i^ n UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY \ ^ CATALOGUE OF THE LAW BOO CONTAINED IN THE DELmRE STATE LIBRARY '" > STATE HOUSE DOVER. DELAWAR THOMAS W. WILSON. Librarian PUBLI51 1I:D by AU'I 1 10KHY OF AN ACT Ol- THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 1914 iMilford ('hrorii<-l<- I'vililiKhiriK <'•». Milford. I)i'lawar«-. 3 ^ x 1 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY THOMAS W. WILSON. Librarian. MISS MABEL MOORE. Assistant Librarian. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT Hon. Charles M. Curtis. Chancellor Hon. James Pennewill, Chief Justice Hon. William H. Boyce, Associate Judge Hon. Henry C. Conrad, Associate Judge Hon. Victor B. Woolley, Associate Judge Hon. Flerbert L. Rice, Associate Judge STATE LIBRARIANS The Crier of the Court 1875 Cecil C Fulton 1875-1877 George O. Shakespeare 1877-1979 Richard R. Kenney 1879-1883 Samuel D. Truitt 1883-1887 John C. Gooden 1887-1891 Peter C. Gruwell 1891-1897 Thomas W. Jf'fferson 1897-1900 Cornelius Frear 1900-1904 Thomas W. Wilson 1904-1908 H. Ridgrly Harrington 1909-1913 Thomas W. Wilson 1913 CHAPTER 5, Volume 2fi, Laws of Delaware AN ACT authorizing tJie State Lihrarian to make a Cata- logue of the State Library. BE IT ENACTED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF DELA- WARE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY MET: Section 1. That the State Librarian be and he is here- by directed and authorized to make a full, complete and comprehensive catalogue of the books, pamphlets and docu- ments in the Library. That the said catalogue shall be pub- lished and printed in pamphlet form for distribution. There shall be at least six hundred copies printed, two hundred and fifty of which shall be substantially bound ; said print- ing shall be done under the provisions of law in relation to State Printing, Stationery and Supplies, and shall bo under the supervision of the Librarian, Section 2. That after said catalogue shall have been published as provided in Section 1, it shall be the duty of the Supreme Court of the State of Delaware to examine and approve the same and to fix the proper compensation to be paid the Librarian l"or his services in making said catalogue, and to draw a warrant for the amount of such compensation on the State Treasurer and the State Treas- urer is directed to pay said warrant out of the general funds of the State. Approved March 28, A. D. 11)11. PREFACE This catalogue, made by the State Librarian, and exam- ined and approved by the Judges of the Supreme Court, in pursuance of the foregoing Act of the General Assembly, contains only law books; and inasmuch as the law authoriz- ing the publication provided for the making of a full, com- plete and comprehensive catalogue of the books, documents and pamphlets in the Library, the Librarian and Judges have considered it proper to give the reasons for omitting all other publications. Those reasons are: First, the obvious one that a catalogue of law books should be as compact, and free from extraneous matter, as possible. Second, it was deemed advisable not to include in tliis catalogue all the publications contained in the library be- cause there are large quantities of reports, documents and pamphlets deposited there which are of no value at all, and which the legislature would no doul)t order to be destroyed, or otherwise disposed of, if the matter was properly brought to their attention. By .so doing ample room would bo madi' available for many years to come for publications of value and usefulness, and a supplementary catalogue could be made of the remaining books, documents and pamphlets, other than law books, which would not have to contain a great deal of usele.ss matter. ALABAMA 13 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ALABAMA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by H. Minor 1 1820-1826 Vols. 1 to 3, by G. N. Stewart 3 1827-1831 Vols. 1 to 5, by Stewart & Porter 5 1831-1834 Vols. 1 to 9, by B. F. Porter 9 1834-1839 Vols. 1 to 11, by the Judges 11 1840-1847 Vols. 12 to 15, by J. J. Ormond 4 1847-1849 Vols. 16 to 18, by N. W. Cocke 3 1849-1851 Vols. 19 to 21, by J. W. Shepherd 3 1851-1852 Vols. 22 to 23, by the Judges 2 1853 Vols. 24 to 41, by J. W. Shepherd 18 1854-1868 Vol. 42, by J. L. C. Banner 1 1868 Vols. 43 to 48, by T. G. Jones 6 1869-1872 Vols. 49 to 51, by T. W. Shepherd 3 1873-1874 Vols. 52 to 57, by T. G. Jones 6 1875-1877 Vol. 58, by F. B. Clark, Jr 1 1877 Vol. 59, by J. W. A. Sanford 1 1877 Vol. 60, by J. W. Shepherd 1 1878 Vols. 61 to 62, by T. G. Jones 2 1879-1880 Vols. 63 to 66, by J. \V. Shepherd 4 1879-1880 Vol. 67, \)y G. F. Moore 1 1880 Vol. 68, by Shepherd & TiHrnan 1 18S0-1881 Vol. 69. by J. P. Tillman 1 1881 Vol. 70, by .J. W. Shepherd 1 1881-1882 Vol. 71, ])y J. P. Tilhnan 1 1882 Vol. 72, In .1. W. Shei)hcr(l 1 1882 Vol. 73, by .1. I'. Tillman 1 1882-1883 Vol. 71. by .1. W. Shepherd 1 1883 \'ol. 75. by .1. P. Tillman 1 1883-1884 Vols. 76 to 79, by J. W. Shepherd I 188 1-1885 Vol. 80, by F. P. Morrcs.sett 1 1885-1886 \'ol. 81, by W. <;. llMtcheson 1 188(; Vols. 82 to 89. by J. W. Shepherd S 1886-1800 14 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ALABAMA REFORTS (Continued) Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 90 to 94, by J. W. Shepherd 4 1891-1892 Vol. 95, by J. W. Shepherd 1 1891-1892 Vol. 96, by R. W. Walker 1 1891-1892 Vol. 97, by R. W. Houghton 1 1892-1893 Vol. 98, by E. P. Morressett 1 1892-1893 Vol. 99, by Phares Coleman 1 1892-1893 Vol. 100, by Wm. S. Thorington 1 1892-1893 Vols. 101 to 106, by Phares Coleman 6 1893-1894 Vol. 107, by Wm. S. Thorington 1 1894 Vol. 108, by Marks & Sayre 1 1895 Vol. 109, by R. W. Walker 1 1895 Vols. 110 to 112, by Phares Coleman 3 1895-1896 Vols. 113 to 118, by Phares Coleman 5 1896-1898 Vol. 1 1 9, by Virgil Bouldin 1 1898 Vol. 120, by Phares Coleman 1 1898-1899 Vol. 121, by James E. Cobb 1 1898-1899 Vols. 122 to 123, by Phares Coleman 2 1898-1899 Vol. 124, by James E. Cobb 1 1899-1900 Vols. 125 to 126, by Phares Coleman 2 1899-1900 Vols. 127 to 131, by Phares Coleman 5 1900-1901 Vol. 132, by Paul Speake 1 1901 Vols. 133 to 142, by Phares Coleman 12 1901-1904 Vol. 143, by T. Scott Sayre 1 1904-1905 Vols. 144 to 153, by Lawrence H. Lee. . . 12 1904-1908 Vols. 154 to 173, by Lawrence H. Lee. . . 19 1908-1911 Vol. 174, by Lawrence H. Lee 1 1911-1912 \ol. 175, by Lawrence H. Lee 1 1911-1912 ALABAMA APPELLATE COURT REPORTS Vols. 1 to 7, by Lawrence H. Lee 7 1910-1913 15 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ALABAMA CODES AND DIGESTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. By Ormond, Bagley & Goldthwaite 1 1852 By Stone & Shepherd 1 1866 By A. J. Walker 1 1867 By Brickel, Hamilton & Tillman 1 1886 By " " " Criminal. 1 1886 By William Martin, Civil 1 1896 By William Martin, Criminal 1 1896 By James J. Mayfield, Political, Civil & Criminal 3 1907 By Harry Toulmin 1 1823 By C. C. Clay 1 1843 ALABAMA SESSION LAWS Alabama session Laws from 1840 to 1911 ARKANSAS 19 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ARKANSAS REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by S. H. Hempsted 1 1820-1836 Vols. 1 to 5, by A. Pike 5 1837-1844 Vols. 6 to 14, by E. H. English 8 1845-1853 Vols. 15 to 24, by L. E. Barber 11 1854-1867 Vols. 25 to 27, by N. W. Cox 3 1867-1872 Vols. 28 to 34, by J. M. Moore 7 1872-1879 Vols. 35 to 48, by J. B. Turner 14 1879-1886 Vols. 49 to 52, by W. W. Mansfield 4 1886-1889 Vol. 53, by T. D. Crawford 1 1889-1890 Vol. 54, by T. D. Crawford 1 1890-1892 Vol. 55, by T. D. Crawford 1 1890-1892 Vols. 56 to 57, by T. D. Crawford 2 1892-1893 Vols. 58 to 62, by T. D. Crawford 5 1893-1896 Vols. 63 to 71, by T. D. Crawford 9 1896-1903 ARKANSAS CODES AND DIGESTS By William McK. Ball & S. C. Roane 1837 By E. H. English 1846 By William F. Kirby, Digests of the Statutes 1904 ARKANSAS SESSION LAWS Arkansas session Laws from 1840 to 1905 ARIZONA and ALASKA 23 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ARIZONA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by F. P. Dann 1 1866-1884 Vols. 2 to 9, by E. W. Lewis 8 1885-1906 Vol. 10, by E. W. Lewis 1 1906 Vols. 11 to 13, by Dunseath 3 1907-1911 ARIZONA STATUTES Compiled Laws 1 1864-1877 Revised Statutes 1 1877 Revised Statutes 1 1901 ARIZONA SESSION LAWS Arizona session Laws from 1864-1913 ALASKA SESSION LAWS Session Laws of Alaska for the vear 1913 CALIFORNIA 27 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY CALIFORNIA REPORTS Period Repoiters. Vols. Covered. VoL 1, by N. Bennett 1 1850-1851 Vols. 2 to 4, by H. P. Hepburn 3 1852-1854 Vol. 5, by W. G. Morris 1 1855 Vols. 6 to 8, by H. T. Booream 3 1856-1857 Vols. 9 to 12, by H. Lee 4 1858-1859 Vols. 13 to 15, by J. B. Harmon 3 1859-1860 Vols. 16 to 19, by D. T. Bagley 4 1860-1862 Vols. 20 to 22, by C. J. Hillyer 3 1862-1863 Vols. 23 to 32, by C. A. Tuttle 10 1863-1867 Vols. 33 to 37, by J. E. Hale 5 1867-1869 VoL 38, by T. Robinson 1 1869 Vols. 39 to 40, by R. A. Thompson 2 1870-1871 Vols. 41 to 51, by C. A. Tuttle 11 1871-1877 VoL 52, by Tuttle & Carpenter 1 1877-1878 Vol. 53, by G. J. Carpenter 1 1878-1879 Vols. 54 to 62, by G. H. Smith 9 1879-1SS2 Vols. 63 to 72, by W. W. Cope 10 1 883-1887 Vols. 73 to 153, by C. P. Pomeroy 82 1887-1908 Vols. 154 to 163, by C. P. Pomeroy 10 1908-1912 Vol. 164, by C. P. Pomeroy 1 1912-1913 Vol. 1 65. by C. P. Pomeroy 1 191:1 CALIFORNIA APPELLATE REPORTS Vols. 1 to 18, by C. I'. Pomeroy 18 1905-1912 Vols. 19 to 20. ))y ('. r. I'omcroy 2 1912 (ALII ()I{NL\ DKiESTS Wood's Digest of California Laws 1850-53 Wood's Digest of California Laws 1850-58 ( ALIFOKMA (ODES AM) SESSION LAWS California session Laws & Cod(S from 1855 to 1913 COLORADO 31 CATALOGUE OP^ THE STATE LIBRARY COLORADO REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 2, by M. Hallett 2 1864-1875 Vols. 3 to 10, by L. B. France 8 1876-1887 Vols. 11 to 16, by \Vm. E. Beck 6 1888-1891 Vol. 17, by T. M. Robinson 1 1892 Vols. 18 to 22, by T. M. Robinson 5 1892-1896 Vol. 23, by T. M. Robinson 1 1896-1897 Vols. 24 to 34, by John A. Gordon 11 1897-1905 Vols. 35 to 43, by Irving B. Mellville 9 1905-1908 Vols. 44 to 53, by E. T. Wells 10 1908-1912 Vol. 54, by E. T. Wells 1 1912-1913 C OLORADO COL RT OF APPEALS REPORTS Vol. 1, by Beck 1 1891-1892 Vols. 2 to 9, by Robinson 8 1892-1896 Vols. 10 to 20, by P. A. (Gordon 11 1897-1904 Vols. 21 to 22, by Wells 2 1904-1912 Vol. 23, by Wells 1 1912-1913 \'(.l. 21, by Wells 1 1913 (OLORADO (ODES Colorado codes from 1872-1908 I OLOKADO SESSION LAWS Colorado .session Laws fn-m 1861 to 1913 CONNECTICUT 35 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY C ONNECTICTT REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by E. Kirby 1 1785-1788 Vols. 1 to 2, by J. Root 2 1789-1797 Vols. 1 to 5, by T. Day 5 1802-1813 Vols. 1 to 21, by T. Day 21 1814-1852 Vols. 22 to 24, by W. H. Matson 3 1852-1855 Vols. 25 to 62, by J. Hooker 38 1856-1893 Vols. 63 to 80, by J. P. Andrews 18 1893-1908 Vols. 81 to 85, by J. P. Andrews 5 1908-1912 Vol. 86, by J. P. Andrews 1 1912-1913 CONNECTICUT STATUTES Connecticut statutes from 1821 to 1913 CONNECTK UT SESSION LAWS Cfjnnecticut session Laws Ironi 1850 to 1913 Index to special Laws and Statutes 1789 to 1897 Inde.x to special Laws and Statutes 1889 to 1893 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 39 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY DISTRK T OF C OLl MBL\ REPORTS Period Reporters. \ ols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 2, by Hayward & Hazelton 2 1840-G:i Vols. 1 to 3, by A. Mac-Arthur 3 1873-79 Vols. 1 to 7, by Mackey 7 1880-90 Record of the Star Route Trials 4 1883 DELAWARE 43 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY DELAWARE REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 5, by Samuel M. Harrington . . 5 1832-1848 Vols. 1 to 9, by John W. Houston 9 1855-1890 Vols. 1 to 2, by David T. Marvel 2 1893-1897 Vols. 1 to 7, by James Pennewill 7 1897-1909 Vols. 1 to 2, by William H. Boyce 2 1909-1911 DELAWARE CRLMINAL Vol. 1, by John W^ Houston 1 1855-1879 DELAWARE CHANCERY \'ols. 1 to 2, by Daniel M. Bates 2 1814-65 Vols. 3 to 4, by George H. Bates 2 1866-73 Vol. 5, by Willard Saulsbury 1 1874-86 y<>\. 6, by Willard Saulsljury 1 1886-92 Vol. 7, by James L. W^olcott, Jr 1 1892-98 Vol. 8, by John R. Nicholson 1 1898-1900 \'(.l. 9. l)y Charles M. Curtis 1 1913 DELAWARE (ODES & DKiESTS Halls' Digest 1829 Pvevised Code 1852 Revised Code 1874 Rtvised Code 1893 Ridgely's Digest of Ii('i)orts 1891 DELA\N AFH-: SF':SSIOV LAWS Vol. 1 1700 to 1797 Vol. 2 1700 lo 17i)7 \'r.l. :', 1798 t(. 1805 \'(,l. 4 180(; lo isi:; \"nl. 5 1S13 to 1819 44 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY DELAWARE SESSION LAWS (Continued) Vol. 6 1820 to 1826 Vol. 7 1826 to 1830 Vol. 8 1830 to 1835 Vol. 9 1836 to 1843 Vol. 10 1845 to 1852 Vol. 11 1852 to 1859 Vol. 12 1861 to 1865 Vol. 13 1866 to 1869 Vol. 14 1871 to 1873 Vol. 15 1875 to 1877 Vol. 16 1879 to 1881 Vol. 17 1883 to 1885 Vol. 18 1887 to 1889 Vol. 19 1891 to 1893 Vol. 20 1895 to 1897 Vol. 21 1898 to 1899 Vol. 22 1901 to 1903 Vol. 23 1903 to 1905 Vol. 24 1907 to 1909 Vol. 25 1909 to 1911 Vol. 26 1911 to 1913 Vol. 27 1913 FLORIDA 47 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY FLORIDA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, By Branch 1 184G-1847 Vol. 2, by Archer & Hogue 1 1848-1849 Vols. 3 to 4, by D. P. Hogue 2 1850-1852 Vols. 5 to 8, by M. D. Papy 4 1853-1859 Vols. 9 to 11, by J. B. Galbraith 3 1860-1867 Vol. 12, by Galbraith & Meek 1 1867-1869 Vol. 13, by J. B. C. Drew 1 1869-1871 Vols. 14 to 15, by W. A. Cocke 2 1871-1876 Vols. 16 to 20, by G. P. Raney 5 1876-1885 Vols. 21 to 24, by C. M. Cooper 4 1886-1888 Vol. 25, by Wm. B. Lamar 1 1888-1889 Vols. 26 to 30, by W. B. Lamar 5 1889-1892 Vols. 31 to 37, by W. B. Lamar 7 1893-1896 Vols. 38 to 42, by W. B. Lamar 5 1896-1900 Vols. 43 to 44, by J. B. Whitfield 2 1901-1902 Vols. 45 to 53, by W. H. Ellis 8 1903-1907 Vols. 54 to 55, by W. H. Ellis 2 1903-1907 Vols. 56 to 63, by P. Trammel! 7 1908-1912 Vol. 64, by P. Trammell 1 1912 Vol. 65, by T. F. West 1 1913 FLORIDA DKiKSTS Thompson's 1847 Code of Procedure 1870 FLORIDA STATl TFS Revised Statutes 1 906 FLORIDA SESSIO.N LAWS Florida session Laws from 1S3 1 to I'.M.". GEORGIA 51 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY GEORGL\ REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by Charlton 1 1811-1837 Vol. 1, by G. M. Dudley 1 1837 Georgia Decisions 1 1841-1843 Vols. 1 to 3, by J. M. Kelley 3 1846-1847 Vols. 4 to 5, by Kelley & Cobb 2 1847-1848 Vols. 6 to 20, by T. R. R. Cobb 15 1849-1856 Vols. 21 to 30, by B. Y. Martin 10 1857-1860 Vols. 31 to 33, by G. N. Lester 3 1860-1863 Vols. 34 to 35, by L. C. Bleckley 2 1864-1866 Vols. 36 to 44, by H. J. Hammond 9 1867-1872 Vol. 45, by Hammond & Jackson 1 1872 Vols. 46 to 58, by H. Jackson 13 1872-1877 Vols. 59 to 66, by Jackson & Lumpkin. . 8 1877-1881 Vols. 67 to 76, by J. H. Lumpkin 10 1881-1886 Vol. 77, by Lumpkin & Peeples 1 1886 Vols. 78 to 79, by Peeples 2 1886-1887 Vols. 80 to 86, by Peeples & Stephens. . 7 1887-1891 Vols. 87 to 89, by Peeples & Stephens. . 3 1891-1892 Vols. 90 to 97, by Peeples & Stephens. . 8 1892-1895 Vols. 98 to 130, by Stephens & Graham 33 1896-1908 Vols. 131 to 137, by Stevens & Graham 6 1909-1912 Vols. 138 to 139, by Stevens & Graham 2 1912-1913 GEORGIA APPEALS REPORTS Vols. 1 to 10, by Stevens & (haham.. 10 1907-1912 Vols. 11 to 12, by Stevens & Graham. . 2 1912-1913 (;eor(;ia ( odes Code, by I). Irwin 1 1H6S Code, l)y liwin. Lester & Hill 1 1873 Code, by Lester, Howell & Hill 1 1882 Code, by Hopkins, Anderson & Lamar 3 1895 Code, by J. Hopkins 2 1911 52 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY GEORGIA DKiESTS T. R. R. Cobb's New Digest 1 1851 Cobb's Analysis & Forms 1 1846 Hotchkiss' Statute Law, Etc 1 1845 A. 0. Bacon's Digest 1 1866 Howard Van Epp's Digest 1 1882 GEORGL\ SESSION LAWS Georgia Session Laws from 1810 to 1913 HAWAII 55 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY HAWAII REPORTS Vol. 1, by the Court 1855-1865 Vol 2, by the Court 1865-1877 Vol. 3, by the Court 1877-1879 Vol. 4, by the Court 1879-1881 Vol. 5, by the Court 1881-1883 Vol. 6, by the Court 1883-1885 Vol. 7, by the Court 1885-1887 Vol. 8, by the Court 1887-1889 Vol. 9, by the Court 1889-1891 Vol. 10, by the Court 1891-1893 Vol. 11, by the Court 1893-1895 Vol. 12, by the Court 1895-1897 Vol. 13, by the Court 1897-1899 VoL 14, by the Court 1899-1901 Vol. 15, by the Court 1901-1903 Vol. 16, by the Court 1903-1905 Vol. 17, by the Court 1905-1907 Vol. 18, by the Court 1907-1909 Vol. 19, by the Court 1909-1911 Vol. 20, by the Court 1909-1911 REPORTS OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRK T COURT OF HAWAII U. S. District Court of Hawaii, Vol. 3. . 1 1906-1911 HAWAII REVISED LAWS Revised Laws 1 905 HAWAII SESSION LAWS Hawaii Session Laws from 1901 to 191 1 IDAHO 59 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY IDAHO REI>ORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. H. E. Prickett 1 1866-1880 West Publishing: Company 1 1881-1892 Vols. 2 to 10, by Sol. Hasbrouck 9 1881-1895 Vol. 11, by Ola. Johnesse 1 1905-1906 Vols. 12 to 14, by L W. Hart 3 1906-1908 Vols. 15 to 22, by L W. Hart 7 1908-1912 Vol. 23, by L W. Hart 1 1912-1913 IDAHO (ODES Civil Code 1 1880-1881 Revised Code 1 1887 Code, Political, Civil and Civil Procedure Penal 4 1901 Revised Code, Political and Civil 2 1908 IDAHO SESSION LAWS Idaho Session Laws from 1883 to 1913 ILLINOIS 63 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ILLINOIS REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by S. Breese 1 1819-1831 Vols. 1 to 4, by J. Y. Scammon 4 1832-1843 Vols. 1 to 5, by C. Oilman 5 1844-1849 Vols. 11 to 30, by E. Peck 20 1849-1863 Vols. 31 to 132, by N. L. Freeman 102 1863-1890 Vols. 133 to 139, by N. L. Freeman 7 1890-1892 Vols. 140 to 151, by N. L. Freeman 12 1892-1894 Vols. 152 to 166, by L N. Phillips 15 1894-1897 Vols. 167 to 238, by I. N. Phillips 71 1897-1909 Vols. 239 to 245, by I. N. Phillips 6 1909-1910 Vols. 246 to 257, by Irwin 11 1910-1913 Vol. 258, by Irwin 1 1913 Vol. 259, by Irwin 1 1913 ILLINOIS APPELLATE ( OIRT REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 20, })y James B. Bradwell. . 20 1877-1887 Vols. 21 to 47, by E. B. Smith 27 1887-1892 Vols. 48 to 99, l)y M. L. Newell 51 1892-1891 ILLINOIS ( ODKS Revi.sed Code 1829 Revised Code 1829 Revised Code 1831-2 vols. ILLINOIS STATLTKS Revised Statutes 1833 Revised Statutes 1845 Revised Statutes 1858-2 vols. Revised Statutes 1871 64 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ILLINOIS DKiESTS By Freeman. Vols. 1 to 2 1856 By Wood & Long:. Vols. 1 to 2 1866 By Henry & Reed, Digest of 111. Reports 1865 ILLINOIS SESSION LAWS Illinois Sessions Laws from 1830 to 1913 Statistical Records of the works of the Su- preme Court 1900 to 1910 INDIANA 67 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY INDLWA REPORTS Period Reporters, Vols. Covered. J. Blackford's 8 1817-1847 T. L. Smith's 1 1848-1849 Vols. 1 to 2, by H. E. Carter 2 1849-1851 Vols. 3 to 7, by A. G. Porter 5 1851-1856 Vols. 8 to 14, by G. Tanner 7 1856-1860 Vols. 15 to 17, bv B. Harrison 3 1860-1861 Vols. 18 to 22, by M. C. Kerr 5 1862-1864 Vols. 23 to 29, bv B. Harrison 7 1864-1868 Vols. 30 to 53, bv J. B. Black 24 1868-1876 Vols. 54 to 70, by A. N. Martin 17 1876-1880 Vols. 71 to 99, by F. M. Dice 29 1880-1884 Vols. 100 to 116. bv J. W. Kern 16 1884-1888 Vols. 117 to 127, by John L. Griffiths. . 10 1888-1891 Vols. 128 to 132, by John L. Griffiths. . 4 1891-1892 Vols. 133 to 144. by S. R. Moon 12 1892-1895 Vols. 145 to 162, by C. F. Remv 18 1897-1904 Vols. 163 to 170, by Geo. W. Self 7 1904-1908 Vols. 171 to 176, by Geo. W. Self 6 1908-1911 Vol. 177, by Zoercher 1 1911-1912 Vol. 178, by Zoercher 1 1912 INDIANA APPELLATE ( OIRT REPORTS Vols. 1 to 5, by J. L. Griffiths 2 1890-1892 Vols. 6 to 14, by S. R. Moon 9 1892-1895 Vols. 15 to 33, by C. F. Remv 19 1897-1904 Vols. 34 to 41, by Geo. W. Self 8 1904-1 90S Vols. 42 to 48, by Geo. W. Self 7 190S-1!)1 1 Vols. 49 to 50. l)v Zoercher 2 1911-1912 Vol. 51, by Zoercher 1 1912 INDIANA STATl Tfc:S Indiana statutes fn.m 1824 to 1881 INDL\NA SESSION LAWS Indiana .session Laws frf)m 1821 to 1911 IOWA 71 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY IOWA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. E. Morris' 1 1839-1846 G. Green's 4 1847-1854 W. P. Clark's 8 1855-1859 Vols. 9 to 21, by T. F. Whitrow 13 1859-1866 Vols. 22 to 37, by E. H. Stiles 16 1867-1873 Vols. 38 to 56, by J. S. Runnels 19 1873-1881 Vols. 57 to 58, by B. W. Hight 2 1881-1882 Vols. 59 to 80, by E. C. Ebersole 22 1882-1890 Vols. 81 to 82, by N. B. Raymond 2 1890-1891 Vols. 83 to 89, by N. B. Raymond 7 1891-1894 Vols. 90 to 93, by B. L Salinger 4 1894-1895 Vols. 94 to 117, by B. L Salinger 24 1895-1902 Vols. 118 to 138, by W. W. Cornwall. . 21 1902-1908 Vols. 139 to 154, by W. W. Cornwall.. 16 1908-1912 Vol. 155, by W. W. Cornwall 1 1912 IOWA DKiEST William G. Hammond 1 1866 Dillon's Digest 1 1839-60 IOWA CODES Revised Code 1851 Revised Code 1860 Revised Code 1 Slid Revised Code 1878 Revi.sed Code 1897 Supplement to the C(n\ii 1902 Supplement to the ('ode 1907 IOWA SKSSIO.N LAWS Iowa session Laws ]'r')m 1817 to 191.'') KANSAS 75 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY KANSAS REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by McCahon 1 1859-1868 Vols. 1 to 5, by E. V. Banks 5 1862-1870 Vols. 6 to 20, by W. C. Webb 15 1870-1878 Vols. 21 to 48, by A. M. F. Randolph . . 28 1878-1890 Vols. 49 to 56, by A. M. F. Randolph. . 8 1892-1896 Vols. 57 to 59, by C. G. Clemens 3 1896-1897 Vols. 60 to 70, by T. E. Dewey 11 1898-1905 Vols. 71 to 77, by L. J. Graham 7 1905-1908 Vols. 78 to 83, by L. J. Graham 6 1908-1910 Vols. 84 to 88, by Moore 5 1911-1913 KANSAS COURT OF APPEALS AND KANSAS APPEALS REPORTS Vols. 1 to 2, by A. M. F. Randolph 2 1895-1896 Vols. 3 to 4, by T. E. Dewey 2 1896-1897 Vols. 5 to 6, by C. G. Clemens 2 1896-1897 Vols. 7 to 10, by Thomas Dewey 4 1898-1901 KANSAS STATUTES Kansas statutes from 1855 to 1909 KANSAS SESSION LAWS Kansas session Laws from 1857 to 1913 KENTUCKY 79 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY KENTUCKY REPORTS Period Reporters. Yo\s. Covered. Hughes' reports 1 1795-1801 Sneed's decisions 1 1801-1805 Hardin's reports 1 1805-1808 Bibb's reports 1 1808-1817 A. K. Marshall's reports (3 in 2) 2 1817-1821 Littell's reports 5 1822-1824 Littell's selected cases 1 1795-1821 T. B. Monroe's reports 7 1824-1828 J. J. Marshall's reports 7 1829-1832 Dana's reports 9 1833-1840 Ben Monroe's reports 18 1840-1858 Metcalfe's reports 4 1859-1868 Duvall's reports 2 1864-1866 Bush's reports 14 1866-1879 Rodman's reports (cited: 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, Ky.) 5 1879-1885 Hines' reports (Cited : 83 to 98) 16 1885-1896 Turner (Cited : 99 to 103) 5 1896-1898 Edelen (Cited : 104 to 107) 4 1S98-1900 T. R. McBeath (Cited : 108 to 127) 20 1900-1908 T. R. McBeath (Cited: 128 to 146) 19 1908-1912 T. R. McBeath (Cited: 147 to 153) 7 1912-1913 KE.NTl'C KV F)I(;ESTS Pirtle, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1832 Monroe & Harlan 2 1 852-3 Sneed 1 1.^01-5 KENTI ( KY STATUTES Kentucky statutes from 1822 to 1894 KENTl ( l\V SESSION LAWS Kentucky session Laws from 1812 to 1912 80 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY KENTUCKY CODES Johnson, Harlan & Stevenson 1851 Biickner, Bullitt & Duvall 1876 KENTUCKY CONSTITUTION Constitution 1891 Debates of Constitutional Convention, Vols. 1 to 4. . . .1890 LOUISIANA .S3 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY LOl ISLWA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 4, by F. X. Martin 4 1809-1828 Vols. 1 to 8, by F. X. Martin (N. S.) 8 1823-1830 Vols. 1 to 5, by B. W. Miller 5 1830-1833 Vols. 6 to 19, by T. Curry 14 1833-1841 Vols. 1 to 12, by M. M. Robinson 12 1841-1846 Vols. 1 to 4. by M. M. Robinson (La. Ann.) 4 1846-1849 Vols. 5 to 6, by W. W. King (La. Ann.) 2 1850-1851 Vols. 7 to 11. by W. M. Rudolph (La. Ann.) 5 1852-1856 Vols. 12 to 15, by A. N. Ogden (La. Ann.) 4 1857-1860 Vols. 16 to 18, by S. F. Glenn (La. Ann.) 3 1861-1866 Vols. 19 to 24, by J. Hawkins (La. Ann.) 6 1867-1872 Vols. 25 to 28, by C. (Jayarre (La. Ann.) 3 1873-1876 Vols. 29 to 31. by P. Roberts (La. Ann.) 3 1877-1879 Vols. 32 to 47, by H. Dennis (La. Ami. ) 15 1880-1895 Vols. 48 to 50, by W. Rogers (La. Ann.) :; 1896-1898 Vols. 51 to 52, by T. H. Thorpe (La. Ann.) 2 1S9!)-1900 Vols. 101 to 118, by T. II. Thorpe 15 19(10-1907 Vols. 119 to 130. ])y C. G. Gill 12 1907-1912 Vol. i:n. by C. (;. Gill 1 1912-1913, (onrr or .\ppi:.\i.s rkpoims Mc(;ioin's 1 1880 LOnSI.ANA ( ODKS Louisiana codes from 1^25 to 1S70 S4 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY LOUISIANA DIGESTS Digest 3 1816 Digest 2 1820 Christy's 1 1826 Walker's Digest of Louisiana reports 1 1870 LOUISIANA STATUTES Revised Statutes 1856 Revised Statutes 1856 Revised Statutes 1870 LOUISIANA SESSION LAWS Louisiana session Laws from 1821 to 1912 MAINE 87 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MAINE REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 9, by S. Greenleaf 9 1820-1832 Vols. 10 to 12, by J. Fairfield 3 1833-1835 Vols. 13 to 18, by J. Shepley 6 1836-1841 Vol. 19, by J. Appleton 1 1841 Vol. 20, by Appleton & Shepley 1 1841 Vols. 21 to 30, by J. Shepley 10 1842-1849 Vols. 31 to 35, by A. Redingrton 5 1849-1853 Vols. 36 to 40, by S. Heath 5 1853-1855 Vols. 41 to 42, by J. M. Adams 2 1856 Vols. 43 to 44, by T. Ludden 2 1857-1858 Vols. 45 to 51, by W. Hubbard 7 1858-1865 Vols. 52 to 60, by W. W. Virgin 9 1865-1872 Vols. 61 to 64, by E. B. Smith 4 1872-1875 Vols. 65 to 68, by J. D. Pulsifer 4 1875-1878 Vols. 69 to 70, by D. R. Hastings. ... 2 1878-1880 Vols. 71 to 80, by J. W. Spalding 10 1880-1888 Vols. 81 to 99, by Charles Hamlin 19 1888-1905 Vols. 100 to 102, by George H. Smith. . . 3 1906-1908 Vols. 103 to 108, by George H. Smith. . 6 1908-1912 Vol. 109, by William P. Thompson 1 1913 Vol. 110, l)y William P. Thompson 1 191:^ MAFNK DKiKSTS Coffin's Supplement 2 1890 Virgin's Digest 1 1859 Virgin's Supplement 1 1870 Eastman's Digest 1 1849 A. R. Savage 1 1909 Digest 1 1820-79 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MAINE STATUTES Revised Statutes 1840-41 Revised Statutes 1840 Revised Statutes 1857 Revised Statutes 1871 Revised Statutes 188e3 Revised Statutes 1885-95 Revised Statutes 1903 MAINE SESSION LAWS Maine Session Laws from 1821 to 1913 MARYLAND 91 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MARYLAND REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Harris & McHeniy, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1700-1799 Harris & Johnson, Vols. 1 to 7 7 1800-1826 Harris & Gill, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1826-1829 Gill & Johnson, Vols. 1 to 12 12 1829-1842 R. W. Gill, Vols. 1 to 9 9 1843-1851 A. C. Magruder, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1851-1852 0. Miller, Vols. 3 to 18 16 1852-1862 N. Brewer, Vols. 19 to 26 8 1862-1866 J. S. Stockett, Vols. 27 to 79 53 1867-1896 W. T. Brantley, 80 to 107 28 1896-1908 W. T. Brantley, 108 to 116 9 1908-1911 W. T. Brantley, 117 to 118 2 1911-1912 W. H. Perkins, 119 to 120 2 1912-1913 MARYLAND CHAN( ERY Vols. 1 to 3, by T. Bland (Bland's Chan- cery) 3 1811-1832 Vols. 1 to 4, by Maryland Chancery De- cisions 4 1847-1854 MARYLAND DKiESTS J. S. Cohen & James Lee 1 1866 Wm. H. S. Burgvvyn 1 1878 Index to Maryland Decisions by RinggohL . . 1 1886 MARYLAND STATLTLS A^ (ODES Revised Laws 1 1878 Public and General Laws 1 1888 Public and Local Laws (Vols. 1-2) 2 1888 Supplement Public and General Laws. 1 1S!M)-1900 Dorsey's Laws (Vols. 1-2-3) 3 18 10 92 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MARYLAND STATUTES & CODES Continued. Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Corporation Laws of Maryland 1 1908 Revised Code of Maryland 1 1860 Index to the Laws & Resolutions 1 1832-37 Alexander's British Statutes 1 1870 Constitution of Maryland 1 1867 British Statutes of Maryland (Vols. 1-2) 2 1912 MARYLAND SESSION LAWS Maryland Session Laws from 1799 to 1912 MASSACHUSETTS 95 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MASSACHUSETTS REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. J. Quincy, Jr 1 1761-1772 Vol. 1, by E. Williams 1 1804-1805 Vols. 2 to 17, by D. A. Ting 16 1806-1822 Vols. 1 to 24, by 0. Pickering 24 1822-1840 Vols. 1 to 13, by T. Metcalf 13 1840-1847 Vols. 1 to 12, by L. S. Cushing 12 1848-1853 Vols. 1 to 16, by H. Gray 16 1854-1860 Vols. 1 to 14, by C. Allen 14 1861-1867 Vols. 97 to 109, by A. G. Brown, Jr. . 13 1867-1872 Vols. 110 to 111, by Brown & Gray.. 2 1872-1873 Vols. 112 to 114, by A. G. Brown, Jr. . 3 1873-1874 Vols. 115 to 145, by J. Latrop 31 1874-1884 Vols. 146 to 152, by Wm. V. Kellen 7 1884-1891 Vols. 153 to 155, by Wm. V. Kellen 3 1891-1892 Vol. 156, by Geo. F. Tucker 1 1892 Vols. 157 to 167, by Geo. F. Tucker.. 12 1892-1897 Vols. 168 to 176, by Geo. F. Tucker.. 9 1897-1900 Vol. 177, by Tucker & Swift 1 190:)-1901 Vols. 178 to 200, by Henry Swift 23 1901-1909 VoLs. 201 to 212, by Henry Swift 12 1909-1912 Vol. 213, by Henry Swift 1 1912-1913 Vol. 214, by Henry Swift 1 1913 MASSACHl SE'n>; ( RIMINAL REP()F{TS Vol. 1. Thacher's Criminal Cases 1 1845 MASSACHL SETTS DK iKSTS George Minot 1 18 14 Phillip's Digest 1 1><31 MASSAC HrSF<:TTS STATUTES Massachusetts .statutes from KJ92 to 1913 Mas.sachu.setts Acts and Resolves 18(')9 fo 1805 MICHIGAN 99 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MICHIGAN REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. S. T. Douglass. 1 to 2 2 1843-1847 Vol. 1, by R. Manning 1 1847-1850 Vols. 2 to 4, by C. C. Gibbs 3 1851-1857 Vols. 5 to 12, by T. M. Cooler 8 1858-1864 Vol. 13, by E. W. Maddaugh 1 1864-1865 Vols. 14 to 18, by W. Jennison 5 1865-1869 Vols. 19 to 22, by H. K. Clarke 4 1869-1871 Vols. 23 to 36, by H. Post 14 1871-1877 Vols. 37 to 58, by H. A. Chaney 22 1877-1886 Vols. 59 to 82, by W. D. Fuller 14 1886-1890 Vols. 83 to 91, by W. D. Fuller 9 1890-1892 Vols. 92 to 105, by W. D. Fuller 15 1892-1895 Vol. 106, by J. A. Brooks I 1895 Vols. 107 to 136, by J. A. Brooks 30 1895-1904 Vols. 137 to 152, by H. B. Lazell K; 1904-1908 Vols. 153 to 156, by H. B. Lazell 4 1908-1909 Vols. 157 to 171, by H. Reasoner 15 1909-1912 Vols. 172 to 174, by H. Reasoner 3 1912-191:'. Vol. 175. by H. Reasoner 1 1913 MI( HI(,.A.\ ( H.\N( KKV KKPOKTS Henry X. Walker 1 1845 Harrington's Chancery 1 1845 MI( ni(;.\N STATITKS Revi.sed Statutes 1838 Revi.sed Statutes 184«) Ml( HKiAN SESSION LAWS Michigan session law.s frnni 1827 to 1913 MINNESOTA 103 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MINNESOTA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 9, by H. Officer 9 1851-1864 Vols. 10 to 20, by W. A. Spencer 11 1865-1874 Vols. 21 to 45, by C. B. Young 25 1874-1891 Vols. 46 to 47, by C. B. Young 2 1891 Vols. 48 to 49, by C. C. Wilson 2 1892 Vols. 50 to 55, by C. C. Wilson 6 1892-1893 Vol. 56, by Chas. P. Holcomb 1 1893-1894 Vols. 57 to 59, by C. C. Wilson 3 1894 Vols. 60 to 105, by H. B. Wenzell 46 1894-1908 Vols. 106to 118, by H. B. Wenzell 13 1908-1912 Vols. 119 to 120, by H. B. Wenzell 2 1912-1913 Vols. 121 to 122, by H. B. Wenzell 2 1913 Notes to Minnesota reports, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 5 1911-1912 MINNESOTA STATUTES Statutes 1851 Statutes 1849-58 Statutes 1866 Statutes 1878 MINNESOTA SKSSION I.AWS Minnesota session Lmws from 1858 to 1913 MISSISSIPPI 107 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MISSISSIPPI REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by R. J. Walker 1 1818-1832 Vols. 2 to 8, by V. E. Howard 7 1834-1843 Vols. 9 to 22, by Smeed & Marshall. . 14 1843-1850 Vols. 23 to 29, by J. F. Cushman 7 1851-1855 Vols. 30 to 40, by J. Z. George 10 1855-1863 Vols. 41 to 42, by R. C. Reynolds 3 1864-1869 Vols. 43 to 48, by J. S. Morris 6 1870-1873 Vols. 49 to 52, by Harris & Simrall . . 4 1873-1876 Vols. 53 to 65, by Brown & Heming-way 15 1876-1888 Vols. 66 to 72, by Brame & Alexander 7 1888-1895 Vols. 73 to 90, by T. A. McWillie 18 1896-1908 Vols. 91 to 96, by T. A. McWillie.... 6 1908-1911 Vol. 101, by Robert Powell 1 1912 Vol. 102, by Robert Povyell 1 1912 MISSISSIPPI CHANC ERY REPORTS Smedes & Marshall 1 1844 Freeman's Chancery 1 1844 MISSISSIPPI ( RIMINAL REPORTS Morris State Cases, Vols. 1-2 2 1818-72 MISSISSIPIM (ODES Code of Mississippi 1798-18 18 Code of Mississipi)i 1871 Code of Mississippi 1892 Code of Mississippi 1906 MISSISSIIMM I)I(;ESTS Howard & Hiitchin.son's 1 1802 DJKcst of the Stalutcs 1 1816 Brame & Alexander's 1 1899 lOS CATALOr.I'E OF THE STATE LIBRARY MISSISSIPPI DIGESTS (Continued) Andrew's Digest 1 1881 Morris' State Cases 2 1872 MISSISSIPPI SESSION LAWS Mississippi session Laws from 1798 to 1910 MISSOURI Ill CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MISSOURI REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by S. M. Bay 1 1821-1828 Vol. 2, by S. M. Bay 1 1828-1830 Vol. 3, by J. C. Edwards 1 1830-1835 Vol. 4, by W. P. Napton 1 1835-1837 Vols. 5 to 8, by S. M. Bay 4 1837-1845 Vols. 9 to 11, by B. F. Stringfellow. . . 3 1845-1848 Vols. 12 to 13, by W. A. Robards 2 1848-1850 Vols. 14 to 15, by J. B. Gardenshire 2 1851-1852 Vols. 16 to 21, by S. A. Bennett 6 1852-1855 Vols. 22 to 30, by H. M. Jones 9 1855-1860 Vol. 31, by Jones, Barclay & Whittelsey 1 1860-1862 Vols. 32 to 41, by C. C. Whittelsey 10 1862-1867 Vols. 42 to 64, by T. A. Post 23 1867-1877 Vols. 65 to 79, by T. K. Skinker 15 1877-1883 Vols. 80 to 137, by F. M. Brown 58 1883-1896 Vols. 138 to 214, by P. S. Rader 77 1896-1908 Vols. 215 to 247, by P. S. Rader 33 1908-1912 Vols. 248 to 250, by P. S. Rader 3 1912-1913 Vol. 251, by P. S. Rader 1 1913 MISSOURI APPEAL REPORTS Vols. 1 to 16, by A. Moore Berry 16 1876-1885 Vols. 17 to 28, by Berry & Mister 12 1885-1888 Vols. 29 to 32, by Lewis & Mister 4 ISSS Vols. 33 to 35, by Lewis & (iulhrie 3 1888-188!) Vols. 36 to 42, by (ioldsmith & (}uthrie 7 1889-1890 Vols. 43 to 50, by Goldsmith & (Juthric 8 1890-1892 Vols. 51 to 68, by (ioidsmith & (kithrie IS 1892-18i)7 Vols. 69 to 80, by North & (iuthrie 11 1897-189!) Vols. 81 to 101, by Smith & (iiithric 21 1899-1!)0;; Vols. 102 to 133, by White & (Jutiirie 32 1903-1!)()S Vols. 134 to 137, by White & Guthrie 4 1908-190!) 112 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MISSOURI APPEAL REPORTS (Continued) Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 138 to 139, by White & Cleary 2 1909 Vols. 140 to 167, by Francis, Cleary & Luster 28 1909-1912 Vols. 168 to 169. by Francis, Cleary & Pritchett 2 1912-1913 Vols. 170 to 171, by Francis, Cleary & Pritchett 2 1912-1913 Vol. 172, by Francis, Cleary & Pritchett 1 1913 MISSOURI STATUTES Revised Statutes 3 1879 Revised Statutes 2 1899 Revised Statutes 3 1909 Revised Statutes 3 1845 MISSOURI SESSION LAWS Missouri Session Laws from 1825 to 1913 MONTANA 115 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MONTANA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 2, by H. N. Blake 2 1868-1877 Vol. 3, by Blake & Hedges 1 1877-1880 Vols. 4 to 6, by C. Hedges 3 1881-1887 Vols. 7 to 8, by H. C. Buck 2 1888-1889 Vols. 9 to 18, by F. Maddox 10 1889-1896 Vol. 19, by Maddox & Bach 1 1896-1897 Vols. 20 to 21, by T. C. Bach 2 1897-1898 Vols. 22 to 29, by Oliver T. Crane 8 1898-1904 Vols. 30 to 37, by A. C. Schneider 8 1904-1908 Vols. 38 to 46, by A. C. Schneider 9 1908-1913 Vol. 47, by A. C. Schneider 1 1913 MONTANA STATUTES Revised Statutes 1879 MONTANA (ODES Annotated Code 1895 Annotated Code 1895 MONTANA SESSION LAWS Mf)n1ana Se.ssion Laws from 1871 lo r.)13 NEBRASKA 119 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NEBRASKA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 2, by J. M. Woolworth 2 1871-1873 Vol. 3, by Crounse 1 1874 Vols. 4 to 25, by Guy A. Brown 22 1875-1888 Vol. 26, by W. A. Leese 1 1889 Vols. 27 to 58, by D. A. Campbell 31 1889-1899 Vols. 59 to 65, by Lee Herdman 7 1899-1902 Vols. 66 to 80, by H. C. Lindsay 15 1902-1908 Vols. 81 to 92, by H. C. Lindsay 12 1908-1912 Vol. 93, by H. C. Lindsay 1 1913 NEBRASKA I NOFFICIAL REPORTS Vols. 1 to 3, by Lee Herdman 3 1901-1903 Vols. 4 to 5, by H. C. Lindsay 2 1903-1904 NEBRASKA STATl TES General Statutes 1873 Compiled Statutes 1881 Compiled Statutes 1887 Consolidated Statutes, Colbey 1891 Annotated Code 1901 Cobbey's Annotated Statutes, Vols. 1-2 1903 " " " " " 1907 " " " " " 1909 Commission for Revision of General Laws 191.') Cobbey's Annotated Statutes 1911 Revi.sed Statutes 1913 NFBKASKA I)I(;ESTS Maxwell's Digest 1854-77 Brown's Index Di^'st to Nebraska Reports 1871-89 NFBKASKA SFSSION LAWS Nebraska Session Laws from 1858-1913 NEW MEXICO 123 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NEW MEXIC O REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 10, by C. H. Gildersleeve 10 1852-1901 Vols. 11 to 13, by A. J. Abbott 3 1901-1906 Vols. 14 to 16, by A. Walter 3 1906-1911 NEW MEXICO C OiMPILEI) LAWS Compiled Laws 1884 Local and Special 1884 Local and Special 1897 NEW MEXICO SESSION LAWS New Mexico Session Laws from 1876 to 1913 NEVADA 127 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NEVADA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by J. F. Lewis 1 1865 Vols. 2 to 9, by A. Helm 8 1866-1874 Vols. 10 to 19, by C. F. Bicknell 10 1875-1887 Vols. 20 to 21, by Joe Josephs 2 1887-1893 Vols. 22 to 23, by Eugene Howell 2 1894-1897 Vols. 24 to 25, by Howell & Norcross. ... 2 1897-1900 Vol. 26, by Howell & Chartz 1 1900-1902 Vols. 27 to 29, by Douglass & Noel 3 1902-1907 Vols. 30 to 32, by Douglass 3 1908-1910 Vols. 33 to 34, by Josephs 2 1910-1911 Vol. 35, by Josephs 1 1912-1913 NEVADA STATUTES General Statutes 1885 NEVADA COMPILED LAWS Compiled Laws 1861-1873 Compiled Laws 1861-1873 Revi.sed Laws 1912 NEVADA DIGESTS Sawyer's Digest of Nevada Reports 1878 NEVADA SESSION LAWS Nevada Session Laws from 1861 to 1913 NEW HAMPSHIRE 131 CATALO(;UE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NEW HAMPSHIRE REPORTS Reporters. Vols Vol. 1, by J. Smith Vol. 1, by N. Adams Vol. 2, bj'^ Richardson & Woodbury. ... Vols. 3 to 5, by Anonymous Vol. 6, by Ben B. French Vols. 7 to 18, by Anonymous 1 \'ol. 19, by W. L. Foster Vol. 20, by W. E. Chandler Vols. 21 to 31, by W. L. P^oster 1 Vols. 32 to 37, by G. G. Fogg Vols. 38 to 44, by W. E. Chandler Vols. 45 to 48, by A. Hadley Vols. 49 to 55, by J. M. Shirley Vols. 56 to 57, by D. Hall Vol. 58, by E. A. Jenks Vols. 59 to 64, by W. S. L:i 1907-1912 Vol. 81, by James Buchanan 1 1912-1913 NEW JERSEY STATl TKS Compiled Statutes, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 1. 5 5 1709-1910 Revisions 1 1 709-1877 136 CATALOGUE OP^ THE STATE LIBRARY NEW JERSEY STATUTES (Continued) Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. General Statutes, Vols. 1, 2, 3 3 1709-1895 Digest 1 1855 Supplement to Revision 1 1877-1886 Dixon's Digest 1 1709-1855 Dixon's Digest 1 1709-1867 Hood's Index 1 1863-1903 Dickinson's Probate Court Practice 1 1884 NEW JERSEY SESSION LAWS New Jersey Session Laws from 1703 to 1913 NEW YORK 139 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NEW YORK REPORTS SUPREME COl RT AND ( OURT OF ERRORS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Caines Cases, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1796-1805 Johnson's Cases, Vols. 1 to 3 3 1799-1803 Caines reports, Vols, 1 to 3 3 1803-1805 Johnson reports. Vols. 1 to 20 20 1806-1823 Cowen reports, Vols. 1 to 9 9 1823-1829 Wendell reports. Vols. 1 to 26 26 1829-1841 Hill reports. Vols. 1 to 7 7 1841-1844 Denio reports. Vols. 1 to 5 5 1845-1848 Lalor's Supplement 1 1842-1844 Barbour reports, Vols. 1 to 67 67 1847-1873 Lansing reports, Vols. 1 to 7 7 1869-1873 Hun reports. Vols. 8 to 99 92 1874-1895 NEW YORK COURT OF APPEALS Edmunds, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1834-1853 Abbotts, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1864-186(5 Comstock, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1847-1S57 Seldon, Vols. 5 to 10 5 1851-1854 Kernan, Vols. 11 to 14 4 1851-1856 Smith, Vols. 15 to 27 1.". 1857-1863 Tiffany, Vols. 28 to 39 12 18(53-1868 Hand, Vols. 40 to 45 (5 18C)9-1871 Sickel, Vols. 46 to 146 101 1S71-1S95 E. H. Smith. Vols. 147 to 1(J2 1(5 is:)5-19()(l E. A. Bedell, Vols. 163 to 191 28 1900-1908 A. S. Nevvcomb. Vols. 192 to 193. 2 1908-190!) Fierro. Vols. 194 to 206 13. 1909-1912 Fierro, Vols. 207 to 208 2 1912-1913. NEW YORK ( HAN( ERY DIMSION Johnson reports, Vols. 1 to 7 7 1814-1823 140 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NEW YORK CHANCERY DIVISION (Continued) Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Hopkins reports, Vol. 1 1 1823-1825 Paige reports, Vols. 1 to 11 11 1828-1845 Barbour reports, Vols. 1 to 3 3 1845-1848 Edwards reports, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1831-1850 Hoffman reports, Vol. 1 1 1838-1840 Clarke, Vol. 1 1 1839-1841 Sanford, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1843-1847 NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION OF THE SUPREME COURT Hun, Vols. 1 to 48 48 1896-1900 Hun, Vols. 49 to 100 51 1896-1900 Hun, Vols. 101 to 108 8 1900-1905 Fisher, Vols. 109 to 151 43 1905-1908 Fisher, Vols. 152 to 155 4 1908-1913 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW YORK E. D. Smith, Vols. 1 to 3 3 1850-1858 Daly reports. Vols. 2 to 3 2 1870 Yates Select Cases, Vol. 1 1 1800 NEW YORK ANNOTATED DIGESTS New York Annotated Digests, Vols. 1 to 7 1913 (Covering 1 to 65) (66-75) NEW YORK SESSION LAWS New York Session Laws from 1774 to 1913 141 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NEW YORK STATUTES Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Revised Statutes 3 1829-1859 General Laws of New York 3 1777-1901 Revised Statutes Codes & General Laws.. 1 1901 General Laws & Index 3 1902-1907 Unconsolidated Laws of New York, Vols. 1-2 2 1778-1911 Code of Procedure 1 1848 Index to the Laws 1 1886-1896 Council of Revision 1 1859 NEW YORK DIGESTS Clerk's Digest, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1789-1841 Tiffany's Digest 1 1866 Johnson's Digest 1 1813 Church's Dige.st, Vols. 1-2 2 1822 NORTH CAROLINA 145 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NORTH C'AROLLNA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Martin, Vol. 1 1 1778-1797 Haywood, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1789-1806 Taylor, Vol. 1 1 1798-1802 Conference, Vol. 1 1 1802-1804 Murphey, Vols. 1 to 3 8 1804-1819 Hawks, Vols. 1 to 4, 4 1820-1826 Devereaux, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1826-1834 Devereaux & Battle, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1834-1839 Iredell, Vols. 1 to 13 13 1840-1852 Busbee, Vol. 1 1 1852-1853 Jones, Vols. 1 to 8 8 1853-1862 Winston, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1863-1864 Phillips, Vol. 1 1 1866-1868 Phillips, Vols. 63 to 64 2 1869-1871 McCorkle, Vol. 65 1 1871 Shipp, Vols. 66 to 67 2 1872 Hargrove, Vols. 68 to 75 8 1873-1876 Kenan, Vols. 76 to 91 16 1877-1884 Davidson, Vols. 92 to 111 20 1885-1892 Gray, Vols. 112 to 122 11 1S!):MS9S Buxton, Vols. 123 to 126 1 1S9S-1!)0() Walser, Vols. 127 to 137 11 1900-1905 Biggs, Vols. 138 to 143 6 1905-1907 Strong, Vols. 144 to 160 17 190S-1912 Strong, Vol. 161 1 1912-1913 Strong, Vol. 162 1 1913 Strong, Vol. 16.", 1 1913 NOinn ( AROM.NA E(M ITY KKI'OKTS Devereaux, Vols. 1 to 2 2 182(')-18;M Devereaux & Battle, Vols. 1 to 2 2 183 1-18:5!) Iredell, X'r.ls. 1 to 8 8 1840-1852 146 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NORTH CAROLINA EQUITY REPORTS (Continued) Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Busbee, Vol. 1 1 1852-1853 H. C. Jones, Vols. 1 to 6 6 1853-1863 Winston, Vol. 1 1 1864 Phillips, Vol. 1 1 1866-1868 NORTH CAROLINA SESSION LAWS North Carolina Session Laws from 1791 to 1913 NORTH CAROLINA REVISED STATUTES Revised Statutes 2 1836 Public Acts 1 1804 Revised Code 2 1905 Battle's Revision 2 1872 NORTH CAROLINA CODES Code 2 1883 Code 1 1854 NORTH CAROLINA DIGESTS Iredell Digest 2 1778-1837 Jones' Digest 1 1845-1853 NORTH DAKOTA 149 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY DAKOTA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Bennett, Vol. 1 1 1867-1877 Smith, Vols. 2 to 4 3 1878-1888 Tripp, Vols. 5 to 6 2 1888-1889 NORTH DAKOTA REPORTS Hoskins, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1891 Cochrane, Vols. 3 to 10 8 1892-1902 Catothers, Vol. 11 1 1902-1903 Ames, Vols. 12 to 21 10 1903-1911 H. A. Libby, Vols. 22 to 23 2 1911-1912 NORTH DAKOTA SESSION LAWS North Dakota Session Laws from 1862 to 1913 NORTH DAKOTA REVISED (ODES Revised Code 1895 Revised Code 1899 General Laws and Memorials 1870-71 NORTH DAKOTA COMPILED LAWS Compiled Laws 1877 OHIO 153 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY OHIO REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. B. Tappan, Vol 1 1 1816-1819 J. C. Wright, VoL 1 1 1831-1834 C. Hammond, Vols. 1 to 9 9 1831-1839 P. B. Wilcox, Vol. 10 1 1840 E. M. Stanton, Vols. 11 to 13 3 1841-1844 H. Griswold, Vols. 14 to 19 6 1846-1851 W. Lawrence, Vol. 20 1 1851 OHIO STATE REPORTS G. W. McCook, Vol. 1 1 1852-1853 R. B. Warden. Vol. 2 1 1853 Warden & Smith, Vol. 3 1 1853-1854 R. B. Warden. Vol. 4 1 1854-1855 L. J. Critchfield, Vols. 5 to 21 17 1855-1871 M. M. Granger, Vols. 22 to 23 2 1871-1873 E. L. Hewitt, Vols. 24 to 42 19 1873-1885 G. B. Okey, Vols. 43 to 45 2 1885-1888 L. J. Burgess, Vols. 46 to 47 2 1888-1S90 L. J. Burgess, Vol. 48 1 1890-1891 L. J. Burgess. Vols. 49 to 51 3 1892-189:5 E. O. Randall. N'ols. 52 to 54 3 189 1-1S!)7 E. (). liandall. \'ols. 55 to 7H 24 1897-1908 E. O. Randall. Vols. 79 to 85 8 1909-1912 E. O. Randall. N'ols. 86 to 87 2 1912 OHIO SKSSFON LAWS Ohio Session Laws from 183(; to 191:5 OHIO INDEX Index to General Laws 1845 to 1857 Ohio Railway Laws 1870 1.S4 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY OHIO STATUTES Statutes for the year 1824 Statutes for the year 1831 Statutes for the year 1838 Statutes for the year 1841 Statutes for the year 1854 Statutes for the year (2 vols.) 1860 Statutes for the year 1868 Statutes for the year (2 voLs.) 1880 OHIO DIGESTS Gholson & Okey's Digest of Ohio reports. 1 1867 Digest of Ohio State Reports 1 1844 OREGON 157 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY OREGON REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. J. G. Wilson, Vols 1 to 3 3 1853-1870 C. B. Bellinger, Vols. 4 to 8 5 1870-1880 T. B. Ordeneal, Vols. 9 to 11 3 1880-1884 J. A. Stratton, Vols. 12 to 14 3 1885-1887 W. H. Holmes, Vols. 15 to 17 3 1887-1889 W. H. Thayer, Vol. 18 1 1889-1890 R. S. Strahan, Vol. 19 1 1890 Geo. H. Burnett, Vols. 20 to 23 3 1890-1892 Robt. G. Morrow, Vols. 24 to 49 27 1892-1902 Frank A. Turner, Vol. 50 1 1902-1907 Frank A. Turner, Vols. 51 to 61 11 1908-1912 Frank A. Turner, Vols. 62 to 63 2 1912-1913 Frank A. Turner, Vol. 64 1 1913 OREGON SESSION LAWS Oregon Session Laws from 1872 to 1913 ORECiON CODE Code of Oregon (2 vols.) 1901 ORE(;ON (iENERAI. LAWS (icneral Laws 1862 (ieneral Laws 18 15-18(54 General Laws 1843-1872 Statutes 1855 Annotated Law, HiU's (Vols. 1-2) 1887 Bellinger & Cotton's Codes & Statutes, Vols. 1-2. . 1901 OKLAHOMA 161 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY OKLAHOMA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Edward B. Green 1 1890-1893 Frank Dale, Vols. 2 to 4 3 1894-1896 J. H. Burford, Vols. 5 to 18 14 1896-1897 R. L. Williams. Vols. 19 to 20 2 1908 R. L. Williams, Vols. 21 to 22 2 1908 Kane. \'ol. 23 1 1909 Parker, Vols. 24 to 34 11 1909-1912 Parker, Vol. 35 1 1912-1913 OKLAHOMA CRIMINAL REPORTS Parker, Vols. 1 to 7 7 1908-1912 OKLAHOMA SESSION LAWS Oklahoma Session Laws from 1897 to 1913 OKLAHOMA COMPILED LAWS Compiled Laws 1909 PENNSYLVANIA 165 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY PENNSYLVANIA REPORTS Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. A. Addison, Vol. 1 1 1791-1799 J. Yeates, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1791-1808 H. Binney, Vols. 1 to 6 6 1799-1814 F. C. Brightley, Vol. 1 1 1809-1814 Sergeant & Raule, Vols. 1 to 17 17 1814-1828 Raule, Vols. 1 to 5 5 1828-1835 Penrose & Watts, Vols. 1 to 3 3 1829-1832 Watts, Vols. 1 to 10 10 1832-1840 Wharton, Vols. 1 to 6 6 1835-1841 Watts & Sergeant, Vols. 1 to 9 9 1841-1845 Grants Cases, Vols. 1 to 3 3 1852-1863 Pennypacker, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1881-1884 Sadler, Vols. 1 to 10 10 1885-1889 Monaghan, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1888-1889 Walker, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1889-1901 PENNSYLVANL\ STATE REI'ORTS Vols. 1 to 10, by R. M. Barr 10 1845-1849 Vols. 1 1 to 12, by Jones 2 1849 Vols. 13 to 24, by Harris 12 1849-1855 Vols. 25 to 36, by Casey 12 1855-1S60 Vols. .">7 to 50, by Wright 11 1861-1865 Vols. 51 to 81, by Smith ;:i 1865-1876 Vols. 82 to 96, by Norris 15 1876-1880 Vols. 97 to 1 10, by Out(Tl)ri(lge 11 1881-18S5 Vols. 1 11 to 1 15, by Amrrman 5 1886-18S7 Vols. n«; to 1 16, by Crumiiie .-n 1887-1892 Vols. 147 to 1(55, by Monaghan li) 18!)2-1895 Vols. 166 to 192, by Kress 27 1895-1899 Vols. 193 to 19 1. by Kress 2 1899-1900 Vols. 195 to 237, by SchalFcr 1". 1900-1912 166 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY PENNSYLVANIA SUPERIOR COURT REPORTS Reporters. Vols. Vols. 1 to 12, by Kress & Allison 12 Vols. 13 to 15, by Schaff er & Allison 3 Vols. 16 to 51, by Schaffer & Weimer 36 Period Covered. 1895-1900 1900-1901 1901-1912 PENNSYLVANIA SESSION LAWS Pennsylvania Session Laws from 1700 to 1913 PENNSYLVANIA STATUTES AT LARGE Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. Statutes at Large Vol. 2 1700-1712 3 1712-1724 4 1724-1744 5 1744-1759 6 1759-1765 7 1765-1770 8 1770-1776 9 1776-1779 10 1779-1781 11 1782 12 1785-1787 13 1787-1791 14 1791-1793 PENNSYLVANIA DIGESTS Brightly's & Purdon's Digest 1700-1753 1700-1741 1700-1872 1700-1861 1700-1894 1893-1903 Wharton's Digest, Vols. 1 to 2 1777-1849 167 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY PENNSYLVANIA LAWS McKinney's Laws 1700-1840 Compendium Laws 1889 PORTO RICO 171 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY PORTO RU O REPORTS Porto Rico, Vol. 1 . . . , 1901 Porto Rico, Vol. 2 1902 Porto Rico. Vols. 8-4 1903 Porto Rico. \'ol. 7 1904 Porto Rico, Vol. 8 1905 Porto Rico. Vol. 9 1905 Porto Rico. \'ol. 10 1906 Porto Rico, Vol. 11 1906 Porto Rico, Vol. 12 1907 Porto Rico, Vol. 18 1907 Porto Rico, Vol. 14 1908 Porto Rico, Vol. 15 1909 Porto Rico, Vol. 16 1910 Porto Rico. Vol. 17 1911 Porto Rico, Vol. 18 1912 I^ORTO RI( () SESSIO.N L.WVS Porto Rico Session Laws from 1900-1908 PORTO RICO (ODES Porto Rico Codes 1902-1904 RHODE ISLAND 175 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY . RHODE LSLAND REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by Angell & Durfee 1 1828-1851 Vol. 2, by T. Durfee 1 1852-1853 Vol. 3, by Knowles & Metcalf 1 1853-1856 Vols. 4 to 7, by S. Ames 4 1856-1863 Vol. 8, by Ames, Knowles & Bradley 1 1864-1867 Vols. 9 to 10, by J. T. Tobey 2 1868-187^ Vols. 11 to 16, by A. Green 6 1875-1891 Vol. 17, by A. Green 1 1891-1892 Vol. 18, by G. D. Barrows 1 1893 Vol. 19, by T. P. Barnefield 1 1895-1897 Vol. 20, by Barnefield & Stiness 1 1897-1898 Vols. 21 to 28, by Ed. C. Stiness 8 1898-1908 Vols. 29 to 34, by Ed. C. Stiness 6 1908-1912 Vol. 35, by Ed. C. Stiness 1 1912 RHODE ISLAND SESSION LAWS Rhode Island Session Laws from 1844 to 1912 KHODE ISLAND DKJESTS Di^e.st ( 1-32) 1 1828-191 1 Digest (1-20) 1 1900 Clapp's Digest 2 1877-1889 Acts, Resolves and Reports from 1867 to 1912 RHODE ISLAM) (iKNLKAI. LAWS (;eneral Laws 1S!)(; (n-neral Laws (Vols. 2) 190!) The Court of Practice Act 1905 Digest of Rhode Island Vols. 21 to 30 1906 Revi.sed Code 1857 (;eneral Statutes 1H72 Puljlic Statutes 18S2 SOUTH CAROLINA 179 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY SOITH ( AROLLXA REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 2, by E. H. Bay 2 1783-1804 Vols. 1 to 3, by J. Brevard 3 1793-1816 Vols. 1 to 2, by W. R. H. Treadway 2 1812-1816 Vol. 1. by J. Mill 1 1817-1818 Vols. 1 to 2, by Nott & McCord 2 1818-1820 Vols. 1 to 2, by D. J. McCord 2 1821-1823 Vol. 1, by W. Harper 1 1823-1826 Vols. 1 to 2, by H. Bailey 2 1828-1832 Vols. 1 to 3, by W. R. Hill 3 1833-1837 Vol. 1, by W. Riley 1 1836-1837 Vol. 1, by C. W. Dudley 1 1837-1838 Vol. 1, by L. Cheves, jr 1 1839-1840 Vols. 1 to 2, bv J. J. McMullan 2 1840-1842 Vols. 1 to 2, by H. H. Speers 2 1842-1844 Vols. 1 to 5, by J. A. Strobhart 5 1846-1850 Vols. 1 to 15, by J. S. C. Richardson 15 1850-1858 Vols. 1 to 10, by Richardson (New Series) 10 1868-1878 Vols. 11 to 44, by R. W. Shand 34 1877-1895 \'ols. 45 to 77, by C. M. Efird 3.*] 1895-1907 Vols. 78 to 91. by C. M. Efird 11 1907-1912 \'ol. 92. l)y C. M. Efird 1 1912 SOITH ( AROIJNA KC^l ITY KKPORTS 11. W. Dcsaussure. Vols. 1 1o 1 4 ITS 1-1816 W. Harper. N'ol. 1 1 182 1 1). J. McClord. \(.ls. 1 to 2 2 1825-1827 H. Bailey. Vol. 1 1 1830-18:51 Richard.son Iviuity Ca.ses 1 hS.Ti W. II. Hill. \'ol.s. 1 to 2 2 1833-1837 W. Riley. \'ol. 1 1 1836-1837 C. W. Dudley. \'ol. 1 1 1837-1838 W. Rice. \'ol. 1 1 1838-18:'.9 L. Cheves. .Ir.. \r,| 1 1 1839-1840 180 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY SOUTH CAROLINA EQUITY REPORTS (Continued) Period Reporters. Vols. Covered J. J. McMullan, Vol. 1 1 1840-1842 R. H. Speers 1 1842-1844 J. A. Strobhart, Vols. 1 to 4 4 1846-1850 J. S. Richardson (14 in.) 13 1850-1869 SOUTH CAROLINA SESSION LAWS South Carolina Session Laws from 1841 to 1913 SOUTH CAROLINA STATUTES AND CODES South Carolina Statutes and Codes from 1682 to 1838 South Carohna Statutes and Codes from 1790 to 1912 SOUTH DAKOTA 1S3 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY SOITH DAKOTA REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 5, by R. W. Stewart 5 1890-1894 Vols. 6 to 10, by R. W. Stewart 5 1895-1898 Vols. 11 to 21, by Henry R. Horner 11 1899-1908 Vols. 22 to 28, by Henry R. Horner 7 1908-1912 Vol. 29, by Chas. E. Deland 1 1912 Vol. 30, by Chas. E. Deland 1 1912-1913 SOI TH DAKOTA SESSION LAWS South Dakota Session Laws from 1893 to 1913 SOUTH DAKOTA CODE Code 1903 TENNESSEE 187 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY TENNESSEE REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 2, by J. Overton 2 1791-1817 Vol. 3, by W. W. Cooke 1 1811-1814 Vols. 4 to 6, by J. Haywood 3 1816-1818 Vol. 7, by J. Peck 1 1822-1824 Vol. 8, by Martin & Yerger 1 1825-1828 \'ols. 9 to 18, by G. S. Yerger 10 1828-1837 Vol. 19, by R. S. Meigs 1 1838-1839 Vols. 20 to 30, by W. W. Humphreys 11 1839-1851 Vols. 31 to 32, by W. G. Swan 2 1851-1853 Vols. 33 to 37, by J. L. T. Sneed 5 1853-1858 Vols. 38 to 40, by J. W. Head 3 1858-1859 Vols. 41 to 47, by T. H. Caldwell 7 1860-1870 Vols. 48 to 59, by J. B. Heiskell 12 1870-1874 Vols. 60 to 68, by Jere Ba.xter 9 1874-1878 Vols. 69 to 84, by B. J. Lea 16 1878-1886 Vols. 85 to 108, by Geo. \V. Pickle 24 1887-1902 Vols. 109 to 118, by C. T. Gates 10 1902-1907 Vols. 119 to 125, by C. T. Gates 7 1907-1912 Vols. 126 to 127. by (". T. Gates 2 l!tl2-1913 TENNESSEE ( H.\N( EKY KEPOIMS Vols. 1 to 3. by W. V. Cooper 3 1S72-1S78 TENNESSEE SESSION I,A\VS Tennes.see Sessioii Laws IKtni 1715 to 1857 TENNESSEE A( TS Tennessee Acts from 18.",1 to 1!»1 1 TIONNESSEE (ODES M»-igs & Coojur 1858 TEXAS 191 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY TEXAS SUPREME COURT REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. J. W. Dallam, Vol. 1 1 1840-1844 Vols. 1 to 3, by Webb & Duvall 3 1846-1848 Vols. 4 to 10, by C. C. Hartley 7 1849-1853 Vols. 11 to 21, by C. C. Hartley .... 11 1853-1858 Vols. 22 to 24, by Moore & Walker 3 1858-1860 Vol. 25, by R. S. Walker 1 1860 Vol. 25 (Sup.), by G. W. Paschall 1 I860 Vols. 26 to 27, by Roberts & Jackson 2 1861-1865 Vols. 28 to 31, by G. W. Paschall 4 1866-1869 Vols. 32 to 37, by E. M. Wheelock 6 1869-1873 Vols. 38 to 51, by Terrell & Walker .... 14 1874-1879 Vols. 52 to 71, by A. S. Terrell 20 1879-1889 Vols. 72 to 88, by A. S. Walker 17 1889-1895 Vols. 89 to 100, by A. E. Wilkinson 12 1895-1907 Vols. 101 to 104, by Wilkinson 4 1907-1912 Vol. 105. by Wilkinson 1 1912 TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS Jack.son & Jackson 27 1876-1789 A. M. Jackson. Jr.. Vol. 28 1 1889-1890 Jackson & Wil.son, Vol. 29 1 1890-1891 Wil.son & White. \'ol. :U) 1 lSi»l-lS*)2 TKXAS ( lilMINAL REPORTS John 1'. While. \'ols. 31 U, 16 II 1892-1903 Rudolph Kleberg. Vols. 47 to 63 17 190.3-191 1 Rudolph KleberK, \'ol. 6 1 1 191 1-1912 TEXAS ( IMI- .\I'PE.\LS Vols. 1 to 10. by A. S. Walker. Sr 10 1X92-1895 Vol. 11. by P.. R. Webb 1 1895 Vols. 12 to 13, by A. E. Wilkinsfin 2 189(') Vols. 14 to 15, by B. R. Webb 2 1897 192 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY TAXAS CIVIL APPEALS (Continued) Period Reporters. Vols. Covered. Vols. 16 to 39, by Webb & Wilkinson 24 1897-1905 Vols. 40 to 45, by Wilkinson & Martin . . 6 1905-1907 Vols. 46 to 57, by Martin 12 1907-1909 TEXAS SESSION LAWS Texas Session Laws from 1839 to 1913 . . TEXAS DIGESTS Digest for the year 1850 Digest for the year 1859 Digest for the year 1879 Digest for the year 1895 Penal Code 1856 Texas Constitution Ordinances and Laws 1866 Revised Criminal Statutes 1911 Revised Civil Statutes 1911 Alexander's Digest, Vol. 1 1840-53 Hartley's Digest, Vol. 1 1849 Oldham & White, Vol. 1 1859 UTAH 195 CATALOGTE OF THE STATE LIBRARY I TAH REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 2, by A. Ha^^an 2 1855-1880 Vol. 3. by Snow 1 1881-1881 Vol. 4. by Marshall & Zane 1 1884-188(5 Vols. 5 to 9, by J. S. Zane 5 1886-1894 Vols. 10 to 12. by J. A. Williams 3 1894-1895 Vol. 13, by J. M. Tanner 1 1896-1897 Vols. 14 to 17, by J. M. Tanner 4 1897-189it Vols. 18 to 23, by Geo. L. Nye 6 1899-1901 Vols. 24 to 28, by J. W. Thomp.son 5 1901-1905 Vols. 29 to 34, by A. B. Edeler 1905-1908 \'ols. 35 to 39, by Irvine 5 1908-19 11 I TAH SESSION LAWS rtah St.ssion Laws from 1890 t<. 1!>1 1 ITAH ( OMPILEI) LAWS Compiled Laws (1 vols.) 1888 Compiled Laws 1907 Revi.^ed Statutes 1S98 Resolutions and Memorials 1855 VERMONT 199 CATALOOl'E OF THE STATE LIBRARY \ ERiMONT REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by N. Chipman 1 1789-1791 Vols. 1 to 2, by S. Chipman 2 1789-1824 Vols. 1 to 2, by Tyler 2 1800-1803 Vol. 1, by Brayton 1 1815-1819 Vols. 1 to 2, by Aikens 2 1825-1827 \'ols. 1 to 9, by Judges 9 182G-1837 Vols. 10 to 11, by Shaw 2 1837-1839 Vols. 12 to 14, by W. Weston 3 1840-1842 \'ol. 15, by W. Slade 1 1843 Vols. 16 to 23, by P. T. Washburn 8 1844-1851 Vols. 24 to 26, by J. F. Deane 3 1851-1854 Vols. 27 to 29, by C. L. Williams 3 1854-1857 Vols. 30 to 35, by W. G. Shaw 6 1856-1863 Vols. 36 to 44, by W. C. \ easey 9 1863-1872 \"ols. 45 to 52, by J. W. Rowell 8 1872-1880 Vols. 53 to 60, by E. F. Palmer 8 1880-1888 Vols. 61 to 68, by C. A. Prouty 8 1888-189(5 Vols. 69 tf) 71. I)y W. P. StaM'ord 3 189(;-18i)9 Vols. 72 to 73, by Seneca Ha.selton 2 I9()()-Ii)()l Vols. 74 to 75. by ( leorjfe .M. P;)S-l!n2 Vol. Hi], by .1. W. Prdmond 1 1912-11)13 \ KK.MONT SESSION LAWS \'«'rmont S<'^si''ii Fnu-. fx.m 177<) (,, pjpj \ i:i{M()\ I in:Msi:i) st.\ti ti:s Vermont Revised Statutes from 18.'',:) to 1K94 \ ERMONT I)I(;ESTS Roberts' Digest 1 1778-1878 VIRGINIA 203 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY VIRGINLA REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by T. Jefferson 1 1730-1772 Vols. 1 to 2, by B. Washington 2 1790-1796 Vols. 1 to 6, by D. Call 6 1779-1818 Vols. 1 to 4, by Henning & Munford 4 1806-1810 Vols. 1 to 2, by Munford 2 1810-1820 Vol. 1, by Gilmer 1 1820-1821 Vols. 1 to 6, by Randolph 6 1821-1828 Vols. 1 to 12, by B. W. Leigh 12 1829-1842 Vols. 1 to 2, by Robertson 2 1842-1844 Vols. 1 to 33, by P. R. Grattan 33 1844-1880 Vol. 75. by Matthews 1 1880-1882 Vols. 76 to 90, by Hansbrough 15 1881-1895 Vols. 91 to 95, by Burks 5 1895-1898 Vols. 96 to 112, by Burks 17 1898-1911 Vols. 113 to 114, by Burks 2 1912-1913 VIRGINIA CHANCERY Wythe 1 1788-99 VIRGINIA DIGESTS Tate's Digest 1 1823 VIRGINIA SESSION LAWS Virginia Se.ssion Laws from 1619 to 1912 WASHINGTON 207 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY WASHINGTON TERRITORIAL REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 2, by J. B. Allen 2 1854-1885 VoL 3, by H. G. Struve 1 1886-1888 WASHINGTON STATE REPORTS Vols. 1 to 32, by Eugene G. Kreider 32 1903-1907 Vols. 33 to 46, by Arthur Remington 14 1903-1907 Vols. 47 to 70, by Arthur Remington 24 1907-1912 Vols. 71 to 72, by Arthur Remington ... 2 1912-1913 WASHINGTON SESSION LAWS Washington Session Laws from 1877 to 1913 WASHINGTON CODES Code 1853-1888 Index to Code and Laws 1881 Hill Statutes and Code of Laws (2 vols.) 1891 Code of Washington 1881-1888 WEST VIRGINIA Jll CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY WEST VIRGINIA REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 5, by J. M. Hagans 5 1863-1872 Vols. 6 to 9, by H. M. Matthews 4 1873-1876 Vols. 10 to 15, by R. White 6 1877-1879 Vols. 16 to 24, by C. C. Watts 9 1879-1884 Vols. 25 to 34, by A. Caldwell 10 1884-1891 Vols. 35 to 36, by A. Caldwell 2 1891-1892 Vols. 37 to 42, by Thos. S. Riley 6 1892-1897 Vols. 43 to 46, by Edgar P. Rucker 4 1897-1899 Vols. 47 to 54, by H. Frear 8 1901-1904 Vols. 55 to 61, by C. W. May 7 1904-1907 Vols. 62 to 63, by W. G. Conley 2 1907-1908 Vols. 64 to 70, by W. G. Conley 7 1909-1912 Vol. 71. by W. G. Conley 1 1912-1913 WEST VIRGINIA SESSION LAWS West Virginia Session Laws from 1864 to 1913 WEST VIRCJINIA (ODE Code 1868 Code 1891 Constitution and Statutes 1861-66 WISCONSIN 215 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY WISCONSIN REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 4, by D. H. Chandler 4 1849-1852 Vols. 1 to 3, by S. U. Pinney 3 1839-1852 Vols. 1 to 11, by A. D. Smith 11 1853-1860 Vols. 12 to 15, by P. L. Spooner 4 1860-1862 Vols. 16 to 58, by 0. M. Conover 42 1862-1863 Vols. 59 to 136, by Fred K. Conover 78 1883-1908 Vols. 137 to 152, by Fred K. Conover 16 1908-1913 Vol. 153, by Fred K. Conover 1 1913 Vol. 154, by Fred K. Conover 1 1913 WISCONSIN SESSION LAWS Wisconsin Session Laws from 1836 to 1913 WIS( ONSIN REVISED STATUTES Revised Statutes 1879-83 Revised Statutes 1849 Revised Statutes 1858 Revised Statutes (2 vols.) 1898 Revised Statutes 1878 Wise ONSIN DKiESTS Simmons' Digest 1868 WYOMING 219 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY WYOMING REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vol. 1, by E. A. Thomas 1 1870-1878 Vols. 2 to 3, by J. A. Riner 2 1871-1892 Vols. 4 to 16, by Chas. N. Potter 13 1892-1908 Vols. 17 to 19, by Chas. N. Potter 3 1909-1912 WYOMING SESSION LAWS Wyoming Session Laws from 1869 to 1911 WYOMING REVISED STATUTES Revised Statutes 1887 Revised Statutes 1899 WYOMING COMPILED STATl TES Compiled Statutes 1876 Compiled Statutes 1910 FEDERAL 223 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY FEDERAL STATl TES Federal Statutes Supplement 1907 Vol. 1 Abandonment to Civil Service Vol. 2 Claims to Estoppell Vol. 3 Evidence to Interstate Commerce Vol. 4 Inventions to Militia Vol. 5 Mineral Lands to Postal Service Vol. 6 Postmasters to Seamen Vol. 7 Searches to Yachts Vol. 8 Constitution Vol. 9 Constitution Vol. 10 Appendix and Supplement for 1909 Vol. 1 Supplement for 1912 Vol. 2 Supplement for 1912 Miscellaneous Reports 227 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY NATIONAL REPORTER SYSTEM Northeastern reporter (1-102) 102 1885-1913 Northwestern reporter (1-142) 142 1879-1913 Pacific reporter (1-134) 134 1884-1913 Atlantic reporter (1-87) 87 1885-1913 Southwestern reporter (1-159) 159 1886-1913 Southeastern reporter (1-78) 78 1887-1913 Southern reporter (1-62) 62 1887-1913 Federal reporter (1-206)206 1880-1913 Federal cases (1-30) 30 1789-1880 Federal Digest (1) 1 1789-1880 Federal reporters Digest (1-9) 9 1900-1913 Federal Digest of the Supreme Court (1-4) 4 1885-1894 New York Supplement (1-142) 142 1888-1913 AMERK AN DIGEST SYSTEM Century Digest ( 1-50) 50 1658-1896 Decennial Digest (1-25) 25 1897-1906 Key Number Series, American Digest, Bound Edition, Supplementing the Decennial 1886-1913 Monthly Advance Sheets, Key-Number Series, Supplement- ing the latest bound volume, to date. 228 CATALOCU'E OF THE STATE LIBRARY SHEPARD'S CITATIONS Alabama 1907 California 1908 California Citations & Annotations 1912 Connecticut 1906 Federal 1911 Iowa 1909 Illinois and Supplement 1906 Maryland 1903 Massachusetts 1908 Minnesota 1901 Michigan 1910 Ohio 1909 Northwestern 1910 Pennsylvania State 1907 U. S. Supreme 1907 Wisconsin 1907 229 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ANNOTATED REPORTS AND DIGESTS American Decisions 100 1760-1869 Digest of American Decisions 3 1760-1869 American Reports 60 1870-1888 Digest to American Reports 4 1870-1884 Index to American Reports 1 1888 Lawyer's Reports Annotated (Old Series) 70 1888-1906 Lawyer's Reports Annotated Digest (0. S.) 3 1888-1906 Lawyer's Authorities (0. S.) 4 1888-1906 Index to L. R. A. (Old Series) . . (1-10) 1 1891 Index to L. R. A. (Old Series) . . (1-50) 1 1901 Index to L. R. A. (Old Series) 1 1903 Index to Digest (Old Series) . . (51-60) 1 1904 L. R. A. Extra Annotations (vols. 1-70) (O. S.) 3 1905-1913 Index to L. R. A. (Old Series) . . (1-70) 2 1906 Red Book to L. R. A. (Old Series) (N. S.) 1 1910 Lawyer's Reports Annotated (New Series) 46 1906-1913 Digest to L. R. A. (New Series) . . (1-12) 1 1908 DigesttoL.R. A. (New Series) . .(1-24) 1 1910 Digest to L. R. A. (New Series) (25-36) 1 1912 Indexes to L. R. A. (New Series) (1-42) 20 1913 Index to L. R. A. (New Series) (Old Series) 1 1913 The Reporter, Vol. 1 1 1845 The Reporter, Vols. 5 to 23 18 1878-1887 Law Library, Miscellaneous (1-112) 1 12 1833-1860 230 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT REPORTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 4, by A. J. Dallas 4 1790-1800 Vols. 1 to 9, by W. Cranch 9 1801-1815 Vols. 1 to 12, by H. Wheaton 12 1816-1827 Vols. 1 to 16, by R. Peters 16 1828-1842 Vols. 1 to 24, by B. C. Howard 24 1842-1860 Vols. 1 to 2, by Black 2 1861-1862 Vols. 1 to 23, by Wallace 23 1863-1874 90 Vols. 91 tol07 , by W. T. Otto 17 1875-1882 Vols. 108 to 186, by J. C. B. Davis 79 1882-1901 Vols. 187 to 211, by Charles Butler 25 1901-1909 Vols. 212 to 227, by Charles Butler 16 1909-1912 Vol. 228, by Charles Butler 1 1912 231 CIRCUIT COURT REPORTS First Circuit Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 2, by Gallison 2 1812-1815 Vols. 1 to 5, by Mason 5 1816-1830 Vols. 1 to 3, by Summer 3 1829-1837 Vols. 1 to 3, by Story 3 1839-1845 Vols. 1 to 3, by Woodbury & Minot 3 1845-1846 Vols. 1 to 2, by Curtis 2 1851-1856 Vols. 1 to 4, by Clifford 4 1858-1878 Vol. 1, by Holmes 1 1870-1875 Second Circuit Vols. 1 to 2, by Paine 2 1810-1840 Vols. 1 to 24, by Blatchford 24 1845-1888 Third Circuit Vol. 1, by Peters 1 1803-1818 Vols. 1 to 4, by Washington 4 1803-1827 Vol. 1, by Baldwin 1 1828-1833 Vol. 1, by Wallace 1 1802-1806 Fourth ( ircuit Vols. 1 to 2, by Brockenbrough 2 1802-1836 Vol. 1 , by Taney 1 1836-1861 Vol. 1, by Chase 1 1865-1869 Vols. 1 to 5, by Ilughos 5 1792-1883 Fifth Circuit Vols. 1 to 4, by Woods 1 1870-1879 Sixth Circuit Vols. 1 to 2, by Bonds 2 1856-1871 Vols. 1 to 2, by Klippin 2 1859-1881 232 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Circuit Court Reports (Continued) Seventh Circuit Period Reporters Vols. Covered. Vols. 1 to 6, by McLeans 6 1829-1855 Ninth Circuit Vol. 1. bv McAllister 1 1855-1859 Vol. 1, by Deady 1 1860-1870 233 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY UNITED STATES DIGESTS Period Reporters Vols. Covered Digest of the Decisions of the United States by Metcalf & Perkins 1 1840 Digest of the United States Supplement (1-2) 2 1847 Digest of the United States Vols. 1 to 19 . . 19 1870-1888 Peter's Digest, Vols. 1 to 13 13 1838-1878 Danforth's U. S. Supreme Court, Vols. 1 to 2 2 1891 Russell & Winslow's Digest of the Su- preme Court (lto4) 4 1903 Digest of the U. S. Supreme Court, Vols. 1 to 6 6 1913 UNITED STATES SESSION LAWS United States Session Laws from 1789 to 1846 UNITED STATES STATUTES AT LAIKiE Statutes at Large from 1789 to 1911 234 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ( OMPILED STATUTES Revised Statutes 1878 Compiled Statutes, Vols. 1-2-3 and Supplement . 1901 Compiled Statutes 1903 Compiled Statutes 1905 Gordon's Digest, Vols. 1-2 1827 Charters and Constitution of the U. S., Vols. 1-2 1806-1846 The Constitution 1846 Resolutions, Laws and Ordinances 1846 DOMINION OF CANADA Quebec Session Laws from 1869-1913 QUEBEC REVISED STATUTES Revised Statutes (Vols. 1-2-3) 1909 English Common Law Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 237 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ENGLISH COMMON LAW -Contains 5, 6 Taunton. -Contains 7 Taunton. 1 Starkie. -Contains 1 Holt. 2, 3 Starkie. -Contains 1, 2 Marshall. 1, 2, 3 J. B. Moore. 8 Taunton. Vol. 5 — Contains 3 Barnwell & Alderson. 1 Broderip & Bingham. Gow. -Contains 4 Barnwell & Alderson. 2 Broderip & Bingham. -Contains 5 Barnwell & Alderson. 3 Broderip & Bingham. -Contains 1 Barnwell & Cresswell. 1 Bingham. -Contains 2 Barnwell & Cresswell. 2 Bingham. -Contains 3, 4 Barnwell & Cresswell. -Contains 3 Bingham. -Contains 1, 2 Carrington & Payne. -Contains 4 Bingham. 6 Barnwell & Cresswell. -Contains 7 Barnwell & Cresswell. 3 Carrington & Payne. -Contains 8 Barnwell & Cresswell. 5 Bingham. -Contains 1, 8 Dowling & Ryland. K. B. 1 Dowling & Ryland, N. P. I. 5 .J. B. Moore. Vol. 17 — CdHlains !) P>ar?nvell & Cresswell. 1, 2 Manning & Ryland. 6, 10 J. B. Moore. 1, 2 Moore & Payne. Vol. 6- Vol. 7- Vol. 8- Vol. 9- Vol. 10 Vol. 11- Vol. 12- Vol. 13- YiA. 11- Vol. 15- Vol. 10- 238 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Common Law (Continued) Vol. 18— Contains 1, 2 Chitty. Vol. 19 — Contains 6 Bingham. 4 Carrington & Payne. Vol. 20 — Contains 1 Barnwell & Adolphus. 7 Bingham. Vol. 21 — Contains 10 Barnwell & Cresswell. 8 Bingham. 1 Ryan & Moody. Vol. 22 — Contains 2 Barnwell & Adolphus. 9 Dowling & Ryland. 1 Moody & Molkin. 11, 12 J. B. Moore. Vol. 23 — Contains 3 Barnwell & Adolphus. 9 Bingham. Vol 24 — Contains 4 Barnwell & Adolphus. 5 Carrington & Payne Vol. 25 — Contains 10 Bingham. 6 Carrington & Payne. Vol. 26 — Contains 3, 4 Douglas. Vol. 27 — Contains 5 Barnwell & Adolphus. 1 Bingham's N. C. Vol. 28— Contains 1 Adolphus & Ellis. 1, 2 Moore & Scott. 1, 2, 3 Nevile & Manning. Vol. 29— Contains 2 Adolphus & Ellis. 2 Bingham's N. C. Vol. 30— Contains 3 Adolphus & Ellis. 3, 4 Moore & Scott. 4 Nevile & Manning. 2 Scott. Vol. 31 — Contains 4. 5 Adolphus & Ellis. Vol. 32— Contains 3 Bingham's N. C. 7 Carrington & Payne. Vol. 33— Contains 6 Adolphus & Ellis. 4 Bingham's N. C. 239 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Common Law (Continued) Vol. 34— Contains 7 Adolphus & Ellis. 8 Carring-ton & Payne. Vol. 35— Contains 8 Adolphus & Ellis. 5 Bingham's N. C. Vol. 36— Contains 9 Adolphus & Ellis. 5, 6 Nevile & Manning. 1 Nevile & Perry. 3, 4 Scott. Vol. 37 — Contains 10 Adolphus & Ellis. 6 Bingham's N. C. Vol. 38 — Contains 9 Carringlon & Payne. 1 Deacon. Vol. 39— Contains 11 Adolphus & Ellis. 1 Manning & Granger. Vol. 40— Contains 12 Adolphus & Ellis. 2 Manning & Granger. Vol. 41 — Contains 1 Queen's Bench. 1 Carrington & Marshman. Vol. 42— Contains 2 Queen's Bench. 3 Manning & (iranger. Vol. 43 — Contains 3 Queen's Bench. 4 Manning & Granger. Vol. 44 — Contains 5 Manning & Granger. Vol. 45 — Contains 4 Queen's Bench. Vol. 46 — Contains 6 Manning & Granger. Vol. 47 — Contains 1 Carrington & Kirwan. Vol. 48 — Contains 5 (Queen's Bench. Vol. 49 — Contains 7 Manning & Granger. Vol. 50 — Contains 1 Common Bench. Vol. 51 — Contains 6 Queen's Bench. Vol. 52 — Contains 2 Commf)n Bench. Vol. 53 — Contains 7 Queen's Bench. Vol. 54 — Contains 3 C'ommon Bench. Vol, 55 — Contains 8 Queen's Bench. 240 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Common Law (Continued) Vol. 56 — Contains 4 Common Bench. Vol. 57 — Contains 5 Common Bench. Vol. 58— -Contains 9 Queen's Bench. Vol. 59— Contains 10 Queen's Bench. Vol. 60 — Contains 6 Common Bench. Vol. 61 — Contains 2 Carrington & Kirwan. Vol. 62 — Contains 7 Common Bench. Vol. 63 — Contains 11 Queen's Bench. Vol. 64 — Contains 12 Queen's Bench. Vol. 65 — Contains 8 Common Bench. Vol. 66 — Contains 13 Queen's Bench. Vol. 67 — Contains 9 Common Bench. Vol. 68 — Contains 14 Queen's Bench. Vol. 69 — Contains 15 Queen's Bench. Vol. 70 — Contains 10 Common Bench. Vol. 71 — Contains 16 Queen's Bench. Vol. 72— Contains 1 Ellis & Blackburn. Vol. 73 — Contains 11 Common Bench. Vol. 74 — Contains 12 Common Bench. Vol. 75— Contains 2 Ellis & Blackburn. Vol. 76 — Contains 13 Common Bench. Vol. 77— Contains 3 Ellis & Blackburn. Vol. 78 — Contains 14 Common Bench. Vol. 79 — Contains 17 Queen's Bench. Vol. 80 — Contains 15 Common Bench. Vol. 81 — Contains 16 Common Bench. Vol. 82 — Contains 4 Ellis & Blackburn. Vol. 83 — Contains 18 Queen's Bench. Vol. 84 — Contains 17 Common Bench. Vol. 85 — Contains 5 Ellis & Blackburn. Vol. 86 — Contains 18 Common Bench. Vol. 87 — Contains 1 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 88— Contains 6 Ellis & Blackburn. Vol. 89 — Contains 2 Common Bench (N. S.). 241 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Common Law (Continued) Vol. 90— Contains 7 Ellis & Blackburn. Vol. 91— Contains 3 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 92— Contains 8 Ellis & Blackburn. Vol. 93— Contains 4 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 94— Contains 5 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 95 — Contains 6 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 96— Contains 1 Ellis, Blackburn & Ellis. Vol. 97 — Contains 7 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 98— Contains 8 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 99 — Contains 9 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 100— Contains 10 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 101 — Contains 1 Best & Smith. Vol. 102— Contains 1 Ellis & Ellis. Vol. 103— Contains 11 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 104— Contains 12 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 105— Contains 2 Ellis & Ellis. Vol. 106— Contains 13 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 107— Contains 3 Ellis & Ellis. Vol. 108— Contains 14 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 109— Contains 15 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 110— Contains 2 Best & Smith Vol. Ill— Contains 16 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 112— Contains 17 Common Bench (N. S.) Vol. 113 — Contains 3 Best & Smith. ll4_Contains 18 Common Bench (N. S.) 115— Contains 19 Common Bench (N. S.) 1 l(;_Contains 4 Best & Smith. 117_Contains 5 Best & Smith. ,1. 1 lH_Contains 6 Best & Smith. Vf \'( \'( V( MISCELLANEOUS 245 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Beavens Reports Vol. 1— Beavens Reports 1838-39 Vol. 2— Beavens Reports 1839-40 Vol. 3 — Beavens Reports 1840-41 Vol. 4— Beavens Reports 1841-42 Vol. 5 — Beavens Reports 1841-42 Vol. 6 — Beavens Reports 1842-43 Vol. 7— Beavens Reports 1843-44 Vol. 8 — Beavens Reports 1844-45 Vol. 9— Beavens Reports 1845-46 Vol. 10— Beavens Reports 1846-47 Vol. 11— Beavens Reports 1848-49 Vol. 12— Beavens Reports 1849-50 Vol. 13— Beavens Reports 1850-51 Vol. 14— Beavens Reports 1851-52 Vol. 15 — Beavens Reports 1851-52 Vol. 16 — Beavens Reports 1851-52 Vol. 17— Beavens Reports 1853-54 Vol. 18— Beavens Reports 1853-54 Vol. 19— Beavens Reports 1854-55 Vol. 20— Beavens Reports 1854-55 Vol. 21— Beavens Reports 1855-56 Vol. 22— Beavens Reports 1856 \'oi. 23— Beavens Reports 1856-57 Vol. 24— Beavens Reports 1857-58 Vol. 25— Beavens Reptn^s 1857-58 Vol. 26 — Beavens Reports 1858-59 Vol. 27— Beavens Reports 1859-60 Vol. 28— Beavens lieporls 1860 Vol. 29— Beavens Reports 1860-61 Vol. 30— Beavens Reports 1861-62 \'ol. 31— Beavens Rei)()rts 1862 Vol. 32— Beavens Reports 18()2-()3 Vol. 33— Beavens liei)<)rts 1863-61 Vol. 34— Beavens Reports 1865-66 Vol. 35— Beavens Rei)orts 1865-66 Vol. 36— Beavens Reports 1865-66 246 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY APPEAL CASES Vol. 1— Law Reports 1875-76 Vol. 2— Law Reports 1876-77 Vol. 3— Law Reports 1877-78 Vol. 4— Law Reports 1878-79 Vol. 5— Law Reports 1879-80 Vol. 6— Law Reports 1880-81 Vol. 7— Law Reports 1881-82 Vol. 8— Law Reports 1882-83 Vol. 9— Law Reports 1883-84 Vol. 10— Law Reports 1884-85 Vol. 11— Law Reports 1886 Vol. 12— Law Reports 1887 Vol. 13— Law Reports 1888 Vol. 14— Law Reports 1889 Vol. 15— Law Reports 1890 Vol. 16— Law Reports 1892 Vol. 17— Law Reports 1893 Vol. 18— Law Reports 1894 Vol. 19— Law Reports 1895 Vol. 20— Law Reports 1896 Vol. 21— Law Reports 1897 Vol. 22— Law Reports 1898 Vol. 23— Law Reports 1899 Vol. 24— Law Reports 1900 Vol. 25— Law Reports 1901 247 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY COURT OF EXCHEQUER Vol. 1— Court of Exchequer 1865-66 Vol. 2 — Court of Exchequer 1866-67 Vol. 3 — Court of Exchequer 1867-68 Vol. 4 — Court of Exchequer 1868-69 Vol. 5— Court of Exchequer 1869-70 Vol. 6 — Court of Exchequer 1870-71 Vol. 7 — Court of Exchequer 1871-72 Vol. 8 — Court of Exchequer 1872-73 Vol. 9— Court of Exchequer 1873-74 Vol. 10 — Court of Exchequer 1874-75 EXCHEQUER DIVISION Vol. 1 — Exchequer Division 1875-76 Vol. 2 — Exchequer Division 1876-77 Vol. 3 — Exchequer Division 1877-78 Vol. 4 — Exchequer Division 1878-79 Vol. 5 — Exchequer Division 1879-80 24S COMMON LAW REPORTS Vols. 1 & 2 Coventry & Hughes Digest 1832 Index 1-47 1847 Index V. 1-2-3 1857 Index (Supplement) 1879 Reeves' History of English Law, Vols. 1-2-3-4-5 1879 CROWN CASES RESERVED Crown Cases Reserved Vol. 1 1865-72 Crown Cases Reserved Vol. 2 1872 BRITISH CROWN CASES British Crown Cases Vol. 1 Jebb. British Crown Cases Vol. 2 Moody 1. British Crown Cases Vol. 3 Moody 2. British Crown Cases Vol. 5 Denison 1. British Crown Cases Vol. 6 Denison 2. British Crown Cases Vol. 7 Russell & Ryan. SCOTCH HOUSE OF LORDS MaQueen's Appeal Reports, Vols. 1-2 1851-1857 MaQueen's Appeal Reports, Vols. 3-4 1857-1865 Vol. 1- -Law Vol. 2- -Law Vol. 3- -Law Vol. 4- -Law Vol. 5- -Law Vol. 6- -Law Vol. 7- -Law Vol. 8- -Law Vol. 9- -Law Vol. 10- -Law Vol. 11- -Law Vol. 12- —Law Vol. 13- -Law Vol. 14- -Law Vol. 15- -Law Vol. 16- -Law Vol. 17- -Law Vol. 18- -Law Vol. 19- -Law Vol. 20- -Law 249 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY QUEEN'S BENCH REPORTS Reports 1892 Reports 1892 Reports 1893 Reports 1893 Reports 1894 Reports 1894 Reports 1895 Reports 1895 Reports 1896 Reports 1896 Reports 1897 Reports 1897 Reports 1898 Reports 1898 Reports 1899 Reports 1899 Reports 1900 Reports 1900 Reports 1901 Reports 1901 250 CATALOCxUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ADMIRALTi^ AND ECCLESIASTICAL CASES Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases 1-2 1865-1867 Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases 3-4 1868-1875 HARRISON'S DIGEST Vol. 1 — Analytical Digest or Equity Cases . . . 1836 Vol. 2— Analytical Digest or Equity Cases . . . 1756-1843 Vol. 3— Analytical Digest or Equity Cases . . . 1756-1843 Vol. 4 — Analytical Digest or Equity Cases . . . 1756-1843 Vol. 5— Analytical Digest or Equity Cases . . . 1756-1843 BARBOUR AND HARRISON'S DIGEST Vol. 1 — Analytical Digest or the Equity Cases 1836 Vol. 2 — Analytical Digest or the Equity Cases 1836 Vol. 3 — Analytical Digest or the Equity Cases 1837 Vol. 4 — Analytical Digest or the Equity Cases 1836 COURT OF PROBATE AND DIVORCE Vol. 1— Law Reports 1865-69 Vol. 2— Law Reports 1869-72 Vol. 3— Law Reports 1872-75 251 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY PROBATE DIVISION Vol. 1— Law Reports 1875-76 VoL 2 — Law Reports 1876-77 Vol. 3— Law Reports 1877-78 Vol. 4 — Law Reports 1878-79 Vol. 5— Law Reports 1879 80 Vol. 6— Law Reports 1880-81 Vol. 7— Law Reports 1881-82 Vol. 8— Law Reports 1882-83 Vol. 9— Law Reports 1883-84 Vol. 10— Law Reports 1885 Vol. 11— Law Reports 1886 Vol. 12— Law Reports 1887 Vol. 13— Law Reports 1888 Vol. 14 — Law Reports 1889 Vol. 15— Law Reports 1890 Vol. 16— Law Reports 1891 Vol. 17 — Law Reports 1892 Vol. 18— Law Reports 1893 Vol. 19— Law Reports 1894 Vol. 20— Law Reports 1895 Vol. 21— Law Reports 1896 Vol. 22— Law Reports 1897 Vol. 23— Law Reports 1898 Vol. 24— Law Reports 1899 Vol. 25— Law Reports 1900 Vol. 2C — Law Reports 1901 252 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY (CURT OF COMMON PLEAS Vol. 1— Law Reports 1865-66 Vol. 2— Law Reports 1866-67 Vol. 3— Law Reports 1867-68 Vol. 4— Law Reports 1868-69 Vol. 5— Law Reports 1869-70 Vol. 6— Law Reports 1870-71 Vol. 7— Law Reports 1871-72 Vol. 8— Law Reports 1872-73 Vol. 9— Law Reports 1873-74 Vol. 10— Law Reports 1874-75 COMMON PLEAS DIVISION Vol. 1— Law Reports 1875-76 Vol. 2 — Law Reports 1876-77 Vol. 3— Law Reports 1877-78 Vol. 4— Law Reports 1878-79 Vol. 5— Law Reports 1879-80 Vol. 1- Vol. 2- Vol. 3- Vol. 4- Vol. 5- Vol. 6- Vol. 1- Vol. 1- Vol. 2- Vol. 3- Vol. 1- Vol. 2- Vol. 1- Vol. 2- Vol. 3- Vol. 4- Vol. 5- Vol. 6- Vol. 7- Vol. 8- Vol. 9- Vol. 10- Vol. 11- \'ol. 12 Vol. 1.",- Vol. 14- Vol. 15. Vol. IG- Vol. 1- Vol. 2- Vol. 3- Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol. 7 Vol. 1 Vol. 2 253 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ENGLISH EXCHEQUER REPORTS -Price 3 1835 -Price 4, 5, 6 1835 -Price 7, 8 1835 -Price 9, 10 1835 -Price 11, 12 1835 -Price 13, 14. . 1835 -McCleland and Younge Reports 1853 -Younge and Jervis 1852 -Younge and Jervis 1853 -Younge and Jervis 1853 -Crompton, Meeson & Roscoe's Reports 1851 -Crompton, Meeson & Roscoe's Reports 1851 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1847 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1846 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1846 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1846 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1846 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1846 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1846 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1846 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1845 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1845 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1845 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1846 -Mee.son & Welsby's Rei)()rts 1846 -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1848 -Meeson & Wels))y's Reports 1841) -Meeson & Welsby's Reports 1849 -Welsby, Ilurlstone & (iordon 1849 -Welsby, Hurlstone & (Gordon 1850 -Welsby, Ilurlstone & Gordon 1851 -Welsby, Ilurlstone & Gordon 1851 -Welsby, Ilurlstone & (iordon 1852 -Welsby, Hurlstone & Gordon 1853 -Welsby, Hurlstone & (;ord()n 1853 -Crompton & Meeson 's Rcjjorts 1851 -Crompton & Meeson's Iveports 1852 254 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ENGLISH CHANCERY REPORTS Vol. 1— Contains 1, 2 Simons & Stuart (V. C). Vol. 2— Contains 1, 2 Simons (V. C). Vol. 3— Contains 2, 3 Russell. Vol. 4 — Contains 4 Russell Jacob Vol. 5 — Contains 5 Russell. 1 Russell & Mylne. Vol. 6 — Contains 3, 4 Simons (V. C). Vol. 7— Contains 1, 2 Mylne & Keen. Vol. 8— Contains 7, 8 Simons (V. C). Vol. 9— Contains 5, 6 Simons (V. C). Vol. 10 — Contains 3 Mylne & Keen. George Cooper. Vol. 11 — Contains 2 Russell & Mylne. Lloyd & Goold, Temp. Sugden (Irish). Vol. 12 — Contains 1 Turner & Russell. 1 Tamlyn (Rolls). Vol. 13 — Contains 1 Mylne & Craig. Cases Temp. King. Vol. 14— Contains 2, 3 Mylne & Craig. Vol. 15— Contains 1, 2 Keen (Rolls). Vol. 16— Contains 9, 10 Simons (V. C). Vol. 17— Contains 1, 2 Beaven (Rolls). Vol. 18 — Contains 4 Mylne & Craig. Craig & Philips. Vol. 19— Contains 1 Philips^ Vol. 20— Contains 1 Young & Collyer (V. C). Vol. 21— Contains 2 Young & Collyer (V. C), Vol. 22— Contains 2 Philips. Vol. 23— Contains 1 Hare (V. C). Vol. 24— Contains 2 Hare (V. C). Vol. 25— Contains 3 Hare (V. C). Vol. 26— Contains 5 Hare (V. C). Vol. 27— Contains 7 Hare (V. C). 255 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Chancery Reports (Continued) Vol. 28— Contains 1 Collyer (V. C). Vol. 29— Contains 7 Beavens (Rolls). Vol. 30 — Contains 4 Hare (V. C). Vol. 31— Contains 6 Hare (V. C). Vol. 32— Contains 8 Hare (V. C). Vol. 33— Contains 2 Collyer (V. C). Vol. 34— Contains 11 Simons (V. C.). Vol. 35— Contains 12 Simons (V. C). Vol. 36— Contains 13 Simons (V. C). Vol. 37— Contains 14 Simons (V. C). Vol. 38— Contains 15 Simons (V. C). Vol. 39— Contains 16 Simons (V. C). Vol. 40— Contains 1 Simons, N. S. (V. C). Vol. 41 — Contains 9 Hare. Vol. 42 — Contains 17 Simons. 2 Simons, N. S. Vol. 43 — Contains 3 Beavens. Vol. 44— Contains 10 Hare. Vol. 45 — Contains 11 Hare. Vol. 46— Contains 1 Russell. 5 Mylne & Craig'. 256 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ENGLISH CHANCERY APPEAL CASES Vol. 1— Law Reports 1865-66 VoL 2— Law Reports 1866-67 VoL 3— Law Reports 1867-68 Vol. 4— Law Reports • 1868-69 Vol. 5— Law Reports 1869-70 Vol. 6— Law Reports 1870-71 Vol. 7— Law Reports 1871-72 Vol. 8— Law Reports 1872-73 Vol. 9 — Law Reports 1873-74 Vol. 10— Law Reports 1874-75 257 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY CHANCERY DIVISION Vol. 1— Law Reports 1875-76 Vol. 2— Law Reports 1875-76 Vol. 3— Law Reports 1876 Vol. 4— Law Reports 1876-77 Vol. 5 — Law Reports 77 Vol. 6 — Law Reports 77 Vol. 7— Law Reports 1877-78 Vol. 8— Law Reports 78 Vol. 9— Law Reports 78 Vol. 10 — Law Reports 1878-79 Vol. 11 — Law Reports 79 Vol. 12— Law Reports 79 Vol. 13— Law Reports 1879-80 Vol. 14— Law Reports 80 Vol. 15 — Law Reports 80 Vol. 16— Law Reports 1880-81 Vol. 17— Law Reports 1881 Vol. 18— Law Reports 1881 Vol. 19— Law Reports 1881-82 Vol. 20— Law Reports 1881-82 Vol. 21 — Law Reports 1882 Vol. 22— Law Reports 1882 Vol. 23— Law Reports 1883 Vol. 24— Law Reports 1883 Vol. 25— Law Reports 1883-84 Vol. 26— Law Reports 1884 Vol. 27— Law Reports 1884 Vol. 28— Law Reports 1885 Vol. 29— Law Pu'ports 1885 Vol. 30— Law lieports 1885 Vol. 31— Law Rep(»rts 1886 Vol. 32— Law Reports 188() Vol. 33 — Law Reports 1886 Vol. 34— Law Reports 1887 258 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Chancery Division (Continued) Vol. 35— Law Reports 1887 Vol. 36— Law Reports 1887 Vol. 37— Law Reports 1888 Vol. 38— Law Reports 1888 Vol. 39— Law Reports 1888 Vol. 40— Law Reports 1889 Vol. 41— Law Reports 1889 Vol. 42— Law Reports 1889 Vol. 43— Law Reports 1890 Vol. 44— Law Reports 1890 Vol. 45 — Law Reports 1890 Vol. 46— Law Reports 1891 Vol. 47— Law Reports 1891 Vol. 48— Law Reports 1891 Vol. 49— Law Reports 1892 Vol. 50— Law Reports 1892 Vol. 51— Law Reports 1892 Vol. 52— Law Reports 1893 Vol. 53— Law Reports 1893 Vol. 54— Law Reports 1893 Vol. 55— Law Reports 1894 Vol. 56— Law Reports 1894 Vol. 57— Law Reports 1894 Vol. 58— Law Reports 1895 Vol. 59— Law Reports 1895 Vol. 60— Law Reports 1896 Vol. 61— Law Reports 1896 Vol. 62— Law Reports 1897 Vol. 63— Law Reports 1897 Vol. 64— Law Reports 1898 Vol. 65— Law Reports 1898 Vol. 66— Law Reports 1899 Vol. 67— Law Reports 1899 Vol. 68— Law Reports 1900 Vol. 69 — Law Reports 1900 Vol. 70— Law Reports 1901 259 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY EQUITY CASES Vol. 1— Law Reports 1865-66 Vol. 2 — Law Reports i 66 Vol. 3— Law Reports 1866-67 Vol. 4 — Law Reports 67 Vol. 5— Law Reports 1867-68 Vol. 6 — Law Reports 68 Vol. 7— Law Reports 1868-69 Vol. 8— Law Reports 69 Vol. 9— Law Reports 1869-70 Vol. 10— Law Reports 70 Vol. 11 — Law Reports 70 Vol. 12— Law Reports 71 Vol. 13— Law Reports 1871-72 Vol. 14 — Law Reports 72 Vol. 15— Law Reports 1872-73 Vol. 16— Law Reports 73 Vol. 17— Law Reports 1873-74 Vol. 18— Law Reports 1874 Vol. 19— Law Reports 1874-75 Vol. 20— Law Reports 1875 260 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH Vol. 1— Law Reports 1865-66 Vol. 2 — Law Reports 1866-67 Vol. 3— Law Reports 1867-68 Vol. 4— Law Reports 1868-69 Vol. 5— Law Reports 1869-70 Vol. 6— Law Reports 1870-71 Vol. 7— Law Reports 1871-72 Vol. 8— Law Reports 1872-73 Vol. 9— Law Reports 1873-74 Vol. 10— Law Reports 1874-75 Vol. 1- -Law Vol. 2- —Law Vol. o -Law Vol. 4- -Law Vol. 5- -Law Vol. 6- -Law Vol. 7- -Law Vol. 8- -Law Vol. 9- -Law Vol. 10- -Law Vol. 11- -Law Vol. 12- -Law Vol. 13- —Law Vol. 14- -Law Vol. 15- -Law Vol. 16- -Law Vol. 17- -Law Vol. 18- -Law Vol. 19- -Law Vol. 20- -Law Vol. 21- -Law Vol. 22- -Law Vol. 23- -Law Vol. 24- —Law Vol. 25- -Law Vol. 1- -Law Vol. 2- -Law 261 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION Reports 1875-76 Reports 1876-77 Reports 1877-78 Reports 1878-79 Reports 1879-80 Reports 1881 Reports 1881 Reports 1881-82 Reports 1882-83 Reports 1882-83 Reports 1882-83 Reports 1883-84 Reports 1883-84 Reports 1884-85 Reports 1885-86 Reports 1885-86 Reports 1886 Reports 1887 Reports 1887 Reports 1887 Reports 1887 Reports 1888 Reports 1889 Reports 1890 Reports 1891 Reports 1891 Reports 1891 262 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ENGLISH STATUTES From 5th year of King: James 1st to 11th year of King George 3rd, Vols. 2-11. Smith's Leading Cases, Vol. 1, pts. 1-2. Hare & Wallace's Notes. Smith's Leading Cases, Vol. 1-2, pts. 1-2. American Leading Cases, 1-2. Hare & Wallace 5th Edition. Leading Cases in Equity White & Tudor, 2-3-4-5. 263 CATALOGUE OP^ THE STATE LIBRARY ENGLISH REPORTS CHANCERY REPORTS Last Eng. Vols . Reporters Vols. Edition Period 1 Gary 1872 1557-1604 1 Choyce Gases in Chancery 1870 1557-1606 1 Tothill 1872 1559-1646 1-2 Dickens 1803 1559-1797 1 Reports in Chancery 1736 1625-1710 1 Nelson 1872 1625-1710 1 Gases in Chancery 1735 1660-1697 1-2 Equity Gases abridged 1792 1667-1744 1 Freeman 1823 1660-1706 1 Gases Temp. Finch 1725 1673-1680 1-2 Vernon 1828 1680-1719 1 Precedents in Chancery 1786 1689-1722 1-3 Peere Williams 1826 1695-1735 1 (;ilbert 1742 1705-26 1 Select Gases Temp. King 1850 1724-33 i Mosely 1803 1726-30 1 W. Kelynge 1873 1730-32 1 Gases Temp. Talbot 1792 1730-37 1 West 1827 1736-39 1-3 Atkyns 1794 1736-54 1-2 Ambler 1828 1737-83 1 Harnardiston 1712 1740-41 2-3-4 Campljell's Nisi Prius 1809 1811-16 1 Kidgeway Temp. 1791 1744-45 1-2 Vcsey Senior 2 1818 1746-56 1-2 Eden o 1 S27 1757-()6 1-4 Brown i 1 820 1778-94 1-2 Cox 2 1816 1783-96 1-22 Vcsey Juiiioi- 22 1827-33 1789-1817 1-3 Vesey & Beames 3 1818 1812-14 264 CATALOGUE OP^ THE STATE LIBRARY English Reports (Continued) CHANCERY REPORTS Last Eng. Vols Reporters Vols. Edition Period 1 Cooper 1 1815 1815 1-3 Merivale 3 1817-19 1815-17 1-3 Swanston 3 1821-27 1818-19 1-2 Jacob & Walker 2 1821-23 1819-22 1-3 Macnaghten & Gordon 3 1850-53 1848-52 1-8 DeGex, Macn & Gordon 8 1853-64 1851-57 1-4 DeGex & Jones 4 1858-61 1857-59 1-4 DeGex, Fisher & Jones 4 1861-70 1859-62 1-4 DeGex, Jones & Smith 4 1865-73 1862-65 1 Tamlyn 1 1831 1829-30 1-2 Keen 2 1837-39 1836-38 265 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE LAWS OF ENGLAND VoL 1 — Abandonment to Bankruptcy. VoL 2 — Banner to Cheque. VoL 3 — Chicory to County Courts. VoL 4 — County to Employers. VoL 5 — Employers to Freemason. Vol. 6 — Freight to Interment. VoL 7 — Internationa] to Lodgermanage. VoL 8 — Lodger to Mortgage. Vol. 9 — Mortmain to Peel Acts. Vol. 10— Perrage to Rail. Vol. 11 — Railway to Stream. Vol. 12— Street to Zululand. 266 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ENGLISH RULING ( ASES Vol. 1 — Abandonment to Action. Vol. 2 — Action to Amendment. Vol. 3 — Ancient Light to Banker, Vol. 4 — Bankruptcy to Bill of Lading. Vol. 5— Bill of Sale to Conflict of Laws. Vol. 6 — Contract. Vol. 7 — Conversion to Counsel. Vol. 8 — Criminal Law to Deed. Vol. 9 — Defamation to Dramatic. Vol. 10 — Easement to Estate. Vol. 11 — Estoppel to Execution. Vol. 12 — Executor to Indemnity. Vol. 13 — Infant to Insurance. Vol. 14 — Insurance to Interpretation. Vol. 15 — Judge to Landlord. Vol. 16 — Larceny to Mandate. Vol. 17 — Manorial to Mistake. Vol. 18 — Mortgage to Negligence. Vol. 19 — Negligence to Partnership. Vol. 20— Patent. Vol. 21 — Payment to Purchaser. Vol. 22— Quia Timet to Release. Vol. 23— Relief to Sea. Vol. 24 — Search to Telegraph. Vol. 25— Tenant to Will. Vol. 26— Index and Table of Cases. 267 CATALOCxUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY MEWS ENGLISH CASE LAW DIGEST Vol. 1 — Abandonment to Bank. Vol. 2 — Bankruptcy to Cargo. Vol. 3 — Carriers to Contraband. Vol. 4 — Contract to Crops. Vol. 5 — Crown to Election. Vol. 6 — Election Law to Extent. Vol. 7 — Extradition to Inspection. Vol. 8 — Insurance to Limitation. Vol. 9— Limitations to Mutual Will. Vol. 10 — Name to Powers. Vol. 11 — Practice to Receipt. Vol. 12 — Receiver to Sheriff. Vol. 13 — Shipping to Taxes. Vol. 14 — Telegraph to Watermen. Vol. 15 — Way to Younger. Vol. 16 — Table of Oises. English Report Full Reprint 271 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY ENGLISH REPORT FULL REPRINT House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords Privy Council Privy Privy Privy Privy Privy Privy Privy Privy Chnnr Council Council Council Council ('ouncil ('ouncil Council Council orv Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. \-ol. Vol. Vol. \o\. \'ol. Vol. Vol. 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l() 17 18 H) 20 21 Shower, OiUh^ & Brown 1-3. Brown, 4-6. Brown, 7-8. Dow, 1-6. Bligh, 1-4. Bligh, N. S., 1-3. Bligh, N. S., 4-9. Bligh, N. S., 10-11. Dow & Clark, 1-2. Clark & Finnelly, 1-3. Clark & Finnelly, 4-7. Clark & Finnelly, 8-12. McLean & Robinson West. House of Lords, 1-2. House of Lords, 3-6. House of Lords, 7-11. Action, 1-2, Knapp, 1-3. Moore, P. C, 1-2. Moore, P. C, 3-7. Moore, P. C, 8-12. Moore, P. C, 13-15. P. C, N. S., 1-2. P. C, N. S., 3-6. P. C, N. S., 7-9. Indian Ai)peals, Moore, Moore, Moore, Moore, 1-5. Moore, G-10. Moore, Indian Appeals, 11-14. Cary, Chf)yce Cases. Dickens' Reports in Chancery. Indian Ai)peals, 272 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery Chancery VoL VoL 23 24 English Report Full Reprint (Continued) Tothill, NeLson. Eq. Cas. Abr., Vol. 1. Vol. 22 Eq. Cas. Abr., Vol. 2. Cases in Chancery. Freeman's Chancery. Reports Temp. Finch. Vernon, Vols. 1-2. Prec, in Chancery. Peere Williams, Vols. 1-2-3. Vol. 25 Gilbert, Eq. W. Kelynge Case T. King, Chas. T. Talbot. Mosely-West Chancery. Vol. 26 Atkyns, Vols. 1-3. Vol. 27 Ambler. Barnardiston Chancery. Ridgway & Hardw, Vesey, Sen., Vol. 1. Vol. 28 Vesey, Sen., Vol. 2. Belt's Supplement. Eden, Vols. 1-2. Brown's Chancery Cas., Vol. 1. Vol. 29 Brown's Chy. Cases, Vols. 2-4. Cox's Chancery Cas., Vol. 1. Vol. 30 Cox's Chy. Cas., Vol. 2. Vesey, Jr., Vols. 1-3. Vol. 31 Vesey, Jr., Vols. 4-6. Vol. 32 Vesey, Jr., Vols. 7-11. Vol. 33 Vesey, Jr., Vols. 12-16. Vol. 34 Vesey, Jr., Vols. 17-19. Vesey, Jr., Supp., Vols. 1-2. 273 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Report Full Reprint (Continued) Chancery Vol. 35 Vesey & Beames, Vols. 1-2. G. Cooper. Merivale, Vols. 1-2. Chancery Vol. 36 Merivale, Vol. 1-3. Swanston, Vols. 1-3. Chancery ^^ol. 37 Wilson, Vols. 1-2. Jacob & Walker, Vols. 1-2. Jacob Turner & Russell. Chancery Vol. 38 Russell, Vols. 1-5. Chancery Vol. 39 Russell & Mylne, Vols. 1-2. Mylne & Keen, Vols. 1-2. Chancery Vol. 40 Mylne & Keen, Vol. 3. Mylne & Craig, Vols. 1-3. Chancery Vol. 41 Mylne & Craig, Vols. 4-5. Craig & Philips. Philips, Vols. 1-2. Macnaghten & Gordon, Vol. 1. Chancery \'ol. 12 Macnaghten & Gordon, Vols. 2-3. DeGex, Macnaghten & (iordon. Vols. 1-2. Chancery Vol. 43 DeGex, Macnaghten & Gordon, Vols. 3-G. Chancery \'..l. 44 DcGex, Macnaghten & Gordon. Vols. 7-8. DeC;ex & Jones, Vols. 1-3. Chancery \'(.l. 45 DeGex & Jones. Vol. 4. DeCiex & Fisher & Jones Vol.s. 1-4. 274 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Report Chancery Chancery Rolls of Court Rolls of Court Rolls of Court Rolls of Court Rolls of Court Rolls of Court Rolls of Court Rolls of Court Vice Chancellors Vice Chancellors Vice Chancellors Vice Chancellors Vice Chancellors Vice Chancellors Vice Chancellors Vice Chancellors Vice Chancellors Full Reprint (Continued) Vol. 46 UeGex, Jones & Smith, Vols. 1-4. Vol, 47 Cooper's Practice Cases. Cooper T. Cottenham, Hall & Twills. Vol. 48 Tamlyn Keen, Vols. 1-2. Beaven, Vols. 1-2. Beaven, Vols. 3-7. Beaven, Vols. 8-12. Beaven, Vols. 13-17. Beaven, Vols. 18-22. Beaven, Vols. 23-26. Beaven, Vols. 27-31. Beaven, Vols. 32-36. Haddock, Vols. 1-6. Simons & Stuart. Vols. 1-2. Simons, Vols. 1-3. Simons, Vols. 4-7. Simons, Vols. 8-12. Simons, Vols. 13-17. Simons, N. S., Vols. 1-2. Drewry, Vols. 1-3. Vol. 62 Drewry, Vol. 4. Drewry & Smale, Vols. 1-2. Younge & Collyer, Vol. 1. Vol. 63 Younge & Collyer, Vol. 2. Collyer, Vols. 1-2. DeGex & Smale, Vol. 1. Vol. 64 DeGex & Smale, Vols. 2-5. Vol. 49 Vol. 50 Vol. 51 Vol. 52 Vol. 53 Vol. 54 Vol. 55 Vol. 56 Vol. 57 Vol. 58 Vol. 59 Vol. 60 Vol. 61 275 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Report Full Reprint (Continued) Vice Chancellors Vol. 65 Smale & Gifford, Vols. 1-3. Gifford, Vol. 1. Vice Chancellors Vol. 66 Gifford, Vols. 2-5. Hare, Vol. 1. Vice Chancellors Vol. 67 Hare, Vols. 2-6. Vice Chancellors Vol. 68 Hare, Vols. 7-11. V^ice Chancellors Vol. 69 Kay & Johnson, Vols. 1-3. Vice Chancellors Vol. 70 Kay & Johnson, Vol. 4. Johnson & Johnson. Hemming, Vols. 1-2. Vice Chancellors Vol. 71 Hemming & Millei', Vols. 1-2. Holt, Eq., Vols. 1-2. King's Bench Vol. 72 Bellewe. Keilway , Moore. King's Bench Vol. 73 Dyer, Vols. 1-3. Brooks New Cases. Benloe. King's Bench Vol. 74 Leonard, Vols. 1-4. Owen and Noy. King's Bench Vol. 75 IMowden, Vols. 1-2. Gouldsborough. King's Bench Vol. 76 Coke, Barts 1-2-3-4. King's Bench Vol. 77 Coke, Barts 4-13. King's Bench Vol. 7S Godbolt. Crokc. Eli-/.. King's Bench Vol. 71) Crokc, Jac. Croke Car. Bopham. King's Bench Vol. 80 Yelverton, Hobart, Da- vis. Ley, Calthrup. Bulstrodo, Vols. 1-2. 276 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Report Full Reprint (Continued) King's Bench Vol. 81 Bulstrode, Vol. 3. Rolle, Vols. 1-2. Palmer. King's Bench Vol. 82 Jones, W. Latch. March New Cases. Style, Aleyn. Siderfin, Vols. 1-2. King's Bench Vol. 83 Raymond, Sir T. Levinz, Vols. 1-3. Keble, Vol. 1. King's Bench Vol. 84 Keble, Vols. 2-3. Kelynge, James T. King's Bench Vol. 85 Wms. Saunders, Vols. 1-2. King's Bench Vol. 86 Ventris, Vols. 1-2. Pollexfen. Modern, Vols. 1-2. King's Bench Vol. 87 Modern, Vols. 3-7. King's Bench Vol. 88 Modern, Vols. 8-12. King's Bench Vol. 89 Freeman's K. B. Shower, Vols. 1-2. King's Bench Vol. 90 Skinner, Combarbach. Carthew, Holt, K. B. King's Bench Vol. 91 Salkeld, Vols. 1-3. Lord Raymond, Vol 1. King's Bench Vol. 92 Lord Raymond, Vols. 2-3. Fortescue. Comyns, Vols. 1-2. King's Bench Vol. 93 Session Cases. Gilbert's Law & Equity Strange, Vols. 1-2. King's Bench Vol. 94 Barnardiston, K. B., Vols. 1-2. Fitz-Gibbon, Barnes. Cunningham. 277 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Report Full King's Bench Vol. King's Bench Vol. Reprint (Continued) 95 Cases Temp. Hardwicke Andrews. Wihon K. B., Vols. 1-3. 96 Blackstone, W., Vols. 1-2. C"^ yer. Kenyon, Vols. 1-3. King's Bench Vol. 97 Wilmot. Burrow, Vols. 1-3. King's Bench Vol. 98 Burrow, Vols. 4-5. Lofft, Cowper, Vols. 1-2 King's Bench Vol 99 Douglas, Vols. 1-4. Term Reports, Vol. 1 King's Bench Vol. 100 Term Reports, Vols. 2-4. King's Bench Vol. 101 Term Reports, Vols. 5-8. King's Bench Vol. 102 East, Vols. 1-6. King's Bench Vol. 103 East, Vols. 7-11. King's Bench Vol. 104 East, Vols. 12-16. King's Bench Vol. 105 Maule & Selwyn, Vols. 1 i\ King's Bench Vol. 106 1 -'). Barnwell & Alderson, Vols. 1-5. King's Bench Vol. 107 Barnwell & Cresswell, Vols. 1-4. King's Bench Vol lOH Barnwell & Cresswell, Vols. 5-8. King's Bench Vol. 109 Barnwell & Cresswell, Vols. 9-10. Barnwell & Adolphiis, Vols. 1-2. King's Bench Vol. 1 10 IJarnwell & A(l()li)luis, Vols. 3-5. Adolpluis & Ellis. \'()1. 1 King's Bench \ol. 1 1 1 A(i()li)lius & Ellis, Vols. 2-5. 278 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench King's Bench Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Report Full Reprint (Continued) Vol. 112 Adolphus & Ellis, Vols. 6-9. Vol. 113 Adolphus & Ellis, Vols. 10-12. Queen's Bench Reports, Vol. 1. Vol. 114 Queen's Bench, Vols. 2-5. Vol. 115 Queen's Bench, Vols. 6-9. Vol. 116 Queen's Bench, Vols. 10-13. Vol. 117 Queen's Bench, Vols. 14-17. Vol. 118 Queen's Bench, Vol. 18. Vol. 118 Ellis & Blackburn, Vols. 1-3. Vol. 119 Ellis & Blackburn, Vols. 4-7. Vol. 120 Ellis & Blackburn & El- lis. Elhs & Elhs, Vol. 1. Vol. 121 Ellis & Ellis, Vols. 2-3. Best & Smith, Vols. 1-2. Vol. 122 Best & Smith, Vols. 3-6. Vol. 123 Benloe, Dalison Ander- son, Vols. 1-2. Brownlow & Goldsbor- ough. Saville, Hutton, Bridg- man, J. Vol. 124 Winch, Littleton. Hetley, Bridgman, O. Carter, Vaughn. Vol. 125 Lutwiyche, Vols. 1-2. Cooke, Willis. 279 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY English Report Full Reprint (Continued) Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Common Pleas Vol. 126 Blackstone, H., Vols. 1-2. Bosanquet & Pullor, Vol. 1-2. Vol. 127 Bosanquet & Pullor, Vol. o O. Bosanquet & Pullor, N. S., Vols. 1-2. Taunton, Vols. 3-6. Vol. 128 Taunton, Vols. 3-6. Vol. 129 Taunton, Vols. 7-8. Broderip & Bingham, Vols. 1-3. Vol. 130 Bingham, Vols. 1-6. Vol. 131 Bingham, Vols. 7-10. Bingham New Cases, Vol. 1. Vol. 132 Bingham New Cases, Vols. 2-5. Vol. 133 Bingham New Cases, Vol. 6. Manning & Granger, Vols. 1-3. Vol. 134 Manning & Granger, Vols. 4-6. Vol. 135 Manning & Granger, Vol. 7. Common Bench Reports Vols. 1-2. \'<)1. 136 Common Bench Reports, Vols. 3-6. \'(j1. 137 Common Bench Reports, Vols. 7-9. Vol. 138 Common Bench Reports, Vols. 10-13. Vol. 139 Common Bench Reports, Vols. 14-18. Vol. 1 10 Common Bench Reports, N. S., Vols. 1-4. TEXT BOOKS 283 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY TEXT BOOKS SUBJECT INDEX A ABRIDGMENTS Bacon's Abridgments 10 1809 ADMIRALTY Benedict's Admiralty, 4th Edition. . . 1 1850-1910 AGENCY Clarke & Skyles on the Law of Agency 2 1905 Wharton's Commentaries on Agents and Agency 1 1876 ARBITRATION Moore on International Arbitration. 5 1894 ASSESSOR'S, COLLECTOR'S AND TOWN CLERK'S MANUAL Thompson 1 1870 ATTACHMENT Drake on Attachment, 7th Edition.. . 1 1891 B BAILMENTS Edward on Bailments, '^d Edition... 1 1855 Van Zile Bailments and Carriers, 2d Edition 1 1908 BANKRUPTCY Remington on 3 1910 BANKS AND BANKING Magee on, 2d Edition 1 1900 BILLS & NOTES Cliitty on Bills 1 18:i0 Parsons on Nol(s 2 1875 Story on Promissory 1 1845 BUILDTNf; & BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS Endlich on the Law 1 1895 284 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books ( Continued ) Subject Index. BUSINESS Parson on Business 1 1869 Mann on Foreign Business Corpora- tions 1 1905 . C CARRIERS Angell on the law 1 1849 Hutchinson on 3 1906 CIVIL Domat's Civil Law, Cushing Edition.. 4 1850 CHATTEL MORTGAGES Jones on, 4th Ed 1 1894 CURRENT LAWS Current Laws & Etc 2 1904 CODE AND CODE PLEADING Bliss on 1 1879 COST Parson on 1 1876 COLLATERAL ATTACK Van Fleet's 1 1892 CORPORATE MANAGEMENT AND BY-LAWS Spelling on 1 1904 COLLATERAL SECURITIES Jones on Collateral Securities, 3d. . . 1 1912 COMPENDIUM Kinne's Law 1 1850 Kinne's Law 6 1843-47 COMMENTARIES Wharton's Commentaries 1 1850 Tucker's Blackstone, 1, 3, 4 3 1803 CONFLICT OF LAWS Wharton on the 2 1905 285 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books (Continued) Subject Index. CONSTITUTION Story on the 3 1833 Willoughby on the 2 1910 Raule on the 1 1829 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW LEGISLATION VIEWS Sergeant on the 1 1830 CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS Cooley's, 7th Edition 1 1903 CONTRACTS Elliott on Contracts 6 1912 Parson on Contracts, Ninth Edition. 3 1904 Page on Contracts 3 1905 CONVEYANCING Thornton on 1 1847 COURT RULES Hun on 1 1864 Hun on 1 1896 Walker's 1 1850 CORPORATIONS Angdl & Ames on, 3d Ed 1 1846 Dillon r)n, 5th Ed 5 1911 Morawetz on 1 1882 Potter on, 2d Ed 2 1879 Thompson on, 2d 7 1910 Mann on 1 1905 White on 1 1894-95 Dillon on, 3d Ed 2 1890 Smith on Delaware 1 1899 CRIMINAL EVIDENCE Wharton, 10th Ed 2 1912 2S6 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books ( Continued ) Subject Index. CRIMINAL LAW Chitty Criminal 2 1826-47 Wharton on Homicide, 3d Ed 1 1907 Wharton on 2 1896 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Bishop on New Criminal 2 1895 Maxwell's Criminal 1 1883 Parker's Criminal 6 1868 D DAILY COMPANION Binne's Magistrate Daily Companion 1 1845 DAMAGES Labatt on Master and Servant 2 1904 Sedgwick on the Measure of 1 1847 Sedg\\ack on the, 9th Edition 4 1912 Sutherland, 3d Ed 4 1904 DEEDS Devlin on. Third Ed 3 1897 DICTIONARIES Bouvier's Law, Raule's Revision.... 2 1897 Bouvier's Law 2 1897 DIGESTS Abbott's Digest ;...... 4 1869 DIVORCE Bishop on Divorce 1 1852 Bishop on Divorce 2 1891 DOMESTIC RELATIONS Schouler's, 5th Ed 1 1895 E EMINENT DOMAIN Lewis on, 2d Edition 2 1900 Randolph on 1 1894 287 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books (Continued) Subject Index. ENCYCLOPEDIA Words & Phrases Defined 8 1905 EQUITY White & Tudor's Leading 2 1889 White & Tudor's Leading 2 1889 ESTOPPEL Bigelow on, 6th Edition 1 1872-1913 EVIDENCE Chamberlayne on 3 1911 ESTATES Preston on Estates, Vols. 1-2 1 1828 EVIDENCE Greenleaf , Vol. 5 1 1853 Saunder on 1 1829 Starkie on Evidence, Vols. 1-2, 2 3 1842 Underhill on Evidence, 2d Edition. . . 1 1898 Wigmore on Evidence 5 1908 Wharton on Evidence 2 1877 EXECUTIONS Herman on 1 1886 EXECUTORS Wilh'ams on 8 1873 WilHams on 3 1895 EXTRAOKDIXARY LEGAL REMEDIES High on 1 1874 Spelling, 2d Ed 2 1901 F FACTS Moore on Facts 2 1908 FRAUDS Kerr on 1 1872 288 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books ( Continued ) Subject Index. FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES Bump on, 2d Ed 1 1875 Bigelow on, Rev. Ed 1 1896-11 G GUARANTY Pingrey on, 2d Ed 1 1913 H HABEAS CORPUS Church on Habeas Corpus, 2d Ed . . 1 1886 Bailey on Habeas Corpus 2 1913 HIGHWAYS Cook's Manual of Highways 1 1870 HOMICIDE Wharton's Law of Homicide 1 1907 I INJUNCTIONS High on 1 1873 High on, 3d Edition 1 1890 Joyce on Injunctions 3 1908 INSURANCE Cooley's Insurance Briefs 5 1905 INDICTMENTS Bemis — Report of Case of Prof. Webster 1 1850 Joyce on Indictments 1 1908 J JUDGMENTS Black on Judgments, 2d Edition 2 1891 JURISDICTION Law's U. S. Court 1 1872 Spence's Equitable, Vol. 2 1 1851 JURISPRUDENCE Pomeroy's Equity 6 1906 289 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books (Continued) Subject Index. JURIES AND JURY TRIAL Sackett's Instruction 3 1908 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Cowen's Justice of 1 1821 L LANDLORD AND TENANT Tiffany on Landlord 2 1910 LEADING CASES White & Tudor 2 1889 White & Tudor 2 1889 LIMITATIONS Wood on Limitations, 2d Edition. ... 2 1893 LIQUORS Black on 1 1892 Tuttle on 1 1902-3 Woollen & Thornton 2 1910 LUNACY Harrison's Legislation Insanity 1 1884 M MANUALS Cook's Manual of Highway Laws... 1 1870 Thompson's Supervisor's Manual, 2(1 E(i 1 18G9 Thom7)son's Asses.sor's, Collector's and Town Clerk 1 1870 MARRIAGE & DIVORCE Bi.shop on 1 1852 Bishop on. 7th 2 1891 Bishop on Married Women 2 1871-75 MARRIAGE Keezer on 1 1906 290 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books (Continued) Subject Index. MASTER & SERVANT Labatt's Master, 2d Ed 8 1904-13 MAXLMS Brooms' Legal, 7th Eng. Ed 1 1900 MEASURE OF DAMAGES Sedgwick on 1 1847 Sutherland on 4 1904 MECHANICS' LIEN Rockel on 1 1909 MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE Beck's Medical 2 1850-51 Wharton & Stille's 2 1882 Wharton & Stille's 3 1905 MORTGAGES Jones on 1 1878 Jones on Chattel, 4th 1 1894 Pingrey on Mortgages 2 1893 Thomas Law of Mortgages 1 1877 MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS Dillon's, 3d Ed 2 1890 Dillon's, 5th Ed 5 1911 N NEGLIGENCE Shearman & Redfield 3 1898-13 Thompson on 7 1901 Wharton on 1 1874 NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS Crawford's Annotated Negotiable In- struments, New Jersey, Revision Edition 1 1897 NISI PRIUS Anthon's 1 1820 Stephen's 3 1844 291 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books (Continued ) Subject Index. NOTES & BILLS Parson on 2 1875 Chitty on 1 1830 Story on 1 1845 NUISANCE Joyce on 2 1906 Wood on 2 1875 O OVERRULED CASES Greenleaf 1 1838 P PARTNERSHIP Lindley on 2 1888 PATENTS Singer's Patent and Trade Mark-Laws of the World 1 1911 PLEADING & EVIDENCE Saunder on 1 1829 PLEADING & PRACTICE Abbott's U. S. Practice 3 1871 Chittv's General 4 1836 Daniell's Chancery, 5th Ed 3 1879 Jervis on 1 1839 PLEADING AND PRACTICE Mitford & Tyler's Pleadinjr and Prac- tice in E(,iiitv 1 1876 Rtorv Plcadin^r 1 1S05 Smith's Chancery Practice 2 1839 Paine & Duer Practice 2 1830 Woolley oil Delaware Practice 2 1906 PROSECUTIONS McKimmey Criminal 1 1850 292 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books ( Continued ) Subject Index. PUBLIC UTILITIES Pond on 1 1913 Wyman on 2 1911 POWERS Sudgen on Powers 2 1856 PLEDGES Jones on 1 1912 PRECEDENTS Hatsell's 3 1781-84 Wharton's Precedents 1 1871 PROMISSORY NOTES Story on 1 1845 PROPERTY Greenleaf Cruise, Vol. 6 1 1857 PUBLIC SECURITIES Abbott on 1 1912 R RAILWAYS & RAILROADS Booth on Street Railways 1 1892 Booth on Street Railways, 2d 1 1911 Elliott on Railroads 4 1897 Nellis on 1 1902 Redfield American Cases 1 1858 Redfield American Cases 2 1870 REAL PROPERTY Greenleaf, Vol. 6 1 1857 Tiffany on 2 1903 REPLEVIN Morris on the 1 1849 Wells on, 2d Ed 1 1906 293 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books (Continued) Subject Index. RECEIVERS Alderson on 1 1905 High on, 3d Ed 1 1894 High on, 4th Ed 1 1910 ROADS ElHott on, 3d Ed 2 1890 S SALES Benjamin on 1 1873 Wilh'ston on 1 1909 STATUTES & STATUTORY LAW Endlich on Interpretation 1 1888 Sutherland, 2d Ed 2 1904 Wharton on 1 1872 STREET RAILWAYS Booth on 1 1892 Booth on, 2d Ed 1 1911 SUPERVISORS Thompson's Manual, 2d Edition.... 1 18(59 SURETYSHIP & (UIARANTY Pingrey on. 2d Ed 1 1913 SLAVERY Wheeler on the 1 1837 T TAXATION Cooley on Taxation, :'.rd 2 1903 TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE COMPANIES Jone.s 1 1 90() TESTAMENTAIiV LAW Ilinkley on 1 1878 J 94 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Text Books ( Continued ) Subject Index. TORTS Cooley on Torts, 3rd, Ed 2 1906 TRIALS Thompson on, 2nd Ed 4 1913 Wharton State Trials of the United States 1 1849 TRUSTS & TRUSTEES Hill on Trustees 1 1871 Perry on Trusts, 4th, Ed 1 1889 Perry on Trusts, 6th, Ed 2 1874 V VENDORS Sudgen on Vendors, Vol. 2 1 1873 W WATER AND WATERWAY COURSES Angell on Tide Waters 1 1847 Farnham on 3 1904 WILLS Hawkins on Wills, 2nd 1 1885 Jarman on Wills, 5th 2 1881 Jarman on Wills, 6th 1 1892 Page on Wills 1 1900 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Boyd's 1 1912 Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters 297 catalo(;i:e of the state library T Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters. Reference List. A Abb. Adm Abbott's Admiralty (U. S.). Abb. Dec Abbott's Decisions (N. Y.). Abb. N. C Abbott's New Cases (N. Y.). Adams Adams (N. H.). Add Addison (Pa.). Aikens Aikens (Vt.). A. K. Marsh A. K. Marshall (Ky.). Ala Alabama. Ala. Sel. Cas Alabama Select Cases. Allen Allen (Mass.). Am. Bank. Rep American Bankruptcy Re- ports. Am. Corp. Cas American Corporation Cases, Am. Criminal Rep American Criminal Reports. Am. Dec American Decisions. Am. Elect. Ca."^ American Electrical Cases. A. & E. Annot. Cas Am. & Eng. Annotated Cases. A. & E. Corp. Cas Am & Eng. Corporation Cases. A. & E. Corp. Cas.. N. S. ..Am. «& Eng. Corporation Cases. New Series. A. & E. R. R. Cas Am. & Eng. Railroad Cases. A. & E. R. R. Cas., N. S. ..Am. «fe Eng. Railroad Cases, New Series. Am. Law J American Law Journal. Am. Law Rec American Law Record (Cin.) Am. Law Reg. (N. S.) ....American Law Register, New Series. Am. Law Keg. ((). S.) American Law Register. Old Series. Am. Law T. llep American Law Times Re- ports. 29S CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters — Continued Reference List. Am. Neg. Gas American Negligence Gases. Am. Prob. Rep American Probate Reports. Am. R. R. & Gorp. Rep. . .American Railroad and Gor- poration Reports. Am. Ry. Rep American Railway Reports. Am. Rep American Reports. Am. St. Rep American State Reports. Am. Gas American and English Anno- tated Gases. Anth. N. P Anthon's Nisi Prius Reports (N. Y.). App Appleton (Me.). App. D. G Appeal Gases (D. G.). App. Div Appellate Division (N. Y.). Ariz Arizona. Ark Arkansas. Ashm Ashmead (Pa.). A. S. R American State Reports. Atl Atlantic Reporter. B Bailey Bailey (S. C.). Bailey, Eq Bailey's Equity (S. G.). Baldw Baldwin (U. S.). Bank. Gas Banking Gases. Ban. & A Banning & Arden's Patent Gases (U. S.). Barb Barbour (N. Y.). Barb. (Ark.^ Barber (Ark.) Barb. Gh Barbour's Ghancery (N. Y.). Barr Barr (Pa.). Baxt Baxter (Tenn.). Bay Bay (S. C.). Beasl Beasley (N. J.). 299 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters — Continued Reference List. Bee Bee (U. S.). Ben Benedict (U. S.). Bibb Bibb (Ky.). Bin Einney (Pa.). Biss Bisseli (U. S.). Black Black (U. S.). Blackf Blackford (Tnd.). Bland Bland (Md.). Blatchf Elatchford (U. S.). Blatchf. Prize Cas Blatchford's Prize Cases (U.S.). Blatchf. & H Blatchford T. Howland (U. S.) B. Monroe B. Monroe (Ky.). Bond Bond (U. S.). Bosw Bosworth (N. Y.). Bradf. Sur Bradford's Surrogate (N. Y.). Bradw Bradwell (111.). Branch Branch (Fla.). Brayt Brayton (Vt.). Breese Breese (111.). Brev Brevard (S. C). Brewst Brewster (Pa.). Brightly Elect. Cas Brightley's Leading Election Cases (Pa.). Brightly N. P Brightly's Nisi Prius Reports (Pa.). Brock I>r()ckcnl>r()Ugii (I'. S.). Brock. & H Brockenbrough & Holmes (Va.). Brown Adm Brown's Adniiralit.\ (U. S.). Browne Prowne (Pa.). Brunner Col. Cas Brminer's Collected Cases (U. S.). Burn Burneli (Wis.). 300 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviation of Reports and Reporters — Continued Reference List. Busb Busbee (N. C). Busb. Eq Busbee's Equity (N. C). Bush Bush (Ky.). C Caines Caines (N. Y.). Gaines' Gas Gaines' Gases (N. Y.). Gal Galifornia. Gal. App Galifornia Appeals. Gall Gall (Va.). Gam. & N Gameron & Norwood's Conference (N. G.). Gar. Law Repos Carolina Law Repository (N. G.). Cart Garter (Ind.). Casey Casey (Pa.). CCA Circuit Court of Appeals (U. S.)'. C E. Green C E. Green (N. J.). Ghand Chandler (Wis.). Gharlt., R. M R. M. Charlton (Ga.). Charlt., T. U. P T. U. P. Charlton (Ga.). Chase Chase (U. S.). Chest. Go. Rep Chester County Reports (Pa.). Cheves Gheves (S. C). Cheves Eq Cheves' Equity (S. C). Chip., D D. Chipman (Vt.). Chip., N N- Chipman (Va.). Chi. Leg. N Chicago Legal New (111.). Gin. R Cincinnati Superior Court Re- porter (Ohio). Cir. Ct. Dec Circuit Court Decisions (Ohio). 301 CATALOCxlJE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. City Ct. R City Court Reports (N. Y.). City Ct. R., Supp City Court Reports., Supple- ment (N. Y.). City H. Rec City Hall Recorder (N. Y.). Civ. Proc. R Civil Procedure Reports (N. Y.). Clark Clark, (Pa.). Clarke Clarke (Iowa). Clarke Ch Clarke's Chancery (N. Y.). Cleve. Law Rec Cleveland Law Recorder (Ohio). Cleve. Law Rep Cleveland Law Reporter (Ohio). Cliff Clifford (U. S.). Code R. (N. S.) Code Reports, New Series (N. Y.). Code Rep Code Reporter (N. Y.). Cold Coldwell (Tenn.). Oolem. Cas Coleman's Cases (N. Y.). Colem. & (i. Cas Coleman & Gaines' Cases (N. Y.). Colo Colorado. Colo. App Colorado Appeals, Colo. Law Rej) Colorado Law Reporter. C. P. Rep Common Pleas Reporter (Pa.). Comst Comstock (N. Y.). Conf. R Conference Reports (N. C). Conn Connecticut. Const. licp Constitutional Reports (S. C.) Con. Sur Connolly's Surrogate (N. Y.). Cooke Cooke (Tenn.). Cow Cowen (N. Y.). 302 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. Cox Cox (Ark.). Coxe Coxe (N. J.). Crabbe Crabbe (U. S.). Cranch Cranch (U. S.). Cranch C. C Cranch's Circuit Court (U. S.). Cranch Pat. Dec Cranch's Patent Decisions (U. S.). Cr. Law Mag Criminal Law Magazine (N. J.). Cr. CI Court of Claims (U. S.). Curt Curtis (U. S.) . Cush Cushing (Mass.). Cushm Cushman (Miss.). D Dak Dakota. Dall. (Pa.) Dallas (Pa.). Dall. (U. S.) Dallas (U. S.). Dall. Dig Dallam's Digest and Opinions (Tex.). Daly Daly (N. Y.). Dana Dana (Ky.). Day Day (Conn.). D. C District of Columbia. D. C. App District of Columbia Appeals. D. Chip D. Chipman (Vt.). Deady Deady (U. S.). Dec. Dig Decennial Digest. Del Delaware. Del. Ch Delaware Chancery. Del. Co. R Delaware County Reports (Pa.). Dem. Sur • Demarest's Surrogate (N. Y.) 303 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. Denio Denio (N. Y.). Desaus Desaussure's Equity (S. C). Dev Devereux (N. C). Dev. Ct. CI Devereux's Court of Claims (U. S.). Dev. Eq Devereux's Equity (N. C). Dev. & B , Devereux & Battle (N. C). Dev. & B. Eq Devereux & Battle's Equity (N. C). Dick Dickinson (N. J.). Dill Dillon (U. S.). Disn Disney (Ohio). Doug Douglas (Mich.). Dud Dudley (Ga.). Dud. Eq .Dudley's Equity (S. C). Dud. Law Dudley's Law (S. C). Duer Duer's Superior Court (N. Y.). Dutch Dutcher (N. J.). Duv Duvall (Ky.). E Edm. Sel. Cas Edmond's Select Cases (N. Y.). E. D. Smith E. D. Smith (N. Y.). Edw. Ch Edwards' Chancery (N. Y.). Eng English (Ark.). P Fairf Fairfield (Me.). Fed Federal Reporter (II. S.). Fed. C:as Federal Cases (U. S.). Fish. Pat. Cas Fisher's Patent Cases. Pish. Prize Cas Fisher's Prize Cases (U. S.) Fla Florida. Flip Fiippin rr. S.). Fost Foster (N. II.). 304 CATALO(;UE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. Freem Freeman (111.). Freem. Ch Freeman's Chancery (Miss.). G Ga Georgia. Ga. Dec Georgia Decisions. Gall Gallison (U. S.). Gen. Dig . General Digest. Gen. Dig,, N. S General Digest, New Serie'-'. George George (Miss.). Gil Gilfillan (Minn.). Gill Gill (Md.). Gill & J Gill & Johnson (Md.). Gilman Oilman (111.). Gilmer Gilmer (Va.). Gilp Gilpin (U. S.). Grant Gas Grant's Cases (Pa.). Grat Grattan (Va.). Gray Gray (Mass.). Green, C. E Green, C. E. (N. J.). Green Cr. Law R Green's Criminal Law Re- ports (N. Y.). Green, H. W H. W. Green (N. J.). Green, J. S J. S. Green (N. J.). Greene, G G. Greene (Iowa). Greenl Greenleaf (Me.). H Hall Hall's Superior Court (N. Y.). Halst Halsted (N. J.). Halst. Ch Halsted's Chancery (N. J.). Ham Hammond (Ohio). Hand Hand (N. Y.). Handy Handy (Ohio). Har. (Del.) Harrington (Del.). Har. (Mich.) Harrington (Mich.). Har. (N. J.) Harrison (N. J.). 305 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. Hardin Hardin (Ky.). Harp .Harper (S. C). Harp. Eq Harper's Equity (S. C.;. Harris Harris (Pa.). Har. & G Harris & Gill (Md.). Har. & J Harris & Johnson (Md.). Har. & McH Harris & McHenrv (Md.). Hask Haskell (U. S.). Hawks Hawks (N. C). Haj-Av. (N. C.) Hayward (N. C). Hayw. (Tenn.) Havward (Tenn.). Hayw. & H Hayward & Hazleton {V. S.). Head Head (Tenn.). Heisk Heiskell (Tenn.). Hemp Hempstead (U. S.). Hill Hill (N. Y.). Hen. & M Heninj? & Munford (Va.). Hill Eq Hill's Equity (S. C). Hill Law Hill's Law (S. C). Hill & D. Supp Hill & Denio. Laior's Supple- ment (N. Y.). Hilt Hilton (N. Y.), Hoff. Ch Hoffman's Chancery (N. Y.). HofF. Land Cas Hoffman's Land Cases (U. S.). Holmes Holmes (U. S.). Hopk. Ch Hopkins' Chancery (N. Y.). Houst Houston (Del.). Houst. Cr. Cas Houston's Criminal Cases (Del.). How. (Miss.) Howard (Miss.). How Howard (U. S.). How. Pract Howard's Pracricc (N. Y.). How. Prac. (N. S.) Howard's Practice, New Sc- ries (N. Y.). Hughes (Ky.) Hughes (Ky.). Hughes Huj^^hcs (V. S.). Hump Humphrev (Tenn.). Hun Hun (N. Y.). 306 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. I Idaho Idaho. Ill Illinois. 111. App Illinois Appellate Court Re- ports. 111. Cir. Ct Illinois Circuit Court. Ind Indiana. Ind. App Indiana Appellate Court Re- ports. Ind. Terr Indian Territory Reports. Interst. Com. R Interstate Commerce Reports. Iowa Iowa. Ired Iredell's Law (N. C). Ired. Eq Iredell's Equity (N. C). J Jeff Jefferson (Va.). J. J. Marsh J. J. Marshall (Ky.). .Johns Johnson (N. Y.). Johns. Cas Johnson's Cases (N. Y.). .Johns. Ch Johnson's Chancery (N. Y >. Jones . .Jones (Pa.). Jones Eq Jones' Equity (N. C). Jones Law Jones' Law (N. C). Jones & S Jones & Spencer (N. Y.). Jour. Juris Journal of Jurisprudence Jud. Repos Judicial Repository (N. Y.). K Kan Kansas. Kan. App Kansas Appeals. Kelly Kelly (Ga.). Kern Kernan (N. Y.). Keyes Keyes (N. Y.). Kirby .Kirby (Conn.). 307 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. Kulp Kulp (Pa.). Ky Kentucky. Ky. Dec Kentucky Decisions. Ky. Law Rep Kentucky Law Reporter. L La Louisiana. La. Ann Louisiana Annual. Lack. Jur Lackawanna Jurist (Pa.). Lack. Leg. N Lackawanna Legal News (Pa.). Lalor Supp Lalor's Supplement to Hill & Denio's Reports (N. Y.). Lane. Bar Lancaster Bar. Lane. Law Rev Lancaster Law Review. Lans Lansing (N. Y.). Lans. Ch Lansing's Chancery (N. Y.). Law Reporter Law Reporter (Mass.). Law T. (N. S.) Law Times, New Series. Lea Lea (Tenn.). L. Ed Lawyer's Edition Supreme Court Reports. Lee Lee (Cal.). Leg. Chron Legal Chronicle. Leg. Caz Legal Gazette (Pa.). Leg. Gaz. U Legal Gazette Reports (Pa.). Leg. Int Legal Intelligencer (Pa.). Leg. Op Legal Opinions. Leg, Rcc. licp Legal Record Reports. Leg. & Ins. Rep Legal & Insurance Reporter. Lehigh Vay. Law Rep. . . . Lehigh Valley Law Reporter. Leigh Leigh (\'a.). Litt Littell (Ky.). Litt. Sel. Cas Littell's Select Cases (Ky.). Low Lowell (U. S.). Lower Ct. Dec Lower Court Decisions (Ohio). L. R. A Lawyers' Reports Annotated. 308 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. L. R. A. (N. S.) Lawyers' Reports Annotated, New Series. Liiz. Law T Luzerne Law Times. Luz. Leg. Obs Luzerne Legal Observer (Pa.). Luz. Leg. Reg Luzerne Legal Register (Pa.). M McAll McAllister (U. S.). Mac Arthur MacArthur (D. C). MacArthur & M MacArthur & Mackey (D. C). MacArthur Pat. Gas MacArthur's Patent Cases (U. S.). Mackey Mackey (D. C). McCahon McCahon (Kan.). McCart McCarter (N. J.). McCord McCord's Law (S. C). McCord Eq McCord's Equity (S. C). McCrary McCrary (U. S.). McGloin , McGloin (La.). McLean McLean (U. S.). McMul McMullan (S. C). McMul. Eq McMullan's Equity (S. C). Man Manning (Mich.). Man. Unrep. Gas Manning's Unreported Gases (La.). Marsh, A. K A. K. Marshall (Ky.). Marsh, J. J J. J. Marshall (Ky.). Mart. (N. C.) Martin (N. C). Mart. (N. S.) Martin's New Series (La.). Mart. (O. S.) Martin's Old Series (La.). Mart. & Y Martin & Yerger (Tenn.). Marvel Marvel (Del.). Mason Mason (U. S.). Mass Massachusetts. Md Maryland. Md. Gh Maryland Chancery. 309 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. Me Maine. Meigs Meigs (Tenn.). Mete. (Ky.) Metcalfe (Ky.). Mete. (Mass.) Metcalfe (Mass.). Mich Michigan. Mich. N. P Michigan Nisi Prius. Miles Miles (Pa.). Mill Const Mill's Constitutional Reports (S. C). Minn Minnesota. Minor Minor (Ala.). Misc. Rep Miscellaneous Reports (N. Y.). Miss Mississippi. Mo Missouri. Mo. App Missouri Appeals. Mo. App. Rep'r Missouri Appellate Reporter. Monag Monaghan (Pa.). Mon., B B. Monroe (Ky.). Mont Montana. Mont., T. B T. B. Monroe (Ky.). Month. Law Bui Monthly Law Bulletin (N. Y.). Montg. Co. Law Rep'r Montgomery County Law Reporter (Pa.). Moore Moore (Ark.). Morris Morris (Iowa). Morrison's Min. Rep Morrison's Mining Reports. Mun. Corp. Cas Municipal Corporation Cases. Munf Mun ford ( Va.). Murph Murphy (N. C). Myer's Fed. Dec Myer's Federal Decisions. Myi. Prol) Myrick's Probate Court Re- ports (Cal.). N N. B. R National Bankruptcy Register (U. S.). 310 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List, N. C North Carolina. N. C. Term R North CaroHna Term Re- ports. N. Chip N. Chipman' (Vt.). N. D North Dakota. N. E Northeastern Reporter. Neb Nebraska. Nev o ..... . Nevada. Newb. Adm Newberry's Admiralty (U. S.) N, H New Hampshire. N. J. Eq New Jersey Equity. N. J. Law New Jersey Law. N. J. Law J New Jersey Law Journal. N. M New Mexico. Nisi Prius & Gen. T. Rep. . . Nisi Prius & General Term Reports (Ohio). Norris Norris (Pa.). Northam. Law Rep Northampton Law Reporter. Northumb. Co. Leg. N Northumberland County Legal News. Nott. & McC Nott & McCord (S. C). N. W Northwestern Reporter. N. Y New York. N. Y. Ann. Cas . .New York Annotated Coses. N. Y. Cr. R ... New York Criminal Reports. N. Y. Law J New York Law Journal. N. Y. Leg. Obs New York Legal Observer. N. Y. St. Rep New York State Reporter. N. Y. Super. Ct New York Superior Court. N. Y. Supp New York Supplement. O Ohio Ohio. Ohio Cir. Ct. R Ohio Circuit Court Reports. Ohio Cr. Ct. R (N. S.) Ohio Circuit Court Reports, New Series. O. C. D Ohio Circuit Decisions. Ohio Dec Ohio Decisions. 311 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. Ohio Law J Ohio Law Journal. Ohio Leg. N Ohio Legal News. Ohio N. P Ohio Nisi Prius. Ohio N. P. (N. S.) Ohio Nisi Prius Reports. New Series. Ohio St Ohio State. Ohio S. & C. P. Dec Ohio Syperior and Common Pleas Decisions. Okla Oklahoma. Olcott Olcott (U. S.). Or Oregon. Outerbridge Outerbridge (Pa.). Overt Overton (Tenn.). P Pac Pacific Reporter. Pa. Co. Ct. R Pennsylvania County Court Reports. Pa. Dist. R Pennsylvania District Reports Pa. St Pennsylvania State. Paige Paige's Chancery (N. Y.). Paine Paine (U. S.) . Pa. Luw. .J Pennsylvania Law Journal. Parker, Cr. R Parker's Criminal Reports (N. Y.). Pars. E(i. Cas Parsons' Select Equity Cases (Pa.). Pa. Super. Ct Pennsylvania Superior Courl Reports. Pat. & II Patton & Heath (Va.). Pears Pear.son (Pa.). Peck (111.) Peck (Til.). Peck (Tenn.) Peck (Tenn.). Pennewill Pennewill (Del.). Penning Pennington (N. J.). Penny Penn\n)acker (Pa.). Pen. & W I\'nrose & Watts (Pa.). Pet Peters (U. S.). 312 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters — Continued Reference List. Pet. Adm Peters' Admiralty (U. S.). Pet. C. C Peters' Circuit Court (U. S.j. P. F. Smith P. F. Smith (Pa.). Phila Philadelphia (Pa.). P. R Philippine Reports. Phil. Eq Philip's Equity (N. C). Phil Philip's i.aw (N. C). Pick Pickering (Mass.). Pickle Pickle (Tenn.). Pike Pike (Ark.). Pin Pinney (Wis.). Pittsb. Legf. J Pittsburgh Legal Journal (Pa.). Pittsb. R Pittsburgh Reports (Pa.). Port. (Ala.) Porter (Ala.). P. R. Fed Porto Rico Federal Reports. P. R. S. C. R Porto Rico Supreme Court Reports. Posey. Unrep. Cas Posey's Unreported Cases (Tex.). Prob. Ct. Rep Probate Court Reporter (Ohio). Pro. Rep. Annot Probate Reports Annotated. Q Quincy Quincy (Mass.). R R. R. Rep Railroad Reports. Rand Randolph (Va.). Raule Raule (Pa.). Redf. Sur Redfield's Surrogate (N. Y.), R. I Rhode Island. Rice Rice's Law (S. C). Rice Eq Rice's Equity (S. C). Rich. Eq Richardson's Equity (S. C). Rich. Eq. Cas Richardson's Equity Cases (S. C). Rich. Law Richardson's Law (S. C). 313 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reyorters — Continued Reference Lift. Rich. (S. C.) Richardson (S. C). Rilev Rilev's Law (S. C). Riley Eq Rilpv's Equity (S. C). R. M. Charlt R. M. Charlton (Ga.). Rob. (N. Y.) Robertson (N. Y.). Rob. (La.) Robinson (La.). Rob. (Va.) Robinson (Va.). Robb Pat. Cas Robb's Patent Cases (U. S.). Root Root (Conn.). S Sad. Pa. Cas Sadler's Penna. Cases. Sandf Sandford (N. Y.). Sandf. Ch Sand ford's Chancery (N. Y.). Sawy Sawyer (U. S.). Saxt. Ch Saxton's Chancery (N. J.). S. C Same Case. S. C . .South Carolina. Scam Scammon (111.). S. D South Dakota. S. E Southeastern Reporter. Seld Selden (N. Y.). Seld. Notes Sclden's Notes (N. Y.). Serg. & R Sergeant & Raule (Pa.). Sheld Sheldon (N. Y.). Shep Shepley (Me.). Silvernail Silvernail (N. Y.). Smedes & M Smedes & Marshall (Miss.). Smedes & M. Ch Smedes & Marshall's Chan- cery (Miss.). Smith, E. I) E. D. Smith (N. Y.). Smith (liul.) Smith (Ind.). Smith (N. H.) Smith (N. H.). Smith (N. Y.) Smith (N. Y.). Smith, P. F Smith, P. F. (Pa.). Sneed Sneed (Tenn.). South Souther?! Reporter. Southard Southard (N. J.). 314 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters — Continued Referedce List. Speer Speer's Law (S. C). Speer Eq Speer's Equity (S. C.). Spencer Spencer (N, J.). Spr Sprague (U. S.). Stew. (Ak.) Stewart (Ala.). Stew. (N. J.) Stewart (N. J.). Stew. & P Stewart & Porter (Ala.). Stiles Stiles (Iowa). Stockt Stockton's Equity (N. J.). Story .Story (U. S.). Street Ry. Rep Street Railway Reports. Strob o . .Strobhart's Law (S. C). Strob. Eq . Strobhart's Equity (S. C). Sumn Sumner (U. S.). Sup. Ct Supreme Court Reporter. Super. Ct. Rep Superior Court Reports. (Pa.). S. W Southwestern Reporter. Swan Swan (Tenn.). Sweeny Sweeny ( N. Y. ) . T Taney Taney (U. S.). Tapp Tappan (Ohio). Tayl Taylor (N. C). T. B. Monroe T. B. Monroe (Ky.). Tenn Tennessee. Tenn. Cas Tennessee Cases. Tenn. Ch Tennessee Chancery. Tex Texas. Tex. App Texas Appeals. Tex. Civ. App Texas Civil Appeals. Texas Cr. R Texas Criminal Reports. Tex. Supp Texas Supplement. Thacher Cr. Cas Thacher's Criminal Cases (Mass.). Thomp. Tenn. Cas Thompson's Unreported Tennessee Cases. 315 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters — Continued Reference List. Thomp. & C Thompson & Cook (N. Y.). Tiffany Tiffany (N. Y.). Tread. Const Treadway's Constitutional Reports (S. C). Tuck Tucker's Surrogate (N. Y.), T. U. P. Charlt T. U. P. Charlton (Ga.). Turn Turner (Ark.). Tyler Tyler (Vt.). U U. S United States. U. S. App United States Appeals. U. S. Month. Law Mag United States Monthly Law Magazine. U. of P. L. R Liniversity of Pennsylvania Law Review. Utah Utah. V Va Virginia. Va. Cas Virginia Cases. Va. Dec Virginia Decisions. Van Ness Pr. Cas Van Ness' Prize Cases (U. S.). Vroom Vroom (N. J.). Vt Vermont. W 'alk il Walker (Miss.). . Ch Walker's Chancerv (Mich.). . (Pa.) Walker (Pa.). Wallace (U. S.). , Jr Wallace, .Junior (U. S.). , Sr Wallace, Senior (U. S.). ire Ware (U. S.). ish Washington. ish. (Va.) Washington (Va.). ish. C. C Washington Circuit Court (U. S.). 316 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Cintinued) Reference List, Wash. Law Rep Washington Law Reporter (D. C). Wash. T Washington Territory. Watts Watts (Pa.). Watts & S Watts & Sergeant (Pa.). Wend Wendell (N. Y.). West. Law J Western Law Journal, Cin- cinnati (Ohio). West. Law Month Western Law Monthly (Ohio). Whart Wharton (Pa.). Whart. St. Tr Wharton State Trials (U. S.). Wheat Wheaton (U. S.). Wheeler, Cr. Cas Wheeler's Criminal Cases (N. Y.). White & W. Civ. Cas. Ct. App.Willson's Civil Court of Ap- peals (Tex.). White & Willson's Civil Cases Court of Appeals (Tex.). Wilcox Wilcox (Pa.). Williams (Vt.) Williams (Vt.). Willson, Civ. Cas. Ct. App. .Willson's Civil Court of Ap- peals (Texas). Wils Wilson (Ind.). Winst Winston (N. C). Winst. Eq Winston's Equity (N. C). Wis Wisconsin. Wkly. Dig Weekly Digest (N. Y.). Wklv. Law Bui Weekly Law Bulletin (Ohio). Wklv. Law Gaz Weekly Law Gazette (Ohio). Wklv. Notes Cas Weekly Notes Cases (Pa.). Woodb. & M Woodbury & Minot (U. S.). Woods Woods (U. S.). Woodw. Dec Woodward's Decisions (Pa.). Woolw Woolworth (U. S.). Wright Wright (Pa.). W. Va West Virginia. Wvo Wyoming. Wythe Wythe's Chancery (Va.). 317 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY Abbreviations of Reports and Reporters (Continued) Reference List. Y Yeates Yeates (Pa.). Yerg Yerger (Tenn.). York Leg. Rec York Legal Record. Z Zab Zabriskie (N. J.). INDEX A Alabama Reports. 13-15 Arkansas Reports. 19 Arizona Reports. 23 Alaska Reports 23 American Digest System. 227 Annotated Reports and Digests 229 Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases 250 Alphabetical List of Abbreviations of Reports and Re- porters. 297-317 B Barbour and Harrison's Digest (Eng.) 250 Britisli Crown Cases 248 C California Reports 27 Colorodo Reports 31 Connecticut Reports 35 Crown Cases (British) 248 Canada 2 34 D District of Columbia Reports 39 Delaware Reports 43-44 Dakota Reports 149 Dominion of Canada 234 E English Common Law 237-241 English Reports (Beavens) 245 English Appeal Cases 246 F-nglish Court of Exchequer 247 I'.nglish f-.xhrquer [division 247 I.ngli.sh Crown Cases Reserved 248 English Court of Probate and Divorce 250 English Probate Division 251 2 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY INDEX E English Court of Common Pleas 252 English Common Pleas Division 252 English Exchequer Reports 253 English Chancery Reports 254-255 English Chancery Appeal Cases 256 English Chancery Division 257-258 English Equity Cases 259 English Court of Queen's Bench 261 English Queens Bench Division 261 English Statutes 262 English Reports (Chancery) 263-264 Encyclopedia of the Law^s of England 265 English Ruling Cases 266 English Mew^s Case Lavv^ Digest 267 English Report Full Reprint 271-279 F Florida Reports 47 Federal Statutes 223 G Georgia Reports 51-52 H Hawaii Reports 55 Harrison's Digest (Eng.) 250 I Idaho Reports 59 Illinois Reports 63-64 Indiana Reports 67 Iowa Reports 71 K Kansas Reports 75 Kentucky Reports 79-80 L Louisiana Reports • 83-84 3 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY INDEX M Maine Reports 87-88 Maryland Reports 91-92 Massachusetts Reports 95 Michigan Reports 99 Minnesota Reports 103 Mississippi Reports 107-108 Missouri Reports 1 I 1-1 12 Montana Reports 1 1 5 N Nebraska Reports 1 19 New Mexico Reports 123 Nevada Reports 127 New Hampshire Reports 131 New Jersey Reports 135-136 New York Reports 139-141 North Carolina Reports 145-146 North Dakota Reports 1 49 National Reporter System 227 o Ohio Reports 153-154 Oregon Reports 157 Oklahoma Reports 161 Pennsylvania Reports 165-167 Porto Rico Reports 171 Q Quebec Revised Statutes 234 Queen's Bench Reports 249 R Rhode Island Reports I 75 s South Carolina Reports I 79-1 80 South Dakota Reports 183 4 CATALOGUE OF THE STATE LIBRARY INDEX S Shepard's Citations 228 Scotch House of Lords 248 T Tennessee Reports 187 Texas Reports 191-192 Text Books 283-294 U Utah Reports 195 United States Supreme Court Reports 230 United States Circuit Court Reports 2 3 1 -2 32 United States Digests 233-234 V Vermont Reports 199 Virginia Reports ••• 203 W Washington Reports 207 West Virginia Reports 211 Wisconsin Reports 215 Wyoming Reports 219 AA 000 206 780 ft