ONTARIO GAME AND FISH COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. PAINTED ST ORDER OF TEE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLE. TORONTO: PRINTED BY WARWICK & SONS, 68 AND 70 FRONT STREET WEST, 1892. "o 6 fc End of hatching time. Time when all young are strong on wing. Arrive. Depart. V . Sharp Tailed Grouse QUAIL TURKEY WOODCOCK SNIPE : Common or \Vilson 's Pectoral Sandpiper or Jack Snipe. Redbreasted RAIL: Sora or Carolina King Virginia PLOVER : Golden Tell Tale or Greater Yellow Shanks Lesser Yellow Shanks Curlew SWAN: Whistling GEESE : Brant Canada Snow DUCKS : Gad wall Redhead ... Black Pintail Mallard Shoveller or Spoonbill Canvasback Blue Winged Teal Green Winged Teal American (i olden Eye American Widgeon Buffle Headed . . Wood Duck Scaup or Blue Bill Ruddy Duck Coween or Long tailed Scoter NOTE 1. Place a cross x before the name of any bird which should not be marketed or sold. NOTE 2. Placs a square |~| after the name of any bird which should not be exported. NOTE 3. Place a line under the name of any bird which should not be imported except under a high duty. NOTE 4. Make remarks on back if there is not room enough in column. 19 :>. If you are opposed to the marketing of any of the foregoing birds, state which and why. Answer 4. If opposed to the exportation of any, state which and why. Answer 5. If opposed to the unrestricted importation of any, state which and why. Answer 6. Should the marketing or sale of game birds be strictly limited to the shooting season ? Answer; 7. What are your reasons for the foregoing reply ? Answer 8. Should a certain time after the close season begins be allowed to dealers for sale of their stock ? If so, how many days ? Answer 9. Should the killing of wild turkeys be prohibited 1 If so, for how many years ? Answer 10. The present close seasons are: Grouse, \ Pheasant, Prairie Fowl, f January 1st to September 1st. Partridge, | ' j December 15th to October 15th of the following year. Woodcock, January 1st to August 15th, same year. Snipe, \ Rail, - January 1st to September 1st, same year. Plover, J p ' j- May 1st to September 1st, same year. Duckp, ^ and all other > January 1st to September 1st, same year. Water Fowl, J Are these seasons all properly set ? If not, what changes do you recommend 1 Answer 20 11. If you have recommended any changes in close seasons, what are your reasons ? Answer 12. Should spring shooting of ducks, geese and swan be forbidden ? If so, why ? Answer 13. Should individual sportsmen be restricted to the shooting of a certain number of ducks in any one day ? If so, to how many ? Answer 14. Should duck shooting from sail boats and steam yachts be forbidden ? If so, why ? Answer 15. With a view of preventing the shooting of some birds in part of their close season, the suggestion that all shooting except quail should begin in Sep- tember loth has been made. Do you approve of this ? Answer - 16. If so, state your reasons. 17, Should foreigners be allowed to shoot game birds in Ontario ? Answer 18. If so, should a license fee be exacted from them, and to what sum ? Answer Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Ontario Game and Fish Com- mission, Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. QUESTIONS RELATING TO FISH. Name and Address of Witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County 1. In what waters have you taken or observed any of the following fishes ? State spawning times. NAME OF FISH. Name of Water. County or District. Spawning time. Begins. Ends. Common Speckled Trout or . . ) Brook Trout j River Trout Great Lake Trout Salmon Trout White Fish Baas, Small Mouthed Black. . . . " Large " or Oswego " Rock " Silver.. Maskinonge Pickerel (dore") Pike Sheepshead Suckers Mullet Channel Catfish . . . Grayling Mud Pout Eels Gold Eye Herring Chub Shiners Perch Sun Fish Sturgeon Dog-fish Gar-pike NOTE 1. Place a cross x before the names of valuable or useful food fishes in above list. NOTE 2. Place a square i~i after the names of fish that are useful as food for valuable fish. NOTE 3. Place a line under the names of fish that should be destroyed on every occasion. 22 2. Do you know of any other Ontario fish ? If so, name them ? Answer 3. Name waters that have been, to your knowledge, wholly or nearly depleted of speckled or brook trout. WATERS. COUNTY. 4. Name waters wholly or nearly depleted, to your knowledge, of black bass, maskinonge, pickerel, sturgeon. WATERS. COUNTY. 5. Name waters wholly or nearly depleted, to your knowledge, of salmon trout, lake trout and white fish. WATERS. COUNTY. 23 C. Draw a line under the written names of such of the above waters ;s are still clean, free from sawdust, or in a condition to be profitably re-stocked with fish fry or eggs. 7. What were the principal causes of destruction of fish in the depleted waters ? Answer. 8. What illegal methods of killing fish are commonly practiced to your knowledge ? Answer. 9. The close seasons now set for fish are : Speckled trout, 15th September to 1st May. Salmon trout, f Wh't fi h ( ^ k November to 30th November. "Do QC "\ Maskinonge. j 15th A P ril to 15th June ' Brook or river trout, 15th April to 15th May. Pickerel, 15th April to 15th May. 10. If you think any of the above close seasons improperly set, state which and give your reasons. Answer. 11. Should pioneer settlers be allowed to take fish by legal methods at all seasons for their family food ? Answer. 12. In what waters of any of your acquaintance should all netting be for- bidden. Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Ontario Game and Fish Com- mission, Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO PISH AND GAME COMMISSION. GENERAL QUESTIONS. Name and Address of Witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County 1. Are close seasons for game and fish generally respected in localities that you know of ? Answer 2. If not, what classes offend ? Answer 3. Do many visitors shoot and fish in your neighbourhood ? Answer 4. Do sporting and angling visitors put much money into circulation in your neighborhood ? Answer 5. If the streams now depleted were re-stocked, and the game preserved would your neighborhood be considerably more attractive to visitors ? Answer 6. Do you approve the suggestion that a provincial force of game and fish wardens, or protectors, should be established ? Answer 7. If so, should the sub-protectors or sub- wardens be permanent residents of the localities under their supervision, and why ? Answer 25 8. Can you suggest any method for raising a revenue from game and fish that would be sufficient to support non-resident sub-wardens ? Answer 9. Do you approve the suggestion that every owner of sporting fire-arms should be required to register his weapon, receive a license to use it, and pay a nominal fee therefor ? Answer 10. Do you approve the suggestion that shooters and anglers, when sporting in counties where they do not reside, should be required to take out a local per- mit at a small fee, to go to the expense of supporting the local game and fish wardens. Answer 11. If you approve of hunting deer with hounds, should every owner of a hound used in running deer be required to take a license for the dog ? Answer 12. Should the exportation of game and speckled or brook trout from Ontario be entirely forbidden ? Answer 13. If not, should outside sportsmen be required to pay something for per- mits to take their game and fish beyond the Province ? Answer 14 Should dealers in game be required to take out licenses, forfeitable in case they violate the game or fish protection laws ? Answer 15. Are there any extensive marshes or waste lands in your neighborhood ? Answer 26 16. If so, name them and state whether the title is still in the Crown. Name of Marsh or Waste. Town&hip. County. Owner or Owners. 17. Do you approve the suggestion that residents near marshes or wastes should be encouraged to form associations to protect game and fish therein ; the privileges of the association to be open to all county people paying a small fee, and to visitors paying a larger fee, both fees to be fixed by consent of the county council ? Answer 18. Would the people of your neighborhood or county be likely to approve generally of such public and open game protection associations as are previously described ? Answer V 19. Should the formation of close or exclusive game and fish protection associations, covering marshes by freehold or lease, be encouraged or discouraged ? Answer 20. Do any of the farmers of your neighborhood feed quails during the winter or take any other means to keep up game on their lands ? Answer 27 Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Ontario Game and Fish Com mission, Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. QUESTIONS RELATING TO ANIMALS OTHER THAN DEER, MOOSE, CARIBOU, ETC. Name and Address of Witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County Hares and Rabbits. PRESENT CLOSE SEASON, 1ST MARCH TO 1ST SEPTEMBER. 1. Is this close season properly set ? Answer 2. If not, what change should be made ? Answer 3. What are your reasons for foregoing answer ? Answer 4. Should snaring or trapping be allowed ? Answer 5. If not, why not ? Answer 6. Should black and grey squirrels be protected ? Answer 7. If so, during what season ? Answer Pur-bearing Animals Beaver, Mink, IVIuskrat, Sable, Marten, Otter, Fisher. 8. Should the shooting of these animals in November, December or. any other season be allowed ? Answer 28 9. What are your reasous for foregoing reply ? Answer 10. Should the trapping season, at present from 1st November to 1st May, be shortened ? Answer 11. If so, how ? and why ? Answer Destructive Animals. Wolves. 12. Every county treasurer is now obliged to pay $6 bounty for every wolf killed in his county, or within one mile of a settlement in his county. Do you approve of this ? Answer 13. Should the bounty be increased, reduced or abolished ? Answer 14. Should some arrangements for bounties on wolf killing in unorganized districts be made ? Answer 15. What further suggestions have you to make in the matter of wolf bounties ? * ' ' v Answer Poxes and other Vermin. 16. Should a bounty be given for the destruction of foxes ? Answer 17. If so, why, and to what amount ? Answer 18. Should bounties be given for the destruction of owls, mink, weasels and hawks ? Answer 19. If so, why ? and to what amount ? Answer 20. What other vermin destructive to game or fish should be, if possible, destroyed ? Answer 29 Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Ontario Game and Fish Com- mission, Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SPECIAL QUESTIONS TO HOTEL-KEEPERS AND STOREKEEPERS IN SPORTING LOCALITIES. Name and Address of Witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County 1. Do you do much business with campers, sportsmen and anglers ? Answer 2. Would this business be improved if fish and game were protected and! multiplied in your locality ? Answer 3. Do summer parties often destroy deer ? Answer 4. Are the close seasons for game and fish generally respected in your neigh- borhood ? Answer 5. If not, who are the principal offenders ? Answer 30 Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Ontario Game and Fish Com- mission, Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SPECIAL QUESTIONS TO MANAGERS OR OTHER SUPERVISORS OF RAILWAY AND STEAMBOAT LINES. Name and Address of Witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County 1. Does your line do much traffic in sporting, camping and angling passengers? Answer 2. Upon what routes ? if by steamboats, name them. Answer V 3. Give, if possible, an approximate estimate of the value of the passenger, camping, and other traffic, arising from shooting and fishing sport. Answer 4. Would the preservation and multiplication of game and fish probably im- prove the traffic above mentioned ? Answer 5. Some American railway companies give free transportation to fish fry from State hatcheries, and otherwise assist game wardens or protectors. Would your line probably act with similar liberality ? Answer 6. Would you object to allowing your conductors or pursers on sporting routes to act on behalf of the Government in issuing permits or licenses, to shoot, or fish, if such licenses were required by law ? Answer 31 Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Qntario Game and Fish Com- mission, Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SPECIAL QUESTIONS TO CONDUCTORS, PURSERS, ETC. Name and Address of Witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County 1 . Do you travel on a sporting or angling division or line ? Answer 2. What division, line, or boat ? Answer 3. Do sportsmen, campers, and anglers form a considerable portion of the passenger traffic in summer and fall ? Answer 4. Do deer hunters usually bring hounds with them ? Answer 5. Would you, if your manager consented, be willing to act on behalf of the Government in issuing licenses or permits for shooting and fishing ? Answer 6. Could you probably give efficient service in these respects ? Answer 7. What are your reasons for foregoing answer ? Answer 32 Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Ontario Fish and Game Com- mission, Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SPECIAL QUESTIONS FOR DEALERS IN GAME, FISH, ETC. Name and Address of Witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County 1. Is game commonly offered to you before the season "opens ? Answer 2. Is all vension in prime condition when the shooting season begins ? Answer 3. Are November bucks in prime condition for food ? Answer 4. Are most of the deer that come to market, shot through the neck and probably while swimming ? Answer 5. What price is usually paid for raw fawn, doe, and buck skins in good condition ? Answer 6. What price for large buck heads ? Answer 7. Is there an active market for buck horn ? Answer 33 Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Ontario Game and Fish Com- mission, Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SPECIAL QUESTIONS FOR DEALERS IN GUNS, TACKLE, ETC Name and Address of Witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County 1. If owners of guns, rifles, and pistols, other than those used for military purposes, were required to register their weapons and take out shooting licenses at a nominal fee, what would be the effect on your trade ? Answer 2. If gun and tackle dealers were supplied with such licenses and authorized to issue them on making sales, would the trade be affected ? Answer 3. Would the strict enforcement of the game laws benefit your trade by in- creasing the game and the amount of shooting ? Answer 4. If gun licenses were necessary to game preservation, and if your trade would be improved by game preservation, would you be willing' to assist in carry- ing out the game license system ? Answer S (c.) 34 Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Ontario Game and Fish Com- mission; Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SPECIAL QUESTIONS TO GUIDES. Name and address of witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County 1. Where do you act as guide ? Answer 2. What pay do you usually get 1 Answer 3. How many days of the year are you commonly employed as guide ? Answer 4. How many other guides are there in your locality ? Answer 5. Do you furnish canoes and dogs 1 Answer 6. If so, what do you get for use of canoes per day ? Answer 7. What for dogs per day ? Answer 35 Return this form when filled up to A. D. Stewart, Secretary Ontario Game and Fish Com- mission, Court House, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SPECIAL QUESTIONS TO BOAT AND CANOE BUILDERS. Name and address of witness. Mr. Occupation Address Post Office County 1. Do you sell or rent many boats or canoes to campers, sportsmen, and anglers ? Answer 2. Would the preservation or multiplication of game-animals, birds, and fish, probably be beneficial to your trade in making the Province more attractive to sportsmen and campers generally ? Answer 36 As soon as these questions were ready for distribution, notice was given through the public press to this effect, and sportsmen and others interested in the question of the protection, preservation and propagation of the game and fish in the Province, and who were willing to aid your Commissioners by giving them the benefit of their advice and experience, were requested to send for a set of the tabulated questions. The result of this notice was astonishing, for hardly had the advertisements appeared, before letters came pouring in from all parts of the Province and from all classes of the community, asking for copies of the questions, and promising assistance and co-operation in every possible shape and form. In addition to the answers received to the above-mentioned questions, hundreds of interesting communications were received, not only from residents of the Province, but from sportsmen outside of Ontario, and these have in most cases been of great assistance to your Commissioners, and are hereby gratefully acknowledged. It is gratifying to be able to state that, in travelling through the Province, your Commissioners found the work of the Commission to be highly popular, and it may safely be said, judging from opinions universally expressed, that the Commission was not issued a day too soon. The work of collecting the information has been pleasant if laborious, and much valuable information has been acquired. In reference to the answers given by witnesses, it is necessary to state that whilst a complete record has been kept, some of them are comparatively value- less, because they have been given from purely selfish motives. The true sports- men, and those desirous of seeing the Province re-stocked with game and fish r have invariably expressed a willingness to sink all smaller considerations in order that the most good might be done. But others with narrower minds have given such answers as are applicable only to their own cases ; some of them going so far as to say that no steps of any kind should be taken to preserve the game and fish in Ontario, because these were already scarce and might as well be used up by the present generation. The following table will show the dates and places at which meetings were held by your Commissioners, and the names of the witnesses who appeared to give evidence. 37 No. 1 DISTRICT. BELLEVILLE, 10th and llth April, 1891. COMMISSIONERS. MESSRS. HERVEY, SMITH, TAYLOR AND STEWART. D. R. Leavens, Farmer. Jas. T. Bell, Physician. R. S. Bell, Journalist. E. B. Fralick, County Judge. E. N. Leavens, Accountant. WITNESSES. Fred. Root, Carriage Trimmer. J. N. Pringle, Manufacturer. J. W. Loud on, Printer. Geo. Twining, Painter. Joseph Deacon, Barrister. David S. Booth, Contractor. A. F. Stagg, Butcher. A. Armstrong, Hotel-keeper. BROCKVILLE, 13th and 14th April, 1891 WITNESSES. Geo. Bucher, Merchant. Neil McLean, Banker. J. R. Griffin, Banker. F. G. Vanderlip, Hotel-keeper. J. B. Spence W. P. Lett, City Clerk. W. R. McEwan, Clerk. H. D. J. Lane, Clerk. Louis J. Consolles, Patent Agent. W. P. Batterton, Book-keeper. P. A. McDougall, Physician. OTTAWA, loth, 16th and 17th April, 189] WITNESSES. A. H. Johnston, Farmer. F. H. F. Mercer, Clerk. T. G. Carpenter, Agent. J. R. Quain, Electrician. W. J. Topley, Photographer. W. W. Boucher, Vet. Surgeon. Geo. C. Wood, Clerk. RENFREW, 18th April, 1891. WITNESSES. Xavier Flaunt, Farmer. Donald McLaren, " Xavier Plaunt, jr., Hotel Clerk. Frank Byers, Farmer. Robt. Cameron, " Jno. McRae, Gentleman. Jas. Craig, Barrister. Jno. Park, Gentleman. S. 0. Gorman, Constable. Joseph Beggs, Farmer. J. D. Deacon, Physician. David Barr, Gentleman. 38 No. 2 DISTRICT. PETERBORO', 1st and 2nd April, 1891. COMMISSIONERS. MESSRS. SMITH, MITCHELL, THOMSON AND STEWART. WITNESSES. R. A. Morrow, Gentleman. R. E. Wood, Barrister. H. Winch, Butcher. R. Watson, Inspector. Wm. Hall, Merchant. A. Paterson, Drover. F. J. Moore, Carpenter. Samuel Ray, Tobacconist. G. S. Sproule, Photographer. L. G. Steele, Farmer. J. D. Collins, Gentleman. Jno. Richardson, Mason. H. Calcutt, Brewer. Wm. Brownscombe, Lock master. T. W. Gibbs, Agent. R. Tivey, Bridge Inspector. R. C. Strickland, Gentleman. G. Cochrane, Inspector. Jno. Bennett, Fish Inspector. Thos. P. At rill, Gentleman. Thos. Eastwood, Hotel-keeper. LINDSAY, 3rd and 4th April, 1891. WITNESSES. Thomas Walters, Contractor. Wrn. Mulcahy, Fanner. Geo. W. Rose, Steam-boat Captain. B. Bryan, Contractor. Alex. Ross, Contractor. Thos. Fee, Farmer. Johnson Ellis, Farmer. Chas. Spillsbury, Gentleman. Wm. Thorndyke, " R. H. Hopkins, Book-keeper. E. A. Knowlson, Clerk. J. W. Wallace, Manufacturer. J. Finnegan, Farmer. J. Woods, Physician. A. J. Davis, " . J. C. Hood, Physician. Henry Cohen, Pump Miker. W. A. Goodwin, Merchant. Freemont Crandell, Engineer. G. Thornhill, Teamster. Joseph Littell, Farmer. A. W. J. DeGrassi, Physician. FENELON FALLS, 6th April, 1891. WITNESSES. Jas. Dixon, P. L. S. Jno. Sedgewick, Farmer. C. E. Bonnell, Physician. Geo. Whissle, Butcher. W. J. Reid, Merchant. E. R. Edwards, Livery Stable Keeper W. T. C. Boyd, " A. Stevens, Miller. , A. E. Bottum, " 39 HALIBURTON, 8fch April, 1891 WITNESSES. W. J. Austin, Merchant. C. S. Austin, Gentleman. Geo. Bemmister, Civil Engineer. Jas. Warley, Cabinet Maker. Jno. Reid, Carpenter. Jno. Lucas, Hotel-keeper. Eldridge Leith, Merchant. P. O'Connor, Trapper. C. R. Stewart, Gentleman. Jos Kellet, Hotel-keeper. Jos. Paul, Butcher. Stephen Dawson, Farmer. Fred. Freeman, Merchant. L. M. Neily, Shoemaker. No. 3 DISTRICT. TORONTO, 18th and 19th Dec., 1890. COMMISSIONERS. MESSRS. MACCALLUM, MITCHELL, PULFORD, LUCAS, THOMSON, SMITH, TAYLOR, WILMOTT, STEWART. Edward Harris T. D. Wilson. E. J. Cousins. A. Peterson. J. A. Sweeney. Frank Wing Joseph E. Rogers Robert Gowans. A. J. Taylor. J. W. Mencke. R. H. Holmes. S. R. Clarke. Major Lee. Frank Binsett. Wm. Brodie. E. H. Bastedo. S. G. Beattie. WITNESSES. Occupations not ascertained. F. H. Gooch. J. Pearsall. F. S. Bayles. R. M. Fisher. J. G. Nunn. R. Tinning, jr. D. S Bottsford. S. W. Semple. Dr. Tyrell. E. P. Borron. J. S. Wallace. F. G. Verity. D. F. McDonald. Dr. J. Teskey. J. McLachlan. James Douglas. A. Tymon. Occupations not ascertained. No. 3 DISTRICT. BRACEBRIDGE, 2nd and 3rd June. 1891. COMMISSIONERS. MESSRS. WILMOTT AND STEWART. WITNESSES. Jno. A. Dole, Saw-mill Proprietor. Robt. Robinson, Jail-keeper. Chas. E. Mawdsley, Law Student. Hector McGinnis, Foreman Lumber Co. Jas. Hall, Farmer. Jno. Wardell, Butcher. Jas. Hillman, Tinsmith. S. B. Purvis, Lumberman. Thos. McGowan, Farmer. Jacob Joliffe, Contractor. Wm. Fry, Farmer. Wm. Cargill, Guide. Alex. Cargill, " Jno. Vankoughnet, Farmer. Ridley Appleby, Farmer. E. F. Stephenson, Journalist. Frank Kent, Vet. Surgeon. Alfred Hunt, Banker. Jas. Boyle, Town Clerk. Jas. Ripkie, Law Student. J. C. Davidson, Sawmill Foreman. Singleton Brown, Shingle Mill Prop. PARRY SOUND, 6th June, 1891, WITNESSES. Frank Lafex, Butcher. Edward Taylor, Shoemaker. Wm. Ireland, Newspaper Prop. J. M. Anstey, Postmaster. J. R. Legatt, Watchmaker. W. L. Haight, Barrister. BLACKSTONE LAKE, 8th June, 1891. WITNESSES. Henry Vankoughnet, Farmer. BURK'S FALLS, 10th June, 1891. WITNESSES. Jno. Thorn, Farmer, No. 4 DISTRICT. WINDSOR, 5th May, 1891. COMMISSIONERS. MESSRS. MACCALLUM, LUCAS, PULFORD AND STEWART. WITNESSES C. H. Pare, Farmer. Joseph Winter, Butcher. Geo. A. Goodwin, Contractor. Dan. G. Revell, Conductor. Wm. Donaldson, Painter. R. Digman, Carpenter. Albert Drouillard, Custom Officer. 41 Jno. Pring, Lather. F. L. Trebilcock, Jeweller. N. H. Beemer, Physician. C. R. Cameron, Barrister. M. J. Kemp, Manager. H. A. Nicholson, Banker. H. A. Stevenson, Med. Student. Jno. Burns, Bailiff. E. A. Cleghorn, Wholesale Grocer. W. B. Wells, Div. Court Clerk. Jno. Mercer, Sheriff. Gordon Boles, Retired Captain. J. L. Nichols, Dentist. Jas. Thomas, Farmer. Win. Crow, Farmer. S. Holmes, Miller. Abbot Wilcox, Farmer. G. A. Layer, Law Student. David Wilson, Manager. Jas. McGarvin, Farmer. P. McGarvin, Alex. Ducedre, " Geo. Kime, A. Alexander, " J. B, Gillard, Warden. R. M. Kennedy, Journalist. Edwin Dalton, Farmer. Geo. McCurley, Dan. McLean, Wm. Payne, David Maddocks, Andrew Ross, Agent. Caleb Leusley, Farmer. Albert Clements, " J. J. Steele, Maltster. Jno. I. McKenzie, Inspector. Andrew Murdoch, Agent. Dr. McGregor. LONDON, 7th May, 1891. WITNESSES. L. McDonald, Dentist. W. C. L. Gill, City Registrar. W. T. Williams, Chief of Police. E. W. Sayers, Accountant. C. W. Davis, Hotel-keeper. Win. Avey, Hotel-keeper. T. J. Hammond, Insurance Agent. J. Schreiber, G. T. R. Agent. CHATHAM, 6th May, 1891. WITNESSES. Wm. L. Cameron, Farmer. Chas. Eastlake, Merchant. H. J. O'Hone, M. Massey, Farmer. Jas. Kime, Vet. Surgeon. C. Wheeler, Cattle Dealer. D. Smith, Farmer. Albert Williams, Farmer. Abraham Alexander, jr., Farmer. Jas. Rankin, Farmer. J. H. Nelson, Bailiff. Jas. Hamilton, Fisherman. Jno. Houston, Farmer. Henry Dagman, Merchant. H. A. Crow, Farmer. W. A. Campbell, Clerk. HAMILTON, 8th and 9th May, 1891. WITNESSES. A. Bowman. Louis Snider. Samuel McNair, Clerk. Wm. Morton, Game and Fish dealer. Wm. Drayton, " A. E. Malloch, Physician. Jno. Smith, Agent. Jas. Crooks, Hotel -keeper, Jno. S. Hendrie, Contractor. Albert Smith, Salesman. Thos. Hutchinson, Engineer. E. Tinsley, Engineer. 42 SIMCOE, 14th May, 1891 WITNESSES. W. E. Tisdale, Barrister. H. H. Groff, Private Banker-. Jno. Matthews, Collector of Customs. J. W. Ryerson, Barrister. J Lome Campbell, Gentleman. L. M. Sovereen, Merchant. Jas. Duncan, Farmer. Walter H. Anderson, Farmer. Ed. Parker, Farmer. W. T. Nickerson, Auctioneer. J. B. Piche, Farmer. J. H. Helmer, " Jas. Overholt, Fisherman. DUNNVILLE, 15th May, 1891. Fred Lowe, Gentleman. Martin Green, Fisherman. John Green, " Wm. Mclndoe, Gentleman. Freeman Green, Fisherman. J. C. Eccles, Barrister. Jas. Smith, Guide. Jas. Clifford, Fisherman. WITNESSES. Wm. Lambier, Fisherman. Jas. Vanderburg, " Lewis Fox, * Isaac Wismer, Blacksmith. W. G. Wismer ; S. W. Hornbirook, Farmer. Chas. Ross, Fisherman. Henry Fox, It, happened in some cases, that witnesses who attended the meetings of the Commissioners, also sent written answers to the questions issued, and in cases of this kind the viva voce evidence only has been recorded, so that witnesses' names might not appear twice. The questions issued by the Commissioners were answered as follows : Questions on Deer by 650 Witnesses. Questions on Birds by 485 Questions on Fish by 497 General questions by 604 Questions on Animals other than Deer, Moose, Cari- bou, etc., by 578 Special questions to Hotel-keepers and Store- keepers in sporting localities 10 Special questions to Managers or Supervisors of railway and steamboat lines 5 Special questions to Conductors, Pursers, etc 15 Special questions to Dealers in game, fish, etc 11 Special questions to Dealers in guns, tackle, etc . . 9 Special questions to Guides 7 Special questions to Boat and Canoe-builders .... 2 44- QUESTIONS RELATING TO DEER. The questions prepared on this subject by your Commissioners were answered by 650 persons as follows : Name. Occupation. Address. Thos. Penfold Gaoler .... Port Arthur ... John Piche \Vood-ranger Sudburv Thos. Frood Farmer Little Current John Forde Fur trader Schneber . . Geo. Mair Banker Lucknow R. Russell Merchant . . . . Hepwnrth Augustus Smith Brick Manufacturer Port Elgin Wm. Campbell Carriage builder Tara J. E. Murphy Jos. Robinson Lumberman Merchant Hepworth Station Wiarton S. Irwin c C. Jones . R. M. Fisher Physician K McKay Farmer Morewood . . . J C Fox Pres OrangevilleGunClub Orangeville A. White Miller Orwell Alfred Zavity Carpenter . Sparta ..... Anthony Pettypiece Farmer John W alters Carpenter Harrow ." Geo. E. Pettvoiece . . Farmer . . McGreeror . . . County. Algoma. Bruce. Carleton Card well. Durham. Dundas. Dufferin. Elgin. Essex. QUESTIONS RELATING TO DEER (Continued.) Name. Occupation. Address. County. Wm Brick Farmer Vereker Essex Angus E Wright <( Harrow Thos L Wright 44 Oxley ..... 14 Geo A. Goodwin Builder Windsor <( Farmer !< || Sharbot Lake V J H Borckwood Rod and Flymaker ... . Kingston (( John G Gordon Farmer Parham (( Wm A Wagar ii 44 M Cronk Robt Clow M (( E S Rodgers Vet. Surgeon Meaford Grey John Legat Agent Owen Sound Jas Gladstone Bartender Geo Eucleigh Barber u D Hunter . . . Miller's Corners. H Hughes Merchant . ' Hickstone Kemptville Fish Game Kemptville ... 44 L>lub .... Elias Harris . Farmer ... , 4 John Bennett Athol Fred B Lacy l< Beechmont Jas Nosworthy . Gentleman ... . Belleville Wm Conley Farmer Madoc , t R S Tivy Merchant Coe Hill l< P P Clark St Ola 44 Samuel Haryett Maynooth t Robt McLean Farmer Boulter . . . t R C Fair Stove Merchant Bancroft 4. James W. Ham Farmer St. Ola ....... C Joseph Stonebug Policeman . ... Belleville I. Henry Foster Hunter Faraday 4, A G. Allison Despatcher G. T. Ry Belleville ( Ellis Stimer Hunter . ... Bancroft 4. Edward Johnson Bush Ranger 14 4 Geo McAllister Boulter . C J Baragar Farmer . Sine 4. Stephen Badgley Stirling ,. Francis Bird Carpenter ,. S Dennison . Farmer . Purdy tC John Bell Frankf ord ' C. Thos. J. Moore 14 St. Ola ( t. Geo Pattison II Coe Hill Mines (. John Lynch ( Maynooth Gilbert Holmes II St Ola Thos B. Watt (( Coe Hill Mines t Anson Cummings (1 Anson t A. W. Tivy II Coe Hill Mines 44 Wm H. Sweet II Bancroft || Bidwell Sim <( Harold < Willet Turner H Farady 44 Thos. Nugent ( Nugent 14 John Campbell. . . coe J M Salmon Physician . Joseph T. Carson Teacher J. M. Sovereegn Wm. Tisdale . Barrister H H Groff .. Banker John Matthews J. W. Ryerson J. L. Campbell J J. Walker. Gentleman W J Mclnnis Physician Vittoria Bensfort T. J. Nimmo Farmer J. W. Dinwoodie M. S. Cassan Contractor Campbellford Farmer Brighton J. H. McMaster C. Montgomery T. C. Lockwood R. H. Bonnycastle Mariner. Farmer Hilton Postmaster Brighton Farmer Camp bellf ord F. Bonnycastle R. Jessup Hunter North Bay Chas. Legris Hotel-keeper Nosbonsing . . 49 QUESTIONS RELATING TO DEER. (Continued.) Name. Occupation. Address. County. J P Kirkwood Farmer North Bay Nipissing. New York, U. S. A. Oxford M ( Ontario. d <( M l< Parry ^ Sound. d < i it u H ( (( Peterboro. <( d ii ( F. M. Comstock Principal ... . LeRoy . H Huntingford Woodstock R McLean Farmer Innerkip Jas Borland Jn Cowan Bright A W. Gissing . Druggist Princeton . Win. Hersie Thos Cuthbertson Farmer ... Architect ..... Woodstock H. Westcott Hardware Merchant Beaverton C A. Paterson Municipal Clerk A Miller Sportsman Seagrave J McRae Merchant Beaverton D M Card Conveyancer TJxbridge . > Albert Orchard Farmer Seagrave E Moore Salesman Uxbridgp . . Geo W Dryden Manufacturer Port Perry Farmer Seagrave John Barnes Stanley House u Turtle Lake . S B Purvis Lumberman Parry Sound Thos McGowan Farmer Featherstone Jacob Joliffe Win Cargill Lumberman Firmer Parry Sound Foley . Alex C argil 1 Wm Fry Monteith Hotel-keeper Edward Taylor Wm. Ireland J. M. Anstey . J. R. Legatt . . W. L. Haight Dan Starrat Shoemaker Postmaster .... ^Vatc h -maker Farmer Starrat Doe Lake <( Nipissing Junction Sprucedale i C.W.Burns Wm. McConnell John H Bell South River Burk's Falls Sprucedale W'm Pearce Postmaster GO ^Jmil-h Fire Ranger Burk's Falls CW Rnrns r Valuator South River T. J. Paget HT> Qho W TVarhpr Restoule Landscape Painter Ashdown Dist H^N" (~Vr. Uavidson . Lumberman Penetangu'sheue . . Barrie J. P. Kidd Thos. McQuary Gentleman Farmer George A Jebb Cookstown Francis Lockhart .. Stayner Wm. Watson Gideon Strothurs. W. C. Seluciles Lumberman Hillsdale H 4 II 1 I I Victoria. n i t ii Despatcher Allandale Glen Orchard J. T. Harbourne Farmer John P. Secord Superintendent Alfred Morren Vet. Surereon .... .... Minesing Arthur Schobey K aimer . . . Alport Wm. R Rowland Richard Watson Clerk . Collingwood Stayner Farmer Jesse E. Doner . W. H. Soden Thomas Elliott Harness-maker General Merchant Hillsdale Cookstown George Ross Caruenter Midland Alex. Trumble . . . Hampshire Mills Midland Geo. Strathern Jeweller J. Gray, jr Merchant Coldwater F. J. Hammell Vet. Surgeon Tottenham Beeton .... Jas. R. Croft Barber J. O. Perry . . . Merchant Farmer . Orillia Thos. A. Millichamp S. A. Whittaker James Martin Druggist Hillsdale Bailiff Andrew McQuary John Hisey Farmer Sunnidale Cashtown ti V. A. Hart. Agent I )alston Port Severn Robert H Ryan Foreman D K Ross Farmer . Cookstown Nottawa Ed Bothie ii Cookstown "W.n Perry Walker's Point Mortimer's Point W F Moore Teacher R Wade Gentleman Orillia Wm Carr Farmer Bala Vet Surgeon Cookstown Carpenter Lindsay Lumberman it Farmer . . it Saddler ti Physician . Lindsay Farmer Cambray James Wells Carpenter . Farmer Kinmount Lindsay Bury's Green H. R. Herriman Lumberman Farmer HT 'I r iVvp Vankoughnet Mill Owner Lindsay James Dickson M. M. Boyd Fenelon Falls Lumber Manufacturer . . . Hardware Merchant Lumberman Bobcaygeon .1. G. Edwards A Edgar Lindsay Bobcaygeon W H Bottum Steamboat Captain Contractor Wm. Kennedy Cambray Robert Orby Alfred Stephens Robert Haves . . Woodranger Farmer Fenelon Falls Bobcaygeon QUESTIONS RELATING TO DEER (Continued:) Name. Occupation. Address. County. Lindsay Victoria. a W J Davis M < ' i Wm Mulcahy < i B Bryan < Thomas Fee Farmer < Chas Spillsbury Gentleman . ' R H Hopkins J N Wallace Woollen Manufacturer . . < < J Woods Physician Kirkfield i J C Hood Lindsay < Wm Gidley Superintendent Bobcaygeon i W A Goodwin Merchant ( G Thornhill Teamster (4 A W De Grass! Physician u (1 T Grand ell Steamboat Captain Scott & Sadler . Hotel-keepers Kinmont (4 E Bottum Lock Maker Bobcaygeon ( W. F. Richie Postmaster Gelert ( F. Minnis Book-keeper . . Bobcaygeon . < John Dixon Gelert * C. K. Bonnell . . Physician Bobcaygeon . . . 1 W. J. Read Merchant . * John Sedgwick Farmer C W. T. C. Boyd Lumber Merchant Bobcaygeon . A. E. Bottum Merchant . ... ( Wm. McCamus Physician 1 Ancil Mills Engineer . Lindsay i N B. Tribe Farmer < Thos. Walters Capt. Rose (( Alex. Koss Jonathan Ellis . * (1 Wm. Thorndyke (4 (( George Brick Forest ranger It George Whissle Butcher Fenelon Falls 1C E. R. Edwards Livery Stable Keeper A. Stevens Miller ( Robert Aitkens Farmer Speedside \Velli n^ton G. A. Richardson Sect'y Guelph Gun Club. Guelph J.Gibbs Finisher A. C. Chadwick Judge a Andrew Ross Merchant TT .,, "WpnfwnrfVi J. J. Steele Maltster D. McGregor Physician A. Bowman ( Louis Snider G. M. Hendrie < John I. McKenzie Inspector II I Edwin Dalton Farmer .... Nelson ( George McCurly t Dan. McLaren < i Wm. Payne Bolt Maker . t David Maddock Iron Finisher , A. E. Malloch Physician ( < J. S. Hendrie Contractor . . . t , Albert Smith ( t < John Smith ( (( James Crooks Hotel Keeper ,, Thomas Hutchins<^n Engineer < tt E. Tinsley " (I it Henry Laws. . . Agent Farmer Effingham ... . II Welland Joseph Garner John Mencke FT) "Mpnrlrp Fenwick Toronto York. Chas. Terry Accountant . . . Dentist Newmarket . . % " 53 QUESTIONS RELATING TO T>Em. (Continued.) Name. Occupation. Address. County. J. Murdoch Sect'y'Magnetawan Sport- ing Club Parkdale YnrV R H. Beattv Merchant . Toronto R. Wilson Farmer Sharon W. A. Clark Clerk of York Township Esflincrton R Millichamp Merchant Toronto Wm Bassett Farmer . Pine Orchard J. B. Ross Physician Toronto John B. Hendereon Secr.'y Ochtwan Sportinr Club "* Wm. J. Middleton Hotel-keeper <( S. Scott Physician Newmarket R J Talty Shipping clerk . . Toronto . T. S. Bayles Superintendent a Isaac Dollery Farmer Fairbank Clerk Toronto . James Dixon. Photographer . S J Stammers Banker . a H C Matthews Manager John Fisher Builder Eglington . S R Clarke Barrister Toronto . F F Spies Cartage Agent J T Town send Inspector of telegraph Richard Wells Hotel-keeper Aurora H D Weaver Student Toronto . W H McConnell . .. Druggist i R W Gouinlock Commercial Traveller " < 54 QUESTIONS RELATING TO DEER. These questions were answered by the 650 witnesses before named as follows : 1. What persons of your acquaintance can give information about deer ? Not necessary to answer here ; simply asked in order to send questions out to probable witnesses. 2. What deer hunting districts are you familiar with ? Not necessary to answer here ; asked with a view to testing the accuracy of answers given by witnesses. 3. About what time of year do does produce their young ? Answer March - , T - 29 April 135 May . 255 June - . 100 July - - - 1 Blank .... - 130 650 4. Should does be hunted while carrying their young ? Answer Yes . 14 No - 556 Blank - . 8 Q 650 5. How many does have you seen with one buck after the rutting season ? Answer One - . 28 Two . _ 94 Three 74 Four . _ . . - 31 Five - . c 34 Six ..... 55 Seven 5 Eight 1 Ten , - 5 Twelve - 3 Fourteen 2 Twenty - 1 Blank - - - - - 364 650 6. About what time of year does the herding or yarding season begin ? Answer January February March April Q-l June August September November December ^ In deep snow Blank - 650 7. About what time in spring do the bucks leave the does ? Answer- January February March April 52 May 31 June Q July 2 October ^ November - ^ December -^ In deep snow 28g Blank - 650 8. What time or in what weather does the rutting season usually begin Answer September - 21 October 234 November - 219 December 38 Cold weather 21 Blank - - - - - - - 117 650 9. How long does the ratting season usually continue ? Answer Till January 75 " February 2 " October - 15 " November - - 85 " December 185 For three weeks 6 For two weeks 10 One month - .43 Six weeks - 39 Blank - - . - 190 650 10. How many fawns does a doe commonly bring forth at one birth ? Answer One - 79 Two . 477 Three . _ 9 Five ----- 1 Blank 84 650 11. Are bucks and does in good condition for human food during the rutting, season ? Answer Yes - - 328 No - 198 Blank 650 12. At what age do young does first take the buck ? Answer Six months Eight months Nine months Yearlings Eighteen months Three years Blank - 13. What is the dressed weight of a yearling unskinned ? Answer Twenty-five pounds - Forty pounds - - ... Fifty pounds Sixty pounds - Seventy pounds .... Seventy-five pounds Eighty pounds Ninety pounds - - One hundred pounds One hundred andften pounds One hundred and twenty pounds One hundred and thirty pounds One hundred and fifty pounds Blank ----- 23 36 12 164 157 86 172 650 2 13 50 119 47 110 68 23 69 9 16 7 1 116 650 14. Should the killing of fawns or deer of less than that weight be forbidden ? Answer Yes - 337 No 192 Blank - 121 650 15. At what time of year are bucks in best condition for human food ? Answer January July - o 17 '58 August - 89 September - 154 October - - 175 November - 67 December -. 13 August to January - 4 August to September -. ..' 10 September to October 12 Blank - - 104 650 16. Are does then in prime condition ? Answer Yes - 409 No - 138 Blank - .... 103 650 17. Should deer killing be entirely prohibited forja term'of years, and if so for how long ? Answer Yes 31 No - 504 One year - .... j Three years . . . - 32 Four years - 3 Five years - . . . - 41 Six years - - - - 11 Ten years ------ 4 Blank - . _ _ - 23 650 18. Should the hounding of deer be forbidden ? Answer Yes - 249 No . - 376 Blank 25 650 19. State your reasons for foregoing answer. 59 The witnesses opposed to dog hunting assert that deer are being fast exter- minated by this method of hunting, and say that the deer are driven into and shot in the water, which is not sportsmanlike. They also say that the flesh of the deer gets heated after a long run and becomes unfit for food. Those who favour dog hunting say that the opposition comes from the still hunters, who are said to kill far more than any other class of hunters. They say that when shot by still hunters, the deer often escapes wounded, to die a miserable death, or fall a prey to the wolves. They assert that the killing of deer in the water cools the flesh and makes it sweet and palatable. 20. Should runway shooting before hounds be forbidden ; if so, why ? Answer Yes 249 No 376 Blank 650 21. Should deer be allowed to be killed in the water ? Answer Yes - - - 874 No - 24 Blank 650 22. State your reasons for foregoing answer. Answer See answer to number 19. 23. Do summer fishing and camping parties often destroy deer? A.nswer ... 225 " - " - " - - - 315 Blank " 650 . By what illegal means are deer often destroyed}? Answer 27 Killing out of season Wolves - 60 Crust-hunting 276 Clubbing Jack-lights Snares - out of season - Blank 229 5. Is crust-hunting much practiced ; if so, by what classes ? Answer Yes 468 No Pothunters ' 78 Farmers and settlers All classes Lumbermen Indians - Blank 121 *26. Is summer "marsh" or "jack-light" hunting much practiced; if so, by what classes ? Answer Yes - 138 No - 264 Farmers and settlers - 137 Fishing parties All classes 17 Pothunters 41 Indians - - 57 Campers 12 Blank 248 27. In what districts of Ontario were deer formerly numerous, to your own knowledge ? 28. Are they numerous there now ? 29. If not, what has caused the scarcity ? Answer Not necessary to answer the last three questions here ; asked with a view of obtaining information as to localities in which deer are still plentiful. The answers show that deer were abundant at one time all over the Province, but have been getting scarcer and scarcer, year by year, owing to the clearing up of the land, the advent of the settler, the railways, the wolves, and the indiscrimi- nate and merciless slaughter of the pothunter and skin assassin. 61 30. The law now allows ^ve deer per season to one hunter, eight to a party of two, twelve to a party of three, and no more than twelve to any party, no matter how numerous. Should this provision be changed ; if so, in what respects, and what are your reasons for the answer ? Answer Present law satisfactory if enforced - 398 In favour of killing as many deer as possible 29 In favour of reducing number to be killed, but without specifying number - Change party clause to 3-5-9 4-6-9 2 3-6-10 1 3-6-8 35 2-3-5 1 3-4-5 2-4-6 2 3-5-8 - 2 4-6-8 2 2-6-9 l 5-7-10 ! Allow 3 deer to each gun Allow 6 deer to each gun Allow 2 deer to each gun Allow 1 deer to each gun Allow 4 deer to each gun Allow 5 deer to each gun Blank (350 31. Should foreigners be permitted to kill deer in Ontario ? 32. If so, should they be required to pay for a permit ? What price ? Answer 278 Yes 329 No - - 43 Blank - 650 do .<* in .h, .mr^tiv, .r, no, m f.. r^i to the propriety of charging a fee. 62 Half the witnesses think that a fee should be charged as a protective measure, whilst the other half favour fr^e shooting on the ground that foreign sportsmen bring money into the country, and cause it to circulate freely. 33. Should the exportation of venison be prohibited ? 34. Should the exportation of venison be permitted on a special fee for each carcass ? 35. If so, what fee should be charged on each carcass ? Answer Yes 470 No 129 Blank - 51 650 Those who answer in the negative think that foreign sportsmen should be allowed to carry home the carcasses of the deer they shoot upon payment of a fee, for which a special permit would be given. The amount of the fee suggested varies from $2 to $50. 36. Present close season is from 20th November to 15th October of following year ? Should this be changed ? 37. If so, in what respects ? Why ? Answer Present law satisfactory if enforced - - 215 In favour of shortening open season, but without specif v- ing dates - _ - 6 In favour of Icngthing open seasoi - 4 Wish hounding season extended to 15th Dec. - - 2 Wish hounding allowed all open season - i Wish hounding allowed from 15th Oct. to 15th Nov. - 3 Wish still hunting allowed from 15th Oct. to 15th Nov. 3 Wish still hunting allowed from 15th Nov. to 30th Nov. 3 Wish still hunting allowed from 1st Nov. to 15th Dec. 2 Think open season should^be changed to 1st Sept. to 1st Oct. -, 1st Sept. to 15th Oct. 1st Sept. to 25th Nov. - 10th Sept. to 25th Dec. 15th Sept. to 30th Oct. - 15th Sept. to 10th Nov. 8 loth Sept. to 15th Nov. - 17 20th Sept. to 20th Oct. 63 20th Sept. to 20th Nov. - 25th Sept. to 1st Nov. 1st Oct. to 15th Oct. 1st Oct. to 7th Nov. - 1st Oct. to 10th Nov. 1st Oct. to 15th Nov. - 1st Oct. to 20th Nov. 1st Oct. to 1st Dec. 1st Oct. to 15th Dec. 1st Oct. to 1st Jan. 10th Oct. to 15th Nov. 15th Oct. to 15th Nov. - 15th Oct. to 30th Nov. 15th Oct. to 1st Dec. 15th Oct. to 15th Dec. 15th Oct. to 20th Dec. - 20th Oct. to 1st Nov. 20th Oct. to 1st Dec. 20th Oct. to 15th Dec. 20th Oct. to 20th Dec. - 25th Oct. to 20th Nov. 25th Oct. to 10th Dec. 1st Nov. to 20th Nov. 1st Nov. to 30th Nov. 1st Nov. to 5th Dec. 1st Nov. to 15th Dec. - 1st Nov. to 30th Dec. 5th Nov. to 10th Dec. 10th Nov. to 1st Dec. 15th Nov. to 1st Dec. 20th Nov. to 15th Dec. Blank 1 2 1 > 4 4 7 2 2 3 5 5 11 5 6 4 3 11 1 2 5 2 r 33 - 21 30 2 1 1 2 2 193 - 650 The reasons given for the changes suggested are manifold; some want the open season made earlier for the sake of dog hunting ; others desire that it should be made later, so as to favour the still hunter. Some think the present season begins too early, and that the deer do not keep well until 1st Nov., anxi others suggest a season which happens to suit their own convenience. -^-38. Is the close season commonly disregarded, and by what classes ? Answer Yes - 484 No - 80 Farmers and settlers 255 Indians - r 56 Pot-hunters - 93 Lumbermen 95 All classes 78 Blank - 83 39. Would there be any reasonable objection against allowing pioneer settlers to kill deer for their own families' food at all seasons, if they were effectually prevented from killing deer except for family food ? Answer - Yes - 359 No - 231 Blank ----- - 60 650 40. What are your reasons for foregoing answer ? The witnesses who answer in the affirmative think that it would be a dangerous thing to allow this privilege, inasmuch as it would be abused immediately. Those who answer in the negative think that the settler who has often to depend for food upon the game he shoots should be allowed to shoot at all seasons, for the pot, when necessary. * 41. Do you favour the establishment of a special service of game protectors or wardens, to enforce the game laws ? Answer Yes - 551 No - 70 Blank ------- 29 650 42. If so, should the sub- wardens be residents of localities under their charge ? Answer Yes - 437 No . H5 Blank - .... 93 650 43. What are your reasons for foregoing answer ? Answer 65 Those who favour the appointment of local men think that they would be more efficient than strangers on account of knowing the localities and the people. Those who favour the appointment of strangers think that outside men would make the best wardens as being fearless, and more likely to act without favour or ill-will. MOOSE, CARIBOU, ELK. 44. In what parts of Ontario have you found any and which of these animals 1 Moose in district of Caribou " Elk Not necessary to answer here ; asked for the purpose of testing the accuracy of witnesses. 45. Should the present prohibition against killing these animals be extended beyond October, 1895 1 Answer- Yes 86 No - 238 Blank 326 650 Is the prohibition generally respected where these animals are found ? Answer Yes - 49 No 265 Blank 650 *The answers to this question do not tally in addition with the number of the witnesses, because many of the persons answering have given more than one reply. 5(c.) 66 QUESTIONS RELATING TO BIRDS. The questions prepared on this subject by your Commissioners were answered by 485 persons, as follows : Name. Occupation. Address. County. Gaoler Port Arthur Algoma. Fur Trader Schrieber Little Current Thos. Frood Wm. La Rush f~1_ ] Qmolp Fisherman Kagawong Wiarton Bru e. Banker Lucknow Physician \Wn O'Tjparv Farmer Loretto Cardwell. G(~\ "Roinhn+V Pti S Ottawa Carleton. Fd Vandprlin J B Spence W P Lett City Clerk Henry R Smith Lt -Colonel . . . W R McEwan Geological Survey Dept H D J Lane Militia Department Patent Aegnt W P Batterton Book-keeper. P A McDougall Physician A. H. Johnston F H F Mercer Farmer Castleford Ottawa T. G. Carpenter W. J. Topley. Agent Photographer Arnprior Ottawa W. W Boucher . Veterinary Surgeo'i South March Geo C Wood Post Office Department Ottawa U T. W. E. Sowter.. Draughtsman . i J. C. Fox President OrangeviUeGun Club Orangeville Dufferin. Job Dickinson Farmer 'ZiJQYl Durham. R. Dinner .... H. H. Burnham Mayor Port Hope ti John Steen Taxidermist Newcastle it A. White Lumberman Orivell . . . Elgin. Victor Pellow Carriage Manufacturer Vereker P O Essex Geo. Goodman Builder Windsor Dan. J. Revell Conductor <( Wm. Donaldson C. L. Pan* Painter Manufacturer . , < R. Vigneaux Carpenter i Albert Drouillard Joseph Winter Custom's Officer Pork Packer K C Geo. Cheyne Sec'y Windsor Keystone C. F. Cornetet Gun Club Bell River ( P. C. Ponting Prop. Windsor Truck Co Windsor 4 Wm. H. Gattfield Steamboat Captain John Gordon. . . . Farmer M. Cronk it Robt. Clow 44 ( T. Sharman . . .' Boat Builder 4 J. H. Borckwood Rod Maker . 4 Wm. A. Wagar Farmer Parham . ( Thos. A. Casson Merchant t H. Stratford, Jr Taxidermist . . < H. Stratford (( ( Robt. J. Mills Insurance Agent i 4 Jas. Gladstone . , Bartender Owen Sound Grev. W. P. Talford, Jr . . Law Student .... <: y E. S. Rogers Veterinary Surgeon (4 S. A. Beck....... Farmer TT 1,1' A John Farrell Isaac Wismer u tt W. G. Wismer u 44 S. W. Horn brook... Dun ,ville . . u 67 QUESTIONS RELATING TO BIRDS-CW^ued Name. Occupation. Address. County. Fred. Lowe Haldimand. <( a t < Hastings. a it it it a (C II ( ( ( t I Halton. Haliburton. <( a ;; < t < < * t u Martin Green Jno. Green Win. Mclndoe ' Freeman Green J. C. Eccles ... % ' Jas. Smith Jas. Clifford Wm. Lam bier Jas. Vanderburg Lewis Fox ; J. F. Crawford Farmer Wm. Sweet Bancroft Belleville... . A. G. Allison John McAllister Despatcher G. T. Ry .... Farmer Bird's Creek G. Holmes St. Ola Fred. Mullett E. B. Fralick Hotelkeeper .. . ,j County Judge Bancroft Belleville E. N. Leavens J. N. Pringle. Fred Root J. W. Loudon Geo. Twining . Painter J. T. Bell Physician Frankford. . . D. R. Leavens .... Farmer .... Belleville Geo. Pattison Ffl.rmwr ' Coe Hill St. Ola T J Moore W. Turner Thos. Nugent Faraday . < ( Nugent Sine C. Baragar R. C. Fair . Stone Merchant Bancroft Harold Bidwell Sine J. C. George Henry Foster Farmer Postmaster Bancroft .... Farmer Faradav J W Ham St. Ola". J. Stonebug .... Policeman Belleville Coe Hill R S. Tiny Peter Wright Merchant Farmer St. Ola Wm. S. Clarke Fred. B. Lacey H Dennison Holloway <( Beechrnount Purdy , Belleville <( J T Bell County Clerk Bush Ranger Farmer Farmer . ... Bancroft Thos. Ireland Nelson Trafalgar Wm Panton Editor Milton Ash Nelson n Trafalgar Nelson n Daniel McLaren W J Austin (l K Haliburton CS AimHn Geo. Bemister Civil Engineer " Jas Worley John Reid Cabinetmaker Carpenter J. Lucas E Leith Hotelkeeper Merchant . t POT'nrmpr C. R. Stewart Gentleman ' Joseph Kellett Joseph Paul Hotelkeeper Butcher < , Fred. Freeman L. M. Neily.. Merchant Shoemaker John Sedgewick Geo. Tutt Geo. Gregory Farmer Guide Farmer Gelert Wicksteed Thos. Scott... Kennaway 68 QUESTIONS RELATING TO BIRDS Continued. Name. Occupation. Address. County. Wm Weld on Morpeth .... Kent. f) R Watson Caretaker Farmer . . . Blenheim (C OVifls FasHakp Ridgetown II H J O'Lone Hardware Merchant Ridgetown (1 Chatham 1 Veterinary Surgeon < CWhpplpr (i 4 D Siiith Farmer it I Albert Williams 1C Dover. ( t< ( I T H Nelson Bailiff Chatham * Jas Hamilton Fisherman Jeannette's Creek. ... I Farmer Harwich I Henry Dagreau Hardware Merchant Chatham H A Crow Farmer Raleigh . . I W. A Campbell County Clerk Chatham I J Benson Reynolds Merchant Rond Eau ... I Wellford Watson Farmer 1 Wm Mai lory Guilds ( W Ridley Blacksmith . . Ridley 1 W E Hall Insurance Agent Blenheim I W. B. Wells Clerk Chatham 1 John Mercer Sheriff < Gordon Boles Captain ii { I. L. Nichols Dentist it ( Jas. Thomas Farmer Raleigh | \Vm Crow t Samuel Holmes Merchant Chatham , Albert Wilcox ( G A. Layer Law Student , David Wilson Farmer . . Harwich ( Jas. McGarvin ... P. McGarvin m Dover ( Alex. Ducedre 1 Geo. Kime , t< (( Abraham Alexander, jr . . . ii n J. B. Gillard W^allaceburg (i Wm. L. Cameron Harwich (( P. D. Bates Fisherman (( T. B. Gillard Banker II Marshall Burk <{ James Armstrong Dentist . Almonte Isaac Horny Saw and Shingle Manfr, . Maberly . II F. McEwen Physician . . Carleton Place ,< Duncan Campbell Tailor Almonte 1C G. H. Gilbert Hairdresser . . . ( k Francis Van De Bogart. . . Ranchman . T S \AA' Ed. Senecal Oarsman Rockport James Fitzpatrick Mechanic Tippd< Neil McLean Banker. . . . (i G. R Griffin t< t{ Jas. Paton Gentleman T> .,, T ' 1 S. D. Woodruff St Catharines It H. J. Dawson Barrister Petrol ia r U4. Wm. Hutchinson Oil Merchant Detroit .... Michigan USA. W. J. Higham Tanner W. Thomson Writer . . p, j. Q ' John Telfer *. . . Ziska AT 1 W. J. Miller Farmer . . . V ankoughnet Ed. Goldip Geo. E. Langford Bracebridge John Wasdell Butcher .... J. Vankoughnet Farmer Falding . . H. Vankoughnet 8 Donald Gordon E. J. Gouldie . . Hunter Magnetawan J. B. Wallis General Merchant Dwight " Port Carliner . . 69 QUESTIONS RELATING TO Continued. Name. Occupation. Address. County. Singleton Brown Lumberman Br acebrid ge Chas B Riley Farmer . . Milford Bay Jas Clark Monsell 44 Thos Salmon ... ... M Dwight ,1 Wm Craft Farmer Doe Lake . . . (1 J Board Bala (I Guide Dorset It E F Stephenson Journalist Bracebridge (i Frank Kent .... Veterinary Surgeon II Alfred Hunt Banker ... it <( Township Clerk n (( Clerk .< It J Ripke Stonemason . tt (I Jno A. Dale Miller Lake of Bays tl Jailer Bracebridge II Clerk II H it II TQ Rail Farmer . Stephenson II J Wardell Dorset (1 Tinsmith it " H.T Kinff Butcher Gravenhurht " W H Green Farmer Grassmere " Bala II Yeoman Bardsville (( Carpenter Bracebridge tt Farmer Brackenrig . " (1 tt Baysville (1 p , , Doe Lake . tl Ridley Appleby Farmer t ( Utterson ' Erastus Haaes ' Wm S Terry Settler Vankoughnet ' Chas \Vhite Glen Orchard ' Farmer . ... Port Carling 1 onn May Hunter Rosseau 1 Hotel Proprietor tt J. Monteith Teacher Wardsville Middlesex. Member of Gun Club. . . . London J H Fraser " " Wm. Woodruff ' .... (i W. T. Strong H. S. Blackburn ;;:: " Geo. Gibbons 44 J. C. Holmes Physician . tt " N. H. Beemer Lather " it F. L. Trebilcock E R Tammon Barrister " tt Banker tt HA Niohol<=on " .... H A Stevenson Med. Student , John Burns <4 < E A Cleghorn Wholesale Grocer. . (, L. McDonald Dentist Registrar ' W. C. Gill W. T. Williams Chief of Police < E. A. Sayer ' C. W. Davis i Wm. Avey ft tl W. H. Allison R. G. Mercer Train Despatcher Post Office Dep't < " \ II . r ell. Merchant Delaware Northumberland. T. C. Lockwood J W. Dinwoodie Postmaster Contractor Brighton Campbellford it " T. J. Nimmo Farmer " J. H. McMaster..., Sailor 70 QUESTIONS RELATING TO BIRDS Continued. Name. Occupation. Address. County. R. H. Bonnycastie Farmer Wood Ranger Campbellford Sudbury North Bay Nosbonsing Simcoe Noi Nij No Onl Oxf Prii Pee Par Pet -th >iss rfol < c ari i c rt c ice 1. ry 1 amberland. ing. k. 0. . Edward. Sound. orough. John Piche Jessup Richard. . Hunter .... R. H. Elliott Joseph T. Carson Clarence C. Rapeljie . . Wm. E. Tisdale .... H. H. Groff Station Agent Teacher County Clerk Barrister Bunker John Matthews . . . J. W. Ryerson . . . J. Lome Campbell Gentleman J. M. Salmon Physician S. M. Sovereen Jas. Duncan . . Forestville Normandale . Walter Anderson . . Ed. Parker... Simcoe W. F. Nickerson W. J". Mclnnes Physician Vittoria Simcoe I'ort Dover W. J. Fin lay . . Clergyman A. W. Lawrie Arthur Miller Merchant Sportsman Merchant Farmer Seagrave Beaverton Seagrave Beaverton ti John McRae Albert Orchard H. Westcott Hardware Merchant Municipal Clerk Farmer Salesman Druggist Farmer .... C. A. Paterson . Arch McLean Seagrave Uxbridge Princeton E. Moore A. N. Gissing . . Robt. McLean. Innerkip Bright John Cowan Wm. Hersie Architect Merchant Farmer Accountant Farmer Timber Explorer Thog. Cuthbertson Woodstock Demorestville Mountain View. ... D%inorestville Jas. Hart W. A. Anderson . . Geo. H. Boulter K. A. Chisholm Thoa F. Carr . . Brampton .... Trout Creek South River Fenelon Falls C. W. Bums . C. W.Burns jr Geo. Whistle Manufacturer Butcher E. R Edwards . Livery Stable keeper. . , Miller A. Stevens . . B. F. Kean Lumber Culler , Planner . I. Barnes Gideon O. Smith Joseph Lake Burk's^Falls Fire Ranger Jas. Dickscn . John Sedgewick. . Farmer Bushranger Labourer Teacher Farmer Snowden Burk's Falls. John H. Bell Wm. McCunnelLli Thos. J. Paget '...' Cyrus D. Lawrence S B. Purvis Restoule ". . . .... Sprucedale Lumberman Farmer Lumberman Thos. McGowan Jacob Joliffe Parry Sound Wm. Fry Wm. CargilK Farmer .... Monteith Fole TT Frank Lafex Storekeeper Parry Sound Ed. Taylor Wm. Ireland. Shoemaker Journalist Postmaster. J. M. Anstey J. R. Legatt . . Watchmaker Barrister Farmer W. L. Haight Dan Starrat . . H. Spencer . . . Harnessmaker Farmer IVfrKVllar John Abbitson John Clark . . . . . Restoule Wm. McFarlane Hotel-keeper Farmer G- W. Coones Apsley ' reo. o. oprouie Artist Peterborough 71 QUESTIONS RELATING TO BIRDS Continued. Name. Occupation. Address. County. J D. Collins 1J eter borough Peterborough. Quebec. Renfrew. i kt M (( u (( II Simcoe. Wm Hall Buckhorn H Calcutt Peterborough Lakefield Peterborough . . , Lakefield P C Strickland T W. Gibbs John Bennett L G Steele John Richardson George Cochrane Peterborough \V"m Brownscombe Ale\ Bell Physician Lakefield Apsley Peterborough J J Welsh Blacksmith \lex Paterson H, E Wood R Watson H Tivey G. A. Farmer John Park Banker Montreal Gentleman Horton S. O'Gorman Constable Farmer Physician Renfrew Pembroke J . D. Deacon David Barr (i Gentleman Renfrew Farmer Blythfield Deux Rivieres. . . Farmer Effanville Geo. D. Bayne Minister Pembroke Renfrew R A Graham \Vni Scott Farmer (-Jeorge Sutherland Farmer Micksburg Point Alexander Deacon Frank Byers n Renfrew Horton John McRae James Craig Jn. J. Gorman Renfrew Barrister Esmonde (i Sebastopol Renfrew Hotel Clerk Donald McLaren Sandpoint Tottenham Orillia Veterinary Surgeon .... Supt. Red Cross Hospital Lumberman Physician Farmer Gideon Strothers Hillsdale Cookstown . D. JMicnol Francis Lockh.art Stayner Wm. Watson Thomas A. Millichamp D. Somerville . . James Cockburn R. Wade. William Mortimer Orillia Stayner Edgar <( < 4< n 4-1 Orillia Farmer Mortimer's Point Richard Watson Jesse E. Doner Stayner ... rvn11io J. O. Perry George Strathern Merchant Jeweller Barber Beeton W. H. Soden Andrew McQuay W. E. Seluciles Harnessmaker Hillsdale Sunnidale Farmer Storekeeper General Merchant Farmer Al landale Thomas Elliott J. P. Kidd Thomas Crosbie Barrie Lisle Collingwood Albert Johnson John Gray, jr Ed. Bathie John T. Hutton H. Jones Merchant Farmer . . Coldwater Cookstown Hutton House Sunnidale Lindsay < < Victoria. E. A. Knowlson H. Ryans Carpenter 72 QUESTIONS EELATING TO BIRDS-^Conivnued. Name. .Occupation. Address. County. J. L. Sadler Miller Lindsay ..... Viet. Wei Well Went York (C jria. irid. ngton. worth. T Sadler (i Wm. Mulcahy i< Henry Cohan B. Bryan Contractor it Fremont Crandell Engineer c Joseph Littel . . John Finigan Farmer A. J. Davis John Kin near .... Miller .... Thomas Fee A. E. Bottum Farmer Lockmaker Bobcaygeon H. R. Herriman .... Lindsay James D. Knovvlson . Insurance Agent A. W. DeGrasd Physician H Ed. Mosgrove Teacher . . Kirkfield E. R. Edwards Fenelon Falls Kinmount Alex. Murray . Farmer W. T. C. Boyd Merchant . Bobcaygeon Kinmount . Scott & Sadler... Hotel-keepers Merchant . . . . W. J. Read ... Bobcaygeon C, E. Bonnell Physician H. Llewellyn Tribe Hunter Vankoughnet N. B. Tribe Farmer . . Charle-* Gunsoles Saddler . Bobcaygeon Franklin Crandell Steamboat Captain Carpenter Lindsay Redman McGrath Joseph Garner Farmer Fenwick John Hannon . . Hotel -keepei Thorold J. C. Hull Merchant Falls View J. T. Garrett Tailor M. Pettit . Grocer . . A. L. Wilson Gentleman C. C. Spencer (1 R. Webster Guelph Thomas Goldie Miller. G. A. Richardson Secy. Guelph Gun Club A. C. Chadwick . . . . Judge u J. Gibbs Finisher Robert Aitken Farmer Speedside S. Duffield. A. E. Malloch Physician Hamilton . . . c T. Dalton S. Joyce R. M. Kennedy Journalist Inspector c J. I. McKenzie . . Andrew Ross . Merchant T. L. Stephens E. V. Spencer Wild Fowlers' Gun Club. . Wild Fowlers' Gun^Club. . Contractor t i J. S. Hendrie . . Albert Smyth . . JQrm'l-Vi ' Jas. Crooks ( 1 Thos. Hutchinson . . E. Tinsley Geo. M. Hendrie . Engineer A. MacKeand . . . " Wm. Payne David Maddocks Bolt-maker . . Iron Finisher Banker Pres. Ochlwin Sporting Club Sec'y Ochlwm Sporting Club Farmer Toronto S. J. Stammers J. F. W. Ross John Mackelcan R. W. Gouinlock .... Chas. A. Terry Richard Wells (c Newmarket . Com. Traveller ... Dentist W. H. McConnell.... '" Druggist Aurora Toronto . 73 QUESTIONS RELATING TO RI^DS Concluded. Name. Occupation . Address. County . H D "Weaver Fur dealer Toronto York John Fisher Builder Eglington WA Clark Clerk of York Township S G Beatty Publisher . Toronto H J Maughan Insurance agent John "W M encke (i * David Kennedy Gentleman Farmer . ... Sharon I Dollery it Fairbank 74 ONTARIO GAME AND FISH COMMISSION. QUESTIONS RELATING TO BIRDS. The answers to these questions have been grouped according to counties. It has been thought advisable to do this on account of the difference of opinion expressed by the witnesses in different parts of the Province, regarding the close and open seasons. Your Commissioners have found that the seasons differ materially even in districts which closely adjoin each other, and it is thought, therefore, that the following tables may prove a useful basis of en- quiry for a permanent commission, in the event of the appointment of such a body. N.B. Question 15 and the answers thereto are worthy of special attention. Those who answer in the affirmative think that much benefit would accrue from a uniform season, and that many birds which are now shot out of season would be spared if one common shooting season existed. Some of those who answer in the negative are evidently actuated by selfish motives and wish to continue shooting at all times and in all seasons. Others again, allege that in the particular localities in which they reside, much legitimate sport would be lost if the common shooting season was established. It is pleasing to note, however, that the real sportsmen who have come before your Commissioners to give evidence on this point have been invariably willing to sacrifice much of their own shooting in order that general good might result > which they claim would be the case if a general short season for shooting was adopted. 1. === Where are you accustomed to observe or shoot any of the following wild birds ? ' . Name of bird. County of When arrive in spring. When leave in autumn. Do they breed here. GROUSE: (Pheasant) Ruffed Grouse, or Birch Partridge.. Canada Grouse, or Spruce Partridge . . Pennated Grouse, or Prairie Chicken. . . Sharp Tailed Grouse QUAIL TURKEY . WOODCOCK SNIPE : Common, or Wilson's Pectoral Sandpiper, or Jack Snipe Red breasted RAIL : Sora, or Carolina . . . King Virginia . PLOVER : Golden Tell Tale, or Greater Yellow Shanks . . . Lesser Yellow Shanks Curlew SWAN: Whistling GEESE : Brant Canada Snow DUCKS : Gadwall Redhead Black i Pintail . Mallard . Shoveller, or Spoon- bill Canvasback Blue Winged Teal . . Green Winged Teal . . American Golden Eye American Widgeon . . Buffle Headed Wood Duck Scaup, or Blue Bill. . Ruddy Duck Coween, or Long tailed Scoter NOTE 1. Place a cross X before the name of any bird that breeds in the locality named. NOTE 2. Place a square |~ } after the name of any bird that does not breed in the locality named. NOTE 3. Place a line under names of birds of passage, or birds that stay but a short time. 76 2. Fill in the following Table so far as you can do so from your own knowledge Wild birds. RELATING TO BIRDS BREEDING IN ONTARIO. RELATING TO MIGRATORY BIRDS. Remarks. Laying time. No. of eggs. End of hatching time. Time when all young are strong on wing. Arrive. Depart. GROUSE: (Pheasant) Ruffed Grouse, or Birch Partridge. . . Canada Grouse, or Spruce Partridge. . Pennated Grouse, or Prairie Chicken . . . feharp Tailed Grouse QUAIL i . 9 1 TURKEY WOODCOCK SNIPE : Common, or Wilson's Pectoral Sandpiper, or Jack Snipe .... Redbreasted . . RAIL: Sora, or Carolina King. . . . Virginia PLOVER : Golden . Tell Tale, or Greater Yellow Shanks . . . LesserYellowShanks Curlew SWAN: Whistling GEESE :" Brant Canada Snow DUCKS: Gadwall .. . Redhead Black . . Pintail . . . Mallard ... Shoveller, or Spoon- bill Canvasback Blue Winged Teal Green Winged Teal. American Golden Eye American Widgeon.. Buffle Headed Wood Duck.... Scaup or Blue Bill . . Ruddy Duck . Coween, or Long- tailed Scoter NOTE 1. Place a cross X before the name of any bird which should not be marketed or sold. NOTE 2. Place a square |~| after the name of any bird which should not be exported. NOTE 3. Place a line under the name of any bird which should not be imported, except under a high duty. NOTE 4. Make remarks on back if there is not room enough in column. 76a " 6 ^ ' **" which andwhy *** f ^ *>"&*>* bi '*' state Answer 4. If opposed to the exportation of any, state which and why. Answer 5. If opposed to the unrestricted importation of any, state which and why- Answer 6. Should the marketing or sale of game birds be strictly limited to the shooting season ? Answer 7. What are your reasons for the foregoing reply ? Answer 8. Should a certain time after the close season begins be allowed to dealers for sale of their stock ? If so, how many days ? Answer 9. Should the killing of wild turkeys be prohibited ? If so, for how man v years ? Answer 10. The present close seasons are : Grouse, \ Pheasant, Prairie Fowl, f Januai T lst to September 1st. Partridge, ^ J Quail, ) Wild Turkey f ^ ecem ^ er ^ 5t ^ to October 15th of the following year. Woodcock, January 1st to August 15th, same year. Snipe, ^ Rail, > January 1st to September 1st, same year. ,. Plover, ) Q ' > May 1st, to September 1st, same year. Ducks, ) and all other > January 1st to September 1st, same year. Water Fowl, ) Are these seasons all properly set ? If not, what changes do you recommend ? Answer 766 11. If you have recommended any changes in close seasons, what are your reasons ? Answer 12. Should spring shooting of ducks, geese and swan be forbidden ? If so, why ? Answer 13. Should individual sportsmen be restricted to the shooting of a certain number of ducks in any one day ? If so, to how many ? Answer 14. Should duck shooting from sail boats and steam yachts be forbidden ? If so, why ? Answer 15. With a view of preventing the shooting of some birds in part of their close season, the suggestion that all shooting except quail should begin in Sep- tember 15th has been made. Do you approve of this ? Answer 16. If so, state your reasons. 17. Should foreigners be allowed to shoot game birds in Ontario ? Answer 18. If so, should a license fee be exacted from them, and to what sum ? Answer 77 LIST OF DISTRICTS AND COUNTIES. From which the 485 witnesses before-named answered the questions on Birds. Algoma 4 Bruce 4 Cardwell .. . 1 Carleton . 18 Dufferin 1 Durham 4 Elgin .' 1 Essex 12 Frontenac 10 Grey 3 Haldimand 17 Hastings 31 Halton 9 Haliburton 18 Kent 43 Lanark 5 Lennox and Addington 2 Leeds 3 Lincoln 2 Lambton 1 Michigan 3 Muskoka 47 Middlesex 28 Northumberland 5 Nipissing ; 3 Norfolk 16 Ontario 7 Oxford 5 Prince Edward 3 Peel 1 Parry Sound 30 Peterborough 19 Quebec 1 Renfrew 23 Simcoe \ 27 Victoria 29 Welland 3 Wellington 11 Wentworth 18 York. 17 485 78 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS BY WITNESSES LIVING IN DISTRICT OF ALGOMA. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No . . 2 Blank 2 4. All . . 1 No 1 Blank . . . . 2 5. No 1 Blank . .... 3 6. Yes .... . 4 7. Reasons obvious as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 3 Days 1 7 Days 1 14 Days ........ 1 Blank ! 9. 5 Years 1 Blank . . ._... 3 10. Yes ... . 3 Grouse, Pheasant, Prairie-fowFand Partridge, should not be killed until 15th September ... I 11. Birds not matured earlier than loth Sept . 2 Blank . 2 12. Yes .... 2 Blank ... 13. Impossible to prevent ... 1 20 per day ... Blank 2 14. Yes 2 Blank ...... 2 15. Yes .... Blank j 16. To prevent extermination of Quail . 2 To allow late birds to mature better i Blank 17. Yes ..... ' 18. $5 2 Nominal fee , . 79 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF BRUCE. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Quail .... i Turkey, woodcock, snipe, plover ... 1 All ...... . . 1 Grouse . 1 4. All . . 2 Blank 2 5. No ... ... 1 Blank .... 3 6. Yes . ... 4 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise, the law would be broken. 8. 14 days . . 1 10 days 2 Blank . . . 1 9. 5 Years ......... 1 4 Years 1 3 Years . . ... 1 Blank . 1 10. Yes . . 1 Ducks 1st May to 1st September 1 Ducks and Snipe, 8th May to 1st September 1 Blank . 1 11. Snipe, Duck and Geese should be allowed to be shot in spring, as they are not found here in fall 3 Blank . . 1 12. Yes . 1 No '> 13. No . 3 Blank 14. No 15. No 16. Blank 17. No Blank 18. $20 Blank - ... 3 80 ANSWEKS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF CARDWELL, 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Blank 1 4. Blank 1 5. Blank 1 6. Blank 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Blank 1 9. Blank 1 10. Blank 1 11. Blank 1 12. Blank 1 13. Blank 1 14. Blank 1 15. Yes 1 16. No birds are matured before this date I 17. Yes 1 18. $10. . - 81 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF CARLETON. 1. Not necessary to answer here.; this question was answered bv ver few witnesses. * e 2 Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by verv few witnesses. * e 3. Yes - No I Blank 4 4. Yes 14 5. Grouse . . . _ 1 All 2 Blank 15 6. Yes . 18 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Yes 4 7 Days 3 10 Days 10 Blank 1 9. Yes 7 Blank 9 5 Years - 2 10. All game birds should be shot 1st September 2 Woodcock 1st Jan. to 1st Sept. 5 Swan and Geese 16th May to 1st September. 1 Ducks 1st Jan. to 10th Aug. - 1 Yes 9 11. Commence all shooting 1st Sept. to prevent shooting out of season 4 Blank 14 12. Yes - 18 13. Yes 15 50 Ducks 1 25 Ducks 14. Yes - 12 No 6 6(c.) 82 15. Yes - ' 10 No 8 16. Ducks not matured before 1st Sept. 8 Too late 2 Blank 8 17. Yes 7 No 11 18. SI 2 $10 4 $50 1 Yes - 2 Blank - 9 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF DUFFERIN. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes 1 4. Blank 1 5. Blank 1 6. Yes 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Blank 1 9. Blank 1 10. All right 1 11. Blank l 12. Yes l 13. No l 14. No l 15. Yes l 16. It will prevent much illegal shooting 17. No 18. Blank 84 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY DURHAM 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes 1 Blank 3 4. Yes 1 Blank 2 All 1 5. No 1 Blank 3 6. Yes 2 No 2 7. Reasons obvious as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 10 Days 2 Blank 2 J). Blank 4 10. Present season good - 1 Duck close season should be from Jan. 1st to Aug. loth 1 Blank - , 2 11. Ducks are matured by loth Aug. 2 Blank 2 12 Yes 2 No 2 1:$. Impossible 1 12 Ducks j Blank *> 14. Yes j No i Blank . 2 15. No 2 Blank _ 9 16. All game fully developed by 1st Sept. 1 No, because no Quail here at that season - 1 Blank . 2 17. No 4 18. If taxed, $15 per gun 1 Blank . 85 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF ELGIN. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No - 4. No 5. Blank 6. No 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 30 days 9. Yes 10. Blank 11. Blank 12. Blank 13. No 14. Blank 15. Yes 16. Blank 17. Yes 18. $1 per week 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 I 1 86 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF ESSEX. 1. Not necessary to answer; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No 1 Quail and Partridge 4 Grouse Turkey and Woodcock 5 All 1 4. All 11 Blank 1 5. Yes 6 No 1 Blank 5 6. Yes - 12 Blank 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No - 1 14 days - ( > 10 days 3 Blank 2 9. No - li 5 years 5 3 years 1 10. Change Quail season to Nov. 1st to 31st Dec. 2 Allow spring shooting 3 Woodcock and Partridge should be 15th Sept. to 1st Jan. 5 Woodcock season should be Aug. 1st to Jan. 1st 1 Close season for Quail should be 1st Jan. to 1st Oct. I 11. Birds not matured before Nov. 1st 2 Season for shooting should be more uniform 2 Blank 8 12. Yes 6 No ., 3 Blank - 3 87 13. No 9 Blank 3 14. Yes 9 No 1 Blank 2 15. Yes 11 No 1 16. Blank 12 17. No 2 Yes 7 Blank 3 18. No 6 $10 1 "NTrvf if f.VA\7- nwn o-amft nreserves 1 Blank 88 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF FRONTENAC. 1. Not necessary to answer ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Blank 7 No 3 4. Yes - . - fj All 4 5. Yes - 10 6. Yes - 5 No . - 2 Blank - 1 Allow 10 days - 2 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Yes - - 2 No 1 12 days - - 6 20 days - - 1 9. No - - - 2 Blank ... 3 10. All right - 1 Close season for all game 1st January to 1st September. 1 Allow spring shooting 2 Begin all shooting 1st September - 2 Blank 4 Woodcock close season should be Is January to 1st September, as birds are better matu d - 2 All birds are matured by 1st September 2 Blank - @ 12 Yes 2 No 6 Blank 2 13. No 6 15 ducks - 2 10 ducks _ i 5 ducks - . 89 14. Yes -> 7 No 2 Blank 1 15. Yes 2 No - 3 Blank 5 16. Blank 10 17. No 6 Yes 2 Blank 2 * r 1 18. No $1, 1 $10. 1 High fee 1 10 cents per head 1 Blank - 5 90 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF GREY. 1. Not necessary to answer ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. All 2 Blank 1 4. Yes 2 Blank 1 5. Yes 1 No 1 Blank .... .1 6. Yes 3 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Yes - - 1 No 1 Blank - 1 9. No i 5 years - _ 1 Blank - ! 10. Close season for water fowl should *be 15th April to 1st September _ 1 Close season for ducks should be 1st March to 1st September _ 1 Present season good - - - 1 11. Because if spring shooting is not allowed here no ducks can be had _ _ j Blank 2 12. Yes 2 Blank - l 13. Yes l No . 2 14. No - g 15. Yes No - - - - - 1 1st September - - - 1 16. Blank 17. No Yes ... 18. No - $10. . . ' - 91 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF HALDIMAND. I. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. . 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Blank 2 All * Yes 6 No 5 4. Yes 7 No 5 All 5 5. Yes n All 4 Blank 6. Yes 16 Blank 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 3 days 5 days - 7 days 13 days 9. Blank 3 years 5 years 10. Open season for all game should be 15th September to 31st December Yes Woodcock shooting should commence 1st Septembe Blank" 17 II. Blank 12. Yes Blank 14 13. No 2 Blank ^ Duck 92 14. Yes 16 Blank 1 15. Yes 2 Blank 1 Quail 14 16. Blank 17 17. Yes - 15 No 2 18. No -. - 1 $5 12 $25 1 Blank 3 93 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF HASTINGS. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes 1 No - 5 Blank 10 Woodcock - 11 All 4 4. Yes 7 No 2 Blank 21 Woodcock 1 5. Yes 2 No 2 Blank 21 Woodcock / All 5 6. Yes 21 No Blank 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No time 5 days 1 week 10 days 30 days . 1 6 i o days 1 Blank 5 years - 10. All shooting should be from 1st September to Utb ^ December Close for Partridge 1st January to 1st November Partridge shooting should commence 1st October Close for Partridge from 1st December to 1st September. Ducks should close from 1st January to 1st October. 1 No. 6 Present season good 5 Blank - 13 11. Present season too long 1 On account of scarcity of game birds 1 Blank 29 12. Yes 20 No - 1 Blank 10 13. Yes 10 No 9 Blank 10 25 Ducks 1 50 Ducks 1 14. Yes 25 No - .. 5 Blank 1 15. Yes 13 No 2 Blank 16 16. Blank . * _ 31 17. Yes 8 No 9 Blank 14 18. 825. 1 $20 1 $5. 2 SI. 1 Yes 3 No 3 Blank . . 20 95 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF HALTON. 1. Not necessary to answer ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes 1 No 1 Blank 4. Yes 1 All 1 Blank 7 5. Yes - 2 Blank 7 6. Yes No 4 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 5 to 10 days 7 days 20 days 9 Yes 2 5 years Blank 10. Partridge should be shot from 15th Sept, to 15th Oct. Present season good Blank 11. Partridge season is too early Blank 7 12. Yes No - I Blank 9 13. No - Yes 4 Blank 14. No 7 Blank o 15. Yes 4 Blank g 16. Blank 6 17. No 3 Blank 2 18. $5 2 $10 _ V .' . 5 Blanks 96 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF HALIBURTON. I. Not necessary to answer ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No 14 Blank 4 4. Yes 14 Blank 4 5. Blank 18 6. Yes - 14 Blank - 4 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 6 days 1 2 weeks - - _ 14 Blank 3 9. Blank 18 10. Present season good 17 Blank . . I 11. Blank 18 12. Yes - 16 Blank 2 13. 25 Ducks - 14 Blank - 4 14. Yes - 2 No 15 Blank 1 16, Yes 15 No - 1 Blank 2 16. Blank 18 17. No 1 Yes - - - 16 Blank 18. No 1 General permit for all game 2 14 Blank - -1 jf ,2 97 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF KENT. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No 2 Ducks, Quail and Partridge 37 All 4 4. Yes 1 No - 1 Blank 19 Quail and Grouse All 21 5. Yes - 16 No 18 Blank - 6. Yes 39 Blank 10 days 16 days 7 Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No - 9 Blank 5 days 10 days 9. Yes U XT 23 No Blank 5 years 3 years 10. Partridge should be shot 15th Oct. to 1st Jan Duck should be shot, 20th Sept. to 1st Dec. - % 1 Pheasant, Grouse and Quail open season should be 1st Oct. to 1st Jan'y- Woodcock should be shot Sept. 1st to Jan'y 1st - Snipe, Rail and Plover shooting season should be May 1st to Sept. 1st - * Ducks open season should be May 1st to Oct. ID - 31 Blank 7(0.) 11. Ducks do not come here till 25th Oct. 1 Woodcock now shot when not full grown 1 Quail now killed in Pheasant season 1 Blank 40 12. Yes 23 No - 2 Blank 18 13. Yes - 5 No 16 Blank 1 25 Ducks - 3 50 Ducks 18 14. Yes 43 15. Yes - - 38 No 3 Blank 2 17. Yes 22 No - 18 Blank 3 18. Blank 19 No 19 $10 - 2 $5 - - - - . 3 99 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON 'BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF LANARK. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few \vitnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes 3 All 1 Ducks, Partridge and Woodcock 1 4. Yes 4 All 1 5. Yes * All 1 6. Yes 3 No - Blank 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No - l 15 days Blank 9. No 5 years 10 years Blank 10. Yes Grouse and Partridge close season should be from loth Dec. to 15th Sept. 11. Blank 12. Yes - _ - O 4 13. No 50 Ducks 14. Yes No ^ 15. Yes 2 Blank 16. Blank 5 17. No 2 18. No o $20 l $50 - 100 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTIES OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No - 1 Blank 1 4. No - 1 Blank 1 5. No - - 1 Blank 1 6. No - .... 2 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 15 days - - 1 Blank 1 9- No 1 Blank 1 10. Yes -*. 2 11. Blank . 2 12. Yes 1 No .... 1 13. Yes 1 No - ... 1 14. No - ... 1 Blank 1 15. Yes .... 2 16. Blank - 2 17. No 1 Yes ... 1 18. No ..... 1 Blank 1 101 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF LEEDS. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. 4. All Grouse, Quail, Turkey and Plover Blank All Vao 2 1 2 1 1 . i es No 1 All 1 6. Yes - 2 No 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No 1 o Yes 9. Blank 3 10 Yes 1 Extend Grouse soason to September 15th, 1 Extend Woodcock season to September 1st 1 11. Blank 3 2 12. Yes 1 No 1 13. Yes 1 Blank 1 No 2 14. Yes 1 Blank - 2 15. Yes - 1 Blank _ 3 16. Blank 3 17. Yes _ 2 18. No - 1 Blank - 102 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN. 1. Not necessary to answer here; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No - - 1 Grouse, Quail and Woodcock - 1 4. No 1 Grouse, Quail and Woodcock - 1 5. All 1 Blank 1 3. Yes ! No . ! 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 2 weeks ----- 2 9. No. - . g 10. Woodcock close season should be 1st September to 15th August ----- 1 Quail close season should be 1st October to 15th Sep- tember - 1 11. Blank ... 2 12. Yes 2 13. No 2 14. No - . l Yes - - 1 15. Yes 2 16. Blank - 2 17. Yes .... 1 No . l 18. $25 ... 103 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF LAMBTON. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Partridge, Quail, Snipe, Woodcock and Plover - 1 4. Yes 1 5. Blank 1 6. Yes 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 3 days 1 9. 5 years 10. Close season for Woodcock 1st January to 1st September. 1 11. Blank l 12. Yes l 13. Blank 14. No l 14. Yes 16. Blank 17. No 18. Blank 104 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, U. S. A. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Quail, Turkey, Woodcock and Partridge 2 No. 1 4. Quail, Turkey, Woodcock and Partridge 3 5. Blank - 1 No - 2 6. Yes .... 2 50 days' grace - - 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 10 days - - - 2 8 days 1 9. 5 years . 1 .4 years _ 2 10. Close season for Partridge should be January 1st to 15th September _ . 1 Close season for Woodcock should be December 1st to 15th August - - - - _ 1 Close season for Swan and Geese should be April loth to 15th September - . - _ 1 11. For game protection 1 Blank - 2 12. Yes 3 13. No. l 20 per day . _ 2 14. Yes 3 15. Yes 3 17. Yes 3 18. No 2 $50 - . . 105 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN DISTRICT OF MUSKOKA. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes 6 No 10 Blank 15 Quail and Partridge 16 4 Yes 10 B'ank 16 No 4 All I* Partridge 5. Yes 15 No 2 Blank Partridge All l 6. Yes 42 No Blank 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No. " f Blank 15 days 1 week 10 days 13 2 days ^ 30 days - 3 Q VAC - - 34 Blank 2 No _ o 3 years - 2 7 years .^ 10 years 106 10 Yes 16 Blank 21 Partridge open season should be from 1st Oct. to 1st Dec. 1 Partridge close season should be 15th Sept. to 15th Nov. 2 Make Partridge season one month later 1 Weather too warm before 1st Oct. 1 Prohibit Partridge shooting for 5 years 1 Grouse and Partridge close season should be from 1st Jan'y to 15th Sept. 4 11. Present shooting season too long 3 Blank 42 Birds not matured before October 2 12. Yes - 34 Blank 11 No 2 13. Yes 5 No - - 6 Blank 31 12 Ducks - 3 20 Ducks 1 10 Ducks - 1 14. Yes - - ,. 17 No Blank 10 15. Yes - 35 Blank i n No 1U 2 16. Blank - 17. No 21 Yes ..... 16 Blank - 10 18. $2 - $5 -..- . ... 2 $9 - ... 5 310 . .... 5 $25 - .._.._. 3 Blank ..... 29 No ... 2 107 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very tew witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. All Quail Quail, Partridge and Woodcock Partridge _ 4. All Blank Quail, Partridge and Woodcock 5. No . All Quail - 6. Yes Blank Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 7. Reasons 8. 5 days No time 10 days 15 days 9. 2 years 3 years 5 years Blank 10. Quail close season should be 1st Jan. to 1st. Nov. Woodcock close season should be 1st Jan. to 1st Sept. Woodcock close season should be 1st January to 1st July All game should be close from 1st Jan. to 15th Sept Yes 11. Game too young on 1st Sept. - Woodcock are good in July Blank - - 4 6 17 1 6 16 6 3 19 6 22 6 24 2 1 1 6 16 4 2 1 1 1 1 24 2 1 25 108 12. Yes 27 No 1 13. No 25 25 ducks 2 Blank 1 14. Yes - 28 i 15. Yes 20 No 8 16. Blank 28 17. Yes 21 No 7 18. No - 9 $10 1 $25 - - 15 High fee 2 Blank - - 1 109 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes 2 No 3 4. No 3 Ducks and Partridges 2 5. Yes - 3 Blank 2 6. Yes 4 No 1 7. Reasons obvious, otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 20 days 1 10 days 2 6 days 2 9. 5 years - 1 Blank 4 10. Yes 2. Blank Geese and Swan should be shot in spring - 1 Partridge close should be one month later 1 11. Blank 5 12. Yes - 3 No 2 13. Blank 3 No 2 14. Yes - 4 Blank l 15. Yes 2 No l Blank - 16. Blank 17. No - 3 Yes 2 18. SI - 2 $5 2 Blank - 1 110 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN DISTRICT OF NIPISSING. 1. Not necessary to answer here; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2 1 2 1 2 i JL 2 1 Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 1 1 1 V 1 2 3 8 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 $50 - - - - - - > 3. No - Blank 4. Yes - Blank 5. No - Blank 6. No Blank 7. Reasons < 8. 15 days 30 days Blank 9. 10 years Blank 10. Yes - 11. Blank 12. Yes - No 13. Yes - No Blank 14. Yes Blank 15. Yes 16. Blank 17. No 18. Yes - $10 * Ill ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Blank 1 Snipe, Quail, Woodcock and Partridge 13 All 2 4. Yes 14 No 2 5. Yes 5 Blank 2 No 9 6. Yes - 15 No 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No 1 Blank 1 3 days 2 7 days H 15 days 1 9 Yes 5 No - 1 Blank 3 5 years 3 years 10. Woodcock and Partridge close season should be 1st January to 15th September Close all game 1st January to 1st September Close all game 15th December to 15th September 10 Woodcock and Partridge close season should be 1st December to 1st September - % Woodcock close should be 1st January to 1st Septem- ber ----- 2 112 11. Present Law not respected 1 Woodcock not in good condition at present season 2 Blank 13 12. Yes 14 No 2 13. Yes 4 No 10 200 per season 2 14. Yes - 15 No 1 15. Yes - 13 15th September to 15th December 3 16. Blank 16 17. Yes 9 No 7 18. Blank 2 $5 2 $20 - 5 $25 5 $50 .... 2 113 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No 6 Partridge 1 4. Yes 3 No 4 5. No 7 6. Yes 6 No 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No -2 10 days 3 15 days 2 9. Yes 3 5 years - - 3 Blank 1 10. Allow spring shooting - 2 Present season good - 4 Partridge season should be one month later 1 11. Game becoming extinct 1 Geese and swan are here a few days only in spring 2 Blank 4 12. Yes 2 No 4 Blank 1 13. No 4 Blank 3 14. Yes 3 No - 2 Blank 2 15. Yes 6 No - 1 16. Blank 7 17. Yes 3 No - 4 18. $5 2 High fee - Blank 2 8(0.) 114 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes - 1 Blank 3 Quail, Grouse and Partridge - 1 4. Yes 1 No 4 5. No 2 Blank 3 6. Yes 4 Blank - 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 14 days - . 2 10 days 2 Blank 1 9. 3 years 2 10 years - 2 Blank 1 10. Yes 1 Duck season should be extended one month - 1 Partridge and Woodcock should be from 1st September to 1st December. . 2 Blank 1 11. Woodcock, Partridge and Duck are becoming extinct 1 Blank 4 12. Yes 4 Blank 1 13. Yes 2 No 1 Blank 2 115 14. Yes 3 No 1 Blank 1 15. Yes 4 Blank 1 16. Blank - 5 17. Yes - 4 No 1 18. $2 1 So - 3 Blank 1 116 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF PRINCE EDWARD. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes . 2 Blank . l 4. Yes 2 Blank 1 5. No 1 Blank . .2 6. Yes . . 2 Blank . . 1 7. Reasons obvious as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No . ... 3 9. No .... 3 10. Woodcock open season should be extended two weeks later 2 All Waterfowl and Woodcock should begin 1st September. 1 11. Blank ... 1 It would make season uniform . .2 12. Yes . 3 13. Yes . 2 No J 14. Yes 3 15. Yes 2 No . j 16. Blank . 8 17. Blank : No 2 18. $25 x Blank 117 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF PEEL. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very iew witnesses. 3. Quail, Grouse and Woodcock . All All No Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. No 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5 years 10. Extend open season for Woodcock to 1st September 11. Blank . 12. Yes 13. 50 Ducks per season 14. Yes 15. Yes 16. Blank 17. No 18. No 118 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE DISTRICT OF PARRY SOUND. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes . . . . . 23 No . . '." '. 4 Blank ..... 3 4. Yes . . . . . . 25 No 2 Blank .... 2 All . i 5. Yes . 10 No 17 Blank . 3 6. Yes .... 22 No . .... 5 Blank . 3 7. Keasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No ... 1 7 days . ... 14 10 days ... 7 15 days .... 2 30 days ... 4 Blank 9. Yes, . 4 No 2 Blank ... 20 10 years .... 4 10. Present season good . 7 Make seasons uniform . H Partridge and Duck close season should be from January 1st to 15th September . * 1 Blank ... ^ 11. Have one common shooting season, and save young birds .... 12 Blank > i lo 119 12. Yes . . ".' 28 No 2 13. Yes . 9 No 9 Blank 12' 14. Yes : x 18 No 8 Blank 4 15. Yes 28 Blank 2 16. Blank 30 17. Yes 12 No 10 Blank 8 18. $2 . 1 $10 4 $20 2 $50 1 25 per cent, of value of game shot 1 No license fee for birds 1 Yes . 4 No 1 Blank 15 120 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF PETERBOROUGH. 1. Not necessary to answer here; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Partridge . 17 Ducks . 2 4 Yes . . 14 Blank .. 3 All 2 5. Yes 4 No . 13 Blank ... 2 6. Yes . . 19 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Yes . 1 Blank . . 4 15 days . . . . 4 10 days . . . 1 7 days . 1 3 days . . .3 2 days 1 2 weeks . 4 9. Blank . 19 10. Yes . ; . 4 Duck close season should be from 15th August to 15th September . . . . . 10 Grouse and Partridge season should be 15 days earlier. 5 11. Blank . . 19 12. Yes . 11 No . .5 Blank 2 7 days . 1 13. Yes 15 Blank 2 25 Ducks . 1 15 Ducks * 1 121 14. Yes . 18 No . . ' ' 1 15. Yes ... 1 No . 16 Blank 2 16. Blank . 19 17. Yes . . 11 No ... . 8 18. S3 .10 $20 1 $25 .. 1 Blank 7 122 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Blank . . . 1 4. No ....... 1 5. Blank ....... 1 & Blank ...... 1 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Blank ...... 1 9. Blank . . . . . . . 1 10. Quail close should be December 15th to October 31st. 1 11. Blank ...... 1 12. Blank .*..... 1 13. No . . . . . . . 1 14. No . . . . . .1 15. Yes . . . .' . 1 16. Blank ..... 1 17. Blank . ! .1 18. Blank 1 123 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF RENFREW. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No . . . . 1 Blank . .... 7 Partridge . . . . . . .15 4. Yes . . 8 No 1 Blank . . 8 Partridge . ... 2 All 4 5. No . . . 3 Blank . 20 6. Yes ... 19 No 2 Blank . ..... 2 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. No ....... 8 Blank . . .3 15 days ... 5 1 week . . 3 10 days . 4 9. No ... 1 Blank ... 21 5 years . . 1 10. Blank . 5 Yes 17 Allow game to be shot at all seasons 11. Blank . 23 12. Blank . . . 4 Yes 15 No ^ * 13. Yes , . 14 Blank . . * No .... 5 25 Ducks . . . 1 124 14. Blank . . 5 Yes ... 14 No 4 15. Yes 12 No 4 Blank 7 16. Blank . 43 17 No 16 Yes .5 Blank . 2 18. Blank 17 $5 1 $7 1 $25 1 Small fee . 2 No 1 125 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN, COUNTY OF SIMCOE. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses 3. Yes 2 No 8 Blank 12 Quail and Woodcock 1 Quail, Turkey and Partridge, - 2 All 1 Grouse 1 4. Yes 2 No 3 Blank 19 All 3 5. Yes 1 No 3 Blank 21 Quail and Turkey 1 All 1 6. Yes 14 No 6 Blank - 7 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Yes 4 No 2 Blank 6 5 days 2 10 days 8 14 days 1 15 days 4- 9. Yes 1 Blank 18 5 years 10. Present season good 8 Blank - 8 Allow spring Duck shooting 2 126 Woodcock close season should be from 1st January to 1st September 1 Grouse and Partridge, should be from 1st December to 1st October 1 Prohibit Quail and Turkey shooting, 3 years 1 Close Partridge shooting on 25th December 1 Woodcock should not be shot in September 2 Extend Partridge season to 1st December - 1 Make Partridge close season from February 1st to Oc- tober 1st - 1 Make close for Snipe, Eail and Plover, February 1st to October 1st 1 J L Blank - 23 Partridge shot too young - 2 Partridge will soon be exterminated under present law 1 Few Ducks breed here 1 12. Yes 8 No 10 Blank 9 13. Yes 3 No 12 Blank 7 10 Ducks - - 4 29 Ducks 1 14. Yes 8 No 8 Blank 11 15. Yes 12 No . 5 Blank - 10 16. Blank 27 17. No 15 Yes 8 Blank - 4 18. $50 . 1 $25 - 2 $20 3 $15 1 $10 . 2 $5 i $2 3 $1 1 Blank - _ 7 No > 3 Small-fee - - - 3 127 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF VICTORIA. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No 12 Partridge - 2 Blank - 15 4. Yes 1 No 11 Partridge 3 Blank 14 5. Yes 16 No 13 6. Yes - 20 No 1 Blank - 8 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Yes 3 No * 6 days 11 10 days 4 15 days 4 Blank 3 9. ' No I- 5 years Blank 22 10. Make Duck season open 15th August - Prohibit all spring shooting Open Woodcock, Duck and Partridge season 1st August 3 Yes 19 Blank . 4 11. Present season opens too late - Birds not matured by 15th August Blank - I 5 128 12. Tes 24 No 3 Blank 2 13. Yes - 3 No 8 6 Ducks 1 10 Ducks - 2 25 Ducks 3 50 Ducks - 11 Blank - 1 14. Yes- 7 No 17 Blank 5 15. Yes 7 :NO 17 Blank - 5 16. Blank 29 17. Yes 19 No 9 Blank 1 18. Yes 4 No 1 $1 1 $5 3 $10 11 $25 2 $50 1 Blank - 6 129 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF WELLAND. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Woodcock, Partridge and Quail 1 Blank 2 4. All 1 Blank 2 5. Quail and Prairie Chicken 1 Blank 2 6. Yes 3 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 10 days 2 15 days 1 9. 5 years 10 years 1 10. Snipe close should be 15th April to 1st May 1 Yes 2 11. Blank 3 12. Yes 3 13. Yes 1 20 Ducks ^ 14. Yes 2 Blank 1 15. Yes 1 No 1 Blank - l 16. Blank 3 17. Yes ! Blank 18. $5 $25 Blank- l 9(e.) 130 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN QOUNTY OF WELLINGTON. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. Yes - 2 No 3 Blank 2 All 1 Woodcock 2 Ducks 1 4. No 4 Blank 3 All 4 5. No 7 Blank 4 6. Yes 10 No - 1 V 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. Yes 1 No 4 Blank 1 10 days 5 9. Yes 2 No 4 Blank 2 7 years 1 5 years 2 10. Blank 5 Partridge open season should commence 1st Oct. 1 Woodcock close season should be extended 1st Sept. 2 All game should be close from 15th Sept. to 1st Oct. 2 Yes ! 11. Blank 7 Many grouse are shot out of season 2 Season should be uniform 2 131 12. Yes 5 No 4 Blank 2 13. No 7 Blank 3 25 Ducks 1 14. Yes 4 No 4 Blank 3 15. Yes 5 No 4 Blank 2 16. Blank 11 17. No - 5 Yes 5 Blank 1 18. Blank 6 $10 2 $20 3 - 132 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN THE COUNTY OF WENTWORTH. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No 5 Quail, Woodcock and Partridge 13 4. No 3 All 15 5. Yes 1 No 10 All 2 Blank 5 6. Yes 14 No 4 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 5 days 15 10 days 3 9. Yes 9 5 years - 5 Blank 4 10. Close for Quail should be from 15th Dec. to 1st Sept. 5 Close for Woodcock should be 15th Jan'y to 1st Sept. 3 Close for Quail should be from loth Dec. to 1st Nov. - 9 Blank 1 11. Birds are now killed out of season - 4 Blank 14 12. Yes - J3 No _ 5 13. Yes - Q No 15 14. Yes j 8 15. Yes 1C Blank 2 16. Blank 18 17. Yes - No -4 18. $5 l $10 $50 $100 133 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON BIRDS, BY WITNESSES LIVING IN COUNTY OF YORK. 1. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 2. Not necessary to answer here ; this question was answered by very few witnesses. 3. No 2 Quail and Partridge 7 Woodcock 3 Ducks 3 Blank 2 4. No 2 Partridge 4 Quail and Ducks - 3 All 8 5. Yes 3 No 4 Blank 10 6. Yes 14 No 3 t 7. Reasons obvious, as otherwise the law would be broken. 8. 7 days 10 10 days 5 15 days 1 20 days 1 9. No 1 3 years 7 5 years 7 10 years 2 1 0. Partridge close season should be 1st Dec. to 1st Sept. Quail and Turkey close season should be 1st Dec. to 1st Sept. 1 Woodcock, Quail and Partridge should be 1st Jan'y to 15th Oct. 6 All shooting should commence loth Sept. Yes -5 Blank 1 134 11. In order to protect game birds generally 4 Birds too youncr 2 Blank 11 12. Yes 9 No 4 Blank 4 13. Yes 4 No - 9 Blank 4 14. Yes 12 No - 2 Blank 3 15. Yes 13 No 4 16. Blank 17 17. Yes 5 No 9 Blank 3 18. No 1 $1 to members of Gun Clubs 1 $5 , ^ -! $20 1 $25 3 $50 1 $100 ! Blank - _ 135 QUESTIONS RELATING TO FISH. The questions prepared on this subject by your Commisssiouers answered by 497 persons as follows : were NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. Kur Dealer Schrieber Tohn Piche ^Vood-ranger Sudbury . Thos Penfold Jailor Port Arthur ii Thos Frood Farmer Little Current < A. W Hodgson Train Despatcher Fort William ii J H Garner Physician Iiucknow Bruce Geo Mair Banker (i <( H M Smith Saw-miller . . . Southampton i< Cecil Swale Farmer ... Wiarton tin Hotel-keeper Merchant Gentleman C.S.Austin Geo. Bemmister Civil Engineer Cabinet-maker Jas. Morley John Reid J. Lucas . . Carpenter . . Hotel-keeper Merchant Trapper E. Leith P. O'Connor C. R. Stewart Gentleman Butcher Hotel-keeper Jos. Paul Jos. Kellett S. Dawson Farmer F. Freeman L. M. Neily E. W. Lockman R. Davis . . Merchant Shoemaker . . Guide .. Dorset Minden Kennaway Gooderham Gooderham Shoemaker Farmer Farmer Thos. Scott A. McCall Walter Parish Chas, May J. Sedgwick Geo. Gregory Postmaster Farmer Gelert Guide ...'..'.'.'.'.".'..'.'". Farmer Wicksteed Geo. Tutt Caleb Lousley John Boyes T. J. Wheeler.... Thos. Ireland J. Wilson Trafalgar Nelson Georgetown .... Nelson Ash Trafalgar Milton Guilds A. Clements Editor !'..'.."!!!!!!""!! Farmer . . . Wm. Panton T. P. Warner 137 QUESTIONS RELATING TO FISH. Continued. NAMK. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. Wm. Mallory . . Farmer Guilds Kent J. A. McKellar Ridgetown H. A. Mallory 44 M. Massey Farmer Chatham < Jas Kime Veterinary Surgeon j C. Wheeler Merchant j D. Smith Farmer H 4 A Williams it Raleigh i Jas. Rankin ii Dover 4 A. Alexander, jr it Dover I T H Nelson Bailiff tl Jas. Hamilton Fisherman Jeannette Creek 4, John Houston Farmer Harwich (( H Dagneau Merchant ( 4 H. A. Crow Farmer Raleigh .( W. A. Campbell Clerk . Chatham || J. B Reynolds Merchant Rond Kau (( D. R. Watson Caretaker ..... .... Morpeth II P. D. Bates Fisherman Ridgetown ( W. B Well? Clerk 4 John Mercer Sheriff ii t Gordon Boles Captain M I J. L. Nicholls Dentist t( 4 Jas. Thomas Farmer Raleigh ( Wm. Crow ii Dover 4 S. Holmes Merchant Ch?tham ( A. Wilcox Farmer ... . Dover 1 G. A Layer . . Law Student Chatham , David Wilson Farmer Harwich .... ( Jas. McGarvin ii ( P McGarvin . . . ci Dover i Alex. Ducedre i< | Geo. Kime CI M 4 A. Alexander, sr (1 II I J B Gillard \Vallaceburg ( W. L. Cameron H arwich 4 Chas. D Shirley Fisheiman Blenheim I John K. Thompson Rockport Leeds. Wm. Wilson H. T. Fitzsimmons H ii W. G. Parish Banker Athens ii A. Senecal Oarsman . Pools Resort. .... (i J B. Saunders Mill Owner . . . Athens 4 Wm. Fyfe Carriage-maker Westport 4 Ed. Senecal Oarsman Rockport .... Jas Fitzpatrick Mechanic Brockville . R. Gile Farmer Smith's Fall 4 J. B. Smith Oarsman Charleston 4 J. K Thomson Farmer Rockport 4 Jos Deacon Magistrate Brockville 4 D. S. Booth A. F. Stagg . . Contractor Butcher , Geo Bucher C A. Armstrong Hotel-keeper Charleston Lake .... 4 Jas. C. Huffman Druggist Napanee Lennox & Addington. Sills Farmer 44 F Van De Bogart Ranch man ii N J Dawson Barrister Petrolia Lambton. Jas. Paton Gentleman Beamsville Lincoln. Welland Jas C Armstrong Dentist Almonte Lanark. G. H. Gilbert . . Hair Dresser Neil Me Donald ... Teacher Carleton Place Duncan Campbell Tailor . . . , Almonte Isaac Korry Sawmiller Maberly A Hunt Banker i Bracebridge Muskoka. Jas Boyer Clerk J. C. Davidson . . 138 QUESTIONS RELATING TO WISH. Continued. \NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. Jos. Ripkie Singleton Brown F. Pokorney E. Hanes Jos Clarke Stonemason Shinglemiller Bracebridge Muskoka. < c < (i < Middlesex. < \ Huntsville Utterson Merchant Aspdin Bala Vankoughnet . . Thos. Burgees 'Wm T TVrrv Settler A. Monteith John Telfer H. Demar* . . W. J. Miller B. S. Beley J. VanKoughnet H. VanKoughnet John Monteith Hunter Rdsseau Giska < Baysville Vankoughnet Roeseau Falding a a n Hotel F roprietor Rosseau Brackenrig Port Carling Dorset Farmer D E Hough C. Sawyer.. Guide . . Bala H Austin Bardsville Gravenhurst H.King Samuel Green J Green Butcher Farmer Bala Dwight (4 E. J. Gouldie Richard Clarke Wm. McBrien F. Kent . Donald Gordon Joseph Wallis (I Port Sidney Antioch Veterinary Surgeon Bracebridge Farmer Magnetawan Merchant Farmer . . Port Carling ... Brackenrig Port Oarling Seely. C. O. G. Stewart i< John Board I Goble Hotel-keeper Farmer Bala Sandfield Jas. Clark W. H. Green T E 1 Salmon Monsell Hun fcer Grassmere . . Farmer Dwight C. W. Riley Milford Bay ... Lake of Bays Miller H. Robinson Tailor Bracebridge Stephenson C. E. Mawdsley H. McGinnis . ...... Clerk J Hall Farmer J. Wasdell J. Hillman 1. S Niven Butcher Bracebridge London Tinsmith . ... i f i Members of London Gun , Club. Hatter J H Fraser .. . Fred T. Trebilcock Wm Woodruff 4 F. J. Hammond W. F. Strong ' :::::."/.".::" L. McDonald H. S. Blackburn W. A. Gill Geo. C. Gibbons John Pring Horace Mavon W. H. Allison . . i t Farmer Komoka Train Despatcher London T K. Grigg Hotel-keeper K Wardsville Michigan; U. S. A. New York, U. S. A. Norfolk. (i % D Johnson Teacher . . Writer Principal Merchant W. Thomson Frank M. Comstock ...... . A. W. Laurie East Saginaw LeRoy Port Dover Simcoe Simcoe Vittoria John Matthews Farmer Jos. T. Carson Teacher W. J. Mclnnes Physician Clergymen Clerk County Court. . . W. J. W. Finlay.. C. C Rapeljie.... Simcoe . . . 139 QUESTIONS RELATING TO FISH. Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. J M Salmon i Physician . Simcoe . Norfolk H. H. Groff W E Tisdale Banker Barrister u n S. M Sovergeen . n W T Nickerson ii A H Elliott Agent Nosbonsing Nipissing R Je^sup. Hunter North Bay T P. Kirkwood Farmer . M S Cassan <( Campbell ford Northumberland . <( ii C Montgoirery ( ( Hilton . . ii T J Nimmo ii Bensfort . . 4 ( y Bonny castle i. Campbellford tl A. Orchard 41 Seagrave Ontario. A Miller <( H Lestcott Merchant Beaverton ti C A Paterson Municipal Clerk (( ii Areh Me Lean Farmer Seagrave it E Moore Salesman Uxbridge ii Farmer Stayner Wm Watson ft ti J McRae Merchant .... Beaverton Wm H^rsie Farmer Princeton Oxford. W F Nickerson Auctioneer . . . ...... Woodstock E F Nickerson Baker A N Gissing Druggist Princeton Robt McLean Farmer Innerkip ii Alex Bell Physician Lakefield Peterboro'. G W Coones Farmer Apsley W^m McFarlane Young's Point ii J R Fraser Physician . . ... Lakefield F Elmhurst Raeve Apsley .... it H Winch Peterboro' <( H Calcutt ii R A Morrow ii " Thos Eastwood Hall's Bridge R C Strickland Lakefield T W Gibbs Peterboro' " F J. Moore Lakefield ii Wm Hall Buckhorn ii John Bennett Peterbore' G S Sproule Photogi apher ti R Tivey ti (i Alex Paterson ii R Watson i< K Sam'l Ray Tobacconist S G Steele Lakefield t< Jas Richardson I R E. Wood .... Peterboro' ' L G Steele Jr Farmer . Lakefield ' J Richardson Mason it ' Peterboro' 1 G Cochrane License Inspector ' W^m Brownscombe Gentleman ... . " ( J P Bush Hotel-keeper Belfountain Peel. K Chisholm Brampton ii J Barnes Farmer . Stanley House Parry Sound* Sprucedale C W Burns Valuator South River Restoule J. Clark Wm Clark Donald Ross Thos F Carr Farmer Turtle Lake Trout Creek Dan Starrat u Starrat J Davie H Doe Lake McKellar R. Applebv . . Postmaster . Doe Lake 140 QUESTIONS RELATING TO FISH Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTI. J Thorn Farmer : Teacher Farmer Doe Lake Kestoule Spruceda'e Parry Sound Featherstom> Parry Renfi Simc V Sound, ew. )e. Thos J Paget Cyrus D Lawrence J. B. Purvis Lumberman Farmer J Joliffe Lumberman ... Parry Sound Monteith Foley Wm Fry Farmer Wm Cargill A Arnold Storekeeper .... Parry Sound Kd Taylor Shoemaker "Win Ireland Journalist . Postmaster W L Haight Barrister J. B. Legatt C W Burns Jr Jeweller . . Manufacturer South River Parry Sound Burk's Fall* Deacon B F Kean Sawlog Culler G O Smith Fire Ranger J. H. Bell Bush Ranger Farmer R Thomas L)onald Southerland Micksburg . ... Wm Scott Renfrew A Hamilton Jr (i Pembroke Mount St. Patrick... Renfrew John Hunt, ... (i John Brady Alex. Parks Forest Ranger Farmer Farmer . . 14 F. Byers R Cameron Gentleman . ... Horton Renfrew Pembrok" Jno . McRae Jas Craig Barrister T Farmer Physician Jos Beggs J D. Deacon .Renfrew S O Gorman Constable * Jn Park Gentleman Horton Renfrew Sebastapo 1 Sandpoint Renfrew Point Alexander Pembroke David Barr Xavisr Plaunt Farmer Donald McLaren Xavier Plaunt, Jr G W Carr Hotel Clerk Farmer . R. A. Graham Bush Ranger "Win Maves . Fire Ranger Deux Rivieres Aaron Sweezey John J. Gorman H. H. Sodan Wm. Mortimer Wm. Berry Farmer Harnessmaker ' Hillsdale Farmer. . . it Mortimers' Point .... Walkers' Point Thos. A. Millichamp Alfred Morrow H. B. Nicol Orillia Minesing Cookstown Coldwater Veterinary Surgeon Physician John Gray, Jr Merchant Teacher . . Farmer W. T. Moore A. McQuay Sunnidale Tottenham Frank J. Hammell Veterinary Surgeon . J. P. Kidd James Martin Bailiff Gentleman Hillsdale Oriilia R. Wade J. R. Croft G. Strouthers Barber Beeton Lumberman Hillsdale R. Watson Farmer J. E. Don^r 5 7t F. G. M. Fraeer D. Somerville Fishery Overseer ... . Victoria Harbour Farmer Jas. Duncan Forestville W. H. Anderson Ed. Parker J. W. Ryerson J. Lome Campbell K T. Crosbie Farmer Lisle . . 141 QUESTIONS RELATING TO FISH. Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. J O Perry Orillia Simcoe E R Carpenter . . Drusrsfist Collingwood i< S A Whittaker J Anderson Book-keeper .... Guelph J. Gibbs Finisher . . A. R. Woodyatt Manufacturer R Webster 44 A. L. Wilson Gentleman (4 A C Chad wick (i G. A. Richardson Secy. Guelph Gun Club 4 4 T. T. Garrett Tailor Wellington Wm. Pettit Grocer , . .... 4 C. C. Spencer. Gentleman Rose Hall 4 Jos. Garner Farmer Fenwick Welland. W. R. Baesett . Pine Orchard York J. Mackelcan (t Toronto Robt. Kilgour Manufacturer . . i J.- Richard son . . Physician 44 J. W. Mencke ti R. Wilson W. C. Beddome . Farmer Accountant Sharon Toronto S. G. Beatty Publisher . Wm. H. McConnell D. J. Ross Druggist Pres / Ochtwan Sporting " ' J. B. Henderson Sec'y.t Club t( < S. J. Stammers * Banker 44 i 143 ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. QUESTIONS RELATING TO FISH. Your Commissioners have been quite unable to. classify the answers, received to the questions relating to Fish. This is owing entirely to the great difference of opinion on the part of the witnesses examined, as to the proper close and open seasons. The enquiries made lead your Commissioners to believe that this is probably the most important as well as the most difficult question with which the Govern- ment will have to deal. Without very exhaustive enquiries, careful experiments, and close observa- tions, requiring of necessity much time, and involving a considerable expenditure of money, it will be impossible to arrive at a satisfactory solution regarding the best arrangement of the seasons, and the re-stocking of the now depleted waters. This work must be left to a permanent Commission to overtake ; it cannot be done quickly, and will require the most careful thought and research that it is possible to give it. 144 ONTARIO GAME AND FISH COMMISSION. QUESTIONS RELATING TO FISH. I. In what waters have you taken or observed any of the following lishes ? S tate spawning times. NAME OF FISH. Common Speckled Trout or Brook Trout River Trout Great Lake Trout Salmon Trout White Fish Bass Small Mouthed Black " Large 4t or Oswego " Rock " Silver Maskinonge Pickerel, (dore") Pike Sheepshead Suckers Mullet Channel Catfish Grayling Mud Pout Eels Gold Eye Herring Chub... Shiners Perch Sun Fish Sturgeon Dog-fish .... * Gar-pike NAME OF WATER. COUNTY OR DISTRICT. SPAWNING TIME. Begins. Ends. NOTE 1. Place a cross X before the names of valuable or useful food fishes in above list. NOIE 2. Place a square [ ] after the names of fish that are useful as food or valuable fish. NOTE 3. Place a line under the names of fish that should be destroyed on every occasion. 2. Do you know of any other Ontario Fish ? If so, name them ? Answer. 145 3. Name waters that have been, to your knowledge, wholly or nearly depleted of Speckled or Brook Trout. WATERS. COUNTY. 4. Name waters wholly or nearly depleted, to your knowledge, of Black Bass, Maskinonge, Pickerel, Sturgeon. WATERS. COUNTY. 5. Name waters wholly or nearly depleted, to your knowledge, of Salmon Trout, Lake Trout, and White Fish. WATERS. COUNTY. 10 (C.) 146 6. Draw a line under the written names of such of the above waters as are still clean, free from sawdust, or in a condition to be profitably re-stocked with fish fry or eggs. 7. What were the principal causes of destruction of fish in the depleted waters ? Answer 8. What illegal methods of killing fish are commonly practised to your knowledge ? Answer 9. The close seasons now set for fish are : Speckled Trout, 1st September to 1st May. Salmon Trout, ) , , XT ^~ , AT Wh't F' h M s ^ November to 30th November. MaTkinonge, } 15th A P r ^ to 15th June ' Brook or River Trout, 15th April to 15th May. Pickerel, 15th April to 15th May. 10. If you think any of the above close seasons improperly set, state which, and give your reasons. Answer 11. Should pioneer settlers be allowed to take fish by legal methods at all seasons for their family food ? Answer 12. In what waters if any of your acquaintance should all netting be for- bidden ? 'Answer. 147 GENERAL QUESTIONS. The general questions prepared by your Commissioners were answered by 604 persons as follows : NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. Robt. Clow Farmer Parham Jno Forde Fur-trader .... ... Schreiber A W Hodgson Train Despatcher F^rt William John Peche . . .... Wood-ranger Sudbury . . Thus. Penfoid Gaoler Port Arthur M Wm Griffiths Farmer Little Current II H M Smith Miller S< >uthampton Merchant Wiarton Cecil Swale Farmer Augustus Smith Brick Manufacturer Port Elgin Game Protection Association Wiarton J H Gamier Physician Lucknow Geo. Mair Banker Ed. Weatherall Baker Southampton A F Bowman Tanner G. V. Zinkan Merchant C E Start Solicitor Tara W J Topley Photographer Ottawa Carleton W. W. Boucler Veterinary Surgeon Geo C. Wood P. O. Department M P A McDougal Physician 14 Farmer Castleford F H F Mercer Clerk Ottawa . T. G. Carpenter . . Agent Arnprior J. B. Spence Hotel-keeper Ottawa F G Vanderlip W P Lett City Clerk W. R. McEwan Geological Department H. D J Lane Militia Department L J Coursolles Patent Agent John T G Whyte Jno Stewart Provincial Land Surveyor W P Batterton Rook- keeper Henrv Smith Sergeant-at-Arms G C Rainboth Prov. Land Surveyor Aylmer Alex Stewart Farmer Hintonburg . ... Wm. O'Leary Loretto Cardwell. H. H Burnham Gentleman Port Hope Durham . Job Dickinson Farmer Zion R Dinner Cooper W. Mclntosh Insurance Agent Newcastle Geo M B'urby Manager Port Hope J. P. Fox . Pres Gun Club Orangeville Dufferin. C W. (lauthier Fisherman Windsor Essex. P C Ponting Prop Truck Co C. F. Cornetet Fisherman Belle River Windsor Victor Pillon Vereker Jos Winter Pork-packer Windsor Geo. A. Goodman. Builder Dan G Revel Conductor Wm Donaldson Painter C. L. Pare" . . . Manufacturer A Orouillard Custom Officer Wm P Hutchins N'th Aududer, Shoot 'g Club. Alf. Zavity Carpenter Sparta Elgin. A White Orwell < . R. J. Mills Insurance Agent Kingston Frontenac. Thos A Carson Merchant Wm. A. Wagar Farmer Parkham M Crunk it J. G Gordon M <( T. G. Shartnan . . Boat Builder . . Kingston 148 GENERAL QUESTIONS. Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. John Legatt Agent . . Owen Sound .... Grev Jas Gladstone Bar-tender E G Rodg TS Vet Surgeon Meaford u John Bennett Farmer Athol Glengarry F red B Lacey it Be echmount Jas T. Bell County Clerk Belleville P P Clark Merchant St. Ola ti Robj McLean Farmer Bou ter r<*pt Thos. Scott Farmer Arch. McCall Walter Parish Farmer Gooderham Richard Davis Shoemaker . . Chas. Way Postmaster John Poyes Farmer Nelson Halton. Thos. IreJand ii Joe Wilson < Ash . .^ 140 GENERAL QUESTIONS. Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. i*~ ?i *>'.*-!*] COUNTY. Wm. Panton Editor .... Milton Hal ton A. Clements Farmer Trafalgar anker <( John Matthews Farmer 1 " W. J. Mclnnes Physician ... Vittoria Jos. T. Carson Teacher Simcoe S. M. Sovereegn W. E. Tisdale Jas. Duncan Forestville W H Anderson Norirjandale J W Ryeison Norfolk Ed Parker Normandale F. Patterson . Simcoe Port Rowan W. F. Nick^rson L McDonald J B Ficke * Simcoe J. Brown . , Port Rowan 152 GENERAL QUESTIONS. Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. J H Helmer St Williams Norf (i New Oxf< t Ont Pete Pan v oik. York, U. S. A. rd. trio, rboro'. y Sound. Normandale F M Comstock Leroy, Genesse Co . , Princetovvn Druggist Robt McLean Farmer Innerkip . . . Win Hersie Princeton F Cuthbertson Architect Woodstock Bright Fanner H. Westcott Hardware Merchant Municipal Clerk Beaverton Uxbridge E Mo-n. Salesman . . D McCard Conveyancer Arthur Miller Spoitsrnan S^agrave R. S Cole J Kinnear Farmer ... .... Dorset .... Lindsay Searave Miller A. McLean A \V Laurie Farmer Merchant Port Dover Albert Orchard Farmer . . . . Seagrave John McRae Merchant Farmer Beaverton Wicksteed Apsley Peterboro' Buckhorn Geo Gregory F Flmhir^t Warden J D Collins Wm. Hall T. W. Gibbs Peterboro' Lakefield ...'... John Bennett R. C Strickland H. Calcutt Peterboro' Geo. Cochrane \Vtn. Brownscombe Alex Materson Butcher R. E. Wood . . R. Watson V Lakefield ............ Samuel Ray .... Tobacconist L. G. Steele R. Tivey Peterboro' John Richardson Lakefield J. F. Lillicrap Salesman ( Thos. F. Wallace . W. A. Eastland Stock-dealer Grocer John E. Richardson Canoe Builder Thos. Goidon < Wtn. McF"arlane Hotel-keeper Young's Point Apsley John Lean . . . Farmer G. W. Coones Thos. G. Eastland Geo. S. Sproule Postmaster Photographer Physician Merchant ... Peterboro' Alex. Bell .. Lakefield Wm. H. Casement... J. J. Wp]h . . Cl Blacksmith John Richardson . Thus. J. Pagt . . Stonemason Laken'eld School Teacher Restoule . . Sprucedale Parry Sound C. D. Lawrence . . B. F. Kean Farmer Lumber Culler .... G. O. Smith Bush-ranger Burk's Falls . . Wm. McConnell Labourer J. H. Bell Bush-ranger Farmer John Davie Dai Starrat Starrat John Ibbotson Restoule Wm. Clarke John Clarke Horace N. Crossley Lumberman Sandy Bay John Barnes St inley House Parry Sound T. B. Purvis . . . Jacob Jollife Frank Laflex u Ed. Taylor .... it J. M. Ansley . Postmaster . 153 GENERAL QUESTIONS. Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. J R Legatt Watchmaker W. L. Haight Barrister C VV. Burns ..'.. ... Explorer South River D Ross Farmer Turtl^ Lke Wm Ireland Publisher . \Vm Pearce . . Postmaster O W Burns, Jr Manufacturer South River Th'^s F Carr . . Farmer Front Creek J F Garrett, Tailor Wellington A L Wilson Gentleman . . M Pettit C C Spencer Gentleman Rose Hall J as .Hart ..... Merchant Demorestville \y A Anderson Farmer A C Shaw Barrister Strat ford Perth Jno P Bnnh Hotel-keeper Belfounf ain Peel Kenneth Chi^holoa ... Accountant Brairpton G A Farmer Banker E A Sc. Denis Merchant Point Fortune Geo Sutherland Mic'ksburg Farmer Geo Carr 14 Port Alexander i, Wm Scott . (I Renfrew Insurance Agent Toronto Magnptawan Sporting Club Parkdale J. Fisher Builder Eglington R Willson Farmer . Sharon Banker Toronto Dentist Newmarket Stuart Scott R. W. Gouinlock Commercial Traveller Toronto J. B. Henderson Ochtawan Sporting Club. . . ii J W Mencke H S R Clark Barrister . . ii n W K, Bas<*ett < Pine Orchard WH MrPrmnpll r f Toronto R H Beatty W A Clarke Clerk Eglington . WJ MiHHIpl-on Toronto * 156 ONTARIO PISH AND GAME COMMISSION. GENERAL QUESTIONS. These questions were answered by the 604 witnesses before-named as fol- lows : 1. Are close seasons for Game and Fish generally respected in localities that you know of? Yes 218 No 361 Not answered 25 ^2. If not, what classes offend ? Indians and half-breeds 27 All classes - 141 Farmers 23 Boys - 47 Settlers 131 Railway men 1 Hunters 17 Lumbermen - 11 Poachers 14 Pot-hunters _ 62 Fishermen - 10 Foreign sportsmen _ :37 Idlers _ 52 Blank . 166 3. Do many visitors shoot and fish in your neighbourhood ? Yes 385 No 176 Not answered 43 4. Do sporting and angling visitors put much money into circulation in your neighbourhood ? Yes . 267 No 297 Not answered _ 49 * The answers to this question do not tally in addition with the number of the witnesses, because many ol the persons answering have given mare than one reply. 157 5. If the streams now depleted were re-stocked, and the game preserved, would your neighbourhood be con- siderably more attractive to visitors ? Yes 510 No 47 Blank 47 6. Do you approve the suggestion that a Provincial force of Game and Fish Wardens, or protectors, should be established ? Yes 533 No 47 Blank 24 7. If so, should the sub-protectors or sub- ward ens be per- manent residents of the localities under their super- vision, and why ? Yes 421 No 117 Blank - 66 8. Can you suggest any method for raising a revenue from Game and Fish that would be sufficient to support non-resident sub- wardens ? Fees for export permits 8 Tax on fishing nets 4 License on guns 55 License foreign sportsmen - 109 Letting townships to sporting associations 2 No suggestions - 521 Fines to go direct to Government - 29 Expenses to be borne by Government direct 27 License all guns except farmers 35 Tax all sportsmen's outfits 5 Lease small streams and lakes for fishing purposes 8 Charge commission on all weapons sold by gun dealers - 1 Blank. 9. Do you approve the suggestion that every owner of sporting firearms should be required to register his weapon, receive a license to use it, and pay a nomi- nal fee therefor ? Yes .- 232 No 345 Blank - - - v - 27 153 10. Do you approve the suggestion that shooters and anglers, when sporting in counties where they do not reside, should be required to take out a local permit at a small fee, to go to the expense of supporting the local Game and Fish Warden ? Yes ^48 No 331 Blank 25 11. If you approve of hunting deer with hounds, should every owner of a hound used in running deer be required to take out a license for the dog ? Yes - 272 No 228 Blank 104 12. Should the exportation of game and speckled or brook trout from Ontario be entirely forbidden ? Yes 476 No . i 93 Blank - 35 13. If not, should outside sportsmen be required to pay something for permits to take their game and fish beyond the Province ? Yes . 207 No 108. Blank . . 289 14. Should dealers in game be required to take out licenses, forfei table in case they violate the Game or Fish Protection Laws ? Yes 432 No . 104 Blank C8 15. Are there any extensive marshes or waste lands in your neighbourhood ? Not necessary to answer here. 16. If so, name them and state whether the title is still in the Crown. v Not necessary to answer here. 159 17. Do you approve the suggestion that residents near marshes or wastes should be encouraged to form associations t-o protect game and fish therein ; the privileges of the association to be open to all county people paying a small fee, and to visitors pay ing a larger fee, both fees to be fixed by consent of the County Council ? Yes - 330 No 114 Blank - 160 18. Would the people of your neighborhood or couuty be likely to approve generally of such public and open game protection associations as are previously described ? Yes - 339 No - 107 Blank 158 19. Should the formation of close or exclusive Game and Fish Protection Associations, covering marshes by freehold, or lease, be encouraged or discouraged ? Yes 223 No - 270 Blank 111 20. Do any of the farmers of your neighborhood feed Quails during the winter,*or take any other means to keep up game on their lands ? Yes - 96 No - 457 JBlank - - - .61 160 QUESTIONS RELATING TO ANIMALS OTHER THAN DEER, MOOSE. CARIBOU, ETC. The questions prepared on this subject by your Commissioners were answered by 578 witnesses as follows : NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. Jno Forde Fur Trader Schrieber Algoma Thos Frond Farmer Little Current Thos Penfold Jailer Port Arthur. . Win LaRush Fisherman ... . . . Kagawong Engineer Lion's Head Augustus Smith Brick Manufacturer Port Elgin Hirman M Smith Sawmiiler Southampton The Bruce Peninsular Game Protection Association Wiarton Geo. Mair Banker Lucknow . ... it Cecil Swale Farmer .... ... Wiarton n Joe Robinson Merchant i< ti J H. Gamier Physician . . Lucknow <( E Start Solicitor Tara W. J. Topley Photographer Ottawa Carleton W. W Boucler Veterinary Surgeon South March Geo C Wood P O Department Ottawa P A. McDougall Physician . 44 A H Johnson . .... Farmer Castleford 4 F. H. F. Mercer Clerk . . ( )ttawa . . t T. G. Carpenter Agent Arnprior 4 F. J. Vanderlip Hotel-keeper . Ottawa 4 J. B Spence (i 4 G. C. Rainboth. Provincial Land Surveyor Aylmer 4 H. N. Smith Sergeant- at- Arms ... Ottawa ,4 Wm. P. Lett City Clerk 44 JohnT. G. White Lumberman <( It John Stewart Provincial Land Surveyor. . " t < Wm. O'Leary Farmer Cardwpll H. H. Burnham Port Hope Job Dickinson Farmer Zi on W. Fry Frazerville neburg. Policeman Belleville Willett Turner Farmer . Bid well Sine . M Har Id Henry Dennisou u Purdy Fied L^cey u Geo McAllister (I Boulter Ed Johnson Bushranger Bancroft Henry Poster Farmer Faraday R C Fair Tin Merchant Bancroft L) R Leavens Gentleman Belleville Stephen Badgley Sterling Gilbert Holmes Farmer St Ola T B Watt Coe Hill John Bell tt Frank ford Jas. T. Bell County Clerk Belleville A G A.llison., Despatcher G. T. R . . ti Wm H Sweet Farmer . ... Robt. Hewton Faraday Fred Mullott Hotel-keeper Bancroft Jas W Ham Farmer St Ola Jas Ncsworthy Contractor Belleville E Lock HI an Guide Dorset \rch McCall Farmer R Davis Minden Thos Scott Farmer Kennaway W J Au^m .. Merchant C S. Austin Gentleman Geo Bemtnister Civil Engineer Jas Worley Cabinetmaker . Carpenter . Jno Lucas Hotel-keeper Eldridge Leith M erchant ... P. ( )'Connor Trapper C R Stewart Gentleman Joe Kellett ... Hotel-keeper j os p au l Butcher S Dawson . . Farmer Fred Freeman Merchant L M Neily Shoemaker Geo. Gregory Farmer Wicksteed J E Holmes. .... Mail Contractor Haliburton Geo Tutt . . . Guide ... .... 1 Dorset Fred Lowe Martin Green John Green ... . Wm McTndoe J C Eccles Jas Smith Jas Clifford Jas. V^arderberg Lewis Fox Wm G Wismer Blacksmith . S. Cavuea Isaac G ^^ismer John Farrell Cayuga . Joe Wilson. . Farmer . Ash . COUNTT. Hastings. Haliburton. Haldimand. Halton. 11 (C.) 162 QUESTIONS KELATING TO ANIMALS Conti nued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. T J Wheeler Georgetown Halton, John Boyes . . . Farmer Nelson 44 Caleb Lousley Albert Clements (C Trafalgar , Oscar Hood 44 Drumquin i John Pirie Blacksmith .... 4 Win Panton Editor Milton . ... 4 Geo McCurly Farmer Nelson I Dan McLaren 4 Peter McEwen Lead bury . Huron Marshall Burk Labourer Blenheim Kent T P Warner Farmer Guilds 44 I. B. Reynolds Merchant Rondeau 44 Stephen Russell Farmer . . Blenheim . . . 44 J. A. McKellar Presd. Ridgetown Gun Club Ridgetown 44 H. A. Mallory Secy. " 4 P D. Bates. Fisherman . . tt T. B. Gillard Banker Wallaceburg . Wm. L. Cameron W B. Wells Farmer Clerk . Harwich . . Chatham , John Mercer Gordon Boles. Sheriff Captain . . 44 H J L. Nicholls Dentist it 4 Jas. Thomas Farmer . . . . ... Raleigh . Wm. Crow Dover 4 S Homes Merchant 4 Abbott Wileox Farmer . Dover 4 G. A. Layer David Wilson Law Student Farmer . . : . Chatham Harwich Jas. McGarvin . . . 44 P. McGarvin. . . . 4 Alex. Ducedre ....- 44 ft Geo. Kime . M 44 Abraham Alexander ( 4, Wm. M. Cameron ... Harwich 4 Chas. Eastlake Merchant Ridgetown I H. J. O'Lone ii <( 4 M. Massey Farmer . Jas. Kime Veterinary Surgeon 4 E. Wheeler ... Merchant {{ D. Smith Farmer ki , Albert Williams <( Raleigh , A. Alexander, Jr Dover I Jas. Rankin 4 T. H. Nelson Bailiff. . . . Chatham 4 J as. Hamilton Fisherman Jeanetts Creek t John Houston Henry Dagneau Farmer Hardware Merchant Harwich Chatham H. A. Crow Farmer Raleigh 4 W. A. Campbell Clerk Co. Court 4 Wm. Weldon ( D. R. Watson Caretaker .... < Samuel Burk Farmer . . . 4 Wm. Mallory Francis Van De Bogart . . . (i Ranchman .... Guilds 44 _ Sills Fivrmer Jas. Huffman Druggist {< 44 Chas. Glover Carriagemaker Carlptrm Plarp F lr Hiram McFadden Engineer Isaac Korry Sawmill Proprietor Maberley Peter C. White Shoemaker . . Perth Geo. Bradford Caretaker Almonte Duncan Campbell Tailor G. H. Gilbert Hairdresser . . . tc F. McEwan Physician Carleton Place Jas. C. Armstrong Dentist Almonte Jas. Paton Gentleman T 1 Jas. Keyes ... St. Catharines . 163 QUESTIONS RELATING TO ANIMALS Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. S D Woodruff St. Catharines Lincoln Jos Deacon Police Magistrate Brockville . . . Leeds David S. Booth A F Stagg Contractor Butcher ... it Geo. Bucher A. Armstrong Hotel-keeper Athens. J K Thomson Farmer Rockport ... . Wm. Wilson H. T. Fitzsimmons Ed. Senecal ii Oarsman .... 44 Jas. Fitzpatrick Mechanic Brockville Wm. Thomson . Writer Saginaw Michigan, U. S A, H. J. King . Butcher Gravenhurst Vtuskoka Henry Austin Bardsville . . . (i Thoa. Currie. . . Bala . : a D. Gordon . Farmer . Magnetawan ... *< D. Hough Port Carling. ii Richard Clarke Farmer Port Sidney u John Cooper . ETunter . Bracebridge t Singleton Brown Lumberman Erastus Hanes .... Postmaster Utterson 1C J. C. Haines Chas. Riley . Hotel-keeper Farmer Milford Bay. .... 4 Jas. Perry . . Bracebridge . . '. 4 John Green Bala < R. S. Cole Dorset 4 Wm. Terry. . Settler Vankoughnet I W. G. Stewart Farmer Bracebridge 1 Jas. Clarke Monsell < Harris Demara. |< Baysville I W. J. Miller tt Vankoughnet ' B. S. Beley Rosseau < T. J. Gouldie Farmer Dwight I John Telfer Giska " Wm. Mortimer 44 Mortimer's Point . . . . Thos. Burges Sawmill Proprietor Bala 4t T. E. J. Salmon Farmer . ... Dwight ( Joseph S. Wallis General Merchant Port CarJing ' Joseph Claike . Merchant Aspdin ' John May Farmer . Port Carling < John Board Proprietor . ; . Bala ' John McLean Farmer Torrance ' Jas. Fowler Seeley i S. J. White Whiteside < Chas. White ; Glen Orchard * E. J. Brooks Postmaster Antioch Wm. Jarvis Purser West Gravenhurst.. ( H. Spencer Harnessmaker McKellar John Vankoughnet Falding " Henry Vankoughne* " Ridley Appelby Postmaster . . Doe Lake " John Thorn Farmer W. H Green Grassmere < A. H. Campbell, Jr Frank G. Pokorney. Alfred Hunt Manager Muskoka Mills. . Trapper and Guide Muskoka Huntsville Bracebridge I James Boyer Clerk .... < J. C. Davidson 1C 1 Jos. Ripkie . .... Stonemason < <( . 1 John A. Dale .... Miller . Lake of Bays (t Robt. Robinson Tailor . . Bracebridge " Chas. E Mawdsley Clerk ti tt Hector McGinnis (t James Hall Stephenson 14 John Wasdell Jas. Hilliman Tinsm&h . Bracebridge M .< E F Stephenson Journalist (( " Frank Kent . . Veterinary Surgeon. . Ii 44. 164 QUESTIONS RELATING TO ANIMALS Continued. NAME. C. Henderson Christopher Sawyer N. H. Beemer John Pring F. L. Trebilcock E. R. Tammon M. J. Kemp H. A. Nicholson H. A. Stevenson John Burns E. A. Cleghorn L. McDonald W. O. Gill W. T. \\ illiams E. A. Sayer C. W. Davis Wm. Avey T. J. Hammond J. S. Niven J. H. Fraser Wm. Woodruff W. T. Stroner H. S. Blackburn W. A. Gill Geo. Gibbons W. H. Allison Duncan Johnson J. M. Salmon S. M. Sovergeen Jas. Duncan W. H. Anderson Ed. Parker W. F. Nickerson Wm E. Ti*dale H. H. Gruff Jno Matthews J. W. Ryerson J. Lome Campbell C. C. Rapelje W. J Mcluuis Jos. T. Cari-on David Overall Chas. Legris Frank M. Comstock T. J. Nimmo J. H. McVJaster J. W. Dinwoodie R. H. Bonnycastle T. C. Sockwood C. Montgomery F. Bonnycastld Fred Peake E. Moore John Hammon A. Lawrie J. H. Brickwood A. McLean C. A. Pateraon Albert Orchard J. P. Ki.kwood John McR ie Arthur Miller D. McUall H. Lestcott. T. Cuthbertson John Cowan A. W. Gissing Robt. McLean.. OCCUPATION. Bushranger Guide Physician . . Hatter Jeweller Barrister . . . Banker Med. Student Wholesale Grocer. Dentiot Registrar Chief Police Barrister Hotel-keeper Clerk County Court Physician Teacher Wood Ranger Hotel-keeper Principal Farmer Mariner . Contracter Farmer Postmaster Farmer . . Salesman Hotel Merchant Rodmuker Farmer Municipal Clerk. Farmer . . Merchant Sportsman Real Estate Agent. Merchant Architect Farmer Druggist Farmer . .... ADDRESS. London Gun Club . Train Dispatcher Teacher Physician Bracebridge Dorset .. London Temnech House Avey House. .. . London Wardsville Simcoe . . Forestville Norman vale Simcoe Vittoria Simcoe Sudbury Nob nsing Leroy, Genessee Co. Benxfort Brighton Campbellford Brighton Hi "ton Campbellford Uxbridge . . Welland ... Port Dover. Kingston . . . f-eagrave . . . Beaverton . Seagrave . . , North Bay , Beaverton , Seagrave . . , Uxbridge . , Beaverton , Woodstock Bright Princeton . Innerkip . . COUNTY. Muskoka. Middlesex. Norfolk. Nipissing. New York, U. S. A. Northumberland. Ontario. Oxford. 165 QUESTIONS EELATING TO ANIMALS Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. James Borland . Farmer . Innerkip Oxford Wm Hersie Princton Wm. Pearce Postmaster Spru'-edale . . Parry Sound. C. W. Burns, Jr . . M anuf acturer . South River Thos. F. Carr Farmer Trout Creek < John Ibbotson M Restoule . . ... < John Clark < Restoule * Wm. C'ark. (( i B. F. Kean Lumberman Lake Joseph i Jno. Barnes . . Farmer ... t C. L). Lawrence Sprucedale . Thos. J Paget . Teacher . Restoul i John Monteith . Hotel-keeper Rosseau .( C. W. hums Explorer South River t Arthur Monteith, Hunter Rosseau H N Crossley Farmer " ^ Donald Ross Turtle Lake i Dan. Starrat H Starrat t John Davie H Doe Lake T. B. Purvis Lumberman Parry Sound II Thos. McGosvan Farmer Featherstone . . '. Jacob Jolifee Monteith It Wm. Fry. ii t Wm. Cargill Foley . i Alex Watt i Frank Lafex Farmer Parry Sound i Ed. Taylor Shoemaker . ... t Wm Ireland Journalist ii t i J. R Legatt ^V^a 1 chmaker H i W. L Haight Barrister ii 4 Wm. McConnell L-tbourer ... Burk's Falls < J. H. Hell Bushranger . . . II Jno P Bush H otel-keeper Belfountain Peel. K Chisholm Brampton Wm. McFarlane Hot**!- keeper .... Young's Point Peterboro'. J. J. Welsh Blacksmith CC Geo. S. Sproule. Photographer Peterboro' " Alex. Bell W H Ca&ement Physician Merchant Lakefield {i John Lean Farmer Apsley . . ' G. W. Coones < Thos G Eastland Postmaster ii ' J. D. Collins . Peterboro' < R Tivey . * Alex Paterson ii R. Watson . n ' Samuel Ray Tobacconist 1 L G Steele Lakefield J Richardson ^^m. Krownscombe Peterboro' ... 1 R. E. Wood ' Geo Cochrane M H Winch u 1 W. H Buckhorn ii F J Mo'-re n * Thos. F. Wallace... Stock Dealer Prince Edward, James Hart M erchant Demorestville . *' G. A. Farmer Xavier Plaunt Banker Farmer Montreal Sebastapol Quebec. Renfrew. Donald McLaren Sand point ' Xavier PJaunt Jr Hotel Clerk Renfrew 1 John Park . S. O. Gorman Constable Renfrew i Joseph Beercrs Farmer Pembroke 1 David Ban- Renfrew ' Alex. Parks . . Farmer . . Eganville ' 166 QUESTIONS RELATING TO ANIMALS Continued. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. John Hunt. Farmer Mount St. Patrick... Renfrew. 4; 44 ( 4 4 Simcoe. 4 Victoria. 44 II 44 "is Prank Byers Robert Cameron ii Horton John McCrae Gentleman ... . Renfrew Jas. Craig Barrister Pembroke Wicksburg Point Alexander . Donald Sutherland Geo. Carr Farmer u Richard Thomas (4 Deacon A. Hamilton, Jr 44 Pembroke I Taylor Hamilton 44 J. J. Mangan Merchant Wm. Maves Trapper 44 .... H. A. Graham Bushranger A. S weezey Deux Rivieres Renfrew J. Brady Forestranger J. J. Gorman Esmonde Pembroke Renfrew Geo. D. Bayne Minister Wm. Scott Geo. W. Kidd Pembroke Sunnidale Corners . . Cookstown H. Jones H.B.Nicol Physician A.. Clements Farmer Sunnidale Hillsdale Andrew McQuay W. J. Martin . . Agent D. Somerville Farmer . Stayner . Thos. Millichamp Orillia Alfred Morrow Henry Fuller .... Lisle Thos. Crosbie Wilfred Seluciles Geo. A. Jebb. . . Storekeeper Allandale Cookstown Farmer Wm. Carr it Bala Jas. Martin Bailiff Hillsdale Gideon Strowthers Lumberman . John Gray, Jr Coldwater Orillia John P. Secord Superintendent . . .... John Hutton . . . Hutton House Cookstown Hillsdale Orillia Ed. Bathie S. A. Whitaker. . . W. H. Soden... R. Wade I" Druggist Harnessmaker Gentleman Geo. Strathern . Jeweller . Midland E. J. Hammell . . Veterinary Surgeon Jas. Cockburn. . Farmer Edgar Glen Orchard J. T. Harbourne... R. Watson 44 Jesse Doner . . 1,4 Francis Lockhart Wm. Watson. 44 U 44 ria. t < i * t worth. ~E R Edwards Livery Stable-keeper . Miller A Stevens tt Lindsay Franklin Crandell \Vm McCatnus Steamboat Captain Physician Bobcaygeon . Alfred Stephens Wood Ranger . Fenelon Falls . . . Lindsay Lumberman Mayor Thos Walters Oaptain Rose i Alex. Ross t Jonathan Ellis i Wm. Thorndyke i Wm. Needier Mill Owner Redman McGrath Carpenter t W H Bottum Steamboat Captain Superintendent Mill Forestranger ... Hardware Merchant Bobcaygeon Wm. Gidley Geo Beck H J G. Edwards Lindsay F. C. Hood Physician Thos. Fee ... it Ohas Spillisbury . it. R. H. Hopkins J. Wallace -. Woods . . . PhvsioiATi Kirkfield Jas Wetherup Dealer in Music'l Inst'mnts. Farmer Mechanic Lindsay Alex. Mui ray Jas King Kinmount Kirkfield Wm Kennedy Contractor Agent Farmer . . Bobcaygeon C E Tiers Vankoughnet H. L. Tribe N. B. Tribe Chas. Gunsoles . . . Saddler Bobcaygeon S Armitage Farmer (Jambrav Jas Wells... d,mo y J. Simpson Physician Lindsay A Knowlson J. Finegan t W. J. Davis t Henry Cohan. t Fremont Crandell i Joseph Littel Wm. Mulcahy it B Bryan F. Minnis Book-keeper Hotel-keepers Bobcaygeon Scott & Sadler W. F. Richie John Kinnear Kinmount Postmaster . Gelert Miller. Jas. Purdy . . Farmer Bobcaygeon Robt. Hayes PresidentWild Fowlers Gun Club T. L. Stephens E. V. Spencer Vice-PresidentWild Fowlers Gun Club Agent Andrew Murdoch. . Andrew Ross Commission Merchant J. J. Steele R. M. Kennedy... Journalist .... . J. I. McKenzie. ,. . Inspector A. E. Malloch Physiciau J. S. Hendrie Albert Smyth Contractor John Smith. Agent 1 Jas. Crooks . .... .... Thos. Hutchinson E. Tinsley Hotel-keeper Louis Snider .... Agent Binbrook J. O McGregor Physician Waterdown A. Bowman Gentleman Hamilton 168 QUESTIONS RELATING TO ANIMALS Concluded. NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. T Dal ton Hamilton Wentworth u Win Payne i Iron Finisher H < Geo M Hendrie M ( Edward L)alton Farmer . ... <( i C Mitchell Bee-keeper Molsworth \Vellington A R Woodyatt Manufacturer Guelph J Gibbs Finisher ... < J T Garrett s Tailor Wellington i W Pettit Grocer i A. L. Wilson Gentleman ii C C Spencer Rose Hall . C Robt Aitken Farmer Spe^dside ( G. A. Kiichardson Sec'y- Guelph Gun Club. . . . Guelph 4 S Duffield Farmer . ... Kramosa 4 A. C Ohadwick Judge Guelph... . R Webster t J C Hull Merchant Falh View Welland Jas. Booth . ... F T, Booth i i Jos. Garner . . Farmer . . Fenwick . * Wm. J. Middleton H. D. Weaver S. J. Stammers H. J. Maughan. Rodney Wilson J. F. W. Ross J. B. Henderson Richard Wells Chas. Terry Robt. Kilgour S. Scott J. W. Mencke R. H. Beatty W. C. Matthews J ohn Fisher The Magnatawan Sporting Club ... W. R. Bassett W. H McConnell S. R Clarke R. W. Gownlock.. Hotel-keeper Student Hanker Insurance Agent Farmer Pres't. Ochtwan Sport. Club Sec'y. Hotel-keeper Dentist ... Manufacturer Phy&ician Merchant Manasrer Builder .. Farmer Druggist Barrister Commercial Traveller. Welland Toronto Sharon . Toronto Aurora Newmarket , Toronto ... Newmarket . Toronto . Eglington . Parkdale ... Pine Orchard Toronto . York. 169 ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. QUESTIONS RELATING TO ANIMALS OTHER THAN DEER, MOOSE, CARIBOU, ETC. These questions were answered by the 578 witnesses before-named, as follows : HARES AND RABBITS. Present close season, 1st March to 1st September. 1. Is this close season properly set ? Yes 349 No 87 Blank 142 2. If not, what change should be made ? No change - 140 Blank 338 January to September 32 January to October 6 February to September 29 March to November May to September 1 September to December 5 October to November 1 In favor of no close season - 22 October to December 1 3. What are your reasons for foregoing answer ? Fur of little value after March 32 Hares are too numerous now Present season too long 7 Present season interferes with breeding season Hares are becoming extinct 7 Blank 507 4. Should snaring or trapping be allowed ? Yes - 212 No - 231 Blank - - 135 170 5. If not, why not ? Those who say yes think that they should be alloived to take or kill, as they please. Those who object to the snaring say that it interferes with the legitimate sport of the sportsman, and also that it often kills other game out of season. 6. Should black and grey squirrels be protected ? Yes *' 300 No 110 Blank - 168 7- If so, during what season ? January to May 7 January to September 31 January to October 28 February to October - 28 March to September 23 April to September 1 May to October 1 September to December - 6 Breeding season - 232 For 5 years - - 23 Blank - 198 Fur Bearing Animals. BEAVER, MINK, MUSKRAT, SABLE, MARTEN, OTTER, FISHER. 8. Should the shooting of these animals in November, December or any other season be allowed ? Yes 318 No 117 Blank _ 143 9. What are your reasons for foregoing reply ? Some of the witnesses think that one way of killing is as good as another, and do not see any harm in shooting these animals. Others think that shooting destroys the fur ; and others are of the opinion that the Beaver, Otter, Mink and Fisher should be protected for from five to ten years. 171 10. Should the trapping season, at present from 1st Novem- ber to 1st May, be shortened ? Yes _ 208 No 204 Blank _ 11. If so, how ? and why ? Trapping season should be January to March - 7 January to May 3 January to November 4 ' October to January 8 October to February 3 October to May - 1 November to February 3 November to April - - 107 November to March 17 December to April - 8 Prohibit for five years - 23 Prohibit for 10 years - 4 Blank - 349 Reasons given for changing season : Present season interferes with breeding 2 Water is frozen up to end of March 2 Fur is poor in April 7 Animals are now caught too youncr 4 Animals are becoming scarcer - 15 Fur is not good in fall 1 Fur is not prime until November 10 Destructive Animals. WOLVES. 12. Every County Treasurer is now obliged to pay $6.00 bounty for every Wolf killed in his county, or within one mile of a settlement in his county. Do you approve of this ? Yes 509 No 17 Blank . 52 13. Should the bounty be increased, reduced or abolished ? In favour of increase without saying how much - 177 Abolish - - 12 172 Should not be increased - 1.12 In favour of increase to $50 2 In favour of increase to $12 47 In favour of increase to $10 90 Blank - 138 14. Should some arrangements for bounties on Wolf killing in unorganized districts be made ? Yes 441 No 18 Blank - 119 15. What further suggestions have you to make in the matter of Wolf bounties ? Answers to Nos. 13 and 14 cover this. FOXES AND OTHER VERMIN. 16. Should a bounty be given for the destruction of Foxes ? Yes 263 No - 254 Blank - 61 17. If so, why, and to what amount ? 25 cents each - , 6 50 66 $1 170 $2 40 $5 3 $50 - 4 Blank - _ 289 Those who favour a bounty assert that the fox is very destructive to young game, and a great nuisance to the farmers generally. 18. Should bounties be given for the destruction of Owls, Mink, Weasels and Hawks ? Yes 142 N O - 233 Blank - - - 189 Weasel, Hawk and Owl only - - 14 19. If so, why, and to what amount ? $50 per head - ... 3 $10 . 3 $2 i 173 $2 each for Owls 1 $2 each for Hawks 1 $1 each for Mink 1 $1 per head 7 50 cents per head 46 50 cents each for Weasel 1 25 cents per head ">5 25 cents each for Owl and Hawk 4 10 cents per head 9 5 cents per head 2 Blank 20. What other vermin destructive to game or fish should be, if possible, destroyed ? Not necessary to answer here, as witnesses have men- tioned the names of every bird and animal that is to be found in the Province from the Sparrow to the Beaver. 174 SPECIAL QUESTIONS TO HOTEL-KEEPERS AND STORE-KEEPERS, IN SPORTING LOCALITIES. These special questions were answered by 10 persons as follows : NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS . COUNTY. Leon Drew. . ... Hotel-keeper Lakefield Peterborough T. J. Wright Telegraph Agent Pembroke Renfrew J. Reid Hotel-keeper Bobcaygeon . Victoria R. Gibson ... Merchant Pembroke Renfrew A. Dunlop n J J Jones tt it <( IK. Tfinmount Hotel-keeper Kinmount Victoria D. Chapraam J. A. Lucas Merchant Hotel -keeper Pembroke ...;.. Haliburton Renfrew. Haliburton W. Caldwell Grain Merchant . ci it 175 ONTARIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION SPECIAL QUESTIONS TO HOTEL-KEEPERS AND STORE-KEEPERS, IN SPORTING LOCALITIES. These special questions were answered by the 10 witnesses before-named as follows : 1. Do you do much business with campers, sportsmen and anglers ? Yes 8 No 2 2. Would this business be improved if tish and game were protected and multiplied in your localities ? Yes 10 3. Do summer parties often destroy deer ? Yes I No 9- 4. Are the close seasons for game and tish generally respected in your neighborhood ? . No 9* Yes 1 5. If not, who are the principal offenders ? None I Settlers, pothunters campers and lumbermen & 176 SPECIAL QUESTIONS FOR MANAGERS OR SUPERVISORS OF RAILWAY AND STEAMBOAT LINES. These special questions were answered by 5 persons as follows : NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. COUNTY. M C. Dickson District Passenger, (T. T. R. Toronto . Whithy T. 1>. Sht-rdan . . . e to recommend it. Your Commissioners find that in some localises dogs are not taxed, and a large number are consequently kept for the purpose of hunting deer. Your Commissioners recommend, therefore, that all dogs throughout the Province be licensed. The license need not be taken out in any particular city or town, but the dog must be licensed somewhere. Your Commissioners warmly approve of the suggestion made on several occa- sions that the sportsmen in the various counties and districts should be encour- aged to form associations to protect Game and Fish therein. Your Commissioners find that the formation of close or exclusive Game and Fish protection associations, which cover marshes by freehold or lease, is in- tensely unpopular, and cannot recommend that they be encouraged. Your Commissioners recommend that all police officers, whether city, county or Government constables, and all Government hush rangers, should be Wardens under the Act for the purpose of enforcing the Game L iws. Your Commissioners recommend that the Wardens should have power to arresb offenders on sight without a warrant, and should have power to try cases themselves, this power, however, to be only exercised in localities where the services of a magistrate cannot be conveniently obtained. Your Commissioners recommend that persons arrested by the Wardens should be tried before the nearest magistrate without having to be taken 198 back to the place at which the offence was committed. Your Commissioners- further recommend that in the event of the establishment of a permanent Game and Fish Commission, the members of the said Commission should be made- magistrates under the Game Act for the purpose of taking evidence on oath and trying cases brought before their notice from time to time. Your Commissioners unanimously and very strongly recommend the forma- tion of a Provincial Game Park, in which protection could be afforded to the Game and fur-bearing animals of Ontario. Your Commissioners are of opinion that the establishment ot such a preserve would be the best means of re-stocking the Province. The preserve should, however, be Provincial in its character, and under the control of the Government and not in private hands. The thanks of your Commissioners are due and are hereby tendered kT all those who have assisted them in their work. To the members of the Fish Commissions of the States of Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania ; the members of the Special Commission on the codifica- tion of the New York Game and Fish Laws ; to Mr. Frank J. Amsden, of Roch- ester ; Mr. W. P. Lett, of Ottawa ; Mr. Richard Lancefield, Librarian of the Public Library, Hamilton ; Mr. A. G. Yat*-s, President of the Buffalo, Rochester, and Pitts- burg Railway, Rochester; Dr. H. M. Smith, of the U.S. Fish Commission; Mr. C. B. Reynolds of New ^ork City ; and Professor F. W. True, Curator of Mammals in the National Museum at Washington, D. C., through whose courtesy many of the photographs of the animals illustrated have been obtained, especial thanks are due for very great courtesy shown to your Commissioners and very material assistance rendered. Your Commissioners also desire to record their appreciation of the courtesy shown to them by the Mayors and Corporations of the various cities and towns- in which meetings were held, for the use of the public buildings placed at their disposal for the purpose of taking evidence. Visits were paid by yolir Commissioners, during the course of their work to the State Fish Hatcheries of Michigan and New York, the former being inspected on the 14th January, 1891, and the latter on llth November, 1891. Both these famous Hatcheries are so well known as to require little in the way of description. The visits to the New York Hatchery at Caledonia, N.Y., was made under particularly favourable circumstances, at the close of the International conference on Game and Fi^-h, held at Rochester, when your Commissioners were accompanied by many of the leading authorities on Fish Culture, under direction of Mr. Mon- rce E. Green, the Superintendent of the Hatchery. 199 The buildings and ponds were carefully inspected and found to be in perfect order, whilst the results of the work done, were apparent everywhere. The visit to the Michigan Fish Hatchery at Paris, Mich., was made in com- pany with Dr. Joel C. Parker, of the Michigan Fish Commission: and Mr. Walter D. Marks, the Superintendent in charge, showed your Commissioners every pos- sible courtesy, and afforded ample opportunity of studying the work of artificial- propagation of trout. The work of both these Hatcheries is confined to the propagation of trout r but in the City of Detroit, the State of Michigan has also a White Fish Hatchery r which was visited and proved very highly interesting. It is not the intention of your Commissioners to enter in this Report, upon the good work done by the various State Hatcheries in America, nor to enlarge upon their successful operations. Annual reports can be had, upon application, by any who are interested in the matter, but in acknowledging the courtesy shown to them and the oppor- tunity afforded of visiting the Hatcheries named, your Commissioners have pleasure in testifying to the successful manner in which the work is carried out r the stupendous work overtaken, and the gratifying results observable on every hand. (Signed) G. A. MAcCALLUM, .Chairman. R. A. LUCAS. ROBT. G. HERVEY. JOHN H. WILLMOTT. WALTER S. PULFORD. JOHN MITCHELL. ALtiX. H. TAYLOR.- H. K. SMITH. A. D. STEWART, Secretary. 201 GAME LAWS IN FORGE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO AT THE TiME WHEN THE COMMISSION WAS ISSUED. REVISED STATUTES OF ONTARIO. CHAPTER 221. An Act for the Protection of Game and Fur-bearing Animals. As amended, by Ontario Statute*, 1888, Cap. 36, and 1890, Cap. 70. HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : 1. None of the animals or birds hereinafter mentioned, shall be hunted, taken or killed, within the periods hereinafter limited. 1. Deer, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou between the twen- tieth day of November and the fifteenth day of October; but the period hereinbefore limited shall not, as to moose, elk, reindeer or caribou, apply before or until the fifteenth day of October, 1x95, and no moose, elk, reindeer or caribou shall be hunted, taken or killed between the first day of April, 1888, and the fifteenth day of October, 1895. 2. Grouse, pheasants, prairie fowl or partridge, between the Grouse, etc. first day of January and the first day of September; 3. Quail or wild turkeys, between the fifteenth day of Decem- Quail and ber and the fifteenth day of October; but no wild turkey shall be wild turke y s hunted, taken or killed before the fifteenth day of October, 1889; 4. Woodcock, between the first day of January and the Woodcock. fifteenth day of August ; 5. Snipe, rail and golden plover, between the first day of Snipe, rail and January and the first day of September ; -plover. 6. Swans or gee^e, between the first day of May and the Swans and n . i r ci i ereese first day of September ; 7. Ducks of all kinds, and all other water fowl, between the Ducks and first day of January and the first day of September ; w 8. Hares, between the fifteenth day of March and the first Hares. day of September. 49 V. c. 45, 3. 2, and 51 V. c. 36. 202 Possession, how far lawful Exposure for sale. 2. No person shall have in his possession, any of the said animals or birds, no matter where procured, or any part or portion of any such animals or birds, during the periods in which they are so protected; provided that they may be exposed for sale for fifteen days, and no longer, after such periods, and may be had in possession for the private use of the owner and his family at any time, but in all cases the proof of the time of killing, taking or purchasing, shall be on the person so in possession. 49 V. c. 4o, s. 3. Protection of 3 NO eggs of any of the birds above mentioned shall be taken, destroyed, or had in possession by any person at any time. 49 V. c. 45, s. 4. 4. None of the said animals or birds, except the animals- mentioned in section 6 of this Act, shall be trapped, or taken by means of traps, nets, snares, gins, baited lines, or other similar contrivances ; nor shall such traps, nets, snares, gins r baited lines or contrivances, be set for them, or any of them, at any time ; and such traps, nets, snares, gins, baited lines, or contrivances, may be destroyed by any person without such person thereby incurring any liability therefor. 49 V. c. 45, s. 5. Batteries, etc. 5. None of the contrivances for taking or killing the wild wiid ta f owf for- f w l> known as swans, geese or ducks, which are described or bidden, and known as batteries, swivel guns or sunken punts, shall be used fofbYdden tmg a ^ an ^ time, and no wild fowl, known as ducks, or other water fowl, except geese or swans,shall be hunted, taken or killed, between the expiration of the* hour next after sunset and the commencement of the hour next before sunrise. 49 V. c. 45, s. 6, Trapping forbidden. Fur-bearing animals protected. Proviso. Penalties. 6. No beaver, mink, musk rat, sable, martin, otter, or fisher shall be hunted, taken or killed, or had in possession of any person between the first day of May, and the first day of November ; nor shall any traps, snares, gins, or other con- trivances, be set for them during such period ; nor shall any muskrat house be cut, speared, broken or destroyed, at any time ; and any such traps, snares, gins, or other contrivances so set, may be destroyed by any person without such person thereby incurring any liability therefor : provided that this- section shall not apply to any person destroying any of the said animals in defence or preservation of his property. 49 V, c. 45, s. 7. 7. Offences against this Act shall be punished upon sum- mary conviction on information or complaint before a Justice of the Peace, as follows : (a) In case of deer, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou, by a fine not exceeding $50, nor less than $10, with costs, for each offence ; (6) In case of birds or eggs, by a fine not exceeding $25 nor less than $5, with*costs, for each bird or egg - r 203 (c) In case of fur-bearing animals, mentioned in section 6 of this Act, by a fine not exceeding $25, nor less than $5, with costs, for each offence ; (d) In the case of other breaches of this Act, and where no other penalty therefor is by this Act provided, by a fine not exceeding $25, nor less than $5, with costs. 49 V. c. 45, s. 8, and 51 V. c. 36. 8. The whole of such fine shall be paid to the prosecutor Disposition of unless the convicting Justice has reason to believe that the pro- penalties, secution is in collusion with, and for the purpose of benefiting the accused, in which case the said Justice may order the dis- posal of the fine as in ordinary cases. 49 V. c. 45, s. 9. 9. In all cases confiscation of game shall follow conviction, Confiscation and the game so confiscated, shall be .ijiven to some charitable of s ame - institution or purpose, at the discretion of the convicting Justice. 49 V. c. 45, s. 10. 10. In order to encourage persons who have heretofore p ro tection of imported or hereafter import different kinds of game, with the game pre- desire to breed and preserve the same on their own lands, it is seives - enacted that it shall not be lawful to hunt, shoot, kill or destroy any such game without the consent of the owner of the property wherever the same may be bred. 49 V. c. 45, s. 11. 11. It shall not be lawful for any person to kill or take. Use of poison any animal protected by this Act, by the use of poison or poisonous substances, nor to expose poison, poisoned bait or other poisoned substances, in any place or locality, where clogs or cattle may have access to the same. 49 V. c. 45, s. 12. 1 2. (1) No person shall at any time hunt, take or kill, any Deer, moose, deer, elk, moose, reindeer, caribou, partridge or quail, for the Jj^njjjjj purpose of exporting the same out of Ontario, and in all cases export, the onus of proving that any such deer, elk, moose, reindeer, caribou, partridge or quail, as aforesaid, so hunted, taken or killed, is not intended to be exported as aforesaid, shall be upon the person hunting, killing or taking the same, or in whose possession or custody the same may be found. (2) No person shall by himself, his clerk, servant or agent, Sale of quail expose, or keep for sale, or directly or indirectly upon any pre- P rohlbl tence or any device, sell or baiter, or in consideration of the purchase of any other property, give to any other person any quail, hunted, taken or killed in the Province of Ontario, and this sub-section shall continue in force until the fifteenth day of October 1892. (3) Offences against this section, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $2o } nor less than $5 for each animal or bird. 49 V. c. 45, s. 13, and 53 V. c. 70. 13. No owner of any hound, or other dog known by the * to> owner to be accustomed to pursue deer, shall permit any such hound, or other dog, to run at large in any locality where deer 204 Appointment of game inspectors. Duties of in- spector. Seizure of game. Prosecutions. Search for game. Deer not to he hunted except by per- sons resident in Ontario or Quebec. are usually found, during the period, from the fifteenth day of November, to the fifteenth day of October, under a penalty on conviction, of not more than $25, nor less than $5, for each offence ; any person harbouring or claiming to be the owner of any such hound or dog shall be deemed the owner thereof. 49 V. c. 45, s. 14. 14. It shall be lawful for the council of any county, city, town, township, or incorporated village, to appoint an officer who shall be known as the game inspector for such county, city, town, township or incorporated village, and who shall perform such duties in enforcing the provisions of this Act, and be paid such salary, as may be mutually agreed upon. 49 V. c. 45, s. 15. 15. (1) It shall be the duty of every game inspector appointed as aforesaid, forthwith to seize all animals or portions of animals in the possession of any person contrary to the provisions of this Act, and to bring the person in possession of the same before a Justice of the Peace, to answer for such illegal possession. (2) It shall also be the duty of every game inspector, to institute prosecutions against all persons found infringing the provisions of this Act, or any of them, and every in- spector may cause to be opened, or may himself open in case of refusal, any bag, parcel, chest, box, trunk, or receptacle in which he has reason to believe that game killed or taken during the close season, or peltries out of season, are hidden. (3) Every inspector, if he has reason to suspect, and does suspect that game killed or taken during the close season, or peltries out of season, are contained or kept in any private house, shed, or other building, shall make a deposition in the Form A annexed to this Act, and demand a search warrant to search such store, private house, shed, or other building, and there- . upon such Justice of the Peace may issue a search warrant according to Form B. 49 V. c. 45, s. 16: 1C. No person shall at any time prior to the. year 1895, hunt take or kill any deer, unless such p-rson has been actually ivsiilenbani domiciled within the Province of Ontario or within the Province of Quebec for a period of at least three months next before the said time, and any person offending against this section shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $20, n->r less than $10, with costs of the prosecution, for each animal so hunted, taken or killed, and in default of immediate payment of said fine and costs shall be liable to be imprisoned in the common gaol of the county or district wherein the offence was committed fur a period not exceeding three months : Provided always that this section shall not apply to any person who, being a shareholder of or in an incorporated com- pany, hunts, kills or takes on the lands of such company, any of the animals mentioned in this section: Provided, moreover, that this section shall not apply to any person in any year for which he has obtained from the Commissioners of Crown Lands 205 a permit to hunt, kill or take any of the animals in this section mentioned, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands is hereby authorized to grant and issue such a permit upon payment therefor of a fee of $10 for each year during which the same is to be in force, and upon being satisfied that the person applying for the permit may be relied upon to observe and comply with the other provisions of this Act. 51 V. c. 36. 1 7. No one person shall, during any one year prior to the Limit as to year 1895 kill or take alive more than five deer; and no two number of i , i P IP d^er which persons hunting together or trom one camp or place of ren- any one per- dezvous, or forming or being what is commonly known as a 80U or hunting party shall, in any one year prior to the year 1895, kill or take alive more than eight deer ; and no three or more per- ma y sons hunting together or from one camp or place of rendezvous, or forming or being what is commonly known as a hunting party shall, in any one year prior to the year 189.5, kill or take alive more than twelve deer, and any person offending against this section shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $20, nor less than $5, with costs of the prosecution for each deer beyond or exceeding the number so permitted to be killed or taken as aforesaid, and in default of immediate payment of such fine and costs shall be liable to be imprisoned in the common gaol of the county or district v ithin which the offence was com- mitted fcr a period not exceeding three months. 51 V. c. 36. 18. Where, under this Act any person has been convicted of Imprisonment an offence against any of the provisions of this Act, such per- "| defaulto * son, in default of the immediate payment of any fine or costs imposed upon him or for which he has been adjudged to be liable in respect or because of such offence, shall be liable and may be adjudged to be imprisoned in the common gaol of the county or district in which the offence was committed for a period not exceeding three months. 51 V. c. 36. 19. On the trial of any complaint, proceeding, matter or Evidence of question under this Act, the person opposing or defending, or accused, who is charged with any offence against or under any of the provisions of this Act, shall be competent and compellable to give evidence in or with respect to such complaint, proceeding, matter or question. ~A V. c. 36. 20. A conviction or order made in any matter arising under Conviction not this Act, either originally or on appeal, shall not be quashed for want of form. 51 V. c. 36. form. 21. All prosecutions under this Act maybe brought and Before whom heard before any of Her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county and district where the penalty was incurred, or the offence was committed, or wrong done, and in cities, towns and incorporated villages in which there is a police magistrate, before such police magistrate ; and save where otherwise pro- vided by this section the procedure shall be governed by The Act respecting Summary Convictions before Justices of the Peace and Appeals to General Sessions. 51 V. c. 36. 206 FORM A. (Section 15.) I, unders ; gned Game Inspector for do hereby declare that I have reason to suspect, and do suspect, that game killed or taken during the close season, or furs out of season, etc., etc., (as the case may be) are at present held and concealed (dencribt the. property, occupant, etc. , and the place). Wheref >re I pray that a warrant may be granted and given to me to effect the necessary searches (describe here the property, etc. , as above). Sworn before me at this day of A. I). 18 > X. Y. L. B. Game Inspector. j. P. 49 V. c. 45, Form A. FORM B. (Section 15.) Province of Ontario, CLunty of To each and every constable of County of Whereas, Game Inspector for has this day declared under oath before me, the undersigned, that he has reason to saspect that (game, or l-irds killed or taken during the close season, or furs out of season, etc., as the case may be) are at present held and concealed, (describe property, occupant, place, etc.) Therefore, you are commanded by these presents in the name of Her Majesty, to assist the t-aid Game Inspector, and to diligently help him to make the necessary searches to tind the (st te the birds or ynme killed or taken during the close season, or furs out of season, etc ,) which he has reason to suspect and does suspect to he held .and concealed in (describe the property, etc , ax above) and to deliver, if need there be, the said birds, etc., (as the case may be) to the said Game Inspector, to be by him brought before me on or before any other magistrate to be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal > &t County of / this day of > L. B. A. D. 18 \ j. P. L. S. 49 V. c. 45, Form B. 207 The following Bill amending Ike foregoing Act for the Pro- tection of Game and Fur-bearing Animals was passed by the Ontario Legislature on IJ^ih April, 1892, subsequent to the receipt of your Commissioners report. CHAPTER 58. An Act to amend the Act for the Protection of Game and Fur-bearing Animals. HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts ,as follows : 1 (1) No deer, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou shall be close period hunted, taken or killed between the fifteenth day of Novem- for deer, elk, ber and the first day of November of the following year; but the mo fce etc - period hereinbefore limited shall not as to moose, elk, reindeer or caribou, apply before or until the first day of November, 1, , * hibited or use an y g un > or other engine for that purpose- 209 6. (I) Section 2 of the said Act is amended by striking Rev. stat., c. out the word "fifteen" in the fifth line thereof and substitut- 2 ' 21 s 9 ing therefor the word "five" and by adding to the said section the following as sub-section (2) thereof : (2) No person shall, by himself, his clerk, servant or agent, Purchase, sale, expose or keep for sale, or directly or indirectly upon any pre- or keeping for tence or device, sell or barter or in consideration of the pur- chase of any other property give to any other person any bited for fchree quail, snipe, wild turkey, woodcock or partridge, no matter years ' where killed or procured, for a period of two years from the passing hereof. 7. No person shall at any time enter into any growing Hunting on or standing grain not his own with sporting implements about l&n **Mw$!ti* his person, nor permit his dog or dogs to enter into any such out S permis- grovving or standing grain without permission of the owner or sion - occupant thereof, and no person shall at any time hunt or shoot upon any enclosed land of another after being noti6ed not to hunt or shoot thereon, and any person who shall, without the right to do so, hunt or shoot upon any enclosed land of another after having been notified not to hunt or shoot thereon, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Act ; but nothing in this section contained shall be so construed as to limit or in any way affect the remedy at common law of any such owner or occupant for trespass. Any owner or occupant of land may give the notice provided for in this section by maintaining two sign boards at least one foot square, containing such notice, upon at least every forty acres of the premises sought to be protected, on or near the borders thereof, or upon or near the shores of any waters thereon, in at least two conspicuous places, or by giving personal written, or verbal notice ; and such notice firstly herein provided for may be in the form fol- lowing: ''Hunting or shooting on these lands forbidden under Ontario game laws." Provided that any person who shall with- out authority in that behalf put up, or cause to be put up, any such notice on any lands of which he is riot the owner, or the possession of which he is not legally entitled to, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Act. 8. (1) Section 10 of the said Act is hereby repealed and Re 1 v - g s jg t r ' e c * the following substituted therefor : peaJed. 1 6. No person not a resident and domiciled in the Provinces Ce ^"^be of Ontario or Quebec shall be entitled to hunt, take, kill, hunteTexcept wound or destroy any moose, elk, reindeer, caribou or other b 7o esid r1o t8 deer, mink, otter, fisher, sable, beaver or any other game nd Quebec animal or bird referred to in this Act, without having first until license obtained a license in that behalf; every such license shall be signed by the Chief Fish and Game Warden, and countersigned by the Provincial Secretary or his Deputy, and shall be in force for one season only, and shall be subject to the provisions of the game laws in force in the Province at the time the said license was granted ; the fee to be paid therefor shall be $25, and shall 14 (c.) 210 be payable to the Provincial Treasurer to be applied towards the expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of the game laws. License to be (2) Every such person shall, on request by any person shown on re- whomsoever within the Province, at all times, and as often as requested, produce and show to the person making the request, such license ; and if he shall fail or refuse to do so he shall forfeit any such license he may possess, and shall if found hunting, taking, pursuing, killing, wounding or destroying any such animal or bird, or if on proof of the facts mentioned in the first sub- section hereof, and upon proof of such request and failure, or of refusal, be deemed to have violated the pro- visions of this section. Permits to (3) The Provincial Secretary, any member of the Board sidentVoVon- of Fish and Game Commissioners, the Chief Fish and Game tario. Warden or any of the Wardens may grant a permit to a guest of a resident of the Province free 'of charge for a term not exceeding one week. Board of Fish 9. There is hereby created a board to be known by the name ^ the Board of Fish and Game Commissioners of the Province of Ontario, which board shall be composed of five members, who shall be appointed by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council for the term of three years each, in the manner hereinafter set forth, and who, except the secretary, who may be a member of said board, shall serve without compensation, either direct or indirect, other than actual disbursements. One of the said Commissioners shall hold office until the first day of April, 1893, two shall hold office until the first day of April, 1894, and the remaining two shall hold office until the first day of April, 1895, and the said Commissioners shall, as soon as may be after this Act takes effect, assemble at the city of Toronto, and by lot decide between themselves as to their respective terms of office. Commissioners may from time to time at the expiration of their terms of office, be reappointed for like terms of three years. Filling vacan- (2) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall, from time to oies in Board, time, as vacancies on the said board occur, whether by expira- tion of term, resignation or any other cause, make appoint- ments to fill such vacancies, and shall appoint the president and secretary of the said board. Meetings, (3) The said board shall meet at least once and not oftener tf 8 n s nd regu ^ an tDree ti mes eac h year, and shall make rules and regula- tions subject to the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council for the guidance of game and fish wardens and sub- wardens. Duties and I- The Lieutenant-Governor in Council upon the recom- mendation of the said Board, may appoint a chief game and fish warden, who shall act as secretary and business agent of said board, and may also appoint other game and fish wardens, not exceeding four in number, whose duties shall be prescribed by rules and regulations in that behalf. The compensation of the secretary and the said chief warden and other wardens shall be fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and shall be paid out of the license fees and fines collected under the . provisions of this Act and such moneys as may be appropriated for the purpose by the Legislative Assembly of the Province and shall not, exclusive of travelling expenses, exceed, in the whole, the sum of $1,200 ; and said board shall have the power to appoint, or may authorize the chief game warden to appoint, at any time, deputy wardens in any part of the Province for such period of time as they in their discretion may determine. 11. It shall be the 'duty of said board to give all necessary Board to col- directions and to take all reasonable measures for securing the j.? ct inf orma- enforcement of the laws for the protection of game, and for tistics. giving effect to the provisions of laws for the preservation, propagation and protection of the fish of the Province, to col- lect, classify and preserve all such statistics, data and informa- tion as they may think will tend to promote the objects of such laws ; to conduct all the necessary correspondence, to take charge of and keep all reports, books, papers, documents or specimens which they may collect in the discharge of their duties under this Act ; and to prepare an annual report to the Lieutenant-Governor on or- before the thirty-first day of December of each year, shewing what has been done by them during the year, and the manner in which their duties have been performed, with such recommendations for legislative action, if any, as the said board may deem calculated to better promote the preservation of fish and game and increase the more useful food fishes within the Province and to lessen the cost of the same. 12. The provisions of the game laws of this Province Game laws not shall not apply to Indians or to settlers in the unorganized to apply to In - districts of this Province with regard to any game killed ti^in^no?- 1 for their own immediate use for food only and for the reason- ganized dis- able necessities of the person killing the same, and his family, tr and not for the purposes of sale or traffic. And nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect any rights specially re- served to or conferred upon Indians by any treaty or regula- tions in that behalf made by the government of the Dominion of Canada, with reference to hunting on their reserves or hunting grounds or in any territory specially set apart for the purpose ; nor shall anything in this Act contained apply to Indians hunting in any portion of the Provincial terri- tory as to which their claims have not been surrendered or extinguished. / 13. Any person offending against any of the provisions of Penalties, sections 1 and 8 of this Act shall be liable for each offence to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, and not less than twenty dollars, together with the costs of prosecution, and any person offending against any other of the provisions of the said Act 212 as hereby amended shall be liable for each offence to a fine not exceeding twenty five dollars nor less than tive dollars, to- gether with the costs of prosecution, and in default of immedi- ate payment of such fine and costs shall be imprisoned in the common gaol of the county where such conviction shall take place, for a period not exceeding three months. 48 Vic. c. 9, s. 28. (2) The Justice or Justices shall, in any such conviction, adjudge that the defendant be imprisoned, unless the penalty and also the costs and charges of prosecution and commitment and of conveying the defendant to prison are sooner paid. (3) The amount of the costs and charges of the commitment and conveying of the defendant to prison are to be ascertained and stated in the warrant of commitment. Warden may convict offen- der on view. 14. Any of the wardens appointed under the provisions of this Act, or any magistrate may. upon his own view, convict for any offence against the provisions of the said Act or this Act. 15. One half of fine collected under the Application of JLtF * W11C liaii Ui everv nne colj( tne P rovl ~ fines. sions of the said Act as hereby amended shall be paid to the prosecutor or person on whose evidence a conviction is made, and the other half shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Pro- vince ; but the wardens appointed under this Act shall not be entitled to any portion of tines in cases where -they may act as prosecutors. Arrest of offenders 16 (1) Any officer specially authorized under the pro- visions of this Act to enforce the fish and game laws may without process arrest any violator of said laws for an offence committed in. his presence ; and he shall with reason- able diligence cause him to be taken before any justice of the peace for a warrant and trial eith3r in the county where the offence was committed or in the county in which the violator was arrested, and jurisdiction in all cases under the said Act is hereby granted to all justices of the peace, magis- trates, stipendiary magistrates, and all other courts, to be ex- ercised in the same way and manner as if the offence had been committed in their respective counties. Any officer who shall maliciously or without probable cause abuse his power in such proceedings shall be guilty of an offence under this Act. Penalties on (2) Sheriffs, deputy-sheriffs, provincial police or constables, officers abus- county constables, police officers, wood-rangers, crown-lands agents, timber agents, fire wardens and fishery inspectors or overseers, are vested with the powers of deputy-wardens and authorized to enforce any of jthe provisions of this Act, and shall receive for their services the same fees. Officers (3) Officers authorized to enforce the game laws, and all enforcTlaws ^ er persons, may recover the penalties for the yiolation thereof in an action on the case in their own name or by com- ing their powers 213 plaint or indictment in the name of the Province, and such prosecution may be commenced in any county in which the offender may be found. 17. The following provisions shall have effect with respect Penalties, how to summary proceedings for offences, fines and penalties ui der recoverable, this Act : (1) The information shall be laid within two months after Procedure the commission of the offence. u p on prosecu- tions. (2) The description of an offence in the words of the said Act or in any similar words, shall be sufficient in law ; (3) Any exception, exemption, proviso, excuse or qualification whether it does or does not accompany the description of the offence in the said Act as hereby amended, may be proved by the defendant, but need not be specified or negatived in the information or complaint, and if so specified or negatived, no proof in relation to the matters so specified or negatived shall be required on the part of the informant or complainant ; 18. The words "the said Act," wherever they occur in this "Said Act," Act shall mean the Act for the protection of Game and Fur- R e e k sat. bearing Animals, as amended by any subsequent Acts, or this c. 221 and Act, and this Act shall be read with and as forming a part of amendments - the said Act, and all laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed 214 FISHERY LAWS IN FORCE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO AT THE TIME THE COMMISSION WAS ISSUED. REVISED STATUTES OF ONTARIO. CHAPTER 32. An Act to regulate the Fisheries of this Province. SHORT TITLE, s. 1. APPLICATION OF ACT, s. 2. INTERPRETATION, s. 3. LEASES AND LICENSES, ss. 4-8. PENALTY FOR TRESPASS, s. 9. RIGHTS OF PASSAGE, s. 10. FISHERY OVERSEERS, ss. 11, 12, 14. REGULATIONS BY GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL, s. 13. GUARDIANS FOR PROTECTION OF FISHERIES, s. 15. RETURNS BY LESSEES, s. 16. CONTROL OF FISHING RIGHTS PERTAIN- ING TO GRANTED LANDS MAY BE ASSUMED BY COMMISSIONER, S. 17- PERMITS, s. 18. CANCELLATION OF LEASES, ETC., s. 91. RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES OF LESSEES, ss. 20, 21. RESERVATION FROM LEASE, s. 22. LEASE OF WATERS IN WHICH INDIANS. ALLOWED TO FISH, S. 23. SETTING APART WATERS FOR PROPA- GATION OF FISH, s. 24. PERMISSION TO OBTAIN FISH, s. 25. PENALTIES, ss. 26-29. APPLICATION OF FINES AND PENAL- TIES, s. 30. CERTAIN ACTS TO APPLY TO PROSE- CUTIONS, s. 31. REPORTS TO BE LAID BEFORE LEGIS- LATURE, s. 32. HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario enacts as follows : Short title. I. This Act may be cited as " The Ontario Fisheries Act." 48 V. c. 9, s. 1. Application of 2. This Act and its respective provisions apply to all fisher- Act> ies and rights of fishing in respect of which the Legislature of Ontario has authority to legislate. 48 V. c. 9, s. 2. Interpreta- tion . "Crown Lands." Fish.' Waters.' 3. Where the following words occur in this Act they shall be construed in the manner hereinafter mentioned, unless EU contrary intention appears: 1. " Crown Lands " shall be held to mean and include such ungranted Crown or Public lands or Crown domain as are within and belong to the Province of Ontario, and whether or not any waters flow over or cover the same. 2. " Fish " shall mean and include every kind, variety and description of fish in respect of the catching or killing of which within the Province the Legislature of Ontario has- authority to legislate. 3. " Waters " shall be held to mean and include such of the waters of any lake, river, stream or water-course wholly or partly within said Province, as flow over or cover any Crown Lands. 215 4. " Commissioner " shall mean the Commissioner of Crown Commis- Lands. sioner." 5. "Fishery Lease" shall be held to include and mean "Fishery a lease or instrument conferring for a term therein men- ' tioned upon the lessee therein named the right to take and keep, for the purposes of fishing, under and subject to the pro- visions of this Act and of all regulations made thereunder, the exclusive possession of any Crown Lands therein described, with the exclusive right to fish in any waters flowing over or covering the same at such time and in such manner and with such restrictions and subject to such regulations as may be per- mitted, regulated or prescribed by any lawful authority in that behalf. 6. "Fishing License," shall be held to mean and include "Fishing a license granting for the time therein mentioned to the License. ' licensee therein named, upon payment of the license fee therein stipulated, a right to fish in any waters flowing over or covering ungranted Crown Lands therein described, at such time, in such manner and with such restrictions and subject to such regulations as may be permitted, regulated or prescribed by any lawful authority in that behalf, but no fishing license shall be deemed to be, or be construed to operate as or in the nature of a lease or demise. 48 V. c. 9, s. 3. 4. Subject to the other provisions of this Act, every issue of leases fishery lease and every fishing license shall be granted and and llcenses - issued by the Commissioner but subject always to such con- ditions, regulations and restrictions as may from time to time be made, ordered or established in that behalf by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and published in the Ontario Gazette : Provided, however, that no lease or license shall Proviso, be granted or issued in respect of or as including any lands or waters where an exclusive right of fishing already exists by law 48 V. c. 9, s. 4. 5. A fishery lease shall not be granted for a longer period than Leases to be five years from the date thereof, and shall only be made to the highest bidder of an annual rental therefor after the same shall have been put up to public competition, of which at least one month's notice shall be given in the Ontario Gazette, and in such other way as to the Commissioner may seem the most advantageous ; provided always that the price offered be at p rovis0t L-ast equal to the upset price fixed by the Commissioner, and that if not sold, the Commissioner may afterwards, by private sale, dispose of the said lease at the upset price, or for a greater sum; and the signature of the Commissioner to the lease shall be evidence in all Courts of a compliance with the provisions of this section. 48 V. c. 9, s. 5. 6. The rental shall be paid in advance, and a lessee who Forfeiture for fails to pay the rental at the date fixed by his fishery lease shall non-payment. 216 Transfer of leases. Lessee not entitled to compensation in case of deficiency by reason of error. Penalty in case of trespass. Proviso. Rights of passage. forfeit all rights thereunder, and the same may be thereupon annulled by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and may be again put up to sale, but notwithstanding the annulling of the lease, the lessee shall be liable at the suit of H^r Majesty for the annual rental and the expenses incurred by the lease being again put up to sale. 48 V. c. 9, s. 6. 7. No lessee or licensee shall have the right to sublet, trans- fer or assign any right, interest or privilege granted or conferred upon him under the provisions of this Act, without first re- ceiving the written consent of the Commissioner, or some other person authorized to that effect. 48 V. c. 9, s. 7. 8. If in consequence of any incorrectness of survey or other error or cause whatsoever, a fishery lease is found to comprise lands included in a fishery lease of a prior date, the fishery lease last granted shall be void in so far as it interferes with the one previously issued, and the holder or proprietor of the lease so rendered void shall have no claim for indemnity or compensation by reason of such avoidance. 48 V. c. 9, s. 8. 9. If any person shall enter upon or pass over the land described in a fishery lease without permission of the lessee or his representative, he shall, on conviction thereof incur and pay a fine of not less than $1 nor more than $10, with costs of prosecution, for each offence, and in default of imme- diate payment of such fine and costs shall be imprisoned in the common gaol of the coimty, within which the offence was committed, for a period not exceeding one month ; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person entering upon or passing over the lands in discharge of any duty imposed by law, nor, when the lands are included in a timber license, to the holder thereof, who shall at all times have the right to cut and take away all trees, timber and lumber within the limits of his license ; nor to prevent the owners or occupiers of lands bordering on any waters to a general right of passage to and from such waters ; nor the public user of any waters, or the banks thereof, either for the conveyance of lumber of any kind, or for the free navigation thereof by vessels, boats, or other craft; nor to any user under license by the Crown of any such lands or waters for any purpose or occupation not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. 48 V. c. 9, s. 10. 1O. (1) Every fishery lease shall be deemed and taken to have been made and granted subject to a right of passage to and from any waters in favour of the occupants, if any, under title from the Crown, of the lands immediately in rear of those included in the fishery lease. (2) In the discharge of his duties every fishery overseer, and every person by him accompanied or authorized to such effect, may enter upon and pass through or over private property without being liable for trespass. 48 V. c. 9, s. 11. v - 217 11. The Lieu tenant-Governor in Council may, if he con- Appointment siders it expedient, appoint Fishery Overseers, whose duties QvfrseerT shall be defined by the regulations made under this Act, and every overseer so appointed and having taken the oath of office prescribed by this Act, shall be, ex-officio, a Justice of the Peace for all the purposes of this Act and of any regulations made under authority thereof within the county or district for which he is appointed to act as overseer. 48 V. c. 9, s. 12. 12. Every fishery overseer shall, before acting as a Justice Oath of of the Peace under this Act, take and subscribe the following verseer - oath : " I, A. B., a Fishery Overseer in and for the district or territory described in my appointment, do solemnly swear that, to the best of my judgment, I will faithfully, honestly and impartially fulfil, execute and perform the office and duty of such overseer according to the true intent and meaning of The Ontario Fisheries Act, and of all regulations made or to be made thereunder. So help me God. " 48 V. c. 9, s. 13. 13. (1) So far as the Legislature of Ontario has authority Regulations so to enact, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, from ^eutenan time to time, make regulations, and may "from time to time Governor in vary, amend, and alter all and every such regulation as shall be Council - found necessary or deemed expedient for the better manage- ment and regulation of Crown lands leased under the operation of this Act and the fishing rights theretopertaining,orof any fishing license which may be made or granted under the operation of this Act ; and to prevent the destruction of fish, and to forbid fishing in any waters except under authority of a fishery lease or fishing license ; and all regulations shall have the same force and effect as if herein contained and enacted, and every offence against any regulation may be stated as having been made in contravention of this Act. (2) The publication of any regulation in the Ontario "Gazette, shall be sufficient notice to give legal effect to the same ; and the production of a copy of a paper purporting to be the Ontario Gazette, and containing any regulation shall, so far as the Legislature of Ontario has authority so to enact or direct, be admitted as full and sufficient evidence of the same, in all Courts. 48 V. c. 9, s. 14. 14. The remuneration of the Fishery Overseers and of all other persons employed to perform any duty imposed by this Act or by the regulations made under it, shall be determined by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and shall be paid out of moneys derived under the provisions of this Act, and appropriated for that purpose by vote of the Legislative Assembly. 48 V. c. 9, s. 15. 15_(1) The Commissioner may, upon the request of any lessees of fishery leases,or without such request, appoint as many or pro tection of fisheries. 218 guardians as may be deemed necessary for the effectual protec- tion of the fisheries, or rights of fishing in any waters; such guar- dians shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties,, and especially to prevent the taking or killing, or attempting to take or kill fish in the waters under their charge by illegal means, or at times when the taking or killing of fish is pro- hibited by lawful authority ; they shall be employed for such length of time as the Commissioner shall consider necessary x and their services shall be paid for by the lessees. (2) If thereunto required by the Commissioner a lessee shall keep and maintain, at his own expense, within the limits granted to or conferred upon him by a fishery lease, and for such time or times as the Commissioner may in that behalf prescribe, one or more efficient guardians, whose duties, shall in all respects be the same as those of the guardians in the preceding sub-section mentioned. 48 V. c. 9, s. 16. Returns by 16. It shall be a condition of every Fishery Lease that the- lessees. lessee shall, as soon as possible after the close of every fishing season, transmit to the Department of Crown Lands a state- ment of the number and weight of fish caught in the waters affected by the lease. 48 V. c. 9, s. 17. Control of fish- 17. The Commissioner may, with the consent of the owners, tau/ igh t t8 P6r an( ^ ^ or ^ ne P ur P oses ^ management only, assume the control granted fands of fishing rights pertaining to granted lands fronting on any as* 7 be d b stream, river or lake, with a view of improving or leasing the CoSSnis- y same i n connection with *those pertaining to Crown sioner with Lands fronting on the same stream, river or lake, and pay- owner! C i n g over to the private owners of such fishing rights a propor- tionate share of the rent received for the whole. 48 V. c. 9 } c. 18. Fishing 18. It shall be lawful for the Commissioner, or any officer thereto authorized by him, to grant permits to fish in any watera adjoining Crown Lands not under lease for a period not exceeding one month, upon such terms and subject to such restrictions and conditions as shall be provided by order of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to that effect. 48 V. c. 9, s. 19 Cancellation 19. Any fishery lease, or fishery license or permit held by ses, etc. an y p ersorl) convicted of any contravention of this Act, or of any regulations made and published as aforesaid, may be annulled and cancelled by the Commissioner, and thereupon such person shall forfeit all his rights and privileges under such lease, license or permit, and shall not be entitled to or have any claim or right to any indemnity or compensation in respect thereof. 48 V. c. 9, s. 20. Lessee to 2O. A fishery lease shall entitle the lessee to institute aJtionfor tof ^ n ^ s own name an y action, or proceeding against any trespass. person unlawfully trespassing upon, damaging or invacjing tha 219 rights, property, premises or privileges granted by the lease and also to sue for and recover any damages sustained by him as such lessee. 48 V. c. 9, s. 21. 21. Every lessee to whom a fishery lease is granted, shall Liability of be answerable for damage done to the lands in the lease a^mag^to described, and the timber growing thereon, or on adjoining lands, lands included either by himself or his agents, or persons under his control, either from waste or from want of sufficient precautions in lighting, watching over or extinguishing fires ; and it shall be incumbent on every lessee, in case of damage caused by fire, to prove that all such precautions have been taken. 48 V c. 9, s. 22. 22. It shall be lawful for the Lieutenant-Governor in Waters may Council, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner, to B gYiS n reserve from lease for one or more years, for purposes of im- reserved from provement, any waters, the exclusive right of fishing in which lease - is within the meaning of section 2 of this Act. 48 V. c. 9; s. 23. 23. The Commissioner may appropriate and license or lease Lease of certain waters in which certain Indians shall be allowed to Indians catch fish for their own use in and at whatever manner and allowed to time, and subject to whatever terms and conditions are specified fish - in the license or lease. 48 V. c. 9, s. 24. 24:. The Commissioner may authorize to be set apart, and Provisions as to be leased, any waters for the natural or artificial propaga- art waters tion of fish, and any person who wilfully destroys or injures for natural or any place so set apart or used for the propagation of fish, or fishes ^mgation of therein without written permission from a Fishery Overseer, fish. or from the lessee or licensee thereof, or uses therein a fishing light or other like implement for fishing, during the period for which the waters .are so set apart, shall for every offence incur and pay a fine not exceeding $100, with costs of prosecution, and in default of immediate payment of such fine and costs, shall be imprisoned in the common gaol of the county wherein the offence was committed, for a period not exceeding three months. 48 V. c. 9, s. 25. 25. Nothing contained in this Act shall preclude the grant- Commis- ing by the Commissioner of written permission to obtain fish ^Jf^pe^g. and h'sh spawn, for purposes of stocking or -artificial breeding, sion to obtain or for scientific purposes, subject always to any regulation Certain 5 '' f r or restriction made or prescribed by or under any lawful au- purposes. thority in that behalf. 48 V. c. 9, s. 26. 26. If any person without permission of the lessee or his Penalty for representative, fishes, or employs or induces another person ^J^n limits to engage or assist in fishing within the limits included in a fish- O f fishing lease ery lease, or removes or carries away, or employs or induces ~ 220 Proviso. or assists another person to remove or carry away any fish caught within such limits, he shall not acquire any right to the fiVh so caught, but the same shall be forfeited and become the absolute property of the lessee, and such person shall therefor, and upon conviction thereof incur and pay a penalty of not less than $5 or more than $20 with costs of prosecution, and in default of immediate payment of such fine and costs shall be imprisoned in the common gaol of the county within which the offence was committed for a period not exceeding one month ; and the lessee or any person by him authorized, and any Fishery Overseer, may upon his own view forthwith seize and remove any net, article or apparatus so used in fishing or to assist in fishing contrary to the provisions of this section, to be afterwards dealt with according to law ; pro- vided always, that the occupation of any fishing grounds or waters leased for the express purpose of ntt fishing, shall not interfere with nor prevent angling for other purposes than those of trade or commerce. 48 V. c. 9, s. 27. Penalty for 27. If any of the provisions of this Act or of any regula contravention tions made under the authority thereof by the Lieu tenant- no special 6 * Governor in Council, are contravened and no other penalty is penalty. herein provided for such contravention, the person guilty of such contravention shall on conviction thereof incur and pay a fine of not more than $20 with costs of prosecu- tion, and in default of immediate payment of such fine and costs shall be imprisoned in the common gaol of the county within which the offence was committed, for a period not exceeding one month. 48 V. c. 9, s, 28. Separate offences. 28. Contravention on any day of any of the provisions of this Act, or of any regulation made under the authority thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, shall constitute a separate offence, arid may be punished accordingly. 48 V. c. 9,s.29. Provisions with respect to summary proceedings. 29. The following provisions shall have effect with respect to summary proceedings for offences, fines and penalties under this Act ; 1. The information shall be laid within two months after the commission of the offence ; 2. The description of an offence in the words either of this Act or of any regulations made by authority thereof, or in any similar words, shall be sufficient in law ; 3. Any exception, exemption, proviso, excuse or qualifica- tion, whether it does or not accompany the description of the offence in this Act, or in any regulation made by authority thereof, may be proved by the defend ant, but need not be specified or negatived in the information or complaint, and if so specified 221 or negatived, no proof in relation to the matters so specified or negatived shall be required on the part of the informant or complainant ; 4. A conviction or order made in any matter arising under this Act, either originally or on appeal, shall not be quashed for want of form, and a conviction or order made by a court of summary jurisdiction, against which a person is authorized by this Act to appeal, shall not be removed by certiorari or other- wise, either at the instance of the Crown or of any private person, into the High Court, except for the purpose of the hearing and determination of a special case ; 5. Whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the convicting magistrate that an offence against this Act or any regulation made thereunder has been committed in ignorance of the law, and that because of the poverty of the offender, the fine or penalty imposed would be oppressive, a discretionary power may be exercised ; 6. Any Fishery Overseer or magistrate may upon his own view convict for any offence against the provisions of this Act, or of any regulation made thereunder, and shall instantly re- move or cause to be removed and detain all materials and articles illegally in use ; 7. Where any offence under this Act is committed in, upon, or near any waters forming the boundary between different counties or districts, such offence may be prosecuted before any magistrate or Fishery Overseer, for either of such contiguous counties or districts. 48 V. c. 9, s. 30. 3O. (1) One-half of every fine or penalty imposed by virtue Application of this Act shall belong to Her Majesty for the uses of the Province, and the remaining half shall be paid to the prose- cutor, together with any costs which he may have incurred ; every fine, penalty or forfeiture imposed by this Act, or by the regulations made thereunder, may be recovered on parol complaint before any Fishery Overseer or before any one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the county where the fine or penalty was incurred or the offence was com- mitted or wrong done, and in cities, towns and villages in which there is a Police Magistrate, before such Police Magis- trate, on the oath of one credible witness. (2) All materials, implements or appliances used, and all fish had in contravention of this Act, or any regulation made there- under, shall be confiscated to Her Majesty for the uses of the Province, and may be seized and confiscated on view by any Fishery Overseer, or taken and removed by any person for delivery to any magistrate or Fishery Overseer, and the proceeds of disposal thereof may be applied towards defraying expenses incurred under the provisions of this Act ; but nothing in this sub-section contained shall apply to any forfeiture of fish, under the provisions of section '26 of this Act. 222 (3) The moiety of every fine or penalty belonging to Her Majesty for the uses of the Province, and all proceeds derived from the sale of articles confiscated to Her Majesty under this Act, shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the Province through the Department of Crown Lands, and shall be applied towards the expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this Act. (4) Persons aggrieved by such conviction or confiscation may appeal by petition to the Commissioner, who shall have power to remit fines and restore forfeitures under this Act 48 V. c. 9,s.31. **^' ^ ave wnere otherwise provided by this Act, all the pro- prosecutions visions of the Act intituled An Act respecting summary con- underthisAct victions before Justices of the Peace, and appeals to General Sessions, shall apply to all prosecutions and proceedings under this Act, except in proceedings on appeal, and the practice and procedure upon and with respect to appeals and all proceedings thereon and thereafter, shall be governed by The Act respect- ing the Procedure on Appeals to the Judge of a County Court from Summary Convictions, so far as the same is not incon- sistent with this Act. 48 V. c. 9, s. 32. Sd before be 32 S . uch annual or other reports of the Fishery Overseers Legislative as the Lieutenant-Governor from time to time directs, shall be Assembly. ^^ before the Legislative Assembly. 48 V. c. 9, s. 33. 223 FISHERY REGULATIONS. 'Copy of an Order-in-Council, approved by His Honour the Lieutenant- Governor , the 26th day of May, A.D. 1887. Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Commissioner of Crown Lands, the Committee of Council advise, that the accompanying regulations under the " Ontario Fisheries Act, 1885," be approved of and established by Your Honour. Certified, J. LONSDALE CAPREOL, Asst. Clerk, Executive Council, Ontario. The Honourable The Commissioner of Crown Lands. The Commissioner of Crown Lands has the honour to recommend to the Executive Council that the following regulations be made under " The Ontario Fisheries Act, 1885," namely: 1. That leases granted for the purpose of conveying the fishing rights pertain- ing to public lands adjoining the rivers, streams and lakes of the Province, shall be for the depth of one chain inland from the water's edge. 2. Such leases shall be granted as far as practicable to responsible parties, able and willing to improve the lakes and rivers and guard them well. Applicants having in view the personal use and enj 3yment of the fishing rights to be gener- ally preferred to such as may offer higher rents with a view to farming or sub- letting the right to fish. Care to be taken that residents in the Province be allowed to enjoy a due proportion of the fishing rights. 3. That the valuation of the lands for rent shall be based on the character and condition of the rivers, streams and lakes which they adjoin, as made known to the Department of Crown Lands by reports of official inspectors or private individuals, all such reports to be considered confidential, and not to be communi- cated to other parties without the express authorization of the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Offers made by applicants for leases not to be communicated to other applicants. 4. That leases of lands made and granted under the provisions of " The Ontario Fisheries Act," shall not be held to convey the. right to work any mine that may be found on such lands, or to cut any timber thereon. 5. That licenses and permits to fish shall be granted upon payment in ad- vance of such fees as the Commissioner of Crown Lands may from time to time determine/and shall be valid until the close of the angling season of the year in which it is granted. 6. The excessive or wasteful fishing or killing of fish shall involve the can- cellation of the lease, license or permit covering the waters in which it has taken place. 7. That it be obligatory upon an}' person who has no domicile in the Province of Ontario, and who desires to fish in the rivers, streams or lakes, under the con- trol of the Province, to procure a permit or license to that effect from the Com- missioner of Crown Lands before beginning to fish. 224 8. That no person shall, except under authority of a fishery lease, fishing license, or permit, fish for, catch or kill any fish in any inland lake, river or stream adjoining the ungranted lands of the Province. 9. That no person shall, without lawful authority, fish for, catch or kill, by any device or means, any fish during their spawning time, or disturb or destroy their spawn or spawning- beds. 10. That it shall not be lawful to fish for, catch or kill, brook trout, salmon trout, white fish, bass, pike, pickerel, maskinonge, tulibee, grayling, herring or perch, in any inland lake, river or stream under the control of the Province, by any device or means other than by hook and line or angling, except in waters leased or licensed for the express purpose of net fishing. 11. That it shall not be lawful to use any explosives, or chemical material,. or compound, for the purpose of killing or catching fish. 12. That fishing by torchlight, or other artificial light, placed in or abovB the water is prohibited. 13. That no person shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell, or have in possession any fish at times when the taking or killing of fish is prohibited by lawful authority. 14. That parties holding leases under the provisions of " The Ontario Fishe- ries Act," shall not have any recourse against the Government of the Province for any hindrance to their use and enjoyment of the fishing rights pertaining to the lands leased, by the operation of any law enacted or that may be hereafter en- acted by the Parliament of Canada, or by any action of the Government of Canada, or any person employed thereunder. 15. It shall not be lawful to use or set in any of the inland rivers, streams. or water courses within the Province, any net, rack, trap, weir, or obstruction for the purpose of catching fish, or whereby the free passage of fish up and down the same may be obstructed or prevented. 16. The catching, killing, or molesting oft .fish when passing or attempting to pass through any fish -way or fi.sh-pass, or in surmounting any obstacle or leaps, the use of any invention to catch, kill or molest fish in the mill-heads, and water-- courses appurtenant thereto, are hereby forbidden. 17. It shall not be lawful to put into any waters in any inland river, stream or lake in the Province where fish are taken, &uy offal, blood, putrid brine, putrid fish, or other deleterious substance, and all fish, offal, or filth of any description whatsoever accruing from the catching and curing of fish, shall be burned or buried twenty yards distant from the water's edge of said river, stream or lake Close Seasons. It shall not be lawful to fish for, catch, kill or have in possession : Speckled Trout, between the loth September and the 1st May. Pickerel (Dore), between the 15th April and loth May. Bass and Maskinonge", between the loth April and loth June. White Fish and Salmon Trout, between the 1st November and 30th November. T. B. PARDEE, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, 5th May, ,1887. 225 GAME AND FISH LAWS OF ONTARIO. TABLE OF CLOSE SEASONS. GAME. NAME. 1. Deer 2. Moose, Elk, Reindeer or Caribou. 3. Grouse, Pheasants, Prairie Fowl or Partridge. 4. Quail or Wild Tur- keys. 5. Woodcock . . 6. Snipe, Rail & Golden Plover. 7. Swan or Geese 8. .Ducks of all kinds and all other wate- fowl. 9. Hares 10. Beaver, Mink, Musk rat, Sable, Martin, Otter or Fisher. DATE. From 20th November to 15th October. From 20th November to 15th October. From 1st January to 1st September. From 15th December to 15th October. From 1st January 15th August. From 1st January to 1st September. From 1st May to 1st September. From 1st January to 1st September, and at any time of the year between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise. From 15th March to 1st September. From 1st May to 1st November. REMARKS. No Moose, Elk, Reindeer or Caribou shall be hunted r taken or kitled until after 15th October, 1895. Deer, Moose, Elk, Reindeer or Caribou shall not at any time be taken or killed for export out of Ontario. A person who is not an actual resident of Ontario or Quebec shall not hunt or kill any kind of deer, prior to 1895, unless he has obtained a permit from the Commissioner of Crown Lands. The fee is $10, and the permit is good for a year. No one person shall during any one year prior to 1895, take or kill more than five deer. Deer, Moose, Elk, Reindeer or Caribou shall not be trapped or snared. Hounds shall not be allowed to run at large Where deer are usually found from 15th November to 15th October. Partridge or Quail shall not at any time be taken or killed for export out of Ontario. The sale of Quail is prohibited until 15th October, 1892. The eggs of any of the birds herein mentioned shall not be taken or destroyed at any time. x None of the birds mentioned shall be trapped or snared, and Swans, Geese or Ducks shall not be killed Jby battries, swivel guns or sunken punts. 15 (c.) 226 FISH. NAME. DATE. REMARKS. 1 Speckled Trout From 1 st November to Net fishing is prohibited except under leases or 2. Pickerel (Dork) . . 30th November. From 15th April to 15th licenses. The use of explosives or chemical material for killing or catching fish is illegal. 3. Bass and Maskinonge. 4. Whitefish 5 Salmon Trout May. From 15th April to 15th June. From 1st November to 30th November. From 1st November to Fishing by torchlight or other artificial light is pro- hibited. Persons who do not reside in the Province must pro- cure from the Commissioner of Crown Lands a per- mit or license before beginning to fish the fee is $5, and the permit shall be good till the end of the angling season of the year in which it is granted. 30th November. LIST OF OVERSEERS. NAME. ADDKESS. v D T STBICT. % William McKirdy Joseph Whalen John H. Wilmott . . . Nepigon .... Port Arthur. . . River Nepigon, Lake Nepigon and adjacent waters. Thunder Ray. Muskoka. Counties of Victoria, Peterborough and Haliburton. County of Lanark and north parts of Frontenac and Addington. Part of Algoma between Garden River Reserve and the Township of Long. Manitoulin Island. Parry Sound. County of Renfrew. Beaumaris Francis J. Moore .... Norman Clarke Lakefield Mississippi Station Day Mills John J Little Samuel R. McKewen Benjamin McDermott.. Robert R. Smith Tehkumah Sundridge Eganville 227 The following Bill amending the foregoing Act for the Pro- tection of the Provincial Fisheries was passed by the Ontario Legislature on 14th April, 1892, subsequent to the receipt of your Commissioners report. CHAPTER 10. An Act for the Protection of the Provincial Fisheries. HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : 1. This Act shall apply only to fishing in waters, and to waters Application over or in respect of which the Legislature of this Province has of Actt authority to legislate for the purposes of this Act. 2. (1) " Water or waters," or "Provincial water or waters " interpretation shall mean and include such of the waters of any lake, river, "Waters." stream or water course wholly or partly within the Province as flow over or cover any Crown lands and over or in respect of which the Legislature of this Province has authority to legislate for the purposes of this Act. (2) "Crown lands" shall mean and include such ungranted "Crown lands of the Crown or public lands or Crown domain as are Lands> " within and belong to the Province of Ontario and whether or not any waters flow over or cover the same. (3) "Fish" shall mean and include every kind, species or "Fish." variety of fish in respect of the catching or killing of which within the Province the Legislature has authority to legislate. (4) The word "bass" where used herein shall mean and " Bass -" include black bass and Oswego or large mouth bass. 3. The words " the close season " when used herein shall " Close sea- mean and include the time in any year during which fishing for, so catching or taking in any Provincial water, or killing, carrying away or buying or selling or having in possession the kind or species of fish hereinafter named, or any of them, is pro- hibited, or regulated by the laws or fishing regulations of Canada. 4. The word " tourist " or " summer visitor " when used in this Act shall include all persons who may, during the spring, visitor." summer or autumn months be temporarily visiting, boarding or lodging in any locality at a distance of over five miles from their usual place of residence in other parts of the year, 5. No tourist or summer visitor shall take or catch or kill in any Provincial water or carry away a greater number than may be killed one' dozen bass caught or taken in such waters upon any one m one day< day. 228 Person catch- 6. Any summer tourist who shall take or catch in such to g re 8 S?nsame waters bass ot< less than 10 inches in length', shall forthwith to water. retuin the same to the water without unnecessary injury. Number and 7. No person shall take or catch or kill in any Provincial troi?t h which waters or carry away a greater number than fifty speckled or may be killed brook trout on any one day, or more speckled or brook trout in one day. than in the aggregate weigh more than fifteen pounds, on any one day. turnBne e to water. Person catch- 8. No person shall in such waters kill or retain or carry ing small away any speckled or brook trout of less than five inches in length. But when any such trout of a length less than five inches shall be taken or caught, the same shall be forthwith returned to the water by the person taking or catching the same, without unnecessary injury. Certain fish 9. No person shall at any time fish for, catch or kill speckled with hook a^d trout or brook trout, bass, pickerel (dore), maskinonge or line only. muscallonge in such waters by other means than angling by hook and line in such waters. hibited. Use of certain 1C. No person shall take, catch or kill from or in such waters snares and }Q^Q trout, salmon trout, whitefish, sturgeon or any other kind of fish which inhabit said waters, or attempt so to do, with any kind of net, seine or snare, rack, trap or weir, or night or set line, or fish in any such inland waters therewith for other kinds of fish without first having obtained a license,, signed by the Commissioner of Crown Lands or by one of the Game and Fish Inspectors or by a fishery overseer duly authorized to grant such license, under a penalty for the first offence of not less than $10 or more than $50, and for a second or subsequent offence of not less than $20 or more than $100. But this section shall not apply to mullet or suckers or pike while they are running/ Fish not to be heads in t mai ~ Use of ex- iibhYn 68 ro liibited. PrC No person shall catch, kill or molest fish in such waters passing or attempting to pass through any fish way or fish-pass, or when surmounting any obstacle or leaps, nor use any invention to catch, kill or molest fish in the mill-heads and watercourses appurtenant thereto. 1 2. (1) No person shall use dynamite or any other explosive or an y P^ son ^ or ^ ne Purpose of destroying or taking fish in or from said waters, under a penalty of $100 and two months' imprisonment in the county or district gaol for each offence. (2) No person shall use lime or other injurious substance for the purpose of injuring, killing or taking fish in or from said waters, under a penalty of $50 and imprisonment not exceed- ing three months in the county or district gaol in default of payment. 229 13. (1) No person shall fish for, catch, take or kill in such alfc y for . waters any kind or species of fish during the " close season," as by law or regulation the same is fixed or determined for or in respect of that particular kind or species of fish, or buy, sell or have in his possession at any time after the expiration of five days from the beginning of the close season in any year any of such kinds or species of fish caught in such waters under a penalty of not less than $10 nor more than $30, and a further penalty of $1 for each fish so caught or taken or found in possession after the expiration of such five days. 14 (1) The Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council may be regu- Licenses to lation provide for the issue of licenses, free of charge, to frontier Indians to d settlers in any of the said districts or in any new part of the use night Province, or to any Indians residing on any reserve, or to any lines> etc * band of Indians residing on a reserve, to take fish in such waters other than speckled or brook trout or black or other bass, by net or night or set line with not more than five set lines, exclusively for use and consumption by their own families, and any settler or other person to whom such license is issued who shall sell or barter fish caught nnder such license shall be subject to a penalty and to forfeiture of his license. (2) Provided nevertheless that nothing herein contained shall prejudicially affect any rights specially reserved to or conferred upon Indians by any treaty or regulation in that behalf made by the Government of Canada nor shall anything herein apply to or prejudicially affect the rights of Indians in any portion of the territory of the Province as to which their claims have not been surrendered or extinguished. 15. The Fish and Game Commissioners who may be here- Fish and game after appointed shall have a general oversight or supervision commissioners over the fisheries ot the Province, subject to any existing Acts ^Jj 1 ^ of 8 fish- of the Legislature, and to such regulations as shall from time eries. to time be made by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. But nothing herein contained nor the appointment of such Com- missioners or the assignment of duties to them shall abrogate or interfere with the powers and authority conferred upon the Lieutena,nt-Governor or the Lieutenant-Governor in Council or the Commissioner of Crown Lands by the Ontario Fisheries Rev stat Act. c. 32. 16. Subject to such regulations, such Commissioners shall Powera and examine or cause to be examined dams an time, increased interest in the subject by the United States Fish Commission. Resolved, Further, that this body earnestly approves of the action of con- gress in making an appropriation for the establishment of a hatching station on or near the St. Lawrence river for the propagation of white fish and other com- mercial fish ; and of the purpose of the United States Fish Commissioner to carry out the provisions of that appropriation ; and we see nothing in this movement that can in any degree interfere with the jurisdiction of the States in the premises, or to affect in any way unfavourably the work of the States in the protection, multiplication and distribution of valuable food fishes. Resolved, That if a practical agreement can be had in regard to the pro- visions of laws for the regulation of the fisheries of the international waters, it is nevertheless not practicable by reason of the differences in territorial extent and mode of legislative procedure, to settle upon precise statutory provisions in rela- tion thereto, which shall apply to all ; and therefore it is recommended that each Dominion, Province, and State representation make such recommendation touching its particular jurisdiction as shall apply to the case; leaving to each representative to frame the matter into a law according to the forms and circumstances, for the action of the proper legislative body. Carried. Moved by Mr. FORD : Resolved, That we recommend to the Fish Commissioners of Canada the adop- tion of the following resolution for the St. Lawrence river, viz. : That we ask of the Canadian Fish Commissioners a prohibitory law that will prohibit the use of all kinds of nets in the Canadian waters of the 'St. Lawrence river the same as the New York State codification bill now recommends ; we also ask of them to inciude the same time for their close season on the St. Lawrence river for all kinds of game fish that the above named codification bill recommends. Carried. (EXTRACT FROM UNION AND ADVERTISER, ROCHESTER, Nov. HTH.) TRIP TO CALEDONIA. FOOD FISH COMMITTEE VISITED THE STATE HATCHERIES. NAMES OF THE GENTLEMEN PARTICIPATING. INTERESTING FACTS IN RELATION TO FOOD FISH. CLOSE OF THE SESSION. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED THIS MORNING. Soon after 9:15 o'clock this morning a special train drew out of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg railroad depot on West Avenue. On board were A. G. Yates, the president of the road, with a number of gentlemen as guests, including members of the committee on protecting the fish of the Great Lakes and several 265 Rochesterians interested in the committee's work The names were : General Richard Q. Sherman, New Hartford, N. Y., of the New York State Special Fish Commission ; A. D. Stewart, Hamilton, Ont., Ontario Game and Fish Commission ; Dr. H. M. Smith, Washington, United States Fish Commission ; G. M. Skinner, Clay ton, N.Y.; R. P. Grant, Clay ton ; W. H. Thompson, Alexandria Bay; Frank J. Amsden, Rochester, secretary of the committee; Postmaster Reynolds, William Pur- cell, Ex-Congressman Baker, W.C.Dickinson, Wm. F. Balkam, C. H. Babcock and Arthur Luetchford. Monroe A. Green had proceeded ahead to the destination of the party which was the State Fish Hatchery at Caledonia. The active labours of the committee for the present, ended with the adjournment taken at the Cham- ber of Commerce rooms yesterday afternoon. At the State hatchery the party were received by Supt. Monroe A. Green and shown the process of producing fish from the spawn, together with everything pertaining to the enterprise. After spending two hours in inspecting the ponds and streams, the party re- turned highly delighted with their visit. * As the train reached Rochester, the visitors from abroad held a meeting in the saloon of the private car, Gen. R. U. Sherman, of Oneida, in the chair, when Mr. A. D. Stewart, of Hamilton, Ontario, moved, seconded by Dr. H. M. Smith, of Washington, D. C., the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this International Conference be expressed to the Directors of the Rochester & Pittsburg Railroad Company for placing at the servica of the members a luxu- riously equipped special train for their conveyance to and from the Caledonia fish hatchery, and to Mr. A. G. Yates, the president of the company, for his courtesy in accompanying the party and contributing so much to their comfort. We desire also to express to Supt. Monroe A. Green our thanks for the facilities afforded us to examine the work at this parent establishment, which we trust will long stand as a monu- ment to the memory of his deceased brother, ISeth Green, who was the first in this country to establish artificial fish culture. Our thanks are also especially due, and are gratefully tendered to Mr. D. W. Powers for the privilege courteously afforded of inspecting his wonderful art gallery an institution in which all the people of Rochester, equally with the founder should feel an honourable pride. Carried. At the afternoon meeting when the codification of the Game and Fish Laws was under consideration, Senator McNaughton stated that in his opinion the Bill reported by the special committee, consisting of Messrs. Sherman, Roosevelt and Whittaker, which passed the Assembly at the last session would have passed the Senate if it had not been for the deadlock, and that he had no doubt but that at the next session of the Legislature the Bill reported by the special committee would become a law. That Bill not only codifies, but simplifies the existing Game Law of the State, and the great work performed by the Commissioners can read- ily be seen when it is stated that the proposed Bill amends or repeals 239 special acts or parts thereof relating to Fish and Game Laws. In support of the suggestion of Senator McNaughton at the meeting of the Fish Commissioners yesterday, that particular and immediate attention should be given by the Fish Commissioners of New York State to re-stocking Lake Ontario with whitefish and salmon, and the Hudson River with shad, Mr. Henry C. Ford, one of the Fish Commissioners of Pennsylvania, stated that the Com- missioners of Fisheries in that State some years ago turned their attention to re- 266 stocking the Delaware River in that State with shad with the following result, and that stream is not as favourable for propagation of shad as the Hudson : Value of shad fisheries in Delaware river in 1880 $ 80,000 00 1887 300,000 00 1890 600,000 00 1891 750,000 00 The Commissioner said that the cost of shad by reason of the great increase in the supply, was reduced, and that Delaware River shad were now sold in large quantities in the fish markets of Cleveland, Chicago, and other western cities. Commissioner Ford also stated that the Pennsylvania Commissioners some years ago had taken in hand the re-stocking of Lake Erie with white fish, and as a result, the cost of that fish in the markets on the shore of Lake Erie bordering on the Pennsvlvania line was reduced one-third. A fair example of what may be expected from well-directed and systematic fish cultural work : FISHING WITH PITCHFORKS How SHAD MAY BE CAUGHT IN SOME WATERS IN CALIFORNIA. Colonel Marshall McDonald, United States Fish Commissioner, is deeply in- terested in the results of experiments in the acclimation of shad on the Pacific coast. Until 1880 the fish commission had been engaged in the propagation of shad with a view to their introduction and acclimation in those river basins of this country in which the species is not indigenous. Before the Commission had been obliged to overcome by artificial means the rapid decline in the productiveness and value of the shad fisheries in the Atlantic coast rivers, it had the satisfaction of observing on the Pacific coast the valuable results of well-directed efforts in acclimation. Prior to 1871 no shad were found in all the west coast waters, but in that year 1,200 fry were transported in a couple of tin cans from the Hudson river, and planted in the Sacramento at the railroad crossing at Tehama, and the first consignment was followed by others in 1873, 1876, 1878 and 1880 aggregat- ing half a million. These slender colonies were less than oner-half of 1 per cent of the number turned annually into the eastern streams of the country by the commission, but yet they have been sufficient to stock the coast with shad, which have multiplied and distributed themselves along 2,000 miles from the Golden Gate to Van- couver Island. They are abundant in some of the rivers, common in most of them, and occasional ones may be found everywhere in the estuaries and bays of the long line of coast. Commissioner McDonald has just received from the California commission a report in reference to the abundance of shad in the Sacramento river, which 267 reads like a California exaggeration, but is from thoroughly accredited and at- tested sources of information. This is what the state commissioner writes under date of 12th November, 1890 : " If I were to say that our shad, which were planted here some ten or more years ago, are the commonest fish in the market, as well as the cheapest, it would be doubted, and if I said that the shad during the spawning season come into our trout streams, many miles from salt waters, in such numbers that barrels of them might be taken with the aid of a pitchfork, (that would be called a California story), nevertheless it would be a true one. No one away from here can appre- ciate the extent to which the carp, shad, and catfish have increased in our waters. I can well remember, and not so very long ago, when I paid $1.50 for a pound of shad. To-day you can get an eight-pound shad for 50 cents." But this is not the only point of interest about the shad of the Pacific. Be- fore the experiments were made there, it was a dictum that fish planted in a river would return to it when mature for the purpose of spawning. But the California experiments have demonstrated that this instinct of nativity, should it really exist, is, in this case, dominated by other influences, which have dispersed the shad planted in the Sacramento widely beyond the limits which had been assigned to them and in a most unexpected direction. The reason for this is probably to be found in the general influences of the Japan current, which brings the warmth of equatorial Asia to temper the ex- tremes of Arctic climate on the southern shores of the Alaskan peninsula, and thence sweeping to the south, carries tropical heats to the latitude of San Fran- cisc3. Repelled on one hand by the low temperature of the great rivers and fringe of coast waters, and solicited on the other by the equable and higher temperature of the Japan current, the shad have become true nomads, and have broken the bounds of the hydrographic area to which we had supposed they would be restricted. Following the track of the Asiatic current, and finding more congenial temperature as they progress, it is not unreasonable to expect that some colonies will eventually reach the coast of Asia, and establish themselves in its great rivers. 268 REPORT OF THE MEETING OF THE GAME AND FISH COMMISSIONERS HELD AT HAMILTON, ONT.. DEC. STH, 1891. The final meeting of the International Fish and Game Convention was held in the City Council chamber at Hamilton, Ontario, on the afternoon of December 8th, 1861. In the absence of the Hon. R. B. Roosevelt, of New York, Senator Mc- Naughton, of Rochester, was elected chairman. There were present at the meet- ing: Hon. Senator McNaughton, Frank J. Amsden, Rochester. N. Y. ; Geo. Skinner, Clayton, N. Y. ; Dr. H. M. Smith, United States Fish Commissioner, Washington, D. C. ; Hon. Herschel Whi taker, President of the Michigan Fish Commission ; J. H. Wilmott, Beaumaris, Muskoka ; Dr. MacCallum, Dunnville, Ont.,and A. D. Stewart and R, A. Lucas, Hamilton, Ontario Fish and Game Com- missioners. , On taking the chair Senator McNAUGHTON said "I thank you, gentlemen, for this unexpected honour. I am confident that I voice the feelings of every gentleman present, when I say that it is a matter of great regret that Mr. Robert Roosevelt, the permanent president of your association, is not present, and it is also a great loss to us that Gen. Sherman and Judge Whittaker, of Albany, are absent. Very much is due to Gen. Sherman for his intelligent efforts in the pro- motion ol the objects of this association at Rochester, and I am sure Judge Whittaker would have added much to the interest of the proceedings if he were here, as he was a member of the committee of the State of New York that codi- fied the Fish and Game laws. I am glad we have Dr. Smith, of Washingston, with us, and think the meeting should in some way show its appreciation of his presence by a vote of thanks before adjourning, because his duties are such, that I am sure it is with extreme difficulty that he meets with us at this time. Being a member of the United States fish commission, his heart is right in the work before us, and I feel that much credit is due him for honouring us with his presence to-day. The motives actuating me in being present at this meeting are, first, to show my appreciation of the invitation of the president, Mr. Roosevelt, supplemented by the personal request of your genial secretary, Mr. Stewart, and I thought it would be very discourteous after receiving the pleasant letter from your secretary if I should not make a great effort to meet with you to-day. I was also anxious to meet in this beautiful and prosperous city, those who are interested in the great question that has brought us together. The second motive that induced me to come, was to testify by my personal presence to the interest I have in the question under discussion to-day, and other matters connected therewith, which will be brought before you. And what I have to say, I desire to be interpreted as a pledge and earnest that in every way that is possible I will unite with you gentlemen in securing such legislation as is necessary, to secure reciprocal laws between Canada and the states bordering on the great lakes, for the preservation and protection of fish and game. The meeting at Rochester awakened great interest in this subject, and I am confident it resulted in very great good, The comments which I have heard and read on the proceedings at that meeting have been favourable. I have yet to see or hear adverse criticism on the action taken ; on the con- trary the suggestions were approved, and I believe the platform laid down there will be one of great value, not only to the state of New York and Canada, but to the other states bordering on v the lakes, for I believe it is a subject that is paramount in importance among the economical questions of the day. I approve of the tone and scope of the 269 resolutions to be submitted at this time. They have not yet been discussed, but I think they will be satisfactory to those who take any interest in the question before us. The advantages to the great mass of the people in re-stocking Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence, and the great chain of northern lakes with food fish is more apparent to my mind than ever before, because I am satisfied that the capabilities of Lake Ontario and the northern lakes for propagating and producing fish have not been over-estimated. A very prominent gentleman in Orleans county, Mr. J. H. White, informed me. that in 1846 he saw sold in New York City on Wall street, salmon trout from Oswego. They were caught at a point near Oswego, carried in a sleigh to some point on the Hudson River, from there to New York in a wagon, and sold in Wall street at fabulous prices, the purchasers stating that they were the finest fish they ever saw. Mr. M. F. Reynolds says that as late as 1861, Mr. Clapp, of New York, proprietor of the Everett House, asked him to make a contract with fishermen at Rochester and arrange for a supply of salmon trout for that hotel, which was for a long time thus supplied. These aie facts of great importance as showing the quality of Lake Ontario fish. I referred at Rochester to the importance of stocking large bodies of water. The argument to my mind seemed unanswerable, for the reason that if the bodies of water in which you seek to raise and propagate fish are re- stricted, the quantity of fish produced must be also restricted and limited. But the boundless expanse of water in Lake Ontario, renders it admirably adapted in that respect to the culture of fish, and well adapted for propagating and contain- ing food fish. It is for that reason I made the suggestion about stocking Lake- Ontario and the northern lakes with food fish. It is admitted that the common, brook trout is the handsomest and best pan fish there is, but it cannot be raised; in sufficient quantities in this country to become food for the great mass of fish, consumers, and it is useless, in my judgment, to attempt to make it so, until we- have stocked the northern lakes, and the whitefish, siscoe herring and salmon are restored to the number so abundant thirty-five or forty years ago. I need not tell this audience that we are not pioneers in fish culture. It is certain that nearly 3,000 years ago fish culture was an important adjunct of Chinese civiliza- tion, and sinjce then the Chinese have turned their attention to stocking their large streams. and bodies of water, so that fish can be purchased and obtained there much cheaper than in this country. This speaks volumes for a country that maintains over 450,000,000 people. A Chinese dignitary who visited the Fish- eries Exhibition at London, England, was able to give the commissioners of that country important points, especially about the preservation of small fry in streams. He expressed great surprise at the high prices obtained for fish, saying that in China they can be purchased for one-fourth or one-third of the price. Fish are used as a daily diet, and the demand would be very great if the prices placed them within reach of the mass of the people. You will pardon me for calling attention to one fact that will be significant. I am impressed with the idea that since fish culture and propagation is carried on so extensively iix this country, the citizens of the State of New York and Western States will realize the importance of keeping pure the large bodies of waters near populous, cities. It is a fact that in Lake Ontario, the Genesee river, Irondequoit Bay, and in bodies of water in the vicinity of Rochester, la^ge quantities of deleterious sub- stances are carried into the waters annually, and if it is deleterious to fish life it must be so to human life within reasonable distances of those bodies of water. An individual has no more right to pollute such bodies of water than to put poison- ous substances into a well or stream supplying a family with water. In my judgment the streams of New York State, Canada, or Michigan, are not fit deposi- tories for sewerage, and the time will come when attention will be called to this. 270 from the fact that interest in fish culture is increasing. In an Eastern paper I read lately that a New Haven physician had come to the conclusion that clams bred typhoid fever. He concluded so from the fact that a patient had dined heartily on raw clams taken from a place where the water was impure, and his conclusion was based on facts which he deemed sufficient to prove that the clams thus fed produced typhoid fever. Streams where food fish are taken should only contain substances proper for fish food. I must apologize for detaining you with these desultory remarks. Being honoured with the position of Chairman, I thought I might not have an opportunity to speak of them before the close of the meeting. Secretary STEWART: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, I, have here the report of the meeting of the special committee appointed by this Convention, which was held on the 10th of last month, in Rochester. I presume you all have copies of this report, and it will be unnecessary to read it. But I might say that the special committee duly met in Rochester, in the Chamber of Commerce, and I have much pleasure in saying that the meeting was a thoroughly representative and unanimous one, and I think good will come of it. Before reading to the meeting the reports or motions which we offer for adoption, I have a report writ- ten by Gen. Sherman, Chairman of the Special Committee, who is confined to his house by illness, which is to be read to the meeting : REPORT : To the joint commission appointed to confer on the subject of Fish protection in the International waters between the Canadian Provinces and the State of New York : The committee appointed by the conference of representatives from the respective commissions of Canada and the State of New York, to consider and recommend measures looking to the adoption of uniform laws for the protec- tion, preservation and multiplication of the food fish supply of the international waters lying between these respective countries respectfully reports : That they have given to this subject careful consideration, and in the light of facts have not deemed it practical to fix on such provisions in detail as would be requisite to form a uniform code applicable to both countries. Special needs depending upon geographical conditions, on climate, on different prevailing modes of legislation, and of administering Jaws, forbid such uniformity, but approxima- tion in general features and leading measures, may be made to go far towards the attainment of the practical ends desired. FALLING OFF OF FOOD FISH SUPPLY. That the food fish supply of the great lakes has been for the past thirty years suffering rapid diminution, is too apparent to need statistical proof. On the New York side of Lake Ontario, where formerly salmon trout, whitefish, and even the lordly salt water salmon were so abundant as to furnish all the near markets with an abundant supply at prices within reach of the means of the day labourer, the product now scarcely recompenses the netter, and these fish, once so abundant and cheap, are no longer available for food to the multitude, but have become table luxuries to be enjoyed only by people of ample means. On the Ohio side of Lake Erie, there has been a nearly equal falling off of the higher grades of fish, but there still remains, on account of the greater fecundity of 27 L the coarser kinds, a fair supply of what are commonly known as pickerel blue pike, pike perch, and bass, which sfcili afford a fair market stock at moderate cost. Yet so enormous has become the draught on the north shore and islands of Erie, that the cry of scarcity is already sounded from there. Farther up the great Jakes, the stock of whitefish is yet abundant : not, how- ever, by reason of providence in the use, but from the well sustained efforts that have been made by the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, and on a lesser scale by Ohio and Pennsylvania to keep up the stock by artificial propagation. On the Canada side of these waters, the supply, though showing each year an additional falling off, yet holds good for profitable netting, and it is from the fisheries of Canadian waters that the principal market supply for the State of New York comes. It may not be long, however, before the necessity of self-pro- tection will force the Dominion Government to shut out exportations of fresh fish. Such a condition should be foreseen in time and met by timely measures. CAUSE OF THE GROWING SCARCITY. The cause of the growing scarcity of food fish is too apparent to need discus- sion. The rapid and enormous increase of population in all the States and Pro- vinces bordering on the great lakes, has caused a proportionately increased de- mand for food of all kinds. The increased want is made up in respect to the products of the soil, by the constantly enlarging range of cultivation, and by im- proved agricultural methods, but in respect to the products of the waters there has been no such extension of culture, and the field remains where nature placed it years ago, when there was comparatively no demand for fish as food for man. THE REMEDY. Given then that the food fish supply needed for the consumption of the border States is approaching practical exhaustion, what is the remedy ? Two leading measures are obviously necessary. They are protection and multiplica- tion, and to make these effective, concert and harmony of action is necessary be- tween all the Government authorities interested. Of the unnecessary causes of depletion, it is evident from observation and experience, that the practice of in-shore netting is the greatest. The setting of pound nets of small mesh with leads extending often a mile or more from shore, causes the capture of myriads of young fish scarcely fit for human food, but which, if left to develop on their natural feeding grounds would add immensely to keeping up the market supply ; and the innumerable fykes, trap and hoop nets, and other effective devices for the capture of coarse and immature fish which seek their food in the shallows and along the shores, is another of the lead- ing causes of depletion. The use of small mesh gill nets is also a source of ma- terial waste. The small fish taken in these nets are of but little value for food, -and are a nuisance to the market men on whose hands they are thrown. The remedy for the cure of the ills stated, is to prohibit the use of nets of any kind, within one mile of the shore line of the great lakes and the rivers connect- ing them and the St. Lawrence river, and to require that the mesh of all pound and gill nets set outside this limit, shall be not less than three and one-half inches stretch, and as an effective aid to the enforcement of such a regulation, to make illegal the sale or possession of any fish of less than specified weights, -as follows, viz : Salmon trout, two pounds. 272 Whitefish. two pounds. Bass, one pound. Blue pike, three-fourths of one pound. None of which fish would be likely to be held by a mesh of three and one- half inches stretch. It is believed that were in-shore netting to cease, there would be scarcely need of a closed season for spring spawning fish, such as pike (commonly called pickerel), pike, perch and bass, as the natural fecundity and development of these fish are so rapid as to be proof against any netting that does not destroy them in their infancy. CLOSE SEASONS. As to close seasons for fall spawners, such as salmon trout and whitefish, no changes from existing regulations where close seasons are provided,^are demanded. Exact uniformity cannot be prescribed on account of differences in temperature and latitude or other conditions which influence the spawning seasons. NECESSITY OF INCREASED PRODUCTION. What has been above suggested, bv no means embraces all the measures needed to keep up a food fish supply in the International waters, adequate to the wants of the population who have only that source to look to. Artificial produc- tion, and that to the largest available extent, must be established and prosecuted. The States of Michigan, Wisconsin,0hio and Pennsylvania have already proved what great results may be reached with comparatively moderate expense, by suitably located and intelligently managed hatching stations. But the Canada provinces and New York are yet in the background in this vital work. Relief is promised to New York by the proposed establishment at the east end of Lake Ontario, by the United States Fish Commission, of a whitefish hatchery of an hundred millions annual capacity. But no steps have yet been taken by the Dominion authorities to second the great work so auspiciously commenced by the states of the North- west. It is to be hoped that the agitation of this subject by the present confer- ence will tend to awaken an interest in the important work which Canada may do in the premises. PROTECTION. Laws serve no good purpose while they remain dead letters on the statute books. If we would have efficient fish protection we should provide not only wise statutes but the constant means of enforcing them. The system in vogue in the State of New York and which has been incorporated in the revised code re- cently framed by the Special Commission of that State, with improvements, is. recommended to the'consideration of all the states represented in this conference. The system is, in brief, a distinct protection department, acting by itself and within itself, its members holding office only by good conduct, and having a head to direct, and a working force at all times prepared for duty, properly compen- sated by the state for service and expenses, and with the constant duty of watch- ing for, and preventing violations and conducting prosecutions. 273 APPLICATION OF REPORT. The subjects and recommendations of this report are intended for the con- sideration not only of those members of whom the conference was originally offi- cially composed, but of all who by invitation have since become officially con- nected with it as representatives of the interest of their respective States. (Signed) RICHARD TL SHERMAN, On behalf of Committee. On motion of Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr Wilmott, the report was received and adopted. The secretary read a letter from H. H.Warner, President of the St. Lawrence Angling Association, which, on motion, was received and ordered to be published. ROCHESTER, N.Y., Dec. 7th, 1891. A. D. STEWART, Esq., Game and Fish Commissioner, Province of Ontario, Court House, Hamil-^ ton, Ontario. DEAR SIR, During the past summer and fall I have been absent in Europe, and have not had laid before me the action of the International Fish Commissioners, or the Ontario Fish Commissioners, and I find it impossible to, attend the meeting in Hamilton to-morrow, but I wish to express to the differ- ent Commissioners my hearty approval of their efforts to devise ways and means, for protecting and stocking the waters in your jurisdiction, and I hope you will devise ways and means that will reach the aim we have in view. I am in favour of using every means possible for stocking the inland waters of our country and Canada, at the same time, I do not think it wise to allow the fish we have to be destroyed while we are using our efforts to propagate fish that, can be taken out at the will of the netter. Only a few years ago it was a very easy matter to secure sufficient fish white and lake trout from the lakes of Ontario to supply this section of the country and Canada, but it is a well-known fact that to-day fishing for white and lake trout is almost abandoned from the fact that there is not a sufficient quantity of fish worthy the efforts of the netters. Whiten'sh and lake salmon are easily propagated, but there is a species of fish in lake Ontario that is very difficult to propagate, and which is about the only game fish left for- anglers ; and I think it the duty of every citizen of both countries to rise up in arms for the purpose of defending this celebrated fish, namely, the black bass. When this fish is once exterminated, or nearly so, it will be about as difficult to restore it as it has been to restore many of the game birds and animals of this locality, which have become practically extinct. Perhaps I go to the extreme, but I am willing to say that I have very little confidence in the honour of the average netter or fisher, for market. Some argue that fish permitted to be netted should be governed by size or weight. I will admit in regard to the whiten* sh and lake salmon, that this may be about the only means of controlling the catching and netting of them, but I question very seriously if allowed to catch down to. within a pound or two pounds, whether they will throw them back, but will de- stroy them, or injure them in taking them from the nets. I am satisfied bv carefully- 18 (c.) 274 studying the subject, that your most serious attention should be given to preserv- ing what we have left, namely, the black bass, and I think it would be wise to pass rigid laws prohibiting inland netting, netting along the shoals and shores of islands in lake Ontario, and the river St. Lawrence. I would recommend and ad- vise the prohibiting of all kinds of netting at all times within three miles of any shore. It is a well known fact that during certain seasons of the year, black bass approach the shore for the purpose of spawning, and after the spawn has been hatched the parent fish remain to guard their offspring for a considerable time until they are able to care for and protect themselves from their various enemies of the fish kind, and in the event of the parent fish being destroyed it is self-evi- dent that the young would be left to the mercy of their numerous enemies and would be destroyed. In addition to the foregoing reasons, 'at certain seasons of the year, depending on the temperature of the water, bass approach the shoals and shores of islands for feeding purposes, and this furnishes an opportunity for the wicked and ever present netter to destroy more or less of these noble game fish, which are becoming so rapidly extinct. This is a very important matter and I trust you will pardon me if I again urge the fish Commissions s to investigate the matter and use every means to protect the fish above referred to, which I am confident, unless something is done very soon, will become as completely extinct as whitefish in Lake Ontario. I think this question should receive your immediate attention and, if possible, laws carrying this into effect, should be passed during the coming winter. I consider even another year's delay very dangerous, from the fact that fruitless efforts to secure paying quantities of whitefish and lake trout has caused netters to turn their special attention to capturing the only remaining fish, namely, the black bass and wall-eye pike, which seem to be about all the game fish we have left. Wishing yourself and the Commissioners all possible success, Yours very respectfully, (Signed,) H. H. WARNER, President Anglers 1 Association of the St. Laivrence River. The following letter was also read from Mr. James Nevin : MADISON, Wis., Dec. 7, 1891. A. D. Stewart, Esq., Secretary Joint Convention, Hamilton, Out. : DEAR SIR, Your communication of 25th ult., at hand, and contents duly noted. We recognize fully, the importance of the meeting which is called to discuss the fish question, which is of so much commercial value to the several States bordering on the great lakes and Canada. In the fall of 1884 our Commissioners took the initial steps by callino- a meeting of Commissioners of the several States. They also invited fishermen, who were directly interested, to meet and discuss various measures before the meeting in regard to making laws for the better protection of the fishes of the great lakes. The meetings which were held at Detroit, Mich., and Mil- waukee, Wis., accomplished much good, but to get uniform laws for the several States and Canada is an impossibility. 275 The greatest evil that exists to-day in the matter of replenishing the waters of the various lakes with whitefish is the pound nets-, for the simple reason that they catch both large and small. As long as the pound nets are allowed to remain in the waters in their present form, there is no use in attempting to replenish the waters with whitetish. I have been in a trap-net boat when 2,500 Ib. of small whitefish were taken out of one net ; and of the 2,500 Ib. there were not 50 Ib. of No. 1 whitefish, and a No. 1 whitefish is a fish that will weigh one and one-half pounds. You can regulate the matter by having a four and one-half inch rnesh, so that all the small whitefish will pass through. If the fishermen had to depend for their living upon what whitefish they catch they would starve. There are other fish that the fishermen are fishing for as well as whitefish, i.e. HERRING, and commercially speaking, they amount to as much as the white- fish for lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario. Therefore a general law, calling for a four and one-half inch mesh, will not answer. My opinion is that we want efficient wardens appointed by the Commission- ers of the several States, not politicians, but men who know a whitejish from a herring, and a lawyer from a sturgeon, men who are thoroughly posted as to the class of fish that are caught in their respective jurisdictions. I might ha^e a fishing ground where I do not catch any fish but herring and rough fish. Tom Brown four miles distant might have some pound nets; nets that would catch a thousand tons of small whitefish during the months of May, June and up to the middle of July, when the small whitefish come up near the .shore to feed. After that time he would catch herring, large whitefish, and such other fish as would come to his net but no small whitefish. In my opinion Tom Brown should not be allowed to place his nets in the water until after the first of August, unless he fished with a four and one-half inch mesh during the months of May, June and July. I recognize the fact that a law of this kind could be enforced in Canada ; but not in this country where every fisherman is a politician. If my views are carried out it would require great vigilance on the part of the wardens to see that the laws were thoroughly enforced and no partiality shown. I also think we ought to have a closed season for all our commercial food fishes and it should extend long enough to cover the whole spawning season. I know personally that F. W. Wicher (who was Commissioner of fisheries in his time) would never have allowed pound nets to be set in the waters of Canada if he could have had his way. I am very sorry that none of our Board can attend this meeting. If you think my views on this subject worth anything, you may present them to the meeting. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to attend this meeting, as it would seem like being back home again. With best wishes for a well attended and productive meeting, Very respectfully yours, JAS NEVJN, Superintendent of Fisheries for State of Wisconsin. 276 Mr. SKINNER, Secretary of the St. Lawrence Angling Association, read the- following selections from the "American Fish and Game Warden," in reference to- the relation of the American Fishery Society to protective fish laws: " I firmly believe that to-day there is less known about the spawning seasons of our game fishes by fishermen generally than about the playing of the crack base ball teams. " I speak feelingly and from experience on the subject. As angling editor of Shooting and Fishing, I often write privately to correspondents, who ask about the spawning season of our best known fishes rather than expose their ignorance in print. " The saving of a game and food fish from extinction is certainly a ' question of an economic nature,' and I believe the Black Bass is slowly being whipped from the waters of this country because of inadequate laws, or no laws. This is partly through cupidity, partly through ignorance. But black bass require something- more than a mere close* season to cover the &ct of spawning, for they watch over their young after they are hatched, the only fish protected by law that do, for I am not aware that the sunfish and bullhead are protected. If black bass are taken a week after the ova is hatched, every black bass fry will be eaten by other fishes always in wait to do this very thing. As a fact, I have seen a bass with young just hatched on the 25th day of August ; but this was probably an isolated case, I have known a bass to remain with its young for six weeks, and this is probably not an unusual thing." Secretary STEWART : There are several motions which we passed at the meeting at Rochester which will now, I presume, be presented for discussion or adoption by this meeting. I will move the adoption of the following : ' Resolved, That provisions ought to be introduced into the laws of all the States and Provinces represented in this Conference, forbidding the taking and having in possession of salmon trout and whitefish of the weight of less than two pounds each, and bass of the weight of less than one pound, and blue pike of less weight than three-quarters of a pound." Dr. SMITH : I would ask if blue pike should be protected to the exclusion of better pike, such as the wall-eyed pike. I think that resolution should apply to all fishes of the pike tamily. Secretary STEWART : The addition of the blue pike was made at the sugges- tion of Gen. Sherman, but we can amend this if some one will make a motion to that effect. Dr. MACCALLUM : Should any of these be protected ? Are they not the hawks of the fish tribe ? They are very destructive to smaller fish. Secretary STEWART : 1 may say that, as the mover of that resolution, the principal reason which led me to move it was that, in common with many other fishermen, and more or less observing men, I have come to the conclusion that a great deal of good can be effected by restricting the taking of fish in regard to size or weight. We have had it come under bur observation during the fishing season that innumerable fish are slaughtered of a very small and insignificant size too small to be of any use as supplies to the market, and which, if left alone, would propagate and be prolific, and be of use in their own day. The idea is that fishermen should be restricted in their fishing by putting some limitation on the size and weight of the fish to be caught. Then Gen. Sherman thought that the blue pike should be added to these in the list. Mr. WHITAKER: It is true that the blue pike of commerce are unques- tionably carnivorous, and if that was the sole reason why our attention 277 should be drawn to these fish, it may probably be well to strike them out. There are quite a number of varieties of pike, and the blue pike, I take it, is a variety of the wall-eye. Probably the fifth fish in importance of the great lakes are the wall-eyed pike, the order being whitefish, salmon trout, herring, sturgeon, -and wall-eyed pike. As a factor of cheap food for the people, I take it that it is within the province of a body of this kind to enforce the preservation of maiket- able fish, and in my opinion the wall-eyed pike is such a fish. If it is a good argument that carnivorous fish should not be protected, that argument would apply to the bluefish of the ocean, one of the finest table fishes there is. It would seem that there is no just reason for striking out the blue pike for that reason alone. Dr. SMITH: Owing to the scarcity of whitefish and salmon trout, statistical tables I have recently worked show that the wall-eyed pike and its varietv the blue pike, constitute more than one-third of all the commercial fish in Lake Ontario, and more than two-fifths of the value of all the fish taken in that lake. Until the whitefish and salmon trout increase in sufficient numbers, I think the pike should be protected. Dr. MACCALLUM : If he is killed to the extent of one-third of the total catch, I should think he gets his deserts. Secretary STEWART : Should any other fish be added to that ? Mr. SKINNER : Regarding the remarks made on the wall-eyed pike, I would point put that in Canada what we know as pickerel is known as pike. Secretary STEWART: This is a strong resolution, because it says "the taking or having in their possession," so we would be able to reach the dealers. The CHAIRMAN : The only amendment is that of Mr. Stewart, in which, after the word " States " he adds the words "and Provinces." The secretary will underline that amendment, their being no objection to it. The resolution was adopted. Secretary STEWART : The second resolution was by Mr. Hoyt-Post, of the Michigan Fish and Game Commission, and reads as follows : "Resolved, that it be recommended to the Congress of the United States, the importance of authorizing and directing to be made, through the United States Fish Commission, a full and careful biological survey of the great lakes, with a view of determining the character and plentifulness of the food, and the habits and migration of commercial fish." Mr. WHITAKER: The United States Commission has been accustomed in the past to cover nearly the same ground that is covered by our state Commis- sion in regard to collecting statistics, and this work is fairly well done now. But to make this a practical resolution I would suggest with reference to the work that can be done, an addition to the resolution. You are aware that in the year preceding the Chicago fire,- Mr. James W. Milner made a careful and satisfactory -examination of these points, including the number of men employed, the annual -catch, the history of the decadence of the fisheries, the question of the number of nets, the number of pounds of fish caught, and all those kindred ques- tions essential to an understanding of the fisheries of the great lakes. Unfortu- nately much of his material, I think all of it, was sent to Chicago, and during the holocaust there it was destroyed^ and never since that time has this data been secured and furnished. Yet you are aware that there is a great deal of valuable information contained in the regular Fish Commission reports of the United States on this subject. We have in our work in Michigan attempted as nearly 278 as we can to follow out the natural methods not only in the breeding of the whitefish artificially, but in the depositing of the fry in the great lakes. We desire to adhere to the conditions nature imposes on the fish, and I would suggest in that line that this resolution be so amended that the United States Commis- sioners shall be asked to have sent to these waters of the great lakes, if possible,, a government cutter or any other vessel at their disposal, not only to make an examination of the food of the fish, but also that a far more practical question can be settled, that is the fixing, as nearly as may be of the location of the spawning beds of the whitefish. There is where the food for the fry is sure to be, though, in my opinion, it exists everywhere in the great lakes. It is one of the practical questions which it were well for them to settle, and I should ask the amendment of thi^ resolution in that respect. Secretary STEWART : Will you write it, Mr. Whitaker ? The CHAIRMAN : You can write it, Mr. Whitaker, and we will lay it on the^ table temporarily until that is done. Secretary STEWART : Here is the third resolution, also moved by Mr. Post : " Resolved, that the members of this Conference from the Dominion of Can- ada and the States represented, respectively, be requested to take the text of the Game .and Fish code prepared by the New York State Commissioners, and con- sider the same with reference to the applicability of its provisions to their own purposes, and to indicate thereon what provisions may be acceptable to them,, and what changes they may deem advisable to be made to suit their separate wants, so that at the final meeting of the Conference an agreement may be* come to in respect to all the provisions upon which legislation is desired." The CHAIRMAN : I would suggest that you put in " Fish Commissioners '" instead of " Commission " on the third line. Gentlemen, you have heard the resolution read, are there any remaiks ?" Secretary STEWART : I do not know what Dr. MacCallum will say about this, hut I have looked over these newly codified laws very closely and carefully, and I have no hesitation in saying that in my opinion and that of every practical sportsman whom I have consulted, the present codification of the New York laws is magnificent. Almost the only thing in the way of our adoption of the whole thing without any amendment whatever, is that some of our con- ditions differ slightly, and what would be a good season in New York for certain frame would not be a good season in Ontario and vice versa, but I am sure our Commissioners will see much in this text to help them and on which to base recommendations of their own. This resolution calls for the taking of the New York Act as the basis of our report, and I think that should be done. Mr. Chairman, you will understand this, you yourself at Rochester made "a remark that should not be forgotten : This conference is a meeting of representative men aiming at a certain point tending towards the assimilation of the laws. You, however, wisely said at Rochester that this is a matter which cannot be reached in a day, or reached quickly by one sweeping resolution. All we can do is to agree on a certain broad basis and then merge together for the common good. That is what I want to make clear, and as far as I am concerned I am in extreme sym- pathy with this Act. It is a magnificent Act, carefully drawn up, and will be very valuable to us. If we have other annual meetings, which I hope we shall, we can adopt suggestions from time to time which will bring us nearer to the goal which we hope to reach. Dr. MACCALLUM : I can endorse what our Secretary has said in reference to the- Bill in question. Its provisions are ample, but there are some to which I cannot 279 agree, knowing as I do the wiles of the pot-hunter. You are well aware that, speak- ing of bird life, there is a peculiar instinct connected with that life which induces them to migrate in the spring to the north, returning southward in the fall. We live in Ontario with extensive territory extending to the Hudson Bay on the north and we receive a great portion of the bird life which spends its winters in the south. We not only receive them, but we take care of them during seven or eight months of the year. We furnish them with their breeding homes and we therefore have a claim upon them. We think that they are, to all intents, native-bred Canadians. It is true it would be a good .thing if we could prevent that exodus after raising their broods here, but like many of our Canadians they are inclined, many of them to go south, some to stay, some to return again. Our Dominion Government pro- posed the national policy to stop this human emigration, and it might be as effi- cacious to prevent the emigration of bird life as human life, personally I have just that faith in it. Well, though we cannot do that, we feel like asking our American cousins to take care of the birds better than they do while they are not with us. We expect them to get a warm reception, and that they will be well peppered while there, but when these birds start for their homes again I think it is a scandalous thing that they should be shot at from every nook and corner on their way to the breeding grounds after they have mated. I, therefore, think of this objection to this codification that it allows spring shooting. Snipe and other game birds are shot in April, while they are going through their little courting scenes, thus destroying the whole brood. We cannot artifically breed our native birds, but the sooner we take steps to shorten the shooting season, the sooner we will be in a position to preserve these birds. I think that our report will be that the shooting season in the fall should open on the 15th of September, and I notice in the copy sent me of your codification that that date was first written in, and afterwards crossed out and the 1st of September written. I think that was a great mistake. We knew it would restrict our season to some extent in regard to woodcock and other birds, but these birds are become somewhat ex- tinct, and the reason of the change was that anyone going out for these birds would be tempted to shoot other game. We do not want to destroy the little sport that still remains. We want to give our children opportunities of tak- ing vigorous exercise by preserving our game fish and birds. There are no more invigorating or heart -stirring days than those we have spent, when taking the rod and gun, we have gone in search of speckled beauties, or bagged our quail or partridge in the course of a long day's tramp. Hares are allowed to be shot in February. Now, if a man goes out for them and comes on a bevy of quail he blazes away into them, and they are pot-hunted. Ducks are allowed on the other side to be shot up to the 1st of May, but that, I think, is all wrong. If our Amer- ican friends would memorialize the government to prohibit spring shooting, I Miink it would meet with the general wishes of the whole country. I would sug- gest that from the 15th of September to the 15th of December should be adopted. I think that is all I have to suggest just now, and I would like to hear from the other gentlemen what their opinions are on the subject. Mr. SKINNER : I am sorry that some of the other members of the Codifica- tion Committee are not here to speak on the subject. This subject of spring shooting was brought up, and immense pressure was brought to bear on the Com- mission by interested parties on Long Island, New York State, to leave this spring shooting open. I think it is a very wrong thing, and a great mistake. Mr. AMSDEN : This matter of spring shooting was desired by the Long Island shooters, though it was against the judgment of the better class of sportsmen and conservative men, who are in favour of doing away with it. I am not surprised to 280 hear our friend, Dr. MacCallum, speak on that subject, and I think it would be wise to embody something of that kind in the resolution that we approve of the codification of the bill, except that we deprecate spring shooting of game birds ; and I think, also, that the point he makes on the opening of the fall shooting is a good one. I think the original bill did call for September 15th, but pressure was brought to bear. I expect that this bill will be brought up again, and I am in hopes that before Legislature convenes I maybe able to bring to the notice of the Sportsmen's Association of New York the necessity of getting these changes carried through. If that meeting is called I mean to try to get our Canadian friends invited to it, and they can there express themselves. I think the better class of people in New York State appreciate the fact that our game birds are disappearing, and are desirous of doing something to protect and preserve them. Secretary STEWAKT : When I spoke of approving of this Act I spoke in a general way, but we Canadian sportsmen are united in regard to the necessity of stopping spring shooting. I do think that this spring shooting should be done away with for the reason that Dr. MacCallum has so ably outlined. Mr. AMSDEN: Have you laws abolishing spring shooting ? Dr. MACCALLUM : Yes. For several years we have not allowed it. Secretary STEWART: Yet we have to keep our guns unloaded, while .you are shooting all the time. It is hard to make laws where the frontier is so close as at Prescott, Ogdensburg, Niagara and Windsor. I think the necessity of stopping spring shooting in the interest of the future should receive attention. Mr. WHITAKEK : I am riot a shooter from Shootersville. If I were, I should have to hire somebody to support my family, for I could not devote enough time to fish and shoot too. Mr. Stewart must remember that on the great marshes of the river St. Clair, which lie in both waters, and which are the home of the wild fowl, the law of compensation steps in to the advantage of the Canadian sportsman. For, while the Canadian side is a preserve, the people on the American side spring shoot and fall shoot and hit them whenever they can, and it is the universal com- ment that Canada has the best of it, because the fusilade has driven the birds over into the marshes on your side. Dr. MACCALLUM : If the Americans are any sort of shots at all, those birds they shoot at do not get over to our side to breed. I would suggest that this resolution be adopted : " Resolved, that this Convention heartily approves of the New York Codification Bill with the single exception of the allowance of spring shooting. And we in conference assembled wish to ask the New York Com- mission to reconsider this point and to adopt as the only shooting season, the dates in each year between the 15th day of September and December 15th t>r 30th. The CHAIRMAN : Did you offer that as a substitute or as an amendment f Dr. McCALLUM : That might be offered as an addenda. It says here we are asked to consider the same, as it is applicable in its provisions to our own pur- poses, and to indicate what changes may be deemed advisable to suit our several wants, etc. Now, as Chairman of our Ontario Fish and Game Commission, I naturally look to New York State on account of its location, and climate, and -advanced civilization, as the most probable place in which to find a set of game laws applicable to this Province, and which would assist us very much and it was our suggestion that this should be stated. That was the first step towards this conference. We conferred with Mr. Whittaker who thought it would be a good thing. First it was to be a meeting of our Commission and that of New a 281 York State, but it grew until delegates were asked from all the Provinces and States around the great lakes. In view of this object, the more I think of it the more I am impressed with the importance of our agreeing on a uniform set of Fish and Game laws. With reference to this resolution, I do not think there is another point with which I wish to find fault in that code of New York State, but I do not think the clause referred to should be found in a code which evinces so much advanced thought on the subject. The CHAIRMAN : If you would put that in the form of an exception I think it would be preferable. After the meeting at Rochester in reference to the codification bill, I came to the conclusion that at this meeting, provided Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Whitaker, and General Sherman were present, I would submit this idea in a discussion of the bill : Last winter when the bill was before the House, many adjournments were had on account of the same objections taken by Dr. MacCallum. Would it not be to the advantage of both Provinces and New York State if the bill as now proposed be modified so that the clauses referring to the preservation and propagation of fish should be separated from those refer- ring to the game. While all parties agreed substantially in regard to the fish, last year I deemed it of paramount importance to that of game. 1 venture the assertion that the bill was lost in its present form, in consequence of the repeated adjournments which were had by those interested in the game sections. Mr. WHITAKER : I think you are right. The same thing happened with us. The CHAIRMAN : My friend from Michigan states that the same thing occurred in his State. In New York our representatives considered the food fish question as paramount in importance, much more than that of birds, but a fight took place over the game clauses, strong delegations came up to Albany of men interested in shooting small birds on Long Island, and blocked the whole thing with discussions on those points. If the two were separate, then we would know what we had to provide for, but if you join the two interests the bill is sure to meet with this discussion, and the whole thing will be lost. I do not care to have this considered except as a suggestion ; I thought I would bring it to your attention if Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Whitaker were present. The objection raised by Dr. MacCallum brought home very strongly to my mind the idea that if I was held responsible for the passing of the bill I would separate the game from the fish sections. The great number of sections referring to fish as compared with the few referring to birds naturally suggests that it would be unfortunate if the bill was lost in New York or in the Provinces in a discussion as to when birds or game should be shot. Dr. MACCALLUM : It is certain that appointees of the Province of Ontario have not the right to discuss this question, as it is a Dominion issue. We have not authority to do it yet, but I understand that negotiations are in progress by which the Dominion Government will hand over to the different Provinces the control of their inland fisheries. It is on the strength of that we are talking. Mr. WHITAKER : Is it different in regard to game ? Dr. MACCALLUM : Yes, the Provinces make their own laws in regard to game. Each Province should have control of its fisheries too. Mr. WILMOTT : So far as the Dominion and Provincial Governments are con- cerned the two bodies cannot agree with each other. The Provincial Govern- ment prevents netting in inland waters, while the Dominion Government grants licenses for it. Mr. WHITAKER : Does the Dominion Government allow netting at the mouths of streams ? It is the most remarkable proposition I ever heard of. 282 Dr. MACCALLUM : Some boys recently pulled up 300 yards of gill net which was stretched across the mouth of the Grand river, yet the matter was not looked into, though the net really closed up the whole stream. Mr. AMSDEN : Was that net licensed ? Dr. MACCALLUM : Yes, but not to be put there. We had before us recently the president of the Long Point Shooting Company, and he assured us that he could show us drawn up on the sands, festering in the sun, not less than two or three tons of black bass eggs which had been drawn up by nets on the beach. Yet these seines were licensed. Just think of that in a civilized country ! Allow me to draw your attention to the fact that this resolution was simply a suggestion that this subject should be brought before this conference for consideration. There- fore, any resolution with reference to that before this meeting would be in order, I think. The CHAIRMAN : Certainly, please write your resolution. Dr. MACCALLUM put his resolution in writing, and it was moved by Mr. Whitaker, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried unanimously. Mr. WHITAKER : I have now reduced my amendment to this resolution to writing, and I would suggest that these words be added to the resolution : " Resolved, That the United States Commissioner be required to urge upon Congress the necessity of granting an appropriation to permit the detail of a force of competent and skilled persons, to ascertain and mark in detail upon suitable charts for public use and distribution, the location of the spawning beds of the whitefish, salmon trout and other commercial fish in the great lakes, whereon the fry of these fish artificially propagated may be placed where the fish naturally cast their ova." I move this resolution seconded by Mr. Smith. The resolution was adopted. Secretary STEWART : The next is a resolution by Mr. Post, which reads as follows : " Resolved, That this body regards with disfavour any movement looking towards the turning over to the United States government the work of the state commissions in propagating and planting commercial fish in the great lakes. " That the jurisdiction over the lake fisheries belongs naturally to the adjoining states, whose interest in their success is paramount to that of the- United States as a whole, and, II That there is an abundant field for the concurrent action of the bordering states, and of the general government, and anything that would detract from the state's interest in this matter will be detrimental to the end aimed at of re- stocking the waters of the great lakes. " And we recommend a course which will encourage and stimulate greater interest and larger expenditures in this great work by the several bordering states, and at the same time, increased interest in the "subject by the United States Fish Commission." Mr. WHITAKER : Mr. Chairman, I would move the adoption of this resolu- tion, and in so doing I would like to state that it was with some embarrassment that our Commission decided to send a representative to your meetings. The embarrassment arose from the fact that the original resolution on whichyou met seemed to indicate that it was a matter that more nearly concerned the Province of Ontario and the State of New York. We came to the conclusion, however, 283 after being informed of the results of the New York meeting, that it was a mat- ter in which all States and Provinces bordering on the Great Lakes were inter- ested, and that will stand as an excuse for our representation here to-day. It has been justly said, that " He is a benefactor of his race who makes two blades of grass to grow where only one grew before," and how doubly true must this be of him that makes thousands of fish to grow where but one grew before ! The restocking of these vast inland seas of ours is a matter of no small concern to those who live upon their borders. Their magnitude can be better compre- hended, perhaps, by considering that if we should take and put the lakes of Ontario, Erie, St. Glair, Michigan, Huron and Superior end to end we should have an immense inland sea more than fifteen hundred miles in length, and with a varying width of from seventy-five to two hundred and fifty miles. Looking at the matter from this standpoint you can better understand the extent of these great lakes. One of our fleet lake steamers, sailing at the rate of from twelve to sixteen miles an hour, would occupy from thirty-six to forty hours in circum- navigating the lower peninsula of Michigan alone, and the same vessel leaving the port of Buffalo would consume from four to four and a half da} 7 s in making the trip to Duluth, about one-half of the time that is occupied in crossing the Atlantic. Of the fact that these waters at one time teemed with all the varieties of our valuable fresh water fishes there is abundant proof. Reference is frequently made in the accounts given of these waters by the early French voyageurs of the plentifulness of the fish that abounded in these lakes. La Hontan says that he found Indians at the Straits of Macinac fishing with nets made from the bark of trees, and that they easily succeeded in obtaining all the fish they desired by this means. He further says that " the supply is so abundant that it must fur- nish an important supply of food to the people who shall hereafter settle upon the borders of these lakes." Another voya^eur, passing from the waters of the Detroit river into the upper end of Lake Erie in company of a military escort, says " the sturgeon upon their spawning beds are so thick that the soldiers killed them with their swords." What was said by La Hontan respecting these fish as an important element of food to the subsequent dwellers upon the lake borders was unquestionably true, but neither La Hontan nor any other man of his time could anticipate that this country would be so densely settled as it now is. The demand for these fish has not been confined to the people who live upon their immediate borders. But even granting it were so, it is easy to imagine what a great demand would have been made upon these waters by the people within those limits when we take into consideration that the returns of the eleventh census show that one-sixth of the population of the United States is centered in the five great States bordering the great lakes, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. But this is not the only demand that is made upon these waters. No hotel or restaurant east of the Rocky Mountains would consider its bill of fare complete if it did not include whitefish or trout. So great has the demand become, that there is no lake port of any importance which has not from one to a half dozen freezers in which are stored these valuable fish, which are thus held throughout the year to be sold as fresh fish in all the markets of the important towns of the Western, Southern and Eastern States. The fishing industry, which was once prosecuted with the aid of sail boats, which fished only for a portion of the season, has grown to such importance that for the last ten or fifteen years because of the refrigerators furnishing a market for fresh fish during the entire year it has been prosecuted with steam and vessels until the demand has o^rown to be enormous. Add to this the 284 inventive genius of man, which has so improved the fishing apparatus that it has now reached the height of proficiency, and then consider that in addition to this, ever since the discovery of the country the fishing has been carried .on without restriction, and you can then understand that now we are confronted with the great waste of nearly two hundred years, and with the problem of what we shall do to restore this loss. Fortunately the investigation of man has found a means by which fish can be artificially propagated and the waste made good. There is no question in my mind that if a reasonable restriction could be laid upon fishermen, which should only permit fish that have come to a spawning age to be marketed, a great step would be accomplished. Let me call your attention to what has been going on in one single section of the country, and let me refer to the waters of Michigan with which I am most familiar. I refer to it for two purposes, one is to show the value of the commer- cial fisheries to the State of Michigan, and the other is to show the task that is set to the State to restore the waste that is constantly taking place. In 1885 the Michigan Fish Commission sent into the field a statistical agent to gather infor- mation as to the importance of these fisheries, of the amount of money invested in the industry, the number of men employed, and for such other data as might be of value. His report shows that there were caught and marketed 8,143,626 Ib. of whitefish, 5,313,538 Ib. of salmon, 4,855,045 Ib. of herring, 886,899 Ib. of pike perch, 617,449 Ib. of sturgeon, 35,318 Ib. of bass, and 4,886,668 Ib. of all other kinds, and that the value of the catch was more than one and a quarter millions of dollars per year. It is needless for me to ask you, gentlemen, if such an industry as this is worth the effort on the part of the State to maintain it. And let me ask you whether the State of Michigan or the State of New York or the Province of Ontario or any other State or Province would not be neglectful of its interests if it should permit such a valuable industry to fall into decadence, and would it not be justified in devoting to its perpetuation a reasonable sum of money each year. Our Commission started in the State of Michigan with but a feeble exist- ence, but with persistent effort we have to-day broadened its efficiency until we are doing something like the adequate work that the lakes demand. We have set before us the task of restoring the loss that has resulted from over a hundred years of unlicensed fishing, and with the aid of bordering States we believe that we shall succeed in at least arresting the waste, and that we shall eventually be able to restore the waters to something like their original condition. We have, in Michigan, been through all the throes that lead up to the pass- age of laws protecting the waters against improper fishing, and to-day we have reasonably good laws that have been passed regulating the meshes of gill and pound nets. Under the law as it was originally passed, and to guard against the claim that we might prejudice the investment that fishermen had in their nets, two years were given them in which to fish out the nets that were then in use, as it was generally agreed that that is about the average life of a net. But the passage of laws is one thing, and their enforcement is another. If the fishermen would consent to give up the selfish view, that they must take everything that comes to their nets, and would consent to reasonable regulations, our work would be very much aided and their prospects would be much improved. The selfish- ness and greed of fishermen, however, is such that they have been detected in evading the law, where the meshes of the net were regulated by a statute which provided that they should be of a certain size, by dropping into the back of the pound when the net was lifted an apron which prevented the escape of every- 285 thing and which allowed them to claim that they were fishing with a net of the regulation size. The result of all this legislation has been that we have come to believe that the point toward which we must devote our energies for the present, must not be the question of securing laws affecting regulation, no matter how perfect they may be, but that we must seek first of all for a rigid enforcement of the laws which we have. Five or six years ago our Commission prepared a well digested bill which provided for the appointment of a fish warden whose compensation should be an amount fixed by the Bill to be paid out of the treasury of the State. It further provided for the appointment by the board of six or eight deputies, who should be paid a stated salary from the State treasury, and whose jurisdiction should be co-extensive with State lines, and who might oe sent into any part of the State to perform their functions. Such appointment permitted, in case of complaint, the sending of a deputy into the neighbourhood where a complaint was made who was a stranger to the community, and over whom no one would have influ- ence in connection with the discharge of his duties. The Bill came before the House and after due consideration was passed by a large majority and was then sent to the Senate. In the meantime, the sportsmen who were interested in game came to us and asked us to incorporate a game protection clause in the Bill. This we refused to do on the ground that the State was not engaged in the propa- gation of birds or game, and that such additional duties as we should be required to perform with that addition would be imposing more upon an unpaid board than we cared to assume. As a result of this decision our bill was killed, and in its stead a most pernicious bill was passed which provided for the appointment of one or more wardens in each county in the State, whose compensation was to be fixed by the boards of supervisors. This bill received the signature of the governor and became a law. The result has proved what we anticipated. The boards of supervisors having in almost every instance refused to fix any adequate compensation, and the result is that, with the exception of one or two localities in the state, there is no enforcement of the laws. So strong has become the op- position to the warden law as it stands to-day that the governor in his last message recommended to the legislature that a bill bs introduced abolishing the warden and his deputies. We are somewhat hopeful that we may yet have an efficient enforcement of such laws as we have, by the adoption of a better plan, and to secure this we shall undoubtedly encourage the formation of sportsmen's associations in the different localities of the state among those people who feel a keen interest in the question, and thereby secure the needed legislation. The only efficient protection we have in Michigan to-day is the protection that is enforced by such bodies of men as these that now exist in several locali- ties in the State. As it stands now it is everybody's business and therefore nobody's business, and the laws are practically unenforced, except in occasional instances. I have never yet known of a complaint being made against persons who are engaged in net fishing in the great lakes. Such cases as have been brought for violations of the law have been almost universally those that have occurred in the inland waters. We propose to correspond with men in every part of the State who are known to be interested in the enforcement of the laws, asking them to organize sportsmen's associations, and to select and send delegates to a State convention which shall meet at some central point in the State to consider the various ques- tions in which we are all interested and in this way we shall secure a force of 286 proselytes, we hope, from every county in the State, thus bringing an influence to bear upon members of the legislature, Public sentiment is the natural power by which we must move in effecting a revolution of this kind. While the people of our state generally sympathize with the efforts of the Commission in the conduct of its work, and give us much encouragement, there are, in our state as well as in every community, some individuals vyho think that the state ought not to contribute to this work because, as they insist, no one but the person immediately interested in the fishing industry reaps a benefit. It is gratifying to know that but few men look at the question in this narrow way. With such men as these we use the argument that any industry which brings into the state a large amount of money each year contributes to the general prosperity, as the money so realized is disseminated through the ordinary chan- nels of trade, and redounds to the advantage of everybody ; we might as well say that the State of Michigan had no business to have originally invested more than eight hundred thousand acres of the public domain in the construction of the ship canal at Sault Ste. Marie. That it would be equally true to say of this enter- prise that the people of the state are not interested in it, when reflection would show that the vast mining industries of the upper peninsula of Michigan, which owe their great value to this improvement, could only have been made produc- tive by this outlay, and that no one would have the hardihood to gainsay the fact that the money which continually flows into Michigan in exchange for this mineral wealth, does not benefit the people at large. And now let me say a word with regard to the great Lake of Ontario, which lies at the door of New York and the Province of Ontario, and in which you should have a keen and lasting interest. It is a matter of regret that New York and the Province of Ontario should have been so derelict in their duty as to permit this great lake with its whitetish industry, to have fallen into absolute decay without raising a hand to arrest it. There was a time, within my own personal remembrance, when these waters were so productive that in the fall of the year the product of the fisheries along the New York line were distributed for miles inland from its shores to the farming community of Northern New York. But that time has long passed, and the nets of the fishermen have been withdrawn from these waters and the industry has been deserted as one which is no longer profitable. You have here at your doors a great lake which nature has provided with an ample store of natural food of commercial fishes, and all that it lacks is an adequate restocking at the hands of the State. There never was a water better fitted to be stocked by those who are interested in artiflcial propagation than Lake Ontario You have it in your power here to demonstrate beyond question, the advantages of artificial propagation and restocking. The conditions of this lake are such that with the practical abandonment of the fishing industry you are now at liberty to secure, without opposition from fishermen, pro- per and just restrictive laws with which to protect the fish it" you should restock the lake. The amount of outlay necessary to establish proper stations upon this lake for the hatching and distribution of fry, would be but a mere bagatelle to such wealthy States and Provinces as lie upon its borders. The results of such a re- stocking, if intelligently conducted, will in the years to come make the fisheries of this lake a source of great revenue to the State. While I do not decry the attempt on the part of the general government to contribute its share of work to this end on the contrary, 1 welcome it yet I say that the efforts of all interested, cannot be too thoroughly devoted to this object. I speak of the State and the Province engaging in this work for the simple reason that they are more directly interested in this matter than anyone else can be, and 287 so it should be the special business of the State and Province to see that this work is carried on. If you can secure help from any other quarter you should accept it, and accept it willingly; but I believe it will require the united efforts of ail to bring it back speedily. There is no reason wt^ the State of New York, with two hatcheries established upon the borders of Ontario, the Province of Ontario with as many, and the general government giving you all the assistance it can, you should not be able to put into this lake five hundred millions of fry each year. Urge this matter upon your legislature and upon your parliament, and then secure all the assistance you are able to from wherever it may come, A hatching station capable of producing from sixty to eighty millions of fry will not cost the State more than six to eight thousand dollars, and the expense of maintenance would not exceed that for each year, and if this appropriation could be obtained it would be money well invested. I hope that every single State bordering upon the great lakes will take up thi matter with renewed interest, and will devote a suitable sum as its share to the general contribution ; and I hope that congress in its liberality will devote as large an appropriation as it may deem desirable to aid us in this work. It is the waste of a hundred years or more that we must overcome, and with these possi- bilities before us it is our duty to make these great waters as prolific a source of food supply as the lands which surround them. I sincerely trust that I shall live to see the day when every spawning tish taken from the waters of the great lakes shall have her eggs fertilized, artificially hatched, and placed in the waters again. I move the adoption of the resolution. The resolution was adopted. Secretary STEWART : I have here another resolution that reads as follows : " Resolved, Further, that this body earnestly approves of the action of Con- gress in making an appropriation for the establishment of a hatching station on or near the St. Lawrence river, for the propagation of whitefish and other com- mercial fish : and of the purpose of the United States Fish Commissioner to carry out the provisions of that appropriation ; and we see nothing in this movement that can in any degree interfere with the jurisdiction of the States in the premises, or affect in any way unfavourably the work of the States in the protection, multiplication and distribution of valuable food fishes." The adoption of the resolution was moved by Mr. Amsden, seconded by Mr. Whitaker, and carried. Secretary STEWART : The next resolution is as follows : " Resolved, That if a practical agreement can be had in regard to the pro- visions of laws for the regulation of the fisheries of the international waters, it is nevertheless not practicable by reason of the differences in territorial extent and mode of legislative procedure, to settle upon precise statutory provisions in relation thereto, which shall apply to all ; and therefore it is recommended that each Dominion, Province, and State representation make such recommendation touching its particular jurisdiction as shall apply to the case ; leaving it to each represen- tative to frame the matter into law according to the forms and circumstances , for the action of the proper legislative body." The adoption of the resolution was moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by l)r MacCallum, and carried. Secretary STEWART : The last resolution on my list was moved by Mr. Ford, and reads as follows : " Resolved, That we recommend to the fish commissioners of Canada the adoption of the following resolution for the St. Lawrence river, viz : That we ask 288 of the Canadian Fish Commissioners a prohibitory law that will prohibit the use of all kinds of nets in the Canadian waters of the St. Lawrence river the same as the New York State Confiscation Bill now recommends ; we also ask of them to include the same time for their close season on the St. Lawrence river for all kinds of game fish that the above named codification bill recommends." The adoption of the resolution was moved by Mr. Amsden, seconded by Mr. Skinner. Secretary STEWART : We have at present little control over our waters, consequently all we can do is to send the recommendation to the Dominion government. Mr. AMSDEN : Later on when you do get the power you can act on it. The resolution was adopted. Mr. SKINNER : I would like to read you a few statistics in reference to tha association of which I am a member. It was organized in 1883 : THE MATERIAL BENEFITS OF FISH PROTECTION. The sole aim of the organizers of the Anglers' Association of the St. Lawrence river in 1883 was the preservation, protection and perpetuation of game fish in the St. Lawrence River. Probably no one of the persons active in the organi- zation had p^ny other idea in view ; but they builded better than they knew. At the same time, matters on the St. Lawrence River were at a stand-still ; there were very few persons going there for the sake of the fishing, for the simple reason that, owing to the activity of the netters, it had been almost destroyed. But a small number of the islands had cottages built upon them. There were a few people who passed down the river on tourists' tickets from Niagara Falls to Montreal, but there were no inducements for them to stop over on the way. Some of the anglers who had resorted to the river for many years for fishing, still continued their yearly visits. The organization of the Anglers' Association created a sort of excitement in reference to the possibilities to be accomplished by it, so that its members lived for two or three years upon faith, believing that the efforts of the association in ridding the river of netters would very soon have its effect in much better fishing. Its members continued to visit the river year after year and to induce their friends to do the same. The results of the exertions of the Anglers' Association are now known to every one who is interested, and its efforts in ridding the river of fish netters have been attended with so great success that it is now possible, and has been for the last three years, for any angler to obtain all the game fish he desires. The object of the organization of the asso- ciation has thus been effected, in part by increasing the supply of game fish in the river, and in part by ridding the river of the fish pirates. Its efforts in pre- venting net fishing will not be at all slackened, but will, on the contrary, be in- creased. The material benefits which have come from the efforts of the Anglers' As- sociation of the St. Lawrence River have been entirely unexpected, but they are, however, no less welcome. As an object lesson which should be carefully read,, marked, and inwardly digested, the following facts are given, showing the material benefits which have come to Jefferson county from the organization of the Anglers' Association of the St. Lawrence river : Jefferson county, lying along the St. Lawrence river from Cape Vincent to a point fifteen miles below Alexandria Bay, covering a distance of over 289 forty miles, embracing the celebrated Thousand Islands, is naturally one of the most attractive regions in the country for the tourist and sportsman. Its ex- quisite river scenery, its banks and islands and its delightful air, leave nothing to be desired if the fishing is good. There were in 1889 about six hundred persons employed as oarsmen on the- river; in 1883 there were perhaps a hundred. In 1886 there were about two- hundred and fifty employed in connection with steam and other boats ; in 1883. there may have been thirty. There were last summer thirty-six hotels capable of accommodating four thousand people. Six years ago the hotels could accom- modate scarcely a thousand people. Besides these there are now thirty board- ing-houses, with a capacity of five hundred guests ; there are between six hun- dred and seven hundred cottages used exclusively by summer residents. From one million to one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars was spent on the river last summer by tourists, exclusive of railroad fares. A large and in- creasing business has also grown up in building steam yachts and the celebrated St Lawrence skiffs. Here, then, is a veritable gold mine lying at the feet of Jefferson County, by which every resident of the county is benefited either by a reduction in his. taxes, by being given employment, or in his business. The population of Jeffer- son County is 66,000, every one of whom is constantly being benefited by the- Anglers' Association. That is one side of the question, the other is this : There were during the netting season of 1888 about sixty or seventy persons engaged in illegal net fishing within the limits of the county, and of this number more than one-half were non-residents. When it is borne in mind that these net fishers do not make nearly as much if allowed to carry on their netting as ordi- nary farm workers, it will at once be apparent that Jefferson County could, as a business speculation, afford to hire and pay them a fair salary to remain perfectly idle, and to pension them in their old age. The total tax assessed against the town of Alexandria (the central point on_ the river) was $10,906.97, of which $2,351.28 was paid by summer property holders. In other words, nearly 22 per cent, of the taxes of the town of Alexan- dria was paid by summer property owners. The assessed value of summer hotels and island property in the town of Alexandria in 1888 was $256,000, the basis of assessment being one-third of the actual value, while the total amount assessed was $1,218,029. The organization of fish protection associations accomplishes three distinct, things : it protects the fish, furnishes the people with cheap fish food, and last, but not least, is of enormous material benefit to the surrounding country. In regard to non-jurisdiction I may say T.hat one of the first difficulties we encountered, was when the question was raised in regard to the jurisdiction of the State on the international waters of the St. Lawrence. We engaged counsel to look up this question, who made an exhaustive search of the laws in regard to it. He told us the law on the question was based on the old English law, and the question was decided to this effect : That the State had jurisdiction over international waters, just as much as she had property or islands on which she could collect taxes. Mr. WHITAKER : To the boundary line ? Mr. SKINNER : Yes, to the boundary line. You Canadians, I suppose, have the same law, and I do not see why you have not jurisdiction over the inland waters, just the same as other waters. 19 (c.) 290 Secretary STEWART : That is what the courts are going to decide. Well, gentle- men, these are all the printed resolutions, but there is one thing that seems to us in Canada to be passing strange, and that is, why in American waters no close season is in existence for whitefish. It seems to us that when we take pains to spare the whitefish, we do some good, but I understand that in your country, you have no close season ! Mr. WHITAKER : We have considered this question in all its points and have not failed to consider all the benefits of a close season, but there is an economical question beyond all that, which has held us in check : Whether it would be better to lay the restriction on the meshes of the nets or upon the size of marketable fish found in the possession of dealers is a question. It has resolved itself into our procuring the passage of an act regarding the meshes of gill nets and the backs of pound nets. We met with violent opposition, as all do who attempt such legislation. One fisherman will say that gill netting is all right, and that it is the pound net fellow who does all the damage. The pound net fellow will say that it is God's providence that pound nets are permitted to be fished, and that it is the gill net fellow who is killing all the fish. It is a difficult question as to where you will draw the line. However, until we can get enforcement of the law, it is nonsensical to pass laws, because you beget a disregard of all laws and create the idea that they can be evaded. Another matter about the close season is that we have 2,000 miles of coatit, covering three or four degrees of latitude. You can readily understand that fish will run at different times in different localities. In some localities they fish for nothing but herring, while in others, a different class of fish is sought for, and it is at such meetings as this, that prac- tical fishermen should be called together to discuss these questions with us. I may tell you that at one time we did call them in to discuss these subjects, and it was a monkey and a parrot time. You could not get any two of them to agree on anything. Secretary STEWART: We had the same difficulty when the matter was re- ferred to. Mr. WHITAKER : You see it is most repugnant to people on our side to at- tempt to say by statute that a man cannot go just where he likes and do what he pleases in shooting or catching fish. They have often threatened to cut off our appropriation ; they cannot do it, but that is their spirit. A gentleman representing one of our districts resides near a shooting ground at the mouth of the Detroit River. His son had gone on to these preserved grounds poaching, and they got after him and punished him. The old man got into the legislature to get even, and when we presented our application for an appropriation to the legislature, it dragged most unaccountably. I found that this old gentleman was' on the Committee of Ways and Means, which passed upon appropriations, and he said to me : " You cannot get your bill through before I get this bill of mine." His bill permitted people to fish or hunt anywhere irrespective of pri- vate rights ! He had the influence, and his bill was carried after striking out .shooting and letting fishing stand. But of course it would not stand the tests of the courts two minutes, as it was unconstitutional. Secretary STEWART : That is all the business I have in the way of offered resolutions, but there are one or two I would like to offer before we disperse. Dr. SMITH : I may say that we think the hatchery will be located on the St. Lawrence River near Clayton. As soon as it is determined on, everything will be done to get the building up and fitted in order to do good work. The Commissioner told me that when he got it in good working order he expected to 291 count his fry by hundreds of millions. He expects to hatch whitefish, salmon trout, and wall-eyed pike, and may incidentally try to establish a run of salt water salmon such as formerly existed. Mr. WHITAKER : And which is now being successfully accomplished on the Penobscot River. The CHAIRMAN : Is the appropriation now sufficient to complete the building ? Mr. SMITH : No, it is only sufficient to get the site. But the money for the building will probably be got within a month or so. Mr. WHITAKER: May I add one word to what I have said. The fisheries upon the Detroit twenty years ago were wonderfully profitable. A man who was engaged in fishing at Belle Isle in 1870 says he caught $75,000 worth of whitefish. But the sewage from the City of Detroit has killed off the fish to a great extent. At Fort Wayne there is a fishery known as Craig's Fishery where they get about 2,000 whitefish annually, and that is not twenty-five rods from where there is the mouth of a double sewer coming out. Either the instinct of the fish is so strong that they will come there until they are extinguished, or they are not affected by the sewerage, owing to the way in which the sewerage gets disseminated. There is a marked difference between this fishery and those on the Canadian side, which exceed our catch by 2,000 or eS,000 fish. Mr. AMSDEN' : What is your experience with fish returned to the water ? Mr. WHITAKER : We have none, because we have not done so. We put them into a grating with the water constantly flowing through. Mr. AMSDEN : After they are stripped do you think they live ? Mr. WHITAKER : Yes, we keep them there in the grates ready for the market for five or six weeks. We have two or three semi-interior lakes in our state where fish run in for spawning purposes. We have been planting one or two of these lakes very heavily to draw our ova from there. We think that is an in- exhaustible source of supply. Mr. SKINNER : Regarding the establishment of the hatchery, I might add, that last Monday morning, I had the pleasure of accompanying the United States Fish Commission's engineer to some springs in the vicinity of Clayton, and last Saturday morning he was on hand again with his in- struments and proceeded to these springs early in the morning. Mr. Grant promised me to forward a report of the examination of the springs, for the reason that it was said that Commissioner McDonald was to be present here to-day, and he desired me to explain to him what they had succeeded in finding. I may say that Colonel Gore expressed himself very well pleased with the supply of water and the lay of the land in that vicinity. It is distant about two miles from the river's shore. I may add also, in connection with the matter, that adjacent to the river's shore, is the same locality where the State Commission for the past two years have authorized the use of nets for the taking of whitefish spawn. Mr. AMSDEN : In regard to what Dr. Smith has said in regard to the progress being made by the United States in establishing a hatchery, I am anxious to see ' it brought about as soon as possible and without any delay. And I think we should bring our influence to bear on the authorities at Washington to get all the funds necessary, and for that purpose I offer this resolution, which is seconded by Mr. Whitaker : " Resolved, That the representatives from the states represented at this meeting respectfully recommend and urge upon the representatives in congress 292 of those States, the necessity of an additional appropriation to be made early in the present session of Congress, to enable the United States Fish Commissioner to construct immediately, proper buildings with necessary appurtenance and equipment for propagating and hatching fish to stock Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence river, with the whitefish, salmon trout and other fish of the best varie- ties of food fish." The CHAIRMAN : The remarks of Mr. Whitaker suggests to my mind the verses by the poet, Whittier. You have read of the dark day in Wyndham many years ago, when people thought the end of the world had come, the fowls and birds went to roost in the middle of the day, and everybody believed a very seri- ous event was to happen. The law-making power of Connecticut was in session,, and Abraham Davenport, of Stamford, was among them. When the darkness was most appalling, and the storm was at its height, a timid man moved that they adjourn. That did not suit Abraham, for he was not that sort of a man. So the Poet Whittier says that Abraham opposed the motion, being not at all afraid, and said : '* Let God do his work, we will see to ours. Bring in the candles. And they brought them in. Then by the flaring lights the Speaker read, Albeit with husky voice and shaking hands An act to amend, an act to regulate The shad and ale wine fisheries. Whereupon Wisely and well spake Abraham Davenport, Straight to the question, with no figures of speech, A Witness to the ages as they pass, That simple duty has no place for fear." I commend that to the Legislature of Michigan. V Mr. SKINNER : The thought has occurred to me : Do you in Ontario consider you have jurisdiction in the Bay of Quinte? Dr. MACCALLUM : I do not think so. It is a navigable water administered by the Dominion. Secretary STEWART : While Mr. Whitaker is writing a resolution and as the time is getting late, I would say just two things. In the first place, I regret somewhat that your visit here to-day has been made at a time of the year which is somewhat inclement, and forbids us showing you our very pretty little town,, but instead of entertainment of that sort we have done ourselves the honour to ask you to dine with us to-night and we hope as many of you as can stay with us will do so. I regret that Mr. Chairman, and Mr. Amsden will be unable to stay. Mr. AMSDEN : No, I will stay with you. Secretary STEWART : Oh ! I am glad to hear it, but my regret remains poig- nant with reference to the chairman. I hoped that he would have been with us to-night, to speak with the same force that he has this afternoon. These facts, sown broadcast throughout the country cannot fail to be a great help to the cause for which we are working. I was going to say also, before we separate, that I am very strongly of opinion now we have begun these conferences that we should have an annual conference if possible. I believe it would do a great deal of good next year, for instance, to compare notes. It brings the two countries into friendly relations with one another. We get points of great value from older Commissions, and I think altogether it is a most desirable thing. I would be glad if somebody would move that this Conference meet again at some convenient place, to be fixed, next year. 29:3 Mr. WHITAKER : I agree with my friend most heartily, nothing but good can come from these meetings of men interested in the same thing. By next year New York will have had a change in its legislature, we will have the benefit of experience, and I think it would be very proper that) the time of our Conven- tion be fixed not later than October. I would move that when this Conference adjourns, it adjourn to meet on the first Tuesday in October, 1892, in the city of Detroit. The motion was seconded by Dr. MacCallum. Mr. SKINNER : I would suggest that we endeavour to secure incorporation with our Canadian friends, and I would suggest that if the Convention was held at some important point in Ontario it would have a salutary effect. Mr. AMSDEN : I think Detroit or Cleveland would be central points. I would vote to have it in Detroit. The resolution was adopted. Mr. AMSDEN : The line of action of the Association we belong to, in connection with fish culture work, is only becoming known to people in the ordinary walks of life, and they are just waking up to the importance of this question, which gentlemen like Mr. Whitaker have been interested in for years. We, in New York State, feel that the matter is not being cared for as it ought to be, and we have moved so as to excite public notice and attract attention, and in this way have brought about more of a sentiment in favour of action. We have done it by circulating generally to our papers throughout the State, and among the mem- bers of the Assembly and senators, literature in connection with the work, and in this way we have accomplished a great deal. What I wanted to enquire was : We are publishing the proceedings of the meeting at Rochester, with the remarks and resolutions. Now, that matter is still in type, and it was my purpose to take the matter we have here to-day and add it to that, and print a large number of them for circulation and distribution in this mission work. It was decided to have this done. Secretary STEWART : I think that the thanks of this meeting are due to Mr. Amsden for the great courtesy he has shown to the members, and the large amount of work he has done. He has been most painstaking and has contri- buted not a little to the success of this conference. Dr. SMITH : I would second that motion. The motion was adopted. A vote of thanks to Dr. Smith, of Washington, was also passed on motion of Secretary Stewart, seconded by Dr. MacCallum. On motion of Mr. Amsden, seconded by Mr. Whitaker, the following resolu- tion was passed : Whereas, " Owing to the keen and active interest shown in the re-stocking of Lake Ontario with the valuable commercial fish, with which it once teemed, by many prominent citizens of the State of New York, therefore be it Resolved, That we urge upon the legislature of the State of New York that an appropriate sum of money be appropriated at its coming session for the in- stallation and maintenance of a hatchery which shall furnish an adequate quantity of fry of the commercial fish." It was then moved by Mr- Amsden, seconded by Mr. Whittaker Resolved, That the conference shall now adjourn to meet on the first Tues- day in October 1892, in the City of Detroit. A vote of thanks to the Chairman, Senator McNaughton, was moved by Secretary Stewart, seconded by Mr. Amsden, and carried, after which the meet- ing adjourned. 294 TABLE OF RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT THE INTERNATIONAL GAME AND FISH CONFERENCE BEFORE REFERRED TO. 1. " Resolved, That provisions ought to be introduced into the laws of all the States and Provinces represented in this Conference, forbidding the taking and having in possession of salmon trout and whitefish of the weight of less than two pounds each, and bass of the weight of less than one pound, and blue pike of less weight than three-quarters of a pound." 2. " Resolved, That it be recommended to the Congress of the United States the importance of authorizing and directing to be made, through the United States Fish Commission, a full and careful biological survey of the Great Lakes with a view of determining the character and plentifulness of the food, and the habits and migration of commercial fish." 3. " Resolved, That the United States Commissioner be required to urge upon congress the necessity of granting an appropriation to permit the detail of a force of competent and skilled persons, to ascertain and mark in detail upon suitable charts for public use and distribution, the location of the spawn- ing beds of the whitefish, salmon trout and other commercial fish in the Great Lakes, whereon the fry of these fish artificially propagated may be placed where the fish naturally cast their ova." 4. " Resolved, That the members of this Conference from the Dominion of Canada and the States represented respectively, be requested to take the text of the Game and Fish code prepared by the New York State Commissioners,, and consider the same with reference to the applicability of its provisions to their own purposes, and to indicate thereon what provisions may be acceptable to them, and what changes they may deem advisable to be made to suit their separate wants, so that at the final meeting of the Conference an agreement may be come to in respect. to all the provisions upon which legislation is desired.'* 5. " Resolved, That this Convention heartily approves of the New York Codification Bill with the single exception of the allowance of spring shooting. And we in conference assembled wish to ask the New York Commission to recon- sider this point and to adopt as the only shooting season, the dates in each year between the 15th day of September and December 15th or 30th." 6. " Resolved, That this body regards with disfavour any movement look- ing towards the turning over to the United States Government the work of the State Commissions in propagating and planting commercial fish in the Great Lakes. " That the jurisdiction over the lake fisheries belongs naturally to the adjoining States, whose interest in their success is paramount to that of the United States as a whole, and t V " That there is an abundant field for the concurrent action of the border- 295 ing States and of the general government, and anything which would detract from the State's interest in this matter will be detrimental to the end aimed at of restocking the waters of the Great Lakes. " And we recommend a course which will encourage and stimulate greater interest and larger expenditures in this great work by the several bordering States, and at the same time increased interest in the subject by the United States Fish Commission/' 7. " Resolved, Further, that this body earnestly approves of the action of congress in making an appropriation for the establishment of a hatching station on or near the St. Lawrence River for the propagation of whitefish and other commercial fish ; and of the purpose of the United States Fish Commissioner to to carry out the provisions of that appropriation ; and we see nothing in this movement that can in any degree interfere with the jurisdiction of the States in the premises, or to affect in any way unfavourably the work of the States in the protection, multiplication and distribution of valuable food fishes." 8. " Resolved, That if a practical agreement can be had in regard to the pro- visions of laws for the regulation of the fisheries of the international waters, it is nevertheless not practicable by reason of the differences in territorial extent and mode of legislative procedure, to settle upon precise statutory provisions in relation thereto which shall apply to all ; and therefore it is recommended that each Dominion, Province and State representation make such recommendation touching its particular jurisdiction as shall apply to the case ; leaving it to each representative to frame the matter into law according to the forms and circum- stances for the action of the proper legislative body." 9. " Resolved, That we recommend to the Fish Commissioners of Canada the adoption of the following resolution for the St. Lawrence River, viz. : That we ask of the Canadian Fish Commissioners a prohibitory law that will prohibit the use of all kinds of nets in the Canadian waters of the St; Lawrence River the same as the New York State Codification Bill now recommends ; we also ask of them to include the same time for their close season on the St. Lawrence River for all kinds of game fish that the above named Codification Bill recommends." 10. " Resolved, That the representatives from the States represented at this meeting respectfully recommend and urge upon the representatives in Congress of those states the necessity of an additional appropriation to be made early in the present session of Congress, to enable the United States Fish Commissioner to construct immediately proper buildings with necessary appurtenance and -equipment for propagating and hatching fish to stock Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River with the whitefish, salmon trout and other fish of the best varie- ties of food fish." 11. " Whereas, Owing to the keen and active interest shown in the restock- ing of Lake Ontario with the valuable commercial fish with which it once teemed by many prominent citizens of the State of New York, therefore be it " Resolved, That we urge upon the Legislature of the State of New York that an appropriate sum of money be appropriated at its coming session for the installation and maintenance of a hatchery which shall furnish an adequate quan- tity of fry of the commercial fish." 12. " Resolved, That this Conference shall now adjourn to meet on the first Tuesday in October, 1892, in the city of Detroit." 296 ONTARIO GAME AND FISH COMMISSION. MEMORANDUM ON PROTECTIVE LAWS, ETC. The following will be found a convenient compendium of information as to the Game and Fish protection laws and services of this Province, the other Pro- vinces of Canada, and the neighbouring States of the Union. In the following statement, for brevity's sake, the legal phraseology of the various statutes is abandoned, and the information set sorth summarily in the vernacular. The plan on which this statement has been prepared is a simple one. In dealing with each subject, the practice of Ontario in that matter is first set forth, and then, under the same head, are mentioned any notable points wherein the practice of other Pro- vinces or States differs from or is more comprehensive than that of Ontario. It may be expedient to remark upon a presumption common to all the Game -and Fish Protection Acts of the neighbouring States, viz., the presumption (some- times stated in so many words) that all wild beasts, birds, and fishes, are common property while at large, and private property only when killed and reduced to possession by individuals. Hence the common basis of all State Game and Fish Acts is that the public interest will be served by laws protecting the selected wild creatures in their natural multiplication, or increasing that multiplication artificially. There is no appearance of an opinion in any of these Acts, that sportsmen, anglers, or fishermen, have interests apart from the public, and even the laws that, in some commonwealths, give landed proprietors exclusive property in Game or Fish bred or found on their domains, go on the presumption that such t pro visions serve the common interest in Game and Fish multiplication. The notion that the ferae naturae on private lands can pertain to these lands without a special concession from the people, appears foreign to American and Canadian legislation. It may be desirable for the Commission to lose no opportunity to explain and publish that Game or Fish protection laws and services are not designed for the peculiar gratification of sportsmen, anglers, nor any special class, but for th e purpose of making more valuable the common property of all classes in Game and Fish. The purposes of the Commission are likely to be misunderstood, and the usefulness of its labours impaired, if farmers, pioneers, lumbermen, or any other class obtain or retain a belief that persons who shoot or fish for amusement or recreation are particularly objects of the Commission's care. The economic pur- pose of the Commission may be described as that of recommending means by which the edible or otherwise valuable wild creatures of the Province may be sc .preserved or multiplied as to be easily and cheaply obtained by all. The scheme of almost any set of Game and Fish Protection Acts may be generally and shortly described as embracing : 1. The selection and specification of certain wild creatures considered valuable either because they afford good food or good clothing, or both, to human beings. 2. The protection of the selected creatures by enactments which (a) Forbid molestation of them during stated seasons, days, or hours ; or (6) Forbid pursuit or capture or killing of them by methods or engines pe- culiarly likely to hinder their multiplication ; or 297 (c) Forbid injurious interference with their breeding places, nests, habitations, or habitat ; or (d) Limit the number of any species that may be taken by one person in a specified time ; or (e) Encourage the destruction of predaceous wild enemies of the creatures selected for protection ; or (/) Encourage the propagation of creatures on which the protected creatures prey ; or (g) Limit the common law right of subjects to possess, sell, transport, or deal in the protected creatures. 3. The establishment of officials charged either with the enforcement of the protective enactments, or with the work of artificially multiplying the protected creatures. 4. The specification of penalties incurred by the violation of the protective enactments, and of procedure for bringing ofienders to punishment. QUADRUPEDS SELECTED AND SPECIFIED FOR PROTECTION. IN ONTARIO the following quadrupeds are protected by statute, and their close seasons set as follows : Elk, Moose, Reindeer, Cariboo Absolutely close to Oct., 1895. Deer Close between 20th Nov. to 15th Oct. next. Hares Close between 15th March to 1st Sept. Beaver, Mink, Muskrat, ^| Sable, Marten, Otter, V Close between 1st May to 1st Nov. Fisher j In addition to the above, the following quadrupeds, or young of quadrupeds, are protected in the Commonwealths named : FAWNS in the spotted coat cannot be legally killed at any season in British Columbia, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Michigan, California, Colorado. DOES cannot be legally killed at any season in Colorado, California. SQUIRRELS Close seasons. Connecticut 1st January to 1st October. Illinois 15th December to 1st June next. Indiana 20th December to 1st June next. Massachusetts. 1st March to 1st September. New Hampshire 1st Jan'y to 1st September. New Jersey 20th Dec. to 1st Nov. next. (Variable by districts.) New York 1st February to 1st August. Ohio 15th December to 1st July next. Pennsylvania 1st Jan'y to 1st September. Rhode Island 1st Jan'y to 1st September. Wisconsin 15th Dec'r to 1st August next. Kentucky 1st February to 15th June. RACCOON New Hampshire 1st Jan'y to 1st September. Missouri. . 1st April to 1st November. (NOTE " Rabbits or hares " is the term employed (where Ontario law specifies "hares " only) in New oundland, Nova Scotia, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.) 298 PROVISIONS FOR ENCOURAGING THE DESTRUCTION OF PREDA CEOUS ANIMALS OR BIRDS THAT DESTROY DEER, BIRDS' EGGS, ETC. ONTARIO. WOLF BOUNTY. Bounty of $6 to be paid by County Treasurer for any wolf killed within county, or within one mile of a settlement in the county. NEW YORK. Bounty of $10 for each bear, $30 for each grown wolf, $15 for each pup wolf, $20 for each panther killed in the State. County Treasurer to pay and charge to the State taxes. MAINE. Bounty of ten cents per head for crows. EDIBLE BIRDS SELECTED AND SPECIFIED FOR PROTECTION AT CLOSE SEASONS MENTIONED IN ONTARIO. Names of birds. Close seasons. 15th Jan to lst 15th Dec'r to 15th October next, Woodcock .................... 1st January to 15th August. Snipe \ Rail > ...................... 1st Jan'y to 1st September, . Plover J Q^ 8 1 ..................... 1st September to 1st May next Waterfowl } ' ...... ' lst Jan ' y to !st September. In addition to the abovte, the following edible birds found or believed to be found in Ontario are protected in the Commonwealths named, at the times or in the manner specified : WILD PIGEON. Discharge of firearms forbidden in Indiana within a half- mile of the roosts. Ohio a half-mile. Pennsylvania one mile. Michigan five miles, and netting within two miles forbidden during entire hatching season, Rhode Island forbids netting at any time. 290 WOOD DUCK Close seasons. Kentucky 1st May to 15th September. Massachusetts 15th April to 1st September. SAND PIPER Massachusetts . . 1st May to 15th July. New Hampshire. 1st Jan'y to 1st September. ALL SHORE BIRDS Massachusetts 1st May to 1st September. STARLING New York 1st January to 1st October. MEADOWLARK Missouri 1st February to 1st August. Nevada 1st April to 1st September. CURLEW New York . . . ; . . 1st January to 1st October. North Dakota 15th May t,o 1st September. BITTERN Nevada 1st April to 1st September. EtfACTMEtfTS FORBIDDING PRACTICES PECULIARLY DESTRUC- TIVE TO GAME QUADRUPEDS OR BIRDS. ONTARIO LAW. Forbids molestation of birds' eggs. use of traps (except for fur-bearers), nets, snares, gins, baited lines, and similar contrivances. shooting from batteries, swivel guns, sunken punts, etc. night shooting, poisoning. " possession of illegal devices (which may be summarily destroyed by any person with legal impunity). The above prohibitions are common to nearly all the Provinces and States. Prohibitions as follows are found in the laws of the Commonwealths named : HOUNDING OF DEER. Forbidden in Indiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana (but dogs may be used to track wounded deer), New York (some coun- ties), Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia (temporarily in some districts), West Virginia (5 years), Washington, Wisconsin, British Columbia (west of Cascade Mountains), Newfoundland (caribou), Nova Scotia (caribou), Quebec. (Generally dogs found illegally running deer may ba killed with impunity by anyone). WATERSHOOTING OF DEER. Forbidden in Michigan, Pennsylvania. ARTIFICIAL SALT LICKS. Forbidden in New York. ALL HUNTING FOR PROFIT. Forbidden in Tennessee and some of the Pacific Coast Territories or States. 300 KILLING FOR HIDES AND HORNS ONLY. Forbidden in Colorado, California, and inferentially in many other States. SHOOTING FROM STEAM OR SAIL BOATS. Forbidden in Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin (also prohibits shooting from sculled boats). Illinois prohibits shooting from steam launches. SHOOTING FROM ARTIFICIAL AMBUSH. Wholly prohibited in Illinois, beyond 100 yards from shore in Maryland, 3 rods in New Jersey, 20 rods in New York, beyond shore in Wisconsin, Washington Territory, and specified counties of North Carolina. , GUNS EXCEPT THOSE FIRED FROM SHOULDER. Generally prohibited. Quebec forbids use of all guns over calibre 8. LIMITATIONS OF COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF POSSESSION, SALE, DEALING IN, TRANSPORTING OR EXPORTING GAME ANIMALS OR BIRDS. ONTARIO. Limits right of possession to shooting season and 15 days later, except that possession for possessor's family consumption is always legal ; onus of proving legal killing and possession to be on possessor. Forbids hunting deer with intent to export. Forbids dealing in partridges or quail before 15th October, 1892. Does not attempt to deal specially with* transportation. Exportation of deer, wild turkeys, quail, partridge, prairie fowl, woodcock, prohibited by (R. S. Canada, Cap. 33 Sec. 7) Dominion law. In other North American Provinces and States the rights of possession, sale marketing, dealing, transportation, etc., are limited as follows : Throughout the entire close season for game animals or birds these rights are in abeyance in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Caro- lina, Virginia, Washington Territory, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Manitoba, New Brunswick, North- West Territories. DELAWARE. Dealers in game required to take out licenses ($20). Common carriers forbidden to transport except on affidavit that game was legally killed. ILLINOIS. Prohibits dealing in or transportation of quail, grouse, or squirrel killed in the State. Right of sale of other game limited to shooting season and live days after. IOWA. Sale legal five days after shooting season ends. Transportation illegal except on affidavit as in Delaware. Number of birds that may be trans- ported for one person in one day limited to 12. MICHIGAN. Sale legal eight days after shooting season. Transportation, legal five days after shooting season. MINNESOTA. Allows three days for sale after shooting season. Forbids transportation of illegally killed game. 301 MONTANA. Forbids marketing or sale of grouse, partridge, quail. Possession and sale of other game limited to shooting season. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Transportation limited to shooting season. Otherwise the law as in Ontario. NEW JERSEY. Licensed dealers may sell for ten days after shooting season. NEW YORK. Transportation of venison during and for five days after shoot- ing season permitted if accompanied by owner, but he can have but one carcass or part thereof. Heads and feet may be freely transported. Possession of wild fowl on land not apparently limited, but limited to shooting season on water. Transportation of birds killed in forest preserve, limited to such as are accom- panied by owners. Possession and sale of the following are limited to close season, with the exceptions signified below. These curious exceptions appear to be based on a wish to enable dealing in game during the Christmas and subse- quent holiday season, provided legal killing proved : Close season. May be sold. Hare and Rabbit. . 1st Nov. to 1st Feb next. . All December. Woodcock 1 1st Jan. to 1st Sept . . All December. Grouse ) Squirrel 1st Feb. to 1st Aug All January. Venison 15th Aug. to 1st Nov. . . . Up to 15th December. NORTH DAKOTA. Not more than 25 game birds to be transported for one man in one day, and no one to have more in possession. PENNSYLVANIA. Grouse, quail, and woodcock may, be sold, possessed, trans- ported for 15 days after close season begins. Venison, which may be killed from 1st October to 15th December, cannot be offered for sale nor transported after 30th November (a unique provision). Possession and sale of other game to be; limited to shooting season. TEXAS. Sale of venison permitted up to 10 days after shooting season. UTAH. Simply prohibits possession of unlawfully killed game. VERMONT. Simply prohibits possession of unlawfully killed game. WYOMING. Prohibits sale and importation of venison. Sale of other game limited to shooting season. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Sale of game legal three days after shooting season. NEWFOUNDLAND. Possession and sale of venison limited to 18 days after shooting season. Sale of other game limited to shooting season. NOVA SCOTIA. Sale of venison limited to shooting season and five days after. QUEBEC. Transportation of venison and all game birds limited to shooting season and 10 days after. IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION. WYOMING. Forbids importation of indigenous game, except on affidavit to be taken by carriers that the game was killed outside of State. 302 MASSACHUSETTS. Limits right of selling quail which have been imported, to period between loth October and 1st May. The statutes of the following States and Provinces forbid exportation of game as mentioned : ARKANSAS. Forbids any exportation of game. CONNECTICUT. Forbids export of woodcock, grouse and quail. DELAWARE. Export for sale or protit confined to dealers paying license of $500 per annum. Any sportsman may carry away game which he has legally killed. No transportation for export except on affidavit, a copy of which the common carrier must have, that the game has been legally killed, ducks and geese excepted. ILLINOIS. Forbids export of quail, grouse, turkey, squirrel. INDIANA. -Forbids export of deer, grouse, quail, duck, woodcock. IOWA. Forbids export of any game. MASSACHUSETTS. Forbids export of woodcock, quail, grouse. MICHIGAN. Forbids export of deer, grouse, quail, turkey. MINNESOTA. Forbids export of all kinds of game. MISSISSIPPI. Authorizes counties to forbid exportation. NORTH CAROLINA. Forbids export of quail, grouse. NORTH DAKOTA .Forbids export of deer, grouse, duck, snipe., goose, curlew plover. SOUTH DAKOTA. The same as North Dakota. VERMONT. Forbids export of woodcock, grouse. WISCONSIN. Forbids export of all garrte. WYOMING. Forbids export of all big game. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Forbids export of all game. MANITOBA. Forbids export of all game, except on Government permit. NEW BRUNSWICK. Forbids export of all game except ducks. NEWFOUNDLAND. Forbids export of all venison, except on permit. NORTH -WEST TERRITORIES. Forbids export of all game. NOVA SCOTIA. Forbids export of deer hides. LIMITATIONS AS TO NUMBER OF GAME ANIMALS OR BIRDS THAT MAY BE KILLED, POSSESSED, OR TRANSPORTED. ONTARIO. Party clause re deer. Not more than five deer per season may be killed by one person. Not more than eight deer per season may be killed by party of two. Not more than twelve deer per season may be killed by party of three. Not more than twelve deer per season may be killed by any party. IOWA. Forbids the killing of more than 25 grouse, woodcock or quail in one day by one person, or possession of more by one person or corporation, except by those who have received for lawful transportation. 303 NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA. Same as Iowa, with addition of duck, brant, plover, and curlew to the list. MAINE. Forbids any one person to kill or have in possession, except alive, more than one moose, two caribou, or three deer in any one season. NEW BRUNSWICK. Same as Maine. NEWFOUNDLAND. Licensed persons ($50 non-residents ; $10 residents) ; may kill not more than 5 stag and 3 doe caribou in a season. NOVA SCOTIA. No one person shall kill more than two moose and four cari bou in a season. PROVISIONS BY WHICH THE RIGHT TO KILL GAME, OR TO DEAL IN GAME IN SEASON, IS CONFINED TO PERSONS QUALIFIED BY RESIDENCE, OR LICENSE, OR PERMIT. ONTARIO. The Ontario Statute 36 of 1888, provides that none but residents of Ontario and Quebec may kill deer in the Province, except upon permit ($10) from Commissioner Crown Lands. ARKANSAS. Declares game and fish State property, and the killing thereof a privilege (probable effect to limit the privilege to icsidents.) DELAWARE. Non-residents forbidden to kill or possess game or fish except they have membership in the Delaware Game Protective Association. Non-resi- dent membership $5 first year, $2 subsequent years. Resident membership $2 each year. Residents may take game without membership in Association. AH members of Association may arrest offenders. Half of fines to Association, half to informer. $100 penalty for using transferred certificate of membership. FLORIDA. Non-residents required to take annual licenses ($25) from clerk of county in which they are hunting. MARYLAND. Non-residents required by various county enactments to take county license annually, at from $4.50 to $9. In some counties shooting by non- residents is prohibited. MISSOURI. Non-residents prohibited from taking game. NEW JERSEY. Non-residents required to take licenses from Game and Fish Protective Societies, wherever these have jurisdiction ; but there is only one such society. Its jurisdiction extends over only six counties, and the membership is $2 per annum to non-residents. SOUTH CAROLINA. Non-residents hunting or fishing for profit, $500 per annum county license. TENNESSEE. Non-residents excluded under various penalties by most county by-laws. ViuaiNiA. Non-residents prohibited from killing wild-fowl below tide water. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Non-residents, except officers H. M. Army and Navy, required to take licenses ($50), which permit holders to kill not more than 10 deer, 2 bull elk, 3 reindeer, 5 caribou, 8 mountain sheep, 8 mountain goats. MANITOBA. Non-residents required to take $25 license annually. 304 NEW BRUNSWICK. Non-residents required to take $20 annual license, ex- cept officers H. M. Army and Navy for whom fee is $5. NEWFOUNDLAND. Residents required to take $10 license to kill big game ; non-residents $50 license, Oath required that license-holder will not kill more than 5 stag and 3 doe caribou in one year. NOVA SCOTIA. Non-residents required to take license at $30 for moose and other game, and $10 for birds ; except officers of H. M. Army and Navy, for whom fee is $5. Not more than 2 moose and 4 caribou to be killed on one license. QUEBEC. Non-residents required to take license at $20 per annum. Not more than 2 moose, 3 deer and 2 caribou on one license. No shooting of any kind for non-residents without license. EXCEPTIONS IN FAVOUR OF POOR SETTLERS, PIONEERS, ETC. TEXAS. Excludes certain counties from operation of the game and fish WYOMING. Any actual resident may" at any time kill big game for the pur- pose of supplying himself and family with food in reasonable quantities, but must not sell any part of the carcasses. NEWFOUNDLAND. Notwithstanding anything in the Act " any poor settler- may kill any caribou (or game), for the immediate consumption of himself and his family," or, in season, he may kill as many as ten caribou for sale. N. W. TERRITORIES. Any traveller, family, or person in a state of actual want, may kill game or take eggs for satisfaction of the want, but no more. QUEBEC. East and north of Bellechasse and Montmorency " the inhabitants, for the purpose of procuring food only, may*at all seasons of the year," (not at, night) kill any of the game birds mentioned in Act. TRESPASS SHOOTING AND FISHING ENACTMENTS AFFORDING SPECIAL PROTECTION TO GAME AND FISH ON PRIVATE LANDS. ONTARIO. Cap. 101 R.S.O. 1887. An Act respecting petty trespasses, pro- vides that any person trespassing on wholly enclosed property shall be liable ta a fine of from $1 to $10. But there is no clause specially directed against tres- passers with hunting or fishing implements. ARKANSAS. Makes hunting on private lands without owner's consent a mis- demeanor ; fine not less than $10 or more than $100. CALIFORNIA. Many Acts local to named counties make the hunting or fish- ing trespasser guilty of misdemeanor, fines varying from $25 to $100, with im- prisonment in default. COLORADO. Trespassing hunters or anglers are liable to fine $25 to $100, with imprisonment in default of fine. CONNECTICUT. On lands around which specified notices have been placed, warning off trespassing hunters, these shall be liable to fine $7 to $25, exclusive- of damages of trespass. Shall in addition forfeit $10 to owner* or occupant. Trespasser having dog or gun is prima facie guilty. 305 DELAWARE. Trespasser with dog and gun or gun only, fine $5, or forfeits gun, which is publicly sold to pay fine if not redeemed within 30 days. COLUMBIA (D). Trespassers for shooting or fishing liable to exemplary damages $100 and $10 additional for each offence. Possession of implements prima facie evidence. But owners or occupants must put up sign boards as specified, in order to have the benefit of this. GEORGIA. Trespassers with firearms or implements guilty of misdemeanor. Penalty up to $50 fine and 30 days gaol. Lands must, however, be posted, or trespasser must have received warning off. Similar laws against trespassing with dog, gun, or fishing implements, or with obvious intent to hunt or fish, exist in Illinois, Indiana (but not as to wet or overflowed lands), Maine (only as to islands in salt water), Maryland (by various county laws), Massachusetts, Michi- gan (as to enclosed lands), Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri (as to enclosed lands) ; New Hampshire (trespasser to pay $1 for each bird, besides fine) ; New Jersey, New York (enclosures) ; North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsyl- vania (fish ponds) ; Rhode Island, South Carolina (fish ponds) ; Tennesse, Ver- mont, Virginia, Washington (enclosures); West Virginia, Manitoba (a mere prohibition of trespass to hunt.) The trespasser with hunting or fishing implements is, in these States, usually declared guilty of a misdemeanor, liable to fine, exemplary damages, and imprisonment in default ; but usually the lands must be posted with conspicuous notices, or the trespasser have been previously individually warned off. Private preserves for game and fish are still more generally protected by enactments making trespass criminal. ENACTMENTS FOR THE PROTECTION OF FISH. ONTARIO. Section 13, Cap. 32, R.S.O., 1887, provides that the Lieutenant-Governor in -Council may make regulations from time to time touching the fisheries of the Province, and under this section the following regulations (among others) have been made : Non-residents, persons not domiciled in Province, are forbidden to take fish except under permit from Commissioner of Crown Lands. No person except under lease, license, or permit, shall catch fish in water adjoining ungranted Crown Lands. Spawning fish and spawning beds to be unmolested except by legal authority. By hook and line, and not otherwise, can anyone take brook trout, salmon trout, whitefish, bass, pike, pickerel, maskinonge, tulibee, grayling, herring or perch, except in waters leased for net fishing. Explosives, chemicals, etc., not to be employed in taking fish. Torch-light or other artificial light fishing prohibited. During close seasons set by lawful authority the taking and possession of fish is prohibited. 20 (c). 306 No obstruction by net, trap, weir, or otherwise shall be offered to free passage of fish up and down stream. Fish ways to be in no manner obstructed or resorted to for fishing purposes. Offal of no sort to be put in water but to be burned 20 yards distant from, inland. CLOSE SEASONS. Speckled trout 15th Sept. to 1st May next. Pickerel (dore) 15th April to 15th May next. Bass, maskinonge 15th April to 15th June next Whitefish, salmon-trout 1st Nov. to 30th Dec. next. RESPECTING FISH PROTECTION IN RIVERS, BROOKS, AND IN- TERIOR LAKES OR PONDS, OF OTHER PROVINCES OF CANADA AND STATES OF THE UNION. The following fish found in Ontario are elsewhere protected as specified : PIKE. Close season in Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire and Pennsyl- vania. PERCH. Close season in Kansas and Maine. EELS (lamper). Close season in New Hampshire. MAMMOSE or young STURGEON under 3 feet, absolutely protected in New- Jersey. BULL HEADS. Protected in New York (Lake St. George.) LIMITATIONS OF AMOUNT OF CERTAIN FISH THAT MAY BE TAKEN OR POSSESSED AT ONCE. MAINE. Not more than 50 Ib. of trout. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Not more than 10 Ib. trout. WISCONSIN. Not more than 10 Ib. of bass, or pickerel, less than 1 Ib. in> weight. LIMITATIONS OF SIZE OF FISH THAT MAY BE TAKEN. COLORADO forbids taking or possession of trout less than six inches long. DELAWARE forbids the taking or possession of trout or basS less than six: inches long. 307 MAINE forbids taking ur possession of trout less than five inches long. MICHIGAN forbids taking or possession of trout or grayling less than six inches long. NEW HAMPSHIRE forbids taking or possession of trout less than five inches long. NEW JERSEY forbids taking or possession of trout less than six inches, bass seven inches long. NEW YORK forbids taking or possession of trout less than six inches, bass three-quarters of a pound. PENNSYLVANIA forbids taking or possession of bass less than six inches, trout five inches, pickerel six inches. VERMONT forbids taking or possession of bass less than ten inches, trout six inches long. WISCONSIN forbids taking or possession of bass or pickerel less than 1 Ib (not to be sold). WYOMING forbids taking or possession of trout less than six inches. NEW BRUNSWICK forbids taking or possession, of bass less than 2 Ib. TRANSPORTATION of brook trout from forest preserves not permitted in New York. No CAPTURE of trout for sale permitted in Michigan or Oregon. THE PLANTING of pike, pickerel, bass or other predaceous^ fish in waters not previously containing such fish is forbidden in New York, Maine, Minnesota' New Hampshire and some other States. COMMISSIONERS, WARDENS, PROTECTORS AND OTHER OFFICIALS CHARGED SPECIALLY WITH ADMINISTRATION OR ENFORCE- MENT OF LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OR MULTIPLICATION OF GAME AND FISH. Thirty-six States of the Union have Fish Commissions, whose main purpose is to propagate fish artificially and restock public waters. The cost of the ser- vices is borne by the State treasuries, and this appropriation of money appears to be universally popular. These Commissions commonly maintain hatcheries from which fry or young fish are distributed at the public expense. The great success attending fish-propagation is known to the Ontario Commission generally, and need not be particularly illustrated in the present memorandum. One point, however, may be particularly noted, viz : that the free distribution of trout fry, as in Michigan and New York, appears a main cause of the popularity of the Commissions, from which popularity the State grant comes regularly and increases from year to year. The Michigan Commission, whose service is admir- able in all respects, has restocked many depleted waters, and caused trout to abound in hundreds of streams and over vast areas where no trout were ever found before the Commission's work began. The trout- work gives universal satisfaction ; the people all seem to know the facts and to be proud of them. Ontario has hundreds and probably even thousands of depleted streams that 308 could easily be made to yield abundant supplies of trout, which would annually give the people an excellent food, far surpassing in value the outlay required for restocking these streams. This work could be undertaken forthwith, and with- out any settlement of the question pending between the Federal and Provincial Governments as to their respective jurisdiction over interior waters. Some of the questions touching fish distributed by the Commission have been arranged with intent to educate public opinion on this important matter. In order to illustrate the nature of the different sorts of services established for the administration or enforcement of laws for the protection of game and fish the following sketches of several organizations are given. ONTARIO. It cannot be said that the Province has any organized service for Game and Fish protection, its condition in this respect being far behind that of several Canadian Provinces and all the immediately adjacent States of the Union. The provision that game inspectors may be appointed by municipalities is inoperative,, and the laws touching Game and Fish are everywhere left to be disregarded, unless utilized by informers for their own rather than the public good. This manner of leaving the laws to the operation of nobody in particular is less advanced than that which obtains in some of the least civilized States and Territories. NEW BRUNSWICK. The Lieutenant- Go vernor-in-Council appoints a Chief Game Commissioner, and a Game Warden for each county. County councils may appoint parish wardens. One-half of fines accrues to informers and one-half to the Warden prosecuting. If the prosecutor be not a warden, one-half the fine goes to the Chief Game Commissioner. Persons or clubs leasing salmon -angling waters are authorized to employ protectors who are empowered by the Government. NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. The Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council may appoint game guardians with the powers of constables to enforce the game laws ; all legally seized game to belong to the guardian. QUEBEC. The Commissioner of Crown Lands appoints, from among the permanent officials of his department, a Provincial Game Superintendent and as many local game-keepers as he may deem requisite. Societies and clubs organized for the sole purpose of protecting fish and game are encouraged, incorporated, and ena- bled to hold property. All Crown lands and Crown timber agents are ex-officio game-keepers. MICHIGAN. The Governor appoints a Game and Fish Warden. DUTY OF WARDEN. To enforce laws touching game and fish, and bring pro- ceedings in prosecution. POWER OF WARDEN. That of sheriffs to serve processes ; may arrest with- out warrant on any day, and bring summarily before magistrate. 309 DEPUTY WARDENS These are appointed by the warden; not more than three in each county, and they must be residents of county. PAYMENT OF DEPUTIES. Deputies are paid by county supervisors. REMARKS. The two latter provisions have not been found to work alto- gether well in practice. The opinion of the Michigan Commissioners and War- den is that the State should pay the deputies, and that these should be transferable from any one county to any other at order of the warden. The county supervisors do not generally allow the deputy -wardens sufficient salaries, hence they cannot afford to give sufficient attention to their duties. Nevertheless the Michigan system is a considerable advance on that which leaves the operation of Game and Fish Laws to informers, and the office of chief warden has been more than self- sustaining, because the fines accruing to the State by action of the official more than pay his salary and expenses. MAINE. The Fish Commissioners of Maine are Game Commissioners also, and (unlike the Michigan Fish Commissioners) are charged with the enforcement of the Fish and Game Laws, as well as with the supervision of the fisheries and fish-propaga- tion. The Maine Commissioners appoint Fish and Game Wardens, who receive, for serving criminal processes, the same fees as sheriffs. Half fines go to prosecutors. WISCONSIN. Governor appoints four game wardens to enforce Game and Fish Protection Laws ; term, two years, or till successor appointed ; salary $600, and $250 maxi- mum for expenses. These wardens appoint their own deputies, who are paid like constables by fees, and by receiving one-half of fines, the other half going to- county school fund. CONNECTICUT. The County Commissioners (councillors) are required to appoint County Game and Fish Wardens, who may deputize any person to assist them. DELAWARE. The enforcement of the laws appears to be left very much to the incorpo- rated Delaware Game and Fish Protection Association, membership in which is, open to all on annnal fee of $2 for residents, $5 for non-residents. Half of all fines accrue to this association. NEW YORK. The Governor appoints three Commissioners of Fisheries ; no salary ; $600- allowed to each for expenses ; the Board authorized to employ a secretary at $2,000 per year. The duties of the Commissioners include supervision of the Game and Fish protective service, and the appointment of the officers thereof. The Game and Fish Protectors number twenty ; one of these is designated as Chief Protector by ihe Commissioners, he receives $2,000 salary and $l,0f maximum for expenses ; the sub-protectors $500 salary and maximum of $30C for expenses ; in addition one-half of fines accrue to any protector successfully 310 prosecuting. The Chief Protector gives $1,000 bond, and the sub-protectors give $500 bond for faithful discharge of their duties. A clerk at $800 salary is allowed to the chief protector. The Board of Commissioners may give the powers of sub-protectors to persons recommended and paid by county super- visors or incorporated associations for the protection of Fish and Game. These protectors may be moved from any district to any other. Duties of protectors are to enforce all State laws and county ordinances for protection of fish and game. They may summarily destroy illegal nets. Any protector may arrest an offender without warrant, and take him immediately before justice of the peace or other magistrate for trial. This system is the most perfect and efficient in the Union ; it is described by tne Commisioners as popular, and the increase of deer thereunder has been spe- cially notable. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. Services, or officials such as Game and Fish Wardens or Protectors, are provided for or maintained also in California, Colo- rado, Illinois, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Washington and Vermont. The systems vary, but usually resemble either that of Michigan or that of 'Connecticut. PENALTIES. The practice of many or most of the States of the Union is to declare that violations of any of the clauses of Fish and Game Acts are misdemeanors, and the penalty a fine above a stated minimum, and below a stated maximum, with imprisonment in default of payment ; but it is clear that, no matter how severe the penalties may be, the laws as to Fish and Game will not be respected because of the penalties, unless special measures for the enforcement of the laws be taken , in which case moderate penalties will be as effective as severe ones. There ap- pears to be every reason to believe that the observance of Fish and Game laws can be secured (1) by popularizing such laws through the maintenance of game fish hatcheries and the free distribution of fry therefrom ; (2) by maintaining special officials to put the laws into operation. Appended hereto is a brief summary of the laws, Provincial or Federal, touching the Game and Fish of the Province. ONTARIO GAME LAW. (CAP 221 R. S. 0. 1887 AND AMENDMENTS 1888 AND 1890.) CLOSE SEASONS. Elk, Moose, Reindeer, Caribou, Close to Oct. 1895. Deer Close 20th Nov. to 15th Oct. next. Grouse " 15th Jan. to 1st. Sept. Quail, Turkey " 15th Dec. to 15th Oct. next. 311 Woodcock Close 1st Jan. to loth Aug. Snipe, Rail, Plover " 1st Jan. to 1st Sept. Swans, Geese " 1st Sept. to 1st May next. Duck, Waterfowl " 1st Jan. to 1st Sept. Hares " 15th Mar. to 1st Sept. MARKETING lawful 15 days after shooting season, but no dealing in par- tridge or quail till 15th Oct. 1892. POSSESSION for owner's consumption always lawful, but onus of proving legal killing is on owner. EGGS. None to be destroyed or had in possession, except by authority of Commissioner of Agriculture. TRAPS, SNARES, NETS, prohibited, and may be summarily destroyed bjr any person with impunity. BATTERIES, swivels, punt-guns, sunk punts prohibited. NIGHT and lire hunting prohibited. FUR-BEARERS, beaver, mink, muskrat, sable, martin, otter, fisher. Close- 1st May to 1st Nov. MUSKRAT HOUSES never to be molested. TRAPS, etc, set out of season may be summarily destroyed. To PROTECT one's preserve or property fur- bearers may be killed as ver- min at any time. PENALTIES. For illegal killing or molestation of Moose, Elk, etc Fine $10 to $50 each offence Birds or Eggs " $5 to $25 " specimen Fur-bearers " $5 to $25 " offence Other breaches " $5 to $25 " PROSECUTOR to receive all fines unless collusion suspected. IMPORTED LIVE GAME on preserved lands not to be killed without owner & consent. POISONING of game prohibited ; exposure of poison where dogs or cattle are likely to get it, prohibited. EXPORT. Hunting deer, quail and partridge for export prohibited, and onus of proving other intention to be on owner of dead deer or birds. HOUNDS. None to be at large in deer districts in close season. GAME INSPECTORS may be appointed by municipalities. Duties : En- forcement of laws, instituting prosecutions ; may search suspected parcels without warrant. Must have search-warrant for suspected buildings. WHO MAY SHOOT DEER. Only residents of Ontario and Quebec. Others liable to a penalty of from $10 to $20 each animal. Does not apply against shareholders in preserves, nor persons authorized by Commissioner of Crown Lands. PERMITS may be issued at $10 per year by Commissioner of Crown Lands. PARTY CLAUSE. Five deer per season to one man. Eight deer per sea- son to two in party. Twelve deer per season to three in party. Not more than twelve to any party. Penalty, $5 to $20 per animal, and gaol not more than three months for default. 312 DEFAULTS in any fine make liable to gaol for three months. Conviction not to be quashed for lack of form. ACCUSED may be compelled to give evidence. MAGISTRATES and Justices of the Peace in counties or municipalities where offence committed to hear and adjudge cases. EXPORTATIONS. E. S. Canada (Dominion Law) cap. 33 section 7. For- bids exportation or attempt at exportation of deer, wild turkeys, quail, part- ridge, prairie fowl, woodcock, under penalty of $100. SMALL BIRD ACT. (CAP 222. R S. O. 1887.) No BIRDS, except game birds, eagles, falcons, hawks, owls, wild pigeons, black-birds, crows, English sparrows, and ravens to be at any time killed or molested, except that Cherry birds and robins may be killed during fruit season on fruit owners' grounds by themselves or agents. ALL MANNER of possession, all illegal devices for capture prohibited, and devices may be summarily destroyed by anyone with impunity. NESTS, YOUNG, EGGS, protected absolutely. Anyone finding a protected bird in possession of another may seize, take before a Justice of the Peace, who shall liberate live birds and confiscate dead ones. All constables and market clerks to seize such birds when found illegally in possession. PERMITS to take birds or eggs for scientific purposes may be issued by Commissioner of Agriculture. PENALTIES. $1 to $20 fine each offence, all to go to prosecutor except co-1 lusion suspected. GAOL. 2 to 20 days in default of fine. FORM, no conviction to be quashed for lack of. WOLF ACT. (CAP 223, R. S. 0. 1887.) BOUNTY. $6 to be paid to any person bringing wolf head and proving wolf killed in county or within one mile of settlement in county. Justice of the Peace to give certificate entitling wolf-killer to receive $6 from County Treasurer if he has money; if not, the certificate shall be legal tender for the County taxes. 313 FISHERIES ACT ONTARIO, 1885. PROVIDES for leasing and managing such fisheries as may be under Provin- cial Legislative control. No close seasons specified in body of Act. No protective clauses except that Commissioner of Crown Lands may authorize lands to be set apart for artificial propagation. REGULATIONS UNDER THE ACT : LEASES. Leases of fishing rights on Crown Lands shall extend one chain back from water. PERMITS or licenses granted on fees to be set by Commissioner of Crown Lands, and valid till close of angling season. EXCESSIVE or wasteful fishing ; penalty cancellation of lease. PERSONS NOT DOMICILED in Province cannot take fish without permits from Commissioner of Crown Lands. No PERSON except under lease, license, or permit, shall catch fish in water adjoining ungranted Crown Lands. SPAWNING FISH and spawning beds not to be molested except by legal authority. UNLAWFUL to fish for or catch, in ungranted water, brook trout, salmon trout, whitefish, bass, pike, pickerel, maskinonge, tulibee, gayling, herring, or perch otherwise than by angling, except in waters leased for net-fishing. EXPLOSIVES, chemicals, etc., prohibited from use in killing fish. ARTIFICIAL LIGHT and torch light fishing prohibited. DURING CLOSE SEASONS set by lawful authority, the taking and possession of fish are forbidden. No OBSTRUCTION by net, trap, weir, or otherwise shall be offered to free passage of fish up or down stream. FISHWAYS to be in no manner obstructed or resorted to for fishing pur- poses. OFFAL of no sort to be put in water but to be burned twenty yards inland CLOSE SEASONS. Speckled trout Close 15th Sept. to 1st May next. Pickerel (dore). . " 15th April to 15th May Bass, Maskinonge " 15th April to 15th June Whitefish, Salmon trout u 1st Nov. to 30th Dec. DOMINION LAW. (CAP 95, 1886. SEC 15.) i LIME, CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES, or drugs, poisonous matter, dead or decay- ing fish, or any other deleterious substance, shall not be thrown into or allowed to pass into any water. Penalty $100, but the Minister of Marine may make exceptions in public interest. 21 (c). THE GAME AND FUR-BEARING ANIMALS OF ONTARIO. INTRODUCTION. In compiling the following descriptive report, an endeavour has been made to refer only to those Birds, Fish, and Animals, which constitute the fauna of Ontario, leaving out for the most part those specimens which have been taken as rarities within its boundaries. Free use has been made of every available source of information which might assist in making the natural history portion fairly represent the present state of knowledge in this department. In the nomenclature and classification of the birds " The History of North American Birds," by Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, has been closely followed as the best and most voluminous work on the subject published. The specific char- acters of the birds is that of the above writers, than which nothing could be more ably written. Many quotations as to origin, habits, etc., have also been made from the same work, kindly allowed by the publishers, Messrs. Little & Brown of Boston, Mass. In the preparation of that portion pertaining to the animals the same exten- sive research has been observed, " Baird's History of North American Mammals,' as given in one of the Pacific Railway Reports to the United States Government r has been largely drawn upon, and lor the recent nomenclature a " List of the Mammals of North and Central America," made by Professor Frederick W. True, Curator of the Department of Mammals in the Smithsonian Institute at Wash- ington, has been closely followed. Much aid has also been given by Dr. H. M. Smith of the United States Fish Commission, Washington, D.C., who has been unceasing in his efforts to assist this- work. The preparation of that portion relating to the fishes of Ontario waters 22 (o.) 316 has been entrusted to Professor Ramsay Wright, Professor of Biology at Toronto University, whose name is a sufficient guarantee that what he has written upon the subject is reliable. The illustrations which accompany the descriptions will be found useful and may be depended upon as being strictly accurate. Many of them have been taken from life, whilst the remainder have been photographed from mounted specimens found in the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, D.C., and in other well-known museums. The compilers of these papers lay no claim whatever, to originality, but have copied freely from the best works obtainable, in order that the habits of the animals referred to might be set forth correctly. Amongst the works copied from are : Baird's North American Mammals. Hallock's Sportsmen's Gazeteer. Cassel's Natural History. Wood's Natural History. Wild Animals, by J. Fortune Nott. Whilst the valuable essays from the pen of Mr. W. P. Lett of Ottawa, have also furnished much valuable information. The advice of many well-known trappers and hunters has also been obtained, and it is hoped, therefore, that the papers may prove both interesting and instructive. In giving the dimensions of the various animals described, an average has been struck ; many specimens of the animals mentioned are larger in proportions than the figures here indicate, while others are correspondingly smaller, but the figures given will suffice for the purpose for which the papers are intended. 317 ALCE AMERICANUS, (JARDINE). THE MOOSE OR EUROPEAN ELK. Prof. Baird says : " It is somewhat unfortunate that the European name of , this animal, the elk, should be applied here in America to an entirely different animal or deer. Much confusion has been produced in this way, and it becomes necessary to ascertain the nationality of an author before it is possible to know exactly what the word elk is intended to convey." Specific Character. Muzzle very broad, protruded, covered with hair, except a small moist naked spot in front of the nostrils ; neck short and thick ; hair thick and brittle ; throat rather maned in both sexes ; hind legs have the tuft of hair rather above the middle of the metatarsus ; the males have palmate horns. 1 he nose cavity in the skull is very large, reaching behind to a line over the front of the grinders ; the intermaxillaries are very long, but do not reach to the nasal. The nasals are very short. Habitat. Northern United States northward. Still found, though scarce, in Northern Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a large horse. Average Weight 800 to 1,000 pounds. Average Height. 5 feet. Average Length. 7 to 8 feet. Average Value of Skin. In the raw $4 to $5, or 40c. per pound. It is generally conceded that the American moose is the same animal as the Swedish elk. It is certainly the largest of the deer tribe found on this continent and fully equals a horse in bulk. The males are considerably larger than the females and often weigh over a thousand pounds. The moose varies in colour according to season and climate, some being of an ashy gray, others of a darker gray, and a few in the autumn of a glossy black. The extremities of the hair are generally brown or black, and dingy white towards the roots. The young are generally of a gray brown colour which darkens' with age. The hair is coarse and strong and inclined to brittleness. The males have their necks adorned with manes of stiff hairs varying in length from five to ten inches. Two fleshy dewlaps hang from their throats and are covered with long black hairs. The tail is remarkable for its extreme shortness. The legs, head, nostrils, and ears are of enormous proportions, the body short and thick, the eyes small, and the upper lip elongated, thick, ponderous and flexible. So curiously constructed is the upper lip that it is .generally described as being between that of a horse and a tapir. It is square in shape and appears to be divided on account of a deep furrow in the middle. Four pairs of strong muscles arising from the maxillaries allow of rapid and varied movement of the heavy lip. 318 The hind hoofs of the moose are of beautiful formation, and adorned with horny spurs, or points, which make a loud clattering noise when the animal is running. The hind legs straddle when the moose is at full speed, to prevent treading on the lore-feet. The moose subsists by browsing, grazing being rendered almost impossible on account of the long forelegs and short neck. The long forelegs enable th3 animil to reach far up into the trees and bring them down, whilst the tender branches are plucked by the huge lip and carried to the mouth. The leaves and small branches of young trees, such as birch, maple, and mountain ash. form the staple diet of the moose. The horns are striking on account of their enormous dimensions. The young bull grows two knobs about two inches long in it* first season ; when a year old the knobs develop into spikes about six inches long, and reiniin on the head until late in spring when they drop off and are replaced by long forked horns. In the fourth year the horns branch forward and become palmated ; in the fifth and sixth years they grow triangular, whilst the palmated portions end in points, the whole resembling an expanded hand. After the fifth year the most perfectly developed antlers are produced, the horns not unfrequently measuring five feet from root to extremity The horns are cast annually after the second year, in the months of December and January, but so rapid is the new growth that a complete new set is formed by the August following. As with the deer, the horns are in velvet during the summer months, and are so tender that they may be sliced with a knife. When developed the antlers not unfrequently attain a weight of sixty pounds. The cow carries her young nine months, #nd brings forth generally in the month of May. In the first and second year one calf is produced at a birth, and after that two. The moose suffers greatly in warm weather from flies, and most of its time is spent in the water, where it often remains for hours so deeply immersed that only the nose is visible above the surface It reaches regularly under the water to feed on the lily roots, disappearing entirely the while, thus giving rise to the Indian belief that it can remain all day under water. The moose swims rapidly and crosses the water from shore to shore with mar- vellous swiftness. The skin is valuable for tanning purposes, but it is of no value whatever in the fur trade. It is tough and enduring, and largely used for the manufacture or moccasins. The rutting season commences in Saptember, and during this period the bull teeds but little for days at a stretch. He roams the forest proud and defiant, eager to do battle with all comers. His roar resounds through the forest, and is answered by the wild long call of the cow. When the rutting is over the bull presents another appearance. He is no longer a terror to his foes, but mopes along, gaunt and lean, with head lowered and staggering limbs. His fall cam- paign has told upon him, and he goes home to his winter haunts to recuperate and grow strong again. An indiscriminate slaughter of this noble animal has Ion * v threatened the total extinction of the race, and it is probable that the time is not far distant when the moose, like the buffalo, will be seen no more in Canada 319 CERVUS CAN ADEN SIS, (ERXLEBEN). THE WAPITI OR AMERICAN ELK. Specific Character. Hoofs short, broad and rounded. Tail very short and depressed. Larmiers nearly as long as the eye ; naked portion of the muzzle in- feriorly only half as wide as the septum of the nostrils. No naked glandular space on the outer edge of the hind legs, but a short whitish patch of hairs near the upper part of the metatarsus. In summer, general colour, light chestnut red ; darkest on the neck and legs ; throat and median ventral line dusky, almost black. Chin dusky, with a narrow patch of light yellowish on either side, a broad median yellowish patch under the head. Rump yellowish white, bordered by a duskv band, which extends down the posterior face of the hind legs. Winter colours more gray. Habitat. Virginia, California and northward through Canada. A few are still found in Northern Ontario. Average Size Equal to a horse. Average Weight. 500 pounds. Average Height. 5J feet at shoulders. Average Length. 8 feet. Average Value of Skin. In the raw $4 to $5, or 40c. per pound. The wapiti is fittingly described as " the antlered monarch of the waste," and is one of the largest specimens of the deer tribe ; not only is he this, but he is also the mosh beautiful and stately animal in all the deer family, and justly entitled to hold the first place among the game animals of our continent. In size the wapiti is enormous, being as large as a horse, but withal of such compact build and faultless form as to attract immediate attention on account of his exceeding grace and beauty. The horns are magniiicent and of extraordinary size, not unfrequently measuring six feet in length, and they are ornamented with brow horns, two over each eye, often growing to a length of twenty-four inches. The other prongs or tines grow to a length of eighteen inches, and graduate to fine points as if they had been artificially prepared and polished. The horns sweep gracefully upwards and are peculiar for their uniform regu- larity. Compared to the wapiti, the stag of the Scottish Highlands would be but a dwarf. The wapiti is less vigilant and therefore more easily approached than any other of the deer tribe, and like all the big game in Canada, his species is rapidly becoming extinct. The wapiti rut in September, and during the early part of that month the peculiar whistling of the bull is to be heard. The rutting season is of short duration, and at its close the bulls are run down in condition and very thin, but recuperation soon takes place, and by No- vember they are tat and in as good condition as ever. The female brings forth her young towards the en.d of May, or early in June, and retires for this purpose to the woods alone. 320 About the same time the bulls are growing their horns, and are as thin and weak as the cows, for when it is remembered that the huge antlers grow in four months, it will be seen what a terrible drain on the animal's strength is taking place. The cow produces only one calf at a time, which closely resembles the fawn of the red deer, even to the spots. The gait of the wapiti is a long swinging trot, which never seems to tire the fleeing animal, and which carries it along at such speed as would enable it easily to distance an ordinary horse. Running or galloping is exhausting to the great animal, and if his trot can once be broken, a hunter on horseback can generally get close to his game. The tail of the wapiti is very short, being in fact almost rudimentary. The flesh of the wapiti is delicious and considered an article of great delicacy. The food consists of lichens, grass, the wild pea-vine and young branches. The head and horns make a magnificent trophy and are sold in large quantities. The hide is used in the leather trade for tanning purposes. 321 RANGIFER TARANDUS CARIBOU, ([YKRR). THE WOODLAND OABIBOU. Specific Character. Muzzle entirely coveitd with hair; the tear-bag small covered with a pencil of hairs. The fur is brittle ; in summer short, in winter longer, whiter; the hoofs are broad, depressed, and bent in at the tip.. The ex- ternal metatarsal gland is above the middle of the leg. Horns in both sexes elongate, subcylindric, with the basal branches and tip dilated and palmated ; in the females smaller. Skull, with rather large nose cavity, about half as long as the distance to the first grinder ; the intermaxillary moderate, nearly reaching to the nasal ; a small, very shallow, suborbital pit. Habitat. North Eastern North America. Average Size. Equal to that of a large deer. Average Weight. 200 to 300 pounds. Average Height. At shoulder 4 feet. Average Length. feet. Average Value of Skin In the raw 25c. to *30c. per pound. The caribou is a near relative of the reindeer of Northern Europe, and is the most useful, if not the most comely of its race. It lacks the grand propor- tion of the wapiti, nor has it the grace of the Virginia deer. The front hoofs are capable of great lateral expansion, whilst the hind ones, slightly developed in other members of the family, are considerably prolonged, a structure which, by giving the animal a broader base to stand upon, prevents its. sinking too deeply into snow or morass. The broad feet and short legs enable the caribou to swim at great speed, & matter of no small importance in a country abounding with lakes and rivers. The running of the caribou is accompanied by a loud clattering noise, pro- duced by the long hoofs, which separate as they press the ground and click together again as they close when raised. From the neck of the caribou hangs a long mane of dirty white. In summer the body is brown above and white beneath, and in winter long haired and yellowish white. The horns are remarkable on account of their shape and size. The summit are broad and palmated, and branch backward, often as far as four feet. The horns are light, averaging in weight from ten to twenty pounds, and it is a remarkable fact that the ornaments are worn by both sexes, whilst in all the other deer families the males alone are furnished with these weapons. The female calves in May or June, and produces as a general rule one calf at a birth. The food of the caribou in winter is the Lichen rangifernia, and in the summer young herbs, and the leaves and tender shoots of trees. The flesh of the caribou is delicious and it is sought eagerly ; much skill is needed, however, to capture the animal, stalking being about the only means by which it can be taken. Unlike the moose, the caribou are not easily tamed, for although carefully handled they become wild and vicious upon attaining maturity. The head and horns make magnificent trophies and command a ready sale. The skin is of no value in the fur trade, but is used for leather and makes excellent moccasins and thongs. In ether cold countries it is used to make dresses of, and in the Polar regions no garment worn can compare with those made of the reindeer skin for warmth and comfort. 322 CERVUS VIRGINIANUS, (BODD^RT), (BROOKE.) THE VIRGINIA DEER. Specific Character. Horns with the branches all from the posterior edge. Ears scarcely more than half the length of the tail. Gland of hind leg not one- eighth the distance between the articulating surfaces of the bone. Tail depressed, hairy beneath ; dark brown near the tip, but encircled by white on sides and tip ; entirely white beneath. Winter coat, pale grayish chestnut, faintly annulated ; summer, bright uniform rufous. Chin with a traverse band of black ; and behind this, one of the colour of the sides of the head. Habitat. Canada to Panama, all Northern Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a large calf. Average Weight. 100 to 200 pounds. Average Height. 4 feet. Average Length. 5 feet. Value of Skin in the Raw. 20c. per pound. The Virginia deer, considering that it is a species so widely distributed, has but few appellations. In some parts it is known as the red or Virginia deer, and in others as the white tail. In summer the coat is bright red, but as autumn approaches the colour deepens and gets more gray, until in October it is almost a mouse colour, and the deer is then said to be in the blue. The head is long, tapering and pointed, and the eyes are large and lustrous, and in colour a bluish black. The legs are slender but possessed of enormous muscular strength. The body is moderately stout and flexible. The male is furnished with horns which are symmetrical and graceful, although not large, and bend forward, whilst the points are directed downward They are shed yearly, only to be renewed in ampler proportions. In the first year the horns are simply a corneous growth covered with short hairy skin. In the second year small straight horns appear. In the third year the buck has two antlers ; in the fourth, three ; in the fifth, four; in the sixth, five ; after this the antlers do not always increase in number, although six or seven are sometimes seen on each side. The doe is considerably smaller than the buck and has no horns. The rutting season occurs in October and November, and the young are born in May or June. As a general rule two fawns are produced at a birth. The fawns are at first of a red colour, spotted along the sides with white, but in the autumn of the first year the spots disappear. The average length of the Virginia deer is five feet. The food of the deer consists of green shrubs, leaves, ferns, bark and grass ; an abundance of the latter being indispensable. The favourite feeding time is at sunset, when the deer makes first for the water, and then having quenched its thirst commences to browse or graze. 323 At one time in the history of Ontario deer were plentiful all over the Province, but gradually as the land became cleared, as railroads were built, and settlers came in to take up their abode, the race has been growing smaller and smaller. In many regions were deer were once numerous, large cities are now standing, and the deer have disappeared forever. Wolves are also a standing menace to the species, and destroy immense num- bers annually. The multiplication of hunters, the repeating rifle, the barbarous practice of " yard and crust " hunting, and the forest fires, have also added to the general thinning out, and although it may be that in some of the wilder districts of the Province deer will always be found, there is grave reason to fear that unless prompt measures are taken in the way of preservation and protection, the deer will soon be extinct in Ontario. The flesh of the deer is delicious, and the " haunch of venison " has been a kingly dish from time immemorial. The head and horns are much sought after as ornaments, and command a ready sale. The skin is used for making moccasins and thongs, is tough and enduring, and of great usefulness. 23 (c.) 324 URSUS AMERICANUS, (PALLAS). THE BLACK BEAR. Specific Character Size small. Feet moderate. Fore claws not twice as long as hinder. Colour entirely uniform throughout, either black or brownish ; the hairs darkest towards the tips. Habitat. North America from Mexico to Hudson's Bay, common in Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a very large Newfoundland dog, although it appears to be larger on account of its long soft coat, which is very thick. Average Weight. 200 to 300 pounds. Average Height. 3 feet. Average Length. 4J feet. Value of Fur. Per skin, average, $5 to $25. The black bear is abundant in Ontario, and is easily distinguished on account of his bright black colour. The black bear is held by some authorities to be distinct from the cinnamon bear, but experienced hunters assert that they have found both black and cinnamon cubs in the one litter, and beyond the fact that the colours differ, no distinctions appear to have been established. The muzzle of the black bear is tan in colour, and very often a white mark is found on the throat. This animal is shy and rarely seeks an encounter with man, but when cornered or forced to fight becomes at once fierce and dangerous. The black bear is little given to animal food, and unless pressed by hunger will restrict itself to vegetable diet. In the fall of the year he is at his best ; the ripe nuts and berries on which he fattens, and the wild honey of which he is inor- dinately fond, and which by his strong power of scent he readily finds in hollow trees, providing luxurious food. In the winter he hibernates, and it is probably owing to the difficulty expe- rienced by the hunter in finding the winter quarters, that the bear is not more regularly hunted. The breeding season occurs in July, the young are born in February, two or three being produced at a time. The flesh of the bear is palatable and freely eaten, and this not only by hun- ters. The carcass of ^ the black bear forms one of the staple attractions of the butcher's stall at Christmas time, and commands a ready sale. The fat of the bear is largely used as an article of commerce, and is generally manufactured into pomatum. The fur is very valuable for robe purposes, and the demand for it is constantly on the increase. When born the cubs are of a gray hue, and this colour they retain for the first year of their lives, after which the light hue gives place to the coat of glossy black. The coat is shed twice a year in spring and autumn. B H 325 CANIS LUPUS GRISEO-ALBUS, (LiNNfi) (SABINB). THE WOLF. Specific Character. The three first teeth in the upper jaw and the four in the lower jaw, are trenchant but small, and are called false molars. The great car- nivorous tooth is bicuspid with a smaller tubercle on the inner side ; that below has the posterior lobe altogether tubercular. There are two tuberculous teeth behind each of the great carnivorous teeth. The muzzle is elongate, tongue soft, ears erect, but in the domestic varieties sometimes feridulous. The forefeet are pentadactylous or five-toed, the hind feet are tetradactylous or four-toed. The teats are both inguinal and ventral. Habitat. North America, common in Northern Ontario. Average Size. Equal to a large setter dog. Average Weight. 50 to 75 pounds. Average Height. At shoulder, 26 inches. Average Length. From tip of nose to point of tail, 5 feet ; nose to tail, 48 inches ; tail, 12 inches. Value of Fur. Per skin, average, 50c. to $2. The wolf is well known in Ontario, especially in its northern portions, and is cordially detested wherever found. He is a noxious animal, the type of all detestable qualities, and courage is absolutely foreign to his nature. Unless accompanied by a pack of his cowardly fellows, the wolf will never attack an animal larger than himself, and he will flee like the wind before any cur that will take the trouble to chase him. The gray wolf of Canada is about five feet six inches long from point of nose to tip of tail, and attains an average height of twenty-six inches at the shoulder. In good condition he weighs about 100 pounds. The eye of the wolf is of a greenish colour, which adds to his sinister and cun- ning appearance. His tail is well haired and bushy, but not so long as that of the fox. The wolf subsists on any refuse he can pick up, and is generally to be found skirmishing on the outskirts of settlements or hunters' camps. The female whelps in May, when four to eight pups are produced at a birth. The wolf breeds freely with the dog, and in every Indian camp dogs are to be seen so peculiarly wolfish in aspect and characteristics, as to render them indistin- guishable from their wild cousins. The wolf is essentially the enemy of the deer, and the destruction wrought by him is great and merciless. On the glare ice the deer has no chance of escape from the pursuer, falling flat at every step, and being easily overtaken by the band of snapping cowards which pursue it. But the worst slaughter occurs when the snow is deep and covered by crust strong enough to support the wolf, but through which the deer falls step by step. Then it is that the deer yield up their lives in hundreds, and it is little wonder that with the wolf on one hand and the human assassin on the other, the noble species is disappearing fast. On account of his cowardice and cunning, the wolf is hunted with difficulty, -and only with poison can the wretch be effectually reached. The work of the wolf hunter is arduous and dangerous, and, as at present, fcut small inducement is held out to him, comparatively few wolves are killed. 326 VULPUS FULVUS, (DESMAREST). THE FOX. Specific Character. Reddish yellow; black behind, grizzled with grayish. Throat and narrow line on the belly, white. Ears behind and tips of caudal hairs (except terminal brush) black. Habitat Arctic America to Northern United States. Average Size. Equal to a medium sized dog. Average Weight. 15 pounds. Average Height. 14 inches. Average Length. 40 inches; nose to tail, 26 inches ; tail, 14 inches. Value of Fur. Per skin, average 75c. to $1.00. The fox abounds in Ontario and is generally regarded as a downright nuisance. To the farmer he is a pest, and as a destroyer of young game and game bird's eggs, he is almost without a peer. The fox lives in a hole of his own making, and there the she-fox brings forth her young in April, generally three to five at a litter. The cubs live on the fat of the land if a hen roost is anywhere near at hand, for the mother is a successful poacher and evades the farmers' gun and traps right warily. The skins are readily sold, and bring a fair price in the markets, but are all exported to Russia and Germany. The fox is variable in the colour and marking of its fur ; some specimens being of a pale yellow, some of a reddish fawn, and some^blackish in tinting. In nearly every specimen there is a dark transverse strip over the shoulders, giving the animal the appellation of a cross fox. The hair is long, silky and soft. Tail very full and composed of an under fur> with long hair distributed uniformly among it, and having a white tip ; feet and ears, black. The fox is crafty to a degree and unless taken at a disadvantage, generally manages to elude its pursuers. The skin has a peculiar and offensive odour, and for this reason few foxes are? tamed, although they are easily domesticated. 327 LYNX BOREALIS CANADENSIS, (GRAY) (MIVART). THE CANADA LYNX. Specific Character. Size, that of a setter dog. Tail as short or shorter than the head ; its terminal fifth above and extreme end black all round. Feet very large, densly furred beneath in winter so as to conceal the pads. Hind feet about nine inches long, general colour grayish hoary, with concealed pale rufous, and waved with black, especially on the back. No distinct transverse band inside the legs ; very obsolete dark markings on the head ; ears with a narrow black margin t)n the convexity, and black pencil ; grayish elsewhere. Whiskers chiefly white, Habitat. Northern North America, common in Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a setter dog. Average Weight. 25 pounds. Average Height. 2 feet. Average Length. 3 feet, 4 inches ; nose to tail, 35 inches ; tail, 5 inches. Value of Fur.PQT skin, average $1.00 to $2.00. The Canadian lynx is the largest of the North American lynxes, and is distinguishable from the others not only on account of its size, but by the longer hair, larger feet and difference in colouration. The animal is as large as a setter dog, although its weight is considerably less. The head is broad, and the facial outline much arched. The neck is full and thick and has a pointed ruff at each side. The legs are thick and the paws enormously large. The paws appear to be covered with thick hair, but on separating this, the naked pads are plainly visible. The tail is very short and densely hairy. The ears are angular and tipped with a pencil of very long hair. The limbs of the lynx are very powerful and the general colour is gray. In spite of the ferocious appearance of this animal, it is timid and never seeks an encounter. The lynx breeds but once a year, the female producing two or three young ones, late in May or June. The flesh is said to be edible, but quite devoid of flavour. The fur is not very valuable, and the lynx is so scarce that it is seldom hunted unless when a trapper happens to stumble across a specimen ; then of course a shot is irresistible, but woe to the venturesome hunter who gets within reach of the claws of the wounded and maddened wild cat. The lynx feeds chiefly upon smaller animals such as hares, but it devours lambs, young pigs and other domestic animals at every opportunity, and is much feared and detested on this account by the farmer. 328 LUTRA CANADENSIS, (TURTON). THE OTTER. Specific Character. Length about 4J feet. Muzzle longer than wide, send- ing down a naked point along the median line of the upper lip anteriorly, Under surfaces of the feet so covered with hair towards the circumference as completely to isolate the naked pads of the tips. A hairy strip extending forward from beneath the carpus on the palm. Colour above, liver brown, barely lighter beneath interior surface and sides of head, and neck dirty whitish. Habitat. North America generally, common in Northern Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of an enormous cat, although much longer in body. Average Weight. From 25 to 40 pounds. Average Height. 10 inches. Average Length. 3J to 4 feet. Value of Fur. Per skin, average $4 to $8. The general form of the otter is musteline. The head is broad and blunt, the neck long, the body depressed and low, legs short, tail long, tapering and much depressed about three-fifths as long as the head and body. The feet are broad and webbed to a point opposite to the root of the claws in the fore feet. The palms are entirely hair/, except the central portions which are naked. The characteristics of the hind feet are much like those of the fore feet. The fur is of a soft brown colour ; the under fur is, however, decidedly lighter. The habits of the otter are decidedly aquatic and its movements in the water are marvellous. It is a great destroyer of fish, and is so dainty in the matter of food that it will eat only the choicest parts of the fish it kills, leaving the remainder to rot on the river bank. The nest of the otter is found in hollows under the banks of the river, but the animal never burrows, its claws being too weak for any such purpose. The fur of the otter is very valuable, and for this reason it is hunted in- cessantly, so much so, that as far as Ontario is concerned the animal is almost extinct. The breeding season occurs in March and the young are born in April, from three to five being produced at a time. 329 CASTOR CANADENSIS, (Kum). THE BEAVER. Specific Character. The head is large and broad, the muzzle is naked, the hinder border, or line of separation from the hairs of the forehead, is slightly concave anteriorly, and falls considerably behind the nostrils, and the space all round the nostrils is naked. The nostrils are lateral and widely open, uper lip acutely emarginated. The hairs of the lips extend a short distance on their inner surface. Tongue very large and fleshy, eyes excessively small. Ear* moderately developed, densely covered with hair on both surfaces, the hairs ex- tending even into the meatus. The limbs are large and stout, the under surface of all the feet entirely- naked, the upper surfaces being coated with stiff silky hairs. The hand has five distinct fingers, each with well developed claws ; there are only two tubercles on the palm, both large and placed side by side, the exterior twice as large as the interior and extending further back. The hind feet are very large and turtle like, all the toes being connected by a thick web. When fully extended the foot appears nearly twice as broad as long. Under the claw of the second toe, is a second claw. The tail is as long as the body, without the head. Tt is so thick for more than one-third from the base, that its commencement can scarcely be made out, for this distance it is conical and densely coated with hair, when it suddenly becomes very flat and much depressed, and the shape resemblingthat of a mammal's tongue. This portion is entirely covered with transversely elongated subhexa- gonal scales. Habitat. North America generally, Hudson's Bay to Mexico. Still found, in Northern Ontario but in greatly diminished numbers. Average Size. Equal to that of a large raccoon. Average Weight. From 15 to 25 pounds. Average Height. 10 inches. Average Length. About 3 feet. Value of Fur. Per skin, average $5 to $12. The beaver is one of the most valuable fur-bearing animals found in- Can- ada, and is the national emblem of England's grandest colony. It is possessed of marvellous instinct and is altogether a most wonderful animal. The beaver live in societies or colonies and unite in the formation of works, which equal the work of engineers. Their habitations are by clear rivers and creeks or large springs, although they are often fonnd on the banks of lakes. In order that their supply of water may be sufficiently deep at all times, to suit their requirements, the beaver build dams to raise the water to the desired level. These dams are made of mud, tree branches and stones, and these although only about two feet wide at the top are about twelve feet in thickness at the bottom. The skill with which these dams are constructed is marvellous, and especially where different parts of the stream run with varying swiftness, the 330 formation is a triumph of engineering skill. Wherever the stream is gentle, the dam is built straight across it, and where the current is swift, the dam is curved, so as to present a convex surface to its face. Before using the logs for the construction of their dams the beaver invari- ably remove all the bark, which is carried away and laid up as a winter store for food. Near the dams are built the " lodges " or houses, and these are made of moss, leaves, branches and mud. The lodges are circular and about three feet in height and seven feet in diameter. The walls are of extraordinary thickness and the roofs are finished off with thick layers of mud, which are renewed every year. Round the lodges a ditch is excavated too deep to be entirely frozen, and into this the lodges open, allowing the beaver to pass out and in at will. The teeth of the beaver are singularly sharp and the jaws more than or- dinarily strong. An odoriferous substance called " Castoreum " is secreted in two glandular sacs near the root of the tail, and gives out a powerful odour. This " Castoreum " possesses a strange attraction for the beaver and if scented will cause the animal to sit up and squeal with excitement. The trapper knowing this, usually baits his trap with a twig dipped in the pungent substance, and if the beaver once smells it, his capture becomes more than probable. The fur is of a uniform reddish brown and is very valuable, ranking ahead of almost any other fur found in Canada. The young are born in June, and four to six are produced at a litter, being born with their eyes open. The flesh of the beaver is good and readily eaten by hunters, the tail being considered a great delicacy. The beaver has like all other valuable wild animals, been mercilessly slaughtered in CaTiada and there is grave danger that the species may soon become extinct. 331 MUSTELA PENNANTI, (ERXLEBEN). THE FISHER, BLACK OAT, PEKAN, OR PENNANTS MARTEN. Specific Character. Legs, belly, tail, and hinder part of back, black ; the back with an increasing proportion of grayish white to the head. Length over two feet. Vertebrae of tail exceeding twelve inches. Habitat. Eastern and Central and Pacific regions northward to the Arctic circle. Average Size.- Equal to a fox about two-thirds grown. Average Weight. 10 to 15 pounds. Average Height. 9 inches. Average Length. 2J feet. Value of Fur. Per skin, average $2 to $5. The ,general appearance of this animal is more fox-like than musteline in the long head, bushy tail, and large size. The muzzle is quite large, the ears low but very wide, and the eyes very large. The feet are short and stout, and well armed with strong claws ; there i& a naked ball under the end of each of the five toes, and another V shaped one on the palm and soles. The tail is long, rather shorter than the body without head and neck, thick and bushy at the base, and tapering uniformly to an acute tip. The fur is valuable and is much in demand. The fisher is a ready climber and is very partial to water. Its food con- sists chiefly of mice and other small animals, and it is said not unfrequently to kill fish. Its habits are destructive, and for this reason, although it is supposed to be easily tamed, it never becomes really domestic. The young are born in June, the female generally producing three or four at a birth. 24 (c.) 332 MUSTELA AMERICANA, (TURTON). THJiI SABLE OR MARTEN. Specific Character. Legs and tail blackish. General color reddish yellow, clouded with black ; above becoming lighter towards the head, which is some- times white. A broad yellowish patch on the throat, widening below so as to touch the legs. Central line of belly sometimes yellowish. Tail vertebrae, about one-third the head and body. Outstretched hind feet reach about to middle of the tail, with the hairs. Feet densely furred. The body is stouter than that of the ermine or weasel. Head somewhat depressed, acute, and broader than might be looked for, with so lengthened a skull. The ears are large and thickened, both sides densely coated with short vel- vety hairs, overlaid by stiff longer ones, which do not extend to the margins of the ears. The tail is nearly two-thirds the length of head and body. The legs are short and robust, the feet densely coated with fur. The balls of the toes are naked and the claws distinctly visible, though inserted among stiff hairs as long -as themselves. The fur is very full and soft, with many long coarse hairs interspersed. It is difficult to give an accurate idea of the colour, owing to the variation in different parts of the body. On the upper parts and sides generally, the hair is of a rusty red colour, which is gradually merged into a brownish ash, becoming still lighter and lighter, until the tints about the head are very pale, sometimes almost white. Habitat. New England eastward to the Pacific coast, northward to the Arctic coast, including Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a very large ferret. Average Weight. 4 pounds. Average Height. 6 inches. Average Length. 21 inches ; nose to tail, 16 inches ; tail, 5 inches. Value of Fur. Per skin, average $1 to $1.50. The body of the sable is stouter than that of the weasel. The head is somewhat depressed, acute, and broader than might be looked for. The ears are large and thick, and densely coated with short velvety hairs overlaid by stiff longer ones which extend to the margin of the ears. The tail is nearly two-thirds the length of the head and body, the legs are short and robust, the feet densely covered with hair, the balls of the toes naked, and the claws distinctly visible although inserted among stiff hairs as long as themselves. The prevailing tint of the tail is a lustrous black. The margins and exter- nal surfaces of the ears are nearly white. The sable take up their abode near the banks of rivers, and their homes are generally burrowed in the earth, although they are occasionally found in the hollows of trees. The food used is partly vegetable and partly of an animal nature. The fur is very valuable and much sought after, but as the sable is a cau- tious animal it is not easily caught and the skin supply is not large. The sable is not a prolific animal, the female producing as a rule only three or four at a birth in June. 333 PUTORIUS VISON, (CAPPER). THE MINK. Specific Character. Tail about half as long as the body. General colour rather dark brownish chestnut. Tail nearly black. End of chin white, but not the edge of the upper jaw. Habitat. All North America, very common in Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a very large ferret. Average Weight. 2 pounds. Average Height. 5 inches. Average Length. 15 inches. Value of Skin. Average, 50c. to $2. The mink is fairly plentiful in Ontario, and being much in demand for its skin which is valuable, is hunted eagerly by the trapper. The fur is usually brown with a little white along the jaws, but there is considerable variation in the tinting. Some specimens are of a much paler colour, and on others the fur is almost black. The mink frequents the banks of ponds and rivers, and its food consists of fish, frogs, and insects. The shape of the body is not unlike that of the otter, but the teeth more closely resemble those of the pole-cat. The feet are slightly webbed and well adapted for swimming. The scent glands are well developed, and the odour emitted from them is scarcely less unpleasant than that of the skunk. The mink can be successfully tamed and is easily reared. The female produces her young in the month of June, four generally being born at a time. 334 GULO LUSCUS, (LiNNtf) (SABINE). THE WOLVERINE. Specific Character. Generally dark brown in colour. Tail, except at base, legs, and beneath, black. A lighter broad band on flanks, passing over the base of the tail and rump. A grizzled light patch along the temples. The head is somewhat pointed and closely resembles in shape that of the bear. The ears are very small and nearly concealed in the fur, longer than high, and well coated on both sides with hair. The eyes are very small, scarcely exceeding those of a rabbit. Habitat. Northern half of the United States to the Arctic Ocean. Average Size. Equal to that of a medium sized dog, but in shape more closely resembling a cat. Average Weight. Not obtainable. Average Height. Not obtainable. Average Length. 42 inches ; nose to tail 35 inches, tail 9 inches. Value of Fur. Per skin, average $4.00. As will be seen from the measurements and description of this animal, the wolverine is like a small bear with shaggy fur, although it is closely allied to the martens and weasels in general structure. Its feet are large and powerful, and armed with large, sharp, curved elaws. The front ones the largest. The most prominent colour is purplish brown. The tail, except at its base, the limbs and under parts generally nearly black. The, flanks commencing behind the axilla and passing backwards over the base of the tail, are of a pale tint of chest- nut brown. There is a grizzled patch of mixed hoary and chestnut hairs passing from the central line of the forehead above the eyes, along the temples, and a little obliquely to the ears. There is a tuft of white hairs on each side of the neck and another between the legs. The wolverine is identical with the glutton of Europe. It is known sometimes in the United States as the Carcajou. This animal has the credit of being very cunning and very ferocious. It is said to lie in waiting on the limb of a tree overhanging a " runway " and when the unsus- pecting deer passes under, manages to drop upon its back, and generally succeeds in bringing it to earth. It is hated by hunters and trappers for its propensity to follow their lines of traps and devour either the bait, or captured animals. The wolverine is exceedingly scarce, if found at all in southern Ontario, but probably exists in its northern townships. 335 MEPHITIS MEPHITICA, (BAIRD). THE SKUNK. Specific Character. Soles naked, except on the posterior third. Tail ver- tebrse half the length of head and body, with hairs considerably less. Colour black ; a narrow frontal line ; a broad triangular nuchal patch, continuous, with a narrow line on either side of the back, nearly to the tail, and a tuft on the end of the tail, white. The dorsal stripes sometimes broader ; sometimes wanting as also the nuchal patch. Habitat Hudson's Bay to Guatemala, very common in Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a large cat. Average Weight. 8 pounds. Average Height. 7 inches. Average Length. 2 feet; nose to tail 15 inches; tail 9 inches. Value of Fur. Per skin, average 25c. to $1.50. This beautiful but malodorous animal is about the size of a large cat, bulkier in body but not so long. The general colour is brownish black, with white longitudinal stripes on each side of the back as well as on the head. Some speci- mens are without the white stripes and have only a nuchal patch of white. The tail is long and bushy, white on the under at the root of the hairs, and black on the upper surface. The feet have five toes, those on the fore feet being armed with strong curved claws which are used with great effect in burrowing. The skunk is a slow moving animal, and unless when suddenly disturbed, never attempts to hurry itself. In its anal glands is secreted a yellowish, transparent fluid, which in odour is intolerably offensive. When angry, or acting on the defensive, the skunk ejects this fluid to a distance of two or three yards in the form of a spray, and so penetrating is this horrid fluid, that a brisk wind will carry it a hundred yards away, to scatter consternation amongst men and beasts. None but those who have smelled the discharge at close quarters can form any idea of its awful strength and sickening odour. The skunk is cleanly in habit and a distinctly nocturnal animal. It is car- nivorously inclined and never loses an opportunity of burglarizing the poultry yard if one is near at hand, Being gregarious, numbers of these animals are to be found together in their dens, where, during the winter, they hibernate. The bite of the skunk is said to produce hydrophobia in a form absolutely in- distinguishable from that produced by the bite of a mad dog. Its fur is valuable and much in demand, being used principally for trimmings. The young are born in June or July and from four to ten are produced at a time. 336 PROCYON LOTOR, (Lnrarfi) (STORE.) THE RACCOON. Specific Character, General colour, grayish white, the tips of the long hairs black, and imparting this colour to the back. Under fur, dark brown. A large oblique black patch on the cheek, continuous, with a paler one beneath the jaw, another behind the ear. End of muzzle, except the upper line, together with the posterior of the cheek patch, whitish. Tail not tapering, with the tip and five annuli black; these as broad as the rusty white nterspaces. Hind feet not exceeding four inches, above dirty whitish. Fore feet -not exceeding two and three quarter inches. Varies in being nearly black, with the markings obscured; sometimes more or less yellowish or white, with absolute markings or none. A decided tendency to albinism. Habitat United States and Central America, also throughout Ontario. Averaqe Size. Equal to that of a large cat. Average Weight 15 to 20 pounds. Average Height. 9 inches. Average Length. 32 inches ; nose to tail, 22 inches; tail, 10 inches. Average Value of Fur. per skin, average 25c., to $1. The usual colour of the raccoon is light gray, tinged with pale rust across the shoulders and much overlaid with black tipped hairs. The tail has five distinct black rings with a tip of the same colour; the inter- vals between the rings are grayish white. There is a dusky streak along the back which is lost in the crown, and which separates the dark spectacle-like patches which encircle the eyes. The length of the raccoon is about three feet, of which the tail occupies about one third There is a diversity of opinion as to the merits of the raccoon as an article of food, but the flesh is eaten by many and declared delicious. The raccoon is very fond of water, drinking large quantites and immersing its- food so as to moisten it, before eating. The food is grasped in both hands after the fashion of the monkey, and shaken backwards and forwards in the water until soft. From this habit the raccoon derives its specific name " Lotor " the Washer, and its German appellation of the "Washing bear." The racoon is omnivorous, and feeds heartily on meat, fruit, and insects ; it is particularly partial to the eggs and meat often found in the farmer's larder. It is easily tamed, but is subject to outbursts of ill-temper and can never be trusted, even when domesticated,. The abode of the raccoon is generally in a hollow tree, and being sure of foot he climbs readily when pursued, into the highest branches. The female produces from four to eight young ones at a birth. The little animal is cunning in its evasion of traps or snares, and generally dies from a gunshot, or gives up his life to the dogs which accompany the coon hunters- on their nocturnal jaunts. The skin is valued as a fur and is much used for trimmings. lit 337 FIBER ZIBETHICUS, (LINN) (CuviEB.) THE MUSKBAT. Specific Character. Form somewhat arvicoline, except the tail, which is long, much compressed vertically, with scant hair ; hind feet partly webbed ; fore feet with stiff bristles. Teeth arvicoline, the posterior lower molar composed of four or perhaps five prisms, the re-entrant angles, alternating (if four, the an- terior with a re-entering angle.) Habitat. North America, common in Ontario. Size Equal to that of a small rabbit. Average Weight. 3 to 4 pounds. Average Height. 4 to 5 inches. Average Length. About 12 inches. Value of Fur. Per skin, average lOc. to 25c. The muskrat is common in Ontario. In colour it is dark brown on the upper portions of the body, tinged with a- reddish hue on the neck, ribs, and legs ; and the belly is ashy gray. The teeth are bright yellow, and the nails are white. The hind feet are webbed, and their imprint in the mud resembles that of a duck. The fur is used largely and the flesh is palatable, so that the muskrat is hunted vigorously. The animal derives its name from the musky odour diffused by the secretion of a large gland situated in the anal region. The muskrats bear twice during the season, the female producing litters of from three to six in the months of May and July. The food of the muskrat is almost entirely vegetable. The animal lives mostly in burrows, and when near marshy ground the houses run up about three feet above the water and resemble miniature hay- cocks. The couch inside is luxurious, being made of lily leaves, sedge, and other plants. The fur is largely used for trimmings but is not considered valuable. 338 PUTORIUS ERMINEA, THE STOAT OR ERMINE. Specific Character. Length to tail, 9 inches or less. Tail vertebrae about half this length. Black of tail nearly one-half to one-third its length. Out- stretched hind feet reach to the middle of the tail, (with hairs) or a little beyond. Colour in summer, dark chestnut, brown above ; whitish beneath. Whole upper jaw brown. In winter, white. Tail with black tip. Habitat. United States with some exceptions northward to the Arctic coast. Size. Equal to that of a small ferret. Average Weight 1| pounds. Average Height. 3 to 4 inches. Average Length. 14 inches. Value of Fur. Per skin, average 40c. It is not generally known, but it is nevertheless a fact that the beautiful ermine fur so much sought after is supplied by the vicious and much detested stoat. In summer time this animal's fur resembles that of the weasel, except that the dark parts are not so ruddy, nor the light portions of so pure a white as^in that animal. During the winter months the fur whitens, partaking of a delicate cream yellow colour, and this applies to the entire body except the tip of the tail which retains its original dark colour. The stoat is larger than the weasel, measuring over fourteen inches, of which the tail occupies adout four inches. The stoat is a determined hunter, and being swift of foot generally manages io run down its prey. The hare, rabbit, and game bird, and'the eggs and young of other birds form its principal food. Of eggs it is extremely fond, and as it climbs with agility, it often gets a meal from the nests found high up in the trees. The nest of the stoat is cunningly contrived and is always well stocked with provisions. The breeding season occurs in the month of April, and the young are born in June, three or four being produced at a birth. Like the weasel, the stoat is possessed of a powerful highly unpleasant odour, and for this reason, although it can be successfully tamed, it" makes but an in- different pet. 339 PUTORIUS VULGARIS, THE WEASEL. Specific Character. Smallest of American weasels. Length about six inches to root of tail. Tail vertebrae one-fifth to one-sixth the head and body. The terminal hairs about one-third the vertebrae, which do not exceed two inches. Tail, slender, not tufted at the tip, Above, almost liver brown; beneath, white. No distinct black tip to the tail, though this is sometimes darkest. Habitat. Northern United States northward, common in Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a rat. Average Weight 1 pound. Average Height. 3 inches. Average Length. 14 inches. Value of Fur. Per skin, average lOc. The weasel is well known in Ontario, and is in spite of its small size, a most savage and relentless destroyer of smaller animals. The colour of the fur is of a deep reddish brown on the upper parts of the body, whilst the under portions of it are of a pure white. The tail is uniform in tint with the body, and is not furnished with the tuft of jetty hair that is so conspicuous in the stoat. The legs are extremely short in proportion to the body, and the neck is so long that the head is carried far out, making the fore legs appear as if placed behind instead of in front of the chest. When alarmed the weasel diffuses a powerful and foetid stench, which although notas strong as the odour emitted by the skunk, is distinct and disgusting. The weasel is lithe and quick in movement, and being of a destructive nature is continually employed in killing its victims. Its attack is almost in- variably directed at the head of its prey, and one quick sharp bite generally suffices to pierce the brain and cause instant death. Rats, mice, rabbits and young birds all fall before it. It is said that the weasel is a destroyer of the hare, but as the stoat is often called and mistaken for the weasel, it is probable that many of the deeds attributed to the weasel are in reality those of the stoat. The nest of the weasel is generally found in the cover afforded by a hollow tree, and is made of mosses and dry leaves. Four or five young are born at a time, and two or three litters are produced each year. The fur is almost valueless. 25 (c.) 340 ERETHIZON DORSATUS, (LiNNiS) (ALLEN). THE CANADA PORCUPINE. Specific Character. Fur, dark brown; the long projecting bristly hairs, dusky, with white tips ; spines white, the points dusky. Nasal bones not more than one-third the length of the upper surface of the skull. Habitat New England and Ohio, northwestward. Common in northern Ontario. Average Size Equal to that of the beaver or a half-grown dog. Average Weight 15 to 20 pounds. Average Height 10 inches. Average Length. From tip of nose to end of tail about 2J feet. Skin valueless. The porcupine is of a size about equal to that of the beaver. The muffle is entirely hairy, the fore feet have only four fingers, without any rudiment of a thumb, and all the claws are long and of nearly equal length. The tail is short, very thick, and much depressed. The porcupine is covered on the upper parts and sides with a dense growth of short spines, which become thinner and thinner nearer the lower parts of the sides v/here they pass into coarse bristly hairs. The under fur is soft and of a dark brown colour, very nearly black. The limbs are brownish where not covered with spines. The spines are yellowish on the back 'whitish on the sides, and tipped with brown. The porcupine spends most of its time in the trees, it moves but slowly on the ground, but its armour of spines affords it ample protection against all enemies. It lives chiefly on bark which it strips from the trees as cleanly as if with a knife. When it commences its meal it ascends the tree and commences with the highest branches making its way downward to the foot. The Porcupine is a quiet animal and easily alarmed. The teeth are of a bright orange colour. The nest is made in the hollow of trees or in crevices amongst the rocks. o The young are born in April or May, usually one but occasionally two at a time. i 5, I I 341 ARCTOMYS MONAX (LINNE) (SCHREBER). THE GROUND HOG OR WOOD CHUCK, Specific Character. Tail, with the hairs, about half as long as the body and head, or a little less. Colour varying from nearly pure black all over, to grizzled above, and bright chestnut red beneath. Feet always black, or dark brown. Tail usually black, sometimes annulated grayish. Length 15 to 18 inches. Hind foot over three inches. Habitat. Eastern region of the United States and northward through 'Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a cat with short legs. Average Weight 8 pounds. Average Height. 6 to 8 inches. Average Length. 17 inches; nose to tail, 13 inches; tail, 4 inches. Value of Fur. Valueless. The Ground Hog is common all over Ontario. In form it is thick and clumsy, the neck being short and the head set apparently on the shoulders. The Lead is broad and flat, legs short and thick, tail short, full, and bushy, and some- what flat. There is a shallow cavity between the jaw and cheek about half an inch in depth which takes the place of an internal pouch. The whiskers are in five horizontal series on each side. There are about five large hairs in each series, all however are short and do not extend back to the ear. Another set of whiskers (four hairs in the set) is seen above the anterior canthus of each eye. extending obliquely upwards and backwards. On each cheek again, and about as distant from the eye and ear as these are from each other, is a clump of long hairs about five or six in number. There is also a tuft of bristles under the chin, as well as some scattered shorter ones in advance of these and near the edge of the lip. The eyes'are small and the ears very short. The feet are large, the palms and soles being entirely naked. The thumb of the hand or forefoot is rudimentary, being little more than a wart, and but for the broad short nail with its underlying pad would be scarcely appreciable The predominant colour of the outer surface of the hair is black, but on the shoulders, neck, cheeks, and the whole under parts, there is a distinctive grayish white, and there is a distinct whitish ring round the muzzle. The ground hog is of no value as a fur bearing animal. It lives in burrows and passes the winter in a state of torpidity. Its food consists of grass, clover, and grain. The female produces two or three young at a birth, in the month of June. 342 LEPUS AMERICANUS, (ERXLEBEN). THE NORTHERN HARE, WHITE RABBIT. Specific Character. Larger than the common gray rabbit. Ears about the length of the head. Hind foot much longer. Tail short. Colour, in summer, very similar to that of the European hare ; rich reddish or cinnamon brown above ; tail sooty brown above, dull grayish beneath ; body beneath white ; ears black at the tip of the dorsal surface, this extending down the margins ; the fringe and posterior edge white. In winter, white, though usually showing a good deal of yellowish brown beneath the tip of the long hairs; the under fur plumbeous from the roots of the basal half, then brownish red. Ears white, except the external band. Habitat. New England and middle States northward throughout Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a cat. Average Weight. 4 pounds. Average Height. 8 inches. Average Length. 18 inches; nose to tail, 16 inches; tail, 2 inches. Value of Fur. Valueless. The rabbit proper is unknown in Canada, but hares are plentiful, the latter being ignorantly called rabbits by those who do not know the difference. The hare never burrows like the rabbit, and its nest for the most part is on the ground or beneath some brush heap or other convenient cover. The hare is distinctive in character having a double set of upper teeth. It has five toes before, and four behind. The ears arc very long, the tail very short ; the hind feet much longer than the fore-feet, and the shoulder blades are always imperfect. The fur is brown in summer, but changes to white at the approach of winter The hare breeds twice during the season, the female producing her young in June and August, the litter averaging from five to eight at a birth. The fur is valueless in the Canadian fur market, as skins can be bought cheaper in Europe than they can be had here. I H I O 343 LEPUS SYLVATICUS, (BACHMAN) (ALLEN). THE WOOD HARE, GRAY RABBIT, COTTON TAIL. Specific Character. Hind leg from heel, longer than the head by the length of the claws. Ears about two-thirds of the length of the head. Fur full and moderately soft. Pads of the feet full. Back light yellowish brown, banded and lined with black ; this colour extending along the anterior edge of thighs. Side much grayer ; across the rump clear ash, gray and black. Nape, fore-legs, and outside of hind legs yellowish rusty, anterior face of the latter whitish, throat yellowish gray. Lower parts pure white. Tail above, like the back, beneath pure cottony white. Ears with the posterior edge whitish ; the edges of the dorsal surface towards the tip black, the other portion except the external band, ashy brown. Concavity of ear whitish. Fur everywhere at the base lead colour, except under the tail. Among the largest of the short-eared rab- bits of North America. Ears considerably shorter than the head ; measured from the base of the cartilage, of equal length. Habitat. United States generally, and the southern counties of Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a small cat. Average Weight. 3 pounds. Average Height. 6 inches. Average Length. 13J inches; nose to tail, 12 inches; tail, 1| inch. Value of Fur. Valueless. This representative of the Leporidae is exceedingly common throughout the southern part of Ontario and is generally called a rabbit, on account of its resem- blance to the English rabbit. It is not, however, like it anatomically nor in its habits, in the latter of which there is a wide difference. Hares do not live in bur- rows as rabbits do, but lie in form in some bush or thicket ; a hollow stump or log or under a log heap serving for a nest, although a common place is a shallow hole dug in the ground in a hay or grain field. This is lined with grasses, then with fur. and the young are there nursed until ready to shift for themselves. When born they are covered with hair and have their eyes open. Rabbits are born naked and have their eyes closed for a number of days. Hares only bring forth a litter of from three to five leverets in the months of May and July, while rabbits bear from five to eight. The rabbit always burrows, and lives in its burrow during the night, feeding by day. The hare, on the contrary, feeds principally after sunset and during the night. This hare does not turn white in winter as does the Northern hare. It is a destructive little animal, very injurious to fruit trees on account of its habit of eating bark. It is considered good eating and is generally shot by the sportsman when other game is scarce. It is only within the last twenty or twenty-five years that it has been known in Ontario, migrating from the United States, crossing the Niagara River possibly ome fine moonlight night over the Suspension Bridge. 344 SCiUROPTERUS VOLUCELLA, VOLUCELLA, (PALLAS) (ALLEN). THE FLYING SQUIRREL. Specific Character. Tail with hairs, nearly as long as the head and body. Above light yellowish brown, the tail similarly coloured or with a more smoke- coloured tinge. Beneath creamy white, the hairs white to the roots ; under sur- face of the tail more reddish. Length of head and body about five inches ; of tail with hairs half an inch less ; hind feet one and a quarter inch. Habitat. United States except the northwestern portion, Mexico and Gua- temala, and throughout Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a half grown' rat. Average Weight. 6 ounces. Average Height. 2^ inches. Average Length. 9 inches; 5J inches from nose to tail; tail, 3J inches. Value of Fur. Valueless. The peculiarity of this beautiful little animal is the flap-like web extending along its sides between the fore and hind legs. This provision enables the ani- mal, when it jumps from tree to tree or from one limb to another to sail as it were in a downward direction. Its fur is delicately soft. It is a harmless little creature, feeding at night principally upon buds, nuts, roots etc. It builds for itself a nest, composed of moss, high up in a small sapling in some dry swampy place . The nest often reaches the size of a large pail, and is always provided with two or more openings or escape holes, and it is here the squirrel raises its young, although they are often also found in hollow stubs of trees. This squirrel is gregarious, often during the winter as many as eight or ten, being found in one hole. Owls, hawks, and weasels are its chief enemies. The young are born in May, generally four at a time. THE FLYIKG SQUIRREL (Sriuropterus Volucella, Volncella). THE RED SQUIRREL OR CHICKAREE (Sciurus Hudsonius, 345 SCIURUS HUDSONIUS HUDSONIUS, (PALLAS) (ALLEN), THE RED SQUIRREL OR OdIOKAREE, Specific Character. "Body seven or eight inches long, longer than the tail. Ears moderately broad, coated with long hairs springing from the back and pro- jecting behind in a tuft. Tail narrow, flat. Hind feet densely hairy to the tubercles at the base of the toes, the under surface of which are themselves some- what coated ; in summer somewhat naked. Above and on the sides, mixed blaok and grayish rusty, a broad dash of bright ferruginous down the back and upper surface of the tail. Lower surfaces of the body dull white ; hairs not annulated except in very northern specimens. Tail rusty on the margin within which is a narrow band of black, both colours greater in extent at its end. Hairs above uni- form ferruginous, not annulated, beneath annulated like the sides. Habitat. Throughout Ontario and the northern states. Average Size. Equal to that of a rat. Average Weight. 8 ounces. Average Height 3 inches. Average Length 12 inches; nose to tail, 7 inches; tail, 5 inches. Value of Fur. Valueless. This lively little squirrel is very common throughout Ontario, but except to the boy sportsman it is not of much importance. It feeds upon nuts, and the seeds and buds of trees, and is very fond of the seeds, of the hemlock taken from its cones. Its nest is usually placed in a hole in a tree, where it stores up a winter supply of food, although unlike most of the other squirrels, it may be seen foraging during the coldest day in winter. It is very destructive to birds' nests, devouring greedily both the eggs and young birds. The young are produced in May. generally three at a, time. 346 SCILJRUS CAROLINENSIS LEUCOTIS, (GAPPER) FALLEN). THE NORTHERN GRAY SQUIRREL AND BLACK SQUIRREL. Specific Character. Above grizzled light yellowish gray; beneath pure white. A yellowish brown dash of greater or less extent on the back, and sepa- rating the colours of the belly and sides. Back of ears and adjacent region of the occiput usually with a white wooly tuft. Habitat. Eastern United States, often seen in Ontario in company with the black variety. Average Size. Equal to that of a very large rat. Average Weiyht. 1 to 2 pounds. Average Height. 4 inches. Average Length. 18 inches; nose to tail, 10 inches; tail, 8 inches. Value of Fur. Valueless. These squirrels are hunted by sportsmen, being considered by many a great delicacy for the table. The gray and black varieties are in every respect alike except in colour. The black squirrel is supposed by some naturalists to be merely a melanotic variety of the gray squirrel. Some of the habits of this animal are very strange, migrations for instance, occasionally taking place, when they march in thousands in one direction being stopped by nothing, even large rivers or bodies of water are passed, and the journey proceeded with. Naturalists do not give any very satisfactory reason for these migrations. Some say it is on account of the scarity of food, but such is not alwa}^s the case. The gray and black squirrel generally breed twice or three times during the warm season of the year, having from three to six at a litter. The nest is nearly always in a hole in a hollow tree. Their food consists of nuts, buds of trees, and grain. Generally speaking the squirrel is abundant in Ontario, and the four varieties mentioned before are well known. The little animal is shot principally for the pot, its skin being of no value whatever. It is a beautiful object of nature, and it is to be regretted for this reason that it is so seldom spared. The squirrel feeds early in the morning, and subsists on fruit, grain, nuts, and young shoots. Immediately its meal is over the little animal returns to rest, re- appearing in the afternoon to play and chatter until twilight. The squirrel has no cheek pouches, although it is ignorantly supposed to be furnished with them. It is a hibernating animal, and lays up its store of food in the fall of the year. It is naturally extremely shy, and will take alarm at the slightest noise ; but if the hunter knows enough to remain still, the squirrel will return almost im- mediately, and thus often falls a victim to its own curiosity. The squirrel breeds twice or three times during the spring and summer, and the female produces several young at a litter. The young mature in August and September, and are in best condition for shooting late in fall and winter. The squirrel is easily tamed and is a common pet. 347 TAMIAS STRIATUS, (LiNNiS) (BAIRD.) THE CHIPMUNK, STRIPED SQUIRREL. Specific Character. Tail to end of the hairs shorter than the body, to end of vertebrae about three-fifths the length of the body. Back and sides with five longitudinal black stripes which do not extend over the rump ; the two outer on each side close together, separated by a white line ; the middle or dorsal stripe with a wide interval on each side of a finely grizzled yellowish gray and brown,, like that on the upper parts generally. Dark lines bordered with chestnut brown^ Rump pale chesnut. Body 5 to 6 inches ; tail with hairs, 4 to 4J inches ; hind foot,. 1-40 inch. Habitat. Eastern region of the United States and throughout Ontario. Average Size. Equal to that of a small rat. Average Weight. 4 ounces. Average Height. 2J inches. Average Length. 5 inches. Average Value of Fur. Valueless. The chipmunk is commonly known as the ground squirrel, and seldom climbs to any great height. It is a beautiful little creature, and but that it is so common and so small, its- fur would probably be valuable. It is exceedingly lively in its movements, whisking about the brushwood and small timber with swift runs and jumps, and uttering its quaint chucking cry. It is provided with cheek pouches and is thus enabled to carry large supplies to its winter quarters, which it stocks liberally with nuts and grain. The chipmunk is a burrowing animal and moves into its winter quarters about November. Unless the winter be very mild, and the sun unusually strong, the little animal seldom reappears until spring. The young are born in June and a second brood makes its appearance in August. From two to six are produced at a birth. 26 (a) 348 TABLE Showing the principal fur-bearing and wild animals found in Ontario, with average value of the skins, and the purposes for which they are used. Name of animal. Average value of skin. Purpose for which skin is used. Remarks. "Moose . Leather trade Wapiti Caribou Virginia Deer 20 cents per Ib. Black Bear $5 to $25 Robes ... Wolf 50 cents to $2.. Cross Fox $2.50 to $5 Trimmings }Fox skins are not used in Red Fox 75 cents to $1 Not used Canadian markets, but are all exported to Ger- Lynx $1 to $2 many and Russia. Otter $4 to $8 Beaver $5 to $12 Fisher $2 to $5 . . Sable $1 to $1.50.... Mink 50 cents to $2 Wolverine $4 Skunk 25 cents to $1 50 Raccoon 25 cents to $1 Muskrat 10 to 25 cents. Ermine 40 cents . Weasel 10 cents . Porcupine Valueless . . Not used -Ground Hog Northern Hare f Not used in Canada. Skins Grey Rabbit i. from Europe. Squirrel, Flying Squirrel, Red 'N \\A Squirrel, Grey and Black Chipmunk J THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE GAME BIRDS OF ONTARIO. INTRODUCTION. The following sketch of the Ornithology of the game and other birds of Ontario interesting to sportsmen and others who take an interest in that line of -study, has been written with the object of suiting all classes of readers and on that account as many technical terms as possible have been omitted. In order, however, to describe the birds properly, a certain number of these terms had to be used, so that in order to make the matter intelligible to the ordinary reader, .-a glossary of technical terms has been added at the end of the report to prevent the necessity of a reference to works on ornithology. An effort has been made io give as nearly as is known exactly what birds of this class are residents of or -visitors to the Province of Ontario, and in a concise way in the accompanying table a list of what birds the writer proposes to notice is given, together with, as near as may be, the time of arrival of the migratory birds in the spring and their departure in the autumn, the nesting and laying time, number of eggs, etc., when the young are strong on wing, or fit to shoot, etc. All of these statements are given as the result of the close observation for a number of years of one who has given a good deal of his time to the study of bird life in Ontario, and where his own observation has been felt to be insufficient for the expression of a decided opinion, the best authorities on the subject have been consulted. So we claim that, though each bird has received but a short notice necessarily, an endeavour has been made to have what is written as reliable as possible. A notice of the birds destructive to game birds would have been in keeping with the object of this report ; but owing to a desire to keep it from being too voluminous, their consideration has been held over to possibly some future report. 350 The Province of Ontario on account of its vast area and extension northward receives a large portion of the great volume of bird life which annually in the- spring makes its migration north for the purpose of breeding. This great movement takes place principally during the month of May and the return journey south occurs chiefly during the latter pait of September and the month of October. This strange migratory habit, which is a peculiar feature in bird life, is not confined to the birds of the New World, for the same habit obtains in the Old World. Why the birds on the first approach of spring should be seized with an irresistible desire to travel thousands of miles, in some cases, lor the purpose of raising a brood of offspring, has never been satisfactorily explained. To say that it is instinct is not a sufficient answer. Many of these- birds have been frequenting it may be the wilds of Brazil where their nests and interests would certainly be as safe as in the north with its inclement weather,, without taking into consideration the risk the parent birds incur by the long and perilous journey to and fro beset by the thousands of gunners, not sportsmen, who infest the route and slaughter in the spring the mated birds without scruple or thought. Surely the attention of any civilised people only needs to be called to the enormity of this crime to stop forever the shooting and trapping of birds on their way to their nesting places. Several scores of varieties of birds proceed north to raise their young each season, but of this great host of bird life we have only in this report to deal with the birds known as the game, birds of Ontario, or those birds which make our fair Province their home for the whole or part oi the year. Some of our best game birds are not migratory in any sense of the word, but reside in Ontario, and the same parts of the Province throughout the year as long as they live, these are the quail, grouse and turkey. The ptarmigan although belonging to this family and being residents of the Province, do migrate from its most northern parts to more southern latitudes within its borders during hard and cold seasons, when perhaps food may be scarce. It is not proposed in this report to notice all the game birds which may be found as rare or occasional visitors in the Province, but merely those which are- here in more or less abundance or which visit us regularly. It is true that in view of the rapidly decreasing numbers in which these birds now return to Ontario to breed, and the greatly diminished numbers of the residents, the pre- sent steps which are being taken with a view of making our laws more efficiently protective, have not been taken a minute too soon. Already some species are either extinct or nearly so, and if we are to possess these beautiful objects of nature and leave them as a lovely heritage to our children, the laws must not only be enforced but the proper sentiment must be aroused in the people. A want of knowledge of the existing laws may sometimes be the reason of wanton slaughter at untimely seasons, but the making of our game birds and 351 animals articles of commerce has the greatest effect in causing their destruction. If idle men and boys could not make money by killing game, one-half at least of the cause of its slaughter would be stopped at once, Again, if foreigners were not allowed to over-run our province at all times and seasons in quest of game without any restriction whatever, another great cause of destruction would be removed. The close seasons in the adjoining States are not the same, and large numbers of so called sportsmen visit our Province during the spring when shoot- ing is allowed in their own country, and destroy large numbers of birds during the close season here. Another cause is the granting of permits promiscuously for the purpose of collecting birds and eggs for so called scientific purposes. This privilege is abused in almost every instance, and the skins and eggs become articles of merchandise. Exchanging eggs and skins as well as selling them to regular dealers in the Province and neighbouring States, has of late years been carried on quite largely under the permit system. One collector was heard of who boasted of having made fifty thousand skins. The Commissioners are strongly of the opinion that great care and discrimination should be exercised in the granting of these permits and that the number granted each year should be very much curtailed, that not more than five or ten should be granted during any one year, and those only to persons who are engaged in the study of natural history and who do not use the skins or eggs for barter. For a great number of years it has been felt that the existing game laws did not apply properly to all sections of the Province, with its varying climate and temperature, that in some instances the close season ended too soon and in others too late, that is in some the shooting was allowed before the birds were fully fledged, and in others the season did not begin until the birds had commenced their fall flight. It was therefore proposed by one of the Commissioners that with the view of suiting all sections as nearly as mny be, the 15th day of September be the opening day for the shooting of all game in Ontario except quail, deer, elk, moose and caribou. The suggestion was at once adopted by the Commission and it was remarkable how unanimously in favour of the plan were all the witnesses who gave evidence before the Commission. In that case the Commissioners strongly recommended that the close season for all game birds and animals, except quail, deer, elk, moose and caribou, begin on December loth and end on September 15th. The object being the further protection of the game, and because the law will then be applicable to the whole of Ontario, and thus save the misunderstanding which might occur from dividing the Province into sections or districts with a game law for each. Even with this wise suggestion there will be a few sections where the law will not suit exactly, but so nearly so that all sportsmen for the sake of the general welfare of the game, should acquiesce without murmur. An example may be given for instance in the most eastern part of the Province, woodduck and wood- cock both migrate from these localities about September 15th, therefore sportsmen 352 from there complain that they will not have a chance to shoot either of these birds ; but they should consider that if the season is opened sooner specially, for those birds, that young partridges are found on woodcock grounds and would run serious risk of being killed, and the same may be said of woodduck, for when shooting duck it is difficult if not impossible to distinguish the species at a dis- tance, and if sportsmen were allowed to shoot woodduck before September 15th, other ducks also would suffer. Then it goes without saying that woodcock and woodduck are becoming very scarce, and perhaps it would be very wise legislation to prohibit their slaughter altogether for a term of years. It was pretty generally agreed that the close season should begin on December 15th, thus giving the sports- men a period of three months shooting season in each year, which in view of the diminishing quantity of game should be considered enough. Many reasons might be given for this suggestion but the principal are the scarcity of game birds and animals and the greater facility in this country afforded after that date by the presence of snow in enabling the hunter to track his quarry. It would therefore be wise legislation to restrict the shooting season to three months, and thos& between the 15th day of September and the 15th day of December in each year. 353 TABLE Shewing time of arrival and departure of Game Birds found in Ontario. NAME OF BIRD. Southern Ontario. When arrive in Spring. When leave in Autumn. Do they Breed there. XG-ROUSE (Pheasant) : Ruffed Grouse or Birch Partridge . Resident Yes. XCanada Grouse,or Spruce Partridge Resident in Northern Ontario Yes. Pinnated Grouse, or Prairie Chicken Very rare XSharp Tailed Grouse Resident in Algoma Yes XQUAIL .. Resident Yes. XTURKEY Yes XWOODCOCK Middle of April Oct. 15 to Nov. 1 Yes. XSNIPE : Common or Wilson's Middle of April. Oct. 15 to Nov. 1 Yes, sparingly Pectoral Sandpiper or Jack Snipe . May 1st . October 15th . . . . No. Redbreasted No. XRAIL : Sora or Carolina . Early in May October 15th Yes XKing~T " 1st Yes. X Virginia . 4{ " 1st Yes PLOVER : Golden Early in May . October 15th .. No. Tell Tale or Greater Yellow Shanks April 15th " 15th.... No. Lesser Yellow Shanks c " 15th.... No. Curlew September No. SWAN: Whistling .... April 1st November No GEESE : Brant May 15th October 1st. . . . No. Canada Early in April November . No. Snow October No. DUCKS : Gad wall Early in April October No. Redhead November No. XBlack ; April 1st ... " 15th. Yes. Pintail May 1st Late October . . . No. XMallard April 10th ( Yes. xShoveller or Spoonbill May 1st ... Early October. . Yes. Canvasback November .... 1 No. X Blue Winged Teal April 20th . . Sep. 20 to Oct. 1 Yea. Green Winged Teal . . May 1st (C No. American Golden Eye " 10th ... December 20th . No. X American Widgeon " 15th October 1st Yes. Buffle Headed April 20th " 15th.... No. XWood Duck " 15th.. " 15th.... Yes. xScaup or Blue Bill " 20th November Yes. RuddjTbuck " 15th l O 'C "o 43 1 3"^ c o c be c ^ 2 C ' c 1 -2 ,2 ^ ^1 fll 2 t 2 .0^ 9 a 5 1 j 4- P |c |c ** c ' 1 ,* || g 5 fl J5 fl d a 03 . >. 4J Q> . | Jl J-S '3 a> ,9 *^ i il J3 * -^ "^cS - > a "' S J P" -5 a) Q5 1" 1 OQ 1 Q >' | ; I ^ PQ ^J * ^4H H ?5 "S lOrHr-i O ClO f- ^ i 1 1 | -2 s 1,11 s ri o "$~ 5 jl 5 3 -S > cj o QJ o O O 02 fc "o g 13 S ' o 03 ^ s3 : ' H S S .2 - ~- }3 !H JH r-i g 1 3 r c J? . r^ :3 S Pi J a ^ri ^ 1 II" 1 ^^ ^ Q JBaSSTJSS ^- rH rH rH i-H 1-HrHrH i 9 ^uno^ n | - = a OH f 12 - U8l{AV 9UIIJ^ a o CQ 02 02 '/I g o ^ . : 1 ; ; ' t M 1^3 r ~ l T < J5 g ir o o * M O O rt ^3 -^ TO ,_ i* CC rH rH rH fl g i H w C H 1 I if j O S ^ 55- ^ S S >> ~ -2 - - s i ?- r M I-H w C^ S ^ 1 OCOOS g (^j PQ O 00 r- < iH C o O C OOO "g ~ - ~ ^ W I 9 IS F-t m Cf. )QO S 1 ao3?c <3 N : : 3 .2 1 S RELATING TC o5 S bo T" 1 4 i < jo r 3- l ' About May 1.. A.iril In May 1 to 15 ... April 25 to May I ,>> 1 - ' 1 II 1 n t-s^i-s S j B bo < * f a^ 1 _ 9 I __i - _1 (J n ^/-l, n !l u p ^4 ! ..5i ^ Ift if dl|| |l >3l1 i ' V ^O HtJO k^ P3 PH ffl 355 jl II ^ h 3, | 'SSO S 15 11= |M 11 II II I ^ : jg : rg^ :g3S 3 Si* it : -i*r i-i. , c :*! ; :& i -O3 3333 3' D t>.0000 O loo w j| 3 00 : : ^ H^'dV K S 2 jd : ri S' ^^ fl'C'C T3 111! llfll ^SS^SIS-S O ot not n col ."o v WWW 356 EXPLANATION OP TERMS USED IN DESCRIBING THE OUTER FORMS OF BIRDS. A. Alulu. B. Auriculars. C. Crissum or lower tail coverts. D. Commissure. E. Culmen. F. Interscapulars. G. Iris. H. Jugulum. . I. Lores. J. Mandible. K. Nape. L. Occiput. M. Orbit. N. Primary quills or primaries. \ 0. Secondary quills or secondaries. vRemiges. P. Tertiary quills or tertiaries. j Q. Pileum. R. Rictus. S. Lesser wing coverts. \ T. Middle wing coverts. I Secondary coverts. U. Greater wing coverts. I V. Primary coverts. W. Tibia. X. Tarsus. Y. Tail feathers or Rectrices. Z. Upper tail coverts. 1. Scapulars. 2. Unguis or Claw. 3. Maxilla. 357 . FAMILY ANATIDjE. THE SWANS, GEESE AND DUCKS. Of the family Anatidae we have in Ontario a very large representation, for birds of this group are generally most numerous in the northern portions of the earth, hence Ontario, on account of her great extent northward toward their breeding grounds, comes in for a large share of them. The representatives of this family of birds in North America may, for convenience, be divided into three groups, viz. : The Cygninse, or Swans. The Anserinse, or Geese. The Anatinse, or Ducks. Of the sub-family Cygninse or swans there are two varieties which inhabit America, the Olor Columbianus or Whistling swan, and the Olor Buccinator or Trumpeter swan. 358 OLOR COLUMBIANUS (STEJN). THE WHISTLING- SWAN. Specific Character. Tail usually of twenty feathers ; bill not longer than the head. Entire plumage pure white ; the head, sometimes the neck, or even the entire under parts tinged with rusty. Bill, tarsi, and feet, deep black, the bare loral skin usually marked by an oblong spot of orange or yellow (dull, pale red- dish, yellowish or whitish in the skin) ; iris, brown. Young light plumbeous, paler beneath ; the fore part and top of the head tinged with reddish brown. Bill, reddish flesh colour, dusky at the tip ; feet, dull yellowish, flesh-coloured or grayish. Total length, about 53.00-55.00 inches ; extent about 7.00 feet ; wing 21.50 ; culoien 3.82 ; tarsus 4.06 ; middle toe 5.40. Habitat The whole of North America, breeding far north. This is the smaller of the North American swans, and is known among students of ornitho- logy as the American swan. It is found throughout the whole northern portion of the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, being more abundant in the interior, where it breeds on islands in inland lakes, and as far north as the shores of the Arctic Ocean. It occurs in the southern part of Ontario chiefly as a spring and fall migrant, being seen regularly then upon most of the principal shooting grounds such as the St. Glair Flats, Long Point, etc. Almost every spring one or more may be seen in the marsh at the mouth of the Grand River, staying for a week or two and then disappearing. The principal highway of migration is the Mississippi valley. It goes north in April and returns in November. The swan feeds principally on vegetable food, such as the roots of some marsh plants as the Sagittaria, and on grasses and various water plants, with snails, etc. This bird is not in full plumage, that is, pure white, with black legs and feet, until it is five years old. It nests on the ground, eggs from three to five, of a ^brownish white colour. The swan is said to be good for the table when young. 359 OLOR BUCCINATOR (RiDaw). THE TRUMPETER SWAN. Specific Character. Tail usually twenty-four feathers ; bill longer than head. Adult Entire plumage pure white, the head, sometimes the neck also, or even the entire under parts, tinged with rusty. Bill, naked ; lores, legs and feet, uniform deep black ; iris, brown. Young In winter the young has the bill black, with the middle portion of the ridge to the length of an inch and a half, light flesh colour, and a large, elongated patch of light purplish on each side ; the edge of the lower mandible and tongue dull yellowish flesh colour. The eye is dark brown. The feet are dull yellowish brown, tinged with olive ; the claws brownish black ; the webs blackish brown. The upper parts of the head and cheeks are light red- dish brown, each feather having towards its extremity a small oblong whitish spot narrowly margined with dusky ; the throat, as well as the edge of the lower eyelid, nearly white. The general colour of the other parts is grayish white slightly tinged with yellow ; the upper part of the neck marked with spots simi- lar to those on the head. Total length about 58.50-68.00 inches ; extent about 8.00 to nearly 10.00 feet ; wing 21.00-27.25 inches ; cul'men 4.34-4.70 inches; tarsus 4.54 ; middle toe G.OO. Habitat. Chiefly the interior of North America, breeding from Iowa to Dakota northward, but principally far north. It arrives during its migration very early in the spring, some say earlier than geese, and returns late in the fall. Its habits are much the same as those of the preceding species, hence it is not neces- sary to describe them. It is a larger bird. Audubon mentions having taken one which weighed thirty-eight pounds, but the average is about eighteen or twenty pounds. 27 (c). 360 SUB-FAMILY ANSERINE. THE GEESE. Of the geese which visit Ontario either regularly or occasionally we may mention at most six varieties, two of which may be said to constitute one species > viz. : Bernicula Canadensis Canada Goose. Bernicula Canadensis, Hutchinsii Hut-chin's Goose. Brenta Bernicula Brant. Chen Hyperborea, Nivalis Greater Snow Goose. Chen Caerulescens The Blue-winged Goose. Anser Albifrons, Gambelli American White-fronted Goose. 361 BERNICULA CAN ADEN SIS (BAIRD). THE CANADA GOOSE. Specific Character. Head and neck deep black, the former with a white patch covering the throat and extending up over the cheeks to behind the eyes, growing gradually narrower above, the upper outline usually more or less trun- cated ; this white patch, however, sometimes interrupted on the throat by a nar- row black stripe or isthmus. Very rarely a broad-white band more or less distinctly indicated crosses the forehpad between the eyes. Back of neck fre- quently bordered below by a white collar more or less distinct. Upper surface grayish brown, varying from almost cinereous to umber, each feather bordered terminally by a paler shade ; lower parts with the exposed surface of about the same shade as the tips of the feather of the upper part, the concealed portion of the feathers of the shade of the prevailing colour above this much along the sides and on the flanks. Primaries and their coverts plain dusky, the former growing nearly black terminally. Anal region, crissum, and lower tail coverts immaculate pure white. Tail, plain deep black ; rump, plain blackish slate. Bill and feet deep black. Total length about 20 to upwards of 40 inches ; wing 13.60 to 21.00 ; culmen .95 to 2.70 ; depth of maxilla at base, .60-1.20, width, .52-1.20 ; tarsus, 2.10-3.70 ; middle toe, 1.80 to 1.40; tail feathers, 13 to 20. Habitat. Temperate North America in general, breeding in the United States and British provinces principally to the far north. As will be observed in the description of the Canada goose, great variations in size are given, greater it may be than in any of the domesticated kinds which are called varieties. The variety called Hutchin's goose has exactly the same plumage as B. Ganadensis, the only difference being that the bird is smaller, so that the best ornithologists are in doubt as to whether var. Hutchinsii should be considered a variety. The only character which appears constant is that the smaller bird has usually from thirteen to sixteen tail feathers while the larger averages eighteen or twenty. Their habits are exactly alike, and they are found together in the same flock. If, then, we may consider these two birds as one and the same, under the name of our common wild goose, it is found distributed over the whole of North America from its most southern to its most northern limit and from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. It is said to breed as far south as latitude 42 N. and throughout all the region north. This bird migrates north at the end of March or early in April, returning in November. During its journey north it often stops at any favourable feeding ground for a week or two ; in fact, all along the north shore of Lake Erie it is no uncommon thing for large flocks of these birds to frequent fall wheat fields for a . week or two making sad havoc of the wheat in low places in the field. They are very wary, and difficult to get a shot at in the field, but a good many are shot every spring at such places as Long Point, St. Clair Flats, etc., etc. In the fall they also rest on their way in these same localities, but not in such great num- bers. Its food consists of leaves, grasses, seeds of water plants, etc. When well grown and fat it will often weigh twelve pounds. It nests on the ground, laying usually about six eggs. Dr. Coues says, this goose has been known in the upper Missouri and Yellowstone region to breed in trees. In Ontario this bird is usually shot in the spring, which seems a most unsportsmanlike proceeding, as the birds, are then on their way to their nesting-places. They are certainly shooting the goose which lays the eggs from which come the autumn flocks. 362 CHEN HYPERBOREUS (RiDGw). THE SNOW GOOSE. Specific Character. Adult Entire plumage, except the primaries, snow white, the head sometimes stained with orange rufous anteriorly ; primaries deep black, fading basally into grayish; the primary coverts and alula being hoary ash. Bill, purplish red, the nail whitish, and the intertomial space black ; iris, dark brown, eyelids, whitish; feet purple or orange red, the soles, dingy yellowish. Young Above, including the head and neck pale cinereous, the feathers of the dorsal region more whitish on their edges ; wing covers and tertials dark ciner- eous centrally, their edges broadly pure white; secondaries mottled cinereous skirted with white ; primaries as in the adult. Rump, upper tail coverts, tail, and lower parts immaculate snowy white ; the tail and breast tinged with pale ash. Head usually more or less tinged with orange rufous, this deepest anteriorly. Bill -and feet dusky. Total length, about 30.00 inches; wing, 15.00-18.50; culmen, 1.95-2.80 '> depth of maxilla at base, 1.15-1.50 ; tarsus, 2.80-3.50 ; middle toe, 2.10. Habitat. The whole of North America, breeding far north ; more rare on the Atlantic coast than westward ; south to Cuba. The Snow goose is not so common in Ontario as the Canada goose ; in fact, some authors say it is only a straggler in Ontario ; still, in some localities they are seen almost every autumn sometimes in company with the Canada geese. Several specimens have been taken on the Grand River (the writer has one of them in his collection), and no doubt the same may be said of other shooting sta- tions in Ontario. It is a fine bird for the ta'ble, its flesh being white and better flavoured than that of the other geese. Its principal line of flight during its mi- .grations is along the Mississippi valley. It is very common in the North- West being there called by the Indians " Wevois," and by others " Wavie." 363 CHEN C^ERULESCENS (RiDGw). THE BLUE-WINGED GOOSE. Specific Character. Head and upper half of the neck, white, or mostly white the former frequently washed with orange rufous anteriorly ; lower neck and body grayish brown, the feathers bordered terminally with paler ; these pale edgings, however, nearly obsolete on the neck where the tint is darker, inclining to plumb- eous umber, which joins irregularly against the white above it. Rump and wings plain pearl gray or bluish cinereous, the former sometimes white in striking con- trast to the deep, grayish brown of the scapulars, sides, etc., that of the rump fad- ing into white on the upper tail coverts, and that of the greater coverts edged externally with the same. Primaries black, fading basally into hoary gray ; secondaries, deep black, narrowly skirted with white ; tail, deep cinereous, the feathers distinctly bordered with white. Bill, reddish, the commissural space black ; feet reddish. Total length, about 30.00 inches ; wing, 15.00-17.00 ; culmen, 2.10-2.30 ; tarsus, 8.00-3.30 ; middle toe, 2.20. Habitat North America generally, but chiefly the interior. The Blue- Winged goose was once thought to be the young of the Snow goose but now by ornithologists is considered a good distinct species. The general characteristics are very much the same, but the plumage is different. It is often seen in Ontario occurring with other geese. A few years ago a good specimen was caught on the banks of the Grand River by a colley dog belonging to Mr. Armour, a farmer, who kept it for a number of years. It lived with the tame geese, and soon became master of the flock. It never mated with the rest of the flock ; its plumage never changed, and it fed on grass and grain as the others did. Some passing hunter shot it one day. The writer also has a good specimen in his collection taken in the same locality. 364 ANSER ALBIFROJSTS GAMBELLI (Rmaw). AMERICAN WHITE FRONTED GOOSE. Specific Character. -Prevailing colour brownish gray, this uniform on the head and neck and becoming much darker on the flanks ; feathers of the mantle, wings, sides, and flanks distinctly bordered terminally with pale brownish ash sometimes approching grayish white ; upper edges of the upper layer of flank feathers pure white, producing a conspicuous white stripe when the feathers are properly adjusted. Breast and abdomen grayish white, mixed more or less with irregular spots and blotches of black, sometimes scattered and isolated but oftener more or less confluent. Anal region, crissum and upper tail coverts immaculate pure white ; rump brownish slate. Greater wing coverts glaucous gray tipped with white ; secondaries black, their edges narrowly white ; primaries slaty black, grow- ing ashy basally ; primary coverts glaucous gray. Tail brownish slate broadly tipped with white, the feathers narrowly skirted with the same. Front of the head to base of the bill and about half way across the lores and forehead including the anterior border of the chin white, bordered behind by brownish-black, which gradually fades into the grayish brown of the head and neck. Bill reddish, the nail white ; feet reddish. Total length about 27.00 inches; wing, 14.50 to 17.25; culmen, 1.40-2.35; oarsus 2.60-3.10 ; middle toe, 2-35-2.70. Tail feathers 16-18 in number. Habitat. The whole of North America, breeding far northward. Prof. Baird says : "The American " white fronted or "Laughing goose," is a resident during the summer months in high Arctic regions migratory in spring and fall, and in winter diffused over all the southern portions of Nortn America, being more abundant in the central and western regions, and comparatively rare on the Atlantic coast." It is a casual visitor in Ontario. 365 BERNICULA BRENTA (BAIRD). THE BRANT GOOSE. Specific Gharcter. Head, neck, jugulum, continuous black, the anterior por- tion of the head having a brownish cast ; posterior outline of the back on the jugu- lum very regular, and sharply defined against the brownish gray of the breast. Mid- dle of the neck with a transverse crescentic patch of white on each side formed of white tips and subtips of the feathers, the black shining through in places so as to form oblique lines. Above smoky plumbeous, the feathers distinctly bordered terminally with a much paler and more brownish shade. Wings like the back bub with a somewhat plumbeous cast, the paler margins nearly obsolete. Secondaries blackish brown ; primaries brownish black. Tail uniform black, but almost concealed by the snow white lengthened coverts the upper of which, however, are invaded by a medial stripe of blackish plumbeous brown from the rump. Breast, abdomen, sides and flanks, much like the upper parts, but the light tips to the feathers whiter, broader, and more conspicuous; anal region and crissum immacu- late snow white. Total length, 2400 inches ; wing, 12.30; culmen, 1.20 ; tarsus, 2.05 ; middle toe, 1.70. Eastern Korth America generally, but chiefly the Atlantic coast; rare away from salt water, Is a migrant in the spring to the Arctic regions to breed. It is rare in Ontario being only found here as a straggler. 866 SUB-FAMILY-ANATNIAE-THE DUCKS. Of this sub-family we have in Ontario the following birds as the principal varieties of ducks interesting to sportsmen, viz. : Anas boschas The Mallard. Anas obscura The Black duck. Chaulelasmus streperus The Gadwall or Gray duck. Dafila acuta The Pintail, Sprigtail. Mareca Americana The American Widgeon, Baldpate. Spatula clypeata The Shoveller, Spoonbill duck. Querquedula discors The Blue-winged Teal. Nettion carolinensis The American Green-winged Teal. Aix sponsa The Wood duck, Summer duck. Fulix marila The Scaup duck, Bluebill. Fulix affinis The Lesser Scaup duck. Aethyia vallisneria The Canvas-back duck. Aethyia Americana The Red-headed duck. Clangula glaucion Americana The American Golden-eye. Clangula albeola The Buffle-headed duck, Butter-ball. Harelda hyemalis The Long-tailed duck, Old Squaw. Oedemia Americana The American Black Scoter. Melanetta velvetina The Velvet Scoter. Erismatura rubida The Ruddy duck. THE MALLARD (Anas Uosckas). 367 ANAS BOSCHAS (LINN). THE MALLARD. Specific Character. Adult in full plumage, spring ; head and neck continuous soft brilliant metallic green, showing purple and golden bronze reflections in differ- ent lights. A ring of pure white round the lower part of the neck interrupted on the nape ; jugulum and upper part of the breast rich dark chestnut. Inter-scapu- lars brownish gray finely waved with grayish white ; scapulars and lower parts grayish white delicately waved with dark ash. Over webs of tertials dark umber brown, this also tinging the adjoining scapulars ; wing coverts uniform deep brownish gray, the last row tipped with opaque velvety black showing faint reflections of bluish green. Tail white, the feathers grayish centrally. Two- middle feathers black slightly recurved ; the two longer upper tail coverts greatly recurved. Bill, olive yellow or ochraceous olive, the nail black ; iris hazel ; tarsi and toes fine rich orange red. Length, 24.00 inches ; extent, 38.00 ; wing, 11.00 ; culmen, 2.10 ; tarsus, 1.60 ; middle toe, 2.00. Adult in summer. Closely resembling the female, being somewhat darker in color. Adult female : wing as in the male ; above brownish dusky, much varie- gated by broad pale ochraceous edges to the feathers ; beneath pale ochraceous, the feathers dusky centrally, producing a thickly spotted or striped appearance. On- the top of the head the dusky predominates as it also does in a loral and auricular line forming a lighter superciliary stripe between this and the crown. Habitat. North America in general, south to Panama, Cuba, Bahamas, Green- land, Palsearctic region. This duck has a very wide distribution both in the old and new world. In North America it is found from the extreme north to the extreme south and breeds in the same localities. Throughout Ontario it is pro- bably our most common duck. It is undoubtedly the origin of the common domestic duck of our poultry yards, and in the wild state does not object to mating with ducks of other varieties, for generally if a hybrid is found it will be seen to have many of the characteristics of the Mallard. This bird is common in all of our lakes, ponds and rivers, breeding in any suitable locality, nesting on the ground in the vicinity of water, sometimes in a tree and laying from six to eight greenish white eggs. Upon these the female sits for four weeks, the male keep- ing apart to moult. The little ones are ready to run to the water as soon as hatched. The breeding season lasts from early May till June. The Mallard feeds chiefly on seeds of grasses, fibrous roots of plants, worms, mollusks, insects,, grain, as wild rice, etc. It is considered one of the best ducks for the table both on account of its size and its flavour. 28 (c.) 368 ANAS OBSCURA (QMEL). THE BLACK MALLARD : BLACK DUCK. Specific Character. Adult: Prevailing colour brownish black or dusky, the feathers edged, more or less distinctly with pale grayish fulvous ; head and neck about equally streaked with grayish white, more ochraceous near the bill, and dusky ; pileum nearly uniform dusky, and a dusky stripe back from the eye. Speculum violet, changing to green in some lights, narrowly tipped with white and with a broad subterminal bar of velvety black ; last row of coverts dusky brownish broadly tipped with black. Sexes alike. Bill yellowish green, the unguis dusky ; iris dark brown ; feet orange red ; the webs dusky. Total length, 22.00 inches; wing, 10.50 to 11.50; culmen, 2.00; tarsus, 1.70; middle toe, 1.90. Habitat. Eastern North America, west to Utah and Texas, north to Lab- rador. The black duck is one of the common ducks of Ontario occurring on or near all suitable streams or lakes. It is very fond of retiring to some pond in a piece of woods or swamp to raise its brood and as soon as the young are able to fly well, they are taken each night about dusk to the adjoining river or lake return- ing about daylight. These birds are said to keep moving about all night. They feed upon roots, small shellfish, etc. The black ducks usually arrive in Ontario the earliest of any of the ducks and remain the longest in the fall. Having paired they retire to some secluded spot, make their nest on the ground under a brush heap or other cover, and lay in it from 8 to 10 whitish eggs. The female begins to lay about May 1st. It i$ considered one of the best ducks for the table, as well as being one of the most abundant. THE BLACK MALLARD, BLACK DUCK (Anas Obscura). THE GADWALL, GRAY DUCK (Ghaulelasmus Streperus). 369 CHAULELASMUS STREPERUS (GRAY). THE GAD WALL : GRAY DUCK. Specific Character. Adult, male : Ground colour of the head and neck pale brown or brownish white, thickly speckled with black ; on the pileum the brown deeper and more uniform, and the specks obsolete ; on the occiput when present they incline to the form of transverse bars. Jugulam marked with greatly curved bars or crescents of white and black, the bars of the latter wider. Lateral por- tions of the body beneath, back and scapulars finely undulated in curved trans- verse lines with slate colour and white. Many of the longer scapulars plain brownish gray broadly edged with a lighter more fulvous tint. Rump plain dull slate. Tail coverts above and below intense opaque velvety black. Tail cinereous, faintly edged with white. Middle rows of wing coverts bright chestnut, the anterior coverts brownish gray, and the posterior ones deep black ; last rows deep velvety black. Speculum immaculate pure white, the lower feathers cinereous, some with black on the outer webs, narrowly tipped with white ; tertials plain pale ash, the primaries a darker shade of the same. Bill bluish black. Iris reddish hazel. Feet, dull orange-yellow ; claws, brownish black ; webs dusky. Female much the same plumage. Total length, 19.22 inches ; wing, 10.00 to 11.00 ; culmen, 1.60 ; width of bill, .60 to .70 ; tarsus, 1.50 ; middle toe, 1.80. Habitat. Nearly cosmopolitan, (Europe, Asia, Africa and North America), temperate North America in general, breeding chiefly within the United States and West Indies. The Gad wall or Gray-duck, like the other fresh water ducks, is distributed pretty generally over North America, though it is nowhere very plentiful. It is seen almost every autumn in Ontario. Its habits are much the isame as those of the Mallard. 370 DAFILA ACUTA (BONAT). THE PINTAIL: SPRIGTAIL. Specific Character. Head and upper half of neck hair brown or grayish umber, the upper surface darker, often inclining to deep burnt umber ; all the feathers appreciably darker centrally, producing an indistinctly and minutely speckled appearance. On each side of the occiput the brown has a distinctly metallic gloss of dull green, showing a faint purple reflection in some lights. Upper half of the nape opaque intense black, separated from the brown by an upward extension of the white of the lower neck nearly to the occiput. Stripe on each side of the nape as described above, lower half of the neck frontally and laterally, jugulum, breast and abdomen, immaculate white. Lower half of the nape with entire dorsal region and lateral lower parts finely waved with trans- verse rather zigzag lines of black and white of nearly equal width. Longer scapulars opaque, velvety black centrally, edged broadly with grayish white ; outer scapulars with exposed ends of their outer webs entirely velvety black. Tertials silvery ash with a medial stripe of intense velvety black. Speculum dull green varying to dull bronzy purple with a subterminal bar of velvety black and a tip of white. Wing coverts very uniform brownish gray, the last row broadly tipped with cinnamon rufous. Primaries dull slaty. Upper tail coverts with outer webs black ; inner ones grayish white ; lower covei ts deep opaque velvety black, the exterior row with their outer webs white ; post femoral space delicate cream colour. Tail feathers dark cinereous edged with white, the elongated middle pair uniform deep black. Bill, plumbeous blue ; the ungui, base, and strip along the culmen, black ; iris, brown ; feet, dusky. Female quite different, being of a general grayish colour and lacking the long central tail feathers. Total length about 26.00 inches; extent, 36.00; wing, 10.25; tail, 7.25; culmen, 1.85 to 2 ; tarsus, 1.55 ; middle toe, 2. Habitat. The whole of North America, Europe. Breeding chiefly far north ; migrating south in winter as far as Panama. The distribution of the Pintail is quite as extensive as the Mallard, for besides being found throughout North America it is found in Europe, Asia, (Ceylon, China, etc.,) Africa. It is a migrant going to ^ the far north in the spring to breed, laying eight or nine eggs as a setting. It is one of the handsomest of our ducks as well as one of the best for^the table. It is quite abundant during the spring and fall migration in On- tario and a few pairs are said to breed at the St. Glair Flats. On account of its. very swift flight it is considered one of the most difficult ducks to shoot. THE PINTAIL, SPRIGTAIL (Dafila Acuta). THE AMERICAN WIDGEON, BALDPATE (Mareca Americana). 371 MARECA AMERICANA (STEPHENS). THE AMERICAN WIDGEON : BALDPATE. Specific Character. Forehead and middle of crown, (longitudinally) white, generally immaculate ; ground colour of head and neck, white, sometimes more or less soiled with grayish or brown and thickly speckled with black ; a broad space of metallic blackish green on the side of the occiput running forward to the eye and sometimes down the nape, where the two spaces are confluent ; jugulum plain pinkish vinaceous ; sides and flanks the same delicately undulated with black ; lower tail coverts velvety black ; rest of the lower parts pure white ; back and scapulars grayish white more or less tinged with the colour of the sides and similar- ly undulated with black. Wing coverts immaculate pure white, the anterior por- tion of the lesser covert region cinereous, and the last row tipped, with velvety black ; speculum soft metallic green anteriorly, velvety black posteriorly ; tertials, velvety black sharply edged with white, the lower one with its lower edge en- tirely pure white ; primaries plain dark cinereous. Rump cinereous minutely undulated on the edges of the feathers ; upper tail coverts velvety black the inner webs mostly grayish ; tail hoary cinereous ; bill light grayish blue, the tip black; iris brown; legs and feet, light bluish. The female is in general colour dusky grayish above and white beneath. Total length 20 to 22 inches; wing, 10.25; culmen, 1.30; tarsus, 1.50; middle toe, 1.65. Habitat. North America in general, north to the Arctic Ocean, south to Guatemala and Cuba. A.ccidental in Europe. Breeds nearly throughout its range. The Baldpate is quite a common duck throughout Ontario, in the autumn frequenting all suitable waters or marshes, and leaving them early to go south, earlier than some other species. On the sea-coast it associates with the Canvas- back and Bluebill upon whose ability to dive better than itself, it depends largely for its food, stealing from them as they rise to the surface of the water the tender roots of the wild celery and other plants of which both are so fond. This bird is said to be quite as good eating as the Canvasback. It nests on the dry ground near some water, laying some 8 to 12 eggs of a creamy white colour. 372 SPATULA CLYPEATA (BoiE). THE SHOVELLER : SPOONBILL DUCK. Specific Character. Head and neck, dark metallic bluish green, much duller than in (Anas boschas) ; breast and outer scapulars white, the former sometimes spotted with dusky ; entire abdomen and sides uniform chestnut ; crissum dark metallic bluish green, bounded anteriorly by a band of finely undulated grayish white ; back and inner scapulars dusky, the feathers sometimes bordered with white, longer lanceolate scapulars marked with a mesial lanceolate stripe of white ; wing coverts light grayish blue, the last row tipped with white ; forming a narrow band across the wing ; speculum bright metallic green, very narrowly tipped with white ; tertials dusky black with faint green reflections, and marked toward the end with an indistinct mesial stripe of grayish white ; primaries and their .coverts dull slaty gray ; rump and upper tail coverts black, the former with faint, the latter with bright green reflections ; rectrices chiefly grayish white, the middle ones dark grey, edged with white ; bill deep black; iris bright yellow; legs and feet beautiful orange red. Female. Wings as in the male but colours duller. Other parts grayish brown above varied with brownish white ; brownish white below. Total length about 20.00 inches ; extent, 32.00 ; wing, 9.00 ; culmen, 2.60 ; tarsus, 1.50 ; middle toe, 1.70. Habitat. The whole of the Northern Hemisphere ; Australia. Breeding from Texas to Alaska wintering as far south as Guatemala and Cuba. The Shoveller is distributed over the greater part of the old as well as the new world. It is found in North America, Europe and Asia, throughout Africa, etc., etc. It is not a very numerous species anS yet is found so widely distributed. In Ontario the Spoonbill is not very common and yet at almost any of the principal shooting stations a few are seen and shot every autumn. This bird generally breeds far north, although a few breed throughout more southern localities. The writer noticed a pair in the marsh near Dunnville, Ont., on the Grand River about June 1st, 1886. and was told by local sportsmen that they had been observed therefor a week or two. This pair of Spoonbills remained and raised a fine brood of five young ones. Their nest, though not seen, was in the midst of a large wet marsh. The same pair returned to the same locality in May of 1887 and raised another brood, since which time they have not returned. This bird is considered by- epicures as very tender and juicy. THE SHOVELLER, SPOONBILL (Spatula Clypeata). 373 QUERQUEDULA DISCORS (STEPHENS). THE BLUE- WINGED TEAL. Specific Character. Male. Head and neck dull plumbeous, slightly glossed with lavender purple on the side of the occiput and nape, and marked in front of the eyes by a large crescentic patch of white extending entirely across the anterior portion of the head; pi] eum, chin, and feathers bordering the white patches, blackish; lower parts pale reddish thickly spotted with black ; the crissum uniform black ; back and anterior scapulars dusky marked with crescentic or U shaped bars of pale reddish buff ; lesser wing coverts and some of the outer webs ,of some of the larger scapulars, blue ; middle coverts white for the exposed portion forming a bar across the wing ; speculum bronzy green, dusky terminally, with a very nar- row white tip ; tertials black with a central stripe of buff ; a white patch at the base of the tail on each side ; axillars immaculate pure white ; bill uniform black; iris brown ; feet yellowish. Female. Wings only as in the male ; upper parts dusky, the feathers bordered with dull buff; rest of the body brownish gray. Total length about 16.00 inches; extent about 25.00; wing, 7.00 ; culmen, l.SOj tarsus, 1.20 ; middle toe 1.40. Habitat. North America in general but chiefly the eastern Province. North to Alaska, south to Ecuador and throughout West Indies. Accidental in Europe. The Blue-winged Teal is rarely met with north of 60 north latitude and is not found throughout the whole Pacific coast. It is a very common duck throughout Ontario and breeds plentifully in the southern counties although not nearly so much so as in former years. It arrives here early in the spring, and is apparently mated when it reaches here. It makes its nest along the side of a ditch, in a grain, field, fence corner, or other locality convenient to water, and lays from 8 to 12 eggs of a pale green colour. Whenever the female leaves the nest she invariably covers the eggs with down, grasses, etc. It begins its migration south about the middle of September and reaches the southern border of Ontario about the 20th,. when formerly large bags were made during the day or two when the Teal drop- ped down to feed or rest. Its food consists of wild oats and rice, small shell fish,, and insects. This bird is considered very fine for the table. 374 NETTION CAROLINENSIS (BAIRD). THE AMERICAN GREEN-WINGED TEAL. Specific Character. Male. Head and neck rich chestnut rufous inclosing a broad patch of soft dark metallic green on each side of the occiput, from the eye which it surrounds down the sides of the nape, where the two areas of the opposite sides touch a short nuchal crest of bluish black. The green patch bordered anteriorly and beneath by a yellowish white line, and a less distinct line of the same border- ing the base of the upper mandible, extending thence back to and indistinctly following for a short distance the upper anterior portion of the green patch. Chin and upper part of the throat dull black. Front of the jugulum deep pinkish cream colour with roundish and transversely ovate spots of black. Collar round the lower neck, sides of the jugulum, sides and flanks, "very delicately and beauti- fully undulated with black upon a white ground; outer scapulars similarly waved. Sides of the breast with a large transverse bar of plain white. Crissum rich deep cream colour bounded anteriorly and divided medially with velvety black ; post femoral region waved like the flanks ; rest of the lower parts plain white, some- times tinged with cream colour Back, scapulars, rump, wing coverts, primaries and tail, plain cinereous. Outer row of scapulars with their outer webs about half velvety, black bordered interiorly with a white line. Last row of coverts broadly tipped with deep ochraceous ; speculum opaque black, narrowly tipped with white, the four or five upper feathers with their outer webs richly marked with brilliant soft metallic green varying from golden to violaceous, according to the light. Bill black ; iris brown ; feet light flesh colour. Female. Wings as in the male, but duller. Above cinereous dusky variegated with edgings and transverse bars of ochraceous white* rest of body dingy whitish speckled with dusky. Total length about 14 inches ; extent, 20.00 ; wing, 7.00 culmen, 1.50 ; tarsus, 1.25 ; middle toe, 1.30. Habitat. North America in general, breeding chiefly north of the United States, migrating south as far as Honduras and Cuba. This handsome little Teal is tolerably common in southern Ontario during the spring and fall migrations, in April and September, but it has not been known to breed so far south, and if at all it must be very sparingly. In the fall it collects in large flocks and for a few days often affords good sport, however we will never see it here again so plentiful as it used to be a few years ago. At that time if a sportsman succeeded in finding a " Teal hole " he could make a great bag on account of their habit of clustering so closely together, and returning over and over again to the same place after being shot at. Its flesh is white and delicate, and on account of its being so fat is considered a great delicacy. It feeds much the same as the Blue-winged Teal. The female usually lays from 8 to 10 eggs of a white colour. THE WOOD DUCK, SUMMER DUCK (Aix Sponsa). 375 AIX SPONSA (BoiEX THE WOOD DUCK: SUMMER DUCK. Specific Character. Adult male. Chin throat and foreneck pure white, sending off laterally two branches, the first across the cheeks, back of and nearly to the posterior angle of the eye, the second across the . lower part of the neck, almost to the nape ; both bars tapering toward the end, and somewhat curved or falcate in shape ; a narrow white line begins at the point of the maxillary angle and is continued back on each side of the crown, widening considerably on each side of the crest ; a second white line commences about half an inch behind the eye, and nearly the same distance above the end of the white cheek bar and follows the lower edge of the crest, where considerably wider than anteriorly ; remainder of the head silky metallic green, violet and purple as follows : cheeks and space behind the white cheek bar soft violaceous black, in the latter region extending up to the lower white stripe but in the anterior area bounded above and anteriorly by dark metallic green, the orbital region and anterior half of the crest between the white lines metallic reddish purple, forehead, crown and posterior portion of the crest metallic green; terminal portion of the crest above, laterally, and beneath dark metallic violet. Jugulum rich purplish chestnut, with a metallic purple gloss laterally, the front and lower part marked with deltoid spots of white, growing larger toward the breast ; breast and abdomen immaculate white ; sides of the breast with a broad transverse bar of white and a wide black one immediately behind it ; sides and flanks pale fulvous buff delicately undulated with black, the broad feathers form- ing the upper border, each beautifully marked with two black crescentic bars inclosing a white one ; crissum dull black fading gradually into dull rusty fulvous on the anal region. Back, lesser wing coverts, and rump dark slaty brownish very faintly glossed with bronze, the wing coverts more slaty, the rump much darker, and gradually deepening into black towards the upper tail coverts, which with the tail are deep black, the latter with bronze green reflections in certain lights ; a somewhat ovate patch pointed posteriorly, of rich dark metallic maroon purple on each side of the rump immediately behind the flanks ; just behind this the two or three elongated lateral upper tail coverts are marked with a central stripe of deep fulvous falling gracefully over the sides of the crissum. Tertials and posterior scapulars intense black with rich velvety reflections of blue green and purple chiefly, the first in certain lights ; the longest tertial tipped with a wide bar of white, the next black to the end, the third much shorter, much nar- rower than the rest, pointed and of a dull greenish bronze colour; middle and greater wing coverts steel blue narrowly tipped with black ; secondaries (speculum) purplish steel blue narrowly tipped with white and with a narrow subterminal black bar ; primary coverts slate colour ; primaries with the exposed ends of the inner webs steel blue, the ends of the outer webs grayish or glaucous white, becom- ing slate colour basally ; lining of the wing spotted with slate colour and white. Sagittate longitudinal space on the culmen and terminal nail of the bill deep polished black ; an oblong space of milk white from nostril to the nail, a line or border of gamboge yellow following the basal outline of the bill, rest of bill dark purplish red, deepening into scarlet just behind the nostril ; iris, bright orange red ; eyelids deep vermillion ; legs and feet dull chrome yellow the webs and joints dusky. Total length about 19.00 inches ; extent, 29.00 ; wing, 9.00 ; culmen, 1,40 ; tarsus, 1.40 ; middle toe, 1.70. 29 (c.) 376 Female. With much plainer colours, feathers about base of the bill, space on side of head, surrounding eyes and extending back in a point, chin and whole throat, white ; general colour of the rest of the body grayish brown. Total length -about 17.75 inches; extent, 28.00; wing, 8.50; culmen, 1.10 ; tarsus, 1.35 ; middle toe, 1.6.0. Habitat. Whole of temperate north America, north to the fur countries, breeding throughout its range. Cuba. Accidental in Europe. The Wood duck is by far the most beautiful and most graceful of all the North American ducks or in fact of those of any other country. It is distributed pretty generally over the North American continent from Southern Mexico to Hudson's Bay and from one side of the continent to the other and it breeds from Texas to the northern part of Ontario. It migrates to the north early in April and returns in October. When they first appear here in Ontario they are gener- ally in pairs. It breeds very generally throughout Ontario especially the southern part of it, nesting in hollow trees near some pond or other quiet water. They are very fond of a quiet secluded spot and have been known to return for many years to the same nesting tree. The full set of eggs is from 10 to 12 of a shiny cream colour. When the young birds are hatched it is said the mother deposits them on the ground by carrying them down in her bill. This handsome duck is not nearly so plentiful as in former years, and like many other birds which are among our most beautiful objects in nature is doomed to extinction, if some better effort be not made to prevent their slaughter. The Wood duck feeds chiefly on insects, seeds, and leaves of plants, acorns, etc. It is much sought after by sportsmen not only on account of its beautiful appearance but also for the table. THE SCAUP DUCK, BLUEBILL (Fulix Marilla). 377 FULIX MABILLA (BAIRD). THE SCAUP DUCK : BLUEBILL, Specific Character. Head, neck, and jugulum black, the first with a greenish gloss ; back and scapulars white, irregularly undulated with zigzag lines of black wing coverts dusky finely grizzled with grayish white ; secondaries white tipped, and sometimes narrowly edged with black ; tertials black with very faint bottle green reflections ; primary coverts dusky black ; primaries similar but the inner quills pale grayish on the outer webs, except at ends the gray growing white on the shorter feathers ; rump, upper tail coverts, tail, and crissum, dull black. Lower parts between the jugulum and crissum white, the posterior portion and sometimes the sides and flank zigzagged with dusky. Bill pale blue or bluish white, in life the nail black ; iris bright yellow; legs and feet pale slate. Female. Head and neck sepia brown, the anterior portion of the former all round the base of the bill white ; jugulum, anal region, and crissum, pale gray- ish brown fading gradually into the white of the breast and abdomen ; sides and flanks deeper brown ; above brownish dusky, the back and scapulars but faintly if at all grizzled with white ; wings much as in the male. Total length about 18 to 20 inches ; extent, 29.50 to 35.50 ; wing, 8.50 ; cul- men 1.85 ; tarsus, 1.50; middle toe, 2.30. Habitat. Entire Northern Hemisphere ; in America breeding far north. The Bluebill is a very widely distributed species being found not only throughout the whole of North America, but also throughout Europe and Asia, as far east as China and Japan. It breeds in the Arctic regions passing through Ontario in April, loitering on its way for a week or two until well into May, when they nearly all disappear. Some few pairs, however, stay and breed in southern Ontario. It has been known to breed at the St. Glair Flats, and on the Grand River, and probably in other places as far south. In the month of Octo- ber and November it often collects in large flocks on its way south staying in Ontario waters until frozen out. It is much hunted on account of its size and fair fitness for the table. It obtains the principal part of its food by diving in deep water for the roots of various plants. In Ontario H is not nearly so plenti- ful as formerly. 378 FULIX AFFINIS (BAIRD). THE LESSER SCAUP DUCK : LITTLE BLUEBILL. Specific Character. Entirely similar to F. Marilla, but smaller. Total length about 16.00 inches, extent, 25.00 ; wing, 7.75 ; culraen, 1.58 ;: tarsus, 1.30 ; middle toe, 2.00. Beyond the smaller size there is probably no difference which is constant. The h istory of the preceding duck will apply to this one as there seems to have been formerly a good deal of confusion as to its identification as a good variety. It :s barely possible that the observations as to the Scaup duck breeding in southern latitudes may apply to this duck and not to the larger variety. How- ever it is considered by ornithologists as a good variety with habits and distribu- tion much the same as those of the Greater Bluebill. It is sometimes called the Marsh Bluebill on account of its being more frequently found in marshy places while the other prefers deep water. THE CANVASBACK DUCK (Aethyia Vallisneria). 379 AETHYIA VALLISNERIA (BAIRD). THE CANVASBACK DUCK. Specific Character. Bill long and narrow the end much depressed, with the nail scarcely decurved, the base high with the culmen gradually sloping and scarcely concave ; culmen nearly as long as the middle toe (without claw) and about three times the greatest width of the maxilla. Head and neck chestnut rufous, the former brownish dusky (sometimes quite blackish) anteriorly and on top ; jugulum and anterior part of back, lower part of rump, upper tail coverts, and posterior part of crissum black ; back, scapulars, flanks, sides, and anal re- gion white, finely and delicately vermiculated with dusky ; breast and abdomen immaculate white. Wing coverts deep ash gray finely sprinkled with white, secondaries ("speculum") lighter more bluish gray, the upper feathers edged with black ; tertials like the longer scapulars ; primaries slate colour the inner quills more cinerous, except at the ends where dusky, tail dusky ; bill entirely greenish black ; iris carmine red ; feet bluish gray. Female. Head, neck, jugulum, and anterior part of the back raw umber brown ; a post ocular space and the foreneck whitish ; the chin, throat, and cheeks tinged with fulvous ; wings as in the male, but coverts almost uniform gray ; back, scapulars, sides, and flanks, with only the exposed ends of the feathers vermiculated with white and dusky, the remainder being grayish brown. Bill greenish black ; iris brownish red the feet plumbeous. Total length about 20.00-22.00 inches ; extent 30.00 ; wing 9.00 ; culmen 2.30; tarsus 1.70; middle toe 2.60. Habitat. Nearly the whole of North America breeding from the North Western States northward to Alaska ; south in winter to Guatemala. This duck so famed for the qualities of its flesh, is exclusively found in North America. It is very like the redhead in appearance and habits but is superior for the table. It derives its name partly from the plant Valissneria or wild celery, upon which it is very fond of feeding whenever it can be found, and it is then that its flesh is so much prized ; at other times it is said not to be much superior to that of the Redhead or Bluebill. In Ontario they are never now very plentiful, being found late in the season in small numbers at the Rondeau, St. Clair Flats, and Long Point, but like the Redhead are getting very scarce. The Canvasback duck like the Redhead and Bluebill is hunted in a peculiar way upon the Chesapeake by what is known as " toling." The hunter has a kind of poodle dog trained for the purpose, and having selected a spot where the ducks can swin very close to the shore the hunter having secreted himself, makes his dog run up and down the shore in sight of the birds which gradually ap- proach the shore, apparently out of curiosity, as they do so the dog is trained to gradually recede into the grass and to hide himself, the ducks coming quite close up to the shore when the hunter seizes his opportunity. Several thousands of ducks have been known to crowd in towards the shore in a solid mass out of sheer curiosity. On the Rondeau they are taken by cutting a large hole in the ice and piling the blocks of ice about it and among which the hunter properly clad is secreted. The Canvasback breeds in the far north principally and lays from 7 to 10 eggs of a grayish green colour. 380 AETHYIA AMERICANA (BATED). THE REDHEADED DUCK. Specific Character. Bill much shorter than the middle toe (without claw) broad, the end moderately depressed and with the nail decidedly decurved, the culmen about two and a half times the greatest width of the maxilla and decid- edly concave. Male Head and upper half or more of the neck rich reddish chestnut, the latter glossed with reddish purple ; lower part of the neck, jugulum anterior part of the back, lower part of the rump, upper tail coverts and cris- sum, black ; back, .scapulars, sides and flanks, densely vermiculated with white and dusky in about equal proportion ; anal region similarly but more faintly marked ; entire abdomen immaculate white ; wing coverts deep plumbeous gray, faintly and minutely sprinkled with white ; secondaries (speculum) pale bluish gray the upper feathers edged with black, the others narrowly tipped with w.hite ; primaries dusky, the inner quills slaty gray except at the ends ; tail dusky ; bill pale blue, the end black; iris red; feet bluish gray. Female Head and neck grayish brown darkest above ; anterior part of the head lighter, almost white on the chin and upper part of the throat ; jugulum, sides, and flanks, dull grayish brown, the feathers tipped with fulvous; wings as in the male, but their coverts plain slate colour; back and scapulars grayish brown, the feathers with paler tips ; rump, upper tail coverts, and tail, grayish brown ; anal region paler ; longer lower tail coverts whitish. Bill plumbeous, the end black; iris yellow; feet plumbeous. Total length about 20.00 inches ; extent, 33.00 ; wing about 8.50 ; culmen, 2.05; tarsus, 1.60; middle toe, 2.35. Habitat. The whole of North America, breeding from central California and Maine to the fur countries; Bahamas. Prof. Baird says The American Redhead duck is quite distinct from the Pochard of Europe, though resembling it very closely Audubon considered it to be identical. The Redhead duck is pretty generally distributed throughout North America, breeding in high latitudes down to 44 degrees and in the winter going as far south as Mexico. Richardson says that this species breeds in all parts of the fur countries from the 50th parallel to their most northern limits. It is common in autumn on Chesapeake Bay and other points along the Atlantic coast, and is here often found associating with the Canvasback which it so closely resembles, in fact in the New York markets it is frequently sold as the genuine Canvasback and indeed while feeding on the wild celery its flesh is not much inferior to that of that famous duck. Formerly the redhead was quite a plentiful species in Ontario, but of late years its numbers appear to be diminishing rapidly, in fact at some stations where large numbers of them used to be shot, not a single specimen has been taken during the last two shooting seasons. This fact may be largely due to the legal existence of spring shooting in some of the neighboring states and the netting of them in the southern states. Like the Bluebilithey decoy well and are thu^ tolerably easily led into traps baited with corn of which they are very fond. The Redhead reaches Ontario early m April and returns late in October and November staying till the ice forms and in some instances on our open lakes all winter. Tfie female lays trom 8 to 10 eggs of a grayish white colour. THE REDHEADED DUCK (Aethyia Americana). 381 CLANGULA GLAUCION AMERICANA. THE AMERICAN GOLDEN-EYE. Specific Character. -Male Head and upper half of neck black glossed with green, varying to violet, a roundish white spot between the rictus and the eye, but not reaching to the latter ; back, inner scapulars, tertials, rump, and upper tail coverts, deep black ; lower half of the neck (all round), lower parts, outer scapulars, posterior, lesser, middle, and greater wing coverts and secondaries, pure white ; anterior lesser wing coverts and outer edges of scapulars and flank feathers and concealed portions of greater coverts deep black ; primaries blackish dusky ; tail dull slate ; sides of the anal region behind the flanks clouded with grayish. Bill deep black ; iris bright yellow ; feet orange yellow with dusky webs. Adult Female. Head and neck hair brown of greyish brown, rather than purplish sepia or snuff brown, and white on the wing usually not interrupted by a distinct bar. Total length about 18.50-20.00 inches ; extent 31.00 ; wing about 9.25 ; length of bill from tip to basal angle 1.85 ; tarsus 1.60 ; middle toe 2.50. Female is less in size. Habitat. The whole of North America breeding from Maine and British provinces northward, south to Cuba in the winter. The Golden-eye, or Whistler, as it is commonly called from the noise it makes with its wings when flying, is distributed pretty generally over North America. It is quite common in Ontario especially in the late autumn, and it probably remains on open waters all winter in Southern Ontario. It feeds on fish, shellfish, molluscs, marine vegetables, and seeds. Its flesh is consequently fishy and almost unfit for food. It breeds prin- cipally to the north and the nest is, generally like the Woodduck's. in a hole in a tree where the female lays 6 or 8 eggs. It is a strong flyer and an expert diver and not easily shot. 382 CLANGULA ALBEOLA (STEPHENS). THE BUPFLB-HBADBD DUCK : BUTTERBALL. Specific Character. Adult male. Head and upper half of the neck rich silky metallic green, violet purple, and greenish bronze, the last prevailing on the lower part of the neck, the green on the anterior part of the head, the purple on the cheeks and crown ; a large patch of pure white on the side of the head ex- tending back to and around the occiput ; lower half of the neck, lower parts generally, wing coverts, secondaries, and outer scapulars pure white, the latter narrowly, and the feathers of the flank more widely edged with black ; posterior parts of body tinged beneath with pale ashy gray ; upper tail coverts light hoary gray ; tail slaty gray the shafts black ; bill bluish, plumbeous dusk}'- on the nail ,and at base ; iris very dark brown ; legs and feet pinkish or lilaceous white. Total length about 14.50 inches ; extent 24.50 ; wing 6.75 ; culmen 1.10 ; itarsus 1.30 ; middle toe 1.90. Adult female Head, neck and upper parts generally dusky grayish brown ; ^.n oblong or somewhat ovate white longitudinal patch on the auricular region, .and the inner secondaries (sometimes also the greater wing coverts except at the ends) white ; lower parts white tinged with brownish gray posteriorly, anter- iorly, and laterally. Bill dusky inclining to plumbeous at the end and along commissure ; iris very dark brown ; legs and toes dilute lilac pink, the webs and joints darker. Length about 12.50 inches. Habitat North America, breeding northerly, migrating south in winter to Cuba and Mexico. The buffle-headed duck is essentially a North American bird, being only /accidental, if found elsewhere. It is a handsome little fellow in its spring plum- age and is quite abundant in all the waters of Ontario, during its migrations. Jt is an expert diver, finds its food almost anywhere, and becomes very fat, hence rthe name " Butterball " but as it is so small it is not much sought after, besides its flesh is fishy. The Indians call it the " Spirit Duck." Its food consists of ; small fish. This bird also breeds in the hollow of a tree and the female lays from 6 to 10 eggs of an ivory white colour. ,3 I 383 HARELDA HTEMALIS (BAIBD). THE LONGTAILBD DUCK : OLD SQUAW. Specific Character. Adult, male Winter Forehead, crown, occiput, nape, chin, throat, lower part of the neck all round, and upper part of the jugulum and back, white ; lores, cheeks, and orbital regions light mouse gray, the eyelids white, a large oblong space covering the sides of the neck, black, becoming gray- ish brown in its lower portion. Middle of the back, rump, upper tail coverts, tail, wings, lower part of the jugulum, whole breast and upper part of the abdomen black ; the pectoral markings are very abruptly defined both anteriorly and posteriorly, the latter with a strong convex outline. Scapulars glaucous- white or very pale pearl gray. Basal half of the bill black, the terminal portion orange yellow with the nail bluish gray ; iris bright carmine ; feet light plumbeous, the webs dusky and claws black. Adult female in winter. Head, neck, and lower parts, chiefly white ; fore- head medially and crown dusky; auricular region, chin and throat tinged with the same ; jugulum light dingy gray. Upper parts dusky brown, the scapulars bordered with grayish fulvous, or light raw umber brown, some of the feathers tipped with pale ashy. Total length about 23.00 inches ; extent 30.00 ; wing 8.50 ; culinen 1.10 ; tarsus 1.35 ; middle toe 1.90. Female smaller. Habitat. Northern Hemisphere. In America south to the Potomac and Ohio rivers. This bird is known by a number of names such as Coween, Long- tailed Duck, Old Wife, Old Squaw, South-south Southerly, the latter name from its jabbering note. It is distributed over nearly the whole of North America and is very common throughout Ontario remaining upon its southern waters most of the winter. It passes north early in the spring to breed, the female making her nest near the edge of the water and laying from 6 to 12 eggs. It is a very hand- some bird, but is utterly useless for the table. Its food being chiefly fish and water insects its flesh is black, rank, and fishy. The Ooweens assemble on the Niagara river in large numbers, and on a still morning may be heard for a long distance uttering their peculiar gabbling cry. 30 (c). 384 OEDEMIA AMERICANA (CouEs). THE AMERICAN BLACK SCOTER. Specific Character. Entire plumage uniform deep black, the neck faintly glossed with dull violaceous, the feathers somewhat distinctly defined ; basal half of the maxilla except a stripe along the edge of the bill bright orange, the- remainder of the bill black ; iris hazel ; legs and feet dull black. " The bulging part of the upper mandible is bright orange, paler above that colour extending to a little before the nostrils ; the rest of the upper mandible including its basal margin to the breadth of from three to two-twelfths of an inch, black as is the lower mandible ; feet brownish black ; iris brown." (Audubon). Female. Above dull grayish brown, the feathers of the back and scapulars tipped with lighter ; lower, parts lighter, the pale tips broader, though lacking on the posterior portions ; lateral and lower parts of the head and neck nearly uniform very pale grayish brown, quite abruptly defined against the uniform, dark brown of the pileum and nape. Bill entirely black. Total length about 17.00 to 19.00 inches ; extent 29.00 to 34.00 ; wing 8.75 to 9.50; culmen 1.75; tarsus 2.00; middle toe 2.50. Female smaller. Habitat. Coasts and larger inland waters of Northern North America, south' to the Great lakes, New Jersey, and California. Sir John Richardson says of this duck that it feeds almost exclusively in the open sea, that its flesh is always oily and strongly flavoured, that it frequents the shores of Hudson's Bay, breeding there between the 50th and 60th parallels of latitude. In Ontario we know it as one of the spring and fall migrants ; as it is, not fit for food it is seldom taken. 385 MELANETTA VELVETINA (BAIBD). THE VELVET SCOTER. Specific Character. Adult male Base of the culmen elevated into ^a, prominent knob ; lateral base of the maxilla sunken beneath the feathering of the lores. Plumage uniform brownish black. A crescentic spot beneath the eye and extending backwards for half an inch or more, secondaries, and greater wing coverts white. Knob of the bill with base, and margin of the maxilla, black ; sides of the bill red lead fading into orange ; nail vermilion ; the anterior flat portion of the upper mandible whitish ; iris, white tinged with straw yellow ; legs scarlet with black webs, and a tinge of black on the joints. Female. Uniform grayish fuliginous, the wings darker ; white speculum as in the male, but no white about the head, or with faint indication of white spot at the base of the maxilla and behind the eye. Total length 19.75 to 22.50 inches ; extent 36.00 to 40.00 ; wing 10.75 ; com- missure 2.82 ; tarsus 2.08. Habitat Northern North America, chiefly maritime, but occurring also in various inland waters; south in winter to the middle states, greater lakes, and southern California. This duck is familiar in Ontario, occurring in large flocks on our great lakes- and rivers in the spring and autumn. In the spring they reach here about the middle of April and after staying a couple of weeks go on to the north where they breed. They return late in October and November. On the seacoast this bird is much hunted, but its flesh is not good and must be bought only by those who do not know what a good duck is. It nests on the ground and lays from 6 to 10 eggs of a pale cream colour. 386 ERISMATURA RUBIDA (BoNAP). THE RUDDY DUCK : SPINE-TAIL.ED DUCK. Sped fie Character. Adult Pileutn and upper half of the nape uniform 'black ; entire side of the head, below the eyes including the malar region and chin pure white ; rest of neck, entire upper parts, sides and flanks, rich chestnut rufous or purplish ferruginous, wing coverts and middle of the rump, dusky gray- ish brown, minutely mottled with paler reiniges dull brownish dusky ; rectrices brownish black, shafts deep black ; lower part white on the surface, but the ^concealed portions of all the feathers dark brownish gray, showing when the feathers are disarranged, and in midsummer sp3cimens completely exposed by abrasion of the tips of the feathers; jugulum strongly washed with fulvous butf, this sometimes invading the abdomen. Lower tail coverts entirely white to the roots of the feathers. Bill and edge of the eyelids grayish blue ; iris hazel ; feet dull grayish blue, webs inclining to dusky ; claws grayish brown. Female. Top of the head down to below the eyes, and upper parts generally, dusky grayish brown, minutely freckled with pale grayish fulvous (more reddish in the head) remainder of the head dirty grayish white, crossed longitudinally by a strip of speckled dusky ; neck pale brownish gray fading into the white of the chin. Length 14 to 17 inches ; wing, 5 to 6 ; tarsus, 1.25. Habitat. The whole of North America breeding throughout its range. The Ruddy duck like the Buffle-head is peculiar to the North American con- tinent and there it is found from Central America to the Arctic regions where the bulk of them goes to breed early in April returning about the middle of October, or a little later when they appear on our Ontario waters in great numbers. Although it is not a good bird for food, large numbers are shot, so easily are they taken ; this is mainly on account of the peculiar way it has of taking to flight, scuttling along the top of the water for some distance before it gets under full speed ; it lets the hunter paddle up pretty close, and then rising it affords an easy shot. Its food consists of small fish, shell fish, water insects, etc, consequently its flesh is soft, dark and fishy. A few probably breed in Southern Ontario. THE RUDDY DUCK, SPINE-TAILED DUCK (Erismatura Rubida). 387 SCOLOPACIDJE-SNIPE FAMILY. This family includes a great variety of forms, such as the least Sandpiper, the smallest, to the great Long-billed Curlew, the largest. They are very widely distributed over the whole world, and Ontario comes in for her fair share. We have here in Ontario the following forms which require the protection of our game laws, viz : Philohela Minor, American Woodcock. Gallinago Wilsoni, American, or Wilson's Snipe Macrorhamphus Griseus, Red-breasted Snipe. Tringa Maculata, Pectoral Sandpiper. Limosa fedoa, Marbled Godwit. Limosa haemastica, Hudsonian Godwit. Totanup. Melanoleucus, Telltale, Greater Yellow-legs. Totanus Flavipes, Yellow-legs. Bartramia Longicauda, Upland Plover, Field Plover. Numenius Longirostris, Long billed Curlew. Numenius Hudsonicus, Hudsonian Curlew. i Numenius Borealis, Eskimo Curlew. Charadrius dominicus, Golden Plover. The last is not a snipe but a plover. 388 PHILOHELA MINOR (GRAY;. AMERICAN WOODCOCK. Specific Character. Bill long, compressed, punctulated, and corrugated near the end ; upper mandible longer than the under and fitted to it at the tip; wings moderate, three outer quills very narrow; tail short; legs moderate; eyes in- serted unusually distant from the bill. Adult. Occiput with three transverse bands of black, alternating with three much narrower ones of pale yellowish rufous ; upper parts of body variegated with pale ashy rufous, or yellowish red of various shades, and black ; large space on front and throat reddish ashy ; line from the eye to the bill and another on the neck below the eye, brownish black ; entire under parts pale grayish rufous, brighter on the sides and under wing coverts. Quills ashy brown, tail feathers brownish black tipped with ashy, darker on the upper surface, paler and frequently white on the under ; bill light brown, paler and yellowish at the base ; legs pale reddish. Total length about 11 inches ; wing, 4.80-5.70 ; tail, 2.25 ; bill, 2.50 to nearly 3.00 tarsus, 1.25 ; middle toe, 1.37. Habitat. During the summer this favorite game bird is distributed pretty generally over the southern part of Ontario. It is not common as far north as Muskoka iior so far east as Ottawa. South it is found over the greater part of eastern North America, and as far west as Dakota. The Woodcock is a migratory bird arriving in Ontario often early in April , when it almost at once proceeds to take up housekeeping. Its lovemaking is much the same as that of other birds of this family. While the female sits upon the ground, the male proceeds to show his agility, etc., rising high in the air by a spiral sort of motion, occasionally uttering its notes, and after soaring about in an irregular manner, it descends rapidly, making a whirring noise like that of the snipe or night hawk under similiar circumstances. The female chooses generally a spot outside of the deep swamp for her nesting place, such as on the edge of a clump of bushes or swale in a meadow, sometimes on the bare ground near a stump or bush in a field where, with but little nest, she lays three generally, but sometimes four eggs. Both birds take turns in " setting " and they will allow themselves to be almost trampled upon before they will leave the nest. It seldom flies or feeds except at night. It is a ground bird and its food is chiefly composed of earth worms, larvae and insects, which it procures by push- ing into the earth its long and very sensitive bill, by which the least motion is detected, It is a very voracious bird, and in confinement has been known to eat its weight of angle worms in a day. It is much esteemed for the table and brings a high price in the markets, hence the avidity with which it is hunted. Formerly it was very plentiful in some of the southern counties of Ontario, but of late years is becoming very scarce, and if not carefully protected, will soon be among the extinct birds. It is terribly slaughtered during the winter in some of the southern states, where it is hunted at night by means of torches. During October there is probably no game bird which the real sportsman so loves to hunt, for what with its sudden rise, its cheery whistle and erratic flight, it makes most exciting sport. Ita weight is never more than nine and one half ounces, seldom eight, usually not more than seven. The usual weight of the European woodcock is fourteen ounces. I I- 389 GALLINAGO WILSONI (BONAP). WILSON'S SNIPE., Specific Character. Bill long, compressed, flattened and slightly expanded toward the tip, punctulated in its terminal half ; wings rather long ; legs moder- ate; tail short. Entire upper parts brownish black; every feather spotted and widely edged with light rufous, yellowish brown or ashy white back and rump transversely barred and spotted with the same ; a line from the base of the bill over the top of the head. Throat and neck before, dull reddish ashy ; wing feathers marked with dull brownish black, other under parts white with trans- verse bars of brownish black on the sides ; axillary feathers, under wing coverts and under tail coverts and quills brownish black ; outer edge of first primary white ; tail glossy brownish black, widely tipped with bright rufous, paler at the tip and with a subterminal narrow band of black ; outer feathers of the tail paler frequently nearly white, and barred with black throughout their length ; bill brown (greenish grey in life) paler at base and darker toward the end ; legs dark brown (light greenish grey in life). Total length about 10.50 to 11.50 inches ; extent, 16.50 to 17.50; wing, 5.00 to 5.60 ; tail, 2.25 ; bill, 2.50 to 2.60 ; tarsu,s 1.25. Habitat. The whole of north and middle America, breeding from the northern United States northward, migrating in the winter as far south as New Grenada. This bird is quite common in Ontario during its spring and fall migration, occurring in low meadows and along the marshy banks of streams. Although not nearly so common as in former years, it still returns to its old haunts or "snipe beds," where it is eagerly sought by sportsmen, who generally think the sport only second perhaps to that of woodcock shooting. It reaches here in Ontario early in April, remaining upon its feeding grounds for a week or so, where it carries on its lovemaking and pairing. The female sits upon a bog or soft part of a meadow, and while she clucks something like a hen the male is performing gyrations in the air, swooping down to her, then rising suddenly until he thinks she is satisfied of his prowess and beauty, which she evinces by her contented cluck. As the male bird swoops down in the air, a peculiar rumbling noise is made by fixing his wing feathers in a certain position as has been described of some other birds. Towards the end of April all of these birds are mated and most of them move northward to their breeding grounds ; a few, however, remain and breed throughout Ontario. The nest is placed always on the ground, and three or four eggs are laid, generally three. The ground colour of the eggs is light brown covered with dark sepia coloured spots, smaller at the small end than at the larger. The young are able to run as soon as hatched. It is said the snipe will light on trees sometimes, but only when they are disturbed during the breeding season. Its food consists largely of worms, larvae and small insects and snails. The snipe has a peculiar flight ; when first flushed it rises with its peculiar cry " scaipe," but three or four feet from the ground flying in a twisting zig-zag man- ner, sportsmen generally expect three of these twists before it settles down to a steady flight, and it is just after the third twist that the sportsman generally tries his luck. It requires a steady shot to make a good bag. This bird is some- times called the English snipe, but many good observers say that although they -are much alike, the colours nre somewhat different ; besides, the English bird has -only 14 feathers in its tail while the American snipe has 16. 390 MACRORHAMPHUS GRISEUS (LEACH). THE GRAY SNIPE REDBREASTED SNIPE, DOWITCHER. Specific Character. About the size of Gallinago Wilsoni. Shaft of the first Drimary strong, pure white ; axillars, tail coverts, and lower part of rump, white 3arred or transversely spotted with slate colour ; upper part of rump white isually immaculate ; tail slate coloured or dusky barred with white, (or in sum- ner adult with pale cinnamon on middle feathers). In summer brownish black ibove variegated with bay ; below brownish red variegated with dusky ; a ;awny superciliary stripe and a dark one from the bill to the eye. In winter )elly and anal region white, usually unmarked ; rest of plumage uniform ash *ray, somewhat mixed with white on breast and sides ; a whitish superciliary [tripe and wing coverts bordered with white. Wing, 5.50 ; bill, 2.50 ; tarsus, 1.85 ; ;ulmen, 2.30 ; middle toe .95. Habitat. Atlantic coast of North America, breeding in the region about Eudson's Bay. Formerly the Redbreasted snipe was quite common, being generally seen in mall " wisps." Wilson reports that it occurred in his time in large flocks. Of ate years, however, it is not found in any numbers in Ontario. 391 ACTODROMAS MACULATA (BAIRD). THE PECTORAL SANDPIPER. Specific Character. Above light clay colour, the crown back, scapulars and tertials, washed with light rufous or rusty ochraceous ; the feathers black centrally, producing conspicuous streaks, which widen into spots on the scapulars and back ; rump and middle upper tail coverts brownish black ; lateral upper tail coverts white with dusky shaft streaks ; middle tail feathers dusky edged with lighter ; other rectrices pale brownish gray, bordered with white. Wing coverts light grayish brown with paler borders and darker centres ; a light superciliary stripe, and a darker loral one. Cheeks, sides of neck, whole jugulum, and breast pale clay colour or light grayish buff, streaked ; sides sparsely streaked. Remaining lower parts immaculate white. Basal half of bill dull greenish yellow Total length about 9.00 inches; wing about 5.00 ;"culmen, 1.10; tarsus, 1.00 ; middle toe, .90. Habitat. The whole of North and the greater part of South America. Breeds in the Arctic regions. This Sandpiper, variously called by sportsmen " Jack snipe," " Grass snipe," " Short-neck/' etc., is generally found where you may expect to find Wilson's snipe, but in smaller numbers. It is also commonly found in the autumn or fall wheat fields when the ground is moist and rich. It flies very much like a snipe, and is always eagerly hunted by the sportsman. In the fall it is generally very fat and is a delicious morsel. It feeds on small insects, shell fish or small snails, and it frequently, like the snipe, bores for its food. 392 LIMOSA FEDOA (BAIBD). THE MARBLED GODWIT. Specific Character. Bill long, curved upwards ; both mandibles grooved ; wings long ; tail short ; legs long ; tibia with lower half naked ; toes rather short, margined and flattened underneath : the outer and middle toes united by a rather large membrane. Entire upper parts variegated with brownish black and pale reddish, the former disposed in irregular and confluent bands, and the latter in spots and imperfect bands ; in many specimens the black colour pre- dominating on the back and the pale red on the rump and upper tail coverts. Under parts pale rufous, with transverse lines of brownish black on the breast and sides; under wing coverts and axillaries darker rufous; outer webs of primaries dark brown; inner webs light rufous; secondaries light rufous; tail light rufous with transverse bars of brownish black. Bill dull flesh colour in its basal half, rest blackish brown ; iris brown ; feet bluish gray. Total length about 18.00 inches; wing, 9.00; bill, 4.00 to 5.00; tarsus, 3.00. Habitat. Throughout North America from ^the Atlantic to the Pacific coast ; it has not been known to go very far north to breed, but its nests have been found in Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, etc. ; no record of its breeding in Ontario. The Marbled Godwit is a migratory bird and it is durino- its fall migrations that it is of interest to Ontario sportsmen, although it is not met with so often now as formerly. It is highly praised as a game bird by epi- cures, for its flesh is tender and juicy. Its food consists of leeches, worms, larvae and snails. It winters in Central America and the West Indies. 393 LIMOSA HAEMASTICA (CouEs). THE HUDSONIAN GODWIT. Specific Character. Smaller than L. fedoa, above blackish brown, irregularly spotted and barred with pale ochraceous, the rump plain brownish black ; upper tail coverts immaculate white ; wing coverts and shorter quills plain dark brown- ish gray; primaries brownish black, their shafts white. Lower parts chestnut rufous narrowly barred with brownish black, the feathers of the belly, etc., often tipped with white. Tail black with the base and tip (narrowly) white. Lining of wings and axillaries plain smoky black. Habitat. Eastern North America and the whole of Central and South America. Breeds only in high latitudes. This bird is not common now being more seldom seen than the Marbled Godwit. It is, however, taken at the St. Glair Flats occasionally, and on the Grand River near Dunnville, where several good specimens of the Marbled Godwit have also been taken in the autumn. 394 TOT AN US MELANOLEUCUS (VIEILL). TELLTALE : GREATER YELLOW- SHANKS. Specific Character. Above, variegated with slate black, pale grey and white, the former predominating, the latter in the form of spots along the edge of the feathers, including the wing coverts and tertials ; crown and nape grayish white, widely streaked with dusky ; upper tail coverts white, irregularly barred with the same ; primaries, plain blackish slate ; tail white, all the feathers barred with dusky, the middle feathers grayish barred with dusky, the latter sometimes obso- lete. Head, neck and lower parts, white ; only the abdomen and throat immacu- late ; lores, cheeks, malar region, auriculars, and neck all round, streaked with dusky ; breast, sides and flanks, barred or transversely spotted with dusky ; the bars more saggitate on the crissum ; bill, black; iris brown ; legs and feet, deep yellow tinged with olive in young. Total length about 14 inches : wing, 7.50 ; culmen, 2.20 ; tarsus, 2.50 ; middle toe, 1.40. Habitat. America in general ; but breeding only far north short of the Arc- tic regions. In winter south to Chili and Buenos Ayres. The " Telltale " is a very common bird in Ontario during its spring and fall migrations, and large numbers of them are shot by sportsmen in wet meadows and along the shores of watercourses. It is a fine gamy bird, and is eagerly sought for by hunters. In the spring it reaches Ontario in April, and remains a week or two before proceeding north to its breeding grounds. On its return in September it remains longer and then affords good shooting. The Telltale is a very vigilant bird, and has received his name from the fact that no sooner does he discover the fowler than he utters his loud whistle " tell tale," rapidly repeated as he rises in the air, and this proves such a good warning to all the other Greater Yellow-legs and vigilant ducks in the neighbourhood, that they at once take to flight, much to the disgust of the gunner. 395 TOTANUS FLAVIPES (VIEILL). YELLOW LEGS : LESSER YELLOW SHANKS. Specific Character. Very similar to T. melanoleucus, but smaller and more slender. Bill rather longer than head, straight, slender, rather compressed ; wing,long, pointed ; tail, short ; legs, long, lower half of tibia naked ; toes, moderate, slender margined; the outer and middle united at the base; above ashy, mixed with ragged blotches of black, this having a tendency to form regular transverse bars on the secondaries and scapulars. Crown and nape with longitudinal streaks of black on a grayish white ground. Upper tail coverts pure white with transverse bars of dusky ; tail, white ; with middle feathers ashy, and all with transverse rather narrower bars of ash. Primaries and their coverts, plain dusky black. Lower parts, white ; the juoulum and breast densely streaked with blackish, and the sides marked with more transverse markings of the same color. Total length about 10.50 inches; extent, 20.00; wing, 5.50; culmen, 1.40; tarsus, 2.00 ; bill, black ; iris dark brown ; legs and feet, bright yellow. Habitat. The whole of America, breeding in the sub-Arctic regions, migrat- ing south to Buenos Ayres and Chili. This well known " Yellow-legs " is very common throughout Ontario during its spring and fall migrations, being observed on the muddy flats and marshy shores of our rivers and inlets. It lives on larvae &nd small crustaceans, upon which it becomes very fat ; and as it is often shot with snipe, it is considered equally good for the table. It passes north during April or early in May, and returns during September. Like the greater " Yellow- legs," it is fond of wading about in pools or the edge of streams for its food, some- times going completely under the water for a moment. 396 BARTRAMIA LONGICAUDA (CouEs). BAETRAM'S TATTLER : FIELD PLOVER. Specific Character. Bill about as long as the head, rather wide and flattened at the bases, lightly curved at the tip ; nostrils with a large membrane ; nasal groove, long ; wings, long ; tail, long for this group ; legs, moderate or rather lono- ; lower half of the tibia naked ; toes, moderate, the outer and middle united by a 'membrane, inner and middle free to the base ; hind toe, small : above, gray- ish brown, the feathers paler and more ochraceous towards their edges, spotted and barred with black ; head and neck, except throat, streaked with blackish ; crown, blackish, divided by a mesial line of buff ; throat, belly and crissum, plain buffy white ; axillars, pure white and clear dusky slate in regular bars of nearly equal width ; tail feathers, except middle pair, creamy buff broadly tipped with white, crossed by a broad subterminal black spot, and with a few irregular narrow bars anterior to this ; outer webs of primaries, plain dusky slate ; the inner webs with wide transverse bars of white on the outer quill, on the others broken into a confused mottling. Rump and upper tail coverts, nearly uniform blackish ; the outer feathers of the latter with their exterior webs partly white. Total length about 12 inches ; wing, 6.50 ; culmen, 1.10 ; tarsus, 1.90 ; middle toe, 1.00. This " Tattler," or as it is more commonly called by sportsmen, " Upland or Field plover," is pretty plentifully distributed throughout the United States, also in South America. It breeds in the States along Lake Erie and north said to be very common on the Saskatchewan plains. It breeds regularly along the north shore of Lake Erie, in probably all of the southern counties of Ontario. Although a wader it seldom wades, preferring dry pastures and ploughed fields near the water, living upon crickets, grasshoppers and other small insects, upon which it grows very fat. It is then considered a great delicacy for the table. In Ontario it is generally found in small flocks of from six to eight. Unlike many others of the family it is very fond of alighting on the fence, but is mainly a terrestrial bird. The nest of this bird is always upon the ground, and usually contains four eggs. The Upland Plover generally reaches Ontario early in April, and leaves about the first of October. 397 NUMENIUS LONGIROSTRIS (WILSON). THE LONG BILLED CURLEW. Specific Character. The largest American species of this genus. Bill very long, much curved, upper mandible longer than the under, somewhat knobbed at the tip ; wing, rather long ; legs, moderate ; toes united at the base. Entire upper parts pale rufous tinged with ashy, every feather with transverse and confluent bands of brownish black, most numerous and predominating on the back and scap- ulars ; secondary quills, under wing coverts and axillaries, bright rufous ; primaries with their outer webs, brownish black ; and their inner webs, rufous ; with trans- verse bands of black ; under parts, pale rufous ; with longitudinal lines of black on the neck and sides ; tail, rufous, tinged with ashy ; transversely barred with brown- ish black. Specimens vary to some extent in the shade of the rufous colour of the plumage, and very much in the length of the bill. The rufous colour is probably more distinct in the young. Total length about 25.00 inches ; extent about 40.00 ; wing, 10.00 ; tail, 4.00 ; bill, 2.30 to 8.50 ; tarsus, 2.25. Bill, black ; becoming dull light lilac brown on basal half of mandible ; iris, brown ; legs and feet, gray. Habitat. Temperate North America, migrating south to Guatemala and the West Indies. Breeds in the south Atlantic States, and is probably generally dis- tributed over North America, from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada on the north ; and we often, in the fall and spring, see large flocks of them in Ontario. We have no, record of their breeding in Ontario. Prof. Macoun spaaks of it as fare in the North-West. The Long-billed Curlew feeds upon crickets and other insects, and is considered a good table bird. 398 NUMENIUS HUDSONICUS (BAIBD). THE HUDSONIAN CURLEW. Specific Character. Crown, dark sooty brown ; divided longitudinally by a mesial line of buff ; a narrow dusky stripe on side of head, from bill to anterior angle of eye, continued back beneath the eye and along upper edge of auriculars, separated from the dusky of the crown by a wide well defined superciliary stripe of light buff. Rest of head and neck and entire lower parts, light buff ; the chin, throat and abdomen, immaculate ; other portions, including cheeks, entire neck, jugulum, and breast, marked with linear streaks of dark brown ; axillars, pinkish buff or dilute cinnamon barred with dark brown. Upper parts spotted with dark sooty brown and light buff, the latter prevailing on the wing coverts, the former on the back ; rump and upper tail coverts similarly spotted ; primaries dusky, the inner quills spotted with buff; iris brown. Total length about 18.00 inches ; wing, 9.00 ; culmen, 3.00 ; tarsus, 2.25 ; mid- dle toe, 1.35. Habitat. The whole of America including the West Indies ; breeds in the high north, and winters chiefly south of the United States. The " Short-billed Curlew " as it is generally called by sportsmen, is pretty generally distributed throughout North America. It is common in Ontario during its migrations, reaching here early in June on its way north, in quite large flocks, alighting on the rocky points which jut out into the lakes. It is very wary and so shy that it is hard to get a shot at it. Flocks come regularly in June to Gull Island, off the mouth of the Grand River in Lake Erie, and staying for a few days pursue their journey north to their breeding grounds. It feeds upon small shell- fish, worms, etc. Its flesh is white and delicious eating. It is said to lay four eggs as a set It goes south early in October. 399 NUMENIUS BOREALIS (Rmaw). THE ESKIMO CURLEW. Specific Character Crown, dusky ; streaked with buff, but without distinct mesial stripe ; a dusky stripe of aggregated streaks on side of head, from bill to and behind the eye ; rest of head, neck, and entire lower parts, light buff ; the cheeks, and neck streaked, the breast, sides, flanks and crissum with V shaped markings of dusky brown ; axillars and lining of the wing, pale cinnamon ; the former nar- rowly barred with dusky. Upper parts spotted dusky and buff; the wing coverts more grayish brown, with dusky shaft streaks ; primaries, including their inner webs, plain brownish dusky. Rump and upper tail coverts spotted light buff and dusky. Tail, brownish gray, barred with dusky. Total length about 13.50 inches; wing, 8.50; culmen, 2.25; tarsus, 170; middle toe, 1.00. In plumage this little Curlew closely resembles N. Hudsonicus, but has the primaries finely and confusedly mottled, instead of being marked with Very dis- tinct and regular ochraceous spots ; the breast with transverse V shaped markings, instead of linear longitudinal streaks ; while there are other differences besides the important one of size, which readily distinguish them. Habitat. The whole of the eastern province of North America, but not re- corded from western North America breeding in the Arctic regions and migrat- ing south to the extremity of South America, Patagonia, Falkland Islands, Chili, etc. This Curlew, called in New England the " Doe bird," is very plentiful in the regions where it breeds, and in the course of its spring and fall migrations, the great highway of which is through those states which lie just east of the Rocky Mountains. It is said to be common in northern Illinois. It passes north over Ontario early in May, and returns early in October. The writer and a friend took two speci mens in fine condition on October 10, 1884, on Lake Erie shore, near Port Maitland. They were in company of Golden Plover. However, this Curlew is not common in Ontario, and can only be of interest to the sportsman in the autumn migration. It feeds on crickets, grasshoppers and other insects, besides berries and seeds. The nest is made on the ground, and three eggs, sometimes four, constitute a set. The young are able to run as soon as hatched. 400 CHARADRIUS DOMINICUS (RiDOw). THE AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER. Specific Character Bill rather shoit, legs moderate, wings long, no hind toe > tarsus covered before and behind with small circular or hexagonal scales, upper parts brownish-black, with numerous small circular and irregular spots of golden- vellow, most numerous on the back and rump and on the upper tale coverts assum- ing the forms of transverse bands generally ; also with some spots of ashy white. Entire under parts black with a brownish or bronzed lustre, under tail coverts. mixed or barred with white. Forehead, border of the black of the neck, under tail coverts, and tibiae white ; axilliary feathers cinereous ; quills dark brown ; middle portion of the shafts white, frequently extending slightly to the webs and forming longitudinal stripes on the shorter quills ; tail dark brown with num- erous irregular bands of ashy white and frequently tinged with golden-yellow ; * bill black ; legs dark bluish brown. The winter plumage of both young and adult is different. Under parts dull ashy, spotted with brownish on the neck and breast, frequently more or less mixed with black ; many spots of the upper parts dull 'ashy white; other spots especially on the rump golden yellow. Total length about 9.50 inches ; wing, 7.50 ; tail, 2.50 ; culmen, .92 ; tarsus, 1.70 middle toe, .90. Habitat. America in general from the Arctic coast to Paraguay and Chili ; breeding in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions migrating in autumn to southern localities. The Golden Plover passes north through Ontario in April moving in large scattered flocks travelling principally by night at a great elevation, seldom alighting, hence their spring migration is not so often noticed, but during the autumn migration they pass leisurely southward, often staying weeks in a loca- lity suited to their tastes as regards food, etc. They are very fond of high, dry, old commons or pastures or fall wheat tields, where they find their favourite food,, crickets and grasshoppers, etc. They always at this season keep together in flocks and are very wary and hard to get near. Sportsmen usually hunt them in parties, stationed at different points about their haunts, they are caused to fly from one gunner to another who chooses his time to rake the flock, and often large numbers are taken in this way. This bird at this time is generally in such good condition as to split the whole length of the breast on falling to the ground. It is considered a good table bird, in the cities bringing almost as high prices as the Woodcock. Formerly Golden Plover were very plentiful, occurring in immense flocks, but of late years owing to their incessant slaughter, their numbers are- sadly diminished, They reach Ontario early in September, and often stay until the first week in October, They breed in the far north, ne^t on the ground, eggs. four in number. 401 FAMILY RALLID.E. THE RAILS, GALLINULES AND COOTS. Of this family the only one of much interest to sportsmen, is the Carolina. Rail which is the most numerous of the Rail family and is the only one much hunted for its flesh. It is a small bird with the following history. PORZANA CAROLINA (BAIRD). THE CAROLINA RAIL : SORA RAIL. Specific Character. Above bright olive brown with longitudinal spots of black, some of the feathers edged with white ; top of head with a broad longitudi- nal stripe of black ; anterior portion of head, with chin and throat, black. Sides- of head and neck, except as described, jugulum and breast, light plumbeous;, abdomen white ; anal region and crissum creamy white or pale buff ; flanks sharply barred with white and slate colour. Length 8-9 inches ; wing, 4.00 inches ; tail, 2.00 inches ; bill, f inch ; tarsus, ! inches. Habitat. The whole of temperate North America, but most common in the eastern provinces, south to New Grenada and Venezuela. Breeds chiefly in the northern part of its range. This the common Sora Rail is very abundantly distributed during its spring and fall migrations. It passes north during April and May and returns in September, and remains till October or until there is a sharp frost which usually makes it travel farther south. It frequents reedy or marshy flats where it can feed on the seeds of the reeds, etc., and can be hidden by the cover, for it is a shy little bird, mainly moving about by running, seldom flying unless forced to. When flushed by the gunner it affords an easy shot and often great numbers may be taken in a day. It can dive or swim with great rapidity. In Virginia they are hunted along the marshy banks of rivers at night, when lights are used, and the birds knocked down with the paddle as the boat is shoved through the reeds. Nests in fresh water marshes on a tussock of grass and. usually lays from seven to twelve eggs. 402 RALLUS ELEGANS (AUDUBON). THE KING BAIL. Specific Character. Above yellowish olive or ochraceous drab very con- spicuously and sharply striped with black, crown dark brown ; supra loral streak of brownish white, continued to the occiput in a broader stripe of brownish gray ; lores and sub-orbital region brownish gray or dull brownish, chin and throat white, remainder of head and neck including jugulum and breast, light cinnamon ; flanks and sides dark brownish or blackish dusky barred with white, the white bars averaging about 10-15 of an inch in width, the interspaces more than twice as wide ; crissum mixed dusky and white ; abdomen lighter than the breast ; back generally umber brown with darker stripes down the middle of each feather ; lower mandible and edges of upper brownish yellow, ridge of upper and tips of both deep brown ; iris, bright red ; feet yellowish brown tinged with olive, claws of the same colour. Total length 17 inches. Habitat. Fresh water marshes of the eastern States and southern Ontario. This bird is considered by sportsmen generally as quite equal for the table to the Sora Rail, besides being much larger. It is not so plentiful, but has the same habits, living in thick marshes and rarely taking to wing. It feeds on insects, crayfish, tadpoles, seeds, etc. 403 FAMILY, TETR^CNID^]. THE GROUSE. The Tetraonidse are characterised among gallinaceous birds by their densely feathered tarsi and 'by the feathers of the nasal groove which fill it and conceal the nostrils. The toes are usually naked (feathered to the claws in the Ptarmi- gans), and with pectinations of scales along the edges. The orbital region is generally bare with a naked stripe above the upper eyelid ; some have an inflatable air sac on the side of the neck. The species of Tetrao and Bonasa inhabit wooded regions ; Lagopus belongs to the Arctic portions of the continent and generally become white in the winter. In Ontario we have the following members of this family. Richardson's Dusky Grouse. Spruce Partridge, Canada Grouse. Ruffed Grouse. Sharp tailed Grouse. Willow Ptarmigan. Rock Ptarmigan. 404 CAANCE OBSCURUS, VAR. RICHARDONII (DOUGLAS). RICHARDSON'S DUSKY GROUSE. Specific Character. Back and wings blackish brown crossed with wavy lines of slaty gray, mixed with yellowish brown on the scapulars. Long feathers of the sides tipped with white, under parts light slate mixed with white on lower parts Cheeks black, chin and throat speckled with black and white feathers on sides of the neck slightly enlarged, covering a rudimentary air sac. Tail brown- ish black veined and marbled with grey and having a broad terminal band of the same colour. Female smaller, more varied and generally lighter in colour, but having the under parts and bar afc the end of the tail slaty gray, as in the male. Length, 20 to 22 inches ; wings, 9 to 10 inches ; tail, 7 inches. Habitat. Rocky Mountains from central Montana northward into British America. Eggs creamy buff spotted with chocolate brown. Mr. Mcllwraith who gives the above description, quotes Mr. C. J. Bampton of Sault Ste. Marie as being the only observer who has recorded the occurrence of this bird in Ontario. He has often seen it brought into the market there. 405 CANACE CANADENSIS, VAR. CANADENSIS (LiNN). SPRUCE PARTRIDGE : CANADA GROUSE. Specific Character. Tail of sixteen feathers, prevailing colour in male black,, feathers above banded with plumbeous, beneath uniform black with a pectoral band of white and white on the sides of the belly. Chin and throat above, black. Tail, with a broad brownish-orange terminal band. A coloured (red or yellow) comb of naked skin over the eye. Length, 16.20; wing, 6.70 ; tail, 5.44. Female smaller but somewhat similar, the black bars above broader, the inner gray bars of each feather, including the tail, replaced by broader ones of brownish orange. The under parts have the feathers black barred with brown- ish orange, which, on the tips of the belly feathers, is pure white. The clear,, continuous black of the head and breast is wanting. The scapulars, greater coverts and sides are streaked, as in the male. Habitat. Spruce forests and swamps of the northern United States and Canada, to the Arctic sea, west nearly to the Rocky Mountains. Habits. This very pretty grouse although formerly tolerably common over the greater part of Ontario, is now only found resident and breeding in the northern portions, seldom being seen further south than Muskoka. It is generally found in flocks of eight or ten, and when on the ground is said to resemble in its movements our common quail, rather than the Ruffed grouse. When disturbed they take to the trees, where they act so stupidly that it is said they may be taken by slipping a noose fastened to the end of a stick over the head, or knocked down one after another until all are killed. Their breeding habits are much the same as those of other members of this family ; when the love season arrives, the male is in his best plumage and puts on his best manners before his lady love, strutting about on the ground like a turkey cock, occasionally rising in a spiral manner above her in the air, then dropping on the ground again, beats his wings violently against his body, producing a sort of drumming sound much like that of a Ruffed grouse. The female constructs a nest on the ground generally under the low branches of some fir tree, the eggs are said to number from eight to eighteen and are described by Audubon as of a deep fawn colour, irregularly splashed with different tints of brown. They have only one brood in the season and the little ones are strong and active and follow the mother as soon as they leave the shell. This grouse feeds in summer on berries of various kinds, as well as upon the buds and leaves of various plants, at this season their flesh is best for food. In the winter they feed upon the buds of spruce and firs, and then as a friend of mine once said, you might as well try to eat a piece of cooked pine board. 406 BONASA UMDELLUS, VAR. UMBELLUS (STEPHENS). RUFFED GROUSE : PARTRIDGE : PHEASANT. Specific Character. Above, ochraceous brown, finely mottled with grayish ; the scapulars and wing coverts with pale shaft streaks, the ramp and under tail coverts with medial cordate spots of pale grayish. Tail, rufous, narrowly barred with black, crossed terminally with a narrow band of pale ash, then a broader one of black, this preceded by another ashy one. (In specimens from the Alleghany Mountains and New England States, the tail is usually more or less grayish to the base, sometimes entirely destitute of the rufous tinge). Lower parts white, yellowish beneath surface, with broad transverse bars of dilute brown, these mostly concealed on the abdomen. Throat and foreneck ochraceous. The feathers of the crown can be raised as a crest. Neck tufts, glossy black. Length, 18.00 inches ; wing, 7.20 ; tail, 7.00. Female smaller and with the neck tufts less developed, but the colours similar. Habitat. Eastern part of North America from Georgia to Nova Scotia and from the Atlantic to the Eocky Mountains. Richardson in his description of its habits says, that he met with it as far north as the 56th parallel of latitude. This well-known Grouse is still found over almost the whole of Ontario, but within the last few years its numbers are sadly diminished. This is the more to be regretted ass it is without doubt the best game bird of the Province. This Grouse is a constant resident, and as ageneral rule is in no sense migratory, unless as the re- sult of bush fires or a scarcity of food it may be induced thereby to shift its grounds a, few miles. It is very fond of rough mountain and hill sides and the borders of rivers and small streams, in fact it is to be found wherever wooded country is to be met with. In Ontario we have both the rufous and grayish tailed bird? if they may be called varieties ; in other respects they seem alike and are found in the same covers. This bird when flushed, usually flies in a straight line but seldom for more than a few hundred yards at a time, when it alights, generally on the ground, and if followed will often be found to lie very close allowing the sports- man to pass within a few feet of it, when if it finds itself discovered it rises suddenly with a loud whirring noise, enough to disconcert the steadiest shot, who, if not on the alert, will be sure to find that his bird has almost instantly placed a bush or tree between them, and his chance of adding to his bag gone. When they light upon a tree they can be followed and more easily shot, and it is in this way that the pot-hunter makes such bags with his little dog trained to " tree pat ridge," that is, to follow them, chiefly by sight, and to bark at the foot of the tree till the hunter sneaks up and shoots the poor bird as it sits staring at the dog. On almost every other occasion it is a cunning, wary bird, strong on wing and hard to shoot, and if hunted in a sportsmanlike way, with a good setter or pointer, affords good sport. The Grouse is more or less polygamous and the love season commences early in March, and is indicated by the drumming of the male birds. This sound is produced by the male bird only, who standing on a fallen log or on an elevated rock in a retired part of the woods, erects himself, expands his tail, and seems to inflate his whole body, then bringing his wings forward slowly at first, he beats the .air with them in a rapid, vibratory motion, thus producing a sound which resembles the distant and closing reverberations caused by remote thunder, and, seems to the listener much nearer than it really is. It has long been a disputed question as to how the bird produces the peculiar sounds, but on more than one occasion 407 reliable observers have cautiously approached the bird while thus trying to please its mate, and the result was as described above. A similar sound is produced by the vibratory motion of the wings of other birds, such as the snipe, night hawk, etc., while performing their gyrations in the air during the mating season. The Grouse has a habit also of strutting and manoeuvering much as a turkey- cock does in a most pompous way. The female selects a retired part of the woods, and makes her nest on the ground beside some log, where she lays from eight to twelve eggs of a dark cream color, and when the young are hatched, as they are after an incubation of about four weeks, they are at once ready to follow the mother in search of ants' eggs, or small larva. The mother is very devoted to her charge, displaying the greatest courage in defending them, and while she is thus doing her best to beat off the enemy the little ones profit by the opportunity, and almost instantly not one .of them is to be seen ; the danger past, a few clucks from the mother brings them from their hiding places under chips, leaves, or whatever was at the time most available. The food of the partridge consists of the buds of several kinds of trees especially the birches, which fact probably gives their flesh its peculiar and agreeable flavour. In severe seasons, however, it sometimes feeds on the buds of the Mountain Laurel, and then its flesh is poisonous. They also feed largely upon berries, as raspberries, blueberries, wild rose berries, thorn apples, winter- green berries, leaves, and some roots. Its flesh is esteemed a great delicacy, and on this account the pot hunter is not the least of its numerous enemies. 408 PEDIOC^ETES PHASIANELLUS, VAR. PHASIANELLUS (ELLIOT). SHARP-TAILED GROUSE. Specific Character. Prevailing colours, clear dusky black above and pure white beneath ; no buff about the head, upper parts variegated with transverse rather zig-zag spots of yellowish brown ; scapular with broad elliptical longi- tudinal medial spots of pure white ; wing coverts with large rounded and outer webs of primaries with smaller and more quadrate spots of pure white. Breast thickly covered with broad V shaped, and the sides with less numerous sagittate marks of uniform clear slaty or dusky. Legs densely feathered, the long hair- like feathers reaching beyond the claws, and completely hiding the toes. Throat thickly spotted with dusky. No appreciable difference in plumage between the sexes. Length, 1 8 to 20 inches ; wing, 8 to 9 ; middle feathers of the tail, 4 to 6 ; outer feathers, 1J. Habitat British America from Hudson's Bay territory, south to the northern shore of Lake Superior, and west to Alaska and British Columbia. Prof. Macoun says : " This is the prairie chicken of our western plains, the true prairie chicken nob being observed here." Dr. Coues, also says this is the prairie chicken of the whole North- West, usually oocurring where the Pinnated Grouse does not, although the habitats of the two species overlap to some extent. This bird is not reported in Ontario anywhere east of Sault Ste. Marie, where, as in the case of the Dusky Grouse, Mr. C. J. Bampton reports it as being occasionally seen on the market. It, however, becomes more abundant as you go west, for it is reported as being common near Winnipeg. Baird, Brewer, and Ridge way, in their " North American Birds," say, " It is found in abundance on the outskirts of the Saskatchewan plains and throughout the wooded districts of the fur countries, frequenting the open glades or low thickets, on the borders of lakes, especially where the forests have been partially cleared, perching on trees in the winter but keeping to the ground in the summer, and at all seasons met with in flocks of from ten to sixteen. They are said, early in spring, to select some level place, where a covey meets every morning and runs round in a circle of about twenty feet in diameter, so that the grass is worn quite bare. If anyone approaches this circle the birds squat close to the ground, but if not alarmed by too near approach they soon stretch out their necks to survey the intruder, and resume their circular course, some running to the right and others to the left, meeting and crossing each other. These " partridge dances " are said to last a month or more, or until the female begins to incubate. The hen is said to lay about thirteen eggs early in June, the nest being on the ground, formed of grasses lined with feathers. The eggs are of a dark tawny colour, -minutely dotted with darker spots of brown." 409 LAGOPCJS ALBUS (Auo). WILLOW GROUSE : WHITE PTARMIGAN. Specific Character. Bill very stout. Bill as high as the distance from the nasal groove to its tip. Tail always black, narrowly tipped with white ; wing, except upper coverts, pure white. Summer. Male. Head, neck, and jugulum deep cinnamon rufous ; whole upper parts except wings, paler, more fulvous brown, broadly and closely barred with black. Top of head spotted with black, and the j ugulum and neck with scattered bars of the same. Female. Entire plumage except wings, legs and tail, fulvous buff heavily barred and spotted above, and regularly barred beneath with black. Winter. Entire plumage, except the tail (which is black with a white tip), immaculate snowy- white; shafts of primaries black. Length, 15 to 17 inches ; wing about 8 ; tail 5J. Habitat. Arctic America from Newfoundland to Sitka. Mr. 0. J. Bampton, Registrar of Algoma, also reports this bird as a rare winter visitor about Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Alexander H. Taylor of Ottawa, also reports that some winters it may frequently be seen on the market there, having been brought in by the hunters from the back country. The peculiar change of plumage of these birds is a provision of nature shown in the covering of many of the birds and animals of the Arctic regions, as the Arctic fox, hares, leemings, owls, etc. It enables the defenceless ones to escape more readily the observation of their many enemies and the foxes, bears, owls, etc., the more readily to approach their prey. This Grouse is said to be quite equal, as a game bird, to tbe Scotch Grouse, which it is not unlike. As an article of food they are considered equal to any other of the members of this family. 410 LAGOPUS MUTUS, VAR. RUPESTRIS (LEACH). ROCK PTARMIGAN. Specific Character. Bill slender, distance from nasal groove to tip (.35} greater than height at base (.27). In summer the feathers of the back, black,, banded distinctly with yellowish brown and tipped with white. In winter, white, the tail black ; the male with black bar from bill through eye. Size con- siderably less than that of L. albus. Length, about 14.50 ; wing, 7.50 ; tail, 4.50. Female in summer. Wings (except upper coverts) and legs, white; tail,, (except intermediae) black, narrowly tipped with white. Rest of plumage light ochraceous or buff, some feathers tipped with white, and all with broad transverse bands of black, this colour prevailing on the dorsal region. On the lower surface the buff bars exceed the black ones in width. Wing, 7.20; tarsus, 1.15 ; middle toe, 90 ; bill, .35 by .27. Habitat. Arctic America. Mr. Macllwraith quotes Mr. Bampton of Sault Ste. Marie for the appearance of this bird in that locality. It is also probable that these birds reach the vicinity of Ottawa and Montreal. In its general habits it much resembles the L. albus. All these birds are- feathered to the toe nails with long white hair like feathers and in summer change their plumage to correspond with the surroundings. 411 ORTYX VIRGINIANUS, VAR. VIRGINIANUS (BoNAp). QUAIL: PARTRIDGE: BOB- WHITE. Specific Character. Forehead, and line through the eye and along the side of the neck, with chin and throat white. A band of black across the vertex, and extending backwards on the sides, within the white, and another from the max- illa beneath the eye, and crossing on the lower part of the throat. The under parts are white tinged with brown anteriorly ; each feather with several narrow, obtusely V shaped bands of black. The fore part of the back, the Side of the breast, and in front, just below the black collar, of a dull pinkish red. The sides of the body and wing coverts, brownish red ; the latter almost uniform without indication of mottling. Scapulars and upper tertials coarsely blotched with black and edged internally with brownish yellow. Top of head, reddish ; the lower part of neck except anteriorly, streaked with white and black. Primary quills, unspotted brown. Tail, ash. Female with the white markings of the head replaced by brownish yellow; the black ones with brownish. Length, 10.00; wing, 4.70; tail, 2.85. Habitat Eastern United States and as far west as Dakota, Kansas, and eastern Texas ; as far north as the southern portion of Ontario. This gamy little bird is not a quail, properly speaking, although that is the common name in Ontario. It belongs to the family of Pericidse or partridges and in the Southern States where it is very plentiful, it is known as the partridge In the southern tier of counties in Ontario, west of Toronto, the quail is a per- manent resident, being in no wise a migratory bird. Thirty or forty years ago, it was commonly found some distance north of Toronto, but it is doubtful if it is found at all there now. The severity of the winters, aided by its numerous enemies, has so depleted its ranks that its distribution is not so great as formerly. However it is astonishing how rapidly they multiply if one or -two mild winters have been succeeded by dry spring weather during the breeding season. The nest is made about the last of April or the first of May, always on the ground, and as the bird likes to frequent low grounds, the nest is often after heavy rains covered with water and its contents consequently destroyed, in which case the hen, nothing daunted begins to lay again a lot of eggs, usually from twelve to twenty, although records have been made of as many as thirty eggs in one nest. It is probable however that more than one hen has contributed in such a case. It is almost incredible that the little mother could cover and keep warm, during incubation, such a large number, and yet it is rare to find in a nest any addled eggs. The little ones are able to run and follow their mother as soon as hatched. If she raises a second brood, which is generally the case, it usually unites with the first in the autumn, and if undisturbed they keep together till the next spring when they separate in pairs to take up housekeeping. The male is generally faithful to his mate, although occasionally he will associate with more than one female, when it is said that the little hens all contribute eggs to one nest. Their habits are such that they are very liable to be destroyed. They roost upon the ground, generally in the weedy edge of some swale, sitting in a circle, heads out, and tails to the centre ; in this way a watch is kept on all quarters for enemies, and it also serves in the winter to keep them warm, but if during the night they are covered by a large fall of drifting snow, followed by a partial ^haw, and a crust forms, the birds are imprisoned and perish of hunger, and in , he sprint when the snow melts it is a very common thing to find a whole bevy t 412 huddled together and dead from this cause. Cats, owls and vermin, too, take advantage of this way of roosting. In fact the quail is a bird which lives almost entirely upon the ground, and only occasionally, as when the snow is deep and loose, are they known to take to the trees when flushed. The quail is a most useful friend to the farmer, and if his worth were well understood by those patrons of industry, and its gentle harmless ways appreci- ated, it is doubtful if the sportsman would get permission so often to trespass with his dog among the golden rod about the buckwheat fields, where this hand- some little game bird is so generally found. The food of the quail is seeds of various plants and berries. They feed largely also upon grasshoppers, cutworms and other insects and grubs, and get fat upon them. They are also very fond of buckwheat, corn and other kinds of grain. Their flesh is delicious, being far finer and more delicate than that of the grouse. During the breeding season the male bird, while its mate is setting, frequently mounts a stump or fence and whistles a note which sounds like the words " bob- white/' hence the name. 413 MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO, VAR. GALLOPAVO (LINN). WILD TURKEY. Specific Character. The naked skin of the head and neck is blue; the excrescences purple red. The legs are red. the feathers of the neck and body generally are very broad, abruptly truncate and each one well 'defined and scale like ; the exposed portion coppery bronze with a bright coppery reflection in some lights, in the specimens before us chiefly on the under parts. Each feather is abruptly margined with velvet black, the bronze assuming a greenish or purplish shade near the line of junction, and the bronze itself sometimes with a greenish reflection in some lights. The black is opaque, except along the extreme tip, where there is a metallic gloss. The feathers of the lower back and rump are black with little or no copper gloss. The feathers of the sides behind, and the coverts, upper and under, are of a very dark purplish chestnut, with purplish metallic reflections near the end and a subterminal bar of black ; the tips are of the opaque purplish chestnut referred to. The concealed portion of the coverts is dark chestnut barred rather finely with black, the black wider than the interspaces. The tail feathers are dark brownish chestnut, with numerous transverse bars of black, which when most dis- tinct, are about a quarter of an inch wide and about double their interspaces ; their extreme tip for about half an inch is plain chestnut, lighter than the ground colour, and there is a broad subterminal bar of black about two inches wide on the outer feathers and narrowing to about three-quarters of an inch to the central ones. The innermost pair scarcely show this band and the others are all much broken and confused. In addition to the black bars on each feather the chestnut interspaces are sprinkled with black. The black bands are all most distinct on the inner webs ; the interspaces are all considerably lighter below than above. There are no whitish tips whatever to the tail or its coverts. The feathers- on the middle of the belly are downy, opaque and tipped obscurely with rusty whitish. The wing coverts are like the back ; the quills, however, are blackish brown,, with numerous transverse bars of white, half the width of the interspaces. The exposed surfaces of the wing, however, and most of the inner secondaries are tinged with brownish rusty, the uppermost ones with a dull copper or greenish/ gloss. The female differs in smaller size, less brilliant colours, absence generally of bristles on the breast and of spur, and a much smaller fleshy process above the- base of the bill. Male : Length 48.00 to 50.00 inches ; extent 60.00 inches ; wing 21.00 inches; tail 18.50 inches. Weight 16 to 35 lb. Female. Weight about 12 Ib. ; measurements smaller in proportion. Habitat. Eastern province of the United States and Canada. West along the timbered river valleys towards the Rocky Mountains ; south to the gulf coast. In North America there are two varieties of wild turkey, the Mexican, which has the feathers of the rump, the tail coverts and tail feathers tipped with whitisK instead of dark rusty as in the other variety, the common wild turkey of eastern, and southern United States and Canada. It is generally conceded now that it, is to the Mexican variety we owe the origin of the domestic bird, some well-bred, ones of which have been known to attain the weight of 45 lb. 33 (c.) 414 Though once very plentiful in the southern and western counties of Ontario, even up to within a few years ago, it is now becoming very rare and is found probably only in the counties of Essex and Kent and even there it is only a .matter of a short time when it must become extinct. The habits of this bird are so well known in the domestic fowl, whose habits ,-are similar, that it is unnecessary to describe their love-making which usually begins early in February, but the hen does not begin to lay for perhaps a month later, when she makes her nest on the ground beside a log or in some thicket, and deposits usually from ten to fifteen eggs almost exactly like those of the tame bird. The food of the turkey is corn and other grain, grass and other plants, seeds fruits, beetles, small lizards, tadpoles, etc. In the south it prefers to all other food pecan nuts and wild grapes, upon which it becomes exceedingly fat. It is a very difficult bird to hunt, being wary, running at great speed, and if come upon suddenly flushing as readily as the grouse or quail and alighting in the highest trees after a long flight. They are generally taken by stratagem. One of the most common methods of trapping wild turkeys is by means of a trap made by laying up a square pen of poles or rails gradually narrowing at the top ; under one side of it a trench is dug large enough to admit one turkey, then corn is spread about the woods at some distance and leading up to the pen where a train of grain is laid into it through the opening. The bird readily enters this :and once within is so stupid that it constantly flies towards the top or sides in its efforts to get out, and in fact anywhere except through the opening by which it entered. In this way sometimes a whole flock may be entrapped. Below is given the opinion of the late Professor Baird, of the Smithsonian Institute, America's best ornithological authority, as to the origin of the domestic turkey. * " As with nearly all the animals which have been brought under domestica- tion by man, the true origin of the common barnyard turkey was for a long time a matter of uncertainty. As a well known writer (Martin) observes: "So involved in obscurity is the early history of the turkey, and so ignorant do the writers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries appear to have been about it that they have regarded it as a bird known to the ancients by the name of Meleagris (really the guinea-fowl or pintado) a mistake which was not cleared up till the middle of the eighteenth century. The appellation of " Turkey," which this bird bears in England, arose from the supposition that it came originally from the country of that name, an idea entirely erroneous, as it owes its origin to the New World. Mexico was first discovered by Grigalva in 1518. Oviedo speaks of the turkey as a kind of peacock abounding in New Spain, which had already, in 1526, been transported in a domestic state to the West India Islands and the Spanish Main, where it was kept by the Christian colonists. It is reported to have been introduced into England in 1541. In 1573 it aad become the Christmas fare of the farmer. Among the luxuries belonging to the high condition of civilization exhibited by the Mexican nation at the time of the Spanish conquest, was the possoessin by Montezuma of one of the most extensive zoological gardens on record, numbering nearly all the animals of that country with others brought at much expense from great distances, and it is stated that turkeys were supplied as food in large num- bers daily to the beasts of prey in the menagerie of the Mexican emperor. No idea can be formed at the present day of the date when thisv bird was first reclaimed in Mexico from its wild condition, although probably it had been known in a domestic state for many centuries. There can, however, be no question of 415 the fact that it was habitually reared by the Mexicans at the time of the conquest, and introduced from Mexico or New Spain into Europe early in the sixteenth century, either directly or from the West India islands into which it had been previously carried. It has, however, always been a matter of surprise that the wild turkey of eastern North America did not assimilate more closely to the domestic bird in colour, habits and by interbreeding, although until recently no suspicion was entertained that they might belong to different species. Such, however, now appears to be the fact as I will endeavour to show. The proposition I present is that there are two species, or at least races, of wild turkey in North America, one confined to the more eastern and southern United States, the other to the southern Rocky Mountains and adjacent part of Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona ; that the latter extends along eastern Mexico as far south at least as Orizaba, and that it is from this Mexican species, and not from that of eastern North America, that this domestic turkey is derived. In the proceedings of the zoological society of London for 1856 (page 61) Mr. Gould characterises as new a wild turkey from the mines of Real del Norte in Mexico, under the name of Meleagris Mexicana, and is the first to sugge st that it is derived from the domesticated bird and not from the common wild turkey of eastern North America, on which he retains the name of Meleagris gallopavo, of Linnaeus. He stated that the peculiarities of the new species consist chiefly in the creamy -white tips of the tail feathers and of the upper tail coverts, with some other points of minor importance. I suggest that the wild turkey of New Mexico as referred to by various writers, belongs to this new species and not to the M. gallopavo. In 1858 in the report of the birds collected by the Pacific Railroad expedition (vol. ix., p. 618, of the series of Pacific Railroad Reports), I referred to this sub- ject and established the existence in North America of two species of wild turkey, one belonging to eastern, the other to middle North America. Much additional material has since corroborated this view, and while the M. gallopavo is found along the Missouri River and eastward and extends into eastern Texas, the other is now known to belong to the Llano Estacado and other parts of western Texas to New Mexico and to Arizona. The recent acquisition of a fine male turkey by the Smithsonian Institute, from the vicinity of Mount Orizaba, in Mexico, and its comparison with a skin from Santa Fe, enables me to assert the positive identity of our western and the Mexican species, and one readily separable from the better known wild bird of the eastern United States. There is now little reason to doubt that the true origin of the barnyard turkey is to be sought for in the Mexican species, and not in the North American, an hypothesis which explains the fact of the difficulty of establishing a cross between our wild and tame birds. The presumed difference between the two species may be briefly indicated as consisting principally in the creamy or fulvous white of the tips of the tail feathers and of the feathers overlying .the base of the tail and of the hinder part of the back of the Mexican and typical barnyard birds, as compared with the decided chestnut brown of the same parts in the eastern wild turkey. There are other differences but they are less evident, and those indicated will readily serve to distinguish the two species. The true wild bird of eastern North America always has the tips of the tail feathers and upper tail covert of a chestnut brown colour ; the Mexican species and its descendant of the barnyard never exhibit this feature. 416 Sometimes this domesticated bird is exactly like its wild original, differing only in rather greater development of the fatty lobes of the head and neck, and of this an example may be seen in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. There is a variety of the domestic bird which is entirely black, sometimes even including the larger quills, which in both species are naturally banded with white, and in this there may be little or no trace of any bands at the end of the tail and of its upper coverts ; but whatever may be the asseverations of the sportsman, the poultry dealer or the farmer as to the wildness of any particular bird, or what the circumstances attendant upon its capture or death by trapping, shooting or otherwise, implicit confidence may be placed in the test above indicated, namely : if the tips of the tail coverts and tail are chestnut brown, the specimen belongs to the M. gallopavo or " Wild turkey," if the same part is either entirely black or any shade of whitish or light fulvous, then it is a " barnyard ' r fowl. 417 GLOSSARY OP TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN DESCRIBING THE BIRDS. Alula. Little wing, the bastard wing composed of the feathers, that are set on the so-called thumb. Auriculars. The straight hair like feathers overlying the ears. Axillars. Feathers growing from the armpit. Coverts. The small feathers under or over the tail or wings. Crissum. The under tail coverts taken together. Cinereous. Of an ashy colour. Corrugated. Wrinkled. Cordate. Heart shaped^ Crescentic. Moon shaped. Commissure. The line of junction of the mandibles when closed. Culmen. The highest arch of the upper mandible. Dorsal. Belonging to the back. Fulvous. Of a brownish yellow colour. Fuliginous. Dark brown. Falcate. Sickle shaped. Glaucous. A dull green passing into blue sea green. Gallinaceous. Having the nature of a domestic fowl. Intertomial. Between the cutting edges of the bill. Interscapulars. The feathers between the shoulders. Iris. The circular muscular curtain hanging perpendicularly in the eye between the aqueous and vitreous humors and having in it a circular opening the pupil. -Jugulum. The throat. Lores. Space between the eye and the bill. Loral. Belonging to the lores. Lanceolate. Lance shaped. Mandible. The jaw. Nuchal. Belonging to the neck or nape. Nape. Back of the neck. Nasal. Belonging to the nose. Ochraceous. Colour of yellow ochre. Orbital. Pertaining to the eye socket. Occiput, Back of the head, Primaries. The nine or ten stiff feathers which form the tip of the wing. Pileum. The cap or top of the head. Plumbeous. Lead colour. Pectinations. Comb-like toothing. Pectoral. Belonging to the breast. 31 (c). 418 Eictus. Gape of the mouth. flemiges. Quills of the wing. Rectrices. Quills of the tail. Rufous. Reddish rusty. Secondaries. Quills belonging on the fore-arm. Scapulars. Feathers growing from the shoulder blade. Saggitate. Arrow shaped. Speculum. Bright coloured area on the secondaries of the ducks chiefly. Superciliary. Over the eye, the eyebrow. Tertials. The large inner quills of wing growing from the elbow. Tibia. The shin bone, the bone of the leg between the knee and the heel. Tarsus. The ankle bones taken together, Truncate. Cut squarely off. Unguis. Nail or claw. Undulated. Waved, made rolling. Violaceous. Violet coloured. Vinaceous. Wine coloured. Vermiculated. Marked with fine cross markings. PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE FISH AND FISHERIES OF ONTARIO. BY PROF. RAMSAY WJFUGHT, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. 35 (c). TORONTO, January, 1891. Dr. G. A. MACCALLUM, Chairman of the Ontario Fish and Game Commission. SIR, I have the honour to transmit herewith a Preliminary Report on the Fish and Fisheries of Ontario. Your Commission had originally intended to collate the information received in answer to a series of questions distributed to persons interested in the subject throughout the Province. The answers, however, appeared to indicate that a Preliminary Report containing a synopsis of what has already been published in regard to it, with descriptions and figures of the species of fish occurring in Ontario, would tend not only to render more precise the replies to future investigations of your Commission, but also to awaken a widespread interest in the whole matter In preparing this synopsis I have been chiefly indebted to the publications of the U. S. Fish Commission, which has with great liberality furnished the illustrative plates, but I have consulted, where necessary, the Dominion Fishery Reports and the Reports of the Ontario Crown Lands Department, as well as other available sources of information. The first section of the Report deals with geographical considerations likely to affect the distribution of the various species of fish occurring within the waters of the Province, the heights above sea-level, depths and temperatures being indicated where possible. This is followed by a short account of the natural history of fish sufficient to explain the technical terms used by Ichthyologists in distinguishing the various species. Attention is called to the desirability of the extension of our knowledge as to the conditions of life of our food-fishes. The third section furnishes a detailed account of the natural history of the species of fish reported from the Province, special attention being given to those of economic importance. Thereafter the statistics contained in Dominion Reports and the legislative enactments of the Dominion Government as far as these affect Ontario are summarized, and the adequacy of the close seasons fixed considered. A short account of the apparatus employed in catching fish and the methods of preparing them for the market follows, succeeded by a discussion of the causes of and remedies for reported decreases in the catch of fish. Finally the problems are indicated which would occupy the attention of a Permanent Fish Commission for the Province of Ontario. I have the honour to be, Sir, Yours respectfully, R. RAMSAY WRIGHT. GEOGRAPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS. The Province of Ontario, it is said, owes its poetic Indian name to its parethmoid ; o, orbitosphenoid ; f, frontal ; ps> parasphenoid ; a, alisphenoid ; pr, prootic ; h, arti- cular surface for hyomandibular on sphen> and pterotics ; b, basioccipital with exoccipitals on either side ; s, supraclavicie; m, "maUeus;" 4, 5 and 6, transverse process of 4th, 5th and 6th vertebrae. gristle or cartilage being only partly replaced by bones. In the Catfish, however, there is little of this left in the adult fish. Attention is called to the position of the vomer the teeth OD which sometimes furnish easily accessible characters to the syste- matic zoologist. It is applied to the under surface of bones formed in cartilage, the foremost of which, the middle ethmoid, carries in front the premaxillse, tooth - bearing plates which form a considerable part of the margin of the upper jaw on each side and which can in some fish be thrust out from their* support or " protracted." The rest of the margin of the gape above is usually formed of the 433 maxillae, but these are small in the Catfish and merely serve to support the large barbels. Fig. 4 illustrates how closely the jaws are related to the hyoid ai Fig. 4. JAWS AND HYOID ARCH OF CATFISH, FROM THE SIDE. MX, maxilla ; pmx, premaxilla ; pi, palatine ; hmd, hyomandibular ; op, operculum ; mpt, metapter goid ; qu, quadrate ; pr, preopsrculum ; sop, interoperculum ; d, dentary ; ar, articular ; h, hypohyal ; gh, glossohyal ; ch, ceratohyal; eh, epihyal ; br, branchiostegal rays. which is similar in general character to the following gill-arches, but which is altered in form by reason of its carrying the jaws and the skeleton of the gill-cover. Indeed the jaws are regarded as another similar arch in front of that, formed of an upper palato-quadrate and a lower mandibular segment, part of the latter carrying teeth (dentary) and part forming a joint with the quadrate, but all suspended to the skull by the hyomandibular, the upper part of the hyoid arch. The lower part of this arch is sub-divided as shown in the figure, and forms a bony support for the tongue, while its hinder margin performs, with the attached branchiostegal rays, a similar function for the free part of the gill-cover, these rays being related to it in a manner somewhat similar to that in which the bones of the gill-cover pre- operculum, operculum proper, and interoperculum (there is no suboperculum in the Catfish) are related to the hyomandibular part of the arch. eb 1 Fig. 5. VISCERAL SKELETON OF CATFISH. H, hypohyal ; ch, ceratohyal ; eh, epihyal ; i, interhyal ; b 1 , first basibranchial ; hb 1 , cb 1 , eb 1 , hypo-cerato- and epibranchials of first arch ; o, o^so^hagus ; ep and hp, epi- and hypopharyngeal tooth plates. The mode in which the skeleton of the gill-arches proper is sub-divided and the relationship to the superior and inferior pharyngeal (epipharyngeal and hypopharyngeal) tooth-plates, may be gathered from fig. 5. 434 The vertebral column is formed of vertebrae, each of which has a rounded body hollowed out on both faces (amphicoelous), from which there projects an upper arch protecting the spinal cord and terminating above in an upper or neural spinous process (fig. 6). Between the neural spines are inter-spinous bones which hsh Fig. 6. CAUPAL VERTEBRA AND CAUDAL END OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN IN THE CATFISH. Ns, neural spine ; c, vertebral centre ; hs, haemal spine ; nsh, bony sheath of the notochord ; cr, caudal rays carry the fin-rays of the unpaired fins. In the tail region there are also ventral arches and spines which protect the blood-vessels running to the tail, and the ribs further forward in the trunk region correspond to these, although they do not meet in the middle line below. The caudal fin of the catfish appears quite symmetrical, and in some species (plate 5), is equally forked ; a close inspection of the skeleton, however, shows that it is chiefly situated on the lower surface of its axis, which is here abruptly turned up. This apparent symmetry (hornocercal condition) is absent in some fish like the Sturgeon, (plate 1), where the vertebral column turns up, sub-dividing the tail very plainly into two unequal lobes (heterocercal condition). In the catfish some anterior vertebrse are united very intimately to each other, and to the skull and pectoral arch, in consequence of certain peculiar connections between the ears and the air-bladder, but this is not usual in fish. j-sc lug. 7. PECTORAL GIRDLE OF CATFISH FROM BEHIND. Co, coiacoidal, s, scapular portion of primary shoulder-girdle; cl, clavicular.se, supra.clavicular portions of secondary shoulder-girdle ; b, basal elements, r, rays of the fin-skeleton. On the other hand the union of the pectoral arch to the skull is not un- common, and is effected by a three-pronged bone, the supraclaviele or supra- scapula (fig. 7). The arch is formed of right and left halves which fuse with 435 each other in the middle line below, but each half at an early date is formed "of two elements, a primary element formed in cartilage, and a secondary larger one formed beneath the skin. The so-called basal elements of the pectoral fin corres- pond in part to the limb bones of higher animals, but they are unimportant in size as compared with the fin-rays, the foremost of which can be set and used as an effective weapon by the catfish. Systematic zoologists rarely employ the form of the viscera to any extent in framing comparative descriptions of different species. The following points as to the arrangement of the viscera should, however, be noted. The intestinal canal is a comparatively short tube which is marked* off into three regions, the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. All these parts are supported to the wall of the body-cavity in which they lie by the mesentery, and another part of the same membrane the " peritoneum " also lines the body-cavity. Its colour may vary from black to silvery. Connected either permanently, or in the young fish merely temporarily, with the gullet is the air-bladder, a part of the intestine which serves as a float, and may have other subsidiary functions. The stomach may merely be a slightly enlarged part of the intestinal tube, but may have a blind projection as in the catfish, ' coecal type," or be bent into U-shaped form, " siphonal type." It is separated from the first part of the small intestine by a muscular valve, the pylorus, from which a number of blind tubes attached to this part of the intestine in many fishes (but not the catfish) derive the name of pyloric coeca. Opening into this part of the intestine also is the bulky liver, which is provided with a large gall-bladder. The heart in the catfish is situated far forwards in the region of the throat. It collects the blood from the veins and drives it up the gill-arches, from which it flows out at the top into the dorsal aorta as arterial blood. Behind the air-bladder is the kidney, formed of right and left halves intimately united, and connected by folds of mesentery with the dorsal surface of the body-cavity are the ovaries in the- female (the roe) and the testes (the milt or soft roe) of the male. As a general rule the eggs of fish are fertilised after they have been deposited by the female, and it may be observed that the fewer the eggs are in number the more anxiously are they looked after bygone or both parents. The various species of catfish all appear to be attentive to the fry for some time. Some notions as to the development from the egg may be gathered from fig. 8. While still within the body of the mother, the egg measures about one-eighth of an inch in diameter ;. it has two coats, the outer of which is penetrated by minute canals through, which the necessary nourishment for the growth of the egg passes inwards. When- the egg is laid, the space between the two coats increases in size and the two con- stituents of the yolk) the formative yolk, which gives rise directly to the body of" the embryo, and the large food-yolk which is utilized as food by the embryo) formerlv evenly distributed, now tend to accumulate at opposite poles. The forma- tive yolk with its contained nucleus begins to divide, the result being a disc of small cells lying on the surface of the food -yolk. The cells gradually extend over the whole of the egg, those at the formative pole arranging themselves into the three layers of the embryo, which already during the second day assumes a fish-like- form. It is from these three layers that all the organs of the fish are developed. The embryo does not escape from its shell till the sixth day, when, although only one-third of an inch in length, development has already advanced to a con- siderable extent. Thus the heart is seen in front of the yolk-sac, from the vessels* of which it collects the blood enriched by contact with the yolk, and propels it by way of the gill-arches throughout the entire system. After all the food is, 36 (c.) 436 extracted from the volk-sac, the latter is absorbed, and the young fish begins to feed for itself. At the end of three months the adult form is attained, the nsh being then hardly an inch in length. The length of time which the hatching process takes., and the rapidity with which the developmental process runs vary much in different species of Tebosts, is largely dependent on the temperature of the water, spawn deposited in j?i%. 8. DIAGRAM OF SEVERAL STAGES IN DEVELOPMENT OP CATFISH. (Modified from Ryder). 1, ovarian egg ; 2, egg in which formative yoke has separated to upper pole ; 3, embryo of second day ; 4, section through such an embryo, showing epiblast with nervous system above, hypoblast below, and between them the mesoblast and the notochord ; 5 embryo of sixth day. the cold water of October and November not hatching till the following spring in contrast with the rapid process depicted above, which occurs in the early sum- mer. The great difference in size which is to be observed between the eggs of different species is not merely proportional to the size of the species, although, as we shall find, large varieties of brook trout lay larger eggs than small varieties ; it is largely a question of the relative amount of food-yolk provided for the embryo, and may be therefore also attributed to the hatching habit of the species, the longer or shorter time which the embryo takes to burst the egg-shell and to begin to feed for itself. The following table gives the number of eggs that have been counted to 3, quart in different species : Mackerel 1,267,728 Pickerel (Stizostedium vitreum) 120,000 Whitefish ; . 36,000 Striped Bass 24,363 Brook Trout 11,000 Lake Trout v 8,720 Atlantic Salmon v 4,272 Winninish 3,800 437 Teleosts differ very much in the nature of their food and in their manner of' securing it. Some, like the Catfish, Sturgeon and . Suckers, are bottom feeders, and such are often furnished with protractile lips, the better to secure the mol- luscs, worrrs, aquatic insect-larvae or fish-spawn on which they live. Others, like the Whitefish, are dependent on the crustacean life with which our fresh waters swarm, (fig. 9), the young living on the minute Entomostraca, the adult on the FIG. 9. Ascllus communis. x 2. Gammarus sp. x 3. Branchipus vcrnalis, swimming on its back, x 3. Dapknia pulcx. x 18 Cypris Candida. Cyclops sp. x. 12. larger shrimp-like forms. Others again, more agile, leap to secure the insects on which they feed, while many are carnivorous, feeding on other smaller species of fish. Unquestionably the microscopic life of the fresh waters is the prime source of much of the food of our fresh water fishes, and most comprehensive investi- gations are therefore being carried on in regard to the life of the larger bodies of fresh water in Europe with the object of ascertaining the conditions which appear favourable to the abundance of food-material of this character, and the species which appear to contribute most to the sustenance of the fish. As the smaller species of fish serve as food for the larger rapacious forms, which may thus be regarded as inimical to them, so also the various fish-eating birds tind reptiles may be regarded as enemies of the class. There are, however, some more insidious enemies which are deserving of mention the various fish- eating insects, and the various parasites, animal and vegetal, which afflict fish. Amongst the former are specially to be noted the larger water-beetles, Dytiscus and Acilius, which may completely devour small fish by the aid of their rapa- cious jaw-e ; the larger and smaller water-bugs and water-boatmen, Belostoma, Notonecta and Ranatra, which attack fish by grasping them with their power- ful front legs and then sting them and suck their blood by their sucking proboscis. 438 Amono- the latter are to be distinguished the crustacean parasites of the oills (ficr fo) or of the surface of the body, which may become so numerous as to cause death (p. 446). Again there are various worm parasites (no species- of fish is exempt from its share) which, however, appear rarely to cause any serious mortality. In many cases unripe stages of such worm parasites occur in fish which only reach their full development in fish-eating birds, but one- Fig. IQ.Ergasilus with egg-sacs from gills of sunfish. x 10. Achthercs from gills of catfish x 6. species of such .immature forms occurring in the Pike, and possibly also in- some Salmonoids, is the larva of Bothriocephalus latus, the broad tape-worm of man. It is only found abundantly in those northern countries where fish are eaten raw. Among the worm parasites may be mentioned certain thread- worms which (like the guinea worm) live in the skin of their host, and may often cause serious abscesses in the fins of affected fish. Certain leeches (Piscicola) also may attach themselves to the skin and suck the blood of their victims with fatal results. Obscure diseases of fish of epidemic character have not been properly investigated yet. Some are no doubt attributable to bacteria, others, like the salmon disease, to more visible fungus- growths such as Saprolegnia, but the subject of the wholesale dying-off of fish is one which requires further looking into. PRESERVATION OF FISH. Should any reader of this report desire information as to any particular variety occurring in his locality, he is invited to send specimens to the author at the University of Toronto. These ought to be suitably preserved before ship- ment, either by putting on ice when caught and shipping promptly, or by immer- sion in a strong pickle formed of 1 J Ibs. salt, \ Ib. saltpetre and \ Ib. boracic acid to the gallon of water, or in strong spirits of wine. The preservative fluid used should be poured into the mouth, and if possible injected into the vent and through a small slit into the body-cavity. When alcohol is used as a preservative fluid it should be diluted with one-third water, so as to obviate shrinkage of the tissues, and changed once or twice before shipment. The label accompanying a specimen should always give the exact place and date of capture, and any other information which occurs to the collector, such as colouration when fresh, which, is especially desirable if alcohol is used as the preservative fluid. NATURAL HISTORY OF ONTARIO FISH. The Class of the Fishes is divided by zoologists into six sub-classes, con- taining : I. The Lancelet or Amphioxus. II. The Lampreys and Hag-fishes. III. The Sharks and Eays. IV. The Ganoid Fishes. V. The Teleost or Bony Fishes. VI. The Dipnoi or Lung-Fishes. Of these the 1st and 3rd are not represented in fresh waters, and need not concern us here. With few exceptions our fish belong to the fifth sub-class. SUB-CLASS II. CYCLOSTOMI. The fishes that belong to this group are eel-like forms of parasitic habits, attaching themselves by means of their circular mouths to larger fish, of which they suck the blood. Their skeleton differs very much from that of other fish : it consists of a brain-case formed of cartilage, supports for the gills of the same material, and a notochord running underneath the spinal cord. There are no true jaws, nor limbs, nor ribs as in other fish. One of the families the Myxinidse is entirely marine, the other the Petromyzontidse has some fresh-water species. They are at once recognized by the circular sucking-mouth (fig. 11), the horny teeth within it, the single nostril on the top of the head, and the separate openings of the seven gill-pouches on each side of the head. Fig. 11. MOUTH OF RIVER LAMPREY. (Petromyzon concolor.) The only species in Ontario waters is Petromyzon concolor, the Silvery Lamprey, a small species of no economic importance found in the Great Lakes and living partly as a parasite of the lake Sturgeon, to which it attaches itself and forms 439 440 raw sores by the aid of its rasp-like teeth. They ascend Brooks in spring- to spawn, and it is probable that the young are at first toothless aad blind, living in sand until they attain a considerable size. Further information is desirable as. to this Lamprev from a scientific point of view, but it is of no economic import- ance whereas the Marine Lamprey, which attains a size of three feet, was ior- merly much valued as an article of food. It ascends rivers m the spring to- spawn and resembles, therefore, in this respect its representative m the lakes. SUB-CLASS IV. THE GANOIDEI. This roup embraces but few living forms most of them North American- but very many fossil representatives are known, so that the living species are really only to be regarded as straggling survivors of a formerly numerous group. The name Ganoid is taken from the enamelled scales so well developed m the bony pike. In many respects the structure is intermediate between that of the Sharks on the one hand, and that of the Teleosts and Lung-fishes on the other. Two divisions of the group are recognized the cartilaginous and the bony Ganoids. Both are represented in Ontario, the one by the Sturgeons (family ACIPENSERIM), the other by the Bony Pikes or Gar Pikes (LEPIDOSTELDJE) and the Mud-fishes (AMinxfi). Of the various families the Sturgeons (Acipeweridw) approach most closely to the Sharks in their structure. Thus the skin possesses minute bony plates roughened with teeth which recall the shagreen of the Shark. ^ The skeleton is cartilaginous throughout, although the skull is encased by a series of flat bones formed from the skin, and similar in this respect to the bony shields on the trunk. The latter are very characteristic for the family ; they are in five rows a median dorsal series and a lateral and ventral series on each side all are keeled and provided with a spine. The snout or rostrum, which is of con- siderable size in the allied paddle-lishes (Poli/odon) and shovel-nosed Sturgeons (Scaphirhynchus) of the Mississippi Valley, is conical in form and carries in front of the mouth, which is on the under surface, a row of four barbels. The Sturgeons are bottom feeders, the position of the mouth and its protractile lips are therefore very advantageous for this kind of life. The air-bladder is of large size and has a wide opening into the gullet. The pectoral and ventral fins are situated low down, the latter far back, but still in front of the dorsal and anal fins, which are similar in form and are separated from the caudal fin by a slenderer part of the tail the " caudal peduncle." The caudal fin is unequally divided by the continuation of the vertebral column, and is distinctly " heterocercal." The gills are, however, much more like those of the Teleost, consisting of a double row of gill-filaments attached to each of the four gill-arches, and, in addition, of a single row attached to the hyoid arch, the so-called opercular gill. The free edges of these look into the gill-chamber, which is enclosed by an operculum, in which, however, only two of the four bones usual in the Teleosts are found. There are no branch iostegal rays. Another rudimentary gill (the pseudobranch) is situated within a rudimentary gill-slit between the jaw and the hyoid arch, known as the " spiracle," and common in the Sharks and Rays. Although the pseudobranch is frequently present in the Teleosts, the spiracle itself is always absent, and it is hardly to be detected in the other families of Ganoids referred to. The only member of the family occurring in the Province v is the Lake Sturgeon or Rock Sturgeon (Acipenser rubicundus). Like the other members of the genus, this species attains a considerable size, up to six feet, and to a weight [PLATE J.J- [ PLATK [PLATE 3.] 441 of from 50 to 100 pounds. Most of the other species are marine forms that only ascend rivers to spawn, but this one is permanently confined to the lakes. It varies much with age, the young having a slender long snout, which becomes quite blunt in the adult, also sharp hooks on the bony shields, which become smooth with age, while the ventral shields grow smaller and finally disappear. The dorsal shields average 13 in number (11-16), the laterals 34 (30-39), the- ventrals 8-10, while the tin-formula is D 35, A 26. This species owes its scientific specific name to the reddish colour of the sides- of the body ; the dorsal surface, however, is dark in hue. The Sturgeon is hardly appreciated at its true value in Ontario, the greatest proportion of the fish caught, in Canadian waters being shipped to the States for sale. It is a fish nevertheless, of high economic importance, its flesh being of excellent nutritive quality and good although somewhat meaty flavour. The sounds or air-bladders furnish the best quality of isinglass, and the roe the expen- sive delicacy " caviare," but these accessory products are not properly taken advantage of in the Province. On the whole the Sturgeon frequents comparatively shallow water, and is therefore oftener taken in pound-nets than in gill-nets (p. 464) but it is most easily captured in the spring of theyear at spawning-time when numbers congregate about the mouths of rivers. The spawning time may be as early as the middle of May, but in Lake Superior it is delayed till July. At this time the habits of the fish render them comparatively defenceless ; they run in schools, depositing their spawn along seams in rocky ledges as has been observed at the head of the Niagara River, the females followed by the males, and both rolling over and over on the bottom, and then suddenly leaping from the water and falling back with a splash. They can often be successfully gaffed, or taken by hauling a grapnel hook along the bottom a method which must wound many fish which after- wards escape; finally they are sometimes speared even in comparatively deep water (25 to 30 feet) by Indians, by means of a long spear with detachable handle, the iron of which has a line fastened to it. The eggs are of large size (one-ninth of an inch in diameter) and very numerous (from one to two millions in a large fish). Comparatively few of these can meet with the necessary conditions for their successful development, as the adults are not met with in the numbers which might be anticipated. A comparatively short time four to five days suffices for the hatching process, the embryos escaping at the end of this period. Nothing is known of the food of the embryo fish, but it is undoubtedly formed of minute forms of life which afterwards give place to the shell-fish (Physa, Planorbis, Limncea, Valvata, etc.) on which the adult feeds. . Unlike the Sturgeons, the bony Ganoids are utterly worthless as food, but as before remarked, they have a high claim to scientific interest. They approach the ordinary bony fishes in that the gill -cover has all the four bones, and the branchiostegal rays. The air-bladder is almost lung-like in character and accounts for the circumstance that the fish are able to live out of water fora very considerable time, and are often to be seen leaping and snapping air. Externally the difference between the Gar-Pikes and the Bowfins or Mud- fishes is very marked, for the enamelled coat of armour of the former is far more unlike the scaly coat of an ordinary fish than is the skin of the latter, but in their internal structure they offer a very close agreement. Three species of Bony Ganoids occur in Ontario, two Gar-pikes (Lepidosteus osseus and L. platystomus) and the Mudfish (Amia calva). The Gar-pikes have an elongated, almost cylindrical body covered with the 442 obliquely arranged lozenge-shaped scales which are so characteristic of the genus. The jaws are elongated into a beak which is twice the length of the head in the long-nosed species (L. osseus), but shorter and oroader in the other species. In both the beak is very well provided with teeth, there being several rows of small teeth and one row of larger size. As in the Sturgeon, there is a hyoidean half-gill attached to the deep surface of the gill-cover, but the spiracles do not open to the outside and are small in size. One of the peculiarities of the skeleton is that the vertebrae instead of hav- ing cup-like surfaces as in the Amia and the ordinary bony fishes are united by a ball and so2ket joint, the soskefc being on the hinder surface of each vertebra. The remaining represent! veoF this important group, A mia calva, is of common occurrence in the Great Lakes and sluggish waters southwards. In various places it is known under different popular names: Lake Dogfish from its voracity, Mudfish from the waters it frequents, Bowfin from the characteristic long dorsal. In shape the Mudfish somewhat recalls the Shad tribe, and it is perhaps to this division of the bony fishes to which it is most nearly allied. All naturalists are agreed that the Amia is the leading representative of an extinct transition group between the ancient Ganoid fishes and the modern Teleosts. From the latter, however, there are still many points of distinction ; such as the completeness of the cartilaginous skull under the outside dermal bones encas- ing it, the presence of a similar dermil bone between the lower jaws and of two peculiar file-like structures attached to the hinder edge of the gill-opening. The general colouring of the MudHsh is dark olive-green above, pale below, but the males are marked by a round black spot bordered by yellow at the base of the caudal, which is absent in the females. SUB-CLASS V. TELEOSTEI. The general structure of the Tel costs has been described on p. 429; it now remains to give some details as to the peculiarities of the various sub-' divisions of the group. They are primarily classified into Physostomous and Physoclystous Teleosts : i.e. those in which the air-bladder opens into the gullet in the adult, and those where it is completely shut oft. Even in those forms where the air- bladder does open by a tube into the gullet, its importance as a breathing organ is quite unlike that in the Bony Ganoids, and its functions are therefore regarded as being more closely related to the locomotion of the fish. Those Teleosts in which the air-bladder is closed are regarded as further removed from the Bony ^anoids than the others, and it is therefore desirable to treat of the latter first PHYSOSTOMI. In this division the scales are usually cycloid, and the fin-rays (with the exception of one or more anterior ones, modified into defensive spines) soft. 3 most primitive families are undoubtedly the Catfishes, Suckers and Minnows, and they all agree in possessing the connection between the air-bladder s which ifc " of a typical and m having the lower jaw projecting beyond the upper, and [PLATE [PLATE 5.J 37 [PLATE G. | [PLATE 7. [PLATE 8.J [PLATE 9.] [PLATE 10.] 443 A. natalis, a species with a broad head and a longer anal fin than the above, (A 24-27). Further information is desirable as to the geographical distribution and any differences of habit of these species. The great Catfish of the lakes and larger rivers, (Amiurus nigricans) plate 5, is at once distinguishable by its great size it may run to a weight of 100 Ibs. and its forked tail. The young may be known by the fin-formula (D, I, 5 ; P, I, 9 ; A. 25) from the above species. Apart from its only being found in large bodies of water, it appears to share the mode of life of the smaller species, l-ut little appears to be known as to the peculiarities, which a species so distinct is sure to possess. For completeness sake, reference may be made here to the small Stone- Cats (Noturus) which are inconspicuous on account of their size (4-5 inches), but differ from the Catfish proper in their habits of lurking beneath stones, and in the length of the adipose fin which is almost continuous with the tail-fin. Two species are reported from the Great Lakes region JV. gyrinus and N. flavus* the latter being characterized by its serrated pectoral spine. The Suckers (CATOSTOMID^E) are a family of fish which can hardly be said to be of economical importance, for their flesh is coarse, watery and destitute of flavour, but they, like the Minnows, are at least important as furnishing food to the carnivorous fishes. Their great abundance also, especially when they ascend streams in the spring, has caused them to be occasionally used by farmers for fertilizing purposes. They differ from the Catfishes in their coat of cycloid scales, the conical head narrowing to the small mouth, which is destitute of the surrounding barbels, but has protractile fleshy lips, and toothless jaws. There are no spines as in the Catfish, the anal fins are always shorfcer than in that family and there is no adipose fin. The air-bladder is divided into two or three compart- ments, an arrangement which has been supposed to favour sudden changes of the position of the head in swimming, but most probably has some other function In addition to the genus Catostomus which gives its name to the family, and to which the Common Sucker (C. teres) belongs, four other genera occur in the Lake region, viz.: Ictiobus, Erimyzon, Minytrema, Moxostoma. The first mentioned, including the Buffalo fishes of the Mississippi Valley and one species from the Great Lakes (/. Thompsoni), is at once distinguished by its long dorsal fin of 27 rays, while the others rarely have half as many ; of these Catostomus, Erimyzon, Minytrema, agree in having the air-bladder divided into two compartments, whereas in Moxostoma it has three. Catostomus embraces comparatively small-scaled forms in which 80-100 scales are found in the course of the lateral line, while Erimyzon, Moxostoma and Minytrema have large scales, from 40 to 50 in the lateral line. Of the numerous species of Catostomus, two, C. catostomus, the long-nosed Sucker, and C. teres, the common Sucker, are known to occur in Ontario, the former the larger of the two being more abundant northward and westward. It is distinguished by the projecting snout which overhangs the mouth, and by the greater number of scales (95-114) in the course of the lateral line as com- pared with the common species (64-70). Both species indicate their affinity to the next family (Gyprinidoe) by the males possessing a special breeding dress in spring, consisting of a rosy lateral band, and numerous excrescences about the head and anal fin. 444 The Chub Suckers (Erimyzon sucetta), are small fish, never exceeding ten inches in leno-bh, while the Spotted Sucker (Minytrema melanops), which re- ceives its name from each scale having a blackish spot at its base, attains a length of eighteen inches. Of the large-scaled Suckers the Redhorses or Mullets are much commoner than the above. The most abundant species is Moxostoma aureolum, which reaches the size of two feet and upwards, and is distinguished by a yellowish brown colour and bright red fins, but there is also a silvery form (M. amsurum) with a longer dorsal fin (D 15-18 instead of 13). " q ;JClosely allied to the Suckers are numerous small fresh-water fish known as Chub Dace, Shiners, Minnows, etc., belonging to the family CYPRINIM:, a family widely represented in the Old World as well, although, the Suckers are charac- teristically North American. None of them are of any economical importance, except in so far as they furnish food for the Jarger fishes. Much remains to be learned about the geo- graphical distribution of the family in Ontario, it being a matter of considerable difficulty to distinguish the various species from each other. They differ from the Suckers in that the upper maxillary bone does not contribute to form the border of the mouth. The teeth on the lower pharyngeal bones furnish to naturalists the most convenient way ot recognizing the species. Of the numerous species the following may be noted : Pimephales notatws, the fat-head minnow ; Notropis (Minnilus) megalops, the Red-fin or Dace, and N. atherinoides, the Rosy Minnow ; Hybopsis (Ceratichthys) dissimilis, the Spotted Shiner ; Semotilus bullaris, the Fall-fish or Chub ; Pkoxinus dongatus, the Red-Sided Shiner ; Notemigonus chrysoleucus, the Golden Shiner, and many others. Any description of these forms, sufficient to allow of their correct diagnosis, would transgress the limits of this report. Jordan's Manual of the Vertebrates of North America gives tables facilitating the discrimination of the various species. In addition to these small Cyprinoids familiar as a group, but less known specifically, are two introduced genera which require some notice. One of these is the goid-fish, Carassius auratus, a native of China, and domesticated there for centuries. It is known everywhere as an aquarium fish, and varies very much both in form and colouration. The other is the Carp proper (Cyprinus carpio) also an Asiatic fish but valued and cultivated both in Europe and America as a food-fish. Special reference will be made to its peculiarities hereafter, (p, 470). A second natural group of Physostomi is formed of the Moon-eyes, Herring and Shad, which have numerous fresh-water representatives, but are not so exclusively fresh-water in their habits as the preceding families. In all, the body is compressed and covered with silvery scales usually cycloid and often deciduous. The prenaaxillaries are not protractile, and the maxillaries contribute to form the edge of the upper jaw. The anal fin is of considerable length although low, and the caudal much forked. The Moon-eyes are confined to the fresh waters of North America, and belong to a single genus Hyodon which gives its name to the family. The popular name is derived from the very large eyes, the scientific name from the strong teeth with which the tongue is armed. One of the most obvious dis- tinctions from the Herring family is that the teeth are crowded on^every available surface of support within the mouth. [PLATE 11.] I [PLATE 12.} :38(c.) [PLATE 13. [PLATK 14.]! 445 The commonest species is the Moon-eye or Toothed Herring of the Lakes tergisus^ : it frequently is taken in pound -nets, but is not regarded as a valuable food-fish. On the other hand the Gold-Eye, H. alosoides (so-called on account of the belly coming to a sharp keel as in the Shad) is a fish of some import- ance in the North-west both commercially and to the sportsman. It is common in the Saskatchewan valley, but is probably confined to that part ol Ontario which drains into Lake Winnipeg, p. 428. The CLUPEIDJE or Herring family differ from the Moon-eyes in having an almost toothless mouth, but very long gill-rakers ; they are all gregarious fish swimming in immense schools, but although many are marine, others, like the salmon, ascend fresh-water streams to spawn, and of these some may become permanently land-locked. The sea-herring (CLupea harengus) is of course one of the most valuable and abundant of food-fish, but it is entirely confined to the sea ; the Shad on the other hand (G. sapidissima) ascends rivers to spawn and was formerly abundant even in the Lower Ottawa. The only member of the genus, however, which can now be said to be common within the Province is the Gaspereau or Alewife <((7. pseudoharengus orvernalis), introduced into Lake Ontario since 1873 and now very abundant. Another species, the Ohio Shad (G. ckrysochloris), has been in- troduced into Lake Erie, but is not valued for food. One of the marked features of the herrings is the keeled abdomen with its saw-like edge. Teeth may be present on the vomer as in the sea-herring, or on the jaws as in the Shad, or may be absent in the adult as in the Alewife and Shad proper. The latter species is distinguished by the gill-cover being deeper than it is long, also by its finer and more numerous gill-rakers. The Gaspereau appears to have been accidentally introduced into Lake Ontario when the intention was to plant shad. At least it was formerly very uncommon in the lower St. Lawrence, rarely straggling up higher than Metis. It is still uncertain whether the fish, which appear abundantly every spring toward the end of April, and disappear just as suddenly in September or October, go down to the ocean in the fall and return thence in the spring or whether they merely retire to the deep waters of the lake. The time of their movement is very probably a matter of temperature. They come in towards the shores in immense schools at the spawning season, rising to the surface and rippling it as mackerel do. The schools are composed of adult fish of 8 to 9 \ inches in length, and are regarded as a nuisance in the Thousand Island region where they fill the pound and trap nets to the exclusion of other fish. They are, however, valuable from their quantity if not for their quality, and besides furnishing a cheap food the surplus catch can be employed in the manufacture of fertilisers. Obstacles in the way of river dams, etc., preventing the Alewives reaching their natural spawning grounds and thus diminishing their number, have been regarded by the late Professor Baird as a cause of the decrease of the inshore -cod and other fisheries, the Alewives being a favourite food of the carnivorous fish. It is probable that the presence of Alewives in Lake Ontario may re-act favourably on its fisheries by furnishing an abundant food for the larger lake fish. Little is known with regard to the spawning of the Alewife in Lake Ontario : it is said to occur in shoal water in June. The eggs number from 60,000 to 100,000, and are somewhat adhesive ; three or four days suffice to hatch them, and the young fish obtain a length of two or three inches before the winter. Immense numbers of dead Alewives are found on the surface of the lake in the early summer ; the cause of 446 their death is obscure, it being hardly possible that the explanation offered as to some of the smaller lakes of New York State the use of explosives for wholesale killing of food-fish is the true one. The shad (C. sapidissima) is undoubtedly one of the most important of Am- erican food fishes. It used to be abundant in the Lower Ottawa, but the pollution of the river, by sawdust etc., appears to have rendered its former spawning grounds unavailable. Its spawning habits resemble those of the Alewife; the eggs are spun out by the female on to a sandy bar while in rapid motion, and the male scatters the niilt at the same time, both sinking slowly to the bottom. Three to eight days suffice for hatching, after which the young escape and are able to swim freely. A ripe shad contains from twenty to forty thousand eggs. The males are smaller (IJ-Glb.) than the females (3J-8) and are earlier mature. The same apparent local instinct is said to be exhibited by the shad as by the salmon ; the young hatched in any particular stream returning to it after an interval of two to three years when adult. It is possible that this is to be interpreted by their not going far from the mouths of the rivers in which they have been bred, j "ncv^SS Allied to the shad is a fish of similar form recently introduced into Lake Ontario and Erie, but of no value economically. It is known as the Gizzard- shad (Dorosoma, cepedianum) on account of its muscular stomach and is further distinguished by the last ray of the dorsal being produced into a long thread. It has occasionally been found dead at the surface in considerable numbers. By far the most important family of the fresh-water Teleosts, as regards economical value and the number of species, is undoubtedly that of the SALMONID.E. Like the foregoing, many of the members are anadromous, living a part of their life in the sea but ascending rivers to spaw*n. Other forms which are confined to large bodies of fresh water often congregate about the mouths of the rivers fall- ing into them or ascend these for the same purpose. The Capelin (Mallotus vUlosus) and Smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) are exclusively marine forms; the Salmon and Trout are found in both salt and fresh water, while the Whitefish, Grayling and Lake Trout are confined to inland waters. In all of the forms that concern us here, the intestine is furnished with numerous pyloric cceca, which serve to increase its surface. Unlike the shad the abdomen is rounded, and there is present an adipose fin. The Whitefish (Coregonus) are distinguished by an entire absence of teeth, and by the large size of the scales. Of the toothed genera, the Grayling (Thymallus) is at once char- acterized by its long and high dorsal fin, while the Salmon (Salmo) and Brook and Lake Trout (Salvelinus) agree in having teeth on the jaws and tongue, but ier in that the vomer m the latter genus is destitute of teeth. The genus Coregonus is not confined to North America but is also found in Jurge inland waters such for example as the Swiss Lakes in Europe and Asia. Ihe species are somewnat difficult to distinguish, innumerable local varieties mg recognized by fishermen, which probably do not deserve to rank as distinct Ihe body is compressed in all and the air-bladder very large, the 5 cceca very numerous, and the eggs numerous and of small size. Six species occur within the Province, which may be arranged in two groups rding as the lower jaw is included within or projects beyond the upper. To the r ?T ^ ? mm n J Whitefish & dupeiformis), and with itCquadrila- f^^^- c ' hoyi > while to the latte and the Tulhbee of Manitoba, (C. tullibee) acco [PLATE 15.] f PLATE 16.] 447 The common Whitefish is the most important, abundant and widely distri- buted of these. It is distinguished by its compressed body, its elevated back a peculiarity especially marked in the adult arid its small short head with obliquely truncated snout. C. quadrilateralis is rounder in body,(it is the Roundfish of Richardson) and' further differs in having a larger head, stouter gill-rakers and a dark-blue colour of the back from the foregoing species, to the size of which it does not reach. Ii> is commoner northward than in the Great Lakes. C. Idbradoricus is commoner towards the north-east, as its name suggests", but it is also found in Lake Superior and northward ; it has the compressed body of the common whitefish, but the length of head of the Roundfish. It only attains a length of one foot, and has some teeth on the tongue which the white- fish lacks. A whitefish of similar size occurring in the deeper waters of Lakes Michi- gan and Ontario is known as the Cisco in the former and as the " long-jaw " in the latter ; it is distinguished by the bright silvery color of the under parts, but also by the smaller number of fin-rays (D 10, A 10.) and of the scales in a vertical row. In its larger mouth it approaches the Lake Herring (C. artedi), which occurs in immense shoals in the lakes and especially in Lakes Erie and Ontario, and is, next to the Whitefish, the most important member of the group. The variety known in commerce as the Cisco of Lake Ontario, is a deep water form, much fatter than the ordinary Lake Herring, and bringing as much as one- third higher price on account of its making better kippers than the other. Lastly the Tullibee, which is commoner in Manitoba than in Ontario, is intermediate to a certain extent between the Lake Herring and Whitefish, but has the deep com- pressed body of the latter and scales which, being larger in front and peculiarly marked, are characteristic of this species alone. The Whitefish proper deserves special attention on account of its importance from the economical standpoint. As remarked above it exhibits considerable variation both in size and form. The largest fish are taken in Lake Superior, where they may weigh as much as 20 Ib, whereas in Lake Erie they rarely attain to half that weight. The fish are mature when much smaller, the males being conspicuously smaller than the females. The observed variations in form are associated with a marked preference for adhering to some particular locality even in large bodies of water. This would seem to be incompatible with the migrations of the fish in the lakes, but it is probable that these movements are from deep into shallow water and vice versa. Fishermen at least are confident that Whitefish taken in different localities can be easily recognized, that those e.g. taken in the upper end of Lake Ontario are different from those in the lower end of Lake Erie; and that the fish e.g. taken in Batchewaung Bay, Lake Superior, are peculiar to that bay. Indians at the Sault say that the Whitefish of the lake above never descend the rapids, while those of the river never ascend to the lake. In Lake Ontario and also in the upper lakes, but not in Lake Erie, w^here the water is too warm, two shoreward movements are observed ; the first occurs in June with the approach of warm weather and its object would appear to be the larvae of the various aquatic insects which are then abundant. When the shallow water becomes too warm they retreat again into the deeper, waters of the lake, where the shrimp-like erustaceaof these depths (Mysis relicta and Pontoporeia affinis) furnish them with abundant food. After a stay of two or three months, that is to say till about the middle of October, there begins the second shoreward movement, this time for the purpose of spawning, the spawning grounds being slowly reached towards the middle of November or the beginning of December. After this function has been successfully accomplished they retreat again into 448 the deep waters of the lakes. In the fall, and just before the spawning season, various minute shell-fish would appear to constitute the bulk of their food. The places selected for spawning grounds are honey-combed rocks or gravelly bottoms, in water of 30 to 50 feet depth, the crevices in which afford a safe place of lodgment for the eggs and protect them to a certain extent from the watchful spawn-eaters, the suckers, lake herring and lake lizards or Meno- Fig. 12. CANADIAN LAKE LIZARD, OB MENOBRANCH. (Necturus niaculatus.) branchs (fig. 12). On the north shore of Lake Superior the mouths of the great rivers, like & the Michipicoten and Neepigon, are favourite places ; possibly a relic of a former anadromous habit, such as characterises other Salmonoids. To cope successfully with the destructive spawn-eaters large numbers of eggs are deposited, although many of them are destined to destruction. It has been calculated that a female Whitefish sheds 10,000 for every pound of her weight It is possible that the spawning habits in the rivers and lakes differ, the fish exhibiting greater activity in the former than in the latter. In both, how- ever, they pair, the male being uniformly much smaller than the female. In the Detroit River the fish are described as jumping in pairs at night, the male swim- ming along beside the female with his snout up towards the pectoral fin, and both suddenly leaping from the water, spawn and milt running from them the while. In Lake Ontario, on the other hand, the female has been described as ploughing a nest in the gravelly bottom, where she remains for two or three days until all the eggs are deposited. Possibly the spawning habits of the vari- ous species differ, but sufficient attention has not been given to the subject. In contrast with the short period of development described for the Clupeoids (p 445) the Whitefish eggs require about 100 days to hatch out at the natural temperature of the water. They thus escape from the egg about the beginning of April, and have entirely absorbed the yolk-sac by the end of that month, when they have reached the length of half "an inch. The little minnows thereafter make for deeper water, but it is stated that the fish do not seek the greater depths until they have attained a weight of over & pound ; many of these immature fish are therefore caught in pound-nets, while the gill-nets secure no fish under a pound in weight. The principal enemy of the Whitefish after it has attained maturity is the Lake Trout, but the small fry are undoubtedly eagerly eaten by the Bass and JPercoid fishes, as long as they remain within their reach. Occasionally Whitefish have been observed to die in large numbers. Prof. &. G. Lawson brought me specimens of a parasitic crustacean (Argulus coregoni ?) some years ago which was obviously the cause of death of immense numbers of whitefish in the Lake of the Woods, and a similar phenomenon is recorded from lakes in Minnesota. Whether this is a frequent cause of such epidemics remains Still to be investigated. [PLATK 18. J [PLATE 19.J 449 A passing notice is due to a beautiful and brilliantly coloured fish, the Ameri- can grayling (Thymallus signifer), which is found in streams in the southern peninsula of Michigan and in cold clear streams in suitable places north-westerly from that towards the Arctic ocean. It is possible that this species (which, it has been suggested, is a relic ol the glacial period) may yet be found in the north- westerly part of the Province. It attains a length of 12-18 inches, and is marked by its long and high dorsal fin. Unlike the other Salmonoids it spawns in April. Our remaining Salmonoids are referable either to the genus Salmo, including the Atlantic Salmon (Salmon salar), and its landlocked variety the Winninish, and the genus Salvelinus, including the various varieties of Lake Trout (8. namaycush) and of Brook Trout (S. fontinalis). The extreme variability of this tribe has always offered great difficulties to the ichthyologist and is attributable to differences of age, sex, breeding habits, and the surroundings of the fish generally. The young, for example, of the Atlantic Salmon are barred, the immature males silvery, while the breeding dress of the male is brilliant and the shape of the jaw different at that time. Again, Brook Trout in rapid streams are brilliantly coloured, in dark lakes, uniformly sombre, while sea-run individuals (Sea-Trout) have a bright silvery coat without any of the ocellated spots generally so characteristic. Similarly, the same species which never attains a pound weight in a small stream may through abundance of food in a large body of water reach a weight of five pounds and upwards. Thus innumer- able species have been made out of these local and other variations, which, how- ever, may all be relegated to the three species named above. Apart from the vomerine teeth which mark out the Salmon proper from the Charrs, the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) presents many differences from the Lake Salmon Trout. Among these may be noted the larger scales (there are only 120 to the lateral line instead of 180 to 200), and the black in place of the gray spots. The Sea Salmon can hardly be said now-a-days to be an Ontario fish. Mr. Samuel Wilmot, of the Dominion Fishery Service, has recorded its disappearance within the last fifteen years from Lake Ontario, the streams and creeks flowing into which used to be crowded at spawning time with salmon. The disappearance is unquestionably due to the drying-up of these streams consequent on the altered conditions of the land drained by them, to obstacles like mill-dams preventing the ascent of the fish toward the head-waters, and to the pollution of the streams by sawdust and other refuse. It is probable that these saloicn visited the sea like the salmon of the Gult, but it has been suggested, in view of the existence of the land-locked variety in the lakes of Quebec (the Winninish), and of Maine (the Sebago Salmon), that pos- sibly they only retired to the deep waters of the lake. The Sea-Salmon feeds largely on herring, but fasts for the most part during its fresh-water run. This begins fcr the earliest arrivals two months before the spawning time (the middle of October for the Gulf Salmon). The fish pair, and both parents assist in ploughing out a series of nests in the gravel of the river- bottom into which the spawn and milt are deposited, and poon covered up by the sand swept down from, the nest ploughed out next above. < ->"/.The eggs of the salmon are of large size, a quarter of an inch in diameter, and a 40 Ib. fish produces about lo,000 of these. After impregnation they mature in 100 to 140 days in the Scotch rivers, but here the hatching is post- poned by the colder water till May. f Jl '^ When hatched the young Salmon is three-quarters of an inch in length, and still shows its yolk-sac for four to six weeks. After this is absorbed the fry begin 450 to feed, and measure an inch and a half in two months, when they begin to show the spots and bars of the " Parr." This stage persists till the second or third spring, when the Parr has become seven to eight inches in length, and then it makes iU way towards the sea as a " Smolt," exchanging its bright colours for the uniform silvery coat of the new stage. The length of time which the smolt lives in the sea varies from four to twenty-eight months; it returns to its native river as a. "Grilse," and in the case of the male has by this time attained sexual maturity. The grilse phase is marked by a slenderer body, smaller head, more forked tail, and bluish spots, while the weight may vary from two to six pounds. The land-locked Salmon above referred to the Winninish or Ouananiohe of the Indian so abundant in Lake St. John, probably also occurs in suitab'e places in Ontario. Hallock in the Sportsman's Gazetteer speaks of the so-called Salmon Trout of the Stony Lake region as land-locked salmon and as identical with those of Lake St. John. Mr. H. T. Strickland, writing through Mr. Justice Falconbridge, observes that these fish were first lecognized as land-locked Salmon by Seth Green. They live in the deeper parts of the lakes only coming into shallow water at the end of October or the beginning of November to their spawn- ing beds. They frequent swift currents when the ice breaks up in spring and may then be taken by rod and line with live bait. It is possible that in certain instances these larger trout from the inland lakes may be varieties of the next species. The Lake Trout or Lake Salmon Trout and the Brook Trout both belong to the genus Salvelinus, but the larger species (S. namaycush) has a distinct toothed crest on the vomer. Its colouration is for the most part dark grey, with paler grey spots, the dorsal and caudal fins being reticulated with darker markings. There is considerable colour variation recognized by* the fishermen : thus the Truites de Greve are those dull coloured ones from muddy bottoms ; the Truites des Battures are prettily mottled ones from rocky shores, while the Truites du Lar^e are | i*i*ii/tt ^ silvery-coated individuals from deep water. The Namaycush (its Indian name) attains a length of over three feet and a weight of 20 to 30 Ibs. and upwards, which it undoubtedly owes to the succulent whitefish and herring on which it preys. It is by no means confined to the chain of great lakes, but is found in all large bodies of fresh water. A variety from the deeper waters of Lake Superior, the Siscowet, is said to be a very superior tood fish, at least in its salted condition, to the Namaycush and differs from it in its smaller size (4j to 5 Ibs.), its less frequency, more silvery colouring, as well as in shorter and broader head, the eyes being near the end of the nose and further apart than in the Namaycush. The flesh is extremely fat, to which circumstance its Indian name is due. The Lake Trout spawn late in October, before the Whitefish, comino- into >rnparativelyshallow water,and depositing their large eggs in the crevices of rocky reefs, where they remain till hatched early in spring The average weight of the fish taken in the gill nets is 5 to 15 Ibs but indi- .uais may attain dimensions second only to those of the Sturgeon. ' A 20 Ib. ut has been found with 13 herrings in its stomach, an indication of the voracity to which they owe their rapid growth. Accessibility to an abundant supply of food appears to have a similar effect on the size of the Brook Trout (8. fontinalis), for in the Neepigon, fish up to f rlnnp H P U v? J? w *&*** be ^ secured, and sea-run individuals Sea-Trout) IndTcnd^r 1 ? V nd i ^ Generall y s P^ing, however, in small streams and ponds the trout rarely attain more than a pound in weight [PLATE 20. [PLATE 21. | [PLATE 22.] [PLATE 23.] 451 Variation in colour and form as well as size is to be observed. From rapid streams the trout are lithe and long-finned, from quiet lakes rounder and short- finned, while from cool brooks the most vividly coloured individuals are obtained, and from dark pools those with sombre hues. The food of the brook trout is chiefly formed of insects and insect larvae (mosquito and black-fly larvae among the number) it is therefore not surprising that, with the cultivation of the country and the consequent reduction of breed- ing places for flies, the trout should have become scarcer as well as the food. Like the salmon, the Brook Trout seeks gravelly bottoms in streams to deposit the spawn in the fall of the year, the season lasting from three to six months. The female excavates a nest in the gravel, fans out the sand by means of the anal fin, the male keeping watch while this operation is in progress. The eggs are three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, varying, however, considerably in size and in number with the weight of the fish. A one pound trout has furnished 1,800, but the numbers are not proportionately large for the bigger fish on account of the larger size of the eggs in these. The amount of time which the eggs take to hatch is a question of tempera- ture. Fifty days in water of 50F. is an experiment of the hatching house, but this may be diminished to thirty-two days in water of 54?, and prolonged to one hundred and sixty-five days in water of 37. The last condition is that which obtains in nature. The yolk-sac is absorbed in another month or two after hatching, when the independent life of the young trout begins. The only remaining physostomous fishes of economical importance are the members of the' pike family (the ESOCID.E.) In passing to them, however, refer- ence may ba made to certain inconspicuous forms which properly belong here. The first is the trout-perch (Percopsis gudtatus), a little fish of six inches in length combining the characters of the fish named. It has a small adipose fin, ten pyloric coesa, and its mouth is more like that of a perch than of a salmonoid. It spawns in spring. A second group is formed by various minnow-like fish such as the spring min- now, Fundulus diaphanus, a member of the family Cyprinodontidse, resembling the minnows in their protractile jaws, but differing from them in their being for the most part brackish water fish, and of ovoviviparous habit. The mud-minnows, (Umbra limi) which are everywhere abundant in ditches, resemble the foregoing in their habits, but are more like miniature pike in structure. . The members of the pike family (Esocidse) are characterized by an elongated body with prolonged and depressed snout. The mouth is adapted by iits wide gape and its formidable armature of teeth to the voracious habits of the fish. The dorjal fin is far back over the anal in all, and there is no adipose fin. All belong to the genus Esox, which includes some lesser pike confined to the States- (there called pickerel), and the two species that are common in Ontario, ''JK. Indus, the common pike Indian Kenosha (French rendering Kinonge") and E. nobilior, the great pike or maskinonge. These species may be distinguished from each other by the circumstance that in the pike, E. Lucius, the cheeks are scaly, the gill-covers bare, while in the maskinonge the lower halves of the cheeks as well as the gill-covers are destitute of scales. The branchiostegal rays also are 14 to 16 in the pike, 17 to 19 in "' the maskinonge", while the colouration of ths former species is light spotted on a dark ground, of the latter, dark spotted on a light ground. The pike propsr is cornmm to both sides of the Atlantic; the rriaskinonge' is confined to the basin of the St. Lawrence. Both sp3cies spiwn in spring, the 452 eggs are small and very numerous, as many as 100,000, and are deposited in shal- low places or overflowed tracts The hatching process lasts fourteen days. Of the two fish, the maskinonge is the more valuable and is especially common in the smaller lakes such as Lake Simcoe, Kice Lake, Scugog, etc. Further details are desirable with regard to the comparative distribution of the two species in the Province and of their spawning habits. The only other family of physostomous fishes represented in the Province is that of the eels (ANGUILLID^:), distinguished by their elongate snake-like body covered with obscure concealed scales, and possessing well-developed pectoral fins, but no ventrals, while the dorsal and anal are confluent round the tail. There is only one species, Anguilla rostrata, which is common in all rivers of the continent discharging into the Atlantic, but appears to be absent front our Hudson's Bay system. It has been asserted that its introduction into the lakes above Lake Ontario is comparatively recent. In Europe eels are believed to spawn only in the sea and to die thereafter. The males are small in size (15-16 inches in length) and do not leave the sea for any distance, so that only immature females take part in the spring upward migration and are found high up in the rivers where they remain till they are mature ; they then descend to the sea the downward migration is in October, when immense numbers are captured in V-shaped traps where they meet the males for the first time. It is probable, however, that the habit of re- turning to the sea to spawn which is characteristic of the species has been dis- carded in the case of those which live in large bodies of fresh water like our lakes. Further information on this point js desired. The eels are found on spawning grounds of other fish, but they are not ex- clusively spawn-eaters, for they devour nearly all kinds of aquatic animals, and attack even the fish in the gill-nets to the despair of the fisherman. It is con- sidered an excellent food-fish by many, and is taken for this purpose in consider- able quantities. PHYSOCLYSTI. The Physoclystous fishes, to which we now proceed, are not only marked by the absence of a duct communicating between the air-bladder and the intestine, but by the far forward position of the ventral fins (thoracic or even juo-ular), and by the spines which largely replace the soft rays of the dorsal and anal fins of the preceding soft-finned fishes. With the exception of the Sandre, (Pickerel as it is called in Ontario, or Dore in Quebec), there is no fish belonging to this group which can be said to be of importance to the Fisheries, but there are numerous forms of interest to the sports- man, arid among them the members of three closely allied families, the Percida?, Centrarchidae and Serranidee, of which the perch, black bass and striped bass, may be mentioned as types. The rounded form of the body in the perch family is very itferent from the deep and compressed form of the two other groups, while the most important difference between these is that the pseudobranch is present in tne striped bass and its allies. Again the perch and the striped *bass have two separate dorsal fins, while tuese are confluent in the black bass and sunfishes. [PLATE 24.] 40 (c.) [PLATE 25.} [PLATE 26. 453 Apart from a peculiar little group of fishes known as darters (Etheostomatince), the PERCIM: proper include only the common yellow perch (Perca americana), and the San dres, pike-perches or pickerels referred to above two species forming the genus Stizostedium. The darters have been little studied in Ontario ; they may be described as dwarf perches which have taken to live in small and rapid streams, and have acquired in accordance with their surroundings, the very char- acteristic bright colouring, powerful fins, and rapid movements of the group. The largest is Etheostoma (Percina) caprodes, the log-perch, which may measure six inches or more, but the sand-darter, E. (Ammocrypta) pellucida, and other species which occur in the Province, are rarely more than two or three inches in length. Information with regard to these minute forms would be of scientific interest. The yellow perch is a familiar fish, very similar in its habits to the European perch. It is common in the shallow waters of the lakes, a^rid finds its way in con- siderable quantities into the market. It is of fair quality and occasionally weighs as much as 1J lb., but is not regarded as a valuable food-fish like the following. Two species of Sandres or pike-perches (so-called as they are carnivorous perch - like fish, attaining the'size of a pike) occur in North America, and are abundant in the waters of the Province. They receive widely different names in different localities. The more valuable food-fish of the two, which attains a length of three feet, and a weight of 10 to 20 lb., is Stizostedium vitreum, and is commonly known in the Province as the pickerel, (a name which should be reserved for the lesser American pike, p. 451), or among the French as the Dore\from its prevail- ing yellow colouration. It might be preferable to introduce for it the name which Richardson employs in his Fauna Boreali Americana, the " Sandre," a name which is also used for the European representatives of this group. The genus differs from Perca chiefly in the shape of the body, which is elong- ated instead of oblong, and in there being strong canine teeth on the jaws and pal- atines. The second species, S. canadense, known as the " Sauger" in Lake Erie, is much smaller, rarely exceeding fifteen inches in length, and has a rounder body. It has four to seven instead of. three pyloric coeca, and a distinctive black blotch at the base of the pectorals, while the larger species has a similar blotch on the hinder part of the spinous dorsal fin. The Sauger also has a rougher head, smaller scales, and a greater number of spines on the gill-cover. The Pickerel or Sandre is undoubtedly one of the most valuable food-fish we possess, and is only inferior economically to the Lake Trout on account of its inferior numbers. It shares the habit of the other large lacustrine species in retreating to the deep water in the heat of summer. It is, therefore, taken then only in gill-nets ; but, when in shallow water, as for example in the spring when it spawns, it not infrequently is taken in considerable numbers from the pounds. In winter many are speared through the ice with the aid of a decoy fish. Further information is desirable with regard to the distribution in the Province of the two species, as to their spawning habits, and as to the increase or decrease in their numbers. The impression prevails in the lower lakes that the Pickerel have increased of recent years, and this is attributed, in Lake Ontario, to the introduction of ale wives into the lake. To the family CENTRARCHIM: belong the various species of Bass and Sun- fish species which, with the exception of the Black Bass, do not attain to any size, but which are all regarded as excellent food-fish. From an economical point of 454 view the Black Bass must be regarded as among the more valuable fish, as although not swelling the lists of market fish as do the Whitefish, Lake Trout, and Pickerel, it is, nevertheless, as much sought after by sportsmen as the Brook Trout and the Maskinonge". The two species of Black Bass, the small-mouthed and the large-mouthed, both belong to the genus Micropterus, and are distinguished as M. dolomieu and M. salmoides. Both agree in the elongated oval compressed form of the body, the deep division in the course of the dorsal fin, which is much larger than the anal, and the fin-formula which is D. X, 13 ; A. Ill, 11 ; but the species differ in that the maxillary bone in the small-mouthed species does not extend beyond the orbit, whereas it does in the large-mouthed form. Again, the scales are some- what larger in the latter, so that they are only 7 to 8 rows above the lateral line and 65 to 70 scales in its course, while in the small-mouthed species 70 to 80 scales occur in the lateral line, and there are 10 to 12 rows above it. Further, the dorsal fin has a deeper notch in the large-mouthed form, which is also thicker through the shoulders, deeper in the body and less agile than the small-mouthed form. No dependence is to be placed on differences of colouration, for the variability in this regard resulting from surroundings is extreme. Mr. Henshaw in his Book of the Black Bass states that it would be possible to recognize from which of twenty small lakes within a radius of eight miles, in a district of Wisconsin, known to him, any particular specimen of bass came. Where, however, the species co -exist, the tendency is for the small-mouthed species to incline to sombre hues, the large-mouthed to pale green, although the small-mouthed form is often yellowish in places. In the young, the colouration of the two species is more distinct, M. salmoides having a, distinct dark lateral band and three dark cheek- stripes, while M. dolomieu has interrupted lateral blotches but no band, and three distinct olive cheek-stripes. The geographical range of both species is very wide, but it is probable that it will be found that M. salmoides occurs further to the north than does M. dolomieu. They affect different surroundings, the large-mouthed species being especially found in deep pools around sunken logs, while the small-mouthed occurs in rocky streams and about gravelly shores. Their respective vigour and gaminess is said to depend on the water in which they occur. Both species have a musky odour when caught, the source of which is not understood. The food of the Black Bass varies with its age, the fry eating various minute larvae, the young fish, worms and tadpoles, and the adults, crayfish, frogs, mussels and watersnakes. Unlike Pickerel, Pike and Perch, the Black Bass hibernate (except in the extreme south) burying themselves in mud and weeds, often under the shelter of a sunken log. They leave their winter quarters a month or six weeks before spawning time, when they run in the streams and shallower parts of the lakes, possibly on account of the greater percentage of oxygen in the water there. Thereafter they pair and form their nests on a gravelly or sandy bottom, or on a rocky ledge in from eighteen inches to three feet of water in streams, but in some- what deeper water in lakes. The nests are circular in form, twice the length of the fish, are often placed quite close to each other, and, where possible, adjacent to deep water or to patches of weeds, to which the parents can retire if disturbed. The spawning time varies with the temperature of the region, from early spring to midsummer, but it also varies in the same region from two to three weeks, shallower waters reaching more rapidly the suitable temperature than do deeper waters. [PLATED?.] [PLATE 28. [PLATE 29.] THE GRASS BASS (Pomoxys sparoideS). THE ROCK BASS' (Ambloplites rupestris). THE PUMPKIN-SEED OR SUNFISH (Lepomis gibbosus). THE LONG-EARED SUNFISH (Lepomis aurihts). [PLATK 81, 41 (c.) [PLATE 32.1 455 The nests are fashioned with great care by the female, sand and silt being fanned out from between the pebbles by the fins, and other objects removed by the mouth ; or if the nests are on muddy ground, as is occasionally the case, they may be paved with sticks and leaves. ' The male then joins the female, and bites and presses out the roe (which may amount to a quarter of her weight) while she lies on her side, an operation lasting two or three days. Thereafter the male scatters the milt over the eggs, and both parents stay by the nest preventing the approach of spawn-eaters during the eight to ten days required for the hatching process, and subsequently protect the fry, covering the nest and aerating the water in it with their fins for the three or four days during which the young remain in the nest before making off for the deep water. In spite of the vigi- lance of the parents many depredators, such as frogs and sunfish, get opportunities of making havoc with the fry. By the end of the first year the fish are four inches long, and are mature at two years, when they measure from eight to twelve inches in length, but spawn much later than older individuals. They gain about a pound a year in weight thereafter, till they reach the limit of weight of the adult, which is from six to eight pounds for the large-mouthed species and four to five for the small- mouthed. Of the other members of the same family there may be mentioned the Grass or Calico Bass, (Pomoxys sparoides), the Rock Bass or Red Eye (Amhloplites rupestris), and the common Sunfish, (Lepomis gibbosus.) The first of these is distinguished by its very long anal fin, (the formula is D. VII or VIII, 15 ; A. VI, 17 or 18,) and occurs in quiet, clear ponds, with grassy bottoms to which its colour is assimilated,. It attains occasionally a weight of two pounds, but is not such a game fish as the preceding. The remaining species are of smaller size, the Rock Bass differing from the Sunfish in its larger toothed mouth, and in having six instead of three anal spines. All the Centrarchidse spawn in the spring like the Bass, and seem to have the samo habits of looking after the fry. There appear to be four or five species of Sunfish (Lepomis) within the Province, but their distribution is not well understood. Unlike the preceding families the SERRANID^E constitute a characteristically marine group, and there are only a few forms which live in brackish or fresh water. Both of the species which have been reported from- Ontario belong to the genus Roccus, viz., the Striped Bass, (rock-fish of the Atlantic coast) Roccus lineatiJis, and the White Bass, Roccus chrysops, an exclusively fresh-water form. The former can hardly be regarded as a native of the Province ; it ascends the St. Lawrence as far as Quebec, and has been taken at the mouth of the Niagara River, but is essentially a brackish water form, and is regarded as the best marine game-fish. The latter is, on the other hand, common in the Great Lake Region, and attains a weight of from one to three pounds. They were formerly still commoner in Lake Erie, so as to be of commercial value and not only of interest to the sportsman ; their disappearance is probably due to the multipli- cation of pound-nets, but is not regretted by fishermen as they were very de- structive to whitefish spawn. [PLATE 33/ ' 456 Another marine family represented in our fresh waters is that of the , fish of compressed and elevated body with a long dorsal fin, thoracic ventrals, and a complicated air-bladder. The Lake Sheepshead (Aplodinotus grunniens) is the only fresh- water species ; it is sometimes spoken of as the Lake Huron Drum, from a peculiar grunting noise which it produces, and which is attributed by some to movements of the air in the air-bladder, and by others, with more probability, to the crunching up of the crayfish on which it lives, by the broad grinding teeth of the lower pharyngeal bones, which are most characteristic of the species. The fish attains a length of four feet and a w sight of fifty to sixty pounds, but is not valued for food, at least not from the Great Lakes. Before leaving the spiny-rayed fishes reference may be made to two families of minute fishes which differ conspicuously in their appearance and habits, but which have one or two fresh-water species. The first of these is the GASTEROSTEID^E (Sticklebacks), distinguished by the absence of scales and the presence of bony plates, which clothe the sides. Two species are common in the Great Luke Region, G. pungitius, the nine-spined Stickleback, and G. (Etioalia) incnnstans, the five-spined species. Both are spawn-eaters, and are characterized by the elaborate nest built out of glandular secretions of the males, and defended by them with great vigour. The second family is that of the COTTID^E or Sculpins, represented in our fresh waters by several species of Miller's Thumbs, Cottuut rickai'dsoni and others, and characterized by the high position of the eyes, smooth skin, spiny head, and long dorsal fin, (D. VIII, 17 ; A. 12.) They are always of small size and appear often to be confined to the deep waters of the lakes. The only other family of Teleosts represented in the fresh waters of the Province is that of the GADID^E or Codfishes, a characteristically marine group embracing some of the most important of food-fishes ; but, in as far as the one genus confined to fresh water (Lota) is concerned, entirely unimportant economically. This genus is also represented in Europe by a closely allied species, and is known as the Burbot ; it is therefore convenient to use the name American Burbot for our form, L. maculosa, which is common in the deep waters of the lakes, although its nomenclature is very varied. It is abundant northward and westward, where it is known as the Mathemeg of the Indians and " La Loche" of the voyageurs. It hardly reaches the markets from the Great Lakes, being considered a very poor fish, but in the fur countries it would appear to be more appreciated, the liver and roe especially being regarded as delicacies. It spawns in March, and is very prolific; as it is a carnivorous and voracious fish it is probably to be regarded as an enemy at least to the young of more edible fishes. It attains a considerable size and weight, up to forty-five pounds, and is heavier in the more northern waters. As in all the Gadidae, the dorsal and anal fins are long and contain only soft rays. (The formula is D. 14 7C, A. 68). The body is long and com- pressed behind, the head small and broad, provided with barbels, the skin thick and mucous with small imbedded scales and the general colouration dark olive marbled with black, but paler beneath. Like so many fresh-water fish common to rivers and lakes, it attains to comparatively insignificant dimensions in the former. [PLATE 34. 457 THE FISHERIES OP ONTARIO. In the preceding section the natural history of the species of fish which are important from an economical point of view has been treated at considerable length. We must now proceed to consider their absolute and relative economic importance, their relative frequency in different parts of the Province, the nature and value f the apparatus employed in the tisheries,.and the number of men who find occupation in connection therewith. In discussing the subject it is necessary to remember that so far it is only the Great Lakes which have become of great economical importance, and that the possibilities as important sources of a cheap food supply of the inland waters of the Province have not yet attracted public attention. The following Tables extracted from the last Dominion Fishery Report give valuable information on the points in question. It appears from Table I. that of 3,045 men employed in the Fisheries of the Province about one-fifth are from Lake Ontario. Lake Erie comes next with 526, Georgian Bay with 436, Lake Huron with 427, Mauitoulin division with 387 and Lake Superior with 119. It also appears that the Georgian Bay heads the list with regard to the. number of fathoms of gill-nets in use, Lake and River St. Clair by the seines in use, and the lower part of Lake Ontario by the smaller hoop-nets, while LakcL? Erie is distinguished by its number of pound-nets. Table II. informs us of the relative value of the fisheries, tho Georgian Bay being at the head of the list with S-3^0,498, out of a total $2,009,637, Lake Erie next, followed by the Manitoulin division, Lake Huron, Lake Superior and Lake Ontario. We also learn from it that the Georgian Bay stands at the head of the list in both Whitefish and Lake Trout fisheries, that Lake Erie on the other hand comes fir.^t in the Herring, Sturgeon, Bass, Pickerel and coarse-fish fisheries, that Lake Scujjog is the headquarters of the Maskinonge fishery, that the greater pro- portion of Pike come from the River St. Lawrence, and of Eels from Wellington county, including the Credit River. From Table III. we learn that the following is the relative economic value of the various species of food-fishes, not classified as miscellaneous or coarse fish : v 1. Whitefish. 2. Lake Trout. 3. Lake Herring O 4. Pickerel. 5. Sturgeon. 6. Bass. 7. Maskinonge. 8. Pike. 9. Eels. 458 10 o o o cc o o . ss ^ iH -(MCCOfPS CO 'i 1 an^A :.:::; :::::.: o cc i 1 1^ ec 10 o ^f ..... CO -^_S 0) a ON : : : : : : ^ .::::::: w > JD & ^ 1 ,A 00 OP d o TK RIALS 1 ON r-> 1 S ^ I 1 ew 00 ^<-* i. su g 1 ,p A SSS "- S : I : 1 : ! I' | ! I : s s a r^ 2? a c "S f^Tf-iOOOOOiO g S ^ N QQ Tfi -t< TO t>- CD CC t>- {8 1 * soioq^^j q ? ^= H-tJ ^3 3 H N ^ilS^ilS 588 "" : : 1 : : H c8 fl 1 ! pq "H prf-i M a U9 H : : :::::::::: : : 1 1* < ao i H ^ S^^g : ,, :::::::::!:: Oi. ti_ t>/ o j H IH i-H r- ( 03 si 1 ^0080 : SS :::::;: J3 c! "-S ^ 1 8 tmuoj s 3 a ^O 1 "S^ *N CO is ^ i .' ^ : : : : : a il o . I !!'.''"' ^ r^ 03 rf .5 I ;:p;|i||| 1 :::1iig;; ^a M H > RECAPITULATION o i ^ ;::;?;:: ^32^ J-| -p 1 IJ Illli 5 = 11 |1 r 5 11 s 'i|lilLli|l iifi ijll|it!if;jf 00 1 459 460 RECAPITULATION OF the Yield and Value of the Fisheries in the Province of Onta-io, during the 1 vear 1890. Kinds of Fish. Quantity. Prices. Value. Whitefish brls. 4,OG7 $ c. 10 00 $ c. 40 070 00 " . . ibs. (1 7S2,-.'92 08 542 583 36 Tn>ut . .... .... " 5 074 050 10 507 405 00 " . . brls 3 959 10 00 39 590 00 Herring, salted ... " 6 425 4 00 2~> 700 00 " fresh . . Ibs 8 435 ')50 05 421 7M7 50 Eels r>5 235 00 7514 1ft Si ursreon 1 132 970 00 07 ( )7S 2ft M**kinopge* .... (551 400 00 39 OS4 SO BH?S 778 71)5 00 4f 797 7(> Pickerel 2 9]{; 520 00 i QO no | orv Pike .. 037 420 00") XI K71 Oft Coarse fish 2 550 515 03 70 (5'IT 45 Home consumption, not included in the above 905 OoU 03 ; np.q Kfi Total for 1890 * o rinn fiQ7 07 1SSS) I OlJ'4 1 9-> QA Increase j/ KI < tir - STATEMENT showinnr the Number and Value of Vessels, Tugs, and Boats, etc. in Ontario, during the year, 1890. Articles. 01 vessels or tugs (tonnage, 1,614) 1,2/7 boats l,3R9,73o fathoms of nets 27,554 " seiuea '. '. 2x5 pound nfts 283 hoop nets ... Numler of Men employed, 3,04-5. Value. 115,000 00 102,131 00 229,40'J 00 30,512 00 81,000 00 4,738 00 503,443 00- 461 On the other hand the relative value per pound is : 1. Lake Trout, lOc. 2. Whitefish, 8c. 3. Eels, Sturgeon, Maskinonge, Bass, Pickerel, 6c. 4. Herring, Pike, 5c. 5. Coarse fish, 3c. While these tables give some information as to the geographical distribution of the principal food-fishes, further details are required in regard to the more remote bodies of water. It is known that the Lake-of-the-Woods is chiefly characterized by its abundant Sturgeon, the principal food of the numerous Canadian Indians (1,000) living near its borders, and the proposition has recently bee^. made that these waters should be closed to commercial enterprise and be reserved for the Indians, as has been done by the United States Government for the portion under its con- trol, pound-nets being prohibited to prevent wasteful fishing. In one year 46 tons of Sturgeon, 29 of Whitefish, 12 of Pickerel and 1 of Trout have been taken from these waters, which, therefore, if properly taken care of, should form a neverfaiiing source of food-supply for the population on their borders. 42 (c). 462 FISHERY LEGISLATION. The following are the chief provisions of the Dominion Fishery Laws which affect this Province : CLOSE SEASONS. Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Sept. 15 to May 1, inclusive. Pickerel A P ril 15 to Ma F 15 ' Bass and Maskinong4 April 15 to June 15, Whitefish N ov. 1 to Nov. SO Lake Trout . . . . , Oct. lo to Nov. 30, There is no close season for Sturgeon or for Lake Herring. Net fishing is prohibited in public waters, except to holders of a purchasable license. The size of the nets is submissible to regulation, and the nets must not be set nor seines used so as to intercept channels or bays. Explosives and poisons for killing fish are illegal, mill-dams must have passes, and mill-refuse must be destroyed. V It is desirable that enquiry should be made as to the adequacy of the pro- tection afforded by the close seasons at present prescribed. It is possible that in certain waters an extension is required. In Lake Megantic, e.g., it is reported that the Lake Trout have finished spawning by the 1st of October, while Mr, John H. Willmott, of Beaumaris, Ontario, Fishery Overseer for the Muskoka District, reports in 1890 their spawning season as from October 8th to 20th for this region. Again in the North-west it is reported that the Whitefish spawn earlier than is the case in the Georgian Bay, so that if the close seas m were assimilated to that of Lake Trout, the change would have more to recommend it than the mere simplification of the law and its efficient carrying-out. It is even reported that the ran of Whitefish may occur within our waters after the 30th of November, so that an extension in the other direction might also be considered.* Such differences indicate that further information is required as to the spawning habits of our food-fish from all parts of the Province, so that future legislation may provide for the protection of waters lying at a distance from the present commercial centres. Although the absence of a close season for Lake Herring does not appear to have so far affected the results of the Fisheries in Lake Ontario, complaints are being made that the Lake is being depleted of the more valued Cisco (p. 447), and that consequently some measure should be taken to protect this variety. A close season during July and August has been suggested. of the^lose* season haVG ***** bserved to Bpawn in Central Ontario three weeks earlier than the beginning 463 Again, the increasing commercial value of the Sturgeon is likely to lead to a more systematic pursuit of this fish, and it appears to be advisable that it should be spared during its spawning season (May 1st to June 15th), and possibly that efforts should be made to increase the numbers by breeding. The revenue derived by the Dominion Government, under the laws at present in force, from rents, license-fees and fines within the Province amounts to $23,666 out of a total $56,976, while the expenditure within the Province on Inspection amounts to $14,539 out of a total $65,873, and on Fish-breeding (to which refer- ence is made hereafter) to $11,492, out of a total $39,126. Ninety-five Fishery Overseers and six Wardens are employed by the Domin- ion Government for purposes of protection. As pay is often merely nominal, the inspection can hardly be regarded as satisfactorj 7 , especially in view of the enormous length of coast line to be protected. The overseers therefore complain that poachers with fyke-nets or spears are at work as soon as their backs turned. 464 APPARATUS EMPLOYED IN CATCHING FISH. Of these there are two important modifications : " Pound-nets " (in various forms) for shallow-water fisheries, and "gill-nets" for deep-water. The pound- net essentially consists of a long net, the so-called " leader " pro- jecting at right angles to the shore for from 300 to GOO yards, and supported by strong stakes of the necessary length, 30 to t>0 feet, driven at an interval of 5 or 6 feet. The rim-line of the leader is secured to these at .the water-level, white the bottom line is weighted with stone-sinkers. Fish swimming towards the leader are diverted by it into the " heart," a A-shaped chamber, the funnel-shaped narrow end of which projects into a " pot " or " crib " some 30 feet square, the floor and walls of which are formed of net, the walls projecting two feet above the water-level. The mesh of the leader is 6J to 7 J inches, of the heart 3 to 5 inches, of the funnel 3, and of the pot frequently only 2 to 2J, to the destruction of immense numbers of immature Whitefish. Beyond the first crib a second leader, terminating in the same way, and a third indeed, as many as twenty have been arranged in "strings," if the shallow ness of the water admit of it. Lake Erie obviously permits of such destructive use of this kind of apparatus more extensively than any of the other lakes, so that as many as 900 pounds exist on its American side. The average value of a pound-net is from POUND-NET. $250 to $500, and five men are required to wcrk three nets. A boat of peculiar ormis generally used, schooner-rigged with wide square stern, and plenty of beam so as to permit of lifting the pockets or cribs of the pound. They must be able to take a large load of fish and yet have little draught. A special scow is used for driving and pulling stakes, in the spring and winter respectively The Fyke-net is essentially a miniature pound, the crib bein which meas about Wninth of % roe prefeabt er ' T 7 "? ^ ^"^ fr m 800 ' 00 to 2 > 5 0,000. The asses ferably not yet ripe and therefore hard, are taken quite fresh and 467 placed on a wire screen over a zinc-lined trough four feet long, two feet wide and eighteen inches deep. The meshes of the wire netting are just of sufficient width to allow the eggs to fall through. These are then placed in clean kegs, and the best German (Luneburg) salt is rubbed in by hand. This extracts in a short time (ten to fifteen minutes) fluid from the eggs, which are then placed in quantities of 8 to 10 Ibs. in sieves and drained. The caviare is therefore ready for the mar- ket in a few hours. That from the Lake Sturgeon is said to be of superior qualitv to that of the marine species and there is therefore a constantly increasing demand for it. Certain economic uses of fish, other than as food, require now to be noticed. One of these is the manufacture of isinglass which has been carried on to a cer- tain extent in the States, and the important source of which is the sounds or air-bladders of Sturgeon. The method employed is to remove from the vertebral column by means of a knife the absolutely fresh sounds, GO place them in clean water, and in strong brine on the following day after the thin lining has been scraped off. They are then dried on frames covered with network and finally exposed to the sun for four or five weeks to bleach the isinglass. Such isinglass manufactured at Sandusky, Ohio, to the amount of 3,000 Ibs. per annum is worth $1 a Ib. Sturgeon oil obtained by pressure from the livers brings 40 cents a gallon, and at Sandusky about 25 barrels of oil per annum are secured in this manner. The Sturgeon therefore which was formerly regarded as of no economic import- ance is destined to be one of the most valuable fish, especially of Lake Erie. The recent abundance of the Alewife in Lake Ontario has been taken advantage of for the manufacture of fish-oil and guano. After the fish have been cooked twenty minutes they are subjected to hydraulic pressure ; a million fish yield 500 gallons of oil and 63 tons of fertiliser. 468 DECREASE IN NUMBER OP FISH-ITS CAUSES AND REMEDIES. Apart from such well-known instances of the almost total disappearance of valuable food fishes where they were previously abundant, such as the disap- pearance of Salmon from Lake Ontario and of the Shad from the lower Ottawa, other cases of waters being " fished out," or of the yield of certain species being on the decline are only too common. It has been impossible so far to collect evidence showing to what extent waters within the Province previously rich have been depleted ; such statistics however, are much required. The causes of depletion are twofold : Such as are outside our control, and such as can by proper remedies be mitigated or avoided. Among the former are the changes in the conditions of life incident to the opening up of the country for agricultural purposes, the removal of forests, the reclaiming of swamps, the resulting changes in rainfall, or at least in the extent to which surplus rainfall is held back by forest land and underbrush, and thus delivered only gradually and not in torrents through the streams. It is probably to such changes, aided by other causes adverted to below, that we must attribute the disappearance of Salmon from Lake Ontario. Not only do such changes directly affecting the surroundings of the fish react upon its abundance, but they also have an indirect effect through the food-supply. Brook Trout, as was before observed, have for their natural food the larvae of various species of gnats and flies, the elimination of which from a cultivated country is looked on as one of the blessings of civilization. There is, however, the reverse side to this advantage, the diminution of th3 favorable conditions for insect life leading to a disturbance of the food-supply of the insectivorous fish. Various other obscure causes may interfere with the balance of life in any particular body of water, resulting in the wholesale destruction of one or more forms. These may be of the nature of epidemic diseases like the Salmon Saprolegnia due to the attack of a parasitic fungus, or in some way animal parasites, causing usually comparatively little injury, may gain the upper hand and be the cause of widespread destruction. For example, Prof. A. C. Lawson brought to me some years ago specimens of an Argulus which he had taken from Whitefish dying wholesale in the^Lake of the Woods, and shortly thereafter Mr. Washburn published in the American Naturalist an account of similar epidemics in inland lakes of Wis- consin. It has been suggested that the increase of the parasite is only possible when the fish are already weakened by some other cause. Investigations into such cases are much required, and would be of much in- terest even although it might be impossible to obviate the cause when discovered. Other causes more immediately under our control are (1) illegitimate and destructive methods of fishing, including the capture of immature fish in immense quantities by the prodigal use of narrow -meshed nets and the use of illegitimate methods of fishing especially at the spawning time, when the habits of most fish expose them far more to destruction than at others ; (2) the destruction of spawn- ing and feeding grounds by sawdust or other mill-refuse, or by the decayed con- tents ot gill-nets or offal from fishing boats ; (3) the prevention of access to spawning grounds by obstacles placed in streams. 469 Reference has been made through the body of this Report to wasteful and destructive methods of securing fish either at ordinary times or at the spawning sea- son. It is very encouraging to learn that in certain inland lakes, such as Scugog, Rice Lake and Lake Simcoe, where illegal fishing has been strictly put down the improvement in Bass and Maskinonge, for which these waters were formerly dis- tinguished, is very great. Large quantities of Bass are peddled by Indians in the country surrounding Rice Lake in exchange for flour and pork. Explosives have been frequently employed in American waters and their use is not unknown in Ontario for killing fish in a wholesale fashion. It is said that the air-bladder is ruptured in fish killed in this way : obviously only a very small proportion of the fish killed or fatally injured are brought to market. Again the use of pound-nets with a small 1|- or 2 inch mesh in the pot secures countless immature fish of little or no market value, and the same may be said of the use of seines for herring, many immature Whitefish being captured, the sur- plus catch being used as manure when the market is glutted. Sturgeon were formerly looked upon in Lake Erie as of so little value and were considered to such an extent as intruders in the pounds, that the fishermen were in the habit of bleeding them and allowing them to escape, the object being to keep the species off the fishing grounds. Spearing and grappling for them at spawning time and indeed spearing of any fish under such circumstances is pro- perly regarded as one of the most destructive methods of fishing. The respecting of a close season has done much to counteract depletion due to taking advantage of the comparatively helpless condition of fish at the spawn- ing seasons. The extent to which the various species expose themselves to capture is dif- ferent, but the accounts we read of Ontario streams formerly blocked by Salmon at this time, and carted away in immense quantities convince us that the changes in the conditions of the streams are not entirely to blame for their total disap- pearance. With regard to the destruction of spawning and feeding grounds by sawdust etc., and by decayed fish or offal, it is obvious that this source of injury to our fisheries is largely preventable. The enactments of the Dominion have already done much in putting an end to the former condition of affairs by which a fine river like the Ottonabee River, formerly celebrated for its Bass and Maskinonge', had its depth reduced from twelve feet to a few inches by accumulated sawdust, which is further distributed by spring freshets. It is not only in rivers that damage is done. Deposits of blackened and decomposing sawdust have been found miles out on the floor of the Great Lakes opposite rivers on which there are many saw mills, to the great detriment of favourite spawning and feeding beds of Whitefish. This water-logged sawdust is also objectionable as forming a nucleus for sand- bars, interfering with navigation, but from the fisheries point of view the danger already noted, and the injuries to adult fish by the development of the gases of decomposition and by the floating sawdust getting into the gills of the fish cannot be exaggerated. The consumption of mill-refuse is such an easily accomplished remedy that there is no excuse for the failure to carry it out. The Dominion law appears to be sufficiently explicit on the subject, but, as may be inferred from complaints from various parts of the country, requires to be better enforced. 470 Nor is there any excuse for the short-sighted policy of fishermen throwing overboard decayed fish or the offal of fish on the grounds ; the occasional damage done by drifted nets and their putrid contents might probably be guarded against by more careful inspection of the nets, and attention to precautions against the floats becoming water-logged. No doubt the presence ot obstacles in streams preventing anadromous fish from reaching their spawning grounds has done much to divert fish elsewhere, or to prevent them accomplishing the function of reproduction at all. It is known that many fish are extremely sensitive in this way, the Sturgeon, for example, although ready to spawn, retaining its eggs after captivity. The construction and maintaining of proper fish- ways is therefore absolutely necessary, and this can be effected so cheaply that there is no excuse for neglecting it when a dam is built. Various forms are in use, a recent one which promises well, being fed from the bottom instead of the top of the dam, and consisting of a series of vertical compartments communicating with each other and with the dam above and the stream below, by comparatively narrow apertures in a line with each other, the result being the gradual reduction of the height of the water in each com- partment, and a continuous passage from stream to dam, the velocity of the cur- rent in which is easily overcome by the fish. Close supervision of these various factors that favour the decrease of our food-fish will unquestionably have a most marked beneficial influence on the yield of our fisheries. Apart from such remedies, aiming at *pre venting decrease of our food-fish sup- plies, there are others which aim at directly increasing them by artificial pond- culture and by fish-breeding. Both have given admirable results where they have been consistently prosecuted. POND-CULTURE. ^ Under the above heading may be considered the artificial culture of Carp which has been conducted successfully for centuries in Europe, and has met with some favour in the United States. The Carp is originally a native of Asia Minor and Persia, and has been for centuries before its introduction into Europe (1258 A.D.) a domestic fish, occupying somewhat the position that the pig does among mammals, at least in regard to its capacity tor absorbing scraps. Like all animals in a state of domestication it is extremely variable and three well-marked races occur .-the full-scaled Carp, the Mirror Carp with scat- tered scales ot large size, and the Leather Carp destitute of scales. The first men- .ioned may be regarded as approaching most nearly the original stock and are the most prolific; the last are the furthest removed from the original as to their coat, they are least prolific, but attain the largest size and fatten most rapidly. The Carp occupy an intermediate position in both respects, f The ^f r % ver yP r l ific .the females of the third and fourth year depositing tW h!l VK 6 /T dred , th USand e ^ 3 > w ^n the water of the pond in which hey have hibernated reaches a temperature of 63 F [PLATE 35.] 471 While specially adapted for warm climates (they do Dot grow in weight materially in water of less than 48 F.) on account of their ability to stand warmer water than most fish, their culture is nevertheless prosecuted successfully in climates (Sweden for example) not very different from our own. Special shallow ponds are arranged for the fry in which vegetable food is supplied for them by previously sowing clover ; the larger fish, however, are fed on mixed animal and vegetable food, for example, chopped straw mixed with dried blood, etc. The winter pond is made seven feet deep, and in this no food requires to be provided as the fish neither feed nor grow there. They are in season from October till May, and they are always placed for a week before sale in a pond traversed by a current of running water to remove the muddy taste which all such bottom-feeding fish have when taken from the water. As they bring high prices in Europe, 16 to 20 cents a lb., their culture is attended with consider- able profit ; but the usual verdict of English speaking people on the subject of the Carp is that it is a tasteless fish, only fit to be a vehicle for sauces. Various other foreign fish have been successfully introduced into North America, e.g. the European Brook Trout ( r Brown Trout, a fish which in some respects deserves more attention for culture purposes than our own Brook Trout, -and again the California Mountain or Rainbow Trout (Salmo irideus), an exceed- ingly handsome species, is successfully hatched and introduced in the east. One of the native fishes most adapted for pond culture is the Catfish (p. 442) which is not only prolific, but looks well after its young, all of which are hatched ; it grows comparatively rapidly, is an omnivorous feeder, and fetches {where properly appreciated) high prices. One experimenter writes from the States that the culture of Catfish pays better than farming land and that peaty soil is very well fitted for it which would be unsuitable for agricultural purposes. The merits of the Catfish as a pond fish have been recognized in California, where it has been introduced, also in various parts of Europe where societies interested have experimented with it. 472 FISH BREEDING. Although pond-culture may prove a remedy for a deficient supply of food- fish in places distant from natural sources, and although it may also greatly improve the yield of small natural lakes, yet the only efficient method for pre- venting the exhaustion of the food-supply from our inland waters is Fish-breed- ing on a large scale commensurate with the rate of artificial depletion dus to the fisheries. It has been noted above that great differences are observable between differ- ent species of fish as to the number of eggs deposited by them. It might be supposed that those species which are characterized by great fertility would eventually crowd out the less fertile species, but observation teaches that the lat- ter are able to hold their own, a greater proportion of eggs arriving at maturity, o-enerally because the young are exposed to fewer dangers. In fact in any body of water there is a certain natural balance of life, liable to slow natural changes, to which the rate of reproduction is in the case of each species closely adjusted. Artificial interference with this balance on a grand scale of the character of our fisheries must inevitably lead to depletion of the species sought after, for the rate of reproduction being already adjusted to natural conditions cannot at once alter to suit the new artificial condition. If, however, tiie proportion of eggs arriving at maturity can be artificially increased on a scale commensurate with the rate of depletion, then the danger of exhausting the fish-supply will be thereby obviated. This is the object of the artificial breeding of fish ; it is evi- dently only possible with those species where the natural conditions of the devel- opment of the eggs are such that only a small proportion of them attain maturity and it consists in the artificial hatching o"ut of such eggs, and the care of the fry till such time as they may be safely introduced into the waters to be stocked. Many of the earliest experiments in this direction are due to the energy of Mr. Samuel Wilmott, of Newcastle, Ont., who, stimulated by the rapid disappear- ance of the Atlantic Salmon from Lake Ontario, endeavoured thus to prevent it. Much of the apparatus employed is also due to this gentleman's ingenuity, and has, during his official connection with the Fish-culture operations of the Dominion Government, undergone improvements which have led to highly suc- cessful results. The earlier apparatus consisted of shallow hatching trays, over which a steady current of water was allowed to flow ; these permitted readily the extrac- tion of the dead eggs, the decomposition of which interfered with the development of their neighbours. Now glass incubating jars are in use which allow of an easy inspection of the progress of development, with better aeration by a constant current of water running through them. These are employed successfully for Whitefish, Lake Trout and other Salmonidse, and are also used for the propaga- tion of Shad by the U. S. Government. The jars are cylindrical with a hemi- spherical bottom; a metal cover, with two holes f -inch in diameter for in-and out- flow tubes, is screwed water-tight on the mouth by means of a rubber collar. Half-inch rubber tubing connects the inflow tubes with the constant water-sup- ply, the pressure of which may vary with different kinds of eggs, but for the Salmonida a fall of six feet from a tank provided with a ball-cock (in the event of the water-pressure being high) suffices. The amount required per diem varies for Whitefish eggs 4,000 gallons a day is ample. 473 The number of eggs which can be accommodated in a jar varies with the par- ticular species with recently gathered Whitefish eggs 3 quarts (108,000 eggs) are regarded as sufficient for a jar, but four or five quarts may be accommodated in the same jar when the eggs have become " eyed." The amount of movement of the contained eggs can be readily controlled in such a jar by pushing the inlet tube further out or in ; Whitefish eggs, e.g., when first taken, are glutinous and require to be worked rapidly under a full current with the inlet tube pushed down. Dead eggs, on the other hand, can be removed by pushing the outlet tube down into the superficial layer of eggs. When the hatching time arrives and the embryos are freed from the egg-membranes, they pass out from the outlet tube into a glass receiving tank, the current outward being barely sufficient to induce the fish to swim out. Whitefish embryos when first hatched are light gray in colour; they are dormant for two hours but then become quite active, more so than Salmon or Trout fry. The young may be fed on a paste made of 2 parts meal, J blood, 6 water. Experiments are at present in progress on this phase of fish-breeding operations. It is now very generally conceded that it would be advantageous to reserve the fry of Salmonidae till they have attained to some considerable strength and size before being turned out. . The trouble is to find suitable food as nearly related as possible to their ordinary food. An effort has been made in the South of France to overcome this difficulty by raising water fleas (Daphnia p. 437) in basins intended for the purpose. It has been possible by allowing such basins to dry up to kill out noxious insects ; this desiccation, however, appears to be favourable to the winter-eggs of the Daphnias, which hatch, out in enormous numbers on the ponds being subsequently flooded. From the last report of Fish-breeding operations in Canada the following statistics relating to Ontario are extracted : There exist three hatcheries, the oldest one at Newcastle, where Mr. Samuel Wilmott made the first experiments and researches on this subject ; the second at Sandwich ; and a third recently erected at Ottawa as an experimental and educa- tional station. The Newcastle hatchery is chiefly devoted to Lake and Brook Trout. The Lake Trout are secured in two pounds at Wiarton during November ; and in 1890, 11,125,000 eggs were obtained from 3,222 female fish taken in the pounds. It is interesting to note that there were captured at the same time 1,396 ma l es an indication of the relative abundance of the two sexes. Of the eggs thus obtained 4,700,000 were put out as fry ; 1,500,000 in the Georgian Bay, 2,300,000 in Lake Ontario, and 450,000 in Lake Simcoe, while of the remainder 5,500,000 were sent elsewhere in the Dominion as semi-hatched or eyed eggs. About 400,000 eggs of Brook Trout were secured, one-fourth of which were distributed as eyed eggs, the remainder placed in various streams and ponds as fry. Of 2,750,000 Whitefish fry hatched out from eggs received from the Sandwich hatchery there were distributed to Lake Ontario (1,650,000), Georgian Bay (1,000,000), and Lake Simcoe (100,000). The Sandwich hatchery deals chiefly with Whitefish and Pickerel eggs, the latter being hatched out in the spring after the Whitefish fry have been disposed of. Ninety million Whitefish eggs were obtained in the Detroit River, which is 474 exclusively reserved during the close season by the Government, and of these one-half were successfully hatched in 600 automatic glass incubators, thirty million being put out as fry, as follows : Lake Huron 2 million. River and Lake St. Glair 5 Detroit River 10 Lake Erie 10 Lake Ontario 3 Of Pickerel eggs (Stizostedium vitreum) 32,000,000 were secured from Lake Huron and 22,000,000 fry placed out as follows : Lake Huron 2 million. River and Lake St. Glair 4 Detroit River 10 Lake Erie . 5 Reports amply show that these operations are already meeting with their reward, and indicate that a similar policy pursued by the Ontario Government with regard to the smaller inland waters would be followed by a rapid improve- ment of these as valuable sources of food. 475 CONCLUDING- REMARKS. It is obvious from many passages throughout this Report that there is ^abundant work for a permanent Fish Commission appointed under the Ontario Government. Not only must our knowledge of the geographical distribution, habits, foods -and ene aies of our food-fishes be extended by a systematic survey of our waters, but a rigid and effective inspection of the fisheries must be introduced, and mea- sures taken to counteract the decline in yield which is otherwise inevitable. The est iblishment of a Provincial Fish Hatchery is one of the most easily arranged of thes ; measures, but there are problems of greater difficulty confronting the Commission connected with the control of the fisheries themselves. While there is no difference of opinion as to the desirability of enforcing the laws against spearing and other illegal methods of fishing, there is considerable divergence as to the respective merits and demerits of pound-nets and gill-nets. These have been referred to on p. 464, but it is needless to say that the pound-net fisher nen exaggerate the faults of the apparatus employed by the gill-net fisher- men and vice versa. Unquestionably the multiplication of pounds has done much harm in interfering with the inshore migrations of the fish, an altered habit in this regard being noted since pounds were common ; the use of small-meshed pots is also destructive, on account of the habit of immature Whitefish remaining in comparatively shallow water. Cn the other hand drifted or unlifted nets with decaying fish must inevitably prove harmful to the fishing grounds, and while on the whole larger fish are secured by the gill-nets their condition is not so good as those taken from pounds. It must be noted that the same size of mesh in a pound-net and a gill-net will secure very different sizes of fish, the meshes in the former being taut, .in the latter loose, so that escape from the former is much easier than from the latter. An impartial consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of both methods of fishing will probably lead to the conclusion that both methods of fishing may under certain restrictions continue to be prosecuted without danger to the Fisheries. Apart from rigidly limiting the number of pounds to be permitted, the loaders should be controlled in length, a considerable gap left between them and the shore, and only a single pot allowed. Above all the mesh of the pot should be such that immature whitefish may be able to escape. The general opinion is that this may be secured by employing netting* for the pot, the mesh of which, after the tarring process, stretches to three and a-half inches. Experts announce that the number of whitefish to a barrel has been steadily on the increase of late years. If measures such as the above are adopted an improvement in this respect would inevitably follow. a ? i * > "*3 ,<# , Finally a strict inspection of pounds is necessary, especially during the close season, to prevent fish being pounded until after the season has expired. Again, regulations with regard to the renewal of the seaming and of the stretching lines of gill-nets would go far to prevent damage done by drifted nets. It is probable that an increase in the size of the mesh of the pound-nets might be advantageously accompanied by the use of a five-inch mesh for whitefish gill-nets, and the imposition of a penalty for possessing or selling nets of illegal size would asssist the objects of the Commission. 43 (c.) 476 The latter regulation would not be complete without a similar penalty for possessing or selling immature fish, such as whitefish under two pounds or of black bass under one pound. At present there is no doubt that large quantities of our game fish are netted or secured by other illegal means and shipped to the States. This is true of the magnificent Nepigon trout on the north shore of Lake Superior. It is asserted also with regard to bass which are caught by poachers in fyke-nets, and shipped covered over by less valuable fish. It would not be a difficult task for the Commission to devise means p to"check such shipments. The outlay for adequate inspection to enforce the carrying out of the rules adopted would no doubt be considerable, but would speedily 4 be repaid by the increase of the value of the Fisheries. INDEX. PAGB. Ueport, presentation of 5.5 Order in Council, copy of 7 "Commission, appointment advised by Provincial Secretary 8-9 Districts, List of, made for purposes of Commission. 10 Deer, questions relating to 11-14 Moose Caribou, Elk, questions relating to 15 Birds, questions relating to 16-20 Fish, questions relating to 21-23 Questions, general 24-26 Animals other than deer, questions relating to 27-28 Hotel-keepers and store-keepers, questions to 29 Railways, managers of, questions to 30 Conductors and pursers, questions to 31 Game and fish, dealers in, questions to 32 -Guns and tackle, dealers in, questions to 33 Guides, questions to 34 Boat and canoe builders, questions to 36 -Questions, notes on 36 Birds, notes on questions relating to 74 Fish, notes on questions relating to 143 Answers, general notes on 189 Recommendations, list of, made by Commissioners after hearing evidence 190 199 Conference, International, on matters relating to Game and Fish 233 293 Laws, protective, general notes on 296-313 "Table showing places at which Commissioners held meetings. 37-42 do number of witnesses by whom various questions were answered 43 do names and addresses of persons who answered questions on Deer , 44-53 do how witnesses answered questions on Deer 54-65 do how witnesses answered questions on Moose, Caribou and Elk 65 do names and addresses of persons who answered questions on Birds 66-73 do questions relating to Birds 75-76b do how questions on Birds were answered by witnesses from various counties and districts 77 do answers given on questions relating to Birds by witnesses from District of Algoma. 78 do do do do County of Bruce.. 79 do do do do County .of Card well 80 do do do do County of Carleton 81-82 do do do do County of Dufferin 83 do do do do County of Durham 84 do do do do County of Elgin . . 85 do do do do County of Essex . . 86-87 Table showing answers given on do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do questions relating to Birds by witnesses from County of Fron- tenac County of Grey . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do PAGE. 88-89 90 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do County of Haldi- re and County of Hastings County of Halton . County of Halibur- ton County of Kent . . . County of Lanark. Counties of Lennox and Addington. County of Leeds . . County of Lincoln . County of Lambton State of Michigan, U.S.A District of Muskoka 105-lOfr County of Middle- sex 107-108- County of North- umberland . . . District of Nipiss- ing County of Norfolk. County of Ontario. County of Oxford . County of Prince Edward County of Peel . . . District of Parry Sound 118-119 County of Peter- borough 120-121 Province of Quebec. 122, County of Renfrew. 123-124 County of Simcce. 125-126 County of Victoria. 127-128 County of Welland. 129 County of Welling- ton 130-131 County of Went- worth 132 County of York . . 133-134 91-92 93-94 95 96 97-98 99 100 101 102 103- 104 109- 11C 111-112 11 114115 116- 117 names and addresses of witnesses who answered questions on Fish 135-142 questions relating to Fish , 144-146- names and addresses of persons who answered General Questions 147-155 how General Questions were answered by witnesses 156-159- names and addresses of witnesses who answered questions on Animals other than Deer 160-168- how witnesses answered questions relating to Animals other than Dee* 169-173- 479 PAGB. Table showing names and addresses of witnesses who answered questions to hotel and store- keepers 174 do how questions to hotel and store-keepers were answered 175 do names and addresses of witnesses who answered questions to railway managers . . . 176 do how questions to railway managers were answered 177 do names and addresses of persons who answered questions to railway conductors and pursers 178- do how questions to conductors and pursers were answered 179 do names and addresses of persons who answered questions to dealers in Fish and Game 180 do how questions to dealers in Fish and Game were answered 181-182 do names and addresses of persons who answered questions to dealers in guns and tackle 183 do how questions to dealers in guns and tackle were answered ..,-.... 184 do names and addresses of persons who answered questions to guides 185 do how questions to guides were answered 186 do names and addresses of persons who answered questions to boat and canoe builders. 187 do how questions to boat and canoe builders were answered 18& do Game Laws in force in Ontario at time Commission was issued 201-206 do amendments made to above laws in 1892 207-213 do Fishery Laws in force in Ontario at time Commission was issued 214-226 do amendments made to above laws in 1892 227-231 do Resolutions adopted at International Conference 294-295 do values of various furs and skins found in Ontario . . . 348 480 TREATISE ON THE GAME AND FUR-BEARING ANIMALS OF ONTARIO. PAGE. Animals, game and fur-bearing, notes on papers relating to 315-316 Moose or European Elk, paper on 317-318 Wapiti or American Elk, paper on 319-320 Woodland Caribou, paper on 321 Virginia Deer, paper on 322-323 Black Bear, paper on 324 Wolf, paper on 326 Fox, paper on 326 Canada Lynx, paper on 327 Otter, paper on 328 Beaver, paper on 329-330 Fisher, Black Cat, Pekan, or Pennants Marten, paper on 331 Sable or Marten, paper on 332 Mink, paper on . m 333 Wolverine, paper on .* 334 Skunk, paper on 335 Raccoon, paper on 336 Muekrat, paper on 337 Stoat or Ermine, paper on 338 Weasel, paper on 339 Canada Porcupine, paper on 340 Ground Hog or Wood Chuck, paper on 341 Northern Hare, White Rabbit, paper on 342 Wood Hare, Gray Rabbit, Cotton Tail, paperon ; ; 343 Flying Squirrel, paper on 344 Red Squirrel or Chickaree, paper on 345 Northern Gray Squirrel and Black Squirrel, paper on . 346 Chipmunk, Striped Squirrel, paper on 347 481 TREATISE ON THE GAME BIRDS OF ONTARIO. PAGR Actodromus raaculata 391 Aethyia Americana . . 380 Aethyia Vallisneria 379- Aix Sponsa 375 "Anas Boschas 967 Anas obbcura 368 Anatidee 357 Anatinae . 357-366 Anser albif rons Gambelli 364 Anserinae 357-360 Baldpate 375 Bartramia longicauda 396 Bartram's Tattler 39d Bernicla Canadensis 361 Bernicla Brenta 365 Bernicla Canadensis Hutchinsii 361 Bluebill 377 Bluebill, Little 378 Bluebill, Marsh 378, Bob- white , 411 Bonasa umbellis, var. umbellis 40& Butterball 382 Canace Cacadensis, var. Canadensis , 405 Canace obscura, var. Richardsonii 404 Chen hyperboreus 362- Chen caerulescens 363 Chaulelasmus streperus * 369 Charadrius Dominions. 400 Clangula Glaucion Americana 381 Clangula albeola 382 Coween 383, Curlew, Longbilled 397 Hudsonian, Shortbilled 398 Eskimo ' 399* Cygninae 357 Ducks : 357-366- Duck, American Golden-eye 381 American Widgeon, Baldpate 371 American Black Scoter 384 Black, Biack Mallard 368 Blue-winged Teal 373 Buffla-headed, Butterball ! 382 Canvasback 379. Cadwall, Gray 369 Green-winged Teal 374 Lesser Scaup, Little Bluebill 378 Longtailed, Old Squaw 383, Duck Continued. Pintail, Sprigtail Redheaded Ruddy, Spinetailed Scaup, Bluebill 377 Shoveller, Spoonbill 372 Summer, Wood-duck 375 Velvet Scoter - 385 Dafila acuta 370 Do witcher Erismatura rubida , Fulix Marilla 377 Fulix affinis 388 Glossary of technical terms 417 Gadwall 369 Gallinago Wilsoni 389 G eese 357, 360 Godwit, Hudsonian Godwit, Marbled Goose, American Whitef routed Blue- winged Brant : Canada < Hutchins Laughing Snow Grass-snipe Grouse, Canada Richardson's Dusky Sharptailed Willow Harelda hyemalis Jack-snipe Lagopus albus Lagopus mutus, var. rupestris Limosa f edoa Limosa haemastica Macrorhamphus grieeus Mallard Mallard, Black Mareca Americana Melanetta velvetina Meleagris gallopavo, var. gallopavo Nettion Carolinensis Numenius borealis 399" Numenius Hudsonicus 398 Numenius longirostris 397 Oedemia Americana , 384 Old Squaw 383 OldWife , 383 Olor Buccinator 359 Olor Columbianus 358 Ortyx Virginianus, var. Virginianus 411 Partridge % 406-411 Partridge, Spruce 405 483 Pediocaetes phasianellus, var. phasianellus "Pheasant .............................. Philohela minor Pintail ................................. . Plover, American Golden 'Plover, Field ...................... Porzana Carolina ..................... Ttarmigau, Rock Ptarmigan, White X^uerquedula discors. . . ...................... . . . .............................................. Rails ................................... ..... ............................................ Rail, Carolina ................. .............................................. ................ Rail, King ................................................................................ Rail, Sora ........................................... .................................... Rallidse .............. ....................................................................... Rallus, elegans ............................................... ............................. Sandpiper, pectoral ........................................................ .................. "Scolopacidse .............................. , ..................... . ........................... Scoter, American Black . ............... ............. .... .-,-. ................................. Scoter, Velvet ................................... . ........................................... Short-billed Curlew ........... ............................................................... Short-neck .. .......................... .................................................... Shoveller ......................... . ....................................................... -Snipe, Gray ................. ..... ........... ............................................ Snipe, Redbreasted ... .................................................................. ----- Snipe, Wilson's ................................. ............................................ South-south-southerly ................................................................... ---- Spatula Clypeata ......................................................................... Spirit-duck ................... ............................... ........................... Spoonbill ................................................................................ Sprigtail .......................... .......................................................... -Spruce partridge ........ ........................................ Swans .......................................... .............................................. Swan, Trumpeter ...................................... A Swan, Whistling ............................................................ ................ Table of migration of birds .............................................. ................. Table of breeding seasons and migrations .............................. ..................... 354, 355 Teal, American Green-winged ....................................................... ....... Teal, Blue- winged ........................................................................ Telltale .......................................................................... Tetraonidae .................... , ............................................................ Topography of a bird ............................................................. ......... Totanus flavipes . ............ '. ........... ........ . ................ 395 'Totanus melanoleucus ..................................... ............................... 394 Turkey, wild ................................................. 413 Upland Plover ..................................................... 396 Wavie ...................................................................................... 362 Wevois ..................................... .................................. ....... 362 Widgeon, American .................. Woodcock, American ........................................................................ Yellow-legs ........................ . ................ ....................................... 395 Yellow-shanks, Greater ............ ...................................... 394 Yellow-shanks, Lesser ........................................ ........................ 395- 44 (C.) 483 REPORT ON FISH I'AGK.. Letter of Transmittal 421 Geographical Considerations 423 Natural. History of Fish in General 429 Natural History of Ontario Fish ... 439 The Fisheries of Ontario 457 Fishery Legislation 402 Apparatus employed in Catching Fish 464 Methods of preparation of fish for market 466 Decrease in number of fish causes and remedies 468 Pond culture 470 Fish breeding 472 Concluding remarks 475- YD 04338 I