HENRY BRADSHAW SOCIETY Sounbeb in f0e T2cat of Out &otb 1890 for t0e ebtfing of (Rate feifutgtcaf VOL. XVIII. ISSUED TO MEMBERS FOR THE YEAR 1899, AND PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. rr\T HISTORIC SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE W 1 ? FERGUSSON IRVINE, 56, PARK ROAD, SOUTH, B IRK IN HEAP. / LHOM.SEC.iEDiTOn.V. D\fJ?jt l+v^* 9 I /<^< 7 T^n>^ ~ r " THE PROCESSIONAL OF THE NUNS OF CHESTER EDITED FROM A MANUSCRIPT IN THE POSSESSION OF THE EARL OF ELLESMERE A T BRIDGE WA TER HOUSE BY J. WICKHAM LEGG, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and of the Society of Antiquaries of London. feonbotu 1899 LONDON : HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. INTRODUCTION. THE manuscript now edited was first brought to my notice by Mr. Barclay Squire, F.S.A., of the British Museum, in the late autumn of 1898. It is one of the collection of manuscripts at Bridgewater House belonging to the Earl of Ellesmere. By his permission the manuscript is now edited for the Henry Bradshaw Society, and I have to thank him for his kindness and patience in allowing the manuscript to be deposited at the British Museum during the long time necessary for its transcrip- tion and printing. This manuscript is connected with the nuns of Chester by the writing at the end of the book : This booke longeth to Dame Margery Byrkenhed of Chestre. The directions on Palm Sunday and Shere Thursday make it plain that the book was written for a convent of women, and there was a monastery of Benedictine nuns at Chester under the invocation of St. Mary. The patron of the church for which this book was written seems to be our Lady, as her altar is the first named in the ceremonies of Shere Thursday, and there is an abundance of anthems and hymns in her honour, somewhat beyond what is usual. St. Benedict also is marked by a procession on his day in March and in July, and by other memorials. The requirements of these phenomena would be satisfied by ascribing this book to the Benedictine Nunnery of St. Mary at Chester. From the liturgical point of view the book is a processional, to which the rubrics testify with their frequent use of the word " procession " ; and, further, a short examination will satisfy an inquirer that the earlier part of the book is in direct affinity with the processionals of Sarum and York. Towards the end a 769282 vi INTRODUCTION. number of private prayers appear ; and quite at the end, the hand, as well as the tongue, change into the ordinary and vernacular. A noteworthy feature of this manuscript is the presence of rubrics in English. But the English is not often more than the name of the day, except in the services for Candlemas, Palm Sunday, and Shere Thursday. The books of the nuns of Syon sometimes show English rubrics. At Magdalene College, Cambridge, there is a Syon psalter, pre- fixed to which is an Ordinal with English rubrics. Its press mark is G. 14. 1 1. At St. John's College, Cambridge (press mark : Theo. C. S. while A. 6. n. is erased) and at St. John's College, Oxford (MS. No. 167.) there are processionals, which once belonged to the same order, with rubrics in English. But in these last, like the processional of the Chester nuns, the English rubrics are for the most part limited to the name of the day, while full rubrics are found in the manuscript Psalter. The nuns of this Brigittine Order seem to have had a liking for vernacular rubrics. In the Breviarium Sororum ac Sanctinwnialiuni Sacri Ordinis Divae Brigittae (Atrebati, Rob. Maudhuy, 1610, 4) the Rubriques ou Directoire de ce Breviaire of the first three leaves will be found in French, and at the end of the book occur offices with the rubrics in French. The prayers themselves are in Latin. So also there is an Italian manuscript of Brigittine use in the Bodleian Library at Oxford in which the greater part of the book is in Latin, but here and there Italian sentences come out. (MS. Canonici Liturg. 49 [19249] ff. \2b. and 325^.) I have not knowledge enough of processionals to say if the use of vernacular rubrics be common in these books, apart from those of nuns ; but I may mention that in the Ambrosian rite, the early printed processionals have vernacular rubrics. One (Mediolani, Leonard Pachel, 1501, 8) and another (Mediolani, Vincentius Giardonius, 1567, 8), containing the processions for Rogation days, which are kept in the first week after the Ascension in this church, have the rubrics in Italian throughout. But in a third (Mediolani, Amb. Sirturi, 1657, 8), ninety years INTRODUCTION, vii after the latter, the rubrics are throughout in Latin. Of much later books with the rubrics in the vernacular, such as the Rituel d'Alet, it is not necessary here to speak. It cannot be said that this book gives us great insight into the rites of the monastery at Chester. There is an octave for Candlemas ; but not for the Conception, or the Visitation of our Lady, the place of which at the end of the other festivals may indicate a recent introduction. There seems nothing very noteworthy in the ceremonies of Candlemas. The same may be said of Palm Sunday, if we except the " City of Jerusalem," which was perhaps some place higher than the rest from which the anthems were sung ; but this is guess work. There is no evidence given of the carrying of the Blessed Sacrament in the procession on this day, a custom once common all over England. The old rule of a maundy on Saturdays seems to have survived at all events for the Saturdays after Easter. The little that is known of the history of the house, with the documents of the suppression in the time of Henry VIII. may be found in Ormerod. 1 In the British Museum (MS. Harl. 2073, fo. 87) there is a " ground plot of St. Maryes Abby or the Nunes " made in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Unfortunately the plan is of little use to one endeavouring to recover the outlines of the mediaeval house, as the alterations made after the suppression are seen to be very considerable. Of the building at this moment nothing seems to remain. " Of the priory of the Benedictine nuns at Chester scarcely any traces now exist, except the name of the Nuns Gardens, preserved in the site of that monastery near the castle: some of the 'buildings appear to have been standing in the year 1729 when Buck's View of Chester Castle was published." 2 1 George Ormerod, History of the County Palatine and City of Chester > London, 1882, vol. i. p. 346. See also Thomas Tanner, Notitia Monastica, Ed. James Nasmith, Cambridge, 1787. Cheshire, vii. 3. 2 Daniel and Samuel Lysons, Magna Britannia^ London, 1810, vol. ii. Part ii. p. 453. An engraving of the ground plot from Harl. 2073 is given in this volume. viii INTRODUCTION. Of Dame Margery Birkenhed I have been able to gain no precise information. It was a custom for ecclesiastics and religious persons to take the name of the place from which they came, of which we have familiar examples in the case of William of Wykeham and William of Waynflete. So that the Dame's family name may not have been Birkenhead. But in the family of Birkenhead of Huxley the name Margaret sometimes occurs, as Mr. Barclay Squire has pointed out to me in their pedigree. 1 Further than this it does not seem possible to go. The manuscript has not been reproduced in full. For example, no attempt has been made to print any part of the music. This was examined by Mr. W. J. Birkbeck, F.S.A., and was found to show the ordinary characters of the music of the Sarum books ; so that it was not thought worth while to reproduce all of it. Further, the whole of the anthems, responds,, and collects has not been always printed. Whenever one of these could be discovered without much trouble in English books that have been made accessible of late years, such as the Sarum or York processional, missal, or breviary, or the Westminster missal, then the liturgical form has only been printed in part : the first and last words being given with a reference in the text to the book where it may be found. The anthems are for the most part well known. Exact verbal correspondence is not meant to be implied ; but, in choosing the book to which refer- ence has been given, that has been taken as a rule which gives a form nearest akin to that in the manuscript. Generally speaking, the forms in the manuscript are more like those in the Sarum than in the York books. Chester it may be remembered was in the diocese of Lichfield, and thus part of the province of Canter- bury, until the changes in Henry VIII.'s time. Where the form is short, even if it be found in the books mentioned, it has been sometimes given in full : and in this case the reference has not been always given in the text, but in the notes, where references have been given to the forms where such have been traced ;, 1 See Harl. MS. 1535, fo. 78*, INTRODUCTION. ix references to those in an English book have been given in every possible case, and it may be added that in most cases where the forms have been found in an English book it has not been thought worth while to follow their history further into books that come from across the sea. Of the remaining longer forms, printed in full, most of them can be found in other liturgical books. References to these are also given in the notes at the end of this volume. The musical notation is limited to the anthems and hymns ; the collects, verses, and the cues to the anthems are not noted. Almost all the anthems, if not all, up to p. 19 of the following edition, have musical notation, but after this the notes cease until p. 25, when some of the anthems have notes over them. In order to give an idea of the musical notation, and of the writing of the book, three pages in collotype reproducing the carol Qui creavit celum (p. 18.) are added to this edition. The words written in black have been printed in Roman type, while those written in red are printed in italics. Also it may be well to point out that, in printing, two methods of dealing with the contractions have been adopted, according as the words are English or Latin. The Latin has been expanded without any indication of the letters supplied ; but when the English words have been expanded the letters supplied are given in a fount different from that of the rest of the word : for example, when the word or sentence generally is in italics, the letters supplied in the expansion are given in roman ; when the word is in roman, the letters supplied are in italics. The mediaeval spelling has been followed, in all cases and no attempt made to reduce the Latin to the ordinary standard. So that in some cases where the spelling or reading may appear strange, it is the manuscript itself that is at fault. When it has been wished to call attention to the reading as being that of the manuscript itself, an obelus has been inserted after the word. Some of the readings in the metrical hymns are very unlike what is met with in other texts, and can hardly be construed ; x INTRODUCTION. for example, the variations in Tcllus ac ethera (p. 10) are so many that it was thought better not to use the obelus ; but the printed text, whatever its curiosities may be, has been very carefully compared with the manuscript, and follows it as closely as may be. It may be held that these variations indicate a careless scribe, and it is some evidence that the book has not been much in use, that no marks suggesting alterations appear in the margin. A book in the British Museum (Add. MS. 30,514) formerly in use by the nuns of Syon has been carefully gone through by a corrector, and faults indicated by a cross in the margin ; which have been accordingly corrected. The manuscript is written in red and black, with decorated initials ; while the rubrics are in red, the body of the work is in black. Mr. Warner of the British Museum assigns the writing of the greater part of the book to a date near 1425, but not much before that year, while the writing of the end of the book is much later than this. The writing of the fly-leaves at the beginning and end of the book he assigns to the end of the fifteenth century. The leaves of the book are vellum and 85 in number, though the number of the leaves has not yet been marked on them. They measure on their outer edge 140 mm. by 197 mm., that is, about 6^ inches broad by 8 inches high. The first six leaves are somewhat coarser in texture than the others and they are blank, except that on the two middle leaves there is an anthem or two written and noted. With Mr. Warner's assistance I have made out the structure of the manuscript to be as shown by the following diagram : a 6 A 8 B 9 C 8 D G 9 H 8 I 8 K 2 I 1 . In the gatherings with 9 leaves there is one inserted leaf; but it is not constant in the place at which it is inserted. When the music takes up a whole page, there are seven lines ; without music twenty-one lines. INTR OD UC TION. xi The book has been recently bound in dark morocco. The crest of the family of Egerton is stamped in gold on both covers, surmounted by an earl's coronet. The book is lettered on the back : Missal of Dame Margery Birkenhead. Lower down is : MS. The private prayers and hymns written in an ordinary hand at the end of the book have been transcribed by Mr. Barclay Squire, and I am indebted to him for the permission to print them from his copy, and for much help kindly given me in this undertaking. I would also express my thanks to Mr. G. F. Warner, for help in matters connected with palaeography; to Mn Henry Jenner, F.S.A., and Mr. Robert G. C. Proctor, for help in other matters. And above all, to my colleagues in the Society, Mr. Dewick and Mr. H. A. Wilson, whose kindness and con- sideration for me know no bounds. For the General Index I am indebted to my son. SYMBOLS. The following symbols have been used in this edition : S : Processionale ad usum insignis ac praeclarae Ecclesiae Sarum Leeds, 1882, ed. W. G. Henderson. S. B : Breviarium ad tisum insignis Ecclesiae Sarum, Cantabrig. 1879- 1886. in three fasciculi, ed. Procter and Wordsworth. S. M : Missale ad usum insignis et praeclarae Ecclesiae Sarum, Burnt- island, 1861-1,883, ed. F. H. Dickinson. W : Missale ad usum Ecclesiae Westmonasteriensis, Henry Bradshaw Society, 1891-97, in three fasciculi. Y : Manuale et Processionale ad usum insignis Ecclesiae Eboracensis, Surtees Society, 1875, ed. W. G. Henderson. Y. B : Breviarium ad usum insignis Ecclesiae Eboracensis, Surtees Society, 1880-1883, in two volumes, ed. S. W. Lawley. On Sondays in the Aditent. say thys Missus est angelus gabriel . . . uerbum tnum alleluya. [S. 6.] The antems of owre Lady say on Sonday. one & a nother a nother. a' De te uirgo. an. Quo modo fiet istud. an. Rorate cell desuper. Q Procession of Seynct nicholas. Responsory. Ui cum audissent sancti nicholai . . . clemenciam. V. Clara quippe . . . famulum. Saluatoris. [S. B. iii. In the conception of owre lady this .$. UErbum patris mundo fulsit virginis per vterum cuius mentem non grauauit onus premens scelerum. Ut super vellus pluuia. Sic descendit in maria. V. Solem iusticie concludunt claustra marie. Ut super. 1 On two out of the six flyleaves at the beginning of the book is written with musical notes : Et nunc ssquimur in toto corde et timemus te et querimus faciem tuam domine nee confundas nos sed fac nobis iuxta mansuetudinem tuam et secundum multitudinem misericordie tue. Amo christum in cuius talamum introiui cuius mater virgo est cuius pater feminat nescit cuius michi organumt modulatis vocibus cantant quem cum amauero casta sum cum tetigero munda sum cum accepero virgo sum. CHESTER. B CHRISTMAS: TWELFTH DAY. 'dtiy procession .#. "n\Escendit de celis . . . fabrice mundi. ^ V. Tanquam sponsus . . . thalamo suo. Et exiuit Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. Et exiuit [S. 12.] If it falle on Sonday. ye shal say this .a\ IT Odie christus natus . . . excelsis deo alleluya. [8.13.] ^ -* V. Puer natus est nobis. On Sonday afftnx yole day thys procession. J TN principio erat verbum . . . factum est nichil. [lohan. 1 i- 13.] y. Quod factum est in ipso uita erat et vita erat lux hominum. Omnia. a\ Hodie christus natus est hodie. P. Puer natus. By fore at the euynsong of seynt lohn say this .!. Hie est discipulus qui testimonium perhibet de hiis. Et scripsit hec et scimus quia uerum est testimonium eius. V. Fluenta euangelii de ipso sacro dominici pectoris fonte potauit. Et scripsit hec 1 To seynt thomas 1 procession. #. Ex summa rerum . . . populo leticia. y. Concurrit turba . . . beneficiorum. Sed cum. V.\ [S. B. i. cclii.] On newyers da thys procession. #. 'Erbum caro factum . . . ueritatis. V. In principio . . . uerbum. Cuius. gloriam. 2 [S. 21.] On twelfe day. procession. $. IN columbe specie . . . audite. V. Celi aperti . . . audita est. c est. [Y. 143.] If itt fall on a Sonday ze shall say this A\ HOdie celesti sponso . . . conuiue alleluya. [S. B. i. cccxxx.] V. Et intrantes domum. J * struck through with black line > probably in Henry VI II. 's tijne. 2 In margin is written ; a' [a word illegible] virgo hodie y. verbum. The p^cessiow the Sonday next after new yeres day. Verbum. AFTER EPIPHANY: CANDLEMAS DAY. 3 REx magnus natus est in israhel et uenerunt reges terre adorare eum. Et optulerunt ei munera aurum thus et mirram. V. Et intrantes domum inuenerunt puerum cum maria matre eius et procidentes adorauerunt eum. Et optulerunt. a*. Hodie celesti. X 7 . Et intrantes. On Sondaies betwene tJie vtas of the epiphanie and septua- gesime processio. A nfem. O maria iesse virga celi regina maris stella plenitudo temporis ecce iam venit iam olim promissum florem protulisti ergo precamur o domina vt qui te meruimus confiteri christi matrem senciamus o pia ut singulari merito hunc nobis tu facias placabilem et dies istos tue sancte uirginitatis partu nobis ipse propter te o benignissima disponas quo temporalis solennitas nos ad eternam enutriat leticiam alleluya. a'. Uirgo hodie fidelis. V.\ On candlemas day when candles byn halowed the pvzst shal- begyn this .ps. LUmen ad reuelationem gencium et gloriam plebis tue israhel. ps. Nunc dimittis seruum tuum domine secundum verbum tuum in pace. ps. Lumen. Quia uiderunt oculi mei salutare tuum. Lumen. Quod parasti ante faciem omnium populorum. Lumen. Aue gratia plena dei genitrix uirgo ex te enim ortus est sol iusticie. here shalbe the goyng owte of the stallis to the churche dor illuminans qui in tenebris sunt . . . nobis et resurrec- tionem. [S. 143.] Oute at y e churche dore with this .a\ A Dorna thalamum . . . saluatorem mundi. [S. 143.] At the f rater doore begyn thys antym. "D Esponsum accepit .... tuum in pace. [S. 144.] A t the parlowr dore begyn thys antym. T_J Odie beata virgo . . . accepit eum [S. 144-] B 2 4 SEPTUAGESIMA: LENT: CUm inducerent puerum iesum . . . tuum in pace. [S. B. iii. 41.] V. Symeon iustus. On sonday withine the vtas of candlemas. ~\J Unc dimittis . . . salutare tuum. y> Quod parasti . . . reuelationem gencium. Ouia, [S. 143.] T_T Odie maria uirgo puerum ofifert in templo quern symeon * * senex accepit in brachiis et anna vidua christum agnouit aduenisse in terris. V. ^imion iustus. 1 This procession shalbe saide on Sonday & so forth fro septua- gesime to lenton. Cce carissimi . . . regna celorum. y. Ecce mater . . . uenite ad me. Ut. V.\ [S. 24.] The fyrst sonday of lenton and so to the passion. Sonday this semis to procession. riste pater, misericordiarum qui tempus acceptabile reis indulges reminiscere miserationum tuarum et quos hucusque tolleras ad penitenciam compunge peccauimus domine in omnem iusticiam tuam et iniquitates nostre abstulerunt nos et tu iratus es et auertisti faciem tuam et possiderunt nos domine absque te et respice tu pater noster es et nos lutum ne irascaris nobis neque multitudinem viscerum tuorum super nos contineas vltra. Sed parce placare attende et fac nobis iuxta multitu- dinem benignitatis tue ut in die bona quam tu fecisti o fons dauid patens in ablucione menstruate ne confundanturf in nobis sed letemur in te. Say iche Sonday one of these ,a\ of oure laidy. a\ Anima mea. a\ Descendi in ortum. a\ Beata dei genitrix. V. Post partum uirgo. On Seynct benet day this procession Ofelix benedicte iam de tua gloria secure nostris miseriis curam impende. Per christum excusa mala que fecimus et obtine bona que poscimus. ] 1 added in later hand. PASSION SUNDAY: PALM SUNDAY. 5 V. Ut cruciatus infernorum possimus euadere et de dei conspectu tecum gaudere. Per. V. l Os iusti 1 On passion Son day y ls . $. "|\ /T Ultiplicati sunt . . . deus meus. I**-^ V. Nequando dicat . . . eum. Exurge. [S. B. i. dccxix.] V. Dederunt in escam meam fel. a\ Descend! in ortum meum. On palme Sonday when palmes is 2 blessed, the prest shalbegyn. .a\ Pueri. and the chauntres shal take hebreorum. and soo forth synge this. piled hebreorum tollentes . . . excelsis. [S. 47.] the chauntres shall begyn this antym PUeri hebreorum uestimenta . . . nomine domini [S. 47-] here shalbe the first entre oute of the qwere zv* thys. a\ ANte sex dies . . . uoce magna dicentes osanna in excelsis. [S. 49.] fro the churche doore to ierusalem ye shal say thys antym. CUm appropinquaret dominus . . . miserere nobis fili dauid. [S. 48.] Here the prior es and other .if. ladies shall take the prestes & goo in to the cyte of Jerusalem and there thay shal synge this antym. N rex uenit . . . lectio prophetica. [S. 50.] Here the ladies that ben with oute shall synge this .a\ when they come to zVrusa/e;;/. thai shal knele downe & also at yche ,a\ y* thay synge. O Alue quern ihesum testatur . . . uerba salutis. [S. 50.] The Priores and hire felous this antym. TT Ic est qui de edom . . . altis curribus. [8.51.] Tho thdt ben withoute commande toward the pnores and she to theym thys antym. CAlue lux mundi rex regum . . . hie et in euum. [S. 51.] 1 ] added in later hand. 2 interlined in blue letters. 6 PALM SUNDAY: SHERE THURSDAY. The priores and hiere felows comande toward those y* ben thereoute w l this antym. Hie est ille qui ut agnus . . . quandam beati vates prompserunt prophetice. [S. 51.] Tho there out comyng to gedre say this .a\ O Alue nostra salus . . . iura subisti [S. 51.] Then shall all go to the hye crosse z'n the churcheyarde syngynge y is antym and the prestes before theym. /^Um audisset populus . . . redimere nos. [S. 49.] When thay comen to the crosse on the northe halff a decon shall reede a gospell. Cum appropinquaret when itt is redd the prest shall knele down thryse & synge. "T^Ignus es domine . . . et honorem. /^Ccurrunt turbe . . . nubila osanna. [8.51.] W* thys antym and y is Responsory y ai shal goo to the churche dore & w t this v^se /^Ollegerunt . . . gentem. V-< V. Unus autem . . . dicentes. Ne forte [S. 52.] Here the .if. chauntres shal take .if. ladies into, the churche & synge these .V. C^ Loria laus . . . ecce tibi. [8.52.] Here thay shall goo in to the crosse w l thys. antym. TNgrediente domino . . . in excelsis. -* V. Cunque audissent populus . . . obuiam ei. Cum [S. 53-] When thai corny n before the cros. tJie prest shal go knele downe thries & syng Ue rex noster . . . osanna in excelsis. Aue rex. [S.S3-] In to the Qwhere w* this .a\ Ircumdederunt me . . vindica me. V. Quoniam tribulacio . . . adiuuet Sed. [S. 43.] V. Dederunt in escam meam fel. On sherthursday at the washy ng of the auters f s I. T N monte oliueti . . . uoluntas tua. V. Uerumptamen . . . sicut tu uis. Fiat. [S. 60.] .$. 'T^Ristis est anima mea . . . pro vobis. * V. Ecce appropinquabit . . . peccatorum [S. 61.] SHERE THURSDAY. 7 antym. Oiuda qui dereliquisti . . . habebas. V. Os tuum habundauit . . . doles. Et. [S. 63.] y. Christus factus est pro nobis obediens. Oracio. T3 Espice quesumus domine . . . tormentum. Per. lv [S. B. i. dcclxxii.] Goo to seynt mary auter w* thys antym of the assumption. AScendit christus . . . exist.it [S. 1 54.] y. Exaltata estf sancta dei genitrix. Oracio UEneranda nobis . . . genuit incarnatum. Qui tecum viuit et regnat. [S. 1 54.] Of Seynt lohn the euangelist say this ar\tym. IOhannes apostolus & euangelista virgo est electus a domino atque inter ceteros magis dilectus. V. Ualde honorandus est beatus iohannes. Oracio. ECclesiam tuam . . . iohannis euangeliste sempiterna. Per. [S. 17.] Of Seynct lames y is antym. Obeate iacobe qui subuenis periclitantibus ad te clamantibus tarn in mari quam in terra succurre nobis & in periculo mortis. V. Ora pro nobis beate iacobe. oracio T^Sto domine . . . secura deseruiat. Per. [S. B. iii. *-* 533-] Of Seynt nicholas this .a\ BEatus nicholaus adhuc puerulus multo ieiunio macerabat corpus. V. Ora pro nobis beate nicholae. oracio qui beatum nicholaum pium pontificem tuum .... incendiis liberemur. Per. [S. B. iii. 25.] [Here a rubric relating to St. Edmund should have been written.] "XT On est inuentus similis illi qui conseruaret legem excelsi. * ^ . Ora pro nobis beate Edmunde Oracio DEus qui largiflue bonitatis . . . patrociniis protegamur aduersis. Per. [S. B. iii. 1053.] Of Seynt Benet this .a'. lP\Ei repletus gratia *~* benedictus ab infancia contempsit huius infima 8 SHE RE THURSDAY. mundi sequens celestia. V. Os iusti meditabitur sapiencia. Oracio TNtercessio nos domine quesumus beati benedicti abbatis ^ . . . patrocinio assequamur. Per. [S. B. iii. 467.] Of Seynct Margarete thys antym. autem margareta annorum quindecim cum ab impio olibrio tradebatur in carcere. V Ora pro nobis beata margareta. Oracio DEus qui beatam margaretam . . . peruenire mereamur. Per. [S. B. iii. 501.] Of Seynt Thomas this antym. EGo sum pastor bonus qui pasco oues meas & pro ouibus meis pono animam meam. V. Ora pro nobis beate thoma. oracio in\Eus pro cuius ecclesia gloriosus pontifex . . . salu- **^ tarem consequantur effectum. Per. [S. B. i. ccxlvi.] Of Seynct katerine this .a\ IN bello victus constantinoque fugatus alexandrinam uenit maxencius urbem. V. Ora pro nobis beata katerina. Oracio DEus qui dedisti legem moysi . . . valeamus peruenire. Per. [S. B. iii. 1103.] Of Seynt A nne thys antym. A Nna deo vigilauit eo quod lucis alumpna *"* hanc genuit que virgo fuit vicequef columpna. V. Interueni pro nobis beata mater anna. Oracio. PResta domine fidelibus tuis beate matris anne digna venera- cione natalicia peruenire J . de cuius sacra carne vnigeniti tui genitrix ad natiuitatis humane processit dies que mundo salua virginitate lucis eterne parturiuit auctorem. Per. Of Seynct marie magdaleyn .y is .a\ "TV /T Agdalenam sua crimina confkentem christus dominus *** suscepit et emundatam in pace abire precepit. V. Dimissa sunt ei peccata multa. Oracio LArgire nobis clementissime .... impetret beatitu- dinem. Per. [Y. B. ii. 398.] Of Seynt. lohn the baptist. ELizabeth zacharie magnum virum genuit iohannem baptistam percursorem domini. V. Fuit homo missus a deo. SHERE THURSDAY. 9 Oracio /^Mnipotens sempiterne deus da cordibus nostris illam tuarum ^J. rectitudinem semitarum quam beatus iohannes baptista in deserto vox clamantis edocuit. Per. Of all halowes this antym shalbe saide. GAudent in celis anime sanctorum qui christi uestigia sunt sequuti et quia pro eius amore sanguinem suum fuderunt ideo cum christo regnabunt ineternum. V. Orate pro nobis omnes sancti dei. Oracio COncede quesumus . . . patrocinia senciamus. Per eundem. [S. 63.] a' Aue regina celorum. At y e greate maundy afftur the washyng of the auters. At the first entre of the prior es in to the chapiture to washe Mere Sistres feete on the Suppr'wres halfe thies antyms shall be songon that is to wete. antzp/ivna. Mandatum nouum. a\ Si ego. a\ Postquam surrexit. a\ In diebus illis. Antiphona MAndatum nouum . . . dicit dominus. [S. 64.] Ps. Beati immaculati in via qui ambulant in lege domini. O I ego dominus . . . lauare pedes [S. 65.] A\ "pOstquam surrexit . . . reliquit suis [S. 65.] a' T N diebus illis . . . vnguento vngebat. [S. 65.] A Iso at the secund entre of the Priores to washe the feete. T/tis antym shall be songon on that other syde. ACcepit maria libram vnguenti nardi pistici preciosi & vnxit pedes ihesu et capillis suis extersit stans retro vt peccatrix secus pedes domini eos lacrimis osculando rigauit. At the thred entre of the pnores to weshe Mere handzs on the Suppr'wres halff this antym shall be songon. A Nte diem . . . pedes discipulorum. [S. 65.] At the .iiij. ih entre of the priores to washe hire hande* on y* side y is shalbe songone. \ 7Enit ad petrum . . . et caput. [S. 65.] io THE MAUNDY ON SHERE THURSDAY. Here the priores shall cum in and sytt down m Mere chayre and that while the suppriores and other two of the aldist ladies shall ordeyn theim to zuash the priores fete. ac ethera iubilent n cena magna prncps que prothoplausti pecora vite purgauit fercula. V. Hac nocte factor omnium potens ad ministerium carnem suam cum sanguine in escam transfert anime. y. Excelsus surgens dapibus prebet formam mortalibus humilitatis gracia petri prebens vestigia. V Pellet seruos obsequio cum angelorum domino ferendo limam lintheo cernit ceno procumbere. P. Permitte symon ablui acta figura mistica dum sumus imo baiula quod sanctus seruet cineri. V. Lauator thoris accubat verbique faues aggerat quos inter hostem deuota nescis qui dolos ruminat V. Trux lupe iuda pessime ferago miti basia das membra loris regia que sorde tergunt secula. y. Noxi soluentur hodie carnis a corde carcere vngunt sacrati crismatis spes inde crescat miseris. y. Victori mortis inclitam pangamus laude gloriam cum patre sancto spiritu quos nos redemit habitu. Amen. A t the secund comynge of the suppnores to washe the Priores feete thys antym shall be songon. ^Ongregauit nos christus ad glorificandum se ipsum reple ^^ domine animas nostras sancto spiritu. a'. Congregauit nos in vnum christi amor timeamus & amemus christum regem ubi caritas et amor ibi deus. At the thrid comyng of the suppriores to washe the pnores handes syng this. THE MAUNDY ON SATURDAYS AFTER EASTER. 11 DOmum istam . . . muros eius. [S. B. i. mcccclviii.] Ps. Fundamenta eius . . . tabernacula iacob. [Ps. 86. V. I.] a' Domum istam. Ps. Gloriosa dicta sunt de te ciuitas dei. [Ps. 86. v. 2.] a\ Domum. And at tJiat other comyng thay shal syng. Ecce quam bonum. and then thay shal rede a lesson, and then goo to theffraytur. The first seturday afft r paske this .a\ as on sJiere thurseday. Mandatum nouum. [S. 64.] A. TN hoc cognoscent omnes quia mei estis discipuli si -* dilectionem habueritis adinuicem. T^Vlligamus nosinf inuicem quia caritas ex deo est et qui diligit *-J fratrem suum ex deo natus est & videt deum ubi est caritas et dilectio ibi sanctorum est congregacio ibi nee ira nee indignacio sed firma caritas imperpetuum christus descendit mundum redi- mere vt liberaret a morte homines exemplum prebuit suis- discipulis vt sibi inuicem pedes abluerent. T Hesum qui crucifixus est queritis alleluya non est hie surrexit * enim sicut dixit vobis alleluia. A Rdens est cor meum desidero uidere dominum meum quero -O- et non inuenio ubi posuerunt eum alleluya. At the secund entre of the minis? s*\ this .an. Ihesum qui crucifixus ye shal not say. Congregauit. but Domum istam. Ecce quam bonum. The secunde Seturday aftur paske day & so to tJie ascension of owre lorde this maundith Mandatum' nouum. In hoc cognoscent. Diligamus nos. At y 6 secund comyng in. these iiij. A\ IWTAria stabat . . . caput ihesu alleluia [S. B. i. dcccxl.] T^\Um flerem ad monumentum vidi dominum meum alleluya. ^ 7Enit maria nuncians discipulis quia vidi dominum alleluia. TUlerunt dominum . . . eum tollam alleluia alleluia. [S. B. i. dcccxli.] 12 ASCENSION OF GUR LORD. The first Seturday aftur the Ascension day this maundi. Mandatum nouum. In /we 1 cognoscent Diligamus. ye shalnot say. Congregauit. but in stede of it. say this .a\ l\/r Aria ergo vnxit pedes ihesu et extersit capillis suis et domus ** impleta est ex odore unguenti. V Dimissa sunt ei peccata multa quoniam dilexit multum. a\ Maria ergo. a\ Domum istam. Ps. Ecce quam bonum. yche sonday to the ascension y is shalbe procession .$ SEdit angelus . . . cum eo surrexit alleluya. V. Crucifixum . . . adorate. [S. B. i. dcccxxix.] # Nolite. CHristus resurgens . . . viuit deo alleluya alleluia. [S. B. dcccvii.] V. Dicite in nacionibus. On the holy rode day. at euensonge. >Er tuam crucem . . . resurgendo reparasti. V. Miserere nobis iesu . . . pro nobis. Et vitarn. Gloria patri . . . sancto. Et. [S. 156.] In the Ascension of o r lord this precession. VIri galilei . . . ita ueniet alleluia alleluya alleluia. [S. V. Cunque intuerentur . . . dixerunt. Quemadmodum. [S. 123.] V. Ascendo ad patrem meum et patrem vestrum The Sonday w*in the vtas. NOn relinquam vos . . . cor uestrum alleluya alleluya [Y. 187.] V, Nisi abiero . . . mittam eum ad vos. Et [Y. 187.] Orex glorie . . . spiritum veritatis alleluia. [S. B. i. dcccclxv.] V. Ascendo ad patrem et patrem vestrum. V 1 written in margin in red. WH1TSUNDA Y: CORPUS CHRISTI: ST. JOHN BAPTIST. 13; On witsonday procession. Sedit angelus withowt the verse, antym. HOdie completi . . . saluus erit alleluia. W. Spiritus sanctus procedens a throno. [S. 125.] On Trinite Sonday this procession. SUmme trinitati . . . orbem legibus. [8.125.] V. Prestet nobis . . . almi. Qui. [8.125.] HOnor virtus . . . tempore. [8.126.] F. Trinitati lux perhennis vnitati sit decus perpetim. In perhenni. [S. 126.] V. Verbo domini celi firmati sunt. In the fest of carports xpi thy s procession. #. EGo sum panis vite patres vestri manducauerunt manna in deserto & mortui sunt Hie est panis de celo descendens si quis ex ipso manducauerit non morietur. V. Ego sum panis viuus qui de celo descendi siquis man- ducauerit ex hoc pane uiuet ineternum. Hie est V. Panem de celo prestitisti eis. The Sonday within the vtas of corporis xpi. this Responsory. 13 Espexit helias ... ad montem dei. [S. 127.] " V. Si quis ... in eternum. Et ambulauit [S. 128.] V. Panem de celo. On seynt lo/tn baptist euen procession. INnuebant patri eius quern vellet vocari eum et postulans. pugillarem scripsit dicens. Johannes est nomen eius. P. Apertum est os zacharie & prophetauit dicens. Johannes. . ffuit homo missus. On the Day of S\ lohn. baptist, this /recession. Nter natos mulierum non surrexit maior iohanne baptista. Qui viam domino preparauit in heremo. *. Fuit homo missus a deo cui nomen iohannes erat The sonday within the vtas. Nnuebant. I I 14 SS. PETER AND PAUL: DEUS OMNIUM TO ADVENT. Ro eo quod non credidisti verbis meis eris tacens & non poteris loqui vsque in diem natiuitatis eius. V. ffuit homo missus. On y e sonday within the vtas of peter & paule this $. TSti sunt due oliue. . . . facte sunt. [S. B. iii. 353.] -*- P. In omnem terram . . . eorum. Quia. [S. B. ii. 365.] This procession seruus on sondaies fro Deus omnium, to Aduent. O Remus dilectissimi nobis deum patrem omnipotentem vt cunctis mundum purget erroribus morbos auferat famem repellat aperiat carcerem vincula dissoluat Peregrinantibus reditum infirmantibus sanitatem nauigantibus portum salutis indulgeat et pacem tribuat in diebus nostris insurgentibusque repellat inimicos et de manu inferni liberet nos propter nomen suum alleluya. a\ Descendi in ortum meum. y. Post partum. a. CUm venerimus ante conspectum domini in die iudicii vbi assistunt milia milium et decies centena milia angelorum archangelorum cherubyn et seraphyn. Ubi sanctorum chorus circumastat patriarcharum ac prophetarum apostolorum et mar- tirum & omnia agmina sanctorum quia ibi iudicium in quo sine testibus omnia manifesta sunt. a\ Beata dei genitrix. V. Post partum. /^Mnipotens deus supplices te rogamus et petimus vt intercessio ^^ archangelorum sit pro nobis grata tibi semper. Michaelis et gabrielis pariterque et raphaelis vt digni offeramus tibi hostias ad altare et appareamus ante saluatorem per intercessionem nouem ordinum angelorum Thronorum et dominacionum Prin- cipatum et potestatum cum cherubyn et seraphyn vt ipsi intercedant pro nobis qui non cessant clamare dicentes Sanctus sanctus sanctus dominus deus exercituum rex israhel qui regnas sine fine dignare famulos tuos hodie exaudire alleluya. V. Post partum virgo. At the first euer\song of .s\ Thomas of canter bery to his .a\ J$. QUam pulchra quam sunt beate tua preconia tuis mentis ignis accensus extinguitur extinctus accenditur terra quos premit non opprimit ventus quiescit mare obsedit. SS. BEN NET, MARGARET, M. MAGDALEN, JAMES, ANNE. 15 V. Quoniam te fideliter subiecisti creator! ideo mirabiliter tibi seruit creatura. y. Ora pro nobis beate thoma. In the Translation of Seynt Benedicte att euensonge. SAnctus pater benedictus prophetie spiritu plenus. Cepit ventura predicere presens absencia nunciare ac per sompnum semet exhibere. V. Regios euentosf pandit fratres comedentes detersit dormi- entibus fabricam ostendit Cepit. At the first euensong of seynt maxgaret to hir auter. $ ID Egnum mundi . . . dilexi. " V. Eructavit . . . regi. Quem. Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. [S. B. ii. 447.] A t the first euensong of seynt marie magdaleyn. $. Regnum mundi. In the vigil of seynt lames to his auter say y is .R. QUi sunt isti . . . suas. versus. Candidioresniue . . . antique. Et quasi. [Y. B. ii. 652.] At the first euensong of seynt Anne this procession .a' A D felicis anne festum -"omnes fluant populi cuius proles effugauit densam noctem seculi dum maria maris stella celebs nupta peperit et per natum eius christum mors eterna deperit apud ipsum sint pro nobis & mater et filia vt in orto sponsi rosas leamus et lilia. 16 ASSUMPTION AND NATIVITY OF B. V.M. : HOLY CROSS DA K In tJie vigil of the Assumption of our e lady this .R. Aue regina. Ande if it fall on Sonday this .$. Decus uirginitatis . . . regina. [Y. 198.] y. Accipe quod offerimus redona quod rogamus excusa quod timemus. V. Salue Stella maris memorare quibus memoraris. Mater. In the Assumpstion of our e lady this procession. lix namque es sacra . . . christus deus noster. V. Ora pro populo . . . assumptionem. Ouia. [S I54-] If it fall on a sonday then this .a', shall be saide Hodie maria. V. Exaltata es sancta. The sonday within y* vtas ye sJial say this O decus. HOdie 1 ... in eternum. [S. B. iii. 700.] y. Exaltata es sancta dei. [S. 154.] In the natiuite of o r lady this procession .$. SOlem iusticie . . . ortum. V. Cernere . . . fideles. Stella. Gloria . sancto. Stella [S. B. iii. 781.] y. Elegit earn deus. If it fall on a sonday this shall be saide. "XT Atiuitas tua . . . vitam sempiternam. [5.156.] The Sonday withine the vtas. Solem iusticie. In y e Exaltation of the cros y is .$. CRux benedicta . . . nostra lauit alleluya alleluya. [S. B. iii. 823.] y. Corpore quidem in ligno pependit pro uulnere nostro. Atque. Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. Atque. The anthem Hodie is repeated and the arrangements confused. ALL SS.: SS. EDMUND AND KATHERINE: VISITATION. 17 In the vigil of all hatoives to y* auter y es . J SInt lumbi vestri . . . reuertatur a nuptiis. y. Vigilate ergo . . . venturus sit. Et. Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. Et. [S. B. iii. 974.] V. Orate pro nobis omnes sancti dei. C On the day this procession. Oncede nobis . . . societatem. . Adiuuent nos . . . peccati. [Y. 199.] Sint lumbi. Of seynt Edmund to his auter thys .$. Miles christi gloriose edmunde sanctissime. Tuo pio interuentu Culpas nostras ablue. V. Ut celestis regni sedem . . . valeamus scandere. Tuo. Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. Culpas. [Y. 201.] A Of seynt katherine Nima mea . . . amore langueo. Amen. [S. B. iii. 685.] In the visitacion of o r lady #. O mater montem saliens fuisti virgaf vigilans angelo precedente. Ad mentes contemplancium regendasf ex aromatum fragoref defluente. V. Ibi flos campi filiaf velut conuallis lilia nitorem dat in mente. Ad. Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. Ad mentes. In the corny ng in the chirche say tJiys ajitym. /^Arisma sancti spiritus ^diffudit se diuinitus in puerum cum sensit verbum salutiferum marie sibi obuium elisabeth accensit. V. Elegit earn deus et preelegit CHESTER. C 1 8 DEDICATION DAY: ST. BENNET: QUI CREAV1T. In the dedicacion of the chirche say this precession .#. TErribilis est . . . loco isto et ego nesciebam. V. Cunque euigilasset iacob quasi de graui somno ait. Vere. Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. Vere. In comyng in to the chirche say Oquam metuendus est locus iste vere non est hie aliud nisi domus dei et porta celi. [S. B. i. mccccxlix.] y. Domus mea. Of Saynct Benet this Responsorye. F Rater erat mente captiuus oracionis tempore uagus quern sanctus egressum virga percussit & trahentem se puerum nigrum fugauit. y. Qui ex ilia die nil tale passus est ab hoste sed immobilis permansit in oracione. Quern. V. Os iusti meditabitur Q Ui 1 creauit celum lully lully lu. Nascitur in stabulo byby byby by. Rex qui regit seculum lully lully lu. Joseph emit panniculum byby byby by. Mater inuoluit puerum lully lully lu. Et ponit in presepio byby byby by. Inter animalia lully lully lu. lacent mundi gaudia byby byby by. Dulcis super omnia lully lully lu. Lactat mater domini. byby byby by Osculatur paruulum lully lully lu. Et adorat dominum byby byby by. Roga mater filium lully lully lu. Ut det nobis gaudium byby byby by. In perenni gloria lully lully lu. In sempiterna secula byby byby by. Ineternum et vltra lully lully lu. Det nobis sua gaudia byby byby by. V. Puer natus est nobis. The carol with its music is given in collotype at the end of the vohune. SHERE THURSDAY: AVE SPONSA INCORRUPTA. 19 oracio. /"^Oncede quesumus omnipotens deus . . . seruitus tenet. ^ Per eundem. [S. 14.] On shere thursday this, antym. DOminus iesus postquam . , . ita faciatis. [S. M. 303.] V. Ostende nobis domine misericordiam tuam. Et salutare tuum. kyrieleison. Christeleison. kyrieleison. Pater noster. Et ne nos. Sed libera. Suscepimus deus misericordiam tuam. In medio templi tui. Tu mandasti. Mandata tua custodiri nimis. Domine exaudi orationem meam. Et clamor. Dominus vobiscum. oracio. ADesto domine ihesu christe . . . omnia nostra interiora lauentur peccata quod ipse prestare digneris. Qui cum patre et spiritu sancto viuis et regnas deus per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. [S. 66.] This payer\ folowyng shalbe saide afft r compfen. \ Ue sponsa incorrupta. -^~*-aue per quam orbis lapsi facta est ereptio. Aue per quam occumbentis est ade surrectio. Aue per quam prime matris est cue redemptio. Sancta maria ora pro nobis aue sponsa incorrupta. Altitudo cogitandi tu in accessibilit inuisibile profundum angelorum oculis karikaristo menitrotoche partine sancta dei genitrix ora pro nobis. Omnia portantem portans solium imperil C 2 20 AVE S PONS A INCORRUPTA. tu stella demonstrans solem sol diei 1 mistici occidentis austrof mundi luminis conspicui sancta virgo virginum ora pro nobis sancta maria incorrupta. Incarnationis diuinif vterisf tu sanctaf es per quam renouantur omnes creature species cunquef adoratur factor et origo omnium angelorum domina ora pro nobis aue sponsa incorrupta. Tu extans iniciatrix archamf consilii mirandorum vere christi operum primicie dogmatum illius extans tu fons & inicium celorum regina ora pro nobis aue sponsa incorrupta. Scala tu celestis per quam descendit ipse deus sponsa traducens terrena supera celestia tu mater innupta omni honore superior virgo perpetua ora pro nobis aue sponsa incorrupta. Demonum forte lamentum meror & tristicia angelorum et bonorum laus decus & gloria electorum tu cunctorum facta es leticia templum domini ora pro nobis aue sponsa incorrupta. Generans perennem zepher- um in accessibilem 1 The first i of this word is interlined. AVE S PONS A INCORRUPTA. 21 inuisibile super ascendens omnium scienciam animarum tu sanctarum splendor et prudencia sacrarium spiritus sancti ora pro nobis aue sponsa incorrupta. Cenicamf vite coronam fructu ventris germinans possidens diuinitatem et in ea pullulasf nutricans humanitatem et earn agricolans tu sola sine exemplo ora pro nobis Aue sponsa incorrupta. And there say y r ve me grace for thy loue to dreede hate and flee synne. Pater nosier. Aue maria. O Swete Jhu thy precious bloode ande thy byttur passion be my redempcion and saluacion. Pater noster. Aue maria. O Swete Jhu haue mercy of all the soules in purgatory, and saue me fro;;z hell. Pater noster. Aue maria. O Swete Jhu when shall I see thy gloriouse face with all thy blessed Sayntes in ioy w'oute ende. Amen. Paternoster. Aue maria & Credo. O Gloriouse Jhu. O mekest Jhu. O moste swettest Jhu. I pray the. that I may haue trew confession, contricion and satisfacion or I dye. And that I may see and receyve thy holy bodye godd and man Sauyo r of all mankynd Crist Jhu with owte synne. And that thow wilt my lorde godd forgyve me all my synnes ffor thy gloriouse wondes and passion. And that I may ende my lyffe in the trew ffeyth of holy churche. and in p^rfite loue and charite w l my euen cristen as thy creature. And I co;;zmaund my sowle in to thy holy hand^s throgh the glorious helpp of thy blessed moder of mercy oure lady saynt marie, and all the holy company of heuen. The holy body of crist ihu be my saluacion of body and soule. Amen. The gloriose bloode of cryst Jhu bryng my sowle and body in to the euer lastynge blysse. Amen. I cry godde mercy. I cry godde mercy. I cry godde mercy. Welcome my maker. Welcome my redemer. Welcome my Sauyoure. I cry the mercy with hertt contrite of my greate vnkyndnesse that I haue hadd to the. Amen. A goode praier. Othe moste swetest spouse of my sowle cr'ste Jhu desyryng heretely euer more for to be with the in mynde and wyll. and to lett noo erthly thyng be soo nygh myn hertt as the cHste Jhu. And that I dreede nott for to dye for to goo to the criste Jhu. And that I may euer more say to the w l a gladd cheere. my Lord my godd my souereigne Sauyoure crist Jhu. I beseche y e hertely take me Synnar vnto thy greate mercy and grace. For I loue the with all myn hertt w l all my mynde. and w h all my myght. and nothy/zg so myche in erthe nor aboue the erthe as I doo the my swete Lord crist Jhu. And for y l I haue nott loued the. nor worshipped the aboue all thyng 5 as my lord my god and my Sauyoure criste Jhu I beseche the with mekenes and hert contrite of mercy and of forgevenes of my greate vnkyndenes for the greate loue that thowe shewdest for me and all mankynd 30 ENGLISH PR A YERS AND HYMNS. what tyme thow offredest thy glorious body god and man vnto the crosse ther to be crucified ande wounded, and vnto thy glorious hertt a sharp spere. there rennyng oute plentuously blode and water for the redempcion and saluacion of me and all mankynde. And thus hauyng reme;;/braz/nce stedfastly in my hert of the my sauyour cryste Jhu I dowtt not but thow wylt be full nyghe me and comfort me both bodely and gostely w l thy glorious presens. And at the last, bryng me vnto thyn eu^Hastyng blysse the whiche shall neuer haue ende. Amen. Carmen, xpo Jku. Jesu swete now wyll I syng r' To the A song of love longyng. Doo in myn hert a well to spryng. The to loue ouer all thyng r 7 Jhu swete my hertye lyght i 7 Thow art day withoute nyght. Gyve me grace of gostely lyght r 7 and the to love with all my myght f Jhu swete my sowle bote. In my hertt thow sett a roote r 7 of thy love that is so swete r 7 and wete it lord that it grow myght. Jhu godd thy love is swete. woo is to hym that itt shall lete r 7 gyve me grace lorde for to weepe. For my synnes terys wete. Jhu swete well may he bee r 7 that the shall in thy ioye see r 7 with loue cordys draw thow me 1 that I co;;/me and dwell w l the. Jhu thy loue to vs was so free r 7 that it fro;;/ heuen broght the :' for love thow dere boght me r 7 ffor loue thow hangest on the roode tree. Jhu for loue thow suffredest woo i 7 that blody stremys dyd renne the ffroo i 7 ENGLISH PRAYERS AND HYMNS. 31 thy white body was blacke and bloo. Oure synnes it made so weyle A woo. Jhu thy Crowne satt full soore J . and thy scowrgynge when thow bett wore J . yt was for me ihu thyne oore r 7 the paynes that thow suffred thoore. Jhu swete thow honge on tree ^ not for thy gylt but for me 1 ffor synnes I dyd ageynst the ^ Swete ihu forgive theym me. Jhu w r hat sawe thow in me J . Of ought that nedefull was to the r 7 that thow soo hard on roode tre 1 woldes for me so payned be. Jhu why was thow iolyouse :' Soo feruent and soo coryouse 1 To bye w 1 pryce so preciouse 1 wretchyd man soo viciouse. Jhu my god my lord my kyng t ffor itt askethe noone other thyng J . Butt true hertt in loue longyng J . And loue terys with styll mowrnyng :' Mary lady moder bryght ^ thow darst thow wylt. thow artt of myght J . My hert my loue my lyffe my lyght ^ thow pray for vs bothe day and nyght. Jhu thy loue is all my thoght ^ of other thyng rech I ryght noght J , But I haue ageynst the wroght 1 And thow me hathe soo deere boght ^ ffull longe lord thow haste spared me J . the more ought I to loue the ^ That thow w l me hathe ben soo ffree t' And I A trayto r ageynst the. Jhu of loue I see tokennyng J . thyne armes spred to lo clyppyng 1 32 ENGLISH PRAYERS AND HYMNS. thy heede bovvede to swete kyssynge thy syde opened to loue shewyng :' Jhu euer when I thynk on the * and looke vp on thy roode tre. Thy swete body blody I se i lorde doo that syght to wounde me. Jhu thy moder y l by the stoode 1 on loue terys she lete a ffloode. Thy woundys and thy holy bloode : ; made hyre full of drury moode. Jhu loue the dyd to grete 1 loue the dyd thy lyne to swete :' ffor loue thow was ful soore a bete :'' loue the dyd thy lyffe to lete. Mary y 1 slakyst all woo J . hell paynes kepe vs froo J . And gyve vs grace here to do soo : y l we frome hens to heuen goo J . Jhu wells fynde I in the J . y l to loue spryng myght draw me :' of reede blode the stremys be ^ My sowle eu washe ye. Jhu my sowle draw ye to r 7 make my hertt wyde vndo :' gyve it thy loue to drynke so r' that fleshly lustys ben fordo ^ Jhu make me loue the so J that where I be or what I do J . that I for weele or for woo J . let neuer my hertt turne the froo. Jhu my weyle and all my wyn r' all my ioy is the within r' Now and euer kepe me frome syne r To do thy wyll lett me nott blyn. Jhu myghtfull heuen kyng : ; thy loue be all my lykyng t ENGLISH PR A YERS AND HYMNS. 33 My mowrnyng and my longyng ^ w l swete terys gretyng J Jhu gyve me grace y 1 I may see r' thy greate goodenes done to me ^ and I vnkynde ageyn haue be ^ fforgyve me lorde y 1 artt so fre ^ Jhu thy loue and ffleshly thoght r' won to gedre y ai may noght J . as hony and gall to gedre broght ^ Swete and bytt r accordeth noght. Jhu thoghe I be vnworthy J . the to loue lorde almyghty r' y 1 goodenes makethe me hardy J . My sowle to doo In thy mercy. Jhu thy mercy comfortes me J . fifor no man may soo synfull be r yt synne wyll leyue and turne to me J . But mercy and grace ffyndes he. Mary mylde pray for me r 7 to thy dere son ffull of pety ? y l he grauntt me to be r' Euer in blysse with hym and the. Jhu thow helpe at myn endyng ^ take my sowle at my dyinge. Send it socowr and comfortyng f y l it dreede noo wycked thyng. Amen for charite. ir rhis booke longeth to Dame Margery Byrkenhed of* CliestrJ 1 l This is written in a hand like the first par t of the book. 2 f has been partly erased. CHESTER. D 34 NOVICES PETITION. Ego 1 precor dominum nostrum lesum christum et dulcissi- mam matrem suam sanctam mariam atque sanctum benedictum patronum nostrum 2 necnon omnes sanctos cell et vos dominam meam. dominam priorissam et conventum vestrum quatinus dignemini recipere me in vestram societatem et concedere michi habitum vestrum pro sancta caritate. Omnipotens 3 sempiterne deus nos famulos tuos dextera potencie tue a cunctis protege periculis et beata maria semper virgine intercedente cum omnibus sanctis tuis fac nos presenti gaudere prosperitate et futura per. 1 7 his is written in a different hand at bottom of pag - interlined. This is written on a flyleaf. NOTES. P. i. De te virgo] This is an anthem of the Blessed Virgin proper for Advent. It was sung at compline by the Brigittine nuns during Advent up to the compline of Christmas Eve inclusive. It is spoken of as : "A Compile la louange. De te Virgo." The following text of the anthem is taken from their printed breviary : Haec Antiphona cum Versiculo 6 Collecta sequenti dicitur ab Aduentu Domini vsque adfestum Natiuitatis eiusdem. De te Virgo nasciturum mundi Saluatorem patres suspirauerunt, praedixerunt Prophetae, signauerunt figurae, tandem ille paranymphus caelestis Gabriel salutando nunciauit, Spiritus sanctus obumbrando foecundauit. O quando veniet ille desideratus ! O quando ex te nascetur diu expectatus ! Veni, veni Domine, iam veni, per viscera Virginis visitans nos oriens ex alto. (Breviarium Sororum ac Sancti monialium sacri ordinis divae Brigittae, 6 and the prioress for the abbot. (D. Wilkins, Concilia, Lond. 1737. i. 336.) The anthems are nearly all to be found in S. with the exception of Accepit Maria libram, the text of which may be found as a $. and V. to the fourth lesson at mattins on St. Mary Magdalen's day in Breviarium secundum ritum Candidissimi Ordinis Praemonstratensis, Pars aestivalis, Parisiis, 1598. p. 10. Tellus ac aethera] This hymn has been collated with two early texts in the British Museum, one in Vespasian, D. xii. fo. 69. [formerly 67.] written in England in the eleventh century : and another in Add. MS. 19768. fo. 37^. [formerly page 68.] probably written at St. Gall between 961 and 972. The text is full of variants from these manuscripts, some appearing to be scribal errors, and it has been thought best to indicate these, not by the obelus as usual, but in the notes, collating the texts. Vesp. is the symbol of Vesp. D. xii. and 19768. that of the Additional MS. Stanza i. line 2. in magni cena principis : Vesp. 19768. ?> 3 Q u : Vesp. pectora : Vesp. 19768. 4. ferculo : Vesp. 19768. 2. 2. potentis ad mysterium : Vesp. potentis at misterio : 19768. Ministerium seems a better reading than mysterium. Stanza 3. line i. A celsis : Vesp. 19768. NOTES. 39 Here again Excelsus may be a better reading than a celsis. Stanza 3. 4. line 4. Stanza 5, 2. 33 3- n 4- line 2. 3- 4- Stanza 6. line 2. 33 33 5) 3' 33 3 )> 4* Stanza 7. line 2. 3) J3 3? 3* 33 5? JJ 4' sacratur P petens : Vesp. 19768. Pallet seruus obsequio : Vesp. 19768.- dominum : Vesp. 19768. limpham : Vesp. 19768^ limam. cena : Vesp. figurant: Vesp. 19768. Dum summus ima baiulat : Vesp. 19768. Quid cinis servit cineri : Vesp. Quid cinis seruet cineri : 19768. fauos : Vesp. 19768. denotat : Vesp. igj6Sfor deuota. Necis qui dolos ruminat : Vesp. necis dolos qui ruminat : 19768. fers agno : Vesp. 19768^?^ ferago. Dans : Vesp. sordes : Vesp. Nexi soluuntur hodie : Vesp. 19768. Accordis : Vesp. 19768 for a corde. Unguem sacratur : Vesp. Unguentum 19768 for ungunt sacrati. Spes unde crescat miseris : Vesp. Spes inde datur m[i]seris : 19768. inclita : 19768. gloria : 19768. patre et sancto : Vesp. 19768. Qui nos redemit obitu : Vesp. 19768. In Hymnarium Sarisburiense (Lond. 1851. p. 88 note.) the variants of certain manuscripts and editions are given. But I have been unable to find Tellus ac aethera in Julius A. vi. nor does George Hickes mention it in the list of hymns to be found in this manuscript. (De antiquae literaturae septentrionalis utilitate^ Oxon. 1703. Catalogus Librorum, p. 183.) This hymn is attributed to Flavius, first Bishop of Chalon-sur-Saone, by the Statutes of Cluny (Herrgott, op. cit. p. 314.) where in like manner as in the text it was sung at the washing of the feet on Maundy Thursday. It is ascribed to Flavius also in J. Julian's Dictionary of Hymnology, Lond. 1892, p. 1137. The melody in the text is, Mr. W. Howard Frere informs me, that often seen in mediaeval music for the hymn at Sext, Rector potens. Congregavit] These are two Roman anthems which may be found on p. 160. of the Roman Missal of 1474 edited by Dr. Lippe for this Society. Stanza 9. line ii. Ecce quam bonum is the i32nd psalm, vulgate numbering ; the lesson may possibly have been from St. John's Gospel, (xiii. & xiv.) ending with Surgite eamus hint; as it ends in Lanfranc's Constitutions. (Wilkins, op. cit. i. 337.) 40 NOTES. The first Saturday after Pasch] The Rule of St. Benedict (chapter xxxv.) orders a washing of the feet every Saturday : Pedes vero tarn ipse qui egreditur quam ille qui intraturus est omnibus lauent. (Com- mentaria M. F. Antonii Perez . . . in Regulam Beatissimi Pair is Benedicti, Colon. Agripp. 1688. p. 706.) It is spoken of in the Concordia Regularis chap. xi. (Brit. Mus. Tib. A. in. fo. 25. see W. S. Logeman, Anglia, 1891. Bd. xiii. p. 440.) and Aelfric's abridge- ment. (Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, No. 265. fo. 261. Edited by Miss Bateman, in Compotus Rolls of the Obedientiaries of St. Swithurfs Priory, Winchester, Hampshire Record Society, 1892. p. 192.) It is alluded to in Lanfranc's Constitutions. (D. Wilkins, Concilia, 1737. i. 336 & 337.) At St. Germain des Pres in Paris they sang some of the following anthems at the weekly washing of the feet and hands ; as Mandatum novum, Ubi est caritas, and Christus descendit. (E. Martene, De Antiquis Monachorum Ritibus, Lib. II. Cap. xii. x. Bassani 1788. iv. 83.) The Saturday foot washing is said to survive in the Cistercian order, " plerisque Monasteriis etiamnum viget," and the anthem Post- quam surrexit is then sung. (Rituale Cisterciense , Lirinae, 1892. p. 265.) In the text, the maundy anthems have been increased by the adding of Easter anthems, especially those relating to St. Mary Magdalen. In hoc cognoscent] See Dr. Lippe, op. cit. p. 160. Diligamus] S. 65. This anthem runs on without any separation from Ubi est caritas, for which see Dr. Lippe, op. cit. p. 159. lesum qui crucifixus] See Thomasius, Opera, Romae, 1749. ed. Vezzosi, t. iv. p. 237. Ardens est cor] See Thomasius, op. cit. p. 240* This and the fore- going are among the Easter anthems. Dum fleremj Thomasius, op. cit. p. 243. also at Easter. Venit Maria] Thomasius, op. cit.^. 127. This is the anthem for Benedictus on St. Mary Magdalen's day. p. 12. Maria ergo unxit] S. 65. Dicite in nationibus] S.B. iii. 281. Ascendo ad patrem] S.B. i. dcccclxii. P- X 3- Verbo Domini] S.B. i. mli. Ego sum panis] This is a respond following the ninth lesson on Corpus Christi day in some early editions of the Roman Breviary ; and in the Pian edition it is the respond to the sixth lesson, followed by the J. as in the text. (S.B. i. mlxxiii.) Innuebant] The text varies slightly from that in S.B. iii. 347. Inter natos] S. 148. p. 14. Pro eo] S.B. iii. 353. and 347. NOTES. 41 Deus omnium] The first words of the respond to the lesson Fuit Vtr, that is, the first lesson of the first nocturn of the first Sunday after Trinity in the Sarum Breviary. (S.B. i. mclxxiv.) Deus omnium has become the name of this Sunday. It has the same place in the Durham Breviary; (Harl. 4664. fo. 104.) but the Sunday is there called not the first Sunday after Trinity, but Dominica i. post oct. pentecost. In the Breviarium Monasticum, Venetiis, apud luntas, 1600. 8 Deus omnium is, however, the respond to the second lesson on the third Sunday after Pentecost. Oremus dilectissimi] This is one of the bidding prayers amongst the Orationes Sollemnes oif Good Friday, with an addition of a couple of lines. It may be found as an anthem in diebus dominicis, but without the addition expressed, in Vezzosi's edition of Thomasius, (v. 287.) and with the addition in Bianchini's edition of the same writer. (I. i. 490.) It was sung at Sotssons at the Rogations in the thirteenth century, (Rituale . . . Ecclesiae Suessionensis, p. 149.) and by Benedictines in France at the same season in the seventeenth century. (Processionale ordinis S. Benedicti, Rothomagi, 1623. p. 144.) Cum venerimus] This is printed by Bianchini (op. cit. p. 493. as an Antiphona in Quadragesima. Omnipotens Deus] This occurs among the Antiphonae Dominicales of Bianchini. (op. cit. p. 495.) It was sung at Soissons for the Rogations. (See above.) Quam pulchra quam] add sancta after second quam. In Durham (Brit. Mus. MS. Harl. 4664. fo. 241. #) this is the respond for the seventh lesson on the translation of St. Benedict, up to the word mentis^ where the MS. changes into : rupes manant aquas aque imitantur rupem ferrum enatat aues obedit emulus perit. The y. is the same as in text. The anthem in the text is plainly also one for St. Benedict, as it contains allusions to the miracles of the saint. How it comes to be used for Saint Thomas of Canterbury is not clear. P- T 5- Sanctus pater Benedictus] Respond to sixth lesson at mattins in translation of St. Benedict at Durham (Harl. MS. 4664. fo. 241.^.) In y. Durham has detexit for detersit. Ad felicis Annae festum] Anthem to Magnificat for St. Anne's service at Durham. (British Museum MS. Harl. 4664. fo. 320.) line 9. Durham has christum for ipsum. p. 17. O Mater montem] Respond to sixth lesson at Mattins on the feast of the Visitation of B.V.M. in Breviarium Halberstad. Nurnberge, George Stuchs, 1515. line 2. virgo : Halber. line 7. viola : Halber 42 NOTES. It may be a part of Accedunt laudes virginis. (See below.) Carisma sancti Spiritus] Part of the wide-spread hymn Accedunt iciudes virginis. (See G. M. Dreves, Anakcta Hymnica Medii Aevi, Leipzig, 1896. xxiv. 89.) p. 1 8. Frater erat] I have not found this respond elsewhere. It alludes to an incident in the life of St. Benedict. A certain monk did not pray with the others, and he was led out by a little black boy, probably a devil. On St. Benedict striking the monk with his staff, the monk became as the others. Qui creavit] Following the music the verses should be in triplets. Compare a number of verses with a refrain to each : Verbum patris humanatur, O, O, Dum puella salutatur, O, O, Salutata fecundatur Viri nescia. I? Ey, Ey, Eya, Nova gaudia ! &c., &c. (G. M. Dreves, Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi, xx, 104.) p. 19. Dominus lesus] This anthem is noted ; but after this musical notes cease until Beata Dei genetrix on p. 25. Ave sponsa incorrupta] This is a hymn attributed to St. Anselm of Canterbury by the Benedictines, (S. Anselmi . . . opera, Lut. Paris. 1721. Sec. ed. Gabrielis Gerberon, p. 308.) and an earlier edition. (Divi Anselmi Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis Opera . . . studio et opera D. loannis Picardi, Coloniae Agrippina, 1612. t. iii. fo. [viii.]) Both editions read : Ave sponsa insponsata ; which is a refrain to many of the stanzas ; and Mr. Henry Jenner has called my attention to its identity with the refrain in the Akathistos of the Eastern Church, Xaf/>e Nv/A0iy avv/LKpewre ('Qpo\o^iov TO /iee 0eoTo'/cos [GOTO/CO? : Gerberon.] which words begin the Theotokia for Sept. 8. Feb. 2. and other days. ('Q^oXo'^toi/, pp. 127. and 177.) 3. 3. Both editions read : astrum. 4. i. Both editions read : divae. 2. Both editions read : uterus tu facta [factus : Ger- beron] es. 3. Both editions read : renovatur omnis, but the reading of the text can be construed. 5. Both editions read : cum qua t 5. 2. Both editions read : arcani. 7. 6. Both editions read : satians ivt facta es. JVOTS. 43 Stanza 8. lines 1-4. Both editions have : Generans perennem lucem Et inaccessibilem Sophorum superascendens Omnium scientiam p. 21. Stanza 9. line i. Read : civicam. 4. Read : pullulans. This hymn has no musical notes, which do not appear again until Beata Dei genetrix on p. 25. Adoramus te Christe] S.B. iii. 276. Ingressus angelus] S.B. iii. 234. Gaude Dei genetrix] This also comes from St. Anselm. (See Benedictine edition quoted above, p. 307.) line 4. Both editions read : charitatem, but the reading in the text seems the better. Salve Regina] S. 170. there followed by five verses. p. 24. Many of these benedictions may be found in S.B. i. signature B. and in Mr. Wilson's Officium Ecclesiasticum Abbatum secundum usum Eveshamensis Monasterii, Henry Bradshaw Society, 1893. col. 55. Breviarium Aberdonense, Lond. 1854. ed. W. J. Blew, after the calendar: Portiforii seu Breviarii Sarisburiensis fasciculus ii. Lond. 1843. p. 208. In feriis etiam] line 2. read divini fervor amoris, as Mr. Wilson has suggested. This agrees more with the present text than another suggestion of JZamma, in his edition of the Evesham book (col. 56. note). But in the Evesham book only the first letter, f t is given. p. 25. Beata Dei genetrix] These three anthems are noted. Rex seculorum] Anthem to Magnificat at first evensong of the translation of St. Benedict, in the Durham Breviary. (British Museum MS. Harl. 4664. fo. 241.) O sacrum convivium] This anthem is noted and so are the preced- ing from Beata Dei. Maria virgo semper] This is an anthem for the assumption. It will be found among the anthems at the end of the office for this day in Thomasius, ed. Vezzosi, iv. 267 ; Breviarium secundum ordinem ecclesie sancte Saltzburgensis^ Venetiis, N. de Franckfordia, 1482 ; Breviarium Frisingense, Pars estivalis, Venetiis, loann. Oswalt, 1516; and other German breviaries. In a Cistercian Breviary (Paris, J. Kerver, 1568, 16) it is the anthem to the canticle at Mattins after the eighth lesson. The anthem will remind everyone of Regina caeli laetare. This and the following anthems are not noted. Ave o Theotokos] The first five words of this anthem are in S.B. iii. 140. Aula Maria] S.B. iii. 136. INDEX OF PRAYERS, ANTHEMS, RESPONDS, &c. PAGE PAGE Ab illo mereamur ... ... 25 Christus factus est ... 7 Accepit Maria libram ... 9 Christus perpetuae ... 24 Accipe quod offerimus Adesto Domine lesu ... 16 .. 19 Christus resurgens ... Circumdederunt me ... 12 6 Ad felicis Annae festum ... 15 Clara quippe... I Ad gaudia paradisi ... ... 24 Collegerunt pontifices 6 Ad gaudia polorum ... ... 24 Concede nobis 17 Ad societatem civium ... 24 Concede quaesumus . . . inter- Adiutorium nostrum... 24, 25 cessio 9 Adiuvent nos... Adoramus te Christe ... 17 ... 21 Concede quaesumus . . . Unigeniti Concurrit turba 19 2 Adorna thalamum ... 3 Congregavit nos Christus 10, II , 12 Alma Redemptoris Mater ... ... 21 Congregavit nos in unum ... IO Alma virgo virginum ... 24 Corpore quidem 16 Amo Christum I note Crimina nostra purga 24 Anima mea (of our Lady) ... 4 Crucifixum ... 12 ,, (of St. Katharine) ... 17 Crux benedicta 16 Animae famulorum ... ... 23 Cum appropinquaret (ant.)... 5 Anna Deo vigilavit ... ... 8 >, (gospel) 6 Ante diem ... 9 Cum audisset populus 6 Ante sex dies 5 Cum inducerent cum sederit 4 Apertum est os ... 13 Cum venerimus ante H Ardeat in nobis ... 24 Cumque audissent ... 6 Ardens est cor ... ii Cumque evigilasset ... 18 Ascendit Christus ... 7 Cumque intuerentur... 12 Ascendo ad patrem ... 12(2) Aspice Domine de sede ... 21 Dederunt in escam ... 5,6 Aula Maria Dei ... 25 Dei repletus gratia ... 7 Ave gratia plena . 3 Descendi in hortum ... ...4, 5, 14 > 25 Ave Maria ... ... 21 Descendit de caelis .... 2 Ave o Theotokos ... 25 De te virgo ... I Ave regina caelorum 9, 16, 21 Deus Ave rex noster ... 6 a quo sancta 22 Ave sponsa incorrupla ... 19 Dei filius 24 in cuius miseratione 23 Beata Dei genetrix ... 4, 14, 25 misereatur nostri 24 Beati immaculati ... 9 pro cuius ecclesia 8 Beatus Nicholaus 7 Deus qui Benedictione perpetua ... 24 b. Margaretam 8 b. Nicholaum 7 Caeli aperti 2 corda fidelium 22 Candidiores nive ... 15 de beatae Mariae 22 Carisma sancti spiritus ... 17 dedisti legem ... 8 Cernere divinum ... 16 largifluae ... ... ... 7 Christe Pater misericordiarum ... 4 nos patrem 23 INDEX OF PRAYERS, ANTHEMS, RESPONDS, ETC. Deus qui pro nobis Filium salutis aeternae ... sanctam crucem Deus veniae largitor Dicite in nationibus ... Dignus es Domine ... Diligamus nos invicem Dimissa sunt ei Divinum auxilium ... Dominus lesus postquam Domum istam Domus mea ... t . PAGE 23 23 22 23 12 6 ... 11 (2) 12 8, 12 24 19 ... II ( 4 ) 12 18 lesum qui crucifixus... lesus Mariaefilius ... In bello victus In columbae specie ... In diebus illis In hoc cognoscent ... In monte Oliveti In mortis hora In omnem terram In omni tribulatione... In principio ... PAGE II (2) ... 25 ... 8 "'9(2) 11(2) ... 6 ... 25 ... 14 ... 25 2 In regeneratione In imitate sancti Inclina Domine aurem Ingrediente Domino... Ingressus angelus Innuebant patri eius... Intercessio nos Domine Interveni pro nobis . . . Anna Intus et exterius lohannes apostolus ... Isti sunt duae olivae... Jesu sweet now Kyrie eleison Largire nobis clementissime Lumen ad revelationem Magdalenam sua crimina ... Mandatum novum ... 9(2) Maria ergo unxit Maria stabat ... ... 25 ... 24 ... 23 ... 6 ... 21 13(2) ... 8 ... 8 ... 24 ... 7 ... 14 ... 30 19, 21 ... 8 -3(3) ... 8 II (2) 12 12(2) II Dum flerem ad Ecce appropinquabit Ecce carissimi Ecce mater ... Ecce quam bonum ... Ecclesiam tuam Ego precor Dominum Ego sum panis vitae... Ego sum panis vivus Ego sum pastor bonus Elegit earn Deus Elizabeth Zachariae... En rex venit ... ii 6 4 4 ... 11(2)12 7 34 13 13 8 17 8 Erat autem Margareta Esto Domine j Et intrantes domum... Et nunc sequimur . . . Ex summa rerum Exaltata es Exaudi Christe preces Famulos tuos quaesumus Felix namque es Fidelium Deum omnium Fluenta evangelii Frater erat mente Fuit homo missus ... Fundamenta eius Gaude Dei Genetrix... Gaudent in caelis Gloria laus 2,3(2) I note "' 7,"i6(2) 24(2) 22 16 23 2 18 8, 13 (2), 14 II 21 ::: ::: 1 Maria Virgo semper... Mater misericordiae Mentis et precibus ... Miles Christi gloriose Miserere nobis lesu ... Miserere quaesumus Domine Missus est angelus ... Multiplicati sunt Nativitas tua ... 25 ... 24 24(2) ... 17 ... 12 ... 2 3 I - 5 16 Nequando dicat Nisi abiero - 5 12 Gloriosa dicta Hie est discipulus Hie est ille qui Hie est qui ii 2 6 c Nolite Non enim in ... Non est inventus Non relinquam vos ... Nunc dimittis O beata infantia O beate lacobe O blessed lesu O Decus virginitatis... O felix Benedicte O Glorious Jesu O Jesu let me never ... 12 .. 21 ... 7 ... 12 ... 3,4 ... 36 ... 7 ... 26 16(2) 4 ... 29 ... 28 Hodie beata Virgo ... Hodie caelesti sponso Hodie Christus natus Hodie completi Hodie Maria ... Honor virtus ... Ibi flos campi 3 2,3 I (2) ::; "16 \& 13 17 INDEX OF PRAYERS, ANTHEMS, RESPONDS, ETC. 47 PAGE PAGE O Jesu to all ... 28 Quod parasti .. 3 A O luda qui . . 7 Quomodo fiet istud > * T O Maria Jesse Virga.. ... 3 Quoniam te fideliter... ... 15 O mater montem ... 17 Quoniam tribulatio ... ... 6 O my Lord lesu ... 27 O quam metuendus ... ... 18 Regina caelestis ... 24 O Rex gloriae 12 Regios eventus pandit ... 15 O sweet angel ... 27 Regnum mundi 15(2) O Sweet lesu give ... ... 29 Respexit Elias ... 13 O sacrum convivmm... ... 25 Respice quaesumus Domine ... 7 O the most sweetest... ... 29 Responsum accepit ... ... 3 Occurrunt turbae ... 6 Rex magnus ... 3 Omnipotens Deus supplices Omnipotens Dominus sua ... ... 14 ... 24 Rex saeculorum quern Rotate caeli desuper ... 25 i Omnipotens sempiterne Deus da. cordibus Q Salve lux [rex in S. ] . . . 5 nos famulos j y ... 34 Salve nostra salus ... Salve quern ... qui uivma ... 23 Salve Regina... 21 Omnium sanctorum tuorum... Ora Dro nobis 22 Salve Stella maris ... ... 16 beata Margarita K.atcrma 8 8 Sancta Maria cum ... . Sanctae Mariae ... 25 ... 24 beate Edmunde .. lacobe ... 7 7 Sanctae Trinitatis ... Sanctus pater Benedictus ... ... 24 ... 15 Nicholae ... ... / 7 Sedit angelus... 12, 13 ,, Thoma ... 8,1? Si ego Dominus ...9(2) Ora pro populo ...'16 Sint lumbi Si quis 17(2) I ? Orate pro nobis omnes Oremus dilectissimi ... Os iusti 9> I? ... 14 s 8 18 Simeon iustus Solem iustitiae concludunt ... -4(2) I Os tuum abundavil ... JJ 5 A0 7 Solem iustitiae regem 16(2) Ostende nobis Domine ... 24 Spiritus sancti gratia Spiritus sanctus procedens ... ... 24 ... 13 Panem de caelo Pater noster ... 13(2) 19, 21 Stella Maria maris ... Summae Trinitati ... ... 24 ... 13 Per beatae Mariae ... Per evangelica dicta... ... 25 ... 24 Tanquam sponsus ... Tellus ac aethera 2 ... IO Per tuam crucem 12 Terribilis est ... 18 Post partum ... Postquam surrexit ... Praesta Domine fidelibus ... Praesta quaesumus Domine... Praestet nobis 4, 14(3) ...9(2) ... 8 ... 23 ... 13 Tribue quaesumus Domine ... Trinitati lux perennis Tristis est anima Tulerunt Dominum ... ... 23 ... ii Preces IQ 21 TTK* 4- "*- Pro eo quod non * :/5 ~ ... 14 U ui est caritas ... ... Unus autem ... II 6 Prosit nobis semper ... ... 23 Ut caelestis regni ... 17 Puer natus est 2, l8 Ut cruciatus ... c Pueri hebraeorum tollentes c Valde honorandus ... 7 vestimenta 5 Veneranda nobis ... / ... 7 Venit ad Petrum ... 9 Quaesumus Domine ... ... 22 Venit Maria nuntians ... ii Quaesumus omnipotens ... 22 Verbo Domini ... 13 Quam pulchra quam... ... 14 Verbum caro factum 2, note Qui creavit caelum ... ... 18 Verbum patris mundo i Qui cum audissent ... i Verum tamen non sicut .,. 6 Qui ex ilia die 18 Vigilate ergo . 17 Qui sunt isti 1C Virgo hodie fidelis ... ? t 2* Ouia viderunt } Viri Galilaei .. a? *j 12 GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Advent, Sundays in ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I All Hallows, Maundy Thursday ... ... ... ... .., ... ... 9 Vigil (Oct. 31) 17 Day (Nov. i) ... _ 17 ., ,, prayer after compline ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Anne, St., Maundy Thursday 8 ,, (July 26) 15 Ascension Day... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Benedict, St. (March 21 ) 4 ,, Maundy Thursday ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 ,, Translation (July n) 15 ,, respond ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 - Candlemas Day ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Candlemas, Sunday within the octave 4 Carmen Christo lesu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 Carol 18 Chantress ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Christmas Day ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Christmas, Sunday after ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Churchyard, High Cross in 6 Compline, prayers after ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 et seqq. Corpus Christi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 ,, ,, Sunday within octave... ... ... ... ... ... 13, 2; Cross, high, in churchyard ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Cross, Holy, Invention (May 3) 12 ,, ,, Exaltation (Sept. 14) 16 ,, ,, prayers after compline... ... ... ... ... ... 22,23 Deacon 6 Dead, the, prayer after compline for 22, 23 Dedication Day ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Deus omnium ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Devout prayer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26,28 Edmund, St. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I'J ,, ,, Maundy Thursday 7 Epiphany ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ,, Sundays after ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 3 Frater door ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Good Angel, Prayer to, Versicle, and Collect ... ... ... ... ... 27 Good prayer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 28,29 Holy Ghost, prayer after compline to ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 James, St. , Maundy Thursday ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Eve of (July 24) 15 Jerusalem, City of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 John Baptist, St., Maundy Thursday 8 Eve (June 23) 13 Day (June 24) 13 John Evangelist, St. (December 26)... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ,, ,, ,, Maundy Thursday ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 CHESTER. E i GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Katharine, St., Maundy Thursday ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 ,, (Nov. 25) 17 King, prayer after compline for 22 Ladies 5, 6, 10 Lent, Sundays in 4 Magdalen, St. Mary, Maundy Thursday 8 (July 22) Margaret, St. , Maundy Thursday (July 20) Mary the Virgin, St. , Altar of Anthems for Advent... Assumption, Vigil (Aug. 14) Day (Aug. 15) Conception (Dec. 8) Lent Mattins... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Maundy Thursday ... ... ... ... 7 Nativity (Sept. 8) 16 Visitation (July 2) ... ... ... ... 17 Benedictiors at mattins 24 Prayers after compline ... ... ... ... ...22,23 Mary Magdalen, St. see Magdalen. Mattins, Benedictions at ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Maundy, the great ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Maundy Thursday 6,19 New Year's Day 2 Nicholas, St. (December 6) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i ,, ,, Maundy Thursday ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Novice's petition ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34 Our Lady, see St. Mary the Virgin. Palm Sunday 5 Palms, blessing of 5 Parlour door ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Paske, see Easter. Passion Sunday ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Peace, prayer after compline for ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Priest 5,6 Prioress 5, 6, 9, 10 Saturdays after Easter... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... n ,, after Ascension Day ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Septuagesima ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Shere Thursday, see Maundy Thursday. Sub-prioress 9, 10 Sundays, anthems on I ,, ,, in Advent ... I ,, ,, before Ascension 12 ,, ,, after Christmas ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Deus omnium to Advent ... 14 after Epiphany ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 in Lent to Passion Sunday ... ... ... ... .. 4 within the Octave of Ascension 12 Assumption 16 Candlemas 4 Corpus Christi 13*25 Nativity of St. Mary 13 St. John Baptist SS. Peter and Paul Palm Passion ... from Septuagesima to Lent GENERAL INDEX. 51 PAGE Sundays, anthems on, Trinity ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 ,, ,, Whitsunday ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Thomas, St., of Canterbury (December 29)... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ,, ,, ,, Maundy Thursday ... ... ... ... ... 8 , .- Translation (July 7) 14 Trinity, prayer after compline ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Trinity Sunday ... ... ... .., ... ... ... ... ... 13 Twelfth Day 2 Washing of the Altars... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Feet 9, ii ,, ,, Hands ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Whitsunday ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Yule Day ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 57 r ^Ji maiiif crtil lulj; bitty In. f. . . emit pamiimltT * r fltrr n. t .* fcjc3i n __ : II - tn $aufrm _^4--- 4- mnm tulip U%Iu,tifltfat matrr om. Sfntlfttur jjuiihim l > tep^ '^ Altt% W V*<^A "^~T mm rjtoiafl lullr ItiHp Ityiti ffmpttim Ill r^V- < i ^ L ^ft n ww, _H ^ >t^. ^ w / rf*' ^ x ^V^ tyb^ bpbp ty ngnirti tut noun pn* mnir notmttafit iDn%irti|ii' * r , p - : ;V ' - ' .;;;.:?; :,.,;"'; ZTbe Carol ot tbe IFluns ot St. Century) 's, Cbestetr I have rendered the following Carol into modern notation, from the edition published by the Henry Bradshaw Society in "The Processional of the Nuns of St. Mary's." I have added an alto part, in small notes, so that it may be sung with effect even at the present day. JOSEPH C. BRIDGE. ^J n T Qui ere a - vit ce - lura, Lul - ly, lul - ly lu. m Nas - ci - tur in sta - bu lo, By, by, by, by, by. . Rex qui re -jit se - cu i r lum, Lul - ly, lul - ly lu. . r- r Joseph emit panniculum, by, by, etc. Mater involuit puerum, lully, etc. Et p"&nit in presepio, by, by, etc. Inter animalia, lully, etc. Jacent mundi gaudia, b^, by, etc. Dulds super omnia, lully, etc. Lactat mater domini, by, by, etc. Osculatur parvulum, lully,~etc. Et adorat dominum, by, by, etc. Roga mater filium, lully, etc. Ut det nobis gaudium, by, by, etc. In perenni gloria, lully, ^etc.""" In semp'iterna secula, by, by, etc. In eternum et ultra, lully, etc. Det nobis sua gaudia, by, by, etc. ( Reprinted from the Chester Archaological Society's Journal, Vol. XIH.J HENRY BRADSHAW SOCIETY, FOR EDITING RARE LITURGICAL TEXTS. PRESIDENT. THE BISHOP OF SALISBURY. VICE-PRESIDENTS. The Bishop of Durham. The Bishop of Edinburgh. The Bishop of Bristol. The Dean of Carlisle. Rev. F. Procter, M.A. Monsieur Leopold Delisle. The Lord Aldenham, F.S.A. Whitley Stokes, Esq., C.S.I., C.I.E., D.C.L., F.S.A. Sir Edward M. Thompson, K.C.B., LL.D., D.C.L., F.S.A. MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. Dr. J. Wickham Legg, F.R.C.P., F.S.A., Chairman. Rev. E. S. Dewick, M.A., F.S.A., Hon. Treasurer. Rev. H. A. Wilson, M.A., Hon. Secretary. Rev. John H. Bernard, D.D. W. J. Birkbeck, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. Rev. W. C. Bishop, M.A. Rev. F. E. Brightman, M.A. Rev. Walter Howard Frere, M.A. W. H. St. John Hope, Esq., M.A. M. R. James, Esq., Litt.D, F. Jenkinson, Esq., M.A. F. Madan, Esq., M.A. J. T. Micklethwaite, Esq., V.P.S.A. Rev. F. E. Warren, B.D., F.S.A. Rev. Christopher Wordsworth, M.A. List of Works already issued. 1891. I. MISSALE AD USUM ECCLESI^E WESTMONASTERIENSIS. fasc. i. Edited by Dr. J. WICKHAM LEGG, F.S.A. 8vo. [Dec. 1891.] III. THE MARTILOGE, 1526. Edited by the Rev. F. PROCTER, M.A., and the Rev. E. S. DEWICK, M.A., F.S.A. 8vo. [May, 1893.] 1892. II. THE MANNER OF THE CORONATION OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST, 1.626. Edited by the Rev. CHR. WORDSWORTH, M.A. 8vo. [Dec. 1892.] IV. THE BANGOR ANTIPHONARIUM. Edited by the Rev. F. E. WARREN, B.D., F.S.A. Part I. containing complete facsimile in collotype, with historical and palseographical introduction. 4to. [Aug. 1893.] 1893. V. MISSALE AD USUM ECCLESI.E WESTMONASTERIENSIS, fasc. ii. Edited by Dr. J. WICKHAM LEGG, F.S.A. 8vo. [Aug. 1893.] VI. OFFICIUM ECCLESIASTICUM ABBATUM SECUNDUM USUM EVESHAMENSIS MONASTERII. Edited by the Rev. H. A. WILSON, M.A. 8vo. [Aug. 1893.] 1894. VII. TRACTS OF CLEMENT MAYDESTONE, viz. DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORII and CREDE MICHI. Edited by the Rev. CHR. WORDSWORTH, M.A. 8vo. [Oct. 1894.] VIII. THE WINCHESTER TROPER. Edited by the Rev. W. HOWARD FRERE, M.A. 8vo. [Nov. 1894.] 1895. IX - THE MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. Edited by WHITLEY STOKES, D.C.L., Foreign Associate of the Institute of France. 8vo. [J ul Y> l8 95-] X. THE BANGOR ANTIPHONARIUM, Part II. containing an amended text with liturgical introduction, and an appendix containing an edition of Harleian MS. 7653. Edited by the Rev. F, E. WARREN, B.D., F.S.A. 4to. [Nov. 1895.] 1896. XL THE MISSAL OF ROBERT OF JUMIEGES, BISHOP OF LONDON, A.D. 1044-1051, AND ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY IN A.D. 1051. Edited from a MS. in the Public Library at Rouen, by the Rev. H. A. WILSON, M.A. 8vo. [July, 1896.] XII. MISSALE AD USUM ECCLESL4E WESTMONASTERIENSIS, fasc. iii. Containing an appendix giving certain Offices from Westminster MSS. in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum, together with full indices, notes, and a liturgical introduction. Edited by Dr. J. WICKHAM LEGG, F.S.A. 8vo. [Nov. 1897.] 1897. XIIL THE IRISH LIBER HYMNORUM. Edited from MSS. in the Libraries of Trinity College, and the Franciscan Convent at Dublin by the Rev. JOHN H. BERNARD, D.D., and ROBERT ATKINSON, LL.D. Vol. I., Text and Glossary. XIV. Vol. II., Notes and Translations of the Irish Prefaces and Hymns. 8vo. [July? 1898.] 1898. XV. THE ROSSLYN MISSAL. An Irish manuscript in the Advo- cates' Library, Edinburgh. Edited by the Rev. H. J. LAWLOR, D.D. 8vo. [April, 1899.] XVI. THE CORONATION BOOK OF CHARLES V. OF FRANCE. Edited by the Rev. E. S. DEWICK, M.A., F.S.A., with repro- ductions in collotype of the miniatures which illustrate the ceremony. 4to. [In the Press.] 1899. XVII. MISSALE ROMANUM, Milan, 1474. (The first printed edition of the Roman Missal.) Edited by the Rev. ROBERT LIPPE, LL.D. Vol. I. Text. 8vo. [Oct. 1899.] XVIII. THE PROCESSIONAL OF THE NUNS OF ST. MARY AT CHESTER. With English rubrics. Edited by Dr. J. WICK- [Oct. 1899.] HAM LEGG, F.S.A. 8vo. The following Works are in preparation : THREE ENGLISH CORONATION ORDERS : (i). The Coronation Order of William III. and Mary II. (2.) An Anglo-French version of the English Coronation Order. (3.) A Pre-Norman Coronation Order. Edited by Dr. J. WICKHAM LEGG, F.S.A. 8vo. [In the Press.] FACSIMILES OF HOR^E B.M.V., reproduced in collotype from English MSS. of the nth Century. Edited by the Rev. E. S. DEWICK, M.A., F.S.A. 4to. [In the Press.] THE HEREFORD BREVIARY. Edited by the Rev. W. HOWARD FRERE, M.A. 8vo. [In the Press.] ABBOT WARE'S CONSUETUDINARY OF WESTMINSTER. Edited by Sir E. MAUNDE THOMPSON, K.C.B., LL.D., D.C.L., F.S.A. 8vo. [In the Press.] CLEMENT MAYDESTONE'S DIRECTORIUM SACERDOTUM. Edited by (the late) Rev. Canon COOKE, M.A., and the Rev. CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH, M.A. THE LITURGY OF ST. JAMES. Edited by the Rev. F. E. BRIGHT- MAN, M.A. A MISCELLANEOUS VOLUME CONTAINING : THE CANON OF THE MASS, AND ITS VARIANTS. Edited by the Rev. H. A. WILSON, M.A., and Dr. J. WICKHAM LEGG, F.S.A. AN EDITION OF A BODLEIAN MS. (Wood MS. 17) Langforde's Meditatyons for Goostly Exercyse in thetyme of the Masse. Edited by Dr. J. WICKHAM LEGG, F.S.A. A REPRINT OF Instructio seu Alphabetum Sacerdotum. Edited by Dr. J. WICKHAM LEGG, F.S.A. Ordinarium Missa. From an early i4th Century Sarum Missal formerly in the possession of the late Mr. WILLIAM MORRIS, F.S.A. A MISCELLANEOUS VOLUME, containing facsimiles of early liturgical MSS., including an early copy of Quicunque vult, from an Irish MS. in the Ambrosian Library (O. 212, sup.). 4tO. THE BENEDICTIONAL OF ROBERT OF JUMIEGES. Edited by the Rev. H. A. WILSON, M.A. October, 1899. *** Persons wishing to join the Society are requested to communicate with the Hon. Secretary, the Rev. H. A. WILSON, Magdalen College, Oxford; or with the Hon. Treasurer, the Rev. E. S. DEWICK, 26, Oxford Square, Hyde Park, London, W. The books are issued to members in return for an annual subscription of one guinea, payable at the beginning of each year. 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