c^ ^ — n BR ARY OF TIIK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIKT OK Received Q^^^^^"?^..., iSsS^. Accessions Nc^y^^^^ Shelf No. ^h --^. :>..■'* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofofficOOwashrich CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND ALUMNI OP Washington and Lee Fniversity LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, 1749 — 1888 '■^ Of TTfK ' UNIVERSIT71 Published by Or^ otthe^oard oard of Trustees. BALTIMORE: JOHN MURPHY & CO. 1888. jy^^"^ PREFACE This Catalogue has been prepared and is now published under the authority of the Board of Trustees. From 1834 to the present time the list of names given is believed to be complete, the matriculation books of the College and University for that period having been preserved. For the time previous to 1834 the records and register of students are defective. Parts have been muti- lated, some books have been lost, and at times the records were imper- fectly kept. The names of the alumni antecedent to 1834 have been obtained from the fragmentary record books ; from the recollection of surviving alumni ; from contemporaneous history and biography, and from family records and well established tradition. Catalogues of the Alumni were published in 1849 and 1869 which have of course fur- nished much valuable information. The list is necessarily incomplete, however, and the alumni and other friends of the University are earnestly requested to aid in the work of restoring lost names, and in otherwise perfecting as far as pos- sible this Record, with reference to a revision at an early day. The plan is to give the name of every man that has been a student at the Institution — his different places of residence — his occupation or pro- fession — the public positions held by him — and, if not living, the date of his death. Communications conveying such information may be addressed to John L. Campbell, Esq., Treasurer of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia. The compilation of this Catalogue has entailed a very large amount of labor and research, and a very extensive correspondence. Much of this work has been done by John L. Campbell, Esq., Treasurer, and Jacob Fuller, Esq., Librarian of the University. Other friends have assisted materially in the work. But the whole has been under the supervision and direction of the Hon. William McLaughlin of the Board of Trustees, and it is but just to say that to the unsparing and enthusiastic labors and the untiring energy of this gentleman is due this very fUll, accurate and valuable record of the sons of our Alma Mater. Committee. April, 1888. conteT^jts. PAGE. Preface 3 Historical Sketch 7 Invested Funds 29 Unproductive Endowment 32 Comparative Statement, 1865-88 33 Augusta Academy and Liberty Hall 34 Washington College and Washington and Lee University.... 36 Corporation 36 Faculty 40 Kegister of Alumni 47 Law School 203 Alumni of Law School 203 Roll of Honorary Degrees Conferred 212 Alumni Association 215 Local Alumni Associations 215 Index of Names 220 'univsksity; . D 1776 1770 Ebenezer Smith 1774 1774 Rev. Robert Archibald 1775 1774 WILLIA3I Graham, A. M 1782 1776 John Montgomery, A. B 1782 Trustees. Previous to Charter of 1782. 1776 John Brown, D. D 1782 " James Waddei.1., D, I> " Rev. Charles Cummings " " William Irvin ^* " ^31. Graham, (JEx o^cio. Re-appointecl 1782)... " ......Thomas Lewis " Gen. Andrew Lewis " Col. William Christian, {JRe-appointed 1782).... " Col. William Fleming " Thomas Stuart " Samuel Lyle, {Ee-appointed 1782) " John Grattan " Col. William Preston " Sampson Matthews " Col. John Bowyer, {Ee-appointed 1782) " Ma J. Samuel McDowell, {Ee-appointed 1782)... " William McPheeters " Capt. Alexander Stuart 34 Catalogue of Alumni. 35 ENTERED VACATED OFFICE. OFFICE. 1776 Capt. William McKee, {Re-appointed 1782) 1782 " John Houston, {Re-appointed 1784) ** " Charles Campbell, {Re-appointed 1784) " " Capt. George Moffatt, {Re-appointed 1782) " " William Ward. " " John Lewis " 1782 Caleb Wallace, {Re-appointed 1782) " " Edward Crawford, {Re-appointed 1791) " " Samuel Doak " " Archibald Scott, {Re-aj^ointed 1782) " " John Montgomery, {Re-appointed 1782) " " James McConnell " " Benjamin Erwin " " Rev. William Wilson, {Re-appointed 1782) " " Gen. Andrew Moore, {Re-appointed 1782) " " John W/i-lso^, {Re-appaiated 1782) " " John ItYT,!^ ^ {Re-appointed 17 S4) " " Tames Trotter " " Archibald Stuart, {Re-ajypointed 1782) " " Joseph Walker, {Re-appointed 1782) " " William Alexander, {Re-appointed 1782) " Secretaries to Board of Trustees. Previous to Charter of 1782. 1776 William McKee 1777 1777 Col. Samuel McDowell 1777 1777 James Lyle, Jr 1782 Treasurer. 1777 Samuel Lyle 1782 WASHINGTON (!OLLEGE AND WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, Under the Charter of 1782. CORPORATION. Rectors of the Board of Trustees. KNTEBED VACATED OFFICE. OFFICE. 1782 WitMAM Graham, A. M 1796 1797 Samuel L. Campbei.1., M. D 1799 1799 George A. Baxter, D. D 1829 1830 Louis Marshall, M. D 1834 1834 Henry Vethake, M. I>., LL.. D 1836 1836 Henry Ruffner, D. D., L.L. D 1848 1848 George Junkin, D. D 1861 1865 Hon. John W. Brockenbrough, LL. D 1872 1872 Alfred Leyburn, M. D 1878 1879 Hon. Francis T. Anderson 1887 ( Vacancy) Trustees. APPOINTED. 1782 Col. Arthur Campbell ....Col. William Christian 1784 ....Gen. Andrew Moore 1826 ....William Alexander 1797 ....Joseph Walker 1815 ....Alexander Campbell 1807 ....John Wilson ....John Trimble 1784 ....Col. Samuel McDowell 1784 ....Maj. John Hays 1809 ....Gen. John Bowyer 1784 ....Col. George Moffatt 1784 ....Col. William McKee ....James McCorkle 1784 ....Samuel Liyle ....Hon. Archibald Stuart 1796 <( 36 Catalogue of Alumni. 37 VACATKD APPOINTED. OFVICK. 1782 Cai,eb Wallace... 1784 " Rev. John Montgomery 1784 " Kev. Wii^mAM W11.SON 1807 1784 Kev. Archibai^d Scott 1799 " Col. Chari.es CAMPBEi^ii 1807 " John Houston " JA3IES Kamsey 1807 " John L-yi^e " ......Thomas Edgar " Kev. Samuei. Carrick 1791 1791 James Mitchell 1807 " Drury IjACY, D. D " Moses Hoge, D. D " Nathaniel LeGrand " Kev. Edward Crawford.. 1795 " Kev. Samuel Houston 1826 1793 James Turner " Kev. John Poage Campbell, M. D 1795 " Zechariah Johnston 1800 1794 Samuel L,, Campbell, M. I> 1812 1796 Col. James McDowell 1835 " Kev. Benjamin Grigsby 1807 " William L.yle 1835 " Andrew Alexander 1844 " Kev. Samuel Brown 1819 1797 Gen. Samuel Blackburn 1830 1798 Hon. John Coalter 1830 1807 Hon. Archibald Stuart .1819 " Gen. John Brown 1817 " Edward Graham 1841 " James J. Mayers 1819 " William McPheeters, D. D 1812 1812 John Moore '. 1815 '* KoBERT White 1852 " Henry McClung 1830 " Maj. John Alexander 1854 1815 Kev. Andrew B. Davidson 1857 " William McCue, M. D 1819 " Col. Henry Bowyer 1830 " Hon. William Taylor 1846 1819 John Kobinson 1826 " Kev. Andrew Herron, D. D 1832 " Col. Samuel McD. Keid 1869 1820 Hon. Allen Taylor 1836 " Kev. James Morrison 1865 1826 Hon. James McDowell, LL,. D 1852 Thomas Massie, M. D 1842 1830 Kev. John D. Ewing 1856 38 Catalogue of Alumni. VACATED APPOINTED. OFFICE. 1880 George A. Baxter, D. D 1832 " Gen. Edward Watts 1835 " Reuben Grigsby 1843 " Hon. Sidney S. Baxter 1856 1832 John Howe Peyton 1846 Francis McFarland, I>. D 1836 1835 KoBERT R. Barton, M. D 1858 " John F. Caruthers 1840 " Coi.. Alexander T. Barci^ay 1848 1836 Joseph Steele 1865 " Charles Li. Francisco 1844 1841 Alfred Leyburn, M. D 1878 Horatio Thompson, 1>. I> 1882 1842 Benjamin M. Smith, D. D 1843 Francis McFarland, D. I> 1865 1843 Hugh Barclay 1870 1845 Capt. David E. Moore 1875 " John T. Anderson 1853 1846 Charles L. Mosby 1852 1849 William S. White, I>. D 1852 1852 Hon. John W. Brockenbrough, IAj, T> 1872 " Rev. Samuel Rutherford Houston 1865 " Rev. Nicholas Chevalier 1857 1853 Hon. Francis T. Anderson 1887 " William Brown, D. D 1854 Maj. Robert Grattan 1856 1856 Maj. William M. Tate " James Foote J«hn»on 1869 1857 .Thomas V. Moore, I>. D 1859 " Rev. Beverly T. Lacy 1858 1858 Col. Bolivar Christian " James D. Davidson 1883 " John McD. Alexander 1885 1860 Maj. Thomas J. Kirkpatrick 1865 Hon. William McLaughlin " Col. William T. Poague 1885 " William A. Glasgow, Esq " Rev. William Henry Ruffner, LL. D 1876 1869 Hon. Cyrus H. McCormick 1884 " Gen. John Echols 1870 Judge James K. Edmondson 1873 Col. William Allan, LL. D 1875 William W. Corcoran, Esq 1888 1884 Cyrus H. McCormick, Esq 1885 1885 William A. Anderson, Esq " Alexander T. Barclay, Esq 1886 H. H. Houston, Esq {Two Vacancies) Catalogue of Alumni. 39 Associate Trustees. VACATED APPOINTED. OFFICE. 1876 Ernest B. Kruttschnitt, Esq 1877 " Hon. J. Harvey McLeary 1887 " George B. Peters, Esq 1878 1877 Lucius Desha, Esq 1883 1878 Hon. Kobert F. Dennis 1883 Hon. Clifton K. Breckinridge 1887 Henry St. George Tucker, Esq Secretaries of the Board. 1782 James Lyle, Jr 1792 1792 Samuei. Houston 1811 1811 Edward Graham 1841 1841 Andrew Alexander 1844 1844 CoE. Samuee McD. Beid 1853 1853 Alfred Leyburn, M. D 1865 1865 CoE. James K. Edmondson 1870 1870 Jacob Fuller Treasurers. 1782 Samuel Lyle 1783 1783 William Alexander 1796 1796 Samuel "L. Campbell, M. D 1803 1803 William Wilson 1840 1840 William G. White 1852 X852 John H. Myers 1857 1857 William AVhite 1865 1865 Col. James K. Edmondson 1868 1868 E. C. Gordon 1869 1869 James M. L.eech 1870 1870 William 1>old 1875 1875 Walter Bowie 1877 1877 John L. Campbell, Jr Proctors. 1837 Jacob M. Ruff 1847 1867 E. C. Gordon 1869 1869 Walter Bowie 1877 1877 John K. Anderson 1887 40 Catalogue of Alumni. FACULTY. Presidents. ENTERED VACATED OFFICE. OFFICE. 1782 Rev. W11.1.IAM Graham, A. M 1796 1796 Samiiei. Li. Campbei^l, M. T> 1799 1799 George A. Baxter, D. I> 1829 1830 L.OUIS Marshali., M. I> 1834 1834 Henry Yethake, L.L. I> 1836 1836 Henry Ruffner, D. D., LL. D 1848 1848 George Junkin, I>. I> 1861 1865 Gen. Robert K. Lee 1870 1871 Gen. G. W. Custis Lee, LL. I>.. Professors of Languages and Mathematics. 1782 James Priestly 1784 1784 Archibald Roane 1795 Conrad Speece 1798 1799 Rev. George A. Baxter 1802 1802 Daniel Blain 1814 1803 Joseph D. Logan 1806 1803 William L. Turner 1804 1806 Jahab Graham 1812 Hyacinth Crusolle (French) 1813 Professors of Languages. 1816 Andrew Herron 1818 1819 Henry Ruffner 1830 1830 Louis Marshall, M. D 1834 1835 Henry Ruffner 1837 1837 George E. Dabney, A. M 1846 Professors of Latin and Modern Languages. 1846 George E. Dabney 1851 1851 George W. White {ad interim) 1852 1852 Junius M. Fishburn 1858 1855 Thomas L. Preston {ad interim) 1856 Catalogue of Alumni. 41 Professor of Latin — {George Peabody Foundation). ENTERED VACATED OFFICE. OFFICE. 1858 Carter J. Harris Professors of Modern Languages. 1857 E. AI.BERT LuDWiG 1860 1866 Kdward 8. Joynes, A. M 1875 Professor of English, Modern Languages and Modern History. 1876 James A. Harrison, Litt. D., LL. D. Professors of Greek. 1846 Rev. Philo Cai^houn 1852 1852 James J. White, A. M. ( W. W. Corcoran Found' 7i). Professors of Moral Philosophy. 1782 Key. Wm. Graham, A. M , 1796 1799 George A. Baxter, D. I> 1829 1830 Louis Marshall, M. D 1834 1834 Henry Vethake, LL. D 1836 1836 Henry JRuffner, D. D 1848 1848 George Junkin, D. D 1860 Professors of Moral Philosophy and Belles-Lettres. 1866 J. L. KiRKPATRiCK, B. D 1885 1884 Col. J. T. L. Preston, LL.. D. (Bell.-Lett., ad int.).. 1885 1885 John P. Strider, M. A., D. D 1886 1886 J. B. Taylor, D. D. (Btkics, ad interim) 1886 1886 H. A. White, M. A. (Logic and Bell.-Lett., ad int.).. 1886 1886 James A. Quarles, ©. D 4 42 Catalogue of Alumni. Professors of Mathematics. KTERED VACATEI 3FFICE. OFFICE. 1818 Edward Graham 1829 1830 Henry Kuffner 1835 1835 Henry Vethake, LL.. I> 1836 1836 Rev. Philo Cai^houn... 1846 1846 Col,. Ben. S. Eweli. {Cincinnati Foundation) 1849 1849 Maj. I>. H. Hill " " 1853 1854 Alex. L. Nelson, A. M. " " Professors of Natural Science. 1830 liANDON C. Garland {Bobinsm Foundatim) 1832 1832 Joseph W. Farnum " " 1837 1837 Key. G. £>. Armstrong " " 1851 Professor op Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology. 1851 John L. Campbell, IjIj. I>. (i2o6inson FoMwrfation).. 1886 Professor of Applied Chemistry. 1870 N. P. Pratt, M. I> 1874 Professor of General and Applied Chemistry. 1886 William G. Brown, B. S. {Bayly Foundation) Professor of Geology and Biology. 1888 H.D. Campbell, M. A., Ph.D. {Robinsm Found' n). Professors of Natural Philosophy. 1866 Col. R. S. McCulloh, A. M. {McCormiek Found' n). 1878 1878 Harry Estill, A. M « " 1880 1880 SidneyT.Moreland,C.E.,M.A. " " Catalogue of ALUJ^to >J T Y "^ R SI ^^^ ^/x y^- OP" THE VSRSI Professors of Applied MATH^^a^^iFOsv^i^ ENTERED ^*"^ OFFICE. OFFICE. 1866 Coi.. IViLiLiAM Allan, M. A 1873 1873 Gen. G.'W. C. Lee (Act'g Prof., Tho». A. Scott Found'n). Professor of History a:n'd Exgltsh Literature. 1867 Col. Wm. Preston Johnston, A. M 1874 Professors of Law. 1865 Hon. John W. Brockenbrough, L.L<. D 1873 1870 Hon. J. Kandolph Tucker, liLi. I> 1875 1875 Charles A. Graves, M. A., B. Lt Lecturers ox Law. 1875 Col. Wm. Preston Johnston, LLi. D 1880 History and Science of Law. 1875 Hon. J. Randolph Tucker, LIj. D Constitutional Law. 1875 Hon. Francis T. Anderson 1880 Common Carriers. 1875 Hon. William McIjAughlin 1882 Practice and Pleading. 1875 Col. Bolivar Christian 1882- Parliamentary Law. 1875 Hon. Hugh W. Sheffey, LLi. D Wills and Probate Practice. Adjunct Professors. 1825 John Paris Hudson, A. B 1828 1870 Milton W. Humphreys, M. A., Ph. D 1875 Ancient Languages. 1874 Charles A. Graves, M. A., B. L 1875 Law. 1874 Charles B. Percy, B. S., C. E 1879 Applied Mathematics. 1885 David C. Humphreys, C. E Applied Mathematics. 44 Catalogue of Alumni. Assistant Professors and Instructors. ENTERED VACATED OFKTCE. OFFICE, O. W. Seabrooke Keuben a. McNutt James H.Paxton, A. B Languages. 1835 A1.1.EN I>. Metcalfe 1836 1836 WiLtiAM P. Hickman, A. B 1836 1836 Jacob Fuli^eb, A. B 1841 1847 T. Newton Wilson 1848 Mathematics. 1848 Alexander Li. Nelson 1849 Mathem«Llics. 1849 William A. Campbell 1850 Mathematics. 1852 John M. Guy 1855 Mathematics. 1855 B. W. MoSELY 1856 Mathematics. 1855 Jno. LiTiNGSTON Massie 1857 Mathematics. 1856 Alexander S. Pendleton, A. B 1858 Mathematics and Latin. 1857 Hugh A. White •. 1858 Mathematics and Latin. 1858 George L. Lieyburn 1859 Mathematics. 1858 Mathew Hale Houston 1859 Mathematics. 1859 Henry L.. Hoover 1860 Muthemxitics. 1859 Frank C. Wilson 1860 Mathematics. 1860 James S. Mackey 1861 Mathematics. 1860 J. William Reily 1861 Mathematics. 1865 Harry Kstill, A. M 1868 Mathemxitics. 1865 C. P. Grady, A. M 1867 Latin. 1866 Frank Preston, A. M 1869 Greek. 1865 Bodes Massie, A. M 1869 Modern Languages. 1866 E. A. MooRK 1867 Latin, f Catalogue of Alumni. 45 ENTERED VACATED OFFICE. OFFICE. 1866 M. W. Humphreys 1870 Latin and Greek. 1867 Ko. S. Thompson 1868 English. * 1867 Charles S. Dod 1868 Latin and Modem Languages. 1867 Capt. GIVE.NS B. Strickeer 1868 Latin. 1867 Maj. KiCHARD M. Venabee.... 1868 Mathematics. 1867 Ko. L(. Brockenbrough 1868 Modern L-dnguages. 1867 John H. Moore 1868 Mathematics. 1867 Duncan C. L.yee 1868 3Iathematics. 1868 J. B. Waeker 1869 Chemistry. 1868 WiEEis B. Smith, A. B 1869 Mathematics. 1868 GiEBERT B. Gibson 1869 Mathematics. 1868 J. Harvey McIiEARY, A. B 1869 English. 1868 WiEEiAM W. Carson, C. E 1869 Engineering. 1869 KoBERT C. Morrison, A. B 1870 Modern Languages. 1869 Charees a. Graves, M. A 1874 English and Modern Lawjuages and Law. 1869 Duncan C. Lyee, M. A 1870 Mathematics. 1869 Edmund Berkeeey, C. E., M. E 1870 Applied Mathematics and Chemistry. 1869 Rev. J. J. LiAfeerty 1870 Stenography. 1869 C. M. Koones 1870 Penmanship and Book-keeping. 1870 B. H. Waddeee, M. A 1873 31athematics. 1870 Charees B. Percy, B. S., C. E 1871 Applied Mathematics and Chemistry. 1870 Lucius Desha, M. A 1872 Ancient Languages. 1870 E. B. Kruttschnitt, M. A 1873 Modern Languages and History. 1870 Frank A. Waddiee, M. A 1872 Mathematics, 46 Catalogue of Alumk^i. ENTERED VACATED OFFICE. OFFICE. 1870 J. liEWis liOGAN, A. B 1871 Latin. 1870 Marcus Ammen 1872 Business School. » 1870 Marion Mathews 1871 Commercial Arithmetic. 1871 W11.1.IAM 31. DuNLAP, B. S., C. E 1873 Applied Mathematics and Chemistry. 1872 WiLtiAM Edmonds, M. A 1873 Latin. 1872 Wii.mAM I>. Vinson, M. A 1873 Greek. 1873 Thomas J. Kernan, M. A 1874 Mathematics and Modern Languages. 1873 Harvey B. Fergusson, M. A 1874 Greek and Modern Languages. 1874 William H. Tayloe, M. A 1878 Histoinjy English, Modern Languages^ Greek. 1874 W. W. H. Harris, M. A...'. 1876 Englifh, Greek, Mathematics. 1875 Charles A. Deshon, M. A 1876 Acting Professor, French. 1876 James H. Dillard, M. A 1877 Mathemxitics. 1877 H. L.EE Sellers, M. A 1879 Latin, Greek. 1877 David C. Humphreys 1878 Mathematics. 1878 James T. Akers 1879 Modern History. 1879 Wm. Spenser "Currell, M. a 1882 English, Modem Languages and Modern History. 1882 James T. Akers, M. A 1884 English, Modern Langu^iges and Modern History. 1882 Harry D. Campbell, M. A 1886 Chemistry and, Geology. 1882 Eugene K. Carichoff 1885 Mathematics and English. 1884 Henry A.White, M. A 1887 English, Modern Languages and Modern History. 1884 Wllliam H. Saunders 1887 Elocution. 1887 George A. Wauchope, M. A English, Modern Languages and Modern Llistory. 1888 Edward L. Barber ElocuHon. REGISTER OF ALUMNI. (All known to be dead are designated by an asterisk.) Explanation.— To show the plan of the work, take No. 1 (of the Catalogue), *Gen. Samuel Blackburn. His record shows that he came to the Institution from Augusta Co., Va,— that he served as a soldier of the Revolution— that he removed to Tennessee, thence to Georgia- that he was a Teacher and a Lawyer— that he served in the Georgia Legislature— that he returned to Virginia and served in the Virginia Legislature— that he was the Author of the famous Anti- Duelling Law— that he was distinguished as an Orator and Advocate— that he died at the age of 77, in Baih Co., Va., on the second of March, 1835. In the light of this explanation, the record of other alumni can be readily made out. 1749-1782 (Previous to Charter, 1782). 1. *Gen. Samuei. BI.ACKBURN, A. B., Augusta Co.: Soldier of the Revolution: Tennessee: Georgia: Teacher: Lawyer: Member Georgia Legisla- ture : Member Virginia Legislature : Author Anti-Duelling Law : Distinguished Orator and Advocate: died in Bath Co., Va., March 2, 1835, aged 77. 2. *Ai.EXANDER Breckenbidge, Botetourt Co. : Captain in the Con- tinental Army : Jefferson Co., Ky. : Member of Kentucky Convention, 1787. 3. *Ge]V. James Breckenribge, Botetourt Co.: Farmer: Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney: Member Virginia Legislature: Member of U. S. Congress, 1809-1817: Died 1837. 4. ^JoHN Breckenridge, Botetourt Co.: Lawyer: Member Virginia Legislature : Kentucky : Member and Speaker Kentucky House of Representa- tives: Author Kentucky Resolutions, 1799: U.S. Senate, 1801-05: Attorney General under Jefferson : Distinguished as Lawyer, Orator and Statesman : Died 1806. 5. "^Gen. Kobert Breckenridge, Botetourt Co. : Lieutenant in the Continental Army : Member of Virginia Legislature : Member Virginia Conven- tion, 1788 : Kentucky : Speaker House of Representatives of Kentucky. 6. *Gen. John Botvyer, Augusta Co.: Rockbridge Co: Farmer: Mem- ber Virginia Legislature: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1782-84: Died 1805. 7. ■'^James Bro'WN, Rockbridge Co.: Kentucky: Lawyer: Secretary of State of Kentucky: Louisiana: U. S. Senator, 1812-17, 1819-24: Minister to France, 1824-31 : Died 1836. 8. *JoHN Brotvn, Rockbridge Co. : Soldier of the Revolution under Lafay- ette: Lawyer: Member Virginia Legislature: Kentucky: Member Continental Congress, 1787-88: U. S. Senator, 1792-1805: Died, August 28, 1837, aged 80. 9. *Samuei. Brown, Rockbridge Co. : Kentucky : Physician : Medical Professor Transylvania University. 10. *Preston W. Brown, Rockbridge Co. : Kentucky: Died 1826. 47 48 Catalogue of Alumni. 11. ^WiLi.iAM Brown, Rockbridge Co.: South Carolina: Physician. 12. ^Arthur Campbei.1., Augusta Co.: Washington Co. : Soldier of the Revolution : Member Virginia Legislature : Member Virginia Convention, 1788 : Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1782-92. 13. ■^Gen. WlL.l.lAM Campbei.1., Augusta Co.: Washington Co.: Briga- dier-General Continental Army, commanding at King's Mountain: Died, 1781, in Hanover Co., Va., in command of Continental forces. 14. *David Campbell,, Wasliington Co.: Lawyer: Tennessee: Judge U. S. Court: Judge Supreme Court of Tennessee; Died 1813. 15. ^Samuel, Carrick, A. B., Adams Co., Penn.: Presbyterian Min- ister: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1784-91: Tennessee: President Blount College: Died 1808. 16. *Kdward Crawford, Rockbridge Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1791-95: Tennessee. 17. *Samuel Doak, a. B., O. I>., Augusta Co.: Professor Hampden Sidney College: Tennessee: President Washington College, Tenn. : Member Franklin Convention: Died 1830, aged 82. 18. *KoBERT Edmiston, Washington Co.: Lieutenant Continental Army at King's Mountain : Tennessee: Died 1816. 19. ^Thomas J. Fleming, Botetourt Co. : Woodford Co., Ky. : Farmer : Died 1847. 20. *CoL. KoBERT Gamble, Augusta Co. : Captain Continental Army, participating in many battles of the Revolution: Richmond, Va. : Merchant: Died April 12, 1810. 21. *Samuel Greenlee, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer: Died 1824. 22. *JoHN Hays, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Major in Continental Army, participating in numerous battles of the Revolution, including the Capture of Burgoyne at Saratoga: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1782-1807: Died 1808. 23. *MoSES HoGE, A. B., I>. D., Frederick Co.: Soldier of the Revo- lution: Teacher of Classical School: Presbyterian Minister: Trustee Washington College, 1791-1807: President Hampden Sidney College, 1807-1820: Distin- guished Preacher and Author : Died July 5, 1820. 24. * James Houston, Rockbridge Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Kentucky. 25. ^Samuel Houston, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Soldier of the Revo- lution: Presbyterian Minister: Washington Co., Tenn. : Member Franklin Con- vention : Rockbridge Co. : Pastor Falling Spring and High Bridge Churches : Teacher of Classical School: Trustee Washington College, 1791-1826: Died 1839. 26. ^Zechariah Johnston, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Member Virginia Legislature: Member Virginia Convention, 1788: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1793-1800: Rockbridge Co. : Died 1800. 27. *CoL. George Matthews, Augusta Co.: Merchant: Captain at Point Pleasant: Lieutenant-Colonel Continental Army: Georgia: Member U. S. Congress: Governor of Georgia : Died September 20, 1812. 28. ^Sampson Matthews, Augusta Co.: Merchant: Soldier of the Revo- lution : Member of Virginia Senate, 1778 : Trustee, Liberty Hall Academy, 1776- 1782. Catalogue of Alumni. 49 29. *Coi.. George MoffaTT, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Captain in the Revolution and in the Indian Wars: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1776- 1784: Died 1811, aged 76. 30. * James Mitchell,, Bedford Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Teacher: Principal New London Academy : Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1791-1807 : Died February 27, 1841, aged 94. 31. *JoHN Montgomery, A. B., Augusta Co.: Tutor Liberty Hall Academy: Presbyterian Minister: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy. 32. *Gen. Andrew Moore, Rockbridge Co. : Lieutenant Virginia Forces at Point Pleasant : Captain Continental Army : Lawyer: Member Virginia Leg- islature : Member Virginia Convention, 1788: Member U. S. Congress, 1788-97, 1803-4 : U. S. Senator, 1804-9 : U. S. Marshall for the District of Virginia : Trus- tee Washington College, 1782-1821 : Died 1821. 33. ^WlLlLlAM McClung, a. B., Rockbridge Co.: Kentucky: Member Virginia Legislature: Member Kentucky House of Representatives: Member Kentucky Senate: Judge of the Circuit Court: Died 1815. 34. ^Andrew McClure, A. B., Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Kentucky : Died 1793. 35. *JoHN McCuE, Nelson Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor Lewisburg, Union and Tinkling Spring Churches: Principal Classical School: Died 1818. 36. *Wli.i:.lAM McDowE!.!., Rockbridge Co.: Bowling Green, Kentucky : Lawyer: U. S. District Judge for Kentucky. 37. *CoiL,. WllLtlAM McKee, Rockbridge Co.: Soldier at Braddock's Defeat: Captain at Point Pleasant: Member Virginia Convention 1788 : Member Virginia Legislature: High Sheriff of Rockbridge Co.: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1782-96: Garrard Co., Ky.: Died October 12, 1816, aged 82. 38. ^Samuel, N^EWEI.!., Washington Co. : Officer at King's Mountain : Law- yer: Tennessee: Member Tennessee Legislature : Member Franklin Convention: Pulaski Co., Ky. : Montgomery Co., Ind.: Died September 21, 1841, aged 87. 39. *CoL,. W11.I.IAM Preston, Augusta Co.: Montgomery Co.: Farmer: Member House of Burgesses : Colonel in the Indian Wars and in the Revolution : Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1776-1782: Died 1783. 40. * James Priestily, A. B., LiLi. I>., Rockbridge Co.: Tutor Liberty Hall Academy : Principal of Classical Schools, in Bardstown, Ky., Georgetown, D. C, Annapolis and Baltimore, Md. : President Cumberland University, Nash- ville, Tenn. : Distinguished for his learning. 41. *Ad AM Rankin, A. B., Pennsylvania: Presbyterian Minister: Ken- tucky: Teacher Classical School: Died, November, 1827. 42. "^ARCHlBAliD Scott, Pennsylvania : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Bethel Church, Augusta Co. : Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 178^1799 : Died, March 4, 1799. 43. *Ebenezer Smith, Pennsylvania: Professor Liberty Hall Academy : Presbyterian Minister. 44. *ARCHiBAt,D Stuart, Rockbridge Co. : Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Green and participated in the battle of Guilford: Staunton, Va.: Lawyer: Common- wealth's Attorney : Member Virginia Legislature : Member Virginia Conven- tion, 1788: President Virginia Senate: Repeatedly Presidential Elector: Judge 50 Catalogue of Alumni. of the General Court, 1800-31 : Trustee Washington College, 1784-97, 1807-19 : Died 1832. 45. * James Tate, Augusta Co. : Captain in the Revolution : Killed at Guilford, March, 1781. 46. * John Tate, Augusta Co. : Member Virginia Legislature. 47. *WiL,i.iAM Tate, Augusta Co. : Physician: Officer in the Revolution: Member Virginia Legislature. 48. *Ax,EXANDER Tedford, Rockbridge Co.: Captain in the Revolu- tion: Killed at Guilford, March, 1781. 49. *Terah Tempi^in, A. B., Bedford Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Ken- tucky: Died 1818. 60. *JoHN TRiMBliE, Rockbridge Co.: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1782-83: Died 1783. 51. *Coi:.. John Wilson, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Colonel of Virginia Forces at Yorktown : Bath (now Highland) Co.: Died 1820, aged 88. 52. *'WlLl.lAM TV11.SON, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Tutor Liberty Hall Academy : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Augusta Church : Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1782-1807 : Died 1835. 1782-1789 (Subsequent to the Charter). 53. ^Archibald Alexander, D. I>., Ldu. D., Rockbridge Co.: Presbyterian Minister: President Hampden Sidney College: Pastor Pine Street Church, Philadelphia: Professor Princeton Theological Seminary: Distinguished as a Preacher, Author and Scholar: Died 1851, aged 79. 54. *Andretf Alexander, Itockbridge Co. : Farmer and Engineer : Member Virginia Legislature: Member Board of Public Works: Trustee Wash- ington College, 1796-1844: Died 1844, aged 76. 55. *JoHN Baker, Jefferson Co.: Lawyer: Member U. S. Congress, 1811- 13: Died August 18, 1823. 56. *Gen. John Brown, Pennsylvania: Lawyer: Romney: Chancellor Staunton District : Staunton: Trustee Washington College, 1807-17 : Died 1826. 57. * John Botvyer, Augusta Co. : Rockbridge Co. : Farmer : Member of Virginia Legislature: Repeatedly Elector for President: Died 1851. 58. ^Gen. Elisha Boyd, Berkeley Co.: Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney of Berkeley forty years: Colonel in the War of 1812: Member of Vir- ginia House of Delegates: Member of Virginia Convention, 1829-80: Member Virginia Senate : Died October 21, 1841. 59. *JoHN POAGE Campbell, Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Kentucky: Trustee Liberty Hall Academy, 1793-1795: Distinguished as a Preacher and Writer: Died 1814. 60. *Samuel L. Campbell, M. I>., Rockbridge Co.: Trustee of Wash- ington College, 1794-1812: Distinguished Physician: Died 1840. 61. *Christopher Clark, Bedford Co.: Member Virginia Legislature: Member U. S. Congress and one of the House Managers in the trial of Judge Chase: Distinguished Lawyer and Advocate : Died 1825. Catalogue of Alumni. 51 62. * John C0AI.TER, Eockbridge Co. : Lawyer: Staunton, Va. : Common- wealth's Attorney, Augusta Co., Va.: Judge of General Court, 1809-1811: Judge of Court of Appeals, 1811-1831: Member Virginia Convention, 1829-30: Trustee Washington College, 1798-1830: Died at Chatham, Stafford Co., Va., 1838. 63. ^Charles Cbawfokd, Amherst Co. : Episcopal Clergyman : Louis- ville, Ky. 64. *Nei.S0N Crawford, Amherst Co.: Farmer and Lawyer: Twice High Sheriff of Amherst. 65. *Ed WARD Graham, Kockbridge Co. : Principal New London Acad- emy : Professor Mathematics Washington College, 1813-29 : Trustee Washington College, 1807-40: Died 1840. 66. *Benjamin Grigsby, Eockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister: Pas- tor in Greenbrier and Monroe and of Norfolk Church: Trustee Washington College, 1796-1807: Died 1810. 67. *IsAAC HaIwI., Augusta Co.: Petersburg: Distinguished Physician: Graduate of University of Edinburgh. 68. * John HAl^li, Augusta Co. : Lawyer : Weldon, N. C. : Judge of Supreme Court North Carolina: Died January 29, 1833. 69. *Thomas HAlili, Augusta Co. : Lawyer: Kentucky. 70. * Joseph Hamilton, Eockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Tennessee: Judge of Circuit Court. 71. *JoHN Hawkins. 72. * Joseph Hays, Eockbridge Co.: (Son of 22): Farmer: Washington Co., Va. 73. *Matthew Houston, Eockbridge Co.: Principal New London Academy : Presbyterian Minister : Kentucky : Lebanon, Ohio. 74. *JoHN Johnston, Augusta Co.: (Son of 26) : Physician: Eoanoke Co. 75. ^Andrew liYT^E, Eockbridge Co. : Kentucky: Died in early life. 76. *JoEi:i Reid !Lyi.e, Eockbridge Co.: Clarke Co., Ky. : Paris, Ky. : Teacher: Editor Western Citizen. 77. *Matthew LiYliE, Eockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor of Briery and Buffalo Churches, Prince Edward Co.: Teacher Classical School: Died March 22, 1827. 78. *KoBERT MARSHAL,li, Pennsylvania: Presbyterian Minister: Ken- tucky: Died .June, 1832. 79. *James Moore, Eockbridge Co.: Episcopal Clergyman: Eector Christ's Church, Lexington, Ky. : President and Professor Moral Philosophy, Transyl- vania University: Died 1814. 80. *RoBEBT Morrison, Lawyer. , 81. ^Martin McFerran, Botetourt Co.: Member Virginia Convention, 1788. 82. *JoHN McKee, Eockbridge Co.: (Son of 37): Lawyer: Kentucky: Died October 1, 1818. 83. *Coi.. John McKee, Eockbridge Co. : Kentucky : Agent for the Chick- asaw Indians: Tennessee: Commissioner for running boundary line: Member U. S. Congress, 1823-29: Alabama: U. S. Senator. 84. ^William McKee, Eockbridge Co. : (Brother of 82) : Kentucky : Died October 15, 1840. 52 Catalogue of Alumni. 85. *Coi.. James McOotvell, Kockbridge Co. : Farmer : Colonel in War of 1812: High Sheriff of Rockbridge: Trustee Washington College, 1796-1835: Died 1835. 86. * James McLean. 87. *JoHN Neville, Fauquier Co.: Lawyer: General in Pennsylvania Whiskey War: Screven Co., Ga. 88. ■'^Henry J. Peyton, Prince William Co. : Winchester, Va. : Staunton, Va. : Clerk Chancery Court Staunton District. 89. *Thomas Poague, Augusta Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Died Octo- ber, 1793. 90. *James B.JRiSQUE, Botetourt Co. : Lawyer: Lynchburg, Va. 91. *Abchibai.d Koane, A. B., Pennsylvania: Professor Liberty Hall Academy : Tennessee : Judge Supreme Court : Governor Tennessee : U. S. Dis- trict Judge: Died 1814. 92. ^Alexander Stuart, Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Campbell Co.: Richmond: Member Executive Council: Kasskassias, Illinois: Judge U. S. Court, Illinois : Missouri : Member and Speaker House of Representatives, Mo. : Judge Circuit Court: Distinguished as a Lawyer and Jurist; Died December, 1832. 93. * James Stuart, Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Pittsylvania Co.: Died 1835. 94. *Thomas Thompson. 95. *JoHN Todd, Louisa Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Kentucky: Died 1812. 96. *Thomas Todd, King and Queen Co.: Lawyer: Frankfort, Ky.: Clerk U. S. Court: Clerk Court of Appeals, Ky. : Judge Court of Appeals, Ky. : Chief Justice of Ky. : Justice of Supreme Court of U. S. : Distinguished as Law- yer and Jurist : Died February 7, 1 826. 97. *Wii.i.iAM Wardlaw, Rockbridge Co. 98. *Samuei. Wilson, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Died 1850. 99. *Wii.i.iAM Wilson, Rockbridge Co. : Merchant : Postmaster of Lex- ington, Va. : Treasurer Washington College, 1803-1840: Died 1845. 100. *Mai.coM WoRliEY, Virginia: Kentucky: Lebanon, Ohio: Inde- pendent Minister. 1789-1800. 101. *Coi.. John Allen, Rockbridge Co. : Kentucky: Member Kentucky House of Representatives: Distinguished Lawyer and Eloquent Orator: Colonel First Regiment Kentucky Riflemea : Killed Januar}"^, 1813, at River Raisen. 102. ^William Patton Anderson, Botetourt Co. : Nashville, Tenn. : Distinguished Lawyer: Died 1810. 103. ^George Addison Baxter, A. B., I>. !>., Rockingham Co. : Presbyterian Minister: Principal New London Academy: Professor Mathe- matics and Belles-Lettres Washington College: President Washington College, 1799-1829: Pastor of Monmouth and Lexington (Va.) Churches, 1799-1831: Professor Union Theological Seminary, 1831-41 : Trustee Washington College, 1830-32: Distinguished Preacher and Orator: Died April 24, 1841, 104. ^Samuel Beaty. Catalogue of Alumni. 53 105. *I>ANIEI. BiLAlx, South Carolina: Presbyterian Minister: Professor Languages Washington College, 1802-14: Died 1814. 106. ^Samuel Brown, Bedford Co., Ya. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor New Providence Church : Trustee Washington College, 1796-1818 : Died Octo- ber, 1818. 107. *JoHN "W11.SON Campbei.1., Eockbridge Co.: Merchant: Peters- burg, Va. : Died December 23, 1842. 108. *«James Cabutheks, Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer : Jackson, Tenn. 109. *KoBERT Oavis, Bedford Co. : Presbyterian Minister. 110. *Whiting I>ATIS, Bedford Co.: Farmer: Died 1825. 111. ^Benjamin Estill, Augusta Co. : Russell Co. : Lawyer: Common- wealth's Attorney Russell Co.: Member Virginia Legislature: J^ember U. S. Congress, 1825-27: Judge Circuit Court, 1831-52: Judge Special Court of Appeals of Virginia. 112. *JoHN M. Estill, Augusta Co. : Farmer: Member Virginia Legis- lature: Died 1854. 113. *Adam Freeman, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer: Presbyterian Minister: Maryland. 114. *I>AVID Floubnoy, Powhatan Co. : Farmer. 115. * Joseph Glass, Frederick Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor Gerardstown and Back Creek Churches, Va. : Died 1821. 116. ^Elijah Gbeenlee, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Milledgeville, Ga. : Surgeon U. S, Army. 117. * James Gbeenlee, Burke Co., N. C: Georgia: Planter: Died 1819. 118. *Keuben Gbigsby, Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Farmer: Member Virginia House of Delegates: Captain U. S. Army, 1812: Sheriff Rockbridge: Trustee Washington College, 1830-43: Died February 6, 1863, aged 83. 119. *WlLLIAM KeBB. 120. *Mebiwetheb LiEWIS, Albemarle Co. : Private Secretary of Presi- dent Jeflerson : Explorer Rocky Mountains with Clarke : Governor Louisiana Territory : Died 1809. 121. *Robebt Logan, Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor Fin- castle Church : Died October 9, 1826. 122. *Thom AS Logwood, Bedford Co.: Farmer: High Sheriff two terms: Died September 10, 1821. 123. ^JoHN LiYLE, Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Paris, Ky. : Died July, 1825. 124. *JoHN IjYLE, Rockbridge Co. : Soldier of the Revolution : Presbyterian Minister: Hampshire Co.: Died 1807. 1 25. ^Nathaniel J. Manson, Bedford Co. : Lawyer and Farmer : Died 1859. 126. *James J. Mayebs, a. B., Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Trustee Washington College, 1807-19 : Greenbrier Co. : Tennessee. 127. *Abchibald Mills. 128. *JoHN Mc Campbell, Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer : Member Virginia Legislature: Died 1811. 129. *JoHN McCboby, Rockbridge Co. : Surgeon U. S. Army, War of 1812: Augusta Co.: Died 1864. 54 Catalogue of Alumni. 130. *Coi:.. Samuei. McKee, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 37) : Garrard Co., Ky. : Lawyer: Member U. S. Congress, 1809-17: Circuit Judge: U. S. District Judge: Member Kentucky Legislature: Member Commission appointed by Presi- dent Monroe to clear the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers of obstructions: Died October 16, 1826. 131. *IsAAC McNuTT, Rockbridge Co. : Louisiana. 132. ^Witi^iAM McPheeters, !>. !>., Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister : Kentucky : North Carolina : Principal Raleigh Academy : Pastor Raleigh Church : Elected President Davidson College, but declined : Trustee Washington College, 1807-12: Died November 7, 1842. 133. * John Pendleton, Culpeper Co. : Kentucky. 134. ^Thomas Lewis Preston, Montgomery Co.: (Son of 39) : Lawyer: Lexington, Va. : Member Virginia Legislature : Author of the Resolutions sus- taining President Madison's War Policy : CapUiin U. S. Army : Died 1812. 135. *Ai.EXANDER Posey, Spotsylvania Co. : Physician : Shawneetown, 111. : Officer in Blackhawk War. 136. *Fayette Posey, Spotsylvania Co. : Henderson, Ky. : Very success- ful in business : Died 1870, aged 90. 137. ^Washington Posey, Spotsylvania Co.: Shawneetown, III. : Prom- inent Merchant. 138. ^SAMUEli Graham Kamsey, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Presby- terian Minister : Tennessee : Principal Ebenezer Academy : Died July 5, 1817. 139. *JoHN Reid, Physician. 140. ^Waller Redd, Henry Co. : Clerk Henry Co. : Died 1826. 141. *JoHN Holt Rice, 1>. I>., Bedford Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Presbyterian Church, Richmond : Professor Union Theological Seminary : Elected President Princeton College, but declined : Distinguished Preacher and Author : Died September 3, 1831. 142. *CoNRAD Speece, A. B., 1>. !>., Bedford Co. : Tutor Liberty Hall Academy : Tutor Hampden Sidney College : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Augusta Church : Distinguished Preacher and Author : Died September 27, 1835. 143. *Chari.es a. Stuart, Greenbrier Co.: Augusta Co.: Member Board Public Works : Greenbrier Co. : Died August, 1850. 144. *RoBERT Stuart, I>. I>., Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister: Kentucky : Professor Ancient Languages Transylvania University. 145. *RoBERT Trimble, Paris, Ky. : Member Kentucky Legislature : Judge Supreme Court Kentucky : Judge District Court of U. S. : Justice of Su- preme Court of U. S.: Died September, 1828. 146. * John Trimble, Clarke Co., Ky. : Lawyer : Member Kentucky House of Representatives : Cynthiana : Judge Circuit Court : Judge Court of Appeals of Kentucky : Distinguished for his ability and legal learning. 147. *Al,liEN Taylor, Montgomery Co. : Lawyer: Member Virginia Leg- islature : Chancellor of Virginia : Botetourt Co. : Judge Circuit Court : Trustee Washington College, 1820-36 : Eminent for his learning and legal ability : Died 1836. 148. * James Vance, Hampshire Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Kentucky : Teacher Classical School. Catalogue of Alumni. 65 149. *Anthony WAI.KE, Princess Anne Co. : Member Virginia Legisla- ture : Agent of U. S. to the Bey of Algiers : Ross Co., Ohio : Member House of Representatives and State Senate of Ohio : Died March 19, 1865, aged 81. 150. ^Ai^EXANDEK Walker, Rockbridge Co. : Captain U. S. Army. 151. *Henky E. Watkins, Prince Edward Co. : Lawyer : Member Vir- ginia House of Delegates : Member Virginia Senate : Captain Cavalry, War of 1812 : Died 1856, aged 84. 152. ^Robert Wilson, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Kentucky : Died 1822. 153. *James Wilson. 1800-1803. 154. *JoHN Alexander, Rockbridge Co. : Major in War of 1812 : Far- mer : High Sheriff of Rockbridge : Trustee Washington College, 1812-1853 : Died November 10, 1853. 155. * Joseph Blair, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Merchant: Captain in War of 1812 : Columbus, Miss.: Postmaster: Died September, 1843. 156. ^James I>. Breckenridge, Jefferson Co., Ky. : (Son of 2) : Law- yer: Member Kentucky House of Representatives: Member U. S. Congress, 1821-1823: Died 1832. 157. *!LuKE BowYER, Augusta Co. : Montgomery Co. : Farmer. 158. *J. M. Campbell, Presbyterian Minister. 159. ^Gilbert Christian, Augusta Co. : Lawyer : Abingdon, Va. : Knoxville, Tenn. 160. ^William Close, Lexington, Va. 161. * James L. Clowney, South Carolina: Greenbrier Co.: Marysville, Tenn.: Distinguished Physician : Died 1824. 162. *Thomas Stuart Coalter, Augusta Co. : Physician: Died 1833. 163. *LiNDSAY Coleman, Amherst Co.: Farmer: High Sheriff' of Am- herst : Died 1876. 164. *George William Crump, Powhatan Co.: Cumberland Co.: Physician : Member U. S. Congress, 1826-27 : Minister to Chili : Died 1858. 165. *Benjamin Darst, Rockbridge Co. 166. *C. Ervin. 167. *K. Ervin. 168. * William Fleming, Roanoke Co: Madison Co., Ala.: Planter: Member State Senate Alabama many years : Died 1864. 169. *JoHN GiLMORE, Rockbridge Co. 170. *Jahab Graham, Rockbridge Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Din- widdle Co. 171. ^Samuel Greenlee, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Georgia: Died April 23, 1821. 172. ^Thomas Grymes. 173. ^William H. Haines, Alleghany Co.: Farmer: Died 1873. 174. ^William Harris. 175. *JoHN Harvie, Richmond City: Private Secretary of President Jefferson : Frankfort, Ky. : President of Bank of Kentucky. 56 Catalogue of Alumni. 176. *LjEWIS Harvie, Richmond City : Member Virginia Legislature : Died in early life at sea of consumption. 177. *JoHN Harris. 178. *MiCHAEi. Hays, Eockbridge Co.: (Son of 22): Lawyer: Ohio: Captain U. S. Army. 179. ^JoHN Hendren, a. B., I>. I>., Eockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister: Pastor of churches in Amherst, and Union and Mossy Creek, Augusta Co.: Taught Classical School of high standing: Died October 12, 1856. 180. *HuGH Weir Houston, Eockbridge Co. : Physician : Surgeon U. S. Army: Died at Lake Elrie, October, 1812. 181. *RoBERT Houston, Tennessee : Major U. S. Army : Died 1815. 182. ^Hancock Jacob. 183. ^Edward Johnson, Chesterfield Co. : Physician : Captain in War 1812: Kentucky. 184. *JosEPH Kean. 185. * Joseph B. Lapsley, Eockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Kentucky. 186. *Thomas Lewis, Mason Co.: Farmer: Clerk of County Court: Died October 11, 1855. 187. * Joseph I>. Logan, Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Tutor Washington Academy: Goochland Co.: Botetourt Co.: Died 1827. 188. *John J. Marsh Atl., Franklin Co., Ky. : Member Kentucky House of Eepresentatives : Member Kentucky State Senate : Judge of Circuit Court of Louisville. 189. *Wii.i.iAM Adam Menzies, Frederick Co. : Lawyer : Staunton, Va. : Versailles, Ky. : Judge Circuit Court: Boone Co.: Covington, Ky. : Pen- dleton : Died March 14, 1872, aged 88. 190. ^Samuel. Menzies, Frederick Co., Va. 191. * John MiMS, Fredericksburg, Va. : Lawyer: Tennessee: Mississippi. 192. ^Francis Mitcheli., U. S. Navy. 193. *WiLi.AM Moore, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Tennessee. 194. *Wii.LiAM Morgan. 195. *Charxes Morris, Hanover Co. : Caroline Co. : Distinguished Phy- sician : Surgeon U. S. Army. 196. ^Richard Morris, Hanover Co. : Member Virginia Legislature : Member Virginia Convention, 1829 : Distinguished Lawyer and Orator : Died 1831. 197. *MiCHAEl. K. Murray, Petersburg, Va. : Physician. 198. ^Alexander McCauley. 199. *Cary Nicholas, Kentucky : Farmer : Died in early life. 200. *Kobert N1CH01.AS, Kentucky: Farmer: Died in early life. 201. *ftiCHARD E. Parker, Westmoreland Co. : Judge of General Court : Clarke Co. : Judge Circuit Court : U. S. Senator : Judge of Court of Appeals of Virginia : Eminent as Statesman and Jurist : Died 1840. 202. *Wii.l.lAM Parker, Accomac Co. : Farmer : Merchant. 203. *Gen. Severn Eyre Parker, Northampton Co. : Lawyer: Mem- ber Virginia Legislature: Member U. S. Congress, 1819-21 : Died October, 1836. 204. *JoHN Pendleton, Eichmond, Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 57 205. ^Daniei. Scott, Lawyer. 206. ^LiNNEUS Smith, Chesterfield Co.: Richmond: Died 1832. 207. ^Charles Snead, Amherst Co. 208. ^Carter Li. Stevenson, Fredericksburg, Va. : Lawyer : Common- wealth's Attorney of Fredericksburg : Member Virginia Legislature. 209. *Humbektson Skipwith, Mecklenburg Co. : Farmer : Died 1863. 210. ^Erasmus Stribl.ing, Frederick Co. : Clerk District Court at Sweet Springs: Staunton : Member of Virginia Legislature : Clerk County Court Augusta Co. : Clerk U. S. Court for Western District of Virginia : Died July 2, 1857. . 211. *GrARl.AND Thompson, Amherst Co. : Farmer. 212. *JoHN Thompson, Hanover Co. : Lawyer. 213. ^Wli.L.lAM LiEFTWiCH Turner, Bedford Co.: Tutor Washington Academy : Presbyterian Minister : Principal of Academy at Raleigh, N. C. : Pastor Fayetteville Church : Died 1813. 214. * Joseph Walker, Rockbridge Co. : Mississippi. 215. -^KoBERT Wai.KUP, Rockbridge Co. : Fredericksburg, Va. : Died 1816. 216. *Mayo Watkins, Goochland Co. : Farmer : Died 1818. 217. *I5yrd Wii^i^iS, Fredericksburg : Eminent Wit and Humorist. 218. ^Robert Baker White, Frederick Co. : Lawyer : Romney, Va. : Commonwealth's Attorney, Frederick : Winchester : Clerk Circuit Court of Fred- erick : Died 1825. 219. * James C. Wilson, 1>. I>., Rockbridge Co. : Instructor in Hamp- den Sidney College : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Tinkling Spring Church : Died 1840. 220. ^Samuel B. Wilson, I>. I>., North Carolina: Presbyterian Min- ister : Pastor Fredericksburg Church : Professor Union Theological Seminary : Died August, 1869. 221. * John Fonrose Wood, Botetourt Co. : Merchant : Died 1840. 1804-1806. 222. *KobertH. Adams, Rockbridge Co.: Natchez, Mississippi : Lawyer: Member Mississippi Legislature : U. S. Senator : Distinguished as a Lawyer and Orator : Of commanding figure and great eloquence : Died 1832. 223. * John Ashlan, Fluvanna Co : Merchant. 224. *Charles li. Bankhead, Albemarle Co. : Farmer. 225. *Kobebt Butler, King and Queen Co. : Isle of Wight : Physician : Collector Customs at Smithfield : Treasurer of Virginia : Died July 21, 1853. 226. -^James Kerr Burch, Albemarle Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor Churches in Newbern and Washington, N. C, Philadelphia and Flemings- burg, Lexington and Georgetown, Ky. : Professor Theology in Centre College, Ky. : Died July 28, 1858. 227. * Joseph Megginson Cabell, Buckingham Co. : Lawyer : New Orleans: Of brilliant talents and great promise: Died November 23, 1810. 228. ^Samuel Jordan Cabell, Nelson Co. : Physician : Franklin Co. 229. ^William Syme Cabell, Nelson Co. : Farmer : Mississippi. 5 58 Catalogue of Alumni. 230. * John Caruthers, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer : Mississippi. 231. ^George Coai^tER, Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer : Tennessee : Ala- bama : Member Alabama Legislature : Judge Circuit Court : Died at Tunica, Miss., 1844. 232. * John J. Crittenden, Woodford Co., Ky. : Member and Speaker Kentucky House of Representatives : Member U. S. House of Representatives ; U. S. Senate : Governor Kentucky : Attorney General U. S. under Harrison and again under Fillmore : Distinguished Orator and Statesman : Died July 23, 1863. 233. *i?OBERT Crockett, Wythe Co., Va. : Clerk of County and Circuit Courts: Captain U. S. Army : Died March 23, 1819. 234. *Francis Thomas Crabb, Botetourt Co. : Physician : Tennessee : Missouri. 235. *Marshai.i. Durrett, Albemarle Co., Va. 236. *Wii.i.iAM Krwin. 237. *JoHN C. Fleming, Roanoke Co.: Died August, 1806. 238. *JRobert G11.MORE, Rockbridge Co. : Preble Co., Ohio : Teacher : Died 1833. 239. *Henry T. Harris, Albemarle Co., Va. : Lawyer : Commonwealth's Attorney Amherst and Nelson : Died 1846. 240. * Andrew Hays, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 22) : Nashville, Tenn. : Distinguished lawyer : Attorney-General of Williamson and Sumner Counties for twenty-five years : Jackson, Miss. : Died 1844. 241. *Edwin J. Harvie, Richmond City : Officer in Bank of Virginia : Burned in Richmond Theatre, 1811. 242. ^Samuel Cabei.1. Horsi^ey, Buckingham Co. : Physician : Post- Surgeon U. S. Navy : Participated in Battle of Lake Erie : Died 1828. 243. *Thomas Madison, Botetourt Co. : Kentucky : Farmer. 244. *George S. Miller, Kentucky. 245. * John Moore, Rockbridge Co. : Tennessee. 246. * John A. McOowell, Augusta Co. 247. *JoHN McElhenny, I>. 1>.,, Lancaster, S. C. : Presbyterian Min- ister: Pastor Lewisburg (W. Va.) Church sixty-three years: Principal Lewis- burg Academy: Died 1871, aged 91. 248. *JoHN T. McKee, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: High Sheriff of Rock- bridge : Died 1856. 249. ^William Nesbit, Georgia. 250. * John White Page, Planover Co. : Clarke Co. : Farmer : Frederick Co. : Died October 19, 1861, aged 75. 251. *JoHN Pratt. 252. ^Thomas Pratt. 253. ^Francis Provai.. 254. ^'WlI.l.lAM Kadford, Bedford Co. : Planter : Bank President. 255. *KoBERT Beverly Randolph, Curls on James River : U. S. Navy : Voted a sword by the General Assembly of Virginia for gallantry in the War of 1812 : Died in Washington City April, 1869, aged 79. 256. *Gen. Philip H, Steenbergen, Hardy Co. : Farmer : Mason Co. : Captain of Cavalry, War of 1812 : High Sheriff Mason Co. : Member Vir- ginia Legislature : Died July 30, 1863. Catalogue of Alumni. 69 257. *'Wli:.i:ilAM Stone, Fredericksburg, Va. : Kentucky : Merchant : Died 1860. 258. ^Thomas Jefferson Stuart, Augusta Co. : (Son of 44) : Lawyer : Eepeatedly Member Virginia House of Delegates : Died 1855. 259. *Samuei. Swann, Caroline Co. 260. -^Charles Tackett, Stafford Co. : Teacher. 261. *"Warner Tapscott, Botetourt Co. 262. ^Powhatan Tindai.1.. 263. ^Benjamin P. Watkins, Goochland Co. : Physician : Farmer : Died 1824. 264. ^Coi.. Joseph S. Watkins, Goochland Co. : Farmer : Member Virginia House of Delegates for many years and leader of Democratic Party : Memphis : California : Texas : Of great force of character and personal popu- larity. 1806-1807. 265. *WlLl.lAM Alexander, Eockbridge Co. : Nashville, Tenn. : Law- yer : Secretary State of Tennessee : Of great promise : Died in early life. 266. *JoHN J. AsHTON, King George Co. : Farmer. 267. *WiLi.iAM H. Britton, A. B. 268. * James Eweee Brown, Augusta Co. : (Son of 56) : Lawyer ; Clerk Superior Court : Judge Circuit Court and General Court, 1831-1852 : Died November 2, 1852. 269. *Xathaniee Browne, Williamsburg, Va. 270. *\ViEEiAM Browne, Williamsburg, Va. 271. *Edward B. Baieey, Botetourt Co. : Lawyer : Fayette Co. : Com- monwealth's Attorney Fayette Co. : Member Virginia Convention, 1850-51 : Judge Circuit Court, 1852-60 : Alabama : Died 1870. 272. *I>ANIEE Bryan, Rockingham Co. : Merchant : Lawyer : Colonel in War of 1812 : Alexandria : Postmaster (Alexandria) many years : Author ot "Greeting to La Fayette," "Education," &c. : Washington City : Died 1869. 273. ^'WlLl.IAM Jordan Cabeee, Nelson Co. : Farmer : Died 1819. 274. *Wll.l.IAM H. COEEMAN, Nelson Co. : Farmer : Kentucky. 275. *WiEEiAM Crawford, Amherst Co. 276. *Charees Cuneiffe, Chesterfield Co. : Farmer : Collier : Died 1853. 277. "^JoHN H. CuNElFFE, Chesterfield Co. : Physician : Arkansas : Louisiana. 278. ^Andrew Baker Davidson, Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Min- ister : Principal Ann Smith Academy, Lexington, Va. : Pastor Cook's Creek, Mossy Creek, Oxford and Bethesda Churches : Trustee Washington College, 1815- 57 : Died August, 1861. 279. *Gen. John Pope I>uvaee, Powhatan Co. : Lawyer : Captain U. S. Army, War of 1812 : Fauquier Co. : Florida : Secretary of State and Acting Governor of Florida : Author " Duvall's Digest of Laws of Florida : " Brigadier- General Texan Army : Died at Tallahassee, Florida, December 7, 1854. 280. *Marcus Eecan, Buckingham Co. : Farmer. 60 Catalogue of Alumni. 28L *JoSHUA Elcan, Buckingham Co. : Farmer. 282. *JoHN Davidson Etfing, Kockingham Co. : Tutor Hampden Sidney College : Presbyterian Minister: Teacher of Classical School : Eockbridge Co. : Pastor of Lebanon, Windy Cove and Falling Spring Churches : Trustee Washington College, 1830-1856: Died January 11, 1877, aged 89. 283. ^Thomas Fearn, Pittsylvania Co. : Huntsville, Ala. : Distinguished Physician: Chief Surgeon Gen. Andrew Jackson's Command, War of 1812: Merchant: Member Provisional Congress of Confederate States: Died January 16, 1863. 284. *James F. Foster. 285. ^ James Gray, Richmond City : Artist. 286. -^Nathaniel Henry, Charlotte Co. : Fayette Co : Died 1872. 287. * John HoRSLEY, Jr., Nelson Co. : Farmer: Merchant: Died 1851. 288. *JoHN Blair Hoge, Jefferson Co. : (Son of 23) : Tutor Hampden Sidney College : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Grace Street Church, Richmond, Va. : Eloquent Preacher: Died March 31, 1826. 289. *I>ANiEi> Lawson. 290. *Gll.ES liETCHER, Eockbridge Co. : Farmer : Tazewell Co : Ten- nessee. 291. *Henry Lee, Westmoreland Co. : Major U. S. Army : Private Secre- tary to President Jackson: Consul to Palermo: Secretary of Legation to Paris: Author "History of Napoleon": Died 1838. 292. ■'^Charles U. Lovei^i., Kanawha Co. 293. *\Vii.i.iam: McCue, Augusta Co. : (Son of 35) : Physician : Lexing- ton, Va. : Trustee Washington College, 1815-19: Died 1819. 294. *JoHN Madison, Orange Co. : Died in early life. 295. *JoHN Morrison. 296. *Edward H. MoSEtEY, Buckingham Co. : Farmer. 297. *Thomas Nelson, Augusta Co.: Richmond, Va. : Distinguished Physician : Louisa Co. 298. Thomas Pollard, King William Co. : Member Virginia Legisla- ture many years. 299. ^Charles Porterfield, Augusta Co. : Farmer: Died in early life. 300. *Andrew Keid, Jr., Rockbridge Co.: Member Executive Council of Virginia : Died September 2, 1811. 301. ^Benjamin F. Salvage. 302. *Henry Baker Tapscott, Botetourt Co. 303. ^Richard S. Taylor. 304. *Benjamin Taylor. 305. ^Michael S. Warren. 306. *L. Wilson, Rockbridge Co.: North Carolina: Teacher: Memphis : Claiborne, Ala : Lawyer : Attorney-General for Southern District of Alabama : Died June 13, 1821. Catalogue of Alumni. 61 1807-1808. 309. *Gkeen H. Batte, Prince George Co. : Greenville : Distinguished Physician : Died 1825. 310. ^Richardson Buck. 311. -^MuSTOE Chambers, Staunton, Va. : Physician: Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 312. *Hawes N. C01.EMAN, Nelson Co. : Physician : Died 1865. 313. ^Robert G. Coleman, Amherst Co. : Farmer : Died 1838. 314. *JoHN F1.EMING Christian, New Kent Co. : Distinguished Phy- sician : Died December 25, 1851. 315. *Warren Christian, Charles City Co. 316. * James Crawford, Augusta Co. : Lawyer: Farmer: Member Vir- ginia Legislature : Presiding Justice of Augusta Co. : Died May, 1855, aged 68. 317. ^Robert Cunningham. 318. *JoEl, W. F1.0OD, Appomattox Co.: Physician: Member Virginia Legislature : Died 1859. 319. *JoHN Hanger, Augusta Co. : Physician: Farmer: Died July, 1862. 320. ^Edmund Winston Henry, Charlotte Co. : Farmer : Died 1872. 321. *Wil,eiam Irvine, Halifax Co. : Captain U. S. Army. 322. "^WlElilAM L/EE, Jefferson Co. : Farmer. 323. *Thomas Meaux, New Kent Co. : Physician : Farmer : Amelia Co. : Died 1860. 324. *WlLI.IAM MURRELL. 325. *JoHN S. Peyton, Albemarle Co.: Mississippi: New Orleans: Cotton Factor: Died 1818. 326. *Overton Redd, Henry Co. : Planter : Member Virginia House of Delegates: Died 1825. 327. *BuRWEL,L, Tucker, Clerk in House of Delegates of Virginia. 328. *George Wilson, Pittsylvania Co.: Farmer: Died 1871. 329. "^Robert WlL,SON, Pittsylvania Co. : Farmer: Merchant: Died 1873. 330. ^JoHN Wilson. 33L ^William B. Wilson, Eockbridge Co.: Farmer: Teacher: Died 1865. 332. ^James C. Wooding. 1808-1809. 333. ^Carter Braxton, King William Co. : Lawyer : Farmer : Hanover Co. : Died September 16, 1855. 334. Gen. CoRBiN Braxton, King William Co.: Physician: Lieutenant of Cavalry, War of 1812: Member Virginia Legislature: Member Virginia Con- vention, 1850-51 : Died February 12, 1852. 335. ^William Brice, Lexington, Va. : Physician: Died 1817. 336. *JoHN Brown. 337. ^Madison T. Beale, Botetourt Co. : Farmer : Died in early life. 338. ^Clement Carrington, Halifax Co. : Died in early life. 62 Catalogue of Alumni. 339. *KlCHARD W. Chick, Buckingham Co.: Farmer. 340. ^George W. Clayton, Culpeper Co. 341. *"Wai.tER Coles, Pittsylvania Co.: Farmer: Captain of Cavalry, "War of 1812: Member Virginia House of Delegates: Member U. S. Congress, 1835-45: Died November 9, 1857. 342. *PowHATAN El,l,IS, Amherst Co. : Lawyer : Lieutenant U. S. Army : Natchez, Miss.: Judge Supreme Court of Mississippi: U. S. Senator, 1825-26, 1827-32: Judge U. S. District Court, 1832-36: Minister to Mexico, 1837-42: Died March, 1863. 343. ^James Gamble, Augusta Co. : Teacher : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor of Churches in North Carolina and Georgia : Died February, 1867. 344. *WlLL,IAM Goodwin, Louisa Co. : Physician. 345. *L(EE Griggs, Jefferson Co. : Physician : Died 1831. 346. *GuSTAVUS A. Jones, Lynchburg, Va. 347. *JoHN LiOGWOOD, Bedford Co. : Farmer. 348. ^Alexander Spotswood Moore, Physician: Kichmond, Va. 349. *JoHN Morris, A. B., Hanover Co.: Kentucky. 350. ■'^JoHN McCaw, Richmond, Va. : Lieutenant U. S. Army, and par- ticipated in naval battle between United States and Macedonian : Died 1830. 351. *Cyrus K. McCue, Augusta Co: (Son of 35): Lawyer: Lexington, Va. : Lieutenant U. S. Army : Died in service. 352. *JoHN McCuE, Augusta Co. : (Son of 35): Farmer: Member Virginia Legislature: Died 1863. 353. *SAMUEli H. McNuTT, Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor of Churches in Virginia and Indiana: Rockville, Ind. : Died July 1, 1869. 354. *Steptoe Pickett, Fauquier Co.: Limestone Co.,, Ala. : Planter: Died 1843. 355. -^George "Washington Swoope, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Died March, 1869. 356. *James Smith. 357. "^Alexander Scott Withers, Fauquier Co. : Lawyer : Weston, Lewis Co.: Author "Chronicles of Border Warfare:" Of fine literary culture: Died January, 1865, aged 73. 358. *James Wilson. 1809-1810. 359. *Gen. Philip Aylette, King William Co. : Lawyer : Farmer : Presiding Justice County Court : Member Virginia House of Delegates : Member Virginia Senate: Member Board of Public Works: Died September 11, 1848. 360. ^Joseph S. Brown, A. B., Augusta Co.: Farmer: Illinois: St. Louis Co., Mo.: Died 1. Paxton, A. B., !>. I>., Rockbridge Co.: Presbyterian Minister : Kentucky : Pastor of churches at Danville and in Shelby County : Princeton, Ind.: Died October 2, 1868. 376. ^Gideon PowEtt. 377. ^KlCHARD POWEI.1.. 378. ^William Campbei.1. Preston, Lli. I>., Washington Co. : Columbia, S. C. : Lawyer : Member S. C. House of Representatives : Member S. C. Senate: U.S. Senate, 1834-42: President South Carolina College: Distinguished orator and statesman : Died May 24, 1860. 379. *TVlI.l.IAM N. Scott, I>. I>., Augusta Co. : (Son of 42) : Presby- terian Minister : Pastor of churches in Maryland and Hardy Co., Va. : Died January 24, 1857. 380. "^JoHN P. Wilson, A. B., Berkeley Co.: Cumberland Co.: Law- yer: Farmer. 1810-1811. 381. *MiCHAEi. 'Anderson. 382. *WiL,i.iAM Bassett, Hanover Co. : Lawyer of great promise : Died November 21, 1812. 383. *Thomas Batte, Prince George Co.: Lawyer: Missouri. 384. ^Thomas C. Batte, Prince George Co. 385. ^George S. Beale, Botetourt Co. : Farmer : Mississippi. 386. ^Thomas H. Bowyer, Botetourt Co. : Lieutenant U. S. Navy : Died at Havana of yellow fever, 1830. 387. ^Patrick P. Burton, Bedford Co. : Physician : Lexington, Va. : Mississippi: Arkansas. 64 Catalogue of Alumni. 388. *Wii.i.iAM B. Charl,ton, Montgomery Co. : Frequently Member of House of Delegates : Clerk of Pulaski County ; Died February, 1867. 389. *«J. P. B, Cl.A YTON, Culpeper Co. : Lawyer : Arkansas. 390. *Henry EARI.Y, Franklin Co. : Farmer: Pike Co., Mo. 391. *JoHN Field. 392. ^Richard H. Fiel,i>, Culpeper Co. : Lawyer : Member Virginia Legislature: Judge of Circuit and General Court, 1826-65: Judge Special Court of Appeals, 1852-61: Died 1866. 393. *Egbert Harris. 394. *'WiL,i.iAM HiL,L>is, Lexington, Va. : Merchant: Died 1825. 395. *Thomas Holbrook, Rockbridge Co.: Indianapolis: Banker. 396. -^Nicholas Cabell Horsley, Nelson Co.: Farmer: Kentucky: Died 1820. 397. * Jesse Irvine, Bedford Co.: Farmer: Died 1876. 398. *JOHN Kenney, Augusta Co. : Lieutenant U. S. Army, War of 1812 : Harrisonburg: Lawyer: Member Virginia Convention, 1850-51: Judge Circuit Court, 1852-60: Died February 17, 1873, aged 81. 399. *Charles Cadmus Lewis, Rockingham Co.: Farmer: Died 1877. 400. ^Richard Leake. 401. *Samuel Lieake. 402. *JOHN McNuTT. 403. ^Sterling Neblett, Lunenburg Co.: Physician: Surgeon U. S. Army, War of 1812 : Member Virginia Legislature : Planter in Virginia, Missis- sippi, Louisiana and Texas: Died November 16, 1871. 404. *JamesW.Paxton, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Abingdon: Knox- ville, Tennessee. 405. -^Carlton T. Radford, Bedford Co.: Richmond, Va.: Physician. 406. ^William M. Swoope, Augusta Co. : Alabama : Cotton Planter : Member Alabama Legislature for many years : Died September, 1836. 407. *WiLLiAM Stevens, Jr. 408. *WiLLlAM Wayland, Madison Co. : Physician : Brown Co., Ohio. 409. *JoHN Wells, Albemarle Co. : Farmer: Sheriff of Albemarle. 410. *JoHN HoOE Wallace, Stafford Co. : Eminent Physician : Fred- ericksburg: Mayor of Fredericksburg : President Farmers' Bank : Died July 11, 1872. 411. *Samuel Webb, Richmond, Va. : Physician. 412. *Uel Wilson, A. B. 1811-1812. 413. *Benjamin D, Anderson. 414. *WlLLiAM E. Bass, Amelia Co. 415. ^Smith Cocke. 416. ^Thomas Marshall Duke, Mason Co., Ky.: Texas: One of Austin's Colonists : Planter: County Judge : Died 1870. 417. * John Edmondson, Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer: Alabama. 418. *Samuel B. Flouknoy, Powhatan Co. Catalogue of Alumni. 65 419. •^Ai.EXANDER G01.D, Rockbridge Co.: Died 1824. 420. ^Benjamin Harris. 421. *Wii.soN Harris. 422. * Joseph LiOVEI.I., A. B., Kanawha Co. : Lawyer : Member Virginia Legislature. 423. ^Robert McCluer, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Surgeon U. S. Army : St. Charles Co., Mo. : Farmer : Died September 21, 1834. 424. ^Wll.lilAM J. MoSELEY, Buckingham Co.: Farmer. 425. *JoHN K. Moore, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Farmer: Tennes- see: Soldier War of 1812, participated in battle of New Orleans: Augusta Co.: Chattooga Co., Ga.: Died 1853. 426. *Daniei. M. Kailey, Albemarle Co.: Farmer: Abingdon, Va: Merchant: Missouri. 427. *Wii.i.lAM Boss, Botetourt Co. : Iowa. 428. ■^Archibai.d Scott, Augusta Co.: (Son of 42): Raleigh, N. C. : Lawyer : Georgia : Principal of Classical Schools, Greensboro, Salem, Milledge- ville, and Hamilton : Distinguished as a Teacher: Died at Fredonia, Ala., 1854. 429. *Peter Scai.es. 430. ^Harold Smyth, Wythe Co. : Captain U. S. Army, War of 1812 : Behaved with conspicuous gallantry: Voted a sword by the Legislature of Virginia: Lawyer: Editor: Died December 29, 1852. 431. *Bobert G. Str AC HAN, Petersburg, Va. : Farmer: Lawyer. 432. *eT. Y. Stockdel.!., Petersburg, Va. : Physician: Manufacturer: President Matoaca Manufacturing Co.: President Branch Bank of Virginia: Died June, 1840. 433. *KoBERT Strange, Petersburg, Va. : Lawyer : Fayetteville, N. C. : Member N. C. Legislature: Judge Supreme Court: U. S. Senator, 1837-41: Stood in the front rank of his profession and was especially eminent as prosecu- ting Solicitor: Died at his residence. Myrtle Hill, February, 1854. 434. *James Verdier, Orange Co. 435. ^Augustus Waterman, Rockingham Co.: Soldier War of 1812: Lawyer: Farmer: Member Virginia Legislature: Of fine talents and literary culture : Died 1857. 436. * James B. Wai.i.ace, King George Co. : Farmer. 437. *Al,pheus Po ague Wii^son, Monongalia Co. : Lawyer : Member Virginia Senate : New Orleans : Died 1832. 1812-1813. 438. ■'^Thomas W. Ai^exander, Georgia : Physician. 439. ^Carter H. Bradley, Cumberland Co.: Physician: Peters- burg, Va. 440. *George Boothe, Dinwiddie Co. : Farmer. 441. *Madison Caruthers, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : New Orleans. 442. "^Samuei. Chapman, Lawyer. 443. *HuGHr)oAK, Augusta Co.: Physician: Bath Co. 444. *JoHN K. FiTZHUGH, A. B., StaflTord Co. : Member Virginia Legis- lature : Fredericksburg : Died April, 1879. 6Q Catalogue of Alumni. 445. ^RICHARD Hard ATVAY, Amelia Co. ; Farmer: Died 1830. 446. ■'^ John Smith Herring, Eockingham Co. : Lawyer of great ability and great oratorical power: Member Virginia Senate: Agent of Virginia to superintend the survey of the Military lands: Died at Lexington, Ky., 1826, aged 32. 447. ^KoBERT LiEWIS, Halifax Co. : Lawyer. 448. *Ai.FRED Macay. 449. ■^Robert LiEW^is Madison, Orange Co.: Petersburg: Distinguished Lawyer: Member Virginia Legislature: Orange Co.: Member U. S. Congress : Died February 28, 1828. 450. *Wii.i.iAM li. Otey. 451. *JoHN Pryor, Amherst Co.: Farmer and Engineer: Died May 28, 1860. 452. * James Madison Pi^easants, Powhatan Co.: Lawyer: St. Louis, Mo. : Died 1828. 453. *Coi.. SAMUEii Mcl>. Keid, Eockbridge Co.: Farmer: Clerk County Court of Eockbridge : Clerk Circuit Court, 1831-58 : Member Virginia Legislature : Trustee Washington College, 1819-69 : Died September 15, 1869. 454. ■'Thomas Kicheson, Amherst Co.: Lawyer: Farmer: Lexington, Ky. : Died 1834. 455. ^Nicholas B. S. Kind, Eichmond, Va. : Engineer. 456. *J0HN WAI^THAIil.. 467. ^Charles Woodson. 1813-1814. 458. ^Pleasant F. Boyd, Albemarle Co. 459. *Francis B. I>eane, Cumberland Co.: Lynchburg, Va.: Manu- facturer : Member Virginia Legislature : Died November 28, 1868. 460. *Gen. CHARiiES p. DoRMAN, Eockbridge Co.: Adjutant War 1812: Editor: Lawyer: Member Virginia Legislature thirteen years: Died December 20, 1849. 461. *Samuei. L. Graham, A. B., D. D., Bedford Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor churches in Virginia and North Carolina: Professor Union Theological Seminary 1838-51: Died October 29, 1851. 462. * John Henry, Charlotte Co. : Farmer : Died 1868. 463. *Wll.lilAM Henry, Charlotte Co. : Died in early life. 464. * James Campbei.1. Hays, Eockbridge Co. (Son of 22) : Nashville, Tenn.: Lawyer: Aid to Gen. Houston : Texas: Died 1 83-. 465. *JoHN Brown Hays, Eockbridge Co. (Brother of 464): Columbia, Tenn. : Distinguished Physician : Died 1867. 466. *Spotstvood Jones, Campbell Co. 467. *Warner Jones, Campbell Co. 468. * James J. Kei.i.ey, Eowan Co., N. C. : Died in early life. 469. ^Robert Kent, Montgomery Co.: Farmer: High Sheriff of Mont- gomery : Member Virginia Legislature : Died 1852. 470. *Parnett liEWis. Catalogue of Alumni. 67 471. *Gen. Samuei. H. IjEWIS, Kockingham Co.: Farmer: Member Virginia Legislature : Died 1869. 472. ^JOHN tiESTER. 473. *Gen. Jackson Morton, Orange Co. : Pensacola, Fla. : President Territorial Council of Florida many years: Member Florida Constitutional Convention : Member Florida Legislature : General Volunteer forces in Indian Wars: U. S. Navy Agent at Pensacola : U. S. Senator, 1849-55 : Member Florida Convention, 1861 : Member Provisional Congress Confederate States: Died 1874. 474. ^Bernard Major. 475. ^Fi^EMlNG Bo WYER MittER, Botetourt Co. : Distinguished Law- yer : Commonwealth's Attorney : Botetourt : Member Virginia Senate : Member Virginia House of Delegates: Member Virginia Conventions, 1829-30, 1850-51, 1861 : U. S. District Attorney, 1853-61 : Practiced law 54 years : Died 187-. 476 *Wli.l.lAM HUGHART MONTGOMERY, (Son of 31) : Lexington, Va. : Distinguished Physician : Died 1826. 477. *MadisonPitzer, Alleghany Co.: Koanoke Co.: Farmer: Died 1862. 478. ^JoHN H. Patterson, Buckingham Co. : Distinguished Physician : Died 1858. 479. ^Henry Kuffner, A. B., I>. D., JAj, D., Kanawha Co. : Presby- terian Minister: Professor Washington College: President Washington College, 1835-48: Author: Distinguished for his ability and learning: Died December 17, 1861. 480. ^George Washington Shiei^ds, Eockbridge Co.: Merchant: Tuscumbia, Ala. : Died September 17, 1827. 481. *Anderson Sandidge, Amherst Co.: Captain War of 1812: Far- mer: Teacher: Died 1859. 482. *George See, Kandolph Co.: Farmer: Died 1832. 483. *Jacob Warwick See, Randolph Co. : Farmer: High Sheriff of Eandolph : Died in service of Confederate States, 1864. 484. *Edward Trent, Cumberland Co. : Physician. 485. *Daniei. Wilson, Cumberland Co : Farmer. 486. *Thomas B. Wilson, Cumberland Co. : Lawyer. 487. ^Robert C. Williamson, Henrico Co. 488. ^Robert J. Yancey, Bedford Co. 1814-1815. 489. *JoHN James Allen, Botetourt Co.: Lawyer: Campbell C. H. : Clarksburg: Commonwealth's Attorney Harrison Co. : Member Virginia Senate, 1829-30: Member U. S. Congress, 1833-35: Judge Circuit Court, 1836-40 : Bote- tourt Co. : Judge Supreme Court of Appeals, 1840-65 : President Court of Appeals, 1852-65 : President Executive Council, 1861 : Distinguished for his learning and judicial ability: Died September 18, 1871. 490. *KoBERT Allen, Botetourt Co. : Farmer : Shenandoah Co. : Member Virginia Legislature: Member U. S. Congress, 1827-33: Bedford Co.: Died December 30, 1859. 491. ^Alexander Tedford Barclay, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Trustee Washington College, 1835-48 : Died 1848. 68 Catalogue of Alumni. 492. *Seth Barton, Fredericksburg, Va. : Lawyer : New Orleans : Soli- citor U. S. Treasury, 1845-47 : Minister to Chili, 1847-49. 498. *Henry "W. Bowyek, Botetourt Co. : Farmer: Clerk Circuit and County Court of Botetourt : Died January 1, 1876. 494. ^Thomas BoLr,lNG, Dinwiddle Co. : Farmer : Holmes Co., Miss. : Galveston, Texas. 495. *Yel,VERTON I>. Bol-I-INO, Dinwiddle Co. : Physician : Holmes Co., Miss.: Montgomery, Ala.: Died October 21, 1854. 496. *JoHN FRANKiiiN Caruthers, A. B., Kockbridge Co.: Mer- chant: Trustee Washington College, 1835-40: Died 1840. 497. *Wal,TER C. Carrington, Charlotte Co. : Planter : Brunswick Co. 498. *Peter G. Coleman, Caroline Co.: Richmond, Va. 499. *George Kuhn CABEtli, Lynchburg, Va. : Lawyer: Died in Philadelphia, 1878. 500. * James Caruthers, Lexington, Va. : Merchant : Died August 10, 1826. 501. *David C1.OPTON, Henrico Co. 502. Thomas Edward Evans, Hardwick House, near Chepstow, Monmouthshire, England. 503. *Herndon Frazer, Spotsylvania Co. : Teacher : Baptist Minister; Orange Co. : Died 1877, aged 86. 604. * James J). Fontaine, Hanover Co.: Farmer: Died 1877. 505. *Wii.i.iAM A1.EXANDER Graham, Rockbridge Co. (Son of 65) : North Carolina : Physician : Lexington, Va. : Author. 506. ^Peyton Harrison, D. I>., Cumberland Co.: Lawyer: Presby- terian Minister : Pastor Martinsburg Church : Baltimore, Md. : Died in Balti- more, September 10, 1887, aged 87. 507. *RANDOt,PH Harrison, Cumberland Co. : Richmond, Va. : Mer- chant. 508. *Thomas Irvine, Albemarle Co.: Lawyer: Gallipolis: Pomeroy, Ohio: Judge Court Common Pleas: Campbell Co., Ky. : Died January 10, 1869. 509. *James Reid Jordan, Lexington, Va. : Distinguished Physician : Postmaster of Lexington, 1849-53 : Died December 26, 1862. 510. *KoBERT M. Kyle, Harrisonburg, Va. : Farmer: Died 1862. 511. *Wll.i:.lAM Frohock Kelley, Rowan Co., N. C: Merchant: Mocksville, N. C: Died 1850. 512. * John Lewis, Roanoke Co. : Kentucky: Kanawha Co., Va. : Farmer: Manufacturer : Florida. 513. ^George W. IjEWIS, Spotsylvania Co. 614. * James C. Moore, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Died 1853. 515. *Samuei. McDoweli. Moore, Rockbridge Co. (Son of 32): Lawyer : Member House of Delegates of Va. : Member Virginia Senate : Mem- ber Virginia Conventions, 1829-30, 1861 : Member U. S. Congress, 1833-35 : Died 1875, aged 79. 516. ^Samuei. R. Moore, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Died 1863. 517. *AxLEN Morris, Hanover Co. 518. ^Thomas Meredith, Hanover Co. Catalogue of Alumni. 69 519. *Wil-i.lAM Adair McDowei.1., Danville, Ky.: Soldier War of 1812: Louisville, Ky: : Distinguished Physician: Fincastle, Va. : Kentucky: Evansville, Ind. : Surgeon of Marine Hospital and Professor of Medical College : Died 1852. 520. ^KoBERT M. McDoWEl-li, Lexington, Va. : Farmer: Merchant: Died 1869. 521. *RoBERT McGavock, Wythe Co. : Farmer: Kentucky: Missouri: Died 1875. 522. *Ai.EX ANDER McRae, Petersburg Va. : Lawyer : Alabama. 523. *JoHN McRae, Petersburg, Va. 524. *SEi.r)EN Cary Macon, New Kent Co. : Farmer: Kichmond, Va. : Inspector of Tobacco: Died February 18, 1861. 525. ^Thomas Macon, New Kent Co. : Farmer : Member Virginia Legis- lature: Albemarle Co.: Died July 11, 1851. 526. *George Morton, Orange Co. 527. ■^'Wil.liiAM Morton, Orange Co. : Member Virginia Legislature : Alabama : Florida: Died on Santa Rosa Island, 1831. 528. ^Edward Oldham, King George Co.: Farmer: Died February, 1835. 529. ^SAMUEIi Oldham, King George Co. : Physician : West Tennessee : Died 1860. 530. * Jesse H. Patillo, Mecklenburg Co. 531. *'Wil.L,lAM H. Patillo, Mecklenburg Co.: Charlotte Co.: Dis- tinguished Physician : Died 1855. 632. *JoSEPH Steele, Eockbridge Co.: Farmer: Presiding Justice of Eockbridge : Trustee Washington College, 1836-65 : Died September, 1872. 533. ^Edward Sanbourn, Lexington, Va. : England. 534. ^ John Lewis Trent, Cumberland Co. : Physician : Died 1841. 535. *WiLLiAM A. Trent, Cumberland Co. : Physician : Died 1882. 536. *Edward Valentine, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Member Virginia Legislature : Botetourt : Died 1878. 537. ^Arthur Hooe Wallace, Culpeper Co.: Merchant: New Or- leans: Louisville, Ky. : Died July, 1878, aged 84. 538. *JoHN Woods, Nelson Co.: Farmer: Ealls Co., Mo. 539. *David Yost, Augusta Co. : Jeweller : Hagerstown, Md. 1815-1816. 540. *HuGH Barclay, Eockbridge Co. : Merchant : Presiding Justice of Eockbridge: Trustee Washington College, 1844-70: Died December 16, 1870. 541. *Cary Breckenridge, Botetourt Co: (Son of 3) : Farmer: Died 1867. 542. * James Breckenridge, Botetourt Co. : (Brother of 541) : Farmer : Kentucky : Died 1835. 543. *KoBERT liElGHTON CRAWFORD, Louisa Co. : Mobile, Ala. : U. S. Marshal: Died 1850. 544. * James T. Coles, Pittsylvania Co. : Farmer : Died June 2, 1838. 545. *K. I>UNN, Petersburg, Va. 70 Catalogue of Alumni. 546. *Carter Henry Harrison, Fayette Co., Ky. : Farmer: Died 1825. 547. *Cha-RI.ES Yancey KiMBROUGH, Louisa Co.: Lawyer: President Louisa R. R. Company (Now Chesapeake and Ohio R. R.) : Member Virginia Legislature for several sessions : Died 1845. 548. *KoBERT McCuiiliOCK, Staunton, Va. : Physician: Died at Mont- pelier, France, April 26, 1818. 549. *James McDowELt, LiLi. D., Rockbridge Co: (Son of 85) : Ken- tucky : Member Kentucky Legislature : Rockbridge Co. : Member Virginia Legis- lature: Governor of Virginia, 1843-46: Member V. S. Congress, 1846-51 : Trustee Washington College, 1826-51 : Distinguished Orator and Statesman : Died August 24, 1851. 550. ^CliARK Penn, Patrick Co.: Farmer: Member Virginia House of Delegates : Member Virginia Senate : Died 1852. 551. *Vai.entine B. Peyton, Albemarle Co. : Physician : Florida : Westmoreland Co. : Died 1848. 552. *Wii.i.iam: Kuffin, King William Co.: Farmer: Died 1830. 553. *Henry E. Shores, Petersburg, Va. 554. * James Sanbourn, Lexington, Va. : England. 555. ^Francis Thornton, Spotsylvania Co.: Soldier in War of 1812: Presbyterian Minister: Kentucky: Died 1881, aged 84. 556. Fontaine Maury Wei.ils, Albemarle Co. : Farmer. 1816-1^17. 557. ^Matthew N. Brandon, Adams Co., Mississippi: Physician: Planter: Wilkinson Co. : Died 1841. 558. *RoBERT E. Brandon, Adams Co., Miss.: Planter: Wilkinson Co. : Died February, 1823. 559. * James Brown, Petersburg, Va. 560. *JoHN Brown, Petersburg, Va. 561. *Cassius Carter, Prince William Co.: Farmer: Died December' 20, 1821. 562. *RoBERT Thompson Coles, Pittsylvania Co. : Physician : Jackson Co., Ala. : Died January 2, 1850. 563. "^George Fearn, Pittsylvania Co. : Lawyer : Merchant : Huntsville, Ala.: Jackson, Miss. 564. *Thomas J. GoODE, Powhatan Co.: Died 1855. 565. * John B. Harding, Powhatan Co. : Died in early life. 566. ^Samuel W. LiYLE, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Died 1881. 567. *I>AVID E. Moore, Rockbridge Co. (Brother of 515): Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney for Rockbridge, 1843-75 : Member Virginia Legisla- ture : Member Virginia Convention, 1850-51 : Trustee Washington College, 1845-75: Died 1875, aged 77. 568. * James Southgate, Richmond, Va. 569. ^Charles A. Sweeney, Hampton. 570. * James Innes Thornton, Fredericksburg, Va.: Green Co., Ala. : Secretary of State of Alabama : Died September, 1877. Catalogue of Alumni. 71 571. * James M. Woods, Nelson Co.: Farmer: Kockbridge Co.: Bed- ford Co. 1817-1818. 572. *Ei:.iHU B^RCliAY, Kockbridge Co. : Athens, Tenn. : Clarksville, Ga. : Member Georgia House of Representatives: Blairsville, Ga. : Member Georgia State Senate : Distinguished Lawyer : Cleburne, Texas : Died October, 1872. 573. Gen. "Wili^iam Li. Brandon, Adams Co., Miss. : Planter : Lt.- Governor, Miss. : Wilkinson Co. : Colonel 2l8t Mississippi Regiment : Brigadier General Confederate States Army : Fort Adams. 574. ^Wll.i.iAM H. Carutheks, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Bedford Co. : Nottoway Co. : Held office in Confederate States Army : Died 1877. 575. John Crenshaw, Charlotte Co. 576. *George H. Chrisman, Rockingham Co. : Farmer : Died 1870. 577. James S. Cunningham, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Minnesota. 578. James W. Foley, Pinckneyville, Miss. 579. *JoHN JR. FRANKI.IN, Amherst Co. : Died in early life. 580. ^George "W. Foote, Fauquier Co. : Member Virginia Legislature : Mississippi. 581. *JoHN M. Goodwin, Louisa Co.: Orange Co. : Farmer: Physician. 582. "W11.1.IAM HAMI.IN, Charlotte Co. 583. *JoHN HiiL,L,, Buckingham Co.: Lawyer: Member U. S. Congress, 1839-41 : Member Virginia Convention, 1850-51 : Commonwealth's Attorney Buckingham Co., 1850-70: County Judge, 1870-80: Died April, 1880. 584. ^Eldridge S. Janney, Alexandria, Va. : Illinois : Died 1876. 585. NiCHOi^AS M. IjEWIS, Pittsylvania Co.: Farmer: Milton, N. C. 586. *Warner M. Lewis, Halifax Co. : Farmer : Died 1848. 587. *RoBERT H. Lewis, Halifax Co. : Lawyer : Farmer : Died 1824. 588. T. J. Meriwether, Albemarle Co. 589. ^Miller W. Michaux, Powhatan Co. : Farmer. 590. *James M. Redd, Henry Co. (Son of 140) : Member Virginia Legis- lature : Patrick Co. : Died 1837. 591. *JoHN G. Redd, Henry Co. (Son of 140) : Physician : Died 1852. 592. *Chari.es G. Reynolds, Kanawha Co. : Salt Manufacturer : Died 1845. 593. Wit,i:.iAM Revei,y, Campbell Co. : Indiana : Farmer. 594. "^Gen. Lewis Ruffner, Kanawha Co. : Teacher : Principal Mercer Academy: Manufacturer: Member Virginia Legislature three terms : Louisville, Ky. : Major-General West Va. Troops in War between the States: Died Novem- ber, 1883, aged 86. 595. *AuGUSTlNE J. Smith, Alexandria, Va.: Clarksburg: Prominent Lawyer: Member Virginia Legislature : Died 1858. 596. *Thomas Steptoe, Campbell Co. 597. * James ToNCRAY. Abingdon, Va. : Physician: New Orleans: 598. ^Andrew A. Weir, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Columbus, Miss. : President Commercial Bank : Texas. 72 Catalogue of Alumni. 599. W11.1.IAM O. Winston, Henrico Co. 600. ^Wll.lilAM MoFFETT Woods, Nelson Co.: Farmer: Buckingham Co. 601. *WlI.l.IAM WAI.I.ACE, Richmond, Va.: Died 1860. 1818-1819. 602. *George C. Baxter, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 103) : Lawyer : Har- rison Co.: Huntsville, Ala.: Lexington, V^. : Died 1833. 603. ^SAMUEii MACKI.IN BoCKlUS, Henrico Co.: Farmer: Lawyer: Richmond, Va. : Died 1850. 604. *KoBERT H. BEAliE, Botetourt Co. : Pocahontas Co. : Grazier : Died January 5, 1833. 605. *KlCHARD Bo YD, Mecklenburg Co. : Farmer: Died 1874. 606. *JoHN T. CorES, Pittsylvania Co.: Farmer: Died 1849. 607. W11.I.IAM B. Cook, Richmond, Va. 608. *Samuei. K. Davies, Amherst Co.: Lawyer: Died 1833. 609. ^James W. Downman, Lancaster Co. 610. ^George H. Flournoy, Powhatan Co. 611. ^George W. Fl,ournoy, Powhatan Co.: Farmer: Died 1841. 612. ^Thomas H. Filournoy, Powhatan Co.: Kentucky. 613. ^Thomas J. Flournoy, Powhatan Co.: (Son of 114). 614. Frank Forqueran, Rockingham Co. : Missouri. 615. ^KiCHARD J. Gaines, Charlotte Co.: Planter: Member Virginia Legislature : Died January, 1864. 616. *KoBERT F. Gaines, Charlotte Co. : Planter: Died November 16, 1873. 617. *Wll.l.lAM W. G11.I.IAM, Amherst Co.: Botetourt Co.: Farmer: Teacher: Died 1872. 618. *Wll.i.TAM li. Graham, Bedford Co. : Physician: Pittsylvania Co. 619. *Abner A1.EX. Porter Grigsby, Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Trenton, Tennessee: Merchant: Manufacturer: President Trenton Cotton Fac- tory : President Branch Bank of Tennessee : Assistant Treasurer Mobile and Ohio R. R. Co.: Died April 4, 1861. 620. ^JoHN HiLi. GwATHMEY, King William Co. : Lawyer : Died March 14, 1837. 621. *Peter Hairston, Franklin Co. : Farmer: Henry Co. 622. ^Feter S. HAI.E, Franklin Co.: Farmer: Died 1824. 623. liucius Jones. 624. Jeremiah I>. Latham, Fauquier Co. : Baptist Minister : Wash- ington City. 625. *Tavenner Jordan, Botetourt Co.: Medical Student: Died 1821. 626. *James IjYI.E, Prince Edward Co.: (Son of 77): Cumberland Co.: Farmville: Distinguished Physician: Died January 12, 1877, aged 77. 627. ^ James Hays Piper, A. B., Culpeper Co.: Climbed the Natural Bridge : Knoxville, Tennessee : President East Tennessee University : Wythe- ville, Va.: Member Virginia Senate: Superintendent South West Virginia Turnpike. Catalogue of Alumni. 73 628. *JoHN A. PoKTEK, Orange Co. : Farmer : Died 1859. 629. * John M. Kaii.e y, Albemarle Co. : Botetourt Co. : Merchant. 630. *Joh:n H. Kobekts, Nelson Co.: Physician: Augusta Co. 631. *Andk,E"W M. Scott, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Covington, Va. : Died 1839. 632. *Wii.i.iAM Watts, Bedford Co. : Planter : Mississippi : Died 1846. 1819-1820. 633. * John Bushkod Branham, Eichmond Co. : Lancaster Co. : Farmer: Died 1851. 634. ^Nathaniel, C Cai^hoUN, Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Physician: Missouri: Died May 17, 1873. 635. *1.VCKER Carkington, Halifax Co. : Lawyer : Farmer : Mecklen- burg Co. : Member Virginia Senate, 1848-52 : Died November 16, 1875, aged 76. 636. ^Peter G. Camden, Amherst Co. : St. Louis, Mo. : Merchant : Mayor St. Louis: Died 1873. 637. ^Wii.iiiAM Ai.EXANi)ER Caruthers, Lexington, Va. : Physi- cian: New York: Savannah, Ga.: Author " Cavaliers ofVirginia, &c." : Died 1846. 638. *JoHN M. Fontaine, Caroline Co. : Farmer. 639. ^Henry S. Foote,. Fauquier Co.: Lawyer: Mississippi: U. S. Senator: Governor Mississippi : California: Member U. S. Congress : Memphis, Tenn. : Member C. S. Congress: Superintendent N. O. Mint. 640. ^KiCHARD H. Foote, Fauquier Co. : Died in early life. 641. *Ani)RETV Matthews Gatewood, Bath Co.: Farmer: Poca- hontas Co.: Died 1838. 642. *HuGH Goodwin, Louisa Co.: Farmer: Member Virginia Legis- lature. 643. * John B. Hart, Albemarle Co. : Merchant. 644. David Jones, Lynchburg, Va. 645. Paui. Jones, Lynchburg, Va. 646. ^Drury Lacy, I>. 1>., Prince Edward Co.: Presbyterian Minister: North Carolina: Pastor Newbern and Raleigh Churches: President Davidson College : Chaplain Confederate States Army : Died Jonesboro, N. C, August 1, 1884, aged 82. 647. Robert V. Montague, Cumberland Co. : Albemarle Co. : Farmer. 648. *Edward H. Moon, Albemarle Co.: Merchant: Farmer: Died 1857. 649. *RoBERT S. Moon, Albemarle Co. : Farmer : Ohio. 650. *Aj^drew Moore, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 567): Lawyer: Georgia. 651. *Matthew Hannah Parry, Rockbridge Co.: Augusta Co.: Farmer: Rockbridge Co.: Died June 2, 1873. 652. ^Alexander H. Price, Richmond, Va. : Died in early life. 653. * James P. Price, Richmond, Va. : Merchant: Louisville, Ky.: Died 1883. 654. *Samuei. D. Poage, Pocahontas Co.: Farmer: Died 1871. 6 74 Catalogue of Alumni. 655. *JoHN F. SAI.E, Bedford Co.: Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney for many years: Died August 8, 1878. 656. *JoHN BEAI.E Steenbergen, Shenandoah Co. : Farmer : Trader : Indiana: California: St. Louis, Mo. : Major U. S. Army: Died October 13, 1862. 657. ^Samuei. Ij. TAlilAFERRO, Lynchburg, Va. 658. *JoHN S. TEMPI.E, Hanover Co. 659. *James WAI.KER, Pendleton District, S. C. : Farmer: Vicksburg, Miss. : Died 1863. 660. -^Thomas P. Watkins, Goochland Co. : Physician : Farmer : Died 1850. 661. ^JOHN "Watts, Bedford Co. : Kentucky : Died in early life. 1820-1821. 662. *George BAI.D win Augustus, Fort St. Stephen, Ala. : Lawyer : Member Alabama Legislature: Noxubee Co., Miss.: Judge Probate Court: Mem- ber and President Mississippi State Senate: Died September 20, 1850. 663. *SlI>NEY S. Baxter, Kockbridge Co.: (Brother of 602): Distin- guished lawyer: Richmond, Va. : Attorney-General Virginia, 1835-52: Trustee Washington College, 1830-56 : Confederate States Judge : Tazewell Co. : Died December, 1879, aged 77. 664. *James Moore Brown, D. D., Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 106) : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor of churches in Berkeley Co. and Charleston, W. Va. : Died June 7, 1862. 665. ^liANDON Carter, Richmond Co. : Lawyer : Farmer : Died in early life. 666. ^CoDRINGTON Carrington, Cumberland Co. : Lawyer : Farmer r Died September 10, 1859. 667. *Samuei. Wilson Carrington, Cumberland Co. : Farmer : Mis- sissippi : Died 1852. 668. ^Samuei. Caruthers, Lexington, Va. : Physician : Fincastle, Va. : Holly Springs, Miss. : Surgeon Confederate States Array : Died 1870. 669. *Chari.ES E. Stuart Fitzhugh, Stafford Co. : Farmer. 670. *JoHN BEl.riEI.I> Garland, Richmond Co. : Physician : Surgeon U. S. Army : Washington City : Fredericksburg, Va. : Died April, 1877, aged 77. 671. J. W. Kelley, Pittsylvania Co.: Baptist Minister: Kentucky: Dis- tinguished Preacher. 672. John Moore, Rockbridge Co, : Farmer : Missouri. 673. *JoHN Edmondson McCluer, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Richmond, Va. : Surgeon Confederate States Army: Died November 13, 1873, aged 75. 674. *Ai.EXANl>ER Gallatin McNutt, Rockbridge Co.: Missis- sippi : Member Mississippi Senate : Governor Mississippi : Head of the Electoral ticket : Died 1850. 675. ^Washington McCue, Augusta Co. : Physician : Bath Co. : Died 1838. 676. William Richardson, A. B., Goochland Co.: Missouri. Catalogue of Alumni. 76 677. *George W. Summers, Kanawha Co. : Lawyer : Member Virginia House of Delegates: Member U.S. Congress, 1841-43: Member Virginia Con- ventions, 1850-51 and 1861: Judge Circuit Court: Distinguished Orator and Statesman: Died 1869. 678. *NoRBORNE M. TAI.IAFERRO, Lynchburg, Va. : Lawyer : Frank- lin Co.: Member Virginia Legislature: Judge Circuit Court and General Court, 1842-54: Died 1854. 679. *Al.EXANDER TEMPI.ETON, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister: Indiana. 680. *HuGH[ Wilson, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Greenbrier Co., Texas. 681. ^Philip WlliHAMS, Franklin Co.: Lawyer: St. Louis, Mo.: Died 1870. 1821-1822. 682. *Wli,i.iAM K. Cross, Botetourt Co. : Farmer : Died in early life. 688. *James Go liD, Rockbridge Co. : Physician: Died 1835. 684, *JOHN C. HAMI.IN. ' 685. ■'^JoHN B. Haskins, Brunswick Co. 686. ^SAMUEIi HairstoN, Henry Co. : Planter : Pittsylvania Co. : Died 1870. 687. *Marshai.i. Hairston, Henry Co. : Planter : Died 1882. 688. *Samuejl Hairston, Franklin Co. : Lowndes Co., Miss. : Planter : Died July 8, 1850. 689. *Thomas Jordan, Botetourt Co. : Died in early life. 690. ^Alfred Leyburn, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Farmer : Member Virginia Legislature: Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1841-78: Rector Board of Trustees, 1872-78: Died October 30, 1878. 691. *James W. Morgan, Lynchburg, Va.: Tobacco Manufacturer: Cotton Planter: Member City Council: Died March 27, 1847. 692. ^Augustus Kuffner, Kanawha Co. : Farmer : Manufacturer : Died November, 1857. 693. *JoHN Nelson Shiei^ds, Rockbridge Co. : Merchant : Richmond, Va.': Died August, 1868. 694. *HuGH Walker, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Rogersville, Tenn. : Died September 17, 1866. 1822-1823. 695. ^Samuel Bell, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Giles Co. : Died 1838. 696. *James R. Bell, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Died 1833. 697. ■'^"William Allen Bell, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Surveyor: Died October 23, 1877, aged 74. 698. Henry Miller Bowyer, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 57) : Farmer : Botetourt Co. 699. *JoHN C. Bowyer, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 698): Lawyer : Editor : Winchester, Va. : Washington City : Inspector Postoffice De- partment : Died June, 1880. 76 Catalogue of Alumni. 700. *Kai.EIGH T. Brown, Fredericksburg, Va. : Physician : Died 1859. 701. ^Charles Fenei^ON CAMPBEi^Ii, A. B., Kockbridge Co.: (Son of 60) : Kipley, Ohio : Georgetown : Lawyer : Editor : Probate Judge : Died August 2, 1864. 702. *Joh:n Stephen Bi.AIN, Rockingham Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor churches in Randolph Co., Augusta Co. and Bath Co, : Died October 8, 1872. 703. *JoHN A. Crawford, Augusta Co. 704. *Wli:ililAM McDow^El.1. Goilb, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Mem- ber Virginia Legislature : Died 1857. 705. *Henry E. Guerrant, Kanawha Co.: Physician: Kentucky: Died 1850. 706. •^Archibai.d Graham, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 65) : Physician: Postmaster, Lexington, Va., 1840-49: President Board of Public Works: Member Virginia Legislature : Died August 16, 1880, aged 76. 707. *JoHN M. KiNNEAR, Rockbridge Co. : Saline Co., Mo. : Eminent Physician : Died August 28, 1838. 708. ^ James G. IjYL.E, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Georgia: We- tumpka, Ala: Died September 29, 1827. 709. ^George W. McChesney, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Merchant: Roanoke Co. : Texas : Died 1867. 710. *HuGH W. Mackey, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Died 1866. 711. LjIL-BURN R. RAIIiEY, Albemarle Co. : Farmer. 712. *Zechariah Johnston "White, Rockbridge Co.: Merchant: Aberdeen, Miss.: Rockbridge Co.: Sheriff Rockbridge : Died April 20, 1871, aged 71. 713. Thomas "Walker. 1823-1824. 714. ^Francis Dutton, Colchester, Conn. : Presbyterian Minister: Point Pleasant : Died August 15, 1839. 715. ^Carter Braxton Harrison, Charles City Co.: Farmer: Died January 15, 1834. 716. ^Nathan Mili^er, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Tutor Washington College. 717. ^HUGHART S. Montgomery, Augusta Co.: (Brother of 476): Physician : Manufacturer : Died October 24, 1844. 718. CAI.VIN Li. Perry. 719. ^AxBERT G. Smith, Lunenburg Co.: Physician: Pittsylvania Co.: Alabama: Died 1851. 1824-1825. 720. *"Wii.i.iAM Dandridge Alexander, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 54) : Meriwether Co., Ga. : Lawyer: Member Georgia House of Repre- sentatives: Member Georgia Senate: Circuit Judge: Pike Co., Ga. : Planter: Member Georgia Convention, 1865: Died at Griffin, Ga., November 15, 1879. Catalogue of Alumni. 77 721. WliiiiiAM C. AxiiEN, Augusta Co.: Tennessee. 722. Arthur L.. Barnes. 723. Samuel Wii^son Blain, A. B., Kockbridge Co.: (Son of 105): Lawyer : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor churches in Virginia and Kentucky : Teacher : Chaplain C. S. Army : Louisville, Ky. 724. "^Frederick M. Cabeili., Nelson Co.: Farmer: Member Virginia House of Delegates : Member Virginia Senate : Member Virginia Convention, 1861 : Died March 2, 1873. 725. ^Samueil R. CampbE!.!., A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Paducah, Ky. : Surgeon Confederate States Army: Died in service, 1861. 726. *Wil.i.iAM G. Campbei-I., A. B., Eockbridge Co.: (Brother of 725) : Teacher : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor churches in Monroe Co., Bath Co. and Augusta Co. : Harrisonburg, Va. : Died August 3, 1881, aged 82. 727. ^Wil.LiAM M. CAMPBEtl., A. B., Eockbridge Co.: (Son of 60) : Lawyer: St. Charles, Mo.: Member Missouri House of Delegates, 1831-35: Member Missouri Senate, 1835-45, 1847-50: Member Missouri Convention: St. Louis : Editor Evening Gazette : Lawyer and Statesman of eminent ability : Died 1850. 728. *Washington Crawford, Augusta Co. : Died 1825, 729. *Ai:.EXAN»ER GotD, Eockbridge Co. 730. -^David Gardiner Houston, A. B., Eockbridge Co.: Physi- cian: Died September 18, 1864. 731. John Paris Hudson, A. B., Augusta Co.: Adjunct Professor Washington College, 1825-28: Presbyterian Minister : Pennsylvania: Principal Turlettville Academy: Principal McEwensville Academy: Pastor churches in Pennsylvania : Williamsport, Pa. 732. ■'Thomas A. IjATHAM:, Bedford Co. : Georgia : Distinguished Lawyer : Died December, 1867. 733. *Wii.i.iAM Swan Plumer, A. B., I>. I>., IjIj. D., Beaver Co., Pa. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Churches in Danville, Charlotte Co., Peters- burg and Eichmond, Va., in Baltimore, Md., in Alleghany City, Philadelphia and Pottsville, Penn. : Professor Theological Seminaries, Alleghany City, Pa., and Columbia, S. C. : Distinguished Preacher, Orator, Author, and Commentator : Died October 22, 1880, aged 78. 734. Thomas li. Preston, Washington Co. : Smyth Co. : Member Vir- ginia Legislature : Charlottesville, Va. : Eector University of Virginia. 735. *Samuel Wai.i.ACE Kuff, A. B., Eockbridge Co.: Physician: Surgeon U. S. Navy, and in charge of Mediterranean Squadron : Surgeon U. S, Marine Hospital at New Orleans, La., where he died of yellow fever, October, 1841. 736. *AxFRED G. W. SniEIiDS, Cumberland Co. : Physician. 737. -^George Baxter Tate, Augusta Co. : Merchant : Died 1836. 738. *James Alexander Turner, Eockbridge Co. : (Son of 213) : Merchant : Planter : Alabama : Atlanta, Ga. : Died September 19, 1872. 739. *Adoi.phus G. Weir, Eockbridge Co.: Columbus, Miss.: U. S. Marshall, Texas. 740. *Isaac N. White, Eockbridge Co. 78 Catalogue of Alumni. 741. ^Edward C. Wii^kinsON, Charles City Co.: Distinguished lawyer: Natchez, Miss.: Yazoo City: Member Mississippi Legislature: Judge Circuit and Supreme Courts of Mississippi. 1825-1826. 742. *WlliI,lAM N. Anderson, Botetourt Co.: Physician: Lewisburg, Va. : Died 1868. 743. *Henry Bro"WN, Kockbridge Co. : (Brother of 664) : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor of churches in Virginia, Tennessee and Florida : Chaplain Con federate States Army: Marlin, Texas: Died January 14, 1881. 744. *JoHN Breckenridge, Botetourt Co. : (Brother of 541 ) : Lawyer : Farmer : Died 1842. 745. *JoHN J. Craig, A. B., Staunton, Va., Lawyer: Member Virginia House of Delegates: Died January, 1838. 746. *Archibai.i> Alexander Caruthers, Kockbridge Co. : Civil engineer on James River Canal : Died at Columbia, 1836. 747. * Joseph Drake, Tennessee: Lawyer: Carrollton, Miss.: Planter: Member Mississippi House of Representatives : Probate Judge of Carroll Co., 1855-61: Colonel Fourth Mississippi Regiment, Confederate States Army: Mem- ber Mississippi Senate : Died October 24, 1878. 748. N. D. E1.1.IS, Franklin Co., Ala. 749. William li. Griffin, Botetourt Co. 750. ^William H. Garber, Staunton, Va. : Hotel-Keeper: Aberdeen, Miss.: Died January, 1876. 751. -^Joseph R. Gibson, Savannah : Died July 31, 1831. 752. *Matthew Hale Houston, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: "Wheeling: Richmond City : Distinguished Physician : Surgeon Confederate States Army : Died February 26, 1877. 753. William H. Harris, Nelson Co. : Farmer : Albemarle Co. 755. *JoHN W. Jordan, Rockbridge Co. : Manufacturer : Died February, 1883. 756. *Ajf DREW F. Jordan, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 509) : Columbus, Miss.: Cashier Commercial Bank: Mobile, Ala.: Postmaster of Mobile. 757. ^Andrew Y. Lockridge, Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor churches in North Carolina and Georgia : Ringgold, Ga. : Died January 13, 1876. 758. ^Jacob Michaux, Powhatan Co. 759. G. W. Matheny, Oglethorpe, Ga. 760. ^Yelvertqn N. Oliver, Roanoke Co. : Farmer : Died 1859. 761. -^Archibald Hays Paxton, Rockbridge Co. : Prominent Lawyer : Lexington, Miss.: Member Mississippi Legislature: Died 1839. 762. *Tyree Rhodes, Albemarle Co. : Physician : Ralls Co., Mo. 763. *JoHN A. Smith, Lunenburg Co.: Lawyer: Farmer: Texas: Mis- souri: Died 1869. 764. *WlLLlAM C. Tate, Burke Co., N. C : Physician. Catalogue of Alumni. 79 765. ^AXEXANDEK S. Trotter, Lexington, Ky.: Lawyer: Died 1876. 766. *MlCHAEl. Woods, Nelson Co. : Died in early life. 1826-1827. 767. "WiiLliiAM IjYI.e Alexander, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 154): Alleghany Co. : Manufacturer : Botetourt Co. . 768. * Joseph A. Baxter, Rockingham Co.: Physician: Columbus, Ind.: Died January 12, 1839. . 769. *IjUCIEN Bowyer, Botetourt Co. : Died in early life. 770. *Cl.IFFORD CABEtl., Buckingham Co.: Distinguished Physician: Died September 18, 1871. 771. Edmund Winston Cabeili., Buckingham Co.: Farmer. 772. * Joseph A. Cowan, A. B., Staunton, Va. : Physician: Arkansas: Died 1833. 773. David HoIiMES Coiner, Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Hardy Co. : Indiana : Eden Village, Ohio : Teacher : Chaplain U. S. Army. 774. ^WlIililAM Li. Davidson, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 278) : Physician: Died 1830. 775. WlLIilAM Peter Epps, Lunenburg Co. : Planter. 776. *JoHN King Edmondson, Montgomery Co. : Farmer : Nashville, Tenn. : Sheriff of Davidson Co. : Died 1876. 777. George K. Gibson, A. B., Montgomery Co.: Farmer. 778. *KlCHARD T. Gibson, Savannah, Ga. : Lawyer : Judge City Court : Treasurer of Savannah: Died October 11, 1872. 779. ^Robert C. Harrison, Fayette Co., Ky. : Saline Co., Mo. : Mem- ber Missouri Senate : Died 1861. 780. Skiver G. Harris, Nelson Co. : Farmer. 781. ^James li. Jordan, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 755) : Manufac- turer : Died 1861. 782. ^George W. LiEYBURN, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 690) : Presby- terian Minister : Pastor of churches in Virginia and Tennessee : Missionary to Greece : Died at Salonica, Macedonia, August 14, 1875. 783. Thomas J. li. Lindsay, Davidson Co., N. C. 784. George W. Mayers, Franklin Co., Ala. 785. John T. Maupin, Albemarle Co. 786. *CHARliES G. Massie, Albemarle Co.: Farmer: Died June 30, 1837. 787. ^Robert S. Means, A. B., Cabarrus Co., N. C. : Physician: Died 1836. 788. * James Wilson Mc Clung, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Died January 27, 1874. 789. "^JoHN S. McCuTCHAN, Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor of churches in North Car'olina: Died at Salem, Va., June 29, 1848. 790. *KoBERT W. McCjlanahan, Roanoke Co.: Lawyer: Kanawha: Died 1840. 80 Catalogue of Alumni. 791. "^James a. McEi^henNY, Greenbrier Co: (Son of 247) : Lawyer of brilliant parts : Died 1835. 792. ^Joseph: P. McNutt, Rockbridge Co.: Vicksburg, Miss.: Distin- guished lawyer and advocate: Died 1833. 793. *AxEXANDER B. McCoRKi^E, Eockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Min- ister: Pastor of churches in Virginia and Alabama: Died September, 1886. 794. Thomas Stanhope McClelland, Nelson Co. : Buckingham Co. : Lawyer: Farmer. 795. *MoSES H. McCuE, Augusta Co.: Many years High Sheriff of Augusta Co.: Calloway Co., Mo.: Died February 7, 1885. 796. ^Edward Moore, Eockbridge Co.: '(Brother of 567) : Died March 30, 1830. 797. ^Alexander Mosely, Buckingham Co.: Planter: Editor Eich- mond Whig: Brilliant writer: Died 1881. 798. * James Paine, A. B., Eockbridge Co.: Presbyterian Minister; Teacher : Pastor churches in Virginia and Tennessee : Somerville, Tenn. : Died April 7, 1860. 799. *James Robinson, A. B., Albemarle Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Amelia Co. : Died at Prince Edward C. PL, July 29, 1829. 800. George G. Scott, Bedford Co. 801. ^Christopher C. Scott, Greensboro, Ala.: Lawyer: Gainesville, Ala. : Camden, Ark. : Judge of Supreme Court of Arkansas fifteen years : Died 1859. 802. *I>AVII> A. Street, A. B., Lunenburg Co.: Lawyer: Tennessee: Died 1854. 803. Henry S. Tayi^oR, Washington Co. : Merchant : Columbus, Miss. : Gallatin, Tenn. 804. *JoHN McCandless Taylor, Montgomery Co.: Farmer: Died in early life. 805. *WiLLlAM E. Walkup, a. B., Eockbridge Co.: Botetourt Co.: Physician: Farmer: Died November, 1883. 806. *JoHN M. Wilson, Charlotte, N. C. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor of Churches in Iredell and Burke Counties, N. C, and San Antonio, Texas: Died 1882. 807. *JoSEPH Harvey Wilson, Charlotte, N. C. : Distinguished Law- yer: Member and Speaker Nortli Carolina Senate: Died September 13, 1884. 808. *JoHN White, Eockbridge Co. : Died in early life. 809. Arthur H. Watts, A. B., Bedford Co.: Farmer: Eoss Co., Ohio. 810. ^HuGH H. Weir, Eockbridge Co. : Physician : Shingals, Miss. : Died December 25, 1858. 1827-1828. 811. ^Francis T. Anderson, A. B., Botetourt Co.: Lawyer: Eock- bridge Co. : Member Virginia House of Delegates : Judge Supreme Court of Appeals: Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1853-87: Eector of Board of Trustees, 1879-87 : Died in Lexington, Va., November 30, 1887, aged 79. 1JNI7ERSIT Catalogue of ^^^^^^jf^vT^^ 812. ^Benjamin Franki^in Caruthers, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer : Wytheville, Va. : Carrollton, Miss. : District Attorney of Carroll Co. : Judge Circuit Court: Died 1855. 813. ^Joseph Dettor, Albemarle Co.: Farmer: Methodist Minister: Eockingham Co. : Died September 16, 1874. 814. * James 1>. Davidson, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 774) : Lawyer: Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1858-1882: Died October 14, 1882. 815. ^David H. Finley, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Died May 13, 1831. 816. ^Edward Graham, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 706): Theological student : Died in early life. 817. *Peter H. GotlLADAY, A. B., Augusta Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor of churches in Virginia and Ohio : Harrison Co., Ohio : Died October 18, 1883. 818. *JoHN M. Johnston, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Physician : Hills- boro', Ohio : County Treasurer : Member Ohio Senate : Died 1880. 819. *Wltl.lAM JLyle Keys, A. B., Hillsboro', Ohio: Presbyterian Minister: Died 1849. 820. *Wii.LiAM A. LiYLE, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 566) : Lawyer: Staunton, Va. : Died November, 1831. 821. *JoHN B. liYLE, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 820) : Merchant: Died 1858. 822. SEDtEY M. Lynch, Monticello, Miss : Planter : Holmes Co. 823. *Henry C. McCjlung, Rockbridge Co. : Texas : Steamboat captain : Died at Houston, September 13, 1838. 824. ^Socrates Maupin, A. B., TiL. I>., Albemarle Co.: Physician: Professor Medical College, Richmond City : Professor Chemistry University of Virginia: Chairman of Faculty of the University of Virginia: Died 1872. 825. *WiJLLlAM Washington Page, Albemarle Co.: Merchant: Teacher : Adair Co., Ky. : Died 1878. 826. *I>AVID C. Parry, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 651) : Physician: Indiana: Died 1835. 827. John T. L.. Preston, A. B., LL. D., Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 134) : Professor of Languages and Rhetoric, Virginia Military Institute, 1839-82. 828. *JoHN RUEF, Baltimore, Md. : Vicksburg, Miss. : Merchant : Died of yellow fever, 1850. 829. George W. Terrili., Granville Co., N. C. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor of Churches in Granville and Caswell. 830. Robert Weir, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Columbus, Miss. : Memphis, Tenn. 1828-1829. 831. *J. Aylette Alexander, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 720). 832. *Archibai.i> Macon Ai.exani>er, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 831). 82 Catalogue of Alumni. 833. * Joseph Fleming Baxter, Eockbridge Co.: (Brother of 663): Presbyterian Minister: Pastor of Churches in Virginia: Died at Amherst C. H., March 22, 1845. 834. * Joseph Ebwin, Burke Co., N. C. : Farmer : Clerk Superior Court : Died January, 1881. 835. James Harvey Erwin Greeni.ee, Burke Co., N. C. : McDowell Co. : Farmer. 836. William Gaines, Charlotte Co. : Planter. 837. ^Robert M. Hudson, A. B., Augusta Co.:' Lawyer: Botetourt Co.: Member Virginia House of Delegates : Judge Circuit Court, 1853-69 : Died April 19, 1869. 838. William Bell Kayser, A. B., Alleghany Co.: Lawyer: Staun- ton, Va. 839. William H. Mayhew, New York. 840. *James M. McCluer, Rockbridge Co. : Died in early life. 841. James T. McLjAUGHLIN, Eockbridge Co. : Baptist Minister : Hali- fax Co. : Lynchburg, Va. 842. -^Benjamin Franklin McNutt, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Mississippi: Shipwrecked ofFTampico, Mexico, 1834. 843. Henry H. Paine, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 798) : Presby- terian Minister: Pastor churches in Botetourt Co., Va., and Holly Springs, Miss. : Principal Holly Springs Female College: Teacher in Memphis, Tenn.: Texas. 844. *Peyton Rice, Charlotte Co.: Farmer: Died October, 1869. 845. *Jacob M. Ruff, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 735) : Manu- facturer : Merchant : President North River Navigation Co. : Proctor Washington College, 1837-47 : Paris, Texas : Died July 30, 1876. 846. Joseph Thompson, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Memphis, Tenn. 1829-1830. 847. *JoHN H. Bell, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 695) : Physician : Teacher: Botetourt Co. : Died September, 1877. 848. * Joseph Brown, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 664) : Pres- byterian Minister : Teacher : Pastor churches in Virginia, Mississippi and Flor- ida : Died at Bayou, Texas, February 14, 1880. 849. Samuel Brown, A. B., D. D., Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 848) : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor churches in Bath and Rockbridge : Stated Clerk of Presbytery of Lexington : Bath Co. 850. William Brown, A. B., D. D., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of S49) : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Augusta Church, 1836-60 : Editor Central Presbyterian: Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1853- : Florida. 851. -^Samuel Davis Campbell, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 60) : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor churches in Virginia, Mississippi, Georgia, Ala- bama and Florida. Died at Geneva, Ala., 1863. 852. ^William Clarke, A. B., Staunton, Va.: Physician: Died January 20, 1858. Catalogue of Alxjmni. 83 853. *Olifton GARliAND HiLt, Bedford Co. : Lawyer : Craig Co. : Sheriff: Clerk Circuit and County Courts : Commonwealth's Attorney : Died Sep- tember 11, 1881. 854. *WlLi.lAM Moore, Kockbridge Co.: (Brother of 650) : Georgia: Died in early life. 855. -5^ James A. Mc Clung, Staunton, Va. : Hotel-Keeper : Captain Con- federate States Army: Died December, 1870. 856. ^William Newton Morrison, A. B., Cabarrus Co., N. C: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor churches in North Carolina: Died January 2, 1885, aged 75. 857. *Wli.mAM H. Paxton, A. B., Kockbridge Co.: Lawyer: New Orleans: Died 1868. 858. -^William Thompson, A. B., Kockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Paris, Texas: Died 1853. 859. Benjamin R. "Wardlaw, Kockbridge Co.: Surveyor and Engi- neer : St. Charles Co., Mo. : Assistant U. S. Surveyor : California. 1830-1831. 860. Andrew J. BowiiES, Bedford Co. 861. James H. Bowles, Bedford Co. 862. "^JSdward G. Caruthers, Rockbridge Co. : Merchant : Teacher : Principal Ann Smith Academy: Died 1848. 863. John Leyburn, I). I>., Kockbridge Co.: (Brother of 782) : Presby- terian Minister : Pastor churches in Petersburg and Baltimore : Editor Phila- delphia Presbyterian : Secretary Board of Publication : Baltimore, Md. 864. *Wiiii.iAM Massie, Nelson Co. : Died in early life. 865. -^Henry Massie, Alleghany Co. : Albemarle Co. : Postmaster Char- lottesville : Died 1878. 866. *Thomas J. Massie, Nelson Co. : Lawyer : Farmer : County Court Clerk of Nelson : Died 1878. 867. *JoHN Mackey, Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer : Mississippi. 868. ^Reuben A. McNutt, Kockbridge Co. : Tutor Washington College, 1832-3- : Teacher : Harrisonburg, Va. : Alabama. 869. ^William H. Rhodes, Nelson Co.: Died 1840. 870. William H. Seabrook, Rockbridge Co. 871. *JoHN Edwin Taliaferro, Amherst Co.: Lawyer: CarroUton, Miss. : Member Mississippi Senate. 872. James W. Warwick, Bath Co.: Farmer: Judge County Court of Bath and Highland. 1831-1832. 873. Bernard Austin, Buckingham Co. : Farmer. 874. Thomas Adams, Lunenburg Co. : Farmer : Methodist Minister. 875. *JoHN C. Black WELL, I>. !>., Lunenberg Co.: Methodist Min- ister: Principal Buckingham Female College: Died February 21, 1885. 84 Catalogue of Alumni. 876. NlCHOIiAS H. Burks, Botetourt Co. : Physician : Bedford Co, 877. *Thom AS J. Campbeill, Kockbridge Co. : Teacher : Amherst Co. : Died 1844. 878. ^Augustus A. Calwell, Greenbrier Co. 879. *AxFREi> A. Cai^TVELI., Greenbrier Co.: (Brother of 878). 880. Bedford Calwei.!., Greenbrier Co.: (Brother of 879). 881. *Edward S. Calweli., Greenbrier Co.: (Brother of 880): Hotel- keeper: Died 1878. 882. *Franki.in Rush Christian, Augusta Co.: Tuscumbia, Ala.: Lawyer: Cotton Merchant: Died January 19, 1842. 883. ■^Wii.i.iAM Fitzgerald, Nelson Co, : Farmer : Died 1862. 884. ^"WlliLlAM FlNLEY, Augusta Co. : Lawyer : Holly Springs, Miss. 885. Alexander M. Garber, Staunton, Va. : Physician : Livingston, Ala. 886. ^Hudson Stapleton Garland, Nelson Co.: Lawyer: Clarkes- ville, Tenn. : Died May, 1845. 887. Samuel Gold, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer. 888. ^Algernon Sidney Gray, Rockingham Co.: Lawyer: Member Virginia Convention, 1861 : U. S. Marshal : Died 1875. 889. *JoHN Woods Harris, Nelson Co.: Lawyer: Texas: Member Texas Legislature: Judge: Attorney General, Texas: Codifier of Laws: Died April 1, 1887. 890. ^Thomas Harvey L^aird, Rockbridge Co.: Boydton, Va.: Dis- tinguished Physician: Died 1838. 891. Robert Emmet Manson, Bedford Co.: (Son of 125): Lawyer: Lexington, Va. : Lynchburg, Va. 892. ^Robert T. Marshall, Lunenburg Co.: Physician: Druggist: Member Virginia Legislature : Lexington, Va. : Athens, Tenn. : luka, Miss. : Died 1882. 893. ^Samuel Miller, Rockingham Co. : Physician : Little Rock, Ark. : Died in early life. 894. *JoHN W. McClung, Greenbrier Co. : Died May, 1834. 895. *James F. Preston, Montgomery Co.: Farmer: Captain First Virginia Volunteers in Mexican War : Member Virginia Legislature : Colonel Fourth Virginia Regiment Confederate States Army : Distinguished in battle of Manassas for coolness and gallantry: Died January, 1862, from disease con- tracted in Confederate States service. 896. *George Seawright, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Died February 22, 1887. 897. ^Philip Samuel Clayton Strother, Culpeper Co. : Green- ville, Ala.: Distinguished lawyer: Editor: Died 1851. 898. John A. Stuart, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Butler Co., Kan. 899. -^William Steen, Bedford Co. : Mississippi : Died in early life. 900. James R. Truehart, Richmond, Va. 901. ^Samuel Wallace, Rockbridge Co. : Republic of Texas : Captain Texas Army under Col. Fanning : Surrendered at Goliad, March 27, 1836, after a desperate struggle of two days, and shot by the Mexican general, Urrea, along with 356 other prisoners : Of adventurous spirit and dauntless courage. Catalogue of Alumni. 85 902. *Er)WAKI> B. Woods, Versailles, Ky. : Lawyer : Kepublic of Texas : Major Texan Army and Aid to Gen. Sherman in Battle of San Jacinto : Secretary of General Council of Texas: Died 1836. 903. *JoHN S. Woods, Albemarle Co. : Lawyer : Helena, Ark. : Died 1858. 1832-1833. 904. *Henry Anthony, Campbell Co. : Lawyer of brilliant parts : Died in early life. 905. *Thomas J. Beirne, Monroe Co.: St. Louis, Mo.: Distinguished Lawyer: Died 1864. 906. ^Charles Li. Bowyer, Koanoke Co.: Lawyer: St. Louis, Mo.: Died in early life. 907. Seeden M. Burton, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 387) : Mississippi : Arkansas : California : Distinguished Physician. 908. Edtyard Carrington Cabeli., Richmond City : Lawyer : Mem- ber Virginia Legislature: Florida: Member U. S. Congress: St. Louis, Mo.: Member Missouri Legislature. 909. John Grattan CABEiLli, Richmond, Va. : Ph3'sician: Major of Cavalry, Confederate States Army : President Richmond Board of Health. 910.* *James S. Cali^WAY, Franklin Co.: Died May 16, 1874. 911. *James Li. Carrington, Cumberland Co. : Fluvanna Co. : Farmer. 912. Hill Carter, Amherst Co.: Teacher: North Carolina. 913. *James K. Caskie, Lynchburg, Va. : Richmond City: Merchant: Recorder : Member City Council : Presiding Justice Hustings Court : Died Sep- tember, 1868. 914. William L. Cook, Bedford Co. 915. Robert J. L>AVIS, Lynchburg, Va. : Lawyer : Member Virginia Leg- islature. 916. *Alexander Erskine, Monroe Co.: Died 1851. 917. ^Philander Davidson Ewing, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 282): Canton, Miss. : Physician : Member Mississippi Legislature : Died March 27, 1856. 918. John A. B. Garland, Amherst Co.: Merchant: Paymaster Vir- ginia & Tennessee R. R. Co. : Selma, Ala. * 919. *John Richard Crutchfield Garland, Nelson Co. : Law- yer : Lynchburg, Va. : New York City : Engineer and superintendent Dauphin Coal Mines: Banker: Died December 23, 1876. 920. ^Thomas R. Gilmore, Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Died 1835. 921. *JoSEPH Gilmore, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 920): Farmer: Member Virginia House of Delegates: Died January, 1863. 922. ^Clifton Harris, Albemarle Co. : Died while a student, 1833. 923. *James G. Hamilton, Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer: Chicago. 924. William Holt. 925. *RoBERT H. Kinney, Staunton, Va. : Engineer : Lieutenant First Virginia Regiment Volunteers in Mexican War : Kentucky : Died 1882. 86 Catalogite of Alumni. 926. ^JoHN IjETCHER, Lexington, Va. : Lawyer : Presidential elector : Member U. S. Congress, 1851-59 : Governor Virginia, 1860-64 : Member Virginia House of Delegates, 1875-77 : Distinguished for administrative ability, industry and sturdy honesty : Died January 26, 1884. 927. ^WlLl.iAM A. McClung, Lexington, Va. : Staunton, Va. : Mobile^ Ala: Clerk: Died July 5, 1853. 928. *Andrew Woodro W McDoweix, Komney, Va. : Lawyer : Died 1847. 929. Edttard C. MARSHAIiL, Versailles, Ky. : San Francisco, Cal. : Member U. S. Congress : Attorney General of California. 930. ^Jefferson M. Neville, Nelson Co. : Died in early life. 931. ^Alexander McNutt Paxton, Rockbridge Co.: Vicksburg,. Miss.: Lawyer: Major Confederate States Army : Died June, 1886. 932. James H. Paxton, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Teacher : Farmer : Member Virginia Senate 1851-59. 933. William M. Tate, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Member Virginia House of Delegates : Major Confederate States Army : Trustee Washington and Lee Uni- versity 1856- . 934. -^Henry Porterfield Taylor, Richmond City : Teacher : Died 1887, aged 70. 935. James Lewis Woodville, Botetourt Co.: Physician: Surgeon Confederate States Army : Sweet Springs, Monroe Co. 936. ^Joseph Wilson, Augusta Co.: Physician: Died July 1, 1881. 937. John Frank Wilson, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer. 1833-1834. 938. Francis Bell, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Pulaski Co. 939. *JoHN N. Caskie, Lynchburg, Va. : (Brother of 913). 940. *Edwari> Echols, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer : Merchant. 941. -^Waller Massie, Nelson Co. : Chillicothe, Ohio : Died July 4, 1856. 1834-1835. 942. ^Michael M. Bowyer, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 57). 943. *GlLBERT Paul Carrington, Cumberland Co.: Lawyer: Farmer:' De Soto Co., Miss. : Member Mississippi Legislature, 1873-81 : Died March, 188L 944. ^Ferdinand Li. Claiborne, Franklin Co : Lawyer: Merchant: Baltimore: Died 1862. 945. *James S. GrigsBY, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer : Mercer Co. : Wash- ington Co. : Died August 10, 1872. 946. *JoHN Warren Grigsby, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 945) r Lawyer: Consul to Bordeaux: Danville, Ky.: Brigadier-General Confederate States Army: Member Kentucky Legislature, 1873-81: Died January 14, 1877. 947. *JoHN E. Lewis, Mason Co.: (Son of 186): Greenbrier Co.: Editor: Sheriff Greenbrier: Died 1870. Catalogue of Alumni. 87 1835-1836. 948. *James Hubbard Bowyer, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 942) : Farmer: Abeline, Texas: Died January 19, 1886. 949. *Thomas G. Burks, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Died 1861. 950. Joseph Mayo Carrington, Richmond City. 951. ^JOHN M. CoL,EMAN, Spotsylvania Co.: St. Louis, Mo.: Farmer: Died 1851. 952. *Gen. AI.EXANDER H. Davidson, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 814): Indianapolis, Ind.: Died March 28, 1868. 953. Robert Joseph Echols, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 940) : Mer- chant : Farmer : Major Confederate States Army : Balcony Falls. 954. ^Thomas Griffin, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Brownsburg, Ind. t Died 1850. • 955. *Jacquei.IN A. Grigsby, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 118): Teacher: Died September 29, 1866. 956. Andrew Jackson Gai^braith, Rockbridge Co. 957. John Marshall McCuE, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Member Virginia Legislature: Presiding Justice Augusta Co. 958. John A. Paxton, Rockbridge Co.: Merchant: Texas: California: Banker. 959. Andrew Jackson Paxton, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 931): Lawyer: Jackson, Miss.: Washington Co., Miss.: Planter: Major Confederate States Army. 960. ^ John Holt KlCE,I>.I>., Princeton, N.J. : Lawyer: Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Churches in Florida, Louisiana, Kentucky, Virginia and Ten- nessee: Editor N. A. Protestant: Presbyterian Index: Died September 7, 1878. 961. William Kusmisel, Augusta Co.: Lutheran Minister: Shenan- doah Co. 962. * James McDowell Taylor, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Mem- ber Virginia Legislature, 1853-55, 1865-67 : Lexington, Va. : Died January 24^ 1888. 963. ^Robert J. Taylor, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 962) : Lawyer : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Churches in Portsmouth, Va., and Rockbridge Co. : Died April 7, 1873. 964. ^Calvin S. Weir, Mecklenburg Co., N. C. : Physician: Planter: Tennessee : Died 1859. 1836-1837. 965. *JoHN A. Black, Rockbridge Co. : Teacher: Alleghany Co. : Mon- roe Co. : Died 1864. 966. ^Benjamin Li. Brow^n, Augusta Co. : (Son of 360) : Physician : Christiansburg, Va.: St. Louis, Mo. 967. Charles F. Caruthers, New Orleans, La.: (Son of 441): Cotton Merchant. 88 Catalogue of Alumni. 968. ^Alexander McDonai^d Cowan, Staunton, Va. : (Brother of 772) : Farmville, Va. : Mayor of Farmville: Editor: Died July 16, 1887. 969. *Charles Baker Davidson, D. D., Kockbridge Co. : (Brother of 814) : Indiana: Episcopal clergyman: Rector St. John's Church, Cincinnati: Died October 5, 1874. 970. NlCHOliAS F. FiTZHUGH, Kanawha Co. : Lawyer : Member Virginia Legislature : Major Confederate States Army : Member West Virginia Conven- tion : Presidential elector. 971. Jacob Fuller, A. B., Lexington, Va. : Principal Preparatory De- partment Washington College, 1838-42 : Tutor, 1866-7 : Teacher Lexington Classical School : Secretary Board of Trustees Washington and Lee University, 1871- : Librarian Washington and Lee University, 1883- . 972. Joseph Grove, Augusta Co: Farmer: Missouri. 973. John C. Hunter, Greenbrier Co. : Teacher. 974. Joseph P. Logan, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 187): Atlanta, Ga. : Physician : Member Georgia Convention : Surgeon Confederate States Army : Baltimore, Md. : Professor Washington University: Atlanta, Ga. : Professor of Physiology, Atlanta Medical College : Member Georgia Board of Health : Presi- dent Georgia Medical Society : Vice-President American Medical Association. 975. ^Constance W. Newkirk, Philadelphia: Manufacturer: Died January 3, 1872. 976. William A. No yes, Kanawha Co.: Farmer: Roane Co. 977. * John Paris, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Clerk Court of Appeals : Presi- dent Board of Supervisors : Died May 12, 1883. 978. *WlLLlAM N. Patton, Bath Co. : Distinguished Physician : Lewis- burg, Va. : Died October 12, 1853. 979. *James Putney, Kanawha Co.: Physician: Surgeon U. S. Army: Died 1874. 980. Peter G. Price, Franklin Co. : Farmer. 981. Dickinson Shrewsbury, Kanawha Co. : Farmer. 982. *Charles Roane Smith, Botetourt Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor Churches in North Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi : Died at Grenada February 4, 1872. 983. Alexander Trimble Steele, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 532) : Lawyer: New Orleans. 984. * James Alexander Wad dell, Augusta Co. : Distinguished Phy- sician : Surgeon Confederate States Army : Died July 23, 1883. 985. Porter Wallace, Augusta Co. : Nelson Co. : Physician. 986. ^Samuel Wallace, Augusta Co.: Monroe Co.: Farmer: Died 1879. 987. *James C. Walker, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Chattanooga, Tenn. : Died December 14, 1862. 988. ^Nelson S. Waller, Spotsylvania Co. : Physician : Died 1868. 989. B. C. Watkins, Cumberland Co. : Farmer. 990. ^Pembroke E. Waugh, Amherst Co. : Farmer : Died November, 1885. Catalogue of Alumni. 89 1837-1838. 991. John W. Akmistead, Paugh Creek. 992. J. W. BiNFORD, Prince Edward Co. : Tennessee : Farmer. 993. *Alexander Shiei^ds Cummings, Lexington, Va. : Died October 16, 1840. 994. *JoHN W. CUKKY, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Died 1860. 995. Nathaniel C. Claiborne, Franklin Co.: (Brother of 944): Law- yer: Member Virginia Legislature: Jackson Co., Mo.: Member Missouri Legis- lature: St. Louis, Mo. 996. Charles C. Francisco, Bath Co.: Farmer: Augusta Co.: Bath Co. 997. Benjamin P. Hoomes, Culpeper Co. 998. *JoHN A. Hunter, Greenbrier Co. : Distinguished Physician: Sur- geon C. S. A. : Died April, 1870. 999. *Henry F. Hunter, Greenbrier Co.: (Brother of 998): Farmer: Accidentally killed May, 1867. 1000. ^William G. Johnston, Eockbridge Co. : Farmer : Died Decem- ber 15, 1854. 1001. *WlLLlAM M. L.ETCHER, Lexington, Va.: Died 1839. 1002. James H. Logan, Randolph Co.: Teacher: Surveyor. 1003. -^William A. McDowell, White Hall, Mecklenburg Co., N. C: Shelby Co. : Farmer : Died 1869. 1004. * James McDowell, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 549) : Physician : St. Louis, Mo. : Surgeon Fremont's Expedition: Consul-General at Constantinople: Died November 18, 1879. 1005. Nathaniel C. Manson, Bedford Co.: (Brother of 891) : Lawyer: Lynchburg, Va. 1006. John Jordan Paxton, Botetourt Co. : Rockbridge Co. : Col- orado. 1007. -^Thomas Fearn Perkins, Buckingham Co.: Farmer: Died December 23, 1887. 1008. ^Robert Porterfield, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Died August 30, 1847. 1009. *David H. Putney, Kanawha Co.: Merchant: Died 1842. 1010. R. E. Putney, Kanawha Co.: Merchant. 1011. *Edwin Winston Radford, Bedford Co.: (Son of 254): Farmer: Lieutenant Second Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Killed at Manassas, July 18, 1861. 1012. *James H. Rawlings, Spotsylvania Co.: Lawyer: Died Feb- ruary, 1848. 1013. William Wallace, Augusta Co.: Monroe Co.: Montgomery Co.: Lawyer. 1014. John W. Warwick, Bath Co. : Farmer : Pocahontas Co. 1015. Robert I. White, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 712) : Merchant: Member Virginia House of Delegates : Farmer. 7 90 Catalogue of Alumni. 1838-1839. 1016. *JoSEPH Wayt Beix, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Died May 31, 1879. 1017. James H. Brame, Mecklenburg Co.: Distinguished teacher. 1018. *JoH[N A. Campbell, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 851) : Physician : Platte Co., Mo. : Died 1882. 1019. ^David p. Curry, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 994) : Lawyer : Texas : Died 1883. 1020. WlLl-lAM Davenport, Hanover Co. : Farmer. 1021. *WlIXIAM I>. Davis, Fluvanna Co. : Merchant : Scottsville : Cashier Bank of Scottsville : Fluvanna Co. : Died 1876. 1022. ^William P. Hickman, A. B., Bath Co. : Presbyterian Minis- ter: Teacher: Pastor churches in Virginia: Pulaski Co.: Killed at Battle of Cloyd's Farm, May, 1864. 1023. James Kenney, Rockingham Co.: (Son of 398) : Lawyer: Captain and Major C. S. A. : Member Virginia Legislature : County Judge, Rockingham. 1024. *FiEI.I>ING H. B, liEWIS, Halifax Co. : (Son of 586) : Farmer r Mississippi: Texas: Died 1876. 1025. ^JRANDOtPH Ross, Botetourt Co.: Lawyer: Natchez, Miss.: Died 1849. 1026. Thomas N. Paxton, Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor churches in Virginia and North Carolina : McDowell Co., N. C. : Died November 14, 1884. 1027. *Samuel V. Wilson, Kanawha Co.: Farmer: Missouri: Died 1862. 1839-1840. 1028. *IiEDFORr> S. AxtEN, Alleghany Co.: Lawyer: Lewisburg, Va. : Died March 11, 1846. 1029. *WlI,I.IAM S. Beard, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Presby- terian Minister : Pastor churches in Fayette Co., and Petersburg, Va. : Monroe Co. : Died April 29, 1854. 1030. ^Thomas Tyi.er Boui.i>in, Charlotte Co.: Lawyer: California: Died 1872. 1031. W1LI.IAM S. BoWYER, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 948) : Physician. 1032. * Alexander Paxton Campbell, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Merchant: Died in Roanoke, Va., January 31, 1886. 1033. Herring Chrisman, Rockingham Co.: (Son of 576): Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney : Missouri : Illinois : Farmer. 1034. Philander M. Custer, A. B., Howard Co., Mo.: Presbyterian Minister : Teacher : Principal of Classical Schools in Lewisburg, Va., Harrison- burg, Va., in North Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi : Byhalia, Miss. 1035. IjAFAYETTE Dibrell, Botetourt Co.: Methodist Minister. 1036. James B. Dorman, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 460) : Member Virginia Legislature : Member Virginia Convention, 1861 : Major C. S. A. : Staunton, Va. : Clerk Court of Appeals. Catalogue of Alumni. 91 1037. John Echoi^S, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 953) : Lawyer: Monroe Co. : Commonwealth's Attorney : Member Virginia Legislature, 1851-53 : Member Virginia Convention, 1861 : Major-General C. S. A. : Staunton: Member Virginia Legislature, 1877-81 : President Chesapeake and Ohio, and South- western R. R. Co.: Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1869- . 1038. Richard S. E1.1.IS, Amherst Co.: Merchant: Major Fifty-first Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Lynchburg, Va. 1039. Patterson Fi^etcher, A. B., Rockingham Co.: Presbyterian Minister : Shepherdstown : Teacher : Pastor churches in Jefferson Co., Augusta Co., Clarksburg and Rockingham Co. : Broadway, Va. 1040. W11.1.IAM C Hagan, a. B., Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Chris- tiansburg : Principal Montgomery Msile Academy : Lawyer : Captain C. S. A. 1041. *James W. Hopkins, Lexington, Va. : Distinguished Physician: Columbus, Miss.: Died March 3, 1870. 1042. ^George W. Houston, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Died February 18, 1882. 1043. *Wll.l.lAM S. Howie, A. B., Cabarrus Co., N. C: Physician: Died 1845. 1044. W11.I.IAM C. Jeffreys, Nottoway Co.: Farmer: Captain C. S. A. 1045. -^^ Joseph Jennings, Nottoway Co. : Farmer: Lunenburg Co. : Died 1872. 1046. *BoBERT Johnston, Rockbridge Co. : Clarksburg : Distinguished Lawyer: Auditor of Virginia: Member Virginia Legislature: Member C. S. Congress: Richmond, Va. : Harrisonburg, Va. : Judge County Court of Rocking- ham : Died November 6, 1885. 1047. Edwin Kyi.E, Botetourt Co. : Farmer : Alleghany Co. 1048. * Joseph A. LiOGAN, Augusta Co. : Farmer: Teacher: Died October 3, 1878. 1049. Robert Ix>GAN, A. B., Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Teacher: Georgia: President of Greensboro (Ga.) Female School : Fort Worth, Texas. 1050. ^David Lowman, Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Pulaski Co. 1051. James H. JVLadison, Charlotte Co.: Farmer: Prince Edward Co. 1052. ^KoBERT Forbes Merritt, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Died Sep- tember 10, 1846. 1053. Lie WIS McNeely, A. B., North Carolina: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor churches in Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas: Middleton, Texas. 1054. John Kice McNutt, A. B, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Captain C. S. A. : Rockbridge Co. 1055. James W. O'Hara, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. : Little Rock, Ark. 1056. *JoHN C. Patrick, Augusta Co.: Teacher: Died 1876. 1057. ^James Gardiner Paxton, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 959): Lawyer: Member Virginia House of Delegates: Member Virginia Senate : Superintendent Chesapeake and Ohio R. R. : Major C. S. A. : Killed by an accident on R. R., August, 1870. 1058. James T. Paxton, A. B. , Rockbridge Co. : Presbyterian Minister: Author : Pastor churches in Texas and Missouri : Marshall, Saline Co., Mo. 92 Catalogue of Alumni. 1059. George SKILiIiEN Penn, Botetourt Co. : Farmer. 1060. *WlLlilAM A. Rogers, Albemarle Co.: Farmer: Died June 30, 1884. 1061. James Stuart, Eockbridge Co. : Physician : Georgia : North Caro- lina : Concord, N. C. 1062. *WlIiliIAM P. Tate, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Died March, 1867. 1063. Robert A. Terry, Pittsylvania Co. : Mineralogist. 1064. Al^EXANDER Thompson, Hanover Co.: Sheriff of Hanover: Ser- geant at Arms Virginia Convention, 1861 : Washington City. 1065. ■^WlLi.lAM W. Trimbile, a. B., Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Principal Brownsburg (Va.) Academy: Pastor churches in Virginia and Missouri: Died July 6, 1884. 1066. * Jacob D. Wii:.I.IAMSON, Rockingham Co. : Farmer : Major C. S. A. : Died 1875. 1067. Mo HN Wli-SON, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer: Died 1853. 1840-1841. 1068. -^James M. Barcilay, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 491): Physician: Paris, Ky. 1069. John Woods Barci^AY, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 540) : Mer- chant : Superintendent Schools : Farmer : Member Lexington School Board. 1070. W1E.L.IAM A. Banks, Madison Co.: Teacher: Arkansas: Texas. 1071. Henry Flood Bocock, A. B., Appomattox Co.: Clerk County and Circuit Courts : Lynchburg, Va. 1072. Edward C. Burks, A. B., Bedford Co.: Lawyer: Member Vir- ginia Legislature : Judge Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1876-83 : Revisor of Code, 1884-87. 1073. *Jesse S. Burks, Bedford Co.: Farmer: Colonel Forty-second Virginia Regiment : Member Virginia Legislature : Died June 13, 1885. 1074. John May Burton, Greene Co. : Physician : Madison Co. 1075. ^Abraham BuRWEi^ii Brown, D. I>., liL*. !>., Nelson Co.: Baptist Minister : Pastor churches in Hampton, Charlottesville and Pittsylvania Co.: Chaplain C. S. A.: Professor English Richmond (Va.) College: Died No- vember 27, 1885. 1076. Henry A. Caruthers, New Orleans: (Son of 441): Cotton Merchant. 1077. John Chrism an. Mount Hope, Mo.: Farmer: Montana Territory. 1078. Andrew Leper Crouch, Richmond, Va. 1079. Mitchell 1>. I>unlap, A, B., Augusta Co.: Presbyterian Mini- ster : Farmer : Pocahontas Co. 1080. John J. I>UPUY, Petersburg, Va. : North Carolina: Physician: Druggist. 1081. ^JOHN ,M. Edmondson, Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Died April 13, 1871. 1082. *James W. Gordon, Alexandria, La. : Lawyer : Died 1856. Catalogue of Alumni. 93 1083. MoHN Sharshali. Grasty, I>. I>., Pittsylvania Co.: Presbyte- rian Minister : Author : Pastor churches at Yanceyville, N. C, Fincastle, Va., Shelbyville, Ky., Austin, Texas, and Columbia, and Mexico, Mo. : Died April 18, 1883. 1084. ^Edward C. Harrison, Goochland Co.: Merchant: Farmer: Died January 1, 1852. 1085. *Wii.i.iAM: H. Hogshead, A. B., Monroe Co.: Presbyterian Minister : Pastor churches in Virginia and North Carolina : Died near Union Church, N. C, July 14, 1855. 1086. James Moore Humphreys, Augusta Co. : Presbyterian Minis- ter : Teacher : Monroe Co., W. Va. 1087. *JoHN QuARL.ES James, A. B., Richmond, Va.: Merchant: Died June 20, 1850. 1088. *JoHN Mason Kirkpatrick, A. B., Cumberland Co. : Pres- byterian Minister : Pastor churches in Danville, Pulaski Co., and in Arkansas : Washington, Ark. : Powhatan Co., Va. : Died May 18, 1887. 1089. ^William Newton Kirkpatrick, A. B., DeKalb Co., Ga.: Lawyer : Died February 24, 1869. 1090. Oavid W. Kyle, Buckingham Co. : Farmer : Bedford Co. 1091. KoBERT Kyle, Botetourt Co. : Rhea Co., Texas : Lawyer. 1092. "William Kyle, A. B., Botetourt Co.: (Brother of 1091): Car- roll Co. : Farmer : Member Virginia Legislature. 1093. ^Alexander T. Laird, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Mecklen- burg Co. : Died February, 1861. 1094. *Abel Upshur Mayo, Richmond, Va. : Lawyer: Clerk in U. S. P. O. Department, Washington City : Clerk C. S. P. O. Department : Died Sep- tember 16, 1865. 1095. William Sylvanus Morris, Hanover Co. : (Son of 195) : Physician: Lynchburg, Va. : Member Virginia Legislature. 1096. *WlLLlAM Morton McNutt, Augusta Co. : Physician : Prince Edward Co. : Died June, 1886. 1097. William Y. Neal, Lunenburg Co. : Farmer : Prince Edward Co. 1098. Charles H. Oliver, Nottoway Co. : Farmer. 1099. ^Thomas Patton, A.B., Bath Co.: (Brother of 978): Physician: Lewisburg, Va. : Died June 21, 1858. 1100. William B. Paxton, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 932): Physician : Paris, Ky. 1101. ^Robert A. Phelps, A. B., Buckingham Co.: Physician: Lou- isiana. 1102. *WlLLlAM H. Reid, Lexington Va.: (Son of 453): Died July 7, 1842. 1103. *Aemelius T. Reynolds, Greenbrier Co.: Des Moines, Iowa: Lawyer: Died 1853. 1104. ^William H. Richardson, Richmond, Va. : Lawyer: Colonel C. S. A. 1105. James Richeson, A. B., Amherst Co.: Farmer. 1106. Thomas Richeson, A. B., Amherst Co.: (Brother of 1105): St. Louis, Mo. : Manufacturer : Treasurer St. Louis County and City : President St. 94 Catalogue of Alumni. Louis Board of Public Schools twelve years: President St. Louis Merchants* Exchange. 1107. James E. Kobertson, Culpeper Co.: Physician: Sulphur Springs, Texas. 1108. ^Charles H. RuCKEB, Amherst Co.: Sheriff of Amherst: Lynch- burg, Va.: Merchant: Died May 14, 1884. 1109. *JoHN A. Ruff, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 845) : Member 1st Virginia Cavalry : Died 1879. 1110. William A. Kuff, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1109) : Farmer. 1111. ^JoHN C. Rutherford, Richmond Va. : Goochland Co. : Member Virginia Legislature. 1112. *Edward W. Saunders, Campbell Co. : Franklin Co. : Farmer: Died 1856. 1113. *James Shaw, Buckingham Co.: Died 1847. 1114. *JoHN R. Strayer, Shenandoah Co.: Merchant: Died December 27, 1879. 1116. WlLIilAM Thompson, Augusta Co. : Warren Co., Tenn.: Farmer: Teacher. 1117. Joseph Addison Waddell, Staunton, Va. : Lawyer: Editor: Member Virginia House of Delegates: Member Virginia Convention: Member Virginia Senate: Clerk Court of Appeals of Virginia: Author. 1118. Samuel Augustus Walkup, A. B., Lexington, Va. : Phy- sician: Surgeon C. S. Army: Providence, Fla. 1119. Joseph M. Wells, Columbus Miss. : Marshall, Texas: Railroad Agent. 1120. *JoHN T. Wills, Fluvanna Co. : Died in early life. 1841-1842. 1121. George Douglass Alexander, A. B., Campbell Co. : Teacher: Arkansas: Louisiana: Princijpal Minden Female College: Professor Hatcher Institute: Shreveport, La. 1122. ^Theodore Rice Beard, Lexington : Merchant. 1123. ^William S. Bocock, Buckingham Co.: Died June 24, 1842. 1124. *Samuel a. Booker, Buckingham Co.: Lawyer: Died 1855. 1125. ^Frederick F. Bo wen, Culpeper Co.: Farmer: Died 1857. 1126. *JoHN Drury Brooks, Belmont, Tenn. : Died August 30, 1842. 1127. Nathaniel S. Brooks, Kanawha Co.: Merchant: Salt Manu- facturer : Texas. 1128. Peregrine S. Buckingham, Montgomery Co. : Lawyer: Texas: Methodist Minister : Presiding Polder. 1129. *Samuel FiNLEY Christian, Augusta Co. : Farmer: Civil Engi- neer : Texas : Died 1 880. 1130. *Cyrus B. Clay, Campbell Co.: Bedford Co.: Farmer: Died Sep- tember 12, 1879. 1131. *JohnDabney, A. B., Campbell Co.: Farmer: Teacher: Roanoke Co. : Died in Greensville, Miss., November 26, 1887. Catalogue of Alumni. 95 1132. ^KiCHARD Venabi^e Daniei., Cumberland Co.: Physician: Granville Co., N. C: Farmer: Died 1859. 1133. WlL-IilAM FuQUA, Buckingham Co. : Cumberland Co. : Physician. 1134. KiCHARD W. Gannaway, Buckingham Co. : Farmer. 1135. Alexander McNutt Gilasgow, A. B., Kockbridge Co.: Farmer. 1136. ^Abner Joseph Grigsby, Kockbridge Co. : (Brother of 955) : Physician : Danville, Tex. : Died June 28, 1851. 1137. George N. Gw A THMEY, Eichmond, Va. : West Point, Va. : Clerk Internal Kevenue Office, 1138. Thomas K. Harrison, Goochland Co. : Physician : New Kent Co. 1139. Frederick CABEiii^ Horsi^ey, A. B., Nelson Co. : Physician : California : Canon City, Oregon. 1140. George W. Jones, Nottoway Co, : Farmer. 1141. ^KiCHARD I>AVIS Jordan, Nansemond Co. : Lawyer: Louisiana: Died 1862. 1142. James L. Kemper, A. B,, Madison Co.: Lawyer: Member and Speaker Virginia House of Delegates : Major-General C, S. A, : Governor of Vir- ginia, 1873-77. 1143. Andrew Woodrow Kerchevai., Hampshire Co.: Lawyer: Author. 1144. Wllii^lAM li. liANCASTER, A. B., Buckingham Co.: Farmer: Cumberland Co, 1145. John C. Lewis, Albemarle Co.: Physician: Arkansas. 1146. WirtiAM T. Lipscomb, Richmond, Va. 1147. *JoHN Li. Manson, Bedford Co, : (Brother of 1005) : Member First Virginia Regiment, Mexican War : Died 1847. 1148. John Howard McCue, Augusta Co. : (Son of 352) : Lawyer : Major C. S. A. : Nelson Co. : Judge County Court Nelson County : Staunton, Va. 1149. ^George W. Penn, Patrick Co.: Floyd C. H.: Tobacconist: Died 1868. 1150. ^Wll.l.lAM S. Penn, Patrick Co. : Farmer : Died 1862. 1151. John T. KANDOIiPH, Augusta Co. : Albemarle Co. : Farmer: Bap- tist Minister. 1152. Henry L. Keeve, Richmond, Va. 1153. *Henry Cabei.1. Reid, Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 1102): Died February 28, 1844. 1154. ^Bernard B. JSeynoi^dS, Greenbrier Co. : Physician : Kanawha Co. : Died 1851. 1155. W11.I.IAM r>. KiCE, Prince Edward Co.: Merchant: Missouri. 1156. W11.1.IAM Henry Ruffner, A. B., LL. I>., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 479): Presbyterian Minister: Chaplain University of Virginia: Pastor churches in Virginia and Philadelphia : Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1865-76 : Superintendent Public Instruction in Virginia, 1870-82 : Practical Geol- ogist : Principal Farmville Female Normal School, 1884-87 : Lexington, Va. 1157. *Benjamin M. SAMUEliS, Shenandoah Co.: Dubuque, Iowa: Member Iowa Legislature : Distinguished Lawyer : Died 1863. 96 Catalogue of Alumni. 1158. *Pbeston H. SpililiER, Buckingham Co, : Farmer: Texas. 1159. James N. Terry, Pittsylvania Co. : Physician : Prince Edward Co. 1160. CHARIiES H, Wager, Culpeper Co. : Real Estate Agent : Merchant. 1161. -^Benjamin FRANKI.IN "Wai^KER, Augusta Co.: Physician: Died January 10, 1879. 1162. John Wltl^IS WiriLS, Logan Co.: St. Louis, Mo.: Cashier and President Mechanics' Bank : Galveston, Tex. 1163. * James M. WirsON, A. B., Prince Edward Co. : (Son of 220) : Presbyterian Minister: Pastor churches in Virginia, Tennessee and Arkansas: Teacher: Died July 2, 1862. 1164. James W. "Wii^SON, Kanawha Co.: Physician : Texas. 1165. Baniel a. WlliSON, Cumberland Co. : New Orleans, La. : Lawyer : Captain Seventh Louisiana Regiment : Colonel and Military Judge C. S. A. : Public Administrator : Agent N. A. & N. E. Railroad. 1166. John Q. Winfiei^d, Rockingham Co. : Physician : Captain Seventh Virginia Cavalry. 1842-1843. 1167. Batid C Anderson, A. B,, Pendleton Co.: Teacher. 1168. ^Patrick Henry Ayl,ette, King William Co.: (Son of 359) : Lawyer and Editor: U. S. District Attorney: C. S. District Attorney: Editor Richmond Examiner: Killed in Capitol Disaster, April 27, 1870. 1169. Robert Broadnax, Pittsylvania Co. 1170. *JoHN LYtE Campbeli., a. B., IjIj. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1032): Teacher: Staunton, Va. : Richmond, Ky. : Professor Chem- istry and Geology Washington and Lee University, 1851-86: Superintendent Schools for Rockbridge Co., 1870-82: Distinguished Chemist and Geologist: Author: Died February 2, 1886. 1171. John S. CotES, Albemarle Co.: Farmer. 1172. *Wllil.lAM li. CONNEVEY, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Jackson Co., Mo.: Lawyer: YAiior Independent: Died 1880. 1173. W11.1.IAM S. Bavidson, a. B., Campbell Co.: Appomattox Co.: Teacher : Farmer, 1174. ^Patrick Henry Bavis, Jackson, Tenn. : Teacher: Memphis: Commission Merchant: Banker: Died September 17, 1872. 1175. *RlCHARD S. E1.1.IS, Richmond, Va. : Buckingham Co.: Farmer: Member 20th Virginia Regiment: Died May 31, 1867. 1176. W11.1.IAM P. EwiNG, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 917) : Physi- cian : Bedford Co. : Kanawha Co. 1177. Wllil^lAM T. Fleet, A. B., King and Queen Co. : Physician. 1178. ^liEMUEli P. FoTYtKES, Nottoway Co.: Memphis, Tenn.: Died 1850. 1179. ■'^'WlL.lilAM CABElili Gamble, Florida: Drowned on Coast of Florida 1848. 1180. William E. Gannaway, A. B., Buckingham Co.: Farmer. 1181. *G. Hugh Blair Grisby, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 1136): Huntersville, Texas : Teacher: Merchant: Died June 13, 1853. Catalogue of Alumni. 97 1182. Peter C Hairston, Columbus, Miss.: Physician. 1183. *Ai.EXANDER Lj. Hogshead, A. B., Monroe Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor churches in Alleghany Co., Rockbridge Co. and Washington Co. : Superintendent Washington County Schools : Died December 2, 1880. 1184. *David C. Humphreys, Augusta Co.: Teacher: Presbyterian Minister: Died September 21, 1848. 1185. John I>. Imboden, Augusta Co.: Lawyer: Member Virginia House of Delegates: Clerk County Court, Augusta Co.: Brigadier General C. S. Army: Bristol, Tenn. 1186. *C. W. Jones, Stuart Co., Ga. : Lawyer: Barbour Co., Ala. : Member Alabama Legislature: Cuthbert, Ga. : County Judge: Died March 31, 1878. 1187. BEVERI.Y Tucker IjACY, A. B., I>. I>., Somerville, Tenn. : Presbyterian Minister : Chaplain C. S. Army : Pastor churches in Winch ester^ Salem and Fredericksburg, Va., Frankfort, Ky. and St. Louis, Mo. : Trustee Washington College, 1857-58: Washington, D. C. 1188. James Horace L/ACY, A. B., Somerville Tenn.: (Brother of 1187): Lawyer: Farmer: Spotsylvania Co.: Major C. S. A. : Member Virginia Legislature. 1189. John J. Long, Fayette Co., Tenn. : Engineer: San Saba Co., Texas. 1190. Robert A. Penbleton, Amherst Co. : Lawyer: Clerk of Circuit Court. 1191. *ThomasC. Bead, Halifax Co.: KoanokeCo.: Farmer: Died 1857. 1192. ^Wyndham Robertson, Petersburg, Va. 1193. ^WlLlilAM Irving Scott, Richmond, Va. : Lieutenant Artillery C. S. Army: Died December 10, 1861. 1194. *Jacob K. Shafer, Kockingham Co. : Lawyer: California: Judge Circuit Court, 1850-54: Idaho: Member U. S. Congress. 1195. Thomas P. Shields, Cumberland Co.: Physician: Union Co., O. 1196. Thomas Shirley (Original name, W. Z. T. Fleshman), A. B., Lawyer : Chicago. 1197. James T. Simpson, New Hanover Co., N. C. : Physician: Farmer. 1198. Jacob Henry Smith, A. B., D. D., Lexington, Va. : Presbyte- rian Minister : Principal Samuel Davies Institute, Halifax Co. : Pastor churches in Charlottesville, Va., and Greensboro, N. C. : President Board of Directors Union Theological Seminary, Va. 1199. Crawford C. Strayer, A. B., Eockingham Co.: Lawyer: Cashier Bank of Eockingham : Cashier First National Bank of Harrisonburg, Va. 1200. *ThomasTinsi.EY, Eichmond,Va. : York Co.: Physician: Captain Nelson Guards C. S. A. : Died 1876. 1201. H. Tudor Tucker, Albemarle Co.: (Brother of 1202): Lawyer: California: Captain C. S. A.: Loudoun Co. 1202. *St. George Tucker, Albemarle Co.: Lawyer: Author: Clerk State Senate: Clerk House of Delegates: Lieutenant- Colonel Fifteenth Virginia Regiment: Died in C. S. Service (at Charlottesville, Va.), January 24, 1864. 1203. Henry A. Watkins, Pittsylvania Co. : Physician: Prince Edward Co. 1204. *Fayette C Wii.i.iams, Nottoway Co.: Physician: Farmer: Died 1867. 98 Catalogue of Alumni. 1843-1844. ■ 1205. *JoHN M. AxEXANDER, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Farmer: Died 1867. 1206. ^MiCHAEl. "Woods Barcilay, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1069) : Physician : Kentucky : Arkansas. 1207. ^Samuei. M. Baiiley, New Kent Co.: Covington, Ky.: Tobac- conist: Died January 18, 1886. 1208. *I>ANIEI. M. Bryan, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Louisiana : Lawyer : Died in early life. 1209. *Henry B. Brown, Buckingham Co. : Teacher : Principal Buck- ingham Institute : Died 1868. 1210. Peter Copeland, Richmond, Va. : Botetourt Co. : Farmer. 1211. ^Charles A. Cox, Kanawha Co.: Salt Manufacturer: California: Died 1851. 1212. Robert J. Crawford, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Louisville, Ky. : Merchant: Clerk. 1213. ^Henry GAMBI.E Davidson, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 952) : Teacher: Physician: Surgeon C. S. A.: Richmond, Va. : President Southern Insurance Co., Richmond, Va.: Lexington, Va. : Died January, 1884. 1214. *Wli.i.iAM H. Dennis, Charlotte Co.: Physician: Roanoke Co.: Surgeon C. S. A. : Died January, 1883. 1215. ^Wll.I.l AM Do liD, Lexington, Va. : Merchant: Treasurer Washing- ton and Lee University, 1870-75: Died September 6, 1881. 1216. Lewis F. Donnai^i^y, Kanawha Co. : Merchant : Salt Manufac- turer. 1217. Thomas W. Dosweli., Hanover Co. : Farmer: Sheriff Hanover Co. : Sheriff Richmond City and Henrico Co. : On staff of General Starke, C. S. A. 1218. John S. Fisher, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Upshur Co.: Commonwealth's Attorney of Upshur. 1219. Frederick F. Foscue, Coosa Co., Ala. : Member Alabama Legis- lature : Arlington, Texas : Member Texas Senate : Member Texas House of Delegates. 1220. George Fuqua, Buckingham Co. : Dallas, Texas : Merchant. 1221. Cary Breckenridge Gambi^E, Tallahassee, Fla. : Physician: Surgeon General State of Florida : Surgeon C. S. Army, Baltimore, Md. 1222. John Gil.meR, Albemarle Co. : Pittsylvania Co. : Lawyer: Captain C. S. Army : Member Virginia House of Delegates, 1851-65 : Commonwealth's Attorney, 1870-74. 1223. WlLiiiAM A. G1.ASGOW, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Botetourt Co.: Lawyer: Member Virginia Senate, 1881-85 : Trustee Washington and Lee Uni- versity, 1865- : Lexington. 1224. ^Joseph R. Gi^ASGOW, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1223): Botetourt Co. : Lawyer: Died 1847. 1225. *Wll.LIAM L. Graham, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 706) : Farmer: Captain 10th Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A. : Died 1879. Catalogue of Alumni. 99 1226. ^Samuei. H. Hairston, Columbus, Miss. : Henry Co., Va. : Law- yer : Planter : Killed in Capitol Disaster, April 27, 1870. 1227. ^WlliiilAM Henry Hare, Lynchburg, Va. : Tobacconist: Died December 6, 1871. 1228. WiLiiiAM Moore Harvey, Lexington, Va. : Botetourt Co. : Farmer : Member 2d Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A. 1229. John I>. Hobson, Kichmond, Va. : Goochland Co. : Farmer: Cap- tain Cavalry C. S. A. 1230. *Wll.l.lAM C. Hobson, Kichmond, Va. : Tobacconist : Died 1855. 1231. Isaac Hui^Ii, Marshall Co., Miss.: Physician: Friar's Point, Miss. 1232. liETVIS D. ISBEL,!,, Buckingham Co.: Appomattox Co.: Lawyer: Member Virginia Convention 1861: Commonwealth's Attorney: County Judge Appomattox : Missouri. 1233. *Hand James, Wilmington, N. C: Physician: Salisbury, N. C: Alton, Illinois : Mayor of Alton. 1234. * James IjETCHER, Lexington, Va. : Physician : Stockton, Cal. : Died 1850. 1235. *JoHN IjETCHER, St. Louis, Mo. : Teacher: Farmer: Died Janu- ary 13, 1885. 1236. *WlL,i:.lAM liEWis, Roanoke Co.: St. Louis, Mo.: In service of North Mississippi Navigation Co.: Died 1857. 1237. *Wll.l.lAM STEEI.E McChesney, Augusta Co. : (Son of 374) : Physician: Surgeon C. S. A. : Died March 18, 1884. 1238. Richard W. McGruber, Richmond, Va. : Merchant : Balti- more, Md. 1239. *Wli.l.lAM W. Moore, Columbus, Miss.: Farmer: Consul to Havana : Died at Bladen Springs, Ala., 1859. 1240. John M. Payne, Buckingham Co.: Physician: Roanoke City. 1241. Stuart B. Penn, Botetourt Co.: Farmer: Died 1857. 1242. John Kobertson, Pittsylvania Co. : Physician : Statesville, N. C. 1243. Peter Saunders, A. B., Campbell Co. : Franklin Co. : Lawyer : Member Virginia Legislature. 1244. *Wll.l.lAM I>. STEEI.E, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 983) : Farmer : Member Twenty-seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Spotsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. 1245. *Nathan C. TAI.IAFERRO, Amherst Co.: Merchant: Farmer: Louisa Co. : Died February 23, 1887. 1246. Nathaniei. J. Terry, A. B., Physician: Pittsylvania Co.: Prince Edward Co. 1247. *Francis Thornton, Louisville, Ky. : (Son of 555) : Physician : Surgeon C. S. A. : Killed at Chattanooga, 1863. 1248. Richard H. Watkins, A. B., Prince Edward Co. : Lawyer : Captain Third Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. 1249. *Wll.I.IAM H. Watkins, Somerville, Tenn. : Arkansas: Physi- cian : Died 1878. 1250. *li]DWARD BI.AND WoRSHAM, Dinwiddie Co. : Lawyer : Died in early life. 100 Catalogue of Alumni. 1844-1845. 1251. Wll.LiAM A. Alexander, Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer: St. Charles, Mo. : Member Missouri Conveption. 1252. Cyrus H. Alexander, Augusta Co.: Physician: Staunton. 1253. George Ij. Anderson, Winnsville. 1254. P. G, BiNFORD, Goochland Co. 1255. William !L. Bird, Shenandoah Co.: Lawyer: Jackson Co.,W.Va. 1256. *H. G. Brown, Bedford Co.: Died 1848. 1257. George C. CabaNISS, Pittsylvania Co. : Physician. 1258. ^Thomas T. B. Carrington, Spring Hill, Ark.: Camden: Editor: Farmer: Died March, 1855. 1259. Bolivar Christian, A. B,, A. M., Augusta Co.: Lawyer: Lieutenant-Colonel C. S. A. : Member Virginia House of Delegates : Member Virginia Senate: Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1858- . 1260. * James Li. Claiborne, Pittsylvania Co. : Lawyer : Galveston^ Texas : Died 1853. 1261. Charles F. Collier, Petersburg, Va. : Lawyer : Member Vir- ginia Legislature : Member C. S. Congress : Lieutenant-Colonel on Staff of Major- General Gwynn, C. S. A. : President Petersburg R. R. Co. : Mayor of Peters- burg. 1262. KOBERT F. 1>ENNIS, A. B., Charlotte Co.: Lawyer: Lewisburg, Va. : Commonwealth's Attorney of Greenbrier eight years, of Pocahontas four years, Fayette four years : Captain 27th Virginia Regiment, C. S. A : Member West Virginia Senate eight years, and Chairman Committee on Judiciary and Revision of Laws : Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1878- . 1263. *R. 31. EwiNG, Louisville, Ky. : Died in early life. 1264. *Walter S. Fontaine, Buckingham Co. : Lawyer : Died 1882. 1265. *I>ANIEL E. 'Gardiner, Henrico Co.: Teacher: Superintendent Schools, Henrico Co. : Died 1886. 1266. John J. Goodwin, Louisa Co. : Farmer. 1267. * James R. Grove, Augusta Co.: Sonora, Cal. : Died August 17, 1886. 1268. "William H, Holcombe, Cincinnati : Physician : Author : New Orleans. 1269. William Hull, Marshall Co., Miss. : Farmer. 1270. Joseph S. James, Richmond, Va.: Merchant: Captain C. S. A.: Gloucester Co. : Farmer. 1271. Robert C. Kent, Wythe Co. : Lawyer: Farmer: Commonwealth's Attorney: Member Virginia Convention, 1861. 1272. Jonathan KoiNER, Augusta Co. : Lawyer: Braxton Co. : Augusta Co. : Farmer. 1273. William H. Letcher, St. Louis, Mo.: Lawyer: Saline Co., Mo.: Member Missouri Legislature. 1274. *Thom AS Preston IjE WIS, Lexington, Va. : Texas: Died 1850. 1275. Thomas M. W. LiYLE, Farmville, Va. : Texas : Cotton Planter. Catalogue of Alumni. 101 1276. * Joseph Martin, A. B., Henry Co.: Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney for Pittsylvania : Died 1855. 1277. * James Bruce McCi.El.1. AND, Nelson Co.: Farmer: Merchant: Member Governor's Guard of Cavalry : Major C. S. A. : Died (from disease con- tracted in service) August 1, 1862. 1278. A. Straughan Norment, Hanover Co.: Lawyer: Major C. S. A. : Grant Co., West Va. : Commonwealth's Attorney. 1279. E. S. OlilVER, Kichmond, Va. 1280. W. Hugh Pierson, Orange Co., N. J.: Physician: Surgeon U. S. A.: Bloomfield, N. J. 1281. T. Oscar Kodgers, Albemarle Co.: Teacher: Principal Female Schools in Virginia, South Carolina and Missouri : Halifax Co., Va. 1282. *JoHN H. Smith, Danville, Va. : Farmer: Died 1858. 1283. ^Benjamin FranklTn Sturgis, Thibodeaux, La.: Hazelhurst, Miss.: Prominent Lawyer: Member Mississippi Convention 1852: Common- wealth's Attorney, Copiah Co.: Died April 21, 1870. 1284. Thomas Tai^iaferro, Hanover Co.: Member C. S. A. 1285. *0. B. Taylor, Goochland Co. : Major of Artillery, C. S. A. : Killed in battle in Amelia Co., April 6, 1865. 1286. John Arthur Wai^kup, Eockbridge Co.: Merchant: Pittsyl- vania Co. 1287. Joseph Wai^ker "WAliKUP, Eockbridge Co. : (Brother of 1286) : Presbyterian Minister: Chaplain C. S. A. : Teacher: Hainpshire Co., "W. Va. 1288. A. G. W11.I.S, Fluvanna Co. : Physician. 1289. * J. Watkins Young, Columbus, Miss. : Farmer : Waverly, Miss. : Died October 6, 1885. 1845-1846. 1290. Joseph White CAl^DWEiili, A. B., Eockbridge Co.: Teacher: Lawyer : Editor : Wytheville, Va. : Clerk U. S. Court : Clerk Supreme Court of Appeals. 1291. *George Washington Shields Cummings, A. B., Eock- bridge Co. : Lawyer: Yreka, Siskiyou Co., Cal. : State's Attorney: Died Novem- ber 30, 1859. 1292. *James Caruthers Cummings, Lexington, Va. : Deputy Clerk : Died September 16, 1853. 1293. John Li. I>AWS0N, Albemarle Co. : Farmer. 1294. Edmund H. Fi^ouRNO y, Chesterfield Co. : Captain Sixth Virginia Eegiment, C. S. A.: Clerk Circuit Court of Chesterfield. 1295. John B. Garden, Charlotte Co. : Farmer : Buckingham Co. 1296. ^Edward Li. Graham, Lexington, Va.: (Son of 706) : Physician: Member First Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A. : Died 1876. 1297. ^AxEXANDER Li. HAMII.TON, L>. I>., Eockbridge Co. : Methodist minister laboring in Missouri, Tennessee and Alabama : School Commissioner for Missouri: President Andrew College, Trenton, Tenn. : President Clarkesville Academy : Chaplain C. S. A. : Major C. S. A. : President Andrew Female College, Cuthbert, Ga. : Died March 7, 1881. 102 Catalogue of Alumni. 1298. ABCHIBAIiD Hll.1., Caroline Co. : Alabama. 1299. ^George B. Hunteb, Harrisonburg, Va. : Physician : Florida : Died 1860. 1300. Cyrus H. Ingi.es, Knoxville, Tenn. : Farmer: Captain C. S. A.: Henry Co., Va. : Treasurer Henry Co. 1301. ^Edttard Thomas Jones, Pittsylvania Co. : Farmer: Died June, 1862. 1302. Samuei. C. Jones, Pittsylvania Co. : Farmer : Logansport, Ark. 1303. George W. Livesay, Greenbrier Co. : Physician : Ironton, O. 1304. Alexander Martin, I>. I>., Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Minister : Pastor churches in Charlotte Co. and Danville, Va. 1305. *Patrick CABELli Massie, Nelson Co. : Farmer : Died Septem- ber 29, 1877. 1306. 'Wllil.IAM W. Morrison, Lincoln Co., N. C. : Farmer : Captain C. S. A. and Aid to Lieut. Gen. T. J. Jackson. 1307. Chari.es a. MiLliER, A. B., Montgomery Co. : Presbyterian Min- ister : Chaplain 4th Virginia Regiment, C. S. Army. 1308. Wii.i.iAM McClanahan Montague, Montgomery Co.: Farmer : Fauquier Co. 1309. *Edwin J. H, McCampbeli., A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer : Died July 10, 1859. 1310. *Ai.exander C. McCorkle, Rockbridge Co.: Died in early life. 1311. James T. Patton, Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Editor Lexington Gazette, Parkersburg Gazette, Richmond Whig: Member Virginia House of Dele- gates : Judge County Court of Rockbridge. 1312. ^EiiiSHA Franklin Paxton, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1057): Lawyer: Farmer: President Rockbridge County Fair : President Bank of Rockbridge: Brig. Gen. commanding Stonewall Brigade C. S. A. : Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. 1313. I>AVII> Lewis Kuffner, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1156) : Kanawha Co. : Lawyer : Engineer : Captain 22d Virginia Regiment, C. S. Army : Charleston, W. Va. 1314. *JoHN JR. Smith, Henry Co.: Lawyer: Danville, Va. : Died 1852. 1315. * Joseph G. Steei^e, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1244): Law- yer : Clerk Circuit Court Rockbridge Co. : Died July 9, 1886. 1316. ^George Townes, Jr., Pittsylvania Co.: Died 1876. 1317. *JoHN Stuart Wai^keR, Richmond, Va. : Merchant: Major Fifteenth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Malvern Hill, July, 1862. 1318. Benjamin FRANKiiiN Wade, Lexington, Va. : Teacher: Farmer : Albemarle Co. : Soldier Nineteenth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Cass Co., Ga. : Pulaski Co. : Lexington, Va. 1319. John Jesse Wade, Montgomery Co.: Lawyer: Lieutenant- Colonel Fifty-fourth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Baltimore, Md. 1320. ^M. S. Watkins, Somerville, Tenn.: Lawyer: Died 1876. 1321. A. T.Ward, Pittsylvania Co. : Farmer: Campbell Co. Catalogue of Alumni. 103 1846-1847. 1322. ARCHIBAI.D AxEXANDER, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 767); Merchant. 1323. J. MANliluS Aj^derson, Hanover Co.: Charlottesville, Va. : Merchant. 1324. Samuel, D. Baker, Lexington, Va. : Merchant : Huntingdon, Ind. 1325. Henderson Moffett Bell, A. B., Augusta Co.: Lawyer: Major C. S. A. : Member Virginia House of Delegates. 1326. ^William A. Brigham, Kanawha Co.: Merchant: Salt Manu- facturer: Chicngo: Died 1856. 1327. * James D. Campbell, A. B., Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 1170): Greensboro, N. C. : Teacher: Editor: Died 1865. 1328. Samuel Temple Chandler, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Sur- geon C. S. A. : Parkersburg, W. Va. : St. Louis, Mo. 1329. ^Samuel Miller Bold, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1215): Physician : Harrisonburg. Va. : Surgeon C. S. A. : Died September 8, 1870. 1330. William Bolivar Borman, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1036) : Mercer Co. : Farmer : Captain Fiftieth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Hill Co., Texas. 1331. Gerard M. Effinger, Rockingham Co.: Merchant: Member Tenth Virginia Regiment C. S. A: Harrisonburg, Va. 1332. William S. M. Gay, Albemarle Co.: Teacher: Farmer. 1333. Andrett Tod Gilkeson, Augusta Co. : Merchant : Farmer. 1334. James H. Gilmore, Rockbridge Co. : Teacher : Lawyer : Smythe Co.: Professor Equity and Constitutional Law University of Virginia. 1335. Francis Thomas Glasgow, A. B., Rockbridge Co: Rich- mond, Va.: Manufacturer. 1336. ^Samuel W. Hairston, Henry Co.: Farmer: Manufacturer: Died March 30, 1885. 1337. Cornelius Hardy, Lunenburg Co. : Physician : Columbus, Miss. 1338. ^KoBERT Breckenridge Harvey, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1228): Texas: Planter: Captain Sixth Texas Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Chickamauga, September, 1863. 1339. *Charles M. Harvey, Botetourt Co.: New Orleans: Cotton Merchant: Member Washington Artillery C. S. A.: Died in Indian Territory, 1882. 1340. Robert Barton Harvey, Botetourt Co.: Berlin, Texas: Mer- chant. 1341. *Samuel K. Hendren, Augusta Co.: (Son of 179) : Physician: Died in Philadelplvia, November 13, 1869. 1342. *JoHN K. Hendricks, Kanawha Co. : Presbyterian Minister, Kentucky: Pastor Franklin Church: Teacher: Died November 28, 1881. 1343. *JoHN W. Holcombe, a. B., Madison, Ind. : Lawyer: La Porte^ Ind.: Natchez, Miss.: Of brilliant talents: Died 1855. 1344. * John Hansford Hyde, Lexington, Va. : Physician : Died April 1, 1851. 104 Catalogue of Alumni. 1345. AxFRED K. James, Eichmond, Va. : Merchant : Captain 28tli Vir- ginia Regiment C. S. A. 1346. *Geobge H. James, Petersburg, Va. : Died February 16, 1855. 1347. *'Wll.IiIAM H. Jordan, Lexington, Va.: Manufacturer: Amherst Co. : Died August 9, 1886. ' 1348. Thomas JEl^lilS Kibkpatrick, Cumberland Co.: Lawyer: Lynchburg, Va. : Major Artillery C. S. Array : Member Virginia Senate : Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1860- . 1349. George P. Kyle, A. B., Botetourt Co.: Physician: Wythe Co. 1350. Edward J. Leyburn, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 690) : Manu- facturer: Builder. 1351. Ambrose Sharp Lee, Lunenburg Co. : Lawyer : Boydton, Va. 1352. Thomas G. Massie, Richmond, Va. 1353. *James Moffett Moore, Augusta Co. : (Son of 425) : Farmer : Chattooga Co., Ga. : Died 1852. 1354. Samuei. Brown Morrison, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Sur- geon C. S. A.: Medical Inspector Second Corps Army Northern Va.: Member Virginia House of Delegates. 1355. *AxEXANDER Gali^atin McChesney, Rockbridge Co. : Phy- sician : Captain Eleventh Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Bath Co. : Kanawha Co. : Died May 19, 1877. 1356. *Wllil.lAM PHII.ANDER McCoRKI^E, Rockbridge Co. : Editor Valley A^tor and Lynchburg Republican: Member Eleventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Died in service, 1862. 1357. James L. Patton, A. B., Botetourt Co.: Manufacturer: Roan- oke City. 1358. "WlLIilAM T. Patton, A. B., Botetourt Co.: Manufacturer: Cap- tain Twenty -eighth Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Staunton, Va.: Internal Rev- enue Officer. 1359. ^Charles A. Patrick, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Jackson Co., Mo.: Died 1865. 1360. *Reuben Jacob Pailmer, Appomattox Co. : Lawyer : Montgom- ery, Texas: Member Texas Convention: Member Texas Legislature: Died March 20, 1868. 1361. *'Wli.i.iAM Whitfieild Pebry, Lexington, Va. : Merchant: Died August 30, 1879. 1362. 'Wii.i.iAM H. Pbiddy, Hanover Co. : Texas. 1363. Benjamin Fbanki^in Richabdson, Louisa Co. : Farmer. 1364. John Oougi^ASS Stebbett, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Parmer : Grazier : Member Fourth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. 1365. Thomas P. Tempi^E, Hanover Co. : Physician : Ellicott City, Md. 1366. ^liYTTLETON Waddei.1., Augusta Co.: Editor: Farmer: Editor Staunton Spectator and Charlottesville Chronicle: Died April 30, 1886. 1367. Jacob B. Wabden, Augusta Co.: Physician: Bath Co.: Cali- fornia : Died February 16, 1861. Catalogue of Alumni. 105 1847-1848. 1368. KiCHARD T. Barton, Frederick Co. : Teacher : Methodist Minis- ter: Lexington, Va. : Georgia: Alabama: Goliad, Tex.: Principal Goliad Female College. 1369. *James p. Bethei.1., Danville, Va. : Tobacconist : Died 1859. 1370. MiCHAEI. David Coffman, Kockingham Co. : Merchant : Far- mer. 1371. *Wli:.l.lAM Henry Compton, A. B., Lexington, Va.: Lawyer: Monroe, La. : Parish Judge : Died December 26, 1871. 1372. ^Madison S. Crockett, Wythe Co.: Lawyer: Marion, Smythe Co. : Member Virginia Legislature : Richmond, Va. : Editor : Albemarle Co. : Died December 23, 1861. 1873. ^Pleasant Silas Dawson, Albemarle Co. 1374. W11.I.IAM K. D0NAI.D, Eockbridge Co. : Farmer : Merchant : Cap- tain Artillery C. S. A. 1375. *'Wii.i:.i AM A. Don AliD, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer: Manufacturer: Presiding Justice of Rockbridge: President Board of Supervisors : Member Vir- ginia House of Delegates: Augusta Co.: Died February 13, 1882. 1376. W11.I.IAM R. Edmondson, Montgomery Co.: Farmer: Sergeant Fourth Virginia Regiment C. S. A., badly wounded in battle of Manassas. 1377. T. E1.I.IS, Thibodeaux, La. 1378. ^David V. G11.KESON, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Died 1871. 1379. ^Charles Parke Gooi»Al.Ii, Hanover Co. : Physician : Henrico Co.: Surgeon C. S. A. : Died February 7, 1885. 1380. *Ei.iSHA Grigsby Greenlee, Rockbridge Co. : Physician : Christiansburg, Va. : Mississippi : Surgeon C. S. A. : Laconia, Ark. : Died July 10, 1885. 1381. O. P. Hall, Honeycut, Ala. 1382. *Upton E. Hardy, Lunenburg Co. : Farmer : Died in early life. 1383. George K. Harper, Augusta Co. : Merchant. 1384. ^William W. Haupt, Sumter Co., Ala. : Soldier C. S. A. : Farmer: Died January 29, 1873. 1385. *Anderson Li, Holcombe, Madison, Ind.: Physician: Lynch- burg, Va. : Died 1866. 1386. Conway R. Howard, Richmond, Va. : Civil Engineer in service of various railroads : Major Engineers C. S. A. 1387. William F. Humphreys, Augusta Co.: Physician: Missouri: Florida. 1388. ^Edward A. James, Petersburg, Va. : Died August 16, 1855. 1389. John Kenney, Rockingham Co.: (Son of 398): Augusta Co.: Farmer. 1390. ^Samuel Houston IjETCHER, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 926) : Lawyer : Editor : Captain Twenty -seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Colonel Fifty-eighth Virginia Regiment: Died November 9, 1867. 1391. Erastus H. liiNK, A. B., Augusta Co. : Macon, Ga.: Teacher. 8 106 Catalogue of Alumni. 1392. Robert McChesney, A. B., Kockbridge Co. : Physician : Green- brier Co. 1393. John A. Mc Clung, Rockbridge Co. : Physician. 1394. Samuel Augustus Merritt, A. B., Augusta Co.: Lawyer: California: Member California House of Delegates: Member California Senate: Idaho : Member U. S. Congress : Salt Lake City, Utah. 1395. *J, Sidney Moffett, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Fort Scott, Kansas : Died March 23, 1888. 1396. liANGDON C. MoSELEY, Buckingham Co. : Sheriff Buckingham Co. 1397. A. T. MoSELEY, Buckingham Co. : Deputy Sheriff. 1398. "WlIiLiIAM J. Penn, Botetourt Co.: Farmer: President Board of Supervisors. 1399. S. Sheppard, Richmond, Va. 1400. William E. Skinner, Lexington, Va. : Easton, Pennsylvania: Teacher: Lawyer: Hackensack, N. J.: U. S. Commissioner: Presiding Judge of Court of Common Pleas. 1401. *«JoHN C. Smith, Lunenburg Co. : Farmer: Physician: Brunswick Co.: Died 1879. 1402. ^William S. Sproul, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Died August 2,. 1864. 1403. ^Albert "W. Strayer, Rockingham Co.: Farmer: Died 1862. 1404. *Charles H. Stuart, A, B., Jefferson Co.: Lawyer: Editor: Major Second Virginia Regiment. 1405. Eli S. Tutwiler, Fluvanna Co.: Farmer: Rockbridge Co.: Cap- tain C. S. A. : Blacksburg: Rockbridge Co. 1406. BiCHARB N. Venable, Prince Edward Co. : Physician : Missis- sippi : Arkansas: Surgeon C, S. A. 1407. Thomas Newton Wilson, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Principal Memphis Parochial School: Principal Mountain Academy, Tennessee : Professor Mathematics Oakland College, 1850-58: Troy, N. Y. : Principal Troy Academy. 1408. J. W. Wilson, Cumberland Co.: Physician: Chatham. 1409. ^William K.Winn, Hanover Co.: Lawyer: Member Virginia Legislature: Died July 11, 1876. 1848-1849. 1410. Francis A. Alford, Canton, Miss. 1411. John McDowell Alexander, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1322): Farmer: Merchant: Lieutenant Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. : Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1858-85. 1412. Robert H. Beverly, Nottoway Co. : Hotel-keeper. 1413. ^Alexander Stuart Brown, A. B., Wythe Co : (Son of 268): Lawyer: St. Louis, Mo.: Wytheville, Va.: Died April 8, 1859. 1414. *Samuel Henry Brown, A. B., Kanawha Co.: (Son of 664) : Presbyterian Minister: Pastor Frankford Church: Died August 1, 1857. 1415. Samuel li. Campbell, Uniontown, Penn.: Presbyterian Minister. 1416. Benjamin Franklin I>oswell, A. B., Hanover Co. : Lawyer - Jacksonport, Ark. Catalogue of Alumni. 107 1417. Ebenezek Dickey Finney, A. B., Churchville, Md.: Presby- terian Minister : Pastor Churches in Mississippi, Tennessee and Maryland : Bel- air, Md. 1418. * Junius M. Fishburn, A. B., Augusta Co. : Professor of Latin in Washington College, 1852-58: Died March 26, 1858. 1419. ^Chaki^es T. Friend, Chesterfield Co.: Lawyer: Member Virginia House of Delegates: Captain Sixth Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Died April, 1862. 1420. W11.I.IAM E. G. G11.LISON, A. B., Kanawha Co.: Lawyer: Clerk Circuit Court. 1421. John M. Godown, A. B., Easton, Penn. : Civil Engineer: En- gaged on Panama Railroad : Indiana: Lieutenant Twelfth Indiana Regiment U. S. A. : City Clerk Fort Wayne, 1873-77 : Secretary Board of State House Commis- sioners building Capitol at Indianapolis. 1422. Chapman Glover, Buckingham Co.: Farmer. 1423. *Thomas D. Hudson, A. B., Pulaski Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor churches in Pulaski Co. and Wythe Co. : Died August, 1855. 1424. James E. Jones, Buckingham Co. : Teacher. 1425. James Madison Kyle, Botetourt Co. : Farmer : Carroll Co. 1426. ^Alexander Kyle, Botetourt Co. : Died 1849. 1427. * James P. Leach, A. B., Cumberland Co.: Lawyer: Bucking- ham Co.: Captain Twenty-first Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Died 1868. 1428. Henry Life, Highland Co.: Physician: McEwensville, Pa. : Iowa. 1429. William LiIFE, A. B., Highland Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pennsylvania: Rye, N. Y. : President Rye Female Seminary. 1430. Patrick Maloy, Ireland : Teacher : Highland Co. 1431. -^George Kollock Marriner, A. B., Philadelphia: Teacher: Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Churches in New York, New Jersey and Penn- sylvania: Died September 5, 1869. 1432. *Thomas J. 3IARTIN, Henry Co. : Tobacconist : Farmer : Captain C. S. A. : Killed at Cold Harbor, 1862. 1433. ^Edwin L. Moore, A. B., Jefferson Co. : Bank Officer: Member Virginia Senate : Major C. S. A. : Cashier Second National Bank of Cumberland : Died December 16, 1881. 1434. Alexander Li. ISTelson, A. B,, Augusta Co.: Assistant Professor Mathematics in University of Virginia : Professor Mathematics in Washington and Lee University 1853- : President Bank of Lexington. 1435. M. Richard Payne, Grenada, Miss.: Physician: Yazoo Co. 1436. Shepherd Knapp Raymond, New York: Teller Mechanics' Bank : Wall Street, N. Y. 1437. Samuel V. Reid, Lynchburg, Va. : Cincinnati: Merchant: Captain Third Arkansas Regiment, C. S. A. 1438. Charles S. M. See, A. B., Randolph Co.: (Son of 483) : Presby- terian Minister : Pastor Churches in Augusta Co., Highland Co., and in Cleburne, Texas. 1439. David W. Shanks, A. B., I>. I>., Botetourt Co.: Memphis, Tenn. : Merchant : Lawyer : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Churches in Amelia Co. and Rockbridge Co., Va. : Lexington, Va. 108 Catalogue of Alumni. 1440. *IsAAC Notes Smith, A. B., Kanawha Co.: Lawyer: Member Virginia House of Delegates : Major Twenty -second Virginia Kegiment C. S. A. : President Kanawha Salt Co. : Died October, 1883. 1441. ^Albert G. Strayer, Shenandoah Co. : Lawyer: Died December 27, 1855. 1442. 'Wii.LIAM: Robinson Taylor, King George Co.: Farmer: Cap- tain C. S. A. 1443. Andrew Reid Venable, A. B., Prince Edward Co.: Farmer: Member Third Virginia Cavalry : Captain C. S. A. 1444. Nathaniel J. V. Watkins, A. B., Prince Edward Co. : Gran- ville, N. C. : Teacher: Farmer: Member North Carolina Regiment C. S. A. 1445. Robert Watts, A. B., D. D., Downpatrick, Ireland : Presbyte- rian Minister: Author: Pastor Churches in Philadelphia, Penn., and Dublin, Ireland: Professor Systematic Theology Assembly College, Belfast, Ireland. 1446. Robert M. Wallace, A. B., D. D., Northampton Co., Penn.: Presbyterian Minister: Principal Classical School: Pastor Brownsville, Altoona, Stroudsburg and Milroy Churches, Pennsylvania. 1447. ^William Paisley Wharton, A. B., Guilford Co., N. C: Presbyterian Minister : Pastor New Monmouth, Va., and Milton, N. C, Churches : Died August 6, 1856. 1448. John B. Winn, Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Teacher: Mississippi. 1449. Henry Clay Yeatman, Nashville, Tenn.: Manufacturer: Far- mer : Columbia, Tenn. 1450. *Jacob Yount, Rockingham Co. : Physician : Died 1852. 1849-1850. 1451. MOHN Armstrong, A. B., I>. D., Chester Co., Pa. : Presbyterian Minister: Pastor churches in Platte City, Mo., and Hazleton, Pa.; President Parsons College, Iowa: Died August 12, 1879. 1452. -^William S. H. Baylor, A. B., Augusta Co.: Lawyer: Com- monwealth's Attorney of Staunton, Va. : Brigadier- General C. S. A., command- ing Stonewall Brigade : Killed at Manassas, August 30, 1862. 1453. Samuel Blair Campbell, A. B., D. I>., Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 1170): Presbyterian Minister: Pastor churches in Tennessee and Virginia : Rose Hill, Lee Co. : Lancaster, Tex. 1454. *W ALTER Raleigh Carlton, King and Queen Co.: Farmer: Died 1875. 1455. Charles Edward Dabney, Campbell Co. : Lawyer : Chatham, Va. 1456. *WlLLIAM O. Dabney, Campbell Co. : Died June, 1850. 1457. William J). Kwing, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Farmer: Au- gusta Co. : Surgeon C. S. A. 1458. Hugh Goodwin, Louisa Co. : (Son of 642) : Texas. 1459. William H. Goodwin, Louisa Co.: (Brother of 1458): Physi- cian: Texas. Catalogue of Alumni. 109 1460. *James p. Hammet, Montgomery Co. : Physician : Surgeon C. S. A.: Died 1879. 1461. ^Meredith W, I>. Hogshead, A. B., Augusta Co.: Lawyer- Farmer: Captain C. S. A.: Died June 25, 1883. 1462. ^Samuei. W. Holt, Halifax Co. : Merchant : Died 1881. 1463. ^Joseph C. Houston, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 730): Farmer: Died April 7, 1853. 1464. James H. HuNDliEY, Essex Co. : Episcopal Clergyman. 1465. Andrew Lanahan Lowry, A. B., Northumberland Co., Penn. : Presbyterian Minister: Watsontown, Penn. 1466. ^George Ai^ered MlTCHEtii, Havre de Grace, Md. : Physician : Died 1858. 1467. Andrew M. Moore, Griffin, Ga. : (Son of 650): Physician: Presi- dential Elector. 1468. George P. Musgrave, Southampton Co. : Physician. 1469. William McLaughlin, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Lieutenant-Colonel Artillery C. S. A. : Member Virginia Convention : Member Virginia House of Delegates: Judge Circuit Court, 1870- : Judge Special Court of Appeals, 1872-74 : Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1865- . 1470. William J. Nelson, A. B., Augusta Co.: Lawyer. 1471. Henry Bates Kose, A. B., Alleghany Co.: Teacher: Presbyte- rian Minister : Pastor Churches in Monroe Co., in Washington Co. and in Texas : Pleasant Hill, Texas. 1472. *Alphonso Smith, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1198) : Teacher: Editor Lexington Gazette: Member Twenty -seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Killed at Port Republic, June, 1862. 1473. ^William Bedford Sharp, Belvidere, N. J.: Physician: Surgeon Fifteenth New Jersey Regiment U. S. A. : Surgeon First Division Sixth Army Corps U. S. A., stationed at San Antonio, Texas : Died October 19, 1874. 1474. Alexander Willington Sproull, Philadelphia: Presby- terian Minister: Pastor Churches in Jacksonville, Fla., Chester, Pa., and Sag Harbor, N. Y. : Sag Harbor, N. Y. : Jacksonville, Fla. 1475. ^George Washington Swoope, Augusta Co.: (Son of 355): Farmer: Died August 12, 1887. 1476. *George B. Trimble, Augusta Co. : Physician : Monroe Co., Mo : Died April 1, 1864. 1850-1851. 1477. LAVID Link, Rockbridge Co.: Missouri: Texas: Teacher: Mem- ber Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A.: Died August, 1869. 1529. *KoBERT T. Massie, a. B., Augusta Co.: Professor of Mathe- matics, Randolph Macon College : Professor of Mathematics, University of Vir- ginia: Lieutenant of Engineers C. S. A.: Died July, 1863. 1530. *Thomas Preston McDowell, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 549) : Texas : Farmer : Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. : Died in service, August 7, 1862. 1531. Andrew Moore, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 567): Kanawha Co.: Lawyer : Lieutenant C. S. A. : Pulaski Co. : Farmer. 1532. *JoHN Marshall Peete, Pensacola, Fla. : Died in early life in Nicaraguan service. 1633. James E. Robertson, Appomattox Co. : Farmer : Major Artillery C. S. A. : Bedford Co. 1534. George C. Vanderslice, Lexington, Va. : Methodist Minister : Lynchburg: Petersburg, Va. 1535. *I>. Newton Van Lear, Augusta Co. : Farmer : Member Vir- ginia House of Delegates: Died April 1, 1881. 1853-1854. 1536. William H. Barclay, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1477): Chicago: Buffalo, N. Y.: Grain Merchant: Lexington, Va. : Inspector P. O. Department. 1537. * Junius Marion Baylor, Augusta, Co. : Farmer : Died March 25, 1858. 1538. Cornelius J. Bell, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer. 1539. John C. Brown, A. B., Kanawha Co. : (Son of 664) : Presby- terian Minister : Chaplain C. S. A . : Pastor Churches in Greenbrier Co. and Kanawha Co. : Maiden. 1540. ^William Campbell Preston Carrington, Botetourt Co. : (Son of 362) : Lawyer: St. Louis, Mo.: Captain and Adjutant First Missouri Regiment C. S. A.: Killed at Baker's Creek, May, 1863. 1541. ^Henry C. Chalmers, Halifax Co. : Physician : Lynchburg, Va : Assistant Surgeon C. S. A. : Died February 7, 1864. 1542. Ajrchibald G. Christian, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Member Tenth Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. 1543. *Charles Patrick Estill, A. B., Lexington, Va. : Teacher: Catalogue of Alumni. 113 Professor N. C. Military Institute : Captain Ordnance C. S. A. : Texas : Professor Texas A. and M. College: Died at Huntsville, August, 1882. 1544. *Samuei. Wai.keb Givens, York Co., S. C. : Captain C. S. A. : Died 1862. 1545, W11.1.IAM W. Glass, Frederick Co. : Farmer : Winchester. 1646. *WlI.LIAM A, HoLMAN, Cumberland Co. : Physician : Died 1881. 1547. ^James Rutherfoki) Houston, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 730) : Civil Engineer : Farmer : Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. : Died March 3, 1869. 1548. Rutherford Rowland Houston, Monroe Co. : Assistant In- structor Union Theological Seminary : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Churches in Monroe Co., and Fincastle, Va. : Fincastle. 1549. *T. Hpjnry Johnston, Botetourt Co. : Farmer : Captain Twenty- eighth Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: On stafi" of Gen. Robertson: Died 1866. 1550. George A. Jones, Hanover Co.: Lawyer: Lieutenant C. S. A. 1551. Robert Aurelius McChesney, Augusta Co.: (Son of 374): Physician. 1552. *JosEPH McClung, a. B., Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 788) : Phy- sician : Surgeon C. S. A. : Died in service, 1862. 1553. Alfred Leyburn McCorkle, Rockbridge Co.: Physician: Carroll Co., Mo. 1554. William Douglass McCorkle, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Far- mer: Teacher: Sergeant Rockbridge Cavalry : Carrol Iton, Miss. : Reidsville, S. C. 1555. James Davidson Morrison, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer : Editor: Member Virginia House of Delegates: Assistant Clerk U. S. House of Representatives. 1556. Thomas Lewis Preston, A. B., D. D., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 827): Presbyterian Minister: Chaplain C. S. A.: Pastor Churches in Augusta Co., Salem, Va., Richmond and Lexington, Va. 1557. William T. Price, A. B. , Pocahontas Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Churches in Highland Co., Rockingham Co. and Pocahontas Co, 1558. ^Warwick Stuart, Highland Co. : Lawyer : Died in early life. 1559. Thomas Benton Taylor, A. B., Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Chicago: Lexington, Va. : Commonwealth's Attorney of Rockbridge Co.: Lex- ington, Mo. : St. Louis, Mo. : Editor : Fulton, Mo. 1560. John M. Travis, Lewis Co., Mo. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Church in Paris, Mo. 1561. Zechariah Johnston Walker, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Physician : Lieutenant of Cavalry C. S. A. : Brownsburg, Va. 1854-1855. 1562. *J. Abbott Alexander, Lexington, Va. : Teacher : Died in Cumberland Co., March 1, 1861. 1563. -^Edward Penick Arnold, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Presbyte- rian Minister: Died at Independence, Mo., February 17, 1861. 1564. ^Edmund F. Bowyer, Botetourt Co. : (Son of 493) : Physician : Captain C. S. A.: Died June, 1862. 114 Catalogue of Alumni. 1565. ^WOODVII.I.E BoWYER, Botetourt Co. : (Brother of 1564) : Jour- nalist: Soldier C. S. A.: Died April 22, 1865, from wounds received in Battle of Hatcher's Run. 1566. Charles R. CAMPBEIil., Monroe Co. : Farmer. 1567. James McDoweli. Carrington, Botetourt Co.: (Son of 362) : Lawyer: Charlottesville, Va. : Major Artillery C. S. A.: New York City. 1568. "^Alexander Beys Cochran, Staunton, Va.: Lawyer: Lieu- tenant Artillery C. S. A. : Commonwealth's Attornet of Staunton : Member Vir- ginia House of Delegates : Member Virginia Senate : Died July 2, 1877. 1569. *Wii.lIAM: F. Cocke, A. B., Cumberland Co. : Farmer : First Lieu- tenant Eighteenth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. 1570. *JoHN I>. Crawford, Augusta Co.: (Son of 316): Physician: Died 1880. 1571. *Zechariah Johnston Cui^ton, A* B., Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Member Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry: Died in service, 1863. 1572. ^Greenlee Davidson, A. B., Lexington, Va.: (Son of 814) : Lawyer: Captain Artillery C. S. A.: Killed at Chancellorsville, May, 1863. 1573. *Wli:.i.iAM F. Figgat, Botetourt Co.: Physician: Montgomery Co.: Surgeon C. S. A.j Died October, 1879. 1574. John A. Gibson, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Lieutenant-Colonel Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. 1575. *James McDowell Graham, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1482): Lawyer: Harrisonburg, Va. : Died January 8, 1861. 1576. *JoHN M. Guy, A. B., Augusta Co.: Tutor Washington College: Teacher: Died June 2, 1857. 1577. ^JoHN liEYBURN, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1350): Physician: Lieutenant Rockbridge Artillery: Ass't-Surgeon C. S. N.: Died August 31, 1867. 1578. KoDES Massie, a. B., D. Li., Augusta Co.: (Brother of 1529) : Lieutenant of Artillery C. S. A. : Assistant Professor Modern Languages, Wash- ington College: Professor Modern Languages, Richmond College: Professor Modern Languages and Chairman of Faculty, E. Tennessee University, Knoxville, Tenn. : Greenwood, Va. 1579. -^David a. McCampbell, Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Member Rpckbridge Artillery C. S. A.: Died in service, December 11, 1864. 1580. * Webster Crawford Mc Cue, Augusta Co. : Farmer: Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Died in service, 1862. 1581. C. Beatty Moore, Green Co., Ark.: Lawyer: Major C. S. A. : Little Rock, Ark.: Attorney -General Arkansas, 1881-85. 1582. *JoHN Baxter Paine, Botetourt Co. : (Son of 843) : Holly Springs, Miss.: Died 1859. 1583. Benjamin G. Patterson, Augusta Co.: Lawyer: Harrisonburg, Va. : Captain Cavalry C. S. A. 1584. ^SAMUEIi Mcl>. Keid, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1153): Died October 25, 1856. 1585. Henry Martyn White, A. B., I>. D., Lexington, Va.: Pres- byterian Minister : Chaplain C. S. A. : Pastor Churches in Roanoke Co., Wash- ington Co. and Winchester, Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 115 1586. *Matthew X.White, A. B., Lexington, Va.: Farmer: Captain First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Killed during Hunter's Raid, June 11, 18^4. 1587. Benton Wii.e y, Craig Co. : Farmer : Captain Fifty -fourth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Roanoke Co. 1855-1856. 1588. *George JLeyburn Baker, Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Died December 20, 1881. 1589. Charles A. Bai^IiOU, Halifax Co.: Engineer: Danville, Va.: City Engineer. 1590. J. M. Barr, Richmond, Va. 1591. ■^William G. Booker, Richmond, Va. : Died May, 1856. 1592. *JoHN McKee Bratton, a. B., Bath Co. : Physician : Died in early life. 1593. R. E. Bridgeforth, Amelia Co. 1594. John Botyyer Brockenbrough, Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Major Artillery C. S. A. : Bedford Co. : Harrisonburg, Va. : U. S. Land Inspector : Oregon. 1595. ^WllililAM H. Brooks, A. B., Lawyer: Theological Student: Died at Columbia, S. C, February 27, 1861. 1596. John W. Carrington, Halifax Co.: St. Louis, Mo.: Tobacco Merchant. 1597. ^Dabney Cosby, Halifax Co.: Lawyer: Teacher: Editor: Died July, 1886. 1598. Alexander H. Fultz, Staunton, Va. : Lawyer : Lieutenant Artillery C. S. A. 1599. ^George A. Gordon, Lexington, Va. : Teacher. 1600. Andrew Jackson Hayslett, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Phy- sician: Member Second Rockbridge Artillery: Surgeon C. S. A.: Druggist: Teacher: Farmer. 1601. *David Gardiner Houston, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1547) : Lawyer : Fincastle, Va. : Captain Eleventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Killed at Gettysburg, July, 1863. 1602. David Edwin Laird, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Member Twenty-, seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Teacher: Principal Fancy Hill (Rockbridge) Academy: Principal Lexington Va, High School, 1866- . 1603. * James T. McCorkle, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Member Fourth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 1604. John Harvey Moore, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 567): Lawyer: Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. 1605. ^Bennett Wili^iamson Moseley, A. B., Bedford Co. : Tutor Washington College: Presbyterian Minister: Teacher: Principal New London Academy: Died September 11, 1886. 1606. *W. Thornton Owen, Halifax Co. : Physician: Died 1867. 1607. *I>AVID Brainard Paine, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 798): Mem- ber Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. 116 Catalogue of Alumni. 1608. WiLi^iAM Brown Patterson, Augusta Co. : Farmer. 1609. William B. Poindexter, Lexington, Va.: Farmer: Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. 1610. George Poindexter, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1609) : Law- yer : Mobile, Ala. : Lieutenant Artillery C. S. A. : Savannah, Ga. : Birmingham, Ala.: Insurance Agent. 1611. liAURlSTON A. Sale, Bedford Co.: Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney, 1860-75. 1612. ^William H. Tate, Wythe Co.: Captain C. S. A.: Killed at New Market, May 15, 1864. 1613. Samuel W. Wilson, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer. 1856-1857. 1614. *WlLLIAM R. Anderson, Greenbrier Co. : Merchant : Died 1862. 1615. Abner E. Arnold, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1563): Member Rockbridge Artillery : Surgeon C. S. Army: Ix)uisiana: Paris, Texas. 1616. William T. Bell, Accomac Co.: Physician: New Orleans. 1617. *James M. Boyd, A. B,, Lynchburg, Va.: Assistant Professor University of Va. : Member Beaureguard Artillery : Captain and Ordnance Officer C. S. A. : Professor of Physics, Louisiana State Seminary : Died Feb- ruary, 1869. 1618. John Campbell, A. B., Monroe Co. : Lawyer: Farmer: Lieu- tenant Artillery C. S. A.: Carroll Co., Mo. 1619. William Y. Chester, A. B., Mt. Holly, Ark.: Teacher: Cap- tain C. S. A.: Principal Academy at Blossom Prairie, Texas. 1620. Thomas I*. P. Cocke, Cumberland Co.: (Brother of 1569): Sol- dier Artillery C. S. A. : Farmer. 1621. -^Frederick Davidson, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1572) : Member Fourth Virginia Regiment C. a A. : Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 1622. *JoHN M. DuNLAP, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Member First Vir- ginia Cavalry: Killed at Gettysburg, July, 1863. 1623. John L. Estill, Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 1543): Teacher: Member First Virginia Cavalry : Fresno, Cal. 1624. *JoHN J. Fry, Wheeling, Va.: Member 27th Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Manassas July 21, 1861. 1625. J". R. Godwin, Fincastle, Va. : Physician: Member Second Vir- ginia Cavalry : Assistant Surgeon C. S. A. 1626. Joseph D. Graham, Wythe Co.: Physician: Farmer: Member Fourth Virginia Regiment and Eighth Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Draper's Valley, Pulaski Co. 1627. I>. S. Holt, Bedford Co. : Farmer. 1628. ^Andrew M. Houston, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1484): Cap- tain Eleventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A., commanding the Regiment at Gettys- burg and badly wounded : P'armer : Died July 21, 1869. 1629. ^Alfred H. Jackson, A. B., Lewis Co. : Lawyer : On staff of Gen. Stonewall Jackson: Colonel Thirty -first Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Died August 2, 1863, from wounds received in battle. Catalogue of Alumni. 117 1630. William Bolivar F. Leech, Kockbridge Co. : Farmer : Mem- ber Virginia House of Delegates. 163L N. C. IjUCK, Botetourt Co. : Farmer: Bedford Co. : Member Virginia House of Delegates. 1632. *Samuel M. L/IGHTNER, Pocahontas Co.: Theological Student: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers : Died in service, May, 1862. 1633. ^JoHN Livingston Massie, A. B., Augusta Co.: (Brother of 1578) : Tutor Washington College : Lawyer : Charlottesville, Va. : Captain Artil- lery C. S. A. : Killed at Sparta, Va., September, 1864. 1634. Tazewell M. McCorkle, Lynchburg, Va. : Presbyterian Min- ister: Member Rockbridge Artillery : Merchant: Harrisonburg. 1635. *William: Wirt McCue, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Died in service, 1862. 1636. Paul Carrington Morton, Botetourt Co. : Presbyterian Minis- ter: Chaplain C. S. A. : Berzelia, Ga. 1637. Thomas Colgate Morton, Botetourt Co.: (Brother of 1636): Captain C. S. A. : Staunton, Va. : Editor : Insurance Agent. 1638. ^Alexander Swift Pendleton, A. B., Lexington, Va. : As- sistant Professor Washington College : Lieutenant-Colonel and Adjutant-General Second Corps, Army Northern Virginia: Wounded at Fisher's Hill, September 22, 1864, died next day at Woodstock. 1639. * James Wilson Poague, A. B., Eockbridge Co.: Teacher: Theological Student: Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Died May 26, 1864, from wounds received at Spotsylvania Courthouse. 1640. William T. Poague, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Lawyer : Teacher : Farmer : Colonel Artillery C. S. A. : Member Virginia House of Delegates : , "Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1865-85 : Treasurer Virginia Military Institute. 1641. A. Donald Robertson, Amherst Co. : Land Agent. 1642. * John A. Sale, Bedford Co. : Physician : Died March, 1862. 1643. Oscar W. Spriggs, Amherst Co.: Campbell Co.: Farmer: Cap- tain Forty-second Regiment C. S. A. 1644. Robert E. A. Stuart, Rockbridge Co. : Captain Twenty-fifth Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Teacher: Hazelhurst, Miss. 1645. John A. Thompson, Rockbridge Co.: Member Fourteenth Vir- ginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Lawyer : Farmer. 1857-1858. 1646. ^David a. Barger, Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Merchant: Last Chance, Iowa : Died March 10, 1885. 1647. Daniel Blain, A. B., Albemarle Co.: (Son of 723): Presby- terian Minister : Member Rockbridge Artillery : Pastor Churches in Rockbridge Co. and Christiansburg. 1648. William M. Brown, Highland Co. : (Son of 743) : Lieutenant Rockbridge Artillery : Lawyer : Texas : Comptroller of Texas : Austin. 1649. Edmund Randolph Cocke, Cumberland Co. : (Brother of 1620) : Farmer : Captain Eighteenth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. 118 Catalogue of Alumni. 1660. *JoHN KoBERTSON CoMPTON, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1371): Lawyer: Monroe, La.: Died August 4, 1860. 1651. *H. Brown Craig, A. B., Augusta Co.: Teacher: Lieutenant and Adjutant Twenty-third Virginia Battalion C. S. A. : Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. 1652. Robert K. Estull, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1623) : Member First Virginia Regiment C. S. A : Physician : Oakland, Cal. : Stockraiser. 1653. James Henry Harvison Figgat, A. B., Fincastle, Va. : •Teacher: Lawyer: Captain Twelfth Virginia Regiment Cavalry C. S. A.: Presi- dential Elector, 1884: Member Virginia House of Delegates. 1654. George 'Wili.iamson Fini^ey, A. B., Mecklenburg Co.: Dis- count Clerk : Lieutenant Fifty-sixth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Captain and Adjutant Fourteenth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Churches in Frederick, Berkeley and Romney. 1655. *Henry Fry, Wheeling, Va. : Lawyer : Russell Co. : Captain Thirty- seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : County Judge of Russell : Lewisburg, W. Va. : Died February, 1883. 1656. *Chari.es Lewis Francisco, Bath Co. : (Son of 996) : Lieu- tenant F'ourteenth Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Killed at Gettysburg, July, 1863. 1657. George E. Gee, Lunenburg Co. : Farmer. 1658. ^ISAAC Vanmeter Gibson, Hampshire Co. : Member Thirteenth Virginia Regiment: Killed at Cold Harbor, June, 1862. 1659. Francis M. Gilkeson, Augusta Co.: Farmer: Member Thir- teenth Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Culpeper Co. 1660. George H. Gilmer, Albemarle Co. : Member Rockbridge Artil- lery: Presbyterian Minister: Chaplain C. S. A.: Pastor Churches in Maryland 'and Pulaski Co.: Draper's Valley, Pulaski Co. 1661. J. Emmett Guy, Augusta Co.: Lawyer: Superintendent Public Schools for Augusta Co. 1662. *IsAAC Pancake Heiskeli., Hardy Co.: Teacher: Member Rockbridge Artillery : Professor Forest Academy, Ky. : Died November, 1877. 1663. Charl.ES a. Holman, Cumberland Co. : Superintendent of Cum- berland Co. Schools. 1664. William W. Houston, Wheeling, Va. : (Son of 752) : Presby- terian Minister: Member Rockbridge Artillery: Chaplain C. S. A.: Pastor Churches in Counties of Bath and Roanoke, and in Wyoming, Ohio. 1665. W. I>. Jones, Fort Defiance, N. C. 1666. ^Samuel M. LiAIRD, Rockbridge Co. : Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Killed at Hawes' Shop, Va., May, 1864. 1667. George Tate Lyle, A. B., Montgomery Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Member Twentieth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Chaplain C. S. A. : Pastor Churches in Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Texas : St. Albans, W. Va. 1668. Samuel J. N. McCampbell, Rockbridge Co. : Dentist : Member Twenty-seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Lexington, Va. 1669. John G. McCluer, Rockbridge Co.: Lawyer: Sergeant Rockbridge Artillery: Member Twelfth Virginia Cavalry C. S. A: Parkersburg, W. Va.: Commonwealth's Attorney. Catalogue of Alumni. 119 1670. Robert McFarland, A. B., Lexington, Va. : Teacher: Lawyer: Captain Fourth Alabama Regiment C. S. A. : Colonel Morgan's Cavalry : Florence, Ala. 1671. *Henry Kuffner Morrison, A, B., Rockbridge Co.: Captain Liberty Hall Volunteers: Adjutant Twenty-third Virginia Battalion: Professor Greek Oakland College, Miss. : Lawyer : Vicksburg, Miss. : Delta, La. : Died April 16, 1879. 1672. Norman M. Nebl,ETT, Lunenburg Co. : Brunswick Co. : Planter in Virginia and Mississippi : Lieutenant C. S. A. 1673. Samuel F. Pilson, Augusta Co. : Farmer. 1674. James F. Poague, Rockbridge Co. : Member First Virginia Cav- alry : Tensas Parish, La. 1675. *Frank I>. Sherrard, Hampshire Co.: Farmer: Lieutenant Thirteenth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Cold Harbor, June, 1862. 1676. Samuel Cunningham Smith, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1472): Teacher: First Sergeant Rockbridge Artillery: Greensboro, N. C. r. Principal Greensboro High School. 1677. Adam C. Snyder, Highland Co. : Lewisburg : Captain C. S. A. : Lawyer: Judge Court of Appeals, West Va. 1678. ^HuGH Augustus "White, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1585): Tutor Washington College: Teacher: Captain Liberty Hall Volunteers : Killed at Manassas, August 30, 1862. 1858-1859. 1679. ^Archibald Hays Barclay, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 491) r Accidentally shot and died, September 11, 1859. 1680. A. Barksdale, Jr., Halifax Co.: Lieutenant C. S. A.: Lawyer: Farmer. 1681. John I>. Brooks, A. B., Augusta Co.: Lawyer: Missouri: New Mexico. 1682. Henry Clay Brown, Montgomery Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Member Rockbridge Artillery: Pastor churches in Arkansas, Tennessee, Ala- bama, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and Missouri : Washington Co., Mo. 1683. ^Andrew W. Cameron, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Lieutenant Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Died March, 1871. 1684. ^Samuel Bolling Cleghorn, Columbus, Ga. : Lieutenant Twentieth Georgia Regiment C. S. A. : Wounded at Wilderness : Lawyer : Mayor Columbus, Ga. : Assistant Doorkeeper U. S. House of Representatives: Died April 19, 1881. 1685. Henry Thomas I>ARNALL, Augusta Co.: Member Rockbridge Artillery : Presbyterian Minister : Teacher : Pastor churches in Giles Co. and Amelia Co., Va., in Milton and Durham, N. C. : Durham, N. C. 1686. Edward W. I>0UGLASS, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer. 1687. James Samuel Greenlee, Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Presbyterian Minister: Comanche, Tex. 1688. John W. Gilkeson, Augusta Co. : Farmer : First Lieutenant Twenty-fifth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. 120 Catalogue of Alumni. 1689. J. Harvey Gii^more, A. B., Kockbridge Co.: Member Rock- bridge Artillery: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor Churches in Rockbridge Co. and Augusta Co., Va., and Berkeley Co., W. Va. : Berkeley Co., W. Va. 1690. James Haynes, A. B., Monroe Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Chaplain C. S. A. : Fayette Co., W. Va. 1691. Charles M. Harris, Caroline Co.: Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Teacher : Dinwiddie Co. 1692. Matthew Hale Houston, A. B., I>. I>., Wheeling: (Son of 752) : Lieutenant and Ordnance Officer Mcintosh's Artillery Battalion C. S. A.: Presbyterian Minister : Missionary to China : Pastor Churches in Virginia and Kentucky: Secretary of Board of Foreign Missions: Baltimore, Md. 1693. George G. Junkin, A. B., Hollidaysburg, Penn.: Lawyer: Christiansburg, Va. : Captain and A. A. General C. S. A.: Superintendent Public Schools: Commonwealth's Attorney: County Judge, Montgomery Co. 1694. George L. Leyburn, A. B., Bedford Co.: (Son of 782): Lieu- tenant Thirty-fourth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Presbyterian Minister: Pastor Churches in Winchester, Va., and Lexington, Mo. : Missionary to Greece : Lex- ington, Mo. 1695. George Life, A. B., Highland Co. : Presbyterian Minister : Iowa : Eureka, Kansas. 1696. ^Arthur I>. McCliUER, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer : Member Twenty-seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Malvern Hill, July, 1862. 1697. *Jam:es McOoweli. McClung, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 788) : Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Physician: Died May, 1872. 1698. *JoHN Wilson McCown, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Theological Student: Died May 28, 1862. 1699. ^William A. McCue, A. B., Augusta Co.: (Son of 352) : Teacher: Member Second Virginia Cavalry: Captain C. S. A.: Wytheville, Va. : Died August 30, 1884. 1700. Robert A. McCuTCHAN, Augusta Co.: Randolph Co.: Merchant: Superintendent Public Schools of Randolph. 1701. Milton M. Moffett, Augusta Co. : Farmer. 1702. J. Blythe Moore, Richmond, Va. : Member Richmond Howitzers: Insurance Agent. 1703. John D. Myers, Lexington, Va. : Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Physician : Huntington, West Virginia. 1704. ^Dudley I>igges Pendleton, A. B., Jefferson Co. : Member Rockbridge Artillery : Captain C. S. A. : Teacher : Principal Shepherd College : Shepherdstown, West Va. : Died July 27, 1886. 1705. Brainard M. Pinkerton, Rockbridge Co. : Covesville, Albe- marle Co. : Depot Agent. 1706. No YES Rand, Kanawha Co. : Lieutenant and Adjutant Twenty -Second Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Merchant : El Paso, Texas. 1707. William A. Sterrett, Rockbridge Co. : F'armer : Teacher. 1708. Francis McFarland Swoope, Augusta Co.: (Son of 355): Lieutenant Artillery C. S. A.: Presbyterian Minister: Randolph Co., West Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 121 1709. *WliililAM T. Walker, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Captain Second Georgia Battalion C. S. A. : Physician : Died in New York, May 15, 1875. 1710. "WllililAM F. "WlLHEliM, Rockbridge Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Pastor churches in Montgomery Co., Va., and Greenbrier Co., West Va., and Hillsboro, N. C. 1711. W11.I.IAM G. W11.I.IAMSON, A. B., Lexington, Va. : Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A.: Lieutenant C. S. Engineers: Civil Engineer: Montgomery, Ala. 1712. W11.1.IAM M. WlLliSON, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Fincastle : Teacher : Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. : Professor Greek Central Uni- versity, Richmond, Ky. 1859-1 860. 1713. Joseph T. Ai.r,YN, A. B., Norfolk, Va. : Lawyer. 1714. KoBERT Barton, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Pulaski Co. : Bedford Co. 1715. ^George Beirne Chapman, Monroe Co. : Captain Artillery C. S. A. : Killed at Winchester, Va., September, 1864. 1716. ^William G. Caruthers, DeSoto Co., Miss.: Soldier C. S. A. 1717. C. S. Circle, Alleghany Co. 1718. SoLiON T. Coi^EMAN, Spotsylvania Co.: Farmer. 1719. F. M. Cox, Kanawha Co. : Clerk. 1720. *Albert Li. Davidson, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1621) : Captain C. S. A. : Killed April, 1865. 1721. *GlVENS Davidson, Rockbridge Co. : Merchant : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers : Died 1869. 1722. David Duni^op, Jr., A. B., Petersburg, Va.: Tobacconist. 1723. ^James Selwyn Evins, Marion, Ala.: Lieutenant Fourth Ala- bama Regiment C. S. A. : Died in service, March 9, 1862. 1724. *Harry Estill, A. B., Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 1652) : Lieu- tenant and Ordnance Officer Colquit's Brigade C. S. A.: Assistant Professor of Mathematics Washington College : Professor of Mathematics Randolph Macon College 1868-78 : Professor of Natural Philosophy Washington and Lee Univer- sity 1878-80: Died May 16, 1880. 1725. C. C. Gould, A. B., Illinois : Presbyterian Minister : Sutton, W.Va. : Cottageville, Ky. 1726. J. T. Guthrie, Rogersville, Tenn. 1727. Henry L. Hoover, Augusta Co.: Teacher: Lieutenant Twenty- fifth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Insurance Agent. 1728. John K. Johnson, Bedlord Co. : Lawyer: Captain Artillery C. S. A.: Montgomery Co. : Clerk County and Circuit Courts : Clerk of Re vision of Code. 1729. *Harry E. Jordan, Richmond, Va. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers, and a North Carolina Regiment C. S. A. : Died June 15, 1864, of wounds received in battle. 1730. John H. LiECKEY, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Member Rockbridge Artillery and Eleventh Virginia Cavalry: Teacher: Principal Staunton High School, Chamberlin Institute and Huntsville P'emale College : Moss Point, Miss. 9 122 Catalogue of Alumni. 1731. "^JoHN Baxter McCorki^e, Rockbridge Co.: Teacher: Lieu- tenant Rockbridge Artillery: Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. 1732. George Baxter McCorki^E, Rockbridge Co.: Captain Fourth Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Physician: Covington, Va.: Superintendent of Schools. 1733. *HoWARD A. McCuTCHAN, A. B., Augusta Co.: Teacher: Lieutenant Second Georgia Battalion : Died in service, July 29, 1864. 1734. *Edgar H. Marquess, Lexington, Va. : Teacher: Fulton, Mo.: Professor Latin Westminster College. 1735. Richard Kidder Meade, Clarke Co.: Member Second Vir- ginia Regiment : Captain C. S. A. : Teacher. 1736. David E. Moore, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1604): Teacher: Sergeant Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A.: Lawyer: Commonwealth'& Attorney of Rockbridge, 1875- . 1737. Hugh Nei^SON, Albemarle Co. : Member Fitz Lee's Cavalry : Balti- more, Md. : Physician. 1738. William Nelson Nickell, Monroe Co. : Minister Cumberland Presbyterian Churcii : Davies Co., Mo. 1739. -^William N. Page, Jr., Lexington, Va.: Member Eighteenth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed :it Manassas, July 21, 1861. 1740. -^Charles C. Phillips, Staunton, Va. : Member Rockbridge Artil- lery : Member Signal Corps : Physician : City Physician : Medical Examiner Valley Mntu?il Life Association: Died November 17, 1887. 1741. "^Frank Preston, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1556) : Sergeant Rockbridge Artillery: Captain Cadet Corps V. M. L, in battle of New- Market May 15, 1864: Assistant Professor Greek Washington College: Professor Greek William and Mary College: Died November 19, 1869. 1742. Thomas I>. Ranson, Jefferson Co.: Adjutant Fifty-second Vir- ginia Regiment C. S. A.: Lawyer: Staunton, Va. 1743. William O. Boss, A. B., Augusta Co. : Methodist Minister Balti- more Conference South : Hedgesville, West Va. 1744. E. W. Sale, Bedford Co. : Physician. 1745. *K. C. M. Sale, Bedford Co.: Kansas: Cattledealer : Texas: Died July, 1868. 1746. J. M. Scott, Stafford Co. : Texas : Farmer. 1747. *JoHN Cooke Sloan, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Member Rock- bridge Second Artillery : Died in service C. S. A., 1862. 1748. "W. R. Snead, Morganza, Point Couple, La. : Planter : Captain First Louisiana Cavalry, C S. A. 1749. *James B. Snead, Morganza, Point Coupee, La.: Planter: Member First Louisiana Cavalry, C. S. A. : Died October 10, 1876. 1750. H. C. Snead, Morganza, Point Couple, La. : Clerk : Member Yost's Battery. 1751. Horatio H. Thompson, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1645): Lawyer: Member Fourteentb Virginia Cavalry: Merchant. 1752. ^William M. Walkup, Rockbridge Co. : Lieutenant C. S. A. : Monroe Co., Ark. Catalogue of Alumni. 123 1753. *H. A. Watkins, Charlotte Co. : Member Fourteenth Virginia Cav- alry C. S. A. : Killed 1863. 1754. Frank C. Wii^SON, A. B., Harrisonburg, Va. : Captain Twenty- seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Physician : Louisville, Ky. : Professor Louisville Medical College. 1860-1861. 1755. WlLtlAM A. Anderson, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 811) : Orderly Sergeant Liberty Hall Volunteers:! Member Virginia Senate, 1869-73 : U.S. Commissioner Paris Exposition: Member Virginia Jlouse of Delegates: Trustee Washington and Lee University, 188-";- . 1756. James P. Amol-E, Rockbridge Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Farmer. 1757. Thomas Frank Amoi.e, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1756): Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Farmer: Teacher. 1758. *Jacob W. Arnoild, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1615) : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Captain C. S. A.: Physician: Member Vir- ginia House of Delegates: Died November, 1887. 1759. AI.EXANDER Tedford Barci-AY, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 1068): Lieutenant Liberty Hall Volunteers: Farmer: Editor: Manufacturer: Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1885- : President Board of Supervisors. 1760. WlLtlAM J. BELIi, Augusta Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Physician. 1761. ^Charles W. Bei.l, Rockbridge Co.: Sergeant Liberty Hall Vol- unteers: Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 1762. Kandoilph Harrison Bi.ain, A. B., Williamsburg, Va.: (Brother of 1647) : Member Richmond Howitzers : Lieutenant Artillery C. S. A. : Lawyer: Louisville, Ky. 1763. *Benjamin a. BRADiiEY, Rockbridge Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 1764. ^Francis T. Brooke, Spotsylvania Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers : Captain Thirtieth Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Physician : Super- intendent Central Lunatic Asylum : Died April, 1882. 1765. *Wll.i.iAM Brooks, Augusta Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Died in service, July 16, 1861. 1766. ■^Andrew Brooks, Augusta Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers : Killed at Chancellorsville, May, 1863. 1767. * James M. Brown, Kanawha Co.: (Son of 664): Theological Student: Greenbrier Co.: Died 1862. 1768. ■^Joseph Chester, Mount Holly, Ark. : (Brother of 1619) : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Killed at Spotsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. 1769. ^Robert K. Compton, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1650): Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A.: Washington City: Civil Engineer: Died at Norfolk, Va., October 9, 1881. 1770. Preston A. Davidson, Indianapolis, Ind. : (Son of 952) : Member fThe Liberty Hall Volunteers, composed of students of Washington College, belonged to the Fourth Virginia Regiment, Stonewall Brigade, C. S. A. 124 Catalogue of Alumni. Twenty-seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Wounded at Manassas : Captain C. S. A.: Rockbridge Co. : Farmer: Indiana. 1771. J. KoTVI.AND Echols, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 940): Merchant. 1772. ■'^JOHN T. FowiiER, Louisa Co. : Member Cumberland Troop Third Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Killed at Kelly's Ford, March, 1863. 1773. Jam£S Samuel Gibson, Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1574) : Mem- ber Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry : Farmer : President Board of Supervisors. 1774. *Thomas J. Godwin, Botetourt Co.: Lawyer: Died 1883. 1775. * James A. Gold, Rockbridge Co.: (Son of 887): Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Died in service, August 28, 1861. 1776. "W. "WoODVILIiE Greenlee, Rockbridge Co.: Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Farmer : Missouri. 1777. *KoBERT James Hallett, Norfolk, Va. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General C. S. A. : Died July 31, 1869. 1778. James E. Hanger, Augusta Co.: Merchant: Machinist: Rich- mond, Va. 1779. Newton Hazlewood, Campbell Co. : Clerk Norfolk and Western R. R. Co. : Roanoke City. 1780. William M. Johnston, Rockbridge Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers : Farmer : Bedford Co. 1781. *JoHN P. LiGHTNER, Augusta Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Died in service, 1862. 1782. ^Nathaniel Burwell LiOGAN, Botetourt Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Killed at Petersburg, 1865. 1783. Samuel H. Lyle, Rockbridge Co. : (Son of 566) : Lieutenant Lib- erty Hall Volunteers : Farmer. 1784. John Newton LiYLE, A. B., Montgomery Co. : (Brotherof 1667) : Lieutenant Liberty Hall Volunteers : Lawyer : County Judge Montgomery Co. : Williamson Co., Tex. : Presbyterian Minister. 1785. * Albert Ludwig, Lexington, Va. : Soldier U. S. A.: Killed at Hatcher's Run, February, 1865. 1786. James Samuel Mackey, A. B., Rockbridge Co. : Member Lib- erty Hall Volunteers: Farmer: Teacher. 1787. *James "W. MacoUGHTRY, Jefferson Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Killed at Manassas, August 28, 1862. 1788. James Zechariah McChesney, Rockbridge Co. : Member Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Merchant: Kanawha Co. 1789. EvERARD Meade, Clarke Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers : Teacher : Episcopal Clergyman : Tappahannock Co. 1790. William T. Meade, Clarke Co. : Orderly-Sergeant Artillery C. S. A. : Captain C. S. A.: Farmer: Louisa Co. 1791. *Edward a. Mitchell, Columbus, Ga. : Sergeant Liberty Hall Volunteers: Died in service C. S. A., July, 1861. 1792. George H. Moffett, Pocahontas Co. : Lawyer : Editor : Member and Speaker West Virginia House of Delegates : Upshur Co. : St. Paul, Minn. 1793. William L, Moffett, Rockbridge Co. : Merchant : Kanawha Co. 1794. J. Julius Moore, Rockbridge Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Farmer. Catalogue of Alumni. 125 1795. Samuei. K. Moore, Rockbridge Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Farmer: Merchant. 1796. John Moon, Campbell Co. 1797. *Henry Rutherford Morrison, Eockbridge Co.: Member Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry : Lieutenant Infty-eighth Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Died in service, 1862. 1798. Henry H. Myers, Lexington, Va. : Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Merchant. 1799. Cyrus F. Neel, Monroe Co. : Signal Service C. S. N. : Farmer. 1800. *Charl.ES F. Nelson, Augusta Co. : Sergeant Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Killed at Kernstovvn, March 23, 1862. 1801. *WlL,tIAM Baxter Ott, Rockbridge Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 1802. Carter Page, Cumberland Co. : Episcopal clergyman : Loudoun Co. 1803. Alexander S. Paxton, A. B., Rockhridge Co.: Member Lib- erty Hall Volunteers : Teacher Classical Schools in Pulaski Co., in Rockingham Co. and Augusta Co : Principal Female Academy, Stanford, Ky. 1804. * William L. Paxton, Rockbridge Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 1805. *WiLLlAM C. Preston, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1741) : Mem- ber Liberty Hall Volunteers: Killed at Second Manassas, August 28, 1862. 1806. J. Woods Price, A. B., Pocahontas Co.: Farmer: Teacher. 1807. James S. Raymond, Greenbrier Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Teacher: Mississippi: President Jefferson College, Washington, Miss. 1808. ^Thomas W. Read, Rockbridge Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers : Died in service, 1862. 1809. John W. Rieley, A. B., Jefferson Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General C. S. A. : Law- yer: Halifax Co.: Commonwealth's Attorney of Halifax: Revisor of the Code. 1810. David Edmondson Ruff, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 845): Sergeant Liberty Hall Volunteers: Physician: Lamar Co., Texas: Junc- tion City, Oregon. 1811. Charles A. Scott, Buckingham Co.: Farmer. 1812. Joseph L*. Sherrard, A. B., Hampshire Co.: Lieutenant Liberty Hall Volunteers : Civil Engineer: Presbyterian Minister: Clarke Co.: Albemarle Co. 1813. ■'^Cyrus D. Strickler, Staunton, Va.: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 1814. James Ij. Suddarth, Lexington, Va. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers : Physician : Washington City. 1815. IjEWIS Summers, Kanawha Co. : Farmer. 1816. ^William J. Thompson, A. B., Rockbridge Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Died in service, 1861. 1817. Thomas M. Turner, Goochland Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers : Teacher : Kentucky : Principal Dudley Institute, Frankfort. Ky. 1818. ^Calvin Utz, Botetourt Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 126 Catalogue of Alumni. 1819. John C. Van Fossen, A. B., Augusta Co.: Captain C. S. A.: Teacher: Principal Winchester (Va.) Public Schools. 1820. Chakl.es Williams, Botetourt Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Kentucky: Teacher: Treasury Department U. S. : Washington City. 1821. Richard Burks Williams, Botetourt Co. : Member Eleventh Virginia Regiment C. 8. A. : Texas. 1822. James F. Wilson, Rockbridge Co. : Member Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Augusta Co.: Farmer: Commissioner of Revenue. 182.S. ^H. li. Wilson, Jr., Augusta Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 1824. WiLlilAM N. WllLSON, Rockbridge Co.: Member Liberty Hall Volunteers : Augusta Co. : Farmer, 1825. J. Watson Woods, A. B., Buckingham Co. : Member Liberty Hall Volunteers: Teacher: Nashville, Tenn. 1861-1862. 1826. Elihu H. Barclay, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 1759) : Captain C. S. A.: Editor Lexington Gazette. 1827. Henry C Barnett, Montgomery Co. : Farmer. 1828. *F. J. Crocken, Lexington, Va. : Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. : Died 1865. 1829. Calvin Morgan I>0I.D, Lexington, Va. : Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A.: Merchant: Mayor of Lexington. 1830. I>. Clinton Gallaher, Augusta Co. : Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A.: Kanawha Co.: Lawyer: Charleston, W. Va. 1831. *J. Frank Gilham, Lexington, Va. 1832. George Byrd Harrison, Prince George Co.: Physician: Washington City. 1833. W. V. Kennon, Powhatan Co.: Farmer: Manufacturer. 1834. Richmond T. Lacy, New Kent Co.: Third Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Lawyer : Commonwealth's Attorney New Kent Co. 1835. Ai^FRED Leyburn, Jr., Rockbridge Co.: (Brother of 1577): Member First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Merchant : Farmer. 1836. Alexander Spotswood Payne, Lynchburg, Va.: Merchant. 1837. Archer A. Phlegar, Montgomery Co. : Lawyer : Common- wealth's Attorney: Member Virginia Senate. 1838. ^Edmund Randolph Preston, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1805): Died December 19, 1862. 1839. W. KOANE RuFFIN, Chesterfield Co. : Lieutenant Engineers and Lieutenant Artillery C. S. A. : Farmer : Rector University of Virginia. 1862-1863. 1840. C. H. BiNNS, New Kent Co. : Soldier C. S. A. : Farmer. 1841. Henry Clay Byrnside, Monroe Co. : Farmer. 1842. ^James LiEITCH Crawford, Albemarle Co.: Died at Clinton, Ga., July 27, 1867. Catalogue of Alumni. 127 1843. James Henry Hays Harper, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer. 1844. G. Watson James, D. L., Richmond, Va.: (Son of 1087) : Mem- ber Henly's Battalion C. S. A. : Editor Richmond Enquirer and Richmond Standard: On Editorial Staff Richmond Dispatch. 1845. *W. PENDI.ETON, New Orleans, La. : Died 1871. 1846. *JoHN J. KoBERTSON, Appomattox Co.: Physician: Surgeon U. S. A. : Lowesville, Amherst Co., Va. : Died 1885. 1847. ^Charles V. Smith, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1676): Died August 25, 1863, at age of 20, from disease contracted in Confederate service. 1848. Francis H. Smith, Lexington,' Va.: Adjutant and Adjunct-Pro- fessor Mathematics V. M. Institute. 1 849. W1LI.IA.M Clarence Stuart, Rockbridge Co. : Member Rock- bridge Artillery C. S. A.: Merchant. 1850. W. C. Templeman, Richmond, Va. 1851. *J. Li. TuNSTALI., Greensboro, Ala.: Died 1881. 1852. W. B. W ATKINS, Charlotte Co. : Farmer. 1853. John Sproui. White, Lexington, Va. : Merchant. 1854. John Withrow, Rockbridge Co. : Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. : Merchant : Lexington, Va. 1863-1864. 1855. Philip Edloe Bacon, Albemarle Co.: Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. : Trenton, Ky. 1856. J. M. Brown, De Witt, Texas. 1857. B. C. Chaires, Leon Co., Fla. : Farmer. 1858. *WlLi.lAM T. Chapin, Lexington, Va. : Member Rockbridge Artil- lery C. S. A.: Merchant: Clarke Co. 1859. W. C. Daniels, Lexington, Va. 1860. George J. Davison, Richmond, Va. : Dentist. 1861. Cecil R. Estill, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1652): Bryan City, Brazos Co., Texas : Lumber business. 1862. JR. Eldon Freeman, Lexington, Va. : Danville, Va.: Managing Editor Danville Daily Times. 1863. Charles M. Gallaher, Augusta Co.: (Brother of 1830) : Roa- noke City, Va. : Railroad Agent. 1864. ^William H. GiLHAM, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1831) : Rich- mond, Va. : Teacher: Lawyer: Manufacturer: Died November 1, 1884. 1865. F. G. GwYNN, Lexington, Va. 1866. John W. Harris, Augusta Co. : Cadet U. S.N. : Physician: Medi- cal Inspector B. & O. Railroad: Garrett, Ind. : Staunton, Va. : City Physician : Medical Examiner Southern Life Association. 1867. Andrew Ingles, Montgomery Co. : Farmer. 1868. H. H. Jones, Highland Co. : Lieutenant Twenty-fifth Virginia Regi- ment C. S. A. : Physician. 1869. Frank S. Jordan, Rockbridge Co. : Farmer. 1870. J. Ij. Jordan, Alleghany Co. : Texas: Farmer and Grazier. 128 Catalogue of Alumni. 1871. Henry O. Locher, Kockbridge Co. : Manufacturer. 1872. Chari.es H. Logan, Winchester, Va.: Gold-Miner: Red CliflP, Summit Co., Col. 1873. J. MOFFETT McCLiUNG, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Hillsboro Co., Fla. 1874. * Alamby Mii^i^iNGTON Mili^er, A. B. , Lexington, Va. : Peters- burg, Va.: Law Student: Died November 13, 1869. 1875. Samuei. p. Moore, Georgia: (Son of 650) : Mississippi. 1876. J. C. Neai., Lunenburg Co. : Farmer. 1877. I>AVID A. Ott, Rockbridge Co. : (Brother of 1801) : Member Rock- bridge Second Artillery C. S. A.: Farmer: Teacher: Kyle, Texas. 1878. James Ij. Paxton, Rockbridge Co.: Sergeant Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A.: California. 1879. A. M. Robins, Gloucester Co. 1880. J. C Sanderfer, Hampstead Co., Ark. 1881. *H. C. Selden, Gloucester Co. 1882. E, Eugene Stickl,EY, Shenandoah Co. : Member Thirty-third Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Lawyer. 1883. 'WlI.I.lAM Houston "White, Lexington, Va.: Member Rock- bridge Artillery C. S. A.: Merchant. 1884. Thomas W. Williamson, Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 1711): Member Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A.: Principal Leesburg (Va.) Academy: Professor University of the South : Committee Clerk House of Representatives U. S. : Officer Internal Revenue Bureau. 1864-1865, Suspension on account of the War. 1865-1866. 1885. "W. H, Barnett, Washington, Ga. : Atlanta, Ga. 1886. C. M. Barrow, Bayou Sara, La. : Planter : Bayou Sara, La. 1887. T. J. Carpenter, Beaver Dam, Va. : Baptist Minister: WestVa. 1888. Clarence Coleman, Louisa Co., Va. : Trevilian's, Va. 1889. J. B. COLYAR, Winchester, Tenn. : Journalist: Nashville, Tenn. 1890. Hugh Z. Craighead, Knoxville, Tenn. : Broker: Nashville, Tenn. 1891. *C. J. Daily, Oakland, Md. 1892. B. M. Davis, Richmond, Va. 1893. F. De Frouville, Frederick, Md. 1894. Chas. H. Effinger, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Merchant : Lexington, Va. 1895. Geo. Williams Effinger, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Lexington, Va. 1896. Robert N. Gillespie, Washington, Tenn. : Dayton, Tenn. 1897. li, P. Grant, Jr., Atlanta, Ga. 1898. John A. Grant, Atlanta, Ga. : Railroad President : New Orleans, La. Catalogue of Alumni. 129 1899. T. J. M. Hanson, Wytheville, Va. 1900. James B. Harrington, Pike Co., Miss. 1901. *15. I>. Hatcher, Bedford Co., Va. 1902. M. A. Hearne, Wheelock, Tex. 1903. M. T. Hearne, Wheelock, Tex. 1904. C. M. Hll.1., La Grange, Ga. 1905. F. F. Irby, Nottoway Co., Va. : With T. P. Branch & Co., Bankers, Richmond, Va. 1906. Alwyn Jameson, Culpeper Co., Va. : Farmer : Brandy Station, Va. 1907. Chari.es Jones, Leesville, S. C. 1908. Henry Kuffner IjAIRI>, Rockbridge Co.: Jordan's Company First Vir^iinia Cavalry C. S. A.: Presbyterian Minister: Gonzalez, Tex. 1909. John B. Lapsi-EY, Selma, Ala.: Cave Spring, Ga. 1910. H. P. Matthews, Houston, Tex.: R. R. Conductor: Plouston, Tex. 1911. D. B. Meade, Petersburg, Va. : Lumber Merchant: Petersburg, Va. 1912. Harry F. Moore, Rockbridge Co.: Farmer: Rockbridge Co., Va. 1913. Alfred A. McKethan, Fayetteville, N. C. : Manufacturer: Fay- etteville, N. C. 1914. Thomas M. Nei^SON, Augusta Co., Va. : Ohio. 1915. J. B. Newman, Jr., Barboursville, Va. : Physician: Sun River, Montana. 1916. W11.I.IAM P. Orr, Covington, Ky. : Physician St. John's Asylum, Kenton Co., Ky. 1917. Robert N. Pendleton, Jefferson Co., W. Va. : Lawyer: Wythe- ville, Va. 1918 M. A. Pope, Washington, Ga. : Farmer: Washington, Ga. 1919. James Rawlings, Brunswick Co., Va. : Farmer : Charlie Hope P. O., Va. 1920. ^Robert Sherrard, Hampshire Co., W. Va. : Died January 29th, 1875. 1921. * James A. Sloan, Greensboro, N. C. : Died August 30th, 1866. 1922. F. J. Snyder, Highland Co., Va. : Lawyer : Huntersville, West Va. 1923. Samuei. W. Sterrett, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : New Hampden, Va. 1924. James E. Stout, Culpeper Co., Va. : Teacher: Stevensburg, Va. 1925. N. G. Thomas, Clarksville, Tenn. : Montgomery, Ala. 1926. J. "WlLiMER Turner, Goochland Co., Va. : Episcopal Clergyman: Mississippi. 1927. *Wll.l.lAM F. Turner, Baltimore, Md. 1928. * James A. Turk, Staunton, Va. : Cattle Broker : Richmond, Va. : Died December 31st, 1887. 1929. W1LI.IAM A. "Wailsh, Richmond, Va. 1930. *Thomas J. Watson, Jr., Pittsylvania Co., Va.: Died October 12, 1866. 1931. James Wilson, Augusta Co., Va. : (Son of 936): Physician: Schuyler Co., Mo. 1932. I>. H. Witt, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Fresno City, Cal. 130 Catalogue of Alumni. 1866-1867. 1933. *James Markham Mabshai.1. AMBI.ER, Fauquier Co., Va.: Passed Assistant-Surgeon U. S. N. : On duty with the Arctic Steamer " Jeannette: " Perished with Captain De Long's party near the naouth of the Lena River, Octo- ber, 1881. 1934. Francis Thomas Anderson, Jr., Rockbridge Co.: (Son of Sll) : Farmer: Clerk in State Treasurer's Office, Richmond, Va. 1935. F. "W. Armstrong, Knoxville, Tenn. 1936. Thomas J. Arnold, B. L., Beverly, W. Va.: Lawyer: San Diego, Cah 1937. J. Shei-BY Barrow, Nashville, Tenn. : Chief Clerk Ticket Audit- ing Department C. & N. W. R. R. : Wilmette, 111. 1938. James B. Bei.1., Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 847) : Physician: Botetourt Co., Va. 1939. Augustus F. Beri^in, Rockingham Co., Va. : Lawyer : San Fran- cisco, Cal. 1940. Joseph P. Bashaw, Wilson Co., Tenn.: Farmer: Mount Juliet P. O., Tenn. 1941. George Bayi^OR, B. L*., Charlestown, W. Va. : Captain of Cav- alry C. S. A.: Lawyer: Commonwealths Attorney Jefferson Co.: Charlestown, W. Va. 1942. Heberden Beai.1., Boonsville, Tex. 1943. Chari.es Milton Bei^l, Washington, D. C. : Photographer : Washington, D. C. 1944. John Bowyer, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 948) : Lawyer : Abilene, Tex. 1945. "W11.I.IAM A. Brown, Fayetteville, Tenn. : Physician : Mon- tongo. Ark. 1946. John M. BuiiLOCK, Baltimore, Md. : Railroad Agent: Dallas, Tex. : Kansas City, Mo. 1947. *Samuei. R. BuLIiOCK, Lexington, Ky.: Died December, 1881. 1948. W11.I.IAM M. BuRRlS, St. Louis, Mo. : Lawyer : Kansas City, Mo. 1949. "WlIililAM G. Buster, Brenham, Tex.: Farmer: Chapel Hill P. 0., Tex. 1950. Edward li. Carson, Illawarra, La. 1951. A. Charles Cazenove, Alexandria, Va. : Merchant: Balti- more, Md. 1952. W. Wesley Coker, Marianna,Fla.: Cotton Buyer: Marianna, Fla. 1953. J. Preston Cocke, Cumberland Co., Va.: (Brother of 1649) : Sol- dier Cavalry C. S. A.: Lawyer: Richmond, Va. 1954. *WlLLIAM C. Conner, Natchez, Miss. : Died in St. Louis, June, 1883. 1955. J. ESTEN Cooke, Jr., Louisville, Ky. : Cotton Planter: Louis- ville, Ky. 1956. James Parke Corbin, Jr., Fredericksburg, Va.: Farmer: Moss Neck P. O., Va. 1957. Andrew Nelson Campbell, B. L., Monroe Co., W. Va. : Lawyer : Member of Legislature : Union, W. Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 131 1 958. "WllililAM CASWELIi, Knox ville, Tenn. : Merchant : Knoxville, Tenn. 1959. A. Bertrand Chandi^er, B. L., Caroline Co., Va. : Lawyer: Bowling Green, Va. 1960. Zach. T. Chrisman, Nicholasville, Ky. : Nicholasville, Ky. 1961. George K. Cinnamond, Baltimore, Md. : Surrogate's Court, New York City. 1962. Edward CoiiSTON, B. L., Berkeley Co., W. Va.: Lieutenant Second Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Lawyer: Cincinnati, Ohio. 1963. Horace E. Cummings, Nashville, Tenn. 1964. William F. I>ancey, Canton, Miss.: Houston, Tex. 1965. Lewis T. Oavis, Galveston, Tex.: Weatherford, Tex. 1966. Samuel W. I>IVINE, Chattanooga, Tepn. : Chattanooga, Tenn. 1967. John C. Dabney, Lynchburg, Va. : Lynchburg, Va. 1968. KoBERT A. I>AVIS, Austin, Tex. 1969. Inslee Deaderick, Knoxville, Tenn. : Farmer: Knoxville, Tenn. 1970. *Charles a. Donegan, B. Lj., Huntsville, Ala. : Captain C. S. A. 1971. ^Henry Eidson, Jr., Augusta Co.: Texas. 1972. "William C. Estill, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1861): Mem- ber Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A. : Druggist: Lexington, Va. 1973. Thomas T. Eaton, I>. I>., Murfreesboro, Tenn.: Instructor in Mathematics Washington College: College Prize Oration: Baptist Minister: Nashville : Petersburg, Va. : Louisville, Ky. 1974. James L. Edwards, Wadesboro, N. C. : Farmer : Wadesboro, N. C. 1975. James F. Epes, B, Li., Nottoway Co., Va. : Lawyer: Common- wealth's Attorney Nottoway Co. : Bellefonte P. O., Va. 1976. Oliver P. Evans, Jackson Co., W. Va. : Judge : San Francisco, Cal. 1977. John M. Ferguson, Louisville, Ky : Louisville, Ky. 1978. GUSTINE F. FiSK, New Orleans, La.: Lawyer: New Orleans, La. 1979. R, Wilson Foster, Nashville, Tenn.: New Orleans, La. 1980. *WlLLlAM K. Fox, Louisville, Ky.: Died November 11, 1884. 1981. Samuel McD. Gold, Lexington, Va. . (Son of 887): First Virginia Cavalry C. !S. A. : Physician : Lexington, Va. 1982. Joseph W. Gordon, Columbia, Tenn.: Wholesale Grocer: Dallas, Tex. 1983. Lucius P. Green, Hopkinsville, Ky. : Purser on a Steamer : San Francisco, Cal, 1984. John B. George, Versailles, Ky. : Farmer : Versailles, Ky. 1985. Frank V. Gray, Frankfort, Ky. : City Clerk : Frankfort, Ky. 1986. Nathan Gray, Louisville, Ky.: Stock Trader: Louisville, Ky. 1987. James Jett Green, Rappahannock Co., Va. 1988. *DuRELL F. Griffin, Galloway, Tenn. : Died in 1878. 1989. William W. Hamilton, Rockbridge Co., Va.: Farmer: Augusta Co., Va. 1990. Carter Haskins, Nottoway Co., Va. : Physician: Jonesboro, Va. 1991. W. Perkins Hardeman, Goliad, Tex. 1992. * Willi AM J. Harrell, Bainbridge, Ga. : Died January 31, 1881. 1993. James M. Harris, Memphis, Tenn.: Lawyer: Member Legisla- ture : Memphis, Tenn. 132 Catalogue of Alumni. 1994. WllililAM B. Harris, Jr., Millwood, Va. : Farmer : Charles- town, W. Va. 1995. James T. Harrison, Jr., Columbus, Miss.: Lawyer: Member of Legislature : Columbus, Miss. 1996. George P. Haw, B. li., Hanover Co., Va. : Lawyer: Common- wealth's Attorney : Richmond, Va. 1997. C01.IN M. Hawkins, Ridgeway, N. C: Banker: Raleigh, N. C. 1998. M. Demaret Hawkins, Franklin, La. 1999. J. Amant Hebert, Plaquemine, La. 2000. Olga p. He'bert, Plaquemine, La. 2001. Joseph Henry, Leavenworth, Kan. 2002. PHII.IP B. HiDEN, B. li.. Orange Co., Va.: Lawyer : Orange Court House, Va. 2003. Nathaniel Li. HoL,I.ANI>, Eastville,Va.: Farmer: Eastville, Va. 2004. W11.1.IAM F. N. HouSER, Front Royal, Va. 2005. William P. Houston, B. L., Union, W. Va. : Lieutenant Artil- lery C. S. A.: Lawyer: Judge of County Court: Lexington, Va. 2006. Thomas D. Houston, B. L., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Lieutenant Eleventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Lawyer : Fincastle, Va. : County Judge, Commonwealth's Attorney, Botetourt Co., Va. : Wheeling, W. Va. : Charleston, W. Va. 2007. James P. Houtz, B. JL., Salem, Va.: Lawyer: Salem, Va. 2008. Charles Henry Howell, Philadelphia: Lawyer: Philadelphia. 2009. Milton Humes, B. Li., Huntsville, Ala. : Lawyer: Huntsville, Ala. 2010. John T. Hunt, Como, Miss. 20U. -^Alexander Strachan Jones, Warrenton, N. C: Died August 29, 1881. 2012. Edward Valentine Jones, Pattonsburg, Va. : Episcopal Cler-- gyman: Garysville, Va. : Salem, Va. 2013. John H. B. Jones, Brownsburg, Va. : Lieutenant Liberty Hall Volunteers C. S. A. : Teacher : Surveyor : Brownsburg, Va. 2014. James Jett, Washington, Va.: Farmer: Washington, Va. 2015. Jerome Von Johnston, London, Tenn. : President of Rolling Mills : Louisville, Ky. 2016. John Keen Jones, Danville, Va. : Tobacconist: Danville, Va. 2017. ^Charles B. Keen, Danville, Va. : Died February 9, 1883. 2018. ^William W. Keen, Danville, Va. 2019. John M. Kennedy, Knoxville, Tenn.: Physician: Knoxville, Tenn. 2020. BoBERT Carter Lee, Alexandria, Va. : Civil Engineer : Alexan- dria, Va. 2021. Henry S. Lampkin, B. Ti,, Lynchburg, Va. : Sergeant Jackson's Battery C. S. A. : Lawyer: San Jos^, Cal. 2022. ^William F. L^ORING, Galloway, Tenn. : Died 1877. 2023. James M. Love, Natchez, Miss. : Druggist : Kansas City, Mo. 2024. Sprigg S. Li ynn, Cumberland, Md. : Manufacturer : Cumberland, Md. 2025. Peyton B. LiYTLE, Galveston, Tex. 2026. R. Li, Miller, Lynchburg, Va. : Tobacconist : Lynchburg, Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 133 2027. Wltl^IAM Banks Mii.I.NER, Jr., Danville, Va. : Tobacconist: Danville, Va. 2028. Edward A. Moore, Lexington, Va.: (Son of 567): Member Rockbridge Artillery C S. A.: Instructor in Latin Washington College: Teacher: Kentucky: Maryland: Coal and Machinery : Lexington, Va. 2029. IsRAEI. S. Moore, Lynchburg, Va. : Tobacco Manufacturer: Lynch burg, Va. 2030. W11.1.IAM J. Maddox, Leesburg, Va. 203L KoBERT 1>. MassIE, New Orleans, La. 2032. CHARIiES E. Medl-EY, Hopkinsville, Ky. : Lumber Dealer: Col- umbus, Ky. 2033. JRoBERT LiEE Mercer, Savannah, Ga. : Merchant: Savannah, Ga. 2034. John C Mimms, Hadensville, Ky. : Member of Legislature. 2035. James A. Mitchei,!., B. L., Edmondton, Ky. : Lawyer: Bow- ling Green, Ky. 2036. E. Cecii. Mosby, Memphis, Tenn. : Memphis, Tenn. 2037. Trigg Moss, Louisville, Ky. : Central P. O., La. 2038.. B. Odin Mui.i.ikin, Collington, Md. 2039. W11.1.IAM H. McCampbeli., Lexington, Va.: Member Rock- bridge Artillery C. S. A. : Roanoke Co., Va. 2040. Eugene P. Mc Adams, Hawesville, Ky. : Clerk Circuit Court: Hawesville, Ky. 204L ^WlLI^IAM C. McAdoo, Greensboro, N. C. 2042. John F. McCai.i.um, Raleigh, Tenn.: Memphis, Tenn. 2043. *Chari.es a. McCaui^ey, B. L,., Salem, Va. : Died 1873. 2044. \Vil,l,IAM R. McCatt, Lexington Ky. : Farmer: Slickaway P.O., Ky. 2045. -^KOBERT W. McCreery, Owensboro, Ky. : Died January 15, 1876. 2046. Thompson McDonald, Hannibal, Mo. 2047. -^Duncan M. McIntyre, Brenham, Tex.: Died January 2, 1867. 2048. ALEXANDER M. McKiNGSTRY, Mobile, Ala.: Lawyer: Oak- land, Cal. 2049. Edwards G. McLean, Elkton, Ky. 2050. John A. McNeii.1., Clayton, Ala. 2051. D0UGI.AS M. NEBI.ETT, Whittle's Mills, Va. 2052. Charles H. Newman, Woodstock, Va. 2053. Hugh Thomas Nelson, Sublitt's, Va. : Teacher : Physician : Charlottesville, Va. 2054. Hugh M. Nelson, Millwood, Va. : Farmer: Millwood, Va. 2055 Robert S. Nevill, Mobile, Ala.: Editor: 39 Park Row, New York City. * 2056. Harry D. Nichol, Nashville, Tenn. : Farmer : Nashville, Tenn. 2057. Andrew J. Owen, Memphis, Tenn. 2058. Hugh L. Palmer, Winona, Miss. : Conductor I. C. R. R.: Jackson, Tenn. 2059. *Erastus J. Parsons, Talladega, Ala. : Died in Oregon, Septem- ber 27, 1880. 2060. Robert F. Patterson, B. L., Tazewell, Tenn. : Lawyer : Tazewell, Tenn. 134 Catalogue of Alumni. 2061. Aaron H. Piekson, Jr., Nachitoches, La. 2062. William F. Pinckard, New Orleans, La.: Commission Mer- chant: New Orleans, La. 2063. John F. Ponder, Montgomery, Ala. : Horticulturist : Los Angeles, Cal. 2064. *KoBERT J. POULSON, Onancock, Va. : Engineer : Died March 9^ 1882. 2065. Henry S. Preston, B. L., Abingdon,Va. : Lawyer : Abingdon, Va. 2066. James W. Pruett, Midway, Ala.: Lawyer: Midway, Ala. 2067. John P. Rhodes, Le?cington, Va. : Merchant: Lexington, Va. 2068. *WlLLIAM N. KOBERTSON, Beech Grove, Tenn. : Died June 28, 1877. 2069. William A. Rogers, Bishopville, S. C. 2070. TiNSLEY W. RUCKER, Athens, Ga. : Lawyer: City Attorney: Athens, Ga. 2071. Mortimer B. Ruggles, Fredericksburg, Va. 2072. GiVENS Brown Strickler, D. 1>., Lynchburg, Va. : Instructor in Latin Washington College, 1867: Captain Liberty Hall Volunteers C. S. A.: Presbyterian Minister: Augusta Co., Va. : Atlanta, Ga. 2073. LjEROY W. Sims, MempHis, Tenn. 2074. W. Fdward Smith, Halifax, N. C. : Farmer : Scotland Neck, N. C. 2075. William H. Spiller, VVytheville, Va. : Merchant: Wytheville, Va. 2076. Robert Stanard, Dover Mills, Va.: Lawyer. 2077. George Starke Y, Louisville, Ky.: Physician: Waynesville, 111. 2078. Richard F. Starkey, Louisville, Ky. : Orange Grower: Or- lando, Fla. 2079. William A. Stone, Richmond, Ky. : Merchant: Mississippi. 2080. I>AVID B. Strouse, B. Li., Augusta Co., Va. : Lawyer : Salem, Va. 2081. George F. Swann, Jackson, Miss.: Farmer: Berkley, Ala. 2082. S. Davis Tonge, Jr., Bainbridge, Ga. : Physician: Laconia, Ark. 2083. ^Benjamin F. Terry, Houston, Tex. 2084. J. Sewell Thomas, Baltimore, Md. : Clerk : 92 N. Calhoun St., Baltimore, Md. 2085. Walter J. Tonge, Bainbridge, Ga. : Farmer: Bainbridge, Ga. 2086. Jesse J. Toon, Avoyelles Parish, La. 2087. William W. Traylor, Murfreesboro, Tenn. : Arkansas. 2088. J. Alfred Wilkinson, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Colliers- town, Va. 2089. J. Ward Wood, Moorefield, W. Va. : Farmer: Lost River P. O., W. Va. 2090. Frank B. Wardlaw, Oakland, Ky. : Texas. 2091. Henry N. Warfield, Lexington, Ky. : Farmer: Osborn, Mo. 2092. Samuel S. Waters, Louisville, Ky. : Manufacturer : 923 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. 2093. Hamon p. Webster, Columbia, Tenn. : Farmer : Lipscomb, Tenn. 2094. William J.Webster, Columbia, Tenn. : Lawyer : Columbia, Tenn. Catalogue of Alumni. 135 2095. George Y. Wethebed, Ellicott's Mills, Md. : Farmer: Ellicott City, Md. 2096. Al.EXANl)ER "White, La Grange, Tex. 2097. I>A Vll> C "White, Como, Miss. : Farmer : Como, Miss. 2098. James L. White, B. L., Abingdon, Va. : Captain and Aid-de- Camp C. S. A. : Lawyer: Abingdon, Va. 2099. Henry H. Whitemore, Memphis, Tenn. 2100. George T. Wilkins, Eastville, Va. 2101. I>ANIEL A. Wilson, Cumberland Co., Va. 2102. *James M. Withrow, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Member Captain Jordan's Co. Plrst Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. 2103. *Meade Woodson, B. Li., Independence, Mo.: Lawyer: Kansas City, Mo. 2104. George DEli. Wright, Liberty, Va. : Tobacconist: Liberty, Va. 2105. Edward H. Wyvii.i., Piscataway, Md.: Draftsman: U. S. Coast Survey, Washington, D. C. 2106. AI.EXANDER F. Young, Columbus, Miss. 1867-1868. 2107. r>AViD Li. Anderson, Atlanta, Ga.: Missionary, Nanzeang, China. 2108. Philip N. B. Anderson, Galveston, Tex.: Galveston, Tex. 2109. William U. Ashmore, New Orleans, La. 2110. Thomas S. Aldridge, Brenham, Tex. 2111. George B. Baker, Baltimore, Md.: Glass Manufacturer, Baker Bros, and Co., Baltimore, Md. 2112. J. Paxton Barclay, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 491): Physician: Eutaw, Ala. 2113. William M.Bell, Rockbridge Co., Va.: Civil Engineer: Kentucky. 2114. ^Robert Li. Brockenbrough, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1594): Lieutenant C. S. A.: Instructor in French Washington Col- lege, 1867-68 : Valedictorian, 1868 : Teacher St. Louis, Mo. : Died April 26, 1887. 2115. James I>. Brown, Poplar Mount, Va : Minister: Jarratt's Depot, Va» 2116. Rudolph Bryan, Knoxville, Tenn. 2117. Thomas H. Barton, Fredericksburg: New Orleans, La.: Smith- field, Texas. 2118. John W. Baugh, Franklin, Tenn.: Planter: Franklin, Tenn. 2119. Thomas H. Bevan, Baltimore, Md. : Edge Hill, Va. 2120. Jacob P. Billups, Jr., Columbus, Miss.: Cotton Commission Merchant: No. 16 Exchange Place, New York City. 2121. William McOonald Bowyer, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 948) : Merchant and Postmaster : Anson, Tex. 2122. S. Sheppard Bryan, Minden, La. 2123. Klijah J. Bryan, Greenwood, Fla.: Farmer: Greenwood, Fla. 2124. George W. Barnes, Halifax, N. C. 2125. ^Oliver S. Beers, Jr., Mobile, Ala.: Lawyer. 136 Catalogue of Alumni. 2126. *jLuthek Seevers Bibei^y, Frederick City, Md. : Drowned in North River, April 4, 1868: *' The Luther Seevers Birely Scholarship" was endowed in his memory by his mother, Mrs. Evelina H. Birely, who died August 31, 1887. 2127. ^CHARIilS H. Bright, Versailles, Ky. : Died November 14, 1882. 2128. W11.I.OUGHBY Newton Brockenbrough, B. L*., Lexing- ton, Va.: (Brother of 2114): Rockbridge Artillery C.S. A. : Lawyer: Colunibia,Mo. 2129. Charles Bryan, Jeffersontown, Ky. : Farmer: JefFersontown, Ky. 2130. James G. Carson, Illawarra, La. 2131. E. Alston Cheek, Jr., Henderson, N.C.: Lawyer: Presbyterian Minister: President Anderson Seminary, Lawrenceburg, Ky. 2132. ^Wallace E. Colyar, Winchester, Tenn. 2133. KOBERT J. Cash, Germantown, Tenn. 2134. Andrew A. Chapman, Pearisburg, Va.: Physician: Pearis- burg, Va. 2135. Nathaniel B. Cheairs, Spring Hill, Tenn.: Sheriff Maury Co.: Spring Hill, Tenn. 2136. Christopher James Chapman, Union, W. Va. : Sheep-raising : Texas. 2137. John Lj. Cheek, Chapel Hill, Texas: Lawyer: Ennis, Texas. 2138. *JoHN C. J. Clay, Louisville, Ky. : Died September, 1872. 2139. *Harry Clay, Louisville, Ky. : Lawyer: Died September, 1884. 2140. William Gilbert Cochrane, Tuscaloosa, Ala.: Lawyer: Tus- caloosa, Ala. 2141. Davis C. Cockrell, Memphis, Tenn.: Horticulturist: Mem- phis, Tenn. 2142. "William W. Collins, Macon, Ga. : Manufacturer: Macon, Ga. 2143. J. Stuart Crockett, Wytheville, Va. : Manager of Stock Yards: Sioux City, Iowa. 2144. Henry Crommelin, Montgomery, Ala.: Real Estate Agent: Montgomery, Ala. 2145. John G. Crommelin, Montgomery, Ala.: Real Estate Agent: Montgomery, Ala. 2146. James B. Carlisle, Lafiiyette, Ala.: Merchant: Opelika, Ala. 2147. George A. Castleman, Lexington, Ky. : Pine and 5th Sts., St. Louis, Mo. 2148. *William R. Covell, Orange Co., Va.: Died May 22, 1882. 2149. Edwin L. Dancy, Canton, Miss.: Salesman: Canton, Miss. 2150. *Ch ARLES Davis, Booneville, Tex. : Real Estate : El Paso, Tex. 2151. Thomas H. 1>ENNIS, Charlotte, Co., Va. : Lawyer: Editor: Speaker West Virginia House of Delegates : Lewisburg, W. Va. 2152. ^Theodore F. I>eweese, Milton, Ky. 2153. Edwin P. Dold, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1215): Merchant: Philadelphia, Pa. 2154. J. Crittenden David, Uniontown, Ky.: Farmer: Uniontown, Ky. 2155. *Charles W. Derr, Frederick, Md. Catalogue of Alumni. 137 2156. E. Zachabias I>err, Frederick, Md. : Surgeon U. S. Navy. 2157. Charles H. Drennen, Little Rock, Ark. : Van Buren, Ark. 2158. *Harry C. Drennen, Little Rock, Ark. 2159. Edward Du Bocage, Pine Bluff, Ark.: Manufacturer: Pine Bluff, Ark. 2160. Gideon W. Duncan, Covington, Ky.: 89 W. 2nd St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 2161. Edward P. Dyer, Galveston, Tex. 2162. J. Wll,l.lAM EwiNG, Nashville, Tenn.: Lawyer: Rome, Ga. 2163. KoBERT Ew^lNG, NashviUe, Tenn. : Lawyer : Master in Chancery : City Attorney : Nashville, Tenn. 2164. A, Carey Estes, Brownsville, Tenn.: Lawyer: City Attorney: Brownsville, Tenn. 2165. "W11.1.IAM W. ESTILI., Lexington, Ky. : Farmer: Lexington, Ky. 2166. JKoBERT T. Fi.EWELI.EN, Thomaston, Ga. 2167. James Ij. Frazier, Staunton, Va. : Civil Engineer: Superinten- dent's Office C. O. & S. W. R. R. : Louisville, Ky. 2168. liOUls S. Frierson, Memphis, Tenn.: Cotton Business: Memphis, Tenn. 2169. ]S"athan B. Fuller, Houston, Tex.: G. H. & S. A. R. R.: Hous- ton, Tex. 2170. Murphy J. Foster, Franklin, La. 2171. -^HOMAS H. Glendy, Deerfield, Va.: Grazier. 2172. James K. Guy, Augusta Co., Va. : Teacher: Editor: Superintendent Public Schools Bedford Co. : Liberty, Va. 2173. Albert Gentry, Memphis, Tenn. 2174. James J. Given, Paducah, Ky. : Physician: Assistant Superin- tendent State Lunatic Asylum, Austin, Tex. 2175. Pleasant K. Goree, Huntsville, Tex.: Farmer: Midway, Tex. 2176. John 31. Graham, Pinewood, Tenn.: Manufacturer: Pinewood, Tenn. 2177. James W. Grubb, Hillsboro, Va. : Minister: Trappe, Md. 2178. "Walter P. Gaines, Montgomery, Ky. : Lawyer : Montgomery, Ky. 2179., *Thomas C. Gaines, Glasgow, Ky.: Died August 6, 1869. 2180. *Allen E. Goodlett, Goodlettsville, Tenn. : Died 1873. 2181. A. Rush Goodlett, Goodlettsville, Tenn.: Farmer: Goodletts- ville, Tenn. 2182. Edward Clifford Gordon, D. D., Lexington, Va. : Lieu- tenant Ordnance C. S. A. : Treasurer and Clerk of Faculty Washington College : Presbyterian Minister : Savannah, Ga. : Salem, Va. 2188. James G. Gordon, Tensas Parish, La. 2184. Joseph W. Gordon, Columbia, Tenn.: Planter: Caldwell, Tex. 2185. *Thomas K. Graham, Selma, Ala.: Died August 4, 1873. 2186. J. Norton Groesbeeck, San Antonio, Tex. : Land Agent : Ste- phenville, Tex. 2187. Charles Carroll Hearne, Jr., Wheelock, Tex. 2188. Milton B. Hurt, Jackson, Tenn.: Farmer: Jackson, Tenn. 10 138 Catalogue of Alumni. 2189. Chari.es K. Hall, New Orleans, La. 2190. -^JOHN T. Harrison, Keachi, La.: Died about 1871. 2191. George H. Hart, New Orleans, La.: Physician: Camp Street^ New Orleans, La. 2192. Hugh Li. Hayes, Madisonville, Tex. : Midway, Tex. 2193. Frank W. Hili,, St. Louis, Mo. : Real Estate Agent: Downey, Cal. 2194. KoBERT P. IIUNTER, Alexandria, La. : Lawyer : Member Legisla- ture : Alexandria, La. 2195. ASHBY Hamilton, Mt. Sterling, Ky. : Butler, Mo. 2196. Arch. Ij. Hamilton, Mt. Sterling, Ky. : Farmer and Stock Raiser : Lexington, Ky. 2197. Thomas H. Harvey, B. Li., Buffalo, W. Va. : Lawyer : Hunting- ton, W. Va. 2198. Matthew Wyrick Harrison, Gaston, N. C. 2199. Charles W. Hedger, Versailles, Ky. 2200. Wood VILLE T. HoBSON, Cumberland Co., Va.: Tobacconist: Cal- houn, Ky. 2201. Jacob "W. Humbird, Cumberland, Md.: President Steel Co.: Cumberland, Md. 2202. James S. Humbird, Cumberland, Md. : President of Electric Light Co., Cumberland, Md. : With Westinghouse Electric Light Co., Pitts- burg, Pa. 2208. John H. Inglis, Cheraw, S. C. : Lawyer: 54 Madison St., Balti- more, Md. 2204. James H. Jamison, Murfreesboro, Tenn.: Farmer: Member of Tennessee Legislature: Cliftonville, Miss. 2205. *K. Meade Jones, Louisa C. H., Va. : Died about 1880. 2206. D. 1>E Witt Jones, Gonzales, Tex. : Clerk of County Court i Gonzales, Tex. 2207. William Preston Johnson, Tait's Station, Tenn.: Farmer: Guthrie, Ky. 2208. Thomas Kerr Kirkpatrick, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher : Missouri. 2209. Charles J. Kilgour, Loudoun Co., Va.: Minister: Mahanoy City, Pa. 2210. Norman J. Kittrell, Huntsville, Tex. : Lawyer: U. S. District Attorney: Circuit Judge Thirteenth District: Jewett, Tex. 2211. *Thomas Maney Keeble, Murfreesboro', Tenn. : Died October 26, 1879. 2212. Hugh F. Kirkpatrick, New Orleans, La.: Commission Mer- chant: 71 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La. 2213. James Armstrong LiEIPER, Murfreesboro', Term.: Lawyer: Murfreesboro', Tenn. 2214. ■^^Bedford liESLIE, Glasgow, Ky. : On Staff of General Polignac C. S. A.: State Insurance Commissioner, Kentucky: Special Deputy Surveyor,. Port of Louisville : Died in Louisville, Ky., January 13, 1888, 2215. Samuel B. LiASHBROOKE, North Fork, Ky. : Butler, Mo. Catalogue of Alumni. 139 2216. Joseph A. IjOGAN, Shelby ville, Ky. : Farmer: Shelby ville, Ky. 2217. Thomas C. LjUSK, Brenham, Tex. : Glen P. O., Oregon. 2218. KiCHARD E. lilNDSAY, Columbus, Ga. : Farmer : Seale, Russell Co., Ala. 2219. ■'^Kai.PH LjUCKETT, Frederick, Md. : Drowned in North River, April 4, 1868. 2220. John B. Mays, Madison, Fla. : Planter : Madison, Fla. 2221. KoBERT CuiiTON MoRRlSON, A. B., Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Brother of 1671): C. S. Cavalry: Assistant Professor of Modern Languages Washington College: Principal of Female School, Anchorage, Ky. 2222. *Edwin F. Mailoy, Cheraw, S. C. 2223. Chari.es Fi. Mayer, St. Louis, Mo. 2224. Benjamin F. Maynard, San Francisco, Cal.: 107 E. 23rd Street, New York City. 2225. *JoHN S. MiZNER, Nicholasville, Ky. 2226. James Robert Montague, Alleghany Co., Va.: Member Car- penter's Battery C. S. A.: Farmer: Orlando, Fla. 2227. John B. Moon, Scottsville, Va. : Member Virginia House of Dele- gates: Lawyer: Charlottesville, Va. 2228. W11.LIAM Watkins Moores, Fairfield, Tex. : Stephenville, Tex. 2229. Henry C. Magruder, Woodstock, Va. : Farmer : Woodstock, Va. 2230. John 1>. Martin, Memphis, Tenn. 2231. Perry C. Massie, New Orleans, La.: 106 Euterpe St., New Orleans, La. 2232. Robert H. Montgomery, Comom, Va. : Emmerton P. O., Va. 2233. Marcus S. Moremen, Jefferson Co., Ky. : Orange Culture : Swit- zerland, Fla. 2234. Chari.es E. Morton, Madison ville, Ky. : Proprietor of Hotel : Madisonville, Ky. 2235. David A. Morton, Madisonville, Ky.: Bank Teller: Madison- ville, Ky. 2236. Hubert Moss, Fauquier Co., Va. : In business in Philadelphia. 2237. Charles W. Munger, Carlisle, Ky. : Lawyer: Carlisle, Ky. 2238. ^Alexander G. McCorkle, Talladega, Ala.: (Son of 793): Died November 21, 1882. 2239. *George H. McCormick, Henderson, Ky. : Planter : Died Octo- ber, 1878. 2240. Hiram R. McCuiiliOUGH, Elkton, Md. : Assistant General Freight Agent, C. & N. W. R. R.: Chicago, 111. 2241. I>AVID M. McHenry, Owensboro', Ky. : Clerk in Auditor's Office : Frankfort, Ky. 2242. Sidney S. Nebilett, Lunenburg Co., Va. 2243. Thomas S. Norfi^eet, Roxobel, N. C. : Farmer : Roxobel, N. C. 2244. Frank Nei^SON, Hanover Co., Va. : Lawyer: Rustburg, Va. 2245. Evan Y. F11.1.0 w, Columbia, Tenn. : Clerk of Circuit Court : Colum- bia, Tenn. 2246. *Chari,es L. Parker, Independence, Mo. : Died 1878. 140 Catalogue of Alumni. 2247. George W. PliiSON, Augusta Co., Va. : Farmer : Greenville, Va. 2248. A. WAIiTER PiNCKARD, New Orleans, La.: Planter: St. Joseph, La. 2249. George M. Pinckard, Jr., New Orleans, La.: Merchant: San Francisco, Cal. 2250. Henry S. Pi^att, St. Louis, Mo. 2251. John Powers, Columbus, Ga. 2252. *KoBERT B. Prince, Carroll Co., Miss. 2253. Robert Prince, Carroll Co., Miss.: Planter: Leoto Landing, Miss. 2254. Garrett Minor Quari^ES, Clarksville, Tenn. : Lawyer and Planter: Livingston, Ala. 2255. John H. Reib, Mecklenburg Co., N. C. : Planter : Mount Mourne, N. C. 2256. ^Augustus J. Reuss, Indianola, Tex. : Physician : Died January 14, 1876. 2257. WlIililAM O. Roberts, Louisville, Ky.: Physician : Louisville, Ky. 2258. John Robman, Frankfort, Ky. : Physician : Abilene, Tex. 2259. Anbrew J. RiCHESON, Amherst Co., Va. : Farmer: Pedlar Mills, Va. 2260. Robert T. Roiil^, B. li., Augusta, Ga.: Lawyer: Augusta, Ga. 2261. William Nelson Scott, D. D., Lexington, Va. : Presbyterian Minister : Galveston, Tex. 2262. Stanhope McC. Scott, Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 2261): Physician: Terra Alta, W. Va. 2263. John A. Scott, Jr., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 2262) : Presby- terian Minister: Hat Creek, Campbell Co., Va. 2264. DURANB Shackleforb, Warsaw, Va. : Insurance Agent : Wash- ington, I). C, 2265. Freb. a. Shackleforb, Warsaw, Va. : Farmer : Warsaw, Va. 2266. Bayarb F. Shielbs, Natchez, Miss. : Merchant : Kienstra's Store P. O., Miss. 2267. Joseph D. Sible, Memphis, Tenn. 2268. John W. Sims, Memphis, Tenn. 2269. *J. Robert Spiller, Wytheville, Va. : Died February 23, 1882. 2270. Arthur S. Stewart, Greenville, Ala.: Merchant and Farmer: Montgomery, Ala. 2271. John C. B. Scull, Pine Bluff, Ark. 2272. Abner C Settle, Fauquier Co., Va. : Supposed to have been killed some years ago by Indians in New Mexico. 2273. George T. Settle, Bridgton, Mo. : Cattle ranching: Ferguson, Mo. 2274. Seth Sheparb, B. li., Brenham, Tex. : Law Class Oration: Mem- ber of Texas Senate: Lawyer: Galveston, Tex. 2275. Thomas P. Smith, Prattville, Ala. 2276. James B. Smith, Prattville, Ala.: Lawyer: Prattville, Ala. 2277. Oscar A. Stephenson, Monterey, Va.: Farmer: Meadow Dale, Va. 2278. ^William H. Taliaferro, A. B., Amherst C. H., Va.: (Son of 1245): Teacher. 2279. RiCHARB F. Taylor, Amelia Co., Va. : Farmer : Petersburg, Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 141 2280. Robert S. Thompson, Trenton, Tenn. : Instructor in English, Washington College, 1867-68. 2281. J. AuBYN Taylor,. Amelia Co., Va. : Commissioner of Revenue: Mannboro', Va. 2282. B. Richard Taylor, Fredericksburg, Va. : Civil Engineer : Superintendent Noonday Mines: Bodie, Cal. 2283. Richard G. Terrell, Paducah, Ky. : Merchant: Padncah, Ky. 2284. Thomas J. Thomas, Marion, Va.: Farmer: Marion, Va. 2285. Albert G. Thompson, Livonia, La. 2286. Edward E. Taylor, Galveston, Tex. 2287. Holmes Thomas, Ellicott City, Md.: Bank Clerk: 743 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. 2288. William H. Tomlinson, Jr., University Place, Tenn.: With Murry, Dibbrell & Co., Nashville, Tenn. 2289. WlLLA ViLEY, Lexington, Ky.: Commis'n Merchant: Lexington, Ky. 2290. W. Scott VanMeter, Lexington, Ky. : Lexington, Ky. 2291. Richard M. Venable, A. M., B. Li., Prince Edward Co., Va. : Major C. S. A.: Assistant Professor Mathematics Washington College: Professor Law Maryland University : Lawyer : Baltimore, Md. 2292. Henry T. Wickham, A. B., Hanover C. H., Va.: Lawyer: Member Virginia Plouse of Delegates : General Solicitor for C. & O. R. R. : Hanover C. H., Va. 2293. John F. Wade, Maury Co., Tenn. : Farmer : Spring Hill, Tenn. 2294. *1>AVID Meade Walker, Tallahassee, Fla. 2295. George P. Webster, Jr., Columbia, Tenn.: Farmer: Lipscomb, Tenn. 2296. *WiLLiAM W. Wellborn, Houston, Tex. 2297. Marshall C. Wellborn, Houston, Tex. : Houston, Tex. 2298. David J. Wilson, Harford Co., Md. : Lawyer : Emmorton, Md. 2299. Alfred F. Wilson, Booneville, Tex. : Farmer : Bryan, Tex. 2300. Thomas E. Watkins, B. Li., Charlotte Co., Va. : Lawyer : Smith- ville, Va. 2301. John B. Weller, Jr., B. L., San Francisco, Cal.: Lawyer: San Francisco, Cal. 2302. Henry S. Wharton, Keachie, La. 2303. Charles K. Wheeler, Salem, N. C. 2304. John A. Whitlock, Newstead, Ky.: Physician: Newstead, Ky. 2305. Frank R. Williams, Covington, Ky. 2306. Thomas L.. Williamson, Rockingham Co., Va.: (Son of 1066) : Farmer: New Market, Va. 2307. Samuel H. Wilson, Brownsville, Tex. 2308. James G. Worsham, Memphis, Tenn. 2309. Samuel H. Yonge, Augusta, Ga. : Engineer. 2310. John D. Young, Columbus, Miss.: Farmer: Artesia, Miss. 2311. Samuel O. Young, Houston, Tex. : Physician and Editor: Hous- ton, Tex. 2312. Henry W. Young, Upper Aquebogue, N. Y.: Editor: Topeka, Kan. 142 Catalogue of Alumni. 1868-1869. 2313. I>ONAI.l> A1.I.EN, C. E., M. E., Liberty, Va.: Civil Engineer H. & T. C. K. R. : Waco, Tex. : Superintendent South and North Alabama Division Louisville & Nashville R. R. : Birmingham, Ala. (1887.) 2314. Joseph W. AliL.ISON, Nashville, Tenn. : Agent American Oil and Compress Trust Co., Memphis, Tenn. 2315. SAMUEli Z. Ammen, M. A., Fincastle, Va. : Robinson Prize Medal, 1868 : Editor on staff of the Sun : Baltimore, Md. 2316. Francis W. Abney, Shreveport, La.: Merchant: Charleston, W.Va. 2317. Joseph G. Adams, Henderson, Ky. : Reporter and Correspondent : Henderson, Ky. 2318. B. FANEUIli A1.STON, Charleston, S. C. : Planter and Insurance Agent : Charleston, S. C. 2319. Stevenson Archer, Jr., Belair, Md. : Lawyer: Belair, Md. 2320. Edmund Berkei^ey, Jr., C. E., M. E., Aldie, Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1868: Assistant Professor Applied Mathematics and Chemistry Washington College, 1869-70: Civil Engineer: Division Superintendent M. & O. R. R., Jackson, Tenn. : Atlanta, Ga. 2321. Hardy B. Branner, Knoxville, Tenn. 2322. IjEWIN W. Barringer, Raleigh, N. C. : Lawyer: 407 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 2323. John S. Barilow, Jr., B. L., Cave City, Ky. : Lawyer: Cave City, Ky. 2324. -^Robert M. Barton, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1368) : Merchant's Clerk : Sturgeon, Mo. : Died 1880. 2325. Harry G. Beeckman, Staten Island, N. Y. 2326. John W. Bridgforth, Elkton, Tenn. : Stock Farmer : Athens, Ala. 2327. John F. Britt, Omega, La. 2328. James T. Brown, Anderson, Tex.: Anderson, Tex. 2329. Eldon Burns, La Grange, Tex. : La Grange, Tex. 2330. George A. BAtt, Leesburg, Va. : Goresville, Va. 2331. Jesse Batts, Galveston, Tex. : Bryan, Tex. 2332. ^Charles N. Beckham, Taylorsville, Ky. 2333. George T. Bedford, Matagorda, Tex. 2334. AsHIiY M. BEIili, Hamburg, Ark. : Monticello, Ark. 2335. Richie H. Belser, Clarendon Co., S. C. : Farmer : Panola, S. C. 2336. LiEMUEi. B. B1.ACK, Waco, Tex. : Bank Cashier : Waco, Tex. 2337. *WlLi.i AM Brock, Florence, Ala. : Lawyer: Died January 1, 1 882. 2338. M11.TON BuRCH, Georgetown, Ky. : Merchant : Georgetown, Ky. 2339. James W. Calhoun, Augusta Co., Va. : Teacher Miller Manual Labor School, Albemarle Co., Va. 2340. Patrick E. Cal,HOUN, Paducah, Ky. : Tobacconist : Paducah, Ky. 2341. WlLIilAM W. Carson, C. E., M. E., Illawarra, La.: Robinson Prize Medal, 1868: Instructor Engineering Washington College, 1868-9: Pro- Catalogue of Alumni. 143 fessor Mathematics Davidson College, N. C. : Professor Mathematics University of Tennessee : Knoxville, Tenn. 2342. STERiiiNG R. CoCKRirii, A. B., Pine Bluff, Ark. : Lawyer: Chief Justice Supreme Court of Arkansas, 1884: Little Rock, Ark. 2343. Frank Co iceman, A. B., Athens, Ala.: Editor: Huntsville, Ala. 2344. W. Edwin Cater, Milton, Fla. 2345. John H. Cleage, Athens, Tenn, : Merchant : Chattanooga, Tenn. 2346. William C. Cleage, Athens, Tenn.: Merchant: Chattanooga, Tenn. 2347. ^Benjamin Li. Crawford, Staunton, Va. : Physician: Seguin, Tex.: Died October 17, 1887. 2348. Samuel H. Crosland, Mayfield, Ky.: Lawyer: Mayfield, Ky. 2349. ^William T. Cain, Taylorsville, Ky. 2350. HiLii Carter, B, Hi,, Hanover Co., Va. : First Virginia Cavalry C. S. A. : Commonwealth's Attorney Hanover Co. : Lawyer : Ashland, Va. 2351. ^William Boggan Cash, Cheraw, S. C: Died in 1884. 2352. Samuel R. Cleage, Athens, Tenn. : Athens, Tenn. 2353. William W. Davis, A. B., Galveston, Tex. : Weatherford, Tex. 2354. Chalmers Deaderick, Knoxville, Tenn. : Physician : Knox- ville, Tenn. 2355. * James W. Dunlap, B. Ij., Monroe Co., W. Va.: Lawyer: City Attorney Kansas City : Circuit Judge : Kansas City, Mo. : Died January, 1885. 2356. Arch. C. Davenport, Jr., New York: Thomasville, Ga. 2357. Horace N. Davie, Memphis, Tenn. : Kailroad Conductor : Mem- phis, Tenn. 2358. Channing Delaplane, Williamsport, Ohio. : Delaplane, Va. 2359. Isaac F. Dortch, Goldsboro, N. C. : Member of Legislature: Lawyer : Goldsboro, N. C. 2360. John W. Do well, Gonzales, Tex. : Lawyer : Austin, Tex. 2361. Philip B. H. Dudley, Jr., Archer, Fla.: Farmer: Jonesville, Fla. 2362. Edward Echols, Staunton, Va. : (Son of 1037) : Commonwealth's Attorney : Member Virginia House of Delegates : Lawyer : Staunton, Va. 2363. William M. Ewing, Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Son of 1176) : Mining: San Francisco, California, 2364. R. Baxter Fishburne, Waynesboro, Va.: (Brother of 1519): Medical Missionary, Hang Chow, China : Physician : Leesburg, Va. 2365. William A. Frazier, Staunton, Va. : (Brother of 2167) : Physi- cian (Oculist) : St. Louis, Mo. 2366. Robert C. Figgat, Fincastle, Va. : Lawyer : Fincastle, Va. 2367. Robert H. Figgat, Lexington, Va. : Farmer : Craigsville, Va. 2368. James A. Ford, Rockbridge, Co., Va.: Teacher: Merchant: Clifton Forge, Va. 2369. John H. Francisco, Staunton, Va. : (Son of 996) : Stock Farmer: La Veta, Colorado. 2370. R. Cutler Fergusson, Port Tobacco, Md.: Farmer: Cox's Station, Md. 144 Catalogue of Alumni. 2371. JoEli H. Fbazeb, Cynthiana, Ky. : Merchant: Winchester, Ky. 2372. S. Y. GlI-IilAM, Petersburg, Va. : Treasurer Dinwiddle Co. : Farmer: Church Road Depot, Va. 2373. Christopher C. Garrett, B. P., A. B., Brenham, Tex.: College Prize Oration, 1869 : Lawyer: Brenham, Tex. 2374. *Andrew C G11.BERT, Marion, Ark. : Died 1879. 2375. KuPERTO Gonzalez, San Louis Potosi, Mexico. 2376. «J. Ward Gurley, Jr., New Orleans, La, : Lawyer : Assistant City Attorney : New Orleans, La. 2377. Robert S. Gai^bbaitH, Wharton, Tex. : Wharton, Tex. 2378. OSCAB H. Gibbs, Middleton, N. C. : Physician: Middleton, N. C. 2379. *Edt^ABD B. Gibson, Crystal Springs, Miss. : Died January 31, 1875. 2380. Lloyd O. Gold, Rockbridge Co., Va.: -(Son of 887) : Railroad Contractor: Owensboro, Ky. 2381. KiCHABD C. Gbeen, Lake Providence, La. : Clerk: Lake Provi- dence, La. 2382. Milton W. Humphbeys, M. A., Ph. D. (Leipsic), L.L.. D., Braxton Co., W. Va. : Member C.S. Artillery : Cincinnati Oration, 1869: Adjunct Professor Ancient Languages Washington and Lee University, 1870: Professor Greek Vanderbilt University : Professor Greek University of Texas : Professor Greek University of Virginia. 2383. "Wesley P. Hendebson, Tampa, Fla. : Merchant: Tampa, Fla. 2384. Joseph H. Hunt, Newton, N. J.: Physician: Brooklyn, N. Y. 2385. William W. Haden, Botetourt Co., Va. : Lawyer: 115 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. 2386. J. Babnes Humphbeys, Jackson, Miss. : Planter : Itta Bena, Miss. 2387. James K. P. H anna, Bryan, Tex. : Lawyer : Bryan, Tex. 2388. John C. Hays, Oakland, Cal. : Stock-raiser : Visalia, Cal. 2389. Seymoub W. Holman, Cumberland Co., Va. : Lawyer : Carters- ville, Va. 2390. Augustus W. Houston, San Antonio, Tex.: Lawyer: San Antonio, Tex. 2391. William Ingles, Montgomery Co., Va. : (Brother of 1867) : Divi- sion Engineer N. & W. R. R. : Radford Furnace P. O., Va. 2392. John F. Jenkins, Natchez, Miss. : Planter : Natchez, Miss. 2393. A. Stewabt Johnson, Tait's Station, Tenn. : Farmer: Guth- rie, Ky. 2394. *JoHN C. Jackson, Lexington, Ky. 2395. John B. Johnson, Hartsville, Tenn. 2396. William P. Johnson, Georgetown, Ky. : Enterprise Tobacco Warehouse : Louisville, Ky. 2397. Samuel B. Kennedy, Knoxville, Tenn. : Atlanta, Ga. 2398. Samuel L. Kibkpatbick, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Teacher : AloneP. 0.,Va. 2399. John B. Kent, Wytheville, Va. : Farmer : Max Meadows P. O., Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 145 2400. Joseph M. Kleisek, Winchester, Ky. : Physician : Parsons, Kan. 2401. Duncan Campbeli. Lyle, M. A., Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 566) : Lieutenant Fourth Virginia Reserves C. S. A. : Assistant Professor Mathematics Washington College, 1867-68 and 1869-70: Professor Mathematics and German McDonogli School : McDonogh, Md. 2402. Spencer Lie Grand, Mangum, N. C. 2403. Henry Lee, Powhatan Co., Va. : Teacher : Franklin Co., Va. 2404. Joseph H. Lesi^IE, Glasgow, Ky.: Physician: St. Louis, Mo. 2405. J. William Lockett, Macon, Ga. : With Lockett & Bond, Brokers, Macon, Ga. 2406. Theodore L>. Lufkin, Galveston, Tex.: Bank Cashier: Galves- ton, Tex. 2407. Jeff. Lane, Sparta, Ga. : Hardware Merchant : Macon, Ga. 2408. Elias T>, Lawrence, Louisville, Ky. 2409. Moses B. Linton, Thomas Co., Ga. : Ancilla, Ga. 2410. Henry C. Lowry, B. L., Liberty, Va. : Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney: Liberty, Va. 2411. ^Edwin C. Moorman, A. B., Powhatan Co., Va. 2412. Dannitte H. Mays, Madison, Fla. : Planter: Monticello, Fla. 2413. *HuGH A. Mo RAN, A. B., Richmond, Ky. : Farmer: Professor in Central University: Died in May, 1886. 2414. Matthew M. Marshai.!., Jr., Fayetteville, Tenn.: Lawyer: Dyersburg, Tenn. 2415. George A. Mahan, Palmyra, Mo.: Lawyer: Hannibal, Mo. 2416. John R. Montgomery, Rockbridge, Co., Va. : Farmer: Colliers- town, Va. 2417. Bacon R. Moore, Harrodsburg, Ky.: Lawyer: Harrodsburg, Ky. 2418. Frank P. Moseley, Buckingham, Co., Va. : Merchant : Mexia, Texas. 2419. William McCve, Augusta Co., Va. : Farmer: Fort Defiance, Va. 2420. Harry P. McDonald, Lexington, Va. : Architect : Louisville, Ky. 2421. J. Harvey McLeary, A. B., B. L., Osage, Tex.: Assistant Professor English, Washington College, 1868-69: Cincinnati Oration, 1868: Associate Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1876-87: Member Texas Senate: Attorney General of Texas : Associate Justice of Supreme Court of Mon- tana: Lawyer: San Antonio, Texas. 2422. Joseph Mc Lester, A. B., Tuscaloosa, Ala.: Wholesale Grocer: Birmingham, Ala, 2423. William E>. McLeod, Greenwood, Miss. 2424. Samuel W. McOorkle, Rockbridge, Co., Vas : Farmer : Rock- bridge Co., Va, 2425. William H. McDaniel, Atlanta, Ga. 2426. Allan L. McDonald, Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 2420): Teacher: Principal Rugby School, Louisville, Ky. 2427. James Points Nelson, C. E., M. E., Hanover Co., Va. : Rob- inson Prize Medal 1869 : Civil Engineer C. & O. R. R. : Ashland, Va. 146 Catalogue of Alumni. 2428. Matthew M. NEItL, Fayetteville, Tenn. : Lawyer : Trenton, Tenn, 2429. Ernest NoRFiiEET, Roxobel, N. C. : Passed Assistant Surgeon U. S. N. 2430. Harry J. Neeil, St. Louis, Mo. 2431. Chari.es T. O'Ferraxi., B. L., Lexington, Va.: Colonel C. S. A.: Lawyer: Member Virginia House of Delegates, 1871: Judge of County Court of Rockingham, 1874 to 1880: Member of Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth and Fiftieth U. S. Congress : Harrisonburg, Va. 2432. Frank Page, Hanover Co., Va. : Episcopal Clergyman : Fairfax C. H., Va. 2433. Murray Phijli.iPS, New Madrid, Mo. : New Madrid, Mo. 2434. Edward D. Pitts, Accomac Co., Va. : Lawyer: Clerk County Court : Eastville, Va. 2435. ■^WlI.LIAM H. PlIiSON, Augusta Co., Va. : Physician : Died April 10, 1882. 2436. John W. Po WEIit, Henderson, Ky. : Lawyer : Corydon, Ky. 2437. K. WlCKIilFFE Preston, Lexington, Ky. : Wasliington, D. C. 2438. Frank E. Patrick, Danville, Va. : Grain Dealer: Augusta, Ga. 2439. James T. Payne, B. L., Westmoreland Co., Va.: Lawyer: Monroe, N. C. 2440. John T. Pendleton, B. L., Pembroke, Ky.: Law Class Oration, 1869 : Lawyer : Atlanta, Ga. 2441. John WiLlilAM Poague, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer: Rock- bridge Co., Va. 2442. John A. Preston, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. : Lawyer : Common- wealth's Attorney : Lewisburg, W. Va. 2443. James F. Robertson, Culpeper Co., Va. : Druggist: Post Master: Culpeper, Va. 2444. J. Francis Rogers, Macon, Ga. : Merchant: Macon, Ga. 2445. Richard W. Rogers, Macon, Ga. : Methodist Minister: Hamp- ton, Ga. 2446. W11.1.IAM W. Rogers, Starkville, Miss.: Lawyer: Starkville, Miss. 2447. Alexander B. Ramsey, Augusta Co., Va. : Liberty Hall Volun- teers: Farmer: Jump P. O., Va. 2448. *JoHN Philip Strider, M. A., T>, I>., Jefferson Co., W. Va.: Junior Reserves C. S. A., wounded at battle of Piedmont: Valedictorian, 1869: Taught in Danville, Ky. : Traveled in Europe, 1872-1875: Presbyterian Mini- ster: Pastor of Churches in Culpeper Co., Va., Savannah, Ga., and Staunton, Va. : Professor Moral Philosophy and Belles-Lettres in Washington and Lee University, 1885: Died January 23, 1886. 2449. *WlLLIAM Li. Sellers, Augusta Co., Va.: Albemarle Co.: Died January 21, 1871. 2450. Thomas H. Shumate, Augusta Co., Va. : Farmer: Rockbridge Co., Va. 2451. J. Graham Sloan, Greensboro', N. C. : Ticket Agent: Brenham, Tex. 2452. Willis B. Smith, C. JS., M. A., Powhatan Co., Va. : Assistant Professor Mathematics Washington College, 1868-69 : Civil Engineer : Lawyer : Clerk of Circuit Court of Powhatan Co. : Richmond, Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 147 2453. John B. Smith, Crockett, Tex.: Physician: Crockett, Tex. 2454. W11.1.IAM F. Stansbury, Tchiila, Miss. : Dentist: Lexington, Miss. 2455. John F. Swayne, Lexington, Tenn. 2456. James E. Smith, Fincastle, Va. : Austin, Tex. : Superintendent of Public Schools, San Antonio, Tex. 2457. John D. Smith, Afton, Va. : Physician : Batesville, Va. 2458. Sidney K. Smith, Frankfort, Ky. : Lawyer : 706 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Mo. 2459. Edward H. Stei^le, Washington, D. C. 2460. Joseph A. Stewart, Rutledge, Ga.: Merchant: Conyer's, Ga. 2461. Frank Taoaferro, A. B., Amherst Co., Va. : (Son of 1245) : Physician : 455 Center Avenue, Chicago, 111. 2462. William G. Taylor, Jr., Eussellville, Tenn.: Farmer: Morris- town, Tenn. 2463. Charles W. Tilden, Louisville, Ky.: Stock-raising: Belmont, Ky. 2464. Horace W. Tomlin, Jackson, Tenn. : Farmer : Jackson, Tenn. 2465. William E. Truslow, Kanawha Co., W. Va. : Bank Business : Charleston, W. Va. 2466. D. Gardiner Tyler, B. L.., Charles City Co., Va. : Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney : Sturgeon Point, Va. 2467. John C. Thompson, Harrodsburg, Ky. : Member of Kentucky Legislature: Lawyer: Harrodsburg, Ky. 2468. Thomas H. Wallace, Hopkinsville, Ky. : Farmer: Garretts- burg, Ky. 2469. Joseph K. White, Lexington, Va. : Merchant : Lexington, Va. : With Davenport and Morris, Richmond, Va. 2470. *FiDELls S. Wallace, Hopkinsville, Ky. 2471. James L.. Walpole, B. Ij., Wilson Co., Tenn.: Lawyer: Clarks- ville, Tex. 2472. Francis C. Welch, Boston, Mass. : Lawyer : 14 Gloucester St., Boston, Mass. 2473. Marion Wheeler, Victoria, Tex. : Druggist : Victoria, Tex. 2474. Guy M. Whitten, Covington, Va. : Civil Engineer : Farmer : Bristol, Tenn. 2475. Frank B. Webb, Eutaw, Ala.: Presbyterian Minister: Union Springs, Ala.: Birmingham, Ala. 2476. William Wilkins, Northampton Co., Va. 2477. Theodore Stark Wilkinson, Plaquemines, La.: Planter: Member Fiftieth U. S. Congress: Wood Park, La. 2478. Samuel M. Wilson, Wythe Co., Va. : Physician: Tannahill, Tex. 2479. I>AVIS M. Wood, Jr., Botetourt Co., Va.: Episcopal Clergyman: Koanoke, Va.: Massie's Mills, Va. 2480. Wirt Webb, Eutaw, Ala. : Merchant: Scottsville, Ala. 2481. Stafford G. Whittle, Pattonsburg, Va.: Lawyer: Judge of Circuit Court : Martinsville, Va. 2482. Edward W. Williams, Memphis, Tenn. : Planter : Williamette, Ark. 148 Catalogue of Alumni. 2483. *JoEI. S. W11.I.IS, Waco, Tex. : Physician. 2484. George Winchester, Natchez, Miss. 2485. *JoHN F. WiNTERSMlTH, Louisville, Ky. : Eevenue Officer : Louisville, Ky. : Assistant Doorkeeper U. S. House of Kepresentatives. 2486. -^ James G. Wintersmith, Louisville, Ky. : Texas : Doorkeeper U. S. House of Kepresentatives, Washington, D. C. : Died July, 1885. 2487. *Perry W. Zeigi-ER, Valdosta, Ga. 1869-1870. 2488. Thomas A. Ashby, Front Royal, Va. : Physician : Editor Maryland Medical Journal : Baltimore, Md. 2489. WnLtlAM S. Adams, Henderson, Ky. : Henderson, Ky. 2490. Frank Ai^bert, Baltimore, Md. : Baltimore, Md. 2491. Joseph John A1.1.EN, Louisburg, N. C. : Farmer : Louisburg, N. C. 2492. John Patrick Austin, Lexington, Mo.: Teacher: Lexington, Mo. 2493. KicttARi) Beveridge Bayi.y, B. Li., Front Royal, Va. : Law- yer : Commonwealth's Attorney of Warren Co., Va. : 113 S. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 2494. Alston Boyd, A. B., Memphis, Tenn. : President of Planter's Oil Mill, and of Arlington Insurance Co. : Cotton Factor : Memphis, Tenn. 2495. Martin Parks Burks, A. B., Liberty, Va.: (Son of 1072): Lawyer: Liberty, Va. 2496. liEWis Harris Bond, Macon, Ga. : Auditor Oil Co. : Louisville, Ky. 2497. CwFTON Bodes Breckinridge, Lexington, Ky.: Soldier C.S. A. : Associate Trustee, Washington and Lee University, 1883- : Member 48th, 49th and 50th U. S. Congress : Pine Bluff, Ark. 2498. John Buchanan Brewer, Rockville, Md. : Rockville, Md. 2499. A1.EXANDER Mantz Baker, Winchester, Va.: Merchant: Win- chester, Va. 2500. 'Wn.BUR FiSK BARCIiAY, Russellville, Ky. : Bank Cashier : Rus- sellville, Ky. 2501. John Witherspoon Owen Breckinridge, Lexington, Ky. : Lawyer: Member California Senate : Merced, Cal, 2502. William Robert Brown, Fort Valley, Ga. : Cotton Planter : Marshallville, Ga. 2503. Walter Edgar Burnett, Crockett, Tex. 2504. Daniel BissELL, St. Louis, Mo. : Baden, St. Louis, Mo. 2505. Taylor Blow, St. Louis, Mo.: With the Richardson Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. 2506. *Allen Bonner, Winnsboro, La.: Died December 12, 1874. 2507. John Clinton Boude, B. Li., Lexington, Va.: Captain C. S. A. : Lawyer : Clerk of Circuit Court of Rockbridge Co.: Lexington, Va. 2508. Isaac Oren Bower, Irwinton, Ga. : Cleburne, Tex. 2509. Marmaduke Wyvill Boyd, Hagerstown, Md. Catalogue of Alumni. 149 2510. ClilNTON Capers Brown, Barnwell Co., S. C. : Baptist Minister : Sumter, S. C. 251L *David Redman Burbank, Henderson, Ky. 2512. Frank E. Conrad, Winchester, Va. : Lawyer: Leesburg, Va. 2513. Hubbard Gardner Carlton, A. B., Richmond, Va. : Teacher: Kichmond, Va. 2514. John Jordan Carter, Nashville, Tenn. : OflSce of N. C. & St. L. R. R., Nashville, Tenn. 2515. James Shepherd Ci^ark, Mobile, Ala.: Editor El Comercio: Exporter and Commission Merchant: Clark and Clarke: 178 Broadway, New York City. 2516. *JoHN D. Crawford, Galveston, Tex.: Died September 24, 1881. 2517. James Graham CAMPBEiiii, Cincinnati, Ohio. 2518. I>EWITT Cameron Carrington, Leona, Tex. 2519 James Wii.son Coffin, Union City, Tenn. 2520. Frank DETWII.ER Carskaddon, Loch Haven, Pa. 2521. KoDOLPHE C1.AUGHTON, Alexandria, Va. : Lawyer: 207 E Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 2522. Charles William Clemmitt, Richmond, Va. : With Life In- surance Company of Virginia, Richmond, Va. 2523. Edward Crosland, Bennettsville, S. C. : Bennettsville, S. C. 2524. Elijah Brewer I>AVIS, Louisville, Ky.: 933 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. 2525. Frank Buckingham Dabney, Atlanta, Ga.: Civil Engineer: Mexico. 2526. Thomas Burt Davis, Fairfield, Tenn. : Merchant : Farmer: War trace, Tenn. 2527. Palmer Dickson, New Orleans, La. 2528. William Henry Evans, Society Hill, S. C: Conductor E. T. V. & G. R. R. : Selma, Ala. 2529. *JoHN Tate Ewing, Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Son of 1176): Died June 21, 1873. 2530. James K. Edmondson, B. L., Lexington, Va. : (1518) : Colonel Twenty -seventh Regiment Stonewall Brigade C. S. A. : County Clerk of Rock- bridge : Mayor Town of Lexington : Treasurer and Secretary of Board of Trustees Washington College, 1865 to 1868: Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1870- : Judge of County Court of Rockbridge : Receiver Circuit Court : Lawyer and Master in Chancery : Lexington, Va. 2531. J. Frederick Effinger, B. L., Staunton, Va. : Lawyer: Re- ceiver Circuit Court Augusta Co. : Staunton, Va. 2532. Noah B. Feagin, B. L*., Midway, Ala. : Lawyer : Birmingham, Ala. 2533. James Abbott Fishburne, A. B., Waynesboro, Va.: (Brother of 2364) : Principal " Fishburne Military School " : Waynesboro, Va. 2534. Charles Franklin Fouke, Charlestown, W. Va.: Physician: Charlestown, W. Va. 2535. Ambrose Lewis Ford, Cumberland Co., Va. : Farmer: Carters- ville, Va. 150 Catalogue of Alumn^i. 2536. Joseph A. Graves, B. P., Liberty, Va. : Presbyterian Minister: Liberty, Va. 2537. James Magee Grey, B. L,, Bellevue, Ala.: Hopkinsville, Ky.: Lawyer: Point Arinas, Cal. 2538. WiLtiAM Jasper Gibbs, B. Ij., Cotton Gin, Tex.: Lawyer: Mexia, Tex. 2539. John Bass Gay, St. Louis, Mo. 2540. Augustus Houston Hamiilton, A. B., Monroe Co., W. Va.: Presbyterian Minister : Pastor Mt. Carmel Church : Steele's Tavern P. O., Va. 2541. Thomas Cooper Hanna, New Orleans, La. 2542. Edward Jacob Hart, New Orleans, La. : Of E. J. Hart & Co. : New Orleans, La. 2543. John Peyton Hobson, A. B., M. A., Powhatan Co., Va.: Kobinson Prize Medal, 1869: Lawyer: Elizabethtown, Ky. 2544. Cyrus Dunlap Hogue, Marion, Ala. : Marion, Ala. 2545. Charles Kelley Hibben, Chicago, 111. 2546. Walter Livingstone Hicks, Faison's Depot, N. C: Farmer: Faison's Depot, N. C. 2547. George Caswell Holbrook, Ripley, Miss. 2548. Charles Morton Hanna, Shelby Co., Ky. : Farmer : Cropper's Depot, Ky. 2549. James Echols Hightower, Wrightsville, Ga.: Lawyer: Dub- lin, Ga. 2550. Robert Henry Hightower, Wrightsville, Ga. : Farmer: Wrightsville, Ga. 2551. Henry Alexander Hill, Rapides Parish, La.: 232 Eighth Street, New Orleans, La. 2552. Overton Penix Hogan, Williamstown, Ky. : Farmer : Dry Ridge, Ky. 2553. John Ellis Isbell, Russellville, Ala. : Manufacturer : Russell- ville, Ala. 2554. William McEwen Johnston, London, Tenn.: With R. T. Wilson & Co., Bankers, No. 2 Exchange Court, New York City. 2555. ^William Johnson, Parkersburg, W. Va. : Died in 1886. 2556. Andrew Polk Jackson, Glencoe, Miss. 2557. Thomas Pugh Kennedy, Tampa, Fla. : Merchant : Tampa, Fla. 2558. George Wallace Koontz, Natchez, Miss.: Banker: Natchez^ Miss. « 2559. Alexander Franklin Laird, Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Brother of 1908) : Lieutenant Fourth Virginia Reserves C. S. A. : Presbyterian Minister : Mt. Meridian, V a. 2560. John Janney Lloyd, Alexandria, Va. : Episcopal Clergyman : Abingdon, Va. 2561. Harry Jordan Locker, Rockbridge, Co., Va. : Physician : Murat P. O., Va. 2562. Walter Howard Leyburn, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 690) : Mining : Milnes, Va. 2563. ACHILLE Levy, Point Couple Parish, La. : Smithland P. O., La. ^^ OP THE Catalogue of Alui 2564. Wii.i.1 AM Green Liittle, Eatonton, Ga. : FIa»&ii iriiwnT^^^a, 2565. Thomas A. LilTTtEPAGE, Choctaw Co., Ala. : Lawyer: Pushma- taha, Ahi. 2566. Edwin Henry LiOCKE, Charleston, S. C. : Book-keeper: Charles- ton, S. C. 2567. SiJLAS B, Mason, Staunton, Va. : Railroad Contractor : Lewisburg, W. Va. 2568. IjEWIS G. M. MiLIiER, Winchester, Va.: Lutheran Minister: Salem, Va. : Winchester, Va. 2569. *JoHN Martin, Charlotte Co., Va. : (Son of 1304) : Lawyer : Dan- ville, Va.: Died July, 1884. 2570. Frank S. Mooi>Y, A. B., Tuscaloosa, Ala. : Robinson Prize Medal, 1870: LL. B. University of Alabama, 1874: President First National Bank of Tuscaloosa, Ala. 2571. James McClure B'Ieriwether, Guthrie, Ky. : Clarksville, Tenn. 2572. Jacob Florance Minis, ^Savannah, Ga. : Merchant: Savan- nah, Ga. 2573. James Robin Menager, Point Pleasant, W. Va. : Lawyer : Point Pleasant, W. Va. 2574. JutlUS liYNN Menager, Point Pleasant, W. Va. : Lawyer : Point Pleasant, W. Va. 2575. ^ John Campbell Moore, Rockbridge Co., Va. 2576. Benjamin De Leon Moses, Greensboro, Ga. 2577. Sidney Dyer McCormick, Henderson, Ky.: Lawyer: Hender- son, Ky. 2578. John Parry McCluer, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Teacher : Fancy Hill, Va. 2579. Frank McCutchan, Augusta Co., Va. : (Brother of 1733) : Presby- terian Minister : Waynesboro, Va. : Glade Spring, Va. 2580. John Samuel McCutchan, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer: Bunker Hill, Mo. 2581. *MuRRAY McIntosh, Society Hill, S. C. 2582. "^JJoBERT Andrew McNeilly, Charlotte, Tenn.: Civil Engi- neer : Died at Cisco, Texas, July 20, 1882. 2583. Charles Edward McCulloch, Point Pleasant, W. Va. 2584. William Jasper Nelson, Austin, Miss. : Member of Legisla- ture : Physician : Austin, Miss. 2585. Charles Samuel North, B. L., Bunker Hill, W. Va. : Lawyer : Raymond, Miss. 2586. Francis Henry Orme, Brunswick, Ga. 2587. *JoHN Oandridge Pinkerton, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Presby- terian Minister, 2588. Charles Brown Percy, C. E., B. S., Nashville, Tenn.: Honorary Scholarship, 1869: Robinson Prize Medal, 1870: Assistant-Professor Applied Mathematics and Chemistry Washington and Lee University, 1870-71 : Adjunct-Professor Applied Mathematics Washington and Lee University, 1874 ; 152 Catalogue of Alumni. U. S. Assistant- Engineer in charge of Mobile Harbor Improvements, &c. : Mobile, Ala. 2589. George Boi>die Peters, Jr., A. B., Memphis, Tenn. : Vale- dictorian, 1870: Associate Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1876-78: Lawyer : Member of Legislature : Attorney-General of Shelby Co., Tenn. : Memphis, Tenn. 2590. James Christian Poague, Eockbridge Co., Va. : Merchant: Chattanooga, Tenn, 2591. Patrick Augustus Price, Cuthbert, Ga.: Merchant: Cuth- bert, Ga. 2592. Nicholas Austin Patterson, Barnwell, S. C. : Principal Waldo High School, Bronson, Fla. 2593. Wllilil AM Franklin Porter, Grafton, W. Va. : Lawyer : Bal- timore, Md. 2594. Zadock Ingram Pyle, Galveston, Tex. : Cotton Classer : Hous- ton, Tex. 2595. AliBERT IjAMAR Rees, Americus, Ga. : Bank Officer: Americus, Ga. 2596. Archibald Graham Robinson, Richmond, Va. : Druggist : Staunton, Va. 2597. Joseph Jackson Rain, Gainesville, Fla. : Farmer : Rogers, Tex. 2598. Moses Thompson Ray, Tuskegee, Ala.: Assistant Bank Cashier: Montgomery, Ala. 2599. Nathaniel Leonidas Respass, Thomaston, Ga. : Forsyth, Ga. 2600. William Hunter Rogers, Rockbridge Co., Va.: Physician: CoUierstown, Va. 2601. LUCIAN Hamilton Raines, Thomasville,Ga: Lawyer: Thomas- ville, Ga. 2602. Charles Neely Rutherford, Austin, Tex. 2603. Joseph IjANE Stern, B. L., Caroline Co., Va. : Lawyer : Colonel Virginia Volunteers : Richmond, Va. 2604. James K. Sayers, Triune, Tenn.: Farmer: Triune, Tenn. 2605. William Martin Smith, B. L*., Concord, N. C. : Lawyer: Concord, N. C. 2606. Murray Forbes Smith, Milton, N. C: Lawyer: Greensboro, N. C. : Vicksburg, Miss. 2607. John McMullen Selkirk, Matagorda, Tex. : Commission Mer- chant: Grapeland, Tex. 2608. Joseph Luke Strider, Jefferson Co., W. Va. : (Brother of 2448) : Lawyer and Real Estate Agent : Washington, D. C. 2609. William Griffin Swanson, Jr., Tuskegee, Ala.: Merchant: Abilene, Texas. 2610. Robert Semple, B. L., Thomasville, Miss.: Lawyer: Thomas- town, Miss. 2611. Charles Rush Smith, Verona, Miss. : Farmer : Okolona, Miss. 2612. NORVAL Thomas Spence, Cincinnati, Ohio: Of Spence Bros. & Co., Tobacco Manufacturers, Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Catalogue of Alumni. 163 2613. W11.1.IAM TAYI.OR Thom, a. B., M. A., Richmond, Va. : Professor English Language and Literature, and French : Hollins Institute, Va. 2614. John Samuel Thomas, Providence, Mo. 2615. Charl-es Pope Tai^iaferro, New Market, Va. 2616. *Frank Hartwei.1. Timms, Little Eock, Ark.: Died 1874. 2617. Marvin A. De L. Van Horn, Newton, N. J.: Lawyer : Editor: Stroudsburg, Pa. 2618. Robert K. Varner, Tuskegee, Ala. : Tuskegee, Ala. 2619. Wli.l,iAM Henry Washington, Murfreesboro, Tenn. : Lawyer : Nashville, Tenn. 2620. Addison Alexander Waddell, Lexington, Va. : Soldier C. S. Artillery: Louisville, Ky. 2621. Thomas Shadrach Weaver, Nashville, Tenn. : Lawyer: Nash- ville, Tenn. 2622. Charles !Le Grand Wilson, Botetourt Co., Va. : Farmer: Buchanan, Va. 2623. ^Willliam Morrison Winston, Gainesville, Ala. : President of Mining Company in Mexico: Died 1882. 2624. Hun Gansevoort Wadley, Parramore Hill, Ga.: Banker: President Wytheville Ins. and Banking Co., Wytheville, Va. 2625. Robert Andrews Wilkinson, Plaquemine Par., La. : (Brother of 2477). 2626. Allen Wilson, Bossier Par., La. 2627. James Francis Wingfield, Liberty, Va.: Insurance Agent: Liberty, Va. 2628. Norman McFarland Walker, New Orleans, La. 2629. William Wilbereorce Walker, Belfast, Tenn. : Lawyer : Lewisburg, Tenn. 2630. S. Ferdinand Watkins, B.Li., Madison, N. C: Lawyer: Lex- ington, N. C. 2631. Samuel Henry Webb, Oaks, N. C: Lawyer: Oaks, N. C. 2632. William Willis Wilcox, Mansfield, La. : Pilot : 152 Conti St., New Orleans, La. 2633. ^Samuel Brown Worthington, Pikeville, Tenn. 2634. Thomas liVTTLETON Wyche, Thomasville, Ga»^ Mill Business : Thomasville, Ga. 2635. George Worthington Younger, Dresden, Tex. : Merchant : Dawson, Tex. 1870-1871. 2636. John Adamson, Little Rock, Ark. : Farmer and Merchant : Little Hock, Ark. 2637. Alvin Alva Austin, Lexington, Mo. : Surgeon U. S. N. 2638. *L(EWIS Samuel Alley, Frankfort, Ky.: Died January 12, 1876. 2639. Charles Edwin Anderson, Waco, Tex. : Austin, Tex. 2640. ^Sterling Tucker Austin, Lake Providence, La.: Judge of Carroll Parish, La.: Died July 12, 1879. 11 164 Catalogue of Alumni. 2641. *Wii.i.iam: Jefferson Bennett, Jr., C E., Charleston, S. C: Robinson Prize Medal, 1871. 2642. Charles Stone Bennett, Charleston, S. C. : (Brother of 2641) : Charleston, S. C. 2643. A. Hunter Boyd, B. Li., Winchester, Va. : Lawyer: Common- wealth's Attorney : Cumberland, Md. 2644. Francis H. Brockenbrough, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 2128): Clerk of Judiciary Committee House of Representatives : Farmer: Glen- wood, Va. 2645. Isaac Pipkin Bledsoe, Augusta, Ark.: Farmer: Engineer: Snapp's P. 0., Ark. 2646. *James Goodin Barr, Gallatin, Tenn. 2647. Robert Wilson Barr, Gallatin, Tenn. : (Brother of 2646) : Farmer: Gallatin, Tenn. 2648. Thomas Elbridge Battle, Waco, Tex. : Planter : Marlin, Tex. 2649. Alexander Nelson Bell, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Rock- bridge Co., Va. 2650. John Blackmar, Columbus, Ga. : Banker and Broker: Colum- bus, Ga. 2651. Robert Fort Bradford, Tallahassee, Fla, : Farmer: Talla- hassee, Fla. 2652. Henry Oscar Burnett, Crockett, Tex.: Railroad Contractor: Galveston, Tex. 2653. WlLLLlAM liOVETT Balfour, Natchez, Miss.: Planter: Ben Lomond, Miss. 2654. Julius Preston Barclay, Bowling Green, Ky.: Bowling Green, Ky. 2655. Talbot Iryl Bartlett, M. A., New Orleans, La.: Cincinnati Oration, 1871: Alexandria, La. 2656. James Frank Brown, Louisville, Ga.: Manufacturer: Louis- ville, Ga. 2657. Charles Wynn Burbank, Henderson, Ky.: New York City. 2658. William Monroe Butler, Nashville, Tenn. : Tobacconist : Nashville, Tenn. 2659. William Emerson Beggs, Livingston, Ala. : Lawyer : Butler, Ala. 2660. James McFadden Blanding, Sumter, S. C. : Lawyer : Corsi- cana, Tex. 2661. James Thomas Caldwell, Campbellsville, Ky. : Campbells- ville, Ky. 2662. Edward Price Clarke, A. B., Memphis, Tenn. : Of Clark & Clarke, Exporters, &c., 178 Broadway, New York City. 2663. George Bourland Crawford, Augusta Co., Va. : Farmer: Merchant : Fort Defiance, Va. 2664. John Morel and Campbell, Brookline, Mass. (1869-70) : Greenville, S. C. (1870-71). 2665. Nathan Coleman, St. Louis, Mo. 2666. Miner Philip Cuny, Hempstead, Tex. 2667. Mica J AH Howe Cecil, McAfee, Ky. : Farmer : Harrodsburg, Ky» Catalogue of Alumni. 155 2668. WAiiTER Temple Chandi^er, Kockbridge Co., Va. : With Franklin McVeagh & Co., Chicago, 111. 2669. Joseph Socrates Christy, St. Louis, Mo. 2670. Thomas Lane CoNNEtiiA, Marion, Ala.: Lawyer and Editor: Fargo, Dakota. 2671. Anderson Craig, Ghent, Ky.: Farmer: Graham, Mo. 2672. George Edgar Crawford, Camden, Ala.: With Crawford Cooke & Co., Commission Merchants, Mobile, Ala. 2673. John Henry I>UNTV00D Y, Washington, Ga. : Teacher : Dunedin, Fla, 2674. Percy Glenworth I>AVIS0N, Lexington, Va. : Farmer : Great Bend, Ark. 2675. WlLi^iAM KoscOE Day, Trenton, Ky. 2676. George Allen I>AZEY, Farmington, Tenn. : Cotton Factor : Nashville, Tenn. 2677. liLOYD Champion De Saussure, Camden, S. C. : Conductor C. C. & A. R. R. : Columbia, S. C. 2678. John Crosby Donald, Bellville, Ala. : Lumber Merchant : Atlanta, Ga. 2679. Henry Duvall, Lexington, Ky. : Merchant : Frankfort, Ky. 2680. ^Morris Emanuel, Vicksburg, Miss. 2681. Peyton Danley English, B. L., Little Rock, Ark.: Deputy Clerk Supreme Court: Little Rock, Ark. 2682. Walter LiANGDON Eustis, Natchez, Miss. 2683. Robert Hanson Fleming, A. B., Monterey, Va. : Cadet C. S. N. : Presbyterian Minister : Woodstock, Va. : Washington, D. C. : Lynchburg, Va. 2684. Frederick Kenner Fisher, Matagorda, Tex.: Physician: Matagorda, Tex. 2685. ^Turner Thompson Fisher, Paris, Ky. 2686. Edmund Field, Marshall, Mo. : Blue Springs, Mo. 2687. John Fletcher, B. Ij., Little Rock, Ark. : Lawyer : Little Rock, Ark. 2688. *WiLLiAM Fulton, Mobile, Ala. 2689. Benjamin Bisher Fretwell, Port Lavaca, Tex. 2690. Gilbert Burton Gibson, B. Li., Fauquier Co., Va. : Instructor in Mathematics Washington College, 1868: Lawyer: Upperville, Va. 2691. *JoHN Green, B. Li., Little Rock, Ark.: Honorary Scholarship, 1867 : Lawyer : Little Rock, Ark. 2692. *E. Adolph de Gomez, New Orleans, La. 2693. William Winbourne Gray, A. B., Nashville, Tenn.: Assist- ant Surgeon U. S. A. • 2694. Walter Gorman, Madison, Ark. : Book-keeper: Wittsburg, Ark. 2695. Hugh Lawrence Gallaher, Jr., Waynesboro, Va. : Farmer: Waynesboro, Va. 2696. Ormsby Gray, Frankfort, Ky. 2697. Jacob Guice, Natchez, Miss. : Farmer : Washington, Miss. 2698. A. CORAY Houston, B. Li., Union, W. Va. : Lawyer : Union, W. Va. 156 Catalogue of Alumni. 2699. Francis Wilson Henderson, Houston, Tex.: Lawyer: Brown- wood, Tex. 2700. Arthur Taylor Henderson, Williamstown,W.Va.: Farmer: Williamstown, W. Va. 2701. Richard Lottrie Hicks, Wrighlsville, Ga. : Honorary Scholar- ship, 1869 : Druggist : Publisher : Dublin, Ga. 2702. OSSIAN HUGGINS, Cotton Valley, Ala. : Teacher Barton Academy : Mobile, Ala. 2703. DoNNELrii Ware Hunter, Natchez, Miss. 2704. William Harrison Hurt, Galveston, Tex. 2705. Marmaduke Harwood, St. Louis, Mo. : Book-keeper: Savanna, Indian Territory. 2706. John Randolph Hearne, Hearne, Tex. : Palestine, Tex. 2707. Henry Kjey Hill, Independence, Mo. : In Live Stock business, Kansas City, Mo. 2708. Henry BascoM Hull, Marion, Va.: Farmer: Marion, Va. 2709. James Smith Iverson, Macon, Ga. : Merchant : 20 Decatur St. : Atlanta, Ga. 2710. Samuel Hunter Jemison, Monroe, La. : Lawyer and Recorder: Macon, Ga. 2711. KichaRdM. Johnson, B. L., Nineveh, Ind.: Lawyer: Franklin, Ind. : Washington City, D. C. : Chief Clerk Sixth Auditor's Office U. S. Treasury. 2712. *JoHN Tucker Jackson, Palestine, Tex.: Farmer: Died about 1880. 2713. Joseph Burton Johnson, Fairfield, Tex. 2714. ^William S. Johnson, Memphis, Tenn. : Presbyterian Minister: Died 1882. 2715. Bland L. Jones, Lexington, Ky. : Book-keeper: Versailles, Ky. 2716. ^William Henry Kinkle, B. P., Lynchburg, Va. 2717. Belton O'Neal Kennedy, Camden, S. C. : Book-keeper and Insurance Agent : Camden, S. C. 2718. Wallace Keen Kerr, Homer, La.: Farmer: Homer, La. 2719. *Calvin Harrison Keithley, Carrolhon, Mo. 2720. Berkley Ward Klipstein, Bloomington, Md.: Piedmont, W.Va. 2721. Frank Walton Lewis, A. B., Augusta Co., Va. : Presbyterian Minister: Opelousas, La. 2722. John Lewis Logan, A. B., Fincastle, Va. : Instructor in Latin Washington and Lee University, 1870 : Kobinson Prize Medal, 1870: Teacher: Nicholasville, Ky. : Lexington, Ky. 2723. Charles Green Lee, Chatawa, Miss. 2724. Emmett Garvin Logan, Shelbywlle, Ky. : Honorary Scholarship, 1871: Editor Evening Times: Louisville, Ky. 2725. Malcolm Graeme Long, Russellville, Ky. 2726. Alphonse LedoUX, Paris, France. 2727. John Wallace Lee, Nolin, Ky. : Lawyer : Ky. : Merchant : Lexington, Va. 2728. Alexander S. Moffett, Fishersville, Va. : Presbyterian Minis- ter : Winchester, Va. : Stanford, Ky. Catalogue of Alumni. 157 2729. Marion Mathews, A. B., Robertson Co., Tenn. : University Prize Essay, 1871: Physician: Reidsville, N. C. 2730. James Monroe Mading, Collinsburg, La. : Farmer : Rocky Mount, La. 2731. WiLlilAM W11.KINS Merritt, Bowling Green, Ky. : Farmer: Woodburn, Ky. 2732. I>ANIEI. Rench Mii^ler, Mason and Dixon, Pa. : Greencastle, Pa. 2733. Milton Andrew Jackson Moore, Bennettsville, S. C. : Mer- chant: Bennettsville, S. C. 2734. George Kennon Macon, B. Li., Richmond, Va. : Lawyer: Richmond, Va. 2735. Stephen XjESLIE Mestrezat, B. li., Mapletown, Pa. : Law- yer : District Attorney : Uniontown, Pa. 2736. *Ansei.m Irvin Mili^er, Beech Island, S. C. : Died October 3, 1880. 2737. AxBERT Dudley Mullikin, Lonisville, Ky. : Lawyer: Louis- ville, Ky. 2738. William Baylor McChesney, B. Li., Staunton, Va.: (Son of 1237): Lawyer: Insurance Business : Harrisonburg, Va. : Staunton, Va. 2739. Charles Edward McCorkle, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Lexing- ton P. O., Va. 2740. ^ Jacob Newton McChesney, Staunton, Va. : (Son of 1237) : Physician : Riverside Hospital, Blackwell's Island, N. Y. 2741. Samuel McCormick, B.Li., Berry ville, Va. : Lawyer: Berry- ville, Va. 2742. C. WORTHINGTON McCuLLOH, Frostburg, Md. : Manifest Clerk : Frostburg, Md. 2743. Eugene Clarence McDonald, B. Li., Arkadelphia, Ark: Arkadelphia, Ark. 2744. Cameron F. McDowell, Penochee, Cal. : Painter : Santa Anna, Cal. 2745. William Erskine McLlwain, Wolfsville, N. C. : Presbyterian Minister: Gastonia, N. C. 2746. Horace Kimball Orgain, Bastrop, Tex. 2747. John Edmund O'Keilley, RussellviJle, Ala.: Physician: High- land, Miss. 2748. * James Corner Prather, Waco, Tex. : Farmer: Died February 25, 1883. 2749. William Lambdin Prather, B. L., Waco, Tex.: (Brother of 2748) : Lawyer : City Attorney, Waco, Tex. 2750. Beverley Prier Patrick, Centreville, Tex. 2751. Edwin Maury Perkins, Franklin, Tenn. : Farmer : Franklin, Tenn. 2752. George Clayton Perrin, Abbeville, S. C. : Civil Engineer: Abbeville, S. C. 2753. YvoN Pike, Little Rock, Ark.: Lawyer: Missouri. 2754. ^William Dyer Postal, Memphis, Tenn. : Honorary Scholar- ship 1870 : Clerk in U. S. Ordnance Bureau, Washington, D. C. : Lawyer. 158 Catalogue of Alumni. 2765. Joseph Piper, Marshall, Mo. 2756. John Kobebt Marshai^l PorK, Louisville, Ky.: Lawyer: Louisville, Ky. 2757. Frederick Pope, Washington, Ga. : Cotton Factor : Augusta, Ga. 2758. Francis Liei^and Porter, Austin, Tex. 2759. liUClUS Q. C. PuCKETTE, New Orleans, La.: Book-Keeper: Minden, La. 2760. Frank Koane, A. B.,B. P., Lynchburg, Va. : Teacher: Lynch- burg, Va. 2761. JosiAH Rainey, Germanton, N. C. : Teacher: Mount Idaho, Idaho. 2762. Septimus Adei^BERtKobb, Trinity Co., Tex.: Teacher: Trinity, Tex. 2763. Francis Vinton Rathbone, Parkersburg, W. Va. : Manufac- turing Chemist: Parkersburg, W. Va. 2764. Frank Lyon Ross, Mobile, Ala. : Cotton Factor : Mobile, Ala. 2765. PnililP Ryan, Girard Station, La. 2766. W1LI.IAM Elicia Ridge, Kansas City, Mo.: Kansas City, Mo. 2767. John Littleton Robins, Snow Hill, Md. : Farmer : Snow Hill, Md. 2768. HAli RoUNTREE, Galveston, Tex.: Agent Erie and Pacific Dispatch Fast Freight Line : St. Louis, Mo. 2769. John Vincent Ryai.S, B. L., Clifton Forge, Va. : Lawyer: Savannah, Ga. : Denver, Col. 2770. *IsAAC Van Meter Scott, Charlotte Co., Va. : Presbyterian Minister. 2771. Florian SEAIi, Mississippi City, Miss. : Sheriff: Mississippi City, Miss. 2772. H. Marion Sims, New York City : Physician : 267 Madison Ave., New York City. 2773. W11.1.IAM Spii,i.er, Decatur, Ala. 2774. James Bayard StaNSEL, Carrollton, Ala. : Lawyer : Carrollton, Ala. 2775. W11.I.IAM Emmett Stephens, Bledsoe Co., Tenn. : Evensville, Tenn. 2776. WltLlAM Madison Si^edge, Lexington, Va. 2777. James Batop Stubbs, B, L., Galveston, Tex. : Lawyer : Member Texas Senate : Galveston, Tex. 2778. WlI^IilAM Howard SuMMEREIil^, Jackson, N. C. : Lawyer : Jackson, N. C. 2779. Arthur JoEt Tatum, Monroe, La.: Planter: Monroe, La. 2780. Alexander Wilson Taylor, Staunton, Va. : Farmer : Staun- ton, Va. : Timber Ridge, Va. 2781. Richard Runnels Taylor, Jefferson, Tex.: Druggist: Jeffer- son, Tex. 2782. Edward Ware Terhune, Jefferson, Tex. : Lawyer : U. S. Com- missioner and District .Judge: Greenville, Tex. 2783. *JoHN Randolph Tucker, Jr., B. L., St. Catharine's, Canada: Clerk to Speaker of U. S. House of Representatives. Catalogue of Alumni. 159 2784. John S. Van Meter, B, L., Winchester, Ky. : Morgan's Cavalry C. S. A. : Lawyer : Commonwealth's Attorney Fayette Co., Ky. : Presbyterian Minister : Cynthiana, Ky. : Hot Springs, Ark. 2785. James Engi^iSH Vaughan, Camden, S. C: Merchant: Cam- den, S. C. 2786. Hugh Martin Wii^SON, Knoxville, Tenn.: Cotton Manufacturer: Knoxville, Tenn. 2787. CAI.DER Baynard W11LI.INGHAM, Allendale, S. C: Cotton Factor : Macon, Ga. 2788. Daniei. liOVE Wii.sON, A. B., Churchville, Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1869 : Valedictory Oration, 1871 : Presbyterian Minister : Broadway, Va. : Pulaski, Tenn. 2789. KoBERT WlTHERSPOON, Mavsville, S. C. : Broker : Sumter, S. C. 2790. Moses Liawrence Westbrook, Waco, Tex. 2791. Clement Penrose Wiilkinson, Plaquemine Parish, La.: (Brother of 2625) : Physician : Quarantine Station P. O., La. 2792. WlI^IilAM liEWIS WlI^EIAMS, Eichland Parish, La.: Planter: Girard, La. 2793. WllililAM WAlil-ER Woodruff, Griffin, Ga. : Fruit Farmer: Griffin, Ga. 2794. Archibai^d Ai^exander WAiiKER, Augusta Co., Va. : (Son of 1161): Farmer: Augusta Co., Va. 2795. John Weber, New Orleans, La. : Clerk in Custom House : New Or- leans, La. 2796. Benjamin Franklin Winn, Plattsburg, Mo. : Farmer : Edger- ton. Mo. 2797. Henry Sale Yerger, I>. I>., Memphis, Tenn. : Presbyterian Minister: Fernandina, Fla. 1871-1872. 2798. James Thomas Anderson, A. B., Aliens ville, Ky. : Studied in Berlin, 1886-87 : Professor Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy Central College, Fayette, Mo. 2799. James Axdrich, Barnwell, S. C. : Lawyer : Member of Legisla- ture : Aiken, S. C. 2800. W11.LIAM Burton Axderson, Idaho City, Idaho: San Quen- tin, Cal. 2801. James William Alexander, Kockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 1205) : Farmer : Lexington, Va. 2802. Marcus A. Aderhold, Lincolnton, N. C. 2803. Joel Isham Allen, Marion Co., S. C. : Farmer : Eeedy Creek, S. C. 2804. William Elrie Atkinson, B. Li., Falcon, Ark.: Lawyer: Prescott, Ark. 2805. W1LI.IAM L.UCIAN Austin, Clarksburg, W. Va. 2806. James Jenifer Barton, Fredericksburg, Va.: Lawyer: New York City. 160 Catalogue of Alumni. 2807. Robert Watrus Beckwith, Lake Landing, N. C. : Farmer r Kansomville, N. C. 2808. Francis Marion Banks, Fayetteville, Tex. : Moss Bluff, Tex. 2809. Frank M. Bei^E, Tyler, Tex. : Tyler, Tex. 2810. *Ai.FRED C. BEI.T, Platte City, Mo. 2811. John S. Bi.aiR, Augusta Co., Va. : Physician : Churchville, Va. 2812. John Ci^ARKE Bradi^EY, Huntsville, Ala.: Manager of Cotton Compress : Huntsville, Ala. 2813. Samuei. Christian Brown, Augusta Co.,Va. : Farmer: Teacher: Swoope's Depot, Va. 2814. Samuel HAiii. Chester, A. B., Mount Holly, Ark.: (Brother of 1768): Valedictorian, 1872: Presbyterian Minister: Maysville, Ky. 2815. Robert En Coli-INS, A. B., St. Louis, Mo.: Lawyer : 322 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo. 2816. John Pettus Co z art, Washington, Ga.: Merchant: Washing- ton, Ga. 2817. Rice Pendleton Cammack, Louisa C. H., Va. :-Hinton, W. Va. 2818. Robert A. CAMPBEliL, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1032) : Lawyer: Lexington, Va. 2819. John Valentine Carroll, New York City. 2820. JohnCarty, Lexington, Ky.: Lexington, Ky. 2821. Robert Guy Cochran, Staunton, Va. : Staunton, Va. 2822. Richard Wilson Coffin, Union City, Tenn. 2823. *Edgar Washington Collins, Covington, Ky. 2824. John Alonzo Cook, Falcon, Ark.: Planter: Falcon, Ark. 2825. Howard Leslie Cowan, Staunton, Va. : Physician : Eich- mond, Va. 2826. William Anderson I>abney, Atlanta, Ga. : Soldier C. S. A. : Presbyterian Minister, Oak Dale, Va. 2827. IjUCIUS Desha, Jr., M. A., B. L., Cynthiana, Ky.: Honorary Scholarship, 1869 : Instructor in Ancient Languages, Washington and Lee Uni- versity, 1870: Associate Trustee, Washington and Lee University, 1877: Lawyer: Judge of Harrison Co., Ky., 1873-78 : Cynthiana, Ky. 2828. *Cave Desha, B. S., C. E., Cynthiana, Ky. : (Brother of 2827). 2829. Garrett Morrow Davis, Paris, Ky.: Lawyer: Marshall, Mo. : Second Auditor's Office, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. 2830. Frank Morgan Dixon, Kockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Kock- bridge, Co., Va. 2831. "^Charles Mortimer Downs, Waco, Tex. : Insurance Agent : Waco, Tex. : Died 1887. 2832. Thomas Alexander Dickey, Union, Ky. : Physician: Middle- town, Ohio. 2833. Jack Desha, Cynthiana, Ky. : Farmer: Cynthiana, Ky. 2834. James Loftin Douglas, Smith Co., Tex. : Merchant : Jackson- ville, Tex. 2835. *JoSEPH Edward Douglas, Smith Co., Tex. : Died February 23, 1879. Catalogue of Alumni. 161 2836. LuciAN Grisby Effinger, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Merchant : Lynchburg. Va. 2837. AndrE"W EdmistON, B. Li., Weston, W. Va. : Lawyer: Weston, W. Va. 2838. Samuei. Khoads Fisher, B. L/., Matagorda, Tex.: Robinson Prize Medal, 1871 : Lawyer: Austin, Tex. 2839. ^Shepard M11.1.S Farmer, Monroe, La. 2840. ^Howard Farrar, B. L., Vicksburg, Miss.: Sheriff of Monroe Co., La. 2841. Walter Scott Finney, New Orleans, La.: 201 St. Joseph St., New Orleans, La. 2842. Thomas Fleming, Alexandria, Va.: Alexandria, Va. 2843. John Martin Franck, Richland, N.C.: Farmer: Comfort, N. C. 2844. John Anderson Fulton, Bloomfield, Ky. : Lawyer: Bardstown, Ky. 2845. "William Samuel Graves, M.A.,B.Ij., Liberty, Va.: (Brother of 2536) : Lawyer: Richmond, Va. : Prof. Latin and French Davidson Coll., N. C. 2846. John Calvin Goodloe, Cherokee, Ala. : Tuscumbia, Ala. 2847. Joseph Nathaniel Green, Lexington, Tex. 2848. John Henderson Gay, New Orleans, La.: Planter: Plaque- mine, La. 2849. Thomas Robert Gordon, Scott Co., Ky.: Lawyer: Owenton, Ky. 2850. Fdward Alfred Graham, Montgomery, Ala. : Lawyer: Mem- ber of Legislature, 1882: State Senate, 1886: Montgomery, Ala. 2851. Thomas Percy Grasty, Shelby ville, Ky. : (Son of 1083) : Jour- nalist: Chicago, 111. 2«52. PuGH Buchanan Houston, C. E., Waco, Tex.: Civil Engineer: Botetourt Co., Va. 2853. Augustus Blackburn Hardin, Centreville, Tex.: Farmer: Hardin Store P. O., Tex. 2854. Walter Izard Heyward, B. L., Charleston, S. C. : Lawyer: Atlanta, Ga. : Cartersville, Ga. 2855. Mike Garber Harman, Staunton, Va. : Broker : Kansas City, Mo. 2856. IsHAM Harrison, Waco, Tex. : Druggist : Stephenville, Tex. 2857. Frederick Hugh Heiskell, Memphis, Tenn.: Lawyer: Mem- phis, Tenn. 2858. liEWls Waler Hubbard, Montgomery, Ala.: Book-keeper: Selma, Ala, 2859. "William Dunbar Jenkins, Natchez, Miss. : (Brother of 2392) : Planter: Civil Engineer: Engineer Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad: Built Railroad Bridge over Mississippi River at Kansas City, 1886: Kansas City, 2860. Seth Norton Jordan, Sparta, Ga. :■ Physician: Columbus, Ga. 2861. William Thornton T. Jenkins, Platte City, Mo. : Physician : Platte City, Mo. 2862. William Strother Jones, Piedmont, Va. : Episcopal Clergy- man: St. Thomas' Parish, Owings' Mills, Md. 2863. James M. Jackson, Parkersburg, W. Va.: Wholesale Grocer: Parkersburg, W. Va. 162 Catalogue of Alumni. 2864. Joseph M. Jayne, B. li., Brandon, Miss.: Lawyer: Member of Legislature, 1876 : Greenville, Miss. 2865. -^^HOMAS GliOVER JoHNSON, Shreveport, La. : Died 1877. 2866. John Lindsay Johnson, Rome, Ga. : Rome, Ga. 2867. ^Walter Nash Johnston, B. Li., Buchanan, Va. : Lawyer: Member of Legislature, 1881: Died November 22, 1886. 2868. *James Lawrence Jones, Louisa Court House, Va. : Died in St. Louis, Mo., 1884. 2869. John Ai^exander Kirkpatrick, B. L., Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Regi^ter in Chancery: Opelika, Ala. 2870. Ernest Benjamin Kruttschnitt, M. A., B. L., New Orleans, La. : Instructor Modern Languages Washington and Lee University, 1870: Cincinnati Oration, 1870: Assistant Professor History Washington and Lee University, 1872: Associate Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1876: Lawyer : New Orleans, La. 2871. Frank Bobert Kittredge, Napoleon ville, La. : Merchant : Napoleonville, La. 2872. Edward Mansfiei^d Kirtland, New York City : St. Louis, Mo. 2873. Marcellus KtEBERG, B. L., Clinton, Tex.: Lawyer: Member of Legislature : Galveston, Tex. 2874. John Alexander Lacy, B. L., St. Louis, Mo. : (Son of 1187) : Lawyer: Judge of Probate Court: Sedalia, Mo.: Department of Interior, Wash- ington, D. C. 2875. Henry Bedinger Lee, Shepherdstown, W. Va. : Episcopal cler- gyman : Markham, Va. 2876. *David Leche, Winchester, Va. : Died in Philadelphia, August 1, 1881. 2877. John Stacker Lewis, B. P., Clarksville, Tenn. : University Prize Essay, 1872: With A. B. Treadwell & Co., Cotton Factors, Memphis, Tenn. 2878. Robert Whitley Lii.i.ARD, Stanford, Ky. : Lawyer : Stan- ford, Ky. 2879. Henry Bearing Leon, Augusta, Ga. : Lawyer: Augusta, Ga. 2880. John Newton Link, Palestine, Tex. : Lawyer : Palestine, Tex. 2881. ^Sidney Rivers Lamb, Memphis, Tenn. : Died August 18, 1882. 2882. Thomas Avery Lamb, Memphis, Tenn. : Secretary and Treasurer Union Stock Yards, Little Rock, Ark. 2883. WlLIilAM Meade Lewis, Howardsville, Va. : Farmer : Howards- ville, Va. 2884. Zach. Robert Lewis, Howardsville, Va. : Farmer: Howards- ville, Va. 2885. James C. Lili^ey, Staunton, Va. : Civil Engineer : Staunton, Va. : Mexico. 2886. Frank R. Logan, Atlanta, Ga.: Merchant: Atlanta, Ga. 2887. Charles Nicholas Meriwether, B. S., C. E., Guthrie, Ky. : Honorary Scholarship, 1870: Farmer: St. Bethlehem, Tenn. 2888. *Frank Hart Mitchell, Columbus, Ga. : (Brother of 1791): Planter : Died May 22, 1885. Catalogue of Alumni. 163 2889. John Edwakd Madison, Brooksville, Miss. : Lawyer : Macon, Miss. 2890. John Makshai,!., Piedmont, Va. : 99 Water St., New York City. 2891. John Wai.tON Meriwether, Guthrie, Ky.: Farmer: Guth- rie, Ky. 2892. WiiiiLiAM Douglas Meriwether, Guthrie, Ky. : Physician : Guthrie, Ky. 2893. Gabriei. Li. Morton, Paducah, Ky. : Honorary Scholarship, 1871 : New York City. 2894. Vol. H. Meriwether, Hernando, Miss. 2895. Chari.es G11.I.ESPIE Morgan, New York City. 2896. Alexander Montgomery Morrell, Pine Bluff, Ark. 2897. William Thomas McCutchan, A. B., B. P., Eockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Bunker Hill, Mo. 2898. William George McDowell, B. S., C E., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 520) : Civil Engineer and Architect: Lexington, Va. 2899. Rudolph Fayette McGlamery, Augusta Co., Va. : Farmer : Civil Engineer: Augusta Co., Va. 2900. IjEE Jocelyn McMahon, Galveston, Tex. : With Clarke & Couts, Galveston, Tex. 2901. Thomas Chipman McRae, B. Li., Magnolia, Ark.: Lawyer: Member of Legislature, 1877 : Presidential Elector, 1880 : Chairman Democratic State Convention, 1884: Delegate to National Convention, 1884: Member Forty- ninth and Fiftieth U. S. Congress. 2902. Miles B. Mc Sweeney, Charleston, S. C. 2903. *JoHN M. NTetherland, Rogersville, Tenn. : Lawyer : Died February 13, 1882. 2904. Jack Burke Noble, Houston, Tex. : Merchant : Shepherd, Tex. 2905. EusTis Field Officer, B, S., C. E., Little Rock, Ark. : Hon- orary Scholarship, 1871: Robinson Prize Medal, 1872: Civil Engineer: Little Eock, Ark. 2906. George Welshman Owens, Savannah, Ga. : Planter: Savan- nah, Ga. 2907. Kennedy Riddle Owen, Baltimore, Md. : Easton, Md. 2908. James Harrison Oliver, Hawkinsville, Ga. : Ensign U. S. N. 2909. Henry Pickles, B. Li., New Orleans, La. : Lawyer : New Orleans, La. 2910. Thomas Nelson Page, D. L., Hanover Co., Va. : (Brother of 2432): Lawyer: Author: Richmond, Va. 2911. Albert De Kalb Parrott, Kingston, N. C: Farmer: King- ston, N. C. 2912. Robert Caldwell Palmer, Lebanon, Ky. : Lawyer : Kansas. 2913. William Samuel Patterson, Jessamine Co., Ky. : Farmer: Wilmore, Ky. 2914. J. Li. M. PiRTLE, Cherokee Co., Tex. : Lawyer: Rusk, Tex. 2915. JRoBERT James Richey, Waco, Tex. : Teacher : Iredell, Tex. 2916. Matt. Whitaker Ransom, A. B., Garysburg, N. C. : Lawyer : Garysburg, N. C. 164 Catalogue of Alumni. 2917. John Vali^EAN Kathbone, Parkersburg, W. Va. : Merchant : Pajkersburg, W. Va. 2918. John SroCKDAliE Rhea, Kussellville, Ky.: Lawyer: Kussell- ville, Ky. 2919. Hamilton G. Robertson, Tyler, Tex. : Lawyer : Dallas, Tex. 2920. S01.ON Edward Franki^in Rose, Pulaski, Tenn. : Cashier National Bank: Pulaski, Tenn. 2921. Peter O. Rathbone, Parkersburg, W. Va. : Produce Commission Merchant : Chicago, 111. 2922. *Wii.i.iAM SAVII.I.E, A. B., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher : Mis- sissippi. 2923. Gabriei. Santini, New Orleans, La. : Robinson Prize Medal, 1872: Lawyer: Denver, Col. 2924. WlLMER Henry Shiei^DS, B. S., C. E., Natchez, Miss.: Plan- ter : Bullitt's Bayou, La. 2925. Thomas Hugh Somervii^le, B. L., Culpeper Co., Va. : Law- yer: Member of Mississippi Legislature: Carrollton, Miss. 2926. Isaac Wetherston Stephens, A. B., Bledsoe Co., Tenn.: Weatherford, Tex. 2927. Walter Oarence Stephenson, A. B., La Grange, Tenn.: Lawyer : Los Angeles, Cal. 2928. Chari.es Fox Sherrod, Columbus, Miss. 2929. Thomas Bili^ups Sherrod, Columbus, Miss. 2930. James Denny Sherwood, Galveston, Tex.: Merchant: Gal- veston, Tex. 2931. IjEWIS WARDliAW SiMKINS, Abbeville, S. C. : Lawyer: New- bei'ry, S. C. 2932. Edward Wai.1. Smith, New York City. 2933. Edwin C. Steele, Winnsboro, S. C. : Episcopal Clergyman : Mars Bluff, S. C. 2934. Harold Steele, Winnsboro, S. C. : With Pac. Rolling Mill Com- pany, San Francisco, Cal. 2935. William Wallace Topp, Columbus, Miss.: Hardware Mer- chant: Columbus, Miss. 2936. Charles B. Thomas, B. Li., Marion, Va.: Lawyer: Wythe- ville, Va. 2937. Peyton Tutwiler, Havana, Ala. : Planter : Marion, Ala. 2938. Edward Carson Vincent, Augusta Co., Va. : Civil Engineer: Staunton, Va. 2939. William Daniel Vinson, M. A., Sumter Co., S. C. : Honorary Scholarship, 18G9 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1871: Cincinnati Oration, 1872: In- structor in Greek Washington and Lee University, 1872: Professor Mathematics Austin College, Sherman, Tex. : Professor Mathematics Davidson College, N. C. 2940. Frank Alexander Waddill, M. A., C. E., Cheraw, S. C. : Honorary Scholarship, 1867 : Instructor in Mathematics W^ashington and Lee University, 1870: Physician: Railroad Officer: Cheraw, S. C. 2941. Robert Alexander Waller, Chicago, 111. : 164 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Catalogue of Alumni. 165 2942. James WlIiSON, Rockford, Tenn. : Bartow, Fla. 2943. *Myeb Woi.F, Osyka, Miss. : Merchant : Died 1878. 2944. I>AVID Waldo, Independence, Mo. : Capitalist : Kansas City, Mo. 2945. Frank JLe wis White, Lebanon, Tenn. : Farmer: Lebanon, Tenn. 2946. James Newton Winn, Plattsburg, Mo. : Farmer .- Edgerton, Mo. 2947. Edward Marcus Walker, Franklin, La. : Merchant : Frank- lin, La. 2948. Egbert Janson Watson, Rodney, Miss. 2949. Samuel Harston Wilson, Pittsylvania Co., Va. : Farmer : Cas- cade, Va. 2950. Henry N. Wylie, Washington, Ga. : Bookkeeper: Atlanta, Ga. 1872-1873. 2951. Richard Henry Allen, Memphis, Tenn. : St. Louis, Mo. : Banker : 81 Broad Street, New York City. 2952. James Polk Anderson, Waco, Tex. : Waco, Tex. 2958. William Frederick Anderson, New Orleans, La. : Planter : Opelousas, La. 2954. Charles Beauchamp Anderson, New Orleans, La. : Lawyer: 736 Twelfth Street, Washington, D. C. 2955. *IiEWIS Berkeley, Loudoun Co., Va.: (Brother of 2320). 2956. Frank Giddens Buford, A. B., Pulaski, Tenn.: Honorary Scholarship, 1871 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1873: Farmer: Pulaski, Tenn. 2957. Andrew Quintilian Bateman, Jefferson, Tex. : Fort Worth, Texas. 2958. Charles Frank Beall, Frostburg, Md. : Hardware Merchant : Frostburg, Md. 2959. Robert John Bell, Lexington, Va. : Pulaski City, Pulaski Co.,Va. 2960. William Beattie Boney, Jefferson, Tex.: Druggist: Jeffer- son, Tex. 2961. Waller Mordecai Brown, Mobile, Ala.: Clerk M. & O. K. K., Mobile, Ala. 2962. William LiEWIS Bacon, Lexington, Va. : Dentist : Lexington, Va. 2963. George Mervin Barnard, Waco, Tex. : Clerk : Waco, Tex. 2964. Joseph Allen Bell, Shelby ville, Ky. : Farmer: Shelby ville, Ky. 2965. AsHTON MiNA Boney, Jefferson, Tex. : Druggist : Shreveport, La. 2966. Erin Ernest Bryan, Brazoria, Tex. : Stock-raiser, Perry's Land- ing, Tex. 2967. John Caldwell Calhoun, B. S., C. E., M. A., Richmond, Ala. : Professor of Greek and Instructor in Spanish University of Alabama : Tuscaloosa, Ala. 2968. Ashley Cabell, B. K, New York City : (Son of 908) : Lawyer : Jury Commissioner: President American School Book Company: 117 N. 8th St., St. Louis Mo. 2969. De LiAcy Morgan Chandler, A. B., Eockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 1328) : Commission Merchant: Gay Building, St. Louis, Mo. 166 Catalogue of Alumni. 2970. Hardy Stricbxin Carter, Ripley, Miss. : Lawyer: Dardanelle, Ark. 2971. James Hubbard Campbei,!., Dover, Mo. 2972. LiAWRENCE Sui^lilVAN CARTER, Palo Pinto, Tex. : Finis, Tex. 2973. Edmund Cooper E. Christian, Tuscumbia, Ala.: Tuscum- bia, Ala. 2974. John McKinney Coffin, Union City, Tenn. 2975. Edward Everett Carpenter, Somerville, Tenn.: Planter: Somerville, Tenn. 2976. Robert Cockrei.1., Dallas, Tex. 2977. John Ai^exander Cotton, New Orleans, La. 2978. Charles Ross Crommelin, Montgomery, Ala.: Merchant: Montgomery, Ala. 2979. 'Wii.iiiAM Madison Dunlap, B. S., C. E., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Junior Reserves C. S. A.: Assistant Professor Applied Mathematics and Chemistry Washington and Lee University, 1871: Farmer: Civil Engineer: Kerr's Creek P. O., Va. 2980. Eduardo Rafael Deshon, Mobile, Ala. : Leon, Nicaragua, C. A. 2981. Burton McMahon 1>ESPARD, Clarksburg, W. Va. : Clarksburg, W.Va. 2982. Gates Dibreli,, Okolona, Miss. : Seguin, Tex. 2983. George Armstrong Oold, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1215): Lexington, Va. 2984. William Edmonds, Jr., M. A., Tuskegee, Ala.: Honorary Scholarship, 1867: Instructor in Latin Washington and Lee University, 1872: Lawyer: Waco, Tex. 2985. William Owen Ellis, Jefferson, Tex.: Commission Merchant: Banker: Houston, Tex. 2986. John Simeon Fair, B. P., Newberry, S. C. : Lawyer: Newberry, S. C. 2987. William Frazier Francisco, Bath Co., Va.: (Son of 996): Farmer : La Veta, Col. 2988. William Walton Flittcher, Churchville, Va. : (Son of 1039). 2989. Walton Craig Frank, Ghent, Ky. : Maysville, Ky. 2990. Charles A. Graves, M. A., B. L., Liberty, Va.: (Brother of 2845) : Robinson Prize Medal, 1868 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1869 : Assistant Pro- fessor English and Modern Languages, 1869 : Assistant Professor Law Washington and Lee University, 1873: Adjunct Professor Law, 1874: Professor Common and Statute Law and Equity Jurisprudence Washington and Lee University, 1875- . 2991. Angus Neal Gordon, B. P., Scott Co., Ky.: Valedictorian, 1873 : Teacher : Nicholasville, Ky. : Lexington, Ky. 2992. William F. Green, Little Rock, Ark.: Merchandise Broker: Dallas, Tex. 2993. Edgar IjEHRIE Guthrie, Paris, 111. : Farmer : Paris, 111. 2994. John Blair Guthrie, A. B., M. A., Augusta Co., Va. : Phy- sician : Point Pleasant, La. 2995. Walter Craig Guthrie, A. B. (1882), Augusta Co., Va.: President Chamberlain Hunt Academy : Port Gibson, Miss. Catalogue of Alumni. 167 2996. William James Powell Glenn, Waco, Tex. : Waco, Tex. 2997. "William Franklin Hogue, A. B., Marion, Ala.: Farmer: Scott's Station, Ala. 2998. Joseph Pasteur Hawks, Vicksburg, Miss. 2999. John Hite Lee Holcombe, Alexandria, Va. : U. S. N. 3000. -^Richard King Hyams, New Orleans, La.: Died February, 1879. 3001. Alexander Hamilton, B. L., Brownsville, N. C. : Lawyer: Petersburg, Va. 3002. Kdward Silliman Harris, McAfee. Ky.: Banker and Farmer: Elizabethtown, Ky. 3003. William Dunbar Hatcher, Selma, Ala. : Farmer : Orr- ville, Ala. 3004. Edward Carter Headly, Lexington, Ky. : Deputy Clerk Cir- cuit Court : Lexington, Ky. 3005. *JoHN Perkins Heath, Clinton, La. : Died October 7, 1878. 3006. James Bramley Hollo way, Somerville, Tenn. : Clerk : Liver- more, Iowa. 3007. Thomas Bramley Holloway, Somerville, Tenn. : Clerk : 16th and Canal Sts., Chicago, 111. 3008. *WiLLiAM Dickey Johnson, A. B., M. A., Columbia Co., Ark.: Lawyer and Editor: Prescott, Ark.: Died 1877. 3009. Thomas Moore Jackson, Clarksburg, W. Va. : Civil and Mining Engineer : Clarksburg, W. Va. 3010. *Mercer Wright Johnson, Shreveport, La.: Died August, 1873. 3011. William Kobert Johnston, Charlotte, N. C. : Merchant: Char- lotte, N. C. 3012. Walter Byron Jacobs, Shreveport, La. : Bank Cashier : Shreve- port, La. 3013. Thomas Jones Kernan, M. A., Clinton, La.: Honorary Schol- arship, 1872: Instructor in Mathematics and Modern Languages Washington and Lee University, 1S73 : Lawyer : Baton Eouge, La. 3014. Frederick William Kirchoff, New Orleans, La. 3015. Julius KruttscHNITT, C. E., New Orleans, La.: (Brother of 2870) : Robinson Prize Medal, 1873 : Civil Engineer : Assistant Superintendent Southern Pacific Railroad : New Orleans, La. 3016. John Martin Key, Brenham, Tex. : With Giddings & Giddings, Bankers, Brenham, Tex. 3017. John Campbell Kelly, Galveston, Tex. : Merchant: Galveston, Tex. 3018. James Samuel I^ANGWORTHY, Clinton, La.: Physician: Clinton, La. 3019. William Dickinson liEWis, Kanawha Co., W. Va. : Maiden, W. Va. 3020. John K. Lincoln, Plattsburg, Mo. : Farmer : Plattsburg, Mo. 3021. John Kirkpatrick Lake, B. L., Cynthiana, Ky. : Lawyer : Cynthiana, Ky. 3022. Edward Orick LiOCHER, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Stock Raiser: Indian Ter. 168 Catalogue of Alumni. 3023. * James Henry Liowry, Washington, Ark. 3024. WaLiTER Burns Leverett, Jamestown, Tex. : San Saba, Tex. 3025. BAI.DWIN Spyker Moore, B. Li., Austin, Tex.: Lawyer: 248 C and 3d Sts., Washington, D. C. 3026. James McDowei.1. Massie, Lexington, Va. : Physician : Rich- mondj Va. : Chirksville, Tenn. : Kansas City, Mo. 3027. Edward Howard Martin, Memphis, Tenn. : Artistic Decora- tion, 1267 Broadway, New York City. 3028. *Thomas Cathcart Manning, Alexandria, La. 3029. James Mai^ONY Marshall., Southampton Co., Va. : Merchant: Suffolk, Va. 3030. William Grant 3Ioore, Lexington, Ky, : Physician : 3041 Easton Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. 3031. Edward Spring Morris, Columbia, Tex. 3032. Walter W. Mountjoy, King George Co., Va. : Physician : Comorn, Va. 3033. Alexander Hall McCue, Fishersville, Va. : Farmer: Fishers- ville, Va. 3034. James McDowell, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 520) : Merchant : Lynchburg, Va. : Knoxville, Tenn. 3035. Thomas Shanks 3IcPheeters, Shelbyville, Ky. : Warehouse, <&c., 903 N. Main St., St. Louis, Mo. 3036. Lewis Herman McDowell, Demopolis, Ala. 3037. John Shuck McElroy, Springfield, Ky. : Merchant: Spring- field, Ky. 3038. William Harrison Nance, Huntsville, Ala. : Physician : Bolivar Co., Miss. 3039. William Patrick, B. L., Augusta Co.,Va.: Lawyer: Staunton, Va. 3040. Robert Spotswood Payne, Lynchburg, Va. : Civil Engineer: Lynchburg, Va. 3041. Theodore Franklin Pharr, Cabarrus Co., N. C. : Physician : Concord, N. C. 3042. Thomas B. Pugh, Napoleonville, La. : Physician : Napoleon- ville, La. 3043. James McClung Paris, Staunton, Va. : Farmer and Teacher: Elmot, Ark. 3044. William White Patton, Botetourt Co., Va. : (Son of 1358) : 210 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. 3045. William S. Rhea, C. E., M. E., Pulaski, Tenn. 3046. ^Andrew Wallace Ruff, Rockbridge Co., Va., (Son of 1109) : Presbyterian Minister : Highland Co., Va. : Died December, 1884. 3047. Hugh Rolston, Mobile, Ala. : Cotton Business : Mobile, Ala. 3048. John Talbert Rhodes, Alexandria, La. : Farmer and Mer- chant : Cheney ville, La. 3049. Charles Morgan Roberts, Washington, Tex.: Lawyer: San Antonio, Tex. , 3050. John Savage, Gainesville, Fla. Catalogue of Alumni. 169 3051. Oavid E. Sayre, Monticello, Mo. : Cattle Kanch : Long Point, Ark. 3052. Henry Venabi^e Strayer, Harrisonburg, Va.: (Son of 1199): Lawyer: Harrisonburg, Va. 3053. *Henry C. Shawhan, Cynthiana, Ky. : Died 1883. 3054. James Sutton Spring, Fort Smith, Ark. : Teacher: Aquilla, Tex. 3055. *JoSEPH Godfrey Swartz, Rockbridge Co., Va. : 4th Va. Re- serves C.S. A.: Honorary Scholarship, 1873 : Teacher: Lexington, Va. : Freder- icksburg, Va.: Died May, 1887. 3056. *HuME Sappington, Columbus, Miss. : Died November 5, 1880. 3057. James Luther Slayden, New Orleans, La. 3058. Thomas Sloan, Herringsville, N. C. : Lisbon, N. C. 3059. Horace George Smith, Orrville, Ala.: Farmer: Orrville, Ala. 3060. Eldon "Washington Smith, Dallas, Tex. 3061. *JoHN McClelland Tutwiler, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1405) : Lawyer: Died May, 1884. 3062. Joseph "Willis Taylor, B. L., Waco, Tex.: Lawyer: City Attorney : Waco, Tex. 3063. Patrick Henry Torrans, Jefferson, Tex. 3064. Carlos Chandos Trac Y^Walterboro, S. C. : Lawyer : Walterboro, S.C. 3065. Ferdinand Van Bru yssel, New Orleans, La. 3066. Benjamin Harrison Waddell, M. A., C. E., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 2620) : Honorary Scholarship, 1867 : Assistant Professor Mathematics Washington and Lee University, 1870 ; Teacher Classical School : Louisville, Ky. 3067. *Chakles K. Whipple, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Private Secretary to Governor of Virginia: Richmond, Va. 3068. Mortimer Norton Wisdom, B. Ij., New Orleans, La. : Cotton Broker : New Orleans, La. 3069. Edward Jasper L. Wyrick, A. B., B. Ij., Magnolia, Ark. : Lawyer: Judge: Magnolia, Ark.: Teacher: Dawson, Tex. 3070. Julius Walker Walden, Talladega, Ala.: Presbyterian Min- ister : Dayton, O. : Covington, Ky. 3071. James li. Waller, C. E., Chicago, 111.: Merchants' National Bank, Chicago, 111. 3072. Charles Frederick Warren, B. P., Washington, N. C. : Lawyer : Member of State Senate, 1887 : Washington, N. C. 3073. Frederick Werber, Newberry, S. C. : Honorary Scholarship, 1872 : Lawyer : Newberry, S. C. 3074. Robert Brady Williams, Washington, Ark. : Lawyer : Wash- ington, Ark. 3075. Thomas Fendol West, Louisa Co., Va. : Jacksboro, Tex. 3076. Kobert Triplett White, Petersburg, Va. : Merchant: Peters- burg, Va. 3077. Richard HoweWinter, Grenada, Miss. : Planter: Grenada, Miss. 3078. M ALONE Wheless, New Orleans, La.: Lawyer: Washington, D. C. 3079. FoRTESCUE Whittle, Powhatan Co., Va.: Teacher. 3080. William Bell Wisdom, New Orleans, La. : (Brother of 3068) : 253 Canal St., New Orleans, La. 12 170 Catalogue of Alumni. 1873-1874. 308L William C. Ayres, C. E., M. E., New Orleans, La. : Physician : 25 W. 24th St., New York City. 3082. Thomas Hampton Allen, Jr., Memphis, Tenn. : Cotton Factor r Memphis, Tenn. 3083. Brown Ayres, New Orleans, La.: (Brother of 3081) : Professor Physics and Astronomy Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans. 3084. Harry Allen, Memphis, Tenn. : Cotton Factor : Memphis, Tenn. 3085. Howard Williams Barclay, A. B., B. L. (1877), Lexing- ton, Va.: (Son of 1069): Teacher: Kentucky: Savannah, Ga. : Civil Engineer : Lexington, Va. 3086. William Boyle, A. B., Albia, Iowa :. University Prize Essay, 1873: Santini Prize Medal, 1874: Teacher: Salt Lake Collegiate Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah. 3087. John Monroe Bannister, A. B., Huntsville, Ala.: Honorary Scholarship, 1872: Surgeon U. S. A. 3088. Edward Gk)LD Brownlee, B. P., Kockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher : Winchester, Ky. : Eufaula, Ala. : Birmingham, Ala. 3089. KoBERT Kennolds Bentley, Essex Co., Va.: Teacher: Bas- trop, La. 3090. liAZU Block, Winnsboro, La. 3091. Glenn Brown, Alexandria, Va. : Architect : Washington, D. C. 3092. Briscoe Baldwin Bouldin, Charlotte Co., Va. : Commonwealth's Attorney Charlotte Co. : Randolph, Va. 3093. William I>avid Brent, Covington, Ky. : Lawyer : Covington, Ky. 3094. David Williams Broyles, Savannah, Tenn. : Lawyer : Savan- nah, Tenn. 3095. Isaac Newton Campbell, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Presbyterian, Minister: Lincoln Co., N. C. 3096. LiEONiDAS Beverly Chaney, Allen Co., Ky. : Presbyterian Min- ister : Weatherford, Tex. : Rogersville, Tenn. 3097. William Burr Child ers, A. B., B. Li., Pulaski, Tenn.: Lawyer: Albuquerque, New Mexico. 3098. Alexander Cockrell, Dallas, Tex. 3099. *Kobebt a. K. Cumming, Atlanta, Ga. : Died November, 1884. 3100. Samuel Cheatham, Edgefield Co., S. C: Farmer: Duntonsville, S.C. 3101. Edwin T. Dumble, Galveston, Tex. : Secretary Texas State Geo- logical and Scientific Association : Houston, Tex. 3102. Joshua Martin Dawson, A. B., Columbus, O.: Honorary Scholarship, 1873: Lawyer: City Solicitor: Cincinnati, O. 3103. Charles Madison Davis, Cross Anchor, S. C: Lawyer and Planter: Cross Anchor, S. C. 3104. Kendal Francis Dazey, Farmington, Tenn.: Book-keeper:; Nashville, Tenn. 3105. Erroll Dunbar, Winchester, Va. : Actor : New York City. . Catalogue of Alumni. 171 3106. Walter Wharton I>unlap, Kockbridge Co., Va.: (Brother of 2979) : Farmer : Kerr's Creek, Va. : Roanoke, Va. 3107. -^Philip Pendleton Dandridge, B. Ij., Jefferson Co., W. Va. 3108. Gerard Morgan Effinger, C. E., Eockbridge Co., Va. : (Brother of 1894) : Mining Engineer: Ouray, Col. 3109. Theodorick Pryor Epes, A. B., Nottoway Co., Va. : Presbyte- rian Minister : Manchester, Va. : Woodstock, Va. 3110. Charles William Freeman, B. L., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1862) : Captain 4th Virginia Reserves C. S. A. : Lawyer : Kansas City, Mo. 3111. Harvey Butler Fergusson, A. B., M. A., B. In,, Pickens- ville, Ala.: Honorary Scholarship, 1870: Cincinnati Oration, 1873: Instructor in Greek and Modern Languages Washington and Lee University, 1873 : Lawyer : Wheeling, W. Va. : Albuquerque, New Mexico. 3112. Frank Field, B. P., A. B., Arrow Rock, Mo. : Honorary Scholar- ship, 1871: Valedictorian, 1874: Dallas, Tex. 3113. Henry Washington Farnham, C. E., Natchez, Miss. : Civil Engineer: Natchez, Miss. 3114. Floyd Farrar, Vicksburg, Miss. : Agent Union Star Line : Mem- phis, Tenn. 3115. John Cameron Frayser, Memphis, Tenn. : Cotton Broker : Mem- phis, Tenn. 3116. Oaniel Turner Fackler, A. B., Huntsville, Ala. : Lawyer and Editor: Danville, Ky. 3117. Andrew Jackson Ford, Richmond, Va. : Ford's Hotel : Rich- mond, Va. 3118. William Henry Falkner, Ripley, Miss.: Ripley, Miss. 3119. Frank Thomas Glasgow, A. B., Fincastle, Va. : (Son of 1223) Lawyer : Fincastle, Va. ; Lexington, Va. 3120. HosEA Ij. Garrett, Brenham, Tex. : Minister : Brenham, Tex. 3i21. *JoHN Gayle, Shreveport, La. 3122. Alfred Barr Gillis, New Orleans, La. : New Orleans, La. 3123. Edwin Atwood Glover, Edgefield, S. C. : Lawyer : Edgefield, S. C. 3124. Frank Eugene GtOLDthwaite, New Orleans, La. 3125. James Adrian Goggans, Nixburgh, Ala. : Physician : Alexander City, Ala. 3126. William Samuel Glass, Victoria, Tex. 3127. Frank Turner Howard, New Orleans, La.: Cotton Manufac- turer : New Orleans, La. 3128. Harry Turner Howard, New Orleans, La. : (Brother of 3127) : Ashton Plantation, Luling P. O., La. 3129. John Ijeonidas Hudson, Memphis, Tenn. 3130. Joseph Harding Hamilton, Louisville, Ky. : Louisville Gas Co.: Louisville, Ky. 3131. William Frank Hardy, Norfolk, Va. : V. T. & Ga. Air Line : Norfolk, Va. 3132. Newton Walker Hartwell, Louisville, Ky. : Wholesale Oils, &c. : Louisville, Ky. 172 Catalogue of Alumni. 3133. John Harvey HitL, B. Li., Penn Run, Pa. : Lawyer : Indiana, Pa. 3134. Walter Scott Jarratt, Brownsville, Tenn. : Farmer : Browns- ville, Tenn. 3135. Benjamin O. James, Goochland Co., Va. : Commonwealth's Attor- ney : Lawyer : Goochland C. H., Va. 3136. ^WlliLlAM Johnson, Briscoe Run, W.Va. : Civil Engineer: Died March 16, 1881. 3137. CHARiiES Stanton Jordan, Warrenton, Va. : Warrenton, Va. 3138. BAZlli Gordon Kiger, Vicksburg, Miss. : Vicksburjr, Miss. 3139. ■'^JlRO Katow, Okayama, Japan: Died October 14, 1877. 3140. Edmund Jennings LiEE, Fairfax Co., Va. : Physician : Philadel- phia, Pa. 3141. *Nathan Giles LiETCHER, Maysfield, Tex. : Died February 8, 1881. 3142. Albert Gallatin Ix)WRY, Washingtob, Ark. : Lawyer and Edi- tor : Hope, Ark. 3143. James Madison Laird, Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Brother of 2559) : Physician : Coal Valley, W. Va. 3144. Charles Clinton Leverett, Jamestown, Tex.: Overton, Tex. 3145. Benjamin Tip Likens, Houston, Tex. : Book-keeper : Houston, Tex. 3146. Adolphus P. IjONGSHORE, Youngville, Ala. 3147. "^Frank Montgomery, Tremont, N. Y. : Physician : Bellevue Hos- pital, N. Y. : Died December, 1885. 3148. John Marks Moore, Austin, Tex.: Lawyer: State Attorney 12th District, Tex. : Eastland City, Tex. 3149. Frank Mastin, Huntsville, Ala. : Hardware : Huntsville, Ala. 3150. William Joynes May, Petersburg, Va. : Book-keeper : Richmond, Va. 3151. Nelson Carroll Munger, Houston, Tex.: Book-keeper: Hous- ton, Tex. 3152. GuSTAVUS LiYLE Mastin, Huntsville, Ala,: Merchant: Hunts- ville, Ala. 3153. -^William Frank Michie, Petersburg, Va. 3154. James Alexander Moore, B. Li., Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Lexington, Va. 3155. James Harvey McCown, A. B., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Presby- terian Minister : Farmer : Rockingham Co., Va. : Rockbridge Co., Va. 3156. John McCoy, B. P., Pendleton Co., W. Va.: Farmer: Franklin, W.Va. 3157. William M. McPheeters, A. B., Shelbyville, Ky.: (Brother of 3035): Presbyterian Minister : Rocky Mount, Va. : Marion, Va. 3158. William Tucker McGee, Raleigh, N. C. : Salesman : Raleigh, N.C. 3159. Robert Shafer McCluer, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer: Sum- mers, Va. 3160. John Alexander Preston, A. B., Lexingrton, Va.: (Son of 827) : Presbyterian Minister: Pendleton Co., W.Va.: Fishersville, Va. Catalogue of Alumisti. 17S 3161. KiSDON HuTCHiNGS Price. a. B., M. a., St. Louis, Mo, 3162. John GL.ENN Pitts, Baltimore, Md. : Lawyer: Baltimore, Md. 3163. Thomas Smith Purdie, B. Ij., Smithfield, Va. : Lawyer : Lees- burg, Va. : Seattle, Wash. Ter. : Merchant : Middletown, O. 3164. John Henry Parker, Nixburgh, Ala.: Lawyer: Kockford, Ala. 3165. BliAlR BuRWELt Pegram, Petersburg, Va. : Insurance Agent: Petersburg, Va. 3166. Henry Conyers Payne, Georgetown, Ky. : With Payne, Viley & Co., Louisville, Ky. 3167. Abner Addison Porter, Austin, Tex. 3168. John Nathaniel Prather, Modesto, Cal. : Dentist : San Jos^, Cal. 3169. Henry Jemison Pratt, Lexington, Va. : General Manager Colum- bus Fertilizer Co., Columbus, Ga. 3170. WlixiAM St. Paui^ Puli^iam, Manchester, Va. — ' 3171. KoGER Atkinson Pryor,B.Ij., New York City: Collegian Prize, 1874 : Lawyer : New York City. 3172. John Kuff, A. B., Kockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 1109) : Presbyte- rian Minister : Liberty, Va. 3173. John Henry Reid, Kansas City, Mo. : Keal Estate Agent : Kansas City, Mo. 3174. liAWRENCE F1NI.EY Beinhard, St. Louis, Mo. : Civil Engineer and Railroad Contractor : Council Bluffs, Iowa. 3175. Wauker Horton Khett, New Orleans, La. 3176. *Ebenezer Erskine Stuart, Brownsburg, Va. : Theological Student: Died September 24, 1879. 3177. "William Clarence Steele, Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Son of 1244) : Honorary Scholarship, 1872 : Teacher : Dallas, Tex. 3178. Thomas Parker Thomson, Abbeville, S. C. : Abbeville, S. C. 3179. John Thruston Thornton, Lexington, Va. : California. 3180. John Michael Tiernan, B. Li,, Ashland, Ky. : Lawyer : Ash- land, Ky. 3181. Tada Burni Torie, Tokei, Japan. 3182. William Scott AVhite, A. B., Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 2469) : Physician : Lexington, Va. 3183. James Bidout Winchester, A. B., B. P., Annapolis, Md. : University Prize Essay, 1874 : Episcopal Clergyman : Macon, Ga. 3184. Samuel Knox Winn, Decatur, Ga. : Presbyterian Minister : Peters- burg, Va. 3185. John William Wilson, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher : Bedford Co.,Va. 3186. WilliamWoodsonWalker, Fairfax Co., Va.: Episcopal Clergy- man: Bellaire, (). : Washington, Pa. 3187. Richard Wilde Walker, Huntsville, Ala.: Lawyer: Hunts- ville, Ala. 3188. James Bibb Weber, La Grange, Mo. : Minister : President Mount Pleasant College, Huntsville, Mo. : La Grange, Mo. 174 Catalogue of Alumni. 3189. WAliTER JourdanWingate, B. Ij., Newton Co., Tex. : Lawyer and Land Agent : San Diego, Cal. 1874-1875. 3190. Charles WESiiEY Anderson, A. B., Brownsville, Tenn: Teacher: Proprietor Brownsville City Mills': Brownsville, Tenn. 3191. Henry Ames, St. Louis, Mo. : St. Louis, Mo. 3192. JoBDJ PAUIi BOCOCK, A. B., M. A., Lexington, Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1873: Lawyer: Editor: Butte City, Montana: On staff of the IForW, New York City. 3193. George Aijexander Brodie, Plum Bayou, Ark.: Lawyer: Stenographer: Portland, Oregon. 3194. Irby Boyd, Memphis, Tenn.: Cotton Commission Merchant: Mem- phis, Tenn. 3195. *IjUCIEN Brown, Georgetown, S. C. 3196. * John A. Blume, B. li., Lexington, Va. : Lawyer : Lexington, Va. : Died October, 1886. 3197. Henry Thomas Bine, Oxford, Miss. 3198. George Samuel Craig, Augusta Co., Va. : Manager of Marble Quarry : Craigsville, Va. 3199. WltxIAM GWYNN COE, Lexington, Va. : Physician : Yakima, Wash. Ter. 3200. Harry Slicer Coe, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 3199) : Methodist Minister : Glen Wilton, Va. 3201. John Thomas Cock, Harrison Co., Tex. : Lawyer : Marshall, Tex. 3202. James Edmondson Connevey, Washington Co., Va.: Editor: Midlothian, Tex. 3203. I'HOMAS Paxton CAliBREATH, Augusta Co., Va. : Koanoke, Va. 3204. Clifford Caldwell, Jefferson Co., Ark. : Farmer : Plum Bayou, Ark. 3205. Walter Atwood Camp, Marietta, Ga.: 206 E. 15th St., New York City. 3206. Samuel Cowan Cason, Abbeville, S. C. : Abbeville, S. C. 3207. BlON Clarke, Brookville, Ky. : Tobacco Dealer : Brookville, Ky. 3208. Bernard Harrison Nadal Coe, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 3200) : Baltimore, Md. 3209. Charles AlvinDailey, Honey Grove, Tex. : Lawyer : Paris, Tex. 3210. Horace li. Dufour, New Orleans, La. : Lawyer : New Orleans, La. 3211. James Sproule Deweese, Milton, Ky.: Tobacconist: Louis- ville, Ky. 3212. Joseph Henry Powell Dolen, Houston, Tex. : Sealy, Tex. 3213. "William Templeton Ourrett, Louisville, Ky. : Physician: Louisville, Ky. 3214. Clarence Edmondson, M. A., Pulaski, Tenn.: Santini Prize Medal, 1875 : Lawyer : Sherman, Tex. : Austin, Tex. Catalogue of Alumni. 175 3215. "WuLiilAM Cherry Etheridge, Bertie Co., N. C. : Colerain, N. C. 3216. BEVERiiY Burette Ford, A. B., Cartersville, Va.: Columbia, S. C. 3217. John Walker Field, C. E., Liberty, Mo.: Civil Engineer: Wichita Falls, Tex. 3218. James K. Polk Gillaspie, Hunts ville, Tex. : Houston, Tex. 3219. John Gadsden, M. E., C. E., Charleston, S. C: Farmer and Civil Engineer : Eutawville, S. C. 3220. William Julian Gayer, Charleston, S. C. : Clerk in Post Office : Charleston, S. C. 3221. Samuel Earle Greene, Birmingham, Ala.: Lawyer: Birming- ham, Ala. 3222. Walter Gregory, Memphis, Tenn. : Lawyer : Memphis, Tenn. 3223. John Bean Grove, Grant Co., W. Va. : Physician : Petersburg, W. Va. 3224. Robert Glasgow, Fincastle,Va.: (Son of 1223): Physician: Fin- €astle, Va. : Lexington, Va. 3225. Reuben Drake Haislip, M. A., Camden, Ark.: Honorary Scholarship, 1870 : Teacher : Woodstock, Va. : Little Eock, Ark. : With R. H. Allen & Co., Bankers, 31 Broad St., New York City. 3226. John Avery Haldeman, Louisville, Ky. : Courier Journal : Louisville, Ky. 3227. Columbus Haywood Hobbs, Milburn, Ky. : Minister : Presi- dent Dallas College, Tex. : President Center University, Center, Tex. 3228. John Jason Harry, Garlandville, Miss. : Physician : Handsboro, Miss. 3229. Griffin Johnston, San Francisco, Cal. : Los Angeles, Cal. 3230. liEWis Carmera Jones, Mississippi City, Miss. 3231. Jerry Black LiESLIE, Frankfort, Ky. : Lawyer : Glasgow, Ky. : Oreat Falls, Montana. 3232. Samson IjEVY, Bastrop, La. : Lawyer : Bastrop, La. 3233. George Carter IjAFFERTY, Lexington, Va. : Secretary Stock Exchange : With Thomas Branch & Co., Brokers, Richmond, Va. : Stenographer U. S. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. 3234. *EvANS C. Leslie, Frankfort, Ky. : Physician : Died in New York, May 16, 1882. 3235. Emile Montgomery, A. B. (1876), Tremont, N. Y. : (Brother of 3147) : High Bridge, P. O., N. Y. 3236. James William Moore, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Kerr's Creek, Va. : Merchant : Lexington, Va. 3237. Miles Macon Martin, B. L., Danville, Va.: (Son of 1304): Lawyer: Smith ville, Va. 3238. Thomas Jasper Moore, El Dorado, Ark. : Merchant : Camden, Ark. 3239. Emmett Wallace McCorkle, B. P., Rockbridge Co., Va.: Presbyterian Minister : Clifton Forge, Va. 3240. John Taylor McChesney, Staunton, Va. : (Son of 1237) : Min- neapolis, Minn. : Bank Officer r Aberdeen, Dak. 176 Catalogue of Alumni. 3241. Donald McDonald, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 2426) : Archi- tect : Louisville, Ky. : Roanoke, Va. 3242. Roy ^cDoNALD, Lexington, Va.: (Brotherof 3241) : Louisville, Ky. 3243. Jackson Robert McBride, Lexington, Va. : Farmer : Pales- tine, Tex. 3244. Edwin Atlee McCampbell, Corpus Christi, Tex.: Corpus Christi, Tex. 3245. Harry Percy Napton, C. E., St. Louis, Mo.: Civil Engineer: Butte City, Mont. 3246. Robert Hollins Nicholas, M. E., C. E., Baltimore, Md. : Civil Engineer B. & P. R. R. : Baltimore, Md. 3247. Ernest Vinson Napier, Waco, Tex. : Telegraph Operator : Perry, Tex. 3248. Lewis "William Napton, St. Louis, Mo. :- Deer Lodge City, Mont. 3249. Thomas Addison Perkins, Louisville, Ky. : Superintendent Silver Mining Co.: Idaho Springs, Col. 3250. Charles Talbot Peck, Cocke Co., Tenn. : Lawyer: New Orleans, La. 325L Lawrence Rust, M. A., LL. D., Leesburg, Va. : Professor Greek Kenyon College: Rector Kenyon Military Academy: Gambler, Ohio. 3252. John Pinkham Rice, C. E., St. Charles, Mo.: Physician: Castro ville, Tex. 3253. Ernest Robinson, Huntsville, Ala. : Lawyer : Huntsville, Ala. 3254. Richard Alexander Robinson, Louisville, Ky. : Member of firm of Robinson Bros. & Co., Hardware : Louisville, Ky. 3255. William Smiley Ryan, B. L., Indianapolis, Ind. : On Staff of The Star, New York City. 3256. Samuel Wheeler Railey, Winchester, Ky.: Lawyer: Louis- ville, Ky. 3257. Robert Glenn Redwine, Atlanta, Ga. : Planter : Powell- ville, Ga. 3258. John Hill Ryals, Telfair Co., Ga. : Farmer and Merchant : Lum- ber City, Ga. 3259. John Junius Shaner, Lexington, Va. : Physician : California. 3260. Henry Howard Sandlin, B. L., Richlands, N. C. : Lawyer : Richlands, N. C. 3261. Nathan Alexander Stedman, Marshall, Tex. : Honorary Scholarship, 1874 : Lawyer : Fort Worth, Tex. 3262. Thomas Taliaferro Shreve, Louisville, Ky. : Dun's Mercan- tile Agency : Louisville, Ky. 3263. Joel Allen Smith, Abbeville, S. C. : Merchant : Abbeville, S. C. 3264. George Leard Speer, Elmore Co., Ala.: Teacher: Principal Jemison Male and Female Institute : Jemison, Ala. 3265. Thomas Fearne Steele, Chattanooga, Tenn.: Ticket Agent: Chattanooga, Tenn. 3266. *Edmund I>WIGHT Sears, Staunton, Va. : Died November 10^ 1883. Catalogue of Alumni. 177 3267. Claude Iilt.BURNE Shipe, Baltimore, Md. : 146 Bolton St., Bal- timore, Md. 3268. Thomas Everett Smith, Smyrna, Tenn.: Farmer and Surveyor ; Smyrna, Tenn. 3269. WiLMAM Henry Tayi^oe, A. B., M. A., B. L., Hale Co., Ala. : Honorary Scholarship, 1870 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1872 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1873: Cincinnati Oration, 1874: Instructor in History, English and Modem Languages, Washington and Lee University, 1874: Acting Professor German and Modern History Washington and Lee University, 1875 : Lawyer : Lexington, Va. : Uniontown, Ala. 3270. Albert Howard Tinges, M. E., C. E., Baltimore, Md.: Civil Engineer P. W. & B. R. R. : 152 Lanvale St., Baltimore, Md. 3271. James Bruce TutwII^ER, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1405): Mer- chant: Lynchburg, Va. 3272. Henry Frank Tii.i.MAN,Valdosta, Ga. : Book-keeper: Macon, Ga. 3273. LeKoy Chowning TOWLES, Poolesville, Md.: Physician: Acco- keek, Md. 3274. Robert "Wotherspoon 1"^ezevant, Columbia, S. C. 3275. John Randoi^ph Tucker, Richmond, Va. : Lawyer : Rich- mond, Va. 3276. DANlEii Parke Turnbuli., Pass Christian, Miss. 3277. *Wll.i:.iAM Patton Watkins, Huntsville, Ala. : Died in Europe, 1882. 3278. Walter IjESI.IE Webb, C. E., Dover, Mo.: Stock Raiser: Win- field, Kan. 3279. William Braxton Winn, Memphis, Tenn. : Physician : Mem- phis, Tenn. 3280. Newton Kirk White, Huntsville, Ala. : Farmer : Huntsville, Ala. 3281. Frank Beverly Whiting, Clarke Co., Va.: Farmer: Boyce P. O., Va. 3282. S. Miller Williams, Lexington, Va. : Civil Engineer : Camden, S. C. 1875-1876. 3283. Conrad George Altgelt, San Antonio, Tex. : San Antonio, Tex. 3284. John Randolph Anderson, Jr., Lexington, Va.: Hardware: Richmond, Va. 3285. ^Benjamin W. Bettis, A. B., B. Ij., Edgefield, S. C. : Law- yer : Edgefield, S. C. : Died July 29, 1885. 3286. Hugh Barclay, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1069) : Merchant : Little Rock, Ark. 3287. Thomas Raymond Boyle, Memphis, Tenn. : Memphis, Tenn. 3288. William Ballentine, St. Louis, Mo. 3289. Stephen Taylor Beveridge, Richmond, Va.: Commission Merchant: Richmond, Va. 3290. Matt. Sanders Bradley, B. L., Georgetown, Ky.: Lawyer: 97 Clark St., Chicago, 111. 178 Catalogue of Alumni. 3291. *PHlliIP Hopkins Brown, Loudoun Co., Va. : Chemist, Potts- ville Iron & Steele Co., Pottsville, Pa. 3292. John 1jYL,1e Campbei.i:., B. L/., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1170): Teacher: Christiansburg, Va, : Lawyer: Clerk of the Faculty and Treasurer Washington and Lee University, 1877- : Lexington, Va. 3293. George £Li.rle Chamberlain, A. B., B. !L., Natchez, Miss. : Lawyer: Member of Legislature: Albany, Oregon. 3294. ^William Francis Cosner, A. B., Tucker Co., W. Va.: Presbyterian Minister: Died November 17, 1880. 3295. James Gari^and Carter, Louisville, Ky. : Of Carter Bros. & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods : Louisville, Ky. 3296. John Henry Ci-INKSCAI.es, Carrollton, Mo. : Durango, La. 3297. CliARENCE G. Crawford, Frederick Co., Va. : Farmer: Kerns- town, Va. 3298. Chari-es Augustus Deshon, M. A., B. L., Mobile, Ala.: Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1872: Robinson Prize Medal, 1874: Robinson Prize Medal, 1875: Cincinnati Oration, 1875: Acting Professor French Washington and Lee University, 1875: Lawyer: 237 Broadway, New York City. 3299. W11.1.IAM EiitlOTT Bold, Harrisonburg, Va. : (Son of 1329) : Physician : Bloomingdale Asylum, New York City. 3800. Frederick Absalom Dantzler, Garlandville, Miss. : Heidel- berg, Miss. 3301. James Wii.i.iam DeVore, Edgefield, S. C: Edgefield, S. C. 3302. Flavius Foster Downs, Waco, Tex. : Banker : Temple, Tex. 3303. M. W. Elder, Clarksville, Tenn. : Clarksville, Tenn. 3304. Walter Vinson Fort, Waco, Tex. : Waco, Tex. 3305. William Waters Gibson, Charlestown, W. Va. : San Antonio, Texas. 3306. Julius Caldeen Gunter, Fayetteville, Ark. : Lawyer : Trini- dad, Col. 3307. John C. George, Baltimore, Md. : 1 Charles St. Ave., Balti- more, Md. 3308. William Wirt Henry Harris, M. A., B. L., Lexington, Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1873: Robinson Prize Medal, 1874: Instructor in English, Greek, and Latin, Washington and Lee University, 1874 : Lawyer : Lynchburg, Va. 3309. Walter Henry Hoffman, New Orleans, La. : U. S. Assistant Engineer : New Orleans, La. 3310. ^Maxwell Somerville Hudgins, C. E., Matthews Co., Va. : Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1874: Honorary Scholarship, 1875: Robinson Prize Medal, 1876: Teacher: New York City: Norfolk, Va. : Died October, 1887. 3311. -^Walter Wilson Harvey, Memphis, Tenn. 3312. LiAWRENCE M. Hensell, Martinsburg, W. Va. : Minister : Rock- ingham Co., Va. : Albany, Oregon. 3313. William Albert Hughes, Anchorage, Ky. : Physician : Kan- sas City, Mo. 3314. Horace Hale Harvey, New Orleans, La. Catalogue of Alumni. 179 3315. GuSTAVUS A. Kampmann, San Antonio, Tex. : San Antonio, Tex. 3316. JaM£S liEE lilsliE, Lexington, Ky. : Honorary Scholarship, 1874: Lexington, Ky. 3317. Charles Richard Lockridge, Kansas City, Mo.: Capitalist: Kansas City, Mo. 3318. Jesse BuRBAGE IjUCAS, Washington, N. C. : Physician: Harrell's Store P. O., N. C. 3219. Harry Preston Lawther, Galveston, Tex. : Dallas, Tex. 3320. "William Johnson Li'Engle, Jacksonville, Fla. : Jacksonville, Fla. 3321. Sidney Turner Moreland, C. E., B. S., A. B., M. A., Homer, La. : Honorary Scholarship, 1873 : Young Prize Scholarship, 1874 : Rob- inson Prize Medal, 1874: Teacher McDonogh School, Maryland: McCormick Professor of Natural Philosophy Washington and Lee University, 1880- : Lex- ington, Va. 3322. Thomas Kichard Moore, Eockbridge Co., Va. : Merchant : Lexington, Va. 3323. Eugene Irvine Montgomery, A. B., Deerfield, Va.: Young Prize Scholarship, 1876: Teacher: Deerfield, Va. 3324. Ephraim Griffin Marsalis, Dallas, Tex. 3325. Thomas Winston Moseley, Bedford Co., Va. : Honorary Scholar- ship, 1875 : Lawyer : Fort Smith, Ark. 3326. William Parsons McCorkle, Eockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 793): "Gazette" Medal, 1875: Methodist Minister: Texas. 3327. RoBERDEAU A. McCormick, Loudoun Co., Va. : Aurum, Nev. 3328. ^George McDowell Prather, Waco, Tex. 3329. Matthew White Paxton, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1312) : Farmer : Member of Virginia House of Delegates, 1883 : U. S. Internal Kevenue Department: Editor: Lexington, Va. 3330. John Henry Pratt, Eoswell, Ga. : Analytical Chemist : Savan- nah, Ga. 3331. ^Marshall Key Palmer, Lebanon, Ky.: Physician: Lebanon, Ky. : Died 1884. 3332. WiLLARD E. Parks, Martinsville, Ind. : Martinsville, Ind. 3333. William JRice Pryor, New York City : Physician : 147 William Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3334. John Milton Kobinson, C. E., Cotton Point, La.: Cotton Planter : Bayou La Chute, La. 3335. Harry Hamilton Kussell, A. B., Hamilton, La.: Lawyer: Monroe, La. 3336. Smith Clinkscales Kea, Carrollton, Mo. : Teller Exchange Bank, Carrollton, Mo. 3337. Chester Elhenen Kees, Winchester, Ky. : Police Judge : Win- chester, Ky. 3338. Thomas Kellen Keese, Eockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Eock- bridge Co., Va. 3339. Frank Graham Ruff, Eockbridge Co., Va.: (Son of 1109) Farmer: Oak Dale P. 0.,Va. 180 Catalogue of Alumni. 3340. KoBERT Henry Sellers, Lexington, Va. : Keal Estate Agent: Fort Worth, Tex. 3341. Arthur Fichelle Sampson, Georgetown, S. C: Physician; Georgetown, S. C. 3342. James William Stokes, A. B. , Orangeburg, S. C: Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1875: Valedictorian, 1876: Physician: Teacher: Corinth, Miss.: Wartrace, Tenn. 3343. W. Speed Stephens, Boonville, Mo. : Banker : Boonville, Mo. 3344. Edward Steves, San Antonio, Tex. : Guns, &c. : San Antonio, Tex. 3345. Haller Girault Sizer, Dallas, Tex. : Merchant : Dallas, Tex. 3346. *WiLLiAM GiP Stephens, Boonville, Mo. 3347. Henry Stratton, Memphis, Tenn. : Book-keeper, with J. H. McDavitt & Co., Memphis, Tenn. 3348. Henry St. George Tucker, M. A., B. Li., Lexington, Va.: Associate Trustee Washington and Lee University, 1887- : Lawyer : Staunton, Va. 3349. William Harold Walsh, B. L., Harford Co., Md.: Santini Prize Medal, 1876 : Assistant Attorney B. & O. R. R. : Lawyer : Baltimore, Md. 3350. William Jeremiah Williams, Poolsville, Md.: Merchant: Dawsonville, Md. 3351. Campbell Wallace, Atlanta, Ga.: Nurseryman: Atlanta, Ga. 1876-1877. 3352. Charles Bezaleel Antrim, A. B., Lexington, Va. : Whole- sale Grocer : Richmond, Va. 3353. Walter Russell Bowie, A. B., M. A., B. L., Lexington, Va. : Lawyer : Member City Council : Richmond, Va. 3854. Walter Kemper Bocock, A. B., M. A., Lexington, Va.: (Brother of 3192): Santini Prize Medal, 1877: Editor: North American: Philadelphia Times: Author: Philadelphia: The Press: New York. 3355. John Barbee, Louisville, Ky.: Mine Broker: Grand Lake, Col. 3356. I>AVID KiTTENHOUSE Barton, Lexington, Va. : Farmer : Md. 3357. Juan Benavides, B. Li., Laredo, Tex.: Lawyer: Laredo, Tex. 3358. Omar Hassan Bartlette, New Orleans, La. : " Gazette " Medal, 1877 : New Orleans, La. 3359. Samuel Hayes Bell, Dublin, Va.: (Son of 938) : Farmer: Swoope's Depot, Va. 3360. James K. K. Bell, Dublin, Va. : (Son of 938): Farmer: Dublin, Va. 3361. Mike Woods Brister, Water Valley, Miss. : Druggist : Water Valley, Miss. 3362. James William Ballard, Winchester, Ky. 3363. Victor Flournoy Bradley, B. Lj., Georgetown, Ky. : Law Class Oration, 1877 : Lawyer : Georgetown, Ky. 3364. * James Trimble Campbell, A. B., Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 1515): Presbyterian Minister. 3365. Frank Marion Cockrell, Dallas, Tex. : Lawyer : Dallas, Tex. Catalogue of Alumni. 181 3366. WAI.KEB Peyton Conway Coe, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 3208) : Methodist Minister : Dranesville, Va. 3367. Charges C. Cunningham, La Grange, Ga. : La Grange, Ga. 3368. James Hardy Dii.i.ard, M. A.^B. Li,, Norfolk, Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1874 : Young Prize Scholarship, 1875 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1876 : Cincinnati Oration, 1876: Assistant Professor Mathematics Washington and Lee University, 1876 : Principal Norfolk Academy, Va. : Bridge Professor of Intel- lectual and Moral Philosophy, and Principal of Mary Institute, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. 3369. John Ai^exander Fui^CHER, B. S., C. E., Fannin Co., Tex.: Division Engineer M. C. R. R., El Paso, Tex. 3370. Thomas Donelson Foster, Franklin, La. 3371. Wii^i^iAM McKendree Gii^bert, Lexington, Va. : Green Bank, W. Va. 3372. James Hay, B. L.., Clarke Co., Va.: "Gazette" Medal, 1876: Lawyer : Commonwealth's Attorney : Member Virginia House of Delegates, 1885, 1887^ Madison C. H., Va. 3373. Adolphe Chari.es Herff, San Antonio, Tex. : Physician : San Antonio, Tex:. 3374. Jeff. A. Hendi^Y, B. Li., Farmington, Ky. : Lawyer: County Attorney : Colorado, Tex. 3375. George Hili., West Baton Rouge, La. : Sugar Planter : Port Allen, La. 3376. BuTlLER Jack, A. B., Memphis, Tenn. : Merchant: Galveston, Tex. : Memphis, Tenn. 3377. KoiiAN Stewart Johnson, B. Li., Woodville, Miss.: Lawyer: Woodville, Miss. 3378. Enoch Griffith Jones, San Antonio, Tex.: San Antonio, Tex. 3379. Benjamin Frayser Kirkpatrick, Pulaski Co., Va. : (Son of 1088) : Young Prize Scholarship, 1877 : Insurance Agent: Lynchburg, Va. 3380. *James Carrington Kincki^E, A. B,, Lynchburg, Va. 3381. Henry Thomas Keith, Shreveport, La.: Farmer: Keatchie, La. 3382. James Wii^lIAM KuykendA!.!., Hardy Co., W. Va. : Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1877: Farmer: Moorefield, W. Va. 3383. CAMII.I.E Saunders Li'Engi.e, Jacksonville, Fla. : Hardware: Jacksonville, Fla. 3384. WltLlAM Kamsay Laird, Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Brother of 3143) : Presbyterian Minister : Millersburg, Ky. 3385. Wii.iiiAM Frederick Mii^ler, M. A., Selma, Tex. : Honorary Scholarship, 1874: Cincinnati Oration, 1877: San Antonio, Tex. 3386. KoBERT Preston Means, Blacksburg, Va. : Agent Valley Mutual Life Association, Staunton, Va. : Birmingham, Ala. 3387. Ernest Moore, B. Li., Lancaster, S. C. : Lawyer: Lancaster, S. C. 3388. *KoBERT Chastain Mc Kinney, Trigg Co., Ky. : Died April 30, 1881. 3389. James McCi^uRE, Jefferson Co., Miss. : Assistant Professor Jeffer- son College, Washinrrton, Miss. 3390. Daniei. Rowei.1. Neai^, Parkersburg, W. Va. : Lawyer : Parkers- burg, W. Va. : Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. 182 Catalogue of Alumni. 3391. Robert Latham Owen, M. A., Lynchburg, Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1875 : Valedictorian, 1877 : Lawyer : Muscogee, Ind. Ter. 3392. WrLI^lAM Henry Ochiltree, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Presbyterian Minister : CoUierstown, Va. 3393. Harry Burton Pi^eASANTS, Roanoke Co., Va. : Physician; Roanoke, Va. 3394. Samuel Kutherford Patton, Greenbrier Co.,W.Va. : Lawyer : Ronceverte, W. Va. 3395. William PoRTERFiELDyVicksburg, Miss.: Civil Engineer : Vicks- burg, Miss. 3396. William Henry Kobinson, Memphis, Tenn. 3397. William White Ruff, Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Son of 1109): Presbyterian Minister : Texas : Point Pleasant, W. Va. 3398. James William Ramsey, Lexington, Va. r Printer : Lexington, Va. 3399. Robert Allen Rogers, Galveston, Tex. : Lawyer : Fort Worth, Texas. 3400. Calvin Tate Roberts, Nelson Co., Va. : Lawyer : Orlando, Va. 3401. Frank Arthur Scratchley, New Orleans, La.: Physician: White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. 3402. Thaddeus Wood Smith, San Antonio, Tex. : Honorary Scholar- ship, 1876: Deputy Clerk County Court: San Antonio, Tex. 3403. -^Alonzo Snyder, Rodney, Miss. : Physician. 3404. Albert Steves, San Antonio, Tex. : San Antonio, Tex. 3405. Hiram Mason Sydenstricker, Lewisburg, W. Va. : Presby- terian Minister : Montgomery City, Mo. 3406. Henry Shelby Sanders, Pattersonville, La. : Planter : Patter- Bonville, La. 3407. Ballard R. Smith, Augusta Co., Va.: Physician: Greenville, Va. 3408. Samuel Blain Smith, P'incastle, Va. : Teacher: Fincastle, Va. 3409. James Henderson Smith, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 1848} : Presbyterian Minister : Fairfield, Va. : Leesburg, Va. : Harrisonburg, Va. : Instruc- tor Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va. 3410. Ross H. Van Horn, Rock Island, 111. 3411. William Augustus Walton, Augusta, Ga. : Augusta, Ga. 3412. Archibald Sproul White, Lexington, Va. : Member of firm of James T. Williams & Co. : Lynchburg, Va. 3413. David Rogerson Williams, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 3282) : Cotton Planter : Camden, S. C. 3414. Mansfield White, Montgomery Co., Md. 3415. Josi AH Winchester, Natchez, Miss.: Lawyer: Montrose, Colo. 3416. *Philip liOUlS Yeatman, Lynchburg, Va. 1877-1878. 3417. Joseph IjINWOOD Antrim, Lexington, Va. : Wholesale Grocer : Richmond, Va. 3418. James Edward Allen, Norfolk, Va. : Bookkeeper : Norfolk, Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 183 3419. Joseph Pain Browni.ee, Rockbridge Co., Va.: Wellsville, Mo. 3420. AiiEXANDER B. Bowman, Adams Co., Miss.: Salesman: Wild- wood, La. 3421. Joshua F, BuiitETT, Jr., Louisville, Ky. : Lawyer: Louisville, Ky. : Big Stone Gap, Va. 3422. Cyrus H. Bix)OD, Brookville, Pa.: Brown's Rolling Mills, South Chicago, 111. 3423. Henry Boerner, San Antonio, Tex. : San Antonio, Tex. 3424. Charles O. Brant, St. Louis, Mo. : Boonville, Mo. 3425. ^Edmund Douglas Campbeul, Lexington, Va,: (Son of 1170) : Pulaski, Tenn. : Physician : Richmond, Va. : Lexington, Va. : Died November 2, 1880. 3426. LiEWis Berkeley Cox, B. L., Loudoun Co., Va. : "Gazette'* Medal, 1878: Lawyer: Commonwealth's Attorney : Member of Legislature : Pen- dleton, Oregon : Portland, Oregon. 3427. Khydon Mays Call, B. Li., Orange Mills, Fla.: Lawyer: U. S. District Attorney : Jacksonville, Fla. 3428. Alonzo Kice Cocke, A. B., Bedford Co., Va. : Presbyterian Minister: Millboro, Va. : Waynesboro, Va. 3429. LiUClEN Ho'WARr) Cocke, A. B,, Botetourt Springs, Va. : Law- yer : Mayor of Roanoke : Roanoke, Va. 3430. Fred. Cockrell, B. Ij., Sherman, Tex.: Lawyer: Sherman, Tex. : Abilene, Tex. 3431. William T. Crenshaw, B. Ij., Marion, Ala.: Lawyer: Selma, Alabama. 3432. Cbllrles Cotesworth Culp,B. Li., Union Co., S. C: Lawyer: Union C. H., S. C. 3433. Percy I>AVIDS0N, C. E., Cambridge, Md.: Civil Engineer: Syd- ney, Australia. 3434. George Julius Denis, A. B., New Orleans, La.: University Prize Oration, 1878 : Lawyer : Los Angeles, Cal. 3435. Elliott H. Dickson, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. : Editor : Ronceverte, W.Va. 3436. Ernest Harris Dryden, Baltimore, Md. : 235 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. 3437. Key. George B. Eager, Lexington, Va. : Baptist Minister: Mobile, Ala. : Knoxville, Tenn. : Danville, Va. 3438. William Moore Fain, Dandridge, Tenn.: Merchant: Dan- dridge, Tenn. 3439. Simon Fred. Floed, Roseburg, Oregon : Portland, Oregon. 3440. James William Holt, Hamlin, W. Va. : Presbyterian Minister : Pickaway, W. Va. 3441. David Carlisle Humphreys, C. E., Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 1387) : Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1876 : Instructor in Mathematics Washington and Lee University, 1877 : Honorary Scholarship, 1877 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1878 : Civil Engineer : U. S. River Survey, St. Louis, Mo. : Adjunct Professor Applied Mathematics Washington and Lee University, 1885- : Lex- ington, Va. 184 Catalogue of Alumni. 3442. WllLLIAM G. Harding, Jr., Nashville, Tenn.: Farmer: Nash- ville, Tenn. 3443. WlLMAM Clarke HerndoN, B. L., Frankfort, Ky. : Lawyer: Frankfort, Ky. 3444. John Wbhte Hoskinson, Philadelphia, Pa. 3445. Philip Wilson Inskeep, Moorefield, W. Va. : Merchant : Moore- field, W. Va. 3446. *SAMUEli Jack, Jr., Memphis, Tenn.: Merchant: (Brother of 3376). 3447. Edwin C. Jordan, Jr., Frederick Co., Va. : Jordan's White Sulphur Springs : Stephenson's Depot P. O., Va. 3448. John Wiuliam Johnson, Monroe Co., W. Va. : Farmer: Alder- son's, W. Va. 3449. *Albert Sidney Johnston, Lexington, Va. : Longdale, Va. : Harrisburg, Pa.: Died January 9, 1885. 3450. Walter M. Johnston, Monroe Co., W. Va. : Union, W. Va. 3451. William Thomas Leavell, A. B., M. A., B. Li,, Jefferson Co., W. Va.: Honorary Scholarship, 1873: Robinson Prize Medal, 1877: Lawyer: Charlestown, W. Va. : Secretary and Treasurer Union Warehouse Co. : Louis- ville, Ky. 3452. *Francis Ke yes Le avell, A. B. , M. A. , Jefferson Co., W. Va. : (Brother of 3451) : Santini Prize Medal, 1878 : Cincinnati Oration, 1878 : Vale- dictorian, 1878 : Episcopal Clergyman : Fayette Co., W. Va. : Assistant Rector of Emmanuel Church, and in charge of Chapel of the Atonement, Baltimore, Md. : Died December 19, 1887. 3453. Giles Cook Lane, Floyd Co., Va. : Physician : Portland, Oregon : Elk Park, N. C. 3454. Walter Lonsdale Lea, Lexington, Va.: Physician: Wilkes- barre, Pa. 3455. r>AVlD Wendel Longstreet, Water Valley, Miss. : Planter : Bon Secour, Ala. 3456. Joseph Rucker Lamar, Augusta, Ga. : Lawyer: Augusta, Ga. 3457. John Monroe Lloyd, Jackson Co., Ohio. 3458. Walter Lee McCorkle, B. L., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher : Maysville, Ky, : Lawyer: 60 Wall Street, New York City. 3459. William Alexander McCorkle, B. L., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Lawyer : Charleston, W. Va. 3460. ^William Green McAtee, Bracken Co., Ky. 3461. Edward Williams McNeill, Hardy Co., W. Va. : Farmer : Old Fields, W. Va. 3462. Frederick Nash Ogden, New Orleans, La.: Physician: New Orleans, La. 3463. John William Ogden, New Orleans, La. 3464. Nathaniel Palmer Pratt, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 3169) : Analytical Chemist: Atlanta, Ga. 3465. George Anderson Robinson, B. L., Louisville, Ky.: (Bro- ther of 3254) : Honorary Scholarship, 1875 : Secretary and Treasurer Woollen Mills : President Commercial Club : Louisville, Ky. Catalogue of Alumni. 186 3466. Thomas Hobbs Rainsford, Edgefield, S. C: Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1878: Planter: Trenton, S. C. 3467. *Wll.lilAM Pierce Rinehart, Frankfort, W. Va. : Died August 24, 1885. 3468. Arch. Magili:. Robinson, A. B., Louisville, Ky.: (Brother of 5465) : Louisville Woollen Mills : Louisville, Ky. 3469. John Frederick Robertson, Charleston, S. C: Kobertson, Taylor & Co. : Charleston, S. C. 3470. Horace Mays Rees, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Rockbridge Co., Va. 3471. Harvey Lee Sellers, A. B., M. A., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 3340) : Honorary Scholarship, 1874 : Instructor in Latin Washington and Lee University, 1877 : Assistant Professor Greek Washington and Lee University, 1878 : Instructor McDonogh School, Md. : Principal Ball High School, Galveston, Tex. 3472. Ernest Steves, San Antonio, Tex. : San Antonio, Tex. 3473. Rezin Davis Shepherd, Shepherdstown,W.Va.: Actor: Shep- herdstown, W. Va. 3474. Absalom Sydenstricker, A. B., Lewisburg, W. Va. : Hon- orary Scholarship, 1876: Presbyterian Minister : Missionary: China. 3475. *WlLLlAM J. Stedman, Marshall, Tex. 3476. Louis X. Shanks, B. Li., Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Son of 1439): Farmer: Orson, Col. 3477. Samuel Shotwell Snyder, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. : Lawyer: Meadow Bluff, W. Va. 3478. Lawrence Vest Stephens, Boonville, Mo.: Banker: Boon- ville. Mo. 3479. Thomas Stanhope Tutwiler, C. E., B. L., Lexington, Va.: {Son of 1405) : Honorary Scholarship, 1876 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1877 : Civil Engineer: Sanford, Fla. 3480. Owen Willis Thomas, Jr., Louisville, Ky.: Louisville, Ky. 3481. William Urquhart, Greenville, Miss. : Clerk : Portsmouth, O. 3482. William Alexander Wimbish, Griffin, Ga. : Editor: La Orange, Ga. 3483. John StanYARN Wilson, Yorkville, S. C. : Lawyer : Spartan- burg, S. C. 3484. George H. Whitney, Lexington, Ky. : Farmer : Lexington, Ky. 3485. William Alexander Zollman, Lexington, Va. : Farmer: Indiana. 3486. Henry Davidson Zollman, Lexington, Va. : Lexington, Va. 1878-1879. 3487. James Tazewell Akers, M. A., Ph. 1>. (1884), Floyd Co.,Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1875 : Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1876 : Young Prize Schol- arship, 1878 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1879 : Cincinnati Oration, 1879 : Assistant Professor Modern Languages, English and Modern History Washington and Lee 13 186 Catalogue of Alumni. University, 1882: Howard Houston Fellowship, 1882: Professor English and Modern Languages Central University, Richmond, Ky. 3488. Ed. "Winston Armistead, B. Ij., Halifax Co., Va. : Lawyer: Judge of Halifax Co.: Wolf Trap, Va. 3489. Edwin K. Armentrout, Rockbridge Co., Va. 3490. Joseph S. Brooks, B. Li., Paris, Ky. : Lawyer: Main and 5th Sts., Kansas City, Mo. 3491. OCTAVIUS Locke Bate, Louisville, Ky.: Louisville, Ky. 3492. James W. Beattie, Louisville, Ky. : Louisville, Ky. 3493. Robert Bayi^oR Bi^edsoe, Alvarado, Tex. 3494. Robert Fishburne Campbell, A. B., M. A., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1170) : Robinson Prize Medal, 1878 : Santini Prize Medal, 1879 : Teacher : Augusta Co., Va. : Richmond, Va. : Presbyterian Minister : Millboro, Va. 3495; James Preston Clark, Lexington, Va. ; Martin's Ferry, Ohio. 3496. Kev. I. W. Canter, Lexington, Va. : Methodist Minister. 3497. William Spenser Currell, B. P., A. B., M. A., Ph. L>. (1882), Yorkville, S. C. : Honorary Scholarship, 1876: Honorary Scholarship, 1878 : Assistant in Modern Languages, English and Modern History Washing- ton and Lee University, 1879: Howard Houston Fellowship, 1880: Professor English and Political Economy Hampden Sidney College, Va., 1882: Professor English, Psychology, and Political Economy, Davidson College, N. C. 3498. Daniel Howe Cecil, B. L., Wabash, Va. : Lawyer: Kansas City, Mo. 3499. W. Hector Dulaney, A. B., Louisville, Ky. : Lawyer: Louis- ville, Ky. 3500. *Charles W. Echard, B. li., Staunton, Va. : Lawyer: Coving- ton, Va. : Died 1883. 3501. HentoN Gordon, B. L., Waverly, Mo. : Law Class Oration, 1879 : Lawyer : Kansas City, Mo. 3502. John M. Glenn, M. A., Baltimore, Md. : Honorary Scholarship, 1876: Robinson Prize Medal, 1879: Lawyer: Baltimore, Md. 3503. Henry C. Getzendanner, B. L., Jefferson Co., W. Va. : Charlestown, W. Va. 3504. William Stevens Hopkins, A. B., Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Lexington, Va. 3505. Edward Benjamin HollingS, Charleston, S. C. : Lawyer: Charleston, S. C. 3506. Harry Hunt Hamill, Baltimore, Md. : Lawyer : Baltimore, Md. 3507. Richard C. Hollyday, Jr., Easton, Md.: Lawyer: Balti- more, Md. 3508. John Frank Johnston, Madisonville, Tenn. : Hardware : Hills- boro, Tex. 3509. Charles Emory Kregloe, Lexington, Va. : Teacher : Harrison- burg, Va. : Principal Graded Public School : Lexington, Va. 3510. William J. Kingsbury, B. L., San Antonio, Tex.: Lawyer: Los Angeles, Cal. 3511. ^William Clarence LiYNCH, Leesburg, Va. : Drowned in North River, Christmas Day, 1878, in the effort to save a comrade. Catalogue of Alumni. 187 3512. Alfred W. Marshaix, B. Ij., Scott Co., Ky. : Lawyer : Lexing- ton, Ky. 3513. WHHLIAM McCiiANAHAN M11.I.ER, A. B., Christiansburg, Va. : (Son of 1307) : Presbyterian Minister: Frankford, W. Va. 3514. H. Kent McCay, Baltimore, Md. : Electric Engineer : Birmingham, Ala. 3515. CHARliES Christian McCliUER, Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Brother of 3159) : Teacher : Farmer : Cherokee, Tex. 3516. Wii^LiAM Bettinger McCliUER, A. B., Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Brother of 3515) : 123 La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. 3517. William M. McElwee, Jr., Louisville, Ky. : With Robinson Brothers & Co., Louisville, Ky. 3518. Hunter McDonald, Louisville, Ky. : (Brother of 3242) : Louis- ville, Ky. 3519. N. O. McMakin, Bloomfield, Ky. 3520. William Edwin Neblett, B. L<., Lunenburg Co., Va.: Law- yer: Whittle's Mills, Va. 3521. Edwin O. Nelson, Macon, Ga. : Macon, Ga. 3522. William T. Oppenhimer, Richmond, Va. : Physician: Adjunct Professor Surgery, Medical College of Virginia : Richmond, Va. 3523. George Junkin Preston, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 827) : Physician: Editor Maryland Medical Journal: Baltimore, Md. 3524. *James Douglas Paxton, Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 1006). 3525. George J. Patton, Prince William Co., Va. 3526. Edward Randall, Jr., Galveston, Tex. : Studied at Berlin and Vienna : Physician : Galveston, Tex. 3527. CelAlRLES Walton Smith, A. B., B. Li., El Dorado, Ark.: Lawyer : Editor : Circuit Judge : El Dorado, Ark. 3528. Joseph Sidney Saville, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Deputy Sheriff: Superintendent Public Schools Rockbridge Co. : Lexington, Va. 3529. George Augustus Sykes, A. B., Louisville, Ky. : Louis- ville, Ky.' 3530. Thomas O. Smith, Birmingham, Ala. : Merchant : Birmingham, Ala. 3531. Thomas Talbird, B. Li., Beaufort, S. C : Lawyer: Beaufort, S. C. 3532. Charles Vallee Taylor, Russellville, Tenn. : Salesman : Knox- ville, Tenn. 3533. John Russell Tyson, B. Ij., Haynesville, Ala. : Lawyer : Mem- ber of Legislature : Montgomery, Ala. 3534. William C Wells, B. Li., Suffolk, Va.: Lawyer: Baltimore, Md. : Lynchburg, Va. 3535. Eli Alston Wilkes, Chester, S. C. : Chester, S. C. 3536. Edward M. Woodall, Nashville, Tenn. : Lawyer : Deputy Clerk: Nashville, Tenn. 1879-1880. 3537. William Howard Barton, A. B., Lexington, Va.: Physician: Hanover Co. 3538. John C. Bullitt, Louisville, Ky. : Lawyer : St. Paul, Minn. 188 Catalogue of Alumni. 3539. Helm Bruce, A. B., Louisville, Ky. : Young and Taylor Prize Scholarships, 1879 : Lawyer : Louisville, Ky. 3540. Robert E. Corky, B. Li., Lenoir's, Tenn. : Honorary Scholar- ship, 1877: Lawyer: Livingston, Tex. 3541. Charles M. Cooke, B. Li., Sweetwater, Tenn.: Lawyer: Fort Smith, Ark. 3542. William Douglass Carter, B. L., Louisville, Ky.: Superin- tendent Bibb Iron Works : Furnace P. O., Ala. 3543. Thomas Jefferson Stuart Coiner, Augusta Co., Ya. 3544. ^William Price Craighill, Jefferson Co., W. Ya. 3545. Wallace Cumming, Savannah, Ga. : Clerk in Sugar Exporting House, Manilla, Philippine Islands. 3546. Harry Magruder Dickinson, New York City: Insurance Agent : New York City. 3547. Edward B. £ells, St. Alban's, W. Ya. 3548. George W. Faison, Jr., Faisonia, Miss.: Faisonia, Miss. 3549. Walter Shelby Forrester, Louisville, Ky. : Louisville, Ky. 3550. John Baltzell Fulkerson, Lee Co., Ya. : Lawyer : Rose Hill, Ya. 3551. Albert Winston Gaines, A. B., B. L., Burlington, Ky. :' Honorary Scholarship, 1878 : Valedictorian, 1879 : Lawyer: Lawrenceburg, Ind. : Chattanooga, Tenn. 3552. Edward Lacy Graham, Lexington, Ya. : (Son of 1296) : Mer- chant : Lexington, Ya. 3553. John H. Hamilton, B. Sc, A. B., C. E., M. A., Augusta Co., Ya. : Honorary Scholarship, 1877 : University Prize Oration, 1879 : Cincin- nati Oration, 1880 : Santini Prize Medal, 1880 : Lawyer : New York City : Hull, Iowa.: Kearney, Nebr. 3554. John Douglass Hopkins, Savannah, Ga. 3555. James Reid Jordan, A. B., Lexington, Ya.: (Son of 509) : Physician : Montgomery, Ala. 3556. *Lewis Fleming Johnson, McKinney, Tex. 3557. James Walker Kjennedy, B. L., Augusta Co., Ya.": Lawyer: Charleston, W. Ya. 3558. *Alfred Caruthers Leyburn, Lexington, Ya. : (Son of 1350). 3559. Edmund DE Montel, B. L., Castroville, Tex.: Lawyer: San Antonio, Tex. 3560. Joseph Johnston Minter, San Antonio, Tex. : San Antonio, Tex. 3561. Justus A. Muller, B. L., Lexington, S. C. : Lawyer : Lexington, S.C. 3562. Robert Hugh Martin, Woodstock, Ya.: Teacher: Editor: Wood- stock, Ya. 3563. Edgar Doak Moore, Rockbridge Co., Ya. : Farmer : Lexington, Ya. 3564. ■* James Crawford Mc Clung, Rockbridge Co.,Ya. : Presbyterian Minister: Pendleton Co., W. Ya. : Gordonsville, Ya. : Died March 14, 1885. 3565. Charles Edward McLin, Sweetwater, Tenn. : Foreman in Cotton Factory : Rome, Ga. 3566. *Ad AM McChesney, Augusta Co., Ya. : Farmer: Died April, 1885. Catalogue of Alumni. 189^ 3567. James Aiii^EN McCorkle, Eockbridge Co.,Va. 3568. K. Howard McCoRKliE, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Manager of Stock Farm : Lexington, Ky. 3569. John Gai^latin Paxton, B. Li., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1312) Lawyer: Independence, Mo. 3570. AiLEXANDER GAliiiATiN Paxton, B. L., Greenville, Miss. (Son of 959) : Lawyer : Greenville, Miss. 3571. *Wii.i.iAM Franklin Paxton, Greenville, Miss. : (Son of 959) Died July 14, 1884. 3572. E. Frank Paxton, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1312) : Farmer Cherokee, Tex. 3573. John "William Ruf F, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1110) : Hardware Business : Richmond, Va. 3574. Fielding Glass Smith, Rome, Ga. : Captain of Steamer: Rome, Ga. 3575. Edward Strickland, Lawrenceville, Ga. : Rome, Ga. 3576. William T. Shields, Richmond, Va. : Lawyer: J^exington, Va. 3577. Charles Eugene Sullitan, Washington Co., Va. : Teacher : Theological Student : Glade Spring, Va. 3578. George H. Taylor, B. Ij., Staunton, Va. : Lawyer: Coving- ton, Va. 3579. Charles Watson Turner, Isle of Wight Co., Va. : Fergusson's Wharf, Va. 3580. James Eppes Turner, Isle of Wight Co., Va.: Fergusson's Wharf, Va. 3581. William Montgomery Wilson, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer: Rockbridge Baths, Va. 1880-1881. 3582. Ambrose H. Burroughs, B. L., Leesville, Va.: Honorary Scholarship, 1879 : Lawyer : City Attorney : Lynchburg, Va. 3583. John Woods Barclay, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1069) : Mer- chant: Collierstown, Va. 3584. Frank Hubbard Bowman, Harrisonburg, Va. : Stock Farmer : Gainesville, Tex. 3585. James Andrew Corry, B. li.. Union Co., S. C. : Lawyer : Gaff- ney City P. O., S. C. 3586. William Kinkead Carlisle, B. L/., Covington, Ky. : Lawyer : Wiqhita, Kan. 3587. Kearsley Carter, Louisville, Ky. : Bibb Iron Works : Furnace P. O., Ala. , 3588. Frank LiINSLEY Carter, Bryan, O. : Druggist : Bryan, O. 3589. liEE Scott Christian, Augusta Co., Va. : (Son of 1542) : Farmer : Mint Spring, Va. 3590. William LiEE Oolly, Lexington, Va.: Methodist Minister: Greenville, Va. 190 Catalogue of Alumni. 3591. Albert John Dufour, B. Ij., New Orleans, La.: Lawyer: New Orleans; La. 3592. Joseph Martin Dickson, B. Li., Hickory, Pa.: Lawyer: Hick- ory, Pa. 3593. W11.I.IAM Thomas Ewing, Augusta Co., Va.: (Son of 1457): Farmer : Weyer's Cave, Va. 3594. James Henry Forsythe, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher : Rock- bridge Co., Va. 3595. !Edwari> I>. G. Field, Bedford Co., Va. : R. & A. Railroad: Lynchburg, Va. 3596. Thomas Godwin Figgat, Lexington, Va. : Machine Shops: Roanoke, Va. 3597. Samuel Jordan Graham, l^exington, Va.: (Son of 1296): Teacher : Abbeville, S. C. : Lawyer : Editor : Lexington, Va. 3598. Fdward Miles Gadsden, B. Ij., Charleston, S. C: Lawyer: Atlanta, Ga. : Post Office Department, Washington, D. C. 3599. Joel W. W. Goldsby, Mobile, Ala.: Lawyer: Mobile, Ala. 3600. George Edward Gullion, Emerson, Mo.: Farmer: Emer- son, Mo. 3601. Claude Gibson Higgins, Lexington, Ky.: Stock Farmer: Lex- ington, Ky. 3602. Proctor Hughes Huling, Lampasas, Tex. : Lampasas, Tex. 3603. I>ANIEL Penick Junkin, a. B., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Houston, Tex. : Presbyterian Missionary : Kochi, Japan. 3604. Joseph Emmet Johnson, McKinney, Tex.: Druggist: McKin- ney, Tex. 3605. Merrill Willis Johnson, McKinney, Tex.: Lawyer: McKin- ney, Tex. 3606. James Kelly, Lexington, Va. 3607. ^Williams Carter Liee, A. B., Powhatan Co., Va. : Lawyer: Rocky Mount, Va. : Died June 26, 1882. 3608. William G. Montgomery, Lewisburg, W. Va. : Civil Engineer : Birmingham, Ala. 3609. Edwards Gray McIjEAN, B. L., San Francisco, Cal.: Law Class Oration, 1881: Lawyer: Merced, Cal. 3610. Julians William Parks, Ouachita City, La. : Planter : Ouachita City, La. 3611. Levi Pearce, A. B., Belize, C. A. : Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1880 : Valedictorian, 1881 : Belize, British Honduras, C. A. 3612. Edwin Alberti Pratt, Louisville, Ky. : Lawyer : Louisville, Ky. 3613. James Carroll Rainsford, A. B., B. L., M. A., Edgefield, S. C. : Honorary Scholarship, 1877 : Lawyer : Edgefield, S. C. 3614. Andrew T. M. Seat, Lexington, Va.: Goliad, Tex. 3615. Calvin T'rent Seebert, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer : Lexing- ton, Va. 3616. George Philip Scratchley, New Orleans, La.: (Brother of 3401) : White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Catalogue or Alumni. 191 3617. James Cilark Taylor, Jr., Haynesville, La.: Haynesville, La. 3618. Thomas Taylor, Haynesville, La. : (Brother of 3617): Haynes- ville, La. 3619. Henry Albert Watkins, B. Ij., Kio, Ky.: Lawyer: Munford- yille, Ky. 3620. Don Pedro Wysong, Stewartsville, Va. : Lawyer : Sterling, Kan. 3621. Benjamin ZoLLMAN, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Farmer: Rockbridge, Co., Va. 1881-1882. 3622. Stonewall J. Bain, Portsmouth, Va. : Clerk : Norfolk, Va. 3623. Thomas Barrett, B. Li., Augusta, Ga. : Manufacturer: Mer- chant : Augusta, Ga. 3624. *Henry Clay Brownfield, C. E., Athens, La. : Young Prize Scholarship, 1881 : Valedictorian, 1882 : Teacher: Homer, La. : Died September, 1885. 3625. Orsamus Allan Bowen, Jr., Sherman, Tex.: Stock Farmer: Pendleton, S. C. 3626. Walter Corbett Buckley, Alexandria Co., Va. : Physician : Arlington, Va. 3627. Christopher Columbus Baldwin, Waterbury, Md. 3628. KiCHARD Baldwin, Waterbury, Md. : (Brother of 3627). 3629. George Leese Bitzer, Winchester, Va. : Presbyterian Minister : Port Defiance, Va. 3630. Jack Wickliffe Bradley, B. Ij., Georgetown, Ky. : Law Class Oration, 1882 : Lawyer : Cincinnati, O. 3631. Stuart Buford, Bufordsville, Va. 3632. Harry Donald Campbell, M. A., Ph. I>. (1885) : Lexing- ton, Va.: (Son of 1170): Cincinnati Oration, 1882: Santini Prize Medal, 1882: Instructor Chemistry and Geology Washington and Lee University, 1882: Assis- tant Professor Chemistry and Geology Washington and Lee University, 1884 : Howard Houston Fellowship, 1884: ^Studied in Berlin and Heidelberg, 1886-88 : Elected Professor Chemistry and Geology Central University, Kentucky, 1887 : Professor Biology and Geology Washington and Lee University, 1888. 3633. Joseph Elmore Cockrell, A. B., M. A., B. Ij., Sherman, Tex.: Honorary Scholarship, 1879: Young Prize Scholarship, 1880: Cincinnati Oration, 1881 : Kobinson Prize Medal, 1881 : Lawyer: Abilene, Tex. 3634. Ljilbon Logan Carlisle, B. !L., Covington, Ky. : Lawyer: Wichita, Kan. 3635. George McChesney Craig, Augusta Co., Va. : Farmer : Mount Meridian, Va. 3636. liEVl Cassell, Wheeling, W. Va. 3637. Robert Ethan Frierson, Anderson, S. C. : Salesman : Ander- son, S. C. 3638. Fred. 1>. Fisher, Wheeling, W. Va. 3639. Howe Peyton Gray, B. iJ., Harrisonburg, Va. : Lawyer: Har- xisonburg, Va. 192 Catalogue of Alumni. 3640. "WlIiiLIAM Pitt Gunn, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher : Mississippi. 3641. John Breckinridge Goode, Norfolk, Va.: Lawyer: Depart- ment of Justice, Washington, D. C. 3642. George Washington Gii.i.aspie, Bedford Co., Va. : Music Teacher : Big Island, Va. 3643. Frank Jonah Grayum, Mooreville, Tex.: Farmer: Moore- ville, Tex. 3644. W11.1.1AM: Burnett Tempi^e Harris, B. L., Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 3308): Lawyer: Real Estate Agent : Lynchburg, Va. : Sioux City, Iowa. 3645. Datid J ANNE Y HoWElLt, Charlestown, W. Va. : Civil Engineer ; Charlestown, W. Va. '3646. ^George !Ebenezer Junkin, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1881 : Died September, 1882. 3647. Charges Edward Kemper, B. L,, Harrisonburg, Va. : Law- yer: Philippi, W. Va. : Staunton, Va. 3648. William Chaffee Lamb,- Norfolk, Va. : Manufacturer : Nor- folk, Va. 3649. John Rutherford LiAND, Shreveport, La.: Lawyer: Shreve- port. La. 3650. Thomas Willis LiAckland, Jefferson Co., W. Va. 3651. Glover Moore, A. B., M. A., Prairieville, Tex.: Honorary Scholarship, 1879: Honorary Scholarship, 1880: Valedictorian, 1880: Santini Prize Medal, 1881 : Teacher : Lawyer : Kaufman, Tex. 3652. Charles Ezra Marvin, C. E., A. B., Georgetown, Ky. : Civil Engineer : Superintendent's Office L. & N. R. R., Henderson, Ky. 3653. KOBERT E. Lee Mountcastle, A. B., Mossy Creek, Tenn. t Young Prize Scholarship, 1882: Mossy Creek, Tenn. 3654. Kev. Francis P. Mullally, D. D., Lexington, Va.: Presby- terian Minister : President Adger College, S. C. : Anderson Co., S. C. 3655. John B. Adger Mullally, Lexington, Va.: (Son of 3654): Assistant Professor Mathematics, Adger College, S. C. : Lawyer : New York City. 3656. Lane Mullally, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 3654) : Medical Student : Charleston, S. C. 3657. John B. Morris, Shreveport, La.: Druggist: Shreveport, La. 3658. James William Morrison, Jr., Staunton, Va. : Druggist: Jacksonville, Fla. 3659. Silas Johnston McCaughrin, Newberry, S. C. : Newberry, S. C. 3660. Alvin Dade McCorkle, B. L., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Lawyer : Real Estate Agent: Charleston, W.Va, : Kansas City, Mo. 3661. Charles Henry Osterberger, St. Gabriel, La. : Lawyer: 33 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. 3662. Charles Porterfield, A. B., Charlestown, W. Va. : Lawyer: St. Paul, Minn. 3663. Philip Burrus Powell, Yazoo City, Miss. : Merchant : Yazoo City, Miss. 3664. Arthur William Pratt, Atlanta, Ga. : (Brother of 3464) : Superintendent and Chemist Atlanta Guano Company, East Point, Ga. 3665. James L. Sibley, Augusta, Ga. : Farmer : Milledgeville, Ga. Catalogue of Alumni. 193 3666. "Wii.liam: "White Sproul, Augusta Co., Va. : (Son of 1495) : Farmer : Middlebrook, Va. 3667. John Ai.exani)ER Towers, Anderson, S. C. : Honorary Scholar- ship, 1881 : Graduate U. S. Military Academy : Lieutenant U. S. A. 3668. I>AVis Letcher Ward, Eockbridge Co.,Va. : Kockbridge Co.,Va. 3669. Charles Cooper Wii^SON, B. L., Fort Meade, Fla.: Lawyer: Fort Meade, Fla. 3670. Edward Bosie Woodward, B. L., Montmorenci, S. C. : Lawyer : Aiken, S. C. 1882-1883. 3671. Albert HUI.BERT AFFORD, Dallas, Tex. : Book-keeper : National Bank: Fort Worth, Tex. 3672. *QuiNN Thompson Bugg, A. B., Homer, La. : Honorary Scholar- ship, 1881 : Valedictorian, 1883 : Studied in Berlin and Paris, 1886-87 : Teacher : Shreveport, La. 3673. James Edwin Bear, Churchville, Va. : Presbyterian Minister : Glenville, W. Va. : Missionary : China. 3674. William Mofeett Black, Augusta Co., Va. : Stuart's Draft, Va. 3675. William Spencer Campbell, A. B., B. P., Manchester, Va. : (Son of 1480) : James Wilson Scholarship, 1882: Presbyterian Minister: Gloucester Court House, Va. 3676. William Arthur Cela.rters, B. L., Richmond, Va. : Young Prize Scholarship, 1883: Lawyer: Dahlonega, Ga. 3677. Walter Coleman, Houston, Tex. : Houston, Tex. 3778. CuSTis Lee Cox, Loudoun Co., Va. : Umatilla, Oregon. 3679. Frank Linten Chase, Louisville, Ky. : Cashier L. N. A. & C. R. R. : Louisville, Ky. 3680. Daniel Simpson Chessher, Jr., Georgetown, Tex. : George- town, Tex. 3681. Benjamin Franklin Cockrill, Nashville, Tenn. : Book- keeper : Nashville, Tenn. 3682. Edward Cason I>ay, A. B., B. L., Cynthiana, Ky.: Univer- sity Prize Oration, 1880 : Law Class Oration, 1883 : Lawyer : Cincinnati, O. : St. Paul, Minn. 3683. Clarence Farnsworth Dickson, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. : Hotel Proprietor : Ronceverte, W. Va. 3684. Clifford Cabell Dunn, Alexandria, Va. : Civil Engineer : Marshallton, Del. : North Carolina. 3685. ^George W. Egan, Charleston, S. C. 3686. Henry Delaware Flood, Appomattox Co., Va. : Lawyer: Member Virginia House of Delegates, 1887 : Appomattox C. H., Va. 3687. James Birch Frost, Plattsburg, Mo. : Plattsburg, Mo. • 3688. Arch. Woods Houston, Salem, Va. : (Son of 1664) : With George Kinsey, Iron and Steel Works : Cincinnati, Ohio. 3689. Nathaniel Burwell Hay, Lexington, Va. : Richmond, Va. : St. Paul, Minn. 194 Catalogue of Alumni. 3690. John Cilinton Hamilton, Shreveport, La.: Manufacturer: Shreveport, La. 3691. AiiFRED Hampton, Columbia, S. C: Civil Engineer: Zacatecas, Mexico. 3692. Joseph Hii.ry Humphries, Barlow, Fla. : Lawyer: Barlow, Fla. 3693. Edgar Hinds Hanna, B. Li., Oxford, Ala.: Lawyer: Mayor of Oxford : Oxford, Ala. 3694. James Mai^cOLM Harris, B. IJ., Manor, Tex. : Lawyer : Manor, Tex. 3695. WoRSHAM HuDGINS, Hampton, Va. : Hampton, Va. 3696. John Turner Ireland, Paris, Ky. : Merchant : Paris, Ky. 3697. Harry Morrison Jackman, Lock Haven, Pa. 3698. Joseph Floyd Johnson, Grafton, W. Va.: Lawyer: Grafton, W. Va. 3699. Samuel Hamilton Jordan, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Railroading, Clayton, Ala. 3700. Harry Kelly, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 3606): Honorary Scholarship, 1878 : Honorary Scholarship, 1880: James Wilson Scholarship, 1881 : Farmer: Teacher: Texas. 3701. F. Sydnor Kirkpatrick, B. L., Lynchburg, Va.: (Son of 1348): Lawyer: Mannheimer Block, St. Paul, Minn. 3702. James G. Meadors, A. B., Homer, La. : Honorary Scholarship, 1879: Honorary Scholarship, 1880: Santini Prize Medal, 1883: Teacher: Homer, La. 3703. John TVilliam Megibben, Cynthiana, Ky. : Cynthiana, Ky. 3704. Hugh Brock McCluer, Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Brother of 3515) : Farmer: Summers, Va. 3705. Walter Lee Northcutt, Cynthiana, Ky. : Merchant : Cynthi- ana, Ky. 3706. liAMARTINE HouCHENS Paul, Augusta Co., Va. : Presbyterian Minister : Pendleton Co., W. Va. 3707. Jesse IjEE Porter, Kansas City, Mo. : Capitalist : Kansas City, Mo. 3708. Robert Glasgow Paxton, Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 932) : Graduate U. S. Military Academy, 1887 : Lieutenant U. S. A. 3709. KuFUS Choate Porter, Caldwell, Tex. : Caldwell, Tex. 3710. George Willis Robinson, Bayou La Chute, La.: (Brother of 3334) : Planter : Bayou La Chute, La. 3711. FiTZ Edward Ripley, Mobile, Ala. : Book-keeper : Palestine, Tex. 3712. Armand Julius Rittershouse, Lexington, Va. : Kansas City, Mo. 3713. Arthur LjEE Robinson, Louisville, Ky. : (Brother of 3468): With R. A. Robinson & Co. : Louisville, Ky. 3714. Samuel Clark Red, Austin, Tex.: Austin, Tex. 3715. I>ANiEL Webster Reynolds, Marietta, O. 3716. John Lewis Rowan, Monroe Co., W. Va.: Commonwealth's Attorney : Lawyer : Abingdon, Va. 3717. Harry Peter Scratchley, New Orleans, La.: (Brother of 3616) : Instructor Mathematics Kemper Hall : Davenport, Iowa. Catalogue of Alumni. 195 3718. *Ben J AMiN Harrison Smith, Charleston, W.Va. : (Son of 1440) : Died May 18, 1887. 3719. Hamilton Couper Stii.es, Cartersville, Ga. : Cartersville, Ga. 3720. David Benton Snyder, B. Lj., Marksville, Va. : Lawyer: Luray, Va. 3721. AI.EXANDER Stuart Walker, Jr., Austin, Tex. : Austin, Tex. 3722. Frank Reynolds Walker, B. Li., Atlanta, Ga. : Lawyer: Atlanta, Ga. 3723. Jacob IjEE Walz, Lexington, Va. : Clerk : Baltimore, Md. 3724. George William Warren, Monroe Co., W. Va. : Lawyer : Hin- ton, W. Va. 3725. William James Wilkinson, B. Ij., Hillsville, Va.: Lawyer: Hillsville, Va. 3726. Thomas Lee Wilson, B. L., Fort Meade, Fla. : Lawyer: Fort Meade, Fla. 1883-1884. 3727. William McFaddin Alexander, Beaumont, Tex. : Presby- terian Minister : Beaumont, Tex. 3728. George Burgwin Anderson, Washington, D. C. : Lawyer: Louisville, Ky. 3729. Walter HoBBS Ashley, B. Li., Aiken, S.C.: Lawyer: Aiken, S.C. 3730. Humphrey Keyes Ambler, Charlestown, W. Va. 3731. Thomas Sitlington Armentrout, Eichlands, W. Va. : Pres- byterian Minister : Berlin, Md. 3732. Perrin Washington Barton, Lexington, Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1881 : Memphis, Tenn. 3733. Edward Ware Barrett, Augusta, Ga. : Correspondent Atlanta Constitution, Washington, D. C. 3734. Samuel Ott Boyce, Wheeling, W. Va. 3735. Clement Stevens Bissell, Charleston, S. C. : University Prize Oration, 1884 : Lawyer : Charleston, S. C. 3736. Robert Preston Bowyer, Botetourt Co., Va. : (Son of 698) : Tobacco Business : Lynchburg, Va. 3737. James Curtis Ballagh, Brownsburg, Va. 3738. William Lindsay Bickham, Dallas, Tex. 3739. Waldo Given Bradley, Lexington, Va. : Lexington, Va. 3740. Silvester White Brandom, B. L., Edinburg, Mo. 3741. Benjamin Taylor Brock, Trenton, Ga. 3742. Wallace Forloine Brown, Eichmond, Va. 3743. James William Campbell, B. L., Kockbridge Co., Va. : Lawyer : Eichmond, Va. : Eeal Estate Agent : Sioux City, Iowa. 3744. Matthew Hume Clay, Paris, Ky.: Lumber Business: Win- chester, Ky. 3745. William Bullitt I>ixon, B. L., Henderson, Ky.: Lawyer: Louisville, Ky. 3746. William Marion Frwin, Des Arc, Ark. 196 Catalogue of Alumni. 3747. Richard Godson, B. li,, Midway, Ky. 3748. Edwin F. Gaston, Dallas, Tex. 3749. David Harris Goodwin, Frederick's Hall, Va. : Farmer. 3750. *IiiviNGSTON Waddei.1, Houston, Salem, Va. : (Son of 1664) : Honorary Scholarship, 1884: Cincinnati, Ohio: Died July, 1886. 3751. Hubert Todd Houston, Monroe Co., W. Va. : Lawyer: Union, W. Va. 3752. Henry Gaines Hawn, Knoxville, Tenn. 3753. MAI.COLM Johnston, B. L., Harrisonburg, Va.: (Son of 1046): Lawyer: Baltimore, Md. 3754. BoBERT LiEE Jones, Clarke Co., Va. 3755. Thomas Stonewai^i. Kyle, Gadsden, Ala. : Secretary and Treas- urer Kyle Lumber Co. : Gadsden, Ala. 3756. George Taylor LiEE, B. Li., Powhatan Co., Va. : Lawyer: Lonoke, Ark. 3757. John Burkhai^ter Lanier, Cold Springs, S. C. 3758. Albert Dudley Lipscomb, Crockett, Tex. 3759. Samuel Dickinson LiTTLEP AGE, Charleston, W. Va. : Lawyer: Charleston, W. Va. 3760. James Bryarly Lovett, Winchester, Va. 3761. John Thomas Megibben, Cynthiana, Ky.: Cynthiana, Ky. 3762. Clarence Wainwright Murphy, Salisbury, N. C. : Salisbury^ N. C. 3763. Harry Moffett McChesney, Charleston, W. Va.: (Son of 1355) : Camden Consolidated Oil Co. : Parkersburg, W. Va. 3764. Gordon O'Beirn, B. L., Lewisburg, W. Va. : Lawyer: Hunting- ton, W. Va. 3765. Herbert Bush Preston, A. B., B. L., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 827) : Lawyer: B. & O. R. R. Law Office: Baltimore, Md. 3766. William Caruthers Preston, A. B., B. Ij., Richmond, Va. : (Son of 1556) : Hamilton Law Scholarship, 1882 : Lawyer : Richmond, Va, 3767. Thomas Jefferson Parker, Bartow, Fla. 3768. Albert Louis Pittman, Columbia, Miss. 3769. Guy Sherwood Raymond, Washington, Miss.: (Son of 1807) : Teacher: Lawyer: Natchez, Miss. 3770. William Alexander Ross, Lexington, Va. : Civil Engineer : Lexington, Va. 3771. Frank McGregor Roane, Pine Bluff, Ark. 3772. Joseph Alexander Steele, B. L,, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1315) : Lawyer : Lexington, Va. : Kansas City, Mo. 3773. Chapman Johnson Sehorn, B. L., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Law- yer: Lynchburg, Va. 3774. Alexander Quarrier Smith, Charleston, W. Va. : (Son of 1440) : Charleston, W. Va. 3775. Haviland Stephenson, B. Li., Aiken, S. C. : Law Class Oration, 1884 : Lawyer : Aiken, S. C. 3776. Harry Brooks Smith, Charleston, W. Va.: (Son of 1440): Lawyer : Charleston, W. Va. Catalogue of Alumni. 197 3777. John SYliVESTER Stewart, Houston, Tex. : Houston, Tex. 3778. James Lee Shawhan, Cynthiana, Ky. 3779. Robert J. Showeli., St. Martin's, Md.: Farmer: St. Martin's, Md. 3780. James Davis Slater, B. L., La Grande, Oregon : Lawyer. 378L GusTAVUS St. J. Sudduth, Winchester, Va. 3782. *JoHN Overton Tate, Fayette, Miss.: Died January 6, 1885. 3783. Harry Franklin Turner, North Middletown, Ky. 3784. KOBERT John Tuttle, Shorters, Ala. 3785. Andrew Henry Wootters, Crockett, Tex. : Merchant : Crock- ett, Tex. 3786. Lewis Walke, Earleville, Md. 3787. Stewart William Wilson Walker, Martinsburg, W. Va. 1884-1885. 3788. James McClintock Allen, A.B., Paris, Ky.': Teacher: Port Gibson, Miss. 3789. Eugene Lemuel Alford, Dallas, Tex. 3790. William Kichardson Ashby, Baltimore, Md.: (Brother of 2488) : Publisher : Baltimore, Md. 3791. Ira Mellville Becker, Reading, Pa. : Lawyer : Reading, Pa. 3792. Cyrus Givens Brown, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Theological Student. 3793. John Hensel Bader, Rockingham Co., Va. : Teacher : Elkton, Va. : Principal of City Schools, Staunton, Va. 3794. Eugene Kussell Carichoff, M. A., Highland Co., Va. : F. O. French Prize Scholarship, 1881 : F. O. French Prize Scholarship, 1882: In- structor in Mathematics Washington and Lee University, 1882 : Honorary Scholarship, 1884: Robinson Prize Medal, 1885: Professor Latin Central Uni- versity, Richmond, Ky. 3795. William Alonzo Carter, B. L., Columbus, Ga. : Hamilton Law Scholarship, 1884. 3796. Addis Emmett Chalmers, Smithfield, Va. 3797. John Frank Clay, Paris, Ky. : Bank Officer : Richmond, Ky. 3798. Deaderick Harrell Cantrell, Little Rock, Ark. 3799. Sidney Johnston Dudley, B. L., West Point, Va.: Lawyer: Martinsburg, \V. Va. 3800. Taylor Mitchell Estes, Lebanon, Ky. 3801. William Franklin Faison, Fayetteville, N. C. 3802. John Wood Fishburne, Charlottesville, Va. : (Son of 1519). 3803. Charles 1>AVID Gilkeson, Augusta Co., Va.: Teacher: Port Gibson, Miss. 3804. George Hines Gorman, B. L., Raleigh, N. C. : Santini Prize Medal, 1885 : Lawyer : Norfolk, Va. 3805. Thomas IjUTHER Gladden, Mount Crawford, Va. 3806. Kalph David Gunn, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher. 3807. Madison Haden Haythe, B. L., Lynchburg, Va. : Law Clafis Oration, 1885 : Lawyer : Lynchburg, Va. 198 Catalogue of Alumni. 3808. Duncan Clinch Heyward, Charleston, S. C. : Planter : White Hall, S. C. 3809. WlliLlAM EvERAKD HAMILTON, Jr., Shreveport, La. 3810. Charles Bosley Harris, B. Li., Uniontown, Ky. : Lawyer: Evansville, Ind. 3811. Charles Andrews Jones, Clarke Co., Va. 3812. James Kimbrough Jones, Jr., Washington, Ark. 3813. RicblAlRD Stevenson Ker, Staunton, Va.: Teacher: Botetourt Co. 3814. Edwin Washington Kaminski, Georgetown, S. C. 3815. William Henry Miley, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Theological Student. 3816. *David JLeroy Moody, B. Li., Galveston, Tex. : Lawyer: Tyler, Tex.: Died October, 18, 1886. 3817. George Holman Myers, Kockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 1703) : Lawyer : Huntington, W. Va. 3818. Thomas E. McCorkle, B. L., Lexington, Va. : Rockbridge Artillery C. S. A.: Lawyer: Lexington, Va. 3819. Hugh White McCrum, Lexington, Va. : Druggist: Lexing- ton, Va. 3820. Robert Edward LAVID Frederick Peebles, Charlestown, W. Va. : Lawyer : Charlestown, W. Va. : St. Paul, Minn. 3824. liOUlS Weston Powell, New Madrid, Mo. : New Madrid, Mo. 3825. KUCKER Penn, Patrick Co., Va. 3826. Amos Kiley Phillips, New Madrid, Mo. 3827. Charles Henry Page, Richmond, Va. 3828. Silas Clifton Paul, Millersburg, Ky. : Millersburg, Ky. 3829. I>AVID McCoRD Pelelps, Richmond, Ky. : Farmer: Richmond, Ky. 3830. Isaac Portervint Robinson, Bayou La Chute, La. : (Brother of 3710) : Publisher : Baltimore, Md. 3831. David Kisley, Georgetown, S. C. 3832. EraSTUS Colon Root, Lexington, Va. : Baptist Minister : Lexing- ton, Va. 3833. Lauriston Alexander Sale, A. B., Liberty, Va. : (Son of 1611) : Teacher Hanover Academy: Taylorsville, Va. 3834. Nelson Sale, B. Li., Liberty, Va.: (Son of 1611): Lawyer: Lib- erty, Va. 3835. John William Selph, Smithfield, Ky. : Honorary Scholarship, 1884. 3836. Edwin A. Sturgis, Jr., Waco, Tex. : Insurance Business : Waco, Tex. 3837. 1>AVID William Shanks, Jr., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1439) : Cattle Business : Ravensbeque, Colo. 3838. Addison Waddell Tate, Staunton, Va.: (Son of 933). Catalogue of Alumni. 19^ 3839. Ferdinand Jackson Walz, Lexington, Va. : (Brother of 3723) : U. S. Signal Service: Cincinnati, Ohio: Leavenworth, Kansas. 3840. John Henry Wise, B. L.., Edgefield, &. C. : Lawyer: Trenton, S. C. 384L James Armstrong "Welch, Philadelphia, Pa. : Lawyer: Den- ver, Colo. 3842. James Walter Warren, Montgomery, Ala. : Montgomery, Ala» 3843. William Edward Walsh, B. L., Cumberland, Md. 3844. Charles Clark Waters, Clarksburg, Md. 3845. Henry Smith Wilson, Palmyra, Tenn, 3846. Henry Alexander White, M. A., Ph. D, (1887), Green- brier Co., W. Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1882 : James Wilson Scholarship, 1883 : Instructor in French, 1884: Scott Prize, 1884 : Early English Text Society Prize^ 1884: Young Prize Scholarship, 1884: Santini Prize Medal, 1884: Cincinnati Oration, 1885 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1885 : Valedictorian, 1885 : Assistant in Moral Philosophy and Belles-Lettres, 1886 : Howard Houston Fellowship and Assistant Professor of English, Modern Languages and Modern History Wash- ington and Lee University, 1885-87 : Theological Student. 1885-1886. 3847. Crocheron King Abrahams, Mobile, Ala. : Wholesale Grocery Business: Mobile, Ala. 3848. James William Anderson, C. E., Lexington, Va.: Civil Engineer : Winchester, Ohio. 3849. Samuel Arrington, Petersburg, Va. 3850. J. W. Warwick Bias, Warm Springs, Va. : Theological Student. 3851. Alva Benjamin Bugg, Homer, La.: (Brother of 3672). 3852. Charles Manson Crutchfield, B. Li., Kichmond, Va. : Hamilton Law Scholarship, 1885: Lawyer: Phillipsburg, Mont. 3853. Andrew Jackson Cammack, Alexandria, La.: Law Student: Alexandria, La. 3854. Edward Cammack, Alexandria, La. : Law Student : Alexan- dria, La. 3855. Holmes Frank Colbert, Colbert Station, Ind. Ter. 3856. Frank Howard Campbell, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Rockbridge Alum Springs, Va. 3857. Belvidere Brooks Cavitt, Wheelock, Tex. 3858. William Grant Davis, Pomeroy, O. : Pomeroy, O. 3859. Harry Lee Denny, Clark Co.,Va.: Law Student: Baltimore, Md. 3860. Asa Leland Duncan, B. L., Hale's Ford, Va. : Lawyer. 3861. William Anderson Glasgow, Jr., B. L., Fincastle, Va.: (Son of 1223) : Lawyer: Fincastle, Va. 3862. John Reevely Guerrant, Callaway's, Va. 3863. Samuel Saunders Guerrant, Callaway's, Va. : (Brother of 3862). 3864. Robert Lee Hunter, New Madrid, Mo. : New Madrid, Mo. 3865. Arthur Lee Hardin, Finchville, Ky. 3866. Eugene Augustus Harris, Pittsville, Tex. 200 Catalogue of Alumni. 3867. liEONlDAS W11.I.SON Irwin, Lexington, Va. : Teacher: Millboro Depot, Va. : Theological Student. 3868. Andrew George Irons, Pickaway, W. Va. : Honorary Scholar- ship, 1886 : Teacher : Augusta Male Academy, Fort Defiance, Va. 3869. W11.LIAM Rivers Kenned y, Lexington, Va. : Merchant: Win- chester, Va. 3870. Robert Bruce Kirkpatrick, Rockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher : Jackson, Miss. 3871. James Finks Kenney, Harrisonburg, Va. : (Son of 1023). 3872. Edward Hanson Kuykendai^l, Moorefield, W. Va. : (Brother of 3382) : Honorary Scholarship, 1886 : Medical Student : Baltimore, Md. 3873. John Houston IjEECH, Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Son of 1630): Far- mer : Bay View, Fla. 3874. David Laird, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1602) : Teacher : Indian Rock, Va. 3875. David Meade Lea, B. L., Richmond, Va. 3876. A1.1.ANPARRY Moon, Richmond, Va. 3877. Clement Dillard Moss, Lake Charles, La. 3878. Edwin Lewis Mullen, Louisville, Ky. 3879. John Vallandingham McCall, M. A., Weatherford, Tex. : Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1884: Robinson Prize Medal, 1886: Cincinnati Oration, 1886: Valedictorian, 1886: Teacher: Waco, Tex. 3880. EvANDER Lee McGowan, B. L., Memphis, Tenn. : Lawyer: Memphis, Tenn. 3881. Samuel Proctor McLendon, Calvert, Tex. 3882. George K. McLendon, Calvert, Tex. 3883. William Boroughs Newman, B. L., Grove Hill, Ala. : Lawyer. 3884. Miles Poindexter, Rockbridge Co., Va. : (Son of 1609) : Civil Engineer. 3885. Thomas Jackson Patton, B. L., Monroe Co., W. Va. : Lawyer : Laramie City, Wyoming : Lewisburg, W, Va. 3886. Hamet E. Pinson, El Dorado, Ark. 3887. Peyton Lambeth Randolph, Evergreen, La. : Baltimore, Md. 3888. William Murray Robertson, Fayette Co., Ala. 3889. Frank Henry Rudkin, B. L., Kinsman, Ohio. 3890. Benjamin Franklin Sledd, M. A., Big Island, Va.: Honor- ary Scholarship, 1883: F. O. French Scholarship, 1884: Early English Text Society Prize, 1885 : Santini Prize Medal, 1886 : Robinson Prize Medal, 1886 : Teacher : Charlotte Hall, Md. 3891. James Sidney Skinner, Galveston, Tex. : Cotton Merchant. 3892. James H. Sturgis, Waco, Tex.: Insurance Business: Waco, Tex. 3893. John Garlick Scott, Richmond, Va. 3894. Bernard Brockenbrough Semmes, B. L., Lexington, Va. : Law Class Oration, 1886: Lawyer: Lexington, Va. 3895. Henry Bryant Stoneham, Plantersville, Tex. 3896. Abram Poindexter Taylor, Lexington, Va. : Teacher: Chat- Catalogue of Alumni. 201 8897. George Arivistrong Wauchope, A. B., M. A., Capon Bridge, W. Va. : (Son of 1287): Honorary Scholarship, 1882: F. O. French Scholarship, 1883: Scott Prize, 1884: Early English Text Society Prize, 1886: Teacher: Bedford Springs, Va.: Richmond, Va.: Howard Houston Fellowship, and Assistant Professor of English, Modern Languages and Modern History Washington and Lee University, 1887 : Lexington, Va, 3898. Edwin Thomas Washburn, Arcadia, La. : Taylor Prize Scholar- ship, 1885: Robinson Prize Medal, 1886: Civil Engineer: Greenville, Miss. 3899. Wii.i.iAM McCliANAHAN White, Winchester, Va. : (Son of 1585): Honorary Scholarship, 1885: Teacher: Millboro, Va. : Christiansburg, Va. 3900. liEE Jake White, Richmond, Ky. : Richmond, Ky. 1886-1887. 3901. W11.1.IAM Turner Armstrong, B. L/., Galveston, Tex.: Hon- orary Scholarship, 1882: Honorary Scholarship, 1883: Taylor Prize Scholarship, 1884: Young Prize Scholarship, 1885: Hamilton Law Scholarship, 1886. 3902. METEI.I.US Rowan Barci^AY, Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1826): Medical Student. 3903. Robert E. IjEE Blackwood, B. L*., Milton, W. Va. 3904. Eugene Samuei. Bloch, Opelousas, La. 3905. LiESLIE liYl^E Campbell, M. A., Manchester, Va.: (Son of 1480)'. Honorary Scholarship, 1883: Honorary Scholarship, 1884: Robinson Prize Medal, 1886: Teacher: Richmond, Va. 3906. John Cecii. Chii.d, C. E., Augusta Co., Va. : Civil Engineer. 3907. JosEPHUS Frankilin Cavitt, Wheelock, Tex. 3908. W11.1.IAM Sparks Cavitt, Wheelock, Tex. 3909. John Soto Coe, Winchester, Va. 3910. James Scott Cai.i.ison, Augusta Co., Va. 3911. Guy Davenport, Bastrop, La. 3912. Horace Wardner Eggleston, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3913. Harvey Davis Fletcher, Beaumont, Tex. 3914. Preston Lewis Gray, Harrisonburg, Va. : Teacher : Beattyville, Ky. 3915. Joseph McDonald Garrett, Versailles, Ky.: "Editor's" Medal, 1887 : Farmer : Versailles, Ky. 3916. William Gvtathmey Hatchett, Montgomery, Ala.: Gads- den, Ala. 3917. John Casper Heyer, Jr., Wilmington, N. C. 3918. John Bush Hutchinson, Knox Point, La. 3919. Trigg Strother Hutchinson, Knox Point, La. 3920. Sherman Wilson Hall, B. L., Clarinda, Iowa: Lawyer: Clarinda, Iowa. 3921. Edmund Bowyer Hayth, Fincastle, Va. 3922. liEONiDAS Walter Humphreys, Pomeroy, Ohio. 3923. Harry David Irwin, B. Ij., Lexington, Va.: Lawyer: Min* neapolis, Minn. 14 202 Catalogue of Alumni. 3924. Thomas Jeli^is Kirkpatbick, Jr., Lynchburg, Va. : (Son of 1348) : Medical Student. 3925. Emmet Leroy Kidd, Ruston, La. 3926. Edward R. LjEYBURN, A. B., Lexington, Va. : (Son of 1350): University Prize Essay, 1885: Teacher: Port Gibson, Miss. 3927. William Charles IjUDWIG, A. B., Richmond, Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1883: Honorary Scholarship, 1884: Theological Student. 3928. Schuyler Barclay Moon, C. E., A. B., Scottsville, Va. : Honorary Scholarship, 1884: F. O. French Scholarship, 1886: Young Prize Scholarship, 1887 : Teacher McDonogh School, Md. 3929. William McCutchan Morrison, A. B., Rockbridge Co., Va. : Teacher: Shreveport, La. 3930. IjELAND Hugh Moss, A. B., Lake Charles, La. : Medical Student. 3931. Edward Kuleff Martin, Kansas City, Mo. 3932. Frank Bradley Moody, B. L., Galveston, Tex. 3933. Francis H. Smith Morrison, B. L., Lexington, Va. : Lawyer: Lexington, Va. 3934. William Morton McNutt, B. L.., Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Son of 1054): Teacher: Lexinjjton, Va. 3935. Henry Moffett Newman, Harrisonburg, Va. 3936. Paul McNeil Penick, Rockbridge Co., Va.: Teacher: Round Rock, Tex. 3937. Brown Craig Patterson, A. B., Augusta Co., Va.: (Sonofl608). 3938. William Paxton, Rockbridge Co., Va.: (Son of 932). 3939. Walter Morgan Pierce, Christiansburg, Va. 3940. William L. Pierce, Christiansburg, Va. 3941. Christopher Mayer Randolph, Evergreen, La. 3942. William Magraw Reid, Kansas City, Mo.: Santini Prize Medal, 1887. 3943. William Richard Rogers, Galveston, Tex. 3944. William Ballard Smith, C. E., A. B., M. A., Augusta Co., Va: Honorary Scholarship, 1882: I'aylor Prize Scholarship, 1883: F. O. French Scholarship, 1885: Robinson Prize Medal, 1885: Young Prize Scholar- ship, 1886: Cincinnati Oration, 1887: Teacher: McDonogh School, Maryland. 3945. Archibald Alexander Sproul, Jr., Augusta Co., Va. : (Son of 1495) : Teacher. 3946. John Henry Smith, B. L., Harrisburg, Oregon: Lawyer r Astoria, Orciron. 3947. Edward Jaquelin Smith, Wickliffe, Va.: Farmer: Wickliffe,Va. 3948. William McQuown Thompson, Rockbridge Co., ya.: Honor- ary Scholarship, 1886: Theological Student. 3949. James Lilley Templeton, Staunton, Va. 3950. 3IORGAN Tillinghast, New York City. 3951. Edmund Gustavus Vaughan, Kansas City, Mo. 3952. William Hallet Vaughan, Norfolk, Va. 3953. Reid White, Lexington, Va.: With Robinson Bros. & Co.: Louis- ville, Ky. 3954. James Alexander Walker, Jr., Rockbridge Co., Va. 3955. Junius Edgar West, Waverly, Va. LEXINGTON LAW SCHOOL. I The Lexington Law School was established by Judge John W. Brockenbrough, LL. D., in October, 1849. It increased rapidly in numbers, and, though a private School, soon became widely and favor- ably known. Upon its rolls are found the names of many who have been distinguished in the history of Virginia and of other States. In 1867 the School was incorporated into the University and became its Law Department, and it is deemed proper that its Alumni should be published with the Alumni of the University. In the absence of regular rolls, the names of the Alumni of the Lexington Law School have been obtained largely from the recollec- tions of members of the several classes. Some errors and omissions are, therefore, to be expected, and the finders will confer a favor by communicating them to John L. Campbell, Esq., Treasurer of the University, Lexington, Va., in order that they may be corrected in future publications. Another Catalogue will be published at an early day. Explanation. — Those known to be dead are marked with an *. The numbers following names refer to the corresponding numbers in the Catalogue of the University, where the record is given. 1849-1850. 1. John McD. Alexander, Rockbridge Co. ; No. 1411. 2. John O. Ewing, Ohio Co. 3. James R. Holt, Bedford Co. : Floyd Co. : Commonwealth's Attorney of Floyd : St. Louis, Mo. 4. ^Samuel Houston Letcher, Lexington, Va. : No. 1390. 5. Jacob N. IjIGGETT, Rockingham Co. : Member Virginia Convention : Jacksonville, Fla. 6. Robert Burns Waddy, Louisa Co. : Commonwealth's Attorney of Louisa. 1850-1851. 7. John Goode, Jr., Bedford Co. : Member Virginia Legislature : Mem- ber Virginia Convention : Member Confederate Congress : Norfolk City : Mem- ber Virginia Legislature from Norfolk ; Member U. S. Congress : Solicitor Gen- eral U. S. 203 204 Catalogue of Alumni. 8. Bakeb p. JLee, Hampton, Va. : Major C. S. A. : Editor : Collector of Customs. 9. * James "W. Massie, Lexington, Va. : Member Virginia Legislature : Lieutenant Colonel Fifty-first Virginia Regiment C. S. A.: Professor Mathe- matics Virginia Military Institute: Died January, 1872. 10. William McLaughlin, Rockbridge Co. : No. 1469. 11. Charles S. M. See, Randolph Co.: No. 1438. 12. John D. Stebrett, Rockbridge Co. : No. 1364. 1851-1852. 13. *WiLLiAM S. H. Baylor, Augusta Co. : No. 1452. 14. -^"William H. Compton, Lexington, Va. : No. 1371. 15. *ftOBERT E. Cowan, Harrison Co.: Preston Co. : Member Virginia Legislature: Member Virginia Convention, 1861 : Kansas City: Judge of Court of Law and Equity, 24th Circuit of Missouri : St. Louis, Mo. : Died July 14, 1887. 16. ^William H. Houston, Rockbridge Co. : No. 1484. 17. *JoHN Li. Moseley, Bedford Co.: No. 1491. 18. Philip W. McKinney, Buckingham Co. : Captain C. S. A. : Mem- ber Virginia Legislature : Farmville, Va. 19. William J. Nelson, Augusta Co. : No. 1470. 20. William A. Seay, Lunenburg Co. : St. Louis, Mo.: Alexandria, La.: Professor Louisiana State University: Judge District Court: Minister to Bolivia. 21. *IsAAC N. Smith, Kanawha Co. : No. 1440. 22. ^Samuel M. Somers, Shenandoah Co. : Clarksburg. 23. John B. Winn, Lexington, Va. : No. 1448. 1852-1853. 24. *RoBERT C. BoULBIN, Charlotte Co. : County Judge. 25. Alexander B. Carrington, Charlotte Co.: Presbyterian Minis- ter: Berryville, Va. : Greenwich. 26. *Henry Clay Dickinson, Bedford Co. 27. *KoBERT DiGGES, Nelson Co. 28. * John T. Hall, Norfolk, Va. 29. Charles T. Harrison, Clarksburg, Va. 30. *K. V. Lewis, Jefferson Co. 31. A. J. Marmaduke, Fauquier Co. 32. "^Frederick Martin, Botetourt Co. 33. "^William O'Brien, Rockingham Co. 34. *Keuben Jacob Palmer, Appomattox Co.: No. 1360. 35. ^Joseph G. Steele, Rockbridge Co. : No. 1315. 36. G. Ott Wunder, Shenandoah Co. : Washington, D. C. 1853-1854. 37. * James W. Allen, Bedford Co. : Jefferson Co. : Colonel Second Vir- ginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Gaines' Mill, June, 1862. Catalogue of Alumni. 205 38. William C. Carper, Harrison Co. : Upshur Co. : Member of Vir- ginia Legislature. 39. B. T>. Chenowith, Frederick Co. 40. Charles B. Christian, Amherst Co.: Colonel Forty-ninth Vir- ginia Kegiment C. S. A. : Commonwealth's Attorney of Amherst. 41. *George W. LiURTY, Harrison Co.: Member Virginia Legislature. 42. *T. B. McCann, Harrison Co. 43. JosiAH S. McNuTT, Augusta Co.: Lexington, Va. : Jackson Co., Tex. : Judge Connty Court of Jackson. 44. William M. Morriss, Albemarle Co. 45. Andretv Moore, Lexington, Va. : No. 1531. 46. *K. E. Seevers, Frederick Co. 47. Hampden Zane Shriver, Wheeling, Va. 48. ^Albert G. Strayer, Shenandoah Co. : No. 1441. 49. Taliafero Stribling, Point Pleasant, Va.: Cashier Merchants' National Bank. 50. KOBERT White, Romney, Va. : Colonel Cavalry C. S. A. : Attorney- General of West Virginia. 51. *WlLLlAM R. Winn, Hanover Co.: Member Virginia Legislature: No. 1409. 52. John W. WoolfoLK, Orange Co. 1854-1855. 53. Joseph White Caldwell, Eockbridge Co.: No. 1290. 54. ^George P. Compton, Lexington, Va. 55. John J. Davis, Clarksburg, Va. : Member Virginia Legislature : Mem- ber West Virginia Legislature: Member U. S. Congress. 56. ^Andrew P. I>AVISS0N, Harrison Co. 57. I>AVID S. Hounshell, Wythe Co. : Colonel Cavalry C. S. A. : Ken- tucky. 58. T. B. LiEWlS, Mecklenburg Co. 59. Isaac A. Paul, Nelson Co. : Captain C. S. A. : Member Virginia Legis- lature. 60. *JoHN Speed Kudd, Spotsylvania Co. : Major C. S. A.: Monroe Co.: Fayette Co.: Charleston, W. Va.: Principal Public Schools: Died April 15, 1888. 61. ^Warwick Stuart, Highland Co. : No. 1558. 62. Telemachus Taylor, New Kent Co. : Captain Third Virginia Cav- alry: County Judge New Kent. 1855-1856. 63. William C. Carrington, Nelson Co. : Richmond City : Mayor of Richmond. 64. John A. 1>0UGLASS, Augusta Co. : Mercer Co. : Lieutenant C. S. A. : Hinton, W. Va. 206 Catalogue of Alumni. 65. Claudius Goff, Kandolph Co. 66. *E. M. liOWE, Alexandria, Va. : Judge Alexandria City Court. 67. John M. McAlister, Campbell Co. 68. ^James B. McLean, Randolph Co. 69. Job G. McVeigh, Alexandria, Va. : St. Paul, Minn. 70. Junius K. Person, Southampton Co. 71. ^Wii.i.iam: B. Phelps, Covington, Ky.; Killed at Drainsville. 72. Joseph M. Ranson, Covington, Ky.: No. 1509. 73. Thomas Benton Taylor, Lexington, Va. : No. 1559. 74. John Campbell Tarr, Brooke Co. : Leavenworth City, Kan. 75. Aaron A. Welton, Hardy Co. : Petersburg, W. Va. 1856-1857. 76. William H. Barclay, Lexington, Va.: No. 1536. 77. Richard H. Catlett, Lexington, Va. : Colonel C. S. A.: Staun- ton, Va. 78. J, S. Cochran, Pennsylvania. 79. C. J. P. Cresap, Preston Co.: Kandolph Co. : Member Virginia Legis- lature : Member Virginia Convention : Member West Virginia Legislature. 80. ^"William P. Oixon, Alexandria, Va. : Lost in a Shipwreck in Gulf of Mexico. 81. Thomas S. Jones, Pittsylvania Co. : Missouri : Judge in Missouri. 82. James Davidson Morrison, Rockbridge Co.: Captain C. S. A.: No. 1555. 83. *Henry M. Matthews, Greenbrier Co. : Major C. S. A. : Member West Virginia Convention: Attorney General West Virginia : Governor West Virginia. 84. J. V. B. Newman, Point Pleasant, Va. 85. * William S. Newman, Orange Co. : Lieutenant C. S. A. : Killed at Winchester, Va., September, 1864. • 86. *Waller Tazewell Patton, Richmond, Va. : Colonel Seventh Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Gettysburg, July, 1863. 87. li. A. PiNDALL, Hanover Co. : Napoleon, Ark. 88. J. Ij. Powell, Spotsylvania Co. : Member Virginia Legislature : Com- monwealth's Attorney of Spotsylvania. 89. William B. Sanford, Spotsylvania Co. : Missouri. 90. *James a. Strother, Abingdon, Va. 91. *IiOUlS B. Williams, Jr.,. Orange Co.: Colonel First Virginia Regiment C. S. A. : Killed at Gettysburg, July, 1863. 92. *1>AVID H. Walton, Shenandoah Co. : Captain C. S. A. : Common- wealth's Attorney of Shenandoah. 1857-X858. 93. William H. Bolling, Bedford Co.: Wytheville, Va. : County Judge of Wythe. 94. John B. Brooks, Augusta Co. : No. 1681. Catalogue of Alumni. 207 95. *Chaiiles M. Brown, Preston Co. 96. E. W. Gating, Gallipolis, O. 97. W. T. Chandler, Caroline Co. 98. ^I>ABNEY Cosby, Jr., Halifax Co.: No. 1597. 99. *Greenlee 1>avidson, Lexington : No. 1572. 100. ^William S. Gilman, Spotsylvania Co. : Member Virginia Legisla- ture: Clerk U. S. Senate: Died 1886. 101. *J. T. Gleaves, Wythe Co. 102. *IjUTHER D. Haymond, Braxton Co.: Captain C. S. A.: Member Virginia Legislature. 103. *I>AVii> G. Houston, Jr., Rockbridge Co.: No. 1601. 104. ^PAUli LiGHTNER, Highland Co.: Member Virginia Legislature: Died December, 1885. 105. ^William liUCAS, Jr., Jefferson Co.: Lawyer: Member W. Va. Legislature. 106. I>ANiEli B. Lucas, Jeiferson Co. 107. Charles McI. Matthews, Georgetown, D. C. 108. John Harvey Moore, Lexington, Va. : No. 1604. 109. ^I>AVID A. McCampbell, Lexington, Va. : No. 1579. 110. J. W. Kibble, Roanoke Co.: County Judge of Roanoke. 111. ^A. F. Robertson, Amherst Co.: Lynchburg, Va. 112. ^Orlando Smith, Lunenburg Co.: Major C. S. A. : Staunton, Va. 113. A. H. Smythe, Alexandria, Va. 114. Thomas Tabb, Hampton, Va. 115. Li, T. Terrell, Hanover Co. 116. JosiAH Teeter, Washington Co. 117. John K. Thurman, Liberty, Va. : Member Virginia House of Del- egates : Member Virginia Senate. 118. John C. Vance, Ohio Co.: Clarksburg, W. Va. 119. Frederick R. Windsor, Alexandria, Va. 1858-1859. 120. J. Brown Anthony, Campbell Co. 121. Taylor Berry, Fauquier Co. : Amherst C. H. : Treasurer of Am- herst Co. : Member Virginia Senate. 122. George R. Calvert, Shenandoah Co. : County Judge Shenandoah. 123. John Campbell, Monroe Co.: No. 1618. 124. ^Gideon D. Camden, Jr., Clarksburg, Va. 125. Joseph W. Chinn, Richmond Co. 126. John J. Chipley, Frederick Co. : Moorefield, W. Va. : Member West Virginia Legislature. 127. *James B. Davis, Augusta Co. : Wytheville, Va. 128. R. li. Henley, Williamsburg, Va. : County Judge James City and York r Circuit Judge. 129. *T. W. Hoffman, Lewis Co. 130. T. Henry Johnston, Botetourt Co. 208 Catalogue of Alumni. 131. Arch. Kinney, Staunton, Va. 132. *Edwin G. LiEE, Jefferson Co.: Brigadier-General C. S. A. 133. W. T. Lipscomb, Afton, Va. 134. ^Wll.L.lAM Martin, Marshall Co. : Botetourt Co. 135. JRoBERT M. Mayo, Westmoreland Co. : Colonel Forty-seventh Vir- ginia Regiment C. S, A.: Commonwealth's Attorney Westmoreland : Member U. S. Congress: Member Virginia Legislature. 136. Charles H. Miller, Mercer Co. : Blacksburg, Va. : County Judge Montgomery Co. 137. George Poindexter, Lexington, Va. : No. 1610. 138. John Keed, Jr., Jefferson Co. 139. Adam C. Synder, Highland Co.: No. 1677. 140. *HUGH S. Tiffany, Monroe Co. : Captain Twenty-seventh Virginia Kegiment C. S. A.: Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 141. *S. H. TOMKlNS, Bedford Co. 142. Henry B. "Warren, Williamsburg, Va. 1859-1860. 143. M. Page Andrews, Jefferson Co. 144. K. C. Apperson, New Kent Co. 145. Thomas M. Boyd, Nelson Co.: Presbyterian Minister: Arkansas: Augusta Co., Va. : Savannah, Ga. 146. John BoWYER Brockenbrough, Lexington, Va.: No. 1594. 147. Thomas J. Christian, King and Queen Co.: Matthews C. H. Member Virginia House of Delegates: County Judge of Matthews. 148. "William F. Coleman, Louisa Co. 149. James Cole Davis, Rockbridge Co. : No. 1517. 150. Kezin C. Davis, Harrison Co. : Arkansas : Soldier in Cavalry C. S. A.: Louisville, Ky. 151. H. Kyd Douglas, Washington Co., Md. : Major C. S. A. 162. William W. Flood, Henry Co. : Texas. 153. J. T. Hamlet, Henry Co. : Wytheville, Va. 154. William O. Hanway, Monongalia Co. : Baltimore, Md. 155. ^James O. Hensley, Liberty, Va.: Major C. S. A.: Member Vir- ginia Legislature. 156. F. S. HuTTER, Lynchburg, Va. : Captain C. S. A. 157. *James McD. Graham, Lexington, Va. : No. 1575: Died January 8, 1861. 158. Berryman Green, Danville, Va. : Judge Circuit Court. 159. William B. Hope, Hampton, Va. 160. *K. H. Jones, Elizabeth City. 161. John W. Kerr, Dinwiddle Co. 162. *JoHN M. LiOWRY, Bedford Co. 163. *JoHN McDaniel, King George Co. 164. Robert McFarland, Lexington, Va.: No. 1670. Catalogue of Alumni. 209 165. *JoHN F. Neff, Shenandoah Co.: Colonel Thirty-third Virginia Regiment : Killed in battle. 166. W1LI.IAM B. PoiNDEXTER, Rockbridge Co.: No. 1609. 167. William T. Poague, Rockbridge Co.: No. 1640. 168. *Samuel I>. Preston, Lynchburg, Va.: Clerk Circuit Court: Died Apr. 15, 1888. 169. *J. T. Kadford, Montgomery Co.: Lieutenant-Colonel Eighth Vir- ginia Cavalry : Killed in battle. 170. ^Jonathan Richmond, Jr., Lee Co.: Captain C. S. A. 171. William Jj. Kodgers, Halifax Co. 172. James B. Sener, Spotsylvania Co.: Member U. S. Congress: Judge U. S. Court of Wyoming: Fredericksburg. 173. *WlLLOUGHBY If. Smith, Northumberland Co. 174. C. M. Stephani, Lexington, Va. : Memphis, Tenn. 175. Li, H. Stephenson, Highland Co.: Lieutenant Cavalry C. S. A.: Commonwealth's Attorney of Highland. 176. Otis F. Stribling, Mercer's Bottom, W. Va. 177. William R. Taliaferro, Orange Co. : Member Virginia Legis- lature: County Judge of Orange. 178. ^Thomas S. Taylor, Franklin Co.: Captain C. S. A. 179. *James B. Terrell, Bath Co.: Orange Co.: Brigadier-General C. S. A. : Killed at Bethesda Church, May, 1864. 180. C. H. Terrill, Halifax Co. 1860-1861. 181. *Andrew W. Cameron, Rockbridge Co.: No. 1683. 182. * J. B. Cherry, North Carolina : Norfolk, Va. : Lieutenant-Colonel C. S. A. : Killed at Roanoke Island. 183. Thomas L. M. Chipley, Frederick Co. : Captain Cavalry C. S. A. : California. 184. George T. Clark, Surry Co.: County Judge: Member Virginia Legislature. 185. ^Samuel B. Coyner, Rockingham Co. : Lieutenant Cavalry C. S. A. : Killed in battle. 186. F. A. Daingerfield, Bath Co. : Captain Eleventh Virginia Cav- alry C. S. A. : Harrisonburg : Clerk Circuit Court. 187. George N. Ferneyhough, Charlottesville, Va. 188. *W. Kemper Garnett, Essex Co. 189. *Thomas H. Gatewood, Middlesex Co. 190. *J. Harmer Gilmer, Richmond, Va. 191. B. Hughes, Cumberland Co. 192. George J. Hundley, Amelia Co.: Member Virginia Senate: Richmond. 193. John W. Johnston, Buchanan, Va. : Major Artillery C. S. A. : Member Virginia Legislature : President James River and Kanawha Company: President Georgia Pacific Railroad Company : Birmingham, Ala. 210 Catalogue of Alumni. 194. McKendree Jones, Pittsylvania Co. : New York City. 195. *Wl£JLlAM Z. Mead, Eichmond: Captain C. S. A. : Killed at Chieka- mauga. 196. *JoEDf M. Oliver, Roanoke Co. : Rosser's Cavalry : Killed at Beverly, January, 1865. 197. George KagsdALE, Lunenburg Co. 198. Benjamin J. Redmond, Point Pleasant. 199. * James P. Kiley, Winchester, Va. : Clerk Circuit Court : Died January 1, 1888. 200. Joseph H. Sherrard, Jr., Frederick Co.: Lieutenant Cavalry C. S. A. : Bath Co. : Member Virginia Senate : Rockbridge Co. 201. W. E. Smith, Matthews Co. 202. James N. Stubbs, Gloucester Co.: Member Virginia House of Delegates : Member Virginia Senate. 203. George M. Waddell, Isle of Wight Co.: Member Virginia Legislature. 204. George "W. "Williams, Fayette Co.: Member West Virginia Legislature. 205. *J. IjOWRIE Willson, Monongalia Co. : Colonel of Cavalry C. S. A. 206. B. L. Woodson, Campbell Co.-: Craig Co.: Member Virginia Legis- lature : Kansas City, Mo. 207. *P. W. WoRSHAM, Dinwiddle Co. 1861-1865. Suspension during the War. 1865-1866. 208. Alphonso C. Avery, Morgan ton, N. C. : Judge Superior Court in North Carolina. 209. Homer S. Carr, Clarksburg, W. Va. : Moorefield, W. Va. 210. Raleigh E. Colston, Lexington, Va. : Brigadier-General C. S. A. : Wilmington, N. C. : Egypt : In service of Khedive : Washington, D. C. : In ser- vice U. S. Government. 211. John D. Foster, Amelia Co.: King William C. H.: County Judge of King William and King and Queen. 212. John N. Gallaher, I>. D., Kentucky: Lieutenant Colonel C. S. A. : Episcopal Clergyman : New York City : Episcopal Bishop of Louisiana. 213. J. Emmett Guy, Staunton: No. 1661. 214. *Frank W. Henderson, Lexington: Captain C. S. A. : Commis- sioner in Chancery, Rockbridge Circuit Court : Died October 28, 1887. 215. William Locke, Missouri. 216. Joseph Mays, Bath Co. : Lieutenant Cavalry C. S. A. : Member Vir- ginia Convention: Commonwealth's Attorney of Bath. 217. John G. McCluer, Rockbridge County : No.- 1669. Catalogue of Alumni. 211 218. Henry B. Michie, Staunton: Leesburg: Charlottesville: Editor Chronicle. 219. t>AVlD E. Moore, Lexington, Va.: No. 1736. 220. Charles Mundy, Lynchburg. 221. Thomas Li. Rosser, Hanover Co. : Major General C. S. A. : Engi- neer Northern Pacific Railroad : Albemarle Co. 222. Thomas M. Semmes, Lexington : Professor Virginia Military Insti- tute. 223. Scott Ship, Lexington : Lieutenant Colonel C. S. A. : Professor Vir- ginia Military Institute. 224. *Samuei. S. Shriver, Wheeling: Captain C. S. A.: Nansemond Co. : Member Virginia Legislature. 225. William Taliaferro, Amherst Co. : Superintendent Penitentiary :, Eichmond, Va. 226. H. H. Thompson, Rockbridge Co. : No. 1751. 227. John A. Thompson, Rockbridge Co. : No. 1645. 228. Frank Turner, Selma, Ala. 229. Keuben S. Thomas, Madison Co. : Green Co. 230. J. C. Van Fossen, Augusta Co. : No. 1819. ROLL OF HONORARY DEGREES CONFERRED. 1842... Willi AM C. Preston South Carolina LL. D. 1843.. .John Hendren Virginia D. D. " ...John McElhenny Virginia D. D. " ...Andrew Herron Virginia D. D. 1847. ..Samuel Williamson North Carolina D. D. " ...Ebenezer Pressly South Carolina D. D. 1849. ..Henry Kuffner ^ Virginia LL. D. 1850. ..James Moore Brown Virginia D. D. 1851. ..John W. Brockenbrough Virginia LL. D. " ...John B. Minor Virginia LL. D. 1852. ..Richard Armstrong Sandwich Islands...!). D. " ...Elias Harrison Virginia D. D. " ...J. Calvin Grier South Carolina D. D. " ...M. Lr. Staunton Mississippi D. D. 1853... John Grammar Virginia D. D. 1854.. .Arthur Hopkins Alabama LL. D. " ...William Leigh Virginia LL. D. " ...L.UCAS P. Thompson Virginia LL. D. 1856. ..John H. BococK Virginia D. D. 1857. ..John M. P. Atkinson Virginia D. D. 1859. ..James B. Ramsay Virginia D. D. 1872. ..Richard C. £.. 3Ioncure Virginia LL. D. " ...William T. Joynes Virginia LL. D. " ...Alexander McAuslane England D. D. " ...Thomas Li. Preston Virginia D. D. 1873...JUDAH P. Benjamin England LL. D. " ...John A. Campbell Louisiana LL. D. " ...Joseph Cottrell Mississippi D. D. *' ...H. Herbert Harris Virginia D. D. " ...Samuel R. Houston West Virginia D. D. " ...John Percival Louisiana D. D. " ...John W. Pratt Virginia D. D. 1874. ..Vincent L. Bradford Pennsylvania LL. D. " ...William Henry Ruffner Virginia LL. D. " ...Nahum Capen Massachusetts LL. D. " ...Samuel Rodgers Maryland D. D. " ...William F. Junkin Kentucky D. D. 212 Catalogue of Alumni. 213 1874.. .J. William Jones Virginia D. D. " ...James T. Leftwich Georgia D. D. " ...Richard I>. Mason Maryland D. D. " ...K. H. McKiM Virginia D. D. " ...John Kinnear Ireland D. D. 1875. ..Charles O'Conor New York LL. D. " ...William Preston Johnston Virginia LL. D. " ...Kensey S. Stewart Delaware D. D. " ...M. B.Wharton Georgia D. D. " ...W. G. COE West Virginia D. D. " ...C. K. Vaughan Kentucky D. D. 1876... Charles Mackey Scotland LL. D. " ...Wood Bouldin Virginia LL. D. 1877. ..A. D. Pollock Virginia D. D. " ...JRlCHARD T. I>AVIS Virginia D. D. " ...James Neilson Lea Louisiana LL. D. " ...Hugh W. Sheffey Virginia LL. D. 1878...KiNLOCH Nelson Virginia D. D. " ...George W. Peterkin West Virginia D. D. " ...T. T. Eaton Virginia D. D. " ...G. B. Strickler Georgia D. D. " ...John R. Bowman Virginia D. D. " ...R. S. McCuLLOH Louidana LL. D. " ...Alexander J. Beresford Hop-e... England LL. D. 1879. ..Henry M. White Virginia D. D. " ...Robert M. Wallace Pennsylvania D. D. " ...Frederick George Lee England D. D. " ...Franklin B. Gowen Pennsylvania LL. D. 1880... Vincent L. Bradford ,. Pennsylvania D. C. L. " ...James Scott Scotland D. D. " ...Matthew L. Lacy West Virginia D. D. " ...J. G. Armstrong Virginia D. D'. " ...John Welsh Pennsylvania LL. D. 1881...I>AviD W. Shanks Virginia D. D. " ...Thomas T. Everett Pennsylvania D. D. " ...J. T. L. Preston Virginia LL. D. " ...L. Q. C. Lamar Mississippi .LL. D. " ...G. Watson James Virginia D. L. " ...RODES MassIE Virginia D. L. 1882. ..Henry E. Dwight Pennsylvania D. D. " ...G. W. Cable Louisiana D. L. " ...J. J. Lafferty Virginia D. L. " ...Robert Ould Virginia LL. D. " ...Paul H. Hayne South Carolina LL. D. 1883... Charles R. Van Romondt New Jersey D. L. " ...Walter Blair Virginia I). L. " ...Scott Ship Virginia D. L. 214 Catalogue of Alumni. 1883.. .Thomas E. Peck Virginia LL. D. " ...John W. Daniel Virginia LL. D. " ...John G. Carlisle Kentucky LL. D. 1884.. .James T. Latimer Virginia D. D. " ...A. M. Kandolph Virginia LL. D. 1885.. .A. W. Wilson Maryland LL. D. " ...John Hall ....New York City LL. D. " ...E. C. Burks Virginia LL. D. " ...LiAwrence Rust Ohio LL. D. " ...W. A. Wade Virginia D. D. " ...W. A. Leonard IHst. of Columbia... T>. D. " ...James A. Waddell Virginia D. D. " ...John P. StRIDER Virginia ; D. D. " ...D. M. Uankin New York D. D. " ...W. W. Landrum Virginia D. D. 1886. ..George D. Armstrong Virginia LL. D. " ...Clements JK. ]>Iarkham England LL. D. " ...Moses D. Hoge Virginia LL. D. " ...Samuel Brown Virginia D. D. " ...J. H. WaugH Virginia D. D. " ...A. C. Dixon Maryland D. D. 1887. ..Thomas Nelson Page Virginia D. L. " ...A. K. McClure.-. Pennsylvania LL. D. " ...Robert P. Ker Virginia D. D. " ...J. S. Gardner, Virginia D. D. " ...James Grammar Virginia D. D. " ...J. R. Sampey Kentucky D. D. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. The Alumni of the University have had an Association for many years. Its object is to keep alive among the Alumni the sentiment of affection for their Alma Mater, and to unite the graduates of successive years by a common tie of fellowship. Its annual meetings are held at Commencement, when, after the transaction of business, an Anniversary Oration is pronounced by some alumnus chosen by the Society. The following is the present organization : H. St. George Tucker, Virginia, President. ^; 3' f ^^'^«^' ^^'^]'''^'\ Vice-Presidents. W. T. Shields, Virginia, i I>. C. Humphreys, Secretary. J. Jj. Campbell, Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. S. «J. Graham, Chairman. W. T. Shields, F. T. Glasgow, M. W. Paxton, C. a. Graves. LOCAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS. Any organized body of the Alumni of the University, consisting of not less than seven members, having a president, and one or more vice-presidents, a secretary and an executive committee, and which shall maintain its organization by holding at least one meet- ing each year, is recognized as a Local Alumni Association. They tend to keep up, and give practical shape to, the interest felt by the Al.umni in the well-being of the University, and it is earnestly hoped that other associations will be formed whenever circum- stances will allow. Each Association is authorized to nominate one student each year to a Scholarship. 215 216 Catalogue of Alumni. Below will be found the officers of the Local Alumni Associa- tions that have been formed/ The Presidents of these Associations are ex-officio Vice-Presidents of the Association at the University. MEMPHIS, TENN, Geo. B. Peters, President. F. H. HEISKELIi, Vice-President. John S. Lewis, Secretary. Thos. H. AtLEN, J^-*\Er.emtiveQmmittee. E. C. MOSBY, J NEW ORLEANS, LA. E. B. Kkuttschnitt, President. T. I. Bartlette, Secretary. LOUISVILLE, KY. George A. Robinson, President. Kandolph H. B1.AIN, I Yic^.pre^ents. HEI.M Bruce, j W. S. Forrester, Secretary. TEXAS. C. C. Garrett, President. W. M. Brown, ^ yice-Preddents. M. E. Kleberg, J J. W. Taylor, Secretary. W. li. Prather, Treasurer, J. H. McLeary, 1 J. S. Willis, [■ Executive Committee. F. M. COCKRELL, J NEW YORK CITY. I>R, H. Marion Sims, President. Wm. M. Johnston, I y..^^.p^^.^^^^^ Wm. S. Ryan, i J. S. Clark, Secretary, Walter L. McCorkle, Treasurer. Thos. C. Hanna, \ John H. Hamilton, \ Executive Committee. I>R.W. R. Pryor, J LIBERTY, VA. H. C. liOWRY, President. James R. Guy, Secretary. Catalogue of Alumni. 217 RICHMOND, VA. G. Watson James, D. L., President. W. K. Bowie, Vice-President. JoBQf K. Anderson, Jr., Secretary and Trea^surer. Co I.. Jo. liANE Stern, W. R. Bowie, y ^^^^^^ Committee. C. B. Antrim, Frank T>, Beveridge, CHRISTIANSBURG, VA. Capt. Wm. C. Hagan, President. Kev. Chas. a. Miller, Vice-President. Rev. Daniel Blain, Secretary. Wm. McC. Miller, Treasure)-. . Capt. Geo. G. Junkin, \ Capt. Jno. R. Johnson, [■ Executive Committee. Hon. a. a. Phlegar, J BALTIMORE, MD. Dr. Thos. a. Ashby, President. D. C. liYLE, Vice-President. Dr. Geo. J. Preston, Secretary. Wm. R. Ashby, Treasurer. S. Z. Ammen, ^ H. R. Preston, >• Executive Committee. I. P. Robinson, J BUCHANAN, VA. Capt. J. H. H. Figgat, President. W. J. Penn, I Yice-Pre.ida.i,. \\, A. Glasgow, Jr., J J. R. Godwin, Secretary. C. L. Wilson, \ S. B. Smith, |- Executive Committee. W. A. Glasgow, Jr.,-' CHARLESTON, W. VA. D. L. RUFFNER, President. W. A. McCoRKLE, Secretary. J. Z. McChesney, Treasurer. BATH AND ALLEGHANY COUNTIES, VA. Rev. E. W. McCorkle, President. Dr. G. B. McCorkle, Secretary. J. A. Ford, Treasurer. 15 218 Catalogue of Alumni. ARKANSAS. R. I>. Haislip, President, K. B. Williams, Vice-President. P. I>. English, Secretary and Treasurer. S. R, COCKRILL, C. B. Moore, C. K. Breckinridge, •»* ^^ -^ ' / Executive Committee. J. M. Bullock, Hugh Barclay, P. D. English, STAUNTON, VA. Judge J. H. McCue, President. T. C. Morton, Secretary. HARRISONBURG, VA. Judge James Kenney, President. G. M, Effinger, Vice-President. LYNCHBURG, VA. Maj. T. J. KiRKPATRiCK, President. 1. S. Moore, First Vice-Preddent. W. W. H. Harris, Second Vice-President. JR. li. Miller, Third Vice-President. B. F. KiRKPATRICK, Treasurer. H. F, BOCOCK, Seeretxiry. JOBOf C. I>ABNEY,\ E. C. Burks, [■ Executive Committee. A. S. White, J WINCHESTER, VA. Rev. Henry M. White, B. D., President. Capt. J. C. Van Fossen, W^^.p^^^^^_ E. C Jordan, Jr., ) C. G. Crawford, Seeretxiry. J. S. S. CoE, ^ Wm. McC. White, [• Executive Ccmmittee. W. R. Kennedy, j Catalogue of Alumni. 219 Kev. a. K. Cocke, President. Jonathan Koiner, Vice-President. James A. Fishbubne, Secretary. J. W. Fishbubne, Treasurer. KANSAS CITY, MO. M. G. Habman, President. J. M. BuLtocK, 1 J. li. PoBTER, V Vice-Presidents. C. W. Freeman, J J, A. Steele, Secretary. A. I>. McCoRKLE, Treamrer. J. S. Brooks,^ J. M. IjOve, >■ Executive OommiUee. D. H. Cecil, J INDEX OF NAMES. The figures refer to the pages of the catalogue. The abbreviation Tr. = Trustee. Abney, F.W 142 Abrahams, C. K 199 Adams, J. G 142 " R. H 57 " T 83 " W."8.'.'.*.!'.'.'.'.*. 148 Adamson, J 153 Aderhold, M. A 159 Akers, J. T 46, 185 Albert, F 148 Alderson, W. B 159 Aldrich, J 159 Aldridge,T. S 135 Alexander, A 7 A.(D.D.)7,50 " A 103 « A.M 81 " Andrew, 37, 39, 50 " C.H 100 " G. D 94 J. (Maj.) 37,55 « J. Ab 113 J. Ay 81 " J. M 98 " J. McD. 38, 106, 203 " J. W 159 " R 7,34 T.W 65 « W. (Tr.) 35, 36, 39 " W 59 " W. A 100 " W. D 76 " W. L 79 " W. McF. 195 Alford, A.H 193 " E. L 197 ' " F. A 106 Allan, W 38,43 Allen, D 142 " H 170 "J 9 " j.'(Coi.')'.!]!!! 52 220 Allen, J. E.... 182 " J. 1 159 " Jno. J 67 " J. J 148 J. McC 197 " J. W 204 " L. S 90 " R 67 " R. H 165 " T. H 170, 216 " W. C 77 Alley, L. S 153 Allison, J. W 142 Allyn, J. T 121 Alston, B. F 142 Altgelt, C. G 177 Ambler, H. K 195 " J. M. M 130 Ames, H 174 Ammen, M 46 S.Z 142, 217 Amole, J.P 123 " T.F 123 Anderson, B. D 64 C. B 165 C. E 153 " C. W 174 " D. C 96 D. L 135 " F.T.(Hon.) 36, 38, 43, 80 " F. T 130 " G. B 195 " G. L 100 " J. M 103 " J. P 165 " J. R 39 " J. R. (Jr.) 177, 217 Jno. T 38 Jas.T 159 " J. W 199 " M 63 P. N.B.... 135 " W. A... 38, 123 « W. F 165 Anderson, W. N 78 W. P 52 " W. R 116 Andrews, M. P 208 Anthony, H 85 J. B 207 Antrim, C. B 180, 217 J. L 182 Apperson, R. C 208 Archer, S 142 Archibald, R 34 Armentrout, E. R.... 186 T. S 195 Armistead, E. W 186 J. W 89 Armstrong, F. W 130 " G. D..42, 214 « J 108 " J. G 213 " R 212 W. T 201 Arnold, A. E 116 E. P 113 J.W 123 " T. J 130 Arrington, S 199 Ashby, T. A 148,217 " W.R 197,217 Ashlan, J 57 Ashley, W.H 195 Ashmore, W. U 135 Ashton,'J. J 59 Atkinson, J. M. P... 212 W. E 159 Augustus, G. B 74 Austin, A. A 153 B 83 " J. P 148 S. T 153 " W. L 159 Avery, A. C 210 Aylette,P 62 " P. H 96 Ayres,B 170 " W.C 170 Catalogue of Alumni. 221 Bacon, P. E 127 " W. L 165 Bader, J. H 197 Bailey, E. B 59 " S. M 98 Bain, S. J 191 Baker, A. M 148 " G.B 135 " G.L 115 " J 50 " S. D 103 Baldwin, C.C 191 R 191 Balfour, W. L 154 Ball, G. A 142 Ballagh, J. C 195 Ballard, J. W 180 Ballentine, W 177 Ballon, C. A 115 Bankhead, C. L 57 Banks, F. M 160 " W. A 92 Bannister, J. M 170 Barbee, J 180 Barber, E. L 46 Barclay, A. H 119 " A. T. (Col.). 38,67 A. T 38, 123 E 71 E. H 126 H. (Tr.)...38, 69 " H 177, 218 " H. W 170 J. M 92 " J. Pax 135 J. Pres 154 " J.W 92 J. W 189 " L. T 109 M.R 201 " M.W 98 W.F 148 W. H...112, 206 Barger, D. A 117 Barksdale, A 119 Barlow, J. S 142 Barnard, G. M 165 Barnes, A. L 77 " G.W 135 Barnett, H. C 126 " W.H 128 Barr, J. G 154 " J. M 115 " E.W 154 Barrett, E.W ]95 T 191 Barringer, L. W 142 Barrow, C. M 128 " J. S 130 Bartlette, O. H 180 T. 1 154, 216 Barton, D. R 180 " J. J 159 " P. W 195 " R 121 " R. M 142 " R.R 38 « R. T 105 " S 68 « T.H 135 " W. H 187 Bashaw, J. P 130 Bass, W. E 64 Bassett,W 63 Bate, O. L 186 Bateman, A. Q 165 Batte, G. H 61 " T 63 " T.C 63 Battle, T.E 154 Batts, J 142 Baugh, J. W 135 Baxter, G. A. (D. D.) 36, 38, 40, 41, 52 " G. A 109 " G. C 72 " J. A 79 " J. F 82 " S. S 38,74 Baylor, G 130 « J. M 112 " W. S. H..108, 204 Bayly, R. B 148 " R. H 24 Beale, G. S 63 " M. T 61 " R. H 72 Beall, C. F 165 " H 130 Bear, J. E 193 Beard, T. R 94 " W. S 90 Beattie, J. W 186 Beaty, S 52 Becker, I. M 197 Beckham, C. N 142 Beckwith, R. W 160 Bedford, G. T 142 Beeckman, H. G 142 Beers, O.S 135 Begg8,W. E 154 Beime, T. J 85 Bell, A. M 142 " A. N 154 " C. J 112 " C. M 130 " C. W 123 " F 86 " F. M 160 Bell, H. M 103 " J. A 165 « J. B 130 " J. H 82 " J. R 75 " J. R. K 180 " J.W 90 " R.J 165 " S 75 " S.H 180 " W.A 75 " W.J 123 " W. M 135 " W. T 116 Reiser, R.H 142 Belt, A. C 160 Bena vides, J 1 80 Benjamin, J. P 212 Bennett, C. S 154 W. J 154 • Bentley,R.R 170 Berkeley, E 45, 142 L 165 Berlin, A. F 130 Berry, T 207 Bethell, J. P 105 Bettis, B. W 177 Bevan, T. H 135 BeveridgQ, F. D 217 S. T 177 Beverly, R. H 106 Bias, J.W. W 199 Bickham, W.L 195 Billups, J. P 135 Bine, H. T 174 Binford,J.W 89 " P. G 100 Binns, C. H 126 Bird, W. L 100 Birely, Mrs. E. H 27 " L. S 27, 136 Bissell, C. S 195 " D 148 Bitzer,G. L 191 Black, J. A 87 " L.B 142 " W. M 193 Blackburn, S 37, 47 Blackmar, J 154 Blackwell, J. C 83 Blackwood, R. E. L.. 201 Blain, D. (Prof.) 40, 53 " D 117,217 " J. S 76 " R.H 123,216 " S. W 77 Blair, J 55 " J.S 160 " W 213 Blanding, J. McF.... 154 222 Catalogue of Alumni. Bledsoe, I. P 154 K. B 186 Bloch, E. S 201 Block, L 170 Blood, C. H 183 Blow, T 148 Blume, J. A 174 Bockius, S. M 72 Bocock, H. F 92, 218 " J. H 212 " J.P 174 « W. K 180 " W. S 94 Boerner, H 183 Boiling, T 68 W. H 206 " Y. D 68 Bond,L. H 148 Boney, A. M 165 " W. B 165 Bonner, A 148 Booker, S. A 94 W. G 115 Boothe, G 65 Boude, J. C 148 Bouldin, B. B 170 " K. C 204 " T. T 90 W 213 Bowen, F. F 94 " O.A.... 191 Bower, L 148 Bowie, W 39 " W.R 180,217 Bowles, A.J 83 " J. H 83 Bowman, A. B 183 " F. H 189 J.R 213 Bowyer, C. L 85 " E.F 113 " H 10,37 " H.M 75 " H. W 68 « J. (Gen.) 9, 34, 36, 47 « J. (Hon.).... 50 " J 130 « J. C 75 « J. H 87 « Luke 55 " L 79 « M.M 86 " R. P 195 " T.H 63 " W 114 « W. McD 135 " W.S 90 Boyce, S.0 195 Boyd, A 148 Boyd, A. H 154 " E 50 " 1 174 " J. M 116 " M. W 148 " P. F 66 " R 72 " T. M 208 Boyle, T. R 177 « W 170 Bradford, Mrs. J. S... 26 " P. S 109 " R. F 154 V. L. 26, 212, 213 Bradley, B. A 123 " C. H 65 " J. C 160 " J.W 191 M. S 177 V. F 180 " W. G 195 Brame, J. H 90 Brandom, S. W 195 Brandon, M. N 70 " R. E 70 W.L 71 Branham, J. B 73 Branner, H. B 142 Brant, C. 183 Bratton, J. McK 115 Braxton, Carter 61 " Corbin 61 Breckenridge, A 47 C 69 J.(Gen.) 10,47 Jas 69 J.(Hon.)47 « Jno.... 78 " J. D... 55 R 47 Breckinridge, C. R. 39, 148, 218 J.W.O. 148 Brent, W.D 170 Brewer, J. B 148 Brice,W 61 Bridgeforth, R. E.... 115 Bridgforth, J. W 142 Brigham, W. A 103 Bright, C. H 136 Brister, M. W 180 Britt, J. F 142 Britton, W. H 59 Broadnax, R 96 Brock, B. T 195 " W 142 Brockenbrough, F. H. 154 Brockenbrough, J. B. 115, 208 J. W. 17, 18, 36, 38, 43, 212 R. L. 45, 135 W.N... 136 Brodie, G. A 174 Brooke, F. T 123 (Gov.) 15 Brooks, A 123 " J. D 94 " J. D 119, 206 " J. S 186, 219 " L 24 " N. S 94 " W 123 " W. H 115 Brown, A. B v.. 92 " A. S 106 " B. L 87 " C. C 149 " C. G 197 " C. M 207 " G 170 " H 78 " H. B 98 " H. C 119 " H. G 100 " Jas. (Hon.).. 47 " Jas 70 " J. (D. D.)..7, 9, 34 " J. (Gen.). ..37, 50 " Jno. (Hon.).. 47 " Jno 61 " Jno 70 " Jos 82 " J. C 112 " J. D 135 " J.E 59 " J. F 154 " J. M. (D. D). 74, 212 " J. M 123 " J. M 127 " J. S 62 " J. T 142 " L 174 " P. H 178 " P. W 47 " R. T 76 " S. (Tr.) 37,53 " S. (Dr.) 47 " S. (D. D)..82, 214 " S. C 160 " S. H 106 " W. (D. D.)..38, 82 « W. (Dr.) 48 " W.A 130 Catalogue of Alumni. 223 Brown, W. F 195 " W. G 42 " W.M.(Hon.) 117 " W. M 165, 216 " W. K 148 Browne, N 59 62 " W 59 Brownfield, H. C 191 Brownlee, E. G 170 " J P 183 Broyles, D. W.. ..!.... 170 Bruce, H 188, 216 Bryan, C 136 " D 59 " D. M 98 " E. E 165 " E. J 135 " E 135 " S. S 135 Buchanan, J 34 Buck, R 61 Buckingham, P. S.... 94 Buckley, W. C 191 Buford, F. G 165 S 191 Bugg, A. B 199 " Q. T 193 Bullock, J. M. 130, 218, 219 S. R 130 Bullett, J. F 183 Bullitt, J. C 187 Burbank, C. W 154 " D. R 149 Burch, J.K.... 57 " M 142 Burks, E. C...92, 214, 218 " J. S 92 " M. P 148 " N.H 84 " T.G 87 Burnett, H. 154 " W. E 148 Burns, E 142 Burriss, W. M 130 Burroughs, A. H 189 Burton, J. M 92 " P. P 63 " S. M 85 Buster, W. G 130 Butler, E 57 " W. M 154 Byrnside, H. C 126 Cabaniss, G. C 100 Cabell, A 165 " C 79 " E.C 85 Cabell, E. W 79 " F. M 77 " G. K 68 " J. G 85 " J. M 57 " N 10 " S.J 57 " W 10 " W.J 59 " W. S 57 Cable, G. W 213 Cain, W. T 143 Calbreath, T. P 174 Caldwell, C 174 J. T 154 " J.W...101, 205 Calhoun, J. C 165 J. W 142 N. C 73 P 41, 42 " P. E 142 Call, M 110 " E. M 183 Callaway, J. S 85 Callison, J. S 201 Calvert, G. E 207 Calwell, Aug. A 84 " Alf. A 84 B 84 " E. S 84 Camden, G. D 207 " P. G 73 Cameron, A. W...119, 209 Cammack, A. J 199 " E 199 " E. P 160 Camp, W. A 174 Campbell, Alex 36 A. (Col.) 36, 48 " A. N 130 A. P 90 " C. (Col.) 9, 35, 37 C. F 76 C. E 114 D 48 E. D 183 " F. H 199 H. D 42, 46, 191 " I. N 170 J 116, 207 " J. A 90 J. A. (Hon.) 212 J. D 103 J. G 149 " J. H 160 " J.L.(LL.D.) 42,96 Campbell, J. L. 39, 178, 215 " J.M.(Eev.) 55 " J. M 154 " J. P 37, 50 " J. T 180 " Jas. W 195 " Jno. W 53 " L. L 201 " E. A 160 " E. F. E 186 " E. G Ill " S. B 108 « S. D 82 " S. L. (Dr.) 36,37,39,40,50 " S.L 106 " S. E 77 " T. J 84 " W. (Gen.)... 4& " W. A 44, 109 « W. G 77 " W. M 77 " W. S 193 Canter, L W 186 Cantrell, D. H 197 Capen, N 212 Carichoff, E. E 46, 197 Carlisle, J. B 136 J. G 214 L. L 191 W. K 189 Carlton, H. G 149 W. E 108 Carpenter, E. E 166 " T. J 128 Carper, W. C... .'.!'.*.'.'. 205 Carr, H. S 210 Carrick, S 37, 48 Carrington, A.. B 204 " Clem 61 Cod 74 D. C 149 " E. C 62 " G. P 86 J. L 85 " J. M 87 J. McD.. 114 J.W 115 P 12 S. W 74 T 73 T. T. B... 100 " Walt. C. 68 " Wm. C... 205 " W. C. p. 112 Carroll, J. V 160 Carskaddon, F. D 149 Carson, E. L 130 " J. G 136 224 Catalogue of Alumni. Carson, W. W 45, 142 Carter, C 70 " F. L 189 « H 85 « H 143 " H.S 166 " J.G 178 « J. J 149 « K 189 « L 74 « L. S 166 « W. A 197 " W. D 188 Carty, J 160 Caruthers, A. A 78 " B. F 81 « C. F 87 " E. G 83 " H.A 92 « Jas 53 " Jas 68 " Jno 10 « Jno 58 " Jno. F... 38, 68 " M 65 « S 74 « W. A 73 « W. G 121 " W. H 71 Cash, R. J 136 " W. B 143 Caskie, J. K 85 " J. N 86 Cason, S. C 174 Cassell, L 191 Castleman, G. A 136 Caswell, W 131 Cater, W.E 143 Cating, E.W 207 Catlett, R. H 206 Cavendish, W. H 10 Cavitt, B. B 199 « J. F 201 " W. S 201 Cazenove, A. C... 130 Cecil, D. H 186, 219 " M. H 154 Chaires, B.C 127 Chalmers, A. E 197 H. C 112 Chamberlain, G. E... 178 Chambers, M 61 Chandler, A. B 131 *' De L. M... 165 " S. T 103 " Walter T.. 155 W. T 207 Chaney, L. B 170 Chapin, W. T 127 Chapman, A. A 136 Chapman, C. J 136 « G. B 121 " S 65 Charlton, W. B 64 Charters, W. A 193 Chase, F. L 193 Cheairs, N. B 136 Cheatham, S 170 Cheek, E. A..... 136 (( J L 136 Chenowith, B.'d.V.!!! 205 Cherry, J. B 209 Chessher, D. S 193 Chester, J 123 S. H 160 " W. Y 116 Chevalier, N 38 Chick, R. W 62 Child, J. C 201 Childers, W. B 170 Chinn, J. W 207 Chipley, J. J 207 T. L. M 209 Chrisman, G. H 71 H 90 " J 92 " Z. T 131 Christian, A. G 112 " B.18, 38,43, 100 C. B 205 " E. C. E.... 166 " F. R 84 « G 55 " J. F 61 " L. S 189 « S. B 94 T. J 208 W. (Col.). 9, 34, 36 " W 61 Christy, J. S 155 Cinnamond, G. R 131 Circle, C.S 121 Claiborne, F. L 86 J. L 100 " N. C 89 Clark, C 10 " C. (Hon.) 50 « G. T 209 " J. P..... 186 " J. S 149,216 Clarke, B 174 " E.P 154 " W 82 Claughton, R 149 Clay, C. B 94 " J. C.J 136 « J. F 197 « H 136 « M. H 195 Clayton, J. P. B 64 " G. W 62 Cleage, J. H 143 " S. R 143 " W.C 143 Cleghorn, S. B 119 Clemmitt, C. W 149 Clinkscales, J. H 178 Clopton, D 68 Close, W 55 Clowney, J. L 55 Coalter, G 58 " J 10, 37, 51 " T. S 55 Cochran, A. B 114 J. S 206 " KG 160 Cochrane, W. G 136 Cock, J. T 174 Cocke, A. R 183, 219 " E. R 117 " J. P 130 " L. H 183 " S 64 " T. L. P 116 " W. F 114 Cockrell, A 170 " D.C 136 F 183 " F. M...180, 216 " J. E 191 R 166 Cockrill, B. F 193 S. R 143, 218 Coe, B. H. N 174 " H. S 174 " J. S... 201, 218 " W.G. (D.D.)... 213 " W. G 174 " W. P. C 181 Coffin, J. McK 166 " J. W 149 " R.W 160 Coffman, M. D 105 Coiner, D. H 79 " T.J.S 188 Coker, W. W 130 Colbert, H. F 199 Coleman, C 128 " F 143 " H. N 61 " J. M 87 " L 55 " N 154 " P. G 68 " R.G 61 " S. T 121 " W 193 « W. F 208 « W. H 59 Catalogue of Alumni. 226 Coles, J. S 96 " Jas. T 69 " Jno. T 72 " E. T 70 " W 62 CJoIlier, C. F 100 Collins, E. W 160 " K. E 160 " W. W 136 Colston, E 131 R. E 210 Colyar, J.B 128 " W. E 136 Compton, G. P 205 J. R 118 R. K 123 " W. H...105, 204 Connella, T. L 155 Conner, W. C 130 Connerey, J. E 174 " W. L 96 Conrad, F. E 149 Cook, J. A 160 " W. B 72 " W. L 85 Cooke, C. M 188 " J. E 130 Copland, P 98 Corbin, J.P 130 Corcoran, W. W..23, 24, 38 Corry, J. A 189 " R. E 188 Cosby, D 115, 207 Cosner, W. F 178 Cotton, J. A 166 Cottrell, J 212 Covell, W. R 136 Cowan, A. McD. 88 " H. L 160 " J. A 79. " R. E 204 Cox, F. M 121 " C.A 98 " C.L 193 " L. B 183 Coyner, S. B 209 Cozart, J. P 160 Crabb, F. T 58 Craig, A 155 " G.McC 191 " G. S 174 " H. B 118 " J.J 78 " J.N Ill " R 62 Craighead, H. Z 128 Craighill, W. P 188 Crawford, B. L 143 C 51 " C. G...178, 218 Crawford, E 35, 37, 48 G. B 154 G. E 155 J 61 J. A 76 J.D.(Dr.) 114 J. D 149 J. L 126 N 51 " R.J 98 R. L 69 Wm 59 Wash 77 Crenshaw, J 71 W. T 183 Cresap, C. J. P 206 Crittenden, J. J 58 Crocken,F. J 126 Crockett, J. S 136 M.S 105 R 58 Crommelin, C. R 166 H 136 J. G 136 Crosland, E 149 S. H 143 Cross, W.R 75 Crouch, A. L 92 J. G 63 Crump, G.W 55 Crusolle,H 40 Crutchfield, C. M 199 Culp, C. C 183 Culton,Z. J 114 Cumming, R. A. R. .. 170 W 188 Cummings, A. S 89 " C 9, 34 G. W. S.. 101 " H. E 131 J. C 101 Cunliffe, C 59 " J. H 59 Cunningham, C. C... 181 J. S.... 71 R 61 Cuny, M. P 154 Currell, W. S 46, 186 Curry, D. P 90 " J.W 89 Custer, P. M 90 I>abney, C. E 108 " F.B 149 G. E 40 John 94 J.C 131,218 W. A 160 W. 108 Dailey, C. A 174 Daily, C.J 128 Daingerfield, F.A.... 209 Dancey,W. F 131 Dancy, E. L 136 Dandridge, P. P 171 Daniel, J. W 214 " R.V 95 Daniels, W. C 127 Dantzler, F. A 178 Darnall, H. T 119 Darst, B 55 Davenport,. A. C 143 G 201 " W 90 David, J. C 136 Davidson, A. B 37, 59 A. H 87 A. L 121 C.B 88 " F 116 " Givens 121 " Greenlee, 114, 207 « H. G 98 J. D 38, 81 " P 183 " P. A 123 " W. L 79 W.S 96 Davie, H. N 143 Davies, S. R 72 " W. B 110 Davis, B. M 128 " C 136 " C. M 170 " E. B 149 " G. M 160 " J. B 207 " J. C Ill, 208 " J.J 205 " L.T 131 " P. H 96 " R 53 " R. A 131 " R. C 208 " R.J 85 " R.T 213 " T. B 149 " Walter 9 " Whiting 53 " W.D 90 " W. G 199 " W. W 143 Davison, G. J 127 P. G 155 Davisson, A. P 205 Dawson, J. L 101 J.M 170 P. S 106 226 Catalogue of Alumni. Day, E. C 193 " W. E 155 Dazey, G. A 155 " K.F 170 Deaderick, C 143 1 131 Deane, F. B 66 De Frouville, F 128 De Gomez, E. A 155 Delaplane, C 143 De Montel, E 188 Denis, G. J 183 Dennis, E. F 39, 100 " T.H 136 " W. H 98 Denny, H. L 199 Derr,C.W 136 " E. Z 137 De Saussure, L. C 155 Desha, C 160 " J 160 " L 39, 45, 160 De8hon,C.A 46, 178 " E.E 166 Despard, B. McM 166 Dettor, J 81 DeVore, J.W 178 Deweese, J. S 174 T. F 136 Dibrell, G 166 " L 90 Dickey, T. A 160 Dickinson, H. C 204 H. M 188 Dickson, P 149 " C. F 193 " E.H 183 " J. M 190 Digges, E 204 Dillard,J.H 46,181 Divine, S. W 131 Dixon, A. C 214 " F. M 160 " W. B 195 " W. P 206 Doak, H 65 " S 35, 48 Dod, C. S 45 Dold, C. M 126 " E. P 136 " G. A 166 " S.M 103 « W 39, 98 " W.E 178 Dolen, J. H.P 174 Dolly, W.L 189 Donald, J. C 155 " W. A 105 " W. K 105 Donegan, C. A 131 Donnally, L. F 98 Dorman, C. P 66 J. B 90 " W. B 103 Dortch, I. F 143 Doswell, B. F 106 " T. W 98 Douglas, E. D 106 " J. L.. 160 " H. K 208 Douglass, E. W 119 J. A 205 Dowell, J. W 143 Dowman, J. W 72 Downs, C. M 160 " F. F 178 Drake, J 78 Drennen, C. H 137 " H. C 137 Dryden, E. H 183 Du Bocage, E 137 Dudley, P. B. D 143 S. J 197 Dufour, A. J 190 " H. L 174 Duke, T. M 64 Dulaney, W. H 186 Durable, E. T 170 Dunbar, E 170 Duncan, A. L 199 G. W 137 Dunlap, J. M 116 J. W 143 M. D 92 W. M 46, 166 " W. W 171 Dunlop, D 121 Dunn, C. C 193 " E 69 Dunwoody, J. H 155 Dupuy, J. J 92 Durrett, M 58 W. T 174 Dutton, F 76 Duvall, H 155 " J. P 59 Dwight, H. E 213 Dyer, E. P 137 Eager, G. B 183 Early, H 64 " J 63 Eaton, T.T 131,213 Echard, C. W 186 Echols, E 86 E. (Hon.).... 143 " J. (Gen.) 38 " J 91 " J. E 124 Echols, E. J 87 Edgar, T 37 Edmiston, A 161 E 48 Edmonds, W 46, 166 Edmondson,C 174 " J 64 " Jas. K. 38,39,111,149 " Jno.K 79 " J.M 92 " W. E 105 Edmundson, J 34 Edwards, J. L 131 Eells, E. B 188 Effinger, C. H 128 G. M...103, 218 G. M 171 G. W 128 J. F 149 L. G 161 Egan, G. W 193 Eggleston, H. W 201 Eidson, H 131 Elcan, J 60 " M 59 Elder, M. W 178 Ellis, N. D 78 " P 62 " E. S. (Maj.).... 91 " E.S 96 " T 105 " W. 166 Emanuel, M 155 English, P. D 155, 218 Epes, J.F 131 " T. P 171 Epps,W. P 79 Erskine, A 85 Ervin,C 55 " E 55 Erwin, B 35 " J 82 " W 58 " W. M 195 Estes, A. C 137 " T. M 197 Estill, B 53 " C. P 112 " C.E 127 " H 42, 44, 121 " J. L 116 " J. M 53 " E. K 118 " W. C 131 '" W. W... 137 Etheridge, W. C 175 Eustis,W. L 155 Evans, O. P 131 " T. E 68 Catalogue of Alumni. 227 Evans, W.H 149 Everett, T. T 213 Evins, J. S 121 Ewell, B. S 42 Ewing, J. D 37, 60 J. 203 J. T 149 J.W 137- R D 85 E 137 KM 100 W. D 108 W. M 143 W. P 96 W. T 190 Fackler, D. T 171 Fain, W. M 183 Pair, J. S 166 Paison, G. M 188 " W. F 197 Falkner, W. H 171 Farmer, S. M 161 Farnham, H. W 171 Farnum, J. W 42 Farrar, F 171 " H 161 Feagin, N. B 149 Fearn, G 70 " T 60 Ferguson, J. M 131 Fergusson, H. B..,46, 171 " R. C 143 Ferneyhough, G. N.. 209 Field, E 155 " E. D. G 190 " F 171 " J 64 " J. W 176 " E. H 64 Figgatt, J. H. H. 118, 217 " E. C 143 " E. H 143 " T.G 190 " W. F 114 Finley, D. H 81 " G. W 118 " W 84 Finney, E. D 107 W. S 161 Fishburn, J. M....40, 107 Fishburne, CD Ill J. A..149, 219 J.W..197,219 E.B 143 Fisher, F. D 191 " F. K 155 " J. S 98 " S. E 161 Fisher, T. T 155 Fisk, G. F 131 Fitzgerald, W 84 Fitzhugh, C. E. S 74 J. E 65 N.F 88 Fleet, W.T 96 Fleming, J. C 58 E. H 155 T 161 " T. J 48 W. (Col.)..9, 34 W 55 Fletcher, H. D 201 J 155 P 91 W.W 166 Flewellen, E. T 137 Floed, S. F 183 Flood, H. D 193 " J.W 61 " W. W 208 Flournoy, C. B 63 D 53 " E. H 101 " G. H 72 G. W 72 S. B 64 T. H 72 " T. J 72 Foley, J. W 71 Fontaine, J. D 68 J. M 73 W.S 100 Foote, G. W 71 " H.S 73 " E.H 73 Ford, A. J 171 " A. L 149 " B.B 175 " J. A 143, 217 Forqueran, F 72 Forrester, W.S... 188, 216 Forsythe, J. H 190 Fort, W. V 178 Foscue, F. F 98 Foster, J. D 210 " J. F 60 " M. J 137 " E. W 131 " T. D 181 Fouke, C. F 149 Fowler, J. T 124 Fowlkes, L. P 96 Fox, W. E 131 Francisco, C. C 89 C.L.(Tr.) 38 C. L 118 " J. H 143 W. F 166 Franck, J. M 161 Frank, W. C 166 Franklin, J. E 71 Frayser, J. C 171 Frazer, H .♦. 68 J. H 144 Frazier, J. L 137 W.A 143 Freeman, A 58 C.W...171, 219 E. E 127 T. J 110 French, F. 25 Fretwell, B. F 155 Friend, C. T 107 Frierson, L. S 137 E.E 191 Frost, J. B 193 Fry, H 118 " J. J 116 Fulcher, J. A 181 Fulkerson, J. B 188 Fuller, J 39, 44, 88 " N. B 137 Fulton, J. A 161 " W 155 Fultz, A. H 115 Fuqua, G 98 " W 95 Gadsden, KM 190 J 175 Gaines, A. W 188 " E. F 72 " E.J 72 " T.C 137 " W 82 " W. P 137 Galbraith, A. J 87 E.S 144 Gallaher, C. M 127 D. C 126 H. L 155 " J. N 210 Gamble, C. B 98 ' J 62 E 48 " T. S 110 W. C 96 Gannaway, E. W 95 W. E 96 Garber, A. M 84 " W.H 78 Garden, J. B 101 Gardiner, D. E 100 Gardner, J. S 214 Garland, H.S 84 " J. A. B 85 " J. B 74 228 Catalogue of Alumni. Garland, J. E. C 85 L. C 42 Garnett, W. K 209 Garrett, C. C 144, 216 ". H. L 171 " J. McD 201 Gaston, E. F 196 Gatewood, A. M 73 " T. H 209 Gay, J. B 150 " J. H 161 " W. S. M 103 Gayer, W.J 175 Gayle,J 171 Gee, G. E 118 Gentry, A 137 George, J. B 131 " J. C 178 Getzendanner, H. C. 186 Gibbs,O.H 144 " W.J 150 Gibson, E. B 144 " G. B 45, 155 " G.K 79 « J. A 114 « J. R 78 " J. S 124 « R.T 79 " I. V 118 « W.W 178 Gilbert, A. C... 144 " W. McK 181 Gilham,J. F.. 126 « W. H 127 Gilkeson, A. T 103 CD 197 « D. V 105 " F. M 118 J. W 119 Gillaspie, G. W 192 " J. K. P.... 175 Gillespie, R. N 128 Gilliam, S. Y 144 W.W 72 Gillis, A. B 171 Gillison, W. E. G.... 107 Gilman, W. S 207 Gilmer, G. H 118 J 98 " J.H 209 Gilmore, Jno 55 " Jos 85 « Jas. H 103 « J. Harvey.. 120 R 58 " T. R 85 Given, J. J 137 Givens, S.W 113 Gladden, T.L 197 Glasgow, A. McN.... 95 Glasgow, F. T 103 F.T 171,215 J.R 98 " R 175 R. A Ill W.A.(Tr.) 38,98 " W. A. ..199, 217 Glass, J 63 " W. S 171 " W. W 113 Gleaves, J. T 207 Glendy, T. H 137 Glenn, J. M 186 " W.J. P 167 Glover, C 107 E. A 171 Godown,J. M 107 Godson, R 196 Godwin, J.R 116,217 T.J 124 Goff;C 206 Goggans, J. A 171 Gold, A 65 " A 77 " J 75 " J. A 124 " L.0 144 " S 84 " S. McD 131 " W. McD 76 Goldsby, J.W.W.... 190 Goldthwaite^ F. E.... 171 Golladay, P. H 81 Gomez, E. A. de 155 Gonzalez, R 144 Goodall, C. P 105 Goode, J. B 192 " J 203 " T.J 70 Goodlett, A. E 137 " A.R 137 Goodloe, J. C 161 Goodwin, D. H 196 H 73 H 108 " J.J 100 J. M 71 W 62 W. H 108 Gordon, A.N 166 " E.C 39, 137 " G. A 115 " H 186 " J. G 137 " Jas.W 92 " Jos. W 131 " Jo8.W 137 « T. R 161 Goree, P. K 137 Gorman, G. H 197 W 155 Goul, J. M Ill Gould, C. C 121 Gowen, F. B 213 Grady, C. P 44 Graham, A 76 E. (Prof.) 37, 39, 42, 51 « E 81 E.A 161 E. L. (Dr.) 101 E. L 188 J 40, 55 " J. A 110 « J. D 116. J. M 137 J.McD..114,208 " S.J 190,215 S. L 66 T. K 137 W...8, 9, 11, 12,. 13,34,36,40,41 " W. A 68 W.L.(Dr.) 72. W.L 98 Grammar, Jas 214 Jno 212 Grant, J. A 128 " L. P 128 Grasty, J. S 93- " T. P 161 Grattan, J 34 R 38 Graves, C. A. 43,45,166,215 " J. A 150' " W. S 161 Gray, A. S 84 " F.V 131 " H. P 191 " J 60 " N 131 « 155 " P. L 201 " W.W 155 Grayum, F.J 192 Gregory, W 175- Green, B 208 " J 155 " J.J 131 " J.N 161 " L.P 131 " R.C 144 « W. F 166" Greene, S. E 175^ Greenlee, E 53 " E.G 105 " J 55 J. H. E.... 82: Catalogue of Alumni. 229 Greenlee, J. S 119 S 48 S. (Dr.).... 55 " W. W 124 Orey, J. M 150 Grier,J. C 212 Oriffin.D. F 131 " T 87 " W. L 78 Origgs, L 62 Origsby, A. A. P 72 A.J 95^ " B 37, 51 G. H. B 96 « J. A 87 " J. S 86 J. W 86 « E 38, 53 Oroesbeeck, I. N 137 Grove, J 88 " J.B 175 " J. K 100 Grubb, J. W 137 Grymes, T 55 Guerrant, H. E 76 J. R 199 S.S 199 Guice, J 155 GuUion, G. E 190 Ounn, R. D 197 " W. P 192 Gunter, J. C 178 Gurley, J. W 144 Guthrie, E.L 166 " J.B 166 " J.T 121 " W.C 166 Ouy,J. E 118,210 " J. M 44, 114 " J.R 137,216 Gwathmey, G. N 95 J. H 72 Gwynn, F. G 127 Haden, W. W 144 Hagan, W. C 91, 217 Haines, W. H 55 Hairston, M 75 N. P 63 " Peter 72 P. C 97 S 75 " S 75 •* S. H 99 S. W 103 Haislip, R. D 175, 218 Haldeman, J. A 175 Hele, P. S 72 Hall, C. K 138 Hall, 1 51 " J. (D.D.) 214 " J 51 " J.T 204 " O. P 105 " S.W 201 " T 51 Hallett, R.J 124 Hamill, H. H 186 Hamilton, Alex 167 " Ashby 138 A. H 150 " Alex. L... 101 " Arch. L... 138 J 51 " J. C 194 J. G 85 " Jos. H 171 " Jno.H.188,216 J. L Ill W. E 198 W.W 131 Hamlet, J.T 208 Hamlin, J. C 75 W 71 Hammett, J. P 109 Hampton, A 194 Hanger, J 61 J. E 124 Hanna, C. M 150 " E. H 194 " J. K.P 144 " T. C 150, 216 Hanson, T.J. M 129 Han way, W. 208 Hardaway, R 66 Hardeman, W. P 131 Hardin, A. B 161 <« j^ L 199 Harding, J.B.. '.'.'.'..'.'. 70 W. G 184 Hardy, C 103 U. E: 105 " W. F 171 Hare, W. H 99 Harman, M. G...161, 219 Harper, C. M Ill " G. K 105 " J. H. H 127 Harrell, W. J 131 Harrington, J. B 129 Harris, B 65 " C 85 " C. B 198 " C. J 41 " C. M 120 " C. N 110 " E 64 " E. A 199 " E. S 167 Harris, H. H 212 " H. T 58 " J 56 « J. M 131 « J. M 194 « J. W 84 " J.W 127 " S. G 79 " Wm 65 " Wilson 65 " W. B 132 « W. B. T 192 " W. H 78 " W. W. H. 46, 178, 218 Harrison, C. B 76 C. H 70 C. T 204 " E 212 " E. C 93 " G. B 126 " 1 161 " J. A 41 " Ja8.T 132 Jno. T 138 M. W 138 " P 68 " R 68 R. C 79 " T. R 95 Harry, J. J 175 Hart, E. J 150 « G. H 138 " J. B 73 " J. M 110 Hartwell, N. W 171 Harvey, C. M 103 " H. H 178 " R. Breck.... 103 " R. Barton... 103 " T. H 138 " W 63 « W. M 99 W. W 178 Harvie, E. J 58 " J 55 " L 56 " R 10 Harwood, M 156 Haskins, C 131 J. B 75 Hatcher, E. D 129 " W. D 167 Hatchett, W. G 201 Haupt, VV. W 105 Haw, G. P 132 Hawkins, C. M 132 " J 51 '' U'K.Z'. 132 Hawks, J. P 167 230 Catalogue of Alumni. Hawn, H. G 196 Hay, J 181 " N. B 193 Hayes, H. L 138 Haymond, L. D 207 Hayne, P. H 213 Haynes, J 120 Hays, A 58 " John 36, 48 " Joseph 51 " J. B 66 " Jas. C 66 " Jno.C 144 " M 56 Hayslett, A. J 115 Hayth, E. B 201 Haythe, M. H 197 Hazlewood, N 124 Headly, E. C 167 Hearne, C. C 137 J.R 156 « M. A 129 M. T 129 Heath, J. P 167 Hdbert, J. A 132 " O. P 132 Hedger, C. W 138 Heiskell, F. H...161, 216 " L P 118 Henderson, A. T 156 F.W 156 F.W 210 " W. P 144 Hendly, J.A 181 Hendren, J 56, 212 S. R 103 Hendricks, J. R 103 Henley, R. L 207 Henry, E.W 61 " John 66 " Joseph 132 " N 60 " W 66 Hensell, L. M 178 Hensley, J. 208 Herff, A. C 181 Herndon, W. C 184 Herring, J. S 66 Herron, A 37, 40, 212 Heyer, J. C 201 Heyward, D. C 198 W.I 161 Hibben, C. K 150 Hickman, W. P 44, 90 Hicks, R. L 156 " W.L 150 Hiden, P. B 132 Higgins, C. G 190 Hightower, J. E 150 R.H 150 Hill, A 102 " C. G 83 " C. M 129 " D. H 42 " F.W 138 " G 181 " H. A 150 " H. K 156 " J 71 " J. H 172 " J.I 110 Hillis, W 6^ Hobbs, C. H 175 Hobson, J. D 99 J. P 150 " W. C 99 " W. T 138 Hoffman, T.W 207 W. H 178 Hogan, O. P 150 Hoge, J. B 60 " M 37, 48 " M. D 214 Hogshead, A. L 97 M.W. D.. 109 W.H 93 Hogue, C. D 150 " W. F 167 Holbrook, G. C 150 T 64 Holcombe, A. L 105 J. H.L... 167 J.W 103 W. H 100 Holland, N.L 132 Hollings, E. B 186 HoUoway, J. B 167 T. B 167 Hollyday, R. C 186 Holman,C.A 118 S.W 144 W. A 113 Holt, D. S 116 " J. R 203 " J.W 183 " S.W 109 " W 85 Hoomes, B. P 89 Hoover, H. L 44, 121 Hope, A. J. B 213 " W. B 208 Hopkins, A 212 " J. D 188 J. W 91 " W. S 186 Horsley, F. C 95 J 60 N.C 64 S.C 58 Hoskinson, J.W 184 Hounshell, D. S 205 Houser,W. F. N 132 Houston, A. C 155 A.M 116 " Aug. W.... 144 " Arch. W... 193 D. G. (Dr.) 77 " D. G....115, 207 " G. W 91 H. H 25. 38 " H.T 196 ' " H. W 56 " Jno.(Tr.),35,37 J 48 « J. C 109 " J. R 113 " L. W 196 M 51 " M.H.(D.D.) 44, 120 M. H 78 « P. B 161 " R 56 " R.R 113 S 9,39 « S 37,48 " S. R 38 « S. R 212 " T. D 132 " W.H...110, 204 " W. P 132 W.W 118 Houtz, J. P 132 Howard, C. R 105 " F. T 171 H. T 171 N. P 23 Howie, W.S 91 Howell, C. H 132 " D J 192 Hubbard, L. w!'.!.'.".' 161 Hudgins, M. S 178 W 194 Hudson, J. L 171 J. P 43, 77 « R.M 82 " T. D 107 Huggins, 156 Hughes, B 209 W. A 178 Huling, P. H; 190 Hull, H. B 156 " J 99 " wV.V.V.V.'.'.!!!]!'.'. 100 Humbird, J. S 138 J.W 138 Humes, M 132 Humphreys, D. C. 43, 46, 183, 215 " D.C.(Rev.) 97 Catalogue of Alumni. 231 Humphreys, J. B 144 J. M 93 L. W.... 201 " M. W. 43, 45, 144 W. F.... 105 Humphries, J. H 194 Hundley, G. J 209 " J. H 109 Hunt, J. H 144 " J. T 132 Hunter, D 16 " D. W 156 " G. B 102 " H. F 89 J. A 89 J. C 88 K. L 199 " K. P 138 Hurst, J. W 112 Hurt, M. B 137 " W.H 156 Hutchinson, J. B 201 T. S 201 Hutter, E. S 208 Hyams, R. K 167 Hyde, C. C 112 « J. H 103 Imboden, J. A. R... 112 J. D 97 Ingles, A 127 " C. H 102 " W 144 Inglis, J. H 138 Tnskeep, P.W 184 Irby, F. F 129 Ireland, J. T 194 Irons, A. G 200 Irvin, \V 9, 34 Irvine, J 64 " T 68 " W 61 Irwin, H.D 201 " L. W 200 Isbell, J. E 150 " L. D 99 Iverson, J. S 156 Jack, B 181 " S 184 Jackman, H. M 194 Jackson, A. H 116 A. P 150 " J.C 144 J. M 161 J. T 156 T. M 167 Jacob, H 56 Jacobs, W. B 167 James, A. R 104 " B. 172 " E. A 105 " E. W 110 " G.H 104 " G.W..127,213,217 " H 99 " J. Q 93 " J. S... 100 " N. R 110 Jameson, A 129 Jamison, J. H 138 Janney, E. S 71 Jarratt, W. S 172 Jayne, J. M 162 Jeffreys, Wm. C 91 Jemison, S. H 156 Jenkins, J. F 144 W. D 161 '\ W. T. T 161 Jennings, J 91 Jett, J 132 Johnson, A. S 144 " E 56 Jno. B 144 " Jos. B 156 « J. E 190 Jas. F 38 Jos. F 194 J. L 162 " J. R 121, 217 " J.W 184 " L. F 188 " Mercer W.. 167 " Merrill W.. 190 " N. S 181 R. M 156 " T. G 162 " W 150 " W 172 " W. D 167 " W. P 138 " W. P 144 " W. S 156 Johnston, A. S 184 " G 175 J 51 " J. F 186 J. M 81 « J.V 132 " J. W 209 « M 196 R 91 T. H...113, 207 " W. G 89 " Walter M.. 184 « Wm. M. 124, 216 Johns ,ton,W. McE.. 150 (( W. N 162 (( W. P.... 43 ,213 « W. R 167 u Z 37, 48 Jones, A. S 132 B. L 156 C 129 C. A 198 C.W 97 D 73 D. D 138 KG 181 E.M 63 E. T 102 E.V 132 Gustavus A.. 62 Geo. A 113 G W 95 H. H . 127 J. E . 107 J. H. B . 132 Jno. K 132 Jas. K . 198 J. L 162 J.W 213 L . 72 L.C 175 McK . 210 P 73 R.H 9m R. L . 196 R. M . 138 S 66 S. C . 102 T. S . 206 W . 66 W. D . 118 W.S . 161 Jordan, A. F . 78 C. S . 172 E. C 18^ ,218 F. S . 127 H. E . 121 Jas.L . 79 J. L . 127 J. R . 68 J. R.(Jr.).. . 188 J. W . 78 R. D . 95 S. H..... . 194 S. N . 161 Tavenner.... . 72 Thos . 75 W.H . 104 Joynes, E. S . 41 W. T . 212 Junkin, D. P . 190 G 36, 40, 41 G. E ... . 192 I 232 Catalogue of Alumni. Junkin, G. G 120, 217 W. F 110, 212 Kaminski, E. W 198 Kampmann, G. A.... 179 Katow, J 172 Kay8er,W. B 82 Kean, J 56 Keeble,T.M 138 Keen, C. B 132 " W. W 132 Keith, H.T 181 Keithley, C. H 156 Kelley,J. J 66 " J. W 74 " W.F 68 Kelly, H 194 " J 190 " J. C 167 Kemper, C.E 192 " J. L 95 Kennedy, B. O'N 156 J.M 132 J. W 188 « S. B 144 « T.P.. 150 " W. K..200, 218 Kenney, Jas 90, 218 Jno.(Hon.) 64 " J 105 J. F 200 Kennon,W.V 126 Kent, J. B 144 " K 66 " R. C 100 Ker, R. P 214 " R. S 198 Kercheval, A. W 95 Kernan, T. J... .-...46, 167 Kerr, J. W 208 " W 53 " W. K 156 Key, J.M 167 Keys, W. L 81 Kidd, E. L 202 Kiger, B. G 172 Kilgour, C. J 138 Kimbrough, C. Y 70 Kinckle, J. C 181 Kingsbury, W. J 186 Kinkle, W. H 156 Kinnear, J 213 J. M 76 Kinney, A 208 " R H 85 Kirchoff, F. W.'.V.V.V. 167 Kirkpatrick, B. F.... 181,218 « F. S 194 Kirkpatrick, H.F... 138 J. A 162 " J.L 41 J.M 93 " R.B 200 " S. L 144 " T.J.(Maj.) 18,38,104,218 T.J 202 " T. K 138 " W.N 93 Kirtland, E. M 162 Kittredge, F. R 162 Kittrell, N. J 138 Kleberg, M 162, 216 Kleiser, J. M 145 Klipstein, B. W 156 Koiner, J 100, 219 Koones, C. M 45 Koontz, G. W 150 Kregloe, C. E 186 Kruttschnitt, E. B... 39, 45, 162, 216 J 167 Kuykendall, E.H.... 200 J.W.... 181 Kyle, A 107 " D 110 " D. W 93 " E 91 " G. P 104 " J.M 107 " J. R... 110 " R 93 " R. M 68 " T. S 196 " W 93 liackland, T. W 192 Lacy,B.T 38,97 " D. (Tr.) 37 « D 73 " J. A 162 " J.H 97 " M. L 213 " R.T 126 Lafferty, G. C 175 J.J 45,213 Laird, Alex. F 150 " Alex. T 93 " D 200 " D. E 115 " H.R 129 " J.G 112 " J. M 172 " S. M 118 " T. H 84 " W. R 181 Lake, J. K 167 Lamar, J. R 184 L. Q. C 213 Lamb,S. R 162 " T. A 162 " W. C 190 Lampkin, H. S 132 Lancaster, W. L 95 Land, J. R 192 Landrum, W. W 214 Lane, J 145 " G.C 184 Langworthy, J. S 167 Lanier, J. B 196 Lapsley, J. B 56 " Jno. B 129 Lashbrooke, S. B 138 Latham, J. D 72 " T.A 77 Latimer, J. T 214 Lawrence, E. D 145 Lawson, D 60 Lawther,H. P 179 Lea.D. M 200 *' J. N 213 " W. L 184 Leach, J. P 107 Leake, R 64 " S 64 Leavell,F.K 184 W. T 184 Leche, D 162 Leckey,J. H 121 Ledgerwood, W 9 Ledoux, A 156 Lee,A.S 104 " B.P 204 « C. G 156 " E. G 208 " E.J 72 " F. G 213 " G. T 196 " G. W. C. 22, 23, 40, 43 " H.(Gen.) 12 « H. (Major) 60 " H 145 " H.B 162 " J. W 156 " R. C 132 « R. E....12, 17, 18, 19 21, 22, 27, 40 " W 61 " W. C 190 Leech, J.H 200 " J.M 39 " W.B. F 117 Leftwich,J.T 213 Le Grand, N 37 " S 145 Leigh, W 212 Catalogue of Alumni. 233 Leiper, J. A 138 Leon,H. D 162 Leonard, W. A 214 L'Engle, C. S 181 W.J 179 Leslie, B 138 " E. C 175 " J. B 175 " J.H 145 Lester, J 67 Letcher, G 60 " Jas 99 " Jno. (Gov).. 86 Jno 99 " N. G 172 *' S. H 105, 203 W.H 100 W.M 89 Leverett, C. C 172 W.B 168 Levy, A 150 " S 175 Lewis, A. (Gen.) 9, 34 " B 66 " C. C 64 " F. H. B 90 " F.W 156 " G. W 68 " J.(Tr.) 35 " J 68 " J.C 95 " J. E 86 " J. S 162. 216 " J.W ; 110 " M 53 " N. M 71 " R 66 " R. H 71 " R. V 204 " S.H 67 " T. (Tr.) 34 " T 56 " T 63 " T. B 205 " T. P 100 " W 99 " W. D 167 " Warner M.... 71 " Wm. M 162 " Z. R 162 Leyburn, A. (Tr.). 18,36,38,39,75 A 126 A. C 188 " E. J 104 " E. R 202 " G. L 44, 120 " G.W 79 " J. (D.D.).. 83 J. (Dr.).... 114 16 Leyburn, W. H 150 Life, G 120 " H 107 " W 107 Liggett, J. N 203 Lightner, J. P 124 P 207 S. M 117 Likens, B. T 172 Lillard, R. W 162 Lilley, J. C 162 " R. D 27 Lincoln, J. K 167 Lindsay, R. E 139 T. J. L 79 Link, D 112 " E.H. 105 " J. N 162 Linton, M. B 145 Lipscomb, A. D 196 Wm. T.... 95 " W. T 208 Lisle, J. L 179 Little, W.G 151 Littlepage, S. D 196 T.A 151 Livesay, G. W 102 Lloyd, J. J 150 " J. M 184 Locher, E. 167 " H. 128 Lockart 9 Locke, E. H 151 " W 210 Locker, H. J 150 Lockett, J. W 145 Lockridge, A. Y 78 " C. R 179 Logan, C. H 128 " E. G 156 " F. R 162 " J. A 91 " J. A 139 " J. D 40, 56 " J.H 89 " J. L 46, 156 " J. P 88 " N. B 124 " R 53 " R 91 Logwood, J 69 T 53 Long, J. J 97 " M. G 156 Longshore, A. P 172 Longstreet, D. W 184 Loring, W. F 132 Love, J. M 132, 219 Lovell, C. U 60 " J 65 Lovett, J. B 196 Lowe, E. M... 206 Lowman, D 91 Lowry, A. G 172 " A. L 109 " H. C 145, 216 " J. H 168 " J. M 208 Lucas, D. B 207 " J. B 179 " W 207 Luck, N. C 117 Luckett, R 139 Ludwig, A 124 " E. A 41 W. C 202 Lufkin, T. D 145 Lurty, G. W 205 Lusk, T. C 139 Lyle, A 51 " D. C 45, 145, 218 " G. T 118 " Jas. (Jr.) 35, 39 " Jas. (Dr.) 72 " Jno. (Tr.) 35, 37 " Jno 53 " Jno 53 " J. B... 81 " J. G 76 " J. N 124 " J. R 51 " M 51 " S....9, 34, 35, 36, 39 " S. H 124 " S. W 70 " T. M. W 100 " W 37 " W. A 81 Lynch, S. M 81 " W. C 186 Lynn, S. S 132 Lytle, P. B 132 Macay, A 66 Mackey, C 213 H. W 76 " J 83 J.S.......44, 124 Macon, G. K 157 " S.C 69 " T 69 Macoughtry, J. W.... 124 Maddox, W. J 133 Mading, J. M 157 Madison, J 60 J. E 163 J.H 91 P. H 63 R. L 66 234 Catalogue of Alumni. Madison, T 10 " T 58 Magruder, H.' *C. '. '. '. '. .. 139 Mahan, G.A 145 Major, B 67 Maloy, E.F 139 " P 107 Manning, T. C 168 Manson, J. L 95 " N. C 89 " N.J 53 " K. E 84 Mapleson, J. H 25 Markham, C. R 214 Marmaduke, A. J 204 Marquess, E.H 122 Marriner, G. K 107 Marsalis, E.G 179 Marshall, A. W 187 " E. C 86 J 163 J.J 56 " J.M 168 " L 36,40,41 M. M 145 « R 51 " R.T 84 Martin, A 102 « E. H 168 " E. R 202 " F 204 " Jos 101 " Jno 151 " J. D 139 " M. M 175 " R. H 188 " T.J 107 " W 208 Marvin, C.E 192 Mason, R. D 213 S. B 151 " W Ill Massie, C. G 79 " H 83 « J. L 44, 117 « J. McD 168 « J. W 204 " Patrick C 102 " Perry C 139 " R 44,114,213 « R. D 133 " R.T 112 « T 37 « T. G 104 « T. J 83 « Waller 86 " Wm 83 Mastin,F 172 ^ " G. L 172 Matheny, G. W....... 78 Mathews, M 46, 157 Matthews, C. McI.... 207 G 9, 48 H. M 206 " H. P 129 " S 9,34,48 Maupin, J.T 79 S 81 Maxwell, J 9 May, W.J 172 Mayer, C.E 139 Mayers, G. W 79 " J.J 39,53 Mayhew, W. H 82 Maynard, B. F 139 Mayo, A. U 93 " R. M 208 Mays, D. H 145 " J 210 " J. B 139 McAdams, E. F...... 133 McAdoo, W. C 133 McAlister, J. M 206 McAtee, W. G 184 McAuslane, A 212 McBride, J. R 176 McCall, J. V 200 McCallum, J. F 133 McCampbell, D. A. 114, 207 " E. A 176 E.J.H.. 102 J 53 S. J. N.. 118 " W.H.... 133 McCann, T. B 205 McCaughrin, S. J.... 192 McCauley, A 56 C. A 133 McCaw, J 62 W. R 133 McCay, H. K 187 McChesney, A 188 A. G.... 104 G. W... 76 H. M... 196 " J 63 J. N 157 J. T 175 J.Z..124,217 " R 106 " R. A 113 W. B.... 157 W. S.... 99 McClanahan, R. W.. 79 McClelland, J. B 101 T. S 80 McCluer, A.D 120 " C. C 187 " H. B 194 McClue r, J. E 74 11 J. G....118, 210 11 J.M 82 u J. P 151 (( R 65 « R. S 172 « W. B 187 McClung, H 37 11 H. C 81 tt Jos 113 t( J. A 8a (t Jno. A 106 (( Jas. C 188 « J. M 128 u J. McD.... 120 (( Jas. W 79 It Jno. W.... 84 n Wm 49 a W. A 86 McClure, A 49 (( A. K 214 (( J 181 McConnell, J 35 McCorkle, A.B 80 a A. C 102 u A. D 192, 219 (I A. G 139 u A. L 113 (( C. E 157 u E.W 175,217 u G. B 122, 217 u J 36 u J. A 189 (( J. B 122 (( J. T 115 (( R. H 189 (( S. W 145 u T. E 198 <( T. M 117 it W. A 110 u W. Alex. 184, 217 It W. D 113 It W.L 184,216 tt W.P 104 tt W.P..(Rev.) 179 McCormick,C.H.(Hon.) 19, 20, 38 tt C. H 38 tt G. H.... 139 tt R. A.... 179 tt S 157 tt S. D 151 McCown, J. H 172 (( J. W 120 McCoy, J 172 McCreery, R. W 133 McCrory, J 53 McCrum, H. W 198 McCue, A.H 168 Catalogue of Alumni. 235 McCue, C. K 62 J. (Rev.).... 49 J 62 J. H 95, 218 J. M 87 M. H 80 W 74 Wm.(Dr.)..37,60 Wm 145 W.A 120 W. C 114 W. W 117 McCulloch, C.E 151 McCullock, R 70 McCulloh, C. W 157 R. S....42, 213 McCulIough, H. R... 139 McCutchan, F 151 H.A 122 J. S 79 J.S 151 " R. A 120 W.T 163 McDaniel, J 208 *W.H 145 McDonald, A. L 145 D. E. C. « H H.P.. R (( rp McDowell, A.'w. C. ¥.... 176 157 187 145 176 133 86 157 " Jas. (Col.) 10, 37, 52 Jas. (Hon.) 37,70 " Jas. (Dr.) 89 Jas 168 " J. A 58 " L. H 168 " R. M 69 S. (Col.) 9, 34, 35, 36 " T. P 112 Wm 49 W.Adair, 69 " W.A 89 « W. G 163 McElhenny, J 58, 212 J. A 80 McElroy, J. S 168 McElwee, W. M 187 McFarland, F 38 R....119, 208 McFerran, M 51 McGavock, R 69 McGee, W. T 172 McGlamery, R. F.... 163 McGowan, E. L 200 McGruder, R. W 99 McHenry, D. M 139 McTlwain, W. E 157 Mcintosh, M 151 Mclntyre, D. M 133 McKee, J 51 J. (Col.).... 51 J. T 58 " Sam. (Col.) 54 Wm. (Col.) 9, 35, 36, 49 W 51 McKethan, A. A 129 McKim, R. H 213 McKingstry, A. M... 133 McKinney, P. W 204 R. C 181 McLaughlin, J. T 82 " Wm. 38,43,109,204 McLean, E. G 133 E. G 190 Jas 52 " J. B 206 McLearv, J. H. 39,45,145,216 McLendon, G. K 200 S. P 200 McLeod, W. D 145 McLester, J 145 McLin, C. E 188 McMahon, L. J 163 McMakin, N. 187 McMaster, R. B. McK. 110 McNeely, L 91 McNeer. R. E. L 198 McNeill, E.W 184 " J.A 133 McNeilly, R. aZ'.Z 151 McNutt, A. G 74 B.F 82 1 54 J 64 J.P 80 J. R 91 " J. S 205 " R. A 44, 83 S. H 62 W.M.(Dr.) 93 " W. M 202 McPheeters, T. S 168 " W..9,34,37,54 W.M 172 McRae, A 69 " J 69 " T. C 163,218 McSweeney, M. B.... 163 McVeigh, J. G 206 Mead, W. Z 210 Meade, D. B 129 " E 124 " R. K 122 " W. T 124 Meadors, J. G 194 Means, R. P 181 " R. S 79 Meaux, T 61 Medley, C. E 133 Megibben, J. T 196 Megibbin, J. W 194 Menager, J. L 151 J. R 151 Menzies, S 56 W.A 56 Mercer, R. L 133 " W. N 24 Meredith, T 68 Meriwether, C. N 162 J.McC. 151 " J.W 163 T. J 71 V. H... 163 W. D... 163 Merritt, S. A 106 R. F 91 W. W 157 Mestrezat, S. L 157 Metcalfe, A. D 44 Michaux, J 78 M.W 71 Michie, H. B 211 " W. F 172 Miley, W. H 198 Miller, A. 1 157 " A. M 128 " C. A 102, 217 " C. H 208 " D.R 157 " F. B 67 " G. S 58 " L. G. M 151 " N 76 " R. L 132, 218 " S 84 " W. F 181 « W. McC..187, 217 Millner, W. B 133 Mills, A 53 Mimms, J. C 133 Mims, J 56 Minis, J. F 151 Minor, J. B 212 Minter, J. J. 188 Mitchell, E. A 124 F 56 " F.H 162 " G. A 109 " J 37,49 236 Catalogue of Alumni. Mitchell, J. A 133 Mizner, J. S 139 Mofiett, A. S 156 " G. (Col.) 9, 35, 36, 49 " G. H 124 " J. 8 106 " M.M 120 " W.L 124 Moncure, R. C. L 212 Montague, J. R 139 R. V 73 " W. McC. 102 Montel, E. De 188 Montgomery, E 175 E. I.... 179 « F 172 H. S... 76 J. 34, 35, 37, 49 « J. R... 145 « R. H... 139 W. G.. 190 W. H.. 67 Moody, D. L 198 " F. B 202 " F. S 151 Moon, A. P 200 " E.H 73 " J 125 " J. B 139 " R. S 73 " S. B 202 Moore, A. (Hon.). 10, 35, 36, 49 " j^^ ^ y3 " A ".'.'.'.'.'. *.'.*.'.i*i2, 205 " A. M 109 " A. S 62 " B. R.... 145 " B. S 168 " C. B 114, 218 " D. E. (Capt.). 38,70 " D. E 122, 211 " Edward 80 " Ernest 181 " E. A 44, 133 " E. D 188 " E. L 107 " G 192 " H. E 129 " LS 133,218 " Jas 51 « Jno. (Tr.).... 37 " Jno 58 " Jno 74 " J. A 172 " J. B 120 « Jas. C 68 Moore, Jno. C 151 " J. H...45, 115, 207 " J. J 124 " J. K 65 " Jas. M 104 " Jno. M 172 " J. W 175 " M.A.J 157 " S. McD. 68 " S. P 128 " S. R 68 " S.R 125 " T.J 175 " T. R 179 " T.V 38 " W. (Dr.) 56 " W 83 " W.G 168 " W.W 99 Moorman, E. C 145 Moores,W.W 139 Moran, H. A 145 Moreland, S. T 42, 179 Moremen, M. S 139 Morgan, C. G 163 J. W 75 W 56 Morrell, A. M 163 Morris, A 68 " C 56 " E. S 168 " J 62 " J. B 192 " R 56 « R. N 63 " W. S 93 Morrison, F. H.S 202 " H. R. (Capt.) 16, 119 " H. R 125 " J. (Rev.) 37 " J 60 " J. D 113,206 " J. W 192 " R 51 " R. C 45, 139 " S. B 104 " W. McC 202 " W.N 83 " W.W.(Capt.) 102 " W.W. (Rev.) Ill Morriss, W. M 205 Morton, C.E 139 " D. A 139 " G 69 " G. L 163 " J 67 " P. C 117 " T. C 117,218 " W 69 Mosby, C. L 38 " E. C 133,216 Moseley, A 80 A. T 106 B. W 44,115 E. H 60 F. P 145 J. L 110, 204 " L. C 106 R 63 T.W 179 W.J 65 Moses, B. De L 151 Moss, C. D 200 " H 139 " L.H 202 " T 133 Mountcastle, R. E. L. 192 Mountjoy, W. W 168 Mullally, F. P 192 J. B. A 192 L 192 Mullen, E.L 200 Muller, J.A 188 Mullikin, A. D 157 B.0 133 Mundy, C 211 Munger, C.W 139 N. C 172 Murphy, C. W 196 Murray, M.K 56 Murrell, W 61 Musgrave, G. P 109 Myers, G.H 198 ^' H. H 125 " J. D 120 " Jno. H 39 Nance, W.H 168 Napier, E. V 176 Napton, H. P 176 L. W 176 Neal, D. R 181 " J. C 128 " Wm. Y 93 Neblett, D. M 133 N. M 119 " Sterling 64 " S. S 139 W. E 187 Neel, C. F 125 " H.J 146 Neff, J. F 209 Neill, M. M 146 Nelson,A.L...42, 44, 107 '.' C. F 125 " C. F 198 " E. G 187 " F 139 Catalogue op Alumni. 23T Nelson, H 122 " H. M 133 " H. T 133 " Jas. P.* 145 " K 213 " T 60 « T. M 129 " Wm. J. ..109, 204 " W. J. (Dr.).. 151 Nesbit, Wm 58 Netherland, J. M.... 163 Nevill, K. S 133 Neville, J 52 " J. M 86 Newcomb, Mrs. J. L.. 25 " Warren..l9, 25 Newell, Sam 49 Newkirk, C.W 88 Newman, C. H 133 H. M 202 J. B 129 J. V. B... 206 W. B 200 " W. S 206 Nichol, H. D 133 Nicholas, Gary 56 Rob 56 " R H 176 Nickell, Wm. N 122 Noble, J. B 163 Norfleet, E 146 " T. S 139 Norment, A. S 101 North, C. S 151 Northcutt, W. L 194 Noyes, Wm. A 88 O'Beirn, G 196 O'Brien, W 204 Ochiltree, W.H 182 O'Conor, Chas 213 O'Ferrall, C. T 146 Officer, E. F 163 Ogden, F. N 184 " J. W 184 O'Hara, J. W 91 Oldham, E 69 " S 69 Oliver, G H 93 " E. S 101 " J. H 163 " J. M 198 " J. M 210 " Y. N 78 Oppenhimer, W. T... 187 O'Reilley, J. E 157 Orgain, H. K 157 Orme, F. H 151 Orr, W. P 129 Osterberger, C. H.... 192 Otey, W. L 66 Ott, D. A 128 " W. B 125 Ould, R 213 Owen, A.J 133 " K. R 163 " R.L 182 " W. T 115 Owens, G. W 163 Page, Carter 125 " C. H 198 " F 146 " J. W 58 " T. N 163, 214 " W. N 122 " W. W 81 Paine, D. B 115 " H. H 82 " H.R Ill " Jas 80 " J. B 114 Palmer, H. L 133 M. K 179 R. C 163 R. J 104, 204 Pannill, D. H 110 " J. B Ill Paris, J 88 " J. McC 168 Parker, C. L 139 " J. H 173 « R. E 56 « S. E 56 « T. J 196 " W 56 Parks, J. W 190 " W. E 179 Parrott, A. DeK 163 Parry, D. C 81 " M. H 73 Parsons, E. J 133 Patillo, J. H 69 " W.H 69 Patrick, B.P 157 C. A 104 " F. E 146 " J. C 91 " W 168 Patterson, B. C 202 " B. G 114 J. H 67 N. A 152 R. F 183 W. S 163 W.B 116 Patton, G. J 187 " J. L 104 Patton, J. T 102" " S. R 182 " T 93 " T. J 200 " W.N 88 " W.T.(Capt.), 104 " W.T 206 " W.W 168 Paul, A : 9 " I. A ■. 205 " L. H 194 " S. C 198 Paxton, A. G 189 " A. H 78 " A.J 87 " A. McN 86 « A. S 125 E.F.(Gen.), 102 " E.F 189 " J. A 87 « J.D.(Rev.), 63 « J.D 187 " J. Gardiner, 91 " J. Gallatin.. 189 " J. H 44, 86 " J.J 89 " J. L 128 " J. T 91 " J. W 64 " M. W....179, 215 " R. G 194 " T. N 90 " W 202 " W. B 93 " W. F 189 " W.H 83 « W. L 125 Payne, A. S 126 " H. C 173 " J. M:.. 99 " J. T 146 " M. R 107 « R. S 168 Peabody, G 21, 22 Pearce, L 190 Peck, C. T 176 " T. E 214 Peebles, D. F 198 Peete, J. M 112 Pegram, B. B 173 Pendleton, A. S.... 44, 117 D. D 120 J. (Ky.).. 54 J. (Va.)... 56 " J. T 146 R.A 97 R. N 129 " W 127 Penick, P. McN 202 Penn. C 70 238 Catalogue of Alumni. Penn, G. S 92 " G. W 95 " K 198 " S. B 99 " W. J 106, 217 " W.S 95 Percival, J 212 Percy, C. B 43, 45, 151 Perkins, E. M 157 " T. A 176 " T. F 89 Perrin, G. C 157 Perry, C.L 76 " W. W 104 Person, J. K 206 Peterkin, G. W 213 Peters, G. B., 39, 152, 216 Peyton, H. J 52 " J. H 38 " J. S 61 " V. B 70 Pharr, T. F..... 168 Phelps, D. McC 198 " R.A 93 " W. B 206 Phillips, A. R 198 C. C 122 *' M 146 Phlegar, A. A.... 126, 217 Pickett, S 62 Pickles, H 163 Pierce, W. L 202 " W. M 202 Pierson, A. H 134 W. H 101 Pike, Y 157 Pillow, E. Y 139 Pilson, G. W 140 " S. F 119 " W.lt 146 Pinckard, A.W 140 G. M 140 W. F 134 Pindall, L. A 206 Pinkerton, B. M 120 J.D 151 Pinson, H. E 200 Piper, J 158 " J. H 72 Pirtle, J. L. M 163 Pittman, A. L 196 Pitts, E. D 146 " J. G 173 Pitzer, A. W 110 " M 67 Piatt, H. S 140 Pleasants, H. B 182 J. M 66 Plumer, W. S 77 Poage, S. D 73 Poague, J. C 152 " J. E 119 " Jas.W 117 " Jno.W 146 " T 52 " W. T!.38,"ri7, 209 Poindexter,G 116, 208 M., 200 W.B..116,209 Polk, J. B 158 Pollard, T 60 Pollock, A. D 213 Ponder, J. F 134 Pope, F 158 " M. A 129 Porter, A. A 173 " F. L 158 " J. A 73 " J. L........ 194, 219 " K C....\ 194 " W. F 152 Porterfield, C 60 C 192 R 89 W 182 Posey, A 54 " F 54 " W 54 Postal, W. D 157 Poulson, R. J 134 Powell, A. R 110 " G 63 " J. L 206 '' J.W 146 " L. W 198 " P. B 192 " R 63 Powers, J 140 Prather, G. McD 179 J.C 157 J.N 173 W. L....157, 216 Pratt, A.W 192 " E. A 190 " H. J 173 " J 58 " J. H 179 " J.W 212 " N. P. (Prof.)... 42 " K P 184 " T 58 Pressley, E 212 Preston, E.R 126 " F 44, 122 G. J 187, 217 H. R....196, 217 H. S 134 J 8 " J. A 146 J. A. (Rev.), 172 Preston, J. F 84 " J. T. L. 41, 81, 213 " it.W 146 " S. D 209 T.L.(D.D). 40, 113, 212 T. L 54 T.L.(Hon.), 77 W. (Col.), 9, 34, 49 W.a(Hon.), 63, 212 " W. C 125 " W. C 196 Price, A. H 73 " J.P 73 " J.W 125 " R. H 173 " P. A 152 " P. G 88 " W. T 113 Priddy, W. H 104 Priestly, J 40, 49 Prince, R 140 " R. B 140 Proval, F 58 Pruett, J. W 134 Pryor, J 66 " R.A 173 " W. R 179, 216 Puckette, L. Q. C 158 Pugh, T. B 168 Pulliam, W. St. P.... 173 Purdie, T. S 173 Putney, D. H 89 « J 88 " R.E 89 Pyle, Z.1 152 Quarles, G. M 140 J. A 41 Radford, C. T 64 E. W 89 J.T 209 W 58 Ragsdale, G 210 Railey, D. M 65 " J. M 73 " L.R 76 " S. W 176 Rain, J. J 152 Raines, L. H 152 Rainey, J 158 Rainsford, J. C 190 T.H 185 Ramsay, J. B 212 Catalogue of Alumni. 239 Eamsay, S. G 54 Ramsey, A. B 146 Jas 37 " J.W 182 Eand, N 120 Eandall, E 187 Handolph, A. M 214 « C. M 202 " J. T 95 P. L 200 KB 58 Hankin, A 49 D. M 214 Eansom, M. W 163 Eanson, J. M Ill, 206 " T. D 122 Eathbone, F. V 158 J. V 164 P. D 164 Eawlings, J 129 J. H 89 Eay, M. T 152 Eaymond, G. S 196 J. S 125 S. K 107 Eea, S. C 179 Eead, T. C 97 " T. W 125 Eed, S. C 194 Eedd, J. G 71 " J. M 71 « 61 " W 54 Eedmond, B. J 210 Eedwine, E. G 176 Eeed, J 208 Eees, A. L 152 " C. E 179 " H. M 185 Eeese, T. K 179 Eeeve, H. L 95 Eeid, A 10 " A 60 " H. C 95 " J 54 " J.H 140 " J.H 173 " S. McD. 18, 37, 39, 66 « S. McD 114 " S. V 107 " W.H 93 " W. M 202 Eeilv, J. W 44, 125 Eeinhard, L. F 173 Eespass, N. L 152 Eeuss, A. J 140 Eevely,W 71 Eeynolds, A. T 93 " B. B 95 Eeynolds, C. G 71 D. W 194 Ehea, J. S 164 " W. S 168 Ehett, W. H 173 Ehodes, J. P 134 " J. T 168 " T 78 " W. H 83 Eibble, J.W 207 Eice, J. H. (D.D.)... 87 " J.H 54 " J.P 176 " P 82 " W.D 95 Eichardson, B. F 104 W 74 " W.H... 93 Eicheson, A. J 140 J 93 T 66 " T 93 Eichey, E. J.....'..'.'.'.'. 163 Eichmond, J 209 Eidge, W. E 158 Eiley, J.P 210 Eind, N. B. S 66 Einehart, W. P 185 Eipley, F. E 194 Eisley, D 198 Eisque, J 10 " J. B 52 Eittershouse, A. J... 194 Eoane, A 40, 52 " F 158 " F. McG 196 Eobb, S. A 158 Eoberts, C. M 168 C. T 182 J.H 73 W. O 140 Eobertson, A. D 117 A. F 207 " H. G 164 J 99 « J.E.(Dr.).. 94 J.E.(Mai.) 112 " Jas. F...'... 146 " Jno. F 185 " J.J 127 " W 97 W. M 200 W. N 134 Eobins, A. M 128 " J.L 158 Eobinson, A. G 152 A. L 194 " A. M 185 E. E 176 G. A...184, 216 Eobinson, G.W 194 " I. P.. .198, 217 " J 80 Jno 16,37 J. M..;.... 179 E. A 176 W. H 182 Eodgers, S 212 " T. 101 W.L 209 Eodman, J 140 Eogers, J. F 146 " E.A 182 " E. W 146 " W. A 92 " W. A 134 " W. H 152 W. E 202 « W. W 146 Eoll,E. T 140 Eolston, H 168 Eoot, E. C 198 Eose, H. B 109 " S. E. F 164 Eoss, F.L 158 " E 90 " W 65 " W. A 196 " W. 122 Eosser, T. L 211 Eountree, H 158 Eowan, J. L 194 Eucker, C. H 94 " T. W 134 Eudd, J. S 205 Eudkin, F. H 200 Euff, A. W 168 " D. E 125 " F. G 179 " J 81 " J.*(EeV.)V.;!.*.'!.*.' 173 " J. A 94 " J. M 39,82 " J.W 189 " S.W 77 " W. A 94 « W. W 182 Euffin, W 70 W.E 126 Euffner, A 75 " D. L 102, 217 " H...36, 40, 41, 42, 67,212 " L 71 " W. H..38, 95, 212 Euggles, M. B 134 Eusmisel, W 87 Eussell, G. P 22 H. H 179 Eust, L 176, 214 240 Catalogue of Alumni. Rutherford, C. N 152 J. C 94 Ryals, J. H 176 " J. V 158 Ryan, P 158 " W. S 176, 216 Sale,E.W 122 " J. A 117 " J.F 74 " L.A 116 " L.A 198 " N 198 " R. C. M 122 Salvage, B. F 60 Sampey, J. R 214 Sampson, A. F 180 Samuels, B. M 95 Sanbourn, E 69 J 70 Sanderfer, J. C 128 Sanders, H. S 182 Sandidge, A 67 Sanford, W. B 206 Sandlin,H.H 176 Santini, G 164 Sappington, H 169 Saunders, E. W 94 " P 99 W. H 46 Savage, J 168 Saville,J.S 187 " W 164 Sayers, J. K 152 Sayre, D. E 169 Scales, P 65 Scott, A. (Rev.). .35, 37,49 " A 65 " A. M 73 " C.A 125 " C. C 80 " D 57 « G.G 80 " J 213 " XA 140 " J. G 200 " J. M 122 " J.VanM 158 " S. McC 140 " T.A 24,25 « W.I 97 "^ W.N 63 " W.N 140 Scratchley, F. A 182 " G. P 190 H.P 194 Scull, J. C. B 140 Seabrook, W. H 83 Seabrooke, O. W 44 Seal, F 158 Sears, E. D 176 Seat, A. T. M 190 Seawright,G 84 Seay, W. A 204 See, C. S. M 107, -204 " G 67 " J.W 67 Seevers, R. E.... 205 Seldon, H. C 128 Sehorn, C. J 196 Selkirk, J. McM 152 Sellers, H. L 46, 185 " R. H 180 " W. L 146 Selph,J.W 198 Semmes, B. B 200 T. M 211 Semple, R 152 Sener, J. B 209 Settle, A. C 140 " G. T 140 Shackleford, D 140 F. A.... 140 Shafer, J. K 97 Shaner, J. J 176 Shanks, D. W 107, 213 D. W 198 L. N 185 Sharp, W. R 109 Shaw, J 94 Shawhan, H. C 169 t< J L 197 Sheffev, H. W.'.*.'**.'43, 213 Shepard,S ^ 140 Shepherd, R. D 185 Sheppard, S 106 Sherrard,F. D 119 J. H.. 210 " J.L 125 " R 129 Sherrod, C. F. .*.*."."!.*.' 164 T.B 164 Sherwood, J. D 164 Shields, A. G. W 77 B.F 140 " G. W 67 J.N 75 J. P 97 W.H 164 W.T 189,215 Ship,S 211,213 Shipe, C. L 177 Shirley, T 97 Shores, H. E 70 Showell, R. J 197 Shreve, T.T 176 Shrewsbury, D 88 Shriver, H . Z 205 S. S 211 Shumate, T. H 146 Sibley, J. L 192 Sidle, J. D 140 Siebert,C. T 190 Simkins, L. W 164 Simpson, J. T 97 Sims, H. M 158, 216 " J.W 140 " L.W 134 Sizer, H. G 180 Skinner, J. S 200 W. E 106 Skipwith, H 57 Slater, J. D 197 Slavden, J. L 169 Sledd, B. F 20a Sledge, W. M 158 Sloan, J. A 129 " J. C 122 " J. G 146 " T 169 Smith, A 109 " A. G 76 " A.J 71 " A. Q 196 " B. H 195 " B. M 38 " B. R 182 " C. R.(Rev.).. 88 " C. R 152 " C. V 127 " C. W 187 " E 34, 4^ " E. J 202 " Edward W... 164 " EldonW 169 " F. G 18^ " F. H 127 " H. B 196 " H. G 16^ " I. N 108, 204 " Jas 62 " J. A 176 " J. A 78 " Jas. B 140 " Jno. B 147 " J. C 106 " J. D 147 " J. E 147 " Jacob H 97 " Jas. H 182 « Jno. H 202 " Jno. H 101 " Jno. R 102 " L 57 " M. F 152 " 207 " S. B 182, 217 " S. C 11^ " S. K 147 Catauogvtb of Aluhhl 241 Smith, T. K. 177 « T. O m " T. P^ 140 " T. W. 182 « WaiMB,..46,146 ** Wm, B^ 202 « W,K, 134 ** W, E 210 « W,IL 152 « W. N 209 Smyth, H 05 Smythe, A, H 207 Saead^C^ 97 « H,C 122 ** /.B 122 ** W. B. 122 SDjder, A, 182 " A. C 119, 298 " D, B. / 195 « F.J 129 " 8,8 185 Somen, a IL,,,,. 204 SomemUe, T. H 164 Soothgate, J 70 J Ill C 40, 54 r,G.L. 176 X, T 152 r, J. U^ 140 " RH. 96 « W,. 158 « W. H 184 O. W 117 XS 169 A- A^ 110 ** A. A- (Jr.)... 202 « W.8........... 106 ** W.W 198 SproulL A. W 109 eUmaxd, Bw 134 StaosboiT, W. F. 147 Stonsel, J. B... 158 Staaker, Geo^ 134 " R F 134 Statmton, M. Lu 212 St. Claire, A... 10 StedmaoyN.A... 176 ** W. J.. 185 Slede,A.T 88 " E. C 164 « H ... 164 " J« -38,69 ** J. A. ..196,219 « J.G. 10^204 ** T. F 176 ** W. C 173 « W. D 99 W. 84 J.B 74 P.H.... 58 StdQe,E.H. 147 St/ephaan, C. IL. 209 Stephens, LW... 164 ** L.V... 185 « W. E. 158 ** W. G 180 W.S 180 St^heofOD, H. 196 " L. H.... 209 ** O. A 140 W. D... 164 Steptoe-T... 71 Stem, J. L^ 152,217 Stmett, J. D — 104^ 204 ** S. W 129 « W.A 120 SteraM,W. 64 Sterenwii, C. Lu 57 Steret^A. 182 « Bdw«d.. 180 *" Emefft 185 Stewart, A. a 140 ** J. A. 147 ** J. a 197 ** K. 8 213 Stidde7,£.E. 128 Stikiy H. C 195 StodkdeB, J. Y.. 65 Stokea, J.W 180 Stones W. 59 « W.A. 134 Stoneham, H. B...... 200 Stmtt,J.E 129 Sfoadiao, B. G.. 65 Sfoange, B..... 65 StrattoOyH. 180 StrnTO-, A. G — 108, 205 *^ A.W 106 « aC 97 « H.V. 169 ** J.B. 94 BtxeeL D. A... 80 StnbliDgLE 57 O. F 209 T. 205 Stridchmd, E. 189 Stridder, C. D 125 u G, B 16^^,13^213 Stgidar,J.L^ 152 " J. P-41, 146, 214 Stiother,J.A 206 " P.aC. 84 StrooK^D.B 134 Stuart, Alex. (Oipt.), 9, 34 ** A]ez.(Heii.), 52 «* Ardb., 10, ^, 36, 37, 49 ** Clia«.A^ 54 « C. H.^ 106 Stuart, EL Em«««««««*«« 173 « Ja»„ 52 « Ja«.(Dr.) 92 « Jno............. 10 « J. A. 84 « B 54 « B.E.A 117 « aD 19 « T 9, 34 « T.J 59 « W 113,205 « W. C 127 Stabb«,J.B.... 158 « J. N 210 SttngUL B. F... 101 '^^E.A^ 198 " J.H 200 Siiddarth,J.L 125 Sciddiith,G.St.J 197 SomTaii,aE 189 Smmnerell, W. H.... 158 I.G.W. 75 L. 125 Swami, G. F^,» 134 ** ft SM Swamon, W. G. 152 Svartz, J.G.... 169 &w9jne,J,¥ 1417 fSiweeoef, C. A 70 Siroope,F.licF. 120 " G.W 62 " G. W. (Jr.), 109 " W.M 64 Sfdeottridca', A^... 185 ** HJL, 182 BjkeMf G. A...»»«...... 187 Tahb, T 207 Tackett, C. 59 Talbiid, T 187 TaUsdeno, A. Ill B. L Ill C. B 110 " C. P. 153 ** F« 147 " J.E. 83 ** K C...... 99 K.M 75 ** E. M. 111 " 8.1. 74 " T 101 « W.. 211 •* W. H...- 140 *' W. B — 209 Tnwott, H. B. 60 « W 59 TaiT,J.C 206 Tate, A. W 198 ** G.B 77 242 Catalogue of Alumni. Tate, Jas 50 " Jno 50 " J. 197 " Wm 50 " Wm. C... 78 " W.H 116 " W. M 38, 86 " W. P 92 Tatum, A. J.... 158 Tayloe, W. H... ...46, 177 Taylor, A ....37, 54 '' A. P.... 200 " A. W.... 158 " B 60 " B. K.... Ml " c. v.... 187 " E. E 141 " G. H.... 189 " H. P 86 « H. S.... 80 " J. A 141 " J. B 41 " J. C 191 " J. McC. 80 « J. McD. 87 " J. W.... .169, 216 " 0. B 101 " K. F.... 140 « R. J 87 " R. R.... 158 " R. S 60 « Thos 191 " Tel 205 " T. B .113, 206 " T.S 209 " Wm 37 " W. G... 147 « W. R... 108 Tedford, Alex... 50 Teeter, J 207 Temple, J. S.... 74 T. P... 104 Templeman, W. C... 127 Templeton, A... J. ] 75 J 202 Templin, T 50 Terhune, E. W. 158 Terrell, J. B 209 " L. T 207 " R. G.... 141 Terrill, C. H 209 " G. W... 81 Terry, B. F 134 " J, N 96 '• N.J 99 " R. A 92 Thorn, W. T 153 Thomas, C. B... 164 H 141 « J.Sewell... 134 Thomas, J. Samuel.. 153 " K G 129 O. W 185 R. S 211 T. J 141 Thompson, A 92 A. G 141 G 57 H ....18, 38 " H. H..122, 211 " Jno 57 " Jos 82 " J. A.. .117, 211 " J. C 147 L. P 212 R. S....45, 141 '' T 52 Wm 83 " Wm 94 W. J 125 " W. McQ.. 202 Thomson, T. P 173 Thornton, F 70 F 99 Jas. 1 70 J. T 173 Thurman, J.R 207 Tiernan, J. M 173 Tiffany, H. S 208 Tilden, C. W 147 Tillinghast, M 202 Tillman, H. F 177 Timms, F. H 153 Tindall, P 59 Tinges, A. H 177 Tinsley, T 97 Todd, J. 52 " T 52 Tomkins,"s.*H.'.".".'.'.*.'.* 208 Tomlin, H.W 147 Tomlinson, W. H.... 141 Tompkins, B 110 Toncray, C. J 71 Tonge, S.D 134 " W. J 134 Toon, J.J 134 Topp, W. W 164 Torie, T. B 173 Torrans, P. H 169 Towers, J. A 193 Towles, LeR, C 177 Townes, G 102 Tracy, C. C 169 Travis, J. M 113 Traylor, W. W 134 Trent, E 67 " J.L 69 " W. A 69 Trezavant, R. W 177 Trimble, G.B 109 Trimble, Jas 9 Jno 9, 36, 50 J. (Judge), 54 R 54 W. W 92 Trotter, A. S 79 J 35 Truehart, J. R 84 Truslow, W. E 147 Tucker, B 61 H. T 97 H. St. G., 39, 180, 215 J.R. (Hon.), 43 " J.R. Jr 158 J.R 177 St. G 97 Tunstall, J. L 127 Turk, J. A 129 Turnbull, D. P 177 Turner, C. W 189 F 211 " H. F 197 J 37 J. E 189 J. A 77 " J.W 129 T. M 125 W. F 129 W. L 40, 57 Tuttle, R. J 197 Tutwiler, E. S 106 J. B 177 J. McC... 169 P 164 T. S 185 Tyler, D. G 147 Tyson, J. R 187 Urquhart, W 185 Utz, C 125 Valentine, E 69 " E. V 27 Van Bruyssel, F 169 Vance, J 54 « j^ Q 207 Vanderslice,' G* C.V." 112 Van Fossen, J. C. 126, 211, 218 VanHorn,M.A.DeL. 153 R. H 182 Van Lear, D. N 112 Van Meter, J. S 159 " W. S. ... 141 Van Romondt, C. R., 213 Varner, R. R 153 Vaughan, C. R 213 Catalogue of Alumni. 243 Vaughan, E. G 202 J. E 159 W.H 202 Venable, A. E 108 " E. M 45, 141 E.N 106 Verdier, J 65 Vethake,H.,36,40,41,42 Vilej, W 141 Vincent, E. C 164 Vinson, W. D 46, 164 'Waddell,A. A 153 " B. H 45,169 " G. M 210 Jas 34 Jas. A 88 " J.A.m.D.) 214 J. A 94 L 104 Waddill, F. A 45, 164 Waddy, E. B 203 Wade, B. F 102 " J. F 141 " J. J 102 " W. A 214 Wadley, H. G 153 Wager, C. H 96 Walden, J.W 169 Waldo, D 165 Walke,A 55 " L 197 Walker, A 55 " A. A 159 " A. S 195 " B. F 96 " D. M 141 " E. M 165 " F. E 195 " H 75 " Jas 74 " Jos. (Tr.)....35, 36 « Jos 57 " J. A 202 " J.B 45 " J. C 88 " J.S 102 " N. McF 153 " E. C Ill " E. W 173 " S.W.W 197 " T 76 « W. T 121 " W. W 153 " W.W.(Eev.) 173 " Z. J 113 Walkup, J. A 101 J. W 101 E 57 Walkup, S. A 94 W.E 80 " W. M 122 Wallace, A. H 69 C. (Tr.).9,35,37 " C 180 F. S 147 J.B 65 J. H ' 64 (( p go " E.'M.V.ilOS, 213 S. (Capt.)... 84 S 88 Tho8.H 147 W 72 W 89 Waller, J. L 169 " N. S 88 E. A 164 Walpole, J. L 147 Walsh, W. A 129 " W.E 199 " W.H 180 Walthall, J 66 Walton, D. H 206 W. A 182 Walz, F. J 199 " J. L 195 Ward, A. T 102 " D. L 193 " W 35 Warden, J.B 104 Wardlaw, B. E 83 F. B 134 W 52 Warfield, H. N 134 Warren, C. F 169 G. W 195 H. B 208 J. W 199 M.S 60 Warwick, Jas. W 83 Jno. W.... 89 Washburn, E. T 201 Washington, G 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 W. H... 153 Waterman, A 65 Waters, C. C 199 " S. S 134 Watkins, B. C 88' B. P 59 H.A.(Dr.) 97 H. A 123 " H. A 191 H. E 55 J.S 59 « M 57 M. S 102 " N. J. v.... 108 Watkins, E. H 99 S. F 153 « T. E 141 " T. P 74 '* W. B 127 " W.H 99 W. P 177 Watson, E. J 165 " T.J 129 Watts, A. H 80 " E 38 " J 74 " E 108 " W 73 Wauchope, G. A...46, 201 Waugh, J. H 214 " P. E 88 Wayland, W 64 Weaver, T. S 153 Webb, F. B 147 " S 64 " S. H 153 " W 147 " W. L 177 Weber, J 159 " J. B 173 Webster, G. P 141 " H. P 134 " W. J 134 Weir, A. A 71 " A. G 77 " C. S 87 " H. H 80 •« E 81 Welch, F. C 147 ti J j^ 299 Wellborn, MyC.'.'.'.Z 141 " W. W 141 Weller, J.B 141 Wellford (Judge).... 22 Wells, F. M 70 " J 64 " J. M 94 « W. C 187 Welsh, J 213 Welton, A.A 206 Werber, F 169 West, J. E 202 " T. F 169 Westbrook, M. L 159 Wethered, G. Y 135 Wharton, H. S 141 " M.B 213 W. P 108 Wheaton,L 60 Wheeler, C. K 141 M 147 Wheless, M 169 Whipple, C. E 169 White, A 135 244 Catalogue of Alumni. White, A. S 182, 218 " D.C 135 " F. L 165 " G. W 40, 199 " Henry A., 41, 46, 199 " Hugh A., 16, 44, 119 " H. M., 114, 213, 218 " I. N 77 " Jno 10 " Jno 80 " J.J 16,41 " J. K 147 " J.L 135 " J. S 127 " L. J 201 " M 182 " M.X 115 " N.K 177 " Keid 202 " Kobert (Tr.), 37 " Robt. (Col.).. 205 " KB 57 " R.I 89 " R. T 169 " W 39 " W. G 39 " W. H 128 " W. McC..201, 218 " W.S.(D.D), 38 " W. S.(Dr.)... 173 " Z.J 76 Whitemore, H. H.... 135 Whiting, F.B 177 Whitlock, J. A... 141 Whitney, G.H 185 Whitten, G. M 147 Whittle, F 169 '' S. G 147 Wickham, H. T 141 Wilcox, W.W 153 Wiley, B 115 Wilhelm, W. F 121 Wilkes, E. A 187 Wilkins, G. T 135 Wm 147 Wilkinson, C. P 159 E. C 78 " J. A 134 " R. A 153 " T. S 147 W. J 195 Williams, C 126 " D. R 182 E.W 147 " F. C 97 F. R 141 " G. W 210 Williams, L. B 206 P 75 " Rob't B... 169 Rich'd B. 126, 218 " S. M 177 W. J 180 W. L 159 Williamson, J. D 92 R. C 67 " S 212 T. L 141 " T. W.... 128 W. G.... 121 Willingham, C. B... 159 Willis, B 57 " J.S 148, 216 Wills, A. G 101 " Jno.T 94 " Jno. W 96 Willson, J. L 210 " W 10 W. M 121 Wilson, A 153 " A. F 141 " A. P 65 " A. W 214 C. C 193 " C. LeG..153, 217 " D 67 " D. A. (Col.) 96 " D. A 135 " D. J 141 " D. L 159 " F. C 44, 123 " G 61 " H 75 " H. L 126 « H.M 159 " H. S 199 " Jas 9 " Jas 55 " Jas 62 « Jas. (Dr.).... 129 « Jas 165 " Jno 35, 36 " Jno. (Col.)... 50 " Jno 61 " Jno 92 " Joseph 86 " Jas.C 57 " Jas. F 126 " Jno F 86 " J.H 80 " Jas. M 96 " Jno.M 80 " J. P 63 « J. S 185 " Jas.W 96 « J. W. (Dr.).. 106 Wilson, Jno. W 173 M.D 60 " Rathmell.... 21 " Robert 61 " Robt. (Rev.), 55 " S 52 " S.B 57 " S. H 141 " S. H 165 " S. M 147 « S. V 90 " S.W 116 " T. B 21 " T. B 67 " T. L 195 " T. N 44, 106 " Uel 64 " Wm. (Rev.) 35, 37, 50 " Wm 39, 52 W.B 61 " Wm.M 189 " W. N 126 Wimbi8h,W. A 185 Winchester, G 148 J 182 J. R 173 Windsor, F. R 207 Winfield,J.Q 96 Wingate, W. J 174 Wingfield, J. F 153 Winn,B. F 159 " J. B 108, 204 « J.N 165 " S.K 173 " W. B 177 « W. R 106,205 Winston, W. M 153 W. 72 Winter, R. H 169 Wintersmith, J. F... 148 J.G... 148 Wisdom, M.N 169 W. B 169 Wise, J. H 199 Withers, A. S 62 " T. T 60 Witherspoon, R 159 Withrow, J 127 " J. M 135 Witt, D. H 129 Wolf, M 165 Wood, D. M 147 « J. F 57 " J. W 134 Woodall, E. M 187 Wooding, J. C 61 Woodruff, W. W 159 Woods, E. B 85 " J 69 Catalogue of Alumni. 245 Woods, J. M 71 " J. S 85 " J. W 126 " M 79 W. M 72 Woodson, B.L 210 C 66 " M 135 Woodville, J. L 86 Woodward, E. B 193 Woolfolk, J. W 205 Wootters, A.H 197 Worley, M 52 Worsham, E. B 99 « J. G 141 " P. W 210 Worthington, S. B... 153 Wright, G. D 135 Wunder, G. 204 Wyche, T. L 153 Wylie, H.N 165 Wyrick, E. J. L 169 Wyrill, E.H 135 Wysong, D. P 191 Yancy, E.J 67 Yeatman, H. C 108 P. L 182 Yerger, H. S 159 Yonge, S. H 141 Yost, D 69 Young, A. F 135 " H. W 141 " J. D 141 « J.W 101 " Mrs. M. J.... 24 " S.0 141 Younger, G. W 153 Yount, J 108 Zeigler, P. W 148 ZoUman, B 191 H. D 185 W. A 185 'V OF* Tag ^ UNIVERS / .I'i I UNivERsrrv of caufornia library ■y.:}i:'