vJ-X\lJ.lA OL>rr-v/^-v. cx^-vJ WARMAN'S PHYSICAL TRAINING OR THE CARE OF THE BODY. BY E. B.jWARMAN, A M., CHICAGO, ILL. MJTHOR OF PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION IN WOR CESTER'S DICTIONARY. PRACTICAL ORTHOEPY AND CRITIQUE. PRINCIPLES OF READING, RECIT- ING AND IMPERSONATING. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. "Obedience is better than sacrifice. CHICAGO, NEW YOKK, 1'HlLADEI.rHI A AM) LONDON, KNU. : PUBLISHED BY A. G. SPALDING A; BROS. 1890. COPYRIGHT 1885, BY E. B. WARMAN. COPYRIGHT 1889, BY E. B. WARMAN. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. Prof. Warman nas been eminently successful in all parts of the country in teaching his most valuable of all systems of PHYSICAL TRAINING for the SYMMETRI- CAL DEVELOPMENT of the body. This manual is the result of years of experience in the school-room and upon the rostrum; hence we take pleasure in introducing it to the public as the most PRACTICAL work of the kind extant. It is especially adapted to the needs of schools, colleges, etc. Respectfully, A. G. SPALUING & BROS. AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. REVISED AND ENLARGED. Not long since, upon the literary sea, we launched a little barque. It was so small that, among the myriad of others, we knew not if notice would be taken of it, but sent it forth to meet its fate. We did not predict for it a voyage upon an unruffled sea; hence we built it of seasoned timber gathered from our ripened experience. We fashioned it " Staunch and strong, a goodly vessel That will laugh at all disaster. And with wave and wkirlwind wrestle." True, the little craft was not wholly original, for others had been built; but the design and the arrange- ment of the apartments were the result of our own handiwork, growing out of the knowledge of the great need of PRACTICAL PHYSICAL TRAINING IN THE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. We have met the demand, and from the various ports Colleges, Seminaries, Schools, Homes, etc., the little barque has returned, having had a most successful voyage. We are now importuned to rebuild and enlarge our former structure. We have complied with the request, having greatly improved every department; and we vouchsafe health and happiness to all who embark with us, and follow our directions. PUBLISHER S PREFACE. APARTMENT No. i contains many timely sugges- tions as to THE CARE OF THE BODY. By living in accordance therewith not only will many years be added to one's life, but life will be added to one's years. APARTMENT No. 2 has been arranged with a view to school-room conveniences, and /'^conveniences. We furnish therein our SYSTEM OF EXERCISES WITHOUT APPARATUS. These, with few exceptions, can be taken in very small space even for classes. APARTMENT No. 3 has also been arranged with a special view to class exercise in limited quarters. These can be given by children in school, while standing by the desk. In this apartment will be found our thorough, complete and practical SYSTEM OF DUMB-BELL EXERCISES. These have been especially prepared for the strengthening and developing of the entire body. APARTMENT No. 4 presents, in the most concise manner, as the result of years of labor in this field of physical training, our SYSTEM OF INDIAN-CLUB SWINGING. Believing, as we do, in thoroughness, we Have prescribed a system for the mastery of one club, ere the attempt is made to control two. Without further ceremony, we launch the new barque with its rich cargo, trusting it will fully serve its mission. Bon voyage. E. B. \VARMAN. Chicago, III., April 29/7?, 1889. INDEX TO CONTENTS. PAGE The Care of the Body 1 1 Physical Training for Schools, etc 15 Whiskey 17 Tobacco Chewing and Smoking 18 To Secure Longevity 31 Degeneracy of Man 36 General Rules of Health 39 Fresh Air 42 Correct Breathing 43 Bathing . . 45 Catarrh 46 The Throat 47 The Care of the Feet 48 The Color of the Clothing 50 Magnetism 52 Sleeping at Will 55 Belt and Corset 60 Symmetrical Development 64 Exercises without Apparatus 67 The Lungs 63 The Chest 69 The Shoulders 70 '* The Fingers 71 The Wrists 72 The Elbows 76 The Shoulders 78 The Neck 80 The Waist 84 The Hips 87 T he Knee 89 The Ankle 91 INDEX TO CONTENTS. PAGE Exercises without Apparatus Continued. The Calf and Thigh 93 The Thighs 94 The Fore-arm , 95 The Chest 96 Physiological Charts 98 Key to Figures of Muscular System 100 Dumb- Bell Exercises i >2 Indian-Club Swinging (one club) 121 Inward, Right 124 Outward, Right 1 2 s Outward, Left 126 Inward, Left. 127 Poise and Drop, Left 1 28 Poise and Drop, Right 1 29 Outward Right Outward Left 1 30 Large Wheel Right to Left 131 Large Wheel Left to Right 132 Small Wheel Right to Left 133 Small Wheel Left to Right .... 134 Poise, Drop and Inward, Right. ... 135 Poise, Drop and Inward, Left 136 Drop and Inward, Right and Left. . . . 137 Small Side-Circles, Right 1315 Large Side-Circles, Right 139 Large Side-Circles, Right (Reverse) 140 Small, Large, Diagonal, Large, Right 141 Small Side-Circles, Left 142 Large Side-Circles, Left 143 Large Side-Circles, Left (Reverse) 144 Small, Large, Diagonal, Large, Left 145 Chin-Knocker, Right 146 Chin-Knocker, Left 147 I ,ever, Right 148 Lever, Left .... 149 Inward and Forward, Left 150 Inward and Forward, Right 151 INDEX TO CONTENTS. PAGE Indian-Club System (one club), Condensed for Cahing 152 Indian-Club Swinging (two clubs) 155 Point, Left and Right 1 56 Small Left and Large Right . . 157 Small Right and Large Left 1 58 Alternate 159 Backward Drop 160 Forward Drop 161 Outward Left and Backward Drop Right 162 Alternating Outward 163 Alternating Inward 164 Double Small Circles 165 Left, Right, Both 166 The Windmill 167 Forward and Inward, Left Side i6S Forward and Inward, Right Side 169 Alternating 1 70 Right, Left, Right, Left, Front, Front 171 Small Side-Circles 172 Double Inward \ 73 Double S weqis 1 74 Sides, Inward, Sweeps 175 Small Sides, Left and Right 176 Small Sides, Alternate Right 177 Small Sides, Reverse, Right 178 Out, In, Out, Under, Toss, Left i 79 Right Horizontal iSo Left I lorizontal .. i rf i Check 182 Shoulder Brace __ 183 Full Arm, Reverse 184 "Windmill and Alternate. . . 185 The Finish 186 Taking the Clubs Artistically 187 Indian-Club Swings (two clubs), Condensed for Calling iS3 " If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are" PHYSICAL TRAINING; OR, THE GARE 0F THE B0DY. BY E. B. WARMAN, A.M. CHICAGO, ILL. ' ' Holier than any temple of wood or stone, consecrated to divine right and divine purposes, is the human body." We are aware that in a measure all that is good has been said before; all that is noble has been thought before; but is there less need of re-saying the good, or re-thinking the noble? We are also aware that vol- umes have been written on the subject of physical training, yet we fail to see a proportionate amount of benefit resulting therefrom. We naturally ask our- selves, Why is this? Trusting that we may not seem presumptuous, we shall undertake to solve this problem. It arises from one of two causes; either that the various modes of 12 PHYSICAL TRAINING. exercises have not been placed before the public in a way to make them practical as well as pleasurable, or that such modes as have been given have been abused by unwisely using them, thereby causing the public to become prejudiced against anything that pertains to manly sports. There is not an art, science or religion extant that cannot be abused; should we then condemn them all, or should we not, rather, as representatives of such a calling, do all in our power to exalt the true ideal, and thus establish our forces against the enemy of that which is high and grand and ennobling? We wish to define our position at the very outset by answering the question to what end should phys- ical training be taught ? Health should be the pri- mary object. You have it ? Then exercise to keep it. The end or aim of training in physical exercise should not be with a view to muscular development only. The secondary object of physical training should be symmetrical development and graceful carriage of the body. No teacher should lay claim to proficiency, and no book to completeness that* disregards this theory. We find, even among gymnasts, a great deal of abnormal development. Did you ever ask a man to show his muscle ? You did ? What muscle ? You did not specify any par- ticular one, yet you asked him in the singular, indi- cating thereby that he has but one. Nine hundred and ninety-nine men out of every thousand will at once put up the arm and show you the biceps. Is it a PHYSICAL TRAINING. 13 criterion of strength ? Not by any means, not even of the arm for all purposes. It is often an indication of weakness somewhere else, especially if over-developed. It is a test of strength in pulling or lifting. Such a development will not materially aid one in striking a powerful blow, for the triceps (which is used in strik- ing or pushing) may have been neglected. To satisfy yourself concerning the development of these muscles, push against some solid substance with your right arm, the palm of the hand resting against the object ; then feel the upper portion of your arm, back and front, with the left hand, and you will readily perceive that the forepart of the upper arm (biceps) shows no special development, while the back part (triceps) is quite solid. Reverse the exercise by pulling a heavy object toward you, or raising a heavy weight from the floor by bending your arm at the elbow, and you will at once feel (by using the left hand), that the muscle of the fore part of the upper arm (biceps) immedi- ately rounds and fills out, while the back part (triceps) becomes nearly level. An expert rower should be an expert boxer, and thus equalize the development and consequent strength of his arm. What ! Is boxing manly ? Yes, when a man boxes. Anything that a man does is manly ; anything that a woman does is womanly. Next to God Himself there is nothing grander than a manly man and a womanly woman. There are many who regard boxing as brutal It is, when you make it so. So is rifle practice ; so is saber exercise ; so is anything that may be abused. Because you are an ex- 14 PHYSICAL TRAINING. pert with the gloves, there is no more danger of you entering the prize ring, or developing a disposition to pommel everybody, than being an expert with the rifle or saber will develop a desire to go around and shoot or slice up your neighbor. Apropos to this we state the familiar quotation: "It is glorious to possess a giant's strength, but it is cowardly to use it as a giant." Let the poor, hollow-ehested, bad livered, dyspeptic grumbler agaittst manly sports, come out of his little den, doff his coat and vest, breathe freely, purely and deeply of the fresh air that the Almighty has so freely and so plentifully given; then let him take up a pair of Indian-clubs, or hurl the ball, or pitch the quoit, or poise the rifle, or use the dumb-bells, or tug at the oar, and he will go back to that self-same der. and acknowledge to the world, through the silent but pow- erful medium of the pen, that he was wrong in attack- ing the thing itself when his blows should have been leveled at its misapplication or abuse. We exclaim with Dr. Foss: "Let these things be done with the distinct recognition that we have a higher nature, and in such a manner and measure as to do no harm to what is best and noblest in this loftier realm." We have spoken of health of body and carriage of body as distinct aims of physical training; but we must not stop there, for it is threefold in its mission; it will give us what Jiie old Latin poet prayed for "A sound mind in a sound body." Many of our col- leges are supplied with a gymnasium, which too often proves a detriment, from the fact that so many of them are without a competent teacher, the lack of which PHYSICAL TRAINING. 1 5 compels the pupil to choose his own exercises, as well as the manner of taking them; consequently he will either overdo in the first few weeks and then cease al- together, or will resume Only spasmodically, both of which are hurtful. Possibly he may continue daily, but in the absence of an instructor he will take only such exercies as are the most pleasurable to him, thereby developing one set of muscles at the expense of others. All these things need special care. Any exercise, to produce lasting and beneficial results, shoulcf be regular, but never violent. Many persons act upon the supposition that physical exercise must be fatiguing or exhausting, in order to be strengthening ; such exercises are instead, debilitating. ^ PHYSICAL TRAINING FOR SCHOOLS, ETC. We would prescribe a course of physical training that should be obligatory as a part of the curriculum of every school, college and seminary. The teacher, be it he or she it is no longer a question of sex but of gumption should be genius enough to enthuse the pupils so that the exercise will not be looked upon as irksome, but as a pleasure. But it may be argued that the majority of colleges do not have, nor can they afford, a first-class gymnasium. No first-class college can well afford to be without one, or at least some good form of every-day gymnastic exercise. It is also considered that the exercise is not becoming to a lady. It is, if she provides herself with a becoming costume. The demands of the physical are in every way l6 PHYSICAL TRAINING. equal to the demands of the mental. Exercise of any kind to be beneficial, should be general. If too much attention is given to the physical development and the mental is neglected, tli brain will become corre- spondingly weak in its functions. The same rule ap- plies to excessive mental development, drawing the much needed blood of the body to supply the brain. Brain work is much more exhaustive than hand work. Dr. W. W. Hall very aptly puts it thus: "The farmer can work from morning until night from one week's end to the other, and thrive upon it; the brain worker cannot profitably spend more than six hours out of the twenty-four. The most successful and voluminous literary men of our time, who maintain their vigor to a good age, do not spend more than four or five hours at their desk, having found that that was the limit of their endurance and pleasurable labor." The body, also, needs the utmost care, as it is the sacred temple for the indwelling of the soul. Do our young men and young ladies so regard it when, as it is termed, they are "getting an education" ? An edu- cation of what ? Simply of the mind, while the body is so neglected that processes are going on which are sapping the very life from the foundation of that mind. How many weak, debilitated, half-alive men and women are knocking at the doors of our halls of learning and asking admittance. Jt were just as rea- sonable to adorn a tumble-down shanty with a man- sard roof, as a physical wreck with an accomplished education. Stand before any institution of learning and watch PHYSICAL TRAINING. 17 the young men as they emerge from the building and pass down the street. You will find scores of them with whom the head seems running away with the body, not because the head is so large, but because the body is so small. If you want a fair representa- tive of the average student who neglects physical cu'- ture, just put a large round doughnut on a hairpin. WHISKEY. Do the young men of our day realize the value of the human system when they put that thief in their mouth which steals away their brains ? It attacks the very citadel, and when the brain is stupefied, what can they expect of the body ? How well Shakespeare understood this when he put these words in the mouth of Lady Macbeth : " His two chamberlains will I with wine and wassail so conyince, That memory, the warder of the brain, shall be a fume, And the receipt of reason, a limbeck only ! " Yet, in the face of our attack on whiskey, we have no hesitancy in saying : "Whiskey is the best thing in the world for a man when he is dead! It \\\\\ preserve him. But it is the worst thing in the world for pre- serving a man when he is living." So says Dr. Guthrie. If you want to keep a dead man, put him in whiskey ; if you want to kill a man, put whiskey in him. It was undoubtedly, a good thing for preserving the dead admiral when they put him in a rum-puncheon, but it was a bad thing for the sailors when they tapped the I 8 PHYSICAL TRAINING. cask and drank the liquor, until they left the admiral, as he had never left the ship, high and dry. While we are speaking of those things which ruin our beautiful temples, we would like to say a word that would plead like "angels, trumpet-tongued, against the deep damnation " of the most pernicious and filthy habit of TOBACCO CHEWING AND SMOKING. The liquor question has been so ably handled by competent writers, and the tobacco question so little discussed, comparatively, that we prefer to devote more time and space to the latter. The results of liquor are so generally understood, and its evils so widely known, and its horrible consequences shunned by all lovers of peace and harmony; while the slaves of tobacco, with their pernicious habits, find their way in nearly every family of our land. Too little is actually known of the terrible results arising from this evil; though ignorance is no excuse for the violation of a law. The filthy spittoon cuspidore is too refined should take its place by the side of the whiskey jug, /. <-., it should have no home in a refined or Christian family. We like to say all the good we can of everything ; so we can truthfully say there is nothing better than tobacco for removing insects from plants. Just take that pound which was bought to put in the mouth and put it in three pints of boiling water, and by pouring it on the plants it will destroy the insects instead of killing the man ; or, if the habitual tobacco user does PHYSICAL TRAINING. 19 not want to waste the tobacco, let him take a good hot water bath, and the water will be sufficiently perme- ated with the tobacco poison from his system to do its deadly work on the insects. What effect has tobacco upon this system of ours, which we should study to preserve in all its beauty and strength? Allow us to mention but a few (?) of the evils: Headache over the eyes; nervous head- ache, with sickness of the stomach; deafness; partial blindness; running of the eyes; cancer of the lips; con- sumption, preceded for years by a cough; asthma; dys- pepsia; palpitation of the heart; paralysis of the upper part of the body ; neuralgia, especially of the face, head and neck; swelling of the gums and rotting of the teeth; enfeeblement of the lymphatics; enlarge- ment of the glands of the face and neck, making the chewer thick about the cheeks and lips; lethargy; morbid appetite for spirituous liquors; morbid appetite for highly flavored food; indistinct taste; indistinct smell; imperfect sense of touch; obtuseness of the moral sense; uncleanness of person; stentorian or snoring sleep; a sense of dullness and of great debility when first waking from sleep until one has had a chew or smoke; confirmed and incurable disease, and pre- mature death. We wish to call your attention to some quotations from a discourse delivered at Island Park assembly July 23, 1885, by the Rev. George L. Curtis, M. D., I). D. of Seymour, Indiana : " The chemical elements of tobacco are decidedly poisonous to the human system, for which there are 2O PHYSICAL TRAINlnG. no known antidotes. The first element is a volatile oil or fat, obtained by distilling the smoke of tobacco. It has the odor of tobacco, and when inhaled pro- duces the same sensations as smoke. When applied to the nose its pungency causes vomiting, taken inter- nally it produces giddiness, nausea, and a staggering walk ; it is poison. "The second element is a volatile alkali, called nicotine ; // is a deadly poison, next in rank to prussic acid. One drop is sufficient to kill a dog, if placed on his tongue. One drop, evaporated in a room holding two hundred people, is so penetrating that it will drive them out in a few moments. " The third element is an empyreumatic oil, obtained also by heat. A drop of this poison placed on the tongue of a cat will cause horrible agony, convulsions and death, in from two to four minutes. " These three chemical substances are all developed in burning tobacco, either in smoking a cigar or pipe. In the residuum of a pipe long used they exist in a dark-brown or tanny mass of offensive matter. " If you take a mouthful of tobacco smoke, and expel it through a clean white handkerchief, you will see when it passes the fabric that it makes a black spot. Examine this black matter under a microscope of five hundred diameters, and you will see the crystals of nicotine, the oil globules and the acid. These enter the mouth with the smoke, and some of it is absorbed directly, and other portions of it after a time, and so they enter the circulating system. " The manner in which tobacco is used is not in PHYSICAL TRAINING. 21 harmony with any of the laws of our being, or our health. Chewing, and then expectorating, is contrary to the use designed in the making of our tongue, teeth, lips and palate. It was never intended that we should chew substances and expectorate them. Deglu- tition was designed to follow chewing, but to swallow tobacco is dangerous. Man is the only spitting ani- mal known except the cat, and it does not spit until it is mad. Smoking, develops the chemical principles of tobacco, all of which are rank poisons and extremely dangerous. In smoking, the heat passes down too rapidly and causes changes which cannot be met by any anti-poisons. It turns the mouth, out of which ought to come blessings, into a chemical shop, where vile things are compounded. " The physiological effects of tobacco are destruc- tive of health and life. In chewing tobacco, the sali- vary glands are stimulated to undue activity. In health, these glands secrete an average of three pounds every twenty-four hours ; when one is chewing tobacco he secretes from eleven to thirteen pounds every twenty-four hours. You can calculate how long it would take a man to spit himself away." A man who expectorates that filthy tobacco juice must not expect to rate among the cultured and refined. " In chewing tobacco the glands become enlarged; the microscope shows the substance congested, hardened and thickened, and the orifices hardened and enlarged by such constant stimulation. " Give an expert microscopist a section of the 22 PHYSICAL TRAINING parotid gland, and he will tell you whether that person was a tobacco chewer or not. Chewing, brings some of the poisons into the system by the absorbing ves- sels of the mouth and throat. These injuriously affect both the circulating and nervous system. " A cigar, wet, and laid on the stomach of a child, will produce sickness, for the skin absorbs the poison of the tobacco. In smoking, the three poisons alluded to are developed. In an old pipe, used three months, the residue in the bowl is a compound of all these active poisons. " In Ohio, a little girl fell against the stove and burned her lip. The burn did not heal so rapidly as her grandmother thought desirable, so the grand- mother, a great smoker called the little granddaugh- ter to her, and, running her finger around in the bowl of the pipe, took the black tobacco juice and rubbed on the little girl's sore lip. In a few minutes the child was in violent convulsions, and in twelve hours died. The old pipe killed her. " Tobacco also affects the heart. It causes par- alysis and intermittence of pulse beats. A doctor in New Hampshire was consulted by the mother of a girl four years old, who was affected with a severe eruption on the face. The mother was anxious, from having heard stories of its effiicacy in other cases, to make an application of tobacco. The physician, however, advised the contrary and left, to visit a sick neighbor. While prescribing for the latter, he was called back in haste to the child, whom he found senseless and motionless on the floor. The mother PHYSICAL TRAINING. 23 informed him that, being still persuaded that tobacco would be beneficial, she had, after he retired, taken some from the bowl of a pipe and rubbed it on the child's face. The child set out to walk across the room immediately after the application, but had not gone half way before she fell in the condition in which he found her. The physician worked an hour, resort- ing to various means for resuscitating the child, the pulse occasionally reviving and then dying away agaiiT, until finally animation was restored. For years afterward the child was subject to alarming nervous symptoms, and is now puny and feeble. Her consti- tution previous to the experiment was good, but the shock upon the nervous system was so severe thaf she never recovered, and probably never will. " Now a word as to the effect of tobacco on the brain worker. Men cannot be as good students who use tobacco as those who abstain. In the Medical College of Indiana for 1883 and 1884, the students who wholly abstained from tobacco stood, in final ex- amination, at 87. 33, while those who smoked, or chewed and smoked, stood at 80.14. Dr. Dio Lewis made the statement that ' not a man addicted to the use of tobacco has taken the honors in Harvard College for the past fifty years, though five out of every six stu- dents use the weed.' " Many years ago, the Council of Berne, in Switzer- land, recognized the principle that 'tobacco is a deadly foe to mind development,' and they at once issued an edict prohibiting the use of tobacco to youths under fifteen years of age. 24 PHYSICAL TRAINING. " The French Minister of Public Instruction, after classifying the pupils into smokers and non-smokers, finding the latter to be the better students, contem- plated the prohibition of the use of tobacco in all the colleges of France." We anticipate the question in reference to the harm- less (?) cigarette. If you have any pride at all in regard to the body; if you wish to retain the home of the soul as a fit dwelling place thereof; if you have any ambition, any of you young men, to become ath- letes, listen to the words of Mr. J. M. Laflin, a New York athlete, when interviewed by a New York Sun reporter, touching the subject. He replied: "There is no engine of destruction known to humanity to-day doing more damage than the popular cigarette." We have no doubt that there may be those who claim to have used tobacco, in some form or other, many years, and have not experienced any serious results. We know of a man who lived to be over one hundred years old, and had used it all his life, and that to excess. He lived, but he transmitted the poison to his entire family of children, all of whom died at an early age. We might say, "Poor man! we pity your weakness;' 1 but we extend our sympathy in another direction and say, "Poor wife! we admire your strength" It is wonderful how much this system of ours will endure before it yields to the inevitable. Let no young man take the example, just given, as a criterion. It should be reason enough for abandoning the use of tobacco that it produces such a foul breath and PHVSICAL TRAINING. 25 such filthy habits. Can we find nothing in the Script- ures concerning it? Yes, and he who uses the weed, especially to excess, may take consolation therefrom: " Let him that is filthy be filthy still." The odor of the tobacco user's breath is abomi- nable. Charles Lamb, in writing his " Farewell to Tobacco," gives us the following: " Stinking'st of the stinking kind, Filth of th' mouth and fog of th' mind; Africa that boasts her foyson Breeds no such prodigious poison." An expert will tell by the breath the character of the materials passed down the throat or in the mouth. There is an alcohol breath, a beer breath, a wine breath, an opium breath, an onion and garlic breath, and a tobacco breath. But the breath of onions and garlic is the ambrosia of the night-blooming cereus, or the balm of a thousand flowers, or the spicy odors of Ceylon's isle, when compared with the tobacco user's breath. There was an old colored woman with whom some one expostulated concerning her offensive breath, say- ing: '' Mammy, your breath will disgust and frighten away the angels." She happened to have the best of it, however, for she quickly parried the blow by the reply: " Bless you, honey, I specs to leave dis bref behind when I goes to de angels." Of all the men who need reforming, we would espe- cially recommend for worthy consideration and for the prayers of a Christian people, our ministers, our 26 PHYSICAL TRAINING. D.D.s, and our lecturers on temperance, who, in the least degree, are addicted to the use of tobacco. No man who is a moderate smoker has the right to preach against moderate drinking. Any man, whatsoever his station in life, who uses tobacco, forfeits his right and weakens his power to raise his voice against tobacco's companion. Alcohol and tobacco are twin demons. Temperance men, you cannot cure a drunkard while he is a slave to his pipe. Leading physicians claim that one artificial appetite generates another. True, every smoker and chewer of the filthy weed is not a drinker of intoxicants, but instances are very rare where the drunkard is not a slave to tobacco. As Horace Greeley once remarked: " Show me a drunk- ard who does not use tobacco, and I will show you a white blackbird." But little good can a minister do in preaching a gospel of purity and self-denial while he indulges in the use of the filth. In a certain theo- logical seminary in Chicago, among the instructors, there are four out of seven, all D.D.s, who use tobacco. These are the men who are teaching our young men, by precept and example, to go forth and proclaim the sweet, pure truths of_the gospel. Selah! ! We know of a young man who applied to this sem- inary for admission, but, on learning the fact just stated, he was so shocked that he left at once and took the course at another seminary in the same city; thus being obliged to change his denominational prefer- ence. For our part, we would not knowingly listen to an expounder of the teachings of Christ when those teachings came through such a dirty channel. We PHYSICAL TRAINING. 27 would prefer to worship under our own vine and fig- tree. You will observe that we adopt the motto we wo u 1 d have all men ad o pt ; v i z. , Feel not the public pulse to see if it beats in unison with yours. God despises a coward. As you would strike straight from the shoulder, physically, so you should strike straight morally. After lecturing on this subject in a certain church in Jowa, the pastor stepped forward, when the follow- ing colloquy took place: " Mr. Warman, I am pleased to have you express yourself so freely and so forcibly on the care of the body, but /would not dare to do it." " Have we not spoken the truth?" " Ay, every word is true as gospel." " Then, my brother, is it not logical to conclude that you dare not speak the truth ?" " Ah, but my bread and butter would be at stake." " Then, for God's sake, and for humanity's sake, take the bread and let the butter go. We would rather live on a dry crust and carry about with us the sweet consciousness of being true to our convictions than to live in clover, and have bread, butter and honey." It is not our desire to interfere with any one's lib- erty, only to draw a line on that liberty. His lordship may, at his own home, fill the house from cellar to garret with fumes of the weed, and no one object, unless it be his wife, and we would ask her if she remembers when, in years agone, she said, u No, sir, smoking Is not objectionable;" but we cannot under- 28 PHYSICAL TRAINING. stand how men can be so selfish, and lack so much of the chivalric spirit for the fair sex that they will put ladies to any amount of discomfort, and thus satisfy their own selfish desires, by insisting upon the liberty to smoke in public places. We rejoiced to read upon a street car in Cincinnati the following order: " Smok- ing is prohibited upon any part of any car of the Cin- cinnati street-car lines." If you will not count the cost as regards health and morals, then give a moment's consideration to the sub- ject financially, and see what an expensive luxury it is. Three 5 -cent cigars daily for five years, with 6 per cent, compound interest semi-annually, amounts to Three 5-cent cigars daily for fifty years, with 6 per cent, compound interest, semi-annually, amounts to $16,236.37. When a man, at the age of seventy, has saved the snug little sum of $16,000, and it is his mis- fortune to lose it by fire, -how he mourns; but what of the thousands of men around us who, from twenty to seventy, have deliberately sat down and enjoyed seeing the smoke of their $16,000. True, it was only a nickel or a dime at a time. These are facts " stubborn facts," and figures never lie except in election returns. The burning of the filthy weed is but a small item when compared with the destruction of mind, body and morals. In your school-rooms, in your churches, in your offices, in your shops, in your public halls, in your hotels, in your theological seminaries, ay, in your pastor's study, we would have you hang up, in PHYSICAL TRAINING. 29 the most conspicuous place and made in the most attractive manner, the motto found in first Corinthians, third chapter and seventeenth verse. Here is missionary work for the good sisters. They need not go to foreign lands; in many cases they need not go from the shelter of their own homes. We fear you will begin to think you are listening to a dissertation on tobacco, instead of physical training, but, considering the care of the body, we attack it because it is such a powerful enemy. Then let us entreat you, as you value your soul, your body, your influence and the world's happiness, abandon the habit if formed, and if not, avoid it; live and die with a clean mouth, a sweet breath, a steady nerve, and a clear conscience. We trust we have mentioned sufficient results arising from the use of this poisonous weed to set young men and young women to thinking. Young women? Yes, young women. We can point you to scores of cases where young men have been encouraged in smok- ing because young ladies have said that it looked manly. We cannot imagine how a young lady of culture and refinement, or of any delicacy whatsoever, can press her pure lips to those of an habitual tobacco chewer. She may possibly summon up courage enough to do it before marriage, as she may have an object in view hopes to reform him; but after mar- riage we are inclined to think she will offer her cheek instead of her lips, and in some cases it would take a pretty strong cheek to do that. 'Twere better to 30 PHYSICAL TRAINING. ///form him before marriage than to try to /rform him after marriage. The effect of tobacco upon the voice is also very injurious. It destroys the higher and purer tones. Our tenor singers are fast disappearing in consequence thereof. One word more and we will leave the subject, strong as it is. There is scarcely anything from which we may not realize some good; so with tobacco. If any one is preparing to go as a missionary among the Can- nibals, let him console himself, if he is an habitue of tobacco, that he will be perfectly safe with them, for they will not eat a man whose system is saturated with the vile stuff. They show good taste. And yet, we are brought to a halt, for this pernicious habit may not save one, after all, for they probably do their carving before they eat, and this would be too late to do one any good. We have met men, however, who, we think, would be perfectly safe, unless the Cannibal were exceedingly lively, for the acute olfactory of the latter would give him warning as to the kind of animal he was approaching. We suppose that a first-class Cannibal, coming from one of the first-class families, would prefer to smoke his own meat. Let us impress upon you, whatever may be the sin you are committing against your body, this thought: Do not Jo that which \ou kinm.' to be hurtful, thinking that you may escape t/ie penalty. Nature is unrelenting, aiul lliere is no vicarious atonement for sins against her. Nature sets her mark of disapproval on all who dis- obey her. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 3! We would establish one law whether of the body or of the mind, whether it is in the form of pleasure or of physical exercise; /. e., it should be encouraged or discouraged according as its effects are beneficial or otherwise to the health and to the morals. TO SECURE LONGEVITY. Alternate mental effort with some pleasant physical pastime. There is no one in any occupation who can- not find an opportunity, between the hours of rising and retiring, for at least a few moments exercise. When the brain is overtaxed, do something to draw the blood to other portions of the body. There is nothing gained by too steady mental application, for the mind needs rest, and nature demands it; and un- less one yields to the demand, he will lose time in trying to collect and concentrate his thoughts. A change in the line of thought is also essential, for end- less monotony will wear the fiber of any mind. The human body is like an engine; it will suffer a great amount of wear and tear with but little care, but with proper care the body may be so strengthened and the mind so disciplined, that we may live to the time allotted to man, "threescore and ten, and if by rea- son of strength they be fourscore years," etc., thereby admitting they may be fourscore, if, by reason of strength. Such we believe to be the purpose of the All-wise concerning every healthful child. How im- portant, then, that parents and teachers see to the proper physical training of the children, that they may all reach to that good old age. Many a man 32 PHYSICAL TRAINING. lives out his days before he has time to fulfill the promise of his youth. According to the rules of the late Professor Faraday, the natural age of man should be one hundred years. The duration of life, both in man and animal, he believed to be measured by his time of growth, its natural termination being at five times that age, or five removes from that point. Man, being twenty years in growing, lives five times twenty, or one hundred years. He also divides life into two equal halves, growth and decline; and these two into infancy, youth, virility and age; infancy extending to the twentieth year; youth, to the fiftieth, because it is the period the tissues become firm; virility, from fifty to seventy-five, during which the organism remains complete, and at seventy-five old age commences. Another eminent scientist, Dr. Farr, also says that the natural lifetime of a man is a century, which is the length of time the body will live under the nost favor- able conditions. Dr. Farr has divided life as follows: boyhood, ten to fifteen years; youth, fifteen to twenty- five years; manhood, twenty-five to fifty-five; maturity, fifty-five to seventy-five ; ripeness, seventy-five to eighty-five; and old age, eighty-five and upward. There seems to be considerable doubt, however, as to whether the age of one hundred is at all near the limit to which people may and frequently do live. On this point Prof. J. R. Buchanan writes as follows, in the Journal of Man: " The attainable limits of human longevity are gen- erally underrated by the medical profession, and by public opinion. Instead of the Scriptural limit of PHYSICAL TRAINING. 33 threescore and ten, I would estimate twice that amount, or one hundred and forty years, as the ideal age of healthy longevity, when mankind shall have been bred and trained with the same wise knowledge that has been expended on horses and cattle. "The estimate of one hundred and forty years as a practical longevity for the nobler generation is sus- tained by the number of that age (fourteen if I recol- lect rightly) found in Italy by a census under one of the later Roman emperors; but, for the race now on the globe, a more applicable estimate is that of the European scientist, that the normal longevity of an animal is five times its period of growth. Man's growth, however, is not limited to twenty ; and if we extend the period of maturity to twenty-eight, the same rule would give one hundred and forty as an age for the best specimens of humanity, and as this has been done in some cases, its general possibility, in improved conditions, is thus demonstrated." Prof. Buchanan then gives a number of instances of persons now living who have nearly attained the age of one hundred and forty. Even if we do live to be one hundred and forty, we can consider that we have been cut off in the flower of our youth when compared with Methuselah and some others of his day. Many of the pupils and friends of the writer will recall what he has so often said to them concerning his belief as to his own future; /. e., that he fully ex- pects to live to be one hundred years old, and further- more, he does not intend to be in any one's way. Such, friends, is our earnest belief; for we think if 3 34 PHYSICAL TRAINING. by reason of strength it may be fourscore years, then by reason of more strength and proper care it may be extended to five score. "What we sow, we shall reap." It is a very bad theory to teach young men that they must of necessity sow wild oats; but rather teach them that if they do, they must of necessity reap such a harvest. Is there no need of any one being ill? No, not if he comes into the world a healthful child. He should pass through youth, manhood and old age, and not know an ache or a pain, unless the result of accident, or of extreme exposure, as was the case with many of us in the army. When he does go to the beautiful beyond, the house in which he has lived so long having fully served its purpose crumbles to dust, and the spirit takes its flight. Is the writer never ill ? He has been in years agone, but never expects to be again. 'T were better to say he never u " / / // V, \ -v .'* ' \'- \ / if f\ , V \ h i < <^J ; i LARGB WHEEL RIGHT. Inward Left. Outward Right. Sweep. Drop. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 133 CHANGE by again omitting the last sweep. Drop the club in front of the face with the right hand, giv- ing a full sweep inward, thus reversing the move- ment. V, FIG. 10. SMALL WHEEL LEFT. Inward Right. Outward Left. Avoid Sweep. " " Drop. PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by dropping the club in front of the face with the left hand, following with a full sweep inward, thus reversing the movement. It will be observed that, in making the small wheels, the sweeps are omitted, thus distinguishing between the large and small wheels. FIG. ii. SMALL WHEEL RIGHT. Inward Left. Outward Right. Avoid Sweep. ' " " Drop and Poise. PHYSICAL TRAINING. '35 CHANGE by again dropping the club in front of the face with the right, giving a full sweep inward; but, as the club comes up, halt it at poise i, swing it to poise 2, and drop in front of the face, bringing it to an inward. Sweep it in front and halt it again at poise i. FIG. 12. POISE DROP INWARD. KIOHT. Poise at i I'o'se at 2 Drop Inward Sweep. o\-er. i 3 6 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE bypassing the club to the left hand, mak- ing the change back of the head. Pass from the last small inward circle with the right hand to a small out- ward with the left. Drop the club in front of the face and sweep it up to poise i, swing it to poise 2, and then drop it in front of the face, and bring it to an inward. Sweep it in front, and halt it again at poise i. \ POISE DROP INWARD. LEFT. Poise at I Poise at 2 Drop Inward Sweep. " " " " " " " " Pass Over. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 137 CHANGE by passing the club to the right hand, making the change back of the head, going from a small inward left to a small outward right. Drop the club in front of the face and sweep it to an inward right, passing it directly back to the left hand mak- ing the change back of the head and making a drop and inward left. FIG. 14. ALTERNATING DROP AND INWARD. Drop Sweep Inward Over. Drop Sweep Inward Over. " " " Turn the body to the left. 138 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by turning the body to the left just as the club is completing the last small inward circle. Keep the arm bent, and make a wrist circle at the side. Keep a firm hold on the club, not allowing the knob to slip to the thumb and fore finger. FIG. 15. SMALL SIDE. Small side-circle. 1-2-3. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 139 CHANGE by extending the arm upward and for- ward, .making a large circle at the side without bend- ing the arm. f \ \ FIG. 16 LARGE SIDR. Large side-circles. 1-2-3. 140 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by checking the club just as it passes the fact on the third downward stroke, and reversing the movement. Do not allow the club to wabble when checking it, nor the arm to bend in making the circle. FIG. 17. REVERSE. Large side Reverse. I- PHYSICAL TRAINING. 141 CHANGE as the club comes up in front on the third circle. When it is high enough, drop it to a small side, followed by a large side; then, as it is ready to descend as if to make a second large side, bring it diagonally to the left side with a full sweep; then back to the starting point of a large side, and make another large side-circle. FIG. 18. SIDE AND DIAGONAL. 1 Small Large Diagonal Large. 2 " " " 3 " and over. 142 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE at the close of the third small circle, by making a small inward and passing the club to the left hand, making the change back of the head. Make a small outward with the left, and when the club be- comes vertical, drop it back to a small inward with the same hand, and when the club again becomes vertical, change the movement to a small side-circle. FIG. 19. SMALL SIDE. Small side-circle. 1-2-3. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 143 CHANGE by extending the arm upward and for- ward, making a large circle at the side, without bend- ing the arm. FIG. 20. LARGE SIDE. Large side circle. 1-2-3. 144 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by checking the club just as it passes the feet on the third downward stroke, and reversing the movement. Do not allow the club to wabble when checking it, nor the arm to bend, when making the circle. REVERSE. Large side Reverse. 1-2-3. PHYSICAL TRAINING. M5 CHANGE as the club conies up in front on the third circle. When it is high enough, drop it to a small side, followed by a large side; then, as it is ready to descend as if to make a second large side, bring it diag- onally to the right side with a full sweep; then back to the starting point of a large side, and make another large side-circle. FIG. 22. SIDE AND DIAGONAL. i Small Large Diagonal Large. and face front. 146 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by extending the arm at the completion of the third small circle, as if to make a large side circle; then, just as the club is ready to sweep down, turn the body quickly back to the front position. Sweep the club in front, make a small outward with the left hand, and sweep it to the right. Place the right hand as shown in the illustration, and make small circles outside and inside the arm, keeping the arm extended as much as possible, and keep the club as near the. arm as possible. Keep the little finger next to the knob. OST FIG. 23. CHIN-KNOCKER. Outside of arm Inside of arm. Sweep to the left hand. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 147 CHANGE by sweeping the club to the left hand and making a small outward with the left. Place the hand, as shown in the illustration, and make small circles outside and inside the arm, keeping the arm extended as much as possible; also keep the club moving as near the arm as possible. Do not let the knob of the club slip to the thumb and forefinger. FIG. 24. CHIN-KNOCKER. Outside of arm Inside of arm. " " " Sweep to the right hand. 148 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by carrying the club to the right side by the right hand, until the hand is straight with the shoulder, as seen in the illustration. Grasp the club firmly, and hold it in an upright position. Without raising, lowering or bending the arm the slightest, lay the club on the arm, then raise it and extend it till it is perfectly straight. Throughout this entire exercise the arm should not move, nor bend at the elbow. FIG. 25. THE LEVER. Upright On the arm Straight out. and toss to outward. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 149 CHANGE by tossing the club to a small outward, and sweep it to the left hand; stop the hand as soon as it is even with the shoulder, and place the club in an upright position. Lay the club on the arm without bending the arm at the elbow. Raise the club with- out moving the arm, and extend it until it is perfectly straight, as shown in the illustration. FIG. 26. THE LK.VF.R. Upright On the arm Straight out. and toss to outward. PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by tossing the club to a small outward. Do not make a sweep, but just as the club completes the small circle, reverse it to a small inward. Then, just as the club is upright, make a small side-circle, and when the club is again upright, make a small inward; thus alternating small inwards and small sides. INWARD AND SIDE. Small inward Small side. and over to the right. PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by passing the club back of the head to the right hand. Make a small outward with the right hand, then reverse it to a small inward, and, as it comes to an upright position, change it to a small side circle, then back to a small inward; thus alternating small sides and small inwards FIG. 28. INWARD AND SIDE. Small inward Small side. and toss over the head, letting it drop gently in the left hand, as shown in Fig. i position. This will give a graceful FINISH. 152 PHYSICAL TRAINING. WARMAN'S INDIAN-CLUB SYSTEM. CONDENSED FOR CALLING. ONE CLUB. Pre-supposing that the pupil has become familiar with all the movements; /'. e., with the necessary details in the learning of each, we present herewith our sys- tem of exercises in a condensed form, as a reminder to the individual, or as an aid to the teacher in calling the movements to a class The order of exercises, and the number of move- ments of each, are the same as we use for our classes in their public exhibitions. On the rostrum, at the close of our lecture on "PHYSICAL TRAINING, or THE CARE OF THE BODY," we aim not only to entertain, but to exemplify the prin- ciples set forth in our lecture, by giving, in appro- priate costume, our entire system of Indian-Club ex- ercises our clubs weighing eight pounds each. As a rule, we do not advocate the use of heavy clubs; but these to us do not seem heavy, having had them in use privately and publicly for twenty-one years. Our plan of work is on the principle of the HEALTH LIFT;/, e.: "cumulative strength"- the only true prin- ciple. Hence we advise the use of one club throughout the entire system of exercises; then rest a moment before swinging the two clubs. Rest again, if desir- able, at the close of "the windmill," before concluding the entire system. By so doing we find no difficulty in closing our evening's entertainment by a few movements with both clubs (16 Ibs.) in one hand. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 153 By adhering to these suggestions, invigoration will take the place of exhaustion. Be patient in well doing. ONE CLUB. No. i. Inward Right one. " two. " " three. No. 2. Outward Right one. two. three. No. 3. Outward Left one. " " two. " " three. Drop. No. 4. Inward Left one. " " two. " " three. No. 5. Poise and Drop Left. 1-2-3. No. 6. Poise and Drop Right. 1-2-3. No. 7. Outward Right Outward Left. No. 8. Large Wheel Left. 1-2-3. Drop and reverse. No. 9. Large Wheel Right. 1-2-3. Drpp and reverse. No. 10. Small Wheel Left. 1-2-3. Drop and reverse. No. ii. Small Wheel Right. 1-2-3. Drop and Poise. No. 12. Poise Drop Inward Right. 1-2-3. Over. No. 13. Poise Drop Inward Left. 1-2-3. Over. No. 14. Drop Inward Right Over. Drop Inward Left Over. Drop Inward Right Over. Drop Inward Left Over Drop Inward Right Turn. 154 PHYSICAL TRAINING. No. 15. Small Side Right. 1-2-3. No. 16. Large Side Right. 1-2-3. No. 17. Reverse Right. 1-2-3. No. 1 8. Small Large Diagonal Large. - 3 " Change to left hand. No. 19. Small Side Left. 1-2-3. No. 20. Large Side Left. 1-2-3. No. 21. Reverse Left. 1-2-3. No. 22. Small Large Diagonal Large. 2 3 " Turn. Change to right. No. 23. Chin-knocker Right. 1-2-3. No. 24. Chin knocker Left. 1-2-3. No. 25. Lever Right. 1-2-3. No. 26. Lever Left. 1-2-3. No. 27. Inward and Small Side Left. 1-2-3. No. 28. Inward and Small Side Right. 1-2-3. Finish by tossing the club over the head, dropping it gently into the left hand. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 155 WARMAN'S INDIAN-CLUB SYSTEM. TWO CLUBS. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. When the clubs fall in the same direction, and are intended to drop simultaneously, they should not be separated from each other any greater distance during the movement than when the movement began. With the single exception of a " follow" movement (The windmill, Fig. 12) both clubs should drop with the same impulse, even though they are making differ- ent movements. The slightest variation from this rule will destroy the gracefulness and beauty of the swinging. When facing front, avoid turning the body from side to side, except in Fig. i. Practice before a mir- ror in order that every movement of the club may be seen while facing front. This will teach one to look at his audience, instead of turning his head and watch- ing the clubs. Master your clubs instead of allowing them to master you. ERRATA. INDIAN-CLUB SYSTEM. TWO CLUBS. Fig. 24 should face to the left as directed in the instruction accompanying the illustration. 156 PHYSICAL TRAINING. WARMAN'S INDIAN-CLUB SYSTEM. TWO CLUBS. Take position by pointing the two clubs to the left, as shown in the illustration. Keep the palms of the hands up in order to steady the clubs. Toss both clubs up and out, sweeping them down in front of the body, and bringing them up to left side. Avoid angles. Toss them out and bring them in as if de- scribing an arc of a circle. N. B. To take up the clubs artistically which cannot be done until all the movements shall have been learned see page 187. FIG. i. POINT. Point left Sweep Point right Sweep. Halt. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 157 CHANGE by halting at position and making a small outward with the left, and a full sweep with the right; both clubs dropping simultaneously. The club in the right hand makes a large revolution, while the one in the left makes a small one. FIG. 2 SMALL LEFT LARGE RIGHT. Small Wheel left. Large Wheel right. 153 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by sweeping both clubs in front and bringing them up on the right side, and halting them in position of point right. Make a small outward with the right hand, and a full sweep with the left, both clubs falling simultaneously. \ FIG. 3. SMALL RIGHT. LA^GE LEFT. Small Wheel right. Large Wheel left. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 159 CHANGE by sweeping the clubs back to the left side and halting them a second, making a small out- ward with the left and a full sweep with the right. Sweep them both to the right side and halt a sec- ond making a small outward with the right and a full sweep with the left; thus alternating the movement from side to side. FIG. 4. ALTERNATE. Small left Large right Sweep. Small right Large left Sweep i6o PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by sweeping the clubs back to the left side and halting the club in the left hand at poise i; but pass the right club up in front of the face and push it back of the head, letting it drop as if to make at\ inward. Instead of making a small circle, push it to the right, as shown in the illustration. As the right club drops behind the head, the left club sweeps back in front toward the right side. The clubs now change position the left club is pushed back of the head, and the right club sweeps back in front. BACKWARD DROP. Backward drop right push. Backward drop left push. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 161 CHANGE by halting the left club at poise i ; swing it to poise 2; and drop it in front of the face. While this is being done the right club sweeps back on the circle in front, and halts at poise i on the right side, then to poise 2, and drops in front of the face; thus making the regular poise and drop with each hand. FIG. 6. FORWARD DROP. Poise and drop Left. Poise and drop Right. ii 162 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by halting the clubs a second when they are on the left side. Turn the left club to an outward, while the right club passes down in front and sweeps up on the right side, making a small inward and push as in the backward drop. It then sweeps down in front and is pushed back of the head, making a back- ward drop and push, while the left club is making an outward. FIG. 7. OUTWARD LEFT BACKWARD DROP. Outward left Sweep. Backward drop and push Right. PHYSICAL TRAINING. I6 3 CHANGE by converting the backward push and drop of the right club, to an outward and sweep. When the club is pushed right the third time, instead of dropping it in front, turn it immediately to an out- ward. The left club makes no change but continues making the outward and sweep. FIG. 8. ALTERNATING OUTWARD. Outward left Sweep. Outward right Sweep. 164 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by halting both clubs a second, just as the right club closes the third small outward. Reverse it to a small inward, followed by a full sweep. The left club also reverses its movement, making a sweep, followed by a small inward. One club is making an inward while the other is making a sweep. FIG. 9. ALTERNATING INWARD. Inward right Sweep. Inward left Sweep, " " " Both clubs left side. PHYSICAL TRAINING. '65 CHANGE by making a small outward left, and a full sweep with the right; /. e., what is known as small left, large right. Sweep both clubs in front at the same time, and bring them up on the right side, and sweep them up, over and back of the head, making- small circles, both clubs parallel, as shown in the illus- tration. SMALL CIRCLES BACK. One small circle Sweep. Two " circles Three " " Chanue. i66 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by making an extra small circle with the left hand while the right sweeps in front. The right hand passes back to a small inward, while the left hand sweeps in front. By the time the small inward is finished with the right hand, the left will be in place for a small outward. The clubs now join, and make another double circle back of the head. FIG. ii. LEFT RIGHT BOTH. Small left Sweep. Small right Sweep. Small Both. PHYSICAL TRAINING. i6 7 CHANGE by pushing the left club up and out from the shoulder, while hastening the right in front, and making a full sweep, till without halting either club the right club is exactly opposite the left, just as the right passes the feet both arms extended. The clubs should now follow each other, but neither catch the other. The right hand makes an inward and sweep, while the left is following with a sweep and outward. FIG. 12. THK WINDMILL. Inward right Outward left Sweep Sweep. " " " " omit sweep. i68 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by slowing up on the left till the right now catches it. Sweep both clubs in front and back of the head (Fig. 10). Continue the small inward circles with the right hand, but shift the position of the left a trifle forward, making small side-circles. Both clubs should fall and rise at the same time, each crossing the track of the other. Swing them so that the circles are at right angles. SIDE AND INWARD LEFT. Small side Left. Small inward Right PHYSICAL TRAINING. 169 CHANGE by quickly shifting the clubs to the right side, making a small inward with the left, and a small side with the right. SID ND INWARD RIGHT. Small side- -Right. Small inward Left. PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by shifting the clubs back to the left side, and then back to the right, continuing the same move- ment, but alternating from side to side. FIG. 15. ALTERNATE. Side and inward Left. Side and inward Right. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 171 CHANGE by bringing the clubs to a perpendicular poise on either side of the head. Make a small in- ward with the right, then a small inward with the left; again with the right, and again with the left. Sweep the right in front of the face, then the left, and bring them up to repeat the small inwards with each. FIG. 16. RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT SWEEP SWEEP. Inward right-Inward left-Inward right-Inward left-Sweep-sweep. " " " " omit sweep. 172 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by omitting the sweep the third time. At the conclusion of the small circles, bring the clubs again to a perpendicular poise on either side of the head, and make small side-circles; both clubs falling and rising simultaneously. SMALL SIDES. Small side Right. Small side Left. Together. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 173 CHANGE by bringing the clubs again to a perpen- dicular poise on either side of the head. Make small inwards with each hand at the same time, the clubs crossing each other at the handles. FIG. 18. SMALL INWARDS. Small inward Right. Small inward Left. Together. 174 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by sweeping both clubs in front of the face at the same time, crossing each other above and below in the circle. Keep the arms as fully extended as possible. INWARD SWEEPS. Sweep inward Right. Sweep inward Left. Together. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 175 CHANGE by bringing the clubs again to a perpen- dicular poise on either side of the head, and then unite the last three moves in one; /. e., giving them in succession one of each. SIDE INWARD SWEEP. Small sides Small inwards Sweeps. " change. 176 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by bringing the clubs again to a perpen- dicular poise, and swing them to small circles toward the left (Fig. 10). Then turn the body quickly to the left without moving the left foot. Make small side- circles once. Sweep the clubs together, bringing them up on the right side. Turn the body right without moving the right foot, and make small side-circles once. Sweep the clubs back to the left side and repeat. Both clubs should fall together only one club being visible to any one sitting directly opposite. SMALL SIDE LEFT AND RIGHT. 1 Small side Left Sweep, i Small side Right Sweep. 2 " " " " 2 " " 3 3 " " omit sweep. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 177 CHANGE by halting the left club as it points up till the right club points down. Instead of the clubs fall- ing simultaneously, they now fall successively. FIG. 22. ALTERNATE. Small sides. Down Right. Down Left. I 7 8 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by halting the right club when it points up, till the left club also points up. Continue the small side-circle forward, with the left hand, but reverse the small side-circle with the right hand. Again both clubs fall simultaneously, though in oppo- site directions. FIG. 23. REVERSE. r Small sides. Forward Left. Reverse Right PHYSICAL TRAINING. I 79 CHANGE by making small sides and sweeping to the left side. Turn the body to the left, without mov- ing the left foot. Make small sides as soon as the clubs come up on the left side; then make small circles again, but pass both clubs inside the arms; then again small sides outside; then thrust both clubs under the arms, as shown in the illustration. Then toss the clubs up for small sides again. DOrBI.E CHIN-KNOCKER. Small circles Outside Inside Outside Under. Toss- sweep. i8o PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by sweeping the clubs in front now facing front. Check the right club when the arm and club are perfectly horizontal. Push the left club back of the head and make a small inward left three times, while holding the right hand and club perfectly quiet. Sweep the left club in front, make a poise and drop, and, as it drops, sweep the right club down with it. RIGHT HORI7.0NTAL. Horizontal Right. Inward i Left. 3 and sweep. Poise and drop Left. Sweep both. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 181 CHANGE by sweeping the clubs up to the left side, holding the left arm horizontal, ar.d passing the right club back of the head. Make three small inward circles with the right hand, then sweep in front of the face, and make a poise and drop with the right hand. FIG. 26. LEFT HORIZONTAL. Horizontal Left. Inward I Right. " 2 " " 3 " and sweep. Poise and drop Right Sweep both, 182 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by sweeping the clubs to a small circle back of the head (Fig. 10). Turn the body squarely to the left the weight on both feet. Make small sides simultaneously; then sweep them to the floor, and pass them as far back as possible without bending the arms or the body. Do not allow the clubs to wabble. Check the clubs quickly and pass them at once up and back of the head, and check them. Do not allow them to swing loosely toward the back. Swing again to small sides. FIG. 27. CHECK. I Small side Sweep Check. Up Check. 3 " " ' " " " 3 change. PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by making an extra small side-circle with the left hand, while the right makes a large side-circle. Then make a small side-circle with the right hand, and a large side-circle with the left. Both clubs should fall with the ^ame impulse the one making a large circle, while the other makes a small. FIG. 28. SHOULDER KRACE. Small left Large right. Small right Large left. " " " " change. 1 84 PHYSICAL TRAINING. CHANGE by checking the large side-circle, with the right hand, just as the club has passed a short dis- tance back of the feet. At the same time extend the left arm and club up and forward pointing exactly opposite the right. Slip the right foot a little back of the left the momentum of the club on the downward sweep will aid you. With a quick but strong impulse sweep both clubs at once in opposite directions the left arm makes a large circle forward, the right arm a large side-circle reversed. Keep the arms unbent and close to the body. \ FIG, 29. LARGE RKVERSK. Larjje side Forward Left. Large side Backward Ri^ht. PHYSICAL TRAINING. I 85 CHANGE by halting the right club as it sweeps up in front on the third reverse. Let it fall to a small side. Check the left club as it passes the feet the third time, and bring it up in front with a sweep. It will reach there in time to join the right club as it makes a second small side-circle. Join them (both making a small side), sweep them to the front (turn- ing the body front), and pass them back of the head, making small circles back (Fig. 10). Pass directly to the windmill, and add small side alternates (Fig. 22). . \ \ \ \ * \ ! ' ' WINDMILL ALTERNATE. Inward right Outward left Small side right Small side left Sweep. Sweep. Inward right Outward left Small side right Small side left Sweep. Sweep- Inward right Outward left Small side right Small side left Sweep both. l86 PHYSICAL TRAINING. THE FINISH. Halt the right club when completing the third small alternate, till the left club comes up on the third small circle. Sweep both in front with one impulse, and pass them back over the head to a small circle (Fig. 10.). Follow this with a small side-circle (Fig. 21). Pass the clubs gracefully under the arms (Fig. 24). Keep them there till you have made your bow and exit. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 187 WARMAN'S INDIAN-CLUB SYSTEM. TWO CLUBS. TO TAKE THEM ARTISTICALLY FROM THE FLOOR. Face front. Stand between the clubs. Fold the arms. With the first note of the music, unfold the arms, raise the hands above the head, and sweep them down to the side. Bend the body, take the clubs with sufficient impulse to sweep them a short distance back. Straighten the body, and this will give the clubs an impulse forward. Sweep them up high enough in front to make small side circles (Fig. 17), then small circles back of the head (Fig. 10), then, turning the body quickly to the left, make small side circles (Fig. 21), halting them in position of Fig. i two clubs. N. B. In class exhibitions we would advise the pupils to leave the platform at the close of the one- club exercise, and when they return, carry the two clubs under the arms, as shown in Fig. 24. At a sig- nal from the music, toss the clubs in front to the same position as when sweeping them up from the floor. l88 PHYSICAL TRAINING. We herewith present our system of exercises: CONDENSED FOR CALLING TWO CLUBS. No. i. Point Left. Right Left. a a No. 2. Small left Large right. 1-2-3. Sweep. No. 3. Small right Large left. 1-2-3. Sweep. No. 4. Alternate. Left Right. " " sweep. No. 5. Backward drop. Right Left. No. 6. Forward drop. Left Right. u No. 7. Outward left Backward drop, right. No. 8. Alternating outward. Left Right. No. 9. Alternating inward. Right Left. " sweep. No. 10. Small back-circles, i Sweep. 2 3 change. No. n. Left Right Both i " " " 3 change. PHYSICAL TRAINING. 189 No. 12. Windmill. 1-2-3. No. 13. Side and inward Left side. 1-2-3. No. 14. Side and inward Right side. 1-2-3. No. 15. Alternate. Left Right. No. 16. Right Left Right Left Sweep Sweep. II U U U " Halt. No. 17. Small sides. 1-2-3. No. 1 8. Small inwards. 1-2-3. No. 19. Double sweep. 1-2-3. No. 20. Small side Inward Sweep. " Turn. No. 21. Small sides, left-one. Small sides, right-one. " " " two " " " two. " three " three. No. 22. Alternate. Right Left. No. 23. Reverse 1-2-3. Sweep to left side. No. 24. Out In Out Under. Toss. " and sweep. No. 25. Right Horizontal. Left Inward. 1-2-3. Sweep. " Poise and drop. Take it along (the right). 190 PHYSICAL TRAINING. No. 26. Left Horizontal. Right Inward. 1-2-3. Sweep. " Poise and drop. Take it along (the left). Sweep turn N'n 27. Small sides and check. Up. " " three No. 28. Shoulder brace. Left Right. u u " reverse. No. 29. Large reverse. 1-2-3. No. 30. Windmill and alternate. 1-2-3. Sweep the clubs under the arms, and make your exit. BOXING GLOVES. We would call special attention to those interested in the manly art of self- defence, to our superior line of Boxing gloves. We have arranged in our new factor qualit patter offer ( recom K pccial room for manufacturing these goods, and will make an extra of gloves, out of the very best material, and on the latest improved is Manufacturing as we do, in very large quantities, we are enabled to ir customers these superior gloves at comparatively low prices, and can tend them as superior to any other glove on the market. :h glove from 40 up, will bear our trade-mark to insure its genuineness, il be known as " Spalding's Trade-marked Boxing Gloves.'' PRICE LIST. Per Set of Four Gloves. No. A A. Hoys' size, same as No. BB . . $i 50 No. BB. Men's size Boxing Gloves, chamois back, tan palms; cheap- est glove made 2 oo No A. Boys' size, same as No B . . . 2 50 No. B. Men's size Boxing Gloves, chamois back with tan palm; new style; strong and durable ... . 300 White Kid, t n palms; same style as No 1) . . ... 400 No. C. No. D. No. 20. All White Kid, made after the new pattern. . . ...... 4 50 Glove is made with chamois back, tan palm; strong and well made . . .... 3 50 No. 40. An all Buckskin Glove, made of fine quality buck; very soft, large, and nice for amateurs 500 No. 45. Same as No. .|o, heel padded - 5 So No 50. A superior Glove, kid back, tan palm; the most durable and best glove made at the price .. 5 50 No. "55. A superior Glove, well in de; kid back, buckskin palm 6 oo No. (. Fine White Kid, large size, fully stuffed; a soft, light glove for amateurs; ventilated palm 6 50 No. 65. Same as No. 60; heel padded 7 co No. 70. Professional (or Chandler's) White Kid Glove; same style as used by Chandler, Sullivan, and other well known boxers; a perfect glove for expert boxers .... 7 oo No. 75. Four-ounce Professional Exhibition Fighting Glove, used by well known boxers for severe slugging ft oo No. 75 A. Two-ounce Hard Fighting Glove 6 oo No. So Graham's Patent Safety Glove; made of finest material, with Graham's patent safety tip 700 No. Sj. Same as No. So; heel padded 7 50 CH.CAOO A. 6. SPALDING & BROS. NEWV OR K. PHILADELPHIA. LONDON. IHDlAlJ CLUBS In introducing our new Trade-marked Indian Clubs, we would call special attention to the perfect shape, beautiful ebony finish, and correct weight of each club. We select the very choicest timber for these clubs, turn them by hand, and work each club down to the exact troy weight, and this care in making, together with the beautiful ebony finish, highly polished, and banded in gold, with nickel-plated heads, makes them the most beautiful and desirable Indian Clubs ever placed upon the market. We purpose keeping these clubs up to the very highest grade, and to protect ourselves and customers against cheap imitations our trade-mark will be stamped on each club, as represented in the above cut. The following very low prices will make these clubs very popular. Prices of Spalding's Trade- marked Indian Clubs. Weight, i Ib.. 2 Ibs. 3 Ibs. 4 Ibs. 5 Ibs. 6 Ibs. .per pair, CHICAGO. A.G. SPALDDfG & BROS. }I OC i in 3 1 70 2 OO 2 25 NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. LONDON. JAN APRl APR5- MAR 9 Main L>* n Form I,-n 20m-l, '41(1122 HE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. physical training. A 001 338817 8 GV 541 W23p