Handbook on Wood Preservation Wood preservation is wood perpetuation. American Wood-Preservers' Association 1916 Copyright, 1916 By AMERICAN WOOD-PRESERVERS' ASSOCIATION. Agrir Literary HE PITERS PUB. & T8. CO., BALT w FOREWORD. Wood properly preserved is practically permanent wood, and be- cause efficient avoids the cost of unnecessary replacements. The treat- ment of timber to make it last the limit of its serviceability is a fundamental feature of modern engineering. Briefly, in the following pages, the American Wood-Preservers' Association presents facts and figures for those becoming interested in the subject. Further informa- tion will be cheerfully given by any of its members or officers (see pages 47-55). Reference to the literature listed on pages 56-73 also is recommended. The most comprehensive publications on the subject are the Proceedings of the American Wood-Preservers' Association and Howard F. Weiss' "Preservation of Structural Timber." For the guidance of treating-plant operators, construction engineers, and others interested in the technique of wood preservation, the American Wood- Preservers' Association will soon issue the beginnings of a Manual of Recommended Practice. By up-to-date methods and in conformity with the best practice wood can be so preserved that its life is prolonged to at least three times what it would be without treatment. Consumers of wood can figure the savings for their own particular service, after getting quota- tions from their nearest wood-preserving plant. Large users of treated wood estimate savings as follows : Ties, 2 to 10 cents per tie per year ; piles, 20 to 100 cents per pile per year; poles, 5 to 15 cents per pole, per year ; posts, 1 to 3 cents per post per year ; mine timbers, 2 to 3 dollars per gangway set per year. 448940 in CONTENTS. Page Decay, Preparation and Treatment of Wood : Origin of Decay 1 Kinds of Decay 1 Conditions Favorable to Fungous Growth 1 Woods that Resist Decay 1 Kinds of Wood that Need Treatment 1 Consumption of Treatable Woods 2 Seasoning Wood Before Treatment 2 Quantities of Preservatives Injected into Wood 3 Chronicle of Wood Preservation: Egyptian Embalming Fluid 4 Greek Art 4 Roman Antiseptic Oils 4 British Preserving Warship Timbers 4 Dutch Preserving Marine Structures 4 Famous Oil WelT in Burmah 4 Beginning of Scientific Wood Preservation 4 Patents 4 First Cross-Ties Treated in United States 4 First Commercial Wood-Preserving Plant in United States ... 4 Processes and Methods of Wood Preservation . 4-12 Progress in Wood Preservation : Founding of Wood-Preserving Industry in United States.... 13 Factors in Growth of Wood Preservation in United States .... 13 Plants in Operation in United States 13 Classes of Material Treated in United States 13-20 Commercial Plants 13 Railroad Plants 13 Quantity of Wood Treated in United States 13-20 Distribution of Wood-Preserving Plants in United States 21 Processes for Preserving Wood : Non-Pressure Processes 22 Pressure Processes 22 Brush Treatment 22 Dipping or Steeping Treatments 22 Treating Cylinders 22 Full-Cell Treatments 23 Empty-Cell Treatments 23 Bethell Process 23 Boiling Process 24 Boulton Process 24 Burnett Process 24 Card Process 25 Lowry Process 25 Rueping Process 25 Steaming Process 26 IV CONTENTS Wood Preservatives: Page Substances Proposed for Protecting Wood Against Decay.... 27 Merits of a Preservative 27 Economic Value of Various Preservatives 27 Preservatives Used in United States 27 Creosote as a Preservative 28 Specifications for Creosote 28, 29 Zinc Chloride as a Preservative 29 Specification for Zinc Chloride * ... 29 Manufacturers of or Dealers in Wood Preservatives : Creosote 30, 31 Zinc Chloride 31 Patented Proprietary Preservatives 31, 32 Uses of Preserved Wood : Merits of Wood 33 Principal Uses of Treated Wood 33 Railway Ties and Timbers 33 Telegraph and Telephone Material 33 Paving and Flooring Material 33, 34 Structural Timbers 34 Manufacturers of Wood-Preserving Equipment : Retorts, Tanks, Etc -. 35 Users of Preserved Wood : \ Railroads \ . 36 Manufacturing Companies. . /. . 36 Mining Companies 36 Agriculturists 36 Shipbuilding Companies 36 U. S. Government 36 Municipalities 36 Telephone, Telegraph, Light and Power Companies 36 Wood-Preserving Plants : United States 37-40 Canada 39, 40 Mexico 39 American Wood-Preservers' Association: Constitution 41-46 Officers and Committees 47 Members 48-55 Bibliography of Wood Preservation: Publications, Proceedings, Periodicals ..56-73 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION. DECAY, PREPARATION AND TREATMENT OF WOOD. Recent research has shown that the decay of wood is due to the functions of low forms of plant life known as fungi, not to fermenta- tion of sap or soil reaction. These fungi feed on certain substances in the wood and so dissolve the wood structure that it crumbles. Thus is produced punky or rotten wood. Evidence of the existence of a fungus is to be had in the form of a "bracket," "conk," "dog ear," "punk," "rabbit ear," "toadstool," etc., which projects from a surface of wood. These external growths are the fruiting bodies of the fungi and their functions are to produce spores, or seeds, which adhere to them until dislodged by the air or other disseminating mediums. Wherever these spores alight on wood and find conditions favorable, they germinate and develop into destructive agencies. In addition to spreading by means of spores or seeds, fungi extend themselves from one piece of wood to another by growing over small intervening spaces. Conse- quently decaying wood is a menace to all sound wood in the vicinity. To develop, fungi require air, food, moisture and warmth. Damp- ness is the most favorable condition for them. Since the control of at- mosphere, precipitation, and temperature are not practicable with wood used outdoors, the surest way to stop fungi is to poison their food supply by injecting into wood substances on which they cannot subsist. The various woods available for use in the United States differ widely in their lasting quality, or ability to resist decay. While the sap portion of all woods will soon decay under exposure to the weather, the heartwoods of catalpa, cedar, chestnut, cypress, locust, some oaks, some pines, redwood, walnut, and a few other woods are durable. The growing scarcity and high prices of woods which remain sound long dictates in many localities the use of woods not so durable. The greatest economy is to be effected by confining preservative treat- ment to woods which are not of themselves resistant to decay, because these often-otherwise-unserviceable woods are obtainable at compara- tively-low cost. How helpful preservatives are in enlarging the 2 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION number of usable woods may be seen in the following lists of kinds which without treatment could not render satisfactory service: Posts Ties Ash Basswood Beech Birch Butternut Cottonwood Elm Gum Hickory Maple Oak (Red) Pine (Sap) Poplar Sycamore Willow Ash Beech Birch Elm Gum Hickory Maple Oak (Red) Pine (Sap) Sycamore The consumption of treatable woods as cross-ties is to be seen in the following figures for 1915 : Oaks, 16,885,517; southern pine, 8,541,203; Douglas fir, 3,553,854; western pine, 2,007,609; beech, 2,933,737; gum, 277,886; tamarack, 932,038; maple, 36,942; birch, 173,971; elm, 50,846; other species, 1,691,982; a total of 37,085,585 cross-ties. The proper preparation of wood for treatment is essential to its successful preservation. Green wood resists the penetration of pre- servatives. The moisture which is in freshly fallen trees must be reduced in volume or consistency before it can be replaced by a preservative. This is accomplished by exposing the wood to the open air, by applying to it hot air in a kiln or steam in a closed cylinder, or by boiling it in hot oil. The method depends on the kind and the condition of the wood to be treated. But with any method for any kind of wood, the first step in its preparation for treatment is the removal of all bark. Most woods can be prepared for treatment by being stacked on well-drained ground free from vegetation, in open piles for 4 to 12 months. In arid regions the piles should be less open than in humid regions, to avoid severe checking. Where wood splits while seasoning, irons of appropriate shape to stop the evil should be driven into the ends of the timber. Wood which is to dry in the open is preferably cut during winter, as spring and summer are the better seasoning periods. The length of open-air preparation necessary or possible depends on the kind of wood, its dimensions, and the latitude of its storage. Oak may require 12 months seasoning in the vicinity of Philadelphia, while eight months may be enough around New Orleans. It might safely be held one and one-half times as long in either place. Gum, however, could and should be treated within eight months in the North and within four months in the South. The greater the surface area of a piece of wood in comparison to the volume, the more quickly will it dry. Most treated cross-ties are air-dried. DECAY, PREPARATION AND TREATMENT OF WOOD 3 When open-air preparation is not feasible, steaming is usually resorted to. Care must be exercised that the pressure and its period are not carried to where the structure of the wood is injured. A Y&cuum is applied to dry the wood after its saturation by the steam. Most treated piles and structural timbers are prepared for treatment by steam. On the Pacific Coast neither open-air nor steaming preparation is practiced. There the wood being treated is boiled in the creosote with which it is preserved. After wood has been brought to a condition in which it can be treated it may be preserved by any of the processes referred to on pages 22-26. The degree of treatment to be given varies with the kind and character of the wood and the service expected of it. In all cases the sap wood of treated material should be thoroughly penetrated by the preservative. The quantities of preservative usually left in timbers for various uses are as follows : PRESERVATIVES INJECTED INTO WOOD. Material Treated Pounds Per Cubic Foot. Creosote Zinc Chloride PILES: Salt Water Fresh Water Ground BLOCKS: Paving Flooring TIES TIMBER 16 - 24 12 16 8 12 16 20 6 12 5 12 8 16 % % Va % % %' Since preservative treatment will not remedy structural defects of any kind, wood which is not free from decay or which has knots, splits, or other faults of sufficient size or number to weaken it for its purpose should not be treated. Timber which has to be bored, dapped, mortised, or otherwise cut into during its erection should be so framed before treatment. Preservation insures wood against deterioration. HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION CHRONICLE OF WOOD PRESERVATION. The ancients were skilled in the art of preserving organic bodies. Pliny has said that they used garlic boiled in vinegar for protecting timber from attacks by worms. The early Egyptians embalmed their dead with oil of cedar, and later tar and linseed oil were recom- mended as preservatives. The Greeks and Romans recognized the antiseptic value of essential oils for preserving the wood they used in buildings. They also charred the wood to prevent decay. The Britons used to preserve the timbers of their warships against decay, either by soaking or coating them with petroleum oil, linseed oil, etc., and for a long time it was the practice to rub oil into the wood, or pour the oil into holes that had been bored into the wood. The Dutch early learned the advantage of preserving the timbers used in the construc- tion of their dykes and marine structures by coating them with oil. The famous petroleum wells near Prome, in Burmah, furnished a good preservative for protecting wood used in ships and dwellings. But it was not until the early part of the nineteenth century that the preservation of wood by the injection of chemicals became scientific in principle and developed rapidly. Numerous patents covering methods of preserving wood have been issued both in this country and abroad, and the early processes employ- ing either animal oils, mineral oils or vegetable oils have been steadily improved. The mechanical operating features of these processes also have been improved, and the aim of the twentieth century wood-preserv- ing plant is to afford wood as much protection against destruction as is possible, with as little preservative as will assure efficiency. The growth of wood preservation in the United States from 1838, when the first cross-ties were treated by an infusion of bichloride of mercury and laid on the Northern Central Railroad in Maryland, now part of the Pennsylvania System, has been extraordinary. The first commercial wood-preserving plant in the United States was built at Lowell, Mass., in 1848, using alternately bichloride of mercury and chloride of zinc, and it is still in operation. The following chronological record of the wood-preserving industry begins in 1657, prior to which time authentic information is not avail- able: \ 1657. Glauber experimented with vegetable pyroligneous acid (ob- tained by distillation of wood), first carbonizing the wood by fire, then covering it with tar and immersing the wood in the acid. t 1705. Homberg used mercuric chloride for preserving wood. ^1737. First American colonial privilege granted for preserving timber. Emerson patented a process for saturating timber with boiled oil mixed with poisonous substances. \ 1740. Reid proposed a method of using a vegetable acid (probably pyroligneous acid) as a bath for wood to protect it against decay. CHRONICLE OF WOOD PRESERVATION 5 1756. Hales recommended use of linseed oil for soaking planks at the water-line of ships to prevent decay. 1767. De Boissieu used mercuric chloride as a preservative. He and Bordenave recommended copper sulphate, the process being known as "Margaryizing." 1798. Volmeister washed and immersed wood in a solution of sea water. "4806. Perkins filled the interstices of wood with dry salt. * 1809. First French patents on timber preservation granted as a result of the patent law created by Napoleon I. 1811. Lukin treated wood by burying it in pulverized charcoal in a heated oven. V, 1815. Wade recommended zinc chloride. Finding that alum was not a good preservative and rapidly decayed timber he suggested im- pregnation with resinous or oleaginous substances (especially linseed oil), or with common resin dissolved in a tank of caustic alkali, and subsequently plunged the wood into water acidulated with any cheap acid or with alum in solution. / Bowden immersed wood in sea water. Boydon, of the British Navy Office, advocated boiling in lime water timber blocks and tree nails of ships, followed by boiling in a thin solution of glue, by means of which the pores of the wood would be filled by a hard substance insoluble in water. Boydon also thought that glue might be used with lime water, or glue and lime water mixed together, to check the growth of vegetation and strengthen wood. -~ 1817. Chapman used copper sulphate, and experimented with lime, soap and alkaline salts. 1820. Pasley first boiled wood in water, and applied acids and other concentrated liquids. 1821. Knowles and Davy immersed wood in mercuric chloride. 1822. Prechtl exposed wood to the vapor of water alone and then to a mixture of water and tar. 1823. Oxford coated wood with oil of tar, previously treated with gaseous chlorine. 1824. Cox saturated wood with a mixture of fish oil, rosin and sulphur. 1825. Langton extracted by a vacuum the air from heated wood. 1826. Newmarch boiled wood in a mixture of linseed oil, iron sulphate, verdigris, arsenic and alum. 1828. Gossier alternately immersed wood in saline solutions con- taining calcium chloride, Glauber salts, iron sulphate and sodium arsenate. ^1829. Carey first perforated wood and then introduced a mixture of salt, powdered charcoal and animal or vegetable oil. 6 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION N 1831. Breant invented an apparatus for forcing preservative liquids into wood. M832. Kyan patented the injection into wood by pressure in a closed cylinder of mercuric chloride. Oxford patented the coating of timber with lead oxide, calcium carbonate and carbon of purified coal- tar, ground and mixed with oil. In this year was also tried smoking green wood to create a protective coating against decay. 1833. Attempts to arrest decay in wood by immersing or coating it with tar and tobacco leaves ; also coating with rosin dissolved in fish oil, and coating with india rubber dissolved in fatty oils. 1834. Strutzke and the Society of Arts of London introduced the method of repeatedly coating wood with a solution of iron sulphate. 1835. Monteith immersed wood in lime water. Concentrated sul- phuric acid as a coating to carbonize wood was also tried by an investi- gator. First wood pavements for city streets in the United States were laid in New York. 1836. Moll patented process for treating wood with coal-tar creo- sote in a closed iron vessel. Chevalier coated wood with a solution of tar and tobacco leaves. 1837. Boucherie recommended the use of zinc chloride. Margary's patent granted for using copper sulphate. Flockton saturated wood with oil of tar and iron acetate. Letellier immersed wood in a solu- tion of mercuric chloride, and when dry subjected it to a coat of glue. Granville used the refuse water of salt works to preserve wood. Gottheil immersed wood in resinous solutions containing tar, oil of turpentine, and salt. The Industrial Society of Annaberg, Germany, introduced the method of immersing wood for a month in soluble glass, then placing it in water acidulated with hydrochloride acid, washing and drying, and finally rubbing it with oil. 1838. Bethell patented process for using coal-tar creosote, injected into wood under pressure in a cylinder. This process is still in use. Burnett patented the use of zinc chloride. Chestnut cross-ties, treated by the Kyan process, laid on the Northern Central Railroad of Mary- land. x 1839. Boucherie patented the absorption by the tree while alive or immediately after cutting, of iron acetate, acetic acid, muriate of lime, copper sulphate, mercuric chloride and other chemicals. Kyanized hemlock cross-ties laid at the fortifications at Fort Ontario, New York. 1840. Feiselli, after steaming the wood, injected a solution of alum and potash, or soluble glass and dilute sulphuric acid. Munzing immersed wood in a solution of muriate or protoxide of manganese, the refuse liquid of chlorine works. Pine stringers, subjected to a lime bath, laid on Philadelphia & Columbia Railroad. Kyanized oak ties laid on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, and bridge timber treated by the same process used at Alexandria, Va. CHRONICLE OF WOOD PRESERVATION 7 1841. Payne patented the treatment of wood first with a solution of muriate of lime, iron sulphate and potash, and then with alum and potash. Pons immersed wood in a solution of iron nitrate, saltpeter, alum, and potassium ferrocyanide. ^ 1842. Timperly used mercuric chloride. Kyanized ties laid on Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. 1843. Parkes treated wood with caoutchouc dissolved in carburet of sulphur eupion. Earle immersed wood in a solution of iron sulphate or copper sulphate. 1844. Burkes first steamed the wood and then impregnated it with a solution of soluble glass and iron sulphate. 1845. Ransome, after removing the air from the wood, injected by pressure a solution of soluble glass, and later placed it in a diluted acid. 1846. The Eastern Massachusetts Railroad used the Kyan pro- cess. Blythe invented "thermo-carbolization," which consists in treating wood with carburetted steam to extract the sap and water, and at the same time inject into the wood creosote held in suspension. Payne, after extracting the air from wood, injected a solution of metallic sulphurets (lime and baryta), and finally an acid or metallic salt (iron sulphate, etc.). Venzat and Banner impregnated wood with a solution of sulphate or muriate of copper, and followed this with baryta. 1848. Wood preservation on a commercial scale began in the United States through building of a Kyanizing plant at Lowell, Mass., to treat timbers used in locks and canals on the Merrimac River. This plant is still in operation. - 1849. New York Central Railroad used Kyanized cross-ties. 1850. Kyanized pine bridge timber used by the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. First Burnettizing plant in America built at Lowell, Mass., to treat canal timbers. ~ 1852. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad treated ties with tar. 1853. Fitchburg Railroad used Kyanized shop floor joists. 1854. Kyanized pine used for the Blackstone bridge of the New York & New England Railroad. Creosoted ties laid on Philadelphia Reading Railroad. "^ 1855. Burnettized spruce stringers and ties laid on the Union (horse) Railroad of Cambridge, Mass. 1856. Vermont Central Railroad erected a Burnettizing plant for treating hemlock cross-ties and bridge timbers. 1857. Burnettized spruce used by the Middlesex & South Boston Railroad, and on the Boston, Mass., wharf. ^. 1860. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad treated bridge timber with zinc chloride. Burnettized spruce bridge ties used on the Boston & Albany Railroad in Boston, Mass. 8 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION ^ 1861. Erie Railroad built a Burnettizing plant at Oswego, New York, which was burned in 1869, and has not been rebuilt. 1862. Burnettized bridge timber used by the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. 1863. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad built Bur- nettizing plants, at Wilmington, Delaware, and Perryville, Maryland, to preserve timbers used in wooden bridge at Havre de Grace, Md. 1865. Old Colony Railroad erected a Bethell plant at Somerset, Mass., which is believed to be the first practical use of this process in the United States. Foreman applied to wood a dry powder of salt, arsenic and corrosive sublimate. Isaac Hinckley, late President of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad, used creosote to pre- serve piles for bridge over the Taunton River on Old Colony Railroad in Massachusetts. 1866. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad laid 2,000 Bur- nettized cross-ties. 1867. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad built a Burnettizing plant at Pottstown, Pa. So did the Union Pacific Railroad, at Omaha, Nebraska. Introduction of Robbins' process for smoking wood with the vapors of coal-tar and of creosote. Seeley patented pressure process for treating green timber with oleaginous and saline materials, and erected plants in New York, Chicago, and at the St. Clair Flats in Michigan, the United States Government using the process at the latter place for preserving the timbers along its canal. Burnettized ties used on the Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroad. W. H. Smith encased timber in vitrified earthenware pipes, and filled in with hydraulic cement. 1868. Seeley patented an open-tank process for treating green timber with creosote oil. Beer washed out the sap from wood with a solution of boiling borax. 1869. Louisville & Nashville Railroad treated stringers and piles with the Bethell Process. 1870. Thilmany used sulphate of copper or sulphate of zinc and chloride of barium in treating ties for the Baltimore & Ohio, Wabash, New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Cleveland & Pittsburgh and other railroads. M871. Thomas immersed wood in rosin oil. Webb bored holes in the wood and filled them with creosote. """"1872. Fletcher boiled in coal-tar creosote some cypress paving blocks which were laid in New Orleans, La.j Constant and Smith tried to preserve wood by smoking it with vapors of coal-tar in a retort. Detwiler and Van Gilder impregnated wood with rosin dissolved in naphtha under pressure. > 1874. Rutgers introduced in Germany a method of treating ties with a mixture of zinc chloride and creosote. CHRONICLE OF WOOD PRESERVATION 9 1875. Louisville & Nashville Railroad built a Bethell plant at West Pascagoula, La., to treat piles, stringers and ties. This plant laid the foundation for modern timber-treating in this country. 1876. Houston & Texas Central Railroad built a Bethell plant at Houston, Texas, to treat piles and timbers. Central Railroad of New Jersey installed cross-ties treated by the Bethell process. ^1878. Commercial creosoting plant opened at Long Island City, New York. "M879. Boulton patented a process to extract the moisture from wood and simultaneously inject creosote.) New Orleans & North Eastern Railroad built a pressure plant to treat with creosote, at Slidell, La., the timber to be used for a trestle across Lake Ponchartrain. Well- house employed zinc chloride, glue and tannin for preserving wood. Commercial creosoting plant built at Slidell, La. 1880. Houston & Tennessee Central Railway installed ties treated by the Bethell process. Pine piles treated by the Thilmany process used at Norfolk, Va. 1881. Commercial creosoting plant erected at Portsmouth, Va. 1882. Fladd patented process of impregnating freshly-cut wood with copper sulphate and other chemicals by suction. 1883. Hagen used gypsum as a plug for zinc-chloride treated wood. 1884. Boston & Maine Railroad installed Kyanized ties. Com- mercial creosoting plant erected at Seattle, Wash. Vulcanized pine ties laid on the Manhattan Elevated Railroad in New York City. 1885. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad built a Burnettizing plant at Los Vegas, New Mexico. 1886. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Union Pacific rail- roads used ties treated by the Wellhouse process. Lehigh Valley Rail- road installed ties treated by the Bethell process. 1887. Southern Pacific Railway (Atlantic System) began treating Texas pine ties by the Burnett process at a leased plant. 1888. New Orleans Wood-Preserving Company erected a plant at New Orleans, La., to treat ties by the Burnett process, and piles and .lumber by creosoting, for Texas & New Orleans Railroad. 1889. Southern Pacific Railway built a plant at West Oakland, Cal., employing either the Bethell or Curtis & Isaacs creosoting pro- cesses for treating ties and piles. 1890. Texas & New Orleans Railroad built a Bethell plant at Houston, Texas. 1891. Southern Pacific Railway (Atlantic System) built a Burnett- izing plant at Houston, Texas. The D. & I. Railroad used ties treated by the Wellhouse process. 1892. Commercial Burnettizing plant built at Beaumont, Texas, and a commercial Bethell plant erected at the same place. 10 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION ^893. Southern Pacific Railway (Pacific System) erected a port- able Burnettizing plant for treating ties at Latham, Oregon. 1895. Louisville & Nashville Railroad put up a treating plant at Gautier, Miss., which was rebuilt in 1916. Commercial creosoting plants were built at Bay City, Mich., and Lowell, Wash. 1896. Pennsylvania Lines West installed ties treated by the Well- house process. Commercial creosoting plant was erected at Buell near Norfolk, Va. 1897. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway built Burnettizing plants at Somerville, Tex., and at Bellemont, Arizona. Hasselman patented process for injecting into wood a solution of iron and aluminum sulphate, adding kainit to neutralize the free acids formed. 1899. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad erected a Burnett- izing plant for treating ties at Sheridan, Wyoming. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad used the Wellhouse process for treating ties. Com- mercial plant using the Burnettizing and Allardyce processes erected at Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Commercial plant vulcanizing ties removed from New York City to Perth Amboy, N. J., later using the creo-resinate process, and in 1906 transferred to Norfolk, Va. 1900. Chicago & Alton Railroad used Burnettized and creosoted ties and timbers. 1901. Great Northern Railway built a plant at Somers, Mont., to treat ties by Burnettizing. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad used the Wellhouse process for treating ties at Greenville, Texas. Mexican Central Railway built a Burnettizing plant at Aguas Calientas, Mexico, to treat ties. Commercial creosoting plant erected at South- port near New Orleans, La., and one at Norfolk, Va. A non-pressure wood-preserving plant erected at Portland, Oregon. Bevier invented creo-resinate process. 1902. Rueping patented the injection of compressed air into wood ahead of creosote. I El Paso & Southwestern Railroad erected a creo- soting plant at Alamogorda, N. M., for treating paving blocks, wooden pipe and crossing plank. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad tried the Hasselman process. Commercial plants using various processes erected at Carbondale, 111., and at Texarkana, Arkansas. 1903. Union Pacific Railroad erected a Burnettizing plant at Laramie, Wyo., for treating ties, telegraph poles, dimension timbers and crossing plank. Chicago & Northwestern Railway built a plant at Escanaba, Mich., for treating ties, using first the Wellhouse, then the Card and now the Burnett processes. Grand Trunk and Wabash Rail- roads installed Burnettized cross-ties. Commercial creosoting plant erected at Indianapolis, Ind., and one for using various processes built at Cimarron, N. M. Guissani open-tank process promoted in New York. CHRONICLE OF WOOD PRESERVATION 11 1904. Von Schrenk revived the Seeley open-tank process at the Exposition in St. Louis, Mo. Rueping took out United States patents. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company erected a creo- soting plant at Wyeth, Oregon, for treating ties, piles, switch-ties, dimension timbers, and paving blocks. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad employed the Rueping process. The Big Four (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad) used ties treated with creo- sote by a commercial wood-preserving plant at Shirley, Indiana. Kansas City Southern Railroad installed Burnettized cross-ties. Commercial plants for treating wood by various processes were erected at Grenada, Miss., Sandstone, Minn'., and Terre Haute, Indiana. Organization of the Wood-Preservers' Association (changed to American Wood-Pre- servers' Association in 1912). ^ 1905. Lowry patented pressure process, using creosote with quick final vacuum. The first plant to use the Lowry process was erected at Shirley, Indiana.) St. Louis & Southwestern Railroad used zinc- creosote treated ties, and the T., St. L. & W. Railroad Burnettized cross- ties. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad installed creosoted bridge-ties. Salt Lake & San Francisco Railroad installed ties treated by the Rueping process. Commercial plant using Bethell process erected at Maurer, N. J. Other commercial creosoting plants were built at Galveston, Tex., and Minneapolis, Minn. 1906. Card invented an improvement on the zinc chloride-creosote process. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway erected a creosoting plant at Somerville, Tex. Kansas City Southern Railroad used creo- soted cross-ties. Commercial creosoting plants were erected at Gulf- port, Miss., Winnfield, La., Eagle Harbor, Wash., and Newark, N. J., and a plant employing the Card process was built at Waukegan, Illinois. 1907. Northern Pacific Railway erected Lowry plants at Brainerd, Minn., and at Paradise, Montana. Florida East Coast Railroad in- stalled creosoted cross-ties. Lowry plants were erected at Marion, 111., Bloomington, Ind., Springfield, Mo., Kansas City, Mo., and Hugo, Oklahoma. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway built a crude oil plant at Albuquerque, N. M., which was later used for creosoting. Commercial plants using various processes were erected at Argenta, Ark., Evansville, Ind., and Buell, Va. A commercial creosoting plant was built at Mobile, Alabama. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad erected a plant at Galesburg, 111., for treating ties and timbers with either creosote, or zinc chloride, or both in combination. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad built a non-pressure plant at Nanti- coke, Pa., and the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron Company a similar one at New Philadelphia, Pa. The United States Government operated non-pressure plants at Keokuk, Iowa, Milan, 111., Stillwater, Minn., and Fountain City, Wis. 1908. San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad erected a plant at San Pedro, Cal., to use either the Burnett or creosoting processes. 12 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining Company built a creosoting plant at Kellogg, Idaho. A commercial Bethell plant was erected at Atlanta, Georgia. A Lowry process plant was put in operation at Brainerd, Minn., by the Northern Pacific Railway. 1909. Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company built a non- pressure creosoting plant at McAdory, Alabama, for treating ties, telegraph poles, dimension timbers, and fence posts. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway built a Rueping plant at Dennison, Tex., for treating practically all kinds of timber. Union Pacific Railway built a Burnett- izing plant at Topeka, Kansas. Pennsylvania Railroad erected a wood- preserving plant at Mt. Union, Pa. Commercial creosoting plants were erected at Bound Brook, N. J., Toledo, O., Paterson, N. J., and Columbus, Ohio. A commercial Burnettizing plant was built at Joppa, 111., and a plant using various processes at Madison, Illinois. 1910. Pennsylvania Railroad erected a wood-preserving plant at Greenwich Point, Philadelphia, Pa. The Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts- burgh Railroad built a Bethell plant at Bradford, Pa. Commercial creosoting plants erected at Shreveport, La., Rome, N. Y., Toledo, O., and Texarkana, Texas. 1911. A commercial creosoting plant erected at Ensley, Ala., and a plant for treating wood by various processes was built at Broadford Junction, Pa. The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad used creosoted ties. 1912. Philadelphia & Reading and Central Railroad of New Jersey erected a creosoting plant at Port Reading, N J. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad built a Card process plant at Green Spring, W. Va. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad erected a Bethell plant at Gainesville, Florida. Central of Georgia Railroad put up a plant at Macon, Ga., to treat wood by the Card process. Charlotte Harbor & Northern Railroad built a creosoting plant at Hull, Florida. Commercial plants using various processes built at Terre Haute, Ind., Houston, Tex., Orrville, O., St. Helens, Oregon, Tacoma, Wash., Yardley, Wash., Pensacola, Fla., Louis- ville, Miss., Bogalusa, La., and Linnton near Portland, Oregon. In- corporation of the American Wood-Preservers' Association (formerly called Wood-Preservers' Association.) 1913. Louisville & Nashville Railroad erected a plant at Guthrie, Kentucky. Commercial creosoting plants built at Bay City, Mich,, Metropolis, 111., and Indianapolis, Ind. 1915. Chicago & Northwestern Railway erected a plant at Riverton. Wyo. Ties of the Chesapeake & Ohio, the Chesapeake & Ohio Northern and the Hocking Valley Railroads treated at a commercial Lowry plant at Russell, Ky. A commercial plant erected at Brunswick, Georgia. 1916. Boston Elevated Railway erected a creosoting plant at South Boston, Mass. A commercial creosoting plant built at Seattle, Wash. PROGRESS IN WOOD PRESERVATION 13 PROGRESS IN WOOD PRESERVATION. The growth of the wood-preserving industry in the United States, begun in an experimental way in 1832, has been rapid. At first Kyan's process of treating wood with bichloride of mercury was used, but real progress in wood preservation in this country did not begin until about 1838, when Burnett's zinc-chloride process and Bethell's coal-tar-creo- scte process for protecting wood against decay were introduced. Many other processes for preserving wood have been tried on a commercial scale with varying success, and manufacturers of machinery and supplies have made improvements that have made possible more economical op- eration of timber-treating plants. The merits of treated wood, notably its durability and economy in service, are also better known, and con- sumption is .on the increase. Undoubtedly the greatest impetus given to the wood-preserving industry in this country has been the advancing cost of timber, due to its wasteful consumption and increasing scarcity. At first the demand for treated wood was confined to comparatively few forms and kinds of material, because there was a large supply of cheap and durable timbers to be had, and as the equipment of the treating plant was expensive and the success of the processes considered uncertain, the early growth of wood preservation was slow. Only 15 plants were in operation in the United States in 1895, but since then the number has rapidly increased. In 1914 there were 122 plants, of which 94 were in operation and reported an output of 159,582,639 cubic feet of treated timber, comprising railroad ties, piles, poles, paving blocks, structural timbers, cross-arms, lumber and mis- cellaneous kinds of wood. In 1915 the United States had no less than 127 plants of all kinds, and of these 102 were active, reporting a total output of 141,858,963 cubic feet of treated material. The accompanying table and diagrams will give some idea of the growth in output of treated timber in the United States from 1909 to 1915 inclusive. The majority of the wood-preserving plants in the United States are of the pressure type; that is, the preservative solution is forced into the wood by means of pumps. Sixty-four of the plants in opera- tion in 1915 were so-called commercial plants, which treat wood by contract, 30 were operated by railroads, and eight were owned by mining companies and municipalities. The location of these plants is shown on the map on page 21. In 1915 the quantity of miscellaneous lumber treated in the Atlantic Coast Region exceeded that of any other region. There were treated in that year: 7,428,938 cross-ties; 3,500,821 linear feet of piles; 11,697 poles; 552,095 square yards of paving blocks; 28,298,805 board feet of construction timber; 16,757 cross-arms; 4,634,655 board feet of mis- cellaneous lumber. The preservatives used in this region in 1915 were: Creosote, 30,236,615 gallons; zinc-chloride, 2,077,877 pounds; other 14 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION preservatives, 50,080 gallons. During the year 1915 there were 20 plants in operation in this region. In the Southern Coast Region, the 27 plants in operation during 1915 held the lead in the quantity of construction timber treated. The output for that year was : Construction timber, 77,798,523 board feet ; cross-ties, 8,958,293; piles, 3,817,927 linear feet; poles, 66,216; paving blocks, 806,968 square yards ; cross-arms, 121,945 ; miscellaneous lumber, 3,658,227 board feet. Of creosote there was used during the year 25,854,013 gallons, and of zinc-chloride, 9,767,867 pounds. PROGRESS OF WOOD PRESERVATION IN THE UNITED STATES QUANTITIES (X MATERIAL TREATED BY WOOD PRESERVING PLANTS 1308-lSkS. OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL INVESTfOATIONS U.S. FOREST SERVICE The Interior Eastern Region led in the quantity of paving material handled, and showed the largest consumption of miscellaneous preserva- tives. The output of the. 29 plants reporting in 1915 was : 14,650,302 cross-ties; 138,639 linear feet of piles; 32,503 poles; 1,509,755 square yards of paving blocks; 18,914,931 board feet of construction timber; 2,211 cross-arms; and 1,809,064 board feet of miscellaneous lumber. Of preservatives there were used 22,333,674 gallons of creosote, 12,764,- 798 pounds of zinc-chloride, and 1,640,102 gallons other preservatives. In the Interior Western Region, where 10 plants were in operation in 1915, the output was as follows: Cross-ties, 4,001,878; piles, 3,010 PROGRESS IN WOOD PRESERVATION 15 linear feet; poles, 3,107; paving blocks, 1,000 square yards; construction timber, 6,628,575 board feet; cross-arms, 56; miscellaneous lumber, 3,398,959 board feet. Of creosote there was used in 1915 a total of 2,395,411 gallons, and of zinc-chloride, 6,441,138 pounds. The Pacific Coast Region had 16 plants in operation which reported the following output during 1915: Cross-ties, 2,046,177; piles, 1,848,022 linear feet; poles, 12,116; paving blocks, 66,552 square yards; construc- tion timber, 10,368,207 board feet; cross-arms, 5,250; miscellaneous lumber, 436,604 board feet. The preservatives used in treating this timber were: Creosote, 3,245,292 gallons; zinc-chloride, 2,217,924 pounds; other preservatives, 3,362 gallons. The output of the 102 plants in operation in the United States during 1915 was as follows: Cross-ties ^ 37,085,585 pieces. Piles 9,308,419 linear feet. Poles 125,939 pieces. Paving Blocks 2,936,370 square yards. Construction Timber 142,009,041 board feet. Cross-arms ^ 146,219 pieces. Miscellaneous Lumber.... 13,937,509 board feet. Total equivalent to . .141,858,963 cubic feet. The preservatives consumed in 1915 were as below: Creosote (Foreign) 37,501,007 gallons. (Domestic) ... 43,358,435 Total 80,859,442 Zinc-chloride 33,269,604 pounds. Other Preservatives 1,693,544 gallons. In view of the fact that the railroads are the largest users of preserved wood, it is of interest to see the kinds of cross-ties that made up the 37,085,585 treated in 1915, and also the preservative used for each kind of wood, as given in the table on page 19. The influence of railway practice on the growth of the wood- preserving industry is illustrated in the following table, which shows that the increase in the number of plants operated has been coincident with the increase in the number of ties treated. Preserve wood and conserve woodland. 16 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION Total Material Treated. Cu. Ft. CM I--* Tt ON 00 O ts. CM OO CM O ON ro Tt VO to to ON >O vo VO^ VO VO rt CM 00 CM rt ^^. t V N i^. c !rl Tt vo ts, 00 O ON OO >O ts. 10 Tt OO ts, OO to vo 00 co co O ro T-I VO T-H CM O O ts. O O CO O\ Tt Tt TtCM % tOOO^vq^cO'-| > Tt'oo O\CQ\OT-*\O CM CM CM CM co to to T-H O rt ts. ON CM Tt rt Ots.io Tt to ON rt Tt ro r-< O to 00 CM'Tt'cvTcvfoCoTto oo" vo" tsT 06" 06" vo" vb" ON Tt CO \O 00 ON CO T-I Tt VO to OO CO VO Tt '-'."l.C 5 00 VO ON vo" Tt" Tt" rt" co" CM" oo" Tt ts, CM CO .-H OO IO ON o^to^oN vo to oo to"o"rt io"co"ori-r ts. O rt CM 10 IO Tt United States Forest Service, (a). No Statistics, (b). Figures, if used, would reveal identity of reporting firms. CONVERTING FACTORS. s ties, divide figures shown by 3. ir feet of piles, divide the figures shown by .6763. ir feet of poles, divide the figures shown by .5868. re yards of paving blocks, divide the figures shown by 2.625. d feet of construction timbers, multiply the figures shown by 12. 5-arms, divide the figures shown by .6198. d feet of lumber and miscellaneous material, multiply the figures shown by 12, I/umber and Miscellaneous. Cu. Ft. ts. CO 10 10 CO VO 00 00 rt ON O\ ON VO CM rt oo o\ Tt to Tt oo Tt vo Tt OO 00 ro ON ro O T-H CM O to ON I-H CM ON vo ls.00 CM ON Tt VO CM CM vo vo ro vo OO Tt co ON to ON ON VO VO OO Tt ON r-l t-H CM 00 to OO to oo rJ l o X v ^, vo K l r1 ^ ro" ON" ON" 06" oCcvT rt" vo 00 -H OO CO vo vo Tt ts. vo ON O ro ^H CM CM CM T-I i-H CM CM CM CM rt r-t Ji3 Tt ON T-I 00 ro ro vo vo vo CM rt O t^. Tt OO ts. Tt rt ON OO VOOO ro ........ rt rt rt rt rt rt rt Tt O\ rt 00 ON Tt ts. i-. O O\ rH ts. ON VO rt OO rt CO Ttts. O Tt 00 ts. Tt CM rt O\ Construction Timbers. Cu. Ft. T-I CM to rO"VO"OO"O K ^CM" lOtOOOO OOO rH VO CM rt rt^lO^Tt^ vo Tt ro ON 00 is. 00 CM to vo co CM to co CM rH co CM CO O 00 Tt^ON^vo^CM^ vo CM rt rt rt rt rt tflTt i ssS rt i-5 rt ^ vo VO CO to CM CM Tt Og Tt vo co CM O 00 f\q to CO CO to VO ON sjjljej 1 00 CM VO T^ O CM O ro CM CO VO ON t> co CM CO ro Tt vo to CM VO 00 00 ts. rt to >0 ro" tsT tsT CM" rt" cT tsT IO 00 CO CO tO CM tO I-H to ro to o O Tt k & ll * fk * * rt ts. 00 OO vo O fO CM CM M CM ro to to rt ON Tt ro 00 Tt vo O\ rt ts. O ro ro ro Is. CM co r T > c O,0,'~t 10 ^-1 rt CO VO Tt co co CM O^OO^to^ 06" vo" tsT oo" vo" to" vo" VO rt O O\ OO rt IO ro CO CM O Tt -O to ON" t~s" CM" co" rt" o" vo" fs. VO 00 00 00 Tt 10 CM"OO"IO" tC o" rt" rt" VO ts. 00 ON CM CO rt O O O o O O O Ja .0 J2 .Q ,a J2 .0 BE SS 6SS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 G a c a c c c s ONOrt CMroTtio O\ O rt CM CO Tt IO ON O rt CM CO TttO C C C c C C C rt rt rt rt rt rt _rt ON ON ON ON ON ON ON O\ ON ON ON ON O\ ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON o\ ON ON ON .O _Q.i n _Q -Z3 J3 O O O o O O O O O o O O Preservatives. t j ^ , J . J Zinc Chloride Zinc-Creosote ^ All Preservatives NOTE. Figures furnisl PROGRESS IN WOOD PRESERVATION 17 MATERIAL TREATED IN THE UNITED STATES. TOTAL MATERIAL. 19i5 1915 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 50 90 100 110 120 130 140 ISO I6C CU. FEET MILLIONS CROSS-TIES. 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 9O 100 IIO 120 130 140 CU FEET -MILLIONS PILES. iqi c IQI4 IQI -a 1912 1910 345 CU. FEET- MILLIONS POLES. CU FEET-MILLIONS 18 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION MATERIAL TREATED IN THE UNITED STATES. PAVING BLOCKS. 1915 1914 1913 1912 191 I 1910 1909 1915 I9W- 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 34567 CU. FEET-MILLIONS CONSTRUCTION TIMBER. 10 A 5 6 7 5 CU. FEET - MILLIONS CROSS-ARMS. 10 CU. FEET - MILLIONS MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER. 1915 PROGRESS IN WOOD PRESERVATION 19 CM O 00 -H CM oo 03 O t-x to 10 j^ ON CM VO to 52 00 OO 00 o r>^ t-C CM" r-C *~* -H ro 00 ro CM vo oo "U J vO to o\ vo 5 c tx^ oo" to 1 T t ^ CO M to ^" B w ; oo o" VO oo * in 10 d c VO to _ to o ON ON t^% O a B s Tf i i jy VO VO CM Q a a CM S o d 1 i 1 VO to ON VO <* oo 1 S ^H u o" oT ^ CM" *rt H 6 S 5 o\ ro CM" (/) rt Q to S : VO oo 3 5 3 O 3 o CM . CM in tx d Cx] CM o in ^ ro ro .c m H 1 C\" o" vo ro 1 ro tx to g c\T CM* Q C S S : 1 * S .S * ""I 8 2 : 1 CM in W -T CM" ff S ^ CM to . to 10 to # C/) W H 1* 00 VO CM" to" ro" to to ro" * o\ c/) & S in vo CM CM to o ^ O ^J LO in 1t CM to ^ c r^ ^ I V i O to to O 3 ; to oo" CM ^ CM ON . dry zinc chloride. The maximum quantity of creosote is usually -injected into piles and other marine timbers that are subject to attack of the teredo and other marine borers ; in land situations where decay is the principal source of failure about one-half as much creosote is injected into the wood. Zinc chloride is best adapted to timber for use in arid or semi-arid regions, where precipitation is too low to leach out the preservative, and where low first cost is essential. The pressure processes are divided into : (1). Full-Cell treatments, which force into and leave in wood practically all the preservative it will hold where penetrated, thereby giving maximum protection against decay for that depth of penetration ; and (2). Empty-Cell treatments, which aim to reduce materially the final retention of preservative, while not reducing the depth of pene- tration. Either green or seasoned timber can be treated by the pressure processes. When green timber is put into the cylinder it is often seasoned by means of live steam, followed by a vacuum to dry the wood before treatment. A vacuum is also drawn at the end of the treat- ment to hasten the draining of the surplus from the cylinder and to dry the timber. The better-known pressure processes used in the United States are: Bethell. (full-Cell Process.) Patented by John Bethell in England in 1838. Commonly used for the treatment of piles, poles, cross-arms, paving blocks, structural timbers, lumber, and ties. Consists essentially of the following steps : a. Preliminary vacuum one-half to one or more hours. b. Oil injected under pressure, maximum usually between 100 and 180 Ibs. per square inch. c. Final vacuum (sometimes omitted). Green timber is usually subjected to a live steam bath at about 20 Ibs. pressure for several hours before the preliminary vacuum. Sea- soned timber is not usually steamed in this process, except in the case of paving blocks. The amount of oil injected depends upon the specifi- 24 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION cations of the purchaser, but the absorption per cubic foot is usually within the following ranges: Lumber, poles, structural timbers, cross-arms, ties, fresh- water and land piles, 8 to 12 pounds. Paving blocks, 12 to 20 pounds. Salt water piles, 16 to 24 pounds. Boiling. Patented by W. G. Curtis and John D. Isaacs in 1895 and reissued the same year. (U. S. patent 545,222, and reissue 11,515). Used chiefly for creosoting Douglas fir piles, timber, lumber, ties, and paving blocks. Consists essentially of the following steps : a. Wood (either green or seasoned) in the retort is covered with oil at about 160 F. b. Oil heated to 225 to 250 F. at atmospheric pressure and vapors passed through a condenser. c. Heating continued until rate of condensation falls to 1/6 to 1/10 of a pound of water per cubic foot of wood per hour. This frequently requires 40 to 60 hours for green timber, and sometimes more. d. Retort filled with cool oil, allowing temperature to fall. e. Pressure applied, maximum 120 to 150 Ibs. per square inch, until desired absorption obtained ; usually 10 to 12 Ibs. per cubic foot. Bcultgn.---( Boiling Under Vacuum.) ) Patented by S. B. Boulton in England and the United States. (See U. S. patent 247,602, issued Sept. 27, 1881), also by O. P. M. Goss in the United States. (See U. S. patent 1,167,492, issued in 1916). Used chiefly for the treatment of Douglas fir piles, timber, ties, lumber and paving blocks. Consists essentially of the following steps : a. Timber immersed in hot creosote and subjected to a vacuum, and the escaping vapors drawn through a condenser. b. Temperature (usually 190 F. to 210 F.) and vacuum main- tained until the rate of condensation of water falls to a specified amount per cubic foot of wood per hour, usually 1/6 to 1/10 of a pound. c. Vacuum discontinued and pressure applied until desired absorp- tion obtained. The object of the vacuum is to evaporate the water from the wood at a lower temperature than in the ordinary steaming or straight-boiling process. Burnett. Patented in England in 1838 by William Burnett. In general use for treating ties, lumber and timber with zinc chloride. Consists essentially as follows for seasoned wood : a. Preliminary vacuum. PROCESSES FOR PRESERVING WOOD 25 b. Zinc chloride solution applied under pressure of 100 to 175 ft>s. per square inch, to approximate refusal. For green timber a steaming period of one to five or more hours at about 20 tbs. is usually applied before the vacuum. The strength of the zinc solution generally is so regulated that at refusal the timber will have absorbed from % to ^ ft>., usually the latter, of dry zinc chloride per cubic foot. Card. Patented by J. B. Card in 1906, (U. S. patent 815,404). Used chiefly for ties, lumber, and timbers. The essential parts of the process are : a. The use of a mixture containing about 80% of zinc chloride solution and 20% creosote. b. The method of keeping the zinc chloride and creosote mixed during treatment by means of a rotary pump, which draws the mixture from the top of the retort and returns it at the bottom through a perforated pipe. The use of steaming, vacuum, and pressure are the same as in the Bethell process. It is customary to inject about ^2 ft), of zinc chloride and 2 to 3 Ibs. of creosote per cubic foot. Lowry. (Hmpty-Cell Process.) Patented by C. B. Lowry in 1906. (U. S. patent 831,450). Used chiefly for creosoting air-seasoned cross-ties. Consists essentially of the following steps: a. Without first drawing a vacuum, creosote at not to exceed 200 F. is injected into the wood to refusal, or to a specific amount. b. A quick vacuum is drawn to remove the excess oil from the timber. The air imprisoned by injecting the oil without a preliminary vacuum expands during the final vacuum, forcing out a certain amount of the oil with it. The process is classed as an empty-cell process for this reason. The net absorption is from 6-8 pounds per cubic foot. Rueping. (Empty-Cell Process.) Patented in the United States in 1902 by Max Rueping. (U. S. patents 707,799 and 709,799). The second patent was reissued October, 1907. (Reissue 12,707). Used chiefly for ties and lumber. Consists of the following steps : a. Retort, containing the wood, is filled with compressed air; the pressure varying with the kind and condition of the wood. b. Oil forced into retort, gradually allowing air to escape, but without reducing pressure. c. When retort is full of oil, pressure is increased to a maximum of 150 to 200 Ibs. per square inch, and held to refusal, or until specified absorption is obtained. 26 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION d. Oil drained and vacuum drawn to remove excess of oil from the wood. If green timber is treated, it is first artificially seasoned by steaming, boiling, or boiling under vacuum, before the air pressure is applied. Net absorption usually 4 to 6 Ibs. per cubic foot. Steaming. (Colman Process.) Not patented. Used almost exclusively for the treatment of Douglas fir piles. Consists essentially of the following steps : a. Timber steamed at a pressure of 90 to 100 lt>s. per square inch for 3 to 10 hours. b. Steam released and vacuum drawn until timber is considered seasoned. This sometimes requires 18 to 20 hours. The temperature within the retort during the vacuum period is usually maintained above 200 F. c. Oil is injected at a maximum pressure of 100 to 150 Ibs. per square inch until desired absorption is obtained. There are many other processes, the merits and demerits of which have been or are yet to be demonstrated. Most wood-preserving plants arc equipped to treat by any processes desired by the user of the treated wood. They also may be relied upon to advise the kinds of treatments which will bring results to which they can point later with satisfaction. Conservation by preservation is economy exemplified, WOOD PRESERVATIVES 27 WOOD PRESERVATIVES. The substances proposed as a means of protecting wood against destruction by fire, fungi, insects, or worms, include the following : Aluminum sulphate. Animal oils. Barium carbonate. Barium sulphate. Borax. Cedar oil. Copper sulphate. Creosotes (coal-tar, water- gas-tar, wood, petroleum.) Crude oil. Fish oil. Glue. Gums (various.) Iron sulphate. Lime hydrate. Linseed oil. Magnesium sulphate. Mercuric chloride. Molasses and low syrups. Petroleum oils. Potassium carbonate. Potassium nitrate. Resins. Sodium carbonate. Sodium chloride. Sodium fluoride. Sodium muriate. Sodium sulphate. Sulphuric acid. Tannin. Tar. Tartaric acid. Vegetable oils. Wax. Whale oil. Zinc chloride. Zinc sulphate. The merit of a wood preservative is determined either by its ability to poison fungi or bacteria, or to waterproof wood. Preservatives vary greatly in their toxicity (property to poison), and the greater their toxicity the longer will the wood keep sound. Toxic preservatives that will easily penetrate wood, do not affect its strength, and are obtainable at a reasonable price, are the most efficient and economical. The consumption of wood preservatives in the United States for a series of years is given in the accompanying table. WOOD PRESERVATIVES USED IN THE UNITED STATES. Year Number of Plants Creosote. Gallons. Zinc Chloride. Pounds. Other Preservatives. Gallons*. 1909 1910 1911 1912 1,913 64 71 80 84 93 51,431,212 63,266,271 73,027,335 83,666,490 108,373,359 16,215,109 16,802,532 16,359,797 20,751,711 26,466,803 t 2,333,707 1,000,000 3,072,462 3,885,738 1914 94 79,334,606 27,212,259 f 9,429,444* I 2,486,637 1915 102 80,859,442 33,269,604 f 3,205,563* I 1,693,544 Includes crude oil, coke oven-tar, refined coal-tar and carbolineum oils. fStatistics not available. f'Paving oil." Some preservatives like zinc chloride, mercuric chloride, and copper sulphate, are made from inorganic compounds which are soluble in 28 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION water, and these will leach out of the wood when it is exposed to very wet surroundings. In dry localities, however, these inorganic pre- servatives will assure a considerably longer life to treated wood than could be expected of the untreated wood. Other preservatives, such as the creosotes, which are made from organic compounds, are more waterproof and less volatile. Creosote. The creosote suitable for preserving wood is derived from the tar obtained in the destructive distillation of wood, coal, petroleum, etc. Creosote oil, in the scientific sense, may be defined as any and all distillate oils boiling between 200 and 400 Centigrade, which are ob- tained by distillation from tars consisting principally of compounds belonging to the aromatic series and containing well-defined amounts of phenoloids. Creosote is the most important wood preservative, and has been in use for this purpose for a great many years. The consumption of creosote oil in the United States in the five years from 1909 to 1913 more than doubled, and in the seven years from 1909 to 1915 was as follows : CREOSOTE USED IN THE UNITED STATES. Year Total Creosote Used. Domestic Creosote. Per Cent of Total Imported Creosote. Per Cent of Total 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 Gallons. 51,426,212 63,266,271 73,027,335 83,666,490 108,373,359 79,334,606 80,859,442 Gallons. 13,862,171 18,184,355 21,510,629 31,135,195 41,700,167 28,026,870 43,358,435* 27 29 29 37 38 35 54 Gallons. 37,569,041 45,081,916 51,516,706 52,531,295 66,673,192 51,307,736 37,501,007 73 71 71 63 62 65 46 "41,333,890 gals, coal-tar and 2,024,545 gals, water-gas-tar. The domestic production of creosote oil has grown steadily, especially since the European war interfered with exports to the United States. In 1914 the production of creosote oil in the United States amounted to 28,026,870 gallons, and a year later had nearly doubled to 43,358,435 gallons. Domestic manufacturers furnished 35% of the total amount of creosote oil used in 1914, and in 1915 they sup- plied 54%. The imports in 1914 amounted to 65% of the total con- sumption of creosote oil in the United States, and in 1915 the foreign supply fell to 46%. Specifications for coal-tar creosote oil, calculated on the basis of the dry oil when distilled by the common method (using an 8-oz. retort, asbestos covered, with standard thermometer, bulb y 2 in. WOOD PRESERVATIVES 29 above the surface of the oil), prepared by the American Railway Engineering Association, are as follows: Distillation Grade 1. Grade 2. Grade 3. Below 210 C 5% 8% 10% 235 C Not over 25% 35% 40% Residue above 355 C. Over 5% soft 5% soft 5% soft Water Not over 3% 3% 3% Specific gravity at 38 C 1.03 1.03 1.025 Grade 1 oil shall be a pure product obtained from coal-gas- tar or coke-oven-tar, and shall be free from any tar, including coal- gas-tar and coke-oven-tar, oil or residue obtained from petroleum or any other source ; it shall be completely liquid at 38 C., and shall be free from suspended matter. Oils 2 and 3 shall be the best-obtain- able grades of coal-tar creosote. The specifications for creosote oil prepared in behalf of the Ameri- can Society of Municipal Improvements in October, 1916, by that association's Committee on Standard Specifications for Creosoted Wood Block Paving, are as follows: "A" Coal-Tar Paving Oil: A coal-tar product at least 65% a distillate of coal-gas tar or coke-oven tar; the remainder refined or filtered coal-gas tar or coke-oven tar. "B" Coal-Tar Distillate Oil: A distillate of coal-gas tar or coke- Water "A" "B" Matter insoluble in benzol Specific gravity at 38 C. Distillates Up to 210 C Not more than 3% Between 1.07 and 1.12... Not over 5 % Not more than 0.5% Not less than 1.06 Not over 5% Up to 235 C Not over 25 % Not over 15% Residue above 355 C... Specific gravity of fraction between 235 C and If over 35% shall have float test of not over 80 sec. at 70 C Not less than 1.02 at 38 / 15.5 C If over 10% shall have float test of not over 50 sec. at 70 C. Not less than 1.02 at 38 e / 15.5 C. 315 C Specific gravity of fraction between 315 C and Not less than 1.09 at 38/ 15.5 C Not less than 1.09 at 38/ 15.5 C. 355 C Coke residue Not more than 10% Not more than 2% Zinc Chloride. The principal water-soluble salt which is used as an antiseptic for destroying fungi that attack wood in localities that are not excessively wet is zinc chloride, which has been employed as a wood preservative for^ nearly forty years. It is purchased either in the fused state or in a concentrated solution. Fused zinc chloride should contain at least 94% of water-soluble chloride of zinc, and be free from acids. It should be practically free from soluble iron or other inorganic impurities insoluble in hydrochloric acid. The concentrated solution contains about 50% water, and this is the form in which zinc chloride is injected into wood. The consumption of zinc chloride in the United States for pre- serving wood amounted in 1914 to 27,212,259 pounds, and in 1915 to 33,269,604 pounds. A number of patented, proprietary wood preservatives are being marketed. They are used generally in gallon or barrel lots in localities near their points of manufacture, to minimize the cost of their trans- portation. 30 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION MANUFACTURERS OF OR DEALERS IN WOOD PRESERVATIVES. Creosote. UNITED STATES. American Tar Products Co., 208 La Salle St., Chicago, 111.; Milwaukee, Wis. ; St. Louis, Mo.; Steubenville, O. ; Woodward, Ala.; Youngstown, O. Armitage Mfg. Co., 2716 E. Grace St., Richmond, Va. Barnaby & Co., Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Barrett Co., The, 17 Battery Place, New York; Birmingham, Ala.; Boston, Mass. ; Chicago, 111. ; Cincinnati, O. ; Cleveland, O. ; Detroit, Mich. ; Kansas City, Mo. ; Louisville, Ky. ; Minneapolis, Minn. ; Nash- ville, Tenn.; New Orleans, La.; Peoria, 111.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Pitts- burgh, Pa.; St. Louis, Mo.; Salt Lake City, Utah; Seattle, Wash. Carolina Portland Cement Co., New Orleans, La. Chatfield Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland, O. Creosote Supply Co., 1105 Queen & Crescent Bldg., New Orleans, La. Denver Gas and Electric Light Co., 900 15th St., Denver, Colo. Lembcke, von Bernuth Co., 171 Madison Avenue, New York. Lewis Mfg. Co., F. J., Chicago, 111.; Birmingham, Ala.; Moline, 111. Nashville Chemical Co., Nashville, Tenn. Republic Creosoting Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ; Minneapolis, Minn. ; Mobile, Ala. Semet-Solvay Co., Syracuse, N. Y. United Gas Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Utah Light & Power Co., Ogden, Utah. Warren Brothers, Cambridge, Mass. Zopher Mills, 91 Pioneer St., Brooklyn, N. Y. FOREIGN. American Tar Products Co., Montreal, Canada. Blagden, Waugh & Co., London, England. British Creosote Co. (Shields & Ramsay, Agents), Glasgow, Scot- land. Brotherton & Co., Ltd., Leeds, England. Burt, Bolton & Haywood, Ltd., London, England. Chemische Fabrik Grunan, Grunan (Berlin), Germany. Chemische Fabrik Ladenburg, Ladenburg, Germany. Dominion Tar & Chemical Co., Sydney, Nova Scotia. Dunn Bros. & Co., Manchester, England. Forbes, Abbott & Leonard, London, England. Gas Light & Coke Co., London, England. Graesser, R., Ruabon, Wales. Hird, Hastie & Co., Glasgow, Scotland. Leitch & Co., John W., Heddersfield, England. DEALERS IN PRESERVATIVES 31 Creosote (Continued). Lowe & Co., Chas., London, England. Major & Co., Hull, England. Metcalf, J., Althatn (Near Accrington), England. Munro Co., Robt. A., Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland. Page & Co., Chas., London, England. Raschig, Dr. F., Ludwigshafen on Rhein, Germany. South Metropolitan Gas Works, London, England. Tennant & Co., Chas., London, England. Tullock Co., Wm., Glasgow, Scotland. Zinc Chloride. Commercial Acid Co., St. Louis, Mo. General Chemical Co., 112 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, O. Patented Proprietary Preservatives. Aczol. J. Gerlache, Boulevard du Nord, 68, Brussels, Belgium. Atlas "A." Atlas Preservative Co., New York. Aztec. Interocean Oil Co., New York. Avenarius Carbolineum. Carbolineum Wood Preserving Co., Mil- waukee, Wis., New York. Barol. Anthrol Wood Preserving Co., New York. Barrett Grade One Liquid Creosote Oil (Carbosota). The Barrett Co., 17 Battery Place, New York; Birmingham, Ala.; Boston, Mass.; Chicago, 111.; Cincinnati, O. ; Cleveland, O.; Detroit, Mich.; Kansas City, Mo.; Louisville, Ky. ; Minneapolis, Minn.; Nashville, Tenn. ; New Orleans, La. ; Peoria, 111. ; Philadelphia, Pa. ; Pittsburgh, Pa. ; St. Louis, Mo. ; Salt Lake City, Utah ; Seattle, Wash. Beechivood Creosote. Lake Superior Iron and Chemical Co., De- troit, Mich. B. M. Franz Workman, New York. Carbolite Carbolineum. The Dominion Paving & Contracting Co., 55 Gore Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont. Carbosota. The Barrett Co. (See above.) C-A-Wood-Preserver. C- A- Wood-Preserver Co., Inc., St. Louis, Mo. Chlorocene. Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, O. Concentrol. F. & H. Aldred, Derby, England. Conserve. Samuel Cabot, Inc., Boston, Mass. Copper Sulphate. American Smelting & Refining Co., New York. General Chemical Co., 112 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Coppcrized Oil. Copper Oil Products Co., New York. Corrosive Sublimate. Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co., New York. Cre sol-Calcium. Blagden, Waugh & Co., London, England. Gtcrnoid. L. & M. Supply and Equipment Co., Trenton, N. J. 32 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION Ferrosote. National Wood Preserving & Lumber Co., Chicago, 111. Grade One Liquid Creosote. The Barrett Co. (See above.) Hols-Heifer. Vaughn Paint Co., Cleveland, O. Kreodone. Republic Creosoting Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ; Minneapo- lis, Minn.; Mobile, Ala. Letteney. The Northeastern Co., 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Locustine. W. H. Huff, Beverly, N. J. Montanin. Montanin Co., New York. Mykantin. Farbwerke Hoechst Co., San Francisco, Cal. Para-Kresol. American Chemical & Textile Co., Wilmington, N. C. Penetin. Preservative Materials Co., New York. Preservol. Newbold Mfg. Co., 135 Greenwich St., New York. Pyrolin. Pyrolin Products Co., Inc., Fort Dodge, Iowa. Reeves' Wood-Preserver. The Reeves Co., New Orleans, La. Sapwood Antiseptic. J. W. Long, Chicago, 111. Saum's Preservative. Geo. W. Saums Co., Trenton, N. J. Sodium Fluoride. General Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Harshaw, Fuller & Goodwin Co., Cleveland, O. Sodium Silicate. General Chemical Co., 112 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Solignum. The Northeastern Company, Boston, Mass. S. P. F. Carbolineum. S. P. F. Wood-Preserving Co., New York. Spirittine. Spirittine Chemical Co., Wilmington, N. C. Timber asphalt. Indian Refining Co., New York. Zinc Sulphate. General Chemical Co., 112 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, O. Pavements of preserved wood are pavements of permanent worth. USES OF PRESERVED WOOD 33 USES OF PRESERVED WOOD. Wood has many advantages over its substitutes; namely: Wood is widely distributed and easily obtainable. Wood can be worked easily into any shape with simple tools. Wood is strong, tough, elastic and noiseless. Wood will not contract or expand under varying tem- peratures. Wood is a non-conductor of heat and electricity. Wood used in structures or for other purposes can be more easily removed and used over again than equally- substantial material. Preservative treatment gives to wood the additional advantage of durability wherever decay is a factor in its service. The principal uses of treated wood are : Cross-Ties. Cross-Arms. Switch-Ties. Fence Posts. Bridge-Ties. Blocks for Paving Structural Timbers. and Flooring. Piles. Miscellaneous Lumber. Poles. One-third of all the railway ties used annually are now treated with preservatives, and the consumption of treated wood for railway work is steadily increasing. Treated telegraph and telephone poles and cross-arms are now the rule rather than the exception. Only creosoted piles will withstand the attack of marine borers, and in consequence untreated wood is now rarely found in wharf supports. Streets paved with wood blocks are no longer uncommon. Their growing popularity is justified by their wearability, noiselessness, dust- lessness, etc. As flooring, wood block is used in : Foundries. Machine Shops (all kinds). Shops Handling Heavy Machinery. Railway Shops. Railway Stations. Warehouses. Factories. Factory Courts. Freight Houses. Express Rooms. Baggage Rooms. Wild Animal Cages, Runways, etc. Ferryboats and Ap- proaches. Driveways. Bridges. Post Offices. Dumping Platforms. Freight Platforms. Loading Platforms. Station Platforms. Wharves and Docks. Barns. Tennis Courts. Stables. Slaughter Houses. Rubber Factories. Hospitals. Laundries. Printing Establish- ments. Garages. Cotton Mills. Paper Mills. Kitchens. Bakeries. Engine Houses. Milk Depots. Breweries. Dairies. 34 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION Satisfied users replied as follows when asked why they preferred wood block as flooring: Wears well; durable; long life. Easy on feet of workmen ; men like to work on these floors. Quiet; noiseless. Easily repaired. Low upkeep cost. Smooth, easy trucking ; good surface. Good footing. Not slippery. Saves tools dropped, castings, fine work, materials, kegs, etc. Sanitary. Warm. Dustless; clean. Easily cleaned. Resilient, pliable, shock absorber. Easy on mules and horses. Easy to move or set up machinery on, to put in pipes, etc. Saves trucks. Non-inflammable. Stands great abuse. Dries quickly; waterproof. Makes a solid floor. Non-absorbent. Does not crack or chip when heavy castings are thrown on floor. Makes a neat floor. Keeps a neat floor. Keeps out flies, mosquitoes, etc. Not damaged by metal grinding into the floor. Easily laid. Preserved structural timbers and miscellaneous lumber are used for numerous purposes about the farm, in silos, barns, stock pens, chicken coops, fencing, culverts, etc. ; about mills, as sills, posts, rafters, conduits, etc. ; in mines, as supports, etc. Preserved piles are practically permanent. MANUFACTURERS OF EQUIPMENT . 35 MANUFACTURERS OF WOOD -PRESERVING EQUIPMENT. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co Milwaukee, Wis. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co Cleveland, O. Bovaird & Seyfaud Mfg. Co Bradford, Pa. Casey & Hedges ,. Chattanooga, Tenn. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co Chicago, III. Crane Co Chicago, 111. Coeur d'Alene Iron Works Wallace, Idaho. Crook, Kries & Co., (Successors to T. C. Basshor Co.), Baltimore, Md. Fairbanks-Morse Co St. Paul, Mirni. Fcxboro Co., The Foxboro, Mass. Graver Tank Works, Wm East Chicago, Ind. Gravier Tank Works Galveston, Tex. Greenlee Bros. & Co Rockford, 111. Hilke Stacker Co New York, N. Y. International Creosoting & Construction Co Galveston, Tex. Jacobs & Sons, S Birmingham, Ala. Lakewood Engineering Co Cleveland, O. Logan Iron Works Brooklyn, N. Y. Manitowoc Engineering Works Manitowoc, Wis. Mathews Gravity Carrier Co Ellwood City, Pa. Mohr & Sons, John Chicago, 111. Moran Bros Seattle, Wash. National Boiler & Sheet Iron Works Indianapolis, Ind. Orenstein-Arthur Koppel Co New York, N. Y. Payne & Joubert New Orleans, La. Petroleum Iron Works Sharon, Pa. Reeves Bros. Co Alliance, O. Schaeffer & Budenberg Mfg. Co Brooklyn, N. Y. Struther- Wells Co Warren, Pa. Taylor Instrument Companies Rochester, N. Y. Union Iron 'Works San Francisco, Cal. Willamette Iron and Steel Works Portland, Oregon. Worthington Pump and Machinery Corporation New York, N. Y. Yeomans Bros. Co Chicago, III. Treated ties typify tip-top track. 36 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION USERS OF PRESERVED WOOD. With a wider knowledge of the merits of treated wood for many purposes, and its greater economy as compared with the natural product, has come a more liberal demand for treated wood, especially from the larger users of this material. To name every user of treated wood would be quite a task, but it is possible to give some idea of the indus- tries that absorb the increasing supply, as mentioned below : Treated Cross-Ties, Switch-Ties and Bridge Ties. Railroad companies. Treated Structural Timbers. Manufacturing companies. Mining companies. Railroad companies. Agriculturists. Treated Piles. Railroad companies. Shipbuilding companies. Dock companies. U. S. Government. Municipalities. Treated Poles and Cross-Arms. Telegraph companies. Telephone companies. Railroad companies. Light companies. Power companies. Water supply companies. Treated Fence Posts. Railroad companies. Agriculturists. Treated Miscellaneous Lumber. Railroad companies. Agriculturists. Shipbuilding companies. Treated Wood Blocks. Railroad companies. Hospitals. Express companies. Print shops. Manufacturing companies. Laundries. Foundries. Hotels and restaurants. Machine shops. Bakeries. Post offices. Dairies. Garages. Warehouses. Dock companies. Stores. Shipbuilding companies. Engine houses. Cotton mills. Breweries. Paper mills. Rubber works. Slaughter houses. Menageries. Stables. Freight houses. Platforms. Barns. WOOD-PRESERVING PLANTS 37 WOOD-PRESERVING PLANTS, UNITED STATES, CANADA AND MEXICO. PRESSURE PROCESSES. UNITED STATES. Managing Company Headquarters Location of Plant si >< RETORTS 1 y 5 !* American Creosoting Co. New York, N. Y. Newark, N. J. 1906 M 78 78 105 165 < Louisville, Ky. Indianapolis, Ind. 1913 2 64 134 " " " ' " Marion, 111. 1907 2 84 134 " Springfield, Mo. 1907 2 84 134 it < Kansas City, Mo. 1907 2 84 134 < Russell, Ky. 1915 1 84 134 < < Hugo, Okla. 1907 2 84 134 American Creosote Works. New Orleans, La. Southport, nr. New Orleans 1901 ii 84 108 172 172 < " < Rome, N. Y. 1910 2 84 150 U ft Paterson, N. J. 1909 1 84 150 Georgia Creosoting Co. Louisville, Ky. Brunswick, Ga. 1915 2 84 121 Great Northern Ry. Co. St. Paul, Minn. Somers, Mont. 1901 4 72 110 Gulfport Creosoting Co. Gulfport, Miss. Gulfport, Miss. 1906 2 84 120 Indiana Creosoting Co. Louisville, Ky. Bloomington, Ind. 1907 1 84 134 Indiana Tie Co. Evansville, Ind. Evansville, Ind. 1907 2 72 110 Evansville, Ind. Joppa, 111. 1909 2 72 110 Indiana Zinc Creosoting Co. Terre Haute, Ind. Terre Haute, Ind. 1904 2 72 120 Interstate Public Service Co. Indianapolis, Ind. Columbus, Ind. 1909 1 72 45 Int'l. Creo. & Con. Co. Galveston, Tex. Beaumont, Tex. j 1892 1897 l> 108 140 < Galveston, Tex. 1905 1 72 100 " Texarkana, Ark. 1902 \l 114 72 165 125 Jennison-Wright Co. Toledo, O. Toledo, O. 1910 2 72 130 Kettle River Co. Minneapolis, Minn. Madison, 111. 1909 4 84 135 it Sandstone, Minn. 1904 2 72 120 Louisiana Creosoting Co. Winnfield, La. Winnfield, La. 1906 11 72 72 126 80 L. & N. R. R. Co. ^ouisville, Ky. Guthrie, Ky. 1913 2 84 133 ( 1895 1 72 115 Gautier, Miss. < 1916 \\ 72 84 133 133 Michigan Pipe Co. Bay City, Mich. Bay City, Mich. 1893 1 72 42 Michigan Wood Preserving Co. Pittsburgh, Pa. Reed City, Mich. 1913 1 90 90 Mo., Kan & Tex. Ry. Co. St. Louis, Mo. Dennison, Tex. 1909 4 72 108 Moss Tie Co., T. J. ., <. Mt. Vernon, 111. 1899 i.l 74 72 132 117 Nat'l Lbr. & Creo. Co. ^exarkana, Ark. Texarkana, Tex. 1910 2 84 132 " Houston, Tex. 1912 4 72 120 , 1896 4 78 100 Norfolk Creosoting Co. Norfolk, Va. Buell(nr. Norfolk) ,Va. } 1905 \\ 78 84 105 125 Northern Pacific Ry. Co. St. Paul, Minn. Brainerd, Minn. 1907 2 84 134 Ohio Wood Preserving Co. Pittsburgh, Pa. Orrville, O. 1912 1 84 90 Oregon-Wash. R. R. & Nav. Co. 'ortland, Oregon Wyeth, Oregon 1904 4 72 114 Pacific Creosoting Co. Seattle, Wash. Eagle Harbor, Wash. 1906 8 73 125 Pennsylvania R. R. Co. *hiladelphia, Pa. Mount Union, Pa. 1910 2 72 132 Greenwich, Phila., Pa. 1909 1 72 132 Phila. & Reading Ry. J ort Reading, N. J. Port Reading, N. J. 1912 2 88 140 WOOD-PRESERVING PLANTS 39 WOOD-PRESERVING PLANTS IN UNITED STATES (Concluded). Managing Company Headquarters Location of Plant >- ,i g'1 >< RETORTS fc M a 1L v* Pioneer Lbr. & Creo. Co. Ensley, Ala. Ensley, Ala. 1911 ! 74 76 Pittsburgh Wood Preserving Co. Pittsburgh, Pa. Adelaide, Pa. 1911 1 84 90 ( 1 84 117 Puget Sound Wd. Pres. Co. Lowell, Wash. Lowell, Wash. 1895 1 72 83 ( 1 72 52 Republic Creosoting Co. Indianapolis, Ind. Mobile, Ala. 1906 2 74 130 Indianapolis, Ind. 1903 1 74 130 < Seattle, Wash. 1916 1 74 130 Minneapolis Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. 1905 2 74 130 St. Helens Creosoting Co. Portland, Oregon St. Helens, Oregon 1912 4 84 136 St. Paul & Tacoma Lbr. Co. Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. 1912 1 84 130 Shreveport Creosoting Co. Louisville, Ky. Shreveport, La. 1910 2 84 134 Southern Creosoting Co. Slidell, La. Slidell, La. j 1879 1902 1 2 84 72 150 100 Southern Pacific Co. San Francisco, Cal. Latham, Oregon 1893 2 72 117 ,. .. West Oakland, Cal. 1887 if 72 72 108 138 Los Angeles, Cal. 1907 2 72 112 Southern Paving & Const. Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. Pensacola, Fla. 1912 1 72 90 Southern Wood Pres. Co. Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. 1908 1 72 100 S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. Co. Los Angeles, Cal. San Pedro, Cal. 1908 2 72 117 Tenn. C. I. & R. R. Co. Birmingham, Ala. McAdory, Ala. 1909 1 72 65 Texas & N. O. R. R. Co. Houston, Tex. Houston, Tex. 1890 5 72 112 Union Pacific R. R. Co. Omaha, Neb. Topeka, Kan. 1909 2 73 117 < Laramie, Wyo. 1903 2 73 117 U. S. Wood Preserving Co. New York, N. Y. Buell (near Norfolk), Va. 1907 2 78 150 Western Wood Pres. Co. Spokane, Wash. Yardley, Wash. 1912 1 84 65 Wyckoff Pipe & Creo. Co. New York, N. Y. Portsmouth, Va. 1881 4 74 102 Watkins Creosoting Co. Chicago, 111. Metropolis, 111. 1913 1 74 100 CANADA. Bruce & Co., Alex. Glasgow, Scotland Fort Francis, Ont. 1912 1 84 76 Canada Creosoting Co., Ltd. Toronto, Ont. Trenton, Ont. 1913 1 84 134 Dominion Creo. Co., Ltd. Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. 1910 2 90 100 Dominion Tar & Chem. Co. Sydney, N. S. Sydney, N. S. 1911 1 78 85 " " Transcona (nr. Winnipeg), ( 1 78 84 Manitoba 1912 M 78 135 Vancouver Creosoting Co., Ltd. Vancouver, B. C. North Vancouver, B. C. 1916 2 84 132 MEXICO. No data regarding treating plants in Mexico. The Mexican Central Railroad built a plant at Aguas Cahentas, Mex., in 1901 _ to treat railroad ties with chloride of zinc. About the year 1907 the Madero Co. built a 2-retort plant at Madera, Chihuahua. Mex., to treat railroad ties with chloride of zinc (Corrected to Jan. 1, 1916.) 40 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION WOOD-PRESERVING PLANTS, UNITED STATES AND CANADA, NON-PRESSURE PROCESSES. UNITED STATES. Location Tanks or Boilers Managing Company of Plant oj | No. Size, Ft. Allen & Son Co., Otis Lowell, Mass. Lowell, Mass. 1848 2 4x 8x50 Anaconda Copper Mg. Co. Barnes-Lindsey Mfg. Co. Butte, Mont. Portland, Oregon Los Angeles, Cal. Portsmouth, N. H. 1875 4 Butte, Mont. 1909 1 Portland, Oregon Los Angeles, Cal 1911 4x 8x50 10x10x10 Carbolineum Treating & Pav. Co. Carbolineum Wd. Pres. Co. Del. Lack. & West. R. R. Co. Homestake Mining Co. Milwaukee Ry & Light Co. Spokane, Wash. Portland, Oregon. Scranton, Pa. Lead, S. D. Milwaukee, Wis. Spokane, Wash. 1910 1 Portland, Oregon 1910 4 Nanticoke, Pa. 1907 1 Lead, S. D. 1908 1 Milwaukee, Wis. 1910 3x 4x60 3x 4x60 6 dia. x32 4 dia. x38 Naugle Pole & Tie Co. Page & Hill Co. Pacific Light & Power Co. Chicago, 111. Minneapolis, Minn. Los Angeles, Cal. Chicago, 111. 1912 2 Minneapolis, Minn. 1911 4 Los Angeles, Cal. 1912 5x 5x10 6 dia. xll P. & R. Coal & Iron Co. Public Service Ry. Puget Sound Wd. P. Co. Reeves Co., The Republic Creosoting Co. San Joaquin L. & P. Co. St. Paul & Tacoma Lbr. Co. Southern Pacific Co. U. S. Govt. Wood Pres. Plant Pottsville, Pa. Newark, N. J. Lowell, Wash. New Orleans, La. Mobile, Ala. Fresno, Cal. Tacoma, Wash. San Francisco, Cal. ECeokuk, Iowa New Philadelphia, Pa. 1908 1 Newark, N. J. 1909 1 Lowell, Wash. 1895 1 ( 1915 1 New Orleans, La. ) 19101 Mobile, Ala. 1912 1 Fresno, Cal. 1910 2 San Miguel, Cal. 1910 1 Tacoma, Wash. 1915 4 West Oakland, Cal. 1911 1 Keokuk, Iowa 1908 1 6 dia. x32 10x32x 2 3x10x30 3x 3x30 4x 4x30 3xlQxlO 7x 9x 9 7x 9x 9 7x10x30 4x 6x 8 4x 3x42 < Milan. 111. Stillwater, Minn. Fountain City, Wis. Milan, 111. 1908 1 Stillwater, Minn. 1908 1 Fountain City, Wis. 1908 1 4x 3x42 4x 3x42 4x 3x42 CANADA. Lindsley Bros. Spokane, Wash. Naskup, B. C. 1910 ' 6 dia. x!2 (Corrected to Jan. 1, 1916.) CONSTITUTION 41 AMERICAN WOOD-PRESERVERS' ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION (Amended 1912, 1915, 1916) ARTICLE I. Name and Objects. SECTION 1. The name of this Association shall be the AMERICAN WOOD- PRESERVERS' ASSOCIATION. SECTION 2. The objects of the Association shall be the promotion of knowledge of the materials, methods, and principles involved in the economic design, location, construction, maintenance, and operation of wood-preserving works; the standardization of specifications for wood preservatives and for their introduction into the material to be preserved; and the maintenance of high standards of business ethics in the wood-preserving industry. SECTION 3. The means to be used for these purposes shall be meet- ings for the presentation and discussion of reports of the experiences and investigations of its members and others, for the interchange of ideas, and for social intercourse ; the publication of desirable informa- tion ; and co-operation with organizations or individuals in work affect- ing wood-preserving. ARTICLE II. Membership. SECTION 1. The Association shall consist of Corporate, Associate, Probate, and Honorary members. SECTION 2. A Corporate Member shall be an executive, an admin- istrator, or an operative in a wood-preserving organization; an officer of a public-utility corporation using treated wood whose duties cover the purchasing, inspecting, treating, or distribution of such material; a chemist or an engineer in the employ of a city, county, state, nation, or public-utility corporation; a consulting chemical, civil, electrical, forest, or mechanical engineer; or a professor or an instructor in an institution of learning. SECTION 3. An Associate Member shall be any person or association of persons interested in wood preservation or in the sale of material or equipment used in the wood-preserving industry. SECTION 4. A Probate Member shall be an employe of a wood-pre- serving or inspecting organization who is not eligible for Corporate Membership. SECTION 5. An Honorary Member shall be a person of acknowl- edged eminence in the wood-preserving industry or the sciences relat- ing thereto. The number of Honorary Members shall not exceed five. 42 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION SECTION 6. Corporate Members shall have all the rights and privi- leges of the Association. SECTION 7. Associate Members shall have all the rights of Corpo- rate Members, except those of voting or holding office. SECTION 8. Probate Members shall have all the rights of Corporate Members, except those of voting or holding office, for five years from the date of their admission, when their status shall be determined by the Executive Committee. SECTION 9. Honorary Members shall have all the rights of Corpo- rate Members, except that of holding office, and shall be exempt from the payment of dues. ARTICLE III. Admissions and Expulsions. SECTION 1. Applications for membership and resignations from membership shall be transmitted to the Secretary-Treasurer, the for- mer on a form prescribed by the Executive Committee and endorsed by a Corporate or an Honorary Member. The Secretary-Treasurer shall forward a copy of each application for membership to each mem- ber of the Executive Committee, the affirmative votes of a majority of whom shall admit the candidate. SECTION 2. Proposals for Honorary Membership shall be made by at least ten members, none of whom shall be a member of the Execu- tive Committee. The nominee shall be declared an Honorary Mem- ber if he receives the unanimous vote of the Executive Committee or the votes of two-thirds of the Corporate and Honorary members. SECTION 3. Any member of the Association who resigns while in good standing may be reinstated without paying a second admission fee, provided his application is approved by two-thirds of the Execu- tive Committee. SECTION 4. For unbecoming conduct a member may be expelled by the votes of two-thirds of the members at an Annual Meeting, after the member has been served with written particulars as to his offense by the Executive Committee, and had an opportunity to be heard by it or by the members at an Annual Meeting. SECTION 5. The Executive Committee shall accept the resignation, tendered in writing, of any member whose dues are paid. ARTICLE IV. Dues. SECTION 1. On admission to the Association, members shall pay fees as follows: Corporate Members, $10.00; Associate Members, $15.00; Probate Members, $5.00, which shall include their first dues. A. W.-P. A CONSTITUTION 43 SECTION 2. The annual dues, payable during the first two months of the calendar year, shall be as follows : Corporate Members, $10.00 ; As- sociate Members, $10-00; Probate Members, $5.00. SECTION 3. Members admitted after March 31 shall be exempt from the payment of dues until the following January 1, unless they desire to vote or to receive the current publications of the Association, in which case they shall pay one-half of the annual dues. SECTION 4. Any member whose dues are unpaid on April 1 shall not receive the publications of the Association, and if his dues are not paid by December 31, his membership shall be canceled, except as provided for in Section 5 of this Article. SECTION 5. The Executive Committee may extend the time for pay- ing or remit the dues of any Corporate or Probate members who are unable to pay them. ARTICLE V. Officers. SECTION 1. The officers of the Association shall be Corporate Mem- bers and shall consist of a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer, and six Members of Executive Committee, who, together with the last Past-President who is a Corpor- ate Member, shall constitute the Executive Committee in which respon- sibility for the government of the Association shall be vested. The President shall be chosen from the nine eligible members of the Execu- tive Committee. SECTION 2. No two or more officers in any year shall be members of the same business organization. SECTION 3. The President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice- President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and two Members of Executive Committee shall be elected at each Annual Meeting. SECTION 4. The terms of the President, Vice-Presidents, and Secre- tary-Treasurer shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting at which they are elected and continue until their successors are elected and have qualified. The six Members of Executive Committee shall serve three years, two being elected each year. SECTION 5. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice-Presidents in order. SECTION 6. A vacancy in any office other than that of President shall be filled by an appointee of the Executive Committee. SECTION 7. The President shall not be eligible for re-election to that office until three others have filled it. A Vice-President shall not be eligible for re-election to the same office until one other has filled it. 44 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION ARTICLE VI. Nomination and Election of Officers. SECTION 1. At each Annual Meeting six Corporate Members who are not officers shall be elected, together with the three last Past-Presidents who are Corporate Members, to serve one year as a Nominating Com- mittee, of which the senior Past-President shall be chairman. SECTION 2. The Nominating Committee shall nominate one eligible member for each office and for each membership in the Nominating Committee and shall send its list of nominees to the Secretary-Treas- urer before October 15. Any vacancies that may occur in the list of nominees before it is sent to the members shall be filled by the Execu- tive Committee. SECTION 3. The voting shall not be restricted to the names presented by the Nominating Committee. Any member may file with the Secre- tary-Treasurer before November 1 the name of a candidate for any office. SECTION 4. The ballot, with envelopes for secret voting, shall be sent to each member before December 1. It must contain the names of all nominees for each office, arranged alphabetically where there is more than one name for any office, with the nominees of the Nominating Committee plainly indicated. SECTION 5. Members may scratch or substitute the name of any nominee for any office. SECTION 6. Ballots shall be sealed and sent or delivered to the Secre- tary-Treasurer before the polls close, prior to which time a voter may withdraw or replace his ballot. SECTION 7. The polls shall be closed at noon on the first day of the Annual Meeting, and the ballots shall be counted by one Corporate and four Associate or Probate Members, appointed tellers by the presiding officer at the Annual Meeting. SECTION 8. The persons who receive the highest number of votes for the offices for which they are candidates shall be declared elected. In case of a tie between candidates for the same office, the members pres- ent at the Annual Meeting shall elect the officer from the candidates so tied. The presiding officer shall announce to the meeting the names of the officers elected. ARTICLE VII. Management. SECTION 1. The President shall have general supervision of the af- fairs of the Association, shall preside at its meetings and those of the Executive Committee, and shall be a member ex-officio of every com- mittee except the Nominating Committee. A. W.-P. A CONSTITUTION 45 SECTION 2. The Vice-Presidents, in order of seniority, shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President, and discharge his duties in case of a vacancy in the office. SECTION 3. The Secretary-Treasurer, under the direction of the President and the Executive Committee, shall be the executive officer of the Association. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Associa- tion; record the proceedings of all meetings; collect and deposit all moneys due the Association; verify all bills and pay them when ap- proved by the President or Executive Committee; make at each An- nual Meeting a report of the accounts and membership of the Associa- tion ; and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Committee. SECTION 4. The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the Association, and shall have full power to control and regulate all mat- ters not provided for in the Constitution. It shall act on applications for membership; make appropriations for specific purposes; direct the care of the surplus funds of the Association ; and audit the accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer. SECTION 5. The Executive Committee shall publish the activities of the Association in a book to be known as the Annual Proceedings ; but, subject to the action of the Association, it may withhold, in whole or in part, discussions, papers, or reports, the propriety or soundness of which it considers questionable. SECTION 6. The Executive Committee shall have printed a Manual of Recommended Practice, in which shall be published the specifica- tions and standards approved by the Association in accordance with Article X. SECTION 7. The Executive Committee shall meet at such times and places as the President may direct, or five members may request in writing. Six members shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VIII. Meetings. SECTION 1. An Annual Meeting, at which the officers shall be elected and all annual reports read, shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in Jan- uary of each year, at ten o'clock A. M., at such place as the Association at the previous meeting may designate. SECTION 2. Whenever the President may deem it necessary, or upon the written application of fifteen Corporate Members, he shall direct the Secretary-Treasurer to call a special meeting. The call for such a meeting shall state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting, and shall be mailed not less than thirty days prior to the date of the pro- posed meeting. 46 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION SECTION 3. Twenty Corporate Members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Association. SECTION 4. The order of business at the meetings of the Association shall be arranged by the Executive Committee, subject to addition or change by the votes of the majority of the members present. ARTICLE IX. Amendments. SECTION 1. Proposed amendments to this Constitution must be of- fered in writing, signed by at least five Corporate Members, and for- warded to the Secretary-Treasurer not less than thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting. They shall be published with the notices for the meet- ing. SECTION 2. Proposed amendments shall be in order for discussion at the Annual Meeting, and may be amended and adopted if two-thirds of the votes of the Corporate and Honorary members present and voting are affirmative. ARTICLE X. Adoption of Standards. SECTION 1. Any proposals for the approval or recommendation by the Association, of definitions, methods, nomenclature, specifications, standard construction, or standard practice, or aimed at defining formal- ly the position of the Association on any matter of importance, shall be presented in writing, with drawings if necessary, at an Annual Meeting. At this meeting amendments may be made by a majority of the Cor- porate and Honorary members present and voting. Proposed standards shall be referred to letter ballot of the Association if two-thirds of the Corporate and Honorary members at an Annual Meeting vote affirm- atively. The affirmative votes of two-thirds of all the Corporate and Honorary members shall be required for the adoption of any standard. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES 47 AMERICAN WOOD-PRESERVERS' ASSOCIATION OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OFFICERS FOR 1916. Carl G. Crawford ................................................... President John Foley ................................................ First Vice-President M. K. Trumbull ......................................... Second Vice-President F. J. Angier ............... Secretary-Treasurer, Mt. Royal Station, Baltimore, Md. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Carl G. Crawford, Chairman Davidson, G. Foley, John Rex, Geo. E. Trumbull, M. K. Card, J. B. 1 Joyce, A. R. ) , v Hendricks, V. K. V Term, 1 Year Pooler, F. S. } Term ' 3 Years Waterman, J. H. j STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1916. No. 1 Preservatives. E. B. Fulks, Chairman Acree, S. F. Fulweiler, W. H. Steinmayer, O. C. Church, S. R. Kammerer, A, L. Taylor, C. M. Forrest, C. N. Larkin, A. E. No. 2 Specifications for the Purchase and Preservation of Treatable Timber A. R. Joyce, Chairman Card, J. B. Martin, F. R. Smith, Lowry Goss, O P. M. Rex, Geo. E. Sterling, E. A. Winslow, C. P. No. 3 Wood Block Paving. C. H. Teesdale, Chairman Buehler, Walter Hamilton, F. P. Newton, H. M. Cherrington, F. W. Loud, H. S. No. 4 Plant Operation. A. L. Kuehn, Chairman Hunt, Geo. M. Lockett, A. M. Meyer, August Lane, C. W. McArdle, Frank No. 5 Service Tests of Ties and Structural Timber. C. P. Winslow, Chairman Bowser, E. H. Cosline, C. E. Rollins, H. M. Ford, C. F. Mattos, F. D. von Schrenk, Hermann No. 6 Service Tests of Wood Block Paving. L. B. Moses, Chairman Calder, R. J. Button, F. R. Williams, J. C. Dow, Allan W. Manley, R. S. Winslow, Geoffrey Draper, E. G. Smith, Phil R. SPECIAL COMMITTEES FOR 1916. Publicity, Promotion and Education. E. A. Sterling, Chairman Bates, John S. Howson, E. T. Schnatterbeck, C. C. Brown, Nelson C. Record, Samuel J. Swan, O. T. Hamilton, F. P. Ridsdale, P. S. Terminology. J. B. Card, Chairman Howson, E. T. Hunt, Geo. M. Shipley, G. B. Trumbull, M. K. Program. John Foley, Chairman Davidson, G. M. Hendricks, V. K. Joyce, A. R. Trumbull, M. K. Entertainment. Jesse I. Eppinger, Chairman Draper, E. G. Loud, H. S. Williams, J. C. Lembcke, G. A. Shipley, L. B. 48 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION AMERICAN WOOD-PRESERVERS' ASSOCIATION MEMBERS c-Corporate. a-Associate. p-Probate. h-Honorary. Figures indicate sejial number of Membership Certificates. 324 c AGREE, S. F In Charge Section of Derived Products, Forest Product Laboratory, Madison Wis. 183 c ALEXANDER, E. E General Foreman, Timber Preserving Plant, Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co., Green Spring, W. Va. 29 c ALLARDYCE, R. L Supt., International Creosoting & Construction Co., Texarkana, Tex. 21 c ALLERTON, DAVID Cariotta, cai. 1 c ANGIER, F. J Supt. of Timber Preservation, Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co., Baltimore, Md. 274 c APPEL, HARRIS A Engineer, Bruno Grosche & Co., 90 Wall Street, N. Y. 2 c ARMSTRONG, R. L 636 Burdette St., New Orleans, La. 105 c BACON, W. L Supt. Tie Treating Plant, C. & N. W. Ry., Escanaba, Mich. 225 c BAKER, HUGH P Dean, New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. 3h BAKER, J. S Box 22, Paducah, Ky. 167 c BATEMAN, ERNEST Chemist, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis. 246 c BATES, JOHN S Supt., Forest Products Laboratories, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 88 c BATSON, C. D Manager, Republic Creosoting Co., Mobile, Ala. 4 c BEAL, F. D Sales Engineer, Chas. R. McCormick & Co., 800 Fife Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. 255 c BEATY, R. ERNEST Expert on Wood Preservation', 30 Church St., New York. 198 c BECKER, A. C Chief Tie & Timber Inspector, Grand Trunk Ry., Montreal, Canada. 295 a BELANGER, ERNEST. .. .Consulting Engineer, Elder Ebano Asphalt Co., 364 University St., Montreal, Canada. 145 c BELCHER, R. S Supt. Treating Plant, Santa Fe Tie & Lumber Pres. Co., Somerville, Tex. 144 c BERK, P. F Chemical Mfr., F. W. Berk & Co., Ltd., 1 Fenchurch Ave. London, England. 5 h BERRY, C. W Consulting Engineer, care of J. B. Berry, Transportation Bldg., Chicago, 111. 300 c BLACK, JAMES M Paving Block Expert, 203 Pasadena Apts., Jefferson & Du Bois Sts., Detroit, Mich. 22 c BOEHNE, E. E Office Manager, International Creosoting & Construction Co., Galveston, Tex. 258 c BOOK, J. E Treating Engineer, Pacific Creosoting Co., Creosote, Wash. 244 c BOWSER, E. H Supt. of Timber Department, I. C. R. R., Memphis, Tenn. 267 a BOYD, J. L Chief Engineer Creosoted Block Paving Co., Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Canada. 280 p BRENNAN, T. S Lumber Inspector, A., T. & S. F. Ry., Box 503, Ballard Station, Seattle, Wash. 301 c BRIGHT, EDGAR W Tie & Timber Agent, Boston Elevated Rwy. Co., 101 Milk St., Boston, Mass. 340 c BROWN, F. I Lumber Agent, Pennsylvania Lines West, Fort Wayne, Ind. 230 c BROWN, NELSON C Professor of Forest Utilization, New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. 122 c BRUNING, HEINRICH. ..(Robert A. Munro & Co., 31 Liberty St., New York City) Hubertusmuhle, Schopfurth, Mark, Germany. 23 c BUEHLER, WALTER Consulting Engineer on Wood Preservation, The Barrett Co., 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 24 c BURKHALTER, D American Creosoting Co., Box 77, Russell, Ky. 338 c BURY, RICHARD A Asst. Gen. Tie Agent, New York Central Lines, 76 Seward Ave., Detroit, Mich. 83 a CABOT, SAMUEL Mfg. Chemist, 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass. 30 c CALDER, R. J Secy.-Treas., International Creosoting & Construction Co., Galveston, Tex. A. W.-P. A. MEMBERS 49 190 c CAMPBELL, J. H Chief Chemist, R. W. Hunt & Co., 2200 Insurance Exchange, Chicago, 111. 43 c CARD, J. B... ..Manager, Chicago Creosoting Co., 30 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. 276 c CECIL, WM. A '.Wood-Preserving Engineer, Indiana Tie Co., Citizens National Bank Building, Evansville, Ind. 257 c CHADBOURNE, B Asst. Supt., Pacific Creosoting Co., Creosote, Wash. 302 c CHAPIN, E. T Prest, The E. T. Chapin Co., 2008 Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 69 c CHERRINGTON, F. W.... Chief Engr., Jennison-Wright Co., 313 Huron St., Toledo. 0. 19 c CHRISTIAN, EDMUND. . .Gen. Mgr., Norfolk Creosoting Co., Norfolk, Va. 57 a CHURCH, SUMNER R. .. .Manager, Research Dept., The Barrett Co., 17 Battery Place, New York. 165 c CLARKE, G. S Vice-Prest. & Gen. Mgr., The Reeves Co., 809 Whitney- Central Bldg., New Orleans, La. 184 c CLARK, W. DENNISON. .Vice-Prest. & Gen. Mgr., Columbia Creosoting Co., 810 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore. 318 c CLEMENTS, A. B Vice-Prest, United States Wood Preserving Co., 165 Broadway, New York. 319 p CLEMENTS, CYRIL M.. Sales Engineer, The Barrett Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 174 c CLIFTON, W. H Lumber Agent, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., Baltimore, Md. 249 c COBEAN, CHAS. E Supt., Pacific Creosoting Co., Creosote, Wash. 188 a COCKE, W. H Prest., Commercial Acid Co., 3943 Duncan Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 157 c COLLIER, H. L Chief of Construction, City of Atlanta, Ga. 218 c COLLIVER, S. R Treatment Inspector, A., T. & S. F. Ry., Topeka, Kan. 67 c COLMAN, GEO. A The J. M. Colman Co., Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 221 c COOPER, S. D Chief Inspector, A., T. & S. F. Ry., Topeka, Kan. 31 c CRAWFORD, CARL G Gen. Mgr., American Creosoting Co., 808 Columbia Bldg., Louisville, Ky. 80 c CURTIS, W. W Prest. & Treas., The Rapson Coal Mining Co., Box 485, Colorado Springs, Colo. 25 c DAVIDSON, G. M.. ...Chemist & Engineer of Tests, C. & N. W. Ry. Co., Chicago, 111. 143 c DA VIES, E. T Inspector, City Engineer's Office, Minneapolis, Minn. 84 c DE CEW, J. A -...Chemical Engineer, McGill Bldg., Montreal, Canada. 272 c DELIUS, E. A Bookkeeper, Pacific Creosoting Co., Seattle, Wash. 204 c DEMUTH, R. E ....Testing Engineer, 22 Hayward Ave., Baltimore, Md. 223 c DIXON, G. C Tie Treating Inspector, N. Y. C. Lines, Box 763, Indianapolis, Ind. 64 c DIXON, J. H Forestry Branch, Dept. Natural Resources, Canadian Pac. Ry., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 119 c DOUGHERTY, CURTIS. . .Chief Engineer, Queen & Crescent .R. R., Cincinnati, O. 303 c DOVEY, J. THOMAS Prest., The Seattle Engineering Co., 724 Central Building, Seattle, Wash. 290 c DOW, ALLAN W Consulting Engineer, Dow & Smith, 131 E. 23rd St., N. Y. 121 c DRAPER, E. G Prest., American Creosoting Co. of N. J., 17 Battery Place, New York. 166 a DREFAHL, LOUIS C Chemist, Grasselli Chemical Co., 880 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. 93 c DRINKER, W. W Asst. Engineer, Erie R. R. Co., 50 Church St., New York. 178 c DUNSTAN, J. H Supt., Southern Creosoting Co., Slidell, La. 211 c DURHAM, J. H Vice-Prest., American Creosoting Co., Louisville, Ky. 322 c DUTTON, ELLIS R Asst. City Engr., City Hall, Minneapolis, Minn. 202 a EASTWICK, CHAS. H Prest., The Northeastern Co., 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 297 a ELLIOTT, J. A Tie & Timber Contractor, 1609 Mound Ave., Jacksonville, 111. 275 c EMERSON, HARRINGTONPrest., The Emerson Co., 30 Church St., New York. 76 c EPPINGER, JESSE I Gen. Mgr., Eppinger & Russell Co., 165 Broadway, New York. 163 c ERICSON, L. T Engineer, American Creosoting Co. of N. J., 17 Battery Place, New York. 158 c FANT, A. E Gen. Mgr., Gulfport Creosoting Co., Gulfport, Miss. 5j HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION 9 h FAULKNER, E. O Mgr., Tie & Timber Dept., A., T. & S. F. Ry., Kerckhoff Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. 159 a FENN, FRANK D Mgr., Railroad Sales Dept., The Crane Co., Chicago, 111. 239 c FERGUSSON, HUBERT.. Gen. Mgr., Burt, Boulton & Haywood, Ltd., Prince Regent's Wharf, Silverton, Victoria Docks, London, England. 237 c FINKE, W. F. H Tie & Timber Agent, Southern Ry. Co., Washington, D. C. 62 c FISHER, WM. A Lembcke, von Bernuth Co., 171 Madison Ave., New York. 308 a FOERSTERLING, DR. H..Vice-Prest., Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co., 380 High St., Perth Amboy, N. J. 77 c FOLEY, JOHN Forester, P. R. R. Co., Broad St. Station, Philadelphia, Pa. 106 c FORD, C. F Supt. Tie and Timber Dept., C, R. I. & P. R. R., 325 LaSalle St. Sta., Chicago, 111. 296 c FORREST, CHAS. N Chief Chemist, Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Maurer, N. J. 313 c FOWLER, J. W Asst. Efficiency Engineer, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., Baltimore, Md. 117 c FREY, GEO. W Secy.-Treas. & Mgr., Compressed Wood Preserving Co., 4600 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, O. 333 c FRISTOE, J. W Prest., T. J. Moss Tie Co., Security Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 38 c FULKS, E. B Vice-Prest., American Tar Products Co., 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. 160 a FULWEILER, W. H Chemist, United Gas Improvement Co., 1706 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 306 a FURLONG, I,. A Vice-Prest., The Valentine-Clark Co., Security Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 44 a GERHARD, H. H Prest., C-A Wood-Preserver Co., 807 Wright Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 39 c GIBSON, ANDREW Engineer Maintenance of Way, No. Pac. Ry., St. Paul, Minn. 161 a GIBSON, LOUIS S Secy., Sandoval Zinc Co., 410 N. Peoria St., Chicago, 111. 180 a GIBSON, W. C Sales Engineer, Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 316 p GOLDSTEIN, H. I Highway Inspector, Bureau of Highways, Dept. of Public Works, 4200 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 56 c GOLTRA, W. F Prest., W. F. Goltra Tie Co., Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland, O. 288 c GOSLINE, C. E Treating Inspector, D., L. & W. R. R. Co., Paterson, N. J. 277 c GOSS, O. P. M Consulting Timber Engineer, Seattle, Wash. 243 c GRADY, W. H.. Asst. Gen. Supt., American Creosoting Co., Louisville, Ky. 100 c GRAHAM, FLOYD N Timber Inspector, C. G. W. R. R. Chicago, 111. 170 c GREEN, DONALD W Secy., Columbia Creosoting Co., 809 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore. 232 c GRIFFIN, RUSSELL A... Mgr. Pole Dept., Western Electric Co., 463 West St.. New York. 334 c GRIGGS, E. G Prest., St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash. 321 c GRIMES, I. B Plant Supt., National Lumber & Creosoting Co., Houston, Tex. 72 a GROW, J. H Sales Engineer, Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 231 c HAGGANDER, G. A Asst. Bridge Engineer, C., B. & Q. R. R. Co., 547 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 220 c HALL, CHAS. S Supt. of Construction, P. O. Box 137, Brunswick, Ga. 195 c HAMILTON, F. P Paving Engineer, Southern Pine Association, 601 Interstate Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. 214 c HAMNETT, W. S Vice-Prest. & Mgr., Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory of Texas, 305 Praetorian Bldg., Dallas, Tex. 213 c HARDEN, G. S Supt. Timber Preserving Plant, B., R. & P. Ry., Bradford, Pa. 187 c HARRIS, PAGE Vice-Prest., National Lumber & Creosoting Co., Houston, Tex. 123 a HARTLEY, C. H Gen. Mgr., Wisconsin & Northern R. R. Co., Oshkosh, Wis. 82 c HARTMAN, E. F Prest., Carbolineum Wood Preserving Co., 182 Franklin St., New York. 53 a HAWKES, A. W Sales Manager, General Chemical Co., 112 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. 236 c HELSON, J. R Supt., Watkins Creosoting Co., Metropolis, 111. 103 c HENDRICKS, V. K Asst. Chief Engineer, St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. Co., Frisco Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 335 c HERMANN, GEO. E Mgr., Vancouver Creosoting Co., Standard Bank Bldg., Van- couver, British Columbia. A. W.-P. A. MEMBERS 51 212 c HERT, A. T Prest., American Creosoting Co., Louisville, Ky. 75 c HESS, LAWRENCE E....Asst. Supt., Republic Creosoting Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 294 c HIGGINS, CHAS. C Care of J. W. Kendrick, 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 320 c HILL, L. L Secretary, The Page & Hill Co., Plymouth, Bldg., Minneapo- lis, Minn. 179 c HORROCKS, H. E Mgr., Pacific Creosoting Co., Seattle, Wash. 193 c HOWSON, E. T.., ..Engineering Editor, "Railway Age Gazette," Transportation Bldg., Chicago, 111. 342 c HOYT, HERBERT B . Asst. Supt. Timber Preserving Plant, B. R. & P. Rwy., Bradford, Pa. 265 c HUNT, GEO. M Chemist, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis. 224 c IKIN, A. T.., ...Cost Statement Engineer, Southern Pac. Co., Box 6, Kern, Cal. 299 p IRVING, A. E Clerk, Tie Plant, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., Green Spring, 252 c JACKSON, W. E Supt., Treating Plant, Santa Fe Tie & Lbr. Pres. Co., Albuquerque, N. M. 124 c JENNISON, H. G Prest., Jennison- Wright Co., 313 Huron St., Toledo, O. 260 c JOHNSON, J. A Foreman, Tie Preserving Plant, U. P. R. R. Co., Box 303, Laramie, Wyo. 136 a JOHNSON, J. H B. Johnson & Son, Richmond, Ind. 66 c JOYCE, A. R Joyce- Watkins Co., 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 147 c JUDGE, F. B Supt. Timber Preservation, C. H. & N. Ry., Hull, Fla. 205 c KAMMERER, A. L Consulting Engineer, von Schrenk & Kammerer, Tower Grove & Fladd Aves., St. Louis, Mo. 222 c KEIG, J. R Treatment Inspector, A., T. & S. F. Ry. Co., Topeka, Kan. 292 c KELLOGG, R. S Secy., National Lumber Mfrs. Assn., 925 Lumber Exchange, Chicago, 111. 315 h KENDRICK, J. W Consulting Engineer, 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 281 c KENT, A. S Ch. Engr., Monon Route, C., I. & L. Ry. Co., Transportation Bldg., Chicago, 111. 201 c KROEMER, F. W Chemist, Santa Fe Tie & Lbr. Pres. Co., Somerville, Tex. 60 c KUCKUCK, BERTHOLD. .Representing Hulsberg & Co., 1357 E. 48th St., Chicago, 111. 162 c KUEHN, A. L Gen. Supt., American Tar Products Co., 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. 266 c KYNOCK, WM Assistant in Wood Preservation, Forest Products Laboratories of Canada, McGill University, Montreal, Can. 20 c LABROT, S. W Prest., American Creosote Works, New Orleans, La. 282 c LA GRONE, J. M Mgr., Louisiana Creosoting Co., Winnfield, La. 208 c LANE, CHAS. E Supt. Creosoting Plant, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash. 153 c LANE, C. W Supervisor Timber Preserving Plants, Baltimore & Ohio R R. Co., Green Spring, W. Va. 229 a LANGE, ALBERT European Manager, Lembcke, von Bernuth Co., 4 Lloyds Ave., London, E. C., England. 332 c LANGE, L. H Secy., Northern Timber Products Co., Security Lumber Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 59 c LARKIN, A. E Mgr., Republic Creosoting Co., Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 317 a LATTIMORE, C. H Prest., Creosoted Block Paving Co., Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Canada. 96 c LAWSON, W. W Supt. Wood-Preserving Works, T. & N. O. Ry. Co., Houston, 328 a LEE, ROBERT E Vice-Prest., Hobart Lee Tie Co., Springfield, Mo. 40 a LEMBCKE, G. A Lembcke, von Bernuth Co., 171 Madison Ave., New York. 110 a LEWIS, F. J Prest., F. J. Lewis Mfg. Co., 2500 S. Robey St., Chicago, 111. 118 a LEWIS, WM. H Vice-Prest., F. J. Lewis Mfg. Co., 2500 S. Robey St., Chicago, 111. 148 c LINDLEY, S. B Engineer, Western Wood-Preserving Co., 611 Peyton Bldg., 215 c LINDSEY, JOHN B., JR... Supt. timber Treating Plant, L. & N. R. R. Co., Gautier Miss. 199 a LOCKETT, A. M Prest.^A. M. Lockett & Co., 533 Baronne St., New Orleans, 52 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION 12 c LOGAN, JOHN T Prest., National Lumber & Creosoting Co., Texarkana, Ark. 242 c LOOK, RICHARD V Prest., Canada Creosoting Co., Ltd., 1 King St., E., Toronto, Canada. 112 c LORD, RUSSELL Ayer & Lord Tie Co., Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111. 61 c LOUD, H. S Vice- President, Railway Tie Treating Co., 165 Broadway, N. Y. 73 a LOUNSBURY, JAS. A.. .. Vice-Prest., Greenlee Bros. & Co., Rockford, 111. 151 a LUND, C. A Mgr., C. A. Lund Co., Merriam Park P. O., St. Paul, Minn. 196 c MAITLAND, G. F Division Engineer, Union Pacific R. R. Co., Kansas City, Mo. 41 c MANLEY, R. S Prest., Creosoted Wood Block Paving Co., Queen & Crescent Bldg., New Orleans, La. p MANION, KERON Asst. Supt., American Creosoting Co., Newark, N. J. 263 c MARRIOTT, F. G Engineer of Tests, Department of Works, Foot of Princess St., Toronto, Can. 336 a MARTIN, JAS. R Vice-Prest., Western Silo Co., Des Moines, Iowa. 329 p MARTIN, LYMAN C Clerk, American Creosoting Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 250 c MARTIN, F. R Treating Inspector, C. & E. I. R. R. Co., Box 856, Marion, 111. 137 c MATTOS, F. D Supt., Creosoting Works, Southern Pacific Co., West Oakland, Cal. 52 c McARDLE, FRANK Supt. Tie Plant, Indiana Zinc Creosoting Co., Terre Haute, Ind. 279 c McCANDLESS, S. F Mgr. Tie Dept., Canada Creosoting Co., 1 King St. E., Toronto, Can. 113 c MEREDITH, W. C Supt., Southern Wood-Preserving Co., Atlanta, Ga. 71 c MEYER, AUGUST Supervisor Tie Plant, C, B. & Q. R. R. Co., Galesburg, 111. 70 a MILLS, W. C Salesman, Grasselli Chemical Co., The Arcade, Cleveland, O. 185 c MIMS, L Fuel & Timber Agent, Southern Pacific Co., Houston, Tex. 32 a MITCHELL, L. E Prest., Dallas, Corsicana & Palestine Ry., Palestine, Tex. 164 c MOLL, DR. FRIEDRICH..4 Brandenburgische St., Sudende, Berlin, Germany. 254 c MOORE, ROBERT H Chief Engineer, American Creosoting Co., Louisville, Ky. 114 c MOSES, L. B Sales Manager, The Kettle River Co., Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 309 c MURCHIE, WILFRED E. .Consulting Inspector, Shillito & Murchie, Maritime Exchange Bldg., New York. 240 c MURRAY, D. L Gen. Foreman, Tie Plant, Santa Fe Tie & Lbr. Pres. Co., Somerville, Tex. 307 p MYERLY, J. R Treating Engr. Timber Preserving Plant, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., Green Spring, W. Va. 50 c NEWTON, H. M Manager of Plants, The Kettle River Co., Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 283 a NIXON, E. A Vice-Prest., Western Tie & Timber Co., 905 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 314 a NIXON, WARREN C Secy., Western Tie & Timber Co., 905 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 186 c NOYES, A. H Secy.-Treas., Ayer & Lord Tie Co., 1515 Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111. 146 c NOYES, GEO. W Supt., Timber Treating Plant, M., K. & T. Lines, Denison, Tex. 33 a OKES, DAY Contractor & Engineer, Hanlon & Okes, 319 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. 337 c ORUMM, EDMUND O Chief Inspector, Seattle Port Commission, Avalon Apart- ments, Seattle, Wash. 273 c PADDOCK, DW. F.., ,..Chem. Engr., Carbolineum Wood Pres. Co., 182 Franklin St., New York. 253 c PARK, ERNEST S Sales Engineer, The Rodd Co., 1402 Commonwealth Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 26 c PARMINTER, L. I Sales Agent, Long Bell Lumber Co., Long Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 268 c PARROTT. R. D.., ..Prest. & Gen. Mgr., Atlantic Creosoting & Wood Preserving Works, Norfolk, Va. 271 c PAUL, H. A Treating Inspr., C, R. I. & P. and M. P. Ry., Tie Plant, Ark. 343 c PEARSON, R. S.. ..Forest Economist, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, U. P. India. A. W.-P. A. MEMBERS 53 227 c PERRY, ARTHUR W Night Gen. Foreman, Santa Fe Tie & Lbr. Pres. Co., Somerville, Tex. 191 c PESTEL, A. C Supt. Tie Treating Plant, O., W. R. R. & N. Co., Wyeth, Ore. 217 c PINSON, J. F.., . .Asst. Engineer Bridge & Buildings, C. M. & St. P. Ry., Seattle, Wash. 142 c POLLOCK, SAMUEL T...Asst. Supt. Tie Plant, Atlantic Coast Line, Gainesville, Fla. 115 c POOLER, F. S Tie Agent, C. M. & St. P. Ry., 13S2 Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111. 182 c POWELL, A. O., JR Chemical Engineer, 404 Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 91 c POWELL, E. L Prest., New Orleans-Cuban Steamship Co., 802 Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. 284 c QUINCY, R. B Representing R. W. Hunt & Co., 1022 Hibernian Bldg., New Orleans, La. 261 c RAWSON, R. H Supt. of Plant, St. Helens Creosoting Co., St. Helens, Ore. 331 c RAY, JOHN R Inspector in Charge Gulf States Lumber Inspection, Public Service Commission of N. Y., New Orleans, La. 155 c RECORD, S. J Asst. Prof., Forest School, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 226 c REDMAN, KENNETH Chemist, Pacific Creosoting Co., Creosote, Wash. 325 a REID, JOS. S Secy. & Treas., Clark Bros. Co., Olean, N. Y. 54 c REX, GEORGE E Manager Treating Plants, A., T. & S. F. Ry., Topeka, Kan. 228 a RIDSDALE, P. S Secy., American Forestry Ass'n, 1410 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 131 c ROBERTS, G. G 1 Clarges St., Piccadilly W., London, England. 278 p ROBINSON, DONALD Student in Chemistry, 6538 Norman Blvd., Chicago, 111. 133 c RODD, THOS., JR 1402 Commonwealth Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 264 c ROE, GEORGE J Asst. Treating Engineer, Pacific Creosoting Co., Creosote, Wash. 14 c ROLLINS, H. M Supt., Gulfport Creosoting Co., Gulfport, Miss. 311 c ROTH, E. J.. ..Purchasing Agent, C. I. & L. Ry., 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 310 c ROWLAND, J. W General Tie Inspector, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., Baltimore, Md. 241 a RUEPING, MAX Owner, Hulsberg & Co., Lessingstra, Berlin, Germany. 90 c RUFLI, H. M Supt., Republic Creosoting Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 78 c RYAN, W. J Supt., National Lumber & Creosoting Co., Texarkana, Ark. 286 c SACKETT, H. S Nat'l Lbr. Mfr's Assoc., 925 Lumber Exchange, Chicago, 111. 330 c SAPOJNIKOFF, SERGE. ..Engineer-Chemist, Principal Asst. to Chief of Wood-Preserv- ing Laboratory of Russian Ministry of Railways, Petro- grad, Russia. 63 c SCHILLING, FRANK Supt., Eppinger & Russell Co., Long Island City, N. Y. 126 a SCHMOOK, KARL Representing Guido Rutgers Kammandit Co., 20 Liechten- steinstrasse, Vienna, Austria. 206 c SCHNATTERBECK, C. C. Editor, "Wood-Preserving," Mt. Royal Station, Baltimore, Md. 101 c SCHOLTZ, A. C Supt., T. J. Moss Tie Co., Mt. Vernon, 111. 189 c SCHOMBURG.-T. A Prest., Continental Tie & Lumber Co., Denver, Colo. 85 c SCHULZ, HARRY Supt. Wood-Preserving Plant, San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R., Los Angeles, Cal. 233 c SEGALL, S Gen. Mgr., Rutgers Works, Lessingstra, Berlin, Germany. 210 c SEXTON, C. H Supervising Inspector, Western Electric Co., 463 West St., New York. 51 c SHIPLEY, GRANT B Prest., Pittsburgh Wood Preserving Co., Commonwealth Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 154 a SHIPLEY, L. B Chemist, The Barrett Co., 17 Battery Place, New York. 89 c SHUFORD, C. S Supt., Republic Creosoting Co., Mobile, Ala. 98 c SIGNOR, GEO. W Prest., Geo. W. Signor Tie Co., Shreveport, La. 262 a SJODAHL, H. A Chemist, Chatfield Mfg. Co., Station P, Cincinnati, O. 15 c SMITH, AMOS M Supt., Ayer & Lord Tie Co., Argenta, Ark. 203 c SMITH, E. BERNARD Gen. Mgr., Dominion Tar & Chemical Co., Transcona, Manitoba, Canada. 54 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION 291 c SMITH, FRANCIS P Consulting Engineer, Dow & Smith, 131 E. 23rd St., New York 45 c SMITH, LOWRY Supt. Tie Plant, Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Brainerd, Minn. 34 c SMITH, P. A Asst. Mgr., Norfolk Creosoting Co., Norfolk, Va. 28 c SMITH, PHIL R 5426 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. 289 a SMITH, R. G Engineer & Chemist, Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. 216 c SMITH, V. C Consulting Engineer, Government Railroads of India, care of Parr's Bank, Ltd., London, N. W., England. 135 c SMITH, W. J Treating Inspector, Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R. R. Co., Adelaide, Pa. 248 c STAHL, K. F Consulting Chemist, General Chemical Co., 57th St. and A. V. Ry., Pittsburgh, Pa. 323 c STAMFORD, A ..Supt., U. S. Wood Preserving Co., Buell, Va. 327 c STEARNS, R. B Vice-Prest., Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co., Public Service Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. 104 c STEINMAYER, O. C General Treating Inspector, Frisco Lines, Springfield, Mo. 58 c STERLING, E. A Mgr., Trade Extension Dept., Nat'l Lumber Mfr's Assoc., 925 Lumber Exchange, Chicago, 111. 238 a STERNBERG, DR. LEO. . .Manager, Hulsberg & Co., Lessingstra, Berlin, Germany. 13 c STEWART, F. H.. ..Supt. Creosoting Plant, Central of Georgia Ry., Crump's Park, Ga. 92 c STIMSON, EARL Engineer Maintenance of Way, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., Baltimore, Md. 285 c STOCKING, E. J Sales Manager., Chicago Creosoting Co., Chicago, 111. 312 c STULL, T. G Chief Lumber Inspector, C. I. & L. R. R., Bloomington, Ind. 287 c SWAN, O. T.., ...Sec'y, Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfr's Assoc., Oshkosh, Wis. 129 a SWINK, ROBERT B Gen. Mgr., Southern Tie & Lumber Co., Medon, Tenn. 36 c TAYLOR, C. MARSHALL. Supt., Port Reading Creosoting Plant, Port Reading, N. J. 304 c TAYLOR, THOS. B Asst. to Prest., American Creosoting Co., Louisville, Ky. 172 c TEESDALE, CLYDE H...Asst. Engineer, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis. 94 a TESHIMA, TOMOTAKE. .Asst. Mgr., Engrg. Dept., Mitsui & Co., 25 Madison Ave., New York. 339 c THOMAS, MORRIS A Operating Engr., Pacific Creosoting Co., Creosote, Wash. 87 c TIFFANY, C. W Gen. Mgr., Acme Tie Co., Reed City, Mich. 192 c TILLEY, C. M Timber Treating Inspector, Southern Ry., Washington, D. C. 197 c TOWNSEND, T. G Timber Treating Inspector, Southern Ry., Washington, D. C. 16 a TOWNSLEY, WM., JR. . ..Grasselli Chemical Co., The Arcade, Cleveland, O. 139 c TRUMBULL, M. K Vice-Prest., National Lumber & Creosoting Co., 1209 Com- merce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 109 a UNDERWOOD, F. D Prest., Erie Railroad, Hudson Terminal, New York. 17 c VALENTINE, H. S Supt., Eppinger & Russell Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 65 c VAN METRE, RICKER. . Joyce- Watkins Co., 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 207 a von BERNUTH, OSCAR. .. Prest., Lembcke, von Bernuth Co., 171 Madison Ave., New York. 141 c von LEER, H. J Treating Inspector, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., Madison, 111. 46 c von SCHRENK, DR. H. .. .Consulting Engineer, Tower Grove & Fladd Aves., St. Louis, Mo. 326 c WADDELL, KENNETH M.Chemist, Santa Fe Tie & Lumber Preserving Co., Albuquerque, N. M. 256 c WALLACE, H Supt., Canada Creosoting Co., Ltd., Trenton, Ontario, Can. Ill a WALSH, P. R Prest., Walsh-Griffith Tie & Timber Co., 718 Title Guaranty Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 81 c WATERMAN, J. H Supt. of Timber Preservation, C., B. & Q. R. R. Co., Gales- burg, 111. 150 c WATKINS, W. T Prest, Joyce- Watkins Co., 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 134 c WEBER, J. M Supt., Ohio Wood Preserving Co., Orrville, O. 173 c WEGENER, RALPH H .... Inspector, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., 902 North M. St., Tacoma, Wash. A. W.-P. A. MEMBERS 55 305 a WEGENER, RICHARD. . ..Preservatives Salesman, 627 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. 79 h WEISS, HOWARD F..... Director, Forest Products laboratory, Madison, Wis. 171 c WELSH, C. T Asst. Plant Operator, Republic Creosoting Co., Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 177 c WHITE, THOS Asst. Mgr., American Creosote Works, Station B, New Orleans, La. 149 c WIGGETT, C. H Supt. Tie Plant, El Paso & Southwestern System, Alamogordo, N. M. 47 c WILLIAMS, J. C Supt. Wood-Preserving Works, Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Maurer, N. J. 138 c WILLIAMS, R. R Vice-Prest. & Treas., Indiana Tie Co., Citizens National Bank Bldg., Evansville, Ind. 245 c WILLIAMSON, H. E..,,..Gen. Foreman Timber Preserving Plant, C., B. & Q. R. R., 307 E. First St., Sheridan, Wyo. 102 c WINSLOW, CARLILE P.. Engineer in Forest Products, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis. 125 c WINSLOW, GEOFFREY.. Mgr., Creosoting Dept., St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash. 235 c WIRTH, PHILIPP Prest., Anthrol Wood Preserving Co., 332 Spring St., New York. 259 c WOODWARD, G. W Asst. Supt. Timber Preserving Plant, B., R. & P. Ry. Co., Bradford, Pa. 298 c WRIGHT, W. E Manager Sales, Jennison- Wright Co., 313 Huron St., Toledo, O. c ZELLER, W. C Supt., American Creosoting Co., Newark, N. J. 234 c ZWINGAUER, N Director, Rutger Works, Lutzowstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Corrected to December 1, 1916. 56 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION. PUBLICATIONS: Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, Inspection Dept, Boston, 1915. Dry Rot: F. J. Hoxie. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. 1915-1916. Preservation of Structural Timber: H. F. Weiss. Pettibone, Sawtell & Co., Chicago, 1904. Preservation of Timber: Samuel M. Rowe. Southern Pine Association, New Orleans, La., 1916. Floors of Service. D. Van Nostrand Publishing Co., New York, 1885. The Preservation of Timber by the Use of Antiseptics: Samuel B. Boulton. West Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association and Association of Creosoting Companies of Pacific Coast, Seattle, Wash., 1916. Creosoted Douglas Fir Paving Blocks. Structural Timber Handbook on Pacific Coast Woods: O. P. M. Goss and Carl Heinmiller. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, D. C. Bulletin 41. Seasoning of Timber 1903 50. Cross-Tie Forms and Rail Fastenings with Special Reference to Treated Timbers 1904 51. Report of Condition of Treated Timbers Laid in Texas, Feb. 1902 1904 70. Effect of Moisture on Strength and Stiffness of Wood 1906 " 78. Wood Preservation in the United States 1909 " 84. Preservative Treatment of Poles 1911 88. Properties and Uses of Douglas Fir 1911 95. Uses of Commercial Woods of United States: Cedars, Cypresses and Sequoias 1911 " 99. Uses of Commercial Woods of United States: Pines 1911 107. The Preservation of Mine Timbers 1912 108. Tests of Structural Timbers 1912 112. Fire-Killed Douglas Fir: A Studv of Its Rate of Deterioration, Usability, and Strength 1912 118. Prolonging the Life of Cross-Ties 1912 " 126. Experiments in the Preservative Treatment of Red Oak and Hard Maple Cross-Ties 1913 Circular 39. Experiments on the Strength of Treated Timber 1908 " 80. The Fractional Distillation of Coal-Tar Creo- sote 1907 98. Ouantity and Character of Creosote in Well- Preserved Timbers 1907 " 101. The Open Tank Method for the Treatment of Timber '. . . 1907 104. Brush and Tank Pole Treatments 1907 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION 57 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service (Continued). Circularlll. Prolonging the Life of Mine Timbers 1907 " 112. The Analysis and Grading of Creosotes 1908 " 117. The Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts... 1907 " 128. Preservation of Piling Against Marine Wood Borers 1908 " 132. The Seasoning and Preservative Treatment of Hemlock and Tamarack Cross-Ties 1908 134. The Estimation of Moisture in Creosoted Wood 1908 " 136. The Seasoning and Preservative Treatment of Arborvitae Poles 1908 " 139. A Primer of Wood Preservation 1908 141. Wood Paving in the United States 1908 " 146. Experiments with Railway Cross-Ties 1908 " 147. Progress in Chestnut Pole Preservation 1908 " 151. Preservative Treatment of Loblolly Pine Cross- Arms 1908 164. Properties and Uses of Southern Pines 1909 186. Consumption of Wood Preservatives and Quantity of Wood Treated in igio 1911 188. Volatilisation of Various Fractions of Creo- sote After Their Injection into Wood 1911 " 189. Strength Values of Structural Timbers 1912 " 190. A Visual Method of Determining the Penetra- tion of Inorganic Salts in Treated Wood 1911 " 191. Modification of Sulphonation Test for Creosote 1911 " 192. Prevention of Sap Stain in Lumber 1912 194. Progress Report on Wood Paving Experiments in Minneapolis 1912 198. Condition of Experimental Chestnut Poles in the Warren-Buffalo and Pougkeepsie-Newton Square Lines After Five and Eight Years' Service 1912 199. Quantity and Quality of Creosote Found in Two Treated Piles After Long Service 1912 200. The Absorption of Creosote by the Cell Walls of Wood 1912 204. Strength Tests of Cross- Arms 1912 206. Commercial Creosotes 1912 209. Service Tests of Ties 1912 U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin 12. Uses of Commercial Woods of United States: Beech, Birches, and Maples 1913 67. Tests of Rocky Mountain Woods for Telephone Poles 1914 77. Rocky Mountain Mine Timbers 1914 101. Relative Resistance of Various Conifers to In- jection with Creosote ... ... 1914 145. Tests of Wood Preservatives.. . 1915 58 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION U. S. Dept. of Agriculture (Continued). Bulletin 227. The Toxicity to Fungi of Various Oils and Salts 1915 286. Strength Tests of Structural Timbers Treated by Commercial Wood-Preserving Processes. . . 1915 333. Termites, or "White Ants" in the United States: Their Damage, and Methods of Pre- vention 1916 Farmers' Bulletin 387. The Preservative Treatment of Farm Timbers 1910 Yearbook. Fungous Diseases of Forest Trees 1900 Extracts Recent Progress in Timber Preservation 1903 Prolonging Life of Telephone Poles 1905 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology. Circular 127. Insect Injuries to the Wood of Dying and Dead Trees 1910 " 134. Damage to Telephone and Telegraph Poles by Wood-Boring Insects 1911 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 14. The Decay of Timber and Methods of Pre- venting it 1902 114. Sap-Rot and other Diseases of Red Gum 1907 U. S. Army, Engineer Bureau. Professional Memoirs. Creosotes and Creosoting: Capt. John C. Oakes April-June, 1909 U. S. Dept. of State. Daily Consular and Trade Reports: Processes for Fireproofing Wood Jan. 23, 1914 U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C. Bulletin. Coal-Tar Products: H. C. Porter 1915 U. S. Treasury Dept., Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, Hygiene Laboratory, Washington, D. C. Bulletin 22. Chloride of Zinc as a Deodorant, Antiseptic, and Germicide 1905 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Report on Preservation of Wood 1864 Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Bulletin 158. Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts: G. B. MacDonald 1916 Maryland State Board of Forestry, Baltimore, Md. Increasing the Durability of Fence Posts: F. W. Beasley 1912 Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbus, Mo. Circular 51. How to Prolong the Life of Fence Posts: T A, Ferguson 1911 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION 59 PROCEEDINGS: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Paraffin Bodies in Coal-Tar Creosote and Their Bear- ing on Specifications: S. R. Church and John Morris Weiss 1914 Creosoted Wood Block : Geo. W. Tillson 1915 American Electric Railway Engineering Association. Some Factors Affecting the Application of Wood Preservatives to Electric Railways: C. P. Winslow and C. H. Teesdale 1915 American Iron and Steel Institute, New York. Byproducts Recovered in the Manufacture of Coke: W. H. Childs May 26, 1916 American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York. Recent Results Obtained from the Preservative Treat- ment of Telephone Poles: F. L,. Rhodes and R. F. Hosford 1915 American Railway Bridge & Building Association, Elgin, 111. Report of Committee on Wood Preservation 1908-1912 Preservation of Timber 1913 Annual Cost of Treated and Untreated Piles in Trestles 1914 American Railway Engineering Association, Chicago, 111. Changes Which Take Place in Coal-Tar Creooste During Exposure: Hermann von Schrenk, E. B. Fulks and A. L. Kammerer 1907 Report of Committee on Wood Preservation 1909-1916 Precautions to be Observed in Burnettizing Ties: Octave Chanute 1909 The Microscopical Structure and Physical Condition of Wood as Affects Penetration by Preservatives: Harry D. Tiemann 1909 Condition of Treated Timbers Laid in Texas in 1902: Carlile P. Winslow 1910 Tentative Grouping of Ties for Experimental Pres- ervative Treatment: Howard F. Weiss 1910 Fungi Which Live on Structural Timber: C. J. Humphrey 1910 Fourth Progress Report on Tests on Treated Ties: W. K. Hatt 1910 Note on the Strength of Ties Treated with Crude Oil: W. K. Hatt 1911 The Electrical Resistance of Timber as Affected by Treatment with Preservatives: J. T. Butter- field 1911 Grouping of Timbers for Antiseptic Treatment 1912 Air Seasoning of Ties: Wm. H. Kemper 1913-1914 The Use of Refined Coal-Tar in the Creosoting In- dustry: Dr. Hermann von Schrenk and Alfred L. Kammerer 1914 Effect of Creosoting on Strength of Oregon Fir Pil- ing: H. B. MacFarland . 1914 60 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION American Railway Engineering Association (Continued). Test of Treated and Untreated Oregon Fir Piling: H. B. MacFarland 1914 The Effect of the Structure of Wood Upon its Per- meability: Irving W. Bailey 1915 Test of Douglas Fir Bridge Stringers: H. B. Mac- Farland 1916 Water Sampling in Creosote Oil; Relation of Amount of Preservative and Depth of Penetration to the Resistance of Materials Against Decay; Compila- tion of Service Tests 1916 Service Tests of Treated and Untreated Fence Posts: Harlow Bradley 1916 Service Tests of Ties in the Chicago & North Western Railway near Janesville, Wis.; Northern Pacific Railway near Plains, Mont.; and Northern Pa- cific Railway near Maywood, Wash.: C. H. Teesdale 1916 Tie Durability Records: C. P. Winslow and C. H. Teesdale 1916 American Society of Civil Engineers, New York. The Preservation of Timber 1885 The Artificial Preservation of Railroad Ties by the Use of Zinc Chloride: Walter W. Curtis 1899 The Preservation of Railway Ties in Europe: O. Chanute 1900 Timber Preservation, Its Development and Present Scope: Walter Buehler 1910 American Society of Municipal Improvements, Indianapolis, Ind. Wood Block Pavements with Reference to Economic and Efficient Wood Preservatives: J. W. How- ard 1915 The Treatment of Wood Paving Blocks: C. H. Tees- dale 1916 American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, Pa. A Fungus Bed Test of Wood Preservatives: C. M. Chapman 1915 The Sampling and Analysis of Creosote Oil 1915 American Wood-Preservers' Association. Baltimore, Md. Testing of Creosote Oils: H. W. Jayne 1905 Twenty-three Years' Experience with Creosoted Tim- ber, and Results: J. C. Haugh 1905 The Use of Saturated Steam During Treatment: F. D. Beal 1905 How Heating Coils Can be Maintained in the Retorts: E. S. Christian 1905 The Adoption of a Standard Method of Computing Prices on Treated Timber: P. F. Dundon 1905 Education for Timber-Preserving Specialists: F. D. Beal 1906 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION 61 American Wood-Preservers' Association (.Continued). Classification of the Proper Condition of Timber for Treatment: A. S. Case 1906 General Conditions Governing Wood-Preserving Plants: D. Burkhalter 1906 The Future Progress of Wood Preservation: Carl G. Crawford 1906 A Sketch of Methods and Practice in Use at Mexican Central Railway Company's Plant at Aguascalientes: J. E. Philippi 1906 Progress of Timber Preservation in 1906: Carl G. Crawford... 1907 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Steaming: O. Chanute 1907 The Causes of Decay in Timber: C. W. Berry 1907 History of Wood Preservation in America: Octavo Chanute. 1909 Heartwoods Which can be Treated: H. J. Valentine. 1909 The Treatment of Dead Timbers: C. W. Berry. ..... 1909 The Proper Grouping of Timbers for Treating: J. S. Baker 1909 Inflammability of Treated Timbers: H. M. Rollins... 1909 Quantity and Quality of Creosote for Treating Piling: R. J. Calder 1909 Use of Crude Oil as a Timber Preservative, and the Best Method of Application: George E. Rex.... 1909 Should an Attempt be made to Air-Season Timber Before Treating in the Southern Part of the United States: R. L. Allardyce 1909 What is the Best Power for Moving Ties and Material Throughout the Yard and Into the Retorts: J. B. Card 1909 Treating in Open-Tanks 1909 Experience in Injury to Men from Handling Creo- soted Material 1909 Effect of Timbers Treated With Creosote or Zinc Chloride on Electric Currents Passing Through Other Materials in Contact With the Timber 1909 Creosoting Douglas Fir: David Allerton 1909 What Effect Does the Time of Cutting Timber Have on the Rate of Seasoning and Treatment of Same: - J. C. Williams 1910 Economics of Cables, Electricity or Locomotives in Moving Materials at Plants: Andrew Gibson... 1910 Inflammability of Treated Timber: H. M. Rollins... 1910 Advantages and Economy of Various Retort Doors: David Allerton 1910 Advantages and Economy of Various Retort Doors: S. M. Rowe 1910 Precaution to be Observed for Prevention of Fire in Creosoting Plants: Lowry Smith 1910 62 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION American Wood-Preservers' Association (Continued). Precautions to be Observed to Prevent Fire at Plants: H. J. Whitmore 1910 Results Obtained by Treating with Crude Petroleum: C. M. Taylor 1910 What Per Cent, of Creosote Oil can be Withdrawn from Wood by Subsequent Vacuum: J. B. Card.. 1910 Written Discussion on Preceding Article: David Allerton 1910 The Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wis- consin: Howard F. Weiss 1910 Notes on Creosote Analysis: H. M. Newton 1910 Proper Grouping of Timbers for Treating: F. J. Angier 1910 Amounts of Various Antiseptics Required per Cubic Foot to Obtain Good Results for Various Pur- poses: R. L. Allardyce 1910 Is the Covering of Retorts Economical and Prac- tical: R. W. Yarbrough 1911 Discussion of Preceding Article: J. C. Williams 1911 How Can Excessive Insurance Rates Usually Charged by Insurance Companies be Avoided: R. J. Calder 1910 Difficulties Encountered by Plants in the North That Plants Located in the South do not Have to Con- tend With: Andrew Gibson 1911 Should Sawn and Hewn Ties of the Same Kind of Timber of the Same Degree of Seasoning be Treated in the Same Cylinder Load: H. J. Whitmore 1911 Wood Block Paving: Dr. Hermann von Schrenk 1911 How to Pile Lumber, or Piling Timber: J. H. Waterman 1911 Feasibility of Grouping Timbers for Treatment: W. F. Goltra 1911 What Depths of Penetration Are to be Expected from the Different Amounts of Preservatives Usually Specified: David Allerton 1911 What Depths of Penetration are to be Expected from the Different Amounts of Preservatives Usually Specified: R. L. Allardyce 1911 Discussion of Preceding Articles: J. C. Williams. . . . 1911 Some Results Obtained in this Country in Prolonging the Life of Railway Cross Ties by Preservative Treatment as Shown by the Records that have been Kept, and a Better Method of Keeping these Records: F. J. Angier 1911 Some Results from Treated Ties along the South Atlantic Coast: Wm. A. Fisher 1911 Timber Supply in Relation to Wood Preservation: E. A. Sterling 1911 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION 63 American Wood-Preservers' Association (Continued). General Review of Timber Treating in this Country, with Special Reference to Causes That Have Been and are Retarding its More Universal Adoption: John T. Logan 1911 Review of Development in Timber-Treating Industry: Walter Buehler 1911 Benefits Derived from Attending Annual Meetings of the Wood-Preservers' Association by Members of the Association: Wm. Townsley, Jr 1911 What Percentage of Creosote Oil can be withdrawn from Wood by Subsequent Vacuum: C. D. Chanute 1911 Asphaltic Oils as Applied to the Preservation of Railroad Ties: Frank W. Cherrington 1911 Impurities in Zinc Chloride: C. Marshall Taylor.... 1911 The Production of the Wooden Cross Tie: A. R. Joyce 1912 Economic Material for Boat and Barge Construction: A. E. Hageboeck 1912 Cutting and Seasoning of Timber: A. Meyer 1912 Scientific Management of Timber-Preserving Plants: D. Burkhalter 1912 Efficiency in Plant Operation: E. A. Sterling 1912 Creosote Oil Specifications and Methods of Analysis: S. R. Church 1912 Evaporation of Creosote and Crude Oils: P. E. Fredendoll 1912 Comparison of the Absorption and Expansion of Properties of Wood Paving Blocks when Treated with Paving Oil of a Specific Gravity of 1.2 and Creosote Oil of Specific Gravity of 1.055: H. M. Rollins . .- 1912 Wood Block Pavement from a Construction Stand- point: Day I. Okes 1912 Creosoted Wood Paving Blocks: A. E. Larkin 1912 Structure of Commercial Woods in Relation to the Injection of Preservatives: Howard F. Weiss... 1912 Creosotes and Creosoting Oil: David Allerton 1912 Creosote Specifications and Analysis: Dr. Hermann von Schrenk 1912 Arrangement of Yard; Piling Ties and Timber and Kindred Subjects: J. H. Waterman 1912 Treating Seasoned vs. Unseasoned Ties: F. J. Angier 1912 Inspectors and Inspection of Material and Treatments at Commercial Plants: R. L. Allardyce 1912 Preservation of Power Transmission Poles: W. R. Wheaton 1912 The Production and Supply of Coal-Tar Creosote: E. A. Sterling 1913 A Comparison of Zinc Chloride with Coal-Tar Creo- sote for Preserving Cross Ties: H. F. Weiss... 1913 64 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION American Wood-Preservers' Association (Continued). Notes on Analysis and Testing of Coal-Tar Creosote: L. B. Shipley 1913 Some Experimental Treatments with Reference to the Effect of Initial Air Pressure on Penetration of Creosote: R. S. Belcher 1913 The Requirements for Successful Timber Treatment: Dr. Hermann von Schrenk 1913 The Preliminary Treatment of Timber to Insure a More Even and Satisfactory Impregnation with Creosote: David Allerton 1913 The Treatment and Care of Floors: Geo. W. Saums. 1913 Preservation of Lumber for Car Construction: J. H. Waterman 1913 Sap in Relation to the Properties of Wood: S. J. Record 1913 The Mutual Interest of Railroads and Commercial Companies in the Work of This Association: L. B. Moses 1913 History of Wood Preservation: W. F. Goltra 1913 Piece-Work or Unit System of Handling Ties and Timbers: W. W. Eldridge 1913 Some Tests to Determine the Effect upon Absorption and Penetration of Mixing Tar with Creosote: F. M. Bond 1913 The Transmission of Air Pressure in Cross Ties: C. P. Winslow : 1913 Adzing and Boring Ties, and the Cost of Installing Plants of this Kind: J. A. Lounsbury 1913 Natural and Artificial Seasoning of Douglas Fir for Treatment: F. D. Beal 1913 Treatment of Douglas Fir with Creosote Oil: Geo. A. Colman 1913 Efficient Handling of Ties and Material: A. M. Smith 1913 Preparing Timber for Treatment in the Gulf States: R. L. Allardyce 1913 How nearly does the Modern Yellow Pine Block Pavement Approach the Ideal Pavement and what Improvement can we Suggest? H. L. Collier.... 1913 Address by J. E. Rhodes, Secretary-Manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association.... 1913 Timber for Creosoted Block Paving: H. G. Davis... 1913 Address by George K. Smith, Secretary Yellow Pine Manufacturers' Association 1913 Laying Wood Block Pavement: H. S. Loud 1913 Address of Welcome by Mayor Behrman of New Orleans 1914 Some Methods of Separating Water from Creosote Oil: Thomas White 1914 Wood Preservation and Forest Conservation: J. H. Waterman 1914 Specifications for Creosote Oil 1914 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION 65 American Wood-Preservers' Association (Continued). Details of Methods of Testing Creosote Oil 1914 Creosote Oil: P. C. Reilly 1914 The Use of Refined Coal-Tar in the Creosoting Industry: Dr. Hermann von Schrenk and Alfred L. Kammerer 1914 Preliminary Work in Fireproofing Wood: Robert E. Prince 1914 A Comparison of Wood Paving in European Countries and the United States: S. R. Church 1914 Report of Creosoted Piling in Galveston Bay Bridge of Santa Fe Railway 1914 The Construction of Creosoted Wood Block Pave- ments: R. S. Manley 1914 Creosoted Wood Block Pavements: Harry G. Davis. 1914 Results Obtained by Piling Creosoted Wood Blocks Closely in Cages and the Saving Effected Thereby: R. H. White 1914 New Type of Paving Block Plant: J. B. Card. ...... 1914 The Preservation of Wood by Means of Corrosive Sublimate ( Kyanizing ) : Dr. Friedrich Moll 1914 The Protection of Ties from Mechanical Destruction: Howard F. Weiss 1914 Future Tie Material in the United States: H. H. Gibson 1914 Treatment of Piling and Timber According to Condi- tion of Use and Exposure: E. L. Powell 1914 Some Facts which I have gathered from Observation and Inspection of Experimental Ties: J. H. Waterman 1914 Steaming Process for Ties and Timbers 1914 Air Pumps vs. Hydraulic Pumps for Injecting Pre- servatives into Wood: F. J. Angier 1914 The Effect of Varying the Preliminary Air Pressure in Treating Ties upon the Absorption and Pene- tration of Creosote: Clyde H. Teesdale 1914 Mechanical Handling of Railroad Cross Ties and Timbers at Timber Preservation Plants: Lambert T. Ericson 1914 Discussion of Preceding Paper: F. J. Angier, J. H. Waterman, William A. Fisher, Amos Smith and Carl G. Crawford 1914 Tram Cars and their Construction: J. H. Grow 1914 Methods of Keeping Tie Records: E. T. Howson 1914 The Yale Forest School: Samuel J. Record 1914 Address of George S. Wood, of the Forest Products Exposition 1914 Quantity of Wood Preservatives Consumed and Amount of Wood Treated in the United States in 1913: Clark W. Gould 1914 Timber-Treating Plants in North America: W. F. Goltra . 1914 66 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION American Wood-Preservers' Association (Continued). Economical Use of Steam in Connection with Wood- Preserving Plants: A: M. Lockett 1915 Discussion on Plant Operation: Samuel T. Pollock.. 1915 Strength and Quality of Zinc Chloride Per Tie or Per Cubic Foot of Timber: W. F. Goltra 1915 Discussion on the Economical Use of Steam: M. K. Trumbull 1915 Discussion on Leaching of Zinc Salts and Effects of Improper Drainage: F. J. Angier 1915 Some Suggestions for the Welfare of the Association: Charles C. Schnatterbeck 1915- Temperature Changes in Wood Under Treatment: George M. Hunt 1915 Discussion on Temperature Changes in Wood Under Treatment: H. M. Rollins 1915 Discussion on Steaming Ties: J. B. Card 1915 The Final Inspection of Timber: C. M. Taylor 1915 A Voice From the Pacific Coast: H. E. Horrocks. . . . 1915 A Specification for a Coal-Tar Creosote Solution: Dr. Hermann von Schrenk and Alfred L. Kam- merer 1915 Discussion on a Specification for a Coal-Tar Creo- sote Solution: V. K. Hendricks, P. C. Reilly and J. C. Williams 1915 Air Seasoning of Cross Ties: A. H. Noyes 1915 Method of Buying and Inspecting Ties Produced along the Right of Way: W. F. Goltra 1915 Discussion on Air Seasoning of Cross Ties: Samuel J. Record and Wm. A. Fisher 1915 A Method for Finding the Annual Charges for Ties: Harrington Emerson and T. T. Bower 1915 Discussion on a Method for Finding the Annual Charges for Ties: V. K. Hendricks, W. F. Goltra, C. P. Winslow 1915 The Mechanical Life of Ties as Affected by Ballast: E. Stimson 1915 Additional Facts on Treated Ties: J. H. Waterman.. 1915 Treated Timber for Factory Construction: F. J. Hoxie 1 1915 The Comparative Toxicity of Coal-Tar Creosote and Creosote Distillates and of Individual Constituents for the Marine Wood-Borer, Xylotrya: Dr. L. F. Shackell 1915 Sill Ties: F. J. Angier 1915 Discussion on Sill Ties: Samuel T. Pollock and Harrington Emerson 1915 Destruction of Timber by Marine Borers: E.S.Christian 1915 Discussion on Destruction of Timber by Marine Borers: J. C. Williams 1915 Attack of Marine Borers on Creosoted Material: T. G. Townsend.. 1915 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION 67 American Wood-Preservers' Association (Concluded). Laboratory Analysis after Treatment versus Actual Record during Treatment of Creosoted Wood Paving Blocks: Frank W. Cherrington 1915 Discussion on Report on Wood Block Paving: E. R. Button 1915 The Bleeding and Swelling of Paving Blocks: Clyde H. Teesdale 1915 Discussion on Bleeding and Swelling of Wood Block Pavements: L. E. Hess and E. R. Button 1915 Progress in Timber-Treating Industry: J. W. Kendrick 1916 Creosoted Piling and Poles: Frank W. Cherrington. . 1916 Methods of Creo sating Douglas Fir Timbers: O. P. M. Goss 1916 Vacuum Process in Creosoting: John B. Isaacs* . . . . 1916 Notes on Measuring Devices and on Methods of De- termining Cubical Contents Per Charge: C. W. Lane 1916 Selecting and Buying Fuel: W. H. Grady 1916 The Foreign Creosote Oil Situation: G. A. Lembcke. 1916 Woods Suitable for Cross Ties: R. Van Metre 1916 Quantity of Zinc Chloride Per Tie or Per Cubic Foot of Timber, and Method of Determining the True Strength of the Solution: W. F. Goltra 1916 Marine Borers from the Wood-Preservers' Stand- point: Br. L. F. Shackell 1916 Preservative Specifications for Wood Paving Blocks: A. E. Larkin 1916 Fungi Which Grow on Untreated Ties or Untreated Wood: Br. H. von Schrenk 1916 Treated Wood Block for Factory Flooring and Mis- cellaneous Uses: C. H. Teesdale 1916 Service Tests of Wood Block Paving 1916 Woods Suitable for Cross Ties: Carlile P. Winslow and John A. Newlin 1916 Conservation of our Natural Resources: F. H. Newell 1916 Service Tests of Cross Ties 1916 Durability Records of Cross Ties: Carlile P. Winslow and C. H. Teesdale 1916 Service Tests of Bridge and Structural Timber 1916 Revision of the Constitution: John Foley 1916 Quantity of Wood Preservatives Consumed and Amount of Wood Treated by Wood-Preserving Plants in the U. S. in 1915: R. K. Helphenstine. . 1916 U. S. Patents on Wood Preservation: B. B. Berolzheimer 1916 Bibliography of Wood-Boring Crustaceans: Br. F. Moll 1916 Arkansas Good Roads and Brainage Association, Little Rock, Ark. Creosoted Wood Block Paving: Walter Buehler 1916 68 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION Association of Engineering Societies, St. Louis, Mo. The Preservation of Railway Ties and Timber by the Use of Antiseptics: Joseph P. Card. . . . . . .April, 1887 Wood-Preserving and Uses of Treated Lumber: F. A. Weaver May, 1914 Timber Conservation and Preservation in the United States: E. L. Powell ...May, 1914 Preservative Treatment of Timber: J. M. Goldman Oct., 1914 The Creosoting of Cross-Ties as Practiced by Ameri- can Railroads: O. C. Steinmayer Mar., 1915 Engineering Society of Western Pennsylvania. The Preservation of Structural Timbers from Decay: C. P. Winslow 1910 Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, Pa. Methods and Hconomic Aspects of Modern Timber Preservation: Gellert Alleman 1907 International Congress of Applied Chemistry. Tests to Determine the Commercial Value of Wood Preservatives: H. F. Weiss. Vol. 13, Section 6a 1912 Antiseptic Tests of Wood-Preserving Oils: A. L. Dean and C. R. Downs. Vol. 13, Section 6a 1912 International Engineering Congress, San Francisco, Cal. Preservative Treatment of Timber: H. F. Weiss and C. H. Teesdale 1915 Louisiana Engineering Society, New Orleans, La. Creosoted Wood Block Pavements: F. P. Hamilton August, 1916 National Electric Light Association, New York. Report of Committee on Preservative Treatment of Poles and Cross-Arms May, 1910 and May, 1911 Poles and Pole Preservation: Russell A. Griffin 1913 National Fire Protective Association. Tests on the Inflammability of Untreated Wood and of Wood Treated with Fire-Retarding Com- pounds: R. E. Prince 1915 National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Chicago, 111. Preservative Treatment of Farm Timbers: E. A. Sterling 1916 New England Railroad Club, Boston, Mass. A General Consideration of Timber Under Conditions of Modern Demand and Growth: Hermann von Schrenk 1907 New York Railroad Club. The Seasoning and Preservative Treatment of Wood- en Cross-Ties: F. J. Angier 1910 Railway Storekeepers' Association, Cleveland, O. Treatment of Lumber and the Handling of Same Be- fore and After Treatment: Hermann von Schrenk 1909 St. Louis (Mo.) Railway Club. Recent Progress in Testing Wood Used by the Rail- roads: H. F. Weiss 1916 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION 69 Western Society of Engineers, Chicago, 111. Preservative Treatment of Timber: O. Chanute. April, 1900 Preservation of Timber: S. M. Rowe. ... . June, 1900 Factors Which Cause the Decay of Wood: Hermann von Schrenk. May, 1901 Timber Treating Plants: W. W. Curtis Oct.,1903 Wood Preservation from an Engineering Standpoint: C. T. Barnum June, 1910 Yellow Pine Manufacturers' Association. (Southern Pine Asso- ciation.) Prevention of Decay in Factory Timbers: F. J. Hoxie 1914 PERIODICALS: American City, New York. Wood Block Pavements: H. S. Loud March, 1916 American Lumberman, Chicago, 111. Wood Block for Factory Floors Nov. 28, 1914 Impregnation of Timber to Protect it from Fire: Dr. F. Moll Dec. 26, 1914 The Preservative Treatment of Wooden Silos: G. M. Hunt March 13, 1915 Preservative Treatment of Wood: E. W. Peters Apr. 17, 1915 Wood Preservation: H. E. Horrocks July 17, 1915 Rot in Stored Lumber; A Danger to Builders and Dealers: C. J. Humphrey Aug. 14, 1915 How Strengths of Woods are Tested .Aug. 7, 1915 Silo Preservatives that are Safe Sept. 1 1, 191 5 Demand for Creosoted Wood Conduits Oct. 2, 1915 Wood Blocks Treated Economically Nov. 20, 1915 Fire Tests of Wood at the Forest Products Labora- tory: Clyde H. Teesdale Dec. 11, 1915 Test Proves Wood's Fire-Resistive Qualities. .Dec. 18, 1915 American Roofer. Fire-Proofing Wooden Shingles: H. F. Weiss.. Dec., 1914 Armour Engineer, Chicago, 111. The Preservation of Wood from Decay: Clyde H. Teesdale March, 1915 Canadian Engineer, Toronto, Ontario. Battle Against Rot Nov. 19, 1914 Creosoted Wood Block Paving: Andrew F. Macallum April 15, 1915 Creosoted Wood Block Pavements: Andrew F. Macallum Mar. 30, 1916 Electric Railway Journal, New York. . Wood Preservation: A. L. Kuehn Dec. 3, 1910 Economical Use of Wood and Preservation of Timber: E. W. Bright Dec. 19, 1914 70 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION Electric Traction Weekly, Cleveland, O. Timber Preservation: Carlile P. Winslow 1911 Engineering News, New York. Creosoting Plant of the Pacific Creosoting Co., Eagle Harbor, Wash Nov. 3, 1910 Marine Wood Destroyers in the Waters of the South Atlantic Ports: W. H. Faucette Jan. 5, 1911 Tie Treating Plant, Louisville & Nashville R. R Sept. 24, 1914 New Tie Treating Plant on the Chicago & North- western Railway: L. J. Putman April 20, 1916 Resin in Yellow Pine for Decay Resistance: F. J. Hoxie and Dr. Hermann von Schrenk. . .April 20, 1916 Engineering Record, New York. Plant of the National Lumber & Creosoting Co.: Grant B. Shipley July 29, 1911 Factors Affecting Structural Timbers: H. S. Betts Aug. 29, 1914 Efficiency of Various Parts of Coal-Tar Creosote Against Marine Borers: C. H. Teesdale.Sept. 12, 1914 How the Wood-Preserving Industry can Avoid Pos- sible Injury Resulting from the War: C. H. Teesdale Sept. 26, 1914 Decay in Wooden Bleachers: C. H. Teesdale. .Oct. 3, 1914 Creosoted Wood Blocks Suitable for Bridge Floors if Fire-Proofed: L. T. Ericson June 5, 1915 Forestry Quarterly, Toronto Canada. Preservative Treatment of Wood: Irving W. Bailey March, 1913 Preservation of Mine Timbers: Dr. F. Moll.. Vol. 13, 1915 Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Easton, Pa. Method of Determining the Amount of Zinc Chloride in Treated Wood: Ernest Bateman Jan., 1914 Toxicity of Various Wood Preservatives: C J. Humphrey and Ruth M. Fleming.. . (Feb., 1914 I Aug., 1915 The Application of the Davis Spot Test in the Pre- liminary Examination of Creosotes: H. C. Cloukey Nov., 1915 Study of the Composition of Water-Gas-Tar: C. R. Downs and A. L. Dean May, 1914 New Method for Determining Zinc in Treated Wood: M. Hume Bedford and R. Pfansteil Oct., 1914 Specific Gravity; Its Determination for Tars, Oils and Pitches: John Morris Weiss Jan., 1915 Lumber Trade Journal, New Orleans, La. Preservation of Timber by Use of Fluoric Salts: Dr. F. Moll Jan. 15, 1915 Measuring Moisture in Green or Dry Lumber: S. D. Curtis April 1, 1915 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION 71 Lumber World Review, Chicago, 111. Domestic Supply of Wood Preservatives: Clyde H. Teesdale Oct. 19, 1914 Modern Uses of Wood: Dr. Hermann von Schrenk April 25, 1915 Mining & Engineering World, Chicago, 111. Seasoning and Preservative Treatment of Mine Timbers May 18, 1912 Municipal Engineering, Chicago, 111. Asphaltic Oils, Economical Wood Preservatives: Frank W. Cherrington May, 1911 Durability of Creosoted Block Pavements Increased by Modern Methods of Treatment: Frank W. Cherrington Dec., 1915 Wood- Blocks for Street Paving: Their Treatment and Handling May, 1916 Municipal Journal, New York. Experiments with Wood Paving Blocks: Clyde H. Teesdale May 6, 1915 Railway Age Gazette, New York. Effect of the War on Timber Preservation. .April 13, 1915 Creosoted Wood Block Floors for Railroad Buildings Dec. 17, 1915 Railway & Engineering Review, Chicago, 111. Chemical Treatment of Timber: Hermann von Schrenk June 6, 1903 Preservation of Timber from Decay: W. F. Goltra Oct. 7, 1911 Steaming Timber Before Treating with Preservatives: O. Chanute Mar. 2, 1913 Railway Maintenance Engineer, Chicago, 111. Penetration of Preservatives: Lowry Smith. .. .June, 1916 Railway Review, Chicago, 111. Air Seasoning of Timber: .W. H. Kempfer. .Jan. 10, 1914 Tie Timber and the Unnecessary Wear and Tear of Track: Geo. E. Rex Sept. 18, 1915 Proper Oil for Creosoting Wood Blocks for Paving: P. C. Reilly Jan. 22, 1916 Scientific American Supplement, New York. The Modern Electrical Process for Rapidly Drying and Preserving Wood Oct. 31, 1914 Marine Wood Borers: Clyde H. Teesdale Dec. 5, 1914 Southern Lumberman, Nashville, Tenn. Impregnation of Preservatives: Samuel J. Record Dec. 19, 1914 Variation in Weight and Strength of Timber: J. A. Newlin Jan. 22, 1916 Sanitary Handling of Timber: C. J. Humphrey April 1, 1916 72 HANDBOOK ON WOOD PRESERVATION Telephony, Chicago. Study of the Use and Preservation of Wooden Poles: Dr. F. Moll April 11-25, 1914 Service Tests of Treated and Untreated Telephone Poles: Clyde H. Teesdale April 3, 1915 Treatment of Poles and Cross-Arms with Preservatives: J. B. Wilkinson April 27, 1915 University of Washington Forest Club Annual, Seattle, Wash. The Value of Ammonium Polysulphide as a Wood Preservative: Donald H. Clark Vol. Ill, 1915 West Coast Lumberman, Seattle, Wash. Dry Rot in Buildings of Mill Construction: Howard B. Oakleaf Dec. 15, 1915 Preservative Treatments: Geo. E. Rex Jan. 1, 1916 Wood-Preservers' Bulletin, (Wood-Preserving), Baltimore, Md. Penetration of Timber by Preservatives: Clyde H. Teesdale Vol. I No. 3, 1914 Specific Gravity and Weight of Some Important American Woods Vol. I No. 3, 1914 Toxicity Tests on Wood Preservatives: Carlile P. Winslow Vol. I No. 3, 1914 St. Helens Creosoting Plant, St. Helens,. Oregon Vol. I No. 3, 1914 Wood-Preserving, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore & Ohio Timber Preserving Plant, Green Spring, W. Va Vol. II No. 1, 1915 The Galesburg (III.) Tie Plant of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Vol. II No. 2, 1915 Development of Demand for Wood Blocks: R. S. Manley Vol. II No. 2, 1915 The Port Reading Creosoting Plant of the Philadelphia & Reading and Central R. R. of New Jersey Vol. II No. 3, 1915 Prolonging the Life of Poles: W. F. Goltra Vol. II No. 3 & No. 4, 1915 Vol. Ill No. 1, 1916 Zinc Chloride as a Preservative: Alfred H. Clarke Vol. II No. 4, 1915 The Preservative Treatment of Farm Timbers: Geo. M. Hunt Vol. II No. 4, 1915 Saving Creosote Oil in the Treatment of Piling: Clyde H. Teesdale Vol. II No. 4, 1915 The Central of Georgia Treating Plant. .Vol. II No. 4, 1915 The Economic Use of Cross-Ties on the Baltimore & Ohio R. R Vol. Ill No. 2, 1916 An Experimental Wood-Preserving Laboratory: W. G. Mitchell Vol. Ill No. 2, 1916 Decay: An Important Factor in Plant Management: Geo. M. Hunt Vol. Ill No. 2, 1916 Treating Ties for the Grand Rapids & Ind., the Pere Marquette and Pennsylvania Lines West . Vol. Ill No. 2, 1916 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD PRESERVATION 73 Wood-Preserving (Concluded) . A Pacific Coast Timber-Treating Plant (Pacific Creosoting Co., Seattle, Wash.) : H. E. Horrocks Vol. Ill No. 3, 1916 The Relation Between the Specific Gravity of Zinc Chloride Solutions and Their Con- centrations: E. Bateman Vol. Ill No. 3, 1916 Experiments in Treating Ties in India: Ralph S. Pearson Vol. Ill No. 3 & 4, 1916 Wood-Preserving Plants in the Vicinity of New York Vol. Ill No. 4, 1916 Wood-Preserving Plant at Newark, N. J.: E. G. Draper Vol. Ill No. 4, 1916 Wood-Preserving Plant at Maurer, N. J.: John C. Williams Vol. Ill No. 4, 1916 Use of Fluorides in Wood Preservation: C. H. Teesdale Vol. Ill No. 4, 1916 Treated Wood in New York Bridges. Vol. Ill No. 4, 1916 Relation Between Toxicity and Volatility of Creosote Oils I: E. Bateman. .Vol. III. No. 4, 1916 Treatment of White-Oak Ties.... Vol. Ill No. 3&4, 1916 An Experiment in the Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts /: Morris Greenberg Vol. Ill No. 4, 1916 Wced^reserving C. C. SCHNATTERBECK, Editor. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ammnm YOU MUST READ SHOULD YOU WISH To Promote the use of wood for all purposes to which it is adapted. To Encourage the preservative treatment of wood where- ever decay is a factor in its service. To Keep posted on the development of materials and processes for effectively treating wood. To Learn more about the economical operation of wood- preserving plants. To Assist in the propaganda for the general conservation of our forest resources. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 A YEAR (Free to Members of A. W-P. A.) ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Mt. Royal Station, BALTIMORE, MD. vii a American Ulood-Prcscrvcrs* flssociation APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP I j Date ............................................................................... .-191 J* o rt Full Name _____ I Street and No.. g City and State... H < Occupation 8 With ... w a Membership Desired H Proposed by ffi O For objects of the Association and membership qualifications see i-i Constitution in another part of this book. W Q RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW OCT271998 YC 107678 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY