A SHORT HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY The moon. From a photograph taken at the Lick Observatory. [Frontispiece. THE UNIVERSITY SERIES A Short History of Astronomy BY ARTHUR BERRY, M.A. FELLOW AND ASSISTANT TUTOR OF KING'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE ; FELLOW OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON Wagner. Verzeiht ! es ist ein gross Ergetzen Sich in den Geist der Zeiten zu versetzen, Zu schauen wie vor uns ein weiser Mann gedacht, Und wie wir's dann zuletzt so herrlich weit gebracht. Faust. O ja, bis an die Sterne weit ! . ,->*- , - GOETHE'S Faust. NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS I9IO UTra I- "fc.A PREFACE. I HAVE tried to give in this book an outline of the history of astronomy from the earliest historical times to the present day, and to present it in a form which shall be intelligible to a reader who has no special knowledge of either astronomy or mathematics, and has only an ordinary educated person's power of following scientific reasoning. In order to accomplish my object within the limits of one small volume it has been necessary to pay the strictest attention to compression ; this has been effected to some extent by the omission of all but the scantiest treatment of several branches of the subject which would figure prominently in a book written on a different plan or on a different scale. I have deliberately abstained from giving any connected account of the astronomy of the Egyptians, Chaldaeans, Chinese, and others to whom the early develop- ment of astronomy is usually attributed. On the one hand, it does not appear to me possible to form an in- dependent opinion on the subject without a first-hand knowledge of the documents and inscriptions from which our information is derived ; and on the other, the various Oriental scholars who have this knowledge still differ so widely from one another in the interpretations that they give that it appears premature to embody their results in vi Preface the dogmatic form of a text-book. It has also seemed advisable to lighten the book by omitting except in a very few simple and important cases all accounts of astro- nomical instruments ; I do not remember ever to have derived any pleasure or profit from a written description of a scientific instrument before seeing the instrument itself, or one very similar to it, and I have abstained from attempting to give to my readers what I have never succeeded in obtaining myself. The aim of the book has also necessitated the omission of a number of im- portant astronomical discoveries, which find their natural expression in the technical language of mathematics. I have on this account only been able to describe in the briefest and most general way the wonderful and beautiful superstructure which several generations of mathematicians have erected on the foundations laid by Newton. For the same reason I have been compelled occasionally to occupy a good deal of space in stating in ordinary English what might have been expressed much more briefly, as well as more clearly, by an algebraical formula : for the benefit of such mathematicians as may happen to read the book I have added a few mathematical footnotes ; otherwise I have tried to abstain scrupulously from the use of any mathematics beyond simple arithmetic and a few technical terms which are explained in the text. A good deal of space has also been saved by the total omission of, or the briefest possible reference to, a very large number of astronomical facts which do not bear on any well-established general theory ; and for similar reasons I have generally abstained from noticing speculative theories which have not yet been established or refuted. la particular, for these and for other reasons (stated more fully at the beginning of chapter XHI.), I have -dealt in the briefest possible way with the immense mass of observafcons Preface vii which modern astronomy has accumulated ; it would, for example, have been easy to have filled one or more volumes with an account of observations of sun-spots made during the last half-century, and of theories based on them, but I have in fact only given a page or two to the subject. I have given short biographical sketches of leading astro- nomers (other than living ones), whenever the material existed, and have attempted in this way to make their personalities and surroundings tolerably vivid ; but I have tried to resist the temptation of filling up space with merely picturesque details having no real bearing on scientific progress. The trial of Kepler's mother for witch- craft is probably quite as interesting as that of Galilei before the Inquisition, but I have entirely omitted the first and given a good deal of space to the second, because, while the former appeared to be chiefly of curious interest, the latter appeared to me to be not merely a striking inci- dent in the life of a great astronomer, but a part of the history of astronomical thought. I have also inserted a large number of dates, as they occupy very little space, and may be found useful by some readers, while they can be ignored with great ease by others; to facilitate reference the dates of birth and death (when known) of every astronomer of note mentioned in the book (other than living ones) have been put into the Index of Names. I have not scrupled to give a good deal of space to descriptions of such obsolete theories as appeared to me to form an integral part of astronomical progress. One of the reasons why the history of a science is worth studying is that it sheds light on the processes whereby a scientific theory is formed in order to account for certain facts, and then undergoes successive modifications as new facts are gradually brought to bear on it, and is perhaps finally abandoned when its discrepancies with facts can viii Preface no longer be explained or concealed. For example, no modern astronomer as such need be concerned with the Greek scheme of epicycles, but the history of its invention, of its gradual perfection as fresh observations were obtained, of its subsequent failure to stand more stringent tests, and of its final abandonment in favour of a more satisfactory theory, is, I think, a valuable and interesting object-lesson in scientific method. I have at any rate written this book with that conviction, and have decided very largely from that point of view what to omit and what to include. The book makes no claim to be an original contribution to the subject ; it is written largely from second-hand sources, of which, however, many are not very accessible to the general reader. Particulars of the authorities which have been used are given in an appendix. It remains gratefully to acknowledge the help that I have received in my work. Mr. W. W. Rouse Ball, Tutor of Trinity College, whose great knowledge of the history of mathematics a subject very closely connected with astro- nomy has made his criticisms of special value, has been kind enough to read the proofs, and has thereby saved me from several errors ; he has also given me valuable infor- mation with regard to portraits of astronomers. Miss H. M. Johnson has undertaken the laborious and tedious task of reading the whole book in manuscript as well as in proof, and of verifying the cross-references. Miss F. Hardcastle, of Girton College, has also read the proofs, and verified most of the numerical calculations, as well as the cross-references. To both I am indebted for the detection of a large number of obscurities in expression, as well as of clerical and other errors and of misprints. Miss Johnson has also saved me much time by making the Index of Names, and Miss Hardcastle has rendered me Preface ix a further service of great value by drawing a consider- able number of the diagrams. I am also indebted to Mr. C. E. Inglis, of this College, for fig 81 ; and I have to thank Mr. W. H. Wesley, of the Royal Astronomical Society, for various references to the literature of the subject, and in particular for help in obtaining access to various illustrations. I am further indebted to the following bodies and individual astronomers for permission to reproduce photo- graphs and drawings, and in some cases also for the gift of copies of the originals : the Council of the Royal Society, the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Director of the Lick Observatory, the Director of the Institute Geographico-Militare of Florence, Professor Barnard, Major Darwin, Dr. Gill, M. Janssen, M. Loewy, Mr. E. W. Maunder, Mr. H. Pain, Professor E. C. Pickering, Dr. Schuster, Dr. Max Wolf. ARTHUR BERRY. KING'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE ....... v CHAPTER I. PRIMITIVE ASTRONOMY, 1-18 1-20 i . Scope of astronomy . I 2-5. First notions : the motion of the sun : the motion and phases of the moon : daily motion of the stars i 6. Progress due to early civilised peoples : Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, and Chaldaeans ... 3 7. The celestial sphere : its scientific value : apparent dis- tance between the stars : the measurement of angles 4 8-9. The rotation of the celestial sphere : the North and South poles : the daily motion : the celestial equator : circumpolar stars ..... 7 IO-II. The annual motion of the sun: great circles' the ecliptic and its obliquity : the equinoxes and equinoctial points : the solstices and solstitial points . . . ... . . . . 8 12-13. The constellations : the zodiac, signs of the zodiac, and zodiacal constellations : the first point of Aries (T), and the first point of Libra (^) . 12 14. The five planets : direct and retrograde motions : stationary points 14 15. The order of nearness of the planets: occultations : superior and inferior planets . . . 1 5 xii Contents PAGE 1 6. Measurement of time : the day and its division into hours : the lunar month : the year : the week . 17 17. Eclipses: the saros 19 18. The rise of Astrology ...... 20 CHAPTER II. GREEK ASTRONOMY (FROM ABOUT 600 B.C. TO ABOUT 400A.D.), 19-54 21-75 19-20. Astronomy up to the time of Aristotle. The Greek calendar : full and empty months : the octaeteris : Melon's cycle . . . .21 21. The Roman calendar : introduction of the Julian Calendar 22 22. The Gregorian Calendar 23 23. Early Greek speculative astronomy : Thales and Pythagoras : the spherical form of the earth : the celestial spheres : the music of the spheres 24 24. Philolaus and other Pythagoreans : early be- lievers in the motion of the earth : Arist- archus and Seleucus 25 25. Plato: uniform circular and spherical motions . 26 26. Eudoxus : representation of the celestial motions by combinations of spheres : de- scription of the constellations. x Callippus , 27 2 7~3- Aristotle ^his_spheres ; the phases of the moon ; proofs that~the earttt iS""spherical : his arguments against tfie motion of the earth : relative distances of the celestial bodies : other speculations : estimate of his astro- nomical work 29 31-2. The early Alexandrine school : its rise : Arist- archus: his_estimates ofthe^ distances of the gun jind moon. Observations by Timochatis and Anstyttus 34 33~4- Development of spherics : the Phenomena of Euclid: the horizon t the zenith, poles of a great circle, verticals, declination circles, the meridian, celestial latitude and longitude, right ascension and declination. Sun-dials . 36 Contents xiii PAGE 35. The division of the surface of the earth into zones 37 36. Eratosthenes : his measurement of the earth : and of the_flbHguit^ of the^ecliptic . . 39 37. Hipparehui : his life and chief contributions to astronomy. Apollonius's representation of the celestial motions by means of circles. General account of the theory pf eccenfracs anil-epicycles 40 3^-9- Hipparchus's representation of the motion of the sun, by means of an ecgpi*ic-J3Jiag&, perigee, line of apses, eccentricity : equation of thelXn1r7r\^Q^ptcycir^^^& deferent . 41 40. Theory of the moon : lunation or synodic month and sidereal month : motion of the moon's nodes and apses : draconitic month and anomalistic month .... .47 41. Observations of planets : eclipse method of con- necting the distances of the sun and moon : estimate of their distances .... 49 42. His star catalogue. Discovery of the precession of the equinoxes : the tropical year and the sidereal year 5 1 43. Eclipses of the sun and moon : conjunction and opposition: partial, total, and annular eclipses : parallax $6 44. Delambre's estimate of Hipparchus 6l 45. The slow progress of astronomy after the time of Hip- parchus : Pliny's proof that the earth is round : new measurements of the earth by Posidonius . 6 1 46. Ptolemy. The Almagest and the Optics : theory of refraction 62 47. Account of the Almagest'. Ptolemy's postulates: arguments against the motion of the earth . 63 48. The theory of the moon : evection and prosneusis 65 49. The astrolabe. Parallax, and distances of the sun and moon 67 50. The star catalogue : precession . ... 68 51. Theory of the planets : the equant ... 69 52. Estimate of Ptolemy 73 53. The decay of ancient astronomy : Theon ai.d Hypatia 73 54. Summary and estimate of Greek astronomy . . 74 xiv Contents CHAPTER III. PAGE THE MIDDLE AGES (FROM ABOUT 600 A.D. TO ABOUT 1500 A.D.), 55-69 .... 76-91 55. The slow development of astronomy during this period 76 56. The East. The formation of an astronomical school at the court -of the Caliphs : revival of astrology : translations from the Greek by Honein ben Ishak, Ishak ben Honein, Tabit ben Korra, and others 76 57~8- The Bagdad observatory. Measurement of the earth. Corrections of the astronomical data of the Greeks : trepidation .... 78 59. Albategnius : discovery of the motion of the sun's apogee 79 60. Abul Wafa : supposed discovery of the variation of the moon. Ibn Yunos : the Hakemite Tables . 79 6l. Development of astronomy in the Mahometan dominions in Morocco and Spain : Arzachel: the Toletan Tables . ... . .80 62. Nassir Eddin and his school : Ilkhanic Tables : more accurate value of precession . . 81 63. Tartar astronomy : Ulugh Begh : his star cata- logue .82 64. Estimate of oriental astronomy of this period : Arabic numerals : survivals of Arabic names of stars and astronomical terms : nadir . 82 65. The West. General stagnation after the fall of the Roman Empire : Bede. Revival of learning at the court of Charlemagne : Alcuin . . 83 66. Influence of Mahometan learning : Gerbert : translations from the Arabic : Plato ofTivoli, Athelard of Bath, Gherardo of Cremona. Alfonso X. and his school : the Alfonsine Tables and the Libros del Saber ... 84 67. The schoolmen of the thirteenth century, Albertus Magnus, Cecco d'Ascoli, Roger Bacon. Sacrobosco 's Sphaera Mundi . . 85 Contents xv PAGE 68. Purbach and Regiomontanus: influence of the original Greek authors : the Niirnberg school : Walther : employment of printing : conflict between the views of Aristotle and of Ptolemy : the celestial spheres of the Middle Ages : t\\e firmament and theprimttm mobile 86 69. Lionardo da Vinci: tarthshine. Fracas for and Apian : observations of comets. Nonius. FerneCs measurement of the earth . . 90 CHAPTER IV. COPPERNICUS (FROM 1473 A.D. TO 1543 A.D.), 70-92 . 92-124 70. The Revival of Learning 92 71-4. Life of Coppernicus : growth of his ideas: publi- cation of the Commenlariolus : Rheticus and the Prima Narratio : publication of the De Revo- lutionibus 93 75. The central idea in the work of Coppernicus : relation to earlier writers 99 76-9. Tne De Bevolutionibus. The first book : the postulates : the principle of relative motion, with applications to the apparent annual motion of the sun, and to the daily motion of the celestial sphere 100 80. The two motions of the earth : answers to objections ....... 105 81. The motion of the planets 106 82. The seasons 108 83. * End of first book. The second book : decrease in the obliquity of the ecliptic : the star catalogue no 84. The third book : precession . . . . .no 85. The third book : the annual motion of the earth : aphelion and perihelion. The fourth book : theory of the moon : distances of the sun and moon : eclipses Ill 86-7. The fifth and sixth books : theory of the planets : synodic and sidereal periods . . . .112 88. Explanation of the stationary points . . . 118 xvi Contents PAGE 89-90. Detailed theory of the planets : defects of the theory 121 91. Coppernicus's use of epicycles 122 92. A difficulty in his system . . . . . . 123 CHAPTER V. THE RECEPTION OF THE COPPERNICAN THEORY AND THE PROGRESS OF OBSERVATION (FROM ABOUT 1543 A.D. TO ABOUT I60I A.D.), 93~II2. . . . I2J-I44 93~4- The first reception of the De Revolutionibus : Reinhold : the Prussian Tables . . . .125 95. Coppernicanism in England : Field, Records, Digges 127 96. Difficulties in the Coppernican system : the need for progress in dynamics and for fresh observations 127 97-8- The Cassel Observatory : the Landgrave William IV., Rothmann, and Burgi: the star catalogue : Biirgi's invention of the pendulum clock . .128 99. Tycho Brahe : his early life 130 100. The new star of 1572 : travels in Germany . 131 101-2. His establishment in Hveen : Uraniborg and Stjerneborg : life and work in Hveen . .132 103. The comet of 1577, and others . . . .135 104. Books on the new star and on the comet of 1577 136 105. Tycho's system of the world : quarrel with Reymers Bar 136 106. Last years at Hveen : breach with the King . 138 107. Publication of the Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica and of the star catalogue : in- vitation from the Emperor . . . .139 108. Life at Benatek : co-operation of Kepler : death 140 109. Fate of Tycho's instruments and observations . 141 1 10. Estimate of Tycho's work : the accuracy of his observations : improvements in the art of observing */ 141 III. Improved values of astronomical constants'. Theory of the moon : the variation and the annual equation 143 112. The star catalogue: rejection of trepidation: unfinished work on the planets . , . 144 Contents xvii CHAPTER VI. VAGE GALILEI (FROM 1564 A.D. TO 1642 A.D.), 113-134 . 145-178 113. Early life 145 114. The pendulum 146 115. Diversion from medicine to mathematics: his first book 146 1 16. Professorship at Pisa : experiments on falling bodies: protests against the principle of authority 147 117. Professorship at Padua: adoption of Coppernican views 148 118. The telescopic discoveries. Invention of the tele- scope by Lippersheim : its application to astronomy by Harriot, Simon Marius, and Galilei . 149 119. The Sidereus Nuncius: observations of the moon 150 120. New stars: resolution of portions of the Milky Way 151 121. The discovery of Jupiter's satellites : their im- portance for the Coppernican controversy : controversies .... 151 122. Appointment at the Tuscan court . . . 1 53 123. Observations of Saturn. Discovery of the phases of Venus . . ... . . 154 124. Observations of sun-spots by Fabricius, Harriot, Scheiner, and Galilei : the Macchie Solan : proof that the spots were not planets : obser- vations of the umbra and penumbra . . 154 125. Quarrel with Scheiner and the Jesuits : theological controversies: Letter to the Grand Duchess Christine 157 126. Visit to Rome. The first condemnation : prohibition of Coppernican books 159 127. Method for finding longitude. Controversy on comets: // Saggiatore ...... 160 128. Dialogue on th^Two Chief Systems of the World. Its preparation and publication . . .162 129. The speakers : argument for the Coppernican system based on the telescopic discoveries : discussion of stellar parallax : the differential method of parallax 163 b xviii Contents PAGE 130. Dynamical arguments in favour of the motion of the earth : the First Law of Motion. The tides 1 65 131. The trial and condemnation. The thinly veiled Coppernicanism of the Dialogue : the re- markable preface 168 132. Summons to Rome : trial by the Inquisition : condemnation, abjuration, and punishment : prohibition of the Dialogue . . . .169 133. Last years: life at Arcetri: libration of the moon : the Two New Sciences : uniform acceleration, and the first law of motion. Blindness and death . 172 134. Estimate of Galilei's work : his scientific method . 176 CHAPTER VII. KEPLER (FROM 1571 A.D. TO 1630 A.D.), 135-151 . 179-197 135. Early life and theological studies . . . -179 136. Lectureship on mathematics at Gratz: astronomical studies and speculations : the Mysterium Cosmo- graphicum . . . . . . . .180 137. Religious troubles in Styria : work with Tycho . 181 138. Appointment by the Emperor Rudolph as successor to Tycho : writings on the new star of 1604 and on Optics : theory of refraction and a new form of telescope 182 139. Study of the motion of Mars : unsuccessful attempts to explain it 183 140-1. The ellipse: discovery of the first two of Kepler's Laws for the case of Mars : the Commentaries on Mars 184 142. Suggested extension of Kepler's Laws to the other planets 186 6 143. Abdication and death of Rudolph : appointment at Linz 188 144. The Harmony of the World: discovery of Kepler's Third Law : the " music of the spheres " . .188 145. Epitome of the Copernican Astronomy : its pro- hibition : fanciful correction of the distance of the sun : observation of the sun's corona . . 191 146. Treatise on Comets . . . . . . .193 147. Religious troubles at Linz : removal to Ulm . . 194 Contents xix PAGE 148. The Rudolphine Tables 194 149. Work under Wallenstein : death .... 195 150. Minor discoveries : speculations on gravity . . 195 151. Estimate of Kepler's work and intellectual character 197 CHAPTER VIII. FROM GALILEI TO NEWTON (FROM ABOUT 1638 A.D. TO ABOUT 1687 A.D.), 152-163 198-209 152. The general character of astronomical progress during the period 198 153. Schemer's observations oifaculae on the sun. Hevel\ his Selenographia and his writings on comets : his star catalogue. Riccioli's New Almagest . 198 154. Planetary observations: Huygens's discovery of a satellite of Saturn and of its ring . . 199 155. Gascoigne's and Auzoufs invention of the micro- meter : PicarcCs telescopic " sights " . . . 202 156. Horrocks : extension of Kepler's theory to the moon: observation of a transit of Venus . . 202 I 57~8. Huygens's rediscovery of the pendulum clock : his theory of circular motion .... 203 159. Measurements of the earth by Snell, Norwood, and Picard 204 1 60. The Paris Observatory : Domenico Cassini: his discoveries of four.new satellites of Saturn : his other work ........ 204 161. Richer s expedition to Cayenne : pendulum observa- tions : observations of Mars in opposition : hori- zontal parallax : annual or stellar parallax . . 205 162. Roemer and the velocity of light .... 208 $ 161. Descartes . , 208 CHAPTER IX. UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION (FROM 1643 A.D. TO 1727 A.D.), 164-195 210-246 164. Division of Newton's life into three periods . . 2IO 165. Early life, 1643 to 1665 210 166. Great productive period, 1665-87 . . . .211 xx Contents PAGE 167. Chief divisions of his work : aon'onomy, optics, pure mathematics 21 1 1 68. Optical discoveries : the reflecting telescopes of Gregory and Newton : the spectrum . . .211 169. Newton's description of his discoveries in 1665-6 . 212 170. The beginning of his work on gravitation : the falling apple : previous contributions to the subject by Kepler, Borelli, and Huygens . .213 171. The problem of circular motion : acceleration . . 214 172. The law of the inverse square obtained from Kepler's Third Law for the planetary orbits, treated as circles 215 173. Extension of the earth's gravity as far as the moon : imperfection of the theory . . . . .217 174. Hooke's and Wren's speculations on the planetary motions and on gravity. Newton's second calcu- lation of the motion of the moon : agreement with observation 221 I75~6. Solution of the problem of elliptic motion : Halleys visit to Newton 221 177. Presentation to the Royal Society of the tract De Motu : publication of the Principia . . . 222 178. The Principia : its divisions 223 I79~8o. The Laws of Motion : the First Law : accelera- tion in its general form : mass and force : the Third Law 223 181. Law of universal gravitation enunciated . . 227 182. The attraction of a sphere 228 183. The general problem of accounting for the motions of the solar system by means of gravitation and the Laws of Motion: perturbations 229 184. Newton's lunar theory 230 185. Measurement of the mass of a planet by means of its attraction of its satellites . . .231 186. Motion of the sun : centre of gravity of the solar system: relativity of motion . . .231 187. The non-spherical form of the earth, and of Jupiter 233 188. Explanation of precession 234 189, The tides : the mass of the moon deduced from tidal observations 235 190. The motions of comets : parabolic orbits , . 237 Contents xxi PAGE 191. Reception of the Principia 239 192. Third period of Newton's life, 1687-1727: Parlia- mentary career : improvement of the lunar theory : appointments at the Mint and removal to London : publication of the Optics and of the second and third editions of the Principia, edited by Cotes and Pemberton : death . . . 240 193. Estimates of Newton's workby Leibniz, by Lagrange, and by himself 241 194. Comparison of his astronomical work with that of his predecessors : " explanation " and " de- scription " : conception of the material universe as made up of bodies attracting one another according to certain laws 242 195. Newton's scientific method : " Hypotheses nonfingo " 245 CHAPTER X. OBSERVATIONAL ASTRONOMY IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, 196-227 . . . . . . 247-286 196. Gravitational astronomy : its development due almost entirely to Continental astronomers : use of analysis : English observational astronomy . 247 *97~8. Flamsteed : foundation of the Greenwich Ob- servatory: his star catalogue .... 249 199. Halley : catalogue of Southern stars . . . 253 2OO. Halley 's comet . 253 2O I. Secular acceleration of the moon's mean motion . 254 202. Transits of Venus 254 203. Proper motions of the fixed stars . . . 255 204-5. Lunar and planetary tables : career at Green- wich : minor work .. 255 206. Bradley : career 257 207-11. Discovery and explanation of aberration: the constant of aberration 258 212. Failure to detect parallax ... . 265 213-5. Discovery of nutation : Machin .... 265 216-7. Tables of Jupiter's satellites by Bradley and by Wargentin : determination of longitudes, and other work 269 2l8. His observations : reduction . , . .271 xxii Contents PAGE 219. The density of the earth : Maskelyne : the Cavendish experiment . . . . . . . .273 220. The Cassini-Maraldi school in France . . .275 221. Measurements of the earth : the Lapland and Peruvian arcs : Maupertuis . . . -2,75 222-4. Lacaille : his career : expedition to the Cape : star catalogues, and other work .... 279 225-6. Tobias Mayer : his observations : lunar tables : the longitude prize 282 227. The transits of Venus in 1761 and 1769: distance of the sun ....*... 284 CHAPTER XI. GRAVITATIONAL ASTRONOMY IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, 228-250 287-322 228. Newton's problem : the problem of three bodies : methods of approximation : lunar theory and planetary theory ....... 287 229. The progress of Newtonian principles in France : popularisation by Voltaire. . The five great mathematical astronomers : the pre-eminence of France . . . . . . . . 290 230. Euler : his career : St. Petersburg and Berlin : extent of his writings 291 231. Clairaut: figure of the earth : return of Halley's comet . . . ... . . . 293 232. UAlembert'. his dynamics: precession and nuta- tion : his versatility : rivalry with Clairaut . 295 233-4. The lunar theories and lunar tables of Euler, Clairaut, and D'Alembert : advance on Newton's lunar theory 297 235. Planetary theory : Clairaut's determination of the masses of the moon and of Venus : Lalande . 299 236. Euler's planetary theory : method of the -variation of elements or parameters . . . . 3 O1 237. Lagrange : his career : Berlin . and Paris : the Mecanique Analytique 304 238. Laplace : his career : the Mecanique Celeste and the Systeme du Monde : political appointments and distinctions 36 Contents xxiii PAGE 239. Advance made by Lagrange and Laplace on the work of their immediate predecessors . . 308 240. Explanation of the moon's secular acceleration by Laplace 308 241. Laplace's lunar theory: tables of Burg and Burck- hardt 309 242. Periodic and secular inequalities . . . .310 243. Explanation of the mutual perturbation of Jupiter and Saturn : long inequalities . . . .312 > 244-5. Theorems on the stability of the solar system : the eccentricity fund and the inclination fund . 313 246. Tne magnitudes of some of the secular inequalities 318 247. Periodical inequalities: solar and planetary tables based on the Me'canique Celeste . . . .3*8 248. Minor problems of gravitational astronomy : the satellites : Saturn's ring : precession and nuta- tion : figure of the earth : tides : comets : masses of planets and satellites ..... 318 249. The solution of Newton's problem by the astro- nomers of the eighteenth century . . . 319 250. The nebular hypothesis : its speculative character . 320 CHAPTER XII. HERSCHEL (FROM 1738 A.D. TO 1822 A.D.), 251-271 . 323-353 251-2. William Herschel's early career: Bath: his first telescope 323 253-4. The discovery of the planet Uranus, and its consequences : Herschel's removal to Slough . 325 255. Telescope-making : marriage : the forty-foot tele- scope : discoveries of satellites of Saturn and of Uranus 327 256. Life and work at Slough : last years : Caroline Herschel 328 257. Herschel's astronomical programme : the study of the fixed stars 330 258. The distribution of the stars in space : star- gauging : the " grindstone " theory of the universe : defects of the fundamental assump- tion : its partial withdrawal. Employment of xxiv Contents PAGE brightness as a test of nearness : measurement of brightness : " space-penetrating " power of a telescope 332 259. Nebulae and star clusters : Herschel's great cata- logues 336 260. Relation of nebulae to star clusters: the "island universe " theory of nebulae : the " shining fluid " theory: distribution of nebulae. . . . 337 261. Condensation of nebulae into clusters and stars . 339 262. The irresolvability of the Milky Way . . . 340 263. Double stars : their proposed employment for find- ing parallax : catalogues : probable connection between members of a pair . . . -341 264. Discoveries of the revolution of double stars : binary stars : their uselessness for parallax . 343 265. The motion of the sun in space : the various positions suggested for the apex . . . . 344 266. Variable stars: Mira and Algol', catalogues of comparative brightness : method of sequences : variability of a Herculis 346 267. Herschel's work on the solar system : new satellites : observations of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars 348 268. Observations of the sun : Wilson : theory of the structure of the sun 350 269. Suggested variability of the sun . . . .351 270. Other researches 352 271. Comparison of Herschel with his contemporaries : Schroeter 352 CHAPTER XIII. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, 272-320 . . . 354-409 272. The three chief divisions of astronomy, observa- tional, gravitational, and descriptive . . . 354 273. The great growth of descriptive astronomy in the nineteenth century 355 274. Observational Astronomy. Instrumental advances: the introduction of photography . . . 357 275. The method of least squares : Legendre and Gauss 357 276. Other work by Gauss : the Theoria Motus : re- discovery of the minor planet Ceres . . 358 Contents xxv PAGE 277. Bessel : his improvement in methods of re- duction : his table of refraction : the Funda- menta Nova and Tabulae Regiomontanae . 359 278. The para lax of 6 1 Cygni : its distance . . 360 279. Hendersons parallax of a Centauri and Struves of Vega : later parallax determinations . 362 280. Star catalogues : the photographic chart . . 362 281-4. The distance of the sun : transits of Venus : observations of Mars and of the minor planets in opposition : diurnal method : gravitational methods, lunar and planetary : methods based on the velocity of light : summary of results 363 285. Variation in latitude : rigidity of the earth . 367 286. Gravitational Astronomy. Lunar theory : Danwi- seau,Poisson, Ponte'coulant, Lubbock,Hansen, Delaunay, Professor Newcomb, Adams, Dr. Hill 367 287. Secular acceleration of the moon's mean motion : Adams's correction of Laplace : Delaunay's explanation by means of tidal friction . . 369 288. Planetary theory : Leverrier, Gylde'n, M. Poincare 370 289. The discovery of Neptune by Leverrier and Dr. Galle : Adams's work 371 290. Lunar and planetary tables : outstanding dis- crepancies between theory and observation 372 291. Cometary orbits : return of Halley's comet in 1835 : Encke's and other periodic comets . 372 292. Theory of tides : analysis of tidal observations by Lubbock, Whewell, Lord Kelvin, and Professor Darwin : bodily tides in the earth and its rigidity 373 293. The stability of the solar system . . . 374 294. Descriptive Astronomy. Discovery of the minor planets or asteroids : their number, dis- tribution, and size 376 295. Discoveries of satellites of Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter, and of the crape ring of Saturn 380 296. The surface of the moon : rills : the lunar atmo- sphere 382 xxvi Contents PAGE 297. The surfaces of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn : the canals on Mars : Maxwell's theory of Saturn's rings : the rotation of Mercury and of Venus 383 298. The surface of the sun : Schwabe's discovery of the periodicity of sun-spots : connection be- tween sun-spots and terrestrial magnetism: Carringtorfs observations of the motion and distribution of spots: Wilson's theory of spots 385 299-300. Spectrum analysis: Newton, Wollaston, Fraun- ho/er, Kirchhoff : the chemistry of the sun . 386 301. Eclipses of the sun: the corona, chromosphere, and prominences : spectroscopic methods of observation 389 302. Spectroscopic method of determining motion to or from the observer : Doppler's principle : application to the sun 391 33- The constitution of the sun .... 392 304-5. Observations of comets: nucleus: theory of the formation of their tails : their spectra : re- lation between comets and meteors . . 393 306-8. Sidereal astronomy : career of John Herschel : his catalogues of nebulae and of double stars : the expedition to the Cape : measurement of the sun's heat by Herschel and by Pouillet . 396 309. Double stars : observations by Struve and others : orbits of binary stars . . . 398 310. Lord Rosse's telescopes: his observations of nebulae : revival of the "island universe " theory . ' 400 311. Application of the spectroscope to nebulae: distinction between nebulae and clusters . 401 312. Spectroscopic classification of stars by Secchi: chemistry of stars : stars with bright-line spectra 401 313-4. Motion of stars in the line of sight. Discovery of binary stars by the spectroscope : eclipse theory of variable stars .... 402 3 I S- Observations of variable stars .... 403 316. Stellar photometry: Pogsorfs light ratio: the Oxford, Harvard, and Potsdam photometries 403 317. Structure of the sidereal system: relations of stars and nebulae 405 Contents xxvii PAGE 318-20. Laplace's nebular hypothesis in the light of later discoveries: the sun's heat: Helmholtats shrinkage theory. Influence of tidal friction on the development of the solar system : Professor Darwin's theory of the birth of the moon. Summary 406 LIST OF AUTHORITIES AND OF BOOKS FOR STUDENTS . .411 INDEX OF NAMES 417 GENERAL INDEX 425 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE The moon Frontispiece 1. The celestial sphere 5 2. The daily paths of circumpolar stars To face p. 8 3. The circles of the celestial sphere 9 4. The equator and the ecliptic 1 1 5. The Great Bear To face p. 12 6. The apparent path of Jupiter 16 7. The apparent path of Mercury 17 8-1 1. The phases of the moon 30, 31 12. The curvature of the earth 32 13. The method of Aristarchus for comparing the distances of the sun and moon ... 34 14. The equator and the ecliptic 36 15. The equator, the horizon, and the meridian ... 38 16. The measurement of the earth 39 17. The eccentric 44 18. The position of the sun's apogee 45 19. The epicycle and the deferent 47 20. The eclipse method of connecting the distances of the sun and moon 50 21. The increase of the longitude of a star 52 22. The movement of the equator 53 23. 24. The precession of the equinoxes 53, 54 25. The earth's shadow 57 26. The ecliptic and the moon's path ... 57 27. The sun and moon ,. ... 58 28. Partial eclipse of the moon 58 29. Total eclipse of the moon 58 30. Annular eclipse of the sun 59 31. Parallax 6b 32. Refraction by the atmosphere 63 xxix xxx List of Illustrations FIG. PAOE 33. Parallax 68 34. Jupiter's epicycle and deferent 70 35. Theequant 71 36. The celestial spheres ... ... ... 89 PORTRAIT OF COPPERNICUS ... ... ... To face p. 94 37. Relative motion ... ... ... ... ... 102 38. The relative motion of the sun and moon ... ... ... 103 39. The daily rotation of the earth ... ... 104 40. The solar system according to Coppernicus ... ... ... 107 41. 42. Coppernican explanation of the seasons ... ... 108, 109 43. The orbits of Venus and of the earth ... ... 113 44. The synodic and sidereal periods of Venus ... ... ... 114 45. The epicycle of Jupiter ... ... ... ... 116 46. The relative sizes of the orbits of the earth and of a superior planet 117 47. The stationary points of Mercury ... 119 48. The stationary points of Jupiter ... ... ... ... 120 49. The alteration in a planet's apparent position due to an alteration in the earth's distance from the sun ... ... 122 50. Stellar parallax ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 124 51. Uraniborg 133 52. Tycho's system of the world ... ... 137 PORTRAIT OF TYCHO BRAHE ... ... ... To face p. 139 53. One of Galilei's drawings of the moon ... M 150 54. Jupiter and its satellites as seen on January 7, 1610 ... 152 55. Sun-spots To face p. 154 56. Galilei's proof that sun-spots are not planets ... ... 156 57. The differential method of parallax ... ... ... ... 165 PORTRAIT OF GALILEI ... ... ... ... To face p. 171 58. The daily libration of the moon ... ... 173 PORTRAIT OF KEPLER ... ... ... ... To f dee p. 183 59. An ellipse 185 60. Kepler's second law ... ... 186 61. Diagram used by Kepler to establish his laws of planetary motion ... 187 62. The " music of the spheres according to Kepler ... ... 190 63. Kepler's idea of gravity ... 196 64. Saturn's ring, as drawn by Huygens ... ... To face p. 2OO 65. Saturn, with the ring seen edge-wise ... 200 66. The phases of Saturn's ring ... ... ... 201 67. Early drawings of Saturn ... ... ... To face p. 202 68. Mars in opposition ... ... ... ... ... ... 206 List of Illustrations xxi.i FIG. PAGE bg. The parallax of a planet ... 206 70. Motion in a circle ... ... ... ... 214 71. The moon as a projectile ... ... ... ... ... 220 72. The spheroidal form of the earth ... ... 234 73. An elongated ellipse and a parabola ... ... ... ... 238 PORTRAIT OF NEWTON To face p. 240 PORTRAIT OF BRADLEY 258 74. 75. The aberration of light 262,263 76. The aberrational ellipse 264 77. Precession and nutation ... ... ... ... ... 268 78. The varying curvature of the earth ... ... ... ... 277 79. Tobias Mayer's map of the moon To face p. 282 80. The path of Halley's comet 294 81. A varying ellipse 303 PORTRAIT OF LAGRANGE To face p. 305 PORTRAIT OF LAPLACE 307 PORTRAIT OF WILLIAM HERSCHEL 327 82. Herschel's forty-foot telescope ... ... 329 83. Section of the sidereal system ... ... 333 84. Illustrating the effect of the sun's motion in space... ... 345 85. 61 Oygni and the two neighbouring stars used by Bessel ... 360 86. The parallax of 6 1 Cygni 361 87. The path of Halley's comet 373 88. Photographic trail of a minor planet ... ... To face p. 377 89. Paths of minor planets... ... ... ... 378 90. Comparative sizes of three minor planets and the moon ... 379 91. Saturn and its system ... ... ... ... 380 92. Mars and its satellites ... ... 381 93. Jupiter and its satellites ... ... ... 3^2 94. The Apennines and the adjoining regions \ T r ^ c, of the moon J 95. Saturn and its rings ... ... ... ... 384 96. A group of sun-spots ... ... 385 97. Fraunhofer's map of the solar spectrum ... 387 98. The total solar eclipse of 1886 ... ... ,, 390 99. The great comet of 1882 ... ... ... 393 100. The nebula about 17 Argus ... 397 101. The orbit of Ursae ... ... ... ... 399 102. Spiral nebulae ... ... ... To face p. 400 103. The spectrum of /3 Aurigae ... ... ... fl 403 104. The Milky Way near the cluster in Perseus 405 A SHORT HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY. CHAPTER I. PRIMITIVE ASTRONOMY. "The never-wearied Sun, the Moon exactly round, And all those Stars with which the brows of ample heaven are crowned, Orion, all the Pleiades, and those seven Atlas got, The close beamed Hyades, the Bear, surnam'd the Chariot, That turns about heaven's axle tree, holds ope a constant eye Upon Orion, and of all the cressets in the sky His golden forehead never bows to th' Ocean empery." The Iliad (Chapman's translation). i. ASTRONOMY is the science which treats of the sun, the moon, the stars, and other objects such as comets which are seen in the sky. It deals to some extent also with the earth, but only in so far as it has properties in common with the heavenly bodies. Cjn early times astronomy was concerned almost entirely with the observed motions of the heavenly bodies. At a later stage astronomers were able to discover the distances and sizes of many of the heavenly bodies, and to weigh some of them ; and more recently they have acquired a considerable amount of knowledge as to their nature and the material of which they are made. 2. We know nothing of the beginnings of astronomy, and can only conjecture how certain of the simpler facts of the science particularly those with a direct influence on human life and comfort gradually became familiar to early mankind, very much as they are familiar to modern savages. History of Astronomy [CH. I. With these facts it is convenient to begin, taking them in the order in which they most readily present themselves to any ordinary observer. 3. The sun is daily seen to rise in the eastern part of the sky, to travel across the sky, to reach its highest position in the south in the middle of the day, then to sink, and finally to set in the western part of the sky. But its daily path across the sky is not always the same : the points of the horizon at which it rises and sets, its height in the sky at midday, and the time from sunrise to sunset, all go through a series of changes, which are accompanied by changes in the weather, in vegetation, etc.; and we are thus able to recognise the existence of the seasons, and their recurrence after a certain interval of time which is known as a year. 4. But while the sun always appears as a bright circular disc, the next most conspicuous of the heavenly bodies, the moon, undergoes changes of form which readily strike the observer, and are at once seen to take place in a regular order and at about the same intervals of time. A little more care, however, is necessary in order to observe the connection between the form of the moon and her position in the sky with respect to the sun. Thus when the moon is first visible soon after sunset near the place where the sun has set, her form is a thin crescent (cf. fig. u on p. 31), the hollow side being turned away from the sun, and she sets soon after the sun. Next night the moon is farther fr.om the sun, the crescent is thicker, and she sets later ; and so on, until after rather less than a week from the first appearance of the crescent, she appears as a semicircular disc, with the flat side turned away from the sun. The semicircle enlarges, and after another week has grown into a complete disc ; the moon is now nearly in the opposite direction to the sun, and therefore rises about at sunset and sets about at sunrise. She then begins to approach the sun on the other side, rising before it and setting in the daytime ; her size again diminishes, until after another week she is again semicircular, the flat side being still turned away from the sun, but being now turned towards the west instead of towards the east. The semicircle then becomes a gradually diminishing crescent, and the time of rising $$ -tO The Beginnings of Astronomy 3 approaches the time of sunrise, until the moon becomes altogether invisible. After two or three nights the new moon reappears, and the whole series of changes is repeated. The different forms thus assumed by the moon are now known as her phases ; the time occupied by this series of changes, the month, would naturally suggest itself as a con- venient measure of time ; and the day, month, and year would thus form the basis of a rough system of time- measurement. 5. From a few observations of the stars it could also clearly be seen that they too, like the sun and moon, changed their positions in the sky, those towards the east being seen to rise, and those towards the west to sink and finally set, while others moved across the sky from east to west, and those in a certain northern part of the sky, though also in motion, were never seen either to rise or set. Although anything like a complete classification of the stars belongs to a more advanced stage of the subject, a few star groups could easily be recognised, and their position in the sky could be used as a rough means of measuring time at night, just as the position of the sun to indicate the time of day. 6. To these rudimentary notions important additions were made when rather more careful and prolonged obser- vations became possible, and some little thought was devoted to their interpretation. Several peoples who reached a high stage of civilisation at an early period claim to have made important progress in astronomy. Greek traditions assign considerable astro- nomical knowledge to Egyptian priests who lived some thousands of years B.C., and some of the peculiarities of the pyramids which were built at some such period are at any rate plausibly interpreted as evidence of pretty accurate astronomical observations ; Chinese records describe observa- tions supposed to have been made in the 25th century B.C.; some of the Indian sacred books refer to astronomical knowledge acquired several centuries before this time ; and the first observations of the Chaldaean priests 'of Babylon have been attributed to times not much later. On the other hand, the earliest recorded astronomical observation the authenticity of which may be accepted without scruple belongs only to the 8th century B.C. 4 A Short History of Astronomy [CH. i For the purposes of this book it is not worth while to make any attempt to disentangle from the mass of doubtful tradition and conjectural interpretation of inscriptions, bear- ing on this early astronomy, the few facts which lie embedded therein ; and we may proceed at once to give some account of the astronomical knowledge, other than that already dealt with, which is discovered in the possession of the earliest really historical astronomers the Greeks at the beginning of their scientific history, leaving it an open question what portions of it were derived from Egyptians, Chaldaeans, their own ancestors, or other sources. 7. If an observer looks at the- stars on any clear night he sees an apparently innumerable * host of them, which seem to lie on a portion of a spherical surface, of which he is the centre. This spherical surface is commonly spoken of as the sky, and is known to astronomy as the celestial sphere. The visible part of this sphere is oounded by the earth, so that only half can be seen at once ; but only the slightest effort of the imagination is required to think of the other half as lying below the earth, and containing other stars, as well as the sun. This sphere -appears to the observer to be very large, though he is incapable of forming any precise estimate of its size, f Most of us at the present day have been taught in child- hood that the stars are at different distances, and that this sphere has in consequence no- real existence. The early peoples had no knowledge of this, and for them the celestial sphere really existed,; and was often thought to be a solid sphere of crystal. Moreover modern astronomers, as well as ancient, find it convenient for very many purposes to make use of this sphere, though it has no material existence, as a means of representing the directions in which the heavenly bodies are seen and their motions. For all that direct observation * In our climate 2,000 is about the greatest number ever visible at once, even to a keen-sighted person. f Owing to the greater brightness of the stars overhead they usually seem a little nearer than those near the horizon, and con- sequently the visible portion of the celestial sphere appears to be rather less than a half of a complete sphere. This is, however, of r,o importance, and will for the future be ignoredt $ 7 ] The Celestial Sphere 5 can tell us about the position of such an object as a star is its direction') its distance can only be ascertained by indirect methods, if at all. If we draw a sphere, and suppose the observer's eye placed at its centre o (fig. i), and then draw a straight line from o to a star s, meeting the surface of the sphere in the point s ; then the star appears exactly in the same position as if it were at s, nor would its apparent position be changed if it were placed at any other point, such as s' or s", on this same Q FIG. I. The celestial sphere. line. When we speak, therefore, of a star as being at a point s on the celestial sphere, all that we mean is that it is in the same direction as the point s, or, in other words, that it is situated somewhere on the straight line through o and s. The advantages of this method of repre- senting the position of a star become evident when we wish to compare the positions of several stars. The difference of direction of two stars is the angle between the lines drawn from the eye to the stars ; e.g., if the stars are R, s, it is the angle R o s. Similarly the difference of direction of 6 A Short History cf Astronomy [Cn. I. another pair of stars, P, Q, is the angle p o Q. The two stars P and Q appear nearer together than do R and s, or farther apart, according as the angle P o Q is less or greater than the angle R o s. But if we represent the stars by the corresponding points/, ^, r, s on the celestial sphere, then (by an obvious property of the sphere) the angle P o Q (which is the same as p o q) is less or greater than the angle R o s (or r o s) according as the arc joining / q on the sphere is less or greater than the arc joining r s, and in the same proportion ; if, for example, the angle R o s is twice as great as the angle p o Q, so also is the arc / q twice as great as the arc r s. We may therefore, in all questions relating only to the directions of the stars, replace the angle between the directions of two stars by the arc joining the corresponding points on the celestial sphere, or, in other words, by the distance between, these points on the celestial sphere. But such arcs on a sphere are easier both to estimate by eye and to treat geometrically than angles, and the use of the celestial sphere is therefore of great value, apart from its historical origin. It is im- portant to note that this apparent distance of two stars, i.e. their distance from one another on the celestial sphere, is an entirely different thing from their actual distance from one another in space. In the figure, for example, Q is actually much nearer to s than it is to p, but the apparent distance measured by the arc q s is several times greater than q p. The apparent distance of two points on the celestial sphere is measured numerically by the angle between the lines joining the eye to the two points, expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds.* We might of course agree to regard the celestial sphere as of a particular size, and then express the distance be- tween two points on it in miles, feet, or inches ; but it is practically very inconvenient to do so. To say, as some people occasionally do, that the distance between two stars is so many feet is meaningless, unless the supposed size of the celestial sphere is given at the same time. It has already been pointed out that the observer is always at the centre of the celestial sphere ; this remains * A right angle is divided into ninety degrees (90), a degree into sixty minutes (60'), and a minute into sixty seconds (60"). * 8] The Celestial Sphere : its Poles 7 true even if he moves to another place. A sphere has, however, only one centre, and therefore if the sphere remains fixed the observer cannot move about and yet always remain at the centre. The old astronomers met this difficulty by supposing that the celestial sphere was so large that any possible motion of the observer would be insignificant in comparison with the radius of the sphere and could be neglected. It is often more convenient when we are using the sphere as a mere geometrical device for representing the position of the stars to regard the sphere as moving with the observer, so that he always remains at the centre. 8. Although the stars all appear to move across the// sky ( 5), and their rates of motion differ, yet the distance"^ between any two stars remains unchanged, and they were \ consequently regarded as being attached to the celestial sphere. Moreover a little careful observation would have shown that the motions of the stars in different parts of the sky, though at first sight very different, were just such as would have been produced by the celestial sphere with the stars attached to it turning abo'ut an axis passing through the centre and through a point in the northern sky close to the familiar pole-star. This point is called the pole, As, however, a straight line drawn through the centre of a sphere meets it in two points, the axis of the celestial sphere meets it again in a second point, opposite the first, lying in a part of the celestial sphere which is permanently below the horizon. This second point is also called a pole; and if the two poles have to be distinguished, the one mentioned first is called the north pole, and the other the south pole. The direction of the rotation of the celestial sphere about its axis is such that stars near the north pole are seen to move round it in circles in the direction opposite to that in which the hands of a clock move; the motion is uniform, and a complete revolution is performed in four minutes less than twenty-four hours ; so that the position of any star in the sky at twelve o'clock to-night is the same as its position at four minutes to twelve to-morrow night. The moon, like the stars, shares this motion of the celestial sphere, and so also does trie sun, though this 8 A Short History of Astronomy [Cn. i. is more difficult to recognise owing to the fact that the sun and stars are not seen together. As other motions of the celestial bodies have to be dealt with, the general motion just described may be conveniently referred to as the daily motion or daily rotation of the celestial sphere. 9. A further study of the daily motion would lead to the recognition of certain important circles of the celestial sphere. Each star describes in its daily motion a circle, the size of which depends on its distance from the poles. Fig. 2 shews the paths described by a number of stars near the pole, recorded photographically, during part of a night. The pole-star describes so small a circle that its motion can only with difficulty be detected with the naked eye, stars a little farther off the pole describe larger circles, and so on, until we come to stars half-way between the two poles, which describe the largest circle which can be drawn on the celestial sphere. The circle on which these stars lie and which is described by any one of them daily is called the equator. By looking at a diagram such as fig. 3, or, better still, by looking at an actual globe, it can easily be seen that half the equator (E Q w) lies above and half (the dotted part, w R E) below the horizon, and that in conse- quence a star, such as s, lying on the equator, is in its daily motion as long a time above the horizon as below. If- a star, such as s, lies on the north side of the equator, i.e. on the side on which the north pole P lies, more than half of its daily path lies above the horizon and less than half (as shewn by the dotted line) lies below; and if a star is near enough to the north pole (more precisely, if it is nearer to the north pole than the nearest point, K, of the horizon), as o-, it never sets, but remains continually above the horizon. Such a star is called a (northern) circumpolar star. On the other hand, less than half of the daily path of a star on the south side of the equator, as s', is above the horizon, and a star, such as o-', the distance of which from the north pole is greater than the distance of the farthest point, H, of the horizon, or which is nearer than H to the south pole, remains continually below the horizon. 10. A slight familiarity with the stars is enough to shew any one that the same stars are not always visible at ihc f FIG. 2. The paths of circumpolar stars, shewing their move- ment during seven hours. From a photograph by Mr. H. Pain. The thickest line is the path of the pole star. [To face p. 8. 9, io] The Daily Motion of the Celestial Sphere 9 same time of night. Rather more careful observation, carried out for a considerable time, is necessary in order to see that the aspect of the sky changes in a regular way from night to night, and that after the lapse of a year the same stars become again visible at the same time. The explanation of these changes as due to the motion of the sun on the celestial sphere is more difficult, and the FIG. 3. The circles orthe celestial sphere. unknown discoverer of this fact certainly made one of ihe most important steps in early astronomy. If an observer notices soon after sunset a star somewhere in the west, and looks for it again a few evenings later at about the same time, he finds it lower down and nearer to the sun ; a few evenings later still it is invisible, while its place has now been taken by some other star which was at first farther east in the sky. This star can in turn be observed to approach the sun evening by evening. Or if the stars visible after sunset low down in the east are to A Short History of Astronomy [CH. I. noticed a few days later, they are found to be higher up in the sky, and their place^ is taken by other stars at first too low down to be seen. Such observations of stars rising or setting about sunrise or sunset shewed to early observers that the stars were gradually changing their position with respect to the sun, or that the sun was changing its position with respect to the stars. The changes just described, coupled with the fact that the stars do not change their positions with respect to one another, shew that the stars as a whole perform their daily revolution rather more rapidly than the sun, and at such a rate that they gain on it one complete revolution in the course of the year. This can be expressed otherwise in the form that the stars, are all moving westward on the celestial sphere, relatively to the sun, so that stars on the east are continually approaching and those on the west continually receding from the sun. But, again, the same facts can be expressed with equal accuracy and greater simplicity if we regard the stars as fixed on the celestial sphere, and the sun as moving on it from west to east among them (that is, in the direction opposite to that of the daily motion), and at such a rate as to complete a circuit of the celestial sphere and to return to the same position after a year. This annual motion of the sun is, however, readily seen not to be merely a motion from west to east, for if so the sun would always rise and set at the same points of the horizon, as a star does, and its midday height in the sky and the time from sunrise to sunset would always be the same. We have already seen that if a. star lies on the equator half of its daily path is above the horizon, if the star is north of the equator more than half, and if south of the equator less than half; and what is true of a star is true for the same reason of any body sharing the daily motion of the celestial sphere. During the summer months therefore (March to September), when the day is longer than the night, and more than half of the sun's daily path is above the horizon, the sun must be north of the equator, and during the winter months (September to March) the sun must be south of the equator. The change in the sun's distance from the pole is also evident from the fact that in the winter n] The Annual Mo^on of the NORTH POLE months the sun is on the whole lower down in the sky than in silmmer, and that in particular its midday height is less. ii. The sun's path on the celestial sphere is therefore oblique to the equator, lying partly on one side of it and partly on the other. A good deal of careful observation of the kind we have been describing must, however, have been necessary before it was ascertained that the sun'/, annual path on the celestial sphere (see fig. 4) is a great circle (that is, a circle having its centre at the centre of the sphere). This great circle is now called the ecliptic (because eclipses take place only when the moon is in or near it), and the angle at which it cuts the equator is called the obliquity of the ecliptic. The Chinese claim to have measured the obliquity in 1 100 B.C., and to have found the remarkably accurate value 23 52' (cf. chapter n., 35). The truth of this statement may reasonably be doubted, but on the other hand the statement of some late Greek writers that either Pythagoras or Anaximander (6th century EC.) was the first to discover the obliquity of the ecliptic is almost certainly wrong. It must have been known with reasonable accuracy to both Chaldaeans and Egyptians long before. When the sun crosses the equator the day is equal to the night, and the times when this occurs are con- sequently known as the equinoxes, the vernal equi- nox occurring when the sun crosses the equator from south to north (about March 2ist), and the autumnal equinox when it crosses back (about September 23rd). The points on the celestial sphere where the sun crosses the equator (A, c in fig. 4), i.e. where ecliptic and equator cross one another, are called the equinoctial points, occasionally also the equinoxes. After the vernal equinox the eu.i in its path along the SOUTH POLE FIG. 4. The equator and the ecliptic./' 12 A Short History of Astronomy [CM. t. ecliptic recedes from the equator towards the north, until it reaches, about three months afterwards, its greatest distance from the equator, and then approaches the equator again. The time when the sun is at its greatest distance from the equator on the north side is called the summer solstice, because then the northward motion of the sun is arrested and it temporarily appears to stand still. Similarly the sun is at its greatest distance from the equator towards the south at the winter solstice. The points on the ecliptic (B, D in fig. 4) where the sun is at the solstices are called the solstitial points, and are half-way between the equinoctial points. 12. The earliest observers probably noticed particular groups of stars remarkable for their form or for the presence of bright stars among them, and occupied their fancy by tracing resemblances between them and familiar objects, etc. We have thus at a very early period a rough attempt at dividing the stars into groups called constellations and at naming the latter. In some cases the stars regarded as belonging to a con- stellation form a well-marked group on the sky, sufficiently separated from other stars to be conveniently classed together, although the resemblance which the group bears to the object after which it is named is often very slight. The seven bright stars of the Great Bear, for example, form a group which any observer would very soon notice and naturally make into a constellation, but the resemblance to a bear of these and the fainter stars of the constellation is sufficiently remote (see fig. 5), and as a matter of fact this part of the Bear has also been called a Waggon and is in America familiarly known as the Dipper ; another constellation has sometimes been called the Lyre and sometimes also the Vulture. In very many cases the choice of stars seems to have been made in such an arbitrary manner, as to suggest that some fanciful figure was first imagined and that stars were then selected so as to represent it in some rough sort of way. In fact, as Sir John Herschel remarks, " The constellations seem to have been purposely named and delineated to cause as much confusion and inconvenience as possible. Innumerable snakes twine through long and contorted areas of the heavens where no , X $; i2, i 3 ] The Constellations: the Zodiac 13 memory can follow them ; bears, lions, and fishes, large and small, confuse all nomenclature." (Outlines of Astronomy^ 3 T -) The constellations as we now have them are, with the exception of a certain number (chiefly in the southern skies) which have been added in modern times, substantially those which existed in early Greek astronomy ; and such information as we possess of the Chaldaean and Egyptian constellations shews resemblances indicating that the Greeks borrowed some of them. The names, as far as they are not those of animals or common objects (Bear, Serpent, Lyre, etc.), are largely taken from characters in the Greek mythology (Hercules, Perseus, Orion, etc.). The con- stellation Berenice's Hair, named after an Egyptian queen of the 3rd century B.C., is one of the few which com- memorate a historical personage.* 13. Among the constellations which first received names were those through which the sun passes in its annual circuit of the celestial sphere, that is those through which the ecliptic passes. The moon's monthly path is also a great circle, never differing very much from the ecliptic, and the paths of the planets ( 14) are such that they also are never far from the ecliptic. Consequently the sun, the moon, and the five planets were always to be found within a region of the sky extending about 8 on each side of the ecliptic. This strip of the celestial sphere was called the zodiac, because the constellations in it were (with one exception) named after living things (Greek <3ov, an animal) ; it was divided into twelve equal parts, the signs of the zodiac, through one of which the sun passed every month, so that the position of the sun at any time could be roughly described by stating in what " sign " it was. The stars in ench " sign " were formed into a constellation, the " sign " and the constellation each receiving the same name. Thus * I have made no attempt either here or elsewhere to describe the constellations and their positions, as I believe such verbal descrip- tions to be almost useless. For a beginner who wishes to become familiar with them the best plan is to get some better informed friend to point out a few of the more conspicuous ones, in different parts of the sky. Others can then be readily added by means of a star-atlas, or of the star-maps given in many textbooks. 14 A Short History of Astronomy arose twelve zodiacal constellations, the nam.s of which have come down to us with unimportant changes from early Greek times.* Owing, however, to an alteration of the position of . the equator, and consequently of the equinoctial points, the sign Aries, which was defined by Hipparchus in the second century B.C. (see chapter n., 42) as beginning at the vernal equinoctial point, no longer contains the constellation Aries, but the preceding one, Pisces ; and there is a corresponding change throughout the zodiac. The more precise numerical methods of modern astronomy have, however, rendered the signs of the zodiac almost obsolete ; but the first point of Aries ( r ), and the first point of Libra (==), are still the recognised names for the equinoctial points. In some cases individual stars also received special names, or were called after the part of the constellation in which they were situated, e.g. Sirius, the Eye of the Bull, the Heart of the Lion, etc. ; but the majority of the present names of single stars are of Arabic origin (chapter in., 64). 14. We have seen that the stars, as a whole, retain invariable positions on the celestial sphere,t whereas the sun and moon change their positions. It was, however, discovered in prehistoric times that five bodies, at first sight barely distinguishable from the other stars, also changed their places. These five Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn with the sun and moon, were called planets, \ or wanderers, as distinguished from the fixed stars. * The names, in the customary Latin forms, are : Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn us, Aquarius, and Pisces ; they are easily remembered by the doggerel verses : The Ram, the Bull, the Heavenly Twins, And next the Crab, the Lion shines, The Virgin and the Scales, The Scorpion, Archer, and He-Goat, The Man that bears the Watering-pot, And Fish with glittering tails. f This statement leaves out of account small motions nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye, some of which are among the most interesting discoveries of telescopic astronomy ; see, for example, chapter x., 207-215. \ The custom of calling the sun and moon planets has now died out, and the modern usage will be adopted henceforward in this book. M 14, 15] The Planets \ 5 Mercury is never seen except occasionally near the horizon just after sunset or before sunrise, and in a climate like ours requires a good deal of looking for ; and it is rather remarkable that no record of its discovery should exist. Venus is conspicuous as the Evening Star or as the Morning Star. The discovery of the identity of the Evening and Morning Stars is attributed to Pythagoras ,(6th century B.C.), but must almost certainly have been made earlier, though the Homeric poems contain references to both, without any indication of their identity. Jupiter is at times as conspicuous as Venus at her brightest, while Mars and Saturn, when well situated, rank with the brightest of the fixed stars. The paths of the planets on the celestial sphere are, as we have seen ( 13), never very far from the ecliptic ; but whereas the sun and moon move continuously along their paths from west to east, the motion of a planet is some- times from west to east, or direct, and sometimes from east to west, or retrograde. If we begin to watch a planet when it is moving eastwards among the stars, we find that after a time the motion becomes slower and slower, until the planet hardly seems to move at all, and then begins to move with gradually increasing speed in the opposite direction ; after a time this westward motion becomes slower and then ceases, and the planet then begins to move eastwards again, at first slowly and then faster, until it returns to its original condition, and the changes are repeated. When the planet is just reversing its motion it is said to be stationary, and its position then is called a stationary point. The time during which a planet's motion is retrograde is, however, always considerably less than that during which it is direct; Jupiter's motion, for example, is direct for about 39 weeks and retrograde for 17, while Mercury's direct motion lasts 13 or 14 weeks and the retro- grade motion only about 3 weeks (see figs. 6, 7). On the whole the planets advance from west to j^ast and describe circuits round the celestial sphere in periods which are different for each planet. The explanation of these irregu larities in the planetary motions was long one of the great difficulties of astronomy. .15. The idea that some of the heavenly bodies are i6 A Short History of Astronomy [CH. I. nearer to the earth than others must have been suggested by eclipses ( 17) and occultations, i.e. passages of the moon over a planet or fixed star. In this way the moon would be recognised as nearer than any of the other celestial bodies. No direct means being available for determining the distances, rapidity of motion was employed as a test of probable nearness! Now Saturn returnsTo' the same place among the stars in about 29^ years, Jupiter in 12 years, Mars in 2 years, the sun in one year, Venus in 225 2 SOS. 2 303 FIG. 6. The apparent path of Jupiter from Oct. 28, 1897, to Sept. 3, 1898. The dates printed in the diagram shew the positions of Jupiter. days, Mercury in 88 days, and the moon in 27 days; and this order was usually taken to be the order of distance, Saturn being the most distant, the moon the nearest. The stars being seen above us it was natural to think of the most distant celestial bodies as being the highest, and accordingly Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars being beyond the sun were called superior planets, as distinguished from the two inferior planets Venus and Mercury. This division corresponds also to a difference in the observed motions, as Venus and Mercury seem to accompany the sun in its > 16] The Measurement of Time 17 annual journey, being nevet more than about 47 and 29 respectively distant from it, on either side ; while the other planets are not thus restricted in their motions. 1 6. One of the purposes to which applications of astronomical knowledge was first applied was to the measurement of time. As the alternate appearance and disappearance of the sun, bringing wiih it light and heat, is the most obvious of astronomical facts, so the day is I H. 40m. 20 in. XI H * nu FIG. '/. The apparent path of Mercury from Aug. I to Oct. 3, 1898. The dates printed in capital letters shew the positions of the sun ; the other dates shew those of Mercury. the simplest unit of time.* Some of the early civilised nations divided the time from sunrise to sunset and also the night each into 12 equal hours. According to this arrangement a day-hour was in summer longer than a * It may be noted that our word " day " (and the corresponding word in other languages) is commonly used in two senses, either for the time between sunrise and sunset (day as distinguished from night), or for the whole period of 24 hours or day-and-night. The Greeks, however, used for the latter a special word, vvx^fJ^pov. 2 20m. 1 8 A Short History of Astronomy [CH. I. night-hour and in winter shorter, and the length of an hour varied during the year. At Babylon, for example, where this arrangement existed, the length of a day-hour was at midsummer about half as long again as in midwinter, and in London it would be about twice as long. It was there- fore a great improvement when the Greeks, in comparatively late times, divided the whole day into 24 equal hours. Other early nations divided the same period into 1 2 double hours, and others again into 60 hours. The next most obvious unit of time is the lunar month, or period during which the moon goes through her phases. A third independent unit is the year. Although the year is for ordinary life much more important than the month, yet as it is much longer and any one time of year is harder to recognise than a particular phase of the moon, the length of the year is more difficult to determine, and the earliest known systems of time-measurement were accordingly based on the month, not on the year. The month was found to be nearly equal to 29! days, and as a period consisting of an exact number of days was obviously con- venient for most ordinary purposes, months of 29 or 30 days were used, and subsequently the calendar was brought into closer accord with the moon by the use of months containing alternately 29 and 30 days (cf. chapter n., 19). Both Chaldaeans and Egyptians appear to have known that the year consisted of about 365^ days; and the latter, for whom the importance of the year was emphasised by the rising and falling of the Nile, were probably the first na'tion to use the year in preference to the month as a measure of time. They chose a year of 365 days. The origin of the week is quite different from that of the month or year, and rests on certain astrological ideas about the planets. To each hour of the day one of the seven planets (sun and moon included) was assigned as a " ruler," and each day named after the planet which ruled its first hour. The planets being taken in the order already given ( 15), Saturn ruled the first hour of the first day, and therefore also the 8th, i5th, and 22nd hours of the first day, the 5th, i2th, and igth of the second day, and so on ; Jupiter ruled the 2nd, 9th, i6th, and 23rd hours of the first day, and. subsequently the ist hour of 17] The Measurement of Time: Eclipses 19 the 6th day. In this way the first hours of successive days fell respectively to Saturn, the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus. The first three are easily recognised in our Saturday, Sunday, and Monday ; in the other days the names of the Roman gods have been replaced by their supposed Teutonic equivalents Mercury by Wodan, Mars by Thues, Jupiter by Thor, Venus by Freia.* ^vi;. Eclipses of the sun and moon must from very early times have excited great interest, mingled with superstitious terror, and the hope of acquiring some knowledge of them was probably an important stimulus to early astronomical work. That eclipses of the sun only take place at new moon, and those of the moon only at full moon, must have been noticed after very little observation ; that eclipses of the sun are caused by the passage of the moon in front of it must have been only a little less obvious ; but the discovery that eclipses of the moon are caused by the earth's shadow was probably made much later. In fact even in the time of Anaxagoras (5th century B.C.) the idea was so unfamiliar to the Athenian public as to be regarded as blasphemous. One of the most remarkable of the Chaldaean con- tributions to astronomy was the discovery (made at any rate several centuries B.C.) of the recurrence of eclipses after a period, known as the saros, consisting of 6,585 days (or eighteen of our years and ten or eleven days, according as five or four leap-years are included). It is probable that the discovery was made, not by calculations based on knowledge of the motions of the sun and moon, but by mere study of the dates on which eclipses were recorded to have taken place. As, however, an eclipse of the sun (unlike an eclipse of the moon) is only visible over a small part of the surface of the earth, and eclipses of the sun occurring at intervals of eighteen years are not generally visible at the same place, it is not at all easy to see how the Chaldaeans could have established their cycle for this case, nor is it in fact clear that the saros was supposed to apply to solar as well as to lunar eclipses. The saros may * Compare the French : Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi ; or better still the Italian : Martedi, Mercoledi, Giovedi, Venerdi. 2o A Short History of Astronomy [CH. I., 18 be illustrated in modern times by the eclipses of the sun which took place on July i8th, 1860, on July 29th, 1878, and on August pth, 1896 ; but the first was visible in Southern Europe, the second in North America, and the third in Northern Europe and Asia. 1 8. To the Chaldaeans may be assigned also the doubtful honour of having been among the first to develop astrology, the false science which has professed to ascertain the in- fluence of the stars on human affairs, to predict by celestial observations wars, famines, and pestilences, and to discover the fate of individuals from the positions of the stars at their birth. A belief in some form of astrology has always prevailed in oriental countries ; it flourished at times among the Greeks and the Romans ; it formed an important part of the thought of the Middle Ages, and is not even quite extinct among ourselves at the present day.* It should, however, be remembered that if the history of astrology is a painful one, owing to the numerous illustrations which it affords of human credulity and knavery, the belief in it has undoubtedly been a powerful stimulus to genuine astronomical study (cf. chapter in., 56, and chapter v., 99> I00 )- *. See, for example, Old Moore's or Zadkiels Almanack. CHAPTER II. GREEK ASTRONOMY. " The astronomer discovers that geometry, a pure abstraction of the human mind, is the measure of planetary motion." EMERSON. 19. IN the earlier period of Greek history one of the chief functions expected of astronomers was the proper regulation of the calendar. The Greeks, like earlier nations, began with a calendar based on the moon. In the time of Hesiod a year consisting of 12 months of 30 days was in common use ; at a later date a year made up of 6 full months of 30 days and 6 empty months of 29 days was introduced. To Solon is attributed the merit of having introduced at Athens, about 594 B.C., the practice of adding to every alternate year a " full " month. Thus a period of two years would contain 13 months of 30 days and 12 of 29 days, or 738 days in all, distributed among 25 months, giving, for the average length of the year and month, 369 days and about 29^ days respectively. This arrangement was further improved by the introduction, probably during the 5th century B.C., of the octaeteris, or eight-year cycle, in three of the years of which an additional " full " month was introduced, while the remaining years consisted as before of 6 " full " and 6 " empty " months. By this arrangement the average length of the year was reduced to 365! days, that of the month remaining nearly unchanged. As, however, the Greeks laid some stress on beginning the month when the new moon was first visible, it was necessary to make from time to time arbitrary alterations in the calendar, and considerable confusion 22 A Short History of Astronomy [Ca. 11. resulted, of which Aristophanes makes the Moon complain in his play The Clouds, acted in 423 B.C. : 44 Yet you will not mark your days As she bids you, but confuse them, jumbling them all sorts of ways. And, she says, the Gods in chorus shower reproaches on her head, When, in bitter disappointment, they go supperless to bed, Not obtaining festal banquets, duly on the festal day." 20. A little later, the astronomer Meton (born about 460 B.C.) made the discovery that the length of 19 years is very nearly equal to that of 235 lunar months (the difference being in fact less than a day), and he devised accordingly an arrangement of 12 years of 12 months and 7 of 13 months, 125 of the months in the whole cycle being "full" and the others "empty." Nearly a century later Callippus made a slight improvement, by substituting , I in every fourth period of 19 years a "full" month for one of n I the " empty " ones. Whether Meton's cycle, as it is called, was introduced for the civil calendar or not is uncertain, but if not it was used as a standard by reference to which the actual calendar was from time to time adjusted. The use of this cycle seems to have soon spread to other parts of Greece, and it is the basis of the present ecclesiastical rule for fixing Easter. The difficulty of ensuring satisfactory correspondence between the civil calendar and the actual motions of the sun and moon led to the practice of publish- ing from time to time tables (TrapaTn/y/xara) not unlike our modern almanacks, giving for a series of years the dates of the phases of the moon, and the rising and setting of some of the fixed stars, together with predictions of the weather. Owing to the same cause the early writers on agriculture (e.g. Hesiod) fixed the dates for agricultural operations, not by the calendar, but by the times of the rising and setting of constellations, i.e. the times when they first became visible before sunrise or were last visible immediately after sunset a practice which was continued long after the establishment of a fairly satisfactory calendar, and was apparently by no means extinct in the time of Galen (2nd century A.D.). 21. The Roman calendar was in early times even more confused than the Greek. There appears to have been 2022] The Greek and Roman Calendars 23 at one time a year of either 304 or 354 days ; tradition assigned to Numa the introduction of a cycle of four years, which brought the calendar into fair agreement with the sun, but made the average length of the month consider- ably too short. Instead, however, of introducing further refinements the Romans cut the knot by entrusting to the ecclesiastical authorities the adjustment of the calendar from time to time, so as to make it agree with the sun and moon. According to one account, the first day of each month was proclaimed by a crier. Owing either to ignorance, or, as was alleged, to politi- cal and commercial favouritism, the priests allowed the calendar to fall into a state of great confusion, so that, as Voltaire remarked, " les generaux remains triomphaient toujours, mais ils ne savaient pas quel jour ils triom- phaient." A satisfactory reform of the calendar was finally effected by Julius Caesar during the short period of his supremacy at Rome, under the advice of an Alexandrine astronomer Sosigenes. The error in the calendar had mounted up to such an extent, that it was found necessary, in order to correct it, to interpolate three additional months in a single year (46 B.C.), bringing the total number of days in that year up to 445. For the future the year was to be independent of the moon; the ordinary year was to consist of 365 days, #n extra day being added to Feb- ruary every fourth year (our leap-year), so that the average length of the year would be 365! days. The new system began with the year 45 B.C., and soon spread, under the name of the Julian Calendar, over the civilised world. 22. To avoid returning to the subject, it may be con- venient to deal here with the only later reform of any importance. The difference between' the average length of the year as fixed by Julius Caesar and the true year is so small as only to amount to about one day in 128 years. By the latter half of the i6th century the date of the vernal equinox was therefore about ten days earlier than it was at the time of the Council of Nice (A.D. 325), at which rules for the observance of Easter had been fixed. Pope 24 A Short History of Astronomy [CH. n. Gregory XIII. introduced therefore, in 1582, a slight change; ten days were omitted from that year, and it was arranged to omit for the future three leap-years in four centuries (viz. in 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, etc., the years 1600, 2000, 2400, etc., remaining leap-years). The Gregorian Calendar, or New Style, as it was commonly called, was not adopted in England till 1752, when n days had to be omitted; and has not yet been adopted in Russia and Greece, the dates there being now 12 days behind those of Western Europe. 23. While their oriental predecessors had confined themselves chiefly to astronomical observations, the earlier Greek philosophers appear to have made next to no observations of importance, and to have been far more interested in inquiring into causes of phenomena. Thales, the founder of the Ionian school, was credited by later writers with the introduction of Egyptian astronomy into Greece, at about the end of the 7th century B.C. ; but both Thales and the majority of his immediate successors appear to have added little or nothing to astronomy, except some rather vague speculations as to the form of the earth and its relation to the rest of the world. On the other hand, some real progress seems to have been made by ^L Pythagoras* and his followers. Pythagoras taught that the earth, in common with the heavenly bodies, is a sphere, and that it rests without requiring support in the middle of the universe. Whether he had any real evidence in support of these views is doubtful, but it is at any rate a reasonable conjecture that he knew the moon to be bright because the sun shines on it, and the phases to be caused by the greater or less amount of the illuminated half turned towards us ; and the curved form of the boundary between the bright and dark portions of the moon was correctly interpreted by him as evidence that the moon was spherical, and not a flat disc, as it appears at first sight. Analogy would then probably suggest that the earth also was spherical. However this may be, the belief in the spherical form of the earth never disappeared from * We have little definite knowledge of his life. He was born in the earlier part of the 6th century B.C., and died at the end of the e century or beginning of the next. M 23, 24] The Pythagoreans 25 Greek thought, and was in later times an established part of Greek systems, whence it has been handed down, almost unchanged, to modern times. This belief is thus 2,000 years older than the belief in the rotation of the earth and its revolution round the sun (chapter iv.), doctrines which we are sometimes inclined to couple with it as the foundations of modern astronomy. In Pythagoras occurs also, perhaps for the first time, an idea which had an extremely important influence on ancient and mediaeval astronomy. Not only were the stars supposed to be attached to a crystal sphere, which revolved daily on an axis through the earth, but each of the seven planets (the sun and moon being included) moved on a sphere of its own. The distances of these spheres from the earth were fixed in accordance with certain speculative notions of Pythagoras as to numbers and music ; hence the spheres as they revolved produced harmonious sounds which specially gifted persons might at times hear: this is the origin of the idea of the music of the spheres which recurs continually in mediaeval speculation and is found occasionally in modern literature. At a later stage these spheres of Pythagoras were developed into a scientific representation of the motions of the celestial bodies, which remained the basis of astronomy till the time of Kepler (chapter VIL). 24. The Pythagorean Philolaus, who lived about a century later than his master, introduced for the first time the idea of the motion of the earth : he appears to have regarded the earth, as well as the sun, moon, and five planets, as revolving round some central fire, the earth rotating on its own axis as it revolved, apparently in order to ensure that the central fire should always remain in- visible to the inhabitants of the known parts of the earth. That the scheme was a purely fanciful one, and entirely different from the modern doctrine of the motion of the earth, with which later writers confused it, is sufficiently shewn by the invention as part of the scheme of a purely imaginary body, the counter-earth (avrt^wi/), which brought the number of moving bodies up to ten, a sacred Pytha- gorean number. The suggestion of such an important idea as that of the motion of the earth, an idea so 26 A Short History of Astronomy [Cn. n. repugnant to uninstructed common sense, although presented in such a crude form, without any of the evidence required to win general assent, was, however, undoubtedly a valuable contribution to astronomical thought. It is well worth notice that Coppernicus in the great book which is the foundation of modern astronomy (chapter iv., 75) especi- ally quotes Philolaus and other Pythagoreans as authorities for his doctrine of the motion of the earth. Three other Pythagoreans, belonging to the end of the 6th century and to the 5th century B.C., Hicetas of Syracuse, Heraditus, and Ecphantus, are explicitly mentioned by later writers as having believed in the rotation of the earth. An obscure passage in one of Plato's dialogues (the Timaeus) has been interpreted by many ancient and modern commentators as implying a belief in the rotation of the earth, and Plutarch also tells us, partly on the authority of Theophrastus, that Plato in old age adopted the belief that the centre of the universe was not occupied by the earth but by some better body.* Almost the only scientific Greek astronomer who believed in the motion of the earth was Aristarchus of Samos, who lived in the first half of the 3rd century B.C., and is best known by his measurements of the distances of the sun and moon ( 32). He held that the sun and fixed stars were motionless, the sun being in the centre of the sphere on which the latter lay, and that the enrth not only rotated on its axis, but also described an orbit round the sun. Seleucus of Seleucia, who belonged to the middle of the 2nd century B.C., also held a similar opinion. Unfor- tunately we know nothing of the grounds of this belief in either case, and their views appear to have found little favour among their contemporaries or successors. It may also be mentioned in this connection that Aristotle ( 27) clearly realised that the apparent daily motion of the stars could be explained by a motion either of the stars or of the earth, but that he rejected the latter explanation. 25. Plato (about 428-347 B.C.) devoted no dialogue especially to astronomy, but made a good many references * Theophrastus was born about half a century, Plutarch nearly five centuries, later than Plato. $25,26] Aristarchns : Plato 27 to the subject in various places. He condemned any careful study of the actual celestial motions as degrading rather than elevating, and apparently regarded the subject as worthy of attention chiefly on account of its connection with geometry, and because the actual celestial motions suggested ideal motions of greater beauty and interest. This view of astronomy he contrasts with the popular conception, according to which the subject was useful chiefly for giving to the agriculturist, the navigator, and others a knowledge of times and seasons.* At the end of the same dialogue he gives a short account of the celestial bodies, according to which the sun, moon, planets, and fixed stars revolve on eight concentric and closely fitting wheels or circles round an axis passing through the earth. Beginning with the body nearest to the earth, the order is Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, stars. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are said to perform their revolutions in the same time, while the other planets move more slowly, statements which shew that Plato was at any rate aware that the motions of Venus and Mercury are different from those of the other planets. He also states that the moon shines by reflected light received from the sun. Plato is said to have suggested to his pupils as a worthy problem the explanation of the celestial motions by means of a combination of uniform circular or spherical motions. Anything like an accurate theory of the celestial motions, agreeing with actual observation, such as Hipparchus and Ptolemy afterwards constructed with fair success, would hardly seem to be in accordance with Plato's ideas of the true astronomy, but he may well have wished to see established some simple and harmonious geometrical scheme which would not be altogether at variance with known facts. 26. Acting to some extent on this idea of Plato's, Eudoxus of Cnidus (about 409-356 B.C.) attempted to explain the most obvious peculiarities of the celestial motions by means of a combination of uniform circular motions. He may be regarded as representative of the transition from speculative * Republic, VII. 529, 530. 28 A Short History of Astronomy [Cn. u. to scientific Greek astronomy. As in the schemes of several of his predecessors, the fixed stars lie on a sphere which revolves daily about an axis through the earth ; the motion of each of the other bodies is produced by a com- bination of other spheres, the centre of each sphere lying on the surface of the preceding one. For the sun and moon three spheres were in each case necessary : one to produce the daily motion, shared by all the celestial bodies ; one to produce the annual or monthly motion in the opposite direction along the ecliptic ; and a third, with its axis inclined to the axis of the preceding, to produce the smaller motion to and from the ecliptic. Eudoxus evidently was well aware that the moon's path is not coincident with the ecliptic, and even that its path is not always the same, but changes continuously, so that the third sphere was in this case necessary ; on the other hand, he could not possibly have been acquainted with the minute deviations of the sun from the ecliptic with which modern astronomy deals. Either therefore he used erroneous observations, or, as is more probable, the sun's third sphere was introduced to explain a purely imaginary motion con- jectured to exist by "analogy" with the known motion of the moon. For each of the five planets four spheres were necessary, the additional one serving to produce the variations in the speed of the motion and the reversal of the direction of motion along the ecliptic (chapter i., 14, and below, 51). Thus the celestial motions were to some extent explained by means of a system of 27 spheres, i for the stars, 6 for the sun and moon, 20 for the planets. There is no clear evidence that Eudoxus made any serious attempt to arrange either the size or the time of revolution of the spheres so as to produce any precise agreement with the observed motions of the celestial bodies, though he knew with considerable accuracy the time required by each planet to return to the same position with respect to the sun ; in other words, his scheme represented the celestial motions qualitatively but not quantitatively. On the other hand, there is no reason to suppose that Eudoxus regarded his spheres (with the possible exception of the sphere of the fixed stars) as material ; his known devotion to mathematics renders it probable that in his eyes (as in those of most of the $$ 2 7j 28] Eudoxus : Aristotle 29 scientific Greek astronomers who succeeded him) the spheres were mere geometrical figures, useful as a means of resolving highly complicated motions into simpler elements. Eudoxus was also the first Greek recorded to have had an observatory, which was at Cnidus, but we have few details as to the instruments used or as to the observa- tions made. We owe, however, to him the first systematic description of the constellations (see below, 42), though it was probably based, to a large extent, on rough observa- tions borrowed from his Greek predecessors or from the Egyptians. He was also an accomplished mathematician, and skilled in various other branches of learning. Shortly afterwards Callippus ( 20) further developed Eudoxus's scheme of revolving spheres by adding, for reasons not known to us, two spheres each for the sun and moon and one each for Venus, Mercury, and Mars, thus bringing the total number up to 34. '^27. We have a tolerably full account of the astronomical views of Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), both by means of inci- dental references, and by two treatises the Meteorologica and the De Coelo though another book of his, dealing specially with the subject, has unfortunately been lost. He adopted the planetary scheme of Eudoxus and Callippus, but imagined on " metaphysical grounds " that the spheres would have certain disturbing effects on one another, and to counteract these found it necessary to add 22 fresh spheres, making 56 in all. At the same time he treated the spheres as material bodies, thus converting an ingenious^and beautiful geometrical scheme into a confused mechanism.* Aristotle's spheres were, however, not adopted by the leading Greek astronomers who succeeded him, the systems of Hipparchus and Ptolemy being geometrical schemes based on ideas more like those of Eudoxus. 28. Aristotle, in common with other philosophers of his time, believed the heavens and the heavenly bodies to be spherical. In the case of the moon he supports this belief by the argument attributed to Pythagoras ( 23), namely that the observed appearances of the moon in its several * Confused, because the mechanical knowledge of the time was quite unequal to giving any explanation of the way in which these spheres acted on one another. A Short History of Astronomy [Cn. II. phases are those which would be assumed by a spherical tbody of which one half only is illuminated by the sun. 'Thus the visible portion of the moon is bounded by two planes passing nearly through its centre, perpendicular respectively to the lines joining the centre of the moon to those of the sun and earth. In the accompanying diagram, which represents a section through the centres of the sun FIG. 8. The phases of the moon. (s), earth (E), and moon (M), A B c D representing on a much enlarged scale a section of the moon itself, the portion DAB which is turned away from the sun is dark, while the portion ADC, being turned away from the observer on the earth, is in any case invisible to him. The part of the moon which appears bright is therefore that of which B c is a section, or the portion represented by F B G c in fig. 9 (which represents the complete moon), which consequently appears to the eye as bounded by a semicircle F c G, and a portion F B G of an oval curve (actually an ellipse). The breadth of this bright surface clearly varies with the relative positions of sun, moon, and earth ; so that in the course of a month, during which the moon assumes successively the positions relative to sun and earth represented by i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 in fig. 10, its appearances are those represented by the cor- responding numbers in fig. n, the moon thus passing FIG. 9. The phases of the moon. $ * 9 ] Aristotle : the Phases of the Moon 3 1 through the familiar phases of crescent, half full, gibbous, full moon, and gibbous, half full, crescent again.* C C> DIRECTION OF THE SUN c e< FIG. 10. The phases of the moon. Aristotle then argues that as one heavenly body is spherical, the others must be so also, and supports this conclusion by another argument, equally inconclusive to COOO3 1234567 FIG. II. The phases of the me on. us, that a spherical form is appropriate to bodies moving as the heavenly bodies appear to do. 29. His proofs that the earth is spherical are more in- teresting. After discussing and rejecting various other suggested forms, he points out that an eclipse of the moon is caused by the shadow of the earth cast by the sun, and * I have introduced here the familiar explanation of the phases of the moon, and the argument based on it for the spherical shape of the moon, because, although probably known before Aristotle, there is, as far as I know, no clear and definite statement of the matter in any earlier writer, and after his time it becomes an accepted part of Greek elementary astronomy. It may be noticed that the explanation is unaffected either by the question of the rotation of the earth or by that of its motion round the sun. 32 A Short History of Astronomy [Ca. n. argues from the circular form of the boundary of the shadow as seen on the face of the moon during the progress of the eclipse, or in a partial eclipse, that the earth must be spherical ; for otherwise it would cast a shadow of a dif- ferent shape. A second reason for the spherical form of the earth is that when we move north and south the stars change their positions with respect to the horizon, while some even disappear and fresh ones take their place. This shows that the direction of the stars has changed as com- pared with the observer's horizon; hence, the actual direction of the stars being imperceptibly affected by any motion of the observer on the earth, the horizons at two places, north and south of one another, are in different directions, and the earth is therefore curved. For B "^v^ v .5 example, if a star is visible to an observer at A (fig. 12), while to an observer at B it is at the same time invisible, i.e. hidden by the earth, the surface of the earth FIG. 12. The curvature of at A must be in a different direc- the earth. tion from that at B. Aristotle quotes further, in confirmation of the roundness of the earth, that travellers from the far East and the far West (practically India and Morocco) alike reported the presence of elephants, whence it may be inferred that the two regions in question are not very far apart. He also makes use of some rather obscure arguments of an a priori character. There can be but little doubt that the readiness with which Aristotle, as well as other Greeks, admitted the spherical form of the earth and of the heavenly bodies, was due to the affection which the Greeks always seem to have had for the circle and sphere as being " perfect," i.e. perfectly symmetrical figures. 30. Aristotle argues against the possibility of the revo- lution of the earth round the sun, on the ground that this motion, if it existed, ought to produce a corresponding apparent motion of the stars. We have here the first appearance of one of the most serious of the many objections ever brought against the belief in the motion of the earth, an objection really only finally disposed of during the $ so] Aristotle 33 present century by the discovery that such a motion of the stars can be seen in a few cases, though owing to the almost inconceivably great distance of the stars the motion is imperceptible except by extremely refined methods of observation (cf. chapter xin., 278, 279). The question of the distances of the several celestial bodies is also discussed, and Aristotle arrives at the conclusion that the planets are farther off than the sun and moon, supporting his view by his observation of an occultation of Mars by the moon (i.e. a passage of the moon in front of Mars), and by the fact that similar observations had been made in the case of other planets by Egyptians and Babylonians. It is, however, difficult to see why he placed the planets beyond the sun, as he must have known that the intense brilliancy of the sun renders planets invisible in its neigh- bourhood, and that no occultations of planets by the sun could really have been seen even if they had been reported to have taken place. He quotes also, as an opinion of " the mathematicians," that the stars must be at least nine times as far off as the sun. There are also in Aristotle's writings a number of astro- nomical speculations, founded on no solid evidence and of little value ; thus among other questions he discusses the nature of comets, of the Milky Way, and of the stars, why the stars twinkle, and the causes which produce the various celestial motions. In astronomy, as in other subjects, Aristotle appears to have collected and systematised the best knowledge of the time ; but his original contributions are not only not comparable with his contributions to the mental and moral sciences, but are inferior in value to his work in other natural sciences, e.g. Natural History. Unfortunately the Greek astronomy of his time, still in an undeveloped state, was as it were crystallised in his writings, and his great authority was invoked, centuries afterwards, by comparatively unintelligent or ignorant disciples in support of doctrines which were plausible enough in his time, but which subse- quent research was shewing to be untenable. The advice which he gives to his readers at the beginning of his ex- position of the planetary motions, to compare his views with those which they arrived at themselves or met with 34 ^ Short History of Astronomy [Ca. II. elsewhere, might with advantage have been noted and followed by many of the so-called Aristotelians of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance.* s 31. After the time of Aristotle the centre of Greek ^/scientific thought moved to Alexandria. Founded by Alexander the Great (who was for a time a pupil of Aristotle) in 332 B.C., Alexandria was the capital of Egypt during the reigns of the successive Ptolemies. These kings, especially the second of them, surnamed Phila- delphos, were patrons of learning ; they founded the famous Museum, which contained a magnificent library as well as an observatory, and Alexandria soon became the home of a distinguished body of mathematicians and astronomers. During the next five centuries the only astronomers of importance, with the great exception of Hipparchus ( 37), were Alexandrines. 32. Among the earlier members of the Alexandrine school were Aristarchus of Samos, Aristyllus, and Timo- charis, three nearly contemporary astronomers belonging FIG. 13. The method of Aristarchus for comparing the distances of the sun and moon. to the first half of the 3rd century B.C. The views of Aristarchus on the motion of the earth have already been mentioned (24). A treatise of his On the Magnitudes and Distances of the Sun and Moon is still extant : he there gives an extremely ingenious method for ascertaining the comparative distances of the sun and moon. If, in the figure, E, s, and M denote respectively the centres of the earth, sun, and moon, the moon evidently appears to an observer at E half full when the angle E M s is a right angle. If when this is the case the angular distance between the centres of the sun and moon, i.e. the angle M E s, is measured, two angles of the triangle M E s are * See, for example, the account of Galilei's controversies, in chapter vi. $ si, aa] Aristarchus 35 known ; its shape is therefore completely determined, and the ratio of its sides EM, E s can be calculated without much difficulty. In fact, it being known (by a well-known result in elementary geometry) that the angles at E and s are together equal to a right angle, the angle at s is obtained by subtracting the angle s E M from a right angle. Aristarchus made the angle at s about 3, and hence calculated that the distance of the sun was from 1 8 to 20 times that of the moon, whereas, in fact, the sun is about 400 times as distant as the moon. The enormous error is due to the difficulty of determining with sufficient accuracy the moment when the moon is half full : the boundary separating the bright and dark parts of the moon's face is in reality (owing to the irregularities on the surface of the moon) an ill- defined and broken line (cf. fig. 53 and the frontispiece), so that the observation on which Aristarchus based his work could not have been made with any accuracy even with our modern instruments, much less with those available in his time. Aristarchus further estimated the apparent sizes of the sun and moon to be about equal (as is shewn, for example, at an eclipse of the sun, when the moon sometimes rather more than hides the surface of the sun and sometimes does not quite cover it), and inferred correctly that the real diameters of the sun and moon were in proportion to their distances. By a method based on eclipse observations which was afterwards developed by Hipparchus ( 41), he also found that the diameter of the moon was about -3- that of the earth, a result very near to the truth ; and the same method supplied data from which the distance of the moon could at once have been expressed in terms of the radius of the earth, but his work was spoilt at this point by a grossly inaccurate estimate of the apparent size of the moon (2 instead of |), and his conclusions seem to contradict one another. He appears also to have believed the dis- tance of the fixed stars to be immeasurably great as compared with that of the sun. Both his speculative opinions and his actual results mark therefore a decided -^advance in astronomy. Timocharis and Aristyllus were the first to ascertain and to record the positions of the chief stars, by means of numerical measurements of their distances from fixed A Short History of Astronomy [Cn. IL positions on the sky ; they may thus be regarded as the authors of the first real star catalogue, earlier astronomers having only attempted to fix the position of the stars by more or less vague verbal descriptions. They also made a number of valuable observations of the planets, the sun, etc., of which succeeding astronomers, notably Hipparchus and Ptolemy, were able to make good use. 33. Among the important contributions of the Greeks to astronomy must be placed the development, chiefly from the mathematical point of view, of the consequences of the rotation of the celestial sphere and of some of the simpler motions of the celestial bodies, a development the indi- vidual steps of which it is difficult to trace. We have, FIG. 14. The equator and the ecliptic. however, a series of minor treatises or textbooks, written for the most part during the Alexandrine period, dealing with this branch of the subject (known generally as Spherics, or the Doctrine of the Sphere), of which the Phenomena of the famous geometer Euclid (about 300 B.C.) is a good example. In addition to the points and circles of the sphere already mentioned (chapter i., 8-n), we now find explicitly recognised the horizon, or the great circle in which a horizontal plane through the observer meets the celestial sphere, and its pole,* the zenith,f or * The poles of a great circle on a sphere are the ends of a diameter perpendicular to the plane of the great circle. Every point on the great circle is at the same distance, 90, from each pole. f The word "zenith " is Arabic, not Greek : cf. chapter in., 64. ** 33-351 Spherics 37 point on the celestial sphere vertically above the observer ; the verticals, or great circles through the zenith, meeting the horizon at right angles ; and the declination circles, which pass through the north and south poles and cut the equator at right angles. Another important great circle was the meridian, passing through the zenith and the poles. The well-known Milky Way had been noticed, and was regarded as forming another great circle. There are also traces of the two chief methods in common use at the present day of indicating the position of a star on the celestial sphere, namely, by reference either to the equator or to the ecliptic. If through a star s we draw on the sphere a portion of a great circle s N, cutting the ecliptic r N at right angles in N, and another great circle (a declination circle) cutting the equator at M, and if T be the first point of Aries ( 13), where the ecliptic crosses the equator, then the position of the star is completely defined either by the lengths of the arcs r N, N s, which are called the celestial longitude and latitude respectively, or by the arcs r M, M s, called respectively the right ascension and declination.* For some purposes it is more convenient to find the position of the star by the first method, i.e. by reference to the ecliptic ; for other purposes in the second way, by making use of the equator. 34. One of the applications of Spherics was to the con- struction of sun-dials, which were supposed to have been originally introduced into Greece from Babylon, but which were much improved by the Greeks, and extensively used both in Greek and in mediaeval times. The proper gradua- tion of sun-dials placed in various positions, horizontal, vertical, and oblique, required considerable mathematical skill. Much attention was also given to the time of the rising and setting of the various constellations, and to similar questions. 35. The discovery of the spherical form of the earth led to a scientific treatment of the differences between the seasons in different parts of the earth, and to a correspond- ing division of the earth into zones. We have already seen that the height of the pole above the horizon varies in * Most of these names are not Greek, but of later origin. A Short History of Astronomy [CH. II. different places, and that it was recognised that, if a traveller were to go far enough north, he would find the pole to coincide with the zenith, whereas by going south he would reach a region (not very far beyond the limits of actual Greek travel) where the pole would be on the horizon and the equator consequently pass through the zenith ; in regions still farther south the north pole would be per- manently invisible, and the south pole would appear above the horizon. Further, if in the figure H E K w represents the horizon, meeting the equator Q E R w in the east and west points E w, and the meridian H Q z p K in the south and north points H and K, z being the zenith and P the pole, then it is easily seen that Q z is equal to P K, the height of the pole above the horizon. Any celestial body, there- fore, the distance of which from the equator towards the north (declination) is less than p K, will cross the meridian to the south of the zenith, whereas if its declination be greater than p K, it will cross to the north of the zenith. Now the greatest distance of the sun from the equator is equal to the angle between the ecliptic and the equator, or about 23^. Consequently at places at which the. height of the pole is less than 23! the sun will, during part of the year, cast shadows at midday towards the south. This was known actually to be the case not very far south of Alexandria. It was similarly recog- nised that on the other 'side of the equator there must be a region in which the sun ordinarily cast shadows towards the south, but occasionally towards the north. These two regions are the torrid zones of modern geographers. Again, if the distance of the sun from the equator is 23 |, its distance from the pole is 66^; therefore in regions so far north that the height p K of the north pole FIG. 15. The equator, the horizon, and the meridian. 3 6] The Measurement of the Earth 39 is more than 66 1, the sun passes in summer into the region of the circumpolar stars which never set (chapter i., 9), and therefore during a portion of the summer the sun remains continuously above the horizon. Similarly in the same regions the sun is in winter so near the south pole that for a time it remains continuously below the horizon. Regions in which this occurs (our Arctic regions) were unknown to Greek travellers, but their existence was clearly indicated by the astronomers. 36. To Eratosthenes (276 B.C. to 195 or 196 B.C.), another member of the Alexandrine school, we owe one of the first scientific estimates of the size of the earth. He found FIG. 1 6. The measurement ot the earth. that at the summer solstice the angular distance of the sun from the zenith at Alexandria was at midday J^th of a complete circumference, or about 7, whereas at Syene in Upper Egypt the sun was known to be vertical at the same time. From this he inferred, assuming Syene to be due south of Alexandria, that the distance from Syene to Alexandria was also ^th of the circumference of the earth. Thus if in the figure s denotes the sun, A and B Alexandria and Syene respectively, c the centre of the earth, and A z the direction of the zenith at Alexandria, Eratosthenes estimated the angle s A z, which, owing to the great distance of s, is sensibly equal to the angle s c A, to be 7, and hence inferred that the arc A B was to the circumference of the earth in the proportion of 7 to 360 or i to 50. The distance between Alexandria and Syene 40 A Short History of Astronomy ecu. 11 being known to be 5,000 stadia, Eratosthenes thus arrived at 250,000 stadia as an estimate of the circumference of the earth, a number altered into 252,000 in order to give an exact number of stadia (700) for each degree on the earth. It is evident that the data employed were rough, though the principle of the method is perfectly sound ; it is, however, difficult to estimate the correctness of the result on account of the uncertainty as to the value of the stadium used. If, as seems probable, it was the common Olympic stadium, the result is about 20 per cent. too great, but according Jo another interpretation * the result is less than i per cent, in error (cf. chapter x., 221). Another measurement due to Eratosthenes was 'that of the obliquity of the ecliptic, which he estimated at f of a right angle, or 23 51', the error in which is only about 7'. 37. An immense advance in astronomy was made by ffipparchuSy whom all competent critics have agreed to rank far above any other astronomer of the ancient world, and who must stand side by side with the greatest astro- nomers of all time. Unfortunately only one unimportant book of his has been preserved, and our knowledge of his work is derived almost entirely from the writings of his great admirer and disciple Ptolemy, who lived nearly three centuries later ( 46 seqq.\ We have also scarcely any information about his life. He was born either at Nicaea in Bithynia or in Rhodes, in? which island he erected an observatory and did most of his work. There is no evidence that he belonged to the Alexandrine school, though he probably visited Alexandria and may have made some observations there. Ptolemy mentions observations made by him in 146 B.C., 126 B.C., and at many inter- mediate dates, as well as a rather doubtful one of 161 B.C. The period of his greatest activity must therefore have been about the middle of the 2nd century B.C. Apart from individual astronomical discoveries, his chief services to astronomy may be put under four heads. He invented or greatly developed a special branch of mathe- * That of M. Paul Tannery : Recherches sur VHistoire de V Astro- nomic Ancienne, chap. v. 5 37, 38] Hipparchus 41 matics,* which enabled processes of numerical calculation to be applied to geometrical figures, whether in a plane or on a sphere.,? -He made an extensive series of observations, taken with all the accuracy that his instruments would permit^.- He systematically and critically made use of old observations for comparison with later ones so as to discover astronomical changes too slow to be detected within a single lifetime. Finally, he systematically employed a particular geometrical scheme (that of eccentrics, and to a less extent that of epicycles) for the representation of the motions of the sun and moon. 38. The merit of suggesting that the motions of the heavenly bodies could be represented more simply by com- binations of uniform circular motions than by the revolv- ing spheres of Eudoxus and his school ( 26) is generally attributed to the great Alexandrine mathematician Apol- lonius of Perga, who lived in the latter half of the 3rd century B.C., but there is no clear evidence that he worked out a system in any detail. On account of the important part that this idea played in astronomy for nearly 2,000 years, it may be worth while to examine in some detail Hipparchus's theory of the sun, the simplest and most successful application of the idea. We have already seen (chapter i., 10) that, in addition to the daily motion (from east to west) which it shares with the rest of the celestial bodies, and of which we need here take no further account, the sun has also an annual motion on the celestial sphere in the reverse direction (from west to east) in a path oblique to the equator, which was early recognised as a great circle, called the ecliptic. It must be remembered further that the celestial sphere, on which the sun appears to lie, is a mere geometrical fiction introduced for convenience ; all that direct observation gives is the change in the sun's direction, and therefore the sun may consistently be supposed to move in such a way as to vary its distance from the earth in any arbitrary manner, provided only that the alterations in the apparent size of the sun, caused by the variations in its distance, agree with those observed, or that at any rate the differences * Trigonometry. 42 A Short Plistory of Astronomy [Cn. It. are not great enough to be perceptible. It was, moreover, known (probably long before the time of Hipparchus) that the sun's apparent motion in the ecliptic is not quite uniform, the motion at some times of the year being slightly more rapid than at others. Supposing that we had such a complete set of observa- tions of the motion of the sun, that we knew its position from day to day, how should we set to work to record and describe its motion ? For practical purposes nothing could be more satisfactory than the method adopted in our almanacks, of giving from day to day the position of the sun ; after observations extending over a few years it would not be difficult to verify that the motion of the sun is (after allowing for the irregularities of our calendar) from year to year the same, and to predict in this way the place of the sun from day to day in future years. But it is clear that such a description would not only be long, but would be felt as unsatisfactory by any one who approached the question from the point of view of intellectual curiosity or scientific interest. Such a person would feel that these detailed facts ought to be capable of being exhibited as consequences of some simpler general statement. A modern astronomer would effect this by expressing the motion of the sun by means of an algebraical formula, i.e. he would represent the velocity of the sun or its distance from some fixed point in its path by some symbolic expression representing a quantity undergoing changes with the time in a certain definite way, and enabling an expert to compute with ease the required position of the sun at any assigned instant.* ,/The Greeks, however, had not the requisite algebraical knowledge for such a method of representation, and Hip- parchus, like his predecessors, made use of a geometrical * The process may be worth illustrating by means of a simpler problem. A heavy body, falling freely under gravity, is found (the resistance of the air being allowed for) to fall about 16 feet in I second, 64 feet in 2 seconds, 144 feet in 3 seconds, 256 feet in 4 seconds, 400 feet in 5 seconds, and so on. This series of figures carried on as far as may be required would satisfy practical re- quirements, supplemented if desired by the corresponding figures for fractions of seconds; but the mathematician represents the same $ 39) Hipparchus 43 representation of the required variations in the sun's motion in the ecliptic, a method of representation which is in some respects more intelligible and vivid than the use of algebra, but which becomes unmanageable in complicated cases. It runs moreover the risk of being taken for a mechanism. The circle, being the simplest curve known, would naturally be thought of, and as any motion other than a uniform motion would itself require a special representation, the idea of Apollonius, adopted by Hipparchus, was to devise a proper combination of uniform circular motions. 39. The simplest device that was found to be satisfactory in the case of the sun was the use of the eccentric, i.e. a circle the centre of which (c) does not coincide with the position of the observer on the earth (E). If in fig. 17 a point, s, describes the eccentric circle A F G B uniformly, so that it always passes over equal arcs of the circle in equal times and the angle ACS increases uniformly, then it is evident that the angle A E s, or the apparent distance of s from A, does not increase uniformly. When s is near the point A, which is farthest from the earth and hence called the apogee^ it appears on account of its greater distance from the observer to move more slowly than when near F or G ; and it appears to move fastest when near B, the point nearest to E, hence called the perigee. Thus the motion of s varies in the same sort of way as~the motion of the sun as actually observed. Before, however, the eccentric could be considered as satisfactory, it was neces- sary to show that it was possible to choose the direction of the line B E c A (the line of apses) which determines the positions of the sun when moving fastest and when moving most slowly, and the magnitude of the ratio of E c to the radius c A of the circle (the eccentricity), so as to make the calculated positions of the sun in various parts of its path differ from "the observed positions at the corresponding facts more simply and in a way more satisfactory to the mind by the formula s = 16 t-, where s denotes the number of feet fallen, and / the number of seconds. By giving t any assigned value, the corresponding space fallen through is at once obtained. Similarly the motion of the sun can be represented approximately by the more complicated formula / = nt + 2 e sin nt, where / is the distance from a fixed point in the orbit, t the time, and n t e certain numerical quantities. 44 -A Short History of Astronomy [Ca. 11. times of year by quantities so small that they might fairly be attributed to errors of observation. This problem was much more difficult than might at first sight appear, on account of the great difficulty experienced in Greek times and long afterwards in getting satisfactory observations of the sun. As the sun and stars are not visible at the same time, it is not possible to measure directly the distance of the sun from neighbouring stars and so to fix its place on the celestial sphere. But it FIG. 17. The eccentric. is possible, by measuring the length of the shadow cast by a rod at midday, to ascertain with fair accuracy the height of the sun above the horizon, and hence to deduce its distance from the equator, or the declination (figs. 3, 14). This one quantity does not suffice to fix the sun's position, but if also the sun's right ascension ( 33), or its distance east and- west from the stars, can be accurately ascertained, its place on the celestial sphere is completely determined. The methods available for determining this second quantity were, however, very imperfect. One method was to note the time between the passage of the sun across some fixed position in the sky (e.g. the meridian), and the passage of 39] Hipparchus 45 a star across the same place, and thus to ascertain the angular distance between them (the celestial sphere being known to turn through 15 in an hour), a method which with modern clocks is extremely accurate, but with the rough water-clocks or sand-glasses of former times was very uncertain. In another method the moon was used as a connecting link between sun and stars, her position relative FIG. 1 8. The position of the sun's apogee. to the latter being observed by night, and with respect to the former by day ; but owing to the rapid motion of the moon in the interval between the two observations, this method also was not susceptible of much accuracy. /In the case of the particular problem of the deter- mination of the line of apses, Hipparchus made use of another method, and his skill is shewn in a striking manner by his recognition that both the eccentricity and position of the apse line could be determined from a knowledge of 46 A Short History of Astronomy [Cn. n. the lengths of two of the seasons of the year, i.e. of the intervals into which the year is divided by the solstices and the equinoxes ( n). By means of his own observa- tions, and of others made by his predecessors, he ascer- tained the length of the spring (from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice) to be 94 days, and that of the summer (summer solstice to autumnal equinox) to be 92^ days, the length of the year being 365^ days. As the sun moves in each season through the same angular distance, a rign't angle, and as the spring and summer make together more than half the year, and the spring is longer than the summer, it follows that the sun must, on the whole, be moving more slowly during the spring than in any other season, and that it must therefore pass through the apogee in the spring. J} If, ' therefore, in fig. t8, we draw two perpendicular lines Q E s, P E R to represent the directions of the sun at the solstices and equinoxes, P corresponding to the vernal equinox and R to the autumnal equinox, the apogee must lie at some point A between P and Q. So much can be seen without any mathematics : the actual calculation of the position of A and of the eccentricity is a matter of 'some complexity. The angle PEA was found to be about 65, so that the sun would pass through its apogee about the beginning of June ; and the eccentricity was estimated at ^ T . The motion being thus represented geometrically, it became merely a matter of not very difficult calculation to construct a table from which the position of the sun for any day in the year could be easily deduced. This was done by computing the so-called equation of the centre, the angle c s E of fig. 17, which is the excess of the actual longitude of the sun over the longitude which it would have had if moving uniformly. Owing to the imperfection of the observations used (Hipparchus estimated that the times of the equinoxes and solstices could only be relied upon to within about half a day), the actual results obtained were not, according to modern ideas, very accurate, but the theory represented the sun's motion with an accuracy about as great as that of the observations. It is worth noticing that with the same theory, but with an improved value of the eccentricity, Hipparchus 47 the motion of the sun can be represented so accurately that the error never exceeds about i', a quantity insensible to the naked eye. The theory of Hipparchus represents the variations in the distance of the sun with much less accuracy, and \\hereas in fact the angular diameter of the sun varies by about ^th part of itself, or by about i' in the course of the year, this variation according to Hipparchus should be about twice as great. But this error would also have been quite imperceptible with his instruments. - Hipparchus saw that the motion of the sun could equally well be represented by the other device suggested by Apollonius, ( the epi- cycle, The body the motion of which 'is to be represented is supposed to move uniformly round the circumference / of one circle, called the / epicycle, the centre of J which in turn moves on * another circle called the \ deferent. It is in fact ' evident that if a circle equal to the eccentric, but with its centre at E (fig. 19), be taken as FIG. 19. The epicycle and the deferent, the deferent, and if s' be taken on this so that E s' is parallel to c s, then s' s is parallel and equal to E c ; and that therefore the sun s, moving uniformly on the eccentric, may equally well be regarded as lying on a circle of radius s' S, the centre s' of which moves on the deferent. The two constructions lead in fact in this particular problem to exactly the same result, and Hipparchus chose the eccentric as being the simpler. 40. The motion of the moon being much more com- plicated than that of the sun has always presented difficulties to astronomers,* and Hipparchus required for it a more elaborate construction. Some further description of the * At the present time there is still a small discrepancy between the observed and calculated places of the moon. See chapter xin., 290. 48 A Short History of Astronomy [CH. n. moon's motion is, however, necessary before discussing his theory. We have already spoken (chapter i., 16) of the lunar month as the period during which the moon returns to the same position with respect to the sun ; more precisely this period (about .29! days) is spoken of as a lunation or vjsynodic monthy; as, however, the sun moves eastward on the celestial sphere like the moon but more slowly, the moon returns to the same position with respect to the stars in a somewhat shorter time ; this periqd (about 27 days 8 hours) is known as thevsidereal month.) Mgain, the moon's path on the celestial sphere is slightly/inclined to the ecliptic, and may be regarded approximately as a great circle cutting the ecliptic in two nodes, at an angle which Hipparchus was probably the first to fix definitely at about 5. Moreover, the moon's path is always changing in such a way that, the inclination to the ecliptic remaining nearly constant (but cf. chapter v., in), the nodes move slowly backwards (from east to west) along the ecliptic, performing a complete revolution in about 19 years. It is therefore convenient to give a special name, Vthe draconitic month,^jto the period (about 27 days 5 hours) during which the moon returns to the same position with respect to the nodes. Again, the motion of the moon, like that of the sun, is not uniform, the variations being greater than in the case of the sun. Hipparchus appears to have been the first to discover that the part of the moon's path in which the motion is most rapid is not always in the same position on the celestial sphere, but moves continuously ; or, in other words, that the line of apses ( 39) of the moon's path moves. The motion is an advance, and a complete circuit is described in about nine years. Hence arises a fourth kind of month, the anomalistic month, which is the period in which the moon returns to apogee or perigee. To Hipparchus is due the credit of fixing with greater * The name is interesting as a remnant of a very early supersti- tion. Eclipses, which always occur near the nodes, were at one time supposed to be caused by a dragon which devoured the sun or moon. The symbols 8