of such money and turning the same over to his successor. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 10.] Sale of Collateral. Sec. 2496. The state treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to sell any or all bonds that may be deposited as collateral security for the deposit of any state fund in any depository under this chapter, at a public or private sale, when- SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 99 ever there shall be a failure or refusal upon the part of any bank, as a state depository, to pay over the funds, or any part thereof, upon the demand or order of the state treasurer, or his authorized deputy, on such bank. Notice of the sale of bonds under this chapter shall be given by publication in a newspaper published at the capital of Wyoming, once each week for five consecutive weeks, and when a sale of bonds is made by the said state treasurer, either at public or private sale under this chapter, and such bonds have been transferred by the chairman and secretary of the said board of deposits, the absolute ownership of such bonds shall vest in the purchaser or purchasers, upon the payment of the purchase money to the state treasurer. Should there be any surplus after paying the amount due the state and expenses of sale, it shall be paid to the bank which made the deposit of such securities. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. ii.] Recovery on Bonds. Sec. 2497. It shall be the duty of the attorney general of the state to enter and prosecute, in the name of the state, to final determination, all suits for the recovery of any penalty arising under the conditions of any bond given, or required to be given under the provisions of this chapter to the state of Wyoming. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 30, Sec. 12.] Investment Permanent Funds. Sec. 2498. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the proper state authorities from investing as provided by law any of the permanent funds of this state. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 14.] County, City and School Funds. Sec. 2499. Under this chapter the term "proper govern- ing board" shall be held to mean when applied to the deposit of county funds "the board of county commissioners" of such county; when applied to the deposit of funds of a city or town, the mayor and council or the mayor and trustees, as the case may be, of such city or town, and when applied to the deposit of school district funds, the board of directors or trustees of such school district. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 15.] Deposits City, County, Town and School District Treasurers. Sec. 2500. Every county treasurer, city treasurer, town trustees and treasurer of a school district, within the state of Wyoming, shall deposit, and at all times keep on deposit for safe keeping, in banks, incorporated under the laws of this state and in national banks, doing business in his county, when designated as depositories by the proper governing 100 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING board, the amount of moneys in his hands collected and held by him as such treasurer. Any such bank, located in such county, may apply for the privilege of keeping such moneys upon the following conditions : All such deposits shall be sub- ject to payment when demanded by the proper treasurer on his check, order or demand, and by all banks, receiving and holding such deposits, interest shall be paid at a rate not less than two per cent per annum nor more than four per cent per annum, as may be determined by the proper governing board upon the amount so deposited, as hereinafter provided, and subject also to such regulations as are imposed by law. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 16.] Depositories Interest. Sec. 2501. Such applications by such banks, shall be sub- mitted to ~the proper governing board on or before the first Monday of April of each year, and shall be acted upon by the proper governing board on the said first Monday of April of each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and said board shall also at said time fix the rate of interest, Avhich said rate shall go into effect on May ist following and shall not be changed for one year, and no moneys shall be deposited by any such treasurer except in such banks as have been approved by the proper governing board. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 17.] How Interest Computed. Sec. 2502. The amount to be paid by any and all banks under the provisions of this chapter for interest on public funds on deposit shall be computed on the average daily balance of the public moneys kept on deposit therewith, and shall be paid and credited to the proper county, ciy, town, or school district on the, first day of January, April, July and October of each year; and every such bank shall keep account of such public moneys as may be deposited, and when deposited, and the interest thereon as aforesaid, and shall make a statement thereof, in dpulicate, to the proper treasurer, and the proper governing board, on the first Monday of January, April, July and October of each year and all interest paid on said public moneys shall be credited by the proper treasurer to the ac- count of the several funds from which it 'is derived. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 18.] Security Required. Sec. 2503. For the security of the funds so deposited un- der the provisions of this chapter, the proper treasurer shall require all such depositories to give bonds for the safe keeping and payment of such deposits and the interest thereon, which bond shall run to the proper county, city, town or school dis- SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 101 trict, and be approved by the proper governing board of such county, city, town or school district, and conditioned that such depository shall, on the first Monday of each January, April, July and October of each year, render to the proper treasurer, and the proper governing board of the county, city, town or school district, a statement in duplicate, showing the several daily balances, and the amount of public moneys held by it during the preceding three months, and the amount of the interest thereon, and how credited, and for the payment of the said deposits, and the interest accrued thereon, as herein pro- vided, and when demanded by the proper treasurer on his check, order or demand at any time, and generally to do and perform whatever may be required by the provisions of this chapter, and a faithful discharge of the trust reposed in such depository. The said bond in substance shall be similar, or as near as may be, to the bonds required of state depositories, and when the penalty thereof exceeds the sum of five thousand dollars, such bond shall be furnished by some responsible surety company authorized to do business in this state. No county, municipal or school district treasurer shall have on de- posit in any bank at any one time more than one-half of the penal amount named in its said bond in all cases where private bonds are furnished, nor more than ninety per cent of the amount of all other bonds, nor more than one-half of the paid up capital stock and unimpaired capital stock and surplus of such bank. The bonds shall be deposited with the clerk of the county, city, town or school district to which said bond may be given. Where there are no banks in the county, or where the banks in the proper county refuse or fail to bid on said money, or refuse or fail to receive the said funds under the provisions of this chapter, then part or all of said money may be deposited under the conditions of this act, in any other bank in the state, selected by the proper governing board of the county, city, town or school district, as the case may be. [S. L . 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 19.] Collateral Security. Sec. 2504. Instead of the bonds provided for in Section 2503, the bank or banks receiving on deposit public funds may, as security therefor, furnish to the proper treasurer of any county, municipality or school district, securities of the kind mentioned in Section 2491, to be approved by the proper gov- erning board and the provisions of this chapter, applicable to such securities when furnished by state depositories, shall be applicable, as near as may be, to such securities when furnished to the treasurer of any county, municipality or school district. fS. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 20.] 102 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING Funds Not Deposited. Sec. 2505. Whenever funds remain on hand which can- not be placed in the banks of the respective counties of thisr state under the provisions of this chapter, then the proper treasurer shall immediately notify the chairman of the proper governing board, which said board shall immediately there- upon hold a meeting and, if possible, secure other banks in the state to hold said funds under the provisions of this chapter. During the time that funds cannot be deposited in the banks entitled thereto under the provisions of this chapter, the proper treasurer shall hold said deposits in safe keeping, and shall be liable on his official bond for such funds so held. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 21.] Treasurer's Liability. Sec. 2506. No county, city, town or school district treas- urer shall be liable on his official bond for money on deposit in any bank under and by direction of the proper legal au- thority and in conformity to the provisions of this chapter if said bank has given bond which has been approved as herein provided, except in cases where any loss could have been pre- vented by the exercise of reasonable care on the part of such treasurer. Nothing in this section contained shall be construed as relieving from any liability any bond given or any col- lateral deposited under the provisions of this chapter. Nor shall anything in this chapter prevent the proper treasurer from withdrawing any or all funds by him deposited in ac- cordance with this chapter, whenever he deems it advisable or to the interests of the public which he represents, or to pay out money as by law required. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 22.] Profit Making Prohibited. Sec. 2507. The making of profit, directly or indirectly, by any state treasurer, or by the treasurer of any county, city, town or school district, or by any other public officer or em- ployee having in his custody or under his control any public moneys, by loaning such moneys or by depositing the same contrary to the provisions of this chapter or the using of such moneys by any of said public officers or employes for any pur- pose not authorized by law, shall be deemed a felony and are hereby prohibited, and any of said public officers or employees who shall violate any of the foregoing provisions of this sec- tion shall, on conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the state penitentiary for a term not exceeding two years or by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. [S. L,. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 23.] SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 103 Bribes Penalty. Sec. 2508. The offering or giving, directly or indirectly, by any person to any public officer or employee having in his custody or under his control any public moneys of any gift, compensation, reward or inducement for the purpose of induc- ing any such public officer or employee to deposit such public moneys in any bank or to use the same in any manner not authorized by law, shall be deemed a felony and is hereby prohibited, and any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, on conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term not exceeding two years or by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 30, Sec. 24.] PROTECTION OF BIRDS. Unlawful to Kill Penalty. Sec. 2788. Any person who shall, within the state of Wyoming, kill or catch or have in his or her possession, living or dead, any wild bird other than a game bird, or who shall purchase, offer or expose for sale any such wild bird after it has been killed or caught, shall for each offense, be subject to a fine of not more than five dollars for each such bird killed or caught, or had in possession, living or dead, or imprisonment for not more than ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court. For the purposes of this chapter the following only shall be considered game birds : The Anatidae, commonly known as swans, geese, brant and river and lake ducks ; the Rallidae, commonly known as rails, coots and mud-hens; the Limicolae, commonly known as shore-birds, plovers, snipe, sandpipers, tatlers, willets, curlews, godwits and avocets ; the Gallinaw, commonly known as grouse, prairie chickens, pheas- ants, sage hens, partidges and quails. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 37, Sec. i.] Destruction of Eggs Penalty. Sec. 2789. Any person who shall, within the state of Wyoming, take or needlessly destroy the nest or the eggs of any wild bird, or shall have such nest or eggs in his or her pos- session, shall be subject for each offense to a fine of not more than five dollars, or imprisonment for not more than ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 37, Sec. 2.] Scientific Use Permitted, Sec. 2790. Sections 2788 and 2789 shall not apply to any person holding a certificate giving the right to take birds, their 104 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING nests and eggs, for scientific purposes, as provided for in Section 2791. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 37, Sec. 3.] Certificates Bond. Sec. 2791. Certificates may be granted by the superin- tendent of public instruction to any properly accredited person of the age of fifteen years or upwards, permitting the holder thereof to collect birds, their nests or eggs, for strictly scien- tific purposes only. No such certificate shall be issued until the applicant therefor shall have filed with the said superin- tendent of public instruction written testimonials from two well known scientific men or educators, certifying to the good character and fitness of said applicant to be entrusted with such privilege. Said applicant must file with said persons or officers a properly executed bond, in the sum of two hundred dollars, signed by two responsible citizens of the state as sure- ties. This bond shall be forfeited to the state, and the certifi- cate become void, upon proof that the holder of such certificate has killed any birds, or taken the nest or eggs of any bird, for other than the purposes named in Sections 2790 and 2791, and shall be further subject for each offense to the penalties provided therefor in Sections 2788 and 2789. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 37,3ec. 4.] Term of Certificate. Sec. 2792. The certificate authorized by this act shall be in force for one year only from the date of its issue, and shall not be transferable. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 37, Sec. 5.] Birds Not Protected. Sec. 2793. The following named birds shall be exempt from protection under the provisions of this chapter, viz : English sparrow, magpie, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper's hawk, goshawk, duck hawk, gold or brown eagle, kingfisher and blue heron. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 37, Sec. 6; S. L. 1909, Ch. 79.] BOARD OF HEALTH. Vaccination. Sec. 2940. The state board of health may adopt such measures for the general vaccination of the inhabitants of any city, town, or county in the state, as they shall deem proper and necessary to prevent the introduction or arrest the prog- ress of smallpox; and every person who shall refuse to be vaccinated, or prevent any person under his care and control from being vaccinated, or who shall fail to present himself or herself to the county health officer or a practicing physi- cian acting under the direction of the board or county health SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 105 officer, for the purpose of being vaccinated, if such physician believes vaccination necessary, shall upon conviction be fined not more than one hundred dollars nor less than ten dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than thirty days. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 55, Sec. 13.] INTEREST AND USURY. When Rate Not Effective. Sec. 3364. The rate of interest fixed by this chapter shall not affect interest on purchase of school, university and agri- cultural lands, or on lands delinquent, or sold for the non- payment of taxes ; or the rates of interest on warrants issued any county, city, town, village or school district, but they and by the proper authorities of the state, county, city, town, vil- lage or, other municipal subdivision, or any bonds issued by each of "them shall draw interest and be payable in the manner now, or that may hereafter be fixed by law. [S. L. 1895, Ch. 30, Sec. 10.] Interest on Public Warrants. Sec. 3365. All state, county, school district, town, city, or other public warrants issued after June 1st, eighteen hun- dred and ninety, for any salary or salaries, fee or fees, or for or on account of any public indebtedness, claim or demand, whatever, which indebtedness, claim or demand shall have accrued on any public contract, transaction, or liability, en- tered into or arising after the ist day of June, eighteen hun- dred and ninety, shall draw interest upon the amount ex- pressed in such warrant or warrants at the rate of six per centum per annum from the date of the presentation thereof for payment at the treasury or other place where the same may be payable, until there is money in the treasury for the payment thereof, and it shall be unlawful to allow or pay any rate of interest upon such warrant or warrants, except as herein specified and expressed, and every state or county treasurer or municipal officer duly authorized to act as treas- urer, to whom such warrant or order is presented for payment, provided he has not sufficient funds in the treasury to pay the same, shall endorse thereon the words "not paid, for want of funds," and sign and date the same officially. [S. L. 1890, Ch. 22.] LEGAL HOLIDAYS. Legal Holidays. Sec. 3581. The ist day of January, the I2th day of Febru- ary, the 22d day of February, the 3Oth day of May, the 4th day of July, the day that may be appointed by the president of the 106 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING United States as the annual Thanksgiving day, the 25th day of December of each and every year, all days upon which general elections -are held and Arbor day, are hereby declared legal holidays in and for the state of Wyoming. If the ist day of January, the I2th day of February, the 22d day of February, the 3Oth day of May, the 4th day of July or the 25th da of December, fall upon a Sunday, the Monday following shall be a legal holiday. [S. L. 1901, Ch. 93.] Note Labor day is a national holiday. Arbor Day. Sec. 3582. The governor shall annually, in the spring, designate by official proclamation, an arbor day, to be ob- served by the schools and for economic tree planting. [R. S. 1899, Ch. 2697.] MISCELLANEOUS. Public Officers Subject to Garnishment. Sec. 4997. All state, county, city, town and school district officers shall be liable and subject to garnishment in civil ac- tions on debts hereafter contracted, in the same manner, and for the same causes as private individuals now are, or here- after may be liable and subject to garnishment under the laws of this state. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 140, Sec. i.] Disposition of Fines. Sec. 6116. If a fine be imposed and paid before commit- ment, it shall be received by the justice and by him paid over to the county treasurer, within thirty days after the receipt thereof, for the use of the schools in the county. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3651.] Payment of Fine After Commitment. Sec. 6117. If the defendant be committed for not paying a fine, he may pay it to the sheriff of the county, or to the justice by whom the commitment was made, but to no other person ; who must in like manner, within thirty days after the receipt thereof, pay it into the county treasury for the use of the schools in the county. [R. S. 1887, Sec. 3652.] Index to School Laws Sec. Page Abusive language Penalty for 1959 43 Animals Humane treatment of 1975 46 Arbor Day 3582 106 Assessment How determined 1151 19 Assessment in School Districts 2402 86 Attorney General Duties of 145 6 Shall approve investment of land funds 125 3 Auditor may withhold salaries When 1148 18 Biennial report of state officers . ... 262 8 Bids When advertised for 1946 39 Birds- Destruction of eggs prohibited Penalty 2789 103 Certificates By whom issued Bond 2791 104 Scientific use permitted 2790 103 Term of certificate 2792 104 Not protected 2793 104 Bonded debt 92 Board of Charities and Reform 436 14 Board of Examiners Appointed by whom 2013 56 Bond required of Secretary 2024 61 Certificate extended on reading circle work 2019 60 Certificate fees 2023 61 Certificates How issued 2026 62 Certificates of special class 2017 59 Certificates on examination 2013 56 Certificates presented from other states 2018 60 Certificates without examination 2014 57 Certificates valid How long 2015 58 Certificates valid for teaching in what schools 2016 58 Classes of certificates authorized 2013 56 Compensation , 2013 56 Compensation denied to teacher without certificate. . .2020 60 Compensation denied to Co. Supt. without certificate. 22 County permits granted When and by whom 2025 61 Reading circle work 2019 60 Reading circle work recommended by 2021 60 Registration of certificates 2022 61 Shall adopt rules and regulations 2013 56 Shall be established 2013 56 Shall make annual report to State Superintendent 2027 62 Shall prepare examination questions 2013 56 Shall recommend certificates 2013 56 Who shall constitute 2013 56 Board of Trustees Advertise for bids 1946 39 Election of When increased to six 1931 35 Meets when 1934 36 Oath of . ..1929 35 108 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Sec. Page Board of Trustees of University 413 1-1 Bonds and oaths of county officers 1135 16 Bonds Custodian of state 106 3 Exempt from taxation 2323 84 Failure to give 1141 17 For High School District 2065 73 For School (See School District Bonds) Guaranty company 287 13 High School District Payment of 2067 75 How invested 126 4 Limitation on expense of 288 14 Of revenue officers 1156 20 Of Treasurer 281 11 Of Treasurer Premium payable on 283 12 Payable to state When 1155 20 Premium on 126 4 Required when 1157 20 Secretary of Board of Examiners 2024 61 State Auditor 266 9 State Treasurer 266 9 Surety -. . : 286 13 Surety company Expense of 286 13 Sureties on 285 12 Book companies 2003 53 Books donated to State Superintendent 134 4 Books for county library 1318 31 Books. (See free text books.) Boundaries of districts When changed 24 Census enumeration 1992 49 Census enumerator By whom employed 1993 50 Census To determine population 1149 19 Certificates. (See Board of Examiners.) Certificate fee 2023 61 Certificate from other states 2018 60 Certificates issued by whom 2026 62 Certificate of graduation from District High School 2078 77 Certificate necessary to compensation 2020 6U Certificate Special 2017 59 Certificate to be registered with County Superintendent. . .2022 61 Certificate to collect birds, their nests or eggs 2793 104 Children excusable from attending school When 1956 41 City or town has no power to fix tax levy 88 Classification of counties 15 Clerk of School District shall notify Assessor 2402 86 Clerk to certify number teachers 24 Clerks of boards Compensation of 271 10 Collateral security 2491 96 Collection of fines 1970 45 Collateral security County Treasurer 2504 101 Collector of taxes 1183 21 Colored children Separate school for 1954 41 Commissioners may require new bonds When 1157 20 Compensation denied to teachers without certificates 2020 60 Compulsory attendance 1956 41 Compulsory education Free to all children 1956 41 Duty of truant officer 1957 41 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 109 Sec. Page Duty of district board 1958 42 Duty of County Superintendent . 1958 42 Duty of teacher 1958 42 Computation of mileage 1138 16 Condition of Treasurers' bond 284 12 Copies of records as evidence * 1147 18 Contingent funds 252 7 Contingent funds Receipts for expense 251 7 Contingent funds State officers 252 7 Contracting Restrictions upon public officers 280 11 Counsel Employment of 1969 44 Counties Classification of 15 County Attorney Advisor of county officers 1207 22 County boundaries Effect of change on School Districts. .1972 45 County Commissioners Appeal from County Superinten- dent to 4927 29 May call special elections 2110 81 Shall equalize assessments 2403 86 County School tax limited 92 County High Schools 2051 68 County High School Funds for 1299 24 County library tax limited 92 County library Board of directors 1318 31 Librarian 1319 32 Location of 1319 32 Purchase of books for 1318 31 Tax to be levied Amount 1316 31 Tax How levied and collected 1317 31 To be free 1320 32 Use of books 1321 33 County officers Duties of 2091 79 Election Occurs when 2091 79 How paid 1145 18 May appoint deputies When 1151 19 May give surety bond 286 13 Mileage of 1138 16 Time of qualifying 1136 16 County officers Vacancies 2112 . 81 Vacancies 1137 16 County Treasurer Collector of taxes 1183 21 Custodian of county funds 1186 22 Shall receive School money 2405 87 Courses of study for High School District 2074 76 County School tax limit 24 County Teachers' Institute 28 Course of study 29 Defacing School property Penalty for 1959 43 Deposits of public money Annual interest rate 2492 97 Bribe penalty * .2508 103 Collateral security State Treasurer 2491 96 County, city and School funds. (Proper governing board) 2499 99 Collateral security County Treasurer .2504 101 110 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Sec. Page Daily balance computations State 2493 9Y Deposits by State Treasurer 2489 94 Deposits, county, city and School 2500 99 Designation of depositories 2488 94 Depositories Interest 2501 100 Funds not deposited State 2495 98 Funds not deposited County 2505 102 Interest and security State 2490 94 Interest How computed County 2502 100 Officers deposit monthly State 2486 93 Deposits of public money (Continued). Permanent fund investment 2498 99 Profit making prohibited 2507 102 Recovery on bonds 2497 99 Sale of collaterals 2496 98 Security required County Treasurer 2503 100 State Board of Deposits 2487 93 Treasurers' liability 2506 102 Withdrawals State Treasurer 2494 98 Depositories Interest 2501 100 Deputies Bonds of 1153 20 Clerks of boards 271 10 For County Superintendent 1306 29 How appointed 1151 19 Officers responsible for 1152 19 Power of 1153 20 Salaries of 270 10 Who may appoint 269 10 Destruction of birds' nests or eggs Penalty for 2789 103 Destruction of School property Penalty for 1959 43 Directors Oath of 1929 35 Discrimination for religious belief prohibited 1965 44 Discrimination on account of sex prohibited 1965 44 Disposition of fines ' 1970 45 Distribution of School funds By whom 1997 51 District- As body corporate 2052 69 Appeal from Body corporate 1933 36 Formation of 1926 34 How annexed 2080 78 District Board Appoint visiting committee 1948 39 May establish Manual Training schools 1975 46 May remove scholars 1945 39 Meets when 1934 3(5 Members may administer oaths When 1944 39 Powers and duties of 1943 38 Shall audit and pay claims 1949 39 Shall meet When 1942 38 District Boundary Board Members and duties 25 Chairman and Secretary 26 Notice to district clerk. 26 Corporate city in one district 26 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 111 Sec. Page Appeal 26 Funds of new districts 27 District Clerk Duty of 1984 47 District High School How established 1953 4U District High School How formed 2053 69 District meetings Special 1950 39 District officers First election of 1928 34 District officers may employ counsel When 1969 44 District officers shall qualify 1941 38 District School tax How paid over 2405 87 District School tax How recorded 2403 86 District Treasurer's bond 1299 24 District Treasurer shall give bond 1952 40 District Trustees When elected 1930 35 Distribution of School land funds By whom 1299 24 Donations for Schools How received Duties Clerk 1980 47 District High School Board 2070 75 Superintendent of Public Instruction 133 4 County Superintendent 24 Duplicate remittance slips 25 Duty of District officers Clerk to certify debt limit 1981 47 Clerk Duties of 1980 47 Clerks shall defend Districts and suits 1979 46 Clerks shall report to County Superintendent When. 1983 47 Clerks shall keep accounts 1982 47 Director shall countersign orders 1977 46 Director shall defend Districts in suits 1979 46 Director shall preside at meetings 1977 46 District money How received 1989 49 District meetings Notice of 1983 47 Drafts and others How drawn 1978 46 Duties of Treasurer 1986 48 Enumeration of children 1992 49 Enumerator Employment of 1993 50 Enumeration Penalty for making false 1994 50 Enumeration Penalty for failure to make 1995 50 Flag to be displayed on School House 1991 49 Failure to make report Penalty 48 Funds for teachers 1988 49 Notice for District meetings 1983 47 Penalty for failure to make report 48 Report of Clerk to County Superintendent 1984 47 Report of Treasurer 1986 48 School House fund 1988 49 Statement of Treasurer 1990 49 Teachers' fund 1987 49 Treasurer Duties of . '. 1986 48 Treasurer shall publish report 1986 48 Treasurer shall receive District money 1989 -19 Treasurer shall render statement on request 1990 49 Election of county officers 2091 79 Election of Trustees Manner of conducting 1939 38 Election of Trustees 1930 35 Election of state officers 2088 79 112 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Sec. Page Election of Trustees in High School District 2060 71 Elections Who may vote at 2092 80 Electors may bond High School District When 2065 73 Electors Qualification of 1940 Employment of counsel 1969 44 Enumeration Duty of County Superintendent in census 1996 51 Of legal holidays 3581 lOo Penalty of false census 1994 50 Report compiled by County Superintendent 1996 51 Of School children 1992 49 When made by "County Superintendent 1995 Equalization of assessment and levy of taxes 2403 86 Examination required 1966 44 Examiners. (See Board of Examiners.) Excess levy unlawful Duty of Assessor Exemption from taxation 2321 Exemption from taxation Bonds 2323 84 Exemption from examination 2014 57 Extension of certificates 2019 60 Expense of state officers 249 6 Expense of transportation 1139 17 Failure to enumerate Penalty . 1995 50 Failure to give new bond renders office vacant 1141 17 Failure to pay over money 1971 45 False enumeration Penalty 1994 50 Fines Collection and disposition of 1970 45 Fines Disposition of 6116 106 Fines Payment of after commitment 6117 106 Fiscal year 1146 18 Flag to be displayed on School House 1991 49 Form of tax list and time of tax levy 2343 85 Formation of High School District 2051 68 Free text-books Attorney General must investigate violation of con- tract 2010 55 Books Paid for from what fund 2004 54 Books Paid for by order on District Treasurer 2005 54 Books Property of District 2011 55 Books Pupils may purchase 2012 55 Contract supplied by State Superintendent 2009 55 Contract Violation of 2010 55 Directors may contract for 2002 53 Duty of School Directors : 2002 53 Duty Superintendent of Public Instruction 2008 54 Orders From what funds paid 2006 54 Publisher becoming member of trust nullifies contract 2007 54 Publishers must file bond 2003 53 Pupils may purchase books 2012 55 State Superintendent furnish form of contract 2009 55 State Superintendent shall receive sworn price lists . . . 2008 54 Sworn price lists submitted to whom 2008 54 Text books in Public Schools 2002 53 Violation of contract How investigated 2010 55 Funds Land income 2485 87 Funds of District Liability of Treasurer for 1974 . 46 Funds of School DistrictHow transferred 1938 37 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 113 Sec. Page Garnishment of salary of public officers 4997 106 Governor Free access to state offices .. 83 3 May require reports When 84 3 Reports to 84 3 Shall appoint Trustees of University 413 14 Shall approve investment of land funds 125 3 High School Districts Admission of pupils from other Districts 2076 77 Annexation of District 2080 78 Appointment first Trustees 2059 71 Body corporate 2052 69 Bonds Tax levy 2065 73 Bonds Payment of 2067 75 Canvass 2058 70 Collection of tax 2069 75 Courses of study 2074 76 Certificates of graduation . . 2078 77 Commissioners' action on return of election 2083 78 Districts-^How annexed 2080 78 Election Called by Commissioners 2054 69 Election Failure of Trustees to open 2055 70 Election Judges of 2056 70 Election by ballot 2057 70 Election of Trustees Time 2060 71 Employment of faculty 2072 76 Estimate for maintenance when bonds are issued 2068 75 Failure of Trustees to open election 2055 70 Formed How 2053 69 Free to bona fide residents 2079 77 Government 2073 76 High School District Formation 2051 68 How formed 2053 69 Judges of election 2056 70 Mileage of Trustees 2077 . 77 Payment of bonds 2067 75 Petition for annexation 2081 78 Powers of Board - . . .2064 72 Quorum 2062 72 Record of proceedings 2070 75 Return Commissioners' action 2083 78 Submission of bonding question to electors 2066 73 Submission of question 2082 78 Tax levy and bond 2065 73 Trustees Terms 2061 71 Trustees provide suitable buildings ., 2071 75 When created Appointment first Trustees .2059 71 Where located 2063 72 Funds for High School .1299 24 High School Establishment of 1953 40 Holidays Enumeration of 3581 105 Humane treatment of animals ... 1976 46 Indebtedness in excess of constitutional limit Void 1353 33 Insulting language Penalty for 1957 41 Interest on public warrants . .3365 105 Interest and security of state ,2490 94 114 SCHOOL 1.AWS OF WYOMING Sec. Page Interest rate 3364 104 Interest How computed County 2502 100 Inventory of state property To whom and when made 268 9 Kindergartens. (See Public Kindergartens.) Lands for Schools 602 15 Land Board Duties 602 15 Land funds How distributed 135 5 Investment of 125 3 Not apportioned To what District 135 5 Land income funds available When 2485 87 Lease of School lands 602 15 Legal holidays 3581 105 Liability of parents for truancy 1957 41 Librarian County library 1319 32 Library Donations for 1319 32 Library is to be free 1320 32 Library Location of '. 1319 32 Library Purchase of books 1318 31 Libraries Tax for 1316 31 Library tax How levied and collected 1318 31 Library Trustees 1318 31 Library Trustees Appointment of 1318 31 Library Trustees Bonds of 1318 31 Library Trustees Report to Commissioners 1321 33 Libraries Use of books from 1321 33 Limitation on expense of bond 288 14 Limitation of expense Penalty for violation of 249 6 Manner of collecting taxes 2404 86 Manual Training Schools How established 1975 46 Mileage How computed 1138 16 Mileage of county officers 1138 16 Money Object to be designated in voting 1936 37 Money Public 1148 18 New Districts Notice of formation of 1926 34 Notice of special District meetings 1950 39 Oath of county officers 1135 16 Office holders Qualifications of 2273 81 Office Persons disqualified for 2275 81 Offices to be at county seats Records public 1134 15 Office Resignation of elective 2276 82 Of f ices Vacancies in Elective 2277 82 Officers Board of Charities and Reform 436 14 Officers failing to pay over money Penalty 1971 45 Officers deposit monthly State 2486 93 Officers filling vacancy to give bond 1142 17 Officers How removed 1160 21 Officers responsible for acts of deputies 1152 19 Officers removed By whom 1159 21 Officers shall not contract When 280 11 Officers to balance accounts When 266 9 Officers to be paid in warrants 1145 18 Official bonds Payable to State 1155 20 Official year defined 1146 18 Payment of fine after commitment 6117 105 Penalty for failure to pay over money 1971 45 Penalty for failure to make reports 1967 44 Penalty for failure to deliver records 1968 44 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 115 Sec. Page Penalty for false enumeration I9y4 50 Penalty for failure to publish accounts 254 8 Perjury by surety 1143 16 Permanent fund investment 2498 99 Permits granted by County Superintendent 202t> 61 Persons diskualified from voting or holding office 2275 81 Poll tax 2320 82 Population How determined 1149 19 Powers and compensation in special cases 1154 20 Powers of deputies Bonds 1153 20 Power to appoint deputies 1151 ly Premium on bonds 283 12 Principal of District High School Duties of 2072 76 Procedure and removal 1160 2i Property exempt from taxation 2321 83 Property exempt from taxation 2322 83 Property subject to taxation 2324 84 Protection of birds, their nests and eggs 2789 103 Public Kindergarten Funds How provided 2001 53 How established 1998 52 Law not changed in reference to apportionment 2000 52 Powers of Trustees to establish Kindergarten 1998 52 Shall be part of School system 1999 Teachers for 1999 52 Public money 1144 18 Publication of accounts 253 8 Public officers subject to garnishment 4997 106 Publisher when member of trust 2007 54 Purposes for which taxes are levied 2401 85 Qualifications of office holders 2092 80 Qualifications of voters 1140 17 Qualifications of sureties 265 9 Qualifications of sureties for state officers 3364 104 Rate of interest When not effective 2021 60 Reading Circle books Who shall recommend 2019 60 Reading Circle work 2021 60 Receipts to be attached to vouchers 251 7 Records as evidence 1968 44 Recovery on bonds 2497 99 Records must be delivered to successor 1134 15 Refunding School District bonds Balance How paid 2049 67 Balance in hands of County Treasurer 2049 67 By whom signed 2042 65 Coupons Where paid 2043 66 Duty County Treasurer 2047 67 Duty of School Directors as to redemption 2045 66 Form of bond, time and interest 2040 65 Funds realized from sale of 2048 67 Interest on refunding bonds 2040 65 Payment for How pledged 2046 67 Power of Board to issue refunding bonds 2039 65 Property in District pledged for payment 2046 67 Redemption of bonds 2045 66 Refunding bonds How issued 2039 65 Registration of bonds 2041 65 116 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Sec. Page Sale of refunding bonds 2042 65 Surplus How used 2050 68 Tax to pay interest and principal 2044 66 Refusal to deliver records to successor Penalty 1968 44 Removal of officers 1159 21 Remuneration of truant officer. 1957 41 Reports filed in triplicate 262 8 Reports of High School District Trustees 2077 Report of County Superintendent. 1303 27 Reports to Governor When filed 261 8 Resignation of elective offices 2276 82 Restriction on public officers and contractors 280 11 Rules of order How adopted 1937 37 Salaries of state officers 136 5 Salaries of state officers When paid 264 9 Salaries When paid 1155 20 Salaries withheld By whom 1148 18 Sale of collaterals 2496 98 School Board may establish Manual Training Schools. 1975 46 School bonds How invested 125 3 School census 1992 49 School 'District bonds Additional bond of County Treasurer 2038 64 Authority to issue 2028 62 Bonds 2030 63 Bond election 2029 62 Bonds Preparation of 2035 64 Bonds Sale of 2030 63 County Treasurer shall have custody of funds 2037 64 School District bonds (Continued). Election to determine issue of 2028 62 Funds Who shall have custody of 2037 64 Interest on bonds How paid 2034 64 Issue of bonds 2029 62 Payment of interest on 2034 64 Penalty for misapplication of funds by Trustees 2036 64 Pledge for payment of 2031 63 Proceeds for sale of bonds 2030 63 Redemption of bonds 2033 63 Sale of bonds 2030 63 Tax levy to redeem any pay interest. 2032 63 School District funds How transferred 1938 37 School District How affected by change in county boun- daries .....1972 45 School District Organization and powers Annual election of Trustees 1930 35 Auditing and payment of claims .1949 39 Board may remove scholars 1945 39 Board shall advertise for bids 1946 39 Bond of District Treasurer 1952 40 District meetings 1935 36 District officers 1930 35 Election of Trustees where number increased to six. . .1931 35 Electors Powers of 1935 36 Employment and payment of teachers 1956 41 Establishment of High Schools 1953 40 First election of Trustees Officers of District.. ..1928 34 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 117 Sec. Page Manner conducting annual meeting 1939 38 Meeting may adopt rules of order 1937 37 Members of Board may administer oaths 1944 39 Meeting of Board 1942 38 Notice of District meeting 1950 39 Notice of formation of new Districts 1926 34 Number of Schools to be taught 1935 36 Oath of Directors .1929 35 Object of voting money to be designated 1935 36 Powers and duties of Board 1943 38 Powers of District meeting 1935 36 Qualifications of electors 1938 37 Regular meetings of Board and fiscal year 1934 36 Sale of School House 1935 36 School District to be body corporate 1933 36 School District seal 1932 36 School House Site of 1935 36 Separate School for colored children 1954 41 Settlement with Treasurer 1947 39 Special District meeting 1950 39 Transfer of School funds 1946 39 Treasurer shall report to District meeting 1947 39 Vacancies in Board How filled 1951 40 Visiting Committee 1948 39 Schools Free to all children When 1956 41 School funds Distribution by County Superintendent. .. .1299 24 School fund kept by State Treasurer 1962 43 School lands Board of Control 602 15 Scholars may be removed by Board 1945 39 School moneys To whom paid 2405 87 School money Liability of Treasurer for 1973 45 School month defined 1960 43 School officers May employ counsel 1969 44 Shall not be agent for School supplies Penalty for. . .1961 43 School supplies School officers shall not be agents for. . .1961 43 School tax 2401 85 School week Definition of -I960 43 Seal of School District 1932 36 Secretary of the Board of Charities and Reform 443 14 Secretary of State Custodian of bonds 106 3 Sex discrimination prohibited 1965 44 Shall not teach without certificate 2020 60 Sheriff Truant officer When 1957 41 Special county elections By whom ordered 2110 81 Special certificates 2017 59 State Auditor shall give bonds 266 9 State Board of Charities and Reform 436 14 State Board of Deposits 2487 93 State Examiner shall receive inventory of state property. . 268 9 State off ice Vacancy in 2087 79 State officers Biennial report filed when 262 8 Contingents of 252 7 Contingent funds of 251 7 Deputies of 269 10 Elected when Elective officers 2088 79 Inventory of property , 268 9 118 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Sec. Page Limitation of expense 249 6 Reports to Governor 261 Salaries of 136 Salary only compensation 263 Salary paid monthly 264 9 Shall balance accounts When 260 8 Shall reside at capital 137 Sureties for 265 9 State Superintendent. (See Supt. of Public Instruction.) State Superintendent issues certificates 2026 62 State Treasurer shall keep school funds 1962 43 State Treasurer Shall give bonds 266 9 Receive donations for schools 1973 45 Land funds invested by 125 Superintendent of Public Instruction Attorney General legal advised of 145 6 Disposition of donated books, etc 134 4 Disposition of School land funds 135 5 General duties of 133 4 Report to Legislature 133 4 Report to Governor 133 4 Shall file report 133 4 Shall make rules and regulations 133 4 Shall prepare course of study 29 Supervision of School District 133 4 Superintendent of School. (See County Supt. of Schools.) Superintendent of Schools County Apportionment of County School fund 1299 24 Bond of 1296 22 County School fund How apportioned 1299 24 Office at county seat 23 Records of office 23 County Teachers' Institute 1305 28 Duties of 1298 23 Failure to make reports Penalty 1303 27 May appoint deputies 1306 29 Oath and, bond 1296 22 Prohibited from teaching 1296 22 Reports of 1298 23 Report of enumeration to State Superintendent 1996 47 Salary of 1297 23 School fund How apportioned 1299 24 Shall distribute blanks 1298 23 Shall visit Schools 1302 27 Supervision and appellate authority of 1304 28 Supplement apportionment 1300 25 Teachers' Institute How conducted 1305 28 Superintendent of state institutions shall report When. . . 262 8 Supplies Agents for 1961 43 Sureties for official bonds 282 11 Sureties for state officers 265 9 Sureties for official bonds how released 285 12 Sureties Qualifications of 1 140 17 Taxation and revenue Assessed valuation of Limit 89 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 119 Sec. Page Bonded debt 92 City or town Unlawful to fix tax levy 88 County Commissioners Limit 89 County School tax Limit 92 County library tax Limit 92 Detailed illustration 90 Excessive levy unlawful Duty of Assessor 93 Method of estimating 89 Misdemeanor 93 Taxation Property exempt from 3582 106 Tax for county libraries 1316 31 Tax for School purposes 24U1 85 Tax for High School District Collection of 2065 73 Tax How collected 2402 86 Taxes How equalized 2403 86 Tax levy 2320 82 Tax levy High School District 2065 73 Taxes Limitation upon amount 2320 82 Tax list 2343 85 Taxes Property subject to 2324 84 Taxes Property exempt from 2321 83 Taxes Purposes of 2320 82 Teachers Employment and payment of 1955 41 Teachers shall register certificates 2022 61 Teachers' Institute 28 Teachers High School District-^Employment of 2072 76 Teachers' reports Failure to make 1967 44 Teachers report to Clerk 1967 44 Text Books. (See Free Text Books.) Time of qualifying county officers 1136 16 Transportation expenses 1139 17 Treasurer's bond Condition of 281 11 Treasurer's bond Condition of 284 12 Treasurer's bond Who may be sureties for 282 11 Treasurer's bond Premium payable on 283 12 Treasurers Liability of for school money 1974 46 Treasurers shall give bond 1952 40 Treasurer shall make report 1947 39 Truant officer Duty of 1957 41 Truant officer Enumeration 1958 42 Truancy Penalty for 1958 42 Trustees of High School District No compensation 2077 77 Trustees Election of when increased to six 1931 35 Trustees First election of 1928 34 Trustees for library Bond of 1318 31 Trustees How elected 1939 38 Trustees When elected 1930 35 Trustees may employ enumerator 1993 50 Trustees oath of 1929 35 Trustees University of Wyoming 413 14 Tuition in High School District 2075 76 Tuition not charged High School District residents 2076 77 University of Yyoming Board of Trustees 413 14 Vacancy How filled 1951 40 Vacancy in elective office How made. 2277 82 Vacancy in county of fices How filled 1137 16 Vacancy in official position 1161 21 120 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Sec. Page Vacancy in office Who determines fact of 2112 81 Vaccination When compulsory -.-... 2940 104 Voting Persons disqualified from 2275 81 Voting Qualifications for 2092 Voucher Penalty for false statement on 250 Vouchers Receipts to be attached 251 7 Warrants For whom drawn 1145 18 Warrants Interest on 3364 104 When salary is to be paid 1158 Who shall issue certificates .- 2026 Woman suffrage 2274 81 Year-Fiscal . 1934 36 J055 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY