608 Nl 'COLLET AVE , MINNEAPOLI ;j ^MMjAkAM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Exchange from Lincoln Memorial Library COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA PHARMACOPEIA OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY PUBLISHED FOR THE COMMITTEE ON PHARMACOPEIA OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. BOSTON: OTIS CLAPP & SON, AGENTS, No. 10 PARK SQUARE. 1897- COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY COMMITTEE ON PHARMACOPEIA OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. THE RIVERDALE PRESS > C. A. W. Sl-ENCBK, BROOKLINE, MASS. r PREKACK. In submitting the result of its labors to the physician and pharma- cist, the Pharmacopeia Committee desires to lay special stress upon the general unanimity with which this work has been brought to completion, and to emphasize the fact that it is not an expression of the views of a bare majority of its members, but that, on the contrary, it represents their consentient opinions to a most gratifying degree. The early recognition of the desirability of obtaining a result founded on agreement in principle and mutual support, led to the adoption by the original Pharmacopeia Committee of the following plan of work : Cm The editor is directed to proceed, first, with that portion of the work to be Devoted to general pharmacy. As soon as certain subjects are completed, he shall cause twelve copies of his manuscript to be made, one of which shall be sent to each member of the committee. It shall be the duty of each member to carefully examine, and report upon the same within two weeks from the date of the receipt of his copy. He is expected to report his approval or disapproval of the whole or any part, and to freely suggest such changes, modifications, or additions as, in his opinion, will tend to improve the work and render it of greater value to both the physician and the pharmacist. When replies have been received from all members of the committee, the editor shall prepare copies of all suggestions offered, together with the reasons assigned, to which shall be added the names of the members offering such sug- gestions. Each member shall be required to vote upon each separate proposition, with this exception : he may decline to vote on any suggestion on which he may feel he has insufficient information to form an intelligent opinion, in which case he shall return his copy, noting this fact in place of the vote on such proposition. A majority vote of members of the committee voting must decide as to accept- ance or rejection, provided the vote includes the votes of two pharmacists and two that are not pharmacists. This plan of work has been closely followed, rendering the results, as we believe, of the greatest value obtainable by the united judgment of the committee. In addition to the efforts put forth by its individual members, the committee has received much assistance from Prof. Friedburg of New York, in the determining of chemical definitions and in the furnishing of chemical descriptions, and desires to here make suitable acknowl- edgment of its indebtedness. CONTENTS, Page PREFACE 3 HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 7-12 COMMITTEE ON PHARMACOPEIA . . . . . . 13 LIST OF AUTHORS CONSULTED 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY 15-20 PART I. GENERAL PHARMACY 21-49 UNIT OF MEDICINAL STRENGTH 23 MENSTRUA 27 DRUGS AND MEDICINAL SUBSTANCES 32 GENERAL TREATMENT OF DRUGS 34 PREPARATIONS FROM DRUGS 34 TINCTURES 35 DILUTIONS 39 TRITURATIONS 43 MEDICATIONS 47 PRESCRIPTIONS 48 PART II. SPECIAL PHARMACEUTICS 51-596 PART III. SELECT TABLES FOR REFERENCE 577-606 LIST OF MEDICINES AND PRONUNCIATION .... 607-622 INDEX 623 HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. As long ago as 1868 a resolution was adopted in the American Insti- tute of Homoeopathy, upon the motion of Dr. C. J. Hempel, for the appointment of a committee to prepare a Dispensatory which should embrace Pharmacy ; and such a committee was appointed, with Dr. Carroll Dunham as chairman. Reports of progress appear in the Institute Transactions from year to year down to 1874, when Dr. Dunham said, "The committee has reason to believe that this is the last time they will have to report ' progress,' and that the work may be ready for circulation before the next session of the Institute." But owing to the long-continued illness of a leading member of the committee, the work was not made ready for the printer ; and during the following two years, preparations for the World's Homoeopathic Congress at Philadelphia and the death of Dr. Dunham, which occurred soon after this convention, prevented the publication. Efforts were made to secure for the Institute the manuscripts of the committee, after the death of Dr. Dunham, but they were without success. At the meeting of the American Institute of Homoeopathy in 1886 Drs. J. P. Dake, C. Wesselhoeft, and A. C. Cowperthwaite were appointed a committee to consider the question of publishing a Phar- macopeia. This committee reported as follows, at the following meet- ing, in 1 887 : Your committee appointed to consider and report on the advisability of having a Pharmacopeia issued under the auspices and by the authority of this body, would say that in view of the desirability and importance of uniformity in the processes and preparations of pharmacy in the various countries, and especially in view of the various opinions of late expressed by pharmacists writing upon the subject, it is our opinion that there should THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE be prepared and published a Pharmacopeia, by joint action of committees from several countries, as suggested by the chairman of this committee at the World's Homoeopathic Convention in London in 1881, and by Mr. Wyborn at the late convention at Basle. At the latter convention, a special committee, consisting of Drs. Cowl and Giesecke and Mr. Wyborn, was appointed to consider and report upon an International Pharmacopeia. In pursuance of such action, your committee would recommend the appointment at this time of a special committee to cooperate with the Amer- ican member of the International Committee ; and that such committee consist of Drs. Lewis Sherman, J. Wilkinson Clapp, and F. E. Boericke. And in order to bring the work into more definite shape, we would recom- mend that the special committee named be instructed to take the British Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia as a basis, and to report the character of the changes considered necessary to adapt the work to the needs of the profes- sion in all countries. Very respectfully submitted, J. P. DAKE, M. D., J A. C. COWPERTHWAITE, M. D., > Committee. C. WESSELHOEFT, M. D., ) This report was accepted, the recommendations adopted, and the appointments made. This committee reported as follows, at the following meeting held at Niagara Falls, N. Y., in 1888 : Your committee, which was appointed to confer with the American member of the Pharmacopeial Commission of the World's Homoeopathic Convention, with reference to the preparation of an International Pharma- copeia, beg leave to report that, owing to the prolonged absence in Europe of Dr. Walter Y. Cowl, it has not yet been possible to secure the desired conference with that commission. We would report further that, in pursuance of the instruction given in the resolution authorizing our appointment, we have examined the British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia with reference to its adaptation to the wants of physicians in. the United States and other countries outside of Great Britain ; that we find this a book of great merit ; that we specially commend the care taken in the tincture-making processes, the recognition of the effect of natural-plant moisture in lowering the alcoholic strength of the fresh- plant tinctures; the prescription of alcohol of different strengths for the preparation of different drug tinctures, and the general accuracy of the detailed descriptions of drugs. We are instructed to suggest such changes as will improve the work and adapt it to use in this and other countries, outside of Great Britain. Among the changes we would suggest are the following : AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHV. 1. The substitution of the name "dilution "in place of "tincture" for attenuated liquid preparations. 2. The use of distilled water as a standard of comparison between weights and measures. This would bring our system in harmony with the French decimal system and greatly simplify the descriptive processes. Instead of minim we would read grain-measure, just as in descriptions of volumetric analysis. 3. The use of glass-stoppered bottles for distilled water. 4. The introduction of alcohol of the specific gravity .820, which is now a standard grade in the United States, being the highest obtained by distil- lation without the aid of chemicals. 5. The authorization of the decimal scale of notation, which is now in general use. 6. The omission of reference to the therapeutic activity of certain prepa- rations. We think such references out of place in a work of this character. 7. The introduction of maceration as a tincture-making process, alterna- tive with percolation. 8. Making the dilutions to correspond in medicinal strength (drug power) with triturations of the same number, instead of making them -j^ as strong. 9. The limitation of the sign (zero reduced) to denote strongest liquid pharmacopeial preparation. 10. The use of the sign o (zero) to denote original substances. n. The authorization of a single vernacular pharmacopeial name for each medicine. 12. The alphabetical arrangement of all the caption names of medicines in a single series. This is merely to facilitate reference. 13. A simplification of the process of trituration, and the requirement of a longer time to a given quantity of the finished product. On motion of Dr. I. T. Talbot, the following was adopted : Resolved, That a committee be appointed consisting of twelve members, six of whom shall be pharmacists, to prepare a Pharmacopeia which shall bear the authoritative sanction of this body. That this committee be instructed to confer with the Pharmacopeial Com- mission of the International Homoeopathic Congress held at Basle, Switzer- land, in 1886, and with committees which may be appointed for. the same purpose by foreign societies, with the intent of making the work, if possible, international in character. That this committee be instructed to use, as a basis, the " British Homoeo- pathic Pharmacopoeia, " due weight being given to other authorized pharma- copeias, and to obtain the fundamental facts, as far as possible, from original sources. That this committee be empowered to fill any vacancies in its membership caused by death or resignation. IO The following were appointed as the committee : Drs. J. P. Dake, C. Wesselhoeft, A. C. Cowperthwaite, T. F. Allen, Malcolm Leal, and H. R. Arndt, representing the practitioners of medicine, and Drs. Lewis Sherman, J. Wilkinson Clapp, F. E. Boericke, Henry M. Smith, James E. Gross, and Wm. Boericke, representing the practitioners of pharmacy. Drs. E. P. Colby and A. F. Worthington were elected by the com- mittee to take the places respectively of Drs. T. F. Allen and F. E. Boericke, who declined to serve. The committee of twelve organized immediately after its appoint- ment by the election of Dr. J. P. Dake, permanent chairman, Dr. Lewis Sherman, editor, and Drs. J. Wilkinson Clapp and Malcolm Leal, associate editors. At the meeting of the Institute, held at Minnetonka Beach in 1889, the Pharmacopeial Committee, in response to inquiries made through its chairman, was further instructed by the Institute as follows : 1 . That the work shall not be adapted for the professional pharmacist only, but also to the needs and uses of the practitioner of medicine. 2. That the work shall have a supplemental chapter containing instruc- tions as to the best modes and means for dispensing of medicines at the physician's desk and in the sick-room. 3. That the publication and sale of the work shall be conducted by a regular publisher, who is to assume all risks and enjoy all profits. The committee is authorized and instructed to negotiate with a publisher to that end. At the meeting of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, held at Atlantic City, N. J., in 1891, the following resolution was passed : Resolved, That the Committee on Pharmacopeia be requested to reconsider their action by which the soluble elements of the plants are made the basis of the attenuations. "This resolution received careful consideration by the committee. It should, however, be recorded that it was no part of their plan to make the soluble elements of the plants the basis of attenuations, as they had made the dry crude drug the unit from which to compute the strength of all atten- uations, and by so doing had simply carried out the rule previously accepted by the Institute ' to make the dilutions to correspond in medicinal strength (drug power) with triturations of the same number.' " Still, the work did not progress as rapidly as was at first anticipated, owing to certain differences of opinion regarding our nomenclature. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHV. I I These questions having been brought to the attention of the Institute during its session in Washington in 1892, the following motion was passed : " That the Committee on Pharmacopeia be instructed to give precedence to the old Latin names of drugs in common use, and to place the new chemical names to the right and on the same line." These instructions have been carefully observed. Still, the commit- tee earnestly desired to embrace the present opportunity to take a step which may eventually lead to the improvement of our chemical nomen- clature. They considered that this resolution required that they should retain and give precedence to the old form of Latin titles, to be followed by the chemical names, but that this did not prevent them from introducing a third title which should retain the familiar Latin basic names and still answer to the requirements of a modern scientific nomenclature ; one that would not make any change in the abbrevia- tions found in homoeopathic literature and that would also be free from the objections which had been offered to the present chemical names. While a large majority of the committee strongly favored this plan, it met with decided opposition from the member then serving as editor, so much so that at the meeting of the Institute held in Chicago in May, 1893, the chairman asked for a special committee of three to meet with the Pharmacopeia Committee to assist in adjusting its plan of work. Two members of said committee, Drs. T. Y. Kinne and O. S. Runnels, listened to statements from the different parties interested, and made the following report, which was accepted by the Institute : The Special Committee appointed at the request of the Committee on International Pharmacopeia, to advise regarding some questions arising from the action of the American Institute of Homoeopathy at its session in 1 892, beg leave to submit this report : Whereas, Doubts having arisen in the minds of some of the Committee on Pharmacopeia as to the intent of a resolution adopted by the Institute at its last session, which resolution is as follows Resolved, That the Committee on Pharmacopeia be instructed to give prece- dence to the old Latin names of drugs in common use and to place the new chem- ical names to the right and on the same line ; Therefore, Resolved, That there is nothing in the said resolution which prevents the Committee on Pharmacopeia from adding a third title to those already mentioned, wherever it shall be deemed best to do so, provided the ordered arrangement be not interfered with. Resolved, That the Committee on International Pharmacopeia be directed to proceed with all possible dispatch in the publication of this valuable work so nearly completed, so much needed, and already too long delayed. 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. The Institute having fully approved of the wish of the committee, in order to carry it into effect it became necessary to reorganize the editorial force and to instruct the new appointees to prepare as rapidly as possible, de novo, the text of a Pharmacopeia to be approved by the committee, under such rules and regulations as they might make. This was done, and the reorganized editorial corps entered upon the work with commendable zeal, and carried it to completion. The untimely death of Dr. J. P. Dake, whose loss is deeply deplored by the committee, rendered necessary the filling of the vacancy thus caused, and the election of a chairman. This was done, Dr. T. Y. Kinne, of Paterson, N. J., being chosen as a member, and Dr. Conrad Wesselhoeft, of Boston, as chairman. The committee trust that the profession will accept this work, and that it will find therein all that past experience has found to be good, and will appreciate some more recent departures which are intended to enhance the reliability of the work. It is earnestly hoped that each and every medical college will here- after include in its curriculum, instruction in the Principles and Practice of Pharmacy. The physician who dispenses medicine should at least be qualified to supplement the work of the professional pharmacist so thoroughly and accurately that his clinical reports will have a scientific value. Pharmaceutical knowledge seems to be even more important to homoeopathic than to allopathic practitioners, for the reason that only a portion of the former are within easy reach of the professional pharmacist who understands the preparation of medicines for homoeo- pathic use. On behalf of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY, for the purpose of diffusing useful knowledge, and of promoting uniformity in the strength and quality of medicinal preparations and in their literature as well, we commend this book to physician and pharma- cist, student and instructor. PEMBERTON DUDLEY, M. D., President of American Institute of Homoeopathy. EUGENE H. PORTER, M. D., Secretary of American Institute of Homoeopathy. COMMITTEE ON PHARMACOPEIA OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMEOPATHY. CONRAD WESSELHOEFT, M. D., Boston, Mass., Chairman. J. WILKINSON CLAPP, M. D., Boston, Mass., Secretary. LEWIS SHERMAN, M. D., Milwaukee, Wis. HENRY M. SMITH, M. D., New York, N. Y. JAMES E. GROSS, M. D., Chicago, 111. WILLIAM BOERICKE, M. D., San Francisco, Cal. A. C. COWPERTHWAITE, M. D., Chicago, 111. MALCOLM LEAL, M. D., New York, N. Y. H. R. ARNDT, M. D., San Diego, Cal. EDWARD P. COLBY, M. D., Wakefield, Mass. A. F. WORTHINGTON, M. D., Cincinnati, Ohio. T. Y. KINNE, M. D., Paterson, N. J. Editorial Sub-Committee. CONRAD WESSELHOEFT, M. D., Chairman. ]. WILKINSON CLAPP, M. D., Secretary. HENRY M. SMITH, M. D. MALCOLM LEAL, M. D. LIST OF AUTHORS CONSULTED. ALLEN, Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica. ALTSCHUL, Real Lexicon. AMERICAN Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia, O'Connor and Boericke and TafeL AMERICAN Homoeopathic Dispensatory, Gross & Delbridge AMERICAN Institute of Homoeopathy, Transactions. APPLETON, American Cyclopaedia. ARCHIV fur die Homceopathische Heilkunst. BENTLEY & TRIMEN, Medicinal Plants. BLOXOM, Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic. BRITISH Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. BRITISH Pharmacopoeia. BUCHNER, Homceopathische Arzneibereitungslehre. CLARKE, Constants of Nature. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica, gth edition. GEIGER, Handbuch der Pharmacie. GOULLON, Beschreibung der Pflanzen. GRAY, Field, Forest and Garden Botany. GRAY, Flora of North America. GRAY, Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. GRUNER, Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. HAGER, Handbuch der Pharmaceutischen Praxis. HAHNEMANN, Chronic Diseases. HAHNEMANN, Materia Medica. HALE, New Remedies. HAMILTON, Flora Homceopathica. HUGHES & DAK.E, Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy. .'AHR & CATELLAN, Nouvelle Pharmacopee. JAHR & GRUNER, Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia and Posology. JAHR, Pharmacopoeia. KING, American Dispensatory. LINDLEY, Flora Medica. LINDLEY, Vegetable Kingdom. LOUDON, Encyclopaedia of Plants. MILLSPAUGH, Medicinal Plants. MURE, Pathogenesie Bresilienne. NATIONAL Dispensatory. PEREIRA, Elements of Materia Medica. PHARMACOGRAPHIA, Fluckiger and Hanbury. QUIN, Pharmacopceia Homceopathica. REMINGTON, Practice of Pharmacy. RICHTER, Organic Chemistry. ROSCOE & SCHORLEMMER, Treatise on Chemistry. SMITH, List of Medicines Mentioned in Homoeopathic Literature. STORER, Outlines of a Dictionary of Solubilities. UNITED STATES Dispensatory. UNITED STATES Pharmacopoeia. WARING, Pharmacopceia of India. WATSON, Bibliographical Index to North American Botany. WATTS, Dictionary of Chemistry, Morley and Muir. WEBER, Codex des Medicaments Homoeopathiques. WINKLER, Arzneigewachse. WOOD, Botanist and Florist. WOOD, Class Book of Botany. WURTZ, Dictionnaire de Chimie. BIBLIOGRAPHY. In 1805, Hahnemann published the results of his observation for fifteen years in his " Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis sive in sanocorpore humano observatatis. Pars prima, textus (pp. 269). Pars secunda, index (pp. 470). Lip- siae, sumtu Joan. Ambros. Barthii." Between the years 1811 and 1832 were pub- lished his " Materia Medica " and " Chronic Diseases." In 1832 the first number of the "Archiv" was published. In all of these publications, general and special instruction was given for the preparation of our remedies. The first Dispensatory or Pharmacopeia was published by Dr. C. Caspari in 1825, and the following list of titles, compiled by Dr. Henry M. Smith, embraces most, if not all, of the subsequent publications : 1825. CASPARI. Homoopathisches Dispensatorium fur Aerzte und Apotheker. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. C. Caspari. Leipzig, Baumgartner. 8vo, pp. 67. 1828. CASPARI. Homoopathisches Dispensatorium fur Aerzte und Apotheker. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. C. Caspari. Zweite, vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig bei Baum- gartner. 8vo, pp. xii, 58. 1829. HARTMANN. Homoopathische Pharmakopoe fur Aerzte und Apotheker. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. Franz Hartmann. Auch unter dem Dr. Titel Caspari's Homoo- pathisches Dispensatorium fur Aerzte und Apotheker, worin nichtnurdie bis jetzt bekannten, sondern auch in Hofrath Hahnemann's neuestem Werke und die in Hart- laub's und Trink's Arzneimittellehre enthaltenen Arzneien aufgenommen worden sind. Herausgegeben von Dr. Franz Hartmann. Dritteund verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig, 1829. In der Baumgartnerischen Buchhandlung. 8vo, pp. iv, 144. . HARTMANN. Pharmacopoeia Homceopathica. Auctore Fr. Hartmann, M. D., Lipsiae, 1829, apud Baumgartner. CASPARI. Dispensatorium Homosopathicum. Denuo edit., auctum atque emend, a F. Hartmann. Et. s. tit.: Pharmacopcea Homoeopath. 8 maj. Lipsiae, 1829. Baumgartner. BELLUOMINI. Modo generate di preparare i Medicamenti Omiopatici e di diluirli. LA RAJA. Element! di Farmacopea Omiopatica estratti dalla Materia Medica di S. Hahnemann e dagli Archivi della Med. Om. per cura del Dr. Vincenzo la Raja, con un indice comparativa di alcuni fenomeni prodotti nell' uomo sano dalla sostanza terapeutiche con quelli di alcune malattie naturali, per agevolare in par te L'Esercizio della Clinica Omiopatica. Napoli, 1829. 8vo, pp. 210. 1830. WIDENMANN, DR. G. Medicamentorum Homreopathicis Praeparatio, Munich. l6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE I833- CASPARI. Homoopathische Pharmacopoeia fiir Aerzte und Apotheker. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. C. Caspari. Vierte Auflage. 1834. QUIN. Pharmacopoeia Homoeopathica. Edidit F. F. Quin, M. D., Londoni : Veneunt apud S. Highley. 8vo, pp. xxviii, 165. CASPAR:. Dr. Caspari's Homoopathisches Dispensatorium fiir Aerzte und Apotheker, herausgegeben von Dr. F. Hartmann. 5te verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, in Baumgartner's Buchhandlung. 8vo, pp. xvi, 164. (An edition in Latin was published this year.) 1835- Pharmacope'e Homoeopathique, par L. NOIROT ET PH. MOUZIN. i6mo. Dijon & Paris. i2mo, pp. 460. This is incorporated in part second of Jahr's Manuel d'Homoeopathie. 1836. WIXKLER. Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung sammtlicher Arzneigewachse, welche homoopathisch gepriift worden sind und angewendet werden. Fiir Homoopathi- ker zur Benutzung beim Einsammeln der Arzneikorper aus dem Pflanzenreiche. 8vo, pp. 312. Erklarung der Abbildungen auf 156 Blattern. Leipzig, 8vo. pp. 61. Von Eduard Winkler. Leipzig, Magazin fiir Industrie und Literatur. WIXKLER. Abbildungen der Arzneigewachse welche homoopatisch gepriift worden sind und angewendet werden. 156 copper plates. Leipzig, Magazin fiir Industrie und Literatur. 4to, pp. 156. ROLLINK. Homoopathische Pharmacopoe nach neuesten Erfahrungen der verschiedensten Thierarzte und Apotheker, enthaltend alle bis jetzt gepriifte und angewandte homoopatische, auch die von Dr. Lux potenzirten isopathischen Arzneistoffe. Von Dr. A. Rollink, ausubendem praktischen Arzte. Leipzig, bei Adolph Reimann. 8vo, pp. vi, 298. 1838. LA RAJA. Elementi di Farmacopeia Omiopatica. Dr. Vincenzo la Raja. Milano, Giovani Silvestri. 2 ed. ROLLINK. Homoopathische Pharmacopoe nach neuesten Erfahrungen fiir Menschenarzte, Thierarzte und Apotheker : enthaltend alle bis jetzt gepriifte und angewandte homoopathische, auch die von Dr. Lux potenzirten isopathischen Arzneistoffe. Von Dr. A. Rollink, 2te Auflage. Leipzig, Adolph Reimann. 8vo, pp. vi, 298. Pharmacopoea universalis, oder iibersichtliche Zusammenstellung der Pharma- copoen. Mit einer Pharmacopoe der homoopathischen Lehre. 3te Auff., 2 Bande. Weimar. 1840. BUCHNER. Homoopathische Arzneibereitungslehre von Joseph Benedict Buch- ner. Miinchen, durch und Verlag von George Franz. 8vo, pp. 419. 1841. JAHR. Nouvelle Pharmacope'e et Posologie Homoeopathique ou de la prepara- tion des medicaments homoeopathiques. izmo, Paris. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 1842. JAHR. New Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia and Posology, or the preparation of homoeopathic medicines and the administration of doses. By G. H. G. Jahr. Translated by James Kitchen, M. D. Philadelphia, J. Dobson. 8vo, pp. 306. 1844. CASPARI. Homoopathisches Dispensatorium fur Aerzte und Apotheker, worin nicht nur die bis jetzt bekannten, sondern auch die in Hofr. Hahnemann's neuestem Werke, und die in Hartlaub's und Trink's Arzneimittellehre und klinischen Annalen enthaltenen Arzneien aufgenommen worden sind. Herausgegeben v. F. Hartmann. Auch unter dem Titel Homoopathische Pharmacopoe. 6 Auflage. gr. 8 s. Leipzig, Baumgartner. 1845. GRUNER. Homoopathische Pharmacopoe, in Auftrag des Central Vereins Homoopathischer Aerzte bearbeitet und zum Gebrauch der Pharmaceuten heraus- gegeben, vcn Carl Ernest Gruner, Apotheker zu Dresden, mit einem Vorwort von Medicalrath Dr. C. F. Trinks, Dresden und Leipzig. DE HORATIIS. Homoopathische Pharmacopoea. 1846. SCHMID. Homoopathische Arzneibereitung und Gabengrosse, von Dr. Georg Schmid. Wien, Braumiiller u. Siedel. 8vo, pp. viii, 309. 1847. JAHR. Neuva Farmacopea y Posologia Homeopatica, o modo de preparar los medicamentos homeopaticos y de administrar las dosis. Madrid, Boix, editor de todas las obras homeopaticas. i2mo, pp. 340. 1850. JAHR & GRUNER. New Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia and Posology; or, the mode of preparing homoeopathic medicines and the administration of doses. Compiled and translated from the German works of Buchner and Gruner and the French work of Jahr, with original contributions by Chas. J. Hempel, M. D. New York, Radde. i2mo, pp. 359. 1852. BUCHNER. Homoopathische Arzneibereitungslehre von Joseph Buchner. Zweite sehr vermehrte Auflage. Miinchen, Druck und Verlag von Geo. Franz. 8vo, pp. xvi, 468. BUCHNER. Supplement zur homoopathischen Arzneibereitungslehre. Miinchen. 8vo. HAMILTON. Flora Homosopathica ; or illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants used as homoeopathic remedies. By Edward Hamilton, M. D., F. L. S. 36 plants, Aconite to Hyoscyamus. Vol. I. royal octavo, pp. 300. London, Bailliere. Caspari's homoopathisches Dispensatorium fiir Aerzte und Apotheker, worin nicht zur die bis jetzt bekannten, sondern auch die in Hahnemann's neuestem Werke und die in Hartlaub u. Trink's enthaltenen Arzneien aufgenommen sind. Herausgegeben von F. HARTMANN. 7 verb. u. verm. Aufl. mit 3 Abbildgn. Auch unter dem Titel : Homoopathische Pharmacopoe fiir Aerzte und Apotheker, v. DR. F. HARTMANN. Leipzig, Baumgartner. 8vo, pp. xix, 227. (A Latin edition was published this year.) l8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE JAHR & CATELLAN. Nouvelle Pharmacop^e Homoeopathique, ou histoire naturelle et preparation des medicaments homoeopathiques et posologie, ou de 1'administration des doses. Par le Docteur G. H. G. Jahr et A. Catellan. Seconde edition, revue et considerablement augmented accompagne'e de 135 figures intercalees dans le texte. A Paris, chez J. B. Bailliere. i2mo, pp. vii, 436. HAMILTON. Flora Homceopathica : Vol. II., containing illustrations and descriptions of 30 plants : Ignatia to Verbascum. Royal octavo, pp. 223. London, Bailliere. 1854. GRUNER. Homoopathische Pharmakopoe, im Auftrag der Centralvereins homoopathische Aerzte bearbeitet und zum Gebrauch der Pharmaceuten, herausgegeben mit Vorwort von Medicalrath Dr. C. F. Trinks. Zweite sorgfaltig durchgeseh. und sehr verm. Auflage. 8vo, pp. 259. Leipzig, Arnold. WEBER. Codex des Medicaments Homceopathiques ou Pharmacope'e pratique et raisonnee a 1' usage des Mddecins et des Pharmaciens. Par George P. F. Weber, Pharmacien homoeopath a Paris. Paris, chez J. B. Bailliere. i2mo, pp. xii, 440. 1855. GRUNER. Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, compiled by order of the German Central Union of Homoeopathic Physicians and edited for the use of Pharmaceu- tists by Carl Ernest Gruner, Apothecary in Dresden. Authorized English edition. Translated from the second German edition. Leipzig, Ch. Arnold. 8vo, pp. 224. 1859. DORVAULT, F. Beknopte Handleiding voor de homceopathische Pharmacie. Naar het Fransch. Arnhem. J. Van Egmond, Jr. 8vo, pp. iv, 47. 1860. DEVENTER. Homoopathische Pharmacopoe von Ludwig Deventer. Mit einer lithographirten Abbildung. Berlin, E. Gross. 8vo, pp. xii, 172. JAHR, G. H. G. Y CATELLAN. Nueva Farmacopea Homeopdtica, o historia natural y preparacion de los medicamentos homeopdticos y posologia 6 de la administration de las ddsis. 2 edicion, revisado y conciderablemente augmentada con 135 figuras intercaladas en el texto. Traducido al Espanol por D. Silverio Rodriguez Lopez. Madrid, Bailliere. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 428. 1861. HAGERO. Medicamenta homoeopathica et isopathica omnia, ad id tempus a medicis aut examinata aut usu recepta. Auctore Dr. H. Hagero. Lesnae, sumpti- bus et typis Ernesti Guntheri. 8vo, pp. 192. (The first section on general preparations was translated into German by Edward Hahn, and is published as an appendix.) 1862. JAHR & CATELLAN. Nouvelle Phatmacope'e homoeopathique, ou Histoire naturelle, preparation et posologie ou administration des doses des medicaments homoeopathiques. 3" edition, corrigee et augmentee, avec 144 figures intercalees dans le texte. Paris, Bailliere. i2mo, pp. x, 436. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 1864. ALTSCHUL. Real-Lexicon fur homoopathische Arzneimittellehre. Therapie und Arzneibereitungskunde. Nach seinen off entlichen Vorlesungen an der Prager k. k. Universitat und unter steter Angabe der neuern einfachen Heilmittel der physiologischen Schule bearbeitet von Dr. med. Altschul. Sondershausen, Fr. Aug. Eupel. 8vo, pp. 450. CASPARI. Dr. Caspari's Homoopathisches Dispensatorium fur Aerzte und Apotheker. 8te Auflage neu bearbeitet von A. Margraf. Leipzig, Baumgartner's Buchhandlung. 12010, pp. 108. GRUNER. Homoopathische Pharmakopoe im Auftrag des Centralvereins Homoopathischer Aerzte. Bearbeitet und zum Gebauch der Pharmaceuten herausgegeben, von Carl Ernest Gruner. Dritte vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, Arnoldische Buchhandlung. 8vo, pp. xii, 240. 1865. GOULLON. Beschreibung der in der Homoopathischen Pharmacopoe Aufge- nommenen Pflanzen nebst dreihundert Tafeln naturgetreu colorirter Abbildungen, der Angabe ihrer Standorte, ihrer zur Verwendung kommenden Theile und ihrer Anwendungsweisse sowie derjenigen standigen Krankheitsformen, in denen sie sich heilkraftig erwiesen, haben von Dr. H. Goullon. Leipzig, W. Baensch. 410, pp. xix, 443. (Volume of 300 colored plates separate.) 1870. British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Published by the British Homoeopathic Society. London. 8vo, pp. xiii, 336. 1872. SCHWABE. Pharmacopoea homosopathica polyglottica. Bearbeitet und heraus- gegeben von Dr. Willmar Schwabe, homoopathischem Apotheker in Leipzig. Rendered into English by Siiss-Hahnemann, M. D., London. Redige" pour la France par le Docteur Alphonse Noack, Lyon. Durch dem homoopathischen Central Verein Deutchlands als homceopathische Normal Pharmacopoe autorisirt. Leipzig, Dr. W. Schwabe. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 251. 1876. British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Published by the British Homoeopathic Society. Second Edition. London, printed by W. J. Johnson. 8vo, pp. xliii, 396. United States Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. First Edition. Chicago, Duncan Bros. 8vo, pp. 281. Homoopatische Pharmacopoe von Ludwig Deventer. Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Berlin, in Selbstverlage des Verfassers. 8vo, pp. 236. 1880. SCHWABE. Pharmacopoea homoeopathica polyglotta. Bearbeitet und heraus- gegeben von Dr. Willmar Schwabe, Besitzer der homoopathischen Central- Apotheke zu Leipzig. Rendered into English by Lemuel Steffens, M. D., Phila- delphia. Re'dige' pour la France par le Docteur Alphonse Noack, Lyon. Voltata in Italiano dal Dottore Tommaso Cigliano, Napoli. Traducida al Espanol por el Dr. Paz Alvarez, Madrid. Durch den homoopathischen Central Verein Deutsch- 2O AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. lands und den Verein homoopathischer Aerzte Ungarns als homoopathische Normal-Pharmacopoe autorisirt. Zweite, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig, Dr. W. Schwabe. SCHWABE. English Edition. Pharmacopoea homoeopathicapolyglotta. Edited by Dr. Willmar Schwabe, Leipzig. Rendered into English by Lemuel Steffens, M. D., Philadelphia. Second Edition revised and enlarged. Leipzig, Dr. W. Schwabe. New York, Boericke & Tafel. 8vo, pp. xii, 374. 1882. British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Published under the direction of the British Homoeopathic Society. Third Edition. London, published for the British Homoeopathic Society by E. GOULD & SON. 8vo, pp. xix, 456. Companion to the British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of 1876, arranged in the form of a Dictionary by KEENE & ASHWELL, Manufacturing Homoeopathic Chemists. London, Keene & Ashwell. i2mo, pp. 132. American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Compiled and published by Boericke & Tafel, New York and Philadelphia. 8vo, pp. 523. 1883. American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Second Edition, thoroughly revised and augmented by JOSEPH T. O'CONNOR, M. D. Compiled and published by Boericke & Tafel, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago. 8vo, pp. 511. 1884. American Homoeopathic Dispensatory. By THEO. D. WILLIAMS, M. D. Chicago, Gross & Delbridge. 8vo, pp. 698. 1885. American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Third Edition, thoroughly revised and augmented by J. T. O'CONNOR, M. D. Compiled and published by Boericke & Tafel, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago. 8vo, pp. 511. 1890. American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Revised and augmented by JOSEPH T. O'CONNOR, M. D. Fourth Edition. Compiled and published by Boericke & Tafel, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago. 8vo. GENERAL PHARMACY OF DRUGS FOR HOMEOPATHIC USE. It is the object of this work to furnish the pharmacist, as well as the physician, with information needed for the preparation of drugs to be used as homoeopathic medicines, and to secure uniformity in their preparation. It is to be taken for granted that both physician and pharmacist possess sufficient knowledge of collateral sciences, such as chemistry, botany, physics, etc., so that it remains to instruct them only in the methods of preparing drugs in a manner peculiar to homoeopathic practice. As most drugs are now obtained from individuals and firms making a specialty of their production or collection on a large scale, with which the pharmacist is presumably familiar, we need only direct his attention to tests for their purity and genuineness. The physician, on the other hand, engaged in preparing his own medicines, will find detailed information concerning the sources, nature, collection and preparation of drugs. Essentials of Homoeopathic Pharmacy. The pharmacy of medicine for homoeopathic use differs in many essential details from other and older methods. Although accuracy is the basis of every method, it is doubly important in homoeopathic pharmacy, whose distinctive feature is its simplicity. Drugs, when prepared as medicines for homoeopathic use, are never mixed or compounded, but to render them available for use, each in its natural state is, after proper sub- division, added singly to some vehicle which will serve the purpose 22 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE of a preservative, as well as a means of extension. Cleanliness, also, as required by homoeopathy, differs as much from that of the older pharmacy as the cleanliness of modern surgery differs from the practice before the days of antiseptic methods. It involves the most conscientious care in handling drugs of different kinds, and in keeping them from contact with each other ; in storing so as to protect from vapors, odors and dust of others, and in keeping them in cool, airy, dry and darkened places. Books of Reference ; names and titles. The retention of older botan- ical names is due to the technical terminology of a century, with its nomenclature which, like the names of animals yielding medicinal substances, it was deemed unsafe to change. As a rule, the Latin titles as heretofore used in the literature of homoeopathy, are retained ; the generic names of plants and animals are adopted as leading ones, excepting where usage has adhered to the specific name : e.g., Chamo- milla is retained in preference to the use of the present botanical genus name, Matricaria. The species name, however, has been added in all cases. The English derivatives from Latin titles are also preferred, owing to long usage, such as Aconite instead of Monkshood. The English titles of the chemical salts accord with the latest approved rules of chemical nomenclature. We have, however, omitted the use of the common English names, such as Iron, Gold, Silver and Lead, pre- ferring to arrange them under Ferrum (Ferric and Ferrous), Aurum, Argentum, Plumbum, etc., respectively. As salts of the rarer metals, such as Cadmium, Iranium and Magnesium, have no vulgar English names, this plan secures harmony in the use of names. The common synonyms of medical literature are retained, and the alkaloids and neutral proximate principles are not specially distin- guished by Latin terminology. Instead of Strychnia or Strychnine, we write Strychninum, and for Quinia we retain the older form of Chiriinum. According to the latest rules (of the International Botanical Con- gress of Paris in 1867) in all Latin titles the substantives begin with a capital, and the adjectives with a small initial, excepting those de- rived from names of persons, for instance, Pulsatilla nigricans, Pul- satilla Nuttalliana. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMfEOPATHY. 23 The Unit of Medicinal Strength. In accordance with the suggestion made by the Special Committee, and adopted by the American Institute of Homoeopathy, at Niagara Falls in 1888, the Pharmacopeia Committee have prescribed the necessary rules to make the dilutions to correspond in medicinal strength (drug-power), with triturations of the same number (see In- troduction). This is in accordance with the intention of Hahnemann, and also with that of the older authorities on homoeopathic pharmacy. In illustration, we quote substantially from the Materia Medico. Pura of 1824, Vol. 2, page 30, and refer also to the Chronic Diseases, page 182 (German edition), 1835, relating to the making of triturations : " In order to make alcoholic medicinal solutions of uniform strength, and to obtain from them readily determinable dilutions, add 20 parts of alcohol to one part of finely powdered drug-substance of such plants as are to be obtained only in their dry state." . . . " Each drop of such a tincture is to be considered as equal to one-twentieth (-/) part of medicinal power. In order to dilute it for homoeopathic use, the directions given under the head of "Arsenic " are to be followed. For this purpose take a vial containing 500 drops of alcohol, and add one drop of the strong tincture. This, after proper succussion, will yield a dilution to be labelled TuiTnrj each drop in this vial containing one ten-thousandth part of the medicinal power (substance)." " As the juices of fresh plants are in general prepared for homoeopathic use with equal parts of alcohol, it follows that each drop of this dilution is to be considered as containing one-half of a grain of medicinal power (substance). Hence, in the making of dilutions, two such drops are first intimately mixed with 98 drops of alcohol, in order that each drop of this mixture may contain V J V of the power of the plant, the vial to be labelled accordingly. The next dilutions are made as before directed." Hahnemann's object evidently was to formulate a standard rule according to which all alcoholic medicinal solutions (tinctures, ex- tracts, etc.) and their dilutions might be made of uniform drug power to be represented by the dry crude drug as the unit of strength in the case of tinctures made from dried substances, and by the plant- juice as the unit when made from fresh green drugs. To avoid the double standard made by Hahnemann, and to secure uniformity in strength (drug-power) of all preparations and attenua- tions, thereby making dilutions and triturations of equal degree cor- respond in medicinal strength, the committee have in all cases made 24 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE the dry crude drug the unit from which to estimate strength. It should be understood, however, that the fresh green materials are still required in the preparation of tinctures, and that the plant- moisture is to be regarded as a part of the vehicle or menstruum, it being evident that the water contained in the plant is but a solvent and forms no part of its medicinal substance. Adopting this rule in our tincture-making processes, we have followed that excellent authority, the British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, thereby securing uniformity in strength. To quote from this work, Part I., pages 1 1 and 1 2 : "In every instance, the dry crude substance is to be taken as the starting point from whence to calculate its strength, and, with very few exceptions, the mother tinctures contain all the soluble matter of one grain of the dry plant in ten minims of the tincture" The tincture, therefore, representing as it does one-tenth part medicinal substance, or, in other words, the soluble constituents of one-tenth its substance of crude drug, should represent the ix (y 1 ^), thereby corresponding in strength with the ix trituration. Uniformity is thus secured and the signs ix or ^, on whatever form of attenu- ation they may be found, will always represent a drug power of one-tenth, the sign 2x will show the presence of yi^ part drug substance, and the familiar 3x will show - t X part. When we consider how widely different are the methods employed by pharmacists as well as physicians in the preparation of homoeo- pathic tinctures and attenuations, some following the rules prescribed by Hahnemann, others modifications of these rules as given in some of our pharmacopeias, while yet others are making the mother tincture the basis from which to estimate strength irrespective of the drug power of the tincture used, it is evident that many will be required to change their present methods, notwithstanding they have become familiar, in order that we may adopt a standard and thereby secure uniformity in our preparations. After careful consideration of all the questions involved, the dry crude drug has been determined upon as the unit of strength, the committee being firmly convinced that by adopting this standard the most satisfactory results would be secured, and uniformity insured, with the least friction and inconvenience to both physician and pharmacist. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 2$ Unknown Substances. A homoeopathic pharmacopeia should not be encumbered with descriptions of uncertain and little-known sub- stances, as drugs which have not been properly "proved" or tested for their pathogenetic effects upon the normal living organism are of no value to the physician, and therefore of no importance to the pharmacist, who will not seek them in a work of this kind. Weights and Measures. Alcoholic and aqueous liquids are to be measured by volume, and the drug as a rule by weight. The metric system has been employed in the text of Part II. of this work, as this is the only one which offers a measure of weight commensurate with that of volume, and its arrangement on the decimal scale renders it peculiarly adapted to the uses of homoeopathic pharmacy. The physician or pharmacist who prefers to adhere to other systems more familiar can readily do so, and for such, tables for reference have been included in Part III. Utensils. The utensils used in the pharmacy of homoeopathic medicines do not differ from those used in pharmacy in general. They consist of bottles with glass and with cork stoppers, measuring glasses, sieves, mortars and pestles, spatulas, spoons, funnels, presses, and a variety of apparatus and machinery of a more or less complicated kind for the grinding of triturations and the making of pellets, tablets, etc., the description of which is omitted from a book which aims rather to elucidate principles involved in a certain method, than to describe mechanical details which may be varied by the needs or ingenuity of the pharmacist who now produces his wares on a large scale. The Apparatus essential to homoeopathic pharmacy consists of vessels and implements for the making of tinctures and solutions and for the trituration or grinding of hard and dry as well as of moist and soft substances with milk-sugar. Such implements, while common to general pharmacy, deserve some explanation relating to their use in homoeopathic pharmacy. These utensils, few in kind, include macerating jars, funnels and percolators for tinctures and other fluid preparations containing the soluble portions of vegetable substances ; also, mortars with their 26 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE pestles and sieves, for the grinding and sifting of hard or insoluble substances. Special Description. Macerating jars, percolators, funnels and all vessels used in homoeopathic pharmacy should be of glass or glazed porcelain. No porous substance or metal will sufficiently protect drugs from contamination with each other. From the beginning of homoeopathic pharmacy it has been held as an inviolable rule to provide a separate macerator, percolator, funnel or vessel of any kind for the preparation and preservation of each drug. As far as possible this ideal rule should be observed. Presses should be lined with block-tin, as this is not porous and is practically insoluble. t Chopping-boards are unobjectionable if a separate one is provided for each article to be chopped on it. The board should previously have been cleansed by steam, a method to be mentioned later. Cleanliness and Cleansing of Utensils. The danger of contamina- tion of medicines with each other or with the impurities from many other sources, merits some special consideration. The whole subject of utensils and their cleanliness in homoeopathic pharmacy is embodied in the principle that each medicine must be prepared and admin- istered singly, that is, without admixture or contamination with other medicines or noxious influences of any kind. It has always been the aim of physicians and pharmacists to carry out this principle most minutely, especially on account of the extreme fineness of attenuations, fluid or dry, the protection of which against contaminating influences is justly to be considered as an object more difficult to attain than hitherto deemed possible. Some of the reasons for this will be found in the appended foot-note.* For the present we are limited to the following methods and precautions : *In the older works and treatises on homoeopathic pharmacy, as well as in those of today, the final purpose of all measures has been, and is, to reach a sufficient degree of attenuation. Quite apart from the question as to the divisibility of matter beyond the 24th decimal (i2th centesimal) attenua- tion, there can be no doubt that either within or beyond this limit, it is quite impossible to devise any precaution for the protection of medicines against extraneous admixtures of organic and inorganic matter. We therefore deem the following as an important subject for consideration, condensed from the original article : " In the making of dilutions there are many sources of error to be found in the utensils, the vehicles and in manipulation. Utensils are never obtained nor made absolutely clean, and it is more than doubtful if they ever can be. Cork is porous, and its interstices are rilled with many substances which AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 27 For the purpose of cleansing utensils it will serve to wash and then to rinse them with the purest obtainable common water, after which distilled water, and, lastly, alcohol is to be used. The vessel or other implement is then to be inverted on blotting paper or some pure absorbent material until dry. We would also urge that cleansing by steam on a properly con- structed apparatus would insure the most perfect destruction of organic and other impurities. An apparatus of this kind need not be bulky, complicated nor expensive, and would save much time and labor. It could be applied to bottles and other vessels, as well as to mortars, pestles, percolators, macerators, etc. It has always been the custom to provide one of the last-named articles for each medicine, a condition which it is neither unreasonable nor difficult to fulfill, but it may be so in the case of more cumbersome and costly appliances for the production of pharmaceutical material on a large scale. It is here that steam cleansing would prove effectual and practical. Menstrua, Vehicles or Solvents. These should be inert, non-toxic substances, such as milk-sugar, water and glycerin. But as these are unable to dissolve or extract the toxic (medicinal) properties of most substances, alcohol is prefer- ably used, for its superior solvent and preservative qualities. The latter is not inert nor non-toxic, and is therefore not strictly in harmony with the principle of singleness of medicines. Yet, as there do not belong to the fluid contained in the corked vessel. A fractional part of the substance of mortars is always added to the trituration. In distillation a glass retort is always considerably attacked in the process, as is well known to chemists. If metals such as tin are used, there is danger of the contamina- tion with the lead of the solder. If tin is soluble in water even in the proportion of i to 100 millions of parts, we do not obtain pure water, but the fourth centesimal dilution. According to Fresenius, one litre of water dissolves fourteen milligrammes of Bohemian glass. Common sodium glass is much softer, and after distilled [or undistilled, Ed.] water has been contained in glass bottles for several days, we shall have a solution of glass somewhat stronger than the 3rd centesimal dilution. If glass is as soluble in alcohol as in water, this solution will contain silica, potassium, sodium, lime and lead. In consequence of the impurities of the components used in the making of glass, we shall have also iron, manganese, and, in the case of brown glass, uranium. " Milk-sugar, notwithstanding careful re-crystallization, will contain perceptible traces of the metals of the vessels used in making it. " When a dilution is made of any of the above substances, more of any of them is already contained in the vehicle than is added to it for the purpose of dilution." From an article entitled " The Purity of Medicines," by Dr. S. J. Van Royen, Allgcmaine Homeo. Zeitung, August 18, 1891, p. 183. See also Dr. Lembke, Ibid, June 4, 1891, p. 164. Also articles in the Transactions of the American Insti- tute of Homceopathy, referred to elsewhere. We have already alluded to the ever-present atmospheric dust containing carbon, sodium, innumer- able organic particles, and a multitude of microbes only to be destroyed by antiseptic means. 28 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE is no other menstruum which will serve the same purpose, the drug- substance held in solution by it, preponderates so largely that the effect of the solvent vehicle is not generally noticed ; or, where that is the case in the proving of tinctures, or in their therapeutic use, the effect is to be eliminated by its characteristic signs. If an attenuated dilution, made as is usual with alcohol, is added to water or milk-sugar, the volatility of alcohol renders it innocuous and imperceptible. The chief advantage is, that it does not alter the chemical, toxic and medicinal properties of drugs, while at the same time it is their most reliable preservative, retaining their active properties for an indefinite time. The Object of Fluid Vehicles is two-fold. First, to extract and hold in solution the toxic properties of drugs, and, second, to dilute or expand tinctures or solutions, as will be explained in the paragraph on Dilutions. Alcohol, or Alcohol Fortior (strong alcohol), contains about 91 per cent by weight or 94 per cent by volume of Ethyl Alcohol (C 2 H-OH=45.9), and about 9 per cent by weight or 6 per cent by volume of water. Its specific gravity at 60 F. (15.6 C.) is 820. Strong alcohol should be kept in well-stoppered bottles, and in a cool place, and, on account of its inflammable nature, remote from fire. It may be diluted to any degree with water. Strong alcohol is used principally in the preparation of tinctures. When the term Alcohol is used in the text of Part II., it is under- stood to refer to strong alcohol. Officinal Alcohol, or Dispensing Alcohol (Alcohol officinale) contains 83 per cent by weight, or 88 per cent by volume, of Ethyl Alcohol (C 2 H 5 OH=45.9), and 17 per cent by weight, or 14 per cent by volume, of water. Its specific gravity at 60 F. (15.6 C.) is 840. This strength of alcohol may be made by adding i part by vol- ume of distilled water to 11.75 parts by volume of strong alcohol, or i part by weight of distilled water to 9.64 parts by weight of strong alcohol. Dispensing alcohol is used for making most of the dilutions from tinctures, as this degree of strength is more readily absorbed by both cane- and milk-sugar, and is consequently better suited for medicating purposes. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. Tests of Alcohol. Unless it corresponds to the following tests it is not suited to our purposes. It should be colorless, transparent and volatile, without residue at low temperature, and of agreeably pungent fragrance. It burns with a blue flame, and a few drops rubbed in the hand should disappear without leaving odor or stain. If a quantity of strong alcohol is evaporated to one-fifth its volume, and the same volume of pure sulfuric acid is added, the mixture should remain colorless, as a proof of the absence of fusel-oil and other impurities. Mixed with pure water in any proportion, it should remain clear. No weighable residue nor perceptible color should remain after evapora- tion of an ounce of alcohol in a clear glass vessel. When one volume of alcohol is mixed with half its volume of test solution of Potassium hydrate, the liquid should not at once become dark colored ; the non- appearance of this dark color will prove the absence of aldehyde, methyl alcohol, or oak tannin. When mixed with silver nitrate, and exposed to sunlight for twenty-four hours, there should be no pre- cipitate. The usual recommendation of re-distillation by the phar- macist is not practicable, as this process requires a more costly, com- plicated and perfect apparatus than would be likely to be in the outfit of any but a distiller, of whom a better article should be obtained. Distilled Water (Aqua distillatd). Much stress is laid in some phar- macopeias on the source from which water is taken. While it is good practice to take it from any source, pond or river, as free as possible from mineral and organic admixtures, for which it should be tested, pure water is to be obtained only by distillation All authori- ties agree that a copper still and worm with pure tin lining is the best so far as known, provided also that such a still has not been used for any other purpose. The process of distillation should be con- ducted at a gentle heat, and with the still but half filled with water ; the first five or six per cent should be rejected, and also the last 15 or 25 per cent. It is well to receive it from the still at once into the glass-stoppered bottles in which it is to be kept. It is said that her- metically sealed, it will remain pure for years, but it is best to prepare only a limited supply at a time, because inorganic dust and microbes will enter, and the latter will rapidly multiply, causing a scum or a mucous-like sediment. 3O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Tests of Distilled Water. This should be colorless, odorless and tasteless, leaving no residue when evaporated on a glass plate. It should be perfectly indifferent to litmus paper, and no precipitate should be found on the addition of barium chlorid, silver nitrate, am- monium oxalate, sulfuric acid or lime water, which, in the presence of carbonic oxid, will cause a white precipitate. Milk-Sugar (Sacckarum lactis or lactose). Chemical formula, C 12 H 22 O 11 H 2 O. Molecular weight, 359. 16. As its production, like that of alcohol, is not generally required of the pharmacist, a descrip- tion of the process is omitted, but the tests for its purity should be carefully observed. It is one of the constituents of milk, and is present in small quantities in vegetable substances, where it is detected by their undergoing lactic acid fermentation. Milk-sugar occurs in four-sided rhombic prisms which are odorless, of pure white color, of faintly sweet taste, gritty, and soluble in one part of boiling water and in about six parts of water at 60 F., and insoluble in alcohol, chloroform and ether. Tests of Milk-Sugar. Its perfect whiteness indicates freedom from fat. It should be non-hygroscopic, odorless and of its natural, faintly sweet taste. When pure, it should dissolve in hot water without cloudiness, and be neutral to litmus paper. Half an ounce of a hot saturated solution of milk-sugar added to an equal quantity of sodium hydrate to saturation, and gently warmed, will turn yellow and brownish-red, yielding a brick-red precipitate on the addition of a few drops of a saturated solution of copper sulfate. When suspected of impurity, the ordinary commercial milk-sugar should be purified by re-crystallization from its solution in distilled water, or by precipitation by use of strong alcohol from a filtered watery solution. After this, the precipitate is to be washed in dis- tilled water, dried, and preserved in a dry, cool place in carefully closed jars. Like alcohol and water, it is one of three substances so indispen- sable in the preparation of drugs for homoeopathic use. Like water, it has no toxic properties, while the hardness of its crystals renders it peculiarly useful in triturating hard and insoluble substances. It is easily made into tablets or other forms, which in their pores absorb AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 31 medicinal solutions. Its preservative properties are superior to cane- sugar and most other substances, keeping the minutest particles of triturated metals untarnished by oxidization, for an indefinite time. Even readily deflorescent substances, like potassium iodid and others that are easily decomposed, are preserved by trituration with equal parts of milk-sugar, even if kept in paper capsules, for a much longer time than without the milk-sugar. Ether (sEther fortior}. Strong Ether, anesthetic. Ether consists of 96 per cent by weight of ethyl oxid (C 2 H 5 ) 2 O. Its specific gravity at 60 F. is 0.725. It contains beside, about four per cent of alcohol and a small proportion of water. It is a colorless, very volatile and inflammable liquid, the vapor of which, mixed with air, is explosive if in contact with a flame, and hence dangerous. It is soluble in ten times its volume of water, and is miscible in all propor- tions with alcohol. Tests. Ether is of a peculiarly characteristic and persistent odor. Mixed with equal proportion of water, well shaken and allowed to stand, nine-tenths will separate and float on top, undissolved. It is indifferent to blue litmus paper, and leaves no residue on evapora- tion. Ether is best preserved in hermetically closed tin cans in a cool place. It is used only for the solution of a few substances which will not dissolve in alcohol. Glycerin (Glycerinum, Glycerol) is obtained by the decomposition of animal fats and fixed oils. Its chemical formula is C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 . It is a clear, syrupy fluid, containing a small percentage of water. It is intensely sweet to the taste, very soluble in water and in alcohol, but insoluble in ether and chloroform. Its specific gravity at 60 F. is 1.25. Tests. In watery solution it is neutral to litmus paper. If mixed with water it slowly evaporates with the water at its usual boiling point ; but when heated by itself to a higher temperature, it emits acrid vapors. Mixed with six times its volume of distilled water, it should show no precipitate nor cloudiness when treated with hydrogen sulfid, barium chlorid, calcium chlorid, ammonium chlorid or strong alcohol. 32 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE DRUGS AND MEDICINAL SUBSTANCES. A brief definition of the subjects, according to the tenets of homoeopathy, may assist the pharmacist in his important calling, and is here subjoined: Drugs are to be defined as substances which have the power of disturbing the health of the living organism. Each drug is capable of exerting this power in a manner peculiar to itself, and therein differs and may be distinguished from other drugs in their tests (provings) upon the normal organism. The toxic or pathogenic property or power of drugs under certain conditions known to the physician, becomes a curative agent in disease. Hence, substances which are primarily toxic or pathogenic, are secondarily medicines when prescribed in disease, and prepared for that purpose by the pharmacist. Derivation of Drugs. The mass of drugs, that is, the Materia Medica, is derived from, and already represents, all great natural divisions, such as animals, plants, minerals, and also many artificial products of chemistry. In the early days of homoeopathy, physicians, unable to obtain their materials in any other way, were obliged to collect and prepare their own medicines. But the increase in numbers of homoeopathic physicians and their growing duties soon compelled them to intrust the preparation of medicines to pharmacists trained in the special methods of the homoeopathic school. Homoeopathic pharmacy, there- fore, naturally fell into the hands of firms who obtain and prepare their material in large quantities. But it is still as desirable as ever that physicians should know how to prepare their own medicines and to collect their material for that purpose, according to the following general rules. Of the thirty-two or more animal substances, only a few are in common use. Plants used as homoeopathic medicines are much more numerous. Next to them in frequency of use come the chemical preparations, metals and minerals. The details of obtaining and preparing them will be stated under the head of each in Part II. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 33 Animal Substances should be obtained from perfect and healthy specimens, and prepared in their pure and unadulterated state, unmixed with any other substance. They should be protected against light, air and moisture, if they are to be preserved before being made into tinctures or triturations. Whole Plants. These are to be collected in the flowering season during sunny weather. They should be carefully cleaned by shaking, gentle rubbing or brushing, without the contact of much water ; or, still better, only clean specimens are to be selected. Leaves and Herbs (Folia, Herbce) are to be collected when fully developed, shortly before the flowering season. Flowers (Flares} are most advantageously collected when just about to open, and in dry weather. Stems (Stipites) are cut after the development of the leaves, and treated like these. Barks (Cortices) of resinous trees are collected at or about the time of development of leaves and blossoms. Non-resinous barks are collected late in the autumn from young, vigorous trees. Woods (Lignd) are gathered early in the spring before the sap rises, also from vigorous young trees and tree-like shrubs. Roots (Radices). Those of annuals, as they die after the ripening of the seeds, are dug early in the fall. Those of biennials, in the spring. Perennial roots are collected in the second and third year, before they develop woody fiber. They should be cleansed without the use of much water, and used as fresh as possible. Roots obtained in the market should be carefully examined for mouldiness, dampness and woody appearance. Fruits, Seeds and Berries (Fructus, Semina, Baccce) are with few exceptions gathered when ripe. If succulent, they should be used for tinctures, etc., at once, while fresh and perfect. Only dried seeds and fruits may be kept in well-closed vessels. 34 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE General Treatment of Fresh Succulent and Dried Drugs. Freshly gathered whole plants, flowers, and such roots as are to be used in their fresh state, should be made into tinctures (or tritura- tions) as soon as possible. If this can not be done at once, such substances should not be allowed to dry. This is best prevented by keeping them in a refrigerator or other place, the temperature of which is not far above the freezing point (32 F.). They should not be immersed in water, but merely sprinkled, in order not to extract or dilute the natural juice, the proportion of which is to be ascer- tained and considered as a part of the menstruum in making a standard tincture. The treatment of dried substances is different. Odorous sub- stances are to be kept perfectly isolated, in tightly closed boxes or vessels adapted to this purpose, in order that the peculiar odor of such drugs may not be imparted to others. This is too often the case in the premises of the general apothecary, where all wares are impregnated with the mingled odors and dust of various drugs and perfumes. Such a condition of things is absolutely to be prevented in an homoeopathic pharmacy. The precautions made use of should include those against light, heat and moisture. . Preparations from Drugs. General Principles. Starting with crude drugs, the next step is to qualify them for medicinal use. This involves two forms or conditions into which drugs are to be brought, the fluid and the dry form, to be governed by the following directions and principles. All substances soluble in the previously described menstrua or vehicles, are properly to be made into solutions or tinctures and their dilutions, but such moist and soluble substances may also be made into triturations with milk-sugar. But all insoluble or only partially soluble substances should be made into triturations only. Aqueous Solutions are made of substances which are soluble in water but not in alcohol, or of those which, when soluble in alcohol, are subject to chemical change or decomposition. These are to be dissolved in the proportion of -j^, ^fa, or -n^, depending upon the degree of solubility of the substance. Aqueous AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 35 solutions are, as a rule, unstable and will keep but a short time. They should be clear and free from sediment, which if present may consist of crystals, confervae or colonies of microbes. Any cloudi- ness should cause them to be condemned. Solutions of Fluids in Alcohol. These are equivalent to tinctures, and are made of substances which either yield wholly or in part their medicinal properties to alcohol. This applies to liquids like turpentine, oils, etc. These are to be made on the decimal scale, that is, in the proportion of i part by weight of medicinal substance to be added to 10 parts by volume of alcohol, and hence equal to the first decimal dilution, to be marked ix. If not soluble in the proportion of i to 10, they should be made by adding I part by weight of drug to 100 parts by volume of alcohol, and the product marked 2x. Such solutions are also to be made of alcohol of known strength, in order that the same may be employed in making the succeeding dilution, and also that it may dissolve all that is soluble, and prevent decom- position. (See "Dilutions.") If liquid acids or drugs contain water, this should 'also be deducted from that contained in the solvent, and the anhydrous acid or drug taken as the unit of strength. Tinctures or Alcoholic Solutions of Solids or Semi-Solids. These are made from a variety of substances which are wholly or partially soluble in alcohol. Such substances comprise all plants and parts of plants, such as barks, roots, woods, fruits and seeds, resins, gums and balsams. The list should also include minerals and chemi- cals which dissolve more readily in alcohol than in water. Substances such as phosphorus, and also volatile salts, are better prepared as solutions (tinctures) than as triturations, in the making of which they are volatilized and destroyed. Such substances are to be often freshly prepared. As most tinctures are made from plants or their parts, their treat- ment deserves special mention. It is very important that tinctures should be of uniform strength, instead of varying greatly on account of the variability of water contained in the same plant at different seasons and conditions of growth and protection. The variability of 36 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE water in the solvents, especially in alcohol, has also added to the variability of tinctures and of the dilutions made from them, causing great uncertainty in practice. Hence, the following rules were first devised in the "British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia" and retained by us in this work. Fresh succulent plants and other substances containing water should be treated according to the fundamental rule, that the dry crude drug is taken as the starting-point from whence to calculate the strength of the tincture. Hence, the pharmacist is to proceed by first taking a suitable quantity of fresh plant or other substance contain- ing water. He is to weigh the same, and then to dry it by gentle heat of the water-bath until the scales indicate no further loss of weight. Thereupon the difference of weight between the fresh and dried plant substance will clearly indicate the weight of water evapo- rated, for which allowance must be made in the preparation of the menstrua. The dry crude material after evaporation is taken as the unit of strength, the tincture being made to represent I part of this dry crude material in each 10 parts of completed solution. It is, however, to be understood that the fresh green plant is to be used in the preparation of the tincture. Having determined how much of dry substance is contained in a given quantity of the fresh moist material (say, 10 Gm.), this is to be compared with the special tincture formula for this drug (Part II.). If its weight is below that given as the standard in the formula, add enough distilled water to the moist magma to equal the standard weight. If, on the contrary, the weight of the moist drug-substance exceeds the standard of the formula, deduct enough from that intended for the dilution of the solvent alcohol to reduce it to the standard weight. Or, when for practical reasons this cannot be done, resort to the slower method of evaporating, by cautious drying in moderate temperature, enough of the drug-moisture to reduce it to the standard of the formula. In this process, both in the case of deficiency and of excess of water in the drug, it is to be remembered that the tincture finally consists of alcohol and its proportion of water, plus that of the drug-substance dissolved. The preparation of tinctures is then continued according to one of the following processes of maceration or percolation : AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 37 Maceration. This process is preferable in the treatment of large quantities of drug-material needing ample time for the extraction of medicinal properties. Such would be the case with gummy and mucilaginous substances, or those having much viscid juice which would prevent the alcohol from permeating the mass as rapidly as is the case in the process of percolation. If the drug-substance can be finely sliced or reduced to pulp in a glazed mortar, this should be done ; otherwise, it may be used whole or as directed under its special head in Part II. Having ascertained the excess or deficiency of water, strictly according to the rule given in the preceding paragraph, place the material reduced to magma, or in its natural state if unreducible, into a macerating jar or wide-mouthed bottle, and add the prescribed quantity of solvent, making it cover if possible the whole mass. The jar or bottle should be carefully stoppered or sealed to prevent evaporation, placed in a dark room of ordinary temperature, and shaken every day. The time necessary for the extraction and solu- tion of the medicinal substance is variable, and it is safe to allow the process of maceration to continue from two to four weeks, according to the nature of the material. Thereupon decant the clear liquid, and press out the residue through a clean linen cloth or bag. If the drug-substance is viscid or mucilaginous, and not readily acted on by the alcohol, use only one half of the solvent prepared for the purpose. After the maceration, press out the residue, triturate it lightly in a mortar, add twice its bulk of finely powdered green glass, and with the remaining half of the solvent subject the whole to the process of percolation rtext to be described. Then add the clear percolated and filtered liquid to that previously decanted, and preserve the now completed tincture in a well corked bottle in a dark and cool place. The mixing of strong alcohol and water is accom- panied by a contraction of, and consequent loss in volume. On the other hand, the liquefaction of solids is likely to cause an increase in volume. Both instances are to be compensated for according to the formulae referring to each drug in Part II. Percolation. Dry substances are to be reduced to a moderately fine powder in a mortar, and moist substances are to be reduced to pulp, either by means of a mortar or, if large quantities are used, in 38 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE a mincing machine of tin without lead seams or solder, and capable of being cleaned thoroughly. The rule for the determination of water as above described must be carefully observed in the preparation. The medicinal substance should be carefully weighed and a quan- tity of the solvent (menstruum) prepared equalling about ten per cent in excess of the amount required by the formula as given in Part II.; in other words, there is required about ten per cent more of the solvent than would be used provided the tincture was prepared by the process of maceration, as the finished product will in all but a few instances, yield a tincture representing exactly ten per cent of the dry crude drug, and the surplus quantity of menstruum is required to make good the waste in retention in the percolate. If the process is properly conducted, the result will be that the first part of the tincture passing through the drug, will be very nearly, if not fully, saturated with the medicinal substance, and the last portion of the tincture, provided the menstruum be sufficient in quantity to exhaust the drug- substance, will be very nearly, if not entirely free from taste, odor or color other than that of the alcohol contained therein. If the percolator should not be provided with a stop-cock, insert a cork in the lower orifice, having first made a small, longitudinal groove in such a way that, by pressing the cork into the neck of the percolator with more or less force, the flow of the fluid may be regulated or entirely stopped. Insert a plug of absorbent cotton into the neck above the stop-cock or cork, cover this with a layer of coarsely powdered glass, then this with a layer of finely powdered glass half an inch deep, and lastly with a thin layer of coarser glass. The grades of coarseness can be obtained by coarser and finer sieves. Fine white sand may be used instead of glass. Spread the powdered drug or pulp little by little evenly upon the layers of glass, and press the mass down with a broad, flat cork on the end of a glass rod, more firmly if the mass is coarse than if it is fine, and particularly if the menstruum be strongly alcoholic. Next, cover the surface of the mass with a disc of filter paper or a thin layer of finely powdered glass or fine white sand. While holding down the mass by means of the flat cork, pour the solvent upon the contents of the jar until the mass is covered, allowing the fluid to run gently down the glass rod so that the glass or sand may not be displaced. Then cover the percolator to exclude AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 39 dust and prevent evaporation. Close the valve or stop-cock as soon as the fluid begins to drop, and allow it to stand twenty-four hours or longer, according to the nature of the contents. Next allow the fluid to pass through the percolator into the receiver, drop by drop, regu- lating it by means of the stop-cock or cork so as not to allow the flow to exceed 10 to 30 drops in a minute. The menstruum should be cautiously and frequently added so as to maintain a surface above the powder, thereby preventing access of air. Proceed in this manner until the requisite quantity has passed into the receiver. The strong tincture resulting from either the process of maceration or percolation is then to be filtered through white filter paper, or absorbent cotton, directly into glass bottles, the same to be tightly stoppered, and preserved in a dark, cool place, each to be marked with the sign ^, indicating the strongest liquid preparation made directly from the medicinal substance, and also showing the proportion of drug sub- stance which the tincture represents, which proportion, under our rules is common to very nearly all of our tinctures. Any change of taste or odor indicates a deterioration, and as a rule they should remain clear and free from sediment. Changes of temperature will in some cases, however, cause precipitation, which should be removed by filtration. Dilutions or Liquid Attenuations. The homoeopathic axiom calls for the utmost simplicity in prescrib- ing and preparing drugs ; hence, only one medicine is used at a time, that is, it is never mixed with another medicine. It was also early discovered that a very small quantity of medicine would produce effects, provided it was well diluted with menstruum or solvent, by means of which expansion the immense increase in points of contact more than compensates for the minuteness of the quantity. The process of dilution by means of a progressive scale of i part of tincture to 100 parts of vehicle, known as the centesimal scale, was recommended by Hahnemann and adopted by him as the standard. Under this rule, each attenuation contained just y^ part as much of the drug-substance as the preceding attenuation. In order to secure intermediate grades of strength, there has since been intro- duced the method of diluting in the proportion of I in 10, in place of 4O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE I in IOO, thus constituting the decimal scale. The great advantage offered in the use of this scale has led to its almost universal accept- ance and adoption for the preparation of dilutions and triturations, although many still adhere to the use of the centesimal scale in the marking of the strength. This adherence to a dual system has led to great confusion, and we have yet to learn of any satisfactory reason why it should be continued. We have therefore adopted the decimal system as the standard scale of attenuation and notation, under which each successive dilution or trituration contains just j^ as much of the drug-substance as the preceding dilution or trituration. Attenuation or Expansion is accomplished in the process of dilution as well as in that of trituration with milk-sugar, by the interposition of the vehicle between either the molecules of the fluid, or the particles of the solid drug to be attenuated. This interposition is molecular in the case of soluble substances. In dry triturations there occurs only the interposition of milk-sugar between the minutest particles attainable by trituration of hard, insoluble substances. In triturations of moist and soluble substances a molecular saturation of milk-sugar must be assumed to occur. In the decimal scale the original quantity of medicine is divided progressively by ten, so that the first decimal (ix) contains y 1 ^, the second decimal (2x) T ^, the third decimal (3x) -j^nnr f the original substance suspended in, and attenuated or expanded by the diluent, alcohol or other menstruum. As solutions and tinctures according to our rules are to contain one part of drug-substance in ten parts by volume of diluent, each tincture (with some exceptions to be stated) is equal or equivalent in medicinal strength to the first decimal dilution (-fa or ix).* Where certain drugs are insoluble in the proportion of I to 10 and require more solvent, like arsenicum album, phosphorus, sulfur, etc., * It is to be remarked and carefully considered that the principle involved does not relate to the scale but to attenuation by dilution (fluid or dry) in the widest sense. And as physicians experi- menting in this line, are beginning to perceive that the decimal scale affords less opportunity for the loss of curative power than the centesimal, they may quite probably in the future adopt some other scale, such as that of i : i, as offering greater advantages in regard to a. thorough division and distribution of drug matter without lessening in any way the " carrying up " of dilutions to any desired points. See Transactions of American Institute of Homceopathy, 1892, p. 113, " The Scale Employed in Making Dilutions and Triturations." AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 4! their original solutions or tinctures should be prepared in the propor- tion of i to zoo, or i to looo, dependent on the degree of solubility, and the resulting solutions or tinctures are to be regarded as the 2d decimal (2x) or 3d decimal ($x) respectively, as will be found in detail under the proper head in Part II. Divisibility of Soluble Medicinal Substances. Before stating the method of making dilutions, the pharmacist should be reminded that up to a comparatively recent period of the present century, matter was considered infinitely divisible, and hence there was no objection to the infinite dilution or attenuation of medicines. But since more recently the older monadic atomic theory has been developed into molecular science, now forming the basis of physics, chemistry and other branches of science, the infinite divisibility of matter is no longer upheld, and the limits of divisibility, for our purpose at least, are more than approximately placed in the neighborhood and some- what below the I2th centesimal or 24th decimal degree of attenuation of soluble substances. While we are bound to ignore nothing which modern science has revealed, and while we are desirous of keeping abreast of it, it is not incumbent upon us as pharmacists to limit by any arbitrary rule the degree of dilution or trituration which might be desired.* To make Dilutions or Attenuations of Soluble Substances, proceed as follows : Take a new, well-cleaned vial, a tube vial of a capacity of two drachms or more is to be preferred ; measure into it one cubic centi- meter of the tincture to be diluted, and with a file mark on the vial the height of the liquid. Then add nine cubic centimeters of the alcohol, and likewise mark the height of the whole on the vial ; cork it well with a well-washed, flawless cork, and shake it thoroughly until the contents are well mixed and blended. Pour this dilution into another clean, well-corked vial and mark it with the name of the medicine, followed by the sign 2x, indicating the second decimal dilution, the tincture from which it is made, according to the preceding specifica- tions being equal to the first decimal dilution or solution. *For further information see Transactions of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 1878, p. 135, ft seq.; p. 169, et seq. bottom numbers ; 1889, p. 176, et seq.; 1886, p. 147, et seq.\ 1887, p. 47, et seq. Neu' England Medical Gazette, March, 1887, May, June and July, 1880. Medical Current, November, 1890. 42 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE The first vial bearing the marks is now to be used as the measuring- vial for subsequent dilutions or attenuations. These are to be made in the same manner, by pouring one cubic centimeter of the preceding dilution into the measuring-vial up to the lowest mark, and then adding 9 cubic centimeters of alcohol to the highest mark, shaking, turning into another vial, labelling and marking it 3x, and so on as far as desired. Using the same measuring-vial will insure exactitude and save trouble of dropping or re-measuring. Dispensing alcohol is used from the 3x upwards, unless otherwise directed in Part II. The result of the whole process, including that of the making of the tincture, is easily understood by referring to the following synopsis : Belladonna -fa . . . . i volume. Distilled Water 4 " Dispensing Alcohol 5 " Are equal to 10 volumes. Belladonna T ^ or 2x.* If tinctures are not made in accordance with our formula of i-io, if their medicinal strength is known, the volume of diluent required will have to be calculated accordingly. If the tincture is made in pro- portion of i-ioo, add 9 volumes of solvent to I of the tincture, and mark the dilution 3x. If the tincture is in proportion of i-iooo, the first dilution made as above is to be marked 4x, etc. * Dilutions made according to the centesimal scale as originally introduced by Hahnemann, and as followed in most pharmacopeias, differ from those made on the decimal scale in being prepared in proportion of i part to 99 parts of diluent. In all other respects the process is exactly as above de- scribed ; it is progressive dilution by 100 instead of by 10. Hence, if it is desirable to make dilutions on the centesimal scale it is only necessary to label, e. g., Belladonna 2X or ic (or Too) which it represents. One drop of this diluted with 99 drops of alcohol will then be the 2C, or 2d centesimal dilution, and so on ad libitum. The following table will illustrate the comparative medicinal strength of dilutions made according to both scales : Centesimal. Decimal. Drug to Alcohol. IX -10 1C 2X -100 3x -looo 2C 4X -10,000 jx -100,000 jc ox -i ,000,000 The numbers in the right-hand column indicating the degree of progressive dilution on the decimal and centesimal scales, are logarithms of -fa and joTf respectively. In illustration of what has been said concerning the loss of intermediate dilution and the possible loss of curative opportunities or "chances," it will be observed that the several decimal numbers i, 3, 5 of the middle column are absent in the centesimal scale, having been skipped by too rapid progres- sion, which is not the case in the decimal scale. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 43 Triturations. These consist of any medicinal substance ground as finely as possi- ble with milk-sugar, which by virtue of its hard and gritty nature is admirably adapted to the fine sub-division of the drug-matter ground with it. Triturations are analagous to dilutions on account of the inter- position of another neutral substance between the dry particles whose combined surface is greatly increased by their reduction to extreme fineness ; this, however, is not to be confounded with molecular fineness, which cannot be reached by mortar grinding. This sub-division enables a minute fraction of a grain to exert more toxic and curative influence respectively than a larger uncomminuted portion could do. Therefore, triturations of substances insoluble in water or alcohol, should not be used for dilutions. But as triturations may be made of soluble substances derived from vegetable, animal and chemical products, these may, if desired, be used for dilutions, though it is preferable to adhere to the rule before given, to make solutions of soluble substances, and to reserve insoluble substances for tritu- rations.* To make Triturations. The method of Hahnemann is still adhered to with the exception of using I part of the drug to 9 parts t instead of 99 parts of milk-sugar. And instead of adhering to the one-hour rule, the time to be allotted to triturations is determined by the nature of the substance triturated and by the fineness to which it is possible to reduce it. If an insoluble substance, this can best be determined by the microscopic test, as will be shown, t The limit of divisibility has been made the subject of careful research, which disclosed the fact that this limit, far from being indefinite or infinite, had distinctly discernable limits which it was impossible to transcend. By the mechanical method as used by us, all hard, practically insoluble substances are reduced in part to a degree of fineness in which each minutest particle, measuring WoTT to T~oVo of a millimeter cannot be reduced any further by any method so far devised. Another considerable part of the substance, e. -., charcoal, leaf gold or copper, does not reach this degree of fineness, and is present in large fragments in the most carefully made triturations. The minutest particles attainable by mortar trituration are equal in size to those obtained by precipitation, and, like these, they are not further reducible by trituration. (See Transactions American Institute, loc. cit.) These remarks have reference to the long established customs of attempting to make dilutions from the 3d centesimal or 6th decimal trituration, as this does not produce perfect solubility of ordinarily insoluble substances, in the sense hitherto erroneously accepted. t As proposed by Dr. E. Stapf, at Dr. Constantine Hering's suggestion. " Archiv." Vol. XVII., i. t Hahnemann's original method was as follows : Take 100 grains of fine milk-sugar and divide it into three equal parts. Then add one grain of the drug to one of the three parts of milk-sugar in a 44 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Mortar and pestle should be as clean as it is possible to make them by steam or by washing them with water and rinsing with alcohol, and then drying by moderate heat, avoiding exposure to dust.* In making triturations by hand, physicians will do well to make them in limited quantities. But as these triturations are now made in large quantities to supply the extensive demand, apparatus and machinery of considerable power are required. Separate mortars are to be provided, especially for non-volatile or insoluble substances like copper, lead and other metals, charcoal, lime, sulfur, etc. The mortar should not be made to grind more than one-tenth of what it will contain, otherwise the trituration will be imperfect. First Trituration. The above details being arranged, add I part by weight of the drug to 9 parts by weight of finely powdered milk- sugar and triturate until the largest drug particles do not exceed T i of an inch in diameter. This rule is inapplicable to moist and soluble substances, and relates chiefly to those which are hard and practically insoluble, such as metals and minerals. It will be found difficult to reach the desired comminution under a time limit, and therefore the old one-hour rule is not to be depended on, some substances being mortar, mix well with a spatula, and then grind for six minutes with a moderate degree of force. The trituration is then to be scraped together during four minutes. Another third of milk-sugar is then added and treated exactly like the first third ; and finally the last third is added and proceeded with in the same manner. This results in the YOU" or ic trituration. The second centesimal, Y, dil., trit., or, in case of either of the latter, to the number of the dilution or trituration the sign x or c (decimal or centesimal scale) as an exponent ; e. g., 3x, 6x, 3c, etc. 3. If the medicated moulded form is desired, this is also to be plainly stated in words ; e. g., tablets, pellets, cones, etc. Such medi- cated powder or moulded preparation is best expressed in plain words, or, if preferred, the number with its exponent may be marked with line as explained under Tincture Triturations ; e. g., ^ indicating a medicated preparation of milk-sugar. 4. The quantity should also be stated explicitly in the usual signs of metric or apothecaries' weight, or in words. 5. The dose and its frequency of repetition is plainly to be written under the head of Signa or Directions. Abbreviations. While these facilitate the writing of prescriptions they do not add to their intelligibility, and hence should only be used in strict obedience to rules of abbreviation. Legibility is absolutely necessary in the writing of prescriptions, to avoid errors and waste of time. It is also desirable that physicians of different countries should write prescriptions in Latin, with which all pharmacists are sufficiently acquainted. Active Poisons. The maximum dose of very active drugs has been stated in Part II. under each substance, requiring special caution on the part of physician and pharmacist. PART II. SPECIAL PHARMACEUTICS. ABIES CANADENSIS. Hemlock Spruce. Natural Order. Coniferae. Synonyms. Latin, Pinus canadensis ; English, Hemlock spruce. Description. An evergreen tree attaining a height of from 70 to 80 feet, with a trunk 2 to 3 feet in diameter, straight, with rough bark ; branches are slender, nearly horizontal and brittle ; the twigs pubes- cent ; the leaves are flat, i to 2 inches in length, green shining above, whitish beneath and downy when young. The cones are small, ovoid, terminal, persistent ; the scales are round and entire. Habitat. Native of North America, hilly woods, Canada to North Carolina. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 264; Millspaugh, 164. History. It was known as an article of pharmacy as early as 1759. It is the source of Canada pitch or balsam (sometimes erroneously called Balm of Gilead), also of an oil of spruce ; the inner bark is used in tanning. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. H. P. Gatchell, Med. Inv. x. 54. (1873.) [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. i.] Parts Used. The fresh bark and buds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Abies canadensis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 792 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 52 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE ABIES NIGRA. Black Spruce. Natural Order. Coniferse. Synonyms. Latin, Resina Abietis nigrae, Pinus nigra; English, Black or double spruce. Description. An evergreen tree, from 60 to 80 feet high, with dark green leaves and ovate cones, I to i inches long, with thin and wavy edged scales. When an incision is made in the tree a gum oozes freely, almost white or colorless as it exudes, afterward turning of a pinkish and finally a brown color. Habitat Swamps and cold mountain woods, New England States to Wisconsin and northward, southward along mountains. History. From the twigs a decoction is made and used in the pre- paration of a beverage known as spruce beer. [Seaman, O. M. & S. Rep. I. 65 (1867); Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 2.] Part Used. The resin. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < .- Drug strength -fa. Abies nigra gum, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : 2x and higher. ABSINTHIUM. Common Wormwood. Natural Order. Composite. Synonyms. Latin, Absinthium vulgare, A. majus, A. rusticans, Artemesia absinthium; English, Absinth, Wormwood; French, Absinthe, Armoise amere ; German, Wermuth. Description. A deciduous, perennial, herbaceous plant, 3 to 4 feet high, with several roundish, furrowed stems ; lower leaves 6 to 8 inches, upper I to 3 inches long, both petiolate and sessile, pinnatifid. Yellow, hemispherical flowers, in paniculated racemes, appear in July and August. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 53 Habitat. Originally from Greece, indigenous to Northern Africa, north of Asia, the greater part of Europe, naturalized in the United States ; found mostly in mountainous regions, by roadsides, in sunny places. Fig., Jahr& Cat. 153; Bent, and Trim. 155; Millspaugh, 88. History. Introduced into homoeopathic materia medica by Dr. Gatchell. The toxicological symptoms from the effects of an extract prepared from various species of Artemesia are described in Allen's Encyclopaedia, I. 2. Parts Used. The whole fresh plant, gathered when in flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y^. Absinthium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 700 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ACALYPHA INDICA. Indian Acalypha. Natural Order. Euphorbiacese. Synonyms. Latin, Acalypha canescans, A. ciliata, A. spicata; English, Indian Nettle; Vernacular, Cupameni, Koopameni, Shwet- busunta, Moorkanda. Description. An annual herb, 2 feet high; stem round, smooth, branched ; leaves ovate, acuminate, serrate ; green flowers, axillary spikes, sterile above, fertile below. Flowers July to September. Habitat. Common in gardens in India, found on dung-hills; said by Dr. Henry Thomas to have been "first discovered in Vera Cruz, where it inhabits marshy places." 54 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Name derived from the Greek, signifying nettle. A common remedy in India, it was introduced into homoeopathic materia medica by Dr. Tonnere (1856), Horn. Month. Rev., London, I. 256. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 3.] Parts Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincttire : Drug strength, ^. Acalypha indica, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AODUM ACETICUM. Acetic Acid Acid, Acetic. Chemical Symbol. HC 2 H 3 O 2 ; 59.86. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum aceticum glaciale; Aceti acidum; English, Glacial acetic acid; French, Acide ac&ique; German, Essigsaure. Description. The glacial, or full strength Acetic Acid is a clear, limpid liquid, having a strong odor of vinegar and a sharp, acid taste. It crystalizes below 17 C. in flat, colorless, rhombic crystals. In closed vessels it can be kept in the liquid state at a temperature of 12 C., but agitation or the addition of a crystal of glacial acid causes it to solidify. It is soluble in all proportions in alcohol or water. When heated, it is vaporized, leaving no residue ; its vapor burns with a blue flame. It decomposes calcium carbonate only in the presence of water. It com- bines with metals forming acetates which are all soluble in water, the least soluble being argentic and mercuric acetates. Its specific gravity is about 1.058 at ordinary temperature, and its boiling point is 1 17.3 C. It is prepared by the distillation of dry acetates with sulfuric acid or acid potassium sulfate. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 55 PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength -fa. Acid, Acetic (glacial), 100 Gm. Distilled water, 900 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with distilled water; to be freshly made, for immediate use only. c. Triturations : 2x and higher. ACIDUM BENZOICUM. Benzole Acid. Acid, Benzoic. Chemical Symbol. HC 7 H 5 O 2 ; 121.71. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum benzoicum sublimatum, Flores ben- zoes ; English, Flowers of Benzoin ; French, Acide benzoique ; German, Benzoesaure. Description. White, shining, permanent, crystalline plates, odorless when pure, but generally having a faint aromatic smell and a somewhat acid taste. Soluole in 500 parts of water and in 2 parts of alcohol at 15 C. Benzoic acid, by the action of heat, melts at 121.4 C. (250.5 F.) Its specific gravity is 1.29. Its solutions are of acid reaction. Heated with calcium hydrate, benzol is produced. In natural solution of ferric chlorid it produces a flesh-colored precipitate of ferric benzoate. By the action of fuming nitric acid, substitution compounds are obtained. Deodorized by nascent hydrogen, benzoic acid gives benzaldehyd, benzyl alcohol and hydro-benzoic acid. It is generally extracted from gum benzoin, but is also contained in Tolu and Peru balsams and several other resinous exudations. The commercial product is now made synthetically from Toluol. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Acid, Benzoic, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations: ix and higher. 56 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE ACIDUM BORACICUM. Boric Acid. Acid, Boracic. Chemical Symbol. H 3 BO 3 ; 61.78. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum boricum; French, Acide borique; German, Borsaure. Description. White, transparent, shining scales having a pearly lustre, unctuous to the touch, inodorous and of an acid and astringent taste. When heated it melts, disengaging aqueous vapors which carry with them some of the acid. Between 80 C. and 100 C. it is converted into metaboracic acid, HBO 2 ; between 140 C. and 160 C. into pyro- boracic acid, H 2 B 4 O 7 , and at a red heat it loses all its water and is converted into anhydrid, B 2 O 3 . It is soluble in 25.6 parts of water; in 15 parts of alcohol at 15 C. and in 3 parts of boiling water. Its specific gravity is 1.43. Its aqueous solution, which is faintly acid, colors turmeric paper brown. It gives a green coloration to the Bunsen flame or alcohol flame. It readily forms ethers with alcohol. Heated with glycerin, a soluble, neutral ether is formed, called boro- glycerid, used as an antiseptic. It is found in volcanic 1 territories and in some mineral waters. It is also prepared by the decomposition of native borates with sulfuric acid. PREPARATION. Trituration: ix and higher. ACIDUM CARBOLICUM. Carbolic Acid. Acid, Carbolic. Chemical Symbol. C 6 H 5 OH; 93.78. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum Phenicum, Phenylicum crystallisatum ; English, Phenol, Phenic acid, Phenic alcohol, Phenylic acid, Phenylic hydrate ; French, Acide ph^nique ; German, Carbolsaure. Description. Colorless, crystalline needles having a specific odor and an acrid, burning taste. Very soluble in alcohol. According to the U. S. P., carbolic acid is soluble at 15 C. in about 15 parts of water, the solubility varying according to the degree of hydration of the acid. According to Alfred H. Allen, an accepted authority [Commercial AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 57 Organic Analysis, Vol. II., page 537], "Liquid hydrous carbolic acid dissolves in about ii.i times its measure of cold water. This corre- sponds to a solubility of I part by weight in 10.7 for the absolute acid, the saturated solution containing 8.56 per cent of real phenol." It is deliquescent, and liquefies on exposure to moist air. On contact with the skin or with mucous surfaces it produces white patches. It coagu- lates albuminoids, and is a powerful antiseptic. It fuses at 37.5 C. and boils at 181.5 C. ; its specific gravity is 1.06. Its aqueous solution is neutral. It is soluble in its volume of glycerin, and is not separated from this solution on the addition of water. It slowly decomposes a boiling solution of potassium carbonate, forming potassium phenolate. Even dilute solutions of carbolic acid give with diluted ferric chlorid a violet-blue color. Fused with potassium hydrate, it yields oxybenzoic and salicylic acids. Concentrated sulfuric acid converts it into phenol sulfonic acid ; with nitric acid several products of substitution are obtained, among them picric acid. Carbolic acid is obtained from coal tar. A poison : Maximum dose 2 grains highly diluted with water. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : -fa in strong alcohol. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. ACIDUM CHROMICUM. Chromic Acid. Acid, Chromic. Chemical Symbol. CrO 3 ; 99.88. Synonyms. English, Chromic anhydrid, Chromium trioxid, Anhydrous chromic acid ; French, Acide chromique ; German, Chrom- saure. Description. Red, rhombic prisms, or needle-shaped crystals, odor- less, deliquescent, having an acid and metallic taste. Very soluble in water, forming an acid, orange-red solution. In contact with strong alcohol, glycerin, ether, phenol, or other organic solvents, chromic acid acts so violently that the reaction may be accompanied by a dangerous explosion. Dissolved in dilute alcohol it is gradually deodorized and the alcohol converted into aldehyd and acetic acid. 58 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE At a temperature of 250 C. it gives off oxygen, leaving a residue of dark-green chromic acid. Its salts are generally of a yellow or yellow- red color. Its aqueous solution gives with lead salts a yellow precipi- tate of lead chromate ; with argentic salts a red-brown precipitate of argentic chromate. These chromates are insoluble in water, but soluble in nitric acid. Chromic acid is obtained from the decomposi- tion of chromates with sulfuric acid. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution <. -fa in distilled water. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with distilled water ; to be freshly made, for immediate use only. AODUM CITRICUM. Citric Acid. Acid, Citric. Chemical Symbol. H 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 -HH 2 O; 209.50. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum Citri s. limonum ; English, Citric acid ; French, Acide citrique ; German, Citronensaure. Description. Colorless, translucent, odorless, rhombic prisms, having a pleasant acidulous taste ; efflorescent in dry and deliquescent in moist air. Soluble at 15 C. in 0.63 part of water, and in 1.61 parts of alcohol. At a temperature of 75 C. its water of crystallization is expelled, and at 1.35 C. another molecule is given off, leaving aconitic acid. On further heating, it is broken up into carbon dioxid, acetone, itaconic and citraconic acids. When slowly ignited it is gradually decomposed without emitting the odor of burnt sugar, as does tartaric acid. The residue is very small. A weak aqueous solution is decom- posed spontaneously after a short time. Citric acid is obtained from lemon juice. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture < .- -fa in strong alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 2x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 59 ACIDUM FORMICUM. Formic Acid. Acid, Formic. Chemical Symbol. HCHO 2 ; 45.89. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum formicicum; English, Formic acid; French, Acide formique ; German, Ameisensaiire. Description. A colorless liquid, having a pungent acid odor and a burning taste; it crystallizes at o C. and boils at 100 C. ; soluble in all proportions in water, alcohol or glycerin. Its specific gravity is 1.23. Applied to the skin, it produces a burning sensation, and even blisters. The vapor is inflammable and burns with a blue flame. By the action of heat, it is entirely vaporized. It is decomposed into water and carbon monoxid by the action of mineral acids. Oxidizing reagents convert it into water and carbon dioxid, while potassium and sodium oxids decompose it, with formation of a carbonate and libera- tion of hydrogen. When heated with solutions of the salts of mercury, silver or gold, these are reduced to the metallic state. It is contained in the acid secretion of the red ants, in the stinging hair of caterpillars, in various animal secretions and in stinging nettles, and is obtained by the oxidation of sugar, starch, gum and organic substances in general. The best mode of preparation consists, however, in heating oxalic acid with glycerin. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution ; ^ in distilled water. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol c. Medications: 3x and higher. ACIDUM GALLICUM. Gallic Acid. Acid, Gallic. Chemical Symbol. HC 7 H 5 O 5 +H 2 O ; 187.55. Synonyms. English, Trioxybenzoic acid, Dioxysalicylic acid; French, Acide gallique; German, Gallussaiire. 6O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. Fine white or pale yellow, shining needles, odorless, with a faintly acid and astringent taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 100 parts of water and in 5 parts of alcohol ; also soluble in 1 2 parts of glycerin. At a temperature of 100 C. Gallic acid loses its water of crystallization and at about 240 C. it melts, yields carbon dioxid and a sublimate of pyrogallol, without residue. Its aqueous solution gives a brown color with alkalies, a dark blue color with persalts of iron, and it reduces to the metallic states salts of silver and of gold. It does not precipitate gelatine. It is obtained from nut-galls. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Tinctrire : y 1 ^ in strong alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 2x and higher. AODUM HYDROCYANICUM. Hydrocyanic Acid. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Chemical Symbol. HCN; 26.98. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum hydrocyanatum ; English, Prussic acid, Cyanhydric acid; French, Acide hydrocyanique ; German, Cyanwasserstoffsaiire. Description. A colorless and transparent liquid, having a specific and marked odor resembling bitter almonds ; in taste, at first cooling, then irritating and burning. It mixes readily with alcohol, water and ether in all proportions ; is inflammable and volatile ; boils at 27, and congeals at 1 5 C. It is a rapid and powerful poison, rarely admitting of treatment to counteract its effects, and should, therefore, be tasted, even in dilution, with the utmost caution. The strongest solution obtainable in the general trade is aqueous, and contains 2 per cent of the acid. This reddens litmus paper transiently, or if permanently, because of some acid impurity. It readily decomposes, and should be kept in small, amber-colored, cork-stoppered vials, in a dark, cool place. An active poison. Maximum dose of 2 per cent solution, zom. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 6l PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength -j-^. Acid, Hydrocyanic, in 2 per cent solution, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 500 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. All preparations of this acid should be freshly made. ACIDUM HYDROFLUORICUM. Hydrofluoric Acid. Acid, Fluoric. Chemical Symbol. HF1; 20. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum fluoricum, Acidum fluorhydricum ; English, Fluoric acid, Hydrogen fluorid; French, Acide fluorhy- drique; German: Fluorwasserstoff satire. Description. A colorless, very mobile liquid emitting fumes in the air, having a pungent, suffocating odor and a very acid, acrid taste. In contact with the skin or the mucous surfaces, it produces painful burns, inflammation and sores, which take long to heal. It solidifies at 102.5 C. and liquefies again at 92.3 C. Its aqueous solution when saturated contains 36 per cent of pure acid, is colorless and corrosive, gives off fumes in the air, and must be kept in platinum, lead, gutta percha or paraffin vessels. It dissolves in all proportions in water and is entirely volatilized by heat. With solutions of calcium and barium salts, it gives white precipitates. It does not precipitate argentic salts, as the fluorid of that metal is soluble in water. It is obtained by heating calcium fluorid and sulfuric acid. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength ^. Acid, Fluoric, sp. gr. 1.15, 278 Gm. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with distilled water. All preparations of this acid should be kept in bottles made of gutta percha or in glass bottles, the interiors of which are coated with paraffin or petrolatum. 62 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE ACIDUM LACTICU1VL Lactic Acid. Acid, Lactic. Chemical Symbol HC 3 H 5 O 3 ; 89.79. Synonyms. English, Isolactic, Ethyledene-lactic, or Oxypro- pionic acid ; French, Acid lactique ; German, Milchsaiire. Description. A colorless, syrupy liquid, having a faint, not disa- greeable odor, and a very acid taste. The specific gravity of the pure acid is 1.213. It is soluble in all proportions in water and in alcohol. At a temperature of 145 C. it is converted into dilactic acid, and at about 150 C. it gives lactid anhydrid in volatile, fusible, rhombic plates ; at a higher temperature it gives off inflammable vapors. When slowly ignited, it is entirely volatilized. It coagulates milk and albumen, and decomposes carbonates and acetates. By the action of nitric acid it yields oxalic acid, and with chromic acid, formic and acetic acid are produced. Its aqueous solutions do not precipitate argentic or barium salts. It exists in nature widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom ; it is a product of fermentation, and is obtained by the fermentation of casein. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength ^V- Acid, Lactic, sp. gr. 1.213, strength 75 per cent, 133 Gm. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 2x with dilute alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispens- ing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ACIDUM MURIATICUM. Hydrochloric Acid. Acid, Muriatic. Chemical Symbol. HC1 ; 36.37. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum hydrochloricum, Acidum hydrochlora- tum, Acidum chlorhydricum ; English, Hydrogen chlorid, Hydrochloric acid, Chlorhydric acid; French, Acide chlorhydrique s. muriatique; German, Chlorwasserstoffsaiire. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 63 Description. In the gaseous state, it is colorless, has a pungent, suffocating odor, a very acid taste, and gives off abundant fumes in the air. It is condensed to a colorless liquid at a low temperature. It is freely soluble in water, and the saturated solution contains 43 per cent of gas. This aqueous solution is a colorless liquid, fuming in air, of a suffocating odor and very acid taste. It is soluble in water or alcohol in all proportions. By the action of heat, it is entirely vaporized without decomposition. With argentic salts it gives a curdy, white precipitate of argentic chlorid, soluble in ammonium hydrate, insoluble in nitric acid. It is obtained by the decomposition of sodium chlorid with sulfuric acid. Acidum Hydrochloricum of the U. S. P. contains 31.9 per cent by weight of absolute hydrochloric acid and 68.1 per cent of water; specific gravity 1.163 at 1 S C. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength ^. Acid, Muriatic, sp. gr. 1.163, 3 12 Gm. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with distilled water; to be freshly made, for immediate use only. All preparations of this acid should be kept in glass-stoppered vials. ACIDUM NITRICUM. Nitric Acid. Acid, Nitric. Chemical Symbol. HNO 3 ; 62.89. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum nitri, Spiritus nitri acidus, Aqua fortis; English, Hydrogen Nitrate; French, Acide azotique s. nitrique; German, Salpetersaiire. Description. A colorless liquid with a pungent odor and a very acid taste. Brought in contact with the skin, it produces yellow spots. It is soluble in all proportions in water and dilute alcohol. With strong alcohol a violent reaction takes place, substitution products being obtained. Exposed to light or heated near its boiling point, it turns a reddish-yellow, owing to the formation of nitrogen oxids. Its specific 64 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE gravity is 1.414 and boiling point 36 C. Exposed to heat it is entirely volatilized with decomposition. It is a powerful oxidizing agent, con- verting most metals into oxids or nitrates. It decomposes almost all organic substances. All the nitrates are soluble in water. It gives a brown coloration with ferrous sulfate dissolved in sulfuric acid, and a red coloration with brucin. It is prepared by decomposition of sodium nitrate with sulfuric acid. Acidum Nitricum of the U. S. P. contains 68 per cent by weight of absolute nitric acid and 32 per cent of water; specific gravity 1.414 at 15 C. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength $. Acid, Nitric, sp. gr. 1.414, 147 Gm. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with distilled water; to be freshly made, for immediate use only. All preparations of this acid should be kept in glass-stoppered vials. ACIDUM NITRO-MURIATICUM. Nitro-hydrochloric Acid. Acid, Nitro-Muriatic. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum nitro-hydrochloricum, Acidum chloro- nitrosum, Aqua regia ; French, Acide chloro-azotique s. chloro-nitreux ; German, Salpetersalzsaure. Description. A liquid of a deep yellow color, an odor of chlorin and a very acid taste. It is soluble in all proportions in water, but should not be brought into contact with alcohol. It is entirely volatilized by heat, and cannot be kept for a long time. It dissolves gold and platinum, transforms metals into chlorids, and liberates iodin and bromin from their combinations. It is prepared by mixing nitric and hydrochloric acids in the following-named proportions : Nitric Add, 180 Cc. Hydrochloric Acid, 820 Cc. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 65 PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength -j^. Acid, Nitro-muriatic, 279 Cc. Distilled water, a sufficient qtiantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with distilled water; to be freshly made, for immediate use only. All preparations of this acid should be kept in ground-stoppered vials, and in a cool dark place. ACIDUM OXALICUM. Oxalic Acid. Acid, Oxalic. Chemical Symbol. H 2 C 2 O 4 (H 2 O) 2 ; 125.7. Synonyms. English, Hydrogen oxalate; French, Acide oxalique s. carboneux; German, Oxalsaiire. Description. Colorless, transparent, rhombic prisms, odorless and having a strong acid taste ; not deliquescent. It is soluble in 1 5 parts of water at 15 C. and in 2.5 parts of alcohol. At 98 C. it fuses, and at 1 60 C. sublimes partly unaltered, being partly decomposed into carbon dioxid and carbon monoxid without residue. When heated with sul- furic acid, the same action takes place, but when dissolved in the acid at a low temperature large crystals of anhydrous oxalic acid are deposited. Heated with glycerin it gives carbon dioxid and formic acid. Solutions of neutral or ammoniacal calcium salts form a white precipitate of calcium oxalate, insoluble in water, soluble in hydrochlo- ric acid and decomposed at a red heat into calcium oxid. It is found in the vegetable kingdom and occurs in rhubarb, curcuma, sorrel, ginger, valerian, quassia, orris, etc. It is obtained by heating sugar, starch, or molasses, with nitric acid. Oxalic acid is an active poison. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture / -fa in strong alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 2x and higher. 66 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM. Phosphoric Acid. Acid, Phosphoric. Chemical Symbol. H 3 PO 4 ; 97.8. Synonyms. English, Orthophosphoric Acid; French, Acide phos- phorique; German, Phosphorsaiire. Description. The anhydrid, P 2 O 5 , consists of snow-white, odorless flakes, attracting moisture with avidity and giving metaphosphoric or glacial acid, HPO 3 , or of phosphoric acid, H 3 PO 4 , which is contained in the bones of animals. A third modification is pyrophosphoric acid, H 4 P 2 O 7 . Meta-phosphoric acid coagulates albumen, and gives a trans- parent, gelatinous precipitate with argentic nitrate. Pyrophosphoric acid does not coagulate albumen, and gives a white precipitate with argentic nitrate. Orthophosphoric acid is without action upon albumen, and gives a yellow precipitate with argentic nitrate. The officinal acid represents 85 per cent of the ortho modification. It is a colorless, odorless liquid having an acid taste; specific gravity 1.710. It is soluble in water and alcohol in all proportions ; when heated it loses water and is transformed at 200 C. into the pyro modification. It is extracted from bones. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength y 1 ^. Acid, Phosphoric, sp. gr. 1.710, strength 85 per cent, 118 Gm. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with distilled water; to be freshly prepared, for immediate use only. ACIDUM PICRICUM. Picric Acid. Acid, Picric. Chemical Symbol. C 6 H 2 (NO 2 ) 3 OH; 228.57. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum carbazoticum ; English, Carbazotic acid, Nitrophenisic acid, Trinitrophenol ; French, Acide picrique; German, Pikrin satire. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. Description. Bright yellow needles or scales, without odor, having an intensely bitter taste; specific gravity 1.777. Soluble in 86 parts of water at 15 C. and readily soluble in alcohol. It melts at 122.5 C. an ^ should not be heated, as it is explosive. When cautiously heated, it sublimes without decomposition. Quickly heated in a test tube it detonates; on a platinum foil it burns with a smoky flame, without residue. Its aqueous solution is acid, producing on the skin and on organic matters a permanent yellow coloration ; it precipitates gelatin. It forms salts which are mostly yellow, crystalline, and very bitter ; they explode by percussion or by the action of heat. The potassium salt is soluble in 260 parts of water at 1 5 C. It is obtained by the action of nitric acid upon organic substances, such as indigo, sugar, starch, salicin, aloes, benzoin, silk, etc. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Solution: y^ in strong alcohol. c. Dilutions: 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 2x and higher. ACIDUM SALICYLICUM. Salicylic Acid. Acid, Salicylic. Chemical Symbol. HC 7 H 5 O 3 ; 137.67. Synonyms. English, Ortho-oxybenzoic Acid; French, Acide sali- cylique; German, Salicylsaiire. Description. Snow-white, small, acicular, shining crystals, without odor and of a sweetish, faintly acid taste. It is soluble in 450 parts of water and in 2.4 parts of alcohol at 15 C. It fuses at 155.5 C., and if carefully heated sublimes without decomposition at 200 C. When rapidly heated to between 220 C. and 230 C. it gives carbon dioxid and phenol. Even very dilute aqueous or alcoholic solutions give a deep blue violet color with ferric chlorid ; this reaction, however, does not take place in the presence of alkalies, alkaline salts or acids. A mixture of salicylic acid and sugar gives a deep red color, changing to black when heated with sulfuric acid ; it is converted into chloranil by 68 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE potassium chlorate. It disengages carbon dioxid from carbonates. It occurs in the free state in the flowers of Spiraea Ulmaria and as methyl- ester in Wintergreen oil. The commercial acid is prepared syntheti- cally from phenol. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture : -^ in strong alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: ix and higher. AODUM SULPHURICUM. Sulfuric Acid Acid, Sulfuric. Chemical Symbol. H 2 SO 4 ; 97.82. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum sulf uricum ; English] Oil of vitriol, Hydrogen sulphate; French, Acide sulfurique ; German, Schwef el satire. Description. A colorless, odorless liquid, markedly caustic and corrosive and having a very sharp and acid taste. It is soluble in all proportions in water, with which it forms several definite compounds. The mixture of the concentrated acid with water is productive of high temperatures, therefore great care should be exercised. Under no conditions should the water be poured into the acid, but rather a fine stream of acid allowed to drip into the stirred water. Sulfuric acid produces ethers with violent activity when mixed with alcohol. It is a heavy liquid, with a specific gravity of 1.84. At a temperature of 35 C. it congeals, and boils at 338 C., producing abundant white fumes without residue when in contact with moist air. Heated to a red heat it is dissociated into sulfur dioxid, oxygen and water. It carbonizes organic matters. With solutions of barium salts, a white precipitate of barium sulfate is obtained insoluble in acids; with solutions of lead salts, a white precipitate of lead sulfate insoluble in water or acids, but soluble in ammonium tartrate. Sulfuric acid is obtained by the oxidation of sulfur or sulfur dioxid in the presence of water. It con- tains 92.5 per cent by weight of absolute acid, and 7.5 per cent of water. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 69 PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength ^. Acid, Sulfuric, sp. gr. 1.835, 108 Gm. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity, To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution, the solution to be measured when cold. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with distilled water; to be freshly made, for immediate use only. All preparations of this acid should be kept in ground-stoppered vials. ACIDUM TANNICUM. Tannic Acid. Acid, Tannic. Chemical Symbol. HC 14 H 9 O 9 ; 321.22. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum gallo-tannicum, Tanninum; English, Tannin, Digallic acid ; French, Acide tannique ; German, Gerbsaiire. Description. An amorphous powder of a yellowish white color, frequently having a greenish tinge, odorless, of a very astringent taste. At 15 C. it is soluble in i part of water or in 0.6 part of alcohol. It dissolves at a moderate heat in i part of glycerin. Ex- posed to heat, it melts, blackens, burns with a bright flame without residue. Carefully heated, at a temperature of 215 C., pyrogallol sublimes, leaving a residue of black metagallic acid, insoluble in water, soluble in alkalies. Its aqueous solution, which has an acid reaction, precipitates albumen and forms with gelatinoids compounds which do not putrefy with ferrous salts ; no action takes place when oxygen is excluded, but with persalts of iron, a deep, blue-black color- ation is obtained. In concentrated solutions, a precipitate of the same color is formed and the persalts are reduced to ferrous salts. With cupric salts it gives a dark blue coloration and a precipitate of the same color in concentrated solutions. In the presence of alkalies and by exposure to air the solutions of tannic acid assume a brown coloration. It unites with all vegetable alkaloids forming whitish precipitates nearly insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and in acetic acid. lodin solutions containing tannic acid do not react upon starch. Tannic acid is obtained from nut-galls. 7O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture : -$ with strong alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 2x and higher. ACIDUM TARTARICUM. Tartaric Acid. Acid, Tartaric. Chemical Symbol. H 2 C 4 H 4 O 6 ; 149.64. Synonyms. English, Dioxysuccinic acid, Dihydroxysuccinic acid; French, Acide tartrique ; German, Weinsaiire. Description. Colorless, transparent, rhombic prisms, odorless and having an acid taste, permanent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 0.8 part of water or in 2.5 parts of alcohol at the same temperature; also soluble in glycerin, but insoluble in chloroform and benzol. Sub- mitted to the action of heat, it fuses at 170 C., at 180 C. it loses water and is converted into the anhydrid ; between 200 and 21 1 C. it is decomposed. At a higher temperature it turns black, emits fumes having the odor of burned sugar, and is entirely decomposed into carbon monoxid and dioxid, hydrocarbons and water. When kept in fusion for some time, water escapes and tartrelic acid is produced. Its aqueous solution has an acid reaction and forms with calcium salts a white precipitate of calcium tartrate nearly insoluble in water, but soluble in ammonium chlorid and in acetic acid. With a concentrated solution of a potassium salt, a precipitate of acid potassium, tartrate is obtained. It is prepared from crude tartrates extracted from the juice of grapes, tamarinds, pineapples and other acidulous fruits. It is a by-product in the manufacture of cream of tartar from argols. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Tincture : ^ in strong alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications : 2x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 71 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Aconite. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Aconitum angustifolium, A. caule-simplex, A. coeruleum, A. dissectum, A. multifidum, A. Stoerckianum, A. tauricum, A. vulgare, Napellum coeruleum ; English, Friar's cap, Helmet flower, Monkshood, Wolfsbane; French, Aconit; German, Eisenhut, Sturmhat. Description. A perennial herb, with a tapering root, descending perpendicularly. The stem is erect, 2 to 6 feet high, round, smooth, green, and slightly hairy above. The leaves are alternate, long-stalked, spreading and palmately cut, the lower more deeply than the upper, into three or five segments, which are again divided. They are dark- green and shiny on the upper surface, paler and slightly hairy on the under. The flowers, which are of 'a dark-violet color, appear from May to July, are stalked and racemose, not numerous nor large. The calyx is wanting, sepals five, the upper helmet-shaped and beaked, nearly hemispherical, the two lateral are roundish and hairy internally, the lower two, oblong-oval. Habitat. It is found in wet, shady places in hilly districts ; grow- ing at high altitudes, throughout the mountainous regions. It grows throughout Siberia, extending to mountainous ranges of the Pacific coast of this country. It has also been introduced as an ornamental flower. It has become naturalized in the west of England and Wales. Fig., Flora Horn. I. i; Jahr. and Cat. 153; Winkler, i ; Goullon, 4; Bent, and Trim. 6. History. The name is said to be derived from Aconis, a city of Bithynia (Asia Minor), where it grew abundantly, and napus a turnip, from the shape of its roots. Its etymology is ascribed to Akone, a whetstone, a-konigos, without dust, as the plant grew on rocks desti- tute of soil; akon, a dart, because darts were poisoned therewith. Aconite was used as a medicine by the ancients and referred to in mythological history, but fell into disrepute until about the middle of the last century, when it was employed by Stoerck and given a place in the Pharmacopeia. Hahnemann published his provings of it in 1805 in his "Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum Positivus." [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 12.] 72 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Parts Used. The whole plant and root gathered at the beginning of flowering. At the time Hahnemann made his provings the many species were not accurately distinguished, and it is not certain which were employed by him. In subsequent provings different species have been used indiscriminately. The root is much stronger than the herb or leaves, and is more uniform in strength. The results of careful and repeated experiments show the root to possess nine times the strength of the leaf. In the provings the symptoms of the herb, root and seed have not been separated, not even those of different species. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Aconitum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 350 Cc. = 450 Strong alcohol, 683 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol. 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ACONITUM E RADICK Aconite Root. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Aconiti radix; English, Aconite root. Description. The root of A. napellus is a tuber, contracted below into a conical root resembling a parsnip, \ to I inch diameter at the crown and 2 to 3 inches in length. From a bud at the side, another tuber is formed at the end of a short branch, during the first summer, bearing a bud at its top, from which grows the stem of the succeeding year. This second root is fully developed in the fall of the first year, when the parent (officinal) becomes shrivelled longitudinally and covered with broken rootlets. This is dark-brown in color, has a thick bark, breaks with short fracture, showing white or gray inner substance, sometimes hollow in the center. A transverse section of the root shows a white central star-shaped, six- to eight-rayed pith. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 73 The radish-like odor of the fresh root disappears on drying ; the taste is at first sweetish, then acrid and burning, with a persistent sense of numbness. As sold in market the roots of different species are found mixed with the officinal. Some of these are globular-ovate, smaller and with central pith having five rounded rays ; others are composed of three to five attached roots, with pith roundish and pentagonal; other roots resembling A. napellus in form, have an aromatic odor and pungent taste, and on transverse section exhibit circles of oil cells. Aconite root is an active poison. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^ (by percolation). Aconite e radice in powder sufficiently fine to pass through a sieve having 40 meshes to the inch, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. ACTMA RACEMOSA, [See Cimicifuga racemosa.] ACT^EA SPICATA. Baneberry. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Actaea americana, A. brachypetala, A. lon- gipes, A. nigra, A. rubra, Radix Christopherianae; English, Cohosh, Herb Christopher, Baneberry ; French, Racine de Saint-Christophe ; German, Christophswurz. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a short, slender rhizome of blackish-gray color. The stem is erect, 2 to 3 feet high, leafless and scaly at the base. The leaves are two to three ternately compound and ovate ; leaflets sharply cleft and toothed. The white flowers which appear from April to June are on a short, thick, termi- nal, ovate raceme. Pedicels are the length of the flowers, scarcely thickened when in fruit. Habitat. It is a native of Central and Northern Europe, grows in bushy, mountainous, lime-stone districts. It has been found from Canada to Pennsylvania. Fig., Winkler, 2. 74 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1852 by Dr Petroz. Journ. d. 1. Soc. Gal. III. 12. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. 1. 45.] Part Used The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Actsea spicata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ADONIS VERNALIS. Pheasant's Eye. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Adonis apennina; English, Pheasant's Eye. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, I foot high. Its lower leaves are abortive, the upper sessile, multifid. Its flowers appear from March to May, on the summit of each stem and branch; are bright yellow and cup-shaped ; the involucre absent, sepals five, petals five to fifteen. Habitat. It is a native of northern Europe and Asia and has been found growing spontaneously in Western New York and Kentucky. History. It has been recently introduced into medical practice. Parts Used. Entire fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Adonis vernalis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 250 Cc. = 350 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol. 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 75 ^SCULUS GLABRA. Buckeye. Natural Order. Sapindaceae. Synonyms. Latin, /Esculus carnea, A. echinata, A. ohioensis, A. pallida, A. rubicunda, A. watsoniana, Pavia glabra, P. pallida, P. watsoniana ; English, Fetid, or Ohio Buckeye, Buckeye tree, Smooth- leaved horse-chestnut. Description. A large, deciduous, ornamental tree, 12 feet in height, with smooth bark, exhaling an unpleasant odor, hence its name. Its leaves are opposite, digitate, straight-veined and smooth. The flowers, which appear in May and June in a terminal panicle, are of a pale- yellow color, often polygamous, the greater portion with imperfect pistils and sterile. The fruit is in a capsule, prickly when young. The seeds are very large, with a mahogany-colored, shining coat, and a large, round, pale scar. Habitat. North America. Introduced from northern parts of Asia, through Southern Europe to England. It is found on river banks from West Pennsylvania to Michigan and Kentucky. Fig., Millspaugh, 44. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hale in 1864, New Rem. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 48.] Part Used. The fresh ripe nut, not including outside shell. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. yEsculus glabra, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 120 Cc. = 220 Distilled water, 280 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ^ESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Horse Chestnut. Natural Order. Sapindaceae. 76 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Castaneae equinse, Hippocastanum vulgare; English, Common horse-chestnut ; French, Marronier d' Inde ; German, Gemeine Kastanie. Description. A large, round-headed tree, 40 to 60 feet in height, with many branches ; tawny, smooth bark, white, not very firm wood. Leaves are opposite, bright-green, straight, digitate and obovate ; acute and serrate leaflets. The flowers appear in June in numerous pink and white pyramidal racemes. The fruit is large, smooth, mahogany- colored, with large, round, pale scab, in a fleshy, prickly shell. Habitat. Native of India, Persia, or Northern Turkey; introduced into and abundant in Britain, France and United States. Fig., Goullon, 40; Millspaugh, 43. History. It was introduced into Europe by an ambassador of the Ottoman Porte, who sent the seed to Vienna in 1576. It was intro- duced into homoeopathic practice by Helbig, 1844. The name was originally applied to a species of oak; also, to a tree which bore esculent fruit esca-food. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 48.] Part Used. The fresh, ripe nut, not including outside shell. a. Tincture < : Drug strength -$. ^Esculus hippocastanum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 120 Cc. = 220 Distilled water, 280 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Tritiirations : I x and higher. ^THUSA CYNAPIUM. Fool's Parsley. Natural Order. Umbelliferas. Synonyms. English, Dog parsley, Dog poison, Fool's parsley, Garden hemlock, Lesser hemlock ; French, Cigue des Jardins ; German, Garten-schierling. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 77 Description. A fetid, poisonous, annual herb, with tapering and branched whitish root. The stem, i to 2 feet high, is round, striate, leafy, not spotted, often purplish, branched and zigzag. The leaves are twice or thrice pinnatifid, bright green, sometimes tinged with red, wedge-lanceolate, lobed, and somewhat decurrent. The flowers are white, and appear from July to September. The involucre is wanting, but an involucrum of three long and narrow leaves distinguishes this plant from the garden parsley, from which it also differs in the peculiar and disagreeable smell of the leaves. Habitat. Common weed in gardens and cultivated fields through- out Europe ; also found about cultivated grounds from New England to Pennsylvania. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 15; Winkler, 10; Jahr and Cat. 155; Bent, and Trim. 125; Millspaugh, 65. History. The name is said to be derived from " Aitho," burn, from its acrid taste ; " Aithusa," beggarly, and also " Aithusso," to set on fire. It was confounded by many of the early writers with Conium maculatum, the general name Cicuta, from which it may be distin- guished by the absence of spots on its stem. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1828 by Nenning. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 59.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j- 1 ^. yEthusa Cynapium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3_x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3\ and higher. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Bug Agaric. Natural Order. Fungi. 78 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Agaricus fulvus, A. imperialis, A. maculatus, A. plumbaeus, A. puella, A. pustulatus, A. verrucosus, Amanita citrinus, A. muscarius; English, Bug or fly agaric; French, Oronge fausse; German, Fliegenschwamm. Description. This mushroom has a sub-solid, bulbous stem, 4 to 9 inches high, y z to i inch thick, with white gills. The pileus is 3 to 7 inches broad, of a rich orange-scarlet color, but occasionally whitish, yellowish or brown. Its color varies according to the locality where it is found. It has numerous whitish, angular warts, which are viscid when moist. Habitat. Found in dry places in Northern Europe, Asia and America; not common in England, abundant in pine woods in some parts of Scotland and sandy deserts in Asia. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 21 ; Winkler, 4. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Stapf in 1828. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 69.] Parts Used. The whole fresh fungus, with the exception of outer skin. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < . Drug strength $. Agaricus muscarius, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 468 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AGARICUS EMETICUS. Emetic Mushroom. Natural Order. Fungi. Synonyms. Latin, Russula emetica; English, Acrid agaric. Description. A small, acrid mushroom, about 3 inches high, with a thick, stout stem. The upper portion is from 2 to 3 inches broad, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHV. 79 fleshy and firm; in shape obtuse, then depressed and funnel-form. The gills are narrow and closely set ; the flesh compact, white and cheesy. Habitat. It is found in the woods of Europe. History. Poisonous effects. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 68.] Parts Used. The fresh mushroom. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength -^. Agaricus emet., moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 468 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AGAVE AMERICANA. Century Plant. Natural Order. Amaryllidaceas. Synonyms.- English, American aloe, Century plant, Maguey; French, Maguey ; German, Agave. Description. A perennial herb, 3 to 30 feet high, fibrous-rooted, acaulescent, with dentate, lanceolate leaves 3 to 6 feet long, very thick and fleshy, with hard spines along the margins and at the points. Scape is branched, lofty and arborescent ; corolla tube contracted in the middle; pedicel as long as corolla. The pod is coriaceous and many-seeded. The seeds are flattened ; the flowers yellow. Habitat Florida, Mexico, Central and Tropical America. Culti- vated in south of Europe, for hedges. History. It was supposed to be the species from the juice of which the intoxicating pulque of the Mexicans was obtained, but this is doubtful. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1866 by Dr. Hale, New Rem. 2nd ed. 52. Part Used. The fresh leaves. 8O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Agave, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., pknt moisture 800 Cc. = 900 Strong alcohol, 222 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, six parts distilled water, three parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. AGNUS CASTUS. Chaste Tree. Natural Order. Verbenaceae. Synonyms. -Latin, Vitex agnus castus, V. verticillata ; English, Chaste tree ; French, Gattilier commun ; German, Keusch-lamm. Description. A deciduous shrub, 6 feet high, much branched, with opposite, petiolate, digitate leaves, five to seven partite, dark- green on upper, grayish on under surface, possessing a strong, aromatic odor. Flowers are numerous in long, terminal spikes, and blue or purplish in color. The berries resemble pepper-corn; are dark-purple, half-covered by green calyces, yellowish and hard within^ and with an aromatic odor and taste. Habitat. The shores of the Mediterranean, south of France and Greece, on sandy spots and at the base of rocks. It is also cultivated in gardens. Fig., Goullon, 318. History. It was used in medicine in the time of Dioscorides, and was introduced into homoeopathic practice by Stapf in 1831, Archiv. X. I. 177. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 127.] Part Used. The recently dried berries. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength fa. Agnus castus, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, loco Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 8l AGROSTEMMA GITHAGO. Corn Cockle. Natural Order. Carophyllaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Lychnis githago ; English, Corn cockle. Description. -An annual herb, with dichotomous stem, 2 to 3 feet high, swelling at the nodes. The leaves are opposite, entire and linear, 3 to 5 inches long, % to y^. inches wide, of a pale-green color, fringed with long hairs. The flowers are few, appearing on long, naked stalks from June to July; are large, of a blue or purple color. The calyx tubular, coriaceous, five tubed, ovoid or cylindrical, longer than the corolla. The seeds are roundish and angular, and of a purplish-black color. Habitat. A common, pernicious weed, found everywhere in wheat fields. Fig., Goullon, 25 ; Millspaugh, 31. History. The name means crown of the fields. The seeds are poisonous, containing saponine. Introduced into homoeopathic prac- tice in 1854 by Dr. Kurtz, Zeit. f. Horn. Klin. III. 107. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 132.] Part Used. The ripe, dried seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < ; Drug strength ^. Agrostemma, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSUS. Tree of Heaven. Natural Order. Simarubaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Ailanthus procerus, Rhus cacodendron, R. chinense, R. hypsilodendron ; English, Chinese sumach, Tree of heaven; German, Gotterbaum. 82 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A deciduous tree, from 30 to 60 feet high, with straight, smooth trunk, 2 to 3 feet in diameter and much branched. The leaves are 1% to 6 feet long, odd-pinnately compound and glab- rous. Flowers in terminal panicles, are staminate, pistillate or poly- gamous, exhaling a peculiar disagreeable odor. Habitat. Native of China. Introduced into England and brought to this country about 1800. Fig., Millspaugh, 35. History. From its general appearance it was thought to belong to the Rhus family. It is cultivated in France for the sake of its leaves, upon which the silk worm is fed. It was mistaken as the source of the Japan varnish, hence its name Japanese Varnish Tree. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice by Drs. Hering and Lippe in 1840-50. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 133.] Parts Used. The fresh bark of the young shoots, and the fresh, well-developed flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Ailanthus, moist magma containing solids 160 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ALETRIS FARINOSA. Star Grass. Natural Order. Haemodoraceae. Synonyms. English, Ague-grass, Ague-root, Aloe-root, Bettie- grass, Blazing-star, Colic-root, Crow corn, Devil's bit, Mealy starwort, Star grass, Star root, Unicorn root ; French, Al^tris farineux ; German, Mehlige Aletris. Description. A deciduous, perennial, acaulescent herb, with rhizome consisting of four to six joints, brownish externally and white internally, breaking with a mealy fracture, inodorous, with per- AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 83 sistently bitter taste. The leaves are sessile, lanceolate and smooth, 3 to 4 inches long, % inch wide, spread star-like on the ground. The flowers are in a slender, wand-like, crowded raceme, and on a nearly naked scape, I to 3 feet high, creamy white, appearing from May to August ; later, they have a wrinkled, mealy appearance. Habitat. It is indigenous to North America, and found in grassy or sandy woods. Common in New England and southward. History. The name signifies mealy, in allusion to the dust with which the plant seems to be covered. It is one of the most intensely bitter plants known. It was used as medicine by the aborigines; introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hale in 1864, New Rem. p. 34. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 146.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Aletris, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ALLIUM CEPA. Onion. Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cepa ; English, Onion; French, Oignon; Ger- man, Zwiebel. Description. A bulbous biennial plant, the bulb being compressed, round or oblong. The scape appears the second year, is 3 to 4 feet high, straight and smooth. The flowers are terminal, umbelliferous and greenish-white. 84 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Native of Hungary. Numerous varieties are universally cultivated. History. It has been used as a medicine from time immemorial. Homoeopathic provings were made by Dr. Hering in 1847, Am. Arz. Prufung. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 146.] Part Used. The fresh mature bulb of the red onion. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Allium cepa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 468 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, jive parts alcohol ; $x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ALLIUM SATIVUM. Garlic, Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Allium ophioscorodon, Porrum sativum; English, Garlic ; French, Ail ; German, Knoblauch. Description. An acaulescent, perennial, bulbous plant. The bulb is somewhat ovate, flattened below, tapering upwards, covered with a white membrane and composed of six or more small bulbs. The terminal scape is smooth, shining, solid, i^ to 2 feet high, surrounded by the sheathing leaves seven or eight in number all from the root stock. The flowers are umbelliferous, white, appearing in June and July. Habitat. Native of the Mediterranean region. Universally culti- vated. History. It was well known to the ancients, and was used as a medicine by Hippocrates, but is now rarely employed by the old school. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1852 by Dr. Petros, J. d. 1. Soc. Gal. III. 279. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 160.] Part Used. The fresh mature bulb. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 85 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -$. Allium sativum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ALNUS SERRULATA. Tag Alder. Natural Order. Betulaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Alnus rubra; English, Common smooth or tag alder, Notch-leaved alder, Red alder. Description. A deciduous shrub or tree from 6 to 35 feet high, with numerous straight stems; bark smooth and brown, becoming rugged and black. The leaves are petiolate, obovate, acute at the base, serrate, green and smooth on both sides, often downy beneath. The flowers appear before the leaves, in March and April, from clustered catkins of the preceding season. Habitat. It is found in clumps, from New England to Wisconsin, Kentucky and southward ; in wet ground, marshes and along streams, where it forms thickets. In mountains and high altitudes it is a shrub. History. Its name signifies near the river. The wood is very durable when submerged. The bark is used in tanning, and to a limited extent in medicine. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1866 by Dr. Hale (New Remedies, 2d ed.) under the old name of A. rubra. There are no provings, and Dr. Hale barely men- tions it in subsequent editions. Part Used. The fresh bark. 86 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Alnus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ALOE SOCOTRINA. Aloes. Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Aloe gummi, A. lucida, A. officinalis, A. rubes- cens, A. spicata, A. vera ; English, Hepatic, Mocha, Moka or Soco- trina aloes ; French, Aloes ; German, Aloe. Description. The shrub from which Aloe is obtained has a straight, woody stem, attaining a height of 6 feet, surrounded with leaf scars. The leaves form large tufts at the ends of the branches ; are 15 to 20 inches long, slightly concave above and convex beneath, curved at first, then erect, tapering to a spinous point, with spines along the margins. Habitat. Southern and Eastern Africa, shores of the Red Sea and East Indies. Fig., Goullon, 259 ; Bent, and Trim. 283. History. It is said that Aloe was known as a production of the island of Socotra prior to the Christian era. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice by Helbig, who made provings of it in 1833. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 163.] Part Used. The inspissated juice of the leaves of one or more undetermined species, commonly known as Socotrine Aloes. It is in masses of a reddish-brown color, the varying shades deepening by exposure to the air. It is nearly transparent in thin films. Its fracture, usually smooth and resinous, is sometimes rough and irregular. It has a peculiarly strong and fragrant odor and an intensely AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 87 bitter taste. Is almost entirely soluble in alcohol and sparingly in water. While dissolving in alcohol it exhibits microscopic crystals. For the preparation of tincture use the inspissated juice, coarsely pulverized. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Aloe, ico Gm. Strong alcohol, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : 2x and higher. ALSTONIA SCHOLARIS. Dita Bark. Natural Order. Apocynaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Alstonia cuneata, Echites scholaris; English, Dita bark, Devil tree; Vernacular, Chatium, Pali-mara, Satium, Satween ; French, Ecorce de dita ; German, Ditarinde. Description. A tree 50 to 80 feet high, dark gray, rough, uneven bark ; leaves oblong, petiolate, 4 to 8 inches long, 2 to 4 inches wide, in whorls ; flowers greenish-white, appearing in December. The bark has a spongy texture, varying in thickness from ^ to y 2 inch, breaking readily with short, coarse fracture. Externally it is rough and uneven, dark-gray or brownish, with dark-brown spots ; internally, bright-buff color. It has a bitter taste, but no marked odor. Habitat. India, Ceylon, Burmah, Australia and throughout the East Indies. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 173. History. Named for Prof. Chas. Alston and "lignum scholare" from the use of the wood in making writing tablets for schools. It is mentioned as a medicine as early as 1678. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1866, Monthly Horn. Rev. X. 50. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 192.] Part Used. The dried bark. 88 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < . Drug strength ^. Alstonia, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. ALTHEA OFFICINALIS. Marsh-Mallow. Natural Order. Malvaceae. Synonyms. English, Marsh-mallow ; French, Racine de guimauve ; German, Altheewurzel. Description. A perennial herb, having several stems springing from a thick, elongated, tapering root stalk, about 1 2 inches long. The stems are from 2 to 4 feet high, erect, firm, nearly unbranched, and covered with thick, woolly down. The leaves are alternate on stalks i y 2 to 3 inches long ; are greyish-green, velvety-downy on both sides, cordate ovate, irregularly serrate, sometimes three-lobed. The flowers, which are of a pale-purplish rose color, have short stalks, and appear in small, axillary, terminal clusters of 2 to 4, or solitary. The calyx is divided into 5 deep segments ; the corolla is cup-shaped ; the stamens are numerous and monadelphous. Habitat. Ditches and wet places near the sea, and tidal rivers in Europe, except Scandinavia and North Russia ; also in Asia Minor, Western Asia, Algeria, the southern counties of England, and in the United States on the borders of salt marshes from Maine to New York. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 35. History. The name Althea is derived from a Greek word meaning to heal. For medicinal use the plant is cultivated chiefly in Bavaria and Wurtemburg. The roots, which contain the desired mucilaginous substance, are taken in the autumn from plants two years old. The marsh-mallow is much more widely used on the continent, especially in France, than in this country. Part Used. The dried root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCROPATHY. 89 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Althaea, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. ALUMEN. Alum. Chemical Symbol. A1 2 K 2 (SO 4 ) 4 +24H 2 O ; 946.46. Synonyms. Latin, Aluminii et potassii sulphas, Sulphas aluminico- potassicus; English, Potassium alum, Aluminium and potassium sulphate ; French, Sulfate d' alumine et potassa ; German, Kali alaun. Description. Consists of large octahedral or cubical, colorless crystals of styptic taste. Exposed to the air it effloresces slightly, and when heated to about 92 C. fuses in its water of crystallization. Is soluble in 9 parts of water at I5C.; insoluble in alcohol. Some metals, such as zinc, iron, or generally metals which are soluble in dilute sulfuric acid, are dissolved in its aqueous solution. At a red heat it is decomposed into oxygen, sulfurous and sulfuric acids, with a residue consisting of alumina and potassium sulfate. With ammonia its aque- ous solution gives an abundant white precipitate, nearly insoluble in an excess of the precipitant ; with potassium or sodium hydrate, the gelatinous, white precipitate of alumina is dissolved in an excess of the alkalies. It is obtained from clay, which is transformed into aluminum sulfate, and this salt being dissolved in water is mixed with a solution of potassium sulfate. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Solution <: - in distilled water. 9O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE ALUMESf A. Aluminum Hydrate. Chemical Symbol. A1 2 O 3 (H 2 O) 3 ; 155.84. Synonyms. English, Aluminum trihydrate, Aluminum hydroxide; French, Hydrate d' alumine; German, Thonerdehydrat. Preparation of crude. Aluminum hydrate is prepared by pre- cipitating ammonia alum with solution of ammonia as follows : Ammonia alum in crystals, 100 Gm. Solution of ammonia -j^, 100 Cc. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Powder the alum and dissolve in ten fluid ounces of warm distilled water; add the ammonia, collect the precipitate on a calico filter, and wash it with hot distilled water until the washings cease to give a precipitate with barium chlorid, or any odor of ammonia when mixed with potassium hydrate and boiled. The alumina is then carefully dried on a water bath, and pulverized. Description. A very fine white powder, soft to the touch, tasteless, infusible, forming a paste with water, but not dissolved in it. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. ALUMINIUM METALLICUM. Metallic Aluminum. Aluminum. Chemical Symbol. Al. 27.04. Description. A metal of an almost silvery-white, strong lustre; sonorous. Of great elasticity and tensile strength. Very ductile. Specific gravity, 2.583, which is nearly one-third that of iron. Occurs abundantly in nature as aluminum silicate (clay, feldspar, mica, etc.). For the first time isolated by Woehler in 1827. Fusible at red heat, without vaporizing. Remains almost unchanged at ordinary tempera- tures as well as on heating, consequently it is used for cooking utensils. Most foods and drinks slightly attack vessels made of aluminum, but on continued use this attack decreases rapidly. It exerts no detri- mental influence upon health. Part Used. The pure metal. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. AMBRA GRISEA. Ambergris. Synonyms. Ambarum, Ambra ambrosiacea, A. cinerea, A. maritima, A. nigra, A. vera, Ambrosiaca, Succinum griseum. English, Ambergris ; French, Ambre gris ; German, Graue Ambra. Description. A morbid secretion of the liver or intestines of the sperm whale, found floating on the eastern coast of Japan and on the shores of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The most esteemed is found from Madagascar to Sumatra. It is in solid, spongy, rough, opaque balls, weighing from fifty to two hundred pounds, formed of concentric layers. It is of a grayish-brown color externally, with black and yellowish-red streaks and whitish specks internally. It is almost tasteless, has an aromatic odor, softens like wax by the warmth of the hands, and is inflammable. It is soluble in ether, or absolute alcohol by the aid of heat, and partially so in alcohol. Mentioned by Hahne- mann, Mat. Med. I., also in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 238. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture < : Drug strength -j-J^. Ambra grisea, 10 Gm. Strong alcohol, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions : 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications : 3x and higher. AMBROSIA ARTEMISLEFOLIA. Rag Weed Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Ambrosia absinthifolia, A. elatior, A. hetero- phylla, A. paniculata, Iva monophylla; English, Bastard wormwood, Carrot weed, Hogweed, Mugwort leaved, Roman and wild wormwood. Description. An annual herb, extremely variable, from i to 3 feet high, erect, simple, and then branching ; pubescent stem. The leaves are thin, finely cut, opposite and alternating, twice pinnatifid, smooth above and hairy beneath. The flowers are greenish-white, appearing from July to October. 92 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Canada to Brazil. In waste places everywhere. Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ambrosia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMMONIACUM GUMML Gum Ammoniac. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Diserneston gummiferum, Dorema ammonia- cum, Peucedanum ammoniacum ; English, Gum ammoniac ; German, Ammoniak ; Vernacular, Bal-kurai, Kandal, Ooshak ; French, Gomme ammoniaque. Description. The principal source of gum ammoniacum, Dorema ammoniacum, is a perennial plant, with a stout, erect stem, 6 to 8 feet high, divided into numerous ascending branches, on which, on thick, short stalks, are small umbelliferous flowers. The plant abounds in a milky juice, which exudes on the slightest puncture, as the sting of the numerous beetles that infest the stem; the drops harden as they adhere or trickle down ; from the root also the juice exudes into the surrounding soil. The best gum is in globular grains or tears, varying in size from that of a pea to a cherry ; the poorer quality is in nodular lumps or masses. Externally the gum is of a pale, creamy-yellow color, darkening with age to a cinnamon-brown ; internally it is opaque and milky-white ; it is brittle, and has a waxy luster when broken ; it readily softens by warmth, becomes sticky, but does not melt ; it has a bitter, acrid taste, and a characteristic odor, and is partially soluble in ether and alcohol. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 93 Habitat. The plant grows throughout Persia in arid, exposed situations. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 130. History. The name is supposed to be derived from the temple of Jupiter Ammon in the Libyan desert, where it is said to have been collected ; again, it is considered a corruption of Armeniacum, as it was imported through Armenia. It was named Diserneston from two botanists, whose names were both Ernest. The tree has been described as recently as 1833, though the gum was mentioned by Dioscorides. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Buchner, Hygea. XIII. 212. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 249.] Part Used. The gum. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AMMONIUM ACETICUM. Ammonium Acetate. Ammonium Acetate. Chemical Symbol. NH 4 C 2 H 3 O 2 ; 76.87. Synonyms. Latin, Liquor ammonii acetatis, Spiritus mindereri; English, Solution of acetate of ammonium, Spirit of mindererus; French, Acetate d'ammoniaque liquide ; German, Ammoniumacetat- Losung. Description. An aqueous solution of ammonium acetate, con- taining about 7 per cent of the salt. PREPARATIONS. Ammonium carbonate, 5 Gm. Dilute acetic acid, 100 Cc. Add the salt gradually to the acid, and stir until dissolved. Care should be taken to select pure crystals of ammonium carbonate, free from the bicarbonate. The solution is unstable, and should be made fresh when wanted. Solution : Drug strength y^. Ammonium acetate solution, 143 Cc. Distilled water, 857 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. To be prepared fresh when wanted. 94 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE AMMONIUM BENZOICUM. Ammonium Beiuoate. Ammonium Benzoate. Chemical Symbol. NH 4 C 7 H 5 O 2 ; 138.72. Synonyms. Latin, Ammonii benzoas, Benzoas ammonicus; French, Benzoate d'ammoniaque ; German, Benzoesaures Ammonium. Description. Prismatic, colorless, transparent crystals, or white and granular, turning yellow on long exposure to the air; of a bitter, saline taste, and an odor suggestive of gum benzoin. It is soluble at 15 C. in 5 parts of water and in 28 parts of alcohol, in 1.2 parts of boiling water and in 7.6 parts of boiling alcohol. The salt is prepared by crystallization, from solutions obtained by mixing either ammonium carbonate or ammonium hydrate with benzoic acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 256. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMMONIUM BROMATUM. Ammonium Bromid. Ammonium Bromid. Chemical Symbol NH 4 Br; 97.77. Synonyms. Latin, Ammonii bromidum; French, Bromure d'am- monium ; German, Bromammonium. Description. Long, colorless, easily soluble crystals, turning yellow on exposure to the air. Soluble in 1.5 parts of water and in 30 parts of alcohol; can be sublimed. Prepared (i) by saturating a hydrobromic acid solution, with ammonium hydrate, or (2) by pouring bromin into an excess of aqueous ammonia, nitrogen being evolved at the same time. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 256. PREPARATIONS. Tritttrations : ix and higher, freshly prepared from the pure, color- less crystals. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 95 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Ammonium Carbonate. Ammonium Carbonate* Chemical Symbol NH 4 HCO 3 NH 4 NH 2 CO 2 ; 156.77. Synonyms. Latin, Ammonii carbonas, Ammoniae sesquicarbonas, Carbonas ammonicus, Sal volatile siccum; English, Volatile salt; French, Carbonate d'ammoniaque ; German, Kohlensaures Ammonium. Description. Consists of white, hard, translucent, crystalline masses, with strong, ammoniacal odor and saline taste. It loses both ammonia and carbonic acid on exposure to air and changes to opaque masses, and finally to a white powder. It is soluble in 5 parts of water at I5C. and is decomposed by hot water. Alcohol dissolves but a portion of the salt, leaving ammonium bicarbonate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 259. PREPARATIONS. From the fresh, crystalline salt. a. Solution <$>: ^ in distilled water. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with distilled water. All preparations of this salt to be freshly prepared, and should be kept in well-stoppered vials. AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. Ammonium Hydrate. Ammonia. Chemical Symbol. NH 4 HO. Synonyms. Latin, Liquor ammonii caustici, Aqua ammoniae; English, Ammonia water; French, Eau d'ammoniaque; German, Ammoniak-Flussigkeit. Description. Ammonia gas (NH 3 ; 17) dissolved in water is a colorless, transparent liquid, with a powerful specific odor and a strongly alkaline taste and reaction. At ordinary temperatures, water is capable of absorbing 690 times its volume of ammonia. Aqua ammonias fortior (U. S.) has a specific gravity of 0.901 and contains 28 per cent of the gas. It gradually becomes reduced in strength, from escape of ammonia, and the stronger ammonia water, as sold in commerce, usually has a specific gravity ranging from .900 to .920. Its density should be ascertained by use of hydrometer or specific gravity bottle. A solution containing 10 per cent of the gas has a specific gravity of .959. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 283. 96 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength Y 1 ^. Reduce strong ammonia water by adding distilled water until the mixture has a specific gravity of .959. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol ; to be freshly prepared. AMMONIUM IODATUM. Ammonium lodid. Ammonium lodid. Chemical Symbol NH 4 I; 144.54. Synonyms. Latin, Ammonii iodidum; English, Iodide of ammo- nium ; French, lodure d'ammonium ; German, Jodammonium. Description. A white, granular powder, or minute, colorless, cubical crystals, odorless when white, having a sharp, saline taste. Markedly hygroscopic, turns yellow on exposure to air and light. At ordinary temperature, soluble in i part of water or in 9 parts of alcohol. It is decomposed by chlorin. On the addition of a little chlorin water to its aqueous solution, iodin is set free and can be dissolved in chloro- form, with a violet color; excess of chlorin will prevent this color reaction through the formation of colorless compounds. It is pre- pared by mixing solutions of potassium iodid and ammonium sulfate. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher, freshly prepared. To be kept in well-stoppered vials, protected from the light. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Ammonium Chlorid. Ammonium Muriate* Chemical Symbol. NH 4 C1; 53.38. Synonyms. Latin, Ammonii chloridum, Ammonium chloratum, Sal ammoniacum ; English, Purified chloride of ammonium, Sal ammo- niac ; French, Chlorure d'ammonium ; German, Chlorammonium. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 97 Description. Consists of whitish, translucent masses, with a fibrous, crystalline structure; very difficult to powder. The purified salt forms a snow-white, granular, crystalline, odorless powder, having a sharp, saline taste. It is soluble in 3 parts of water at 1 5 C. and sparingly soluble in alcohol. When dissolved in water a considerable reduction of temperature is observed; when its solution is heated with potassium hydroxid or with calcium oxid, gaseous ammonia is evolved ; with silver nitrate it gives an abundant, curdy-white precipitate, soluble in ammonia. It evaporates completely without fusing, at an elevated temperature, and on cooling is condensed again unchanged. It is obtained from ammonia and hydrogen chlorid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 286. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution $: -^ in distilled water. b. Dilutions: 2x with distilled water; 3x and higher, with dis*- pensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. All preparations of this salt should be freshly made. AMMONIUM NITRICUM. Ammonium Nitrate. Ammonium Nitrate* Chemical Symbol. NH 4 NO 3 ; 79.9. Synonyms. Latin, Ammonii nitras, Nitrum flammans; English, Nitrate of ammonium ; French, Azotate d'ammoniaque ; German, Salt- petersaures Ammoniak. Description. Colorless, hexagonal prisms. When fused it forms colorless, crystalline, odorless masses, having a sharp, bitter taste. It deliquesces in contact with moist air, and is soluble at ordinary temperature in half its weight of water and in 20 parts of alcohol ; on heating, its solution evolves ammonia and acquires an acid reaction. When rapidly heated it is decomposed into water, nitrous acid, and nitrogen, or into nitrous and nitric oxids, ammonium nitrite, and ammonia ; but if gradually heated, it is decomposed into water and nitrous oxid. It detonates when thrown upon red-hot charcoal, and is volatilized entirely by heat. It is obtained from nitric acid and ammonia. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 305. THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : -$ in distilled water. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations: ix and higher. All preparations of this salt should be freshly made. AMMONIUM PHOSPHORICUM. Ammonium Phosphate. Ammonium Phosphate* Chemical Symbol. (NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4 ; 131.82. Synonyms. Latin, Ammonii phosphas, Ammoniae phosphas, Phosphas ammonicus; English, Phosphate of ammonium, Diammo- nium orthophosphate ; French, Phosphate d'ammoniaque ; German, Phosphorsaures Ammoniak. Description. Consists of transparent prisms, with a cooling, saline taste. It effloresces superficially in a damp atmosphere through loss of ammonia. Soluble in 4 parts of water at common temperature, insoluble in alcohol. When heated it fuses, disengages ammonia, and at a red heat is entirely volatilized. Wood and textile fabrics immersed in its aqueous solution and then dried are charred by heat and burn without producing any flame. It is obtained by neutralizing a solution of phosphoric acid with ammonia. The liquid is evaporated, ammonia being added in small quantities in order to keep trie solution faintly alkaline; the crystals are quickly dried and preserved in well-closed vessels. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AMMONIUM PICRICUM. Ammonium Picrate. Ammonium Picrate. Chemical Symbol. C 6 H 2 (NO 2 ) 3 ONH 4 ; 245.58. Synonyms. Latin, Ammonii picras, Ammonium carbazoticum ; English, Picrate of ammonium, Carbazotate of ammonium; French, Picrate d'ammoniaque. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 99 Description. Consists of bright-yellow scales, or prisms, having an extremely bitter taste. Partially soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol. Quickly exploded by percussion or heat. i PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. As all picrates are very explosive, the triturations should be pre- pared in small quantities and with great care. AMMONIUM VALERIANICUM. Ammonium Valerianate. Ammonium Valerianate. Chemical Symbol. NH 4 C 5 H 9 O 2 ; 118.78. Synonyms. Latin, Ammonii valerianas, Valerianas ammonicus; English, Valerianate of ammonium; French, Valerianate d'ammo- niaque; German, Ammoniumvalerianat. Description. Consists of snow-white, or colorless, quadrangular plates, emitting the odor of valerianic acid, and having a sharp, sweet taste. Very soluble in water and in alcohol, ajso soluble in ether. Its aqueous solution is neutral, but by evaporation it turns acid through the loss of ammonia ; it is decomposed by alkalies, producing ammonia. By treating its solution with strong acids, oily valerianic acid is separated, which floats on the surface of the liquid. Submitted to heat, the greatest part volatilizes without decomposition, but a small part through the loss of ammonia is converted into an acid salt before vaporization. It is obtained by saturating valerianic acid with gaseous ammonia, and should be kept in well-stoppered bottles. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AMPELOPSIS QUINQUEFOLIA. American Ivy. Natural Order. Vitaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Ampelopsis hederacea, A. heptaphylla, A. hirsuta, Cissus hederacea, Hedera quinquefolia, Quinaria hederacea, IOO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Q. hirsuta, Vitis hederacea, V. quinquef olia ; English, American ivy, False grape, Five leaves, Virginia creeper, Wild-wood vine, Woodbine ; French, Vigne vierge ; German, Wilder Wein. Description. -A woody vine, climbing to the height of 40 to 60 feet by tendrils with an adhesive foot, or by rootlets as well. The digitate oblong leaves have five coarsely serrated leaflets, are acuminate and dentate, with smooth surfaces, turning bright-crimson in autumn. The cymose flowers, greenish-white, appear in July. The calyx is slightly five-toothed ; the corolla of five concave petals, which expand before they fall. The berries are small, dark-blue, and ripen in October. Habitat. United States, in woods, thickets, and low, rich ground. Fig., Millspaugh, 40. History. Its name signifies resemblance to a vine, as from its woody stem it partakes of the character of a shrub. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hale in 1866, New Remedies, 2d ed. Parts Used. Fresh bark and young twigs. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ampelopsis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. AMYGDALA AMARA. Bitter Almond Natural Order. Rosaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Amygdalus communis, Prunus amygdalus; English, Bitter almond ; French, Amandes ; German, Mandeln. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. IOI Description. The almond is a deciduous tree, 15 feet high, with spreading branches, purplish-brown wrinkled bark; the leaves are alternate, stipulate, oblong-lanceolate, finely serrate. The reddish, glabrous flowers are sessile, appearing in March and April. The fruit is a drupe \y 2 inches long, downy when young; the sarocarp leathery, and splitting away from the stone when ripe ; endocarp rugged and furrowed, smooth within. Solitary seed, I inch long, compressed, pointed at the top, blunt at the lower end. Habitat. Southern Asia, the Mediterranean, and warm countries generally. It grows wild in Sicily and Greece, and is cultivated throughout temperate Europe. Fig., Winkler, 20; Jahr and Cat. 159; Goullon, 100; Bent, and Trim. 99. History. There is no structural difference between the sweet and bitter almond ; the latter is somewhat the smaller. Bitter almonds were used in medicine during the middle ages. Mentioned in homoeo- pathic literature by Hartlaub and Trinks, 1828, R. A. M. L., I. 145. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 306.] Part Used. The dried, ripe seed-kernels. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Tincture : Drug strength jfa. Amygdalus, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 5 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. AMYL NITROSUM. Amyl Nitrite. Amyl Nitrite. Chemical Symbol. CgH^NOa ; 116.78. Synonyms. Latin, Amyl nitris, Amylium nitrosum, Amylaether nitrosus; English, Nitrite of amyl, Amylo-nitrous ether; French, Azotite d'amyl ; German, Amylnitrit. IO2 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A straw-yellow, ethereal liquid, having a fruity odor and an aromatic taste, boiling at 98 C, and burning with a yellowish and smoky flame. It is insoluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol. On exposure to air and light it becomes acid, and must therefore be kept in small, well-closed bottles, stored in cool, dark places, or in small glass tubes, hermetically sealed. The commercial article con- tains about 80 per cent of amyl nitrite. It is obtained by directing nitrous vapors into isoamylic alcohol, or by distilling a mixture of potassium nitrite, isoamylic alcohol, and dilute sulfuric acid ; it is very volatile at ordinary temperature and inflammable. It should be kept in dark-colored and glass-stoppered vials, in a cool, dark place, away from lights and fire. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 309. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : T ^ in alcohol. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with alcohol. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALS Marking Nut. Natural Order. Anacardiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Anacardium latifolium, A. officinarum, Avi- cennia tomentosa, Semecarpus anacardium; English, Marking nut; French, Acajou a pommes ; German, Caschunuss. Description. Semecarpus anacardium is an evergreen tree, 20 feet high, with rough, ash-colored bark and numerous spreading branches ; the leaves are petiolate, alternate, about 18 inches long, and 4 or 5 broad. The flowers are small, and of a green-yellow color. The fruit is borne on a pear-shaped receptacle, and ripens in January or February. It is a blackish-brown, heart-shaped nut, with a somewhat reddish tinge, containing a corrosive, resinous juice in cells, between the hard outer shell and the sweet kernel. The juice is at first of a light color, of the consistency of honey, becoming blackish-brown and drying. It is not soluble in water, and only so in alcohol after it has been made alkaline. Habitat. Native of the East Indies, found in the dry, mountainous forests of Asia. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 27; Winkler, 128; Jahr and Cat. 1 60. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. IO3 History. The name signifies being without a heart, as the pulp of the fruit, instead of having the seed enclosed, has the nut growing out of the end of it. This is not to be confounded with cashew nut (A. occidentale), which is lighter colored and kidney-shaped, instead of heart-shaped. The juice produces an inflammation of the skin, and hence should be carefully handled. Mentioned in homoeopathic litera- ture, Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 312.] Part Used. The resinous juice contained in the seed. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher, from the resinous juice. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS. Scarlet Pimpernel. Natural Order. Primulaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Anagallis ccerulea, A. phcenicea; English, Common pimpernel, Poor man's or shepherd's hour, weather, or water glass, Scarlet pimpernel, Red chicken-weed ; French, Mouron rouge ; German, Gauchheil. Description. A trailing, annual plant, with stem 6 to 20 inches long, more or less procumbent, square, glabrous, and branching; the leaves are opposite, entire, ovate, and sessile, dotted on the under surface. The flowers are small, opposite, with pedicel longer than the leaves ; calyx and corolla both five-parted. They appear from June to August, in color varying, being scarlet, purple, blue, or white. Habitat. Native of Europe, Asia, and Africa, naturalized in the United States, and found in waste places along both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Fig., Millspaugh, 108. History. The name signifies to laugh, expressing the qualities of the plant, which according to Pliny and Dioscorides, removed obstruc- tions of the liver, and thereby a cause of despondency. Opening and closing its flowers daily at regular hours, and not opening, but closing > if there be much moisture in the atmosphere, gave it one of its common names. It was introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1846 by Dr. Schreter, N. Archiv. III. 3, 174. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 329.] IO4 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Parts Used. The whole plant of the scarlet variety. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Anagallis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ANATHERUM MURICATUM. Vetiver. Natural Order. Gramineae. Synonyms. Latin, Andropogon muricatus, A. squarrosus, Phalaris zizanoides, Vetiveria odorata, Virana ; Vernacular, Bena, Cuscus, Khus khus, Vittie vayr, Woetiwear. Description. Andropogon muricatus is a large grass, with a fibrous root. The spikelets are in pairs, the terminal ones in threes, one being complete and awned, the other one or two sterile, awnless. Habitat. It grows abundantly in moist ground throughout India and Bengal. History. The derivation means bread and man. It is largely used in India for tatties or coverings for bamboo door and window screens on account of its odor, especially when moistened, as it not only cools but gives a fragrance to the hot wind. The root has been used in medi- cine since the time of Dioscorides. In 1837 it was worn in Paris as a cholera prophylactic. Its use is now almost exclusively confined to perfumery. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. L. Houat. Translated from Nouv. Donn. in N. A. J. H. XVIII. 176, Nov. 1869. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 330.] Part Used. The dried root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. IO5 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincttire < : Drug strength ^. Anastherum, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications; ix and higher. ANGUSTURA. Cuspari Bark. Natural Order. Rutaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Angustura cusparia, A. vera, Augustura, Bonplandia angostura, B. trifoliata, China amara aromatica, Cusparia febrifuga, C. trifoliata, Galipea cusparia, G. febrifuga, G. officinalis; English, Angustura, or cuspari bark; French, Ecorce d'angusture; German, Angustura-Rinde. Description. A small tree, 15 feet high, its slender trunk consider- ably branched, bark smooth, gray ; the leaves are alternate, smooth, trifoliate, leaflets sessile, or nearly so. The white flowers are large, on short, thick, densely pubescent stalks, appearing in August and September, the fruit ripening in October and November. The flowers and foliage have a peculiar, unpleasant odor. The bark is straight, flattish, more or less curved, or in quills, 6 inches long and i inch wide, not exceeding y& inch thick. It is covered by a yellowish- green, or brownish-mottled, somewhat corky layer, which may be scraped off with the nail, and the exposed surface then presents a dark- brown, resinous appearance. The inner surface is yellowish-brown, readily separable into layers ; it breaks with a short, resinous fracture. The exposed surface, under the microscope, shows minute white points, or lines. It has a bitter, feebly pungent, or somewhat aro- matic taste, and a peculiar, disagreeable, musty odor. Habitat. The eastern part of Venezuela on rich soil, from 600 to looo feet above the sea. It extends to New Granada, but not to Brazil. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 31 ; Jahr. and Cat. 162; Bent, and Trim. 43. IO6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Introduced into Spain as a medicine in 1759, and the rest of Europe in 1788. It took its present name from the town of Angostura. In the beginning of the century a quantity of bark reached Europe from India, mistaken for cuspari, which turned out to be that of strychnos nux vomica, causing great alarm, and the pro- hibition for a time of the true bark. The false bark has no odor, but a pure, intensely bitter taste, no white spots, and when touched with nitric acid the fractured surface assumes an arterial, blood-red color, while the true bark has a dull, purplish color. The suberous layer of the false bark is colored emerald green by nitric acid, while that of the true is not acted on. Introduced by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L. VI. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 344.] Part Used. The dried bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength -j^. Angustura, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. ANBLINUM. Anilin. Chemical Symbol. C 6 H 7 N ; 92.83. Synonyms. Latin, Anilina, Amidobenzol ; English, Phenylamine, Anilin oil ; French, Aniline ; German, Anilin. Description. A colorless oily liquid, turning red on exposure to air, having a burning, aromatic taste, and a peculiar, fishy odor. Sparingly soluble in water i to -^ but freely soluble in alcohol and ether. It dissolves sulfur, caoutchine, gum-copal, indigo, etc., and coagulates albumin. Although its basic properties are stronger than those of ammonia, its reaction is not alkaline. It is congealed AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. IO7 by cold. Anilin and many oxidizing agents give intensely colored products. The reaction with calcium hypochlorite, which is character- istic, gives a violet color, readily turning to brown. Most of its salts crystallize easily. It is obtained when nitrobenzil is brought into con- tact with nascent hydrogen. Anilinum changes readily on exposure to light, turning yellow and finally brown with age. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 357. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : -fa in alcohol. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with alcohol. Should be kept in glass-stoppered vials, protected from the light. ANILINUM SULPHURICUM. Anilin Sulfate. Anilinum Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. (C 6 H 5 NH 2 )SO 4 H 2 ; 283.48. Synonyms. Latin, Anilini sulphas; English, Sulfate of anilin, Phenylamin sulfate. Description. Consists of colorless crystals, easily soluble in water, less soluble in alcohol. It is not decomposed at a temperature of 1 00 C., but at an increased heat, splits into water and anilin, and is converted into phenylsulfomic acid ; at a still higher temperature it gives off sulfurous anhydrid and anilin sulfite, leaving a residue of carbon. It is obtained from anilin and sulfuric acid. Should be kept in well-stoppered vials, protected from the light. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. ANTHEMIS NOBILIS. Chamomilc. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Anthemis aurea, Chamomilla nobilis, Ormenis nobilis ; English, Chamomile, common, officinal, Roman, or true cham- omile ; French, Chamomille romaine ; German, Romische Kamille. Description. A perennial herb, with a small, branched rhizome, and numerous, sterile, recumbent, and fertile ascending pubescent stems 6 to 12 inches long, with numerous hairy branches. The leaves IO8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE I to 2 inches long, are greenish-gray, alternate, sessile, bi- or tri- pinnatifid. The heads are ^ inch wide, few, on long, terminal, pubes- cent peduncles. The numerous disk flowers are convex, polygamous, with yellow, tubular corollas. The ray flowers, twelve to twenty, are fertile, with white, oblong, oval corollas. The flowers appear from June to September. Single and double flowers are obtained by cultivation. Habitat. Rather common in England, growing on heaths, com- mons, roadsides, and similar places ; also in France, Spain, and Italy, somewhat naturalized in some of the Southern States. Fig., Goullon, 142 ; Bent, and Trim. 154; Millspaugh, 84. History. It has been used as a domestic remedy since the six- teenth century. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1869 by Dr. Berridge, Month. Horn. Rev. XIII. 475. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 358.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant beginning to flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Anthemis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ANTHOXANTHUM ODORATUM. Sweet Vernal Grass. Natural Order. Gramineae. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with culm 10 to 18 inches high ; the spikes ovate, oblong. The spikelets are brownish- green, three-flowered, spreading at flowering from May to July. The lateral flowers, consisting of one palea, hairy on the outside and awned on the back, are neutral. One of the neutral flowers bears a bent awn from near its base, the other is short-awned below the tip. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. IOQ The central terminal flower, the smaller of two awnless paleae, is per- fect. Glumes are very thin, acute, keeled, the upper about as long as the flowers and twice the length of the lower. Habitat. Naturalized from Europe. It is found throughout the United States in meadows, pastures, etc. It has a very fragrant odor. Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength ^. Anthoxanthum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture i5oCc. = 250 Distilled water, 100 Strong alcohol, 777 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. ANTIMONIUM ARSENIdCUM. Antimonious Arsenate. Antimonium Arseniate. Chemical Symbol. SbAsO 4 ; 259. Description. A heavy, snow-white powder, containing 56 per cent of antimonium oxid and 44 per cent of ansenic acid. A poison. Maximum dose -^ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Antimonious SulficL Antimonium Crude. Chemical Symbol. Sb 2 S 3 ; 335.14. Synonyms. Latin, Antimonii sulphidum, Antimonii sulphuretum, Antimonium sulphuratum, Antimonium nigrum, Stibium sulfuratum nigrum, Sulfuretum stibicum ; English, Sulphide of antimony, Tri- sulphide of antimony, Black sulfid of antimony; French, Sulfure d'antimoine; German, Schwefelspiessglanz. IIO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A fused mass, which when broken presents a striated, crystalline texture, having a lead-gray metallic brilliancy ; when pul- verized, it is of an iron-gray color. It is insoluble in water, but dis- solves in hot, concentrated, hydrochloric acid, with production of hydrogen sulfid ; this solution, dropped into water, produces an abundant white precipitate, soluble in tartaric acid. Heated on charcoal it fuses, emitting abundant white fumes, and the odor of sulfur dioxid. Found in nature, and before purification it often con- tains sulfids of iron, lead, copper, and arsenic. It is purified by fusion, being more fusible than the sulfids to which it is allied. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 363. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. ANTIMONIUM IODATUM. Antimonious lodid, Antimonium lodid. Chemical Symbol. SbI 3 ; 499.19. Synonyms. Latin, Antimonii iodidum ; English, Iodide of anti- mony. Description. A dark-red substance, decomposed by water, forming an oxi-iodid, obtained by gently heating antimony and iodin in a dry flask. The elements suddenly combine, liquefy, and on cooling again become solid. It is removed by breaking the flask. It should be kept in a glass-stoppered bottle, protected from the light. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher; freshly made and protected from light and air. ANTIMONIUM OXYDATUM. Antimonious Oxid. Antimonium Oxid. Chemical Symbol. Sb 2 O 3 ; 287.08. Synonyms. Latin, Antimonii oxidum, Stibium oxydatum, Oxy- dum antimonicum ; English, Oxide of antimony ; French, Oxyde d'antimoine ; German, Antimonoxyd. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 1 I I Description. Heavy, white or grayish-white crystalline powder, slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol. When heated in air it turns yellow, takes fire, or is converted into the tetroxid Sb 2 O 4 . When heated with carbon it is reduced into brittle, metallic antimony. It is dissolved by hydrochloric acid, and when this solution is poured into water it produces a white precipitate. It is obtained by the combustion of antimony in air, or by the decomposition of antimony chlorid in aqueous solution by sodium carbonate. It is also found in nature as white antimony ore. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 376- PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. ANTIMONIUM SULPHURATUM AURATUM. Antimonium Sulfid (golden). Antimonious Sulfid (yellow). Chemical Symbol. Sb 2 S 3 ; 335.14. Synonyms. Latin, Antimonii oxysulphuretum, Antimonii sul- phuretum aureum ; French, Sulfure d'antimoine pre"cipte" ; German, Gefalltes Schwefelantimon. Description. An amorphous, orange-colored powder, odorless and tasteless, gradually losing its color by the action of air and light. It is insoluble in water or alcohol. Heated in a dry, glass tube, it splits into sulfur, which is volatilized with a residuum of black, antimonious sulfid. Heated on charcoal it burns with a pale-blue flame, emitting the odor of sulfur dioxid and producing a white coating on the char- coal. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 377. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : i x and higher. APIS MELLIFICA. Honey Bee. Natural Order. Hymenoptera. Family. Apidae. Synonyms. English, The common hive bee; Frencli, Abeille; German, Honig Biene. 112 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. The genus Apis is of European origin and is widely distributed throughout the civilized world. The swarms consist of the queen bee, several hundred drones, and ten thousand or more workers. The queen bees are the only perfectly developed females. The drones are males ; the workers, females. The eyes of the male are united above, the mouth parts are nearly aborted, and the hind legs are smooth. There are two paraglossae on the ligula in the female, and the maxillary palpi are one-jointed. The shorter abdo- men of the female marks the external difference from the male. This species is without terminal spurs on the hind legs. Only the queens and workers have the poison-apparatus, commonly called the sting. Part Used. The live bees. Preparation. Place live bees in a clean, wide-mouthed, stoppered bottle. After irritating them by shaking, the menstruum should be poured in and the whole allowed to macerate for ten days, being shaken twice daily. The resulting tincture should be poured off and filtered. The bees should not be pressed. The contents of the poison sac only is desired, but the tincture takes up in solution much of the animal fluids, besides honey from the abdomen and pollen adhering to the antennae. The drug strength of the tincture varies, depending on the season of the year when the bees are secured. When they are dormant, their poison is supposed to be less virulent. The tincture in drug strength is but little in excess of the third decimal tritura- tion of Apis virus. (See "Apis Virus.") PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture. Apis mellifica, containing solids 100 Gm., moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Glycerin, 225 Cc. Distilled water, 225 Cc. Strong alcohol, 425 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 113 APIS VIRUS. Honey Bee Poison. Synonyms. Apium virus, Bee sting. Description. This poison is secreted in two poison glands, com- posed of long, ramose tubes, their minute structure resembling that of the salivary glands. The virus is poured into a pyriform sac, lodged near the base of the sting, which is provided with a special muscular apparatus for its sudden extension and withdrawal. The poison is thin and transparent, mixes readily with water or glycerin, and with alcohol gives a considerable precipitate. Its active principle is formic acid. About 20 grains (i l /3 gms.) of poison may be obtained from looo bees, which will weigh from 2 to 4 ounces ; 1000 of the poison sacs, including contents, weighing but 33 grains. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 400. Part Used. The poison. PREPARATIONS. Trituration : 2x T ^, using 500 bee stings to 67 gms. (1000 grains) of milk sugar. The darts and most of the sheaths may be removed from the trituration as soon as the virus has been fully incorporated into the sugar. Triturations : 3x and higher. The third decimal trituration very nearly equals in drug strength the strong tincture of Apis mellifica. APOCYNUM ANDROS^EMIFOLIUM. Spreading Dog's-bane. Natural Order. Apocynaceae. Synonyms. English, American ipecac, Bitter root, Catch fly, Dog's-bane, Fever twig, Fly-trap, Honey bloom, Ipecac milk, Milk- weed, Spreading dog's-bane, Wandering milkweed. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb 2 to 3 feet high; stem branching at the top; the root a long rhizome, from % to ^ inch thick. It has pale, brownish, wrinkled, transversely fissured bark; the surface smooth or downy. The leaves are 2 to 3 inches long and two thirds as wide ; opposite, ovate, petiolate, dark-green above, paler and downy underneath. The flowers are pale rose colored or white, 114 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE appearing from June to September in terminal, smooth, nodding cymes, loose-spreading. The fruit is in the form of two pendent pods, 3 to 4 inches long. The seeds are many and oblong. Habitat. Borders of thickets. Common in hedges and fields from Maine to Florida, in dry, sandy soil. Fig., Millspaugh, 132. History. Both plant and root abound in a milky juice. It yields its properties to alcohol, and particularly water. Its virtues are impaired by age. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1844 by Attomyr, N. Arch. I. I, 181, and by Dr. J. H. Henry, 1854, Phil. J. of Horn. III. 368. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 424.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Apocynum androsaemifolium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. Indian Hemp. Natural Order. Apocynaceas. Synonyms. Latin, Apocynum hypericifolium, A. pubescens, A. sibiricum ; English, Dog's-bane, Indian hemp ; French, Chanvre du Canada ; German, Canadische Hanfwurzel. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, resembling the A. andro- saemifolium, with a creeping root and a straight stem 2 to 4 feet high, dividing above in long, slender branches. The leaves opposite, petio- late, mucronate, when young downy beneath, 2 to 3 inches long, and finch broad. The flowers are greenish-white and appear from June to September in terminal and lateral cymes. Calyx divisions as long as corolla tube; corolla tube bell-form. The fruit is in pods 3 to 5 inches long, slender and pendulous. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 115 Habitat. Borders of thickets. Common in hedges and fields from Maine to Florida, in dry, sandy soil ; also common on river banks or banks of streams, and moist grounds. The different varieties run into one another. Fig., Millspaugh, 133. History. The Indians prepare a substitute for hemp from its fibre, hence one of its common names. It is replete with milky juice, which becomes hard like opium on exposure to the air. It was intro- duced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hale in 1864, New Rem. ist ed. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 425.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T 1 ^. Apocynum cannabinum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. APOMORPHINUM MURIATICUM. Apomorphinum Muriate. Apomorphin Hydrochloric!, Chemical Symbol. C 17 H 17 NO 2 HC1 ; 302.79. Synonyms. Latin, Apomorphinse hydrochloras, Apomorphinum hydrochloricum, Apomorphia ; English, Hydrochlorate or hydro- chloride of apomorphia, Muriate of apomorphia, Apomorphin ; French, Chlorhydrate d'apomorphine ; German, Apomorphin Hydro- chlorat. Description. Consists of small, white, shining crystals, without odor, turning green when exposed to air, and having a faintly bitter taste. Soluble in about 45 parts of water at 15 C. and in 45 parts of alcohol. It is decomposed when heated to 100 C. ; in aqueous solu- tion, at the same temperature, decomposition is more rapid. When Il6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE the aqueous solution is gently warmed, it turns green. Sodium carbonate produces a white precipitate in its solutions, which turns green on exposure to air ; it turns blood-red with nitric acid and is soluble in an excess of a solution of sodium hydrate with a purple color, which after a while turns black. It is obtained by heating morphin in a sealed tube with an excess of hydrochloric acid for 2 to 3 hours, at a temperature of 140 to i5oC. Should be kept well- stoppered and in a dark place. Maximum dose as an emetic ^ grain. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 427. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. ARALIA QUINQUEFOLIA. Ginseng. Natural Order. Araliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Aralia canadensis, A. quinquefolia, Aureliana canadensis, Ginseng quinquefolium, Panax americanum, P. ginseng, P. quinquefolium ; English and Vernacular, Chinese physic, Five-fingers, Garantogen, Gensang, Ninsin, Red berry, Tartar root. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb with a large, generally fleshy, fusiform root, terminating in fibres, sometimes branched, on the larger end of which is an irregular, cylindrical, knotty portion, narrower at its junction with the main root, showing scars of stems. Both parts are wrinkled transversely above, and sparsely so below. The stem is simple, erect, i foot high. The leaves are ternate or quinately lobed ; the leaflets obovate, thin, acuminate, serrate, and in two sets, three large and two small, all long petioled. The flowers, light-yellow, appear in June and July in terminal peduncled umbels. Habitat. Northern, Middle, and Western United States; found in rich, cool woods. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 212; Millspaugh, 70. History. Name derived from pan, all, and akos, a remedy, con- sidered a panacea by the Chinese from time immemorial. It is largely exported to China, and similar to if not identical with the species of that country. It was introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1836, a proving by Dr. Jouve, Bib. Horn. d. Gen., Dec. 1836. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 415.] Part Used. The freshly dried root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 117 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength y 1 ^. Ginseng, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. ARALIA RACEMOSA. Spikenard. Natural Order. Araliaceae. Synonyms. English, Berry-bearing aralia, Petty morrel, Spike- nard ; French, Nard americain ; German, Amerikanische Narde. Description. Perennial, deciduous herb with an aromatic root and stem 3 to 5 feet high, smooth and widely branched ; the leaves large, bi-ternate and pinnate, with ovate, serrate, slightly downy leaflets. The flowers are small, umbelliferous and racemose, appearing in July. Habitat. Rocky woods in North America. Fig., Millspaugh, 69. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1867 by Dr. Hale, New Remedies, 2d ed. Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength Y 1 ^. Aralia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 870 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ARANEA DIADEMA. Diadem Spider. Order. Araneidea. Family. Epeiridae. Il8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Epeira diadema; English, Diadem spider, Papal-cross spider ; French, Araigne"e a croix papule ; German, Kreutz Spinne. Description. This spider is readily distinguished from others of its species by its large globular abdomen. Its mandibles are used exclu- sively for biting. The head thorax is attached to the abdomen by a slender pedicel. Respiration is carried on by both the lungs and the trachea. The abdomen, which is not divided into segments, is often as large as a small nut. A longitudinal line of yellow and white spots traverses the back, and is crossed by three similar lines. The web is composed of spiral threads, crossed by other threads radiating from a center. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 433. Habitat. Europe and America, in stables and old walls, etc. Parts Used. The entire animal. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength y 1 ^. Aranea diadema, containing solids 100 Gm., moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 724 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations: ix and higher. ARGENTUM CYANATUM. Argentum Cyanid. Argentum Cyanid. Chemical Symbol. AgCy; 133.64. Synonyms. Latin, Argenti cyanidum ; English, Cyanide of silver, Cyanuret of silver ; French, Cyanure d'argent ; German, Silbercyanid. Description. A white, amorphous, odorless, tasteless powder, turning brown on exposure to light and air. Insoluble in water or alcohol, soluble in potassium cyanid, ammonia, and sodium hyposulfite. When heated it fuses, gives off cyanogen, and leaves metallic silver. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. It is acted upon by boiling nitric acid, with the production of hydro- gen cyanid. Is prepared from silver nitrate and potassium ferro- cyanid. This salt should be kept in dark amber-colored vials away from the light. A poison : Maximum dose -fa grain. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 452. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher ; to be protected from light. ARGENTUM IODATUM. Argentum Iodid. Argentum Iodid. Chemical Symbol. Agl ; 234.19. Synonyms. Latin, Argenti iodidum ; English, Iodide of silver; French, lodure d'argent; German, Silberjodid. Description. An amorphous, light-yellow, odorless, tasteless pow- der, turning a greenish-yellow when impure on exposure to light. Insoluble in water or alcohol, soluble in about 2500 parts of stronger ammonia water. At a temperature of about 400 C. it melts to a dark-red liquid, which solidifies on the withdrawal of heat to a yellow, slightly translucent mass. It is dissolved by both the cyanid and iodid of potassium, and is decomposed by chlorin. It is obtained from silver nitrate and potassium iodid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. Preparations of this salt should be protected from light and air. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. Metallic Silver. Argentum. Chemical Symbol. Ag; 107.66. Synonyms. English, Silver ; French, Argent ; German, Silber. Description. A white, brilliant, tenacious, ductile metal, tasteless and odorless. Insoluble in water and alcohol ; soluble with nitric acid, the solution giving a heavy, white, curdy precipitate with aqueous solu- I2O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE tions of chlorids. It melts at a white heat, and absorbs oxygen, which is liberated when cooling, forming excrescences on the surface of the metal. Argentum does not oxidize in air, but is quickly tarnished by hydrogen sulfid. It can be distilled at a temperature of about 2800 C. It is extracted from native silver ores. It is obtained as a black powder by the calcination of any organic silver salt, or in minute crys- tals by the decomposition of its neutral solutions by means of certain metals, such as copper and zinc. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 436. PREPARATIONS. Triturations ; ix and higher. ARGENTUM MURIATICUM. Argentum Chlorid. Argentum Muriate. Chemical Symbol. AgCl; 143.03. Synonyms. Latin, Argenti chloridum ; English, Chloride of silver ; French, Chlorure d'argent ; German, Silberchlorid. Description. A white, amorphous powder, odorless and tasteless, turning black on exposure to light. Insoluble in water and alcohol. It is dissolved in aqueous ammonia, and is reprecipitated from its solution when the ammonia is neutralized with an acid. When sub- mitted to heat, it fuses, and on cooling solidifies in transparent, yellowish plates. It has the property of absorbing large quantities of ammonia gas. It is reduced into metallic silver when in contact with nascent hydrogen. It is obtained from silver nitrate and sodium chlorid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 452. PREPARATIONS. Ttiturations: ix and higher, freshly prepared. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Argentum Nitrate. Argentum Nitrate. Chemical Symbol. AgNO 3 ; 169.55. Synonyms. Latin, Argenti nitras ; English, Nitrate of silver; French, Azotate d'argent ; German, Silbernitrat. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 121 Description. Consists of shining, colorless, odorless, tabular, rhombic crystals, with a burning, strong metallic taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 0.6 parts of water, also in 2.6 parts of alcohol. It stains the skin black. Fused by the action of heat, it solidifies on cooling ; at a red heat it is decomposed, leaving metallic silver. With sodium chlorid its aqueous solution gives an abundant white precipitate of silver chlorid, soluble in ammonia. It is obtained from silver and nitric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 436. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : ^ with distilled water. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with distilled water. Preparations of this salt should be kept in glass-stoppered bottles. ARGENTUM OXYDATUM. Argentum Oxid. Argentum Oxid. Chemical Symbol Ag 2 O; 231.28. Synonyms. Latin, Argenti oxidum, Oxidum argenticum ; English, Oxide of silver ; French, Oxyde d'argent ; German, Silberoxyd. Description. A dark-greenish powder, odorless, having a strong metallic taste. Only slightly soluble in water, I part requiring 3000 parts ; insoluble in alcohol. It decomposes slowly when exposed to light ; at a red heat gives metallic silver. Its aqueous solution is alkaline. It dissolves entirely in ammonia and in hot nitric acid. It is obtained by the decomposition of argentic nitrate with lime water, or an aqueous solution of potassium hydrate. It should not be triturated with readily oxidizable substances, or be brought in con- tact with ammonia. PREPARATIONS. Tritiirations ; ix and higher. ARGENTUM PHOSPHORICUM. Argentum Phosphate. Argentum Phosphate. Chemical Symbol. Ag 3 PO 4 ; 41; '.78. Synonyms. English, Argentum ortho-phosphate, Ortho-phosphate of silver. 122 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. Argentum ortho-phosphate is a lemon-yellow powder resembling argentum iodid. It is insoluble in water, but readily solu- ble in acid, even in acetic acid. Aqueous ammonia dissolves it, and by evaporation it is obtained in yellow crystalline grains. It turns black, and is decomposed on exposure to light. When heated it turns red-orange, and melts at a strong red heat. It is distinguished from argentic iodid by being readily soluble in ammonia. It is obtained by treating argentic nitrate with an aqueous solution of an alkaline ortho- phosphate. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher, to be protected from light. ARISTOLOCHIA MILHOMENS. Brazilian Snakeroot. Natural Order. Aristolochiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Aristolochia cymbifera, A. grandiflora. Description. A climbing shrub, with glabrous stem. The leaves are large, alternate, long-petioled, pedate-nerved, with reticulated little veins between the nerves, cordate, smooth, with large, entire, reni- form, sheathing stipules. The very large, purple-spotted yellow flowers are solitary on a furrowed peduncle 4 to 5 inches long. Habitat. Brazil, in shady thickets. Fig., Mure, Mat. Med. 157. History. It has been mistaken for and used for guaco ; a popular remedy in Brazil, and reputed antidote to bites of serpents. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1849 by Dr. Mure, Pathogen. Bresilien, 315. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 475.] Part Used The fresh flowers or root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Aristolochia milhomens, moist magma containing solids loo Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 123 ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENT ARIA. Virginia Snakeroot. Natural Order. Aristolochiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Aristolochia hastata, A. hirsuta, A. officinalis, A. sagittata, A. virginica, Contrajerva virginiana, Endocleca bartonii, E. serpentaria, Serpentaria, S. virginica; English, Birthwort, Snake- weed, Virginia snakeroot ; Fremh, Serpentaire de virginie ; German, Virginische Schlangenwurzel. Description. A small, perennial herb, having a short, horizontal rhizome, with long, slender rootlets below, top scarred by previous stems, sending up numerous stems. The stems rise singly or sever- ally from the same root, are branched at the base, jointed, flexuous, cylindrical, fine, with a reddish tinge, and are generally less than a foot high. The leaves, on upper part of stem, are alternate, petiolate, oblong or ovate, thin, cordate, and acuminate. The flowers appearing in June and July grow close to the ground, have a stiff, leathery tex- ture and dull, brownish-purple color, radical pedicel, and many bracts. The calyx tube is smoothish, contracted in the middle, bent in the form of the letter S. Habitat. Found in rich woods from Connecticut to Louisiana and west to Illinois, common near the Alleghany mountains. Fig., Winkler, 1 1 ; Jahr and Cat. 275 ; Goullon, 246 ; Bent, and Trim. 246 ; Millspaugh, 138. History. Derivation from aristos, best, and locheia, parturition considered as an aid in expelling the placenta and exciting lochia. It is said to have been chewed by the Egyptian snake-jugglers to stupefy the snakes by their saliva. The root has a penetrating odor, some- what like valerian, and a bitter, pungent taste. It has long been used in medicine. Provings were made by Jorg in 1825. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 659.] Part Used. The root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < / Drug strength ^. Aristolochia serpentaria, root, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 400 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 124 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. ARNICA MONTANA. Leopard's Bane. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Caltha alpina, Chrysanthemum latifolium, Doronicum austriacum quartum, D. germanicum, D. montanum, D. oppositifolium, D. plantaginis folio alternum, Nardus celtica altera, Panacea lapsorum, Ptarmica montana; English, Celtic nard, Leopard's bane, Mountain arnica, Mountain tobacco ; French, Arnique ; German, Arnika, Wohlverleth. Description. A perennial herb, with a slender, blackish rhizome i to 2 inches long, from which are given off numerous filiform roots. The stem, 10 to 12 inches high, is erect, pubescent, rough, striated, either simple or with one pair of opposite branches. The leaves, \y 2 to 3 inches long, are few, entire, sessile, opposite, obovate ; the radical ones crowded at the base, the upper smaller than the rest. The heads, 2 to 2^ inches wide, are large and solitary at the summit of the stem and lateral branches. The involucre is cylindrical, dull green, with purplish points and hairy. The disk flowers are yellow and numerous, with tubular corolla with five spreading teeth. The ray flowers are about fifteen in number, yellow in color. It flowers in July and August. Habitat. Moist, upland meadows of the cooler parts of Europe, a mountain plant in Central Europe, from the sea coast to the limits of eternal snow. It extends through Russia to Siberia. Is also found sparsely in the northwestern part of the United States. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 37; Winkler, 23; Jahr and Cat. 167; Goullon, 155; Bent, and Trim. 158. History. Name said to be derived from arnakis, lamb's skin, on account of woolly appearance of the leaf, also a corruption of ptarmica, a sternutatory. It was a popular remedy in the beginning of the last century as a panacea for contusions and bruises, hence called Panaceae lapsorum, but fell into disuse. It was mentioned by Hahnemann in AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 125 1805, Frag. d. v. Med. 17. The whole plant was recommended by Hahnernann (R. A. M. L.), but the discovery on the flowers of the eggs of a parasitical fly has led to the use of the root. (See " Arnica Montana e radice.") [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 476.] Parts Used. The entire fresh plant, including the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Arnica, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, too Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. ARNICA MONTANA E RADICE. Description. The powdered root of arnica was at first recom- mended by Hahnernann in his Fragmenta de viribus. The root is the dried rhizome, and the rootlets i to 2 inches long, ^ inch thick, cylindrical, contorted, rough from leaf scars. From the under surface are numerous wiry rootlets 2 inches long. Externally it is dark- brown, internally whitish. The odor is peculiar, like apples, faintly aromatic; the taste bitter, astringent. The fracture is sharp and brittle. When macerated in alcohol, or water, it retains its character- istic odor. It loses its virtue on exposure to the air. Part Used. The freshly dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength ^. Arnica e radice, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 400 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 126 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. d. Triturations : I x and higher. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Arsenious Oxid. Arsenicum Album. Chemical Symbol. As 2 O 3 ; 197.68. Synonyms. Latin, Acidum arseniosum, A. arsenicosum ; English, Arsenic, White arsenic, Arsenious acid, A. anhydrid ; French, Acide arsenieux, Arsenic blanc; German, Arsenige Saure. Description. In the hydrated state, forms arsenious acid. When freshly prepared, consists of large, vitreous, amorphous masses, which gradually become opaque, crystalline and porcelain-like. Soluble in 25 parts of water at ordinary temperature, and in alkalies ; quite sparingly soluble in alcohol. Its aqueous solutions give a yellow precipitate with hydrogen sulfid, soluble in aqueous ammonia. At a temperature of 218 C., it volatilizes without fusing. Its vapor is colorless and odorless, and on cooling, brilliant octahedrons are formed. Heated with reducing substances, such as charcoal, potassium cyanid or organic matters, it emits a strong garlic odor, and is reduced to the metallic state. It is found native, and is extracted from its ore. An active poison. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 496. Maximum dose T V grain, not to exceed grain per day. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: 2x and higher. b. Solution <: Drug strength y^-. Vitreous Arsenious acid, finely powdered, 10 Gm. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Strong alcohol, 100 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. The powdered arsenic should be added to 800 parts of distilled water ; boiled in a flask to complete solution and filtered : the filtrate should be increased to 900 parts by the addition of distilled water, plus 100 parts of alcohol to complete the 1000 Cc. of solution. c. Dilutions : 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. I2/ ARSENICUM HYDROGENATUM. Hydrogen Arsenid. Arsenetted Hydrogen. Chemical Symbol. AsH 3 ; 77.9. Synonyms. Latin, Arsenicum hydrogenisatum ; English, Arsine. Description. A colorless gas, having a strong odor resembling garlic ; very poisonous ; burning with a blueish flame, yielding water and arsenious oxid. It is analogous in composition to ammonia. Is slightly soluble in water, absorbing its volume of gas ; insoluble in alcohol. It does not combine with acids nor bases. It is entirely absorbed by copper sulfate. From solutions of silver, gold and plati- num salts, it precipitates the metals, and is converted into arsenious oxid, which remains in solution. It is obtained when nascent hydrogen is liberated in contact with soluble arsenic compounds. The gas is a deadly poison, and its inhalation is attended with great danger. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 550. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution <.- -^. A saturated aqueous solution, freshly pre- pared, will contain about i of its volume of the gas ; the ix solution can therefore be prepared by the addition of an equal quantity of distilled water. b. Dihitions: 2x and higher, with distilled water, freshly made. Caution : A deadly poison ; avoid inhalation, as the smallest quantity may cause serious, if not fatal results. ARSENICUM IODATUM. Arsenious lodid. Arsenicum lodid. Chemical Symbol. AsI 3 ; 454.49. Synonyms Latin, Arseni iodidum, Arsenicum jodatum, lodure- tum arseniosum, Arsenici iodidum ; English, Arsenious iodide, Iodide of arsenic, Ter-iodide of arsenic ; French, lodure d'arsenic ; German, Arsenikjodiir. Description. An orange crystalline, or purple mass, having the odor and taste of lodin, gradually losing iodin on exposure to air. It is soluble in 7 parts of water, and the solution when boiled and slowly 128 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE cooled, deposits crystals of a compound of arsenious oxid with arsenic oxi-iodid, also soluble in 30 parts of alcohol. It is completely volatilized by heat, and with nitric acid emits violet vapors of iodin. Its aqueous solution is yellow, and gradually decomposes into arsenious and hydriodic acids. The commercial salt is often deficient in arsenic. It is obtained by heating iodin and arsenic together. It is also obtained by treating pulverized arsenic with a solution of iodin in carbon disulfid. A poison. Maximum dose y% grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher; freshly prepared and preserved in glass-stoppered bottles, protected from the light. ARSENICUM METALLICUM. Metallic Arsenic, Arsenicum Metal. Chemical Symbol. As; 74.9. Synonyms. Latin, Arsenum ; French, Arsenic; German, Arsenik. Description. Consists of very brittle metallic masses of a steel- gray color. It crystallizes in rhombohedrons, and is insoluble in water and alcohol. Is tasteless and odorless, but when rubbed in the hands emits a peculiar odor. On exposure to air, it oxidizes slowly and its surface turns black. Without previous fusion it volatilizes at a dull- red heat, emitting a garlic-like odor. Several organic arsenic radicles are known. A poison. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 554. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: 2x and higher, from the finely pulverized metal. ARSENICUM SULPHURATUM FLAVUM. Arsenicum Sulfid (yellow). Arsenious Sulfid. Chemical Symbol. As 2 S 3 ; 245.74. Synonyms. Latin, Arsenicum citrinum, Arsenii sulphidum, Arsenic trisulphide ; English, Yellow sulphide of arsenic, Orpiment, King's yellow; French, Sulfure jaune d'arsenic; German, Sulfide arsenieux, Goldgelb. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. Description. Artificially prepared, it is a lemon-yellow powder, without taste or odor, and insoluble in water and alcohol. It is dis- solved by aqua ammonia. It melts easily and completely volatilizes at a high temperature. Heated with charcoal it is reduced to the metallic state. It is found in nature, and is artificially prepared by decomposing an aqueous solution of arsenious oxid, or its alkaline salts, by hydrogen sulfid. A poison. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: 2x and higher. ARSENICUM SULPHURATUM RUBRUM. Arsenicum Sulfid (red). Arsenic Disulfid. Chemical Symbol. As 2 S 2 ; 213.8. Synonyms. Latin, Arsenicum rubrum, A. bisulfuretum, A. bisulphidum, Rubinus arsenicalis ; English, Bisulphide of arsenic, Red sulfuret of arsenic, Realgar; French, Rubis d'arsenic ; German, Sulfide hypoarsenieux. Description. A mineral, found native, consisting of orange-red prisms or scales, and answering to the same tests as the yellow sulfid of arsenic. An artificial product, called red orpiment, is made by fusing together 5 parts of arsenious acid and 3 parts of sulfur. The native mineral should be used. An active poison. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 557. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. ARTEMISIA ABROTANUM. Southernwood. Natural Order. Composite. Synonyms. Latin, Abrotanum ; English, Lady's love, Old man, Southernwood ; French, Auronedes jardins ; German, Eberrante. Description. An evergreen under-shrub, with an upright stem, 3 to 4 feet high. The leaves are grayish-green, alternate, the lower bi-pinnate, the upper pinnate capillary. The flowers are yellow, I3O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE appearing from August to October, fertile ; the heads nodding in wand-like panicles. The involucre whitish, downy, hemispherical ; the corolla naked. Habitat. Southern Europe. Cultivated for its fragrant foliage. Fig., Goullon, 150. History. Named for Artemis, one of the names of Diana ; accord- ing to Pliny, named for Queen Artemisia. The abrotanum signifying immottal, as a preservative of life. It is used in making beer. It was used in the Eastern countries as a moxa for the cure of gout. Men- tioned in homoeopathic literature in 1869 by Dr. Gatchell, U. S. M. & S. Jour. V. 291. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 558.] Parts Used. The fresh leaves and young shoots. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Artemisia abrotanum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 794 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. ARTEMISIA VULGARIS. Mugwort. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Artemisia heterophyllus, A. indica canadensis ; English, Mugwort, Wormwood ; French, Couronne de Saint-Jean ; German, Beifuss. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with creeping root. The stem, 2 to 3 feet high, furrowed and loosely branched. The lower leaves are laciniate, the middle pinnatifid and the upper lanceolate. The branches and lower surface of the leaves are whitish, woolly. The heads are numerous, small, somewhat racemose, ovoid. The flowers are all fertile, of purple color, appearing from August to October. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMtEOPATHY. Habitat. Naturalized from Europe. In Canada and the Atlantic states, found in waste places on banks of streams, roadsides, near dwellings. Fig., Winkler, 9; Jahr and Cat. 168; Goullon, 151; Millspaugh, 87. History. It was used as a popular remedy for epilepsy. Men- tioned in homoeopathic literature in 1838, Allg. Horn. Zeit. XII. 374. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 558.] Part Used. The root gathered in dry weather, taking care not to wash it. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture. : Drug strength jfa. Artemisia vulgaris, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 100 Strong alcohol, 694 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. ARUM DRACONTIUM. Green Dragon. Natural Order. Araceae. Synonyms. Latin, Arisaema dracontium ; English, Dragon root, Green dragon ; French, Govet a dragon ; German, Drachen aron. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with wrinkled, clustered corm, from which arise numerous stems i to 2 feet high, each bearing a solitary leaf, pedately divided into seven to ten oblong, lanceolate, pointed leaflets. Spadix is awl-shaped, longer than the oblong con- voluted spathe, which is green, scaphoid, with a short, erect point. Flowers May and June. Habitat. North America, found in low grounds along streams. Fig., Millspaugh, 168. History. Mentioned in 1875 by Dr. Hart, Am. Horn. Obs. XII. 537. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 363.] Part Used. The fresh plant. 132 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Arum dracontium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ARUM MACULATUM. Wake Robin. Natural Order. Araceae. Synonyms. Latin, Arum vulgare, Aronis communis ; English, Common arum, Cuckoo-pint, Lords and ladies, Spotted arum, Wake robin ; French, Pied de veau ; German, Geflecter Aron, Aronswurzel. Description. A perennial herb, having a whitish, tuberous root, about the size of a large nutmeg. The stem, i foot high. The leaves are radical, stalked, erect, hastate, sagitate, spotted a dingy purple or unspotted. White flowers appear from May to June on a purple spadix, which is club-shaped, obtuse, and shorter than the spathe, the latter being erect, pale green and occasionally spotted ; the scarlet berries remaining long after their spathe and the foliage have withered. Habitat. Found in middle and southern Europe in shady forests, coast of Barbary and the higher mountains of Madeira. Fig., Winkler, 19 ; Jahr & Cat. 169 ; Goullon, 251. History. The root is used both as food and medicine. On first tasting, it is merely mucilaginous and insipid, but soon leaves a sensa- tion as if pricked by needles. This acrimony is lost in drying, and the roots become farinaceous and fit for boiling and baking. In the Isle of Portland, Britain, where the plant is very abundant, the roots are frequently eaten. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1833 by Dr. Hering, Archiv. III. i, 169. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 560.] Part Used. The fresh root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 133 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Arum maculatum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Indian Turnip. Natural Order. Araceae. Synonyms. Latin, Arisaema triphyllum, Arum atrorubens; English, Bog onion, Canada turnip, Dragon's root, Dragon's turnip, Indian turnip, Marsh turnip, Pepper or wild turnip, Jack in the pulpit ; French, Gouet a trois feuilles ; German, Dreiblattriger Aron. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb. The root, a turnip- shaped corm, the lower and larger part tuberous and fleshy, with numerous white rootlets in a circle from its juncture with the stalk, bearing generally two opposite leaves on long, sheathing foot -stalks. The spadix often dioecious, is club-shaped, obtuse, much shorter than the spathe, the latter being flattened and in-curved, hooded at the summit with the petiole and sheath green, or often variegated with dark purple or whitish stripes or spots. Flowering from May to July. Habitat, Indigenous to United States and Canada. Found in rich woods and wet places. Fig., Millspaugh, 167. History. All parts of the plant have an intensely acrid juice. This acridity disappears on drying, the roots becoming palatable. They are used by the Indians for food, hence the name Indian turnip. Provings of it were made by Dr. James in 1844, published by Dr. Hering ,.i Horn. News, 1856. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 561.] Part Used. The fresh root. 134 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ : Drug strength y 1 ^. Arum triphyllum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. ASAFCETIDA. Asafcetida. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Asafoetida disgunensis, Ferula asafcetida, F. narthex, F. persica, Narthex asafoetida, Scorodosma fcetidum ; English, Assafetida ; French, Ase fetide ; German, Asant, Stinkasant, Teufels- dreck. Description. This gum resin is an amorphous mass, composed of agglutinated tears of a waxy consistency. It is white, but by contact with the air becomes rosy or reddish, and afterwards brownish. It has a shining surface; becomes brittle by age and cold; is softened by heat, so that it may be squeezed through a coarse cloth and freed from mechanical impurities. The best masses are clear, of a pale-reddish color, variegated with a great number of white tears, which have a bitter, acrid taste and a nauseous, alliaceous smell. It is inflammable, burning with a whitish flame and much smoke. This gum is soluble in alcohol. Its properties are impaired by age. Habitat. Persia and neighboring countries. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 45 ; Winkler, 71 ; Jahr and Cat. 170; Goullon, 123 ; Bent, and Trim. 126. History and Source. This drug, or a similiar one, was described by Dioscorides and other medical authorities. Its present source seems to be from two umbelliferous plants, Ferula narthex (Narthex asa- fcetida) and Ferula scorodosma (Scorodosma foetidum), differing but slightly in minor characteristics. Both abound throughout in a milky juice, which is obtained from transverse cuttings of the roots, and AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 135 which is allowed to dry and harden in tears or masses, being carelessly mixed with earth, or purposely so, to facilitate its drying. The mass thus dried contains from 3 to 5 per cent of oil, 50 to 65 of resin and 26 to 32 of gum. The roots vary in size from i inch to 6 inches in diameter, and yield from a half-ounce to two pounds of juice. One drachm of the fresh juice is said to diffuse a more powerful odor through a close room than one hundred pounds of the drug. It was mentioned in homosopathic literature in 1822 by Dr. Franz, Archiv. I. 3, 187. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 569.] Part Used. The gum resin. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Asafoetida, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. ASARUM CANADENSE. Wild Ginger. Natural Order. Aristolochiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Radix asari canadensis; English, Canada, Indian or Wild snake-root, Canadian or Kidney-leaved asarabacca, Canada ginger, Colt's foot, Heart-root, Indian ginger, Vermont snake- root, Wild ginger, Wild turnip ; French, Assaret du Canada ; German, Canadische Haselwurzel. Description. A perennial herb, with creeping, fleshy, somewhat jointed rhizome, T ^ to ^ inch thick, brown and wrinkled externally, whitish internally, hard and brittle. The stem is short, forked before leaving the ground, each branch bearing a reniform mucronate leaf, 3 to 4 inches long, and 3 to 5 inches broad, with long, round petioles. A solitary brown flower grows from the fork of the stem upon a pendulous peduncle. The corolla is wanting, calyx brownish-purple. All the parts are downy or hairy. The time for flowering is April to July. 136 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. The United States, common especially northward and along the Alleghanies, growing in woods, on hillsides and mountains. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hale in 1866, New Rem. 2d ed. 96. Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture .- Drug strength ^. Asarum canadense, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ASARUM EUROPIUM, Asarabacca. Natural Order. Aristolochiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Asarum vulgare, Nardum rusticanum; English, Asarabacca, European snake-root, Pole's foot, Hazelwort, Wild-nard; French, Cabaret de 1' Europe, Asaret; German, Hazel- wurz, Haselkraut. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with creeping rhizome, i^ inch thick, knotted and twisted, with a short, simple pubescent stem, i foot high. This bears a single pair of leaves, 2 inches wide, on long, downy petioles. These leaves are reniform, obtuse, glossy green, darkening as they wither, and having a pungent odor, not per- ceptible when fresh. The flowers are solitary, and appear from April to June, from the axils of the leaves, on short terminal pedicels ; calyx greenish without, brownish within ; corolla wanting. Habitat. Throughout Europe in moist, shady, hilly places. Fig., Flor. Horn. I, 53; Winkler, 8; Jahr & Cat. 171 ; Goullon, 247. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 137 History. Name said to signify not a bandage, as it was omitted from the garlands of the ancients. It was introduced into homoeo- pathic practice in 1825 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L. III. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 582.] Parts Used. The fresh plant and root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Asarum Europaeum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ASCLEPIAS INCARNATA. Swamp Milkweed. Natural Order. Asclepiadaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Asclepias amoena, A. pulcra; English, Flesh- colored asclepias or swallow-wort, Rose-colored or Swamp silkweed, Swamp milkweed, White Indian hemp ; FrencJi, Asclepiade incarnate; German, Fleischfarbige Schwalbenwurzel. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with a thick, deep root. The stem, 2 to 3 feet high, is erect, branching, very leafy, nearly smooth, with scant, milky juice. The leaves are opposite, petioled, oblong- lanceolate, obscurely heart-shaped, acute, entire and smooth. The small rose-purple flowers appear from June to August in lateral and terminal umbels. Habitat. Found throughout the United States; very common northward in wet ground. History. Introduced in homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hale, New Rem. Part Used. The fresh root. 138 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <. Drug strength y 1 ^. Asclepias incarnata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 735 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA. Milkweed. Natural Order. Asclepiadaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Asclepias cornuti; English, Milkweed, Silk- weed, Virginian swallow-wort, Wild cotton; French, Asclepiade a la soie; German, Schwalbenwurzel. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a root, or rhizome, a foot long, branched, % to i inch thick, knotty, finely wrinkled length- wise, few rootlets, thick white bark, odorless, bitter taste. The stem is large, stout, simple, somewhat branched, 3 to 5 feet high. Leaves, 4 to 8 inches long, are opposite, lanceolate, oblong, ovate, petiolate, gradually acute, dark green above, downy beneath. The large, pale- purple flowers, June to September, are fragrant and in several axil- lary, sub-terminal, nodding umbels. Few of the flowers are fertile. These produce oblong, pointed pods, with sharp prickles, containing long silky fibres, with seeds attached. When punctured, the plant emits a milky fluid, containing water and a wax-like, fatty matter. Habitat. Indigenous to the United States, in rich or sandy soils, along roadsides and waste places. Fig., Millspaugh, 134. History. Named from Asclepias, its discoverer, or Esculapius. The tender shoots in the spring are eaten as asparagus ; sugar is made from the flowers, and cotton from the pods is used for filling beds. On account of its silkiness, it has been called Virginian silk or silk- weed. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hale in 1866, New Rem. 2d ed. 103. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 590.] Part Used. The fresh root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 139 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Asclepias syriaca, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 800 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. Butterfly Weed. Natural Order. Asclepiadaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Asclepias decumbens; English, Butterfly weed, Canada root, Colic root, Flux root, Orange apocynum, Orange swallow root, Pleurisy root, Swallow root, Tuber root, White root, Wind root ; French, Racine d'asclepiade tubereuse ; German, Knollige Schwal- benwurzel. Description. A perennial herb, with a large, fleshy, branching, white, sometimes fusiform-like root, i to 6 inches long, y 2 to i inch thick, the head irregular and knotty, annulate, wrinkled lengthwise, externally browish-orange color, internally yellowish-white ; the bark thin, odorless, and of a nauseous and slightly acrid taste. The stems are numerous, i to 3 feet high, erect, or oblique, round, hairy, green, or red, branching at the summit. The leaves are alternate, the lower ones petiolate, the upper sessile, hairy, dark-green above, paler beneath, wavy on the edge and on the older plants revolute. Flowers, July to August, are numerous, erect, bright-orange color, arranged in terminal corymbs. The seeds are ovate, flat, marginal, and terminate in long silken hairs. Unlike other plants of this family it is destitute of the milky juice. Habitat. United States, Massachusetts to Georgia, and west to Texas. Fig., Millspaugh, 135. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1856 by Savary, N. Z. f. H. K. 5. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 591.] Part Used. The fresh root. I4O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Asclepias tuberosa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ASIMINA TRILOBA. Common Pawpaw. Natural Order. Anonaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Annona triloba, Asimina campaniflora, A. conoidea, Orchidocarpium arietinum, Porcelia triloba, Uvaria triloba; English, Pawpaw, American custard-apple ; French, Asiminier ; German, Dreilappige asimine. Description. An ornamental, deciduous tree, 10 to 20 feet high, with smooth, grayish, acrid, or foetid bark. The young shoots and expanding leaves are clothed with a rusty down and soon become glabrous. The leaves are alternate, entire, thin, obovate-oblong, petioles dark-purple. The dull-purple flowers, March to May, are i> inches wide, solitary and axillary, and appear with the leaves. The fruit, 2 to 3 inches long, resembles a banana, is yellowish, sweet and edible in October, after frost. Habitat. Native of Central United States, especially the Ohio valley. Banks of streams in rich soil, western New York and Pennsyl- vania to Illinois and southward. Fig., Millspaugh, 13. History. Named from Asiminier. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 599-} Part Used. The ripe seed. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 14! PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Asimina triloba, 100 Grru Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing, alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS. Asparagus. Natural Order Liliaceae. Synonyms. English, Asparagus; French, Asperge; German, Spargel. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb. The stem is erect* unarmed, terete, very branching, 2 to 4 feet high ; leaves setaceous, flexible, vasculate and filiform, pale pea-green, )^ inch to \y z inches long. Flowers green, axillary, nodding, solitary or in pairs. Berries globose, red, three-celled, two-seeded. Habitat. Found on the seashore of Britain and parts of Europe, and sandy plains in Russia, Turkey and Greece. Cultivated ; sparingly escaped from gardens into waste places on the coast. Fig., WinKier, 6. History Cultivated and highly esteemed as a vegetable in the time of Cato, 200 years B. C. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1840 by Dr. Buchner, Hygea XII. 426. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 597. Part Used. The young shoots. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength T V Asparagus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. == 5 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 142 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ASTERIAS RUBENS. Star Fish. Class. Echinodermata. Order Asteroid ea. Family. Asteriadae. Synonyms. Latin, Uraster rubens ; English, Common star fish. Description. A marine animal common to the Atlantic coasts in Europe, and to a limited extent in America. It is in shape like a star, having ray-like points, garnet-red to yellow in color. The central por- tion contains a globular sac, the stomach, the mouth being on the under surface and in the center ; the upper surface being covered with hard, knob-like protuberances. It has an eye in the extremity of each arm. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 602 ; X. 362. Part Used. The entire living animal. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength -^. Asterias rubens, containing solids 100 Gm., moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 637 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. ATHAMANTA OREOSELINUM. Mountain Parsley. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Athaminta oreoselinum, Apium montanum, Oreoselinum, Petroselinum montanum, Peucedanum oreoselinum, Polycresta ; English, Galbanum, Mountain parsley, Speedwell ; French, Persil sauvage; German, Bergpetersilie. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 143 Description A perennial, deciduous herb. Stem 2 to 4 feet high, tapering, striated. Leaves are tri-pinnate, with petiolate segments, ovate, cut, pinnate, shining, nearly pointless, straggling. Flowers white, June to August. Fruit roundish, oval. Habitat. Native of Germany, hills of middle Europe and the Caucasus. History. Name signifying mountain and parsley. The whole plant was formerly held in such high esteem as to be known as poly- chresta. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1839 by Dr. Franz, Archiv. XVII. 3, 177. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. I. 607.] Part Used. Tincture of the whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength y 1 ^. Athamanta oreoselinum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol. 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ATROPINUM. Atropin. Chemical Symbol. C 17 H 23 NO 3 ; 288.38. Synonyms. Latin, Atropia, Atropinum purum, Atropina ; English, Atropine; French, Atropine; German, Atropin. Description. An alkaloid, consisting of colorless, silky crystals, turning yellow on exposure to air, having a very bitter and acrid taste, melting at 90 C. and decomposing at a higher temperature, without residue. It is soluble in 130 parts of cold water at I5C. and in 3 parts of alcohol. The aqueous solution is alkaline in reaction and powerfully dilates the pupil of the eye. It forms salts with acid, which crystallize with difficulty. Atropin and its salts are decomposed by caustic alkalies, emitting when heated an ammoniacal odor. It 144 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE gives a yellowish color with nitric acid, and with colorless, concentrated sulfuric acid, a colorless solution, which turns yellow after some time, and on being warmed emits an odor resembling that of roses and orange flowers. When manganese dioxid is added to the solution of atropin in concentrated sulfuric acid, odors like that of bitter almonds and afterwards of benzoic acid are emitted. Its aqueous solutions are precipitated white by tannic acid, the precipitate being soluble in acids. If cyanogen is passed through its alcoholic solution, a blood-red colora- tion is produced. It is obtained from belladonna root. Atropin and its salts are very poisonous. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 608 ; X. 367. Maximum dose -fa grain. PREPARATIONS. a. Tritrirations : 2x and higher. b. Tincture 4> : ^ in alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 2x and higher. ATROPINUM SULPHURICUM. Atropin Sulfatc. Atropinum Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. (C 17 H 23 NO 3 ) 2 H 2 SO 4 ; 674.58. Synonyms. Latin, Atropinae sulphas, Atropiae sulfas, Atropia sulphurica ; English, Sulfate of atropin ; French, Sulfate d'atropine ; German, Atropinsulfat. Description. A white, odorless, partly crystallized powder, of a very acrid and bitter taste. Soluble in 0.4 parts of water and 6.5 parts of alcohol at 15 C. Fused by heat, it assumes a red color and volatil- izes entirely. A solution having a T^TF part of atropin sulfate has a very bitter taste. Its aqueous solution dilates the pupil, and is pre- cipitated by sodium carbonate, the precipitate having all the character- istics of atropin; it is also precipitated by barium chlorid. Its reactions with nitric and sulfuric acid are the same as with atropin. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, I. 608. Maximum dose -fa grain. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations ; 2x and higher. b. Tincture : -fa in alcohol. c. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 145 AURUM METALLICUM. Metallic Gold. Aurum. Chemical Symbol. Au ; 196.7. Synonyms. Latin, Aurum precipitatum, A. foliatum ; English, Precipitated gold, Gold leaf ; French, Or ; German, Gold. Description. A malleable, yellow metal, of a brown color when finely powdered. It is not acted upon by air even at a high tempera- ture, nor by moisture. Is insoluble in water, sulfuric, nitric and hydrochloric acids; soluble in aqua regia. It melts at 1240 C. Is found native. It is obtained as a brown powder, by treating its chlorid with aqueous solutions of iron protosulfate, or of oxalic acid. The powder takes a metallic aspect by burnishing. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. I. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher, of the fine precipitated metal. AURUM MURIATICUM. Auric Chlorid. Aurum Muriate. Chemical Symbol AuCl 3 ; 302.81. Synonyms. Latin, Auri chloridum; English, Chlorid of gold, Muriate of gold ; French, Chlorure d'or ; German, Goldchlorid. Description. A yellow-orange, hygrometric salt, having a strong metallic taste. Freely soluble in water and in alcohol. Its aqueous solution stains the skin purple. With hydrogen sulfid a precipitate of gold sulfid is formed, which is soluble in alkaline sulfids. It is decomposed by heat, leaving a residue of metallic gold. It is obtained by dissolving pure gold in nitro-muriatic acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 14. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : 2x and higher, freshly prepared. b. Solution : -fa in distilled water. c. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part solution, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. All preparations of Aurum muriate should be freshly made and protected from light. 146 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONATUM. Aurum et Natrum Muriate. Sodium Auro-Chlorid. Chemical Symbol. AuCl g NaCl 2H 2 O; 397.1. Synonyms. Latin, Auro-natrium chloratum, Aurum et natrum muriaticum, Auri et natri chloridum ; English, Chloride of gold and sodium ; French, Chlorure d'or et de sodium ; German, Natriumgold- chlorid. A mixture composed of equal parts by weight of dry chlorid of gold and chlorid of sodium. Description. Consists of long, four-sided, yellow prisms, having a metallic taste. Freely soluble in water, and at least one-half of it should be soluble in cold alcohol. It does not deliquesce when ex- posed to air. Its aqueous solution produces a dark-purple color of the skin. Submitted to a red heat, it is decomposed into sodium chlorid and metallic gold. Its reactions are the same as those of auric chlorid. It is prepared by adding sodium chlorid to auric chlorid and allowing the resulting salt to crystallize. It must not con- tain free hydrochloric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 18. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Solution < . -$ in distilled water. c. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part ix solution, fotir parts dis- tilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. Preparations should be protected from the light. AURUM SULPHURATUM. Auric Sulfid. Aurum Sulfid. Chemical Symbol. Au 2 S 3 ; 489.34. Synonyms. Latin, Auri sulphidum; English, Yellow sulphide or sulphuret of gold. Description. A flocculent, inodorous, tasteless, yellow substance, insoluble in water and alcohol. Soluble in ammonium and potassium AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 147 sulfids. It loses its sulfur at a moderate heat, leaving a residuum of metallic gold. It is obtained by passing hydrogen sulfid into a cold, dilute solution of a gold salt. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 23. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AVENA SATF/A. Oat. Natural Order. Gramineae. Synonyms. Latin, Avena chinensis, A. nuda, A. orientalis; English, Oat; French, Farine d'Avoine; German, Hafermehl. Description. Annual grass, culms terete, erect, 2 to 4 feet high. Leaves few, alternate, 6 inches long, their sheaths long, split or bent on the side opposite the blade. The spikelets have two or three (rarely more) pendulous flowers. A genus distinguished by large membranaceous outer paleae, enclosing two to three flowers, each with bent awn. Habitat. Original source uncertain ; cultivated in all temperate climates, most successfully where the summer temperature is low and the atmosphere moist. Fig., Goullon, 280; Bent, and Trim. 292. History. There is no record of its cultivation earlier than the time of Pliny. Part Used. The fresh seed. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Avena sativa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Strong alcohol, 635 To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 148 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE BADIAGA. Fresh Water Sponge. Natural Order. Spongiae. Synonyms. Latin, Spongia palustris, Spongilla fluviatilis, S. lacustris; English, Fresh water sponge, River sponge; French, Eponge des fleuves ; German, Russicher Flusschwamm. Description. Similar to marine sponge, having branching ramifi- cations from the thickness of a quill to that of a finger, resembling stag's horns, with rounded corners and ends. Contains numerous round white granules, one side of which is excavated. It grows detached from the soil ; is of a greenish color externally, and has a disagreeable fishy smell. It can be easily dried and pulverized. Habitat. It is found in stagnant waters and in ditches, abundantly in Russia, and less so in some parts of Germany. History. The powder is used in Russia to apply to bruises. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1835 by Dr. Fielitz, Allg. Horn. Zeit. VII. 71, and mentioned by Dr. Hering, Guid. Sympt. II. 298. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 25.] Part Used. The dried sponge, pulverized. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM. Balsam of Peru, Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Balsamum indicum nigrum, B. peruvianum nigrum, Myrospermum peruiferum, M. pereirae, Myroxylon pereirae, M. peruiferum; English, Balsam of Peru, Quinquino; French, Baume de Peron ; German, Perubalsam. Description. The source of this balsam is a tree about 50 feet high, with a straight, smooth trunk, coarse bark and spreading, ascending branches, 6 to 10 feet from the ground. The exudation from the trunk of the tree, after the removal of the bark, is an oleo- resin, which is collected on wrappings of rags, from which it is removed by boiling. During the latter process, impurities are skimmed off and the balsam obtained is a viscid liquid of the consist- AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 149 ence of honey, black in bulk, but of a deep-orange color and trans- parent when in thin films. It has an agreeable odor, a warm, bitter taste, and is inflammable, giving off a fragant, white smoke. It is composed of about 38 per cent of black, brittle, odorless and tasteless resin, and 60 per cent of an aromatic, brown liquid. The balsam is soluble in about five parts rectified spirits. Habitat. San Salvador and Central America. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 83. History. It was in use as a medicament as early as the beginning of the i /th century. It was erroneously supposed to be the product of Peru, hence its name. It is used in the manufacture of soap for its fragrance and as it gives a soft, creamy lather. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Lembke, N. Z. f. H. Kl. XII. 41. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 30.] Part Used. The balsam. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Balsam Peru, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 900 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. Wild Indigo. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Podalyria tinctoria, Sophora tinctoria ; English, Horsefly weed, Indigo broom, Indigo weed, Indigofera, Rattle bush, Wild indigo, Yellow broom ; French, Indigo sauvage ; German, Baptisie. Description. A perennial plant, with short, blackish and woody root, yellowish internally, knotty head, 2 to 3 inches broad, irregular broad stem-scars above, sending off many rootlets underneath. The stem, 2 to 3 feet high, is round, smooth, glaucous and very much branched. The leaves are small, alternate, palmately trifoliate, sub- sessile ; the leaflets are rounded at the extremity, cuneate at the base, I5O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE and about ^ inch long. Flowers, June to August, are bright yellow, and in small, loose, terminal racemes. Legume short, inflated, bluish- black, oval-globose, on a long stalk. Habitat. Growing in dry places in many parts of the United States, as far south as Florida and west to the Mississippi, occasion- ally in damp places. Fig., Millspaugh, 52. History. Its young shoots were eaten as asparagus. Provings were published in 1857 by Dr. W. L. Thompson, N. A. J. Horn. V. 547. [Allen's Encye. Mat. Med. II. 31 ; X. 372.] Part Used. Bark of the fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength 1 J TT . Baptisia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 100 Strong alcohol, 700 To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher BAROSMA CRENATA. Buchu. Natural Order. Rutaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Barosma crenulata, B. eckloniana, B. odoratum, Baryosma odorata, Buchu crenata, Diosma crenata, D. crenulata, D. latifolia, Parapetalif era odorata ; English, Buchu ; Vernacular, Bookoo, Buku ; French, Feuilles de Bucco ; German, Bukublatter. Description. A slender, smooth, upright, evergreen shrub, 2 to 3 feet in height, twiggy, somewhat angular branches, brownish-purple bark. The leaves, varying in form, are opposite, flat, short-stalked, spreading, about an inch long, ovate or obovate, acute, serrate, thick, glabrous on both sides ; under surface dotted with oil cells, one also in each serrature. The flowers are pink or whitish, terminal, solitary, on short, lateral, leafy branches. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. Habitat. Southern Africa, growing abundantly in stony, hilly valleys, but limited in extent. Fig., Goullon, 5 1 ; Bent. & Trim. 46. History. The leaves are odoriferous, and when powdered used by the Hottentots under the name of Bookoo or Buku for anointing their bodies. It was used as a medicine early in the i6th century. Part Used. The dried leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Barosma crenata, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Trituralions : ix and higher. BAROSMA SERRATIFOLIA. Buku. Natural Order. Rutacese. Synonyms. Latin, Adenandra serratifolia, Diosma serratifolia, Parapetalifera serrata ; English, Buku ; Vernacular, Bucchu ; German, Gesagtblatteriger Buccostrauch. Description. A shrub, similar to Barosma crenata, having blunt- pointed, longer leaves, equally narrowed toward either end, i to i^ inches long, ^ mcn wide. Part Used. The dried leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Barosma serratifolia, ioo Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. BARYTA ACETICA. Barium Acetate. Barium Acetate. Chemical Symbol Ba2C 2 H 3 O 2 ; 254.62. Synonyms. Latin, Barii acetas; English, Acetate of barium, Acetate of baryta; French, Acetate de" baryte; German, Essigsaurer Baryt. Description. A white powder, soluble in 1.25 parts of water at I5C. It is obtained by the decomposition of barium carbonate or sulfid with acetic acid, the crystals thus obtained having the composi- tion (C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 Ba+H 2 O, which, when dried at o C, yield the anhydrous salt. When strongly heated, it splits into acetone and barium carbonate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 42 ; X. 372. PREPARATIONS. a. Solutions : T x in distilled water. b. Dilutions: To contain one part, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. BARYTA CARBONICA. Barium Carbonate. Barium Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. BaCO 3 ; 196.85. Synonyms. Latin, Barii carbonas, Barytae carbonas, Barium carbonicum, Carbonas baryticus ; English, Carbonate of barium ; French, Carbonate de baryte ; German, Kohlensaures Barium. Description. A white, soft, tasteless and odorless powder, slightly soluble in water, i part in 4000. Insoluble in alcohol. It dissolves in acid with production of carbon dioxid, the solution giving a heavy, white precipitate of barium sulfate, with soluble sulfates. At a strong, red heat, it melts into a white enamel, without decomposition ; at a stronger heat, is decomposed into carbon dioxid and barium oxid. It is formed when barium oxid is exposed to the air, and is obtained when an aqueous solution of barium chlorid or barium nitrate is AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 153 treated with ammonium carbonate. The mineral witherite is a native barium carbonate, which sometimes occurs in large crystals. Men- tioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 49; X. 372. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. BARYTA IODATA. Barium lodid. Barium lodid. Chemical Symbol. BaI 2 2H 2 O ; 425.88. Synonyms. Latin, Barii iodidum; English, Iodide of barium; French, lodure de baryum ; German, Jodbarium. Description. Consists of small, colorless, slender needles ; deliques- cent. Soluble in 0.48 parts of water at ordinary temperature, readily soluble in alcohol. It is not decomposed by heat in a closed vessel, but in contact with air decomposes slowly at common temperature, more quickly when heated, giving off vapors of iodin and leaving barium oxid. It is produced when hydriodic acid gas is passed over barium oxid at a red heat, also by adding powdered barium carbonate to an aqueous, boiling solution of ferrous iodid. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : ^ in dilute alcohol. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher, freshly prepared. BARYTA MURIATICA. Barium Chlorid. Barium Muriate. Chemical Symbol. BaCl,2H 2 O; 243.56. Synonyms. Latin, Barii chloridum, Barytae chloricum ; English, Chloride of barium ; French, Chlorure de baryum ; German, Chlor- baryum. Description. Consists of colorless, translucent, rhombohedral lam- elhe, soluble in 2.18 parts of water at 15 C. ; slightly soluble in alcohol. 154 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE The crystals decrepitate in the fire, and have an unpleasant, bitter and sharp saline taste. The aqueous solution gives a white precipitate with soluble sulfates. It becomes alkaline after fusion. It prevents the coagulation and putrefaction of blood. It is obtained from barium carbonate and hydrochloric acid, and is poisonous. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 65; X. 373. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : -$ in distilled water. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain < one part, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. d. Triturations ; ix and higher. BEBEERINUM SULPHURICUM. Bebeerin Sulfate. Bebeerinum Sulfate. Synonyms. Latin, Beberiae sulphas, Beberinae sulphas; English, Sulphate of beberine ; French, Sulfate de bebeerine ; German, Schwe- felsaures Bebirin. Description. Consists of brown, thin, translucent scales, having a bitter taste. Readily soluble in water and alcohol. The commercial salt is very rarely pure, containing nectandrin sulfate (C 20 H 23 NO 4 ) 2 H 2 SO 4 , and other alkaloid sulfates. This commercial salt gives with from 6 to 8 parts of water a clear brown solution, but on further dilu- tion a precipitate is formed, caused by deficiency of sulfuric acid. It is decomposed by heat, without residue. It is prepared from bebeeru bark and from nectandra. The pure salt is yellowish-white in color. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. BELLADONNA. Deadly Nightshade. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Atropa belladonna, A. lethalis, Belladonna baccifera, B. trichotoma, Solanum furiosurn, S. hortense, S. lethal e, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 155 S. magus, S. maniacum, S. mclanoceros, S. somniferum, S. sylvaticum ; English, Common dwale, Deadly nightshade; French, Belladone"; German, Tollkraut. Description. A large, bushy, perennial herb, with a thick, fleshy, juicy, branched and spreading root, pale-brown externally, white internally, when fresh. The stems are erect, 3 to 5 feet high, thick, cylindrical, smooth, dividing at first into three, then dichotomous, frequently branching, the youngest shoots pubescent. The leaves are numerous, alternate below, in pairs above, one larger than the other, short stalked, 3 to 9 inches long, ovate, entire, dark-green in color. The flowers, May to August, are solitary (rarely two or three together), axillary, stalked, drooping, pedicel as long or longer than the calyx, with short, glandular hairs ; calyx five cleft. Corolla, bell- shaped, about an inch long, cut into five lobes, dull reddish-purple, tinged with pale-green below. The berries ripen in September. The whole plant is fetid when bruised, and of a dark-purplish color. Habitat. Common in Europe, growing in ruins and waste places. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 60; Winkler, 18; Jahr and Cat. 172; Goullon, 187; Bent, and Trim. 193. History. Named from Atropos, one of the fates, whose duty it was to cut the thread of human life. Belladonna fine lady, from being used as a wash to remove pimples. It was used by Leucota, the famous poisoner of Italy, to destroy beautiful women. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Hahnemann, Frag. d. viribus 25. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 67; X. 373, 645.] Part Used. The whole plant, when beginning to flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Belladonna, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 47 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, foiir parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 156 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE BELLIS PERENNIS. Daisy. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. English, English daisy, Garden daisy, Hen and chickens ; French, La paquerette ; German, Maslieben. Description. A perennial herbaceous plant, stemless, scape naked, single headed. Leaves obovate, crenate. Flowers are white. Heads many flowered, radiate, the rays numerous and pistillate. Scales on the involucre herbaceous. Flowers March to August. Habitat. Great Britain. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1858 by Dr. Henry Thomas, B. J. Horn. XVI. 128. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 128.] Part Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Bellis perennis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 350 Cc. = 450 Strong alcohol, 683 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. BENZINUM NITRICUM. Nitro Benzol Betuinum Nitrate. Chemical Symbol. C 6 H 5 NO 2 ; 122.75. Synonyms. Latin, Benzinum petrolii, yEther petrolei, Nitroben- zolum; English, Petroleum benzin, Petroleum ether, Nitro benzine, Artificial oil of bitter almonds, Essence of mirbane; French, Esprit de pe*trole ; German, Petroleumbensin. Description. A yellowish, oily liquid having a very sweet taste and an odor suggestive of bitter almonds. It boils at 210 C. and crystallizes in needles at 3C. It is slightly soluble in water, and AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 157 freely soluble in alcohol. Its vapors, when inhaled, produce head- ache and sleepiness. When in alcoholic solution it is readily con- verted into anilin by nascent hydrogen. Treated with strong nitric acid, it is converted into a mixture of isomeric dinitrobenzols C 6 H 4 (NO 2 ) 2 . It is not acted upon by chlorin nor bromin at ordinary temperatures, but its vapor is decomposed when it is passed with chlorin through a red-hot tube, yielding also hydrochloric acid. It is prepared from benzol and strong nitric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 130; X. 383. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : -fa in strong alcohol. b. Dilutions : zx and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. BENZOINUM. Benzoin. Natural Order. Styraceae. Synonyms. Latin, Resina benzoe, Asa dulcis ; English, Gum benjamin; French, Benjoin; German, Benzoe. Description. A balsamic resin obtained from Styrax benzoin. Consists of large blocks of various shapes, of white, shining masses, agglutinated by a brown resin. Its odor is aromatic and its taste, slight at first, is, after a while, hot and aromatic and produces an irritation on the mucous surfaces. It is easily pulverized. Is insolu- ble in water, soluble in 5 parts of alcohol at a moderate tempera- ture. The residue insoluble in alcohol consists generally of earth and pieces of bark which have been added to increase the weight of the pure masses. When heated it gives off vapors of benzoic acid. In boiling water benzoic acid is dissolved. With alkaline solutions it forms benzoates. The white tears contain cinnamic acid. When treated with calcium oxid, vanillin is obtained, and when submitted to dry distillation the chief product obtained is benzoic acid, together with empyreumatic products and styrol. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 385. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : ix and higher. 158 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE BERBERINUM. Berberin. Chemical Symbol. C 20 H 17 NO 4 . Synonyms. Berberine, Berberia. An alkaloid found in Berberis vulgaris, Hydrastis canadensis, Calumba, Coptis, and other plants. Description. Consists of yellow prisms or needles, permanent in air, but turns brown at a temperature of 110, and blackens at 160. Of a bitter taste, and has a faint quinin odor on warming. It dis- solves in 300 parts of cold water, and is difficultly soluble in alcohol. Its solutions are neutral, and on being heated over a water-bath lose 19.3 per cent of water. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 139. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. BERBERIS AQUIFOLIUM. Mountain Grape. Natural Order. Berberidaceae. Synonyms. English, Oregon grape root, Holly-leaved barberry. Description. A bushy, branching shrub, having a woody root, brownish externally, bright yellow internally, and a stem from 2 to 6 feet high. The leathery leaves are pinnate, in 3 to 6 pairs, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, inequilateral, or slightly cordate at the base, \y 2 to 3 inches long, with spinulose margins. The filiaments are two-toothed. The yellow flowers are in short, upright clusters, and open early. A dark-purple, nearly spherical, few-seeded berry forms the fruit of this variety. As generally sold, the intensely bitter tasting root appears in pieces about 12 inches long and % inch thick. Its yellow color within is due to the alkaloid berberin. Part Used. The fresh bark. Habitat. Western United States; especially abundant in the northern part of the Pacific coast. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 159 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Berberis aquifolium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 100 Cc. = 200 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. BERBERIS VULGARIS. Barberry. Natural Order. Berberidaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Berberis canadensis dumetorum, B. irritabalis, B. pisifera, B. serrulata, B. sinensis, Oxycantha, Pedunculis race- mosis, Spina acida, Spinis triplicibus; English, Pipperidge bush; French, Epine-vinette ; German, Berberitzen. Description. A deciduous shrub with thick, branching, tough, porous root of pale-yellow color, with thin, inodorous, bitter bark of yellowish-gray color externally, and having a smooth, orange-yellow inner surface. The stem is from 3 to 8 feet high, higher under culti- vation, with thorny, alternate, angular branches, hanging at the top, bark light gray or yellow-brown, the wood fine and yellow. The leaves are in tufts somewhat obovate, more or less pointed, serrated and fringed, and with three-cleft, spreading, sharp thorns at the base of each leaf-bud. The flowers, May and June, are in drooping many- flowered racemes; are bright yellow with red glands, and are suc- ceeded by oblong, scarlet berries growing in loose bunches. Habitat. Common throughout Europe and north of Asia, natural- ized in New England and other parts of the United States, where it has become wild. Found in waste grounds and thickets. Fig., Flor. Horn. 1.88; Winkler,25 ; Jahr and Cat. 173; Goullon, 9; Millspaugh, 15. I6O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. The name is a corruption of amyrberis, amerberys or berberys, the Arabic name of the fruit. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1835 by Dr. Hesse, Bib. Horn, de Gen. v. 46. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 139.] Part Used. The bark of the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Berberis vulgaris, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 80 Cc.= 180 Distilled water, 420 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. BISMUTHUM OXYDATUM. Bismuthous Oxid. Bismuthum Oxid Chemical Symbol. Bi 2 O 3 ; 465.68. Synonyms. Latin, Bismuthi oxidum, Oxydum bismuthicum ; English, Oxide of bismuth, Sesqui-oxide of bismuth; French, Oxyde de bismuth ; German, Wismuthoxyd. Description. A lemon-yellow, odorless, tasteless, partly crystalline powder, insoluble in water and alcohol ; soluble in nitric acid, without effervescence. It melts at a red heat, and solidifies on cooling to a glassy mass of a deeper color than the powder. It is reduced to the metallic state when heated on carbon. It is prepared from bismuth sub-nitrate and sodium hydrate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 183. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : I x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. l6l BISMUTHUM SUBNITRICUM. Bismuth Sub-nitrate. Bismuthum Sub-nitrate. Chemical Symbol BiONO 3 H 2 O ; 304.71. Synonyms. Latin, Bismuth! subnitras, Bismuth! magisterium, Bismuthum album ; English, Subnitrate of bismuth, White bismuth ; French, Sous-azotate de bismuth; German, Basisches Wismuthnitrat Salpetersaures Wismuthoxyd. Description. A heavy, white, glossy powder in minute crystals, odorless and tasteless, almost insoluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, unaltered by air. It blackens when in contact with hydrogen sulfid. When moistened with water it has a slightly acid reaction. At a red heat it gives off yellowish-red vapors and leaves bismuthous oxid. Heated on charcoal, brittle globules of bismuth are obtained, and the charcoal becomes covered with a slight encrustation, orange-colored when hot, yellow when cold. It is prepared with bismuth, nitric acid, and water. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 186; X. 386. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : ix and higher. BORAX. Sodium Pyroborate. Chemical Symbol. Na 2 B 4 O 7 , ioH 2 O; 380.92. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii boras, Sodae boras, Natrium biboricum, Natrum boracicum, Natrum biboracicum, Boras sodicus, Borax veneta ; English, Borate of sodium, Biborate of soda, Sodic pyroborate ; French, Borate de soude ; German, Natrium Pyroborat. Description. Consists of large, colorless, transparent, inodorous prisms having a cooling, sweetish taste. Soluble in 16 parts of water at I5C, insoluble in alcohol. In dry air it effloresces and becomes opaque. When heated it loses some water and forms a white swelled mass. At a red heat, all its water of crystallization is eliminated, it melts and on cooling assumes the appearance of color- less glass. It gives to the flame a yellow color, but when its solution is treated with hydrochloric acid it imparts to the flame a green color. It is a native salt. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 195. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. 1 62 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE BOVISTA. Puff Ball. Natural Order. Fungi. Synonyms. Latin, Bovista lycopodon, B. nigrescens, B. officinalis, Crepitus lupi, Fungus chirurgorum, F. ovatus, Lycoperdon bovista, L. areolatum, L. caelatum, L. gemmatum, L. globosum ; English, Warted puff ball ; French, Vesse-loup ; German, Bovist. Description. Stemless, globular in form, smooth, soft surface, varying from size of a pea to 12 inches in diameter, white inside and out when young, darkening with age and becoming black and stiff. The white, cottony contents become dark entangled fibers holding a quantity of black dust, or spores. Habitat. Most parts of Europe and Asia Minor, growing in dry meadows. Fig., Flora. Horn. I. 95 ; Winkler, 89; Jahr and Cat. 174. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1831 by Drs. Hartlaub & Trinks, R. A. M. L. III. i. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 212 ; X. 386.] Part Used. The ripe fungus. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fo. Bovista, the ripe, dry powder, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 400 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. BRACHYGLOTTIS REPENS. Puka Puka. Natural Order. Composite. Synonyms. Latin, Brachyglottis forsteri ; Vernacular, Puka Puka. Description. A shrub, at times attaining the size of a tree 20 feet high, with large, broad, deeply toothed, glossy leaves, downy on under surface. Flower-heads numerous, small, yellow, in terminal panicles. Habitat. Native of New Zealand. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 163 \ History. Name signifying a short tongue. It is used by the natives as paper, whence the native name puka puka came to be applied by them to English paper. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1878 by Dr. L. C. Fisher, N. A. J. Horn. XXVII. 41. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 386.] Parts Used. The green leaves and flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Brachyglottis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Cc. Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. BRANCA URSINA. Bear's Breech. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Acanthus vulgaris, Heracleum auritum, H. dulce, H. lanatum, H. panacea, H. sphondylium, Pastinacae vulgaris, Pseudo-acanthus ; English, Bear's breech, Common cow parsnip, Cow parsley, Hogweed, Masterwort; French, fierce; German, Barworz, Gemeine Barenklau. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb with a large, fusiform, branching root, yellowish externally, whitish internally. The stem, about 3 to 6 feet high, is erect, furrowed, hairy, branching at top. The leaves are pinnatifid, with large sheathing petioles and leaflets with 3 to 5 lobed segments. The flowers, appearing in June and July, are white, in huge umbels. The rind and root are acrid and contain sugar. Habitat. All over Europe, in meadows and edges of woods. 164 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Named from Hercules. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1838 by Dr. Rosenburg, Arch. XVII. 2, 46. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 588.] Part Used. The whole plant during flowering. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Branca ursina, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm. plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 3x and higher. BROMIUM. Bromin. Chemical Symbol. Br; 79.76. Synonyms. Latin, Bromum, Brominium ; French, Br6me; German, Brom. Description. A mobile, dark-red liquid at the ordinary tempera- ture, having a disagreeable, irritating and suffocating odor. It con- geals at 24 C., boils at 63 C., is soluble at 15 C. in 33 parts of water, but more readily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform or carbon disulfid. Its aqueous solutions are decomposed and bleached by the action of light, and hydrobromic acid is formed. When in contact with water at a low temperature, bromin forms a hydrate, Br 2 ioH 2 O, having a clear, deep red color, and crystallizing in octahedrons. This hydrate is decomposed into bromin and water at a temperature of I5C. In contact with most of the metals it forms bromids and destroys organic matter. It is extracted from the water of mineral springs. It evaporates at low temperatures, and as it is very corrosive, the inhalation of its vapor must be avoided. Bromin should be kept in glass-stoppered bottles in a cool place. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 229 ; X. 392. Maximum dose 3 minims, well diluted. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : Drug strength Bromium, in saturated aqueous solution (strength -^), 330 Cc. Distilled water, 670 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 3x and higher, with distilled water. Bromin, in alcoholic solution, changes rapidly into hydrobromic acid, and its aqueous solution loses rapidly in strength and is decom- posed by action of light. The solutions and dilutions should, there- fore, be freshly prepared. BRUCINUM. Brucin. Chemical Symbol. C 23 H 26 N 2 O 4 . Synonym. Brucia. Description. Consists of white, silky, odorless, rhomboidal prisms, having an extremely bitter taste. This salt loses its water of crystalli- zation while efflorescing. Is soluble in 850 parts of water at common temperature, more soluble in alcohol and ether, very soluble at ordi- nary temperature in water saturated with carbon dioxid. Is feebly alkaline to litmus or phenol phthalein. At a temperature of 100 C. the crystals melt, leaving a wax-like mass ; at a higher temperature they volatilize without residue. Strong nitric acid gives a deep red color with brucin, changed to violet by stannous chlorid or white ammonium sulfid; chlorin or chlorin water gives a bright red color which is changed to brown by the action of ammonium hydrate. It is obtained from false angustura bark and from the seeds of strychnos nux vomica. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 249. A poison. Maximum dose y grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. BRYONIA ALBA. White Bryony. Natural Order. Cucurbitacae. Synonyms. Latin, Bryonia vera, Uva angina, U. serpentina, Vitis alba, V. nigra; English, Black-berried bryony, Black-berried white bryony, White bryony, Wild hops ; French, Couleuvr^e ; German, Zaunriibe. l66 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A perennial, climbing, herbaceous vine, with a fusi- form, branched root 2 feet long, 2 to 4 inches thick, transversely wrinkled, yellowish gray externally, white internally, with a disagree- able taste, and a nauseating odor which disappears on drying. The stem is rough and channelled with spiral tendrils. The leaves are alternate, cordate, five-lobed, rough and of a bright green color. The flowers, June and July, are small, greenish yellow, monecious, in axillary racemes ; the male flower being on long peduncles, and the female larger than the male. The berries are globular and black, about y inch in diameter. Habitat. Middle and south of Europe, in vineyards and woods. Fig., Flor. Horn. I. 99; Winkler, 26 ; Jahr and Cat. 175; Goullon, in. History. One of the remedies mentioned by Dioscorides. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1816, R. A. M. L., 1st ed. V. 2. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 249; X. 392.] Part Used. The fresh root before flowering. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture (f>: Drug strength T ^. Bryonia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS, Night-Blooming Cereus. Natural Order. Cactaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cereus grandiflorus ; English, Night-blooming cereus ; French, Ciege a grandes fleurs ; German, Konigin der Nacht. Description. An evergreen undershrub, with a creeping root. The green, branching stem, i foot high, with 5 or 6 angles, is succu- lent and armed with clusters of 5 or 6 short radiating spines or bristles. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. The large, beautiful, sweet-scented yellow flower, with pure white petals, opening only once and in the evening, and closing again before morning, is nearly i foot in diameter. Habitat. Generally hot, stany places of tropical America. History. Name originally given by Theophrastus to a spiny plant of Sicily. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1864 by Dr. Rubini, El. Crit. Med. V. 514. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 321.] Parts Used. The flowers and young twigs. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Cactus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture reduced to 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 470 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. CADMIUM SULPHURATUM. Cadmium Sulfid. Cadmium Sulfid. Chemical Symbol CdS; 143.48. Synonyms. Latin, Cadmii sulphidum; English, Sulphide of cadmium, Cadmic sulfid, Greenockite; French, Sulfure de cadmium; German, Schwefelcadmium. Description. Found in nature in yellow prisms. Artificially pre- pared, it is a yellow, odorless and tasteless powder, insoluble in water and alcohol, soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid with disengage- ment of hydrogen sulfid. At a red heat it melts and crystallizes in lemon-yellow plates. It is prepared by precipitating a solution of a cadmium salt with hydrogen sulfid, or by heating a mixture of sulfur and cadmium oxid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 330. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : ix and higher. l68 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE CADMIUM SULPHURICUM. Cadmium Sulfate. Cadmium Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. 3CdSO 4 8H 2 O; 765.64, Synonyms. Latin, Cadmii sulphas, Sulfas cadmicus; English, Sulphate of cadmium, Cadmic sulfate ; French, Sulfate de cadmium ; German, Schwefelsaures Cadmiumoxyd. Description. Consists of colorless, odorless, transparent prisms, having an astringent, metallic taste, efflorescent in air, soluble in 1.6 parts of water at ordinary temperature, slightly soluble in alcohol. Its aqueous solution gives a white precipitate with ammonia, soluble in an excess of reagent; with hydrogen sulfid, a yellow precipitate of cadmium sulfid, and with barium chlorid or nitrate, a white precipitate. At a white heat this salt is decomposed, sulfur dioxid and oxygen are given off, and cadmium oxid is left. It is prepared from cadmium oxid or carbonate and sulfuric acid. PREPARATIONS. Trittirations : ix and higher. CAFFEINUM. Caffein. Caffeiru Chemical Symbol. C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2 H 2 O; 211.68. Synonyms. Latin, Caffeina; English, Caffeine, Caffeia, Theine, Guaranine ; French, Cafeine Theine ; German, Koffem Kaff em, Them. Description. When crystallized, caffiein consists of colorless or white, opaque, silky needles, or long, slender prisms, odorless, and having a rather bitter taste. Soluble in from 75 to 80 parts of water, in from 35 to 50 parts of alcohol at 15 C., and in 500 parts of ether; slightly soluble in carbon disulfid. The reaction of these solutions is neutral. It is fusible, and is sublimed without residue. It gives a reddish yellow residue when dissolved in chlorin water and evaporated at the heat of a water-bath. At a higher temperature this residue becomes golden-yellow. In strong aqueous solution, a white, crystal- line precipitate is obtained with silver nitrate, long needles with AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 169 mercuric chlorid, and yellow scales with palladium chlorid. Caffein is obtained from the leaves and berries of the coffee plant, and is also found in the leaves of the tea plant. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, X. 473. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CAINCA. David's Root. Natural Order. Rubiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cahinca, Chiococca anguicida, C. anguifuga, C. densifolia, C. racemosa, Serpentaria brasiliana; English, Cluster- flowered snow-berry, David's root; French, Cainga; German, Cainca- wurzel. Description. An ornamental evergreen shrub, about 6 feet high, with branched, reddish-brown root, striated lengthwise, with irregular and transverse fissures. The leaves are ovate, acuminate. The flowers, racemose, axillary, one-sided, and nodding, are fragrant, white, and appear in February. The berries are small and white. Habitat. West Indies, Florida, Central America, and a portion of South America, Island of Jamaica. Fig., Winkler, 47; Goullon, 135. History. Used by the natives of Jamaica as an antidote to snake bite. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1835, Arch, de L. Med. Horn. II. 73. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 332.] Part Used. The root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength T V- Cainca, 100 Gm., Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : I x and higher. I7O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE CALADIUM SEGUINUM. American Arum. Natural Order. Araceae. Synonyms. Latin, Arum seguinum, Diffenbachia seguina; English, Dumb cane, Poison arum, Poisonous American arum, Poisonous pediveau ; French, Pediveau veneneux ; German, Giftiger Aron, Schierlings Caladium. Description. A small, arborescent, palm-like, evergreen under- shrub, with stem 5 to 6 feet high, slender, singularly spotted or scarred by remains of fallen leaves. Rhizome, very poisonous if chewed. The leaves are ovate, oblong, undulated, acute, with a thick mid-rib, and often perforated. Spathes axillary, 5 to 6 inches long, oblong, stalked, convolute with the apex of spadix just protruding. Spadix cylindrical, male wholly at apex, female wholly with abortive stamens intermixed at the base, and naked in the middle. Flowers are white, appearing in May. Habitat. West Indies and South America. Fig., Winkler, 29. History. Meaning unknown. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1832 by Dr. Hering, Arch. XL; 2, 160. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. 11.337; X. 398.] Part Used -The fresh plant or root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Caladium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CALCAREA ACETICA. Calcium Acetate of Hahnemann. Calcarea Acetate Hahn. Chemical Symbol. Ca(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 ; 157.63. Synonym. Hahnemann's acetate of lime. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 171 The substance used by Hahnemann was an impure acetate of lime, prepared in the following manner : Boil clean oyster shells for an hour, in pure water, break or crush to a coarse powder in a wedgewood or porcelain mortar, dissolve in dilute acetic acid by aid of heat until the acid is saturated, filter and reduce by evaporation to one-fifth its volume. The solution obtained will be of a deep yellow color, which, after a time, precipitates a dark brown, mucilaginous substance leaving a lighter colored liquid. To this lighter colored liquid add an equal quantity of dispensing alcohol. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 344. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution < .' Drug strength -fa. The above preparation should contain about ten per cent of acetate of lime, hence may be considered the ix solution. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. CALCAREA ARSENICICA. Calcium Arsenate. Calcarea Arseniate. Chemical Symbol. Ca 3 (AsO) 4 ; 483.17. Synonyms. Latin, Calcii arsenias; English, Tricalcium ortho- arsenate. Description. A white, crystalline powder, insoluble in water, obtained by adding sodium arsenate to calcium chlorid. An active poison. Maximum dose T ^ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. CALCAREA BROMATA. Calcium Bromid. Calcarea Bromid. Chemical Symbol. CaBr2; 199.43. Synonyms. Latin, Calcii bromidum, Calcium bromatum ; English, Bromide of calcium ; French, Bromure de calcium ; German, Bromcal- cium. THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A white, granular or powdery, neutral salt, having an extremely bitter and saline taste. Deliquescent in air. It is soluble at I5C. in 0.7 parts of water and I part of alcohol. It melts at a red heat, giving off bromin. Its aqueous solution is decomposed by chlorin ; bromin is set free, and can be dissolved in chloroform, with a reddish color. It gives with ammonium oxalate a white precipitate, insoluble in acetic, soluble in hydrochloric acid. It is prepared by dissolving pure calcium carbonate in hydrobromic acid and evaporating the solution. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 394. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. CALCAREA CARBONICA. Calcarea Carbonate Hahn* Calcium Carbonate of Hahnemann. Chemical Symbol CaCO 3 ; 99.76. Synonyms. Latin, Calcarea ostrearum, Ostrea edulis, Testa ostryas ; English, Oyster shells, Impure carbonate of lime; French, Carbonate de chau ; German, Calciumkarbonat. The substance used by Hahnemann was an impure carbonate of lime as it exists in the oyster shell. Take well selected, tolerably thick oyster shells, clean and break in a wedgewood or porcelain mortar, select the pure white portions which exist between the exterior and inner surfaces, wash carefully in distilled water, dry over a water bath, and reduce to a fine powder. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, 11.351. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. CALCAREA CAUSTICA. Calcium Hydrate, Calcarea Caustic. Chemical Symbol. CaH 2 O 2 ; 73.83. Synonyms. Latin, Calcii hydras, Calcis hydras; English, Hydrate of calcium, Hydrate of lime, Slacked lime; French, Chaux hydratee; German, Kalkhydrat. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 173 Description. A soft, white, odorless powder, with a strong alkaline taste. Soluble at 15 C. to the extent of 0.137 parts in 100 parts of water ; insoluble in alcohol. It dissolves in acids without the evolu- tion of gas. Exposed to air, it absorbs carbon dioxid, and is trans- formed into the carbonate. Submitted to a red heat it loses its water of crystallization and leaves anhydrous oxid (CaO). Its aqueous solu- tion gives a crystalline, colorless precipitate with ammonium oxalate. Soluble in hydrochloric and nitric acids. This salt is obtained by burning Carrara marble in a covered crucible until the addition of hydrochloric acid no longer causes effervescence. After cooling, it is placed in a porcelain capsule and slaked by adding one-half its weight of distilled water. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 385. PREPARATIONS. a. Solutions : 3x drug strength 10 1 00 . Fresh slaked lime i Gm., Distilled water, icoo Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 4x and higher, with distilled water. All preparations of this medicine should be freshly prepared and kept in green glass or bohemian glass bottles. CALCAREA FLUORICA. Calcium FIuoricL Calcarea Fluorid. Chemical Symbol. CaF 2 ; 77.91. Synonyms. Latin, Calcii fluoridum; English, Calcic fluorid, Fluor spar. Description. Occurs in nature in large deposits. When powdered, it is whitish gray, inodorous and tasteless. It is soluble in 26544 parts of water at 15 C. It is contained in bones and teeth. It melts at a low, red heat, and after fusion assumes the appearance of a glassy substance. Treated with concentrated sulfuric acid, it evolves hydro- fluoric acid vapors which corrode glass and leave a residue of calcium sulfate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 398. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. 174 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE CALCAREA HYPOPHOSPHOROSA. Calcarea Hypophosphite. Calcium Hypophosphite. Chemical Symbol. Ca2PH 2 O 2 ; 169.67. Synonyms. Latin, Calcii hypophosphis, Calcis hypophosphis., Calcium hypophosphorosum, Hypophosphis calcicus ; English, Hypo- phosphite of lime ; French, Hypophosphite de chaux ; German, Unter- phosphorigsaurer Kalk. Description. Consists of a white, crystalline, glassy powder, odor- less, having a bitter, nauseous taste. In the dry state it is permanent, but in aqueous solution it is gradually transformed by oxidation with calcium phosphate. Heated in a dry tube, it deflagrates, emits inflam- mable phosphorus vapors and leaves a residue of calcium pyrophosphate with small quantities of red phosphorus. It is soluble in six parts of water at 15 C; insoluble in alcohol. It is obtained from phosphorus and calcium hydrate suspended in water. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CALCAREA IODATA. Calcium lodid. Calcarea lodid. Chemical Symbol. CaI 2 ; 292.97. Synonyms. Latin, Calcii iodas; English, Iodide of calcium, Calcic iodide ; French, lodate de chaux; German, Jodsaurer Kalk. Description. A white salt, crystallizing in pearly scales, markedly deliquescent. Soluble at 15 C. in 0.49 parts of water; readily soluble in alcohol. When its aqueous solution is exposed to air, it is partly decomposed, and a precipitate of calcium carbonate is formed. It gives a white precipitate with ammonium oxalate. It is obtained by dissolving calcium hydrate in hydriodic acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 392. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 175 CALCAREA MURIATICA. Calcium Chlorid. Calcarea Muriate. Chemical Symbol. CaCl., ; 110.65. Synonyms. Latin, Calcii chloridum, Calcium chloratum, Chlori- dum calcicum ; English, Chloride of calcium, Calcic chlorid, Muriate of lime, Hydrochlorate of lime; French, Chlorure de calcium ; German, Chlorcalcium. Description. A white, odorless, hygrometric salt, with a saline, bitter taste. It is soluble in 1.35 parts of water at common tempera- ture, and in 8 parts of alcohol. Fuses at a red heat without decompo- sition, but at a higher temperature is partially decomposed. Some hydrochloric acid is disengaged and calcium oxid formed, which gives to the salt an alkaline reaction. Ammonium oxalate produces a white precipitate in its aqueous solutions. It is prepared from calcium oxid or its carbonate and hydrochloric acid. It must be kept in well- stoppered bottles. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 646. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : ^ in distilled water. b. Dilutions : 2x with dilute alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispens- ing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. Preparations of this medicine should be freshly made and kept in well-stoppered bottles. CALCAREA OXALICA. Calcium Oxalate. Calcarea Oxalate. Chemical Symbol. Ca2CO 2 ; 127.69. Synonyms. English, Oxalate of lime. Description. A white, crystalline powder, odorless and tasteless, permanent in air. Soluble in 500,000 parts of water; insoluble in alcohol, or acetic acid, but dissolved by hydrochloric acid. At a red heat it is decomposed into carbon monoxid and calcium carbonate ; a 176 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE further decomposition takes place at a higher temperature, the calcium carbonate being decomposed into carbon dioxid and calcium oxid. It is prepared from a soluble salt of calcium and oxalic acid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. Calcium Phosphate. Calcarea Phosphate* Chemical Symbol -Ca 3 2PO 4 ; 309.33. Synonyms. Latin, Calcii phosphas praecipitatus, Calcis phos- phas, Calcium phosphoricum, Phosphas calcicus praecipitatus ; English, Precipitated phosphate of calcium, Tri-calcic phosphate ; French, Phos- phate de chaux hydrate; German, Calciumphosphat. Description. A white, amorphous, tasteless, odorless powder; sparingly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, soluble in nitric and hydrochloric acids and precipitated by ammonia from these solutions. At a strong red heat, it melts without decomposition, yielding, on cooling, a porcelain-like mass. It is contained in bones (80 per cent), and extracted from them by dissolving in hydrochloric acid and pre- cipitating with ammonium hydrate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, II. 394 ; X. 400. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CALCAREA SULPHURICA. Calcium Sulfate* Calcarea Sulfate* Chemical Symbol. CaSO 4 2H 2 O; 171.65. Synonyms. Latin, Calcii sulphas, Calcis sulphas; English, Sul- phate of calcium, Calcic sulfate, Gypsum; French, Sulfate de chaux; German, Calciumsulfat. Description. A white, amorphous, odorless, tasteless powder, soluble in 410 parts of water at 15 C, and in impure alcohol. Mixed with water, it forms a soft mass, which hardens after some time. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. Exposed to air, it becomes granular and loses the property of solidifying when mixed with water. It is obtained by the calcination of native calcium sulfate, CaSO 4 .2H 2 O. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 410. PREPARATIONS. Triturations ; ix and higher. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. Garden Marigold Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Caltha officinalis, C. sativa, C. vulgaris, Flos omnium mensium, Solseginum aureum, Solis sponsa, Verrucaria; English, Garden marigold, Marigold; French, Fleur detons les mois; German, Ringelblume. Description. An annual herb with fibrous root. The stem is straggling, 6 to 18 inches high, with numerous bushy branches, striated, green, succulent, pubescent. The leaves are oblong, acute, somewhat succulent, broad, and a little cordate at the base, the upper lanceolate, the margins entire often hispid with short hairs. Flower- heads are large, terminal, solitary, upon each branch, yellow or orange. The flowers appear the greater part of the summer and fall, closing toward night ; are mucilaginous and have a disagreeable odor. Habitat. Native of France and southern European fields and cultivated grounds generally. Fig., Flor. Horn. I. no; Goullon, 159. History. Named Calendula because it flowers during the calends of each month. It was known as a remedy in the i6th century, but fell into disuse. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Franz in 1838, Archiv. XVII. 3, 179. [Allen's Encyc. Mat Med. II. 419; X. 405.] Part Used. The fresh flowering tops. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ ' Drug strength ^. Calendula, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 600 Cc. = 700 Strong alcohol, 437 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 178 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, Jive parts alcohol ; $x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CALOTROPIS GIGANTEA. Mudar. Natural Order. Asclepiadaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Asclepias gigantea, A. procera, Calotropis hamiltonii, C. procera ; Vernacular, Mudar ; French, Ecorce de racine de Mudar; German, Mudarwurzelrinde. Description. An ornamental, evergreen plant with a long, woody, branching root, and large, erect stem 6 feet high, branching and downy. The leaves are opposite, sessile, cordate, entire. The flowers appear from July to September, are small, whitish or reddish, numer- ous on one stalk. All parts of the plant yield a milky, acrid juice. Habitat. India, the southwestern part of Asia, and Egypt; com- mon in dry, waste ground. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 176. History. The name is derived from kalos, beautiful, and tropis, a keel. It has long been esteemed as a native remedy, and was intro- duced into the old-school pharmacy in 1826. It was first mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1878 by E. B. Ivatts, Horn. World, XIII. 15. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 651.] Part Used. The root. PREPARATIONS. / a. Tincture $ : Drug strength ^. Calotropis gigantea, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 179 CALTHA PALUSTRIS. Cowslip. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Caltha arctica ; English, Cowslip, Marsh mari- gold ; French, Populage, Souci d'eau; German, Kuhblume. Description. A perennial, aquatic herb, with a stout, furrowed, erect, hollow, glabrous stem. The large leaves are roundish or kidney- shaped, cordate at the base, notched, crenate or nearly entire, glossy. The conspicuous bright-yellow flowers appear from May to August. Habitat. Throughout Europe generally, western Asia and North America, in marshy meadows and along borders of ponds, rivers, and brooks, common northward. History. Name from kalathos, a goblet, in allusion to the golden calyx. Mentioned in homoeopathic practice in 1825 by Dr. Roth, Mat. Med. I. 326. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 421.] Part Used. The whole plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < .- Drug strength T \j. Caltha palustris, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CAMPHORA. Camphor. Chemical Symbol C 10 H 16 O; 151. 66. Synonyms. Camphor officinarum ; Frefich, Camphre; Gentian, Kampfer. Description. The concrete volatile oil obtained by distilling the wood of the camphor laurel, Camphora orncinarum, and imported from China and Japan in the crude state. It is purified by sublimation, and appears in white, tough, translucent, crystalline cakes, having a ISO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE characteristic odor and a pungent taste, which is followed by a sensa- tion of cold. At the ordinary temperature it slowly evaporates. It is sparingly soluble in water ; freely soluble in alcohol, ether or chloro- form. Its specific gravity at 15 C. is from 0.990 to 0.995. Camphor fuses at 175 C., boils at 205 C., and sublimes entirely when heated. It burns with a sooty, luminous flame. Mentioned in Allen's Ency- clopedia, II. 422; X. 405. Habitat. China and Japan. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Camphor, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher, freshly made and well stoppered. e. Saturated tincture : Drug strength \. A saturated solution in strong alcohol. This is also known under the name of Rubini's Camphor. CAMPHORA MONOBROMATA. Camphor Monobromid. Camphor Monobromid* Chemical Symbol C 10 H l5 BrO; 230.42. Synonyms. English, Monobromated camphor, Bromated cam- phor, Brominated camphor ; French, Camphre monobrome ; German, Monobromkampfer. Description. Consists of prismatic, colorless needles of camphor- like odor and taste. Insoluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol. It is permanent in air and is not affected by sun-light; melting point 76 C. On the water-bath it volatilizes and on cooling forms white needles. At 274 C. it is entirely volatilized with partial decomposi- tion. It dissolves in sulfuric acid and is separated by adding water to this solution. It is prepared from bromin and camphor. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. l8l CANNA ANGUSTIFOLIA. Indian Shot. Natural Order. Cannaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Canna glauca; English, Indian shot, Wild plantain; Vernacular, Imbiri; French, Balisier; German, Blumenrohr. Description. An evergreen herb, with a creeping, tuberous rhizome, having numerous rootlets. The stem is erect, cylindrical, knotty, 6 feet high. The leaves arise from the knots, are alternate, large, lanceolate, sheathing, with strong midrib. The flowers are yellow, appearing in July and August, terminal, spiked, or racemose, with glumaceous bracts. The seeds are round, hard, black, shiny, heavy, T ^ inch in diameter, and sometimes used in the East Indies as shot. Habitat. Brazil and other South American countries ; growing in damp soil, or on the borders of brooks. Fig., Mure, 350. History. Name of Celtic origin, signifying a cave or mat. The roots abound in starch, some of the species being edible. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1849 by Dr. B. Mure, Pathog. Bresil. 350. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 447.] Part Used. The leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Canna, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 300 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CANNABIS INDICA. Indian Hemp. Natural Order. Urticaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Herba cannabis Indicae; English, Indian hemp, Indian cannabis ; Vernacular, Gunjah-Bhang, Birming, Ganja, Hashish ; French, Chanvre indien; German, Indischer Hanf. 1 82 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. An East Indian variety of Cannabis sativa. The plant grown in India differed somewhat from that cultivated in Europe, and was supposed to be a different species, but the variations were so unimportant botanically that the distinction has been abandoned. There is a dissimilarity, medicinally, between the hemp grown in India and that raised elsewhere, as there is also a great difference between that grown at an altitude of 8000 feet and that cultivated on the plains. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1841 by Dr. Trinks, Allg. Horn. Zeit. XX. 268. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 448; X. 409.] The substance used in the earlier provings of Cannabis indica was the resin prepared from the gun j ah, or dried flowering tops of the female hemp, commercially called Cannabin. Part Used. The alcoholic extract, each Gm. of which represents 8 Gms. of the tops of Indian hemp. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Cannabis indica alcoholic extract, 12.5 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. CANNABIS SATIVA. Hemp. Natural Order. Urticacese. Synonyms. Latin, Cannabis europea, C. chinensis, Polygonum viridiflorum ; English, Hemp, Gallow grass; French, Chanvre; Ger- man, Hanf. Description. Annual plant 4 to 10 feet high. The stem is erect, grooved or angular, much branched in plants growing separately, but when cultivated in masses, generally straight and unbranched. It is woody at the base, slightly rough, tomentose and with fibrous bark. The leaves are numerous, the lower opposite, the upper alternate, and are composed of from 5 to 7 lanceolate, sharp-pointed leaflets radiating from the top of the stalk, each strongly and sharply serrate, rough, dark green above, pale and downy beneath. The flowers, June to AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 183 August, are dioecious, the males being in axillary racemes and gen- erally at the top of the plants or ends of the branches ; the females axillary in short spikes. The fruit, commonly known as hemp seed, is a small, grayish-colored, smooth, shiny nut, containing a single, oily seed. Habitat. A native of the temperate parts of Asia, it is now culti- vated in all parts of the world. Fig., Flora. Horn. I. 134; Winkler, 56; Jahr and Cat. 180; Goullon, 232; Bent, and Trim. 231; Mills- paugh, 154. History. The name is said to be derived from the Celtic can, a reed, and ab, small ; that it was known to the Arabs under the name of ganeb. It is mentioned as in use as a medicine by the Chinese as early as the beginning of the third century. Hahnemann mentions it in 1811 in the first edition of his R. A. M. L. vol. I. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 492; X. 427.] Part Used. The flowering tops of the fresh cultivated plants, both male and female. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Cannabis sativa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, too Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CANTHARIS. Spanish Fly. Order. Coleoptera. Family. Cantharidae. Synonyms. Latin, Meloe vesicatorius, Muscas Hispanicas, Lytta vesicatoria,Cantharides ; Scientific name, Cantharis vesicatoria ; English, Oil beetle, Blister beetle; French, Cantharides; German, Spanische Fliegen, Kanthariden. 184 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A bronze-green beetle from ^ to I inch long and | to YI inch broad. Its vertical head is sharply narrowed behind into a neck and is not set into the prothorax. The eleven-jointed antennae are filiform. A longitudinal channel traverses the thorax, which is the same width as the head. The hind coxas are large and prominent ; the coxal cavities, open behind. The claws are cleft or toothed. This insect is supplied with ample, membranous, brownish-transparent wings. It has a strong disagreeable odor. Its blistering properties are due to a substance called cantharidin. Pure cantharidin is insolu- ble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, readily soluble in ether. It crystallizes in four-sided prisms or laminae. May be extracted with ether ; purified by separation from the accompanying oils and by crystallization. It is said that nearly 13,000 dried insects weigh but a kilogramme. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 505 ; X. 429. Habitat. Middle and southern Europe and in southwestern Asia, where it feeds upon ash, lilac and other trees. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Cantharis, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications / 3x and higher. CAPSICUM ANNUUM. Red Pepper. Natural Order. Solanaceas. Synonyms. Latin, Capsicum cordiforme, C. longum, C. grossum, Piper hispanicum, P. indicum vulgatissimun, P. turcicum; English, Bird pepper, Cayenne pepper, Chilly, Cockspur pepper, Guinea pepper, Guinea pods, Red pepper, Spanish pepper, Tochillies ; French, Poivre d'Inde, P. d'Espagne; German, Spanisher Pfeffer. Description. An herbaceous annual, 2 feet or a little more in height, with smooth, dichotomous stem, and alternate, glabrous, petio- late leaves, one from the side of each bifurcation, 2 to 3 inches long, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 185 with solitary white flowers appearing in July. The fruit is smooth and shining, variable in form and color, long, straight, acute or short, thick and obtuse, red or yellow, sometimes both colors on the same plant. Habitat. Probably a native of South America, now grown in the warmer regions of the globe, and scarcely known wild. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 143; Winkler, 54; Goullon, 185; Bent. & Trim. 189. History. Name derived from kapto, to bite, on account of the biting of the seed and pericarp, or from capsa, a chest, from the form and structure of the pericarp. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1805 by Hahnemann, Frag, de Viribus Med. 64. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 540; X. 432.] Parts Used. The ripe capsules and seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Capsicum, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 50 Cc. Strong alcohol, 95^ Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CARBO ANIMALIS. Animal Charcoal. Synonyms. English, Leather charcoal; French, Charbon animal; German, Knockenkohle. Preparation. Place a thick piece of oxhide on red hot coals, and leave it there so long as it burns with a flame. As soon as the flame ceases, lift off the red-hot mass and press it between two flat stones. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 549. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. 1 86 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE CARBO VEGETABILIS. Vegetable Charcoal, Synonyms. Latin, Carbo ligni, C. praeparatus; English, Wood charcoal; French, Charbon vegetal; German, Holzkohle. Description. Charcoal, prepared from selected birch or beech wood. A black, porous, brittle substance, odorless and tasteless. In- soluble and infusible. When heated in air it is converted into carbon dioxid or oxid. When burned it should give no smoke or unpleasant odor. Absence of flame shows freedom from organic compounds. It has marked absorbtive power of gasses ; when saturated with them, this power may be restored by re-heating the charcoal. It is denser when obtained by pile-burning than when prepared in retorts. The best pieces show the form and texture of the wood used. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 565 ; X. 432. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CARBONIUM SULPHURATUM. Carbon Disulfid Carbon Disulfid. Chemical Symbol. CS 2 ; 75.93. Synonyms. Latin, Carbonii bisulphidum, Carbonei disulphidum. Carboneum sulfuratum, Alcohol sulfuris ; English, Bisulphide of car- bon ; French, Sulfure de carbon ; German, Schwefelkohlenstoff. Description. A very mobile, colorless liquid, possessing a high refractive power, with an ethereal, not disagreeable odor when pure. It is soluble in 1000 parts of water at 15 C. ; very soluble in alcohol. It burns with a blue flame, giving off sulfur dioxid and carbon dioxid vapors. It evaporates rapidly at ordinary temperature, producing cold. Its taste is aromatic. When impure, it has a repulsive, fetid odor, due to the presence of volatile sulfur compounds. It is obtained from sulfur and carbon. Its vapor is very inflammable at high temperature. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, II. 617; X. 445, 653- ' AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. . 187 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Carbon disulfid, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 900 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3-\ and higher. CARDUUS BENEDICTUS. Blessed Thistle. Natural Order. Compositas. Synonyms. Latin, Calcitrapa lanuginosa, Centaurea benedicta, Cnicus benedictus, Herba cardui benedicti; English, Blessed thistle, Carduus plant, Cursed thistle, Holy thistle, Lovely thistle, Spotted carduus, Spotted thistle, Star thistle, Thistle root; French, Chardon benit; German, Benedictendistel. Description. An annual herbaceous plant, 2 feet high. The leaves are lanceolate, amplexicaul, pinnatifid, irregularly dentate and shiny, the lower petiolate, the upper sessile. When fresh they are bright- green and feel greasy, when dried they are grayish-green and woolly. The heads are yellow, many flowered, the ray flowers tubular and sterile, shorter than the rest, which are tubular and perfect. Habitat. Europe, found by roadsides, scarcely naturalized in this country. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 182; Goullon, 156. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1826 by Noack and Trinks, Prakt. Mittheil. d. corres. Gessell. horn. Aerzt. 1826, 23. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 633.] Part Used. The whole plant in flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y^. Carduus benedictus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 188 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. CARDUUS MARIANUS. St. Mary's Thistle. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Cnicus marianus, Silybum marianum; English, Blessed thistle, Milk thistle, Our Lady thistle, St. Mary's thistle; French, Chardon Marie; German, Frauendistel. Description. A biennial, deciduous herb, a weed with tap root; the stem, for the most part, glabrous, 4 to 5 feet high, solid, round, branched. The leaves are amplexicaul, spinous ; the radical pinnatifid, dark shining green, white veined. The purple flower-heads, appear- ing in June and July, are large, solitary, terminal, erect, with the stout spines of their calyx-scales very conspicuous. Habitat. Southern Europe and Great Britain. History. Fabled to have had a portion of the Virgin Mary's milk fall on the leaves, producing the white veins. Introduced into homoeo- pathic practice in 1852 by Dr. Reil, Horn. v. j. Schrift III. 453. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 635.] Parts Used. Tincture of the plant at flowering, or its seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Carduus marianus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part solution, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 1 89 CARYA ALBA. Hickory Nut. Natural Order. Juglandaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Carya squamosa, Juglans alba, J. compressa, J. squamosa; English, Shag-bark, Shell-bark, Walnut; German, Weisse Amerikanische Wallnusbaum. Description. A handsome tree, 30 to 40 feet high, 2 or 3 feet in diameter, of very hard wood, the old trunk very shaggy, bark exfoliat- ing in rough strips. Its leaves are alternate, pinnate, finely serrate, the three upper obovate, lanceolate, the lower pair much smaller and oblong lanceolate, all taper-pointed. The sterile flowers are in slender catkins from the wood of the preceding year. Fertile flowers, 2 to 3 together, on a terminal peduncle, appear in April and May. The fruit is globular, somewhat flattened, nearly pointless, with a rather thin, whitish shell and large kernel, and ripens in October. Habitat. Indigenous to the Atlantic States from Maine to the Carolinas; found in rich moist woods. Fig., Millspaugh, 157. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1852, N. A. J. of Horn. II. 473. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 17.] Part Used. The nuts. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Carya alba, too Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CASCARILLA. Cascarilla. Natural Order. Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Clutia eluteria, Croton eleuteria, C. glabellus elutheria; English, Bahama cascarilla, Cascarilla bark, Eleuthera bark, Seaside balsam, Sweet bark, Sweet wood ; French, Cascarille ; German, Cascarilla. IQO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description The bark of an evergreen shrub or tree, 6 to 20 feet high, with few alternate petiolate, ovate-lanceolate leaves, and small, white, odorous, axillary, racemose flowers. It is in quills from % to y 2 inch in diameter and i to 3 inches long, T ^ inch thick, of dull brown color, but usually covered with a grayish, easily detached, corky layer upon which are white patches of a minute lichen. It is hard and compact, and breaks with a resinous fracture ; the taste is warm, aromatic, nauseous and bitter. When burned the bark emits a char- acteristic musk-like odor. Habitat. Native of the Bahamas and other West Indian islands. Fig., Winkler, 30 ; Goullon, 224 ; Bent, and Trim. 238. History. It was confounded with cinchona bark, the name signi- fying in Spanish, little bark. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1835 by Dr. Stapf, Archiv. XV. I. 184. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 18.] Part Used. The bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength -$. Cascarilla, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CASTANEA VESCA. Chestnut, Natural Order. Cupulif erae. Synonyms. Latin, Castanea edulis; English, Chestnut; French, Chataigne, Marron ; German, Kastanie, Maronenbaum. Description. A large, deciduous timber tree, 50 feet high, and 2 to 4 feet in diameter, light, coarse-grained wood. The trunk has a thick, corrugated bark, and irregular and contorted branches. The leaves are alternate, oblong-lanceolate, coarsely serrate, pointed, smooth, and green on both sides. The flowers appear in June or July, later than AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. the leaves, in axillary catkins near the end of the branches. The nuts ripen in October, are coriaceous, ovoid and enclosed, 2 or 3 together, or solitary, in a hard, coriaceous, very prickly, 4-valved involucre. Habitat. Found in rocky or hilly woods from Maine to Michigan, Kentucky and southward. Fig., Millspaugh, 158. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1873 by Dr. Hale, New Rem. 30! ed. 124. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 21.] Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Castanea vesca, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 3 1 5 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. CASTOREUM. Castor. Order. Rodentia. Family. Muridae. Synonyms. Latin, Castoreum sibiricum; English, Castor fiber, Beaver ; French, Castoreum ; German, Bibergeil. Description, This substance is stored in the genital glands of both the male and the female beaver. It is yellowish and somewhat cheesy when fresh ; reddish-brown, hard and brittle when dry, with a resinous fracture. It has a strong, foetid odor, and a bitter, acrid, nauseous taste. Is largely soluble in ether and stronger alcohol. The glands themselves are in pairs, fig-shaped, firm and heavy, brown or grayish- black, and about 3 inches long. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 24; X. 452. Habitat. Russia and America. IQ2 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength y 1 ^. Castoreum, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. Blue Cohosh. Natural Order. Berberidaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Leontice thalictroides, Leontopetalon thalic- troides; English, Blue cohosh, Blueberry root, Leontice, Pappoose root, Squaw root ; French, La Leontice ; German, Loewenblatt. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, having a contorted rhizome, with many knots, showing scars of previous stems. The stem, i to 2Y-Z feet high, arises from several scales and terminates in a large, tri-ternately compound leaf, without any long petiole, the leaflets obovate, wedge-form. The purplish or yellowish-green flowers appear in April and May, in a loose raceme or panicle. Habitat. The United States, from Canada to Carolina and Ken- tucky, low moist grounds, mountains and shady hills, near running streams or on grounds which have been overflowed, common west- ward. Fig., Millspaugh, 16. History. The name is derived from kaulos, a stem, and phyllon, a leaf, as the stem appears to be a leaf-stalk. Mentioned in homoeo- pathic literature by Dr. E. M. Hale, N. A. J. of Horn. VI. 372. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 34.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture (f> : Drug strength y^. Caulophyllum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CAUSTICUM. Hahnemann's Causticum. Synonyms. Latin, Tinctura acris sine kali. A preparation introduced into homoeopathic pharmacy by Hahne- mann, and peculiar to homoeopathy. It is of uncertain nature and strength, hence should be made in exact accordance with Hahne- mann's directions, which are as follows : " Take a piece of recently burnt lime, weighing about two pounds, immerse it for a minute in a vessel full of distilled water, and then lay it in a dry cup, where it soon becomes pulverized, giving out much heat and a peculiar odor, called the vapor of lime. Of this fine powder you take 2 ounces, and place it in the mortar which has been previously warmed, and then mix it with a solution of 2 ounces of the bi-sulfate of potash in 2 ounces of boiling hot water, the potash before being dissolved having been exposed to a red heat, melted, cooled again, and then pulverized. This thickish preparation is inserted into a small glass retort, to the open end of which the receiver, which ought to be dipped in water to half its height, is fastened by means of wet bladder. The liquid is distilled over by gradually approaching a coal fire to the retort, and until the prepara- tion is perfectly dry. The liquid in the receiver is about one ounce and a half, as clear as water, and containing the Causticum in a con- centrated form, which smells like the lye obtained from potash, and has an astringent and burning taste on the back part of the tongue. Its freezing point is below that of water ; it promotes the putrefaction of animal substances which are placed in it ; with the salts of Baryta it gives no trace of sulfuric acid, nor any trace of lime-earth with the oxalate of ammonia." Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 35; X. 455- IQ4 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tinctiire : Causticum, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 500 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS. New Jersey Tea. Natural Order. Rhamnaceas. Synonyms. Latin, Ceanothus herbaceous, C. intermedius, C. officinalis, C. perennis, C. sanguineus, C. tardiflorus, C. trinervus ; English, New Jersey tea, Red root, Red-root-bark tree; French, Ceanothe; German, Seckelblumen Wurzel. Description. An ornamental, deciduous shrub, with large and dark-red root. The stem is from 2 to 4 feet high, slender, with many round and smooth branches, the younger of which are pubescent. The leaves are rounded, or cordate at the base of the stem, acuminate serrate, nearly smooth above, and whitish tomentose beneath ; the pubescence of the veins and petioles somewhat reddish. The flowers are white, in crowded panicles from the axils of the upper leaves, appearing in July. Habitat, North America ; found in dry woodlands. History. It was used during the Revolutionary War as a substi- tute for tea, hence the name. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1873 by Dr. Hale, New Rem. 3d ed. Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < / Drug strength ^. Ceanothus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CEDRON. Cedrone. Natural Order. Simarubaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Simaba cedron, Simaruba cedron ; English., Cedrone, Rattlesnake beans ; French, Cedron ; German, Cedron-Bohne. Description. The seed of a small, erect tree, not exceeding 6 inches in diameter, with umbelliferous, terminal branches, large, glab- rous, pinnate leaves and pale-brown flowers, in long-branching racemes. The seed is about an inch and a half long and half an inch in diameter. It is convex on one side, flat or slightly concave on the other, with an ovafscar near one extremity of the flat surface. It is of a yellowish- ash color, hard, tough and compact in texture, readily cut, inodorous, and of an intensely bitter taste. Habitat. West Indies, Central America, and U. S. of Colombia. History. Used by the natives of Central and South America as long ago as the beginning of the i8th century, as an antidote for snake-bites. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1851, N. A. Horn. Journ. I. 272. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 70.] Part Used. The dried seed. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength ^. Cedron, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Tritnrations : ix and higher. CEPHALANTHUS OCODENTALIS. Button Bush. Natural Order. Rubiaceas. IQ6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. English, Button bush, Buttonwood, Crane willow, Globe flower, Pond dogwood, Snowball ; French, Bois de plomb ; German, Knopfbusch. Description. A deciduous shrub, about 6 feet high, having a smooth or pubescent, opposite branching stem, with large, opposite, petiolate, ovate, dark-green, smooth leaves. The white flowers, appear- ing in July and August, are axillary, terminal, densely aggregated in globular peduncled heads. Habitat. United States and Canada; found in wet places and borders of streams. Fig., Millspaugh, 76. History. Name derived from the Greek kephale, a head, and an- thos, a flower. A short proving was published in 1875 by Dr. E. D. Wright, Am. Horn. Obs. XII. 177. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 456.] Part Used. The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Cephalanthus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Diltitions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 3x and higher. CEREUS BONPLANDIL Natural Order. Cactaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cactus bonplandii, Opuntia tuna. Description. A variety of Cereus grandiflorus, having large, oval, oblong joints, long, yellowish, awl-shaped thorns and spotted, reddish flowers. Habitat. Tropical America. History. Provings published in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 80. Part Used. The fresh stems. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. IQ7 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Cereus bonplandii, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture reduced to 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 470 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3 x and higher. CERIUM OXALICUM. Cerium Oxalate. Cerium Oxalate. Chemical Symbol Ce 2 (C 2 O 4 ) 3 9H 2 O ; 704.78. Synonyms. Latin, Cerii oxalas, Oxalas cericus ; English, Oxalate of cereum ; French, Oxalate de cerium ; German, Oxalsaures Ceroxy- dul, Ceroxalat. Description. Consists of a white, granular powder, odorless and tasteless ; permanent in air. Insoluble in water or alcohol, soluble without effervescence in sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. At a red heat it is decomposed, leaving a residue of reddish-yellow eerie oxid. Heated to a dull redness a reddish-brown powder is obtained and may be entirely dissolved in boiling hydrochloric acid. Boiled with potassium or sodium hydrate test-solution and filtered, no precipitate should form on the addition of ammonium chlorid or ammonium sulfid test-solutions. As usually sold it has a slightly pink color due to some compound of didymium. It is obtained from the metal cerium. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CHAMOMILLA. Chamomile. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Anthemis vulgaris, Chamaemelum vulgare, Chamomilla nostras, C. officinalis, C. vulgaris, Chrysanthemum 198 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE chamomilla, Leucanthemum, Matricaria chamomilla, M. suaveolens ; English, Bitter chamomile, Corn fever-few, German chamomile, Wild chamomile ; French, Chamomille commune ; German, Feld-Kamille. Description. An annual herb, with large, woody, fibrous root. The stem is erect, I to 2 feet high, solid, smooth, shining, strongly striate, with long, slender branches. The leaves are numerous, alter- nate, sessile, amplexicaul ; the upper simple, the others bi- or tri- pinnatifid ; the segments strap-shaped, narrow and minutely pointed. The flowers, May to August, are y? inch wide, numerous, terminal, solitary on striated, naked peduncles. The ray florets are white, reflexed at night, oblong, with 3 teeth ; the disk florets are yellow, conical and prominent. Habitat. Found in waste or cultivated ground throughout Europe, except the extreme north, extending through northern Asia to the peninsula of India ; also in Australia, where it is a troublesome weed. Fig., Flora. Horn. I. 147; Winkler, 95; Jahr and Cat. 183; Goullon, 146; Bent, and Trim. 155. History. Chamomilla, from chamaemelum, matricaria, from matrix. It has been in use long and extensively as a domestic remedy. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice by Hahnemann in 1805, Frag, de vir. 73. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 89 ; X. 456.] Part Used. The whole plant in flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength yV Chamomilla, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Celandine. Natural Order. Papaveraceae. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. Synonyms. Latin, Chelidonium haematodes, Papaver corniculatum luteum ; English, Calandine, Celandine, Tetter-wort ; French, Che"li- doine; German, Schollkraut. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with a fusiform root, externally reddish-brown, internally whitish, extremely bitter. The stem is erect, 2 feet high, branching, hirsute, very brittle, and having a saffron-colored acrid juice. The leaves are large, alternate, petio- late, glaucous, lyrate pinnatifid, border lobed or crenately cut. The small, yellow flowers, from May to October, are pedunculated, umbel- late, axillary in clusters. Habitat. Naturalized from Europe, found in waste grounds near dwellings. Fig., Winkler, 50; Jahr and Cat. 184; Goullon, 12; Mills- paugh, 21. History. Name derived from cheledon, a swallow, as the flowers were said to bloom and wither with the arrival and departure of the swallows. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1819 by Hahnemann. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 127.] Parts Used. The entire fresh plant, including root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Chelidonium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 468 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. CHELONE GLABRA. Balmony. Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Chelone alba, C. obliqua, Pentstemon auctus; English, Balmony, B. snake-head, Bitter herb, Broomshell flower, Fish mouth, Salt rheum weed, Shell flower, Snake head, Turtle head; French, Chelone; German, Glatte Chelone. 2OO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A smooth, deciduous, perennial, herbaceous plant. The simple, smooth, erect stem is about 4 feet high, branching and somewhat quadrangular. The leaves, varying in width, are opposite, short petioled, lanceolate, pointed, serrate, smooth and shining. The large, white, rose-colored or purple flowers appear from July to September, nearly sessile, in short, dense, terminal spikes, and each furnished with 3 bracts. Habitat. United States, Newfoundland to Saskatchawan, south to Florida. Common in wet places. History. Name from chelone, a tortoise, from the resemblance of the flower to the head of a turtle. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hale, New Rem. 2d ed. 190. Part Used The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength ^. Chelone, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3 x and higher. CHENOPODIUM ANTHELMINTICUM. Wormseed. Natural Order. Chenopodiaceae. Synonyms. Ambrina ambrosioides, A. anthelmintica, Chenopo- dium ambrosioides, var. anthelmintica, C. suffruticosum, Cina ameri- cana, Orthosporum anthelminticum ; English, American wormseed, Jerusalem oak, Stinking weed, Worm goose-foot, Wormseed; French, Semences de che"nopode anthelmintique ; German, Amerikanischer Wurmsamen. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 2OI Description. An evergreen, perennial under-shrub. The stem is erect, i to 3 feet high, branched, often rigid and furrowed. The leaves are numerous, alternate, spreading, lanceolate, sessile, dentate. The flowers are small, in long, slender, axillary terminal racemes, green in color, and appear in July and August. The whole plant is aromatic. Habitat. The United States, naturalized from tropical America. Found in waste places, mostly southward. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 216 ; Millspaugh, 140; Goullon, 214. History. Name from chen, a goose, and pous, a foot. Proved in 1842 by Dr. J. Jeanes, Raue's Record, 1872, 30. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 1 80; X.4S7.] Part Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Chenopodium anthel., moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 737 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA. Pipsissewa. Natural Order. Ericaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Chimaphila corymbosa, Pyrola corymbosa, P. umbellata; English, American wintergreen, Ground holly, Ground leaf, King's cure, Noble pine, Pipsissewa, Prince's pine, Rheumatism weed, Round-leaved consumption cure, Shin leaf, White leaf ; French, Pyrole ombell^e ; German, Doldenformiges Wintergrun. Description. A perennial, evergreen shrub, with a long, creeping, yellowish root. The stem is 4 to 10 inches high, generally simple. The leaves, i to 2 inches long, are at the top of the stem in irregular whorles ; are shortly petiolate, lanceolate, acute, serrate, shiny green. The fragrant white or purplish waxy flowers appear in June and July in terminal pedunculated umbels. GT-OK 2O2 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. North America, northern Asia, northern and central Europe. Found in high, dry woods from Canada to Georgia and west to the Pacific. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 165 ; Millspaugh, 104. History. The name from cheima, winter, and phileo, to love, a translation of one of its common names, wintergreen. It was used in medicine as early as 1578, as stated by Dr. S. A. Jones, who first mentions it in homoeopathic literature in 1875, Am. Horn. Obs. XII. 300. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 181; X. 458.] Part Used The whole plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Chimaphila, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CHININUM ARSENICICUM. Quinin Arsenate. Chininum Arseniate. Chemical Symbol. (C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 ) 2 H 3 AsO 4 .8H 2 O; 926.10. Synonyms. Latin, Quininae arsenias; English, Arseniate of quinine, Triquinia arseniate ; French, Arseniate de quinine Description. Long, white, odorless, bitter prisms; sparingly solu- ble in water and alcohol, and containing 74 per cent of quinin and 10.6 per cent of arsenic acid As 2 O 5 . Obtained in saturating a hot solution of arsenic acid with quinin. A poison. Maximum dose % grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHV. 2O3 CHININUM ARSENICOSUM. Quinin Arsenite. Chininum Arsenite. Chemical Symbol. (C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 ) 3 H 3 As 2 O 8 .3H 2 O; 1148.68. Synonyms. Latin, Quininae arsenis ; English, Arsenite of quinine ; French, Arsenite de quinine. Description. White, inodorous, bitter prisms, slightly soluble in water, soluble in 15 parts of alcohol at ordinary temperature. Pre- pared with argentum arsenite and quinin hydrochlorid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 214. A poison. Maximum dose ^ grain. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : ix and higher. CHININUM MURIATICUM. Quinin Hydrochlorid. Chininum Muriate. Chemical Symbol. C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 HC1.2H 2 O; 395.63. Synonyms. Latin, Quininae hydrochloras, Quiniae hydrochloras, Chininum hydrochloricum ; English, Hydrochlorate of quinine, Muriate of quinine, Quinia hydrochlorate ; French, Chlorhydrate de quinine; German, Chininhydrochlorat. Description. White, silky, odorless, bitter, crystalline needles. Soluble in 34 parts of water at 15 C. and in 3 parts of alcohol. At ordinary temperature it is permanent in air. At a moderate heat it loses its water of crystallization (9.08 per cent) and effloresces. Diluted solutions are slightly fluorescent. On ignition it is slowly volatilized without residue. It gives the reaction of quinin with chlorin water and ammonia. With argentic nitrate a white, curdy precipitate is thrown down. It is obtained from quinin and hydro- chloric acid, also by the decomposition of quinin sulfate with barium chlorid. It should be kept in well-stoppered bottles and in a dark place. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 214. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. 2O4 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE CHININUM PURUM. Quinin. Chininum. Chemical Symbol. C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 .3H 2 O ; 377-22. Synonyms. Latin, Quinina; English, Pure quinine; French, Quinine; German, Chinin. Description. It is known in three different states of hydration, viz., the monohydrate, dihydrate and trihydrate ; also, anhydrous. The anhydrous form is amorphous. In hydrated form it is white, inodor- ous, very bitter, and crystallizes in hexagonal prisms. In dry air it becomes opaque. It has an alkaline reaction. Is soluble in 1,670 parts of water at 15 C. and in 6 parts of alcohol. Concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids dissolve quinin without color. Strongly heated in air it turns brown, burns with flame, evolving an aromatic odor and leaves no residue. Its solutions in acids are precipitated by ammonium hydrate, potassium and sodium hydrates and their carbonates. The precipitate is at first white and flocculent, but after a short time assumes a tenacious and viscid appearance. Quinin and its salts give an emerald green solution with chlorin water and an excess of ammonium hydrate, the green color changing into purple on the addition of potassium ferrocyanid. This reaction is character- istic. It is prepared from cinchona bark. It should be kept protected from the light and air. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CHININUM SULPHURICUM. Quinin Sulfate. Chininum Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. (C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 ) 2 H 2 SO 4 .7H 2 O ; 870.22. Synonyms. Latin, Quininae sulphas, Quiniae sulphas, Sulfas quin- icus; English, Sulphate of quinia; French, Sulfate de quinine; Ger- man, Chininsulfat. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 205 Description. Consists of snow-white, light, odorless, extremely bitter crystallized needles. Soluble in 740 parts of water at 1 5 C. It dissolves in 60 parts of alcohol. Its aqueous solution, especially when acidified with sulfuric acid, presents a vivid, blue fluorescence. At 100 to 115 C., it loses its water of crystallization. At 160 C. it becomes phosphorescent on trituration, and at a red heat is decomposed, burning slowly without residue. Exposed to light, it turns yellow. Its aqueous solution gives a white precipitate of barium sulfate with barium chlorid, and with ammonia a precipitate of quinin. It gives the reaction of quinin with chlorin water and ammonia. It is efflorescent when exposed to air. It is prepared from quinin and sulfuric acid. It should be kept well-stoppered and protected from the light. Men- tioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 215; X. 461. PREPARATIONS. Tritiirations : ix and higher. CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA. Fringe Tree. Natural Order. Oleaceae. Synonyms. English, Fringe tree, Oldman's beard, Poison ash, Snow-drop tree, Snow-flower, Virginian snow-flower tree; French, Chionanthe; Get-man, Schneebaum. Description. An ornamental, deciduous tree, 10 to 30 feet high. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, oval, oblong, smooth, spreading, entire, 6 to 12 inches long, 3 to 5 inches wide. The flowers are white, appearing from April to June, axillary, panicled with filiform-branched pedicels. Habitat. Common in southern Pennsylvania and southward; found on river banks and sandy plains. Fig., Millspaugh, 136. History. The name from chion, white or snow, and anthos, a flower. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. E. M. Hale, New Rem. 4th ed. 209. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 463.] Part Used. The fresh bark. 2O6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength $. Chionanthus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 637 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dihitions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CHLORINUM. Chlorin. Chlorum. Chemical Symbol. Cl; 35.37. Synonyms. English, Chlorine ; French, Chlore ; German, Chlor. Description. A greenish-yellow, irrespirable gas, nearly two and a half times as heavy as air; specific gravity, 2.47. It is liquefiable at a temperature of 34 C., or by a pressure of 8.5 atmospheres at I2.5 C. At I5C, one volume of water dissolves two volumes of this gas. This solution, when exposed to a temperature approaching o C., deposits crystals of chlorin hydrate (C1(H 2 O) 5 ) and becomes colorless. It is a very active germicide; it combines with all the elements, excepting fluorin, sometimes with evolution of heat or light, or even explosion. With hydrogen it combines slowly, forming hydrogen chlorid under the influence of diffused light, and with explosion, when exposed to direct sunlight, or to highly actinic artificial lights. It is readily fixed by many organic bodies, by addition or substitution. In contact with water it acts as a powerful bleaching agent. It may be prepared from hydrochloric acid and manganese dioxid. Chlorinum is also used in medicine in the form of chlorin water, which should contain at least 0.4 per cent of the gas. It is a greenish-yellow, clear liquid, with a suffocating odor and a disagreeable taste of chlorin. Evaporation gives no residue. This aqueous solution is officinal, and according to the United States Pharmacopoeia is prepared as follows : " Place the dioxide in a flask connected by a suitable tube with a small wash bottle containing fifty (50) cubic centimeters of water, and AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 2O7 connect this with a bottle having a capacity of one thousand (1000) cubic centimeters, and containing four hundred (400) cubic centimeters of distilled water, which has previously been boiled and allowed to cool. Add to the dioxide in the generating flask the hydrochloric acid, previously diluted with twenty-five (25) cubic centimeters of water, and, by means of a sand bath, apply a gentle heat. Conduct the generated chlorine through the water contained in the wash bottle into the bottle containing the distilled water, which should be loosely stopped with cotton and kept, during the operation, at a temperature of about 10 C. (50 F.). When the air has been entirely displaced by the gas, disconnect the bottle from the apparatus, and, having inserted the stopper, shake the bottle, loosening the stopper from time to time, until the gas ceases to be absorbed. If necessary, reconnect the bottle with the apparatus, and continue passing the gas and agitating until the distilled water is saturated. Finally, pour the chlorine water into small, dark amber-colored, glass-stoppered bottles, which should be completely filled therewith, and keep them in a dark and cool place. Chlorine water, even when kept from light and air, is apt to deterio- rate. When it is required of full strength, it should be freshly prepared." Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 269; X. 464. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : 3 X -nsW Chlorin water U. S. P. containing 0.4 per cent chlorin, 250 Cc. Distilled water, 750 Cc. To make 1000 Cc. of solution. b. Dilutions: 4x and higher, with distilled water. All preparations should be freshly made. CHRYSAROBINUM. Chrysarobin. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. French, Chrysarobine ; German, Chrysarobin. Description. A neutral principle in its impure, commercial form, extracted from Goa powder, a substance found deposited in the wood of Andira Araroba. This principle is commonly misnamed chryso- phanic acid. Goa powder contains about 80 per cent of its weight of chrysarobinum. When pure it is a tasteless and odorless dull orange- 2O8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE yellow powder, subliming in bright yellow needles. Exposed to the air, moistened with water, it absorbs oxygen and is converted into chrysophanic acid. It is slightly soluble in cold water or alcohol ; practically soluble in 150 parts of boiling alcohol, in 33 parts of boil- ing benzol, and in solutions of the alkalies. It fuses at 304 F. The aqueous solution does not affect litmus paper. Chrysarobinum dis- solves in concentrated sulfuric acid, assuming a deep red color, and is precipitated by water, unchanged. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. CICHORIUM INTYBUS. Chicory. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Chichorium sylvestre, Intybum erraticum; English, Chicory, Wild succory; French, Chicoree; German, Cichorie. Description. A perennial, branching herb, with a woody, branch- ing, fusiform root, having a milky juice. It remains fleshy under cultivation. The stem is 2 to 3 feet high, bristly and hairy. The leaves are alternate, the lower oblong, lanceolate, those on branches varying to mere bracts. The flower-heads are axillary, terminal, appear July to September, in mornings and on cloudy days, withering in sunshine. Habitat. Europe ; it has been naturalized in this country along the Atlantic coast. Fig., Millspaugh, 93. History. Used as a substitute for coffee. Mentioned in homoeo- pathic literature by Dr. W. Cattell, Brit. J. of Horn. XI. 521. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 181 ; X. 467.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Cichorium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gin., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 637 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 2OQ b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 3x and higher. CICUTA MACULATA. Spotted Water Hemlock. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Cicutaria maculata, Sium douglasii; English, American water hemlock, Beaver poison, Children's bane, Death of man, Musquash root, Poison root, Snakeweed, Spotted cowbane, Water parsley, Wild hemlock; French, Cigue d'Amerique; German, Amerikanische Wasserchierling. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, having fleshy and tuber- ous roots. The stem, from 3 to 6 feet high, is stout, branched at the top, streaked with purple, except when the plant grows in the shade, when it is green. The leaves, with clasping petioles, are com- pound ; leaflets spreading, lanceolate, serrate, sometimes lobed, pointed. The flowers, appearing in June to August, are white, in long pedun- cled axillary umbels. Habitat. Common in swamps in North America. Fig., Mills- paugh, 67. History. The root is a most deadly poison. Mention is made of it in Am. Horn. Obs. VIII. 412. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 281 ; X. 467-] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Cicuta maculata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 210 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE CICUTA VIROSA. Water Hemlock. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Cicuta aquatica, Cicutaria aquatica, Slum majus angustifolium ; English, Cowbane, Long-leaved cowbane, Long- leaved water hemlock, Long-leaved water parsnip, Poisonous cowbane, Snakeweed, Water cowbane, Water hemlock, Water parsnip ; French, Cigue vireuse ; German, Wasserschierling. Description. A perennial, deciduous plant, with a thick, white, fleshy, tuberous, hollow root having circles of slender rootlets. The stem is 2 to 4 feet high, hollow, branched, furrowed, smooth and often reddish. The leaves are long, on long-sheathing petioles, are bi-ternate, pinnate, bright-green in color, with spear-shaped, pointed, opposite, petiolate, sharply serrate leaflets from i to 2 inches long. The white flowers are numerous, small, on long, slender pedicels, in large, upright umbels, not crowded, partly terminal and partly oppo- site, appearing from July to September. Habitat. Arctic regions, growing in swamps and wet places. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 168; Winkler, 42 ; Jahr and Cat. 187; Bent, and Trim. 119. History. This plant is a deadly poison, its virulence depending somewhat upon the time and place of gathering. It is not identical with conium. Homoeopathic authority, Hahnemann, R. A. M. L. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 281.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength y 1 ^. Cicuta virosa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 211 CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. Black Cohosh. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Actaea gyrostachya, A. monogyna, A. orthos- tachya, A. racemosa, Botrophis actseoides, B. serpentaria, Christo- pheriana canadensis racemosa, Cimicifuga serpentaria, Macrotys actaeoides, M. octreoides, M. racemosa, M. serpentaria ; English, Black cohosh, Black snakeroot, Bugbane, Deerweed, Rattleroot, Rattlesnake root, Rattleweed, Richweed, Squawroot ; French, Racine d'actee a grappes; German, Schwarze Schlangenwurzel. Description. A perennial, deciduous plant, with thick, short, hori- zontal, tough root, with numerous long fibers underneath, scarred from fallen scales. It is blackish externally, whitish internally, with a peculiar, disagreeable odor, and bitter, astringent taste. The stem is straight, simple, cylindrical, smooth, 3 to 8 feet high. The leaves are bi- or tri-pinnate, lower very large, upper smaller, leaflets cut and serrate. The flowers appear in June and July, are numerous, y 2 inch wide, on slender horizontal pedicels, forming a terminal raceme I to 3 feet long, white and fetid. The fruit ripens in September. Habitat. Rich woodlands, edges of fields, newly cleared hillsides in the United States from Maine to Michigan, Canada and southward. Fig., Bent and Trim. 8; Millspaugh, 11. History. Derivation of name from cimex, a bug, and fugo, to drive away. It was a popular remedy among the aborigines. Its properties were made known to the medical profession in 1696. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1856 by Dr. A. Houghton, N. A. J. of Horn. V. 27. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 468.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Cimicifuga, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 650 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. 212 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE CINA. Wormseed. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Absinthium austriacum tenuifolium, A. ponti- cum tenuifolium, A. seriphium, A. tridentium herbarior, Artemisia austriaca, A. contra, A. lercheana, A. maritima, var. stechmanniana, var. pauciflora, A. santonica, A. vahliana, Semen contra, S. sanctum, S. santocini, S. zedoariae, S. zinae, Sementina; English, Tartarian southern-wood, Wormseed ; French, Graine de zedoaria ; German, Zittersaame Wurmsaame. Description. An evergreen, perennial shrub, with many slender, erect, flowering stems, i foot high, much branched, having at first leaves at the base, afterward bare. The flower-heads are about T ^ to \ inch long, oblong, ovoid, sessile, pale brownish-green color, resem- bling seeds, odorous with bitter taste. They are densely arranged along the upper portions of the branches. The flowers appear in September. Habitat. Barbary and the Levant. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 176; Winkler, 12; Jahr and Cat. 188; Goullon, 152. History. This medicine is said to have been introduced into Europe by the Crusaders as an anthelmintic, but was not so much used after the discovery and isolation of the proximate principle, San- tonin. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1829 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L. Vol. I. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 307; X. 460.] Parts Used. The flower-heads of the Aleppo or Levant Artemisia contra, as imported. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Cina, ioo Gm. Strong alcohol, loco Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Tritnrations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 213 CINCHONA OFFICINALIS. Peruvian Bark. Natural Order. Rubiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, China fusca, C. officinalis, Cinchona calisaya, C. cinerea, C. cordifolia, C. corona, C. flava, C. lancifolia, C. oblongi- folia, C. officinalis, C. rubra ; English, Peruvian bark ; French, Luin- quina; German, Chinarinde. Source and Description. Cinchona bark is obtained from several species of an extensive order of evergreen shrubs or trees. In some localities and latitudes it is a beautiful forest tree, 60 to 80 feet high; in other places and higher latitudes, it is a shrub, 6 to 10 feet high. The bark is obtained from the branches, trunk and root. It differs more or less in form, marking, structure, taste and odor; that from the branches and stems being thinner, curling in quills ; that from the trunk, thicker and in flat and irregular shapes; while the bark of the root is in chips. A former classification, by color, as yellow, red, and pale, is disregarded as unreliable. The calisaya, or yellow bark, derived from Cinchona calisaya, is generally in quills \y 2 to 2^ feet long, 2 inches in diameter, % to % inch thick, externally gray, internally light cinnamon color, with ridges, if any, longitudinal, and numerous longitudinal and transverse fissures. The Cinchona rubra or red bark, is from C. succirubra, similar in appearance to the former, in quills, broader and thicker, externally of a dingy brownish gray, internally redder, having prominent longitudinal ridges with warty protuberances, with or without transverse fissures. The Loxa or crown bark is obtained from the C. officinalis, in shorter and smaller quills, 3 to 18 inches long, ^ to ^ inch in diameter, variable in thickness, dark in color, almost black externally, internally paler than the others. Habitat. A native of South America; seldom found in its wild state, but cultivated largely in India, and the islands of Ceylon and Java, the former locality yielding only about one-twentieth of the world's supply. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 52 ; Winkler, 36 ; Jahr and Cat. 186; Goullon, 137; Bent, and Trim. 141. History. The discovery and history of this remarkable drug is traditional. Introduced into Europe about 1632, it was not known to naturalists until 1737. It is of particular interest to the homoeopathic 214 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE school as being the immediate cause, while studying its effects, of Hahnemann's discovery of the law of cure. Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum Positivus. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 182; X. 460.] Part Used. The bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -$. Cinchona, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CINCHONINUM SULPHURICUM. Cinchonin Sulfate. Cinchoninum Sulfate. Chemical Symbol (C 19 H 22 N 2 O) 2 H 2 SO 4 .2H 2 O; 720.54. Synonyms. Latin, Cinchoninae sulphas, Cinchoniae sulphas; English, Sulphate of cinchonine ; French, Sulfate de cinchonine ; German, Schwefelsaures Cinchonin. Description. Consists of hard, white, shining, odorless, very bitter prisms. Permanent in air. Soluble in 66 parts of water at 15 C. and in 10 parts of alcohol. At 100 C. it gives off its water of crystalliza- tion ; at 240 C. it melts like wax, is partially volatilized, turns dark- red, then burns, emitting vapors of an aromatic odor and leaving no residue. Its solutions are not fluorescent. It gives a white precipi- tate of barium sulfate with barium chlorid, and a white precipitate of cinchonin with ammonia. It is obtained from cinchona bark. Men- tioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 316. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 215 CINNAMOMUM. Cinnamon. Natural Order. Lauraceae. Synonyms. Latin, Canella zeylanica, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Laurus cassia, L. cinnamomum ; English, Cinnamon ; French, Canelle ; German, Zimmt. Description. An evergreen tree, 20 to 30 feet high, with erect trunk, 12 to 18 inches in diameter, smooth ash-colored bark, and numerous wide-spreading, declining branches. The leaves are oppo- site, petiolate, bright-green above, pale beneath, and white veined. The flowers are large, panicled, terminal, drooping, axillary. The bark is thin as writing paper, brittle, dull yellowish-brown externally, darker brown internally, having little holes on outer surface where leaves have been removed. It has a fragrant odor, a warm sweet and aromatic taste. It is imported in sticks J^ inch thick, composed of rolled quills covering smaller quills. Habitat. Ceylon, growing from the sea level to an elevation of 3,000 feet, exceedingly variable in form and size, extensively cultivated. /7-.,Winkler,45 ; Jahr and Cat. 189; Goullon, 218; Bent, and Trim. 224. History. It was held in high esteem and seems to have been the spice most sought for in all oriental voyages. Mentioned in homoeo- pathic literature in 1855, Hirschel's Archiv. f. r. u. a. Arzneiwirkungs- lehre, I. 195. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 333; X. 470, 654.] Part Used. The inner bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Cinnamomum, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: ix and higher. CIRSIUM ARVENSE. Canada Thistle. Natural Order. Compositae. 2l6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. English, Canada thistle; French, Le chardon ; German, Haberdistel. Description. A low, branched herb, with extensively creeping root. The leaves are alternate, spreading or lanceolate, smooth, or slightly woolly beneath, with prickly margins. The flowers are purple and appear in July and August, in small, naked, numerous heads. Habitat. Naturalized and found in cultivated fields and pastures. Common at the north. A very troublesome weed. Parts Used The whole plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Cirsium arvense, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 735 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. CISTUS CANADENSE. Frost-weed Natural Order. Cistaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cistus helianthemum, C. ramuliflorum, Helian- themum canadense, H. corymbosum, H. ramuliflorum, H. rosmari- folium, Heteromeris canadense, H. michauxii, Lechea major; English, Canadian rock-rose, Garden sunflower, Frost-plant, Frost-weed, Frost- wort, Holly-rose, Ice-plant, Rock-rose, Scrofula-weed ; French, Le ciste Canade; German, Canadisches Sonnenroschen. Description. A perennial, deciduous, herbaceous plant, i to 2 feet high, with pubescent stem, simple at first. The leaves are simple entire; the lower opposite, the upper alternate. The flowers are yellow, of two sorts, the primary few or solitary, large, pedunculate ; the secondary are small, clustered, axillary, nearly sessile. They appear from June to August, open only once in sunshine and cast their petals by the next day. Late in autumn, moisture issuing from the cracked bark at the root is found crystallized in the early morning, hence the name, frost-weed. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 2 1/ Habitat. Maine to Wisconsin and southward, in dry, sandy soil; rare west of the Alleghanies ; also found in Canada. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 190; Millspaugh, 28. History The name derived from helios, sun, and anthemon, flower. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1835 by Dr. Bute, published in 1865 by Dr. Hering, Hahn. Month. Supplement, Vol. i. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 333.] Parts Used The entire fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture (f>: Drug strength ^. Cistus canadense, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CLEMATIS ERECTA. Virgin's Bower. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Clematis recta, Flammula jovis, F. recta; English, Upright virgin's bower; French, Clematite cleorte; Get man, Brennende Waldrebe. Description. A perennial, deciduous, climbing plant, with a white, fibrous root. The stem is about 3 feet high, greenish or reddish, nearly smooth. The leaves are large, opposite, with petiolate leaflets five to nine. The flowers, appearing from July to October, are white, in upright, terminal umbels. It climbs by the twisting of the leaf stalks. All parts are extremely acrid, the acridity being diminished by drying. Habitat. Native of southern Europe and northern Africa; com- mon in woods. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 180; Winkler, 51 ; Goullon, I. 2l8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Name from klema, a vine. It was employed in the old school pharmacy as a local irritant ; used by .beggers to create com- passion for the ulcers it produced. It was introduced in homoeopathic literature in 1828 by Hahnemann, Archiv. VII. I. 177. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 340.] Part Used. The fresh leaves and stems shortly before blossoming. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Clematis erecta, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. COBALTUM METALLICUM. Metallic Cobalt. Cobalt* Chemical Symbol. Co; 58.6. Description. A not very abundant, steel-gray, hard, brittle metal. It tarnishes in moist air. Is soluble in sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, freely soluble in nitric acid. Specific gravity approximately 8.8. It oxidizes at a red heat. By passing a current of pure hydrogen through a solution of its chlorid, the metal is obtained for homoeopathic pur- poses in a spongy form. Cobalt is frequently rendered impure by the presence of nickel, or its salts may contain arsenic. If arsenic, it may be detected by treating a solution of the salt, acidified with hydro- chloric acid, with hydrogen sulfid. Cobalt occurs as smaltine, or tin- white cobalt; cobalt bloom, erythin, or arsenate; cobalt glance, or sulfarsenate ; earthy cobalt or wad, and as speiss cobalt from which cobalt salts are frequently obtained. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, III. 361. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 2IQ COCAINUM MURIATICUM. Cocain Hydrochlorid. Cocainum Muriate. Chemical Symbol. C 17 H 21 NO 4 HC1; 338.71. Synonyms. Latin, Cocainae hydrochloras ; English, Hydro- chlorate of cocaine. Description. Consists of a white, crystalline powder, or of trans- parent, colorless, odorless prisms. Is permanent in air. Soluble in 0.48 parts of water at 15 C. and in 3.5 parts of alcohol. Its aqueous solution has a bitter taste and produces on the tongue a tingling sensa- tion, followed by numbness. Submitted to heat it burns without residue. Freshly made solutions are neutral. It must not give any precipitate with either barium chlorid or ammonium oxalate. Its aqueous solution gives a yellow precipitate with auric chlorid, platinic chlorid, picric acid; also a white precipitate with mercuric chlorid, stannous chlorid, alkalies and their carbonates. It is dissolved by cold mineral acids without coloration. It is prepared from cocain an alkaloid of erythroxylon coca and hydrochloric acid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. COCCULUS INDICUS. Indian Cockle. Natural Order. Menispermaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Anamirta cocculus, A. paniculata, Cocculus suberosus, Menispermum cocculus, M. heteroclitum, M. monadelphum ; English, Indian cockle, Oriental berries; French, Coque du Levant; German, Kokkelskorner. Description. A climbing shrub, with corky, ash-colored, deeply corrugated bark. The leaves are alternate, on long petioles, thickened at the ends, smooth, coriaceous, broad. The flowers are small, dioecious, in pendulous, compound racemes. The fruit is a dry, light, roundish nut, y^ inch in diameter, grayish-black, wrinkled externally, with a white, thin, internal shell, containing an oily, whitish-yellow, odorless, but intensely bitter seed, not filling the cavity. 22O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Malabar and East India Islands. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 184; Winkler, 3; Jahr and Cat. 192; Goullon, 8; Bent, and Trim. 14. History. It was principally used for stupefying fish. Mentioned by Hahnemann in 1805, Frag. d. v. Med. Pos. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 338.] Part Used. The seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincttire : Drug strength ^. Cocculus indicus, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. The tincture should be filtered at a temperature of or below 50 F. to remove the fatty acids. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. COCCUS CACTI. Cochineal. Order. - Homoptera. Family. Coccidae. Synonyms. Latin, Coccinella Indica, Coccionella ; French, Coche- nille; German, Nopal- Schildlaus. Description. Only the female of this species is made use of in medicine. The male is smaller than the female ; has a snout in the thorax and a red body which ends in two long bristles. The female is much larger ; has a bluish-red oval body, transversely striated, with- out wings or terminal bristles. She lays several thousand eggs in a season and then dies, the eggs remaining in the body, from which the young are soon hatched. They are allowed to grow until the females become fecundated, when the majority are brushed from the cactus plants upon which they feed, and killed by immersion in hot water. They are afterwards dried in the sun, or in ovens built for the purpose. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 402. Habitat. The cochineal insect is found native in Mexico and Central America, but is now cultivated in the East and West Indies, Algiers, and in the southern part of Spain. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 221 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Coccus cacti, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA. Horse Radish. Natural Order. Cruciferae. Synonyms. Latin, Armoracia rusticana, A. sativa, Cochlearia rusticana, Nasturtium amphibium, N. armoracia, Raphanus rusticanus, Roripa rusticana, Sisymbrium amphibium, S. indicum ; English, Amphibious cress, Horse radish, Scurvy grass, Water cress, Water radish ; French, Radis de cheval ; German, Meerrettig. Description. A perennial, herbaceous plant, with fusiform root large, long, scarred, nearly smooth, with thick, horizontal branches, brownish-yellow externally, whitish internally, very pungent and acrid when broken. The stems are erect, 2 or 3 feet high, branched at the top. The leaves are alternate ; the radical leaves are very large, oblong, crenate, rarely pinnatifid; the stem leaves are lanceolate. The flowers are white in terminal racemes and appear in May and June. Habitat. A native of Russia. Found throughout the United States and Canada in moist grounds, escaped from cultivation. Fig., Winkler, 39; Jahr and Cat. 166; Goullon, 15; Bent, and Trim. 21. History. So called from cochlear, a spoon, from the shape of the leaves. During the middle ages the root and leaves were used as a medicine and a condiment. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1838 by Dr. Franz, Archiv. XVII. 3, 176. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 429-] Part Used. The fresh root. 222 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength Y 1 ^. Cochlearia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CODEINUM. Codein. Chemical Symbol. C 18 H 21 NO 3 H 2 O ; 316.31. Synonyms. Latin, Codeina; English, Codeia, Methyl morphine; French, Codeine; German, Codein, Kodein. An alkaloid prepared from opium. Description. Consists of white, or yellowish-white, partially trans- lucent, rhombic prisms, odorless, and having a slightly bitter taste. It effloresces in warm air. Is soluble in 80 parts of water at 15 C. and in 17 parts of boiling water ; freely soluble in alcohol and chloroform. At 120 C. it loses its water of crystallization and melts at 150 C., forming a 'colorless liquid; reaction alkaline. It burns without residue. Its aqueous solution precipitates the salts of ferrum, cuprum, plumbum and several other metals. Codein may be dis- tinguished from morphin by the fact that it does not separate iodin from iodic acid, nor does it become blue on the addition of ferric chlorid. With chlorin water, codein gives a colorless solution, which ammonia turns red-brown. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 430; X. 473. Maximum dose i l / 2 grains, or by injection one-half as much. PREPARATIONS. Triturations ; ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 22J COFFEA CRUDA. Coffee. Natural Order. Rubiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Coffea arabica, C. laurifolia, C. vulgaris, Jas- minum arabicum ; English, Coffee ; French, Cafe" ; German, Kaffee. Description. An evergreen pyramidal-shaped shrub, of which there are many species, with spreading roots. The stem is straight, 4 inches thick, 10 to 16 feet high, with long, horizontal, arching, opposite branches. The leaves are oval, opposite, petiolate, smooth, dark green. The flowers are axillary, nearly sessile, white and fragrant. The fruit is a fleshy berry, resembling a cherry, changing from green to red, then becoming dark purple. The fruit contains two seeds which, divested of their coverings, constitute coffee. Habitat. Low mountains of Arabia and tropical parts of Africa, and cultivated in West Indies, tropical America, India, Ceylon and various places where the temperature is sufficiently high and uniform. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 190; Winkler, 31; Jahr and Cat. 193; Goullon, 133; Bent, and Trim. 144. History. The name is possibly derived from Coffa, a province in Africa, where it is indigenous in great abundance. It was used as early as the ninth century. It is not officinal in the U. S. Pharma- copoeia. It was introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1823 by Dr. Stapf, who published its pathogenesis, Archiv. II. 3, 150. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 435.] Part Used. The seed; using the best unroasted Mocha coffee. PREPARATIONS. a.' Tincture . Drug strength ^. Coffea cruda, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. Meadow Saffron. Natural Order. Liliaceae. 224 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms Latin, Colchicum anglicum, C. commune; English, Meadow saffron, Naked lady, Tuber-root, Upstart, Wild saffron ; French, Colchique ; German, Herbstzeitlose. Description. A perennial herb, with a short subterranean stem, having three to five dark-green shining leaves, 6 to 12 inches long and i to 2 inches broad, appearing in April. A solitary, large, reddish-lilac colored flower, with a tube 6 to 7 inches long, appearing for a few days only, the preceding September or October. The bulb, or corm, is somewhat the shape of a chestnut ; has a tuft of filiform roots beneath, an external brown and internal reddish-yellow coat. When gathered, about a year old, it is from I ^ to 2 inches in length, I inch wide at the lower end, flattened on the side on which a new corm is forming, and rounded on the other. The interior is white, firm, fleshy and homogeneous, unlike the tulip, which is scaly. It yields a milky juice of an acrid, bitter taste and disagreeable smell. Habitat. It is found in moist meadows, in middle and southern Europe to the Mediterranean, Greece, Turkey and the Crimea, and in many parts of England. In the Swiss Alps it is found at an altitude of 5,000 feet. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 199; Winkler, 34; Jahr and Cat. 195 ; Goullon, 265 ; Bent, and Trim. 288. History. It is named from Colchis, a province of Armenia. It was used in medicine as early as the thirteenth century, as the prin- cipal ingredient in all gout specifics. It was introduced into homoeo- pathic practice by Stapf in 1826, Archiv. VI. I, 136. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 448; X. 474.] Parts Used. The fresh bulbs; dug in the spring, according to Stapf. Its medicinal virtue appears to depend largely on the soil and climate where grown and the season when it is gathered. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength ^. Colchicum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 22$ b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. Stone-Root. Natural Order. Labiatae. Synonyms. Latin, Collinsonia decussata, C. ovalis, C. scrotina; English, Canada snake-root, Hard-hack, Heal-all, Horse or Ox-balm, Horse-weed, Knob-root, Knob's grass, Knot-root, Rich-weed, Rock- weed, Stone-root ; French, Baume de cheval ; German, Collinsonie. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, 3 to 4 feet high, with a very hard, nearly horizontal rhizome, with irregular branches from 3 to 6 inches long. The upper surface is very knotty, the lower less so, and with many simple rootlets. The stem is smooth and some- what angular. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, 3 to 8 inches long, simple, ovate, cordate at base. The flowers are greenish-yellow, numerous, on slender petioles in loose and panicled terminal racemes, appearing from July to September. Habitat. New England, Michigan, Kentucky and southward to Florida, abundant along the Alleghanies ; found in rich, moist woods. Fig., Millspaugh, 119. History. Named for Peter Collinson. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1857 by Dr. Carroll, N. A. J. Horn. V. 548. (Hale's New Remedies.) [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 507; X. 476.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Collinsonia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 226 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. COLOCYNTK Bitter Apple. Natural Order. Cucurbitaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Citrullus colocynthis, Colocynthis vulgaris, Cucumis colocynthis; English, Bitter apple, Bitter cucumber, Bitter gourd ; French, Coloquinte ; German, Koloquinten. Description. An annual, deciduous, trailing vine, with large, long, woody and branched roots, from which arise several slender, rough, angular, tough stems, with alternate, petiolate, multifid leaves, variable in size. The flowers are yellow, large, solitary, axillary, monoecious, pedunculate, appearing from May to August. The fruit, pepo or gourd, the size and shape of an orange, from 2^ to 3^ inches in diameter, is yellow, with a thin, solid, smooth rind. It is found in this market dried, and known as the Turkey or peeled variety. It is in the form of pithy, light, nearly white balls, consisting of the dried internal pulp and imbedded seeds, inodorous, with an intensely bitter taste. Habitat. It grows in warm and dry situations over an extensive area, in India, Ceylon, Arabia, Northern Africa, Cape of Good Hope and Japan. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 210 ; Winkler, 46; Jahr and Cat. 196; Goullon, no; Bent, and Trim. 114. History. It was known to the Greek and Roman physicians as well as to the Arabian, as early as the eleventh century. It was proved by Hahnemann in 1821, R. A. M. L. 2d ed. II. 173. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 477.] Part Used. The pulp of the fruit ; rejecting the seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Colocynth, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 22"J b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications; 3 x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. COMOCLADIA DENTATA. Guao. Natural Order. Anacardiaceae. Synonyms. Vernacular, Guao ; English, Bastard Brazil wood ; Toothed-leaved maiden-plum ; French, Comoclade ; German, Die Astlose. Description. An evergreen shrub, 4 to 8 feet high, with erect trunk, not much branched. The top branches are tufted, hence the name, derived from the Greek, signifying hair and branch. The leaves are divided, leaflets 6 to 10 pairs, with an odd terminal one, pinnate, acute, toothed, with a brownish tinge at the margin, shining green above, downy beneath. The flowers are small, bluish-brown, in clusters, appearing in July. All the parts emit a milky, glutinous juice, becoming black by exposure, staining linen or skin indelibly. If the tree be wounded ever so little it emits an odor of dung. Habitat. Cuba and San Domingo, growing luxuriantly near the coast, on barren or stony soil. History. The natives of Cuba think it fatal to sleep under it. All parts are poisonous to touch. Mentioned in homoeopathic litera- ture in 1853 by Dr. J. G. Houard, Phil. J. of Horn. IV. 73. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 509 ; X. 478.] Parts Used. The leaves and bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength -^ Comocladia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Strong alcohol, 830 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. 228 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE CONIUM MACULATUM. Poison Hemlock. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Cicuta vulgaris, Conium major, Coriandrum cicuta; English, Herb-Bermet, Cicuta, Hemlock, Poison hemlock, Poison parsley, Spotted hemlock ; French, Grande cigue ; German, Schierling. Description. A biennial, deciduous herb, with a tap-shaped, simple, whitish root. The stem is erect, branching, round, hollow, except at the joints, smooth, spotted, reddish-brown, glaucous, and from 4 to 8 feet high. The leaves are large, alternate, with long furrowed petioles, sheathing at their base, tri-pinnate, with lanceolate, pinnatifid leaflets. They are dark, dull green above and pale beneath, with a fetid odor when bruised. The flowers, June and July, are perfect, white, terminal, in umbels, with 10 or more rays. Habitat. It grows in waste places in temperate countries of Asia, Europe and northern Africa. It has been naturalized in some portions of North America. Found in waste places near the water. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 219; Winkler, 49; Jahr and Cat. 197; Goullon, 129; Mills- paugh, 68. History. This plant is generally supposed to be the Greek Koneion (from Konos, a cone or top), the celebrated state poison. It was called by the Romans, Cicuta, and known in the fourth or fifth century, B. C. In 1825, Hahnemann published his proving, R. A. M. L. 2d edition. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 519; X. 490.] Part Used. The whole fresh plant in blossom. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < .' Drug strength -$. Conium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 637 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 22Q CONVALLARIA MAJALIS. Lily of the Valley. Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Lilium convallium ; English, Lily of the valley, May lily ; French, Muquet ; German, Maiblumen. Description, A low, perennial, stemless herb, with a creeping, whitish branched rhizome the thickness of a quill, having 2 or 3 elliptic, radical leaves, with long, sheathing petioles, enrolled one within the other, so as to appear like a stalk. The fragrant white flowers are bell-shaped with six recurved lobes, nodding on an angled scape 6 inches high, bearing a one-sided raceme, and appear in May. Habitat. Europe and Asia, cultivated in gardens. Introduced into the United States, found in the Alleghanies from Virginia south- ward, sparingly on the Atlantic coast, or New England States. Fig., Goullon, 253. History. Name derived from the Latin convallis, a valley. It was mentioned as a remedy by Galen. Noticed in homoeopathic literature, Hahn. Monthly, XVI. 692, Nov. 1881. Parts Used The whole plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Convallaria, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. CONVOLVULUS DUARTINUS. Morning Glory. Natural Order. Convolvulaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Calonyction speciosum, Convolvulus pulcherri- mus, Ipomoea bona-nox ; English, Morning glory, Brazilian morning glory. 23O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A deciduous, smooth, climbing herb, 10 feet long. The leaves are large, lanceolate, entire, generally cordate, rising from the axils of the flower-bearing branches. The flowers are white, trumpet shaped, in twos or threes, pediceled, appearing in July and August. Habitat. West Indies; cultivated in Europe and America. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Mure in 1849, Pathogenesie Bresilienne, 307. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 553.] Part Used. The flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Convolvulus duartinus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. COPAIVA OFFICINALIS. Balsam of Copaiba. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Copaifera glabra, C. jacquini, C. lansdorffii, C. laxa, C. multijuga, C. nitida, C. officinalis, C. sellowii ; EnglisJi, Balsam of copaiba; French, Oleo-r6sine (Baume) de copahu; German, Copaiva- balsam. Description. An oleo-resin, obtained from several species of ever- green trees, varying from the dimensions of shrubs to forest trees, growing in moist forests and in dry and high altitudes. It is a clear, transparent liquid, of the consistence and color of olive oil, having a peculiar aromatic odor, and persistent, acrid, hot, bitterish, nauseous taste. It is insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol. On exposure to the air it becomes thicker, dark colored, dries and is brittle. That obtained from Brazil is esteemed the best. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 25! Habitat. Native of Central and South America ; cultivated in the West Indies and elsewhere. Fig., Winkler, 40; Goullon, 81 ; Bent, and Trim. 93. History. Mentioned by Hahnemann, Fragmenta de Viribus Medi- camentorum, 116. It was described and used in medicine in the seventeenth century. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 554; X. 491.] Part Used The oleo-resin. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < .- Drug strength ^. Copaiba, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 900 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CORALLIUM RUBRUM. Red Coral. Order Actinoida. Family. Gorgoniadae. Synonyms. Latin, Gorgonia nobilis, Isis nobilis; English, Red coral; French, Corail rouge; German, Rothe Koralle. Description. This structure is the product of the coral Zoophyte. It resembles a branching shrub without leaves ; is compact and solid, and of a rose or red color. It is hard and brilliant ; can be polished like gems, and shines like garnet. Besides the central axis, which is hard and brittle, the stem has a soft covering, or epidermis, which is friable or brittle when dry. From cavities in the epidermis, small, milk-white polypes protrude. Each polype has a mouth surrounded by arms, ciliated or covered with fine fringes. The epidermis is of a delicate white tissue, containing the long cavities of the polypes and numerous canals sprinkled with small calcareous corpuscles. Carbonate of lime is the chief of the chemical constituents of the red coral, while rather more than four per cent of oxid of iron gives it its color. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 561. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. 232 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE CORIARIA RUSCIFOLIA. Toot-Berry. Natural Order Coriaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Coriaria sarmentosa, C. tormentosa; English, Toot-berry, Toot-poison ; Vernacular, Tupa-kihi, Tutee, Tutu ; French, Redoue ; German, Gerberstrauch. Description. An evergreen shrub, 6 to 20 feet high, with angular branches. The leaves are opposite, entire, simple, ribbed, sub-ovate, shining dark green, I to 3 inches long. The flowers are very minute, axillary, in drooping racemes ; are either hermaphrodite, monoecious or dioecious. Habitat. New Zealand. History. Name derived from Corium, a hide. The juice of the berries affords a pleasant drink. The seeds are very poisonous. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1866 by Dr. J. Giles, Monthly Horn. Rev. IX. 278, X. 188. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 564; X. 492.] Part Used. The seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Coriaria, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 400 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3 x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CORNUS CIRCINATA. Round-Leaved Dogwood. Natural Order. Cornaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cornus rugosa, C. tomentulosa; English, Alder dogwood, Cornea, Dogwood, Green osier, Round-leaved cornel, Round- leaved dogwood, Swamp sassafras ; French, Cornouiller a feuilles arrondies ; German, Canadisches (Rundblatteriger) Kornel. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 233 Description. A deciduous shrub, 6 to 10 feet high, with greyish bark. The branches are green, opposite, straight and slender; the younger are red spotted, the older warted. The leaves are opposite, simple, round, oval, abruptly pointed, 2 to 5 inches broad, woolly underneath. The flowers are white, perfect, in terminal, open, very spreading cymes, appearing in June. Habitat. North America; found in rich soil in copses from Canada to the Carolinas, west to the Mississippi. Fig., Millspaugh, 72. History. Name from cornu, a horn, on account of the hardness of the weed. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Marcy in 1853, Phil. J. of Horn. II. 206, July, 1853. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 565-] Part Used. The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y^. Cornus circinata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 215 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CORNUS FLORIDA. Dogwood. Natural Order. Cornaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Benthamidia florida; English, American box- wood, Bitter red-berry, Box-tree, Boxwood, Dog-tree, Dogwood, Great flowering dogwood, Large flowering cornel, Male Virginian dogwood, New England boxwood ; French, Cornuillier a grandes fleurs ; German, Grossbliithige Kernel. Description. A deciduous tree, 12 to 30 feet high, much branched, with dark greyish, thick, rough bark on the trunk, branches smooth, with scars of previous leaves. The leaves, 3 to 4 inches long, are 234 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE opposite, petiolate, entire, ovate, acute at both ends, slightly rough, dark green above, paler beneath, finely pubescent when young. The flowers appear in May to June, are small, sessile, greenish, 12 to 20 on expanded end of stout peduncle, an inch or more in length, the whole surrounded by a white involucre of 4 inversely heart-shaped leaves, rose-tinted in the notches. Habitat. United States, from Massachusetts to Florida, westward to the Mississippi; found in rocky woods. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 136 ; Millspaugh, 71. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. Bates in 1864, Am. Horn. Obs. I. 29, Feb. 1864. (Rale's New Rem.) [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 492.] Part Used. The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Cornus florida, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 215 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CORNUS SERICEA. Swamp Dogwood. Natural Order. Cornaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cornus alba, C. amomum, C. coerulea, C. cyanocarpus, C. lanuginosa, C. obliqua, C. polygama, C. rubinginosa ; English, American red cornel, Blue-berried cornus, Blue-berried, Female or Swamp dogwood, Kinnikinnik, Red osier, Red rod or willow, Rose willow, Silky cornel, Silky-leaved dogwood, Willow rose ; French, Cornouille soyeux ; German, Sumpf-Kornel. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 235 Description. A deciduous shrub, with stem 5 to icfeet high, with spreading branches and woolly twigs, the bark having a distinct purple tint, a slight odor, and a somewhat bitter, astringent taste. The leaves are opposite, large, petiolate, narrowly ovate, or elliptical- pointed, entire, silky-downy, often rusty beneath. The yellowish- white flowers appear from June to August, in depressed, woolly, open and flat-spreading cymes. Habitat. North America, from Canada to the mountains of South Carolina ; common in wet places. Fig., Millspaugh, 73. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1879. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 493.] Part Used The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Cornus sericea, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. Pennywort. Natural Order. Crassulaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Umbilicus pendulinus ; English, Hipwort, Kidneywort, Navelwort, Pennywort ; French, Cotylet ; German, Nabel- kraut. Description. An evergreen herb, with fleshy, tuberous root, from which rises in summer a stalk, with radical, succulent leaves, which change their peltate form and pass into bracts. The stem is simple, or slightly branched, 4 to 12 inches high. The pale, small, roundish, bell-shaped flowers appear in June and July, in long, pendulous racemes. 236 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. A common weed in the west of England, parts of Wales, southern and western Europe ; found on the sides, or in the crevices, of damp rocks and walls. History. Name derived from kotyle, a vessel, or cup. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1853 by provings by Dr. Craig, B. J. of Horn. XI. 598. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 571.] Part Used The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < , Drug strength -$. Cotyledon, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 600 Cc. = 700 Strong alcohol, 332 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, six parts distilled water, three parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CREOSOTUM. Creosote. Synonyms. Latin, Kreosotum ; English, Kreosote ; French, Cre"o- sote; German, Kreosot. Description. Consists of a colorless oily liquid, becoming yellowish with age, and having a disagreeable smoky odor and a caustic burning taste. With 120 parts of hot water it forms a clear solution, which becomes turbid on cooling, while with 150 parts of water at 15 C. it forms a partially clear solution. It is freely soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzin, carbon disulfid, glacial acetic acid, and in fixed and volatile oils; reaction neutral; specific gravity from 1.035 to 1.085. When heated it volatilizes without residue. Creosote boils at about 205 C. and forms a gelatinous substance on cooling. It burns with a luminous, sooty flame, is a non-conductor of electricity and very refractive to light ; it produces a white stain on the skin. With bromin water its aqueous solution gives a resinous precipitate ; with ferric chlorid, a gray-green or transient blue color, changing to dingy brown, accompanied by turbidity of the liquid and the separation of a AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 237 flocculent precipitate. It is decomposed by strong nitric and sulfuric acids. Creosote is a mixture of several compounds, and is obtained by the distillation of wood-tar. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 408 ; X. 569. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : ^ in strong alcohol. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher ; freshly prepared. CROCUS SATIVUS. Saffron. Natural Order. Iridaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Crocus autumnalis, C. hispanicus ; C. officinalis, C. orsinii, C. verus ; English, Saffron, Fall crocus ; French and German^ Safran. Description. A small plant, 6 inches high, with fleshy, bulb-like corm, with grassy leaves. The flower is large, of lilac or bluish-purple color, appearing in September and October. It has a large orange-red stigma, the three pendulous divisions of which protrude beyond the perianth and are the parts used in pharmacy. The stigmata are I to \yz inches long, brownish-red, the upper portion expanded and notched at the extremity. The odor is penetrating and aromatic, and the taste bitter. Habitat. A native of Asia Minor, Greece, Italy and Persia; natu- ralized in England, France and Spain, and also to a limited extent in Pennsylvania. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 231 ; Winkler, 57; Jahr and Cat. 199; Goullon, 276; Bent, and Trim. 274. History. It is the krokos of the ancient Greek physicians and the zaffaran of the Arabians. Proved by Stapf in 1836. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 578 ; X. 495.] Part Used. The dried stigmata. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Crocus sativa, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 238 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. CROTALUS. Rattlesnake. Order. Orphidia. Family. Crotalidse. Synonyms. Latin, Crotalus horridus, C. durissus ; English, Large North American rattlesnake, Banded rattlesnake. Description. Head, broad and triangular, with a deep, scaly pit on each side, below and in front of the eye ; the parietals and frontals are scale-like and the nasal plate divided. The hollow fangs are recurved and consist of two fully developed ones, ^ of an inch long, and four to six undeveloped pairs y% to y 2 of an inch long. The neck is contracted, while the body is 40 or more inches in length, the back and sides covered with keeled scales, the belly with unkeeled plates. The tail ends in .a rattle, consisting of from 6 to 20 depressed horny rings ; each ring has a posterior tongue-shaped portion, which is held in the hollow of the anterior part of its succeeding fellow by a knob, called the button. Several joints may be added to the rattle each season. The general coloration varies from yellowish-tawny to blackish-brown, with the belly of lighter shades and the tail black. The venom, secreted in a sac at the base of the fangs, is greenish- yellow, odorless and tasteless; reaction acid; specific gravity 1.054. It dries in solid, yellow, fragile particles, transparent or translucent, and seemingly indestructible by time. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell states that the toxicity of dried venom proved unimpaired after 22 years ; of venom kept in glycerin, after 19 years. The toxicity depends on the presence of venom-globulines, is not affected by brief boiling, or by brief exposure to strong acids ; permanganate of potassium is the best local antidote. The venom mixes readily with water or glycerin, but throws down a large precipitate with alcohol. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, III. 588 ; X. 495. Part Used. The venom ; procured by compressing the gland, while the serpent is either pinioned in a frame or under the influence of chloroform. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 239 PREPARATIONS. a. Solutions : j-J^ in glycerin. b. Dilutions : 3x and higher, with glycerin. c. Tritnrations : 3x and higher. CROTON TIGLIUM. Croton Oil. Natural Order. Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Croton jamalgota, Granatiglii, Oleum crotonis, Tiglium officinale ; English, Croton oil, Croton oil plant, Purging nut ; French, Huile de croton; German, Crotonol. Source and Description. An evergreen tree, 15 to 20 feet high, with a smooth bark and slender branches, having alternate, petiolate leaves, and green, racemose, terminal flowers, appearing from August to September. The seeds are oblong-ovate, somewhat angular, about the size of a coffee bean, with a pale-brown skin, covering a smooth, thin, brittle, green shell, and an oily, white, inodorous kernel, the taste of which, at first mild and oleaginous, becomes nauseous and persist- ently acrid. Habitat. East Indies and the Coromandel coast. Fig., Winkler, 24; Goullon, 225 ; Bent, and Trim. 239. History. Used in medicine in the seventeenth century. Men- tioned in homoeopathic literature in 1834 by Joret, A. H. Zeit. IV. 369. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 606; X. 498.] Part Used. The oil. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture < : T ^ with strong alcohol. c. Dilutions : 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. CUBEBA OFFICINALIS. Cubebs. Natural Order. Piperaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Piper caudatum, P. cubeba; English, Cubeb pepper, Cubebs; French, Cub^be; German, Kubeben. 240 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A large, climbing shrub, with smooth, zigzag, striate stem. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, lanceolate, acuminate, entire, glabrous, 6 inches long. The flowers are minute, dioecious, in solid spikes, opposite the leaves. The berries grow in clusters, are globular, depressed at the base, slightly pointed at the apex, wrinkled, greyish- brown color, resembling black pepper, with strong, aromatic odor, and a bitter, acrid, persistent taste. Habitat. Java and the adjacent islands. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 201 ; Bent, and Trim. 243. History. Name from the Arabic kababah ; used in medicine in the tenth century. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Noack in 1832, Allg. Horn. Zeit. XV. 369. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 626 ; X. 498.] Part Used. The berries. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Cubeba, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CUNDURANGO. Condor Plant. Natural Order. Asclepiadaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Echites acuminata, E. hirsuta, Equatoria garciniana, Condurango, Gonolobus cundurango, G. tetragonus, Pseus- magennetus equatoriensis ; English, Condor plant. Description. A vine from 10 to 30 feet long, i to 2 inches in diameter, with smooth, ash-gray bark, more or less marked with greenish or blackish lichens. The bark comes in the form of quills, about y 1 ^ to inch thick, brownish-gray, externally wrinkled and warty, the inner surface lighter in color and dotted with light-brownish cells. It is odorless and has an acrid, bitter taste. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 24! History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1871 by Dr. Dunham, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 31. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. i.] Part Used The dried bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture / Drug strength 3^. Cundurango, - 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. CUPRUM ACETICUM. Cupric Acetate. Cuprum Acetate. Chemical Symbol. Cu (C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 H 2 O; 198.86. Synonyms Latin, Cupri acetas, Acetas cupricus, Flores virides ae'ris ; English, Acetate of copper, Cupric acetate, Crystallized verdi- gris, Copper verditer, Crystals of Venus ; French, Acetate de cuivre, Crystaux de V6nus ; German, Kupferacetat, Griinspau. Description. Green-blue prisms, nearly transparent, with an odor of acetic acid and a strong metallic taste. Soluble in 15 parts of water at 15 C. At a temperature of 100 C. it loses its water of crys- tallization; at no C., vapors of acetic acid are given off, and at 270 C. it is decomposed into' acetone, carbon dioxid and metallic copper. With ammonium hydrate, or ammonium carbonate, it gives a greenish-blue precipitate, soluble in an excess of the reagent, forming a liquid of a deep-blue color. It is obtained from copper and acetic acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 16. A poison. Maxi- mum dose } grain. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher; freshly made. 242 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Solutions : y^ 2x in distilled water. c. Dilutions: 3x and higher, with distilled water. All preparations of this salt should be freshly made. CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM. Hydric Cupric Arsenite. Cuprum Arsenite. Chemical Symbol. CuHAsO 3 ; 186.96. Synonyms. Latin, Cuprii arsenis ; English, Arsenite of copper, Sheele's green ; French, Arsenite de cuivre. Description. A pulverulent, light-green compound, often used as a pigment color. It is insoluble in water or alcohol, but soluble in alkalies, ammonium hydrate and acids. Its solution in potassium hydrate is blue ; when boiled, cupric oxid is deposited and the liquid contains potassium arsenate. It is prepared by adding potassium arsenite to a solution of copper sulfate. Mentioned in Allen's Ency- clopedia, IV. 28 ; X. 500. A poison. Maximum dose I grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CUPRUM CARBONICUM. Cupric Carbonate. Cuprum Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. CuCO 3 +Cu(OH) 2 +H 2 O. Synonyms. Latin, Cupri carbonas ; English, Carbonate of copper, Hydrated-dibasic cupric carbonate ; French, Carbonate de cuivre ; German, Kohleusaurer Kupfa. Description. It is found native as malachite. It is also obtained by precipitating a solution of sulfate of copper with a solution of carbonate of sodium ; a blue precipitate of CuCO 3 +CuOH 2 -f H 2 O is thrown down. This, on standing, is converted into a green powder, having the com- position of malachite. Insoluble in water, and becoming black when boiled in it ; soluble with effervescence in hydrochloric acid ; soluble without residue in solutions of ammonia, forming a deep blue, and in potassium cyanid, forming a colorless liquid. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 243 PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CUPRUM METALLICUM. Metallic Copper. Cuprum. Chemical Symbol. Cu ; 63.18. Synonyms. Latin, Cupreum filum ; English, Copper, Copper wire; French, Cuivre; German, Kupfer. Description. A malleable, ductile metal, of a reddish color, often found in the native state. Its specific gravity is 8.9 and its melting point 1300 C. ; it is a very good conductor of heat and electricity. It dissolves readily in nitric acid, giving a blue solution. Its solutions give with ammonium hydrate a precipitate, which is dissolved in an excess of the precipitant, forming an intense blue liquid, having the property of dissolving cellulose ; with hydrogen sulfid a black precipi- tate is obtained, and with potassium ferrocyanid a red-brown precipitate appears. When a strip of iron or of zinc is immersed in the solution of a copper salt, metallic copper is separated. It is not acted upon by dilute sulfuric acid, and for this reason it is employed as the negative plate in galvanic batteries ; it forms two series of salts, cuprous and cupric. Exposed to air it is slightly tarnished. It is extracted from its ores, which are abundant in nature. Pure copper is obtained by allowing a solution of copper sulfate to remain in contact with pure zinc ; pure metallic copper is deposited as a fine spongy mass, which, after washing and drying, yields a soft, impalpable, dark-red powder. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 34. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : \ x and higher. CUPRUM SULPHURICUM. Cupric Sulphate. Cuprum Sulphate. Chemical Symbol. CuSO 4 .sH 2 O ; 248.8. Synonyms. Latin, Cupri sulphas, Sulfas cupricus, Cuprum vitriolatum ; English, Sulphate of copper, Blue vitriol, Roman vitriol, 244 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Blue stone ; French, Sulfate de cuivre, Vitriol bleu ; German, Kupfer- vitriol, Schwefelsaures Kupfer. Description. Transparent, odorless, deep-blue prisms, with a strong, styptic, metallic taste, soluble in 2.5 parts of water at ordi- nary temperature, almost insoluble in alcohol; slightly efflorescent. Heated at 240 C, this salt loses its water of cystallization and becomes amorphous and white; by the addition of water, the blue color reap- pears. At a red heat it is decomposed into sulfur dioxid, oxygen and black cupric oxid. Its aqueous solution gives a white precipitate with barium sulfate and a deep-blue color with an excess of ammonium hydrate. It is obtained from native copper pyrites. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 34; X. 503. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. CURARE. Curare. Synonyms. Latin, Strychnos gujanensis, S. toxifera; Vernacular, Ourary, Surari, Urali, Urari, Woorali, Wourali, Wourari, Wurali. Description. A South American arrow poison, supposed to be made of several species of strychnos, with possibly some animal poison. It is of variable composition, depending somewhat upon the locality where it is prepared or obtained, whether from French or British Guiana, the Rio Negro, upper Amazon or Orinoco. The manner of its preparation has been witnessed and described by various travelers. It was at first obtained in Europe in the form of a thick syrup, but now is generally made as a blackish, brittle, resinous extract in little gourds or clay jars, into which it had been poured as a liquid. It is hygroscopic and sparingly soluble in water and alcohol, to both of which, however, it yields its poisonous properties. Maximum dose T V grain. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1857 by proving by Dr. Schlosser, Allg. Horn. Zeit. 55, 137. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 37.] Part Used. The extract. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 24$ PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : 2x and higher. b. Tincture < : Drug strength ^fa. Curare, ioo Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications : 3x and higher. CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. Sowbread. Natural Order. Primulaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Artanita cyclamen, Cyclamen hederaefolium, C. neopolitanum, C. officinalis, C. orbiculare, C. vernum ; English, Sowbread ; French, Pain de pourceau ; German, Schweinsbrod. Description. A perennial plant, with a large, depressed, globular root, brown externally, white internally, with numerous rootlets. The stem, 3 inches high, is erect, with radical leaves on long petioles, orbicular and cordate, crenate, or dentate, dark-green above, purple beneath. The sweet-scented, purple flowers are single, drooping, on long pedicels, and appear in August. Habitat. Southern parts of Europe ; growing in valleys, shady places and rocky woods. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 238; Winkler, 28; Jahr and Cat. 202. History. Name from cycles, a circle, the shape of the root. It was extensively used by the old school, but is now discarded. Proving by Hahnemann in 1826, R. A. M. L. 2d ed. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 46.] Part Used The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Cyclamen, moist magma containing solids ioo Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 246 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS. Lady's Slipper. Natural Order. Orchidaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cypripedium luteum; English, American valerian, Bleeding heart, Indian shoe, Lady's slipper, Large yellow lady's slipper, Moccasin root, Nerve root, Nervine, Noah's ark, Umbit root, Water nerve root, Yellow lady's slipper; French, Valeriane ame'ricaine ; German, Gelbfrauenschuh-Wurzel. Description. A perennial, horizontal plant, with the root scarred with old leaves above, with many fibrous rootlets below. The stem is pubescent, i to 2 feet high, erect and leafy. The leaves are alternate, pubescent, large, ovate, lanceolate, sheathing at base, 4 to 5 inches long and 2 to 3 inches broad. The flowers are large, yellow, scentless, terminal, solitary or in pairs, shaped like an Indian moccasin, hence, one of the common names ; they appear in May and June. Habitat. Bogs and damp low woods; common northward, west- ward and southward along the Alleghanies. Fig., Millspaugh, 170. History. Name derived from kypris, venus, and pod ion, a sock, or buskin ; used in old-school pharmacy, and introduced into homoeo- pathic practice by Dr. Hale, 1864, New Remedies. Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Cypripedium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 247 DAPHNE INDICA. Sweet-Scented Spurge Laurel Natural Order. Thymelaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Daphne cannabina, D. lagetto, D. odora; English, Sweet-scented spurge laurel; French, Laur^ole de Chine; German, Lorbeerblatteriger Spitzenbast. Description. An ornamental, evergreen shrub, 2 to 3 feet high, with a straight stem, branching at the top. The leaves on the upper part of the branches are alternate, lanceolate, smooth, shining, \y 2 to 2 inches long, i inch broad. The flowers are white, fragrant, almost sessile, 10 to 15 in terminal bunches, and appear from March to December. Habitat. West Indies and China. History. The Greek name for laurel, said to be from daio, to burn, and phone, a sound, as it crackled when burning. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Bute in 1837, Correspondenzblatt, 15, June 22, 1837. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 66.] Part Used. The bark of the branches. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength -fa. Daphne indica, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. DATURA ARBOREA. Tree Stramonium. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Brugmansia Candida, B. gardneri; English, Tree stramonium. Description, An ornamental, evergreen tree, 10 feet high, with pubescent stalks and branches, and oblong, entire, powdery leaves. The flowers appear from July to October, are long, axillary, pendu- lous, white within, pale-yellow outside, very fragrant, one tree per- fuming the air of a large garden. 248 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. It is indigenous to Peru, and is also found in California and the southern borders of the United States cultivated in gardens and conservatories. History. Name from the Arabic, tatorah. Introduced in homoeo- pathic literature in 1872 by Dr. Poulson, Medical Investigator, IX. 261. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 68.] Part Used. The fresh flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ : Drug strength -^. Datura, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. DICTAMNUS ALBUS. White Fraxinella. Natural Order. Rutaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Dictamnus fraxinella ; English, Bastard dittany, White fraxinella. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with an almost woody base, a long, branching, succulent root, about the thickness of a finger. The stem is erect, about 3 feet high, slightly angular, with green streaks, red, resinous glands and terminates in a spike. The leaves are alternate, shining, pinnatifid, ovate, with 9 to 13 ovate-serrate leaflets. The large white flowers appear in May and June in terminal racemes. The whole plant, when gently rubbed, emits an odor like that of lemon peel, but when bruised, it has something of a balsamic scent. It abounds in a volatile oil, so that the atmosphere surrounding it becomes inflammable in hot weather. Habitat. Germany, Italy, France and Russia in mountainous woods and stony hills. Fig., Winkler, 59 ; Jahr and Cat. 203 ; Goul- lon, 53. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 249 History. The name fraxinella, from the resemblance of its leaves to those of the ash, fraxinus. The aromatic, bitter bark of the root was formerly used in medicine. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Noack and Trinks, Handbuch der horn. Arzneimittellehre, 1843, I. 675. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 75.] Part Used The bark of the root and rootlets. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Dictamnus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Fox Glove. Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Campanula sylvestris, Digitalis speciosa, D. tomentosa ; English, Fairy fingers, Fairy's gloves, Fox glove, Purple fox glove, Purple glove ; French, Gant de Ndtre Dame ; German, Finger- hut, Schwulstkraut. Description. A biennial, deciduous plant, with root of numerous, long and slender fibers. The stem is solitary or several, straight, wand-like, leafy, roundish, with slight angles, pubescent, reddish in color, 3 to 7 feet high. The leaves are alternate, ovate, or oblong- crenate, rough, pubescent, dull-green above, whitish underneath ; the radical leaves, the largest, often i foot long. The numerous flowers, sometimes 60, appearing from June to August, in a terminal, erect, simple, unilateral raceme, are pendulous, nearly bell-shaped, I inch long, purple, sometimes white, marked inside with blood-colored spots and hairs. 25O - THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Southern and Central Europe, England, Norway, Madeira and the Azores ; found in sandy soil, pastures and by roadsides. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 242; Winkler, 61 ; Jahr and Cat. 204; Goullon, 179; Bent, and Trim. 195. History. The name derived from digitale, the finger of a glove. It has long been used as a medicine; the date of its introduction being uncertain, probably the sixteenth century. Mentioned by Hahne- mann, 1805, Frag, de Vir. Med. Positiv. 123. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 92; X. 505, 655.] Part Used. The leaves of the second year's growth, gathered before flowering. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture (f>: Drug strength ^. Digitalis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 468 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. Wild Yam. Natural Order. Dioscoreaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Dioscorea quinata, D. paniculata, Ubium quinatum ; English, China root, Colic root, Devil's bones, Hairy yam, Rheumatism root, Wild yam. Description. A slender, herbaceous, deciduous, perennial vine, growing from knotty and matted root-stalks. The root is horizontal, long, branched, crooked, woody, light-brown externally, white inter- nally, wrinkled longitudinally, with many long, tough fibers, inodorous, with a pleasantly bitter mucilaginous taste. The stem is round and twining, 5 to 15 feet long, generally smooth, never villous. The radical leaves are sometimes in fours, the middle nearly opposite, the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 2$ I upper alternate, petioled, more or less pubescent underneath, cordate, acute. The small, pale, green-yellow flowers appear in July, the sterile in drooping panicles, the fertile in drooping racemes. Habitat. Thickets and moist localities in the United States, New England to Wisconsin, southward. Fig., Millspaugh, 174. History. Named after Dioscorides. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. Nichols in 1866, Am. Horn. Observer, III. 357. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 123 ; X. 506, 511.] Part Used. The fresh root; gathered before flowering, or when the stem dies down in the autumn. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Dioscorea, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. DIRCA PALUSTRIS. Wicopy. Natural Order. Thymelaceae. Synonyms. English, Leather wood, Moose wood, Rope bark, Thong bark, Swamp wood, Wicopy. Description. A deciduous shrub, with erect stem, 3 to 6 feet high, much branched, jointed branchlets, with smooth, yellow-brown, fibrous and remarkably tough bark. The leaves are alternate, entire, oval, obovate, smooth, with short petioles, the bases of which conceal the buds of the following season. The light-yellow flowers appear from March to May, preceding the leaves, three in a cluster, from a bud of three dark, hairy scales, forming an involucre, from which soon pro- ceeds a leafy branch. 252 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Damp, rich woods, sometimes in swamps, of New England, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and especially northward. History. Name derived from the Greek, dirka, a fountain, in reference to its habitation. On account of its toughness the twigs are used for rods and the bark for ropes. Introduced into homoeo- pathic practice in 1874 by Dr. Spooner, N. Y. Journal of Horn. II. 424. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 165.] Part Used. The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <.- Drug strength T ^. Dirca, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 150 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. DOLICHOS PRURIENS. Cowhage. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Carpopogon pruriens, Mucana pruriens, M. prurita, Stitzolobium pruriens ; English, Cowitch, Kiwach ; French, Pois velus ; German, Kratzbohnen. Description. A large, evergreen, herbaceous vine, with branching stem extending 12 feet, scabrous at first, afterward glabrous. The leaves are alternate, pinnately trifoliate, on long, scabrous petioles, a foot apart on the stem, with entire, ovate, acute leaflets, glabrous above, scabrous beneath. The dark-purple flowers appear in threes, on short peduncles, in axillary, pendulous racemes. The pod is 3 inches long, ^ inch broad, densely covered with short, sharp, quad- rangular, prismatic, reddish hairs, which contain a brown granular matter, partially filling the space within them. When these hairs penetrate the skin they cause an unbearable itching, which is much increased by washing and rubbing. Habitat. West Indies and other parts of tropical America. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 78. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 253 History. Dolichos is the name of an edible plant, described by Dioscorides ; mucana is the Brazilian name of a species mentioned in the seventeenth century ; pruriens, itching, caused by the hairs. The hairs were officinal and used as a mechanical anthelmintic. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1851 by Dr. Jeanes, N. A. Journal of Horn. I. 209. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 167.] Part Used. The setae, which cover the pods; they consist of short, strong, reddish hairs. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < .- Drug strength -^ Dolichos, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. Sun-Dew. Natural Order. Droseraceae. Synonyms. Latin, Drosera capillaris, Rorella rotundifolia, Ros- solis; English, Moor-grass, Red-rot, Round-leaved sun-dew, Sun-dew, Youth-wort ; French, Rose"e du soleil ; German, Sonnenthau. Description. A low, perennial, almost stemless, aquatic herb, with thin, short, fibrous root. The leaves are radicle, clustered, orbicular, circinate, abruptly narrowed into the spreading, hairy petioles, pale- green on the lower surface, covered on the upper with long, red, viscid hairs, each bearing a small gland at the top, which exposed to the sun exudes a clear, shining juice, whence the name. These hairs are irritable, so that when an insect lights upon the leaf it bends down and holds it prisoner. The flowers, opening only in sunshine, appear in July and August, on a naked scape 2 to 6 inches high, in a one-sided raceme which nods at the top, so that the opening flower appears terminal. 254 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Northern and Central Europe, United States from Florida northward; found in sandy swamps. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 256 ; Winkler, 62 ; Millspaugh, 29. History. Name from the Greek, droseros, dewy. It was used in medicine in the sixteenth century, but fell into disuse until introduced into homoeopathic practice by Hahnemann in 1805, Frag, de Vir. Med. Pos. 128. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 170.] Parts Used The entire fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ : Drug strength y 1 ^. Drosera, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. DUBOISIA MYOPOROIDES. Dubosia. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Description. A tall shrub, or small tree, with a firm, close-grained wood, soft and white. The odorless, bitter tasting leaves are alternate, short-stalked and rather smooth, 2 to 4 inches long, y z to I inch broad near the middle, lanceolate and narrowed at the apex and base ; a slight ridge on the upper side marks the prominent midrib. The small, white, or pale-lilac flowers are arranged in terminal centrifugal panicles and have four didynamous stamens with reniform anthers. The fruit, an indehiscent black berry, is small and nearly globular ; it contains a few curved seeds, with a crustaceous, tubercular, rugose testa. ' Duboisia contains an alkaloid duboisin, which is supposed to be identical with hyoscyamin. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 507- Habitat. Australia. Part Used. The dried leaves. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 255 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < ; Drug strength ^. Duboisia, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. DULCAMARA. Bittersweet. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Amara dulcis, Caules dulcamara, Dulcamara flexuosa, Dulcis amara, Solanum dulcamara, S. lignosum, S. scandens, Vitis sylvestris ; English, Bittersweet, Bittersweet nightshade, Fellon wood, Garden nightshade, Nightshade, Scarlet berry, Violet bloom, Woody nightshade; French, Douce-amere; German, Bittersiiss. Description. A deciduous, climbing shrub, with a woody, irregu- larly branched, creeping, yellowish-green root, smelling like a potato. The stem, from 8 to 10 feet high when supported, woody at the base, pubescent above, is alternately branched, with lower branches dark, greenish-yellow; the younger, purplish. The leaves are alternate, petiolate and entire ; the lower ones cordate, the upper, hastate, or with two ear-like lobes at base, pubescent beneath. The purple flowers appear from May to September in small, lateral, extra axillary, drooping cymes. The berries are scarlet, oval and poisonous. Habitat. Widely distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America ; found in mossy banks and disused ground around dwellings, fences and hedges. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 261 ; Winkler, 136; Jahr and Cat. 205; Goullon, 186; Bent, and Trim. 190; Millspaugh, 124. History. From dulcis, sweet, and amara, bitter, as when chewed, the plant is at first bitter, then sweet. It was used as a medicine as early as the thirteenth century. Introduced in homoeopathic practice by Hahnemann in 1811, R. A. M. L. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 178; X. 511.] 256 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Parts Used. The whole plant before flowering; plants growing where the rootlets run into the water are preferable. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Dulcamara, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 350 Cc. = 450 Strong alcohol, 685 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. ELAPS CORALLESJUS. Coral Snake. Order. Ophidia. Family. Elapidae. Synonym. English, Coral viper. Description. The head of this snake is small, round and depressed, with a short, broad muzzle, and is not separated from the body by a distinct neck. Its jaws are supplied with sharp teeth, and the fangs stand alone in the upper jaw. The body is covered with smooth scales, colored to form bands of the brightest black and red ; these rings are equi-distant. About 200 transverse shields cover the belly. The muzzle and forehead are black, as also the first ring of the neck. The length of the snake is about 2^ feet ; very poisonous. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 190. Habitat. Brazil. Part Used. The venom; procured by compressing the gland while the serpent is either pinioned in a frame, or under the influence of chloroform. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : 2x, T ^ in glycerin. b. Dilutions: 3x and higher, with glycerin. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. ELATERIUJVL Squirting Cucumber. Natural Order Cucurbitaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cucumis agrestis, C. asininus, Ecbalium agreste, E. elaterium, E. officinarum, Elaterium cordifolium, Momor- dica elaterium ; English, Squirting cucumber, Wild cucumber ; French, Concombre sauvage ; German, Springgurke. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with several trailing thick stems, I to 4 feet long, and with alternate, cordate leaves. The flowers are dioecious, the male flowers several together, female gener- ally solitary, appearing in June and July. The fruit is an elliptical gourd, \y 2 inch long, I inch thick, yellow when ripe, prickly, filled with a watery, nearly colorless, transparent juice, in which the seeds are immersed, and when ripe, separating from the stalk suddenly and violently expelling the juice and seeds. From the juice around the seeds of the nearly ripe fruit the elaterium is deposited, which Dr. Clutterbuck (by whose name the best is known) found contained the active substance. This is in irregular, thin fragments, light, friable and opaque, bright pale-green, becoming grayish with age. It has a fine granular fracture, an acrid, bitter taste and a faint odor of tea. Habitat. A common weed in the south of Europe and Mediter- ranean countries, extending as far east as Persia ; cultivated in Eng- land. Fig., Goullon, 112; Bent, and Trim. 115. History. Name from ekballo, to throw out ; elaterion, purging. It was known in the time of Dioscorides. The experiments of Clutter- buck were in 1819. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1846 by Dr. C. B. Matthews, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. p. 124. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 200.] Part Used. A sediment from the juice of the fruit, obtained as follows: "Cut the fruit lengthwise and lightly press out the juice; strain it through a hair sieve and set aside to deposit ; carefully pour off the supernatant liquid ; pour the sediment on a linen filter and dry it on porous tiles in a warm place. The decanted fluid may deposit a second portion of sediment, which can be dried in the same way. B. H. P." Maximum dose ^ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. 258 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE EPIG^A REPENS. Trailing Arbutus. Natural Order. Ericaceae. Synonyms. English, Gravel laurel, Gravel plant, Gravel weed, Ground laurel, May flower, Mountain pink, Trailing arbutus, Winter pink. Description. An evergreen undershrub, with a red and brown fibrous root having many tangled rootlets. The stem is 6 to 18 inches long, woody, rounded and hairy, with a brown bark. The leaves are alternate, entire, cordate, ovate, petiolate, 2 inches long. The flowers are white, pink, or rose-colored, appearing early in the spring in small axillary clusters from scaly bracts, and are very fragrant. Habitat. Common from Newfoundland to Saskatchawan and southward to Florida, in sandy woods, or rocky hillsides, especially in the shade of pines and on rich, damp, mossy banks. Fig., Mills- paugh, 101. History. Name derived from epi, upon, and gaia, the earth. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1873 by Dr. Hale, New Rem. 3d ed. 216. Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength y 1 ^. Epigaea, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dihitions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. EPIPHEGUS VIRGINIANA. Beechdrop. Natural Order. Orobanchaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Epiphegus americanus, Orobanche virginiana; English, Beechdrop, Broom rape, Cancer-root, Squaw-root; French, Orobanche de Virginie ; German, Krebswurz. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 259 Description. A low, perennial, parasitic herb, having a globular, scaly, tuberous root, and a slender, branching, angular, purplish or yellowish-brown stem, 6 to 18 inches long, covered with scattered scales. The flowers, whitish and purple, are scattered on racemes, or spikes, and appear from August to October. The whole plant has a bitter, nauseous, somewhat astringent taste. Habitat. North America, New Brunswick to Florida, westward to Missouri ; growing on the roots of beech trees. History. Name from epi, upon, phegos, the beech. Parts Used. The whole plant; collected in autumn. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Epiphegus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: jx and higher. EQUISETUM HYEMALE. Scouring Rush. Natural Order. Equisetaceae. Synonyms. English, Dutch rush, Horse tail, Polishing rush, Scouring rush, Shave grass ; French, Prele ; German, Schachtelhalm. Description. An evergreen herb, leafless, with creeping rhizomes, and a tall, stout, rush-like, hollow and jointed stem, \y z to 4 feet high, rarely branched, evenly and many grooved, with the cuticle abounding in silex. It is flowerless, and at each joint of the stem a black line of teeth appears. Habitat. It is found in fields and wet places, almost universally. Fig., Millspaugh, 179. 26O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Name from equus, horse, and seta, bristle. Long used in old-school practice. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1873 by Dr. Hale, New Rem. 3d ed. Proving of Dr. Smith, 1876. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 204; X. 512.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y^. Equisetum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 1 50 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ERECHTHITES HffiRACIFOLIA. Fire Weed. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Senecio hieracifolius ; English, Fire weed, Fire wood. Description. A coarse annual herb, having a grooved, hairy, erect stem, i to 7 feet high, with alternate, simple leaves, the upper ones with clasping base, lanceolate, acute, dentate, and of a light-green color. The numerous, whitish, terminal flowers appearing from July to September are panicled, the corymbed heads many flowered. The whole plant has a rank odor. Habitat. North America from Newfoundland southward ; found in moist woods, common in recent clearings, where the ground has been burned over, hence its popular name. Fig-, Millspaugh, 90. History. Name signifying to trouble. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1853 by Dr. Birnstill, Quart. Horn. Journ. n. s. I. 92. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 210.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 26 1 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Erechthites, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, Jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ERIGERON CANADENSE. Canada Fleabane. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Erigeron paniculatus, E. pusillus, E. strictum, Senecio ciliatus; English, Blood stanch, Butter horse weed, Butter weed, Canada fleabane, Colt's tail, Fleabane, Horse weed, Mare's tail, Pride weed, Scabious ; French, Herbe d' erigeron ; German, Berufkraut. Description. An annual shrub, with erect, wand-like, bristly stem, i to 5 feet high, with numerous ascending branches, mostly in the upper part. The radical leaves are sessile, obovate, with few deep large teeth, soon withering ; the stem leaves are numerous, alternate, lanceolate, generally entire, glabrous above, hairy beneath. The flowers appear from June to October, are in numerous, cylindrical, panicled heads, ^ inch long, arranged in terminal racemes ; the disk flowers are yellow, with a hairy pappus ; the ray, white or purple, very narrow and in several rows. Habitat. Native of America; widely distributed throughout the temperate regions. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 149; Millspaugh, 80. History. The name derived from er, spring, and geron, an old man, suggested by its hoary appearance in the spring. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1856 by Dr. H. Ring, N. A. Journ. of Horn. V. 282. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 211.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. 262 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Erigeron, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x an 1 higher. ERIODICTYON GLUTINOSUM. Yerba Santa. Natural Order. Hydrophyllaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Eriodictyon calif ornicum, Wigandia californica; English, Bear's weed, Consumptive's weed, Mountain balm, Yerba santa. Description. An evergreen shrub, with a stem 3 to 5 feet high, having alternate, petiolate, lanceolate leaves, more or less serrate, glabrous above, whitish beneath, with a minute and close tomentum, 2 to 3 inches long, ^ to ^ inch broad, glutinous, with a balsamic resin. The flowers are showy, purplish-blue, funnel-formed, ^ inch long, in axillary and terminal racemose clusters. Habitat. Central California to Northern Mexico; found among rocks and on dry mountains. History. Proving by Dr. Pease. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 218; X. 513.] Part Used. The leaves, recently dried. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < / Drug strength Y 1 ^. Eriodictyon, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 265 b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM. Button Snake-Root. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Eryngium petiolatum, E. praelatum, E. virgin- ianum, E. yuccaefolium ; English, Button snake-root, Corn snake-root, Rattlesnake master, Water eryngo, Water snake-root. Description. A perennial, evergreen shrub, having a rhizome ^ to y 2 inch long, with numerous short branches terminating with a more or less deeply cut-shaped scar. The stem is simple, from I to 5 feet high, with grass-like, dentate leaves from 6 inches to 2 feet long, taper-pointed, prickly, coriaceous. The white flowers are inconspicu- ous, appearing in July and August, in terminal, compound umbels, larger than the leaflets of the involucre. Habitat. New Jersey to Wisconsin and southward; found in dry or damp pine barrens, or on the prairies, never aquatic. Fig., Mills- paugh, 62. History. From erygein, to belch; according to Dioscorides, a specific for flatulence. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1855 by Dr. Parks, Hill and Hunt's Surgery, p. 400. Proving by Dr. Mc- Clelland, 1865, Am. Horn. Obs. II. 180. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 213.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Eryngium aquaticum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 264 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE ERYNGIUM MARITINUM. Sea Holly. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms.- English, Eringo, Sea holly. Description. An evergreen herb, with an extensive, creeping, cylindrical, fleshy root. The stem, \y z feet high, is glaucous, with radical, short, roundish, spiny leaves. The blue flowers appear from July to October, stalked in thistle-like heads. Habitat. Great Britain; found on sandy sea shores. History. The root was used as an aphrodisiac, being known in Shakspeare's time as the kissing comfits of Falstaff. A proving by Ivatts was published in November, 1873, Am. Horn. Obs. X. 564. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 21.7.] Parts Used. The fresh plant, with the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Eryngium maritinum, moist magma containing solids lOoGm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. ERYTHROPHLEUM JUDICIALE. Sassy Bark. Natural Order Leguminoseae. Synonyms. Latin, Afzelia grandis, Erythrophlaeum guineense, Fillaea suavoliens; English, Mancona bark, Ordeal bark tree, O. doom- bark, Sassy bark; French, Ecorce de man96ne; German, Mancona- Rinde. Description. A large tree, attaining the height of 100 feet, with spreading branches, bi-pinnate, coriacious leaves, and flowers in com- pound terminal racemes. The bark, ^ inch thick, comes in flat or AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHV. 265 curved various-sized pieces, hard, brittle and fibrous, with a warty, fissured, corky, reddish-brown layer externally, and a yellowish-brown, spotted internally. It is odorless, and of a bitter, astringent taste. Habitat. Central and Western Africa. History. Name from erythros, red, the color of the juice. Used by the natives as an arrow poison. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 5I5-] Part Used The dried bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Erythrophlaeum, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Ttiturations : ix and higher. ERYTHROXYLON COCA. Coca. Natural Order. Erythroxylaceae. Synonyms. English, Coca leaves; French, Feuilles de coca; German, Cocablatter. Description. A bushy, perennial shrub. The stem, 4 to 6 feet high, is much branched : bark of stem wrinkled, of young twigs smooth. The leaves are alternate, entire, lanceolate or obovate, narrowing into short petioles, emarginate, I to 2 inches long, I to \y 2 inches broad, thin, smooth, bright-green above, purplish or glaucous beneath. The midrib is prominent, with a characteristic curved line on each side, running from the base to the apex. The yellowish flowers are in axillary clusters, on slender, drooping, glabrous stalks. 266 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. South America ; cultivated in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia; found in damp, warm valleys and on mountain slopes at an elevation of from 2,000 to 6,000 feet. Fig., Goullon, 44; Bent, and Trim. 40. History. Name from erythros, red, and xylon, wood. The plant begins to yield in 18 months and continues productive for 50 years. Proving by Dr. Mueller, 1856, Horn. v. j. Schrift VII. 443 ; B. J. Horn. XV. 529. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. III. 369; X. 470.] Part Used. The leaves, recently dried and carefully selected. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Erythroxylon coca, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations: ix and higher. ESERINUM. Eserin. Chemical Symbol . C 1 5 H 2 x N 3 O 2 . Synonyms. Latin, Physostigmin ; English, Eserine. Description. An alkaloid from the unpeeled seeds of physostigma venenosa Calabar bean. It is in the form of colorless, rhomboidal, tabular crystals, hygroscopic, readily changing to a resin-like mass, bitter tasting, melting at 194 Fahr., readily soluble in ether, alcohol and chloroform, sparingly in water, also soluble in acids, neutralizing them and forming soluble salts. An active poison. Maximum dose fa grain. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. McGuire, 1878, Am. Horn. Obs. XV. 195. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 516.] Part Used. The alkaloid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: 2x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 267 EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS. Fever Tree. Natural Order. Myrtaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Eucalyptus globosus; English, Australian fever or gum tree, Blue gum tree. Description. An ornamental, evergreen tree, one of about one hundred and thirty-five described species, growing to a height of 50 feet in five or six years, acquiring the height of 100 to 300 feet, and having a smooth, pale-gray bark. The leaves, i foot long, are oppo- site in young plants, becoming alternate as they get older, entire, lanceolate, thick and leathery, varying according to age, from a glau- cous-white to bluish-green color. The flowers are large and white, appearing from May to July later in Australia, pedunculate, axil- lary, single and clustered. Habitat. Australia, Tasmania; cultivated in Europe and on the Pacific coast of America; found on valley sides and moist slopes of woody hills. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 109. History. Name from eu, well, and kalypto, to cover with a lid. Introduced in Europe in 1856. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1869 by Dr. Roder, All'g. Horn. Zeit. 78, 46. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 228.] Part Used. The leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength ^. Eucalyptus, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 914 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. EUGENIA JAMBOS. Rose Apple. Natural Order. Myrtaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Eugenia vulgaris, Myrtus jambos; English, Malabar plum tree, Narrow-leaved eugenia, Rose apple. 268 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. An evergreen tree, attaining the height of 25 feet or more. The leaves are alternate, entire, lanceolate. The flowers are large, greenish-yellow, appearing from February to July in groups of four, on terminal peduncles. The tree is always in flower or fruit." The fruit is edible, the root and skin of kernel very poisonous. Habitat. East Indies and the warm countries of America. History. Named in honor of Prince Eugene of Savoy, a patron of botany; jambosa, a Malay name. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1832 by Dr. Hering, Archiv. XII. I, 187. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 231.] Part Used. The fresh seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincttire : Drug strength y 1 ^. Eugenia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 3.33 Strong alcohol, 797 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS. Wahoo. Natural Order. Celastraceae. Synonyms. Latin, Euonymus caroliniensis, E. latifolius, E. tristis ; English, Bitter ash, Burning bush, Indian arrow wood, Purple spindle tree, Spindle bush, Spindle tree, Strawberry tree, Wahoo. Description. A deciduous shrub having an erect stem, 6 to 14 feet high, straight, quadrangular and smooth, with branches light-gray in color, the small ones being purplish; the ridged bark has white, warty spots. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, oblong, acuminate, serrate, pubescent beneath, 2 to 5 inches long. The flowers are purple, appearing in June in loose cymes, commonly in fours, on axillary peduncles. Habitat. Northern part of the United States east of the Missis- sippi ; found in moist open woods and along rivers. Fig., Millspaugh, 42. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 269 History. Name from eo, well, and onoma, a name. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1867 by Dr. Hale, New Remedies, 2d ed. 340. Part Used The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Euonymus atropurp., moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 797 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. EUONYMUS EUROP^US. Burning Bush. Natural Order. Celastraceae. Synonyms. English, Burning bush, European spindle tree, Spindle tree ; French, Bonnet de pretre ; German, Spindelbaum. Description. A deciduous shrub, with branching stem, 1 5 to 20 feet high, with alternate, simple, oblong, lanceolate, short petioled leaves, smooth and small. The greenish flowers, appearing from May to July, are in threes on a compressed stalk. The fruit is a red, quad- rangular, hooded capsule. Habitat. All over Europe and Great Britain ; found in woods ; cultivated in gardens, in hedges. Fig., Winkler, 68. History [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 234; X. 518.] Part Used. The fruit, as it begins to redden in August. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength T V Euonymus europaeus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 2/O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. EUPATORIUM AROMATICUM. White Snake-Root. Natural Order. Compositse. Synonyms. English, Pool-root, White snake-root. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with a nearly simple, erect, smooth or slightly pubescent stem, 4 feet high. The leaves are on short petioles, three-nerved, ovate, acute, bluntly serrate, glabrous and thick. The white flowers appear from July to September in 8 to 30 flowered corymbose heads. Habitat. North America; found in copses near the coast from Massachusetts to Virginia and southward. History. Named from Eupator, king of Pontus, who used it in medicine. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1864 by Dr. Hale, New Remedies. Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tinctiire : Drug strength T ^. Eupatorium arom., moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. Boneset. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Eupatorium connatum, E. salviaefolium, E. virginicum; English, Ague weed, Boneset, Crosswort, Feverwort, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 271 Indian sage, Joe-pye, Sweating plant, Teasel, Thorough root, Thorough wax, Thorough wort, Vegetable antimony ; French, Herbe d'eupatoire perfoliee ; German, Durchwachsdost. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a horizontal root. The stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is stout, erect, villous, round and branching at the top. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate, prominently ribbed, rugose, united at the base around the stem (connate-perfoliate), serrate, shining-green above, pubescent beneath, 5 to 8 inches long, I to 2 inches wide at the base. The purplish-white flowers, appearing from August to October, are in 30 to 40 flowered heads, stalked, rather small, in dense, opposite branched, axillary and terminal cymes. Habitat. North America ; found in low grounds from Nova Scotia and Dakota to Florida and Louisiana. Fig:, Bent, and Trim. 147; Millspaugh, 79. History. One of the most extensively used plants in domestic practice. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Williamson in 1845, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 1845, r 35- [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 234; X. 520.] Parts Used The fresh leaves and tops, while in flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T 1 iT . Eupatorium perfoliatum, moist magma containing solids lOoGm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, Jive parts alcohol ; 3\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. Trumpet Weed. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Eupatorium maculatum, E. ternifolium, E. trifoliatum, E. verticillatum ; English, Gravel root, Joe-pye, Joe-pye weed, Purple boneset, Queen of the meadow, Trumpet weed ; German, Purpurrother Wasserhanf. 272 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a rigid, erect, hollow, stout, simple stem, 2 to 12 feet high, punctate in lines, purple above the nodes, often maculate. The leaves are whorled, mostly in fives, stalked, reticulate, oblong, lanceolate, acuminate, coarsely serrate and roughish. The purple flowers appear from August to October, in terminal, dense, compound, corymbose heads. Habitat. North America ; found in low grounds from New Bruns- wick to Saskatchawan, south to Florida and westward to New Mexico and British Columbia. Fig., Millspaugh, 78. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1864 by Dr. Hale, Am. Horn. Obs. I. 133. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 237.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Eupatorium purpureum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. EUPHORBIA COROLLATA. Flowering Spurge. Natural Order. Euphorbiacese. Synonyms. Latin, Tithymalus marinus; English, Blooming spurge, Bowman's root, Flowering spurge, Large flowering spurge, Milk purslain, Milk-weed, Snake milk, Wandering milk-weed, Wild hippo, Wild ipecac ; French, Euphorbe ; German, Wolfsmilch. Description. -A perennial herb, having a large, branching root, with a number of simple, round, erect stems, i> to 3 feet high, glab- rous, or somewhat hairy, having a milky, acrid juice. The leaves of the stem are alternate, of the pedicels opposite, at the base of the inflorescence whorled, the number corresponding with that of the pedi- cels; they are entire, ovate, lanceolate, i^ to 2 inches long, % to Yz AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 2/3 inch wide, smooth above, slightly hairy beneath. The flowers, appear- ing from July to October, are in axillary and terminal branches of 5 to 7 rays, each 2 or 3 forked ; the 5 showy white appendages of the involucre appearing like petals. Habitat. North America, New York to Wisconsin and southward ; found, rather sparsely, in rich or sandy soils, dry meadows and open woods. Fig., Millspaugh, 148. History. Named after Euphorbus, physician to Juba, king of Mauritania. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1862 by Dr. Hale, N. A. Journ. of Horn. XI. 49. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 244.] Part Used The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Euphorbia corollata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. EUPHORBIA HYPERICIFOLIA. Large Spotted Spurge. Natural Order. Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. English, Black parsley, Large spotted spurge, Milk parsley ; German, Johanneskraut, Blattrige Wolfsmilch. Description. An annual herb, with a stem from 8 inches to 2 feet high, erect, divergently branched, glabrous, or diffusely villous. The leaves are opposite, oblique, slightly cordate, ovate-oblong, sometimes falcate, serrate, ^ to \y 2 inches long, often with red spots, or red margins. The numerous flowers appear in summer and autumn, with peduncles longer than petioles, in loose, leafy, terminal cymes. The involucral appendages are entire, large and white, or small and red. 274 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Indigenous to North America ; very common ; found in open places in cultivated soil. Fig., Millspaugh, 147. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 245.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Euphorbia hypericifolia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3 x and higher. EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM. Gum Euphorbium. Natural Order. Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Euphorbia resinifera, E. tenella, Euphorbium polygonum ; English, Gum euphorbium, Spurge ; French, Gomme- r^sine d'euphorbe ; German, Euphorbium. Description. The resinous juice, or gum resin, of euphorbia resini- fera, a fleshy, leafless, perennial plant, resembling a cactus. The erect stem, 4 to 6 feet high, is simple at first, becoming woody and branched with age, angled or furrowed, with longitudinal fissures, with blunt angles, along which are scales, each bearing 2 short, sharp, spreading spines, % inch long. The juice is obtained by incisions in the fleshy branches, causing an abundant exudation of an exceedingly corrosive milky juice, which hardens by exposure to the air, encrusting the stems from which it is collected late in the summer. The drug is found in market in irregular pieces, less than an inch across, of a dull- yellow or brown waxy-looking color. It is brittle, translucent, odor- less, except when heated, with a persistent, extremely acrid taste ; its dust excites violent sneezing. It is soluble in alcohol, melts and burns with a brilliant flame. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 275 Habitat. Native of Morocco ; growing on the lower slope of the Atlas Mountains. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 268 ; Winkler, 67 ; Goullon, 229 ; Bent, and Trim. 240. History. Euphorbium was known to the ancients and described by Dioscorides and Pliny. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Hahnemann in 1837, Chr. Krankheiten, 2d ed. III. 277. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 246; X. 521.] Part Used. The gum-resin. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Euphorbium, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. Eyebright Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Euphragia alba, Euphrasia Candida, E. latifolia, E. pratensis, E. pusilla; English, Euphrasy, Eyebright; French, Euphraise; German, Augentrost. Description. An annual herb, with a white, fibrous root, and an erect, opposite, branching, hairy stem, 3 to 6 inches high. The leaves are opposite, ovate or lanceolate, bluntly dentate ; the lower ones crenate, the floral, bristly-toothed. The flowers are small, solitary, very abundant, whitish, yellowish or bluish, inodorous, and appear from June to September, in leafy, axillary spikes at the tops of stems and branches. Habitat. Europe and the summits of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Lake Superior region and northward. A dwarf variety, i to 5 inches high, with very small flowers. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 275; Winkler, 266; Millspaugh, 115. History. The name from Euphrosine, one of the muses, express- ing joy or pleasure. Known as a remedy for the eyes as early as 1300. 2/6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Hahnemann in 1819, R. A. M. L., V. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 254.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < .- Drug strength y 1 ^. Euphrasia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. EUPIOR Eupion. Description. Consists of a colorless, transparent, light oil, taste- less, and having a flower-like odor. It volatilizes noticeably at the ordinary temperature. Is soluble in water, slightly soluble in dilute alcohol ; mixes readily with absolute alcohol, ether, fixed and volatile oils ; specific gravity 0.65 at 20 C. It is unchanged by acids, alkalies and by light. Eupion unites with bromin, iodin and chlorin without decomposition. It is obtained from wood-tar, during the process of distillation. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 266. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : -^, with strong alcohol. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with strong alcohol ; freshly made. FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM. Buckwheat. Natural Order. Polygonaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Polygonum fagopyrum; English, Buckwheat. Description. An annual herb, with an erect, delicate, branched, smoothish, juicy stem, 18 inches to 3 feet high, and triangular-cordate, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 277 sagittate, acute leaves, with stipules in the form of semi-cylindrical sheaths. The fine, white flowers, tinged with green, or rose color, appear from June to September, in terminal and axillary corymbose racemes. Habitat. Native of northern or central Asia; found in old fields, remaining as a weed, where it has once been cultivated. Introduced and cultivated in Europe and the United States. Fig., Millspaugh, 142. History. Name derived from phegos, the beech, and pyros, wheat, from the resemblance of the grain to the beech nut. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1873 by Dr. Hitchcock, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 1873, 278. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 277.] Parts Used. The whole plant at maturity. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Fagopyrum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 797 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. FERRUM ACETICUM. Ferric Acetate. Ferrum Acetate. Chemical Symbol. Fe 2 6C 2 H 3 O 2 ; 464.92. Synonyms. Latin, Ferri acetatis, F. acetas ; English, Acetate of iron, Ferric acetate ; French, Acetate de fer ; German, Essigsaure eisen. Description. An uncrystallizable salt; freely soluble in water, giving a dark-brown solution, also soluble in alcohol. The aqueous solution is decomposed by boiling. It has the odor of acetic acid, and a strong, metallic, styptic taste; gives a blue precipitate with potas- 278 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE sium ferrocyanid. It is obtained from ferric oxid and acetic acid, or by the decomposition of a solution of ferric sulfate with lead acetate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 303. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations ; 2x and higher. b. Solution: -fa in distilled water; freshly made. c. Dihttions: 2x and higher, with distilled water; freshly made. FERRUM ARSENICICUM. Ferrous Arsenate. Ferrum Arseniatc. Chemical Symbol. 3Fe(FeO)AsO 4 i6H 2 O; 1086.74. Synonyms. Latin, Ferri arsenias, Arsenias ferrosus; English, Arseniate of iron, Ferrous arseniate, Triferric diarseniate; French, Arseniate de fer; German, Arsensaures eisen. Description. A greenish-blue, amorphous, odorless and tasteless powder. Insoluble in water, soluble in ammonium citrate. It is obtained by precipitating a mixture of sodium arsenate and ferrous sulfate with acid sodium carbonate. A poison. Maximum dose y^ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. FERRUM BROMATUM. Ferrous Bromid. Ferrum Bromid. Chemical Symbol. FeBr 2 ; 215.4. Synonyms. Latin, Ferri bromidum ; English, Bromide of iron; French, Bromure ferreux ; German, Eisenbromid. Description. Consists of crystalline masses, deliquescent, and of a styptic taste ; soluble in water or alcohol. Its aqueous solution is of a light-green color. It is obtained from metallic iron and bromin. It should be kept protected from light and air. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 2/9 FERRUM CARBONICUM. Ferrous Carbonate. Ferrum Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. FeCO 3 ; 1 1 5.73. Synonyms. Latin, Ferri carbonas, Carbonas ferrosus ; English, Carbonate of iron, Saccharated carbonate of iron ; French, Proto- carbonate de fer ; German, Kohlensaures eisen. Description. An amorphous, greenish, odorless powder, having a faint metallic taste ; insoluble in water and alcohol, readily dissolved with effervescence in diluted hydrochloric acid. In a damp atmos- phere, it is slowly converted into ferric oxid ; at a red heat, it loses its carbon dioxid, and is converted into brown-red ferric oxid. It is obtained from ferrous sulfate and acid sodium carbonate, and may be protected, to a certain extent, from oxidation by use of cane sugar. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 303. Preparation of the saccharated ferrous carbonate, U. S. P. : Ferrous sulfate, 50 Gm. Sodium bicarbonate, 35 Gm. Cane sugar in fine powder, 1 ~. ... . > each a sufficient quantity. Distilled water, ) To make one hundred grammes. Dissolve the ferrous sulfate in two hundred (200) cubic centimeters of hot distilled water, and the sodium bicarbonate in five hundred (500) cubic centimeters of distilled water, at a temperature not exceeding 50 C. (122 F.), and filter the solutions separately. To the solution of sodium bicarbonate, contained in a flask, having a capacity of about one thousand (1000) cubic centimeters, add, gradually, the solution of ferrous sulfate, and mix thoroughly by rotating the flask. Fill up the flask with boiling distilled water, cork it loosely, and set the mixture aside. When the precipitate has subsided, draw off the clear, super- natant liquid by means of a siphon, and then fill the flask again with hot distilled water and shake it. Again draw off the clear liquid, and repeat the washings with hot distilled water in the same manner, until the decanted liquid gives not more than a slight cloudiness with barium chlorid test-solution. Finally, drain the precipitate thoroughly on a muslin strainer, transfer it to a porcelain capsule, containing eighty (80) grammes of sue:ar, and mix intimately ; evaporate the 28O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE mixture to dryness, by means of a water-bath, reduce it to powder and mix intimately with it, if necessary, enough well-dried sugar to make the final product weigh one hundred (100) grammes. Keep the product in small, well-stoppered bottles. This preparation contains about 20 per cent of ferrous carbonate. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : Equal portions of the saccharated ferrous carbonate and milk sugar will make the ix trituration. Preparations of this salt should be freshly made. FERRUM IODATUM. Ferrous lodid Ferrum lodid. Chemical Symbol. FeI 2 ; 308.94. Synonyms. Latin, Ferrum iodidum, Ferri iodidum saccharatum ; English, lodid of iron, Saccharated iodid of iron; French, lodure de fer; German, Jodeisen. Description. A yellowish-grey, odorless, hygroscopic powder, having a sweetish metallic taste, and a faint acid reaction. It is partially soluble in alcohol; soluble in 7 parts of water at 15 C, forming a clear, limpid solution, which gives a greenish precipitate with ammonium hydrate, a blue precipitate with ammonium ferricy- anid, and acquires a blue color, upon the addition of starch and a small quantity of chlorin water. Heat decomposes it, volatilizes the iodid and gives a residue of ferric oxid. It is obtained from metallic iron and iodin. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 324. Preparation of the saccharated ferrous iodid, U. S. P. : Iron, in the form of fine, bright wire, and cut into small pieces, 6 Gm. Reduced iron, I Gm. Iodin, 17 Gm. Distilled water, ) each a suffident quantity . Sugar of milk, recently dried, j To make one hundred grammes. Mix the iron wire, iodin and twenty (20) cubic centimeters of distilled water in a flask of thin glass ; shake the mixture occasionally, until the reaction ceases and the solution has acquired a green color AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 28l and lost the smell of iodin ; then filter it through a small, wetted filter into a porcelain capsule, containing forty (40) grammes of sugar of milk. Rinse the flask and iron wire with a little distilled water, pass the rinsings through the filter into the capsule, and evaporate, on a water-bath, with frequent stirring, until a dry mass remains ; transfer this quickly to a heated iron mortar, reduce it to a powder and mix it intimately by trituration, with the reduced iron and enough sugar of milk to make the final product weigh one hundred (100) grammes. Transfer the powder at once to small and perfectly dry bottles, which should be securely stoppered and kept in a cool and dark place. The above preparation contains about 20 per cent of ferrous iodid. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : Equal parts of saccharated ferrous iodid with milk sugar will make the ix trituration. FERRUM LACTICUM. Ferrous Lactatc. Ferrum Lactate. Chemical Symbol. Fe 2C 3 H 5 O 3 .3H 2 O; 287.34. Synonyms. Latin, Ferri lactas, Lactas ferrosus ; English, Lactate of iron ; French, Lactate de fer ; German, Eisenlactat. Description. A greenish-white or yellowish crystalline powder, with a slight peculiar odor, and a mild metallic taste ; reaction, acid. In a damp atmosphere, it is slowly converted into ferric lactate. Is soluble in 40 parts of water at 15 C. ; almost insoluble in alcohol. At a red heat, it is decomposed, emitting white acid vapors, having the odor of burnt sugar, and leaving a residue of ferric oxid. It is prepared with lactic acid and metallic iron, or by mixing a solution of sodium lactate with ferrous chlorid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. FERRUM MAGNETICUM. Fcrro-Fcrric Oxid. Ferrum Magnetic. Chemical Symbol. Fe 3 O 4 ; 231.48. 282 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Ferri oxidum magneticum, Ferrum oxydatum magneticum, Oxydum ferroso-ferricum ; English, Magnetic oxide of iron, Black oxide of iron, Loadstone ; French, Oxyde ferrose-ferrique, Oxyde de fer noir (magn^tique) ; German, Magneteisen, Eisenoxyd- oxydul. Description. A brown-black, tasteless, odorless, magnetic powder. Insoluble in water and alcohol ; soluble in diluted hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. This solution gives all the reactions of the salts of iron. Strongly heated in air, it is transformed into red ferric oxid. It is found very abundantly in nature, and is artificially prepared from a mixture of ferrous and ferric salts and sodium hydrate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 522. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. FERRUM METALLICUM. Iron by Hydrogen. Ferrum. Chemical Symbol. Fe ; 55.88. Synonyms. Latin, Ferrum reductum, F. redactum, F. hydrogenio reductum ; English, Iron reduced by hydrogen ; French, Fer reduit par 1'hydrogene ; German, Reducirtes eisen. Description. A fine, dark-grey, tasteless and lusterless powder. Permanent in dry air, but in a moist atmosphere converted into ferric oxid. In case this reduction takes place at a temperature lower than red heat, the reduced iron powder will burn in contact with air pyrophorus iron. Insoluble in water and alcohol. It is magnetic, and burns easily when in contact with a lighted taper. Is dissolved by diluted hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, evolving hydrogen gas. It is obtained by the reduction of ferric oxid by hydrogen gas at a high temperature. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 303. PREPARATIONS. Triturations ; ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHV. 283 FERRUM MURIATICUM. Ferric Chlorid. Ferrum Muriate. Chemical Symbol Fe 2 Cl e .i2H 2 O; 539.5. Synonyms. Latin, Ferri chloridum, F. perchloridum, Ferrum sesquichloratum, F. muriaticum oxydatum, Chloridum vel chloruretum ferricum; English, Chloride of iron, Sesquichloride (perchloride) of iron, Ferric chloride ; French, Perchlorure de fer, Chlorure ferrique ; German, Eisenchlorid. Description. When obtained directly by the action of chlorin gas upon metallic iron, it is crystallized, has a brown color, and a metallic luster. Prepared in the wet way, it forms orange-yellow crystalline masses, readily deliquesces, has a slight odor of hydrochloric acid, and a strong metallic taste. It is volatilized by heat. Is very soluble in water and in alcohol. Its aqueous solution gives a blue precipitate with potassium ferrocyanid and a deep-blue coloration with ammonium sulfocyanate. It is prepared by dissolving metallic iron in hydro- chloric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 329. Preparation of the solution of ferric chlorid, U. S. P. : Iron, in the form of fine, bright wire, and cut into small pieces, 150 Gm. Hydrochloric acid, 870 Gm. Nitric acid, ) . . > each a sufficient quantity. Distilled water, J To make one thousand grammes. Introduce the iron wire into a flask, having a capacity of about two thousand (2000) cubic centimeters, pour upon it a mixture of five hundred and forty (540) grammes of hydrochloric acid and two hundred and fifty (250) cubic centimeters of distilled water, and let the mixture stand in a moderately warm place, until effervescence ceases ; then heat it to the boiling point, filter it through paper, and, having rinsed the flask and iron wire with a little hot distilled water, pass the rinsings through the filter. To the filtered liquid, add two hundred and eighty (280) grammes of hydrochloric acid, add the mixture slowly and gradually, in a stream, to eighty (80) grammes of nitric acid, contained in a capacious porcelain vessel, and warm gently. After effervescence ceases, apply heat, by means of a sand-bath, until the liquid is free from nitrous odor; then test a few drops of the 284 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE liquid, diluted with water, with freshly prepared potassium ferricyanid test-solution. Should this reagent produce a blue color, add a little more nitric acid, drop by drop, as long as effervescence is observed, and evaporate off the excess. Finally, add the remaining fifty (50) grammes of hydrochloric acid and enough distilled water to make the solution weigh one thousand (1000) grammes. A reddish-brown liquid, having a faint odor of hydrochloric acid, an acid, strongly styptic taste, and an acid reaction; specific gravity, about 1.387 at 15 C. (59 F.). This preparation contains about 37.8 per cent of the anhydrous salt. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Solution of ferric chlorid, U. S. P., 264 Cc. Strong alcohol, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM. Ferric Phosphate. Ferrum Phosphate. Synonyms. Latin, Ferri phosphas, U. S. P., 1860. Description. Consists of a bluish-gray powder, odorless and taste- less. Insoluble in water or alcohol; soluble in hydrochloric acid, forming a yellow solution, which gives a dark-blue precipitate with the ferro- or ferricyanid of potassium. With barium chlorid a slight turbidity is noticed, but the solution shows no change when treated with hydrogen sulfid. No precipitate is thrown down when sufficient tartaric acid is added to the acid solution and an excess of ammonia. The powder has a greenish-gray color when warmed, or grayish-brown at a higher temperature. The filtrate obtained after boiling it with caustic soda gives, when neutralized, a yellow precipitate with nitrate of silver. On treating the powder with hot distilled water and heating it on platinum foil, it should evaporate without residue. This salt is obtained by mixing the solutions of sulfate of iron, and phosphate and AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 285 acetate of sodium, and then washing and drying the resulting precipi- tate. This should not be confounded with the ferri phosphas of the U. S. P. 1890. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 525. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. FERRUM SULPHURICUM. Ferrous Sulfate. Ferrum Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. FeSO 4 7H 2 O; 277.42. Synonyms. Latin, Ferri sulphas, Sulfas ferrosus, Ferrum vitriola- tum purum, Vitriolum martis purum; English, Sulphate of iron, Ferrous sulphate ; French, Sulfate ferreux ; German, Ferrosulfat, Schwefelsaures Eisenoxydul. Description. Consists of large, green, odorless crystals, having a saline, styptic taste. Soluble in 1.8 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. Efflorescent on exposure to air, it finally loses its crystal- line form and appears as a yellowish-white powder. At a temperature of 115 C., the salt loses 6 molecules of water and assumes the form of a powder ; at a red heat, the last molecule of water is expelled and sulfur dioxid, sulfuric acid and oxygen are disengaged, with a residue of red ferric oxid. Its aqueous solutions are finally decomposed ; they give a white precipitate with barium chlorid and all the reactions of ferrous salts. It is prepared from metallic iron and diluted sulfuric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 528. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. FERRI ET QUININE QTRAS. Iron and Quinin Citrate. Synonyms. Latin, Chininum ferro-citricum ; English, Citrate of iron and quinine; French, Citras ferrico-quinicus ; German, Eisenchinin- citrat. 286 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. Consists of transparent, greenish or reddish-brown scales, odorless, and having a bitter and slightly ferruginous taste. Permanent in dry, slowly deliquescent in damp air; slowly, but entirely soluble in cold water, more quickly so in hot ; slightly soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether; reaction of aqueous solution, slightly acid. The addition of tannin gives a grayish-black precipitate the mixed tannates of iron and quinin. Ammonia darkens the aqueous solution, and causes the formation of a white, curdy precipitate. By adding potassium ferrocyanid, acidulated with hydrochloric acid, to its filtrate, a blue precipitate is obtained. This salt is obtained by dissolving citrate of iron in distilled water, adding quinin, evaporating the solution and drying the remainder on plates of glass. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. FERRI ET STRYCHNINE CITRAS. Iron and Strychnin Citrate. Synonyms. English, Citrate of iron and stychnine; French, Citrate de fer et de strychnine ; German, Citronensaures Eisen-Strychnin. Description. Consists of thin, transparent scales, of a dark-red to yellowish-brown color, odorless, and having a bitter and somewhat ferruginous taste. Deliquescent in damp air ; quickly and entirely solu- ble in water, partially soluble in alcohol. It chars when strongly heated. The residue of ferric oxid should not give an alkaline reaction with litmus paper ; reaction of aqueous solution slightly acid. The addi- tion of ammonia water darkens the liquid and causes a white precipi- tate, which is soluble in boiling water; heated with potassium or sodium hydrate test-solution, a brownish-red precipitate is obtained, while vapor of ammonia is thrown off. This salt is obtained by dis- solving citrate of iron and ammonium in distilled water, also strychnin and citric acid. The two solutions are then mixed, partially evapo- rated, spread on plates of glass and dried in scales. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 287 FILIX MAS. Male Fern. Natural Order Filices. Synonyms. Latin, Aspidium filix mas, Dryopteris f. m., Lastrea f. m., Nephrodium f. m., Polypodium f. m. ; English, Male fern ; French, Fougere male ; German, Mannliches Farrenkraut. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with short, unbranched rhizome, I inch in diameter, but appearing much larger on account of many matted fibers, forming a turfy head, blackish and scaly, having numerous, long, slightly branched, filiform roots. The fronds (or leaves), i to 3 feet long, from extremity of rhizome, are bi-pinnate, erect, appearing like a plume, with long, stiff, channelled petioles. The fruit consists of minute, brown, ovoid spores, in receptacles attached along the midrib on the back of the fronds. The fern has a disagreeable odor, and a nauseous, bitter, astringent taste. Habitat. Western United States, Lake Superior to the Pacific, along the Rocky Mountains to Mexico, parts of South America, all temperate parts of Europe and Asia; found in shady places. Fig., Winkler, 98 ; Jahr and Cat. 209 ; Goullon, 294 ; Bent, and Trim. 300. History. Name derived from aspis, a round shield, from the shape of the membrane enclosing the spores. Used by the ancients as a vermifuge. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1833 by Dr. Hartman, Allg. Horn. Zeit. II. 67. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 332 ; X. 528.] Part Used. The root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^V Filix mas, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 658 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with alcohol. FRAGARIA VESCA. Strawberry. Natural Order. Rosaceae. 288 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Fragulae, Trifolii fragiferi; English, Straw- berry ; French, Fraisier vulgaire ; German, Gemeine Erdbeere. Description. A stemless, perennial herb', having a brown, hori- zontal, knotted root, with long, creeping sprouts (stolons) that take root again. The leaves are radical, ternately compound, obovate, coarsely serrate, downy above, hairy beneath, stipules cohering with the base of the petioles, which with the scapes are usually hairy and much longer than the leaves. The white flowers appear from April to June, in loose cymes on long scapes. The fruit is an enlarged, globular, pulpy receptacle, on the surface of which the seeds are scattered. Habitat. United States; common in fields and rocky places, indigenous northward. Fig., Winkler, 70; Millspaugh, 55. History, -Name derived from fragrans. Mentioned in homoeo- pathic literature in 1833 by Dr. Gross, Archiv. XIII. i, 85. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 365 ; X. 529.] Parts Used. The ripe fruit, or whole plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Fragaria, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. FRASERA CAROLINENSIS. Columbo. Natural Order. Gentianaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Frasera walteri, Swertia difformis ; English, American columbo, Columbo, Indian lettuce ; French, Colombo d'Ame- rique ; German, Amerikanische Colombowurzel. Description. A biennial, or triennial, deciduous herb, with a very thick, long, fusiform, rugose, yellow and bitter root. The dark-purple stem is smooth, erect, cylindrical, succulent, 4 to 8 feet high, i to 2 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 289 inches thick at the base. The leaves are mostly in whorls, of four to six, rarely opposite, smooth, oblong, lanceolate, entire, 3 to 12 inches long, i to 3 inches broad, decreasing toward the top. The flowers are yellowish-white, with small brown-purple dots, and appear in July, in loose pyramidal panicles. Habitat. United States, southwestern New York to Wisconsin and southward ; found in rich, dry soil. History. Named for John Eraser. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. Hale in 1867, New Rem. 2d ed. 377. Part Used. The root, two years old, dug in October or November. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength -fa. Frasera, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 870 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. FUCUS VESICULOSUS. Sea Wrack. Natural Order. Algae. Synonyms. Latin, Quercus marina; English, Black tang, Bladder fucus, Common sea wrack, Kelp ware, Sea kelp, Sea ware ; French, Fucus vesiculeux ; German, Blasentang. Description. This sea-weed is 2 to 4 feet long, with a flat, branch- ing thallus, or leaf, y? to i inch wide, smooth and glossy, with entire margins and a prominent midrib, extending its entire length. Spheri- cal or oval air vessels, growing as large as a hazel-nut, are found on either side of the midrib, generally in pairs. The fruit consists of globular vessels, filled with a clear, tasteless mucus, arranged in elongated receptacles at the ends of the branches. The sea-weed is of brownish-green color, becoming nearly black when dried, having a peculiar odor, and a nauseous, mucilaginous, salty taste. Habitat. Found in north Atlantic and Pacific oceans, attached to rocks by its expanded, woody root. THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Name derived from phukos, Greek for sea-weed. When quickly dried in the sun, it becomes brittle, but dried by artificial heat, it remains hygroscopic. It has long been known as a remedy for obesity. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1863, Monthly Horn. Rev. Lond. VII. 8 ; B. J. Horn. XXI. 171. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 369.] Parts Used. The entire sea-weed. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Fucus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. GAMBOGIA. Gamboge. Natural Order. Guttiferae. Synonyms. Latin, Cambogia, Catharticum aureum, Garcinia hanburii, G. morella, var. pedicellata, Gummi cambogia, G. gutti, G. victoria, Gutta gamba, Hebradendron gambogioides ; English, Gam- boge; French, Gutte, Gomme-gutte ; German, Gummigutt, Gutti. Description. A gum-resin from several species of the Garcinia, a tree 35 to 50 feet high, with a thick, orange-brown bark, and many spreading branches. These trees yield on cutting, or by breaking off the leaves and shoots, a yellow, opaque juice, hardening on exposure. The best gamboge is in cylindrical rolls, from i to 3 inches in diam- eter, sometimes hollow in the center, from having been collected and hardened in joints of bamboo. It is also found in lumps or flat cakes. The pieces are striated longitudinally, from the inside of the bamboo, and are externally of a dull-orange color, with occasionally greenish stains. It is brittle, its fracture is smooth, opaque, glistening, of a AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHV. 2QI uniform reddish-yellow color, its powder bright-yellow. It is odorless, and has an acrid taste; is soluble in excess of water and partially soluble in alcohol. Habitat. Siam, Cambodia and southern parts of Cochin China. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 33. History. Garcinia, named for Garcin, an oriental traveler, Gam- bogia, from the Province of Cambodia, one of its sources, and gummi gutta, from the fact of the juice issuing by drops. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1843. Proving by Nenning, Noack and Trinks, Handbuch, I. 80 1. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 373.] Part Used. The gum-resin. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Gambogia, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : I x and higher. GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS. Wintergrccn. Natural Order. Ericaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Gaultheria humilis, Gautiera procumbens, G. repens; English, Boxberry, Checkerberry, Creeping wintergreen, Ground holly, Jersey tea, Mountain tea, Partridge berry, Tea berry, Spice berry, Wintergreen ; French, Th6 du Canada ; German, Cana- discher Thee. Description. An evergreen, trailing vine, with a slender, procum- bent stem, giving off root fibers, and erect branches 3 to 5 inches high, leafy at summit. The leaves are alternate, shortly-petiolate, oblong-obovate, tapering at base, acute, serrate, smooth, shining, thick, i to \% inches long. The flowers appear in July, are pale-pink or crimson, waxy looking, few in number, axillary and pendulous. Habitat. Newfoundland to Lake Superior, the Atlantic States along the Alleghanies to upper Georgia ; found in cool, damp woods in the shade of evergreens. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 164 ; Millspaugh, 102. 292 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Name from Dr. Gaultier. Poisonous effects mentioned in Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 384. Part Used. The fresh herb. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Gaultheria, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 315 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS. Yellow Jessamine. Natural Order. Loganiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Anonymos sempervirens, Bignonia semper- virens, Gelsemium luteum odoratum, G. lucidum, G. nitidum, Jasminum luteum odoratum, Lisianthus sempervirens; English, Bignonia, Caro- lina jessamine, Field jessamine, Wild jessamine, Woodbine, Yellow jessamine; French, Jasmin sauvage; German, Gift Jasmin. Description. An evergreen, climbing shrub, with a woody, much branched root, attaining a diameter of 2 inches, and having a cinnamon- brown colored bark and light-yellow wood, with a pleasant bitter taste. The stem is smooth, branching, grows to great length, at first is light- slate colored, and later, purplish. The leaves are opposite, persistent, short-petioled, lanceolate, acute at both ends, entire, dark, bright-green above, pale beneath. The flowers are large, i to \y 2 inches long, sweet-scented, funnel-shaped, appearing in March and April, in small, axillary clusters. Habitat. Rich moist grounds along the seacoast from eastern Virginia and southward into Mexico. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 181 ; Millspaugh, 130. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 2Q3 History. Name derived from gelsemino, the Italian name of jessa- mine. It was brought into notice as a medicine by being accidentally administered for another plant. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. Metcalfe in 1853, N. A. J. of Horn. III. 99. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 385; X. 529.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < . Drug strength fa. Gelsemium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. GENISTA TINCTORIA. Dyer's Weed. Natural Order. Leguminosse. Synonyms. English, Dyer's broom, Dyer's weed, Dyer's green-_ weed, Green weed, Greenwood, Woad-waxen; French, Gen6t des tein- turiers ; German, Farberginster. Description. An evergreen, thornless shrub, with an erect, branch- ing stem, i foot high, striated, angled. The leaves are alternate, sim- ple, lanceolate, nearly smooth, and sessile. The yellow flowers appear in June in terminal, racemose spikes. Habitat. Indigenous to Asia and Europe, naturalized in the United States ; found on sterile hills in eastern New York and Massa- chusetts. Fig., Millspaugh, 46. History. Name derived from the Celtic, gen, a bush. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1836 by Dr. Trinks. Poisonous effects mentioned in Allg. Horn. Zeit. IX. 287. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 403-] Parts Used The whole fresh plant. 294 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Genista, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. GENTIANA CRUCIATA. Crosswort Natural Order. Gentianaceae. < Synonyms. Latin, Gentiana minoris ; English, Crosswort gentian; French, Gentiane croisette ; German, Kreuze Enzain. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a smooth stem I foot high, two-edged, narrowed at base. The leaves are opposite, entire and sessile. The flowers are dark-blue, appearing in June and July. Habitat. Austria. History. Named for Gentius, king of Illyria; supposed to possess special virtues, because its leaves grew in form of a cross. One of the many panaceas for hydrophobia. Mentioned in homoeopathic litera- ture in 1845 by Dr. Watzke, Oest. Zeit. f. Horn. I. 3, 133. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 404.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength 1 ^. Gentiana cruciata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 295 GENTIANA LUTEA. Yellow Gentian. Natural Order. Gentianaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Gentiana lutetia, G. majoris, G. rubra; English, Bitter wort, Common gentian, Great yellow gentian, Yellow gentian ; French, Gentiane jaune, Grande gentiane ; German, Gelber Enzain. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a cylindrical, branching root, 2 to 3 feet long, I inch thick, and a thick, hollow, round stem 4 feet high. The leaves are opposite, sessile, entire, ovate, glaucous and of a bright-green color. The flowers are large, yellow, pedicellate, whorled in axillary clusters. Habitat. Southern and central Europe, growing on grassy moun- tains. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 211 ; Goullon, 174. History. A common remedy in the middle ages. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1841 by proving by Dr. Buchner, Hygea, XIV. i. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 407.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Gentiana lutea, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. GERANIUM MACULATUM. Wild Cranesbill. Natural Order. Geraniaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Geranium pusillum ; English, Alum root, Cranesbill, Crowfoot, Geranium, Spotted cranesbill, Spotted geranium, Storksbill, Tormentilla, Wild cranesbill; French, Pied-de-cornielle ; German, Flechstorchschnabel-Wurzel. 2Q6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a thick, cylindrical, branched, pale-brown rhizome, giving off filiform rootlets. The stem is erect, about I to 2 feet high, cylindrical, dichotomous, green and hairy. The leaves are opposite, five-parted, with wedge-shaped lobes, cut at the ends ; the root leaves are large, on long, hairy petioles ; the stem leaves on short petioles, bright-green, hairy or smooth above, pale and covered with erect hairs beneath. The old leaves have whitish-green spots, whence the name. The flowers are purple, and appear from April to June in small, terminal, cymose umbels. Habitat. North America, extending from Canada through the United States ; found in open woods and fields. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 42; Millspaugh, 32. History. The name from geranos, a crane. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1870 by Dr. Beckwith, O. Med. and Surg. Rep. IV. 127. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 407; X. 534.] Part Used The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength y 1 ^. Geranium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM. Herb Robert. Natural Order. Geraniaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Geranium inodorum; English, Herb Robert; French, Herbe a Robert ; German, Ruprechtskraut. Description. A strongly scented, annual herb, with a stem sparsely hairy. The leaves are three- to five-parted, with trifid-pinnatifid lobes. The flowers are small, reddish-purple, appearing from April to October. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCF.OPATHY. 2Q7 Habitat. Great Britain, introduced into the United States ; found in moist woods and shady ravines ; common northward. History. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1854 by Dr. Weitenweber, Prag. Monatsch'ft, II. 1,2. Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Geranium Robert., moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3\ and higher. GEUM URBANUM. Herb Bcnnct. Natural Order. Rosaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Caryophyllata alba, Geum agrimonoides, G. album, G. canadense, G. carolinianum, Sanamunda, Sieversia carolin- iana ; English, Common avens, Herb Bennet ; French, Benoite, Galiote ; German, Wahres Benedictenkraut. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with erect, slightly branched stem, I to i ^ feet high, slender, smoothish, or softly pubes- cent. The radical leaves are lyrate-pinnate, the cauline, ternate. The flowers are bright-yellow, solitary and terminal, appearing from May to August. The root has an odor of cloves and a bitter taste, is 2 to 3 inches long, ^ inch thick, slightly branched, beset with hairy leaf- sheaths, externally blackish-brown, internally whitish, with a red center. Habitat. United States, Pennsylvania northward, central and northern Europe and northern Asia ; common in wet hilly locations, borders of woods. Fig., Goullon, 95. History. Named from geyo, to give a relish. Its medicinal properties were mentioned by Pliny in the first century. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1853 by Wuerzler, Horn. v. j. Schrift, IV. 104. Part Used. The fresh root. 2Q8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture . Drug strength y 1 ^. Geum urbanum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3 x and higher. GLONOINUM. Glonoin. Chemical Symbol. C 3 H 5 (NO 3 ) 3 . Synonyms. English, Glonoine, Nitro-glycerin. Description. Consists of a heavy, yellowish, oily liquid (said to be colorless when pure), odorless, and having a sweetish, pungent taste. Is almost insoluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol, ether and methylated spirit; specific gravity, about 1.6. It solidifies in the form of long needles when subjected for some time to a temperature of 8 C. Glonoin boils at 180 C., exploding with great violence if con- fined within a closed vessel. Its explosive property is very marked, and is brought into action by the slightest jar or blow, or even by the concussion of the atmosphere. When kept long it undergoes partial decomposition, forming glycerin and oxalic acids, and some of the lower oxids of nitrogen ; combined with infusorial earth it forms dynamite. Glonoin is obtained by adding glycerin to a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids. It is extremely poisonous, and the inhalation of its vapors causes prostration and severe aching in the head. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 425 ; X. 534. Maximum dose -fa grain. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength ^. Glonoin, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 2Q9 The preparation of the tincture should not be attempted by any one not accustomed to its manipulation, on account of the danger of explo- sion ; a slight blow or sudden jerk may cause a serious if not fatal accident. The tincture and 2x dilution should also be kept and transported in such an enclosure as to preclude any possibility of breakage, as the spilling of the solution and consequent evaporation of the alcohol may lead to an explosion. GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM. Everlasting. Natural Order. Composite. Synonyms. Latin, Gnaphalium conoideum, G. obtusifolium ; English, Common everlasting, Indian posey, Indian tobacco, Sweet- scented life-everlasting ; French, Immortelle; German, Immerschon. Description. A fragrant herb, with an erect, terete, woolly stem, I to 2 feet high, with numerous, glabrous or pubescent terminal branches. The leaves are alternate, sessile, lanceolate, tapering at the base, slightly amplexicaul, smoothish above. The flowers appear from July to October in numerous heads, clustered at the summit of panicled corymbose branches ; they are ovate-conical before expansion, afterwards obovate. The scales of the whitish involucre are ovate and oblong ; the tubular florets are yellowish. Habitat. Indigenous to North America, from Canada and Wis- consin to Florida and Texas ; common in old fields and woods. Fig., Millspaugh, 89. History. From gnaphalon, soft down. Introduced into homoeo- pathic literature in 1858 by a proving by Dr. Banks, N. A. J. of Horn. VII. 383. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 456.] Part Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^ Gnaphalium pol., moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 3*5 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 3 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. GNAPHALIUM ULIGINOSUM. Low Cudweed. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. English, Balsam weed, Life-everlasting, Live forever, Low cudweed, Mouse ear, Old field balsam, Pearly everlasting, Sweet balsam, White balsam. Description. An annual herb, with a woolly, diffusely branched, tufted stem, 3 to 6 inches high, with leaves sessile, lanceolate or linear, with cottony surface. The yellowish-brown flowers appear in small, terminal, sessile, capitate clusters, subtended by leaves. Habitat. Eastern and northern United States; introduced from Europe ; found common in low grounds by roadsides. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1860 by proving by Dr. Woodbury, Trans. Mass. Horn. Soc. II. 115. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 456.] Part Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -$. Gnaphalium ulig., moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 315 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM. Cotton Plant Natural Order. Malvaceae. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 3OI Synonyms. Latin, Gossypium album, G. nigrum, Lana gossypii ; English, Cotton plant ; German, Baumwolle. Description. A biennial herb, having a cylindrical, solid, smooth or pubescent stem with numerous glands, varying according to soil and climate, from 3 to 15 or 20 feet high, and widely spreading branches. The leaves are numerous, alternate, long-petioled, five-lobed, mucro- nate, with glands similar to those on the stem. The flowers are single, large, i to 4 inches in diameter, and appear in July on axillary stalks. Habitat. East Indies and Europe, many parts of Asia, and America ; found in all parts of the world, between 36 north and south latitudes. Fig., Goullon, 30; Bent, and Trim. 37. History. From goz and gothn, Arabic, signifying soft substance. Used in medicine as an external application only, until within a few years. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1851, N. A. J. of Horn. I. 273. A short proving in 1869 by Dr. Williamson, Hahn. Month. IV. 315. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 458; X. 538.] Parts Used. The inner bark of the root and seed. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Gossypium, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 600 Cc. Strong alcohol, 437 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, five parts distilled water, four parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. GRANATUM. Pomegranate. Natural Order. Granateae. Synonyms. Latin, Punica granatum; English, Pomegranate; French, Grenadier; German, Granatum-Baum. Description. A perennial, deciduous shrub, or low tree, having a slender stem 18 feet high, with branches its entire length, with spiny ends. The bark is light-brownish-gray, furrowed longitudinally; 3O2 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE shoots and buds, red. The leaves are I to 2 inches long, usually opposite, sometimes alternate, lanceolate, pointed, entire, shining. The flowers are large, scarlet, appearing from June to September, solitary, or in clusters of two or three, axillary in the upper leaves. The fruit is the size of an orange, depressed globose, with numerous seeds, each in a fleshy, pink-colored, translucent coating. Habitat. Indigenous to Asia; found inmost sub-tropical coun- tries. Fig., Winkler, 115; Goullon, 109; Bent, and Trim. 113. History. The fruit was called by the ancients, malum punicum, Carthaginian apple, as the tree was known in the vicinity of Carthage, whence the name, punica. The name is also said to be derived from puniceus, scarlet ; granatum, also, from the numerous seeds (grana). The pomegranate has been known and prized from remote antiquity. Parts of the tree were known as medicinal, and also used among the Romans for tanning leather. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1839 by Dr. Mueller, Hygea, X. 137. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 460.] Part Used. The dried bark of the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < . Drug strength -fa. Granatum, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. GRAPHITES. Graphite. Synonyms. Latin, Carbo mineralis, Cerussa nigra, Plumbago; English, Black lead ; French, Graphite ; German, Reisblel Description. Is a blackish-gray, lustrous, soft, unctuous, odorless metal, crystallizing in hexagonal plates of a specific gravity of from AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 303 1.8 to 2.5. It is a good conductor of electricity, and contains a small, indefinite amount of iron. Next to the diamond it is the purest natural form of carbon. Graphite is obtained from several countries, but is found in the greatest purity in the Borrowdale mine in England. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 467. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. Hedge Hyssop. Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Centauroidis, Digitalis minimae ; English, Hedge hyssop ; French, Gratiole ; German, Gnadenkraut. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with a creeping, scaly rhizome. The stem is i foot high. The leaves are opposite, sessile, three-nerved, lanceolate, serrate, smooth, pale-green. The flowers are whitish or reddish, solitary, axillary, tubular, having yellow hairs. The plant is inodorous, with an acrid, bitter taste. Habitat. Central Europe, North America and extra-tropical Australia. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 215 ; Winkler, 72; Goullon, 180. History. From gratia, grace of God. It formerly had a place in medicine. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1829 by Dr. Herrmann, Archiv. XVII. 2, 164. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 491.] Parts Used The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Gratiola, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 304 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE GRINDELIA ROBUSTA. Gum Plant. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Grindelia latifolia; English, Gum plant, Broad gum plant, Wild sunflower ; French, Grindelia ; German, Grindelien- kraut. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, or shrub, with branch- ing, usually stout, smooth, pale stem, i to 3 feet high. The leaves are 3 to 4 inches long, broadly spatulate near the bottom, and sessile or clasping at the top, more or less sharply-serrate, nearly smooth, or with a few glandular hairs, pale-green color, finely dotted, the upper surface sometimes covered with patches of glossy resin. The yellow heads have numerous flowers, are I to 2 inches broad, solitary and terminal, blooming in May and continuing several months. The plant has a balsamic odor, and a pungent, bitter, aromatic taste. The distinction between this species and Grindelia squarrosa is not well marked. Habitat. Common along the Pacific coast of North America to Mexico, and found on hills and mountains inland. History. Named for Grindel, a German botanist. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1876 by Dr. Seward, Horn. Times, IV. 124. Parts Used. The leaves and unexpanded flower heads. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < . Drug strength jfa. Grindelia robusta, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 87-7 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. GRINDELIA SQUARROSA. Snake-Headed Grindelia. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. English, Gum plant, Snake-headed grindelia. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 305 Description. An herb, very similar to the Grindelia robusta, the characteristics pointed out by different authorities not seeming to hold, the one species running into the other. The difference in the leaves, flowers, etc., is not constant. Habitat. The western coast of North America, said to be very common on the plains and in valleys, but not on the hills and moun- tains. History. Same as preceding species. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1876 by Dr. Bundy, Horn. Times, IV. 125. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 539.] Parts Used. The leaves and unexpanded flower heads. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength ^. Grindelia squarrosa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 877 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 2x and higher. GUACCX Natural Order Composite. Synonym. Mikania guaco. Description. An herbaceous, shrubby, climbing plant, with round, furrowed, hairy branches. The leaves are petioled, ovate, acuminate, shortly narrowed at the base, dentate, netted, rough above, hairy beneath. The flowers are in axillary, corymbose, somewhat ternate heads. Habitat. Hot, damp places in South America, on the banks of the river Magdalena. History. Named for Jos. Mikan, professor of botany. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1832 by a correspondent of the Allg. Horn. Zeit. I. 128; a medico-historical sketch by Dr. Dunham, Am. 306 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Horn. Rev. III. 424. Considered by the Indians of South America as an antidote for the bites of venomous serpents. Part Used. The leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Guaco, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. GUAIACUM OFFICINALE. Guaiac. Natural Order. Zygophyllaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Lignum guajaci, L. indicum, L. sanctum, L. vitae, Palus sanctus ; English, Jamaica guiacum, Lignum vitae ; French, Bois de gayac (de gaiac); German, Guajakholz. Description. The resin of an evergreen tree, or shrub, 40 to 60 feet high, having smooth bark, numerous spreading branches, oppo- site, abruptly pinnate, smooth, bright-green leaves, and blue, finely pubescent, pedunculate flowers, appearing in February. The resin, or gum, is obtained by spontaneous exudation by incisions in the trunk, boring a hole lengthwise through short pieces, placing one end in a fire and receiving the melted resin from the other, and by boiling chips and sawdust and skimming the material rising to the surface. Guaiac is in pieces of irregular size and shape, intermixed with frag- ments of wood and bark. It is of greenish or reddish-brown color, brittle, lustrous fracture, transparent in thin plates, grayish-white when freshly powdered, becoming green on exposure, having an odor of vanilla, and an acrid taste. It is soluble in alcohol, partially so in water. Habitat. West India islands and South America. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 215; Winkler, 73; Goullon, 49; Bent, and Trim. 41. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 307 History. Guaiac is the South American name. This gum was used in medicine and held in high repute as early as the sixteenth century. It was first mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1818 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L. IV. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 515.] Part Used. The resin. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Guaiacum, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. GUAREA TRICHILOIDES. Red Wood. Natural Order. Meliaceae. Synonyms. English, Ash-leaved guarea, Ball-wood, Red wood. Description. An evergreen tree, 15 feet high, giving out a strong smell like musk. The leaves are Jarge, pinnate, short-petioled, tumid and inflated. The white, inconspicuous flowers appear in axillary clusters in May and June. Habitat. South America and Cuba. History. Guara, the local name in Cuba. Introduced into homoeo- pathic literature in 1840 by Petroz, Hygea, XII. 473. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Mat. IV. 512.] Part Used. The dried bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Guarea, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS. American Coffee Tree. Natural Order. Leguminosas. Synonyms. Latin, Guilandina dioica; English, American coffee tree, Chicot, Kentucky coffee tree, Kentucky mahogany. Description. A deciduous tree, growing 20 feet high, with very rough bark and few branches, which when young appear like canes and in winter as dead, being destitute of anything like a bud. The leaves are bi-pinnate, 2 to 3 feet long, with large, partial leafstalks, with 7 to 13 ovate leaflets, armed with thorns. The flowers are white, appearing in June. Habitat. Found in rich woods along rivers from western New York and Pennsylvania to Illinois southward. Fig., Millspaugh, 53. History. Name derived from gymnos, naked, and klados, a branch. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by a proving by Hering in 1851, N. A. J. Horn. I. 156. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 519.] Part Used. The fresh pulp surrounding the seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Gymnocladus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 309 H^MATOXYLON CAMPECHIANUM. Logwood. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Haematoxyli lignum, H. spinosum, Lignum campechianum, L. campescanum, L. coeruleum; English, Logwood, Peachwood; French, Bois de campeche, Bois d'Inde; German, Blau- holz, Campecheholz. Description. An evergreen tree, 20 to 40 feet high, with crooked and deformed trunk, 6 to 20 inches in diameter, and spreading branches ; twigs smooth, beset with small white dots ; wood dark and very hard, the inner bark and wood red. The leaves are alternate, abruptly pinnate. The flowers are small, yellow, slightly fragrant, longer than the leaves, on longish pedicels in axillary racemes. Habitat. Native of Campeachy (whence its specific name) and other parts of tropical America and West India islands. Fig., Goullon, 78 ; Bent, and Trim. 86. History. Name derived from haima, blood, and xylon, wood. Used chiefly as a dye; employed in medicine in 1746. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1839 by a proving by Jouve, Bib. Horn, de Genev. L 47. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 523.] Part Used. The heart of the wood. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -$. Haematoxylon, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations: ix and higher. HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. Witch Hazel. Natural Order. Hamamelaceae. 3IO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Hamamelis androgyna, H. corylifolia, H. dioica, H. macrophylla, Trilopus dentata, T. nigra, T. rotundifolia, T. virgin- iana ; English, Magician's rod, Pistachio nut, Striped alder, Snapping hazel-nut, Spotted alder, Winter bloom, Witch hazel ; French, Hama- meUis; German, Hamamelis, Zauberhasel. Description. A deciduous shrub, 5 to 15 feet high, and 4 inches in diameter at the base, with numerous, long, flexuous, forking branches, with smooth, brown bark, becoming grayish and fissured with age. The leaves, 3 to 6 inches long, are obovate or oval, straight-veined, wavy-dentate, somewhat downy when young, becoming smooth with age. The flowers are yellow, appearing in September and October in small axillary heads, usually surrounded by a scale-like, three-leaved involucre. Habitat. Damp woods in the United States and Canada. Fig., Millspaugh, 58. History. The name derived from hama, with, and melon, an apple. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1851 by a proving by Dr. Preston, Phil. Journ. of Horn. I. 460. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 528.] Part Used. The fresh bark of the root and twigs. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength y 1 ^. Hamamelis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. HECLA LAVA. Hecla Lava. Description. Is the finer ash, which fell in distant localities from Mount Hecla. According to Prof. Morris of University College, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 31 1 London, its principal constituents are combinations of silica, alumina, lime, magnesia and some oxid of iron. It also sometimes contains arnarthite and other minerals. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES. Pennyroyal. Natural Order. Labiatae. Synonyms. Latin, Cunila pulegioides, Melissa pulegioides, Zizi- phora pulegioides ; English, American pennyroyal, Squaw mint, Stinking balm, Tickweed; French, Herbe de pouliot ameYicain ; German, Amerikanischer Polei. Description. An annual herb, with small, branched root, erect, quadrangular stem, 6 to 15 inches high, and opposite, pubescent branches. The leaves are opposite, petioled, close, strongly veined, oblong-ovate, obscurely serrate, smooth above, paler and dotted with glands beneath, i inch long, diminishing in size toward the top. The bluish, pubescent flowers appear from June to September, few in number, in axillary whorls. The plant has a taste and odor similar to the true pennyroyal of Europe, Mentha pulegium. Habitat. North America; common in sandy fields, hills and open barren woods, always dry places. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 200; Mills- paugh, 1 1 8. History. The Greek name for mint. Incidental proving pub- lished in 1854 by Dr. Toothaker, Phil. Journ. of Horn. II. 655. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 543.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength -fa. Hedeoma, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 312 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. HEDYSARUM ILDEFONSIANUM. Brazilian Burdock. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Carapicho, Hedysarum desmodium. Description. An herb, with stem about 3 feet high, brownish, woody, branched, pubescent, especially at the upper part. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, trifoliate, with ovate leaflets, slightly tomentous, petioled, with two stipules. The flowers are single, in loose terminal spikes on single thread-like peduncles. Habitat. Brazil. History. Name, hedysarum, is from two Greek words, meaning sweet smell. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1849 by Dr. Mure, Pathogen. Bresilien. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 545.] Part Used. The dried leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Hedysarum, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. HELIANTHUS ANNUUS. Sunflower. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. English, Common sunflower, Sun rose; French, Helianthe, Grand soleil ; German, Sonnenblume. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 513 Description. An annual herb, with an erect, rounded, rough stem, 3 to 1 8 feet high. The leaves are opposite below, alternate above, petioled, conspicuously three-ribbed, broadly ovate or cordate, serrate, rough, 5 to 10 inches long, 4 to 8 inches broad. The flowers appear in the latter part of summer, are from 8 to 12 inches in diameter, with bright-yellow, ligulate ray florets, and a flat, brownish disk, nodding heads, with long peduncles, gradually thickening into a funnel-form base at the involucre. Habitat. Tropical America, cultivated in the United States, Europe and China. Fig., Millspaugh, 83. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1840 by Drs. Peschier and Cessole, Bib. Horn, de Gen. VI. 360. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 545.] Part Used. The mature flower heads. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T V Helianthus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. == 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. HELIOTROPIUM PERUVTANUM. Heliotrope. Natural Order. Borraginaceae. Synonyms. English, Garden heliotrope, Sweet heliotrope. Description. An evergreen, trailing herb, with a branching, shrubby, rough, hairy stem, I to 2 feet long. The leaves are alter- nate, entire, lanceolate-ovate, rough, and slightly tomentous. The lilac-colored flowers appear from May until September, are symmet- 314 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE rical on short pedicels on one side of a spike, which is rolled up at the end and straightens as the blossoms expand ; very fragrant. Habitat. Peru, cultivated in gardens. History. The name derived from helios, the sun, and trope, twin- ing, the flowers being said to turn toward the sun. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1841, Archiv. XIX. I, 188. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 546.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Heliotropium, moist magma containing solids too Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 3x and higher. HELLEBORUS FCETIDUS. Bear's Foot Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. English, Bear's foot, Setterswort, Stinking hellebore; German, Stinkende Uieswurzel. Description. An evergreen herb, with stem i l / 2 feet high. The leaves are numerous, some of the lower ones radical, others short petioled, pedate, with oblong, linear segments, forming a large and thick tuft, very smooth ; color, deep-green. The flowers appear from February to May, are green, globular, from the sepals converging at their extremities, in drooping, loosely spreading panicles, with numer- ous bracts. Habitat. Southern and parts of central Europe, and England; found in shady places. History. Name derived from helein, to cause death, and bora, food. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1853 by Cattell, Brit. Journ. of Horn. XI. 343. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 546.] Part Used The fresh root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 315 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Helleborus fcetidus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 797 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. HELLEBORUS NIGER. Christmas Rose. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Elleborum nigrum, Helleborus grandiflorus, Melampodium, Veratrum nigrum ; English, Black hellebore, Christmas rose ; French, Elle"bore noir ; German, Schwarze Uieswurzel. Description. A perennial, nearly evergreen herb, with cylindrical, brownish-black, knotted, brittle, fleshy rhizome, I to 3 inches long, ^ to y 2 inch thick, with numerous branches, interlaced with many stout, straight, brown, fibrous roots. The leaves are on long footstalks, which spring directly from the root ; these stalks are cylindrical, tapering, smooth, shining and pale-green, mottled with red ; the leaves are pedate, and deeply divided into several nearly separate lobes, smallest near the petiole, coarsely serrate in the upper part, dark- green above, paler below. The flowers, appearing in mid-winter, December to March, on a scape shorter than the petiole, are at first pinkish-white, becoming greenish. Habitat. Central and southern Europe; found in sub-alpine wooded regions, cultivated in gardens. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 218; Flora Horn. I. 285 ; Winkler, 76 ; Goullon, 3 ; Bent, and Trim. 2. History. It was highly esteemed as a medicine by the ancients, but it is doubtful if the plant described by Dioscorides is the same as the present species. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1805 by Hahnemann, Frag, de Vir. 135. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 547 ; X. 540.] Part Used. The fresh root. 316 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Helleborus niger, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. HELONIAS DIOICA. False Unicorn. Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Abalon albiflorum, Chamaelirium carolinianum, C. luteum, Helonias lutea, H. pumila, Melanthium densum, M. dioicum, Ophiostachys virginica, Veratrum luteum ; English, Blazing star, Colic root, Devil's bit, False unicorn, Starwort, Unicorn plant. Description. A perennial herb, having a thick, light-colored, tuberous root-stock, with many long roots from the base of the stem, and fibrous rootlets from its thickest portion. The stem, i to 3 feet high, is wand-like, smooth and leafy. The leaves are alternate ; those of the upper stem, small, lanceolate and sessile; those of the base, larger, spatulate, tapering into petioles, parallel veined, oblong-lanceo- late. The flowers are white, appearing from June to August, in long, terminal panicles. Habitat. Indigenous to the United States and Canada; found in rich woods, moist, low grounds, western New England to Illinois and southward. Fig., Millspaugh, 177. History. Name derived from helos, a marsh, in reference to its habitat, and chamai, on the ground, and leirion, lily. Proved in 1868 by Dr. Jones, Am. Horn. Obs. VIII. 178. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 565.] Part Used The fresh root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 317 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Helonias, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. Hcpar Sulfur, Impure Calcium SulficL Chemical Symbol. CaS. Synonyms. English, Liver of sulfur; French, Foie de soufre cal- caire; German, Schwefelleber. Description. Consists of white, porous, friable masses, or a white amorphous powder, with the odor and taste of sulfuretted hydrogen. Is insoluble in water or strong alcohol ; soluble in hot hydrochloric acid, with the evolution of sulfuretted hydrogen. With oxalate of ammonia the solution gives a white precipitate. Hepar sulfur is an impure sulfid of calcium, obtained from calcined oystershells and flowers of sulfur. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IV. 572. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. This should be prepared according to Hahnemann's directions, viz., by mixing equal weights of clean and finely powdered oystershells and well-mashed flowers of sulfur, placing them in a hermetically-closed clay crucible, and keeping the mixture at a white heat for at least ten minutes. The product is to be cooled and preserved in glass-stoppered bottles, protected from the light. 3l8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE HEPATICA TRILOBA. Liverwort. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Anemone hepatica, Hepatica americana, H. nobilis ; English, Early anemone, Kidney liver-leaf, Liver-leaf, Liver- wort, Round-lobed hepatica, Trefoil; French, Herbe de hepatique ; German, Edelleberkraut. Description. An evergreen, stemless herb, with a fibrous root. The leaves are radical, on long, slender petioles, with three ovate, obtuse or rounded lobes, sub-coriaceous, light-green and hairy when young, dark olive-green and purplish beneath when old. The flowers, blue, purplish, or nearly white, appear from March to May, are solitary, terminal, on long, hairy scapes, circinate, then erect, with three-leaved involucre. Habitat. United States, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, east and northeast to the Atlantic; found in rich, open woods. Fig., Mills- paugh, 2. History. The name is derived from hepaticos, from a fancied resemblance to the lobes of the liver. Formerly had a place in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1858 by Dr. Kimball, N. A. Jour, of Horn. VI. 526. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 588.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength Y 1 ^. Hepatica, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 350 Cc. = 450 Strong alcohol, 683 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS. Seven Barks, Natural Order. Saxifragaceae. Synonym. English, Seven barks. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 319 Description. A deciduous, perennial shrub, with a woody, branch- ing root, with numerous rootlets, from the thickness of a quill to that of a finger, pale-brown externally, whitish internally, and having a sweetish, pungent taste. The stem is glabrous, 6 feet high, with grayish or light reddish-biown bark, detachable in thin, concentric layers, whence the name, seven barks. The leaves are opposite, petioled, ovate, rarely cordate, nearly glabrous, pointed, serrate, green on both sides. The flowers are numerous, greenish or pinkish-white, appearing in July in compound cymes. Habitat. New Jersey to Illinois and southward ; found on rocky banks. History. Name from hudor, water, aggeion, a vessel. Used as a remedy by the Cherokee Indians. Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < .- Drug strength ^ Hydrangea, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 215 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. HYDRASTINUM. Hydrastin. Hydrastin. Chemical Symbol C 22 NH 23 O 6 ; 397.2. Synonyms. English, Hydrastia, Hydrastine. An alkaloid of Hydrastis canadensis. Description. Consists of white or colorless, shining, four-sided prisms, odorless, and without taste except in combination with some salt, then bitter and somewhat acrid. Is insoluble in water, readily 32O ' THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform and benzol; reaction alkaline. With the acids it forms soluble and bitter-tasting salts ; it fuses at 135 C. Is precipitated from its saline solutions by the alkalies and by tannic acid. On the addition of bichromate of potassium, sulfuric acid, or red-lead oxid, its color changes to red, but unlike strychnin, has no tint of blue or violet. This alkaloid is obtained from the roots of Hydrastis canadensis. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Golden Seal. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Warneria canadensis; English, Eye balm, Golden seal, Ground raspberry, Indian dye, Indian paint, Indian turn eric, Ohio curcuma, Orange root, Tumeric root, Yellow eye root, Yellow paint, Yellow puccoon, Yellow root, Yellow seal ; French, Sceau d'or; German, Canadische Gelbwurzel. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, having a thick, knotted, horizontal, bright-yellow rhizome, with slender roots beneath. The simple, erect stem, 6 to 12 inches high, is sub-cylindrical, with down- ward-pointed hairs. There are two alternate leaves near the top, the lower petiolate, the upper sessile; sometimes there is a petiolate, radical leaf; they are veiny, orbicular-cordate at base, five- to seven- lobed, doubly-serrate, and 4 to 9 inches wide at the summit. A single, small, terminal, erect, greenish-white, apetalous flower appears in April and May. Habitat. Canada and the United States, east of the Mississippi ; found in rich woodland and mountainous districts. Fig., Bent, and Trim, i ; Millspaugh, 9. History. The name derived from hudor, water, and drao, to act. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1866 by provings published in Am. Horn. Obs. III. 516. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 613.] Part Used. The fresh root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 321 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Hydrastis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher (from dried root). HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA. Indian Pennywort. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrocotyle nummulariodes, H. pallida; English, Indian pennywort, Thick-leaved pennywort, Water penny- wort; French, Hydrocotyle; German, Wassernabel. Description. An evergreen, creeping herb, having a vertical rhi- zome, with long, slender, prostate, smooth branches and long internodes. The leaves, crowded at the nodes, are long, petiolate, sheathing at the base, radiately-veined, reniform, dentate-crenate, smooth, thick, dark- green, depressed in the center, so as to hold a drop of water, hence the name. The small, pink flowers appear from July to October in many flowered, axillary, sessile umbels. Habitat. Throughout the tropical regions ; found in shady, swampy places. Fig., Goullon, 144; Bent, and Trim. 117. History. Name derived from hudor, water, cotyle, a cavity. Men- tioned in homoeopathic literature in 1857 by proving by Dr. Andouit, Jour. d. 1. Soc. Gal. ns. i, 337. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 625.] Parts Used. The whole dried plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ : Drug strength ^. Hydrocotyle, 100 Gm. ^Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 322 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. HYDROPHYLLUM VIRGINICUM. Waterleaf. Natural Order. Hydrophyllaceae. Synonyms. English, Burr flowers, Waterleaf. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with a creeping, scaly- toothed rhizome. The stem, i to 2 feet high, is generally simple, sometimes bifurcated, smoothish. The leaves are multi-pinnate, with 5 to 7 divisions, ovate, lanceolate, pointed, sharply dentate, the lower mostly two-parted, the upper confluent. The flowers are pinkish- white, appearing from June to August, in terminal and upper axillary, cymose clusters, peduncles forked, and longer than the petioles of the upper leaves. Habitat. Indigenous to North America from Canada southward to the mountains of North Carolina and northward to Alaska ; found in moist, shady ground. Fig., Millspaugh, 122. History. Name derived from hudor, water, and phullon, a leaf. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1874 by an incidental proving by Dr. Hoyt, Am. Horn. Obs. II. 99. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 19-] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Hydrophyllum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2\ to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications; 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 323 HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. Henbane. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Hyoscyamus agrestis, H. flavus, H. lethalis, H. pallidus, H. vulgaris, Jusquiami; English, Black henbane, Foetid nightshade, Hogbean, Poison tobacco; French, Jusquiame; German Bilsenkraut. Description. A biennial, deciduous herb, with a fusiform root, and tapering, thick, stiff, cylindrical stem, 6 inches to 2 feet high, scarcely branched, covered with long hairs tipped with a minute black gland. The leaves are alternate, sessile, the upper clasping, oblong, irregularly lobed, sinuate-dentate, thin, pale-green, hairy, large below, becoming bracts above. The nearly sessile flowers are dull-yellow, strongly reticulated with purple veins, appearing from June to August in axillary, one-sided, leafy spikes. The whole plant is thickly covered with closely woven hairs, and has a sticky, heavy-smelling exudation. Habitat. Europe, Asia and America; found in sandy ground, on roadsides and waste places. Fig., Flora Horn. I. 292 ; Jahr and Cat. 219; Winkler, 75 ; Goullon, 189; Bent, and Trim. 194; Millspaugh, 126. History. Name derived from hyos, a hog, and kyamos, a bean. Its medicinal properties were known to the ancients. It fell into disuse in the early part of the last century, to be again introduced by Storck. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1805 by Hahne- mann, Frag. de. Vir. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 25 ; X. 543.] Parts Used. The fresh plant of the second year's growth. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Hyoscyamus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 450 Cc. = 550 Strong alcohol, 585 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled v water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 324 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE HYOSCYAMINUM SULPHURICUM. Hyoscyaminum Sulfate. Hyoscyamin Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. (C 17 H 23 NO 3 ) 2 .H 2 SO 4 ; 674.58. Synonyms. Latin, Hyoscyaminae sulphas; English, Sulphate of hyoscyamine ; French, Sulfate d'hyoscyamine ; German, Hyoscyamin- sulfat. A neutral sulfate of an alkaloid prepared from Hyoscyamus. Description. A white powder, sometimes crystalline, odorless, with a very bitter taste ; deliquescent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 0.5 part of water and in 2.5 parts of alcohol; reaction neutral. Its aqueous solution gives a white precipitate with barium chlorid, but no precipi- tate with platinic chlorid. It is extracted from the seeds of Hyoscya- mus niger. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 20. A poison. Maximum dose -fa grain. It should be kept in a well-stoppered bottle, protected from the light. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher ; freshly made. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. St. John's Wort. Natural Order. Hypericaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Fuga daemonum, Herba solis, H. umbelicalis, Hypericum officinale, H. pseudo perforatum, H. virginicum, H. vul- gare; English, John's wort, St. John's wort; French, Millepertuis, Chasse-diable ; 'German, Johanniskraut, Hartheu. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a woody, branch- ing, dark-brown root. The stem, I foot or more high, much branched and corymbed, producing runners from the base, is somewhat two- edged and smooth. The leaves are opposite, entire, oblong, punctate, with numerous scattered pellucid dots. The flowers are deep-yellow, appearing from June to September, in terminal, open, leafy cymes. The whole plant is dark-green in color, and has a strong balsamic odor when rubbed, a very acrid juice, and is known as a pernicious weed difficult to extirpate. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 325 Habitat. Europe, northern Africa, a considerable portion of Asia, and naturalized in North America and other countries ; found in fields, groves and hedges. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 221 ; Goullon, 39; Mills- paugh, 30. History. Name of uncertain derivation, said to be from hyper, above, and eicon, an image, the superior part of the flower repre- senting a figure. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1837 by a proving by Dr. Mueller, Hygea, V. 484. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. S3! X. 543.] Parts Used. The whole plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < .- Drug strength ^. Hypericum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 780 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. IBERIS AMARA. Bitter Candytuft Natural Order. Cruciferae. Synonyms. Latin, Lepidium iberis ; English, Bitter candytuft. Description. An annual herb, with a smooth, glaucous, branching stem, i to 2 feet high. The radical leaves are 2 inches long, petiolate, pinnatifid, or deeply serrate ; the stem leaves are smaller, somewhat grass-like, lanceolate, acute, dentate. The minute white flowers appear in June and July in racemose cymes. The whole plant has a pungent taste. Habitat. Southern Europe to Siberia, also England. History. Name derived from Iberia, Spain. Proved in 1872 by Dr. Hale, U. S. Med. and Surg. Jour. VII. 295. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 60.] Part Used. The seeds. 326 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Iberis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 100 Cc. = 200 Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. IGNATIA AMARA, St. Ignatius' Bean. Natural Order. Loganiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Faba febrifuga, F. indica, F. sancti ignatii, Ignatiana philippinica, Pasaqueria longiflora, Strychnos ignatii, S. philippensis ; English, St. Ignatius' bean ; French, Feve de Saint Ignace; German, Ignazbohne. Description. A shrub, or tree, with erect stem, and long, twining, opposite, glabrous branches. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, ovate, acute, 6 to 8 inches long. The flowers are white, long, numerous, in small, axillary panicles, having the odor of jasmine. The fruit is pear- shaped, with the seeds imbedded in a bitter pulp, 20 to 24 in number, somewhat the shape of an almond, but irregular, apparently from compression while soft, blackish-gray or clear-brown in color, with a brownish, horny, translucent shell, very hard and difficult to split, appearing glabrous, but having fine down, odorous, with a lasting, bitter taste. Habitat. Philippine Islands, naturalized in China. Fig., Flora Horn. II. i ; Winkler, 125; Bent, and Trim. 179. History. Named for the founder of their order by the Jesuits, who introduced the seeds into Europe the latter part of the seventeenth century from the Philippine Islands, where they were worn by the natives as amulets. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Hahne- mann in 1805, Frag. de. Vir. Med. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 66.] Part Used. The bean. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 327 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ignatia, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 150 Cc. Strong alcohol, 870 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. ILEX OPACA. American Holly. Natural Order. Aquifoliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Ageria opaca, Ilex aquifolium, I. canadensis, I. laxiflora, I. quercifolia; English, American holly; German, Stech- palme. Description. A tall shrub, or tree, 20 to 40 feet high, having a rich, shining, perennial green foliage. The evergreen, coriaceous leaves are petiolate, oval, acute, about 2 inches long, with rigid, sharp spines along the toothed margin ; they are odorless, and bitterish in taste. The loosely clustered flowers appear in June, along the base of the young branches. The berries are less red, and the nutlets less veiny than in the European holly. Habitat. United States, Maine to Pennsylvania, in moist wood- lands near the coast, and from Virginia southward. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1871 by Dr. Hendrichs, Allg. Horn. Zeit. 83, 129. Parts Used. The fresh leaves and berries. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ilex opaca, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 328 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dihitions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. ILEX PARAGUAYENSIS. Paraguay Tea. Natural Order. Ilicineae. Synonyms. Latin, Ilex mate, I. paraguensis, Mate, Psorulea glandulosa; English, Jesuit's tea, Paraguay tea, St. Bartholomew's tea. Description. An evergreen tree, 30 feet high, with leaves oblong or lanceolate, obtuse, remotely serrate. The flowers are white, pedunculate, in axillary cymes. Habitat. Brazil and the Argentine Republic. History. Extensively used as a beverage in parts of South America ; drunk from a kind of teapot called mate". [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 173.] Part Used. The leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ilex paraguay en sis, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. ILLICIUM ANISATUM. Star Anise. Natural Order. Magnoliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Anisum canadensis, A. chinensis, A. indicum, A. stellatum, Cymbostemon parviflorus, Illicium japonicum, I. parvi- AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 32Q florum, I. religiosum, I. verum, Semen badiana ; English, Sacred anise tree, Star anise ; FrencJi, Anise e'toile' ; German, Stern-Anis. Description. An evergreen shrub, or small tree, 10 to 30 feet high, much branched. The leaves are alternate, crowded, petioled, entire, lanceolate, smooth, shining, thick, and with minute pellucid dots. The greenish-yellow flowers appear from January to April, and some- times again in the autumn. The solitary seeds in boat-shaped carpels of eight divisions, at first upright, then spreading into a radiate whorl, are ovate, compressed and shining. They have an aromatic taste and smell like fennel. Habitat. China, and introduced into Japan. Fig., Winkler, 79; Goullon, 6 ; Bent, and Trim. 10. History. Known as early as the tenth century, and although having many synonyms it is doubtful if star anise is the product of all. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1838 by a proving by Dr. Franz, Archiv. XVII. 3, 175. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 91.] Part Used. The dried seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Illicium anisatum, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. INDIGO. Indigo. Natural Order. Leguminoseae. Synonyms. Latin, Color indicus, Indicum, Indigofera argentea, I. anil, I. glauca, I. indica, I. tinctoria, Pigmentum indicum ; English, French and German, Indigo. Description. A dye, obtained from several species of indigofera and other plants. The former, and chief source, is an annual, some- times perennial, herb or shrub, 3 to 4 feet high, straight branched, 33O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE downy stem, with alternate pinnate leaves, 3 to 4 inches long, having purplish, bluish, axillary, racemose flowers. It is met with in hard, brittle, odorless, tasteless lumps, the result of fermentation, at first green-colored, becoming insoluble and intensely blue by oxidation in the air, and having a coppery luster when rubbed by a smooth body. Habitat. Indigenous to the East Indies and Asia, naturalized in the United States. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 223; Winkler, 80; Bent, and Trim. 72. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1832 by a proving by Hartlaub and Trinks, Annal. d. Horn. kl. III. 329. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 92.] Parts Used. The whole substance. PREPARATIONS. Trituration s : ix and higher. INDIUM METALLICUM. Indium. Chemical Symbol. In; 113.6. Description. Is a silvery-gray, lustrous, malleable and ductile metal, softer than lead. It is unchanged by air at the ordinary tem- peratures. Is soluble in dilute acids, with the evolution of hydrogen and the formation of salts. From its solution with hydrochloric acid a deliquescent chlorid is obtained ; dissolved with this it is precipitated as a hydrate by ammonia and potash, being insoluble in an excess of either reagent. When strongly heated in air it burns with a blue- violet flame and brownish fumes. Its salts color flame blue-violet. Heated it combines directly with chlorin, bromin, iodin and sulfur. It leaves a lead-like mark when rubbed on paper. Indium belongs to the iron group, is obtained from zinc, and was discovered by Reich and Richter in the zinc-blende of Freiburg. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 550. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 331 INULA HELENIUM. Elecampane. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Corvisartia helenium, Enula campana; English, Elecampane, Scabwort ; French, Aune'e commune (officinale) ; German, Helenenwurzel. Description. A perennial herb, with branching, mucilaginous, aromatic, bitter, more or less tap-shaped root, 6 inches long, I to 2 inches thick, with rough, flaky, thick bark. The round, furrowed, solid, branching stem is 3 to 5 feet high and downy above. The leaves are alternate, those from the root ovate, petioled, the others partly clasping, green above, woolly beneath, 18 inches long, 4 to 6 inches broad. The yellow flowers appear in August, in large, terminal, solitary or corymbose heads, on long, axillary peduncles, which some- times have small leaves midway in their length. Habitat. Naturalized from Europe, grows spontaneously in the United States ; found in damp places and along roadsides, escaped from gardens. Fig., Goullon, 141 ; Bent, and Trim. 150; Millspaugh, 81. History. The common name, a corruption of Enula-campana ; the derivation of botanical name, uncertain. Introduced into homoeo- pathic practice in 1860 by an incidental proving by Dr. Bayard, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 1860, 58. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 112; X. 550.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength -j^. Inula helenium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 874 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. IODIUM. lodin. Chemical Symbol. I; 126.53. 332 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, lodum, lodinium, Jodium; French, lode; German, Jod. A non-metallic element. Description. As described by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, iodin con- sists of " heavy, bluish-black, dry and friable rhombic plates, having a metallic luster, a distinctive odor, and a sharp, acrid taste." It volati- lizes at ordinary temperatures. Is soluble in from 5,000 to 7,000 parts of water and in 10 parts of alcohol at 15 C. ; freely soluble in ether, chloroform, carbon disulfid and benzol, also in aqueous solutions of iodids; specific gravity, 4.95. It fuses near 115 C., congeals at 113.6 C., and boils at from 175 to 250 C. Its vapor corrodes the skin and mucous membranes, and colors skin or paper with a red to dark-brown, fleeting stain. Iodin vapor is the heaviest known, being 8.72 times as heavy as air. This element imparts a blue color to starch-paste, and even ^OTTO-SIT P art mav tnus ^> e recognized. Iodin is a non-metallic substance, obtained chiefly from the ashes of sea-weeds, also from the mother-liquor of Chilian sodium nitrate. Iodin should be kept in ground-stoppered bottles, and in a cool place. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 119; X. 551. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Iodin, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, icoo Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher; for immediate use only. IPECACUANHA. Ipecac. Natural Order. Rubiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Callicocca ipecacuanha, Cephaelis emetica, C. ipecacuanha, H ipecacuanha, H. brasilienses, H. dysenterica, Ipeca- cuanha fusca, I. officinalis, Psychotria ipecacuanha^ English, Brown ipecac ; French, Ipecacuanha ; German, Brechwurzel. Description. A half-shrubby, perennial plant, with several spread- ing, twisting roots, about the size of a goose quill, simple, or somewhat AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 333 branched, descending obliquely into the ground. The stem, 2 or 3 feet long, partly under ground, rooting easily, is smooth and gray at the base, pubescent and green above. The leaves are opposite, petio- late, obovate, acute, entire, blackish-green, somewhat rough above, pale, downy and veined beneath, 3 to 4 inches long, I to 2 inches broad, with large stipules. The flowers are very small, white, sessile, 10 to 20 in a dense head, on an axillary, but apparently terminal, peduncle, surrounded by an involucre of four bracts. The dried root, as met with, is l /b to ^ inch thick, composed of a thread-like center wholly or partially encircled with knotty ridges, also wrinkled length- wise. It is brittle, externally brown, internally whitish-gray and somewhat resinous, or waxy. Habitat. Brazil and the upper part of South America; growing abundantly in hot, moist forests. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 8 ; Jahr and Cat. 225; Winkler, 58; Goullon, 134; Bent, and Trim. 145. History. The name, signifying vomit-root in the vernacular, is given to various roots, and although described in 1648, the source of the Cephaelis ipecacuanha was not known till 1800. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Hahnemann in 1805, Frag. de. Vir. Med. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 137; X. 551.] Part Used. The dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Ipecacuanha, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : I x and higher. IRIDIUM METALLICUM, Indium. Chemical Symbol. Ir; 192.5. A rare metal found in the Uralian ores of platinum. 334 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. Consists of a white, brittle metal, difficultly fusible in a powerful oxy-hydrogen flame. When completely fused it is obtained as a white, lustrous, compact mass, looking like polished steel, rather malleable at a red heat, brittle when cold ; specific gravity of porous iridium varies from 16 to 19. This metal is harder than iron. When strongly heated it remains insoluble in all acids, but becomes soluble on being fused with niter and caustic potash. Com- pact iridium is not oxydised when heated in oxygen, but black iridium changes to Ir 2 O 3 , and again decomposes at 1,000 C. It is prepared from osm-iridium and platin-iridium, the residue obtained from heating platinum ore with aqua regia, and should be kept in ground-stoppered bottles in a cool place. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. IRIS VERSICOLOR. Blue Flag. Natural Order. Iridaceae. Synonyms. English, Blue flag, Flag lily, Liver lily; French, Glateul bleu; German, Amerikanischer Schwertlilie. Description. A perennial herb, with creeping, more or less tuber- ous rhizome, with 2 to 4 lateral branches, the under surface beset with fibrous rootlets. The stem is leafy, I to 3 feet high, stout and angular on one side. The leaves are erect, sword-shaped, or grassy, equitant, 3 to 4 inches wide, i to i^ feet long. The violet-blue flowers, variegated, with greenish, yellowish, or white and purple veins, are short peduncled, 2.y 2 to 3 inches long, 2 to 6 on each plant, and appear in May and June from a spathe, with 2 or more leaves, or bracts. Habitat. Europe, northern Africa, northern India, general in the United States; found in wet places. Fig., Millspaugh, 173. History. Name from iris, rainbow. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1851 by Dr. Kitchen, N. A. Jour. Horn. I. 461. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 153 ; X. 552.] Part Used. The fresh root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 335 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength ^ Iris versicolor, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. JACARANDA CAROBA. Caroba Bark. Natural Order. Bignoniaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Bignonia caroba; English, Caroba bark; German, Carobablatter. Description. A tree, 20 to 30 feet high, with white wood, and opposite, abruptly bi-pinnate leaves, with large white flowers, appear- ing in September in terminal panicles. Habitat. Brazil ; common in gardens and on plantations. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1849 by Dr. Mure, Pathogen. Bresil. 279. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 176.] Part Used. The flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Jacaranda, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE JALAPA. Jalap. Natural Order Convolvulaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Chelapa, Convolvulus jalapa, C. purga, Exo- gonium purga, Gialappa, Ipomoea jalapa, I. purga, I. schiedeana, Mechoacanna nigra; English, Jalap, Jalap root; French, Jalap; German, Jalape, Jalapenknollen. Description. A deciduous, perennial vine, with a tuberous, fleshy, nearly globular root, becoming fibrous and tapering below. The stem, over 12 feet long, moderately branched, is warted and smooth, brownish, twisted and furrowed. The leaves are alternate, thick, petiolate, entire, cordate, ovate, smooth, pale, and veiny beneath, 4 or 5 inches long. The numerous, purplish-pink flowers appear from August to September, on long, wiry, twisted peduncles, in axillary cymes. The dried root is met with either whole, split in two, or trans- versely sliced. The entire root, which is preferable, is irregularly globular, ovate, or pear-shaped, heavy, compact, brittle, externally brown and wrinkled, internally grayish, of a rather nauseous odor, and a sweetish, acrid taste. Habitat. Mexico, Florida and the Carolinas, and the eastern slope of the Mexican Andes. Fig., Winkler, 77-81 ; Jahr and Cat. 227; Goullon, 177-178; Bent, and Trim. 186. History. Name derived from the city of Jalapa. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1843 by Noack and Trinks, Handbuch d. Horn. M. L., I. 86 1. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 181.] Part Used. The dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Jalapa, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 337 JATROPHA CURCAS. Physic Nut, Natural Order Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Castiglionia lobata, Curcas purgans, Ficus infernalis, Nux cathartica americana, Ricinus americanus, R. majoris; English, Angular-leaved physic nut, Barbadoes nut, Purging nut ; French, Pignon d'Inde (des Barbades) ; German, Purginuss, Schwarze Brechnuss. Description. A smooth barked, light ash-colored, evergreen shrub, attaining a height of 20 feet. The leaves, alternate, crowded at the apex of the branches, are three- to four-lobed, cordate, entire, smooth, 6 to 1 8 inches long, including petioles. The flowers are small, greenish- yellow, in stalked cymes. The fruit is globular and fleshy, size of a filbert, black when ripe, containing 3 seeds in distinct cells. Habitat. India and tropical America ; found also in all tropical countries, where it is cultivated for the seeds. Fig., Winkler, 82. History. Name derived from iatron, a remedy, and phago, to eat. Mentioned by Dr. Hering in 1833, Allg. Horn. Zeit. II. 24. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 182 ; X. 554.] Part Used. The dried seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture ; Drug strength ^. Jatropha, zoo Gm. Strong alcohol, icoo Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: ix and higher. JUGLANS CINEREA. Butter Nut. Natural Order. Juglandaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Juglans cathartica, J. oblongata; English, Butter nut, Lemon walnut, Oil nut, White walnut. 338 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A deciduous tree, 30 to 50 feet high, with gray bark, widely spreading branches, the young twigs downy and clammy. The leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate, with serrate leaflets, oblong, lanceo- late, rounded and pointed, downy, especially underneath. The flowers appear in April and May ; the barren, hanging in catkins from the sides of the last year's fruit ; the fertile ones, in short spikes at the ends of the new shoots, are sessile, pubescent and viscid. The fruit ripens in September, the nut deeply cut and rough, with ragged edges, two- celled at the base, very oily. Habitat. United States; found in rich woods. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 247. History. From Jovas and glans, nut of Jove. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1852. Proving of Dr. Paine, Hale's New Rem. 2d ed. 621. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 193; X. 554.] Part Used. The inner bark of root and branches. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Juglans cinerea, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 1 50 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 780 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. JUGLANS REGIA. English Walnut Natural Order. Juglandaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Nux juglans; English, Common English walnut, English walnut, European walnut ; French, Noix commune. Description. A deciduous tree, 50 feet high, with branches smooth, angular, and somewhat speckled. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, with about 9 leaflets, oval, sub-serrate, smooth, nearly equal sized. The flowers appear in April and May, the male flowers in AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 339 catkins, the female flowers on peduncles on the ends of branches. The smooth, globose fruit has a fibrous, fleshy, indehiscent epicarp, and a rough, irregularly-furrowed shell, or endocarp. The green pericarp and leaves have a peculiar odor, and a somewhat astringent and bitter taste. Habitat India to Persia, and temperate Europe. Fig., Goullon, 27. History. Used as a medicine since the time of Hippocrates; at one time a popular domestic remedy. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1845 by a proving by Dr. Mueller, Hygea, XXII. 70. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 197.] Parts Used. The leaves and green, unripe fruit. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ : Drug strength ^. Juglans regia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 470 Cc. . To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, five parts distilled water, four parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. JUNCUS EFFUSUS, Rush. Natural Order. Juncaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Juncus communis, J. lavis; English, Bulrush, Common rush, Soft rush ; French, Jonc commune. Description. A perennial, grass-like plant, 2 to 3 feet high, with a matted, running, short rhizome, bearing thick tufts of stems. The pliant, erect, cylindrical scape contains a soft, spongy pith, and is furnished at the base with short leaflets, or leaf-bearing sheaths. The numerous, small, greenish flowers, appearing in June and July in a sessile, spreading panicle, which protrudes from the side of the scape, about half-way up, have lanceolate sepals and three white anthers as long as filaments. The yellowish seeds are about ^ inch long. 34O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Marshy grounds everywhere in the temperate and arctic zones. History. Name derived from jungo, to join; ropes were first made of rushes. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1841 by a proving by Wahle, Archiv. XIX. 2, 183. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 204.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Juncus effusus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain ow part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA. Red Cedar, Natural Order. Coniferae. Synonyms. English, Red cedar; French, Cedre de Virginie; German, Virginische Ceder, Rothe Ceder. Description. A straight, evergreen tree, 30 to 90 feet high, with many horizontal branches ; its surface disfigured by minute-knots and twigs, covered with densely imbricated leaves, increasing in size as the branches grow, until they become broken up and confounded with the rough bark. The wood is durable, compact, reddish and odorous. The leaves are fleshy, ovate, concave, rigidly acute, with a small gland on the middle of their outer side, growing in pairs, and uniting at the base, and to pairs above and below. The flowers, in April and May, are in smooth, oblong aments. This tree yields small, bluish berries, covered with a white powder. Habitat. Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, westward to Texas, Nevada to British Columbia; growing in dry, rocky places. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 34! History. Incidental proving reported by Dr. Allen, Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 207 ; X. 554. Part Used. The fresh twigs. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Juniperus virgin iana, moist magma containing solids lOoGm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 874 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. KALI ACETICUM. Potassium Acetate. Kali Acetate. Chemical Symbol. KC 2 H 3 O 2 ; 97.89. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii acetas, Potassae acetas, Acetas potas- sicus, s. kalicus, Terra foliata tartari ; English, Acetate of potash, Potassic acetate, Diuretic salt; French, Acetate de potasse; German, Kaliumacetat, Essigsaures kali. Description. Consists of a snow-white powder, or of crystalline masses, of a pearly appearance, odorless, and having a strong saline taste. It is markedly deliquescent. Is soluble in 0.36 parts of water at 15 C. and in 1.9 parts of alcohol; it fuses at 280 C. ; is decom- posed at a higher temperature, emitting acid vapors and leaving a residue of potassium carbonate. Its aqueous solution gives a crystal- line precipitate with acid potassium tartrate, and a deep-red coloration with a few drops of a solution of ferric chlorid. Heated with sulfuric acid, vapors of acetic acid are given off. It is prepared from potassium carbonate and acetic acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 210. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution: -fa in distilled water. b. Diltttions: 2x and higher, with distilled water. All preparations of this salt should be freshly made. 342 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE KALI ARSENICOSUM. Potassium Arsenite. Kali Arsenite. Chemical Symbol. HK 2 AsO 3 . Synonyms. Latin, Potassii arsenitis, Potassii arsenis, Kali arsenio- sum ; English, Arsenite of potassium. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 22 ; X. 555. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : -j-j^. Arsenious acid, fine powder, 10 Gm. Potassium bicarbonate, 20 Gm. Alcohol, 50 Cc. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. Dissolve the arsenious acid and potassium bicarbonate in one hundred (100) cubic centimeters of distilled water by boiling; after the liquid has cooled, add sufficient distilled water to make the solution equal nine hundred and fifty (950) cubic centimeters ; then add fifty (50) cubic centimeters of alcohol, and filter. This may be regarded as the 2x, y^j- solution. b. Dilutions: 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. KALI BICHROMICUM, Potassium Dichromate. Kali Bichromate. Chemical Symbol. K 2 Cr 2 O 7 ; 293.78. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii bichromas, Potassae bichromas, Kalium dichromicum, Bichromas kalicus, Kali chromicum rubrum ; English, Bichromate of potassium, Potassic dichromate, Red chromate of potash, Bichromate of potash ; French, Bichromate de potasse ; German, Kaliumdichromat, Doppeltchromsaures Kali. Description. Consists of large, anhydrous, orange-red, tabular crystals, without odor, and of a bitter, metallic taste; permanent in AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 343 air. Soluble in 10 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. Exposed to heat the crystals melt below redness and are converted into powder ; at a red heat they are decomposed into oxygen, chromic oxid and potassium chromate. The aqueous solution has an acid reaction, gives a yellow precipitate with plumbic acetate, and a red precipitate with argentic nitrate. Heated with concentrated sulfuric acid and alcohol the liquid acquires a deep-green coloration. This salt is prepared from chrome iron ore. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, V. 213 ; X. 556. Maximum dose y, grain. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Solution : ^, with distilled water ; freshly made. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with distilled water; freshly made. All preparations of this salt should be kept but a limited time. KALI BROMATUM. Potassium Bromid. Kali Bromid. Chemical Symbol. KBr ; 1 18.79. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii bromidum, Kalium bromatum, Bro- muretum potassicum, s. kalicum; English, Bromide of potassium, Potassic bromide ; French, Bromure de potassium ; German, Brom- kalium, Kaliumbromid. Description. Consists of anhydrous, translucent, colorless, odorless crystals, having a strong saline and metallic taste ; permanent in air. Soluble in 1.6 parts of water at ordinary temperature, and in 200 parts of alcohol. By the action of a white heat it is volatilized without decomposition. Its aqueous solution gives a white precipitate with acid sodium tartrate. With chlorin water, bromin is set free and can be dissolved in chloroform or carbon disulfid with a reddish coloration. Argentic nitrate produces a yellowish-white precipitate of argentic bromid, insoluble in nitric acid, but soluble in ammonium hydrate. It is prepared from potassium carbonate and bromin. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 264; X. 557. 344 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : T L, with distilled water ; freshly made. b. Dilutions: 2x, with dilute alcohol; 3x and higher, with dis- pensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher; freshly made. KALI CARBONICUM. Potassium Carbonate. Kali Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. K 2 CO 3 ; 137.91. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii carbonas, Potassae carbonae, Kalium carbonicum (purum, s. e tartaro), Carbonas potassicus, s. kalicus, Potassii carbonas purus, Sal tartari ; English, Carbonate of potassium, Potassic carbonate; French, Carbonate de potasse; German, Kalium- carbonat, Kohlensaures Kali. Description. A white, deliquescent, odorless, granular powder, having a strong alkaline taste. Soluble in I part of water at 15 C., insoluble in alcohol. It dissolves in dilute acids, with a production of carbon dioxid ; is unchanged by heat. Its aqueous solutions are alka- line, and give a white, granular precipitate with an excess of tartaric acid. It gives to the flame a violet coloration. It is obtained from the ashes of plants. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 281 ; X. 558. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher; freshly made. KALI CAUSTICUM. Potassium Hydrate. Kali Caustic. Chemical Symbol. KOH ; 55.99. Synonyms. Latin, Potassa, Potassii hydras, Potassae hydras, Potassa caustica, Kali purum, Kali causticum fusum, Kali hydricum fusum, Oxydum potassicum, Lapis causticus chirurgorum; English, Hydrate of potassium, Potassic hydrate, Caustic potash, Hydrate of potassa ; French, Potasse caustique ; German, Aetzkali, Kalium-Hydrat. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 345 Description. Consists of white, hard, opaque masses, showing a crystalline texture when broken, odorless and caustic, extremely deliquescent. Exposed to air it absorbs water and carbon dioxid. Freely soluble at 15 C. in 0.5 part water, or in 2 parts of alcohol. Heated at 530 C. it melts to a clear liquid, and at a bright-red heat is volatilized without decomposition; it gives the flame a violet color. Its aqueous solution has a soapy feel. It forms precipitates with most of the metallic salts. Boiled with organic matter containing nitrogen it emits ammonia gas ; saturated with hydrochloric acid and treated with platinic chlorid, a yellow precipitate is obtained, and with tartaric acid it gives a colorless crystalline percipitate. It is obtained from potassium carbonate and calcium hydrate. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution <$>: Drug strength ^. Kali causticum, 100 Gm. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of solution. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. KALI CHLORICUM. Potassium Chlorate. Kali Chlorate. Chemical Symbol. KC1O 3 ; 122.28. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii chloras, Potassae chloras, Kalium chloricum, Kali oxymuriaticum, Kali muriaticum oxygenatum, Chloras potassicus, s. kalicus ; English, Chlorate of potassium, Potassic chlorate, Chlorate of potash, Hyperoxymuriate of potassa; French, Chlorate de potasse ; German, Kaliumchlorat, Chlorsaures Kali. Description. Colorless, transparent, odorless, rhomboidal prisms, having a cooling, saline taste. Anhydrous and permanent in air. It deflagrates when thrown upon burning charcoal, and may produce explosions when triturated carelessly with sulfur and organic sub- stances, such as charcoal, sugar, etc. It is soluble in 16.7 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in absolute alcohol. It is decomposed by heat into oxygen and potassium chlorid. Its concentrated aqueous 346 THE PHARMACOPEIA OE THE solution gives with tartaric acid a colorless, crystalline precipitate; with concentrated sulfuric acid it detonates. It is prepared by con- ducting chlorin gas into a saturated solution of potassium hydrate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 316; X. 561. PREPARATIONS. a. Ttiturations : ix and higher; prepared with care to avoid explosion. b. Solution': y^ in distilled water. c. Dilutions: 3x, with dilute alcohol; 4x and higher, with dis- pensing alcohol. d. Medications: 4x and higher. KALI CHROMICUM. Potassium Chromate. Kali Chromate. Chemical Symbol. K,CrO 4 ; 193.9. Synonyms. English, Chromate of potassium, Normal potassic chromate, Chromate of potash, Yellow chromate of potash. Description. Consists of yellow, anhydrous, odorless crystals, with a metallic saline taste. Soluble in 0.20 parts of water at 15 C. ; insolu- ble in alcohol. Its aqueous solution is alkaline, and is partly decom- posed by evaporation, with formation of potassium dichromate. Acids, even carbon dioxid, change its solution from yellow to red, producing potassium dichromate. It fuses at a red heat without decomposition. It is prepared by adding potassium carbonate to a hot solution of potassium dichromate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 562. A poison. Maximum dose Y$ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. KALI CYANATUM. Potassium Cyanid. Kali Cyanid. Chemical Symbol. KCN; 65.01. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. ,>47 Synonyms. Latin, Potassii cyanidum, Kali cyanuretum, Kalium cyanatum, Cyanuretum potassicum, s. kalicum ; English, Cyanide of potassium, Potassic cyanide ; French, Cyanure de potassium ; German, Kaliumcyanid, Cyankalium. Description. Consists of white, opaque, very poisonous masses, odorless when dry, emitting an odor of hydrocyanic acid when moist ; deliquescent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 2 parts of water; sparingly soluble in alcohol. It fuses at a low, red heat. The aqueous solution is alkaline, and disengages hydrocyanic acid when treated with hydrochloric or sulfuric acid ; with argentic nitrate a white precipitate is obtained. This precipitate of argentic cyanid is soluble in potas- sium cyanid and in ammonium hydrate. It gives with ferrous sulfate and an excess of hydrochloric acid a blue precipitate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 323 ; X. 562. An active poison, even caus- ing dangerous symptoms when raw cutaneous surfaces are exposed to its action. Maximum dose y& grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. This salt and its preparations should be freshly made. KALI FERROCYANTUM. Potassium Ferrocyanid. Kali Ferrocyanid. Chemical Symbol. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 .3H 2 O ; 421.76. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii ferrocyanidum, Potassae prussias flava, Kali ferrocyanuretum, Kalium borussicum, Cyanuretum ferroso-potas- sicum ; English, Ferrocyanide of potassium, Potassic ferrocyanide, Yellow prussiate of potash ; French, Prussiate jaune de potasse, Ferro- cyanure de potassium ; German, Ferrocyankalium, Blutlangensalz. Description. Consists of large, transparent, yellow tabular crystals, odorless, and of a saline taste. Soluble in 4 parts of water at -15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. Heated to 100 C. the salt loses its water of crystallization and is transformed into a white powder ; at a red heat it is decomposed and leaves a residue of potassium cyanid, ferric oxid and carbon. Its aqueous solution is neutral, and gives with ferric salts a blue, with copper salts a brown, with acid sodium tartrate a 348 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE colorless crystalline, and with cobaltic nitrite a yellow, precipitate. It is prepared by heating organic substances rich in nitrogen, with potassium carbonate and iron. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 330. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. KALI HYPOPHOSPHOROSUM. Kali Hypophosphite. Potassium Hypophosphite. Chemical Symbol. KH 2 PO 2 ; 103.91. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii hypophosphis, Kalium hypophos- phorosum, Hypophosphis potassicus, s. kalicus ; English, Hypophos- phite of potassium, Potassic hypophosphite ; French, Hypophosphite de potasse; German, Kaliumhypophosphit, Unterphosphorigsaures Kali. Description. Consists of white, opaque, sometimes crystalline masses, odorless, and of a strong saline taste. It is extremely deli- quescent. Is soluble at 15 C. in 0.6 part of water, and in 7.3 parts of alcohol. When heated it gives off moisture and subsequently hydrogen phosphid, which burns with a bright flame, leaving a residue of potassium phosphate. It explodes violently when heated with nitrates or chlorates. Its aqueous solution is neutral, and with tartaric acid gives a colorless, crystalline precipitate. A white pre- cipitate is formed when mercuric chlorid is added to the aqueous solution, acidified with hydrochloric acid. It is obtained from calcium hypophosphite and potassium carbonate. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : 2x and higher. If. Solution: -$ in distilled water or syrup. KALI IODATUM. Potassium lodid. Kali lodid. Chemical Symbol. KI; 165.56. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 349 Synonyms. Latin, Potassii iodidum, Kali hydroiodicum, Kalium jodatum, loduretum potassicum, s. kalicum ; English, Iodide of potas- sium, Potassic iodide ; French, lodure de potassium ; German, Jod- kalium. Description. Consists of colorless, semi-transparent, or opaque, anhydrous crystals ; permanent in dry, but deliquescent in moist air. They have a slight odor of iodin, and a saline, bitter, metallic taste. Are soluble in 0.75 part of water and in 18 parts of alcohol at 15 C. This salt fuses below red heat, and volatilizes without decomposition at a higher temperature. Its aqueous solution is neutral, and gives a colorless, crystalline precipitate with tartaric acid, a yellow precipitate with argentic nitrate, insoluble in ammonia, and a bright-red precipi- tate with mercuric chlorid, soluble in either the solution or the reagent ; with chlorin water, iodin is liberated and can be dissolved in chloroform or carbon disulfid with a violet coloration. This salt treated with sulfuric acid gives off violet vapors of iodin. It is pre- pared from potassium hydrate and iodin, and should be kept in well- stoppered bottles. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 331 ; X. 562. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : i x and higher. b. Tincture : ^, with dilute alcohol. c. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications : 2x and higher. KALI MURIATICUM. Potassium Chlorid. Kali Muriate. Chemical Symbol. KC1 ; 74.4. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii chloridum, Kalium chloridum, Chlo- ruretum potassicum, Sal digestivum Sylvii ; English, Chloride of potassium, Potassic chloride ; French, Chlorure de potassium ; German, Kaliumchlorid, Chlorsaures Kali. Description. Consists of white, odorless, permanent cubes, with a saline taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 3 parts of water, slightly soluble in alcohol ; decrepitates when heated ; melts at a low, red heat, and volatilizes without decomposition at a higher temperature. Its aque- 350 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE ous solution gives the potassium test with tartaric acid (vide supra), and a white precipitate, insoluble in ammonium hydrate, with argentic nitrate. The salt is decomposed by nitric or sulfuric acid, giving off hydrochloric acid. It is prepared from potassium carbonate and hydrogen chlorid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. KALI NITRICUM. Potassium Nitrate. Kali Nitrate. Chemical Symbol. KNO 3 ; 100.92. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii nitras, Potassae nitras, Kalium nitri- cum, Nitrum depuratum, Sal petrae, Sal nitri, Nitras potassicus, s. kalicus; English, Nitrate of potassium, Potassic nitrate, Nitrate of potash, Niter, Saltpeter; French, Azotate (nitrate) de potasse, Nitre prismatique, Salpetre; German, Kaliumnitrat, Salpetersaures Kali, Sal peter. Description. Consists of long, striated, odorless, colorless prisms, having a cooling, saline taste. Is permanent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 3.8 parts of water, very sparingly soluble in alcohol. It fuses below redness, and when thrown upon burning coal it deflagrates. At a high temperature it is decomposed, giving off oxygen, nitrogen, and leaving a residue of potassium nitrate and nitrite. Its aqueous solution is neutral, and gives a brown coloration with ferrous sulfate and sulfuric acid ; with diphenylamin and sulfuric acid it gives a blue solution. It is both a natural and an artificial product, and may be obtained from potassium carbonate and nitric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, V. 355; X. 565. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. KALI OXALICUM. Potassium Oxalate. Kali Oxalate. Chemical Symbol. HKC 2 O 4 ; 127.81. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 351 Synonyms. Latin, Potassii oxalas ; English, Oxalate of potassium, Potassic oxalate, Salt of lemons, Salt of sorrel; French, Oxalate de potasse. Description. Consists of transparent, odorless, colorless crystals, with an acid, saline taste. Soluble in 40 parts of water at ordinary temperature; insoluble in alcohol. At a red heat it is decomposed, leaving a residue of potassium carbonate. Its aqueous solution has an acid reaction ; when neutralized it gives with calcium chlorid a color- less, crystalline precipitate. It is contained in the juice of various species of sorrel. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 384. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. KALI PERMANGANICUM. Potassium Permanganate. Kali Permanganate. Chemical Symbol KMnO 4 ; 157.67. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii permanganas, Potassae permanganas, Kali hypermanganicum crystallisatum, Kalium permanganicum, Hyper- manganas potassicus, s. kalicus ; English, Permanganate of potassium, Potassic permanganate, Permanganate of potash ; French, Permanga- nate de potasse; German, Kaliumpermanganat, Uebermangansaures Kali. Description. Consists of dark-purple crystals, of a metallic luster; permanent in air, and of an astringent taste. Is soluble in 16 parts of water at 1 5 C. ; is decomposed in contact with alcohol. It decrepi- tates when thrown upon burning coal, and is decomposed with explo- sion when triturated with sulfur, potassium chlorate, or inflammable bodies ; at a red heat it is decomposed, giving off oxygen. Its aqueous solution is purple, and a very small quantity of the salt is sufficient to give an intense color to a large volume of water. This solution, which is neutral, turns green on the admixture of potassium hydrate. It is decolorized by most organic substances. This. salt is prepared from manganese dioxid and potassium hydrate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 351. 352 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Solution: y^, 2x in distilled water. b. Dilutions : 3x and higher, with distilled water. All preparations of this salt should be freshly prepared and kept in glass-stoppered bottles. KALI PHOSPHORICUM. Potassium Phosphate. Kali Phosphate. Chemical Symbol. K 2 HPO 4 ; 173.86. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii phosphas, Potassae phosphas, Kalium phosphoricum ; English, Phosphate of potassium ; French, Phosphate de potasse ; . German, Phosphorsaures Kali. Description. Consists of white, amorphous, odorless masses, of a saline taste; deliquescent in air. Freely soluble in water. It melts readily at a low temperature, and at a red heat is converted into pyrophosphate. Its aqueous solution gives with argentic nitrate a yellow precipitate, soluble in nitric acid. It is prepared with potassium carbonate and phosphoric acid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. KALI PICRICUM. Potassium Picrate. Kali Picrate. Chemical Symbol. C 6 H 2 K(NO 2 ) 3 O; 266.60. Description. Consists of yellow prisms, of a metallic appearance, and bitter taste. Soluble in 260 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. When heated it assumes an orange color, but becomes yellow again on cooling ; at a strong heat it decomposes with detonation and is exploded by shock. Its aqueous solution gives a yellow color to the skin. It is prepared by neutralizing a hot aqueous solution of picric AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 353 acid with potassium hydrate. All picrates require great care in handling, because of their tendency to explode when exposed to heat, shock, or the actinic rays of light. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, V. 386. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher; prepared with care to prevent explo- sion. KALI SULPHURICUM. Potassium Sulfate. Kali Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. K 2 SO 4 ; 173.88. Synonyms. Latin, Potassii sulphas, Potassae sulphas, Kalium sulfuricum, Sulfas potassicus, s. kalicus, Arcanum duplicatum, Tar- tarus vitriolatus, Sal polychrestum, Glaseri; English, Sulphate of potassium, Potassic sulphate, Sulphate of potash, Vitriolated tartar; French, Sulfate de potasse; German, Kaliumsulfat, Schwefelsaures Kali. Description. Consists of colorless, hard, transparent prisms, or of a white, odorless powder, having a sharp, bitter, saline taste. Soluble in 9.5 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. When heated the crystals decrepitate; they impart a violet-color to the flame. The aqueous solution gives a white precipitate with barium chlorid, and a colorless, crystalline precipitate with tartaric acid, or with acid sodium tartrate. This salt is obtained from potassium carbonate and sulfuric acid ; it is exceedingly hard and difficult to triturate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 387 ; X. 568. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. KALI TARTARICUM. Potassium Tartrate. Kali Tartrate. Chemical Symbol. K 2 C 4 H 4 O 6 .H 2 O; 243.66. 354 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Potassii tartras, Potassae tartras, Kalium tar- taricum, Tartras potassicus, s. kalicus, Tartarus solubilis; English, Tartrate of potassium, Potassic tart rate, Tartrate of potash, Soluble tartar ; French, Tartrate de potasse, Tartre soluble ; German, Kalium- tartrat, Neutrales weinsaures Kali. Description. A white, granular, odorless, crystalline powder, with a mild saline taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 0.7 part of water; almost insoluble in alcohol. When heated it melts, chars, and gives off inflammable vapors, with an odor of burnt sugar; when ignited it leaves a residue of carbon and potassium carbonate. Its aqueous solution gives a white precipitate with barium chlorid and with plumbic acetate, both precipitates being soluble in nitric acid. It is obtained from potassium carbonate and tartaric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 387. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. KALMIA LATIFOLIA. Mountain Laurel. Natural Order. Ericaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Camaedaphnefoliis tini, Cistus chamaerhodo- dendros, Ledum floribus bullatis ; English, Big-leaved ivy, Broad-leaved laurel, Calico bush, Ivy, Lambkill, Laurel, Mountain laurel, Spoon- wood, Spoonbunch ; French and German, Kalmie. Description. An evergreen shrub, or tree, 4 to 20 feet in height, with a smooth stem, and irregular, tortuous, terete branches. The scattered leaves are mostly alternate, petioled, entire, ovate, lanceo- late, ternate and tapering to each end, coriaceous, bright-green on both sides. The numerous flowers are rose-red to pink, varying to white, clammy-pubescent, and appear from May to July at the ends of the small branches, in umbel-like corymbs. Habitat. Common from Maine to Ohio and Kentucky as a shrub 4 to 8 feet high, found on rocky hills and damp soil; tree-like, 10 to 20 feet high, forming dense thickets in the mountains from Pennsyl- vania southward. Fig., Millspaugh, 103. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 355 History. Name from Peter Kalm, a pupil of Linnaeus. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1845 by a proving of Dr. Hering, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 1845, 154. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 388.] Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Kalmia latifolia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. KINO AUSTRALIENSIS. Australian Red Gum. Natural Order. Myrtaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Kino; English, Australian kino, Australian red gum, Botany Bay kino, Eucalyptus kino; French, Kino de 1'Inde; German, Kino. Description. An exudation of several species of the Eucalyptus. It is found in dried masses in the crevices and on the bark of the trees, or is obtained by incisions made through the bark yielding a red juice, which is dried by exposure to the air and sun; it is met with in smooth, angular, dark reddish-brown pieces in thin layers, transparent, and of a garnet hue ; it is odorless, and has an astringent and sweetish taste. Is partially soluble in water, and entirely so in alcohol. Habitat. Western Australia. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1863 by a proving by Dr. Blundell, Month. Horn. Rev. VII. 199. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 403.] Part Used. The gum. 356 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Kino, loo Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. LACHESIS. Lachesis. Order. Ophidia. Family. Crotalidae. Synonyms. Latin, Trigonocephalus lachesis (?); English, Lance- headed viper ( ? ). Description. The virus of a South American serpent, supposed to be the Trigonocephalus lachesis. It was introduced into homoeo- pathic practice by Dr. Hering, who obtained it from the living snake by stunning it with a blow, and then collecting the poison on sugar by pressing the fang upwards against the poison sac. Much difficulty, however, exists in identifying the exact species referred to by Dr. Hering, and from the general description given and the common name applied, it is a question whether the provings were not made from the Lachesis mutus, or the Craspedocephalus lanceolatus, rather than from the Trigonocephalus lachesis. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, V. 432. Part Used. The venom. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations. b. Dilutions. LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA. Red Root. Natural Order. Haemodoraceae. Synonyms. Latin, Dilatris caroliniana, D. tinctoria, Heritiera gmelini, H. tinctoria, Pyrotheca tinctoria; English, Dyer's dilatris, Red wood, Spirit weed. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 357 Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with a deep orange-red fibrous, cylindrical, and more or less horizontal ligneous rhizome. The stem, i to 2 feet high, is erect, simple, hairy above the last leaf. The leaves are alternate, equitant, sword-shaped, clustered at the base and scattered on the stem. The dingy-yellow, woolly flowers appear from July to September in dense compound cymes. Habitat. United States, Rhode Island to Florida; found in sandy swamps near the coast. Fig., Millspaugh, 171. History. Name derived from lachno, wool, and anthos, flower. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1864 by a proving by Dr. Lippe, Am. Horn. Rev. IV. 457. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 471.] Part Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Lachnanthes, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. LACTUCA VIROSA. Poisonous Lettuce. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Intybus angustus, Lactuca foetida, L. sinnata; English, Acrid lettuce, Poisonous lettuce, Prickly lettuce, Strong- scented lettuce ; French, Laitue vireuse ; German, Gif tlattich. Description. A deciduous, biennial herb, with a brown tap root. The solitary, erect stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is round, prickly, smooth, sparingly leafy, slightly branched, pale glaucous-green. The leaves are horizontal, obtuse, prickly, finely-dentate, nearly smooth, the radi- cal ones numerous, 6 to 8 inches long, obovate, undivided, depressed ; 358 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE those of the stem are smaller, often lobed, arrow-shaped, clasping ; the midrib of all is more or less beset with prickles. The small, pale- yellow flowers appear in August, in numerous panicled heads, with many small, cordate bracts. Involucre scales, downy at the tip. The whole plant abounds in a bitter, milky juice of a narcotic odor. Habitat. Western and southern Europe to Siberia; naturalized in some parts of New England ; found in hedges, old walls, ruins, and edges of fields. Fig., Winkler, 87; Goullon, 161 ; Bent, and Trim. 160. History. Name derived from lac, milk, on account of its milky juice. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1840 by provings by Dr. Seidel, Jour. f. Horn. A. M. L., II. 2, 29. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 487; X. 570.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <(>: Drug strength Y 1 ^. Lactuca virosa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. LACTUCARIUM. Lettuce Opium. Synonyms. Latin, Thridace ; English, Lettuce opium ; French, Lactucarium ; German, Giftlattichsaft. Description. A white, rather thick, milky juice, obtained by incision from several species of lactuca, forming scales, or lumps on exposure to the air. It is met with in irregular and shrunken pieces of a reddish-brown color externally, internally opaque, waxy, and when recent, creamy, becoming dark on exposure. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 359 History. Provings were made at the same time Lactuca virosa was experimented with. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 487 ; X. 570.] Part Used. The concrete juice. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. LAMIUM ALBUM. Dead Nettle. Natural Order. Labiatae. Synonyms. Latin, Galeopsidis maculata, Lamium foliosum, L. laevigatum, L. maculatum, L. vulgatum; English, Blind nettle, Dead nettle, White archangel ; French, Ortie morte ; German, Taubnessel. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with cylindrical branched root, and stem 2 feet high, quadrangular, simple, decumbent at the base and hairy. The leaves are opposite, petioled, ovate, cordate, acuminate, serrate, smooth, and veined below. The large, white, sessile flowers, with the tube curved upwards and contracted at the base, having inside a hairy ring, appear from April to September, in axillary, twenty-flowered whorls. The plant emits a very disagreeable odor when bruised. Habitat. Great Britain, France and Germany; naturalized in eastern New England; found in wet ground, hedges, ditches and along roads. Fig., Winkler, 86; Millspaugh, 121. History. Name derived from lamios, the throat, from the form of the flower. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1832 by provings by Stapf, Archiv. XII. 2, 179. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 501.] Parts Used. The fresh leaves and flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Lamium album, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincti^re. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 360 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE LAPIS ALBUS. Gastein Rock, Synonym. Latin, Silico-fluorid of calcium. Description. Is a species of gneiss, held in suspension in the waters of the mineral springs of Gastein, Germany, which take their rise from the foot of the Tauern Mountains. The trituration first used was made from the gneiss rock. Dr. v. Grauvogl, the discoverer of this remedy, calls it a white, primitive, calcium gneiss. The springs are probably the most reliable sources from which it can be obtained. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. LAPPA MAJOR. Burdock. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Arctium bardana, A. lappa, Bardana, Lappa minor, L. officinalis, L. tomentosa; English, Bat weed, Burdock, Hare burr; French, Bardane, Glouteron; German, Klette. Description. A coarse, biennial weed, with a simple, spindle-shaped root i foot or more long, brown externally, white and spongy inter- nally, having thread-like fibers and withered scales near the top, with a feeble, unpleasant odor, and a mucilaginous, sweetish and somewhat bitter taste. The stem, 3 feet high, is round, furrowed, succulent and pubescent, erect, branching and leafy. The large leaves are alternate, long-petioled, the upper ovate, the lower heart-shaped, dentate, green above, whitish, cottony beneath. The purple flowers appear from July to October in smooth heads, the imbricated scales of the involucre forming a hooked bur. Habitat. Found throughout Europe and northern Asia; natural- ized in the United States. It flourishes in nearly all climates in waste places and around dwellings in manured soil. Fig., Goullon, 157, 158; Millspaugh, 92. History. Name derived from lappa, the Latin for bur, or from the Celtic, llap, a hand, because it lays hold of everything near. [Hale's New Rem. 3d ed.] Parts Used. The fresh root and seed. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 361 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength fa Lappa major, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. LATHYRUS SATIVUS. Wild Vetch. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Vernacular, Kesaree, Teoree; English, Chickling, White or wild vetch, Chick pea ; German, Weisse deutsche Kicher. Description. A deciduous, annual climber, with a stem 3 feet high. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, with petioles ending in tendrils, leaflets in single or more pairs. The purple flowers appear singly in June and July on axillary peduncles. Habitat. Levant, and at one time extensively cultivated in southern Europe. History. The name, derived from la and thouros, anything excit- ing, alluding to the medicinal qualities of the bean, was given by Theo- phrastus ; although the seeds were ground and mixed with wheat in bread making, it is a rank poison to most animals. Symptoms in poison cases reported in 1845, Brit. Jour, of Horn. III. 257. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 504.] Part Used. The dried seeds. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. 362 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE LAUROCERASUS. Cherry Laurel Natural Order. Rosaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cerasus folio laurino, C. laurocerasus, C. trape- zuntina, Padus laurocerasus, Prunus laurocerasus, P. lusitanica; English, Cherry bay, Common cherry laurel ; French, Laurier-cerise ; German, Kirsch-Lorbeer. Description. A small evergreen shrub, or tree, 12 to 20 feet high, smooth in every part, with pale-green, shining shoots. The leaves, 4 to 6 inches long, \y 2 to 2^ inches wide, are alternate, short-petioled, oblong, acuminate, re-curved at the point, remotely-serrate, shining, coriaceous, with 2 or 4 small yellow glands at the base beneath. The white, yellow-tinged flowers, with peduncles shorter or as long as the leaves, appear in April and May, in axillary, erect racemes. The presence of prussic acid in all its parts gives the plant a decided flavor and odor, noticeable only when it is bruised. Habitat. The Levant, and found throughout temperate Europe. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 18; Jahr and Cat. 230; Winkler, 37; Goullon, 103 ; Bent, and Trim. 98. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1828 by prov- ings of Hartlaub and Trinks, R. A. M. L., I. 127. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 506 ; X. 572.] Part Used. The leaves gathered in July and August when they have more prussic acid. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ ; freshly made. Laurocerasus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 363 LEDUM PALUSTRE. Wild Rosemary. Natural Order. Ericaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Anthos sylvestris, Ledum decumbens, L. silesiacum, Rosmarinum sylvestre; English, Marsh cistus, Marsh ledutn, Marsh tea, Silesian rosemary, Wild rosemary ; French, Romarin sauvage ; German, Wilder Rosmarin. Description. An evergreen shrub, with stem 2 to 3 feet high, with several clustering rounded branches covered with a rust-colored fur ; bark of stem ash-colored. The leaves, 2 inches long, YT, to % inch broad, are alternate, short-petioled, lanceolate, rolled back on the edges, glabrous, green and shining above, red, rust-colored and downy beneath. The numerous white or pale-rose-red flowers appear in dense terminal corymbs, with filiform, pubescent pedicels. The whole plant has a heavy aromatic odor, and a camphoraceous, bitter taste. Habitat. Northern Europe, Asia, New Foundland, Labrador to Alaska and Aleutian Islands ; found in bogs. Fig. % Flora Horn. II. 23 ; Winkler, 91 ; Goullon, 165. History. Proving by Hahnemann in 1805, Frag, de Vir. Med. 169. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 531.] Part Used The fresh herb. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < .- Drug strength ^. Ledum palustre, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Strong alcohol, 840 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. Culver's Root. Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Callistachya virginica, Eustachya alba, E. pur- purea, Leptandra purpurea, Paederota virginica, Veronica incarnata, V. japonica, V. sibirica, V. virginica; English, Black root, Bowman's 364 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE root, Brinton root, Culver's physic, Culver's root, Tall speedwell, Tall veronica, Veronica, Virginia speedwell ; French, Racine de leptandra, s. de veronique de Virginie ; German, Leptandra-Wurzel. Description. A perennial herb, with a short horizontal, often branched, blackish rhizome, thick as a finger, 6 to 12 inches long, scarred on the upper surface, and giving off horizontally in every direction, numerous, long, slender roots. When fresh the root has a faint odor, and a bitter, nauseous taste, less perceptible when it is dry. The stem, 2 to 7 feet high, is simple, straight, smooth, or slightly downy. The short petioled leaves, 3 to 5 inches long, four- to seven- whorled, are lanceolate, pointed, finely-serrate, nearly glabrous, pale beneath, the upper ones much the smaller. The flowers, varying in color from white to pink, or purple, appear in July and August, in terminal axillary, spike-like, densely-flowered racemes, minutely bracte- ate, 6 to 10 inches long, commonly with several shorter ones. Habitat. Indigenous to the United States from Vermont and Wisconsin, southward in the hills to Georgia, also Japan and eastern Indies; found in limestone countries in moist woods and barrens. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 196; Millspaugh, 114. History. Name derived from leptos, slender, and aner, anther. Veronica said to be a corruption of Betonica; officinal in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1851 by a fragmentary proving by Dr. Gatchell, Am. Mag. of Horn. I. 18. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 556.] Part Used. The fresh root of the second year's growth. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ : Drug strength y 1 ^. Leptandra, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 215 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 565 LILIUM TIGRINUM. Tiger Lily, Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. English, Spotted lily, Tiger lily; German, Tiger Lillie. Description. A perennial plant, with bulbous root. The stem, 4 to 6 feet high, is unbranched and woolly. The leaves are scattered, sessile, three-veined, the upper cordate-ovate, the axils bulbiferous. The large flowers, which appear from July to September in a pyramid at the summit of the stem, are dark-orange colored, with dark or very deep crimson, somewhat raised spots, having the appearance of the spots of the tiger, whence the name. Habitat. China and Japan ; widely cultivated in gardens. History. From Celtic, li, signifying whiteness. The bulbs are said to be used as food in Japan. Introduced into England from China in 1804; first used in medicine in 1867, when it was introduced into homoeopathic practice by a fragmentary proving by Dr. Payne, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 2, 93. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 560.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant in flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fo. Lilium tigrinum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 700 Cc. = 800 Strong alcohol, 333 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, five parts distilled water, four parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. LINARIA VULGARIS. Toad Flax. Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Antirrhinum linarium ; English, Butter and eggs, Ramsted, Snap dragon, Toad flax, Yellow toad flax ; French, Linaire commune ; German, Leinkraut, Flachskraut. 366 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with creeping, some- what woody, fibrous, white root. The stem, 2 feet high, is erect and simple. The leaves, i to 3 inches long, and narrow, are alternate, or more or less scattered or whorled, linear-lanceolate, acute, pale-green, scarcely glaucous. The bright-yellow flowers, with chrome-colored pallets, appear during the summer months, in terminal, densely- flowered racemes. Habitat. Europe; naturalized in America; a very showy, but pernicious weed; found in fields, roadsides and waste places in dry, sandy soil. Fig., Goullon, 184; Millspaugh, in. History. So named on account of its similarity to linum, flax. Used in decoction as a fly poison. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1857, by a proving by Dr. Mueller, Zeit. d. Ver. d. Horn. Aertz. Oest. I. 41. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 587.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Linaria, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. LINUM CATHARTICUM. Purging Flax. Natural Order. Linaceae. Synonym. English, Purging flax. Description. An annual herb, with very small tapering root. The one or more stems, seldom more than a foot high, are slender, erect, and much branched when single ; when more than one they are curved, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 367 obliquely ascending and smooth, with spreading, forked, terminal panicles. The leaves are opposite, obovate-lanceolate, entire, smooth. The small, white, tremulous flowers appear from June to August, and are pendulous before expansion. Habitat Great Britain and Europe generally ; a troublesome weed ; found in dry pastures. History. Name from the Celtic, llin, a thread. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by provings by Dr. Gelston in 1858, Brit. Jour, of Horn. XVI. 147. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 588.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength y 1 ^. Linum catharticum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 50 Cc. = 150 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3 x and higher. LITHIUM BENZOICUM. Lithium Benzoate. Lithium Benzoate. Chemical Symbol Li C 7 H 5 O 2 ; 127.72. Synonyms. Latin, Lithii benzoas, Lithium benzoicum, Benzoas lithicus ; English, Benzoate of lithium ; French, Benzoate de lithine ; German, Lithiumbenzoat, Benzoesaures Lithion. Description. A white, light crystalline powder, or shining crystal- line scales, having a mild odor of benzoin, and an alkaline, sweetish taste; permanent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 4 parts of water and in 12 parts of alcohol. When heated it melts, and at a higher tempera- ture it chars and is decomposed, giving off inflammable vapors of 368 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE benzol with other decomposition products of benzoic acid, and leaving a residue of carbon and lithium carbonate; it gives to the flame a bright-red color. It is prepared from lithium carbonate and benzoic acid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. LITHIUM BROMATUM. Lithium Bromid. Lithium Bromid. Chemical Symbol Li Br ; 86.77. Synonyms. Latin, Lithii bromidum, Bromuretum lithicum ; English, Bromide of lithium ; French, Bromure de lithium ; German, Bromlithium, Lithiumbromid. Description. A granular, odorless, white powder ; having a sharp, bitter taste; extremely deliquescent. Soluble at 15 C. in 0.6 part of water; very soluble in alcohol. It melts at a dull-red heat, and at a white heat slowly volatilizes ; it gives to the flame a bright-red color; its aqueous solution is neutral. When concentrated it gives a white precipitate with ammonium carbonate. The addition of chlorin water liberates bromin, which can be dissolved in chloroform or carbon disulfid with a red-orange color. It is obtained from lithium carbonate and bromin. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : 2x and higher. If. Tincture : -fa in alcohol. c. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: ix and higher. LITHIUM CARBONICUM. Lithium Carbonate. Lithium Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. Li 2 CO 3 ; 73.87. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 369 Synonyms. Latin, Lithii carbonas, Lithiae carbonas, Carbonas lithicus; English, Carbonate of lithium, Lithic carbonate; Frenc/i, Carbonate de lithine, Carbonate lithique ; German, Lithiumcarbonat, Kohlensaures Lithion. Description. A light, white, odorless, crystalline powder, having a mild alkaline taste, and an alkaline reaction ; permanent in air. Solu- ble in 80 parts of water at I5C, much more soluble in water con- taining carbon dioxid; insoluble in alcohol. On heating, the salt melts at a dull redness, and corrodes glass, silver and platinum; it effervesces with acids and imparts to flame the characteristic rose color produced by lithium and its salts. It is prepared from lithium chlorid, or sulfate and ammonium carbonate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 601. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. LOBELIA CARDINALIS. Cardinal Flower. Natural Order Lobeliaceas. Synonyms. Latin, Lobelia coccinea, Trachelium americanum; English, Cardinal flower, Red cardinal plant, Red lobelia. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb. The stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is erect, simple, smooth, or finely pubescent. The leaves are alternate, sessile, oblong-lanceolate, tapering at both ends, slightly dentate, cartilaginous. The large, showy, scarlet flowers appear from May to September, in elongated, terminal racemes, rather one-sided ; leafy pedicels much shorter than the leaf-like bracts. The plant has a milky, acrid, poisonous juice. Habitat. North America from New Brunswick to Saskatchewan southward, east of the Mississippi to Florida and southwestward to Texas ; common in low ground, light rich soil ; found on muddy banks of streams. Fig., Millspaugh, 97. History. Named for Mathias de Lobel, or de 1'Obel, physician and botanist to James I. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1845, by a proving by Dr. Dubs, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. I. 200. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 609.] Parts Used The whole fresh plant. 370 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Lobelia cardinalis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. LOBELIA INFLATA. Indian Tobacco, Natural Order. Lobeliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Rapuntium inflatum; English, Asthma root, Bladder-podded lobelia, Bugle weed, Emetic herb, Emetic weed, Eye bright, Fever cure, Indian tobacco, Lobelia, Puke root, Wild tobacco; French, Herbe de lobelie enflee ; German, Lobelienkraut. Description. An annual or biennial herb, with slender, fibrous, yellowish-white root. The stem, 8 inches to 2 feet high, is round, erect, striated, leafy, paniculately branched above, divergently hirsute below, somewhat angled. The leaves are alternate, irregularly scat- tered, the lower petioled, the others sessile, veiny, ovate, or oblong below, foliaceous or subulate bracts above, longer than the pedicels, acute, irregularly dentate, thin, pubescent and pale-green. The incon- spicuous, small, irregular, pale-blue flowers appear from July to October, in loose, terminal, leafy, spike-like racemes, each from the axil of a small leaf. The plant yields a milky, acrid, poisonous juice. Habitat. North America from Hudson Bay to Saskatchewan, southward to Georgia and the Mississippi; common everywhere. Fig., Goullon, 162 ; Bent, and Trim. 162 ; Millspaugh, 99. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1841 by a proving by Noack, Hygea, XV. 37. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 611.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 371 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Lobelia inflata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. LOBELIA SYPHILITICA. Blue Cardinal Flower. Natural Order. Lobeliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Lobelia coerulea(?), L. glandulosa, L. reflexa, Rapuntium syphiliticum ; English, Bladder-podded cardinal flower, Blue cardinal flower, Blue lobelia, Great blue lobelia, Great lobelia. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with simple stem i to 3 feet high, leafy, somewhat hirsute. The leaves, 2 to 6 inches long, i inch wide, are alternate, ovate-lanceolate, acute at each end, unequally-serrate, thin, somewhat hirsute. The light-blue, rarely white, flowers, nearly i inch long, appearing from July to October, with pedicels longer than the leafy bracts, are solitary, axillary, and crowded in a long spike or dense raceme. The whole plant has a rank smell, and yields a milky, acrid, poisonous juice. Habitat. United States, Canada to Georgia and Louisiana, and west to Dakota; common in low grounds, marshy borders. Fig., Millspaugh, 98. History. Named syphilitica, from its use as a remedy for syphilis by the American Indians. It was called coerulea, from the color of the flower, by Dr. Hering, as a better name than the former, but should not be confounded with the Lobelia coerulea, which is found in southern Africa. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Jeanes in 1870, Hahn. Month. VI. 333. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 618.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. 372 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincttire < ." Drug strength y 1 ^. Lobelia syphilitica, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 435 Cc. = 535 Strong alcohol, 600 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3% and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. LOLIUM TEMULENTUM. Darnel. Natural Order. Gramineae. Synonyms. Latin, Lolium arvense, L. robustum ; English, Bearded darnel, Darnel, Tare, Poisonous darnel ; French, Ivraie ; German, Lolch, Taumslkorn, Taumellolch. Description. An annual herb, with a downy, fibrous root. The several stems are 2 to 3 feet high, leafy, round, stiff, often branched from the lower nodes, smooth, shining below, rough above. The dark- green leaves, 5 to 10 inches long, ^ to >^ inch wide, with short ligules, are spreading, drooping, gradually tapering to the apex, and rough on the upper side. The many five- to seven-flowered, sessile spikelets are arranged singly, edgewise, alternately, on opposite side of the elongated, somewhat flexuose rachis. The seeds ripen in August, on a spike 6 to 12 inches long with a rough stalk. Habitat. Europe, western Asia, northern Africa and India; intro- duced into the United States ; a pernicious weed found among wheat, oats and barley in rainy seasons. Fig., Winkler, 92 ; Bent, and Trim. 295. History. From loloa, the Celtic name for the grass, temulentum, drunken, from its alleged effects. Mentioned in homoeopathic litera- ture in 1836, Allg. Horn. Zeit. VIII. 351. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 622.] Part Used. The dried ripe spikelets, or seeds. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 373 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Lolium, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. LUPULINUM. Lupulin. Natural Order. Urticaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Glandulae lupuli ; English, Hop grains ; French, Lupuline; German, Hopfenmehl, Lupulin. Description. A bright, brownish-yellow (becoming yellowish- brown), granular, resinous powder, having an aromatic odor, and the bitter taste peculiar to hops. The powder is composed of minute, irregularly round, or hood-shaped, and reticulate granules filled with a yellow matter, at first liquid, afterwards resinous. It is obtained from the strobiles of dry hops, constituting about 10 per cent of their weight. This powder should prove free from sand when agitated with water. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. LUPULUS. Hops. Natural Order. Urticaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Humulus lupulus, Strobili humuli, S. lupuli; English, Hops; French, Houblon; German, Hopfen. Description. A perennial plant, giving out annular, rough, flexible stems, which twist and twine from left to right about near-by objects, 374 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE often climbing to a great height. The leaves are opposite on long petioles, are serrate, prickly, rough, of a deep-green color above; the larger are three- to five-lobed. The numerous flowers are axillary and supplied with bracts ; the male, yellowish-white, and arranged in panicles ; the female, on a separate plant, pale-green, and in solitary, peduncled aments of membranous scales, which form the ovoid cone, or strobile. The scales bear the achenia at the base, where both are covered with numerous yellow shining glands, in mass appearing as a granular powder. The ovate strobiles are I to iy 2 inches long of an aromatic odor, and a bitter taste. Habitat. This plant is indigenous to North America and Europe; specially common in the northern and western portions of the United States. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 232 ; Goullon, 233 ; Bent, and Trim. 230. History. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, V. 625. Part Used. The freshly dried hop strobiles. PREPARATIONS. a. Timture : Drug strength -$. Lupulus, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 2x and higher. LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM. Tomato. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Lycopersicum ceresiforme, Mala aurea, M. lycopersica, Poma amoris, Solanum lycopersicum ; English, Love apple, Tomato ; French, Pomme d'amour ; German, Liebsapfel. Description. An annual, cultivated plant, of many varieties, with a weak, trailing stem, hirsute on the branches, and more or less glandular. The leaves are alternate, pinnately-compound, the larger leaflets incised and dentate, the small interposed ones, rounder and often entire, interruptedly, one- to two-pinnate. The yellowish flowers appear from July to September, in racemes opposite the leaves. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 375 Habitat. Warm parts of America; cultivated in most warm or temperate countries. The whole plant has a rank scent and watery juice. History. Name derived from lukos, a wolf, and persicon, a peach. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1839, by a proving by Dr. Gross, Archiv. XVII. 3, 183. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. V. 627.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Lycopersicufn, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, Jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM. Club Moss. Natural Order. Lycopodiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Lycopodium inflexum, Muscus clavatus, M. squamosus vulgaris, M. terrestris repens, M. ursinus, Pes leoninus, P. ursinus ; English, Club moss, Stag's horn, Witch meal, Wolf's claw, Vegetable sulphur; French, Soufre vegetal; German, Barlappsamen. Description. An evergreen trailing plant, with roots of several strong, scattered fibers, resembling a wolf's foot. The stem creeps extensively, and gives off at intervals solitary, straight, simple, wiry shoots, with very leafy ascending branches, the fertile terminating in a slender peduncle, bearing two or three linear cylindrical spikes. The leaves are numerous, small, persistent for many years, scattered, incurved linear and light-green. The brown flowers appear in July and August in erect spikes, mostly in pairs, each composed of an axis and many closely appressed scales. In the axils of the scales are very minute, more or less flattened, reniform, coriaceous, one-celled spores, forming together a pale-yellow powder. This powder is inodorous, tasteless, floating on and not wet by water, showing under the micro- 3/6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE scope four-sided reticulated granules with short projections on the edges ; under long-continued trituration, whereby the shell of the spores is broken, it becomes a lightish-brown unctuous mass. Habitat. Europe and United States ; found in dry woods and hilly pastures, especially northward. Fig., Winkler, 90; Goullon, 296; Bent, and Trim. 279; Millspaugh, 180. History. Name derived from lukos, a wolf, and pes, a foot ; used in medicine principally as an absorbent application in excoriations until introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1828, by a proving of Hahne- mann, Chron. Krank. ist ed. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. -Med. VI. i ; X. 577-] Part Used. The spores. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher; the ix and 2x should be freshly made and thoroughly triturated. b. Tincttire (f> : Drug strength -fa. Lycopodium, previously triturated for many hours, to break the spores, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, a siifficient quantity. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications : ix and higher. N. B. To obtain satisfactory preparations of lycopodium, much time and labor must be employed in the process of triturating the spores, that the oil contained therein may be extracted ; this can be most effectively accomplished by grinding with milk-sugar. The trituration, therefore, is without doubt the most reliable form of preparation. LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. Bugle Weed. Natural Order. Labiatse. Synonyms. Latin, Lycopus macrophyllus, L. pumilus, L. uni- florus ; English, American archangel, Bitter bugle, Bugle weed, Gipsey weed, Gipsey wort, Paul's betony, Red archangel, Sweet bugle, Water bugle, Water horehound, Virginia horehound; French, Lycope de Virginie ; German, Virginischer. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 377 Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a creeping root. The stem from 6 to 18 inches high, obtusely four-angled, with long, slender runners from the base, is smooth, often purplish. The leaves are 3 inches long, opposite, entire toward the base and short-petioled, ovate-lanceolate, the lower pinnatifid, the upper remotely-serrate, somewhat rough, purplish, and beset with granular dots on the under surface. The small white flowers appear from June to September, in axillary, sessile, small capitate clusters. The whole plant has a mint- like odor and aromatic taste. Habitat. North America and temperate regions of Europe, Asia and Australia northward; common in shady, moist places. Fig., Millspaugh, 1 17. History. Name derived from lukos, a wolf, and pes, a foot, from fancied resemblance of the cut leaves to a wolf's foot. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1855, N. A. J. of Horn. IV. 114. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 69.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Lycopus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Magnesium Carbonate. Magnesium Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. Approximately (MgCO 3 ) 4 Mg(OH) 2 . 5H 2 O; 484.62. Synonyms. Latin, Magnesii carbonas, Magnesiae carbonas, Mag- nesium carbonicum, Magnesia hydrico-carbonica, Carbonas magnesi- cus ; English, Carbonate of magnesium, Magnesic carbonate ; French, Carbonate de magnesie, Magnetic blanche; German, Magnesium- karbonat, Weisse Magnesia. 378 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A light, white, odorless powder, with a mild earthy taste. Soluble in 2500 parts of water at ordinary temperature; insoluble in alcohol. At a red heat it is decomposed into carbon dioxid, leaving a residue of magnesium oxid ; it is decomposed by acids, giving off carbon dioxid. It is prepared from magnesium sulfate and sodium carbonate. Light and heavy magnesium carbonates differ in the degree of aggregation of their molecules. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 85. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. Magnesium Chlorid Magnesium Muriate. Chemical Symbol. MgCl 2 ; 95.04. Synonyms. Latin, Magnesii chloridum ; English, Chloride of magnesium, Magnesic chloride, Muriate of magnesia ; French, Chlorure de magnesium ; German, Chlor Magnesium. Description. Consists of colorless, odorless crystals, having a bitter saline taste; very deliquescent in air. Soluble in 1.8 parts of water and in 7 parts of alcohol at 15 C. It melts to a clear liquid at a low, red heat. Its aqueous solution gives a colorless, crystalline precipitate with sodium phosphate, soluble in hydrochloric acid. It can not be prepared directly by the evaporation of a solution of magnesium chlorid, obtained with ammonium carbonate and hydro- chloric acid, as this solution is decomposed into hydrochloric acid and magnesium oxid when heated; to prevent this decomposition, ammonium chlorid is added to the solution and the ammonium mag- nesium chlorid decomposed at a red heat, leaving pure magnesium chlorid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 112. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: 2x and higher. b. Tincture : -^ in dispensing alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: ix and higher. e. Aqueous Solution: ix and higher; for immediate use only. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 379 MAGNESIA OXYDATA. Magnesia. Magnesium Oxid. Chemical Symbol. MgO; 40.26. Synonyms. Latin, Magnesia, M. usta, M. levis, M. calcinata; English, Light magnesia, Calcined magnesia; French, Magnetic calcine'e ; German, Gebrannte Magnesia. Description. A white, very fine, light, odorless powder, with a mild alkaline taste. Soluble in 5142 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. Heated to a red heat it emits a very brilliant white light. It dissolves in acid, and this solution, when saturated with ammonium hydrate, gives a colorless, crystalline precipitate with sodium phos- phate; soluble in hydrochloric acid. It is obtained by heating mag- nesium carbonate to a red heat. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA. Magnesium Phosphate. Magnesium Phosphate. Chemical Symbol. MgHPO 4 7H 2 O; 238.82. Synonyms. Latin, Magnesii phosphas; English, Phosphate of magnesium, Hydric magnesic phosphate ; French, Phosphate de mag- ne"sie; German, Phosphorsaures Magnesia. Description. Thrown down from soluble magnesium salts by disodium phosphate as a white precipitate. Difficultly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. The tertiary phosphate, (PO 4 ) 2 Mg 3 , accompanies in small quantity the tertiary calcium phosphate in bones and ashes of plants; the primary salt, (PO 4 H 2 ) 2 Mg, has not as yet been obtained. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. 380 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE MAGNESIA SULPHURICA. Magnesium Sulfate. Magnesium Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. MgSO 4 7H 2 O; 245.84. Synonyms. Latin, Magnesii sulphas, Magnesiae sulphas, Mag- nesium sulfuricum, Sal amarum, Sal Epsomense, Sal anglicum, Sal Sedliceuse, Sulfas magnesicus; English, Sulphate of magnesium, Magnesic sulphate, Epsom salt ; French, Sulfate de magnesie, Sel d'Epsom, Sel de Sedlitz; German, Magnesiumsulfat, Schwefelsaures Magnesia. Description. Consists of small, transparent, colorless, odorless, crystalline needles, with a bitter, saline taste; efflorescent in dry air. Soluble in 1.5 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. When heated it melts and gives off six molecules of water ; at a red heat the last molecule of water is disengaged. Its aqueous. solution gives with barium chlorid a white precipitate, insoluble in hydrochloric acid ; with an excess of ammonium hydrate and sodium phosphate it gives a colorless, crystalline precipitate, appearing immediately in concen- trated solution, but only after some hours in diluted solutions. It is prepared from magnesium carbonate and sulfuric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 131. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : ix and higher. MAGNOLIA GLAUCA. Magnolia. Natural Order. Magnoliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Magnolia fragrans, M. longifolia, M. virginiana, var. glauca; English, Beaver tree, Magnolia, Laurel, Small or laurel magnolia, Swamp sassafras, Sweet or white bay, White laurel ; French, Magnolier glauque ; German, Graugriine Magnolie. Description. An ornamental, deciduous shrub, or tree, 4 to 40 feet high, with bright, smooth, green twigs, scarred with rings at the insertion of the leaves by the fall of the stipules. The leaves are alternate, scattered along the branches, feathered-veined, oblong-ovate, obtuse, shining above, glaucous and white beneath, marked with minute transparent dots. The globular white flowers appear from May to August, are single, terminal, 2 inches long and very fragrant. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 381 Habitat. North America ; found in swamps from Massachusetts southward near the coast, and as far west as Cumberland county in Pennsylvania ; only a shrub in the northern states, and an evergreen tree, attaining the height of 40 feet, in the south. Fig., Millspaugh, 12. History. Named for Pierre Magnol. The bark was officinal in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia until recently. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. Jones in 1875, Am. Horn. Obs. XII. 304. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Mat. VI. 142.] Part Used. The fresh flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Magnolia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 50x3 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. MANCINELLA. ManchineeL Natural Order. Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Hippomane mancinella, Mancinella venenata; English, Manchineel, Manchioneal ; French, Mancenillier ve"ne"neux ;. German, Manschinapfel. Description. A very poisonous evergreen tree, 12 to 15 feet high, with grayish bark, white soft wood and branching top, giving it the appearance of a fruit tree. The leaves are alternate, long-petioled, oval, somewhat cordate, acute, finely serrate, shining, with a roundish, depressed, brownish gland at the junction with the petiole. The flowers are monoecious, in long, lax, terminal spikes, the male about 30 in number above, the female, solitary, sessile, axillary below. Habitat. Found on the seacoast of the West India Islands. Fig.,. Mure, Path. Bres. History. Name from hippo, a horse, and mane, madness, given by the Greeks to a plant which made horses furious. It was believed to be fatal to sleep under the branches. The whole tree abounds with 382 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE a white, poisonous, very caustic milk, which acts as an escharotic. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1849, by Dr. Mure, Pathogen. Bresil. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 142.] Parts Used. The fresh fruit, leaves and bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength -$. Mancinella, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. MANGANUM ACETICUM. Manganous Acetate. Manganum Acetate. Chemical Symbol. Mn(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 ; 174.52. Synonyms. Latin, Manganesii acetas, Acetas manganosus; English, Acetate of manganese, Manganous acetate ; French, Acetate de manganese ; German, Essigsaurer Braunstein. Description. Consists of pale-red, odorless, permanent, trans- parent plates, having an acid, metallic taste. Soluble in 3.5 parts of water at 15 C. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 151. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MANGANUM CARBONICUM. Manganous Carbonate. Manganum Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. MnCO 3 ; 114.65. Synonyms. Latin, Mangani carbonas, Manganesii carbonas; English, Carbonate of manganese, Manganous carbonate; French, Carbonate de manganese ; German, Kohlensaurer Braunstein. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 383 Description. A pale-red, tasteless powder; permanent in air. Soluble in 7680 parts of water at ordinary temperature, and in 3480 parts of water, saturated with carbon dioxid, at the pressure of the atmosphere; insoluble in alcohol. Heated to redness in the air it assumes a dark-brown color and is converted into manganous-manganic oxid ; ignited in hydrogen it gives a greenish-gray manganous oxid ; when recently prepared it is soluble in ammonium salts. It is pre- pared by precipitating manganous salts with sodium carbonate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 151. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MANGANUM MURIATICUM. Manganous Chlorid. Manganum Muriate. Chemical Symbol. MnCl 2 .4H 2 O ; 197.38. Synonyms. Latin, Mangani chloridum; English, Chloride of manganum, Manganese chlorid. Description. Consists of pale rose-colored masses, of a crystalline texture, odorless, and deliquescent. Soluble at 15 C. in 1.5 parts of water and in 2 parts of alcohol. It melts to an oily liquid at a dull- red heat ; is decomposed by heat in a moist atmosphere, giving off hydrochloric acid and leaving a residue of manganous-manganic oxid. It is prepared with dry chlorin gas and manganous carbonate. Men- tioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 165. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : 2x and higher. b. Tincture : -^, with dilute alcohol. c. Dilutions ; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. MANGANUM OXYDATUM NIGRUM. Manganum Oxid. Manganous Oxid. Chemical Symbol. MnO 2 ; 86.72. 384 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Mangani dioxidum, Mangani oxidum nigrum, Manganesii oxidum nigrum, Manganum hyperoxydatum, Oxidum manganicum ; English, Manganese dioxide, Manganese peroxide, Black oxide of manganese, Pyrolusite ; French, Oxyde (Peroxyde) de man- ganese; German, Braunstein Mangansuperoxyd. Description. Consists of iron-black, or steel-gray, opaque, lustrous, crystalline and amorphous masses, or of rhombic crystals ; specific gravity 4.82. It has at the same time, both feebly basic and feebly acid properties. It seldom occurs pure, but is generally combined with other manganese ores, and also contains silica, ferric oxid and traces of the oxids of cobalt and nickel. It is obtained pure, artificially, by boiling out the residue resulting from a moderate ignition of its nitrate with nitric acid. The residue thus secured is well washed and moderately heated. This salt is obtained in Thuringia, Bohemia and Moravia, also in France, Spain, and abundantly in certain sections of the United States. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 166. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MELILOTUS ALBA. White Melilot Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Melilotus leucantha, M. officinalis, van alba, M. vulgaris ; English, White melilot, Sweet-scented clover. Description. An annual or biennial he'rb, 2 to 4 feet high. The leaves are petioled, tripinnate, with truncate, serrate leaflets and awl- shaped stipules. The small white flowers appear from July to September in spiked racemes. The plant is very fragrant on drying. Habitat. India and Europe; naturalized in the United States; found eastward and in New York, in waste or cultivated grounds. History. Provings, together with those of Melilotus officinalis, made in 1870, by Dr. Bowen, U. S. Med. and Surg. Jour. V. 317. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 176; X. 577.] Part Used. The fresh flowering tops. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 385 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Melilotus alba, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. MELILOTUS OFFIdNALIS. Yellow Melilot. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Trifolium officinale; English, King's or sweet clover, Melilot, Sweet, white or yellow melilot; French, Me"lilot; German, Steinklee, Melilotenklee. Description. An annual herb, 2 to 4 feet high, erect, with spread- ing branches. The leaves are tripinnate, with lanceolate, oblong, obtuse, remotely-serrate leaflets. The yellow flowers appear from July to September, with short pedicels, in axillary racemes. The whole plant is very fragrant when drying. Habitat. Southern and central Europe; in the United States, common in waste or cultivated grounds. Fig., Goullon, 69; Mills- paugh, 49. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1870, by prov- ings by Dr. Bowen, U. S. Med. and Surg. Jour. V. 317. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 176; X. 577.] Part Used. The fresh flowering tops. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. ' Melilotus officinalis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 386 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, Jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. MENISPERMUM CANADENSE. Moonseed. Natural Order. Menispermaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cissampelos smilacina, Menispermum angula- tum, M. smilacinum; English, Canada wormwood, Canadian moon- seed, Moonseed, Texas sarsaparilla, Vine maple, Yellow parilla; French, Menisperme du Canada ; German, Canadisches Mondkorn. Description. A woody, evergreen vine, with a long, cylindrical, yellow root. The stem is slender, 8 to 15 feet long. The leaves are alternate, palmate, peltate, cordate, roundish, three- to seven-angled, or lobed, with petioles inserted near the base and about the length of the leaves. The small greenish-yellow or white flowers appear in June and July in axillary panicles. Habitat. Eastern United States; found on banks of streams. Fig., Millspaugh, 14. History. Name derived from mene, moon, and sperma, seed, so called on account of the crescent shape of the seeds. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1873, by Dr. Hale, New Rem. 3d ed. 318. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 177.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength -$. Menispermum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 387 MENTHA PIPERITA. Peppermint. Natural Order. Labiatse. Synonyms. Latin, Mentha hircina, M. officinalis, M. viridi aqua- tica ; English, Peppermint ; French, Menthe poivree ; German, Pfeffer- minze. Description. An odorous, perennial herb, with creeping, spreading rhizome, multiplying by underground shoots. The stem is square, I to 3 feet high, somewhat hirsute. The leaves are 2 to 3 inches long, opposite, petioled, ovate, oblong, rounded, acute, sharply serrate, dark- green and smooth above, paler below, with numerous glands, sparingly pubescent on the nerves. The small, purple flowers appear during the summer, forming mostly terminal, interrupted spikes or heads. Habitat. Europe, parts of Asia and Africa, and North America, in low grounds, along brooks; cultivated. Fig., Goullon, 210; Bent, and Trim. 203 ; Millspaugh, 1 16. History. Name derived from Mintha, a mythological character. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1853, by a proving by Dr. Demeures, J. d. 1. Soc. Gal. IV. 115. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 1 80; X. 578.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Mentha piperita, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. Buckbean. Natural Order. Gentianaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Trifolium amarum, T. aquaticum, T. fibrinum ; English, Bitter worm, Bogbean, Brookbean, Buckbean, Marsh trefoil, 388 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Water shamrock ; French, Trefle d'eau (demarais); German, Fieberklee, Dreiblatt. Description. A perennial herb, with a rhizome penetrating hori- zontally a great distance into the bog, marked by the remains of sheaths of previous petioles. The leaves are alternate, trifoliate, and arise from the rhizome on long petioles with broad, sheathing stipules at the base, with pale, ovate, nearly sessile, irregularly edged, glab- rous, somewhat fleshy leaflets, \y 2 to 3 inches long, with prominent mid-ribs. The few white or pinkish flowers appear in May and June, on a round scape having a smooth, conical raceme 3 inches long, on stout, glabrous pedicels from the axils of the previous year's leaves. The whole plant, especially the root, is intensely bitter. Habitat. Temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In the United States, Pennsylvania and New England, common in boggy soil. Fig., Winkler, 93; Jahr and Cat. 236; Bent, and Trim. 184; Millspaugh, 129. History. Name signifying mensis, a month, and anthos, a flower. The leaves were formerly officinal, and were used in Lapland as a sub- stitute for hops. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1826, by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L. 2d ed. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 183.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Menyanthes, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. MERCURIALIS PERENNIS. Dog's Mercury. Natural Order. Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cynocrambes, Mercurialis montane ; English, Dog's mercury ; French, Mercurials vivace ; German, Bingelkraut. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 389 Description. A deciduous herb, with extensively creeping root. The stem, I foot high, is square, branchless, leafy above. The leaves, 2 to 3 inches long, are opposite, petioled, ovate, acute, serrate, rough, with small stipules. The green flowers appear in April and May, in long, lateral, erect spikes; the barren, more numerous than the fertile ones, on separate plants, also in spikes, the latter being less evident because concealed among the upper leaves. The whole plant is very poisonous, and is not eaten by any animal. The male and female plants are not intermixed, but each sort grows in large patches, and increases by the root rather than from seed. Habitat. Europe, in shady, mountainous forests, in strong or moist soil. History. Name from the god Mercury; possibly corrupted from muliercularis useful to women. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1843, by a proving by Dr. Hesse, Archiv. XXI. 2, 141. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 193.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Mercurialis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 537 Cc. = 637 Strong alcohol, 500 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. MERCURIUS ACETICUS. Mercurous Acetate. Mercurius Acetate. Chemical Symbol. Hg (C 2 H 3 O 2 ); 259.66. Synonyms. Latin, Mercurius acetatus; English, Acetate of mer- cury, Mercurous acetate, Subacetate of mercury ; French, Acetate de mercure; German, Essigsaures Quecksilber. 3QO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. Consists of colorless, brilliant prisms having a sharp, metallic taste. Permanent in air. Soluble in i part water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. It is decomposed by heat into carbon dioxid, acetic acid and metallic mercury. It is obtained by dissolving red oxid of mercury in warm acetic acid, and should be kept well stoppered and protected from the light. Mentioned in Allen's Ency- clopedia, VI. 235. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS CORROSIVUS. Mercurius Corrosivus. Mercuric Chlorid. Chemical Symbol. HgCl 2 ; 270.54. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum, Hydrargyri perchloridum, Hydrargyrum bichloratum, Hydrargyrum muriaticum corrosivum, Hydrargyri bichloridum ; English, Corrosive mercuric chlorid, Perchloride of mercury, Corrosive sublimate, Bichloride of mercury ; French, Sublime corrosif, Chlorure mercurique ; German, Quecksilberchlorid. Description. Consists of colorless, prismatic crystals, or heavy, white crystalline masses, odorless, and of a strong metallic taste. Permanent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 16 parts of water and in 3 parts of alcohol. It melts at 265 C., forming a colorless liquid, and volatilizes at 300 C. without residue. Its aqueous solution has an acid reaction, and decomposes on exposure to light, mercurous chlorid being formed and hydrochloric acid liberated ; this decomposition can be prevented by free hydrochloric acid or ammonium chlorid. It gives a yellow precipitate with calcium hydrate ; a black precipitate with hydrogen sulfid ; a white, curdy precipitate with argentic nitrate, and a bright-red precipitate with potassium iodid. It coagulates albumen. This salt is obtained from mercuric sulfate and sodium chlorid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 236 ; X. 579. An active poison. Maximum dose % grain. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 3QI PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : ^ in strong alcohol. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations: 2x and higher. MERCURIUS CYANATUS. Mercuric Cyanid. Mercurius Cyanid. Chemical Symbol. Hg(CN) 2 ; 251.76. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyri cyanidum, Mercurii cyanuretum, Hydrargyrum cyanatum, H. borussicum, Mercurius cyanatus, s. borussicus ; English, Cyanuret of mercury, Bicyanide of mercury ; French, Cyanure de mercure ; German, Cyanquecksilber. Description. Consists of colorless, odorless prisms, having an extremely bitter, metallic taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 12.8 parts of water and in 1 5 parts of alcohol. When submitted to heat it decom- poses into metallic mercury and cyanogen gas, burning with a purple flame. On further heating, the black residue, consisting of paracy- anogen and mercury, is entirely volatilized. The salt is decomposed by hydrochloric acid, with formation of hydrocyanic acid and mercuric chlorid. Its aqueous solution yields a black precipitate with hydrogen sulfid, but gives no precipitate with potassium iodid or argentic nitrate, double compounds soluble in water being formed. It is obtained by dissolving mercuric oxid in hydrocyanic acid, and is very poisonous. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 263. Maximum dose % grain. It should be kept in well-stoppered bottles, protected from the light. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : y^ in strong alcohol. b. Dilutions: 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations: 2x and higher. MERCURIUS DULCIS. Mercurous Chlorid. Mercurius Dulcis. Chemical Symbol. Hg 2 Cl 2 ; 470.34. 392 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyri chloridum mite, H. subchloridum, Hydrargyrum chloratum (muriaticum) dulce, Calomelas, Chloruretum hydrargyrosum ; English, Mild mercurous chloride, Subchloride of mercury, Calomel ; French, Protochlorure de mercure ; German, Quecksilberchlorur. Description. Consists of white, fibrous, crystalline masses, or more generally of a heavy, white, smooth, impalpable powder, odorless and tasteless. Insoluble in water and alcohol. When heated it sublimes entirely without previous fusion. Boiled with water, metallic mercury separates and mercuric chlorid is formed. In contact with ammonium hydrate, it turns black ; the same reaction is produced with calcium, potassium and sodium hydrates. Heated with sodium carbonate, it is decomposed, metallic mercury and sodium chlorid being formed. It is prepared from mercurous sulfate and sodium chlorid. The mixture of the dry salts is heated and the mercurous chlorid sublimes, leaving a residue of sodium sulfate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 266. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS. Mercurous lodid. Mercurius Protoiodid. Chemical Symbol. Hg 2 I 2 ; 652.66. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyri iodidum flavum, Mercurii iodidum, Hydrargyri iodidum viride, Hydrargyrii proto-ioduretum, loduretum hydrargyrosum ; English, Yellow mercurous iodide, Green iodide of mercury, Protoiodide of mercury, yellow or green ; French, Proto- iodure de mercure; German, Quecksilberjodiir. Description. A yellow, unstable, amorphous powder, without odor or taste. Insoluble in water or alcphol. On exposure to light it is transformed into red mercuric acid. When heated it turns red-brown, and sublimes without residue. It is prepared from mercurous nitrate and potassium iodid. It should be kept in well-stoppered bottles, protected from the light. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 269. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher; freshly made. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 393 MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER. Mercuric lodid. Mercurius Biniodid. Chemical Symbol. HgI 2 ; 452.86. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyri iodidum rubrum, Hydrargyrum biiodatum, Mercurius biniodatus, Deutoioduretum (biniodidum) hydrargyri, loduretum hydrargyricum ; English, Red iodide of mer- cury, Biniodide of mercury; French, lodure mercurique; German, Rothes Jodquecksilber, Quecksilberjodid. Description. Consists of a brilliant red, crystalline powder, or of prismatic needles, without odor, and of a faint metallic taste. It is permanent in air. Is discolored by light, becoming yellow, and must therefore be kept in a dark place. Is almost insoluble in water ; soluble in 130 parts of alcohol at 15 C. It turns yellow before fusing, which occurs at 240 C., and at a higher temperature sublimes in bright-yellow, tabular crystals, which become red on cooling. Heated with sulfuric acid and manganese dioxid, violet vapors of iodin are given off. It is prepared from mercuric chlorid and potas- sium iodid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 282. A poison. Maximum dose % grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : I x and higher. MERCURIUS NITRICUS. Mercuric Nitrate. Mercurius Nitrate. Chemical Symbol. Hg(NO 3 ) 2 ; 323.58. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyrum nitricum; English, Nitrate of mercury. Description. Consists of large, yellowish crystals, having a strong metallic taste ; deliquescent in air. Readily soluble in a small amount of water, decomposed by a large quantity, freely soluble in water acidulated with nitric acid. It is decomposed by heat, without residue. Its solutions give with potassium iodid a bright-red precipitate, soluble 394 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE in an excess of precipitant. It deposits metallic mercury upon copper. This salt is prepared from mercury and nitric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 292. A poison. Maximum dose % grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. MERCURIUS PR^ECIPITATUS ALBUS. Mercurius Praecipitatus Albus. Mercur-Ammonium ChloricL Chemical Symbol. NH 2 HgCl; 251.18. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyrum ammoniatum, H. praecipitatum album, H. amidato-bichloratum (ammoniato-muriaticum), Hydrargyri ammonio-chloridum ; English, Ammoniated mercury, Mercuric- ammonic chloride, White precipitate; French, Chloramidure de mer- cure, Mercure precipite blanc ; German, Weisser Quecksilberpracipitat, Quecksilber-Chloridamidid. Description. A white, amorphous, odorless powder, having a styptic, metallic taste. Almost insoluble in water and in alcohol. At a red heat it is entirely volatilized. Heated with sodium hydrate solution it turns yellow, and ammonia gas is given off. It is entirely soluble in hydrochloric acid. It is prepared from mercuric chlorid and ammonium hydrate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 294 ; X. 583. A poison. Maximum dose ^ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. MERCURIUS PR^CIPITATUS RUBER Mercurius Praecipitatus Ruber. Mercuric OxicL Chemical Symbol. HgO ; 2 1 5.76. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyri oxidum rubrum, Hydrargyrum oxydatum, Hydrargyri nitrico-oxidum, Mercurius corrosivus (praecipi- tatus) ruber, Oxydum hydrargyricum ; English, Red mercuric oxide, Peroxide of mercury, Red precipitate ; French, Deutoxide (peroxyde) rouge de mercure, Precipite rouge ; German, Rothes Quecksilberoxyd, Rother Pracipitat. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 395 Description. A granular, yellowish-red, odorless powder, at first tasteless, but after some time developing a faint metallic taste. It is insoluble in water and in alcohol, but is dissolved by hydrochloric and nitric acids. On exposure to light it assumes a dark-brown color. Heated to 400 C. it turns black, reassuming its original color on cool- ing. At a red heat it is decomposed into oxygen gas and metallic mercury. It may be obtained from a mixture of mercuric nitrate and metallic mercury. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 295 ; X. 584. Very poisonous. Maximum dose, % grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS HAHNEMANNL Mercurius Solubulis. Hahnemann's Soluble Mercury. Chemical Symbol Approximately, Hg 4 ON.H 2 NO 3 +NH 4 NO 3 . Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyrum oxydum nigrum Hahnemanni, H. oxydulatum nitricum ammoniatum, Dimercurosammonium nitrate; English, Mercury oxide black Hahnemann, Ammoniated nitrate of mercury ; French, Mercure soluble de Hahnemann ; German, Hahne- mann's Anflosliches Quecksilber. Description. A heavy, grayish-black powder, of a slightly acrid, metallic taste. Insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether. It is entirely volatilized by heat with decomposition. Mentioned in Allen's Ency- clopedia, VI. 296. This preparation was discovered by Hahnemann, but its use was later abandoned by him, he signifying his preference for pure mercury (mercurius vivus). The process recommended by him is as follows: " Having purified the mercury it is dissolved cold in common nitric acid, which requires many days. The salt which results is dried on blotting paper, and triturated in a glass mortar for half an hour, adding one-fourth of its weight of the best alcohol ; the alcohol, which has been converted into ether, is thrown aside, and the trituration of the mercurial is continued with fresh alcohol for half an hour each time, until this fluid no longer has the smell of ether. That being done the alcohol is decanted and the salt dried on blotting paper, which is 396 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE renewed from time to time ; afterwards it is triturated for a quarter of an hour in a glass mortar with twice its weight of distilled water ; the clear fluid is decanted, the salt is again washed by a second trituration with a fresh quantity of water, the clear fluid is united to the preceding, and thus we have an aqueous solution of all that the saline mass, consisting of mercurial nitrate, really saturated. The residuum is composed of other mercurial salts, of chlorid and sulfate. Finally, this aqueous solution precipitates by caustic ammonia, the so-called black oxid of mercury (blackish-gray oxidule of mercury)." Hahnemann's method is complex, and the resulting product likely to prove unsatisfactory. The following formula, from the British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, will give better results and secure uni- formity in the preparation : Mercury, by weight, 85 Gm. Nitric acid, 380 Cc. Ammonia, strong solution, 15 Cc. Distilled water, a stifficient quantity. " Mix the nitric acid with two hundred and thirty-five (235) cubic centimeters of the water in a flask, and digest the mercury in mixture, applying a gradually increased heat until about seventy (70) grammes of the metal have dissolved and a small portion of the solution diluted with about twenty times its bulk of distilled water yields a perfectly black precipitate with ammonia. Dilute the hot solution with three hundred and fifty (350) cubic centimeters of the water, and, while warm, filter it into a vessel containing four times its bulk of cold distilled water. Having thoroughly mixed the filtrate with the water, add the solution of ammonia, previously diluted with two hundred and ninety (290) cubic centimeters of distilled water in a thin stream, stirring constantly meanwhile ; as soon as the precipitate has subsided, decant the supernatant liquid, shake the precipitate with a fresh portion of distilled water, collect it on a filter, wash thoroughly, and dry it between folds of filtering paper without the aid of heat." PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. It should be kept in well-stoppered bottles, protected from the light. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 397 MERCURIUS SULPHURATUS NIGER. Mercurius Sulfid (black). Mercury Sub-Sulfid. Chemical Symbol. Hg 2 S; 431.58. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyri sulphidum nigrum, ^thiops mineralis, Hydrargyri sub-sulphidum ; English, Sub-sulphide of mer- cury, Black sulphuret of mercury. Description. A fine, black, heavy, tasteless and odorless powder, insoluble in water and in alcohol. Entirely volatilized by strong heat, forming metallic mercury and red mercuric sulfid. It is made by triturating equal parts by weight of mercury and sulfur until all metallic globules have disappeared. When examined under a strong lens, it should not show any free globules of mercury. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MERCURIUS SULPHURICUS. Mercuric Sulfate. Mercurius Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. HgSO 4 ; 295.62. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyri sulphas, Hydrargyrum sulphuri- cum, Mercurius vitriolatus, Sulfas mercuricus; English, Persulphate of mercury, Normal mercuric sulphate; French, Deuto-sulfate (per- sulfate) de mercure, Sulfate mercurique; German, Schwefelsaures Quecksilberoxyd. Description. A white, crystalline powder of a strong, saline, metallic taste. It becomes yellowish-brown when heated, and white again on cooling. It bears an incipient red heat without alteration, and at a higher temperature volatilizes completely, with partial decom- position. In contact with water it is decomposed with the formation of a yellow powder. It is obtained from metallic mercury and sulfuric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 325. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. 398 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE MERCURIUS VIVUS. Mercury. Mercurius. Chemical Symbol. Hg; 199.8. Synonyms. Latin, Hydrargyrum, H. vivum, Argentum vivum; English, Quicksilver ; French, Mercure, Vif-argent ; German, Queck- silber. Description. A silver- white metal, without odor or taste ; liquid at the ordinary temperature. Insoluble in water or alcohol. It boils at 350 C., and solidifies at 39-5 C. It does not oxidize in air, but when heated is transformed into mercuric oxid, which, by further application of heat, is decomposed into oxygen gas and metallic mercury. It is dissolved by nitric, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, and its solution gives a bright-red precipitate with potassium iodid. It is found native. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 208 ; X. 578. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : ix and higher. MERCURIUS ET KALI IODATUS. Mercurius et Kali Iodid. Potassium Mercuric Iodid. Chemical Symbol HgI 2 2KI ; 783.98. Synonyms. Latin, Potassium iodohydrargyrate, Mercurius iodatus cum Kali iodato ; English, Mercuric potassic iodide, Iodide of mercury and potassium. Description. Consists of long, yellow prisms, having a strong metallic taste. Soluble in alcohol, but decomposed by water and by dilute acids. By the action of heat it gives off water, then melts to a red liquid, from which mercuric iodid separates. It is prepared with potassium iodid and mercuric oxid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher ; the lower triturations prepared fresh. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. MEZEREUM. Mezereon. Natural Order. Thymelaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Chamaedaphne, Chamaelia germanica, Coccus chamelacus, C. gnidus, Daphne gnidium, D. laureola, D. mezereum, Daphnoides, Laureola, Mezerum germanicum, M. officinarum, Thyme- lae ; English, Mezereon, Spurge olive ; French, Laure"ole gentile ; Ger- man, Seidelbast, Kellerhalls. Description. A hardy, deciduous shrub, with stem i to 4 feet high, with smooth, gray bark, easily detachable from the wood, and branches upright, alternate, smooth, tough and pliant. The leaves, 2 inches long, are alternate from the ends of branches, petioled, scattered, lanceolate, entire, very smooth, green, somewhat glaucous beneath. They appear after the flowers, and are soon followed by flower buds of the next season. The fragrant, purple, rose-colored flowers (rarely white) appear from February to April, in lateral clusters on shoots of the preceding year, in axils of fallen leaves, 3 on a stem. The bark, when fresh, has an unpleasant odor, which disappears as the bark dries. The bark of the root is at first sweetish, but afterwards has a highly acrid taste. Habitat. Europe, from Lapland to Sicily, especially in the cen- tral countries. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 33; Winkler, 60; Goullon, 223; Bent, and Trim. 225. History. Name derived from the Persian name, Madzaryoun ; also from daphne, daio, to burn, and phone, noise, crackling when burning. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1805, by Hahne- mann, Frag. d. Vir. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 330; X. 584.] Part Used. The bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < , Drug strength -$. Mezereum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. 4OO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE MILLEFOLIUM. Yarrow. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Achillea alba, A. millefolium, A. myriophylli, A. setacea ; English, Milfoil, Nose-bleed, Yarrow ; French, Herbe au charpentier ; German, Schaafgarbe. Description. An evergreen herb, having a slender, creeping rhi- zome, with numerous filiform rootlets, and long, reddish stolons, with a succulent scale at each node. The stem, i to 2 feet high, is erect, stiff, slightly striate, branched above, more or less covered with white, shaggy hair. The leaves are simple, alternate, bi-pinnatifid, with linear divisions, crowded ; the radical ones are 6 inches long, with wide, lanceolate, oblong petioles; the cauline are smaller, sessile and oblong. The flowers appear from June to October in compound, flat-topped corymbs, involucre oblong, imbricate pale-green. The four or five ray florets are short, white, sometimes rose-colored ; the eight to twelve disk flowers are bi-sexual. Habitat. Widely distributed throughout Asia and North America; found in dry meadows, waste grounds and roadsides. Fig., Winkler, 13 ; Goullon, 145 ; Bent, and Trim. 153 ; Millspaugh, 85. History. Name, achillea, from Achilles, who is said to have applied it to wounds. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1833, by prov- ings of Nenning, Hartlaub and Trinks, Annal. d. H. Klinik, IV. 344. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 366.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Millefolium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 40 1 MIMOSA HUMILIS. Mimosa. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonym. English, Sensitive plant. Description. An annual shrub, the smallest of the mimosae. The stem, i foot high, attains the height of 3 feet or more if kept under glass ; is feeble, rather woody, branched, pubescent above, and covered with very sharp prickles. The leaves are alternate, bi-pinnate, the pinnae, three- or four-paired, with small linear leaflets (6 to 12 on each side of the petiole), which close at the least contact. The small, sessile, violet flowers form silky tufts or hairs. Habitat. Prairies around Rio Janeiro, having been in cultivation more than 300 years. Sparingly naturalized in Florida. Fig., Mure, Mat. Med. 49. History. Name derived from mimos, a mimic, the leaves resem- bling animals in their sensibility. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1849, by Dr. Mure, Pathogen. Bresil. Paris, 146. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 372.] Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Mimosa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. MITCHELLA REPENS. Partridge Berry. Natural Order. Rubiaceae. Synonyms. English, Checker berry, Deer berry, One berry, Par' tridge berry, Squaw vine, Winter clover. 4O2 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A smooth, trailing, perennial herb, with cylindrical, branched, horizontal root. The stem, 6 to 14 inches long, is glabrous, widely branching and rooting at each axilla. The leaves are y 2 inch long, opposite, petioled, round-ovate, entire, dark, shining, green, often variegated with whitish lines, with minute stipules. The fragrant, white, sometimes pinkish, flowers appear in June and July in terminal pairs. The berry-like, scarlet-red fruit has an agreeable taste, and consists of two united ovaries containing several stony seeds. Habitat. Indigenous to North America from Canada to southern extremity of United States ; found also in Mexico and Japan. Common in dry woods, creeping about the roots of trees. Fig., Millspaugh, 77. History. Named for Dr. John Mitchell. Introduced into homoe- opathic practice in 1866, by Dr. Duncan, U. S. Med. and Surg. Jour. I. 252. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 373.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Momordica, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, Jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 3x and higher. MONOTROPA UNIFLORA. Indian Pipe. Natural Order. Ericaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Monotropa morisoniana; Englisli, Bird's nest, Corpse plant, Fit plant, Fit root, Ice plant, Indian pipe, Ova ova, Pine sap, Pipe plant. Description. A parasitic plant, with numerous rootlets, forming a ball of densely-matted fibers. From each clump arise several simple, sub-cylindrical, smooth, leafless stems, 2 to 8 inches high. Small tri- angular scales, in place of leaves, enlarge and become ovate, spatulate, foliaceous bracts towards the summit of the stem, where they pass into the flower. The flowers appear from June to August, are single, terminal, declined, becoming horizontal, slightly pubescent, waxy- white, except where the yellow anthus and flesh-colored pistils are disclosed. Habitat. Florida to Mississippi and thence northward ; common in dark, rich woods. Fig., Millspaugh, 105. History. From monos, one, and tropos, to turn, the flowers turn- ing one way. Case of poisoning mentioned in 1879, Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 585. Part Used. The fresh plant. 404 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Monotropa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture reduced to 600 Cc. = 700 Strong alcohol, 435 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, five parts distilled water, four parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. MORPHINUM. Morphin. Morphium. Chemical Symbol. C 17 H 19 NO 3 .H 2 O; 302.34. Synonyms. Latin, Morphina, Morphia; English, Morphia; French, Morphine; German, Morphin. Description. Consists of transparent, colorless or white prismatic crystals, or fine needles, without odor, and having a bitter taste; permanent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 4350 parts of water and in 300 parts of alcohol. Heated at 100 C. it becomes anhydrous, and at a higher temperature burns without residue. Its solution has an alkaline reaction, and with acid yields salts, most of which are crystallizable ; with nitric acid it gives an orange-red color, changing to yellow; mixed with sugar and sulfuric acid it assumes a bright-purple color, gradually changing to violet-blue, blue, green and yellow ; dissolved in sulfuric acid, and the solution heated to 150 C., the addition of a little nitric acid produces a violet-blue color, changing quickly to blood-red, and afterwards to deep-orange ; with chlorin water it gives an orange color. It liberates iodin from periodic acid. Solutions of argentic nitrate, gold chlorid and chromic acid are reduced by morphin and its salts ; with ferric chlorid it gives a deep-blue color, destroyed by free acids and alcohol but not by alkalies. It is extracted from opium. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 378. Maximum dose y<2 grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : i x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE- OF HOMCEOPATHY. 405 MORPHINUM ACETICUM. Morphin Acetate. Morphinum Acetate. Chemical Symbol. C 17 H 19 NO 3 .HC 2 H 3 O 2 .3H 2 O; 398.12. Synonyms. Latin, Morphinae acetas, Morphiae acetas, Morphium aceticum, Acetas morphines, Acetas morphicus ; English, Acetate of morphine, Acetate of morphia ; French, Acetate de morphine; German, Morphinacetat, Essigsaures Morphin. Description. A white, crystalline, bitter tasting powder. Soluble in 2.5 parts of water, and in 47.6 parts of alcohol at ordinary tempera- ture. It is entirely volatilized at a red heat. Its aqueous solution decomposes when in contact with air, with loss of acetic acid. It gives the reactions of morphin, and is obtained by dissolving morphin in acetic acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 585. Maximum dose y 2 grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MORPHINUM MURIATICUM. Morphin Hydrochlorid. Morphinum Muriate. Chemical Symbol. C 17 H 19 NO 3 HCL.3H 2 O; 374.64. Synonyms. Latin, Morphinae hydrochloras, Morphiae hydro- chloras, M. murias, Morphinum hydrochloricum, Murias (hydrochloras) morphicus, Morphia muriatica ; English, Hydrochlorate of morphine, H. of morphia, Muriate of morphia ; French, Chlorhydrate de mor- phine; German, Morphinhydrochlorat, Salzsaures Morphin. Description. A colorless, transparent, crystalline powder, without odor, and having an extremely bitter taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 24 parts of water and in 62 parts of alcohol. It is fused and entirely volatilized by heat. Its aqueous solution is more stable than that of the acetate. With argentic nitrate a white, curdy precipitate, insolu- ble in ammonia, is obtained. It gives the reactions of morphin, and is prepared from morphin and hydrochloric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 585. Maximum dose ^ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations ; ix and higher. 406 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE MORPHINUM SULPHURICUM. Morphin Sulfate. Morphium Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. (C 17 H 19 NO 3 ) 2 H 2 SO 4 .5H 2 O; 756.38. Synonyms. Latin, Morphinae sulphas, Morphiae sulphas, Sulfas morphicus; English, Sulphate of morphine, Sulphate of morphia; French, Sulfate de morphine ; German, Morphinsulfat, Schwefelsaures Morphin. Description. Consists of colorless, transparent, silky crystals, without odor, and having an extremely bitter taste. Permanent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 21 parts of water and in 702 parts of alcohol. Volatilized by heat without residue. Its aqueous solution is neutral, and gives a white precipitate with both ammonium hydrate and barium chlorid. It gives the reactions of morphin, and is prepared from morphin and sulfuric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 585. Maximum dose y z grain. PREPARATIONS. Ttiturations : ix and higher. MOSCHUS. Musk, Class. Mammalia. Order. Ruminantia. Synonyms. Latin, Moschus orientalis, M. tibetanus, M. tunquin- ensis ; English, Musk ; French, Muse ; German, Moschus. Description. The dried secretion from the preputial follicles of the musk deer. It consists of different sized, dark, reddish-brown, somewhat unctuous grains or crumbs, having a bitterish taste, and a peculiar, penetrating, persistent odor, which is much lessened when the grains are dried, but which reappears when they are moistened. Musk is 50 per cent soluble in water and dilute alcohol, and slightly soluble in strong alcohol. It should have no ammoniacal odor, but should give a slightly urinous odor when freed from particles of hair and skin and heated on platinum foil. Treated with potassa, it gives off ammonia. Musk contains chloresterin, fatty substances and acids, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 407 resinous matter, salts and gelatinous and albuminous compounds. Its odoious principle is probably a product of decomposition in the pres- ence of moisture. The best musk is the Chinese, Thibet or Tonquin, and should be secured in the original sacs, as extensive adulteration of the grains is common. The musk-sac is obtained only from the male, is situated near the preputial orifice, and contains from 60 to 130 grains. Its diameter is about 2 inches, width rather less, thickness about y* inch. Stiff, grayish-brown hairs are arranged on the outside about the opening in the center of the sac. The sacs should show no evidence of having been opened. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 398. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Tincture : Strength ^. Pure musk, 50 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. The musk should first be added to a small quantity of water and rubbed in a mortar until a smooth mixture is obtained, and then the remainder of the water and the alcohol added. The tincture will then be made by maceration. c. Dilutions : 2x to contain two parts tincture, four parts distilled water, four parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. MUREX PURPUREA. Murex. Class. Mollusca. Order. Gasteropoda. Family. Muricidae. Synonyms. Latin, Murex brandaris, Purpurea patula; English, Purple fish ; French, Coquille a pourpre. Description. Consists of the juice which is found in a membranous sac, situated between the heart and liver of this variety of sea-snail 408 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE which belongs to the genus Murex, or genus Purpura. The fresh juice sometimes appears as a tough, viscid, colorless or greenish liquid, which by degrees becomes of a beautiful red color on exposure to the air. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 412. Habitat Found abundantly on the shores of the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas. Part Used. The dessicated juice. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. MYGALE LASIODORA. Texan Bird Spider. Order. Araneidea. Family. Mygalidae. Description. A large spider which spins no web, but which makes its home in clefts of hollow ravines, in volcanic tufas, or in decomposed lava. It has eight eyes ( * .* Y hairy feet, nearly equal in size, the fourth and fifth pairs being somewhat larger than the others. It generally feeds on ants, but often climbs trees by night to catch small birds. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 431. Habitat. Texas. Parts Used. The whole spider. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : $, with dilute alcohol. b. Dilutions ; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. MYRICA CERIFERA. Bayberry. Natural Order. Myricaceae. Synonyms. English, Bayberry, Candle berry, Myrtle bayberry tree, Sweet gale, Wax berry, Wax myrtle; French, Arbre a suif; German, Wachsbaum. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 4OQ Description. An ornamental, evergreen shrub, with acrid astringent root. The stem is 3 to 8 feet high with numerous branches, especially at the summit, the twigs pubescent. The leaves are alternate, oblong- lanceolate, narrowed at the base, sub-serrate at the apex, shining and resinous, dotted on both sides, and very fragrant. The apetalous flowers appear in May and June, the sterile in oblong, the fertile in ovoid catkins, from axillary, scaly buds. The scales of the male cat- kins are acute, erect, ^ to ^ inch long, sessile along last year's branches ; the female are on a different shrub, half the size of the male. The fruit consists of globular, blackish, one-sided nuts about the size of a pea, with a white, waxy outer covering. Habitat. North America, along the Atlantic coast from Florida northward, rare in the interior ; found in sandy soil, on and near the seashore, also on Lake Erie. In the south it is a small evergreen tree, in Delaware and New Jersey a tall semi-deciduous shrub, in the north dwarfed and deciduous. Fig., Millspaugh, 160. History. Name possibly derived from murika, the ancient name of some shrub. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1864, by provings published in Trans. Mass. Horn. Med. Soc. II. 397. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 432.] Part Used. The fresh bark of the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture . Drug strength y 1 ^. Myrica, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 797 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. MYRTUS COMMUNIS. Myrtle. Natural Order. Myrtaceae. Synonym. English, Common myrtle. 4IO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. An evergreen shrub, 6 feet high. The leaves are opposite, ovate-lanceolate, acute, entire, shining, marked with trans- parent dots. The solitary, sweet-scented, white flowers appear in July and August, on axillary pedicels about as long as the leaf. The fruit is a roundish, oval or sub-globular, deep-purple berry the size of a pea, aromatic and astringent. Habitat. Western Asia. Naturalized in Europe; found on rocks and in heaths of southern Europe. History. Name derived from the Greek myrtos, perfume. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1851, by a proving of Dr. Wahle, N. A. Jour. Horn. I. 74. Parts Used. The fresh shoots and leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Myrtus communis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. NABALUS SERPENTARIA. Rattlesnake Root. Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Nabalus albus, var. serpentaria, Prenanthes serpens ; English, Cancer weed, Lion's foot, Rattlesnake root, White lettuce; French, Pied d'Leon, Laitue blanc; German, Weisser Lattich. Description. A perennial herb, with spindle-shaped, tuberous root. The stout, upright, leafy stem is i to 6 feet high, glabrous, or slightly hirsute, sometimes purple-spotted or -splashed. The leaves are irregu- larly alternate, diversely variable, deeply divided, rough-ciliate, thickish. The greenish-white, yellow or purplish flowers appear late in the summer and autumn, in eight- to twelve-flowered corymbose, thyrsoid, paniculate, drooping heads, mostly glomerate at the summit of ascend- ing branchlets, or peduncles. The root is extremely bitter. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 4! I Habitat. Indigenous to North America, common especially north- ward ; found in rich soil on the borders of woods, sometimes in sterile soil in open ground. Fig., Millspaugh, 94. History. The name probably from nabla, a harp, in allusion to the lyrate leaves the plants sometimes present. The milky juice, or a decoction of the root was used as an antidote to the bite of a rattle- snake. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1855, by Dr. Lazarus, N. A. J. of Horn. IV. 352. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 444.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < . Drug strength ^. Nabalus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. NAJA TRIPUDIANS. Naja. Class. Reptilia. Order. Ophidia. Family. Elapidae. Synonyms. Latin, Cobra de capello; English, Hooded snake, Adder of the hood, Spectacled snake ; French, Serpent a lunette ; Ger- man, Brillensohlange. Description. An oviparous, poisonous serpent, varying in length from 2 to 6 feet. Neck dilatable to ninth or tenth vertebra, and about i inch thick, often marked with two black-centered white spots united in front by a curved line. Fangs caniculated and placed in front of the superior maxillae, with smaller, solid teeth behind them. The sixth upper labial scale, which is small, forms a suture with a large, temporal scale. Cobra venom is amber colored, viscous and frothy, and contains proteids belonging to the peptones. Reaction, acid. Specific gravity, from 1.046 to 1.095. That portion of the 412 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE venom soluble in strong alcohol is extremely poisonous, while the albuminous precipitate obtained is only slightly so. A yellow, acrid, pungent powder is left on evaporation. Brief exposure to strong acids does not affect the toxicity of this poison. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 445. Habitat. Hindoostan. Part Used. The venom, procured by compressing the gland while the serpent is either pinioned in a frame or under the influence of chloroform. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution : in glycerin. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with glycerin. c. Triturations : 3x and higher. NAPHTHALINUM. Naphthalin. Chemical Symbol C 10 H 8 ; 127.7. Synonyms. English, Napthalene ; French, Napthalene ; German, Naphtalen. A hydrocarbon obtained by distillation from coal-tar oil. Description. When sublimed this salt consists of colorless, trans- parent, lustrous scales, or when crystallized, of rhombic tables or prisms, having a faint tar-like odor, and a somewhat pungent taste. At ordinary temperatures it volatilizes slowly. It is insoluble in water, or in aqueous solutions of alkalies; soluble in 15 parts of alcohol, and also soluble in ether, chloroform, carbon disulfid, or in warm fixed and volatile oils; specific gravity, 1.15. It melts at 80 C. and boils at 218 C. The vapors obtained by heating it in air are ignited with difficulty, and burn with a red, sooty flame ; when heated, perfectly pure naphthalin is entirely volatilized. It gives a colorless solution with concentrated sulfuric acid. On dissolving this salt and picric acid in hot alcohol, union takes place, and on cooling golden-yellow needles are formed, which yield all the picric acid to ammonia. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 413 NARCEINUM. Narcein. Chemical Symbol. C 23 H 29 NO 9 ; 462.05. Synonyms. English, Narceine, Narceia; German, Narcein. An alkaloid obtained from opium. Description. Consists of long, quadrangular prisms, or of white, silky crystals, without odor, and of a slightly bitter taste. It is soluble m 375 parts of water; sparingly soluble in cold alcohol; insoluble in ether. The addition of a moderate amount of iodin, or of mineral acids, results in the formation of a bluish compound. Narcein yields crystallizable salts, which are seldom freely soluble in water. Its hydrochlorate gives a highly basic salt. Mentioned in Allen's Ency- clopedia, VI. 466. PREPARATIONS. Ttiturations : ix and higher. NARCOTINUM. Narcotin. Chemical Symbol. C 22 H 23 NO 7 ; 412.07. Synonyms. English, Narcotine, Narcotia, Narcotina; German^ Desrosnesches Salz, Narkotin, Opian. An alkaloid obtained from opium. Description. Consists of colorless, shining, rhombic prisms, or of white, flexible, silky needles, odorless and tasteless. Soluble in 400 parts of boiling water, in about 100 parts of alcohol, 33 of ether, 27 of benzol and in 2.7 parts of chloroform; almost insoluble in cold water; insoluble in cold, dilute acetic acid. This salt melts at 176 C. It is neutral to litmus paper. Its salts, which are mostly uncrystallizable, have a bitter taste and an acid reaction ; with cold sulfuric acid it forms a colorless solution which changes, when a trace of nitric acid is present, to yellow, orange and red. The latter color is destroyed on the addition of more nitric acid. A precipitate is obtained from its solution in hydrochloric acid on the addition of caustic potash, or 414 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE other caustic alkali. Narcotin is obtained from opium, being sepa- rated from morphia by the use of ether. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 468. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. NATRUM ARSENICICUM. Sodium Arsenate. Natrum Arseniatc. Chemical Symbol. Na 2 HAsO 4 .7H 2 O; 311.46. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii arsenas, S. arsenias, Natri arsenias, Natrium arsenicicum, Arsenias natricus (sodicus) ; English, Arsenate of sodium, Arseniate of soda, Arsenate of soda, Hydro-disodic arse- niate; French, Arsdniate de soude; German, Natriumarsenat, Arsen- saures Natron. Description. Consists of colorless, transparent, odorless, hard prisms, having a faintly alkaline taste ; efflorescent and deliquescent. Soluble in 4 parts of water at 15 C, and slightly soluble in alcohol at the same temperature. In dry air it loses five molecules of water and appears as a white powder, which when heated to 148 C. gives off the two more molecules of water. Its aqueous solution gives a white precipitate with barium chlorid, and a brown-red precipitate with argentic nitrate, both soluble in nitric acid ; acidified with hydrochloric acid, and heated in contact with a bright strip of copper, a steel-gray film of a metallic appearance is deposited on the copper. Its flame is of a bright-yellow color. Fused upon charcoal it gives the garlic-like odor of arsenic. It is obtained by fusing arsenious oxid with sodium carbonate. A poison. Maximum dose y& grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: 2x and higher. NATRUM BROMATUM. Sodium Bromid Natrum Bromid. Chemical Symbol. NaBr; 102.76. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 415 Synonyms. Latin, Sodii bromidum, Natrium bromatum, Bromure- tum sodicum ; English, Bromide of sodium ; French, Bromure de sodium ; German, Brom natrium. Description. A white, crystalline, odorless powder, having a bitter taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 1.2 parts of water and in 13 parts of alcohol. At a red heat it is volatilized without decomposition. Its aqueous solution gives a yellow precipitate with argentic nitrate ; when treated with chlorin water, bromin is liberated and can be dissolved with a reddish-brown color in chloroform or carbon disulfid. It is prepared with sodium hydrate and bromin. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, VI. 498. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. NATRUM CARBONICUM. Sodium Carbonate. Natrum Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. Na 2 CO 3 .ioH 2 O; 285.45. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii carbonas, Sodae carbonas, Natrium car- bonicum, Carbonas sodicus, Sal sodae depuratus ; English, Carbonate of sodium, Sodic carbonate ; French, Carbonate de soude ; German, Natriumcarbonat, Kohlensaures Natron. Description. Consists of large, colorless, odorless crystals, of a strong alkaline taste. Soluble in 1.6 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. It loses its water of crystallization at a low temperature, and at a red heat the anhydrous salt melts; it effervesces strongly with acids. Its flame is of a bright-yellow color. This salt is extracted from the ashes of sea-weeds, and is also prepared from sodium chlorid, which is converted into neutral sodium sulfate, and decomposed by calcium carbonate and charcoal. Another method by which it is obtained is the ammonia-soda process, based upon the fact that when carbon dioxid is passed through a solution of sodium chlorid in ammonium hydrate, acid sodium carbonate is produced, and trans- formed into sodium carbonate by heat. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, VI. 498. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. 4l6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE NATRUM CAUSTICUM. Sodium Hydrate. Natrum Caustic. Chemical Symbol. NaHO; 39.96. Synonyms. Latin, Soda caustica, Natrium hydricum ; English, Soda, Hydrate of sodium, Caustic soda, Sodic hydrate, Sodium hydroxide ; French, Soude caustique ; German, Natron, Aetznatron. Description. Consists of white, hard, opaque, inodorous masses, having a strong alkaline taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 1.7 parts of water, freely soluble in alcohol. On exposure to the atmosphere it absorbs water and liquefies, then solidifies again and becomes efflorescent in consequence of the absorption of carbon dioxid and the crystallization and efflorescence of sodium carbonate. It is not decomposed by heat. Its flame is of a bright-yellow color ; its aqueous solution is alkaline, and produces a precipitate with most of the metallic salts. It is pre- pared with sodium carbonate and calcium hydrate and is strongly corrosive. PREPARATIONS. a. Solution: -^ in distilled water. b. Dilutions: 2x, with dilute alcohol; 3x and higher, with dis- pensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. NATRUM HYPOPHOSPHOROSUM. Natrum Hypophosphite. Sodium Hypophosphite. Chemical Symbol. NaH 2 PO 2 .H 2 O; 105.84. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii hypophophis, Sodae hypophosphis, Natri hypophosphis, Natrium hypophosphorosum, Hypophosphis sodicus; English, Hypophosphite of sodium, Sodic hypophosphite ; French, Hypophosphite de soude ; German, Unterphosphorigsaures Natron. Description. Consists of a white granular powder, or of small, transparent, shining plates, without odor, and of a bitterish-sweet taste ; markedly deliquescent. Soluble at 1 5 C. in I part of water and in 30 parts of alcohol. When heated above 200 C. hydrogen phosphid, burning with a bright-yellow flame, is given off and a AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOiOPATHY. 417 residue of sodium phosphate and red phosphorus is left. Triturating or heating the salt with nitrates, chlorates or any oxidizing agents causes a violent explosion. Its aqueous solution gives with argentic nitrate a white precipitate, which quickly turns black ; when the solu- tion is acidified with hydrochloric acid the addition of mercuric chlorid gives a white precipitate of mercurous chlorid and metallic mercury. This salt is prepared with calcium hypophosphite and sodium car- bonate, and should be kept well stoppered. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : ix and higher. NATRUM MURIATICUM. Sodium Chlorid. Natrum Muriate. Chemical Symbol. NaCl; 58.37. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii chloridum, Natrium chloratum, Chlo- ruretum sodicum, Sal commune, s. culinare ; English, Chloride of sodium, Sodic chloride, Common salt, Table salt ; French, Chlorure de sodium, Sel commun ; German, Chlornatrium, Kochsalz. Description. Consists of transparent cubes, or a white, odorless, crystalline powder, of a well-known saline taste. It is permanent in air, unless contaminated with magnesium chlorid, when it becomes moist in damp atmosphere. Soluble in 2.8 parts of water at 15 C. ; very slightly soluble in alcohol. Heated it crepitates, and at a bright- red heat it fuses and is slowly vaporized with partial decomposition. Its aqueous solution is neutral ; it gives with argentic nitrate a white, curdy precipitate, soluble in ammonia, insoluble in nitric acid ; it gives to flame a bright-yellow color. It is found as rock salt, and extracted from sea water. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 528. PREPARATIONS. a. Tritnrations: ix and higher. b. Solution : -$ in distilled water. c. Dilutions: 2x, with distilled water; 3x, with dilute alcohol ; 4\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications : 4x and higher. 41 8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE NATRUM NITRICUM. Sodium Nitrate. Natrum Nitrate. Chemical Symbol. NaNO 3 ; 84.89. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii nitras, Sodae nitras, Natrium nitricum, Nitras (azotus) sodicus, Nitrum cubicum ; English, Nitrate of sodium, Sodic nitrate, Cubic niter ; French, Azotate (nitrate) de soude, Nitrate de Chili ; German, Natriumnitrat, Chilisalpeter. Description. Consists of anhydrous, transparent, colorless, slightly deliquescent crystals, having generally a moist appearance, odorless, and of a cooling, saline, somewhat bitter taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 1.3 parts of water and in 100 parts of alcohol. It deflagrates with burning charcoal, and explodes when heated with inflammable sub- stances. At a red heat it is decomposed, giving off oxygen and forming sodium nitrite. On further heating, nitrogen and nitrous oxid are evolved and a residue of sodium oxid and sodium dioxid is obtained. Its flame is of a bright-yellow color. Its aqueous solution, which is neutral, gives with diphenylamin and sulfuric acid a blue coloration. It is prepared from sodium carbonate and nitric acid, and is found native as Chili-saltpeter. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, VI. 598. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM. Sodium Phosphate. Natrum Phosphate. Chemical Symbol. Na 2 HPO 4 .i2H 2 O; 357.52. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii phosphas, Sodae phosphas, Natrium phosphoricum, Phosphas sodicus (natricus) ; English, Sodium ortho- phosphate, Phosphate of sodium (soda), Hydro-disodic phosphate; French, Phosphate de soude ; German, Natriumphosphat, Phosphor- saures Natron. Description. Consists of colorless, transparent, odorless prisms, having a cooling, saline taste; efflorescent. Soluble in 5.8 parts of water at 1 5 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. At 300 C. all its water is AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 419 expelled and it is converted into sodium pyrophosphate. Its aqueous solution is slightly alkaline to litmus, but not to phenolphtalein. It gives with argentic nitrate a yellow precipitate, soluble in nitric acid and in ammonia ; with ammonium hydrate and magnesium chlorid a colorless, crystalline precipitate, soluble in acetic acid, and with ferric chlorid a white precipitate, insoluble in acetic acid. It is prepared from phosphoric acid and sodium carbonate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 60 1. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. NATRUM SALICYLICUM. Sodium Salicylate. Natrum Salicylate. Chemical Symbol. NaC 7 H 5 O 3 ; 159.67. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii salicylas, Natrium salicylicum ; English, Salicylate of sodium ; French, Salicylate de soude ; German, Natrium- salicylat. Description. A white crystalline powder, nearly odorless, and having a sweetish taste; permanent in air. At 15 C. it dissolves in 1.5 parts of water and in 6 parts of alcohol. It is decomposed by heat ; inflammable vapors are evolved and a residue of sodium car- bonate is left. Its aqueous solution, which is slightly acid, gives a violet color with ferric chiorid ; while in a concentrated solution this coloration is nearly black. The concentrated solution gives with hydrochloric and sulfuric acids a white crystalline precipitate, soluble in hot water. This salt is prepared from salicylic acid and acid sodium carbonate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 610. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. NATRUM SULPHO-CARBOLICUM. Natrum Sulfo-Carbolate. Sodium Sulfo-Carbolate. Chemical Symbol. NaSO 3 C 6 H 4 (OH).2H 2 O; 231.56. 420 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Sodii sulphocarbolas ; English, Sulphocarbolate of sodium, Sulphophenate (phenolsulphonate) of sodium ; French, Sul- phophenate de soude ; German, Phenylschwefelsaures Natron. Description. Consists of colorless, transparent, nearly odorless, permanent prisms, having a cooling, saline, bitter taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 4.8 parts of water and in 132 parts of alcohol. When heated it loses its water of crystallization and is converted into a powder ; at a higher temperature it emits inflammable vapors, having the odor of phenol, and leaves a residue of sodium sulfate. Its aqueous solution is neutral, and gives a violet coloration with ferric chlorid; when fused with potassium hydrate, pyrocatechin is obtained. It is pre- pared from phenol, sulfuric acid and sodium carbonate. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. NATRUM SULPHURICUM. Sodium Sulfate. Natrum Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. Na 2 SO 4 .ioH 2 O; 321.42. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii sulphas, Sodae sulphas, Natrium sulphuri- cum, Sulfas sodicus (natricus); English, Sulphate of sodium (soda), Sodic sulphate, Glauber's salt ; French, Sulfate de soude, Sel de Glau- ber; German, Glaubersalz. Description. Consists of large, colorless, transparent, odorless prisms, having a cooling, saline, bitter taste. It effloresces in air, leaving a white powder. Is soluble at 15 C. in 2.8 parts of water; insoluble in alcohol. When heated its water of crystallization is given off, and at a red heat it fuses without decomposition ; at a white heat it volatilizes with partial decomposition. Its aqueous solution, which is neutral, gives a white precipitate, insoluble in acids. This salt is prepared from sulfuric acid and sodium carbonate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 611. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 421 NATRUM SULPHUROSUM. Sodium Sulfite. Natrum Sulfite. Chemical Symbol. Na 2 SO 3 7H 2 O; 251.58. Synonyms. Latin, Sodii sulphis, Natrium sulphurosum, Sulfis sodicus (natricus) ; English, Sulphite of sodium, Sodic sulphite ; French, Sulfite de soude ; German, Natriumsulfit, Schwefelsaures Natron. Description. Consists of colorless, opaque crystals, nearly odor- less, and having a cooling, saline, bitter taste, with an after taste of sulfur dioxid. Soluble in 4 parts of water at 15 C., sparingly soluble in alcohol. At a low temperature it loses its water of crystallization and becomes a powder ; at a red heat it fuses into a mixture of sodium sulfite and sodium sulfate. Its aqueous solution, which is slightly alkaline, gives off sulfur dioxid on the addition of sulfuric or hydro- chloric acids, the solution remaining clear, no sulfur being separated ; with barium chlorid it gives a white precipitate, soluble in hydro- chloric acid. It is prepared by passing a current of sulfur dioxid into a solution of sodium carbonate. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher ; freshly made. NICCOLUM CARBONICUM. Nickel Carbonate. Niccolum Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. NiCO 3 ; 118.45. Synonyms. Latin, Niccoli carbonas; English, Carbonate of nickel ; French, Nickel carbonate ; German, Nickelkarbonat. Description. A greenish-white, crystalline powder ; permanent in air. Insoluble in water; soluble in ammonium carbonate. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. 422 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE NICCOLUM METALLICUM. Metallic Nickel. Niccolum. Chemical Symbol. Ni ; 58.6. Synonym. English, Nickel. Description. A malleable, magnetic metal, resembling silver in appearance. Insoluble in water and alcohol. Its specific gravity is 8.8 and its melting point 1500 C. It is dissolved by sulfuric acid, the solution giving a brownish-black precipitate with ammonium sulfid; a green precipitate with ammonium hydrate, soluble in an excess of precipitant, forming a violet solution; a light-green pre- cipitate with potassium and sodium carbonates; a green precipitate with sodium phosphate, and a light-green precipitate with potassium ferrocyanid. It is extracted from its ores. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VI. 633. PREPARATIONS. Trititrations: ix and higher. NICCOLUM SULPHURICUM. Nickel Sulfate. Niccolum Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. NiSO 4 7H 2 O; 280.14. Synonyms. Latin, Niccoli sulphas ; English, Sulphate of nickel; French, Sulfate de nickel ; German, Nickelsulfat. Description. Consists of green, transparent, odorless, efflorescent prisms, having a sweet, astringent taste. Soluble in 3 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. It loses its water of crystallization at a temperature of 250 C. Its aqueous solution is slightly acid, and gives with barium chlorid a white precipitate, insoluble in acid ; with ammonium hydrate a green precipitate, which dissolves in an excess of ammonium hydrate, producing a violet solution. It is obtained in dissolving nickel in dilute sulfuric acid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 423 NUPHAR LUTEUM. European Pond Lily. Natural Order. Nymphaeaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Nenuphar luteum, Nymphaea lutea; English, European pond lily, Small yellow pond lily ; French, Nuphar jaune; German, Gelbe Seerose, Gelbe Wasserlilie. Description. A perennial, aquatic herb, with a horizontal, thick rhizome, from which arise the petioles and peduncles. The earlier and submerged leaves are roundish, very thin, the floating ones oval and usually narrow, or closed, cordate, entire ; petioles, obscurely tri- angular, smooth, bright-green on each side. The yellow flowers appear in June and July, are axillary, solitary, and have a perfume of brandy. Frequently mistaken for the Nuphar advena, from which it is somewhat difficult to distinguish it. Habitat. Native of most parts of Europe ; found in pools and ponds, and also found at Manayunk, near Philadelphia. History. Name derived from naufar, or nyloufar, the Arabic name of Nymphaea. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1852 by Dr. Pitet, J. d. 1. Soc. Gal. II. 12. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 59.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Nuphar luteum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture reduced to 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, * 468 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. NUX MOSCHATA. Nutmeg. Natural Order. Myristicaceas. Synonyms. Latin, Myristica aromatica, M. fragrans, M. moschata, M. officinalis, Nuces aromaticae, N. nucistae, Nuclei myristicae, Nux myristica, Semen myristica; English, Nutmeg; French, Le muscadier; German, Muskatnuss. 424 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A cultivated, evergreen tree, 30 to 60 feet high, with numerous spreading branches, and covered with grayish-brown, smooth bark. The leaves are alternate, shortly-petioled, simple, oblong, acumi- nate, smooth, dark-green, paler beneath, and aromatic. The greenish- white flowers, 2 to 6 in number, appear in small axillary racemes. The fruit resembles a peach, is solitary and smooth, with a longitudinal groove on one side, and bursts in two pieces exposing the false arillus, known as mace. The seed itself has a thick, hard, outer shell ; its removal when dried exposes the nuclei of the seed, the nutmeg of commerce. Habitat. East Indies, West Indies and South America. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 40; Jahr and Cat. 241 ; Winkler, 94; Goullon, 220; Bent, and Trim. 218. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1833 by Dr. Helbig, Heraklides, I. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 61.] Part Used. The dried seed, coarsely powdered. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Nux moschata, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. NUX VOMICA. Poison Nut. Natural Order. Loganiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Nux vomica officinarum, Solanum arboreum indicum maximum, Strychnos colubrina, S. ligustrina, S. nux vomica; English, Poison nut, Quaker buttons ; French, Noix vomiques ; German, Krahenaugen. Description. An evergreen tree, with a short, crooked, thick trunk, with smooth ash-colored bark, irregularly branched, the twigs highly polished and deep-green. The leaves are opposite, short-petioled, oval, three- to five-veined, shining and smooth on both sides, \y 2 to 4 inches AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 425 long, i to 3 inches broad. The small greenish-white flowers appear in the cold season, in small, terminal corymbs. The berry is round, 3 to 4 inches in diameter, bright-orange colored when ripe, covered with a hard, smooth shell, filled with a soft, bitter, gelatinous pulp, in which the seeds, i to 5 in number, are immersed ; these are flat, irregularly orbicular, about i inch in diameter, ^ inch thick, slightly concavo- convex, with a broad, thickened margin, giving a central-depressed appearance; they are light-grayish or greenish in color, glistening, horny, and have an extremely bitter taste. Habitat. Coromandel, Ceylon and elsewhere in the East Indies. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 45; Jahr and Cat. 243; Winkler, 134; Goullon, 173; Bent, and Trim. 178. History. Said to have been introduced into medicine by the Arabians. It was described about 1540; introduced into homoeo- pathic practice in 1805 by Hahnemann, Frag, de Vir. Med. 143. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 83.] Part Used. The seeds, coarsely powdered. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T L. Nux vomica, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. NYMPH^A ODORATA. Sweet Water Lily. Natural Order. Nymphaeaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Castalia pudica; English, Beaver root, Cow cabbage, Cow lily, European white water lily, Frog lily, Spatter dock, Sweet-scented white pond lily, Sweet water lily, Toad lily, Water cabbage, Water h'ly, Water nymph, White lily ; German, Seerose. Description. A perennial, aquatic, stemless herb, with horizontal rhizome. The leaves, always floating, are orbicular, peltate, cordate, 426 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE cleft at the base to the petiole, entire, smooth and shining, dark-green above, wine color beneath, plainly marked with interlacing veins ; the stipules, broadly triangular, knotted at the apex and appressed to the root-stock. The flowers, appearing from June to September, are large, white, showy, solitary, axillary, very fragrant, opening in the morning and closing in the afternoon, often 6 inches in diameter when fully expanded. Habitat. Common eastward and southward in the United States. This species is tropical or subtropical. It is generally found in ponds and slow flowing water. Fig., Millspaugh, 18. History. Name derived from Nymphe, a water nymph. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1866, Hale's New Rem. 2d ed. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 127.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Nymphaea odorata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 468 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. (ENANTHE CROCATA. Water Dropwort Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, CEnanthe apiifolia; English, Dead tongue, Drop water, Hemlock water drop, Water hemlock, Water lovage, Yellow water dropwort ; French, CEnanthe safranee ; German, Giftige Rebendolde, Safrandolde. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, consisting of many hinge-like branches. The stem is hollow, 2 to 4 feet high, much branched, somewhat forked, leafy, round and furrowed. The lower leaves are large, spreading, tri-pinnate, thin, glabrous and dark-green ; AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 427 the upper are much smaller, often opposite, nearly sessile and pinnate. The white flowers appear from June to August, in large, terminal, convex umbels, containing about twenty small, not crowded, flowers. The root contains a white^ milky juice, becoming yellow on exposure and having a sweetish taste. A very poisonous plant. Habitat. Britain, India, France and Spain, where it grows in marshes and along rivulets ; possibly found in the United States. Fig., Winkler, 102; Bent, and Trim. 124. History. Name from oina, vine, and anthos, a flower, from its odor, resembling that of the vine in flower. Mentioned in homoeo- pathic literature in 1834, Archiv. XIV. 2, 188. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 128.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. CEnanthe, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 600 Cc. = 700 Strong alcohol, 435 Cc. To make .one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. (ENOTHERA BIENNIS. Evening Primrose. Natural Order. Onagraceae. Synonyms. Latin, CEnothera gauroides, CE. parviflora, Onagra biennis, O. vulgaris, Onosuris acuminata ; English, Evening primrose, Large evening primrose, Scabish, Tree primrose ; French, Onagre ; German, Nachtkerze. Description. A deciduous, biennial herb. The root is conical, with thin, yellow or brownish bark, the first year fleshy and succulent, becoming fibrous and woody in the second year. The stem is 3 to 6 feet high, erect, hirsute. The leaves are alternate, 2 to 6 inches long, ovate-lanceolate, flat, acute, obscure, dentate and pubescent ; the 428 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE cauline are sessile, the radical contracted into petioles. The yellow, odorous flowers appear from June to August, in terminal, rather leafy spikes ; they are nocturnal, and wither the next day. Habitat. United States, Canada to the gulf of Mexico, Atlantic to the Pacific coast; found in fields and waste places. Fig., Mills- paugh, 60. History. Name derived from oinos, wine, and thera, a catching, or hunting, and given to some of the plants the roots of which were eaten to awaken a taste for wine. Introduced into homoeopathic prac- tice in 1873 by Dr. Hale, New Rem. 3d ed. 341. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 137.] Parts Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength ^ CEnothera, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. OLEANDER. Rose Laurel Natural Order. Apocynaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Nerium album, N. oleander, N. splendens, N. variegatum ; English, Rose bay, Rose laurel; French, Laurier rose; German, Oleander, Rosenlorbeer. Description. An evergreen shrub, with ligneous, branching root. The stem is 8 to 15 feet high, several inches thick, branched and glabrous. The leaves, whorled in threes, are short-petioled, linear- lanceolate, ribbed beneath, coriaceous, with parallel veins. The numerous, odorless, red (sometimes white) flowers appear from June to October, in numerous terminal corymbs opening in succession. The whole plant is poisonous. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 429 Habitat. Southern Europe and India, escaping from gardens, inclined to be spontaneous in India; found in moist situations. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 60; Winkler, 96. History. Name, nerium, from neros, humid. This plant was described by Dioscorides ; introduced into homoeopathic practice by Hahnemann in 1829, R. A. M. L. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. I38-] Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Oleander, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. OLEUM ANIMALE. Animal Oil. Synonyms. Latin, Oleum animale aethereum, O. animate Dippelii, O. cornu cervi ; English, Dippel's animal oil ; French, Huile animale de Dippel ; German, Hirschhorngeist. Description. Consists of a colorless, or slightly yellow, thin, oily liquid, with a penetrating but not disagreeable odor, and an acrid, burning taste, which changes to a cool and bitter one. It darkens and thickens on exposure to air and light, and is extremely volatile. It is soluble in about 80 parts of water, freely soluble in alcohol, ether and in fixed and volatile oils ; specific gravity, about 0.75. A drop on white paper will evaporate without leaving a gray stain. It contains a large number of volatile bases, including pyrrol, pyridin, picolin, lutidin, collidin and others. This empyreumatic oil is obtained in the preparation of bone-black, and is further distilled and rectified for medicinal use. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VII. 149. 43O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : ^ in strong alcohol. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : 2x and higher. OLEUM CAJUPUTL Oil of Cajuput. Natural Order. Myrtaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Oleum melaleuca cajuputi; French, Huile de cajeput; German, Cajeputol. A volatile oil, distilled from the leaves of Melaleuca leucadendron. Description. A limpid, mobile, greenish oil, having a strong, agreeable odor, as of camphor and rosemary, and a warm, bitterish, camphoraceous taste, followed by a sensation of coolness. It is extremely volatile. Is wholly soluble in alcohol, and is neutral to litmus paper; specific gravity,.o.9i 100.94. Cajuput oil is inflammable and burns without residue. It dissolves iodin with or without the giving off of a few reddish vapors; on the addition of ammonia it becomes of a yellowish color; with sulfuric acid a reddish, changing to a purplish-brown. Its green color is due to the presence of copper, and maybe destroyed by treating with dilute HC1. It should be kept in well-stoppered bottles in a cool place. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : ^ in strong alcohol. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : 2x and higher. OLEUM MORRHUE. Cod Liver Oil. Class. Pisces. Order. Teleostei. Family. Gadidae. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 431 Synonyms. Latin, Oleum jecoris aselli, O. hepatis morrhuae; French, Huile de foie de morue ; German, Leberthran, Stockfisch- leberthran. A fixed oil, obtained from the fresh livers of Gadus morrhua. Description. A limpid, thin, pale-yellow, fixed oil, having a some- what fishy odor, and a characteristic, smooth, slightly acrid, fishy taste. The darker varieties have a more pronounced and disagreeable odor and taste. The pale-yellow oil is soluble to the extent of 2.5 parts in cold alcohol, or i to 2 per cent more in boiling alcohol. Soluble in ether, chloroform and carbon disulfid in all proportions; specific gravity at 15 C, 0.920 to 0.925. A violet color, quickly changing to a brown-red, is obtained by adding sulfuric acid. This change is due to the presence of biliary compounds. The color of cod liver oil may be changed to purple, then violet and brown, by adding nitric acid. This oil contains several glycerides such as olein, stearin, palmitin and myristin. It should be kept in well-stoppered and dry bottles. Men- tioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VII. 169. PREPARATIONS. Tiiturations : ix and higher; freshly made. OLEUM RICINL Castor Oil. Natural Order. Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Oleum Palmae Christi, Ricini oleum; French, Huile de ricin; German, Ricinusol. A fixed oil, expressed from the seeds of Ricinus communis. Description. A nearly transparent, colorless, or slightly yellow, thick, viscid, fixed oil, having a mild, mawkish odor and a bland and rather nauseous taste. In thin layers it dries slowly to a clear varnish on exposure to the air, in larger quantities becoming rancid and of an acid reaction. It is soluble in all proportions in absolute alcohol, ether and glacial acetic acid ; specific gravity, 0.950 to 0.970 ; reaction neutral. Castor oil boils at about 265 C. It thickens with nitrous acid, and finally congeals. Agitated with water and nitric acid in equal parts it gives a whitish mixture, which becomes yellow on the addition of nitrous acid. It should be kept in well-stoppered bottles. 432 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : T ^ in strong alcohol. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. OLEUM SANTALL Oil of SantaL Natural Order. Santalaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Oleum santalum album, O. santali flavi; English, Oil of sandal wood, Oil of santal ; French, Essence de santal ; German, Santelol. Description. A thick, pale-yellow, volatile oil, having a strong, aromatic odor, and a pungent, aromatic taste. It is freely soluble in strong alcohol ; specific gravity, 0.970 to 0.978 ; reaction, slightly acid. According to the United States Pharmacopeia, if ten cubic centi- meters of a mixture of three volumes of alcohol and one volume of water be added to one cubic centimeter of the oil a perfectly clear solution should result ; adulterations are common. This oil is distilled from the wood of Santalum album in Germany, India and England, that prepared in England being considered the purest. Oil of santal should be kept in well-stoppered bottles in a cool place, protected from the light. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : 2x and higher. b. Tincture $: ^ in strong alcohol. c. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: ix and higher. OLIBANUM. Olibanum. Natural Order. Burseraceae. Synonyms. English, Frankincense, Gum olibanum; French, Encens ; German, Weihrauch. Description. Is the concrete juice of several species of Boswellia. These trees have imparipinnste leaves and serrate leaflets. The flowers AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 433 are decandrous, small and racemose. The three-celled, drupaceous capsules contain three seeds. The juice itself appears here as color- less, slightly yellow or reddish, irregularly rounded, or oblong, separate tears from % to Yi of an inch in diameter, with a balsamic odor and a somewhat bitterish taste. It is almost entirely soluble in alcohol ; by triturating it with water a white emulsion is obtained. It softens when heated and burns with an agreeable, aromatic odor. Its fracture has a waxy luster. Olibanum is obtained by making deep incisions in the trees and collecting the milky juice which exudes after it has hardened. It is imported from Arabia, or northern Africa. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. ONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM. False Cromwell. Natural Order. Borraginaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Lithospermum virginianum, Onosmodium hispidum ; English, False gromwell, Gravel weed, Wild Job's-tears. Description. A perennial herb, with a coarse and hispid, rather slender stem, i to 2 feet high. The leaves are alternate, oblong- lanceolate, i to 2^ inches long, ^ to ^ inch broad, the lower narrow at the base, rib-veined, sessile, entire. The flowers are whitish-green, or yellowish, appearing during the summer in terminal, recurved, elongated, and finally erect, raceme-like clusters. Habitat. North America, New England to Virginia and south- ward ; found on hillsides. History. From onosma and eidos, resembling onosma. Parts Used. The root and seed. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Onosmodium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 434 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE fi. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: $x and higher. OPIUM. Opium. Natural Order. Papaveraceae. Synonyms. Latin, Laudanum, Meconium, Opium crudum, O. thebaicum, Papava hortense, P. officinale, P. sativum, P. setigerum, P. somniferum, P. sylvestre, Succus thebaicus; English, Poppy; French and German, Opium. Description. The product of several species of the poppy, prin- cipally Papava somniferum, an annual herb from 4 to 6 feet high, with white, fibrous, tapering root. The stem is erect, round, branched, smooth, glaucous. The large leaves are alternate, clasping, cut-lobed, ' dentate. The solitary white flowers appear in June in Europe and in February in India, on axillary peduncles. The capsule is smooth, glaucous, globular, 2 to 4 inches in diameter, flattened top and bottom, containing numerous seeds, which are destitute of narcotic properties and even used as an aliment. All parts of the plant contain a white juice, most abundant in the capsules, from which it is obtained before they are ripe and evaporated to different degrees pf consistency. The best opium is that which comes from the Turkish provinces. It is found in masses of various sizes, of compressed, globular form, with remnants of leaves, hard and shining externally, soft and tenacious within, becoming brittle on exposure to the air. It has a peculiar, heavy, narcotic, disagreeable smell, and bitter, nauseous, warm taste; is of a dark-brown color, yellow when reduced to powder, readily inflammable, and yields its virtue to water and alcohol. Habitat. Supposed to be a native of the Levant, distributed over Europe and temperate Asia. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 65; Winkler, 107; Jahr and Cat. 246; Goullon, 10; Bent, and Trim. 18. History. The medicinal properties of the juice of the poppy were known prior to the Christian era, at a period as remote as the begin- ning of the third century B. C. Introduced into homoeopathic practice AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 435 by Hahnemann in 1805, Frag, de Vir. Med. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 173.] Part Used. The inspissated juice, constituting the opium of com- merce. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Opium, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. OPUNTIA VULGARIS. Prickly Pear. Natural Order Cactaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cactus humifusus, C. opuntia, Opuntia humi- fusa, O. intermedia, O. italica, O. maritima; English, Indian fig, Prickly pear ; French, Figue de Barbaric ; German, Indische Feige. Description. A peculiar, succulent plant, with fleshy, thick, flat, prickly stem, of broadly-ovate joints, leafy when young, prickly when old. The leaves are minute, ovate-subulate and appressed, axils bristly, rarely with a few small spines. The solitary, sulphur-yellow flowers are sessile and appear in June along the ridges of the joints. Habitat. America, naturalized in southern Europe; found in sandy fields and dry rocks from Nantucket, Mass., southward, usually near the coast, on the Pacific seaboard and on arid land in south- western United States. Fig., Millspaugh, 61. History. Named by Theophrastus, from the Opuntiani, around whose city of Opus it grew. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1841, Allg. Horn. Zeit. XIX. 128. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 237.] Parts Used. The fresh plant. 436 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < / Drug strength -$. Opuntia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture reduced to 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 468 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. OSMIUM METALLICUM. Osmium. Chemical Symbol. Os; 190.3. Synonym. French and German, Osmium. Description. Appears as a lustrous, blue-white, compact mass, or as a grayish-black powder without luster, which, however, it exhibits when burnished. When strongly heated in air its compact mass ignites, and burns until the source of heat is removed; when pre- pared at extremely high temperatures it may be heated to 225 C. without change. It has been heated to the temperature at which rhodium melts (2000 C.) without being fused, and has been obtained in bluish-black, easily divided lumps by igniting precipitated osmium sulfid at the melting temperature of nickel in a gas-coke crucible. In its finely divided state osmium is highly combustible, and burns when ignited till completely volatilized as tetroxid. After exposure to red heat it is less combustible, and nitric and nitro-muriatic acids will not oxydize it. It is obtained by separation from iridium, ruthenium and other metals and from platinum residues. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VII. 241. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. OXYDENDRUM ARBOREUM. Sour Wood. Natural Order. Ericaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Andromeda arborea ; English, Sorrel tree, Elk tree. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OK HOMCEOPATHY. 437 Description A forest tree, 15 to 40 feet high, with peach-shaped, deciduous, membranous leaves, 4 to 5 inches long, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, serrulate on the margin, glabrous, or at first glaucous, and placed on slender petioles. The white flowers are panicled, in long, one-sided racemes, and appear in June and July. The sepals are six in number ; the fruit, an oblong, pyramidal, five-celled and five-valved pod. The foliage has a pleasant, refreshing, acidulous taste. Habitat. Rich woods in Pennsylvania, Ohio and along the Alle- ghany region to Florida. Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Oxydendrum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. P^EONIA OFFICINALIS. Peony. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Rosa benedicta; English, Double peony; French, Pivoine; German, Gichtrose. Description. A tuberous-rooted, ornamental, perennial herb. The root is oblong, rounded, provided with brown tubercles, disposed like strings of pearls, of an offensive, stupefying smell. The stem is 2 to 3 feet high, simple, branched and smooth. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, smooth and green; the lower are bi-ternate, the upper ternate, the leaflets oval and lobed. The red flowers, appearing in May and June, are large and terminal. Habitat. In various parts of Europe, especially the southern; found in woods and groves. Fig., Winkler, 106 ; Goullon, 5. 438 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Named for Dr. Paeon. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1845 by Dr. Schelling, Allg. Horn. Zeit. 28, 182. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 276.] Part Used. The fresh root, dug in the spring; that dug in August is inert. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Paeonia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. PALLADIUM. Palladium, Chemical Symbol. Pd; 106.35. Description. A fairly malleable, ductile, white metal, somewhat softer than platinum, obtained in a gray, metallic, spongy form, or in a firm, compact mass. In the compact form it acquires a high polish from burnishing, and may be hammered into thin plates, or drawn into fine wire. It is soluble in acids, especially in nitro-muriatic acid; specific gravity, 11.4 at 22.5 C. ; it is fused with great difficulty. Heated to 2000 C., in the oxy-hydrogen flame, it volatilizes in greenish vapors, then condenses to a brownish sublimate. Strongly heated in air it is superficially oxydised, the film of oxid being reduced at a higher temperature. In its chemical relations palladium resembles ruthenium and rhodium. It is obtained from the solution which results when platinum ore is heated in aqua regia. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VII. 280. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 439 PAREIRA BRAVA. Pareira. Natural Order. Menispermaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Chondodendron tomentosum, Pareirae radix; French and German, Pareira brava. Description. In medicine this name refers only to the roots of the Chondodendron tomentosum, which is a tall, climbing, woody vine, with broadly-ovate, cordate, long-petioled leaves, about i foot in length, smooth above and covered with an ashy wool beneath. The tiny flowers are unisexual and racemose, while the black oval fruit is about the size of a large grape and appears in bunches. The roots vary from ^ of an inch to 4 inches in diameter, and are obtained in sub-cylindrical, tortuous, fissured and ridged pieces from 4 to 6 inches long, dark-brown or blackish-gray externally, pale-brown internally and showing a fibrous fracture. The thin bark surrounds a porous wood, having two or more concentric zones, separated by waxy tissue, arranged in irregular circles. Pareira brava is almost odorless, and has a distinctly bitter taste. Habitat. West Indies and Central America. Part Used. The dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Pareira brava, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. Herb Paris. Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms Latin, Aconitum pardalianches, A. salutiferum, Solanum quadrifolium bacciferum, Uva lupulina; English, Four- 44O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE leaved grass, Fox grape, Herb Paris, One berry, True love ; French, Parisette, Raisin de renard ; German, Einbeere. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with vertical, rampant, rounded, jointed, fleshy, white root. The stem is 6 to 12 inches high, erect, single, round. The leaves, at the top of the stem, are short- petiolate, opposite, disposed as a cross, veined, broad, oval, pointed, entire, glabrous, shining beneath. The yellowish-green flowers appear in May and June on a terminal peduncle, I to 2 inches long and furrowed. All parts of the plant are green and in fours. Habitat. Throughout Europe in wet woods. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 98; Winkler, 114. History. Name derived from par, equal, alluding to the regularity of its parts. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1829 by Dr. Stapf, Archiv. VIII. i, 177. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 282.] Parts Used. The whole plant in flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Paris quadrifolia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. PASSIFLORA INCARNATA. Passion Flower. Natural Order. Passifloraceae. Synonyms. English, Maypop, Rose-colored passion flower, White passion flower. Description. A perennial herb, stem nearly smooth, climbing by tendrils, 20 to 30 feet high. The leaves h.ave petioles bearing two glands; are alternate, three-lobed, serrated, smooth. The flowers, appearing from May to July on jointed, axillary peduncles, are large, 2 inches broad, nearly white, with a triple, purple and flesh-colored crown. Habitat. Virginia and southern Kentucky, in dry soil. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 44! History Name derived from passio, passion, and flos, flower. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hall in 1875, New Rem. 4th ed. 483. Part Used. The leaves of plant growing on the uplands. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength ^. Passiflora, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. PASTINACA SATIVA. Parsnip. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonym. English, Parsnip. Description. A biennial herb, with a fusiform, long, fleshy, succu- lent, white or cream-colored, sweet and aromatic root. The stem, 3 to 6 feet high, is grooved and smooth. The leaves are pinnately com- pound ; the leaflets, 3 to 8 pairs, are ovate or oblong, obtuse, dentate, shining above ; petioles sheathed. The yellow flowers appear in July, in large and flat terminal umbels. Habitat. Introduced in Europe, from India to Britain. Fig., Millspaugh, 63. History. Name derived from pastus, nourishment. Effects of eating old roots, reported in Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 291. Part Used. Roots of the second year's growth. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Pastinaca, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 787 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 442 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. PAULLINIA PINNATA. Winged Leaved Paullinia. Natural Order. Sapindaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Paullinia timbo; English, Winged leaved paullinia ; Vernacular, Cururu-ape, Guaratimbo, Timbo sipo. Description. An evergreen, climbing herb, with long, fasciculate, branching roots, hairy at their extremities. The stem is 15 feet long, of flexible, tenacious wood, with slender, slightly pubescent branches, having deep, parallel furrows. The leaves are alternate, with winged petioles ; leaflets, in two pairs with an odd one, are sessile, ovate, lanceolate, crenate. The small white flowers appear in axillary spikes which are accompanied by leaflets. Habitat. Found in the woods in the West Indies and Brazil. Fig., Mure, Mat. Med. History. Named by Linnaeus for Simon Paulli. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Mure, Pathogen. Brazil. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 292.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength Y 1 ^. Paullinia pinnata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 787 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3 x and higher. ' PAULLINIA SORBILIS. Brazilian Cocoa. Natural Order. Sapindaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Paullinia cupana, Guarana; English, Brazilian cocoa, Guarana bread ; French and German, Guarana. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 443 Description. A preparation of the seeds of the Paullinia, a climb- ing shrub with angular, smooth stem and alternate, long-petioled, variously divided, compound leaves. Flowers are white, 4 inches or more long, in erect, axillary racemes. The seeds, having the appear- ance of miniature horse-chestnuts, ripen in October, are roasted, powdered, mixed with water, and moulded into cylindrical or globular masses, hardened in the sun or by the smoke of a fire. They are brittle, dark reddish-brown, slightly bitter in taste, and with an odor of chocolate. Habitat. South America, northern and western provinces of Brazil. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 67. History. The name Guarana is derived from Guaranis, the tribe of Indians by whom it is exclusively made. The shrub is named for Prof. Paulli, or Paullini, and sorbilis, potable, from its use as a drink. It is extensively used in Brazil, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and other parts of South America, as a remedy and as a refreshing beverage. Men- tioned in homoeopathic literature in 1857, N. A. Jour, of Horn. VI. 125. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IV. 511 ; X. 539.] Part Used. Paste made from the seeds. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. PENTHORUM SEDOIDES. Stone Crop. Natural Order. Crassulaceae. Synonyms. English, Stone crop, Virginia stone crop, Ditch-stone crop. Description. An evergreen, perennial herb, with erect stem, about i foot high, simple, or somewhat branched, and angled. The leaves are scattered, sessile, lanceolate, acute at both ends, and sharply- serrate. The yellowish-green flowers appear from July to October, loosely spiked along the upper side of the naked branches of the cyme. Habitat. United States ; found in open, wet places generally. Fig., Millspaugh, 57. 444 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Name derived from pente, five, possibly in allusion to the five marked angles of the capsules, or the quinary order of the flowers, and horos, a boundary. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1876 by Dr. Morrow, U. S. Med. Invest, n. s. III. 564, June 15, 1876. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 301.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Penthorum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. PETROLEUM. Coal Oil. Synonyms. Latin, Oleum petrae album, O. terras; English, Rock oil, Coal oil ; French, Petrole, Huile mineral ; German, Steinol, Bergol. Description. Consists of a thin, limpid, colorless, or pale-yellow liquid, having a characteristic odor and taste. Specific gravity 0.8 to 0.9. It evaporates entirely when dropped on white paper without leaving a greasy stain. Petroleum is inflammable, and burns with a bright, sooty flame. It is a native rock oil, obtained largely from wells sunk in the ground. The name is used to designate several liquid hydrocarbons. The substance used by Hahnemann in his proving of this drug was obtained by agitating the liquid portion of crude Ragoon rock oil with sulfuric acid, and rectifying the portion upon which the acid does not act. To remove other volatile oils it should be washed with an equal quantity of strong alcohol. Mentioned in Allen's Ency- clopedia, VII. 311. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 445 PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Tincture : ^ with strong alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: ix and higher. PETROSELINUM SATIVUM. Parsley. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Apium hortensis, A. petroselinum, Carum petroselinum ; English, Parsley, Garden or rock parsley; French, Persil; German, Gemeine Petersilie. Description. A biennial herb (or perennial if not allowed to flower), with a spindle-shaped, whitish, fleshy root. The stems, 2 to 4 feet high, are smooth-branched, glabrous, striated, with long, thin branches. The leaves are alternate, mostly compound, smooth, pale- green, and shining ; the radical leaves are bi-ternate, on long, channelled stalks ; the cauline are linear, pinnate, with smooth, three-lobed leaflets, notched at margin. The small, pale-yellow flowers appear in June and July in terminal, compound umbels. Habitat. Native of eastern and southern Europe and India, growing on shady rocks. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 249. History. Name derived from petros, rock, and selinum, parsley. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1841 by Dr. Bethman, Archiv. XVIII. 3, 34. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 333.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength y\y. Petroselinum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 450 Cc. = 550 Strong alcohol, 586 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 446 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM. Water Hemlock. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, CEnanthe phellandrium, CE. sarmentosa, Foenic- ulum aquaticum, F. caballinum ; English, Five-leaved water hemlock, Drop-wort, Water hemlock ; French, Cigue aquatique, Fenouil d'eau ; German, Wasserfenchel. Description. A biennial herb, with spindle-shaped, thick root, with many whorled fibers, horizontal, crooked, oblique, resembling a turnip. The stem, 2 to 5 feet high, is hollow, furrowed, half immersed in water, very bushy, with numerous spreading, leafy branches. The dark-green and shining leaves are petiolate, spreading, tri-pinnate, with innumerable fine, expanded, acute segments. The numerous white flowers are all fertile, the upper ones largest, appearing in short, stalked umbels, opposite the leaves. Habitat. A native of northern Asia; found nearly all over Europe in swamps and ditches. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 250. History. Named from phello, to deceive, and aner, a man, and also oenanthe, signifying wine-flower, in allusion to the vinous odor of the blossoms. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1829 by Hartlaub and Trinks, R. A. M. L. II. 138. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 335-] Part Used. The fresh dried fruit. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength ^. Phellandrium, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. PHOSPHORUS. Phosphorus. Chemical Symbol. P ; 30.96. Synonyms. French, Phosphore; German, Phosphor. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 447 Description. A transparent or translucent, colorless or pale-yellow solid, of a waxy-luster and consistency at ordinary temperatures, but brittle and crystalline at low temperatures. It is odorless and taste- less until exposed to the air, when it emits white vapors, luminous in the dark and of a garlicky odor. It is soluble in 350 parts of absolute alcohol at 15 C, in 240 parts of boiling absolute alcohol, in about 667 parts of 95 per cent alcohol, in 80 parts of absolute ether, and in about 50 parts of any fatty oil; insoluble, or nearly so, in water; specific gravity, 1.83. Phosphorus is very inflammable, ignites at 50 C., and burns with a brilliant white flame ; it melts at 44 C. and boils at 288 C. ; it unites directly with oxygen, sulfur, iodin, chlorin, bromin and a number of metals, precipitating some of the latter from their solutions. Kept under water, exposed to light and air it corrodes superficially and becomes white and opaque. It is obtained in the crude state from calcined bones. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VII. 366. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < . Drug strength ^ T . Take of phosphorus an excess (two grammes or more) and intro- duce the same into a flask containing one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) of 95 per cent alcohol. Heat over a water bath until the phosphorus is melted ; then shake vigorously until any excess of the drug is solidified. This saturated solution will equal in drug strength about one part in six hundred and sixty-seven (^7). To compensate for loss by oxidation, and so retain the full strength of the solution, a small piece of phosphorus should be kept in each bottle containing the tincture, and be renewed whenever coated with the amorphous variety. b. Dilutions: 3x to contain two parts tincture, one part alcohol; 4x and higher, with alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. PHOSPHORUS RUBER. Red Phosphorus. Chemical Symbol. P ; 30.96. Synonyms. Englisli, Amorphous phosphorus; Red phosphorus. 448 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. Consists of a dark-red mass or powder, insoluble in alcohol, ether and carbon disulfid. It remains unaltered in dry air, is infusible, and volatilizes slowly above 260 C. ; specific gravity, 2.19. It is not readily combustible, and may be handled freely, as it does not take fire by friction at ordinary temperatures. Red phosphorus may contain small quantities of common phosphorus, which will float in a solution of chlorid of calcium and bisulfid of carbon, while the red phosphorus sinks to the bottom. Phosphorus ruber is an allotropic form of phosphorus, which may be obtained by heating ordinary phosphorus many hours at 240 C., in a sealed glass tube. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher; prepared from the pure red phos- phorus, free from any particles of common phosphorus. In preparing the ix and 2x triturations the mass should be kept moistened with alcohol during the process. PHYSOSTIGMA VENENOSUM. Calabar Bean. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Esere, Faba calabrica, F. physostigmatis ; English, Calabar bean, Chopnut, Ordeal bean; French, Feve de calabar ; German, Kalabarbohne. Description. A perennial, twining climber. The stem is woody, reaching 50 feet in length, with a diameter of 2 inches at the base, cylindrical, smooth and slender. The leaves are large, alternate, pinnately-trifoliate, stiff, petiolate, thickened at the base, leaflets stalked. The purplish, bean-like flowers appear in axillary, pendulous racemes. The fruit is an oblong legume, about 7 inches long, contain- ing 2 or 3 seeds. These, somewhat reniform in shape, straight or concave on one side, convex on the other, are i to i ^ inches long, 24 inch broad. A broad, black furrow with raised edges extends along the convex side. They are hard, brittle, rough, shining, of a dark- brown color, without odor or marked taste. They impart their virtue entirely to alcohol, imperfectly to water. Habitat. A native of the southern part of Africa ; introduced into Brazil and India. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 80. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 449 History. The name derived from physa, a bladder, and stigma, supposing the stigma was hollow and inflated ; introduced into homoe- opathic practice in 1864 by Dr. Reute, Allg. Horn. Zeit. 68, m'blatt 19; Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 1874, 173. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 466.] Part Used. The bean. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Physostigma, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. Poke. Natural Order. Phytolaccacese. Synonyms. Latin, Blitum americanum, Phytolacca americana, P. vulgaris, Solanum magnum virginiam, S. racemosum americanum; English, American nightshade; Vernacular, Coakum, Chougras, Garget, Pecatacalleloe, Pigeon-berry, Pocan, Poke, Scoke; French, Morella a grappes ; German, Americanische Kermesbeere. Description. A tall, stout, perennial herb, with large, fleshy, branching root, often 4 to 6 inches in diameter, easily cut or broken, with a very thin, brownish bark, internally marked with thick concen- tric rings. The annual stem, 4 to 10 feet high, I inch in diameter, is erect, cylindrical, hollow, branching, smooth, and of a purplish color when mature. The leaves are large, scattered, petiolate, entire. The white flowers appear from July to September, in terminal racemes, which become lateral and opposite the leaves as the plant grows. The fruit is a dark-purple, juicy berry, ripening in autumn. Habitat. Indigenous to North America, and has become a com- mon weed in Mediterranean countries ; found on cleared and in low ground, also on the side of new roads. Fig., Millspaugh, 139. 45O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Name derived from phyton, plant, and lac, from the coloring properties of the berries. The vernacular is a perversion of pocan, the Indian name. Mentioned by Hahnemann in his "Lesser Writings." History in Hering's Mat. Med. 424. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 502.] Part Used. The fresh root, not too rank in growth. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength -fa. Phytolacca, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. PICROTOXINUM. Picrotoxin. Chemical Symbol. C 30 H 34 O 13 ; 600.58. A neutral principle, obtained from the seeds of Anamirta panicu- lata, commonly called Cocculus indicus. Description. This substance is described as consisting of "color- less, flexible, shining, prismatic crystals, permanent in the air, odorless, and having a bitter taste and a neutral reaction. Soluble in 240 parts of water and in 9 parts of alcohol at 15 C., in 25 parts of boiling water, and in 3 parts of boiling alcohol ; also soluble in acids and in solutions of the alkalies. When heated to about 200 C. the crystals melt, forming a yellow liquid ; when heated on platinum foil they char, and are finally completely dissipated. Concentrated sulfuric acid dissolves picrotoxin with a golden-yellow color, which turns violet-red on the addition of a trace of bichromate of potassium. The aqueous solution should remain unaffected by solutions of salts of mercury or platinum, tannic acid, iodid of mercury and potassium, or other reagents for alkaloids." U. S. P. A poison. Maximum dose -fa grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 451 PILOCARPINUM MURIATICUM. Pilocarpinum Muriate. Pilocarpin Hydrochlorid. Chemical Symbol. C 1 1 H 1 6 N 2 O 2 H Cl ; 243.98. Synonyms. Latin, Pilocarpinae hydrochloras, Pilocarpinum hydro- chloricum ; English, Hydrochlorate of pilocarpine ; French, Hydro- chlorate de pilocarpine ; German, Pilocarpinhydrochlorid. The muriate of an alkaloid obtained from Pilocarpus. Description. Consists of small, white, inodorous crystals, having a slightly bitter taste, Deliquescent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 1.5 parts of water and in 7 parts of alcohol. It is decomposed by heat without residue. Its aqueous solution, when concentrated, gives a white cloudiness with sodium hydrate, and a yellow precipitate with platinic chlorid. A dilute solution gives a white precipitate with mercuric chlorid, and a yellow precipitate with phosphomolybdic acid. Sulfuric acid forms with the salt a colorless liquid. In the presence of a small quantity of potassium dichromate, the solution assumes a green color, as also with nitric acid. The salt is prepared with pilocarpin and hydrochloric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, VII. 535. It should be kept in well-stoppered vials. A poison. Maximum dose y$ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. PILOCARPINUM NITRICUM. Pilocarpin Nitrate. Pilocarpinum Nitrate. Chemical Symbol. C^H^N^aHNOg ; 265.5. Synonyms. Latin, Pilocarpinae nitras; English, Nitrate of pilo- carpine ; French, Azotate de pilocarpine. The nitrate of an alkaloid, obtained from Pilocarpus. Description. Consists of a white, crystalline powder, or of acicular crystals. Soluble in 8 or 9 parts of water at ordinary temperature. It forms with sulfuric acid a yellow solution, which turn green on the addi- tion of a small fragment of potassium dichromate. Special reactions (. 01 I I 01 i> 452 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE are not known. It aqueous solution gives the tests for pilocarpin (vide supra). It is prepared from pilocarpin and nitric acid. It should be kept in well-stoppered vials. A poison. Maximum dose y^ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. PILOCARPUS. Pilocarpus. Natural Order - Rutaceae. Synonyms. Vernacular, Jaborandi ; Latin, Pilocarpi f oliola. "The leaflets of Pilocarpus selloanus, Engler (Rio Janeiro jabo- randi)and of Pilocarpus jaborandi, Holmes (Pernambuco jaborandi). "- U. S. P. "The dried leaflets of Pilocarpus pennatifolius, Lemaire." -Br. P. Description. This is a small branched shrub, 4 to 6 feet high, hav- ing a smooth, gray bark, spotted with white dots. The alternate, imparipinnate leaves, 12 to 18 inches long, are made up of four to ten short-stalked, ovate, or ovate-oblong, coriaceous leaflets, 3 to 4 inches in length, green and shining above, paler and smooth, or hairy, beneath, with a prominent midrib and many minute, pellucid glands, common to the entire blade. The small flowers are on thick pedicels. The foliage is nearly odorless, or slightly aromatic when bruised, having an aromatic, warm and somewhat bitter taste. The alkaloid, pilocarpin, is obtained from the aqueous solution of the alcoholic extract of the leaflets. Habitat. Brazil, especially near Pernambuco. Part Used. The dried leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ : Drug strength $. Pilocarpus, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations: ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOM(KOPATHV. 453 PIMPINELLA SAXIFRAGA. Burnet Saxifrage. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Pimpinella alba, P. hircinae, P. nostratis, P. umbelliferae, Tragoselinum ; English, Bibernell, Burnet saxifrage, Pimpinel, Saxifrage ; French, Grand boncage ; German, Pimpinell. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with long, cylindrical, sub-fusiform, slightly fibrous, tough, woody root, grayish-yellow externally, white within, highly aromatic and pungent. The stem, 6 to 24 inches high, is solid, round, striated, slightly downy, branched, furrowed and smooth. The leaves are petiolate, oblong, pinnatifid, finely dentate and smooth ; the radical are roundish, the cauline linear. The white flowers appear in autumn. Habitat. Found all over Europe, Crimea, Persia, in dry gravelly and chalky pastures and rocky ground. History. Name altered from bi-pennula, or twice pinnate. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1845 by a proving by Schelling, Allg. Horn. Zeit. XXVIII. 177. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 538.] Part Used The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Pimpinella, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. PINUS SILVESTRIS. Scotch Pine. Natural Order. Coniferae. Synonyms. English, Red, Norway, Riga, Scotch or Baltic pine, Scotch fir, Wild pine. 454 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. An evergreen tree, varying in size according to soil and place of growth, being a mere shrub in high elevations, and attain- ing a height of 100 or more feet in more favorable positions. The leaves, in pairs from single sheaths, are spirally disposed, about 2 inches long, linear, narrow, obtuse, with a small point. The erect, terminal catkins appear in May; the male, in aggregated spikes, sulfur colored ; the females are solitary, globular and variegated with purple and green. The fruit the first year is lateral, stalked, ovate and green, the second year becoming hard and woody, the scales opening, permitting the dispersion of the winged seeds. Habitat. A very extensive geographical range from the Med- iterranean to Siberia ; found on sandy hills and in woods. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 257. History. Name of Celtic origin, pin or pen, meaning rock or mountain. It is the source of common turpentine. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1853 by Dr. Demeures, J. d. 1. Soc. Gall. IV. 114. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 141.] Part Used. The fresh shoots. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Pinus silvestris, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 870 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. PINUS LAMBERTIANA. Sugar Pine. Natural Order. Coniferae. Synonyms. Latin, Pinus excelsa ; English, Sugar pine. Description. An evergreen tree, 200 to 300 feet high and 20 feet in diameter. The leaves are in fives, rigid, roughish, with very short sheaths. The cones are thick, 14 to 16 inches long, cylindrical, with loose, roundish scales. Habitat. North America from Mexico along the mountains to the Columbia river. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMGEOPATHY. 455 History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1874 by Dr. Throop, Trans. N. Y. State Horn. Med. Soc. 149. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 540.] Part Used. The inspissated sap. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Pinus lambertiana, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. PIPER METHYSTICUM. Kava Kava. Natural Order. Piperaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Macropiper methysticum ; Vernacular, Ava kava, Kava kava, Karva. Description. A shrub, with a thick, woody, fibrous, rugged, aromatic rhizome, with very thin bark, grayish-brown externally, yellowish-white internally. The stem is erect, wavy and knotty. The leaves are alternate, radiate-veined, roundish or cordate. The insignificant flowers are solitary, axillary, on short, pedunculated, spreading spikes. Habitat. The Society, Friendly and Sandwich islands. History. Used by the natives as a remedy in rheumatism and venereal disease. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1873 by Dr. C. F. Nichols, N. E. Med. Gaz. VIII. 101. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 542.] Part Used. The dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Piper methysticum, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. 456 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PIPER NIGRUM. Black Pepper. Natural Order. Piperaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Piper trioicum ; English, Black pepper, Murich ; French, Poivre noir (commun) ; German, Schwarzer Pfeffer. Description. An evergreen, trailing or climbing shrub, with a stem 6 to 20 feet long, flexuose, dichotomously branched, the joints swelling and throwing out radicals which adhere to bodies, or strike into the ground. The leaves are alternate, five- or seven-nerved, broad, ovate, acuminate, smooth, green and glossy, pale beneath, coriaceous. The staminate and pistillate flowers appear in June opposite the leaves, chiefly on the upper ends of the branches, are stalked, 3 to 6 inches long, slender, drooping. The fruit, ripening irregularly the year round, is small, roundish, wrinkled, brownish- black, and contains grayish-yellow globular seeds. Habitat. East and West Indies. Fig., Goullon, 244; Bent, and Trim. 245. History. Translation of Houat's proving, Hahn. Month. II. 369, 1867. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 552.] Part Used. The dried unripe berries, coarsely powdered. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Piper nigrum, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. PISCIDIA ERYTHRINA. Jamaica Dogwood. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. English, Jamaica dogwood; French' and German, Piscidie. Description. An evergreen tree, 20 feet high, with spreading branches. The leaves are pinnate, the leaflets, 3 to 4 pairs, with an odd one, oblong, rounded at base, downy on both sides when young, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 457 smooth when old. The flowers are whitish, tinged with purple, in axillary, compound racemes on three-cornered, downy stalks. Habitat. Common in the West Indies. History. Name from pisces, a fish, as the bark is used as a fish poison. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 552.] Part Used. The dried bark of the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fo. Piscidia, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. PLANT AGO MAJOR. Plantain. Natural Order. Plantaginaceae. Synonyms. English, Greater plantain, Plantain, Ribgrass, Way- bred; French, Grand plantain; German, Grosser Wegerich. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with a stem 12 to 18 inches high. The leaves are radical, five- to seven-ribbed, ovate, den- tate, abruptly narrowed into a channelled petiole, which latter is smooth or somewhat hairy. The perfect, small, whitish flowers appear in May and June, one or more in number, in dense, long, slender spikes raised on naked scapes. Habitat. Naturalized from Europe and Japan ; found everywhere in North America by the wayside (hence the common name, way-bred), in moist grounds, and especially near dwellings. Fig., Millspaugh, 107. History. Name derived from planta, from the resemblance of the leaves to the sole of the foot. Mentioned in homoeopath'ic literature in 1861 by Dr. Aranzo, El. Crit. Med. 2. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 553-] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. 458 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Plantago, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 350 Cc. = 450 Strong alcohol, 683 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3.x and higher. PLATINUM METALLICUM. Metallic Platinum. Platinum. Chemical Symbol. Pt; 194.3. Synonyms. English, Metallic platinum; French, Platine, Or blanc ; German, Platin. Description. A silver-white metal, soft, malleable and ductile. Specific gravity, 21.5 ; fusing point, 2000 C. It is not oxidized in air at a red heat. It is soluble in hot nitro-hydrochloric acid, with which it forms a yellow solution of platinic chlorid, crystallizing with hydrogen chlorid and water on evaporation of the liquid. It combines with oxygen and forms a monoxid, PtO, and a dioxid, Pt 2 O, both being reduced to the metallic state at a red heat. It is found native. Spongy platinum consists of the very finely divided metal, and can be readily prepared by gently heating the double chlorid of platinum and ammonium, forming a porous mass. Mentioned in Allen's Ency- clopedia, VII. 574. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher; from the spongy platinum. PLATINUM MURIATICUM. Platinum Hydrochlorid. Platinum Muriate. Chemical Symbol. PtCl 4 5 H 2 O ; 425.58. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 459 Synonyms. Latin, Platini chloridum ; English, Platinic chloride; French, Perchlorure de platine ; German, Platinchlorid. Description. Consists of red-brown, crystalline, odorless needles having a sharp, metallic taste ; readily deliquescent in air. Freely soluble in water, also soluble in alcohol. It is decomposed by heat, giving off vapors of hydrochloric acid and leaving a residue of potas- sium chlorid and metallic platinum. Its aqueous solution gives a brown-black precipitate with hydrogen sulfid, soluble in ammonium sulfid, and a yellow precipitate with potassium and ammonium hydrate. It is prepared by dissolving platinum metal in aqua regia and evaporat- ing with hydrochloric acid until entirely free from nitric acid. The hydrogen in chloroplatinic acid can be readily displaced by metals (including alkaline metals), and by such change the salts termed chloroplatinates, or platinichlorids, are obtained. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VII. 589. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Solution: ix, with distilled water. c. Dilutions: 2x, with dilute alcohol; 3x and higher, with dis- pensing alcohol. d. Medications : 3x and higher. The solution and lower dilutions should be kept in Bohemian glass bottles, free from lead. PLATINUM ET NATRUM MURIATICUM. Platinum et Natrum Muriate. Sodium Platino Chlorid. Chemical Symbol. 2NaClPtCl 4 .6H 2 O ; 560.28. Synonyms. Latin, Platini et natri chloridum; English, Sodio- platinic chloride. Description. Consists of light-red prisms, readily soluble in water and in alcohol. It is made by evaporating chloroplatinic acid with sodium chlorid. The resulting light-red triclinic prisms or tables have a specific gravity of 2.499 > when heated to 100 C. they become anhydrous, and are changed to a yellowish-red powder, easily soluble in water and alcohol. 460 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : I x and higher. b. Solution: ix, with distilled water. c . Dilutions : 2x, with dilute alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispens- ing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. The solution and lower dilutions should be kept in Bohemian glass bottles, free from lead. PLECTRANTHUS FRUCTICOSUS* Shrubby Plectranthus. Natural Order. Labiatae. Description. An ornamental undershrub, with a shrubby, polished stem, 3 feet high, the brown or purple flowers appearing from June to September in compound racemes, on three-parted peduncles. Habitat. The warmer parts of Africa and South America. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1862 by a proving by Dr. Pratobevera, Zeit. d. Ver. d. H. A. Oest. I. 2, i. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 590.] Parts Used. The whole dried plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Plectranthus, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. d. Triturations: ix and higher. PLUMBAGO LITTORALIS. Natural Order. Plumbaginaceae. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with branching root AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 461 and creeping, rounded stem, covered with short, stiff hairs. The leaves are opposite, simple, trapezoid, smooth, coarsely-dentate, gradually tapering to a short channelled petiole, adhering to that of the opposite side and forming tufts at certain intervals, whence arise adventitious roots. The yellowish-white flowers appear in small, fifteen- to twenty-flowered, axillary heads, arising from an involucre with five divisions and supported by a somewhat filiform peduncle. Habitat. Along the shore in the bay of Rio Janeiro. Fig., Mure, Mat. Med. 138. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1849 by Dr. Mure, Pathogen. Bresil, 241. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VII. 601.] Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Plumbago littoralis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one .thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c . Medications : 3x and higher. PLUMBUM ACETICUM. Plumbic Acetate. Plumbum Acetate. Chemical Symbol. Pb(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 .3H 2 O; 378. Synonyms. Latin, Plumbi acetas, Acetas plumbicus, Saccharum saturni; English, Acetate of lead, Plumbic acetate, Sugar of lead; French, Acetate de plomb, (Sucre) de saturne ; German, Essigsaures Bleioxyd, Bleizucker. Description. Consists of colorless, glossy, transparent prisms, or heavy, white, crystalline masses, having a faint odor of acetic acid and a sweet, astringent, metallic taste. Soluble at 15 C. in 1.75 parts of 462 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE water and in 21 parts of alcohol. At 100 C. it loses water and a por- tion of acetic acid, and at a higher temperature is decomposed, giving off acetic acid and acetone, leaving a residue of finely divided lead mixed with oxid and carbonate. Its aqueous solution gives a black precipitate with hydrogen sulfid, a white precipitate with ammonium hydrate, and a yellow precipitate with both the iodid and the dichro- mate of potassium. It may be obtained from plumbic carbonate and acetic acid. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher; freshly made. b. Solution : T ^ in distilled water ; freshly made. c. Dilutions: 2x, with dilute alcohol; 3x and higher, with dis- pensing alcohol: d. Medications : 3x and higher. PLUMBUM CARBONICUM. Plumbic Carbonate. Plumbum Carbonate. Chemical Symbol. (PbCO 3 ) 2 Pb(OH) 2 ; 772.82. Synonyms. Latin, Plumbi carbonas, Cerussa, Plumbum hydrico- carbonicum, Carbonas plumbicus ; English, Carbonate of lead, White lead ; French, Carbonate de plomb, Blanc de plomb ; German, Blei- weiss, Bleicarbonat. Description. A heavy, white, odorless, tasteless powder; per- manent in air. Insoluble in water and in alcohol. When strongly heated it turns yellow, and when mixed with charcoal and exposed to a red heat it gives metallic lead. It dissolves with effervescence in acetic and nitric acid, and when concentrated these solutions give a white precipitate with hydrochloric sulfuric acid, a yellow precipitate with potassium iodid or potassium dichromate, a black precipitate with hydrogen sulfid, and a white precipitate with potassium or sodium hydrate, soluble in an excess of the precipitant. When the salt is exposed in atmosphere containing hydrogen sulfid, it turns black. It is obtained from the action of carbon dioxid upon plumbic acetate. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 463 PLUMBUM CHROMICUM. Plumbic Chromate. Plumbum Chromate. Chemical Symbol. PbCrO 4 ; 322.14. Synonyms. Latin, Flumbi chromas; English, Chromate of lead, Chrome yellow, Lemon yellow. Description. A heavy, odorless, tasteless, yellow, amorphous powder. Insoluble in water, alcohol and dilute acids. At 250 C. it turns reddish-brown, and at a higher temperature gives off oxygen, leaving a residue of chromic oxid and basic lead chromate. It is obtained by the precipitation of a soluble lead salt with potassium chromate solution. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VIII. 129. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. PLUMBUM IODATUM. Plumbic lodid. Plumbum lodid. Chemical Symbol. PbI 2 ; 459.46. Synonyms. Latin, Plumbi iodidum, loduretum plumbicum; English, Iodide of lead, Plumbic iodide; French, lodure de plomb; German, Jodblei. Description. A bright-yellow, odorless powder, or shining, golden- yellow scales, having a slight metallic taste ; permanent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in about 2000 parts of water, slightly soluble in alcohol, also soluble in aqueous solutions of potassium and sodium hydrate, sodium hyposulfite and ammonium chlorid. It is decom- posed by heat, giving off violet vapors of iodin and leaving a residue of plumbic oxyiodid. It is obtained by the decomposition of a soluble plumbic salt with potassium iodid. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. 464 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PLUMBUM METALLICUM. Metallic Lead. Plumbum. Chemical Symbol. Pb; 206.4. Synonyms. English, Lead; French, Plomb; German, Blei. Description. A bluish-gray metal, having a brilliant, metallic luster; very malleable and ductile ; specific gravity, 11.4. It fuses at 325 C. and volatilizes at a white heat. Exposed to a moist atmos- phere it loses its brilliancy and is oxidized. It dissolves in distilled water. Heated in contact with air it is transformed into the oxid. Its solvent is nitric acid, and from this solution the reactions of lead are obtained. It is extracted from its ores, which are abundant in nature. Pure lead may be obtained in a finely divided state by placing rods of polished zinc in a solution of pure acetate of lead, i part to 100 parts of distilled water ; the fine crystals of lead, which adhere to the rods, should be quickly removed and washed with hot distilled water, care being used not to press the metal into masses. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VIII. i. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. PODOPHYLLIR Resin of Podophyllum. Synonyms. Latin, Resina podophylli, Podophyllinum ; English, Podophyllin, Resin of May apple ; French, Resine de podophylle ; German, Podophyllumharz. Description. Consists of a grayish- white, or greenish-yellow, amor- phous powder, having a slight peculiar odor, and a peculiar, somewhat bitter taste. Soluble in ammonia, and in alcohol in all proportions ; freely soluble in alkaline liquids, soluble to the extent of 15 to 20 per cent in ether and 80 per cent in boiling water, from which it is almost entirely reprecipitated on cooling. It softens at 120 C. and melts completely at 124 C. With sulfuric acid its color changes to a bright AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 465 yellow, and on the addition of nitric acid, to purple and then brown This substance is the resinous principle of podophyllum obtained by precipitation. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. May Apple. Natural Order. Berberidaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Aconltifolius humilis, Anapodophyllum cana- dense, A. peltatum, Podophyllum callicarpum, P. montanum ; English, Duck's foot, Ground lemons, Indian apple, Ipecacuanha, Mandrake, May apple, Pecan, Raccoon berry, Wild lemon, Wild mandrake, Yellow berry ; French, Podophyllum ; German, Entenfus, Fussblattwurzel. Description. A perennial herb, with a smooth, horizontal, cylin- drical root, a foot or more in length, y inch thick, giving off a few fibrous rootlets ; the annual growth being distinguishable by scars of previous stems. The flowerless, or flowering stems, are simple, single, erect, rounded, 8 to 18 inches high; the former surmounted by a single leaf, the latter bifurcating at the top, having two leaves and a flower at the bifurcation. The leaves of the flowerless stem are seven- to nine-lobed, roundish, peltate in the center, somewhat resem- bling an umbrella ; those of the flowering stems are opposite, somewhat one-sided, and deeply lobed, lobes incised and dentate, drooping at the edges and strongly marked by ribs below, smooth above, slightly pubescent beneath, 4 to 6 inches in diameter. The single, white, pedunculated flower appears in May in the fork of the stem (some- times varying in locality), having three fugacious bracts beneath the flowers. The yellow, oval fruit, I to 2 inches long, appears in July and August. Habitat. Indigenous throughout the United States ; found in moist, shady woods and low, marshy ground. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 17; Millspaugh, 17. History. Named from pous, a foot, and phyllon, a leaf, from resemblance of the leaf to the web-foot of an aquatic bird. Intro- 466 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE duced into homoeopathic practice in 1842 by a proving by Dr. William- son, Horn. Exam. III. 321. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 130.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Podophyllum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 350 Cc. = 450 Strong alcohol, 683 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3 x and higher. d. Tritnrations: ix and higher; prepared from the dried root. POLYGONUM PUNCTATUJVL Water Smart Weed. Natural Order. Polygonaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Polygonum acre, P. hydropiperoides ; English, American water pepper, Biting knot, Biting persicaria, Knot weed, Smart weed, Water pepper, Wild smart weed. Description. An annual, aquatic herb, with fibrous, whorled root. The stem is I to 5 feet high, branching, smooth, shining, more or less red, with swollen joints. The pellucid-dotted leaves are alternate, petiolate, entire, lanceolate, undulated, with stipules in the form of sheaths, placed above the swollen joints of the stem. The flowers appear during the summer and autumn, mostly green, on nodding spikes, usually short, or interrupted. The plant has a watery juice, so acrid as to act as a vesicant. Habitat. United States; common in moist or wet ground. Fig., Millspaugh, 141. History. Name derived from poly, many, and gonu, knee. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1859 by Dr. Payne, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 1859, 32. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 136.] Parts Used The whole fresh plant. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 467 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength ^. Polygonum punctatum, moist magma containing solids lOoGm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3\ and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. POLYPORUS OFFICINALIS. Larch Agaric. Natural Order. Fungi. Synonyms. Latin, Agaricus albus, A. laricis, Boletus laricis, B. officinalis, B. purgans, Fungus laricis, Polyporus laricis ; English, Larch agaric, L. boletos, Purging agaric, White agaric ; French, Agaric blanc ; German, Larchenschwamm. Description. A fungus, growing on the larch tree. It is of various sizes, from that of a fist to that of a child's head or larger, and shaped somewhat like a horse's hoof. The hymenium is concrete, with corky, fleshy, zoned, smooth pileus of sub-rotund, yellowish pores. As found in commerce it is deprived of its hard, brownish or reddish outer coat, and consists of a white, spongy, farinaceous, friable mass, difficult to pulverize, as it flattens by rubbing, but readily grated into a powder. It has a faint odor, and a sweetish, afterward acrid and lastingly bitter taste. Habitat. Found on old larches in central and southern Europe, also on the Siberian larch in the northern part of Asia. It is collected in autumn and winter. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1865 by a proving by Dr. Burt, under the name of Boletus laricis, West. Horn. Obs. II. 154. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. II. 188.] Subsequently, on learning that the genus "Boletus" has the hymenium composed of "sporable tubes," Dr. Burt published a second proving (including the first) in 1868, Am. Horn. Obs. V. 58. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 141.] Part Used. The dried fungus, as imported. 468 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Polyporus officinalis, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 400 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. POLYPORUS PINICOLA. Pine Agaric. Natural Order. Fungi. Synonyms. Latin, Boletus pinus; English, Pine agaric. Description. A fungus, growing on pine, tamarack, birch, fir and other trees. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1868 by a proving by Dr. Burt, Am. Horn. Obs. V. 268. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 149.] Part Used. The mature, dried fungus. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations: ix and higher. b. Tincture : Drug strength ^y. Polyporus pinicola, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 469 POPULUS TREMULOIDES. Aspen. Natural Order. Salicaceae. Synonyms. English, American aspen, American poplar, Aspen, Aspen poplar, Quaking aspen, Quiver leaf, Trembling poplar, White poplar. Description. A deciduous tree, 20 to 50 feet high, 8 to 12 inches in diameter, with smooth, greenish-white bark, branches somewhat angular, buds large, scaly, and covered with a reddish-brown, resinous varnish. The inner bark is tender, sweet, and has a pleasant flavor. The leaves are alternate, roundish-cordate, sharply pointed, small, erect, dentate, with downy margins, smooth on both sides; petiole, long, slender, laterally compressed, which accounts for the continual agitation of the foliage by the slightest breeze. Both the stamiriate and pistillate flowers appear in March and April, before the leaves, in catkins, with scales cut into from 3 to 4 linear divisions, fringed with long hairs ; the staminate catkins are conspicuous in early spring by their length and the red tint of the numerous stamens; the pistillate, a little later, are remarkable for the quantity of white, cottony down, enveloping the seeds. Habitat. Native of temperate climates. Indigenous to most parts of North America; common in woods. Fig., Millspaugh, 162. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hale in 1858, N. A. J. of Horn. VI. 553 ; XV. 381. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 154.] Parts Used. The inner bark and leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < / Drug strength ^. Populus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. 47O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE POTHOS FCETIDUS. Skunk Cabbage, Natural Order. Araceae. Synonyms. Latin, Arum americanum, Dracontium foetidum, Ictodes foetidus, Symplocarpus foetidus ; English, Bear's foot, Bear's leaf, Collard, Cow collard, Foetid hellebore, Irish cabbage, Itch weed, Meadow cabbage, Poke, Polecat collard, Polecat weed, Skoka, Skunk cabbage, Skunk weed, Stinking pothos, Swamp cabbage; French, Racine de pothos f etide ; German, Stinkende Drachenwurzel. Description, A stemless, perennial herb, with a strong mephitic and alliaceous odor. The tuberous root, 3 to 5 inches long, 2 inches thick, terminates abruptly in giving off numerous fleshy fibers, which penetrate the boggy earth two or more feet. The numerous, short- petiolate leaves, crowded in a cluster, are ovate, cordate, acute, smooth, i to 2 feet long, with numerous pale-colored fleshy veins. The pur- plish-white flowers appear in earliest spring before the leaves, concealed in a singular, spongy, ovoid spathe, having a shell-form, auriculated base, acuminate top, incurved edges and covered with dull brownish- purple spots. Habitat. Exclusively a native of North America ; found in abund- ance in swamps, meadows and ditches. Renowned for the odor, which is scarcely less offensive than that of the skunk. Fig:, Millspaugh, 169. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1837, Corres- pondenzblatt. d. Horn. Aerzt. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 155.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < : Drug strength ^. Pothos foetida, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, fotir parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 471 PRINOS VERTICILLATUS. Black Alder. Natural Order. Aquif oliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Ilex verticillata ; English, Black alder, False alder, Fever bush, Saw-leaved oak, Scarlet oak, Striped alder, Winter berry ; French and German, Prinos. Description. An annual, deciduous shrub, with erect stem, 6 to 10 feet high, alternate branches its entire length, of a bluish-gray or ash color. The simple leaves are alternate, short-petiolate, obovate, lanceolate, acuminate, doubly serrate, smooth, dark-green; the veins beneath, hairy. The small, white, dioecious flowers are short-pedun- culate, appearing from May to August, in axillary, sessile umbels. The fruit is a globose berry, about the size of a large pea, in verticil- late bunches, prominent and bright scarlet, changing to purplish. Habitat. North America, from Canada to Georgia ; found in low grounds near swamps ; common especially northward. Fig., Mills- paugh, 1 06. History. The Greek name of an evergreen oak, from prio, to saw, on account of its strongly toothed leaves ; also a Greek name of the holly. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 155.] Parts Used. The bark and berries. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < ; Drug strength ^. Prinos verticillatus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2\ to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. PRUNUS PADUS. Bird Cherry. Natural Order. Rosaceae. 4/2 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Cerasus padus, C. racemosus, Padus avium, P. vulgaris, Prunus racemosus ; English, Bird cherry. Description. A deciduous tree, 30 feet high, with purple bark, leafy branches, and beautifully veined wood. The leaves are oval, elliptic, doubly serrate and rugose, the petioles having two glands. The white, odorous flowers appear in April and May, in pendulous racemes. Habitat. A native of northern Europe and Asia; found in moist woods and along borders of forests in valleys. History. Origin of the name unknown. The Greek called it proune, and the Latin prunus ; Padus, one of the names of Theophras- tus. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1853 by a proving by Dr. Lembke, Allg. Horn. Zeit. 45, 376. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 156.] Parts Used. The fresh leaves and bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength Y 1 ^. Prunus padus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 215 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. PRUNUS SPINOSA. Blackthorn. Natural Order. Rosaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Acacia germanica, A. nostrates, Prunus com- munis, P. instititia; English, Blackthorn, Sloe tree; French, Epine noire; German, Schlehdorn. Description. A deciduous shrub, or tree, 3 to 5 feet high, with blackish-gray bark and thorny branches. The leaves are obovate, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 473 oblong, sharply-serrate, becoming glabrous, downy beneath. The white flowers appear in early spring, from separate, lateral, scaly buds on glabrous pedicels, few or several, in simple, umbel-like clusters. Habitat. Europe, introduced into America; found in New Eng- land to Pennsylvania by roadsides and in waste places. History. The leaves are used as a substitute for tea, and as an adulteration of the black tea of China. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1834 by a proving by Dr. Wahle, Archiv. XIV. 3, 169. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 157.] Part Used. The buds, just before flowering. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Prunus spinosa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. PRUNUS VIRGINIANA. Wild Cherry. Natural Order. Rosaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Prunus serotina (Ehrhart), Cerasus serotina, D. C., Cerasus virginiana (Michaux); English, Wild black cherry; French, Ecorce de cerisier de Virginie ; German, Wildkirschenrinde. Description. A forest tree, often reaching the height of from 60 to 80 feet, with a firm, close-grained wood, of a slightly reddish or brownish-red color. Its alternate, oblong-lanceolate leaves are 3 to 5 inches in length; are tapering, finely-serrate and petiolate. The small white flowers appear in elongated, terminal racemes, 4 to inches long, while the small globose fruit is a purplish-black drupe, with a sweet, yet bitterish taste. The bark from young trees is obtained 474 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE commercially in irregular pieces, about T ^ inch thick, smooth, shining, and of a brownish-green color externally, or, when taken from older trees, and without the overlying corky layer, is about l /% inch or more in thickness, of a rusty-brown color externally and a somewhat paler brown internally. Wild cherry bark contains tannin, gallic acid, resin, starch and other vegetable principles, besides a volatile oil, containing hydrocyanic acid, which may be obtained by distillation. Habitat. United States and Canada ; found in woods. Part Used. The fresh inner bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < . Drug strength T ^. Prunus virginiana, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 3x and higher. PTELEA TRIFOLIATA. Shrubby Trefoil. Natural Order. Rutaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Amyris elemifera, Ptelea viticifolia; English, Ague barb, Hop tree, Shrubby trefoil, Swamp dogwood, Wafer ash, Winter fern ; French, Orme a trois feuilles ; German, Hopfenbaum. Description. A tall, deciduous shrub or tree, 6 to 12 feet high. The leaves are alternate, long-petioled, ternate, the leaflets nearly sessile, ovate, pointed, downy when young. The small, greenish- white, malodorous, polygamous flowers appear in June in compound, terminal cymes. Habitat Indigenous to America; found in rocky places, Pennsyl- vania to Wisconsin, and southward. Fig., Millspaugh, 34. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 475 History. Greek name of the elm, from ptao, to fly, in allusion to the winged seed vessels. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1868 by Dr. Hale, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 157. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 177.] Part Used. The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ptelea trifoliata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 250 Cc. = 350 Strong alcohol, 777 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. PULSATILLA. Wind Flower. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Anemone pratensis, Herba venti, Pulsatilla nigricans, P. pratensis, P. vulgaris ; English, Meadow anemone, Pasque flower, Wind flower ; French, Pulsatille ; German, Kuchenschelle. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a spindel-shaped, thick, ligneous, dark-brown, oblique, several-headed root. The stem, 3 to 5 inches high, is simple, erect, rounded. The leaves are radical, petiolate, bi-pinnatifid, with linear segments ; at the base, surrounded by several ovate, lanceolate sheaths. The flowers, varying in color from dark violet to light blue, appear from March to May, and are bell-shaped, pendulous, terminal, reflexed at the apex, surrounded by a distinct sessile involucre, composed of 3 palmately divided and cleft bracts with linear lobes. The plant, clothed with long, silky hairs, is inodorous, but when rubbed exhales an acrid vapor, and has a burning, acrid taste. Habitat. Open fields and plains, in dry places in many parts of Europe, Russia, and Turkey in Asia. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 102 ; Jahr and Cat. 254; Winkler, 109, no. 4/6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1805 by Hahnemann, Frag. d. Vir. Med. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 205.] Part Used The fresh plant, when in flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Pulsatilla, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, , 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. PULSATILLA NUTTALLIANA. American Pulsatilla. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Anemone flavescens, A. ludoviciana, A. nut- talliana, A. patens, var. nuttalliana, A. pratensis, Clematis hirsutissima, Pulsatilla patens ; English, American pulsatilla, Crocus, Goslin weed, Hartshorn plant, May flower, Pasque flower, Prairie flower, Wind flower, Wood anemone. Description. A perennial herb, with branched root. The stem is 4 to 12 inches high, erect, hairy. The leaves are radical, on long, hairy petioles, arising from the rhizome, ternately divided, deeply cleft, the lobes linear and acute. The whole plant is covered with long, silky hairs. The light, purplish-blue flowers, appearing in March and April, before the leaves, are erect and terminal; the lobes of the involucre, like those of the leaves, at the base united into a shallow cup. Habitat. Dry, sandy soil, prairies, from Wisconsin northward and westward to the Rocky Mountains. Fig., Millspaugh, i. History. Name from Anemos, the wind, as the flowers were sup- posed to open only when the wind was blowing. Called Pasque flower, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 4/7 as it blossoms at Easter. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1865 by Dr. Hale and proved by Dr. Burt, U. S. Med. and Surg. Journ. I. 65. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 242.] Parts Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture^: Drug strength ^. Pulsatilla nuttalliana, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. PYRUS AMERICANA. American Mountain Ash. Natural Order. Rosaceae. Synonym. English, American mountain ash. Description. A tree, or tall shrub, with smooth, round, grayish branches and close grained, not very hard wood. The leaves are odd- pinnate, 13 to 15 leaflets, lanceolate, tapering, pointed, sharply-serrate, with pointed teeth, bright-green, rather shining above, paler under- neath ; rachis and petiole, reddish and elongated ; leaf-buds pointed, glabrous and somewhat glutinous. The numerous white flowers appear in June in large and flat cymes and have a slight almond-like smell. Habitat. Maine to Pennsylvania and Michigan, southward along the whole length of the Alleghanies ; found in swamps and mountain woods. History. Name from the Celtic, peren, pear. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1878 by Dr. Gatchell, Am. Horn. Obs. XV. 520. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 623.] Part Used. The fresh bark. 4/8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < / Drug strength y 1 ^. Pyrus americana, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 740 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. QUASSIA AMARA. Bitter Wood. Natural Order. Simarubaceae. Synonyms. English, Surinam quassia ; French, Bois amer ; German, Quassienholz. Description. A small, branching, evergreen tree or shrub, 20 feet high, with white, light wood, the bark and leaves resembling those of the ash. The leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate, the five leaflets short- petioled, acute at both ends and smooth. The large crimson flowers are hermaphrodite, appear in June and July in long terminal racemes. All parts are intensely bitter, its bitterness being more intense and durable than that of almost any other known substance. The wood as obtained in market is in 3 to 6 feet lengths, is dense in texture, rather hard and tough, yellowish-white and frequently marked with irregular* black lines, or patches. The bark is very fragile, about -^j to -^ inch thick, of a gray color externally, and a whitish, smooth appear- ance internally. Habitat. Native of Surinam. Fig., Goullon, 54. History. Named by Linnaeus in memory of Quassi, a negro of Surinam, who acquired a reputation with it in the treatment of malignant fevers. It has been known since the middle of the eighteenth century. It is not to be confounded with the Jamaica Quassia of which cups are made, which, though a similar tree, is larger. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1860 by a proving by Drs. Mueller and Eidherr, N. Zeit. f. Horn. Kl. V. i. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 254.] Parts Used. The dried root, bark and wood. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 4/9 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Quassia, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. QUILLAIA SAPONARIA. Soap Bark. Natural Order. Rosaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Quillaja molinae, Q. saponaria, Q. smegmader- mos, Smegmaria emarginata ; English, Quillaia bark, -Soap bark; French, fecorce de quillaya ; German, Seif enrinde. Description. An evergreen shrub, or tree, 10 to 60 feet high, with alternate, short-petioled, oval, entire, smooth, shining, leathery leaves. The white pedunculate flowers appear from April to July, are dioecious, axillary. The wood is very hard. The bark is found in the market in large flat pieces, i to 3 feet long, several inches wide, ^ inch thick; the outer surface is rough, brownish -white, with small patches of corky layer attached, the inner surface whitish and smooth, breaking into splinters, a transverse section having a checkered appearance. It is inodorous, has a persistent acrid taste, and on mixing with water foams like soap, whence its name. Habitat. Indigenous to Peru, Chili and Brazil. History Described by the Abbe Molina in 1782. Part Used The dried bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Quillaia, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 480 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, Jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. RANUNCULUS ACRIS. Tall Buttercup. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Ranunculus calif ornicus, R. canus, R. delphini- folius, R. dissectus, R. fascicularis ; English, Acrid buttercup, Bach- elor's button, Burwort, Buttercup, Crowfoot buttercup, Meadow bloom, Meadow crowfoot, Tall buttercup, Tall crowfoot, Upright buttercup, Upright crowfoot, Yellow weed ; French, Renoncule acre ; German, Scharfhahenfuss. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a root having a somewhat tuberous crown and many long simple fibers. The stem, 2 to 3 feet high, is erect, round, hollow, leafy, hirsute and branched above. The radical leaves are on long, upright, hairy petioles, three- lobed, variously subdivided ; the cauline leaves sessile, with fewer and narrower segments, the uppermost much smaller, in three linear entire lobes, or simple and linear. The bright-yellow flowers, appearing from June to August, are axillary and terminal. The whole plant is extremely acrid, causing inflammation when handled ; this acridity is dissipated on drying. Habitat. Introduced into the United States from Europe, common eastward ; found in meadows and fields. Fig., Millspaugh, 6. History. Name derived from rana, a frog, on account of its moist habitat. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1828 by Dr. Franz, Archiv. VII. 3, 218. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 256.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <.- Drug strength ^. Ranunculus acris, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 481 b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3 x and higher. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Buttercup. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Ranunculus tuberosus ; English, Buttercup, Bulbous crowfoot, Crowfoot ; French, Renoncule ; German, Hahnen- fuss. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, the root a fleshy, round- ish, depressed corm, I inch in diameter, sending out rootlets under- neath. The several stems are i foot high, erect, round, branched, hairy, without runners. The radical leaves are ternate, the lateral divisions sessile, the terminal petiolate, three-parted, wedge-shaped, cleft and dentate. The numerous glossy-yellow flowers, more than an inch broad, appear from April to August, are solitary, terminal, on angular, furrowed, bristly peduncles. The whole plant is exceedingly acrid, raising blisters, sometimes followed by deep sloughing ulcers. Habitat. Europe, naturalized in the United States; found in grassy fields and along roadsides. Very abundant only in New Eng- land. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 109; Winkler, 119; Millspaugh, 5. History. It is one of the oldest known drugs, employed externally, and as a vesicant prior to the use of cantharides. The acridity is lost by boiling and drying, several species being eaten as salad after boiling. The acridity of the leaves and stems varies during fructification ; the fibers of the root are acrid previous to this period, not afterwards. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1821 by a proving by Dr. Franz, Archiv. VII. 2, 165. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 257.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant, gathered during flowering. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ranunculus bulbosus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 482 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. RANUNCULUS FLAMMULA. Spearwort. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Ranunculus alismaefolius, R. ambigens, R. lingua, R. robini; English, Lesser spearwort, Spearwort. Description. A perennial herb, with stem about i foot high, smooth, reclining or ascending, branched, leafy, hairy near the top. The leaves, i to 2 inches long, are alternate, on flat, channelled, half- sheathing petioles, lanceolate or linear, nearly entire. The bright yellow flowers appear from June to September on smooth, round, naked peduncles, are terminal, and opposite the leaves. Habitat. Europe, Asia and Barbary ; found in wet places, and in the United States on the shore of Lake Ontario and northward. History. Recognized as one of the many species of Ranunculus in the old pharmacopeias. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. Franz in 1828, Archiv. VII. 3, 219. Parts Used. The entire fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ranunculus flammula, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. RANUNCULUS REPENS. Creeping Buttercup, Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 483 Synonyms. Latin, Ranunculus clintonii, R. intermedius, R. lanu- ginosus, R. prostratus, R. tomentosus; English, Common crowfoot, Creeping buttercup, Creeping crowfoot. Description. A deciduous, perennial, obnoxious herb. The stems are hairy, or nearly glabrous, erect in dry soil, creeping in moist situa- tions, from 6 inches to 3 or 4 feet long according to the habitat. The leaves are tri-ternate, the divisions petiolate, especially the terminal, broadly wedged-shaped, or oval, unequally three-cleft, variously cut. The bright-yellow flowers appear from May to August on the upright stems before the long runners are formed, on furrowed peduncles, with corolla much larger than the spreading calyx. Habitat. Indigenous to North America from Georgia northward and westward; found in ditches, moist or shady places. It is less acrid than the other species. Fig., Millspaugh, 4. History. With the other species it had place in the old pharma- copeias. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1828 by Dr. Franz, Archiv. VII. 3, 218. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 270.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength Y 1 ^. Ranunculus repens, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. Celery-Leaved Buttercup. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Herbe sardoa, Ranunculus palustris ; English, Celery-leaved buttercup, Celery-leaved crowfoot, Cursed crowfoot, Marsh crowfoot; French, Herbe sardonique, Grenouillette d'eau; German, Gifthahnenfuss. 484 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A perennial herb, with fibrous root. The stem, very smooth (except when the peduncle appears somewhat hairy), is I to 2 feet high, thick, round, hollow, repeatedly branched and leafy. The lower leaves are petiolate, rounded, bluntly-lobed and cut ; the upper are sessile, with deeper and narrower segments ; the uppermost, accom- panying the flowers, are lanceolate and undivided. The small pale- yellow flowers appear from May to August, are solitary, or sometimes in corymbs with the calyx, hairy and reflexed, the five or more petals flat, with a little gland on the inside of the base of each. Habitat. Europe, Asia and the United States; found in wet patches by the side of water. Fig., Winkler, 118; Millspaugh, 3. History. Name from rana, a frog, from the species inhabiting wet places, or the resemblance of the leaves to a frog's foot. A species long in use in European pharmacy. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1828 by a proving by Dr. Franz, Archiv. VII. 3, 217. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 270.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Ranunculus sceleratus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. RAPHANUS SATIVUS. Radish. Natural Order. Cruciferae. Synonyms. Latin, Raphanus hortensis, R. nigrum, R. raphanis- trum; English, Bl^ck or garden radish; French, Rave; German, Gartenrettig. Description. A very variable, biennial or annual herb, with long, round, tapering, tender or hard (according to age), differently colored, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 485 delicate or pungent root. The stem is erect, i to 2 feet high, glaucous, somewhat bristly and branched below. The leaves are alternate, petio- late or sessile, lyrate, dentate, rough, the terminal lobe oval or some- what obovate. The pink, purple or whitish flowers appear in May and June in terminal racemes or corymbs. Habitat. China, Japan and the western part of Asia; introduced into the United States. A troublesome weed in fields in New Eng- land to Pennsylvania and westward. Fig., Millspaugh, 26. History. Name derived from ra, quickly, and phaino, to appear, from its rapid germination. But little used in medicine. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1840 by a proving by Dr. Nusser, Rev. Crit. et Ret. d. 1. Mat. Med. I. 545. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 277.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Raphanus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. RATANHIA. Rhatany. Natural Order. Polygalaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Krameria triandra, Ratanhia peruviana; English, Mapato, Pumacuchu, Rhatany; French, Ratanhia, Ruiz et Pavon; German, Ratanhiavvurzel. Description. A low shrub, with long, horizontal, branched root. The stem is procumbent, tapering, with branches 2 to 3 feet long, the younger covered with soft hairs, giving a white, silky appearance. The few leaves, ^ inch long, are alternate, sessile, round, crowded, 486 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE oblong, obovate, acuminate, entire, covered on both sides with silvery hairs. The scarlet flowers, blooming nearly all the year, chiefly in October and November, are large, solitary, on axillary peduncles. Ratanhia root consists of a hard, tough, central, woody portion, and a thin, separable, rough, scaly bark, brownish or reddish-yellow in color externally, brownish-red internally, difficult to pulverize, odor- less, and having a bitter, astringent and sweetish taste. Habitat. Native of Peru ; growing in dry sandy places at an eleva- tion of 3000 to 8000 feet above the sea. Discovered by Ruiz in 1779. Fig., Winkler, 84 ; Goullon, 43 ; Bent, and Trim. 30. History. Named krameria for Dr. Kramer; rhatany, an Indian word signifying creeping. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1831 by provings by Drs. Hartlaub and Trinks, R. A. M. L. III. 53. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 290.] Part Used. The dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <$>: Drug strength -^. Ratanhia, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. * RESORCINUM. Resorcin. Chemical Symbol. C 6 H 4 (OH),; 109.74. Synonyms. English, Resorcinol, Metadioxybenzol ; French, Resor- cine; German, Resorcin. Description. This oxyphenol crystallizes in short, colorless, rhom- bic prisms or plates, odorless, and having a disagreeably sweet and rather acrid taste. It becomes reddish on exposure to the air. Is freely soluble in water, alcohol and ether ; less readily soluble in carbon disulfid, chloroform and benzol; reaction neutral. It melts at 118 C. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 487 and boils at 276.5 C. Resorcin burns with a bright flame, without residue. Chlorinated lime colors its solution a transient violet, ferric chlorid a purplish-black, disappearing on the addition of ammonia. It should melt to a clear colorless liquid when carefully heated in a test ' tube ; at a higher heat should volatilize with white vapors and without residue, or leaving only a little charcoal. It is obtained from the alcoholic extract of ammoniac, or galbanum, or by a cheaper process from benzol, and should be kept well-stoppered and protected from the light. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture : ix in alcohol. c. Dilutions: 2x and higher, in dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: ix and higher. RHAMNUS CATHARTICUS. Purging Buckthorn. Natural Order Rhamnaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Frangula caroliniana, F. fragilis, Sarcomphalus carolinianus, Spina cervina ; English, Buckthorn, Hartsthorn, Purging buckthorn, Waythorn; French, Bourquepine, Nerprun; German, Kreuzdorn, Wegdorn. Description, A deciduous shrub, with stem 5 to 10 feet high, alternate, or nearly opposite branches, spreading, straight, round, smooth, hard, rigid ; branchlets thorny, ending in a strong spine after the first year. The bright-green leaves are mostly alternate, frequently fasiculate, simple, pinnately-veined, ovate, minutely-serrate, smooth, petioles and young leaves downy. The greenish-yellow, polygamous or dioecious flowers appear in May and June in axillary clusters on the last year's branches. The bluish-black berries, four-celled and four- seeded, are globular, somewhat flat on top, smooth and shining, having an unpleasant odor and a bitter, acrid, nauseous taste. Habitat. Northern Africa, greater part of Europe from the Cau- casus to Siberia; it grows in thickets; sparingly naturalized in the United States, where it is cultivated for hedges, appearing spontane- ously on the Hudson River. Fig., Goullon, 57; Bent, and Trim. 64; Millspaugh, 41. THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Named from the Celtic, ram, a tuft of branches, from the resemblance of the thorns to a stag's horns. As Spina cervina it was known as early as the thirteenth century. Introduced into homoeo- pathic practice in 1850. Case of poisoning by eating the berries reported, Allg. Zeit. f. Horn. II. 139. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 301.] Part Used The ripe berries. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Rhamnus catharticus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. RHAMNUS FRANGULA. Buckthorn. Natural Order. Rhamnaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Frangula caroliniana, F. vulgaris; English, Alder buckthorn, Berry-bearing buckthorn, Black alder, Buckthorn alder, European (black) alder buckthorn. Description. A thornless shrub, with slender, somewhat straggling stem, 6 to 12 feet high, with smooth, purplish-gray bark; the extremi- ties of the young branches, buds and petioles having short reddish- yellow down. The leaves are alternate, \y 2 to 2^ inches long, petioled, with very small deciduous stipules, entire, smooth, bright- green, rather flaccid and undulating. The flowers are very small, bi-sexual, appearing from April to June in small clusters on slender, drooping, axillary peduncles. The bark is found in market ^ inch thick in small quills of a gray, brownish-gray or blackish-brown color externally, with whitish, warty, transversely-elongated protuberances, the inner surface smooth, brownish-yellow, somewhat fibrous in tex- ture, odorous, with a pleasant, sweetish taste. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 489 Habitat. Found throughout Europe, extending into Siberia, the Caucasus and Mediterranean coast of Africa, also in the United States along the river-banks of New Jersey, Virginia, Kentucky and south- ward. Fig., Goullon, 58; Bent, and Trim. 65. History. Name from frango, to break, from its brittle stems. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1850, Allg. Zeit. f. Horn. II. 139. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII.' 302.] Part Used. The bark of the young branches, gathered in spring and kept at least one year. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength ^j-. Rhamnus frangula, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations: ix and higher. RHAMNUS PURSHIANA. Cascara. Natural Order. Rhamnaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cascara sagrada; English, Chittem bark, Sacred bark. Description. A small tree not more than 20 feet high, with flexu- ous branches. The leaves, 2 to 7 inches long, i to 3 inches wide, are ovate, obtuse, acutely-pointed, finely-serrate, thin, pubescent beneath. The flowers are large, in cymose umbels. The bark is found in market in small, smooth pieces, or in quills, breaking with a short fracture, the external layer having pale, broad warts on its outer surface, which is whitish or brownish-gray, while the inner is yellowish or light- brown, becoming dark. It is inodorous and has a bitter taste. Habitat. Found in California and northward to British America. History. Name derived from the Celtic, ram, branching, and from Dr. Pursh. Part Used. The bark, at least two years old. 490 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength $. Rhamnus purshiana, ioo Gm. Distilled water, 400 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. RHEUM. Rhubarb, Natural Order. Polygonaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Rhabarbarum, Rheum compactum, R. emodi, R. muscoviticum, R. officinale, R. palmatum, R. rhaponticum, R. russicum, R. undulatum ; English, Indian (China) rhubarb, Rhubarb; French, Rhubarbe; German, Rhabarber. Description. The root of one or more undetermined species. What is known as the Chinese or Indian rhubarb (Rheum sinense and Rheum indicum) is in hard, compact, cylindrical, conical or flattened pieces, externally of a brownish-yellow color, having a smooth, powdery surface as though the bark were scraped off ; on breaking it presents a ragged, uneven surface, with various shades of dull-red, yellow and white, with darker colors and marked with dark lines, forming starlike spots. The pieces are perforated with small holes, where a cord has been used for suspension during drying. It has a peculiar, unpleasant, aromatic smell, a bitter, astringent taste and a grittiness when chewed, and forms a yellowish-brown powder, with a reddish-brown tinge when pulverized. Habitat. India, China, Tartary, Thibet, also grown in various parts of Europe, England, France, Belgium and Germany. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 124; Winkler, 124; Goullon, 213; Bent, and Trim. 215. History. The derivation of the name supposed by Linnaeus to be from reo, to flow, the root causing a discharge of bile. It was in use AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 491 as a medicine by the Chinese long before the Christian era. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1805 by Hahnemann, Frag. d. Vir. Med. 185. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 503.] Part Used. The dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Rheum, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 400 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHEMUM. Golden Flowered Rhododendron. Natural Order. Ericaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Rhododendron officinale ; English, Golden or yellow flowered rhododendron, Rosebay, Yellow snow rose ; French, Rose de Siberie; Get man, Alpenrose, Gichtrose, Schneerose. Description. An evergreen undershrub, from y 2 to \y 2 feet high, i inch thick, covered with brown bark and having spreading branches. The leaves are alternate, much-veined, oblong, tapering into the petiole, obtuse, reflexed, scabrous above, pale rust-colored beneath. The large yellow flowers appear in June and July on long peduncles in terminal umbels among large downy scales. Habitat. It grows on the highest snow-clad mountains of Siberia, the low mountains of Kamtschatka and the high Alps. Its habitat and time of gathering affect its efficacy. Fig., Winkler, 121 ; Goullon, 164. History. Name derived from rhodon, a rose, and dendron, a tree. The leaves, buds and twigs have been used in medicine since the latter 492 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE part of the last century. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1831 by provings by Dr. Seidel, Archiv. X. 3, 139. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 311.] Parts Used. The dried leaves and flower buds, gathered when the latter are well developed, but not opened. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength -fa. Rhododendron, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. RHUS AROMATICA. Fragrant Sumach. Natural Order. Anacardiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Betula triphylla, Lobadium aromaticum, Rhus canadensis, R. suaveolens, Turpinia glabra, T. pubescens; English, Fragrant sumach. Description. A straggling bush, with stem 4 feet high and tough wood. The odorous leaves are ternate, ovate, unequally dentate, pubescent when young, thickish when old. The middle leaflets are wedge-shaped at the base. The pale-yellow flowers appear from April to May, preceding the leaves, in clustered, scaly-bracted spikes. Not poisonous. Habitat. Found on dry rocky soil, Vermont to Michigan, Ken- tucky and westward. Fig., Millspaugh, 39. Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Rhus aromatica, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 700 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 493 b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with disfensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. RHUS GLABRA. Common Sumach, Natural Order. Anacardiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Rhus carolinense, R. elegans, R. virginicum; English, Common, smooth, Pennsylvania and upland sumach ; French, Sumac; German, Sumach. Description. A deciduous shrub, with stem 2 to 12 feet high, more or less bent, divided into straggling branches, covered with smooth, light-gray or somewhat reddish bark, with small scattered warts. The leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate, 11 to 31 leaflets, petioles crimson, leaflets lanceolate, acuminate, serrate, glabrous, green on their upper surface, downy beneath ; in autumn their color changing to a beautiful red. The greenish-white polygamous flowers appear in June and July in a terminal thyrsoid panicle. Habitat. Found in North America on rocky or barren soils. Fig., Millspaugh, 36. History. Used by the Chippeway Indians. Mention made in 1853, N. A. J. Horn. VI. 553. Proving by Dr. Marshall in 1866, Kale's New Rem. 2nd ed. 872. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 329.] Parts Used. The fresh bark and leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Rhus glabra, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 494 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Poison Ivy. Natural Order. Anacardiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Rhus humile, R. pubescens, R. radicans, R. toxicodendron, R. verrucosa, Vitis canadensis; English, Poison ash, oak or vine, Mercury vine, Three-leaved ivy, Trailing sumach ; French, Arbre a poison, Sumac veneneux; German, Gift Sumach, Wurtzel Sumach. Description. A deciduous shrub, with reddish, branching stem, I to 3 feet high, or climbing by rootlets over rocks, etc., or ascending trees, in which latter case it becomes Rhus radicans. The leaves are alternate, ternate, the lateral leaflets unequal at the base and sessile, the terminal one larger at the end of a prolongation of the common petiole (cauline differing from the radical), rhombic-ovate pointed, variously notched or entire, cut-lobed, downy beneath, thin ; the char- acter of the leaves somewhat inconstant, depending probably on the situation and proximity of supporting objects. The small greenish- white flowers are polygamous and appear in June in loose and slender axillary panicles. The whole plant has a resinous, milky, acrid juice, staining black and extremely poisonous. Habitat. In the United States ; found in thickets and low grounds. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 130; Winkler, 117; Jahr and Cat. 260; Goullon, 60; Millspaugh, 38. History. Name derived from the Celtic, rhudd, signifying red, alluding to the color of the flowers and leaves of some of the species in autumn. It has been used to a limited extent in old-school phar- macy. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1816 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., II. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 330.] Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture . Drug strength ^. Rhus toxicodendron, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 495 b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. CAUTION. The tincture poisons the skin, and bottles containing it should therefore be handled with great care. RHUS VENENATA. Poison Sumach. Natural Order. Anacardiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Rhus vernix, R. vernicifera; English, Dog wood, Poison ash, elder, sumach, tree or wood, Varnish tree, Varnish or swamp sumach. Description. A beautiful shrub, or small tree, 10 to 30 feet high, i to 5 inches in diameter, trunk a dark-gray, color of the branches lighter and of the twigs and petioles a beautiful red. The stems are erect, branching at the top, smooth, or nearly so. The leaves are odd- pinnately compound, seven- to thirteen-petioled leaflets, ovate-lanceo- late, acute, entire, smooth. The greenish-white polygamous flowers appear in June in loose, slender, erect panicles in the axils of the uppermost leaves. Habitat. Indigenous to North America from Florida to the Mis- sissippi and northward to Canada; found in swampy ground. Fig., Millspaugh, 37. History. This is the most poisonous species of the rhus and affords the Japan varnish. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in J 835 by a proving by Dr. Bute, Archiv. XV. i, 179. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 378.] Parts Used. The fresh leaves and stem. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Rhus venenata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. CAUTION. The tincture poisons the skin, and bottles containing it should therefore be handled with great care. 496 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE RICINUS COMMUNIS. Castor Oil Plant Natural Order. Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Ricinus africanus, R. europaeus, R. inermis, R. laevis, R. lividus, R. viridis ; English, Castor oil plant, Palma Christ! ; French, Semence de ricin ; German, Ricinussamen. Description. The seeds of a tree, or shrub, varying from 4 to 40 feet in height, according to its position. In the most favorable regions it attains a height of 40 feet ; in the Mediterranean countries it is a small tree 10 to 15 feet high, while in the temperate parts of America and Europe it is cultivated as an annual of 4 or 5 feet. The fruit is a blunt, somewhat globular, greenish, deeply grooved, prickly capsule, with three projecting sides, having three cells, containing one seed each. The seeds are y$ to y? inch long, ^ to ^ inch broad and % inch thick, ovate, compressed, convex on one side, smooth, shining, with brown or black spots and exhibiting a great variety of colors. Habitat. India, cultivated in temperate latitudes of North America and Europe. Fig., Winkler, 122; Goullon, 227; Bent, and Trim. 237. History. It was known in Egypt in the time of Herodotus (400 to 500 B. C). It was used for illuminating, afterwards as an external remedy and later as a purgative. Mentioned in homoeopathic litera- ture in 1841 by Dr. Buckner, Allg. Horn. Zeit. XX. 9. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 400; X. 628.] Part Used. The dried ripe seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ricinus communis, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, loco Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. ROBINIA PSEUDACACIA. Locust. Natural Order. Leguminosae. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 497 Synonyms. Latin, Pseudacacia odorata, Robinia fragilis; English, Black, false or yellow locust, False acacia, Locust ; French, Robinier ; German, Falsche Acacien. Description A deciduous tree, from 40 to 80 feet high, I to 4 feet in diameter, with erect, straight trunk, dark rough bark and yellow, light, hard, durable wood. The branches are naked, spinous when young, the spines taking the place of stipules. The leaves are odd- pinnate, nearly sessile, obovate or oblong, leaflets smooth, with prickly spines. The white fragrant flowers appear in May and June in slender, loose, pendent, axillary racemes. Habitat. United States, southern Pennsylvania to Illinois and southward ; cultivated as an ornamental tree and for its valuable timber. Fig., Millspaugh, 50. History. Named for Jean Robin, herbalist to Henry IV. of France. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. Burt in 1864, Am. Horn. Obs. I. 61. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 402; X. 608.] Part Used The fresh bark of the young twigs, or of the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength J$. Robinia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Strong alcohol, 840 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dihitions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. RUMEX ACETOSA. Sorrel. Natural Order. Polygonaceae. Synonyms English, Field or common sorrel. Description. A perennial herb, having a long, tapering, somewhat woody root. The stem is i to 2 feet high, erect, simple, leafy, striated. The radical leaves are petiolate, somewhat ovate-lanceolate, arrow- shaped, with two lateral teeth, the cauline sessile, more oblong, 498 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE narrower and entire. The small, reddish dioecious flowers appear in the spring in terminal, erect, compound, whorled, naked panicles; the staminate are green, with a reddish tinge, the pistillate redder. Habitat. Great Britain; found abundant in waste places, sterile and worn fields. History. The leaves, containing oxalate of potash, are agreeably sour and are used for salads and soups. The effects of eating the leaves published in Lond. Med. Gaz. 1847, and N. A. J. of Horn. IV. 114 (1855). [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 415.] Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Rum ex acetosa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; '3 X an d higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. RUMEX CRISPUS. Yellow Dock. Natural Order. Polygonaceae. Synonyms. English, Curled, narrow, sour, or yellow dock, Garden patience ; French, Patience frisee ; German, Krauser Ampfer. Description. A smooth, perennial herb, with deep, spindle-shaped, yellow root. The smooth stem, 3 to 4 feet high, is angular, furrowed, somewhat zigzag. The leaves are lanceolate, petiolate, whorled, acute, wavy-curled, smooth, lightish-green in color; the radical leaves long- petioled, truncate, or scarcely heart-shaped at the base, the cauline acute at both ends, nearly sessile. The numerous, small, incon- spicuous greenish flowers appear from May to August in long, slender racemes. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 499 Habitat. Naturalized from Europe, found everywhere in the eastern part of the United States. One of the most troublesome weeds ; very common in cultivated and waste grounds, and extremely difficult to eradicate. Fig., Millspaugh, 143. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1852 by prov- ings by Dr. Joslin, Phil. Journ. Horn. I. 289. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 417.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Rumex crispus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Rue. Natural Order. Rutaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Ruta hortensis, R. latifolia, R. montana, R. sativa, R. vulgaris ; English, Bitter herb, Countryman's treacle, Garden rue, Rue; French, Rue des jardins; German, Garten Raute. Description. An evergreen undershrub. The several stems are about 2 feet high, shrubby branching, cylindrical and slender. The leaves, from 3 to 4 inches long, are alternate, long-petiolate, supra- decompound ; the leaflets oblong, the terminal obovate ; the uppermost leaves are simply-pinnate, triangular-ovate in outline, obtusely-crenate, subcoriaceous, bluish-green. The yellow flowers appear from June to September in terminal, branched corymbs on subdivided peduncles. All parts of the plant are filled with transparent dots; the leaves are beset with small glands, containing an oil of a peculiarly strong balsamic odor and of an aromatic, bitter, acrid taste. 50O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Western Asia and Canary Islands, naturalized in southern Europe, where it is common in sterile waste places ; cultivated in India and United States. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 143; Winkler, 120; Jahr and Cat. 262; Goullon, 50; Bent, and Trim. 44. History. Ruta is about the same in all languages, graveolens, strong smelling. It was held in high esteem at the time of Hippo- crates. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1818 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 431.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Ruta graveolens, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. SABADILLA. Cevadilla. Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Asagraea officinalis, Cebadilla, Helonias offici- nalis, Hordeum causticum, Melanthium sabadilla, Sabadilla officinarum, Schoenocaulon officinale, Veratrum officinale, V. sabadilla; English, Cevadilla seeds, Indian caustic barley; French, Sebadille ; German, Sabadillasaamen. Description. The seeds of several species of bulbous rooted, herbaceous plants, 3 to 5 feet high, with linear tapering, entire leaves and yellow flowers. The fruit consists of three slightly spreading, brownish, papery follicles, about y z inch long, united at the base, spreading somewhat towards the apex, opening by their ventral suture ; each follicle contains usually two, sometimes six seeds ; these are \ to \ inch long, narrow, pointed, flattened on one side, convex on the other, shining, rugose, blackish-brown, inodorous, and have a per- sistent, acrid and bitter taste. The seeds yield 3 per cent of veratrin. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 5OI Habitat. Mexico, West Indies, Guatemala and Venezuela ; found in grassy plains on open hills from 3,500 to 4,000 feet above sea level. Fig., Winkler, 1 50 ; Jahr and Cat. 263 ; Goullon, 264 ; Bent, and Trim. 287. History. Described in 1571 as in use by the Indians of New Spain as a caustic. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1825 by provings reported by Dr. Stapf, Archiv. IV. 3, 119. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 443.] Part Used. The dried capsuled seeds, as imported. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < ; Drug strength -jfa. Sabadilla, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. SABAL SERRULATA. Saw Palmetto. Natural Order. Palmaceae. Synonym. Latin, Chamaerops serrulata. Description. A creeping, evergreen shrub, 2 to 3 feet long, with large fibrous roots extending outward several feet from the stem. The densely set, large leaves, with aculeate-serrate petioles, are pal- mately fan-shaped, plaited and many cleft with fibrous threads hanging between the segments. The small, perfect, greenish-purple flowers appear from June to August on a thick, branching spadix. The oblong-ovate, dark-purple or brown fruit ripens in October, November and early in December, its yield being larger in alternate years. It contains a pit or seed, resembling that of the olive ; has an aromatic odor, and a taste at first sweet, afterward pungently bitter, and finally smooth and oily. Habitat. Barrens, South Carolina to Florida. Part Used. The fresh ripe fruit. 5O2 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Sabal serrulata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, fotir parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. SABINA. Savin, Natural Order. Conif erae. Synonyms. Latin, Juniperus fcetida, J. lycia, J. prostrata, J. sabina, Sabina officinalis, S. sterilis, S. vulgaris ; English, Savin ; French, Sabine ; German, Sadebaum. Description. A compact, evergreen shrub, spreading horizontally or rising erect to the height of 3 to 15 feet. The trunk, sometimes a foot in diameter, has a pale, reddish-brown, scaly bark. The slender, round, tough branches and bright-green young twigs are closely covered with short, acute, imbricating leaves. The leaves opposite, or in threes, erect, firm, smooth, pointed, dark-green, with surface glandular in the middle, are very bitter and have a strong, disagree- able smell. The flowers, appearing in May and June, are unisexual, dioecious, very small ; the male in catkins, the female in cones at the extremities of the lateral branches. Habitat. Southern and middle Europe, Russia, in Asia and North America ; found throughout a large portion of the colder temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, except in the Scandinavian peninsula, varying much in growth ; found on rocky banks from Maine to Wisconsin and further northward. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 148; Winkler, 83 ; Jahr and Cat. 264 ; Goullon, 291 ; Bent, and Trim. 254. History. The name from the Celtic, jeneprus, signifying rough, or rude ; Sabina, the Latin name for the plant. Introduced into AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 503 homoeopathic practice by provings of Hahnemann and others, Archiv. V. i, 151. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 458.] Parts Used. The fresh stems and leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength -j^. Sabina, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 112 Cc. = 212 Strong alcohol, 903 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. SALICINUM. Salicin. Chemical Symbol. C 13 H 18 O 7 ; 285.33. Natural Order. Salicaceae. Synonyms. French, Salicine; German, Salicin. Description. A crystalline glucoside, obtainable, when pure, in the form of white, shining scales or needles, or as colorless plates, or flat rhombic prisms, odorless, and of an extremely bitter taste ; per- manent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 28 parts of water, in 30 parts of alcohol, and in acetic acid ; insoluble in ether, chloroform and benzin ; reaction neutral. It melts at 198 C., cooling to a crystalline mass, and when ignited, burns without residue; with cold sulfuric acid, salicin gives a bright-red solution, which takes up water from the air and deposits a red powder, rutilin. Salicin is not precipitated from its aqueous solution by tannic or picric acid, nor by mercuric potas- sium iodid test solution ; this test differentiating it from alkaloids and indicating their absence. It is obtained from the bark of several species of salix and populus. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VIII. 473- PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. 504 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE SALIX NIGRA. Black Willow. Natural Order. Salicaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Salix ambigua, S. falcata, S. ligustrina, S. purshiana ; English, Black willow. Description. A shrub or tree, 15 to 25 feet high, with rough black bark and very brittle branches at the base. The leaves have small deciduous stipules, are alternate, narrowly-lanceolate, pointed and tapering at each end, serrate, smooth (except on the petioles and mid- rib), green on both sides. The flowers appear in May and June in peduncled catkins on the summit of the lateral leafy branches of the season ; scales entire, greenish-yellow, more or less hairy, falling before the pods are ripe. Habitat. United States, frequent along streams, especially south- ward. History. Name derived from the Celtic, sal, near, and lis, water. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature by Dr. Wright in 1875, Am. Horn. Obs. XII. 177. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 630.] Part Used The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -^. Salix nigra, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. SALIX PURPUREA. Purple Willow. Natural Order. Salicaceae. Synonyms. Lathi, Salix helix, S. lambertiana, S. monandra; English, Bitter, purple or red willow ; German, Purpurishe Weide. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 50$ Description. A deciduous tree, shrub, or trailing bush, 6 to 10 feet high, with very smooth and bitter bark, and terete, tough, pliable branches, the twigs sometimes olive-colored or reddish. The leaves, opposite and alternate on the same plant on short, stout petioles, are simple, oblanceolate, pointed, minutely and sparingly dentate, smooth, light, rather glaucous and. green. The flowers appear "in April and May in slender catkins, scales round and concave, very black, hirsute and persistent. Habitat. United States, introduced from Europe; found in low grounds. Fig., Millspaugh, 161. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by fragmentary proving in 1870 by Dr. Duncan, N. Y. State Trans. 328. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 475.] Part Used. The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Salix purpurea, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 j Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. SALOL. SaloL Chemical Symbol. C 6 H 5 C 7 H 5 O 3 ; 213.49. Synonyms. Latin, Salolum ; English, Phenyl salicylate; French, Salicylate de phenol; German, Salicylsaure-Phenylaether, Phenyl- salicylat. Description. Consists of a white, crystalline coarse powder, having a faint aromatic odor and a slight taste of carbolic acid. It is insoluble in water; soluble in 10 parts of alcohol at 15 C., also soluble in ether, benzol and in fatty oils; reaction neutral. It melts at from 42 to 506 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE 43 C. Salol is the phenylic ether of salicylic acid, consisting of 60 parts by weight of salicylic acid and 40 parts of phenol. Having no unpleasant taste it is often used in place of salicylic acid, decomposing in the intestinal canal into salicylic and carbolic acids. PREPARATIONS. Ttitumtions: ix and higher. SALVIA OFFICINALIS. Sage. Natural Order. Labiatae. Synonyms. English, Garden sage, Sage; French, Sauge officinale; German, Salbei. Description. A low, straggling, deciduous, perennial undershrub, with ascending or decumbent stem 3 feet high, giving off roots at the nodes, bluntly quadrangular, with erect, hoary branches, leafy at the base, those bearing flowers i to \y 2 feet long, tomentose. The leaves are numerous, opposite, crowded on the barren branches, entire, petiolate, oblong, narrowed or rounded, rugose, the lowermost white, with wool beneath ; floral leaves sessile, ovate, acuminate, and striated at the base, veiny above, woolly and whitish beneath. The large flowers are blue, variegated with white, on short pubescent peduncles, arranged in axillary cymes of three or five. All parts of the plant are more or less glandular, have a strong aromatic odor and a bitter, somewhat astringent taste. Habitat. Indigenous to southern Europe, extensively cultivated in England, France, Germany and the United States. History. The name derived from the Latin, salvo, to heal. Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Salvia officinalis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS. Elder, Natural Order. Caprifoliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Sambucus glauca, S. humilis; English, Ameri- can, black, Canadian, common, or sweet elder, Elder, Elder blooms; French, Sureau du Canada ; German, Canadische Hollunder. Description. A perennial, deciduous shrub, 5 to 10 feet high, with large white pith, scarcely woody. The leaves, 6 to 12 inches long, are opposite, petiolate, odd-pinnate; leaflets 7 to n, opposite, petioled, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, strongly-serrate, mostly smooth, the lower tri-foliate, glabrous above, paler, slightly hairy beneath. The white, odorous flowers appear from June to August in five-parted corymbose cymes. Habitat. United States and Canada from New Brunswick to Saskatchewan, southward to Florida and Texas, westward to Arizona ; found in rich soil in open places, thickets, along fences and hedges. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 138; Millspaugh, 75. History. Name from sambuca, a musical instrument made of the wood on account of its hardness. The flowers and other parts of the plant have been employed in domestic practice for a long while. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by a proving by Dr. Uebelacker. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 476.] Part Used. The fresh flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Sambucus canadensis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 5O8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. European Elder. Natural Order. Caprif oliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Sambucus acinis albis, S. laciniatis follis, S. maderensis ; English, Black berried European elder, Bore tree, Com- mon European elder, Elder; French, Sureau; German, Schwarzer Hollunder. Description. A deciduous tree, 15 to 20 feet high, branching towards the top, with rough, whitish bark, filled with whitish, light, spongy pith. The leaves, i to 3 inches long, are opposite, petioled, odd-pinnate, the two to four opposite leaflets oval, rounded, acuminate, sharply-serrate, glabrous and shining, paler beneath. The creamy- white flowers appear from May to July in five-parted cymes ; some in each are sessile, having a sweetish but faint smell. Habitat. Great Britain, greater part of Europe, Caucasus, Siberia and Japan ; found in woods and waste places. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 154; Winkler, 135; Goullon, 131; Bent, and Trim. 137. History. It was employed as a medicine by Hippocrates (400 B. C.). Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1819 by Hahne- mann, R. A. M. L., V. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 477.] Parts Used. The fresh leaves and flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength ^. Sambucus nigra, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 267 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 509 SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. Blood Root. Natural Order. Papaveraceae. Synonyms. Latin, Sanguinaria acaulis, S. grandiflora, S. minor, S. vernalis ; English, Blood root, Indian paint, Pauson, Puccoon, Red puccoon, Red root, Tetterwort, Turmeric; French, Sanguinaire du Canada; German, Blutwurzel. Description. A perennial, acaulescent herb, with a red cylindrical, prostrate rhizome, 2 to 4 inches long, ^ to ^ inch thick, slightly- branched, with fibrous roots beneath, and having an abundant, red- orange, acrid juice. The leaves, arising from each bud of the rhizome, are five to nine palmately-lobed on long red-orange colored petioles, glabrous, pale-green above, bluish-white beneath, with orange-colored veins, and not attaining full growth until the flowers have fallen. The handsome, white flowers, i to i^ inches in diameter, appear in April and May on a one-flowered, naked scape, 6 inches high, the bud erect, the petals usually eight, not crumpled. Habitat. United States and Canada ; common in open rich woods and along shaded streams. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 20; Millspaugh, 22. History. The name derived from the color of the juice. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1837 by provings by Dr. Bute, Correspondenzblatt, III. 2. [Allen's Encyc. Mat Med. VIII. 481.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y^. Sanguinaria, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications; 3x and higher. 5IO THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE SANTONINUM. Santonin. Chemical Symbol. C 15 H 18 O 3 ; 245.43. Synonyms. English and French, Santonine; German, Santonina. Description. Consists of colorless, lustrous, right rhombic prisms, odorless, and of a bitter taste. Sunlight gives it a yellow color. It is nearly insoluble in cold water; soluble in 250 parts of boiling water, 43 parts of cold alcohol and 2.7 parts of boiling 90 per cent alcohol, in 72 parts of cold and 42 parts of boiling ether, also soluble in strong acetic acid, volatile oils, and in warm olive oil ; reaction neutral. It forms a colorless liquid at 170 C, and when slowly cooled recrystal- lizes, while rapidly cooled it forms an amorphous mass ; in small quantities it sublimes without decomposition in white needles when carefully heated to a little above its melting point ; with sulfuric acid it forms a colorless solution and is precipitated by water without alteration ; when a test solution of bichromate of potassium is added to the supernatant liquid it should remain unchanged ; by dissolving a small quantity of santonin in chloroform adulterations of gum, boracic acid and salicin may be detected, as they will remain undis- solved. Santonin is the active principle of santonica, the unexpanded flower heads of Artemisia maritima, var. Stechmanniana. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VIII. 497. A poison. Maximum dose 4 grains ; children of 2 years % grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. SARRACENIA PURPUREA. Pitcher Plant. Natural Order. Sarraceniaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Sarazina gibbosa, Sarracenia gronovii, S. hete- rophylla, S. leucophylla; English, Eve's cup, Fly trap, Huntsman's cup, Pitcher plant, Side saddle flower, Side saddle plant, Water cup ; French and German, Sarracenie. Description. A perennial bog herb, with conical, oblique, some- what ligneous root, I inch long, with numerous, yellowish-brown, fibrous rootlets. The leaves are radical, pitcher-shaped, composed of AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 511 four parts ; the petiole about one-third the length, slender, dilated at the base and somewhat equitant; the tube ovate, narrowing to the petiole and longitudinally marked with reddish veins ; the hood auricu- late, cordate, wavy, covered in the throat with numerous, stiff, sharp, curved bristles, pointing downward ; the wing broad, laterally undu- lated, passing along the median line of the upper surface of the tube from the base of the hood to the petiole. These curious leaves lie in bogs looking up towards the nodding flower, and are half filled with water and drowned insects. The single, large, reddish-purple, terminal, nodding flower appears in June upon a long, smooth and naked scape. Habitat. In boggy places from Canada southward, from New England to Minnesota, north to Illinois, southward, east to the Alle- ghany. Fig., Millspaugh, 19. History. Name in honor of Dr. Sarrazin. Introduced into homoe- opathic practice in 1863, Bui. d. 1. Soc. M. H. de France, IV. 581. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 514.] Parts Used. The fresh plant, including the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Sarracenia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. SARSAPARILLA. Sarsaparilla. Natural Order. Smilacese. Synonyms. Latin, Sarza, Smilax medica, S. officinalis, S. peru- viana, S. sarsaparilla, S. syphilitica ; English, Wild liquorice ; French, Salsepareille ; German, Sarsaparella. 512 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A climbing, deciduous shrub, with long slender roots covered with wrinkled bark, inodorous, with a mucilaginous, very slightly bitter taste ; internally, mealy, yellowish-white, compact and easily split. The stem, 4 feet and upward in height, is prickly, nearly square. The leaves, i foot long, 4 to 5 inches broad, are alternate, petioled, having tendrils above the base, five-nerved, ovate, lanceolate, cordate, cuspidate, glaucous beneath, leathery, smooth. As found in market the dried roots are long and cylindrical, thinner toward the extremities, somewhat furrowed longitudinally, beset with a beard, or thin, branching fibers, and of a bright-brownish or reddish-yellow color when freed from adhering particles of earth. Habitat. Indigenous to New Granada, northern half of South America, Central America, coast land of Mexico, cultivated in the Island of Jamaica. It is afforded by several plants of the genus Smilax. The plants inhabit swampy tropical forests, which are extremely deleterious to health and are only explored amid great difficulties. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 159; Goullon, 254; Bent, and Trim. 289, 290. History. Name from the Spanish zarza, a bramble, and parilla, a vine. Sarsaparilla was known as early as 1545, when it became a popular remedy in Europe and has so continued. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1818 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., IV. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 526.] Part Used. The dried root, as imported from Jamaica, or red sarsaparilla, as imported from Central America. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture $ ' Drug strength ^. Sarsaparilla, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. c. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 513 SASSAFRAS. Sassafras Bark. Natural Order Lauraceae. Synonyms. Latin, Laurus sassafras, Sassafras officinale ; English, Sassafras bark ; French, Sassafras ; German, Fenchelholzrinde. Description. A deciduous, spicy, aromatic tree, 15 to 20 feet high, with yellowish-green twigs and very mucilaginous foliage. The stem is much branched ; branches slender, with smooth orange-brown bark, buds covered with red scales. The leaves are alternate, simple, with prominent veins beneath, ovate, entire or three-lobed, glabrous, finely- downy beneath. The small greenish-yellow flowers are dioecious, or nearly so, and appear in April in naked, clustered, peduncled, drooping, corymbose racemes. The dried bark appears in small, irregular, very brittle fragments, of a brownish-red color, sweetish taste and fragrant, aromatic odor ; while the root comes in crooked, branching pieces of various sizes and of a yellowish-white, pale-brownish or reddish color. Habitat. United States from Canada to Florida; found in rich woods. Fig., Winkler, 129; Jahr and Cat. 266; Goullon, 216; Bent, and Trim. 220. Part Used. The dried bark of the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength -fa. Sassafras, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 814 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. SCILLA MARITIMA. Squill. Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cepa marina, Ornithogalum maritimum, O. scilla, Pancratium verum, Sancratium, Scilla hispanica, S. maritima, 514 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE S. rufa magna vulgaris, S. vulgaris radice rubra, Squilla hispanica? S. rubra, S. vulgaris, Urginea maritima, U. scilla; English, Sea onion, Squill ; French, Ognon marin ; German, Meerzwiebel. Description. A bulbous rooted, perennial plant, with broad, lanceo- late, channelled, spreading, recurved, pointed, somewhat undulated, dark-green leaves, appearing long after the flowers. The whitish green-nerved flowers have six stamens inserted on the base of the sepals and form a long raceme, the termination of a scape of from 3 to 4 feet in height. The bulbs, which are the officinal part, are fibrous rooted, roundish, ovate, very large, half above ground, either pale- green or red, with fleshy scales attenuated on their edges, closely piled over each other, covered by thin, dry, exterior scales, appearing like a membrane, the intermediate scales having the most energy. Habitat. On the sandy beach of the Mediterranean, shores of the Atlantic and the coast of Asia and Africa. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 163; Winkler, 137; Jahr and Cat. 278. History. One of the most ancient remedies, known as Epimenidea, on account of its use by Epimenides, who flourished in the seventh century B. C. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1817 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., III. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 118.] Part Used The fresh bulb. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength ^. Squilla, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 250 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. SCROPHULARIA NODOSA. Figwort. Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 515 Synonyms. Latin, Galiopsis, Ocimastrum, Scrophularia foetida, S. lanceolata, S. majoris, S. marilandica (Gray), S. vulgaris ; English, Carpenter's square, Figwort, Heal all, Holme's weed, Knotty-rooted figwort, Scrofula plant, Square stalk; French, Scrofulaire vulgaire; German, Braunwurz. Description. A smooth, deciduous herb, with whitish fibrous root beset with fleshy knobs. The stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is simple, four- sided, with blunt angles. The leaves are opposite, petioled, three- nerved, ovate, oblong below, lanceolate above, cordate, cut-serrate. The small, greenish-purple, or lurid, flowers appear from May to September in loose, drooping cymes, forming a terminal, narrow panicle. Habitat. Europe, variety Marilandica in the United States and Canada, introduced from Europe and northern Asia ; found along the borders of woods and dry roadsides. Fig., Millspaugh, 112. History. Name from the root, having a resemblance to scrofulous tumors. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1838 by a proving by Dr. Franz, Archiv. XVII. 3, 184. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 546, including var. marilandica.] Parts Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Scrophularia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2\ to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. SCUTELLARIA LATERIFLORA. Skull Cap, Natural Order. Labiatae. i Synonyms. English, Blue pimpernel, Blue skull cap, Large- flowered skull cap, Mad-dog skull cap, Side-flowering skull cap, Hood- 516 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE wort, Hooded willow herb, Mad-dog weed, Mad weed, Skull cap, Woodwort ; French, Scutellaire, La toque; German, Helmkraut, Schildkraut. Description. A perennial, bitter herb, with fibrous root. The stem, i to 2 feet high, is upright, much-branched, four-sided, smooth (except on the softly pubescent angles). The leaves, 2 to 3 inches long, are opposite, petioled, lanceolate-ovate, or ovate-oblong, rounded, pointed, coarsely-serrate. The small blue single flowers appear in July and August in opposite, axillary, unilateral leafy racemes ; the first pair of leaves similar to those of the stem, the rest gradually reduced to bracts. Habitat. Indigenous to North America from Canada to Florida, and westward to British America, Oregon and New Mexico ; common in wet shady places and wet borders of streams. Fig., Millspaugh, 120. History. Name from scutella, a saucer, or shallow dish, alluding to the fruiting calyx. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1864 by Dr. Hale, New Rem. ist ed. 389. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 549-] Parts Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength $. Scutellaria, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 500 Cc. = 600 Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. SECALE CORNUTUM. Rye Ergot. Natural Order. Fungi. Synonyms. Latin, Acinula clavus, Clavaria clavus, Calvi siliginis, Claviceps purpurea, Clavus secalinum, Ergota, Sclerotium clavus, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. Secale clavatum, S. corniculatum, S. luxurians, S. maternum, S. temulentum, S. turgidum, Secalis mater, Spermoedia clavus; English, Cockspur, Cockspur rye, Ergot of rye, Horned rye, Spurred rye; French, Ergot; German, Mutterkorn. Description. A fungus, growing upon the seed of the Secale cereale and other grain. The grains, or ergots, are from YT, to y^ inch long and % to ^ inch in diameter, subcylindrical, or obtusely- triangular, tapering toward the ends, generally somewhat curved, transversely-fissured, having three longitudinal furrows, and a detach- able, yellowish hood at the apex ; externally it is purplish-black, internally whitish, with purplish striae ; the surface is of uniform texture and breaks with a smooth fracture. It has a peculiar, offen- sive odor, a rancid taste and deteriorates when kept a long time. History. The use of Secale in obstetric practice was first men- tioned in the sixteenth century. Introduced into homoeopathic prac- tice in 1832 by Hartlaub and Trinks, Annalen der Horn. Klinik, III. 228. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 551.] Parts Used. The whole (fresh dried) fungus. It should be gath- ered at the time of its greatest development, which is just before time of harvesting, and the preparation should be made fresh each season. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength Y 1 ^. Secale, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. d. Ttiturations : ix and higher; freshly prepared. SELENIUM. Selenium. Chemical Symbol Se; 78.87. Description. A rare, non-metallic element, analogous to sulfur in many of its chemical relations. It is a reddish-brown, somewhat 518 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE lustrous and translucent, amorphous, brittle substance, which forms a tasteless and odorless scarlet-red powder when pulverized. It is insoluble in water and alcohol ; slightly soluble in carbon disulfid, from which solution it crystallizes; specific gravity, from 4.3 104.5. It fuses and boils slightly above 100 C, and when heated in the air burns with a blue flame, giving off reddish vapors, having the odor of carbon disulfid ; with strong sulf uric acid it forms a green solution, and may be precipitated from it unchanged by adding water; on the addition of a little hydrochloric acid and sulfuretted hydrogen to its solution with nitric acid, a yellow precipitate, soluble in ammonium sulfid, may be obtained. Selenium is found associated with sulfur, or occasionally replacing it in certain metallic combinations. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VIII. 576. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM. House Leek. Natural Order. Crassulaceae. Synonyms. English, Common house leek; French, Grande jou- barbe; German, Hauswurz. Description. An evergreen, perennial herb, with fibrous root hav- ing several rosaceous tufts of numerous leaves. The stem, i foot high, rising from one of these tufts, is round, pubescent, and terminates in a many-flowered cyme with spiked branches. The leaves are narrow, sessile, alternate, oblong, acute, keeled, fringed, and exceedingly succu- lent. The large rose-colored flowers appear from June to September and are odorless. Habitat. Indigenous to the Alps, growing spontaneously through- out Europe and cultivated in the United States. History. Name signifying, live forever. Reported by Linnseus, as used as a preservative to the roofs of houses in parts of Sweden. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1855 by Dr. Kallenbach, Allg. Horn. Zeit. 50. 126. (Rale's New Rem.) Part Used. The fresh leaves. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 519 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ : Drug strength ^. Sempervivum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 470 Cc. To ma'ke one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, five parts distilled water, four parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. SENEdO AUREUS. Ragwort. Natural Order Compositse. Synonyms. Latin, Senecio gracilis; English, False valerian, Golden senecio, Life root, Ragwort, Squaw weed, Uncum ; French, Senec/m; German, Kreuzpflanze. Description. A perennial herb, having a thin, slender, horizontal root, i to 2 inches long, with numerous slender rootlets. The stem, 10 to 30 inches high, is smooth or woolly when young. The leaves are alternate, varying ; the radical, long-petioled, round, cordate, crenately- dentate; the lower cauline are lyrate, the upper pinnatifid, usually lanceolate, sessile, or partly clasping. The flowers appear in May and June in heads consisting of from eight to twelve yellow ray florets. Habitat. United States, common everywhere in the north and west; found in swamps. Fig., Millspaugh, 91. History. Name from senex, an old man, alluding to the hoary hairs which cover many species. Introduced into homoeopathic prac- tice in 1866 by proving by Dr. Small, U. S. Med. and Surg. Jour. I. 150. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 582.] Parts Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Senecio, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc.= 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 52O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. SENEGA. Seneca Snakeroot. Natural Order. Polygalaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Poly gala senega, P. virginiana, Seneca ; English, Rattlesnake milkwort, Rattlesnake root, Seneca snakeroct, Snakeroot ; French, Polygala de Virginie ; German, Senega wurzel, Kljpperschlan- genwurz. Description. A perennial, deciduous herb, with thick, hard, knotty root, y 2 inch thick, sometimes slightly branched, somewhat acid and acrid. The several stems are simple, 6 to 12 inches long. The leaves are alternate, sessile, lanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate, rough. The very irregular greenish-white flowers appear in May and June, and are nearly sessile, in solitary close spikes. Habitat. United States, western New England to Wisconsin, Kentucky and Virginia; found in open, rocky woods and plains. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 176; Winkler, 113; Jahr and Cat. 271 ; Goullon, 41; Bent, and Trim. 29 ; Millspaugh, 45. History. Name from polus, much, and gala, milk, from its sup- posed effects. Used among the Seneca Indians (whence its common name) as an antidote to snake bites. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1830 by proving by Seidel, Archiv. IX. 2, 175. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 586.] Part Used The dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture . Drug strength -fa. Senega, too Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. SENNA, Senna. Natural Order Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Cassia acutifolia, C. aethiopica, C. lanceolata, C. lenitiva, C. obovata, C. officinalis, C. senna, Senna acutifolia, S. alexandrina ; English, Alexandrian senna, False senna, Nubian senna ; French, Sene; German, Sennesblatter. Description. The leaves of several species of the genus Cassia as mentioned above. The Senna plants are low, perennial, bushy shrubs, 2 to 4 feet high. The leaves are i inch long, alternate, pinnate, short - petioled, lanceolate, with a sessile gland above the base of the petiole, entire, finely-pubescent or nearly smooth. The long pale-yellow flowers are in terminal racemes. The kind used in homoeopathic practice is known as the Alexandrian senna. It has a faint, sickly odor, with a slightly bitter, sweetish and nauseous taste. Habitat. Native of Arabia and tropical Africa. Fig., Winkler, 38 ; Jahr and Cat. 272 ; Goullon, 86 ; Bent, and Trim. 90. History. Senna is the Arabic name of this drug; in use by Arabian physicians in the ninth or tenth century. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VIII. 599.] Part Used. The dried leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture < . Drug strength -^. Senna, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 522 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Tritumtions: ix and higher. SEPIA. . Sepia. Class. Mollusca. Family. Sepiadae. Order. Dibranchiata. Synonyms. Latin, Sepia vera, S. succus ; English, Inky juice of the cuttle fish. Description. This brownish-black substance is the dried inky secretion of a cephalopodous mollusc, called the cuttle fish. The liquid is contained in an oval pouch, nearly the size and shape of a grape, communicating with the rectum by a long excretory duct. As it appears commercially, Sepia consists of a brittle solid mass almost tasteless and having a faint smell of sea fish. It breaks with a con- choidal, shining fracture. It is insoluble in alcohol, also insoluble in water, but readily diffuses in it and slowly precipitates. It is obtained from the Mediterranean, and should be procured enclosed in the sac in which it is dried. The sepia prepared for artists is unfit for medicinal use. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, VIII. 600. PREPARATIONS. Tiiturations: ix and higher. The lower triturations require much time and labor in their pre- paration, as Sepia is difficult to subdivide. SILICEA.- Silica. Chemical Symbol SiO 2 . Synonyms. English, Silicic anhydride, S. oxid, Oxide of silicon, Quartz, Rock crystal pure flint, Silex ; French, Silice ; German, Si'lice. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 523 Description. As prepared by the second method given below, Silicea consists of a white amorphous powder, odorless and tasteless. Soluble in water and in dilute acids, excepting only hydrochloric acid. If 10 grains be placed in a filter, and repeatedly washed with 100 grain volume of distilled water, the filtrate will exhibit only a faint cloudiness on the addition of a solution of nitrate of silver. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IX. i. Preparations. Hahnemann directs that this be prepared as fol- lows : "Take half an ounce of mountain crystal and expose it several times to a red heat, or take pure white sand and wash it with distilled vinegar; when washed, mix it with two ounces of powered natrum; melt the whole in an iron crucible until effervescence has ceased, and the liquefied mass looks clear and smooth, which is then to be poured upon a marble plate. The limpid glass, which is thus obtained, is to be pulverized while warm and to be filled in a phial, adding four times its own weight of distilled water (the phial being exactly filled to a level and a stopper being put in immediately). This mixture forms a solution which remains always clear; but upon pouring it into an open phial, which is loosely covered with paper, it becomes decom- posed, and the snow-white silica separates from the natrum and falls to the bottom of the phial." Silicea may also be prepared by the following and better process as described in the British Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia: Take of Silica, in powder, I part. Dried carbonate of sodium, 4 parts. Fuse the sodic carbonate in a roomy clay crucible, then gradually add the powdered silica. When evolution of carbonic gas ceases, pour the fused mass upon a clean marble slab. While still warm, pulverize it in a mortar ; place in a wide-mouthed bottle, with enough distilled water to dissolve it ; stopper and cap with wet bladder. The next day dilute the solution, and rapidly filter through cotton wool. Add to the filtered liquor from time to time, small quantities of hydrochloric acid. The hydrated silica will be thrown down as a bulky gelatinous white precipitate. Collect this and wash with 524 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE distilled water upon a square frame filter, until the filtrate is tasteless and shows only a faint cloudiness, with a solution of nitrate of silver ; then dry upon a porcelain water-bath. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. SILPHIUM LAQNIATUM. Compass Plant. Natural Order Compositae. Synonyms. English, Compass plant, Jagged leaved silphium, Pilot weed, Polar weed, Rosin weed, Turpentine weed. Description. A coarse, tough, deciduous, perennial herb, with a very large, thick root and copious, resinous juice. The stem is 3 to 12 feet high, stout, terete, leafy to the top and hirsute. The leaves are alternate near the base, pinnatifid, with petioles dilated and clasping ; their divisions are lanceolate or linear, cut-lobed or pinnatifid, rarely entire ; radical and lower leaves vertical, 12 to 30 inches long, ovate in outline. The bright-yellow flowers appear from July to September in few heads, i to 2 inches broad, somewhat racemose, with scales of the involucre ovate, tapering into long, large spreading rigid points. Habitat. United States, Michigan and Wisconsin, thence south- ward and westward ; found on the prairies. History. Silphion, the ancient name of a plant producing a gum- resin ; the leaves said to present their edges north and south, hence called Compass plant. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1864 by Dr. Hale, New Rem. Parts Used The fresh herb. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Silphium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 874 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 525 SINAPIS ALBA, White Mustard. Natural Order. Cruciferae. Synonyms. Latin, Brassica alba, Leucosinapis alba; English, White mustard, Yellow mustard seed; French, Moutarde blanche; German, Weisser Senf. Description. An annual herb, with stem 2 to 3 feet high, bright- green, erect, with few ascending branches nearly smooth, or with bristling reflexed hairs. The leaves are alternate, petioled, pmnatifid, the lowest hairy, with a large terminal lobe, and the divisions cut down to the midrib. The pale-yellow flowers, y z inch in diameter, appear in June and July in terminal corymbs, extending as the fruit forms into an elongated raceme. The pods are bristly, ascending on spreading pedicels, more than half their lengths occupied by the sword-shaped, one-seeded beak. The seeds are pale, acrid and pungent. Habitat. Introduced from Europe, cultivated in the United States ; found in most quarters of the globe, especially in the Medi- terranean regions. The seeds dropped and buried retain their vegeta- tive qualities an unknown length of time, so that where mustard has once been grown it will come up occasionally for a century or more afterwards. Fig., Goullon, 18; Bent, and Trim. 23; Millspaugh, 23. History. Sinapi, said to be derived from the Celtic, nap, a turnip, mustard, from mustum ardens, hot-must ; the sweet-must of new wine being one of the ingredients of French mustard. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1864 by a proving by Dr. Bojanus, Horn, v. j. Sch. XV. 56. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 40.] Part Used. The fresh ripe seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength -^ Sinapis alba, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, IOOO Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. 526 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE SINAPIS NIGRA. Black Mustard. Natural Order. Cruciferae. Synonyms. Latin, Brassica nigra, B. sinapioides, Melanosinapis communis; English, Black mustard, Brown mustard, Red mustard; French, Moutarde noire ; German, Schwarzer Senf. Description. An annual herb, with a fusiform, thin, branching root. The stem is erect, 2 to 4 feet high, rough, hirsute, much branched. The leaves are alternate, petioled and variously shaped ; the radical being large, lyrate, rough, lobed, dentate, the cauline narrow and smooth. The small yellow flowers appear from May to September in a dense head at first, extending as the fruits form into an elongated raceme. The pods are small, bluntly quadrangular, nearly smooth, bivalvular. In each valve are four to six spherical or slightly oval seeds about -fa inch in diameter and weighing -fa of a grain, of dark red-brown color, with whitish-gray coating, pitted, hard, inodorous when dry, and having a pungent, penetrating, irritating acrid taste when moist. Habitat. Fields and banks all over Europe, excepting the most northern latitudes ; naturalized in the United States ; a common weed found in waste places and cultivated gardens. Fig., Goullon, 19; Bent, and Trim. 22 ; Millspaugh, 24. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1853 by Catell, B. J. Horn. XL 524. Proving by Dr. Butler in 1872, N. A. J. Horn. XX. 540. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 46.] Part Used. The fresh ripe seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Sinapis nigra, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : I x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. SOLANINUM. Solanin. Chemical Symbol. C 42 H 75 NO 15 (Hilger). Description. Consists of an opaque white powder, or of fragile acicular crystals, odorless, and having a bitter taste. It is difficultly soluble in water, soluble in strong alcohol or in ether. It neutralizes acids and forms salts with them, which are mostly gummy in con- sistency. Its solution changes to a deep-brown or brownish-yellow color when iodin is added, or to reddish-yellow, then purplish-violet with sulfuric acid, finally becoming brown and depositing a brown powder. Solanin is an alkaloidal glucoside, found in solanum nigrum and solanum dulcamara, but most conveniently obtained from the sprouts of the common potato. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IX. 55. Maximum dose I grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. SOLANUM ARREBENTA. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Arrebenta cavallos, Solanum rebenta. Description. A fibrous rooted herb, with stem 10 to 16 inches high, branching in regular bifurcations, when young having strong thorns growing from above downward. The leaves are alternate, five obtusely-lobed, cordate, slightly pubescent, with nerves furnished with a few irregularly distributed thorns. The flowers are in groups of two or three on axillary peduncles. Habitat. Brazil, around Rio Janeiro; found along roads and in cultivated places. Fig., Mure Mat. Med. 216. History. Introduced in homoeopathic literature in 1849 by Dr. Mure, Pathogen Bresil, Paris ed. 359. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 56.] Part Used. The dried leaves. 528 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Solan um arrebenta, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. SOLANUM CAROLINENSE. Horse Nettle. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Solanum virginianum (?); English, Horse nettle. Description. A perennial herb, with a stem I to 2 feet high, erect and prickly. The leaves are alternate, ovate-oblong, acuminate, sinu- ate or angular, roughish, pubescent, prickly along the midrib, rank scented. The large pale-blue or white flowers, i inch in diameter, appear from June to September in simple, loose, axillary racemes. Habitat. Connecticut to Illinois and southward; a wild weed common in sandy soil along roadsides. Parts Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Solanum carolinense, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Distilled water, 635 Cc. Strong alcohol, To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 52Q SOLANUM MAMMOSUM. Nipple Nightshade. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. English, Nipple nightshade, Apple of Sodom ; French, Solanum mammiforme ; German, Zitzenformiger Nachtschatten. Description. An annual herb, with stem 4 feet high, erect, branch- ing, villous, with scattered prickles. The leaves are large, alternate, irregularly angular, subcordate, lobed, prickly on both sides and very villous, yellow-nerved on the lower surface, the midrib furnished with dark-yellow prickles. The flowers appear in July and August, are pale-blue, violet or grayish in a scattered panicle. The berries are yellow, each formed like a teat, whence the specific name. Habitat. West Indies ; growing in hedges and cultivated places. Fig., Winkler, 126. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1833 by a proving by Dr. Hering, Archiv. XIII. 2, 184. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 56.] Part Used. The fresh ripe berries. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Solanum mammosum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. == 667 Strong alcohol, 470 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. SOLANUM NIGRUM. Black Nightshade. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Solanum crenato-dentatum, S. inops, S. ptero- caulon, S. ptycanthum, Solatrum nigrum ; English, Black nightshade, Common nightshade, Garden nightshade; French, Morelle noire; German, Schwarzer Nachtschatten. 53O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A poisonous, annual herb, with thready, branching, ligneous root. The stem, 3 feet high, is erect, angular, much-branched, spreading, and rough on the angles. The leaves are alternate, petio- late, ovate, acute, varying from sinuate-dentate to entire, smooth, the younger parts pubescent ; they are much perforated by insects. The very small white flowers have a musky odor, and appear from June to September in lateral, drooping, extra-axillary umbels. The berries are about the size of a pea, blue-black, globular, clustered. Habitat. United States, naturalized from Europe; common in damp and shaded places, and especially in cultivated and waste grounds. Fig., Winkler, 130; Jahr and Cat. 277; Millspaugh, 125. History. Formerly had a place in the old-school pharmacy. Men- tioned in homoeopathic literature in 1840, Hygea XIV. 403. A proving was published in 1853 by Dr. Lembke, Allg. Horn. Zeit. 45, 74. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 57.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant and berries. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Solanum nigrum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 3x and higher. SOLIDAGO VIRGA-AUREA. Golden Rod Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Solidago alpina(P), S. glomerata(?); English, Golden rod ; French, Verge d'or ; German, Goldruthe. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with an oblique, thin rhizome. The stem is erect, 2 feet high and upwards. The radical leaves are elliptical, tapering into a petiole, slightly serrate ; the cauline, lanceolate. The yellow flowers appear from July to September, are erect, crowded in axillary pediceled racemes. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 53! Habitat. Northern United States, Europe and Asia ; an extremely variable species. History. Name from solidari, to unite, on account of the vulnerary qualities of the plants. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength -j^. Solidago virga-aurea, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. SPIGELIA. Pink Root. Natural Order. Loganiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Spigelia anthelmia (Linn6), Anthelminthia quadriphylla ; English, Annual worm grass, Pink root, Worm grass; French, Brinvilliers, Poudre aux vers ; German, Wurmtrechende. Description. An annual herb, with short, blackish, hairy root, divided into numerous long, thin branches. The stem, i to \y 2 feet high, is rounded, upright and fistulous. The leaves are terminal, four in number, disposed in the form of a cross, sessile, oval or lanceolate, entire, glabrous. The white flowers appear in July in thin elongated spikes. The fresh plant has a fetid odor and a nauseous, persistent taste. Habitat. West Indies and South America. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 181 ; Winkler, 127; Jahr and Cat. 278. History. Named after Prof. Spigelius. Admitted to the old-school pharmacopeia in 1751. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1819 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., V. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 75.] Parts Used. The dried herb. 532 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Spigelia, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications:- 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. SPIREA ULMARIA. English Meadow Sweet. Natural Order. Rosaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Barba caprina, Regina prati; English, Hard- hack, Meadow sweet, Queen of the meadow ; French, Reine des pres, Spiree ulmaire ; German, Spierstaude. Description. An ornamental, perennial herb, with tuberous, black- ish, horizontal, fibrous root, the size of a finger. The stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is straight, somewhat angular, leafy, furrowed, smooth and reddish. The dark-green leaves, downy beneath, are odd-pinnatifid, the end lobe larger and three-cut, the others undivided ; the leaflets oval, unevenly- dentate, the spaces between the side leaflets occupied by smaller leaflets. The numerous, fragrant, white flowers appear from June to October at the summit of the stem in a large corymbose panicle. Habitat. Great Britain, Europe and southern Asia; common in meadows and along ditches ; cultivated in gardens. History. Name, signifying cord, was bestowed by Pliny on plants, whose blossoms were used in garlands. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Bojanus, Horn. v. j. Sch. XIV. 2, 113. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 101.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Spiraea ulmaria, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 1 50 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 533 b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. SPONGIA. Sponge. Class. Porif era. Order. Ceratospongiae. Synonyms. Latin, Spongia tosta, S. officinalis, S. usta. Description. Two or more species of spongia, known as Turkey sponge, are used. The horny skeleton, from which the desired sub- stance is prepared, consists mostly of siliceous or calcareous matter, while the spongy portion is soft, elastic and compressible, and traversed by many lacunae, with circular openings on the surface. Bleached sponges are not suitable for medicinal purposes, and those selected must be carefully freed from all foreign substances, then cut in small pieces and roasted until brown and friable. The best variety is obtained from the Mediterranean, near Syria and Greece. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IX. 106. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Spongia, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Tritnrations : ix and higher. STANNUM METALLICUM. Metallic Tin. Stannum. Chemical Symbol. Sn ; 1 18.8. Synonyms. English, Tin; French, Etain; German, Zinn. 534 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A silver white metal ; specific gravity, 7.3. It melts at 230 C. ; at a temperature of 100 C. it is ductile and malleable, but at 200 C. is so brittle than it can easily be powdered. It is superficially oxidized in moist air ; melted in open vessels it is rapidly transformed into stannic oxid; it is dissolved by hot sulfuric acid, forming a sulfate, and is also soluble in hydrochloric acid. These solutions give leather brown precipitates with hydrogen sulfid, soluble in ammonium sulfid. Stannum is extracted from its ores. It can be obtained in the form of a fine crystalline deposit known as the tin tree, by immersing a piece of sheet zinc in a solution of tin chlorid. This precipitate should be washed in hot distilled water. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IX. 129. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. STAPHYSAGRIA. Stavesacre. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Delphinium staphysagria, Staphydis agria, S. pedicularis, Staphysagria macrocarpa ; English, Louse seeds, Palmated larkspur, Stavesacre; French, Staphisaigre; German, Lausesamen, Stephanskorner, Stephanskraut. Description. An ornamental, annual herb, with large tapering root. The stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is stout, upright, cylindrical and slightly branched. The leaves, 4 to 5 inches in diameter, are alternate, broad, palmately five- to nine-cleft, petioled, pubescent or nearly smooth above, hairy on the veins beneath. The light-blue flowers appear from April to August in lax racemes, the entire plant softly pubescent. The fruit consists of three straight, oblong, downy capsules, in each of which are about twelve seeds packed in two rows. The seeds, about }{ inch long, are irregularly four-sided, pyramidal, sharp-angled, little flattened, rough, testa wrinkled, pitted, blackish-brown, rather brittle, enclosing a soft, whitish, oily albumen. Habitat. Native of Italy, the Greek Islands and Asia Minor, now found throughout the Mediterranean regions and Canary Islands; growing in waste and shady places. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 184; Winkler, 58; Jahr and Cat. 280; Bent, and Trim. 4. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 535 History. Known to the ancients in the time of Hippocrates (400 B. C). Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1819 by Hahne- mann, R. A. M. L., V. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 147.] Part Used. The seeds. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Staphysagria, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. STICTA PULMONARIA. Lungwort. Natural Order. Lichenes. Synonyms. Latin, Lichen pulmonarius, Lobaria pulmonaria, Muscus pulmonaria, Pulmonaria reticulata, Sticta pulmonacea, S. pul- monalia ; English, Lungmoss, Lungwort, Oaklungs, Tree lungwort ; French, Pulmonaire de Chene ; German, Lungenkraut. Description. A lichen, with wide spreading, olive-green thallus, pale-brown when dry, pitted and reticulated, smooth, or having whitish, powdery warts in the reticulations, frequently elongated, bearing scattered or tufted granules, lancinated, broadly-lobed and sinuate, having brownish downy fibers beneath, the swellings bare, the shields mostly marginal, red-brown, with thick border. Habitat. Found on trunks of trees in New England, New York and Pennsylvania in the mountainous districts. History. Name from stiktos, dotted, and pulmon, the lung, sup- posed to possess the same nutritive qualities as Iceland moss; used in Siberia as a substitute for hops in brewing. Introduced into homoeo- pathic practice in 1863 by Dr. Burdick, under the name of Sticta sylvatica, N. A. J. Horn. XIV. 202. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 167.] Parts Used. The whole lichen. 536 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Sticta, ioo Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b\ Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. STUJLINGIA SYLVATICA. Queen's Delight. Natural Order. Euphorbiaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Sapium sylvaticum; English, Cock-up-hat, Queen's delight, Queen's root, Silver leaf, Stillingia, Yaw root ; FrencJi and German, Stillingie. Description. A perennial herb, with large woody root, I foot long, 2 inches in diameter above, tapering downward, a little branched, somewhat fibrous, crowned with the scars of numerous stems. It is fleshy when fresh, wrinkled longitudinally when dry, externally light- brown, internally of a pinkish tint, tough, breaking with a fibrous fracture, with a strong, disagreeable odor, disappearing on drying, and a bitter, acrid taste, leaving a burning impression on the tongue. The numerous stems are i to 3 feet high, erect, smooth, umbellately branched. The leaves are alternate, nearly sessile, having two glands at the base, varying in form from ovate and obovate to oblong-lanceo- late, narrowed at the base, acute or blunt, finely-serrate, with a gland in each serrature, thick and fleshy. The yellow monoecious flowers appear from April to September in a terminal spike, the fertile flowers few, at the base of a dense, sterile spike. The plant emits an acrid, milky juice when bruised. Habitat. United States, New York to Indiana, Carolina, East Virginia, southward to Florida, westward to Louisiana and Texas; found on dry sandy soil, pine barrens. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 441 ; Millspaugh, 451. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 537 History. Named for Dr. Stillingfleet, the English botanist. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1866 by provings published by Dr. Hale, New Rem. 2d ed. 1003. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 169.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Stillingia, moist magma containing solids. 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc.= 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. STRAMONIUM. Thorn Apple. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Datura lurida, D. stramonium, Solanum maniacum, Stramonium foetidum, S. majus album, S. spinosum, S. vulgatum ; English, Apple of Peru, Devil's apple, Jamestown weed, Jimpson weed, Stink weed, Stramonia, Thorn apple; French, Pomme 6pineuse; German, Stechapfel. Description. A fetid, noxious, annual herb, with spindle-shaped, almost vertical, ligneous, fibrous, whitish root. The stem, 3 feet high, is erect, round, dichotomously-branched, glabrous and green. The leaves, 5 to 6 inches long, are alternate, at times opposite, more or less scattered on short round petioles in the forks of the stems, ovate, triangular, unequal at the base, sinuate-dentate, smooth, dark-green above, pale beneath ; the older leaves are perforated by worms. The white flowers appear from July to October, are 3 inches long on short axillary peduncles and sweet scented, especially at night ; at night the leaves next the flowers rise up and enclose them. A nearly globular, very prickly capsule encloses numerous odorless, or nearly odorless 538 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE wrinkled seeds, which are reniform and flattened, and of a dull brown- ish-black color when ripe. Every part of the plant is poisonous. Habitat. Doubtful origin ; found everywhere, except in the colder temperate and arctic regions ; common in waste grounds near habita- tions in the United States. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 188 ; Winkler, 63; Jahrand Cat. 281 ; Goullon, 188; Bent, and Trim. 192; Millspaugh, 127. History. Name derived from the Greek, signifying mad apple. Long used as medicine; described by Dr. Fuchsius in 1543. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice by Hahnemann in 1805, Frag. d. Vir. 239. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 175.] Parts Used. The fresh plant in flower and fruit. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Strophanthus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 870 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. 54O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE STRYCHNINUM NITRICUM. Strychnin Nitrate. Strychninum Nitrate. Chemical Symbol. C 21 H 22 N 2 O 2 .HNO 3 ; 396.20. Synonyms. Latin, Strychninae nitras; English, Nitrate of strych- nine. Description. Consists of bright, colorless, silky, odorless needles, having an exceedingly bitter taste ; appreciable even in a very dilute solution. Soluble at ordinary temperatures in 90 parts of water and in 70 parts of alcohol. It is decomposed by heat and is entirely volati- lized. Its aqueous solution gives with ferrous sulfate and sulfuric acid a brown coloration ; its reactions are those of strychnin. It is prepared from strychnin and nitric acid. An active poison. Maxi- mum dose ^j grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. STRYCHNINUM PURUM. Strychnin. Strychninum. Chemical Symbol. C 21 H 22 N 2 O 2 ; 333.31. Synonyms. Latin, Strychnina, Strychnia; English, Strychnin; French, Strychnine; German, Strychnin. Description. Consists of a white crystalline powder, or of small, brilliant, colorless, transparent, octahedral, odorless crystals, having a persistent, bitter taste, which is still perceptible if the salt is dissolved in 700,000 parts of liquid. It is permanent in air. Is soluble at 15 C. in 6700 parts of water and in no parts of alcohol. It is decomposed by heat, emits vapors and leaves no residue; it dissolves in sulfuric acid without color, but on the addition of a little plumbic peroxid a blue color is obtained, which successively changes into violet, red and yellow; if instead of plumbic peroxid a fragment of potassium dichromate is added to a dilute solution of strychnin, a deep-violet color is obtained ; with sulfuric acid and potassium ferricyanid it gives a violet color, changing to red and yellow; with sulfuric acid, contain- ing nitric acid, a purplish-violet color is obtained on the addition of AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 54! manganese dioxid. It does not give any eolor-reaction with nitric acid. It is extracted from either ignatia or nux vomica. Strychnin should be kept in well-stoppered bottles. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IX. 233. An active poison. Maximum dose -fa grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: 2x and higher. STRYCHNINUM SULPHURICUM. Strychnin Sulfate. Strychninum Sulfate* Chemical Symbol. (C 21 H 22 N 2 O 2 ) 2 H 2 SO 4 5H 2 O; 854.24. Synonyms. Latin, Strychninae sulphas; English, Sulphate of strychnine; French, Sulfate de strychnin; German, Schwefelsaures Strychnin. Description. Consists of colorless, transparent, odorless crystals, having an intensely bitter taste; perceptible even in a highly dilute solution ( i in 700,000); efflorescent in dry air. Soluble at 15 C. in 50 parts of water and in 109 parts of alcohol. It fuses at 200 C., and at a higher temperature is volatilized without residue. Its aqueous solution gives with barium chlorid a white precipitate, insoluble in acids; it gives the reactions of strychnin. It is prepared from strychnin and sulfuric acid. Strychnin sulfate should be kept in well-stoppered bottles. An active poison. Maximum dose -fa grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: 2x and higher. SULPHUR. Sulfur. Chemical Symbol. 8531 .98. Synonyms. Latin, Sulphur sublimatum, Flores sulphuris ; English, Sublimed sulphur, Flowers of sulphur, Brimstone; French, Soufre, Fleurs de soufre ; German, Schwefel, Schwefelblumen. Description. Consists of a fine, yellow, somewhat greenish and gritty powder, having a slight sulfurous odor and a faintly acid taste. It is insoluble in water, and but slightly soluble in alcohol, varying 542 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE much in degree, dependent upon temperature and the physical form of the sulfur itself, from about I to 3000 in absolute alcohol to about i to 5000 in 95 per cent alcohol at 60 F. ; soluble in bisulfid of carbon, with a residue of crystalline sulfur, which dissolves in a boiling solution of an alkaline hydrate. It melts at 115 C., and is volatilized with only a trace of fixed residue at a higher temperature, or in the presence of air burns to sulfur dioxid. Water, in which sulfur has been agitated, shows an acid reaction owing to the presence of sulfuric acid, unless freed from acidity with diluted water of ammonia. Pure sublimed sulfur should not redden blue litmus paper. If digested with 2 parts of a solution of ammonia i to 10, and filtered, the filtrate, when supersaturated with hydrochloric acid, should remain unaltered, and no precipitate should be produced by passing hydro-sulfuric acid through the filtrate. Sulfur exists in three forms, the crystalline, the amorphous, and as a soft or oily substance. It is most abundantly obtained from native sulfur found in Italy and Sicily, but is widely distributed in nature in combination with many metals forming sulfids. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IX. 276. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture : ^^-3, in strong alcohol. c. Dilutions: 4x to contain five parts tincture andyfo*? parts strong alcohol. d. Medications: 4x and higher. SULPHUR IODATUM. Sulfur Di-Iodid Sulfur lodid. Chemical Symbol. S 2 I 2 ; 317.02. Synonyms. Latin, Sulphuris iodidum, loduretum sulfuris ; English, Iodide of sulphur; French, lodure de soufre; German, Jodschwefel. Description. A grayish mass of crystalline appearance, with a metallic luster, having the odor of iodin and a metallic, acrid taste. Exposed to air it loses iodin. It is almost insoluble in water, but freely soluble in carbon disulfid. It is decomposed by heat into iodin and sulfur, and is partially decomposed by boiling in water. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 543 Alcohol and ether dissolve its iodin, leaving the sulfur. It is doubtful whether it is a distinct chemical combination, or only a mixture. It is prepared from iodin and sulfur. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, IX. 415. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : ix and higher. SUMBUL. Musk Root. Natural Order. Umbelliferse. Synonyms. Latin, Euryangium stimbul, Ferula sumbul, Jata- mansi, Nardostachys jatamansi, Sumbulus moschatus ; English, Musk root, Spikenard of the ancients ; French, Racine de sumbul ; German, Sumbul wurzel. Description. A tall, perennial plant, of limited duration, dying after flowering, with large cylindrical root, 4 to 5 inches in diameter, divided below into several long, descending branches. The stem, 8 feet high, is nearly straight, glabrous, purple, with slender branches in the upper half. The radical leaves, 30 inches long, with short, channelled, sheathing petioles, are triangular, ternate, leaflets ovate, smooth, flat, bright-green ; cauline leaves smaller and finally reduced to sheathing bracts. The flowers are polygamous in pedunculate, terminal umbels. The root is externally blackish, internally white, very fibrous, having the odor of musk. It is met with in the form of transverse sections, from I to 1% inches long, 2 to 5 inches in diameter, with dusky light-brown epidermis and an interior porous structure consisting of coarse, easily separable fibers. The freshly cut surface of a transverse section presents, within the epidermis, a white layer surrounding a yellow substance, which forms the greater part of the root. The odor resembles musk, the taste is at first sweetish, afterwards bitter and balsamic. Habitat. Central Asia, Russia and India; growing at an altitude of 3,000 or 4,000 feet. Fig., Bent, and Trim. 131. History. The name is Arabic, and signifies an ear or spike. The drug was first introduced into Russia in 1835 as a substitute for musk. 544 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1848 by a proving by Dr. Lembke, Allg. Horn. Zeit. XXXIV. 273. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 443-] Part Used. The dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Sumbul, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. SYMPHORICARPUS RACEMOSA. Snow Berry. Natural Order. Caprif oliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Symphoria racemosa; English, Snow berry, St. Peter's wort. Description. A deciduous, ornamental shrub, from 2 to 4 feet high, low branching, with leaves opposite, ovate, entire. The small roseate flowers appear from July to September in loose, interrupted, often leafy, terminal racemes. The fruit is a globous two-seeded berry, snow-white in color, and about the size of a currant. Habitat Mexico and the United States, western Vermont and Wisconsin to Pennsylvania ; found on rocky banks. History. Name from symphoreo, to accumulate, and karpos, fruit, in allusion to the clusters of berries. Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength T ^. Symphoricarpus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 545 SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. Comfrey. Natural Order. Borraginaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Consolida majoris; English, Comfrey, Gum plant, Healing herb, Chocolate root ; French, Consoude ; German, Gebrauchlicher Beinwell, Wundenheil. Description. A large, coarse, showy, perennial shrub, with tuber- ous, oblong, fleshy root, yielding much mucilaginous juice. The stem, 3 to 4 feet high, is hairy, branched, winged above by the decurrent leaves. The leaves are alternate, entire, wavy, rough-edged ; the radical leaves ovate-lanceolate, decurrent, tapering into a petiole, the cauline narrower. The yellowish-white, rarely purplish, flowers appear from May to July, singly or in pairs, on nodding, racemose, hairy peduncles. Habitat. Great Britain, introduced into the United States, spar- ingly in the north Atlantic states ; found in moist places, escaped from gardens. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 282. History. Name derived from Symphyo, signifying a union, and phyton, a plant, the plant having for a long time been considered a vulnerary. It has been used in place of coffee in time of war. Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength ^. Symphytum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. SYZIGIUM JAMBOLANUM. Jambol Seeds. Natural Order. Myrtaceae. Description. A tree, having hard, durable timber and an astringent bark ; used in dyeing. The flowers are in cymes or corymbs. The 546 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE fruit is edible. The seeds are irregular ovoid masses, about the size of coffee berries, reddish to dark-brown externally, and somewhat darker internally ; taste and odor slightly peppery. Habitat. Common in many parts of India. Part Used. The seeds. PREPARATIONS. Triturations: ix and higher. TABACUM. Tobacco. Natural Order Solanaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Consolida indica, Hyoscyamus peruviana, Nicotiana auriculata, N. macrophylla, N. tabacum ; English, Tobacco ; French, Tabac; German, Tabak. Description. A tall, annual, rank, acrid-narcotic, mostly clammy- pubescent, herbaceous plant, with large fibrous tap root. The stem, from 3 to 6 feet high, is erect, round, hairy,- branching near the top. The leaves are numerous, alternate, sessile, entire, oblong-lanceolate, the lower 2 to 3 feet long, decurrent, acuminate, bright-green above, paler beneath. The pink flowers appear in July and August in loose terminal panicles, having long linear bracts at the divisions of the peduncle. Habitat. The island of Cuba, introduced into the United States from South America ; found spontaneous in waste grounds along the western borders of the United States. In nearly all warm countries of both hemispheres the cultivation of tobacco is now carried on. Fig., Winkler, 99; Jahr and Cat. 283; Goullon, 190; Bent, and Trim. 191 ; Millspaugh, 128. History. Nicotania, named for John Nicot, who is said to have introduced tobacco into Europe. Tobacco, said to be a native name for the pipe used by the Indians in smoking. Introduced into homoeo- pathic practice in 1831 by provings published in Hartlaub andTrinks, R. A. M. L., III. 94. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 467; X. 637.] Part Used. The recently dried leaves; those imported from Havana are preferred. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 547 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture^: Drug strength ^. Tabacum, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. TAMUS COMMUNIS. Black Bryony. Natural Order. Dioscoreaceae. Synonyms. English, Black bryony; French, Le tamier; German, Schwarzwurzel. Description. A deciduous, annual, twining herb, with large fibrous, tuberous root, with black warty masses attached to it, black externally, white internally and greasy looking. The stem is 10 feet or more long. The leaves, 2 to 3 inches long, are alternate, petiolate, undivided, cordate, taper-pointed, bright, shining. The small, yellow- ish-green, dioecious flowers appear from May to August in terminal racemes. Habitat. England, a native of west, central and southern Europe, extending to the Caucasus ; found in hedges, open woods and bushy places. History. Name used by Columella and others, for a plant resem- bling a vine and bearing fruit not unlike the grape. The roots are so acrid that the pulp has been used as a stimulating plaster; the young shoots are so mild as to be good for eating when dressed as asparagus. Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Tamus communis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. TANACETUM VULGARE. Tansy. Natural Order. Composite. Synonyms. Latin, Athanasia ; English, Common or double tansy, Tansy ; French, Tanaisie ; German, Rainfarn. Description A deciduous, perennial herb, with branching, hard, fibrous root. The stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is smooth, erect, obscurely- hexagonal, striated, often reddish, somewhat pubescent, branched toward the summit and leafy. The leaves are alternate, bi-pinnatifid, inciso-serrate, dark-green and smooth. The yellow flowers appear from July to October in dense terminal corymbs. The whole plant has a strong aromatic smell and a bitter taste. Habitat. United States and Europe ; growing wild on roadsides and in old fields. Fig., Winkler, 140; Jahr and Cat. 285; Goullon, 154; Millspaugh, 86. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1833 by Dr. Hering, Archiv. XIII. I, 170. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 503; X. 637-] Parts Used. The fresh leaves and twigs when in flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^y. Tanacetum, moist magma containing solids ico Gm., plant moisture 350 Cc. = 450 Strong alcohol, 687 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 549 TANGHINIA VENENIFERA. Madagascar Poison Nut. Natural Order. Apocynaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Cerbera lactaria, C. laurifolia, C. odollam, C. tanghin, Tanghinia madagascariensis, T. veneniflua; English, Mada- gascar poison nut ; Vernacular, Tanghin. Description. A tree, with erect branches and thickish, alternate, lanceolate, tapering, entire, sub-coriaceous leaves, 4 to 10 inches long, crowded toward the points of the branches and directed upward. The flowers white, with rose-colored tinge on the outside and a red circle around the mouth, are in large terminal cymes, each supported by a couple of bracts. The fruit is ellipsoid 2 to 3 inches long, some- what pointed at the ends, with smooth purplish skin tinged with green, containing a hard stony seed surrounded by a thick fibrous flesh. The kernel of the fruit, about the size of an almond, is said to be sufficient to destroy twenty persons. Habitat. Madagascar. History, Used as an ordeal. A small piece is swallowed by the person to be tried, if retained in the stomach it is quickly fatal and is considered to prove him guilty, if vomited the person's innocence is established. Case of poisoning mentioned in Brit. Jour, of Horn. XVIII. 514. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 508.] Part Used. The seed, as imported. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Tanghinia, loo Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. d. Tritnrations ; ix and higher. TARAXACUM OFFICINALE. Dandelion. Natural Order. Compositae. 55O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Dens leonis, Lactuca pratense, Leontodontis, Leontodon officinalis, L. taraxacum, L. vulgare, Taraxacum dens leonis, T. vulgare; English, Balloon plant, Dandelion, Monkshood, Puff ball ; French, Dent de lion ; German, Lowenzahn. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, having a vertical, fusi- form or cylindrical root, a foot or more in length, J4 to i inch in diameter, simple or slightly branched, smooth, externally yellowish- brown or black, internally white. The numerous spreading leaves, 6 to 7 inches long, are radical, pinnatifid, with sharp unequally toothed lobes pointing downwards, tapering, sessile, smooth, bright shining- green. The flowers appear from April to September on scapes, longer than the leaves, erect, smooth, brittle, naked, in heads ^ inch wide, of a uniform golden-yellow, and expand only in the morning and in fine weather. The whole plant contains a milky juice, of a saltish, bitter taste. This is not to be mistaken for the fall dandelion. Habitat. Europe, temperate Asia, Algeria, the Azores, Japan and North America, but not found in the southern hemisphere ; a trouble- some weed difficult to eradicate from fields and pastures, everywhere in the north. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 198; Winkler, 85; Goullon, 160; Bent, and Trim. 159; Millspaugh, 95. History. Name from tarasso, to excite, and achos, pain ; also leon and odons ; the common name is a corruption of the French, dent de lion. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1819 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., V. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 509.] Parts Used. The whole plant, gathered before the perfection of the flower. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Taraxacum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 551 TARENTULA CUBENSIS. Cuban Tarantula. Class. Arachnida. Order. Araneidea. Family. Lycosidae. Synonym. English, Cuban spider. Description. A large, dark-brown hairy spider, found in Cuba and Mexico, and belonging to the same family as the Tarentula hispana. Parts Used. The entire living spider. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Tarentula cubensis, I part. Distilled water, 2 parts. Glycerin, 2 parts. Strong alcohol, 5 parts. To make one hundred parts of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. TARENTULA HISPANA. Tarantula. Class. Arachnida. Order. Araneidea. Family. Lycosidae. Synonyms. Latin, Lycosa tarantula, Aranea tarentula. Description. A stout, hairy spider, having six eyes and several pairs of legs, the third pair being the shortest. Its body is from ij^ to 2 inches long, of a grayish-brown color above, and a deep saffron- yellow below, with a transverse black band. The margin of the thorax is gray, with a radiated dorsal line of the same color, while the anterior part of the dorsum is marked with triangular spots. The virus of the male seems to be identical with that of the female. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IX. 516. 552 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. This spider is a native of South America, and is found in the south of Europe, especially in Spain. Parts Used. The entire living spider. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture / Drug strength ^. Tarentula hispana, I part. Distilled water, 2 parts. Glycerin, 2 parts. Strong alcohol, 5 parts. To make one hundred parts of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, jive parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. TARTARUS EMETICUS. Tartar Emetic. Potassium Antimonyl Tartrate* Chemical Symbol. 2KSbOC 4 H 4 O 6 .H 2 O; 662.42. Synonyms. Latin, Antimonii et potassii tartras ; English, Tartrate of antimony and potassium, Potassio-antimonic oxytartrate, Tartarated antimony; French, Tartrate d' antimoine et de potasse; German, Brech- weinstein. Description. Consists of transparent, colorless crystals, turning white and opaque on exposure to air, or of a white, granular, odorless powder, having a sweet, metallic taste. Soluble in 17 parts of water at 15 C. ; insoluble in alcohol. At a temperature of 108 C. it loses its water of crystallization ; at a red heat it is decomposed, emitting vapors having the odor of burnt sugar, and leaving a residue which has an alkaline reaction. Its aqueous solution is slightly acid and gives a white precipitate with hydrochloric acid, soluble in an excess of precipitant, an orange-red precipitate with hydrogen sulfid, a white precipitate with potassium carbonate, and a flocculent, grayish pre- cipitate with an infusion of galls, an excess of the latter redissolving AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 553 the precipitate. It is prepared from antimonic oxid and a solution of acid potassium tartrate. It should be kept in well-stoppered bottles. A poison. Maximum dose, as an emetic, ^ grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. TAXUS BACCATA. Yew. Natural Order. Coniferae. Synonyms. English, Ground hemlock, Yew; French, Coniferes, If commun ; German, Eibenbaum. Description. An evergreen tree, 20 feet high, with a straight trunk variously channelled longitudinally, and smooth, deciduous bark. The branches are horizontal, spreading in opposite directions. The leaves, i inch long, are alternate, thickly set, linear, flat, nearly sessile, entire, slightly revolute, smooth, dark-green and shining above, paler, with prominent midribs beneath, terminating in small blunt points, having a fetid odor. The apetalous flowers appear from February to April on separate trees on the underside of the twigs; the staminate receptacles, globose, axillary, solitary, large, from a scaly-imbricated bud, are light brownish-white with abundant pollen ; the pistillate are green, resembling with their scaly bracts a little acorn. Habitat. Great Britain, Europe, Japan and in limestone coun- tries ; found in mountainous woods. The variety canadensis, a low bush, is found in the United States. Fig., Winkler, 141 ; Jahr and Cat. 286; Bent, and Trim. 253. History. Name from toxos, a bow, in making which the wood was used, yew, a corruption of the Celtic, iw, green ; trees said to live more than a thousand years. The wood is red, veined, very hard, smooth, durable, and very poisonous, especially the young shoots. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1835 by a proving by Dr. Gastier, Bib. Horn. d. Gen. IV. 193. (Archiv. XV. i, 187.) [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 549.] Part Used. The fresh twigs. 554 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Taxus baccata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Strong alcohol, 874 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. TELLURIUM. Tellurium. Chemical Symbol. Te ; 125. Description. A white, shining, crystalline, brittle, semi-metallic solid, closely allied to selenium and sulfur. It is unchanged by exposure to the air. Slightly soluble in concentrated hot sulfuric acid, but afterwards separating, if the solution is diluted ; soluble in highly concentrated caustic potash solution. It fuses at 455 C. and boils at 139 C., giving off golden-yellow vapors ; specific gravity, 6.65. When heated in air it burns with a brilliant blue-green flame, emitting a peculiar, garlicky odor and forming poisonous white clouds of tellurium anhydrid. A clear solution may be obtained with nitric acid which, when treated with sulfuretted hydrogen, throws down a brown precipitate, wholly and readily soluble in ammonium sulfid. Tellurium is found native in small quantities, chiefly in Hungary and Transylvania, and in this country in Virginia. It is generally asso- ciated with gold and silver. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IX. 555- PREPARATIONS Triturations : ix and higher. TEREBINTHINjE OLEUM. Oil of Turpentine. Synonym. Latin, Oleum terebinthinae. Description. Consists of a limpid, colorless, mobile liquid, with a penetrating characteristic odor and a pungent, bitter taste. It is highly volatile and inflammable. It is almost insoluble in water; soluble in three times its volume of alcohol (specific gravity, 0.8 16), AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 555 and in from 8 to 12 parts of alcohol (specific gravity, 0.845), readily soluble in ether and in boiling alcohol, but is deposited from the latter on cooling; reaction, slightly acid ; specific gravity, 0.855 to 0.870. It takes fire in contact with a mixture of nitric and sulfunc acids. Is violently acted upon by bromin, chlorin or powdered iodin. When a small quantity is evaporated it should leave only a very slight residue; when perfectly pure this oil consists exclusively of carbon and hydrogen. It is obtained by distillation and rectification from the oleo resin, or turpentine, of several species of Pinus, especially Finns palustris. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, IX. 571. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Oil of turpentine, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 900 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher; freshly made. TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM. Cat Thyme. Natural Order. Labiatae. Synonyms. Latin, Cortusae syriaca, Herba cyriaci, Marjorana syriaca, Marum syriacum, M. verum ; English, Cat thyme, Syrian herb mastich ; French, Germandree maritime ' } German, Katzenkraut. Description. An evergreen shrub, with stem i l / 2 feet high, branch- ing, glabrous below, pubescent above. The leaves are opposite, entire, petioled, ovate, acute, downy beneath, bright-green. The pale-pur- plish flowers appear from July to September in one-sided axillary racemes. Habitat. Spain, indigenous in southern Europe, and cultivated in gardens. Fig., Winkler, 143 ; Goullon, 207. History. Named for Teucer, a Trojan prince, who first used it as medicine, marum, Arabic, signifying bitter. The younger branches and leaves when bruised emit a volatile, aromatic smell, exciting sneezing. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1826 by provings of Stapf, Archiv. V. 2, 149. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. VI. 167.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant, gathered just before flowering. 556 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Teucrium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Strong alcohol, 635 Cc To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. THASPIUM AUREUM. Meadow Parsnip. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Synonyms. Latin, Carum aureum, Sison aureus, S. trifoliatum, Sium trifoliatum, Smyrnium acuminatum, S. aureum, S. luteum, Zizia aurea ; English, Golden alexander, Meadow parsnip, Musk-quash root, Roundheart ; German, Gelben Pastinake. Description. A curious, deciduous, perennial herb, with fusiform root 2 to 4 inches long, y 2 to % inch in diameter, externally brown, internally yellow ; when fresh, having a strong, unpleasant, nauseating odor. The stem, i to 3 feet high, is erect, somewhat branched. The leaves are alternate, ternate or biternate ; the radical long-petioled, the cauline nearly sessile ; the leaflets, I to 2 inches long, are oblong- lanceolate, sharply-cut-serrate, with wedge-shaped entire base. The deep-yellow flowers appear from June to July in compound axillary or terminal umbels on long naked peduncles, involucre absent. The whole plant is glabrous. Habitat. United States ; found on moist river banks. Fig., Trans. N. Y. State Horn. Med. Soc. VIII. 249 (1870); Millspaugh, 66. History. Name a play upon Thapsia, a genus, so called from the island of Thapsus. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1855 by a proving published by Dr. Marcy, N. A. J. Horn. IV. 52. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 234.] Part Used. The fresh root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 557 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture / Drug strength ^. Thaspium aureum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. THEA SINENSIS. Tea, Natural Order. Camelliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Camellia thea, C. theifera, Thea assamica, T. bohea, T. caesarea, T. imperialis, T. stricta, T. viridis ; English, Tea ; French, Th6 vert imperial ; German, Chinesicher Thee. Description. A cultivated, evergreen shrub, 6 feet high, or under favorable conditions a tree attaining the height of 30 feet. The stem is branched, bright-brown, smooth, pubescent when young. The leaves, 2 to 4 inches long and I inch broad, are alternate, short-petioled, strongly-veined, with the leaf convex in the intervals, ovate-oblong or lanceolate, entire toward the base, acuminate, or emarginate, irregu- larly and distantly dentate-serrate, glabrous, shining on both sides, blistered when old, slightly-pubescent beneath, coriaceous. The solitary, white, odorous flowers are axillary on short peduncles. Habitat. Probably a native of Assam ; cultivated in China, Japan and various parts of eastern Asia. Fig., Winkler, 144 ; Jahr and Cat. 288; Bent, and Trim. 134. History. Named Camellia from Joseph Camel, or Kamel, a Dutch missionary and naturalist, thea, the Latin rendering of the Chinese Teh. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by provings published by Dr. Roth, Mat. Med. I. 510. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 583.] Part Used The dried leaves, as imported. 558 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength ^. Thea sinensis, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 400 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Triturations : ix and higher. THERIDIOR Black Spider of Curacoa. Class. Arachnida. Order. Araneidea. Family. Agelenidae. Synonyms. Latin, Theridion curassavicum ; English, Black spider of Cura^oa, Orange spider; Vernacular, Aranja; French, Araignee noire du Cura9oa ; German, Feuerspinnchen. Description. The body of this variety is about the size of a cherry stone, with three distinguishing bright orange-red points at the back, the largest of them placed just above the anus. The thorax is black and the feet also, the latter being covered with short, stiff hairs ; the young are of a beautiful velvet black, marked with several antero- posterior white lines, made up of white dots ; the females are marked with similar stripes, only larger, yellow and cruciform, the middle line terminating in the spot above the anus; both sexes have a square, yellow spot, notched on the edges, covering nearly the whole belly. This spider is found on orange trees. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclo- pedia, IX. 592. Habitat. The West Indies. Parts Used. The entire living spider. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. SS9 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Theridion, i part. Distilled water, 2 parts. Glycerin, 2 parts. Strong alcohol, 5 parts. To make one hundred parts of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. /THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS. ~) Shepherd's Purse^ Natural Order. Cruciferse. Synonyms. Latin, Capsella bursa pastoris ; English, Shepherd's purse ; French, Bourse de pasteur ; German, Hirtentasche. Description. An annual herb, 6 to 12 inches high, with an erect stem, nearly smooth above, hairy beneath, striate and branching. The radical leaves are clustered, pinnatifid or toothed, while the cauline are smaller, alternate, arrow-shaped and sessile. The white flowers, appearing from April to September in terminal corymbs, are very small and have four sepals and four petals. The triangular, obcordate- shaped pods contain the numerous brown seeds. Habitat. Europe and America ; found in pastures and gardens and along roadsides. Parts Used. The fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Thlaspi, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 600 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 560 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. Tree of Life. Natural Order. Coniferae. Synonyms. Latin, Arbor vitae, Cedrus lycea; English, American arbor vitae, False white cedar, Tree of life, White cedar ; French, Thuia du Canada, Arbre de vie ; German, Lebensbaum. Description. An evergreen tree, 20 to 50 feet high, with sprays, or branchlets, flat and spreading, dark-green and rather glaucous above, pale beneath, yielding a pungent, aromatic oil. The wood is light and very durable. The leaves are persistent, appressed, imbricated in four rows on the two-edged branchlets ; they are of two kinds on alternate or separate branchlets, one form awl-shaped, the other short, squamose, both having a small dorsal gland filled with a thin aromatic turpentine. The flowers appear in May and June, mostly monoecious on different branches in very small, terminal, ovoid catkins. Habitat. United States, common from Pennsylvania northward, rare southward ; found in swamps and on cool rocky banks. History. The name an alteration of Thya from the Greek, to sacrifice, its wood being used in sacrifices. Introduced into homoeo- pathic practice in 1819 by a proving by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., V. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. IX. 576.] Parts Used. The fresh leaves and twigs. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Thuja, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 135 Cc. = 235 Strong alcohol, 885 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 561 TILIA EUROP^A. Lime Tree. Natural Order. Tiliaceae. Synonyms. English, Common linden, Lime tree; French, Fleurs de tilleul ; German, Lindenbliithen. Description. A tree, 60 to 120 feet high, with smooth, round, spreading, leafy, brown branches, green while tender. The leaves, 3 to 4 inches broad, rather more in length, are alternate, stipulate, petioled, simple, unequal at the base and somewhat heart-shaped as well as entire, acute, acutely- and unequally-serrate, quite smooth and bright-green above, paler or slightly-glaucous beneath; the stipules oval, smooth, in pairs at the base of each petiole, soon deciduous. The fragrant, greenish flowers appear in June in axillary drooping cymes of six to ten flowers, which have a leaf-like bract attached to the long peduncles. Habitat. Northern part of Europe ; very common ; cultivated as a shade tree in the United States. Fig., Jahr and Cat. 291. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1848 by a proving by Dr. Miiller, Oest. Zeit. f. Horn. IV. 380. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. i.] Part Used The fresh flowers. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Tilia europaea, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. TONGO. Tongo Bean. Natural Order. Leguminosae. 562 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Baryosma tongo, Coumarouma odorata, Dip- terix odorata; English, Tongo bean, Tonka bean, Torquin bean, Sweet-scented tonquin bean ; French, Feve Tonka ; German, Tonko- bohne. Description. An evergreen tree, 60 feet high. The leaves are large, alternate, pinnate, the four short-petioled leaflets oval, entire, pointed. The purple flowers, with violet veins, are in terminal racemes. Habitat. Guiana and South America generally. Fig., Winkler, 65 ; Jahr and Cat. 292. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice by a proving by Nenning, Annalen d. Horn. Kl. IV. 125. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 14-] Part Used. The bean. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength -j^. Tongo, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: ix and higher. d. Tritnrations : ix and higher. TRADESCANTIA DIURETICA, Spiderwort Natural Order. Commelynaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Commelina, Tradescantia commelina, Trapoe- raba ; English, Spiderwort. Description. An annual herb, with stem erect, or a little inclined, branching and cylindrical. The leaves are alternate, sheathing, some- what lanceolate, constituting tufts at the ends of the branches. The blue flowers, four to six in number, appear on long peduncles from the terminal tufts. Habitat. Brazil. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 563 History. Named for John Tradescant, gardener to Charles I. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1849 by Dr. Mure, Pathogen. Bresil, Paris ed. 288. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 21.] Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Tradescantia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE, Cloven Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. Latin, Trifolium campestre, T. minimum, T. plumo- sum, T. procumbens ; English, Common or red clover ; French, Trefle ; German, Ackerklee. Description. A cultivated, biennial, or short-lived perennial plant, with a large, diffusely branched root. The many stems, i to 3 feet high, are ascending and somewhat hairy. The leaves are alternate, trifoliate, leaflets oval, often notched at the end, nearly entire, marked on the upper side with a pale spot, stipules awned, broadly-lanceolate, clasping at the base, surmounted by an awl-shaped tip. The purplish- red, sweet-scented flowers appear from May to September in dense, ovate, sessile heads. Habitat. Great Britain, introduced into the United States from Europe; found in fields and meadows. Fig-, Millspaugh, 47. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1870 by prov- ings reported by Dr. Duncan, Trans. N. Y. St. Horn. Med. Soc. VIII. 238. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 22.] Part Used. The fresh flower-heads. 564 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Trifolium pratense, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. TRIFOLIUM REPENS. White Clover. Natural Order. Leguminosae. Synonyms. English, White clover ; French, Trefle blanc ; German, Wiesenklee. Description. A perennial, deciduous trailer. The stem is smooth, slender, spreading and creeping. The leaves are alternate, long- petioled, trifoliate, leaflets ovate-oblong, emarginate, serrulate, with a caret-shaped spot on the upper surface, pale and indistinct, stipules entire, scale-like. The flowers, changing from creamy-white to deep- rose and finally to a rusty-brown color, appear from May to September in small loose umbels on long peduncles. Habitat. Great Britain and the United States northward ; found in pastures, waste places and in woodland. Fig., Millspaugh, 48. History, Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1870 by prov- ings reported by Dr. Duncan, Trans. N. Y. St. Horn. Soc. VIII. 237. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 22.] Part Used. The fresh flower-heads. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Trifolium repens, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 565 b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. TRILLIUM. Wake Robin. Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Trillium cernuum, T. pendulum; English, Drooping trillium, Nodding trillium, Wake robin. Description. An ornamental, perennial herb, with a short tuberous rhizome. The stem, 18 inches high, is stout, simple and naked. The leaves at the summit of the stem, in a whorl of three, are short-petioled, almost sessile, more or less ribbed, net-Veined, broadly-rhomboid and abruptly-pointed. A large white flower appears in the spring on a short terminal, recurved peduncle. Habitat. North America, New England to Virginia, Kentucky and southward, common eastward ; found in moist woods. History. Name from trilix, triple, the calyx having three sepals, the corolla three petals, the pistil three styles and the stem three leaves. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1853 by a proving of Dr. Minton. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 637.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Trillium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gra., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. 566 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM. Wild Ipecac. Natural Order. Caprifoliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Triosteum floribus verticillatis sessilibus, T. folliis connatis, f. s. v., T. majus ; English, Bastard, false or wild ipecac, Cinque, Dr. Tinker's weed, Dog grass, Fever root or wort, Horse- gentian or ginseng, Quickens, Sweet bitter, Tinker weed, White gentian or ginseng, Wild coffee, Witch grass ; French, Trieste ; German, Breitblatteriger, Dreistein. Description. A deciduous, perennial shrub, with a thick, fleshy root, subdivided into several horizontal sections, externally yellowish or brownish, internally whitish, with a sickening odor and a bitter, nauseous taste. The stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is simple, hollow, glandu- larly-pubescent and reddish. The leaves are large, opposite, ovate- spatulate, abruptly-narrowed, perfoliate, acuminate, sinuate, hairy above, downy beneath and prominently reticulate-veined. The dull- or reddish-purple flowers, one to six in number, appear in May and June, are sessile in axillary whorls in the middle of the stem, each axil having two or three linear bracts. Habitat. Canada and the United States, southward and westward to Alabama ; found in rich woodlands, not rare. Fig., Millspaugh, 74. History. Name derived from treis, three, and osteon, bone, the fruit having three nutlets ; shortened from triosteospermum. It was held in high estimation by many Indian tribes. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1844 by Dr. Williamson's provings published in Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 1844-5, 2 49- [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 25.] Part Used The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Triosteum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc. = 285 Distilled water, 215 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 567 b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. TRITICUM REPENS. Couch Grass. Natural Order. Gramineae. Synonyms. Latin, Agropyrum repens; English, Couch, dog or quick grass, Quickens, Quitch ; French, Chiendent ; German, Quecken- wurzel. Description. A perennial herb, with whitish, creeping, jointed rhizome, having a bunch of fibrous rootlets at each joint. The culm, 2 to 4 feet high, is hollow, closed at the joints. The leaves are two- ranked, alternate and flat, often roughish and pubescent above. The four to eight flowered-spikelets are glabrous or nearly so; rachis glabrous, rough on the edges ; awns, when present, straight. Habitat. A native of Europe, naturalized throughout the northern hemisphere, indigenous northwestward, and a pest in cultivated grounds and fields. Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Tussilago petasites, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 567 Cc. = 667 Strong alcohol, 470 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. URTICA DIOICA. Common Nettle. Natural Order. Urticaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Urtica majoris; English, Common nettle, Great stinging nettle; French, Ortie brulante; German, Grosse Brennessel. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with branching, creep- ing, fibrous root and fleshy rootlets. The stem is 2 to 3 feet high, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 569 erect, covered with rigid stinging hairs, the upper part downy and of a dull-green color. The leaves are opposite, long-petioled, ovate, cordate, acuminate, deeply-serrate, downy underneath, also armed with stings, stipules distinct. The apetalous flowers, often dioecious, are in much-branched axillary spikes. Habitat. Great Britain, all over Europe, Barbary, Siberia and Japan, naturalized in the United States, chiefly eastward ; found in waste places and on roadsides. History. Name from uro, to burn. The stalk is capable of being made into rope, woven into cloth and made into paper. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1856, Hirschel's Archiv. II. 162. Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $ : Drug strength ^. Urtica dioica, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. URTICA URENS. Dwarf Nettle. Natural Order. Urticaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Urtica minora; English, Dwarf nettle, Small stinging nettle; French, Ortie grieche, Petite ortie; German, Bren- nessel, Nesselkraut. Description. A stinging, annual herb, with stem i to 2 feet high, erect, four-angled and branching, stings few, very virulent, and a tough, fibrous bark. The leaves are opposite, elliptical, five-ribbed, coarsely- and deeply-serrate. The apetalous, monoecious flowers appear from June to September in nearly simple axillary clusters, shorter than the petioles, two small clusters in each axil. 57O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Great Britain, everywhere in cultivated places, United States, naturalized from Europe, scarce; found eastward in waste grounds near dwellings. Fig., Winkler, 146; Millspaugh, 153. History. Name nettle from Anglo Saxon, naedl, needle. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice in 1836, Allg. Horn. Zeit. VIII. 81. [Alle's Enncyc. Mat. Med. X. 47.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS, a. Tincture < : Drug strength y 1 ^. Urtica urens, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 400 Cc. = 500 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. USNEA BARBATA. Bearded Usnea. Natural Order. Lichenes. Synonyms. English, Bearded or drooping usnea. Description. A genus of lichens. The thallus, 4 feet long, is rounded, smoothish, generally pendulous with a central thread, thick- ish, pale greenish-gray; the divergent branches fibrillose, capillary at their extremity, articulated below. Habitat. Found growing on rocks and trunks of trees. History. Name from the Arabic, achneh, or achnen, the general name for lichens. Parts Used. The entire lichen. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength ^. Usnea barbata, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 730 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 571 b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 2x and higher. USTILAGO MAIDIS. Maize Smut. Natural Order. Fungi. Synonyms. English, Ergot of corn, Maize smut, Corn smut; German, Maisbrand. Description. A fungus, growing on the stems, grains and tassel of Indian corn in masses, varying in size from a cherry to that of a child's head, smooth, spherical or lobed, of a bluish tinge becoming blackish, composed of innumerable minute globular spores covered with small pointed processes. It has a peculiar, heavy, unpleasant smell. History. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1845 by Dr. Kiichenmeister, Allg. Horn. Zeit. XXVIII. 145; provings reported by Dr. Hoyne, Trans. Am. Inst. Horn. 1872, 201. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 49.] Parts Used. The trituration of fungus when it has turned black, but before affected by frost, and the tincture of fresh ripe fungus. PREPARATIONS. a. Triturations : ix and higher. b. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Ustilago maidis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 100 Cc. = 200 Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications : 3x and higher. UVA URSL Bearberry. Natural Order. Ericaceae. c. 572 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Arbutus uva ursi, Arctostaphylos officinalis, A. uva ursi, Daphnidostaphyllis fendleriana ; English, Bearberry, Bear's grape, Mountain box, Red berry, Red-berried trailing arbutus, Upland cranberry ; French, Arbousier, Raisin d'ours, Busserole ; German, Barentraube, Barenbeere, Steinbeere. Description. A low, evergreen, trailing shrub, with thick, creeping roots. The stem is woody, rooting, the young shoots only turning upwards, the pale-brown bark scaling off in patches. The crowded leaves are alternate, short-petioled, obovate or spatulate, acute, entire, smooth, thick, with a net-work of veins beneath, inodorous when fresh, having the odor of hay when dry, with a bitter, astringent taste, becoming sweetish. The white flowers appear in May on short reflexed peduncles in small terminal racemes. The fruit is a red berry-like drupe with five to ten seed-like nutlets. Habitat. Most parts of Europe, northern Asia, United States, Pennsylvania to New Mexico, northern California and as far north as the arctic circle; found on mountains, in rocky places and on bare hills. Fig., Winkler, 15; Jahr and Cat. 295; Goullon, 163; Bent, and Trim. 163; Millspaugh, 100. History. Name from arktos, a bear, and staphyle, a grape. Used in medicine in the thirteenth century. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1848 by Noak and Trinks. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 56.] Part Used. The fresh leaves. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^ Uva ursi, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 150 Cc. = 250 Distilled water, 250 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 573 URANIUM NITRICUM. Uranium Nitrate. Uranium Nitrate. Chemical Symbol. UO 2 (NO 3 ) 2 .6H 2 O; 502.26. Synonyms. Latin, Uranii nitras; English, Nitrate of uranium, Uranic nitrate. Description. Consists of greenish-yellow, dichroic crystals, having a metallic taste; efflorescent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 0.5 parts of water and in 0.35 parts of alcohol. Is decomposed by heat with the evolution of water and acid and a residue of uranic oxid. Its aqueous solution is decomposed by heat, depositing a lemon-yellow powder. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 41. A poison. Maximum dose y$ grain. PREPARATIONS. a. Tt iterations : ix and higher; freshly prepared and protected from the light. b. Tincture : -^, in strong alcohol ; freshly prepared. c. Dilutions : 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. d. Medications : 2x and higher ; freshly made. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. Valerian. Natural Order. Valerianaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Phu germanicum, P. parvum, Valeriana angusti- folia, V. minor, V. sambucifolia, V. sylvestris major; English, All-heal, Great wild valerian, Heal-all, Valerian; French, ValeYiane sauvage, Petite valeriane ; German, Augenwurzel, Katzenbaldrian. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a tuberous, short, upright root-stock, having numerous, slender, fleshy, tapering, pale- brown rootlets, 3 to 4 inches long, and sending out runners, at the end of which young plants are formed. The solitary, erect stem, 3 to 4 feet high, is hollow, furrowed, branched only at the top and hirsute at the. base. The few leaves are opposite, pinnate, coarsely-serrate, clasping ; the radical on long petioles, the cauline much smaller and 574 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE passing into bracts above; the opposite, or alternate, leaflets are sessile, lanceolate, dentate, ^ to 2^ inches long. The numerous, small, white or flesh-colored flowers appear in June and July in crowded sessile bunches of three at the extremities of the final divisions of the trichotomous, compound, spreading cymes, terminating the stem and branches, the whole forming a large, more or less flat- topped cyme. The roots have a camphoraceous, bitter, unpleasant taste, and a strong turpentine-like odor, acquired in drying. The best grow in dry situations. Habitat. Great Britain and Europe generally, also Asia, Japan and Iceland ; found in dry pastures as well as in wet places. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 205; Winkler, 148; Jahr and Cat. 295; Goullon, 138; Bent, and Trim. 146. History. Name first met with in the ninth or tenth century, of uncertain origin. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1805 by Hahnemann, Frag. d. Vir. 251. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 59.] Part Used. The root, recently dried. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^-. Valeriana, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 500 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, Jive parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. VERATRINA. Veratriru Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Veratrinum ; English, Veratria, Veratrine; French, Veratrine ; German, Veratrin. A mixture of alkaloids, obtained from the seeds of Asagrcea officinalis (Sabadilla). AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 575 Description. Consists of a white or grayish-white amorphous powder, or of crystalline needles, odorless, and having a strongly bitter, acrid and persistent taste, followed by a sensation of tingling or numbness. In the most minute quantities it causes sneezing when introduced into the nose ; it is unchanged by exposure to light. It is soluble in 3 parts of strong alcohol, 6 parts of ether, 2 parts of chloro- form, 96 parts of glycerin, 56 parts of olive oil and in dilute acids; insoluble in water; reaction alkaline. When ignited upon platinum foil it should burn without residue. It forms a yellow solution with sulfuric acid, changing to orange-red, blood-red and in about half an hour to carmine-red, which finally becomes violet ; with nitric acid it forms a red solution, changing to yellow; when one part of veratrin is triturated with 100 parts of sulfuric acid, the resulting solution gives a green-yellow fluorescence, with an ultimate red color. Veratrin is obtained from Sabadilla seeds, and is extremely poisonous. Men- tioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 69. Maximum dose -fa grain. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : 2x and higher. VERATRUM ALBUM, White Hellebore. Natural Order. Melanthacese. Synonyms. Latin, Elleborum album, Helleborus albus, H. prae- cox ; English, European hellebore, White hellebore ; French, Varaire, Veratre blanc ; German, Weisser Germer, Weisse Nieswurzel. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a fleshy, fusiform, blackish root, 2 to 3 inches long, y^ to I inch in diameter, beset with strong fibers gathered into a head. The stem, 5 feet high, is round, fistulous, almost covered by the sheaths of the leaves, downy above. The leaves, provided with numerous nerves, are plaited, broad, ovate, acute, or rather blunt, glabrous above and downy beneath. The light- yellow or yellowish-white flowers appear from June to August in erect panicled racemes. All parts of the plant are extremely acrid and poisonous; the root has an offensive smell and a burning, acrid, bitterish taste. 576 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Habitat. Middle and southern Europe, Russia, China and Japan; found in moist situations in mountain regions. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 209; Winkler, 149; Jahr and Cat. 296; Goullon, 263. History. Name said to be derived from vere, true, and ater, black. It has been described under different names and was known as early as the sixteenth century, possibly the plant described by Theophrastus nearly 300 years B. C. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1805 by Hahnemann, Frag. d. Vir. 254. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 73.] Part Used. The dried root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture ; Drug strength y 1 ^. Veratrum album, 100 Gm. Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 824 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations: ix and higher. VERATRUM VIRIDE. American Hellebore. Natural Order. Melanthaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Helonias viridis, Veratrum eschscholtzii, V. parviflorum ; English, American, false or green hellebore or veratrum, American white hellebore, Crow poison, Earthgall, Indian poke or uncus, Itch weed, Meadow poke, Puppet root, Swamp hellebore, Wolf- bane; French, Veratre vert; German, Griiner Germer. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, having a coarse, thick, fleshy rhizome, more or less horizontal, with numerous white rootlets upon the lower part, having a strong, unpleasant odor when fresh, nearly odorless dried. The stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is stout, erect, simple, leafy to the top, striated and pubescent. The leaves are three- ranked, nerved, broadly-oval, strongly-plaited, sheath-clasping, acumi- nate; the lower leaves 6 to 12 inches long, curly, decreasing in size Upward to mere lanceolate bracts. The yellowish-green, polygamous flowers, appearing from April to July, according to location, on AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. S77 pedicels much shorter than the bracts, are in dense, spreading, spike-like racemes on roundish, downy peduncles, composing a terminal pyramidal panicle. This plant closely resembles Veratrum album. Habitat. Indigenous to North America from Canada to Georgia; found in swamps and low grounds. Fig., Millspaugh, 176. History. A popular remedy among the American Indians, becom- ing known in Europe in 1672. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1862, Allg. Horn. Zeit. LXIV. M. b. 26. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 95 and 639.] Part Used. The fresh root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength ~fc. Veratrum viride, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 800 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. VERBASCUM THAPSUS. Mullein. Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Candelaria, Lanaria, Thapsus barbatus; English, Blattaria, Common mullein, Hare's beard, Itch-weed, Long taper, Mullein, Shepherd's club, Yellow moth ; French, Bouillon-blanc, Molene, Bon-homme; German, Konigskerze, Wollkraut. Description. A biennial herb, with stem 3 to 6 feet high, round, rigid, erect, densely-woolly, winged by the decurrent bases of the leaves. The leaves, 4 to 12 inches long, are alternate, sessile, oblong or oval, decurrent, somewhat acuminate, crenate, woolly on both sides, pale-green. The small yellow flowers appear in July and August in a long, close, cylindrical, terminal spike. Habitat. Common in the United States, northern and central Europe; found along roadsides, in uncultivated fields, etc. Fig., Flora Horn. II. 218; Winkler, 147; Jahr and Cat. 298; Goullon, 181; Millspaugh, no. 578 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. The name, a corruption of barbascum, so called on account of the bearded appearance of its leaves, thapsus, from its native place, Isle of Thapsos. Mentioned by Hippocrates. The flowers saturated with olive oil and exposed to the sun was a very popular German remedy. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1821 by Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., VI. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 114.] Parts Used. The whole fresh herb. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Verbascum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 537 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, four parts distilled water, five parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. VERBENA HASTATA. Blue Vervain. Natural Order. Verbenaceae. Synonyms. English, Ague weed, American, blue, or halbert-leaved vervain, Purvian, Simpler's joy, Wild hyssop. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a woody, fibrous root and a square stem 4 to 6 feet high. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, the radical often lobed, entire, hastate or lanceolate, taper- pointed, cut-serrate and rough. The small purplish-blue or violet flowers appear from June to August in long, erect, densely-flowered, terminal or axillary, corymbed or panicled spikes. Habitat. North America, Canada and Saskatchewan to Florida, New Mexico and California; found chiefly in low, waste grounds, amongst rubbish and on roadsides. Fig., Trans. N. Y. St. Horn. Med. Soc. VIII. 324. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 5/9 History. Name said to be derived from ferfaen, Celtic, meaning to drive away a stone, "an herb of grace." Mentioned in homoeo- pathic literature in 1870, Trans. N. Y. St. Horn. Med. Soc. VIII. 324. (Male's New Rem. 3d ed.) Part Used. The fresh leaves or root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Verbena hastata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. VERBENA OFFIdNALIS. Common Vervain. Natural Order. Verbenaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Verbena maris ; English, Common or European vervain, Verbena; French, Verveine commune; German, Eisenhart, Eisenkraut. Description. A deciduous, perennial herb, with a fusiform, deep, hairy, ligneous root. The stem, I to 3 feet high, is erect, loosely- branched, quadrangular and furrowed. The leaves are opposite, sessile, pinnatifid or three-cleft, oblong-lanceolate, narrowed, lobes 'cut and dentate, smooth above, coarsely-wrinkled. The small purplish flowers appear all summer in very slender panicled spikes, bracts small, short. Habitat. Europe, naturalized in the United States, New Jersey to Texas, Arizona and southern California ; found on roadsides, in sandy places along hedges and on rubbish heaps. 580 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Held sacred among the ancients; used in sacrificial rites, incantations, etc. Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Verbena officinalis, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Distilled water, 167 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. VERONICA BECCABUNGA. Brooklime. Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Veronica americana, V. anagallis, V. inter- media ; English, Brooklime ; French, Veronique ; German, Bachbunge, Ehrenpreis. Description. A perennial, aquatic herb. The stem is 2 feet high, creeping and rooting at the base, then erect, ascending, smooth. The leaves are opposite, short-petioled, 2 to 3 inches long, elliptical-obtuse, clasping by cordate base, acutish, serrulate and smooth. The pale- blue, often purple-striped, flowers appear from May to August in axillary loose racemes. Habitat. Europe and Asia, introduced into Canada and north Atlantic states to New Mexico, California and Alaska, especially northward ; found near brooks and ditches. History. Name, a corruption of Betonica, the specific name latin- ized from the common of the German. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1858 by Dr. Kimball, N. A. J. Horn. VI. 526. (Hale's New Rem. 3d ed.) Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 581 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Veronica beccabunga, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. VIBURNUM OPULUS. High Cranberry. Natural Order. Caprifoliaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Viburnum edule, V. oxycoccus ; English, Cramp bark, Cranberry tree, Guelder rose, High cranberry, Nanny bush, Sheep's berry, Snowball ; French, Obier ; German, Wasserholder. Description. An ornamental, deciduous shrub. The stem is 10 feet high, upright, nearly smooth. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, three-lobed, three- to five-ribbed, wedge-shaped, truncate, acuminate, glandular at apex, dentate, entire in the sinuses, smooth. The white flowers appear from May to July in peduncled cymes. Habitat. Great Britain and Europe, introduced into the United States, common north and south in the Alleghanies to the borders of Maryland ; found in low grounds and along streams. History. The acid fruit was used as a substitute for the cran- berry, hence the name, high cranberry bush. Mentioned in homoeo- pathic literature in 1858, N. A. J. Horn. VI. 554. (Hale's New Rem. 3d ed.) Part Used. The fresh bark, including the bark of the root. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength y 1 ^. Viburnum opulus, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 100 Cc. = 200 Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. 582 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM. Black Haw. Natural Order. Caprifoliaceas. Synonyms. English, Black haw, Nanny bush or root, Plum-leaved viburnum, Sloe, Stagbush, Sweet viburnum. Description. A deciduous, tall shrub or small tree, attaining a height of from 8 to 20 feet. The leaves, i to 2 inches long, with edged petioles, are opposite, simple, obovate, roundish and oval, obtuse or slightly-pointed, finely-serrate, smooth, shining above. The white, perfect flowers appear in May and June in compound sessile cymes. Habitat. United States from Connecticut to Illinois, common southward ; found in dry copses. History. Name of the genus said to be derived from vieo, to tie, viburnum signifying any plant that could be used for tying or binding. Mentioned in homoeopathic literature in 1857 by Dr. Fowler, N. A. J. Horn. VI. 129. (Rale's New Rem. 4th ed.) Part Used. The fresh bark. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture $: Drug strength y 1 ^. Viburnum prunifolium, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 100 Cc. = 200 Distilled water, 300 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 583 VINCA MINOR. Periwinkle. Natural Order. Asclepiadaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Vinca pervinca; English, Common, lesser or small periwinkle, Periwinkle, Wintergreen ; French, Pervenche; German, Kleines Sinngriin, Wintergriin. Description. An ornamental, evergreen undershrub, with creeping root, having long fibers beneath. The stem is 6 feet long, rounded, thin, trailing, smooth, only the short flowering-stems ascending. The leaves, i^ inches long, are opposite, petioled, simple, elliptical, shining and coriaceous. The blue funnel-shaped flowers appear from March to September, are solitary, axillary and long-peduncled. Habitat. Throughout Europe; found in hedges, thickets and forests. Fig., Winkler, 155. History. Name vinculum, a bond, on account of its twining shoots. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1838 by a proving by Dr. Rosenberg, Archiv. XVII. 2, 39. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 128.] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture .- Drug strength -^. Vinca minor, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 800 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. VIOLA ODORATA. Violet. Natural Order. Violaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Viola alba, V. imberbis, V. mactiae, V. martia, V. suavis ; English, Sweet violet ; French, Violette odorante ; German, Marzveilchen. 584 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A perennial creeper, 6 inches high, with whitish, knobbed root, the runners having fibrous rootlets. The radical leaves long, smooth, petiolate, in tufts, are roundish, cordate, notched, crenate, nearly smooth, shining-green, paler beneath, somewhat hairy. The purple, odorous, solitary, nodding flowers, ^ to ^ inch wide, appear from March to May on long slender, axillary peduncles, about the middle of each of which is a pair of bracts. Habitat. Throughout northern Europe and Asia, introduced into the United States ; found in waste places, sometimes growing spon- taneously near dwellings. Fig., Winkler, 153; Jahr and Cat. 301; Goullon, 22; Bent, and Trim. 25. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1829 by prov- ings by Stapf, Archiv..VIII. 2, 182. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 130-] Parts Used. The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Viola odorata, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 350 Cc. = 450 Strong alcohol, 683 Cc. To make one tho'usand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. VIOLA TRICOLOR. Pansy. Natural Order. Violaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Herba trinitatis, Jacea; English, Heart's ease, Pansy ; French, Fleur de la Trinite", Pense"e sauvage ; German, Acke- veilchen, Sinnviole. Description. An annual, biennial, or short-lived perennial herb, with somewhat fusiform root. The creeping stem becomes erect, 3 to 8 inches high, angular, somewhat diffusely-branched, leafy throughout AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 585 and nearly smooth. The leaves, i inch long, are alternate, petiolate, oblong, crenately-dentate, with persistent, large, lyrate-pinnatifid stipules, with middle lobe crenate. The several, small, yellowish- purple flowers appear from April to September on a terminal and axillary peduncle. Habitat. Throughout Europe and northern Asia, naturalized in the United States, New York to Illinois and southward ; found in fields. Fig., Winkler, 152; Goullon, 23; Millspaugh, 27. History. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1828 by prov- ings by Stapf, Archiv. VII. 2, 173. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 132.] Parts Used The whole fresh plant. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -$. Viola tricolor, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 300 Cc. = 400 Distilled water, 100 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol ; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications ; 3x and higher. VISCUM ALBUM. Mistletoe. Natural Order. Loranthaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Viscum flavescens; English, Mistletoe; French, Gillon, Gui de Chene ; German, Mistel. Description. An evergreen, parasitical plant, forming a hanging bush 2 to 5 feet in diameter, found on fruit trees, especially the apple, getting no nourishment from the soil or decayed wood, the fibers of the root penetrating the woody substance of the tree. The stem, i inch in diameter, has round, even, smooth, pale-green dichotomous 586 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE shoots. The leaves are opposite, sessile, lanceolate-obtuse, entire, coriaceous and of a yellowish-green color. The flowers are in axillary heads in clusters of four or five; both staminate and pistillate are sessile and nearly solitary. The fruit consists of small white glutinous berries. The plant has a peculiar, disagreeable odor and a sweetish, acrid, bitter, nauseous taste. Habitat. Indigenous to Great Britain. Fig., Goullon, 221. History. Name probably derived from viscus, clammy, on account of the sticky nature of the berries. That found on the oak was employed in the religious rites of the Druids. Mentioned in homoeo- pathic literature in 1863 by Dr. Huber, Zeit. d. V. d. Horn. A. Oest. II. 3, 87. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 154.] Parts Used. The fresh leaves and berries. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture <: Drug strength -^. Viscum album, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 800 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions ; 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. WYETHIA HELENIOIDES. Wyethia, Natural Order. Compositae. Synonyms. Latin, Alarconia helenoides, Melarhiza inuloides. Description. A perennial plant i to 2 feet high, tomentose when young, becoming almost glabrous. The leaves are short-petioled and ovate; the radical 12 to 18 inches long and 4 to 6 inches wide, the cauline about half the size. Habitat. California; found on the sides of hills. Introduced into homoeopathic literature by Dr. Selfridge. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 168.] Part Used. The fresh root. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 587 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -fa. Wyethia, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 200 Cc. = 300 Distilled water, 200 Cc. Strong alcohol, 635 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, three parts distilled water, six parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications : 3x and higher. XANTHOXYLUM FRAXINEUM. Prickly Ash. Natural Order. Rutaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Thylax fraxineum, Xanthoxylum americanum, X. clava-herculis, X. fraxinifolium, X. mite, X. ramiflorum, X. tri- carpum ; English, Angelica tree, Northern prickly ash, Pellitory, Pepper wood, Prickly ash, Suterberry, Tea ash, Toothache tree, Yellow wood; French, Clevalier, Frene epineux; German, Zahnweh- holz. Description. An ornamental, deciduous shrub. The stem is 5 to 10 feet high, with alternate branches beset with thorns, with a smooth, somewhat waited, white-spotted, grayish bark, slightly aromatic and very pungent. The leaves are alternate in axillary clusters, odd- pinnate ; leaflets three to five pairs, prickly, sometimes petioled, oblong-oval, oblique, acuminate, serrulate, downy when young, having an aromatic odor, resembling lemons. The greenish-white, dioecious flowers appear before the leaves from March to May in axillary, sessile umbels about the origin of the young branches. The roundish red capsule contains a shining black, odorless, oval, wrinkled seed, hollow and grayish-yellow internally, and having a slight taste like that of the capsule. Habitat. Throughout northern and eastern United States; found in rocky woods and on river banks. Fig., Millspaugh, 33. 588 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE History. Name from xanthos, yellow, and xylon, wood. Intro- duced into homoeopathic practice by provings reported by Dr. Cullis, Pub. Mass. H. M. Soc. II. 267. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 169.] Parts Used. The fresh bark and berries. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincttire : Drug strength T ^. Xanthoxylum, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 233 Cc. = 333 Strong alcohol, 800 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions : 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts distilled water, seven parts alcohol; 3x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 3x and higher. YUCCA FILAMENTOSA. Adam's Needle. Natural Order. Liliaceae. Synonyms. English, Adam's needle, Bear grass, Thready Adam's needle, Spanish bayonet. Description. An ornamental, evergreen shrub, with trunk rising a foot or less from a running rootstock, and covered with erect, lanceolate, unarmed leaves, i to 2 feet long, recurved, broadly-channeled and coriaceous with very strong, twisted, brown, marginal threads. The whitish-green flowers appear from July to October in an ample, compound panicle, terminating a scape-like peduncle, 6 to 8 feet high. Habitat. United States, found in sandy soil in eastern Virginia, also southward and westward. History. The aboriginal name. Introduced into homoeopathic literature in 1875 by Dr. Burdick, N. A. J. Horn. XXIV. 29. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 172.] Parts Used. The root and leaves, or flowers. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 589 PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength ^. Yucca filamentosa, moist magma containing solids 100 Gm., plant moisture 185 Cc.= 285 Strong alcohol, 840 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol c. Medications: 2x and higher. ZINCUM ACETICUM. Zinc Acetate. Zincum Acetate. Chemical Symbol. Zn(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 2H 2 O; 218.74. Synonyms. Latin, Zinci acetas, Z. aceticum, Acetas zincicus; English, Acetate of zinc, Zincic acetate; French, Acetate de zinc; German, Zinkacetat, Essigsaures Zinkoxyd. Description. Consists of soft, white, silky plates, having a pearly appearance, with an odor of acetic acid and a metallic taste ; efflores- cent in dry air. Soluble at 15 C. in 2.7 parts of water and in 36 parts of alcohol. At a red heat it is decomposed, giving off acetic acid and acetone vapors and leaving a residue of zinc oxid. Its aqueous solution has an acid reaction, and gives with hydrogen sulfid and with ammonium sulfid a white precipitate of zinc sulfid ; it also gives the reactions of zinc solutions. This salt is prepared with zinc carbonate and acetic acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 213. Zinc acetate should be kept in well-stoppered bottles. PREPARATIONS. Tritnrations : ix and higher; freshly made. ZINCUM BROMATUM. Zinc Bromid. Zincum Bromid. Chemical Symbol. ZnBr 2 ; 224.62. 59O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Synonyms. Latin, Zinci bromidum ; English, Bromide of zinc, Zincic bromide ; French, Bromure de zinc ; German, Zinkbromid, Bromzink. Description. A white, granular, odorless powder, having a strong, saline, metallic taste ; markedly deliquescent. Freely soluble in water and in alcohol. It melts at 394 C, and at a higher temperature is sublimed in the form of needle-shaped prisms. Its aqueous solution gives a white precipitate with hydrogen sulfid and all the other reac- tions of zinc salts ; with argentic nitrate it gives a yellow precipitate of silver bromid. It is decomposed by chlorin water, liberating bromin, which can be dissolved in chloroform or carbon disulfid, the solution having a dark-red color. It is prepared with zinc and bromin, or by dissolving zinc in hydrobromic acid. It should be kept in small glass-stoppered vials. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher; the ix and 2x to be freshly made. ZINCUM CARBONICUM. Zinc Carbonate. Zincum Carbonate. Synonyms. Latin, Zinci carbonas praecipitatus, Z. carbonas, Hydrocarbonas zincicus; English, Precipitated carbonate of zinc; French, Sous-carbonate ; German, Zinkcarbonat, Kohlensaures Zink- oxyd. Description. A white, soft powder, of variable composition, with- out taste or odor ; permanent in air. Insoluble in water and in alcohol ; soluble in acids, with production of carbon dioxid. When strongly heated it loses carbon dioxid and is transformed into zinc oxid, which is yellow while hot, but turns white on cooling ; its solutions give the reactions of zinc salts. It is prepared with zinc sulfate and sodium carbonate. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 5QI ZINCUM CYANATUM. Zinc Cyanid. Zincum Cyanid. Chemical Symbol. Zn(Cy 2 ); 117.06. Synonyms. Latin, Zinci cyanidum, Cyanuretum zincicum; English, Cyanide of zinc, Zincic cyanide ; French, Cyanure de zinc. Description. A white, inodorous, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water and in alcohol ; soluble in dilute acids and in ammonium and potassium hydrates. When kept long it decomposes. Its solutions give the reactions of zinc salts. It is obtained from zinc acetate and hydrocyanic acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 215. A poison. Maximum dose % grain. It should be kept in small glass- stoppered vials. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher; freshly made. ZINCUM IODATUM. Zinc betid. Zincum lodid. Chemical Symbol. ZnI 2 ; 318.16. Synonyms. Latin, Zinci iodidum, loduretum zincicum; English, Iodide of zinc, Zincic iodide ; French, lodure de zinc ; German, Zink- jodid, Jodzink. Description. A white, granular, odorless powder, having a strong, saline, metallic taste ; markedly deliquescent. Exposed to air it turns brown. Freely soluble in water and in alcohol. At a temperature of 446 C. it melts, and at a higher temperature is partly volatilized and partly decomposed, leaving a residue of zinc oxid. Its aqueous solu- tion has an acid reaction, and gives with argentic nitrate a yellow precipitate, insoluble in ammonium hydrate ; it gives the reactions of zinc salts. It is prepared from metallic zinc and iodin. Zinc iodid should be kept in small glass-stoppered vials. PREPARATIONS. Tt iterations: ix and higher; freshly made. 592 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE ZINCUM METALLICUM. Metallic Zinc, Zincum. Chemical Symbol. Zn; 65.10. Synonyms. Latin, Speltrum ; English and French, Zinc ; German, Zink. Description. A bluish-white metal, having a laminated texture and a crystalline fracture; specific gravity, 7.2. It fuses at 415 C. It is brittle at ordinary temperature, but between 120 C. and 150 C. it is ductile, while at 205 C. it becomes so brittle that it can be easily powdered. At a white heat it boils and volatilizes, burning with a blue flame and producing zinc oxid. It is dissolved by diluted sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, and these solutions give with ammonia and potassium hydrate a white precipitate, soluble in an excess of pre- cipitant ; with ammonium sulfid a white precipitate ; with ammonium carbonate, potassium ferrocyanid or sodic phosphate a white precipi- tate, and with potassium ferricyanid an orange-red precipitate. It is extracted from its ores. Centrifugal force is used for the reduction of zinc to a fine powder. The pure redistilled metallic zinc can also be reduced to a powder by rubbing it in a mortar under distilled water. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. ZINCUM MURIATICUM. Zinc Chlorid. Zincum Muriate. Chemical Symbol. ZnCl 2 ; 135.84. Synonyms. Latin, Zinci chloridum, Zincum chloratum, Chlorure- tum zincicum ; English, Chloride of zinc, Zincic chloride ; French, Chlorure de zinc ; German, Zinkchlorid, Chlorzink. Description. A white, granular, odorless powder, with a strong astringent, metallic taste; markedly deliquescent. Soluble in 0.3 parts of water at 15 C. It is partly volatilized and partly decomposed by heat, leaving a residue of zinc oxid. Its aqueous solution has an AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 593 acid reaction, and gives with argentic nitrate a white, curdy precipi- tate, soluble in ammonia ; it also gives the reaction of zinc salts. It is prepared from a solution of zinc in hydrogen chlorid by evapora- tion, by heating zinc in a current of chlorin, or by distilling together calcium chlorid and zinc sulfate. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 215. A poison. Maximum dose ^ grain. It should be kept in small glass-stoppered vials. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher; freshly made. ZINCUM OXYDATUM. Zinc Oxid. Zincum Oxid. Chemical Symbol. ZnO; 81.06. Synonyms. Latin, Zinci oxidum, Oxydum zincicum, Flores zinci; English, Oxide of zinc, Zincic oxide ; French, Oxyde de zinc ; German, Zinkoxyd. Description. A soft, white, odorless, tasteless powder, which when heated becomes yellow, and on cooling white. It is insoluble in water and in alcohol ; soluble in diluted acids without effervescence. Moist- ened with a solution of cobalt chlorid and heated at a high tempera- ture it gives a green mass ; on exposure to air it slowly absorbs water and carbon dioxid ; its solutions give the reaction of zinc salts. It is obtained by decomposing zinc carbonate at a dull-red heat. It should be kept in air-tight vials. PREPARATIONS. Ttiturations : ix and higher. ZINCUM PHOSPORATUM. Zinc Phosphid. Zincum Phosphid. Chemical Symbol Zn 3 P 2 ; 257.22. Synonyms. Latin, Zinci phosphidum, Phosphoretum zincicum; English, Phosphide of zinc, Phosphuret of zinc ; French, Phosphure de zinc ; Gertnan, Phosphorzink. 594 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Description. A gray, crystalline mass, having a faint odor and taste of phosphorus. Insoluble in water; soluble in dilute sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, with an abundant production of hydrogen phosphid. It is converted into zinc phosphate by nitric acid. At a high tempera- ture, air being excluded, it volatilizes without decomposition. In contact with air it is transformed into zinc phosphate. Its acid solu- tions give the reactions of zinc salts. It is obtained by passing vapors of phosphorus in a current of hydrogen over melted zinc. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 221. A poison. Maximum dose -fa to f grain. It should be kept in small glass-stoppered vials. PREPARATIONS. Ttiturations: ix and higher. ZINCUM SULPHURICUM. Zinc Sulfate. Zincum Sulfate. Chemical Symbol. ZnSO 4 .;H 2 O; 286.64. Synonyms. Latin, Zinci sulphas, Sulfas zincicus,Vitriolum album; English, Sulphate of zinc, Zincic sulphate, White vitriol ; French, Sul- fate de zinc ; German, Zinksulfat, Schwefelsaures Zinkoxyd. Description. Consists of colorless, transparent, odorless prisms, having an astringent, metallic taste; efflorescent in air. Soluble at 15 C. in 0.6 parts of water; insoluble in alcohol. Heated to 100 C. it loses six molecules of water, the last one being expelled at a low, red heat; at a higher temperature it is decomposed, sulfur dioxid and oxygen gas being given off, leaving a residue of zinc oxid. Its aque- ous solution has an acid reaction, and gives with barium chlorid a white precipitate of barium sulfate, insoluble in acids; it gives the reactions of zinc salts. It is prepared from metallic zinc and diluted sulfuric acid. Mentioned in Allen's Encyclopedia, X. 221. Zinc sulfate should be kept in well-stoppered vials. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 59$ ZINCUM VALERIANICUM. Zinc Valerianate. Zincum Valerianate. Chemical Symbol. Zn(C 5 H 9 O 2 ) 2 .2H 2 O; 302.56. Synonyms. Latin, Zinci valerianas, Valerianas zincicus; English, Valerianate of zinc, Zincic valerianate ; French, Valerianate (Vate rate) de zinc ; German, Zincvalerianat, Baldriansaures Zinkoxyd. Description. Consists of anhydrous, white, pearly, lamellar crys- tals, soft to the touch, having an odor of valerianic acid and a sweet, styptic, metallic taste. On exposure to air it loses valerianic acid. Is soluble at 15 C. in 100 parts of water and in 40 parts of alcohol. It is decomposed by heat, giving off white, inflammable vapors and leaving a residue of zinc oxid, which when moistened with cobaltic chlorid and heated to redness becomes green. Its aqueous solution has an acid reaction. When treated with hydrochloric acid, valerianic acid is separated and floats on the surface of the liquid. This salt is prepared from sodium valerianate and zinc sulfate. It should be kept in small well-stoppered vials. PREPARATIONS. Triturations : ix and higher. ZINGIBER OFFIONALE. Ginger. Natural Order. Zingiberaceae. Synonyms. Latin, Amomum zingiber, Gingiber albus, G. niger; English, Ginger, Jamaica ginger ; French, Gingembre; German, Ginfer, Ingberzahne. Description. A perennial, deciduous shrub, with a large, horizon- tal, solid, tough rhizome, roundly-jointed, fleshy, cylindrical and brittle, covered with a pale, silvery-brown skin, marked with leaf-scars, pale- yellow within. The stem, 2 to 4 feet high, is erect, oblique, invested by the smooth sheaths of the leaves. The leaves are alternate in two rows, sub-sessile on long sheaths, linear lanceolate, smooth, the sheaths smooth, each terminated with a bifid ligula. The small, yellow-speckled 596 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. or red flowers, appearing from June to August in elongated spikes, are sessile, each surrounded by a smooth bract in the axil of the large bracts. Habitat. Probably East Indies, not known in wild state, cultivated throughout the tropics of Asia and America. Fig., Winkler, 156; Jahr and Cat. 302 ; Goullon, 270 ; Bent, and Trim. 270. History. Known in India from the remotest times. Introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1835 by a proving by Dr. Bute, Archiv. XV. i, 182. [Allen's Encyc. Mat. Med. X. 225.] Part Used. The dried root, as imported; that from Jamaica to be preferred. PREPARATIONS. a. Tincture : Drug strength -j^. Zingiber officinale, 100 Gm. Strong alcohol, 1000 Cc. To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture. b. Dilutions: 2x and higher, with dispensing alcohol. c. Medications: 2x and higher. d. Triturations : ix and higher. PART III. SELECT TABLES FOR REFERENCE. Signs and Abbreviations Used in Prescription Writing. R Recipe. Take. Gr. Granum vel A grain or aa Ana. Of each. grana. grains. ft Libra vel librae A pound or Gtt. Gutta vel A drop or pounds. guttae. drops. I Uncia vel An ounce or Haust. Haustus. A draught. unciae. ounces. H. Hora. Hour. 3 Drachma vel A drachm or Ind. In dies. Daily. drachmae. drachms. Infus. Infusum. An infusion. 9 Scrupulus vel A scruple or Inter. Internus. Between. scrupuli. scruples. Lac. Lac, lactis. Milk, of milk. Octarius vel A pint or Lag. Lagena. A flask or bot- octarii. pints. tle. fl Fluiduncia vel Afluidounceor Liq. Liquor. A solution. fluidunciae. fluidounces. Mag. Magnus. Large. f3 Fluidrachma A fluidrachm Mane Mane. In the morning vel fluid- or fluid- Mit. Mitte. Send. rachmae. rachms. M. Misce. Mix. M Minimum vel A minim or Mist. Mistura. A mixture. minima. minims. Non Non. Not. Ad Ad. To, or up to. Non re- Let it not be Ad lib. Ad libitum. At pleasure. petat. Non repetatur. repeated. Bis die Bis in die vel Noc, The night, of dies. Twice a day. noct. Noc, noctis. the night. C. c. Cubic centi- About 16 Omn. meter. minims. hor. Omni hori. Every hour. Chart. Chartula vel A small paper Par., pt. Pars, partis. A part, of a chartulas. or papers. part. Coch. Cochlear vel A spoonful or Pil. Pilula velpilu- cochlearia. spoonfuls. Ize. A pill or pills. Coch. Cochlear amp- A dessert Pocul. Poculum. A cup. amp. lum. spoonful. Potus Potus. Drink. Coch. Cochlear mag- A tablespoon- Primus Primus. The first. mag. num. ful. Pro Pro. For. Coch. Cochlear par- P. r. n. Pro re nata. Occasionally. parv. vum. A teaspoonful. Pulv. Pulvis vel pul- A powder or Collyr. Collyrium. An eye-water. veres. powders. Cong. Congius vel A gallon or Q.s. Quantum suf- As much as is congii. gallons. ficiat. sufficient. Cyath. Cyathus. A wine glass. eq. euaque. Each or every. Decoct. Decoctum. A decoction. uotid. uotidie. Daily. Oil. Dilue, dilutus. Dilute (thou), Kept. Repetatur. Let it be re- diluted. peated. Dim. Dimidius. One-half. Ss. Semis. A half. D. Dosis. A dose. S. Signa. Write. Ead. Eadem (fern.). The same. Solv. Solve. Dissolve. Ejusd. Eiusdem. Of the same. Stat. Statim. Immediately. Ft. Fiat. Make. T. i. d. Ter in die vel Garg. Gargarysma. A gargle. ort.d. Ter die. Thrice daily. Gm. Gramme or Ut diet. Ut dictum. As directed. gram. 15.5 grains. Vir. Vires. Strength. 598 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Tables of Weights and Measures. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. U. S. Pound. Troy Ounces. Drachms. Scruples. Troy Grains. ft I = 12 96 288 5760 I 8 24 480 3 1 3 60 9 1 = gr. 20 The Imperial Standard Troy weight, at present recognized by the British laws, corresponds with the Apothecaries' weight in pounds, ounces and grains, but differs from it in the division of the ounce, which, according to the former scale, contains twenty pennyweights, each weighing twenty-four grains. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. Pound. Ounces. Drachms. Troy Grains. lb. I 16 256 7000 oz. i 16 437.5 dr. i gr. 27.34375 RELATIVE VALUE OF TROY AND AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHTS. Pound. Pounds. Pound. Ounces. Grains, i Troy = 0.822857 Avoirdupois = o 13 72.5 i Avoirdupois = 1.215277 Troy i 2 280 The Metric System. The metric system, like all other measures, depends upon a measure of length. The length of the seconds pendulum, the meridian, etc., are among the unalterable geographical standards or magnitudes. That of the meridian is the basis of the metric system. The meter is the unit of the whole system, and is the ten-millionth part of the length of the fourth part of the earth's meridian. The Meter = 39.37-!- Inches. From this unit of length, the units of capacity and weight are derived. One one-hundredth part of a meter is called a centimeter, and the cube of the centi- meter is the Cubic Centimeter = 16+ Minims. The cubic centimeter may ordinarily be used as the unit of capacity, or i.ooo cubic centimeters equally one liter may be employed. The unit of weight is the Gram = 15.43+ Grains. The gram is the weight of one cubic centimeter of pure water at 4 C. (39.2 F.). Thus, for fluid measure and weight we have respectively the two units, cubic centimeter and gram. Cubic centimeters and decimals of a cubic centimeter can be used to express measure, grams and decimals of a gram to express weight. The prefixes of the metric system are as follows : AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 599 Kilo, one thousand. Deci, = one-tenth. Hekto, one hundred. Centi, = one-hundredth. Deka, ten. Milli, = one-thousandth. It is customary to use only grams and milligrams in reading expressions of weight, and cubic centimeters and decimals in measures. CONDENSED TABLE OF THE METRIC SYSTEM. IOOOO Myriameter Mm. IOOOO Myrialiter Ml. IOOOO Myriagram Mg. 1000 Kilometer Km. IOOO Kiloliter Kl. IOOO Kilogram Kg. 100 Hektometer Hm. 100 Hektoliter HI. 100 Hektogram Hg. 10 Dekameter Dm. IO Dekaliter Dl. IO Dekagram Dg. I Meter M. I Liter L. I Gram Gm. .1 Decimeter dm. .1 Deciliter dl. .1 Decigram dg- .01 Centimeter cm. .01 Centiliter cl. .01 Centigram eg. .001 Millimeter mm. .001 Milliliter ml. .001 Milligram mg. UNITS OF THE METRIC SYSTEM AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS. i Meter i Centimeter i Millimeter i Kilogram i Kilogram i Kilogram i Gram i Gram i Gram i Centigram i Milligram i Liter i Liter i Cubic centimeter i Cubic centimeter i Inch i Inch i Grain i Grain i Grain i Avoirdupois ounce i Troy ounce i Minim i Fluid drachm i Fluid ounce 39.370 inches. 3937 inches. .03937 inches. 35- 2 739 Avoirdupois ounces. 2.2046 Troy pounds. 32.1507 Troy ounces. 15.432 grains. .0352 Avoirdupois ounces. .03215 Troy ounces. 1543 grains. .0154 grains. 33.815 fluid ounces. 2.113 pints. .0338 fluid ounces. 16.23 minims. 2.5399 centimeters. 2 5-3997 millimeters. .0648 grams. 6.4799 centigrams. 64.799 milligrams. 28 -3495 grams. 31.1035 grams. .06 cubic centimeters. 3.70 cubic centimeters. 29.57 cubic centimeters. 6oo THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Equivalents of Weights and Measures.* CUSTOMARY AND METRIC. NOTE. The values given for the relation of weight to measure are for Water at the temperature of 4 C. (39.2 F.) in vacua. For ordinary, practical purposes, these values may be used without correction. WEIGHTS, CUSTOMARY. Metric MEASURES, CUSTOMARY. Weight Grains. Troy Avoirdupois and Measure. Fluid Fluid- ounces and oz. grains. IDS. oz. grains. Gm.] [Cc. ounces. minims. fractions. 154324 3 2 72-4 2 3 "9-9 IOOO 33 390.6 33-8I4 15061 32 2 3 47-5 995.312 33 314.5 33-655 15060.9 31 180.9 2 2 185.9 975-932 33 33 15046.6 31 1 66.6 2 2 I7I.6 975 32 464.9 32.968 14880 31 .... 22 5 964.208 32 289.7 32-604 14660.7 30 260.7 2 I 223.2 950 32 59-i 32-123 14604.5 3 204.5 2 I 167 946.358 32 32 14400 30 2 . . 4OO 933-105 31 264.9 3I-552 14274.9 29 354-9 2 . . 274.9 925 3i 133-3 31.27* 14148.2 29 228.2 2 . . 148.2 916.785 31 .... 3i 14000 2Q 80 2 . 007.18"; "?O 724. 2 "?o.676 13920 y 29 i 15 357-5 s 1 J 902.000 J v O T" 30 240 !>****'/ ** 30.500 13889.1 28 449-1 15 326.6 900 3O 2O7.6 30.432 13691.8 28 251.8 i5 129-3 887.211 30 30 13562.5 28 122.5 15 878.635 29 344-1 29717 I3503-3 28 63.3 i4 378.3 875 29 281.8 29^87 13440 28 J 4 3'5 870.898 29 . 215.2 29448 132354 27 275.4 14 110.4 857.637 29 29 13125 27 165 14 850.486 28 363.9 28.759 I3"7.5 27 157-5 13 430 850 28 356 28.742 12960 27 13 272.5 839.794 28 190.4 28.397 12779 26 299 13 91-5 828.064 28 28 i273'-7 26 251.7 13 44-2 825 27 43-3 27.896 12687.5 26 207.5 13 822.136 27 383-8 27.8OO 12480 26 12 230 808.691 27 165.6 27-345 12345.9 25 345-9 12 95-9 800 27 24.5 27.051 12322.6 25 322.6 12 72.6 798.490 27 27 12250 25 250 12 .... 793.787 26 403.7 26.841 I2OOO 25 II 187.5 777.587 26 140.7 26.293 II96O.I 24 440.1 II 147.6 775 26 98.7 26.2O6 II866.2 24 346.2 " 53-7 768.916 26 26 Il8l2.5 24 292.5 ii .... 765437 25 423.6 25.883 "574-3 24 54-3 10 199.3 750 25 173 25.360 1 1520 24 .... 10 145 746.484 25 "5-9 25.241 11409.8 23 369-8 10 34.8 739-343 25 25 "375 23 335 IO .... 737.087 24 443-4 24.924 11188.5 23 H8.5 9 251 725 24 247.2 24.5I5 1 1040 23 9 102.5 7i5-38o 23 91.1 24.I9O 10953.4 22 393-4 9 15-9 709.769 24 24 10937-5 22 377-5 9 708.738 23 463.3 23.966 *_From the Pharmacoposia of the United States of America, seventh decennial revision (1890). Philadelphia, 1803, p. 554 seq. By permission of the Publication Committee of the Committee of Revision and Publication. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 601 Equivalents of Weights and Measures. Continued. WEIGHTS, CUSTOMARY. Metric MEASURES, CUSTOMARY. Weight Grains. Troy Avoirdupois and Measure. Fluid Fluid- ounces and oz. grains. Ibs. oz. grains. Gm.] [Cc. ounces. minims. fractions. 10802.6 22 242.6 i 8 302.6 700 23 321.4 23.670 10560 22 .... I 8 60 684.277 23 66.2 23.138 10500 21 42O i 8 680.388 23 3-i 23.007 10497.0 21 417 i 7 434-5 680.195 23 .... 23 10416.8 21 336.8 i 7 354-3 675 22 395-7 22.824 10080 21 .... i 7 17-5 653.I73 22 41.4 22.086 10062.5 20 462.5 i 7 652.039 22 23.0 22.048 10040.6 2O 440.6 i 6 415.6 650.621 22 .... 22 10031.0 20 431 i 6 406 650 2 1 469.9 21.979 9645.2 20 45.2 I 6 2O.2 625 21 64.1 21.134 9625 2O 25 i 6 623.689 21 42.9 2I.O9 9600 2O .... i 5 412.1 622.070 21 16.6 21.035 9584.2 19 464.2 i 5 396.7 621.048 21 .... 21 9259.4 19 139.4 i 5 71.9 600 20 138.4 20.288 9187.5 19 67.5 i 5 595-340 2O 62.7 20.131 9127.8 19 7.8 i 4 377-8 59M74 2O .... 20 9120 IQ 1 4 37 590.966 19 471.8 19.983 8873.6 '8 233.3 i 4 123.6 575 19 212.6 19443 8750 18 no i 4 566.990 19 82.6 19.172 8671.4 18 31.4 i 3 358.9 561.900 IQ 19 8640 18 .... 1 3 327-5 559.863 1 8 447 18.931 8487.8 17 327.8 i 3 175-3 550 18 286.8 18.598 83.2.5 17 152.5 i 3 538.641 18 102.5 I8.2I4 8215.1 i7 55-i I 2 340.1 532.327 18 18 8160 17 I 2 285 528.759 17 422.1 17.880 8102 16 422 I 2 227 525 17 36i.i I7.752 7875 16 195.1 I 2 .... 510.291 17 122.4 I7.255 7758.7 16 78.7 I I 321.2 502.753 17 17 7716.2 1 6 36.2 I I 278.7 500 16 435-3 16.907 7680 16 I I 242.5 497.656 16 397.2 16.828 7437-5 '5 237.5 I I .... 481.942 16 142.2 16.297 7330-4 15 130.4 I 330-4 475 16 29.6 16.062 7302.3 15 102.3 I 302.3 473-179 16 16 7200 15 I . . 2OO 466.552 15 3724 15.776 7000 14 280 I 4C-I CQ2 15 162.1 ic -1-18 6944.6 14 274.6 15 382.1 Tjjoy*. 450 15 103.8 * J-JJ" 15.216 6845.9 14 125.9 . . 15 283.4 443.606 15 15 6720 14 .... I Q I C7 C 435-449 14 347-6 14.724 6562.5 '3 322.5 . . IS 425-243 14 182 '4-379 6558.8 13 318.8 M 433-8 425 14 178.0 14-371 6389-5 '3 '49-5 '4 264.5 414.032 14 14 6240 13 .... 14. 115 404.345 13 322.8 13.672 f- f^\ I I ( 6O2 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Equivalents of Weights and Measures Continued. WEIGHTS, CUSTOMARY. Metric Weight and Measure. Gm.] [Cc. MEASURES, CUSTOMARY. Grains. Troy oz. grains. Avoirdupois Ibs. oz. grains. Fluid ounces. minims. Fluid- ounces and fractions. 6172.9 6125 5933-1 5787.1 576o 5687-5 5476.7 540L3 5280 5250 5020.3 5015.5 4812.5 4800 12 412.9 12 365 12 I73- 1 12 27.1 12 ... . . 14 47-9 14 .... . . 13 245.6 . . 13 99.6 li 72.1; 400 396.893 384458 375 373.242 368.544 354.884 350 342.138 340.194 325-311 325 311-845 3 1 1-035 '3 252.3 13 201.8 13 12 326.5 12 298 12 221-7 12 .... 1 1 400.7 II 273.1 II 241.6 II .... 10 475 10 261.4 10 248.3 I3-526 13.421 13 12.680 12.621 12.462 12 "-835 11.570 "503 II 10.989 10-545 10.517 II 407.5 II 196.7 II I2I.3 II .... . . 13 12 226.7 .. 12 151.3 12 ^O 10 450 10 220.3 10 215.5 10 12.5 IO .... 12 .... II 2O7.8 . . II 203 II .... IO 42? 4629.7 4563-9 4375 4320 4244 4107.5 3937-5 3858.1 3840 3651 -i 3500 3472.3 336o 31947 9 399-7 9 243.9 9 55 9 .... . . 10 254.7 10 188.9 10 .... 9 ^82 q 300 295-737 283.495 279.930 275 266.163 255-146 250 248-828 236.590 226.796 225 217.724 207.016 10 69.2 10 .... 9 281.3 9 223.5 9 143-4 9 301.2 8 217.7 8 198.6 8 .... 7 321.0 7 291.9 7 173-8 7 IO.I44 IO 9-586 9.466 9.299 9 8.628 8-453 8.414 8 7.669 7.608 7.362 7 8 404 8 267.5 8 97.5 8 18.1 8 .... 9 306.5 9 170 9 .... - - 8 358.1 8 ^4.0 7 291.1 7 MO 7 "2.3 7 .... 8 151.1 8 7 409.8 7 207.1; 6 3H-7 7 132.2 3086.5 3062.5 2880 27384 2700.7 2625 2400 2314-9 2282 2187.5 1929 1920 1825.6 1750 6 206.5 6 182.5 6 .... 7 24 7 6 ''^i; 200 198.447 186.621 177.442 175 170.097 155.517 150 147.869 141.748 "5 124.414 118.295 "3-398 6 366.1 6 340.9 6 149 6 5 440.4 5 360.8 5 124.1 5 34-6 5 4 380.7 4 108.8 4 99-3 4 3 400.5 6.763 6.710 6.310 6 5-9I7 5-752 5-259 5.072 5 4-793 4.227 4.207 4 3.834 5 338.4 5 300.7 5 225 5 ... u -^ 6 113.4 6 75.7 6 .... c -> |-> c 4 394-9 4 362 4 267.5 4 9 4 .... 5 127-4 5 94-5 5 4 179 4 I7O 4 385-6 3 3>o 4 75-6 4 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 603 Equivalents of Weights and Measures Continued. WEIGHTS, CUSTOMARY. Metric Weight MEASURES, CUSTOMARY. Grains. Troy oz. grains. Avoirdupois Ibs. oz. grains. and Measure. Gm.] [Cc. Fluid ounces. minims. Fluid- ounces and fractions. 1543-2 1440 1388.9 1 369.2 1312.5 1234.6 1157.4 1080.3 960 925.9 912.8 875 3 103.2 3 .... 3 230.7 -\ 127.'; IOO 93-3io 90 88.721 85.049 80 75 70 62.207 60 59-147 56.699 3 183.1 3 74-5 3 20.8 3 2 420.4 2 338.5 2 257.3 2 176.1 2 49-7 2 13.8 2 .... I 440.3 3.38i 3-155 3-043 3 2.876 2-705 2.536 2.367 2.103 2.029 2 I.9I7 2 428.9 2 409.2 2 352-5 2 274.6 2 197.4 2 120-3 2 .... 3 76.4 3 56.7 2 359.6 2 282.4 2 205.3 2 85 i 445-9 I 432.8 i 395 2 50.9 - 2 37.8 2 .... 771.6 6i7-3 480 463 456.392 437-5 385.8 308.6 154-3 I5-4324 i 0.9508 i 291.6 i 137-3 i .... I 334-1 179-8 42 ^ 50 40 3LI035 30 29-574 28.350 25 20 10 I 0.06479 0.06161 331-5 169.2 24.8 6.9 460.1307 405-8 324.61 162.31 16.23 1.0517 i 1.691 1-353 1.052 1.014 i 0.959 0.845 0.676 o.338 0.034 0.0022 0.002 1 25.4 18.89 604 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Equivalents of Weights and Measures Continued. From i Troy Ounce down. Metric Metric Weight Minims Weight Minims Grains. and (of Water Grains. and (of Water Measure. at 4 C.). Measure. at 4 C.). Gm.] [Cc. Gm.] [Cc. 480 [l 3I-I03 504.8 240 [43 i5-55i 252.4 478.4 3i 503.1 23I-5 IS 243-4 4754 30.805 500 228.2 14.786 240 463.0 30 486.9 218.75 Ci; H.I75 230.1 456.4 29-573 480 216. i 14 227.2 45 29-I59 473-3 2IO 13.607 220.9 447-5 29 470.7 2OO.6 13 211 437-5 [lei' 28.350 460.1 199.7 12.938 210 43 2 - 1 28 454-4 185.2 12 194.8 427.9 27.724 450 420 [73 27.214 441.7 180 [3 3 11.663 189.3 416.7 27 438.2 171.1 II.O9O 1 8O 401.2 26 422 169.8 II 178.5 399-3 25.876 420 154-3 IO 162.3 390 25.271 410.2 150 9.719 157-8 385.8 25 405-7 142.6 9.241 150 38o. 3 24.644 400 138.9 9 146.1 370.8 24.028 390 123-5 8 129.8 370-4 24 389.5 360 [63 23-327 378.6 I2O [23 7-775 126.2 354-9 23 373-3 II4.I 7-393 120 342.3 22.180 360 109-37 Li 11 7.088 II5.9 339-5 22 357-1 108.0 7 II3.6 330 21.383 347-1 IOO 6.480 105.2 324-1 21 340.8 95.1 6.161 IOO 3'3-8 20.331 330 92.6 6 97-4 308.6 2O 324.6 80 5.184 84.1 77.2 5 81.1 76.1 4.928 80 61.7 4 64.9 300 [5 3 19440 3*5-5 60 [i3 3.888 63-1 293.2 19 308.4 57-o 3.696 60 285.2 18.483 300 54.69 [i 11] 3-544 57-5 277.8 18 292.1 47-5 3.080 So 270 17-495 284.0 50 3.240 52.6 262.3 17 275-9 46.3 3 48-7 256.7 16.635 270 42.8 2.772 45 246.9 10 259.7 40 2.592 42.1 38-0 2.464 40 33-3 2.156 35 30-9 2 32-5 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 005 Equivalents of Weights and Measures. Continued. Continuation of Table of Equivalents Equivalents of Weights from 5 Grains from i Troy Ounce down. down. Metric 8 GRAINS Weight Minims Grains. and Measure. (of Water at 4 C.). Grammes. in decimal fractions. in common fractions (approximate) . Gm.] [Cc. 0.324 5 5 30 [i3 28.5 23-8 944 .848 .540 30 25 0.291 0.259 0.226 4-5 4 3-5 4* ao .296 2I.O 0.194 3 3 19.0 .232 20 0.162 2-5 2* i5-43 2 4 l6.23 0.130 2 2 0.097 1-5 ii 0.065 I i 14-3 0.972 0.924 15.9 15 0.06 1 0.94 H M 0.907 14.7 0.060 0-93 A 13-3 13 12.4 0.862 0.842 0.801 14 13-7 13 0.057 o-053 0.88 0.82 H 12 0-775 12.6 0.050 0.77 $ 11.4 0-739 12 0.049 0.76 H ii 0.713 0.678 11.6 ii 0.045 0.040 0.69 0.62 tt H 0.036 0.56 rV 10 0.648 - . L 10.5 0.032 0-5 Vz 9-5 9 O.OIO 0.583 IO 9-5 0.028 0-43 A 8.6 0-554 9 0.025 0-39 i 8 0.518 8.4 0.024 0-37 a 8 7-7 7.6 0.5 0-493 ,i 8 0.020 0.31 A 7 0-454 7-4 0.016 0.24 %. 6-7 0.431 7 O.OI2 0.18 ~16 6 0.389 6-3 0.008 O.I2 % 5-7 0.370 6 0.004 O.o6 A 0.0032 O.O5 A 5 0.324 5-3 0.0027 O.O4 A 4.8 0.308 5 0.0022 0.033 aV 3-8 3 0.259 0.246 0.194 4.2 4 3-2 O.OOlS 0.0016 O.O28 0.025 * 2.9 0.185 3 0.0013 O.O2 A 2 0.130 2.1 O.OOII 0.017 A 1.9 I 0.9508 0.123 0.065 0.06161 2 I.05I7 I 0.001 0.0006 O.OI5 O.OI A ToTT 0.0005 0.008 rfl 0.0004 0.0065 rfa 0.0003 0.005 iH O.OOO2 0.003 720 0.0001 0.0015 *u 6o6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE. Table of Atomic Weights. According to L. Meyer and K. Seubert. Names of elements occurring in pharmacopeial and medicinal chemicals, or in reagents used for pharmacopeial tests, are distinguished by the sign t placed after them. Name. Symbol. Atomic Weight. Name. Symbol. Atomic Weight. Aluminum t . Antimony t Al Sb 27.04 IIQ.6 Molybdenum t . . Nickel Mo Ni 95-9 58.6 Arsenic t As 74.0 Nitrogen t . N M.OI Barium t Ba Il6.Q Osmium ... Os IQO.3 Beryllium 1 .... Be 9.03 Oxygen t O 15.96 Bismuth t Bi 2O8. Q Palladium . Pd IO6.15 Boron t B IO.Q Phosphorus t . P 10.06 Bromine t Br 7Q.76 Platinum t .... Pt 1 04.1 Cadmium ..... Cd III. S Potassium t K OQ.O7 Caesium Cs 132.7 Rhodium .... Rh IO2.9 Calcium t Ca aq.Ol Rubidium .... Rb 85.2 Carbon t c II. 07 Ruthenium Ru IOI.4 Cerium t Ce I1Q.Q Samarium . Sm I4Q.62 Chlorine t Cl a<;.'57 Scandium .... Sc 4Q.Q7 Chromium t . . . . Cobaltt Cr Co 52-0 58.6 Selenium .... Silicon t . Se Si 78.87 28.3 Columbium 2 ... Cb Q^.7 Silver t ... Ag IO7.66 Copper t Cu 61. 18 Sodium t Na 2^.O Didymium 3 .... Erbium ...... Di Er 142.0 Strontium t ... Sulphur t Sr c 87-3 Fluorine F 19 o Tantalum Ta 182 o Gallium Ga 60 o Tellurium Te Germanium .... Ge 72.1 Terbium Tb ICQ. I Goldt Au 106 7 Thallium Tl Hydrogen! .... H I.O Thorium Th 211. Indium In 1 1 1.6 Tint .... Sn 118 8 Iodine t I Ti Iridium Ir IQ2 C Tungsten r8-> K Iron t Fe SS.88 Uranium u o->8 a Lanthanum .... Leadt La Pb 138.2 Vanadium .... V Vh 5I-I Li 7,OI Yttrium . . Yt 88 9 Magnesium t Mg 24.^ Zinc t . Zn fie T Manganese t . . . Mercury t Mn He 54-8 TOO 8 Zirconium .... Zr 90.4 1 Also called Glucinum, Gl = 9.03. 4 Also called Niobium, Nb = 93-7. 3 Composed of Neo- and Praseo-Didymium. LIST OF MEDICINES AND PRONUNCIATION. Abies canadensis Abies nigra Absinthium Acalypha indica Acidum aceticum Acidum benzoicum Acidum boracicum Acidum carbolicum Acidum chromicum Acidum citricum Acidum formicum Acidum gallicum Acidum hydrocyanicum Acidum hydrofluoricum Acidum lacticum Acidum muriaticum Acidum nitricum Acidum nitro-muriaticum Acidum oxalicutn Acidum phosphoricum Acidum picricum Acidum salicylicum Acidum sulphuricum Acidum tannicum Acidum tartaricum Aconitum napellus Aconitum e radice Actaea racemosa Actaea spicata Adonis vernalis jEsculus glabra ^Esculus hippocastanum jEthusa cynapium Agaricus muscarius Agaricus emeticus Agave americana Agnus castus Agrostemma githago Ailanthus glandulosus Aletris farinosa a'bi-ez kan-a-d6n'sls a'bl-ez nl'gra ab-sln'thl-um a-kal'I-fa in'di-ka as'Id-um a-se'ti-kum as'Id-um bgn-zo'I-kum as'Id-um bo-ras'I-kum as'Id-um kar-bol'I-kum as'Id-um kro'ml-kum as'Id-um slt-rl-kum as'Id-um f6r'ml-kum as'Id-um gal'H-kum as'Id-um hl-dro-si-an'I-kum as'Id-um hi-dro-flu-6r'I-kum as-Id-urn lak'tl-kum as-Id-urn mu-rl-at'I-kum as-Id-um m'trl-kum as'Id-um ni-tro-mu-rl-at'I-kum as'Id-um 6x-al'I-kum as'Id-um f6s-f6r'I-kum as'Id-um plk'rl-kum as'Id-um sal-l-sll'l-kum as'Id-um sul-fu'rl-kum as'Id-um tan'nl-kiam as'Id-um tar-tar'I-kum ak-o-ni'tum na-pel'lus ak-o-ni'tum e ra-di'se [See Cimicifuga racemosa] ak-te'a spl-ka'ta a-do'nls ver-na'lls es'ku-lus gla'bra Ss'ku-lus hip-po-kas'ta-num e-thu'sa sl-na'pl-um a-gar'I-kus mus-ka'rl-us a-gar'I-kus e-mfit'I-kus a-ga've a-mer-I-ka'na ag'nus kas'tus ag-ro-stm'ma jl-tha'go a-lan'tus glan-du-lo'sus al'e-trls far-T-no'sa Page Si 52 52 53 54 55 56 56 57 58 59 59 .60 61 62 62 63 64 65 66 66 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Si 82 6o8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Allium cepa Allium sativum Alnus serrulata Aloe socotrina Alstonia scholaris Althaea officinalis Alumen Alumina Aluminium metallicum Ambra grisea Ambrosia artemisiasfolia Ammoniacum gummi Ammonium aceticum Ammonium benzoicum Ammonium bromatum Ammonium carbonicum Ammonium causticum Ammonium iodatum Ammonium muriaticum Ammonium nitricum Ammonium phosphoricum Ammonium picricum Ammonium valerianicum Ampelopsis quinquefolia Amygdalus amara Amyl nitrosum Anacardium orientale Anagallis arvensis Anatherum muricatum Angustura Anilinum Anilinum sulphuricum Anthemis nobilis Anthoxanthum odoratum Antimonium arsenicicum Antimonium crudum Antimonium iodatum Antimonium oxydatum Antimonium sulphuratum auratum Apis mellifica Apis virus Apocynum androsaemifolium Apocynum cannabinum Apomotphinum muriaticum Aralia quinquefolia al'll-um se'pa al'll-um sa'ti'vum al'nus ser-ru-la'ta al'o-e so-ko-tri'na al-sto'nl-a sko-la'rls al-the'a of-fls-l-na'lls a-lu'men a-lu'ml-na a-lu-mm'I-um me-tal'll-kum am'bra grlzh'e-a am-bro'zhe-a ar-te-mlzh'e-e-fo'll-a am-mo-ni'a-kum gum'ml am-mo'ni-um a-se'tl-kum am-mo'nl-um ben-zo'I-kum am-mo'nr-um bro-ma'tum am-mo'nl-um kar-bon'I-kum am-mo'nl-um kaw'stl-kum am-mo'nl-um i-o-da'tum am-mo'nii-um mu-rt-at'I-kum am-mo'nl-um nT'trT-kum am-mo'nl-um fos-for'I-kum am-mo'nl-um plik'rif-kum am-mo'nl-um va-le-rf-an'I-kum am-pel-6p'sls quin-que-fo'll-a a-mlg'da-lus a-ma'ra am'yl nT-tro'sum an-a-kar'dl-um 6-ri-en-ta'le Sn-a-gal'lls ar-ven'sls an-the'rum mu-rl-ka'tum an-gus-tu'ra an-l-ll'num an-Mi'num sul-fu'rl-kum Sn'the-mTs no'bMKs an-thox-an'thum 6-do-ra'tum an-tT-mo'nl-um ar-sen-Is'I-kum an-tl-mo'nl-um kroo'dum an-tT-mo'ni-um I-o-da'tum Sn-tlf-mo'nl-um 6x-I-da'tum an-tl-mo'nl-um sul-fu-ra'tum au-ra'tum a'pls mel-llf'1-ka a'pls vl'rus a-pos'I-num an-dro-se-ml-fo'll-um a-p8s'I-num kan-na-bi'num ap-o-mor-fi'num mu-rT-at'I-kum a-ra'll-a qum-que-fo'll-a 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 90 9i 9 1 92 93 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 98 98 99 99 100 IOI IO2 103 104 105 106 107 107 108 109 109 no no in in "3 "3 114 "5 116 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 609 Aralia racemosa Aranea diadema Argentum cyanatum Argentum iodatum Argentum metalhcum Argentum muriaticum Argentum nitricum Argentum oxydatum Argentum phosphoricum Aristolochia milhomens Aristolochia serpentaria Arnica montana Arnica montana e radice Arsenicum album Arsenicum hydrogenatum Arsenicum iodatum Arsenicum metallicum Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum Arsenicum sulphuratum rubrum Artemesia abrotanum Artemesia absinthium Artemesia vulgaris Arum dracontium Arum maculatum Arum triphyllum Asafoetida Asarum canadense Asarum europaeum Asclepias incarnata Asclepias syriaca Asclepias tuberosa Asimina triloba Asparagus officinalis Asterias rubens Athamanta oreoselinum Atropinum Atropinum sulphuricum Aurum metallicum Aurum muriaticum Aurum muriaticum natronatum Aurum sulphuratum Avena sativa Badiaga Balsamum peruvianum a-ra'll-a ras-e-mo'sa 1 17 a-ra'ne-a di-a-de'ma 117 ar-jgn'tum sl-an-a'tiim 118 ar-jgn'tum i-o-da'tum 119 ar-jgn'tum mg-tal'll-kum 119 ar-jgn'tum mu-rl-at'I-kum 120 ar-jgn'tum ni'trl-kum 120 ar-jgn'tum ox-I-da'tum 121 ar-jgn'tum fos-f6r'I-kum 121 ar-Is-to'lo'kl-a mll'ho-menz 122 ar-Is-to-lo'kl-a sur-pgn-ta'rl-a 123 ar'nl-ka mSn-ta'na 124 ar'nl-ka mon-ta'na e ra-di'se 125 ar-se"n'I-kum al'bum 126 ar-sgn'I-kum hl-dro-je'n-a'tum 127 ar-s^n'I-kum I-o-da'tum 127 ar-se"n'I-kum mg-tal'li-kum 128 ar-sgn'I-kum sul-fu-ra'tum fla'vum 128 ar-s^n'I-kum sul-fu-ra'tum roo'brum 129 ar-te-mlzh'e-a a-brot'a-num 129 [See Absinthium] ar-te-mlzh'e-a vul-ga'rls 130 a'rum dra-kon'she-um 131 a'rum mak-yu-la'tum 132 a'rum tri-fil'lum 133 as'a-fgt'-I-da 134 as'a-rum kan-a-den'se 135 as'a-rum yu-ro-pe'um 136 as-kle'pl-as In-kar-na'ta 137 as-kle'pl-as sl-ri'a-ka 138 as-kle'pl-as tu-be-ro'sa 139 a-slm'1-na tri'lo-ba 140 as-par'a-gus of-fts-l-na'lls 141 as-te'rl-as roo'bgnz 142 ath-a-man'ta 5-re-o-se-lI'num 142 at-ro-pT'num 143 at-ro-pT'num sul-fu'rl-kum 144 au'rum mg-tal'll-kum 145 au'rum mu-rl-at'I-kum 145 au'rum mu-rl-at'I-kum na-tr6-na'tum 146 au'rum sul-fu-ra'tum 146 a-ve'na sa-ti'va 147 bad-I-a'ga 148 bal'sa-mum pe-roo-vl-a'num 148 6io THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Baptisia tinctoria Barosma crenata Barosma serratifolia Baryta acetica Baryta carbonica Baryta iodata Baryta muriatica Bebeerinum sulphuricum Belladonna Bellis perennis Benzinum nitricum Benzoinum Berberinum Berberis aquifolium Berberis vulgaris Bismuthum oxydatum Bismuthum sub-nitricum Borax Bovista Brachyglottis repens Branca ursina Bromium Brucinum Bryonia alba Cactus grandiflorus Cadmium sulphuratum Cadmium sulphuricum Caffeinum Cainca Caladium seguinum Calcarea acetica Calcarea arsenicica Calcarea bromata Calcarea carbonica Calcarea caustica Calcarea fluorata Calcarea hypophosphorica Calcarea iodata Calcarea muriatica Calcarea oxalica Calcarea phosphorica Calcarea sulphurica Calendula officinalis Calotropis gigantea bap-ttzh'e-a tlnk-t5'rl-a ba-roz'ma kre-na'ta ba-roz'ma sgr-rat-l-fo'll-a ba-ri'ta a-se'tl-ka ba-ri'ta kar-bon'f-ka ba-ri'ta i-o-da'ta ba-ri'ta mu-rf-at'I-ka be-be rl'num sul-fu'rl-kum bel-la-don'na bel-lls per-en'nls ben-zi'num m'trf-kum ben-zo-I'num bur-be-ri'num bur'be-rls a-qul-fo'll-um bur'be-rls vul-ga'rls blz-mu'thum 6x-I-da'tum btz-mu'thum sub-ni'trl-kum bo 'rax bo-vls'ta brak-I-glot'tls re'penz brang'ka ur-si'na bro'ml-um broo-sT'num bri-6'ne-a al'ba kak'tus gran-dl-flo'rus kad'ml-iani sul-fu-ra'tum kad'ml-um sul-fu'rl-kum kaf-fe-T'num ka-m'ka ka-la'dl-um se-gui'num kal-ka're-a a-se'tl-ka kal-ka're-a ar-sen-Is'1-ka kal-ka're-a bro-ma'ta kal-ka're-a kar-bon'I-ka kal-ka're-a kaw'stl-ka kal-ka're-a floo-o-ra'ta kal-ka're-a hI-po-fos-f6rT-ka kal-ka're-a i-o-da'ta kal-ka're-a mu-rl-at'I-ka kal-ka're-a ox-al'I-ka kal-ka're-a fos-6r'I-ka kal-ka're-a sul-fu'rl-ka ka-lgn'du-la 6f-fls-I-na'Ws ka-16t'ro-pls jl-gan-te'a 149 150 151 152 152 156 156 157 158 158 i59 160 161 161 162 162 163 164 165 165 166 167 168 168 169 170 170 171 171 172 172 i?3 i74 174 175 175 176 176 77 178 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. Caltha palustris Camphora Camphora monobromata Canna angustifolia Cannabis indica Cannabis sat i va Cantharis Capsicum annuum Carbo animalis Carbo vegetabilis Carbonium sulphuratum Carduus benedictus Carduus marianus Carya alba Cascara sagrada Cascarilla Castanea vesca Castoreum Caulophyllum thalictroides Causticum Ceanothus americanus Cedron Cephalanthus occidentalis Cereus bonplandii Cerium oxalicum Chamomilla Chelidonium majus Chelone glabra Chenopodium anthelminticum Chimaphila umbellata Chininum arsenicicum Chininum arsenicosum Chininum muriaticum Chininum purum Chininum sulphuficum Chionanthus virginica Chlorinum Chrysarobinum Chicorium intybus Cicuta maculata Cicuta virosa Cimicifuga racemosa Cina Cinchona officinalis Cinchoninum sulphuricum kal'tha pa-lus'trts kam-fo'ra kam-fo'ra m6n-o-bro-ma'ta kan'na an-gus-tl-fo'll-a kan'na-bls In'dl-ka kan'na-bls sa-ti'va kan'tha-rls kap'sl-kum an'nu-um kar'bo an-l-ma'lls kar'bo vgj-gt-ab'Mls kar-bo'nl-um sul-fu-ra'tum kar'du-us bn--d!k'tus kar'du-us mar-I-a'nus ka'rl-a al'ba [See Rhamnus purshiana] kas-ka-rll'la kas-ta'ne-a vgs'ka kas-to're-um kaw-lo-fll-lum thal-Ik-troi'dez kaw'stl-kum se-an-o'thus a-mSr-I-ka'niis se'drdn sgf-al-an'thus Sk-sl-d6n-ta'lls se're-us bon-pland'f-I se'ri-um 6x-al'I-kum kam-o-mll'la k^l-I-do'nl-um ma'jus kg-lo'-ne gla'bra ke"n-o-po'dl-um an-th^l-mln'tl-kum klm-afr-la um-b6l-la'ta kl-nl'num ar-se"n-IsT-kum kT-m'num ar-sSn-I-ko'sum kl-nl'num mu-rl-at'I-kum kl-ni'num pu'rum kl-nl'num sul-fu'rl-kum ki-o-nan'thus vur-jm'!-ka kl5-ri'num krls-ar-o-bl ' nu m slk-o'ri-um In'tl-bus slk-u'ta mak-yu-la'ta slk-u'ta vl-ro'sa slm-t-slf'u-ga ras-e-mo'sa sl'na slnk-o'na 6-ls-I-na'lIs slnk-o-m'num sul-fu'rl-kum 179 179 1 80 181 181 182 183 184 185 186 1 86 187 188 189 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 195 196 197 97 198 199 200 20 1 202 203 203 204 204 205 206 207 208 209 2IO 211 212 213 214 6l2 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Cinnamomum sm-na-mo'mum 215 Cirsium arvense sur'she-um ar-ven'se 215 Cistus canadense sls'tus kan-a-den'se 216 Clematis erecta klem'a-tls e-rek'ta 217 Cobaltum metallicum ko-bal'tum me-tal'll-kum 218 Coca [See Erythoxylon coca] Cocainum muriaticum ko-ka-I'num mu-rl-at'I-kum - 219 Cocculus indicus kok'u-lus In'dl-kus 219 Coccus cacti kok'kus kak'tl 220 Cochlearia armoracia kok-le-a're-a ar-mo-ra'she-a 221 Codeinum ko-de-i'num 222 Coffea cruda kof'fe-a kroo'da 22 3 Colchicum autumnale kol'kl-kum au-tum-na'le 223 Collinsonia canadensis kol-lm-s6'n!-a kan-a-den'sls 225 Colocynth kol'o-smth 226 Comocladia dentata ko-mo-kla'dl-a den-ta'ta 227 Conium maculatum ko-m'um mak-yu-la'tum 228 Convallaria majalis kon-val-la'rl-a ma-ja'lls 229 Convolvulus duartinus kon-vol'vu-lus du-ar-tl'nus 229 Copaiba officinalis ko-pa'ba 6f-fs-I-na'lIs 230 Corallium rubrum kd-ral'll-um roo'brum 231 Coriaria ruscifolia ko-rl-a'rr-a rus-sl-fo'll-a 232 Cornus circinata kor'nus sur-sl-na'ta 232 Cornus florida kor'mls flor'I-da 233 Cornus sericea kor'nus ser-Ish'e-a 234 Cotyledon umbilicus kot-I-le'don um-bfl-I'kus 235 Creosotum kre-o-so'tum 236 Crocus sativus kro'kus sa-ti'vus 237 Cro talus . krot'a-lus 2 3 8 Croton tiglium kro'ton tlg'll-um 239 Cubeba officinalis ku-be'ba of-frs-l-na'lls 239 Cundurango kun-du-rang'go 24O Cuprum aceticum ku'prum a-se'tl-kum 241 Cuprum arsenicosum ku'prum ar-s6n-I-k6'sum 242 Cuprum carbonicum ku'prum kar-bon'I-kum 242 Cuprum metallicum ku'prum me-tal'll-kum 243 Cuprum sulphuricum ku'prum sul-fu'rl-kum 243 Curare ku-rah're 244 Cyclamen europaeum slk'la-mgn yu-ro-pe'um 245 Cypripedium pubescens slp-rl-pe'dl-um pu-bfis's6nz 246 Daphne indica daf'ne Tn'dl-ka 247 Datura arborea da-tu'ra ar-bo're-a 247 Dictamnus albus dlk-tam'nus al'bus 248 Digitalis purpurea dlj-I-ta'Hs pur-pu're-a 249 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 613 Dioscorea villosa dl-6s-ko're-a vll-lo'sa 250 Dirca palustris dur'ka pa-lus'trls 251 Dolichos pruriens dol'I-k6s proo'rl-e"nz 252 Drosera rotundifolia dros'e-ra ro-tun-dl-fo'll-a 253 Duboisia myoporoides du-b6i'sl-a ml-o-po-roi'dez 254 Dulcamara dul-ka-ma'ra 255 Elaps corallinus e'laps kor-al-H'nus 256 Elaterium el-a-te'rl-um 257 Epigaea repens ep.i-je'a re'pSnz 258 Epiphegus virgiana gp-l-fe'gus vur-jln-l-a'na 258 Equisetum hyemale e"k-wl-'se'tum hl-e-ma'le 259 Erechthites hieracifolia gr-k-thl'tez hl-e-ras-l-fo'll-a 260 Erigeron canadense 6r-Ij'e-ron kan-a-d^n'se 261 Eriodictyon glutinosum Sr-I-o-dlk'tl-on gloo-tln-o'sum 262 Eryngium aquaticum Sr-In'jI-um a-quat'I-kum 263 Eryngium maritimum gr-ln'jl-um ma-rlt'I-mum 264 Erythrophlaeum judiciale 6r-Ith-ro-fle'um joo-dlsh-I-a'le 264 Erythroxylon coca gr-Ith-r6x'M6n ko'ka 265 Eserinum e's-e'r-i'num 266 Eucalyptus globulus yu-ka-llp'tus g!6b'u-lus 267 Eugenia jambos yu-je'nl-a jam'bos 267 Euonymus atropurpureus yu-6n'I-mus at-ro-pur-pu're-us 268 Euonymus europasus yu-6n'I-mus yu-ro-pe'us 269 Eupatorium aromaticum yu-pa-to'rl-um ar-o-mat'I-kum 270 Eupatorium perfoliatum yu-pa-to'rl-um pur-fo-H-a'tum 270 Eupalorium purpureum yu-pa-to'rl-um pur-pu're-um 271 Euphorbia corollata yu-{5r'b!-a cor-61-la'ta 272 Euphorbia hypericifolia yu-f6r'bl-a hi-pSr-Is-I-fo'll-a 273 Euphorbium officinarum yu-6r'bl-um 6f-fIs-I-na'rum 274 Euphrasia officinalis yu-fra'zhe-a 6f-fls-l-na'lls 275 Eupion yu'pl-6n 276 Fagopyrum esculentum fag-o-pl'rum e"s-ku-l6n'tum 276 Ferrum aceticum f^r'rum a-se'tl-kum 277 Ferrum arsenicicum fgr'rum ar-sSn-Is'I-kum 278 Ferrum bromatum fgr'rum bro-ma'tum 278 Ferrum carbonicum fgr'rum kar-b6n'I-kum 279 Ferrum iodatum fgr'rum i-o-da'tum 280 Ferrum lacticum fgr'riim lak'tt-kum 281 Ferrum magneticum fSr'rum mag-ngt'I-kum 281 Ferrum metallicum feY'rum me-tal'll-kum 282 Ferrum muriaticum fgr'rum mu-rl-at'I-kum 283 Ferrum phosphoricum fgr'rum fos-f6r'I-kum 284 Ferrum sulphuricum fdr'rum sul-fu'rl-kum 285 Ferri et quininas citras ffir'ri 6t kwl-nl'ne slt'ras 285 614 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Ferri et strychninas citras Filix mas Fragaria vesca Frasera carolinensis Fucus vesiculosus Gambogia Gaultheria procumbens Gelsemium sempervirens Genista tinctoria Gentiana cruciata Gentiana lutea Geranium maculatum Geranium robertianum Geum urbanum Glonoinum Gnaphalium polycephalum Gnaphalium uliginosum Gossypium herbaceum Granatum Graphites Gratiola officinalis Grindelia robusta Grindelia squarrosa Guaco Guaiacum officinale Guarea trichiloides Gymnocladus canadensis Haematoxylon campechianum Hamamelis virginica Hecla lava Hedeoma pulegioides Hedysarum ildefonsianum Helianthus annuus Heliotropium peruvianum Helleborus fcetidus Helleborus niger Helonias dioica Hepar sulphuris calcareum Hepatica triloba Hydrangea arborescens Hydrastinum Hydras tis canadensis Hydrocotyle asiatica Hydrophyllum virginicum fer'ri et strlck-nl'ne slt'ras 286 fi'llx mas 287 fra-ga'rl-a ves'ka 287 fra'ze-ra kar-o-ll-nen'sls 288 fu'kus ves-Ik-u-lo sus 289 gam-bo 'jf-a 290 gaul-the'rl-a pro-kum'bSnz 291 jel-se'ml-um sem-per-vl'renz 292 je-nls'ta tlnk-to'ri-a 293 jen-she-a'na croo-she-a'ta 294 jen-she-a'na lu'te-a 295 je-ra'nf-um mak-yu-la'tum 295 je-ra-nl-um ro-bur-she-a'num 296 je'um ur-ba'num 297 glon-o-i'num 298 na-fa'H-um pol-T-sef'a-lum 299 na-fa'll-um yu-lfj-I-no'sum 300 gos-slp't-um her-ba'she-um 300 gra-na'tum 301 graf'I-tez 302 gra-tl'o-la of-fis-I-na'Hs 303 grln-de'll-a ro-bus'ta 304 grm-de'W-a skwar-ro'sa 304 gua'ko 305 gua'ya-kum 6f-fIs-I-na'le 306 gua're-a tri-kMoi'dez 307 jlm-nok'la-dus kan-a-den'sls 308 he-ma-tox'M6n kam-pek-I-a'num 309 ham-a-me'lls vur-j!n'I'ka 309 Hek-la la'va 310 he-de-6'ma pu-lej-I-oi'dez 311 he-dls'a-rum Il-de-fon-sl-a'num 312 he-ll-an'thus an'nu-us 312 he-ll-o-tro'pl-um pe-roo-vl-a'num 313 hel-leb'o-rus fet'I-dus 314 hel-leb'o-rus ni'jer 315 he-lo'nf-as dl-oi'ka 316 he'par sul'fu-rls kal-ka're-um 317 he-pat'I-ka tri'lo-ba 318 hl-dran'je-a ar-bo-r6s'sSnz 318 hi-dras-tl'mlm 319 hi-dras'tls kan-a-den'sls 320 hi-dro-kot'I-le a-she-at'I-ka 321 hl-dro-fll'lum vur-jln'1-kum 322 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 6is Hyoscyamus niger hl-6s-sl'a-mus ni-jer 323 Hyoscyaminum sulphuricum hi-6s-sl-a-ml'num sul-fu'rl-kum 324 Hypericum perforatum hl-per'I-kum per-fo-ra'tum 324 Iberis amara i'be'rls a-ma'ra 325 Ignatia amara Ig-na'she-a a-ma'ra 326 Ilex opaca I'lSx o-pa'-ka 327 Ilex paraguayensis I'lgx par-a-gwl-gn'sls 328 Illicium anisatum Il-Ush'e-um an-Is-a'tum 32* Indigo in'dl-go 329 Inula helenium In'yu-la hel-e'nl-um 331 lodium I-6'dI-um 33' lodium metallicum i-o'dl-um me-tal'll-kum 33 Ipecacuanha Ip-e-kak-yu-an'a 332 Iridium metallicum I-rld'I-um m6-tal'll-kum 333 Iris versicolor I'rls vur-slk'o-lor 334 Jacaranda caroba jak-a-ran'da kar'o-ba 335 Jalapa jal'a-pa 336 Jatropha curcas jat'ro-fa kur'k&s 337 Juglans cinerea ju'glanz sln-e're-a 337 Juglans regia ju'glanz re'jl-a 338 Juncus effusus junk'us 6f-fu'sus 339 Juniperus virginiana ju-nlp'e-rus vur-jln-l-a'na 340 Kali aceticum ka'li a-se'ti-kum 34 ! Kali arsenicosum ka'li ar-sgn-I-ko'sum 342 Kali bichromicum ka'li bl-kro'ml-kum 342 Kali bromatum ka'li bro-ma'tum 343 Kali carbonicum ka'li kar-bon'I-kum 344 Kali causticum ka'li kau'stl-kum 344 Kali chloricum ka'li klo'rl-kum 345 Kali chromicum ka'li kro'ml-kum 346 Kali cyanatum ka'li sl-an-a'tum 346 Kali ferrocyanatum ka'li fer-ro-sl-an-a'tum 347 Kali hypophosphorosum ka'li hl-po-fos-for-o'sum 348 Kali iodatum ka'li I-o-da'tum 348 Kali muriaticum ka'H mu-rl-at'i-kum 349 Kali nitricum ka'li ni'trl-kum 350 Kali oxalicum ka'li 6x-al'l-kum 350 Kali permanganicum ka'li per-man-gan'I-kum 35' Kali phosphoricum ka'li f6s-for'r-kum 352 Kali picricum ka'li plk'ri-kum 352 Kali sulphuricum ka'li sul-fu'rl-kum 353 Kali tartaricum ka'li tar-tar'I-kum 353 Kalmia latifolia kal'ml-a lat-I-fo'H-a 354 Kino australiensis kl'no aus-tra-ll-^n'sfe 355 6i6 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Lachesis Lachnanthes tinctoria Lactuca virosa Lactucarium Lamium album Lapis albus Lappa major Lathyrus sativus Laurocerasus Ledum palustre Leptandra virginica Lilium tigrinum Linaria vulgaris Linum catharticum Lithium benzoicum Lithium bromatum Lithium carbonicum Lobelia cardinalis Lobelia inflata Lobelia syphilitica Lolium temulentum Lupulinum Lupulus Lycopersicum esculentum Lycopodium clavatum Lycopus virginicus Magnesia carbonica Magnesia muriatica Magnesia oxydata Magnesia phosphorica Magnesia sulphurica Magnolia glauca Mancinella Manganum aceticum Manganum carbonicum Manganum muriaticum Manganum oxydatum nigrum Melilotus alba Melilotus officinalis Menispermum canadense Mentha piperita Menyanthes trifoliata Mercurialis perennis Mercurius aceticus lak'e-sls lak-nan'thez tmk-to'rl-a lak-tu'ka vl-ro'sa lak-tu-ka'rl-um la'ml-um al'bum la'pls al'bus lap'pa ma'jor lath'I-rus sa-ti'vus lau-ro-ser'a-sus le'dum pa-lus'tre lep-tan'dra vur-jm'f-ka lll'I-um tf-gri'num ll-na'rl-a vul-ga'rls H'num kath-ar'tl-kum llth'I-um ben-zo'I-kum llth'I-um bro-ma'tum Hth'Wim kar-bon'I-kum lo-be'll-a kar-dl-na'lls 16-be'H-a In-fla'ta 16-be'H-a slf-Mlt'I-ka lo'll-urn tem-u-len'tum lu-pu-H'num lu'pu-lus H-ko-pur'sI-kum es-ku-len'tum li-ko-po'dl-um kla-va'tum H'ko-pus vur-jm'I-kus mag-ne'she-a kar-b6n'I-ka mag-ne'she-a mu-rl-at'I-ka mag-ne'she-a 6x-I-da/ta mag-ne'she-a fos-for'if-ka mag-ne'she-a sul-fu'rl-ka mag-no 'll-a glau'ka man-sl-nl'la nian'ga-num a-se'ti-kum man'ga-num kar-bon'I-kum man'ga-num mu-rl-at'I-kum man'ga-num ox-I-da'tum ni'grum mel-Mo'tus al'ba m61-M6'tus 6f-fts-I-na'lIs mgn-Is-pur'mum kan-a-dSn'se men'tha pi-pe-ri'ta men-I-an'thez tri-fo-ll-a'ta mer-ku-rl-a'lls per-n'nls mer-ku'rl-us a-se'tl-kiis 356 356 357 358 359 360 360 361 362 363 363 365 365 366 367 368 368 369 37 37i 372 373 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 379 380 380 38i 382 382 383 383 384 385 386 387 387 388 389 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 6I 7 Mercurius cyanatus Mercurius dulcis Mercurius et kali iodatus Mercurius iodatus flavus Mercurius iodatus ruber Mercurius nitricus Mercurius praecipitatus albus Mercurius pracipitatus ruber Mercurius solubilis Hahn. Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus Mercurius sulphuratus niger Mercurius sulphuricus Mercurius vivus Mezereum Millifolium Mimosa humilis Mitchella repens Momordica balsamina Monotropa uniflora Morphinum Morphinum aceticum Morphinum muriaticum Morphinum sulphuricum Moschus Murex purpurea Mygale lasiodora Myrica cerifera Myrtus communis Nabalus serpentaria Naja tripudians Naphthalinum Narceinum Narcotinum Natrum arsenicicum Natrum bromatum Natrum carbonicum Natrum causticum Natrum hypophosphorosum Natrum muriaticum Natrum nitricum Natrum phosphoricum Natrum salicylicum Natrum sulpho-carbolicum Natrum sulphuricum mer-ku'rl-us sl-a-na'tus 391 mer-ku'rl-us dul'sls 391 mer-ku'rl-us et ka'H I-o-da'tus 398 mer-ku'rl-us I-o-da'tus fla'vus 392 mer-ku'rT-us I-o-da'tus roo'ber 393 mer-ku'rl-us m'trl-kus 393 mer-ku'rl-us pre-sIp-T-ta'tus al'bus 394 mer-ku'rl-us pre-slp-f-ta'tus roo'ber 394 mer-ku'rl-us sol-u'bl-lls Hahn. 395 mer-ku'rl-us sub-ll-ma'tus k6r-ro-si'vus 390 mer-ku'rl-us sul-fu-ra'tus nl'ggr 397 mer-ku'rl-us sul-fu'rl-kus 397 mer-ku'rT-us vi'vus 398 me-ze're'um 399 mll-ll-fo'll-um 400 ml-mo'sa hu'ml-lls 401 mltch-el'la re'pfinz 401 mo-mor'dl-ka bal-sa-ml'na 402 mo-not'ro-pa yu-nl-flo'ra 403 mor-fl'num 404 mor-fl'num a-se'tl-kum 405 mor-fl'num mu-rl-at'I-kum 405 mor-fl'num sul-fu'rl-kum 406 mSs'kus 406 mu'rex pur-pu're-a 407 ml-ga'le las-T-o-do'ra 408 ml-rl'ka se-rlf 'e-ra 408 mur'tus com-mu'nls 409 nab'a-lus sur-pgn-ta'rl-a 410 na'ja trl-pu'dl-anz 411 naf-tha-ll'num 412 nar-se-I'niim 413 nar-ko-tl'num 413 na'trum ar-sSn-!s'I-kum 414 na'trum bro-ma'tum 414 na'trum kar-b6n'I-kum 415 na'trum kau'stl-kum 416 na'trum hl-po-f6s-f6r-o'sum 416 na'trum mu-rl-at'I-kum 417 na'trum nl'trl-kum 418 na'trum f6s-f6r'I-kum 418 na'trum sal-l-sll'l-kum 419 na'trum sul-f6-kar-b51'I-kum 419 na'trum sul-fu'rl-kum 420 6i8 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Natrum sulphurosum Niccolum carbonicum Niccolum metallicum Niccolum sulphuricum Nuphar luteum Nux moschata Nux vomica Nymphasa odorata CEnanthe crocata (Enothera biennis Oleander Oleum animale Oleum cajuputi Oleum morrhuae Oleum ricini Oleum santali Olibanum Opium Opuntia vulgaris Osmium metallicum Osmodium virginianum Oxydendron arboreum Paeonia officinalis Palladium Pareira brava Paris quadrifolia Passiflora incarnata Pastinaca sativa Paullinia pinnata Paullinia sorbilis Penthorum sedoides Petroleum Petroselinum sativum Phellandrium aquaticum Phosphorus Phosphorus ruber Physostigma venenosum Phytolacca decandra Picrotoxinum Pilocarpinum muriaticum Pilocarpinum nitricum Pilocarpus Pimpinella saxifraga Pinus silvestris na'trum sul-fu-ro'sum nlk'o-lum kar-bon'I-kum nlk'o-lum me-tal'll-kum nflc'o-lum sul-fu'rl-kum nu'far lu'te-um nux mos-ka'ta nux vom'I-ka ntm-fe'a 6-do-ra'ta e-nan'the kro-ka'ta e-no-the'ra bl-en'nfs 6-le-an'der 6'le-um an-I-ma'le 6'le-um kaj-u-pu'ti 6'le-um mor'roo-e 6'le-um ris'I-m 6'le-um san'ta-li o-lfb'a-num 6'pT-um o-pun'she-a vul-ga'rls 6s'ml-um me-tal'll-kum 6s-m6'dl-um vur-jln-l-a'num 6x-I-den'dr6n ar-bo're-um pe-6'ni-a 6f-fls-i-na'lls pal-la'dT-um par-a'ra bra'va par'Is quod-rl-fo'll-a pas-sf-flo'ra m-kar-na'ta pas-tf-na'ka sa-tl'va paw-Hn'I-a pln-na'ta paw-lln'f-a sor'bMls pen'tho-rum se-doi'dez pe-tro'le-um pet-ro-se-ll'num sa-ti'vum fel-lan'drl-um a-quat'I-kum fos'fo-rus fos'fo-rus roo'ber fi-so-stlg'ma ve-ne-no'sum fl-to-lak'a dek-an'dra plk-ro-t6x'l-num pT-lo-kar-pi'num mu-rl-at'I-kum pMo-kar-pI'num nl'trl-kum pll-o-kar'pus plmp-I-nel'la sax-If 'ra-ga pT'nus sll-ves'trls 421 421 422 422 423 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 43 43 43i 432 432 434 435 436 433 436 437 438 438 439 440 441 442 442 443 444 445 446 446 447 448 449 450 452 453 453 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. Pinus lambertiana Piper methysticum Piper nigrum Piscidia erythrina Plantago major Platinum et natrum muriaticum Platinum metallicum Platinum muriaticum Plectranthus fructicosus Plumbago littoralis Plumbum aceticum Plumbum carbonicum Plumbum chromicum Plumbum iodatum Plumbum metallicum Podophyllin Podophyllum peltatum Polygonum punctatum Polyporus officinalis Polyporus pinicola Populus tremuloides Pothos foetidus Prinos verticillatus Prunus padus Prunus spinosa Prunus virginiana Ptelea trifoliata Pulsatilla Pulsatilla nuttalliana Pyrus americana Quassia amara Quillaia saponaria Ranunculus acris Ranunculus bulbosus Ranunculus flammula Ranunculus repens Ranunculus sceleratus Raphanus sativus Ratanhia Resorcinum Rhamnus catharticus Rhamnus frangula Rhamnus purshiana Rheum pi'nus lam-ber-she-a'na 454 pi'per me-thfe'tl-kum 455 pi'per m'grum 456 pls-sld'1-a gr-I-thri'na 456 plan-ta'go ma'jQr 457 plat'I-num St na'trum mu-rl-at'I-kum 459 plat'I-num me-tal'H-kum 458 platl-num mu-rt-at'I-kum 458 plgk-tran'thus fruk-tl-ko'sus 460 plum-ba'go llt-to-ra'lls 460 plum'bum a-se'tl-kum 461 plum'bum kar-bon'I-kum 462 plum'bum kro'ml-kum 463 plum'bum i-o-da'tum 463 plum'bum me-tal'll-kum 464 pod-o-fll'lrn 464 pod-o-ffl'lum pe"l-ta.'tum 465 po-lTg'o-num punk-ta'tum 466 po-llp'o-rus 6f-fIs-I-na'Hs 467 po-llp'o-rus pln-Ik'o-la 468 pop'u-lus trem-u-loi'dez 469 po'thos fet'I-dus 470 pri'nos vur-tls-Il-la'tus 471 proo'nus pa'dus 471 proo'nus spl-no'sa 472 proo'nus vur-jln-l-a'na 473 tel'e-a tri-fo-ll-a'ta 474 pul-sa-tll'la 475 pul-sa-tll'la nut-tal-lT-a'na 476 pl'rus a-mgr-I-ka'na 477 kwash'I-a a-ma'ra 478 kwll-la'ya sap-o-na'rl-a 479 ra-nun'ku-lus a'krls 480 ra-nun'ku-lus bul'bo'sus 481 ra-nun'ku-lus flam'yu-la 482 ra-nun'ku-lus re'pe"nz 482 ra-nun'ku-lus s51-er-a'tus 483 raf'a-nus sa-tT'vus 484 ra-tan'hya 485 rs-or-si'num 486 ram'nus ka-thar'tl-kus 487 ram'nus fran'gu-la 488 ram'nus pur-she-a'na 489 re'um 490 62O THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE Rhododendron chrysanthemum Rhus aromatica Rhus glabra Rhus toxicodendron Rhus venenata Ricinus communis Robinia pseudacacia Rumex acetosa Rumex crispus Ruta graveolens Sabadilla Sabal serrulata Sabina Salicinum Salix nigra Salix purpurea Salol Salvia officinalis Sambucus canadensis Sambucus nigra Sanguinaria canadensis Santoninum Sarracenia purpurea Sarsaparilla Sassafras Scilla maritima Scrophularia nodosa Scutellaria lateriflora Secale cornutum Selenium Sempervivum tectorum Senecio aureus Senega Senna Sepia Silicea Silphium laciniatum Sinapis alba Sinapis nigra Solaninum Solanum arrebenta Solanum carolinense Solanum mammosum Solanum nigrum ro-do-den'dr6n krls-an'the-mum rus ar-o-mat'I-ka rus gla'bra rus tox-I-ko-den'dron rus ven-e-na'ta rls'I-nus kom-mu'nls ro-bln'I-a su-da-ka'she-a roo'mex as-e-to'sa roo'mex krls'pus roo'ta gra-ve'o-lSnz sab-a-dll'la sa'bul ser-roo-la'ta sa-bT'na sal-I-sT'num sa'llx ni'gra sa'lhc pur-pu're-a sa'161 sal'vl-a of-fls-l-na'lls sam-bu'kus kan-a-den'sls sam-bu'kus ni'gra sang-gul-na'rl-a kan-a-d^n'sls san-to-ni'num sar-ra-se'nl-a pur-pu're-a sar-sa-pa-rll'la sas'sa-fras sil'la ma-rlt'I-ma skrof-u-la'rl-a no-do'sa sku-tel-la'rl-a lat-e-rl-flo'ra se-ka'le kor-nu'tum se-le'nl-um sem-per-vi'vum tec-to'rum se-ne'she-6 au're-us sSn'e-ga sen'na se'pl-a sll-Ish'e-a sll'fl-um las-In-I-a'tum sln-a'pls al'ba sln-a'pls ni'gra s61-a-ni'num so-la'num ar-re-bSn'ta so-la'num kar-o-ll-n6n'se so-la'num mam-mo'sum so-la'num m'grum 491 492 493 494 495 496 496 497 498 499 500 502 53 54 504 55 5 o6 507 508 509 5" 5'4 518 520 521 522 522 524 525 526 527 527 528 529 529 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. 621 Solidago virga-aurea Spigelia Spiraea ulmaria Spongia Stannum metallicum Staphysagria Sticta pulmonaria Stillingia sylvatica Stramonium Strontium carbonicum Strophanthus hispidus Strychninum nitricum Strychninum purum Strychninum sulphuricum Sulphur Sulphur iodatum Sumbul Symphoricarpus racemosa Symphytum officinale Syzigium jambolanum Tabacum Tamus communis Tanacetum vulgare Tanghinia venenifera Taraxacum officinale Tarantula cubensis Tarantula hispana Tartarus emeticus Taxus baccata Tellurium Terebinthinae oleum Teucrium marum verum Thaspium aureum Thea sinensis Theridion Thlaspi bursa pastoris Thuja occidentalis Tilia europaea Tongo Tradescantia diuretica Trifolium pratense Trifolium repens Trillium Triosteum perfoliatum s6l-I-da'go vur'ga-au're-a spl-ge'll-a spt-re'a ul-ma'rl-a spun'jl-a stan'num m-tal'll-kum staf-Is-a'grl-a stlk'ta pul-mo-na'rl-a stll-lln'gl-a sll-vat'I-ka stra-mo'nl-um str6n'she-um kar-b6n'I-kum str6-fan'thus hls'pl-dus strlk-ni'num ni'trl-kum strlk-ni'num pu'rum strlk-ni'num sul-fu'rl-kum sul'fur sul'fur i-o-da'tum sum'bul slm-f6r-l-kar'pus ras-e-mo'sa slm-fi'tum of-fts-I-na/le slz-Ij'I-um jam-bo-la'num tab'a-kum ta'mus kom-mu'nls tan-a-se'tum vul'ga're tan-gin 'I-a v^n-e-nlf'e-ra ta-rax'a-kum 6-fIs'!-na'le ta-r^n'tu-la ku-b^n'sls ta-ren'tu-la hls-pa'na tar'ta-rus e-mfit'I-kus tax'us bak-ka'ta tel-lu'rr-um t6r-e-bln'thl-ne 6'le-um tu-krl-um ma'rum ve'rum thas'pf-um au're-um the'a sl-n6n'sls the-rld'l-6n thlas'pl bur'sa pas-to'rls thu'ya 6k-sl-dgn-ta'lfe tfl'i-a yu-ro-pe'a t6ng'go trad-s-kan'she-a dl-yu-rSt'I-ka trl-fo'll-um pra-ten'se trT-fo'U-um re'p^nz trll'lr-um tri-6s'te-um per-fo-H-a'tum 53> S3' 532 533 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 540 54i 54i 542 543 544 545 545 546 547 548 549 549 552 553 554 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 56i 562 563 564 565 566 622 THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE. Triticum repens trlt'I-kum re'penz 5^7 Tussilago petasites tus-sMa'go pet-a-si'tez 567 Urtica dioica ur-tT'ka di-oi'ka 568 Urtica urens ur-ti'ka yu'renz 569 Usnea barbata us'ne-a bar-ba'ta 570 Ustilago maidis us-tMa'go ma-i'dls 571 Uva ursi yu'va ur'si 57 i Uranium nitricum yu-ra'nl-um ni-trl-kum 573 Valeriana officinalis Veratrina Veratrum album Veratrum viride Verbascum thapsus Verbena hastata Verbena officinalis Veronica beccabunga Viburnum opulus Viburnum prunifolium Vinca minor Viola odorata Viola tricolor Viscum album Wyethia helenioides Xanthoxylum fraxineum Yucca filamentosa Zincum aceticum Zincum bromatum Zincum carbonicum Zincum cyanatum Zincum iodatum Zincum metallicum Zincum muriaticum Zincum oxydatum Zincum phosphoratum Zincum sulphuricum Zincum valerianicum Zingiber officinalis va-le-rl-a'na 6f-fls-l-na'lls ver-a-tri'na ve-ra'trum al'bum ve-ra'trum vlr'I-de vur-bas'kum thap'siis vur-be'na has-ta'ta vur-be'na 6f-fIs-I-na'Hs ve-ron'I-ka bek'ka-bung'ga vl-bur'num 6'pu-lus vl-bur'num proo-nl-fo'll-um vln-ka mT'nor vi'o-la 6-do-ra'ta vl'o-la tri'ko-lor vls'kum al'bum wf-e'thl-a he-len-I-oi'dez zan-thox'f-lum frax-In'e-um yuk'ka ffl-a-men-to'sa zlng-kum a-se'tl-kum zTng-kum bro-ma'tum zlng-kum kar-bon'i-kum zKng-kum sT-an-a'tum zlng-kum I-o-da'tum ztng-kum me-tal'll-kum zTng-kum mu-rt-at'-I-kum zlng-kum 6x-T-da'tum zlng-kum fos-fo-ra'tum zlng-kum sul-fu'rl-kum zlng-kum va-le-rl-an'I-kum zln'jl-ber 6f-fls-l-na'lls 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 582 583 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 589 590 592 592 593 593 594 595 595 INDEX. Page Abalon albiflorum 316 Abbreviations 49 used in prescription writing . . 597 Abeille in ABIES CANADENSIS 51 NIGRA 52 Abrotanum 129 Absinth 52 Absinthe 52 ABSINTHIUM 52 austriacum tenuifolium . . . .212 majus 52 ponticum tenuifolium 212 rusticans 52 seriphium 212 tridentium herbarior 212 vulgare 52 Acacia germanica 472 nostrates 472 Acajou a pommes 102 Acalypha canescans 53 ciliata 53 INDICA 53 spicata 53 Acanthus vulgaris 163 Acetas cupricus 241 kalicus 341 manganosus 382 morphicus 405 morphinae 405 plumbicus 461 potassicus 341 zincicus 589 Acetate d'ammoniaque liquide . . 93 de baryte ... 152 de cuivre 241 de fer 277 de manganese 382 de mercure 389 de morphine 405 de plomb 461 de potasse 341 de saturne 461 de zinc 589 of barium 152 of baryta 152 of copper 241 of iron 277 of lead 461 of manganese 382 of mercury 389 of morphia 405 of morphine 405 Page Acetate of potash 341 of zinc 589 Aceti acidum 54 Acetic acid 54 Achillea alba 400 millefolium 400 myriophylli 400 setacea 400 ACID, ACETIC 54 BENZOIC 55 BORACIC 56 CARBOLIC 56 CHROMIC 57 CITRIC 58 FLUORIC 6l FORMIC 59 GALLIC 59 HYDROCYANIC 60 LACTIC 62 MURIATIC 62 NITRIC 63 NITRO-MURIATIC 64 OXALIC 65 PHOSPHORIC 66 PICRIC 66 SALICYLIC 67 SULFURIC 68 TANNIC 69 TARTARIC 70 Acide ace"tique 54 azotique s. nitrique 63 benzoique 55 borique 56 carboneux 65 chlorhydrique s. muriatique . . 62 chloro-azotique 64 chloro-nitreux 64 chromique 57 citrique 58 fluorhydrique 61 arsdnieux 126 formique 59 gallique 59 hydrocyanique 60 lactique 62 oxalique 65 phdnique 56 phospnorique 66 picrique 66 salicylique 67 sulfurique 68 tannique 69 tartrique 70 624 INDEX. ACIDUM ACETICUM 54 aceticum glaciale 54 arsenicosum 126 arseniosum 126 BENZOICUM 55 benzoicum sublimatum .... 55 BORACICUM 56 boricum 56 carbazoticum 66 CARBOLICUM 56 chlorhydricum 62 chloro-nitrosum 64 CHROMICUM 57 CITRICUM 58 citri s. limonum 58 fluorhydricum 61 fluoricum 61 formicicum 59 FORMICUM 59 GALLICUM 59 gallo-tannicum 69 hydrochloratum 62 hydrochloricum 62 hydrocyanatum 60 HYDROCYANICUM 60 HYDROFLUORICUM 6l LACTICUM 62 MURIATICUM 62 nitri 63 NITRICUM 63 nitro-hydrochloricum 64 NITRO-MURIATICUM 64 OXALICUM 65 phenicum 56 PHOSPHORICUM 66 PICRICUM 66 SALICYLICUM 67 SULPHURICUM . .68 TANNICUM . . 69 TARTARICUM 70 Acinula clavus 516 Ackerklee 563 Ackeveilchen 584 Aconit 71 Aconite 71 Aconite radix 72 Aconite root 72 Aconitifolius humilis 465 Aconitum angustifolium 71 caule-simplex 71 cceruleum 71 dissectum 71 E RAD1CE 72 multifidum 71 NAPELLUS 71 pardalianches 439 salutiferum 439 Stoerckianum 71 tauricum 71 vulgare 71 Acrid agaric 78 Acrid buttercup 480 luttuce 357 Actaea americana 73 brachypetala 73 gyrostachya 211 longipes 73 monogyna 211 nigra 73 orthostachya 211 racemosa 211 rubra 73 SPICATA 73 Adam's needle 588 Adder of the hood 411 Adenandra serratifolia 151 Adonis apennina 74 VERNALIS 74 ^sculus carnea 75 echinata 75 GLABRA . 75 HIPPOCASTANUM 75 ohicensis 75 pallida 75 rubicunda 75 watsoniana 75 j^ither petrolei 156 ^thiops mineralis 397 yETHUSA CYNAPIUM 76 jttzkali 344 ^ttznatron 416 Afzelia grandis 264 Agaric blanc 467 Agaricus albus 467 EMETICUS 78 fulvus 78 imperialis 78 laricis 467 maculatus 78 MUSCARIUS 77 plumbasus 78 puella 78 pustulatus 78 verrucosus 78 Agave 79 AMERICANA 79 AGNUS CASTUS 80 Agropyrum repens 567 AGROSTEMMA GITHAGO 81 Ageria opaca 327 Ague barb 474 grass 82 root 82 weed 270, 578 Ail 84 AlLANTHUS GLANDULOSUS . . . . 8l procerus 81 Alarconia helenoides 586 Alcohol, dispensing 28 fortior 28 officinal 28 sulfuris 186 INDEX. 625 Alcohol, tests of 29 Alcoholic solutions of solids or semi- solids 35 Alder buckthorn 488 dogwood 232 Ale*tris farineux 82 ALETRIS FARINOSA 82 Alexandria senna 521 All-heal 573 ALLIUM CEPA 83 ophioscorodon 84 SATIVUM 84 Alnus rubra 85 SERRULATA 85 Aloe 86 gummi 86 lucida 86 officinalis 86 root 82 rubescens 86 SOCOTRINA 86 spicata 86 vera 86 Aloes 86 Aloes 86 Alpenrose Gichtrose 491 Alstonia cuneata 87 SCHOLARIS 87 ALTHAEA OFFICINALIS 88 Altheewurzel 88 Alum 89 root 295 ALUMEN 89 ALUMINA 90 Aluminii et potassii sulphas .... 89 Aluminium and potassium sulphate 89 METALLICUM 90 ALUMINUM 90 hydrate 90 hydroxide 90 trihydrate 90 Amandes . 100 Amanita citrinus 78 Amara dulcis 255 Ambarum 91 Ambergris 91 Ambra ambrosiacea 91 cineria 91 GRISEA 91 maritima 91 nigra 91 vera 91 Ambre gris 91 Ambrina ambrosioides 200 anthelmintica 200 Ambrosia absinthifolia 91 ARTEMISI^FOLIA 91 elatior 91 heterophylla 91 paniculata 91 Ambrosiaca 91 Ameisensatire 59 American aloe 79 arbor vitae 560 archangel 376 arum 170 aspen 469 boxwood 233 coffee tree 308 columbo 288 custard-apple 140 elder 507 hellebore 576 holly 327 ipecac 113 ivy 99, i oo mountain ash 477 nightshade 449 pennyroyal 311 poplar 469 pulsatilla 476 red cornel 234 valerian 246 veratrum 576 vervain 578 water hemlock 209 water pepper 466 white hellebore 576 wintergreen 201 wormseed 200 Amerikanische Colombowurzel . . 288 Kermesbeere 449 Narde 117 Wasserchierling 209 Amerikanischer Polei 311 Schwertlilie 334 Wurmsamen 200 Amidobenzol 106 Ammonia water 95 AMMONIACUM GUMMI 92 Ammoniac phosphas 98 sesquicarbonas 95 Ammoniak 92 Ammoniak-Flussigkeit 95 Ammpniated mercury 394 nitrate of mercury 395 Ammonii benzoas 94 bromidum 94 carbonas 95 chloridum 96 iodidum 96 nitras 97 phosphas 98 picras 98 valerianas 99 AMMONIUM ACETATE 93 ACETICUM 93 BENZOATE 94 BENZOICUM 94 BROMATUM 94 BROMID 94 carbazoticum 98 626 INDEX. AMMONIUM CARBONATE 95 CARBONICUM 95 CAUSTICUM 95 chloratum 96 chlorid 96 hydrate 95 IODATUM 96 IODID 96 MURIATE 96 MURIATICUM 96 NITRATE 97 NITRICUM 97 PHOSPHATE 98 PHOSPHORICUM 98 PICRATE 98 PICRICUM 98 VALERIANATE 99 VALERIANICUM 99 Ammoniumacetat-Losung 93 Ammoniumvalerianat 99 Amomum zingiber 595 Amorphous phosphorus 447 Ampelopsis hederacea 99 heptaphylla 99 hirsuta 99 QUINQUEFOLIA 99 Amphibious cress 221 AMYGDALUS AMARA 100 communis 100 Amylasther nitrosus 101 Amylium nitrosutn 101 Amyl nitris 101 NITRITE 101 NITROSUM 101 Amylnitrit 101 Amylo-nitrous ether 101 Amyris elemifera 474 Anacardium latifolium 102 officinarum 102 ORIENTALS IO2 ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS 103 caerulea 103 phoenicea 103 Anamirta cocculus 219 paniculata 219 Anapodophyllum canadense .... 465 peltatum 465 ANATHERUM MURICATUM .... 104 Andromeda arborea 436 Andropogon muricatus 104 squarrosus 104 Anemone flavescens 476 hepatica 318 ludoviciana 476 nuttalliana 476 patens var. nuttalliana 476 pratensis 475,476 Angelica tree 587 Angular-leaved physic nut 337 ANGUSTURA 105 bark 105 Angustura cusparia 105 Rinde 105 vera 105 Anhydrous chromic acid 57 Anilin 106 oil 106 sulfate 107 Anilina 106 Aniline 106 Anilini sulphas 107 ANILINUM 106 SULFATE 107 SULPHURICUM 107 Animal charcoal 185 oil 429 Anise e'toile' 329 Anisum canadensis 328 chinensis 328 indicum 328 stellatum 328 Annona triloba 139 Annual worm-grass 531 Anonymos sempervirens 292 Anthelminthia quadriphylla . . . .531 Anthemis aurea 107 NOBILIS 107 vulgaris 197 Anthos sylvestris 363 ANTHROXANTHUM ODORATUM . . 108 Antimonii et potassii tartras .... 552 iodidum no oxidum no oxysulphuretum . . . . . . .in sulphidum 109 sulphuretum 109 sulphuretum aureum 1 1 1 Antimonious arsenate 109 iodid no oxid no sulfid 109 sulfid (yellow) . in ANTIMONIUM ARSENIATE 109 ARSENICICUM 109 CRUDE . . 109 CRUDUM 109 IODATUM IIO IODID IIO nigrum 109 OXYDATUM IIO SULFID (golden) in sulphuratum 109 SULPHURATUM AURATUM . . .Ill Antimonoxyd no Antirrhinum linarium 365 APIS MELLIFICA Ill VIRUS 113 Apium hortensis 445 montanum 142 petroselinum 445 virus 113 APOCYNUM ANDROS^EMIFOLIUM . 113 INDEX. 627 APOCYNUM CANNABINUM 114 hypericifolium 114 pupescens 114 sibiricum 114 Apomorphia 115 Apomorphin 115 hydrochlorat 115 hydrochlorid 115 Apomorphinae hydrochloras . . . .115 Apomorphinum nydrochloricum . .115 MURIATE 115 MURIATICUM 115 Apple of Peru 537 of Sodom 529 Aqua ammonize 95 distillata 29 fortis 63 regia 64 Aqueous solutions 34 Araigne"e a croix papule 118 noire du Cura$oa 558 Aralia canadensis 116 QUINQUEFOLIA Il6 RACEMOSA 117 ARANEA DIADEMA 117 tarentula 551 Aranja 558 Arbor vitae 560 Arbre a poison 494 a suif 408 de vie 560 Arbousier 572 Arbutus uva ursi 572 Arcanum duplicatum 353 Arctium bardana 360 lappa 360 Arctostaphylos officinalis 572 uva ursi 572 Argent 119 Argenti chloridum 120 cyanidum n8 iodidum 119 nitras 120 oxidum 121 ARGENTUM 119 chlorid 120 CYANATUM Il8 CYANID Il8 IODATUM 119 IODID 119 METALLICUM 119 MURIATE 120 MURIATICUM 120 NITRATE 120 NITRICUM 120 ortho-phosphate 122 OXID 121 OXYDATUM 121 PHOSPHATE 121 PHOSPHORICUM 121 vivum 398 Arisaema dracontium 131 triphyllum 133 Aristolachia cymbifera 122 frandiflora 122 astata 123 hirsuta 123 MILHOMENS 122 officinalis 123 sagittata 123 SERPENTARIA 123 virginica 123 Armoise amere 52 Armoracia rusticana 22 1 sativa 221 ARNICA MONTANA 124 E RADICE 125 Arnika 124 Arnique 124 Aronis communis 132 Aronswurzel 132 Arrebenta cavallos 527 Arsenate of soda 414 of sodium 414 ARSENETTED HYDROGEN 127 Arseni iodidum 127 Arsenias ferrosus 278 natricus 414 sodicus 414 Arse*niate de fer 278 de quinine 202 de soude 414 Arseniate of iron 278 of quinine 202 of soda 414 Arsenic 126, 128 blanc 126 disulfid '. .... 129 trisulphide 128 Arsenici iodidum ........ 127 ARSENICUM ALBUM 126 bisulfuretum 129 bisulphidum 129 citrinum 128 HYDROGENATUM 127 hydrogenisatum 127 IODATUM 127 IODID 127 jodatum 127 METALLICUM 128 rubrum 129 SULFID (red) 129 SULFID (yellow) 128 SULPHURATUM FLAVUM . . . 128 SULPHURATUM RUBRUM . . . 129 Arsenige Saure 126 Arsenii sulphidum 128 Arsenik 128 Arsenikjodiir 127 Arsenious acid 126 anhydride 126 iodid 127 628 INDEX. Arsenious iodide 127 oxid 126 sulfid 128 Arsenite de cuivre 242 de quinine 203 of copper 242 of potassium 342 of quinine 203 Arsensaures Eisen 278 Natron 4'4 Arsenum 128 Arsine 127 Artanita cyclamen 245 ARTEMISIA ABROTANUM 129 absinthium 52 austriaca 212 contra 212 heterophyllus 130 indica canadensis 130 lercheana 212 maritima var. pauciflora . . . .212 maritima var. stechmanniana .212 san tonka 212 vahliana 212 VULGARIS 130 Artificial oil of bitter almonds . . .156 Arum americanum 470 atrorubens 133 DRACONTIUM 131 MACULATUM 132 seguinum 170 TRIPHYLLUM 133 vulgare 132 Asa dulcis 157 ASAFCETIDA 134 disgunensis 134 Asagraea officinalis 500 Asant 134 Asarabacca 136 Asaret 136 ASARUM CANADENSE 135 EUROPIUM 136 vulgare 136 Ase fe"tide . 134 Asctepiade a la soie . . 138 incarnate 137 Asclepias amcena 137 cornuti 138 decumbens 139 gigantea 178 INCARNATA 137 procera 178 pulcra 137 SYRIACA 138 TUBEROSA 139 Ash-leaved guarea 307 Asimina campaniflora 140 conoidea 140 TRILOBA 140 Asiminier 140 Asparagus 141 ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS 141 Aspen 469 poplar 469 Asperge .141 Aspidium filix mas 287 Assafetida 134 Assaret du Canada . '. 135 ASTERIAS RUBENS 142 Asthma root 370 ATHAMANTA OREOSELINUM . . . 142 Athaminta oreoselinum 142 Athanasia 548 Atomic weights, table of 606 Atropa belladonna 154 lethalis 154 Atropia 143 sulphurica 144 Atropice sulfas 144 Atropin 143 sulfate 144 Atropina 143 Atropinae sulphas 144 Atropine 143 ATROPINUM 143 purum 143 SULFATE 144 SULPHURICUM 144 Atropinsulfat 144 Attenuation 40 Attenuations, liquid 39 Augentrost 275 Augenwurzel 573 Aunde commune 331 officinale 331 Aureliana canadensis 116 Auri chloridum 145 et natri chloridum 146 sulphidum 146 Auric chlorid 145 sulfid 146 Auro-natrium chloratum ..... 146 Auronedes jardins 129 AURUM 145 ET NATRUM MURIATE . . . . 146 et natrum muriaticum 146 foliatum 145 METALLICUM 145 MURIATE 145 MURIATICUM 145 MURIATICUM NATRONATUM . . 146 precipitatum 145 SULFID 146 SULPHURATUM 146 Australian fever tree 267 gum tree 267 kino 355 red gum 355 Authors consulted, list of 14 Ava kava 455 Avena chinensis 147 nuda 147 INDEX. 629 Avena orientalis 147 SATIVA 147 Avicennia tomentpsa 102 Azotate d'ammoniaque 97 d'argent 120 de pilocarpine 451 de potasse 350 de soude . . 418 Azotite d'amyl 101 Azotus sodicus 418 Bachbunge 580 Bachelor's button 480 Badiaga 148 Bahama cascarilla 189 Baldriansaures zinkoxyd 595 Balisier 181 Bal-kurai 92 Balloon plant 550 Ball-wood 307 Balmony 199 snake-head 199 Balsam apple 402 of copaiba 230 of Peru 148 weed 300 Balsamum indicum nigrum . . . .148 PERUVIANUM 148 peruvianum nigrum 148 Baltic pine 453 Banded rattlesnake 238 Baneberry ' 73 BAPTISIA TINCTORIA 149 Baptisie 149 Barba caprina 532 Barbadoes nut 337 Barberry 159 Bardana 360 Bardane 360 Barenbeere 572 Barentraube 572 Barii acetas 152 carbonas 152 chloridum 153 iodidum 153 BARIUM ACETATE 152 CARBONATE 152 carbonicum 152 chlorid 153 IODID 153 MURIATE 153 Barlappsamen 375 BAROSMA CRENATA 150 crenulata 150 eckloniana 150 odoratum 150 SERRATIFOLIA 151 Barworz 163 Baryosma odorata 150 tongo 562 BARYTA ACETICA . . 152 CARBONICA 152 IODATA 153 MURIATIC A 153 Barytae carbonas 152 chloricum 153 Basisches Wismuthnitrat 161 Bastard Brazil wood 227 dittany 248 ipecac 566 wormwood 91 Bat weed 360 Baume de cheval 225 de copahu 230 de Peron 148 Baumwolle 301 Bayberry 408 Bear grass 588 Bearberry 571 Bearded darnel 372 usnea 570 Bear's breech 163 foot 314,470 grape 572 leaf 470 weed 262 Beaver 191 poison 209 root 425 tree 380 Bebeerin sulfate 154 BEBEERINUM SULFATE 154 SULPHURICUM 154 Beberiae sulphas 154 Beberinae sulphas 154 Bee sting 113 Beechdrop 258 Beifuss 130 Belladone' 155 BELLADONNA 154 baccifera 154 trichotoma 154 BELLIS PERENNIS 156 Bena 104 Benedictendistel 187 Benjoin 157 Be"noite 297 Benthamidia Florida ...... 233 BENZINUM NITRATE 156 NITRICUM 156 petrolii 156 Benzpas ammonicus 94 lithicus 367 Benzoate d'ammoniaque 94 de lithine 367 of lithium 367 Benzoe 157 Benzoesaure 55 Benzoesaures Ammonium 94 Lithion 367 Benzoic acid 55 630 INDEX. Benzoin 157 BENZOINUM 157 Berberia 158 Berberin 158 Berberine 158 BERBERINUM 158 BERBERIS AQUIFOLIUM 158 canadensis dumetorum . . . .159 irritabalis 159 pisifera 159 serrulata 159 sinensis 159 VULGARIS 159 Berberitzen 159 Berce 163 Bergol 444 Bergpetersilie 142 Berry-bearing aralia 117 buckthorn 488 Berufkraut 261 Bettie-grass 82 Betula triphylla 492 Bibergeil 191 Bibernell 453 Bibliography 15 Biborate of soda 161 Bichloride of mercury 390 Bichromate de potasse 342 of potash 342 of potassium 342 Bichromas kalicus 342 Bicyanide of mercury 391 Big-leaved ivy 54 Bignonia 292 caroba 335 sempervirens 292 Bilsenkraut 323 Bingelkraut 388 Biniodide of mercury 393 Biniodidum hydrargyri 393 Bird cherry 47 1 pepper 184 Bird's nest 403 Birming 181 Birth wort 123 Bismuth sub-nitrate 161 Bismuthi magisterium 161 oxidum 160 subnitras 161 Bismuthous oxid 160 Bismuthum album 161 OXID 160 OXYDATUM 160 SUB-NITRATE 161 SUBNITRICUM l6l Bisulphide of arsenic 129 Biting knot 466 persicaria 466 Bitter almond 100 apple 226 ash 268 Bitter bugle , candytuft chamomile cucumber gourd . . herb . . . red-berry . root . . . willow . . wood . 199) worm wort Bittersiiss Bittersweet nightshade Black alder 471, berried European alder . . . . bryony cohosh elder haw hellebore henbane lead ... locust mustard nightshade oxide of manganese parsley pepper radish root snakeroot spider of Curacjoa spruce sulfid of antimony sulphuret of mercury tang willow Black-berried bryony white bryony Blackthorn Bladder fucus Bladder-podded cardinal flower . . lobelia Blanc de plomb Blasentang Blattaria Blattrige Wolfsmilch Blauholz Blazing star 82, Bleeding heart Blei Bleicarbonat Bleioxyd Bleiweiss Bleizucker Blessed thistle 187, Blind nettle Blister beetle Blitum americanum . 376 325 198 226 226 499 233 "3 504 478 387 295 255 255 255 488 508 547 211 507 582 315 323 302 497 526 529 384 273 45 6 484 363 21 I 558 52 IO9 397 289 504 165 165 472 289 37i 37 462 289 577 273 39 3'6 246 464 462 461 462 461 1 88 359 183 449 INDEX. Blood root 509 stanch 261 Blooming spurge 272 Blue cardinal flower 371 cohosh 192 flag 334 gum tree 267 lobelia 371 pimpernel 515 skull cap 515 stone 244 vervain 578 vitriol 244 Blue-berried cornus 234 dogwood 234 Blueberry root 192 Blumenrohr 181 Blutlangensalz 347 Blutwurzel 509 Bog onion 133 bean 387 Bois amer 478 d'Inde 309 de Campeche 309 de gaiac 306 de gayac 306 de plomb 196 Boletus laricis 467 officinalis 467 pinus 468 purgans 467 Bon-homme 577 Boneset ...'... 270 Bonnet de pretre 269 Bonplandia angostura 105 trifoliata 105 Bookoo 150 Boras sodicus 161 Borate de soude 161 of sodium 161 BORAX 161 veneta 161 Bore tree 508 Boric acid 56 Borsaiire 56 Botany Bay kino 355 Botrophis actaeoides 211 serpentaria 211 Bouillon-blanc 577 Bourquepine 487 Bourse de pasteur 559 Bovist ; 162 BOVISTA 162 officinalis 162 lycopodon 162 nigrescens 162 Bowman's root 272, 363 Box-tree 233 Boxberry 291 Boxwood 233 Brachyglottis forsteri 162 BRACHYGLOTTIS REPENS 162 BRANCA URSINA 163 Brassica alba 525 nigra 526 sinapioides 526 Braunstein Mangansuperoxyd . . . 384 Braunwurz 515 Brazilian burdock 312 cocoa 442 morning glory 229 snakeroot 122 Brechweinstein 552 Brechwurzel 332 Breitblatteriger 566 Brennende Waldrebe 217 Brennessel 569 Brillensohlange 411 Brimstone 541 Brinton root 364 Brinvilliers 531 Broad gum plant 304 Broad-leaved laurel 354 Brom 164 Bromammonium 94 Bromated camphor 180 Bromcalcium 171 Br6me 164 Bromide of calcium 171 of iron 278 of lithium 368 of potassium 343 of sodium 415 of zinc 590 Bromin 164 Brominated camphor 180 Brominium 164 BROMIUM 164 Bromkalium 343 Bromlithium 368 Bromnatrium 415 Bromum 164 Bromure d'ammonium 94 de calcium 171 de lithium 368 de potassium 343 de sodium 415 de zinc 590 ferreux 278 Bromuretum kalicum 343 lithicum 368 potassicum 343 sodicum 4'5 Bromzink ; 590 Brookbean 387 Brooklime 580 Broom rape 258 Broomshell flower 199 Brown ipecac 332 mustard 526 Brucia 165 Brucin. 165 632 INDEX. BRUCINUM 165 Brugmansia Candida 247 gardneri 247 BRYONIA ALBA 165 vera 165 Bucchu 151 Buchu 150 crenata 150 Buckbean 387 Buckeye 75 tree 75 Buckthorn 487, 488 alder 488 Buckwheat 276 Bug agaric 77, 78 Bugbane 211 Bugle weed 370, 376 Buku 150, 151 Bukublatter 150 Bulbous crowfoot 481 Bulrush 339 Burdock 360 Burnet saxifrage 453 Burning bush 268, 269 Burr flowers 322 Burwort 480 Busserole 572 Butter and eggs 365 bur 567 horse weed 261 nut 337 weed 261 Buttercup 480,481 Butterfly weed 139 Button bush 195, 196 snake-root 263 Buttonwood 196 Cabaret de 1'Europe 136 Cactus bonplandii 196 GRANDIFLORUS 166 humifusus 435 opuntia 435 Cadmic sulfate 168 sulfid 167 Cadmii sulphas 168 sulphidum 167 CADMIUM SULFATE 168 SULFID 167 SULPHURATUM 167 SULPHURICUM 168 Cafe" 223 Cafe*ine 168 Caffeia 168 CAFFEIN 168 Caffeina 168 Caffeine 168 CAFFEINUM 168 Cahinca 169 CAINCA 169 Cainga 169 Caincawurzel 169 Caieputol 430 Calabar bean 448 CALADIUM SEGUINUM 170 Calandine 199 CALCAREA ACETATE HAHN. ... 170 ACETICA 170 ARSENIATE 171 ARSENICICA 171 BROMATA 171 BROMID 171 CARBONATE HAHN 172 CARBONICA 172 CAUSTIC 172 CAUSTICA 172 FLUORICA 173 FLUORID 173 HYPOPHOSPHITE 174 HYPOPHOSPHOROSA 174 IODATA 174 IODID 174 MURIATE 175 MURIATICA 175 ostrearum 172 OXALATE 175 OXALICA 175 PHOSPHATE 176 PHOSPHORICA 176 SULFATE 176 SULPHURICA 176 Calcic chlorid 175 fluorid 173 hypophosphis 174 iodide 174 sulfate 176 Calcii arsenias 171 bromidum 171 chloridum 175 fluoridum 173 hydras 172 hypophosphis 174 iodas 174 phosphas praecipitatus . . . .176 sulphas 176 Calcined magnesia 379 Calcis hydras 172 phosphas 176 sulphas 176 Calcitrapa lanuginosa 187 Calcium acetate of Hahnemann . . 170 arsenate 171 bromatum 171 bromid 171 carbonate of Hahnemann . . .172 chloratum 175 chlorid 175 fluorid 173 hydrate 172 hypophosphite 174 hypophosphorosum 174 INDEX. 633 Calcium iodid oxalate phosphate phosphoricum sulfate Calciumkarbonat Calciumphosphat Calciumsulfat CALENDULA OFFICINALIS Calico bush Callicocca ipecacuanha Callistachya virginica Calomel Calomelas Calonyction speciosum CALOTROPIS GIGANTEA hamiltonii Erocera a alpina arctica officinalis PALUSTRIS sativa vulgaris Calvi siliginis Camzedaphnefoliis tini Cambogia Camellia thea theifera Campanula sylvestris Campecheholz Camphor monobromid officinarum CAMPHORA MONOBROMATA Camphre monobrome* Canada fleabane ginger ............ root ............. snake-root ........ 135, thistle ............ turnip ............ wormwood .......... Canadian asarabacca ....... elder ............. moonseed .......... rock-rose ........... Canadische Gelbwurzel ...... Hanfwurzel ......... Hazelwurzel ......... Hollunder .......... Canadischer Thee ........ Canadisches Kernel ....... Mondkorn .......... Sonnenroschen ........ Cancer-root ........... weed ............. Candelaria ........... Candle berry ........... 174 175 176 176 176 172 176 176 177 354 332 363 392 392 229 178 178 178 124 179 177 179 177 177 516 354 290 557 557 249 309 179 180 179 179 180 179 180 261 135 139 225 215 133 386 135 507 386 216 320 114 135 507 291 232 386 216 258 410 577 408 Canella zeylanica 215 Canelle 215 CANNA ANGUSTIFOLIA 181 glauca 181 Cannabis europea 182 chinensis 182 INDICA 181 SATIVA 182 Cantharides 183 CANTHARIS 183 vesicatoria 183 Capsella bursa pastoris 559 CAPSICUM ANNUUM 184 cordiforme 184 grossum 184 longum 184 Carapicho 312 Carbazotate of ammonium .... 98 Carbazotic acid 66 CARBO ANIMALIS 185 ligni 186 mineralis 302 praeparatus 186 vegetabilis 186 Carbolic acid 56 Carbolsaure 56 CARBON DISULFID 186 Carbonas ammonicus 95 baryticus 152 ferrosus 279 kalicus 344 lithicus 369 magnesicus 377 plumbicus 462 potassicus 344 sodicus 415 stronticus 538 Carbonate d'ammoniaque 95 de baryte 152 de chau 172 de cuivre 242 de lithine 369 de manganese 382 de magnetic 377 de plomb 462 de potasse 344 de soude 415 de strontiane 538 lithique 369 of barium 152 of copper 242 of iron 279 of lead 462 of lithium 369 of manganese 382 of magnesium 377 of nickel 42 1 of potassium 344 of sodium 415 of strontium 538 Carbonei disulphidum 186 634 INDEX. Carboneum sulfuratum 186 Carbonii bisulphidum 186 CARBONIUM SULPHURATUM . . . 186 Cardinal flower 369 CARDUUS BENEDICTUS 187 MARIANUS 188 plant 187 Caroba bark 335 Carobablatter 335 Carolina jessamine 292 Carpenter's square 515 Carpopogon pruriens 252 Carrot weed 91 Carum aureum 556 petroselinum 445 CARYA ALBA 189 squamosa 189 Carophyllata alba 297 Cascara 489 sagrada 489 CASCARILLA 189 bark 189 Cascarille 189 Caschunuss 102 Cassia acutifolia 521 aethiopica 521 lanceolata 521 lenitiva 521 obovata 521 officinalis 521 senna 521 Castalia pudica 425 Castanea edulis 190 VESCA 190 Castaneae equinas 76 Castiglionia lobata 337 Castor 191 fiber 191 oil 431 oil plant 496 CASTOREUM 191 sibiricum 191 Cat thyme 555 Catch fly 113 Catharticum aureum 290 Caules dulcamara 255 CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES . 192 Caustic potash 344 soda 416 CAUSTICUM 193 Cayenne pepper 184 Ce"anothe 194 CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS .... 194 herbaceous 194 intermedius 194 officinalis 194 perennis 194 sanguineus 194 tardiflorus 194 trinervus 194 Cebadilla 500 Cedre de Virginie 340 CEDROX 195 Ce"dron 195 Cedron-Bohne 195 Cedrone 195 Cedrus lycea 560 Celandine 198 Celery-leaved buttercup 483 crowfoot 483 Celtic nard 124 Centaurea benedicta 187 Centauroidis 303 Century plant 79 Cepa 83 marina 513 Cephaslis emetica 332 ipecacuanha 332 CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS . . 195 Cerasus folio laurino 362 laurocerasus 362 padus 472 racemosus 472 serotina, D. C 473 trapezuntina 362 virginiana (Michaux) 473 Cerbera lactaria 549 laurifolia 549 odollam 549 tanghin 549 CEREUS BONPLANDII 196 grandiflorus 166 Cerii oxalas 197 CERIUM OXALATE 197 OXALICUM 197 Ceroxalat 197 Cerussa 462 nigra 302 Cevadilla 500 seeds 500 Chamaedaphne 399 Chamaelia germanica 399 Chamaelirium carolinianum . . . .316 luteum 316 Chamaemelum vulgare 197 Chamaerops serrulata 501 Chamomile 107, 197 CHAMOMILLA 191 nobilis 107 nostras 197 officinalis 197 vulgaris 197 Chamomille commune 198 romaine 107 Chanvre 182 du Canada 1 14 indien 185 Charbon vestal 186 Chardon be"nit 187 Marie 188 Chasse-diable 324 Chaste tree .... ... 80 INDEX. 635 Chitaigne 190 Chatium 87 Chaux hydrate"e 172 Checkerberry 291,401 Chelapa 336 Che*lidoine 199 Chelidonium haematodes 199 MAJUS 198 Chelone 199 alba 199 GLABRA 199 obliqua 199 Chenopodium ambrosioides var. an- thelmintica 200 ANTHELMINTICUM 2OO suffruticosum 200 Cherry bay . ; 362 laurel 362 Chestnut 190 Chichorium sylvestre 208 Chick pea 361 Chickling 361 Chicore"e 208 Chicory 208 Chicot 308 Chiendent 567 Children's bane 209 Chilisalpeter 418 Chilly 184 Chimaphila corymbosa 201 UMBELLATA 2OI China amara aromatica 105 fusca 213 officinalis 213 rhubarb 490 root 250 Chinarinde 213 Chinese physic 116 sumach 81 Chinesicher Thee 557 Chinin 204 Chininhydrochlorat ........ 203 Chininsulfat 204 CHININUM 204 ARSENIATE 2O2 ARSENICICUM 2O2 ARSENICOSUM 203 ARSEMTE 203 ferro-citricum 285 hydrochloricum 203 MURIATE 203 MURIATICUM 203 PURUM 204 SULFATE 204 SULPHURICUM 204 Chiococca anguicida 169 anguifuga 169 densifoha 169 racemosa 169 Chionanthe 205 CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA .... 205 Chittem bark 489 Chlor 206 magnesium 378 Chloramidure de mercure 394 Chlorammonium 96 Chloras kalicus 345 potassicus 345 Chlorate de potasse 345 of potash 345 of potassium 345 Chlorbaryum 153 Chlorcalcium 175 Chlore 206 Chlorhydrate d'apomorphine . . .115 de morphine 405 de quinine 203 Chlorhydric acid 62 Chlorid of gold 145 Chloride of barium 153 of calcium 175 of gold 145 of gold and sodium 146 of iron 283 of magnesium 378 of manganum 383 of potassium . . 349 of silver 120 of sodium . 417 of zinc 592 Chloridum calcicum 175 vel chloruretum ferricum . . . 283 Chlorin 206 Chlorine 206 CHLORINUM 206 Chlornatrium 417 Chlorsaures Kali 345, 349 CHLORUM 206 Chlorure d'ammonium 96 d'argent 120 d'or 145 d'or et de sodium 146 de baryum 153 de calcium 175 de magnesium 378 de potassium 349 de sodium 417 de zinc 592 ferrique 283 mercurique 390 Chloruretum ferricum 283 hydrargyrosum 392 potassicum 349 spdicum 417 zincicum 592 Chlorwasserstoffsaiire 62 Chlorzink 592 Chocolate root 545 Chondodendron tomentosum . . . 438 Chopnut 448 Chougras 449 Christmas rose .... 315 Christopheriana canadensis race- mosa 211 636 INDEX. Christophswurz 73 Chromate of lead 463 of potash 346 of potassium 346 Chrome yellow 463 Chromic acid 57 anhydrid 57 Chromium trioxid 57 Chromsaure 57 Chrysanthemum chamomilla . . . 198 latifolium 124 Chrysarobin 207 Chrysarobine 207 CHRYSAROBINUM 207 Cichorie 208 ClCHORIUM INTYBUS 208 Cicuta 228 aquatica 210 MACULATA 209 VIROSA 210 vulgaris 228 Cicutaria aquatica 210 maculata 209 Ciege a grandes fleurs 166 Cigue aquatique . 446 d'Amerique 209 des Jardins 76 vireuse 210 ClMICIFUGA RACEMOSA 211 serpentaria 211 CINA 212 americana 200 Cinchona calisaya 213 cinerea 213 cordifolia 213 corona 213 flava 213 lancifolia 213 oblongifolia 213 OFFICINALIS 213 rubra 213 Cinchoniae sulphas 214 Cinchonin sulfate 214 Cinchoninae sulphas 214 ClNCHONlNUM SULFATE .... 214 SULPHURICUM 214 Cinnamon 215 ClNNAMOMUM . . 215 zeylanicum 215 Cinque 566 ClRSIUM ARVENSE 215 Cissampelos smilacina 386 Cissus hedercea 99 ClSTUS CANADENSE 2l6 chamaerhododendros 354 helianthemum 216 ramuliflorum 216 Citras ferrico-quinicus 285 Citrate de fer et de strychnine . . 286 of iron and quinine 285 of iron and strychnine 286 Citric acid 58 Citronensaiire 58 Citronensaures Eisen-Strychnin . . 286 Citrullus coloynthis 226 Clavaria clavus 516 Claviceps purpurea 516 Clavus secalinum 516 CLEMATIS ERECTA 217 hirsutissima 476 recta 217 Clematite deorte 217 Clevalier 587 Clover 563 Club moss 375 Cluster-flowered snow-berry .... 169 Clutia eluteria 189 Cnicus benedictus 187 marianus 188 Coakum 449 Coal oil 444 COBALT 218 COBALTUM METALLICUM 218 Cobra de capello 411 Coca 265 leaves . 265 Cocablatter 265 Cocain hydrochlorid 219 Cocainae hydrochloras 219 COCAINUM MURIATE 219 MURIATICUM 219 Coccinella indica 220 Coccionella 220 COCCULUS INDICUS 219 suberosus 219 COCCUS CACTI 220 chamelacus 399 gnidus ..... 399 Cochenille 220 Cochineal 220 COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA . . . .221 rusticana 221 Cock-up-hat 536 Cockspur 517 pepper 184 rye 517 Cod liver oil 430 Codeia 222 Codein -222 Codeina 222 Codeine 222 CODEINUM 222 Coffea arable 223 CRUDA 223 laurifolia 223 vulgaris 223 Coffee 223 Cohosh 73 Colchicum anglicum 224 AUTUMNALE 223 commune 224 Colchique 224 INDEX. 637 Colic root 82, 139, 250, 316 Collard 470 COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS . . . . 225 decussata 225 ovalis 225 scrotina 225 Collinsonie 225 COLOCYNTH 226 Colocynthis vulgaris , . 226 Colombo d'AmeYique 288 Coloquinte 226 Color indicus 329 Colt's foot 135, 568 tail 261 Columbo 288 Comfrey 545 Commelina 562 Committee on pharmacopeia, list of 13 Common arum 132 avens 297 chamomile 107 cherry laurel 362 cow parsnip 163 crowfoot 483 dwale 155 elder 507 English walnut 338 European elder 508 everlasting 299 gentian 295 hive bee in horse-chestnut 76 house leek 518 linden 561 mullein 577 myrtle 409 nettle 568 nightshade 529 pawpaw 140 periwinkle 583 pimpernel 103 rush 339 salt 417 sea wrack 289 smooth alder 85 sorrel 497 star fish 142 sumach 493 sunflower 312 tag alder 85 tansy 548 vervain 579 wormwood 52 Comoclade 227 COMOCLADIA DENTATA 227 Compass plant 524 Concombre sauvage 257 Condor plant 240 CONDURANGO 240 Cones, medicated 48 Coniferes 553 CONIUM MACULATUM 228 major 228 Consolida indica 546 majoris 545 Consoude 545 Consumptive's weed 262 Contents 3 Contrajerva virginiana 123 CONVALLARIA MAJALIS 229 CONVOLVULUS DUARTINUS .... 229 jalapa 336 pulcherrimus 229 purga 336 Copaifera glabra 230 jacquini 230 lansdorffii 230 laxa 230 multijunga 230 nitida 230 officinalis 230 sellowii 230 COPAIVA OFFICINALIS 230 Copaivabalsam 230 Copper 243 verditer 241 wire 243 Coque du Levant 219 Coquille a pourpre 407 Corail rouge 231 Coral snake 256 viper 256 CORALLIUM RUBRUM 231 Coriandrum cicuta 228 CORIARIA RUSCIFOLIA 232 sarmentosa 232 tormentosa 232 Corn cockle 81 fever-few 198 smut 571 snake-root 263 Cornea 232 Cornouille soyeux 234 Cornouiller a feuilles arrondies . . 232 Cornuillier a grandes fleurs .... 233 Cornus alba 234 amomum 234 CIRCINATA 232 coerulea 234 cyanocarpus 234 FLORIDA 233 lanuginosa 234 obliqua 234 polygama 234 rubinginosa 234 rugosa 232 SERICEA 234 tomentulosa 232 Corpse plant 403 Corrosive mercuric chlorid .... 390 sublimate 390 Cortusae syriaca . . 555. 638 INDEX. Corvisartia helenium 331 Cotton plant 300, 301 COTYLEDON UMBILICUS 235 Cotylet 235 Couch grass 567 Couleuvre'e 165 Coumaroumaodorata 562 Countryman's treacle 499 Couronne de Saint-Jean 130 Cow cabbage 425 collard 470 lily 425 parsley 163 Cowbane 210 Cowhage 252 Cowitch 252 Cowslip 179 Cramp bark 581 Cranberry tree 581 Crane willow 196 Cranesbill 295 Creeping buttercup 482 crowfoot .... 483 wintergreen 291 Crepitus lupi 162 Creosote 236 Creosote 236 CREOSOTUM 236 Crocus 476 autumnalis 237 hispanicus 237 officinalis . . 237 orsinii 237 SATIVUS 237 verus 237 Crosswort 270, 294 gentian 294 CROTALUS 238 durissus 238 horridus 238 Croton eleuteria 189 glabellus elutheria 189 jamalgota 239 oil 239 oil plant 239 TIGLIUM 239 Crotonol 239 Crow corn 82 poison 576 Crowfoot 295,481 buttercup 480 Crystallized verdigris 241 Crystals of Venus 241 Crystaux de Ve'nus 241 Cuban spider 551 tarantula 551 Cubeb pepper 239 CUBEBA OFFICINALIS 239 Cube*be 239 Cubebs 239 Cubic niter 418 Cuckoo-pint 132 Cucumis agrestis 257 colocynthis 226 asininus 257 Cuivre 243 Culver's physic 364 root 363 CUNDURANGO 240 Cunila pulegioides 311 Cupameni 53 Cupreum filum 243 Cupri acetas 241 carbonas 242 sulfas 243 Cupric acetate 241 carbonate 242 sulphate 243 Cuprii arsenis 242 CUPRUM 243 ACETATE 241 ACETICUM 241 ARSENICOSUM 242 ARSENITE 242 CARBONATE 242 CARBONICUM 242 METALLICUM 243 SULPHATE 243 SULPHURICUM ....... 243 vitriolatum 244 CURARE 244 Curare* 244 Curcas purganus 337 Curled dock 498 Cursed crowfoot 483 thistle 187 Curum-ape* 442 Cuscus 104 Cuspari bark 105 Cusparia febrifuga 105 trifoliata 105 Cyanhydric acid 60 Cyanide of potassium 347 of silver 118 of zinc 591 Cyankalium 347 Cyanquecksilver 391 Cyanure d'argent 118 de mercure i 391 de potassium 347 de zinc 591 Cyanuret of mercury 391 of silver 118 Cyanuretum ferroso-potassicum . . 347 kalicum 347 potassicum 347 zincicum 591 Cyanwasserstoffsaiire 60 CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM 245 hederaefolium 245 neopolitanum 245 officinalis 245 INDEX. 639 Cyclamen orbiculare 245 vernum 245 Cymbostemon parvirlorus 328 Cynocrambes -. . 388 Cypripedium luteum 246 PUBESCENS 246 Daisy Dandelion Daphne cannabina gnidium . . . . INDICA lagetto laureola mezereum odora Daphnidostaphyllis fendleriana . . Daphnoides Darnel DATURA ARBOREA lurida stramonium David's root Dead nettle tongue Deadly nightshade 154, Death of man Deer berry Deerweed Delphinium staphysagria Dens leonis Dent de lion Desrosnesches Salz Deutoioduretum hydrargyri . . . . Deuto-sulfate de mercure Deutoxide rouge de mercure . . . Devil tree Devil's apple Devil's bit .82, Devil's bones Diadem spider Diammonium orthophosphate . Dictamne DlCTAMNUS ALBUS fraxinella Die Astlose Diffenbachia seguina Digallic acid Digitalis minima? PURPUREA speciosa tomentosa Dihydroxysuccinic acid .... Dilatris caroliniana tinctoria Dilutions preparation of Dimercurosammonium nitrate . Dioscorea paniculata quinata 156 549 247 399 247 247 399 399 247 572 399 372 247 537 537 169 359 426 '55 209 401 211 534 55 55 413 393 397 394 87 537 3i6 250 117 98 248 248 248 227 170 69 303 249 249 249 70 356 356 39 4i 395 250 250 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA 250 Diosma crenata 150 crenulata 150 latifolia 150 serratifolia 151 Dioxysalicylic acid 59 Dioxysuccmic acid 70 Dippel's animal oil 429 Diptam Wurtzel 248 Dipterix odorata 562 DlRCA PALUSTRIS 251 Diserneston gummiferum 92 Dispensing alcohol 28 Distilled water 29 Disulphide of carbon 186 Dita bark 87 Ditarinde 87 Ditch-stone crop 443 Diuretic salt 341 Divisibility of soluble medicinal sub- stances 41 Dr. Tinker's weed 566 Dog grass 566, 567 parsley 76 poison 76 wood 495 Dog's-bane 113 mercury 388 Dogwood 232, 233 Doldensormiges Wintergriin . . .201 DOLICHOS PRURIENS 252 Doppeltchromsaures Kali 342 Dorema ammoniacum 92 Doronicum austriacum quartum . .124 germanicum 124 montanum 124 oppositi folium 124 plantaginis folio alternum . . .124 Double peony 437 spruce 52 tansy 548 Douce-amere 255 Drachen aron 131 Dracontium foetidum 470 Dragon root 131 Dragon's root 133 turnip 133 Dreiblatt 388 Dreibliittriger Aron 133 Dreilappige asamine 139 Dreistein 566 Drooping trillium 565 usnea 570 Drop water 426 Drop-wort 446 Drosera capillaris 253 ROTUNDIFOLIA 253 Drugs and medicinal substances . . 32 preparations from 34 treatment of 34 Dryopteris filix mas 287 640 INDEX. Duboisa 254 DUBOISA MYOPOROIDES 254 Duck's foot 465 DULCAMARA 255 flexuosa 255 Dulcis amara 255 Dumb cane 170 Durchwachsdost 271 Dutch rush 259 Dwarf nettle 569 Dyer's broom 293 dilatris 356 greenweed 293 weed 293 Early anemone Earthgall Eau d'ammoniaque Eberrante Ecbalium agreste elaterium officinarum Echites acuminata hirsuta scholaris corce d'angusture de cerisier de Virginie .... de dita de manc,6ne de quillaya de racine de Mudar Edelleberkraut Ehrenpreis Eibenbaum . . . Einbeere Eisenbromid Eisenchinincitrat Eisenchlorid . Eisenhart Eisenhut Eisenkraut Eisenlactat Eisenoxydul ELAPS CORALLINUS ELATERIUM cordifolium Elder 507, blooms Elecampane Eleuthera bark Elk tree Eltebore noir Ellebprum album nigrum Emetic herb mushroom weed Encens Endodeca bartonii serpentaria 576 95 129 257 257 257 240 240 87 105 473 87 264 479 178 3i8 580 553 439 278 285 283 579 7i 579 281 285 256 257 257 508 507 33i 189 43 6 315 575 3'5 37 78 37 432 123 123 English daisy 156 meadow sweet 532 walnut 338 Entenfus . .465 Enula campana 331 Epeira diadema 118 EPIG^A REPENS 258 Epine noire 472 fipine-vinette 159 Epiphegus americanus 258 VIRGINIANA 258 fiponge des fleuves 148 Epsom salt 380 Equatoria garciniana 240 EQUISETUM HYEMALE 259 Equivalents of weights and measures 600 ERECHTHITES HIERACIFOLIA . . . 260 Ergot 517 of corn 571 of rye 517 Ergota 516 ERIGERON CANADENSE 261 paniculatus 261 pusillus 261 strictum 261 Eringo 264 Eriodictyon californicum 262 GLUTINOSUM 262 ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM 263 MARITINUM 264 petiolatum 263 praelatum 263 virginianum 263 yuccasfolium 263 Erythrophlaeum guineense .... 264 JUDICIALE 264 ERYTHROXYLON COCA 265 Esere 448 Eserin 266 Eserine 266 ESERINUM 266 Esprit de pe*trole 156 Essence de santal 432 of mirbane 156 Essigsaure 54 eisen 277 Essigsaurer Baryt 152 Braunstein 382 Essigsaures Bleioxyd 461 kali 34i Morphin 405 Quecksilber 389 Zinkoxyd 589 Etain 533 Ether 31 tests of 31 Ethyledene-lactic 62 EUCALYPTUS GLOBOSUS 267 globulus 267 355 EUGENIA JAMBOS 267 INDEX. 641 Eugenia vulgaris 267 EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS . . . 268 caroliniensis 268 EUROP;EUS 269 latifplius 268 tristis 268 EUPATORIUM AROMATICUM . . . 270 connatum 270 maculatum 271 PERFOLIATUM 270 PURPUREUM 271 salviaefolium 270 ternifolium . ......... 271 trifoliatum 271 verticillatum 271 virginicum 270 Euphorbe 272 EUPHORBIA COROLLATA 272 HYPERICIFOLIA 273 resinifera 274 tenella 274 Euphorbium 274 OFFICINARUM 274 polygonum 274 Euphragia alba 275 Euphraise 275 Euphrasia Candida 275 latifolia 275 OFFICINALIS 275 pratensis 275 pusilla 275 Euphrasy 275 EUPION 276 European (black) alder buckthorn . 488 elder 508 hellebore . .575 pond lily 423 snake-root 136 spindle tree 269 vervain 579 walnut 338 white water lily 425 Euryangium sumbul 543 Eustachya alba 363 purpurea 363 Evening primrose 427 Everlasting 299 Eve's cup 510 Exogonium purga 336 Expansion 40 Eye balm 320 Eye bright 275, 370 Faba calabrica 448 febrifuga 326 indica 326 physostigmatis 448 sancta ignatii 326 FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM . . . . 276 Fairy fingers 249 Fairy's gloves 249 Fall crocus 237 Falsche Acacien 497 False acacia 497 alder 471 grape 100 gromwell 433 hellebore 576 ipecac 566 locust 497 senna 521 unicorn 316 valerian 519 veratrum 576 white cedar 560 Farberginster 293 Farine d'avoine 147 Feld-Kamille 198 Fellon wood 255 Female dogwood 234 Fenchelholzrinde 513 Fenouil d'eau .... 446 Fer rediiit par Phydrogene .... 282 Ferri acetas 277 acetatis 277 arsenias 278 bromidum 278 carbonas 279 chloridum 283 ET QUININE CITRAS 285 ET STRYCHNINE CITRAS . . . 286 iodidum saccharatum 280 lactas 281 perchloridum 283 phosphas, U. S. P., 1860 .... 284 sulphas 285 Ferric acetate 277 chlorid 283 chloride 283 phosphate 284 Ferrocyanide of potassium .... 347 Ferrocyankalium 347 Ferrocyanure de potassium . . . .347 Ferro-ferric oxid 281 Ferrosulfat 285 Ferrous arsenate 278 arsenjate 278 bromid 278 carbonate 279 iodid 280 lactate 281 sulfate 285 sulphate 285 FERRUM 282 ACETATE 277 ACETICUM 277 ARSENIATE 278 ARSENICICUM 278 BROMATUM 278 BROMID 278 CARBONATE 279 642 INDEX. FERRUM CARBONICUM 279 hydrogenio reductum 282 IODATUM 280 IOD1D 280 iodidum 280 LACTATE 281 LACTICUM 281 MAGNETIC 281 MAGNETICUM 281 METALLICUM 282 MURIATE 283 MURIAT1CUM 283 muriaticum oxydatum 283 PHOSPHATE 284 PHOSPHORICUM 284 redactum 282 reductum 282 sesquichloratum 283 SULFATE 285 SULPHURICUM 285 vitriolatum purum 285 Ferula asafcetida 134 narthex 134 persica 134 sumbul 543 Fetid buckeye 75 Feuerspinnchen 558 Feuilles de Bucco 150 de coca 265 Feve de calabar 448 de Saint Ignace 326 Tonka 562 Fever bush 471 cure 370 root 566 tree 267 twig 113 wort 270, 566 Ficus infernalis 337 Fieberklee 388 Field jessamine 292 sorrel 497 Figue de Barbaric 435 Figwort 514 FILIX MAS 287 Fillsa suavoliens 264 Fingerhut 249 Fire weed 260 wood 260 Fish mouth 199 Fit plant 403 root 403 Five fingers 116 leaves 100 Five-leaved water hemlock .... 446 Flachskraut 365 Flag lily 334 Flammula jovis 217 recta 217 Fleabane 261 Flechstorchschnabel-Wurzel .... 295 Fleischfarbige Schwalbenwurzel . 137 Flesh-colored asclepias 137 swallow-wort 137 Fleur de la Trinitd 584 detons les mois 177 Fleurs de soufre 541 de tilleul 561 Fliegenschwamm 78 Flores benzoes 55 sulphuris 54 1 virides ae'ris 24 1 , zin ci 593 Flos ommium mensium 177 Flowering spurge 272 Flowers of benzoin 55 of sulphur 541 Fluorspar 173 FLUORIC ACID 61 Fluorwasserstoffsaiire 61 Flux root 139 Fly agaric 78 Fly-trap 113,510 Foeniculum aquaticum 446 caballinum 446 Foetid hellebore 470 nightshade 323 Foie de soufre calcaire 317 Fole's foot 136 Fool's parsley 76 FORMIC ACID 59 Fougere male 287 Four-leaved grass 439 Fox glove 249 grape 439 FRAGARIA VESCA 287 Fragrant sumach 492 Fragulae 288 Fraisier vulgaire 288 Frangula caroliniana 487, 488 fragilis 487 vulgaris 488 Frankincense 432 FRASERA CAROLINENSIS 288 waited 288 Frauendistel 188 Fraxinelle 248 Frene e'pineux 587 Fresh water sponge 148 Friar's cap 71 Fringe tree 205 Frog lily 425 Frost-plant 216 Frost-weed 216 Frost-wort 216 Fucus vesiculeux 289 VESICULOSUS 289 Fuga dasmpnum 324 Fungus chirurgorum 162 lands 467 ovatus 162 Fussblattwurzel 465 INDEX. 643 Galbanum Galeopsidis maculata Galiopsis Galiote Galipea cusparia febrifuga officinalis Gallic acid Gallowgrass Gallussaiire Gamboge GAMBOGIA Ganja Gant de N6tre Dame Garantogen Garcinia hanburii morella, var. pedicellata .... Garden daisy heliotrope hemlock marigold nightshade 255, parsley patience radish sage sunflower Garget Garlic Garten Raute Garten-schierling Gartenrettig Gastein rock Gattilier commun Gauchheil Gaultheria humilis PROCUMBENS Gautiera repens procumbens Gebrannte Magnesia .... Gebrauchlicher Beinwell . . Gefalltes Schwefelantimon , Geflecter Aron Gelbe Seerose Wasserlilie Gelben Pastinake Gelber Enzain Gelbfrauenschuh-Wurzel . . Gelsemium lucidum . . . . nitidum SEMPERVIRENS Gelsemium luteum odoratum Gemeine Barenklau . . . . Erdbeere Kastanie Petersilie General pharmacy Gene*t des teinturiers . . . . GENISTA TINCTORIA . . . . Gensang 142 359 5'5 297 i5 105 i5 59 182 59 290 290 181 249 116 290 290 156 3i3 76 177 529 445 498 484 499 506 216 449 84 499 76 484 360 80 103 291 291 291 291 379 545 in 132 423 423 556 295 246 292 292 292 292 163 288 76 445 21 293 293 1 16 GENTIANA, CRUCIATA 294 LUTEA 295 lutetia 295 majoris 295 minoris 294 rubea 295 Gentiane croisette 294 jaune 295 Geranium 295 inodorum 296 MACULATUM 295 pusillum 295 ROBERTIANUM 296 Gerberstrauch 232 Gerbsaiire . . 69 German chamomile 198 Germandre'e maritime 555 Geum agrimonides 297 album 297 canadense 297 carolinianum 297 URBANUM 297 Gialappa 336 Gichtrose 437, 491 Gift Jasmin 292 Sumach 494 Gifthahnenfuss 483 Giftige Rebendolde 426 Giftiger Aron 170 Giftlattich 357 Giftlattichsaft 358 Gillon 585 Ginfer 595 Gingembre 595 Ginger 595 Gingiber albus 595 niger 595 Ginseng 116 Gipsey weed 376 wort 376 Glacial acetic acid 54 Glaieul bleu 334 Glandulae lupuli 373 Glaseri 353 Glatte Chelone 199 Glauber's Salt 420 Glaubersalz 420 Globe flower 196 Globules, medicated 48 Glonoin 298 Glonoine 298 GLONOINUM 298 Glouteron 360 Glycerin 31 tests of 31 Gnadenkraut 303 Gnaphalium conoideum 299 obtusifolium 299 POLYCEPHALUM 299 ULIGINOSUM 300 Gold 145 644 INDEX. Gold leaf 145 Goldchlorid 145 Golden alexander 556 flowered rhododendron . . . .491 rod 530 seal 320 senecio 519 Goldgelb 128 Goldruthe 530 Gomme ammoniaque 92 Gomme-gutte 290 Gomme-re'sine d'euphorbe 274 Gonolobus cundurango 240 tetragonus 240 Gorgonia nobilis 231 Goslin weed 476 Gossypium album 301 HERBACEUM 300 nigrum 301 Gotterbaum 81 Gouet a trois feuilles 133 Govet a dragon 131 Graine de zedoaria 212 Grana tiglii 239 GRANATUM 301 Granatum-Baum 301 Grand boncage 453 plantain 457 soleil 312 Grande cigue 228 gentiane 295 joubarbe 518 Graphite 302 GRAPHITES 302 GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS ...... 303 Gratiole 303 Graue ambra 91 Gravel laurel 258 plant 258 root 271 weed 258, 433 Great blue lobelia 371 flowering dogwood 233 lobelia 371 stinging nettle 568 wild valerian 573 yellow gentian 295 Greater plantain 457 Green dragon 131 hellebore 576 iodide of mercury 392 osier 232 veratrum 576 Greenockite 167 Greenweed 293 Greenwood 293 Grenadier 301 Grenouillette d'eau 483 Grinde'lia 304 latifolia 304 ROBUSTA 304 GRINDELIA SQUARROSA 304 Grindelienkraut 304 Grossbliithige Kernel 233 Grosse Brennessel 568 Grosser Wegerick 457 Ground hemlock 553 holly 201, 291 laurel 258 leaf 201 lemons 465 raspberry 320 Gruner Germer 576 Griinspau 241 GUACO 305 Guaiac 306 GUAIACUM OFFICINALE 306 Guajakholz 306 Guao 227 Guarana 442 bread 442 Guaranine 168 Guaratimbo 442 GUAREA TRICHILOIDES 307 Guelder rose 581 Gui de Chene 585 Guilandina dioica 308 Guinea pepper 184 pods 184 Gum ammoniac 92 benjamin 157 euphorbium 274 olibanum 432 plant 34, 545 Gummi cambogia 290 gutti 290 victoria 290 Gummigutt 290 Gunjah-Bhang 181 Gutta gamba 290 Gutte 290 Gutti 290 GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS . . . 308 Gypsum 176 Haberdistel 216 Haematoxyli lignum 309 spinosum 309 H^EMATOXYLON CAMPECHIANUM . 309 Hafermehl 147 Hahnenfuss 481 Hahnemann's acetate of lime . . . 170 Anflosliches Quecksilber . . . 395 causticum 193 soluble mercury 395 Hairy yam 250 H albert-leaved vervain 578 Hamamelis 310 Hamame'lis 310 Hamamelis androgyna 310 corylifolia 310 INDEX. 645 Hamamelis dioica macrophylla VIRGIXICA Hanf Hard-hack Hardhack Hare burr Hare's beard Hartheu Hartshorn plant Hartsthorn Hashish Hauswurz Hazelkraut Hazelwort Hazelwurz Heal-all 225,515, Healing herb Heart-root Heart's ease Hebradendron gambogioides . . . HECLA LAVA HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES Hedera quinquefolia Hedge hyssop Hedysarum desmodium ILDEFONSIANUM Helenenwurzel Helianthe Helianthemum canadense corymbosum ramuliflorum rosmarifolium HELIANTHUS ANNUUS Heliotrope HELIOTROPIUM PERUVIANUM . . . Helleborus albus FfETIDUS _ grandiflorus 315 NIGER 315 prascox 575 Helmet flower . . . : 71 Helmkraut 516 HELONIAS DIOICA 316 lutea 316 officinalis 500 pumila 316 viridis 576 Hemlock spruce 51 water drop 426 Hemp 182 Hen and chickens 156 Henbane 323 HEPAR SULFUR 317 SULFURIS CALCAREUM .... 317 Hepatic aloes 86 Hepatica americana 318 nobilis 318 TRILOBA 318 Heracleum auritum 163 dulce 163 3' 310 309 182 532 360 577 324 476 487 181 136 136 573 545 '35 584 290 99 303 3'2 312 33i 312 216 216 216 216 312 575 Heracleum lanatum 163 panacea 163 sphondylium 163 Herb Bennet 297 Christopher 73 Paris 439 Robert 296 Herb-Bennet 228 Herba cannabis Indicae 181 cardui benedicti 187 cyriaci 555 solis 324 trinitatis 584 umbelicalis 324 venti 475 Herbe a Robert 296 au charpentier 400 aux teigneux 568 d'erigeron 261 d'eupatoire perfolie'e 271 de hdpatique 318 de lobe'lie enfle"e 370 de pouliot ame"ricain 311 sardoa 483 sardonique 483 Herbstzeitlose 224 Heritiera gmelini 356 tinctoria 356 Heteromeris canadense 216 michauxii 216 Hickory nut 189 High cranberry 581 Hipecacuanha 332 brasiliensis 332 dysenterica 332 Hippocastanum vulgare 76 Hippomane mancinella 381 Hipwort 235 Hirschhorngeist 429 Hirtentasche 559 Historical introduction 7-12 Hogbean 323 Hogweed 91, 163 Holly-leaved barberry 158 Holly-rose 216 Holme's weed 515 Holy thistle 187 Holzkohle 186 Honblon 373 Honeybee in bee poison 113 bloom 113 Honig Biene in Hood-wort 515 Hooded snake 411 willow herb 516 Hop grains 373 tree 474 Hopfen 373 Hopfenbaum 474 Hopfenmehl . 373 646 INDEX. Hops . . . Hordeum causticum Horned rye Horse chestnut nettle radish tail weed Horse-balm Horse-gentian Horse-ginseng Horse-weed Horsefly weed House leek Huile animale de Dippel de cajeput de croton de foie de morue de ricin mineral Humulus lupulus Huntsman's cup HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS . . . Hydrargyri ammonio-chloridum . . bichloridum chloridum corrosivum . . . . chloridum mite cyanidum iodidum flavum iodidum rubrum iodium viride nitrico-oxidum oxidum rubrum perchloridum sub-chloridum sub-sulphidum sulphas sulphidum nigrum Hydrargyrii proto-ioduretum . . . Hydrargyrum . amidato-bichloratum ammoniato-muriaticum . . . . ammoniatum . bichloratum biiodatum borussicum chloratum dulce cyanatum muriaticum corrosivum . . . . muriaticum dulce nitricum oxydatum oxydulatum nitricum ammonia- tum oxydum nigrum Hahnemanni . praecipitatum album sulphuricum vivum . . . Hydrastia HYDRASTIN HYDRASTINUM . 373 500 Si? 75 528 221 259 26l 225 566 566 225 149 5 l8 429 43 239 444 373 510 3i8 394 39 39 392 39i 392 393 392 394 394 39 392 397 397 397 392 398 394 394 394 390 393 39i 392 39i 39 392 393 394 395 395 394 397 398 3i9 319 3'9 HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 320 Hydrate d'alumine 90 of calcium 172 of lime 172 of potassa 344 of potassium 344 of sodium 416 Hydrated-dibasic cupric carbonate . 242 Hydric cupric arsenite 242 magnesic phosphate 379 Hydro-disodic arseniate 414 phosphate 418 Hydrocarbonas zincicus 590 Hydrochloras morphicus 405 Hydrochlorate de pilocarpine . . .451 of apomorphia 115 of cocaine 219 of lime 175 of morphia 405 of morphine 405 of pilocarpine 45 1 of quinine 203 Hydrochloric acid 62 Hydrochloride of apomorphia . .115 Hydrocotyle 321 ASIATICA . 321 nummulariodes 321 pallida 321 Hydrocyanic acid 60 Hydrofluoric acid 61 Hydrogen arsenid 127 chlorid 62 fluorid 61 nitrate 63 oxalate 65 sulphate 68 HYDROPHYLLUM VIRGINICUM . . . 322 Hyoscyamin sulfate 324 Hyoscyaminae sulphas 324 Hyoscyamin-sulfat 324 HYOSCYAMINUM SULFATE .... 324 SULPHURICUM 324 Hyoscyamus agrestis 323 flavus 323 lethalis 323 NIGER 323 pallidus 323 peruviana 546 vulgaris 323 Hypericum officinale 324 PERFORATUM 324 pseudp perforatum 324 virginicum 324 vulgare 324 Hypermanganas kalicus 351 potassicus 351 Hyperoxymuriate of potassa . . . 345 Hypophosphis calcicus 174 kalicus 348 potassicus 348 sodicus 416 INDEX. 647 Hypophosphite de chaux 174 de potasse ..... 348 de soude 416 of lime 174 of potassium 348 of sodium 416 IBERIS AMARA 325 Ice plant 216,403 Ictodes foetidus 470 If commun 553 IGNATIA AMARA 326 Ignatiana philippinica 326 Ignazbohne 326 Ilex aquifolium 327 canadensis 327 laxiflora 327 mate 328 OPACA 327 PARAGUAYENSIS 328 paraguensis 328 quercifolia 327 verticillata 471 ILLICIUM ANISATUM 328 japonicum . 328 parviflorum 328 religiosum 329 yerum 329 Imbiri 181 Immerschon 299 Immortelle 299 Impure carbonate of lime 172 calcium sulfid 317 India rhubarb 490 Indian acalypha 53 apple 465 arrowwood 268 cannabis 181 caustic barley 500 cockle 219 dye 320 % 435 ginger 135 hemp 114, 181 lettuce 288 nettle 53 paint . . 320, 509 pennywort 321 P'pe 403 poke 576 posey 299 sage 271 shoe 246 shot 181 snake-root 135 tobacco 299, 370 tumeric 320 turnip 133 uncus 576 Indicum 329 INDIGO 329 broom 149 sauvage 149 weed 149 Indigofera 149 anil 329 argentea 329 glauca 329 indica 329 tinctoria 329 Indische Feige 435 Indischer Hanf 181 Indium 330 METALLICUM 330 Ine'e 539 Ingberzahne 595 Inky juice of the cuttle fish .... 522 Intybum erraticum 208 Intybus angustus 357 INULA HELENIUM 331 lodate de chaux 174 lode 332 lodid of iron 280 Iodide of ammonium 96 of antimony no of arsenic 127 of barium 153 of calcium 174 of lead 463 of mercury and potassium . . . 398 of potassium 349 of silver 1 19 of sulphur 542 of zinc 591 lodin 331 lodinium 332 IODIUM 331 lodum 332 lodure d'argent 119 d'ammonium 96 d'arsenic 127 de baryum 153 de fer 280 de plomb 463 de potassium 349 de soufre 542 de zinc 591 mercurique 393 loduretum arseniosum . .' . . . .127 hydrargyricum 393 hydrargyrosum 392 kalicum 349 plumbicum 463 potassicum 349 sulfuris 542 zincicum 591 Ipecac 332 milk 113 IPECACUANHA 332 Ipecacuanha 465 648 INDEX. Ipecacuanha 332 Ipecacuanha fusca 332 officinalis 332 Ipomcea bona-nox 229 jalapa 336 purga 336 schiedeana 336 Iridium 333 METALLICUM 333 IRIS VERSICOLOR 334 Irish cabbage 470 Iron and quinin citrate 285 and strychnin citrate 286 by hydrogen 282 reduced by hydrogen 282 Isis nobilis 231 Isolactic 62 Itch weed 470, 576,577 Iva monophylla 91 Ivraie 372 Ivy 354 Jaborandi 452 JACARAXDA CAROBA 335 Jacea 584 Jack-in-the-pulpit 133 Jagged leaved silphium 524 Jalap 336 root 336 JALAPA 336 Jalapenknollen 336 Jallape 336 Jamaica dogwood 456 ginger 595 guiacum 306 Jambol seeds 545 Jamestown weed 537 Jasmin sauvage 292 Jasminum arabicum 223 luteum odoratum 292 Jatamansi 543 JATROPHA CURCAS 337 Jersey tea 291 Jerusalem oak 200 Jesuit's tea 328 Jimpson weed 537 Jd -. 332 Jodammomum 96 Jodbarium 153 Jodblei 463 Jodeisen 280 Jodium 332 Jodkalium 349 Jodsaurer Kalk 174 Jodschwefel 542 Jodzink 591 Joe-pye 271 weed 271 Johanneskraut 273 Johanniskraut v . 324 John's wort 324 Jonc commune 339 Juglans alba 189 cathartica 337 CINEREA 337 compressa 189 oblongata 337 REGIA 338 squamosa 189 Juncus communis 339 EFFUSUS 339 lavis 339 Juniperus foetida 502 lycia 502 prostrata 502 sabina 502 VIRGINIANA 340 Jusquiame 323 Jusquiami 323 Kaffee 223 Kaffein 168 Kalabarbohne 448 KALI ACETATE 341 ACETICUM 341 alaun 89 ARSENICOSUM 342 arseniosum 342 ARSENITE 342 BICHROMATE 342 BICHROMICUM 342 BROMATUM 343 BROMID 343 CARBONATE 344 CARBONICUM 344 CAUSTIC 344 CAUSTICUM 344 causticum fusum 344 CHLORATE 345 CHLORICUM 345 CHROMATE 346 CHROMICUM 346 chromicum rubrum 342 CYANATUM 346 CYANID 346 cyanuretum . 347 FERROCYANTUM 347 FERROCYANID 347 ferrocyanuretum 347 hydricum fusum 344 hydroiodicum 349 hypermanganicum crystallisa- tum 351 HYPOPHOSPHITE 348 HYPOPHOSPHOROSUM 348 IODATUM 348 IODID 348 MURIATE 349 MURIATICUM 349 muriaticum oxygenatum . . . 345 INDEX. 649 KALI NITRATE 350 NITRICUM 350 OXALATE 350 OXAL1CUM 350 oxymuriaticum 345 PERMANGANATE 351 PERMANGANICUM 351 PHOSPHATE 352 PHOSPHORICUM 352 PICRATE 352 PICRICUM 352 purum 344 SULFATE 353 SULPHURICUM . . . 353 TARTRATE 353 TARTARICUM 353 Kalium borussicum 347 bromatum 343 carbonicum e tartaro 344 carbonicum purum 344 chloricum 345 chloridum 349 cyanatum 347 dichromicum 342 hypophosphorosum 348 jodatum 349 nitricum 350 permanganicum 351 phosphoricum 352 sulfuricum 353 tartaricum 354 Kalium-Hydrat 344 Kaliumacetat 341 Kaliumbromid 343 Kali urn carbonat 344 Kaliumchlorat 345 Kaliumchlorid 349 Kaliumcyanid 347 Kaliumdichromat 342 Kaliumhypophosphit 348 Kaliumnitrat 350 Kaliumpermanganat 351 Kaliumsulfat 353 Kaliumtartrat 354 Kalkhydrat 172 KALMIA LATIFOLIA 354 Kalmie 354 Kampher 179 Kandal 92 Kanthariden 183 Karva 455 Kastanie 190 Katzenbaldrian 573 Katzenkraut 555 Kava kava 455 Kellerhalls 399 Kelp ware 289 Kentucky coffee tree 308 mahogany 308 Kesaree 361 Keusch-lamm 80 Khus khus 104 Kidney liver-leaf 318 Kidney-leaved asarabacca 135 Kidneywort 235 King's clover 385 cure 201 yellow 128 Kinnikinnik 234 Kino 355 AUSTRALIENSIS 355 de 1'Inde 355 Kirsch-Lorbeer 362 Kiwach 252 Klapperschlangenwurz 520 Klines Sinngriin 583 Klette 360 Knob-root 225 Knoblauch 84 Knob's grass 225 Knockenkohle 185 Knollige Schwalbenwurzel . . . .139 Knopfbusch 196 Knot weed 466 Knot-root 225 Knotty-rooted figwort 515 Kochsalz 417 Kodein 222 Koffein 168 Kohlensaurer Braunstein 382 Kupfa 242 Strontian 538 Kohlensaures Ammonium 95 Barium 152 Eisen 279 Kali 344 Lithion 369 Natron 415 Zinkoxyd 590 Kokkelskorner 219 Koloquinten 226 Konigin der Nacht 166 Konigskerze 577 Koopameni 53 Krahenaugen 424 Krameria triandra 485 Kratzbohnen 2.52 Krauser Ampfer 498 Krebswurz 258 Kreosot 236 Kreosote 236 Kreosotum 236 Kreutz Spinne 118 Kreuzdorn 487 Kreuze Enzain 294 Kreuzpflanze 519 Kubeben 239 Kiichenschelle 475 Kuhblume 179 Kupfer 243 Kupferacetat 241 Kupfervitriol 244 650 INDEX. La Leontice La paquerette La toque LACHESIS LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA Lactas ferrosus Lactate de fer of iron . Lactic acid Lactuca fretida pratense sinnata VIROSA LACTUCARIUM Lady's love slipper Laitue blanc vireuse Lambkill LAMIUM ALBUM foliosum laevigatum maculatum , vulgatum Lana gossypii Lanaria Lance-headed viper (?) LAPIS ALBUS causticus chirurgorum . . . . Larch agaric ... boletos Larchenschwamm Large evening primrose ...... flowering cornel flowering spurge North American rattlesnake . . spotted spurge yellow lady's slipper Large-flowered skull cap LAPPA MAJOR minor officinalis tomentosa Lastrea filix mas LATHYKUS SATIVUS Laudanum Laurel 354 magnolia Laureola Laure"ole de Chine gentile Laurier rose Laurier-cerise LAUROCERASUS Laurus cassia cinnamomum sassafras Lausesamen Le chardon Le ciste Canade Le muscadier . . . 192 . 156 .516 356 356 . 281 281 281 . 62 357 55 357 357 358 129 246 410 357 354 359 359 359 359 359 3oi 577 356 . 360 344 467 467 467 427 233 272 238 2 73 246 5i5 360 360 360 360 287 361 434 ,380 380 399 247 399 428 362 362 2'5 215 513 534 216 216 423 Le tamier 547 Lead 464 Leather charcoal 185 wood 251 Lebensbaum 560 Leberthran 431 Lechea major 216 Ledum decumbens 363 floribus bullatis 354 PALUSTRE 363 silesiacum 363 Leinkraut 365 Lemon walnut 337 yellow 463 Leontice 192 thalictroides 192 Leontodon officinalis 550 taraxacum 550 vulgare 550 Leontodontis 550 Leontopetalon thalictroides . . . .192 Leopard's bane 124 Leptandra purpurea 363 VIRGINICA 363 Leptandra-Wurzel 364 Lesser hemlock 76 periwinkle 583 spearwort 482 Lettuce opium 358 Leucanthemum 198 Leucosinapis alba 525 Lepidium iberis 325 Lichen pulmonarius 535 Liebesapfel 374 Life root 519 Life-everlasting 300 Light magnesia 379 Lignum campechianum 309 campescanum 309 coeruleum 309 guajaci 306 indicum 306 sanctum 306 vitas 306 Lilium canvallium 229 TIGRINUM 365 Lily of the valley 229 Lime tree 561 LiNARIA VULGARIS 365 Linaire commune 365 Lindenbliithen 561 LlNUM CATHARTICUM 366 Lion's foot 410 Liquid attenuations 39 Liquor ammonii acetatis 93 ammonii caustici 95 Lisianthus sempervirens 292 List of authors consulted 14 of medicines and pronunciation 607 Lithiae carbonas 369 Lithic carbonate 369 INDEX. 65 1 Lithii benzoas 367 bromidum 368 carbonas 369 LITHIUM BENZOATE 367 BENZOICUM 367 BROMATUM 368 BROMID 368 CARBONATE 368 CARBONICUM 368 Lithiumbenzoat 367 Lithiumbromid 368 Lithiumcarbonat 369 Lithospermum virginianum .... 433 Live forever 300 Liver lily 334 Liver of sulphur 317 Liver-leaf 318 Liverwort 318 Lobadium aromaticum 492 Lobaria pulmonaria 535 Lobelia 370 CARDINALIS 369 coccinea 369 ccerulea (?) 371 glandulosa 371 INFLATA 370 reflexa 371 SYPHILITICA 371 Lobelienkraut 370 Locust 496 Loewenblatt 192 Logwood 309 Lolch 372 Lolium arvense 372 robustum 372 TEMULENTUM 372 Long taper 577 Long-leaved cowbane 210 water hemlock 210 water parsnip 210 Lorbeerblatteriger Spitzenbast - . 247 Lords and ladies 132 Louse seeds 534 Love apple 374 Lovely thistle 187 Low cudweed 300 Lowenzahn 550 Luinquina 213 Lungenkraut 535 Lungmoss 535 Lungwort 535 Lupulin 373 Lupuline 373 LUPULIXUM 373 LUPULUS 373 Lychnis githago 81 Lycope de Virginie 376 Lycoperdon areolatum 162 bovista 162 caelatum 162 gemmatum 162 Lycoperdon globosum 162 Lycopersicum ceresiforme .... 374 ESCULENTUM 374 LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 375 inflexum 375 Lycopus macrophyllus 376 pumilus 376 uniflorus 376 VIRGINICUS 376 Lycosa tarantula 551 Lytta vesicatoria 183 Maceration 37 Macropiper methysticum 455 Macrotys actaeoides 211 racemosa 211 serpentaria 211 Mad weed 516 Mad-dog skull cap 515 weed 516 Madagascar poison nut 549 Magician's rod 310 Magnesia 379 calcinata 379 CARBONICA 377 hydrico-carbonica 377 levis 379 MURIATICA 378 OXYDATA 379 PHOSPHORICA 379 SULPHURICA 380 usta 379 Magnesiae carbonas 377 sulphas 380 Magnesic carbonate 377 chloride 378 sulphate 380 Magnetic blanche 377 calcine'e 379 Magnesii carbonas 377 chloridum 378 phosphas 379 sulphas 380 MAGNESIUM CARBONATE 377 carbonicum 377 chlorid 378 MURIATE 378 SULFATE 380 PHOSPHATE 379 sulfuricum 380 Magnesiumkarbonat 377 Magnesiumsulfat 380 Magnolia 380 fragrans 380 GLAUCA 380 longifolia 380 virginiana var. glauca 380 Magnolier glauque 380 Magney 79 Maiblumen 229 f (\ I I I ( , I 6 5 2 INDEX. Maisbrand 571 Maize smut 571 Mala aurea 374 lycopersica 374 Malabar plum tree 267 Male fern 287 Virginian dogwood 233 Mancenillier ve'ne'neux 381 Manchineel 381 Manchioneal 381 MANCINELLA 381 venenata 381 Mancona bark 264 Mancona-Rinde 264 Mandeln 100 Mandrake 465 Manganese chlorid 383 dioxid 384 peroxid 384 Manganesii acetas 382 carbonas 382 oxidum nigrum 384 Mangani chloridum 383 carbonas 382 dioxidum 384 oxidum nigrum 384 Manganous acetate 382 carbonate 382 chlorid 383 oxid 383 MANGANUM ACETATE 382 ACETICUM 382 CARBONATE 382 CARBONICUM 382 hyperoxydatum 384 OXID 383 OXYDATUM NIGRUM 383 MURIATE 383 MURIATICUM 383 Mannliches Farrenkraut 287 Manschinapfel 381 Mapato 485 Mare's tail 261 Marigold 177 Mariorana syriaca 555 Marking nut 102 Maronenbaum 190 Marron 190 Marronier d'Inde 76 Marsh cistus 363 crowfoot 483 ledum 363 marigold 179 tea 363 trefoil 387 turnip 133 Marsh-mallow 88 Marum syriacum 555 verum 555 Marzveilchen 583 Maslieben 156 Masterwort 163 Mate" 328 Matricaria chamomilla 198 suaveolens 198 May apple 465 flower 258, 476 lily 229 Maypop 440 Meadow anemone 475 bloom 480 cabbage 470 crowfoot 480 parsnip 556 poke 576 saffron 223 sweet 532 Mealy starwort 82 Mechoacanna nigra 336 Meconium 434 Medicated cones 48 globules 48 powders 47 Medications 47 Medicinal strength, unit of .... 23 Medicines, list of 607 pronunciation of 607 Meerrettig 221 Meerzwiebel 514 Mehlige Aletris 82 Melampodium 315 Melanosinapis communis 526 Melanthium densum 316 dioicum 316 sabadilla 500 Melarhiza inuloides 586 Melilot 385 Mdlilot 385 Melilotenklee 385 MELILOTUS ALBA 384 leucantha 384 OFFICINALIS 385 officinalis var. alba 384 vulgaris 384 Melissa pulegioides 311 Meloe vesicatorius 183 Menisperme du Canada 386 Menispermum angulatum ..... 386 CANADENSE 386 cocculus 219 heteroclitum 219 monadelphum 219 smilacinum 386 Menstrua 27 Mentha hircina 387 officinalis 387 PIPERITA 387 viridi aquatica 387 Menthe poivre'e 387 Menyantnes trifoliata 387 Mercur-ammonium chlorid .... 394 Mercure 393 INDEX. 653 Mercure pre'cipite' blanc 394 soluble de Hahnemann .... 395 Mercuriale vivace 388 Mercurialis montane 388 PERENNIS 388 Mercuric chlorid 390 cyanid 391 iodid. . 393 nitrate 393 oxid 394 potassic iodide 398 sulfate 397 Mercuric-ammonic chloride .... 394 Mercurii cyanuretum 391 iodidum 392 MERCURIUS 398 ACETATE 389 acetatus 389 ACETICUS 389 biniodatus 393 BINIODID 393 borussicus 391 CORROSIVUS 390 corrosivus ruber 394 CYANATUS 391 CYANID 391 DULCIS 391 ET KALI IODATUS 398 ET KALI IODID 398 iodatus cum kali iodato .... 398 IODATUS FLAVUS 392 IODATUS RUBER 393 NITRATE 393 N1TRICUS 393 PR.ECIPITATUS ALBUS .... 394 PRjECIPITATUS RUBER .... 394 PROTOIDID 392 SOLUBILIS 395 SOLUBILIS HAHNEMANNI . . . 395 SUBLIMATUS CORROSIVUS . . 390 SULFID (black) 397 SULFATE 397 SULPHURATUS NIGER 397 SULPHURICUS 397 vitriolatus 397 vivus 398 Mercurous acetate 389 chlorid 391 iodid 392 Mercury 398 oxide black Hahnemann . . . 395 sub-sulfid 397 vine 494 Metadioxybenzol 486 Metallic aluminum 90 arsenic 128 cobalt 218 copper 243 gold 145 lead 464 nickel 422 Metallic platinum 458 silver 1 19 tin 533 zinc 592 Methyl morphine 222 Metric system 598 Mezereon 399 MEZEREUM 399 germanicum 399 officinarum 399 Mikania guaco 305 Milchsaiire 62 Mild mercurous chloride 392 Milfoil . . . . 400 Milk parsley 273 purslain 272 thistle 188 Milk-sugar 30 tests of 30 Milkweed 113,138,272 MlLLEFOLIUM 400 Millepertuis 324 Mimosa 401 HUMILIS 401 Mistel 585 Mistletoe 585 MlTCHELLA REPENS 401 Mocassin root 246 Mocha aloes 86 Moka aloes 86 Molene 577 MOMORDICA BALSAMIXA 402 elaterium 257 Monkshood 71, 550 Monobromated camphor 180 Monobromkampfer 180 Monotropa morisoniana 403 UNIFLORA 403 Moonseed 386 Moor-grass 253 Moorkanda 53 Moose wood 251 Morella a grappes 449 Morelle noire 529 Morning glory 229 Morphia 404 muriatica 405 Morphiae acetas 405 nydrochloras 405 murias 405 sulphas 406 Morphin 404 acetate 405 hydrochlorid 405 sulfate 405 Morphina 404 Morphinacetat 405 Morphinae acetas 405 nydrochloras 405 sulphas 406 Morphine 404 654 INDEX. Morphinhydrochlorat 405 Morphinsulfat 406 MORPHINUM 404 ACETATE 405 ACETICUM 405 hydrochloricum 405 MURIATE 405 MURIATICUM 405 SULPHURICUM 406 MORPHIUM 404 aceticum 405 SULFATE 406 MOSCHUS 406 orientals 406 tibetanus 406 tunquinensis 406 Mountain arnica 124 balm 262 box 572 grape 158 laurel 354 parsley 142 pink 258 tea 291 tobacco 124 Mouron rouge 103 Mouse ear 300 Moutarde blanche 525 noire 526 Mucana pruriens 252 prurita 252 Mudar 178 Mudarwurzelrinde 178 Mugwort 130 leaved 91 Mullein 577 Muquet 229 Murex 407 brandaris 407 PURPUREA 407 Murias morphicus 405 Muriate of apomorphia 115 of gold 145 of lime 175 of magnesia 378 of morphia 405 of quinine 203 Murich 456 Muse 406 Muscae Hispanicas 183 Muscus clavatus 375 pulmonaria 535 squamosus vulgaris 375 terrestris repens 375 ursinus 375 Musk 406 root 543 Musk-quash root 556 Muskatnuss 423 Musquash root 209 Mutterkorn 517 MYGALE LASIODORA 408 MYRICA CERIFERA 408 Myristica aromatica 423 fragrans 423 moschata 423 officinalis 423 Myrospermum pereirae ...... 148 peruiferum 148 Myroxylon pereirae 148 peruiferum 148 Myrtle 409 bayberry tree 408 MYRTUS COMMUNIS 409 jambos 267 Nabalus albus var. serpentaria . .410 SERPENTARIA 410 Nabelkraut 235 Nachtkerze 427 Naja 411 TRIPUDIANS 411 Naked lady 224 Nanny bush 581,582 root 582 Napellum coeruleum 71 Napthalen 412 Napthalene 412 Napthaljbne 412 Napthalin 412 NAPTHALINUM 412 Narceia 413 Narcein 413 Narceine 413 NARCEINUM 413 Narcotia 413 Narcotin 413 Narcotina 413 Narcotine 413 NARCOTINUM 413 Nard Americain 117 Nardostachys jatamansi 543 Nardum rusticanum 136 Nardus celtica altera 124 Narkotin 413 Noah's ark 246 Noble pine 201 Narrow dock 498 Narrow-leaved eugenia 267 Narthex asafcetida 134 Nasturtium amphibium 221 armoracia 221 Natri arsenias 414 hypophosphis 416 Natrium arsenicicum 414 biboricum 161 bromatum 415 carbonicum 415 chloratum 417 hydricum 416 INDEX. 655 Natrium hypophosphorosum . . .416 nitricum 418 phosphoricum 418 Pyrooorat 161 salicylicum 419 sulphuricum 420 sulphurosum 421 Natriumarsenat 414 Natriumcarbonat 415 Natriumgpldchlorid 146 Natriumnitrat 418 Natriumphosphat 418 Natriumsalicylat 419 Natriumsulfit 421 Natron 416 NATRUM ARSENIATE 414 ARSENICICUM 414 biboracicum 161 boracicum 161 BROMATUM 414 BROMID 414 CARBONATE 415 CARBONICUM 415 CAUSTIC 416 CAUSTICUM 416 HYPOPHOSPHITE 416 HYPOPHOSPHOROSUM 416 MURIATE 417 MURIATICUM 417 NITRATE 418 NITRICUM 418 PHOSPHATE 418 PHOSPHORICUM 418 SALICYLATE 419 SALICYLICUM 419 SULFATE 420 SULFITE 421 SULFO-CARBOLATE 419 SULPHO-CARBOLICUM 419 SULPHURICUM 420 SULPHUROSUM 421 Navelwort 235 Nenuphar luteum 423 Nephrodium filix mas 287 Nerium album 428 oleander 428 splendens 428 variegatum 428 Nerprun 487 Nerve root 246 Nervine 246 Nesselkraut 569 Neutrales weinsaures Kali .... 354 New England boxwood 233 New Jersey tea 194 Niccoli carbonas 421 sulphas 422 NICCOLUM 422 CARBONATE 421 CARBONICUM . 421 METALLICUM 422 NICCOLUM SULFATE 422 SULPHURICUM 422 Nickel 422 carbonate 421 sulfate 422 Nickelkarbonat 421 Nickelsulfat 422 Nicotiana auriculata 546 macrophylla 546 tabacum 546 Night-blooming cereus 166 Nightshade 255 Ninsin 1 16 Nipple nightshade 529 Niter 350 Nitras kalicus 350 potassicus 350 sodicus 418 Nitrate de Chili 418 de potasse 350 de soude 418 of ammonium 97 of mercury 393 of pilocarpine 451 of potash 350 of potassium 350 of silver 120 of sodium 418 of strychnine 540 of uranium 573 Nitre prismatique 350 Nitric acid 63 Nitrite of amyl 101 Nitro benzine 156 benzol 156 Nitre-glycerin 298 Nitre-hydrochloric acid 64 Nitrobenzolum . 156 Nitrophenisic acid 66 Nitrum cubicum 418 depuratum 350 flammans 97 Nodding trillium 565 Noix commune 338 vomiques 424 Nopal-Schildlaus 220 Normal mercuric sulphate 397 potassic chromate 346 Northern prickly ash 587 Norway pine 453 Nose-bleed 400 Notch-leaved alder 85 Nubian senna 521 Nuces aromaticae 423 nucistal 423 Nuclei myristicae 423 Nuphar jaune 423 LUTEUM 423 Nutmeg 423 Nuxcathartica americana 337 juglans 338 656 INDEX. NUX MOSCHATA 423 myristica 423 VOMICA 424 votnica officinarum 424 Nymphaea lutea 423 ODORATA 425 Oaklungs 535 Oat 147 Obier 581 Ocimastrum 515 CEnanthe apiifolia 426 CROCATA 426 phellandrium 446 safrande 426 sarmentosa 446 (ENOTHERA BIENNIS 427 gauroides 427 parviflora 427 Officinal alcohol 28 chamomile 107 Ognon marin 514 Ohio buckeye 75 curcuma 320 Oignon 83 Oil beetle 183 t 337 of cajuput 430 of sandal wood 432 of santal 432 of turpentine 554 of vitriol 68 Old field balsam 300 man 129 Oldman's beard 205 OLEANDER 428 Oleo-re'sine de copahu 230 OLEUM ANIMALE 429 animale aetherum 429 animale Dippelii 429 CAJUPUTI 430 cornu cervi 429 crotonis 239 hepatis morrhuae 431 jecoris aselli 431 melaleuca cajuputi 430 . MORRHUAE 430 Palmae Christi 431 petrae album 444 RICINI 431 SANTALI 432 santali flavi 432 santalum album 432 terebinthinae 554 terrae 444 OLIBANUM 432 Onage 539 Onagra biennis 427 vulgaris 427 Onagre 427 Onaye 539 One berry 401,439 Onion 83 Onosmodium hispidum 433 VIRGINIANUM 433 Onosuris acuminata 427 Ooshak 92 Ophiostachys virginica 316 Opian 413 OPIUM 434 crudum 434 thebaicum 434 Opuntia humifusa 435 intermedia 435 italica 435 maritima 435 tuna 196 VULGARIS 435 Or 145 blanc 458 Orange apocynum 139 root 320 spider 558 swallow root 139 Orchidocarpium arietinum . . . .140 Ordeal bark tree 264 bean 448 doom-bark 264 Oregon grape root 158 Oreoselinum 142 Oriental berries 219 Orme a trois feuilles 474 Ormenis nobilis 107 Ornithogalum maritimum 513 scilla 513 Orobanche de Virginie 258 vinginiana 258 Oronge fausse 78 Orpiment 128 Ortho-oxybenzoic acid 67 Ortho-phosphate of silver 121 Orthophosphoric acid 66 Orthosporum anthelminticum . . . 200 Ortie brulante 568 grieche 569 morte 359 Osmium 436 METALLICUM 436 Ostrea edulis 172 Our Lady thistle 188 Ourary 244 Ova ova 403 Ox-balm 225 Oxalas cericus 197 Oxalate de cerium 197 de potasse 35.1 of cerium 197 of lime 175 of potassium 35 1 Oxalic acid 65 Oxalsaure 65 INDEX. 657 Oxalsaures Cexxydul 197 Oxide of antimony no o bismuth 160 of silicon 522 of silver 121 of zinc 593 Oxidum argenticum 121 manganicum 384 Oxycantha 159 Oxyde d'antimoine no d'argent 121 de bismuth 160 de manganese 384 de zinc 593 OXYDENDRUM ARBOREUM .... 436 Oxydum antimonicum no bismuthicum 160 hydrargyricum 394 potassicum . 344 zincicum 593 Oxypropionic acid 62 Oyster shells 172 Padus avium 472 laurocerasus 362 vulgaris 472 Paederota virginica 363 PvEONIA OFFICINALIS 437 Pain de pourceau 245 Pali-mara 87 PALLADIUM 438 Palma Christi 496 Palmated larkspur 534 Palus sanctus 306 Panacea lapsorum 124 Panax americanum 116 ginseng 116 quinquefolium 1 16 Pancratium verum 513 Pansy 584 Papal-cross spider 118 Papava hortense 434 officinale 434 sativum 434 setigerum 434 somniferum 434 sylvestre 434 Papaver corniculatum 199 Pappoose root 192 Paraguay tea 328 Parapetalifera odorata 150 serrata 151 Pareira 438 BRAVA 438 Pareirae radix 438 Parisette 439 PARIS QUADRIFOLIA 439 Parsley 445 Parsnip 441 Partridge berry 291,401 Pasaqueria longiflora 326 Pasque flower 475, 476 PASSIFLORA INCARNATA 440 Passion flower 440 PASTINACA SATIVA 441 Pastinacae vulgaris 163 Patience frise*e 498 Paul's betony 376 Paullinia cupana 442 PINNATA 442 SORBILIS 442 timbo 442 Pauson 509 Pavia glabra 75 pillida 75 watsoniana 75 Pawpaw 140 Peachwood 309 Pearly everlasting 300 Pecan 465 Pecatacalleloe 449 Pe*diveau ve"ne"neux 170 Pedunculis racemosis 159 Pellitory 587 Pennsylvania sumach 493 Pennyroyal 311 Pennywort 235 Pensee sauvage 584 PENTHORUM SEDOIDES 443 Pentstemon auctus 199 Peony 437 Pepper turnip 133 wood 587 Peppermint 387 Perchloride of iron 283 of mercury 390 Perchlorure de fer 283 de platine 459 Percolation 37 Periwinkle 583 Permanganate de potasse 351 of potash 351 of potassium 351 Peroxide of mercury 394 Peroxyde rouge de mercure .... 394 Persil 445 sauvage 142 Persulfate de mercure 397 Persulphate of mercury 397 Perubalsam 148 Peruvian bark 213 Pervenche 583 Pes leoninus 375 ursinus 375 Pestilence 568 Pestilent wort 568 Pestilenzwurz 568 Petasites 568 Petasitides vulgaris 568 Petite ortie 569 valeViane 573 658 INDEX. Pe'trole 444 PETROLEUM . 444 benzin 156 ether 156 Petroleumbenzin '. ... 156 Petroselinum montanum 142 SATIVUM 445 Petty morrel 117 Peucedanum ammoniacum .... 92 oreoselinum 142 Pfefferminze . . 387 Phalaris zizanoides 104 Pharmacopeia committee, list of . . u Pharmacy, general 21 Pheasant's eye 74 PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM . . . 446 Phenic acid 56 alcohol 56 Phenol 56 Phenolsulphonate of sodium . . . 420 Phenyl salicylate 505 Phenylamin sulfate 107 Phenylamine 106 Phenylic acid 56 hydrate 56 Phenylicum crystallisatum .... 56 Phenylsalicylat 505 Phenylschwefelsaures Natron . . . 420 Phosphas ammonicus 98 calcicus praecipitatus 176 natricus 418 sodicus 418 Phosphate d'ammoniaque 98 de chaux hydrate* 176 de magne'sie 379 de potasse 352 de soude 418 of ammonium 98 of magnesium 379 of potassium 352 of soda 418 of sodium 418 Phosphide of zinc 593 Phosphor 446 Phosphore 446 Phosphoretum zincicum 593 Phosphoric acid 66 Phosphorsaiire 66 Phosphorsaures Ammoniak .... 98 Kali 352 Magnesia 379 Natron 418 PHOSPHORUS 446 RUBER 447 Phosphorzink 593 Phosphure de zinc 593 Phosphuret of zinc 593 Phu germanicum 573 parvum 573 Physic nut 337 PHYSOSTIGMA VENENOSUM .... 448 Physostigmin 266 Phytolacca americana 449 DECANDRA 449 vulgaris 449 Picrate d'ammoniaque 98 of ammonium 98 Picric acid 66 Picrotoxin 450 PlCROTOXINUM 450 Pied d'Leon 410 de veau 132 Pied-de-cornielle 295 Pigeon-berry 449 Pignon des Barbades 337 d'Inde 337 Pigmentum indicum 329 Pikrinsaiire 66 Pilocarpi foliola 452 Pilocarpin nitrate 451 hydrochlorid 45 1 Pilocarpinae hydrochloras 451 nitras 451 Pilocarpinhydrochlorid 45 1 Pilocarpinum hydrochloricum . . .451 MURIATE 451 MURIATICUM 451 NITRATE 451 NITRICUM 451 PlLOCARPUS 452 Pilot weed 524 Pimpinel 453 Pimpinell 453 Pimpinella alba 453 hircinae 453 nostratis 453 SAXIFRAGA 453 umbelliferae 453 Pine agaric 468 sap 403 Pink root 531 Pinus canadensis 51 excelsa 454 LAMBERTIANA 454 nigra 52 SYLVESTRIS 453 Pipe plant 403 Piper caudatum 239 cubeba 239 hispanicum 184 indicum vulgatissimum .... 184 METHYSTICUM 455 NIGRUM 456 triocum 456 turcicum 184 Pipperidge bush 159 Pipsissewa 201 PlSCIDIA ERYTHRINA 456 Piscidie 456 Pistachio nut 310 Pitcher plant 510 Pivoine 437 INDEX. 659 PLANTAGO MAJOR 457 Plantain 457 Platin 458 Platinchlorid 459 Platine 458 Platini chloridum 459 et natri chloridum 459 Platinic chloride 459 PLATINUM 458 ET NATRUM MURIATE .... 459 ET NATRUM MURIATICUM . . 459 hydrochlorid 458 METALLICUM 458 MURIATE 458 MURIATICUM 458 PLECTRANTHUS FRUCTICOSUS . . 460 Pleurisy root 139 Plomb 464 Plum-leaved viburnum 582 Plumbago 302 LITTORALIS 460 Plumbi acetas 461 carbonas 462 chrpmas 463 iodidum 463 Plumbic acetate 461 carbonate 462 chrpmate 463 iodid 463 iodide 463 PLUMBUM 464 ACETATE 461 ACETICUM 461 CARBONATE 462 CARBONICUM 462 CHROMATE 463 CHROMICUM 463 hydrico-carbonicum 462 IODATUM 463 IODID 463 METALLICUM 464 Pocan 449 Podalyria tinctoria 149 PODOPHYLLIN 464 Podophyllinum 464 Podophyllum 465 calhcarpum 465 montanum 465 PELTATUM 465 Podophyllumharz 464 Pois velus 252 Poison arum 170 ash 205,494,495 elder 495 hemlock 228 ivy 494 nut 424 oak 494' parsley 228 sumach 495 root 209 Poison tobacco 323 tree 495 wood . 495 Poisonous American arum . . . .170 cowbane 210 darnel 372 lettuce 357 pediveau 170 Poivre commun 456 d'Espagne 184 d'lnde 184 noir 456 Poke 449. 47 Polar weed 524 Polishing rush 259 Polycresta 142 Polygala de Virginie 520 senega 520 virginiana 520 Polygonum acre 466 fagopyrum 276 hydropiperoides 466 PUNCTATUM 466 viridiflorum 182 Polyporus laricis 467 OFFICINALIS 467 PINICOLA 468 Polecat collard 470 weed 470 Polypodium filix mas 287 Pool-root 270 Poma amoris .... 374 Pomegranate 301 Pomme d'amour 374 e*pineuse 537 Pond dogwood 196 Poor man's hour glass 103 man's water glass 103 man's weather glass 103 Poppy 434 Populage 179 POPULUS TREMULOIDES 469 Porcelia triloba 140 Porrum sativum 84 Potassa 344 caustica 344 Potassae acetas 341 bichromas 342 carbonae 344 chloras 345 hydras 344 nitras 350 permanganas 351 phosphas 352 prussias flava 347 sulphas 353 tartras 354 Potasse caustique 344 Potassic acetate . 341 bromide . . i 343 carbonate 344 66o INDEX. Potassic chlorate 345 chloride 349 cyanide 347 dichromate 342 ferrocyanide 347 hydrate 344 hypophosphite 348 iodide 349 nitrate 350 oxalate 351 permanganate 35 1 sulphate 353 tartrate 354 Potassii acetas 341 arsenis 342 arsenitis 342 bichromas 342 bromidum 343 carbonas 344 carbonas purus 344 chloras 345 chloridum 349 cyanidum 347 ferrocyanidum 347 hydras 344 hypophosphis 348 iodidum 349 nitras 350 oxalas 351 permanganas 351 phosphas 352 sulphas 353 tartras 354 Potassio-antimonic oxytartrate . . 552 Potassium acetate 341 alum 89 antimonyl tartrate 552 arsenite 342 bromid 343 carbonate 344 chlorate 345 chlorid 349 chromate 346 cyanid 346 dichromate 342 ferrocyanid 347 hydrate 344 hypophosphite 348 iodid 348 iodohydrargyrate 398 mercuric iodid 398 nitrate 350 oxalate 350 permanganate 351 phosphate 352 picrate 352 sulfate 353 tartrate 353 Prussiate jaune de potasse .... 347 POTHOS FCETIDUS 470 Poudre aux vers . 531 Powders, medicated 47 Prairie flower 476 Precipitated carbonate of zinc . . 590 gold 145 phosphate of calcium 176 Pre'cipite' rouge 394 Preface 3 Prele 259 Prenanthes serpens 410 Preparation of attenuations of solu- ble substances 41 of dilutions of soluble substances 41 of triturations 43 Preparations from drugs 34 Prescription writing, abbreviations used in 597 writing, signs used in 597 Prescriptions 48 Prickly ash 587 lettuce 357 pear 435 Pride weed 261 Prince's pine 201 Prinos 471 VERTICILLATUS 471 Pronunciation of medicines .... 607 Protocarbonate de fer 279 Protochlorure de mercure 392 Protoiodide of green mercury . . . 392 of yellow mercury 392 Protoidure de mercure 392 Prunus amygdalus 100 communis 472 instititia 472 laurocerasus 362 lusitanica 362 PADUS 471 racemosus 472 serotina (Ehrhart) 473 SPINOSA 472 VIRGINIANA 473 Prussic acid 60 Pseudacacia odorata 497 Pseudo-acanthus 163 Pseusmagennetus equatoriensis . . 240 Psorulea glandulosa 328 Psychotria ipecacuanha 332 Ptarmica montana 124 PTELEA TRIFOLIATA 474 viticifolia 474 Puccoon 509 Puff ball 162, 550 Puka puka 162 Puke root 370 Pulmonaria reticulata 535 Pulmonaire de Chene 535 PULSATILLA 475 nigricans 475 NUTTALLIANA 476 patens 476 pratensis 475 INDEX. 661 Pulsatilla vulgaris 475 Pulsatille 475 Pumacuchu 485 Punica granatum 301 Puppet root 576 Pure quinine 204 Purging agaric 467 oucktnorn 487 flax 366 nut 239, 337 Purginuss 337 Purified chloride of ammonium . . 96 Purple boneset 271 fish 407 foxglove 249 glove 249 spindel tree 268 willow 504 Purpurea patula 407 Purpurishe Weide 504 Purpurrother Wasserhanf 271 Purvian 578 Pyrola corymbosa 201 umbellata 201 Pyrole ombelle'e 201 Pyrolusite 384 Pyrotheca tinctoria 356 PVRUS AMERICANA 477 Hiaker buttons 424 hiaking aspen 469 )uartz 522 )UASSIA AMARA 478 )uassienholz 478 )ueckenwurzel 567 )uecksilber 398 hiecksilber-Chloridamidid .... 394 hiecksilberchlorid 390 )uecksilberchloriir 392 Hiecksilberjodid 393 )uecksilberjodiir 392 Queen of the meadow . . . .271,532 Queen's delight 536 root 536 Quercus marina 289 Quickens 566, 567 Quick grass 567 Quicksilver 398 Quillaia bark 479 SAPONARIA 479 Quillaja molinas 479 saponaria 479 smegmadermos 479 Quinia hydrochlorate 203 Quiuaria hederacea 99 hirsuta 100 Quinise hydrochloras 203 sulphas 204 Quinin 204 arsenate 202 Quinin arsenite 203 hydrochlorid 203 sulfate 204 Quinina 204 Quininae arsenias 202 arsenis 203 hydrochloras 203 sulphas 204 Quinine 204 Quinquino 148 Quitch 567 Quiver leaf 469 Racoon berry 465 Racine d'actee a grappes 211 d'asclepiade tubereuse .... 139 de guimauve 88 de leptandra 364 de pothos fe"tide 470 de Saint-Christophe 73 de sumbul 543 de veronique de Virginie . . . 364 Radis de cheval 221 Radish 484 Radix asari canadensis 135 Christopherianae 73 Ragweed 91 Ragwort 519 Rainfarn 548 Raisin d'ours 572 de renard 439 Ramsted 365 RANUNCULUS ACRIS 480 ;ilism;i-folius 482 ambigens 482 BULBOSUS 481 californicus 480 canus 480 clintonii 483 delphinifolius 480 dissectus 480 fascicularis 480 FLAMMULA 482 intermedius 483 lanuginosus 483 lingua 482 palustris 483 prostratus 483 REPENS 482 robini 482 SCLERATUS 483 tomentosus 483 tuberosus 481 Raphanus hortensis 484 nigrum 484 raphanistrum 484 rusticanus 221 SATIVUS 484 Rapuntium inflatum 370 syphiliticum 371 662 INDEX. RATANHIA 485 peruviana 485 Ratanhiawurzel 485 Rattle bush 149 Rattleroot 211 Rattlesnake 238 beans 195 master 263 milkwort 520 root 211,410,520 Rattleweed 211 Rave 484 Realger 129 Red alder 85 archangel . 376 berry 116, 572 cardinal plant 369 cedar 340 chicken-weed 103 chromate of potash 342 clover 563 coral 231 iodide of mercury 393 lobelia 369 osier ... 234 phosphorus 447 pine 453 precipitate .... 394 mercuric oxide 394 mustard 526 pepper 184 puccoon 509 rod 234 root ... 194,356,509 sulfuret of arsenic 129 willow 234, 504 wood 307, 356 Red-berried trailing arbutus .... 572 Red-root-bark tree 194 Red-rot : . 253 Redoue 232 Reducirtes eisen 282 Reference, select tables for .... 597 Regina prati 532 Reine des pre"s 532 Reisblei 302 Renoncule 481 acre 480 Resin of May apple 464 of podophyllum 464 Resina abietis nigrae 52 benzoe 157 podophylli 464 Resine de podophylle 464 Resorcin 486 Rdsorcine 486 Resorcinol 486 RESORCINUM 486 Rhabarbarum 490 Rhabarber 490 RHAMNUS CATHARTICUS 487 RHAMNUS FRANGULA 488 PURSHIANA 489 Rhatany 485 RHEUM 490 emodi 490 compactum 490 muscoviticum 490 officinale 490 palmatum 490 rhaponticum 490 russicum 490 undulatum 490 Rheumatism root 250 weed 201 RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHE- MUM 491 officinale 491 Rhubarb 490 Rhubarbe 490 RHUS AROMATICA 492 cacodendron 81 canadensis 492 carolinense 493 chinense 81 elegans 493 GLABRA 493 humile 494 hypsilodendron 81 pubescens 494 radicans 494 suaveolens 492 TOXICODENDRON ....... 494 VENENATA 495 vernicifera 495 vernix 495 verrucosa 494 virginicum 493 Ribgrass 457 Richweed 211,225 Ricini oleum 431 Ricinus africanus 496 americanus 337 COMMUNIS . 496 europaeus 496 inermis 496 laevis 496 lividus 496 majoris 337 viridis 496 Ricinusol 431 Ricinussamen 496 Riga pine 453 Ringelblume 177 River sponge 148 Robinia fragilis 497 PSEUDACACIA 496 Robinier 497 Rock crystal pure flint 522 oil 444 parsley 445 Rock-rose 216 INDEX. 66 3 Rock-weed 225 Roman chamomile 107 vitriol 244 wormwood 91 Romarin sauvage 363 Romische Kamille 107 Rope bark 251 Rorella rotundifolia 253 Roripa rusticana . . . .' 221 Ros-solis 253 Rosa benedicta 437 Rose apple 267 bay 428 de Sibe>ie 491 laurel 428 willow 234 Rose-colored passion flower .... 440 silkweed 137 Rose'e du soleil 253 Rosebay 491 Rosenlorbeer 428 Rosin weed 524 Rosmarinum sylvestre 363 Rothe Ceder 340 Koralle 231 Rother Pracipitat 394 Rothes Jodquecksilber 393 Quecksilberoxyd 394 Round-leaved consumption cure . .201 cornel 232 dogwood 232 sun-dew 253 Round-lobed hepatica 318 Roundheart 556 Rubinus arsenicalis 129 Rubis d'arsenic 129 Rue 499 des jardins 499 Ruiz et Pavon 485 RUMEX ACETOSA 497 CRISPUS 498 Rundblatteriger Kornel 232 Ruprechtskraut 296 Rush 339 Russicher Flusschwamm 148 Russula emetica 78 RUTA GRAVEOLENS 499 hortensis 499 latifolia 499 montana 499 sativa 499 vulgaris 499 Rye ergot 516 SABADILLA 500 officinarum 500 Sabadillasaamen 500 SABAL SERRULATA 501 SABINA 502 officinalis 502 Sabina sterilis 502 vulgaris 502 Sabine 502 Saccharated carbonate of iron . . .279 iodid of iron 280 Saccharum lactis 30 saturni 461 Sacred anise tree 329 bark 489 Sadebaum 502 Saffron 237 Safran 237 Safrandolde 426 Sage 506 Salamarum 380 ammoniac 96 anglicum 380 commune 417 culinare 417 digestivum sylvii 349 epsomense 380 nitri 350 petrae 350 polychrestum 353 Sedlicense 380 sodas depuratus 415 tartari 344 volatile siccum 95 Salbei 506 Salicin 503 Salicine 503 SALICINUM 503 Salicylate de phenol 505 de soude 419 of sodium 419 Salicylic acid 67 Salicylsaiire 67 Salicylsaiire-Phenylaether 505 Salix ambigua 504 falcata 504 helix 504 lambertiana 504 ligustrina 504 monandra 504 NIGRA 504 PURPUREA 504 purshiana 504 SALOL 505 Salolum 505 Salpeter 350 Salpetersalzsaiire 64 Salpetersaiire 63 Salpetersaures Wismuthoxyd . . .161 Salpetre 350 Salsepareille 511 Salt of lemons 351 of sorrel 351 rheum weed 199 Saltpeter 350 Saltpetersaures Ammoniak .... 97 Kali 350 664 INDEX. SALVIA OFFICINALIS 506 Salzsaures Morphin 405 Sambuca humilis 507 Sambucus acinis albis 508 CANADENSIS 507 glauca 507 laciniatis follis 508 maderensis 508 NIGRA 508 Sanamunda 297 Sancratium 513 Sanguinaire du Canada 509 Sanguinaria acaulis 509 CANADENSIS 509 grandiflora , . . . . 509 minor 509 vernalis 509 Santelol 432 Santonin 510 Santonina 510 Santonine 510 SANTONINUM 510 Sapium sylvaticum 536 Sarazina gibbosa 510 Sarcomphalus carolinianus .... 487 Sarracenia gronovii 510 heterophylla 510 leucophylla 510 PURPUREA 510 Sarracenie 510 Sarsaparella 511 SARSAPARILLA 511 Sarza 511 SASSAFRAS 513 BARK 513 officinale 513 Sassy bark 264 Satium 87 Satween 87 Sauge officinale 506 Savin 502 Saw palmetto '501 Saw-leaved oak 471 Saxifrage 453 Scabious 261 Scabish 427 Scabwort 331 Scarlet berry 255 oak 471 pimpernel 103 Sceau d'or 320 Schaafgarbe 400 Schachtelhalm . . . : 259 Scharfhahenfuss 480 Schierling 228 Schierlings Caladium 170 Schildkraut 516 Schlehdorn 472 Schneebaum 205 Schneerose 491 Schcenocaulon officinale 500 Schollkraut 199 Schwalbenwurzel 138 Schwarze Brechnuss 337 Schlangenwurzel 211 Uieswurzel 315 Schwarzer Hollander 508 Nachtschatten 529 Pfeffer 456 Senf 526 Schwarzwurzel 547 Schwefel 541 Schwefelblumen 541 Schwefelcadmium 167 Schwefelkohlenstoff 186 Schwefelleber 317 Schwefelsaiire 68 Schwefelsaures Bebirin 154 Cadmiumoxyd 168 Cinchonin 214 Eisenoxydul 285 Kali 353 Kupfer 244 Magnesia 380 Morphin 406 Natron 421 Quecksilberoxyd 397 Strychnin 541 Zinkoxyd 594 Schwefelspiessglanz 109 Schweinsbrod 245 Schwulstkraut 249 Scilla hispanica 513 MARITIMA 513 rufa magna yulgaris 514 vulgaris radice rubra 514 Sclerotium clavus 516 Scoke 449 Scorodosma fortidum 134 Scotch fir 453 pine 453 Scouring rush 259 Scrofula plant 515 weed .216 Scrofulaire vulgaire 515 Scrophularia fcetida 515 lanceolata 515 majoris . 515 marilandica (gray) 515 NODOSA 514 vulgaris 515 Scurvy grass 221 Scutellaire 516 SCUTELLARIA LATERIFLORA . . .515 Sea holly 264 kelp 289 onion 514 ware 289 wrack 289 Seaside balsam 189 Se'badille 500 Secale clavatum 517 INDEX. 665 Secale corniculatum CORNUTUM luxurians maternum temulentum turgidum Secalis mater Seckleblumen Wurzel Seerose Seidelbast Seifenrinde Sel commun d'Epsom de Glauber de Sedlitz Select tables for reference SKLENIUM Semecarpus anacardium Semen badiana contra myristica sanctum santocini zedoarias zmae Semence de ricin Semences de chdnopode anthelmin tique Sementina SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM . . . . Se'ne' Seneca snakeroot SENECIO AUREUS ciliatus gracilis hieracifolius Sene$on SENEGA Senegawurzel SENNA acutifolia alexandrina Sennesblatter Sensitive plant SEPIA succus vera , Serpent k lunette . . . . Serpentaire de Virginie Serpentaria , brasiliana virginica Sesquichloride of iron . Sesquioxide of bismuth Setterswort Seven barks Shag-bark Shave grass Sheele's green Shell-flower 5'7 516 5'7 5'7 5'7 5'7 5'7 '94 425 399 479 4'7 380 420 380 597 517 1 02 329 212 423 212 212 212 212 496 2OO 212 S'8 521 520 520 5'9 261 5'9 260 5'9 520 520 521 521 521 521 401 522 522 522 411 I2 3 123 169 123 283 160 3'4 259 242 199 Shell-bark 189 Sheep's berry 581 Shepherd's club ... 577 hour glass 103 P^e 559 water glass 103 weather glass 103 Shin leaf 201 Shrubby plectranthus 460 trefoil 474 Shwet-busunta 53 Side saddle flower 510 saddle plant 510 Side-flowering skull cap 515 Sieversia caroliniana 297 Signs used in prescription writing . 597 Silber 1 19 Silberchlorid 120 Silbercyanid 118 Silberjodid 119 Silbernitrat 120 Silberoxyd 121 Silesian rosemary 363 Silex 522 Silica 522 Silice 522 Sflice 522 SILICEA 522 Silicic anhydrid 522 oxid 522 Silico-fluorid of calcium 360 Silkweed 138 Silky cornel 234 Silky-leaved dogwood 234 SlLPHIUM LACINIATUM 524 Silver 119 leaf 536 Silybum marianum 188 Simaba cedron 195 Simaruba cedron 195 Simpler's joy 578 SlNAPIS ALBA 525 NIGRA 526 Sinnviole 584 Sison aureus 556 trifoliatum 556 Sisymbrium amphibium 221 indicum 221 Sium douglasii 209 majus angustifolium 210 trifoliatum 556 Skoka 470 Skull cap 515 Skunk cabbage 470 weed 470 Slacked lime 172 Sloe 582 tree 472 Small magnolia 380 periwinkle 583 stinging nettle 569 666 INDEX. Small yellow pond lily 423 Smegmaria emarginate 479 Smilax medica 511 officinalis 511 peruviana 511 sarsaparilla 511 syphilitica 511 Smooth sumach 493 Smooth-leaved horse-chestnut ... 75 Smyrnium acuminatum 556 aureum 556 luteum 556 Snake head 199 milk 272 Snake-headed grindelia 304 Snakeroot 520 Snakeweed 123,209 Snap dragon 365 Snapping hazel-nut 310 Snow berry 544 Snow-drop tree 205 Snow-flower 205 Snowball 196,581 Soap bark 479 Socotrina aloes 86 Soda 416 caustica 416 Sodae boras 161 carbonas 415 hypophosphis 416 nitras 418 phosphas 418 sulphas 420 Sodic carbonate 415 chloride 417 hydrate 416 hypophosphite 416 nitrate 418 pyroborate 161 sulphate 420 sulphite 421 Sodii arsenas 414 arsenias 414 boras 161 bromidum 415 carbonas 415 chloridum 417 hypophosphis 416 nitras 418 phosphas 418 salicylas . 419 sulphas 420 sulphis 421 sulphocarbolas 420 Sodio-platinic chloride 459 Sodium arsenate 414 auro-chlorid 146 bromid 414 carbonate 415 chlorid 417 hydrate 416 Sodium hydroxide 416 hypophosphite 416 nitrate 418 orthophosphate 418 phosphate 418 platino chlorid 459 pyroborate 161 salicylate 419 sulfate 420 sulfite 421 sulfo-carbolate 419 Soft rush 339 Solanin 527 SOLANINUM 527 Solanum arboreum indicum maxi- mum 424 ARREBENTA 527 CAROLINENSE 528 crenato-dentatum ....... 529 dulcamara 255 furiosum 154 hortense 154 inops 529 lethale 154 lignosum 255 lycopersicum 374 magnum virginiam 449 magus 155 mammiforme 529 MAMMOSUM 529 maniacum J 55>537 melanoceros 155 NIGRUM 529 pterocaulon 529 ptycanthum 529 quadrifolium bacciferum . . . 439 racemosum americanum . . . 449 rebenta 527 scandens 255 somniferum 155 sylvaticum 155 virginianum 528 Solatrum nigrum 529 Solidago alpina (?) 530 glomerata (?) 530 VIRGA-AUREA 530 Solis sponsa 177 Solseginum aureum 177 Soluble tartar 354 Solution of acetate of ammonium . 93 Solutions, alcoholic, of solids, or semi-solids 35 aqueous 34 of fluids in alcohol 35 Solvents 27 Sonnenblume 312 Sonnenthau 253 Sophora tinctoria 149 Sorrel 497 tree 436 Souci d'eau 179 INDEX. 667 Soude caustique 416 Soufre 541 ve"ge"tal 375 Sour dock 498 wood . 436 Sous-azotate de bismuth 161 ' Sous-carbonate 590 Southernwood 129 Sowbread 245 Spanische Fliegen 183 Spanischer Pfeffer 184 Spanish bayonet 588 fly 183 pepper 184 Spargel 141 Spatter dock 425 Spearwort 482 Spectacled snake 411 Speedwell 142 Speltrum 592 Spermoedia clavus 517 Spice berry 291 Spiderwort 562 Spierstaude 532 SPIGELIA 531 anthelmia (Linne*) 531 Spikenard 117 of the ancients 543 Spina acida 159 cervina 487 Spindelbaum 269 Spindle bush 268 tree 268, 269 Spinis triplicibus 159 SPIRJEA ULMARIA 532 Spir^e ulmaire 532 Spirit of mindererus 93 weed 356 Spiritus mindereri 93 nitri acidus 63 Sponge 533 SPONGIA 533 officinalis 533 palustris 148 tosta 533 usta 533 Spongilla fluviatilie 148 lacustris 148 Spoonbunch 354 Spoonwood 354 Spotted alder 310 arum 132 carduus 187 cowbane 209 cranesbill 295 geranium 295 hemlock 228 lily 365 thistle 187 water hemlock 209 Spreading dog-bane 113 Springgurke 257 Spurge 274 olive 399 Spurred rye 517 Square stalk 515 Squaw mint 311 root 192, 258 vine 401 weed 519 Squawroot 211 Squill 513 Squilla hispanica 514 rubra 514 yulgaris 514 Squirting cucumber 257 St. Bartholomew's tea 328 St. Ignatius' bean 326 St. John's wort 324 St. Mary's thistle 188 St. Peter's wort 544 Stagbush 582 Stag's horn 375 Star anise 328 fish 142 grass 82 root 82 thistle 187 STANNUM 533 METALLICUM 533 Staphisaigre 534 Staphydis agria 534 pedicularis 534 STAPHYSAGRIA 534 macrocarpa 534 Starwort 316 Stavesacre 534 Stechapfel 537 Steinbeere 572 Steinklee 385 Steinol 444 Stephanskorner 534 Stephanskraut 534 Stern-Anis 329 Stibium oxydatum no sulfuratum nigrum 109 Sticta pulmonacae 535 pumonalia 535 PULMONARIA 535 Stillingia 536 SYLVATICA 536 Stillingie 536 Stink weed 537 Stinkasant 134 Stinkende Drachenwurzel 470 Nieswurzel 314 Stinking balm 311 hellebore 314 pothos 470 weed 200 Stitzolobium pruriens 252 Stockfischleberthran 431 668 INDEX. Stone crop 443 Stone-root 225 Storksbill 295 Stramonia 537 STRAMONIUM 537 fretidum 537 majus album 537 spinosum 537 vulgatum 537 Strawberry 287 tree 268 Strength, unit of 23 Striped alder 310,471 Strobili humuli 373 lupuli 373 Strong-scented lettuce 357 Strontiana carbonica 538 Strontianae carbonas 538 Strontii carbonas 538 STRONTIUM CARBONATE 538 CARBONICUM 538 STROPHANTHUS HISPIDUS .... 539 kombe (?) 539 Strychnia 540 Strychnin 540 nitrate 540 sulfate 541 Strychnina 540 Strychninae nitras 540 sulphas 541 Strychnine 540 STRYCHNINUM 540 NITRATE 540 NITRICUM 540 PURUM 540 SULFATE 541 SULPHURICUM 541 Strychnos colubrina 424 gujanensis 244 ignatii 326 ligustrina 424 nux vomica 424 philippensis 326 toxifera 244 Sturmhat 71 Subacetate of mercury 389 Subchloride of mercury 392 Sublime* corrosif 390 Sublimed sulphur 541 Subnitrate of bismuth 161 Subsulphide of mercury 397 Succinum griseum 91 Succus thebaicus 434 Sucre de saturne 461 Sugar of lead 461 P>ne 454 Sulfas cadmicus 168 cupricus 243 ferrosus 285 kalicus 353 magnesicus 380 Sulfas mercuricus 397 morphicus 406 natricus 420 potassicus 353 quinicus 204 spdicus 420 zincicus 594 Sulfate d'alumine et potassii .... 89 d'atropine 144 de be'be'erine 154 de cadmium 168 de chaux 176 de cinchonine 214 de cuivre 244 d'hyoscyamine 324 de magnetic . 380 de morphine 406 de nickel 422 de potasse . 353 de quinine 204 de soude 420 de strychnin 541 de zinc 594 ferreux 285 mercurique 397 Sulfide arsenieux 128 hypoarsenieux 129 Sulfis natricus 421 sodicus 421 Sulfite de soude 421 Sulfur 541 di-iodid 542 IODID 542 Sulfure d'antimoine 109 d'antimoine prdcipite" in de cadmium 167 de carbon 186 jaune d'arsenic 128 Sulfuretum stibicum 109 Sulfuric acid 68 Sulphas aluminico-potassicus ... 89 Sulphate of anilin 107 of atropin 144 of beberine 154 of cadmium 168 of calcium 176 of cinchonine 214 of copper 244 of hyoscyamine 324 of iron 285 of magnesium 380 of morphia 406 of morphine 406 of nickel 422 of potash 353 of potassium 353 of quinia 204 of soda 420 of sodium 420 of strychnine 541 of zinc 594 INDEX. 669 Sulphide of antimony 109 of cadmium 167 Sulphite of sodium 421 Sulphocarbolate of sodium .... 420 Sulphophe'nate de soude 420 Sulphophenate of sodium 420 SULPHUR 541 IODATUM 542 sublimatum 541 Sulphuris iodidum 542 SUMBUL 543 Sumbulus moschatus 543 Sumbulwurzel 543 Sumac 493 Sumach 493 veneneux 494 Sumpf-Kornel 234 Sun rose 312 dew 253 Sunflower 312 Surari 244 Sureau 508 du Canada 507 Surinam quassia 478 Suterberry 587 Swallow root 139 Swamp cabbage 470 dogwood 234, 474 hellebore 576 milkweed 137 sassafras 232, 380 silkweed 137 sumach 495 wood 251 Sweating plant 271 Sweet balsam 300 bark 189 bay 380 bitter 566 bugle 376 clover 385 elder 507 gale 408 heliotrope 313 melilot 385 Sweet water lily 425 wood 189 vernal grass 108 viburnum 582 violet 583 Sweet-scented clover 384 life-everlasting 299 spurge laurel 247 tonquin bean 562 white pond lily 425 Swertia difformis 288 Symphoria racemosa 544 SYMPHORICARPUS RACEMOSA . . 544 Symplocarpus foetidus 470 SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE 545 Syrian herb mastich 555 System, metric 598 SYZIGIUM JAMBOLANUM 545 Tabac 546 TABACUM 546 Tabak ' .... 546 Table of atomic weights 606 salt 417 Tables of weights and measures . . 598 Tablets, trituration 47 Tag alder 85 Tall buttercup 480 crowfoot 480 speedwell 364 veronica 364 TAMUS COMMUNIS 547 TANACETUM VULGARE 548 Tanaisie 548 Tanghin . . 549 Tanghinia madagascariensis . . . 549 VENENIFERA 549 veneniflua 549 Tannic acid 69 Tannin 69 Tanninum 69 Tansy 548 Tarantula 551 Tare 372 TARENTULA CUBENSIS 551 HISPANA 551 TARTAR EMETIC 552 root 116 Tartarated antimony 552 Tartarian southern-wood 212 Tartaric acid 70 TARTARUS EMETICUS 552 solubilis 354 vitriolatus 353 Taraxacum dens leonis 550 OFFICINALE 549 vulgare 550 Tartras kalicus 354 potassicus 354 Tartrate d'antimoine et de potasse . 552 de potasse 354 of antimony and potassium . . 552 of potassium 354 of potash 354 Tartre soluble 354 Taubnessel 359 Taumellolch 372 Taumslkorn 372 TAXUS BACCATA 553 Tea 557 ash 587 berry 291 Teasel '. . . 271 TELLURIUM 554 Teoree 361 Ter-iodide of arsenic 127 670 INDEX. TEREBINTHINiE OLEUM 554 Terra foliati tartar t 341 Testa ostryae 172 Tests of alcohol 29 of distilled water 30 of ether 31 of glycerine 31 of milk-sugar 30 of triturations 45 Tetterwort 199,509 TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM . . . . 555 Teufelsdreck 134 Texan bird spider 408 Texas sarsaparilla 386 Thapsus barbatus 577 THASPIUM AUREUM 556 The" du Canada 291 vert imperial 557 Thea assamica 557 bohea 557 cassarea 557 imperialis 557 SINENSIS 557 stricta 557 viridis 557 Thein 168 Theine 168 TheMne 168 THERIDION 558 curassavicum 558 Thick-leaved pennywort 321 Thistle root 187 THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS .... 559 Thonerdehydrat 90 Thong bark 251 Thorn apple 537 Thorough root 271 wax 271 Thoroughwort 271 Thready Adam's needle 588 Three-leaved ivy 494 Thridace 358 Thuia du Canada 560 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 560 Thylax fraxineum 587 Thymelae 399 Tickweed 311 Tiger lillie 365 lily 365 Tiglium officinale 239 TlLIA EUROP^EA 561 Timbo sipo 442 Tin 533 Tinctura acris sine kali 193 Tincture triturations 46 Tinctures of solids or semi-solids . 35 preparation of 35 Tinker weed 566 Tithymalus marinus 272 Toad flax 365 lily 425 Tobacco 546 Tochillies 184 Tollkraut 155 - Tomato 374 TONGO 561 bean 561 Tonka bean 562 Tonkobohne 562 TOOT-BERRY 232 Toot-poison . 232 Toothache tree i . . . . 587 Toothed-leaved maiden-plum . . . 227 Tormentilla 295 Torquin bean 562 Trachelium americanum 369 Tradescantia commelina ..... 562 DIURETICA 562 Tragoselinum 453 Trailing arbutus 258 sumach 494 Trapceraba 562 Treatment of drugs 34 Tree lungwort 535 of heaven 81 of life 560 primrose 427 stramonium 247 Trefle 563 blanc 564 d'eau 388 de marais 388 Trefoil 318 Trembling poplar 469 Tri-calcic phosphate 176 Tri-sulphide of antimony 109 Tricalcium orthoarsenate 171 Triferric diarseniate 278 Trifolii fragiferi 288 Trifolium amarum 387 aquaticum 387 campestre 563 fibrinum 387 minimum 563 officinale 385 plumosum 563 PRATENSE 563 procumbens 563 REPENS -564 Trigonocephalus lachesis 356 Triquinia arseniate 202 TRILLIUM 565 cernuum 565 pendulum 565 Trilopus dentata 310 nigra 310 rotundifolia 310 virginiana 310 Trinitrophenol 66 Trieste 566 Triosteum floribus verticillatis ses- silibus 566 INDEX. 6 7 I Triosteum folliis connatis, f. s. v. . . 566 majus 566 PERFOLIATUM 566 Trioxybenzoic acid 59 TRITICUM REPENS 567 Trituration tablets 47 Triturations 43 from tinctures 46 preparations of 43 tests of 45 True chamomile 107 love 439 Trumpet weed 271 Tuber root 139, 224 Tumeric root 320 Tupa-kihi 232 Turmeric 509 Turpentine weed 524 Turpinia glabra 492 Tu.'tle head 199 TUSSILAGO PETASITES 567 Tutee 232 Tutu 232 Ubium quinatum 250 Uebermangansaures Kali 351 Umbilicus pendulinus 235 Umbit root 246 Uncum 519 Unicorn plant 316 root 82 Unit of medicinal strength .... 23 Unterphosphorigsaurer Kalk . . .174 Unterphosphorigsaures Kali . . . 348 Natron 416 Upland cranberry 572 sumach 493 Upright buttercup 480 crowfoot 480 virgin's bower 217 Upstart 224 Urali 244 Uranic nitrate 573 Uranii nitras 573 URANIUM NITRATE 573 NITRICUM 573 Urari 244 Uraster rubens 142 Urginea maritima 514 scilla 514 URTICA DIOCA 568 majoris 568 minora 569 URENS 569 Usnea barbata 570 USTILAGO MAIDIS 571 Uva angina 165 lupulina 439 serpentina 165 URSI 571 Uvaria triloba 140 ValeYate de zinc 595 Valerian 573 Valeriana angustifolia 573 minor 573 OFFICINALIS 573 sambucifolia 573 sylvestris major 573 Valerianas ammonicus 99 zincicus 595 ValeYianate d'ammoniaque .... 99 de zinc 595 Valerianate of ammonium .... 99 of zinc 595 ValeViane americaine 246 sauvage 573 Veraire 575 Varnish sumach 495 tree 495 Vegetable antimony 271 charcoal 186 sulphur 375 Vehicles 27 for prescription 47 Ve'ratre blanc 575 vert 576 Veratria 574 Veratrin 574 VERATRINA 574 Veratrine 574 Veratrinum 574 VERATRUM ALBUM 575 eschscholtzii 576 parviflorum 576 luteum 316 nigrum 315 officinale 500 sabadilla 500 VIRIDE 576 VERBASCUM THAPSUS 577 Verbena 579 HASTATA 578 maris 579 OFFICINALIS 579 Verge d'or 530 Vermont snake-root 135 Veronica 364 americana 580 anagallis 580 BECCABUNGA 580 incarnata 363 intermedia 580 jappnica 363 sibirica 363 virginica 363 VeYonique 580 Verrucaria 177 Verveine commune 579 Vesse-loup 162 Vetiver 104 Vetiveria odorata 104 Viburnum edule 581 OPULUS 581 INDEX. Viburnum oxycoccus 581 PRUNIFOLIUM 582 Vif-argent 398 Vigne vierge 100 VINCA MINOR 583 pervinca 583 Vine maple 386 Viola alba 583 imberbis 583 mactiae 583 martia 583 ODORATA . 583 suavis 583 TRICOLOR 584 Violet 583 bloom 255 Violette odorante 583 Virana 104 Virginia creeper 100 horehound . 376 snakeroot 123 speedwell 364 stone crop 443 Virginian snow-flower tree .... 205 swallow- wort 138 Virginische Ceder 340 Schlangenwurzel 123 Virgin's bower 217 Virginscher 376 VlSCUM ALBUM 585 flavescens ........ 585 Vitex agnus castus 80 verticillata 80 Vitis alba 165 canadensis 494 hederacea 100 nigra 165 quinquefolia 100 sylvestris 255 Vitriol bleu 244 Vitriolated tartar 353 Vitriolum album 594 martis purum 285 Vittie vayr 104 Volatile salt -95 Wachsbaum 408 Wafer ash 474 Wahoo 268 Wahres Benedictenkraut 297 Wake robin 132,565 Wallnusbaum 189 Walnut . . 189 Wandering milk-weed .... 113,272 Warneria canadensis 320 Warted puff ball 162 Water bugle 376 cabbage 425 cowbane 210 cress 221 Water cup 510 distilled 29 dropwort 426 eryngo 263 hemlock 210,426,446 horehound 376 lily 425 lovage 426 nerve root 246 nymph 425 parsley 209 parsnip 210 pennywort 321 pepper 466 radish 221 shamrock 388 smart weed 466 snake-root 263 Waterleaf 322 Wasserfenchel 446 Wasserholder 581 Wassernabel 321 Wasserschierling 210 Way-bred 457 Waythorn 487 Wax berry 408 myrtle 408 Wegdorn 487 Weights and measures, equivalents of 600 tables of 598 Weihrauch 432 Weinsaiire 70 Weisse Amerikanische 189 deutsche Kicher 361 Magnesia 377 Nieswurzel 575 Germer 575 Lattich 410 Quecksilberpracipitat 394 Senf 525 Wermuth 52 White agaric 467 archangel 359 arsenic 126 balsam 300 bay 380 bismuth 161 bryony 165 cedar 560 clover 564 fraxinella 248 gentian 566 ginseng 566 hellebore 575 Indian hemp 137 laurel 380 lead 462 leaf 201 lettuce 410 lily 425 INDEX. 673 White melilot 384, 385 mustard 525 passion flower 440 poplar 469 precipitate 394 root 139 snake-root 270 vetch . . . 361 vitriol 594 walnut 337 Wicopy 251 Wiesenklee 564 Wigandia californica 262 Wild black cherry 473 chamomile 198 cherry 473 coffee 566 cotton 138 cranesbill 295 cucumber 257 ginger 135 hemlock 209 hippo 272 hops 165 hyssop 578 indigo 149 ipecac 272, 566 jessamine 292 Job's-tears 433 lemon 465 liquorice 511 mandrake 465 pine 453 plantain 181 rosemary 363 saffron 224 smart weed 466 snake-root 135 succory 208 sunflower 304 tobacco 370 turnip 133, 135 wormwood 91 vetch 361 yam 250 Wild-nard 136 Wild-wood vine 100 Wilder Rosmarin 363 Wein 100 Wildkirschenrinde 473 Willow rose 234 Wind flower 475,476 root 139 Winged leaved paullinia 442 Winter berry 47 1 bloom 310 clover 401 fern 474 pink 258 Wintergreen 291, 583 Wintergriin 583 Wismuthoxyd 160 Witch grass 566 hazel 309 meal 375 Woad-waxen 293 Woetiwear 104 Wohlverleth 124 Wolfbane 576 Wolfsbane 71 Wolf's claw 375 Wolfsmilch 272 Wollkraut 577 Wood anemone 476 charcoal 186 Woodbine 100, 292 Woodwort 516 Woody nightshade 255 Woorali 244 Worm grass . . 531 goose-foot 200 Wormseed 200,212 Wormwood 52, 130 Wourali 244 Wourari 244 Wunderheil 545 Wurali 244 Wurmtrechende 531 Wurtzel Sumach 494 Wyethia 586 HELENIOIDES 586 Xanthoxylum americanum .... 587 clava-herculis 587 FRAXINEUM 587 fraxinifolium 587 mite 587 ramiflorum 587 tricarpum 587 Yarrow 400 Yaw root ... 536 Yellow berry 465 broom 149 chromate of potash 346 dock 498 eye root 320 flowered rhododendron .... 491 gentian 295 jessamine 292 lady's slipper 246 locust 497 melilot 385 mercurous iodide 392 moth 577 mustard seed 525 paint 320 parilla 386 protoiodide of mercury .... 392 prussiate of potash 347 6/4 INDEX. Yellow puccoon 320 root 320 seal 320 snowrose 491 sulphide of arsenic 128 sulphide of gold 146 sulphuret of gold 146 toad flax 365 water dropwort 426 weed 480 wood 587 Yerba santa 262 Yew 553 Youth-wort 253 YUCCA FILAMENTOSA 588 Zahnwehholz 587 Zauberhasel 310 Zaunriibe 165 Zinc 592 acetate 589 bromid 589 carbonate 590 chlorid 592 cyanid 591 iodid 591 oxid 593 phosphid 593 sulfate 594 valerianate 595 Zinci acetas 589 aceticum 589 bromidum 590 carbonas 590 carbonas praecipitatus .... 590 chloridum 592 cyanidum I . . 591 iodidum 591 oxidum 593 phosphidum 593 sulphas 594 valerianas 595 Zincic acetate 589 bromide 590 Zincic chloride 592 cyanide 591 iodide 591 oxide 593 sulphate 594 valerianate 595 ZlNCUM 592 ACETATE 589 ACETICUM 589 BROMATUM 589 BROMID 589 CARBONATE 590 CARBONICUM 590 chloratum 592 CYANATUM 591 CYANID 591 IODATUM 591 IODID 591 METALLICUM 592 MURIATE 592 MURIATICUM 592 OXID 593 OXYDATUM 593 PHOSPHID 593 PHOSPHORATUM 593 SULFATE 594 SULPHURICUM 594 VALERIANATE 595 VALERIANICUM 595 ZlNGIBER OFFICINALE 595 Zink 592 Zinkacetate 589 Zinkbromid 590 Zinkcarbonat 590 Zinkchlorid 592 Zinkjodid . 591 Zinkoxyd 593 Zinksulfat 594 Zinkvalerianat 595 Zimmt 215 Zinn 533 Zittersaame Wiirmsaame 212 Zitzenformiger Nachtschatten . . 529 Zizia aurea 556 Ziziphora pulegioides 311 Zwiebel 83 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed.