i fmii! r BCUGMT FROM Hearst » Pniir>t^^jn Donation Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/facetofacepractiOOIangricli FACE TO FACE A Practicable Novelette /fv-e- BY LILLIAN LOTUS LANG J * , J > > » » ^ ' y t t\ ' > * TIMKM-MIKKOK tfHlNTlNa tk UlUUltiti SUUMK LOH ANOKI.KH 1922 ]^lejC{y\^ '^CTLuiUa^u^ Copyrighted 1922 by Lillian Lotus Lang »/ • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. IN THE GARDEN OF GOD. 2. WAVES THAT COME TO SHORE. 3. THE DEEP STILL WATERS. 4. HAPPINESS: WHAT IS IT? 5. NATURE AND THE SOUL. 881905 introduction! w I feel His presence, I know it Is Here';' I feel His love, so wondrous — dear. My soul expands like some wonderful flower, Blooming in some fragrant ethereal bower. From the desert of ignorance I spring. To the greater truth, that will ever bring Happiness to the great and to the small — To all, who hearken to His loving call. When we attempt to convince others of the truths we have been enabled to gather by the wayside, we sometimes feel very much as did Abion when he sought the hand of Penelope. Placing a mallet and chisel in the hands of Abion, Penelope bade him hew out the image of her favorite sister, whom Abion had never seen. Throwing down the mallet and chisel Abion flew to Brene, where he established a kingdom, from whence he sent a message to Penelope : ' ' My dear Penelope : **I cannot hew out the image of one whom I have never seen, but if you will come to my kingdom, I will show you the WORKS of one whom I have never seen. Devotedly, ABION. '^ 8 FACE TO FACE I may be challenged for attempting to refute the WOEKS of the so-called dead. However, I **^.* &id the works of IngersoU and the queries they ■ present, well suited (by refutation) to bring out ,%5