No. K, V V Division ... Received ...187^. Wheatstone's telephonic concert at the Polytechnic, in which the sounds and vibra- tions pass inaudible through an intermediate hall, and are reproduced in the lecture- room unchanged in their qualities and intensities. Frontitpiece. THE BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE: THE anfo ^rrattgemen; i$ INCLUDING THE OP CHEMICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS REQUIRED FOR THE SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS. IN ILLUSTRATION OF THE ELEMENTARY BRANCHES OF CHEMISTRY AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. BY JOHN HENRY PEPPER, P.C.S., A. INST. C.E.; LATE PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AT THE ROYAL POLYTECHNIC, ETC. ETC. AUTHOR OF "THE PLAYBOOK OF METALS." NEW EDITION. . Illustrated foitjj 47 CHIEFLY EXECUTED FROM THE AUTHOR'S SKETCHE S, BY H. G. HIKE. LONDON : GEORGE EOUTLEDGE AND SONS, THE BROADWAY, LUDGATE. NEW YOEK: 416, BROOME STREET. 1869. Z.OND01T. BDWARDS AND CO., PRINTERS, CSABDOS 8TRBET. COYBlfT GAEDES. TO PROFESSOR LYON PLAYFAIR, C.B., F.R.S, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, DEAE SIR, I DEDICATE these pages to your Children, whom I often had the pleasure of seeing at the Polytechnic during my direction of that Institution. I do so as a mark of respect and appreciation of your talent and zeal, and of your public-spirited advocacy of the Claims of Science in this great and commercial country. Without making you responsible in any way for the shortcomings of this humble work on Elementary Science,, allow me to subscribe myself, Dear Sir, Yours most respectfully, JOHN HENRY PEPPER. CONTENTS. PAGB INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER I. THE PROPERTIES OF MATTER IMPENETRABILITY 3 CHAPTER II. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE 17 CHAPTER III. THE SCIENCE OF ASTRONOMY 19 CHAPTER IV. CENTRE OF GRAVITY 32 CHAPTER V. SPECIFIC GRAVITY 48 CHAPTER VI. ATTRACTION OF COHESION , 59 CHAPTER VII. ADHESIVE ATTRACTION 67 CHAPTER VIII. CAPILLARY ATTRACTION , 69 V 1 CONTEXTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGB CRYSTALLIZATION 73 CHAPTER X. CHEMISTRY 81 CHAPTER XL CHLORINE, IODINE, BROMINE, .FLUORINE 129 CHAPTER XII. CARBON, BORON, SILICON, SELENIUM, SULPHUR, PHOSPHORUS . .151 CHAPTER XIII. FRICTIONAL ELECTRICITY 173 CHAPTER XIV. VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 193 CHAPTER XV. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRO-MAGNETISM 206 CHAPTER XVI. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MACHINES 211 CHAPTER XVII. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH 21S CHAPTER XVIII. RUHMKORFF'S, HEARDER'S, AND BENTLEY'S COIL APPARATUS . .230 CHAPTER XIX. MAGNETO-ELECTRICITY 241 CHAPTER XX. DIA-MAGNETISM , .247 CONTENTS. fT e- only, and with the same muscular power now ration) the attractive power possessed, we should quite emulate the exploits f t] ? e mass of " of those domestic little creatures sometimes d ns " tfromt t Pig. 12. The Schichallion Bocks. The dotted line and rock 12 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OP SCIENCE. called " the industrious fleas," and our jumping would be something marvellous. There is no very good lecture-table experiment that will illustrate gravitation, although attention may be directed to the fact of a piece of potassium thrown on the surface of water in a plate generally rushing to the sides, and, as if attracted, attaching itself with great force to the substance of the pottery or porcelain ; or, if a model ship, or lump of wood, be allowed to float at rest in a large tank of water, and a number of light chips of wood or bits of straw be thrown in, they generally col- lect and remain around the larger floating mass. A very good idea, however, may be afforded of the universal action of gravity maintaining all things in their natural position on the earth by Fig. is. A. The centre ball, representing the earth's centre of gravity. w w w w. Four wires fixed into centre ball, and passing through and secured ir. the hoop, projecting about one foot from the circumference. B B B B. Two balls a model ship and toy working on the wires like beads, with vul- canized India-rubber straps attached to them and the circumference of the hoop. GRAVITATION. 13 taking a hoop and arranging in and upon it balls, or a model ship, or other toy, and wires, as depicted in our diagram. With this simple apparatus we may illustrate the upward, downward, and sideway movement of bodies from the earth, and the counteraction by the force of gravitation of any tendency of matter to fall away from the globe, which is represented in the model by the india-rubber springs pulling the balls and toys back again to the circumference of the hoop. The attraction of gravitation decreases (quoting the remainder of Newton's definition) as the squares of the distances which separate the particles increase i.e., it obeys the principle called "inverse pro- portion" viz., the greater the distance, the less gravitating power ; the less the distance, the greater the power of gravitation. Gravitation is like the distribution of light and other radiant forces, and may be thus illustrated. Fig. 14. Place a lighted candle, marked A, at a certain distance from No. 1, a board one foot square ; at double the distance the latter will shadow another board, No. 2, four feet square ; at three times, No. 3, nine feet square ; at four, No. 4, sixteen feet ; and so on. To make the comparison between the propagation of light and the attraction of gravitation, we have only to imagine the candle, a, to represent the point where the force of gravity exists in the highest degree of intensity ; suppose it to be the sun the great centre of this power in pur planetary system. A body, as at No. 1, at any given distance will be attracted (like iron-filings to a magnet) wiih a certain force ; at twice the distance, the square of two being four, and by in- verse proportion, the attraction will be four times ( less; at thrice the distance, nine times less ; at the fourth distance, sixteen times less ; and so on. "With the assistance of this law, we may calculate, roughly, the depth of a well, or a precipice, or a column, by ascer- taining the time occupied in the fall of a stone or other heavy sub- stance. A falling body descends about 16 feet in one second, 64 feet in two seconds, 144 feet in three seconds, 256 feet in four seconds, 400 feet in five seconds, 576 feet in six seconds ; the spaces passed over being as the squares of the times. Suppose a stone takes three seconds in falling to the surface of the _water in a well, then 3 X 3 = 9 x 16 = 144 feet would be a rough estimate of the depth. The calculation will exceed the truth ia con- sequence of the stone being retarded in its passage by the resistance of the air. H BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. All bodies gravitate equally to the earth : for instance, if an open box, sav one foot m length, two inches broad, and two inches deep, be pro- vided with a nicely-fitted bottom, attached by a hinge, a number of substances, such as wood, cork, marble, iron, lead, copper, may be arr:;n^cd in a row ; and directly the hand is withdrawn, tne moveable flap flies open, and if the manipulation with the disengagement of the trap-door is good, the whole of the substances are seen to proceed to the earth in a straight line, as shown in our drawing. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. If a heavy substance, like gold, be greatly extended by hammering and beating into thin leaves, and then dropped from the hand, the re- sistance of the air becomes very apparent ; and a gold coin and a piece of gold-leaf would not reach the earth at the same time if allowed to fall from any given height. This fact is easily displayed by the assis- tance of a long glass cylindrical vessel placed on the air-pump, with suit- able apparatus arranged with little stages to carry the different sub- stances ; upon two of them may be placed a feather and a gold coin, and on the third, another gold coin and a piece of gold-leaf. In arranging the experiment, great care ought to be taken that the little stages are all nicely cleaned, and free from any oil, grease, or other matter which might cause the feathers or the cold-leaf to cling to the stages when they are disengaged, by moving the brass stop round that works in the cottar of leathers. Sometimes these leathers are oiled, and GRAVITATION. 15 in that case, when the vacuum is made, the oil, by the pressure, is squeezed out, and, passing down, may reach the stages and spoil the experiment, by causing the feathers and gold- leal to stick to the brass, producing great dis- appointment, as the illustration, usually called the "guinea and feather glass experiment" takes some time to prepare. The air-pump being in good order, the long glass is first greased on the lower welt or edge, and then placed firmly on the air-pump plate. The top edge, or welt, may now be greased, and the gold coins, feathers, and gold-leaf arranged in the drop-apparatus ; this is carefully placed on the top of the glass, and firmly squeezed down. The author has always found a tallow candle, rolled in a sheet of paper (so as to leave about half the candle exposed), the best grease to smear the glass with for air- pump experi- ments; if the weather is cold, Fig. 17. the caudle may be placed for a few minutes before an ordinary fire to soften the tallow. Po- matum answers perfectly well when the surfaces of glass and brass are all nicely ground; but as air-pumps and glasses by use get scratched and rubbed, the tallow seems to fill up better all ordi- nary channels by which air may enter to spoil a vacuum. The apparatus being now arranged, the air is pumped out ; and here, again, care must be taken not to shake the gold off the stages. When a proper vacuum has been obtained, which will be shown by the pump-gauge, the stop is withdrawn from one of the stages, and the gold and feather are seen to fall simultaneously to the air-pump Elate. Another stage, with the gold- ;af and coin, may now be detached; both showing distinctly, that when the resistance of the air is withdrawn, all bodies, whether called light or heavy, gravitate equally to the earth. Then, Fig. is. the screw at the bottom of the pump- 16 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. barrels being opened, attention may be directed to the whizzing noise the air makes on entering the vacuum, and when the air is once more restored to the long glass vessel, the last stage may be allowed to fall ; and now, the gold coin reaches the pump-plate first, and the feather, lingering behind, loses (as it were) the race, and touches the plate after the gold coin ; thus demonstrating clearly the resistance of the air to falling bodies. Another, and perhaps less troublesome, mode of showing the same fact, is to use a long glass tube closed at each end with brass caps cemented on. One cap should have the largest possible aperture closed by a brass screw, and the other may fit a small hand-pump. If a piece of gold and a small feather are placed in the tube, it may be shown that the former reaches the bottom of the tube first, whilst it is full of air, and when the air is withdrawn by means of the pump, and the tube again inverted, both the gold and the feather fall in the same time. Fig. 19. A B. Glass tube containing a piece of gold and a feather, which are placed in at the large aperture A. c. Small hand-pump. For this reason, all attempts to measure heights or depths by observing the time occupied by a falling body in reaching the earth must be in- correct, and can only be rough approximations. An experiment tried at St. Paul's Cathedral, with a stone, which was allowed to fall from the cupola, indicated the time occupied in the descent to be four and a half seconds : now, if we square this time, and multiply by 16, a height of 324 feet is denoted ; whereas the actual height is only 272 feet, and the difference of 52 fee.t shows how the stone was retarded in its passage through the air; for, had there been no obstacle, it would have reached the ground in 4^ths seconds. The force of gravitation is further demonstrated by the action of the sun and moon raising the waters of the ocean, and producing the tides ; and also by the earth and moon, and other planets and satellites, being prevented from flying from their natural paths or orbits around the sun. It is also very clearly proved that there must be some kind of attractive force resident in the earth, or else all moveable things, the water, the air, the living and dead matters, would fly away from the surface of the earth in obedience to what is called " centrifugal force." Our earth is twenty-four hours in performing one rotation on its axis, which is an ima- ginary line drawn from pole to pole, and represented by the wire round which we cause a sphere to rotate. All objects, therefore, on the earth are moving with the planet at an enormous velocity ; and this movement Fig. 20. is called the earth's diurnal, or daily rotation. Now, CENTEIFUGAL FORCE. 17 it will be remembered, that mud or other fluid matter flies off, and is not retained by the circumference of a wheel in motion : when a mop is trundled, or a dog or sheep, after exposure to rain, shake themselves, the water is thrown off by what is called centrifugal force (centrum, a centre, fogio, to fly from). CHAPTER II. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. THAT power which drives a revolving body from a centre, and it may be illustrated by turning a closed parasol, or umbrella, rapidly- round on its centre, the stick being the axis the ribs fly out, and if there is much friction in the parts, the illustration is more certain by attaching a bullet to the end of each rib, as shown in our drawing. Fig. 23. Fig. 21. The same fact may be illustrated by a square mahogany rod, say one inch square and three feet long, with two flaps eighteen inches in length, hanging bv hinges, and parallel to the sides of the centre rod, which immediately fly out on the rotation of the long centre piece. The toy called the centrifugal railway is also a very pretty illustration of the same fact. A glass of water, or a coin, may be placed in the little carriage, and although it must be twice hanging perpendicular in a line with tne earth, the carriage does not tumble away from its ap- pointed track, and the centrifugal force binds it firmly to tne interior of the circle round which it revolves. 18 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Fig. 23. Another striking and very simple illustration is to suspend a hemi- spherical cup by three cords, and having twisted them, by turning round the cup, it may be filled with water, and directly the hand is withdrawn, the torsion of the cord causes the cup to rotate, and the water describes a circle on the floor, flying off at a tangent from the cup, as may be noticed in the accompanying cut. Fig. 24 A hoop when trundled would tumble on its side if the force ot gravi- tation was not overcome by the centrifugal force which imparts to it a motion in the direction of a tangent (tango, to touch) to a circle. The same principle applies to the spinning-top^ this toy cannot be made to stand upon its point until set in rapid motion. Returning again to the subject of gravitation, we may now consider it in relation to other and more magnificent examples which we dis- cover by studying the science of astronomy. 19 CHAPTER III. THE SCIENCE OF ASTKONOMY. IN a work of this kind, professedly devoted to a very brief and popular view of the different scientific subjects, much cannot be said on any special branch of science ; it will be better, therefore, to take up one subject in astronomy, and by discussing it in a simple manner, our young friends may be stimulated to learn more of those glorious truths which are to be found in the published works of many eminent astronomers, and especially in that of Mr. Hind, called "The Illustrated London Astronomy." One of the most interesting subjects is the phenomenon of the eclipse of the sun; and as 1858 is likely to be long remembered for its " annular eclipse," we shall devote some pages and illustrations to this subject. Eclipses of the sun are of three kinds partial, annular, and total. Many persons have probably seen large partial eclipses of the sun, and may possibly suppose that a total eclipse is merely an intensified form of a partial one ; but astronomers assert that no degree of partial eclipse, even when the very smallest portion of the sun remains visible, gives the slightest idea of a total one, either in the solemnity and overpower- ing influence of the spectacle, or the curious appearances which accom- pany it. The late Mr. Baily said of an eclipse (usually called that of Thales), which caused the suspension of a battle between the Lydians and Medes, that only a total eclipse could have produced the effect ascribed to it. Even educated astronomers, when viewing with the naked eye the sun nearly obscured by the moon in an annular eclipse, could not tell that any part of the sun was hidden, and this was remarkably verified in the annular eclipse of the 15th March of this year. During the continuance of a total eclipse of the sun, we are permitted a hasty glance at some of those secrets of Nature which are not revealed at any other time glories that hold in tremulous amazement even veteran explorers of the heavens and its starry worlds. The general meaning of an eclipse may be shown very nicely by light- ing a common oil, or oxy-hydrogen lantern in a darkened room, and throwing the rays which proceed from it on a three-feet globe. The lantern may be called the sun, and, of course, it is understood that cor- rect comparative sizes are not attempted in this arrangement ; if it were so, the globe representing the earth would have to be a mere speck, for if we make the model of the sun in proportion to a three-feet globe, no ordinary lecture hall would contain it. This being premised, attention is directed to the lantern, which, like the sun, is self-luminous, and is giving out its own rays ; these fall upon the globe we have designated the earth, and illuminate one -half, whilst the other is shrouded in dark- ness, reminding us of the opacity of the earth, and teaching, in a familiar c2 I *: :^li hi H^UM '^r I 1* ^.-"-"A ? .". "-.-:. 1 - ^.^-l..":" ? ' 5 --' ' r " T-: -J?-.l* to he tiL 22 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. With respect to' an annular eclipse, it must be remembered, that the 'paths of all bodies revolving round others are elliptical ; i.e., they take place in the form of an ellipse, which is a figure easily demonstrated ; and is, in fact, one of the conic sections. If a slice be taken off a cone, parallel with the base, we have a circle thus Fig. 29. If it be cut obliquely, or slanting, we see at once the figure spoken of, and have the ellipse as shown in this picture. Fig. 30. Now, the ellipse has two points within it, called " the foci," and these are easily indicated by drawing an ellipse on a diagram-board, in which two nails have been placedina straight line, and about twelve inches apart. Having tied a string so as to make a loop, or endless cord, a circle may first be drawn by putting the cord round one of the nails, and holding a piece of chalk in the loop of the string, it may be extended to its full distance, and a circle described ; here a figure is produced round one point, and to show the difference between a circle and an ellipse, the endless cord is now placed on the two nails, and the chalk being carried round inside the string, no longer produces the circle, but that familiar form called the oval. As a gardener would say, an oval has been struck ; and the two points round which it has been described, THE SCIENCE OP ASTRONOMY. 23 Fig. 31. are called fheftci. This explanation enables us to understand the next diagram, showing the motion of the earth round the sun ; the latter being placed in one of the foci of a very moderate ellipse, and the various points of the earth's orbit designated by the little round globes marked A, B, c, D, where it is evident that the earth is nearer to the sun at B than at D. In this diagram the ellipse is exaggerated, as it ought, in fact, to be very nearly a circle. Bf)l- C Fig. 32. We are about three millions of miles nearer to the sun in the winter than we are in the summer ; but from the more oblique or slanting direction of the rays of the sun during the winter season, we do not derive any increased heat from the greater proximity. The sun, there- fore, apparently varies in size ; but this seeming difference is so trifling that it is of no importance in the discussion : and here we may ask, why 24 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. does the earth move round the sun ? Because it is impelled by two forces, one of which has already been fully explained, and is called the centrifugal power, and the other, although termed the centripetal force, is only another name for the " attraction of gravitation." ~o E cr" Fig. 33. To show their mutual relations, let us suppose that, at the creation of the universe, the earth, marked A, was hurled from the hand of its Maker ; according to the law of inertia, it would continue in a straight line, A c, for ever through space, provided it met with no resistance or obstruction. Let us now suppose the earth to have arrived at the point B, and to come within the sphere of the attraction of the sun s ; Fig. 34. THE SCIENCE OF ASTRONOMY. here we have at once contending forces acting at right angles to eact other ; either the earth must continue in its original direction, A c, or fall gradually to the sun. But, mark the beauty and harmony of the arrangement : like a billiard-ball, struck with equal force at two points at right angles to each other, it takes the mean between the two, or what is termed the diagonal of the parallelogram (as shown in our drawing of a billiard-table), and passes in the direction of the curved line, B D ; having reached D, it is again ready to fly off at a tangent ; the centrifugal force would carry it to E, but again the gravitating force con- trols the centripetal, and the earth pursues its elliptical path, or orbit, till the Almighty Author who bade it move shall please to reverse the command. The mutual relations of the centri- petal and centrifugal forces may be illustrated by suspending a tin cylin- drical vessel by two strings, and having filled it with water, the vessel may be swung round without spilling a single drop ; of course, the movement must be commenced carefully, by mak- ing it oscillate like a pendulum. The cord which binds it to the finger may be compared to the centripetal force, whilst the centrifugal power is illustrated by the water pressing against the sides and remaining in the vessel. Upon the like principles the moon revolves about the earth, but her orbit is more ellip- tical than that of the earth around the sun ; and it is evident from our diagram that the moon is much fur- ther from the earth at A than at B. As a natural consequence, the moon ap- pears sometimes a little larger and sometimes smaller than the sun ; the apparent mean diameter of the latter being thirty-two minutes, whilst the moon's Fig. 36. apparent diameter varies from twenty-nine and a half to thirty-three and a half minutes. Now, if the moon passes exactly between us and the sun when she is apparently largest, then a total eclipse takes place ; whereas, if she glides between the sun and ourselves when smallest i.e., when furthest off from the earth then she is not suffi- Fig. 35. 26 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. ciently large to cover the sun entirely, but a ring of sunlight remains visible around her, and what is called an annular eclipse of the sun occurs. This fact may be shown in an effective manner by placing the oxy-hydrogen lantern before a sheet, or other white surface, and throw- Fig. 37. ing a bright circle of light upon it, which may be called the sun ; then, if a round disc of wood be passed between the lantern and the sheet, at a certain distance from the nozzle of the lantern, all the light is cut off, the circle of light is no longer apparent, and we have a resemblance to a total eclipse. By taking the round disc of wood further from the lantern, and re- peating the experiment, it will be found that the whole circle of light is not obscured, but a ring of light appears around the dark centre, cor- responding with the phenomenon called the annular (ring-shaped) eclipse. If a bullet be placed very near to one eye whilst the other remains closed, a large target may be wholly shut out from vision; but if the bullet be adjusted at a greater distance from the eve, then the centre only will be obscured, and the outer edge or ring of the target remains visible. When the advancing edge, or first limb, as it is termed, of the moon approaches very near to the second limb of the sun, the two are joined together for a time by alternations of black and white points, called Bailv's beads. This phenomenon is supposed to be caused partly by the uneven and mountainous edge of the moon, and partly by that inevitable fault of telescopes, and of the nervous system of the eye, which tends to enlarge the images of luminous objects, producing what is called irradiation. It is exceedingly interesting to know that, although the clouds obscured the annular eclipse of 1858, in many parts of England, we are yet THE SCIENCE OF ASTRONOMY. Fig. 38. left the recorded observations of one fortunate astronomer, Mr. John Yeats, who states that " All the phenomena of an annular eclipse were clearly and beautifully visible on the Fotheringay- Castle-mound, which is a locality easily iden- tified. Baily's beads were perfectly plain on the completion of the annulm, which occurrence took place, according to my observation, at about seventy seconds after 1 o'clock ; it lasted about eighty seconds. The 'beads/ like drops of water, appeared on the upper and under sides of the moon, occupying fully three-fourths of her circumference. " Prior to this, the upper edge of the moon seemed dark and rough, and there were no other changes of colour. At 12'4<3, the cusps, for a few moments, bore a very black aspect. " There was nothing like intense darkness during the eclipse, and less gloom than during a thunderstorm. Bystanders prognosticated rain; but it was the shadow of a rapidly-declimn; day. At 12 o'clock, a lady living on the farm suddenly exclaimed, 'The cows are coming home to be milked!' and they came, all but one; that followed, however, within the hour. Cocks crowed, birds flew low or fluttered about uneasily, but every object far and near was well defined to the eye. ".A singular broadway of light stretched north and south for upwards of a quarter of an hour ; from about 12'54 to I'lO P.M. If the annular eclipse of the sun be a matter for wonderment, the total eclipse of the same is much more surprising ; no other expression than that of awfully grand, can give an idea of the effects of totality, and of the suddenness with which it obscures the light of heaven. The dark- ness, it is said, comes dropping down like a mantle, and as the moment of full obscuration approaches, people's countenances become livid, the horizon is indistinct and sometimes invisible, and there is a general appearance of horror on all sides. These are not simply the inventions 28 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. of active human imaginations, for they produce equal, if not greater effects, upon the brute creation. M. Arago quotes an instance of a half- starved dx)g, who was voraciously devouring some food, but dropped it the instant the darkness came on. A swarm of ants, busily engaged, stopped when the darkness commenced, and remained motionless till the fight reappeared. A herd of oxen collected themselves into a circle and stood still, with their horns outward, as if to resist a common enemy ; certain plants, such as the convolvulus and silk-tree acacia, closed their leaves. The latter statement was corroborated during the annular eclipse of the 15th of March, 1858, by Mr. E. S. Lane, who states, that crocuses at the Observatory, Beeston, had their blossoms expanded before the eclipse ; they commenced closing, and were quite shut at about one minute previous to the greatest darkness ; and the flowers opened partially about twenty minutes afterwards. A " total eclipse" of the sun has always impressed the human mind with terror and wonder in every age : it was always supposed to be the forerunner of evil ; and not only is the mind powerfully impressed, as darkness gradually shuts out the face of the sun, but at the moment of totality, a magnificent corona, or glory of light, is visible, and prominences, or flames, as they are often termed, make their appearance at different- points round the circle of the dark mass. This glory does not flash suddenly on the eye; but commencing at the first limb of the sun, passes quickly from one limb to the' other. Our illustration shows Fig. 39. "the corona" and the "rose-coloured prominences," whose nature we shall next endeavour to explain. Professor Airy describes the change from the last narrow crescent of light to the entire dark moon, sur- rounded by a ring of faint light, as most curious, striking, and magical in effect. The progress of the formation of the corona was seen dis- THE SCIENCE OF ASTKONOMY. 29 tinctly. It commenced on the side of the moon opposite to that at which the sun disappeared, and in the general decay and disease which seemed to oppress all nature, the moon and the corona appeared almost like a local sore in that part of the sky, and in some places were seen double. Its texture appeared as if fibrous, or composed of entangled threads ; in other places brushes, or feathers of light proceeded from it, and one estimate calculated the light at about one-seventh part of a full moon light. The question, whether the corona is concentric with the sun and moon, was specially mooted by M. Arago, and Professor Baden Powell has produced such excellent imitations of the " corona" by making opaque bodies occult, or conceal, very bright points, that it cannot be considered as material or real, although it ought to be re- membered that the best theory of the zodiacal light represents it to be a nebulous mass, increasing in density towards the sun, and yet no portion of this nebulous mass was seen during the totality. But by far the most remarkable of all the appearances connected with a " total eclipse" are the rose-coloured prominences, mountains, or flames, pro- jecting from the circumference of the moon to the inner ring of the corona; and, although they had been observed by Vaserius (a Swedish astronomer) in 1733, they took the modern astronomers entirely by surprise in 1842, and they were not prepared with instruments to ascer- tain the nature of these strange and almost portentous forms. In 1851, however, great preparations were made to throw further light on the subject. Professor Airy went to make his observations, and he says, "That the suddenness of the darkness in 1851 appeared much more striking than in 1842, and the forms of the rose-coloured mountains were most curious. One reminded him of a boomerang (that curious weapon thrown so skilfully by the aborigines of Australia) ; this same figure has been spoken of by others as resembling a Turkish scimitar, strongly coloured with rose-red at the borders, but paler in the centre. Another form was a pale-white semicircle based on the moon's limbs ; a third figure was a red detached cloud, or balloon, of nearly circular form, separated from the moon by nearly its own breadth ; a fourth appeared like a small triangle, or conical red mountain, perhaps a little white in the interior ;" and the Professor proceeds to say, " I employed myself in an attempt to draw roughly the figures, and it was impossible, after witnessing the increase in height of some, and the disappearance of another, and the arrival of new forms, not to feel convinced that the phenomena belonged to the sun, and not to the moon." Still the question remains unanswered, what are these "rose- coloured prominences ?" If they belong to the sun, and are moun- tains in that luminary, they must be some thirty or forty thousand miles in height. M. Faye has formally propounded the theory, that they are caused by refraction, or a kind of mirage, or the distortion of objects caused by heated air. This phenomenon is not peculiar to any country, though most frequently observed near the margin of lakes and rivers, and on hot sandy plains. M. Monge, who accompanied Buonaparte in his 30 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. expedition to Egypt, witnessed a remarkable example between Alex- andria and Cairo, where, in all directions, green islands appeared sur- rounded by extensive lakes of pure, transparent water. M. Monge states that " Nothing could be conceived more lovely or picturesque than the landscape. In the tranquil surface of the lake, the trees and houses with which the islands are covered were strongly reflected with vivid and varied hues, and the party hastened forward to enjoy the refreshment apparently proffered them ; but when they arrived, the lake, on whose bosom the images had floated the trees, amongst whose foliage they arose, and the people who stood on the shore, as if in- viting their approach, had all vanished, and nothing remained but the uniform and irksome desert of sand and sky, with a few naked and ragged Arabs." If M. Monge and his party had not been undeceived, by actually going to the spot, they would, one and all, have been firmly convinced that these visionary trees, lakes, and buildings had a real existence. This kind of mirage is known in Persia and Arabia by the name of " serab" or miraculous water, and in the western districts of India by that of " scheram." This illusion is the effect of unusual refraction, and M. Faye attempts to account for the rose-coloured mountains by some- thing of a similar nature. It is right, however, to mention, that learned astronomers do not con- sider this theory of any value. Lieutenant Patterson, one of the observers of the eclipse of 1851, says, that " It is very remarkable that the flames or prominences cor- respond exactly (at least as far as he could judge) with the spots on the sun's surface." Taking this statement with that of M. Faye, it may be assumed, as a new idea, and nothing more, that these prominences are, after all, mere aerial pictures of these openings in the sun's atmo- sphere, or what are called " sun spots." In the " Edinburgh Philoso- phical Journal," it is said, that although it has lately been shown in the Edinburgh Observatory that it is possible to produce, by certain optical experiments, red flames on the sun's limb of precisely the rose-coloured tint described, yet, on weighing the whole of the evidence, there does seem a great preponderance in favour of the eclipse flames being real appendages of the sun, and in that case they must be masses of such vast size as to play no unimportant part in the economy of that stupen- dous orb. During the last eclipse great disappointment was felt that the dark- ness was so insignificant, although, when we consider the enormous light-giving power of the sun, and know that it was not wholly obscured, we could hardly have expected any other result. There can be no doubt that a decided change in the amount of light is only to be observed during a total eclipse of the sun, one of wnich occurred on the 7th of September, 1858 ; but, unfortunately, it was only visible in South America ; we must therefore content ourselves with the de- scriptions of those astronomers who can be fully relied on. From the graphic account given by Professor Piazzi Smyth, the astronomer- THE SCIENCE OP ASTRONOMY. 31 royal for Scotland, of a total eclipse as seen by him on the western coast of Norway, we may form some notion of the imposing appearance of the surrounding country wlien obscured during the occurrence of this rare astronomical phenomenon. The Professor remarks, " To understand the scene more fully, the reader must fancy himself on a small, rocky island on a mountainous coast, the weather calm, and the sky at the beginning of the eclipse seven-tenths covered with thin and bright cirro-strati clouds. As the eclipse approaches, the clouds gradually darken, the rays of the sun are no longer able to penetrate them through and through, and drench them with living light as before, but they become darker than the sky against which they are seen. The air becomes sensibly colder, the clouds still darker, and the whole atmosphere murkier. " From moment to moment as the totality approaches, the cold and darkness advance apace ; and there is something peculiarly and terribly convincing in the two different senses, so entirely coinciding in their indications of an unprecedented fact being in course of accomplishment. Suddenly, and apparently without any warning (so immensely greater were its effects tnan those of anything else which had occurred), the totality supervenes, and darkness comes down. Then came into view lurid lights and forms, as on the extinction of candles. This was the most striking point of the whole phenomenon, and made the Norse peasants about us flee with precipitation, and hide themselves for their lives. " Darkness reigned everywhere in heaven and earth, except where, along the north-eastern horizon, a narrow strip of unclouded sky pre- sented a low burning tone of colour, and where some distant snow- covered mountains, beyond the range of the moon's shadow, reflected the faint mono-chromatic light of the partially eclipsed sun, and exhi- bited all the detail of their structure, all the light, and shade, and markings of their precipitous sides with an apparently supernatural distinctness. After a little time, the eyes seemed to get accustomed to the darkness, and the looming forms of objects close by could be dis- cerned, all of them exhibiting a dull-green hue ; seeming to have exhaled their natural colour, and to have taken this particular one, merely by force of the red colour in the north. "Life and animation seemed, indeed, to have now departed from everything around, and we could hardly but fear, against our reason, that if such a state of things was to last much longer, some dreadful calamity must happen to us all ; while the lurid horizon, northward, appeared so like the gleams of departing light in some of the grandest paintings by Danby and Martin, tnat we could not but believe, in spite of the alleged extravagances of these artists, that Nature had opened up to the constant contemplation of their mind's -eye some of those magnificent revelations of power and glory which others can only get a glimpse of on occasions such as these." It can be easily imagined, that under such peculiar and awful circum- stances, the careful observation of these effects must be somewhat dif- 32 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OP SCIENCE. ficult, and the only wonder is that the astronomical observations are conducted with any certainty at all. In the eclipse of 1842, it was not only the vivacious Frenchman who was carried away in the impulse of the moment, and had afterwards to plead that " he was no more than a man" as an excuse for his unfulfilled part in the observations, but the same was the case with the grave Englishman and the more stolid German. In 1851, much the same failure in the observations occurred ; and on some person asking a worthy American, who had come with his instruments from the other side of the world expressly to observe the eclipse, what he had succeeded in doing ? he merely answered, with much quiet impressiveness, " That if it was to be observed over again, he hoped he would be able to do some- thing ', but that^ as it was, he had done nothing : it had been too much for him" This is not quite so bad as the fashionable lady who Jbad been invited to look at an eclipse of the sun through a grand telescope, but arriving too late, inquired whether " it could not be shown over again" With this brief glance at the science of astronomy, we once more return to the term "gravity," which will introduce to us some new and interesting facts, under the head of what is called " centre of gravity." CHAPTER IV. CENTRE OP GRAVITY. That point about which all the parts of a body do, in any situation, exactly balance each other. THE discovery of this fact is due to Archimedes, and it is a point in every solid body (whatever the form may be) in which the forces of gravity may be considered as united. In our globe, which is a sphere, or rather an oblate spheroid, the centre of gravity will be the centre. Thus, if a plummet be suspended on the surface of the earth, it points directly to the centre of gravity, and, consequently, two plummet-lines suspended side by side cannot, strictly speaking, be parallel to each other. If it were possible to bore or dig a gallery through the whole substance of the earth from pole to pole, and then to allow a stone or the fabled Mahomet's coffin to fall through it, the momentum i.e., the force of the moving body, would carry it beyond the centre of gravity. This force, how- ever, being exhausted, there would be a retrograde movement, and after many oscillations it would gradually come to rest, and then, unsupported by anything material, it would be suspended by the force of gravitation, and now enter into and take part in the general attracting force; and being equally attracted on every side, the stone or coffin must be totally without weight. Momentum is prettily illustrated by a series of inclined planes THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 33 Fig. 40. p. The centre. ABODE. Plummet-lines, all pointing to the centre, and therefore diverging from each other. cut in mahogany, with a grooved channel at the top, in imitation of the famous Russian ice mountains : and if a marble is allowed to run down Fig. 41. P r P. Inclined planes, gradually decreasing in height, cut out of inch mahogany, with a groove at the top to carry an ordinary marble. BBS. Different positions of the marble, which starts from B A. D BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. the first incline, the momentum will carry it up the second, from whicn it will again descend and pass up and down the third and last miniature mountain. In a sphere of uniform density, the centre of gravity is easily dis- covered, but not so in an irregular mass ; and here, perhaps, an explana- tion of terms may not be altogether unacceptable. Mass, is a term applied to solids, such as a mass of lead or stone. Bulk, to liquids, such as a bulk of water or oil. Volume, to gases, such as a volume of air or oxygen. To find the centre of gravity of any mass, as, for example, an ordinary school-slate, we must first of all suspend it from any part of the frame ; then allow a plumb-line to drop from the point of suspension, and mark its direction on the slate. Again, suspend the slate at various other points, always marking the line of direction of the plummet, and at the point where the lines intersect each other, there will be the centre of gravity. If the slate be now placed (as shown in Fig. 43) on a blunt Fig. 42. A B D. The three points of sus- pension, c, The point of intersection, and, therefore, the centre of gravity, p, The line of plummet. Fig. 43., wooden point at the spot where the lines cross each other, it will be found to balance exactly, and this place is called the centre of gravity > oeinff the point with which all other particles of the body would move with parallel and equable motion during its fall. The equilibrium of bodies is therefore much affected by the position of the centre of gravity. Thus, if we cut out an elliptical figure from a board one inch in thickness, and rest it on a flat surface by one of its edges (as at No. 1, fig. 44), this point of contact is called the point of support, and the centre of gravity is immediately above it. In this case, the body is in a state of secure equilibrium, for any motion on either side will cause the centre of gravity to ascend in these directions, and an oscillation will ensue. But if we place it upon the smaller end, as shown at No. 2 (fig. 44), the position will be one of THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 35 equilibrium, but not stable or secure; although the centre of gravity is directly above the point of support, the slightest touch will displace N92 Fig. 44. The point of support, o, The centre of gravity. the oval and cause its overthrow. The famous story of Columbus and the egg suggests a capital illustration of this fact ; and there are two modes in which the egg may be poised on either of the ends. The one usually attributed to the great discoverer, is that of scraping or slightly breaking away a little of the shell, so as to flatten one of the ends, thus Fig. 45. A. Represents the egg in its natural state, and, therefore, in unstable equilibrium ; B, another egg, with the surface, s, flattened, by which the centre of gravity is lowered, and if not disturbed beyond the extent of the point of support the equilibrium is stable. The most philosophical mode of making the egg stand on its end and without disturbing the exterior shell is to alter the position of the yolk, which has a greater density than the white, and is situated about the centre. If the egg is now shaken so as to break the membrane enclosing the yolk, and thus allow it to sink to the bottom of the smaller end, the centre of gravity is lowered; there is a greater proportion of weight. D2 36 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. IM-2 concentrated in the small end, and the egg stands erect, as depicted at fig. 46. It is this variable position of the centre of gravity in ivory balls (one part of which may be more dense than another) that so frequently annoys even the best billiard-players ; and on this account a ball will de- viate from the line in which it is impelled, not from any fault of the player, but in consequence of the ivory ball being of unequal den- sity, and, therefore, not hav- ing the centre correspond- ing with the centre of gra- vity. A go o d billiard-player should, therefore, always try i I No.2c. anto* of gravity, much lowered. *. The the ball before he engages yolk at the bottom of the egg. to play for any large sum. The toy called the " tombola" reminds us of the egg-experiment, as there is usually a lump of lead inserted in the lower part of the hemi- N'-l Fig. 47 No. 1. c. Centre of gravity in the lowest ] No. 2. c. Centre of gravity raised as the figure is inclined on either side, but falling again into the lowest place as the figure gradually conies to rest. sphere, and when the toy is pushed down it rapidly assumes the upright position because the centre of gravity is not in the lowest place to which it can descend ; the latter position being only attained when the figure is upright. There is a popular paradox in mechanics viz., "a body haying a tendency to fall by its own weight, may be prevented from falling by adding to it a weight on the same side on which it tends to fall," and the paradox is demonstrated by another well-known child's toy as de- picted in the next cut. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 37 Fig. 48. The line of direction falling beyond the base; the bent wire and lead weight throwing the centre of gravity under the table and near the leaden weight ; the hind legs become the point of support, and the toy is perfectly balanced. After what has been explained regarding the improvement of the stability of the egg by lowering the situation of the centre of gravity, it may at first appear singular that a stick loaded with a weight at its upper extremity can be oalanced perpendicularly with greater ease and precision than when the weight is lower down and nearer the hand ; and that a sword can be balanced best when the hilt is uppermost ; N'-l N'-2 Fig. 49. No. 1. Sword balanced on handle : the arc from c to D is very small, and if the centre, c, falls out of the line of direction it is not easily restored to the upright position. No 2. Sword balanced on the point : the arc from c to D much larger, and therefore the sword is more easily balanced. 38 BOYS PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. but this is easily explained when it is understood that with the handle downwards a much smaller arc is described as it falls than when reversed, so that in the former case the balancer has not time to re- adjust the centre, whilst in the latter position the arc described is so large that before the sword falls the centre of gravity may be restored within the line of direction of the base. Por the same reason, a cliild tripping against a stone will fall quickly; whereas, a man can recover himself; this fact can be very nicely shown by fixing two square pieces if mahogany of different Nf Fig. 50. No. 1. The two pieces of mahogany, carved to represent a man and a boy. one being 10 and the other 5 inches long, attached to board by hinges at H H. N?2 IfJlW '' ' Fig. 51. No. 2. The board pushed forward, striking against a nail, when the short piece falls first, and the long one second. lengths, by hinges on a flat base or board, then if the board be pushed rapidly forward and struck against a lead weight or a nail put in the THE CENTRE OP GRAVITY. 39 table, tlie short piece is seen to fall first and the long one afterwards ; the difference of time occupied in the fall of each piece of wood (which may be carved to represent the human figure) being clearly denoted by the sounds produced as they strike the board. Boat-accidents frequently arise in consequence of ignorance on the subject of the centre of gravity, and when persons are alarmed whilst sitting in la boat, they generally rise suddenly, raise the centre of gravity, which falling, by the oscillation of the frail bark, outside the line of direc- tion of the base, cannot be restored, and the boat is upset ; if the boat were fixed by the keel, raising the centre of gravity would be of little con- sequence, but as the boat is perfectly free to move and roll to one side or the other, the elevation of the centre of gravity is fatal, and it operates just as the removal of the lead would do, if changed from the base to the head of the " tombola" toj. A very striking experiment, exhibiting the danger of rising in a boat, maybe shown by the following model, as depicted at Nos. 1 and 2, figs. 52 and 53. Fig. 52. No. 1. Sections of a toy-boat floating in water. B B B. Three brass wires placed at regular distances and screwed into the bottom of the boat, with cuts or slits at the top so that when the leaden bullets, ILL, which are perforated and slide upon them like beads, are raised to the top, they are retained by the brass cuts springing out ; when the bullets are at the bottom of the lines they represent persons sitting in a boat, as shown in the lower cuts, and the centre of gravity will be wit" " be within the vessel. We thus perceive that the stability of a body placed on a base depends upon the position of the line of direction and tne height of the centre of gravity. Security results when the line of direction falls within the base. In- stability when just at the edge. Incapability of standing when falling without the base. 40 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. N2Z Pig. 53. No. 2. The leaden bullets raised to the top now show the result of persons sud- denly rising, when the boat immediately turns over, and either sinks or floats on the surface with the keel upwards. The leaning-tower of Pisa is one hundred and eighty-two feet in height, and is swayed thirteen and a half feet from the perpendicular, a Pig. 54. P. Board cut and painted to represent the leaning-tower of Pisa. o. The centre of gravity and plummet-line suspended from it. H. The hinge which attaches it to the base board, i. The string, sufficiently long to unwind and allow the plummet to hang out- side the base, so that, when cut, the model falls in the direction of the arrow. but jet remains perfectly firm and secure, as the line of direction falls considerably within the base. If it was of a greater altitude it could no longer stand, because the centre of gravity would be so elevated that the line of direction would fall outside the base. This fact may be illustrated by taking a board several feet in length, and having cut THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 41 it out to represent the architecture of the leaning-tower of Pisa, it may then be painted in distemper, and fixed at the right angle with a hinge to another board representing the ground, whilst a plumb-line may be dropped from the centre of gravity ; and it may be shown that as long as the plummet falls within the base, the tower is safe ; but directly the model tower is brought a little further forward by a wedge so that the plummet hangs outside, then, on removing the support, which may be a piece of string to be cut at the right moment, the model falls, and the fact is at once comprehended. The leaning-towers of Bologna are likewise celebrated for their great inclination ; so also (in England) is the hanging-tower, or, more cor- rectly, the massive wall which has formed part of a tower at Bridge- north, Salop ; it deviates from the perpendicular, but the centre of gravity and the line of direction fall within the base, and it remains secure ; indeed, so little fears are entertained of its tumbling down, that a stable has been erected beneath it. One of the most curious paradoxes is displayed in the ascent of a billiard-ball from the thin to the thick ends of two billiard-cues placed is a---0 Fig. 55. No. 1. Two billiard-cues arranged for the experiment and fixed to a board : the ball is rolling up. No. 2. Sections showing that the centre of gravity, c, is higher at A than at B, which represents the thick end of the cues; it therefore, in effect, rolls down hill. at an angle, as in our drawing above ; here the centre of gravity is raised at starting, and the ball moves in consequence of its actually falling from the high to the low level. Much of the stability of a body depends on the height through which the centre of gravity must be elevated before the body can De over- thrown. The greater this height, the greater will be the immovability of the mass. One of the grandest examples of this fact is shown in the ancient Pyramids ; and whilst gigantic palaces, with vast columns, BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. and aU 4 the solid grandeur belonging to Egyptian architecture, have succumbed to time and lie more or less prostrate upon the earth, the Fig. 56. c. Centre of gravity, which must be raised to D before it can be overthrown. Pyramids, in their simple form and solidity, remain almost as they were built, and it mil be noticed, in the accompanying sketch, how difficult, if not impossible, it would be to attempt to overthrow bodily one of these great monuments of ancient times. The principles already explained are directly applicable to the con- struction or secure loading of vehicles ; and in proportion as the centre of gravity is elevated above the point of support (that is, the wheels), so is the insecurity of the carriage increased, and the contrary takes place if the centre of gravity is lowered. Again, if a waggon be loaded No.l. No. 2. Fig. 57. No. 1. The centre of gravity is near the ground, and falls within the wheels. No. 2. The centre of gravity is much elevated, and the line of direction is outside the wh0els THE CENTRE OP GKAVITY. 43 with a very heavy substance which does not occupy much space, such as iron, lead, or copper, or bricks, it will be in much less danger of an overthrow than if it carries an equal weight of a lighter body, such as pockets of horjs, or bags of wool or bales of rags. In the one instance, the centre of gravity is near the ground, and falls well within the base, as at No. 1, fig. 57. In the other, the centre of gravity is considerably elevated above the ground, and having met with an ob- struction which has raised one side higher than the other, the line of direction has fallen outside the wheels, and the waggon is over- turning as at No. 2. The various postures of the human body may be regarded as so many experiments upon the position of the centre of gravity which we are every moment unconsciously performing. To maintain an erect position, a man must so place his body as to cause the line of direction of his weight to fall within the base formed by his feet. The more the toes are turned outwards, the more contracted will be the base, and the body will be more liable to fall backwards or forwards ; and the closer the feet are drawn together, the more likely is the body to fall on either side. The acrobats, and so-called "India-Rubber Fig. 58. Brothers," dancing dogs, &c., unconsciously acquire the habit of accu- rately balancing themselves in all kinds of strange positions ; but as these accomplishments are not to be recommended to young people, some other marvels (such as balancing a pail of water on a stick laid upon a table) may be adduced, as illustrated in fig. 59. Let A B represent an ordinary table, upon which place a broomstick, c D, so that one-half shall lay upon the table and the other extend from 44 BOYS PLAYBOOK OP SCIENCE. it ; f lace over the stick the handle of an empty pail (which may possibly require to be elongated for the experiment) so that the handle touches or falls into a notch at H ; and in order to bring the pail well under the Fig. 59. table, another stick is placed in the notch E, and is arranged in the line G P E, one end resting at G and the other at E. Having made these preparations, the pail may now be filled with water ; and although it appears to be a most marvellous result, to see the pail apparently balanced on the end of a stick which may easily tilt up, the principles already explained will enable the observer to understand that the centre of gravity of the pail falls within the line of direction shown by the dotted line ; and it amounts in effect to nothing more than carrying a pail on the centre of a stick, one end of which is supported at E, and the other^ through the medium of the table, AB. This illustration may be modified by using a heavy weight, rope, and stick, as shown in our sketch below. Fig. 60. Before we dismiss this subject it is advisable to explain a term re- ferring to a very useful truth, called the centre of percussion ; a know- ledge of which, gained instinctively or otherwise, enables the workman to wield his tools with increased power, and gives greater force to the cut of the swordsman, so that, with some physical strength, he may perform the feat of cutting a sheep in half, cleaving a bar of lead, or THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. neatljr dividing, a la Saladin, in ancient Saracen fashion, a silk hand- kerchief floating in the air. There is a feat, however, which does not require any very great strength, but is sufficiently startling to excite much surprise and some inquiry viz., the one of cutting in half a broom- stick supported at the ends on tumblers of water without spilling the water or cracking or otherwise damaging the glass supports. Fig. 61. These and other feats are partly explained by reference to time : the force is so quickly applied and expended on the centre of the stick that it is not communicated to the supports ; just as a bullet from a pistol may be sent through a pane of glass without shattering the whole square, but making a clean hole through it, or a candle may be sent through a plank, or a cannon-ball pass through a half opened door without causing it to move on its hinges. But the success of the several feats depends in a great measure on the attention that is paid to the delivery of the blows at the centre of percussion of the weapon; this is a point in a moving body where the percussion is the greatest, and about which the impetus or force of all parts is balanced on every side. It may be better understood by reference to our drawing below. Applying this principle to a model sword made of wood, cut in half in the centre of the blade, and then united with an elbow -joint, the handle being fixed to a board by a wire passed through it and the two upright pieces of wood, the fact is at once apparent, and is well shown in JNOS. 1, 2, 3, fig. 62. 46 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. AB IMM \ \ AB \ N23 Fig. 62. No. 1, is the wooden sword, with an elbow-joint at c. No. 2. Sword attached to board at x, and being allowed to fall from any angle shown by dotted-line, it strikes the block, w, outside the centre of percussion, p, and as there is unequal motion in the parts of the sword it bends down (or, as it were, breaks) at the elbow-joint, c. No. 3 displays the same model ; but here the blow has fallen on the block, w, precisely at the centre of percussion of the sword, p, and the elbow-joint remains perfectly firm. When a blow is not delivered with a stick or sword at the centre of percussion, a peculiar jar, or what is familiarly spoken of as a stinging sensation, is apparent in the hand ; and the cause of this disagreeable result is further elucidated by fig. 63, in which the post, A, corresponds with the handle of the sword. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. Pig. 63. A. The post to which a rope is attached. B and c are two horses running round in a circle, and it is plain that B will not move so quick as c, and that the latter will have the greatest moving force ; consequently, if the rope was suddenly checked by striking against an object at the centre of gravity, the horse c would proceed faster than B, and would impart to B a backward motion, and thus make a great strain on the rope at A. But if the obstacle were placed so as to be struck at a certain point nearer c, viz., at or about the little star, the tendency of each horse to move on would balance and neutralize the other, so that there would be no strain at A. The little star indicates the centre of percussion. All military men, and especially those young gentlemen who are intended for the army, should bear in mind this important truth during their sword-practice and with one of Mr. Wilkinson's swords, made only of the very best steel, they may conquer in a chance combat which might otherwise have proved fatal to them. To Mr. Wilkinson, of Pall Mall, the eminent sword-cutler, is due the great merit of improving the quality of the steel employed in the manufacture of officers' swords ; and with one of his weapons, the author has repeatedly thrust through an iron plate about one-eighth of an inch in thickness without injuring the point, and has also bent one nearly double without fracturing it, the perfect elasticity of the steel bringing the sword straight again. These, and other severe tests applied to Wilkinson's swords, show that there is no reason why an officer should not possess a weapon that will bear comparison with, nay, surpass, the far-famed Toledo weapon, instead of submitting to mere army-tailor swords, which are often little better than hoops of beer barrels ; and, in dire combat with Hindoo or Mussulman fanatics' Tulwah, may show too late the folly of the owner. Fijr. 64 48 BOYS PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. CHAPTER V. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. IT is recorded of the great Dr. Wollaston, that when Sir Humphry Davy placed in his hand, what was then considered to be the scientific wonder of the day viz., a small bit of the metal potassium, he ex- claimed at once, " How heavy it is," and was greatly surprised, when Sir Humphry threw the metal on water, to see it not only take fire, but actually float upon the surface ; here, then, was a philosopher possessing the deepest learning, unable, by the sense of touch and by ordinary handling, to state correctly whether the new substance (and that a metal), was heavy or light ; hence it is apparent that the pro- perty of specific gravity is one of importance, and being derived from the Latin, means species, a particular sort or kind ; and gravis, heavy or weight i.e., the particular weight of every substance compared with a fixed standard of water. We are so constantly in the habit of referring to a standard of perfec- tion in music and the arts of painting and sculpture, that the youngest will comprehend the office of water when told tnat it is the philosopher's unit or starting-point for the estimation of the relative weights of solids and liquids. A good idea of the scope and meaning of the term specific gravity, is acquired by a few simple experiments, thus : if a cylindrical Fig. 65. A. A large cylindrical vessel containing water, in which the egg sinks till it reaches the bottom of the glass. B. A similar glass vessel containing half brine and half water, in which the egg floats in the centre viz., just at the point where the brine and water touch. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 49 glass, say eighteen inches long, and two and a half wide, is filled with water, and another of the same size is also filled, one half with water and the other half with a saturated solution of common salt, or what is commonly termed brine, a most amusing comparison of the relative weights of equal bulks of water and brine, can be made with the help of two eggs ; when one of the eggs is placed in the glass containing water, it immediately sinks to the bottom, showing that it has a greater specific gravity than water ; but when the other egg is placed in the second glass containing the brine, it sinks through the water till it reaches the strong solution of salt, where it is suspended, and presents a most curious and pretty appearance ; seeming to float like a balloon in air, and apparently suspended upon nothing, it provokes the inquiry, " whether magnetism has anything to do with it ?" The answer, of course, is in the negative, it merely floats in the centre, in obedience to the common principle, that all bodies float in others which are heavier than themselves ; the brine has, therefore, a greater weight than an equal bulk of water, and is also heavier than the egg. A pleasing sequel to this expe- riment may be shown by demonstrat- ing how the brine is placed in the vessel without mixing with the water above it ; this is done by using a glass tube and funnel, and after pouring away half the water contained in the vessel (Fig. 65), the egg can be floated from the bottom to the centre of the glass, by pouring the brine down the funnel and tube. The saturated solu- tion of salt remains in the lower part of the vessel and displaces the water, which floats upon its surface like oil on water, carrying the egg with it. The water of the Dead Sea is said to contain about twenty-six per cent, of saline matter, which chiefly con- sists of common salt. It is perfectly clear and bright, and in consequence of the great density, a person may easily float on its surface, like the egg'graduallynses? egg on the brine, so that if a ship could be heavily laden whilst floating on the water of the Dead Sea, it would most likely sink if transported to the Thames. This illus- tration of specific gravity is also shown by a model ship, which being first floated on the brine, will afterwards sink if conveyed to another vessel containing water. One -of the tin model ships sold as a magnetic BOYS PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. toy answers nicely for this experiment, but it must be weighted or adjusted so that it just floats in the brine, A ; then it will sink, when placed, in another vessel containing only water. Fig. 67. A. Vessel containing brine, upon which the little model floats. B. Vessel containing water, in which the ship sinks. Another amusing illustration of the same kind is displayed with gold fish, which swim easily in water, floating on brine, but cannot dive to the bottom of the vessel, owing to the density of the saturated solution of salt. If the fish are taken out immediately after the experiment, and placed in fresh water, they will not be hurt by contact with the strong salt water. These examples of the relative weights of equal bulks, enable the youthful mind to grasp the more difficult problem of ascertaining the specific gravity of anv solid or liquid substance; and here the strict meaning of terms should not be passed by. Specific weight must not be confounded with Absolute weight ; the latter means the entire amount of ponderable matter in any body : thus, twenty-four cubic feet of sand weigh about one ton, whilst specific weight means the relation that sub- sists between the absolute weight and the volume or space which that weight occupies. Thus a cubic foot of water weighs sixty-two and a half pounds, or 1000 ounces avoirdupois, but changed to gold, the cubic foot weighs more than half a ton, and would be equal to about 19,300 ounces 4ience the relation between the cubic foot of water and that of SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 51 gold is nearly as 1 to 19' 3 ; the latter is therefore called the specific gravity of gold. Such a mode of taking the specific gravity of different substances viz., by the weight of equal bulks, whether cubic feet or inches, could not be employed in consequence of the difficulty of procuring exact cubic inches or feet of the various substances which by their peculiar proper- ties of brittleness or hardness would present insuperable obstacles to any attempt to fashion or shape them into exact volumes. It is therefore necessary to adopt the method first devised by Archimedes, 600 B.C., when he discovered the admixture of another metal with the gold of King Hiero' s crown. This amusing story, ending in the discovery of a philosophical truth, may be thus described : King Hiero gave out from the royal treasury a certain quantity of gold, which he required to be fashioned into a crown ; when, however, the emblem of power was produced by the goldsmith, it was not found deficient in weight, but had that appearance which indicated to the monarch that a surreptitious addition of some other metal must have been made. It may be assumed that King Hiero consulted his friend and philoso- pher Archimedes, and he might have said, " Tell me, Archimedes, without pulling my crown to pieces, if it has been adulterated with anv other metal ?" The philosopher asked time to solve the problem, and going to take his accustomed bath, discovered then specially what he had never particularly remarked before that, as he entered the vessel of water, the liquid rose on each side of him that he, in fact, displaced a certain quantity of liquid. Thus, supposing the bath to have been full of water, directly Archimedes stepped in, it would overflow. Let it be assumed that the water displaced was collected, and weighed 90 pounds, whilst the philosopher had weighed, say 200 pounds. Now, the train of reasoning in his mind might be of this kind : " My body displaces 90 pounds of water ; if I had an exact cast of it in lead, the same bulk and weight of liquid would overflow ; but the weight of my body was, say 200 pounds, the cast in lead 1000 pounds ; these two sums divided by 90 would give very different results, and they would be the specific gravities, because the rule is thus stated : ' Divide the gross weight by the loss of weight in water, the water displaced, and the quotient gives the specific gravity.' " The rule is soon tested with the help of an ordinary pair of scales, and the experiment made more interesting by taking a model crown of some metal, which may be nicely gilt and burnished by Messrs. Elkington, the celebrated electro-platers of Bir- mingham. For convenience, the pan of one scale is suspended by shorter chains than the other, and should have a hook inserted in the middle ; upon this is placed the crown, supported by very thin copper wire. For the sake of argument, let it be supposed that the crown weighs Yl\ ounces avoirdupois, which are duly placed in the other scale-pan, and without touching these weights, the crown is now placed in a vessel of water. It might be supposed that directly the crown enters the water, it would gain weight, in consequence of being wetted, E 2 52 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. but the contrary is the case, and by thrusting the crown into the water, it may be seen to rise with great buoyancy so long as the 17 ounces are retained in the other scale-pan ; and it will be found necessary to place at least two ounces in the scale-pan to which the crown is attached before the latter sinks in the water ; and thus it is distinctly shown that the crown weighs only about 15 ounces in the water, and has therefore lost instead of gaining weight whilst immersed in the liquid. The rule may now be worked out : Ounces. Weight of crown in air 17^ Ditto in water ] 5 J Less in water . , . . . . 2 The quotient 8| demonstrates that the crown is manufactured of copper, because it would have been about 19 if made of pure gold. Fi?. 88. A. Ordinary pair of scales. B. Scale-pan, containing 17 ounces, being the weisrht of the crown in air. c. Pan, with hook and crown attached, which is sunk in the water contained in the vessel D ; this pan contains the two ounces, which must be placed there to make the crown sink and exactly balance B. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 53 Table of the Specific Gravities of the Metals in common use. Platinum 20 '98 Gold 19-26 to 19-3 and 19-64 Mercury 13'57 Lead 11-35 Silver 10'47 to 1O5 Bismuth 9'82 Copper 8-89 Iron 7-79 Tin 7-29 Zinc 6-5 to 7"'i . The simple rule already explained may be applied to all metals of any size or weight, and when the mass is of an irregular shape, having various cavities on the surface, there may be some difficulty in taking the specific gravity, in consequence of the adhesion of air-bubbles ; but this may be obviated either by brushing them away with a feather, or, what is frequently much better, by dipping the metal or mineral first into alcohol, and then into water, before placing it in the vessel of water, by which the actual specific gravity is to be taken. The mode of taking the specific gravity of liquids is very simple, and is usually performed in the laboratory by means of a thin globular bottle which holds exactly 1000 grains of pure distilled water at 60 Fahrenheit. A little counterpoise of lead is made of the exact weight of the dry globular bottle, and the liquid under examination is poured into the bottle and up to the graduated mark in the neck ; the bottle is then placed in one scale-pan, the counterpoise and the 1000-grain weight in the other ; if the liquid (such as oil of vitriol) is heavier than water, then more weight will be required viz., 845 grains and these figures added to the 1000 would indicate at once that the specific gravity of oil of vitriol was 1*845 as compared with water, which is I'OOO. When the liquid, such as alcohol, is lighter than water, the 1000-grain weight will be found too much, and grain weights must be added to the same scale- pan in which the bottle is standing, until the two are exactly balanced. If ordinary alcohol is being examined, it will be found necessary to place 180 grains with the bottle, and these figures deducted from the 1000 grains in the other scale-pan, leave 820, which, marked with a dot before the first figure (sic '820), indicates the specific gravity of alcohol to be less than that of water. The difference in the gravities of various liquids is displayed in a very pleasing manner by an experiment devised by Professor Griffiths, to whom chemical lecturers are especially indebted for some of the most ingenious and beautiful illustrations which have ever been devised. The experiment consists in the arrangement of five distinct liquids of various densities and colours, the one resting on the other, and dis- tinguished not only by the optical line of demarcation, but by little balls of wax, which are adjusted by leaden shot inside, so as to sink through BOY'S PLATBOOK OF SCIENCE. the upper strata of liquids, and rest only upon the one that it is in- tended to indicate. The manipulation for this experiment is somewhat troublesome, and is commenced by procuring some pure bright quicksilver, upon which an iron bullet (black-leaded, or painted of any colour) is placed, or one of those pretty glass balls which are sold in such quantities at the Crystal Palace. Secondly. Put as much white vitriol (sulphate of zinc) into a half pint of boiling water as it will dissolve, and, when cold, pour off the clear liquid, make up a ball of coloured wax (say red), and adjust it by placing little shot inside, until it sinks in a solution of sulphate of copper and floats on that of the white vitriol. Thirdly. Make a solution of sulphate of copper in precisely the same manner, and adjust another wax ball to sink in water, and float on this solution. Fourthly. Some clear distilled water must be provided. Fifthly. A little cochineal is to be dissolved in some common spirits of wine (alcohol), and a ball of cork painted white provided. Finally. A long cylindrical glass, at least eighteen inches high, and two and a half or three inches diameter, must be made to receive these five liquids, which are ar- ranged in their proper order of specific gravity by means of a long tube and funnel. The four balls viz., the iron, the two wax, and the cork balls, are allowed to slide down the long glass, which is inclined at an angle; and then, by means of the tube and funnel, pour in the Solution of white vitriol, tincture of cochineal, and all the balls will remain at the bottom of the glass. The water is poured down next, and now the cork ball floats up on the water, and marks the boundary line of the alcohol and water. Then Fig. 69. Long cylindrical glass, 18 x 3 inches, con- the solution of blue vitriol, taining the five liquids. when a wax ball floats upon it. Thirdly, the solution of white vitriol, upon which the second wax ball takes its place ; and lastly, the quicksilver is poured down the tube, and upon this heavy metallic fluid the iron or glass ball floats like a cork on water. The tube may now be carefully removed, pausing at each liquid, so that no mixture take place between them ; and the result is the arrange- ment of five liquids, giving the appearance of a cylindrical glass painted Alcohol. Water. Solution of blue vitriol. Quicksilver. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 55 with bands of crimson, blue, and silver ; and the liquids will not mingle with each other for many days. A more permanent arrangement can be devised by using liquids which have no affinity, or will not mix with each other such as mercury, water, and turpentine. The specific weight or weights of an equal measure of air and other gases is determined on the same principle as liquids, although a diffe- rent apparatus is required. A light capped glass globe, with stop-cock, from 50 to 100 cubic inches capacity, is weighed full of air, then exhausted by an air-pump, and weighed empty, the loss being taken as the weight of its volume of air ; these figures are carefully noted, because air instead of water is the standard of comparison for all gases. When the specific gravity of any other gas is to be taken, the glass globe is again exhausted, and screwed on to a gas jar provided with a proper stop-cock, in which the gas is contained; and when perfect accuracy is required, the gas must be dried by passing it over some asbestos moistened with oil of vitriol, and contained in a glass tube, and the gas jar should stand in a mercurial trough. (Fig. 70.) The stop- Fig. 70. A. Glass globe to contain the gas. B. Gas jar standing in the mercurial trough, D. c. Tube containing asbestos moistened with oil of vitriol. cocks are gradually turned, and the gas admitted to the exhausted globe from the gas jar ; when full, the cocks are turned off, the globe unscrewed, and again weighed, and by the common rule of proportion, as the weight of the air first found is to the weight of the gas, so is unity (1*000, the density of air) to a number which expresses the density of the gas required. If oxygen had been the gas tried, the number would be I'lll, being the specific gravity of that gaseous element. If chlorine, 2'470. Carbonic acid, 1*5 00. Hydrogen being much less than air, the number would only be 69, or decimally 0'069. A very good approximation to the correct specific gravity (particularly where a number of trials have to be made with the same gas, such as 56 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. ordinary coal gas) is obtained by suspending a light paper box, with holes at one end, on one arm of a balance, and a counterpoise on the other. The box can be made carefully, and should have a capacity equal to a FIgf. 71. A* The balance. B. The paper box, of a known capacity, c. Gas-pipe blowing in coal-gas, the arrows showing entrance of gas and exit of the air. half or quarter cubic foot ; it is suspended with the holes downward, and is filled by blowing in the coal gas until it issues from the apertures, and can be recognised by the smell. The rule in this case would be equally simple : as the known weight of the half or quarter cubic foot of common air is to the weight of the coal gas, so is I'OOO to the number required. (Kg- 71.) As an illustration of the different specific weights of the gases, a small balloon, containing a mixture of hydrogen and air, may be so adjusted that it will just sink in a tall glass shade inverted and sup- ported on a pad made of a piece of oilcloth shaped round and bound with list. On passing in quickly a large quantity of carbonic acid, the little balloon will float on its surface ; and if another balloon, containing only hydrogen, is held in the top part of the open shade, and a sheet of glass carefully slid over the open end, the density of the gases (although they are perfectly invisible) is perfectly indicated ; and, as a climax to the experiment, a third balloon can be filled with laughing gas, and >nay be placed in the glass shade, taking care that the one full of pure hydrogen does not escape ; the last balloon will sink to the bottom of the SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 3 5 jar, because laughing gas is almost as heavy as carbonic acid, and the weight of the balloon will determine its descent. (Sis. 72.) A soap-bubble will rest most perfectly on a surface of carbonic acidgas,and the aerial and elastic cushion supports the bubble till it bursts. The experiment is best performed by taking a class shade twelve inches broad and deep in propor- tion, and resting it on a pad; half a pound of ses- quicarbonate of soda is then placed in the vessel, and upon this is poured a mixture of half a pint of oil of vitriol and half a pint of water, the latter being previously mixed and allowed to cool before use. An enormous quantity of carbonic acid gas is suddenly gene- rated, and rising to the edge, overflows at the top of the glass shade. A well-formed soap-bubble, detached neatly from the end of a glass-tube, oscillates gently on the surface of the heavy gas, and presents a most curious and pleasing appearance. The soapy water is prepared by cutting a few pieces of yellow soap, and placing them in a two-ounce Balloon. Pure hydrogen. (Air.) Balloon. Hydrogen & air. (Carbonic acid.) Balloon. Laughing gas. Fig. 72. Inverted large glass shade, containing half carbonic acid and half common air. Fig. 73. A. Inverted glass shade, containing the material, B, for generating carbonic acid gas. c. The soap-bubble. D D. The glass tube for blowing the bubbles. E. Small lantern, to throw a bright beam of light from the oxy-hydrogen jet upon the thin soap-bubble, which then displays the most beautiful iridescent colours. bottle containing distilled water. (Fig. 73.) The specific gravity of the gases, may therefore be either greater, or less than atmospheric air, VQ BOYS PLAYBOOK OP SCIENCE. which has been already mentioned as the standard of comparison, and examined by this test the vapours of some of the compounds of carbon and hydrogen are found to possess a remarkably high gravity ; in proof of which, the vapour of ether may be adduced as an example, although it does not consist only of the two elements mentioned, but contains a certain quantity of oxygen. In a cylindrical tin vessel, two feet high and one foot in diameter, place an ordinary hot-water plate, of course full of boiling water ; upon this warm surface pour about half an ounce of the best ether ; and, after waiting a few minutes until the whole is converted into vapour, take a syphon made of half-inch pewter tube, and warm it by pouring through it a little hot water, taking care to allow the water to drain away from it before use. After placing the syphon in the tin vessel, a light may be applied to the extremity of the long leg outside the tin vessel, to show that no ether is passing over -until the air is sucked out as with the water-syphon; and after this has been done, several warm glass vessels may be filled with this heavy vapour of ether, which burns on the application of flame. Finally, the remainder of the vapour may be burnt at the end of the syphon tube, demonstrating in the most satisfactory manner that the vapour is flowing through the syphon just as spirit is removed by the distillers from the casks into cellars of the public-houses. (Fig. 74.) Fl. 74. A. Tin vessel containing the hot-water plate, B, upon which the ether is poured, c. The syphon. D. Glass to receive the vaoour. z. Combustion of the ether vapour in another vessel. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 59 Before dismissing the important subject of specific gravity (or, as it is termed by the French savants, " density"), it may be as well to state that astronomers have been enabled, by taking the density of the earth and by astronomical observations, to calculate the gravity of the planets belonging to our solar system ; and it is interesting to observe that the density of the planet Venus is the only one approaching the gravity of the earth : The Earth TOOO The Sun -254) The Moon '742 Mercury 2*583 Venus 1-037 Mars -650 Jupiter -258 Saturn -104 Herschel '220 CHAPTER VI. ATTRACTION OF COHESION. IN previous chapters one kind of attraction viz., that of gravita- tion, has been discussed and illustrated in a popular manner, and pursuing the examination of the invisible, active, and real forces of nature, the attraction of cohesion will next engage our attention. There is a peculiar satisfaction in pursuing such investigations, because every step is attended bv a reasonable proof; there is no ghostly mystery in philosophic studies ; the mind is not suddenly startled at one moment with that which seems more than natural ; it is not carried away in an ecstasy of wonder and awe, as in the so-called spirit-rapping ex- periments, to be again rudely brought back to the material by the disclo- sure of trickeries of the most ludicrous kind, such as those lately ex- posed by M. Jobert de Lamballe, at the Academy of Sciences at Paris. This gentleman has unmasked the effrontery of the spirit-rappers by merely stripping the stocking from the heel of a young girl of fourteen. M. Velpeau declares that the rapping is produced by the muscles of the heel and knee acting in concert, and quotes the case of a lady once celebrated as a medium, who has the power of producing the most curious and interesting music with the tendons of the thigh. This music is said to be loud enough to be heard from one end of a long room to the other, and has often played a conspicuous part in the reve- lations made by the medium. M. Jules Clocquet also explained the method by which the famous girl pendulum had so long abused the cre- dulity of the Paris public. This girl, whose self-styled faculty is that of striking the hour at any time of the day or night, was attended at the Hospital St. Louis by M. Clocquet, who states that the vibrations in 60 BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. this case were produced by a rotatory motion in tlie lumbar regions of the vertebral column. The sound of these (a la rattlesnake) was so powerful, that they might be distinctly heard at a distance of twenty- five feet. In studying the powers of nature, which the most sceptical mind allows must exist, there is an abundant field for experiment without attempting the exploits of Macbeth's witches, or the fanciful powers of Manfred ; and, returning to the theme of our present chapter, it may be asked, how is cohesion defined? and the answer may be given, by directing attention to the three physical conditions of water, which assumes the form of ice, water, or steam. In the Polar regions, and also in the Alpine and other mountains where glaciers exist, there the traveller speaks of ice twenty, thirty, forty, nay, three hundred feet in thickness. Here the withdrawal of a certain quantity of heat from the water evidently allows a new force to come into full play. We may call it what we like ; but cohesion, from the Latin cum, together, and hareo, I stick or cleave, appears to be the best and most rational term for this power which tends to make the atoms or particles of the same kind of matter move towards each other, and to prevent them being separated or moved asunder. That it is not merely hypothetical is shown by the following experiments. If two pieces of lead are cast, and the ends nicely scraped, taking care not to touch the surfaces with the fingers, they may by simple pressure be made to cohere, and in that state of attraction may be lifted from the table by the ring which is usually inserted for convenience in the upper piece of lead ; they may be hung for some time from a proper support, and the lower bit of lead will not break away from the upper one ; they may even be suspended, as demonstrated by Morveau, in the va- cuum of an air-pump, to show that the cohesion is not mistaken for the pres- sure of the atmosphere, and no se- paration occurs. And when the union is broken by physical force, it is sur- prising to notice the limited number of points, like pin points, where the cohesion has occurred; whilst the weight of the lump of lead upheld against the force of gravitation re- minds one forcibly of the attraction of a mass of soft iron bv a powerful magnet, and leads the philosophic in- Fig. 75. A A. Two pieces of lead, scraped quirer to speculate on the principle c. stand, sup- of co h es ion being only some masked form of magnetic or electrical attrac- tion. (Fig. 75.) clean at the surfaces B B porting the two pieces of lead attached to each other by cohesion. ATTRACTION OF COHESION. 61 A fine example of the same force is shown in the use of a pair of flat iron surfaces, planed by the celebrated Whitworth, of Manchester. Fig. 76. A. Whitworth'i planes, with film of air between them. B. Film of air excluded when cohesion occurs. These surfaces are so true, that when placed upon each other, the upper one will freely rotate when pushed round, in consequence of the thin film of air remaining between the surfaces, which acts like a cushion, and prevents the metallic cohesion. When, however, the upper plate is slid over the lower one gradually, so as to exclude the air, then the two may be lifted together, because cohesion has taken place. (Fig. 76.) A glass vessel is a good example of cohesion. The materials of which it is composed have been soft and liquid when melted in the fire, and on the removal of the excess of heat it has become hard and solid, in consequence of the attractive force of cohesion binding the particles together ; in the absence of such a power, of course, the material would fall into the condition of dust, and a mere shapeless heap of silicates of potash and lead would indicate the place where the moulded and co- herent glass would otherwise stand. A lump of lead, six inches long by four broad, and half an inch thick, may be supported by dexterously taking off a thick shaving with a proper plane, and after pressing an inch or more of the strip on the planed surface of the large lump of lead, the cohesion is so powerful that the latter may be lifted from the table by the strip of metal. The bullets projected from Perkins' steam- gun, at the rate of three hundred per minute, are thrown with such violence, that, when received on a thick plate of lead backed up with sheet iron, a cold welding takes place between the two surfaces of metal in the most perfect manner, just as two soft pieces of the metal potassium may be squeezed and welded together. The surfaces of an apple torn asunder will not readily cohere, but if cut with a sharp knife, cohesion easily occurs ; so with a wound produced by a jagged surface, it is difficult to make the parts 62 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. heal, whereas some of the most desperate sabre-cuts have been healed, the cohesion of the surfaces of cut flesh being very rapid ; hence, if the top of a finger is cut off, it may be replaced, and will grow, in conse- quence of the natural cohesion of the parts. The art of plating copper with silver, which is afterwards gilt, and then drawn out into flattened wire for the manufacture of gold lace and epaulets, usually termed bullion, is another example of the wonderful cohesion of the particles of gold, of which a single grain may be ex- tended over the finest plate wire measuring 345 feet in length. The process of making wax candles is a good illustration of the attraction of cohesion ; they are not generally cast in moulds, as most persons suppose, but are made by the successive applications of melted wax around the central plaited wick. Other examples of cohesion are shown by icicles, and also stalagmites ; which latter are produced by the gradual dropping of water containing chalk (carbonate of lime) held in solution by the excess of carbonic acid gas ; the solvent gradually evaporates, and leaves a series of calcareous films, and these cohere in succession, producing the most fantastic forms, as shown in various remarkable caverns, and especially in the cave of Arta, in the island of Majorca. In metallic substances the cohesion of the particles assumes an im- portant bearing in the question of relative toughness and power of resisting a strain ; hence the term cohesion is modified into that of the property of "tenacity." The tenacity of the different metals is determined by ascertaining the weight Tequired to break wires of the same length and guage. Iron O o B Fig. 77. B. Paa supported by leaden wire broken by a weight which the iron wire at A easily supports. appears to possess the property of tenacity in the greatest, and lead in the least degree. (Eig. 77.) ATTRACTION OP COHESION. 63 The tenacity of iron is taken advantage of in the most scientific manner by the great engineers who have constructed the Britannia Tube, and that eighth wonder of the world, the Leviathan, or Great Eastern, steam-ship. In both of these sublime embodiments of the genius and industrial skill of Great Britain the advantage of the cellular principle is fully recognised. The magnitude of this colossal ship is better realized when it is remembered that the Great Eastern is six times the size of the Duke of Wellington line-of-battle ship, that her length is more than three times that of the height of the Monument, while in breadth it is equal to the width of Pall Mall, and that a promenade round the deck will afford a walk of more than a quarter of a mile. Up to the water-mark the hull is constructed with an inner and outer shell, two feet ten inches apart, each of three-quarter-inch plate ; and between them, at intervals of six feet, run horizontal webs of iron plates, which convert the whole into a series of continuous cells or iron boxes. (Fig. 78.) Fig. 78. Transverse section of Great 'Eastern, showing the cellular construction from keel to water-line, A A. This double ship is useful in various ways ; in the first place, the ganger arising from collision is diminished, as it is supposed that the jvuter web only would be broken through or damaged ; so that the water ivould not then rush into the steam-ship, but merely fill the space Between the shells. In the second place, if there should be any difficulty in procuring ballast, the space can be filled with 2500 tons of water, or again pumped out, according to the requirements of the vessel. The strength of a continued cellular construction can be easily imagined, and may be well illustrated by a thin sheet of common tin plate. If the ends be rested on blocks of wood, so as to lap over the wood about one inch, they are easily displaced, and the mimic bridge broken down from its BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. supports by the addition to the centre of a few ounce weights ; whilst the same tin plate rolled up in the figure of a tube, and again rested on the same blocks, will now support many pounds weight without bending or breaking down. (Fig. 79.) Fig. 79. A. Flat tin plate, breaking down with a few ounce weights. u. Same tin plate rolled up supports a very heavy weight. The deck of the ship is double or cellular, after the plan of Stephenson in the Britannia Tubular Bridge, and is 692 feet in length. The ton- nage register is 18,200 tons, and 22,500 tons builder's measure; the hull of the Great Eastern is considered to be of such enormous tenacity, that, if it were supported by massive blocks of stone six feet square, placed at each end, at stem and stern, it would not deflect, curve, or bend down in the middle more than six inches even with all her machinery, coals, cargo, and living freight. In adducing remarkable instances of the adhesive power and tenacity of inorganic matter, it may not be altogether out of place to allude to the strength and force of living matter, or muscular power. It is stated that Dr. George B. Winship, of Roxbury in America, a young physician, twenty- five years old, and weighing 143 pounds, is the strongest man alive ; m fact, quite the Samson of the nineteenth century. He can raise a barrel of flour from the floor to his shoulders ; can raise himself with either little finger till his chin is half a foot above it ; can raise 200 pounds with either little finger ; can put up a church bell of 141 pounds ; can lift with his hands 926 pounds dead weight without the aid of straps or belts of any kind. As compared with Topham, the Cornish strong man, who could raise 800 pounds, or the Belgic one, his power is greater; and as the use of straps and belts increases the power of lifting by about four times, it is stated that Winship could lift at least 2500 pounds weight. With these illustrations of cohesion we may return again to the ab- stract consideration of this power with reference to water, in which we have noticed that the antagonist to this kind of attraction is the force or power termed caloric or heat. The latter influence removes the frozen bands of winter and converts the ice to the next condition, water. In this state cohesion is almost concealed, although there is just a slight ATTRACTION OF COHESION. 65 excess to hold even the particles of water in a state of unity, and this fact is beautifully illustrated by the formation of the brilliant dia- mond drops of dew on the surfaces of various leaves, as also in the force and power exercised by great volumes of water, which exert their mighty strength in the shape of breaker-waves, dashing against rocks and lighthouses, and making them tremble to their very base by the violence of the shock ; here there must be some unity of particles, or the col- lective strength could not be exerted, it would be like throwing a hand- ful of sand against a window a certain amount of noise is produced, but the glass is not fractured ; whilst the same sand united by any glutinous material, would break its way through, and soon fracture the brittle glass. It is so usual to see the particles of water easily separated, that it becomes difficult to recognise the presence of cohesion ; but this bond of union is well illustrated in the experiment of the water hammer. The little instrument is generally made of a glass tube with a bulb at one end ; in this bulb the water which it contains is boiled, and as the steam issues from the other extremity, drawn out to a capillary tube, the open- ing is closed by fusion with the heat of a blowpipe flame. As the water cools the steam condenses, and a vacuum, so far as air is concerned, is produced; if now the tube is suddenly inverted, the whole of the water falls en masse, collectively, and striking against the bottom of the tube, produces a me- tallic ring, just as if a piece of wood or metal were contained within the tube. If the end to which the water falls is not well cushioned by the palm of the hand, the water hammers itself through and breaks away that part of the glass tube. Hence it is better to construct the water hammer of copper tube, about three-quarters of an inch in diameter and three feet long ; at one end a female screw- piece is inserted, into which a stop-cock is fitted ; when the tube is filled to the height of about six inches with water, and shaken, the air divides the descending volume of water, and the ordinary splash- ing sound is heard ; there is no unity or cohesion of the parts ; if, however, the end of the copper tube is thrust into a fire and the water boiled so that steam issues from the cock, which is then closed, and the tube removed and cooled, a smart blow is given, and distinctly heard when the copper tube is rapidly inverted or shaken so as to cause the water to rise the end to be placed in the fire at a Pig 80> A ordinary glass water hammer. B. Copper tube ditto, 66 and fall. The experiment may be rendered still more instructive by turning the cock and admitting the air, which rushes in with a whizzing sound, and on shaking the tube the metallic ring is no longer heard, but it may be again restored by attaching a small air syringe or hand pump, ancl removing the air by exhaustion. (Fig. 80.) In the fluid condition water still possesses a surplus of cohesion over the antagonistic force of heat ; when, however, the latter is applied in excess, then the quasi-struggle terminates; the heat overpowers the cohesive attraction, and converts the water into the most willing slave which has ever lent itself to the caprices of man viz., into steam- glorious, useful steam : and now the other end of the chain is reached, where heat triumphs ; whilst in solids, such as ice, cohesion is the con- queror, and the intermediate link is displayed in the fluid state of water. If any fact could give an idea of the gigantic size of the Great Eastern, it is the force of the steam which will be employed to move it at the rate of about eighteen miles perhourwith a power estimated at the nominal rate of 2600 horses, but absolutely of at least 12,000 horses. This steam power, coupled with the fact that she has been enormously strengthened in her sharp, powerful bows, by laying down three complete iron decks forward, extending from the bows backward for 120 feet, will demonstrate that in case of war the Great Eastern may prove to be a powerful auxiliary to the Government. These decks will be occupied by the crew of 300 or 400 men, and with this large increase of strength forward, the Great Eastern, steaming full power, could overtake and cut in two the largest wooden line-of-battle ship that ever floated. Should war unhappily spread to peaceful England, and the enormous power of this vessel be realized, her name would not inappropriately be changed from the Great Eastern to the Great Terror of the ocean. The Times very properly inquires, " What fleet could stand in the way of such a mass, weighing some 30,000 tons, and driven through the water by 12,000 horse-power, at the rate of twenty-two or twenty-three miles per hour. To produce the steam, 250 tons of coal per diem will be re- quired, and great will be the honourable pride of the projectors when they see her fairly afloat, and gliding through the ocean to the Far West." A good and striking experiment, displaying the change from the liquid to the vapour state, is shown by tying a piece of sheet caoutchouc over a tin vessel containing an ounce or two of water. When this boils, the india-rubber is distended, and breaks with a loud noise; or in another illustration, by pouring some ether through a funnel carefully into a flask placed in a ring stand. If flame is applied to the orifice, no vapour issues that will ignite, provided the neck of the flask has not been wetted with the ether. When, however, the heat of a spirit-lamp is applied, the ether soon boils, and now on the application of a lighted taper, a flame some feet in length is produced, which is regulated by the spirit-lamp below, and when this is removed, the length of the flame diminishes immediately, and is totally extinguished if the bottom of the flask is plunged into cold water ; the withdrawal of the heat restores the power of cohesion. Another illustration of the vast power of steam ADHESIVE ATTRACTION. 67 will be shortly displayed in the Steam Ram ; and, " Supposing," says the Times, "the new steam ram to prove a successful design, the finest specimens of modern men-of-war will be reduced by comparison to the helplessness of cock boats. Conceive a monstrous fabric floating in mid-channel, fire proof and ball proof, capable of hurling broadsides of 100 shot to a distance of six miles ; or of clapping on steam at pleasure and running down everything on the surface of the sea with a momentum utterly irresistible. " This terrible engine of destruction is expected to be itself indestruc* tible. We are told that she may be riddled with shot (supposing any shot could pierce her sides), that she may have her stem and her stern cut to pieces, and be reduced apparently to a shapeless wreck, without losing her buoyancy or power. Supposing that she relies upon the shock of her impact instead of fighting her guns, it is calculated that she would sink a line-of-battle ship in three minutes, so that a squadron as large as our whole fleet now in commission would be destroyed in about one hour and a quarter." CHAPTER YH. ADHESIVE ATTRACTION. THE term cohesion must not be confounded with that of adhesion, which refers to the clinging to or attraction of bodies of a dissimilar kind. The late Professor Daniell defines cohesion to be an attraction of homogeneous (6fjLos, like, and yevos, kind) or similar particles ; adhesion to be an at- traction subsisting between particles of a heterogeneous, erepos, different, and ycvos, kind. There are numerous illustrations of adhesion, such as mending china, and the use of glue, or paste, in uniting different surfaces, or mortar, in building with bricks ; it is also well shown at the lecture table by means of a pair of scales, one scale-pan of which being well cleaned with alkali at the bottom, may then be rested on the surface of water contained in a plate ; the adhesion between the water and the metal is so perfect, that many grain weights may be placed in the other pan before the adhesion is broken ; and after breakage, if the pan be again placed on the water, and a few grains removed from the other, so as to adjust the two pans, and make them nearly equal, a drop of oil of turpentine being added, in- stantly spreads itself over the water, and breaking the adhesion between the latter and the metal, the scale-pan is immediately and again broken away, as the adhesion between the turpentine and the metal is not so great as that of water and metal. The adhesion of air and water is well dis- played in an apparatus recommended for ventilating mines, in which a constant descending stream of water carries with it a quantity of air, which being disengaged, is then forced out of a proper orifice. The same kind of adliesion between air and water is displayed in the ancient * 2 cs BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Spanish Catalan forge, where the blast is supplied to the iron furnace on a simi- lar principle, only, a natural cascade is taken advantage of instead of an artificial fall of water through a pipe. The adhesion of air and water be- comes of some value when a river flows through a large and crowded city, because the water in its passage to and fro, must necessarily drag with it, a continuous column of air, and assist in maintaining that constant agitation of the air which is desirable as a preventive to any accumulation of noxious air charged with foetid odours, arising from mud banks or from other causes. The fact of adhesion, existing between water and air, is readily shown, by resting one end of a long glass tube, of at least one inch diameter, on a block of wood one foot high. If water is allowed to flow down the tube, so as to leave a sufficient space of air above it, the adhesion be- tween the two ancient elements becomes apparent, directly a little smoke is pro- duced, near the top end of the glass tube resting on the block of wood. The smoke, which has a greater tendency to rise than to fall, is dragged down the glass tube, and accompanies the water Fig. 81. Model of the apparatus f s it flows from the higher to the lower r drawing down air. A, cistern of level. 1 he same truth is aJ so illustrated in horizontal troughs or tubes through wnich water IS Caused to HOW. The adhesion between air and glass is <> great, that it is absolutely necessary There is another ball- to boil the mercury m the tubes of the SKA^S best barometers; and if this is not level; the end of the pipe always dips carefully attended to, the adhering ail- some inches into this water, whilst between the glass and mercurv gra- the air escapes from the jet,!,. ^^ ^^ ^ ^ d estrO/S/ the Torricellian vacuum at the top of the barometer tube. Even after the mercury is boiled, the air will creep up in course of years ; and in order to prevent its passage between the glass and quicksilver, it has been recommended, that a platinum ring should be welded on to the end of the glass tube, because mercury has the power of wetting or en- filming the metal platinum, and the two being in close contact, would, as it were, shut the only door by which the air could enter the barometer tube. for runs down the sides of the tube, and draws down the air in the centre, B tube, T. 09 CHAPTER VIII. CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. THIS kind of attraction is termed capillary, in consequence of tubes, of a calibre, or bore, as fine as hair, attracting and retaining fluids. If water is poured into a glass, the surface is not level, but cupped at the edges, where the solid glass exerts its adhesive attraction for the liquid, and draws it from the level. If the glass be reduced to a very narrow tube, having a hair-like bore, the attraction is so great that the water is retained in the tube, contrary to the force of gravitation. Two pieces of flat glass placed close together, and then opened like a book, draw up water between them, on the same principle. A mass of salt put on a plate containing a little water coloured with indigo displays this kind of attraction most perfectly, and the water is quickly drawn up, as shown by the blue colour on the salt. A little solution of the ammonio- sulphate of copper imparts a finer and more distinct blue colour to the salt. A piece of dry Honduras mahogany one inch square, placed in a saucer containing a little turpentine, is soon found to be wet with the oil at the top, which may then be set on fire. Almost every kind of wood possesses capillary tubes, and will float, on account of these minute vessels being filled with air ; if, however, the air is withdrawn, then the wood sinks, and by boiling a ball made of beech wood in water, and then placing it under the vacuum of an air pump in other cold water, it becomes so saturated with water that it will no longer float. A remarkable instance of the same kind is mentioned by Scoresby, in which a boat was pulled down by a whale to a great depth in the ocean, and after coming to the surface it was found that the wood would neither swim nor burn, the capillary pores being entirely filled with salt water. A piece of ebony sinks in water on account of its density, closeness, and freedom from air. A gauge made of a piece of oak, with a hole bored in it of one inch diameter, accurately receives a dry plug of willow wood which will not enter the orifice after it is wetted. Millstones are split by inserting wedges of dry hard wood, which are afterwards wetted and swelled, and burst the stone asunder. One of the most curious instances of capillary attraction is shown in the currying of leather, a process which is intended to impart a softness and suppleness to the skin, in order that it may be rendered fit for the manufacture of boots, harness, machine bands, &c. The object of the currier is to fill the pores of the leather with oil, and as this cannot be done by merely smearing the surface, he prepares the way for the oil by wetting the leather thoroughly with water, and whilst the skin is damp, oil is rubbed on, and it is then exposed to the air ; the water evaporates at ordinary temperatures, but oil does not ; the consequence is that the 70 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. pores of the leather give up the water, which disappears in evaporation, and the oil bv capillary attraction is then drawn into the body of the leather, the oil in fact takes the place vacated by the water, and renders the material very supple, and to a considerable extent waterproof. In paper making, the pores of this material, unless filled up or sized, cause the ink to blot or spread by capillary attraction. The porosity of soils is one of the great desideratums of the skilful agriculturist, and drainage is intended to remove the excess of water which would fill the pores of the earth, to the exclusion of the more valuable dews and' rains con- veying nutritious matter derived from manures and the atmosphere. A cane is an assemblage of small tubes, and if a piece of about six inches in length (cut off, of course, from the joints) be placed in a bottle of turpentine, the oil is drawn up and may be burnt at the top ; it is on this principle that indestructible wicks of asbestos, and wire gauze rolled round a centre core, are used in spirit lamps. Oil, wax, and tallow, all rise by capillary attraction in the wicks to the flame, where they are boiled, converted into gas, and burnt. The capillary attraction of skeins of cotton for water was known and appreciated by the old alchemists; and Geber, one of the most ancient of these pioneers of science, and who lived about the seventh century, describes a filter by which the liquid is separated from the solid. This experiment is well displayed by putting a solution of acetate of lead into a glass, which is placed on the highest block of a series of three, arranged as steps. Into this glass is placed the short end Fig. 82. Gcber's filter. A. The solu- tion of acetate of lead. B. The dilute sulphuric acid. c. The clear liquid, sepa- rated from the sulphate oflead in B. Fig. 83. Prawn syphon. CAPILLAEY ATTRACTION. 71 of a skein of lamp cotton, previously wetted with distilled water ; the lon .end dips into another glass below, containing dilute sulphuric acid, and as the solution of lead passes into it, a solid white precipitate of sulphate of lead is formed; then another skein of wetted cotton is placed in this glass, the long end of which passes into the last glass, so that the clear liquid is separated and the solid left behind. (Kg. 82.) In this filter the lamp cotton acts as a syphon through the capillary pores which it forms. On the same principle, a prawn may be washed in the most elegant manner (as first shown by the late Duke of Sussex), by placing the tail, after pulling off the fan part, in a tumbler of water, and allowing the head to hang over, when the water is drawn up by capillary attraction, and continues to run through the head. (Fig. 83.) The threads of which linen, cotton, and woollen cloths are made are small cords, and the shrinkage of such textile fabrics, is well known and usually inquired about, when a purchase is made ; here again capillary attraction is exerted, and the fabric contracts in the two directions _ of the warp and woof threads ; thus, twenty-seven yards of common Irish linen will permanently shrink to about twenty-six yards in cold water. In these cases the water is attracted into the fibres of the textile material, and causing them to swell, must necessarily shorten their length, just as a dry rope strained between two walls for the purpose of supporting clothes, has been known to draw the hooks after being sud- denly wetted and shortened by a shower of rain. In order to tighten a bandage, it is only necessary to wind the dry linen round the limbs as close as possible, and then wet it with water, when the necessary shrinkage takes place. If a piece of dry cotton cloth is tied over one end of a lamp glass, the other may be thrust into, or removed from the basin of water very easily, but when the cotton is wetted, the fibres contract and prevent air from entering, so that the glass retains water just as if it were an ordinary gas jar closed with a glass stopper. A Spanish proverb, expressing contempt, says, "go to the well ^ with a sieve," but even this seeming impossibility is surmounted by using a cylinder of wire gauze, which may be filled with water, and by means of the capillary attraction between the meshes of the copper-wire gauze and the water, the whole is retained, and may be carefully lifted from a basin of water ; the ex- periment only succeeds when the air is com- pletely driven out of the interstices of the gauze, and the little cylinder A . Basin of water. B. Cylinder of wire gauze completely filled with do JJ at both ends ^ ih gauze- when fuU of water it may water ; this may be done be lifted from the basin by the handle, c. 72 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OP SCIENCE. by repeatedly sinking and drawing out the cylinder, or still more effectually, by first wetting it with alcohol and then dipping the cy Under p in water. A balloon, made of cotton cloth, cannot be inflated by means of a pair of bellows, but if the balloon is wetted with water, then it may be swelled out with air just as if it had been made of some air-tight material ; hence the principle of varnishing silk or filling the pores with boiled oil, when it is required in the manufacture of balloons. Biscuit ware, porous tubes for voltaic batteries, alcarrazas, or water coolers, are all examples of the same principle. Whilst speaking most favourably of the benevolent labours of many gentlemen (beginning with Mr. Gurney) who have erected " Drinking Fountains" in London's dusty atmosphere and crowded streets, it must not be forgotten that pious Mohammedans have, in bygone times, already set us the example in this respect ; and in the palmy days of many of the Moorish cities, the thirsty citizen could always be refreshed by a draught of cool water from the porous bottles provided and endowed bv charitable Mussulmans, and placed in the pubUc streets. Fig 85. Moorish niche and porous earthenware bottle, containing water. 73 CHAPTER IX. CRYSTALLIZATION. Library IT has been already stated that the force of cohesion binds the similar particles of substances together, whether they be amorphous or shape- less, crystalline or of a regular symmetrical and mathematical figure. Fig. 86. Crystals of snow. The term crystal was originally applied by the ancients to silica in the form of what is usually termed rock crystal, or Brazilian pebble ; and they supposed it to be water which had been solidified by a remarkable intensity of cold, and could not be thawed by any ordinary or summer heat. Indeed, this idea of the ancients has been embodied (to a certain extent) in the shape of artificial ice made by crystallizing large quan- tities of sulphate of soda, which was made as flat as possible, and upon 74 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. which skaters were invited to describe the figure of eight, at the usual admittance fee, representing twelve pence. A crystal is now defined to- be an inorganic body, which, by the operation of affinity, has assumed the form of a regular solid terminated by a certain number of planes or smooth surfaces. Thousands of minerals are discovered in the crystallized state such as cubes of iron pyrites (sulphuret of iron) and of fluor spar (fluoride of calcium), whilst numerous saline bodies called salts are sold only in the form of crystals. Of these salts we have excellent examples in Epsom salts (sulphate of magnesia), nitre (nitrate of potash), alum (sulphate of alumina), and potash ; the term salt being applied specially to all sub- stances composed of an acid and a base, as also to other combinations of elements which may or may not take .a crystalline form. Thus, nitre is composed of nitric acid and potash; the first, even when much diluted, rapidly changes paper, dipped in tincture of litmus and stained blue, to a red colour, whilst potash shows its alkaline nature, by changing paper, stained yellow with tincture of turmeric, to a reddish-brown. The latter paper is restored to its original yellow by dipping it into the dilute nitric acid, whilst the litmus paper regains its delicate blue colour by being passed into the alkaline solution. An acid and an alkali com- bine and form a neutral salt, such as nitre, which has no action whatever on litmus or turmeric; whilst the element iodine, which is not an acid, unites with the metallic element potassium, and therefore not an alkali, and forms a salt that crystallizes in cubes called iodide of potassium. Again, cane sugar, which is composed of charcoal, oxygen, and hydrogen, crystallizes in hard transparent four-sided and irregular six-sided prisms, but is not called a salt. Silica or sand is found crystal- lized most perfectly in nature in six-sided pyramids, but is not a salt ; it is an acid termed silicic-acid. Sand has no acid taste, because it is insoluble in water, but when melted in a crucible with an alkali, such as potash, it forms a salt called silicate of potash. Magnesia, from being insoluble, or nearly so, in water, is all but tasteless, and has barely any alkaline reaction, yet it is a very strong alkaline base ; 20'7 parts of it neutralize as much sulphuric acid as 47 of potash. A salt is not always a crystallizable substance, and vice versa. The progress of our chemical knowledge has therefore demanded a wider extension and application of the term salt, and it is not now confined merely to a combination of an acid and an alkali, but is conferred even on compounds consisting only of sulphur and a metal, which are termed sulphur salts. So also in combinations of chlorine, iodine, bromine, and fluorine, with metallic bodies, neither of which are acid or alkaline, the term haloid salts has been applied by Berzelius, from the Greek (a\s, sea salt, and fl8os form), because they are analogous in constitution to sea salt ; and the mention of sea salt again reminds us of the wide signification of the term salt, originally confined to this substance, but now extended into four great orders, as defined by Turner : ORDER I. The oxy-mlts. This order includes no salt the acid or base of wliich is not an oxidised body (ex., nitrate of potash). CRYSTALLIZATION. 75 ORDER II. The hydro-salts. This order includes no salt the acid or base of which does not contain hydrogen (ex., chloride of ammonium). ORDER III. The sulphur salts. This order includes no salt the electro-positive or negative ingredient of which is not a sulphuret (ex., hydrosulphuret of potassium). ORDER IV. The haloid salts. This order includes no salt the electr^- positive or negative ingredient of which is not haloidal (Exs., iodide of potassium and sea salt). To fix the idea of salt still better in the youthful mind, it should be remembered that alabaster, of which works of art are constructed, or marble, or lime-stone, or chalk, are all salts, because they consist of an acid and a base. In order to cause a substance to crystallize it is first necessary to endow the particles with freedom of motion. There are many methods of doing this chemically or by the application of heat, but we cannot by any mechanical process of concentration, compression, or division, per- suade a substance to crystallize, unless perhaps we except that remark- able change in wrought or fibrous iron into crystalline or brittle iron, by constant vibration, as in the axles of a carriage, or by attaching a piece of fibrous iron to a tilt hammer. If we powder some alum crystals they will not again assume their crystalline form ; if brought in contact there is no freedom of motion. It is like placing some globules of mercury on a plate. They have no power to create motion ; their inertia keeps them separated by certain distances, and they do not coalesce ; but incline the plate, give them motion, and bring them in contact, they soon unite and form one globule. The particles of alum are not in close contact, and they have no freedom of motion unless they are dissolved in water, when they become invisible; the water by its chemical power destroys the mechanical aggregation of the solid alum far beyond any operation of levigation. The solid alum has become liquid, like water ; the particles are now free to move without let or hindrance from friction. A solution, (from the Latin solvo, to loosen) is obtained. The alum must indeed be reduced to minute particles, as they are alike invisible to the eye whether assisted by the microscope or not. No repose will cause the alum to separate ; the solvent power of the water opposes gravitation ; every part of the solution is equally impregnated with alum, and the particles are diffused at equal distances through the water ; the heavy alum is actually drawn up against gravity by the water. How, then, is the alum to be brought back again to the solid state ? The answer is simple enough. By evaporating away the excess of water, either by the application of heat or by long exposure to the atmosphere in a very shallow vessel, the minute atoms of the alum are brought closer together, and crystallization takes place. The assumption of the solid state is indicated by the formation of a thin film (called a pellicle) of crystals, and is further and still more satisfactorily proved by taking out a drop of the solution and placing it on a bit of glass, which rapidly becomes filled with crystals if the evaporation has been carried sufficiently far (Fig. 87). 76 BOYS PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. After evaporating away sufficient water, the dish is placed on one bide and allowed to cool, when crystals of the utmost regularity of form fig. 87. E E. Ring-stand, s s. Spirit-lamps. Fij. 88. A. FJask containing boiling solution of alum. Solution. B. Funnel, with a bit of lamp-cotton stuffed in the bottom. Filtration, c. Evapo- rating dish. Evaporation. D. Drop on glass. Crystallization. are produced, and, denoted by a geometrical term, are called octphedral or eight-sided crystals, when in the utmost state of perfection (Fig. 88). The science of crystallography is too elaborate to be discussed at length in a work of this kind ; the various terms connected with crystals will therefore only be explained, and experiments given in illustration of the formation of various crystals. When the apices i.e., the tips or points of crystals are cut off, they are said to be truncated ; and the same change occurs on the edges of numerous crystals. If some of the salt called chloride of calcium in the dry and amor- phous state is exposed to the air, it soon absorbs water, or what is termed deliquesces: the same thing occurs with the crystals of carbonate of potash, and if four ounces are weighed out in an evaporating dish, and then exposed for about half an hour to the air, a very perceptible increase in weight is observed by the assistance of the scales and grain weights. Deliquescence is a term from the Latin deliyueo, to melt, and is in fact a gradual melting, caused by the absorption of water from the atmosphere. The reverse of this is illustrated with various crystals, such as Glauber's salt (sulphate of soda), or common washing soda (carbonate of soda) ; if a fine clear crystal is taken out of the solution, called the mother liquor, in which it has been crystallized, wiped dry, and placed under a glass shade, this salt may remain for a long period CRYSTALLIZATION. 7 < without change, but if it receive one scratch from a pin, the door is opened apparently for the escape of the water which it contains, chemi- cally united with the salt, and called water of crystallization; the white crystal gradually swells out, the little quasi sore from the pin- scratch spreads over the whole, which becomes opaque, and crumbling down falls into a shapeless mass of white dust ; this change is called efflorescence, from effloresce, to blow as a flower caused by the abstraction from them of chemically-combined water by the atmosphere. With reference to the preservation of crystals, Professor Griffiths re- commends them to be oiled and wiped, and placed under a glass shade, if of a deliquescent nature ; or if efflorescent, they are perfectly pre- served by placing them under a glass shade with a little water in a cup to keep the air charged with moisture and prevent any drying up of the crystal. Deliquescent crystals may be preserved by placing them, when dry, in naphtha, or any liquor in which they are perfectly insoluble. Some salts, like Glauber's salts, contain so much water of crystallization that when subjected to heat they melt and dissolve in it, and this liquefac- tion of the solid crystal is called " watery fusion." Other salts, such as bay salt, chlorate of potash, &c., when heated, fly to pieces, with a sharp crackling noise, which is due sometimes, to the unequal expansion of the crystalline surface, or the sudden conversion of the water (retained in the crystal by capillary attraction) into steam ; thus nitre behaves in this manner, and frequently retains water in capillary fissures, although it is an anhydrous salt, or salt perfectly free from combined water. The crackling sound is called decrepitation, and is well illustrated by throwing a handful of bay salt on a clear fire ; but this property is destroyed by powdering the crystals. Many substances when melted and slowly cooled concrete into the most perfect crystals ; in these cases heat alone, the antagonist to cohesion, is the solvent power. Thus, if bismuth be melted in a crucible, and when cooling, and just as the pellicle (frompellis, a skin or crust) is forming on the surface, if two small holes are instantly made by a rod of iron and the liquid metal poured out from the inside (one of the holes being the entrance for the air, the other the exit for the metal) ; on carefully breaking the crucible, the bismuth is found to be crystallized in the most lovely cubes. Sulphur, again, may be crystallized in pris- matic crystals by pursuing a similar plan; and the great blocks of spermaceti exhibited by wax chandlers in their windows, are crys- tallized in the interior and prepared on the same principle. There are other modes of conferring the crystalline state upon sub- stances viz., by elevating them into a state of vapour by the process called sublimation (from sublimis, high or exalted), the lifting up and condensation of the vapour in the upper part of a vessel ; a process perfectly distinct from that of distillation, which means to separate drop by drop. Both of these processes are very ancient, and were in- vented by the Arabian alchemists long antecedent to the seventh century. Examples of sublimation are shown by heating iodine, and especially 78 BOY'S PLAYEOOK OP SCIENCE. benzoic acid ; with the latter, a very elegant imitation of snow is pro- duced, by receiving the vapour, on some sprigs of holly or other ever- green, or imitation paper snow- drops and crocuses, placed in a tasteful manner under a glass vessel. The benzoic acid should first be sublimed over the sprigs or artificial flowers in a gas jar, which may be removed when the whole is cold, and a clear glass shade substituted for it. (Fig. 89.) All electro deposits on metals are more or less crystalline ; and copper or silver may be deposited in a crystalline form by placing a scraped stick of phosphorus in a solution of sulphate of copper or of nitrate of silver. The phos- Ehorus takes away the oxygen :om the metal, or deoxidizes the solution, and the copper or silver reappears in the metallic form. The surface of the phosphorus must not be scraped in the air, but under water, when the opera- tion is perfectly safe A Singular and almost mstan- taneous crystallization can be Prdaced * saturating boiling water With Glaubers salt, of which one ounce and a half of water will usually dissolve about two ounces ; having done this, pour the solution, whilst boiling hot, into clean oil flasks, or vials of any kind, previously warmed in the oven, and immediately cork them, or tie strips of wetted bladder, over the orifices of the flasks or vials, or pour into the neck a small quantity of olive oil, or close the neck with a cork through which a thermometer tube has been passed. When cold, no crystallization occurs until atmospheric air is admitted ; and it was formerly believed that the pressure of the air effected this object, until some one thought of the oil, and now the theory is modified, and crystal- lization is supposed to occur in consequence of the water dissolving some air which causes the deposit of a minute crystal, and this being the turning point, the whole oecomes solid. However the fact may be explained, it is certain that when the liquid refuses to crystallize on the admission of air, the solidification occurs directly a minute crystal of sulphate of soda, or Glauber's salt, is dropped into the vessel. "When the crystallization is accomplished, the whole mass is usually so completely solidified, that on inverting the vessel, not a drop of liquid falls out. Fig. 89. A. Gas-jarwith stopper open at first, to be shut when the lamp is withdrawn. Wooden stand, with hole to carry the cup c, M. ranged on pieces of rock or mineral. CRYSTALLIZATION. 79 It may be observed that the same mass of salt will answer any number of times the same purpose. All that is necessary to be done, is to place the vial or flask, in a saucepan of warm water, and gradually raise it to the boiling point till the salt is completely liquefied, when the vessel must be corked and secured from the air as before. When the solidification is produced much heat is generated, which is rendered apparent by means of a thermometer, or by the insertion of a copper wire into the pasty mass of crystal in the flask, and then touching an extremely thin shaving or cutting of phosphorus, dried and placed on cotton wool. Solidification in all cases produces heat. Liquefaction produces cold. In Masters's freezing apparatus certain measured quantities of crystal- lized sal-ammoniac, nitre, and nitrate of ammonia, are placed in a metallic cylinder, sur- rounded with a small quantity of spring water contained in an outer vessel. Directly the crystals are liquefied by the addition of water, in- tense cold is produced, which freezes the water and forms an exact cast of the inner cylinder in ice, and this may after- wards be removed, by nring away the lique- salts, and filling the inner cylinder, with water of the same temperature as the air, which rapidly Fi - 90 - A - The inner cylinder which contains the freezing mixtur e. B B. The outer one containing spring ice, and allows it to slip water, oc. The ice slipping away from the inner cylinder. off into any convenient vessel ready to receive it. (Pig. 90.) ^ For an ingenious method of obtaining large and perfect crystals of almost any size, experimentalists are indebted to Le Blanc. His method consists in first procuring small and perfect crystals say, octohedra of alum and then placing them in a broad flat-bottomed pan, he pours over the crystals a quantity of saturated solution of alum, obtained by evaporating a solution of alum until a drop taken out crystallizes on cooling. The positions of the crystals are altered at least once a day with a glass rod, so that all the faces may be alternately exposed to the action of the solution, for the side on which the crystal rests, or is in contact with the vessel, never receives any increment. The crystals will thus gradually grow or increase in size, and when they have done so for some time, the best and most symmetrical, may be removed and placed separately, in vessels containing some of the same saturated 80 BOYS PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. solution of alum, and being constantly turned they may be obtained of almost any size desired. Unless the crystals are removed to fresh solutions, a reaction takes place, in consequence of the exhaustion of the alum from the water, and the crystal is attacked and dissolved. This action is first perceptible on the edges and angles of the crystal ; they become blunted and gradually /ose their shape altogether. By this method crystals may be made to grow in length or breadth the former when they are placed upon their sides, the latter if they be made to stand upon their bases. On Le Blanc's principle, beautiful crystal baskets are made with alum, sulphate of copper, and bichromate of potash. The baskets are usually .made of covered copper wire, and when the salts crystallize on them as a nucleus or centre, they are constantly removed to fresh solutions, so that the whole is completely covered, and red, white, and blue sparkling crystal baskets formed. They will retain their brilliancy for any time, by placing them under a glass shade, with a cup containing a little water. The sketch below affords an excellent illustration of some of Nature's remarkable concretions in the peculiar columnar structure of basalt. Fig. 91. The Giant's Causeway, 81 Fig. 92. Alchemists at work. CHAPTER X. CHEMISTKY. THERE is hardly any kind of knowledge which has been so slowly acquired as that of chemistry, and perhaps no other science has offered snch fascinating rewards to the labour of its votaries as the philosopher's stone, which was to produce an unfailing supply of gold ; or the elixir of life, that was to give the discoverer of the gold-making art the time, the prolonged life, in which he might spend and enjoy it. Hundreds of years ago Egypt was the great depository of all learning, art, and science, and it was to this ancient country that the most cele- brated sages of antiquity travelled. Hermes, or Mercurius Trismegistus, the favourite minister of the Egyptian king Osiris, has been celebrated as the inventor of the art of alchemy, and the first treatise upon it has been attributed to Zosymus, of Chemnis or Panopolis. The Moors who conquered Spain were re- G 82 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. markable for their learning, and the taste and elegance with which they designed and carried out a new style of architecture, with its love Arabesque ornamentation. They were likewise great followers of the art of alchemy, when they ceased to be conquerors, and became more reconciled to the arts of peace. Strange that such a people, thirsting as they did in after years for all kinds of knowledge, should have destroyed, in the persons of their ancestors, the most numerous collection of books that the world had ever seen : the magnificent library of Alexandria, collected by the Ptolemies with great diligence and at an enormous expense, was burned by the orders of Caliph Omar ; whilst it is stated that the alchemical works had been previously destroyed by Diocletian in the fourth century, lest the Egyptians should acquire by such means sufficient wealth to withstand the Roman power, for gold was then, as it is now, " the sinews of war." Eastern historians relate the trouble and expense incurred by the suc- ceeding Caliphs, who, resigning the Saracenic barbarism of their an- cestors, were glad to collect from all parts the books which were to furnish forth a princely library at Bagdad. How the learned scholar sighs when he reads of seven hundred thousand books being consigned to the ignominious office of heating forty thousand baths in the capital of Egypt, and of the magnificent Alexandrian Library, a mental fuel for the lamp of learning in all ages, consumed in bath furnaces, and affording six months' fuel for that purpose. The Arabians, however, made amends for these barbarous deeds in succeeding centuries, and when all Europe was laid waste under the iron rule of the Goths, they became the pro- tectors of philosophy and the promoters of its pursuits ; and thus we come to the seventh century, in which Geber, an Arabian prince lived, and is stated to be the earliest of the true alchemists whose name has reached posterity. Without attempting to fill up the alchemical history of the intervening centuries, we leap forward six hundred years, and now find ourselves in imagination in England, with the learned friar, Roger Bacon, a native of Somersetshire, who lived about the middle of the thirteenth century : and although the continual study of alchemy had not yet produced the " stone," it bore fruit in other discoveries, and Roger Bacon is said, with great appearance of truth, to have discovered gunpowder, for he says in one of his works : " From saltpetre and other ingredients we are able to form a fire which will burn to any distance ;" and again alluding to its effects, " a small portion of matter, about the size of the thumb, properly disposed, will make a tremendous sound and corusca- tion, by which cities and armies might be destroyed." The exaggerated style seems to have been a favourite one with all philosophers, from the time of Roger Bacon to that of Muschenbroek of the University of Ley den, who accidentally discovered the Leyden jar in the year 1746, and re- ceiving the first shock, from a vial containing a little water, into which a cork and nail had been fitted, states that " he felt himself struck in his arms, shoulders, and breast, so that he lost his breath, and was two days before he recovered from the effects of the blow and the CHEMISTHY. 83 terror ;" adding, that " he would not take a second shock for the kingdom of France." Disregarding the numerous alchemical events occurring from the time of Roger Bacon, we again advance four hundred years viz., to the year 1662, when, on the 15th of July, King Charles II. granted a royal charter to the Philosophical Society of Oxford, who had removed to London, under the name of the Royal Society of London for Promoting Natural Knowledge, and in the year 1665 was published the first number of the Philosophical Transactions ; this work contains the successive discoveries of Mayow, Hales, Black, Leslie, Cavendish, Lavoisier, Priestley, Davy, Faraday; and since the year 1762 lias been regularly published at the rate of one volume per annum. With this preface proceed we now to discuss some of the varied phenomena of chemical attraction, or what is more correctly termed CHEMICAL AFFINITY. The above title refers to an endless series of changes brought about by chemical combinations, all of which can be reduced to certain fixed laws, and admit of a simple classification and arrangement. A me- chanical aggregation, however well arranged, can be always distinguished from a chemical one. Thus, a grain of gunpowder consists of nitre, which can be washed away with boiling water, of sulphur, which can be sublimed and made to pass away as vapour, of charcoal, which remains behind after the previous processes are complete; this mixture has been perfected by a careful proportion of the respective ingredients, it has been wetted, and ground, and pressed, granulated, and finally dried; all these mechanical processes have been so well carried out that each grain, if analysed, would be similar to the other ; and yet it is, after all, only a mechanical aggregation, because the sulphur, the charcoal, and the nitre are unchanged. _ A grain of gunpowder mois- tened, crushed, and examined by a high microscopic power, would indicate the yellow particles of sulphur, the black parts of charcoal, whilst the water filtered from the grain of powder and dried, would show the nitre by the form of the crvstal. On the other hand, if some nitre is fused at a dull red heat in a little crucible, and two or three grains of sulphur are added, they are rapidly oxidized, and combine with the potash, forming sulphate of potash ; and after this change a few grains of charcoal may be added in a similar manner, when they burn brightly, and are oxidized and converted into carbonic acid, which also unites in like manner with the potash, forming carbonate of potash ; so that when the fused nitre is cooled and a few particles examined by the microscope, the charcoal and sulphur are no longer distinguishable, they have undergone a chemical combination with portions of the nitre, and have produced two new salts, perfectly dif- ferent in taste, gravity, and appearance from the original substances employed to produce them. Hence chemical combination is defined to be "*that property which is possessed by one or more substances, of uniting together and producing a third or other body perfectly dif- a 9 84 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. ferent in its nature from either of the two or more generating the new compound" To return to our first experiment with the gunpowder : take sulphur, place some in an iron ladle, heat it over a gas flame till it catches fire, then ascend a ladder, and pour it gently, from the greatest height you can reach, into a pail of warm water : if this experiment is performed in a darkened room a magnificent and continuous stream of fire is obtained, of a blue colour, without a single break in its whole length, provided the ladle is gradually inclined and emptied. The substance that drops into the warm water is no longer yellow and hard, but is red, soft, and plastic ; it is still sulphur, though it has taken a new form, because that element is dimorphous (fiig twice, and \iop$T] a form), and, Proteus-like, can assume two forms. Take another ladle, and melt some nitre in it at a dull red heat, then add a small quantity of sulphur, which will burn as before ; and now, after waiting a few minutes, repeat the same experiment by pouring the liquid from the steps through the air into water ; observe it no longer flames, and the substance received into the water is not red and soft and plastic, but is white, or nearly so, and rapidly dis- solves away in the water. The sulphur has united with the oxygen of the nitre and formed sulphuric acid, which combines with the potash and forms sulphate of potash ; here, then, oxygen, sulphur, and potas- sium, have united and formed a salt in which the separate properties of the three bodies have completely disappeared ; to prove this, it is only necessary to dissolve the sulphate of potash in water, and after filtering the solution, or allowing it to settle, till it becomes quite clear and bright, some solution of baryta may now be added, when a white precipitate is thrown down, consisting of sulphate of baryta, which is in- soluble in nitric or other strong acids. The behaviour of a solution of sulphate of potash with a nitrate of baryta may now be contrasted with that of the elements it contains ; oh the addition of sulphur to a solu- tion of nitrate of baryta no change whatever takes place, because the sulphur is perfectly insoluble. If a stream of oxygen gas is passed from a bladder and jet through the same test, no effect is produced ; the nitrate of baryta has already acquired its full proportion of oxygen, and no further addition has any power to change its nature ; finally, if a bit of the metal potassium is placed in the solution of nitrate of baryta it does not sink, being lighter than water, and it takes fire ; but this is not in any way connected with the presence of the test, as the same thing will happen if another bit of the metal is placed in water it is the oxygen of the latter which unites rapidly with the potassium, and causes it to become so hot that the hydrogen, escaping around the little red-hot globules, takes fire ; moreover, the fact of the combustion of the potas- sium under such circumstances is another striking proof of the opposite qualities of the three elements sulphur, oxygen, and potassium as compared with the three chemically combined and forming sulphate of potash. The same kind of experiment may be repeated with charcoal ; if some powdered charcoal is made red-hot, and then puffed into the air with a blowing machine, numbers of sparks are produced, and the char CHEMISTRY. 85 coal burns away and forms carbonic acid gas, a little ash being left behind; but if some more nitre be heated in a ladle, and charcoal added, a brilliant deflagration (deflayro, to burn) occurs, and the charcoal, instead of passing away in the air as carbonic acid, is now retained in the same shape, but firmly and chemically united with the potash of the nitre, forming carbonate of potash, or pearl-ash, which is not black and insoluble in water and acids like charcoal, but is white, and not only soluble in water, but is most rapidly attacked by acids with effer- vescence, and the carbon escapes in the form of carbonic acid gas. Thus we have traced out the distinction between mechanical aggregation and chemical affinity, taking for an example the difference between gun- powder as a whole (in which the ingredients are so nicely balanced that it is almost a chemical combination), and its constituents, sulphur, charcoal, and nitre, when they are chemically combined ; or, in briefer language, we have noticed the difference between the mechanical mix- ture, and some of the chemical combinations, of three important elements. Our very slight and partial examination of three simple bodies does not, however, afford us any deep insight into the principles of chemistry ; we have, as it were, only mastered the signification of a few words in a lan- guage ; we might know that chien was the French for dog, or cheval horse, or homme man ; but that knowledge would not be the acquisition of the French language, because we must first know the alphabet, and then the combination of these letters into words ; we must also acquire a knowledge of the proper arrangement of these words into sentences, or grammar, both syntax and prosody, before we can claim to be a French scholar : so it is with chemistry any number of isolated experi- ments with various chemical substances would be comparatively useless, and therefore the " alphabet of chemistry," or " table of simple ele- ments/' must first be acquired. These bodies are understood to be solids, fluids, and gases, which have hitherto defied the most elaborate means employed to reduce them into more than one kind of matter. Even pure light is separable into seven parts viz., red, orange, yellow, green, blue, inaigo, and violet ; but the elements we shall now enumerate are not of a compound, but, so far as we know, of an absolutely simple or single nature ; they represent the boundaries, not the finality, of the knowledge that may be acquired respecting them. The elements are sixty-four in number, of which about forty are tolerably plentiful, and therefore common; whilst the remainder, twenty- four, are rare, and for that reason of a lesser utility : whenever Nature employs an element on a grand scale it may certainly be called common, but it generally works for the common good of all, and fulfils the most important offices. 86 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. CLASSIFICATION OF THE ALPHABET OF CHEMISTRY. 13 Non-Metallic Bodies. Combining Coi nbining Name. ymbol pro portion nt.nmift Name. i 3ymbo prc ' nr (portion, fitnmio. weight. weight. 1. Oxygen . . 8 8. Carbon . . C = 6 2. Hydrogen H 1 9. Boron . . . B = 10-9 3. Nitrogen . . N 14 10. Sulphur . . S ; 36 4. Chlorine . . Cl = 35-5 11. Phosphorus . P = 32 5. Iodine . . . I 127-1 12. Silicon . . Si = 21-3 6. Bromine . . Br = 80- 13. Selenium . . Se = 39-5 7. Fluorine . . F = 18-9 51 Metals. 1. Aluminum . Al = 13-7 27. Nickel. . . Ni == 29-6 2. Antimony Sb 129 28. Norium . . 3. Arsenic . . As 75 29. Niobium . . Nb 4. Barium . . Ba = 68-5 30. Osmium . . Os = 99-6 5. Bismuth . . Bi = 213 31. Platinum . . Pt = 987 6. Cadmium . . Cd 56 32. Potassium . K 39-2 7. Calcium . . Ca 20 33. Palladium Pd = 53-3 8. Cerium . . Ce 47 34. Pelopium . . Pe 9. Chromium Cr B- 26-7 35. Rhodium . . R = 52-2 10. Cobalt. . . Co 29-5 36. Rhuthenium . Ru 52-2 11. 12. Copper . . Donarium . . Cu "~~ 31-7 37. 38. Silver . . . Sodium . . Ag Na * 108-1 23 13. Didymium. . D 39. Strontium Sr = 43-8 14. Erbium . . E 40. Tin. . . . Sn 59 15, Gold . . . An j 197 41. Tantalum . . Ta 184 16. Glucinum . . Gl 42. Tellurium . . Te = 64-2 17. Iron . . . Fe 28 43. Terbium . . Tb 18. Ilmenium . . n 44. Thorium . . Th = 59-6 19. Iridium . Ir 99 45. Titanium . . Ti 25 20. Lead . . . Pb 103-7 46. Tungsten . . W* = 95 21. Lanthanium . La 47. Uranium . . U == 60 22. Lithium . . Li 6-5 48. Vanadium V 68-6 23. Magnesium . Mg 12-2 49. Yttrium . . Y 24. Manganese . Mn = 27-6 50. Zinc- . . . Zn ~~ 32-6 25. Mercury . . Hg 100 51. Zirconium Zr z= 22-4 26. Molybdenum . Mo = 46 (N.B. The elements printed in italics are at present unimportant. A few words will suffice to explain the meaning of the terms which head the names, letters, and numbers of the Table of Elements. The * From the mineral Wolfran, and now exceedingly valuable, as when alloyed with iron it is harder than, and will bore through steel. CHEMISTEY. 87 names of the elements have very interesting derivations, which it is not the object of this work to go into; the symbols are abbreviations, ciphers of the simplest kind, to save time and trouble in the frequent re- petition of long words, just as the signs -|- plus, and minus, are used in algebraic formulae. For instance the constant recurrence of water in chemical combinations must be named, and would involve the most tedious repetition; water consists of oxygen and hydrogen, and by taking the first letter of each word we have an instructive symbol, which not only gives us an abbreviated term for water, but also imparts at once a knowledge of its composition by the use of the letters, HO. Again, to take a more complex example, such as would occur in the study of organic chemistry a sentence such as the hydrated oxide of acetule,^ is written at once by C 4 H 4 2 , the figures referring to the number of equivalents of each element viz., 4 equivalents of C, the symbol for carbon, 4 of H (hydrogen), and 2 of (oxygen). The long word paranaphthaline, a substance contained in coal tar, is disposed of at once with the symbols and figures C 30 H 12 . The figures in the third column are, however, the most interesting to the precise and mathematically exact chemist. They represent the united labours of the most painstaking and learned chemists, and are the exact quantities in which the various elements unite. To quote one example : if 8 parts by weight of oxygen viz., the combining propor- tions of that element are united with 1 part by weight of hydrogen, also its combining number, the result will be 9 parts by weight of water ; but if 8 parts of oxvgen and 2 parts of hydrogen were used, one only of the latter could unite with the former, and the result would be the formation again of 9 parts of water, with an overplus of 1 equivalent of hydrogen. It is useless to multiply examples, and it is sufiicient to know that with this table of numbers the figures of analysis are obtained. Sup- posing a substance contained 27 parts of water, and the oxygen in this had to be determined, the rule of proportion would give it at once, 9 : 27 : : 8 : 24. 9 parts of water are to 27 parts as 8 of oxygen (the quantity contained in 9 parts of water) are to the answer required viz., 24 of oxygen. The names, symbols, and combining proportions being understood, we may now proceed with the performance of many interesting CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS. As the permanent gases head the list, they will first engage our attention, beginning with the element oxvgen Symbol 0, combining proportion 8. There is nothing can give a better idea of the enormous quantity of oxygen present in the animal, vegetable, and mineral king- doms, than the statement that it represents one-third of the weight of the whole crust of the globe. Silica, or flint, contains about half its weight of oxygen ; lime contains forty per cent. ; alumina about thirty- three per cent. In these substances the element oxygen remains inactive and powerless, chained by the strong fetters of chemical affinity to the 88 BOY'S PLAYB00K OF SCIENCE. silicium of the flint, the calcium of the lime, and the aluminum of the alumina. If these substances are heated by themselves they will not yield up the large quantity of oxygen they contain. Nature, however, is prodigal in her creation, and hence we have but to pursue our search diligently to find a substance or mineral containing an abundance of oxygen, and part of which it will relinquish by what used to be called by the " old alchemists" the torture of heat. Such a mineral is the black oxide of manganese, or more correctly the binoxide of njjhganese, which consists of one combining proportion of the metal manganese viz., 27'6, and two of oxygen viz., 8 X 2 = 16. If three proportions of the binoxide of manganese are heated to redness in an iron retort, they yield one proportion (equal to 8) of oxygen, and all that has just been explained by so many words is comprehended in the symbols and figures below : 3 Mn0 2 = Mn 3 O 4 + 0. Thus the 3 Mn0 2 represent the three proportions of the binoxide of manganese before heat is applied, whilst the sign =, the sign of equation (equal to), is intended to show that the elements or compounds placed before it produce those which follow it ; hence the sequel Mn 3 4 -f(? shows that another compound of the metal and oxygen is produced, whilst the + indicates the liberated oxygen gas. The iron retort employed to hold the mineral should be made of cast iron in preference to wrought iron, as the latter is very soon worn out by contact with oxygen at a red heat. A gun-barrel will answer the purpose for an experiment on the small scale, to which must be adapted a cock and piece of pewter tubing. Such a make-shift arrangement may do very well when nothing better offers ; but as a question of expense, it is probably cheaper in the end to order of Messrs. Simpson and Maule, or of Messrs. Griffin, or of Messrs. Bolton, a cast-iron bottle, or cast-iron retort, as it is termed, of a size sufficient to prepare two gallons of Pig. 93. A. The iron bottle, containing the black oxide of manganese, with pipe passing to the pneumatic trough, B B, in which is fixed a shelf, c, perforated with a hole, under which the end of the pipe is adjusted, and the gas passes into the gas-jar, D. oxygen from the binoxide of manganese, which, with four feet of iron conducting-pipe, and connected to the bottle with a screw, does not PREPARATION OF OXYGEN GAS. 89 cost more than six shillings an enormous dip, perhaps, in the juvenile pocket, and therefore we shall indicate presently a still cheaper appa- ratus for the same purpose. (Eig. 93.) The oxygen is conveyed to a square tin box provided with a shelf at one end, perforated with several holes at least one inch in diameter, called the pneumatic trough ; any wooden trough, butter or wash-tub, foot-pan or bath, provided with a shelf, may be raised by the same title to the dignity of a piece of chemical apparatus. The gas jar rn^t be filled with water by withdrawing the stopper and pressing it down into the trough, and when the neck is below the level of the water, the stopper is again inserted, and the jar with the water therein contained A D Fig. 94. A A. Pneumatic trough, with gas jar raised to shelf; bubbles of air are rushing in at B, as the level of the water is below the shelf viz., at c c. D D. Same trough and gas jar with water kept over the shelf by the introduction of the stone pitchers, full of water. lifted steadily on to the shelf, the entry of atmospheric air being prevented by keeping the lower part of the gas jar, called the welt, under the water. Sometimes the pneumatic trough contains so small a quantity of water that on raising the gas jar to the shelf the liquid does not coyer the bottom, and the air rushes up in large bubbles. Under these circumstances it is better to provide a galWstone jug full of water, so that when the jar is being raised to the shelf it may be thrust into the trough (on the same principle as the crow and the pitcher in the fable), and thus by its bulk (as the stones in the pitcher) raise the water to the proper level. When the gas jar is about half filled with gas the jug may be withdrawn. This arrangement saves the trouble of constantly adding and baling out water from the pneumatic trough. (Fig. 94.) There are other solid oxygenized bodies in which the affinities are less powerful, and hence a lower degree of heat suffices to liberate the oxygen gas, and one of the most useful in this respect is the salt termed chlorate of potash. If the substance is heated by itself, the temperature required to expel the oxygen is almost as high as that demanded for the black oxide of manganese ; but, strange to say, if the two substances are reduced to powder, and mixed in equal quantities by weight, then a very moderate increase of heat is sufficient to cause the chlorate of 90 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. potash to give up its oxygen, whilst the oxide of manganese undergoes no change whatever. It seems to fulfil only a mechanical office possibly that of separating each particle of chlorate of potash from the other, so Fig. 95. Preparation of oxygen from KO.C10 5 ={ a that the heat attacks the substance in detail, just as a solid square of infantry might repel almost any attack, whilst the same body dispersed over a large space might be of little use ; so with the chlorate of potash, which undergoes rapid decomposition when mixed with and divided amongst the particles of the oxide of manganese ; less so with the red oxide of iron, and still less with sand or brick-dust. (Fig. 95.) This curious fact is explained usually by reference to what is called catalytic action, or decomposition by contact (Kara, downwards, and \va>, I unloosen), being a power possessed by a body of resolving another into a new compound without undergoing any change itself. To make this term still clearer, we may notice another example in linen rags, which may be exposed for any length of time to the action of water without fear of conversion into sugar ; if, however, oil of vitriol is first added to the linen rags, and they are subsequently digested at a proper temperature with water, then the rags are converted into sugar (the author has seen a specimen made of an " old shirt") ; but, curious to relate, the oil of vitriol is unchanged in the process, and if the process be commenced with a pound of acid, the same quantity is discoverable at the end of the chemical decomposition of the linen rags, and their conversion into sugar. If a mixture of equal parts of oxide of manganese and chlorate of potash is placed in a clean Florence flask, with a cork, and pewter, or glass tube attached, great quantities of oxygen are quickly liberated, on the application of the heat of a spirit lamp. Such a retort would cost about fourpence, and if the flask is broken in the operation it can be easily replaced by another, value one penny, as the same cork and tube will generally suit a number of these cheap glass vessels. Corks may PREPARATION OP OXYGEN GAS. 01 always be softened by using either a proper cork squeezer, or by placing them under a piece of board or a flat surface, and rolling and pressing the cork till cpite elastic. Whilst fitting the latter into the neck of a flask, it is perhaps safer to hold the thin and fragile vessel in a cloth, so that if the flask breaks the chemical experiment may not be arrested for many days by the severe cutting and wounding of the fingers. After the cork is fitted, it is to be removed from the flask and bored wifti a cork borer. This useful tool is sold in complete sets to suit all sizes of glass tubes, and the pewter or glass being inserted, the flask and tube will be ready for use, provided the tube is bent to the proper curve. This is easy enough to perform with the pewter, but not quite so easy with the glass tube, which must be held over the flame of a spirit lamp till soft, and then Fig. -96. A. The cork squeezer. B. The cork borers, c. The operation of bending the glass tube over the flame of the spirit-lamp. D. The neck of the flask, with cork and tube bent and fitted complete for use. bent very gradually to the proper curve. If a short length of the glass tube is heated, it bends too sharply, and the convexity of the glass is flattened, whilst the internal diameter of the tube is lessened, so that at least three inches in length should be warmed, and the heat must not be continued in one place only, but should be maintained in the direc- tion of the bend, the whole manipulation being conducted without any hurry. (Fig. 96.) Having filled a gas jar with oxygen, it may be removed from the pneumatic trough by sliding it into a plate under the surface of the water, and to prevent the stopper being thrust out accidentally from the jar by the upward pressure of the gas, whilst a little compressed, during the act of passing it into the plate, it is advisable to hold the stopper of the jar firmly but gently, so that it cannot slip out of its place. A number of jars of oxygen may be prepared and arranged in plates, all of which of course must contain a little water, and enough to cover the welt of the jar. BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. EXPERIMENTS WITH OXYGEN GAS. This gas was originally discovered by Priestley, in August, 1 774, and was first obtained by heating red precipitate i.e., the red oxide ot mercury. HgO=Hg + 0. We leave these symbols and figures to be deciphered by the youthful philosopher with the aid of the table of elements, &c., and return to the experiments. There are certain thin wax tapers like waxed cord, called bougies, which can be bent to any shape, and are very convenient for experiments with the gases. If one of these tapers is bent as in Tig. 97, then lighted and allowed to burn for some minutes, a long snuff is gradually formed, which remains in a state of ignition when the flame of the taper is blown out. On plunging this into a jar of oxygen, it instantly re-lights with a sort of report, and burns with greatly-increased bril- liancy, as described by Dr. Priestley in his first experiment with this gas, and so elegantly repeated by Professor Brande in his refined dissertation on the progress of chemical science. "The 1st of August, 1774, is a red-letter day in the annals of chemical philosophy, for it was then that Dr. Priestley discovered dephlogisticated air. Some, sporting in the sunshine of rhetoric, have called this the birthday of pneumatic chemistry ; but it was even a more marked and memorable period ; it was then (to pursue the metaphor) that this branch of science, having eked out a sickly and infirm infancy in the ill-managed nursery of the early chemists, began to display symp- toms of an improving constitution, and to exhibit the most hopeful and unexpected marks of future importance. The first experiment, which led to a very satisfactory result, was concluded as follows: A glass jar was filled with quicksilver, and inserted in a basin of the same; some red precipitate of quicksilver was then introduced, and floated upon the quicksilver in the jar; heat was applied to it in this situation with a burning-lens, and to use Priestley's own words, I pre- sently found that air teas expelled from it very readily. Having got about three or four times as much as the bulk of my materials, 1 ad- mitted wetter into it, and found that it was not imbibed by it. But what surprised me more than I can well express was, that a candle burned in this air with a remarkably vigorous flame, very much like that enlarged flame with which a candle burns in nitrous air exposed to iron or lime of sulphur (i.e., laughing gas) ; but as I had got nothing like this remarkable appearance from any kind of air besides this peculiar Fig. 97. EXPERIMENTS WITH OXYGEtf GAS. 93 Fig. 98. A. Glass vessel full of mercury, con- taining the red precipitate at the top, and stand- modification of nitrous air, and I kneio no nitrous acid was used in the preparation of mercurius calcinatus, I was utterly at a loss how to account for it" (Fig. 98.) Second Experiment. The term oxygen is derived from the Greek \ofrar, acid, and yevvao), I give rise to), and was originally given to this element by Lavoisier, who also claimed its discovery ; and if this honour is denied him, surely he has de- served equal scientific glory inhis masterly experiments, through ing in the dish B^lso'containing mercury, c. The if ,J j ',, , ,? burning-glass concentrating the sun's rays on the Which he discovered that the re d precipitate, being Priestley's original experi- mixture of forty-two parts by ment. measure of azote, with eight parts by measure of oxygen, produced a compound precisely resembling our atmosphere. The name given to oxygen was founded on a series of experiments, one of which will now be mentioned. Place some sulphur in a little copper ladle attached to a wire, and called a deflagrating spoon, passed through a round piece of zinc or brass plate and cork, so that the latter acts as an adjusting arrangement to fix the wire at any point required. The combus- tion of the" sulphur, previously feeble, now assumes a remarkable intensity, and a pecu- liar coloured light is generated, whilst the sulphur unites with the oxygen, and forms sulphurous acid gas. It produces, in fact, the same gas which is formed by burning an ordinary sulphur match. This compound is valuable as a disinfectant, and is a very im- portant bleaching agent, being most exten- sively employed in the whitening of straw employed in the manufacture of straw bon- nets. It is an acid gas, as Lavoisier found, and this property may be detected by pour- ing a little tincture of litmus into the bot- tom of the plate in which the gas jar stands. The'gasjarT The blue colour of the litmus is rapidly changed to red, and it might be thought that no further argument could possibly be required to prove that oxygen was the acidifying agent, themore particularly as the result is thesameinthe next illustration. Fig. 99. A. The deflagrating 9i BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Third Experiment. Cut a small piece from an ordinary stick of phosphorus under water, take care to dry it properly with a cloth, and after placing it in a deflagrating spoon, remove the stopper from the gas-jar, as there is no fear of the oxygen rushing away, because it is somewhat heavier than atmospheric air ; and then, after placing the spoon with the phos- phorus in the neck of the jar, apply a heated wire and pass the spoon at once into the middle of the oxygen; in a few seconds a most brilliant light is obtained, and the jar is filled with a white smoke ; as this subsides, being phosphoric acid, and perfectly soluble in water, the same litmus test may be applied, when it is in like manner changed to red. The acid obtained is one of the most important con- stituents of bone. Fourth Experiment. A. bit of bark-charcoal bound round with wire is set on fire either by holding it in the flame of a spirit-lamp, or by attaching a small piece of waxed cotton to the lower part, and igniting this ; the charcoal may then be inserted into a bottle of oxygen, when the most brilliant scintilla- tions occur. After the combustion has ceased and the whole is cool, a little tincture of litmus may also be poured in and shaken about, when it likewise turns red, proving for the third time the generation of an acid body, called carbonic acid an acid, like the others already mentioned, of great value, and one which Nature employs on a stu- pendous scale as a means of providing plants, &c., with solid char- coal. Carbonic acid, a virulent poison to animal life, is, when properly diluted, and as contained in atmospheric air, one of the chief alimen- tary bodies required by growing and healthy plants. In three experiments acid bodies have been obtained ; can we specu- late on the result of the next ? Fifth Experiment. Into a deflagrating spoon place a bit of potassium, set this on fire by holding it in the spoon in the flame of a spirit-lamp, and then rapidly plunge the burning metal into a bottle of oxygen. A brilliant ignition occurs in the deflagrating spoon for a few seconds, and there is little or no smoke in the jar. The product this time is a solid, called potash, and if this be dissolved in water and -filtered, it is found to be clear and bright, and now on the addition of a little tincture of litmus to one half of the solution, it is wholly unaffected, and remains blue ; but if with the other half a small quantity of tincture of turmeric is mixed, it immediately changes from a bright yellow solution to a reddish-brown, because turmeric is one of the tests for an alkali ; and thus is ascertained by the help of this and other tests that the result of the combustion is not an acid, but an alkali. The experiment is made still more satisfactory by burning another bit of potassium in oxygen and dissolving the product in water, and if any portion of EXPEIUMENTS WITH OXYGEN GAS. 05 the reddened liquid derived from the sulphurous, phosphoric, and car- bonic acids taken from the previous experiments, be added to separate portions of the alkaline solution, they are all restored to their original blue colour, because an acid is neutralized by an alkali ; and the experiment is made quite conclusive by the restoration of the reddened turmeric to a bright yellow on the addition of a solution of either of the three acids already named. Moreover, an acid need not contain a fraction of oxygen, as there is a numerous class of %dracids, in which the acidi- fying principle is hydrogen instead of oxygen, such as the hydrochloric, hydriodic, hydro-bromic, and hydrofluoric acids. Sixth Experiment. A. piece of watch-spring is softened at one end, by holding it in the flame of a spirit-lamp, and allowing it to cool. A bit of waxed cotton, is then bound round the softened end, and after being set on fire, is plunged into a gas jar containing oxygen ; the cotton first burns away, and then the heat communicates to the steel, which gradually takes fire, and being once well ignited, continues toburn with amazing rapidity, form- ing drops of liquid dross, which fall to the bottom of the plate and also a reddish smoke, which condenses on the sides of the jar ; neither the dross which has dropped into the plate, nor the reddish matter condensed on the jar, will affect either tincture of litmus or turmeric; they are neither acid nor alkaline, but neutral compounds of iron, called the sesquioxide of iron (Ee^), and the magnetic oxide (Fe 3 4 =EeO. Some oxygen gas contained in a bladder provided with a proper jet may be squeezed out, and upon, some liquid phosphorus con- Fig. 100. A. Bladder containing- oxygen, provided with a stop-cock and jet leading to, B, B. Finger glass containing boiling water, c. The cup of melted phosphorus under the water. The gas escapes from the bladder when pressed. tained in a cup at the bottom of a finger glass full of boiling water, when a most brilliant combustion occurs, proving that so long as the principle is complied with viz., that of furnishing oxygen to a com- bustible substance it will burn under water, provided it is insoluble, and possesses the remarkable affinity for oxygen which belongs to phosphorus. The experiment should be performed with boiling water, to keep the phosphorus in the liquid state j and it is quite as well to hold 96 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. a square foot of wire gauze over the finger glass whilst the experiment is being performed. (Eig. 100.) Eighth Experiment. Oxygen is available from many substances when they are mixed with combustible substances, and hence the brilliant effects produced by burning a mixture of nitre, meal powder, sulphur, and iron or steel filings ; the metal burns with great brilliancy, and is projected from the case in most beautiful sparks, which are long and needle-shaped with steel, and in the form of miniature rosettes with iron filings ; it is the oxygen from the nitre that causes the combustion of the metal, the other ingredients only accelerate the heat and rate of ignition of the brilliant iron, which is usually termed a gerb. Ninth Experiment. A mixture of nitrate of potash, powdered charcoal, sulphur, and nitrate of strontium, driven into a strong paper case about two inches long, and well closed at the end with varnish, being quite waterproof, may be set on fire, and will continue to burn under water until the whole is consumed ; the only precau- tion necessary being to burn the composition from the case with the mouth downward, and if the experiment is tried in a deep glass jar it has a very pleasing effect. (Fig. 101.) The red-fire composition is made by mixing nitrate of strontia 40 parts by weight, flowers of sulphur 13 parts, chlorate of potash 5 parts, sulphuret of antimony 4 parts. These ingre- dients must first be well powdered separately, and then mixed carefully on a sheet of paper with a paper-knife. They are liable to explode if rubbed together in a mortar, on account of ^he presence of sulphur and chlorate of potash, and the composition, if kept for any time, is liable to take fire spontaneously. Fig.'ioi. A. Case of red fire downwards, and at- ?f* s?nk a U. c c. Jar containing water. Tenth Experiment. Some zinc is melted in an iron ladle, and made quite red hot ; if a kittle dry nitre is thrown upon the surface, and gently stirred into the metal, it takes fire with the production of an intense white light, whilst large quantities of white flakes ascend, and again descend when cold, being the oxide of zinc, and called by the alchemists the " Philosopher's Wool" (ZnO). In this experiment the oxygen from the nitre effects the oxidation of the metal zinc. THE BUDE LIGHT. 97 Eleventh Experiment. A mixture of four pounds of nitre with two of sulphur and one and a half of lamp black produces a most beautiful and curious fire, con- tinually projected into the air as sparks having the shape of the rowel of a spur, and one that may be burnt with perfect safety in a room, as the sparks consume away so rapidly, in consequence of the finely divided condition of the charcoal, that they may be received on a handkerchief or the hand without burning them. The difficulty consists in effecting the complete mixture of the charcoal. The other two ingredients must first be thoroughly powdered separately, and again triturated when mixed, and finally the charcoal must be rubbed in carefully, till the whole is of a uniform tint of grey and very nearly black, and as the mixture proceeds portions must be rammed into a paper case, and set on fire ; if the stars or pinks come out in clusters, and spread well without other and duller sparks, it is a sign that the whole is well mixed; but if the sparks are accompanied with dross, and are pro- jected out sluggishly, and take some time to burn, the mixture and rubbing in the mortar must be continued ; and even that must not be carried too far, or the sparks will be too small. N.B. If the lamp-black was heated red hot in a close vessel, it would probably answer better when cold and powdered. Twelfth Experiment. Into a tall gas jar with a wide neck project some red-hot lamp-black through a tin funnel, when a most brilliant flame-like fire is obtained, showing that finely divided charcoal with pure oxygen would be suf- ficient to afford light; but as the atmosphere consists of oxygen diluted with nitrogen, compounds of charcoal with hydrogen, are the proper bodies to burn, to produce artificial light. Thirteenth Experiment. The Bude Light. This pretty light is obtained by pass - ing a steady current of oxygen gas (es- caping at a very low pressure) through and up the centre pipe of an argand oil lamp, which must be supplied with a highly carbonized oil and a very thick wick, as the oxygen has a tendency to burn away the cotton unless the oil is well supplied, and allowed to overflow the wick, as it does in the lamps of the lighthouses. The best whale oil is usually employed, though it would be worth while to test the value of Price's "Belmontine Oil" for the same pur- pose. (Fig. 102.) fl F !f- 10 . 2 - A - Reservoir of oil. B. The v flexible pipe conveying oxygen to centre of the argand lamp. 98 BOY S PLAYBOOK OP SCIENCE. Fourteenth Experiment. A Red Light. Clear out the oil thoroughly from the Bude light apparatus ; or, what is better, have two lamps, one for oil, and the other for spirit ; fill the apparatus with a solution of nitrate of strontia and chloride of calcium in spirits of wine, and let it burn from the cotton in the same way as the oil, and supply it with oxygen gas. Fifteenth Experiment. A Green Light. Dissolve boracic acid and nitrate of baryta in spirits of wine, and supply the Bude lamp with this solution. Sixteenth Experiment. A Yellow Light. Dissolve common salt in spirits of wine, and burn it as already de- scribed in the Bude light apparatus. Seventeenth Experiment. The Oxy -calcium Light. This very convenient light is obtained in a simple manner, either by using a jet of oxygen as a blowpipe to project the flame of a spirit lamp on to a ball of lime ; or common coal-gas is employed instead of the No.l. No. 2. Pig. 103. No. 1. A. Oxygen jet. B. The ball of lime, suspended by a wire. c. Spirit lamp. No. 2. i>. Oxygen jet. E. Gas (jet connected with the gas-pipe in the rear by flexible pipe) projected on to ball of lime, r. spirit lamp, being likewise urged against a ball of lime. By this plan one bag containing oxygen suffices lor the production of a brilliant light, not equal, however, to the oxy-hydrogen light, which will be explained in the article on hydrogen. (Fig. 103.) Eighteenth Experiment. To show the weight of oxygen gas, and that it is heavier than air, the stoppers from two bottles containing it may be removed, one bottle may be left open for some time and then tested by a lighted taper, when EXPERIMENTS WITH OXYGEN GAS. 99 it will still indicate the presence of the gas, whilst the other may be suddenly inverted over a little cup in whicli some ether, mixed with a few drops of turpentine, may be burning the flame burns with much greater brilliancy at the moment when, the oxygen comes in contact with it. The theory of the effect of oxygen upon the system when inhaled would be an increase in the work of the respiratory organs ; and it is stated that after inhaling a gallon or so of this gas, the pulse is raised forty or fifty beats per second : the gas is easily inhaled from a large indiarubber bag through an amber mouthpiece ; it must of course be quite pure, and if made from the mixture of chlorate of potash and oxide of manganese, should be purified by being passed through lime and water, or cream of lime. There are certain colouring matters that are weakened or destroyed by the action of light and other causes, which deprive them of oxygen gas or deoxidize them. A weak tincture of litmus, if long kept, often becomes colourless, but if this colourless fluid is shaken in a bottle with oxygen gas it is gradually restored ; and if either litmus, turmeric, indigo, orchil, or madder, paper, or certain ribbons dyed with the same colouring matters, have become faded, they may be partially restored by damping and placing them in a bottle of oxygen gas. The effect of the oxygen is to reverse the deoxidizing process, and to impart oxygen to the colouring matters. By a peculiar process indigo may be obtained quite white, and again restored to its usual blue colour, either by ex- posure to the air or by passing a stream of oxygen through it. Twenty-first Experiment. Messrs. Matheson, of Torrington- street, Russell-square, prepare in the form of wire some of the rarest metals, such as magnesium, lithium, &c. A wire of the metal magnesium burns magnificently in oxygen gas, and forms the alkaline earth magnesia. The metal lithium, to which such a very low combining proportion belongs viz., 6'5, can also be procured in the state of wire, and burns in oxygen gas with an intense white light into the alkaline lithia, which dissolved in alcohol with a little acetic acid, and burnt, affords a red flame, making a curious contrast between the effects of colour produced by the metallic and oxi- dized state of lithium. THE ALLOTROPIC CONDITION OF OXYGEN GAS. The term allotropy (from aXXorpoTro?, of a different nature) was first used by the renowned chemist Berzelius. Dimorphism, or diver- sity in crystalline form, is therefore a special case of allotropy, and is most amusingly illustrated with the iodide of mercury (Hgt), which is made either by rubbing together equal combining proper- IT I 100 BOYS PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. tions of mercury and iodine (both of which are to be found in the Table of Elements, page 86), or by carefully precipitating a solution of corrosive sublimate (chloride of mercury (HgCl) ) with one of iodide of potassium, just enough and no more of the latter being added to pre- cipitate the metal, or else the iodide of mercury is redissolved by the excess of the precipitant. It is first of a dirty yellow, and then gradually changes when stirred to a scarlet ; if this be collected on a filter, and washed and drained, it is a beautiful scarlet, and when some of this substance is rubbed across a sheet of paper, a bright scarlet is apparent, which may be rapidly changed to a lemon-yellow by heating the paper over the flame of a spirit lamp ; and the iodide of mercury is again brought back to a scarlet colour by rubbing down the yellow crystals with the fingers. This experiment may be repeated over and over again with the like results. If some of the scarlet iodide of mercury is sublimed from one bit of glass to another, it forms crystals, derived from the right rhombic prism ; when these are scratched with a pin they change again to the scarlet state, the latter when crystallized being in the form of the square-based octohedron. Other cases of dimorphism may be mentioned viz., with sulphur, carbonate of lime, and lead, and many others, whilst allotropy is curiously illustrated in the various conditions of charcoal, which, in the more numerous examples, is black and opaque, and in another instance transparent like water. Lamp-black is soft, but the diamond is the hardest natural substance. The allotropic state of sulphur has been already alluded to ; phosphorus, again, exists in three modifications : 1st, Common phosphorus, which shines in the dark and emits a white smoke. 2nd, White pnosphorus. 3rd, Red or amorphous phosphorus, which does not shine or emit white smoke when exposed to the air, and is so altered in its properties that it may be safely carried in the pocket. Enough evidence has therefore been offered to show that the allo- tropic property is not confined to one element or compound, but is dis- coverable in many bodies, and in no one more so than in the allotropic state of the element oxygen called OZONE. The Greek language has again been selected by the discoverer, Schon- bein, of Basle, for the title or name of this curious modification of oxygen, and it is so termed from ogeiv, to smell. The name at once suggests a ^narked difference between ozone and oxygen, because the latter is pe/fectly free from odour, whilst the former has that peculiar smell which is called electric, and is distinguishable whenever an electrical machine is at work, or if a Ley den jar is charged by the Sowerful Rhumkoff, or Hearder coil; it is also apparent when water is ecomposed by a current of electricity and resolved into its elements, oxygen and hydrogen. When highly concentrated it smells like chlorine ; and the author recollects seeing the first experiments by Schonbein, in England, at Mr. Cooper's laboratory in the Blackfriars-road. Ozone is prepared by taking a clean empty bottle, and pouring therein a very EXPERIMENTS WITH OZONE. 101 little distilled water, into which a piece of clean scraped phosphorus is introduced, so as to ex- pose about one-half of its diameter to the air in the bottle, whilst the other is in contact with the water. (Fig. 104.) Tor the sake of pre- caution, the bottle may stand in a basin or soup plate, so that if the phosphorus should take fire, it may be instantly extinguished by pour- ing cold water into the bottle, and should this crack and break, the phosphorus is received into the plate. D D . A soup-plate. When the ozone is formed the phospho i s can be withdrawn, and the phosphorous-acid smoke washed out by shaking the bottle ; it is distinguishable by its smell, and also by its action on test paper, prepared by painting with starch containing iodide of potassium on some .Bath post paper ; when this is placed in the bottle containing ozone, it changes the test blue, or rather a purplish blue. Ozone is a most energetic body, and a powerful bleaching agent ; if a point is attached to the prime conductor of an electrical machine, and the electrified air is received into a bottle, it will be found to smell, and has the power of bleaching a very dilute solution of indigo. Ozone quart bottle, with the stopper loosely Fig. 105. v. A small voltaic battery standing on the stool with glass legs, a s, and capable of heating a thin length of platinum wire about two inches long, and bent to form a point between the conducting wires, ww. N.B. The voltaic current can be cut off at pleasure, so as to cool the wire when necessary. A is the prime conductor of an ordinary cylinder electrical machine. B is the wire conveying the frictional electricity to the conducting wires of the voltaic battery, where the point P being the sharpest point in the sirrangement, delivers the electrified and ozonized air. 102 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OP SCIENCE. is not a mere creation of fancy, as it can not only be produced by certain methods, but may be destroyed by a red heat. If a point is prepared with a loop of platinum wire, and this latter, after being connected with a voltaic cattery, made red hot, and the whole placed on an insulating stool, and connected with the prime conductor of an electrical machine, it is found that the electrified air no longer smells, the ozone is destroyed; on the other hand, if the voltaic battery is disconnected, and the electri- fied air again allowed to pass from the cold platinum wire, the smell is again apparent, the air will bleach, and if caused to impinge at once upon the iodide of starch test, changes it in the manner already described. (Eig. 105.) Ozone is insoluble in water, and oxidizes silver and lead leaf, finely powdered arsenic and antimony ; it is a poison when inhaled in a con- centrated state, whilst diluted, and generated by natural processes, it is a beneficent and beautiful provision against those numerous smells originat- ing from the decay of animal and vegetable matter, which might produce disease or death : ozone is therefore a powerful disinfectant. The test for ozone is made by boiling together ten parts by weight of starch, one of iodide of potassium, and two hundred of water ; it may either be painted on Bath post paper, and used at once, or blotting paper may be saturated with the test and dried, and when required lor use it must be damped, either before or after testing for ozone, as it remains colourless when dry, but becomes blue after being moistened with water. Paper prepared with sulphate of manganese is an excellent test for ozone, and changes brown rapidly by the oxidation of the proto-salt of manganese, and its conversion into the binoxide of the metal. Ozone is also prepared by pouring a little sulphuric ether into a quart bottle, and then, after heating a glass rod in the flame of the spirit lamp, it may be plunged into the bottle, and after remaining there a few minutes ozone may be detected by the ordinary tests. NITROGEN, OB AZOTE. Nirpov, nitre ; ye vvam, I form ; a, privative ; far), life. Symbol, N > combining proportion, 14. Also termed by Priestley, phlogisticated air. In the year 1772, Dr. Rutherford, Professor of Botany in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh, published a thesis in Latin on fixed air, in which he says : " By the respiration of animals healthy air is not merely rendered mephitic (i.e., charged with carbonic acid gas), but also suffers another change. For after the mephitic portion is absorbed by a caustic alkaline lixivium, the remaining portion is not rendered salubrious ; and although it occasions no precipitate in lime-water, it nevertheless extin- guishes flame and destroys life'' Such is the doctor's account of the discovery of nitrogen, which may be separated from the oxygen in the air in a very simple manner. The atmosphere is the great storehouse of nitrogen, and four-fifths of its prodigious volume consist of this element PREPARATION OF NITROGEN GAS. 103 Oxygen . Nitrogen Composition of Atmospheric Air. Bulk. Weight. 20 22-3 80 777 100 100- The usual mode of procuring nitrogen gas is to abstract or remove the oxygen from a given portion of atmospheric air, "and the only point to be attended to, is to select some substance which will continue to burn as long as there is any oxygen left. Thus, if a lighted taper is placed in a bottle of air, it will only burn for a certain period, and is gradually and at last extinguished ; not that the whole of the oxygen is removed or changed, because after the taper has gone out, some burning sulphur may be placed in the vessel, and will continue to burn for a limited period ; and even after these two combustibles have, as it were, taken their fill of the oxygen, there is yet a little left, which is snapped up by burning phosphorus, whose voracious appetite for oxygen is only appeased by taking the whole. It is for this reason that phosphorus is employed for the purpose of removing the oxygen, and also because the product (phosphoric acid) is perfectly soluble in water, and thus the oxygen is first combined, and then washed out of a given volume of air, leaving the nitrogen behind. First Experiment. To prepare nitrogen gas, it is only necessary to place a little dry phos- phorus in a Berlin porcelain cup on a wine glass, and to stand them in a soup plate containing water. The phosphorus is set on fire with a hot wire, and a gas jar or cylindrical jar is then carefully placed over it, so that the welt of the jar stands in the water in the soup plate. At first, expansion takes ])lace in consequence of the heat, but this effect is soon reversed, as the oxygen is converted into a solid by union with the phosphorus, forming a white smoke, which gradually disap- pears. (Fig. 106.) Supposing two grains of phospho- rus had been placed in a platinum tube, and just enough atmospheric air passed over it to convert the whole into phosphoric acid, the weight Of glass, supporting c, the cup containing the phosphorus would be increased to the burning phosphorus, and the whole 4* grains by the addition of 2| grains S ngm a soup - plate ' D D ' contaaiuns 104 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. of oxygen ; now one cubic inch of oxygen weighs 0'3419, or about |rd of a grain, hence 7 '3 cubic inches of oxygen disappear, which weigh as nearly as possible 2?r grains, so that as 36 - 5 cubic inches of air con- tain 7'3 cubic inches of oxygen, that quantity of air must have passed over the 2 grains of phosphorus to convert it into 4 grains of phos- phoric acid. For very delicate purposes, nitrogen is best prepared by passing air over finely-divided metallic copper heated to redness ; this metal absorbs the whole of the oxygen and leaves the nitrogen. The finely-divided copper is procured by passing hydrogen gas over pure black oxide of copper. A very instructive experiment is performed by heating a good mass of tartrate of lead in a glass tube which is herme cally sealed, and being placed on an iron sup- port, is then covered by a capped air jar with a sliding rod and stamper, the whole being arranged in a plate containing water. When the stamper is pushed down upon the glass the latter is broken (Fig. 107), and the air gradually penetrates to the finely divided lead, when ignition oc- curs, and the oxygen is absorbed, as demon- strated by the rise of the water in the jar. On the same principle, if a bottle is filled about one- third full with a liquid amalgam of lead and mercury, and then stopped and shaken for two hours or more, the finely di- vided lead absorbs the oxygen and Fig. 107. A. Glass jar, with collar of leather, through which the stamper, c, works. B B. The tube containing the finely- divided lead, part of which falls out, and is ignited, and retained by the little tray just below, being part of the iron stand, D D, with crutches supporting the ends of the glass tube, and the whole stands in the dish of water, B E. leaves pure nitrogen. Or if a mixture of equal weights of sulphur and iron filings, is made into a paste with water in a thin iron cup, and then warmed and placed under a gas jar full of air standing on the EXPERIMENTS WITH NITROGEN GAS. 105 shelf of the pneumatic trough, or in a dish full of water, the water gradually rises in the jar in about forty-eight hours, in consequence of the absorption of the oxygen gas. Third Experiment. Nitrogen is devoid of colour, taste, smell, of alkaline or acid qualities ; and, as we shall have occasion to notice presently, it forms an acid when chemically united with oxygen, and an alkali in union with hydro- gen. A lighted taper plunged into this gas is immediately extinguished, while its specific gravity, which is lighter than that of oxygen or air, is demonstrated by the rule of proportion. Weight of 100 cubic inches of air at 60 Fahr., bar. 29'92 in. 30-829 Unity. Weight of 100 cubic inches of nitrogen at 60 Fahr., bar. 29'92 in : 29-952 : Specific gravity of nitrogen. 971 And its levity may be shown very prettily by a simple experiment. Select two gas jars of the same size, and after filling one with oxygen gas and the other with nitrogen gas, slide glass plates over the bottoms of thej ars, and proceed to invert the one containing oxygen, placing the neck in a stand formed of al)ox open at the top; then place the jar containing nitro- gen over the mouth of the first, withdrawing the glass plates carefully ; and if the table is steady the top gas jar will stand nicely on the lower one. Then (having previously lighted a taper so as to have a long snuff) remove the stopper from the nitrogen jar and insert the lighted taper, which is im- mediately extinguished, and as quickly re- lighted by pushing it down to the lower jar containing the oxygen. This experi- ment may be repeated several times, and is a good illustration of the relative specific gravities of the two gases, and of the im- portance of the law of universal diffusion already explained at p. 6, by which these gases mix, not combine together, and the atmosphereremains in one uniform state of composition in spite of the changes going on at the surface of the earth. Omitting ^^ IL> ai the aqueous vapour, or steam, ever present jar Ml of c in variable quantities in the atmosphere, ten ghted X at n8 o thousand volumes of dry air contain, ac- porting the jars, cording to Graham : The taper, Stan? ^iT" 106 BOY S PLAYBOOK. OF SCIENCE. Nitrogen 7912 Oxygen . t 2080 Carbonic acid 4 Carburetted hydrogen (CH 2 ) ... 4 Ammonia a trace Fourth Experiment. 10,000 It was the elegant, the accomplished, but ill-fated Lavoisier who dis- covered, by experimenting with quicksilver and air, the compound nature of the atmosphere ; and it was the same chemist who gave the name of azote to nitrogen ; it should, however, be borne in mind that it does not necessarily follow because a gas extinguishes flame that it is a poison. Nitrogen extinguishes flame, but we inhale enormous quantities of air without any ill effects from the nitro- gen or azote that it contains ; on the other hand, many gases that extinguish flame are specific poisons, such as carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, cyanogen, &c. Lavoisier's experi- ment may be repeated by passing into a mea- sured jar, graduated into five equal vo- lumes, four measures Fig. 109. A. Gas jar divided into five equal parts. B B. of nitrogen and one Section of pneumatic trough, to show the decantation of gas measure of OXVffen a from one vessel to another. The gas is being passed from c , , , J f i ,J to A, through the water. glass plate should then be slid over the mouth of the vessel, and it may be turned up and down gently for. some little time to mix the two gases, and when the mixture is tested with a lighted taper, it is found neither to increase nor diminish the illuminating power and the taper burns as it would do in atmospheric air. (Fig. 109.1 PREPARATION OF HYDROGEN GAS. 107 HYDROGEN. Hydrogen (vSoop, water; yewaa), I give rise to), so termed by Lavoisier called by other chemists inflammable air, and phlogiston. Symbol, H ; combining properties, 1. The lightest known form of matter. Every 100 parts by weight of water contain 11 parts of hydrogen gas ; and as the quantity of water on the surface of the earth represents at least two-thirds of the whole area, the source of this gas, like that of oxygen or nitrogen, is inexhaustible. Van Helmont, Mayow, and Hales had shown that certain inflammable and peculiar gases could be obtained, but it was reserved for the rigidly philosophic mind of Cavendish to determine the nature of the elements contained in, and giving a spe- ciality to, the inflammable gases of the older chemists. By acting with dilute acids upon iron, zinc, and tin, Cavendish liberated an inflammable elastic gas ; and he discovered nearly all the properties we shall notice in the succeeding experiments, and especially demonstrated the compo- sition of water in his paper read before the lloyal Society in the year 1784. Hydrogen is prepared in a very simple manner, by placing some zinc cuttings in a bottle, to which is attached a cork and pewter or bent glass tube, and pouring upon the metal some dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Effervescence and ebullition take place, and the gas escapes in large quanti- ties, water being decomposed ; the oxygen passes to the zinc, and forms oxide of zinc, and this uniting with the sulphuric acid forms sulphate of zinc, which may be obtained after the escape of the hy- drogen by evaporation and crystallization. (Fig. 110.) Zn + HO.S0 3 = ZnO.S0 3 + H; or, Zn + HC1 = ZnCl + H. In nearly all the processes employed for the generation of hydrogen gas, a metal is usually employed, and this fact has suggested the notion that hydrogen may possibly be a metal, although it is the lightest known form of matter ; and it will be observed in all the succeeding expe- rimeilts that a metallic substance Will be marked B, containing a funnel, employed to take away the oxygen and ^ ae^nip^c add displace the hydrogen. through the pipe c. 108 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Whenever hydrogen is prepared it should be allowed to escape from the generating vessel for a few minutes before any flame is applied, in order that the atmospheric air may be expelled. The most serious acci- dents have occurred from carelessness in this respect, as a mixture of hydrogen and air is explosive, and the more dangerous when it takes fire in any close glass bottle. Second Experiment. If a piece of potassium is confined in a little coarse wire gauze cage, attached to a rod, and thrust under a small jar full of water, placed on the shelf of the pneumatic trough, hydrogen gas is produced with great rapidity, and is received into the gas jar. The bit of potassium being surrounded with water, is kept cool, whilst the hydrogen escaping under the water is not of course burnt away, as it is whenever the metal is thrown on the surface of water. Third Experiment. Across a small iron table-furnace is placed about eighteen inches of 1-inch gas-pipe containing iron borings, the whole being red-hot ; and attached to one end is a pipe conveying steam from a boiler, or flask, or retort, whilst another pipe is fitted to the opposite end, and passes to the pneumatic trough. Directly the steam passes over the red hot iron borings it is deprived of oxygen, which remains with the iron, forming the rust or oxide of iron, whilst the hydrogen, called in this case water gas, escapes with great rapidity. When steam is passed over red-hot charcoal, hydrogen is also produced with carbonic oxide gas, and this in fact is the ordinary process of making water gas, which being puri- fied is afterwards saturated with some volatile hydrocarbon and burnt. At first sight, such a mode of making gas would be thought extremely profitable, and in spite of the numerous failures the discovery (so called) of water gas is reproduced as a sort of chronic wonder; but experience and practice have clearly demonstrated that water gas is a fallacy, and as long at we can get coal it is not worth while going through the round-about processes of first burning coal to produce steam ; secondly, Fig. 111. A. Flask containing water, and producing steam, which passes to the iron tube, B B, containing the iron borings heated red hot in the charcoal stove c. The hydrogen passes to the jar D, standing on the shelf of the pneumatic trough. EXPERIMENTS WITH HYDROGEN GAS. 109 of burning coal to heat charcoal, over which the steam is passed to be converted into gas, which has then to be purified and saturated with a cheap hydrocarbon obtained from coal or mineral naphtha ; whilst ordi- nary coal gas is obtained at once by heating coal in iron retorts. (Fig. 111.) Thus, by the metals zinc, tin, potassium, red-hot iron (and we might add several others), the oxygen of water is removed and hydrogen gas liberated. Fourth Experiment. If bottles of hydrogen gas are prepared by all the processes described, they will present the same properties when tested un- der similar circumstances. A lighted taper applied to the mouths of the bottles of hydro- gen, which should be inverted, causes the gas to take fire with a slight noise, in consequence of the mixture of air and hydrogen that invariably takes place when the stopper is removed; on thrusting the lighted taper into the bulk of the gas it is extin- guished, showing that hydrogen possesses the opposite quality to oxygen viz., tnat it takes fire, but does not support combustion. By keeping the bottles contain- ing the hydrogen upright, when the stopper is removed the gas escapes with great rapidity, and atmospheric air takes its place, so much so that by the time a lighted taper is applied, instead of the gas burning quietly, it fre- quently astonishes the operator with a loud pop. This sudden attack on the nerves may be pre- vented by always experimenting with inverted bottles. (Eig. 112.) Fifth Experiment. Hydrogen is 14'4 lighter than air, and for that reason may be passed into bottles and jars without the assistance of the pneumatic trough. One of the most amusing proofs of its levity is that of filling paper bags or balloons with this gas ; and we read, in the accounts of the fetes at 110 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Paris, of the use of balloons ingeniously constructed to represent animals, so that a regular aerial hunt was exhibited, with this drawback only, that nearly all the animals preferred ascending with their legs upwards, a circumstance which provoked intense mirth amongst the volatile Frenchmen. The lightness of hydrogen may be shown in two ways first, by filling a little goldbeater's-skin balloon with' pure hydrogen (prepared by passing the gas made from zinc and dilute pure sulphuric acid through a strong solution of potash, and afterwards through one of nitrate of silver), and allowing the balloon to ascend; and then afterwards, having of course secured the balloon by a thin twine or strong thread, it may be pulled down and the gas inhaled, when a most curious effect is produced on the voice, which is suddenly changed from a manly bass to a ludicrous nasal squeaking sound. The only precaution's necessary are to make the gas quite pure, and to avoid flarne whilst inhaling the gas. It is related by Chaptal that the intrepid (quaere, foolish) but unfortunate aeronaut, Mons. Pilate de Rosio, having on one occasion inhaled hydrogen gas, was rash enough, to approach a lighted candle, when an explosion took place in his mouth, which he says " was so violent that he fancied all his teeth were driven out" Of course, if it were possible to change by some extraordinary power the condition of the atmosphere in a concert-room or theatre, all the bass voices would become extremely nasal and highly comic, whilst the sopranos would emulate railway whistles and screech fearfully ; and supposing the specific gravity of the air was continu- ally and materially changing, our voices would never be the same, but alter day by day, according to the state of the air, so that the " familiar voice" would be an impossibility. A bell rung in a gas jar containing air emits a very different sound from that which is produced in one full of hydrogen a simple experiment is easily performed by passing a jar containing hydrogen over a self-acting bell, such as is used for telegraphic purposes. (Fig. 113.) Sixth Experiment. Some of the small pipes from an organ may be made to emit the most curious sounds by passing heavy and light gases through them ; in these experiments bags containing Fig. 113. A. stand and bell, the gases should be employed, which may *^d^i^4a5 * t> f ygen ' carb?nic ac f idj or hyd r^ n ' depressed at pleasure, by lifting through the organ pipes at precisely tne it with the knob at the top, same pressure, when the curious changes in the sound of the bell are audible. BALLOONS AND AEROSTATION. Ill Seventh Experiment. One of those toys called " The Squeak- ing Toy" affords another and ridiculous example of the effect of hydrogen on sound, when it is used in a jar containing this gas. (Eig. 114.) Eighth Experiment. An accordion played in a large receptacle containing hydrogen gas demonstrates still more clearly what would be the effect of an orchestra shut up in a room containing a mixture of a considerable portion of hydrogen with air, as the former, like nitrogen, is not a poison, and only kills in the absence of oxygen gas. Ninth Experiment. Some very amusing experiments with .,,,,., , ^ in i i i 11 -\ir T\ i I iff. 114. The squeaking toy. used balloons have been devised by Mr. Darby, in ajar of hydrogen. the eminent firework manufacturer, oy which they are made to carry signals of three kinds, and thus the motive or ascending power may be utilized to a certain extent. Mr. Darby's attention was first directed to the manufacture of a good, serviceable, and cheap balloon, which he made of paper, cut with mathematical precision; the gores or divisions being made equal, and when pasted together, strengthened by the insertion of a string at the juncture; so that the skeleton of the balloon was made of string, the whole terminating in the neck, which was further stif- fened with calico, and completed when required by a good coating of boiled oil. These balloons are about nine feet high and five feet in diameter in the widest part, exactly like a pear, and tapering to the neck in the most graceful and elegant manner. They retain the hydrogen gas remarkably well for many hours, and do not leak, in consequence of the paper of which they are made being well selected and all holes stopped, and also from the circumstance of the pressure being so well distributed over the interior by the almost mathematical precision with which they are cut, and the careful preparation of the paper with proper varnish. One of their greatest recommendations is cheapness ; for whilst a gold-beater's skin balloon of the same size would cost about 51., these can be furnished at 5s. each in large quantities. A balloon required to carry one or more persons must be constructed of the best materials, and cannot be too carefully made ; it is therefore a somewhat costly affair, and as much as 200/., 500/., and even 1000/. have been expended in the construction of these aerial chariots. The chief points requiring attention are : first, the quality of the silk ; secondly, the precision and scrupulous nicety required in cutting 112 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. out and joining the gores ; thirdly, the application of a good varnish to fill up the pores of the silk, which must be insoluble in water, and suf- ficiently elastic not to crack. The usual material is Indian silk (termed Corah silk), at from 2.?. to 2s. 6d. per yard. The gores or parts with which the balloon is constructed require, as before stated, great attention; it being a common saying amongst aeronauts, "that a cobweb will hold the gas if properly shaped," the object being to diffuse the pressure equally over the whole bag or balloon. The varnish with which the silk is rendered air-tight can be made according to the private recipe of Mr. Graham, an aeronaut, who states that he uses for this purpose two gallons of linseed oil (boiled), two ditto (raw), and four ounces of beeswax ; the whole being simmered together for one hour, answers remarkably well, and the varnish is tough and not liable to crack. For repairing holes in a balloon, Mr. Graham recommends a cement composed of two pounds of black resin and one pound of tallow, melted together, and applied on pieces of varnished silk to the apertures. The actual cost of a balloon will be understood from information also derived from Mr. Graham. His celebrated " Victoria Balloon," which has passed through so many hairbreadth escapes, was sixty-five feet hih, and thirtv-eight feet in diameter in the broadest part ; and the following articles were used in its constructiou s. d. 1400 yards of Corah silk, at 2*. bd. per yard . . 175 The netting weighed 70 Ibs 20 Extra ropes weighed 20 Ibs. at 2*. per Ib. ... 200 The car weighed 25 Ibs 700 Varnish, wages, &c 16 220 Thirty-eight thousand cubic feet of coal gas were required to fill this balloon, charged by one company 20/., by others from 9/. to 10/. ; and eight men were required to hold the inflated baggy monster. Such a balloon as described above is a mere soap bubble when com- pared with the " New Aerial Ship" now building in the vicinity of New York ; the details are so practical and interesting, that we quote nearly the whole account of this mammoth or Great Eastern amongst balloons, as given in the New York Times. " An experiment in scientific ballooning, greater than has yet been undertaken, is about to be tried in this city. The project of crossing the Atlantic Ocean with an air-ship, long talked of, but never accom- plished, has taken a shape so definite that the apparatus is already pre- pared and the aeronaut ready to undertake his task. " The work has been conducted quietly, in the immediate vicinity of New York, since the opening of spring. The new air-ship, which has AEROSTATION. 113 been christened the City of New York, is so nearly completed, that but few essentials of detail are wanting to enable the projectors to bring it visibly before the public. " The aeronaut in charge is Mr. T. S. C. Lowe, a New Hampshire man, who has made thirty-six balloon ascensions. " The dimensions of the City of New York so far exceed those of any balloon previously constructed, that the bare fact of its existence is notable. Briefly, for so large a subject, the following are the di- mensions : Greatest diameter, 130 feet ; transverse diameter, 104 feet ; height, from valve to boat, 350 feet ; weight, with outfit, 3 tons ; lifting power (aggregate), 22^ tons ; capacity of gas envelope, 725,000 cubic feet. " The City of New York, therefore, is nearly five times larger than the largest balloon ever before built. Its form is that of the usual perpendicular gas-receiver, with basket and lifeboat attached. " Six thousand yards of twilled cloth have been used in the con- struction of the envelope. Reduced to feet, the actual measurement of this material is 54,000 feet or nearly 11 miles. Seventeen of Wheeler and Wilson's sewing machines have been employed to connect the pieces, and the u^per extremity of the envelope, intended to receive the gas-valve, is of triple thickness, strengthened with heavy brown linen, and sewed in triple seams. The pressure being greatest at this point, extraordinary power of resistance is requisite. It is asserted that 100 women, sewing constantly for two years, could not have accomplished this work, which measures by miles. The material is stout and the stitching stouter. " The varnish applied to this envelope is a composition the secret of which rests with Mr. Lowe. Three or four coatings are applied, in order to prevent leakage of the gas. " The netting which surrounds the envelope is a stout cord, manu- factured from flax expressly for the purpose. Its aggregate strength is equal to a resistance of 160 tons, each cord being capable of sustaining a weight of 400 Ibs. or 500 Ibs. " The basket which is to be suspended immediately below the balloon is made of rattan, is 20 feet in circumference and 4 feet deep. Its form is circular, and it is surrounded by canvas. This car will carry the aeronauts. It is warmed by a lime-stove, an invention of Mr. 0. A. Gager, by whom it was presented to Mr. Lowe. A lime-stove is a new feature in air voyages. It is claimed that it will furnish heat without fire, and is intended for a warming apparatus only. The stove is 1| feet high, and 2 feet square. Mr. Lowe states that he is so well convinced of the utility of this contrivance, that he conceives it to be possible to ascend to a region where water will freeze, and yet keep himself from freezing. This is to be tested. " Dropping below the basket is a metallic lifeboat, in which is placed an Ericsson engine. Captain Ericsson's invention is therefore to be tried in mid-air. Its particular purpose is the control of a propeller, rigged upon the principle of the screw, by which it is proposed to obtain 114 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. a regulating power. The application of the mechanical power is in- geniously devised. The propeller is fixed in the bow of the lifeboat, projecting at an angle of about forty-five degrees. From a wheel at the extremity twenty fans radiate. Each of these fans is 5 feet in length, widening gradually from the point of contact with the screw to the extremity, where the width of each is 1^ feet. Mr. Lowe claims that by the application of these mechanical contrivances his air-ship can be readily raised or lowered, to seek different currents of air ; that they will give him ample steerage way, and that they^ will prevent the rotatory motion of the machine. In applying the principle of the fan, he does not claim any new discovery, but simply a practical development of the theory advanced by other aeronauts, and partially reduced to practice by Charles Green, the celebrated English aeronaut. "Mr. Lowe contends that the application of machinery to aerial navigation has been long enough a mere theory. He proposes to reduce the theory to practice, and see what will come of it. It is estimated that the raising and lowering power of the machinery will be at Harwirh F *%' 117 ' The land and water signal, which re- as picKea up at narwicn, mains upright on land> or floats On 8 the gurface of another at Brighton, a third water. A. The water-tight gutta-percha shell, con- at Crovdon : in the latter tuning th e message or information. B B B. Sticks case it was found by a cot- tL^l^t^fg^^^ P siti n; at tager, who, fearing gunpow- der and combustibles, did not examine the shell, but having mentioned the circumstance to a gentleman living near him, they agreed to cut it open ; and intelligence of their arrival, in this and the other cases, was politely forwarded to Mr. Darbv at Vauxhall Gardens. Balloons, like a great many other clever inventions, have been despised by military men as new-fangled expedients, toys, which may do very well to please the gaping public, but are and must be useless in the field. Over and over again it has been suggested that a balloon corps for observation should be attached to the British army, but the scheme has 118 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. been rejected, although the expense of a few yards of silk and the gene- ration of hydrogen gas would be a mere bagatelle as compared with the transport and use of a single 32-pounder cannon. The antiquated notions of octogenarian generals have, however, received a great shock in the fact that the Emperor Napoleon III. was enabled, by the assistance of a captive balloon, to watch the movements and dispositions of the Austrian troops ; and with the aid of the information so obtained, he made his preparations, and was rewarded by the victory of Solferino ; and as soon as the battle was over Napoleon III. occupied at Cavriana the very room and ate the dinner prepared for his adversary, the Emperor IVancis Joseph. Over and over again the most excellent histories have been written of aerostation, but they all tend to one truth, and that is, the great danger and risk of such excursions ; and to enable our readers to form their own judgment, a chronological list of some of the most celebrated aeronauts, &c., is appended. 1675. Bernair attempted to fly killed. 1678. Besnier attempted to fly. 1772. I/ Abbe Desforges announced an aerial chariot. 1783. Montgolfier constructed the first air balloon. Roberts freres, first gas balloon, destroyed by the peasantry of Geneva, who imagined it to be an evil spirit or the moon. 1784. Madame Thible, the first lady who was ever up in the clouds ; she ascended 13,500 feet. Duke de Chartres, afterwards Egalite Orleans, travelled 135 miles in five hours in a balloon. Testu de Brissy, equestrian ascent. D'Achille, Desgranges, and Chalfour Montgolfier balloon. Bacqueville attempted a flight with wings. Lunardi gas balloon. Rambaud Montgolfier balloon, which was burnt. Andreani Montgolfier balloon. 1785. General Money gas balloon, fell into the water, and not rescued for six. hours. Thompson, in crossing the Irish Channel, was run into with the bowsprit of a ship whilst going at the rate of twenty miles per hour. Brioschi gas balloon ascended too high and burst the balloon ; the hurt he received ultimately caused his death. A Venetian nobleman and his wife gas balloon killed. Pilatre de Rozier and M. Romain gas balloon took fire botli killed. 1806. Mosment gas balloon killed. Olivari Montgolfier balloon killed. 1808. Degher attempted a flight with wings. 1812. Bittorf Montgolfier balloon killed. 1819. Blanchard, Madame gas balloon killed. BALLOON ACCIDENTS. 119 1819. Gay Lussac gas balloon, ascended 23,040 feet above the level of the sea. Barometer 12'95 inches ; thermometer 14*9 Eah. Gay Lussac and Biot gas balloon for the benefit of science. Both philosophers returned safely to the earth. 1824. Sadler gas balloon killed. Sheldon gas balloon. Harris gas balloon killed. 1836. Cocking parachute from gas balloon killed. 1847. Godard Montgolfier balloon fell into and extricated from the Seine. 1850. Poitevin, a successful French aeronaut. Gale, Lieut. gas balloon killed. Bixio and Barral gas balloon. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. gas balloon. Serious accident ascending near the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park. Green, the most successful living aeronaut of the present time. Of the 41 persons enumerated, 14 were killed, and nearly all the aeronauts met with accidents which might have proved fatal. Fig. 118. Flying machine (theoretical). 120 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Tenth Experiment. Soap bubbles blown with hydrogen gas ascend with great rapidity, and break against the ceiling ; if interrupted in their course with a lighted taper they burn with a slight yellow colour and dull report. Eleventh Experiment. By constructing a pewter mould in two halves, of the shape of a tolerably large flask, a balloon of collodion may be made by pouring the collodion inside the pewter vessel, and taking care that "every part is properly covered ; the pewter mould may be warmed by the external application of hot water, so as to drive off the ether of the collodion, and when quite dry the mould is opened and the balloon taken out. Such balloons may be made and inflated with hydrogen by attaching to them a strip of paper, dipped in a solution of wax and phosphorus, and sulphuret of carbon ; as the latter evaporates, the phosphorus takes fire and spreads to the balloon ; which burns with a slight report. The pewter moulo must be very perfectly made, and should be bright inside ; and if the balloons are filled with oxygen and hydrogen, allowing a sufficient excess of the latter to give an ascending power, they explode with a loud noise directly the fire reaches the mixed gases. Twelfth Experiment. In a soup-plate place some strong soap and water ; then blow out a number of bubbles with a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen ; a loud report occurs on the application of flame, and if the room is small the window should be placed open, as the concussion of the air is likely to break the glass. Thirteenth Experiment. Any noise repeated at least thirty-two times in a second produces a musical sound, and bv producing a number of small explosions of hydrogen gas inside glass tubes of various sizes, the most peculiar sounds are obtained. The hydrogen flame should be extremely small, and the glass tubes held over it may be of all lengths and diameters ; a trial only will determine whether they are fit for the purpose or not. Fourteenth Experiment. Flowers, figures, or other designs, may be drawn upon silk with a solution of nitrate of silver, and the whole being moistened with water, is exposed to the action of hydrogen gas, which removes the oxygen from the silver, and reduces it to the metallic state. In like manner designs drawn with a solution of chloride of gold are produced in the metallic state by exposure to the action of hydrogen gas. Chloride of tin, usually termed muriate of tin, may also be reduced in a similar manne care being taken in these experiments that EXPERIMENTS WITH HYDROGEN. 121 the fabric upoii which the letters, figures, or designs are painted with the metallic solution be kept quite damp whilst exposed to the hydrogen gas. Fifteenth Experiment. A mixture of two volumes of hydrogen with one volume of oxygen explodes with great violence, and produces two volumes of steam, which condense against the sides of the strong glass vessel, in which the experiment may be made, in the form of water. As the apparatus called the Cavendish bottle, by which this experiment only may be safely performed, is somewhat expensive, and requires the use of an air-pump, gas jars with stop-cocks, and an electrical machine and Leyden jar, other and more simple means may be adopted to show the combi- nation of oxygen and hydrogen, and formation of water. If a little alcohol is placed in a cup and set on fire, whilst an empty cold gas jar is held over the flame, an abundant deposition of moisture takes place from the combustion of the hydrogen of the spirits of wine. Alcohol contains six combining properties of hydrogen, with four of charcoal and two of oxygen. If a lighted candle, or an oil, camphine, Belmontine, or gas flame, is placed under a proper condenser, large quantities of water are obtained by the combustion of these substances (Fig. 119). Fig. 119. A. A burning candle, or oil or gas lamp. Copper head and long pipe fitting into B c, the receiver from which the condensed water drops into D. E E. Two corka fitted, between which is folded some wet rag. 122 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Sixteenth Experiment. During the combustion of a mixture of two volumes of hydrogen with one of oxygen, an enormous amount of heat is produced, which is use- fully applied in the arrangement of the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe. The flame of the mixed gases produces little or no light, but when directed on various metals contained in a small hole made in a fire brick, a most intense light is obtained from the combustion of the metals, which is variously coloured, according to the nature of the substances employed. With cast-iron the most vivid scintillations are obtained, particularly if after having fused and boiled the cast-iron with the jet of the two gases, one of them, viz., the hydrogen, is turned off, and the oxygen only directed upon the fused ball of iron, then the carbon of the iron burns with great rapidity, the little globule is enveloped in a shower of sparks, and the whole affords an excellent notion of the principle of Bessemer's patent method of converting cast-iron at once into pure malleable iron, or by stopping short of the full combustion of carbon, into cast-steel. The apparatus for conducting these experiments is of various kinds, and different jets have been from time to time recommended on account of their alleged safety. It may be asserted that all arrangements pro- posed for burning any quantity of the mixed gases are extremely aan- gerous : if an explosion takes place it is almost as destructive as gun- powder, and should no particular damage be done to the room, there is stiff the risk of the sudden vibra- tion of the air producing permanent deafness. If it is desired to burn the mixed gases, perhaps the safest apparatus is that of Gurney ; in this arrangement the mixed gases bubble up through a little reservoir of water, and thus the gasholder viz., a Fig. 120. Gurney's jet. A. Pipe with bladder, is cut off from the jet when stop-cock leading from the gas-holder, the Combustion takes place, (.rig. "V?^ 6 *?** 16 . res f voir of , w K a * er thr 3 Q 120 ) This let is much recom- which the mixed gases bubble, c. The ^ f/ ^ J -) j-f-rj ^ , ,, ,. ,, jet where the gases burn. D. Cork, which mended by Mr. Woodward, thehighly is blown out if the flame recedes in the respected President of the Islington pipe ' c * Literary and Scientific Institution, and may be fitted np to show the phenomena of polarized light, the microscope, and other interesting optical phenomena. Mr. Woodward states, that a series of experiments, continued during many years, has proved, that while the bladder containing the mixed gases is under pressure, the flame cannot be made to pass the safety chambers, and consequently an explosion is impossible; and even if through extreme carelessness or design, as by the removal of pressure or the contact of a spark with the bladder, an explosion occurs, it can produce no other than the momentary effect of the alarm occasioned by THE OXY-HYDROGEN OR LIME LIGHT. 123 Pig. 121. A. The bladder of mixed gases, pressed by the board, B B, attached by wire supports to another board, c c, which carries the weights, D D. BE. Pipe to which the bladder, A, is screwed, and when A is emptied, it is re-filled from the other bladder, B. p p p. Pipe conveying mixed gases to the lantern, G G, where they are burnt from a Gurney's jet, H. the report ; whereas, when the gases are used in separate bags under a pressure of two or three half hundredweights, if the pressure on one of the bags be accidentally removed or suspended, the gas from the other will be forced into it, and if not discovered in time, will occasion an ex- plosion of a very dangerous character ; or if through carelessness one of the partially emp- tied bags should be filled up with the wrong gas, effects of an equally perilous nature would ensue. In the oxy-hydro- gen blowpipe usually employed, the gases are kept quite sepa- rate, either in gas- ometers or gas bags, and are conveyed oy distinct pipes to a rig< 122 ^^ jet jet of very simple construction, devised by the late Professor Daniell, where they mix in very small volumes, and are burnt at once at the mouth of the jet. (Fig. 122.) The gases are stored either in copper gasometers or in air-tight bags of Macintosh cloth, capable of containing from four to six cubic feet of gas, and provided with pressure boards. The boards are loaded with two or three fifty-six pound weights to force out the gas with sufficient Fig. 122. DanielTs jet. o o. The stop-cock and pipe con- veying oxygen, and fitting inside the larger tube H H, to which is attached a stop-cock, H, connected with the hydrogen re- ceiver. A. The orifice near which the gases mix, and they are burnt. irhere BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. pressure, and of course must be equally weighted ; if any change of weight is made, the stop-cocks should be turned off and the light put out, as the most disastrous results have occurred from carelessness in this respect. (Fig. 123.) Fig. 123. Gas bag and pressure boards. The oxy-hydrogen jet is further varied in construction by receiving the gases from separate reservoirs, and allowing them to mix in the upper part of the jet, which is provided with a safety tube filled with Fig. 124. A A. Board to which B B is fixed, o. Oxygen pipe. H. Hydrogen pipe. c c. Space filled with wire gauze. D. Lime cylinder. circular pieces of wire gauze. (Fig. 124.) With this arrangement a most intense light is produced, called the Drummond or lime light, and coal gas is now usually substituted for hydrogen. ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF WATER. 125 There are many circumstances that will cause the union of oxygen and hydrogen, which, if confined by themselves in a glass vessel, may be pre- served for any length of time without change ; but if some powdered glass, or any other finely-divided substance with sharp points, is introduced into the mixed gases at a temperature not exceeding 660 Fahrenheit, then the gases silently unite and form water. This curious mode of effecting their combination is shown in a still more interesting manner by perfectly clear platinum foil, which if intro- duced into the mixed gases gradually begins to glow, and becoming red- hot causes the gases to explode. Or still better, by the method first devised by Dobereiner, in 1824, by which finely prepared spongy pla- tinum i.e., platinum in a porous state, and exposing a large metallic surface is almost instantaneously heated red-hot by contact with the mixed gases. When this fact became known, it was further applied to the construction of an instantaneous light, in which hydrogen was made to play upon a little ball of spongy platinum, and immediately kindled. These Dobereiner lamps were possessed by a few of the curious, and would no doubt be extensively used if the discovery of phosphorus had not supplied a cheaper and more convenient fire-giving agent. When the spongy platinum is mixed with some fine pipeclay, and made into little pills, they may (after being slightly warmed) be introduced into a mixture of the two gases, and will silently effect their union. The theory of the combination is somewhat obscure, and perhaps the simplest one is that which supposes the platinum sponge to act as a conductor of electric influences between the two sets of gaseous particles ; although, again, it is difficult to reconcile this theory with the fact that powdered glass at 660, a bad conductor of electricity, should effect the same object. The result appears to be due to some effects of surface by which the gases seem to be condensed and brought into a condition that enables them to abandon their gaseous state and assume that of water. When Sir H. Davy invented the safety-lamp, he was aware that, in certain explosive conditions of the air in coal mines, the flame of the lamp was extinguished, and in order that the miner should not be left in the dreary darkness and intricacies of the galleries without some means of seeing the way out, he devised an ingenious arrangement with thin platinum wire, which was coiled round the flame of the lamp, and fixed properly, so that it could not be moved from its proper place by any accidental shaking. When the flame of the safety -lamp, having the platinum wire attached, was accidentally extinguished by the explosive atmosphere in which it was burning, the platinum commenced glowing with an intense heat, and continued to emit light as long as it remained in the dangerous part of the mine. Sir H. Davy warned those who might use the platinum to take care that no portion of the thin wire passed outside the wire gauze, for the obvious reason that, if ignited outside the wire gauze protector, it would inflame the fire-damp. 126 BOYS PLAYBOOK OP SCIENCE. Eighteenth Experiment. Water is decomposed by passing a current of voltaic electricity through it by means of two platinum plates, which may be connected with a ten-cell Grove's battery. The gases are collected in separate tubes, and the experi- ment offers one of the most instructive illus- trations of the composi- tion of water. (Fig. 125.) There is a current of electricity passing from and between two plati- num plates decomposing water, offering the con- verse of the Dobereiner Fig. 125. p P. Two platinum plates connected with experiment, and highly wires to the cups. The wires are passed through holes suffffestive of the proba- in the finger-glass, B B, and are fixed perfectly steady by viV ~f -t-l, 1, pouring in cement composed of resin and tallow to the blllt y ot tne theory al- line i L. Two glass tubes filled with water acidulated with ready advanced in CX- sulphuric acid, and placed over the platinum plates in nln-nnfinn r>f HIP cinmi finger-glass, which ako contains dilute sulphuric acid to P lanatlon . ottne sm g u - improve the conducting power of the water. The wires of lar combination or oxy- the battery are placed in the cups, and the arrows show the ran and hvdrogen in the direction of the current of electricity. ^^ $ ^ ^ num foil, and more especially when we consider the operation of Grove's gas battery, in which a current of electricity is produced by pieces of platinum foil covered with finely-divided platinum, called platinum black ; each piece is contained in a separate glass tube filled alternately with oxygen and hydrogen, and by connecting a great number of these tubes a current of electricity is obtained, whilst the oxygen and hydrogen are slowly absorbed and disappear, having combined and formed water, although placed in separate glass tubes. (Fig. 126.) The analysis of water is shown very perfectly on the screen by fitting up some very small tubes and platinum wires in the same manner as shown in fig. 125. The vessel in which the tubes and wires are con- tained with the dilute sulphuric acid must be small, and arranged so as to pass nicely into the space usually filled by the picture in an ordinary magic lantern, or, still better, m one lighted by the oxy-hydrogen or lime light. If the dilute acid is coloured with a little solution of indigo, the gradual displacement of the fluid by the production of the two gases is very perfectly developed on the screen when the small voltaic battery is attached to the apparatus ; and of course a large number of persons may watch the experiment at the same time. With respect to the application of the light produced from a jet 01 THE SYNTHESIS OF OXYGEN AND HYDBOGSX. 12' Fig. 126. Grove's gas battery consists of tubes containing oxygen and hydrogen alternately, and haying a thin piece of platinum foil, f, inserted by the blowpipe in each glass tube. The foil hangs down the full length of the interior of the glass. Each pair of tubes is contained in a little glass tumbler containing some dilute sulphuric acid, and the hydrogen tube, H, of one pair, is connected with the oxygen tube, Oj of the next, w w. The terminal wires of the series. the mixed gases thrown upon a ball of lime, it may be stated that for many years the dissolving view lanterns and other optical effects have been produced with the assistance of this light ; and more lately Major Titzmaurice has condensed the mixed gases in the old-fashioned oil gas receivers, and projected them on a ball of lime; and it was this light thrown from many similar arrangements that illuminated the British men-of-war when Napoleon III. left her Majesty's yacht at night in the docks at Cherbourg. Mr. Sykes Ward, of Leeds, has also proposed a most simple and excel- lent application of the oxy-hydrogen light for illumination under the Fig. 127. Cherbourg. 128 BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Fig. 128. A A. Tube re- servoir to hold the mixed gases. B. The jet and lime ball. 3>. The first glass shade, held down by a cap and screw, c. The second glass shade. E E. The handle by which it is low- ered into the water. surface of water, and for the convenience of divers, who are frequently obliged to cease their operations in consequence of the want of light. Mr. Ward's submarine lamp consists of a series of very strong copper tubes, which are filled with the mixed gases by means of a force-pump ; and in order to prevent the lamp being extin- guished, it burns under double glass shades, which are desirable in order to prevent the glass immediately next to the light cracking by con- tact with the cold water. The author tried this lamp at Hyde, and although the coast-guards objected to the pro- duction of a brilliant light at night, which they stated might be mistaken for a signal and would cause some confusion amongst the war vessels in the immediate neighbourhood, enough experiments were made, to show that the Ward lamp would burn for a considerable time under water, and could be kept charged with the gas by means of a process that was easily work- able in the boat. The gases were taken out mixed in gas bags, and pumped into the reser- voir when required. With a much larger reser- voir greater results could be obtained; and if nautilus diving bells are to be used in modern warfare, they will require a powerful light to show them their prey, so that they may attach the explosives which are to blow great holes in the men-of-war. Fig. 129. Submarine lamp. 129 CHLORINE, IODINE, BROMINE, FLUORINE. The four Halogens, or Producers of Substances like Sea Salt. Chlorine (^Xwpos, green). Symbol, Cl. Combining proportion, 35 '5. Specific 'gravity, 2'l4. Scheele termed it dephlogisticated muriatic acid; Lavoisier, oxymuriatic acid; Davy, chlorine. The consideration of the nature of this important element introduces to our notice one of the most original chemists of the eighteenth century viz., the illustrious Scheele, who was born at Stralsund, in 1742, and in spite of every obstacle, fighting his " battle of life" with sickness and sorrow, he succeeded in making some of the most valuable dis- coveries in science, and amongst them that of chlorine gas. It was in the examination of a mineral solid viz., of manganese that Scheele made the acquaintance of a new gaseous element; and in a highly original dissertation on manganese, m 1774, he describes the mode of procuring what he termed dephlogisticated muriatic acid a name which is certainly to be regretted, from its absurd length, but a title which was strictly in accordance with the then established theory of phlogiston ; and if the latter is considered synonymous with hydrogen, quite in accordance with our present views of the nature of this element. Scheele discovered the leading characteristics of chlorine, and especially its power of bleaching, which is alone sufficient to place this gas in a hign commercial position, when it is considered that all our linen used formerly to be sent to Holland, where they had acquired great dexterity in the ancient mode of bleaching viz., by exposure of the fabric to atmospheric air or the action of the damps or dews, assisted greatly by the agency of light. Some idea may be formed of the present value of chlorine, when it is stated that the linen goods were retained by the Dutch bleachers for nine months ; and if the spring and summer hap- pened to be favourable, the operation was well conducted ; on the other hand, if cold and wet, the goods might be more or less injured by con- tinual exposure to unfavourable atmospheric changes. At the present time, as much bleaching can be done in nine weeks as might formerly have been conducted in the same number of months ; and the whole of the process of chlorine bleaching is carried on independent of external atmospheric caprices, whilst the money paid for the process no longer passes to Holland, but remains in the hands of our own diligent bleachers and manufacturers. First Experiment. As Scheele first indicated, chlorine is obtained by the action of the black oxide of manganese, on "the Spirit of Salt," or hydrochloric acid ; and the most elementary and instructive experiment snowing its preparation can be made in the following manner : K 130 BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. !i Fig. 130. Place in a clear Florence oil-flask, to which a cork and bent tube have been first fitted, some strong fuming hydrochloric acid. Arrange the flask on a ring-stand, and then pass the bent tube either to a Wolfe's bottle containing some pumice stone moistened with oil of vitriol, or to a glass tube containing either pumice or as- bestos wetted with the same acid. , Another glass tube, bent at right angles, passes away from the Wolfe's bottle into a receiving bottle. (Fig. 130). On the application of heat, the hydrochloric gas is driven off from its so- lution in water, and any aqueous vapour carried up is retained by the asbestos or pu- mice stone wetted A. Flask containing the fuming hydrochloric .ui, ^i n t ^f^Cryl 4V,a acid,"which is gently boiled by the heat of the spirit lamp. W11J A O 11 . 01 vlinoi , me B. Tube passing to the Wolfe's bottle, containing pumice- application of the lat- stone or asbestos moistened with sulphuric acid. c. f pr jc nallprl dniinn f}>/> Second tube passing into a dry empty bottle, which receives lb .~^J ^F? 9 the hydrochloric acid gas. gas i.e., depriving it of all moisture ; some- times the salt called chloride of calcium is used for the same purpose, and it must be understood by the juvenile chemist that gases are not dried like towels, by exposure to heat, or by putting them in bladders before the fire, as we once heard was actually recommended, but by causing the gas charged with invisible steam to pass over some substance having a great affinity for water. The dry hydrochloric gas falls into the bottle, and dis- places the air, beinj* about one-fourth heavier than the latter, and gradu- ally, overflowing from the mouth of the vessel, produces a white smoke, which is found to be acid by litmus paper, but has no power to bleach, and is not green ; it is, in fact, a combination of one combining pro- portion of chlorine with one of hydrogen, and to detach the latter, and set the chlorine free, it is necessary to convey the hydrochloric gas to some body which has an affinity for hydrogen. Such a substance is provided in the use of the black oxide of manganese, which is placed either in a small flask or in a tube provided with two bulbs, and when heated with the lamp it separates the hydrogen from the hydrochloric gas, and forms water, which partly condenses in the second bulb. And now the gas that escapes is no longer acid and fuming with a white smoke on contact with the air; but is green, has a strong odour, bleaches, and is so powerful in its action on all living tissues, that it must be carefully avoided and not inhaled ; if a small quantity is acci- dentally inhaled, it produces a violent fit of coughing, which lasts a THE PREPARATION OF CHLORINE GAS. 131 -considerable time, and is only abated by inhaling the diluted vapour of ammonia, or ether, or alcohol, and swallowing milk and other softening drinks. (Kg. 131). Fig. 131. A. The flask containing the fuming hydrochloric acid, heated by spirit lamp. B. Tube passing to Wolfe's bottle, containing the pumice-stone or asbestos wetted with oil of vitriol, c. Second tube, which passes into a wide-mouthed small flask containing black oxide of manganese, partly in powder and partly in lump ; and the third tube conveys the chlorine to any convenient vessel. The double bulb tube, E E, may be substi- tuted for the flask, the oxide of manganese being contained hi the bulb M. N.B. Any tube may be joined on to another by a bit of india-rubber tubing, which is tied by string. C B Tube A is joined to tube B by the caoutchouc pipe c, tied with packthread. The mode of preparing chlorine, as already given, though very in- structive, is troublesome to perform ; a more simple process may there- fore be described : Pour some strong hydrochloric acid upon powdered black oxide of manganese contained in a Florence oil-flask, taking care that the whole of the black powder is wetted with the acid so that none of it clings to the bottom of the flask in the dry state to cause the glass to crack on the application of heat. A cork and bent glass tube is now attached, and conveyed to the pneumatic trough ; on the application of heat to the mixture in the flask the chlorine is evolved, and may be collected in stoppered bottles, the first portion that escapes, although it contains atmospheric air, should be carefully collected in order to prevent any K2 132 BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. accident from inhaling the gas, and it will do very well to illustrate the bleaching power of the gas, and therefore need not be wasted. The above process may be described in symbols, all of which are easily deci- phered by reference to the table of elements, page 86. Mn0 3 +2 HCl=MnCl+2 IIO+C1. Third Experiment. Another and still more expeditious mode of preparing a little chlorine,' is by placing a small beaker glass, containing half an ounce of chlorinated lime, usually termed chloride of lime or bleaching powder, care- fully at the bottom of a deep and large beaker glass, and then, by means of a tube and funnel, con- veying to the chloride of lime some dilute oil of vitriol, com- posed of half acid and half water ; effervescence immedi- ately occurs from the escape of chlorine gas, and as it is pro- duced it falls over the sides of the small beaker glass into the large one, when it may be dis- tinguished by its green colour. If a little gas be dipped out with a very small beaker glass ar- ranged as a bucket, and poured into a cylindrical glass contain- ing some dilute solution of in- digo, and shaken therewith, the colour disappears almost instan- taneously; and if a piece of Dutch metal is thrown into the beaker glass it will take fire if Fig. 132. ^ The large beaker glass. B. enough chlorine has been gene- The small one, containing the chloride of lime, rated, Or some very nnely-pow- c. The tube and funnel down which the dilute d erec l antimony will demonstrate sulphuric acid is poured. D D. Sheet of paper , ^, f], over top of large glass, with hole in centre to the same result. Ihus, With a admit the tube. u. The little beaker used as a f ew beaker glasses, some chlo- ride of lime, sulphuric acid, a solution of indigo, and a little Dutch metal, the chief properties of chlorine may be displayed. (Eig. 132.) Fourth Experiment. Into a little platinum spoon place a small pellet of the metal sodium aud after heating it in the flame of a spirit lamp, introduce the metal EXPERIMENTS WITH CHLORINE GAS. 133 into a bottle of chlorine, when a most intense and brilliant combustion occurs, throwing out a vivid yellow light, and the heat is frequently so great that the bottle is cracked. After the combustion, and when the bottle is cool, it is usually lined with a white powder, which will be found to taste exactly the same as salt, and, in fact, is that substance, produced by the combination of chlorine, a virulent poison, with the metal sodium, which takes fire on contact with a small quantity of water ; and hence the use of salt for the preparation of chlorine gas when it is required on the large scale. Parts. Common salt 4 Black oxide of manganese .... 1 Sulphuric acid 2 Water 2 'Fifth Experiment. Some Dutch metal, or powdered antimony, or a bit of phosphorus, immediately takes fire when introduced into a bottle containing chlorine fas, forming a series of compounds termed chlorides, and demonstrating y the evolution of heat and light, the energetic character of chlorine, and that oxygen is not the only supporter of combustion ; chlorine gas has even, in some cases, greater chemical power, because some time elapses before phosphorus will ignite in oxygen gas, whilst it takes fire directly when placed in a bottle of chlorine. Sixth Experiment. The weight and bleaching power of chlorine are well shown by placing a solution of indigo in a tall cylindrical glass, leaving a space at the top of about five inches in depth. By inverting a bottle of chlorine over the mouth of the cylindrical glass, it pours out like water, being about two and a half times heavier than atmospheric air, and then, after placing a ground glass plate over the top of the glass, the chlorine is recognised by its colour, whilst the bleaching power is demonstrated immediately the gas is shaken with the indigo solution. As a good contrast to the last experiment, another cylindrical jar of the same size may be provided, containing a solution of iodide of potas- sium with some starch, obtained by boiling a teaspoonful of arrowroot with some water ; any chlorine left in the bottle (sixth experiment) may be inverted into the top of this glass and shaken, when it turns a beautiful purple blue in consequence of the liberation of iodine by the chlorine, whose greater affinity for the base produces this result. The colour is caused by the union of the iodine and the starch, which form together a beautiful purple compound, and thus the apparent anomaly of destroying and producing colour with the same agent is explained. 134 BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Eighth Experiment. Dry chlorine does not bleach, and this fact is easily proved by taking a perfectly dry bottle, and putting into it two or three ounces of fused chloride of calcium broken in small lumps, then if a bottle full of chlorine is inverted over the one con- taining the chloride of cal- cium, taking the precau- tion to arrange a few folds of blotting paper with a hole in the centre on the top of the latter to catch any water that may run out of the chlorine bottle at the moment it is inverted, the gas will be dried by contact with the chloride of calcium, and if a piece of paper, with the word chlorine written Fig. 133. A A. Dry bottle, containing chloride of On $ th indi ?> \ calcium. B. Bottle of chlorine. The arrow indicates the previously made not and gas. c c. The blotting-paper, to catch any water from dry, is placed in the chlo- the bottle, B. . The bottle closed, and containing the ^ no change ^^ but directly the paper is removed, dipped in water, and placed in a bottle of damp chlorine, the colour immediately disappears. (Fig. 133.) This experiment shows that chlorine is only the means to the end, and that it decomposes water, setting free oxygen, which is supposed to exert a high bleaching power it its nascent state, a condition which many gases are imagined to assume just before they take the gaseous state, a sort of intermediate link between the solid or fluid and the gaseous con- dition of matter. The nascent state may possibly be that of ozone, to which we have already alluded as a powerful bleaching agent. Ninth Experiment. A piece of paper dipped in oil of turpentine emits a dense black smoke, and frequently a flash of fire is perceptible, 'directly it is plunged into a bottle containing chlorine gas ; here the gas combines only with the hydrogen of the turpentine, and the carbon is deposited as soot. Tenth Experiment. If a lighted taper is plunged into a bottle of chlorine it continues to burn, emitting an enormous quantity of smoke, for the reason already explained > and demonstrating the perfection of the atmosphere in which. EXPEKIMENTS WITH CHLORINE GAS. 135 we live and breath, and showing that had oxygen gas possessed the same properties as chlorine, the combustion of compounds of hydrogen and carbon would have been impossible, in consequence of the enormous quantity of soot which would have been produced, so that some other element that would freely enter into combination with it must have been provided to produce both artificial light and heat. Chlorine is a gas which cannot be inhaled, and ozone presents the same features, as a mouse confined for a short time with an excess of ozone soon died ; but ozone is the extraordinary condition of oxygen ; the element in the ordinary state is harmless, and is the one which enters so largely into the composition of the air we breathe. When one volume of olefiant gas (pre- pared by boiling one measure of alcohol and three of sulphuric acid) is mixed with two volumes of chlorine, and the two gases agitated together in a long glass ves- sel for a few seconds, with a glass plate over the top, which should have a welt ground perfectly flat, they unite on the ap- plication of flame, with the production of a great cloud of black smoke, arising from the deposited carbon, whilst a sort of roaring noise is heard during the time that the flame passes from the top to the foot of the glass. (Fig. 134.) Twelfth Experiment. Formerly Bandannah handkerchiefs were in the highest estimation, and no gentleman's toilet was thought complete without one. The pattern was of the simplest kind, consisting only of white spots on a red or other coloured ground. These spots were produced in a very in- genious manner by Messrs. Monteith, of Glasgow, by pressing together many layers of silk with leaden plates perforated with holes ; a solution of chlorine was then poured upon the upper plate and pressure being applied it penetrated the O f chlorine, whole mass in the direction of the holes, bleaching out the colour in its passage. This important commercial result may be imitated on the small scale by placing a piece of calico dyed with Turkey red between two thick pieces of board, each of which Fig. 134. Eemarkable deposition 136 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. is perforated with a hole two inches in diameter, and corresponding accurately when one is placed upon the other. The pieces of board may be squeezed together in any convenient way, either by weights, strong vulcanized india-rubber bands or screws, and when a strong solution of chlorine gas or of chloride of lime is poured into the hole and perco- lates through the cloth, the colour is removed, and the part is bleached al- most instantaneously by first wetting the _ calico with a little weak acid, and then pouring on the solu- Fig. 135. A. Circular hole in the upper piece of wood, a 4-; nn n f phlnrirlp nf similar one being perforated in the lower one. B B. The strong P. 1013 le . Ot india-rubber bands. The bleaching solution is poured into A. lime. Un removing and washing the fol- ded red calico it is found to be bleached in all the places exposed to the solution, and is now covered with white spots. (Fig. 135.) IODINE. Iodine (la>8rjs, violet coloured). Symbol, I; combining proportion, 127'1 ; specific gravity, 4*948. Specific gravity of iodine vapour, 8716. In the previous chapter, devoted to the element chlorine, little or nothing has been said of that inexhaustible storehouse of chlorine, iodine, and bromine viz., the boundless ocean. Some one has remarked that, as it is possible the air may contain a little of everything capable of assuming the gaseous form, so the ocean may hold in a state of solu- tion a modicum of every soluble substance, in proof of which we have lately read of some very important experiments resulting in the separa- tion of the metal silver from sea water, not certainly in any profitable quantity, but quite enough to prove its presence in the ocean. No elaborate research is necessary to ascertain the presence of chlorine, when it is remembered that Schafhautl has calculated, that all the oceans on the globe contain three millions fifty-one thousand three hundred and forty-two cubic geographical miles of salt, or about five times more than the mass of the Alps. Now, salt contains about 60 per cent, of chlorine gas, and therefore the bleachers can never stand still for want of it ; but iodine is not so plentiful, and was discovered by M. Courtois, of Paris, in kelp, a sub- stance from which he prepared carbonate of soda, or washing soda ; but as this is now more cheaply prepared from common salt, the kelp is at present required only for the iodine salts it contains, as also for the chloride of potassium. Kelp is obtained by burning dried sea-weeds in a EXPERIMENTS WITH IODINE. 137 shallow pit ; the ashes accumulate and melt together, and this fused mass broken into lumps forms kelp. The ocean bed no doubt has its fertile and barren plains and mountains, and amongst the so-called "oceanic meadows" are to be mentioned the two immense groups and bands of sea-weed called the Sargasso Sea, which occupy altogether a space exceeding six or seven times the area of Germany. The iodine is contained in the largest proportion in the deep sea plants, such as the long elastic stems of the fucus palmatus, &c. The kelp is lixiviated with water, and after separating all the crystallizable salts, there remains behind a dense oily -looking fluid, called "iodine ley," to which sulphuric acid is added, and after standing a day or two the acid "ley" is placed in a large leaden retort, and heated gently with black oxide of manganese. The chlorine being produced very slowly, liberates the iodine, as already de- monstrated in experiment seven, p. 133, and it is collected in glass receivers. Iodine, when quite pure and well crys- tallized, has a most beautiful metallic lustre, and presents a bluish-black colour, afford- ing an odour which reminds one at once of the " sea smell." First Experiment. A few grains of iodine placed in a flask may be sublimed at a very gentle heat, and afford a magnificent violet vapour, which can be poured out of the flask into a warm bottle. If the bottle is cold the iodine condenses in minute and brilliant crystals. (Fig. 136.) Second Experiment. Upon a thin slice of phosphorus place a few small particles of ioSine ; the heat pro- duced by the combination or the two ele- Cold flask above to receive the ments soon causes the phosphorus to take y a P r - op. Sheet of cardboard to cut off the heat from the spirit "*. lamp. Third Experiment. Heat a brick, and then throw upon it a few grains of iodine ; by holding a. sheet of white paper behind, the spleadid violet colour of the vapour is seen to great advantage. It was by the discovery of iodine in the ashes of sponge which had long been used as a remedy for goitre, a remarkable glandular swelling that this element began to be used for medical purposes, and the important salt called iodide of potassium is now used in large quantities, not only in medicine, bat likewise for that most fascinating art, which has made its way steadily, and is now practised so extensively, under the name of photography. 138 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. THE ART 01 PHOTOGRAPHY. It was the great George Stephenson who asked the late Dean Buckland the posing question, " Can you tell me what is the power that is driving that train ?" alluding to a train which happened to be passing at the moment. The learned dean answered, "1 suppose it is one of your big engines." "But what drives the engine?" "Oh, very likely a canny Newcastle driver." " What do you say to the light of the sun ?" "How can that be?" asked Buckland. "It is nothing else," said Stephenson. " It is light bottled up in the earth for tens of thousands of years ; light, absorbed by plants and vegetables, being necessary for the condensation of carbon during the process of their growth, if "it be not carbon in another form ; and now, after being buried in the earth for long ages in fields of coal, that latent light is again brought forth and liberated, made to work as in that locomotive for great human purposes." Such was the opinion of the most original and practical man that ever reasoned on philosophy ; and could he have lived to realize the thorough adaptation and business use of light in the art of photography, he would have said, man is only imitating nature, and in producing photographs he must employ the same agent which in ages past assisted to produce the coal. In another part of this elementary work we shall have to consider the nature of light; here, however, the chemical part only of the process of photography will be discussed. Many years ago (in the year 1777) Jenny Lind's most learned countryman, Scheele, discovered that a substance termed chloride of silver, obtained by precipitating a solution of chloride of silver with one of salt, blackened much sooner in the violet rays than in any other part of the spectrum. He says, " Fix a glass prism at the window, and let the refracted sunbeams fall on the floor ; in this coloured light put a paper strewed with luna cornua (horn silver or chloride of silver), and you will observe that this horn silver grows sooner black in the violet ray than in any of the other rays." In 1779, Priestley directed especial attention to the action of light on plants ; and the famous Saussure, following up these and other experi- ments, determined that the carbonic acid of plants was more generally decomposed into carbon and oxygen in the blue rays of the spectrum ; these facts probably suggested the bold theory of Stephenson already alluded to. Passing by the intermediate steps of photography, we come to the second year of the present century, and find in the Journal of the Royal Institution a paper by Wedgwood, entitled " An Account of a Method of Copying Paintings upon Glass, and of making Profiles, by the Agency of Light upon Nitrate of Silver ; with observations, by H. Davy." Such a paper would lead the reader to suppose that very little remained to be effected, and that mere details would quickly establish the art ; but in this case the experimentalists were doomed to THE ART OP PHOTOGRAPHY. 130 disappointment, as, after producing their photographs, they could not make them permanent ; they had not yet discovered the means of fixing the pictures. Nearly fourteen years elapsed, when the subject was again taken up by Niepce, of Chalons, with little success, so far as the fixing was concerned ; and twenty-seven years had passed away since the experiments of Wedgwood and Davy, when, in 1829, Niepce and Daguerre executed a deed of co-partnership for mutually investigating the matter. These names would suggest a rapid progress ; but, strange to relate, ten years again rolled away, the father Niepce had in the meantime died, and a new contract was made between the son and M. Daguerre, when, in January, 1839, the famous discovery was made known to the world, and in July of the same year the French Govern- ment granted a pension for life of six thousand francs to Daguerre, and four thousand to the son of Niepce, who had so worthily continued the experiments commenced by his father. The triumph of the indus- trious French experimentalists was not, however, to be unique ; across the Channel another patient and laborious philosopher had completed on paper precisely the same kind of results as those obtained by Daguerre on silver plates. Mr. Fox Talbot, in England, had immortalized himself by a discovery which was at once called the Talbotvpe, and for which a patent was secured in 1841. Having thus hastily sketched a brief history of the art, we may now proceed to the details of the process. First Experiment. A. photogenic drawing, so called, but now termed a positive copy, is prepared by placing some carefully selected paper, which is free from spots or inequalities (good paper is now made by several English manu- facturers, although some kinds of French paper, such as Cansan's, are in high repute), in a square white hard porcelain dish containing a solution of common salt in distilled water, 109 grains of salt to the pint. The paper is steeped in this solution for ten minutes, and then taken out and pressed in a clean wooden press, or it should be dabbed dry on a clean flat surface with a clean piece of white calico, which may be kept specially for this duty and not used for anything else, and it is well that all would-be photographers should understand that neatness and cleanli- ness are perfectly indispensable in conducting these processes. If a design were required for the armorial bearings of the art of photo- graphy, it might certainly be most fanciful, but the motto must be cleanliness and neatness, and in preparing paper it should not be unne- cessarily handled, but lifted by the corners only. The object of dabbing the paper is to prevent the salt accumulating in large quantities in one part of the paper and the reverse in another, and to distribute the salt equally through the whole. The paper being now dried, is called salted paper, and is rendered sensitive when required by laying it down on a solution of ammpnio-nitrate of silver, prepared by adding ammonia to a solution containing sixty grains of nitrate of silver to the ounce of dis- tilled water, until the whole of the oxide of silver is re-dissolved, except 140 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. a very small portion. A few drops of nitric acid are also recom- mended to be added, and after allowing the solution to stand, it may be poured off quite clear, and is ready for use either in the bath, or if economy must be rigidly adhered to, the salted paper may be laid flat on a board, and held in its place with four pins at the corners, and then just enough to wet the surface of the paper may be run along the side of a glass spreader, and the liquid gently drawn over the surface of the Fig. 137. A. The glass spreader with cork handle. B. The silver solution clinging to rod and paper by capillary attraction, c c c c. Four pins holding down the paper on a board. N.B. The spreader is made of glass rod three-eighths thick. salted paper, which is allowed to dry on a flat surface for a few minutes, and afterwards hung up by one corner to a piece of tape stretched across the room, until quite dry, and then placed in a blotting-book fitting into a case which completely excludes the light. Copying-paper should be made at night, as the day is then free for all photographic operations requiring an abundance of light. It will not keep long, and should be used the next day. A piece of lace, a skeleton leaf, a sharp engraving on thin paper, and above all things, a negative photograph on glass or paper, is easily copied by placing the prepared paper with the prepared side (carefully protected from the light) upwards on any flat surface, such as plate glass; upon this is arranged the bit of lace or the negative photograph with the face or picture downwards, another bit of plate glass is then placed over it, and weights arranged at the corners ; after exposure to the sun's rays for thirty minutes, more or less (according to the dullness or bright aspect of the day), the picture is brought into a dark room and examined oy the light of a candle or by the light from a window covered with yellow calico, and after placing a paper weight on one corner of the lace, or PHOTOGRAPHIC MANIPULATIONS. 141 negative picture, or copying paper, it may be carefully lifted in one part, and if the copy is sufficiently dark, is ready for fixing, but if it is faint the lifted corner is carefully replaced, the upper glass is laid on, and the picture again exposed to the light. Should the position of the lace or negative be changed during the examination, re-exposure is use- less, and would only produce a double and confused picture, as it would be impossible to lay the lace or the negative exactly in the same place again on the copying paper. The manipulations just de- scribed are much facilitated by using a copying-frame or press, which consists of a square woodenframe with a thick plate- glass window; upon this are placed the negative picture and the copying paper, and the two are brought in close contact by- means of a board at the back Pressed by a hand-screw. (Fig. 38.) After the photogenic drawing or positive copy is taken, it is fixed by being placed in a solution of hyposulphite of soda consisting of one fluid Ounce ot saturated solution to and is of course the part exposed to the light. eight of water. The saturated solution of hyposulphite of soda is conveniently kept in a large bottle for use, and in order to improve the colour a very little chloride of gold is added to the fixing solution, the picture must now be thoroughly washed, dried, and pressed. Another mode of preparing the copying paper, called albumen paper, is to take the whites of four eggs, and four ounces of distilled water containing one hundred and sixty grains of chloride of ammonium; these are beaten up with a fork or a bundle of feathers, and as the froth is produced it is skimmed off by a silver spoon into another basin, or a beaker glass, and being allowed to settle for twelve hours it is strained through fine muslin, and is ready for use. The best paper is floated on the surface of this liquid for three minutes, taken out, and dried at once on a hot plate. In floating paper one corner is first laid down, and care taken not to enclose any air bubbles, which would prevent the fluid wetting the paper, whilst the remainder of the paper is slowly laid upon the surface of the fluid. The albumen paper is excited by laying it for five minutes on a solution of nitrate of silver, seventy-two grains to the ounce of water, 142 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. and when dry it will keep for three days. This copying paper is used in the same manner as the last, and fresh eggs only must be used in its preparation, because stale ones soon cause the copy to change and blacken all over from the liberation of sulphur, which unites with the silver. The colour of the copy is sometimes improved by a solution of hot potash, and by dipping the well-washed picture, after the use of the hyposulphite of soda, in a very dilute solution of hydrosulphuret of ammonia. Third Experiment. In the Daguerreotype process, a silver plate, after being thoroughly cleaned and polished, is exposed to the vapour of iodine, and is thus rendered so sensitive that it may be at once exposed in the camera. In the Talbotype process, the same principle is apparent, and paper is prepared by first covering its surface with iodide of silver, which is afterwards rendered sensitive to the action of light by means of au excess of nitrate of silver, as follows : One side of a sheet of selected Cansan's paper is first covered (by means of a spreader) with a solution of nitrate of silver (thirty grains to the ounce of water), hung up in a dark room and dried; it is then immersed in a solution of iodide of potassium of five hundred grains to a pint of distilled water, for five or ten minutes, and immediately changes, to a yellow colour in consequence of the pre- cipitation of the yellow iodide of silver ; it is then well washed with plenty of water, and being dried, may be kept for any length of time, and is called " iodized paper." Light has no action whatever upon it. To render the paper sensitive, three solutions are prepared in separate bottles, and marked 1, 2, 3. No. 1, contains a solution of nitrate of silver, fifty grains to the ounce of water. No. 2, glacial acetic acid. No. 3, a saturated solution of gallic acid. With respect to No. 3, Mr. William Crookes has shown, that when a saturated solution of gallic acid is required in large quantities, that it is better to dissolve at once two ounces of gallic aciu in six ounces of alcohol (60 over proof) ; to hasten solution, the flask may be con- veniently heated by immersion in hot water ; when cold it should be filtered, mixed with half a drachm of glacial acetic acid, and preserved in a stoppered bottle for use ; so prepared it will keep unaltered for a considerable length of time. The gallic acid is not precipitated from this solution by the addition of water ; consequently, if in any case desirable, the development of a picture may be effected with a much stronger bath than the one usually employed. To obtain a solution of about the same strength as a saturated aqueous solution, such as No. 3, half a drachm of the alcoholic solution is mixed with two ounces of water ; but for my particular purpose, says Mr. Crookes, referring to the wax-paper process, " I prefer a weaker bath, which is prepared by mixing half a drachm with ten ounces of water." In either case it PHOTOGRAPHIC MANIPULATIONS. 143 will be found necessary to add solution of nitrate of silver in small quantities, as the developing picture seems to require it. Returning again to the solutions marked 1, 2, 3, the numbers will assist the memory in mixing the proportions of each. If the paper is required to be used at once, a drachm of each may be mixed to- gether and spread over the iodized paper (of course, in a dark room), which is then transferred to a clean blotting-book of white bibulous paper, and being placed in the paper-holder may be taken to the camera ami exposed at once. If the paper is not required to be used imme- diately, the solutions are mixed in the proportions of the numbers viz., one of No. 1, two of No. 2, three of No. 3 ; and in making the mixture, it is advisable to keep a measure specially for No. 3, the gallic acid, or else the measure, if used for the three solutions, will have to be washed out every time, which is very troublesome, particularly where water is not plentiful. If the excited paper is required to be kept some hours before use, No. 3 must be added in still larger proportion, as much as ten or even twenty measures of No. 3 to two of No. 2, and one of No. 1, being used, and even this large dilution is frequently insufficient to prevent the paper spoiling in hot weather; therefore if the temperature is high, too much reliance must not be placed on this paper, as it is peculiarly disappointing, after walking some miles to romantic and beautiful scenery, to find, when developing the pictures in the evening, that the paper used was all spoilt before exposure ; and it will be seen presently that when the excited paper is to be carried about for use, it is better to adopt the wax-paper process. After the excited iodized paper is exposed in the camera and the time of exposure cannot be taught, as that speciality is only acquired by experience, and may vary from five to thirty minutes, or even more the invisible picture is developed and rendered visible, not by exposure to the vapour of mercury, as in Daguerre's process with silver plates, but by a mixture of one of No. 1 with four of No. 3. The development is carefully watched by looking through the negative placed before a lighted candle, and the time of development may vary from ten to thirty minutes, and all the time the picture must be kept wet with the solution, so that it is better perhaps to make a bath of the solution and lay the picture on its surface than to pour the liquid over the picture. After the development is matured, the picture is now washed in clean water, and fixed temporarily, if required, by immersion in a bath containing 200 grains of bromide of potassium in one pint of water, or permanently by the hyposulphite of soda, made by mixing one part of a saturated solution with five or ten of water, or one ounce of the salt to six or twelve of water ; but, as before mentioned, it is better to keep a Winchester quart full of a saturated solution of hyposulphite of soda, and then it is always ready for use instead of employing the weights and scales, and continually weighing out portions of the salt. The picture after fixing is thoroughly washed with water, and being 144 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. dried is now placed between the folds of a wax book i.e., some leaves of blotting-paper are kept saturated with white wax, and when a picture is placed between them, and a hot iron passed over the outside sheet, the wax enters the pores of the paper, and after removing any excess of wax by passing the picture through a book of bibulous paper, over which the hot flat iron is passed, the negative picture at last is ready for use, and any number of positive copies may be taken from it, as already described in the first experiment, page 139. This mode of manipulation is called the Talbotype, and before dismissing the subject another process of iodizing the paper may be explained. To a solution of nitrate of silver of twenty, thirty, or fifty grains to the ounce of water, a sufficient number of the crystals of iodide of potassium is added, first to produce the yellow iodide of silver, and then to dissolve it, so that the yellow precipitate appears with a small quantity, and disappears with an excess of the iodide. If this solution is spread over sheets of paper, and these latter then placed in a bath of water, the iodide of silver is precipitated on the surface, and after plenty of washing to remove the excess of iodide of potassium, the paper may be dried, and will keep for any length of time without change. This paper may be excited, exposed, developed, fixed, and waxed, as already explained. Fourth Experiment. The Wax-paper Process. This mode of taking negative photographs begins where the talbo- type ends viz., by first waxing the paper perfectly and evenly, as already explained, Cansan's negative paper being preferred. The wax paper is now well soaked in a bath, made by dissolving one hundred grains of iodide of potassium, six grains of cyanide of potassium, four grains of fluoride of potassium, ten grains of bromide of potassium, ten grains of chloride of sodium, in one pint of fresh whey, with the addition of a little alcohol and a few grains of iodine. When soaked in this solution for about one hour, the paper is taken out and hung up to dry. N.B. With respect to iodizing the wax paper, it is almost better to obtain it ready prepared, and then every sheet may be relied on. Mr. Melhuish, of Blackheath and Holborn, supplies it in any quantity, and his paper never fails; the operator has then only to perform the sensi- tizing and developing processes. To render the iodized paper sensitive it is immersed for about six minutes in a bath containing a solution of nitrate of silver (thirty-five grains to the ounce of water, with forty drops of glacial acetic acid); the paper is now removed, and washed in two trays of common clear rain-water or distilled water, and is then dried off between folds of blotting-paper. This process may be performed on the previous evening by the light of a candle, or by day in a room lit by one window covered with four thicknesses of yellow calico, and after the paper is dry it will keep for three PHOTOGRAPHIC MANIPULATIONS. 145 weeks or a month, and may be exposed in a camera with a three-inch lens of eighteen-inch focus, with the inch diaphragm, on a bright day from five to fifteen minutes ; in bad weather the exposure must be longer. The picture may be carried home and rendered visible or developed by immersion in a bath containing a saturated solution of gallic acid, and as the developing continues, a few drops of the sensitizing solution of nitrate of silver and glacial acetic acid may be added. Finally, the Eicture is fixed by immersion for a quarter of an hour in a solution of yposulphite of soda (four ounces of the crystal to one pint of water, or one part of the saturated solution to eight of water), and being well washed, is then dried, hung before the fire to melt the wax, and is now ready to print from. Fifth Experiment. Albumen on Glass Process. Albumen is the scientific name for the white of egg, of which four ounces by measure are mixed with one ounce and a half of distilled water, and after being whisked to a froth, are removed by a spoon into another basin or a beaker glass, and allowed to stand for several hours and then filtered. Mr. Crookes has recommended a very ingenious, simple, and useful ^ filter. (Fig. 139.) He says : " This simple and inexpensive piece of apparatus, which any instru- ment maker or glass-blower can supply at a few hours' notice, will be found in- valuable in almost every photographic process on glass. The sponge has this great advantage over all other kinds of filters, that thick gelatinous liquids phoney, albumen,gelatme,meta-gela- tine, or the various preservative syrups squeezed into the head of the tube, flow through it with the utmost readi- ny liquid poured in at B will flow i ., , & , ., ,. i , . through the sponge until it has at- ness ; whilst at the same time dust, air tained the same level in A. bubbles, or froth, and dried particles floating iii the liquid, are effectually kept back, and if fitted with stop- pers, collodion might be filtered in it ; or if the ends were fitted together with a bit of flexible pipe, the stoppers might be dispensed with altogether. Having poured the albumen on a perfectly clean glass plate, taking care to have sufficient to run freely over the surface of the glass, the excess is then gently drained off and the plate turned so as to have the coated side downwards ; it is then fixed in a sline^ made by taking a stout bit of string about three feet long, which is doubled and knotted at the fold, leaving the two ends free ; two small triangles or stirrups of silver wire looped at one corner are now tied on to the ends of the string, and these form a support for the opposite edges of the glass plate to rest on ; the two strings are knotted together at a H6 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Fig. 140. A. Loop for finger. B. The knot which prevents the stirrups of silver wire, c c, slipping off the corners of the glass plate. D D. The opposite corners of the glass plate on which the stirrups are placed. Fig. 141. A A. Tin box, with partitions to hold glass plates. B B. The outer jacket, be- tween which and the boz, A, the lid or cover, c, slides. convenient distance from the stirrups to prevent the glass slip- ping out, and the plate is now rotated rapidly over a heated me- tallic surface, such as an iron box containing some burning charcoal or the warming pan, care being taken to avoid dust as much as possible, and to use only the whites of new-laid eggs. (Tig. 140.) The glass plate, co- vered with dry albumen, is now iodized to a straw colour by ex- posure over a box containing iodine, as in the Daguerreotype process, and is sensitized by im- mersion for three or four minutes in a bath containing a solution of nitrate of silver (twenty -five grains to an ounce of water) ; the plate is afterwards washed in distilled water and left to dry spontaneously, of course in a darkened room. The plates may then be placed ready for use in a very ingenious tin box devised by Mr. Crookes, which keeps them perfectly light-tight even in the sun, and at the same time is less bulky than the ordinary wooden ones. It is made of tin plate, the cover sliding tight over the top, and more than half way down the sides; light is further ex- cluded by means of an outer jacket of tin, which is soldered to the box a little below the centre. The cover thus slides between the case and the jacket, and renders injury to the plates by the entrance of light an im- possibility. (Tig. 141.) The sensitive albumenized glass plate is exposed in the camera from fifteen to thirty minutes, and developed (much in the same way as the paper pic- tures) with one ounce oi a satu- PHOTOGRAPHIC MANIPULATIONS. 14.7 rated solution of gallic acid containing ten or fifteen drops of the sen- sitizing solntion. The plate is usually placed on a levelling stand, and the solution poured on the glass plate ; the development is slow, and may be quickened sometimes by the application of heat. The picture is fixed by immersion for a short time in a bath con- taining one part of a saturated solution of hyposulphite of soda in eight of water. The pictures produced by this process are exquisitely denned, provided always the camera is well focussed, and to assist .this operation a magnifying glass may be employed. After removal from the hyposulphite of soda the plate is well washed with water, and being allowed to dry spontaneously, is now ready to print from. Sixth Experiment. Tfie Collodion on Glass Process. The glass plates for this, as well as the albumen on glass process, should be cleaned by rubbing them over first with a mixture of Tripoli powder and ammonia, which is washed off under a tap, and the glass being drained is rubbed dry and polished with a clean calico duster kept exclusively for this purpose. The iodized collodion is now poured on, and the excess re- turned to the bottle. Collodion can be made very easily, but if prepared without due precautions, it cannot be used afterwards, and reminds one of the old story of the enthusiastic son, who, when asking his father's permission to espouse the beloved, enumerated amongst her other ac- complishments, the fact that she could make a pudding, and was answered by the bluff question, " But can you eat it afterwards ?" So it is with collodion : a great deal of messing and loss of time is saved by purchasing it of the various makers, amongst whom may be specially noticed Mr. Richard Thomas, of 10, rail Mall, who has devoted the whole of his attention to the preparation of this important photographic chemical, and with a success which his numerous patrons can well testify. The collodion is sold either mixed with the iodizing solution, or the two can be obtained separately, with direc- tions on the bottles as to the quantities to be mixed together. The plate covered with the iodized collodion is quickly transferred to a bath containing a solution prepared in the following manner : Dissolve four ounces of nitrate of silver in eight ounces of water, and to this add twenty grains of iodide of potassium in one ounce of water ; shake them together, and then pour the whole into fifty-six ounces of distilled water, and in half an hour add one ounce of alcohol and half an ounce of ether ; agitate the whole and filter the next morning. The collodion plate is kept in this solution for ?, certain period, only learnt by experience, and should be occasionally lifted out to see if a uniform transparency is obtained ; say that the immersion may be continued for five minutes, it is now ready for the camera, and may be exposed from about one to two minutes, or more if the light is deficient ; the time of exposure is also a matter of practice, mere directions can be of no use in this stage of the process. The picture is developed on a levelled stand, with a solution of three L2 148 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Fig. 142. A. Glass or gutta-percha bath to hold the sensitizing solution. B. Glass, with piece cemented on the end to hold the prepared glass plate, c, whilst dipped in the bath, A. The plate c has a cross in one corner to show prepared side. grains of pyrogallic acid in three ounces of water, to which sixty drops of glacial acetic acid have been added. When fully deve- loped the plate is washed with water and fixed with a solution of hyposulphite of soda, consist- ing of one part of the saturated solution to eight of water, again thoroughly but gently washed, so as not to endanger the sepa- ration of the film from the glass ; it is allowed to dry spontaneously, and being coated with amber var- nish (a solution of amber in chlo- roform) is now ready to print from. (Fig. 123.) It is, perhaps, hardly necessary to add, that the sensitizing and developing pro- ared cesses must be performed in a dark room. Fig. 143. First effect of peripatetic photography on the rural population. CHEMISTRY. 149 BUOMINE. Bromine Opoofio?, a bad odour). Symbol, Br. Combining propor- tion, 80. Specific gravity, 2'966. In a previous portion of this work, the connexion between chlorine, iodine, and bromine has been pointed out ; and as we have to notice the colour of the element bromine, the chromatic union of the triad may be alluded to. These elements present very nearly all the colours of the spectrum : Bromine red to orange. Chlorine yellow to green. Iodine blue, indigo, violet. These three elements also furnish examples of the three conditions of matter; iodine being a solid, bromine a. fluid, chlorine a gas; the relation of their combining proportions is also curious : as might be ex- pected, the fluid bromine takes an intermediate position, and (according to the axiom that half the sum of the extremes is equal to the mean) by dividing the combining proportions of iodine and chlorine, and adding them together, we nave, as nearly as possible, the combining proportion of bromine : Chlorine 35 ~ 2 = 17'75 Iodine 126 ~ 2 = 63 80-75 The combining proportion of bromine is 80, but 80'75 is so near, that it may reasonably be conjectured future experiments will reduce the number of the three elements, and may prove that they are only modifi- cations of a single one. This is the only kind of alchemy which is tolerated in the nineteenth century, and any philosopher who will reduce the number of elements, and prove that some of them are only modi- fications of others, will achieve a renown that must transcend the eclat of all previous discoverers. Bromine was discovered by Balard, in 1826, and, like chlorine and iodine, is a constituent of sea water. The chief source of bromine is a mineral spring at Kreutznach, in Germany. The process by which it is obtained offers a good example of chemical affinity ; the water of the mineral spring is evaporated, alt crvstallizable salts removed, and a current of chlorine gas passed through the remaining solution, which changes to a yellow colour, in consequence of the liberation of the bromine by the combinations of chlorine with the bases previously united with the former ; the liquid is then shaken with ether, which dissolves out the bromine. In the next place, the etherial solution is agitated with strong solution of potassa, and is thus obliged to part with the bromine^ which is converted into bromate of potassa ; this is ultimately changed by fusion to bromide of potassium ; and by distillation with black oxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, the bromine is finally obtained. Six 150 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. processes are therefore necessary before the small quantity of bromine contained in the mineral spring-water, is separated. First Experiment. Bromine is a very heavy fluid, which should be preserved by keeping it in a bottle covered with water ; when required, a few drops may be removed by means of a small tube, and dropped into a warm bottle, which is quickly filled with the orange-red vapour. If some phosphorus is placed in a deflagrating spoon, and exposed to the action of bromine vapour, it takes fire spontaneously. Second Experiment. Powdered antimony sprinkled into the vapour of bromine immediately takes fire. Third Experiment. A burning taper immersed in a bottle containing the vapour of bromine is gradually extinguished. Fourth Experiment. Liquid bromine exposed to a freezing mixture of ice and salt, or reduced to a temperature of about eight degrees below zero, solidifies into a yellowish-brown, brittle, crystalline mass. Fifth Experiment. A solution of indigo shaken' with a small quantity of the vapour of bromine is quicklv bleached. Many substances, when brought in contact with liquid bromine, combine with explosive violence, and therefore experiments with liquid bromine are not recommended, as all the most instructive and conclusive results can be obtained by the use of the vapour of bromine, which is easily procured by allowing a few drops to fall' into a warm, dry bottle. Bromine, as already mentioned, is used in the art of photography. FLTJOEINE. Symbol, F. Combining proportion, 19. This singular element seems almost to embody the ancient idea of the alchemists, being a sort of alkahest, or universal solvent ; or in plainer language, its affinities for other bodies are so powerful, that it attacks every substance (not even excepting gold), at the moment of its liberation, and combines therewith, so that its isolation has not yet been effected. Chemists who assert that they have been able to obtain fluorine in the elementary condition, pronounce it to be a gas which possesses the colour of chlorine ; but the experiments, as hitherto conducted, render that statement extremely doubtful. ETCHING ON GLASS. 151 The only interesting fact connected with fluorine, is the remarkable property of attacking glass and other silicious bodies, belonging to its combination with hydrogen gas, called hydrofluoric acid. This acid is easily obtained and used by placing some powdered fluorspar in a leaden tray six inches square and two inches deep. If sulphuric acid is now mixed with the powdered spar, so as to form a thin paste, and heat applied, the vapour of the hydrofluoric acid quickly rises, and can be employed to etch a glass plate upon which a drawing may have been previously traced by scratching away the wax, with which it is first coated. By heating the glass plate before a fire, a sufficient quantity of wax is soon melted on to it by merely rubbing the wax against the glass j>late ; any excess should be avoided, if a well-executed drawing is required to be etched on its surface. (Fig.' 144.) Fig. 144. A A A. The glass plate, with the waxed side downwards, placed on the leaden tray containing the fluorspar and sulphuric acid. u. Spirit lamp. The wax plate must not remain too long over the leaden tray, as the heat is apt to melt the wax, when the acid not only attacks those parts from which the wax has been removed by the etching needle, but also the surface of the glass generally, and thus the clearness of the design is spoilt. After exposure and it is as well to prepare two or three glass plates for the experiment the wax is quickly removed by rubbing and washing with oil of turpentine, and the design (beautifully etched into the glass) is then apparent. CHAPTER XII. CARBON, BORON, SILICON, SELENIUM, SULPHUR, PHOSPHORUS. THIS group of non-metallic elements has been frequently styled " Metalloids," meaning substances allied to, but not possessing, all the properties belonging to a metallic substance; and therefore perhaps the expression, non-metallic solids, is the best that can be adopted. They may be subdivided into two classes of three each, which have properties more or less allied to each other viz., Carbon, Boron, Silicon; and Selenium, Sulphur, Phosphorus. 152 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. CARBON. Symbol, C ; Combining Proportion, 6. This element has almost the property of ubiquity, and is to be found not only in all animal and vegetable substances, in common air, sea, and fresh water, but also in various stones and minerals, and especially in chalk and limestone. There is, perhaps, no element which oifers a greater variety of amusing experiments and elementary facts than carbon, whether it be considered either in its simple or combined state. A piece of carbon, in the shape of the Koh-i-Noor, was one of the chief attractions at the first Exhibition in Hyde Park. The diamond is the hardest and most beautiful form of charcoal ; how it was made in the great laboratory of nature, or how its particles came together, seems to be a mystery which up to the present time has not yet been solved, at all events no artificial process has yet produced the diamond. Sir D. Brewster, speaking of the Koh-i-Noor, remarks that on placing it under a microscope, he observed several minute cavities surrounded with sectors of polarized light, which could only have been produced by the expansive action of a compressed gas or fluid, that had existed in the cavities when the diamond was in the soft state. Now it is known that bamboo, which is of a highly silicious nature, has the property of depositing in its joints a peculiar form of silica, called tabasheer. Silicon is one of the triad with carbon i.e., it is allied to carbon on account of certain analogies ; may it not then be supposed that, in times gone by, ages past, when the atmosphere was known to be highly charged with carbonic acid gas, there might possibly have existed some peculiar tree which had not only the power of decomposing carbonic acid (possessed by all plants at the present period), but was enabled, like the bamboo, to deposit, not silica, which is the oxide of, silicium, but carbon, the purest form of charcoal viz., the diamond ? Speculation in these matters is ever more rife than stern proof, and it may be stated, that all attempts to manufacture this precious gem (like those of the alchemists with gold and silver) have most signally failed. First Experiment. Box and various woods, dried bones, and different organic matters, placed in a nearly close iron or other vessel, and heated red hot, so that all volatile matter may escape, leave behind a solid black substance called charcoal. If that kind obtained from bones, and termed bone black or ivory black, is roughly powdered, and placed in a flask with some solu- tion of indigo or some vinegar, or syrup obtained by dissolving common moist sugar in water, and boiled for a short period, the colour is re- moved, and on filtering the liquid it is found to be as clear and colour- less as water, provided sufficient ivory black has been employed. COMBUSTION OP THE DIAMOND. 153 Second Experiment. Charcoal is a disinfectant, and is used for respirators ; it has even been recommended medically, and charcoal lozenges can be bought at various chemists' shops. If a few drops of a strong solution of hydrosulphuret of ammonia (which has the agreeable odour belonging to putrid eggs) is mixed with half a pint of water, it will of course smell strongly, and likewise precipitate Goulard water, or a solution of acetate ol lead black ; but on shaking the water with a few ounces of charcoal, it no longer smells of sulphuretted hydrogen, and if filtered and poured into a solution of lead does not turn it black. This chemical action of charcoal, independent of its seeming mechanical attraction for colouriog matter, would appear to show that the pores of charcoal contain oxygen, which in that peculiar condensed state destroys colouring matter, and oxidizes other bodies. Third Experiment. A very satisfactory experiment, proving that the diamond and plum- bago or black lead are identical with charcoal, although differing in outward form and purity, can be made at a little cost, by purchasing a fragment of refuse diamond, called "boart," of Mr. Tennant of the Strand. A small piece costs about five shillings. The fragment should be carefully supported by winding some thin platinum wire round it, as, if the wire is too thick, it cools down the heat of the bit of diamond and prevents it kindling in the oxygen gas. A difficulty may arise in preparing the fragment, in consequence of the wire continually slipping off. The " boart" should there- fore be grasped by the thumb and first finger, and the wire wound round ; then it must be carefully turned and again wound across with the platinum wire, as in the sketch below. (Fig. 145.) A piece of black lead (so called) may now be taken from a lead pencil and also supported by platinum wire ; likewise a bit of common bark charcoal or hard coke. Three bottles of oxygen should now be pre- pared from chlorate of potash and oxide of manga- nese, an extra bottle being provided for the diamond or^B^amondT in case there should be any failure in its ignition. The bark charcoal can be first ignited by holding a corner in the spirit lamp for a few seconds ; when plunged into oxygen it immediately kindles and burns with rapidity, and if the cork is well fitted, the product of combustion viz., carbonic acid gas is retained for future examination. The small piece of black lead is next heated red hot in the flame of the spirit lamp, and being attached by its platinum sup- port to a stiff copper wire thrust through a cork, which fits the bottle of oxygen, is placed whilst red hot in the gas, and continues to glow until consumed. The fragment of diamond is by no means, however so Pig. 146. i. The 154 BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. easily ignited, the flame of the spirit lamp must be urged upon it with the blowpipe ; when quite red hot, an assistant may remove the stopper from the bottle of oxygen, and the person heating the diamond should plunge it instantly into the gas ; if this is dexterously managed, the fragment of boart glows like a little star, and the combustion frequently continues till the piece diminishes so much that it falls out of its platinum support. Sometimes the diamond cools down without igniting, the same pro- cess must therefore be repeated, and a few extra bottles of oxygen will prevent disappointment, as every failure destroys the purity of the 'as by admixture with atmospheric air when the stopper is removed. Fig. 146.) Fig. 146. Bottle containing bark charcoal. B. Ditto the plumbago or black lead. c. Ditto the diamond. The combustion having ceased in the three bottles, the corks are removed, and the glass stoppers again fitted for the purpose of testing the products, which offer no apparent indication of any change, as oxygen and carbonic acid gas are both invisible. In each bottle a new com- bination has been produced ; the charcoal, the black lead, the diamond have united with the oxygen, in the proportion of six parts of carbon to sixteen parts of oxygen, to form twenty-two parts of carbonic acid gas, which may be easily detected by pouring into each bottle a small quan- tity of a solution of slacked lime in water, called lime water. This test is easily made by shaking up common slacked lime with rain or distilled water for about an hour, and then passing it through a calico or paper filter. The test, though perfectly clear when poured in, be- comes immediately clouded with a white precipitate, usually termed a milkiness, no doubt in allusion to the London milk, which is supposed to contain a notable proportion of chalk and water, for in this case the precipitate is chalk, the carbonic acid from the diamond and the charcoal having united with the lime held in solution by the water and formed carbonate of lime, or chalk, a substance similar in composition to marble, limestone, Iceland or double refracting spar, these three being la early similar in composition, and differing only, like carbon and the diamond, in external appearance. PREPARATION OF CARBONIC ACID GA.S. 155 The milkiness, however, must not be held as conclusive of the pre- sence of carbonic acid gas until a little vinegar or other acid, such as hydrochloric or nitric, has been finally added; if it now disappears with effervescence (like the admixture of tartaric acid, water, and car- bonate of soda), the little bubbles of carbonic acid gas again escaping slowly upwards, leaving the liquid in the three bottles quite clear, then the experimentalist may sum up his labours with these effects, which prove in the most decisive manner that common charcoal, black lead, and the diamond, are formed of one and the same element viz., carbon. Fourth Experiment. Having effected the synthesis (or combining together) of the diamond and oxygen, it is no longer possible to recover it in its brilliant and beautiful form. If the product of combustion is retained in a flask made of thin, hard glass, and two or three pellets of the metal potassium are placed in directly after the diamond has ceased to burn, and the flame of a spirit lamp applied till the potassium ignites, then the metal, by its great affinity for oxygen, takes away and separates it again from that which was formerly the diamond ; but instead of the jewel being deposited, there is nothing but black, shapeless, and minute particles of carbon obtained, if the potash produced is dissolved in water, and the charcoal separated by a filter. Fifth Experiment. Chalk is made by uniting carbonic acid gas with lime ; it may there- fore be employed as a source of the gas, by placing a few lumps of chalk, or marble, or limestone, in a bottle such as was used in the gene- ration of hydrogen gas ; on the addition of some water and hydrochloric acid, effervescence takes place from the escape of carbonic acid gas, and the cork and pewter pipe being adapted, it may be conveyed by its own gravity into glasses, jugs, or any other vessels, and a pneumatic trough will not be required. Carbonic acid gas has a specific gravity of 1'529, and is therefore rather more than half as heavy again as atmospheric air. Sixth Experiment. In order to satisfy the mind of the operator that the gas obtained from chalk is similar to the product of combustion from the diamond, some lime-water may be placed in a glass, and the gas from the bottle allowed to bubble through it ; instantly the same milkiness is apparent, which again vanishes on the addition of acid. And this experiment is rendered still more striking if a lighted taper be placed in the glass just after the addition of the acid, when it will be immediately extinguished. Seventh Experiment. If a lady's muff-box, supported by threads or chains, is hung on one end of a scale-beam, and counterbalanced by a scale pan and a few shot, it is 156 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. immediately depressed on pouring into the muff-box a quantity of car- bonic acid gas, which may have been previously collected in a large tin vessel. After showing the weight of the gas, the box is detached from the scale-beam, and the contents poured upon a series of lighted candles, which are all extinguished in succession. (Fig. 147.) Fig. 147. A. Carbonic acid gas poured out of the tin box into B, the muff-box. B B. Detached muff-box, and candles extinguished by the carbonic acid gas poured from it. Eighth Experiment. The property of carbonic acid gas of extinguishing flame, as com- pared with the contrary property of oxygen, is nicely shown by first passing into a large and tall gas jar one half of its volume of oxygen gas; a large cork perforated with holes may be introduced, so as to float upon the surface of the water in the gas jar, and is usefully employed to break the violence with which the carbonic acid enters the gas jar, as it is passed in to fill up the remaining half volume of the gas lar, which now contains oxygen at the top, and carbonic acid gas at the bottom. On testing the, contents of the jar with a lighted taper, it burns fiercely in the oxygen, but is immediately extinguished in the EXPERIMENTS WITH CAEBONIC ACID GAS. 157 carbonic acid gas, being alternately lighted and put out as it is raised or depressed in the gas jar. Ninth Experiment. A little treacle, water, and a minute portion of size, may be placed with some yea,st in a quart bottle, to which a cork and pewter or glass pipe is attached; directly the fermentation begins, quantities of car- oonic acid gas may be collected, and tested either with lime-water or the lighted taper. Tenth Experiment. Some clear lime-water placed in a convenient glass is quickly rendered milky on passing through it the air from the lungs by means of a glass tube; thus proving that respiration and (as shown by the ninth ex- periment) fermentation, as well as the combustion of charcoal, produce carbonic acid gas. Eleventh Experiment. Qarbonic acid gas is not only generated by the above processes, but is liberated naturally in enormous quantities from volcanoes, and from certain soils : hence the peculiar nature of the air in the Grotto del Cane. Dogs thrust into this cave drop down immediately, and are immediately revived by the tender mercies of the guides, who throw them into the adjoining lake. This natural phenomenon is well imitated by taking a box, open at the top, and nailing on to it a frame of card- Fig. 148. A A. The box model of the Grotto del Cane. B B. Cardboard fixed in front of box, and painted to imitate rocks, c. Carbonic acid gas bottle, with bent tube passing through hole in the side of the box. A taper introduced at D burns in the upper, and ia extinguished in the lower, part of the model. 158 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. board, which may be painted to represent rocks, taking care that a portion (about three inches deep) at the lower part is well pasted to the box at the edges, so that the gas may be retained ; a hole is perforated at the top side to admit a lighted taper, and another at the side for the pipe from the carbonic acid bottle ; when the bottom is filled with gas, a taper is applied, which is found to burn in the upper part, but is imme- diately extinguished when it reaches the lower division, where the three inches of pasteboard prevent it falling out : thus showing in a simple manner why a guide may enter the cave with impunity, whilst the dog- is rendered insensible because immersed in the gas. (Fig. 148.) Twelfth Experiment. Many fatal accidents have occurred in consequence of the air in deep pits, graves, &c., becoming unfit for respiration by the accumulation of carbonic acid gas, which may arise either from cavities in the soil, where animal matter has undergone decomposition, or it may happen from Jhe depth and narrowness of the hole or well preventing a proper draught or current of air, so that it becomes foul by the breathing of the man who is digging the pit. Air which contains one or two per cent, of carbonic acid will support the respiration of man, or maintain the flame of a candle ; but it produces the most serious results if inhaled for any length of time ; a lighted candle let down into a well (suspected to contain foul air) before the descent of the person who is to work in it, may burn, but does not indicate the presence of the small percentage of the poison, carbonic acid. Frequently no trouble is taken to test the air with a lighted candle ; a man is lowered by his com- panions, who see him suddenly become insensible, another is then lowered quickly to rescue him, and he shares the same fate ; and indeed cases have occurred where even a third and a fourth have blindly and igno- rantly rushed to their death in the humane attempt to rescue their fellow creatures. What is to be done in these cases? Are the living to remain idle whilst the unfortunate man is suffocating rapidly at the bottom of the pit ? No ; provided they do not venture themselves into the pit, they may try every known expedient to alter the condition of the foul air, so as to enable them to descend to the rescue. One should be despatched to any neighbouring house or cottage for a pan of burning coals; if any slacked lime is to be had, it may be rapidlv mixed with water, and poured down the side of the pit ; a bundle of shavings set on fire and let down, keeping it to one side, so as to establish a current ; or even the empty buckets constantly let down empty and pulled up full of the noxious air, may appear a somewhat absurd step to take, but under the circumstances any plan that will change the air sufficiently to enable another person to descend must be adopted ; in proof of which the following experiments may be adduced : Fill a deep glass jar with carbonic acid, and ascertain its presence with a lighted taper ; if a beaker glass to which a string is attached is jet down into the vessel and drawn up, and then inverted over a lighted EXPERIMENTS WITH CARBONIC ACID GAS. taper, the utility of this simple plan is at once rendered appa- rent ; the beaker glass represents the empty bucket, and can be let down and pulled up full of carbonic acid until a sensible change in the condition of the atmosphere is pro- duced. The best plan, however, is to set the air in motion by heat obtained from burning matter, or even a kettle of boiling water, low- ered by a cord, and this fact is well shown by putting a small flask full of boiling water, and corked, at the bot- tom of the deep glass iar containing the car Fig. 149. A. Deep jar containing carbonic acid gas, which is being removed by the little glass bucket. B. Jar con- taining corked flask of boiling water on a pad; the heated gas rises and the cold air descends to take its place. bonic acid gas, which rises like other gases when sufficiently heated, and passing away, mixes with the surrounding air. (Fig. 149.) Thirteenth Experiment. Carbonic acid gas dissolved in water under considerable pressure,, forms that most agreeable drink called soda-water ; the gas is not only useful in this respect, but has been applied most successfully by Mr. Gurney to extinguish a fire on a gigantic scale, which had been burning for years in the waste of a coal mine in Scotland. The same gas, gene- rated suddenly by the combustion of a mixture of nitre, coke dust, and clay, or plaster of Paris, in vessels of a peculiar construction, has formed the subject of a patent by Phillips, since merged into the Fire Annihilator Company. The instrument is peculiarly adapted for ship- ping, and might, if properly used, be the means of saving many ships and valuable lives. (Fig. 150.) Its practical value is established by the test of actual use : in the streets, by the Leeds Fire Brigade, and by firemen of the Fire Anni- hilator Company, temporarily stationed at Liverpool and Manchester. The Fire Anninilator has been formally recognised by the Government Emigration Commissioners, who introduced into the Passengers' Act, 1852, in 24, the alternative, " Or other apparatus for extinguishing fire" with distinct reference to this invention, and subsequently by formal order authorized their officers to pass ships carrying Fire Annihilators. 160 BOY S PLAYBOOK OP SCIENCE. A Fig. 150. A. A carriage with six fire annihilators, No. 5 size, fitted with moveable pipes. The body of the carriage forms a tank for forty gallons of water ; the tank is filled at a bunghole in the platform ; a patent tap is fitted to the rear of the carriage; a spigot is placed near the end upright of the rail ; a hand-pump is placed in the box at rear ol carriage ; a leather bucket with foot-holds and three canvas buckets are hung on the carriage ; a hammer for removing and driving on the cover of the fire annihilator, and a nut wrench for the No. 10 truck, are placed in the box. B. A fire annihilator, No. 10 size, with moveable pipe, on a spring truck, is attached to the carriage. The battery is fitted with shafts for one horse. A pole is also provided to fix across the shafts, so that the battery may be drawn by hand. Monsieur Adolphe Girard has proposed that all houses should be provided with an apparatus for the generation of carbonic acid gas, Pig. 151. A. Tank containing acid, communicating by a pipe with B, half filled with chalk and water, c c c c. Pipes conveying carbonic acid from the generator B, to the ceiling, where it is discharged from numerous holes on the fire beneath. CHEMISTRY. 161 placed outside the building, which is to be conveyed along the ceiling by means of pipes perforated with numerous holes, and to be put in operation directly a fire breaks out. This plan, however ingenious, could hardly supply the carbonic acid gas with sufficient rapidity, and it is to be feared would utterly fail in practice. (Fig. 151.) BORON. Symbol, B ; combining proportion, 10'9. Discovered by Homberg, in 1702, in borax, which is a biborate of soda (NaO,2B0 3 ), and is used very extensively in the manufacture of glass ; also for glazing stoneware and soldering metals ; it is also a valuable flux in various crucible operations, whilst in testing minerals with the blowpipe it is invaluable. Borax is made either from tincal, a substance that occurs naturally in some parts of India, China, and Persia, or by the addition of carbonate of soda to boracic acid, a sub- stance obtained from the volcanic districts of Tuscany, whence it is imported to this country, and used in the manufacture of borax. The element boron may be obtained by placing some pure boracic acid and some small bits of potassium in a tube together, and applying the flame of a spirit-lamp, a glow of heat takes place, and when the tube is cold the potash may be washed away, and the boron remains as a dark brownish powder somewhat resembling carbon. M. -St. Claire Deville and Wohler have lately made some important discoveries with respect to this element, and disproved the statement that it is uncrystal- lizable. Their researches prove it to be producible under three forms and of various colours, such as honey -yellow and garnet-red, the crystals in some cases being like diamonds of the purest water /. IU& i n g the balls B B. c. Needle to place inside glass tube. some, tearing the handles off others, but leaving' them strongly magnetic. Electricians tried to repeat the effect by sending the discharge of powerful Leyden batteries through bars of steel without any important result; and it was not until Oersted, in the year 1819, made his important discovery that the copper lire conveying the electricity possessed peculiar magnetic power, that the principle began to be understood, and then the electricians succeeded in imitat- ing the effects of lightning on steel, as already described in the beginning of this chapter. (Fig. 194.) When the electri- city has passed away from the Leyden jar Fig. 105. through the coil of THE LOADSTONE. 207 copper wire, it no longer possesses any power to affect a piece of steel or iron, but if the wires of the voltaic battery are now connected with the coil of copper wire, which should be covered with cotton or silk, and many yards in length, then a bar of steel or soft iron is not only rendered magnetic, but remains permanently so, as long as the current of electricity continues to pass along the coil of wire, so that if some nails or iron filings are brought to the bar of iron, one end of which projects from the coil, they cling to it with great force, and a great number of nails may be hung on in this manner, but they imme- diately fall off when the contact is broken with the battery. (Pig. 195.) Electricity thus becomes a source of magnetism, and the discoverer, Oersted, found that only needles or bars of steel or iron were thus affected, and not those of brass, shell-lac, sulphur, and other substances ; he termed the conducting wire " a conjunctive wire," and described the effect of the electric current or " electric conflict" as he called it, as resembling a Helix (from eXiVo-o), to turn round; a screw or spiral), and that it is not confined to the conducting wire, but radiates an influence at some distance. This latter statement is exactly in accordance with our present notions, and hence the coil conveying the current is said to induce magnetism in the iron or steel, just as the phenomena of induction are produced with frictional electricity. The effect of Oersted's disco- very-, says Silliman, was truly electric; the scientific world was ripe for it, and the truth he thus struck out was instantly seized upon by Arago, Ampere, Davy, Faraday, and a crowd of philosophers in all coun- tries. The activity with which this new field of research has been cul- tivated, has never relaxed even to this hour, while it has borne fruit in a multitude of theoretical and practical truths, and above all, in the electro-magnetic telegraph, truly called, and especially in connexion with the Atlantic telegraph wire, " the great international nerve of sensation" Magnetism is not only the result of a current of electricity through any good conductor, but there are certain oxides of iron, called magnetic iron ores, which have the property of attracting iron filings, and are mostly found in primitive rocks, being abundant at Roslagen, in Sweden, and called the loadstone, from its always pointing, when freely suspended, to the Polar, North, or Load Star. If a tole- rably large specimen of this mineral is exa- mined, there will be found usually two points where the iron filings are attracted in larger quantities than in other parts of the same specimen. These attractive points are called poles, and the loadstone being properly F} 196 A mounted with soft iron bars, termed cheeks, mounted in brass or sliver, bound round it (in old-fashioned loadstones) with the iron cheeks B B at- silver plate and dulv ornamented with ' S ft 208 BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. engraving, has its magnetic power greatly increased, and is then said to be endowed with magnetic polarity; and to prevent the loss of power, a soft piece of iron, called the armature, is placed across and attracted to the poles of the loadstone. (Fig. 196.) Second Experiment. If a needle of tempered steel (fitted with a little brass cup in the centre to work upon a point) is rubbed with the loadstone iu one direc- tion only, it is rendered permanently magnetic, and will now be found to take a certain fixed position, pointing always in a direction due north and south. The end which points towards the north is called the north pole, and the other extremity the south pole, and it is usual to mark the north pole with an indent or scratch to distinguish it at all times. Third Experiment. If another bar of steel is magnetized, and the north pole duly marked, and then brought towards the same pole of the suspended magnet, in- stant repulsion takes place; the magnet, of course, grasped in the hand is not free to move, but the small magnet imme- diately shows the same fact noticed with electricity, viz., Pig. 197. A magnetic needle, the north pole v being at- " th a similar maqne- tracted to the south pole of the bar magnet s, and repelled from , . ; m__ the north end. tttmt repel. Iwo n>i th poles repel each other, but when the bar of steel is reversed, the opposite effect occurs, and the suspended magnet is attracted, showing that dissimilar mag- netisms attract, and a north will attract a south pole. (Fig. 197.) Fourth Experiment. By contact, the magnetic power is transferred from the magnet to a piece of unmagnetized steel, and it is stated that the highest magnet- izing effect is that pro- duced by the simple me- thod of Jacobi. A horse- shoe magnet has its poles brought in contact with the intended poles of an- tagnet, and another one other bar of steel, like- snd; the one shaded and w i se bent in the torm Fig. 198. The horse-shoe m nnmagnetized, placed end to en nnmagnetized, placed end to end; the one shaded and wlse bent in tne lorm lettered K and s is the magnet. A A. The piece of soft f horseshoe, and by iron moved in the direction of the arrow. ELECTRO-MAGNETS. 209 drawing the feeder over the unmagnetized horse-shoe in the direction of the arrow in the cut, and when it reaches the curve, bringing it back again to the same place, say at least twelve times, and after turning the whole over without separating the poles, and repeating the same operati<~yn on the other side likewise twelve times, the steel is then powerfully magnetized ; and it is said that a horse-shoe of one pound weight may be thus charged so as to sustain twenty-six and a half pounds, and that by the old method of magnetizing it would only have sustained about twenty -two pounds. (Fig. 198.) Fifth Experiment. If the horse-shoe magnet is placed on a sheet of paper, and some iron filings are dusted between the poles, a very beautiful series of curves are formed, called the magnetic curves, which indicate the constant passage of the magnetic power from pole to pole. The magnetic force exerted by a horse- shoe-shaped piece of soft iron, surrounded with many strands of covered copper wire in short lengths, is extremely powerful (Fig. 199), and enor- mous weights have been supported by an electro-magnet when connected with a vol- taic battery. Sup- posing a man were dressed in complete armour, he might be held by an electro- magnet, without the limself, thus realiz- ing the fairy story of the bold knight who was caught by a rock of loadstone, and, in full armour, de- tained by the un- friendly magician. Sixth Experiment. Fig. 199. A. Powerful electro-magnet supporting a great weight. B. The battery. 210 EOT S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Seventh Experiment. When a piece of soft iron is held sufficiently near one of the poles of a powerful magnet, it becomes by induction endowed with magnetic poles, and will support another bit of soft iron, such as a nail, brought, in contact with it. When the magnet is removed, the inductive action ceases, and the soft iron loses its magnetic power. Tliis experiment aifords another example of the connexion between the phenomena of electricity and magnetism. It is in consequence of the inductive action of the magnetism of the earth that all masses of iron, especially when they are perpendicular, are fcTind to be endowed with magnetic polarity ; hence the reaction of the iron in ships upon the compasses, which have to be corrected and adjusted before a voyage, or else serious errors in steering the vessel would occur, and there is no doubt that many shipwrecks are due to this cause. No other metals beside iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, and possibly manganese, can receive or retain magnetism after contact with a magnet. The remarkable effect of magnetism upon all matter, so ably investi- gated by Faraday and others, will be explained in another part of this book viz., in the article on Dia-Magnetism. I":;,'. 200. JIagiciaii and bis loadstone-rock. Vide Fairy Talt. 211 CHAPTER XVI. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MACHINES. THE experiments already described in illustration of some of the phe- nomena of electro-magnetism are of such a simple nature that they may be comprehended without difficulty ; but it is not such an easy task to appreciate the curious fact of an invisible power producing motion. It has already been explained that a copper or other metallic wire conveying a current of electricity becomes for the time endowed with a magnetic power, and if held above, or below, or close to, a sus- pended magnetized steel needle, affects it in a very marked degree, causing it to move to the right or left, according to the direction of the electric current ; and in order to form some notion of the con- dition of a metallic wire whilst the electricity is passing through it, v * Fig. 201. Portion of a square copper con- the annexed diagrams may DC re- ductor, in which A B represents the direction of the electricity, and the small arrows, c c c c, the magnetic current or whirl at right angles ferred to. (Figs. 201, 202.) Dr. Rpget says: "The magnetic to^h^eiectricai' current, and exercising a force which emanates from the elec- tangential action, trical conducting wire is entirely different in its mode of operation from all other forces in nature with which we are acquainted. It does not act in a direction parallel to that of the current which is pass- ing along .the wire ,nor many plane passing through that direction. It f orce . is evidently exerted in a plane per- pendicular to the wire, but still it has no tendency to move the poles of the magnet in a right or radial line, either directly towards, or directly from, the wire, as in every other case of attractive or repulsive agency. The peculiarity of its action is that it produces motion in a circular direction all round the wire that is, in a direction at right angles to the radius, or in the direction of the tangent to* a circle described round the wire in a plane perpendicular to it ; hence the electro-magnetic force exerts a tangential action, or that which Dr. Wollaston called a vertigi- nous or whirling motion. p2 513 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Dr. Faraday concluded that there is no real attraction or repulsion between the wire and either pole of a magnet, the action which imitates these effects being of a compound nature ; and he also inferred that the wire ought to revolve round a magnetic pole of a bar magnet, and a magnetic pole round a wire, if proper means could be de- vised for giving effect to these tendencies, and for isolating the operations of a single pole. For the first idea of electro-magnetic ro- tation the world is indebted to Dr. Wollaston; but Dr. Fara- day, with his usual ingenuity, was the first who carried out the theory practically. The rotation of a wire (conveying a current of voltaic electri- city) round one of the poles of a magnet is well displayed with the simple contrivance devised by him. (Fig. 203.) By a careful observation of the complex action of an electrified wire upon a mag- netic needle, Dr. Faraday was enabled to analyse the phe- nomena with his usual pene- Fig. 203. IT. A small bar magnet cemented into , i i , n .K;i:*. a wineglass, the north pole being at K. A is a tration and exhaustive ability, moyeable wire looped over the hook, which is the and he found, as Daniell positive (+) pole of the battery; the free extremity rotates round the pole of the magnet when the cur- rent of electricity passes. The dotted line repre- _,, , . ,, , , .,, , sents the level of the mercury which the glass con- * lf the electrified wire is tains. The electricity passes in at A, and out at P laced * perpendicular position, the wire B, as shown by the arrows, c is connected an ? mad to approach towards one with the negative, and with the positive, pole of P ole . of the needle the pole wi 11 not the batterv ' be simply attracted or repelled, but will make an effort to pass off on one side in a direction dependent upon the attractive or repulsive power of the pole ; but if the wire be continually made to approach the centre of motion by either the one or the other side of the needle, the ten- dency to move in the former direction will first diminish, then become null, and ulti- mately the motion will be reversed, and the needle will principally endeavour to pass in the opposite direction. The opposite extremity of the needle will present similar phe- nomena in the opposite direction ; hence Dr. Faraday drew the conclusion that the direc- tion of the forces was tangential to the circumference of the wire, that the pole of the needle is drawn by one force, not in the direction of a radius to its centre, but in that of a line touching its circumference, and that it is repelled by the other force in the opposite direction. In this manner the northern force acted all round the wire in one direction, and the southern in the opposite one. Each pole of the needle, in short, appeared to have a tendency to revolve round the wire in a direction opposite to the other, and, conse- quently, the wire round the poles. Each pole has the power of acting upon the wire by itself, and not as connected with the opposite pole, and the apparent attractions and repulsions are merely exhibitions of the revolving motions in different parts of their circles." FARADAY S EXPERIMENTS. 213 The same fact il- lustrated at Fig. 203, is also demonstratedin a still more striking manner by means of wire bent into a rectangular form, and so arranged that whilst the current of electri- city passes, it is free to move in a circle ; and when the poles of a magnet are brought towards the electrified wire, it may be at- tracted or repelled at pleasure, and in fact Fig. 204 A A A A. The rectangular wire covered with silk becomes a magnetic and varnished, one end of which being pointed, rests on the indicator and places little cup B, connected with a covered wire passing down the ,-f 00 if f\c nnva e^\^ centre of the brass support to the binding screw c let into ltse V (" Carelully SUS- ivory. D. The other extremity of the rectangular wire; this peilded) at right angles being covered and varnished, is not in metallic contact with ' the end B, but is likewise pointed, and dips into the mercury -, ,-. - Q contained in the large cup E E. The upper and lower cups Qian. (1: Ig. 2 do not touch, and are separated by ivory, marked by the shaded portion, and the cup E E is in metallic communication current or electricity, have induced Sir David Brewster to advance his admirable theory, which supposes the affection of the mariner's compass needle, and all other suspended pieces of steel, to be due to the agency of electrical currents continually circu- lating around the globe ; and Mr. Barlow contrived the following expe- riment in illustration of Brewster's theory. A wooden globe, sixteen inches in diameter, was made hollow, for the purpose of reducing its weight, and while still in the lathe, grooves one-eighth of an inch deep and broad were cut to represent an equator, and parallels of latitude at every four and a half degrees each way from the equator to the poles. A groove of double depth was also cut like a meridian from pole to pole, but only half round. The grooves were cut to receive the copper wire covered with silk, and the laying on was commenced by taking the middle of a length of ninety feet of wire one-sixteenth of an inch in diameter, which was applied to the equatorial groove so as to meet in the transverse meridian ; it was then made to pass round this parallel, re- turned again along the meridian to the next parallel, and then passedround this again, and so on, till the wire was thus led in continuation from pole These Curious mOVC- ' BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. to pole. The length of wire still remaining at each pole was returned from each pole along the meridian groove to the equator, and at this point, each wire being fastened down with small staples, the wires from the remaining five feet were bound together near their common ex- tremity, when they opened to form separate connexions for the poles of a voltaic battery. When the battery was connected, and magnetic needles placed m different positions, they behaved precisely as they would do on the surface of the earth, the induction set up by the elec trified wire being a perfect imitation of that which exists on the globe. The opposite effect to that already described viz., the rotation of one pole of a magnet round the electri- fied wire, was also arranged by Faraday in the following manner. (Fig. 205.) In the examination of the magnetic phenomena ob- tained from wires trans- mitting a current of elec- tricity, it should be borne in mind that any conducting medium which forms part of a closed circuit i.e., any conductor, such as charcoal, saline fluids, acidulated water, which form a link in the endless chain re- quired for the path of the electricity, will cause a magnetic needle placed near it to deviate from its natu- ral position. These positions of the electrified wire and the magnetic needle are of course almost unlimited, and in order to assist the memory with respect to the fixed laws that govern these Fig. 205. IT s. A little magnet floating in mercury contained in the glass A A; the north pole is allowed to float above the surface of the quicksilver, and the south pole is attached to the wire passing through the bottom of the glass vessel. The electricity passes in at B, and taking the course indicated by the arrows travels through the glass of quicksilver to the other pole of the battery at c. Directly contact is made with the battery, the little magnet rotates round the electrified wire, w. The dotted line shows the level of the mercury in glass. relative movements, Monsieur Ampere has suggested a most useful mechanical aid, and he says : " Let the observer regard himself as the conductor, and suppose a positive electric current to pass from his head towards his feet, in a direction parallel to a magnet ; then its north pole in front of him will move to his right side, and its south pole to his left. " The plane in which the magnet moves is always parallel to the plane in which the observer supposes liimself to be placed. If the plane of his ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ROTATION. 215 chest is horizontal, the plane of the magnet's motion will be horizontal, but if he lie on either side of the horizontally-suspended magnet, his face being towards it, the plane of his chest will be vertical, and the magnet will tend to move in a vertical plane." This very lucid comparison will be seen to apply perfectly to the direction of the rotations in Tigs. 203 and 205. The whole of this apparatus is made in the most elegant and finished manner by Messrs.Elliott, of 30, Strand; and by a modi- fication of the latter arrangement (Fig. 206), the opposite rotations of the opposite poles of the mag- nets round the electrified wire, are shown in the most instructive manner. The apparatus (Fig. 206) was devised oy the late Mr. Francis Watkins, and consists of two flat bar magnets doubly bent in the middle, and having agate cups fixed at the under part of the bend (by which they are sup- ported) upon upright" pointed wires, the latter being fixed upright on the wooden base of the apparatus, and the magnets turn round them as upon an axis. Two circular boxwood cisterns, to contain quicksilver, are sup- ported upon the stage or shelf above the base. A bent_ pointed wire is directed into the cup of each magnet, the ends of which dip into the mercury contained in the box- wood circular troughs on the stage. By using a battery to each magnet, and taking care that the currents of electricity flow precisely alike, they will then rotate in opposite directions. Directly after the ingenious experiments of Faraday became known, a great number of electro- magnetic engine models were constructed, and many thought that the time was fast approaching when steam would be superseded by electricity; and really, to see the pretty electro- magnetic models work with such amazing rapidity, it might be supposed that if they were constructed on a larger scale, a great amount of hard work could be obtained from them. This idea, however, has been proved to be a fallacy, for reasons that will be presently explained. The figure on p. 216 displays two of these engines, one of which represents the rotation of electro-magnets within fovrjixed steel magnets, and the other the rotation of steel magnets by the fixed electro-magnets. The latter (No. 2) moves with such o;reat velocity, that unless the strength of the battery is carefully adjusted, the connexions are soon destroyed. (Fig. 207.) Fig. 206. A. Wire conveying the current of electricity. B B. The magnets balanced on points rotating round the wires. 21G OY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Fig. 207. No. 1 consists of vertical permanent steel magnets and horizontal soft-iron electro-magnets which rotate. No. 2 consists of two fixed soft-iron electro-magnets, and four bent permanent steel magnets, which rotate, in both cases of course, only when connected with the battery. Considering the prodigious power or pull of a soft-iron electro- magnet, and its capability of supporting considerable weight, the most reasonable expectations of success might be entertained with machines acting by the direct pull. It was, however, discovered that they soon became inefficient, from the circumstance that the repeated blows re- ceived by the iron so altered its character, that it eventually assumed the quality of steel, and had a tendency to retain a certain amount of permanent magnetism, and thus to interfere with the principle of making and unmaking a magnet. It was this fact that induced Professor Jacobi, of St. Petersburg, after a large expenditure of money, to abandon arrangements of this kind, and to employ such as would at once produce a rotatory motion. The engine thus arranged was tried upon a tolerably large scale on the Neva, and by it a boat containing ten or twelve people was propelled at the rate of three miles an hour. Various engines have been constructed bv Watkins, Botta, Jacobi, Armstrong, Page, Hjorth ; the engine made by the latter (Hjorth) ex- cited much attention in 1851-52, and consisted of an electro-magnetic piston drawn within or repelled from an electro-magnetic cylinder ; and by this motion it was thought that a much greater length of stroke could be secured than by the revolving wheels or discs, but the loss of power (not only in this engine, but in others) through space is very great, and the lifting power of any magnet is greatly reduced and ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MACHINES. 217 altered at the smallest possible distance from its poles. This loss of power is therefore a great obstacle in the way of the useful application of electro-magnetic force, and can be appreciated even with the little models, all of which may be stopped with the slightest friction, although they may be moving at the time with great velocity. In the second place, supposing the reduced force exerted by the two magnets, a few lines apart, was considered available for driving machinery, the moment the magnets begin to move in front of one another there is again a great loss of power, and as the speed increases, there is curiously a corresponding diminution of available mechanical power, a falling-off in the duty of the engine as the rotations become more rapid. In the third place, the cost of the voltaic battery, as com- pared with the consumption of coal in the steam-engine, is very startling, and extremely unfavourable to electro-magnetic engines. Mr. J. P. Joule found that the economical duty of an electro-magnetic engine at a given velocity and for a given resistance of the battery is proportioned to the mean intensity of the several pairs of the battery. With his apparatus, every pound of zinc consumed in a Grove's battery produced a mechanical force (friction included) equal to raise a weight of 331,400 pounds to the height of one foot, when the revolving magnets were moving at the velocity of eight feet per second. Now, the duty of the best Cornish steam-engine is about one million five hundred thousand pounds raised to the height of one foot by the combustion of each pound of coal, or nearly five times the extreme duty that could be obtained from an electro-magnetic engine by the consumption of one pound of zinc. This comparison is therefore so very unfavourable, that the idea of a successful application of electricity as an economic source of power, is almost, if not entirely abandoned. By instituting a comparison between the different means of producing power, it has been shown that for every shilling expended there might be raised by Pounds. Manual power . . . 600,000 one foot high in a day. Horse 3,600,000 Steam 56,000,000 Electro-magnetism . 900,000 A powerful magnet has been compared to a steam-engine with an enormous piston but with an exceedingly short stroke. Although motive power cannot be produced from electricity and applied success- fully to commercial purposes, like the steam-engine, yet the achievements of the electric telegraph as an application of a small motive power must not be lost sight of, whilst the fall of the ball at Deal and other places, by which the chronometers of the mercantile navy are regulated, as also the means of regulating the time at the General Post Office and various railway stations, are all useful applications of the power which fails to compete in other ways with steam. 218 CHAPTER XVII. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. THE engineering and philosophical details of this important instrument have grown to such formidable dimensions, that any attempt (short of devoting the whole of these pages to the subject) to give a full account of the history and application of the instrument, the failures and successes of novel inventions, and the continued onward progress of this mode of communication, must be regarded as simply impossible, and there- fore a very brief account of the principle only will be attempted in these pa^es. For the complete history of the discovery and introduction of the principle of the Electric Telegraph the reader is referred to the Society of Arts Journal (Nos. 348-9, vol. viii.), where it is stated that it is half a century, dating from August, 1859, since the first galvanic telegraph was made. "It was the Russian Baron Schilling's electro-magnetic telegraph which, without its being known to be his, was brought to London, and caused the establishment of the first practically useful telegraph lines, not only in Great Britain, but in the world." Dr. Hamel says : " The small sprout nursed on the Neva, which had been exhibited on the Rhine, and thence brought to the Thames, grew up here to a mighty tree, the fruit-laden brandies of which, along with those from trees grown up since, extend more and more over the lands and seas of the Eastern hemisphere, whilst kindred trees planted in the Western hemisphere have covered that part of the world with their branches, some of which will, ere long, be interwoven with those in our hemisphere." The first telegraph line in England was constructed by Mr. Cooke from Paddington along the Great Western Railroad to West Drayton in 1S38-39 ; and it must be remembered that it was in February, 1837, that Mr. Cooke first consulted Professor Charles Wheatstoue, having previously visited Dr. Faraday and Dr. Roget, and on the 19th November, 1837, a partnership contract was concluded between Messrs. Cooke and Wheatstone. To the distinguished philosopher, Professor Wlieatstone, the merit of the ingenious construction of the vertical-needle telegraph is due; whilst Mr. Cooke's name will always be associated with the practical establishment of the first telegraph lines in England. The first line in the United States, from Washington to Baltimore, was completed in 1844, being arranged and worked by Professor Morse. In British India, in April and "May, 1839, the first long line of telegraph, twenty-one miles in length, and embracing 7000 feet of river surface, was constructed by Dr. (now Sir William) Q'Shaughnessy THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 219 The construction of the electric telegraph may be considered under three heads : 1st. The Battery, the motive power. 2nd. The Wires, the carriers of the force. 3rd. The Instruments to be worked the bell and the needle telegraph. THE BATTERY. The construction and rationale of the batteries generally in use have been explained in another part of this work ; those used for telegraphic purposes consist of one or more couples, of which zinc is one, the second being copper, silver, platinum, or carbon. Each couple is termed an element, and a series of such couples a battery. The batteries employed chiefly on the English lines consist of a plate of cast-zinc four inches square and T 3 6-ths of an inch thick, attached by a copper strap one inch broad to a thin copper plate four inches square. The zinc is well amalgamated with mercury. Twelve of these couples are arranged in a trough of wood, porcelain, or gutta-percha, divided by partitions into twelve water-tight cells, 1 men wide. The zinc and copper preserve the same order and direction throughout, and when arranged, the trough is filled with the finest white sand, and then moistened with water previously mixed with five per cent, by measure of pure sulphuric acid. This mode of applying the acid is the clever prac- tical improvement of Mr. Cooke, and prevents any inconvenience from the spilling of the acid, and at the same time renders the battery quite portable. The voltaic arrangement thus prepared is found to remain in action for several weeks, or even months, with the occasional addition of small quantities of acid, and answers well for working needle tele- graphs in fine and dry weather. In fogs and rains, at distances ex- ceeding 200 miles at most, their action is not so perfect, and a vast number of couples must be employed, 144 to 288 being frequently in use. In Erance, Prussia, and America, sand batteries do not appear to answer, and Daniell's arrangement is preferred. Sixty couples suffice in France for some of the long lines viz., from Paris to Bordeaux, 284 miles ; Paris to Brussels, 231^ miles ; and in fact, the advantages of the Daniell's battery have become so apparent, that they are now being used on English lines. In Prussia, Bunsen's carbon battery is much used ; in India, a modification of Grove's battery is preferred, the zinc being acted upon by a solution of common salt in water. Two of these elements were found sufficient to work a line of forty miles totally un- insulated, and including the sub-aqueous crossing of the Hooghly River, 6200 feet wide. The continual energy of the battery, whatever may be its construc- tion, depends on the circulation of the electricity, the object being to pass the force from the positive end of the series through the wires, back again to the negative extremity of the voltaic series. The wire (the carrier of the force) must be continuous throughout, unless, of course, water or earth forms a part of the endless conducting chain. 220 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. THE CONDUCTING WIRES. These roads for the electricity may be of any convenient metal, and the one preferred and used is iron, which is well calculated from its great tenacity (being the most tenacious metal known) and cheapness to convey the electricity, al- though it is not such a good conductor as copper, and offers about six times more resistance to the flow of the current than the latter metal. The wire does not appear to be made of iron, because it is galvanized or passed through melted zinc, which coats the surface anddefends it from destructive rust, at the same time does not destroy its valuable property of tenacity or power of re- sisting a strain. About one ton of wire is required for every five miles, and to sup- port this weight, stout posts of fir or larch are erected about fifty yards apart, and from ten to twenty-five feet high . At e verv quarter mile, on many lines, are straining - posts with ratchet wheel winders, for tightening the wires. On some of the lines the wires are at- tached to the posts by side brackets carrying the insulators invented by Mr. C. V. Walker, which are composed of brown salt-glazed stoneware of the hour- glass shape, as shown in the drawing. (Fig. 208.) There are some ob- jections to the hour- glass .insulators, and they have been modi- Fig. 209. Clark's insulator. fied by Mr. Edwin Fig. 208. Walker's insulator. THE ELECTKIC TELEGKAPH. 221 Clark, who employs a very strong stone-ware hook open at the side, so that the wire can be placed on the hook without threading, and the hooks can be replaced in case of breaking, without cutting the tele- graph wire, which is securely fastened to each insulator by turns of thinner wire. An inverted cap of zinc is used to keep the insulator dry. (Fig. 209.) In India the conductor is rather a rod than a wire, and weighs about half a ton per mile ; it is erected in the most substantial manner, and many miles of the rod are supported on granite columns, other portions on posts of the iron-wood of Arracan, or of teak. The number of wires required by the electric telegraph often puzzles the railway traveller, and people ask why so many wires are used on some lines and so few on others ? The answer is very simple : they are for convenience. Two wires only are required for the double needle telegraph, and one for the single needle instrument. But as so many instruments are required at the terminal stations, an increased number of wires, like rails for locomotives, must be provided; thus, on the Eastern Counties, seven wires are visible, and are thus employed. The two upper wires pass direct from London to Norwich ; the next pair connect London, Broxbourne, Cambridge, Brandon, Chesterfield, Ely; the third pair all the small stations between London and Brandon ; and the seventh wire is entirely devoted to the bell. If the earth was not a conductor of electricity, and employed in the telegraphic circuit, four wires would be required for the double needle telegraph, and two for the single instrument. To understand this, let us suppose a battery circuit extending from Paddington to the instru- ment at Slough, and the wire returning from Slough to Paddington, it is evident that one wire would take the electricity to Slough, and the other return it to London, as in the diagram below. (Fig. 210.) LONDON SLOUGH Fi#. 210. A. The battery. B. The instrument. The arrows show the passage of the electricity to the single needle telegraph instrument by one wire, and the return current fly the other. If the whole of the return wire is cut away except a few feet at each end, which are connected by plates of copper with the damp earth, the current not only passes as before, but actually has increased m intensity, and will cause a much more energetic movement of the needle in the telegraph instrument. (Fig. 211.) These plates are called "Earth Plates ;" and Steinheil, in 1837, was the first who proved that the earth might perform the function of a wire. 222 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. Fig. 211. A. The battery. B. The instrument, c. Earth plate at Slough. D. Earth plate at London. The arrows show the direction of the electric current. It must be obvious that a message may be received at any station without a battery, but in order to be able to return an answer, every station must have its own battery. Ingeniously-constructed lightning-conductors are attached to the posts which carrv the wires, so that in case of a storm, the natural electricity is conveyed to the earth, whilst the voltaic electricity artificially pro- duced pursues its own course without deviation. Protectors are also required for the instruments at the stations, and the plan devised by Mr. Highton is thus described by the inventor : " A portion of the wire circuit say for six or eight inches is enve- loped in blotting-paper or silk, and a mass of metallic filings, in con- nexion with the earth, is made to surround it. This arrangement is placed on each side of the telegraph instrument at a station. When a flash of lightning happens to be intercepted by the wires of the tele- graph, the myriads of infinitesimally fine points of metal in the filings surrounding the wire at the station, on having connexion with the earth, at once draw off nearly the whole charge of lightning, and carry it safely to the earth." THE INSTRUMENTS TO BE WORKED THE BELL AND THE TELEGRAPH. The bell or alarum resembles in construction that of an ordinary clock, and is in fact a piece of clockwork wound up and ready to ring a bell, when the detent or preventive is removed. The detent is con- nected with a piece of soft iron placed before an electro-magnet, and directly the current passes, the electro-magnet attracts the soft piece of iron attached to a perpendicular lever which the bell-crank lever rests upon ; the detent is removed, and the bell rings, and again stops when the current of elsctricity ceases to pass. One of the most simple alarum clocks is a common American clock, wound up daily. A small electro-magnet surrounded with thick wire is placed below a moveable piece of tinned iron, so that when this is attracted, the fly of the clock is released, and its bell tolls unceasingly THE BELL OE ALARU: 223 the magnet is excited. This arrangement is employed by Sir W. O'Shaughnessy in the Indian tele- graph system. (Fig. 212.) It will readily be comprehended from this description that the alarum is sounded by ordinary mechanism, and that the duty of the current of the electricity is simply comprised in the act of removing the lever and liberating machinery, which may be large or small; and if it were thought necessary, the bells of the great clock-tower of the Houses of Parliament, which chime the quar- ters, or even "Big Ben" himself (when his constitution is restored), could be rung by a person at York or Edinburgh, supposing wires, bat- teries, and a powerful electro- magnet with a detent mechanism for the bells, were properly arranged and connected with the. clock- work. la certam cases, Mr. Charles V. * vy alker states that a single and dis- liberates the detent, tinct wire is used for the bell only, with his special mechanism, called the ringing key. If the bell was al- ways on the same wire as the needle-coil, the bell would not only call the attention of, but seriously annoy the clerk (unless, of course, he hap- pened to be a very deaf person) by its ringing whilst he was reading the signals of the needle. The nuisance is prevented by what is termed joining over or making the short circuit in fact, by providing for the current a shorter and much more capacious road to the needle coil than by going through that of the bell-magnet, which is made with very fine wire; and the control of the short circuit is put in the hand's of the clerk. COOKE AND WHEATSTONE'S DOUBLE NEEDLE TELEGRAPH. The principle of this instrument, as already explained, is involved in the elementary experiment of Oersted viz., the deflection of a mag- netic needle from the inside of a coil of wire conveying a current of electricity, and as it is difficult to give a good de- scription and drawing of the interior of the instrument that can really be understood, it may be sufficient to state that the handles give the operator the power of reversing the current of electricity, so that the needles are deflected with, the utmost certainty to 224: BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. one side or the other, cither separately or simultaneously. (Eig. 2] 3.) Fig. 213. The letters of the alphabet, figures, and a variety of conventional signals, are indicated by the single and combined movements of the needles on the dial. The left- halid needle moving once to the left indicates the +, which is given at the end of a word. Twice in the same way, A ; thrice, B ; first right, then left, c ; the reverse, D. Once direct to the right, E ; twice, F ; thrice, G. In the same order with the other needle for H, i, K, t, M, H, o, P. The signals below the centre of the dial are indicated by the parallel move- ments of both needles simultaneously. Both needles moving once to the left indicate E ; twice, s ; thrice, T. First right, then left with both, u ; the reverse, v. Both moving once to the right, \v ; twice, x ; thrice, T. The figures are indicated in the same way as the letters nearest to which they are respectively placed. To change from letters to figures the operator gives H, followed by the +, which the recipient returns to signify that he under- stands. If, after the above signs (H and +) were given, c B H L were received, 1845 would be understood. A change from figures to letters is notified by giving i, followed by the + , which the recipient also returns. Each word is acknowledged. If the recipient under- stand, he gives B ; if not, the +, in which case the word is repeated. Attention to a com- munication by this instrument is called by the ringing of a bell (of any size), which is effected through the agency of an electric current. The upper case contains the bell. Sir "W. O'Shaughnessy, in his excellent work on the electric telegraph in British India, gives a description of a telegraphic instrument of re- markable simplicity, which is successfully employed in India, and is O'SHAUGHNESSY'S SIMPLE TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENT. 225 highly spoken of by Mr. E. V. Walker and other gentlemen practically acquainted with the working of telegraphs. It consists of a coil of fine wire on a card or ivory frame, a magnetic needle with a li^ht index of paper pasted across it ; two stops of thin sheet lead to limit the vibra- tions of the index ; a supporting board eight inches square, and a square of glass in a frame of wood, or a common glass tumbler placed over it as a shade, to prevent the index being moved by currents of air. It is stated that the office boys, with the assistance of a native Indian carpenter, make up these telegraphs at a price not exceeding two shillings each. In England of course they would be more expensive; but the simplicity and perfection of the arrangement are so much to be com- mended that we give the details for the benefit of those boys who might wish to establish a telegraph on a small scale for amusement. THE FRAME. This is a piece of mahogany eight inches square and one inch thick, with a hollow groove cut in its centre two inches and a half long, half an inch wide, and a quarter of an inch deep ; a ledge of the same wood one inch wide and half an inch deep surrounds the frame, leaving the inner surface seven inches square ; this is stained black with ink to make the motions of the index more conspicuous. THE COIL. This consists of fifty feet of the finest silk-covered copper wire wound on a frame of card two inches long, half an inch broad, three-eighths deep in the open part. An edge or flange of card, three-eighths of an inch wide, is attached to it at each side to keep the wire in its place. The frame may be of thin wood or ivory, and the winding of the wire commences at the lower left corner, and it is coiled from left to right, as the hands of a watch would move in the same plane. (Fig. 214.) Fig. 214 ThecoiL Two inches of each end of the coil wire are now stripped of their silk covering by being rubbed with sand-paper. The coil is mounted in the frame by inserting its lower edge or flange in the groove, so that the lower part or floor of the inside of the coil is level with that of the Q 226 BOYS PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. frame, as shown below, and it is now ready to receive the magnetized needle. (Fig. 215.) Fig. 215. The coil fitted into frame. THE NEEDLE. This is one inch long, one-twelfth of an inch wide, of the thinnest steel, and fitted with a little brass cap turned to a true cone to receive the point on which it is balanced. These needles are of hard tempered steel, and are magnetized by a single contact with the poles of an electro-magnet or other ordinary powerful magnet. The magnet is now to be balanced on a steel point one-eighth of an inch high ; these are nipped oif with cutting pliers from common sewing needles, and soldered into a slip of thin copper three inches long, half an inch wide. (Fig. 216.) Fig. 216. A. The needle. B. The point on the slip of copper. As the north end of the needle will be found to dip, it is advisable to counteract this by touching the south end with a little shell-lac varnish, which dries rapidly, and soon restores the needle to a perfect equilibrium. The needle is completed for use by fixing to it an index of paper (cut from glazed letter paper) two inches long, tapering from one-eighth of an inch to a point, and fastened at rignt angles on to the needle with lac varnish, so as to be truly balanced, and pointing the sharp end to the east, when the J needle placed on the point settles due north and south, its north pole being opposite the observer's right hand, the observer facing west. Fig. 217. The needle with the paper index. (Fig- 217.) O'SHAUGHNESSY'S SIMPLE TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENT. 227 The coil frame is placed north and south, and the needle is now intro- duced by sliding the end of the slip of copper into the opening in the frame. To limit the vibrations of the pap_er index a stop is placed at each side. The stops are made of a strip of thin sheet-lead or copper, a quarter of an inch broad, one inch and a half long, and turned up at a right angle, so that one inch rests on the board and half an inch is vertical. For ordinary practice these stops are placed each at half an inch from the index. The telegraph is placed in a box, which may have a piece of looking- glass in the lid, so that the readings can be taken with the needle in the vertical instead of the horizontal position, if required. (Fig. 218.) A / L\ B // M \\ !C" HI N \\\ D //// \\\ E V P A 'K W Q AV e MII R A\\ H W/ S. M U \!\ T N K W U V /A\ W W Y W/ X IV zv//// Fig. 218. Box containing the telegraph, with the looking-glass hi the lid. A small steel magnet is placed on or near the frame, if required, the south pole of this magnet oeing opposite to the north pole of the needle in the telegraph coil. The bar is four inches long, half an inch broad, three-sixteenths of an inch thick, and it is only used to counteract any local deviation which may arise in using the instrument with miles of wire. It would not be required under ordinary circumstances. The alphabet used is shown to the left. The ends of the fine wire of the telegraph coil are joined on to the wires from the reversing instrument, and this is connected with a voltaic series of one or more elements, so that by the employment of the reverser the needle is caused to move right or left at pleasure. The 228 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. white paper index on the black ground can be followed with the greatest certainty, and Sir W. O'Shaughnessy states that with this instrument a telegraph clerk may read at the rate of twenty words per minute with a double needle wire, being equal to forty words per minute. THE EEVERSEB, consists of a block of wood, two inches and a half square, in which four hollows, half an inch deep, are cut, and these hollows are joined diagonally by copper wires let into the substance of the wood, and most carefully insulated from each other by melted cement, but exposing a clean metallic surface in each cell, which is filled with mercury. (Tig. 219.) Pig. 219. Block of wood with four holes ; the positive terminal is connected with the holes A and B, the negative with c and u ; the hollows are filled with mercury. T T are the wires from the telegraph box, and it is obvious that by dipping them alternately into c B and A D the current is reversed, and the needle deflected right or left at pleasure. In practice a more elaborate reverser is employed, but to demonstrate the principle the simple block above described is quite sufficient. With the telegraph placed at the top of a house, or in a distant cottage, and a single cell of Grove's battery, or at most two, for any short distances, with the reverser, messages may be passed with great rapidity from the bottom of the house to the top, or from a mansion to the lodge, it being understood that a battery, reverser, and telegraph, are required at both places where messages are received and answered; but if no answers are required, the battery and reverser are placed at one end of the wire in the house, and the telegraph at the other ex- tremity in the cottage, and earth plates may be arranged to return the current, or another wire used for that purpose. * Whilst lauding to the utmost the invention of the electric telegraph, we must remember " there is nothing new under the sun," and that after all Nature claims the principle of telegraphing, and with the silent gesture, the speaking eye, interpreted and answered by others, she pro- claims herself to be the originator of communication by signs. Whilst THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 229 the language of flowers, and the mournful requirements of the deaf and dumb in the use of the finger alphabet, show how readily man has adopted the important principle, till he has brought it to the highest state of perfection in the electric telegraph. When the telegraph was first adopted on the Great "Western Railway, the most ridiculous ideas were formed of its capabilities, and many persons firmly believed that the wires were used for the purpose of dragging letters and different articles from station to station. " Wife," said a man, looking at the telegraph wires, " I don't see, for my part, how they send letters on them wires, without tearin' 'em all to bits." "Oh, you stupid!" exclaimed his intellectual spouse ; "why, they don't send the paper: they just send the writin' in a fluid state." Fig. 220. One of the ideas of telegraphic communication. 230 BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. CHAPTER XVIII. RUHMKORFF'S, HEARDER'S, AND BENTLEY'S COIL APPARATUS. IN the course of the popular articles on frictional and voltaic electricity, it has already been mentioned that whilst the intensity effects such as the capability of the spark to pass through a certain thickness of air, or the production of the peculiar physiological effect of the shock belong especially to the phenomena of frictional electricity, they are not apparent with the quantity effects, such as may be produced oy an ordinary voltaic battery, unless the latter consists of an immense number of elements, such as the famous water battery of the late respected Mr. Crosse, which consisted of two thousand five hundred pairs of copper and zinc cylinders, well insulated on glass stands, and protected from dust and light. If, however, the feeble intensity current of voltaic electricity, from four or five elements, is permitted to pass into a coil of a peculiar construction, fitted with a condenser, and manu- factured either by Ruhmkorff of Paris, or Mr. Hearder of Plymouth, then the most remarkable effects are producible, which have created quite a new and distinct series of phenomena, and further established in the most satisfactory manner the connexion between the electricities derived from friction and chemical action. The construction of these coils does not differ very materially, and great merit is due to Messrs. Ruhmkorff, Hearder, and Bentley, who have separately and independently worked out the construction of the most formidable machines of this class. In a letter to the author Mr. Bentley says : " I commence the formation of my coil by using as an axis an iron tube ten inches long and half an inch diameter ; around this is placed a considerable number of insulated iron wires the same length as the tube, and sufficiently numerous to form a bundle one inch and three quarters diameter. This core is wrapped carefully in eight or nine layers of waxed silk, the necessity of which will be obvious presently. " My primary helix, which is formed of thirty yards of No. 14 cotton- covered copper wire, is wound carefully on this core, and consists of two layers, each layer being carefully insulated one from the other by waxed silk, for I find that if a wet string or fine platinum wire be con nected with the two ends of the primary wires ot an induction coil in action, there is scarcely an indication of an induced current to be obtained from the secondary wire. That this is not owing to any decrease of magnetic power is proved by testing the iron core before and after the experiment, but is simply owing to the central magnet or coil exerting the whole of its inductive powers upon the nearest closed circuit ; it therefore follows that if the two layers of primary wire are connected by the cotton covering becoming moist, the whole of the THE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC COIL MACHINE. 231 induced current will take this path instead of traversing the secondary wire. " Before describing my secondary wire I must again call attention to the important fact that the magnetism of the iron exerts its inductive power upon the nearest conducting medium ; and I have constructed an instrument to demonstrate this fact. It consists simply of an ordi- nary coil, giving the third of an inch spark, but having the four inner layers of secondary wire brought out separately. Now, I find that when I keep the ends of this wire separate 1 obtain nearly the third of an inch spark, but when I connect them metallically I can obtain no intensity spark whatever from the seventeen coils which surround them. " It follows from this that before winding the secondary wire the striking distance of a single layer must be ascertained, and I find that with my coil I can get a spark one- tenth of an inch long from one coil of wire, and sufficiently intense to penetrate with facility six layers of waxed silk. " Waxed silk is therefore unsuited for the insulation of large coils, and I find, after numerous experiments, that there is no substance so fitted for the purpose as gutta-percha tissue, and I use five layers of this substance to each layer of wire. "The secondary helix then consists of three thousand yards of No. 35 silk-covered copper wire, and is insulated in the manner described above ; but as I do not use cheeks to my coil it assumes the form of a cylinder having rounded ends. " For the protection of this instrument I place it in a mahogany box of the proper size, and it is supported and retained in its position by an iron rod, which is thrust through the hollow axis of the core and the two ends of the box, leaving half an inch of the iron projecting to work the contact breaker, which is fixed to one end of the box, while the two ends of the secondary wire are brought out of the other through gutta percha tubes. " The condenser is contained in a separate box, and is formed of one hundred and twenty sheets of tinfoil between double that number of sheets of varnished paper, the alternate sides of the foil being brought out and connected to appropriate binding screws. " This condenser forms a convenient stand for the coil, and can be used for many interesting experiments." The shock which the condenser gives to the system depends in a great measure on the size of the coatings. The primary wire alone does not produce any physiological results, or at least very feeble ones. Mr. Hearder's coil is wound on a bobbin six inches in length, and four inches and a half thick, and includes three thousand yards of covered wire (No. 35). The iron core consists of a bundle of small wires capped with solid ends, and the sparks obtained from it were five-eighths of an inch in air when the primary coil was excited by_ four pairs of Grove's series ; and when connected with the Ley den jar, the most vigorous and brilliant results were produced. The condenser is made of car- tridge paper, coated in the proper manner with tinfoil. The secon- 232 BOY S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. dary coil is quite independent of the primary one, which is laid on in different lengths, so that the coil can be adjusted to any battery power, whether for quantity or intensity. For the successful exhibition of the capabilities of the machine, it is required to perform the experiments in a darkened room. (Fig. 221.) B_ Fig. 221. Kuhmkorff's apparatus. A B. The coil, containing more than a mile of in- sulated wire. The stand it rests upon, and with which it is in communication, contains the condenser. In using this apparatus, eight pairs of Grove's battery will be quite sufficient to produce the effects, and the greatest care must be taken to avoid the shock, which is most severe and painful, and might do a great deal of harm to a weakly, sensitive, and nervous person. To avoid any accidents of this kind, the convenient arrange- ment at one end shown in Fig. 222 must be carefully attended to, and when manipulating with any part of the apparatus, if the bat- tery is attached, the contact should first be Fig. 222. One end of RuhmkorfTs coil. B B. Con- broken by bringing the nexion to receive the battery wires. A is the cylinder, ivory (the non-COnduct- one half of which is ivory and the other metal. In this ino^ narf nf tVip rv- position no shock can be received, because the electricity }?=>/ P, 1 ooo\ ^ is cut off by the ivory from the coil. Under A (Fig. 222) in communication with the conductors, B B, where the wires from the battery are attached. First Experiment. It is at the other extremity of the coil that the experiments are per- formed; for instance, if an exhausted globe is connected with the pillars B B (Fig. 223), and the connexion made with the battery, a beautiful faint blue light is apparent on one of the knobs and wires, and by reversing the current the light appears on the other knob and wire. RUHMKORFF'S INDUCTIVE APPARATUS. 233 This effect is supposed to resemble some of those magnificent streaks and undu- lations of coloured light called the Au- rora Borealis; and,if the globe is removed from the foot, and screwed onto the air- pump plate, and a little alcohol, ether, naphtha, or turpentine placed on wool or tow is held to the air-pump screw, where the air usually rushes in, and the cock turned, so that the vacuum is de- stroyed, a quantity of the vapour will necessarily fill the globe ; and if this is once more exhausted, it presents a different appearance, being full of co- loured light (varying according to the spirit employed) but stratified and of a circular form. (Fig. 223.) Fig. 223. End of coil where the experiments are performed. B B. Connecting screws and wires passing to the exhausted globe, c. The screws are supported on insulating glass pillars, p p. Second Experiment. The appearance of these bands of light is modified by the nature of the glass tubes employed, and the subject has been carefully investigated by Mr. Gassiott. At the last meeting of the British Association at Aberdeen, Dr. Robinson made various experiments, arranged by Mr. Ladd, for the purpose of showing the connexion between these minia- ture effects of bands of light in tubes containing various gases, and the phenomena of the Aurora Borealis. The title of the discourse, which was specially delivered in the Music Hall by the learned Doctor, was " On Electrical Discharges in Highly-rarefied Media," and it- was illustrated by experiments prepared by Mr. Gassiott and Mr. Ladd. The kind of tubes employed may be understood from the next figure. They are made in Germany, and by approaching a powerful magnet to 234: BOY'S PLAYBOOK OF SCIENCE. the outside of any of the glass tubes wliilst the bands of light are being produced, the most remarkable mo- difications of them are obtained. Mr. Ladd has mounted one of these tubes in a rota- tory arrangement si- milar to that de- scribed at page 186. When connected with the coil and battery, it furnishes one of the most lovely " elec- tric fire- wheels" that can possibly be de- scribed. (Fie. 224.) Mr. Grove placed a piece of carefully- dried phosphorus m a little metallic cup, and covered it with a Fig. 224. A, B, c, D, B, p. Various tubes of different kinds of jar havin"" a Cap and glass, and containing gases and vapours. Each tube has a rF. n nrr platinum wire inserted at both ends, with which the contact is J e - . V re OVm g made with the coil. The tube A contains mercury, which has the air Irom the re- been boiled in it, and the air expelled. By moving the con- pojvpr and ra