.^v \i w ^ BIBLIOTHECA ACCIPITRARIA SIR RALPH SADLER OF EVERLEY, WILTS. Grand Falconer to Queen Elizabeth. From a painting on panels in the possession of Sir John D. Astley, Bart. A' (iri^*, (!broiuo-coUotyi)e. Bibliotbcca Hccipitraria A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ANCIENT AND MODERN » RELATING TO FALCONRY WITH NOTES, GLOSSARY, AND VOCABULARY BY JAMES EDMUND IJARTING LIBRARIAN TO THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON LC'NDON; .,; ; '.; ; _;;, BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY 1891 CONTENTS. PAGES I. Introduction ix-xxviii II. Catalogue of Books : English . . • i-44 Dutch . 44-45 German 45-59 Danish and Norwegian S9-6i Swedish 6i French 61-108 Provencal . 109 Catalan no Spanish 111-13S Portuguese 136 Italian . 137-160 Latin 161-181 Greek 181-184 Russian 184-193 Turkish 193-196 Persian 197-202 Arabic 202-206 Chinese 206-209 Japanese 209-216 VI CONTENTS. PAGES III. Glossary of Technical Terms 217-232 IV. Polyglot Vocabui-ary 233-239 V. Notes to the Illustrations 241-273 VI. Index to Authors, Printers, Engravers, &c. . . 275-289 GEL LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. {For Notes to tliese Plates see end of Volume.') 1. Sir Ralph Sadler, Grand Falconer to Queen Elizabeth . . Front is. To /ace fa^e 2. Robert Cheseman, Falconer to Henry VIII .8 3. Elizabethan Falconer's Bag ........ 12 4. James I. as a Youth, with a Sparrow-hawk 16 5. James I. after his Accession to the Throne of England ; from a Portrait by Vandyck 18 6. The Hon. Lewis Latham, Falconer to Charles 1 22 7. English Falconers of the Seventeenth Century, by Francis Barlow, etched by Hollar 26 8. Colonel Thornton, of Thornville Royal, Yorkshire . . . .36 9. Silver-gilt Urn presented to Col. Thornton by Members of the Falconers' Club, 1781 256 10. Edward Clough Newcome, of Hockwold, Norfolk . . . • Z^ 1 1. Fleming of Barochan, with his Falconers, John Anderson and George Harvey 40 12. Peter Ballantine, the Last of the Old Scotch Falconers . . .42 13. A Dutch Falconer, by Franz de Vriendt, commonly called Franz Floris 44 ' viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. To face page 14. Prince William V. of Holland, Heron -hawking at the Loo in 1767 . 48 15. A German Falconer of the Sixteenth Century 56 16. A French Falconer, Time of Louis XV 88 17. Lorenzo de' Medici, surnamed the Magnificent, Author of La Caccia col Falcone ........... 140 18. Italian Falconers of the Seventeenth Century, by Tempesta . .150 19. Italian Miniatures of the Thirteenth Century, from a MS.of the Emperor Frederick the Second's Treatise, De Arte Venandi cum Avihts . 168 20. Other Miniatures from the Same Source 170 21. A Falconer of Cyprus, by Titian 182 22. Falconers of Eastern Turkestan, with the Berkut, or Trained Eagle . 192 23. Indian Falconers with Sakers and Peregrine 198 24. Arab Falconers with Lanners ...,.,,. 202 25. A Japanese Falconer 212 26. A Trained Falcon 216 INTRODUCTION. "Subseciva qutedam tempora incurrunt qure ego perire non patior." — Cicero. Falconry, like other field sports, has its literature. It would be strange if it were not so ; for on turning over the pages of the world's history, it is apparent that for centuries it has played a conspicuous part amongst the diversions of people of all nations. But the literature of the subject has been much neglected. The older treatises in all languages have become scarce and costly, and of the rest the booksellers are unable to supply, or even to name, a tithe of them. This, perhaps, is partly due to the circumstance that no Bibhography of Falconry, having any claim to completeness, exists. It cannot be said that no such work has been attempted ; for in 1853 the late Professor Schlegel, of Leyden, appended to his splendid Traite de Fau- connerie a Catalogue Raisonne of such books on the subject as were known to him ; while since that date has appeared the Bibliographie de la Chasse of M. Souhart, in which Falconry, although by no means adequately treated, has received some share of attention. Long prior to the publication of these two works the Catalogues of Kreysig (1750), Lallemant Freres (1763), and Lastri (1787) included the titles of books on Hawking, as well as of those relating to other branches of the Chase ; while since their appearance, Hsts, varying in length and importance, have been printed by Baudrillart, Hammer- Purgstall, Riesen- thal, and Senores Uhagon and Leguina. Of these the most INTROD UCTION. comprehensive is certainly that of Schlegel ; but although extensive as compared with other lists of the kind, it is con- spicuously deficient in regard to the titles of English, French, and German works on Falconry ; not because many of these were printed after Schlegel's Traite had appeared (which would have furnished a sufficient reason for their omission), but because they were evidently unknown to him. In the present Bibliotheca Accipitraria, profiting by the labours of my predecessors, and having made researches in all directions, I have been able to set down 378 titles in nineteen languages. These have been transcribed verbatim et literatim^ and the various editions and translations indicated. In the course of twenty years' collecting, the majority of the books have been either procured, or seen, and carefully examined ; and it is believed that no printed work of any importance has escaped notice. Incidentally a great number of MSS. have been referred to, and the libraries in which they are preserved indicated ; but they have not been catalogued for two reasons. In the first place, I have already given an account of the Eng- lish MSS, relating to Falconry in my Introduction to an Eliza- bethan treatise on the Sparrow-hawk and Goshawk (No. 81 of the present Bibliotheca) ; and, in the next place, no proper catalogue of existing MSS. on the subject in other languages could be prepared without making a tour of the principal Continental libraries, and devoting a considerable time to an examination of the originals. It has been thought desirable, however, to state where MSS. of importance are deposited, so that those who have the leisure and inclination to examine them may be guided in their research. This information will be found in the critical notes which follow the titles, where also the reader will often discover some account of the authors of im- portant works, with hints as to the sources of their inspiration. In a few cases the extreme rarity of a treatise, or the trouble which would be entailed upon those who would attempt the perusal of the original, has suggested a translation of so much as was deemed necessary to convey an accurate notion of the contents. For example, a precis is given (pp. 67-71) of the rare Livredu Faulcon (c. i486) — of which no English translation exists — with quotations which sufficiently INTRO D UCTION. exemplify the phraseology of its unknown author. The history and disputed authorship of the almost equally rare Livre du Roi Modus is examined (pp. 61-66). The celebrated Spanish treatise on Falconry by the Prince Don Juan Manuel is epitomised (pp. 1 1 3-1 1 5), as is also that of the famous work of Martinez de Espinar. An epitome is furnished (pp. 169-172) of the Latin work of the Emperor Frederick II., De Arte Venandi cum Avibus (1245), and of the Greek work of Demetrius of Constantinople, written in 1270 (pp. 181-183) ; while in the case of the Russian books catalogued, half-a- dozen in number, a transliteration of the titles follows the original, and is succeeded by an abstract of the contents. I can claim no acquaintance, I regret to say, with Oriental languages, but by means of French and German translations, and with the assistance of friends well versed in the matter, I have been able to give an account of most, if not all, of the treatises on Falconry which are worth quoting in Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese. It may be observed that many of these are in MS., and there is perhaps little likelihood of their being published. Strictly speaking, as manuscripts, they ought not to have been included in the present Catalogue ; but to have omitted all mention of them would have been to pass over some important sources of in- formation, while by directing attention to their existence, oppor- tunity is afforded to the reader of judging the extent of Oriental literature on this particular branch of sport. To Mr. Sydney A. J. Churchill, of the Persian Legation, I am indebted for much kind assistance in regard to the Persian and Arabic titles, and the fact that the proof-sheets of this portion of the Bibliotheca Accipitraria have been revised by the eminent Orientalist, Dr. Rieu, of the British Museum, gives it an imprimatur without which it could not be expected to find favour in the eyes of critics. As regards the Chinese and Japanese titles, I am under great obligation to Mr. F. V. Dickins, Assistant Registrar of the University of London, whose knowledge of these languages has enabled him to give most valuable assistance. Altogether, there are catalogued 378 titles in nineteen lan- guages. The way in which they are apportioned will be seen on xu IN TROD UCTION. reference to the following table, which also shows the impor- tant additions which have been made to the catalogue published by Schlegel : — List of Works. Schlegel. Harting. English . 15 82 Dutch . 3 4 German 16 46 Danish . 4 Swedish I French . 30 84 Provencal I Catalan . I Spanish 38 Portuguese I Italian . 35 Latin . 17 29 Greek . 4 4 Russian I 6 Turkish 2 3 Persian . 3 8 Arabic . 12 13 Chinese 4 4 Japanese II 14 Total . 135 37^ On examining the titles of all these works, two things are particularly striking — first, the great antiquity of Falconry; and secondly, its widespread practice. The origin of the art it is now impossible to discover. From the earliest times of which history takes cognizance people of all nations, but more particularly those of Eastern origin, have practised the sport, and we may form some idea of its antiquity from Sir Henry Layard's discovery of a bas- relief amongst the ruins of Khorsabad, in which a falconer is represented carrying a hawk upon his fist. From this he has inferred that hawking was practised there some 1700 years before the Christian era. In China it was known even at an earlier date than this. INTRODUCTION. xiii for in a Japanese work (No. 376), of which a French trans- lation appeared at the beginning of the present century, it is stated that falcons were amongst the presents made to princes in the time of the Hia dynasty, which is supposed to have commenced in the year 2205 b.c. It would carry me far beyond the limits of this Intro- duction were I to attempt to trace here the history and progress of Falconry, although the necessary materials are at hand in the works which I have catalogued. On this part of the subject a second volume might be written. Suffice it to remark, that the sport was introduced into Europe from the East, and that there is reason to believe that Hawking was practised by Europeans at least three centuries before the Christian era.* It is remarkable how on almost every point the falconers of the East and West are agreed. Although the communication between them has been interrupted for centuries, their general system of treatment, and the many ingenious contrivances, either discovered or handed down from posterity, are very similar. Both make use of jesses, leashes, bells, and hoods, varying only in pattern and material. They imp broken flight- feathers in the same way, and both bathe and weather their hawks, feed and give castings, in the same manner. This alone would prove the ancient origin of Falconry, which appears to have had but one source, and probably to have been introduced by the Indo-Germanic race from the plains of Hindostan, so favourable to Hawking. On looking into the history of Falconry in Europe, one figure of a great falconer in the Middle Ages stands out prominently — namely, the Emperor Frederick II. of Germany, who died in 1 2 50. He had seen something of Hawking in the East, and in 1239, on his return from a Crusade which he had undertaken the year before, when he was crowned King of Jerusalem and Sicily, he brought with him from Syria and Arabia several expert falconers with their hawks, and spent much of his leisure time in learning from them the secrets of their art, which he considered the noblest and most worthy of all the arts. The excellent treatise which he composed in * See No. 79 of this Catalogue, p. 69. xiv INTRODUCTION. Latin, De Arte Venandi cum Avibus, was the first which appeared in the West, and is still one of the best which exists. It has been translated into German by Pacius (No. loi), and its marked influence on the literature of the subject is perceptible on examining the subsequently published treatises of the French author Tardif and our English Turbervile. In the Middle Ages the Germans were great falconers ; so also were the French, and the natives of Brabant, of whom a celebrated Spanish falconer in 1325 wrote that they were the best falconers in the world. To a less extent the art was practised in Spain and Italy during many centuries, and books were written in all these countries by those who had become proficient in the art, and were fired by the enthusiam of their success. The Kings of Norway and Denmark preferred hunting to hawking, but rendered good service to the sister sport by procuring, from various parts of Scandinavia, the celebrated jerfalcons of Northern Europe, which were held in the highest esteem by those to whom they were sent as presents. Although the precise date of the introduction of Hawking into England cannot now be ascertained, we know from ^several sources that it was practised by our ancestors in early Saxon times. In a letter addressed by King Ethelbert (a.d. 748-760) to Boniface, Archbishop of Mayence, who died in 755, the monarch asked him to send over two falcons that would do to fly at the crane, for, said he, " there are very few birds of use for that flight in this country" — i.e., in Kent. Asser, in his Life of Alfred the Great, particularly refers to the king's love of hawking ; and William of Malmes- bury records much the same of Athelstan, who procured his hawks from Wales. The same historian says of Edward the Confessor that his chief delight was to follow a pack of swift hounds and cheer them with his voice, or to attend the flight of hawks taught to pursue and catch their kindred birds. So general, indeed, was the pastime of Hawking in Saxon times, that the monks of Abingdon found it necessary in 821 to procure a charter from King Kenulph to restrain the practice in harvest-time, in order to prevent their crops from being trampled upon. (Dugdale, Mottasticon, i. p. 100.) INTRODUCTION. xv One of the most interesting pieces of documentary evidence on this part of the subject is deposited in the MS. Depart- ment of the British Museum. I refer to the Colloquy of Archbishop ^Elfric, a composition of the tenth century. The object of this and similar colloquies and vocabularies compiled about the same period was to interpret Latin to the Anglo- Saxon student, and furnish him with the Latin words for the common objects of life. In this MS. we find a dialogue between a scholar and a falconer, in which the latter imparts some interesting details on the • subject of his art as then practised.* Hawking was pursued by many of our early kings with the greatest enthusiasm, and some reference to their doings will be found in No. 79 of this Catalogue, which contains (pp. 71-85) many details of interest serving to illustrate the his- tory of Falconry in England. Henry VHL's love of Hawking may be inferred from the anecdote related of him in Hall's " Chronicle," to the effect that, being one day out hawking at Hitchin, in Hertfordshire, he was leaping a dyke with a hawking-pole, when it suddenly broke, and the king was immersed in mud and water, and might have lost his life had not Edmund Moody, one of the at- tendants, come to his assistance. (Chronicle 1 548, fol. 1 30 verso.) A portrait of his chief falconer, Robert Cheseman, from the painting by Holbein in the Royal Gallery at The Hague, will be found amongst the illustrations to the present work.t A representation is also given (see the frontispiece) of Sir Ralph Sadler, the Grand Falconer to Queen Elizabeth, in whose reign Hawking was much in vogue. It is reproduced from an old panel-portrait by Gerhardt which hangs in the Manor House at Everley, Wilts, the former residence of * This dialogue will be found printed in the Introduction to No. 81. t It was in the reign of Henry VIII. that the royal hawks were removed from the Mews at Charing Cross (where they had been kept during many reigns), and the place was converted into stables. The name, however, confirmed by long usage, remained to the building, although after the hawks were withdrawn it became inapplicable. But what is more curious still, in later times, when the people of London began to build stabling at the back of their houses, they christened those places "mews " after the old stabling at Charing Cross. xvi INTRODUCTION. Henry Sadler, the third son of Sir Ralph (see the note to No. 19, pp. 16, 17, and "Notes to the Illustrations," p. 242). James I., as is well known, was an enthusiastic sportsman, and especially delighted in Hawking, on which amusement he spent considerable sums annually, as may be seen by the entries of payments made during this reign, printed in Devon's " Issues of the Exchequer." * His portrait as a youth, with a sparrow-hawk on his fist, is here reproduced from a scarce engraving by Raddon, and his appearance in after-life is shown in the portrait by Vandyck. It was in his reign that Sir Thomas Monson, who succeeded Sir Ralph Sadler as Royal Falconer, was said to have given ;^iooo for a cast of falcons — a story which has been re- peatedly told in print, but which is altogether based upon a misapprehension. The facts are correctly stated by Sir Antony Weldon in his " Court and Character of King James," 1650 ; the truth being that Sir Thomas Monson spent ;^iooo before he succeeded in getting a cast of jerfalcons that were perfect for flying at the kite, and this he might very well have done, seeing that he would have to defray the cost of expeditions to Norway or Iceland for them.t By great good fortune, while these pages were passing through the press, I learnt that a lineal descendant of the Hon. Lewis Latham, Falconer to Charles I., was living at Hyattsville, Maryland, U.S.A., in the person of Mr. F. A. Holden, and that he had in his possession a contemporary portrait of his ancestor. I lost no time in communicating with him, and in due course received a photograph of the por- trait, here reproduced, with permission to publish it. All the Stuarts were fond of Hawking, but after the Restoration the sport ceased to be popular. The causes which led to its decline were many and various. The disas- trous state of the country during the period of the civil wars * See also Professor Newton's account of Hawking in Norfolk, appended to the second edition of Lubbock's " Fauna of Norfolk," 1879, pp. 226-227, and the supplementary remarks thereon, contributed by the present writer to the Trans • actions of the Norfolk Naturalists' Society, 1880, vol. iii. pp. 82-89. t See note to No. 27. INTR OD UCTION. xvii naturally put an end, for the time being, to the general in- dulgence in field sports. The inclosure of waste lands, the drainage and cultivation of marshes, the great improvement in fire-arms, and particularly the introduction of shot, all con- tributed to lessen the interest once so universally taken in this sport. Fashion also, no doubt, had a good deal to do M^ith the decline of Hawking, for so soon as the reigning sovereign ceased to take an interest in the sport, the courtiers and their friends followed suit. Nevertheless, it never really died out, and from that time to the present it has never ceased to be practised by a few admirers of the old sport in various parts of the country, while during the last few years signs have not been wanting of its increasing popularity. In addition to those already mentioned, the portraits of one or two of its staunchest supporters during the present century will be found amongst the illustrations here given ; notably the Scottish falconers, Fleming of Barochan, John Anderson, and Peter Ballantine (who died in 1884) ; and the English masters of the craft. Colonel Thornton, of Thornville Royal, Yorkshire, and Edward Clough Newcome, of Hockwold, in the county of Norfolk, concerning whom some details will be found in the " Notes to the Illustrations." Of the other plates to this volume, it may be said that the writer's aim has been to give authoritative representations of falconers of various nations, in their national costumes, and with the hawks and falcons used by them ; occasionally also to figure such curiosities connected with the sport as may be of interest not only to falconers, but also to lovers of art. As an aid to those who are but imperfectly acquainted with the technical terms employed in the exercise of this ancient sport, it is hoped that the English Glossary and polyglot Vocabulary at the end of this volume will prove of service ; the more so, since many of the words therein contained are not to be found in the ordinary dictionaries. It may be expected, and indeed it has been already hinted to the writer, that in the course of this Introduction to the Literature of Falconry, some introduction to the Sport b xviii INTRODUCTION. itself should be included, to enable a proper understanding of the critical notes which follow. It is difficult to attempt this without incurring the risk of writing too much, and going too minutely into a branch of the subject which the present volume is not primarily intended to deal with. A bibliography is one thing, a treatise on Falconry is quite another, and would, if fully considered, extend far beyond the limits of an Introduction. Nevertheless, as the two are so connected that an explanation of the one will lead to a better appreciation of the other, a brief outline may here be given of what may be termed the principia artis accipitrarice* The birds employed by falconers belong to two classes — the long-winged, dark-eyed falcons, and the short-winged, yellow-eyed hawks. To the former class belong the Jerfalcon, Peregrine, Lanner, Saker, Barbary Falcon, the Indian Shahin, the Hobby, and the Merlin ; to the latter the Goshawk and Sparrow-hawk. The former take their prey by rising above it in the air, and stooping at it from a considerable height, and striking it to the ground ; the latter pursue in a straight line, and, overtaking the quarry by superior speed, clutch it, and come down with it. The larger falcons are flown at winged game of all kinds — crows, magpies, rooks, herons, and wild- fowl ; the smaller falcons, such as the merlin and hobby, are used for taking larks ; while of the short -winged hawks, the sparrow-hawk is flown at blackbirds and thrushes, partridges early in the season, and quails ; the goshawk taking pheasants, partridges, and wild-fowl, rabbits and hares. With all birds of prey the females are invariably larger and more powerful than the males, and the sexes are consequently selected according to the quarry they have to pursue. Jerfalcons are now rarely employed, partly owing to the difficulty of procuring them, partly because the peregrine falcon is preferred, and experience has shown that, except in a woody or inclosed country, where the goshawk and sparrow-hawk are preferable, the peregrine is the most useful of all the birds of prey. * The details which follow are taken from the article " Falconry " (No. 82) contributed by the present writer to the last edition of Chambers's Encycl opcedia, 1880. INTRODUCTION. xix Hawks are either taken young from the nest before they can fl}^, when they are termed eyesses, or are caught later, during the period of their migration, by means of a decoy pigeon and a bow-net, when they are called passage-hawks * The mode of treatment is a little different, inasmuch as the latter have already learned to catch and kill prey for them- selves, and only require to be tamed ; the former have ever}'- thing to learn. A passage-hawk on being caught is hooded, and has jesses, or soft leather straps, fastened on her legs. She is then set down on a block of turf to prevent damage to feathers, and fed once a day, at first through the opening of the hood, afterwards with the hood removed. The bird is always fed upon the gloved hand, and gradually learns to step on to it from the perch, increasing the distance daily until she is obliged to fly to reach the fist. The training then commences. The hawk is called off^ as it is termed, to the lure, which means that after tying a long line to the ends of the jesses she is held hooded on the hand of an assistant, until the falconer, at the distance of five-and-twenty yards, swings the lure to which the bird has been accustomed to come to be fed. The hood being then removed, the hawk flies to the lure, and is exercised in this way for some time daily, until she is sufficiently tractable to be trusted without a line, care being taken not to feed her until she has flown, and always to reward her for coming to the lure with a morsel of the meat with which it is garnished. She is then entered at the quarry at which she is intended to be flown (partridge, rook, or whatever it may be) by first giving her a live bird at the end of a long line, and allowing her to go off the fist and kill it ; eventually the line is dispensed with, and she is flown at wild quarry. Such, briefly, is the mode of training a passage-hawk. An eyess is somewhat differently treated. A straw-covered plat- form is put up in some shed or outhouse, and on this the nest- lings (which should not be taken too young, or they will turn out screamers) are placed, the platform being about as high up * The mode of capturing passage-hawks as practised by the Dutch falconers will be found described in No. 79, p. 109. XX INTRODUCTION. as one can reach to feed the birds. They are fed three times a day on fresh lean beef, while growing, to keep up their strength, or hunger-traces will appear, like cuts across the webs of the feathers, and the latter, breaking, will render the birds useless. When they are strong enough and able to fly, jesses are put on the legs, and a spherical brass bell (of Dutch or Indian make), on one leg, is fastened just above the jess with a little narrow strip of leather termed a bewit. At feeding-time, now once a day, they are called to the lure, and being allowed their liberty for some weeks (in which state they are said to be flying at hack), they daily gain strength and wing-power, until the time comes for taking them up and commencing their training, which after this stage does not differ much from the method above described for passage- hawks. When flying at hack, a hawk sometimes becomes wild, wanders away to a distance, and kills game for herself. When this is perceived, a bow-net, or other device for snaring, is set for her, to which she is decoyed and recaptured. The first operation in training is hooding, which, if successfully performed, overcomes much dilBculty. It requires some patience and dexterity, and should be practised at first in a darkened room, in which the hawk will be much quieter than in broad daylight. The hood is simply a cap of leather, made to fit the head in such a manner as to obscure the light, a single aperture only being left, through which the beak pro- trudes, and a slit behind, which is opened and closed, when the hood is put on and off, by means of braces, one pair of which opens, the other pair closes the slit ; the eye-pieces, which to prevent injury to the eyes are carefully blocked out, are covered for ornament with red or green cloth. By temporarily blindfolding the hawk, the hood causes her to sit perfectly quiet, and prevents her from bating, or fluttering, at the risk of breaking feathers, as she would do if frightened by passers-by until gradually accustomed to them. Allusion has already been made to the jesses, or soft straps of leather (dogskin is best), which are fastened to the legs of the hawk, by which to hold her on the glove and tie her to INTR OD UCTION. the perch or block. These jesses are about six inches long, and are never removed when the hawk is flown, though they require to be renewed from time to time. In former days varvels, or flat rings of silver, with the owner's name engraved thereon, were permanently attached to the ends of the jesses, and through these one end of the leash was passed, the other end being prevented from going through by a leather button. At the present day, however, most falconers prefer using a figure 8 swivel, which is always detached before the hawk is flown. The lure, already referred to, is a device for luring the hawk back to her owner after an unsuccessful flight, and on this account the hawk is early made acquainted with it by being fed upon it daily while being trained. There are various patterns ; one of the simplest and most easily made consists of a couple of pigeons' wings tied together on a flat circular leaden weight covered with leather, upon which a piece of raw meat is tied on both sides. The tabiir-stick and drawer^ which were formerly used as lures, have long been dis- carded. The beaks and claws of wild-caught hawks are generally so long and sharp as to require paring, or coping as it is termed ; but this operation requires to be very carefully per- formed (the hawk being hooded and held by an assistant), and not more than the tenth of an inch removed, or the efficiency of the beak and claws will be impaired. Indeed, some falconers will never cope a hawk except when the beak is overgrown ; and with goshawks especially, which have to hold such powerful prey as hares and rabbits, strong and sharp pounces are indispensable. Eastern falconers carry their hawks upon the right hand ; European falconers always carry them on the left, leaving the right hand free for detaching leash and swivel, and re- moving and replacing the hood. For further information than can be afforded within the narrow limits of an Introduction, the reader must be referred to some of the works catalogued in the following pages. And here it may be well to direct attention to some of INTRO D UCTJON. the more useful books in different languages, for it is not to be supposed that they are all of equal merit. On the con- trary, many of them are of no practical value at the present day, and are mere literary curiosities, interesting only from their rarity, or as early specimens of printing and engraving. Amongst these may be mentioned " The Book of St. Albans " (No. i);* "The Institution of a Gentleman," 1555 (No. 10); Maplet's "Greene Forest," 1567 (No. 11); Swan's Speculum Mundi, 1635 (No. 26); Stevenson's "Twelve Moneths,".i66i (No. 32) ; Hicfelt's Aucupatorium Herodiorum, 1450 (No. 88) ; Eberhard Tapp's Waidwerck und Federspiel, 1 542 (No. 93); Pomey's Buchlein, 1671 (No. 98); Le Livre du Rot Modus, i486 (No. 138); Le Rot Dancus, 1284 (No. 139); Le Livre du Faulcon, i486 (No. 140) ; and others. Yet these are all book rarities, and command high prices when they occur for sale. Again, many books are included in this Bibliotheca Accipi- traria which do not relate exclusively to Falconry ; such, for instance, as the works of Gervase Markham (Nos. 3—8) and William Gryndall (No. 13); "The Jewel for Gen trie " (No. 17); and "The Gentleman's Recreation," by Nicholas Cox (Nos. 37-39) and Richard Blome (No. 41) ; as also cer- tain Encyclopaedias. But as these contain important sections, or articles, on the practice of Falconry, it would have been manifestly unwise to omit mention of them. Of compilations, not always acknowledged, and translations, there are naturally a good many, but the critical notes ap- pended to the titles of these will put the reader on his guard against attaching undue importance to them, however in- dispensable they may seem to the collector of books on Hawking. Those who may be disposed to take up the subject seriously, if they know nothing about it already, will be naturally perplexed if offered a choice of nearly four hundred volumes. It may be well, therefore, to indicate those which will be found of most use at the present day, including, on * The history and practical value of the treatise on Hawking, which forms part of the " Book of St. Albans,'' is minutely examined in No. 79, pp. 96-108. INTRODUCTION. xxiii account of their excellence, a few of the older treatises which deserve to be consulted. English. — Turbervile (14, 15), Latham (18, 19, 20), and Bert (22) may be regarded as the old English masters of Falconry. They wrote chiefly from experience, although Turbervile borrowed much from French and Italian authors of repute. Before his day the books in use were either garbled versions of the " Book of St. Albans," and of little practical value, or compositions by writers who had but slight acquaint- ance with the subject. Markham's " Gentleman's Academic," 1595 (3), and "Hunger's Prevention," 1621 (8), are perhaps the most desirable of this author's works from the falconer's point of view. Sir Antony Weldon's curious little volume (27) is worth securing, if opportunity occurs, since it contains the true story of Sir Thomas Monson's hawks, so strangely perverted by subsequent writers (see pp. xvi, 23). The alleged extrava- gance of this " Master Falconer" by the charge of ;^iooo in gos-falcons for one flight (that of the kite) is first noticed by Oldys in the Biographia Britannica, afterwards by Warton in his Observations on Spenser (1762, ii. 173), and then by Pennant (1768, i. 133), who in his "British Zoology" inserted all Warton's notices of hawking without acknowledgment — whence they were copied by Yarrell and others. In the first edition Sir A. W. calls the birds " gos-faulcons "; in the second edition they are styled more correctly " ger-faulcons." Ray's "Summary of Falconry" (35), though not original, being abridged from Turbervile and Latham, is to be com- mended ; but, being in folio, its size is cumbersome. Nicholas Cox's " Gentleman's Recreation " passed through so many editions that there is no difficulty in procuring a copy. It is of little merit, however, being chiefly compiled from the works of previous writers (see the note on p.. 28). A folio work with the same title, by Richard Blome(4i), is better worth having, and has numerous fine engravings. Campbell's " Treatise of Modern Faulconry," 1773 (49), is a practical one, but is disfigured by a long and ridiculous preface, for which he was not responsible (see note on p. 34). xxiv INTRODUCTION. Colonel Thornton's " Sporting Tour " (57), though relating to various field sports, is full of allusions to Falconry, of which he was a famous exponent, and illustrates in a delightful manner the practical part of the subject. Sir John Sebright's " Observations upon Hawking " (61), originally published in pamphlet form (64 pp. only) for eighteenpence, would now be cheap at a guinea. The author wrote from his own experience, and was assisted by an excellent falconer, Mr. John Dawson Downes, of Gunton, Suffolk, who revised the MS. Some account of the original MS. lately examined by me will be found in The Zoologist, 1890 (pp. 417-421). The second edition of Lubbock's " Fauna of Norfolk " (65) is to be commended for the sake of the chapter on the re- mains of Falconry in Norfolk (pp. 33-44) and the excellent notes on this subject communicated in an Appendix (pp. 224- 239) by Professor Newton. Coming now to the recent works by English writers, those by Salvin and Brodrick {6y)y Freeman (68, 71), and Delme Radchffe (72, 73) are indispensable to all who would learn something of the history and practice of a noble and ancient sport ; while, if an author may be permitted to refer to his own labours, it may be hinted that in Nos. 79 and 80 of the present Catalogue the reader will find some information not unworthy of his attention. German. — The list of German books contains the titles of a good many that are more curious than useful. The first on the list (87) is regarded as the earliest printed book on Falconry in any language. The reader perhaps would do well to begin with Dr, Landau's Beitrdge zur Geschichte der Jagd und der Falk- nerei in Deutschland (121) and the section on Hawking in Die Raubvogel Deutschlands by Riesenthal (127), and then to look back into some of the older authors, such as Eberhard Tapp, Knoblauch, and Hans von Fleming, by which time he will be better prepared to understand their technicalities. One of the best of these is the translation of the work of the French falconer, Charles d'Arcussia (97), published at Frankfort in INTRODUCTION. xxv 1617, and full of interesting details of hawking, written at the most flourishing period of its history — namely, at the time when the falconers of James I. of England and of Louis XIII. of France vied with each other in a display of their art. French. — The French literature is rich in hawking books. Amongst the older writers, Guillaume Tardif (142), Jean de Franchieres (145), de Gommer (152), Charles d'Arcussia (153), Saincte-Aulaire (155), Pierre Harmont, dit " Mei- cure," (156), Claude de Morals (164), and Seigneur do Boissoudan (202) were all masters of their art, and their works are accordingly of value. Amongst writers of the modern school, precedence must be given to Schlegel's splendid Traite de Fauconnerie with its erudite text and beautifully coloured plates. No less valuable, from its com- prehensive and complete nature, is Baron de Noirmont's Histoire de la Chasse en France (206), the third volume of which contains much important information on the history and progress of Falconry. Reference should also be made to the very useful and instructive work of Viollet-le-Duc,* in which will be found figures and descriptions of some early forms of lure (fig. 21) and hood (figs. 22, 23). As we come nearer to our own time, French works on Falconry, instead of showing signs of decline, seem to issue from the press more frequently, thereby indicating a revived interest in the ancient and time- honoured sport, which is happily sustained by the united efforts and enthusiasm of living French and English falconers. Thus may be mentioned with respect and admiration the names of MM. Charavay (210), D'Aubusson (211), Pichot (207, 208, 221), Sourbets (216), Saint Marc (217), Foye (218), Belvalette (219), and Cerfon (220) — all of whom have contributed in an important degree to rescue la chasse au vol from neglect, and place it again upon the footing it once held amongst national field sports. To Monsieur P. A. Pichot the present writer is particularly indebted for much kind assistance in relation to French litera- * Dictioniiaire Raisoniii du Mobilier Fran^ais de Vipoque Carlovin^enne h la Retiaissancc, vol. ii., 1877, art. Chasse, pp. 407-449. xxvi INTRODUCTION. ture during the preparation of this Bibliotheca Accipitraria, as well as for the figure of a French falconer in the time of Louis XV., which will be found amongst the illustrations. Spanish. — As a curiosity, Los Paramientos de la Caza (224), attributed to Sancho VI. (el Sabio), is worth reading, although Don Jose Gutierrez de la Vega (226) doubts whether the MS. is of the age assigned to it (p. xcvii). But the two most celebrated books in Spanish upon this subject are those by the Prince Don Juan Manuel (226) and the Chancellor Pero Lopez de Ayala (228). Nor should we omit to notice the now scarce work of Martinez de Espinar (245). Those who are not familiar with the Spanish literature of the chase will probably be surprised at the number of works (38) now catalogued, especially as only seven are enumerated by Schlegel. But of these thirty-eight, it must be confessed that several are of but slight importance, while a few are merely translations from the Latin and French. Italian. — The best known, and perhaps on the whole the most useful, treatises in Italian are those of Carcano (267) and Federico Georgi (268) ; but the following may also be recommended for reasons which appear in the notes following the titles — namely, Codroipo (274), Raimondi (277), Olina (278), and Tuano, translated from the Latin by Bergantini (284). It was to the works of Carcano and Georgi that our English Turbervile was so much indebted in the preparation of his " Booke of Faulconrie," 1575-1611 (14, 15). Those who desire a deeper acquaintance with the Italian literature of the subject will do well to look into the works edited by Professors Spezi (294), Ceruti (295), Zambrini (296), and Ferraro (297). Latin. — With the exception of the Hieracosophion of Thuanus, or, to give him his real name, De Thou (306), already mentioned in connection with the Italian translation of his poem, it will suffice to mention a single work in Latin as worth perusal at the present day, and this is a most im- portant one — namely, the work of the Emperor Frederick II., De Arte Venandi cum Avibus (308). To master this is to acquire a liberal education in the art of Hawking. It is ex- INTR on UCTION. xxvii tremely easy to read, and, with the aid of the polyglot Vocabu- lary at the end of this Bibliotheca Accipitraria, would furnish a Latin classic for schools which to the majority of schoolboys would prove of far greater interest than the works of many Latin authors which are placed in their hands at the present day. A good English translation of this, and of De Thou's celebrated poem, would form acceptable additions to the well- known series of Latin classics for English readers. Greek. — The only treatise deserving of special mention is that of Demetrius of Constantinople (327), one of the oldest writers on Falconry, The text was first printed by Nicolas Rigault, librarian to Louis XIIL, in his Ret Accipitrarice Scriptores (314), from two MSS. in the Bibhotheque Royale, Paris ; but a Latin translation by Pierre Gilles (a Petro Gillio Latine redditus) had been previously pubHshed at Leyden in 1562, with the Historia Animalium of iElian. This is re- printed by Rigault {op. cit.) with separate pagination (pp. i- 118). An English analysis will be found in the present volume (pp. 182—183). The learned Sir Thomas Browne (36) has remarked that " the Greeks understood hunting early, but little or nothing of our Falconry. If Alexander had known it, we might have found something of it and more of hawks in Aristotle Though he hath mentioned divers hawks, yet Julius Scaliger, an expert falconer, despaired to reconcile them unto ours. And 'tis well if among them you can clearly make out a Lanner, a Sparrowhawk, and a Kestril, but must not hope to find your Gerfalcon there, which is the noble hawk ; and I wish you one no worse than that of Henry, King of Navarre, which Scaliger saith he saw strike down a buzzard, two wild geese, divers kites, a crane and a swan " (pp. city p. 118; Wilkins' ed., vol. iv. p. 189). The statement of Scaliger, it is presumed, is to be found in his Annotations to Aristotle's Historia Animalium, although a search for the parti- cular passage has not led to its discovery. (See pp. 9, 179.) Russian. — The work of Constantine Haller (336), late Pre- sident of the Russian Falconry Club at St. Petersburg, 1885, is the only one of the half-dozen here catalogued that is worthy of special mention. It will be seen from the English xxviii INTR OD UCTION. analysis here given (pp. 1 89-1 91) that it is a modern sketch of the history and practice of Falconry in Russia, by one who, being himself an enthusiastic falconer, may be regarded as a reliable authority on the subject. Arabic. — As the present writer can claim no acquaintance with Oriental languages, he will not be expected to do more than recommend such works as he has been enabled to master by means of translations, and of these the only one of much interest is that of Sid Mohamed el Mangali (360), of which a French translation, with the Arabic text, was published in Paris in 1880, A review of it is given in No. 79 (pp. 362— 370). It should not be forgotten, however, that the works of Arabic writers have exercised, in the course of centuries, a distinct influence on the literature of Falconry in Europe ; not only by means of the MSS. which were translated for the Emperor Frederick II,, and were utilised by him in his cele- brated Latin treatise, but also by means of the methods, appliances, and technical terms which were introduced by the Moors into Spain, and which eventually found their way into the works of Spanish authors, who in their turn influenced the writers of other countries. It only remains to state that the great number of technical terms employed by falconers in the practice of their art, and made use of by all writers on the subject, has suggested the preparation of an English Glossary and a polyglot Vocabulary, which will be found at the end of the volume, and which it is hoped will prove useful to the reader in his perusal of treatises in languages other than his own. A description of the accompanying plates will be found in the " Notes to the Illustrations." " ricec studia adolescentiam alunt senectutem oblectant."— C/V^ro, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO FALCONRY. Note. — To show the progress of the literature^ the titles are arranged in chronological order under countries ; but the work of any author may be found at once by reference to the Index at the end of the volume. I. BARNES (Juliana). The Boke of St. Albans containing the Treatises of Hawking, Hunting and Coat-Armour. Printed at St. Albans, i486, sm. folio. [Reproduced in facsimile with an Introduction by William Blades. London, 188 1. 4to.] Black letter, 88 leaves, without title-page, pagination, or catch- words. The earliest English printed book, although not the earliest English treatise, which relates to Falconry. Attributed to Dame Juliana Barnes, Bernes, or Berners, whose name occurs in the first edition (fol. 23) as " Barnes," and in the second edition as " Bernes." It is not, however, an original composi- tion, but a compilation from earlier MSS. (See No. 81 of this Catalogue, pp. vii.-viii., and No. 79, pp. 96-108.) The colophon runs : — " Here in thys boke afore are conteynt the bokys of Haukyng and Huntyng wyth other plesuris dy verse as in the boke apperis and also of Coot-armuris a nobull werke. And here now endyth the boke of blasying of armys translatyt A BOOKS ON FALCONRY. and compylyt togedyr at Seynt Albans the yere from thincaraa- cion of owre Lorde Jhu Crist, mcccclxxxvi." 2. BARNES (Juliana). The Book containing THE Treatises of Hawking ; Hunting ; Coat-Armour ; Fishing ; and Biasing of Arms. As printed at West- minster by Wynkyn de Worde ; the year of the Incarnation of our Lord, 1496. sm. folio. [Reprinted with an Introduction by Joseph Haslewood. London, 18 10. sm. folio.] The original, in black letter, 74 leaves, is without title-page, pagination, or catch-words. On the recto of the first leaf is a woodcut of Birds, and on the verso a group of men with a hawk, beneath which follows the title in four lines and a half, begin- ning : — " This present boke shewyth the manere of hawkynge and huntynge, and also of divysynge of Cote armours," etc. Colophon. " Here in this boke afore ben shewed the treatyses perteynynge to hawkynge & huntynge with other dyvers playsaunt materes belongynge unto noblesse : and also a ryght noble treatise of Cotarmours, as in this present boke it may appere Emprynted at Westmestre by Wynkyn the Worde the yere of thyncarnacon of our Lorde mcccclxxxxvi." The book of Hunting ends thus : " Explicit dame Julyans Bernes doctryne in her boke of huntynge." The " treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle " formed no part of the Boke of St, Albans as originally printed in i486, but was added by Wynkyn de Worde ten years later. A few copies of Haslewood's "Introduction," dated 30th Oct. 1811, were separately issued, one of which is in the writer's possession. Between 1496 and 1596 several different versions, more or less altered from the original, appeared ; several undated, most of them without an editor's name, and all of them now excessively rare. They are known by the names and addresses of the printers by whom they were issued. Thus: — ENGLISH. 3 "The Boke of Hawkynge and Huntynge AND Fysshynge. Imprynted in Flete Strete at ye sygne of ye Sonne by Wynkyn de Worde." [Black letter, 46 leaves, A — H in eights and fours alternately, except G, which has 6 leaves: about 1503. sm. 4to.] A unique copy (formerly Haworth's) in the Huth Library was purchased at Daniel's sale, in July 1864, for ;^iio. Another : — Imprynted at London in Saynt Martyn's par- yshe in ye Vinetre [Vintry] upon the Thre Crane Wharfe, by Wyllyam Coplande. [Black letter, 48 leaves, A — M in fours : undated, about 1548,7^^^ Milner. sm. 4to.] Each treatise has a separate but similar colophon. Milner's copy, in 1829, sold for ^^7 ; Haslewood's for ;!^8. A. third :— Imprynted at London in Flete strete at the signe of the Rose Garland by Wyllyam Coplande for Robert Toye. [Black letter, 48 leaves, A — M in fours : undated, sm. 4to.] A copy of this edition is in the collection of Earl Spencer. A fourth : — Imprynted at London in Flete streate at the sygne of the Rose Garlande by Wyllyam Coplande for Rychard Tottell. [Black letter, 48 leaves : undated, c. 1 561. sm. 4to.] A copy is in the British Museum, G. 10494. BOOKS ON FALCONRY. A fifth :— Imprynted at London in Paules Churche-yarde at the sygne of the Lambe by Abraham Vele. [Black letter, 48 leaves, A — M in fours : undated, c. 1560. sm. 4to.] A copy at Milner's sale, 1829, fetched ;!^8 igj. An imperfect copy is in the British Museum, C. 31. c 2. A sixth : — Imprynted at London in Pauls chyrchyarde by me Hefy Tab. [Black letter, 46 leaves, A — M in fours, except I, which has 2 leaves : undated, sm. 4to.] The only copy known to exist is amongst Crynes's books in the Bodleian Library. See Haslewood's Introduction, p. 86, where a facsimile of the title is given, with some account of Nathaniel Crynes, who died in 1745, and bequeathed his library to the Bodleian. A seventh : — Imprynted at London in Foster Lane by John Waley. [Black letter, 46 leaves, A — M in fours, except I, which has only 2 leaves : undated, sm. 4to.] The "Measures of blowing" are omitted in this edition. Pickering had a copy. Haworth's copy (958) sold for £,Z. An eighth : — Imprynted at London in Flete Strete at the sygne of the George next to Saynt Dunstane's Church by Wyllyam Powell. [Black letter, 48 leaves : undated, sm. 4to.] And a ninth : — Hawking, Hunting, and Fishing, with the ENGLISH. True Measures of Blowing. Newly corrected and amended. At London, printed by Edward Aide and are to be solde at the Long Shop adjoining unto Saint Mildred's Church in the Pultrie. [Black letter, 44 leaves : 1586. sm. 4to.] A copy is preserved in the Phillipps Library, now in the pos- session of the collector's daughter, Mrs. Fenwick, of Thirlstaine House, Cheltenham. Of this version another edition with a similar title was printed in 1596 {cf. Haslewood, p. 97). Meanwhile in 1595 appeared the following : — 3. MARKHAM (Gervase). The Gentleman's AcADEMiE : or the Booke of S. Albans : containing three most exact and excellent Bookes : the first of Hawking, the second of all the proper termes of Hunting, and the last of Armorie : all compiled by luliana Barnes in the yere from the incarnation of Christ i486. And now reduced into a better method, by G. M. London. Printed for Humfrey Lownes, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules church-yard, 1595. sm. 4to. 2 prelim, leaves, with Dedication " To the gentlemen of Eng- land, and all the good fellowship of Huntsmen and Falconers." Then follows a treatise of Hawking, fols. 1-24 verso and 4 blank leaves; a treatise of Hunting, with separate title-page printed by Valentine Sims for Humfrey Lownes, 1595, fols. 29- 38 and 2 blank leaves ; the Booke of Armorie, with separate title-page printed by Valentine Sims for Humfrey Lownes, 1595, fols. 41-95 and i blank leaf. Headline throughout the volume, *' The Gentleman's Academie." Two copies are in the British Museum (C. 32. e 30, and G. 10493) ^^^ o'^^ i" possession of the writer. The author, Gervase Markham, of Gotham, in the Co. Nottingham, published several works on Field Sports, Veterinary BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Science, and Agriculture, of which the following contain sections on Hawking : — 4. MARKHAM (Gervase). Country Content- ments : or the Husbandmans Recreations. Contayning the wholsome Experiences in which any man ought to Recreate himselfe, after the toyle of more serious businesse. As, namely, Hunting, Hawking, Coursing with Greyhounds, and the lawes of the Lease, Shooting in Long-bow or Cross-bow, etc. By G. M. London, 161 1, sm. 4to. No less than fourteen editions of this work were published, to all of which (except two) the dates may be here supplied : ist, 161 1 ; 2nd, 1615; 3rd, 1623; 4th, 1631 ; 5th, 1633; 6th, 1649; 7th, 1654; 8th, 1656; 9th, 1660; loth, 1668; nth, 1675; i2th, (?); 13th, (?); and 14th, 1683. The fifth chapter of this work treats " of the Hawking with all sorts of Hawkes, and the whole Art thereof." 5. MABKHAM (Gervase). Cheape and Good HvsBANDRY for the well-ordering of all Beasts and Fowles, and for the generall Cure of their Diseases. Containing the Natures, Breeding, Choice .... of all manner of Cattell .... Shewing further the whole Art of Riding great Horses, with the breaking and ordering of them .... And diverse good and well- approved Medicines for the Cure of all the diseases in Hawkes, of what kind soever .... Gathered together for the generall good and profit of this whole Realme by exact and assured experience from English practises .... By G. M. Printed by T. S. for R. Jackson. London, 1614. sm. 4to. Other editions of this book, which contains a treatise " On ENGLISH. 7 the Cure and Ordering of Hawkes " (pp. 164-176, sixth edition), were printed in 1615, 1616, 1623 (all by T. S. for R. Jackson), 1 63 1 (by Anne Griffin for lohn Harison), 1648, 1658, 1664, and 1676. 6. MARKHAM (Gervase). A way to get Wealth ; containing sixe principall vocations or callings in which every good Husband or House- wife may lawfully imploy themselves, as I. the natures . . . use, and feeding of all sorts of cattell and fowle . . . H. the knowledge . . . and . . . prac- tice of all the recreations meete for a gentleman. HI. etc. The first five bookes gathered by G. M(arkham). The last [on Bees] by Master W(illiam) L(awson). The sixt time corrected and augmented by the authour. Printed by E. G. for John Harison. London, 1638 — 31-38. sm. 4to. This compilation consists of a re-issue of several of Markham's works, each with a separate title-page, pagination, and register, and arranged in the following order : — 1. Cheape and Good Husbandry. The sixth edition, 1631. 2. Country Contentments. . . . The fifth edition, 1633. 3. The English Housewife, 1637. 4. The Inrichment of the Weald of Kent, 1636. 5. Markham's Farewell to Husbandry, 1638. 6. A new Orchard and Garden, 1638. Nos. I and 2, as above shown, contain chapters on Hawks and Hawking. 7. MARKHAM (Gervase). The young Sports- man's Delight and Instructor in Angling, Fowling, Hawking, Hunting, etc. By G. M. Sold at the Gold Ring in Little Britain by G. Conyers, 1652. 32mo. With a frontispiece of an angler ; described by Mr. Hazlitt as " a thumb volume, A-I, in eights." No copy of this is in the BOOKS ON FALCONRY. British Museum, but one was sold by Messrs. Sotheby & Wilkin- son (Lot 394) on the nth April 1885. It was reprinted on vellum by Gosden in 1820, with the following title : — The Young Sportsman's Instructor : or Angling-, Fowling, Hawking, Hunting, Ordering Singing Birds, Hawks, Poultry, Coneys, Hares, and Dogs, and how to cure them. By G. M. Sold at the Gold Ring in Little Britain, n.d. [1652]. 32mo. On the half-title " The Young Sportsman's Instructor. London. Reprinted for T. Gosden by J. Johnson, Apollo Press, Brook Street, Holborn, 1820." This curious and diminutive volume, of which a copy is in the British Museum (C. 29. a 24), measures only 2^ by i| inches, and contains pp. vi., 136, and one leaf, as follows : — The Young Angler's Instructor, pp. 1-76. The Art of Fowling, pp. 77-112. Instructions for the Huntsman, pp. 1 13-122. Directions for Hawking and Managing Hawks to fly at all game with success, pp. 123-130. Concluding with the words " And thus much for the princely recreation of Hawking." On the last page (p. 136) a recipe headed *' Hawks, to cure of all inward sickness, all sorts of wormes," etc. Westwood and Satchell (Bibl. Piscat., p. 147) notice two later editions, 1707 and 17 12, with slightly different titles and some additions. The letters G. M. on the title, usually attributed to " Gervase Markham," must be taken only to imply that the subject-matter was borrowed from his writings he himself having died before the first edition of this little book had appeared. 8. MARKHAM (Gervase). Hunger's Preven- tion ; or the whole Arte of Fowling by Water and Land. Containing all the Secrets belonging to that Arte, etc. By Gervase Markham, London. Printed by A. Math, for Anne Helme and Thomas Langley, and are to be sold at their shops in Saint Dunstons Church-yard, and over against the Sarazens head with- out Newgate. 1621. 12 mo. 7^ ^ XI PORTRAIT OF ROBERT CHESEMAN, Falconer to Henry VIII, From a painting hy Hans Holbein In the Moyal Gallery at The Hague. ENGLISH. 9 Frontispiece, 6 prelim, leaves, with Dedication to Sir Edwin Sands, Kt., and others, pp. 1-285 • Hawks, pp. 134-183, with cuts of the Haggard Faulcon and Goshawk (pp. 182-183). Another edition, varying only in the title-page, " Printed for Francis Grove and are to be sold by Martha Harrison at the signe of the Larabe at the east end of St. Paules Church, 1655." i2mo. 9. ELYOT (Sir Thomas, Knt.). The Boke named THE Governor, devised by Sir Thomas Elyot, Knyght. London, 1531. sm. 8vo. Chapter xviii. is entitled "The auncient huntyng of Greekes and Romans," and contains some remarks on the origin of Falconry which the author confesses his inability to discover. He quotes Pliny (Hb. x. cap. 10), who seems to have copied Aristotle in his description of hawking in Thrace, and conjec- tures that '* from Thracia came this disporte of banking," adding, " but in what wise or wheresoever the beginninge of banking was, surely it is a right delectable solace "; and, a little further on, " banking measurably used and for a passetyme gyveth to a man good appetite to his souper." He alludes to the old sport of " daring larks with a Hobby," which he himself had witnessed. This sport is described by Nicholas Cox (No. 38, pp. 58, 59), and noticed by Somervile (No. 45, ed. 1813, p. 103). Sir Thomas Elyot's " Boke " has been several times reprinted, as in 1534, 1537. 1544, 1546, 1547, i553» i557» 1565^ 1580- In 1834 a new edition in 8vo, by A. T. Eliot, was published at Newcastle, and the latest, edited by H. S. Croft, with Notes, in 2 vols. 4to, appeared in 1880. (London, Kegan Paul & Co.) 10. ANON". The Institution of a Gentleman. Anno Domini m.dlxviii. Imprinted at London in Flete-strete, nere unto Saint Dunstone's Church by Thomas Marshe. [Second edition. The first, 1555. i2mo.] The oldest English treatise on the subject, long preceding the publications of Peacham and Brathwait, and a very scarce little book. The unknown author " bryngeth in good occasion to I o BOOKS ON FAL GONE V. speake here of Haulkinge and Huntynge for because in these dayes [1555] manye Gentlemen wil do almoste nothinge els, or at the leaste can do that better than any other thing." Con- sidering " what pastimes gentlemen ought to use," he remarks : — " Ther is a saying emong hunters that he cannot be a gentleman whyche loveth not hawkyng and hunting, which I have hard old Woodmen wel allow as an approved sentence among them. The like sayinge is that hee cannot bee a gentleman whych loveth not a dogge." j After insinuating that sportsmen, as a rule, are not learned men, because they give nearly all their time to field sports to the neglect of books, he adds : — "Yet may it cum to passe that these daylye hankers and hunters in tayking of a hauke cannot easely be amended, neyther to reclayme her, to knowe howe many cotes shee is of, to gyve her a measurable gorge, to deserne perfit induing, to know when a hauke is ful summed, to know likewise her diseases, as the craye, the frounce and others, to selde a hauke, to impe her, to cope her, wyth many termes moe, whych thyngs and others knowenne, a manne maye bee a perfeite good Falconer." Copies of both the first and second editions of this scarce little book are in the British Museum (232 a. 43. and 722 a. 14) and one of the second edition in the Bodleian Library. From a copy of the second edition in the possession of the late Mr. George Singer, an admirable reprint was made in 1839 at the Chiswick Press, of which only 25 copies were issued, "for presentation." One of these is in the writer's possession. II. MAPLET (John). A greene Forest, or, naturall Historie: Wherein may bee seene first the most sufferaigne Vertues in all the whole kinde of Stones and Mettals : next of Plants .... Lastly of Brute Beastes, Foules, etc Compiled by John Maplet, M. of Arte and Student in Cambridge .... Anno 1567. Imprinted at London by Henry Denham. 1 2 mo. Title within border, pp. i.-xiv, and 112 leaves black letter. On the verso of last leaf, "Imprinted at London by Henry ENGLISH. II Denham dwelling in Paternoster Rowe at the Starre. Anno Domini 1567 June 3. Cum Privilegio." A quaint little work, divided into three " Bookes," the second and third having each a separate title-page and Preface. The species of animals and plants described are arranged alphabeti- cally. Curious descriptions are given of the Falcon (p. 86) and Goshawke (p. 87), in which not a few errors may be detected. 12. MASCALL (Leonard). A Booke of Fishing WITH HooKE AND LiNE, and of all other instruments thereunto belonging. Another of Sundrie Engines and Trappes to take Polcats, Buzards, Rattes, Mice and all other kindes of vermine and beasts whatsoever, most profitable for all Warriners, and such as delight in this kinde of sport and pastime. Made by L. M. [Woodcut of fisher and fowler.] London. Printed by John Wolfe and are to be solde by Edwarde White dwelling at the little North doore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne. 1590. sm. 4to. Black letter, pp. 93, with folding plate of the Crow-net set or bent, and various traps for Hawks. The treatise on fishing is a mutilated version of that in the Book of St. Albans. Interesting to the Falconer as describing methods of catching Hawks. It is in this volume that the introduction of the Carp into England is attributed to " Maister Mascall, of Plumsted in Sussex, who also brought first the planting of the Pippin in England." Three other editions of this book appeared in 1596, 1600, and 1606. 13. GRYNDALL (William). Hawking, Hunting, Fowling and Fishing ; with the true measures of blowing. A worke right pleasant and profitable for all estates who so loveth it to practise, and exceeding delightfull to refresh the irksomenesse of tedious time. Whereunto is annexed the maner and order in keeping 12 BO OKS ON FAL CONR V. of Hawkes, their diseases and cures ; and all such speciall poynts as anywise appertaine to so gentleman- like qualitie. N ow newly collected by W. G. ; Faulkener. Publicum commodtcm privato preferendum. I mprinted at London by Adam I slip and are to be sold by Richard Olive, 1596. sm. 4to. The title in roman ; remainder in black letter ; A — I in fours. This is practically a later version of the Book of St. Albans with variations, and is of extreme rarity. No copy is to be found in the British Museum ; but copies were disposed of in Haworth's Sale, 1826, ^^4 4^. ; Milner's, 1829, J[,6 ; and Donovan's, ^\ 5^. The portion on Fowling, entitled " A brief Treatis of Fowling, wherein is contained divers proper devises both of bayts and others with the making of Byrdlime," etc., is for the most part copied verbatim without acknowledgment from Batman uppon Bartholome his booke, De proprietatibus rerum, profitable for all estates, as well for the mind as for the body. Printed by Thomas East, 1582 ; folio. (Intro. Book xii. de avibus.) 14. TURBERVILE (George). The Booke of Faulconrie or Hawking ; for the onely delight and pleasure of all Noblemen and Gentlemen. Collected out of the best aucthors as well Italians as Frenchmen, and some English practises withall concernyng Faul- conrie : the contents whereof are to be seene in the next page followyng. By George Turbervile, gentle- man. Nocet empta dolore voluptas. [Half-page cut of Falconers with hawk and spaniels.] Imprinted at London for Christopher Barker at the signe of the Grasshopper in Paules Churchyarde. Anno 1575. sm. 4to. . Dedication to the Rt. Hon. Ambrose, Earl of Warwick. George Turbervile, a gentleman of Dorsetshire family, was a poet as well as a writer on Field Sports. He was appointed Secretary to Thomas Randolph during his Embassy to Russia < ffl (0 Ql LU z o o < u. z < I H UJ GQ < N _J UJ z < 'Si . i ^3 ENGLISH. 13 (temp. Eliz.), and many of his minor poems are either addressed from Muscovia or refer to his visit to that country. He was an intimate friend of the poet Spenser, to whom he dedicated one of his epistles. See Ritson, " Bibliogr. Poetica," p. 368. For some account of the Italian and French writers on Falconry from whom he borrowed, see Introduction to No. 81, pp. xxii.- xxiii. 15. TURBERVILE (George). The Booke of Falconrie or Hawking : For the onely delight and pleasure of all Noblemen and Gentlemen : Collected out of the best Authors as well Italians as Frenchmen, and some English practises withall concerning Fal- conrie. Heretofore published by George Turbervile, Gentleman. And now newly revived, corrected, and augmented with many new Additions proper to these present times. Nocet empta dolor e voluptas, [Half- page cut as in first edition.] At London. Printed by Thomas Purfoot, An. Dom. 161 1. sm. 4to. Second edition. 3 prelim, leaves, pp. 1-370; Epilogue, 2 leaves. Like the first, usually bound up with "The Booke of Hunting" by the same author. In the cuts on pp. 8 1 and 112 the bust of the Queen Elizabeth on horseback has been cut out, and the portrait of James I. substituted. By this alteration, amongst others, the edition may be known of copies which have the title wanting. This edition also wants the " Dedication " to the Earl of Warwick. In the British Museum, amongst the Additional MSS., will be found No. 5750, containing (pp. 206-211) Warrants relating to the Falconers' department in the Royal household, temp, Eliz., Jac. I. and Car. I. 16. SURFLET (Richard). Maison Rustique ; or THE CouNTREY Farme : Compiled in the French tongue by Charles Stevens and John Liebault, Doctors of Physicke : and translated into English by Richard Surflet, Practitioner in Physicke. Also a short collec- tion of the hunting of the Hart, Wilde Bore, Hare, 14 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Fox, Gray, Cony : Of Birds and Faulconrie : The Contents whereof are to be seene in the page follow- ing. [Woodcut.] London. Printed by Arnold Hat- field for John Norton and John Bill. 1606. 4to. Liebault, in his address to the reader, refers to " the editions already so oft by me augmented within these eighteen yeares, during which they have been printed in all countries." This would place the date of the first edition about 1588. There is a folio of 1600, a 4to of 1606, and another folio edited by Gervase Markham in 16 16. The original work was so popular that more than a hundred editions appeared in French, to say nothing of translations in English, Italian, and German. The seventh Book contains three chapters (xlii., xliii. and xliv.) on Hawking, of little value, and with numerous errors of both translator and printer. 17. S. (T.). A Iewell FOR Gentrie. Being an exact Dictionary or true Method to make any man understand all the Art, Secrets and worthy Knowledges belonging to Hawking, Hunting, Fowling and Fishing. Together with all the true Measures for Winding of the Home. Now newly published, and beautified with all the rarest experiments that are known or practised at this Day. [Woodcut as in Turbervile, No. 15.] Printed at London for John Helme, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleet Street, 1 6 14. sm. 4to. A thin 4to of 98 pp. in black letter, except title ; Dedication, and address *' To the Reader." It is divided into four books, styled, according to the head-lines, the Booke of Hawking (p. 37), the Booke of Hunting, the Booke of Fouling, and the Booke of Fishing. The two last have separate titles within borders. The following is a transcript of the entry of this book in the Register of the Stationers' Company: — '' 18 Nov. 1613. John Helme entred for his coppie by the consent of Elizabeth Olive, wydowe, a book heretofore printed by Richard Olive called a ENGLISH. 15 Jewell for Gentry showeing howe a man may understand all the art of Hauking, hunting, fishing and fowling . . . — vjd." The Dedication, "To the Right VVorshipfull Mr. John Tooke, one of the Auditors of his Maiesties Courts of Wards and Liveries,'' is signed T. S. The author, whose name nowhere appears, explains in an address "To the Reader," which follows the Dedication, that his work is an attempt to improve on the Boke of St. Albans, in which, he says, " the defects were so grosse that Tristram himselfe would hardly have knowne so neare a kinsman." For remarks on the authorship of this book, see Introduction to No. 81, pp. xxv.-xxvi. 18. LATHAM (Symon). Falconry ; or the Faul- con's Lure and Cure : in two Books. The first con- cerning the ordering and training up of all Hawkes in generall, especially the Haggard Faulcon Gentle. The second teaching approved medicines for the cure of all Diseases in them. Gathered by long practice and experience, and published for the delight of noble mindes, and instruction of young Faulconers in things pertaining to this Princely Art. By Symon Latham, Gent. [Woodcut of the Haggard Faulcon.] London. Printed by J. B. for Roger Jackson, and are to be sold at his shop neere Fleet Street Conduit, 161 5. sm. 4to. Latham dedicated this, his first book of Falconry (pp. 147), to Sir Thomas Monson (or Munson, as he phonetically spells the name). Baronet, Master of his Maiesties Armory, and Master of the Hawkes to his Highnesse. For a notice of Sir Thomas Monson's hawks, see No. 27, pp. 104, 105. The following is a transcript of the entry of the first edition of this book in the Register of the Stationers' Company : — ■" 5 Sept. 1614. Roger Jackson entred for his coppie under the hand of Master Adams a book called the ffaulcon's lure by Symon Latham . . . — vjd." 19. LATHAM (Symon). New and Second Booke OF Faulconrv : concerning the ordering and training 1 6 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. up of all such Hawkes as was omitted or left unmen- tioned in his printed Booke of the Haggard Faulcon and Gerfaulcon, namely the Goshawke and Tassell with the Sparhawke, the Lanner and Lanneret, as they are divided in their generation : the Hobby and Marlyn in their kindes : Teaching approved medicines for all such infirmities and diseases as are incident to them. Published for the delight of noble mindes, and instruction of young Faulconers in all things pertaining to this Art. [Woodcut.] At London, printed by J. B. for Roger Jackson, and are to bee sold at his shop neere Fleet Conduit. 1618. sm. 4to. This second Book (148 pp., usually bound up with the first) is dedicated to Sir Patrick Hume, Knight, " Master Falconer to the King's Most Excellent Majestic," who in 16 18 had suc- ceeded Sir Thomas Monson, and was in turn succeeded in his office by Sir Allen Apsley, afterwards Earl of Burford. Under the two last named Masters, as one of the Assistant Falconers, and subsequently as Sergeant of the Hawks (1627), served Lewis Latham^ of Elstow, in the Co. Bedford, gent. He lived to the extreme old age of 100 (b. 1555, d. 1655), and was doubtless a relative of Symon Latham ; perhaps an uncle, for he was 60 years of age when Symon, in 1615, published the first edition of his book. He was not his father, for the only sons of Lewis were Henry and John. But this par ^arenthese. Following the " Epistle to the Reader," in this second book of Symon's, is an acknowledgment to his " first and loving master Henry Sadler of Everley, from whom he had his art," and "who taught him the way to live." This was the third son of Sir Ralph Sadler or Sadleir, of Standon in the Co. of Herts, Chief Secretary of State to Henry VIH. and Grand Falconer to Queen Elizabeth, who granted him the manor, park, and warren of Everley, Wilts, on the attainder of the previous owner, the Duke of Somerset. He had charge of Mary Queen of Scots when imprisoned in the castle of Tutbury (1584-85), and got into trouble for taking her out hawking and DfaTTntTV.Gfff ETigraTrd by Tladdon. :jAW?i^ '^r^L ^T.('-yyz'::i.Awy.i>. ENGLISH. 17 allowing her to roam too far from the castle. (Memoirs, vol. i. p. 33.) He died at the age of eighty in 1587, and was buried at Standon, where a noble monument is erected to his memory. In the manor house at Everley there is a portrait of him on panel, painted probably by Marc Gerhardt, from which our frontispiece has been accurately copied by the skill of Mr. W. Griggs. A copy, less successful, is given in Clutterbuck's "History of Hertfordshire," 1827, vol. iii. p. 226. 20. LATHAM (Symon). Falconry; or the Faulcon's Lure and Cure, etc. [Title as in first edition.] With New and Second Booke. London. Printed by Thomas Harper for John Harrison, 1633. sm. 4to. Second edition : quite as good as the first, of which it is a reprint without alteration. A few years ago I found a copy of this edition, now in the collection of M. Pierre A. Pichot, of Paris, containing the suggestive inscription, " Wm. Crosley, Falconer to Col. Thornton. Dec. 29, 1781." (See No. 57.) Smaller and less desirable editions were published in 1653 and 1658. 21. LATHAM (Symon). The Gentleman's Exer- cise, OR Supplement to the Bookes of Faulconry. London, 1662. sm. 4to. A much scarcer book than the last named. No copy is to be found in the British Museum. 22. BERT (Edmund). An approved Treatise of Hawkes and Hawking. Divided into three Bookes. The first teacheth, How to make a short-winged Hawke good, with good conditions. The second, How to reclaime a Hawke from any ill condition. The third teacheth. Cures for all knowne griefes and diseases. By Edmund Bert, Gentleman. [Cut of Hawk, leash, glove, hood, lure, etc.] London. Printed i8 BOOKS ON FAL CONR V. by T. S. for Richard Moore, and are to be sold at his shop in S. Dunstan's Church-yard. 1619. sm. 4to. This book, a small quarto (pp. i.-xiv., 1-109), is dedicated " to the Rt. Hon. Henry Earl of Oxenford, Viscount Bulbeck, Lord Sanford and Scales, and Lord Great Chamberlaine of England." The author, who lived at Collier Row, near Romford, Essex, details his method of training the Goshawk, in which he was very successful. He used to ride out of Essex into Sussex to hawk over the downs, where, he says, " I have killed for the most part of a moneth together with an intermewed goshawke eight, nine, or tenne Partridges in a day. The day of my going thither and the day of my returne to London was just five weeks, and it was a fortnight or more in Michaelmas terme when I came backe. I killed in that time with that one hawke foure score and odd Partridges, five Pheasants, seven Rayles, and four Hares against my will." He had " for a Goshawke and Tarsell a hundred marks both solde to one man within sixteen months " (Preface). For another Goshawk he was offered " fortie pounds " (p. 1 05), and ulti- mately sold her for thirty. In 1795, a silver " varvel," engraved with the name "Oxenforde," was found near Headingham Castle, the ancient seat of this family in Essex. It is figured and described in the Archceologia, vol. xii. pi. 51, p. 410, and may well have belonged to the nobleman to whom this book is dedicated. Note. — A reprint of this scarce treatise, with an Introduction by the present writer, has lately been published by Mr. Quaritch. 100 copies only. 23. DRAYTON (Michael). Polyolbion: A Choro- graphicall Description of all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountains, Forests, and other parts of this renowned Isle of Great Britain .... Digested into a Poem. By Michael Drayton, Esq. With a Table, etc. London. Printed for John Marriott, John Grinnaud and Thomas Dewe. 1622. sm. folio. This author particularly mentions the junction of the Little KING JAMES THE FIRST, 1603-1625. Amongst 'English Monarchs the chief patron of Falconry. From a portrait by Van Dyck. ENGLISH. 19 Ouse, or Brandon river, with the Thet, and refers to Thetford as a place much esteemed by falconers in his day. His descrip- tion towards the end of Song xx., of "a flight at brook," near Thetford, is very animated : — " The trembling fowl that hear the jigging hawk-bells ring, And find it is too late to trust then to their wing, Lie flat upon the flood The hawks get up again into their former place, And ranging here and there in that their airy race, Still as the fearful fowl attempt to 'scape away. With many a stooping brave them in again they lay. But when the falconers take their hawking-poles in hand, And, crossing of the brook, do put it over land, The hawk gives it a * souse,' that makes it to rebound Well near the height of man sometime above the ground. With many a Wo-ha-ha, and jocond cheer again, When he the quarry makes upon the grassy plain." The text has "jocond lure'^ an absurdity uncorrected in the latest edition of the Polyolbioji, by the Rev. Richard Hooper, 1S76 (vol. iii. p. 23). Prof. Skeat, in stating in his "Etymo- logical Dictionary," 1882, that the form "jocond" is "not recorded, but obviously must have existed," has overlooked its use by Drayton in the line above quoted. For an illustration of "brook-hawking" as described by Drayton, see Blome (No. 41), plate v. p. 44. 24. BEATHWAIT (Richard). The English Gentleman : containing sundry excellent Rules or Exquisite Observations, tending to Direction of every Gentleman .... how to demene or accomodate himselfe in the manage of publike or private affaires. Sold by R. Bostock. London, 1630. 4to.'^ Contains several passages and one or two good anecdotes relating to Hawking (pp. 93, 96, 97, no, 113). A second edition, 4to, appeared in 1633, and a third, folio, in 1641. In 1652 it reappeared with a new title, "Time's Treasury; or Academie for Gentry." Note. — In Peacham's " Complete Gentleman, fashioning him BOOKS ON FALCONRY. absolut .... to which is added the Gentleman's Exercise," London, 4to, 1627, 1634, and 1661, Falconry is unaccountably neglected, the author's tastes inclining him especially to Heraldry. 25. NASH (Thomas). Quaternio, or the foure- fold Way to a happie Life, set forth in a Dialogue between a Countryman and a Citizen, a Divine, and a Lawyer. Per Tho. Nash, Philopolitem. [Quotations from Martial, Horace, and Pliny.] London, Printed by John Dawson, 1633. sm. 4to. A quaint discourse (pp. 280) wherein each interlocutor com- mends his own pursuit. The Countryman remarks (p. 34), " As for Hawking, I commend it in some, condemne it in others ; but in men of meane ranke and religious men I condemne it with Pet. Blesensis as an idle and foolish vanitie ; for I have ever thought it a kinde of madnesse for such men to bestow ten pounds in feathers which at one blast might be blowne away. .... Yet I must acknowledge I have in my youthfuU dayes with Machabceus (dicitur Machabceus domesticasse acciptres in avium capturam) beene guiltie of this vanitie, and have been as glad as ever I was to come from schoole to see a little Marlin in the dead time of the yeare .... make her way through the midst of ... . crows and kites which pursued her . . . .and maugre all their oppositions pull downe her prey bigger than herselfe, being mounted aloft steeple high, downe to the ground. And to heare an Accipitrary relate againe how he went forth in a cleare calme and sun-shine evening, about an houre before the sunne did usually maske himselfe, unto the river, where finding of a Mallard he whistled off his Faulcon, and how shee flew from him as if shee would never have turned head againe, yet presently upon a shoote came in, how then by degrees, by little and little, by flying about and about, shee mounted so high, untill shee had lessened herselfe to the view of the beholder, to the shape of a Pigeon or Partridge, and had made the height of the moone the place of her flight, how presently upon the landing of the fowle, shee came down like a stone and enewed it, and suddenly got up againe, and suddenly upon a second landing came downe ENGLISH. 21 againe, and missing of it, in the downecome recovered it, beyond expectation, to the admiration of the beholder at a long flight. " And to heare him tell a third time, how he went forth early on / a winter's morning, to the wooddy fields and pastures to flie the Cocke, where having by the little white feather in his tayle dis- covered him in a brake, he cast otf a tassel gentle, and how he never ceased in his circular motion until he had recovered his place, how suddenly upon the flushing of the Cocke he came downe, and missing of it in the downecome what working there was on both sides, how the Cocke mounted as if he would have pierced the skies ; how the Hawke flew a contrarie way, untill he had made the winde his friend, how then by degrees he got up, yet never offered to come in untill he had got the advantage of the higher ground, and then he made in, what speed the Cocke made to save himselfe, and what hasty pursuit the Hawke made, and how after two long miles flight killed it, yet in killing of it killed himselfe. " These discourses I love to heare, and can well be content to be an eyewitnesse of the sport when my occasions will permit. But to see one of those fseminine birds who like some wives of our time keep under the masculine [the females being larger and more powerful than the males] I meane a swift winged Goshawke or high-flying Jerkin [Jerfalcon] whose proper game is the Phea- sant, Crane, or Bittorne, in the month of August to pull downe a little Partridge .... there to surprise and kill her suddenly, I must confesse it hath often gone against my stomacke .... yet I must likewise confesse I have beene sometimes for societie's sake, a spectator of such a tragedie " (pp. 35-37). 26. SWAN (John). Speculum Mundi, or a glasse representing the face of the world : whereunto is added a Discourse of the Creation together with a consider- ation of such things as are pertinent to each days worke. Written by John Swan, M' of Arts, late student of Trinitie Colledge Camb. Prin. in Cam- bridge. By T. Buck and R. Daniel. 1635. sm. 4to. Second edition, 410, Cambridge, 1643; third edition, 4to, London, 1665. f2 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Engraved title-page with title on shield in lower half of page. The 8th chapter, sec. 2, which treats " Of Birds, or Fowl flying in the open firmament of heaven," contains (p. 399) a curious description of the mode of defence adopted by the Heron, or Hernsew, when pursued by " the gossehawk and other kinde of hawks" (2nd ed., p. 392 ; 3rd ed., p. 355). "Of hawks," says this author (p. 400), " there be many and severall kindes; as the Falcon, Merlin, Lanner, Tassell, and sundrie others. Howbeit the Tassells are supposed to be the males of such birds as live by prey : as the Tassell of the Saker is called a Hobble [no] or Mongrell hawk ; that of the Sparrowhawk a Musket ; that of the Lanner a Lanneret ; and so of the rest. Now some again distinguish these birds three severall wayes. First by the form and fashion of their bodie ; some being great, as the Gossehawk, Faulcon, Gerfaidcon, &c., some small, as the Merlin, Musket, Sparroivhawk, Hobble and such others. Secondly by their game, as some for the phesant, some for the partridge, some for the hernshaw, some for the duck and mallard, some for one thing, some for another. Thirdly they are said to differ in the manner of their following the game ; as such know better than myself, who use to keep and manage hawks." 27. WELDON (Sir Anthony). The Court and Character of K. James. Written and taken by Sir A. W., being an eye and ear witness. Qui nescit dis- simulare nescit regnare. Published by Authority. London. Printed by R. I., and are to be sold by John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Baily. 1650. i2mo. [First edition.] The Court and Character of King James. Whereunto is now added The Court of King Charles : continued unto the beginning of these unhappy times. With some observations upon him instead of a character. Collected and perfected by Sir A. W. Qui nescit dissimulare, nescit regnare. Published by THE HON. LEWIS LATHAM, FALCONER TO CHARLES I. Born 1555, Died 1655. From an original Painting in possession of his descendant, Mr. F. A. Holden of Hyattscille, Maryland, U.S.A. ENGLISH. 23 Authority. Printed at London by R. I., and are to be sold by J. Collins in Little Brittaine. 1651. i2mo. [Second edition.] It is in this book that the statement is first made (pp. 104, 105 ; 2nd ed., pp. 96, 97) concerning the price paid for a cast of falcons by Sir Thomas Monson, Master Falconer to James I. — a statement almost invariably misquoted and misunderstood by subsequent writers. (See No. 79, p. 80.) In the first edition the hawks are there called " Gos-Faulcons," in the second edi- tion, " Ger-Faulcons." For the sequel to the story told by Sir A. Weldon, of the lost hawk belonging to the king, see Harting, "Notes on Hawking as formerly practised in Norfolk," Trans, Norf. Nat. Soc, vol. iii. p. 87. 28. WALTON (Izaak). The Complete Angler ; or the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a dis- course, etc. London. Printed by T. Maxey for Rich. Harriot in S. Dunstan's Churchyard, Fleet Street, 1653. i2mo. The second edition, enlarged, 1655; the third, 1661 ; the fourth, 1668; the fifth, 1676. The second and subsequent editions contain remarks on Hawks and Hawking by a Falconer, " Auceps," with "a list of the Long-winged and short-winged hawks that be chiefly in use amongst us in this nation." The fifth edition was the last revised by Walton himself, and to this was added for the first time Charles Cotton's treatise. 29. AUBREY (John, F.R.S.). The Natural His- tory OF Wiltshire. Written between 1656 and 1691. Edited and elucidated by notes by John Britton, F.S.A. Published by the Wiltshire Topographical Society. London. 1847. 4to. In Part H., chapter xiv. is entided " Of Hawks and Hawking." Sir Thomas Browne's Miscellanies, 1684, are quoted, and the following curious anecdote related : — *' From Sir James Long of «4 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Draycot. Memorandum. Between the years 1630 and 1634 Henry Poole of Cirencester Esquire (since Sir Henry Poole, Baronet) lost a falcon flying at brook in the spring of the year about three o'clock in the afternoon : and he had a falconer in Norway at that time to take hawks for him, who discovered this falcon upon the stand from whence he was took at first, the next day in the evening. This flight must be 600 miles at least" (p. 116). Describing the grandeur of the Herberts, Earls of Pembroke, at Wilton House, Wiltshire, under the heading " of his lordship's Hounds, Greyhounds and Hawkes " (p. 87), he writes : — " When they returned from hawking the ladies would come out to see the hawkes at the highest flying, and then they made use of their setting-dogges to be sure of a flight. His lordship had two hawkes (one a falcon called ' Shrewsbury,' which he had of the Earle of Shrewsbury, and another called * the little tercel ') which would fly quite out of sight that they knew not how to shew the fowles till they found the head stood right. They had not little telescopes in those dayes ; these would have been of great use for the discovery which way the hawke's head stood." 30. AUBREY (John, F.R.S.). Miscellanies col- lected BY J. Aubrey Esq. London. Printed for Edward Castle, next Scotland Yard Gate by Whitehall. 1696. 8vo. Other editions, 1714, 1721, 1723, 1731. A new edition, to which is prefixed Some Account of his Life, 8vo, 1784, is accounted the best. At p. 56 (ist ed. p. 37) will be found a curious anecdote of Charles I. partridge-hawking in Scotland related by the king in the hearing of the author ; and another (p. 59) of a sparrow-hawk of Charles H., which got away with its leash on, and becoming entangled in an iron crown on the White Tower, died there. 31. PHILLIPS (Edward). A New World of Words, with explication of all the terms used in Fishing, Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, etc. By Edw. Phillips, gent London, 1658. folio. ENGLISH. 25 Other editions, 1662, 1669, 1671, 1678, 1696, 1706 and 1720. The last, edited by Skerrey, is stated by Lowndes to be the best. The author was a nephew of the poet Milton, traces of whose master-hand are apparent in some of his works, especially in the preface to the " Theatrum Poetarum, or Complete Collection of the Poets," 1675; and in the criticism on Shakespeare and Marlowe. Phillips published a " Life of Milton." 1694. 32. STEVENSON (M.). The Twelve Monetiis : or, A pleasant and profitable discourse of every action whether of Labour or Recreation proper to each par- ticular Moneth, branched into Directions relating to Husbandry .... as also of Recreations, as Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Fowling, Coursing, Cockfighting, etc. ByJlf. Stevenson. Hutnida solstitia atq. hiemes orate serenas, Virg. London. Printed by M. S. for Thomas Jenner, and are to be sold at his Shop at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange. 1 66 1 . sm. 4to. A very scarce and quaint little volume of 59 pp. with 12 full- page engravings illustrative of the occupations of each month, in one of which, September, Partridge Hawking is introduced. Across each plate in large characters the Latin name of the month is printed in black letter, followed by the number of days in the month. In his address " to the Reader," the author says : " For mat- ters of ... . fishing, fowling and the like exercises, I confesse them somewhat out of my Road, but I assure you to pleasure you and satisfie myself, I have consulted the most approved Authors and given you here the creame and marrow of their severall experiences in their own expresse characters." As a specimen of the author's style, take the following under January (p. 4) : — " Now the Woodcock and the Pheasant pay their lives for their feed, and the Hare after a course makes his hearse in a pye .... the poor Coney is so ferreted that she cannot keep in her burrough ; the curryer and the lime rod are the death of the fowle, and a long peece and a good Waterspaniel are no bad company. The Faulcon's bells ring the Mallard's 26 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. knell, and the Hare and the hound put the Huntsman to the borne." A copy of this book is in the British Museum. 966. c. 26 (3). '^'^. BARLOW (Francis). Severall wayes of Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing, according to the English manner. Invented by Francis Barlow, etched by W. Hollar, and are to be sould by John Overton at the White Horse without Newgate, London, 1671. obi. 4to. Engraved title with quatrain at foot, and 12 plates, namely: — Hare-hunting, Stagg-hunting, Cony-catching, Otter- hunting, Coursing Fallow-deer, Fox-hunting, Feasant-hawking, Partridge-hawking, Hern-hawking, Angling, River-fishing, and Salmon-fishing. Under each plate is a quatrain similar in style to that on title. Perfect copies are scarce. Dr. E. Hamilton has one ; another is in the possession of Mr. Crawhall of New- castle-upon-Tyne ; and an imperfect copy, wanting the quatrains, is amongst the prints in the British Museum. 34. LAMBERT (James). The Countryman's Treasure : shewing the nature, causes, and cure of all diseases incident to cows, horses, etc ; with plain rules for improving arable and pasture lands .... To which is added the Art of Hawking, Hunting, An- gling and Ringing. London. Printed for T. Norris, and sold at the Looking Glass on London Bridge, n.d. An unimportant i2mo of 167 pages. Other editions, omit- ting the Field Sports, sm. 8vo, 1676 and 1683. 35. RAY (John, F.R.S.). A Summary of Falconry ; collected out of several authors. London, 1678. folio. This treatise, abridged from Turbervile (No. 14) with addi- >- u i- z UJ o > X UJ I K- a. o (0 q: lij z o o _J < U. X (0 3 a z U! 55 ENGLISH. 27 tions from Latham (No. 18), and Aldrovandus, is printed as an appendix (pp. 397-437), 'to Ray's translation of Willughby's "Ornithology," 1678, which was published in Latin two years previously. 36. BROWNE (Sir Thomas). Certain Miscel- lany Tracts. Written by Thomas Brown, Kt. and Doctoiir of Physick ; late of Norwich. London. Printed for Charles Mearne, and are to be sold by Henry Bonwick at the Red Lyon in St. Paul's Churchyard. 1684. sm. 8vo. Published after the author's death by Dr. Tenison, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury. Tract V. treats " of Hawks and Falconry Ancient and Modern" (pp. 111-119), and is devoted chiefly to a consideration of the remedies applied by falconers for the diseases of their birds. The author mentions incidentally that " upon good account, an hawk in this county of Norfolk made a flight at a Woodcock near thirty miles in one hour" (p. 116). This tract is reprinted in Wilkin's edition (which is the best) of Sir Thomas Browne's "Works," 1836 (vol iv. pp. 186-190), where the author's surname is spelled with a final e. This is not so in the original tract, nor in the title-page of the folio of 1686, printed for Thomas Basset and others. But the final e is to be found in the MS. in the Bodleian Library, as well as on the author's tomb at Norwich. 37. COX (Nicholas). The Gentleman's Recrea- tion : in four parts, viz.. Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing. Collected from ancient and modern authors forrein and domestick, and rectified by the experience of the most skilfull artists of these times. Illustrated with Sculptures. London. Printed by E. Flesher for Maurice Atkins at the Half-moon in St. Pauls Church- yard and Nicholas Cox over against Furnivals- Inn- Gate in Holborne, 1674. Svo* ?8 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. In this, the first edition, the book is not claimed by Nicholas Cox, whose name in subsequent editions is appended to the " Epistle Dedicatory." It is a mere compilation, without ac- knowledgment, from various authors, which caused it to be severely criticised by J ohn Ray in his Preface to Wiilughby's " Ornithology " (1678). He says : — "I cannot but reflect upon the author of a late English book entituled * The Gentleman's Recreation.' .... For I find that all he hath considerable con- cerning Fowling is taken out of the aforesaid book of Markham's [* Hunger's Prevention, or the Art of Fowling '], and yet hath he not to my remembrance made any mention of his author. What he hath of Hawking is likewise an epitome of Turbervile's collections, with some additions out of Latham's ' Falconry,' without acknowledgement that all were borrowed. I do not blame him for epitomizing, but for suppressing his author's names and publishing their works as his own, insomuch that not only the vulgar, but even learned men, have been deceived by him." Ray, however, overlooked the statement on the title-page that the various treatises were " collected from ancient and modern authors forrein and domesiick," though it is true that the names of these authors are not riientioned. The first edition of this book has become very scarce, and the second, third, and fourth editions (1677, 1686, and 1697) are seldom found quite perfect. The later editions of 1706 and 1 72 1 are more often to be met with. In some the title varies, as, for example : — 38. COX (Nicholas). The Gentleman's Recrea- tion : in four Parts, viz., Hunting, Hawking, Fowl- ing, Fishing. Wherein these generous exercises are largely treated of: and the Terms of Art for Hunting and Hawking more amply enlarged than heretofore, etc. The Fourth Edition. London, Printed by J. Dawks for N. Rolls in Petty-Canons- Hall, in St Pauls Church-yard. 1697. 8vo. The preceding half-title has engraved scenes of Coursing, ENGLISH. 29 Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing, with the words "The Gentle- man's Recreation " on a shield in the centre. 39. COX (Nicholas). The Gentleman's Recrea- tion : being a Treatise of Hawking and Faulconry. Fitted for the delight and pleasure of all Noblemen and Gentlemen. Collected from ancient and modern Authors, and rectified by the experience of the most skilful Artists of these times. With an Abstract of such Statute- Laws as concern this Recreation. London, 1686. 8vo. This forms the second Part of the third edition (1686) of the last-named work, in which the several portions have each a separately printed title. The four parts of the work were subsequently printed sepa- rately, without date, by J. Smeaton, printer, 148 St. Martin's Lane, and issued in thin octavo pamphlet form with the titles, "The Huntsman" (pp. iv.-i24), ''The Fowler" (pp. iv.-76), "The Fisherman" (pp. iv.-i48), and "The Falconer" (pp. iv.- 95). All except " The Fisherman " are stated to be " by Nicholas Coxe Esq." The title of the part on Hawking runs thus : — 40. COX (Nicholas). The Falconer ; or the Art OF Hawking and Falconry. Containing the Terms of Art used by Falconers. The descriptions and names of Hawks used in Falconry The methods of making, manning, reclaiming, luring, sealing and mewing all kinds of Hawks for sport. Their flights with the proper game-bird for each The imple- ments and furniture requisite in hawking. The various castings and scourings for Hawks. Valuable receipts for removing their diseases : and the means of pre- serving them in good health. To which is added The Cocker: being a full illustration of the royal sport of 30 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Cock-fighting, with reflections on Betting, etc. By Nicholas Coxe, Esq. London : Printed and sold by J. Smeeton, 148, St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross, n. d. [1815?]. Svo. 41. BLOME (Richard). The Gentleman's Recrea- tion. In two Parts. The first being an Encyclopedy of the Arts and Sciences, to wit, an abridgement thereof .... The second Part treats of Horse- manship, Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, Fishing, and Agriculture. With a short treatise of Cock-fighting for the breeding, dyetting, ordering, matching, and fiofhtinsf them. All which are collected from the most authentick authors, and the many gross errors therein corrected, with great enlargements made by those well experienced in the said Recreations. And for the better Explanation thereof, great variety of useful Sculptures, as Nets, Traps, Engines, etc., are added for the taking of Beasts, Fowl, and Fish, not hitherto published by any. The whole illustrated with about an hundred ornamental and useful Sculptures engraven in copper relating to the several subjects. London. Printed by S. Roycroft for Richard Blome, dwelling at the upper end of Dutchy-Lane, near Somerset-House in the Strand. 16S6. folio. The title of this work, " The Gentleman's Recreation " (printed in black and red), was first used by Nicholas Cox in 1674, and was perhaps suggested by Markham's " Husbandman's Recrea- tion," 161 1. The second part, founded on a translation of Les Ruses Intio- centes, 1660, and on the v/orks of Markham and Turbervile, has a separate title (in black only), worded as in the lower half of ENGLISH. 31 the first title, but spaced out, and each division of this part has an engraved copper-plate facing the first chapter. The division on " Hawking and Faulconry " has this sub-heading : — " Wherein is treated of the several kinds of Hawks now in use, with their natures and qualities. The manner of reclaiming, mewing, and flying them for the respective game proper for each Hawk, with direction for feeding and ordering them. Their diseases and cures. With a short discourse of the Spaniel, showing his use in Faulconry : With directions for the breeding, ordering and managing him for the game : Together with directions for the choosing, ordering, and making a setting dog." This portion of the work is illustrated with five full-page copper-plate engravings, dedicated to noblemen and gentlemen who at that date were notable exponents of Hawking, and expert in those branches of the sport with which their names are asso- ciated. Thus : — 1. Partridge-hawking with Tiercels (p. 33), John Bassett, Esq., of Heanton Punchardon, Devonshire. 2. Pheasant Hawking (p. 34), Sir John Thorold, Bart., of Marston, in the Co. Lincoln. 3. Partridge-hawking with the Goshawk (Manning Hawks, P- 37)> Sir Richard Wenman, Bart., of Caswell, Oxford- shire. 4. Heron-hawking (p. 43), Rt. Hon. Wm. Pierrepoint, Earl of Kingston-upon-Hull, Viscount Newark-upon-Trent. 5. Brook-hawking (p. 44), Gilbert Gerard Cossine, Esq., son and heir of Sir Gilbert Gerard, Knt., of Brasserton Hall, in the North Riding of Yorkshire. Furthermore, in regard to this portion of the work, the author was especially indebted for information to Sir Ralph Button, of Sherbom in Gloucestershire, and George Russel, of Abbots Aston in Buckinghamshire, Serjeant of His Majesty's Hawks, both long-experienced falconers. A second edition, corrected, appeared in 17 10, also in folio, and copies of several of the plates, reduced in size to 8vo, were re-published in the " Sportsman's Dictionary ; or the Country Gentleman's Companion in all rural recreations," of which a second edition in i vol. thick 8vo was printed for J. Osborne, at the Golden Ball in Paternoster Row, in 1744. 32 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 42. BRADLEY (Richard, F.R.S.). Husbandry and Trade improved : a Collection of Essays. Second edition, edited by John Houghton, F.R.S. London. 1728. 4 vols. 8vo. Vol. 3 contains several chapters on Hawks and Falconry, chiefly compiled from Willughby and Ray (No. 35). 43. H. (R.) The School of Recreation : or a Guide to the most ingenious exercises of Hunting, Riding, Racing .... Hawking, etc. By R. H. Lon- don, Printed for A. Bettesworth at the Red- Lyon in Paternoster-row. 1732. i2mo. A small and unimportant treatise, but seldom to be met with. 44. ANON. The Sportsman's Dictionary ; or the Country Gentleman's Companion in all rural recrea- tions. With full and particular instructions for Hunt- ing, Shooting, Fishing, Hawking, &c. London. 1735. 2nd ed. 1744. 8vo. With plates reduced from Blome (No. 41). 45. SOMERVILE (W.). Field Sports : a Poem Humbly Address'dto His Royal Highness the Prince. By William Somervile, Esq. London. Printed for J. Stagg in Westminster Hall. 1742. folio. The first edition in folio, pp. 14, the original price of which was one shilling, contains a description of flying at the Stag with Eagles ; Heron-hawking ; Flying at the River ; Partridge Hawking ; and Daring Larks with a Hobby. Of this work there have been several editions, of which the handsomest in 4to was printed by Bulmer in 18 13, with cuts by Bewick. Of the smaller editions, the best is that by Edward Topham, printed with The Chace at the Chiswick Press in 18 17, with engravings by Scott from paintings by Sartorius. ENGLISH. Z2> 46. ANON. The Country Gentleman's Com- panion through the Rural Pursuits of Pleasure and Profit. (Containing treatises on Hunting, Hawking, etc.) By a Country Gentleman, from his own experience. London, Printed for the author 1756. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Each volume has a second title-page embodying contents. Vol. I. includes a chapter " Of Hawks" (pp. 210-228); and Vol. II. contains a section on Hawking (pp. 39-50), which is a reprint without acknowledgment of the chapter on Hawking in Gervase Markham's " Country Contentments," and with the last paragraph omitted (p. 50). 47. PENNANT (Thomas). British Zoology. Published under the inspection of the Cymmrodorion Society. London. 1766. folio. Second edition, 1768. 2 vols. 8vo. Other editions, 1768-70, 4 vols. 8vo; 1776-7, 4 vols. 4to. New edition (the first with author's name on title), 18 12, 4 vols. 8vo. In this will be found (vol. i. pp. 210-213, 220, 226, 247, 253; and vol. ii. pp. 309-311) several passages relating to Falconry. His " Falcon Gentil " (p. 222) is the Goshawk, and his "Lanner" (p. 223) is the Peregrine. 48. PENNANT (Thomas). Arctic Zoology. London. 1784-87. 2 vols, and suppl. 4to. On Eagles trained by the Tartars (ii. 195) ; on the method of capturing Jerfalcons in Iceland (ii. 217-218); and on the anti- quity of Falconry (ii. 218-220). 49. CAMPBELL (James). A Treatise of Modern Faulconry : to which is prefixed, from authors not generally known, an Introduction, shewing the Practice of Faulconry in certain remote times and countries. By James Campbell, Esq. — Nititur pennis — Hor. Edinburgh, Printed by Balfour and Smellie for the Author. 1773. 8vo. c 34 BOOKS ON FALCONR Y. The author of this book was falconer to the Earl of Eglinton, and submitting it to the inspection of the Rev. A. Gillies, was told that an early account of hawking should be prefixed. He could only speak from practice, the other artfully, knowing little of the practice but something of the history, offered to supply the deficiency. Hence the preface in ridicule of " The Origin and Progress of Language " then newly published, and a fabulous account of hawking by the Emperor Arambombam- boberus with Trebizonian Eagles on the alleged authority of a MS. in the Grand Sultan's library. This bantering of the wit produced the worst effect for the author, |who instead of securing a rapid sale, found himself possessed of a mass of waste paper. (Haslewood, Introduction to the Book of St. Albans, 1810, p. 29). But what he himself wrote is reliable. 50. ANON. Hawking Moralised. Reading. 1776. i2mo. A small chap book of poems on Hawking : good, bad, and indifferent. Specimens quoted Gent's Mag., Oct. 1812, p. 310. Not in Brit. Mus. Some Hawking Songs in Armiger, "Sportsman's Vocal Cabinet," 1830 (pp. 24, 46, 393, 407). Also a Song, with a woodcut, entitled " Hawking," published as a broadside at Edinburgh. 1832. Brit. Mus. 840. m. 34 (7). The woodcut purporting to represent " Sir H. Glendinning " is a rude copy of an engraving by C. Turner, from a painting by Howe, of Mr. Fleming of Barochan, Renfrewshire, and his falconer John Anderson. 51. OSBALDISTON (W. A.). The British Sportsman : or Nobleman, Gentleman, and Farmer's Dictionary of Recreation and Amusement .... with particular Instructions for ... . Hunting Hawking, &c. London, printed for the proprietor. 1792. 4to. With frontispiece and 42 plates ; one (p. 390) of heron-hawking. 52. ANON. Essays by a Society of Gentlemen at Exeter. [Quotation from Horace.] Exeter. Printed ENGLISH. 35 by and for Trewman and Son. London. Sold by Cadell and Davies, Fleet Street, etc. 1796. 8vo. Contains an Essay (pp. 131-164) of no great merit entitled " Historical Outlines of Falconry." 53. BECKMANN (John). A History of Inven- tions AND Discoveries. Translated from the German by William Johnston. London. 1797. 3 vols. 8vo. Article " Falconry" (historical outlines), vol. i. pp. 319-333. 54. SHAW (George, M.D.). General Zoology or Systematic Natural History, with plates. London. 1 800-1 826. 14 vols. 8vo. In vol. vii. (pp. 135-140) will be found directions for training Hawks from the French of the Abbe la Pluche. 55. LATHAM (John). General History of Birds. Winchester. 1821-24. 10 vols. 4to. For observations on Hawks and Hawking, see vol. i. pp. 56, 65> 73> 107-110, 114, 176. 56. STRUTT (Joseph). The Sports and Pastimes of the English People : including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, .... from the earliest period to the present time. London. 1801. 4to. Pp. 1-302, with 39 engravings. The same, fine paper, with coloured plates. Reprinted 18 10, 4to, with coloured plates, a few copies illuminated. New edition by W. Hone, 1830, Svo, with 140 engravings. The same, large paper, roy. Svo. The same reprinted for Thomas Tegg & Son, 1834 and 1838, 8vo. The second chapter is devoted to "Hawking," with four wood- cuts from ancient MSS. The author has fallen into some curious errors which the editor should have corrected ; for exam.ple, in sect, ix., "Caparison of a Hawk," he says: — "The bewits, we are informed, were useful to keep the hawk from winding 36 BOOKS ON FAL CONR Y. when she bated." He means the tyrrits (Fr. tourettes), which took the place of the modern swivel. Bewits are thin strips of leather by which the bells are fastened to the hawk's legs. Sect. X., " Early treatises on Hawking," is very meagre. Com- pare the account of MSS. on Falconry in the British Museum given in No. 8i, pp. ii.-xvii. 57. THORNTON (Colonel T.). A Sporting Tour through the Northern Parts of England and great part of the Highlands of Scotland ; including remarks on English and Scottish landscape, etc. By Colonel T. Thornton, of Thorn ville Royal, in Yorkshire. De gustibus noil est disputandum. London. Printed for Vernon and Hood, 31 Poultry; Constable and Hunter, Edinburgh ; and Brush and Reid, Glasgow ; by James Swan, Angel Street. 1804. 4^. Contains much practical information on falconry, and details of the sport, especially grouse-hawking (in which the author was very successful) snipe-hawking and kite-hawking. He was the only falconer of modern times who procured a young goshawk from a nest in Great Britain. This bird was taken in the forest of Rothiemurcus (p. 76), where there were a few eyries in the great fir trees, some of which he saw (p. 107). He formed a Falconers' Club, of which the following amongst others were members : the Earl of Orford, the Earl of Eglinton, Mr. Las- celles, Mr. Parson, Mr. Edward Parson, the Duke of Rutland and Mr. P. Stanley. They found Alconbury Hill a very desirable place to meet at for part of the season, on account of the number of Kites which were then to be found there, and which afforded excellent sport. They used then to go on to Barton Mills, as appears by a memorandum in the handwriting of Col. Thornton, which in 1823 (the year of his death) was in possession of Mr. T. Gosden. After showing good sport with his hawks for nine years he was presented by Lord Orford, on behalf of himself and other subscribers, in 1781, with a handsome silver-gilt urn, on the cover of which is the appropriate design of a Goshawk holding a Hare. This urn, which passed into the possession of Col. COLONEL T. THORNTON I OF THORNVILLE ROYAL. IN YORKSHIRE. ,' ' ' - BORN 1767, DIED 1823. J^om a portrait in the postetaion of the Earl of Eotebery, ENGLISH. 37 Thornton VVodehouse, R.A. (a relative by marriage), was sold at " Christie's " on the nth June 1884, and was purchased by the present Lord Orford, by whom it is now exhibited in the Gros- venor Gallery. 58. THORNTON (Colonel T.). A Sporting Tour through various parts of France, in the year 1802. . ... In a series of Letters to the Right Hon. the Earl of Darhngton. To which is prefixed an Account of French Wolf-hunting. By Colonel Thornton, of Thornville Royal, Yorkshire. Illustrated, etc Albion Press. Printed by James Cunder, Ivy Lane, for Longman & Co., Paternoster Row, and C. Chappie, Pall Mall, 1806. 2 vols. 4to. A portrait of the author carrying a favourite falcon forms a frontispiece to the first volume. The original oil painting from which this portrait was engraved is in the possession of the Earl of Rosebery at the Durdans, Epsom. The appendix contains some practical remarks on pheasant- hawking (pp. 230-234) with a description and plate of the Hawk- house at Thornville Royal. 59. HOWITT (Samuel). The British Sportsman : Seventy plates, without text. London. 1 8 1 2. 4to. Includes four excellent engravings illustrative of Hawking — namely, "Partridge-hawking," "Pheasant-hawking," "Duck- hawking," and " Heron-hawking," thus lettered ; with the addi- tional words "Republished by Edwd. Orme, Bond St. 1812." The first edition appeared in 1800. 60. CHAFIN (William). Anecdotes and History OF Cranbourn Chase. By William Chafin, clerk. London. 1 8 1 6. 8vo. First edition, pp. 56. Second edition, with additions, 1818, pp. 103. Reviewed in the Gentkfnan's Magazine, 18 18. 38 BOOKS ON FALCONR Y. The author describes (p. 45) " the large tract of land in and near the Chase, called the Hawking Downs, formerly covered with gorse and fern, and the resort of winged game, pheasants, and partridges : and the bordering woods that produced wood- cocks which came to a flight for the hawks in the open glades when disturbed from the woods, and shewed great sport." He refers also (p. 47) to " the English hawks annually trained in the neighbourhood of Bridport in Dorsetshire for the taking of Land- rails in the hemp and flax-fields near that town," and prints several letters (pp. 48-51) from Mr. W. Tregonwell Frampton, who about the year 1670 was " the most active pursuer of this diversion in the West of England." These letters give some curious details of the importation of hawks in those days, brought over in the Russian ships, and the value set upon them. For a portrait of Frampton, see The Fields 22nd April 1854 (vol. iii. p. 381). 61. SEBRIGHT (Sir John Saunders, Bart., M.P.). Observations upon Hawking: Describing the mode of Breaking and Managing the several kinds of Hawks used in Falconry. London, Printed for J. Harding, 32 St. James's Street. 1826. 8vo. A practical and now scarce treatise. In preparing it, the author was assisted by Mr. Downes of Gunton, who, with Lord Orford, Col. Thornton, Col. Wilson (afterwards Lord Berners), Mr. Hall of Weston, near Newmarket, and Mr. E. C. Newcome of Feltwell, upheld this sport in England during the first quarter of the present century. 62. HAREWOOD (H.). Dictionary of Sports : or companion to the field, the forest, and the river side. Containing explanations of every term appli- cable to racing, shooting, hunting, fishing, hawking, etc. With essays upon all national amusements. By Harry Harewood, of Springfield, in the County of York, Esq. London. 1835. ^^- ^^o- An improved version of the "Sportsman's Dictionary." (No, 44.) With woodcuts, including the Goshawk and Hobby. EDWARD CLOUGH NEWCOME Of Hockwold in the county of Norfolk. Born 1810, Died 1871. ENGLISH. 39 63. BLAINE (D. P.). An Encyclopedia of Rural Sports. Part VI. (pp. 602-718). Falconry or Hawk- ing, with numerous illustrations. London. 1840. 8vo. Second edition (the best) revised by " Harry Hieover," " Ephemera," and others, and illustrated with 600 engravings on wood from drawings by Aiken, T. Landseer, and others. London (Longmans), 1852. Other editions 1858 (illustrated by Leech) and 1870. 64. BELANY (J. C). A Treatise upon Falconry. In two Parts. By James Cockburn Belany, Berwick upon Tweed. Printed for the Author. 1841. 8vo. Part I. contains observations upon the Nature, Antiquity and History of Falconry. Part II. contains notices of the different Hawks used in British Hawking, the proper method of keeping, training, and flying the birds, the apparatus belonging to the art, etc. Appended is a Glossary of the " Terms used in Falconry," very incomplete, and not always accurate, the body of the work also containing many serious errors. A work much overrated by the booksellers. 65. LUBBOCK (Richard). Observations on the Fauna of Norfolk, and more particularly on the District of the Broads. By the Rev. Richard Lubbock, M.A., Rector of Beccles. Norwich. 1845. ^^o- Contains a chapter " On the Remains of Falconry in Norfolk," pp. 20-31 ; second edition (1879), PP- 33~44) with Appendix on the same subject by Prof. Newton, pp. 224-239. Some further notes, by J. E. Harting, " On Hawking as formerly practised in Norfolk," will be found in the Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Society^ vol. iii. (1880), pp. 79-94. See also Stevenson, " Birds of Norfolk," vol. i. pp. 12-17. 66. BURTON (Richard F.). Falconry in the Valley of the Indus. By Richard F. Burton, Lieut. 40 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Bombay Army. London, John Van Voorst. 1852. post 8vo. For a writer having no practical knowledge of the subject, but merely describing what he saw and heard, this little book is well written, and has a charming frontispiece by J. Wolf repre- senting a Goshawk seizing a gazelle, with other illustrations. The errors in the text are evidently due to the fact of the author not always understanding what he saw, or heard described. 6^, SALVIN (F. H.) and BRODRICK (W.). Fal- conry IN THE British Isles. With coloured plates of all the Hawks used by Falconers. London, John Van Voorst. 1855. roy. 8vo. Second edition, 1873. The best modern book in English on the art and practice of Falconry. The second edition is to be preferred for the emendations and additions to the text, but the illustrations to the first edition are much superior. An interest- ing review of the second edition written by the late A. E. Knox, of Trotton, Sussex, appeared in the Quarterly Review for July 1875. 68. FREEMAN (G. E.) and SALVIN (F. H.). Falconry : its Claims, History and Practice. To which are added remarks on Training the Otter and Cormorant, by Captain Salvin. London, Longmans. 1859. 8vo. Though out of print, a work to be commended ; by two prac- tical falconers, both of whom are still living. The chapter on heron-hawking as pursued 40 years ago was communicated by the late Edward Clough Newcome, of Feltwell Hall, Brandon, Norfolk, one of the best practical falconers of modem times, and the last who kept Heron-hawks in England. In 1843 he had two remarkable Heron-hawks, " De Ruyter" and "Sultan," which were brought from Holland by the Dutch falconer Jan Pells, and in that year took 54 herons, and in the LU q: , r-t I iM 00 CO UJ 8. 1 z UJ S ^ q: 1«? z (( I'd < }» § I ^ »< o -« » o s g Of < « ^ CD ^ IL flo* W O ^ O 8 O z UJ ^ J ^ 1 _J s> li. ■ilk 2 , g §* a ^ :^ ENGLISH. 41 following season 57 herons. " De Ruyter" was lost on Laken- heath Warren, but "Sultan," who in the season of 1845 killed 25 rooks and 3 herons, lived for some time afterwards, and, on dying, was preserved, with jesses, hood, and bells, in a glass case, which may still be seen at Hockwold Hall. 69. HAMILTON (J. P.). Reminiscences of an old Sportsman. By Colonel J. P. Hamilton, K.H. In two volumes. London, Longmans, i860. 8vo. The last four chapters of vol. ii. (pp. 171-308) are devoted to Falconry, historical and descriptive, but contain numerous technical errors, owing to the author's want of practical acquaint- ance witli the sport. 70. BRODRICK (W.). Falconer's Favorites. By W. Brodrick, one of the authors of " Falconry in the British Islands." London, Van Voorst. 1865. folio. A series of six coloured plates of hawks, life size, with a page of descriptive letterpress to each. The species figured are : — " Comet," a year old Peregrine Tiercel ; an adult male Sparrow- hawk ; "Shark," an adult male Goshawk ; an adult male Hobby; *' Hurricane," a young female Peregrine [more like a Norwegian Jerfalcon], and a young male Merlin. The plates drawn and lithographed by the author. For a memoir of the late William Brodrick, see The Field, 1 2th Jan. 1889. 71. FREEMAN (G. E.). Practical Falconry; to which is added. How I became a Falconer. By Gage Earle Freeman, M.A., " Peregrine " of The Field. London, Horace Cox. 1869. 8vo. This little book, written from personal experience of the author, has done much to keep alive the traditions of falconry and encourage its modern revival. It has been unfortunately for some time out of print. 42 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 72. DELME-RADCLIFFE (Col. E.). Notes on the Falconidce used in India in Falconry. [Cut of hooded falcon on glove.] Southsea, n.d. [1871]. sm. 8vo. This small pamphlet of 38 pp. contains much practical infor- mation derived by the author from personal experience in India. It is a reprint of three articles, with the same title, which appeared in The Field of July 22, Aug. 5, and Aug. 26, 1871. Schlegel cites a treatise on Falconry in India written in English, bu*; known to him only through a German translation in Wiers- bitzki's Tasclienbuch fur Jdger und Naturfreunde (see German authors. No. 116). It contains some curious details about Hawking as practised in India in modern times. To this it may be added that in Hume's " Scrap-Book, or Rough Notes on Indian Oology and Ornithology" (two parts, Svo, Cal- cutta, 1869-70), will be found some excellent notes commu- nicated by Mr. R. Thompson of Gurhwal, on hawking in India with the Peregrine, Saker, Goshawk, Sparrow-hawk and Hobby, the last-named being flown at the Hoopoe, and affording very pretty sport. ^2,' DELME-RADCLIPFE (Col. E.). The article " Falconry" in the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," ninth edition. London and Edinburgh. 1879. 4to, 74. FISHER (C. Hawkins), FREEMAN (G. E.), and others. Prize Essays on Falconry ; submitted to the Barnet Committee of the Alexandra Park with the object of suggesting the best means for reviving the practice of Falconry. Adjudicated upon by Lord Lilford, Lieut.-Col. Delme-Radcliffe, and E. C. New- come. London. 1871. sm. Svo. 75. ROWLEY (George Dawson). Ornithological Miscellany. London. 1875-78. 3 vols. 4to. Contains a few, but unimportant, notes on Falconry (part i PETER BALLANTINE. THE LAST OF THE OLD SCOTCH FALCONERS, BORN t798, OrCD 1884. From a painting by A. D. Cooper, 1879, in the possession iof, Mr. R, Oswald of Auchencruive, Ayrshire. *• i' * ,y i\ ', / ENGLISH. 43 pp. 55-60, and part iv, pp. 213-222), collected from various, sources, with facsimile woodcuts from Turbervile (No. 15). 76. LACROIX (Paul). Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages. London. 1877. 4to. A translation from the French (which see) with full-page illu- minated plates, and engravings from early MSS., a chapter being devoted to Falconry (pp. 195-212). 'J']. HARTING (J. E.). The Ornithology of Shakespeare, critically examined, explained and illus- trated. London, John Van Voorst. 1871. Svo. Contains a chapter on "Hawks and Hawking" (pp. 49-82), explaining the Hawking terms used by Shakespeare, with illus- trations from other authors, and some curious statistics con- cerning the prices paid for hawks, and the practice of the art in the 1 6th century. The frontispiece represents Shakespeare with a falcon on his glove, drawn by J. Wolf, the only portrait of Shakespeare with a hawk. 78. HARTING (J. E.). The article "Falconry," revised, in Stonehenge's " Rural Sports." Fifteenth edition. London. 1880. 8vo. 79. HARTING (J. E.). Essays on Sport and Natural History. London, Horace Cox. 1883. 8vo. Contains chapters on Hunting and Hawking, the Boke of St. Albans, Hawking as taught by the Boke, Taking Passage Hawks in Holland, How to Train a Passage Hawk, and a review of an Arabic Treatise on Hawking. 80. HARTING (J. E.). Hints on the Manage- ment OF Hawks. London, Horace Cox. 1884. 8vo. The various steps to be taken in taming, training, feeding, and flying hawks are detailed from personal knowledge, and from 44 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. the teaching of two experienced professional falconers, the late John Barr, and Adrian Mollen, of Valkenswaard. 8 1. HARTING (J. E.). A Perfecte Booke for Kepinge of Sparhawkes or Goshawkes. Written about 1575. Now first printed from the original MS. on vellum. With Introduction and Glossary by J. E. Harting. London, Quaritch. 1886, sm. 4to. The original MS. is in the possession of Mr. W. A. Tyssen- Amherst, of Didlington Hall, Norfolk. The Introduction (pp. i.-xxxii.) embodies a review of the Early English literature of falconry (including manuscripts), and appended to the treatise (pp. 39-51) is a " glossary " of all the technical terms employed by Falconers. Only 100 copies of this treatise have been published. 82. HARTING (J. E.). The article " Falconry" in Chambers' " Encyclopedia," new edition. Edinburgh and London. 1889. 4to. Butcb, 83. MAERLANT (Jacob van). Der Natura Bloemen : Historia Naturalis Metrica. Leyden, n.d. This work, preserved in MS. at Eeyden, is cited by Schlegel as being mentioned in a '■^ Catalogus libroruvi inanuscriptorum bibliotheca Lugduno Batavce. descripsit J. Geel, 1852 " (p. 195, No. 659), and contains some remarks on Falconry, relating chiefly to the diseases of hawks and the remedies for them. 84. MERULA (Paul G. F.). Placaten ende Ordonancien op t'stuck van de Wildernissen in orde gestelddoor Paul G. F. Merulam, Dordracenum. In's Gravenhage bij B. C. Nieulant. 1605. folio. DUTCH FALCONER OF THE XVI CENTURY. From a portrait by Frans de Vrient In the Brunswick Gallery. GERMAN. 45 Placate.nt e.v Ordenancten op 't stuck van de Wildernisse, Hout-Vesterye, Vogelerye, ende Visscherye .... van Merula uytgegeven. 'S Gravenhage. 1672. 4to. According to Schlegel the third book, entitled Ixeutica of Vlught-Bedrijf, contains a brief account of Falconry in Holland. 85. ACKERSDIJCK (W. C). De Valkenjagt te Valkenswaard en Waalre. 1838. 8vo. Nieuwe Algemeene Konst-en Letterbode. 1838. ii. p. 179. Unknown to Schlegel. See also an anonymous pamphlet, published at the Hague in 1840, entitled *' Quelques de'tails sur les Faucons et I'art de les dresser a la chasse." Both these publications refer to the doings of the Loo Hawking Club in Holland. %6. WULVERHORST (A. H. Verster van). Geschiedkundige Ainteekeningen over het Jagtwezen. Amsterdam. 1 840. Not seen ; cited by Schlegel and said to contain some obser- vations on Falconry (pp. 25-40). Wulverhorst was part author with Schlegel of the Trait'e de Fauconnerie. (Berman. ^"j. ANON. Das erste Buch vahet also an und leret paissen [beyssen, beizen, oder beitzen] und auch den Habich erkenne Augsburg [c. 1472]. sm. 4to. Black letter, 46 leaves unpaged, and without signatures ; 22 lines to a page. Without author's name or date. The earliest printed book on Falconry in any language. Extremely rare. The only copy mentioned by bibliographers is one for- merly in the library of the Abb^ de Bearzi. 46 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 88. HICFELT (Eberhard). Aucupatorium Hero- DiORUM. Eine Deutsche Abhandlung liber die Beizjagd aus der ersten halfte des 15 Jahrhundertes. Nach der einzigen erhaltenen Handschrift dem Cod. MS. Nr. 2457 der K. K. Hotbibliothek zu Wien zum erstenmale im Urtexte herausgegeben, eingeleitet, und commentiert von Ernst Ritter von Dombrowski. MIteinem photo- zinkographischen und handcolorierten Facsimile der Handschrift, etc. Wien. 1886. 4to. [1430-1450.] This extremely interesting treatise, written between 1430 and 1450, is printed in Black letter for the first time from a MS. in the Royal Library at Vienna. It contains a facsimile in colours (the MS. being illuminated) of the first page, which commences : — '• Incipit aucupatorium herodioruin ex antiquorum philosophorum dictis per magistrum Eberhardum Hicfelt collect um et Iranslatuin" It is apparently founded on the earlier treatises of Symmachus and Theodosius, A. de Eglis, Ladislaus of Hungary, and Crescentius (see Latin authors), and deals first with the nature and habits of Falcons {^Herodioruin sive Falkonuni) ; secondly, with taming and training them {de domatiotie et doctritia) ; and thirdly, with the cure of their diseases (de egritudinibus earn/idem curis). The editor, Baron von Dombrowski, in an excellent Introduction notices some of the older works from which the author derived information, and prints in parallel columns a passage from Hicfelt and from Crescentius. Only 220 numbered copies of this have been printed, of which that in the writer's possession is No. 61. 89. KAISER MAXIMILIAN. Handschrift uber DIE Falknerey (1493-15 1 9) auf der K.K. Hofbibho- thek zu Wien. Printed, from a MS. of the fifteenth century in the Imperial Library at Vienna, by Hammer Purgstall in his " Falknerklee " (No. 113), 8vo, pp. 94-96. Wien. 1840. It is an Ordinance of the Emperor, addressed to a Grand Duke of Austria, relative to the state of falconry in that country. From this it appears GERMAN. 47 tliat he used to receive annually twelve Sakers from Cyprus (sent by the republic of Venice), and twelve Peregrines from the grand falconer at the court of Prussia, besides purchasing hawks in Holland and Alsace, and at Augsburg. Another MS. of this Emperor, namely : — his " Geheimes Jagdbuch," relating to Deer, was edited and published at Vienna, in 1858, by Th. G. von Karajan. 90. KNOBLAUCH (J.). EiN schone Buchlin von DEM Beyssen mit dem Habich unnd dem Hund, alle besten unnd geschicklicheyt des Federsplls trewlich underrichtend unnd lernend. Gedruckt zu Strassburg durch Johannem Knoblauch ini jar 15 10. \X.q. A scarce work on hawking with the Goshawk. Not in Brit. Mus. According to Dombrowski, (No. 88, p. Ix.), the first edi- tion appeared at Augsburg, about 1478. 91. STEYNER (Heinricli). Waidwerck ; Vogel zu FAHEN MIT Raubvogeln, ctc. Augsburg. n.d. [c. 1530]. 4to. Not seen : cited by Schlegel. Not in British Museum. 92. EGENOLPH (Christoph). Waidwerck; Vo- gel zu FAHEN MIT Raubvogeln, uetzen, stricken, leim, geschoss, etc. Strassburg. 1530. 4to. Not seen : cited by Schlegel, possibly an edition of the last- named, Egenolph being printer or publisher. Not in Brit. Mus. 93. TAPP (Eberhard). Waidwerck und Feder- SPiEL. Von der Habichen unnd Falcken natur art unnd eygenthumb : wie mann sie berichten gewehnen atzen unnd von alien jrenk ranckheyten soil erledigen. Allen Habich unnd Falcken tregern vast notig unnd zu wissen nlltzlich. Durch Eberhardum Tappium, Lunensem Burger zu Coin. [Holzschnittvignette] Strassburgh bey M. Jacob Cammer Lander. Anno, 1542. sm. 4to. 48 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Reprint of 1886, of which only 250 numbered copies were issued, this being No. 31. Copies of the original edition of 1542 are extremely scarce. In twenty years I have only once seen it in a bookseller's catalogue. Not in Brit. Mus. The title may be thus translated: — "The Chase and the Lure. On Goshawks and Falcons, their nature, species, and peculiarities : how to train, tame, and feed them j and treating of all their diseases. Almost indispensable, and most useful to all fanciers of goshawks and falcons. By Eberhard Tapp, Lunensis, a citizen of Cologne. 1542." The preface is dated Cologne, 24 May, 1 541. 94. FEYERABENDT (Sigmundt). Neuw Jag UND Weydwerck Buch, das ist ein grundtliche Beschreibung vom Anfang der Jagten .... Item vom adelichen Weydwerck der Falcknerey. Getruckt zu Franckfurt am Maynhen bey Johaii Feyerabendt, in Verlegung Sigmundt Feyerabendts. 1582. folio. Compiled from previous writers, the portion on hunting being translated, for the first time, from the French of Jacques du Fouilloux. The first part treats of Hunting, the second of Hawking ; with engravings by Jost Amman. Not in the British Museum. 95. SEBIZIUS (Melchior). Funfzehn Bucher von DEM Feldbaw Das 13. Buch umfasst Weyd- werck Hetzen und Jagen ; das 14. Buch vom Feder- spiEL oder von Falcknerey ; das 15. Buch von der Wolfjagd, etc Mit Holzschnitten von Jost Amman. Strassburg. 1588. folio. Other editions, 1592, 1598 (Brit. Mus.) and 1607. In the edition of 1598 the treatise on Falconry extends from p. 692 to p. 732 with half-page engraving of Heron-hawking. 96. CRESCENTIUS (Petrus). Neuw Feldt und AcKERBAW von Otter und Biberjagd, von ^Yas- ser und Fisch weydwerck, vom adelichen Weyd^verck PRINCE WILLIAM V OF HOLLAND Heron-hawking at the Loo in 1767. > ' ;'< J ,'. 'j ' From a rare engraving by Mourik. ^ " GERMAN. 49 Falcknerey, Falckner und Habichten, Reyger, Feder- spiel, etc. Vom Jager, seinem Horn und Stimme, von Hunden, von der Hirsch, Hasen, Steinbock, und Gemsenjagd. Von der Wolff Eygenschaft und dere Jagd, etc [Mit zahlreichen schonen kraftigen Holzschnitten von Jost Amman.] Strassburg. 1602. folio. From the Latin original, Riiralium commodorum libri xii., first printed at Augsburg in 1471. There are, however, earlier German editions than this. Several were printed at Strassburg about the end of the fifteenth century, and later. 97. ARCUSSIA (C. von). Falconaria ; das ist ei- gentlicher Bericht und Anleytung wie mann mit Falcken und andern Weydtvogeln beitzen soil .... in fianf Theil abgetheilet von Carolo d'Arcussia .... fran- zosisch beschrieben Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn durch Nicolaum Hoffmann. 1617. 4to. A German translation from the French of D'Arcussia, and evidently based on the fourth Paris edition of 1607, for it con- tains but five parts (see note to No. 153). It is illustrated by the same full-page engravings, but within borders, and a folding plate of hawking implements between pp. 266-267 : the title within a finely engraved and very appropriate border. Two copies are in the British Museum (7906, g. 24, and 7906, g. 25). Graesse cites an earlier edition printed at Augsburg in 161 1, but this is perhaps a misprint for 16 17. 98. POMEY (F. A.). EiN SEHR artig Buchlein von dem Weydwerck und der Falcknerey. Wort- getreuer Abdruck der Originalausgabe [Lyon, 1671]. Deutsch und Franzosisch. Mit Holzschnittvignetten von Jost Amman. [Reprint. Stuttgart. 1886. 8vo.] D 50 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. The first reprint of this curious treatise originally appended to the second edition of a Latin-German-French Dictionary, dated 1671, of which the first edition appeared at Lyons in 1664 and another in 1684, subsequently at Frankfort in 1681 and i6go. It contains treatises on Hunting and Hawking, with glossaries of the technical terms used in both these branches of sport. The portion on Falconry, in the edition of 1 671, in which it first appeared, extends from p. 42 to p. 48, and is in double column. The author's name in the original is Pomey, not Pomay, as in the reprint. 99. FLEMING (Hans F. von). Der Volkommene Teutsche Jaeger darinnen die Erde Gebiirge Kraeuter und Baeume, Waelder, Eigenschaft der Wilden Thire iind Vogel .... colligiret und beschrieben von H. F. von Fleming. Leipzig. 17 19. folio. Illustrated with copper plates. Other editions, 1723 (cited bySchlegel as the first) and 1749. The author, whose remarks on Falconry are compiled chiefly from D'Arcussia, states (pp. 336—337, ed. 1749) that in his day falcons for heron-hawking were annually brought into Germany from Holland, by Dutch falconers who knew how to train them. And Dobel (No. 100), who repeats this statement (ii. pp. 194- 195), adds that most of them came from Valkenswaard. 100. DOBEL (Heinrich Wilhelm). Jager Praktik oder die wohlgeiibte und erfahrne Jager. Leipzig. 1746. 4 vols, folio. Other editions, Leipzig, 1754, folio; Vienna, 1785-86, 4 vols. 8vo. In the last published edition (Leipzig, 3 vols. 8vo, 1828), the portion relating to falconry, of no great importance, is omitted. 10 1. PACIUS (J. E.). Friedrich II. romlschen Kaiser's ubrige Stiicke des Buches von der Kunst zu BAiTZEN ; [Verfasst um 1245] nebst den Zusatzen des Konigs Manfredus und Alberti Magni Unterricht GERMAN. 51 von den Falken und Habichten aus dessen 23 Buche von den Thieren. Aus dem Latein iibersetzt von J. Erh. Pacius. Ansbach. 1756. sm. 8vo. A translation from the Latin edition of 1596; consequently incomplete, since it contains but two books out of six. 102. ANON. Neue LustigeundVollstandige Jagd- kunst: so wohl von denen Vogeln als auch andern Thieren, Bestehend in fiinf Theilen . . . . iv. Von den Falken, wie solche zum Vogel und Haasenfangen abzurichten und deren vielfaltige Krankheiten zu curiren und zu preserviren .... Nebst sehr vielen Figuren und einer Nachricht von Canarienvogeln. Zweyte ver- besserte Aufiage. Leipzig. 1762. sm. 8vo. Part IV. (chapters i -xxii.) is devoted to Falconry, the details of which occupy 78 pp. First edition not seen. 103. RIDINGER (J. E.). Jager und Falconiers MIT iHREN Verrichtungen. Vienna, c. 1760. folio. A fine series of engravings of Hunting and Hawking. The plates are lettered alphabetically from A to Z, and in- clude the following illustrations of hawking : — (D.) Falconier. (E.) Falconier den Falcken abhaubend. ' (F.) Falcken Jiinge mit der Chatsche. [Cadge.] (G.) Falconier Knecht de Uhu auf der hand flihrend. (H.) Falconier Knecht de Uhu vom bode aufnehmend. (Q.) Den Hasen mit dem Habicht zu beitzen. (R.) Falconier mit dem Luier den Falcken einholend. (W.) Der Falconier nimt den Falcken wider auf. (X.) DerReyher wird von den Falcken oben herab geschlagen. (Y.) Wilde Ganse mit dem Habicht zu baitzen. (Z.) Wild-Enten baitze nachdem sie aufgestobert worden. All Ridinger's engravings are valuable ; the present series especially so, from its rarity. Besides the copy now before me, I have seen but two others, one of which is in the British 5 2 BOOKS ON FAL CONR Y, Museum (458, f. 6). There is no accompanying letterpress as with some of Ridinger's works, but each plate has a description at foot in German and French. (See Thienemann, " Leben und Wirkendes J. E. Ridinger," 8vo, Leipzig, 1856, pp. 34-38.) In another series there is a fine engraving of two hooded Jerfalcons and a water-dog, and in a third series, of much larger plates, depicting field-sports of the four seasons (Brit. Mus. 458, h. 15), the third plate gives a splendid representation of heron-hawking. 104. BECKMANN (Johann). Beytrage zur GEscHiCHTE DER Erfindungen. Gottingen. 1785. 8vo. The article on Falconry in this work (ii. pp. 157-176) has been already noticed under the English translation by Johnston (No. 53). 105. HEPPE (Johann C). Die Jagdlust oder die hohe und niedere Jagd, nach alien ihren Ver- schiedenheiten in drey Theilen griindlich beschrieben und mit nothigen Kupfern erlautert von Johann Christoph Heppe. Niirnberg. 1783-84. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. The third vol. contains a treatise on the birds of prey (pp. 1-121) and on Falconry (pp. 121-197), with a plate (tab. 2) of hoods for the Gerfalcon, Saker, Alphanet, and Lanner. 106. BECHSTEIN" (J. M.). Naturgeschichte der Vogel Deutschlands. Leipzig. 1801. 8vo. The remarks on Falconry (vol. ii. p. 720 et seq.) are for the most part taken from Pennant (No. 47), who in turn borrowed from Warton and others. 107. GEIST (J. P.). Der zur Jagd und zum Ver- niigen Nabgerichtete Hund. Nebst einer kurzen prakt. Anweisung zur dressur der Kunstpferde und Vogel. Niirnberg. 18 14. 8vo. A third edition appeared at Niirnberg in 1840. GERMAN. 53 1 08. NATJMANN (J. A.). Naturgeschichte der VoGEL Deutschlands .... hcrausgegeben von dessen Sohne J. F. Naumann. Fortsetzung der Nachtrage, Zusatze und Verbesserungen von J. H. Blasius, Ed. Baldamus und Sturm. Leipzig. 1820-60. 13 vols. 8vo. There have been few better observers of bird-life than the elder Naumann, and falconers will find in the first volume of his work much interesting information concerning the habits in a wild state of the birds of prey which are trained for hawking. 109. HEINK (J. A.). Die Kleine Jagd : oder Anleitung, etc Nebst einer Beschreibung die der Jagd nachtheiligen Raubvogel. Ein Handbuch fiir Jager und Jagdliebhaber. Leipzig. 1832. 4to. With 27 plates of Eagles, Falcons, and Hawks ; some copies coloured, others plain. First edition, with variation in title, Dresden, 1827, 4to« This book is chiefly occupied with directions for the profitable management of a sporting estate, to which the remarks on hawks are, as it were, supplementary. 1 10. SPANGENBERG (H. G. von). Ueber die LusTjAGD DER VoRZEiT. Nach Esparron und eini- gen Anderen. Erfurt. 1831. roy. 8vo. Compiled chiefly from the French of Charles D'Arcussia de Capre, seigneur d'Esparron (see Nos. 153 and 154). 111. FROMBERG (H. von). Die Niedere Jagd. Ein Handbuch fiir Jager und Jagdliebhaber. Glogau. 1836. i2mo. Not seen, and not in the British Museum. If, as the title sug gests, it is comparable to Die Kleine Jagd of Heink (No. 109)^ it will probably be found to include some notice of Falconry. 54 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 112. HAMMER— PURGSTALL (Jos. von). Falknerklee: bestehend indreyungedrucktenWerken liber die Falknerey nahmlich : (i) das Falkenbuch. aus dem Ttirkischen ; (2) lerakosopkion, das ist " die Habichtslehre " aus dem Griechischen verdeutscht ; und (3) Kaiser Maximilian's Handschrift iiber Falknerey. Wien. 1840. 8vo. The Turkish and Greek texts of the above-mentioned works are given with the German translation, and an Introduction of 32 pp. with a short Hst of such works relating to Falconry as were known to the editor. The name ^'' Falknerklee^^ or "Falconer's Trefoil," was evi- dently bestowed in allusion to the three works in one volume, like three leaves on one stem. Only 300 copies were printed of this book, which has now become scarce. 113. SUSEMIHL (Johann Conrad). Die Vogel EuROPAS. Darmstadt. 1842. roy. 8vo. Contains an essay on Falconry by H. Schlegel, which he himself has cited as " un apergu succinct de la fauconnerie," with coloured plates of falcons by Joseph Wolf. 114. SEYFFARTH (F. C). Die Falkenbaize. Leipzig. 1845. sup. royal i6mo. Printed in Wiersbitzki's *• Taschenbuch fiir Jager und Natur- freunde" (No. 12, pp. 205-264), but full of errors, although the author, it appears, was instructed by Professor Bein, of the School of Forestry at Dreissigacker in Thuringia, as well as by M. le Perin, Grand Falconer to the Duke of Vicenza. Schlegel, who cites this author, has pointed out several of his blunders. 115. CORVIN WIERSBITZKI (Otto von). Tas- chenbuch FUR Jager und Naturfreunde. Mit Kupfern. Leipzig. 1845. sup. royal i6mo. This is the journal referred to in the note to last title. The contents of the article on Falconry (pp. 205-264) are as GERMAN. 55 follows : — " Die Falkenbaize, von F. C. Seyffarth. Falkonier- Sprache. Ueber die Eigenschaften eines Falkoniers, Ueber die verschiedenen Arten der Falken und ihre charackeristichen Kennzeichen und Eigenschaften. Vom Fange der Falken. Von der Zahmung und Abtragung eines frischgefangenen Falken oder Habichts. Ueber die Abtragung der Falken fiir den hdhen Flug. Von der Abrichtung der Falken aufweniger hochfliegende Vogel. Abrichtung eines Falken zu Hasenbaize. Vom Werfen des Falken. Von Erziehung der Nestfalken. Vom Ankaufe der Falken. Von den Regeln welche ein Falkonier besonders zu beriicksichtigen hat. Von der Fiitterung der abgetragenen Falken im Allgemeinen und insbesondere. Von der Reinlichkeit des Aufenthaltsortes der Falken. Von den aiissern Kuren der Falken. Von den innerlichen Krankheiten der Falken und ihrer Heilung. Von der Equipage fiir die Falkenbaize. Von den Eigenschaften der Falkonier- Pferde. Von den bei der Falkenjagd nothigen Hunden. Von der zweckmassigen Einrichtung eines Falkenhauses. Von dem Reihergehege." ii6. THIENEMANN (F. A. L.). Kritische Revision der europaischen Jagdfalken. i 846. 8vo. This important memoir, which contains some interesting details concerning the Eanner and Saker in Central Europe, is printed in Rhea, " Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Omithologie." 8vo. Leipzig. 1846. (Heft i. pp. 44-98). In the same journal (pp. 39-43) is a paper by J. W. E. von Woborzil, entitled " Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der * Raroh,' Falco lanarius," Pallas, in which the writer states that near the Bohemian village of Wetruschitz, in the valley of the Moldau. where the mountain rocks overhang the river, he found the Lanner nesting, and secured five eggs and one of the birds. He adds that this falcon was well known to the villagers by the name of Raroh, and came there every year. Coloured figures are given of the male and female. The Dutch falconer, Adrian Mollen, who was head falconer to the Loo Hawking Club, informed the writer that he had caught young Lanners in Hungary, and trained them for Prince Trautmausdorf, of Oberweseldorf, near Vienna. -^ ru^RYj ; 56 BOOKS ON FALCONE Y. 117. SCHEIBLE (J.). Das Schaltjahr, welches ist der teutsch Kalender mit den Figuren und hat 366 Tag. Durch J. Scheible. Stuttgart. 1846-47. 5 vols. 8vo. Amongst the many subjects dealt with in this work, which may be compared with the English " Book of Days " published by Chambers, we find the following on hawking : — " Wie soil man die Falken berichten : Wie man Hasen mit Falken fangt ; Vogel- Weidwerck auf dem Wasser; Von allerlei Voglerei, und Feder- spiel ; etc." Mit holzschnitten nach Jost Amman. 118. SCHUTZ (Carl Heinrich). Der Praktische Jager, oder Kunst mittelst neu erfundener Fallen Fuchse, Dachse, Wilde Katzen, und allerhand Raub- vogel zu fangen. Heilbron. 1 847. 8vo. Interesting to falconers for the instructions which are given for capturing hawks. 119. GRIMM (J.). Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache. Leipzig. 1848. 8vo. Contains a brief history of Falconry, but is evidently not written from any practical acquaintance with the subject ; the most interesting portion being the illustrations, copied from old illuminated MSS. 1 20. FRIDERICH (C. G.). Naturgeschichte aller deutschen Zimmer, Haus und Jagdvogel; nebst einem Anhange liber die auslandischen Vogel welche in Deutschland vorkommen. Stuttgart, Hoffmann. 1849. roy. 8vo. This work is illustrated with twenty coloured plates, containing 200 figures of birds. 121. LANDAU (G.). BeitrAge zur Geschichte der Jagd und der Falknerei in Deutschland. Die ^^^:^;s»*^-'. GERMAN FALCONER OF THE XVI CENTURYJ '/■''/;• i*/ !'•,; GERMAN. 57 Geschichte der Jagd und der Falknerei in beiden Hessen. Von Dr. G. Landau. Kassel, Druck und Verlag von Theodor Fischer. 1 849. 8vo. In this octavo volume of 340 pp., the " Zweites Buch " (pp. 326-340) is devoted to a history of Falconry in Hesse-Cassel and Hesse-Darmstadt, and some curious details are quoted from old German archives. 12 2. DER MINNE FALKNER. Allegorisches Gedicht aus dem Ende des 14. Jahrhundertes. He- rausgegeben von J. A.Schmeller. Stuttgart. 1850. 8vo. This is printed in vol. xx. of the ** Bibliothek des Literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart." A poem of 185 verses extending to 38 pages (pp. 171-208). 123. EHRENKREUTZ (H. von). Meine Geheim- SAMMLUNG der besten Wildkoder, Beizen, Fischkoder, etc. Ulm, 1859. i2mo. Not seen : probably, from its size, of no great importance. 124. EHRENKREUTZ (H. von). Neuer hundert jahriger Jagd- und Forst-kalender fur jeden Jager, Fischer, Vogelfanger. Nebst Angabe vieler bis jetzt geheim gehaltener bewahrter Koder, Beizen, Fang und Jagdmethoden. Ulm. 1859. sm. 8vo. Not seen, and not in British Museum. 125. PERGER (A. R. von). ZuR Geschichte DER Falkenjagd. Wieu. 1859. 8vo. Not seen, and not in British Museum. 126. MYNSINGER (Heinrich). Von den Falken Pferden und Hunden. Verfasst um 1450. Herausge- geben von Dr. K. D. Hassler. Stuttgart. 1863. 8vo. 58 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. This curious treatise of 98 pp., of which the portion on Fal- conry extends to 58 pp., is printed in the " BibUothek des Literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart," vol. Ixxi., with a note by Dr. Hassler, to the effect that it is from a MS. copied in 1473, by " Clara Hatzlerin zu Augspiirg." It is entitled " Hie hebt sich an das Puoch von den Valcken, Habichen, Sperben, Pfariden und Hunden." 127. RIESENTHAL (0. v.). Die Raubvogel Deutschlands und des angrenzenden Mittel- EUROPAS. Darstellung und Beschreibungder inDeutsch- land und den benachbarten Landern von Mitteleuropa vorkommenden Raubvogel. Allen Naturfreunden besonders aber der Deutschen Jagerei gewidmet von O. V. Reisenthal, Oberforster. Cassel. 1876. 8vo. This volume contains a long chapter on Hawking (pp. 153- 199), with plates of Hawk-catching; Hawk-net ; Trap for Gos- hawk ; Hawks on perch, and block ; and Heron-hawking ; the last-named being a reduced copy of the folio plate in Schlegel's "Traite de Fauconnerie." (See French authors. No. 194.) 128. FOICHTINGER (J.). Die Geschichte der Falkenjagd. Leipzig. 1878-79. 8vo. One of a series of treatises on sport, by different authors, which appeared in parts in the " BibUothek fur Jager und Jagdfreunde," 1878-79. 129. BAIST (G.). " LiBRO DE la Caza del Principe D. Juan Manuel," zum Erstenmale herausgegeben von G. Baist. Halle (Niedermeyer). 1880. 8vo. A German version of the celebrated Spanish work (which see) from the MS. (S. 34) in the National Library at Madrid. As to this version, see a notice by M. A. Savine in the " Poly- biblion" (part, lit.), Nov. 1882, pp. 456-457. 130. RHYN (Otto, H. am.). Kulturgeschichte DES Deutschen Volkes. Berlin. 1886. 2 vols. 4to. DANISH AND NORWEGIAN. 59 In the first volume of this beautifully-illustrated work, abound- ing in wood engravings, chromo-lithographs, facsimile MSS., and early printed pages, will be found a dissertation on Falconry, with a representation of Heron Hawking from a MS. of the fourteenth century (p. 202), and some curious "playing-cards" of the fifteenth century (p. 258), on one of which is the figure of a hunts- man {Jeger) with boar-spear and two hounds; on another, a falconer ( Valkner) on horseback, with a cast of falcons on his left arm. 131. DOMBROWSKI (Ernest, Ritter von). Au- cuPATORiUM Herodiorum. \c. 1450.] Reprint, 1886. (See Hicfelt, No. 88.) 132. POMEY (Fr.). Ein sehr artig Buchlein von dem Weydwerck und der Falcknerey. [167 i.] Reprint, Stuttgart, 1886. 8vo. (See No. 98.) The recent publication of these reprints indicates a revived taste and demand for the old treatises on Hunting and Hawking, many of which, though quaint in ex- pression, are sound enough in doctrine. Banisb anb IRorwegiam 133. DEICHMANN(C.). Om Falke OG Falkejagt. Kjobenhavn. 1788. 4to. To be found in the " Nye Samling af det Kong. Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter," but contains little more than brief outlines of the subject. 134. JACOBSEN (P. B.). Bidrag til en Skildring af Falkevcesenet og Falkejagten forben navnlig i Danmark af P. B. Jacobsen. Kjobenhavn. 1848. 8vo. Reprinted from the " Nye Historisk Tidsskrift." In Horrebow's ** Natural History of Iceland," translated from 6o BOOKS ON FAL CONR V. the Danish (folio, London, 1758), will be found a description of the mode in which the Icelanders used to capture falcons; and in Anderson's "Account of a Description of Iseland and Groen- land," printed at Hamburg in 1746 (8vo, p. 328), it is stated that from Iceland were brought the finest falcons in the world. The King of Denmark used to send an officer every year to fetch them, and allowed him a good salary ; the price of a white falcon being ten crowns. See also, under Latin authors, Briinnich, Ornithologia Borealis, 1764, pp. 2-3. B. Meyer, in his Naturgeschichte der Vogel Deutschlands, published at Niirnberg in folio in 1805, states (under the head of der Isldndische Falk) that a ship which arrived at Copenhagen from Iceland on the ist Sept., 1754, brought a consignment of 148 falcons, of which 12 were white ones. The prices then given were— for a Peregrine, 7 crowns; for one of another colour, 10 crowns; and for a white one, 15 crowns. A letter from Copenhagen, dated Dec. 17, 1791, and pubHshed in the St. James's Chronicle of Jan. 10, 1792, states that "the vessel, on board of which were the Falcons from Iceland annually sent to the Court of Vienna, was shipwrecked off Castrop " \sc. Kastrup, Denmark]. 135. REINHARDT (J.). Falkejagten. Ire popu- Isere Foredrag, holdte i den naturhistoriske Forening i Vinter en 1858 af J. Reinhardt. Kjobenhavn. 1858. 8vo. Printed in the " Dansk Maandeskrift," 1858, pp. 279-314 and 383-412, with two woodcuts — head of a falcon and head of an eagle. 136. COLLETT (R.). Falkejagten. Udglvet in " Folkevennen," et Tidsskrift udgivet af **Selskabet for Folkeoplysningens Fremme." Kristiania. 1874. sm. 8vo. So far as the writer is aware, this article by Prof. R. CoUett, of Christiania, published in the Norwegian journal " Folke- vennen " ("People's Friend") for 1874 (vol. 23, pt. ii. pp. 195-224), is the only contribution on Falconry from the pen of a SWEDISH. 61 Norwegian author. It is partly historical, partly descriptive, the subject being divided into sections entitled : — "Falkejagtens Opkomst og Bsesen ; Falkejagtens Udbredelse ; Jagtfuglene ; Falkenes Indfangning ; Falkenes Afrettelse ; and Jagten." Some particulars are given respecting the numbers of Jerfalcons formerly taken in Norway and Iceland for exporta- tion, the mode of capturing them, and the prices paid for them. 137. ANON. Om Jagt-Falken. Stockholm. 1833. Printed in the "Tidsskrift for Jagare och Naturforskare utgifven af Jagare-forbundet " (pp. 352-363). All attempts, says Schlegel {op. cit. p. 80), to fix the date of the introduction of hawking in Scandinavia and Denmark have been fruitless. We are entirely ignorant whether the art was carried thither by the colonists who (tradition says) came there from Asia, or whether it was introduced by the Normans, who, in the early part of the Middle Ages, invaded the shores of Great Britain, France, Holland, and many other countries. Hawks are mentioned in the Scandinavian and Icelandic "Sagas," but not in such a way as to lead to the inference that they were trained for the purposes of falconry. It is of interest to note that Linnaeus in the Journal of his Tour in Dalecarlia, 1734 (the original MS. of which, in Swedish, is in the Library of the Linnean Society of London), describes his meeting with some Dutch falconers who were catching hawks with the aid of a Grey Shrike. He gives sketches of the hoods and other appliances used by them, and expresses surprise that no Swede had learnt to catch and train hawks, and so, like the Dutchmen, made money thereby. Jfrencb* 138. LE ROI MODUS. Le Livre du Roy Modus ET de la Royne Ratio. Cy commence le livre du Roy Modus et de la Royne Ratio lequel fait mencion 62 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. comment on doit deviser de toutes manieres de chasses, etc. Imprime a Chambery par Anthoine Neyret I'an de grdce mil quatre cens ottante et six le xxv^ jour de octobre [i486]. 4to. The earliest printed book in French which treats of Hunting and Hawking except the translation of the Latin work of Peter Crescentius, which was printed in the same year. The older French MS. of Le Livre du Roi Dancus, translated from the li^r. ^ ^ .# fe)/ kS) vcS> Ct £c& Uttres h<> cC cxwivon: 4 Si Coat te aom etrU furnont d Clai£>icrtte9 faroit a bx;o\X metre it ft carieux de I'cat' inetr^ X)e C(?UiVL ^fi^i- ce liure fUt d fitdaCierc g? foa Conge cecripf f Ct Q' la-propljecie £< monffre ^\N^ oat tout. ^/ ^ ,S' ^i>. of^^^^ 6s. At M. Bartel's sale in Paris, in April 1889, the 8vo of 1620 fetched 9 if. 157. RENE 'E'SiKSiQQil^ {pseudonynt). Essai des MERVEiLLES DE NATURE et des plus nobles artifices .... par Rene Fran9ois, predicateur du Roy [Louis xiii.]. Rouen. 162 1. 4to. This " essay " of an encyclopaedic nature, contains amongst other things chapters on Hunting and Hawking (chap. iii. pp. 34-52). It passed through several editions at Rouen, 1622, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1631, 1632, 1667, and 1726; at Paris, 1639, 1646; and Lyons, 1642. The author's real name was Etienne Binet. 158. RANCONNET (Aimar de). Thresor de LA Langue FRAN90YSE, tant ancienne que moderne 84 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. auquel entre autres choses sont les mots propres de . . . Venerie et Faulconnerie ci-devant ramassez par Aimar de Ran9onnet . . . revue et augmente par Jean Nicot, etc. Paris, imprime par David Douceur. 1626. folio. A useful work of reference for the technical terms employed by French falconers. 159. LEON (Jacques de). La Fauconnerie de Messire Jacques de Leon, dediee au Roy, par Gas- pard de Leon, gentilhomme, de Marseille. A Aix, par Estienne David, Imprimeur du Roy, du Clerge et de ladite Ville. 1643. (Second titre.) Veritable discours de Fauconnerie curieusement compose par Messire Jacques de Leon, Conseiller, Escuyer et Echanson de feu Monseigneur le due d'Orleans et de Milan, et a present Capitaine des Galeres du Roy Louis XIL et Concierge de sa Maison de Marseille estant en I'exercise de Veneur : ou il est traict6 de la Fauconnerie de toutes manieres d'Oyseaux de proye, S9avoir de leurs natures, condi- tions, cognoissance, et comment ils se doivent essimer et gouverner chacun en son endroit : et generalement de toute Fauconnerie, des infirmites et maladies qui leur peuvent survenir, et des remedes a I'encontre selon la qualite d'iceux. A Aix, par Estienne David, Imprimeur du Roy, du Clerge, et de ladite Ville. 1643. sm. 8vo. This little volume of 102 pp. with 6 pis. (one on copper, and five on wood, taken from d'Arcussia) is of extreme rarity, and is not cited by Schlegel. Only two copies are with certainty known FRENCH. 85 to exist, namely, one in the Biblotheque Mejanes, and another at Aix, which in 1858 was in the possession of the Marquis de Foresta, and which is now, with the original MS., in the library of the Comte de Clapiers at Marseilles; cf. Souhart, " Bibl. G^n. des Ouvr. de la Chasse," p. 295 ; and Rouard, " Bulletin de Bouquiniste," 1858, p. 215. 160. SALMONDIERE (Moynet de la). Methode DE L'AuTOURSERiE. Roucn. 1647. A scarce treatise on short-winged hawks, and the method of training them. Not in the British Museum. 161. FORTIN DE GRANDMONT (F. Francois). Les Ruses Innocentes dans lesquellesse voit comment on prend les Oyseaux passagers et les non passagers, et de plusieurs sortes de Bestes a quatre pieds ; avec les plus beaux secrets de la Pesche, etc. Par F. F. F. D. G. dit le Solitaire Inventif. Paris. 1660. 4to. This curious work, which is illustrated with woodcuts, was for a long time very popular with French sportsmen, and is still much sought after by collectors of sporting books. Other editions : Paris, 1668 and 1700, 4to ; Amsterdam, 1695, 8vo, 1700, i2mo, and 17 14, 2 vols. i2mo. Some of the illus- trations are very quaint. 162. POMEY (Frangois). Le Grand Diction- NAiRE Royal. I. Fran^ais-latin-allemand. II. Latin- allemand-frangais. III. Allemand-fran9ais-latin Enrichi d'un petit Traite de la Venerie et de la Fauconnerie. Lyon. 1671. 4to. Each part has a separate title page, pagination, and register. Other editions, Lyons and Frankfort, 1676, 1687, 1690, 1700, 1701, 1715; Cologne, 1740, and the following reprint: — Traite fort curieux de la Venerie et de la Fauconnerie. Reimpression textuelle de I'edition 86 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. originale (Lyon, 1671). Texte Frangais et Allemand. Avec vignettes sur bois par Jost Amman. Stuttgart. 1886. sm. 8vo. The first separate reprint (in French and German) of this curious work, containing treatises on Hunting and Hawking, with Glossaries of the technical terms. The author's name is here spelled Pomay. See also German authors, No. 98. 163. BONNEFOUS (Nicolas). Traite des Grasses, DE LA Venerie ET Fauconnerie ou est exactement enseignee la methode de connoistre, etc avec les termes, etc. Paris, Charles de Sercy. 1681. 12 mo. A scarce treatise, not mentioned by Schlegel or by Souhart, and not in the British Museum. 164. MORAIS (Claude de). Le Veritable Fauconnier, par M. C. de Morals, chevalier, seigneur de Fortille, cy-devant chef du Heron de la Grande Fauconnerie. Dedie au Roy. Paris, chez Gabriel Quinet au Palais a I'entree de la Galerie des Prison- niers, a I'Ange Gabriel. 1683. i6mo. The first edition (pp. i.-x. , i- 144), now very scarce. Re- printed at the end ol the " Nouveau Thedtre d^ Agriculture^' par Louis Liger, 1709, and a later reprint (sm. 4to, pp. 1-96), Paris, Bureau de Gazette des Chasseurs, 1883. 165. SELINCOITRT (Jacques Espee de). Le Parfait Chasseur, pour instruction des personnes de quality ou autres qui aiment la Chasse pour se rendre capables de cet exercise, apprendre aux Veneurs, Picqueurs, Fauconniers, et Valets de Chiens a servir dans les grands equipages, etc. A Paris, chez Gabriel Quinet au Palais a I'entree de la Galerie des Prison- niers, a I'Ange Gabriel. 1683. i2mo. FRENCH. 87 This little volume (pp. i.-xiv., 1-390) is now of some rarity. The author gives sound advice as to the hawks to be used according to the nature of the country in which they are to be flown. 166. LEGENDBE (Cure d'Henouville). Traite DES Chasses, de la Venerie et de la Fauconnerie : precede de la maniere de cultiver les arbres fruitiers. Paris, Legras. 1684. 12 mo. The portion relating to fruit-trees was previously printed in 1653. Kreysig cites a work with a similar title to this, with the date 1 68 1, perhaps an earlier edition of it, though quite likely to be a misprint for 1684, Kreysig being often very inaccurate. " Legendre " is a pseudonym, the author's real name being Robert Arnaud d'Andilly. 167. ANON. Les PlAISIRS INNOCENTS ET amoureux de la Campagne: contenant le Traite les Mouches-a- miel : un Avis pour ceux qui veulent tirer de I'utilite des Vers-a-soye: avec la M^thode d'elever toutes sortes d'Oyseaux de ramage, et un Traite des Chasses, de la Venerie et Fauconnerie, ou est enseignee la methode de connaitre les bons chiens : la chasse du cerf, du sanglier, du lievre, etc. Grenoble. 1692. i2mo. A work similar in character to Les Ruses Innocentes (No. 161). Another edition, Amsterdam, 1699, 12 mo. Both rare. 168. LIGEB (Le Sieur Loiiis). Les Amusemens de la Campagne : ou " Nouvelles Ruses Innocentes " qui enseignent la maniere de prendre aux pieges toutes sortes d'oiseaux, etc. . . . Comment affaiter les Faucons, etc. . . . Paris, Prudhomme. 1709. 2 vols. sm. Svo. The portion relating to falconry appears to have been com- piled chiefly from the works of d'Arcussia (No. 153) and Morais 88 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. (No. 1 64), and was reprinted without author's name, and with numerous alterations, at Amsterdam, in 17 14. Other editions were published at Paris in 1734, 1740, 1753, and 1756. 169. ANON. L'Art de toute sorte de Chasses ET DE P:^CHES, avec celui de guerir les Chevaux, les Chiens et les Oiseaux ; un Dictionnaire de la Chasse et de la Peche ; avec une explication des termes de la Fauconnerie, par demandes et rdponses. Lyon, Gaudet. 17 19. 2 vols. i2mo. A compilation from various sources, of little value. Other editions, 1730, 1750, both published at Lyons. 1 70. GAFFET (Antoine, Sieur de la Brififardiere). NouvEAU Traite de Venerie . . . . et de la Fauconnerie .... par un gentilhomme de la Venerie du Roy. Public apres la mort de I'auteur par Pierre Cldment de Chappeville, ancien capitaine du regiment Vexin. Paris. 1741. 8vo. Other editions, 1742, 1750. Though a popular work atone time, copies are now seldom to be found. A copy of the edition of 1742, from the library of M. Bartel, which was sold in Paris, in April and May 1889, fetched 52f. De Chappeville, after stating in his Preface (p. 14) that since the publication in 1655 of Robert Salnove's work on Hunting, nothing had appeared on that subject, adds (p. 15): "L'auteur est un gentilhomme de la Venerie, qui aprbs avoir servi dans ce corps sous le feu Roy pres de 40 ans, est mort depuis quelques annees. II se nommait Antoine Gaffet, Ecuyer, Sieur de la Briffardiere. Son nouveau traits est beaucoup plus ample \ bien des egards que celui de Salnove." In 1885 a reprint of the treatise on Falconry, which in the original extends from pp. 383-401, was issued by M. Pairault, Paris, with the following title : — A FRENCH FALCONER OF THE XVIII CENTURY In the uniform of the court of Louis XV. 1715-1774. ^ : o FRENCH. 89 171. CHAPPEVILLE (Pierre Clement de). Petit Traite de Fauconnerie : ou se trouvent les termes de cette espece de Chasse avec la maniere de bien tenir, soigner et trailer les Oiseaux, etc. Par P. C. de Chappeville, gentilhomme de la V^nerie du Roy. The editor of this reprint (sm. 8vo, pp. 1-28, including half- title and title) has confounded de Chappeville with the Sieur de la Briffardibre. It was the latter, not the former, who was " Gentilhomme de la Venerie du Roy," as we learn from de Chappeville himself in his original Preface (p. 15). The title adopted for the reprint is that which in the original is given in half-page at the commencement of the Traite de Fauconnerie^ P- ZH- 172. ANON. Amusements de la Chasse et de la Peche : ou Ton enseigne la maniere de prendre toute sorte d'oiseaux et d'animaux a quatre pieds, avec des instructions sur la Volerie, etc. Amsterdam et Leipzig. 1743. 2 vols. i2mo. First published in 1730, at Lyons, chez les Freres Bruyset, with the title Lart de toute sorte de Chasse et de Peche. Another edition appeared at Lyons in 1750, and one at Amsterdam in 1732, 2 vols. 1 2 mo, with the title Delices de la Campagne ou les Ruses de la Chasse et de la Peche. 173. LA CHESNAYE DES BOIS. Dictionnaire Universel d' Agriculture, de Jardinage, de Faucon- nerie, Chasse, Peche, en deux parties : . . . . la seconde donnant les regies pour la Volerie, la Chasse, et la Peche, et des remedes pour les Oiseaux de Fauconnerie, les chevaux, et les chiens de chasse dans leurs maladies. Paris, David. 1751. 2 vols. 4to. Le premier volume, 3 pp. prelim. 750 pp. et i p. de privilege; le deuxieme, un titre, 238 pp. qui finissent le dictionnaire 9 o BOOKS ON FAL CONR V. d'agriculture et la premiere partie de I'ouvrage ; plus un faux litre et 467 pp. d'une pagination speciale pour le Dictionnaire de Fauconnerie et de Chasse ; enfin 1 2 planches d^pliantes toutes se rapportant k la seconde partie terminant I'ouvrage. (Souhart.) 174. IiEROY. Les Articles "Fauconnerie" et "Fauconnier" dans "rEncyclopedie ou Dictionnaire Raisonn6 des Sciences et des Metiers/' par Diderot et D'Alembert (torn, iv.), et les articles "Vol" et " Volerie" (torn. xvii.). Paris. 1756. folio. In these articles, the author, who was a " lieutenant des chasses du pare de Versailles," has given some interesting details on the subject of Falconry, of which Buffon, and after him many others, took advantage. 175. LALLEMANT (Nicolas et Richard, freres). Bibliotheque historique et critique des Th^reutico- graphes [auteurs qui ont traite de la Chasse]. Rouen. 1763. 8vo. This useful bibliography, which includes the titles of a great many works in French and Latin on Falconry, occupies the first part (pp. i.-ccxxxvi.) of "Z'^co/e de la Chasse aux Chiens courans" par Le Verrier de la Conterie, Ecuyer, Seigneur d'Amigny. The authors' names do not appear on the title, except as printers, but are to be found at the end of the work, in the " Approbation " inserted by order of the Chancellor of France. From this work of Lallemant Frbres, the " Dictionnaire des Chasses, precdd^ d'une Bibliotheque historique et critique des ouvrages thereutiques anciens et modernes," par M. Baudrillart (Paris, 1834, 4to), was in a great measure compiled. (No. 188.) 176. SALERNE (Frangois). L'Histoire Natu- RELLE eclaircie dans une de ses parties principales, l'Ornithologie, qui traite des Oiseaux de terre, de mer, et de riviere, tant de nos climats que des pays etrangers. Paris, Debure. 1767. 4to. FRENCH. 91 This work, which is to some extent a translation of Ray's Synopsis Methodica Avium, 17 13, contains some unimportant remarks on the birds of prey employed by Falconers, and is chiefly noticeable for the engraved frontispiece by Martinet, in which the sports of hawking, and fishing with trained cormorants, are fairly represented. 177. CHAMPGRAND (Goury de). I. Traite de Venerie et des Chasses, scavoir ; du Cerf, du Daim, du Chevreuil, du Lievre, etc. 1 1. Traite de Chasse s9avoir Au fusil ; Pieges et Filets, etc. Essais de Fauconnerie, Remedes pour le maladies des Olseaux. De I'Autour- serie. Dictionnaire des Termes de Venerie, de Fau- connerie, et de toute espece de Chasse. Paris, chez Claude Jean Baptiste Merissant. 1769. 2 parties en I vol. 4to. Premiere edition dans laquelle le nom de I'auteur ne figure qu'au bas de la dedicace au Prince de Conti. Cette ouvrage est ainsi compose : Premiere partie — faux titre, titre, epitre dedicatoire, preface, table xii pages preliminairs ; texte 98 pp. et 22 gravures numerotdes de 1^22. Deuxieme partie — faux titre et titre non pagin^s, texte 99-208 pp., et 17 gravures de 23 a 39. (Souhart.) 178. OLINA (G. P.). Les Amusemens Innocens : contenant le traite des Oiseaux de Voliere, ou le parfait Oiseleur. Ouvrage dans lequel on trouve la description de quarante Oiseaux, la maniere de les elever, etc. Paris, Didot. 1774. 8vo. This is a translation from the well-known Italian " Uccel- liera" of Gio. Pietro Olina, 1622, in which may be found descriptions and illustrations of the mode of catching the Sparrowhawk, taking Partridges with the Goshawk, and employ- ing the Eagle Owl for Kite-hawking. (See Italian Authors. ) 92 BOOKS ON FALCONE V. 179. BULLIARD (M.). Aviceptologie Fran^aise ou Traits General de toutes les ruses dont on pent se servir pour prendre les Oiseaux. Avec figures. Paris. 1778. sm. 8vo. Second edition, Paris, 1783; others, 1795, ^796, 1808. Contains some useful suggestions for capturing hawks. In 1813 appeared a sixth edition revue, corrige, et augmente d'un traitd succinct du Rossignol .... suivi d'un petit traite general sur diverses chasses, par J. C[ussac]. Paris, 18 13, i2mo. 8th ed. 1820. 9th ed. 1821. A German edition, 1840. 180. CHANGRAN (M. de). Manuel du Chasseur ou Traite Portatif de Venerie et de Fauconnerie, etc. Precede d'un Calendrier perpetuel et suivi d'un Dic- tionnaire des termes de chasse, etc. Paris, Sangrain et Lamy. 1780. i2mo. This little manual, now of some rarity, has a history. It was originally published in Paris, in 1773, in i2mo, with the title Almanack du Chasseur, but without the author's name. The bookseller Royet, having secured some copies, erased the date and substituted his own name and address, which caused it to be subsequently quoted in catalogues as an " edition sans date." He suppressed also the two leaves of "approbation" and "privilege " containing the date and author's name, but omitted to suppress (or reprint) page 207, on which the date occurs ! Another Paris bookseller (Lamy), having acquired the re- mainder, made a new book of it, with the title Manuel du Chasseur, printing a new title-page, with the author's name and that of his own firm, bu suppressing the " avertissement " and *' privilege." To falconers at the present day it is more curious than useful. 181. LA CURNE DE SAINTE-PALAYE (J. B.). Memoires sur l'Ancienne Ciievalerie. Paris, Du- chesne. 1 78 1. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. This work, first published in 4to, Paris, 1753, appeared in FRENCH. 93 2 vols. 8vo in 1759, a 3rd vol., containing the ^^ Memoires historiques sur la chasse" being subsequently issued in 1781. It is in this third volume that we find some interesting his- torical notices of Falconry, and an extract from the poem on Hawking by Gace de la Eigne (No. 143). A two volume octavo edition, edited by Charles Nodier, was published in Paris (De Longchamps), in 1829. 182. HUBER (M.). Observations sur le Voldes OiSEAUX de Proie, par M. Huber de Geneve. Accom- pagnees de figures dessinees par I'auteur. A Geneve, chez Paul Barde. 1784. 4to. This treatise, illustrated with six folding plates, is restricted to an elucidation of the different modes of flight in the long- winged falcons and the short-winged hawks {les oiseaux raineurs et les oiseaux voiliers). Being communicated by the author to Mauduyt, it served the latter as a basis for his article " Fauconnerie " in his " Encyclopedic M^thodique," published in Paris the same year. From an observation by Huber (p. 44), it would seem that he had prepared a more extensive work on Falconry, which was never published. 183. BTJCHOZ (Pierre Joseph). Les Agremens DES Campagnards dans la Chasse des Oiseaux, et le Plaisir des Grands Seigneurs dans les Oiseaux de Fauconnerie. Paris. 1784. sm. 8vo. Almost all that this author has to say on the subject of Falcomy is taken from the Dictionnaire Theorique et Pratique de Chasse, the editor of which in turn compiled his remarks from Tardif, d'Arcussia, and other writers who had preceded him. In the chapter on Heron-hawking, Buchoz states (p. 172) that in 1723 the Emperor Charles VI. took a heron which was found to have on one leg a ring which had been attached by Ferdinand III. in 165 1. This was removed and a new one substituted, and the bird once more restored to liberty. " It must have been at least 72 years old when it was captured for the second time," unless on the first occasion some one, for a joke, attached an old ring instead of a new one. 94 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 184. DOISY(M.). TONSETMANIERESDESONNERALA Chasse avec des fanfares . . . suivis d'un Dictionnaire a I'usage des chasseurs et contenant tous les termes, explications, et expressions relatives a la Venerie, la Fauconnerie, etc. Paris. 1804. <^t)l. 4to. 185. DESGRAVIERS (Auguste). Le Parfait Chasseur : ou I'art du valet de limier, augmente d'un traite de Venerie pour toutes les Chasses, meme celle du Vol. Paris. 18 10. 8vo. Contains (pp. 298-313) some details on Falconry, and a glossary of technical terms employed by falconers. Baron de Noirmont cites an edition of 1804 (Preface to Boissoudan, Melanges Soc. Bibl. Fran(^ats, 1866), but the author protests {Avant-propos^ 18 10) that this was printed without his consent. 186. ANON. Articles "Chasse" et " Fauconne- rie " dans /'j5'«^jj/r/.j7/^<3f2> tJ///^^^^'^?^^. Paris. 1811. 4to. The illustrations show the old form of the hood, perch, block, and other accessories used by French falconers at the end of the last and commencement of the present century. A folio edition, not mentioned by Brunei, is in the possession of the writer. 187. DUPRE (A.). L'Ornithocunomachie, ou Combats des Oiseaux et des Chiens. Poeme en cinq chants avec des notes et une table explicative par Alphonse Dupre. Paris, de rimprimerie Baucher. 1819. 8vo. Not seen. Probably one of those quaint compositions, like the Debat des deux Dames of Cretin (No. 144), or that in the Livre du Roy Modus (No. 138), so fashionable in former days, wherein the champions of Hawking and Hunting vied with each other in singing the praises of their respective sports. FRENCH. 95 1 88. BAXJDRILLART (J. J.). Traite General DEs Eaux et Forj&ts, Grasses et Peches. Paris, Bertrand. 1821-24. 3 vols. 4to. 3" partie : " Dictionnaire des Chasses," contenant I'histoire de la Chasse chez different nations ; le precis des ouvrages anciens et modernes qui en ont traite ; la description des animaux qui font I'objet de la grande et de la petite chasse, etc. Paris, Bertrand, 1834, 410. La partie bibliographique revue par de Quingeryait ete prise en grande partie dans Lallemant (No. 17). 189. CTJISIN (M. V. P.). L'EcoLE du Chasseur sulvie d'un Traite de Oisellerie, la Peche, et les nouveaux Fusils, etc Manuel aussi instructif qu'amusant, .... offrant a la fois un Abrege de Fau- roNNERiE, un Gode de Venerie, et . . . . ruses du Chasseur, etc. Paris. 1822. i2mo. A small volume of some rarity, though a compilation of little merit. 190. GRANDJEAN (J. J.). Secrets de la Chasse aux Giseaux par M. G. [Grandjean]. Paris. 1826. 1 2mo. Scarce : not seen. Cited by Souhart. Another edition with altered title, thus : Secrets anciens et modernes de la Chasse aux OiSEAUX par J. J. G. amateur. Paris. 1838. i6mo. A third edition, Paris, 1850, i6mo. 191. HUZARD (Jean Baptiste). Notes Biblio- GRAPHiQUES, concemant les ceuvres du Due de Nardo (Belisaire Aquaviva) sur la Venerie et la Fauconnerie. Paris. 1835. 8vo. Brochure de 1 6 pp. seulement, mais fort interessant 96 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 192. ANON. La Chasse au Faucon, manuscrit du xvi^ siecle, public dans le Feuilleton du "Journal de Paris" de 26 Juillet 1838. Cited by Schlegel (No. 1 94). I have long inquired in vain for this. M. P. A. Pichot, who, after much trouble, has lately discovered in Paris a copy in the Library of the Senate at the Luxembourg, has been good enough to send me the following note : — "Get article du 'Journal de Paris' est sans aucune espece d'importance, et il est etonnant qu'il soit cite par Schlegel. Le soi-disant Manuscrit me parait apocryphe ; on ne cite ni sa provenance, ni son auteur; I'article lui meme n'est pas signe. .... S'il y a vraiment en un Manuscrit du xvi^ Siecle il a ete defigure; car plusieurs phrases ne sont pas dans le style de I'dpoque." 193. ANON. La Fauconnerie : Chasse au Vol. Quelques details sur les Faucons et I'art de les dresser a la chasse. La Haye, W. P. van Stockum. 1840. sm. 8vo. This brochure of 21 pp. had its origin at The Hague on the foundation, in 1839, of the Loo Hawking Club, described by the anonymous author as " Une socidte d'hommes distingues, com- posde de Neerlandais, d' Anglais et de Frangais, constitute en HoUande, afin de faire revivre la fauconnerie dans notre patrie, avec I'agrement de sa Majeste, sur les bruyeres avoisinant au palais du Loo en Gueldre." A list of the original members of this Club, twenty- seven in number, is given on the last page. Of these, the following names appear in the " Section Anglaise " : — Mr. C Stuart Wortley, the Duke of Leeds, Lord VVilloughby d'Eresby, Mr. E. C. Newcome, Mr. W. Newcome, Sir Joseph Copley, Col. Dawson Damer, Mr. Evelyn Denison, and Lord Cranston. The sole represent- ative of the " Section Frangaise " on the formation of the Club was Baron A. d'Offemont, the Section Neerlandaise comprising seventeen members. In 1850, under the patronage of their Majesties the King and Queen of Holland, the members num- bered fifty-five. For details of their sport, see Schlegel. I Tr FRENCH. 97 194. SCHLEGEL (H.) and WULVERHORST (A. H. Verster de). Traite de Fauconnerie. Leiden et Dusseldorf, chez Arnz et Comp. 1844-53. Atlas folio. The finest work on Falconry which has ever been produced ; not only on account of the beauty of the plates, wherein the hawks are depicted life-size and of the natural colours, but also for the general accuracy of the letterpress, which was written by the late Prof. H. Schlegel, of Leiden. Exclusive of the " Tide " (which is surrounded with a series of vignettes illustrative of scenes in the life of a hawk), " Dedication " to the King of Holland (William III.), and " Avant-Propos," it contains 90 pp. of text, followed by vi. pp. devoted to a " Catalogue Raisonn^ des Ouvrages de Fauconnerie," one page for " Explication des Planches," and one page for " Index." The "Catalogue Raisonne" (pp. i-vi.), although extensive as compared with previous lists of the kind, is conspicuously deficient in regard to the titles of English and French works on Falconry; not because many of these were published after Schlegel's " Traits " had appeared (which would of course have been a sufficient reason for omitting them), but because they were evidently unknown to him. Of those which he does cite, the titles are often defective, having been apparently copied " with all faults " from. Hammer Purgstall and the inaccurate Kreysig. Exclusive of the ornamented title-page above referred to, there are 16 folio plates, 2 of which are illustrative of Heron Hawking at the Loo, in 1844, with portraits of contemporary falconers ; 2 others contain figures of hoods, jesses, lure, and other accessories ; and the remaining 12 give life-sized coloured figures of the hawks employed by falconers, admirably drawn by Joseph Wolf and J. B. Sonderland. On the sale of Prof. Schlegel's books at Leiden after his death the present writer secured the author's own copy of this fine work, and the original water-colour drawings for the plates were purchased, partly by the Zoological Society of Amsterdam, partly by M. Pierre A. Pichot of Paris, in whose libraries they are now preserved. The work was originally published in 3 parts, between 1844 and 1853, costing 55 th. (2iof., or £,Z 8s.), a value which it has ever since justly maintained. See note to No. 221. G 98 BO OKS ON FAL CONR Y. 195. ANON. Le Menagier de Paris. Trait6 de morale et d'^conomie domestique, compost vers 1393 par un Bourgeois Parisien, contenant des preceptes moraux, etc., un Traite sur la Chasse a I'Epervier, etc. Public par la Soci^td des Bibliophiles Fran9ais, par les soins du Baron J. Pichon. Paris. 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. Of interest to falconers on account of the treatise (vol. ii. pp. 279-326) on training the Sparrow-hawk, with a facsimile illustration. La chasse a tkpervier en 1379. 196. LA CROIX (Paul) et SERE (Ferdinand). Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance. Paris. 1848-51. 5 vols. 4to. In vol. i., a section {Chasse, fol. xiii.-xxii.) is devoted to Fauconnerie^ in which are some interesting historical details, with illustrations from old MSS. and engravings, eight of which are from the " Livre du Roy Modus" (No. 138). " 197. VAN DER DUYSE (P.). Droits du MaItre Fauconnier de Flandre. Ordonnance au sujet des Veneurs. Gand. 1853. ^vo. Extrait de 5 pp. des " Annales de la Soci^t6 Royale des Beaux Arts et de la Litt^rature de Gand." 198. GALESLOOT (A. L.). Recherciies His- TORiQUEs sur LA Maison DE Chasse des Ducs de Brabant et le I'ancienne Cour de Bruxelles. Par A. L. Galesloot. Bruxelles et Leipzig. 1854. sm. 8vo. Dela Fauconnerie, pp. 188-204. " La renomm^e des faucons des Pays-Bas ^tait si grande en ce temps (1595) <^u'il fallait continuellement en envoyer k la cour de Madrid " [voir la lettre de Philippe II. k I'archiduc Ernest, gouverneur des Pays- Bas, p. 196]. " L'usage d'envoyer des faucons en Espagne fut observe jusqu'k la fin du dix-septibme si^cle. Chaque annee, quatre fauconniers partaient pour Madrid avec 32 faucons, FRENCH. 99 qu'ils presentaient au grand fauconnier d'Espagne qui les ofFrait au roi. Comme ces faucons ^taient naturellement de grand prix, et qu'ils ^taient dresses avec soin, on prenait une singu- li^re precaution pour empecher que, durant le trajet, on ne leur en substituat d'autres. Le grand fauconnier des Pays-Bas coupait k chacun des oiseaux, une plume de I'aile ; ces plumes etaient envoydes par lui au grand fauconnier d'Espagne, afin qu'il pfit les confronter avec les faucons, k leur arrivee k la cour de Madrid. Lk, les fauconniers recevaient un certilicat constatant qu'ils s'etaient bien acquittds de leur mission. Jamais il n'y avait de plaintes au sujet des faucons presentes au roi d'Espagne ; I'education de ceux-ci faisait le plus grand honneur aux fauconniers braban^ons, surtout k la famille Robbrechts. Mais aussi la cour de Bruxelles n'dpargnait rien pour de procurer de bons oiseaux. Chaque annee, pour ainsi dire, elle en faisait chercher par ses fauconniers dans les pays du Nord, dans le Milanais, dans le royaume de Naples, en Sicile, en Grece, et jusque dans I'ile de Candie. II n'est done pas etonnant que la fauconnerie Beige ait joui d'une si grand celebrity dans les pays voisins. On pretent meme que du temps de Louis XIII., les seigneurs Frangais, envoyaient leur fauconniers au Pays-Bas pour y apprendre leur art ; c'etait dans la Campine surtout qu'on trouvait d'habiles fauconniers " (p. 198). 199. DAUMAS (General E.). Les Chevaux du Sahara et les moeurs du desert. Avec des commen- taires par rEmir Abd-el-Kader. Paris. 1862. 8vo. Includes " La Chasse de - I'Autruche, de la Gazelle, et La Chasse au Faucon." In 1863 an English translation appeared with the following title : The Horses of the Sahara and the Manners of the Desert, by E. Daumas, General of Division commanding at Bordeaux. With Commentaries by the Emir Abd-el-Kader. Trans- lated from the French by James Hutton ; the only authorised translation. London, W. H. Allen. 1863. 8vo. pp. 355. Hawking, pp. 270-280. General Daumas published in 1855 an article in the "Bulletin de la Socidld d'Acclimatation " sur les Chevaux du Sahara, 100 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. in which will be found sundry observations on Falconry, as practised by the Arabs. 200. CHENU (J. C.) et DES MURS (O.). La Fauconnerie ancienne et moderne. Paris, Hachette. 1862. i2mo. A pocket volume of 176 pages, illustrated with woodcuts. Some copies are coloured. In the " Observations sur le vol des Oiseaux" (pp. 121-149), the authors have reproduced the greater part of Ruber's work (No. 182) with reduced copies of his illustrations. The woodcut on p. 40, which is lettered ^^ Faucon sur une Gazelle (faprh une ancienne gravure" vs, copied from the plate of a Goshawk and Gazelle, by Joseph Wolf, which forms the frontispiece to Burton's work, published in 1852 (No. 66). 201. PICHON (Baron Jerome). Du traite de Fauconnerie, compos6 par Temp^reur Frederic II., de ses manuscrits, de ses editions, et traductions. Paris. 1 864. 8vo. An admirable commentary, published originally in Techener's " Bulletin du Bibliophile." A few copies were separately printed, of which one is in the collection of the writer. 202. BOISSOUDAN (Jacques Elie Manceau, Seigneur de). Methode pour dresser et faire voler les Oyseaux pour le vol de la Perdrix. Ou il enseigne a bien tenir les Oyseaux, etc. Par Mon- sieur de Boissoudan. Dedie a ceux qui aiment la Fauconnerie. \c. 1745.] a Niort, chez Robin et L. Favre, Imprimeurs, Rue Saint Jean. 1864. 4^0. This treatise, composed by a gentleman of Poitou, about the year 1745, was only published for the first time at the end of an edition of " La Vdnerie," de Jacques du Fouilloux, in 1 864. Two years later it was edited by Baron Pichon, and printed, with other rare treatises {e.g., Mouret's Chasse du Roy, 1725), in the Melanges de Littcrature et d'Histoire, rdcueillis et publi(^s par la FRENCH. loi Societe des Bibliophiles Frangais." It is there entitled *' Le Fauconnier parfait : ou viethode pour dresser et faire voler les Oiseaux." The author, having read most of the works of his predecessors relating to Hawking, and having been instructed by some of the best falconers of his day, spent seventeen years in the practice of this art before writing anything on the subject — a great recommendation. His treatise conveys a good idea of the state of Falconry in the i8th century in Poitou, where the native Goshawk was much used. 203. D'ESTERNO (M.). Du Vol des Oiseaux. Indication des sept lois du vol ram^ et des huit lois du vol a voiles. Paris, Librairie Nouvelle. 1865. 8vo. The terms vol rame and vol d voiles, of which the distinctive characters are given pp. 73-77, are adopted from Huber, ** Observations sur le vol des Oiseaux de Proie," published at Geneva, in 4to, 1784. The author says : — " II y a plus de trente ans que j'ai com- mence mes observations sur le vol des Oiseaux ; c'est par une imitation et non par une description que je comptais en presenter les resultats." A second edition appeared in 1874. 204. BERTHET (Elie). Le Fauconnier. Paris. Degorce-Cadot, sans date (1865 ou 66 ?). i6mo. Not seen ; probably from its size of no importance. 205. GLOUVET (Le Chevalier de). Histoires DES ViEux Temps. Extraits du Manuscrit de I'ecuyer Loys de Cussiere, gentilhomme Angevin: Revus et publics par son petit-neveu le chevalier de Glouvet. Saumur, Paul Godet. 1866. sm. 8vo. Amongst the chapters in this volume is one of special interest to Falconers, entitled Chdtelaitiie de la Tessoualle et la belle Faucon- nerie dHcelle (pp. 83-116), in which is given a minute description of a hawking establishment in the 15th century. The author, who lived about 1470, thus expresses himself in I02 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. his " Prime-proupos'' {Avant propos, p. 46), the only portion of the work in which the style and orthography of the period has been reproduced by the editor : — " Plus oultre ay privement commerce avecques des plus grans comme avecques du plus menu ; ay veu courre plus d'ung cerf, et faict voler plus d'ung hobereau, et somme, ay cueilly bien des fruictz k bien des arbres de tout fueillaige." 206. DUNOYER DE NOIRMONT (Baron). His- TOIRE DE LA Chasse EN France, depuis Ics tcmps les plus recules jusqu'a la Revolution. Paris, V""' Bouchard- Huzard. 1867-68. 3 vols. 8vo. An admirable work, full of historical research on Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, and Shooting as pursued in France from the earliest times to the Revolution. The third volume contains (pp. 69-200) a section on Falconry, abounding with interesting historical details. 207. PICHOT (Pierre Amedee). La Fauconnerie en Angleterre et en France a notre epoque. Paris. 1865. 8vo. Reprinted from the "Revue Britannique," Oct. 1865. This excellent article, which contains many interesting details relating to the practice of Falconry in Europe in the 19th cen- tury, has been quoted at length by M. Magaud D'Aubusson (No. 211), and forms the basis of the following publication : — 208. PICHOT (Pierre Amedee). Les Oiseaux de Sport: La Chasse au Faucon, et la Peche au Cormoran. Paris, Librairie du Jardin d'Acclimatation. 1875. 1 2mo. A little volume of 48 pp. illustrated with 15 woodcuts, in which will be found many interesting details concerning the Loo Hawk- ing Club (1840-53), the Champagne Hawking Club (1865-68), and the hawking stud of the Maharajah Duleep Singh maintained at Elveden Hall, Thetford, between the years 1856 and 1864. 209. LA CROIX (Paul). Moeurs Usages et FRENCH. 103 Costumes au Moyen Age et a I'epoque de la Renais- sance. Paris, Firmin Didot et Cie. 187 1. 4to. In this work already referred to under the head of the English translation (No. 76), we find a section '■'■Chasse: Venerie et Fauconnerie" pp. 191-232, the portion on Falconry occupying pp. 212-232 with a dozen illustrations, eight of which are from the Livre du Roi Modus. 210. CHARAVAY (Etienne). Etude sur la Chasse a l'oiseau au Moyen Age. Une Fauconnerie Princiere et i'education des Faucons, d'apres des docu- ments inedits du XIV^ siecle et du XV*. Paris. 1873. ^^y- ^vo- A beautifully printed volume with title in red and black, of which only 100 numbered copies were published, that in the writer's possession being No. 72. It contains many interesting historical details relative to falconry in the Middle Ages, with folding plates of facsimile drawings from MSS. of the 14th and 15 th centuries. 211. D'ATJBUSSON (L. Magaud). La Faucon- nerie AU Moyen Age et dans les temps modernes. Recherches Historiques, Didactiques et Naturelles : accompagnees de pieces justificatives. Paris. 1879. 8vo. A work which no student of the history of Falconry should neglect. Amongst the Pihes Justificatives at the end of the volume will be found a chronological list of the Grand Falconers of France ; extracts showing the expenses attending the main- tenance of hawking in France, from the Household Accounts of Francois I., Henri I., Charles IX., Henri IV., Louis XIII., Louis XIV., Louis XV. and Louis XVI. j the state of Falconry at the Court of France in 1785, etc. etc. 212. PHARAON (Florian). Sid Mohamed el Mangali. Traite de Venerie traduit de I'Arabe par I04 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Florian Pharaon, avec une Introduction par M. le Marquis G. de Cherville. Tire a 300 exemplaires numerot^s. Paris. 1880. 8vo. A most interesting treatise, of which the Arabic as well as the French text is given. A review of it will be found in Harting, No. 79, pp. 362-370. It contains a description of the Syrian method of taming and training hawks. The Saker is particularly mentioned as a bird of double passage, and several varieties are noticed. There is a chapter on the first man who ever tamed the Saker, and another on the mode of taking the Ostrich with Sakers. Other Eastern falcons are described, with remarks on their qualifications and peculiarities. Some useful advice, evidently derived from experience, is given in regard to the feed- ing of Hawks, and the management of them on a journey. 213. PICARD (Etienne). La Venerie et la Fauconnerie des Dues de Bourgogne, d'apres des documents inedits. Par Etienne Picard, Sous-In- specteur des Forets. Paris. 1881. roy. 8vo. An admirably printed memoir of 128 pp. with title in red and black, of which only 100 separate copies were issued. It was originally published in the " Memoires de la Societe Eduenne " (n.s. torn, ix.), and conveys a good idea of the vast territorial possessions of the former Dukes of Burgundy, and of the splen- dour of the hunting and hawking establishments maintained in France during the 14th and 15th centuries. A folding map shows the forests of this ducal domain, and indicates, in addition, the keepers' lodges and the " meets." 214. HOLLAND (Eugene). Faune Populaire de LA France. Tome vl Les Oiseaux domestiques, et la Fauconnerie. Noms vulgaires, Dictons, Proverbes, Legendes, Contes et Superstitions. Paris, Maison- neuve. 1883. 8vo. The pages relating to Falconry (pp. 195-224) include expla- nations of the technical terms relating to the art, synonyms in FRENCH. 105 German, Spanish, and Italian, and occasionally derivations, e.g'.^ *' on I'appelle cr'eance parcequ'on rameine I'oiseau "k croire et k obdir au leurre" (D'Arcy, Diet. Fran<^ois-Flaman, 1699). 215. SOUHART (R.). BiBLIOGRAPHIE GENERALE DES ouvRAGES SUR LA Chasse, la V^neHe et la Faucon- nerie, Paris. 1886. roy. 8vo. A most useful work of reference, but very incomplete as regards Falconry, and especially the English, Spanish, and Italian litera- ture of the subject. 216. SOURBETS (Georges). La Chasse au Vol avec les petltes especes. Notions pratiques de Fau- connerie dedi^es aux debutants. Niort. 1885. 4to. In this brochure the author claims to have set down all neces- sary and sufficient instruction for taming and training the Merlin, Hobby, Kestrel (if wanted), and Sparrow-hawk. In carrying out these instructions, he says, the reader *' may attain, unaided and with very little expense, the most practical and conclusive results, and thereby encourage the taste for a sport formerly held in high esteem by our ancestors, and one of which to the present day in Europe the English alone have preserved the rules and practice." With this pretty compliment, which it is to be hoped may not be lost upon those for whom it is intended, he proceeds to summarise the results of his own experience in what may be termed an " elementary course," which has since been followed by a more comprehensive treatise, written by the same author in conjunction with M. de Saint Marc. 217. SOURBETS (G.) et SAINT MARC (C. de). Precis de Fauconnerie : contenant les indications necessaires pour affaiter et gouverner les principaux Oiseaux de Vol: suivi de I'education du Cormoran. Ouvrage ornd de planches hors texte. Niort, 1887. 8vo. In this joint work, which is illustrated with woodcuts, we find, embodied, in ten chapters and less than a hundred and fifty pages, io6 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. a neat summary of nearly all that is necessary to be known in order to tame, train, and fly a hawk successfully, whether " long winged " or " short winged," a '* bird of the lure" or a " bird of the fist." The distinguishing characters are pointed out of the Peregrine, Merlin, Hobby, Kestrel, Goshawk, and Sparrow-hawk, and the authors indicate the different kinds of " quarry " at which each may be flown with success. The Lanner and Saker (so well known in the East) are passed over as being seldom procur- able in France, and requiring treatment not very dissimilar to that of other long-winged hawks. The eagle, notwithstanding its present employment in Russia and Tartary for taking hares and foxes, is condemned as being too heavy to carry with comfort, and difficult to manage on account of its great power of fasting. The instructions given for bringing up young hawks from the nest are clear and to the point ; but the advice given as regards the management of " passage hawks " is at variance with the practice adopted by English falconers, and by the Dutch hawk -catchers by whom they are procured. The chapter on " Hygiene and General Management " contains some useful hints founded evidently upon experience, and the advice given in regard to the treatment of hawks while moulting is good and to the point. In most of the old works on falconry page after page is occupied with recipes for the cure of diseases, real or imaginary, most of them very quaint, and many of them, probably, highly dan- gerous. These fanciful directions are never followed by modern falconers, who do not recognise a tithe of the maladies enumer- ated by ancient authors, and who know, moreover, how to cure the few ailments to which hawks are undoubtedly liable in a much more simple and efficacious manner. It is to these only that allusion is made in the present volume. One more feature in the book ought not to pass unnoticed — namely, the extracts which are given from letters addressed to the authors by several English and French falconers, and which contain some useful advice and information. 2 1 8. rOYE (G.). Manuel Pratique du Faucon- NiER DU XIX^ SiECLE. Contenant tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour dresser les Faucons et Autours a la chasse au vol des Perdreaux, Faisans, Canards, Lievres, , FRENCH. 107 Lapins, etc. Par G. Foye. Illustrations par Albert Bettanier. Paris. 1886. sm. 4to. In the manual of M. Foye we have another modern aid to the practice of falconry. It is dedicated to the Comte de Paris, and the introduction contains all the names known to the author of living French falconers. Some of the extracts which are given from the old masters might well have been omitted, especially those having reference to hawks which are no longer used in any part of France or England, and which it would be almost im- possible to procure. Modern descriptions, too, of the species now in vogue would be preferable to old ones, as being more intelligible. But, apart from these objections, it is evident that M. Foye can claim to write authoritatively on the manage- ment of hawks, since the advice which he gives is based not only on what he has read, but on what he has learned by experience. This has been gained chiefly with the Goshawk and Sparrow-hawk, and his instructions for training these birds will, therefore, be useful to those desirous of taking up this branch of the sport. With a female Goshawk which he trained, he killed during the first season (1884) 322 rabbits, three hares, and two magpies; and the following season 280 rabbits, two leverets, eleven par- tridges, four magpies, and two squirrels. 219. BELVALLETTE (Alfred). Traite d'Autour- SERiE. lllustre de vingt gravures et vignettes par Ernest Orange. Paris. 1887. sm. 4to. In this country we use the term falconry in a somewhat wider sense than is the case in France, including thereby every kind of flight with a hawk, whatever may be its species. French fal- coners apply the XQXTCifauconnerie only to flights with the long- winged hawks (Peregrine, MerUn, Hobby, and Jerfalcon), flights with the short- winged Goshawk {autour) and Sparrow-hawk {tpervier) coming under the expressive and very convenient term autour serie. To this branch of sport M. Belvallette has devoted an entire volume, albeit a small one, nicely printed, and illustrated with a dozen full-page plates and some pretty text cuts, which, if not always original (we recognise the work of both English and Japanese artists), are appropriate and fairly accurate. M. Belvallette is well known in France as a skilful falconer, and 1 08 BOOKS ON FALCONR Y. he writes with a thorough knowledge of his subject. On this account his Httle book commends itself at once as being thor- oughly practical. 220. CERFON (C). De la Basse Volerie et du dressage pratique de I'Autour et de I'Epervier. Avec 36 gravuresdont 18 hors texte. Vincennes. 1887. 8vo. Dealing solely with the management of the Goshawk and Sparrow-hawk, this treatise possesses the novelty of being illus- trated with Japanese figures reproduced from the Ehon iaka kaganii (which see, under Japanese authors). The appearance of so many French books on Hawking within the last decade augurs well for the maintenance of this time-honoured sport. 221. PICHOT (Pierre Amedee). Exposition Uni- verselle Internationale de 1889 a Paris. Fauconnerie. Catalogue Illustr6. Avec ** La Fauconnerie d'autrefois et la Fauconnerie, d'aujourd'hui " conference faite a la Soci6t6 Nationale d'Acclimatation le 21 Mars, 1890, par M. Pierre Amedee Pichot. Paris, Librairie Leopold Cerf. 1890. 4to. In this the latest French publication on the subject, we have an illustrated Catalogue of the contents of the Falconry Court at the Paris Exhibition, 1889, including several portraits of Falconers from photographs or old pictures, representations of the sport from Blaine's "Rural Sports "(No. 63), and figures of two eagles trained for hawking, namely (i) a Golden Eagle, belong- ing to M. Paul Gervais of Rosoy, par Acy-en-Multien, brought from Turkestan by M. Benoit Maichin, and trained to kill hares and foxes, and (2) a Bonelli's Eagle, belonging to M. Edmond Barrachin of Ermont par Harblay, procured with another in Spain, and trained to kill rabbits. Two of the most useful plates are the outline illustrations on pp. 21, 22, forming a key to the portraits contained in the large folio plates of Heron-hawking in Schlegel's fine work (No, 194). The lecture on Ancient and Modern Falconry (pp. 49-92) contains much information that will repay perusal. PROVENCAL. 109 IprovencaL 222. DEUDES DE PRADES. Dels Auzels Cassadors [Les Oiseaux Chasseurs. Poeme en Pro- vengal de la fin du XI P ou commencement du XI IP siecle]. The author of this poem was a troubadour, a native of Prades near Rodez (Aveyron), who, according to Raynouard {Choix des Fohtes originales des Troubadours, 1816-1821, torn. v. 1820, p. 126), was a man of talent and natural good sense, and knew a great deal about Hawks. E si soup moult la natura dels Auzels prendedors. From his poem we may learn how to know a good Goshawk — Cossi den horn conoisser austor sa ; and a good Sparrow-hawk — Cossi den hom conoisser esparvier de bonas faissos. Other verses treat of De cantas maneiras so" I falco Esmerillos e de lurs conoissensas Cals hom deu tener auzel. .... Cant au- zel afebre (quand I'oiseau a fievre), etc. Under the heading D esperimens dauzels we find reference to some which the author says were set forth in a book written by Henry I. King of England, who loved hawks and hounds better than any one : *' En un libre del ret Enric D' Angleterra, lo pros e'l ric Que amet plus auzels e cds Que nonfes auc nuill crest ids Trobei d azautz esperimens " Of the book here referred to no MS. is known to exist, although Deudes de Prades must have seen a copy not long after the death of the royal author. Baron de Noirmont observes {Hist, de la Chasse en France, iii. p. 90) : " On trouve dans ce poeme des traces manifestes de I'oeuvre du faux Symmachus, probablement ant^rieur k Vincent de Beau- vais (contemporain d' Albert) et Brunetto Latini (le celebre gram- marien Florentin du 13^ siecle) et notre plus ancien traits de fau^onnerie en langue vulgaire." no BOOKS ON FALCONRY. See also Galvani, Osservazioni sulla Poesia de Trovate, 8vo, Modena, 1829, and an article by M. G Azais in vol. viii. of Xht Journal des Chasseurs. Catalan* 223. SYMMACHUS (Aquila) et THEODOTIO Epistola Aquilse Symmachi et Theodotionis ad Ptolemaeum regem -^gypti De Re Accipitraria, Catalanica lingua. Lutetiae. 161 2. 4to. This apocryphal letter, said to have been addressed to a certain Ptolemy King of Egypt by Aquila Symraachus and Theodotio, is cited by Albertus Magnus in his treatise de Falconibus, 1478. The original Latin MS. has been lost, and the treatise is now only known through the version in lingua Catalanica printed by Rigault in his Rei Accipitraria. Scriptores pp. 183-200, and the Excerpta ex libra incerti auctoris de naturd rerum, printed in the same collection (pp. 201-2 11). It has been characterised by Baron de Noirmont {op. cit.) as "/(? plus ancien traits de fauconnerie en langue vulgaire," and treats of the different kinds of hawks used by falconers, the diseases to which they are subject, and the remedies recommended for them. It commences : — " Assi comensa lo libre dell nudrimeiit he de la cura dels ocels los quals sepertaye ha cassa Gran Emperador & Senyor tu as manat "k nos servidors teus fer obra brev & profitable dels ozels del libre dels antics trans- latant ab diligencia. Et nos obediens k la tua volentat ajustatz ensems atorgan brevm6t la tua demanda. E volen la tua altea saber que diverses son les maneres dels ocels d'cassa, & diverses son lurs malauties he moltes, per asso lurs son neces- saries les medecines." Under the heading Del nudriment dell Sperver — i.e., the Sparrow-hawk — is the following curious observation (p. 186), which I have not found noticed by any other writer on SPANISH. If I Falconry : — " Esperver pres del niu, si al matin es pris lexal endurar tro almigdia, mas si es pres la nuyt, endrire tro ala tercia dell seguen jom." These extracts will serve to convey an idea of the language in which this treatise is written — a curious mixture of French and Spanish. The longest chapter, " De les malaties he de les medecines des ocels specialment de Falcon" (pp. 190-196), contains several of the quaint recipes which characterise so many of the old works on Falconry in different languages. Spantsb. 224. SANCHO VI. (El Sabio). Los Paramientos DE LA Caza. [1180.] Reglements sur la Chasse en g6n6ral par Don Sancho le Sage, Roi de Navarre, publies en I'annee 11 80. Avec Introduction et Notes du traducteur, H. Castillon d'Aspet. Paris. 1874. i2mo. This code of regulations relating to the chace was promulgated in 1 1 80 by Sancho VI., the wise King of Navarre. Written upon parchment, it has ever since been preserved amongst the archives of the ancient city of Pamplona, where, after the lapse of 700 years, it has, through the labours of M. Castillon, been carefully transcribed and printed. With the exception of the English Forest Laws of King Canute (loi 7-1036), it is believed to be the oldest as well as the most complete code of the kind in existence. According to M. Castillon, the earliest document of this character in France is dated 1321, or nearly a century and a half later than that of King Sancho. Le Livre des deduicts de chasse de Gaston Phoebus, Comte de Foix, et Vicomte de B^arn, was composed some years before the Ordounance of 1396 which formed the foundation of all French legislation on the subject, and it is curious to note the close resemblance which the work of the French noble bears to that of his Spanish 1 1 2 BOOKS ON FALCONE Y. predecessor, not only in several parallel passages, but in the use of many words evidently of Spanish origin. This is probably , to be explained by the fact that, having espoused the sister of Carlos II., King of Navarre, whose territory adjoined his own, he was doubtless often at the castle of Pamplona, where the MS. of the Paramientos of King Sancho was deposited, and where he would, therefore, have opportunity of consulting it. Furnishing, as it does, an important chapter in the history of the chace in Spain, this code is of considerable interest. After dealing with certain preliminaries, and the religious ceremony which always preceded a royal hunting, the Paramientos, or Regulations, relate to the weapons to be used in the chace, the costumes to be worn, the distinction between large and small game, the formation of packs of hounds, the order of procedure on a hunting day, and the ceremonies and fetes which brought it to a close. Besides this, there are several sections which relate to hawking. From these it appears that the hawks used in Navarre at this period (1180) were the Falcon, the Goshawk (Azfor), and the Sparrow-hawk {Gavilan). They were taken young from the nest, and reared in the hawk-house {halconera), fed upon meal-paste [harina de trigd) mixed with the flesh of birds {aif), such as pigeons, partridges, or water-hens [gallinas agua), cut up small ; less paste being given as the hawk grew older, until at length it was strong enough to be fed twice a day on beef o mutton. When a month old, the training commenced, and for this directions are given. It is to be remarked that (contrary to modern practice) the old Spanish falconers, by slowly drawing the lure towards them when seized by their hawks, and calling them with a whistle {chiflo), gradually taught them to retrieve the quarry before breaking in to it. The Goshawk {Aztor) is stated to be more easily trained than a Falcon, from which observation M. Castillon erroneously draws the conclusion that the hawk called Aztor must have been a Merlin, the Spanish name for which is Esmerejon. (See p. 127.) The detention, or theft, of a trained hawk was punishable by fine, which was greater for a Goshawk than for a Falcon, and heavier still if the hawk had moulted. Of this fine half went to the king, the other half to the owner or the informer. Until the end of the 17th century Falcons were annually im- ported into Spain from the Netherlands. See note to Galesloot (No. 198). SPANISH. 113 225. EL REY D ANGUS. Libre dels Falcoes. MS. del siglo xiv. Although the present bibliography is designed to include only such works relating to Falconry as have been printed, it is of interest to note in connection with the celebrated Livre du Roi Dancus (No. 139) that there exists in the collection of Sr. D. Jos^ Lopez de Ayala a MS. translation in Spanish referable to the fourteenth century. It is described by Senores De Uhagon and De Leguina in their " Estudios Bibliograficos : La Caza," p. 22 (1888). See also the Italian edition by Zambrini (No. 296). 226. JUAN MANUEL (El Principe Don). Libro de la Caza del Principe Don Juan Manuel Fijo del Muy Noble Infante Don Manuel Adelantado Mayor de la Frontera et del Reino de Murcia, que fabla de las na- turas de las Falcones : de commo se deben conoscer por talle, et por faciones, et por plumage, etpor empen- nolamiento : de commo se deben amansar et criar, et facer sennaleros, garceros, etc., de las purgas et las melecinas : de qu6 cazas hd et qu6 logares, etc. [1325.] Madrid. 1879. sm. 8vo. Edited by Don Jose Gutierrez de la Vega, " con un discurso y notas," in vol. iii. of the " Biblioteca Venatoria — coleccion de Obras clasicas Espanolas de Monteria, de Cetreria, y de Caza menor, raras, ineditas, o desconocidas." According to Don Jose Gutierrez this is the earliest treatise on the subject written in pure Castillian, and was composed before the Libro de la Monteria, by the same author, the date of which is conjectured to be between 1342 and 1350. In the opinion of Amador de los Rios, whom he cites (torn. iv. p. 237), the present work was written during the reign of Ferdi- nand IV., or the minority of Alfonso XI. Further on (torn. cit. p. 248) the same writer adds that without doubt it was composed before 1325, in which year the last King of Castille ascended the throne. Herr Baist, in his German edition of this v/ork, 1 1 4 BOOKS ON FAL CONR Y. (No. 129), puts the date of its composition at 1325 (op. cit. P- 154)- Apart from its antiquity the Libro de la Caza is to be commended for its intrinsic merit, and for the literary beauty of the author's style. Don Jose Gutierrez thus writes in glowing terms of it: — "Pues bien el Libro de la Caza, conservando la forma didactica en que tanto sobresalio el docto magnate, brilla por su estilo oriental tan del gusto de los escritores de la Edad Media. Sus cuentos y sus descripciones son verdader- amente admirabiles : su lenguaje es culto y pintoresco .... Por eso en el Libro de la Caza se ve al escritor castizo, se lee el narrador florido, y se refleja el venador entusiastica, que parece inspirarse en la sublime majestad del monte, en el delicado per- fume de las flores, y en el dulci'simo canto de las aves " {Discurso sobre los Libros de Cetreria, pp. xxix.-xxx.). Divided into twelve chapters, the work is composed upon a plan which many subsequent writers on Falconry have adopted. The nature of falcons is first discussed,* with a notice of the various species trained for hawking. We are then instructed how to know a good hawk by its size, shape, plumage, etc. (cap. iii.), how to tame those which are caught wild, and how to bring up those which are taken from the nest (cap. iv.), how to tame a heron-hawk (cap. vi.), how to moult hawks (cap. ix.), to give them their first meal of the day (cap. x.), and to remedy the maladies to which they are subject (cap xi,), while the last chapter describes the different sorts of flights, and the best localities for the sport. This is a most interesting chapter. The district of Chincella, within the Bishopric of Cartagena, is said to abound in lakes and wild-fowl, and Villena the best place in the whole of Murcia for every sort of flight ; herons, ducks, and cranes, with falcons, and (with goshawks) partridges, and quails, and other birds called flamingoes {Jla?nenques), which are beautiful birds and very good for hawking, though very hard to get out of the water [fervtosas aves et jnuy ligeras para cazar, sinon porque son viuy graves de sacar del aqim). From this chapter one is enabled to form a good idea of the sport enjoyed by Spanish falconers during the early part of the fourteenth century. For some account of the life and works of Don Juan Manuel, see the French translation of " El Conte Lucanor," by Adolphe SPANISH. 115 de Puibusque, traduit pour la premibre fois de I'Espagnol, et precede d'une notice sur la vie et les ceuvres de I'auteur, Don Juan Manuel. Paris. 1854. 8vo. 227. JUAN MANUEL (El Principe Don). El LiBRO DE LA Caza. Zum Erstenmalc herausgegeben von G. Baist. Halle, Niemeyer. 1880. Svo. Three preliminary leaves of Dedication, Preface, and Con- tents, and 208 pp. Highly praised by Don Enrique de Leguina, who writes : — " Preciosa publicacion esmerada y concienzu- damente hecha por el Senor Baist, con glosas, comentos, etc., que denotan el profundo estudio que dicho senor hizo de tan precioso codice" {Estudios Bibliograficos — La Caza, p. 41). A copy of this work having been secured after the sheets containing the German titles had gone to press (see No. 129) an analysis of it may be given here : — Vorwort, pp. v.-vi. ; Inhaltsverzeichnis, p. vii. ; EI Libro de la Caza, pp. 1-89; Ammerkungen zum Libro de la Caza, p. 90 ; Wortregister, p. 107; Personennamen, p. 117; Ortsnamen, pp. 119-127; Beilage I., zur Chronologic der Schriften D. Juan Manuels, p. 128 ; Beilage II., zur Textkritik, p. 156 ; Errata und Addenda, pp. 207-208. In transcribing from the MS., the editor has in several places misread a word; ^.^., at p. 118 he mentions names bestowed upon hawks by their owners, such as Ferlado, Real, etc., and amongst them he includes LatK^erote. This is probably a mis- print for Tagarote which is not the name but the kind of hawk used (p. 42, 1. 10). So altanero is not a species of hawk, but what English falconers would call a " high flier," or " waiter on." The text throughout would have been clearer had the editor em- ployed capitals for all proper names {e.g., p. 42, 11. 14-17). The publisher's name is Niemeyer, not Niedermeyer as in- advertently printed in No. 129. 228. AY ALA (Pero Lopez de). El Libro de las AvES DE CA9A del Canciller Pero Lopez de Ayala [1386] con las glosas del Duque de Alburquerque. Publicalo la Socledad de Bibliofilos. Madrid. 1869. Svo. 1 1 6 BOOKS ON FAL CONR Y. " Introduccion " by Senor Don Pascual de Gayangos, pp. i.- xxviii. ; followed by the text, pp. 1-167 ; "Glosas del Duque de Alburquerque," pp. 1 71-195 ; Tabla de las Glosas, p. 197 j Indice Alfabetico y Glosario, pp. 199-214; Erratas, p. 215; and a list of the " Sociedad de Bibliofilos Espanoles." With three full-page modem illustrations, in colours, of hawks, namely, a Peregrine and two Goshawks. This treatise, by the famous Cavalier who wrote the Chronica de Don Pedro I. was extremely popular in its time ; and a good many MS. copies of it have been found to exist. Don Enrique de Leguina cites no less than a dozen, dating from the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, and preserved in various libraries in Spain. It is a much longer composition than that of the Prince Juan Manuel, which preceded it by sixty years, comprising forty-seven chapters instead of twelve ; a separate chapter being devoted to each kind of hawk, and to each ailment (and the remedy for it) to which it was supposed to be subject. One of the most curious is chapter xlvi. : De cbmo se deben enjerir las penolas quebradas, — How to repair broken flight feathers — showing that the operation known to English falconers as "imping" (French enter) is by no means a modern invention. It is strange that so important a work as this should not have been earlier printed. It was composed in Portugal during the captivity of the author in the Castle of Oviedes after the battle of Aljubarrota, at which he was taken prisoner. This explains the ending: — "Aqui se acaba [here ends] el Libro de la Caza de las Aves, que fizo Pero Lopez de Ayala en el castillo de Oviedes en Portogal, en el mes de Junio, ano del Senor de Mill et trecientos, et ochenta y seis aiios [1386] era de Cesar de Mccccxxiv anos." 229. AYALA (Pero Lopez de). Libro de la Caza DE LAS Aves et de sus plumajes, et dolencias, et mele- cinamientos, del Canciller Pero Lopez de Ayala, Siglo XV. [1386.] Madrid. 1879. sm. 8vo. Edited by Don Jos^ Gutierrez de la Vega, *' con un discorso y notas," in vol. iii. of the " Biblioteca Venatoria — coleccion SPANISH. 117 de Obras clasicas Espanolas de Monteria, de Cetreria, y de Caza menor, raras, ineditas, 6 desconocidas." Cetreria, the Spanish word for hawking, it will be observed, is cognate with the Latin accipitraria. Don Pascual de Gayangos supplies the following note on this point in his " In- troduccion al ' Libro de las Aves ' " (No. 228), p. vii. :— "La Cetreria, 6 caza con azores, de acctpiter que en Latin significa * ave de rapina,' y accipitraria que es el arte de cazar con dichas aves, se formaria la palabra aceptreria 6 cetreria i que otros asignan diferente origen." 230. SANT-FAHAGUN (Juan de). Libro de LAS Aves que CA9AN. Con las glossas de D. Beltran de la Cueva, Duque de Alburquerque. Cited as a MS. by Hammer Purgstall (No. 112), but since published in the Illustracibn Venatoria, 1885. The original MS. of this treatise has apparently been lost, but a neat and perfect copy of it, executed in the fifteenth century, is preserved at Madrid in the Bibliot^ca National, and is regarded as one of the most important works in the Spanish literature of the chase. Don Jose Gutierrez de la Vega com- menced its publication in the second number of the Illustracibn Venatoria, 1885 (Januar)' 30), and in a recently published criticism of the " Libros de Cetreria del Canciller Pero Lopez de Ayala, de Juan de Sant-Fahagun, y de Don Fadrique de Zuniga y Sotomayor" (29 pp. 8vo, Madrid, 1889), Don Fran- cisco R. de Uhagon has shown, by a comparison of a portion of the two texts in parallel columns, that the work of Sant- Fahagun is in a great measure founded upon, if not actually borrowed from, that of Pero Lopez de Ayala. He thus com- pares the two (op. cit. p. 9) : — " Divide Sant-Fahagun su obra en tres libros : en el primero trata de los plumajes de las aves, y da reglas para auiaestrarlas ; en el segundo y tercero departe de las eniermedades ; y en el tercero tambien, de las medicinas para ser curadas. Ayala trata en su obra : de la caza de las Aves y de sus plumajes ; despu^s, de sus dolencias, y por fin, de los medicamentos. La analogia no puede ser mayor." So much similarity is there between these two works that it is 1 18 BOOKS ON FALCONRY, a disputed question to which of them the Glosas del Duque de Alburquerque have reference {cf. Bibl. Venatoria, iii. pp. xlvii. et seq.). Besides the MS. above referred to, other copies (Nos. 90, 91) are cited by D. Gutierrez de la Vega in his Biblioteca Venatoria wherein the author's name appears as " Sahagun," and " Sant- Fagun," Senor Gayangos adopts the spelling '* Johan de Sant- Fagund " (op. ciL vol. iii. p. xlviii.). 231. EVANGELIST A. Libro de Cetreria de EvANGELiSTA [15th Cent.] y una profecia del mismo con prologo, variantes, notas, y glosario, por D. Antonio Paz y Melia. Halle. 1877. 8vo. Printed in the Zeitschrift fi'cr Romanische Philologie, heraus- gegeben von Dr. Gustav Grober, Band i. pp. 222-246 (1877), from a MS. in the Imperial Library at Vienna. A few copies separately printed. The editor of this MS. compares passages in parallel columns with extracts from Sant Fahagund, and concludes as follows : — " Examinando atentamente los tratados de Cetreria conocidos en la ^poca en que se escribio el nuestro, nos hemos convencido de que el que Evangelista parodid fue el que Johan de Sant Fahagund, cazador de Don Juan II. presentd "k Enrique IV. en cuyo reinado como luego veremos, se escribio tambien la parodia. En prueba de nuestra afirmacion citaremos algunas notables con- cordancias que esperamos convenceran al lector" (p. 224). Some account of this same MS., with extracts, is given by Sr. Adolfo Mustafia in a paper " Ueber eine Spanische hand- schrift der Wiener Hofbibliothek." Wien. 1867. There is also a MS. (of the fifteenth century) in the National Library at Madrid commencing thus : — *' Libro de Cetreria que hizo Evangelista corriendo fortuna por al golfo de Leon. A Dios misericordioso por no estar ocioso : y trata de los Aves de rapina, de los talles, y plumajes, y proprietades de cada una : y de los gobiernos y curas para sus dolencias, como adelante oires." A third MS. of the sixteenth century is preserved also at Madrid in the Royal Library (Biblioteca particular de S. M. el Key). This begins : — Este libro de Cetreria fizo Evangelista Spanish: ng camino de Rodas sobre la mar por no estar ocioso y no pensar en los peligros de la mar, trata de los Aves de rapifia, de los talles, y plumajes, y proprietades : y de los guobiernos y curas de sus dolencias de cada una, como adelante vereis : y acabado lo envid al Prior de San Juan D. Alvaro de Zuniga, su Senor decia ansi. 232. VELASQUEZ DE TOVAR (Alonso). Libro DE Caza de halcones hecho por Alonso Velasquez de Tovar. Madrid, c. 1450- 1500. This treatise is referred to by Seiior Don Pascual de Gayangos, in his " Introduccion " to the " Libro de las Aves de Caga " of Lopez de Ayala (No. 228), as being in the " Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Histdria," and also in the Biblioteca National Madrid ; but it is not quite clear from his remarks whether its is printed or in MS. only. 233. BURGOS (F. Vicente de). El Libro " de proprietatibus rerum " traducido del Latin. Impreso por Enrique Meyer de Alemana. Tolosa. 1494. sm folio. " Un volumen, letra gotica a dos columnas, muchos grabados. Trata de la Perdiz, Paloma, Azor, Halcon, Gavilan, y otros auimales cazadores." — De Uhagon y de Leguina, p. 9. Another edition was printed at Toledo, 1529. (See note to No. 13, anfed, p. 12.) 234. PETRARCA (Francisco). De los remedios CONTRA prospera y adversa fortuna. Valladolid. I Smo- other editions, Seville, 15 13 and 15 16; Saragossa, 1518 and 1523 J Seville, 1524; and Salamanca, 1533. This book may be included in the present catalogue on account of Dialogo xxxii., dc la Caza de las Aves y Perros. 235. NUiJllZ DE AVENDANO (Pero). Aviso de CA9ADORES Y de Ca9A. Ordenado por el magnifico BOOKS ON FALCONRY. e muy insigne doctor Pero Nunez de Avendafio : letrado del Illustrissimo senor Don Ynigo Lopez de Mendo9a tercero deste nombre : Duque del Ynfantado. Dirigido a su Illustrissima Sefioria. [al fin] Impreso en la muy noble villa y floretissima Universidad de Alcala de Henares en casa de Juan de Brocar ano 1543. 4to. In black-letter, title below coat of arms, " Prologo," 3 prelim, leaves, and 40 pp. with side-notes in Latin. Another edition, " con nuevas adiciones, y con privilegio, en Madrid en casa de Pedro Madrigal, 1593," folio. Both editions are very rare. This is a general treatise on the laws of Spain relating to hunting and hawking in the sixteenth century. From it we learn (amongst other things) that the clergy, secular and regular, were forbidden to hunt or hawk, or to keep dogs or falcons, as causing too much distraction from their religious duties : — " Los religiosos no pueden yr a ca^a, ni pueden tener perros : ni aves para cagar," etc., fol. xxvii. " Los clerigos sacerdotes no pueden usar de caga clamorosa dado se mucho a tal exercicio," etc., fol. xxvii. verso. It would seem, however, that they were not pro- hibited from writing on field sports ; see the treatise by Alfonso Tostado de Madrigal, Bishop of Avila, published in 161 1 (No. 243). Concluding with an Epistola Commendatoria (fol. xxxviii.- xxxix.), the present work ends on the last folio (unpaged) : " Impso en la muy noble villa y floretissima Universidad de Alcala de Henares en casa de Juan de Brocar, a xviii. dias del mes de Deziebre del ano 1543." 236. VALLES (Mossen Johan). Libro de Ace- TRERfA. Madrid. 1556. folio. Cited by Senor Don Pascual de Gayangos (l.c^ as being preserved in the original MS. in the Biblioteca Na9ional, Madrid. He describes it as being divided into five books, or treatises, of which the first four relate entirely to hawking with the Gos- hawk and Sparrow-hawk {azor y gavilan), and the last to hunting. SPANISH. 121 It is dedicated to Prince Carlos, son of Philip II., at that time only eleven years of age, whose sudden mysterious death caused so much consternation and comment. 237. CARLOS I. Las Pregmaticas y capitulos que su Magestad del Emperador y Rey hizo en las Cortes que se tuuieron con el serenisimo Principe D. Philipe en nuestro nombre. Afio de mil y quinientos quarenta y ocho en Salamanca, en casa de Juan de Canova. 1564. folio. " Contiene una peticion sobre les gallinas que han de tomar los cazadores para las aves de caza." — Uhagon y Leguina, op. cit. p. 12. 238. ZTJNIGAySOTOMAYOR (Fadrique). Libro DE Cetreria de Caca de A90R . . . . y arte que se ha de tener en el conoscimiento y caca destas Aves y sus curas y remedios, en el qual assi mesmo habla algunas cosas de Halcones y de todas Aves de rapifia, etc. En Salamanca, en casa de Juan de Canova. 1565. 4to. This treatise of Zuniga (or ^uniga) 6 prelim, leaves and 126 pp. is perhaps the rarest of all Spanish books which relate exclu- sively to Falconry, although in regard to date of composition, as above shown, it is not the oldest. The MS. is preserved in the Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. It is referred to by Schneider, in his edition of the work of the Emperor Frederick II., De arte venandi cum avibus (vol. ii. p. 107), as being quoted in the Introduction to the Orydographia et Zoologia Aragonice^ 1784, p. 70, and is of interest as giving the Spanish names derived from the Arabs for different kinds of hawks — e.g.., Aifaneque, Bomi, Bahari, Sucre, Azor (Latin Astur, the Gos- hawk), etc. The Kestrel he calls Cernicalo ; the Sparrow-hawk, Esparvel, the ordinary name for any kind of hawk being Gavilan, or Alcon. On this subject some useful and interesting infor- mation will be found in the work of MM. Dozy & Engelmann, 1 22 BOOKS ON FALCONE Y. " Glossaire des Mots Espagnols et Portugais d^riv^s de I'Arabe," seconde Edition, 8vo, Leyde, E. J. Brill, 1869. 239. ANON. LiBRO DE Cetreria y Caza de Aves. A treatise by an unnamed author cited by Hammer Purgstall (No. 112) and Schlegel (No. 194), neither of whom gives the date or place of publication. Probably the work referred to is that of Zuniga y Sotomayor (No. 238). 240. MIRABEL (Federigo Marques de). Libro DE Cetreria de Caza de Azor, de halcones y de todas aves de rapina. [1565 ?] This treatise, though not mentioned in the latest Spanish bibliography by Don Enrique de Legiiina, 1888, is cited by Ersch und Gruber, in their Allgemeine Encyklopaedie der Wis- senschaften und Kiinsie (4to, Leipzig, 1841), in the account given of Penaranda de Duero, part of the Spanish province of Segovia (sect. iii. theil 15, p. 395). Reference is here made to "Franz von Zuniga, Herr auf Mirabel, oftwarts von Goria und Brante- villa, erheirathete Alconchel mit Maria Manuel de Sotomayor, und wirde der Vater Friedrichs, des Marques von Mirabel durch creation Kaiser Karl's V., Freidrich schrieb ' Libro de Cetreria^ de Caza de Azor, de halcones y de todas aves de rapina " (p. 395). Doubtless the " Libro " here referred to was that of Zuniga y Sotomayor, who was " Senor de las villas de Alconchel, Cahinos, Mirabel, y Aras " : ef. Don Pascual de Gayangos' *' Introduccion al * Libro de la Caza de Aves ' " (No. 228), p. xxiv. 241. PALMYRENO (Lorengo). Vocabulario del HuMANiSTA, compuesto por Loren90 Palmreno [sic'] donde se trata de Aves, Feces, Quadrupedos, con sus vocables de ca9ar y pescar, etc. Valentise, ex typogra- phia Petri a Huete, in Platea Herbaria. 1569. i2mo. This rare little book is in two parts, the first unpaged ; the second (pp. 1-128) contains a Primer Abecedario de las Aves, in which the Latin and Spanish names of hawks are given. SPANISH. 123 Below the title is a rude woodcut of the Goshawk (el A^or) beneath which is the date Aiio mdlxviiij. 242. ARGOTE DE MOLINA (Gonzalo). Libro de LA MoNTERiA que mando escrevir el muy alto y muy poderoso Rey Don Alonso de Castilla y de Leon [Alonso XI.] ultimo deste nombre. Acrecentado por Gonzalo Argote de Molina. Dirigido a la S.C.R.M. del Rey Don Philipe Segundo Nuestro Sefior. [Wood- cut of royal arms.] Impreso en Sevilla por Andrea Pescioni. 1582. Folio. The first edition of a work founded, it is said, on that of Don Juan Manuel, illustrated with woodcuts, and of extreme rarity. In 1876 a copy in Paris fetched 45of It was reprinted in 8vo, Madrid, 1877, in the "Bibliotheca Venatoria" edited by Don Gutierrez de la Vega, and again in 1882. Although included by Hammer Purgstall (No. 112) and Schlegel (No. 194) amongst the books on Falconry, it relates exclusively to hunting, and is only mentioned here as one of the rarest of Spanish books on the Chase, and lest, after the notices above referred to, it might be supposed to have been overlooked. For some interesting and critical remarks on the authorship of this work, see Adolphe de Puibusque, " Le Conte Lucanor : traduit pour la premiere fois de I'Espagnol, et precede d'une notice sur la vie et les oeuvres de I'auteur, Don Juan Manuel.'' Paris. 1854. Svo. 243. TOSTADO DE MADRIGAL (Alonzo). Libro QUA TRATA DEL MODO que se ha de tener en curar Halcones, Azores, y Gabilanes. Salamanca. 161 1. This treatise on Falcons, Goshawks, and Sparrow-hawks, com- posed by a Bishop of Avila in the early part of the seventeenth century, shows the attention which was formerly given to field sports by ecclesiastics, although by the Spanish law they were prohibited from taking an active part in them. See Nunez de Avendano (No. 235). The MS. preserved in the National 124 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Library, Madrid, has not been printed in full, but some account of it will be found in *' La vida y hechos del M. P. Alonzo Tostado de Madrigal," by Gil Gonzales Davila, " Historia del Colegio Viejode San Bartolome de Salamanca," 1611 (p. 123). It is to be hoped that some Spanish editor may be found to undertake its entire transcription and publication. 244. CALDERON (Don Pedro, de la Barca). El Mayor Encanto Amor. Madrid. 1641. 410. No account of the Spanish literature relating to Falconry would be complete without allusion to the beautiful description of Heron Hawking which occurs in " Love the Greatest Enchant- ment," one of the finest compositions of Calderon. This fiesta was represented before the King on the night of St. John, in the year 1635, ^' the royal palace of the Buen Retiro, and was published in the second volume of the collected Dramas of the poet by his brother Don Jose Calderon in 1641. It has been admirably translated into English by D. F. MacCarthy, side by side with the Spanish text (London, Longmans, 1861, sm. to) in which volume the passage referred to will be found (p. 90) in the second Act : " Atomo ya la garza apenas era, Cuando, desenhetrada la cimera Que el capirote enlaza, Mi mano un gerifalte desembraza, A quien, porque en prision no se presuma, La pluma le halagaba con la pluma, Y el, como hambriento estaba, Duro el laton del cascabel picaba. Apenas k la luz restituidos Se vieron otro y el, cuando atrevidos, Cuanta estacion vacia Palestra es de los atomos del dia, Corren los dos por paramos del viento, Y en una y otra punta, Este se aleja, cuando aquel se junta; Y el bajel ceniciento (Que bajel ceniciento entonces era La garza, que velera SPANISH. 125 Los pielagos sulco de otro elemento) Librarse determina diligente, Aunque navega sola, Hechos remos los pies, proa la frente. La vela el ala, y el timon la cola. j Misera garza, dije, combatida De dos contrarios ! bien, bien de mi vida Imagen eres, pues sitiar la veo De uno y otro deseo. A uno pues, y otro embate, Coge las alas, 6 las velas bate, Y poniendo debajo de la una La cabeza, se deja a su fortuna Venir a pique, cuando Nos parecio caer revoloteando Una encarnada estrella, Y los dos gerifaltes siempre en ella." TRANSLA TION. ♦* Scarce had the heron dwindled to a speck On the far sky, when from about the neck Of a gerfalcon I unloosed the band Which held his hood ; a moment on my hand I soothed the impatient captive, his dark brown Proud feathers smoothing with caressings down ; While he, as if his hunger did surpass All bounds, pick'd sharply on his bells of brass. Scarce were they back restored to light, He and another, when in daring flight They scaled heaven's vault, the vast void space where play In whirling dance the mote-beams of the day, Then down the deserts of the wind they float, And up and down the sky One flies away as the other swoopeth nigh ; And then the ashen-colour'd boat (An ashen-colour'd boat it surely were, That heron, that through shining waves of air Furrow'd its way to fields remote) Resolving to be free and not to fail, 126 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Although alone it faileth now, Of feet made oars, of curved beak a prow. Sails of its wings, and rudder of its tail ; — Poor wretched heron, said I then, thy strife 'Gainst two opposing ills, are of my life Too true an image ; since it is to-day Of two distinct desires the hapless prey. 'Gainst this, 'gainst that, as either doth assail, It furl'd its wing, and droop'd its languid sail, And placing its dazed head beneath the one, Trusting to fortune, like a plummet-stone Straight down it fell, we looking, from afar Saw it descending, an incarnate star Through the dark sky, With the pursuing falcons ever nigh." 245. MARTINEZ DE ESPINAR (Alonso). Arte DE Ballesteria y Monteria, cscrita con methodo para escusar la fatiga que ocasiona la ignorancia. Dividida en tres Libros .... en el tercero se declaran las ca- lidades de las Aves, y el modo de cazarlas, con dos capi- tulos curiosos al fin ; el uno de la caza del Perro de muestra ; y el otro del cabestrillar con el Buey.* Escrito por Alonso Martinez de Espinar . . . . de orden de S- M. En Madrid en la Emprenta Real afio 1644. 4to. Another edition, "enNapoles, por Francisco Ricciardo, 1739." Another, "en Madrid, por Antonio Marin, afio de 1761,'' 410. This work of 420 pp., with portraits of Don Carlos and the author, and several full-page illustrations, contains (lib. iii. cap. i.) remarks "del Aguila y sus propriedades y de otras Aves de rapina," with chapters on the following kinds of hawks — Alcon Girifalte [the gerfalcon] crianse en las montanas de Noruega, y en las de Irlanda [qu. Icelanda], y Suecia : los mejores son de Noruega, aunque son mayores de cuerpo los de Irlanda [sic] y tienen el plumage mas bianco. * P«rro de muestra^ pointer; Buey del cabastrillo, stalking-ox. SPANISff. 127 Alcon Sacre [the Saker] poco menor que el Girifalte : crianse en Armenia: yendo de passo, toman muchos en las islas de Candia, Grecia, Malta, y Sicilia, Alcon Nebli [the Peregrine] crianse en las montanas de Persia, y Moscovia, y en muchas de las regiones de Scitia, que caen debaxo del Norte, y en las alturas de los Alpes, aunque en toda la Francia, Flandes, y Italia los tienen por passageros, y no saben de donde vienen, y los suelen Uamar Peregrinos. En Espaiia los Uamamos Neblies por la noble condicion que tienen en amansarse. Alcon Bahari [the Peregrine] crianse muchos en nuestra Espaiia en penas muy altas. Alcon Montano [some phase of Peregrine] Uamados assi porque se crian en las montanas. Alcon Borni [some phase of Peregrine] se crian en las montanas de Leon, y en otras Provincias. Alcon Alfaneque [the Lanner] se crian en Berberia, y se venden muchos en Oran .... estos son menores que los Baharies y assi no matan sino avecillas pequenas quando estan en su libertad; y con la industria de los Cazadores matan la Perdiz, y Picaza [Magpie] y vuelan la Liebre! But note the distinction between matan and vuelan. This Hawk will kill the partridge and magpie, and [to show its spirit] will fly at a hare [which it has not strength to kill]. Alcon Tagarote [a Peregrine of some kind, probably Falco bar- barus] se crian en Africa .... del color de los Neblies .... mas pequenos de cuerpo, pero de grandissimo animo .... diferencianse de ellos en batir mas apriessa las alas. Alcon Azor [the Goshawk] es mas alto de piernas . . . . su color obscuro, sus ojos dorados y muy lustrosos : cazan estas aves Palomas, Perdices, y Liebres : es mas astuto que los demas Al- cones; vuelamuyjuntoalatierra, por no ser visto delacaza, etc. Alcon Aleto [probably Falco babylonicus] una especie de Alcon que se cria en las Indias, pequeno de cuerpo, pero de generoso animo .... son de muy buenos costrumbres, y se amansan facilmente, y assi se estiman mucho : vuelan con ellos las Per dices. Alcon Gavilan [the Sparrow-hawk] especie de Azor, pero mucho menor de cuerpo que el. Alcon Esmerejon [the Merlin] muy pequeno menor que el Gavilan .... mata en su libertad aves pequenas, Alondras y Calandrias y otras . . . vuela con grandissima ligereza : base de amansar para reducirle dentro de ocho dias. Alcon Alcotan [the Hobby] Menor [qu mayor] que el Esmerejon, amansase con facilidad, etc. Alcon cernicalo [the Kestrel]. 128 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. These extracts will serve to show the hawks known to falconers in Spain, and the Spanish names for them. Many of these names introduced by the Moors into Spain, and thence carried into France, are derived from the Arabic. See Dozy and Engelmann, ** Glossaire des Mots Espagnols et Portugais d^riv^s de I'Arabe," seconde Edition, 8vo, Leyde, E. J. Brill, 1869. At p. 341 Martinez mentions some of the works on Falconry known to him. He says : — " el que quisiere saber el modo de criarlos, y ensenarlos para la caza, y el regalo con que se han de tratar, y la curacion de sus enfermedades lea \ Belisario, Alberto, h. Pedro Crescientense, y k Demetrio; y en lengua Francesa k Guillermo Tardebo ; y en Aleman \ Everardo Tappio que todos escriben largamente de los Alcones, y algunos otros cuyas obras son mas comunes." The work of Demetrius of Constantinople is very rarely quoted, and that of Eberhard Tapp I have not found mentioned by any other writer on Falconry, except Schlegel, who gives the title only. 246. TAMARIZ DE LA ESCALERA (Fernando). Tratado de la Caza del Buelo. En Madrid, por Diego Diaz. 1654. i2mo. A rare tract of 5 preliminary leaves and 3 1 pages. Although it is cited by Hammer Purgstall (No. 112) and Schlegel (No. 194) amongst books relating to Falconry, it appears to be a treatise on the art of shooting flying, if for buelo we may read vuelo, and is only mentioned here for the purpose of removing misapprehension concerning it. The first chapter treats ** De las Reglas que debe observar el perfecto tirador de buelo," and the author observes : " El perfecto tirador de buelo se ha de fundar en tres importantissimas reglas, como son Conocimiento, Reportacion, y Prontitud." In the eighth chapter, " De los ocho buelos de la Perdiz," we learn " que las Perdices buelan de una de ocho maneras." D. Gutierrez de la Vega cites a MS. which seems to be a transcript of a second edition, since it ends : " En Madrid por Francisco Sanz, impresor del Reyno, ano de 1681," Another, "en Roma, por Pablo Antonio Vasquez, ano de 17003" and Leguina mentions a reprint of the first edition "por Antonio de Santa Maria ano de 1798," 8vo (3 prelim, leaves and 45 pp.). SPANISH. 129 Finally it has been republished by D. Gutierrez de la Vega in the lllustracion Venatoria, The author, it appears, was a Captain of Cuirassiers — " Capi- tan de Cavallos Corazas." 247. FEERER DE VALDECEBRO (Andres). GoviERNO GENERAL, Hioral, y politico hallado en las Aves mas generosas y nobles. Sacado de sus naturales virtudes y propiedades etc. Le escrive el Padre Fray Andres Ferrer de Valdecebro, Calificador de la Su- prema Inquisicion del Orden de Predicad6res .... Madrid. 1658. sm. 4to. 18 prelim, leaves, pp. 1-432, "con quatro Tablas Differ- entes." Other editions, Madrid, 1670, 1676, and 1683; Barcelona, 1696. The Barcelona edition, *' en Casa de Cormellas por Thomas Loriente, Impresor Ano 1696," is a reprint, page for page, of that published " en Madrid, en la Imprenta de Bernardo de Villa Diego, ano de 1683." This curious work may be described as an illustrated volume of sermons on morality and politics, with lessons deduced from a study of ornithology, by a Friar of the Order of Preachers. Illustrations borrowed from hawking are appositely introduced, the Peregrine Falcon being figuratively likened to the Soul striving towards heaven, the Sparrow-hawk to Fortune, the Heron to Fasting, etc. A noble kind of hawk, he says, is the Falcon, well known in Spain by reason of its being flown at herons (p. 223). The habit which the heron has, on being pursued by a hawk, of throwing up its fish, or other food, to lighten itself and increase its chance of escape, is noted and commented on (p. 145), the moral being that fasting raises the soul towards heaven with a light and rapid flight : — " El ayuno levanta el espiritu hasta los cielos, con buelo ligero y veloz porque verdaderamente que la haze pesado, y aun torpe la comida : subiilitas anwii ciborutn copia impeditur^ dizo Seneca" (p. 148). Referring to the prices formerly paid for hawks, he says (p. 237): "La estimacion que Reyes, Principes, y Senores han I30 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. hecho y hazen deste paxaro (el halcon) es tanta (para bolar Cartas, y otras aves) que huvo ocasion en que se dieron por un paxaro quinientos escudos de oro I " De su caga, cria, ensenan^a, y singularidades, que a mi intento no conducea, escrivio Demetrio Constantinopolitano un tratado dilatado, que traduxo Pedro Gilio en Latin. Trata tambien de sus enfermedades, y cura." [See note to No. 245.] So that in the sermons of this worthy Friar we get some curious information on the subject of Falconry where we should least expect to find it. 248. XIBAJA (Joseph de) y MORALES (Diego de). Aposentadores de la Real Ca^a de Volateria. .... Sobre que d los dichos aposentadores se les cum- plan y guarden todas las preheminencias y exempciones de que deben gozar los ca9ad6res, catarib^ras, y officiales de dicha Real Caga de la Volateria. Madrid. 1664. folio. Twenty-two pages only, but interesting as illustrating the state of Falconry in Spain towards the close of the seventeenth cen- tury. By aposentadores we are to understand aposentadores de caniino — i.e., officers of the Court, who precede the members of the royal family when travelling, to arrange for their reception, and by catariberas, the mounted assistant falconers, whose busi- ness it was to follow a hawk and take it up after a flight. 249. CERVANTES (Pedro y Miguel Antonio de). Recopilacion de las Reales Ordenanzas y Cedulas de los Bosques reales del Pardo, Aranjuez, Escorial, Balsain y otros .... Del fuero privilegiado de los Ministros y officiales de las Alcazares y Bosques Reales, exempciones de los de la Real Monteria y Volateria etc. Madrid. 1687. folio. Not seen. Doubtful whether volateria with this author in- cludes, as it sometimes does, hawking, or relates only to fowling. SPANISH. 13X 250. MERCADER (Matias). Breve trasunto SACADO DE LOS ORIGINALES LIBROS que los SCfloreS Reies de Aragon tenian para el conocimlento de las Aves de ca9a, y de toda naturalega de Alcones, con una breve practica de Cetreria para curar las enfermedades y dolenzias que acaecen. Madrid. 1689. This treatise, of twenty-eight leaves only, consists of brief extracts from the works of Frederick II., De arte venandi cum avibus^ 1245, and of Pedro Lopez de Ayala, 1386. Senor Don Gutierrez de la Vega cites two Italian MS. copies of this work of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (Nos. 77 and 79) existing, one in the Biblioteca Nagional, the other in the Biblioteca del Escorial. 251. CALVO PINTO Y VELARDE (Agustin). SiLVA Venatoria. Modo de Cazar todo genero de Aves y Animales ; su naturaleza, virtudes, y noticias de los temporales En Madrid : En la Imprentade los Herederos de Don Agustin de Gordejuela. Calle del Carmen, afio de 1754. sm. 8vo. A well-printed little volume of 15 prelim, leaves, 303 pp., and " Indice " : treats generally of hunting and fowling, with brief descriptions. Birds of prey are only incidentally mentioned. The Hobby, for example, is thus described (p. 108) : — " Es el Alcotan ave de rapiiia ; su color pardo, y encendido, del tamano de un Cuclillo, sustentase de comer pajaros : tiene muy veloz el buelo, la vista perspicaz," etc. 252. CARLOS III. Real Ordenanza por la que se declara vedada y acotada para la Real recreacion, y entretenimiento la Caza mayor y menor Aves de vo- LATERiA, y Pesca, del Real Bosque de Balsain etc. En Madrid, en la imprenta de Pedro Marin. 1774. folio. Not seen. 132 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 253. MELIiADO (J. de P.). Encyclopedia Mo- DERNA, tomo vili. Art. "Cetreria." Madrid. 1851. 4to. 254. DAUMAS (El General). Los Caballos del Sahara. Traducido del Frances per N. de Cabanillas. Madrid. 1853. 4to. "Pp. 1-3 10; grabados. En la parte 3^ trata de la Caza del Avestruz, y de la Gagela a caballo con el Halcon y galgos." This work, in which a description is given of hawking as practised by the Arabs of the Sahara, has been already noticed under the head of the French original of 185 1 and the English translation (No. 199). The chapter on hawking contains nume- sous errors due to the author not properly understanding the details of the sport which he attempted to describe. 255. M. DE A. (Marquis de Albentos). Arte GENERAL DE Cacerias y Monterias, escrito con metodo para esciisar la fatiga que occasiona la falta de prdtica. Dividida en partes y dedicada d sus amigos. Sevilla. 1862. 8vo. Not seen. The title of this work recalls that of Martinez de Espinar (No. 245), which possibly may have served the author as his model. 256. RENARD (L.). Manual del CA9ADOR o Arte Completo de toda classe de Caza. Traduccion de R. Villalta. Aficionado con treinta anos de ejercicio en caza mayor y menor. Barcelona. 1872. 8vo. Not in the British Museum, and not seen. 257. RENARD (L.) y VILLALTA (R.). Manual DEL CA9ADOR .... Nueva edicion adornada con abundantes grabados, y precldida de una introduccion SPANISH. ^33 cinegetica debida a la illustrada pluma de Don Andres Guerra. Barcelona. 1880. 8vo. Not in the British Museum, and not seen. 258. PXJNONROSTRO (Juan Arias de Avila, Conde de). Discurso del Falcon que vulgarmente se dice Esmerejon, y en que modo se hara gallinero y perdiguero y garcero, compuesto por Don Juan Arias de Avila Puerta Carrero, Conde de Punonrostro, dirl- gido a Don luan Fernandez de Velasco, Duque de Frias y Condestable de Castilla. Madrid. 1885. 4to. Published for the first time in the " Ilustracion Venatoria " from a MS. in the National Library, Madrid. 259. ITURRALDE Y SUIT (Juan). La Caza en Navarra en los tiempos pasados. San Sebastian. 1887. Senor Don Enrique de Leguina, to whom we are indebted for an indication of this important publication, writes : " Este notable trabajo, que contiene preciosisimos datos sobre la caza, y alcaneria, y exhibe documentos muy importantes del Archive de Pamplona, se publico en el numero 264 (10 de Noviembre 1887) J siguientes de la Euskal-Esvia, Revista Vascongada que se da a luz en San Sebastian. We have not yet been fortunate enough to see a copy of this ; but the reference to the " important documents in the archives of Pamplona " suggests that the work is probably founded on the Parainientos de la Caza of King Sancho VI. of Navarre. See note to No. 224. 260. UHAGON (Francisco de) y LEGUINA (En- rique de). EsTUDios BiBLiOGRAFicos. La Caza datos reunidos por . , . Madrid. 1888. roy, 8vo. In this very useful catalogue, of which only 100 numbered copies were printed, the authors have given a list of more than 134 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 400 works in Spanish, including MSS. relating to the chase in all its branches — hunting, shooting, fishing, fowling, and hawk- ing. In addition there is a list of 226 anonymous works on these subjects, including several MSS. on Falconry, 17 sporting novels, and 26 ** Comedias con titulo venatorio," the whole prefaced by an Introduction of a dozen pages. 261. TJHAGON (Francisco R. de). Los Libros DE Cetreria del Canciller Pero Lopez de Ayala, de Juan de Sant-Fahagun, y de Don Fadrique de Zufiiga y Sotomayor. Noticias reunidas por D. Francisco R. de Uhagon. Madrid. 1889. 8vo. In this essay of 30 pp., of which only 100 copies were printed, the author makes a critical examination of the three celebrated Spanish works on Falconry by the writers above mentioned. He shows, by means of extracts printed in parallel columns, that the supposed original work of Juan de Sant- Fahagun is almost entirely founded upon that of Pero Lopez de Ayala, and in a great measure copied from it, several passages being literally transcribed, and others only slightly paraphrased. See note to No. 230, Sant-Fahagun, anteh p. 117. A remarkable instance of plagiarism is quoted on p. 16. Ayala remarks that certain falcons (" baharis sardos, et mallor- quinos," &c.) commence to moult sooner and get through the moult quicker than any others. Sant-Fahagun repeats this observation in slightly different words, Ayala then adds : " Yo vi un falcon del Rey Don Pedro que dizian ' Doncella ' \i.e.y " the waiting-maid "] et era bahari de Romania et garcero [a heron-hawk] et altanero [and a high-flier] et vilo la primera semana del mes de Agosto ser ya fuera de la muda et desay- nado [and enseamedj et aquella semana matar una garga." Sant-Fahagun, not to be outdone, actually asserts : " Yo vi en fin de Julio un falcon bahari sardo de Don Alfonso Anri- quez, almirante de Castilla, ser mudado y desainado y matar garza ! " We may well exclaim with Senor de Uhagon, " rara casuali- dad ! chocante coincidencia ! " In Spanish as in other languages the earliest printed books on Falconry do not always contain the oldest treatises. Those, for instance, of the Prince Juan Manuel (No. 226) and the SPANISH, 135 Chancellor Pero Lopez de Ayala (No. 228), which date back to 1325 and 1386 respectively, have only been printed and pub- lished within the last ten years. A great number of Spanish works on hawking still remain in MS. I have notes of more than forty such MSS. in various libraries, public and private. Amongst these may be specially noticed a Spanish translation of the fifteenth century of the work of Brunetto Latini (No. 263) ; not from the first printed Italian version of Bono Giamboni but from the original French (see p. 137). Two copies of this are known to exist. The authors of La Caza (No. 260) give the title as follows : " Paredes {Alfonso de) — aqui comienga el libro del Thesoro que fabla de todas las noblezas de las cosas," and after mentioning some of the most interesting chapters (see p. 137) conclude with the following remark : " Este libro lo trasladc Maestre Brunete de Latyn en rromase Frances, y Don Sancho nieto de Fernando el Santo, lo mando trasladar de Frances en lenguaje Castellano, al maestro Alfonso de Paredes, fissico del infante don Fernando su fijo, y a Pascual Gomez, escrivano del Rey." It is possible that the Spanish Literature of Falconry may yet receive additions, in the shape of treatises by the late Don Antonio Boria y Pascual, who died in 1876, leaving voluminous MSS. for a work on the history and bibliography of Hunting and Hawking, and by Senor Don Enrique de Leguina, whose quarto MS. of 270 pages, '■^ adoniado con Jtiuchas acuarelas" was anxiously expected by Don Gutierrez de la Vega when he pub- lished, in 1879, his editions of the works by the Prince and the Chancellor above mentioned. The last-named writer has thus described his own MS. : — " La Cetreria — Apuntes coordinados por Enrique de Leguina 1882. MS. 4to. Adornado con cinco acnarelas, letras de adomo etc." He adds in a note : — " El objeto de este trabajo es dar a conocer algunos datos sobre la historia de la Cetreria, aves que se destinaban a este ejercicio, metodo de adiestrarlas etc. : pero es solo una reunion de noticias, min no preparadas para la iviprenta. Se halla dividida en nueve capitulos, a saber (i) de la Caza en general; (2) La Cetreria ; (3) Division de la Halconeria; (4) el Halcon; (5) su ensenanza; (6) sus enferme- dades ; (7) obras consultadas ; (8) Cazadores y Halcones Es- panoles cclebres ; (9) Glosario." This cannot fail to prove a most interesting work to falconers, and it is to be hoped that it may be speedily published. 136 BOOKS ON FALCONRY, portugueee. 262. FERNANDEZ FERREIRA (Diego). Arte DA CA9A DA ALTANERiA composta por Dicgo Fernandez Ferreira, moco da Camara del Rey, & do seu service. Dirigida a Dom Francisco de Mello, Marquez de Ferreyra, Conde de Tentugal, etc. Repartida em seis partes. Na primeira trata da cria9ao dos Gaviaes & sua caga. Na segunda dos Assores & sua caca. Na terceira dos Falcoes & sua ca^a. Na quarta de suas doengas & mezinhas. Na quinta das Armadilhas. Na sexta da passagem & peregrinacao das Aves. Com licen9a da S. Inquisi9ao, Ordinario & Pago. Em Lisboa, na officina de lorge Rodriguez. Anno de 16 16. sm. 4to. The only Portuguese work on the subject which has come to light after long search, and inquiries made through friends resident in Portugal. It is mentioned by Hammer Purgstall (No. 112), and, on his authority, by Schlegel (No. 194), but these authors merely give the first five words of the title, with- out any indication of the contents, as above. It contains 5 preliminary leaves, 118 leaves, and contents 5 pp. A Spanish translation of this, made by Juan Batista de Morales in 1625, with the title "Arte de Cazar de Diego Fernandez Herrera," is preserved in the National Library at Madrid. Existing MSS. prove that treatises on Falconry were com- posed in Portugal as in Spain, but they were much fewer in number, or have been less carefully preserved. Argote de Molina, in his '■'■ Nobleza del Andaluzia^'' mentions a Portuguese MS. on Falconry of the fifteenth century, in the Biblioteca de Palaccio, Madrid, by Pero Menino, " que fue Halconero mayor del Rey D. Fernando de Portugal." But it does not appear that this was ever printed. ITALIAN, 137 Jtalian. 263. LATINI (Brunette). Il Tesoro, nel qual se tratta de tutte le cose che a mortali se appartengono vol- garizzato da Bono Giamboni. Trevisa. 1474. folio. This remarkable encyclopaedia, which contains several chapters on Falconry (book i. part v.), was composed in Paris at the end of the thirteenth century by the celebrated Florentine gram- marian, Brunette Latini,and was originally written in French — "Z? Livres dou Tresor redige en langue Franr^aise ou Romans selonc h parler de France pour ce que la parleure est plus delitable et plus commune a tous langages." M. H. Martin Dairvault, in the Introduction to his edition of the Livre du Rot Dancus (No. 139) has noticed a MS. fragment of the Tresor in the Bibl. Nat. Paris, No. 12581, du Fonds frangois, which is dated 1284. It was translated into Italian by Bono Giamboni, and first published in 1474. Other editions — Vinezia, 1528 and 1533. The chapters on Falconry were reprinted for private circu- lation, in 1 85 1, by Count Mortara, in his Scritture Antiche Toscana di Falcontria (No. 293), but it was not until 1863 that the whole of the original French text was for the first time printed, by M. Chabaille, with the following title : — Li Livres dou Tresor par Brunetto Latini. Public pour la premiere fois d'apres les MSS. de la Bibliotheque Imperiale, Bibliotheque de 1' Arsenal, etc., par P. Chabaille. Collection de Documents inedits sur I'histoire de France ; publics par les soins du Ministre de 1' Instruction publique (2"" seric, Lettres et Sciences). Paris, Imprimerie Imperiale. 1863. 4to. In this edition, now the most easily referred to, although apparently overlooked by Baron de Noirmont (No. 206, iil p. 90, note), the pages relating to Falconry are as follow : — Book i. part v., " De la nature des Animaus ; " p. 197, ch. 148, de toutes manieres de Ostours ; p. 201, ch. 149, de tous Espreviers ; p. 202, ch. 150, de tous Faucons ; p. 204, ch. 151, de tous Emerillons. 138 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. The falcons mentioned by Bninetto Latini are — (i) las laniers j (2) les faucons que on apele pelerins parce que nus ne trueve son nif ains est pris aussi cousine en pelerinage ; (3) les faucons montains ; (4) les faucons gentils ou gruiers qui vaut mieux que li autre ; (5) les girfalcs ; (6) les sourpoins [sur poing] blanche, et semblables au girfaut ; (7) les brectons, que li plusor apelent rodio, cest k dire li rois et li sires de touz autres oisiaus. This curious work has likewise been edited by M. Chabaille for the Collezione di opere inedite rare dal secolo xiii. al xvii. Bologna, 1878, with illustrations by L. Gaiter. For some account of the author see Sundby, " Delia vita e deir opere di Brunetto Latini," 1884, and Ortolan (J. L. E.) " Etude sur Brunetto Latini apprdci^ comme le maitre de Dante," Paris, 1873. 264. CRESCENTIO (Pietro de, Cittadino di Bo- logna). Il Libro della Agricoltura. Firenze. 1478. folio. The first Italian translation of a work originally composed in Latin, in 1307, at the desire of Charles IL, King of Sicily, and translated into French in 1373 at the request of Charles V. of France. It resembles in its plan the Maison Rustique of Estienne and Liebault (No. 148), and deals with agriculture and field sports, the ninth book containing a chapter on Falconry. For the Latin editions see under Latin authors. The Italian editions, besides that above cited (which is the earliest and rarest), are as follow : — Vicenza, 1490, folio ; Venezia, 1511, 1534, 1536, 1538, 1542, all in folio; Venezia, tradotta nuovamente con le figure deir erbe e degli animale, e un Vocabolario delle cose difficili per Francesco Sansovino, 1561, 4to ; Venezia, per F. Rampazetti, 1564, 8vo ; Firenze, appresso Cosimo Giunti, 1605, 4to; Napoli, per Felice Mosca, 1724, 8vo ; Bologna, 1784; Milano, 1805, 8vo ; and probably others. According to Lastri, the author of the first translation was not, like the composer, a native of Bologna, as is generally asserted, but a Tuscan. " Quanto al suo primo traduttore b affatto incerto ; pare solamente che si posse affermare ch' ei fosse Toscano, non Bolognese come alcuni anno preteso " (" Bibliotheca Georgica," p. 40). ITALIAN. 139 For the German and French editions of this work see Nos. 96 and 141. 265. MEDICI (Lorenzo de'). La Caccia col Fal- cone. Poema della xv. sieclo. \c. 1478.] An original poem of forty-five stanzas descriptive of hawking in Italy, from the original MS. in the Laurentian Library at Florence, printed for the first time by William Roscoe in the second edition of his '* Life of Lorenzo de' Medici," London, 1796, 2 vols. 4to (vol. ii. Appendix pp. 17-28). " Amongst the materials collected for my use," says Roscoe, "by a friend in Florence, I had the pleasure to find several beautiful poems of Lorenzo de' Medici, the originals of which are deposited in the Laurentian Library, although the former editors of his works appear not to have had the slightest in- formation respecting them. These poems, which have been copied with great accuracy, and, where it was possible, collated with different manuscripts, are for the first time given to the public at the close. of the present work " (Preface, p. xvii.). He adds, however, in a foot-note to vol. i. p. 280 : " About a dozen copies of these poems were printed in the year 1791, chiefly for the purpose of regulating the text, which have since been dis- tributed by the editor amongst his friends. This he thinks it necessary to mention to prevent any misapprehension on the part of those into whose hands such volume may chance to fall." The poem entitled La Caccia col Falcone^ he observes (vol. i. p. jSi), is apparently founded on a real incident. The poet gives a circumstantial and lively account of the then popular diversion of hawking, from the departure of the company in the morning to their return in the heat of the day. As a specimen of the author's style, the following stanzas may be quoted : — " E si vedea una gentil Valletta Un fossatel con certe macchie in mezzo, Da ogni parte rimunita, e netta, Sol nel fossato star possono al rezzo ; Era da ogni lato una piagetta, Che d' uccellar facea venir riprezzo A chi non avessi occhi, tanto e bella ; El mondo non ha una pari a quella." 140 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. A flight at the partridge with a trained Sparrow-hawk is thus described : — *' Ecco Guglielmo a te una ne viene, Cava il cappello, et alzerai la mano; Non istar pili Guglielmo, ecco a te bene ; Guglielmo getta, e grida, ahi villano ! Segue la starna, e drieto ben le tiene Quello sparviere, e in tempo momentano Dette in aria forse cento braccia j Poi cadde in terra, e gik la pela, e straccia. Preseli il geto, e per quel 1' ha tenuto j Dalli il capo, e' 1 cervello, e non li pesa ; Sgermillo, e 1' unghia e' 1 becco gli havea netto ; Poi rimisse il cappello, e torna a getto." The scene depicted was most probably at Poggio-Cajano (described op. cit. vol. ii. pp. 134-135), about ten miles from Florence, where Lorenzo frequently enjoyed the diversions of hunting and hawking, the latter of which he is said to have pre- ferred. This statement is made on the authority of his con- temporary and friend Niccolo Valori, a Florentine, who wrote his Life in Latin, which was not printed until 1749, though an Italian translation of it appeared in 1560. Lorenzo died in 1492. In the description of the village of Cajano by another con- temporary, Michaelo Verini, it is remarked that the neighbour- hood abounded with quails and other birds, particularly water- fowl ; and that Lorenzo stocked his woods with pheasants and with peacocks, which he procured from Sicily. 266. AGOGO MAGO. Opera nobilissima com- posta per lo excelente maistro Agogo Mago Re de tute le passion vien a Falconi, Astori, e Sparaveri. Milano. 15 17. sm. 4to. Title in black-letter, with woodcut of hawks on a perch, two falconers, one standing, the other seated, and a hound lying beneath the perch. This very scarce tract is printed at the end of a treatise (fols. 28 verso-Z2) on the Horse, entitled " Libro de la natura di Cavalli & el modo di rilevarli : medicarli : & LORENZO DE' MEDICI, 1448-1492. Author of" La Caccia col Falcone. \ ITALIAN. 141 domarli & cognoscerli : & quali son boni : & del modo de farli perfect! : &c. Item in simel modo tratta de la natura di rilevar : medicar : govemar : & matenir Spalivieri Astori Falconi & simili, &c." This first title (which is not in black-letter) is printed in six and a half lines at the top of the page (fol. i), below which is a three-quarter page cut of a blacksmith's forge wherein a horse is being shod. On the last page (32 verso) are four woodcuts of bits for horses. The first treatise occupies fols. 2-28; the second, 28 verso-yi. It is undated, and the author's name does not appear. It is presumably the work referred to by Capt. Huth in his " Bibliography of the Horse," 1887 (p. 5), as having been printed at Milan in 1517. Can this be the " traite special en Italien " mentioned by M. Charavay on p. 3 of his *' Etude sur la Chasse ^ I'Oiseau au Moyen-age" (No. 210), "fait au xvsibcle et irv^S^-vX^ Medecini di Cavalli e Falconi, lequel traits faisait partie de la bibliothbque de Diane de Poitiers " (Bibl. Nat. it. 939) ? He does not state whether the treatise to which he refers was ever printed, but the treatise in my possession, of which I have seen no other copy, answers his description. It is entirely occupied with an enumeration of remedies for diseases in horses and hawks. Who the author was remains to be discovered ; perhaps an early King of Sicily (he is described in the title as " Re," and the composition is evidently of some antiquity) j perhaps he had no more certain existence than " le Roi Modus " or " le Roi Dancus." 267. CARCANO (Francesco Sforzino da). Tre LiBRi DEGLi UccELLi DA Rapina di M. Franccsco Sforzino da Carcano, nobile Vicentino, ne quali si contiene la vera cognitione dell' Arte de Struccleri, & il modo di conoscere, ammaestrare, reggere, & medicare tutti gli Augelli Rapaci. Con un trattato de Cani del medesimo. Con privilegio. [Woodcut.] In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari. 1547. sm. 8vo. Another edition with similar title ; nine prelim, leaves, pp. i- 250, and separately printed woodcut on last leaf. In Vinegia, appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari. 1568. sm. 8vo. 142 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Another, Venetia, per i Giolitti. 1581. sm. 8vo.' Two editions of 1585 and 1586 not seen. Another, with variation in the title, thus : — The Libri degli Uccelli da Preda del Signer Francesco Carcano detto Sforzino con un trattatto de' Cani. Venetia. 1587. sm. 8vo. A copy is in the library of M. Pierre A. Pichot, of Paris. A third variation in the title occurs in the following : — Dell' Arte del Strucciero con il modo di conoscere e medicare Falconi, Astori, e Sparavieri, e tutti gli Uccelli di Rapina, del Signor Francesco Carcano, nobile di Vicenza. Brescia. 1607. i2mo. Tre Libri de gli Uccelli da Rapina di M. Francesco Sforzino da Carcano nobile Vicentino. Ne quali si contiene etc con un trattato de Cani da Caccia del medesimo. [Woodcut.] In Vicenza, per il Megietti. 1622. sm. 8vo. A smaller illustrated edition with title as follows ; — Dell' Arte del Strucciero, con il modo di conoscere e medicare Falconi, Astori, e Sparavieri, e tutti gli Uccelli di Rapina. Adornato con le sue Figure. Del Sig. Francesco Carcano, nobile di Vicenza. [Woodcut] In Milano, per Filippo Ghisolfi, ad instanza di Gio. Battista Bidelli. Con licenza de' Superiori. 1645. i6mo. Carcano states in his Preface that this treatise is the result of forty years' experience as a falconer, and the perusal of all the Italian and French books he could find relating to Falconry — " che e lo spatio di piu di quaranta anni posso con verita affirmare di havere praticato con i migliori struccieri de 1' etk ITALIAN. 143 nostra, et tratenutone molti in casa mia di paesi diversi et letto quelle che gli altri ne hanno scritto cosi in Italia come in Francia," &c. (p. iiii.). The author's reputation as a falconer caused his book to become very popular, and it not only passed through several editions, as above shown, but was extensively copied by sub- sequent writers, as, for example, Raimondi (No. 277) and Turbervile (No. 14). 268. GIORGI (Federico). Libro di M. Federlco Giorgi del modo di conoscere i buoni Falconi, Astori e Sparavieri, di farli, di governarli, et di medicarii, come nella Tavola si puo vedere. Con Privilegio. [Woodcut] In Vinegia, appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari. 1547. i2mo. The first edition of this esteemed work, to which our English Turbervile (No, 14) admitted his indebtedness. Fifty-three leaves, printed in italic, with " tavola dell' opera." At the end "In Vinegia, appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, mdxlvii." A slight variation is to be found in the titles of succeeding editions; thus: — LiBRO di M. Federico Giorgi del modo di conoscere i buoni Falconi, Astori, e Sparavieri, di farli, di governarli, & di medicarii, con una aggiunta nel fine della medesima materia. Con Privilegio. [Wood- cut.] In Vinegia, appresso Gabriel Giolito di Ferrari. 1558. i2mo. The second edition, also printed in italic — 53 leaves, with " tavola deir opera." Another edition, printed at Vinegia, 1567, is cited by Schlegel (No. 194). The title of a fourth edition runs as follows : — Libro di M. Federico Giorgi del modo di conoscere i buoni Falconi, Astori, e Sparavieri, di essercitarli & farli perfetti, di governarli & di medicarii. Con una 144 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Tavola delle cose piu notabili, e con una giunta in fine della medesima materia. [Woodcut.] In Vinegia, presso Altobello Salicato. 1573. The only edition known to Schneider (No. 324). Two editions of Brescia, 1595 and 1607, not seen. The former is cited by Kreysig (No. 322), the latter by Schlegel (No. 194). Lastly, the smallest edition thus entitled : — LiBRO di M. Federico Giorgio, del modo di conos- cere i buoni Falconi, Astori, e Sparavieri, di farli, di governarii, & medecadi. Con una aggionta nel fine della medesima materia. Con Privilegio. [Woodcut.] In Milano, per Filippo Ghisolfi, ad instanza di Gio. Battista Bidelli. Con licenza de' Superiori. 1645. i6mo. pp. 136, 2 leaves, " a' lettori," and two "tavola dell' opera." This edition has nine small woodcuts in the text between pp. 5-29. At the end, pp. 128-136, "Trattato della cura de Cani," with woodcut of Spaniel. Kreysig cites (p. 153) a " Libellus de cognoscendis bonis fal- conibus," 1547, but this apparently is only the Latinised title of the present work. 269. BOCCAMAZZA (Domenico). Trattato DELLA Caccia. Libri viii. Roma, per M. Gyronima de Cartolari Perosina. 1548. sm. 4to. Very scarce; a copy in the British Museum (62. a. 13) wants the title, and the pagination from p. 49 is imperfect. It purports to consist of 135 leaves, but there are 138. The work is divided into eight books, of which the last three relate to Falconry ; the fifth ends thus : — " Qui finiscie el quinto libro dove se e trattato de molte & varie cose come se vedeno scritte." The sixth {i.e., the first on Falconry) begins: "Questo e il libro dove si parla di Uccelli, il quale ITALIAN. 145 e diviso in tre Trattati, il primo e diviso in none capitoli. II primo capitolo tratta de quattro generationi de Uccelli de preda, & della loro proprieta, & di apere cognoscieri il migliore. // secotido capitolo insegnia a cognosciere li Astor, quali de loro sono utili alia preda, & quali noi. // terzo capitolo insegnia del modo di pasciere li Uccelli & de regerli. // quatro del modo de adottrinare li Uccelli a volare. // quinto park de la muta & della casa della muta & del pasto cbe allhoro conviene. // sesio insegnia a smagrare lo Uccello quando escie di muta. II settimo parla delli segni quando lo Uccello e sano. U ottavo parla delli segni de le loro malatie. Ilnono parla come li Uccelli se debbano portare & tenere." The second book of Falconry (the seventh of the work) treats of the maladies of hawks and how to cure them (105 verso-12^ verso, rectius 98 verso-126 verso), and the last, which begins " Qui commincia il terzo trattato de la malati che vengono di fuora alii Uccelli," deals also with recipes for various diseases, real or imaginary, and gives such hints as **A fare volare presto uno uccello," " Per fare mutare presto uno uccello." The colophon reads : — " Qui finisiono gU otto Libri de M. Domenico Bocca Mazza quali narreno de varii & diverse cose apertinenti alii Cacciatori. In Roma, per M. Gyroniraa de Cartolari Pero- sina. M.D.XLViii." 270. SCANDIANESE (Tito Giovanni). I Quattro Libri della Caccia di Tito Giovann. Scandianese. Con la dimostratione de luochi di Greci et Latini Scrittorietc. Alio Illus. et Eccellentiss. Duca Hercole Estense Secondo, di Ferrara Duca Quarto. Con la Tavola copiosissima in fine. Con Privilegio. [Armorial.] In Vinegia, appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari et Fratelli. 1556. 4to. A poem in ottava rivia on the chase (pp. 1-164, exclusive of the " Dimostratione " and " Tavola "), divided into four books. The first in commendation of field sports in general, and the occupations of a sportsman ; the second treats of horses and dogs, and the best kinds to be employed ; the third deals with 146 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. the chase of different wild animals ; and the fourth relates to birds in general, and falcons and hawks in particular. " Molti gli augelli son detti Falconi, Ch' obediran del suo Signor la mano : E come piaceralli alle stagioni Ne geti ne capel torralli in vano" (p. i6i). Alluding to the Goshawk (Astore), used in Italy for flying at partridges and pheasants, the author particularly notes its splendid yellow eyes, and its finely curved beak and talons : — *' Gli occhi han di color d' oro e risplendenti E con grandezza quei volgono attorno II becco e 1' unghie havran curve e pungenti E '1 dosso lor di terse penne adorno Stanno del Falconier al grido attenti E fan di lieve al suo pugno ritorno Mentre con polio o starne quella alletta E parlo obediente si diletta " (p. 162). In similar strain the poet sings the delights of heron-hawking and of flying the Sparrow-hawk a minori uccelli (p. 163). According to Marco Lastri, the author's real name was Gan- zarini. He says : — ** il vero cognome dell' autore e Ganzarini, detto Scandianese dalla patria nello stato di Modena " {Bibl. Georgica, p. 115). 271. ANGELI (Pietro, da Barga ; detto comune- mente " il Bargeo "). De Aucupio Liber Primus: ad Franciscum Medicem Florentinorum Senensium Principem. Florentise, apud luntas. 1566. 4to. According to I.astri {Bibl. Georgica), this poem was to have been completed in four books, but the author did not print the other three. The first has been happily rendered in Italian verse and annotated by Prof. Gio. Pietro Bergantini, of the Academy of Pisa, the translator of // Falconiere of Tuano (No. 284), with which work it was printed "in Venezia, 1735, presso Giambatista Albrizzi, in 4to, col titolo di Uccellatura a Vischio." The art of taking all kinds of birds with bird-lime, including hawks and falcons. ITALIAN. 147 272. MANZINI (Cesare). Ammaestramenti per allevare pascere e curare gli Uccelli etc. Opera no- vamente composta per Cesare Manzini, Romano. In Milano, per Pacifico Pontio. 1575. i6mo. Brescia, 1607, i6mo. Milano, per Filippo Ghisolfi, ad instanza di Gio. Battista Bidelli, 1645, i6mo. Bologna, per Costantino Pisarri, 1726, i6mo. This little book relates solely to cage-birds, and is only men- tioned here because it is usually bound up with the books on Falconry by Francesco Carcano and Federico Giorgi, and might be supposed to relate to that subject. 273. VALVASONE (Erasmo di). La Caccia : Poema del Signor Erasmo di Valvasone, con gli argomenti a ciascun Canto del Sig. Gio. Domenico degli Alessandri. In Bergamo, Ventura. 1591. sm. 8vo. La Caccia del 111. Sig. Erasmo di Valvasone. Ricoretta e di molte stanze ampliata con le Annotationi di M. Olimpio Marcucci. In Bergamo, Ventura. 1593. sm. 8vo. Other editions: Bergamo 1594, Venetia 1602, Bergamo 1603, Venezia 161 1, 1612, and Milano 1808. This poem on the chase, extending to 125 leaves, exclusive of the " Dedication " and "Annotations" by Marcucci, was very popular in its day, and is still held in some esteem by collectors of opera cynegetica. It is divided into five cantos dealing with different branches of field sports, each preceded by a full-page illustration on copper. The fifth canto relates to Falconry, in which allusion is made to the different hawks used by falconers, the methods of catching and training them, and the remedies for their ailments. The annotations of Marcucci are chiefly directed to an explanation of the classical allusions made by the poet. 148 BOOKS ON FALCONR V. 274. CODROIPO (Francesco). Dialogo de la Caccia de' Falconi, Astori, e Sparvieri di Francesco Codroipo, gentilhuomo Udinese. Al serenissimo Don Ferdinando Arciduca d' Austria etc. Con licenza de Superiori. [Vignette.] In Udine, appresso Giovan- battista Natolini. 1600. sm. 4to. Printed throughout in italic. Title, Dedication, and Commen- datory Verses, i.-xiv. ; pp. 1-90; Tavola, i.-v. Edizione seconda, Udine, per Pietro Lorio, 1614, 8vo. In this small quarto of less than a hundred pages, the author, by way of dialogue, relates a series of conversations which he says took place between his father, il Cavaliere Codroipo, and an accomplished falconer with whom he used to stay on a visit, Signor Giacomo Savorgnano, the owner of the castles of Ariis and Isemico, in the district of Friuli. He states that, being present at their discourses when out hawking, and being much struck with all he heard, he committed it to memory, and on his return to the house made a note of it, putting into the mouths of the speakers (who are distinguished as " Sig. Giacomo " and *' Cavaliere") the very words which, so far as he could remember, each of them uttered. It is pleasant reading, reminding one of D'Arcussia's Conference des Fauconniers {^o. 154), though less spirited and less exact, because related second-hand. " Posso dire con veritk " (says Sig. Giacomo) " che il volo de' falconi a riviera e cosa mavigliosa e stupenda : poiche si vede un animale il piu altiero d' animo, ed inimico de 1' huomo ch' altro qual si voglia, con la sola patienza ed industria non solo fatto amico, ma quasi intendente di tutte le voglie di chi lo regge " (p. 16). He describes (pp. 18-19) a flight at a heron with a Peregrine. The greater portion of the work is occupied with a discussion on the different kinds of falcons and their peculiarities, on Gos- hawks and Sparrow-hawks, their ailments, and the remedies recommended for them. 275. IMPERIALI (Giovanni Vincenzio, Geno- vese). Lo Stato Rustico. Poema in verso sciolto I ITALIAN. 149 in XVI. parti, Geneva, appresso Giuseppe Pavoni. 161 1, sm. 4to. Like Le Plaisir des Champs of Claude Gauchet (No. 151), this poem describes the pleasures and recreations of a country life, in which Falconry, like other field sports, plays a part. A second edition was printed in Venezia, appresso Evan- gelista Deuchino. 16 13. 12010. 276. GATTI (Alessandro). La Caccia : poema heroico, nel quale si tratta pienamente della natura e di gli affetti d'ogni sorte di fiere, col modo di cacciarle e prenderle. In Londra, appresso Gio. Billio. 16 19. sm. 8vo. Of all the works on Falconry and the chase written in Italian, this is the only one as yet found to have been printed in London. A curious little volume, dedicated to that great English patron of hunting and hawking, King James I. 277. RAIMONDI (Eugenic, Bresciano). Le Cac- CIE Delle Fiere armate e disarmate e degl' animali quadrupedi, volatili et aquatici ; opera nuova nella quale pienamente si discorre del governo, cura, e medicamenti degli Uccelli rapaci et innocenti et de' Cani ; con perfettissimi ammaestramenti di tutte le maniere dell' uccellare etc. Brescia, per Bartolome Fontana. 1621. 8vo. Delle Caccie di Eugenio Raimondi, Bresciano, Libri quattro, aggiuntovi 'n questa nuova impressione il quinto libro della Villa. In Napoli, per Lazaro Scorrigio. 1626. 4to. Engraved title, 26 leaves, pp. 1-635, ^'^d Tavola. Twenty- one engravings on copper, of which eight are duplicates. I50 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Delle Caccie di Eugenio Raimondi, Bresclano, Libri quattro. Aggiuntovi 'n questa nuova impresslone altre Caccie che, sperse in altri libri andavano. Venetia. 1 630. 4to. Engraved title, 5 leaves, pp. 1-5 12, and Tavola. Nineteen engravings on copper, of which two are duplicates, all included in the pagination. In cap. viii. lib. i, Delia divisione degli Uccelli da rapina (pp. 81-117), the different kinds of falcons and hawks are de- scribed, as well as the method of training and flying the Goshawk and Sparrow-hawk, the former of which was much used in Italy in the seventeenth century for taking partridges and pheasants. In cap. ix. lib. i,Dellostrucciero{\)^. 1 19-173) (though the head- line throughout this chapter runs " Cap. viii. Lib. i "), the qualities of a good falconer are noted, the mode of training falcons, making them to the hood, &c., and general advice as to feeding and moulting. In the previous edition of 1626 this information is given in caps, vi.-vii. lib. i (pp. 41-137). Schneider, who cites the edition of 1626 in his " Catalogus auctorum rei accipitrariae " ap- pended to his edition of the work of the Emperor Frederick II. (No. 308), expresses a poor opinion of it, regarding it as entirely a compilation — " natura avium rapacium, earumque educatio, et disciplina omnis venatoria et medica explicatur ; sed hsec omnia cum toto libro ex pluribus aliis transcripta nuUam proprii usus commendationem habent" (op. cit. ii. p. 14). The author no doubt borrowed largely from Carcano (No. 267). Le Caccie delle fiere armate et disarmate e degl' animali quadrupedi, volatili ed aquatici : opera nuova e curiosa di Eugenio Raimondi, Bresciano. In Venezia, F. Locatelli. 1785. sm. 8vo. 278. OLINA (Gio. Pietro). Uccelliera overo Discorso della natura e proprieta di diversi Uccelli e in particolare di que che cantano. Con il modo de prendergli, conoscergli, allevargli e mantenergli. E ITALIAN FALCONERS OF THE XVII CENTURY Partridge-hawking with the Ooshawk, From an engraving hy Tempetta, 1622. ITALIAN. 151 con le Figure cavate dal vero e diHgentemente inta- gliate in rame dal Tempesta e dal Villamena. Opera di Gio. Pietro Olina, Novarese, Dottor di Legge. Dedicata al Sig. Cavalier dal Pozzo. [Armorial.] Con privilegio del Sommo Pontefice. In Roma, ap- presso Andrea Fei. 1622. 4to. Dedication 2 pp., then 67 leaves with full-page engraving on verso of each ; pp. 68-81 to Indice, which occupies 6 leaves. Another edition on larger and better paper, with title slightly altered and within engraved border. In Roma, presso M. Angelo di Rossi, 1684, 4to. In this edition the following plates have been re-engraved : — Tordo, p. 5; Bubbola^ p. 36 ; Caccia col bracco a retCy p. 51 ; DelT uccellar con la ragna, p. 61 ; and all the plates differ from those in the earlier edition in having a border at top and bottom. Considering the date at which these engravings were exe- cuted, they are much superior to the figures of birds by English and French artists of the same period, excepting perhaps those by Francis Barlow engraved by Hollar. Chiefly song-birds are represented of the natural size (pp. 1-50), but in addition (pp. 51-81) there are plates of partridge and quail netting; par- tridge-hawking with the Goshawk; trap to catch a Sparrow- hawk; and illustrations of the mode in which bird-catchers employ the Little Owl {Civetta) and falconers the Eagle Owl {Gufo) depicted on a much finer scale by Ridinger (No. 103). A French translation of Olina's work appeared in Paris in 1774 (No. 178). 279. PRANCUCCI (Scipione, Aretino). La Cac- cia Etrusca : PoEMA. Firenze, appresso i Giunti. 1624. 4to. Not seen. Thus described by Lastri {Bibl. Georgica, p. 56) : " Canti xvi. in ottava rima. S' imagina e si rappresenta una nobilissima caccia in Toscana, dove intervengono con Ferdi- nando II. de Medici, i principali signori di Roma e di Toscana. Pill descrittivo che istruttivo." As Falconry was then popular in Tuscany, it will probably be found mentioned by this author. See Mortara (No. 293). 152 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 280. CORSINI (Accursio). Apologetico alla Caccia, ove dopo narrati i vitii da molte Scrittori rim- proverati alla Caccia e Cacciatori, scopronsi le virtu di lei, e il modo d' usarla per conseguir ottimo tempera- mento di complessione, quadratura di corpo, continua sanita, fortezza ed agilita militare acutezza di sensi sagacita, d' animo, e longa vita .... raccolta per 1' ex- cellentissimo Dottor di Leggi Accursio Corsini, gen- tilhiiomo di Bergamo. [Vignette.] In Bergamo, per Valerio Ventura. 1626. 4to. Title within border : prelim, pp. xxx. (including dedication to Don Alfonso d' Este, Prince of Modena ; Indice di gli autori citati nell opera, e Somarii de Capitoli), pp. 1-654. None but the most enthusiastic reader of books relating to the chase would attempt to peruse the otto libri deW Apolo- getica delta Caccia of Corsini. His closely printed volume of over 600 pages teaches nothing on any branch of the chase, and merely embodies arguments to prove the health-restoring, life- giving, mind-instructing advantages of field sports which most readers at the outset would probably be willing to concede. Moreover, the work relates solely to the Caccia de Quadrupedi, for, although, as we gather from his concluding remarks in book viii., the author contemplated the preparation of certain discorsi delta nobilissima Caccia aerea di gli Augelli (e della aquatica Caccia de Fesci), it does not appear that they were ever printed. 281. BIR AGO (Francesco). Trattato Cinegetico ovERo della Caccia. Milano. 1626. 8vo. Not in the British Museum, and not seen. Probably, as in other works of the kind of this period, Falconry, amongst other field sports, receives some share of attention. 282. GALLEGARIS (Bernardino). Lo Struc- ciERO di Bernardino Gallegaris, nobile Opitergino [of ITALIAN. 153 Odergo, in Venetian Lombardy] dove si discorre del modo di conoscere, allevare e ridurse gli Uccelli RAPACT all' uso della caccia, e come si curino li loro mali. Dedicate all' altezza serenissima di Modena Francesco Primo. Libro Tre. Venetia, alia Minerva, con licenza de superiori e privilegio. 1646. i2mo. A copy of this scarce little book, purchased for 4of. at the sale of M. Bartel's library in April 1889, is in the collection of M. Pierre A. Pichot, of Paris, where we lately examined it. Lastri, in his Biblioteca Georgica (p. 58), cites this author as "Gallevari (Bernardino), Strucchiero . . . per allevare gli Uccelli rapaci. Venezia, 1646." 283. SOLATIO (Caesare, Romano). L' Eccellenza della Caccia con 1' uso prattico della medesima. Roma, per Gregorio e Gio. Andreoli. 1669. i2mo. Not in the British Museum, and not seen. Doubtful whether any reference to Falconry, though this subject is dealt with in books having a similar title, e.g., Saincte Aulaire, Louange de la Chasse (No. 155, note). 284. TUANO (J. A.). Il Falconiere di Jacopo Augusto Tuano, Primo Presidente del Parlamento di Parigi, e Consigliere Intimo di Arrigo Quarto, dall' esametro Latino all' endecasillabo Italiano trasferito ed interpretato. Col 1' Uccellatura a Vischio di Pietro Angelio Bargeo, Pubblico Professore in Pisa. Poemetto pur Latino similmente tradotto e commen- tato. Ozii, e ameni studii di G. P. Bergantini, C.R. [Vignette.] In Venezia, presso Giambatista Albrizzi. 1735. 4to. Translated from the Latin by Gio. Pietro Bergantini. Em- bellished with portraits and vignettes, the Italian translation and Latin original being printed in parallel columns. 154 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. i8 prelim, leaves; Del Falconare, pp. 1-223; L' Uccellatura, separately paged, pp. 1-50 ; Calalogo degli autori, and Indice, 9 leaves. Appended to the poem of Tuano are some notes by the author showing the division of all hawks used by falconers into two classes : the long-winged birds of the lure — Lorarice. seu Finnarice (Gallis, oyseaux de leurre) — and the short-winged birds of the fist — Fugilares (Gallis, oyseaux de poing) — their names at different ages (as eyess, brancher, sore-hawk) being added, with the sup- posed Latin equivalents. For some account of this author see Latin writers, under Thuanus (p. 166). 285. MAZZUCHELLI (Giammaria). Gli Scrit- TORi d' Italia cioe Notizie Storiche e Critiche intorno alle vite e a gli Scrltti dei Letterati Italiani. In Brescia, presso a Giambatista Bossini, 1753-63. 6 vols, folio. This bibliography may be mentioned here as a useful work of reference for books on the chase by Italian writers printed before the middle of the eighteenth century. 286. PONTINI (Giovanni). La Cacciagione de VoLATiLi osia r arte di pigliare Uccelli in ogni ma- niera .... opera del Rocolista Giovanni Pontini. Vicenza. 1758. 8vo. With portrait and twelve copper plates. Mentioned by Lastri (p. loi), but without date. Of interest to falconers only on account of the methods described for taking hawks. 287. GTJARINONI (Girolamo). L' Uccellatura : poema dell' Abbate Girolamo Guarinoni, dedicato a D. Lodovico Rezzonico, nipote del Ponteiice Clemente xiii. Bergamo, appresso Pietro Lancellotti. 1760. 8vo. Lastri {Bibl. Georgica), obviously through a misprint, cites this author as " Guarinqui (Ab. Girolamo)." ITALIAN. 155 288. FONT ANA (P. Glicerio, Milanese). Dizio- NARio EcoNOMico RusTico continente tutto cio che appartiene all' Agricoltura Economica, Botanica, Caccia, Pesca etc. Milano. 1773. 14 vols. 8vo. For article " Falconeria." 289. TIRABOSCO (Antonio). L' Uccellagione Libri Tre de Antonio Tirabosco, Cittadino Veronese. [Vignette.] In Verona [per cura di Catterina Spinetta vedova Tirabosco]. A Spese Moroni : con licenza de' Superiori. 1775. 4to. I prelim, leaf; pp. 1-116. The first edition of this esteemed poem, published by his widow two years after the author's death. It relates to fowling rather than to Falconry, but a variety of birds are mentioned, including falcons and hawks, " il rapitor falcon " e ^^ lo sparavier.^^ " Gik presso all alte nubi attomo gira Lo Sparavier con I'affamato rostro, E col I'unghie mortifere sanguigne, E I'aer sotto e la campagna guata Preda cercando, e colk suso un punto Sembra all' occhio piii acuto che s'affisa." There have been several editions : — Parma (Gozzi), 1803, 8vo; Verona (Bisesti), 1807, 8vo; Verona (Moroni), 1807, 4to ; Parma (Carmignani), 1815, 8vo ; Venetia (Orlandelli), 1818, 8vo; Verona (Bisesti), 1 81 8, i2mo; Venezia (Nardini), i8ig, 8voj Venezia (Molinari), 1824, 8vo ; Roma (Solviucci), 1824, 8vo; Verona (La Minerva), 1857, 8vo ; Venezia (An- tonelU a cura del Cav. F. Scolari), 1859, 8vo; Verona (Civelli), 1879, i2mo. Although deserving of better paper and type, the latest edition, by A. Squarzoni, Verona, 1888, on account of the editor's notes, will probably be the most acceptable to those who desire to read this poem and thoroughly understand all the allusions in the text. It is thus entitled : — L* Uccellagione di Antonio Tirabosco con le cor- 156 BOOKS ON FALCONR V. rezioni di Girolamo Pompei e le varianti di Giuseppe Torelli. Illustra con note Storiche-Ornitologiche da Augusto Squarzoni. Verona, Civelli. 1888. 8vo. Pp. 1-4. Some account of the author is given in the Preface (pp. 1-8), and, apropos of the allusions to hawks, the editor has furnished a brief historical sketch of Falconry (pp. 90-95). The original MS. of this poem, it appears, is pre- served in the Seminario dall' Abate Santi Fontano, at Verona, and, by the courtesy of the Rector of that institution, was produced for the editor's inspection and use in preparing this edition. It is curious that a work so much esteemed in Italy as to have passed through a dozen editions should not yet have found a translator in some other country. 290. LASTRI (Marco). Bibltoteca Georgica ossia Catalogo Ragionato degli Scrittori di Agricol- tura, Veterinaria .... Caccia, Pesca etc., spettanti air Italia. Firenze. 1787. 4to. A useful work of reference (pp. i.-xi. ; 1-152) for Italian books on the chase printed before 1787, though not free from errors and omissions. 291. BOSSI (Luigi). Trattato delle malattie DEGLI Uccelli 6 dei diversi metodi di curarle : si aggiungono alcune altre richerche utili e curiosi di ornitologia. Milano. 1822. 8vo. Not in the British Museum, and not seen. 292. REVILIASCO E CELLE (G. F. S. Conte di). Della Caccia presso gli antichi e del modo di praticarla : opusculo di G. F. S. Conte di Reviliasco e Celle. Torino, dalla Stamperia Reale. 1824. 8vo. Including half-title and title, Prenozione, and Indice, pp.i-104. ITALIAN. 157 No head-lines. Divided into ten chapters, the longest being cap. viii., " Delle caccia degli uccelli praticata col mezzo dei Falconi," pp. 33-89. This chapter is divided into the following sections : — (i) Delia diverse specie di Falconi. (2) Altri uccelli di rapina adoperati per la caccia (Smeriglio, Astore, e Sparviere). (3) Metodo praticato per allevare i Falconi. (4) Modo d' amma- estrare i Falconi. (5) Malattie dei Falconi e degli Sparvieri. (6) Nomenclatura degl' attrezzi adoperati per custodire i Fal- coni. The 9th chapter treats of the Eagle {DeW Aquila), which the author refers to as being occasionally used for the chase, and being trained to take hares, foxes, and young roedeer ; but he adds (p. 90) : "ma colui che porta I'aquila ad uccellare debb' essere molto forte per poterla sostenere." 293. MORTARA (Conte Alessandro). Scritture Antiche Toscane di Falconeria ed alcuni capitoli neir originale Francese del Tesoro di Brunette Latini sopra la stessa materia con annotazioni del Colonello Conte Alessandro Mortara. Prato, Tipografia F. Alber- ghetti e Ci. 185 1. 8vo. In this privately printed and now scarce octavo pamphlet of 50 pp., dedicated to lovers of the Tuscan tongue, agli amatori della Toscanafavella, Count Mortara has published, for the first time, two Tuscan tracts on Falconry from the original MSS., preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and entitled (i) " Trattato de' Falconi ed altri Uccelli di Ratto buoni alia Caccia, e dell modo di ammaestrarli ; " (2) " Frammento di un Trattato dell cura delle malattie degli Uccelli di Ratto, che 1' uomo tiene perdiletto d' uccellare." To these he has added (3) the chapters on Falconry from the work of Brunetto Latini (No. 263), "Alcuni Capitoli del Libro primo del Tesoro di Ser Brunetto Latini ne' quali si tratta degli Astori, degli Sparvieri, de' Falconi, e degli Smerli, col volgarizzamento accanto di Bono Giamboni ; " the original French text and the Italian translation of Giamboni being printed on opposite pages. It should be observed that the numeration and headings of these chapters as given by Count Mortara, from a MS. assigned to the end of the thirteenth 158 BOOKS ON FALCONRY, century, and preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (Douce collection, No. 319), do not quite accord with those furnished by M. Chabaille, as above quoted (see No. 263). For the purpose of comparison. Count Mortara's version is here given : — Chap. 142, De toutes manibres d'ostors (Degli Astori) ; Chap. 143, En- core de toutes manieres d'ostors (Anche degli Astori); Chap. 144, Ci dit de tous Espreviers (Degli Sparvieri) ; Chap. 145, Ci dit des Faucons (De Falconi); Chap. 146, Ca dit de Es- merillons (Degli Smerli). The editor has added throughout numerous explanatory foot- notes. 294. SPEZI (Giuseppe). Due Trattati del GOVERNO E DELLE INFERMITA DEGLI UcCELLI, testi di lingua Inediti cavati di un codice Vaticano, e pubbli- cati e con note illustrati dal Prof. Giuseppe Spezi. Roma, Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche. 1864. 8vo. Pp. i.-xv. and 1-84. Cited by Zambrini in his Introduction (p. xii.) to the Libro delle Nature degli Uccelli fatto per lo Re Danchi (No. 296). The first tract is divided into forty-one chapters (pp. 1-56); the second into twenty-one (pp. 57-70), the remaining pages being occupied with explanatory notes. In the opinion of the editor, the late Prof. Spezi, this operetta, " sia una traduzione Toscana di antico libro Persiano, volto da prima nell' Arabica favella, ovvero nella Latina, o nella pro- venzale o francese, e quinci trasportato sul principio del mille e trecento nella lingua nostra." 295. CERUTI (Antonio). Trattato di Falcone- RiA, testo di lingua inedito del secolo xiv. Tratto da un manoscritto della Biblioteca Ambrosiana a cura deir Ab. Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, Tipi Fava e Garagnani. 1870. 8vo. Originally published in the periodical // Fropugnatore, edited by Prof. Zambrini, and a few copies separately printed, one of ITALIAN. 159 which is in the writer's possession. Fifty-five pages divided into fifty-eight chapters with the special title (p. 13) : " Trattatto del govemo, delle malattie e guarigioni de* Falconi^ Astori e Sparvieri." Prof. Zambrini, in his Introduction to the Libra delle nature degli Uccelli (No. 296), says (pp. xiii.-xiv.) : " La lingua non si pare affatto Toscana, ed b versione, come apertamente vi si dichiara dal provenzale in Latino : aci paraule che non fuorono intese per lo copiatore, ed impero sono in provinciali istesso. In origine anche questa operetta sembra una compilazione fatta sopra gli ammaestramenti del Re Danco e di maestro Guilielmo figliuolo che fue di Margher Appolitano e falconieri inutrito in corte dello Re Rugieri." (Malgherio_^/ who, it is suggested, may have been one of the Tartar princes who reigned in Persia in the time of Marco Polo. Scattered throughout the treatise are Persian names for hawks and for the maladies to which they are liable — a subject which occupies the greater portion of the work. At p. 12 of his Prefazione Prof. Ferraro alludes to the works of Raimondi (No. 277) and " Chippa." This should be Crippa; Bonaventura Crippa, Trattato della Caccia (2da ed. Milano, 1834, i2mo, pp. 311). It treats generally of the chase in 4 sections, viz., (i) origin of hunting; chase of the bear, wolf, fox, &c. ; (2) chase of land birds ; (3) of water birds ; (4) dogs used for the chase. In the 2nd section, cap. 2 is entitled Delf arte della Falconeria, and cap. 3 Ammaestraviento del Falcone praticate degli Antichi. Reprinted at Milan, 1871. LATIN. i6i Xatin. 298. CRESCENTIIS (Petrus de). Ruralium COMMODORUM LiBRi XII. [Begin.] Petri de Cres- centiis civis Bononiensis epistola in librum commo- doriim ruralium. [1. 29.] Incipit liber ruralium commodorum a Petro de Crescentiis compilatus etc. [End.] Petri de Crescentiis civis Bonon. ruralium commodorum libri duodecim finiunt feliciter. Per Johannem Schuszler civem Augustensem. Augsburg. 1 47 1 . folio. 209 leaves, without title page, pagination, register, or catch- words ; with 35 lines to a full page. This is the first edition that has a date. Composed in 1307, at the desire of Charles II., King of Sicily, and translated into French in 1373, at the request of Charles V. of France, this work, in its plan, re- sembles the subsequently printed Maisoji Rustique of Estienne and Liebault (No. 148), which was translated into English by Surflet (No. 16). It deals with agriculture and field sports, the ninth book containing a chapter on Falconry. It passed through several editions in the original Latin — e.g.^ at Louvain, per Johannem de Westphalia, 1473, 1474? and 1475 '> Argentine, i486 \ Antwerp, 1500 ; Basle, 1538 and 1548 ; all in folio — and has been translated into German (No. 96), French (No. 141), and Italian (No. 264). 299. BEAUVAIS (Vincent de). Vincentii Bel- LovACENSis Speculum Naturale. Strasburg. 1473. folio. Other editions, Augsburg, 1474 ; Strasburg, 1476 ; and Nuremberg, i486 i^fide Schlegel). This author, who was a friar of the Order of Preachers and a contemporary of Albertus Magnus, Bishop of Ratisbon, has, in his Speculum Naturale, reproduced almost, textually, the apocry- L i62 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. phal letter on Falconry said to have been addressed by Sym- machus and Theodotio to a certain Ptolemy, King of Egypt. The original text, which is considered by Baron de Noirmont (No. 206) to have been really composed by some Greek or Italian author anterior to the thirteenth century (op. cit. iii. p. 89), has been lost, and we have only the translation in Catalan (No. 223), already noticed. For the rest, his remarks are based on the writings of Aristotle, Pliny, and Albertus Magnus 300. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De Falconibus AsTURiBUS ET AcciPiTRiBUS. In opere " De Ani- malibiis." Roma, Simon Nicholas de Lucas. 1478. folio. The first edition of this celebrated treatise, which was composed at Cologne between 1262 and 1280, by Albert de BoUstadt (surnamed by his contemporaries, the Great), Bishop of Ratisbon. A second edition was printed at Mantua, in 1479, ^i^d a later edition at Lyons in 1651, all in folio. It will be found in lib. xxiii. at the end of tom. vi. of his general work, De Aniinalibus. and is also printed with the work of the Emperor Frederick IL, De Arte Venandi cunt avibus (No. 308), which see. A German translation, by Walther Kyff, was pubUshed in 1545, at Frankfort-am-Main, and an earlier French translation of a portion is printed by M. Hejiri Dairvault in his edition of the Livre du Roi Dancus (No. 139). It is a crude compilation from Symmachus (No. 223), the Emperor Frederick's work (No. 308), and other sources, and shows the author to have been but imperfectly acquainted with the subject. 301. AQUA VIVA (Belisaire, Due de Nardo). Belisarii Aquavivi Aragonii Neritinorum Ducis Aliquot aurei libelli de Principum liberis educan- dis, de Venatione, de Aucupio, de Re Militari, de singulari certamine. Basileae, apud Petrum Pernam. 1 5 1 8. sm. 8vo. LATIN. 163 Editio altera. De Venatione et Aucupio per AcciPiTRES. Impressum Neapoli in bibliotheca Joann. Pasquet de Salo. 15 19. sm. folio. Not seen ; cited by Lastri, Bibliotheca Georgica Editio altera. Belisarii Aquavivi Aragonii Neritinorum Ducis aliquot aureoli vere lieelli, de Principum liberis educandis, de Venatione, de Aucupio, de re Militari, de singulari certamine. His additum est elegans poematium Michaelis Marulli de Principum institutione, nunquam hactenus editum. [Vignette.] Basilese, ex officina Petri Pernse. 1578. 8vo. 7 prelim, leaves, pp. 1-224, and Index, pp. 89-114. " Belisarii Neritinorum Ducis Libellus de Aucupio " contains the following sections : — De accipitribus qui vulgo Hierifalcones nominantur ; De accipitribus qui Sacri appellantur deq milvorum naturse ; De accipitribus Peregrinis; De medianis; De accipitribus generosis qui vulgo Gentiles nuncupantur ; De ignobilibus quos vulgo Villanos vocant accipitribus ; De quibusdam accipitrum morbis sanandis ; Epilogus. According to Huzard (No. 191), "Notes bibliographiques concernant les ceuvres du Due de Nardo," the addition here made forms part, and is to be found at the end, of the work of Leunclavius, printed at Basle in 1578. 302. GYR ALDUS(I(. G.). Lilii Gregorii Gyraldi DiALOGisMus DE Venatione Accipitrum Ceterar- umque Avium rapacium v in ejusdem Dialogismis. Venetiis. 1553. i2mo. Another edition, fide Kreysig, in folio, Lugduni Batavorum, 1696. Not in the British Museum, and not seen. 1 64 BOOKS ON FAL CONR V. 303. GESNER (Conrad). Historia Animalium. Lib. III. De AVIUM NATURA. Tiguri. 1554. 5 vols, folio. Other editions, Frankfort 1585, 1586, 1603, 1617, 1620. A German translation by Rud. Heusslein was printed at 'Zurich in 1581, and at Frankfort in 1600 and 1609, all in folio. An English translation by Topsell, with the title "A Historie of Foure-footed Beastes," &c., was published in 1658, folio, of which another edition appeared in 1607. Gesner has been surnamed the German Pliny, and it was to him that Dr. Caius addressed his celebrated Libellus de Canibus Britannids. For much of the information in his treatise de Avibus regarding the training of hawks, Gesner was apparently indebted to the now very rare work of Eberhard Tapp (No. 93), and to a MS. of Demetrius of Constantinople (No. 327). 304. TARDIVUS (Guillelmus). De arte Acci- piTRUM una cum Frederici II. Imperatoris de arte Venandi cum avibus, et Manfredi regis additionibus. Geneva. 1560. 8vo. Other editions, Basle, 1578, 8vo, and Augsburg, 1596, 8vo {fide Lallemant). See note to the " Livre de I'art de Faulcon- nerie par Guillaume Tardif," antea^ P- 72. 305. HERESBACH (Conrad). Rei Rustics Libri QuATUOR universam rusticam disclplinam complec- tens etc. Item De Venatione, Aucupio, atque Pisca- tione Compendium, in usum etc. Auctore D. D. Conrado Heresbachio .... [Vignette.] Colonise apud Joannem Birckmannum. Anno 1570. sm. 8vo. Editio altera, Spirae Nemetum, 1594, 8vo. The four books of Husbandry occupy 330 leaves. Then follows, to 346 verso, a treatise on the laws relating to Agriculture. To this succeeds " Thereutices ; hoc est de Venatione, Aucupio, atque Piscatione Compendium ; " wherein (at p. 375), in the section De Aucupio^ we find observations on Hawking, with the side-notes, Accipi- LATIN. 165 trarium aucupium, Aucupii modi, Accipitrum genera, Pretium accipitrum, and Domandi ratio. The author also describes the " seeling " of hawks to tame them, and their periodical moult- ing, adding remarks on taking partridges and quails. The " Four Books of Husbandry " were translated, under this name, by " Barnaby Googe, Esquire," at London, and printed by Richard Watkins, 1577, 4to. But he omitted the treatise dc LegibuSj and the Compendium de Venatione, Aucupio, &c. 306. THTJANUS (J. A.). Hieracosophion : sive de Venatione per Accipitres. Libri duo. Burdegalse. 1582. 8vo. The first, though not the best, edition of this esteemed poem by Jacques Auguste de Thou ; the quarto of 1735, in which the Italian translation is given in parallel columns with the Latin original, being generally preferred. In the second edition another " book " was added with the following title : — Hieracosophion sive de re Accipitraria. Libri tres. [Vignette.] Lutetiae apud Mamertum Patis- sonium Typographum Regium : in officina Rob. Stephani. 1584. sm. 4to, Title I, preliminary leaf (pp. 1-95), ending " Hieracosophion Liber tertius et ultimus explicit." On p. 95 verso, an important note on the various kinds of hawks used for Falconry, with the Latin and French names for them. See note to No. 284. Following this note, six leaves (Nos. i.-vi.) with Epistola, in verse, ad Philippium Huraltum Francise Cancellarium. Hieracosophion : sive de re Accipitraria. Libri HL [Vignette.] Lutetlse apud Mamertum Patissonium Typographum Regium : in officina Ro- bert! Stephani. 1587. sm. 8vo. •• A third edition (pp. 1-109), including title. On p. 107 the note on Hawks, with their Latin and French names, above referred to. 1 66 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. This poem lias also been printed in the Delicice Poetarum Gallorum, 1609 (pars iii. pp. 922—1001) and by Nicholas Rigault in his Ret Accipitrarim Scriptores, 16 12 (pp. 1-99), the latest edition being that with which the Italian translation is given, published in Venice in 1735 (see No. 284). The author, Jacques Auguste de Thou, was born in 1553, in Paris, where he was educated, and rose to such distinction as to become President of the Parliament, and Privy Councillor to two Kings of France, Henri III. and Henri IV. He is best known to fame as the author of a Latin History of his own time ( 1 546-1 608) in four folio volumes. Voltaire, who ranks him with Hume, styles him an historian distinguished for eloquence and veracity. Cardinal du Perron placed him next to Sallust and Tacitus. Dr. Johnson had so high an opinion of his " History " that he entertained serious thoughts of translating it {cf. Boswell's Life of Johnson, ed. 1804, vol. iii. p. 691). This poem on the art of Hawking written in Latin hexameters was composed about the year 1581-82 (when he was twenty- nine) while travelhng with his friend Pierre Pithou through Languedoc and Provence, where no doubt at that period hawking was commonly practised. He may also have seen something of the sport in Italy when travelling in the suite of the Comte de Foix on an embassy to Rome (1573-74), and perhaps too in Germany (1579) when visiting Languet, the Prime Minister of the Elector of Saxony at Strasburg. Collinson in his "Life of Thuanus " (8vo, 1807, pp. 34, 80) gives the date of this composition as 1575 (which would make the author only twenty-two when it was written), but, although professing to give some account of his writings, he affords no information as to the circumstances under which this poem was composed. It is related of Thuanus that, when travelling through France with M. Schomberg on an embassy from Henri III. to the King of Navarre, they were entertained for some days at Mande, the seat of the Bishop and Count of Gevandan. At the first repast it was observed with surprise that all the game or wild fowl brought to table wanted either a head, a wing, a leg, or some other part, which occasioned their host pleasantly to apologise for the voracity of his caterer, who always took the liberty of first tasting what he had procured. It turned out that the game LATIN. 167 in question had been taken by the peasants from the nests of eagles in the neighbourhood, whither it had been carried to feed their young. For fuller details of the life of Thuanus the reader may be referred to Buckley's edition of his " History " (vol. vii.). He died in Paris in 16 17, and it is of interest to note that one of his executors was Nicholas Rigault, who in 1612 (as above noticed) had printed his poem in tlie Rei Accipitraria Scriptores (No. 3x4), the other executor being P. du Puy. "Thuanus," says Thomas Hearne, " though he writ Latin admirably well, yet he was not ready nor clear in speaking it. So in a letter from a great man to Sir Robt. Cotton ; MS." — " Reliquicz Hearniana" vol. i. p. 217. 307. MEDICES (Sebastianus). Tractatus de Venatione, PiscATiONE, ET Aucupio. Cologne. 1588. 8vo. Other editions, Helmstadt 1592, Cologne 1598, Marburg 1698, all in octavo. This treatise is also printed in vol. xvii. of the collection entitled Tractatus Tractatuum, Venetise, 1584. There is likewise a quarto edition thus entitled : — Tractatus Sebastiani Medicis, Florentini, de Venatione, Piscatione, et Aucupio. Spirse Neme- tum, sumptibus Hellse Kembach, Bibliopolae Spirensis. Anno 1605. 4^0- Printed also with Bruckmann (Noj 312) and Mor (No. 310) in Tractus III Clarissimoruiti Virorum (pp. 47-109), and by Fritsch in his Corpus Juris Venatorio- Forestalls ^lA^siiQ, 1702, foUo. See Bruckmann (No. 312). 308. FREDERICUS II. (Imperator). Reliqua librorum Frederici II. Imperatoris De Arte Ve- nandi cum Avibus cum Manfredi Regis additionibus. Ex membranis vetustis nunc primum edita. Albertus Magnus de Falconibus Asturibus et Accipitribus. i6S BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Augustse Vindelicorum ad insigne Pinus apud Johan- nem Prsetorium. 1596. sm. 8vo. 7 preliminary leaves, including a folding plate of the Emperor seated on a throne with two attendants on their knees with hawks (from an Italian miniature of the thirteenth century here repro- duced — see plate). Liber primus, pp. 1-138; Liber secundus, pp. 139-358. Albertus Magnus de Falconibus, pp. 359-414. The Emperor's treatise ends on p. 358, the remainder of the volume (pp. 359-414) being occupied with the work of Albertus. It was composed about the year 1247, towards the end of his reign. Evidence of the royal authorship is to be found in the mention of his name in the Prologue, reference to his voyage to the East, transmission of the MS. to his son Prince Manfred when seventeen or eighteen years of age, i.e., in 1248-49, and the testimony of Albertus Magnus. The Emperor, who died in 1250, had the work in preparation for thirty years, but the affairs of State long prevented him from completing it. Prince Manfred arranged some of the chapters in better order, made certain additions which are distinguished by his name, and, with the aid of notes found amongst his royal father's papers, filled up a gap which existed in the original MS. But he was not the only possessor of the treatise. There were copies in which there were no traces of his additions : in fact, the only two copies of the MS. now known to exist are without these additions, although they were to be found in the copy which, in the sixteenth century, came to the hands of Joachim Camerarius, the learned doctor of Nuremberg, and from which this edition was printed. See Pichon (No. 201). The Emperor's treatise was printed with the Latin version of the Fauconnerie de Guillaunie Tardif i^o. 304) at Geneva, 1560, and at Basle, 1578, both very scarce editions, and in 1756 aGer- man translation by Pacius (No. loi) was printed at Ansbach. In 1788 Prof. P. G. Schneider, of Leipzig, edited the work in 2 vols, quarto, with the following title : — ReLIQUA LiBRORUM FrEDERICI II. iMrERATORIS DE ARTE Venandi CUM AviBus I Cum Manfrcdi Regis additionibus : ex membranaceo codice Camerarii pri- UJ s I f^ I- 5 u. ^ o '^ CO Qq" a: < C 2: KC! LATIN. 169 mum edita Augustse Vindelicorum 1596, nunc fideliter repetita, et annotationlbus iconlbusque additis emen- data aeque illustrata. Accedunt Alberti Magni Capita de Falconibus Asturibus et Accipitribus quibus Annotationes addidit suas Jo. Gottl. Schneider, Saxo, Eloquent, et Philolog. Professor. Lipsise. 1788. 2 vols, in I. 4to. It is asserted by many writers that the art ot Falconry was unknown in Italy before the twelfth century, when it was intro- duced by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. His grandson Frederick II. (bom 1 194, died 1250) spent much of his life in Italy and Sicily, and practised this sport there with great enthusiasm. (See von Raumer, Geschichte der Hohenstmifen, second ed., Leip- zig, 1 841, vol. iii. pp. 423-434.) He had seen something of it in the East, and in 1239, on his return from a crusade which he had undertaken the year before, when he was crowned King of Jerusalem and Sicily, he brought with him from Syria and Arabia several expert falconers with their hawks, and spent much of his leisure time in learning from them the secrets of their art, which he considered the noblest and most worthy of all the arts. The excellent treatise which he composed in Latin with the title above given was the first which appeared in the West, and is still one of the best which exists. There would seem, however, to be someblanks in it, and, in par- ticular, a chapter on the Goshawk is wanting, to which reference is made Lib. ii. cap. 2. The hawks used at that time were the Jerfalcon, Saker, Peregrine Falcon, Lanner, Goshawk, and Sparrow-hawk. (The e^le, he says, is too heavy to be carried on the fist.) These were either taken out of the nest or caught on passage. It was also the practice to take the eggs out of the nest and get them hatched under hens, but the Emperor himself maintained that birds thus procured were useless for the purposes of Falconry. He advises (Lib. ii. cap. 31, p. 91) that the eyesses should be left as long as possible in the nest, as they are brought up far better there than in captivity. It is necessary, he says, to feed them well, in order to avoid injury to their feathers, by which expression, no doubt, he refers to what English falconers term I70 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. " hunger-traces." Eyesses, he says (cap. 35, p. 95), should be fed twice a day, morning and evening; no one should be allowed to approach, but the person who has charge of them ; and they should be allowed complete liberty until full grown. This period having arrived, they are taken up in the evening by candle-light, the extreme points of the talons are " coped," jesses and bells put on, and their eyes " seeled " {de ciliatione sen bluitione ipsorum, Lib. ii. cap. 37, p. 67, and cap. 45, p. io6)- The Emperor discourses at length on jesses, swivel, leash, and bell {de Jactis, de tornetto, de longa et de campanelld), and it is evident from his descriptions that these did not differ much in his day from those used at the present time. He also mentions the drawer (now obsolete), the creance, the lure and how to garnish it, the train, or dead lure (made of the skin of a hare, crane, or heron), and the drum, used to make wild ducks and other water-fowl rise. It appears that at this period the use of the short leash (French courtrier) for a Goshawk was unknown ; at least the Emperor nowhere mentions it in his work. As to the bell, it is said that it was sometimes attached to one or two of the middle feathers of the tail, and on this account it was necessary to perforate these feathers ; but the Emperor was opposed to this practice (Lib. ii. cap. 41, p. loi). He then describes the proper way to hold the leash between the fingers, so as to carry the hawk properly on the fist, precisely as it is carried at the present day. He disagrees with those who carry the bird always on the same hand, whether right or left, and maintains that it is as well to carry it sometimes on one, sometimes on the other, according to the direction of the wind (Lib. ii. cap. 42, p. 102). The falconer's glove {chirotheca) should be roomy {amplwn^ ut cito posset indui et exui), and made of thick leather {de corio grossd). The falconer's bag {bursa seu carneria) is attached to his belt {ad dngulujn suuni), and serves to carry the lure {tiratorid) and the hawk's meat. Alluding to the mode of capturing hawks, the Emperor merely states that they are taken in nets without giving any description. On being caught, the hawk is at once put in a " sock " or linen bandage {maleolum), and is then treated like an eyess. Dealing with the training, he observes that there are falconers who neither seel their hawks, nor hood them, thus following the LATIN. 171 ancient practice ; for the art of seeling hawks, he says, is a recent invention, and as for the hood, he asserts that it was he who, imitating the practice of Eastern falconers, first introduced it into Europe (Lib. ii. cap. 77, p. 162). After having the jesses put on, the bird was carried for twenty-four hours continuously on the fist without food. This fatiguing operation over, it was given the leg of a fowl. The first lesson was to make the bird jump to the fist. Then being no longer frightened at the approach of its owner, and becoming accustomed to the noise of men and domestic animals, it was gradually unseeled (Lib. ii. cap. 54, p. 125, and cap. 55, p. 127). To make a hawk sit quiet on the fist, the Emperor recom- mends that it should be sprinkled with cold water from time to time (Lib. ii. cap. 68, p. 147), a practice still in vogue with the Dutch falconers. At length being tamed, it is carried to the field, first on foot, then on horseback, choosing on such occasions a calm day, and avoiding too great heat (p. 151). As to the form of perch, the author describes three kinds, namely, the high perch {pertica alto), which was set up in the room a little distance from the wall ; the low perch {^pertica imd), just high enough from the ground to prevent the bird from rub- bing its tail feathers on the floor ; and the block {sediie), pyramidal in form and made either of wood or of stone. The low perch was intended for hawks that were seeled, and the high perch for those that were not seeled. The Emperor does not appear to have been acquainted with the use of the curtain or screen of canvas which in the modern hawk-house depends from the under-side of the perch to prevent a hawk from swinging after bating off. At least, he makes no mention of it, and discourses at some length on the means to be taken in order to prevent hawks from twisting their leashes round the perch. As to the illustrations here given from Italian miniatures of the thirteenth century a few words are necessary. They have been carefully reproduced from the facsimiles in D'Agincourt's famous work, " Histoire de I'Art par les monu- mens depuis sa decadence au IV^ siecle jusqu'^ son renouvelle- ment au XVP " (4 vols, folio, Paris, 1823), where they are thus described (torn. iii. p. 78, pi. 73) : " Miniatures d'un traits de 172 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Fauconnerie par I'Empereur Frederic II. MS. Latin du XIII^ sifecle. Lueur de renaissance de cette espece de peinture en Italie. Les peintures ou les premiers rayons de cette aurore semblent se montrer ont pour I'objet d'enricher et d'expliquer une production d'une plume auguste (p. 79). L'Empereur Fre- deric II. etait ne en Italie, il y avait regu une education digne de son rang, et, ce qui est beaucoup plus rare, il en avait profile. La chasse \ I'oiseau etait dans ce pays comme ailleurs au XIII*^ siecle I'occupation de la noblesse et des souverains. Frederic, jaloux de perfectionner cet art par des preceptes, en dicta ou en fit ecrire les elemens sous ses yeux avec assez de soiu pour qu'on lui attribuat ce travail, et il fit joindre au manuscrit des peintures relatives a tout ce qui concernait I'entre- tien, I'education et I'emploi des faucons." " II fut si bien servi par le peintre que rien ne manque a la demonstration de la science qu'il veut enseigner. L'ouvrage forme une suite de peintures didactiques sur les oiseaux employes a la chasse du vol." " Les litres maintenus sur la planche au dessous de chaque tableau et choisis dans les differens chapitres du traite comme propres a presenter une serie de legons, prouveront I'intelligence des deux auteurs. Le naturel qu'on remarque dans les attitudes, soit des hommes, soit des oiseaux, est un efifet d'un commence- ment de veritd dans le dessin." The plate containing the larger figure of the Emperor seated, with a falconer m a kneeling attitude presenting him with a hawk, forms the frontispiece to the first edition of the work (No. 308), the introduction of a second figure of a falconer being admissible from the greater width of a folding plate. 309. ALDROVANDUS (Ulysses). Ornithologi^ LiBRi XII. Bononice. 1 599-1 603. 3 vols, folio. The first sixteen chapters of lib. i. treat of Birds of Prey in general. Training the Eagle, lib. i. pp. 32-33 ; Training Hawks in general, lib. iv. pp. 298-323 ; Training Eyess Falcons, lib. vi. pp. 436-458. Compiled chiefly from the works of Demetrius (No. 327), the Emperor Frederick II. (No. 308), Belisarius Aquaviva (No. 301), Albertus Magnus (No. 300), and Carcano (No. 267). LATIN. 173 Ornithologi.^ hoc est de Avibus Historic Libri XII. Francofurti, Typis Wolfgangi Richteri, sump- tibus heredum Nicolai Bassaei. 16 10. folio. This edition, printed in double column, is without illustra- tions, and has no particular merit. Another edition was printed at Frankfort, 1 620-1635, where also a German translation, by Peter Offenbach, appeared in folio, 1610-1640. Ornithologi^ hoc est de Avibus Historic Libri XII cum Indice septendecim linguarum copio- sissima sumptibus Marci Antonii Berniae. Bononiae, apud Nicolaum Tebaldinum. 163 7- 1646. 3 vols, folio. Engraved title and numerous woodcuts. The books relating to Falconry are the following : — " Liber quartus qui est de Accipitribus in genere ; " " Liber quintus qui est de Accipitribus in specie ; " " Liber sextus qui est de Falconibus in genere j " " Liber septimus qui est de Falconibus in specie." At the end, " Index nominorum septendecim linguarum — sc, Grseca, Hebraica, Arabica, Persica, ^gyptiaca, Indica [Amer. Merid.], Italica, Gallica, Hispanica, Germanica, Flandrica, Anglica, Polonica, Muscovitica, Illyrica, Turcica." The number of languages is sixteen, not seventeen. If the Eastern vocabularies are not more accurate than the European ones, the Index is not of much value. There are numerous typographical errors; but on the whole this may be regarded as the most preferable edition of the work, the type being bold, clear, and not in double column, the illustrations affording a further recommendation. Tomus alter, Libri XIII.-XVIIL, 1645 ; Tomus tertius ac postremus, Libri XIX.- XX., 1637. 310. MOR (Georgius, de Nigro-monte Brigantini). Tractatus Novus elegans omnium pulcherrimus de jure Venandi, Aucupandi et Piscandi .... Spirae Nemetum, typis Joann. Philippi Spiessii. 1602. 410. Another edition, printed with Bruckmann (No. 312), but 174 BOOKS ON FALCONE V. with fresh pagination, pp. 1-127. Printed also by Fritsch in his Corpus Juris Venatorio- Forestalls ^ folio, Lipsise, 1702, vol. i. tract 2. 311. HAY (Joannes Georgius). Juridica elegans DiSPUTATIO DE JURE VeNANDI AuCUPANDI ET PiSCANDI. . ... In nobili Spira, typis ac sumptibus Joannis Philippi Spiessii. Anno 1602. 4to. Printed with Mor (No. 310), pp. 128-144. At pp. 141, 142, this author treats de Aucuplo in specie^ and shows that the term Aucuplum applies especially to the taking of fowl with falcons and hawks, but includes also their capture by means of nets, snares, &c. " Fit verb Aucupium variis modis et prcedpul Falconibus atque Accipliribus, retibus, laqueis, pedicis, visco, hamo, sclopo et qusecunq, sit capta fuerent, etiam contra pro- hibitionem cedunt occupanti." 312. BRUCKMANN (Fridericus). Tractatus III. Clarissimorum Virorum D. Friderici Bruckmanni, Sebastiani Medices Florentini et D. Georgii Mor de Nigro-monte Brigantini, utiles quotidiani et summe necessarii De Venatione, Piscatione et Aucupio. In quibus tota materia de jure Venandi, Aucupandi, et Piscandi, non solum exactissime sed et doctissime ac solidissime quoad forum tractatur etc. Editio secunda. Spirse Nemetum, sumptibus Heliae Kembach, Biblio- polse Spirensis. Anno 1605. 4to. Three tracts on the Laws of Hunting, Fishing, and Hawking — namely, Bruckmann (pp. 1-46); Medices (pp. 47-109), with Index ; and Mor (pp.i-127), fresh pagination, to which is added (pp. 128-144) the tract by Hay (No. 311). Several points of interest to falconers are discussed — as, for example, whether a person taking up a hawk bearing jesses and a bell is bound to restore it to its owner — a point decided by Medices (pp. 104- 105) in the affirmative. See No. 307. LATIN. 175 These tracts are also printed by Fritsch in his Corpus Juris Venator io- Forestalls^ folio, Lipsise, 1702. 313. BISCIOLA (Lselio). Aucupii per Falcatas AvES usus quam antiquus quaesitum de Accipitrum genere qusedam notata. In Lib. xvi " Horarum Subsecivarum." Ingoldstadii ex typographeo Adami Sartorii. Anno 161 1. folio. This is the title of cap. i. lib. xvi. of the Hor^ Subseclva of Bisciola, a work of an encyclopaedic nature, published in two vols, folio, as above (^ide p. 1149). Falcatus aves, " quod sit unguibus introrsum versis more falds " (p. 1 1 54). The dissertation is confined to an examination of the views of older authors on the origin of Falconry, and to a division of the birds employed by falconers into the different kinds of hawks, Acclpltres ; and falcons, Falcones. 314. RIGALTIUS (Nicolas). Ierako.SOPHIOA : Rei Accipitrari^ Scriptores nunc primum editi. Accessit Kynosophion: Liber de cura canum ex Biblioth. Regia Medicea. Lutetiae, sumptibus Hiero- nymi Drouart. 161 2. 4to. A work now of some rarity and value. Kreysig (p. 151) mentions an 8vo edition, published at Basle in 1578 (of which we have not been able to find a copy), and a second quarto of 1 619. In addition to the Greek works comprised in this volume, it contains the Latin translations of Symmachus and Theodotio (No. 223), of Gillius from the Greek of Demetrius (No. 316), and of Thuanus (No. 306), the titles of whose works will be found under their names. The editor, Nicolas Rigault, was librarian to Louis XIII. , and one of the executors of de Thou (Thuanus). See note to No. 30 p 167. 315. SYMMACHUS (Aquila) et THEODOTIO. Epistol^ Aquilae Symmachi et Theodotionis ad Ptole- 1 7 6 BOOKS ON FALCONE V. maeum Regem ^gypti, De re Accipitraria, Catala- nica lingua ; De diversis generibus Falconum sive Acci- pitrum ; item de infirmitatibus et medecinis eorum secundum Aquilam Symmachum et Theodotionem in Epistola ad Ptolemseum Regem ^Egypti. Ex libro incerti auctoris de natura rerum. Lutetiae. 1612. 4to. Printed by Nicolas Rigaltius in his Eei Accipitrarice. Scrip- tores (No. 314). See also No. 223. 316. GILLIXJS (Petrus). De re Accipitraria Liber. Lutetise. 161 2. 4to. From the Greek of Demetrius Constantinopolitanus(No. 327). First printed with the Historia Animaliwn of ^lian, Lugduni Batavorum, 1562, 8vo, and subsequently by Rigaltius in his Rei Accipitraria Scriptores (No. 315), together with the fol- lowing : — Alius Liber de re Accipitraria minus elegans quam superior et multo durior itaque a nobis versus paulo durius et magis constantia causa quod primum verteramus. Lutetiae. 161 2. 4to. 317. BOSSOW (P.). Quaestiones juris de Vena- tione, Aucupio, et Piscatione. Basileae. 16 18. 4to. Not in the British Museum, and not seen. Cited by Kreysig (No. 323). 318. ISACHIUS (Alphonsus). De Venatione Tractatus in quo de Piscatione, Aucupio, sylvestri- umque insectatione agitur etc. Regii apud Flaminium Bartolum. 1625. 4to. Printed throughout in italic, and unpaged. Headlines : — " Quaestio prima," " Qusestio secunda," &c., to " Quaestio decima septiraa." In the tenth of these sections the author discusses LATIN. 177 the question which is the most excellent of field sports — Fishing, Hawking, or Hunting. Kreysig (No. 323) cites an 8vo edition of 1570. 319. FIBIGIUS (Gotfriedus). Exercitium de JURE Venandi, Aucupandi et Piscandi, resp. Go. Scheffer. Jense. 1638. 4to. Not in the British Museum, and not seen. Cited by Kreysig (No. 323), and said to contain 4 plates. 320. L.IPSTORP (Danielus). Dissertatio de JURE Venationis ET Aucupii I resp. J. G. Salenio de Ehrenhielm. Upsallse. 1663. \\.o. Not seen. Cited by Kreysig (No. 323). 321. STEIN ACH (Hub. Jos. de). Dissertatio JuRiDicA DE Ardearum Venatione, vulgo ReiJier- beisse. Altorfii. 1738. 4to. This dissertation upon Heron-hawking is cited by Kreysig (No. 323), and is said to contain 5 plates. No copy is to be found in the British Museum, nor have we been able to meet with one elsewhere. 322. SCHMIDTHAUER (Andrea). De Institu- TiONE AC Venatio Falconum Libri DUO, Perillustrium Reverendorum Prsenobilium Nobilium ac Eruditorum Dominorum Neo-Baccalaureorum honoribus dicati cum in alma et celeberrima Universitate Tyrnaviensi Promotore R. P. Andrea Schmidthauer e Societate Jesu AA. LL. et Philosophise Doctore ejusdemque Professore Ordinario Philosophise Laurea ornarentur. Anno MDCCXLIX. Tyrnavise [Tournay]. Typis Academicis Societatis Jesu. 1749. i2mo. M t78 BOOKS OlSf PALCONRY. A Latin poem on Hawking (pp. 1-54) in two Books. Not in the Britisli Museum, and probably of some rarity. The above title was transcribed from a copy in the library of M. Pierre A. Pichot, of Paris. 323. KREYSIG (G. C.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Venaticorum continens Auctores qui de Venatione, Sylvis, Aucupio, Piscatura et aliis eo spectantibus com- mentati sunt. Congessit George Cristoph Kreysig. Altenburgi, apud Paulum Emanuelum Richterum. 1750. sm. 8vo. The earliest printed bibliography of works relating to the Chase and Falconry, but, even for the date at which it was published, very incomplete and inaccurate. The absence of notes, moreover, renders it of little value, save as a guide to authors' names, the complete titles of whose works must be sought for elsewhere. 324. BRUNNICH (M. Th.). Ornithologia Bore- ALis : sistens Collectionem Avium ex omnibus imperio Danico subjectis provincils insulisque borealibus Hafniae factam : cum descriptionibus novarum, nomi- nibus incolarum, locis natalium et icone. Imprimatur, J. C. Kail. Hafniae. 1764. 8vo. Referring to the value formerly set upon Iceland falcons and the prices paid for them, this author remarks (p. 2) : — " Utrum falco islandicus speciei sit singularis, vel ad alias notas re- ferendus nondum constat. Varietates sunt sine dubio 7-9 [these numbers refer to his descriptions] quas soli Dani^ Regi vendere tenentur Islandi. Pretium quoque triplex pro triplici hsec varietate Islandis solvendum a rege est constitutum ; nempe pretium Falc. 7 (albus) in Islandia est 17 impp, dan. Falc, 8 (albus) 10 impp. Falc. 9 (fuscus) 7 impp." On being brought from Iceland to Copenhagen these hawks were at least partially trained by the royal falconers before being forwarded as presents to the Courts of Europe. LATIN. 179 " Hafuiam singulo anno ex Islandise portu Holmenshavn transportantur falcones hi qui postea, venatione edocti, ad varias aulas principum munera inter septentrionis rariora mit- tuntur." Writing of the Hobby Falco subbuteo (p. 3), Briinnich states that this bird, as well as the Goshawk and Iceland Falcon, were trained for hawking at the royal villa near Copenhagen. " F.ge7itilis {Blaaefttgl dicitur hie a falconariis Danicis) islandus et subbuteo in villa regia prope Hafniam ad venationes instruuntur." He also refers to the falconers' method of imping or repairing broken feathers : — " Retrices Isesge v. detritse reparantur a fal- conariis addendis aliis, acubus nempe belgicis ad basin veteris pennge novam affigunt ; quod observatione dignum ne descrip- tores tali artificio decepti, novas effingant species vel varietates " (P- 3). 325. SCHNEIDER (Jo. Gottl.). Catalogus AucT- ORUM qui de re Accipitraria scripserunt cum locis inde excerptis. Lipsise. 1788. 4to. This catalogue is appended to the author's edition of the work of the Emperor Frederick II. (No. 308), vol. ii. pp. 106- 125, but is hardly worth mention, since it does not include notices of more than a dozen works on Falconry. The author, however, was evidently sensible of its deficiency when writing as fol- lows: — " Poterunt facile catalog© huic attexere multos alios, imprimis gallice scriptos de arte falconaria libros, quibus usus publicarum copiisque abundantium literariis bibliothecarum cata- logorumque conceditur, quo mihi carendum est" (p. 125). Although allusions to the art of Falconry may be found in the works of several Latin authors not mentioned above, as, for example — Aristotle, Hist. An., lib. ix. cap. 36 ; Pliny, Hist. Nat., lib. vii. cap. 10; ^lian, De Nat. An., lib. ii. cap. 42 ; Martial, Epigr., lib. xiv. no. 216; Oppian, Cynegeticon, lib. i. 62-66; the passages referred to are not of sufficient length or im- portance to justify the insertion of the full tides of the works in the present bibliography. i8o BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 326. PALLAS (Petrus). Zoographia Rosso- AsiATiCA, sistens omnium Animalium in extenso Im- perio Rossico et adjacentibus maribus observatorum recensionem, Domicilia, Mores, et Descriptiones, Anatomen atque I cones plurimorum. Auctore Petro Pallas. Petropoli. 1811-31. 3 vols. 4to. In the first volume of this work by the Russian naturalist Pallas, will be found many details of interest to falconers under the head of Jerfalcon (p. 325), Falcon (p. 327), Lanner (p. 331), Hobby (p. 332), Merlin (p. 337), Eagle {Berkut, p. 339), Goshawk (p. 367), and Sparrow-hawk (p. 371). The Russian, Tartar, and Calmuck names for these birds are also given, which will be found useful when referring to the Russian works on Falconry hereafter to be mentioned. This author particularly mentions the delight v/hich the Empress Catharine II. of Russia took in lark-hawking with Merlins, adding that she used to liberate them at the end of the season, fresh ones being caught for her every year (P- 337)- Of the eagle trained by the Tartars, and called by them Berkut, he observes : "Instruitur praesertim ad Anteloparum, et Luporum Vul- pium.que venation em, et inter duos falconarios in pertica, vel in ligneo sustentaculo stapedi equitis innixo, tecta oculos praefertur." A trained eagle, he says, was considered equal in value to two camels : " Docta aquila apud Kirgisos duobus camelis aequiparatur " (p. 339). He refers to a white variety of the Goshawk, Asiur palum- barius which is remarkable : — " Varietas alba, aestumatissima, rarius circa Uralenses montes, frequentius in Orientali Sibiria, et vulgaris in Cam- schatca, cum gyrfalcone albo observatur; hsec prima aetate albescens, naevia, aetate tota Candida evadit, et ad venationem fortissima habetur. Hanc videtur voluisse Joh. Bell (///«. /. edit. gall. p. 394), e regione Amur fl. in aulam Imp. Chinensium adferii visam " (p. 368). GREEK. i8x Note. — While on the subject of Latin works on Falconry, it may be of interest to refer to some notes by John Holmes on a Latin MS. of Italian execution, fifteenth century, British Museum Add. MSS. 20774 (f. 79). The writer's name with date occurs at the end thus : " An- tonius de Lampugnano cognatus et discipulus Magistri Jacobi de Caponayo, Mediolanensis, scripsit hoc opus anno Domini mccccliiij." It comprises seven tracts, the titles of which are given by Holmes (/.<:.). The second is entitled "Tractatus de Libro Moami de dispositionibus rapacium avium et medicamentis infirmitatum occultatum." The book of Moamus, or Mohamin, an Arab falconer, is one of those which, having been first rendered into Latin, was translated by Tardif from the Latin into French (see antea^ pp. 6(> note and 72 note). It is also mentioned byArcussia (No. 153), and by Artelouche de Alagona (No. 149), whose work is printed with that of Jean de Fran- chieres (No. 145). An Italian translation of this treatise, made for Ferdinand I. of Aragon, King of Naples, was in the Earl of Ashburnham's library. As to the book of Moamus or Mohamin, see notes to Nos. 139 and 359, and the introductory notice by Jullien to his edition of Tardif (No. 142), p, xvii. The fourth tract is entitled " Alise rubricae de infirmitatibus et medicinis secundum Danchum regem," commencing " Danchus rex stabat in suo pallatio " (see No. 139, note). Holmes refers to an Arabic treatise in the Bodleian Library, Cod. MS. Marsh 148, by Alhegiagi ben Khaithama, which appears to agree nearly with this, and of which the title in Latin would be " Utilitates avium morborumque earum remedia." 327. Ar]iir]TpLov KojvcrravTivoTroXtTOv nepi rrjg Tix)P leQUKbiv avaTQo(^i]Q T£ Kfu QeQaTcetuQ. 1270. Demetrius of Constantinople, physician to the Emperor Michael Palseologus in 1270, is one of the oldest writers on Falconry. 1 87 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. The Greek text of his treatise was first printed in 1612 by Rigault, librarian to Louis XIII., in his Rei Accipitraria. Scriptores (No. 314) from two MSS. in the Bibliotheque Royale, Paris; but a Latin translation by Pierre Gilles {a Petro Gillio Latine redditus) had been previously published at Leyden in 1562 with the Historia Animalium of ^lian. This is reprinted by Rigault (op. cit.), with separate pagination (pp. 1-118). Besides the two MSS. in Paris, there is a third in the Imperial Library at Vienna, in which there are considerable variations {cf. Hammer Purgstall, No. 112, p. xxix.). It was probably this MS. which was lent by a physician of Vienna to Gesner, who in great part translated and incorporated it in his work De Avibus (No. 303). As both this MS. and that used by Gillius (No. 316) have the name of Demetrius at the commencement, it has been assumed that this was the name of the author of the treatise. He styles himself " Constantinopolitou," and addresses himself to the Emperor, who was devoted to training and managing hawks. The treatise commences by teaching how and when hawks are to be caught ; how to choose one ; how to distinguish the different kinds ; how to tell whether a hawk is sick or in good health ; how to tame and train them ; and concludes by an enumeration of the various diseases to which hawks are supposed to be liable, with the remedies prescribed. These recipes were apparently copied from older MSS., for the author in his first chapter states that not a few wise men had already written on this part of the subject. The details which he gives of the methods of catching and training hawks in Greece in his day (the middle of the thirteenth century) are interesting as showing the antiquity of some of the practices well known to modern falconers. The capture of the birds was effected from a hut in which the falconer was concealed, and from which he let out decoy pigeons, on taking which the hawks themselves were seized. Another plan was for the falconer to extend himself at full length upon the ground, covering himself with grass, and flutter- ing a pigeon to attract the hawk, which he grasped by the legs as soon as the pigeon was taken. Hawks were also A FALCONER OF CYPRUS. From an engraving after Titian. The original in possession of the Harl of Carlisle. GREEK. 183 captured by pegging down a live pigeon in the midst of limed twigs, or in a net suspended from a tree in front of which was tethered a live fowl or pigeon. As soon as taken, the hawk was enveloped in a linen " sock " (as is the practice with the Dutch hawk-catchers of the present day), and kept thus for a day or two until the taming com- menced. It was then placed in a dark room on a perch, to which it was attached by jesses, and the perch had a linen curtain depending from it, as at the present day. It was carried indifferently on the right or left hand; was fed only once a day, and had a bath every fourth day. The principles of training were the same then as now, but it seems that the hawks were only flown from the hand, and were not put upon the wing before the game was sprung. They were flown at partridges, pheasants, and wild-ducks, the falconer running quickly towards the quarry, and putting it up with a shout, or, in the case of wild fowl, by beating a drum. In the latter case, says the author, the hawk did not carry bells. Each hawk was flown three or four times a day. It is remarkable that no mention is made of the hood, which was first introduced into Europe by Frederick II., who had learnt its use from Arab falconers when in the East. On the other hand, the use of the curtain, though not mentioned by the Emperor Frederick (No. 308), was (as shown above) known to the Greek falconer. 328. OpV€0(T6(j)lOV aypOLKOTCpOV, This anonymous work is the second of the Greek treatises printed by Rigault (op. cit.), and occupies pp. 177-239 of his collection. The Latin translation by Gillius, given in the same volume, is entitled Alius liber de Accipitraria. It is believed to be of later date than the work of Demetrius, and deals entirely with the maladies of hawks and their supposed re- medies. 329. Opveoau^Lov KeXevaei yeyovog tov aoiSi- fiov ^a(n\eit)£ Kvpiov M.i^ari\. This treatise, which is also anonymous, was composed for the Emperor Michael VIII., and is the third and last of the Greek treatises printed by Rigault (op. cit.). 1 84 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. It has not been translated. It is divided into two parts, of which the first contains descriptions of the different kinds of hawks, while the second relates to the treatment of their diseases. 330. '^IspaKOfTo^LP els larpsLap ogviiov^ Kai e\q Koirag kol KpM/ia, olov t,ayavo)Pi (paXKOplcDV^ TTETpiTCOP, lepaKLMP, T^OVpaKlCJP KttL O^VTTTSQVyoiP. Printed by Hammer-Purgstall, in his Falknerklee i^o. 112), pp. 81-85, "^^ 3, commentary by von Eichenfeld, pp. 86-88. The MS., in semi-modern Greek, is preserved in the Imperial Library at Vienna. It is virtually an extract from the last- named, and is perhaps the second Greek treatise on the subject referred to by Gesner in his work De Avibus. 1Ru06ian» 331. qAPfl AJEKCBfl MHXAHiOBIiqA KIOirA OArO- JEMCfl yPfl^HIIK'L : IIOBOE yiOafEIIIE DA yCTPOEHIE HHHA coKOJbiiiiqAro iiyiPi. lees. Tsarya Aleksyiya Mi^ailovicha Knigha glago- lemsya uryddnik' : ndvoe ulozhhiie 71a ustroenie china sokolnichova pMi. 1 668."^ Of the Tsar Alexis Michaelovltch The Book CALLED THE Law : New Rules and Regulations for the Practice of Falconry. 1668. Of all the Russian Sovereigns whose names in history have * The system of transliteration here adopted is phonetic; but such that the words may be easily found by any one able to use a Russian dictionary. The vowels are pronounced as in Italian ; the consonants as in English. The hard sign is indicated in the body of a word by doubling the consonant ; the soft sign, when necessary, by <>=. The guttural German d) is so written ; the thick i ( I>I) is written i. liUSSIAN. 185 been associated with a love of field sports, none gave greater support and encouragement to the practice of Falconry than the Tsar Alexis Michaelovitch. At the village of Kolo- mensk, about seven versts from Moscow, he maintained a considerable hawking stud, and employed a very large number of falconers to look after the birds, which were captured by pro- fessional hawk-catchers in all parts of the Russian empire. So great was his enthusiasm for this sport that in 1668 he caused special laws to be drawn up for the purpose of regulating its practice, supplemented by notes under his own hand, the observance of which was enforced under severe penalties. The title of this code is given above. The original is pre- served at Moscow, and will be found printed in the " Old Russian Library " (part iii. p. 430), and in the edition of the letters of the Tsar Alexis Michaelovitch, with remarks by P. Bes9onoff, and explanatory notes by S. T. Akganoff, according to Haller (No. 336) not always accurate. It is referred to by Korsakoff (No. 335), and an extract is given by Adelung in his account of the travels of the Austrian ambassador, Baron Meyerberg, in 1662 — Augustin Freiherr von Meyerberg und seine Reise nach Russland, St. Petersburg, 1827, pp. 211-229 and notes, pp. 298-305. According to Hammer Purgstall (No. 112), p. xxii., this code was probably derived from Mongol sources, but a perusal of the outlines given by Adelung and Haller has not led us to that conclusion. After a somewhat lengthy justification of such an exceptional statute for an apparently trifling object, there follows a disquisi- tion in praise of fowling in general, and hawking in particular. The practice of Falconry is then treated in several chapters with extraordinary diffuseness and in considerable detail : the rank, duties, and costume of the different grades of falconers are carefully indicated, and even the rank and trappings of the favourite falcons minutely described ; to which are added the names of no less than ninety-two of these valuable birds. Their appellations are derived, sometimes from their colour, sometimes from individual peculiarities or other circumstances. Amongst them we find Gavianon, the noisy one, from gam, a noise ; Maletz, the knave ; Belai, the white one ; Smelai, the bold one ; Orel, the eagle ; &c. The seventh clause indicates (86 BOOKS ON FALCONRY, the duties of a newly appointed falconer, which were read out to him in presence of the Tsar, and includes the form of his * appointment and investiture with the insignia of his office, namely, an ermine cap, apair of gloves, and a silver shoulder-belt, from which hung a red velvet falconer's bag containing the certificate of his appointment and a copy of the oath administered to him, in addition to which he received a lure, a silver horn, and a hawking-glove. During this reign, Falconry may be said to have reached its zenith in Russia, and although to some extent hawking was carried on by the successors of Alexis Michaelovitch, with his death national enthusiasm for the sport died out. The weak state of health of the Tsar Feodor Alexejevitch, the insufficient means of Ivan Alexejevitch to keep up so costly an appurtenance of state, and the early inclinations of Peter the Great for occupations of a very different kind, caused Falconry to lose much of the importance which once attached to it in Russia, and reduced it to comparative insignifi- cance. During the last few years an attempt has been made to revive the sport in that country by the formation at St. Petersburg, in 1884, of a Russian Falconry Club (see Haller, No. 336), of which, in 1888, the present writer was elected an honorary member. 332. 3EBCniIin3 (B.). COBEPniEHHblli ErEPT*. 1779. Zevschin^ {B.). Sovershdnnli Eger\i.e..,jager\. i779' Zevschin (V.). The Complete Sportsman. 1779. According to this writer, in his day considered an authority on field sports, and cited by Haller, No. -^ji^^ p. 73, the Russian falconers distinguished three different kinds of noithern Jerfalcons used by them for hawking, namely, the White Jerfalcon, Chetvertnoi krechet^ considered very rare; the Spotted Jer- falcon, Pouketovoi krechety with black spots on a white ground ; and the Grey Jerfalcon, Send krechet, of a pale-grey colour, probably the immature plumage. Besides these there is the Saker, which the Russian falconers call Krasnii krechet, or Red Jerfalcon, from the reddish or sandy colour of the dorsal plumage. RUSSIAN. 187 According to Haller, the Kirghis and Bashkirs call the Jerfalcon Schounkar, distinguishing the White Jerfalcon as Ak- schounkar, thougli Meyerberg (1662) says it is the male only which they call Schonkar, the female bird being designated Itelgoe. Cf. Adelung, Meyerberg und seine Reise nach Russland^ p. 218. Meyerberg's statement is confirmed by the Russian naturalist Pallas (No. 326), i. p. 325. On the subject of the white falcons of Siberia sent to China, which will be found noticed hereafter under the head of Chinese works on Falconry, the reader may be referred to John Bell's "Travels to Pekin," 2 vols. 4to, Glasgow, 1763 (vol. i. ch. xi.); "The Travels of Marco Polo," translated by William Marsden, 4to, London, 1818 (pp. 221, 342, and 749), and Ranking's " Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols and Romans," 4to, London, 1826 (pp. 77 note, So, and 210). 333. CEMEHTOBCKA.ro : CKA3AHIE JOBAXT) KHflSEli KIEBCKIIXT). Sementovskova. Skazdnie Lovd^ KnyazH Kiev- ski^. Sementovski : Narrative of the Hunting of the Princes of Kiev. Cited by Haller (No. ZZ^^- Referring to the captivity of Izor Prince Severski, it is said that he was allowed to amuse himself by hawking with the Goshawk — flCTpe6aM'B aoBaiueTs. The falconers — coko.ii.hhki. (whose office in Russia dates back to the fourteenth century) — besides other duties, had to procure hawks. These they got from Zavalochie on the Petchora, in the Ural regions, Perm and Siberia, especially from the shores of the White Sea, on the Mourman, Zimnie, Terski, and in Novaja Zemlia. By virtue of a treaty with the great city of Novgorod, the Tsars sent their falconers there every year, ordering them to be furnished with provisions and horses. In Heym's Geogr. EncycL des Russ. Reichs, p. 561, it is stated that at one time the population of Novgorod included 179 male . i»8 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. and 1 86 female falconers {Falkenjdger). See also Karamsin, Geschichte des Russ. Reichs, 2nd ed. Th. v. p. 161. In the government of Kiev, according to Count Branicki (cited by Schlegel, No. 194), a peculiar method of partridge hawking was practised. A dog and sparrow-hawk were employed for the purpose. The dog having " set " the par- tridges, the falconer stood behind him with the hawk on his fist while his assistant walked round the birds and got some distance in front of them. He then showed the hawk the lure, and, as it flew off the falconer's hand and skimmed low over the ground, the partridges lay so close that they were easily covered with a net. This sport was practised in the month of October. On the same authority, Schlegel states that in the government of Moscow quails were taken with the sparrow-hawk, which was flown from the hand immediately the quail had been flushed by the dog. 334. MnJiEPX (O. IL). II3BBCTIE ^BOPHHAXl) POCCIliCKHXT). neiepSypr-L. 1790. Mailer [P. E.). Izvydstie Dvorydna^ Rossiiski^. Peter burg. 1790. Mtiller (F. E.). The Russian Country Gentle- man. St. Petersburg. 1790. From this author we learn that the office of Grand Falconer in Russia was first instituted in 1550. He mentions the names of some of the earliest of those appointed, and states that in rank they were even higher than Chamberlains. The salary was 120 roubles. 335. KOPCAKOBT) (A.). CE^O KOiOMEHCKOB : HCTOPII- ^ECKIU OHEPKT). 1870. Korsakoff (^.)- ^^^'^ Kolomdnskoe : istoricheskii ocherk. 1870. Korsakoff (A.). The Village Kolomensk : an Historical Sketch. 1870. [New Edition.] J^l/SS/AM 189 According to Haller (No. 336), this book, from which he gives extracts (p. lo), has already become scarce, and the first edition is perhaps hardly to be obtained. It contains a detailed account of the ceremony observed by the Tsar Alexis Michaelovitch on the appointment of a royal falconer, the ceremony taking place at Kolomensk, a village near Moscow, where the Tsar often went for hawking, and where the imperial hawks were kept. The hawk-house here contained, it is said, as many as 3000 (^u. 300) different Falcons, Jerfalcons, Goshawks, and Sparrow- hawks. They were fed, according to Kaschikhine, an historian of the seventeenth century, upon beef and mutton brought daily from the imperial larder, and upon pigeons, which the falconers had the right to catch everywhere and bring to Moscow to a spacious pigeon-house, containing, it was said, 100,000 birds, which were fed upon bran, rye, and wheat. The Tsar was said to know every hawk by name, and usually bestowed the names himself. Their transport from the places where they were caught was effected under special regulations, inattention to which was severely punished (cf. Haller, p. 15). 336. TAwI^EP'L (K.). OXOTA CT> COKOJAMII II flCTPE- 13AM II. neiepGypn.. 1885. Haller (C). O^ota s' Sokolami t Yastrebamt. Peter burg. 1885. Haller (C). The Chase with Falcons and Hawks. St. Petersburg. 1885. In February 1884, under the auspices of Prince Alexander Petrovitch of Oldenburg, a Falconry Club was organised at St. Petersburg, and the author of this book, the late Mr. Con- stantine Haller, was elected the first president thereof. His enthusiasm for the sport prompted him to publish this contri- bution to the literature of Falconry, in the hope that it might give encouragement to its attempted revival. With the exception of the code of rules and regulations issued by the Tsar Alexis Michaelovitch (No. 331), which can scarcely be termed a treatise on Falconry (although containing many 190 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. details of interest to falconers), this is the only work in Russian which has come to hand relating exclusively to the subject of hawking. It is divided into twelve chapters, preceded by an Introduction in which the author states (p. 4) that the chief obstacle to the revival of the sport in Russia is the want of pro- fessional falconers, who should come, he says, from England, Holland, or elsewhere, like John Barr, the well-known Scotch falconer, who was engaged for some time by the Champagne Hawking Club, in an attempt to revive the sport in France. The first chapter is entitled Istoricheskii ocherk oi)otl s' lobcheme ptitzami, or historical outlines of the chase with raptorial birds. In this we find a good many details which have been given by previous authors, though we do not remember to have elsewhere met with the statement (p. 6) that, in Prussia, Hochmeister Conrad von Jungingen founded a school of Falconry in 1396. In Russia hawking with Falcons, Goshawks, and berkuts (or eagles) — o^ota s' sokolafjii, yastrebami, i berkutami — was very widely practised (p. 6), and was for centuries a favourite amuse- ment (p. 8). Sementovski's " Narrative of the Hunting of the Princes of Kiev " (No. 333) is quoted (p. 8), and the doings of the Tsar Alexis Michaelovitch, who is said by some to have inherited his taste for Falconry from his grandfather, Feodor Nikitiche Romanoff, and by others to have imbibed it from his tutor, Morozoff (p. 9). Adelung's account of Baron Meyerberg's travels in Russia is quoted, and Korsakoff's description (No. 335) of the imperial hawking stud at the village of Kolomensk (p. 10) and of the ceremony of appointing a royal falconer (pp. 11-15)5 already noticed. After the death of the Tsar Alexis, Falconry became neglected in Russia. When Peter I. came to the throne the trans- port of falcons from Verkotourie was stopped. The Empress Elizabeth Petrovna sometimes went out hawking in the neigh- bourhood of Moscow, as did also the Empress Catharine II., who especially loved a flight with Merlins, oxoxa ct Aep^HHuaMH. The last hawking seen at the Russian Court (until the establish- ment, in February 1884, of the new Falconry Club) was at the coronation of the Emperor Alexander II. in 1856, when berkutes (eagles) were brought from Orenburg for the purpose of being flown in the demesne of Count Tolstoi at bagged wolves and foxes. The second chapter indicates the chief divisions of birds of prey used for the chase, with general remarks on the Falcon, liUSSlAN. 191 Jerfalcon, and Goshawk — sokol, krechet, i yastreb — including the Red Jerfalcon or Saker, krasnii krechet. Chapter iii. relates to "the Balabdn^ a species of Falcon," namely, the Lanner (although in Persia this name is applied to the Saker — see note to No. 343) ; chapter iv., the Peregrine YzXcon^ sokol ; chapter v., the Eleonora Falcon, chernyui ; chapter vi., the Hobby, kopetsi, a name also applied to the Merlin {kopets is a small lance, or dart); chapter vii., the Merlin, derbnik, with a section entitled *' Hawking in the Nineteenth Century," and details of the quarry killed with different hawks ; chapter viii., short-winged hawks, yastreba ; chapter ix., the Goshawk, velikii yastreb ; chapter x., the Sparrow-hawk, w^ZtV jj'a^//'^^/ literally the little Goshawk; chapter xi., procuring, rearing, and managing hunting birds, ao6biBaHic BocnHTaHie h coAepiKaHie jiobhhxt. nTHii,T. [Lobiivanie vospetanie e soderzhanie lobchi^ ptits) — this chapter is illus- trated with figures of jesses, swivels, blocks, &c. ; chapter xii., " calling off " and training eyesses and flying them, instruc- tions, remarks, and advice, with figures of hoods. The following are the Russian names for Falcons and Hawks, extracted from the authorities above quoted : — Jerfalcon. — Female, Krechet; male, Tschelig-krechatoi. With the Bashkir-Tartars, male, Schonkar ; female, Itelgoe. White Jerfalcon : Chetvertnoi Krechet. The orthography of the Tartar name for the Jerfalcon varies, and has probably been written phonetically by the authors who have attempted to quote it. Pallas has Schonkar. The Swedish traveller Strahlenberg,* who refers to the white falcons " which are sent in great numbers to China from the province of Dauria," calls the bird Tzungar. Mr. A. O. Hume, the lead- ing authority on the birds of India, identifies with the Shanghar a bird which he describes and figures under the name Falco Hendersoni (" Lahore to Yarkand," 1870, p. 171), but which Mr. J H. Gurney thinks may be only a stage of the Saker, and is identical with Falco jnilvipes, Hodgson. Falcon {i.e., Peregrine). — Female, Sokol ; male, Tschelig Sokolei. * " An Histori-geographical Description of the Norih and Eastern part of Europe and Asia, but more particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary, both in their ancient and modern state. Written originally in High German by Mr. Philip John von Strahlenberg, a Swedish officer, thirteen years captive in those parts. Now faithfully translated into English. 410. London. 1736." tgi BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Lanner. — Balaban, S. Russia ; in Siberia, Sherebetz ; with the Calmucks, Itelgoe. Common throughout the desert of Tartary. Saker. — Krasnii Krechet, i.e., Red Jerfalcon ; Itelgoe, Itelgui, with the Bashkirs and Kirghis (Haller). Hobby. — Shchoglok, or Choglak ; in some provinces, Kopets. Red-legged Hobby. — Kopets and Koptschik. Merlin. — Derbnik and Derbnichok (dimin.). Kestrel. — Pustolga. Eagle. — Orel (generic), Berkut (specific) ; with the Tartars generally, Bjurkut. See an article on this bird in The Field of December 27, 1890. With the Kirghis a trained eagle is worth two camels (Pallas, vol. i. p. 339). The Spotted Eagle, Aquila clanga, Pallas, ncevia, Brisson, is called by the Tartars Karagush, i.e., black eagle. The writer has been recently informed by Prince Boris Swiato- polk Cyetwertynski that in his opinion the species to which the name berkut is properly applied is not, as has been supposed by some authors, the golden eagle {Aguila chrysaetus, Linnaeus, nobilis, Pallas), which the Russians call orel, but one of the smaller eagles, either A. naevia or A. bonellii. He adds, how- ever, that the young golden eagle in its first or dark plumage, which is called by the. Tartars Kara-tschagyl, or " black eagle," is often called berkut. He describes the true berkut as being " larger than a falcon, but smaller than an eagle." Strahlenberg has some interesting remarks on the Siberian eagles used by the Tartars. " There are three sorts of eagles," he says, " in Siberia. The first and largest sort the Tartars call Barkut. They are coal-black, and so is the very beak of them. The skin about the nostrils and the legs only are of a lemon colour The second sort is called in the Tartarian tongue, Kutschugan ; and the third and least sort, Kara-kush, in Latin Aquila naevia [the Spotted Eagle]. The Tartars make use of this sort of eagles as they do of falcons for hawking " (p. 360). See also Col. T. E. Gordon, " The Roof of the World : being a narrative of a journey over the high plateau of Tibet to the Russian frontier, and the Oxus sources on Pamir," 8vo, Edin- burgh, 1876 (pp. 78, 88). Goshawk. — Yastreb ; the young, Raibik. With the Calmucks and Mongols, Itelgoe. Sparrow-hawk. — Perepelyatnik, i.e., the Quail-hawk. FALCONERS OF TURKESTAN WITH THE TRAINED EAGLE, OR BERKUT, From a sketch made by Col. T. E. Qordon In Eastern Turkestan. TURKISH. 193 Note. — The latest contribution to the literature of Falconry in Russia will be found in three articles by the present writer, contributed to The Field m 1890, namely, " Trained Eagles," with an illustration of one, August 2 ; "The Eagles used by Russian Falconers," August 1 6 ; and " The Berkut of Tur- kestan," December 27. -^-^"j. Baz Nameh li Mahmud ibn Muhammed ul Barchini, The Book of the Hawk of Mahmud B. Md. ul Barchini. Fourteenth century. This work, which appears to be an adaptation of the treatise described by Dr. Rieu (Cat. Persian MSS. in Brit. Mus., vol. ii. pp. 484, 485), is printed in Turkish, with a German translation, by Hammer Purgstall (No. 112), from a MS. at Milan. It was composed, he says, in the fourteenth century, and the Turkish author states that it was at first written in a civilised language, and was translated into Arabic, thence into Persian, and from Persian into Turkish. It consists of 155 bdbs^ or sections, some of them very short ones, and after some confused traditions relative to the origin of Falconry, descriptions of the birds used, and notes on the method of feeding and training them, the greater portion of the treatise is devoted to an enumeration of the diseases to which hawks are supposed to be liable, and the remedies proposed for them. Schlegel, who cites this work on the authority of Hammer Purgstall, is of opinion that the latter has failed in his attempt to identify the species of hawks referred to by their Turkish or Arabic names, and in this he is right. For example, the Shahin, can hardly be the Lanner ; by this name Indian falconers designate the Peregrine. The Kartschal, if used (as the Turkish author states) to take Roe-deer, is not likely to be any species If 194 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. of Harrier {^Circus), as suggested by Hammer Purgstall. Accord- ing to the Russian naturalist, Pallas (No. 326), the proper mode of spelling this word is Kara-tschagyl — i.e., "black eagle," which is said to be the Golden Eagle in the dark immature plumage ; called also in Turkish Kara-Kusch or black bird, it is used by the Tartars, Calmucks, Mongols, and Tangutes for catching deer, wolves, and foxes, and is called by the Tartars Berkui or Barkut (Persian Bargut). The Taghrul from the description given seems to be some kind of eagle, but cannot be, as Hammer Purgstall supposes, Pallas's Sea Eagle. It is probably the Tschagyl, above mentioned. The Lesak, or Kilitsch Kusch, which he identifies with the Hobby, Schlegel thinks more likely to be the Kestrel, although he overlooks the fact that this bird is of no use to falconers. In translating the Turkish word Tshakir (Arabic, Sakr) — i.e., the Saker— by the German word Hahicht (Goshawk), he has overlooked the statement of the Turkish author that his bird had dark eyes, not yellow ones, and was therefore a long-winged falcon, and not a short- winged hawk. Finally, the bird referred to by the name Otilga, and con- sidered doubtful by Hammer Purgstall (p. xvii.), is in all probability the Saker, which is known to the Kirghis as Itelgoe, or Jfelgui, though according to Pallas (No. 326) this name is applied by the Bashkirs to the female Jerfalcon. Mr. Sidney J. A. Churchill, now on the British Legation at Tehran, writes that he has examined a Persian MS. in the possession of Mr. J. Fargues, the Superintendent of the Indo- European Government Telegraph Department at Tehr^m, which appears to be a copy of the work referred to by Dr. Rieu, and that Hammer Purgstall's text is a Turki version of it. The MS. at Tehrkn was copied a.h. 1236 — i.e., a.d. 1820. The author states that " his friends suggested that he should gather together the experience of masters of the craft, and their books, and that which was in accordance with the laws of Nature, composed by " various writers named by him, and dated in the years a.h. 569, 571, 590, and 592, equivalent respectively to a.d. 1173, 1175, ii93,and 1195. It is therefore a compilation. He adds that he had heard that books had been found in Baghdad, and that by royal orders the library had been removed to Alex- andria ; and that after Alexander a lady ascended the throne, TURKISH. 195 and removed the books to Antioch, where they remained until her son succeeded her as Sovereign of Constantinople. Orders were subsequently given for the library to be destroyed, but a man named Ibrahim Ben Hailan, of the Zani faith, got hold of some of the books and took them to Baghdad, where they were translated into Syriac. " I procured these books," he says, " and sought for somebody who understood them. Amongst others came a man of the Uzlug Turkish tribe from the sea-shore. The puny one knew all languages, and translated the book from the Syriac into our language." Then follows the origin of Falconry according to the ancient text. 338. KiTAB MuKHTAS Dari H Sharcf ud Din Alp- Arselan Garabli. a.h. 915. The Book relating to Hawks of Sharef ud Din Alp Arselan Gardbli. a.h. 915 — i.e., a.d. 1509. This is No. 62 of Hammer Purgstall's Catalogue (p. xxxii.), wherein only the Turkish title is given. His No. (>2, is the Baz Nameh, or Book of the Hawk, of Mahmud ibn Muhammed ul Barchini, of which the entire Turkish text is printed with a German translation as above noticed. He omits the author's statement that he is better known as " Katib Turk iy eh," or the Turkish Scribe. In a volume of miscellanies preserved in the British Museum, Add. MSS. 23,594, there is a Turkish treatise on Falconry apparently of the eighteenth century. It consists of 84 folios, and is described as : — 339. A Treatise on Animals used in the Chase, viz., Hawks, Hounds, and Hunting Leopards ; their training and the treatment of their diseases. Translated from the Arabic by Murteza, known as Nazmi Zadeh with the heading Baz Ndmeh, the Book of the Hawk. The Turkish translator states that he wrote this version, A.H. II 15 (a.d. 1703), by desire of 'Ali Pasha, Governor of Baghdad. The Arabic text was contained in a recent copy of 196 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. the second part of the work of Isa B. 'Ali B. Hasan al-Asedi ; and Nazmi Zadeh, unable to procure the first part, supplied some additional matter from other sources. An imperfect copy of the original work is described in the Catalogue of Arabic MSS. in Brit. Mus., p. 634 b. See also Leclerc, Histoire de la Medecine Arabe^ i. p. 503. The work is divided into a great number of small sections, termed bdbs, but not numbered. The first contains traditions respecting those who first made use of birds of prey for the chase, fol. 2 b. The second describes the various kinds of hunting birds, fol. 4 a. The rest of the contents may be briefly described as follows : — Training and Feeding of Hawks, fol. 7 b ; Diseases of Hawks and their Treatment, fol. 14 a; On the Nature and Good Qualities of Hounds, fol. 66 b ; Diseases of Hounds and their Treatment, fol. 71a j Diseases of the Cheetah, or Hunting Leopard, fol. 81 b. Note. — For an interesting account of Hawking as practised in the province of Cilicia, Turkey in Asia, where the Goshawk i^yxcY\^\s.^doghan) is chiefly employed, the reader may be referred to a volume by William Burckhardt Barker (son of John Barker, who died at Suwaidyah, near Antioch, in 1850, and godson of the eminent traveller and oriental scholar Louis Burckhardt), entitled "Lares and Penates: or, Cilicia and its Governors; being a short historical account of that Province from the earliest times to the present day." 8vo. London, 1853. The ob- servations on Falconry will be found pp. 284-298. Besides the Goshawk, the Turkomans train the Peregrine (Turkish, Shehee?i\ the Lanner (Turkish, Seifee), and the Sparrowhawk (Turkish, Atonaj'ia), while the Jerfalcon, or, it may be, the Saker (Turkish, Songhar), is said to be sometimes taken in the north of Asia Minor (p. 297). But the Goshawk is the favourite bird, as it is found to be the most useful, and best suited to the nature of the country. " The Goshawk," says this writer (p. 290), " when properly broken in, requires little or no attention ; his master need keep no servants or falconer to attend upon him, and carry him day and night on the hand, which is requisite with the Peregrine ; if in proper trim, he is ready to hunt, and you can count upon him PERSIAN. 197 and fly him as often as you please in the course of a day. I do not ever recollect seeing my hawks done up from flight after flight, for six hours consecutively ; and I have known a Goshawk belonging to Rizu Kuli Mirza Nayebel Ayaly, a Persian prince residing at Bagdad, take twenty-one Francolins consecu- tively. The Prince assured me, and I firmly believe him, that he made sure of the quarry every time he let him fly from his hand. I have myself taken four hares, and a dozen Francolins, with several minor birds, in one day ; and I invariably found my Goshawk improve by exercise — the more I hunted him, the more he was anxious to continue the sport." For the transcription of the Persian and Arabic titles the writer is indebted to Mr. Sydney A. J. Churchill, on the British Legation at Tehran. In his absence from England the proof sheets have been sub- mitted to the eminent orientalist Dr. Rieu, who has most obligingly revised them. 340. KitAb 'AH Kdmeh Khorasdni. The Book of 'Ali Kameh the Khorasdnl — i.e., the native of Khorasan. This is the first (No. 47) of three Persian treatises on Falconry, of which the titles only are given by Hammer Purgstall (No. 112) in Persian characters (Nos. 47,48, 49), here transliterated by the kindness of Mr. Sidney A. J. Churchill, of the Persian Embassy. 341. KiTAB Jemdli Muhammed Ganjevi Samdni, A.H. 540. The Book of Jemdlf Muhammed of Ganjeh (E. Caucasus) the Samani. a.h. 540 — ix.^ a.d. 1145. No. 48 of Hammer Purgstall 198 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. 342. KitAb al-buzdt li Nushirvdn, The Book of Hawks of Ndshirvdn. No. 49 of Hammer Purgstall ; no date assigned. More ac- cessible information on the subject of Falconry in Persia is to be found in the following : — 343. A'lN I Akbari II Abul Fazl 'Allami. The Government of Akbar, by Abul Fazl 'Allami, A.D. 1590. Translated from the original Persian by Professor H . Blochmann. Printed for the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta. 1873. 8vo. The Ain i Akbari, says Prof. Blochmann, contains that infor- mation regarding Akbar's reign which, though not strictly his- torical, is yet essential to a correct understanding of the times, and embodies therefore those facts for which, in modern times one would turn to Administration Reports, Statistical Compila- tions, or Gazetteers. It contains the ain {i.e., mode of governing) of Akbar [who died in 161 5], and is in fact the Administration . Report and Statistical Return of his Government, as it was about A.D. 1590. The contents, therefore, are naturally varied and detailed. Abul Fazl's high official position gave him access to any document he wished to consult, and his long career and training in various departments of State, eminently fitted him for undertaking such a work. "His love of truth and his correctness of information," adds Prof. Blochmann," are apparent in every page of the book." In the portion which relates to Hunting (Book II. Ain 27 and 28) there is a section on " Hunting with Hawks " (Transl. pp. 293-296), in which the writer describes the various species used, with their Persian names ; their allowance of food ; prices paid for them ; and the minimum number of each kept at Court. The birds mentioned by their Persian names are not always to be identified, for the reason that Persian falconers give different names to the sexes of hawks, as well as to old and young, and to those which have and have not moulted ; but we recognise amongst them the Peregrine {Shdhin and Bahri), INDIAN FALCONERS WITH SAKERS AND PEREGRINE. From a photograph taken in the Punjab, 1891. By Capt. D. C. Phillott. PERSIAN, 199 Jerfalcon {Shungar), Saker [Bdldbdn, when captured in nets, and Charkh, when taken from the nest), Merlin {Turumtdi), Gos- hawk Tdigi'm and Tarldn, male and female, and Sparrow-hawk {Bdshd and Girgi), besides the Bargut^ or trained eagle. As to the hawks used by Persian falconers see the remarks of Major Oliver St. John in the account of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870-72, edited by Sir Frederic Goldsmid, 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1876, vol. ii. pp. 102-111. An earlier translation of the Ain i Akbari, by F. Gladwin, was printed in 4to, Calcutta 1783, and London 1800, but that by Blochmann, here quoted, is considered preferable. 344. Baz Namah, or Book of the Hawk. Amongst the Persian MSS. in the British Museum, Egerton, 1012 fT. 124 {cf. Rieu, Cat. ii. 485), is a Baz Namah, or Book of the Hawk, seventeenth century, in metre. " Bahadur " is the poetical surname assumed by the author, and occurs in a versified preamble, fol. 1-5, containing eulogies on 'Abd ul- Kadir Jilanf, and on the reigning Sovereign Aurangzib. The author states in a succeeding prose preface that he had under- taken the work at the urgent request of Ja'fer Beg, whom he calls his master in the craft. He mentions having written the work in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of 'Alemgir, correspond- ing to A.H. 1091, or A.D. 1680. The treatise is divided into forty-three chapters (Mds), a list of which is given at the end of the preface, fol. B. The first thirty-nine treat very fully of the training of hawks and other hunting birds, and of their employment in the chase. Then follow : Bad xl.. Diseases of Hunting-birds, in sixty-eight sections (fas/), fol. 84 b ; Bdd xli., their treatment, fol. 93 b ; and Bad xlii., miscellaneous instructions, in four sections. 345. Baz Namah, or Book of the Hawk. In the same collection, Egerton 10 13, pp. 108 (cf. Rieu, Cat. ii. p. 485), is a Baz Namah, or Book of the Hawk, dated a.h. 1 163, i.e., A.D. 1749, by Muhib 'AU, surnamed Khdn Khas Mahalli B. Nizam ud Din 'AH Marghilani. The author, a son of Nizam ud Din 'Ali Khalifeh, Prime Minister of Baber, was raised to the dignity of Khan in the first year of Akbar's reign, and died Governor of Delhi^ a.h. 989, 20O BOOKS ON FAL CONR Y. i.e., A.D. 158 1. See Erskine, Hist. India under Bdber, vol. i. p. 385 ; and Blochmann, Ain i Akbari, p. 420. The author states that he was nearly sixty years old at the time of writing, and that, having from his youth upwards accom- panied illustrious Sovereigns in the chase, he had acquired con- siderable experience. He dedicates the work to Akbar, whose skill and prowess in the hunting field he praises at great length. The treatise is divided into sixty-one chapters or sections {bdbs), a full table of which is given in the preface. Contents: Preface, fol. 2b; Precepts of the Law relating to the Chase, fol. 9 b; Qualifications of a Perfect Sportsman {Mir SMkdr\ fol. 12 b; Capture and Rearing of Hawks, fol. 13 a; How to Select Hawks and other kinds of Hunting Birds, fol. 20 a ; Signs of Health and Disease, fol. 24 a ; Directions Relating to Hunting in General, and to the Diet and Training of the different kinds of Hunting Birds, fol. 26 b; Diseases of Hawks and their Treatment, fol. 68 b; Snares and Decoys, fol. 87 b; Selection and Training of Cheetahs {yuz), fol. loi. 346. Baz namah, or Book of the Hawk, tran- scribed a.h. 1 1 60, 2>., A.D. 1747. A treatise on the qualities and rearing of Hawks, and their use in the sport of Falconry. An 8vo MS. Persian, in an Indian handwriting ; in the possession of Mr. Quaritch. The transcriber was Muhammed Mustafa Kusiiri, who wrote it at the request of Muhammed Khanhiv. The authorship is not disclosed; but the work is spoken of as a compendium {mukhtasar) compiled a.h. 970 (about a.d. 1562). The work is divided into 7 2 sections or bdbs, each section having several chapters. Thus it is not the same as the '* Baz-namah " of Khan Khas Mahalli, who wrote for Akbar about the same time as the composition of the above compendium. His Baz-namah is very similar in contents, but is quite differently arranged in 61 sections. 347. Baz Namah i Nasiri, a.h. 1258. The Book of the Hawk of Nasir, a.d. 1842. For a knowledge of this work the present writer is indebted ARABIC, 20 r to the courtesy of an enthusiastic falconer in India, Lieutenant D. C. Phillott, intelligence officer to the British forces at Dera Ismail Khan, Punjab. Nasir is one of the names of the present Shah, and the work is styled his out of compliment. The author is Mirza Taimiir, Governor of Fars, son of Husain AH Mirza, and grandson of Fateh Ali Shah Kajar, Fateh Ali Shah was the great-grand- father of the present Shah. The place of publication is not mentioned, the book is lithographed, and is what is known in India as a " bazar edition." For further details concerning the practice of Falconry in Persia than is afforded by the treatises above named the reader may be referred to Jaubert, who visited the summer quarters of the Persian Court near the ruins of Sultanieh on the great plain of Iran, and saw falcons, from the southern shores of the Caspian and Aral, flown at bustards, hares, gazelle, and wild-duck ("Voyage en Armenie et en Perse, p. 353); Morier, who witnessed hawking in the plain of Bushire (" Journey through Persia and Armenia," 4to, London, 1812), and Sir John Mal- colm, who gives an account of gazelle-hawking, and bustard- hawking on the sandy plains of Persia about 20 English miles from Abubekir, and hare-hawking in the environs of Shiraz (" History of Persia," 2 vols. 4to, London, 181 5 ; and " Sketches of Persia, 2 vols. Svo, London, 1828). See also Dr. John Harris, " Voyages and Travels," folio, London, 1764, vol. ii. p. 887 ; Ranking, " Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols," 4to, London, 1826, pp. 92-99 ; De Filippi, "Note di un Viaggio in Persia nel 1862," 8vo, Milan, 1865; and Colonel Yule's edition of " Marco Polo's Travels, " 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1875. The latest information on the subject of Falconry in Persia is that afforded by Major Oliver St. John in the " Account of the Persian Boundary Commission," 1870-72, edited by Sir Frederic Goldsmid, C.B., K.C.S.I., 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1876, vol. ii. pp^ 102-111. Note. — No treatises on Falconry in Hindustani have come to light, although copies of several Persian MSS. on the subject 202 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. are well known to falconers in India. As to the origin of Falconry in India, where it is believed to have been introduced by the conquering Mahommedans in the tenth century, see Schlegel, op. cit. (No. 194), pp. 59 and 64; and for details of the sport as practised in that country see " An Account of the Hunting Excursions of Asoph ul Doulah, Visier of the Mogul Empire and Nabob of Oude, by William Blane, who attended in these Excursions in the years 1785 and 1786," printed in Blane's Cynegetica, or Essays on Sporting, 8vo, London (Stockdale), 1788, pp. 183-201 ; Johnson, "Sketches of Indian Field Sports," 8vo, London, 1822, pp. 46, 47 (the pages relating to Hawking have been extracted by Belany, No. 64, pp. 51-56) ; Corvin Wierbitski (No. 115), Burton (No. 66), and Delme Rad- cliffe (No. 72). The last-named writer gives a complete list of the hawks now in use in India, with their native names. Reference should also be made to the valuable remarks of Mr. R. Thompson on hawking in India, printed in Hume's " Rough Notes on Indian Oology and Ornithology," 8vo, Cal- cutta, 1869, pp. 57, 69, 74-75, 86, 93, ii4-ii5> and 125. arable. As frequent allusion is made in the Persian and Arabic titles to "the year of the Hegirk," indicated by the letters a.h., it may be well to give here a brief explanation of a term which applies to a celebrated epoch used by the Arabs and Mahometans for the com- putation of time. The word is Arabic, written Hejera, and signifying " flight," the Arabic letters of which it is composed being H,J, r, a, or dh, and the supplied vowels are pronounced short. The event which gave rise to this epoch was Mahomet's flight from Mecca to Medina, when the rulers of Mecca, fearing he might raise a sedition, expelled him from that city in the year of our Lord 622. The first year of the Hegirk, therefore, corresponds with a.d. 622. To save the trouble of computation, the reader may be referred to Marsden's very useful " Table," printed in the Philosophical Trans- CQ I OH «i < i ARABIC. 203 actions, vol. Ixxviii., which exhibits at a glance the correspondence of the years of the Hegir^ with those of the Christian era, and the month and day of their respective commencement. It should be observed that the Orientals do not agree with us as to the time of the Hegirk. Among the Mahometans, Amasi assigns it to A.D. 630, and according to the Greek computation among the Christians, Said Ibn Batrick refers it to a.d. 614. In the present bibliography the dates adopted are those given in Marsden's " Table " above mentioned. 348. KiTAB i Khagdn Azam veh al-Malek Hind li Izzud-Din Muhammed Pelasgiini. a.h. 577. The Book of the Great Khagdn, and King of India, by Izzud-Din Muhammed Peldsgdni. a.h. 577, i.e.y A.D. 1 181. This is the first (No. 50) of a dozen Arabic treatises (Nos. 50-61) given by Hammer Purgstall (p. xxxii.) in native characters, and here transliterated, through the kindness of Mr. Sidney A. J. Churchill. 349. KiTAB Nushfrvdn i 'Adil li Imdd ud Din Isfahani. a.h. 590. The Book of Nushfrvdn the Wise, by Imdd ud Din Isfahdnf — i.e., of Isfahan, a.h. 590, i.e., a.d. 1193. No. 5 1 of Hammer Purgstall. 350. KiTAB Badr ud Din Muhammed ul Balkhi. A.H. 577. The Book of Badr ud Din Muhammed the Balkhi. A.H. 577, i.e., A.D. 1 181. No. 52 of Hammer Purgstall. 351. Al Kanun ul-Vazeh. The Perfect Canon. No. 53 of Hammer Purgstall. 204 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. Schlegel {pp. cit.)^ No. 123, interprets this title The Clear Guide to Instruction, Les Ragles Claires pour agir. 352. KiTAB al Jevdreh li Muhammed bin Abdullah bin 'Urner al Bazyar. The Book of Hawks of Muhammed, the son of Abdullah, the son of 'Umer the Falconer. No. 54 of Hammer Purgstall. 353. KiTAB al Jevdreh veh al la'b beha, veh ala- jatiha li Abi Dulef al Gasim Ben Isa. The Book of Hawks, and their training and main- tenance in health, by Abu Dulef al Gasim Ben Isa. No. 55 of Hammer Purgstall. 354. KiTAB Ajdib ul Makhlugdt li Kazvini. The Book of the Wonders of Creation, by Kazvini, No. 56 of Hammer Purgstall. See Rieu, Cat. Persian MSS. in Brit. Mus., ii. pp. 462, 463. The author is Zakaria bin Md. bin Mahmxid ul-Kamuni ul-Kazvini. A Persian translation of the Arabic original was published at Tehran, a.h. 1264, /,. at., cf. a?ifeii, '^. 191), who states that JAPANESE. 209 *' in the province of Dauria, and near the river Amoor, there are a great many milk-white falcons, which are sent in great numbers to China." This writer describes three sorts (differentiated according to plumage, dependent upon age), and details the method of taming them (p. 361). See also Schlegel {pp. at. pp. 60-61, 65-66); and an article on "Birds used for Sport in China," translated by the present writer from the French of M. Pierre A. Pichot, in The Zoologist for December 1885. According to Col. Yule {op. cit. i. 396)> hawking is still common in North China. 365. TONERINO SINWO. Nipponki. ToNERiNO SiNwo [Prince]. The Chronicle of Japan. Written a.d. 720. 30 vols. This voluminous work, No. no of Schlegel's Catalogue, contains a history of Japan from 661 B.C. to a.d. 696. The author, after stating that the Japanese empire was founded in 660 B.C., asserts that in a.d. 239 Falconry, with other arts, was introduced into Japan from Southern China, and that in a.d. 247 Falcons were sent for the first time from Petsi, in the Corea, to the Court of Japan, where the practice of Falconry was first attempted a.d. 355 (Schlegel, op. cit. p. 66). See also vol. vii. p. 35, and vol. xliv. pp. 4-5, of the following : — 366. SIMAYOSI ANKO. Wa Kan San Sai Dsou-E. SiMAYOsi Anko. Chinese and Japanese Ency- CLOPyEDIA. I714. In IO5 Vols. 8vO. This is No 106 of Schlegel's Catalogue. Some interesting details relative to Falconry, derived chiefly from the Chinese work, Ou Tsa Tsou (No. 364), are given vol. vii. p. 35, and vol. xliv. pp. 4-5. Mention is made (vol. vii. p. 35) of a clever falconer named Sakourawi Goro, who, in 1206, was summon-^d to the Court of the Emperor Sanetomo, at Yedo, to give instruc- O aro BOOKS ON FALCONRY. tion in Falconry, and who trained the Grey Shrike, or Butcher- bird {Fie-grikhe of the French), to take sparrows and other small birds, an example afterwards followed by Louis XIII. of France, in the Jardin du Louvre {cf. Arcussia, No. 153, p. 170, ed. 1644). The difference in size between the sexes of hawks is noted (vol. xliv. p. 5), the male being called Seo (the little) and the female Tai (the great). A young hawk is termed Waka taka ; a partially moulted hawk, Kata kaveri (in Chinese, P'hien P'hien) ; a hawk in its third year, Moro kaveri (in Chinese, Tsai F'fiien), that is, a hawk that has moulted twice. One taken from the nest and reared in the house is Sou taka, that is, nestling hawk, or eyess ; one taken after it has left the nest and is able to shift for itself, Akake, that is, taken with a net ; an adult hawk, or haggard, is Nozare, that is, not easily tamed ; a Jerfalcon, Sird taka (in Chinese, Fe yng or Sid pe yng), that is, white hawk, or snow- white hawk. Then follows an account of the mode in which hawks are trained— by being carried on the fist for three weeks, fed often, but very little at a time, and then flown in a creance. The Japanese falconers, when holloaing to a hawk, cry, 0-ou 0-ou ! When a hawk is put up to moult the jesses are removed, and it is cast loose into the mew and there fed a-t discretion. A broken tail feather is repaired by joining a new one to it with a kind of varnish made from a tree of which the scientific name is Rhus vernix. From this it would appear that a means of repairing broken feathers, known to English falconers as " imping," is practised by the Japanese, although they make use of strong varnish instead of an imping needle. Schlegel states that in Japan the hawk is carried on the left hand, while in China it is carried on the right {op. cit. p. 68). 367. KONOSITA YOSITOMO. Dsou Kai-Bou Y6 Ben-Ryak. Yedo. 1747. KONOSITA YOSITOMO. CONCISE DESCRIPTION OF ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR A SoLDiER. With Illus- trations. Yedo. 1747. 8 vols. 8vo. This is No. 107 of Schlegel's Catalogue. Vol. viii. contains JAPANESE. 211 more than a hundred pages on Falconry, including the technical terms used by Chinese and Japanese falconers — the Chinese title of this work is Tou Kiay Wou-Young Pien Lio — a descrip- tion of the different kinds of hawks used, and of the various flights according to the season of the year ; preceded by some historical details concerning the introduction of Falconry into Japan. Schlegel, who quotes this treatise as Le Code du Guerrier, states that it is compiled from older and more voluminous works. 368. MOTO rXJSA. Si-Fau-den-no-mi-koto. MoTO FusA. [Title unintelligible.] This is No. 108 of Schlegel's Catalogue. It is cited by Konosita Yositomo (No. 367), who states that it exhausts the subject of Falconry. There appears to be some mistake, how- ever, in the translation of the title. Schlegel renders it Trots mots comprenant les traditions de tons les pays ; but the Japanese words as printed do not bear that signification, and in the absence of the Japanese characters any correction would be doubtful. 369. KIMOURA KOKJO. San Kai Mei San Dsou-E. KiMOURA KoKjo. Illustrated Description of THE Principal Land and Sea Products of Japan. Ohosaka. 1799. 5 vols. 8vo. This is No. 109 of Schlegel's Catalogue. The second volume contains some curious information (p. 26, &c.) relative to Falconry in Japan. The author, Kimoura Kokjo, states that the province of Fiouga in the island of Kiousiou, and that of lyo in the island of Tosa, as well as the mountainous districts of Kahi and Tango, produce hawks of small size, Ko taka. Larger and finer hawks, Oho taka, are found in the southern parts of the empire, in the province of Moutsou, especially in the district of Kouro-gava (lat. 38° 27' N.). Those from the district of Sinobou, that is to say, from the mountains to the east of Foukou-sima (lat. 37° 38' N.), are known by the name of Sinobou taka. The White Falcons come from the Corea, and are flown at geese and cranes. BOOKS ON FALCONRY. This author states that, in Japan, Falcons are usually taken young from the nest, but at Oyamada, in the province of lyo^ they are also taken at daybreak in silk nets, three or four feet wide and twelve long, with a mesh of two and a half inches square, the lure being a live starling. The starling is kept in a state of agitation by showing it an artificial snake made of jointed wood and painted to nature. A hawk, on being caught, has jesses of soft leather put on, varvels of stag's horn or hollow bamboo stem, and a long leash, the wings and tail being enveloped in a "sock" made of soft flax, just as described in 1240 by the Emperor Frederick II. in his treatise de arte venandi cum avibus (No. 308), and as practised at the present day by the professional hawk-catchers in Holland. 370. ANON. Ko KoN Taka No Koto. Anon. Notices of Hawks and Hawking de- rived FROM Books, Ancient and Modern. With Figures. An 8vo volume, No. 105 of Schlegel's Catalogue, of which no account is given beyond the title ; nor is any reference made to the date or place of publication. 371. ANON. Ehon Taka Kagami. Anon. The Mirror of Falconry — literally, picture-book-falcon-mirror. A comparatively modern work, in five parts 8vo, of which a copy is in the writer's possession and another in the collection of M. Pichot. It is profusely and graphically illustrated, and is pro- bably the best book on the subject in Japanese now obtainable. The treatise of Konosita Yositomo (No. 367), cited by Schlegel as the Code du Guerrier, contains references to the five follow- ing works relating to Falconry, but, as the Japanese characters are not given by Schlegel, it is not possible to supply a reliable transliteration : — 372. KATANO SEO SJO. Yo Sex Rok, of which the Chinese title is Yng Tsching Lo. No. Ill of Schlegel. The title only mentioned. ^ ^, ^ -k :k \ A JAPANESE FALCONER. From the '• Jihon Taka Kagami," or Mirror of Falconry. JAPANESE. 213 I'Jl, OUDSIDONO. NiTSi Rai Ki ; in Chinese, Ji Lai Ki. No. 1 1 2 of Schlegel, who gives no details beyond the title. 374. DSI MEO IN. San Kau Ten. No. 113 of Schlegel. Title only. 375. TEI KA (Prince). Taka. Prince Tei-ka. The Falcon (an Ode). No. 114 of Schlegel. Title only. 376. AKIZATO RITO. Kawatsi Mei-Sjo Dsou-e. Akizato Rito. Topography of the Province Kawatsi. With Plates. 1 801-1808. 6 vols. 8vo. No. 115 of Schlegel. This author states that, in China, Falcons were amongst the presents made to princes from the time of the (mythical) Hia dynasty, which commenced about 2205 B.C. Whether the art of Falconry was understood so long ago as this it is now impossible to ascertain. At any rate, we know from Ctesias and ^.lian that it was practised in Central Asia about 400 B.C. {Cf. Ctesice Cnidii Operufti Reliquice, edit. J. C. Bahr, 8vo, Francofurti, 1824, p. 250 ; /Elian, de Natura Animalium, lib. iv. cap. 26, edit. Jacobs, Svo, Jenae, 1832.) We learn also from Ctesias, who was physician to the Shah of Persia, Artaxerxes Mnemon, that at this period Falconry was altogether unknown in Persia and India. (See note to No. 347, p. 201.) 377. NIGIRI-KOBUSHI. Shiju Hachi Taka No ZUSAN. NiGiRi-KoBusHi. The Fist : or Figures with Descriptions of 48 Kinds of Hawks. 6th year of Hozei, i.e., a.d. 17 10. For a knowledge of the contents of this book, of which a 214 BOOKS ON FALCONR Y. copy has been forwarded for inspection by M. Pichot, of Paris, the writer is indebted to Mr. F. V. Dickins, who has furnished a translation of the most material portion of it. This author states that hawking was practised in China during the Han and Tang dynasties {i.e., from B.C. 206 and from A.D. 618), and that it was introduced into Japan in the forty-seventh year of the Empress Tingu (a.d. 244) from Haku- sai, in Corea, and again in the forty-second year of the Emperor Nintoku (a.d. 355), who was the first really to hunt with hawks. (See note to No. 365.) Amongst the birds mentioned by this author are — 0-washi- taka, the great Eagle Hawk ; Kasumi-taka, the Mist-hawk ; Hai-taka, the Sparrow-hawk ; Shiva-bu-taka, white-barred hawk ; No sushi-taka, the Moor-hawk -, Koi-kiri-taka, the pike-catching hawk (Osprey); Mushi kui-taka, the insect-eating hawk; Kaviome-nari taka, the gull-like hawk (Harrier) ; and Mashiro- taka, the pure white hawk (Gerfalcon). Besides these are named Mozu, the Grey Shrike, or Butcher-bird, which is trained like a hawk for catching small birds (see note p. 210) ; Tobi, the Kite ; Fukuro, the Owl ; and Mimizuku, the Eared Owl. 378. MACHIDA HISANARI. Taka Gari ICHIRAN. Machida Hisanari. a Survey of Falconry Illustrated. Compiled by Machida Hisanari in the 9th year of Meiji, i.e.^ of the present era, which com- menced in 1868. This modern composition, obligingly forwarded for inspection by M. Pichot, of Paris, may be described as a " broadside," being printed on a single sheet, which measures 20.5 by 14.5 inches, and is illustrated, in colours, with figures of the Gos- hawk, d-taka ; the Peregrine, Haya-busa ; and the Sparrow- hawk, Hai-taka ; and with representations of the hawk-house, toya ; perch, chiboko ; glove, yugake ; ^ock, fuseginu ; falconer's bag, haio fukuro {i.e., pigeon-bag) ; creance, oki nawa ; jesses, ashikawa {i.e., leg-leathers); bell, suzu; leash, 0-0 {i.e., the great cord), made of eight strands of silk, red for ordinary JAPANESE. 215 hawks, and purple for those that have distinguished themselves by killing cranes {tsuru), el cetera. Though there are many kinds of hawks, says this author, those used for Falconry are mainly these three : — 0-taka, or great hawk, i.e., the Goshawk ; Hayabusa, literally " swift tuft-hawk," the Peregrine; and Haitaka, or creeping hawk, in reference, perhaps, to its crafty habits, the Sparrow-hawk. Three other kinds, much inferior, are scarcely ever used for hawking. To catch hawks nets are employed. A large net is spread, and in the middle a smaller net of the kind known as chochin (lantern- shaped, i.e., nearly barrel-shaped) is fixed, in which are placed five or six sparrows at liberty to fly about in the interior. This contrivance acts as a decoy, and the hawks are thus trapped. The best time for catching them is between the great heats of summer and the full spring of the succeeding year. When caught, the birds receive each a generic name : thus, a bird of any year taken in the autumn would be called akage, red-plumed [but the point lies in the resemblance in sound of aka to aki, autumn] ; taken from the nest {sti), sutaka ; taken during the lesser summer heats, after having left the nest, su-mawari, nest- hover er or brancher ; and so forth. Taka and Hayahtsa are flown at cranes, wild geese, wild duck, and white herons; Haitaka, at teal, water-hens, and larks. These three hawks receive each a different training. A complete translation of this " broadside," by Mr. F. V. Dickins, will be found in The Zoologist for May 1891. It would seem that at the present day Falconry is but little practised in Japan. The latest traveller who has furnished any account of the sport in that country from personal obser- vation is Dr. A. von Roretz, who, in the German periodical Der Zoologische Garten for September 1879, published an article on hawking in Japan, of which a translation by the present writer appeared in The Field of October 18, 1879. Dr. Roretz states that formerly, wherever large uncultivated tracts of scrub, and marsh, and grass land were to be found, amongst other sports hawking flourished. In more populous districts, too, powerful princes and wealthy proprietors indulged in this pastime, at which their dependents dared not murmur, 2i6 BOOKS ON FALCONRY. having to consider themselves privileged in being allowed to witness the sport, and to repair the damages to crops, &c., which it sometimes occasioned. This was the state of things in Japan when the Daimios were masters of the life and property of their subjects. But all has been changed since the reforms of the present day have brought their civilising influence to bear in these remote lands, and given the peasants protection for their crops. Falconers have dropped off, abandoning their annual expeditions to the steep rocks, where they were wont to seek their half-fledged pupils. Hawking may now be regarded as a thing of the past in Japan, for only a few magnates, whose extensive estates permit such a luxury, occasionally indulge in this delightful pastime. " To a very limited extent " (he says) " I was enabled to learn something of the old sport. ... It varies according to the quarry flown at. I never saw very small hawks flown quite loose. A very thin silk line, tightly twisted, about the size of ordinary sewing silk, but much stronger, is fastened to the jesses. This line is about thirty yards in length. It is used more to restrain the hawk from following the quarry too far, than to prevent it from trying to escape. Goshawks and Falcons are always flown loose. The falconer gets as close to the quarry as he can, screening it from view of the hawk by means of the long sleeve of the Japanese dress. As soon as he is near enough he withdraws the sleeve and the hawk is cast off. Hawking on horseback seems to have died out ; at least during my long stay there I never heard of any. According to description, it must have resembled the hawking which is still practised in Persia." PORTRAIT OF A TRAINED FALCON Belonging to the Author. GLOSSARY EXPLAINING THE TECHNICAL TERMS EMPLOYED BY ENGLISH FALCONERS. GLOSSARY EXPLAINING THE TECHNICAL TERMS EMPLOYED BY ENGLISH FALCONERS. Arms, the legs of a hawk from the thigh to the foot. Ayre, and Eyrie, s., Fr. at're, the aiery, eyrie, or nesting-place. " Our aiery buildeth in the cedar's top." — Shakespeare. The form eyre occurs in Reed's "Governance of Hawkes," 1557 (MS. Bibl. Harl. 676). Bate, Bating, fluttering or flying off the fist, which an untrained hawk commonly does at the sight of the approaching hood. Literally, to beat the air with the wings, from the French battre. " It is calde batyng for she batith with hirselfe, most oftyn causeles." — " Boke of St. Albans," i486. Beam-feathers, j., the primaries or phalangeal feathers of the wing. See Flags. Bechins, s., morsels, mouthfuls. Fr. becquie^ and bechde^ i6th cent. " Prend le faulcon et luy donne une beschie de char, et luy mets le chaperon." — " Livre du Roy Modus," i486. " She bekyth when she sewith ; that is to say she wypith herbeke." — " Boke of St. Albans," i486. The modern French equivalent of bechins is beccades. Thus Baron Dunoyer de Noirmont, explaining the meaning of the expres- sion "to give tiring" (^.r/.), writes '•'■ donner a iirer, permettre au faucon de prendre quelques beccades au tiroir, aileron de volaille pr^- . pare," &c.— " Hist, de la Chasse en France," 1868, iii. p. 85, note. Bewits, s.^ short thin strips of leather by which the bells are fastened to the legs. Bind, z/., to fasten on the quarry in the air. Block, j., a truncated cone or cylindrical piece of wood having a ring in it for the attachment of the leash, and placed out of doors, whereon the hawk is set to " weather " {g.v.). 220 GLOSSAHY. \ Bolt, to fly at, v., said of a short-winged hawk ; to fly straight from the fist at the quarry. BowLSER, s., a young hawk able to fly from bough to bough. Bowse, v., to drink ; variously spelt " bouse," " boose," " bouze," and " booze." O. Dutch, buisen. Bowsing, drinking. Brail, j., a narrow slip of thin soft leather, with a long slit in it, used for tying one wing of a restless hawk that bates much. Brancher, j., a young hawk that has lately left the nest. Called also a " ramage-hawk." — Ray, "Summary of Falconry," 1678. Cadge, j., the wooden oblong square frame on which hawks are carried hooded to the field. Cadger, the person who carries the hawk ; hence the abbreviated form " cad," a person fit for no other occupation. Calling off, luring a hawk from an assistant at a distance for exercise. See Creance. Canceleer, v.t Fr. ckevaucher, to make two or three sharp turns in the descent when stooping. ' ' The fierce and eager hawks down thrilling from the skies Make sundry canceleers ere they the fowl can reach." Drayton, " Polyolbion," 1622, song xx. 1. 229. Carry, v., to fly away with the quarry. Cast, s., a " cast of hawks," i.e., two ; not necessarily a pair. Cast, v., " caste her to hode " (1575). When a hawk will not stand to the hood, or requires coping {q.v.), she has to be " cast " or held for the purpose. Cast gorge, Fr. jeter la gorge, to throw up the meat that is in her crop. See Turbervile's " Booke of Falconrie," 1575, p. 287. Casting, j., fur or feathers given to a hawk with her meat to cleanse the pannel {q.v.), and afterwards cast up in the shape of oblong pellets enveloping the indigestible portions of the food which are thus re- jected. Cotgrave gives Oiseau aciir^, a hawk that hath had " casting " given her. An old proverb says : " Wash'd meat and stones maketh a hawk to flie, But great casting and long fasting maketh her to die. " Latham's " Falconry," 1615, p. 23. Cawking-time, s., pairing time. — Reed, " Governance of Hawkes," 1557. See Harting, No. 81, Introd. p. xvi. Cere, j., Fr. are, Lat. cera, the bare wax-like skin above the beak. Check, z/., whence checking, to fly at ; to change .the bird in pursuit. GLOSSARY. 221 Clutching, seizing the quarry in the feet. Come to, v., to begin obeying the falconer. Coping, cutting off the sharp points of beak and talons. " Let her be short-coped, so I would advise all short -winged hawkes to be used, for the safety of thine owne hands." — Bert, "Treatise of Hawkes," 1619, p. 67. Cowering, quivering or shaking the wings, observed in young hawks. Crabbing, i.e., grabbing ; said of hawks when two are flown together, and one seizes the other on the quarry by mistake. Cray, s., a disease in hawks, namely, a stoppage of the tewell {q.v.\ so that the bird cannot mute {q.v.). "The Cray commyth of washed meete the wich is washed withe bote water in the defawte of bote meete."— •' Boke of St. Albans," i486. Creance, s., Fr. cre'ance, Lat. credenttj, a long line attached to the swivel, and used when "calling-ofif" iq-v.); flying a hawk as it were on credit. Bert, in his "Treatise of Hawkes," 1619, has "cranes" (pp. 20, 21, 24) and " calling-cranes" (p. 54). Crines, s., the short hair-like feathers about the cere {q.v.). Nicholas Cox, in "The Gentleman's Recreation," 1674, has crinets. Croaks, or Kecks, Fr. crac, a disease of the air-passages, analogous to a cough, and so called from the sound the bird makes during any exertion, such as bating, or flying. See Pin. Crop, j., the dilatation of the gullet which serves as the first receptacle for the food taken by a hawk. ^ Crossing flight, when another bird flies between the hawk and her quarry. Deck-feathers, s., the two centre feathers of the tail. Disclosed, ca.d of hawks that are just hatched ; now obsolete. Draw the hood, to draw the braces which open and close the hood behind. Drawing /rc;« the mew., i.e.., withdrawing a hawk after she has moulted. Endew, v., whence endewing and endewed, to digest the food. " And ye shall say this hauke is fully gorged and hath endewed, or put over." — " Boke of St. Albans," i486. The forms indue and induing, also occur, Fr. enduire, and induire. See Put OVER. ■\ Enew, or iNtw, v., the same as Put in {q.v). Drayton has ineawe. " For very fear they instantly ineawe. " Polyolbion," 1622, song xx. 1. 234. 222 GLOSSARY. Enseam, with old authors Ensayme, v., whence ensayminge and en- saymed, sc. enseam, from the Fr. essimer, to purge a hawk, and rid her of superfluous fat. " Ensayme of an hawke is the grece." — " Boke of St. Albans," 14§6. With a different speUing, " ensaim," the word occurs in a Close Roll of 3 Hen. III. (1218). For the context, see Hardy, " Introd. Close Rolls," p. 170. Enter, v., to fly a hawk at quarry for the first time. Eyess, s., a nestling, or young hawk taken from the " eyrie " or nest ; from the Fr. iiiais, the initial u being dropped, as in many other English words {e.g., adder, from A.S. ncedre). The terms applied to hawks of different ages are explained by D'Arcussia in his " Faucon- nerie," 1605. He assigns five different names to hawks as they chance to be taken at different seasons — viz., (i) Niats, if taken in May ; (2) Gentil, in June, July, or August ; (3) Peleriu, or Passaget\ in September, October, November, or December ; (4) Antenere^ Antannaire (O.Fr. Antan, i.e., Patmee passee), or Antevere, in January, February, or March ; and (5) Agar (" mot Hdbreu qui signifie, estranger"), if she has once moulted ; hence our word " Haggard" {q.v.), applied to a wild-caught old hawk. Tardif, how- ever, had long previously explained these terms in his " L'Art de Faulconnerie," 1492, thus : — " Nyais oyseau est celui qui est prins au nid. Branchier est celui qui suit sa mere de branche en branche, qui est aussi nommd raminage. Sor est appelle a sa couleur sorette, celui qui a void et prins devant qu'il ait mud." Eyrie, s., see Ayre. Falcon, the female Peregrine par excellence, but applied generally to . the females of all long-winged hawks. Fall at mark, to alight upon the ground and there await the owner. See Bert, "Treatise of Hawkes," 1619 (pp. 6, 72). Feake, v., feaking ; said of a hawk when she wipes her beak on the perch after feeding. It was also said " an hawke snytith or sewith hir beke, and not wipeth hir beke." — " Boke of St. Albans," i486. Filanders, J., intestinal worms, _/f/ana. Cf. The Zoologist, i88r, p. 309. Flags, s., the secondary, or cubital feathers of the wing. See Beam- FEATHERS. Fly on head, v., to miss the quarry and check. Foot, v., to clutch. A good footer is said of a hawk that catches well and holds. Frounce, s., a canker or sore in the mouth and throat. For modem GLOSSARY. 22% treatment, see Salvin and Brodrick, " Falconry in the British Isles," 2nd edit. p. 142. Full-summed, adj.^ when a hawk has got all her new feathers after moulting. See Summed. Galbanum, j., a gum resin derived from an umbelliferous plant, Ferula galbaniflua ; usually obtained by making an incision in the stalks, when a milk-white fluid exudes in tear-like drops, which, after a few hours' exposure to light and air, c'nange to a yellow colour, and become dry and hard enough to gather. It is regarded as an internal remedy in chronic mucous catarrh and rheumatism, and is applied externally in the form of galbanum plaister as a mild stimulant to relieve tumours and chronic pulmonary affections. \Get in, v., to reach the hawk as soon as she has killed. Gleam, the substance thrown up after casting gorge. Gorge, s., the crop ; Gorged, adj., full fed. GURGITING, choking with too large a mouthful. ^ Hack, s., the place where the hawk's meat is laid. — Nicholas Cox, " The Gentleman's Recreation,'' 1674. Hack, flying at ; Fr. voler au taquet ; the state of liberty in which eyess falcons are kept for a few weeks before being trained ; coming in daily to feed on the hack-board where their meat is cut up for them. Sir John Sebright employs the term : " Observations upon Hawking," 1826, p. 8. John Dawson Downes, a contemporary falconer of experience, to whom he submitted the MS. of this work for criticism prior to publication, invariably wrote at heck, and asserted that the term is not applicable " until after the birds have been taken up and trained." See The Zoologist, 1890, p. 418. Hack-bells, large heavy bells put on hawks to hinder them from preying for themselves whilst " flying at hack." \.Haggard, s., a hawk that has been caught after assuming its adult plumage, that is, after having moulted in a wild state. Prof. Skeat states (" Etym. Diet.'') that the original sense is hving in a hedge (hag), hence wild ; though Peregrine Falcons do not live in hedges. D'Arcussia derives the word from the Hebrew agar, which signifies stranger, and which, in this sense, is synonymous with Passage-hawk. See Eyess. The unknown author of the " Menagier de Paris," 1393, has " Esprevier hagart est celluy qui est de mue de haye," ed. Pichon 1846, vol. ii. p. 317. In a foot-note to this remark Baron Pichon observes: "D'Arcussia (pp.8 et 36) et Saincte Aulaire (p. 12) discnt aussi que le faucon hagart (ou mud de champs) est celui qui a 224 GLOSSARY. d^jk mud une fois, D'Arcussia fait deriver ce nom du mot hdbreu agar, signifiant Stranger. II semble qu'il doit plutot signifier ^gar^y sauvage, k moins qu'attendu I'explication qu'en donne ici notre auteur on ne le fasse venir de haya, haie.'' Selincourt, in his " Parfait Chasseur," 1683, gives some advice as to the best kinds of hawks to keep according to the sort of country they are to be flown in, and refers to the " fauconniers flamands qui en apportent tous les ans tant de niais que de hagars^ Halsband, s., literally, neck-band ; a contrivance ot soft twisted silk placed like a collar round the hawk's neck and the end held in the hand; used by Indian falconers, when flying the Sparrow-hawk to steady the bird when cast oft. Havock, to cry, from A.S. hafoc, a hawk. See Hoo-HA-ha. Hey and Heye, adj.^ in old authors, sc. high, i.e., in good condition. Hood, s., the leathern cap (Fr. chaperon, Dutch huif, and German hatibe) used for blindfolding hawks to tame them. " I never in the house let her sit hooded at all, and when shee is a flying hawke, never unhooded in the field." — Bert, " Treatise," 161 9, p. 23. Before the Crusades the hood was unknown to European falconers ; it was introduced by the German Emperor, Frederick II., who adopted the use of it from the Syrian Arabs. The hood proper has a plume of feathers on top ; the rufter-hood is without this. See Rufter-hood and Seeling. Hood off, v., to pull oft" the hood and slip a hawk at the quarry. Hood-shy, said of a hawk thai has been spoilt by clumsy hooding. Hoo-HA-HA. The modern version ot an old cry raised by falconers when the quarry is sighted and the hawk is encouraged to pursue. Drayton (No. 23) gives it in a description of hawking by the river, 1622 {vide anted., p. 19). Perhaps the expression, to cry havock, meant originally to give the hawking cry before slipping at the quarry, hafoc being the A.S. word for hawk. Claude Gauchet, in his "Plaisir des Champs," 1 583, writes : " puis au partir de I'arbre hoya, hoya, se crie ; and Dangeau, in his "Etats de la France," has : "Toutes fois qu'elle part (la Pie) on crie, houya, houya /" Baron de Noirmont (No. 206), describing the French method of duck-hawking (vol. iii. p. 184), says : " on mettait les oiseaux, c'est k dire les faucons, d. mont, puis on faisait partir les canards ; au moment ou ils prenaient leur vol, on criait ha, ha ! ou bien encore hou, hou ! k la mode flamande." The Arab falconers shout " ha-hou /'^ which, according to General Daumas (No. 199), signifies with them " There it is !" The Japanese falconers, when h.nl oaing to a hawk, cry, ^'■0-oti, 0-ou.f" See the GLOSSARY. 22 s "Chinese an/apanese Encyclopaedia," by Simayosi Anko, 1714 (No. 366), ' Indue, In]?5jg, note to No. 10. See Endew. iMPiNGrom the Lat. impono, a method of repairing broken flight or tf feathers. For the modus operandi, see Salvin and Brodrick, (Falconry in the British Isles," 1873, p. 134. *Ke, j., the neck of the quarry {q.v.), now obsolete. .NTERMEWED is "from her first mewing till she come to be a white hawk." — Latham, 161 5. Literally, "between moults." " I have seen divers entermewers." — Bert, 1619. This word is now seldom used. Jack, the male Merlin. Jerkin, the male Jerfalcon. Jesses, j., the short narrow straps of leather fastened round a hawk's legs to hold her by. See Leash. JOKIN, sleeping ; used by old authors ; a term now obsolete. JOKITH, jouketh, i.e., sleepeth. Amongst the " kyndeli termis that belong to hawkis," explained in the " Boke of St. Albans," i486, the fifth is that your hdcdk^ jouketh and not slepith. Leash, s., a long narrow thong of leather attached to the jesses with a swivel or varvels {q.v.\ and by means of which a hawk is tied to perch or block. Lines, s., loynes, lunes, also lewnes. " Lunes for hawks, leashes or long lines to call them."— Phillips, " New World of Words," 1696. " The jesses were made sufficiently long for the knots [ends] to appear between the middle and the little fingers of the hand that held them, so that the lunes, or small thongs of leather, might be fastened to them with tyrrits or rings, and the lunes were loosely wound round the little finger." — Strutt, " Sports and Pastimes," p. 32. Hence it would appear that the lunes took the place of the modern leash, which is attached to the jesses with a swivel or varvels. Bert terms them "lines," thus : — "until he hath with her lines fastened her calling- cranes unto her." — *' Treatise of Hawkes," 1619, p. 54. See Creance. Lure, s., from the O.Fr. loerre, modern leurre; O. German Luoder, a bait. Technically, a bunch of feathers, or couple of wings tied together on a piece of leather, and weighted. Being garnished with raw meat, the hawk is always fed upon it. Hence, when swung aloft, it serves to lure the hawk back to the falconer. Mail, s., the breast feathers of a hawk. 226 GLOSSARY. Mail, t/., to mail a hawk, i.e.^ to wrap her up in a soci or handkerchief (Fr. I'envelopper d'un linge nommd chemise), eitheito tame her, as described by Bert {op. cit. pp. 46-47), or to keep henuiet during an operation, as " coping " or " imping " {q.v.). Make-hawk, j., an old experienced hawk flown with an e^ss, when training, to teach it or encourage it. Manning, manned, making a hawk tame by accustoming her to nan's presence. See Reclaim. Mantle, r/., said of a hawk " when she stretcheth one of her wings aftc her leg, and so the other." — Nicholas Cox, 1674. Mar-hawk, j., one who spoils a hawk by clumsy handling. ' Mark, to fly at, z/., generally said of a Goshawk when, having " put in " a covey of partridges, she takes stand, marking the spot where they disappeared from view until the falconer arrives to put them out 10 her. Marrow, with old authors mary, e.g.^ mary of beefe ; mary of goose ; given as a remedy, or to envelope medicine. Mew, j., the place where hawks are set down to moult. When the royal " mews " at Charing Cross were converted into stables in 1 534, the name, confirmed by long usage, remained to the building, although inapplicable after the hawks were removed. In later times, when the people of London began to build ranges of stables at the back of their houses, they continued the name of the buildings, though appropriated to other uses. — Stow's " Survey of London,'' 1 598. Mew, ?/., to moult, from the Fr. muer^ to change the feathers. In " The Gentleman's Academie," by Gervase Markham, 1595, will be found special directions for the mewing of hawks, from which we learn that the best time to commence is the beginning of Lent, and, if well kept, the bird will be mewed, that is, moulted, by the beginning of August. French falconers term their hawks " tnuh lorsqu'ils ont fait cette premiere mue en captivitd ; mues des bois ou des champs^ quand elle a eu lieu en libertd" — Dunoyer de Noirmont. " Pour les muez des champs, ils sont du tout infid^les, et vont toujours aux moucherons." — D'Arcussia, "Conference des Fauconiuers'' (11* journde). This explains the term " muer de haye^' used in reference to a Goshawk in one of the Paston Letters, 24 Nov. 1472, which seems to have puzzled commentators. Mites, j., the parasites that infest the head and nares of a hawk. MOMEY, j'., with old authors, sc. mummy, Fr. momiej formerly, when reduced to powder, used as medicine for hawks : cf. Ray, " Summary GLOSSARY. 227 of Falconry," 1678, chap. ii. § 9. The old Spanish writers on Falconry refer to it as motnta : cf. Pero Lopez de Ayala, " Libro de las Aves de Caga," chap, xxviii. The use of it was probably intro- duced into Spain by the Moors, as it appears to be derived from the Arabic moumiya, from mourn, wax. — Cf. Dozy et Engelmann, " Glos- saire des Mots espagnols ddriv^s de I'arabe," 2nd edit. Leyde, 1869. MUER DES CHAMPS, or MUER DE HAVE. See MeW. Musket, j., the male Sparrow-hawk ; French mouchet., Dutch moskei. MuTFS, s., the droppings or excrement of hawks. "And ye shall say that your hauke mutith."— " Boke of St. Albans," i486. Or, if a short-winged hawk, she " sliceth," op. cit. Nares, j., the nostrils of a hawk. From the Latin. Nyas, s., sc. an eyas, or eyess, Fr. niais, a nestling hawk taken from the eyrie or nest. — Dunoyer de Noirmont, " Hist, de la Chasse en France," iii. p. 120. O.Fr. nyh. '■'■ Tu auras faulcons et laniers nyds, ramaiges, sors, muers." — Gace de la Eigne, 14th cent. Tur- bervile, in his " Booke of Falconrie," 1575, has a chapter entitled " How to keepe Nyasse Sparowhawkes." See note to Eyess. Ostringer, s., sc. austringer, and astringer (Shakespeare), generally re- stricted to one who keeps short-winged hawks, especially the Gos- hawk. Fr. austour and autour. " We usually call a falconer, who keeps that kind of hawk, an austringer." — Cowell, " Law Diet." Bert employs the term austringer. — " Treatise of Hawkes," 1619. The form ostreger also occurs, from ostercus or austercus. — Ducange, sub voce Astur. "A Goshawk is in our records termed by the several names of osturcum, hostricum, estricium, asturcum, and austercum, all from the Fr. austour [mod. autour; Lat. astur\" — Blount, "Ancient Tenures," 4to, 1815, p. 266, "A techer or ynstructor of fawkners and ostrigers." — Reed, " Governance of Hawkes," 1557. Turbervile has "certaine observations for an Os- treger in keeping of a Goshawke." — "Booke of Falconrie," 1575. Ray also has " Ostreger." — " Summary of Falconry," 1678. Pannel, s., the stomach or lower bowel of a hawk. Pantas, s., a disease in hawks akin to asthma. Passage-hawk, a wild hawk caught upon the passage or migration. Paster, ^., plaister ; used medicinally ; now obsolete. Perch, s., is that whereon you set down your hawk when you put her off your fist. — Ray, " Summary of Falconry," 1678. The perch is used in the house ; the block, out of doors. See Block. 2 28 GLOSSARY. Pelt, j., the dead body of the quarry. Pendant feathers, those behind the thighs of a hawk. Petty singles, the toes of a hawk. Pill, or Pelf, s., what, is left of the quarry after the hawk has been fed upon it. Pin and Web, s., a disease of the eye in hawks akin to dimness and film. Bert describes another disease (p. 86) called "pinne in the throat," which from his description resembles what modern falconers term "croaks" {g.v.). Pitch, J., the height to which a falcon rises in the air by ringing up {g.v.). Plumage, s.^ given for "casting" {g.v.). Plume, v.., to pluck the feathers off the quarry. 'Point, to make her, when a hawk throws herself up in the air above the spot where the quarry has "put in" {g.v.). Pounces, j., the claws of a hawk. Preen, z/., to dress the feathers with the beak. Principals, the two longest feathers in the wing of a hawk. ' Put in, v., to drive the quarry into covert. Put over, ?/., said of a hawk " when she removeth her meat from the gorge into the bowels, by traversing with her body, but chiefly with her neck." — Nicholas Cox, "The Gentleman's Recreation," 1674. See Endew. Quarry, s., the game flown at. O.Fr. curec, the reward given to hounds when they killed ; from the Low Lat. corata, the entrails of a slain animal. Quick, adj.^ alive. Rake away, z/., to take off, instead of pursuing the quarry flown at, or to fly wide of it. Ramage-hawk. See Brancher. Rangle, j., small stones given to hawks to aid digestion. If set down on a block where it can reach them, a hawk will pick them up voluntarily. Reclaim, v.,, Fr. r'eclamer^ to make a hawk tame, gentle, and familiar. " In the manning and reclaiming, you must by kindness make her gentle and familiar with you." — Nicholas Cox, "The Gentleman's Recreation," 1674. Red-hawk, j., the modern term for a " sore-hawk" {g.v.). GLOSSARY. 229 Ring-up, v., to rise spirally to a height. Robin, s., the male Hobby. Rouse, v., is when a hawk lifteth herself up and shaketh herself. — Nicholas Cox, op. at. " Rowse," " Boke of St. Albans," i486. Rousing ; with old authors Rowysin. See Rouse. Ruff, v., Fr. buffeter, to hit the quarry and make the feathers fly, with- out trussing it. See Truss. Rufter-hood, j., Dutch ruishuif, German riisthaube, French chaperon de rust, a plain, easy leather hood, through which the hawk can feed, and opening wide behind ; used when a hawk is being tamed, and superseded by the hood proper when she is trained. The absence of a plume prevents her from pulling it off. See HoOD. Rye, j., a disease in hawks which shows itself by a swelling in the head. " For defawte of hote meate this sekenese the Ry commyth." — " The Boke of St. Albans," i486. Sails, j., the wings of a hawk. Scouring, j., purging. See Turbervile's "Bookeof Falconrie," 1575 (pp. 285, 286). Screen-perch, s., the form of perch used for hawks when kept in a room. See Perch and Block. Seare, and Sere, s., with old authors, for cere, from Lat. cera, the wax-like skin above the beak. See Cere. Sedge, at-, a corruption of " at siege ;" said of a heron when at the water- side, in contradistinction to being " on passage." Seeling, an old method of obscuring the sight of the hawk by passing threads through the lower eyelids and tying them behind the head, a practice long superseded in this country by the more humane use of the hood, though still adopted by native falconers in India. Serving a hawk, helping to put out the quarry from covert. Set down to moult, put into the mew. Sharp set, very hungry. SloOSE, s., with old authors, for sloes {Prunus spinosa, Linn.), used medicinally; A.S. sla; O.E. sle. For an interesting note on the meaning of this word, see Prior, " Popular Names of British Plants," 3rd edit. (1879), p. 217. Sniting, with old authors ; an obsolete term for sneezing. Sock, German Falkensack. See Mail, v. Sore-hawk, s., a hawk of the first year. From the Fr. sor, or satire, reddish brown ; whence sorrel. " A sowyr hawk ys much tenderer 230 GLOSSARY. than a muyd hawk."— Reed, "Governance of Hawkes," 1557. A coloured figure of a sore Sparrow-hawk is given in Rowley's " Ornithological Miscellany," 4to, 1875 (vol. i. p. 58). Spring, v.., to flush the partridge, pheasant, or other bird to be flown at. Stalke, j., with old authors, the leg {tarsus). See Harting, No. 81, pp. 5, 7, 16, 31. Stavesaker, s., stavesacre, Delphinium staphisagrice, Linn,, a plant formerly in request for destroying lice in a hawk. Stoop, j., the swift descent of a falcon on the quarry from a height ; synonymous with swoop. Strike the hood, v., to half open it, so as to be in readiness to hood off the moment the hawk is to be flown. Summed, adj. A hawk is said to be " summed " or " full summed" when, after moulting, she has got all her new feathers, and is fit to be taken out of the mew. See note to No. 10, anted,, p. 10. Swivel, s., used to prevent the jesses and leash from getting twisted when the hawk is tied upon the perch. See Leash, TyRRiT,and Varvels. Take the air, v., to mount. Tewell, j., the lower bowel, affected by the disease termed cray {q.v.). Tiercel, Tercel, Tassel (Shakespeare), and Tarsell (Bert), the male of any species of hawk, the female being termed a falcon. The tiercel is said by some to be so called from being about one-third smaller in size than the falcon ; by others it is derived from the old belief that each nest contained three young birds, of which two were females, and the third and smallest a male. Note the familiar line in " Romeo and Juliet " : " Oh ! for a falconer's voice to lure this tassel-gentle back again." Tire, z/., Fr. tirer^ to pull at a tough piece. See " Tiring." Tiring, j., any tough piece (as the leg of a fowl with little on it) given to a hawk when in training to pull at, in order to prolong the meal, and exercise the muscles of the back and neck. " I have knowne many Falconers that never make their hawkes to tyre, saying that it is but a custom, and needelesse ; but I say the contrary, for inasmuch as the hawke is exercised by reasonable tyring, shee becommeth the healthier and the lighter both of body and of head by all moderate exercises, yea, and shee is the better in state also as you may per- ceyve." — Turbervile, "Booke of Falconrie," 1575. Tower, v. See Ring up. GLOSSARY. 231 Train, s., the tail of a hawk. Also the live bird that is given on a line to the hawk when first entered. Truss, z/., Fr. trousser^ to clutch the quarry in the air instead of striking it to the ground. Tyrrit, j., a swivel, or turning-ring, from the Fr. touret, the use of which is thus explained by Littr^ : " anneau double qui empeche les jets d'un faucon ou toute autre courroie de s'embrouiller ; " and by Baron Dunoyer de Noirmont : *' pour empecher les jets et la longe de s'enrouler, on interposait entre eux un touret, compost de deux anneaux de mdtal, tournant I'un sur I'autre." The word occurs in Chaucer, who describes greyhounds " with mosel fast ybound, colered with gold, and torretes filed round." See Warton's note on the passage, "History of English Poetry," vol. ii. p. 99 (1824). The mode of making a tyrrit or swivel is minutely described and its use explained in the work of the Emperor Frederick II., "Z?^ arte venandi aim avibus,'^ ■wx'xii&mhont 1247, and first printed in 1596. See chapter xl. of the second book, entitled " De tornetto^ qualiter factum sit, et ad quid sit utile." Unreclaimed, adj., wild. Unstrike the hood, v., to loosen the braces so that the hood may be easily pulled off. Unsummed, adj. A hawk is said to be unsummed while moulting, before her new feathers are grown up. Urines, s., nets to catch hawks. — Nicholas Cox, 1674. ^ corruption probably of the Fr. araigne, " sorte de filet pour prendre les oiseaux divers et meme les oiseaux de proie;'' — Cerfon, " De la Basse Volerie," p. 145. Varvels, s., small flat rings of silver on which the owner's name was engraved, fastened to the ends of the jesses, and used instead of a swivel, the leash being passed through them. One is figured on the title-page of Bert's Treatise, 1619. See also Camden, " Britannia," i. 329 ; Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 63, p. loi ; vol. 65, p. 474 ; ArchcBologia, vol. xii. p. 410, pi. 51 j and Dillon, Proc, Soc. . ^«//^., 2nd series, vol. iv. (1869), p. 353. Wait on, Fr. tenir d mont. A hawk is said to " wait on" when she soars in circles over the head of the falconer, waiting for the game to be flushed. Warbile, Warbel, and Warble, v. A hawk warbleth when after " rous- ing" and " mantling" {q.v^ she crosses her wings together over her back. " She mantellith and not stretchith when she putteth her leges from her oon after another : and hir wynges follow after hir leggs : then 232 GLOSSARY. she dooth mantill hir, and when she hath mantilled hir and bryngith booth hir wynges togeder ouer hir backe, ye shall say youre hawke ' warbellith hir wynges.'" — " Boke of St. Albans," i486. Watching. Part of the old method of taming hawks was to watch them for the first night or two after their capture, to prevent them from sleeping. " I kept them upon the fist that day they came unto me, and that night they were truly watched." — Bert, " Treatise of Hawkes," 1619 (p. 46). Shakespeare employs the word in this sense, "Taming of the Shrew," act iv. sc. i, wherein Petruchio gives a lesson in " reclaiming " a hawk. Weather, v., whence weathering, to place the hawk upon her block in the open air. Simon Latham (who states in the Preface to his book that " the practice and experience of many years is given in a few leaves not drawn from traditions in print, or otherwise taken upon trust, but out of certain and approved conclusions ") remarks on the subject of "weathering " that an eyess may be set abroad to weather at any time of day unhooded, and better when her gorge is full, for she will then sit quietly upon the block ; but a haggard should be set down in the morning, or else in the evening before she is fed, and should always be hooded to prevent her from " bating " (as she other- wise would do) and continually striving to be gone, whereby her training would be greatly hindered. See Latham's " Falconry ; or the Faulcon's Lure, and Cure," 161 5 (p. 35). VOCABULARY, IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES, OF THE CHIEF TECHNICAL TERMS EMPLOYED BY FALCONERS. 234 VOCABULARY. ENGLISH. DUTCH. GERMAN. FRENCH. Falconry, or Valkenjagt Falkenjagd Fauconnerie Hawking * Valkenierderij Falknerei Autourserie )i >j Falkenbeize Volerie Falconer Valkenier Falkenjager Fauconnier Falcon Valk Falke Faucon Hawk Havik Habicht Autour Bag, hawking Valkenierzak Falknertasche Fauconni&re Bate, V. Fladderen Flattern Battre ; se de- battre Bathe, v. Baden Baden Baigner Bell Bel ; schel Schelle Sonnette ; grelot Bewit Riem (lederen) Riemen Porte-grelot Bind,.5. linja- Borsa ; sacca Bursa ; cameria vera Sacudir Scuotere ; debattere Deverberare, unde diver- beratio (bating) Baiiar Bagnare Balneare ; abluere Campanilla ; Sonaglio Campanella ; nola cascabel Corrda Coreggia Corrigia ; corrigiola Agarrar ; empuSar Attaccare Arripere ; prehendere Tajo ; zoqudte Tronco; pietra Sedile ; seditorium Braza Briglia Corrigiola ; filo ligare alas Halcon ram^ro Ramace ; ramengo Ramalis ; ramarius; raniagius Caja Gdbbia Portatorium Portador Portatore Falconum portator Tirar ; atiaer ; Attirare ; allettare ; AUectare ; revocare Llamar a la tira chiamare al lodro Llevar Portare la preda Subducere Arrojar, O.S. de- Lasciare ; gettare Jactare salar ; langar Curalle ; pelotilla ; Pallotolla ; O.I. bor- Pilula ; plumata ; egestio plumada gature q'era Cera Cera Acortar Tagliare Ungues aptare Hilo ; O.S. fila ; Fila ; credenzia Credentia ; fileria corddl Gorja ; gola ; papo Gola Gula ; gorgia ; ingluvies Sefmelo Logoro Tiratoria ; lorarium Asruila Aquila Aquila Buho Gufo Bubo Digerir Digerire Induere Desaynar Smagrare Expurgare Nidgo ; nididgo Niaso; nidiace ; Nidasius; nidarius; nidu- nidaso larius ; clamorosus, a screamer * The Latin terms given in this Vocabulary are derived from the authoritative work of the Emperor Frederick \l., Dearie venandi cum Avibus, No. 308. 236 VOCABULARY. ENGLISH. DUTCH, GERMAN. FRENCH. Eyrie, or nest Horst Horst Aire ; nid Feather Veder Feder Plume ; penne Flight feathers Vleugels Schwingfedern Vanneaux Flight, a Vlugt Flug Vol Feed up, v. Azen Futtern ; Kropfen Faire paitre Fist Hand Hand ; Faust Main ; poing Glove Handschoen Handschuh Gant Gorge Krop Kropf Gorge Goshawk Havik ; duiven- Habicht; Hiihner- Autour ; O.F. aus- valk habicht tour Haggard ; see Haggard Hagard ; Alter- Hagard ; madr($ "Glossary" falke Hawk Havik Habicht Autour Hawk of the fist Hand-valk Hand-falke Oiseau de poing Hawk of the lure Loer-valk Lockspeisen-falke Oiseau de leurre Hawk-house Valken-kamer Falkenkammer Perchoir Hawk's meat Aas Frass ; Fleisch Pat ; nourriture Heron-hawk Reiger-valk Reiher-falke Heronnier Heronshaw Reiger Reiher Heronseau Hobby Boom-valk Baum-falke Hobereau Hood, s. Huif ; kap Haube ; Kappe Chaperon Hood, rufter- Reushuif Rust >j }> )> >» Penacho ; penola Pennuccia; pennella Plumula ; pennula , Poner el capirote Incappellare Capellum induere Tirar el capir6te Discappellare Capellum deponere Navajadillas Penne afifamate Penna^ affamatae Enjerir ; O.S. en- Inschittire Imponere xerir Aguja Ago ; aghetto Acus Halcon girifalte Girifalco Girofalco ; gyrfalco Pihudlas ; O.S. Getto ; getti Jactus ; jacti sunt laquei piudlas ; pedi- de corio facti, imponendi cu^las pedibus faiconum Cemicalo Cristariello ; fal- chetto; gheppio Tinnunculus Milano Milano ; forceluta Milvus regalis Lanero; Alfandque Laniere ; lanario Lanerius ; lanarius Lonja Lunga Longa Lonja corta Corta lunga Not used; cf. p. 170 Senuelo ; O.S. Logoro ',0.1. lodro Loyrum ; logorum; lorarium; roedero tiratorium Seiiolear ; Uamar Allettare ; richia- Allectare ; revocare ; logorum mare exhibere vel ostendere Esmerejdn Smerlo ; smeriglio Smerilio ; mirle (Albertus Magnus) 238 VOCABULARY. ENGLISH. DUTCH. GERMAN. FRENCH. Moult, S. Muite Mauser Mue Moult, V. Muiten Mausen Muer Mount, soar, or Zweven Aufifliegen ; Auf- Prendre I'air ; ring up, V. steigen monter k I'essor Mutes, s. Smettsel Schmelz Esmeuts; emeuts ; fientes Mute, V. Smettseln Schmelzen ; Esmutir ; emeu- Spretzen tir ; fienter Nestling, see »» )) » Eyess Passage-hawk, or Passagier ; pel- Dreckfalke ; Passager ; pdlerin peregrine grim Wanderfalke Perch, s. Vogeliek ; Valk- Das Reck, oder Perche enstang Sitzstange Quarry Prooi Raub ; Beute Curde ; proie Reclaim, v. Verbeteren Zahmen Rdclamer Red-hawk, or Roode-valk Rotherfalke Faucon rouge, ou sore-hawk sors Saker Saker-valk Saker-falke Sacre ; sacret Seel, V, Breeuven Siegeln ; Auf- braunen Ciller; siller Sock Valkenzak Falkensack Linge ; chemise Sparrow-hawk ; Sperwer ; het Sperber: Sper- Epervier ; O.F. male, musket mannetje lings-habicht espervier, le mosket male mouchct Stoop, s. Aanval ; neer- Stos Choc ; attainte ; schieten coup ; assaut ; descente Stoop, V. Schieten Stosen ; Streichen Descendre ; fondre ; donner le coup Swivel Draal Drahle ; Wirbel Vervelle ; touret Talons Klaaus Zehen ; Krallen Doigts ; serres Tiercel Taleken Terzel Tiercelet Tame, v. Spinnen Abrichten ; Zahmen Apprivoiser Tire, v. to pull at Afknagen Nagen Tirer Train, v. Treinen ; opleiden Unterrichten Entrainer ; af- onderrigten faiter ; dresser Training Opleiding Unterrichtung Affaitage ; dres- sage Train, or tail Staart Schwanz Queue ; balai Varvel Draal Wiibel Vervelle Wait on, v. Aanwachten Abwarten ; stehen Tenir k mont ; faire la cresse- relle Watch, V. Be waken Bewachen Veiller I'oiseau Weather, v. In de vrije lucht Liiften, oder in die Jardiner zetten Luft bringen VOCABULARY. 239 SPANISH. ITALIAN. LATIN. Muda Muta Mutatio Mudar Mil tare Miitare ; plumas exuere Remontarse ; ele- Elevarsi ; alzarsi Altivolare ; spiraliter aethera vArse scandere Excremento ; O.S. Smaltitura ; calcin- Excrementa ; stercora tuUiduras accio TuUir ; toller Smaltire Fimum reddere Peregrino; pelegrin »> Pellegrino ; pere- grino 5> Peregrinus ; fugitivus Percha ; palo ; varal Pertica ; ramo ; barra; stanga Pertica; r/ p. 171 Prdsa Prdda Corata ; prseda Reducir ; amansar Reclamare Mansuefacere Halcon soro Soro ; falcone soro Falco saurus ; sores ; p. 1 54 Alcon sacre 11 sacro Falco sacer Sellar Cigliare Ciliare ; ciliatio (seeling) S^co ; mdia Sacchetto ; maglia Sacculus ; malleolum Esparvel Sparviere Sparverius ; spervarius ; espervarius; m?iSf}iuscheti{s, nisus autem femina Golpe ; acometida Colpo Pulsus Golpar Calare Pulsare ; capere praedam Eslab6n Tornetto; guinzaglio Tornettum Garras Unghioni Ungues Terzudlo ; O.S. Terzuolo Tertiarius tor^uelo Amansar Domare Mansuefacere Roer Rodere ; tirare Rodere Hacer ; amaestrar ; Ammaestrare Instituere ; educare ensenar Amaestramento Ammaestramento Cura ; curatio Cola Coda Cauda Eslab6n Guinzaglio ; tor- netto Tornettum Esperar Aspettare ; atten- dere Expectare Velar Vegliare Advolare Orear Mettere sul tronco Foras portare NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. I. [Frontispiece^ Portrait of Sir Ralph Sadler, OF EVERLEY, WiLTS, GrAND FaLCONER TO QuEEN Elizabeth. From a painting on panel, attributed to Marc Gerhardt, in the possession of Sir John D. Astley, Bart. Reproduced in colour by W. Griggs from the original picture preserved in the Manor House at Everley. Sir R. C. Hoare, in his " History of Modern Wilts," folio, 1826, under the head of " Everley," writes : — " In the first year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth a grant of the manor of Everley, and park and free warren, was made to Edward, Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector (1547), on whose attainder it re- verted to the Crown, and was afterwards granted by Queen Elizabeth to her royal falconer, Sir Ralph Sadler," of Standon, in the county of Herts, who had been Chief Secretary of State to Henry VHI. *' Sir Ralph was fond of hawking, and no place could have been better adapted to that sport than Everley, with its extensive and adjoining open country He is said to have partly built the mansion-house there, and especially one room, where was his picture in small life, with his hawk on his arm, as well as his crest, and which painting is now (1826) removed from its original situation, but is still preserved by the present owner." The picture referred to is that here reproduced, and is attri- buted to Marc Gerhardt (1580-1635). A coloured print of it is given by Clutterbuck in his '* History and Antiquities of Hert- fordshire," 1827, vol. iii. p. 235. Q J42 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Sir Ralph Sadler's love of hawking once nearly involved him in disgrace at Court. He had been appointed to guard the un- fortunate Mary, Queen of Scots, during her imprisonment in the Castle of Tutbury (1584-85), and complaint was made against him by some of her enemies that he was conniving at her escape by permitting her to accompany ];iim to some distance from the castle during his hawking excursions. He admitted that he had sent home for his hawks and falconers, wherewith to divert the miserable life which he passed at Tutbury, and that he had been unable to resist the solicitations of his royal prisoner to permit her to see a sport in which she greatly delighted. But, he added, this was under the strictest precau- tions for the security of her person (Memoirs, vol. i. p. 33). Sir Ralph, who was born at Hackney, Middlesex, in 1507, died, at the age of eighty, in 1587, at Standon in Hertfordshire, and was buried in the chancel of the church there, on the south side of which there is a fine monument erected to his memory. An engraving of this is given in Clutterbuck's " Hertfordshire," vol. iii. p. 235. Lloyd, in his "State Worthies," says of him: " Little was his body, but great his soul ; the more vigorous the more contracted " (ed. 1670, p. 96). He left three sons, Thomas, Edward, and Henry. The last- named, to whom Symon Latham was falconer (see No. 19, note), married Dorothy Gilbert, of Everley, and on him Sir Ralph bestowed the estate at Everley. The property passed from the Sadlers to the Evelyns of Godstone, Surrey, and West Dean, Wilts ; thence to the family of Barker, who subsequently disposed of it to Sir John D. Astley, Bart., whose tenant, Mr. C. W. Curtis, is now in possession. The house unfortunately was partially destroyed by fire in the winter of 1881-82, but has since been rebuilt, and the portrait is still preserved there. It was lent for exhibition by Sir John Astley in the spring of 1890, and hung for a few months during the '* Exhibition of Sports and Arts " in the "Falconry Room" at the Grosvenor Gailery. It is curious that neither the historian of Wiltshire nor the historian of Hertfordshire has been able to discover any other portrait than this of so important a personage. For fuller details concerning Sir Ralph Sadler than can here be given, the reader may be referred to the authorities above NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 243 quoted, as well as to the Memoir prefixed to Sadler's " State Papers and Letters," edited by Clifford, 1809, and the "Memoir of the Life and Times of Sir Ralph Sadler," by Major F. Sadleir Stoney, R.A., 1877 (p. 223). See also Lloyd's "State Worthies," 1670 (p. 95), and Nichols, "Progresses and Proces- sions of Queen EHzabeth," vol. i. p. 100; ii. p. 104. A grandson and namesake of Sir Ralph Sadler — namely, the only son and heir of Sir Thomas Sadler — kept a pack of otter- hounds at Standon. He is mentioned in the first chapter of Walton's " Compleat Angler," wherein Venator refers to a meet of his hounds at Amwell Hill. He died February 12, 1660. II. Portrait of Robert Cheseman, Falconer TO Henry VIII. From a painting by Hans Holbein in the Royal Gallery at the Hague. He was the son and heir of Edward Cheseman, Cofferer and Keeper of the Wardrobe of the Household to Henry VII., and was born in 1485. (Harl. MSS. 1546, fol. 67*, and 1551, fol. 28^) This portrait of him was painted in 1533, when he was in his forty-eighth year. He lived at Dormanswell, near Northcote, in Middlesex, and owned land and tenements at Norwood and Hanwell, besides several houses at Kentish Town, and a house, garden, and orchard in Fetter Lane. He was made a Justice of the Peace for the county in 1531 (Gairdner, Calendar State Papers, Henry VIII., vol. v. p. 77). He sat upon several Royal Commissions — as, for example, the commission of inquiry in 1535 as to first-fruits and tenths (Gairdner, vol. viii. pp. 40, 49), and that in 1545 for the viewing of wheat and oats in Middlesex, with the object of ascertaining what was available for the King's use after allowance for the necessities of the owners. Sir Ralph Sadler was a member of the Privy Council which met on this business at Windsor, the 24th October 1545 (Acts of the Privy Council, 1 542-1 547, ed. Dasent, pp. 260-261). Robert Cheseman was also one of the commissioners of inquiry concern- ing the possessions of Cardinal Wolsey at the date of his attainder (Gairdner, vol. iv. No. 2931); and on the occasion of the Northern Rebellion his name appears on the list of " such noble- 244 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. men and gentlemen as be appointed to attend upon the King's own person," when he was required to furnish thirty men at arms (Gairdner, vol. xi. p. 233). He had for a near neighbour at Harrow-on-the-Hill, Dr. Richard Layton, rector of Harrow, archdeacon of Bucks, and visitor of monasteries, who, like himself, was devoted to hawk- ing. This appears in a letter from Dr. Layton to Thomas Cromwell, Lord Privy Seal, dated " Harrow-on-the-Hill, 25 Sep- tember, 1537," wherein the following passage occurs : — " Mr. Cheseman dined with me at Harrow last Thursday, and when he showed me that the Friars of Hownsley [Hownslow] would have sold him their house and lands, I advised him to go to your lordship, the King's High Vicar-General, to whom it pertained to redress their misgovernance. Nevertheless, the morrow after, he obtained this lease [a lease for 99 years] as the minister [of the Friars] confessed, whom I sent for to Harrow as soon as I heard of this bruit. The Prince, their founder, and your lordship will best know what to do. I send by this bringer perisse [pears] of Harrowe, graffed by my Lord of Duresme his own hands, and partridges my own hawk kilhr (R. O., No. 748, Gairdner, xii. p. 268.) In a subsequent letter to Cromwell he writes : " If you had come to Harrow on Friday your bed was ready. You shall have twenty beds in the town, where there has been no sickness this year, and a dozen in the parsonage. I send by the bearer half-a-dozen partridges. If you come not soon there will be none to fly at. / send out my hawk to-day to kill some for your supper on Monday Harowe this Saturday." (R. O., No. 749, Gairdner, xii. p. 269.) , As Cheseman accompanied the King in his hawking excur- sions, it is not unlikely that he was present on the occasion of the memorable accident mentioned in Hall's " Chronicle," already referred to {^Introduction, p. xv). He died 3 July 1547, as appears by the Inquisition /^5/ mortem (i Edward VI. part 2, Middlesex, No. i), wherein, as usual, the will is recited. It would seem that he did not hold the office of Royal Falconer until his death, for three years after his portrait was painted — namely, in 1536 — Henry Norris, Esquire, was Master of the Hawks, with a salary of ;^4o per month. (Cal. State Papers, Dom., vol. x. p. 364.) NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 245 The following entries relating to the Royal Falconers are extracted from the Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry the Eighth, from November 1529 to December 1532 : — March 1530. — Itm the v days paid to the henne- taker for hawks mete . . . . . xs. Itm to iiij of Maister Skevingtons sVnts in rewarde for bringing iij hobbyes to the Kings grace iij li. Itm the xj daye of Marche paied to Garrat and Richard the favvconers in rewarde for find- ing the herons . . . . . . xs. Dec. 1530. — Itm the iij daye paied in rewarde to S*" Richard Sandes s'v'nt for the bringing of a Saker to the King at Hampton Courte . vs. Feb. 1532. — Itm the ij daye paied to Nicholas Clampe one of the fawconers for one hole yeres wages to ende at our lady daye in Lent next . . . . . . . X IL Itm the iij daye paied to a stranger called Jasper, fawconer, for vj Sakers and v Sakeretts at viij corons a pece which amounts to y,j viij corons . . . . xx li. xs viijd. July 1532. — Itm the X viij daye paied to a sVnt of Sr John Bowcher's in rewarde for bringing of a caste of hawks to the Kings grace . . xs. Sept. 1532. — Itm the xxvj daye paied to a s'v'nt of my lorde of Derby in rewarde for taking up of an hawke of the kings .... vjs viijd. Itm to the same John Evans for the mete of iiij hawks by the space of Ixxxxvij dayes for ev'y one penny by the daye . . . xxxijs. iiijd. Nov. 1532. — Itm the iij daye paied to a s'v'nt of the French e Kings in rewarde for bringing hawks to the Kings grace to Calys c corons xxiij li. vjs viijd. Dec. 1532. — Itm the same daye paied to Bentley for the expenses of the Frenche fawconers by the space of a monethe . . . Iviijs xd. In the " Household Book" of the L'Estranges, of Hun- stanton, CO. Norfolk, 1 5 19-1578, will be found many curious entries relating to the purchase and keep of hawks in that 246 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. county during the reign of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth, some of which have been quoted in Stevenson's "Birds of Norfolk" (vol. i. p. 1 6). In these accounts occur entries of "fesants kyllyd wt the goshawk," " ptriches kyllyd with the sper-hawke," and " larks kyllyd with the hobbye." III. An Elizabethan Falconer's Bag. Mounted on an enamelled frame of silver gilt, and embroidered in silk with representations of the blackberry and mistletoe, emblematical of autumn, the hawking season. The original is in the possession of Lady North, of Wroxton Abbey, Banbury, Oxfordshire, who has also a falconer's glove and a lure of the same period, similarly embroidered. We may take it that such accoutrements were intended only for state occasions, or for the use, perhaps, of royal personages. The ordinary glove, lure, and bag for every-day wear would be of plain leather, with little or no ornament beyond perhaps a tassel, or fringe. The lure used by Elizabethan falconers was in the shape of a horse-shoe covered with cloth or leather, on which a piece of raw meat was tied, and weighted, to prevent its being carried by the hawk. An older form of lure, used at the end of the fifteenth century, is figured by Viollet-le-Duc in his Didionnaire JRaisonn'e du Mobilier Eran<^ais (vol. ii., art. Chasse, p. 440, fig. 21). Such a falconer's bag as that here figured may well have been used by Sir Walter Hungerford, of Heytesbury, Wilts, who was a noted falconer in Queen Elizabeth's reign, and whose position and means would have warranted the use of such costly articles. He was a contemporary of Sir Ralph Sadler, already noticed (p. 242), and was doubtless well acquainted with Mr. Henry Sadler, of Everley, with whom probably he often hawked over the Wiltshire downs. The son of Walter Lord Hungerford, who unfortunately lost his head for treason in 1540, he was commonly called "Sir Walter of Farley," since he inherited Farley, Farlegh, or Farleigh Castle (as it is variously spelled), and resided there. There are two portraits of him in the possession of Sir R. Hungerford Pollen, of Rodbourne, near Malmesbury, both of which are engraved NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 247 in Sir R. C. Hoare's "History of Modern Wilts," vol. i. Heytesbury, p. 113. One, painted in 15 74 at the age of forty-two, is a half-length portrait, which represents him bare-headed, with a falcon on his glove ; the other, a very curious one, depicts him on horseback in a full suit of armour, with ostrich plumes in his helmet and on his horse's head, a black greyhound by his side, a hare running ahead of him over down-land, above him a heron flying, and in the foreground a pool on which swims a wild duck, on either side of which, seated on the bank, is a ger- falcon. Above and below the picture runs the following quaint inscription : — " S"" Walter Hungerforde, Knight, had in quene Elyzabeths tyme the seconde of her raine, for fouer yere together a baye horse, a blacke grehounde, a leveratt ; his offer was for fouer yere together to all Eynglande not above his betters he that shoulde showe the best horse for a man of armes, a grehounde for a hare, a haucke for the ryver, to wine iij hundred poundes, that was a hunderythe pounds apese ; also he had a gerfalcon for the heme in her Majesty's tyme wiche he kept xviij yere and offered the lyke to flye for a hundred pounde, and were refused for all." He died in 1596, and was buried in a vault in the chapel of Farley Castle, v/here there is a monument to him with a curiously cut inscription, beginning with his motto, " Tyme tryeth Truth." It is reproduced in the late Canon Jackson's " Guide to Farleigh Hungerford, co. Somerset," 8vo, Taunton, i860 (p. 23). IV. James I. as a Youth, . carrying a Sparrow- hawk. Engraved by Raddon from an original picture in the possession of the Earl of Dartmouth. This portrait was exhibited by the Hon. R. Baillie Hamilton at the exhibition of the Royal House of Stuart in the New Gallery, Regent Street, in 1889, and was numbered 57 in the cata- logue of that collection. It was there described as "James VI. (afterwards James I.) when a child; from the collection of Charles I. Small half-length figure of a boy, in front view, dressed in black, with a black cap ; face nearly in full view ; holding a hawk on his left hand ; right hand on hip." 248 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. V. James I. after his Accession to the Throne of England, 1603-1625. From a Portrait by Vandyck. Through his love of hawking and hunting, to which he was passionately addicted ; by his royal invitations to foreign princes and noblemen well skilled in these pursuits, to instruct his own people ; and by his frequent importation and purchase of hawks, horses, and hounds, James I. did more to encourage and pro- mote the exercise of these field-sports in England than any English monarch before or since his time. See (i) a letter from Sir George Chaworth to the Earl of Shrewsbury, dated from Newmarket, 29th November 1607, printed in Lodge's "Illustra- tions," vol. iii. p. T,2fi \ (2) a letter from the King to the Duke of Buckingham, Harl. MS. 6987, vol. loi, p. 184; and (3) the MS. diary of Hans Jacob Wurmser von Vendenheym, who accompanied Lewis Frederick, Duke of Wurtemburg, on his diplomatic mission to England in 1610, and found the King at Thetford in May of that year; Add. MSS. Brit. Mus. 20,001. See also No. 27 of this Catalogue (pp. 104-105, 2nd ed. pp. 96, 97); No. 65, Appendix, pp. 226-227 ; No. 79, pp. 79-82; and Trans. Norfolk Nat. Soc, vol. iii. pp. 87, 88. The expenses of the royal falconers in the time of James I. were : — Wages, at ;^3o per month ;^36o Hawks' meat, at 10^. per day . . . . . 182 Four falconers for crow hawks, at j£,$o per annum . 200 For hawks of all kinds 600 Total £izA2 In the autumn of 1623, while the King was at Newmarket, the Clerk of the Kitchen, William Lamplough, received in two payments an advance of ;^5oo " for providing divers French gentlemen, lately sent unto his Majesty with a present of hawks from the French King, with all necessaries in a journey along with his Majesty to Theobalds, Royston, and Newmarket, they being to reside there for a season to exercise the game of hawking for his Majesty's disport and recreation." (Devon, " Issues of the Exchequer," temp. James I., p. 279.) In January 1624, the King went again to Newmarket, against NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 249 the advice of his physicians, to see some hawks flown. A French falconer had arrived in London, with a present of hawks, horses, and setting-dogs from Louis XIII. Chamberlain, writing to Sir Dudley Carleton from London on January 1 7 of that year, says : " He made a splendid entry with his train by torchlight, and will stay till he has instructed some of our people in this kind of falconry, though he costs his Majesty ^^25 to jQ-^o a day." The King's health failed visibly in 1624, which much affected his enjoyment of field-sports. The following significant entry occurs in the Docquet Book : — "To Oliver Browne his Majesties Upholdster uppon the Councill's warr' dated xiiij Dec 1624 for making sixe portable chaires covered with velvett, to be used in tyme of hunting for ease, and sixe seats of Spanish leather to lift his Majestie to and from his bed xxxixl xiis." Writing to Sir Dudley Carleton on the 8th January 1625, Chamberlain remarks : " The King kept his chamber all Christ- mas, only going out in his litter in fair weather to see some flights at the brook." On February 3, 1625, James was for the last time at New- market, accompanied by the Duke of Buckingham and a small suite. [Amongst other business transacted during this visit, directions were given to the Master of the Toils " to take three brace of bucks in Hyde Park, and convey them to Marylebone Park (now the Regent's Park), to supply the scarcity caused by the great rain there."] On February 23 the King removed to Chesterford Park en route for Royston, which was reached on the 27th. Here Prince Charles joined his royal father, who had evidently not long to live. For the last time the King was moved to Theobalds on March i, and there, on the 27th of that month, he died of a quartan ague, in the fifty-ninth year of his age and the twenty-third of his reign. Intent upon sport to the last, the latest incidents of his life had reference to a present of four casts of hawks which he sent to Louis XHI. by the hand of Sir Anthony Pell, Knight, his Master Falconer. A warrant of Sir Anthony Pell concerning the King's choice of hawks, and dated January 26, 1621, is printed by Pennant in the second volume of his " British Zoology," ed. 181 2, Append, iii. PP- 309-3"- 250 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. VI. The Hon. Lewis Latham, Falconer to Charles L, born 1555, died 1655. From an ori- ginal portrait in the possession of his descendant, Mr. F. A. Holden, of Hyattsville, Maryland, U.S.A. Lewis Latham, of Elstow, in the county of Bedford, gentleman, was descended from a younger branch of the Lathams, of Latham House, near Ormskirk, Lancashire. The old moated house, which in 1644 withstood a siege by the Parliamentary forces under General Fairfax, gave way in 1750 to a more modern one, which was built by the celebrated architect Leoni. The office of falconer in the tim.e of Charles I. was one of importance. The Master Falconer was Sir Patrick Hume, who had succeeded Sir Thomas Monson (1615-1618), and who had thirty-three other gentlemen associated with him as falconers, one of whom was Lewis Latham, who also served under Andrew Pitcairn. After Sir Patrick Hume the Master Falconer was Sir Allen Apsley (1669), who was succeeded in 1682 by Charles, Earl of Burford, afterwards created Duke of St. Albans, who, by letters patent bearing date July 5, 1686, was appointed to the office of " Master Surveyor and Keeper of the Hawks," and created Hereditary Grand Falconer (Patent Roll, 3 James II., part 7, membrane 19), an office only recently abolished. The following records relate to Lewis Latham : — 1625, July 15. — Warrant to pay Andrew Pitcairn, Master of the Hawks, to the use of Lewis Latham, Eustace Norton, and the rest of the under-falconers, the stipend formerly allowed them when the King was Prince of Wales. 1627, Aug. 18. — Warrant from Secretary Conway to Attorney- General Heath to prepare grants of the place of Serjeant of the Hawks to Lewis Latham with ^6^ per annum, and of the place he held of falconer to Richard Berwick. 1655, May 15. — Lewis Latham, gent., deceased the 15th day of May, at Elstow, Bedford. 1655, Sept. I. — His will, dated 6th May 1653, proved at London by his wife and executrix, Winifred Latham, and registered in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. His two sons, Henry and John, and five daughters, Ann, Frances, Katharine, Elizabeth, and Ellen, named as legatees : residue to Wife. NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 251 1662, May 9. — Winifred Latham, described as the wife of Latham, the King's Serjeant Falconer, petitions for arrears of her late husband's salary. 1662, May 13. — Warrant to pay her ^40 out of the privy seal dormant of ^^10,000. The present possessor of the portrait, Mr. Frederick A. Holden, claims descent through Frances, second daughter of Lewis Latham. She married four times — (i) Lord Weston, (2) Wil- liam Dungan, (3) Jeremiah Clarke, (4) William Vaughan. Her son, Thomas Dungan, married and settled in Pennsylvania, and his daughter Frances married Randall Holden, from whom descends the above-mentioned Frederick A. Holden. Her daughter Barbara married James Barker, of Rhode Island, from whom arose a numerous line of descendants claiming relation- ship with Lewis Latham. In a quarto volume entitled " The Ancestry of Thirty-three Rhode Islanders born in the i8th Century," by John Osborn Austin, published at Albany, N.Y., by Joel Munsell's Sons, 1889, much stress is laid upon the number of those claiming descent from Lewis Latham — eleven grandchildren and eighty- two great- grandchildren — and a pedigree is printed tracing these descents through his daughter Frances. In all probability Symon Latham, who wrote " The Faulcon's Lure and Cure," 1615-1618 (No. 18), and who was falconer to Mr. Henry Sadler of Everley, Wilts (third son of Sir Ralph Sadler), was a relative of Lewis Latham — perhaps a brother or a nephew, but not a son, his two sons being, as above stated, Henry and John. Mr. J, O. Austin, in the work above quoted, refers to this portrait of Lewis Latham as having been " fortunately preserved through the care of many generations of descendants," and we are now indebted to Mr. Holden, its present owner, for his very courteous permission to reproduce it. A portrait of another of Charles the First's falconers. Sir Alexander Abercromby, with a hawk upon his glove, is in the possession of the present baronet. Sir Robert Abercromby, at Forglen House, Turriff, Aberdeenshire. 252 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. VII. English Falconers of the Seventeenth Century. Pheasant-hawking with the Goshawk. By Francis Barlow, engraved by W. Hollar, 1671. The print of which this is a copy is one of a scarce series of twelve, published without text, in oblong quarto, 167 1, with the title, " Severall Wayes of Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing, according to the English Manner " (see 33, and note thereon). Beneath each plate is a descriptive quatrain, that on Pheasant- hawking being as follows : — "The feasant cock the woods doth most frequent, Where spanniells spring and pearch him by the scent, , And when in flight the hawke with quicken'd speede With's beake and savage talons makes him bleede." Francis Barlow, the English painter, was born in 1646, in the county of Lincoln, where, amongst the waterfowl of the fens, he had probably good opportunities of studying such scenes as those described a few years earlier by Michael Drayton in his "Polyolbion" (No. 23). He especially painted birds, and was a good draughtsman, though no colourist. He studied under W. Sheppart, the portrait painter, and furnished a great number of the subjects engraved by Hollar. The plate here reproduced affords a good illustration of the mode in which pheasant-hawking was pursued with the aid of spaniels, as described by Edmund Bert in 161 6, in his "Approved Treatise of Hawkes" (No. 22). VIII. Colonel Thomas Thornton, of Thornville Royal, in Yorkshire, born 1757, died 1823. From a portrait in the possession of the Earl of Rosebery, at The Durdans, Epsom. Colonel Thornton, one of the most remarkable figures in the English annals of Falconry, came of a distinguished family. His grandfather. Sir William Thornton, was knighted by Queen Anne. His father, Colonel William Thornton, with a troop of yeomanry and tenantry, one hundred in number, raised and fed at his own cost, served with great distinction under the Duke of Cumber- land in the Scottish rebellion, and was present at the battles of NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 253 Falkirk and Culloden. On his return from the war he was elected M.P. for York. He died rather suddenly in 1 771, at the age of fifty, leaving his son Thomas a minor. The boy had been sent to Charterhouse, where he remained till he was fourteen, and then went to Glasgow College, where he had been about two years when his father died, and stayed there three years longer. It was then that he manifested a passion for field-sports, especially Hawking, on which he ex- pended much time and money, resolving to bring the sport as near perfection as possible. Leaving Glasgow College at the age of nineteen, he repaired to the family mansion at Thornville Royal, where, with well- trained hawks and dogs, he formed the basis of a sporting establishment which afterwards became famous. He joined the West York Regiment of Militia, of which he subsequently be- came Colonel, and formed a Falconers' Club, to which reference will be made when describing the trophy presented to him by its members (Plate IX.). His love of foxhunting led him to keep a pack of foxhounds, and there is a fine engraved portrait of him, by Sawrey Gilpin, on horseback, cap in hand, cheering his hounds. Another half- length portrait of him, wearing a hunting-cap, forms the engraved frontispiece to vol. iii. of the " Annals of Sporting," 1823. He was fond of racing, and used to ride matches himself. One such is on record, which created a great deal of interest at the time. This match, for four miles over Knavesmire, was ridden on the 24th March 1778, on a horse named " Sir Thomas Thumb," against Mr. Hare, who rode a horse called "Tu Quoque." After a close contest Colonel Thornton won. His bodily activity was remarkable. In a walking match he went four miles in thirty-two minutes. In leaping he cleared his own height (5ft. gin.) for a considerable bet. In another match he leapt over six five-barred gates in six minutes, and then performed the same feat on horseback. At Newmarket, on horseback, he ran down a hare, which he picked up, in the pre- sence of a large concourse of people assembled to witness the feat. He was an excellent shot with gun and rifle, and a good fisherman. But it is as a falconer that we have chiefly to consider him. He was especially skilled in flights at the kite, and in grouse- and snipe-hawking, and his published " Sporting Tour " (No. 57) 254 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. abounds with the most interesting details of his experience in these branches of the sport. He was the only falconer of modern times who procured a young goshawk from a nest in Great Britain. This bird was taken in the forest of Rothiemurcus {op. cit., p. 176), where there were a few eyries in the great fir trees, some of which he saw {pp. cit., p. 107). While residing at Thornville Royal (now called Stourton), in Yorkshire, his hawks were flown " at hack " from the observatory in the park, and the present dairy was then the mews. He hawked all over the neighbouring moors, as Blubberhouse and Grassington Moors, and the then open country about Kirk Deighton. At Beilby Grange (then called Wetherby Grange) there was a heronry ; and Clifford and Bramham Moor being not then enclosed, he flew at the herons " on passage " as they crossed over the moors. Whilst the crops were stand- ing he used to adjourn to the Yorkshire wolds, where he built a house, which he called Falconers' Hall, near Boythorpe, about twelve miles from Scarboro'. In 1805 Thornville Royal was sold to Lord Stourton, to whom possession was given in January 1806. For the mansion, pleasure grounds, and park he gave ;^i63,8oo, and for twenty- eight other lots, ^62,650 ; or in all, ;^2 26,450. ("Annals of Sporting," 1823, vol. iii. p. 294.) In 1808 Colonel Thornton left Yorkshire for Spye Park, in Wiltshire, which he took upon lease, as the Yorkshire wolds at that time were beginning to be spoiled for hawking by being broken up for corn crops. (Salvin and Brodrick, p. 8, note.) The Rev. A. C. Smith states (" Birds of Wiltshire," p. 345), on the authority of Mr. James Waylen, that "when Colonel Thornton, who once rented Spye Park, sported in Wiltshire, he occasionally flew his hawks at bustards, the apparent slowness of that bird, when seen at a distance, tempting him to the trial, but the hawks had no chance." About 181 5 he gave up hawking and retired to France, where he had already, in 1802, made an enjoyable sporting tour (see No. 58). Here, in July i8i7,he purchased the chateau of Pont-le-Roi (now Pont-sur-Seine), Departement d'Aube, which, however, he resold in 182 1 to M. Casimir Perrier, the famous statesman and orator (whose son is still in possession), and took a lease from the Princesse de Wagram of her residence at Chambord. NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 255 He died in Paris in the spring of 1823, in the seventy-fifth year of his age, leaving an only daughter, who in 1838 married Captain (afterwards Admiral) the Hon. E. T. Wodehouse. His will, dated October 2nd, 18 18, wherein he is described as of Falconers' Hall, Boythorpe, in the East Riding of York, and of Pont-le-Roi, France, was proved in London by his executor, Mr. B. Curling, to whom probate was granted 26th April 1823 IX. Silver Gilt Urn, presented to Colonel Thornton, of Thornville Royal, by the Members of the Falconers' Club, at Barton Mills, 23rd June 1781. Now in the possession of the Earl of Orford. The members of this club, whose names are given below, used to meet at Alconbury Hill, which was a favourite rendezvous on account of the number of Kites which at that time were to be found there. (For a description of Kite-hawking see an article in The Field of loth January 1891,'with an illustration by J. Wolf) They used then to go on to Barton Mills, as appears by a memorandum in the handwriting of Colonel Thornton, which in 1823, the year in which he died, was in the possession of Mr. T. Gosden. The handsome trophy, of which a representation is now for the first time given, is of unique design in silver gilt. It is appropriately surmounted by figures of a Goshawk holding a Hare, and bears the following inscription : — " Colonel Thornton, proposer and manager of the Confederate Hawks, is requested to receive this piece of plate from George Earl of Orford, together with the united thanks of the members of the Falconers' Club, as a testimony of their esteem and just sense of his assiduity, and of the unparalleled excellence to which, in the course of nine years' management, he has brought them, when, unable to attend them any longer, he made them a present to the Earl of Orford. Barton Mills, 23rd June 1781." Then follow the names of the members on a scroll surrounding the armorial bearings of the Earl of Orford. With a magnifying glass these names may be easily read on the plate. 256 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Members of the Club. Earl of Orford Mr. Sturt Mr. Snow Mr. Smith Mr. Stephens Earl Ferrers Hon. Thos. Shirley Sir Thos. Tancred Mr. A. Wilkinson Mr. B. Wrightson Mr. Drummond Sir Comwallis Maude Duke of Ancaster Mr. Williamson Mr. Baker Mr. William Baker Mr. Pierce Mr. Coke Duke of Rutland Mr. Belford Mr. Lascelles Lascelles Mr. Parker Mr. Tyssen Mr. MoUoy Mr. Affleck Mr. St. George Earl of Eglinton Mr. Vaughan Mr. R. Wilson Mr. Musters Mr. Barrington Price Mr. Daniel Hon. Mr. Rowley Lord Mulgrave Captain Grimston Captain Yarburgh Earl of Leicester Mr. Stanhope Mr. Leighton Mr. Francis Barnard Mr. Nelthorpe Mr. Porter Colonel St. Leger Mr. Serle Mr. Parkhurst Mr. Molyneux Earl of Surrey Sir William Milner Sir John Ramsden Mr. Royds Sir Richard Symonds Earl of Leinster Earl of Lincoln Marquis of Granby Mr. Parsons Chaplain — Mr. Edward Parsons. This urn, with other sporting trophies, after the Colonel's death, became the property of his grandson, Colonel Thornton Wodehouse, R.A.,the son of his daughter, who in 1838 married Captain (afterwards Admiral) the Hon. E. T. Wodehouse. On the nth of June 1884, the whole of these trophies were sold at auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Wood, when the urn now figured, weighing 136 oz., was purchased for ;^ii2 by the present Earl of Orford. Thus, after the lapse of a century, SILVER GILT URN. Presented to Colonel Thornton of Thornville Royal By the Members of the Falconers Club, Barton Mills, 23 June 1781. Now in the possession of the Earl of Orford. NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 257 the trophy returned to the Orford family, by whose representa- tativein 1781 it had been, as above shown, presented. An account of the other trophies sold at the same time, some of them of great interest, will be found in The Zoologist for 1884, p. 275. There is a scarce engraving, from a picture by Sawrey Gilpin, of Heron-hawking, in which Colonel Thornton is represented as just dismounted, and taking up a hawk from a heron in front of a thatched cottage, from the door of which an old woman is looking out in wonderment. This picture is inscribed : " To the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Falconers' Club, this plate is humbly inscribed by their most obedient and devoted servant, T. Morris, 1780" — the year before the silver-gilt urn was presented. X. Edward Clough Newcome, of Hockwold, in the county of Norfolk, born 18 10, died 187 1. Norfolk has long been the seat of Falconry in England. Indeed, it may be said that the falconers of Norfolk and Suffolk have done more than those of any other county, ex- cept perhaps Yorkshire under the regime of Colonel Thornton, to encourage and maintain the practice of this ancient sport. From the time of John Paston, of Norwich, who, in September 1472, wTOte to his brother in London to send him "a mewyd gosshawke," to the present day, when Mr. Francis D'A. New- come enthusiastically follows in his father's footsteps. Hawking has never ceased to be practised, and the names of such masters of the craft as Lord Orford, Colonel Wilson of Didlington (after- wards Lord Berners), Sir John Sebright, John Dawson Downes of Gunton, John Hall of Weston, and Edward Clough New- come of Hockwold are " household words " in the mouths of their modern disciples. To be convinced of this we have only to turn to the account of the sport given by the Rev. Richard Lubbock in his " Fauna of Norfolk," and the valuable Appendix to his remarks contributed by Professor Newton to the second edition of that work, printed in 1879. (See No. 65.) From this source of information, supplied by friends who knew him, as well as from Sir John Sebright's " Observations " (No. 61), the following brief notice of Edward Clough Newcome will serve to explain the reason for presenting the reader with his portrait. R 258 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. His hawking career commenced about 1827 or 1828, when as a boy of seventeen or eighteen, accompanied by his brother William, he used to go out with Colonel Wilson of Didlington, who succeeded Lord Orford as chief of the Norfolk falconers. The heron-hawks were then kept at High Ash in charge of old Frank van der Heuvel and the Brothers Bots, all of whom came from Valkenswaard, in Holland. The " meets " were, according to the wind, at High Ash, Mundford, Cranwich Barn, North- wold Field, and Methwold Field ; Cranwich being far the best. The heronry at Didlington was surrounded by open country on every side. The herons used to go out in the morning to the great fen district, and to rivers and ponds at a very con- siderable distance in search of food, returning to the heronry towards evening. It was at this time, says Sir John Sebright {op. cit., p. 39 ), that the falconers placed themselves down wind of the heronry, so that when the herons were interrupted on their return home, they were obliged to fly against the wind to gain their place of retreat, and a fine ringing flight was then usually obtained. If the heron flew down wind, he was seldom taken ; the hawks were in danger of being lost ; and as the flight was in a straight line, it afforded little sport. In 1 83 1 Mr. Newcome advertised for jerfalcons on his own account (Newton, op. cit.., p. 235), and afterwards went himself to Norway for them. In 1838, after the death of Colonel Wilson (who in 1832 had become Lord Berners), Mr. Newcome, with the Duke of Leeds, Mr. Stuart Wortley, and Baron d'Offemont, helped to found the celebrated Hawking Club, whose head- quarters were at the Loo, near Apeldoorn, the summer palace of the King of Holland, under whose patronage and with whose consent the members met every summer for about six weeks' heron-hawking. When this was over, Mr. Newcome returned to Norfolk and spent the rest of the year in hawking, shooting, and fishing at Hockwold, where he resided. About 1853 the Loo Hawking Club ceased to exist, and from that time until a few years before his own death, when he took a leading part in forming a new association, which still exists, and is now known as the Old Hawking Club, he confined his hawking excursions to his own neighbourhood. " Here," says Professor Newton {pp. cit.., p. 237), " I had frequent NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 259 opportunities of joining him and of watching his skill, for nothing pleased him better than the company in the field of any who took an interest in the art of which he was so great a master. But, from the causes already assigned, herons grew yearly fewer and fewer, until from their scarcity it became impossible to train a hawk to fly them. Rooks, as affording the next best kind of flight available, gave a certain amount of sport, and Mr. Newcome was at great pains to form a rookery near his house, succeeding at last, but only after many failures. " The open country arpund Hockwold, Wilton, and Feltwell was his most constant ground, and here from the beginning of March until the corn was well grown he might be nearly always met. He had a boy to carry the cadge, and occasionally to unhood a second hawk, but he was his own falconer both at home and afield Somewhat later in the season Lakenheath and Wangford Warrens, in Suffolk, were places of resort ; and here Stone Curlews often furnished a flight, while sometimes the hawks were taken into the fens for the chance of a Crow or a Pie. When the corn-fields were cleared he had some diversion with Merlins, but herein he was not so very successful, for the larks, as soon as they had got over their moult, and were strong upon the wing, generally beat their pursuers, which, it must be remarked, were eyesses. " I remember his once having a Sparrow-hawk which was rather good at taking blackbirds, but I do not think he ever possessed a Goshawk while I knew him ! " In 1852 Mr. Newcome took up his abode at Feltwell Hall, and there he lived until his death, on the 22nd September 187 1, in his sixty-second year. In an interesting review of the second edition of " Falconry in the British Islands " (No. 67) which appeared in the Quarterly Review for July 1875, the writer, referring to the loss occasioned to the sport by the recent death of Mr. Newcome, remarked (p. 183): " On field or fen, on moor or mere, by the riverside or on the racecourse, no man had more friends or fewer enemies than the late Edward Clough Newcome. But from his own Norfolk ' brecks ' to the bogs of Ireland, from Salisbury Plain to the heaths of Brabant and the fells of Norway, he, from his boyhood, followed the sport of Falconry more keenly than any other; sharing its comparative prosperity of 26o NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. fifty years since ; keeping alive its traditions when its practice had all but expired ; reviving it when his own enthusiasm, by infecting others, had given promise for its continuance ; and performing feats hitherto unknown in the annals of the art. Untired in his devotion, even by the drudgery of the labour of love he undertook, as an efficient falconer he was unequalled, whether by professionals or amateurs," His assiduity and success are shown by the fact that he trained eyess falcons to take wild herons on passage. He was the last who kept heron- hawks in England, and an interesting account, communicated by himself, of two remarkable birds which he possessed, named " Sultan " and " De Ruyter," will be found in Freeman's and Salvin's "Falconry" (see note to No. 68). The late Mr. J. D. Hoy, of Stoke-by-Nayland, in Suffolk, an eye-witness of the sport which was enjoyed at Didlington, High Ash, and Cranwich, has left a pleasing account of what he saw in a fragmentary journal not long published (" Trans. Norfolk Nat. Soc," vol. ii. p. 390), which has also been quoted by Professor Newton in his Appendix to Lubbock's " Fauna," above mentioned. XL Fleming of Barochan, Renfrewshire, with HIS Falconers, John Anderson and George Harvey. Engraved by C. Turner from a painting by J. Howe, of Edinburgh, 18 11. A remarkable instance of a succession of falconers from father to son for many generations occurs in the ancient family of the Flemings of Barochan, near Paisley, in Renfrewshire. The member of that family whose portrait is here given kept the Renfrewshire Subscription Hawks, which were flown chiefly at partridge and woodcock, from the commencement of the present century until his death in 18 19. His grandfather was a celebrated falconer, and a more remote ancestor, Peter Fleming, at the end of the fifteenth century, on the occasion of his beating the King's falcon with a tiercel of his own, received from James IV. of Scotland (1488-15 13) a jewelled hawk's hood, still preserved in the family. He is here represented on horseback, carrying a hooded falcon, and followed by a favourite black poodle. At his horse's head stands John Anderson, a celebrated Scotch falconer, with NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 261 two hawks on his glove, one hooded, the other pulling at a partridge apparently just killed. At Anderson's side, between him and his master's horse, stands a famous pointer ; while before him, in characteristic attitudes, are four spaniels, which were always used for woodcock hawking. To the right an assistant falconer, George Harvey, seated on a felled tree, carries on his glove a cast of spare hawks. John Anderson was so renowned as a professional falconer that a few lines relative to his career may be acceptable. He was born about 1750 in the parish of Currie, near Edinburgh, and was at first apprenticed to a currier ; but his love of hawking becoming known, he was engaged by Mr. Fleming of Barochan as assistant to John Hainshaw, who was then head-falconer. He lived to succeed Hainshaw, and then had for his assistant Peter Ballantine (see Plate XH.), who became almost as renowned a falconer as himself. On Mr. Fleming's death in 18 1 9 he was engaged by the Earl of Morton at Dalmahoy, and on the occasion of the coronation of George IV. in 1820 he was selected on behalf of the Duke of Athole to present the King with a cast of hawks, that being the feudal tenure by which the Dukes of Athole held the Isle of Man from the Crown. There is a scarce print of Anderson in the dress worn by him on that occasion — namely, a dress of the period of James I., with a cast of hawks on his glove. It has been lately reproduced by M. Pichot (No. 221). After spending some time in the service of Sir Alexander Donne of Ochiltree, Anderson in 1832 retired upon a pension, in the eighty-second year of his age. The engraving of which a reduced facsimile is here given was made from the original oil painting by Howe preserved at Barochan, and is dedicated to Sir John Maxwell of Pollock, Bart., who was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the Renfrewshire Subscription Hawks, and who had in his own service as falconer, William Barr, the father of William, John, and Robert Barr, all of whom were skilled falconers. A memoir of John Barr by the present writer (a pupil of his), in The Field of the 17th July 1880, supplies some interesting links in the history of Falconry between the period above referred to and the present time. Another link is supplied by Mr. Freeman's memoir of John Pells, who was falconer to the Duke 262 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. of Leeds and Mr. Newcome, and who died at Lakenheath in March 1883. (See "The Hawking Career of John Pells " in The Fields 23rd June i860, and an obituary memoir of him, The Field, 31st March 1883.) XII. Peter Ballantine, the last of the old Scotch Falconers, born 1798, died 1884. From a paintinc^ by A. D. Cooper, 1879, in the possession of Mr. R. Oswald of Auchincruive, Ayrshire. Peter Ballantine was born in 1798 at Dumfries House, Ayrshire, where his father — who had formerly acted as falconer to the Earl of Eglinton — was employed as steward to the Marquis of Bute. The elder Ballantine was devoted to Falconry, and had sufficient leisure time on his hands to keep a hawk always in training, while his friend John Anderson, already noticed, was in the service of Sir Alexander Donne at Ochiltree, hard by, as falconer. Between these two the young Peter had no difficulty in learning the first principles of Falconry ; but in addition to this he imbibed that love for hawks and that gentle- ness in their treatment which he preserved to the day of his death. At the age of about twenty Peter Ballantine took service under his old friend John Anderson, who was then falconer to the Renfrewshire Subscription Hawks, which were maintained at Barochan, the seat of Mr. Fleming. Peter remained with Anderson as his assistant until the retirement of the latter on a pension in 1832, when he entered the service of Lord Carmarthen, afterwards Duke of Leeds, as assistant falconer to John Pells, father of the last John Pells, who died at Lakenheath in March 1883. The hawks were then kept at Huntly Lodge, Aberdeenshire, and while old Pells kept a i^v^ passage falcons at work, Ballantine trained the Scotch eyesses, and excellent sport was obtained at herons with the former, and at every description of game with the latter. The finest sport of all was the flight at the woodcock, which was plentifully found in the young plantations which then clothed Deeside, a flight which combined the glorious "stoop" of the well-placed game falcon with the " high mountee " or ringing flight usually obtained with the heron. NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 263 It was at this period of his life that Peter Ballantine adopted the Dutch principle of making hoods, and the system of using long jesses and a swivel, in place of the old varvels and leash of the Scotch falconers, to which he had been educated. On leaving Lord Carmarthen's service he entered that of Sir James Boswell of Auchinleck, where he had charge of a kennel of greyhounds, and also trained a cast or so of hawks annually. He was in Sir James's service for twenty-five years, until the death of that gentleman, and was then employed by Mr. Robert Ewen of Ewenfield, Ayrshire. It was perhaps during his service with this gentleman that Peter showed the best sport during his long career, and fairly established his claim to be considered nearly the most successful trainer of eyesses for game-hawking that has lived during the last two generations. In 1870 his score of game was 269 head. In 187 1 he killed 346 head, and in 1873 his score was 367 head. Two of the best hawks he had during this period were The Imp, which he kept for five years, and Rantiri! Robin, which hawk was moulted ten seasons, and to the last he was as good as ever, when in the humour. Many other hawks which were trained by Peter will live in the memories of those who saw their fine performances, notably a falcon called ya;? Van, and another named Band of Hope. For these particulars the writer is indebted to the Hon. Gerald Lascelles. On the death of Mr. Ewen, Ballantine found a kind master in Mr. R. A. Oswald of Auchincruive, who kept him on in his old home, and enabled him to continue his old pursuit almost to his dying day. With Mr. Oswald in 1878, 1879, ^.nd 1880, Peter showed fine sport, and trained a splendid falcon called Pearl, which was perhaps as good a game-hawk as could be flown. Up to the last-mentioned date Peter was almost as active as ever — at least he could walk after his hawks for the longest day, and cheer them when on the wing with a voice like a bell ; but for the last few years of his life nature asserted itself, and the old man failed a little. But even in the year he died (1884), at the age of eighty-six, he trained a hawk ; and it is a curious fact that this bird, having been amiss for some days previously, died on the same day as her famous old master. 264 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. XIII. A Dutch Falconer of the Sixteenth Cen- tury. From a Portrait by Franz de Vriendt, in the Brunswick Gallery. The original picture by Franz de Vriendt, commonly called Franz Floris, a painter of Antwerp (1520-1570), is one of the finest examples of that artist's work. Who the falconer was cannot now be ascertained ; but there can be little doubt that it is a portrait, and a good one, of some enthusiast of the day. The Dutch falconers have long been celebrated for their skill, from the time when the Spanish prince, Don Juan Manuel, sounded their praises in 1325 (see No. 226), down to the present day, when their descendants in North Brabant still occupy themselves every autumn in taking "passage hawks" on the great heath of Valkenswaard (see Nos. 194, 198, and 79). An account of some of the more celebrated Dutch falconers of modern times, particularly those who were intimately associated with the practice of the sport in England, has been furnished by Professor Newton in his Appendix to Lubbock's "Fauna of Norfolk " (No. 65) ; and Monsieur P. A. Pichot, in his lately published Essay on the Falconry Court at the Paris Exhibition of 1889 (No. 221), has given a portrait of the celebrated Adrian Mollen, who was for many years falconer to the Loo Club, and who happily still lives to impart the secrets of his art to pupils of all nations (see No. 79, pp. in, 112). He was a pupil of Jan Bots, with whom he was assistant falconer from 1833 to 1836. In 1837 he entered the service of Prince Trautmansdorf at Oberwaldersdorf, some leagues from Vienna. Here he remained until 1840, and during that time was engaged in train- ing the " passage hawks " brought from Holland, and nestling lanners from Hungary for flying at partridges, rooks, and stone curlews. In 1841 he became falconer to the Loo Hawking Club, his place at Prince Trautmansdorf's being taken by a nephew of Jan Pells from Valkenswaard. XIV. Prince William V. of Orange, Heron- hawking at the Loo in 1767. From a rare engraving by Mourik. Long before the formation of the Loo Hawking Club in 1839, the Royal domain of the Loo, near Apeldoorn, in NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 265 Holland, was celebrated for the excellent heron-hawking which the wide open country' there afforded to lovers of the sport; but its renown was emphasised when, in that year, under the presidency of Prince Alexander of the Netherlands, a few English, French, and Dutch falconers, headed by Mr. Edward Clough Newcome, Mr. Stuart Wortley, the Duke of Leeds, the Baron d'Offemont and Baron Sloet (treasurer and secretary), formed an inter- national association, with the object of heron-hawking annually in the best country in the world for that purpose, during the months of May, June, and July. This club flourished for about twelve years, and included amongst its members the leading falconers of several nation- alities. The following names appear in a Liste des Membres drawn up in 1847 : — 1839. — Mr. E. C. Newcome,* C. Stuart Wortley, Baron d'Offemont, and Baron Sloet * (Hon. Sec). 1 840.— H.R.H. the Prince of Orange, Princes Alexander,* Frederick, and Henry * of the Netherlands, Baron de Nyvenheim, Baron van Zuylen van Nievelt, Baron de Constant Rebecque,* Baron van Brienen van der Groote Lindt, Sir Edward Disbrowe, the Hon. W. S. Jerningham, the Duke of Leeds,* Baron Tindall, Mr. William Newcome. 1842. — Lord C. Hamilton,* Mr. Knight,* Mr. Edward Green, Mr. J. Balfour, Lord Suffield. 1843. — M. Dubois, Baron van Westreenen, Baron van Verschuer,* Mr. Milbank. 1844. — Mr. Stirling Crawford, Count Westerholt, Mr, John Melville. 1845. — Baron van den Bogaerde, Baron MoUerus, Lord Alvanley, Baron Hardenbroek, the Earl of Chesterfield, Count Alfred von Hatzfeld, Baron van Tuyll van Serooskerken,* M. van Lennep, M. Crommelin. 1846. — General Hare Clarges, Mr. Thornhill, M. le Comte de Breteuil. 1847. — M. Gudin, Major Mountjoy Martin, Lord ViUiers, Mr. F. Milbank,* the Earl of Strathmore,* M. Charles Martyn, and the Hon. C. Maynard. The professional falconers were the veteran Franz van der Heuvel,* who had been falconer to Louis XVL from 1785 to 1792, Jan Pells,* P. Bekkers,* Jan van den Boom,* J. Bots,* and Adrian Mollen* (falconer to the King of Holland) and his brother Paul Mollen, both of whom are still Hving. Portraits of those to whose name an asterisk (*) is affixed will be found in the folio plates of Schlegel,* whose own portrait and 266 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. that of his colleague, Verster van Wulverhorst,* are also included. A key to these portraits is given by M. Pichot in his latest work on Falconry in the Paris Exhibition of 1889 (No, 221), where also will be found portraits of Adrian MoUen (p. 38) and John Barr (p. 23), besides several English falconers of the present day. By the rules of the club the annual subscription was fixed at not less than one hundred florins, and the hawking season com- menced on the 15th May and continued until the loth July or thereabouts. The number of hawks (peregrines and jerfalcons) maintained by the club, and the number of herons taken by them " on passage," appear in the following table : — Herons 1840.- —22 Falcons 138 I84I.- -44 j> 287 1842.- -44 >> 148 1843.- -40 ?» 200 1844.- -36 » 100 1849.- -14 ?> 128 1850.- -16 »> 138 I85I.- —18 >» 130 1852.- -36 >> 297 Details of the sport may be found in the works of Schlegel (194) and Pichot (207), in the anonymous brochure (193), and in an article by M. de Rodenburg published in \he. Journal des Chasseurs in 1855. When taken uninjured the herons were often liberated, after having a brass ring fastened on one leg, inscribed with the name of the club and the date of capture. They were sometimes retaken at long intervals at a considerable distance from the Loo. Thus, Dr. Campanyo, in his Histoire Naturelle du D'eparte- vient des Pyrenees Orieniales, 1863, states (p. 225) that in April 1845, an old male heron was killed on the farm of M. Lacombe, at Saint Michel, near Perpignan, which had a plate on the leg with an inscription to the effect that it had been taken two years previously by a falcon belonging to the Loo Hawking Club ; and that in 1856 another heron was killed on the seashore at Alenya, near Perpignan, having on one leg a similar plate, which it had carried for seven years. NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 267 XV. A German Falconer of the Sixteenth Century. From a scarce engraving by an artist whose name has not been ascertained. No copy of this is to be found amongst the large collection of prints in the British Museum, although from the serial number in the left-hand corner, and the word " Aer" in the top right- hand corner, suggestive of its being one of a set of emblems, there ought to be no difficulty in identifying it. The drawing is particularly good, and the treatment very artistic. For other figures of German falconers the reader should turn to the fine engravings of Ridinger, already noticed (p. 51), and to those of Hans Burgkmair which illustrate the life of Maxi- milian I. in Der Weiss Kotiig^ 15 14, reprinted at Vienna in 1775. In one of these plates. No. 34 of the series, the Emperor is represented Heron-hawking. Attended by mounted falconers, he is seated on horseback, in the act of unhooding his falcon at a heron, at which other hawks have already been flown. XVI. A French Falconer of the Eighteenth Century, in the Uniform of the Court of Louis XV., 1715-1774. Furnished by Monsieur P. A. Pichot " d'aprbs les figurines decoupeesde P. Lesueur, appartenant k M. Bidault de L'Isle." For some account of Falconry in France during the reign of Louis XV. the reader may be referred to the works of Bois- soudan (No. 202), Baron Dunoyer de Noirmont (No. 206), vol. iii. pp. 107-109, and D'Aubusson (No. 211), p. 207. The Grand Falconer in this reign was the Due de la Valliere, who had a salary of 4200 livres. The under falconers were paid on a proportionately liberal scale, and the annual expenditure for salaries, purchase of hawks, and cost of maintenance amounted to 24,190 livres fran^ais, or nearly ^^20,000 (D'Aubusson,/.^.) The palmy days of Falconry in France terminated with the Revolution in 1792. The sport was revived for a short period by Napoleon, who, in 18 10, sent for the Dutch Falconers Daams and Daankers with four assistants, and maintained a hawking establishment at Versailles until 1813, when the French 268 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Eagle claiming more attention than the trained falcons, the sport was once more suppressed. Nor was it again revived until 1866. In that year a little band of enthusiasts formed the " Cham- pagne Hawking Club," with John Barr for their falconer, and for three seasons enjoyed some excellent sport at rooks, crows, pies, partridges, stone curlews, and little bustards. M. Alfred Werle was president, and amongst the members were MM. le Vicomte de Champeaux-Verneuil, le Baron d'Aubilly, le Comte le Couteulx de Canteleu, le Vicomte Georges de Grandmaison, le Comte Fernand de Montebello, Julio Alfonso de Aldama, and Pierre Amedee Pichot. The unavoidable return of John Barr to England, and the impossibility of finding a substitute, led unfortunately to the dismemberment of the club. In 1879, however, through the efforts of M. Paul Gervais, another revival took place, and his example was followed by MM. Sourbets, Saint Marc, Foye, Belvalette, Cerfon, and Edmond Barrachin, all of whom are keeping hawks at the present day, and with the aid of M. Pichot are helping to find goshawks for the English falconers who are five or six times as numerous. XVII. Italian Falconers of the Seventeenth Century, Partridge-hawking with the Goshawk. From an engraving by Tempesta, 1622 ; reproduced from the work of Olina (No. 278). Antonio Tempesta (b. 1555, d. 1630), a Florentine painter and engraver, was a pupil of Stradanus (or, to give him his real name, Jan Strada), a Fleming. Other plates of his will be found mentioned in the note to No. 278. XVI I I. Lorenzo de' Medicl Born, 1448; died, 1492. Author of a celebrated poem, " La Caccia col Falcone." This portrait of " Lorenzo the Magnificent," whose life has been so ably written by William Roscoe (2 vols. 4to, 1796), is a facsimile of the frontispiece to that work, and a brief notice of NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 269 him in connection with Falconry will be found in the notes which follow the title of his poem (No. 265). Vide anted, p. 139. A "receipt" from the falconer of Lorenzo de' Medici to the Treasurer of the Due d'Orl^ans for a gratuity of " xxxii sols, touraois" on his bringing a present of a falcon, 15th Jan. 1483, is printed by Charavay (No. 210), p. 7. XIX. AND XX. Italian Miniatures of the Thir- teenth Century, illustrating the Latin MS. of the Emperor Frederick II., " De arte venandi cum avibus." As these miniatures, reproduced from the facsimiles in D'Agincourt's famous Histoire de FArt, have already been described on pp. 171-172, it will be unnecessary to repeat the account there given of them ; but the reader may be reminded of Baron Pichon's admirable commentary (No. 201) on the treatise which they serve to illustrate. Those who are interested in the subject of illuminated manu- scripts would do well to read the very instructive lectures which were delivered at the London Institution by Messrs. R. Thomson and W. Tite, M.P., in 1857, " On some of the most characteristic features of illuminated manuscripts from the eighth to the eighteenth century"; and "On the materials and practice of illuminators, with biographical and literary notices illustrative of the art of illumination." XXI. A Falconer of Cyprus. Engraved by W. Skelton, from a picture by Titian, in possession of the Earl of Carlisle. From an inscription on the back of the picture it appears to be the portrait of a brother of a queen of Cyprus. The words are " Georgius Cornelius frater Caterinse Cipri et Hierusalera (sic) Reginae." The original, which is on canvas, and in good condition, has been a long time in the possession of the Earl of Carlisle's family, and is preserved in the collection at Castle Howard. About 1807 it was temporarily removed to London, and was engraved for Forster's " British Gallery of Engravings 2 70 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. from pictures of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch, and English Schools," published in that year. There is a mezzotint of a falconer by Reynolds from a picture by Northcote, R.A. (said to be a portrait of the painter himself), which was evidently suggested by Titian's portrait. Even the dog by the falconer's side has been introduced. XXII. Falconers of Turkestan, with the trained Eagle, or Berkut. From a sketch made by Colonel (now General) T. E. Gordon, in Eastern Turkestan. See pp. i8o, 192, 193, For an account of the way in which the Golden Eagle, or Berkut (old Persian, Bargut), is trained and flown in some parts of the East at deer, hares, foxes, and wolves, the reader may be referred to Atkinson's " Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor," i860, pp. 58, 492 (where the native name of the bird is phonetically spelt bearcoot), and to Colonel T. E. Gordon's " Roof of the World," a narrative of a journey over the high plateaus of Thibet to the Russian frontier, and the Oxus sources on Pamir, 1876 (pp. 68, 72, 78, 85). In this entertaining volume, wherein the bird is styled burgoot and burgut, Colonel Gordon gives a report of a journey eastward from Kashgar to Maralbashi towards Aksu (39° 46' N.) made by Captain J. Biddulph, the first European traveller in that direction. From Maralbashi (the stag's haunt), known also as Burchuk and Lai Musjid, he went to Charwagh, a village fourteen miles on the Aksu road. " Here," he says, " I had good sport shooting gazelles and pheasants, which abounded, and I also saw the burgoots, or trained eagles, kill gazelles and foxes. 1 was not fortunate enough to see them kill a wolf, though they were twice flown, but the animals on both occasions being in thick bush jungle, and at a great distance, the birds did not sight them. Their owners, however, spoke of it as an ordinary occurrence. When the jungle is not too high they sight their prey at a great distance, and sweep up to it without any apparent effort, however fast it may be going. Turning suddenly when over its head, they strike it with unerring aim. If a fox, they grasp its throat with one powerful talon, and seize it round the muzzle with the other, keeping the jaws closed with an iron grasp, so that the animal is powerless." [A vignette of an eagle NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 271 seizing a fox is given on p. 88 of the work quoted.] The author continues : — " From the great ease with which an eagle disposes of a full-grown fox I could see that a wolf would have no better chance. Gazelles are seized in the same way, except those with horns, in which case the eagle first fastens on to the loins of the animal, and, watching his opportunity, transfers his grasp to the throat, avoiding the horns. " The biirgoot, however, is not very easy to manage, and re- quires the whole of one man's care. Its dash and courage are great, but if flown unsuccessfully once or twice, it will often sulk for the rest of the day. When it kills, it is always allowed to tear at its game for a little time. The men told me that if prevented doing so while its blood was up, it would very probably attack our horses." It is even flown at wild boar. " During the envoy's tour in the Artush district at the end of February," says Colonel Gordon (p. 85), " the villagers assembled to show this sport. They were mounted on the strong, active little horses of the country, and carried clubs bent at the end like hockey sticks, with which they strike the animal on the head till he is stunned, when the death-blow is generally given with some other weapon The trained eagle is flown at the hog on the first favourable oppor- tunity, and generally succeeds by its sharp and powerful attack in bringing it to bay, when the men close in with their clubs. " On the occasion alluded to, a splendid tusker was killed in this manner; but from all I heard I should say that the wild boar of these parts is not equal in fighting spirit to his brother of Bengal." For further information respecting these trained eagles see the references given in the note at top of p. 193. It may be added, in conclusion, that the spelling, berkut, here adopted is that in vogue with the Russian falconers, who procure these eagles via Orenburg from the Kirghis. It is not a little curious that the Welsh name for the Kite, according to Pennant, is barcud, pronounced barkit. It is so- called in Carmarthenshire, while in Pembrokeshire the common Buzzard is thus designated (E. C Phillips, Zoologist, 1891, p. 173). Lord Lilford has heard the same name in Merionethshire applied to the Marsh Harrier. The precise meaning of the word is not explained, but it suggests that our word Kite has 272 NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. probably some affinity, and it is remarkable that the Tartars, Russians, and Persians apply the name berkut or harkut to an eagle. XXIII, Arab Falconers WITH Lanners. From a photograph taken in Algeria in 1889. In addition to the sources of information indicated on p. 206, concerning the practice of Falconry by the Arabs, the reader may be referred to the following articles on the subject which have appeared at intervals during the last few years : — "Arab Falconry," The Field, 30th April 1881 ; "Souvenirs of Modern Egypt: How Prince Halim hunted the Gazelle," The Field, 30th January 1875; "Gazelle Hawking in Egypt," The Zoologist, 1878, pp. 335-337 ; " Hawking in Barbary," The Field^ 9th September 1882, and "Hawking in Morocco," The Field, 13th March 1886. XXIV. Indian Falconers with Sakers and Pere- grine. From a photograph taken in the Punjab in 1891, and forwarded by Capt. D. C. Phillott, 3rd Punjab Cavalry. The Saker, Falco sacer (Hind. Cherkh or Cherrug), is traiw , I to kill cranes, bustards, and hares, and shows excellent spoi I when flown at the Indian kite, Milvus govinda, which might be thought more than a match for it. Native falconers assert that the Saker breeds in the Bhoor lands, or sandy and desert tracts of Western India. Many are brought for sale at the beginning of October. Mr. Thompson saw three at the Nawab of Rampore's, in Rohilcund ; they were purchased for 1 5 rupees, which shows that they are not difficult to procure. A trained female goshawk costs from 20 to 50 rupees ; a male from 10 to 30 rupees. For descriptions of hawking as practised in India, see the authorities referred to in the note at top of p. 202. See also " Crane-hawking with Meer Ali Murad," The Field, 2nd October 1886; "Hawking in Central India," The Field, 27th Nov. 1886 J "Hawking in the Salt Range," 77ie Field, 27th Aug. 1887 ; and " Hawking in Bengal," The Field, nth Aug. 1888. NOTES TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 273 XXV. A Japanese Falconer. From the " Ehon Taka Kagami," or Mirror of Falconry. The merits of the work from which this plate has been re- produced in facsimile (No. 371) have been already noticed on p. 212. This figure has been selected in preference to many others in order to show the form of the Japanese hood {zukin.)^ glove (yugaki), jesses {ashikazva, i.e., leg leathers), creance {Oki- nawa), and frisfrass {buchi), which is a stick of wistaria, with the end teased out like a Japanese tooth-brush, used to cleanse the beaks of goshawks and falcons. XXVI. Portrait of a Trained Falcon. The figure of a hooded Tiercel on the glove, which appears in the vignette on the title-page, and was drawn and engraved for this work by Mr. G. E. Lodge, being on rather too small a scale to show all the accessones, it has been thought desirable to give a larger figure of a trained Falcon, unhooded, from an excellent photograph recently taken by Lieut.-Col. H. Watson. Here is the hood : — INDEX. Note. — The number of books in different languages which relate wholly or in part to Falconry and are catalogued in this volume, chronologically under the head of Countries, amounts to 378. This Index to their authors, artists, printers, and publishers contains in addition the names of other writers whose works — historical,-, biographical, and critical — have been referred to in the Notes, as affording "side-lights" on the literature of the subject not without interest and value. The figures following these names refer in every case to the page, and not to the serial number of the Catalogue. A. Abd-el-Kadir, the Emir, 99 Abd-el-Kadir Jilani, 199 Abercromby, Sir A., 251 Abu al Gasim, 205 Abu Dulef al Gasim, 204 Abul Fazl, 198 Ackersdijck, W. C, 45 Adelung, 185, 187, 190 .^Ifric, Abp., XV Lilian, xxvii, 175, 179, 182, 213 Agogo Mago, 140 Aix, Jan Raynaud de, 81 Akbar, 198, 199, 200 Akqanoff, S. T., 185 Akizato Rito, 213 Alagona, Arthelouche de, 72, 77 Albentos, Marquis de, 132 Albertus Magnus, 50, 66, 67, no, i6r, 162, 168, 169, 172, 205 Albrizzi, Giambatista, 146, 153 Alburquerque, Duque de, 115, 116, 117, 118 Aide, Edward, 5 Aldrovandus, 27, 172, 173 Alemgir, 199 Alessandri, G. D. degli, 147 Alexander the Great, xxvii Alexander II., 190 Alexis Michaelovitch, Tsar, 184, 185, 186, 189 Alexejvitch, Ivan, 186 Alfonso XL, 113, 123 Alfred the Great, xiv Alhegiagi ben Khaithama, 181 Ali Kameh Khorasani, 197 Ali Pasha, 195 Aiken, S., 39 Allen, W. H., 99 Amador de los Rios, 113 Amasi, 203 Amigny, Seigneur de, 90 Amman, Jest, 48, 49, 86 Anderson, John, xvii, 34, 60, 260 Andilly, Robert Arnaud de, 87 Andreoli, Gregorio, 153 Angeli, Pietro, da Barga, 146, 153 Anon., 32, 33, 34, 45, 51, 61, 87, 88, 89. 94, 96, 98, 122 276 INDEX. Antonelli, 155 Apsley, Sir Allen, 16, 250 Aquaviva, Belisaire, Due de Nardo, 95, 162, 163, 172 Aquila, no, 175 Arcussia, Charles d', xxiv, xxv, 49, 50, S3, 72, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 87, 93, M8, 181 Argote de Molina, 123, 136 Aristotle, xxvii, 9, 179 Armiger, Charles, 34 Arnz et Cie., 97 Artaxerxes Mnemon, 213 Ashbumham, Earl of, 181 Asoph ul Doulah, 202 Asser, xiv Astley, Sir John, 241 Athole, Duke of, 261 Atkins, Maurice, 27 Aubrey, John, 23, 24 Aubry, 80 Aurangzib, 199 Austin, J. O., 251 Austria, Grand Duke of, 46 Avila, Juan Arias de, 133 Ayala, Pero Lopez de, xxvi, 63, 115, 116, 117, 131, 134 Ayme Cassian, 75, ']^ Azais, G., 1 10 B. B. (J.), 15, 16 Badr ud Din, M. ul Balkhi, 203 Bahr, J. C, 213 Baillie Hamilton, Hon. R., 247 Baist, G., 58, 113,115 Baldamus, E., 53 Balfour, 33 Ballantine, Peter, xvii, 262 Barde, Paul, 93 Bargeo, il, 146, I53 Barker, Christopher, 12 Barker, W. B., 196 Barlow, Francis, 26, 151, 252 Barnes, Juliana, i, 2 Barr, the brothers, 261 Barr, John, 262 Barrachin, Edmond, 108, 268 Bartel, 81, 82, 83, 88, 153 Bartholome, 12 Bartolus, F., 176 Bassseus, N., 173 Basset, Thomas, 27 Bassett, John, 31 Batman, 12 Baucher, 94 Baudrillart, J. J., ix, 90, 95 Beam, Vicomte de, 1 1 1 Bearzi, Abb(^ de, 45 Beauvais, Vincent de, 109, 161 Bechstein, J. M., 52 Beckmann, John, 35, 52 Behague, Comte de, 82 Bein, Prof., 54 Bekkers, P., 265 Belany, J. C, 39, 202 BeUsaire Aquaviva, 95, 162, 172 Bell, John, 180, 187,208 Belon, Pierre, 76, 78 Beltran de la Cueva, 117 Belvallette, Alfred, xxv, 107, 268 Benoit Maichin, 108 Bergantini, Gio. Pietro, xxvi, 146, 153 Bern, M. A., 173 Berners, Juhana, i, 2 Bemers, Lord, 38, 257, 258 Bernes, Juliana, i, 2 Bert, Edmund, xxiii, 17, 18, 252 Berthet, Ehe, loi Bertrand, 95 Besgonoff, P., 185 Besongne, Jacques, 82 Besongne, C, 83 Bettesworth, A., 32 Bewick, Thomas, 32 Bidault de I' Isle, 267 Biddulph, Capt. J., 270 INDEX. 277 Bidelli, G. B., 142, 144 Bill, John, 14 Billaine, P., 83 Billio, Giovanni, 149 Binet, Estienne, 83 Birago, Francesco, 152 Birckmann, J., 164 Bisciola, L., 175 Bisesti, 155 Blades, William, i Blaine, D. P., 39, 108 Blane, William, 202 Blas.us, J. H., 53 Blaze, Elzear, 64, 65 Blesenius, Peter, 20 Blochmann, H., 198, 200 Blome, Richard, xxii, xxiii, 19, 30, 32 Boccamazza, Domenico, 144, 145 Boissoudan, J. E., xxv, 94, 100, 267 Bonhomme, Jehan, 71 Boniface, Abp. of Mayence, xiv Bonnefous, Nicolas, 86 Bono Giamboni, 135, 137, 157 Bonwick, Henry, 27 Boom, Jan van den, 265 Boria y Pascual, Antonio, 135 Bossini, Giambatista, 154 Bossow, P., 176 Bostock, R., 19 Boswell, Sir James, 263 Bots, Jan, 258, 264, 265 Bouchard-Huzard, 102 Bouchet, Guillaume, 75, 76, T] Bourgogne, Due de, 104 Bouton, Victor, 63, 64 Brabant, Due de, 98 Bradley, Richard, 32 Branicki, Count, 188 Brathwait, Richard, 9, 19 Breuil, Seigneur de, 79 {see Gommer) Briffardiere, Sieur de la, 88, 89 Brill, E. J., 128 Britton, John, 23 Brocar, Juan de, 120 Brodrick, W., xxiv, 40, 41, 254 Browne, Sir Thomas, xxvii, 23, 27 Bruckmann, F., 167, 173, 174 Brunet, 67, 94 Brunetto Latini, 109, 135, 137, 13S, 157 Brunnich, M. T., 60, 178, 179 Brush, 36 Bruyset, les Freres, 89 Buchoz, Pierre J., 93 Buck, T., 21 Buckingham, Duke of, 248 Buckley, 167 Buffon, Comte de, 90 Bulbeck, Viscount, 18 Bulliard, M., 92 Bulmer, J., 32 Burford, Earl of, 16 Burgos, F. Vicente de, 119 Burgkmair, Hans, 267 Burton, Richard, 39, 100, 202 Cabanillas, N. de, 132 Cadell, 35 Caius, Dr. John, 164 Calderon, Pedro, de la liarca, 124 Calvo Pinto y Velarde, A., 131 Cammer Lander, Jacob, 47 Campanyo, Dr., 266 Campbell, James, xxiii, ^iZ Canova, Juan de, 121 Caponajo, Jacobus de, 181 Carcano, F. Sforzino da, xxvi, 141, 142, 147, 150, 172 Carleton, Sir Dudley, 249 Carlisle, Earl of, 269 Carlos I., 121 Carlos II., 112 Carlos III., 131 Carlos, el Principe, 121 Carmignani, 155 Cassian, Aym^, 75, 'J^ 278 INDEX. Castellan, Pierre de, 206 Castillon d'Aspet, H., iii Castle, Edward, 24 Catharine II., 180, 190 Cavellat, Guillaume, 76 Cerf, Leopold, 108 Cerfon, C, xxv, 108, 268 Ceruti, Antonio, xxvi, 158 Cervantes, Pedro, 130 Chabaille, P., 137, 138, 158 Chafin, William, 37 Chaicham, or Chaican, i6o Chamberlain, 249 Chambers, W. & R., xviii, 44, 56 Champagne Club, Members of the, 268 Champgrand, Goury de, 91 Changran, M. de, 92 Chappeville, Pierre Cldment de, 88, 89 Chappie, C, 37 Charavay,Etienne,xxv, 103,141, 269 Charles I., xvi, 13, 22, 24, 247, 250, 251 Charles II., 24 Charles II. of Sicily, 138, i6i Charles IV., 63 Charles V., 63, 71,74, 138, 161 Charles VI., 93 Charles VIII., 66, 72, 74 Charles IX., 78, 103 Chassant, Alphonse, 63 Chaworth, Sir George, 248 Chenu, J. C, 100 Cherville, Marquis de, 104, 205 Cheseman, Edward, 243 Cheseman, Robert, xv, 243, 244 Chesneau, Nicholas, 78 Chevreuil, Henri, 79 Churchill, Sidney A. J-, xi, 194, 197, 203 Civelli, 155 Clapiers, Comte de, 85 Clement XIII., 154 Clifford, Arthur, 243 Cluay, 160 Clutterbuck, 17, 241 Codroipo, Francesco, xxvi, 148 Collett, R., 60 Collins, J., 23 Collinson, J., 166 Constable, 36 Conti, Prince de, 91 Conyers, G., 7 Cooper, A. D., 262 Copland, William, 3 Copley, Sir Joseph, 96 Corozet, Gilles, 64, 65 Corsini, Accursio, 152 Corvin Wiersbitski, 42, 54, 202 Cossine, Gilbert, 31 Cotton, Charles, 23 Cotton, Sir Robert, 167 Cousteai!, Nicholas, 71 Couteau, Anthoine, 74 Cox, Nicholas, xxii, xxiii, 9, 27, 28, 29,30,41,43 Cramoisy, 76 Cranston, Lord, 96 Crawhall, Joseph, 26 Crescens, Pierre, 71 Crescentio, Pietro de, 138 Crescentius, Petrus de, 46, 48, 62, 161 Crdtin, Guillaume, 74, 94 Crippa, Bonaventura, 160 Croft, H. S., 9 Cromwell, Thomas Lord, 244 Crosley, William, 17 Crynes, Nathaniel, 4 Ctesias, 213 Cuisin, M. V. P., 95 Cunder, James, yj Cussac, J., 92 Cussiere, Loys de, loi D. D'Agincourt, 269 Dairvault, H. Martin, 66, 67, 137, 162 A INDEX. 279 D'Alembert, 90 Damiri, 204 Dancus, le Roi, xxii,62, 66, 72, 113, 159, 160, 162, 181,205 Daniel, George, 3 Daniel, R., 21 D'Arcy, 105 D'Aubusson, Magaud, xxv, 102, 103, 267 Daumas, General E., 99, 132, 206 David, 89 David, Estienne, 84 David, P., 83 Davies, 35 Davila, Gil Gonzales, 124 Dawks, J., 28 Dawson Darner, Col, 96 Dawson, John, 20 Debure, 90 De Filippi, 201 Degorce, Cadot, loi Deichmann, C, 59 Delmd Radcliffe, Col. E., xxiv, 42, 202 De Longchamps, 93 Demetrius of Constantinople, xi, xxvii, 128, 130, 164, 172, 175, 181, 182, 183 Denham, Henry, 10, 11 Denison, Evelyn, 96 Desgraviers, Auguste, 94 Des Murs, O., 100 D'Este, Alfonso, 152 D'Esterno, M., loi Deudes de Prades, 109 Devon, F., xvi, 248 Dewe, Thomas, 18 Dickins, F. V., xi, 207, 214, 215 Diderot, 90 Didot, 91 Dobel, H. W., 50 D'Ofifemont, Baron A., 96, 258, 265 Doisy, M,, 94 Dombrowski, Ernst, Ritter von, 46, 47^59 Donne, Sir Alexander, 261, 262 Donovan, 12 Douceur, David, 84 Downes, John Dawson,xxiv, 38, 257 Dozy & Engelmann, 121, 128, 206 Drayton, Michael, 18, 19,252 Drouart, H., 175 Dsi Meo In, 213 Duchesne, 92 Duleep Singh, Maharajah, 102 Dunoyer de Noirmont, le Baron, XXV, Tz, 79, 94j 102, 109, no, 137, 267 Duprd, Alphonse, 94 Dutton, Sir Ralph, 31 E. East, Thomas, 12 Edward the Confessor, xiv Edward VI., 241, 244 Egenolph, Christoph, 47 Eglinton, Earl of, 34, 36, 256, 262 Eglis, A. de, 46 Ehrenhielm, J. G. S., 177 Ehrenkreutz, H. von, 57 Eichenfeld, 184 Eliot, A. T., 9 Elizabeth, Queen, xv, 13, 16, 241, 246, 247 Elizabeth Petrovna, 190 Elyot, Sir Thomas, 9 Enrique IV., 118 " Ephemera," 39 Ernest. Archduke, 98 Ersch & Gruber, 122 Erskine, 200 Esparron, Seigneur d', 53, 80, 81 {see Arcussia) Espinar {see Martinez) Estienne, Charles, 76, -JT, 138, 161 Ethd, H., 204 Ethelbert, xiv Evangelista, 118 Ewen, Robert, of Ewenfield, 263 28o INDEX. Falconers' Club, Members of the, 256 Fargues, J., 194 Fateh Ali Shah, 201 Faulcon, le Livre du, 67-71 Fava, 158 Favre, Robin, 100 Fei, Andrea, 151 Fenwick, 5 Feodor Alexejvitch, 186 Ferdinand I., 181 Ferdinand II., 151 Ferdinand III., 93 Fernandez Ferreira, D., 136 Fernando, Rey de Portugal, 136 Ferrara, Hercola Duca di, 145 Ferrari, Gabriel G. de, 141, 143 145 Ferraro, Giuseppe, xxvi, 159, 160 Ferrer de Valdecebro A., 129 Ferreyra, Marquez de, 136 Feyerabendt, Sigmundt, 48 Feyerabendt, Johan, 48 Fibigius, Gotfriedus, 177 Firmin Didot, 79, 103 Fischer, Theodor, 57 Fisher, C. H., 42 Fleming of Barochan, xvii, 34, 260 Fleming, Hans F. von, xxiv, 50 Flesher, E., 27 Floris, Franz, 264 {see Vriendt, Franz de) Foichtinger, J., 58 Foix, Comte de, 'j^ iii, 166 Fontana, Bartolome, 149 Fontana, P. Glicerio, 155 Foresta, Marquis de, 85 Forges, Seigneur de, 79 Forster, 269 Fortille, Seigneur de, 86 Fortin de Grandmont, F. F,, 85 Fouet, Robert, 82 Fouilloux, Jacques de, 76, 83, 100 Foye, G., xxv, 106, 107 Frampton, W, Tregonwell, 38 Franchieres, Jean de, xxv, 66, 72, 74, 75, 76, n, 78, 181 Francis I., 74, 103 Francucci, Scipione, 151 Frederick II, xi, xiii, xxvi, xxviii, 50, 72, 100, 121, 131, 150, 160, 162, 164, 167-172, 179, 183, 212, 269 Freeman, G. E., xxiv, 40, 41, 42, 260 Frias, Duque de, 133 Friderich, C. G., 56 Fritsch, 167, 174, 175 Fromberg, H. von, 53 G. Gace de la Eigne, on Vigne, T^^ 74, 93 Gaffet, Antoine, 88 Gairdner, 243, 244 Gaiter, L., 138 Galatien, 66 Galesloot, A, L., 98, 112 Gallaup, 80 Gallegaris, Bernardino, 1 52 Gallevari, B., 153 Galvani, no Ganzarini, 146 Garagnani, 158 Gaston Phoebus, 73, in, 166 Gatepio, 160 Gatti, Alessandro, 149 Gauchet, Claude, 78, 149 Gaudet, 88 Gayangos, Pascual de, 1 16, 1 18, 1 19, 120, 122 Geel, J., 44 Geist, J. P., 52 Genghis Khan, 208 George IV., 261 Georgi, Federico, xxvi, 143, 144, 147 Gerhardt, Marc, 17, 241 INDEX. Gervais, Paul, io8, 268 Gesner, Conrad, 164, 182, 184 Ghisolfi, Filippo, 142, 144 Gillies, A., 34 Gillius, P., xxvii, 130, 175, 176, 182 Giunti, Cosimo, 138 Giunti, 146, 151 Gladwin, F., 199 Glendinning, Sir H., 34 Glouvet, Le Chevalier de, loi Godet, Paul Goldsmid, Sir F., 199, 201 Gommer, Pierre de, xxv, 79, 80 Gommer, Frangois de, xxv, 79, 80 Googe, Bamaby, 165 Gordejuela, A. de, 131 Gordon, Col. T. E., 192, 270, 271 Gosden, T., 8, 36 Goujot, 74 Gozzi, 155 Grandjean, J. J., 95 Grasset d'Orcet, 63 Griffin, Anne, 7 Griggs, W., 17, 241 Grimm, J., 56 Grinnaud, John, 18 Grober, Gustav, 118 Grove, Francis, 9 Gryndall, William, xxii, 1 1 Guarinoni, Girolamo, 154 Guarinqui, Girolamo, 154 Guerra, Andres, 133 Guesclin, Bertrand de, 74 Guicennas, 66, 72, 205 Guillinus, 66, 72, 205 Gumey, J. H., 191 Gutierrez de la Vega, Jos^,xxvi, 1 13, 114, 116, 117, 1 18, 123, 128, 129, 131, 135 Guyot, Claude, 79 Gyraldus, L. G., 163 H. H. (R.), 32 Hachette, 100 Hainshaw, John, 261 Halim, Prince, 171 Hall, E., XV, 244 Hall, John, of Weston, 38, 257 Haller, C, xxvii, 185, 186, 187, 189 Hamilton, Edward, 26 Hamilton, J. P., 41 Hammer Purgstall, J. von, ix, 46, 54, 97, 117, 122, 123, 128, 136, 182, 184, 185, 193, 194, 195, 197, 203 Hangest, Jehan de, 64 Harewood, H., 38 Harmont, Pierre, dit "Mercure," xxv, 83 Harper, Thomas, 17 Harris, Dr. John, 201 Harrison, John, 7, 17 Harrison, Martha, 9 Harting, J. E., 23, 39, 43, 44, 75, 104, 193, 206, 215 Harvey, G., 260, 261 Haslewood, Joseph, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34 Hassler, K. D., 57 Hatfield, Arnold, 14 Haworth, 3, 4, 12 Hay, J. G., 174 Hazlitt, W. C, 7 Hearne, Thomas, 167 Heber, 67, 68 Heinle, J. A., 53 Helme, Anne, 8 Helme, John, 14 Henri I., 103 Henrilll., 83, 166 Henri IV., xxvii, 80, 83, 103, 166 Henry I., 109 Henry VII., 243 Henry VIII., xv, 16, 241, 243, 244, 246 Heppe, J. C, 52 Heresbach, Conrad, 164 Heusslein, Rudolph, 164 Heuvel, F. van der, 258, 265 Heym, 187 282 INDEX. Hicfelt, Eberhard, xxii, 46, 59 " Hieover, Harry," 39 Hoare, Sir R. C, 241, 247 Hodgson, B. H., 191 Hoffmann, 56, 206, 207 Hoffmann, Nicolas, 49, 82 Holbein, xv, 243 Holden, F. A., xvi, 250 Hollar, W., 26, 151, 252 Holmes, John, 181 Hone, William, 35 Hood, 36 Hooper, Richard, 19 Horace, 20 Horrebow, 59 Houghton, John, 32 Houz^ Jean, 79, 80 Howe, J., 34, 260 Howitt, Samuel, yj Hoy, J. D., 260 Huber, M., 93, 100, loi Huete, Pedro, 122 Hume, Allan O., 42, 191, 202 Hume, Sir Patrick, 16, 250 Hungerford, Sir Walter, 246, 247 Hunter, 36 Huralt, Philip, 165 Huth, 3, 141 Hutton, James, 99 Hazard, J. B., 95, 163 Huzeton, Jacques, 71 i. I. (R.), 22, 23 Ibn Sina, 205 Ibrahim Ben Hailan, 195 Imad ud Din Isfahani, 203 Imperiali, G. Vincenzio, 148 Isachius, A., 176 I slip, Adam, 12 Iturralde y Suit, Juan, 133 Ivan Alexejvitch, 186 Izzud Din M. Pelasguni, 203 Jackson, Canon J. E., 247 Jackson, R., 6, 7 Jackson, Roger, 15, 16 Jacobs, 213 Jacobsen, P. B., 59 Ja'fer Beg, 199 James I., xvi, xxv, 13, 22, 23, 149, 247-249 James II., 250 James IV., 260 Janot, Denys, 71 Janot, Jehan, 64, 65 Jaubert, 201 Jean, Roi de France, 73 Jeanne, la Reyne, 81 Jemali M. Ganjevi, 197 Jenner, Thomas, 25 Johnson, H., 202 Johnson, J., 8 Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 166 Johnston, William, 35, 52 Joyeuse, Admiral de, 78 Juan Manuel, el Principe, xi, xxvi, 58, 113, 115, 123,264 Juan II., 118 Jullien, Ernest, 72, 74, 79, 82, 181 Jungingen, Conrad von, 190 K. Kali, J. C, 178 Karajan, T. G. von, 47 Karamsin, 188 Katano Seo Sjo, 212 Kazvini, 204 Kegan Paul, 9 Kembach, H., 167, 174 Kenulph, King, xiv Khan Mahalli, 200 Kimoura Kokjo, 211 Kingston, WiUiam Earl of, 31 Knoblauch, J., xxiv, 47 Konosita Yositomo, 210, 211 INDEX. 283 Korsakoff, A., 188, 190 Kreysig, G. C, ix, T], 87, 97, 163, 175, 177, 178 Kyff, Walther, 162 144, La Chesnaye des Bois, 89 Lacroix, Paul, 43, 64, 98, 102 La Cume de Sainte Palaye, J. B., 1% 92 Ladislaus of Hungary, 46 Lalldmant, ix, 72, 73, 74, 82, 90, 164, 205 Lambert, James, 26 La Minerva, 155 Lampugnano, Antonius de, 181 Lancellotti, Pietro, 154 Landau, G., xxiv, 56 Landseer, Thomas, 39 Lang, Robert, 67 Langellier, Charles, 71 L'Angelier, Abel, 76, 78 Langley, Thomas, 8 Languet, 166 Lascelles, 36 Lascelles, Hon. G., 263 Lastri, Marco, ix, 138, 146, 151, 153, 154, 156, 163 Latham, John, 35 Latham, Lewis, xvi, 16, 250 Latham, Symon, xxiii, 15, 16, 17, 27, 251 Laurens, le Petit, 67 Lavallee, Joseph, 63 Lawson, William, 7 Layard, Sir H. A., xii Layton, Dr. R., 244 Leclere, 196 Leech, John, 3 Leeds, Duke of, 96, 258, 262, 265 Ldgendre, 87 Legras, 87 Leguina, Enrique de, ix, 115, 116, 119, 121, 122, 128, 133, 135 Lenoir, Guillaume, 64, 65 Le Noir, Michel, 71 Le Noir, Philippe, 72, ^i Ldon, Gaspard de, 84 Ldon, Jacques de, 84 Leroy, 90 Lescullier, 67 L'Estrange, 245 Lesueur, P., 267 Le Verrier de la Conterie, 90 Li Chi Tchin, 207 Liebault, Jean, 13, 14, 'j'], 138, 161 Liger, Louis, 86, 87 Lilford, Lord, 42, 271 Linnaeus, 61 Lipstorp, Daniel, 177 Lloyd, D., 243 Locatelli, F., 150 Lodge, E., 248 Lodge, G. E., 273 Long, Sir James, 23 Longis, Jean, 74 Longman, T., zi, 39) 4o Loo Club, Members of the, 265, 266 Lopez de Mendoga, Ynigo, 120 Loriente, Thomas, 129 Lorio, Pietro, 148 Louis IX., 208 Louis XIL, 74 Louis XIIL, XXV, xxvii, 83, 99, 103, 182, 210, 249 Louis XIV., 103 Louis XV., xxvi, 103, 267 Louis XVI., 103, 265 Lo\vnes, Humfrey, 5 Lubbock, Rev. Richard, xvi, xxiv, 39, 257, 260, 264 Luynes, Due de, 82, Z2, Lusancy, Seigneur de, 79, 80 {see Gommer) Lucas, Simon Nicholas de, 1C2 M. Machabaeus, 20 Machida Hisanari, 214 284 INDEX. Maerlandt, Jacob van, 44 Mdnagier de Paris, 98 Mahmud ul Barchini, 193 Menino, Pero, 136 Maigny, Alexandre de, 64 Mercader, Matias, 131 Maisonneuve, 104 Mdrissant, Claude, 91 Malassis, Clement, 83 Merula, Paul, 44, 45 Malcolm, Sir John, 201 Meyer, B., 60 Malmesbury, William of, xiv Meyer de Alemana, Enrique, 119 Malopin, 75 Meyerberg, Baron, 185, 187, 190 Manceau {see Boissoudan) Michael VIIL, 183 Manfred, Prince, 50, 164, i 67, 168 Michehn, 75 Manzini, Cesare, 147 Milner, 3, 4, 12 Maplet, John, xxii, 10 MiUon, John, 25 Marco Polo, 160, 187, 201, 208 Mirabel, F. Marques de, 122 Marcucci, Olympio, 147 Mirza Taimur, 201 Marin, Antonio, 126 Moamus, or Mohamin, 66, 72, 181, Marin, Pedro, 131 205 Markham, Gervase, xxii, xxiii, 5> Modena, Francesco \. di, 153 6, 7, 8, 14, 28, 30, 33 Modus, le Roi, xi, xxii, 61, 64, 65, Marlow, Christopher, 25 94 Marnef, Enguilbert de, 75, 77,78 Molina, Argote de, 123, 136 Marriott, John, 18 Mohnari, 155 Marriot, Richard, 23 MoUen, Adrian, 55, 264, 265, 266 Marsden, William, 187, 202, 208 Monson, Sir Thomas, xvi, xxiii, 15 Marshe, Thomas, 9 16, 23, 250 Martial, 20, 179 Montbazon, le Due de, ']Z Martinez de Espinar, Alonso, xi. Moody, Edmund, xv xxvi, 126, 132 Moore, Richard, 18 Martino, 66 Mor, George, 167, 173, 174 MaruUi, Michaelo, 163 Morals, Claude de, xxv, 86, 87 Mary, Queen of Scots, 16, 242 Morales, Diego de, 130 Mascall, Leonard, 11 Morales, Juan Batista de, 136 Math, Ao 8 Morier, 201 Mauduyt, 93 Moroni, 155 Maxey, T., 23 Morozoff, 190 Maximilian I., 46, 54, 267 Mortara, Conte Alessandro, 137, Maxwell, Sir John, 261 151, 157, 158, 159 Mazzuchelli, Giammaria, [54 Morton, Earl of, 261 Mearne, Charles, 27 Mosca, Felice, 138 Medici, Lorenzo de, 139, 140, 151, Moto Fusa, 211 268, 269 Mourik, 264 Medices, Sebastian, 167 Muhammed Bin Abdullah, 204 Megietti, 142 Muhammed Khaniv, 200 Mellado, J. de P., 132 Muhammed Mustafa Kusuri, 200 Mello, Francisco de, 136 Muhib Ah, 199 Melun, Jean de, 63 Miiller, F. E., 188 INDEX. 285 Murteza, Nazmi Zadeh, 195 Mustafia, Adolfo, 118 Mynsinger, Heinrich, 57 N. Nancy, Mardchal de, 68 Nardo, Due de, 95, 162, 163, 172 Nardini, 155 Nash, Thomas, 20 Nasir, 200 Natolini, Giovanbattista, 148 Naumann, J. A., 53 Naumann, J. F., 53 Newcome, E. C, xvii, 38, 40, 42, 96, 257-260, 262 Newcome, WilUam, 96 Newton, Prof. A., xvi, xxiv, 39, 257, 258, 264 Neyret, Anthoine, 62 Nichols, John, 243 Nicot, Jean, 84 Niemeyer, 58, 115 Nieulant, B. C, 44 Nigiri Kobushi, 213 Nintoku (Emperor), 214 - Nodier, Charles, 93 Noirmont, Baron Dunoyer de, xxv, 11, 79. 94, 102, 109, no, 137,267 Norris, Henry, 244 Norris, T., 26 North, Lady, 246 Northcote, 270 Norton, John, 14 Nourry, Claude, 71 Nunez de Avendaiio, Pero, 1 19, 120 Nushirvan, 198 Nyverd, Guillaume, 68 O. Offenbach, P., 173 Oldenburg, Prince Alexander of, 189 Oldys, W., xxiii Olina, G. P., xxvi, 91, 150, 151, 268 Olive, Elizabeth, 14 Olive, Richard, 12, 14 Oppian, 179 Orange, Ernest, 107 Orford, Earl of, 36, yj, 38, 255-258 Orlandelli, 155 Orme, Edward, 37 Ortolan, J. L. E., 138 Osbaldiston, W. A., 34 Osborne, J., 31 Oswald, R., of Auchincruive, 262, 263 Oudsidono, 213 Overton, John, 26 Oxenford, Henry Earl of, 18 Pacius, J. E., xiv, 50, 51, i68 Pairault, 88 Palaeologus, Michael (Emperor), 181 Pallas, P., 55, 180, 187, 191, 192, 194 Palmyreno, Lorengo, 122 Paredes, Alfonso de, 135 Parsons, Edward, 36 Paston, John, 257 Patisson, M., 165 Pavoni, Guiseppe, 149 Paz y Melia, Antonio, 118 Peacham, H., 9, 19 Pell, Sir Antony, 249 Pells, John, 40, 262, 265 Pembroke, Herbert Earl of, 24 Pennant, Thomas, xxiii, 33, 52, 249 Percheron, Claude, 83 Perger, A. R. von, 57 Perin, M. le, 54 Perna, P., 162, 163 Perosina, G. de Cartolari, 144, 145 Perron, Cardinal du, 166 Petit, Jehan, 71 Pescioni, Andrea, 123 Peter the Great, 186 Petrarca, Francisco, 119 286 INDEX. Phoebus, Gaston, Comte de Foix, IZ, III, i66 Pharaon, Florian, 103,205 Philippe de Valois, T^ Philip II. of Spain, 98, 121, 123 Phillipps, Sir Thomas, 5 Phillips, Edward, 24 Phillips, E. C, 271 Phillott, D. C, 201, 272 " Philofalco," 80 " Philoierax," 80 Picard, Etienne, 104 Pichon, le Baron Jerome, 66, 79, 98, 100, 168, 269 Pichot, Pierre A., xxv, 17, 63, 96, 97, 102, 108, 153, 178, 207, 209, 212, 214, 261, 264, 266, 268 Pickering, W., 4 Pinkerton, 206 Pitcaim, Andrew, 250 Pithou, Pierre, 166 Pliny, 9, 20, 179 Pluche, Abbd la, 35 Poitiers, Diane de, 141 Pomey, F. A., xxii, 49, 59, 85, 86 Pompei, Girolamo, 156 Pontini, Giovanni, 154 Pontio, Pacifico, 147 Poole, Sir Henry, 24 Powell, William, 4 Pozzo, Cavalier dal, ijl Praetorius, J., 168 Prudhomme, 87 Ptolemy, no, 162, 175, 176 Puibusque, Adolphe de, 115, 123 Punonrostro, Conde de, 133 Purfoot, Thomas, 13 Puys, Jacques du, 76, ']^ Pay, P. du, 167 Quaritch, Bernard, 18, 44 Quinet, Gabriel, 86 R. Raddon, xvi, 247 Raimondi, Eugenio, xxvi, 143, 149, 150, 160 Rampore, the Nawab of, 272 Rangonnet, Aimar de, 83, 84 Randolph, Thomas, 12 Ranking, 187, 201 Raumer, 169 Ray, John, xxiii, 26, 27, 28, 32, 91 Raynouard, 109 Reed, W., 219 Reid, 36 Reinhardt, J,, 60 Renard, L., 132 Ren^, Francois, 83 Renodie, Sieur de la, 82 {see Saincte- Aulaire) Revest, Seigneur du, 80, 81 Reynolds, J. S., 270 Rezzonico, Lodovico, 154 Rhyn, Otto H. am, 58 Ricciardo, Francisco, 126 Richter, Emanuel, 178 Richter, Wolfgang, 173 Ridinger, J. E., 51, 52, 151, 267 Riesenthal, O. von, ix, xxiv, 58 Rieu, Dr., xi, 193, 194, 197, 199, 204 Rigault, N., xxvii, no, i66, 167, 175, 176, 182, 183, 205 Ritson, 13 Rizu KuH Mirza N. Ayaly, 197 Rode n burg, M. de, 266 Rodriquez, Jorge, 136 Rolland, Eugene, 104 Rolls, N., 28 Romagnoli, Gaetano, 159 Romanoflf, Feodor N., 190 Rompazetti, F., 138 Roretz, A. von, 215 Roscoe, WiUiam, 139, 268 Rosebery, Earl of, yj^ 252 Rossi, Angelo di, 151 Rouard, 85 INDEX. 287 Rowley, G. D., 42 Roycroft, S., 30 Rubruquis, William de, 208 Russel, George, 31 Rutland, Duke of, 36 S. (M.), 25 S. (T.), 5, 7, 14, 18 Sadler, Henry, xvi, 16, 242, 246, 251 Sadler, Sir Ralph, xv, xvi, 16, 241- 243, 246 Said Ibn Batrick, 203 Saincte-Aulaire, Frangois de, 82 Saincte- Lucie, Pierre de, 71, 72 Saint Marc, C. de, xxv, 105, 268 Sakourawi Goro, 209 Salerne, Francois, 90 Salicato, Altobello, 144 Salmondi^re, Moynet de la, 85 Salnove, Robert, 88 Salvin, F. H., xxiv, 40, 254, 260 Sancho VI. (el Sabio), xxvi, iii, 133 Sands, Sir Edwin, 9 Sanetomo, 209 Sanford and Scales, Lord, 18 Sangrain et Lamy, 92 Salo, Joann Pasquet de, 163 Sansovino, Francesco, 138 Sant-Fahagun, Juan de, 117, 118, 134 Santa Maria, Antonio de, 128 Sartorius, J. N., 32 Sartorius, Adam, 175 Sanz, Francisco, 128 Savine, A., 58 Savorgnano, Giacomo, 148 Scaliger, Julius, xxvii Scandianese, Tito Gio., 145 Scheffer, G., 177 Scheible, J., 56 Schlegel, H., ix, x, xii, xxv, 42, 44, 45, 47, 50, 54, 58, 61, 74, 75, 11^ 78, 79, 84, 86, 96, 97, 108, 122, 123, 128, 136, 144, 161, 188, 193, 202, 206, 209, 2 ID, 211, 266 Schmeller, J. A., 57 Schmidthauer, Andrea, 177 Schneider, J. G,, 144, 150, 168, 169, 179 Schomberg, 166 Schuszler, Johannes, 161 Schiitz, Carl H., 56 Scott, J., 32 Scolari, F., 155 Scorrigio, Lazaro, 149 Sebizius, Melchior, 48 Sebright, Sir John, xxiv, 38, 257,258 Selincourt, Jacques Esp^e de, 86 Selliere, Baron de, Z"^ Sementovski, 187 Sercy, Charles de, 86 Serd, Ferdinand, 64, 98 Sergent, Pierre, 75 Sertenas, Vincent, 65 Severski, Prince, 187 Seyffarth, F. C, 54, 55 Shakespeare, William, 25 Sharef ud Din Gardbli, 195 Shaw, George, 35 Shaw, Dr. Thomas, 206 Sheppart, W., 252 Shrewsbury, Earl of, 24, 248 Sid Mohamed el Mangali, xxviii, 103, 205 Simayosi Anko, 208, 209 Sims, Valentine, 5 Singer, George, 10 Skeat, Prof. Walter W., 19 Skelton, W., 269 Skerrey, 25 Sloet, Baron, 265 Smeaton, J., 29, 30 Smellie, 33 Smith, Rev. A. C, 254 Solatio, Caesare, 153 Solviucci, 155 Somerset, Duke of, 16, 241 Somervile, William, 9, 32 INDEX. Sonderland, J. B., 97 Tapp, Eberhard, xxii, xxiv, 47, 48, Sorel, M., 63 128, 164 Sotheby & Wilkinson, 8 Tardif, Guillaume, xiv, xxv, 66, 71, Souhart, R., ix, 'j'], 81, 85, 86, 90, 72, 75, 93, 164, 168, 181, 205 91,95, 105 Tebaldinus, Nicolas, 173 Sourbets, Georges, xxv, 105 268 Techener, 100 Soquand, Guichard, 74 Tegg, Thomas, 35 Spangenberg, H. G. von, 53 Tei Ka (Prince), 213 Spencer, Earl, 3 Tempesta, Antonio, 151, 268 Spenser, Edmund, xxiii, 13 Tenison, Abp., 27 Spezi, Giuseppe, xxvi, 158 Tentugal, Conde de, 136 Spiess, J. P., 173, 174 Theodoro, N., 205 Squarzoni, A., 155, 156 Theodotio, 46, no, 162, 175 St. Albans, Duke of, 250 Thienemann, 52 St. John, Major Oliver, 199, 201 Thienemann, F. A., 55 Stagg, J., 32 Thompson, R., 42, 202, 272 Stanley, P., 36 Thornton, Col. Thomas, xvii, xxiv, Steinach, H. J., 177 17, 36, yj, 38, 252, 255, 257 Steiner, Heinrich, 47 Thorold, Sir John, 31 Stephen, R., 165 Thou, J. A. de, xxvi, xxvii, 165, Stevens, Charles, 13 166, 175 Stevenson, Henry, 39, 246 Thuanus, J. A. de, xxvi, 165, 166, Stevenson, M., xxii, 25 175 Stockdale, 202 Tingu (Empress), 214 Stockum, W. P. van, 96 Tirabosco, Antonio, 155 " Stonehenge," 43 Tirabosco, Catterina, 155 Stoney, F. S., 243 Tite, W., 269 Stourton, Lord, 254 Titian, 269 Stradanus, Jan, 268 Tolstoi, Count, 190 Strahlenberg, Philip John von, 191, Tonerino Sinwo, 209 192, 208 Tooke, John, 1 5 Strutt, Joseph, 35 Topham, Edward, 32 Stuart Wortley, C., 96, 258, 265 Topsell, E., 164 Sturm, 53 Torelli, Giuseppe, 156 Sundby, 138 Tostado de Madrigal, Alonzo, 120, Surflet, Richard, 13, it, i6r 123 Tottell, Richard, 3 Susemihl, J. C., 54 Swan, James, 36 Toye, Robert, 3 Swan, John, xxii, 21 Trautmansdorf, Prince, 55, 26^ Symmachus, 46, no, 162, i 75 Trepperel, Jehan, 65, 72, ^-^^ Trewman, 35 T. Tristram, Sir, 15 Tab, Henry, 4 Tristram, H. B., 206 Tamariz de la Escalera, F., 128 Tuano, J. A., xxvi, 146, 153 {^see Tancarville, Vicomte de, 63 Thou) INDEX. 289 Turbervile, George, xiv, xxiii, xxvi, 12, 13,26,30,43,72, 143 Turner, C, 34 Tyssen Amherst, W., 44 u. Uhagon, Francisco R. de, ix, 117, 119, 121,133, 134 V. Valles, Mossen Johan, 120 Valori, Niccolo, 140 Valvasone, Erasmo di, 147 Van Breughel, C, 206 Van der Duyse, P., 98 Vandyck, xvi, 248 Van Voorst, John, 40, 41, 43 Vasquez, Pablo Antonio, 128 Vaultier, Francois, 81 Velasco, Juan Fernandez de, 133 Velasquez de Tovar, Alonso, 119 Vele, Abraham, 4 Vendenheym, H. J, W. von, 248 Ventura, Valerio, 152 Verard, Anthoine, 67, 71, 72, ^i Verini, Michaelo, 140 Vernon, 36 Vicenza, Duke of, 54 Villalta, R., 132 Villamena, 151 VioUet-le-Duc, xxv, 246 Vriendt, Franz de, 264 {see Floris) W. W., Sir A., xvi, xxiii, 22, 23 Walen, James, 254 Waley, John, 4 Walton, Izaak, 23, 243 Warton, Thomas, xxiii, 52 Warwick, Ambrose Earl of, 12, 13 Watkins, Richard, 165 Watson, Lieut.-Col. H., 273 Wei Yen Chin, 207 Weldon, Sir Anthony, xvi, xxiii, 22, 23 Wenman, Sir Richard, 31 Westphalia, Johannes de, 161 Westwood & Satchell, 8 White, Edward, 1 1 Wiersbitzki, 42, 54, 202 Wilkin, Simon, xxvii, 27 William III. of Holland, 97 William V., Prince of Orange, 265 Wilson, Col, 38, 257, 258 Willoughbyd'Eresby, Lord, 96 Willughby, Francis, 27, 32 Woborzil, J. W. von, 55 Wodehouse, Thornton, yj, 255, 256 Wolf, Joseph, 40, 43, 54, 97, 100,255 Wolfe, John, 1 1 Wolsey, Cardinal, 243 Wright, John, 22 Wulverhorst, A. H. V. van, 45, 97, 266 Wurmser V. Vendenheym, H. J., 248 Wurtemburg, Lewis Duke of, 248 Wynkyn de Worde, 2, 3 X. Xibaja, Joseph de, 130 Yarrell, W., xxiii Yule, Col. H., 201, 208, 209 Z. Zambrini, Francesco, xxvi, 158, 159 Zevschin.V., 186 Zuniga y Sotomayor, Fadrique de, 117, 119, 121,122, 134 PRINTED BV nAM.ANTVNF, HANSON AND CO. LONDON AND EDINBURGH OTHER WORKS ON Falconry and Field Sports ISSUED BY Bernard Quaritch, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Ifalconr^. BERT'S TREATISE OF HAWKS AND HAWKING. For the first time reprinted from the Original of 16x9. With an Introduction by J. E. Harting. Sm. 4to, Roxburghe. 1891. Price J[^\ IS. The author, an experienced falconer, lived at Collier Row, near Romford. Of this rare Treatise only 100 copies have been printed ; very few remain for sale. A PERFECT BOOKE FOR KEPINGE OF SPARHAWKES OR GOSHAWKES. Written about 1575. Now first printed from the Original MS. on vellum. With Introduction and Glossary by J. E. Harting. Sm. 4to, Roxburghe. 1886. Price ;£i is. " One great merit which the present treatise possesses is that it is perfect, and not a mere fragment like some of the MSS. before noticed. ... It is here printed for the first time verbaiim et literatim, and a facsimile page is given (p. 34) to show the character of the handwriting. . . It evidently embodies the result of the author's personal experience. " — Editor's iNTRODtJCTlON, p. xxx. Salmon ant) Zvoxxt iftebinG. BRITISH SALMONID/E: Comprising 12 large and splendidly coloured plates of Salmon and Trout, with letterpress description by the late Sir Wm. Jardine, Bart. With three beautiful vignettes. Atlas folio. 1839-41. Price ;^8 8s. This fine series of coloured plates was privately printed at the expense of Sir William Jardine. Each plate has a charming background of some delightful bit of Scotch scenery. Most of the figures are of the size of life. LIST OF PLATES. Salmo Salar. Young or Grilse, Male. No. i. Solway Firth. Salmo Salar? Young or Grilse, Male. No. 2. River Tweed. Salmo albus of Dr. Fleming. Herling of the Solway. Young states of migratory Trout. Salmo ferox. Great Lake Trout. Male, No. 2. Loch Layghal. Salmo fario. Lacustrine varieties. No. 1. Lochs in Assynt, Sutherlandshire. 2. Loch- awe, Argyleshire. Coregonus Willughbii. Vendace or Loch- maben Coregonus. Castle Loch, Loch- maben, Dumfriesshire. Salmo Salar Adult Male in breeding state. River Annan. Salmo Salar. Young or Grilse Male. Solway Firth. 9. Salmo trutta. Sea Trout. 10. Sea Trout of the Solway. Salmo trutta. Solway Firth. Nos. 1 and 2. 1. Salmo trutta. Young of 15 months, bred in Mr. Shaw's ponds. 2. (Young states of migratory Trout. River Annan. 3. Young states of migratory Trout. Solway Firth. Salmo fario. Lacustrine varieties. Loch Skene, Dumfriesshire. Vignettes. Stake Nets on the Solway Firth. Tweed Salmon-Flies in use about the year 1780. Woodcut. Poke Nets on the Solway Firth. Young states of S. trutta from Mr. Shaw's ponds. Coloured. Ibunting, IRacing, ac HORSES AND EQUITATION: A Bibliographical Record of Hippology. By F. H. HuTH. Sm. 4to, half vellum. 1887. Price The Bibliography is arranged chronologically, and extends from p. i to p. 314 ; the Index to Names of Authors to p. 372 ; the Index to Works on Horses comprises sub- divisions : Breeding — Equitation and Stable Management — Shoes and Shoeing — Harness, Bits, Bitting — Driving — Racing — Cavalry — Veterinary — The Chase — Laws relating to Warranty, &c. The earliest English book on Racing here mentioned is one by Gervase Mark- HAM, entitled *' How to choose, ride, traine, and dyet both Hunting and Running Horses." It at first formed part of his " Discourse of Horsemanship," 1593, but in 1596 was separately printed under the title just quoted. In all, 143 books on Racing are here noticed. The works on the Chase mentioned in this Bibliography are 122 in number, and date from the time of Guillaume Twici, huntsman to Edward II. in 1307, down to the Dressage du Cheval de Chasse published in 1886. BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. T" .1 LUAN PERIOD 1 ^ - HOM E USE 4 FORM NO. DD 6, 40m 10 ' 77 UNIV fcKSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY " BERKELEY. CA 94720 f )0 043J4 / GENERAL LIBRARY • U.C. BERKELEY BQDO'iMasaa 894985 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY .^^"^