THE 1NDUSTOMMIN1NG THEGIRL WILLIAM A. MCREEVER GIFT OF Agricultural Educ.Dlv. THE INDTJSTKIAL TRAINING OF THE GIRL THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO DALLAS ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED LONDON BOMBAY CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD. TORONTO THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING OF THE GIRL BY WILLIAM A. McKEEVER PROFESSOR OF CHILD WELFARE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. AUTHOR OF "TRAINING THE GIRL," "TRAINING THE BOY," "FARM BOYS AND GIRLS," ETC. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1914 All rights reserved COPTBIGHT, 1914, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Nortoooti J. S. Cushing Co. Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. TO MY ESTIMABLE NIECE EDITH MARIE J THIS LITTLE VOLUME IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED 674625 PREFACE IN the ideal state of society Labor and Love and Life would be regarded as three ways of characterizing the same thing ; namely, a complete human existence. This larger, richer personality is to me an enticing goal of training, especially because of my belief that its means of attainment exist potentially in the nature of every ordinary child. Now, it is the dominant note of this little volume that industry when properly related to the growth and the training of the young is cultural and ennobling. Slowly yet unmistakably, from the age- old superstitions about her sex, there is emerging a type of woman which, as I believe, will be known as distinc- tively American a type which is being created out of our plain, substantial, composite stock. And during all the years of her development this coming American woman will be guided first of all by the secret whisper- ings of her own true feminine nature. From the time when she first extends her tiny hands to grasp eagerly the baby doll, to the day when she bids adieu her first- born departing for college during all these years she will continue to attain unto higher perfection and beauty of character. To play and work and love and serve and worship these are the component parts of all good womanly lives. Deny a woman any one of these holy practices and she becomes incomplete, servile, and unhappy. This present vii viii Preface volume treats of the industrial training alone, but the other forms are implied and have been considered else- where. It is the humble wish of the author that many parents and other girl trainers may be led by this book to see the way whereby they may add genuine charm and dignity and spiritual worth to the character of the growing girl through a carefully adapted course of indus- trial training. The text of this volume is constituted of Part One of the larger one entitled "Training the Girl," and that in accordance with a preconceived plan. WILLIAM A. McKEEVER. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. CONTENTS THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING OF THE GIRL OHAPTEB PAGE I. THE SMALL BEGINNINGS 3 An Unusual " House of Childhood " .... 4 Home Industry is Culture 5 Love will Lead the Way 8 Home Mindedness Inculcated ..... 8 The Tedious Beginnings , 9 The Secret of Success 11 II. THE KINDERGARTEN TRAINING . . . . .14 A Constructive Plan of Development .... 14 The Kindergarten Method 15 A Concrete Illustration 16 Much Work to Perform 18 The Spirit of Co-operation 19 Another Important Appointment 21 Indulging the Creative Spirit 22 The Duty of the Mother 24 III. ATTENDING THE PUBLIC SCHOOL . . . . . 26 Work Distinguished from Play . . ... 26 Beware of Contests 28 The Reconstructive Method 29 Condemning the Teacher . . . . . .30 Mastering the Lessons 32 How Much Home Study 33 What of the Child's Health 33 IV, HOME AND SCHOOL CO-OPERATION 37 The Parent-Teacher Association 37 How to Organize a School and Home Club ... 39 ix x Contents CHAPTER PAGE How to Conduct the Club 40 Getting the Point of View 42 Topics for the Program 43 Home Study 43 The Schoolground Discipline . . . " . .43 Morals on the Playground 44 Home Industry 44 A New Method of Grading ...... 45 Work Must Receive Recognition . . . . .47 V. THE HIGH-SCHOOL GIRL ....... 50 The Danger of Confusion ...... 50 Is this Description True ? 52 What is the Remedy ? 53 Choice of a High-School Course 54 What of Domestic Mindedness 55 The Course in Household Science and Art ... 56 Common-Sense Instruction 57 The Vocation not Overlooked 58 The High School may not Fit . . . . 59 Democracy in the High School 60 The Spirit of Democracy 61 The Discipline in One Home 62 The High-School Secret Society 64 Keep the Daughter Out of It 64 The High-School Girl's Clothes 66 VI. SENDING THE DAUGHTER TO COLLEGE 68 Choosing the Right Institution 68 Selecting the Course of Study 69 A Danger Period at College 71 A Change in Attitude of Mind . . . . .72 Playing Fair with the Freshman Girl .... 73 The College Home for Girls 75 The Letters from Home 76 The College Sorority 1-77 Health-Impairing Training and Exercise ... 78 Shall the Young Woman Earn Her Way . . .79 Other Topics to Follow .81 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS On the way to happy womanhood . . Frontispiece FACING PAGE Where love leads the way 8 In the school of life . 8 A kindergarten in " God's Great Out of Doors " . 18 Love and life and labor may be made one . . 28 A " Little Mother " at her best .... 28 " Once upon a time a good little girl " . . 38 A home theatre and these sisters are better for it 44 She is just as much at home in the classroom or at the piano . . . . . . .56 A familiar May pole scene at college ... 70 THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING OF THE GEkLM.-V, C 1 ?" THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING OF THE GIRL CHAPTER I THE SMALL BEGINNINGS IF, on the day these lines were written, the reader could have stepped into the large attic of a certain modest suburban home, the attractiveness of the scene witnessed there would have doubly repaid the effort expended in climbing the two flights of stairs leading thereto. This attic room was perhaps 24 x 30 feet in I dimensions, ai)d all of its commodious space was taken lip'by W remarkabfy' complete equipment for the training