3 1822 00147 8510 LIBRARY UN.v;;s:TY OF CaL:FORNIA SAN DIEGO J Äp- i .ilr^ Hb zffl * UNlVEBSm OF C«UFO«NU SAN Dllj.O 3 1822 00147 8510 psn^ DATE DUE DEC 2 1 1982 . MAR tì 3 199^ rro A /i Qß?n rtB U J nCM«» 1 1 \ --«». f . 1 - — ^ % 1 f K, v.. /fé' c^ DCMCO NO. 38 298 THE NATIONAL MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Vol. II. — K TO Z. THE NATIONAL MEDICAL DICTIONARY: INCLUDING ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, AND LATIN TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN MEDICINE AND THE COLLATERAL SCIENCES, AND A SERIES OF TABLES OF USEFUL DATA. BY JOHN S.lßILLIN.GS. A.M.. M.D.. LL.D., Ediii. and Han .. D.C.L. O.xon., MKMBEK OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, SURGEON U.S.A., ETC., ETC. WITH THE COLLABORATION OF W. O. ATWATER, FRANK BAKER, M. D., S. M. BURNETT, M. D., W. T. COUNCILMAN, M. D., JAMES M. FLINT, M. D., J. H. KIDDER, M. D., WILLIAM LEE, M. D., R. LORINI, M. D., WASHINGTON MATTHEWS, M.D., C. S. MINOT, M. D., H. C. YARROW, M. D. Vol. II. — K TO Z. PHILADELPHIA: LEA BROTHERS & CO. 1890. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1889, by LEA BROTHERS A CO., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. All rights reserved. ■WICSTCOTT A THOUSON. WILLIAM J. DORNAN, S(ereol!/per.< and EUctrotypers, Fhilada. frinler, PInlada. M b \ V e^."^ '\J' ^ DICTIONARY OF MEDICAL TERMS K. K KAI K. 1. Chemical symbol for kalium := potassium. 2. Sign of the first nodal point. K'. Sign of the second nodal point. Ka., abbv. for Kathode. Kaate. Acacia Cateclui, L. Kachektisch (a?]. Growth of cuta- neous horn. Ker'atin. F. kératine; G. HornstoflT; /. cheratina. Name given to that constit- uent of horns and (juills which remains .undissolved after digestion in pepsin and dilute hydrochloric acid. This residue is soluble in alkalies, but insoluble in acids, and is used for coating pills not intended for solution in the stomach, but to be dis- solved by alkaline intestinal fluids. Kératinien, enne (F.). Relating to keratin, cornea, or horny tissue. Kératinisation (F.). 1. The chemical and physical change in epidermic cells as they become superficial and pre.ssed to- gether. 2. Operation of coating pills with keratin. Kerati'tis [z/oa^]. F. kératite ; G. Hornhautentzündung; 7. cheratite. In- flammation of the cornea. Its principal forms are — difl"use, bullous, fascicular, neuro-paralytic (5th pair of nerves), pa- renchymatous (interstitial), phlyctenular, punctate, purulent, superficial, syphilitic, traumatic. K. dendrit'ica, form in which the opacities arc branched like limbs of a tree. K. dendrit'ica exul'cerans my- cot'ica, ulcerative keratitis, producing 8 KER KER branched t'uriDw.s aiitl coiitaiiiiiig bacteria [Emnicrt]. K. fasciculo 'sa, form ob- served in serof'ulüus children ; two fascic- uli of enlarged vessels extend upon cornea in hiirizontal meridian. Ker'ato- [z//<'/v-]. For words thus be- ginniiiir, imt found liere. see under Cerato-. Kerato-arjrtenoi'deus. A very rare muscular bundle arising from posterior surface of inferior horn of thyroid carti- lage, and inserted upon lateral surface of arytenoid cartilage. Ker'atocele [^V',] /'. kératocèle ; G. Hornhautbruch ; /. cberatucele. Hernia of inner layer of cornea tlirough an ulcer of the external surface. Kerato-chromato'sis. Abrujrmal col- oration in outer layers of skin. Kerato-conjunctivi'tis. Keratitis with conjunctivitis. Keratoconom'eter \_y.:(«/«>-]. /. cheratocono. Conical cornea. Kerato-cri'coid lig'aments : see Crico- tiiijroul h'(jni)niilg, Kerato-cri'coid mus'cle. L. kerato- cricoideus. Small muscle sometimes found arising from cricoid cartilage near its lower border, and inserted into inferior cornu of thyroid cartilage [Merkel]. Kerato-cricoi'deus. Crico-thyroideus posticus. Ker'atode [rìòoi-]. Horny, resembling horn. Keratoder'ma [ò//>,aa]. Cornea. Keratog'enous [;i-twdia\. F. kératogène. Forming horn or horny tissue. K. mem'- brane. G. Keimsehieht des Nagels. Layer of cells from which nails are developed, cor- responding to rete mucosum. Kerato-glo'bus. Abnormal form of cornea in which it assumes a globular shape, generally due to inflammation of cornea and neighboring parts of eyeball. Keratohy'alin [xi/ìai, oa).nui']. Excision of a portion of the cornea. Kerectono'ma congen'itum [v. Am- mon]. Persistent pupillary membrane. Ke'rion nr Ke'rium [z';,".''"^]. Tinea favosa. K. Cel'si, form of inflammation and engorgement of hair-follicles of scalp, usually due to herpes tonsurans. Kerkerfieber (G.). Typhus fever. Ker'mes \_Ar. kirmiz]. F. kermes ani- mal ; /. chermes animale. Chermes, ai- kermes ; dried, fully-developed females of Cocchi: {h'cis, Fabr. ; yield.s a red dye. K., min'eral. F. kermes minéral ; G. mine- ralischer Kermes ; 1. chermes minerale. Antimony oxysulphuret. Kermesbeere ( G.). Phytolacca. KermesbeerenwTirzel (G.). Phyto- lacca-root. Kern (C). Nucleus; — achse, modi- olus; — artig, nuclear; — bläschen or — blase, nucleus vesicle; — blatt, lamina medullaris involuta; — bogen, nuclear zone; — chen, nucleolus; — epithel, germ-epithelium; — faden, nuclear fibre; — farbemittel, nucleus-staining aucnt ; — färbung, nucleus-staining; — faser, nu- clear fibre ; — fassrgesch-wnlst, fibro-nu- cleated tumor; — fleck [Hering], point of sharpest vision on the retina ; — förmig, nuclear ; — gehause, core : — gerüst, net- work of fine fibres in nucleus ; — geschwür, ulcer with a core, carbuncle; — haltig, nucleated ; — körper or — körper- chen, nucleolus; — kugel, nucleus-glob- ule; — los, without a nucleus; — mem- bran, nuclear membrane; — plasmakör- per, microsomata ; — platte, accumulation of chromatine fragments at centre of nu- clear spindle during indirect division ; — saft, fluid matter of nucleus ; hyaloplasma of nucleus; — separation, first stage of formation of cataract ; — spindel, spindle- shaped figure formed through centre of nu- cleus in karyokinesis ; — staar, nuclear cataract; — stränge, gray columns of spinal cord; — Substanz, nuclear sub- stance; — Ursprung, nuclear or central origin (of a nervej ; — wncherung, nu- clear proliferation; — zone, nuclear zone. Kemenzerfall (G.). Karyolysis. Kemfläche des Sehraumes [Hering] {G.). F. surface centrale de l'espace vis- uel. A plane or slightly concave cylindri- cal surface passed through apparent place of the fixation-point and perpendicular to plane of regard. In it are localized all lines or points seen single or with only ver- tical disparation (Längsdisparate), when no motive exists for their localization except primitive spatial feeling of the eyes. Ob- jects seen in homonymous double images appear behind it ; those in heteronymous double images before it. Kernpunkt or Kemstelle des Seh- raumes (6-'.). Apparent point in space to which are referred impressions upon the two Kenißerke or centres of clearest vision of the retins ; apparent place of fixation- point. Kemtheilung (G.). Xuclear division. In ciinip(i,>itiun Kemtheilungs, as, — ebene, plane of division of nucleus ; — figuren, karyokinetic figures. Ker'oid [^/.épaç, ijrîok-]. Like the cornea. Ker'osene. ^lixture of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum. Ker'osis [zTj/xif]. Waxy formation. Ke'tone. Name of class of generally volatile litjuids, products of first stage of oxidation of secondary alcohols, and corre- sponding to aldehj'des, similar derivatives of the primary alcohols. Kettenkokken or Kettenkokkus (G.). .Streptococcus. Kettensäge (G.). Chain saw. Ketten wurm fC). Ttriiia solium. Keuchhusten ( G.). Keule fr'.). Clava. Keulenförmig (G.). sha])ed. Key of Garengeot. for e.xtracting teeth, composed of a mov- able hook attached to fulcrum or '■ bol- ster," steel shaft, and handle. Khajoolee. Name applied in India to a disease analogous to pityriasis, afiecting the mane and tail of the horse. Whooping cough. Clavellate, club- Key instrument 10 KIB KIN Kib'bee's fever cot. Inclia-iubbor culcl- water bed for reducing temperature in fever. Kibe. Cliaii, ulcerated chilblain. Kidin'ga pe'po. African name of a disease, probably dengue. Kid'ney [J/(V/. E. kidnere]. L. ren ; /'. rein; G. ^siere ; /. rene. One of two paired glandular organs serving for elaboration of »irine. and situated in the abdomen on either side of last dorsal and first two lumbar ver- tebra:. K., float'ing or mo'vable : see F/oatiiii/ kidnc)/. K., sur'gical, kidney disease following disease or wounds of blad- der, prostate, or urethra. Kiefer {G.). 1. Jaw. 2. Pine; — bad, pine-needle bath; — bogen, mandibular arch; — driisen, submasillary glands; — drüsenarterie, submaxillary artery ; — ganglion, subma.xilhiry ganglion; — ge- lenk, tcmporo-maxillary articulation ; — höhle, antrum of Higbmore ; — keü- beingTube, spheno-maxillary fossa ; — klemme, lockjaw ; — knoten, submaxil- lary ganglion; — leiden, disease of max- illa; — leiste, maxillary ridge; — mus- kel, masseter ; — muskel, zrweibäuch- iger, digastric muscle ; — muskelnerv, masseteric nerve; — nadelöl, fir- wool oil ; — pulsader or — Schlagader, masseteric artery; — sarkom, maxillary sarcoma; — spalte, maxillary fissure; that part of hare-lip that involves the bone ; — vene, innere, maxillary vein, internal ; — ■wall, maxillary ridge ; — zungenbeinmuskel, mylo-hyoid muscle ; — zungenbeinnerv or — zungenbeinmuskelnerv, mylo- hyoid nerve. Kielkrone ((?■)■ Calotropis. Eliemen ( G.). Gills ; — arterien, aortic arches ; — bogen, branchial arches ; — deckelfortsatz, process growing back- ward from hyoid arch over sinus cervicalis of the embryo ; — fistel, fistula due to non- closure of branchial arches; — furchen, furrows occurring in the embryo where the branchial clefts are to form ; — spalte, branchial cleft. Kiesel ( C). Silicon ; — guhr, diato- maceous earth which, after destruction of organic matter by heat, is used as an ab- sorbent powder ; — säure or — saures Salz, silicate. Kies'teine or Kies'tin. Kyestein. Elil'ian's pel'vis. llalisteretic pelvis. KUI-lamb. Amironicdd Miirldna, L. KU'ogrram. /'. kilogramme ; G. Kilo- gramm ; /. chilogrammo. French weight ::= 1000 grammes. Ki'na ki'na. Cinchona. Kinsesthe'sia \y.:yi'' ;/)«-£ t«]. F. kiné- sithérapie. Treatment lij- movement. Kinesod'ic [/.ivr^Tjc, û()oi\. F. kinésud- ique ; G. kinesodisch. Conveying motor impressions or impulses. Kinet'ic [ztKi'iu]. i/. eineticus. Motor; producing or involving motion. King's e'vil. Scrofula. King's yel'low. Orpiment. Kingston Springs. Sulphuretted and chalybeate waters, Ivingston Springs, Cheat- ham Co., Tennessee. Kin'ic ac'id. CjHijOe. F. acide kin- ique ; /. acido chinieo. Crystallizable acid existing in combination with alkaloids in cinchona-bark ; found also in many other plants. Kink'cough. Whooping cough. Kinn (G.). Chin; — condylialdrei- eck, niento-condylial triangle ; — coronial- dreieck, mento-coronial triangle ; — flech- te, mentagra ; — gonialdreieck, mento- gouial triangle ; — lade, jaw ; — ladenast, ramus of jaw; — lippenftirche, mento- labial furrow ; — lippenlinie, niento-labial line ; — pulsader or — Schlagader, men- tal artery ; — punkt, mental point ; — zitzenspitzendreieck, mento-mastoid tri- angle ; — zungenbeinmuskel, genio-hy- oid ; — znngeninuskel, genio-glossus. Kinnbacken (6'.). Maxilla ; — druse, submaxillary irland ; — gicht, maxillary arthritis ; — krampf, lockjaw, trismus; — zahn, molar tooth ; — zwang, lockjaw. Eannikinnick'. Swamp dogwood, Cor- )ius .•ii'riceu. L. Ki'no. /. chino. Inspissated juice of Pterocarpiis Mdmnpinm, Roxb. [U. S. P.]. Malabar kino, P^ast India kino ; astringent : see also African, Aiixtraiidii, Bejigdl, ßof- any Buy, East India, Gambia, Jamaica, Malabar, South American, and West India kino. Ki'no Bengalen'sis ( L.) [P. Ind.]. Bengal kino. Ki'no-red. C..,hH.j,Oii. Amorphous red coloring matter obtained from kino. Ki'no-tan'nic ac'id. F. acide kino- tannicjue ; /. acido chinotannico. Variety of tannic acid, the chief constituent of kino ; gives a greenish-black precipitate with salts of iron. Kino'vic ac'id. Cj^HssOj. F. acide kinovique ; /. acido chinovico. Crystalliz- able acid product of decomposition of ki- novin by hydrochloric acid gas ; recom- mended as a safe and efficient tonic. Kin'ovin or Quin'ovin. CjoH^bO». F. kinovine ; I. chinovina. Amorphous, very bitter glucoside existing in cinchona-bark ; may be decomposed into kinovic acid and mannitau ; said to have no febrifuge vir- tues. Kionorrhaph'ia [xùu^, paçrj'^. Sta- phylorrhaphy. Ki'otome [z!'(u>. ro.ajj]. Instrument for dividing abnormal bands in the rectum or bladder or for removal of the uvula, etc., consists of a movable blade in a deeply- notched flat metallic sheath. Elirrhon'osis or Kirron'osis [z;/)/î«ç, vôffiiç]. Yellow discoloration of serous membranes of foetus. Kirsch. G. Kirschwasser. Distilled liquor having flavor of bitter almonds, due to addition of seeds of cherries or plums before fermentation. Kirsche (G.). Cherry. In composi- tion Kirsch, as, — lorbeer, cherry-laurel ; — lorbeerblätter, cherry-laurel leaves ; — lorbeerwasser, cherry-laurel water ; — ■wasser, kirsch. Kirschnemaht ( G.). Glover's suture. Kis'singen. Celebrated watering-place in lîavaria, near Würzburg; saline waters; principal spring, the Rakoczy. Kis'totome. Cystotome. Kite-tail plug. F. tampon en queue de cerf-volant. Tampon used in uterine hasmorrhage, consisting of a long .strand on which pieces of cotton or cloth are tied at intervals. , Kittsubstanz (G.). Intercellular con- necting material if in .small quantity ; if its mass is greater than that of cells, it is called (xrundsubstanz.. Kitzel (G.). Tickling, titillation; — husten, tickling cough. Kitzeln (G.). To tickle, to titillate. Kitzler {G.). Clitoris ; — arterie, dor- sal artery of clitoris ; — bändchen, fre- nulum of clitoris; — entzündung, inflam- mation <]f clitoris. Ki'wisch's meth'od. Injecting hot water into vagina for induction of prema- ture labor. Klänge (G.). Musical sounds. Klammer ( G.). Clamp ; — naht, clamp suture. 12 KLA KLO Klampe (G.). Clamp. Klang {G.). Continued sound, a mix- ture of tones ; — farbe, timbre, peculiarity of tone iu which one form of instrument differs from another, as a violin from a flute, when sounding same note. Klangstab der Rautengrube (G.). Stria^ ;icustic;v;. Klappe {G. y Valve. Often in com- position as Klapp, as, — deckel, opercu- lum. Also as Klappen, as, — aneurys- ma, aneurism of valves; — entzündung, inflammation of valves; — erkrankung, valvular disease ; — fehler, valvular de- fect ; — hœmatom, small effusions of blood in apices of cardiac valves, espe- cially bicuspid valves in young children ; — fa-ankheit or — leiden, valvular dis- ease ; — missbildung, malformation of valves ; — perforation, perforation of valves ; — saum, region on an auriculo- ventrieular valve between the insertion of chord;« tendinea; of first and second orders ; — segel, segment of valve ; — töne, valv- ular sounds ; — verdickung, thickening of valves ; — verknöcherung, ossification of valves; — Verkürzung, shortening of valves; — verschrumpfung, valvular re- traction or crumpling ; — Verwachsung, growing together of valves ; — ■wnlst, commissura brevis of cerebelluni ; — zip- fel, segment of valve. Klapperrose or Klatschrose (C). Red pojipy. Klaue des Ammonshoms (ia]. Klepto- mania. Klopémanie (.f-)- Kleptomania. EQopfen (&'•)■ Knocking, palpitation. Klosetrohr (G.). Soil-jiipe. KHumpfiiss (G.). Talipes, clubfoot. Kluraphand {G.). Club-hand, a con- genital deformity of hand. Klumpig (G.). Grumous, clotted. Klystier (G.). Clyster, enema; — spritze, syringe. KJnabenschänderei or Knabenschän- dung {G.) Pederasty. Knacken (G^.). Cracking, crepitation. Knäuel or Knäuel (G.). Convolution, skein ; applied by Fleiuniing to stage of nucleus during indirect division, in which the fibrill» are much contorted ; — druse, modified sweat-gland near edge of eyelid ; — förmig, skein-like, convoluted ; — schicht, glomerular layer ; — zellen, seminal cells. EZnap'kneed. Affected with genu varum. Ejiarren ( &'.). Crepitation, crackling. Knead'ing. jp. pétrissage; G. Kneten. Forra uf massage applied by rubbing and pressing a part with extremities of fingers or thumb or with palm of hand. Knebelbart (G.). Moustache. Knebeltoumiquet (CV Simple form of tourniquet, composed of compress and bandage tightened by twisting with a stick. Knee. L. genu ; F. genou ; G. Knie ; /. ginocchio. Region where thigh and leg join. Applied also to structures bent with reference to each other, like the knee when the leg is flexed. Knee of cor'ptis callo'sum. G. Bal- kenknie. Bend where it is deflected down- ward in front. Knee of fa'cial nerve. L. genu nervi facialis ; F. genou, or coude, du nerf facial ; G. Facialisknie. 1. Abrupt bend made in that nerve through the Fallopian canal. 2. Bend around abducens nucleus made by the fibres of origin of facial nerve. Knee of inter'nal cap'sule. L. genu capsulae internas; F. genou de la capsule interne ; G. Knie der inneren Kapsel. Bend between the portion separating the lenticu- lar nucleus from the optic thalamus, and that separating it from caudate nucleus, as seen in a section of the brain. Knee-clo'nus. Knee-jerk. Knee-el'bow posi'tion or pos'ture. Genu-peetoral position. KJaee-hol'ly. Huscus uciilea/us. L. Knee-jerk. Upward jerk of leg and foot produced by striking patellar tendcju while leg hangs loosely over a rest, as the opposite knee. Knee-joint. L. articulatio genu ; F. articulation du genou ; G. Kniegelenk ; /. ginocchio. The articulation between femur and tibia, in which the patella also takes part. Knee-pan. Patella, Knee-reflex. Knee-jerk, Kneipen (ç, paiprj']. Operation for relief of prolapse of uterus by suture of part of surfaces of labia majora. Kolpoecpeta'sis [hizerdwo/ii]. Dilata- tion of vagina. Kolpohysterec'tomy \_ôaTépa, èxri/x- viuj. Operation for removal of uterus through vagina. Kolpoparovariocystot'omy. Excision of cystic tumor of parovarium through the vagina. Kolpo-perineoplas'ty. Colpo-perineor- rha]ihy. Kolpostenot'omy [«t^i^wç, t'///'«]. Cut- ting operation for vaginal atresia or stric- ture. Kolpo - ure'tero - cystot'omy. Boze- man's term for an ojieration for exposing the orifices of the ureters in the female bladder. Kolto or Koltun. Plica. Kometenpupüle (G.). Coloboma of iris. Komma-bacülus (G.). Cholera ba- cillu.s. Kommissur (). EJiischkrankheit (G.). Chronic dis- ease of bones in horses, osteomalacia, due to excessive u.se of beans in food. BÓTigathmen (G.). Amphoric respi- ration. Krugstimme (G.). Amphoric voice. Krumm ( ''/.). Crooked, curved, bent ; — beinig iir — füssig, bow-legged; — darm, ileum ; — darmentzündung, ilei- tis ; — darmgicht, colic ; — holzöl, oleum templinum. Kruste ( '''-'.). Crust, scab. In compo- sition Krusten, as, — flechte, impetigo ; — mann, porcupine-man, one with ich- thyosis cornea. Kryptophan'ic ac'id. G. Krytophan- saurc. Sujiixjscd by Thudichum to be nor- mal free acid of urine ; probably a variable compound. Kryptor'chia. Cryptorchia. EZryptorchismus (G.). Cryptorchi- dism. Krystallähnlich (G.). Crystalloid. Krystallfeuchtigkeit (G.). Crystal- line humor. Krystallfriesel (G.). Miliary fever. Krystallin (&'.). Crystallin. KrystalUinse (./.ói\. F. kyllose. De- forniitv of the foot. Ky'mograph [/"i//'/. yiìà]. Instrument for measuring the bladder. Kystoplegie (G.). Cystoplegia. Kystoptose (F.). Spontaneous rupture of cysts. Kystospasmus (G.). Spasm of the bhidder. Kys'totome [zv<7T!<-, rap.r^']. 1. Cysto- tonie. 2. F. kystitome. Cystitome. Kystot'omy. Cystotomy. L. L., abbv. for Left. Laab or Lab (G.). Rennet; — drü- sen, cardiac or peptic glands ; — essenz, rennet wine; — ferment, the substance produced in the stomach which coagulates casein; rennet; — magen, abomasum or fourth stomach of ruminants; — zelle, peptic cell. Labarraque's solu'tion. F. solution de Labarraque ; (r'. Lal)avrai|ue'sche Solu- tion ; /. aci(ua or liquore di Labarraque. Solution of chlorinated .soda. Labbra (/.). Lips. L. (grandi), labia majora. L. (piccole), nyniphœ. L. della vulva, labia pudendi. Labbro g-lenoideo (/). Glenoid lig- ament. Labbro leporino (/.). Hare-lip. Labdacis'mus (L.). Lambdacismus. Lab'danum (L-)- A resinous exuda- tion of Cistiis creflciift, L., and of other spe- cies of C. ; used in plasters and fumiga- tions. Laben (G.). To curdle with rennet. Laberintico (/.). Relating to the labyrinth. Labyrinth. 1. Attack, pest. 2. Laberinto (/.). La'bes (L.). Macula. La'bia ( L.). pi. if Labium, lips. L. cer'ebri, lower margins of gyri fornicati of the brain. L. of kid'ney, the two margins of the hilum. L. majo'ra. L. grandes lèvres ; G. grosse Schamlippen ; /. grandi labbra. Two folds of skin extend- ing from mons veneris to perineum on either side the rima pudendi. L. mino'ra, nymphi«. L. puden'di exter'na, labia majora. L. puden'di inter'na or mino'- ra, nymphas. L. of u'terus, margins of OS externum projecting into vagina. La'bial. L. labialis; /. labiale. Per- taining to the lips ; used substantively in F. for orbicularis oris and depressor alaj nasi [Chaussier]. L. ar'teries. X. arteriœ labiales; G. Unterlippenarterien; /. arterie labiali. Branches from facial to upper and lower lips. L. glands, racemose glands of inner surface of lips. L. line. L. linea labialis ; F. trait labial ; G. Lippenzug. A furrow commencing at angle of lips, and lost at lower part of face : see Jiu/ciof's /incx. L. nerves, supe'rior. L. nervi labiales superiores. Terminal branches of infraorbital nerve supplying upper lip. L. veins, tributaries of facial vein. Labiale ("/.). Labial. Labia'lis ( L.). Labial ; orbicularis oris. Labidom'eter or Labim'eter [/.'//ÎîV, p.izfiir^'^. /'. labimètre ; 6-'. Zangenmesser : / labimetro. An instrument for measur- ing the distance between the handles of an obstetrical forceps, when applied, so as to 24 LAB — LAC determine tlie dimensions of the child's head. Labil'ity [labilis]. The propert}- of beinir easily decomposed, as opposed to stability. Labio fisso or L. leporino {L). Hare- lip. Labirintico (/.). Kelatinjr to the laby- rinth. Labirinto (/.). Labyrinth. La'bis ( L.) [/.«,5;V] Forcep-s. Lab'itome [rr//;.r,]. /. labitomu. Cut- ting; forceps used in destruction of the foetus. La'bium ( L.). pi. Labia, lip. L. lepori'num, hare-lip. L. tympan'icum and L. vestibula're, the lower and upper edges of the spiral groove of the cochlea ; one ne.xt the scala tyuipani, the other next the scala vestibuli. La'bor. L. partus ; F. travail ; G. Ent- bindung ; /. parto. The process of expul- sion fnmi the uterus of the child and its appendages. L., dry : see Dry hilxjr ; also form in which the sac ruptures premature- ly; the parts are dry. and the process lin- gers in the later stages. L., mis'sed, re- tention of the fœtus in the uterus beyond the usual term. L.-pains, pains produced by contractions of the gravid uterus. L., sta'ges of, periods of dilatation of os uteri, of expulsion of child, and of expulsion of after-birth. Lab'oratory. L. laboratorium ; F. laboratoire ; /. laboratorio. A place fitted for scientific research. Labo'rious. L. laboriosus; F. laborieux, euse ; G. schwierig; /. laborioso. Difiicult, accomplished with effort. La Bourboule. Celebrated thermal springs, in the Itépartement du Puy-de- Donu'. Fr;uii'i'. La'bra glenoi'dea (/<■)• Oleuoid fossa. Lab'rador tea. Ledum ialifolium, Ait. Labrisiil'cium {L.). Fissure of the lip. Labro leporino (/.). Hare-lip. La'brum (L.). Brim. L. acetab'uli, cotylnid liirament. L. glenoidale nr glenoi'deum, glenoid ligament. Labur'num (2y.). Cyiisti.s Lnburnum, h. Lab'yrinth. L. labyrinthus; Z"". laby- rinthe; /. laberinto. 1. The internal por- tion of the auditory apparatus, consist- ing of passages hollowed out within the thickest part of the petrous portion of the temporal bono (osseous 1.) and the mem- branous tubes therein enclosed (membran- ous 1.). The passages are distin•)■ Fim- briie of Fallopian tube. Lacin'iated. L. laciniatus ; F. lacinie, ée ; G. ausgezackt ; /. laciniato. Jagged, fringed. Laciniure (F.). 1. A small fissure. 2. A narrow strip of adhesive plaster or simi- lar substance. Lacis {F.). Plexus. Lack ((?.). Lac. Lackmus (G.). Litmus. Lac'mus {L.^. Litmus. Lacon'icum (i.). Sweating-room, va- por-bath. Lac'rima, Lac'ryma, and derivatives: see under Ldcliryiiin, etc. Lacrymal {F.). Lachrymal. Lacrsrma'tio {L.). Lachrymation. Lacrymine {F.). Daeryoline. Lacs ( F.). Subarachnoid confluents. L. dérivatifs, parasinoidal spaces. Lactalbu'men [lac, albumen]. Casein. Lac'tas {L-)- Lactate. L. cal'cicus [Cod.], calcium lactate. L. ferro'sus, fer- rous lactate. L. magne 'sicus [P. Neer.], magnesium lactate. L. quin'icus, quinine lactate. L. so'dse [P. Belg.], sodium lac- tate. L. zin'cicus [Cod.], zinc lactate. Lac'tate. L. lactas ; G. niilchsaures Salz ; /. lattato. A salt of lactic acid. Lactate (F.^. Lactate. L. de cal- cium or L. de chaux, calcium lactate. L. de fer i>r L. ferreux, ferrous lactate. L. de magnésie, magnesium lactate. L. de quinine, i|uinine lactate. L. sodique, sodium lactate. L. de zinc, zinc lactate. Lacta'tion. L. lactatio ; I. lattazione. The secretion of milk. Lactationsirresein ( G.). Insanity dur- ing lactation, due to an;cmia. Lacté, ée {F.~). Relating to, or con- taining, milk ; lacteal. Lac'teal. L. lacteus ; F. lacté, ée ; G. milchig; /.latteo. 1. Milky. 2. Pertain- ing to the laeteals. L. fis'tula, an abnor- mal passage for milk through the walls of the mammary gland. L. sac, ampulla lac- tifera. L. si'nus. G. Milchsäckchen. A sinus-like dilatation of the lactiferous duct near its termination at the nipple. Lac'teals. L. vasa lactea ; /'. vaisseaux chylifères; G. Chylusgefässe ; I. vasi chili- feri, vasi lattei. The lymphatic vessels which collect chyle from the alimentary canal. Lactes'cent. A. lactescens ; /'. lactes- cent, ente; G. milchartig. Milky, rcsem- liliiiir milk. LAC LAC 27 Lac'teus, a, um (L.) [j-a^.axzt/.ùi']. Milky, pertaining to milk. Lac'tic. L. lacticus ; F. lactique ; G'. mileliÌ£C ; /. lattico. Pertaining to, or de- rived from, milk. L. ac'id. HC^HaOj. L- acidum lacticum ; F. acide lactique ; . G. Milchsäure; /. acido lattico. 1. The acid of sour milk ; a colorless syrupy liquid, ob- tained for commercial purposes by the lac- tic fermentation of sugar. 2. A liquid composed of 75 per cent, of absolute lactic acid and 25 ])ér cent, of water [Ü. S. 1*.]. L. ac'id fer'nient, Baci/lns acidi kicfict. Lactiferous [lac, ferre]. F. lactifère ; G. railchfiihrend ; /. lattifero. Milk-con- veying. L. ducts. L. ductus lactiferi ; F. conduits lactifères ; G. Milchgänge ; /. condotti galattofori. P^xcretory ducts of mammary gland, ten to fourteen in num- ber, opening on surface of nipple. Lac'tiform. F. lactiforme. Having the appearance of milk. Lactifuga (X.^. Z'. lactifuges. Anti- galactics. Lactig-ène (F.). Milk-producing. Lacti'go (L.). Porrigo. Lac'tin. F. lactine ; /. lattina. Milk- sugar. Lactisu'gium (//.). Breast-pump. Lac'tocele. Galactocele. Lactom'eter. F. lactomètre, galacto- mètre ; G. Milchmesser; /. galattometro. An instrument for determining the quan- tity of cream in milk. Lactophos'phas cal'cicus a'quâ so- lu'tus. F. lactophosphate de chaux en solution [Cod.]. Solution of lactophos- phate of calcium. Lactopro'tein [lac, proteine]. F. lacto- protéine; 7. latt(>i>roteiua. The metalbumin of milk. Lac'toscope [«tzw-sTv]. G. Milchmes- ser; /. latto.scopio. Instrument for deter- mining the proportion of cream in a sample of milk. Lac'tose. G. ^Milchzucker ; /. lattosio. Milk-sugar. Lactosu'ria (L.) [i/(j/"iv]. Presence of milk-sugar in urine. Lactosyn'togen. Hemialbumose. Lactos3ni'tonid. Acid albumin found in kefir. Lactu'ca (L-)- 1. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. (^'»ììprisitFe, Ltgidiflor^. 2. Let- tuce. L. altis'sima, Bieb., native of the Caucasus ; cultivated in France for the production of lactucarium. L. capita 'ta, DC, a variety of garden lettuce, Ldi-tmn sativa. L. ; official in the Cod. L. sati'va, common garden lettuce; cultivated in many varieties as an article of diet. L. sca- ri'ola, nearly allied to L. i irosa ; a source of lactucarium. L. viro'sa. F. laitue vireuse ; G. Giftlattich ; /. lattuga virosa. Prickly lettuce; a European species of L. official in the B. P. and Cod. ; one of the sources of lactucarium. Lactuca'rium {L.). G. Giftlattich- saft ; /. lattugario. The concrete milk- juice of Lacluca virnsa, L. [U. S. P.], ob- tained by incision and spontaneous evapo- ration. It is also a product of other species of Lacfiica, as, L. satira, L., L. scariola, L., and L. altissijna, Bieb. ; a feeble and uncertain hypnotic : see also French. Ger- man, etc. lacfiicariinn. L. gal'licum [P. Ilelv.], lactucarium prepared from Lucfiica scariola, L. Lactu'cerin. CisH^ßO. F. lactucérine ; /. lattucerina. A crystalline, odorless, tasteless substance, one of the principal constituents of lactucarium. Lactucim'ina or Lactu'mina (//.). 1. Aphtha;. 2. Eczema capitis. ?>. Crusta lactea. Lac'tucin. C„H,.AH,0. F. lactu- cine ; L lattucina. A crystallizable bitter principle found in lactucarium. Lactumen { F.~). Crusta lactea, impet- igo larvalis. Lactumineux, euse ( F.). Pielating to lactumen. Lacu'na, pi. se (L.). F. lacune ; G. Lücke. A pit, hollow, or gap. L-se. of bone : see Bone lacuna. L-ae. of Ho'w'- ship. G. IIow.ship'sche Lakunen : see //.). S]iace for collection of fluiti. L. lacryma'lis. F. lac lacrymal ; (^j. Tliriinensee ; /. lago lagrimale. Space in which the tears collect between lids and ball at inner angle of eye. L. venae cavee inferio'ris, enlargement into which the he- patic veins empty just below the diaphragm. Ladano (/.). Labdanum. Lada'num (A.): see Luìxìamim. Ladenber'gia magnifo'lia, Kl. Bitena liUKjiiifolid, Wedd. La'dies' man'tle. Alchemiild i-ui(j.). The presence of a substance in the urine which has all the properties of glycogen, with the exception that it turns the polarized ray to the left. 'I'lie symptoms arc those of diabetes. La Fayette Springs. Saline, sulphu- retted waters. La Fayette Sjirings, La Fayette Co., Mississip])i. La'gam bal'sam. The product of an unknown tree of Sumatra ; resembles gur- jun balsam. Lage (G.). Position, attitude, layer, stratum ; — anomalie, abiiorinal luisition; — Veränderung, cliange of [liace. ectopia ; — verkehrtmg, situs transversus; ■ — vrechsel, change of position or presenta- tion. LAG LAM 29 Lage'na (/-■)■ Blind sac of the cupola. Lagena'ria vulga'ris, Seriiige. Gourd : native of tropical Asia and Africa ; the seeds are said to be diuretic, the root a drastic purgative. Lager {O.). 1. Bed, couch. 2. Layer, stratum; — fieber or — sucht, camp fever, tvphus ; — haft, bed-ridden. Laget'ta lintea'ria, Lam. Lace-tree ; grows in the West India islands. The in- ner bark — lace-bark — is said to resemble mezereon in medical properties. Lagne'sis, or Lag'nia, or Lagno'sis (i.) [/apoç]. Excessive venereal desire, Lag'nic, L. lagnicus. Lustful. Lago lagrimale (/.). Lacus lacry- nuilis. Lagochei'lus(i. ) [^hiYWi.yj.l'/.(ii\. Hare- lip. Lagoftalmo (/.). Lagophthalmus. Lagonop'onus(i/.) [/Myw/, tzi'miÌ^. Pain in the flank ur side. Lagophthal'mia {L.) [/.aywi, òtsda).- /iôç]. Inability to close the eyelids. Lagophthal'mus [/«^cù,-. ùtpOah,).ó. lamina* cerebelli. Narrow folds of the cortical layer. L. cilia'ris. ciliary zone. L. cine'rea, fourth ven'tricle, stratum cinereum. L. cine'rea, third ven'tricle, lamina terminalis. L. com- pac'ta inter'na, thick, compact tissue found at the lower border of the neck of the feniur. L. cona'rii, pineal lamina. L-ae. concha'nim, turbinate bones. L. cor'nea, stria terminalis. L. cortica'lis posterio'ris pedun'culi, temporo-oceipi- tal tract of crusta. L. cribrifor'mis, cribriform plate. L. cribro'sa. F. lame criblée; G'. Siebplatte. 1. Cribriform ]ilate of ethmoid bone. 2. Bony partition at bottom of internal auditory meatus, pierced with holes for transmission of filaments of auditory nerve. 3. Part of sclerotic per- forated by auditory nerve, presenting an appearance of pores tlirougli which the filaments pass. 4. Cribriform fascia of saphenous ojiening. 5. Perforated sjiaces at base of brain. L. cribro'sa fas'cise transversa'Us, septum crurale. L. den- ticula'ta, limbus of spiral lamina. L-ae. dorsa'les. F. lames dorsales. Medullary ridges. L. elas'tica poste'rior, mem- brane of Descemet. L. exter'na peri- tone'i, transversalis fascia. L. femora'- lis inter'na, femoral crest, internal. L. fos'sae Syl'vii, capsula extrenia. L. fus'ca, jiigmented connective tissue on inner surface of sclerotic coat of eye. L. ganglio 'sa hypogas'trica, hypogastric I'le.Nus. L. ge'nu, commissura baseos alba. L. gris'ea, gray column : see Culiimns of s/iiiiiii (01(1. L. horizonta'lis. 1. Cribri- form plate of ethmoid. 2. Horizontal plate of palate -bone. L. interme'dia or L. media'na, narrow flattened portion of anterior angle of thyroid cartilage. L. medias'tini, mediastinal pleura. L. me- dulla'iis circunivolu'ta, lamina medul- laris involuta. L. medulla'ris exter'na, medullary layer, external. L. medulla'- ris inter'na, medullary layer, internal. L. medulla'ris involu'ta. (ï. Kernblatt. Superficial medullary layer of cortex of brain, continued within hippocampus major and turned inward aruuiid dentate fissure. L. medulla'ris transver'sa, smooth, flat jiortion of roof of a()ueduct of Sylvius, near trochlearis nucleus. L. modi'oli. (>'. Spindelblatt. Partition between second turn and third half turn of cochlea, ap- pearing as a continuation of the modiolus. L. nasa'lis, vertical plate of palate-bone. L. nerv'ea invol'vens, thin layer of nerve-substance separating the ependyma i'rom the organs appearing within ven- tricles of brain. L. orbita'lis. 1. Orbi- tal plate of ethmoid. 2. Orbital process of malar bone. L. os'sium, lamella of bone. L. palati'na. 1. Horizontal plate of palate-bone. 2. Palate process of supe- rior maxillary. L. papjrra'cea, orbital LAM LAN 31 plate of ethmoid bone. L. parieta'lis, parietal layer of a serous niemlir;iiio. L. pedunculo'rum, peduncular lamina. L. perfora'ta ante'rior and poste'rior, inr- forated spaces. L. pei-pendic\ila'ris, per- pendicular plate of ethniuid bmie and of palate-bone. L. profan'da fas'ciae peri- ne'i [Lesshaft]: see Ffriiiea/ fascid, middle hyer. L. quadrigem'ina. (r. Vierhügel- platte. That part of mesencephalon sustain- ing the corpora quadrigemina. L. reticu- la'ris, reticular lamina. L. Ruysch'ii, tunica Kuysehiana. L. semicircula'ris, stria terminalis. L-se. sep'ti lu'cidi or pellu'cidi, thin walls separating 5th ven- tricle from lateral ventricles on either side. L. spheno-petro'sa, thin horizontal plate of bone extending backvrard from great wing of sphenoid, and forming upper part of wall of passage for Eustachian tube. L. spiralis cochleae. /■'. lame spirale. Spiral lamina. L. spira'lis membrana'- cea or L. spira'lis mol'lis. membranous spiral lamina. L. spira'lis os'sea, spiral lamina. L. spira'lis secunda'ria, nar- rower portion at commencement of lamina spiralis, which is continued around to oppo- site side of the cochlear canal. L-ae. spongio'sae na'si, turbinate bones. L. suprachoroi'dea. *?. Suprachorioidea. Outer layer of choroid of eye, composed of elastic fibres covered with epithelioid and pigment-cells. L. tecto'ria, mem- brana tectoria. L. termina'lis. F. la- melle triangulaire ; G. Schlussplatte. Thin layer of gray matter closing third ventricle in front. Extends from optic commissure to anterior commissure of brain, and repre- sents anterior end of primitive medullary tube. L. t^iang^Lla'ris, posterior portion of great wing of sphenoid. L. tsnnpan'- ica, tympanic bone. L. of a ver'tebra. ' L. lamina vertebralis ; F. lame vertébrale ; G. Platte des Wirbelbogens ; /. lamina ver- tebrale. Posterior flattened part of arch of a vertebra. L. vit'rea, vitreous table. Lamina della sommità (/.). Folium cacuminis. Laminaire or Lamineux {F.). Lami- nated. Lamina 'ria {L.). 1. A genus of AlgnR. 2. The stems of Laminaria Cloustoni, Edm. L. Clous'toni, Edm., sea-tangle ; a deep- water seaweed of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans ; the dried cylindrical stalks readily absorb moisture, and are used as a sub- stitute for compressed sponge in the prep- aration of surgical tents. L. digita 'ta, L. \. L. Clouxtoni, Edm. 2. L.ßtxirauliis,]j(i Jolis. L. esculen'ta, Lamour.. an edible species ; the ash is used as a source of iodine. L. sacchari'na, Lamour., used for obtaining iodine. L. tents. G. Lamiua- riastifte : see Ttnts, uterine. Lam'inated. L. laminatus ; F. lami- naire ; G. laminirt ; /. lamellato or lamel- lare. Composed of thin layers lamellated. L. tu'bercle, nodule of cerebellum. Lamina'tion. L. laminatio. Forma- tion of lamina», splitting into plates or layers. Lamine turbinati (/.). Turbinate bones. Laminirt (C). Laminated. Lamini'tis. Inflammation of sensitive lamin;« of the horse's foot. Lam'ium al'bum, L. Pead nettle, a European labiate plant, introduced into the U. S. ; flowers official in the Cod. ; mild astringent. Lam'pas. G. Frosch ; /. lampasso. Swelling of the bars of the mouth of the horse. Lamp'black. Finely-divided carbon ob- tained by the incomplete combustion of resinous matter. Lam'pers. Lampas. Lampone (/.). Raspberry. Lampropho'nia (L.) [/«/ir/)««,-, çwvyf^. A clear, audible voice. Lamp'sana (i^.). i^. ftimpsane. Agenus of Compufitie. L. commu'nis, L., a Eu- ropean herb, naturalized in the U. S. ; used as a salad herb, externally as an emollient. La'na (L.'). Wool. L. coUo'dii, pyr- oxylin, soluble gun-cotton. L. gossyp'ii, cotton-wool. L. phüosoph'ica, flowers of zinc. Lan'caster black drop. "\'inegar of opium. Lan'cet \^Arm. lanza]. F. lancette; G. Lanzette ; /. lancetta. A small sharp- pointed knife used in venesection, opening abscesses, etc. The two sides of the handle are attached only by one rivet, passing through the base of the blade : see Spring- lancet. Lancettier {F.). Lancet-ca.se. Lan'cinating. L. lancinans ; F. lanci- nant, ante ; G. stechend ; 1. lancinante. Term applied to acute, darting, or shooting pain. Lan'cing. Opening with a lancet. 32 LAN LAP Lanci'si, nerves of. Striœ longitu- ilinales. Landarzt (G.). Country physician. Landeskrankheit (G-)- KnUeniie dis- ease. Landfleber (G.). Endemic fever. Landol'fl's caus'tic. /'. caustique de Laiidülti. A uii.xture of e((ual parts of jiiiwdereJ bromine chloride, zinc eidoride, goKl chh)ride, and antimony chloride. Lan'dry's paral'ysis. Acute ascend- ing .spinal paralysis. Land-scur'vy. Purpura iKeniorrhagica. Landseuche ( G.). Disease prevailing in the country ; epidemic. Landskorbut (G.). Purpura hemor- rhagica. Land'zert, an'gle of. Angle of the eli vus. Lan'franc's coUyr'ium. L. mistura catha>retica [Cod.]; F. collyre de Lanfranc ; /. collirio di Lanfrane. Aloes 5, myrrh 5, copper acetate 10, arsenic trisulphide 15, rose-water 380, white wine 1000; triturate the powdered solids with the wine, and add the rose-water [Cod.] ; used as a stimulant application to ulcers. Lan'genbeck's meth'od. Amputation of forearm by double flaps cut from with- out inward. Langerhans' cells. Stellate cells found in deeper layer of ^epidermis, ajiparently re- lated to nerve-terminations. Langfüssigkeit (G.), ^lacropodia. Langkopf (G.). Dolichoeephalus. Langlebigkeit (G.). Macrobiosis. Langsichtigkeit (G.). Farsightedness. Langue (F.). Tongue. L. de carpe or de trivelin, form of dental forceps. Lan'guor [/.«/7'i'<«]. /^.langueur; G. iMattigkeit ; /. languidezza. Lassitude, listlessness. Langwierig {G.). Tedious, protracted. Laniaire (f.). Canine tooth. Lania'rii den 'tes (L.). Canine teeth. Lan'olin [lana]. F. lanoline ; /. lano- lina. A yellowish or light-brown, solid, unctuous, rather tough fat, prepared from sheep's wool ; it takes up its own weight of water witliout becoming soapy ; is un- irritating and readily absorbed by the skin ; used as an excipient for various ointments. Lan'termann's not'ches. Oblique grooves in the medullary sheath of a nerve- fibre. Lan'thopine. C.i,H..,jNO,. A crystal- lizalde alkaloid found in opium. Lanu'ginous. L- lanuginosus; F. lanugineux, euse ; G. flaumig ; /. lanugi- noso. Covered with lanugo, downy. Lanu'go (/-)• F. duvet; G. Flaum; /. lanugine. Soft, fine rudimentary hair, fouiul on many parts of the body, espcciall}' that which covers the foetus. L. gossyp'ü, cotton, cotton-wool. Lanzemnesser (C). Lance-shaped knife. Lanzette {G.). Lancet. In composi- tion Lanzetten, as, — besteck or quit- terai, lancet-case. Lapac'ticus (L.) [/«-«ö-«-«)]. F. lapac- tique. Evacuant. Lapag'ma (//.)• F. lapagme. Evacua- tion, dejection. La'para (L.) [/.ar.àfìa']. The flank or loin ; the hypochondriac region. Laparec'tomy [izrt.'/vw]. Enterectomy, colectomy. Lap'arocele {L.) [zy.);]. F. laparo- cMe ; 6'. Baucbbruch. Hernia in the flank or loins ; lumbar hernia. Laparocolot'omy [xó/m-j, tZ/ìvo»]. G. Laparocolotomie. Abdominal section and division of the colon low down to form an artificial anus. Laparocolpot'omy [jt.óXtoì, riijir^. Laparo-elytrotomy. Laparo-cystec'tomy [z'Vnj, ly-iiijui^. Complete removal, b)' abdominal section, of the encysted fœtus with its cyst in ex- tra-uterine pregnane}". Laparo-cystot'omy [z'Wrîç, rii/zij]. 1. Suprapubic cystotomy. 2. The extraction, in extra-uterine pregnancy, of the fictus by opening its cyst through an incision in the anterior abdominal walls. Laparo-elytrot'omy [;/.wr/('<]. L. la]iiiriiliystcrectoniia. Hysterectomy by abdniniiial incision. Laparo-hystero-oöphorec'tomy. Re- moval of uterus and ovaries by abdominal section : see Furros operation. LAP LAR 33 Laparo-hysterot'omy lv"ç, 5iâu,uii.). Crabs' eyes. Lapidiflca'tion. L. lapidificatio. ("al- cifirafinii. petrifaction. Lapil'li ( L.), pi. of Lapillus. thavel. L. cancro'rum, crabs' eyes. La'pis (//.) [/.àaç]. A stone. L. ani- VoL. ir.— 3 ma'lis, blood. L. calamina'ris, calamine. L. calamina'ris prsepara'ta, prepared calamine. L. caus'ticus chirurgo'rum, potassa. L. divi'nus, aluminated cup]i(n'. L. haemati'tes [1*. i)an.], native red oxide of iron ; ferric oxide (Fc.Us). L. inferna'- lis, moulded nitrate of silver. L. inferna'- lis mitiga'tus, diluted nitrate of silver. L. pum'icis, pumice. L. smjrr'idis, em- ery. Lap'pa (L.). F. bardane ; G. Kletten- wurzel ; /. bardana. 1. The root of Lappa officinalis, All. ^Arctium Lappit, L. ) ; said to be alterative, diuretic, and diaphoretic. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Composita:. L. ma'jor, Gasrtn., orL. mi'nor, DC, Lap- pa oßrinalix, All. L. officina'lis, All., burdock ; a European plant naturalized in North America ; includes the three forms L. major, Gartn., L. tomentosa, Lam., and L. minor, DC. L. tomento'sa, Lam., Lappa officinalis. All. Lappen {G.). Flap, lobe ; — elephan- tiasis, pendulous fibroma of the skin ; — extraction, cataract extraction by cutting a corneal flap; — schnitt, the cutting a flap ; flap amputation ; — wunde, a wound in which a flap or mass of tissue is nearly separated from the body. Lap'sana : see Lampsana. Lap'sus {L.). A fall or falling. L. püo'rum, alopecia. Laque (F.). Lac. L. bleue, litmus. L. en bâtons, stick-lae. L. en écailles, shellac. L. en grains, seed-lac. La'quear vagi'nee {L.). Fundus vagina^. La'queus (L.). Lemniscus. Larch. Ij. larix ; F. mélèze ; G. Lärche ; /. larice. The common name for trees of the genus Larix, Nat. Ord. Conifcrx : see also Amnican and European lardi. L.- bark. L. laricis cortex. The bark, de- prived of its outer layer, of Lari.r europxa, DC. [B. P.] ; a stimulant expectorant. Lard [laridum, lardum]. L. adeps ; F. axonge ; G. Schweineschmalz ; /. adipe porcino. 1. The prepared internal fat of the abdomen of the hog. Sus scrofa, L.. purified by washing with water, melting and straining [TJ. S. P.]; emollient; used in pharmacy as an ingredient of ointments and cerates. 2. In commerce the fat from any part of the hog : see also Benzoina/eil, etc. lard. L. oil. L. oleum adipis; G. Schmalzbl. A fixed oil expressed from lard at a low temperature. 34. LAR LAR Larda'cein. Amyloid matter. Larda'ceous. F. laidacé, ée ; G. speckig ; J. lardaceo. Amyloid. Large du cou {F.). Platysma. Large du dos {F."). Latissimus dorsi. Largeur maximum du crâne (^^.). Transverse diameter ut' siculi. Larghissimo del dorso (/.). Latissi- mus dorsi. Largo del collo (/.). Platysma my- oides. Larice (/.). Larch. Lar'icin. CuHjgOj. An amorphous bit- ter principle found in white agaric. Lari'cis cor'tex {L.'). Larch-bark. Laringe (/.). Larynx. Laringeo, la- ryni;eal. Laringismo, hiryn<:isuius. La- ringite, laryngitis. Laringografia, laryn- gograjiliy. Laringologia, laryngology. Laringoscopia, laryngoscopy. Laringo- scopie, laryngoscope. Laringotifo, la- ryngotyphus. Laringotomia, laryngot- omy. Lar'inoid [/'.«//;■./»$■]. F. larinoide. Lar- daceous. La'rix {L.). Larch. L. america'na, Michx., the American larch. L. decid'ua, 'Mill., Larix Eiiropn-a, DC. L. europae'a, DC, European larch, of central and south- ern f]urope ; yields larch-bark and Venice turpentine. Lark'spur. Dclplihiium Consulida, L. Larme (F.). Tear. Larmoiement {F.). Epiphora. Lar'rea glutino'sa, Engl. L. mrxi- caiia, Jloricand. Lar'rea mexica'na, Moricand. (Vea- sote-bush, stinkweed ; a shrub, Nat. Ord. Zygopiii/Ut'it, growing in Texas, Arizona, and Mexico ; the botanical source of Amer- ican lac. Lartigue's puis. Said to contain com- pound extract of colocynth 20 parts, ex- tract of colchicuni-seeds and extract of digitalis, of each 1 part. Lar'val. L. larvalis ; F. larvé, ée ; G. verlarvt ; /.larvato, ^lasked. Laryngalgie {F.). Laryngeal neural- gia. Larynge'al [ì.'ifiuy^']. L. Inryngeus ; F. laryngé, ée ; /. laringeo. Relating to. pro- ceeding from, or connected with the larynx. L. ar'teries. X. arterins laryngere ; /■'. ar- tères laryngiennes ; G. Kehlkopfarterien ; I. arterie laringee. Those supplying the lar- ynx, two in number — the superior 1. a. from the superior thyroid, penetrating the crico- thyroid membrane ; and the inferior 1. a., from the inferior thyroid, passing up with the recurrent laryngeal nerve. L. cav'ity. L. cavum laryngis; /''.cavité du larj-nx ; G. Kehlkopfhöhle. The space within the larynx extending from superior aperture above to trachea below, divided into an. upper 1. c, above the false vocal cords, a middle 1. c, between the false and true cords, and a lower 1. c, below the true cords. L. cham'ber, laryngeal cavity. L. nerves. L. nervi laryngei ; F. nerfs laryngiens; G. Kehlkopfncrven ; /. nervi laringei. Branches of pneumogastric. The- superior 1. n. arises from the ganglion of the trunk, and divides into external and internal laryngeal ; the former passing to inferior constrictor of pharynx and crico- thyroid muscle of pharynx, the latter to mucous membrane of larynx. The infe- rior or recurrent 1. n. arises at root of neck, turns backward under arch of aorta (left side) or subclavian artery (right side) and, ascending along the trachea to the lar- ynx, supplies most of its ititrinsic muscles. L. phthis'is. G. Kehlkopfschwindsucht. TubtuTular de]iosit and ulceration in the larynx. L. pouch. L. sacculus cafcalis. A recess leading upward from the ante- rior part of either ventricle of the larynx. L. veins. L. vente laryngcae; F. veines laryngiennes ; G. Kehlkopfvenen ; /. vene laringee. Veins collecting blood from lar- ynx, and discharging into superior and in- ferior thyroid veins. Larsmgec'tomy [jApuyS, i/rc/zx«]. F. laryngectomie. Excision of the larynx. Laryngemphrax'is (/>.) [ìtitfpàanui]. Obstruction of the larynx. Laryngien, enne {F.). Laryngeal. Laryngis'mus (//.) {jMpoyi-iX'n']. F. laryngisuie ; /. laringismo. 1. Spasm of the muscles of the larynx. 2. Hoarseness. L. paralsrt'ica, disease of the horse, pro- ducing " roaring," due to paralysis or atro- phy of dilator muscles of larynx. L. strid'ulus, spasm of the glottis ; false croup. Laryngi'tis. F. laryngite ; G. Kehl- kopf bräune ; /. laringite. Inflammation of the larynx. Laryngog'raphy [yiuKfoi]. F. laryn- gographie ; /. laringografia. Description of the larynx. Laryngol'ogy [/.'V"?]- ^'' laryngologie;. LAR LAT 35 /. laringologia. The branch of medicine which treats of tlie hirynx and its diseases. Laryngop'athy [-'/W./vj. L. hiryngo- pathia ; F. lai-yngopathie. Laryngeal dis- ease. Laryn'g-o-pharynge'us (/>.)■ F. la- ryiiu'o-pharynuien. Inferior constrictor: .see Cmistriiturs of the plnin/iix. Laryngoph'ony [ywn;]. Sound of the voice heard in the larynx by aid of the stethoscope. Laryngophthi'sisf//.) [>[;/(!]. F. laryngorrhagie. Haemorrhage from the larynx. Laryngorrhœ'a (/-.) [/!'<«]. Chronic laryngeal catarrh. Larjm'goscope [;aiiionla hitcralia articulatioiiis pedis. The internal 1. 1. is the deltoion the inner surface of the occipital lione and discharge at the jugular foramen into the bulb of the ju- gular vein. L. tract of medul'la, con- tin\iati(in of lateral column of spinal cord upward to medulla, where it is limited by the antero-lateral and postero-lateral sulci. L. ven'tricle. L. ventriculus lateralis ; F. ventricule latéral ; G. Heitenventrikel ; /. ventricolo laterale. That irregularly- shaped portion of central cavity of brain contained within either of the hemispheres. It communicates with its fellow and with the third ventricle by means of the foramen of Monro, being elsewhere closed. Lateralsclerosis (&'.). Sclero.sis of the pyramidal tracts in the spinal cord, with atrophy of certain nuclei in the medulla. Lat'eri-rec'tus (Z/.). Rectus capitis lateralis [Coues]. Lateri'tious. L. lateritius Like brick- dust. Lat'ero-flex'ion. F. latéroflexion ; G. Seitenbeugung ; I. lateroflessione. A tend- ing laterally, as of the uterus. Lateroposition (6'.). Term applied to a lateral displacement of a normal uterus, so that its axis is parallel to that which it would have in proper place. Latéropulsion ( F.'). I. lateropulsione. Impulsion to the right or left side. Laterover'sion. Term applied to a lat- eral tilting of the uterus, the cervix being carried to one side and the fundus to the other. La'tex (/-., F.). I. latice. A milky juice. L. niv'eus, milk. L. pi'ni [P. Fort.], turpentine. Lathjrris'raus (//._). /•'. lathyrisme ; /. latirismo. Chronic poisoning from the use of Lutiii/rus Cictra, producing a peculiar form of paraplegia. Lath'yrus Cic'era. F. gesse chiche. Species of Li'c/uiiiiittispr, cultivated for its edible beans, which are sometimes, how- ever, very unwholesome. Latis'simo-condyloi'deus (A.) Dor- so-epi trochlea ris [Lischofl ]. Latis'simus col'li (L.). Platysma myoides. Latis'simus dor'si (//.). F. grand dorsal ; /. gran dorsale. A broad, flat mu.s- cle covering the loins and side of the tho- rax, arising from spines of lower six or seven dorsal vertebra', the lumbar ajioneur- osis, the iliac crest, and the last three or four ribs, and inserted into bottom of bicip- ital groove of humerus. Lat'itancy. /'. latitance. The condi- tion of lying in wait, of waiting for devel- opment under favorable circumstances. LAT -LAU 37 Lat'itude. The vertical angle of dis- placement of the line of regard in the mo- tions of the eye. The name has analogy to terrestrial latitude when the vertical axis of the eye is taken as the polar diameter. Lato'nia Springs. Sulphuretted, saline waters, four miles from Covington, Kenton Ci).. Kentucky. Latrines (/^.'). Z/., / latrina. A privy, more especially that form in which there is a long pit or trough receiving discharges from a number of stalls or openings. The term is also applied to a form of water- closet in which the common receptacle is a long trough which is flushed at stated intervals. L. à terre sèche, earth-closet. Latschenöl (Cr'-)- Oleum templinum. Lattare (/.). To suckle, to nourish. Lattato (/.). Lactate. L. di calce, calcium lactate. L. di ferro, ferrous lac- tate. L. di magnesia, magnesium lactate. L. di zinco, zinc lactate. Latta2done (/.). Lactation. Latte ( /. I. IMilk. L. concentrato, condensed milk. L. di g'allina : see Lnit de poule. L. di solfo, precipitated sulphur. Latteo, a (/.). 31ilky. Latteruolo (/.). Curd. Lattescente (/.). Lactescent. Lat'ticed lay'er. L. stratum reticu- latum ; (?. Gitterschicht. A layer of reticu- lated white fibres interspersed with gray matter on the external (attached) surface of the optic thalamus. Lattich or Lattig ( ff.). Lettuce; — bitter, lactucarium ; — extrak±, thridace. Lattico r/.). Lactic. Lattifero, lacti- ferous. Lattigeno, milk-producing. Lat- time, crusta lactea. Lattina, lactose ; sugar of milk. Lattometro, lactometer. Lattoscopio, lactoscope. Lattovario, or Lattuario, or Lattuaro (/. K Electuary. Lattucina (/.). Lactucine. Lattuga (/.). Lettuce. Lattugario (/.). Lactucarium. Latwerge (*?■). Confection, electuary. Laubfleck (C). Pimple; little swell- ing or pustule. Lauch (G.). Leek. Laud'able pus. F. pus louable or ct(-- mcus ; G. laudabeler Eiter ; I. pus laudabile or buono. Creamy, sweet, inoffensive pus. Lau'danine. C20H25NO,. A crystal- lizable alkaloid found ia opium. Laudanisé, ée (F.). I. laudanizzato. Mixed with, or containing, laudanum. Laudano (/.). Laudanum. L. liquido del Sydenham, Sydenham's laudanum. Laudan'osine. Cj.ILjXOi. A crystal- lizable alkaloid found in opium. Lau'danum. Tincture of opium. L. ex Rousseau [Cod.], Kousseau's lauda- num. Laudanum de Sydenham {F.). Sy- denham's laudanum. Lauf knoten ((?.) [Nothnagel]. Run- ning centre. Region near middle of ven- tricular surface of caudate nucleus, which when stimulated causes running movements in an animal. Laufkrampf (C). Runners' cramp. Lauge ( (t^). Lye. Laugenvergiftung (&'.). Poisoning by lye. Laugh'ing gas. F. gaz hilarant; G. Lachgas ; /. gaz esilarante. Nitrogen mo- noxide. Laugier's her'nia. Femoral hernia perforating Gimbernat's ligament. Laumonier's gan'glion. Carotid gan- glion, superior. Lau 'rei. L. laurus ; F. laurier ; G. Lorbeer; /. lauro. 1. Lauriis nolilìs, L. 2. The common name of several species of Kcdmki. Prunus, and other genera of plants. Game-birds, such as the common grouse of this country, which have fed upon laurel (Kalmia), have been poisonous to persons who have eaten them : see also Chcrri/, Mountain. Sheep, and Swamp lau- rei. L. ber'ries. L. fructus lauri ; F. baies de laurier ; G. Lorbeeren ; /. frutti or bacche di lauro. Bay-berries, the fruit of Ldurns nobili-:, L. ; yield by expression a fixed oil, oil of laurel. L. ÛTiit. L. fructus lauri , F. fruit de laurier ; G. Lor- beeren ; I. frutto di lauro. Bay-berries, the fruit of Laiirv.^ nobilis, L. ; stimulant and narcotic. L. -leaves. L. folia lauri ; F. feuilles de laurier; G. Lorbeerblatter; I. foglie di lauro. Bay-leaves, the leaves of Laurus nnhili<, L. ; used internally as a stomachic and febrifuge, and externally in ointment or decoction for skin diseases and insect-bites. Lau'ric ac'id. CjoH-jjOj. F. acide laurique; I. acido laurico. An acid dis- covered by Marston (1842) in oil of lau- rel ; since found in other vegetable and animal fats. 38 LAU LAW Laurier {F.). Laurel. L. benjoin, spice-bush. L.-cerise, cherry-lauiol, I'ni- mis Laiirocerasus, L. L. commun, Lan ms nohilis, L. Lavirique (F.). Relating to laurel or laurie acid. Laurocer'asi fo'lia (//.) [B. P.]. Cherrj-lauic'l leaves. Laurocer'asus (A.). Cherry-laurel. Lau'rose. Oleander. Lau'rus (/>.). Laurel ; a genus of LauriiiiiT. L. ben'zoin, L., Benzoin odor- i/erum, Necs. L. Camph'ora, L., Cinna- mommn Camphoiu, F. Nees et Ebcrni. L. Cas'sia, Ait., Ciiinamomum aromalicum; Nees. L. Cinnamo'mum, 1j., Cinnamo- mum zei/laiiicmn, Breyne. L. no'bilis, L., bay-tree, a large shrub or small tree, native of the Levant; the leaves, fruit, and ex- pressed oil are official : see Laiircl-fravea, Laurel-Jruif, and Oil o/ laurel. L. Pichu'- rim, Eich., Ocolea Pichurim, Kunth. L. Sas'safras, L., Sansnß-as oßi-inalis, Nees. Laus, pi. Läuse (G.). Louse. Laut (/'.)■ Sound; — lehre, doctrine of speech. Lauterstall (6'.). Polyuria in the horse. Lava'crum (L.). Lotion, bath. Lavage (F.). Irrigation ; cleansing. Lavamen'tum (/>.). /• lavamento. Enema. Lavande (F.). Lavender. L. offici- nale [Cod.], Lavauthila vera. L. stœ- chas, Lucandida Stcechax. Lavandola (/.). Lavender. Lavan'dula (//.). 1. Lavender. 2. A genus of jilants. Nat. Ord. Lahlatm. L. angustifo'lia, Ehrh., L. vera, DC. L. latifo'lia, Ehrh., L. Spica, Chaix. L. ofiacina'Ms, Chaix, L. vera, ])(,". L. Spi'ca, DC, spike lavender; a broad-leaved .species, the flowers of which are official in the Cod. L. Stœ'chas, L., iMeneh or Arabian lavender ; also official in the Cod., having similar properties to the ])receding. L. ve'ra, DC, a small European shrub, extensively cultivated for its flowers: see Lavoidrr. Lavater, an'gle of. Formed by lines drawn from point of nose to external angle of eye, and to that part of face correspond- ing to first molar tooth. Lavativo (/.). Enema. Lavement (F.). Enema, clyster. L. médicamenteux, medicated clyster L. purgatif, purgative enema. Lavendel (6^.). Lavender; — blüthen, lavender-flowers; — öl [P. (J.], oil of lav- ender-flowers ; — Spiritus, spirit of laven- der. Lav'ender. L. lavendula; F. lavande; G. Lavendel ; /. lavandola. The flowers of Lavandula vera, DC. [U. S. P.], and L. spicn, DC. [Cod.] ; an aromatic stimulant : see also French, Sen, etc. lavender. L. drops, compound tincture of lavender. L.-flowers : see Laicmler. Laville's liq'uid. /'. li(iueur antigout- teuse du D. Laville. Said to contain colo- cynthin 2.5, quinine and cinchonine 5, col- oring matter 3, calcium salts 4.5. alcohol lOO," sherry wine 800 [L'Officine]. Lavlpe'dium (//.). Foot-bath. havr of eccentric'ity of sensa'tion. The general principle that sensations are not localized in the centres of sensation, but in the extremities or beyond. Law of e'qual innerva'tion of both eyes. G. Gesetz der gleiehmässigon In- nervation beider Augen. The general prin- ciple that the two eyes are equally inner- vated, whether they move through parallel positions or in convergence, symmetrical or asymmetrical. Law of iden'tical vis'ual direc'tion. G. Gesetz der identischen Sclirichtungen. The principle that an object seen with both eyes, or either eye singly, ajipears in the same direction ; that is, visual direction is not normally estimated fnmi each eye, but from a common point between them. Law of projec'tion or Law of vis'- ible direc'tion. /'. théorie de la projec- tion ; G. Projectionsgesetz. The principle that the sensations of each stimulated reti- nal point are referred outward or projected into space along certain lines. The lines of direction, or visir-lines, or on lines passing through the centre of curvature of the retina, etc. Lawn-ten'nis arm. A condition pro- duced by ])laying lawn tennis; character- ized mainly by displacement of the tendon, and sometimes of the body, of the jiroiiator radii teres. Lawn-ten'nis leg. Rupture of some portion of the muscular or tendinous struc- ture of the calf of the leg. Lawso'nia (L.). A genus of Li/ilira- riex. L. al'ba. Lam., Lau-anni't inerwis, L. L. iner'mis, L., a shrub, native of In- LAX LEA 39 dia, cultivated throughout the East. The leaves furnish heuna, and are used as a fomentation. Laxanz ((?■)• -^ laxative. Lax'ative. L. lasativus; F. laxatif; G. Lasiruaittel ; /. lassativo. 1. A mild cathartic, increasing slightly the action of the bowels and the frequency of the evac- uations, without causing irritation. 2. G. laxirend. Having the properties of a lax- ative. Laxa'tor au'ris inter'nus {L.). Las- ator tympani. Laxa'tor tyra'pani or L. tympani major (i.)- Anterior ligament of mal- leus, once thought to be muscular. Laxa'tor tyra'pani mi'nor (//.)■ G. Cutisstrang. External ligament of malleus, once thought to be muscular. Lax'itas (i-). Looseness. L. al'vi, diarrhœa. Lax'ity. L. laxitas ; F. laxité ; G. Lax- iren ; I. rilassamento. Looseness, softness, want of tone. Lay'er of gang'lion ret'inse. Outer stratum of inner nuclear layer of retina. Lay'er of nerve-flbres. G. Nerven- faserschicht. Inner sheet of cerebral layer of retina, composed of an expansion of fibres of the optic nerve. Layer of olfac'tory nerve-fibres. G. Olfactoriusschiclit. Layer in olfactory bulb lying immediately upon the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, composed of non-niedullated nerve-fibres and giving origin to the fila- ments of olfactory nerves. Layer of rods and cones. F. couche des bâtonnets ; G. Stabchen und Zapfen- schicht. External stratum of visual cell- layer of retina. Layer of spon'gioblasts. G. Schicht der Spongioblasten. Inner stratum of inner nuclear layer of retina containing spongio- blasts and cell-processes. Layers of ret'ina. F. couches de la rétine ; G. Netzhautsehichten. Strata seen on microscopical examination to embrace different structural elements. The inner portion, resembling the brain-cortex, is known as the cerebral layer ; the remain- der, embracing structures corresponding to epithelium and nerve-endings, being the «pithelial layer. These are again subdi- vided : see Layer of nerBc-fibres, Gangli- onic laycr^ Moh'Cidar lajjerst, Nuchar layers. The epithelial layer is subdivided into the visual-cell layer, pigmentary layer, layer of rods and cones. Lazaret {F.). Lazaretto. Lazaret fe'ver. Typhus fever. Lazareth (. plumbi tannas ; F. tannate de plomb. A white salt, turn- ing gradually brown, obtained by precipi- tating a solution of lead acetate with tan- nic acid ; used as an external application. L. •wa'ter, diluted solution of subacctate of lead. Lead'wort. Piumhagn ><y ; — beschwerde, liver complaint, liver disease ; — blutadern, hepatic veins ; — bruch, hernia of the liver, hepatocele ; — circulationsstörung', disorder of hepatic circidatiun ; — cirrhose, cirrhosis of liver ; — cylinder, solid cylin- ders of formative cells branching from en- toderm to mesoderm, constituting the he- patic parenchyma in the embryo ; — dämpfung', dulncss of the liver; — dickdarmband, hepatico-duodenal lig- ament ; — driisen, lymphatic glands in the hepatoduodenal ligament ; — egei. Distoma hpatìcum ; — eiterung, suppu- ration or abscess of the liver ; — ent- zündung, hepatitis ; — flecken, chloasma hepaticum ; — fluss, hepatic flux ; — galle, bile found in hepatic duct, less concentrated than that in gall-bladder; — gang, he- patic duct ; — geflecht, hepatic plexus ; — gegend, hepatic region ; — geschwiir, ulceration of the liver; — haut, (rlisson, capsule of; — hjrperämie, hyperasmia of liver ; — hypertrophie, hypertrophy of the liver; — insehi m- — inselchen, he- patic lobules ; — kapsel, connective-tissue envelope of liver; — kolik, hepatic colic; — krank, having a diseased liver ; — krankheit, hepatic disease ; — kraut, liverwort; — krebs, cancer of liver; — kreislauf, hepatic circulation; — kriim- mung, hepatic flexure ; — läppchen or — läppen, hepatic lobules : see Lahes of lìcer; — mittel, remedy for liver com- plaint; — nabelbruch, hepatomphaloeele; — pforte, transverse fissure of liver; — probe, examination of the liver; — puis, pulsation in inferior vena cava in tricuspid insufficiency ; — pulsader or — Schlag- ader, hepatic artery ; — rinne, hepatic sulcus ; — schaU, hepatic sound ; — schlauch, diverticulum from duodenum, around which the liver is formed in the embryo ; — schmerz, pain in the liver ; hepatalgia; — sch'wlndsucht, emaciation caused by liver disease ; — schAwnnd, atrophy of liver ; — stein, concretion of the liver, biliary calculus: — sucht, dis- ease of the liver; — syphilis, syphilis of liver; — venen, hepatic veins; ■ — Ver- härtung, induration of the liver; — Ver- stopfung, obstruction of the liver ; — ■wulst, the mass of cells from which the liver is formed in the embryo ; — • wurm. liver-worm, Distoma /u'jiaticiim ; — zelle, hepatic cell; — zellenbälkchen, trabec- uhe about the hepatic cells; — zellen- schlauch, hepatic cell-tube. Leber's disease'. Hereditary optic atrophy. Leberthran (6-'.). Cod-liver oil. Leblos ( G.). Inanimate. Lecano'ra tartar 'ea, Ach. A .species of lichen yielding litmus an]. I'ucrperal fever. Lec'ithin [/.'xift.-v]. ('„Uç,„XPO<,. F. léeithine ; /. lecitina. A glycero-phosphate of neurin, found in blood-corpuscles, brain, yelk, and .seminal fluid. Lec'ithos. Yelk of egg. Lecker-wuth (O.). Morbid fastidious- ness as to food. Lecksaft {G.). Linctus. Lecksucht (G.). Di.sease of cattle characterized by morbid desire to lick or gnaw, especially foul surfaces, with dis- ordered digestion and marasmus. Lec'tulus un'gTiis (L.). Xail-bed. Lederhaut (fr.). Corium ; — entzün- dung, churionitis. Leditan'nic ac'id. CisH-.cO». F. acide léditannique. The tannin of Ledum palustre. Lédon (F.). Leilum palustre, L. Ledoyen's disinfec'ting fluid. An aqueous solution of lead nitrate, 1 to 8. Ledran's su 'ture or meth'od of Le- dran. Used in wounds of the intestine. There is a separate thread and needle for each point of suture. The sutures are transverse and about } inch apart. The threads are tied together on each side sepa- rately, forming two bundles, which are then united into one and fixed externally. This puckers the intestinal wound. Le'dum (i.). A genus of Ericacese. L. latifo'lium. Ait., Labrador tea. James' tea ; indigenous to northern U. S. and Can- ada; tonic, astringent, and slightly narcotic. L. palus'tre, L., marsh tea, marsh cistus, wild rosemary, a small evergreen shrub of northern Europe, Asia, and America ; astrin- gent and narcotic. Le'dum cam'phor. A stcaropten from the volatile oil of Lahnn. palustri-. Leech [A. S. lœce]. L. hirudo; F. sangsue ; G. Blutegel ; /. mignatta. An 42 LEE LEI aquatic worm, Sanguisvffa, common in fresh-water marshes and streams. The living animal placed upon the naked skin adheres firmly bj' its discs or suckers, and by means of its serrated jaws makes a tri- angular incision through the skin, and gorges itself with blood from the wound ; used for the local abstraction of blood : see also African, German, Green, Hnngariun, iSpeckled, and Swedish keck. Leech'craft. Art of medicine. Leek. F. poireau, porreau ; G. Lauch; /. porro. The bulb of Ailinm Porrum, L. ; used as a condiment and aliment. Leerdarm (G.). Jejunum. Leere (G-). Vacuum. Leeren (G.). To evacuate. Lee's amputa 'tion. Resembles Teale's a., but the longer flap is taken from the back of the leg, and embraces only the superficial mu.scles. The deep muscles are divided transversely on a level with the bases of the flaps. Le Fort's amputa'tion. A modifica- tion of Pirogoft's a., in which the os calcis is kept in a comparatively normal position, and the patient is enabled to walk on the thick tissues of the heel instead of the thin skin behind the heel, which comes lowest in Pirogoft's original operation. Le Fort's opera'tion. For procidentia uteri, consists in denuding the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina longitudinally, thus forming a median septum upon which the uterus rests. Leg. L. crus ; F. jambe ; G. Bein ; /. gamba. 1. The shank. 2. The entire free portion of the pelvic limb. Lega (I.). Alloy. Legal's disease'. J. morbo di Legal. Headache due to pharyngo-tympanie di.«- turbance. Legamento, pi. i (/). Ligament. L. alare, alar ligament. L. arterioso, chorda ductus arteriosi. L-i. atloido-assoidei, atlo-axoid ligaments. L. caudale, filum terminale. L. cervicale posteriore, liga- mcntum nuchi«. L. cocclgeo, filum ter- minale. L. coraco-omerale, coraco-hu- meral ligament. L. cotiloideo, cotyloid ligament. L. crico-tiroideo, crico-thyroid ligament, middle. L. dentato or dentico- lato, denticulate ligament. L. epato- colico, hi'pato-colic ligament. L. epato- duodenale, hcpato-duodenal ligament. L. epato-renale, lic|>ato-renal ligament. L. di Palloppio, I'onpart's ligament. L. freno-gastrico, gastro-phrenic ligament. L. freno-splenico, spleno-phrenic liga- ment. L-i. gialli, ligamenta subflava. L. jugale, semilunar cartilage of knee. L-i. occipito-assoidei, oecipito-asial ligaments. L. palpebrale estemo, ligamentuni jialpe- brale e.\teriium. L. palpebrale interno, ligamentuni palpebrale internum. L. di Poupart, Poupart's ligament. L. raggi- ato, conoid ligament. L. rotondo dell' utero, round ligament of uterus. L. sti- lo-ioideo, stylo-hyoid ligament. L-i. tiro- aritenoidei, vocal cords. L. tiro-epi- glottico, tliyro-epiglottic ligament. L-i. tiro-ioidei, thyro-hyoid ligaments. L. di Weitbrecht, or L. interosseo superiore, or L. rotondo del cubito, obli(|ue liga- ment. L. del Zinn, ligament of Zinn. Legatm-a ( /.). Ligature. L. elastica, elastic ligature. Legirung (G.). Alloy. Legit'imate. X. legitimus; /7 légitime; G. legitim, rechtmässig; /. legittimo. Ac- cording to law; regular; begotten in wed- lock. Legno (/.). Wood. L. d'aloe, aloes- wood. L. amaro, quassia. L. di Cam- peggio, hannatoxylon. L. di guaiaco, guaiacum-wood. L. di quassia, <|uassia. L. santo, guaiacum. Légumes (F.). Vegetables. Legu'min. F. légumine ; /. legumina. A kind of vegetable casein found in seeds of leguminous plants. Leib (G.). Body, abdomen, womb; — arzt, personal physician ; — binde, a belt, a body-bandage, an abdominal-band- age; — fluss, looseness of bowels, diar- rhœa ; — medicus, personal physician ; — schaden, defect of body ; — schmerz, stomach-ache ; pain in the bowels ; — Schüssel, bed-pan; — stuhl, close-stool; — wasser, serum of dropsy; • — Wasser- sucht, dropsy; — weh, pain in the abdo- men; — zw^ang, constipation, tenesmus. Also in composition Leibes, as. — beschaf- fenheit, condition of body, constitutiim ; — beschwerde, disease of the body; — beTvegung, bodily exercise ; — bürde, foetus, burden of womb ; — dicke, corpu- lence ; — fehler, defect of the body ; de- formity; — frucht, embryo, foetus; — grosse, size of body, stature ; — gürtel, abdominal bandage; — höhe, height of body, stature: — höhle, cavity of the trunk ; — kraft, physical vigor ; — Öff- nung, defecation ; — schwäche, bodily weakness or infirmity ; — stärke, bodily LEI LEM 43 strength ; — Stellung, attitude ut' the body ; — übungskunst, gymnastics; — Ver- stopfung, constipation; — wand, bodv- wall. Leibigkeit (6-'.). Corpulence. Leichdorn (6-'.). Clav us; — Schnei- der, chiropodist. Leiche ( G.). Cadaver. In composition Leichen, as, — alkaloids, ptomaines ; — artig, cadaverous ; — ausgrabung, exhumation; — befand, post-niortoni ap- pearance; — blässe, post-mortem pallor; — dunst, cadaverous smell; — erschei- nung, cadaveric appearance ; — farbe, ca- daveric color; — fett, adipocere ; —fleck, suggillation ; — geruch, cadaveric odor ; — gift, cadaver-poison ; ptomaine; — haft, cadaverous; — haus, dead-house; — hy- postase, post-mortem hypostasis; — in- fectionspustel, verruca necrogenica ; — kammer, dead-room ; — material, speci- mens from an autopsy ; — Öffnung, autop- sy ; — pusteln, pustules due to cadaveric poison ; — räuber, body-snatcher ; — Schändung, coitus with a corpse ; — schau, ex])ijsurc of a corpse ; coroner's inquest; — starre, rigor mortis ; — tisch, autopsy -table ; — tuberkel, tubercle due to inoculation from the fluids of a corpse; — Untersuchung, examination of a corpse ; coroner's inquest ; — Verbrennung, burn- ing of a corpse ; cremation ; — Verkäufer, one who deals in dead bodies ; — wachs, adipocere. Leichnam {G.). Cadaver. Leiden (C). Disease, suffering, pain. Leier (&'.). Lyra. Leim(G.). Glue. Leimend ((?.). Agglutinative. Leimzucker ((?.). Glycocoll. Lein (C). Linseed, flaxseed ; — öl, oil of flaxseed. Leindotter ( G.'). Camelinn satica, Crtz. Leinsamen (G.). Flaxseed, linseed; — mehl, linseed meal; — Umschlag, lin- seed poultice. Léïogomme {F.). British gum. Leiomyo'ma (Z.) [.<£?"ç, nuwv']. I. Iciomioma. A tumor composed chiefly of unstriated muscular flbre. Leiot'richus ['V';'-]- F. liotrique ; G. glatthaarig. Having smooth, straight hair. Leiphse'mia (L.) [/ii'-ai, aj/zo]. Anae- Leipoder'mia (L.) ['/'////a]. skin, especially of the prepuce. Defect of Leipopsy'chia (/v.) [V'";^'?]- F. lipo- psycliie ; G. Ohnmacht. Kaintiug, the state of being I'aint. Leipothym'ia (L.) [i'/u;j..) [/.î-îV]. Squamous dis- ease of the skin. L. pityri'asis, pityri- asis. Lépoeytode (F.). A cell with its prop- er envelope distinct from its contents. Lepori'num la'bium ( A.). Hare-lip. Lep'ra (L.) [//-/"/]. 1. Leprosy. 2 46 LEP LEP Psoriasis. L. al'ba, lepra. L. alope'cia, lepra mutilans. L. alphoï'des, white lep- rosy. L. al'phos, psoriasis. L. anaes- thet'ica, leprosy. L. ar'abum, elephan- tiasis. L. astu'rica or asturien'sis, pel- lagra. L. in car'nc, elephantiasis. L. crusta'cea, impetigo. L. crusto'sa, ophiasis sordida. L. cu'tis [Fuchs], ophiasis. L. elephan'tia, elephantiasis. L. excorticati'va, ophiasis. L. extre'- ma, elephantiasis. L. fongifera or fungifera, yaws. L. graeco'rum, lep- rosy. L. hebra'ica, leprosy. L. holsat'- ica, yaws. L. ichthyo'sis, ichthyosis. L. juda'ica, leprosy. L. jtinctura'rum, lepra mutilans. L. leu'ce, leprosy. L. lombar'dica, pellagra. L. maculo'sa, generally the first form of leprosy, with smooth, glistening, slightly - infiltrated patches, reddish-brownish dark stains. L. malaba'rica, elephantiasis. L. medio- lanen'sis, pellagra. L. mosa'ica, lep- rosy. L. mu'tilans, an advanced stage of leprosy in which joints are opened and parts drop off. L. nervo'rum, lepra an;esthetica. L. nig-'ricans, black leprosy. L. nodo'sa, tuberculated leprosy. L. septentriona'lis, yaws. L. squamo'sa, oidiiasis. L. tuberculo'sa, lepra tuberosa. L. tubero'sa, leprosy beginning as red- dish tubercles or circumscribed tubercu- lated masses in the skin. L. tyr'ia, lepra. L. umbro'sa, ophiasis sordida. L. vul- ga'ris, lepra. L. Willa'ni, psoriasis. Lepra (/.). Leprosy. L. mercuriale, hydrargyria. L. tubercolare, lepra tu- berculosa. Leprabacille (.i-pa, ih.w.) [/£-/)ói']. Leprosy. L. canes'cens, lepra. Leprös ( C). Leprous. Leprosa'rium (//.). F. léproserie. A hospital for lepers. Lepro'sis (/>.) [/;-/>a]. Development of leprosy. Lepros'itas (X.). Lepra. Leproso (/.). 1. Leper. 2. Relating to leprosy, leprous. Lep'rosy [/'-/)a]. L., I. lepra ; F. lèpre ; G. Aussatz. A chronic infectious disease characterized by inflammatory new growths in the skin, connective tissue, and internal organs ; by areas of anœsthesia, and the production of fatal cachexia. L., black, ophiasis sordida. L., squa'mous, ophiasis. Leprot'ic. Pertaining to leprosis. . Lep'rous [/'-/la]. F. lépreu.x, euse; G. aussiitzig; /. leproso. Pertaining to, or aftected with, lepro.sy. Leptan'dra. F. leptandre. 1. Culver's root; the rhizome and rootlets of Liptamirn vifffinica, Nutt. ; cathartic. 2. A genus of Sci-ophu/arinese. L. virgin'ica, Nutt., Cul- ver's physic, black-root, Culver's root; an indigenous herb. Leptan'drin. 1. A crystalline gluco- side, the active principle of leptandra. 2. Commerciali}', an impure resin prepared by precipitating a tincture of leptandra with water. Leptoceph'alic [/ò-tóc, x-]. Dolicho- facial. Lep'torrhine [/rTr»ç, /St'ç]. Having a nasal index of 47.0 and below [Broca] ; of 47 to 42 [Kollmann, Frankfort agreement]. LEP- -LEU 4.7 Lep'tothi-ix (L.) [>'',":l]. /■ leptotrice. A genus of scbizoniycetuus fungi. L. bucca'lis, tine threads and rods found abiuit the roots of the teeth, a general term covering several species of schizomy- cetes. Lep'tus [-'.--riiç]. A genus of minute insects of the family Aairidx, mites. L. america'nus, American harvest-mite. L. autunma'lis, the European harvest-mite. L. ir'ritans, irritating harvest-mite. Leptys'mus or Leptyn'sis (/>) \_>-'--- Tu/Tjii'if^. Thinning, emaciation. Lere'ma or Lere'sis (/>.) [-Ì7;>)j,aa]. Dotage, second childhood. Lerp. A sweet, manna-like substance found on the leaves of Eitcalyptui^ dumosa, in Australia; said to be the secretion of an insect. Les'bian love. Tribadism. Lesescheu or Lesestörung (G.). Dys- lexia. Le'sion. L. husio; /'. lésion; G. Ver- letzung. Läsion ; /. lesione. Derangement or morbid change in function or structure of an organ or tissue. Les'ser circula'tion. Pulmonic circu- lation. Les'ser inter'nal cuta'neous nerve: see Ciitiiiiiovs ÌI' i-fc (if unii. Les'ser petro'sal nerve. Small super- fiei;il petrosal nerve: see Fcfromi nerves. Lessive (F.). Lye. L. caustique, solution of potassa. L. des savonniers, solution of caustic soda. Letale (/.). Lethal. Letalität (G.). Deadliness, mortality. Letargia or Letargo (J.). Lethargy. Le'thal. L. lethalis ; F. mortel, elle ; G. töJtlieh ; /. letale. Deadly, mortal. Lethal'ity. L. lethalitas ; F. léthalité ; G. Letalität, Todtliolikeit ; /. letalità. The quality of being fatal or deadly. Lethar'gic \_?.rjOrj~^. L. lethargicus ; F. léthargique ; G. lethargisch ; /. letargico. Pertaining to, or affected with, lethargy. Leth'argy ['■';'''/]■ .^^- lethargia ; F. léthargie ; G. Lethargie ; /. letargia. Deep and prolonged sleep or stupor. Letheoma'nia (L.) [.aa^ia]. Morbid desire for anœsthetics or narcotics. Leth'eon. Ether. Lethiferous [cr/,""']. F. léthifère ; G. tbdtlich ; [. letifero. Deadly. Letto (/.). Bed. L. d'acqua or idrostatico, water-bed. L. di lavoro, labor-ciuiir. Let'tuce. L. laetuca ; F. laitue ; G. Lattich or Lattig; /. lattuga. 1. The genus Lactiiat. 2. The flowering herb of Li(c/iic(i virosa, L. [B. P.] ; a feeble ano- dyne and soporific. L.-wa'ter. L. hy- drolatum lactucaj ; F. eau distillée de lai- tue. Prepared by the distillation of Lae- tuca saliva with water [Cod.]. Leucse'mia (L.) [hu/.i'ii. «J/;«.]. Leu- cocyth;umia. Leucsethio'pia (L.) [aUiiat<;'']. AUnn- ism. Leucas'thiops (L.). .Mliino ; an Afri- can albino. Leucan'themum vulgare, Lam. Ox- eye daisy, white-weed ; a troublesome weed, naturalized from Europe ; used as a substi- tute for chamomile. Leucas'mus (L.). Albinism. Leu'ce \^?.su/.óc]. White leprosy. Leucemia (/.). Leucocythaemia. Leucéthiopie (F.). Albinism. Leuchse'mia {L.). F. leuchémie. Leu- cocytluvmia. Leuchtgasvergiftung ( G.). Poisoning by illuminating gas. Leu'cin [/^uzoî-]. C„H,:,N0.2. F. leu- cine ; /. leucina. A crystallizable fatty amide, product of the decomposition of nitrogenous animal matter ; a pathological constituent of urine in acute atrophy of the liver, typhoid fever, and smallpox. Leucindigine (F.). White indigo. Leucino 'sis (/>.). 1. Abnormal produc- tion of K'uein. 2. Acute atrophy of the liver. Leucis'mus (/>.) [/.soxi^]. Albinism. Leuci'tis. F. leucite. Sclerotitis. Leu'coblasts [ß/.airn'if']. The colls which develop into white blood-corpuscles. Leucocitemia (/.). Leucocythaemia. L. lienale, splenic leucocythaemia. L. linfatica, lymphatic leueocytha-mia. L. splenica, splenic leucocythivmia. Leucocito (/.). Leucocyte. Leucocitosi (/.). Leucocytosis. Leu'coc3rtes [/'.îuz'iç, ■/.óni^']. Colorless cell-like masses of protoplasm, the lymph- corpuscles and white corpuscles of the blood, having amœboid movements,_ but usually spherical in form. 48 LEU LEU Leucocsrthae'inia [z'Jroç, a'i/ia]. F. knicocythoiiiie ; (J. Leukilniie; /. leucoci- temia. A disease characterized by a per- manent increase of leucocytes and a de- crease of red corpuscles in the blood. When accompanied with enlargement of the spleen, it is called splenic leucocytha;- mia. Leucocythémie (F.). Leucocythaemia. L. intestinale, form with special involve- ment of the lymph-follicles of the intestine. L. splénique, splenic leucoeythaîmia. Leucocythémique (F.). Relating to, or affected with, leucoeythaMuia. Leucocytogen'esis {L.) [^sk/cìw]. F. leucocytose. The formation of leucocytes. Leucocytog'enous. F. leueocytogène. Capable of forming leucocytes. Leucocyto'ma (L-). -^ tumor com- posed of cells resembling leucocytes. Leucocyto'sis (L.). F., G. Leucocy- tose ; 7. leucocitosi. The production of leucocytes. Also used by Vircliow to denote a temporary increase in the num- ber of leucocytes in the proportions of 1- 100 or 1-50 of red corpuscles. Leucocytot'ic. F. leucocytique. Per- taining to leucocytes or to leucocythaemia. Leucoder'ma ['î/o//«]. Achroma. L., congen'ital, albinism. L., syphilit'ic, deficiency of pigment in the skin, due to syphilis. Leucoder'mia (L.). Albinism. Leucoflemmasia (/.). Leucupiilegma- tia. Leu'cogene. Sodium bisulphite. Leucoi'on lu'teum [P. Port.]. Wall- flower. Leu'col. The name originally given by Runge (1834) to the base chinoline as ob- tained from coal-tar. Leu'coline. Chinciline. Leuco'ma [.'.ìuzric]. F. leucome ; G. Ilornhautfleck ; /. albugine. 1. As applied to the eye, an opacity of the cornea. L. adhe'rens, a corneal opacity a.ssociated with an adhesion of the iris to the scar. 2. Leucoplasia. Leu'comaïnes [/.îyz'iç]. Class of ani- mal alkaloids, analogous to ptomaines, de- veloped in the liody during life. Leucomatorrhœ'a (L.) [/!'<«] A white continued discharge. Leucom'ma (L.)- Leucoma. Leucomy eli 'tis [//.oc/ói-]. Inflamma- tion of the white matter of the spinal cord. L., chron'ic poste'rior, locomotor ataxia. Leucomy elop'athy [/jo-Aóc, j:««);]. Disease of white substance of spinal cord. Leuconecro'sis (L.) [vcz/«ua-!i-]. White gangrene. Leucopath'ia [-«öi»>]. F. leueopathie ; C. Albinismus ; /. leucopatia. Albinism. L. acquis'ita, vitiligo. L. congenita'- lis, albinism. L. partia'lis, achroma. LeucophlegTQa'sia {L.) [<. /'=<"]• F. leu- corrhéique ; J. leucorreico. Pertaining to, or afiected with, leucorrhiea. Leuco'sis (L.). F. leucose. Slaking white ; formation of leucoma. Leucot'ic. //. lencoticns Pertaining to leucosis. Leu'cotin. Cj,H.,„0„. A proximate principle of paracoto-bark. Leucure'sis or Leucu'ria (L.) ["ò«"/]. Passage of white urine. Leuk-. For words thus beginning, not found here, sec corresponding words begin- ning Leuc-. Leukämie (G.). Leucocythaîtnia. Leukäthiopes ( G'.). Albino negroes. LEU LEV 49 Leukas'mos. Albinism. Leu'koline. (.'hinoliiie. Leukom (tr.). Leucoma. Leukophlegmatisch (G.). Leuco- pbloymatie. Leukopla'sia. Leucoplasia. Leukorrhoe (&'•)• Leucorrhœa. Leu'kosin. Name proposed by J. C. White for certain elongated rbouibic octa- hedral crystals found by Lim in leukiemic blood. Leuko'sis cani'ties. Canities. Leusi'num {L.). Sypbilinum. Leva (/.). Lever. L. chirurgica, lever for raising depressed bone. L. degli ostetrici or ostetrica, vectis. Levain (F.). 1. Leaven. 2. Any sub- stance having the power of causing fer- mentation. L. de bière, yeast. Levandière (F.). Midwife. Levant' soap'root. The root of Gypi^iqiiiiln Sfni/liiniu, L. ; in composition and properties resembles saponaria. Levant' ■wrorm'seed. Santonica. Levare (/.). To deliver. Leva 'tor, pi. Levato'res (L.). Eleva- tor ; ill aiiatoniy ap]ilied to those muscles which raise the parts to which they are at- tached. L. a'lse na'rium anterior or mi- nor, L. nasi proprius. L. alae narium ma- jor, L. ahe nasi. L. alse narium poste- rior, L. ala; nasi. L. alse na'si, that part of L. labii superioris ahuque nasi inserted on nose. L. an'guli o'ris. F. muscle canin ; G. Mundwinkelheber; /. canino. Small muscle of the face, arising from the canine fossa and inserted into angle of the mouth. L. an'guli scap'ulse. F. angulaire de l'omoplate; 6-'. Seliulterhebor ; /. angolare della scapola. A muscle of the side of the neck, arising by separate slips from poste- rior tubercles of transverse processes of four upper cervical vertebr;ie, and inserted into base of scapula near the upper angle. It is considered as a continuation upward of the serratus magnus. L. a'ni. F. releveur de l'anus. G. Afterheber; /. elevatore dell' ano. A broad muscle which, with its fellow, closes in the greater part of the pelvic outlet, arising from the spine of the ischium, white line of pelvic fascia, and visceral surface of pubis, and passing downward to an insertion upon the coccyx, the ano-coccygeal raphe, the rectum, and the fascia behind the prostate. L. auric'- ulse or L. au'ris, attollens aurem. L. Vol. II.— 4 clavic'ulee, cleido - transversarius. L. coccy'gis, coccygeus. L-s. costa'rum. F. surcostaux ; G. Rippenheber ; /. tras- verso-costali. Small muscles arising from tips of transverse processes, from 7th cer- vical to 11th dorsal vertebra, and inserted into the rib below. In some cases fibres pass to the second rib below (L-s. c. longiores). L. epiglot'tidis, gkisso-epiglotticus. L. glan'dulse thyroi'deae latera'Iis, bundles of inferior constrictor muscle of jiharyns inserted upon lateral lobes of thyroid gland. L. glandulgethsToidese profun'dus, bun- dles of crico-thyroid muscle inserted upon thyroid gland. L. glandulae thyroidese superficia'hs brevis, detached slips from sterno-thyroid muscle in.serted upon the capsule of thyroid gland. L. glan'dulse thyroi'deae superficialis longus, slips from thyro-hyoid muscle, arising from body of hyoid bone and inserted into thyroid gland. L. glandulse thyroideae super- ficia'hs médius, bundles of thyro-hj'oid muscle, passing from outer surface of thyroid cartilage to thyroid gland. L. hu'm^eri, deltoid muscle. L. hu'meri inter'nus, coraco-brachialis. L. intesti'ni recti, L. ani. L. la'bii inferio'ris. F. muscle de la houppe du menton ; /. de- pressore del fiocco del mento. Muscle arising from incisive fossa of lower jaw, and passing downward to be inserted into the skin. L. la'bii superio'ris alse'que na'si. F. élévateur commun superficiel ; G. Aufheber der Oberlippe und des Na- senflügels ; /. elevatore del labbro supe- riore e della pinna. Elevator of the nose and upper lip, a muscle arising from nasal process of superior maxillary, and in- serted by two slips into ala of nose and skin of upper lip. L. la'bii superio'- ris ma'jor, levator labii superioris pro- prius. L. labü superioris mi'nor, that part of L. labii superioris aheque nasi in- serted upon the lip. L. la'bü superio'ris pro'prius. F. élévateur commun profond ; G. Uberlippenheber ; /. elevatore del labbro superiore. Small muscle of the face, aris- ing below lower margin of orbit and in- serted into skin of upper lip. L. labio'- rum commu'nis, levator anguli oris. L. men'ti, levator labii inferioris. L. na'si pro'prius, small inconstant muscle descend- ing vertically at anterior end of cartilage of nose beneath the depressor nasi. L. oc'uli, rectus superior. L. œsoph'agi, muscular bundles passing from cricoid cartilage to upper end of œsophagus. L. pala 'ti. F. péristaphylin interne ; G. 50 LEV LIB Gaumenheber ; / peristafilino interno. Rounded muscle arising from petrous por- tion of temporal bone and cartilage of the Eustachian tube, and inserted into wall of pharynx and soft ]>alate. L. pala 'ti mollis anterior or minor, pterygo-palatine mus- cle. L. pal'pebrœ superio'ris. F. élé- vateur de hl jiaupiére supérieure ; G. Au- genlidheber ; /. elevatore della palpebra superiore. Elevator of upper eyelid, a small muscle arising above optic foramen, passing along roof of orbit, and inserted into the tarsu.s. L. pe'nis, pubo-cavernosus. L. pharyn'gis exter'nus, stylo-pharyn- geus. L. pharyn'gis inter'nus. 1. Palato-pharyngeu.-:. 2. iSalpingo-pharyn- geus. L. pharyng-o-larsrnge'us, palato- pharyngeus and stylo-pharyngeus. consid- ered as a single muscle. L-s. pro'prii a'lse na'si, dilatores naris. L. pro'prius scap'ulse, levator anguli scapuhe. L. prosta'tae [Santorini]. /'. pubio-prostatique [Dumas]. The deepest part of anterior fibres of levator ani, inserted behind the prostate gland and its capsule. Many au- thors describe the fibres as continuous across the median line, but recent observers [Henle, Holl] have shown that this is not the case. L. pupil'lse, rectus superior mus- cle of the eye. L. scap'ulse, levator anguli scapuhe. L. ten'dinis mus'culi latis'- simi dor'si, a muscular fascicle extending from tendon of latissimus dorsi either to lesser tuberosity of humerus, capsule of shoulder-joint, or coracoid process [Gru- ber]. Li. ure'thrœ [Krause], levator prostat«, transver.se perineal muscle [Can- torini]. L. u'viilae, azygos uvulœ [Meyer]. L. ve'li pala'ti, levator palati. Levatore (/.). Ob.stetrician. Leva- trice, temale accoucheur, midwife. Levator'w^lst (C). Eminence caused by levator palati on side of pharynx, run- ning from lower border of opening of Eus- tachian tube to .soft palate. Le'ver. F. levier ; G. Hebel. An in- strument u.sed in obstetrics to assist the expulsion of the foetal head. Lever-'wood. O^irya vìrgìmca. Leviga'tion [/>. levi.s]. F. lévigation ; G. Zerreibung ; /. levigazione. The pro- cess of reducing substances to the state of very fine mechanical division : see also Eiu- triation. Levistico (/.). Lovage. Levis'ticum oflBcina'le, Koch. Lov- age, an umbelliferous plant, native of Eu- rope, cultivated in gardens ; the root and fruit are official : carminative, diaphoretic, and emmenagogue. Lèvres (/^.). Lips. L. (grandes), labia majora. L. de la vulve, labia pu- dendi. Levret's hook. Decapitating hook. Lev'ulin. C^HiA- F. lévuline. An amorphous substance resembling dextrin, obtained from the tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke. Lev'ulosan. CeHj.jO^. F. lévulosane ; I. levulüsana. A product of the action of beat upon lévulose. Lev'ulose. CeHi.Os. Chylariose, fruit- sugar ; a sugar found in fruits and honey and in invert-sugar, taking its name from its action upon polarized light, which it ro- tates to the left. Levure (/'.). Yeast. L. basse, bot- tom yeast. L. de bière, beer yeast. L. haute, top yeast. Le'w'inin. A semifluid resinous extract having local anaesthetic properties ; obtained from the root oï Piper met/it/sdcmn. Lexiphar'macus (Z.) [/.^?!s-, f «/».uazic/]. Alexipliarniio. Lexipjrret'icus (A.) [""',"]. Febrifuge. Ley. Lye. Ley'den's crys'tals. (r. Asthmakrys- talle. Pointed octahedral crystals found with Curschmann's spirals in certain cases of bronchial asthma. They are probably identical with Charcot's crystals, q. v. Leyer (G.). Lyra fornicis. Liana da regolizia (/.). Alirns preca- ton'iis. Liane réglisse {F.). Aòrus precatorius. Lia'tiis ( L.'). A genus of herbs, Nat. Ord. Coinpoaitff. L. odoratis'sima, Willd., vanilla-plant. deer's tongue, gnjws in the southern U. S. ; used to flavor tobacco. L. spica 'ta, Willd., button snake-root, devil's bit, colic-root. L. scario'sa, Willd.. and L. squar'rosa, Willd., rattlesnake's mas- ter, are also indigenous species, said to be diaphoretic and diuretic ; the roots of the last two species, bruised and applied to the wound, are reputed antidotes to the poison of snake-bites. Lib., abbv. for Liber (X.). a book. Liba'num (.X.). Olibanum, styrax. Li'ber. Bark, bast. Lib'erty Hot Springs. Saline, ther- mal waters, 14(l°-l.-)tl° F., Wagon Wheel Gap, Rio Grande Co., Colorado. LIB LIE 51 Libid'inous. L. libidinosus ; F. libidi- neux, euso ; G. geil, wollüstig ; /. libidi- noso. Lustful, lewd. Libi'do (X.). Venereal desire, lust. Licantropia (/.). Lycanthropy. Lich'en. G. Flechte; /. lichene. A cryptogamous plant of the Nat. Ord. Lichenef. L. islan'dicus, cetraria. L. pulmona'rius, SticUi polmonaria, Ach. Li'chen (L.) {^-^r/rr^']- F. dartre; G. Knotchenflechte. The generic term for cu- taneous disorders characterized by umbili- cated papules. L. aciimina'tus, form with conical hard red papules. L. a'grius, pap- ules in clusters or patches surrounded by a red halo. L. circina'tus, small pointed papules of a dull-red color, grouped in arcs or circles, upon the tips of which are usu- ally found yellowish- or grayish-brown crusts. L. circumscrip'tus, clusters or patches of papules having well-defined margins and of irregularly circular form. L. confer'tus, eczema papulosum, in which the lesions are grouped together. L. cor'- neus, a variety of lichen planus (lichen planus acuminatus). L. dififu'sus, lichen acurainatus. L. exudati'vus ru'ber, lichen planus. L. fe'rus, lichen agrius. L. figura'tus, patches few, well defined, and of regular forms. L. gyra'tus, lichen circumscriptus. L. liv'idus, form in which the lesions are of a purplish or livid hue. L. margina'tus, tinea circinata cruris. L. men'ti, sycosis non-parasitica. L. pi- la'ris, keratosis pilaris. L. pla'nus, dis- crete or aggregated, dull, red. roundish or angular, elevated, smooth, shining, umbil- icated papules, usually aff'ecting the ante- rior surface of the forearms, and on subsi- dence leaving pigmentation. L. ru'ber, discrete or confluent, scaly red papules about the size of a millet-.seed. L. ru'ber acumina'tus, firm of lichen ruber usu- ally seen on the trunk, in which the lesions are acuminated. L. ru'ber monilifor'- mis, form of lichen described by Kaposi, in which the papules were arranged in lon- gitudinal lines, and much larger than the lesions of the other varieties. The ridges produced by them resemble a string of coral beads or nodules of keloid. L. ru'ber pla'nus, form of L. ruber appearing in rows or bands, usually upon the extrem- ities. L. scrofulo'sus or scroftiloso'- rum, chronic firm, affecting the hair-fol- licles and perifollicular papilhv, the lesions being small, pale, reddish, slightly elevated and scaly, non-itching papules. L. sim'- plex, eczema papulosum. L. stroph'ulus, miliaria. L. syphüit'icus, syphiloderm, small papuhe. L. trop'icus, miliaria. L. ur'ticans or urtica'tus, urticaria papu- losa. Lichen {F.). Lichen. L. acnéique, lichen circinatus. L. acuminé, lichen acu- minatus. L. livide, purpura. L. scrofu- leux, lichen scrofulosus. Lichen d'Islande {F.). Cetraria. Lich'en starch. Lichenin. Lichene (/.). Lichen. L. agrio, lichen agrius. L. girato, lichen circumscriptus. L. livido, lichen lividus. L. roseo, lichen ruber. L. scrofolo, lichen scrofulosus. L. semplice, eczema papulosum. Lichene (/.). Lichen. L. irlandico, Irish moss. L. d'Islanda, cetraria. Lich'enin. C,.jH,mO,o- F. lichénine. A substance resembling starch, and isomeric with it, found in several species of lichens and mosses. Lichen-stear'ic ac'id. ChIL.jO:,. F. acide lichénostéarique. A fat acid con- tained in Iceland moss. Licht (Ö.). Light; — empflndung, perception of light ; — kegel, cone of light reflected from the membrana tympani when it is viewed from the external auditory meatus, showing a triangular bright spot ; — messer, photometer ; — messung, pho- tometry ; — richtungen, lines of direction ; — richtungsknoten : see Lines of direc- tion ; — scheu, photophobia ; — sinn, light-sense ; acuteness of vision in relation to amount of illumination ; — zellen, vis- ual-cells of the retina. Licopodio (/.). Lycopodium. Licoressia (/.). Lycorexia. Lic'orice-root. Glycyrrhiza. Lid {G.), pi. Lider. Eyelid; — bänd- chen, tarsal ligaments of eyelid ; — klemme, eyelid-clamp; — knorpel, tar- sal cartilage; — knorpelband, tarsal lig- ament ; — krampf, blepharospasm ; — randdriisen, Moll's glands ; — randmus- kel, ciliary muscle of Riolanus ; — rinne, groove from which the eyelids are formed in foetal life ; — spalte, fissura palpebra- rum ; — spaltenenge, blepharophimosis ; — spaltenfleck, pinguecula. Lie de vin {F.). Lees of wine. Lie'berkühn, crypts of. G. Lieber- kiihn'sehe Drüsen. Crypts of Lieberkühn. Liebesapfel (G.). Tomato. 52 LIE LIG Liebesblüthen (C). Venus-blossoms, corona \'ciit'ris. Liebesti-ank (6".). Philter. Liebeswahnsinn or Liebeswuth ( C). Erotomania. Liebstöckel ( ^•). Ziei'isticum officinale ; levage. Liège {F.). Cork. Li'en {L.}. Spleen. L. accesso'rius, supplementary spleen. L. am'btilans, floating- or movable spleen. L. succen- turia'tus, accessory spleen. Lien (F.). Band, ligature. Liénal, ale {F.}. Splenic. Lienceph'alous [/'.^f"?, eyxe^a^.n^']. F. lieiictphak'. Smooth-brained — l. c. having hemispheres comparatively destitute of con- volutions. Lien'culus {L.). Supplementary spleen. Lieni'tis. /". liénite; /. lienite. Splenitis. Lienomala'cia (X.) [.aa/.aztv']. L. lienteria ; F. lientérie ; G. Lienterie. Diarrhœa ; the stools containing excess of mucus and par- tially-digested food. Lier'nur sys'tem : see Sewerage. Lierre (F.). Ivy. L. du Canada, Rhus Toxicodendron. L. L. terrestre, Glechoma hederacea , L. Lieu d'élection (F.). Preferable place, place of election for a surgical operation. Lieu de nécessité (F.). The region or spot where an operation must be performed. Lievito (A). Leaven. L. di biira, yeast. Life [Sa:ron lyf]. L., J. vita ; F. vie ; G. Leben. That state of protoplasm, or of an animal or plant, in which it is capable of metabolism when placed under proper con- ditions. Life-everlas'ting. Common name of the plants of the genus Antcnnaria. I Life-root. Senccio aureus. L. Life-tables. Tables showing for a given locality the successive annual decrease in numbers of a certain number, usually a million, of infants supposed to be born at the same time and to remain in that locality, whence may be computed the mortality of each year of age and the expectation of life at any given age. Lig'ament. L. ligamentum ; G. Band ; /. legamento. A confining band or sheet ; especially used for the fibrous structures which invest joints, limit their motion, and strengthen them in the direction of greatest stress. Also applied to certain processes of fascia and folds of the peritoneum. For ligaments named after special persons see under name of person : see Accessoi-y, Acromio-clavicular, Arcuate, Ary-Santorin- ian, Atlanto-axial, Calcanco-cuboid, Cal- caneo-ßbuiar, Calcaneo-navicular , Capsular, Ciliary, Coraco-acroniial, Coraco-clavicular, Coracoid, Corriiculo-jdiaryngeal, Costa-cen- tral, Costo - clavicular, Cisto - jìcricardiac. Costo - transverse, Costo-xiphoid, Cotyloid, Crieo-aryte.no id, Crico-piiaryngeal, Crico- Sa n torin ian, Crico-thyro-a rytcnoid. Crico- thyroid, Crico-tracheal, Deltoid, Denticulate, Duodeno - renal, Gastro -pancreatic, Gleno- humcral, Glenoid, Hepato-colic, llepato-renal, llyo-ipii/ldttic, Ilio-fimoral, Ilio-lumhar, Ilio- pectineal, Interclavicular, Interclinoid, In- tercostal, Intercuneiform, Intermetatarsal, In- terspinoris, fnter/ransverse, Ischi o-femoral, Iscliio-prostatic, Lumho-costul, Linnho-sacral, Mucous, .^^avicidd-culioid, ]\,avicido-cunei- form. Occipito-atlantal, Occipito-axial. Fttro- sphenoid, Phreno-colic, I'lerygo-niaxillary, Puhic, Puho-femoral, I'ubo-proslatic, Kadi- ate, Sacro-coccygeal, isacro-itiac, Sterno-peri- cardiac, Sferno-xiphoid, Stylo-hyoid, Stylo- maxillary, Supraspinous, Suspensory I. of diuphraiim, Tarso-melatiirsal, Thyrn-ary- tcnoid, Thyro-epiglottie, Tliyru-liyoid, Tihio- fihular. Transverse, Trapezoid, Triangular, and Yesicrj-itmliilical ligaments ; also Liga- ments. L. of ov'ary. L. ligamentum ova- rii proprium ; F. ligament de l'ovaire ; G. Eierstocksband ; /. legamento dell' ovario. A fibrous cord, containing some muscular fibres, extending from either cornu oi' the uterus to the ovary. L. of rec'tum. 1. A process of the recto-vesical fascia which passes to the side of the rectum. 2. Also either of two bands of longitudinal muscu- lar fibres .similar to those on the colon [Otis]. Ligament (F.'). Ligament. L. adi- peux, mucous ligament. L. armulaire, annular ligament of radius. L. artériel, chorda ductus arteriosi. L. caudal nr L. coccygien, filum terminale. L. cérato- hyoidien, stylo-hyoid ligament. L. cervi- cal élastique, ligamentum nuchiv. L. ciliaire, ciliary muscle. L. cintré, ex- ternal arcuate ligament. L. costo-péri- LIG LIG 53 cardique, eosto-pericardial ligament. L. croisé, crucit'orui ligament. L. cruci- forine, cruciform ligament of atlas ; also cruciate ligament of fingers. L. den- telé, denticulate ligament. L-s. infé- rieurs de la glotte, vocal cords. L. interosseux supérieur, oblii|ue ligament. L-s. jaunes, lijiamenta subflava. L-s. larges des tarses, palpebral fasci». L. obturateur, obturator membrane. L. perineal, triangular ligament of urethra. L. phrénog-astrique, gastro-plirenic liga- ment. L. phrénosplénique, spleno- phrenic ligament. L. des poumons, lig- amentum latum pulmonis. L. ptérygo- maxillaire, pterygo-ma.xillary ligament. L. du pubis, triangular ligament of urethra. L-s. rayonnes, costo-central ligaments. L. rond, ligamentum teres; oblique ligament of forearm ; round liga- ament of uterus. L. rotulien, ligamentum patellae. L. sous-pubien, triangular lig- ament of urethra. L. surópineux, supra- spinous ligament. L. suspenseur du péricarde, costo-pericardiae ligament. L. suspenseur de î'urèthre, triangular lig- ament of urethra. L. sus-pubien, admin- iculum Vme-x albae. L. du testicule, gubernaculum testis. L. tubo-ovarien, infundibulo-ovarian ligament. L. en Y, interosseous 1. of calcaneo-cuboid articula- tion. It bifurcates anteriorly, and is at- tached to both cuboid and scaphoid bones. Ligamen'ta (/>.), pi. of Ligamentum. Ligaments. L. accesso'ria, lateral liga- ments of joints. L. accesso'ria acromio- clavicula'ria, acromioclavicular liga- ments. L. accesso'ria latera'lia ge'nu, lateral ligaments of knee. L. accesso'ria vaga, sacro-iliac ligaments, posterior. L. ala 'ria den'tis, or L. ala'ria Mauchar'- ti, or L. alaria majora, or L. alaria su- periora, alar odontoid ligaments. L. ala'- ria ge'nu, alar ligaments of knee. L. ala'ria mino'ra, processes of connective tissue separating synovial sacs of odonto- transversal articulation from that of the odonto-atlantal [Meyer]. L. annula'ria car'pi, annular ligaments of wrist. L. annula'ria digito'rum, transverse bands of the sheath of the flo.xor tendons of the phalanges. L. annula'ria pe'dis, annu- lar ligaments of ankle. L. ar'cuum, L. subflava. L. articulatio'nis pe'dis an'- ticum et pos'ticum, tibio-tarsal liga- ments. L. atlanto-ocoipita'lia, oooipito- atlantal ligaments. L. auxilia'ria, acces- sory ligaments. L. bas'eos metacar'pi, bundles uniting the bases of metacarpal bones, four dorsal, three palmar. L. baseos metata'rsi, intermetatarsal liga- ments, basal. L. basi'um transversa'- ria, intermetatarsal ligaments. L. calca- neo-tibia'le, bundle of the deltoid liga- ments passing to the oalcaneum. L. capit'uli fib'ulae, anterior and posterior superior tibio-tibular ligaments. L. cap- ittilo'rum planta 'ria or L. c. vola'ria, digital tibro-cartilages. L. coUatera'lia, lateral ligaments of joints. L. col'li cos'tse, eosto-transverse ligaments. L. commu'nia vertebra'lia, common verte- bral ligaments. L. coruscan'tia, anterior intercostal ligaments. L. costo-sterna'- lia radia'ta, costo-sternal ligaments. L. crucia'ta digito'rum, cruciate ligaments of fingers. L. crucia'ta ge'nu, crucial ligaments of knee. L. cuboideo-cunei- for'mia or L. cu'neo-cuboi'dea, cubo- cuneiforni ligaments. L. cuboi'deo- navicula'ria, naviculo-cuboid ligaments. L. cubo-navicularia, bands uniting the cuboid and scaphoid bones. L. cuneo-navicula'ria, bands connecting scaphuid and cuneiform bones. L. cuta'nea digito'rum manus, cutaneo- phalangeal ligaments. L. flabellifor'mia, fibres from fascia lata passing downward and looping across the median line in front of patella and its ligament [Meyer]. L. fla'- va, L. subflava. L. glan'dulse lacryma'- lis, L. Suspensorium glandul« lacrymalis. L. glan'dulae thsrroi'deae, bundles of con- nective tissue passing from capsule of thy- roid gland to cricoid cartilage and upper ring of trachea. L. glos'so-epiglot'tica, glosso- epiglottic folds. L. hyo-thyreoi'dea, thyro-hyoid ligaments. L. ü'io-sacra'lia, sacro-iliac ligaments. L. interannula'ria, membranous intervals between the rings of the trachea and bronchi. L. interbas'ica, intermetatarsal ligaments. L. intercar'- pea, interosseous ligaments uniting sca- phoid, semilunar, and cuneiform bones near their upper articular surfaces [Luschka]. L. intercartilagin'ea, anterior intercostal ligaments. L. intercosta'lia anterio'ra inter'na, bands uniting sternal ends of two contiguous ribs internally. L. intercru- ra'lia, L. subflava. L. interlobula'ria, bands of the pleura pulmonalis which in the interlobular fissures of the lungs pass from one lobe to the other [Luschka]. L. interme'dium ge'nu, bands passing from anterior end of inner semilunar cartilage of knee-joint to anterior crucial ligament ; rare. L. intermuscula'ria bra'chii, thick septa of fascia attached to the supracondy- 54 LIG LIG lar ridges of the humerus, and separating the flexor from the extensor muscles. L. interos'sea ge'nu, crucial ligaments of knee. L. intervertebra'lia, interverte- bral discs. L. is'chio-sacra'lia, sacro- sciatie ligaments. L. kerato-cricoi'dea anterio'ra, crico-thyroid ligaments, ante- rior. L. kerato-cricoi'dea posterio'ra superiora, crico-thyroid ligaments, poste- rior. L. labyrin'tiii, delicate bands of fibrous tissue uniting the membranous laby- rinth of inner ear with periosteum of the osseous wall. L. labyrinthi canaliculo'- rum [Riidinger], bands of connective tis- sue passing from membranous semicircular canals to the osseous labyrinth. L. laby- rinthi sacculo'rum [Riidinger], similar bands connecting the saccule with the bony wall. L. lacer'ti adscitit'ü, liga- menta superficialia carpi. L. lacinia'ti tar'si, external and internal annular liga- ments of ankle. L. latera'lia art;ictila- tio'nis pe'dis, lateral ligaments of ankle. L. latera'lia cu'biti, lateral ligaments of elbow. L. latera'lia den'tis or L. later- alia dentis epistroph'ei, alar-odontoid lig- aments. L. latera'lia pos'tica, posterior sacro-iliac ligaments. L. lateralia sub- ten'sa, L. unguicularia. L. longitudina'- lia colum'nse, common vertebral liga- ments. L. malle'oli exter'ni or L. m. flb'ulse, anterior and posterior inferior tibio-fibular ligaments. L. Maucharti, alar-odontoid 1. L. maxilla'ria, temporo- maxillary ligaments. L. metatar'si an- terio'ra planta 'ria, transverse metatarsal ligaments. L. muco'sa, synovial liga- ments. Li. niten'tia, anterior intercostal ligaments. L. obli'qua digito'rum, ob- liquely-directed bands of the sheath of the flexor tendons of the phalanges. L. obliq'ua ge'nu, crucial ligaments of knee. L. obttirato'ria, occipito-atlantal ligaments. L. odontoi'dea latera'lia, alar odontoid ligaments. L. palpebra'- lia, processes of palpebral fascia, q. v. L. pharynge'a, cranio-pharyngeal ligaments. L. pharynge'a latera'lia, processes of the pharyngeal aponeuroses that are at- tached to the edge of the carotid open- ing iif the temporal bone [Tourtual]. L. pu'bo-ischiad'ica prosta'tœ [Santorini], combined puboprostatic and ischio-pros- tatic ligaments. L. pu 'bo-vesica'lia, pubo- prostatic ligaments. L. ret'rahens tubae, L. salpingo-pharj'ngea. L. sacro -ili'- aca va'ga, (losterior sacro-iliac ligaments. L. sacro-il'iaca va'ga anterio'ra, ante- rior sacro-iliac ligaments. L. sacro-ischi- ad'ica, sacro-sciatic ligaments. L. sacro- uteri'na, recto-uterine lolds. L. salpingo- pharsmge'a, bundles passing from carti- laginous portion of Eustachian tube back- ward to constrictors of the pharynx. L. stemo - clavicula'ria, sterno - clavicular ligaments. L. stemo-costa'lia radia 'ta, costo-sternal ligaments. L. subfla'va. /'. ligaments jaunes; G. gelbe Bänder. Short bands containing yellow elastic tissue, con- necting the vertebral lamin;e in the neck and back. L. superflcia'üa car'pi, thin bundles of fibres continued down to liga- ments of wrist from the fascia covering pronator quadratus. L. suspenso'ria lat- era'lia pe'nis, processes from tunica albu- ginea of penis, uniting with periosteum of pubis. L. ta'lo-calca'nea, astragalo-cal- caneal ligaments. L. talo - flbula'ria (an'ticum et pos'ticum). talofibular ligaments. L. tarsa'lia transver'sa, bands uniting distal row of tarsal bones. L. tarso-calca 'nea, bands connecting the cal- caneum and the cuboid bones. L. tarso- navicula'ria, bands connecting scajihoid with distal row of tarsal bones. L. trans- versa'ria anterio'ra, transverse metatar- sal ligaments. L. triangula're vesi'cae, triangular 1. of urethra^. L. triangula'ria hep'atis, triangular ligaments of liver. L. tuber'culi cos'tae, costo-transverse liga- ments, posterior. L. tuberosità 'turn ver- tebra'lium, intertransverse ligaments. L. tingTiictila'ria. G. Nagelbänder. Thin tendinous bands passing from sides of third phalanx of fingers to the skin. L. un'- guium, L. unguicularia. L. u'teri la'ta, broad ligaments of uterus. L. vagrina'lia digito'rum ma'nus, collection of bands forming sheath for flexor tendons as they pass over the phalanges. L. vertebro- pulmona'lia, that part of suspensory liga- ment of diaphragm passing to roots of lungs. L. vesi'cae suspenso'ria, vesico- umbilical ligaments. L. vesica'lia ve'ra anterio'ra, pubo-prostatic ligaments. L. voca'lia, vocal cords. L. voca'lia pos- terio'ra, corniculo-pharyngeal ligaments. Ligamen'tous. L. ligamentosus; F. ligamenteux, euse ; G. ligamentös ; /. lega- mentoso. Pertaining to, resembling, or constructed of, ligaments. L. cord of Weit'brecht, oblique ligament, L. glot'- tis, vocal glottis. Lig'aments. L. of an'kle : see Cal- ctiiieo-fihular ligament, Culcaneo-tibialL, Del- toid I., Lateral I. of aiihle, Ligamentum Wal- theri, Talo-filular I., Talo-tibial I., Tibio-navic- LIG LIG 55 iilar /., Tibio-larsal I. L. of blad'der, the true ligaments are processes of the recto- vesical fascia, two anterior (see Pubo-pros- tatic ligaments) ; two lateral, passing from the sides of the pelvis. The false liga- ments are duplications of the peritoneum (see i'racluil /old, Hypogastric /olds, Recto- vesical /olds). The urachal and hypogas- tric folds are often described together as the superior false ligament. L. of car'- pus : see L. o/ wrist. L. of co'lon. L. ligamenta coli ; G. Längsbiinder. Three longitudinal bands of muscle-fibres extend- ing along the large intestine from cœcum to rectum ; distinguished as posterior, an- terior, and inner or lateral. L. of el'- bo'w, those that relate to the elbow-joint: see Annular ligaments o/ radius, Lateral ligaments o/ elbow, Ligamentum cubiti nn- ticum, Ligamentum cubiti posticum, Liga- mentum humero-conoideum , Ligamentum ole- crano-humerale, Ligamentum quadratum. L. of hip, those that relate to the hip-joint: see Cotyloid ligament, Ilio-/emoral ligament, Ischio-femoral ligament, Ligamentum teres, Pubo-femoral ligament. Transverse ligament, Zona orbicularis. L. of in'cus, a poste'- rior 1. consists of fibres connecting short process with posterior wall of tj-mpanura. A supe'rior 1. is described by many as a few fibres near the suspensory ligament of the malleus, which connect the body of the incus with the roof of the tympanum : see also Ligamentum corporis incudis. L. of jaw: see Temporo-maxillary ligaments. L. of knee, those which relate to the knee- joint. Besides the capsular ligament, there are a number of accessory bands : see Alar l-s.. Cruciai l-s. of knee, Lateral l-s. o/ knee, Ligamenta ßabelli/ormia, Liga- mentum patellse, Ligamentum popUteum ar- cuatum, Ligamentiim posticum Winsloicii, Mu.- cousligamenf, and Transverse ligament of kiiee. Li. of lar'smx : see Ary-Santorinian l-s., Ary-epiglottic /obi, Corniculo-pharyngeal I., Crico-arytenoid I., Crico-pharyngeal I., Crico- Santorinian l-s., Crico-thyro-arytenoid l-s., Crico-thyroid l-s., Crico-tliyroid membrane, Crico-tracheal I., Glosso-epiglottic l-s., Hyo- epiglotlic I., Ligamentum arcuatum laryn- gis, Ligamentum arytenoideum transversuni, Ligamentum petioli epiglottidis, Thyro-ary- tenoid l-s., Thyro-epiglottic l-s., Thyro-hyoid l-s., Thyro-hyoid membrane, a.Xìà Vocal cords. L. of liv'er: see Hepatic ligaments. L. of mal'leus, those which unite the bone to neighboring structures. The supe'rior or suspen'soryl. unites the head of the mal- leus to roof of tympanum ; the ante'rior 1. is a band passing from the neck of the bone to spina tympanica major (Helm- holtz's ligament), and also through the Glaserian fissure to the spine of the sphe- noid (Meckel's ligament) ; the exter'nal or poste'rior 1. passes from neck of the bone out through the notch of Eivinus to the wall of the external auditory meatus. L. of spleen: see Gastro-splenic ligament, Pancreatic I,, Plireno-rolic I., Spleno-colic I. and Spleno-ph renie I. L. of u'terus, bands of fascia or folds of peritoneum that help to sustain it in position. For the former see Round ligament of uterus ; for the lat- ter, Broad ligament o/ uterus, Recto-uterine folds, And Vesico-titerine /olds. L. of wrist, those uniting the carpus with structures belonging to the forearm : see Arcuate I. o/ wrist, Ligamentum carpi radiale, Liga- mentum carpi ulnare, Ligamentum carjn rectum, Ligamenta super/cialia carpi. Radio- carpal l-s., and Riiomboid I. o/ wri.tt. Ligamen'tum {L.). Ligament. For those named after special persons see under names of persons. L. accesso'rium an'- ticum, L. rectum atlantis. L. accesso'- rium cu'biti exter'nuiu or latera'le, lateral ligament of elbow, external. L. accesso'rium cu'biti inter'num or me- dia'le, lateral ligament of elbow, internal. L. accesso'rium exter'num articulatio'- nis pe'dis, lateral ligament of ankle, exter- nal. L. accesso'rium ge'nu inter'num or media'le, lateral ligament uf knee, inter- nal. L. accesso'rium hu'meri, coraco- hunioral ligament. L. accesso'rium ob- li'quum, arcuate ligament of wrist. Li. accesso'rium rec'tum, L, rectum atlan- tis. L. accesso'rium rec'tum car'pi, L. carpi rectum. L. accesso'rium rec'- tum Weitbrech'tii, L. rectum atlantis. L. acromia'le clavic'ulae, unusually thickened superior ligament of acromio- clavicular joint. L. acro'mio-coracoi'- deum, coraco-aeromial ligament. L. adi- po'sum, mucous ligament. L. ala're, left triangular ligament of liver. L. annula'- re ba'seos stape'dis, annular ligament of stapes, L. annula're fem'oris, zona or- bicularis. L. annula're (pu'bis), inter- pubic disc. L. annula're ra'dii, annular ligament of radius. L. ano-coccyge'um, ano-coccygeal raphe. L. ap'icis coc'cy- gis. 1. Ano-coccygeal raphe. 2. Liga- mentum caudale. L. ap'icis den'tis, sus- pensory ligament of odontoid process. Li. ap'icis incu'dis, ligament of incus, poste- rior. L. ap'icum, supraspinous ligament. L. arcua'tum, arcuate ligament. L. ar- 56 LIG LIG cua'ttun infe'rius pu'bis, subpubic liga- ment. L. arcua'tum laryn'gis, fibres of superior tliyro-arytenoid ligament curv- ing around posterior angle of ventricle of larynx [Tourtual]. L. arcua'tum supe'- rius, superior jiubic ligament. L. armil- la're, annular ligament of wrist. L. arte- rio'sum, cliorda ductus arteriosi. L. ary- epiglot'ticum, aryteno-epiglottic fold. L. ary-Santorinian'um, L. aryteno-Santo- rinianum. L. arsrtenoi'deum trans- ver'sum, fibres from superior tbyro-ary- tenoid ligament attached to crista arcuata of arytenoid cartilage [Tourtual]. L. ary- teno-Santorinian'um, bundle of con- nective tissue uniting eornicula laryngis and arytenoid cartilages. L. atlan'tico- occipita'le an'ticum profan'dum, oc- cipito-atluntal ligament, anterior. L. at- lan'to-epistroph'icum ante'rius, L. ob- turatoriuni atlantii-axiale anticuni. L. at- lan'to-occipita'le superficia'le, L. rec- tum atlantis. L. auricula're, ligament of Valsalva. L. bas'ium os'sis metatar'si juga'le or L. basium ossis metatarsi commu'ne lon'gnm, L. basium ossis meta- tarsi plantare longum. L. basium OSSis metatarsi planta 're longum, band some- times found passing from base of first meta- tarsal bone to fifth, on plantar surface. L. bifurca'tum subli'm.e, L. tarso-metatar- sium plantare, mediale. L. brachio-cu- bita'le, lateral ligament of elbow, internal. L. brachio-radia'le, lateral ligament of elbow, external. L. bre've dig'iti, vincula tendinum, uniting tendon of flexor sublimis digitorum to finger-joint just above its in- sertion. L. calca'neo metatar'seum, thick process of plantar fascia, passing over the abductor of the little toe to be inserted into tuberosity of metatarsale [E. Weber]. L. canaHculo'rum labyrin'thi, L. labyrinthi canaliculorum. L. capitato- hama'tum, small bone uniting os magnum and unciform bone of wrist. L. capit'uli cos'tse ante'rius, costo-ccntral ligament. L. capit'uli cos'tae interarticula're, in- terarticular fibro-cartilage of a costo-verte- bral articulation. L. capituli costae pos- te'rius, that part of middle costo-transverse ligament lying near head of rib. L. capit- uli costae radia'tum, costocentral liga- ment. L. capituli costse transver'sum, L. capituli costa} interarticulare. L. cap- sula 're cub'iti, capsular ligament of elbow- joint. L. capsula're hu'meri, capsular ligament of shoulder-joint. L. capsulare inter'num cox'ee, L. teres. L. capsula'- re saccifor'me, capsular ligament of inte- rior radio-ulnar articulation, so called from its looseness. L. car'pi armilla're, pos- terior annular ligament of wrist. L. car- pi dorsa'le commu'ne, posterior annular ligament of wrist. L. carpi dorsale lon- gum, bundle extending from cuneiform bone to unciform, thence to fifth metacar- pal. L. car'pi dorsa'le profun'dum, posterior radio-carpal ligament. L. car'pi dorsa'le radia'tum, a series of short bands radiating from os magnum on back of wrist. L. carpi juga'lia or L. carpi obli'qua, radiate ligament of wrist. L. carpi obliquum, arcuate ligament of wrist. L. car'pi radia'le, external lat- eral ligament of wrist, passing from styloid process of radius to scaphoid bone. L. carpi radia'tum, radial ligament of wrist. L. car'pi rec'tum, rounded fasciculus of anterior radio-carpal ligament, passing from styloid process of ulna to semilunar and cuneiform bones. L. carpi rhomboi'- deum, rhomboid ligament of wrist. L. car'pi transver'sum, ligamentum carpi volare jiroprium : see Aiinii/nr /iyanicnts of u-rUt. L. car'pi ulna're, band extending from styloid process of ulna to cuneiform and pisiform bones. L. car'pi vola're commu'ne: see Avinilur liijuminis of u-rist. L. car'pi vola're profun'dtim, radio-carpal ligaments, anterior. L. car'- pi vola're profun'dum arcua'tum, ar- cuate ligament of wrist. L. car'pi vola'- re profan'dum transver'sum, li. trans- versum volare. L. car'pi vola're pro- prium, anterior annular ligament of wrist. Li. car'pi vola're radia'le, small band passing from scaphoid to trai)ezium under internal lateral ligament of wrist. L. car'- pi vola're radia'tum, radiate ligament of wrist. L. cartüag'inum semiluna'- rium, coronary ligaments of knee. L. cauda'le, a cord of connective tissue con- necting posterior portion of coccyx with the skin, its insertion often indicated by a slight depression. L. cervico-basila're, occipito-axial ligament. L. circula're den 'tis, periodontium. L. circumflex'um, bundle of L. piso-metacarpeum passing out- ward to bases of third and fourth metacar- pals. L. coccyge'a latera'lia, continua- tion of lateral sacro-coccygeal ligaments to the second coccygeal vertebra. L. col'ico liena'le, spleno-colie ligament. L. col'i- cum dex'trum, fold of jieritonetim pass- ing from anterior surface of iliatnis muscle to right side of cecum. L. colicum Hal- leri, continuation of right cud of great omentum downward upon ascending colon. LIG LIG 57 L. col'li cos'taB juga'le, band sometiiucs füuiul, especially upon the lower ribs, pass- ing from the tuberosity inward througli the intervertebral notch, and often uniting with a similar one from the opposite side beneath the posterior common ligament [Luschka]. L. commu'ne vertebra'le : see Commnn vertfbnd ligaments. L. con'icum or CO- noi'deum, crico-thyroid ligament, middle. L. conoi'deum clavic'ulae, conoid lig- ament; see Conico-clavicular ligament. L. cor'aco-brachia'le, coraco-acromial liga- ment. L. cor'aco-clavicula're an'ti- cum : see Coraco-clavieìilar ligamriit. L. cor'aco-clavicula're exter'num, trape- zoid ligament: see Cnnieo-elacirtdar liga- ment. L. cor'aco-clavicula're inter'- num, conoid ligament : see Cunico-clariru- lar ligament. . L. cor'aco-clavicula're pos'ticum: >^ee forara-claricnlar ligamrnt. Li. coraco-glenoida'le, gleno-humeral lig- ament. Li. cor'aco-humera'le, coraco- acromial ligament. L. corona 'rium hep'- atis, coronary ligament. L. corona'rium ra'dii, annular ligament of radius. L. cor'poris incu'dis [flayer], fold of mu- cous membrane of the tympanum which attaches the incus to the lateral wall of the recessus epitympanicus. L. costo-pleu- ra'le, band of fascia running from neck of first rib to insertion of scalenus anticus. L. costo-pleuro-vertebra'le, band of fascia frequently seen passing from trans- verse process of sixth or seventh cervical vertebra over the pleura to first rib. L. costo-vertebrale accesso 'rium, acces- sory band of costo-central ligament, pass- ing from head of twelfth rib to disc be- tween twelfth dorsal and first lumbar ver- tebra. L. costo-vertebra'le ante'rius, or radia'tum, or stella'tum, costo-cen- tral ligament. L. coxa'le pro'prium, obturator membrane. Li. crico-ar5rtenoi'- deum pos'ticum, crico-arytenoid ligament. L.crico-comicula'tum, band passing from cricoid cartilage to a corniculum laryngis, vestige of atrophied arytenoideus obliquus. L. crico-comic'ulo-pharyng'e'um, crieo- Santorinian ligament. L. crico-thyroi'- deum latera'le, cricothyroid ligament, superior. Li. cris'tae pu'bis, triangular ligament of abdomen. L. crucia'tum atlan'tis, cruciform ligament of atlas. L. crucia'tum cru 'ris, lower band of anterior annular ligament of ankle, a -<-shaped thickening of fascia, the main stem (lig- amentum fundiforme tarsi) being a loop- like process which springs from the fore part of the calcaneum. and confines the tendons of the long extensor of the toes, the diverging branches passing over the tendons of the extensor longus ballueis and tibialis posticus to the internal Imrder of the foot. L. crucia'tum episti'oph'ei, cruciform ligament of atlas. L. crucia'- tum tarsi, L. cruciatum cruris. L. cru- cia'tum. ter'tium, fibres passing from posterior margin of external semilunar fibro-cartilage of knee-joint, and accom- panying posterior crucial ligament to its insertion [Robert]. L. crucifor'me, cruci- form ligament of atlas. L. cu'biti an'- ticum, anterior ligament of elbow-joint, composed of fibres arising above coronoid fossa and passing directly downward to radius. L. cu'biti pos'ticum, posterior ligament of elbow-joint ; a thin membrane extending from edge of olecranon fossa to olecranon. L. cubito-radia'le, oblique ligament. L. cu'bito-radia'le te'res, oblicjue ligament of forearm. L. dentis, sus]>ensory ligament of odontoid process. L. dentis epistroph'ei me'dium an'ti- cum and pos'ticum, a division of suspen- sory ligament of odontoid process into two bands; sometimes seen. L. dentis pos'ti- cum, suspensory ligament of odontoid process. L. duc'tus veno'si, vestige of ductus venosus, remaining as a fibrous band in left longitudinal fissure of liver. L. duodeno-hepat'icum, L. hepato-duo- denale. L. epididy 'midis, fold of tunica vaginalis, passing from testis to epididymis. L. epididy'midis me'dium, band some- times seen bridging over sinus of epididy- mis. L. epiglottico-palati'num, arcus palatinus médius. L. epistrophico-at- lan'ticum an'ticum profan'dum, L. obturatorium atlanto-axiale anticum. L. epistrophico-atlan'ticum an'ticum su- perficia'le, lower part of L. rectum atlantis, extending from body of axis to tubercle on anterior arch of atlas. L. falcifor'me, falciform process. L. fiindifor'me Retzii or L. f. tarsi : see Ligamentum crueiatum crnris. L. furciUa'tum superflcia'le, L. tarso-metatarseum plantare mediale. L. gastro-col 'icum, gastro-colie omentum. L. gastro - hepat'icum, gastro - hepatic omentum. L. gastro - liena'le, gastro- splenic omentum. L. Gimbema'ti re- flex'um, triangular ligament of abdomen. L. glenoi'deo - brachia'le infe'rius, gleno-humeral ligament. L. glenoi'deo- brachia'le inter'num, coraco- humeral ligament. L. glenoi'deo-brachia'le la'- tum, gleno-humeral ligament. L. glot'- tidis spu'riae, false vocal cord. L. glot'- 58 LIG LIG tidis ve'rse, true vocal cord : see Voca/ cords. L. hamo-metacar'peum, band passing from uneit'orni to tilth metacarpal bone. L. hepato-col'icum, hepatorenal ligament. L. hepato-duodena'le, fold of peritoneum pas.sing from liver to duo- denum. L. hepato-gas'trictim or L. he- patico-gas'tricum, gastro-hepatic omen- tum. L. hepato-umbilica'le, round lig- ament of liver. L. humero-coronoi'- deum. -f. ligament humero-coronoidien. Anterior portion of internal lateral ligament of elbow-joint, passing from front of epicon- dj'le to coronoid process. L. hyothjToi'- deum accesso'rium or L. hyothyroi- deum accessorium me'dium, accessory band sometimes found passing in front of thyro-hyoid-ligament, from body of hyoid bone to upper edge of thyroid cartilage. Li. ili'acumpro'prium, band sometimes found stretched across the concavity of the ilio-pec- tineal line. L. il'io-femora'le ante'rius, anterior band of ilio-fomoral ligament. L. ilio-feraora'le infe'rius, anterior band of ilio-femoral ligament. L. ilio-femora'le supe'rius, superior band of ilio-femoral ligament. L. ilio-lumba'le, ilio-lumbar ligament. L. il'io-pu'bicum, Poupart's ligament. L. il'io-sacra'le, sacro-iliac ligament, po.sterior. L. il'io-tibia'le or il'io-trochanter'ico-tibia'le, ilio-tibial band. L. incu'dis poste'rius, ligament of incus, posterior. L. incu'dis supe'- rius, ligament of incus, superior. L. in- gTiina'le, or L. inguina'le anterius, or L. inguinale externum, Poupart's liga- ment. L. inguina'le inter'num or L. inguinale posterius, thickened portion of transversalis fascia attached to Pou- part's ligament. L. ingTiina'le Lntemum latera'le, outer margin of internal inguinal ring. L. inguinale internum media 'le, inner margin of internal inguinal ring. L. interarticula 're, interosseous ligament. L. inter articula 're cox'se, ligamentum teres. L. interbronchia'le, strong, elas- tic band within the lower end of the tra- chea formed by union of the two bronchi [Luschka]. L. interlamella're, cord- like connection between the lamellse of a Pacinian corpuscle, frequently found at the end opposite the entrance of the nerve. L. interlobula're, process of pleura penetrating interlobular fissure. L. intermaxilla're, pterygo-maxillary liga- ment. L. interme'dium (costse), costo- transverse ligament, middle. L. interme'- dium cru'ris, lower part of interosseum cruris. L. intermuscula're fibula're, thick band of fascia separating peroneal group of muscles from extensors of the toes. L. intermuscula're tibia'le, sep- tum between tibialis anticus and extensor longus digitorum pedis. L. interos'seum antibra'chii, sheet connecting shafts of the radius and ulna. L. interos'seum cru'ris or inferius, sheet connecting shafts of the tibia and fibula. L. inter- os'seum pu'bis, interpubic disk. L. in- teros'seum supe'rius, ligamentum inter- osseum antibrachii. L. intertransversa'- rium atlan'to-occipita'le, band on either side passing from transverse process of atlas to outer side of condyle of occipital bone. L. intestina'le, ligament of the colon, lateral. L. intesti'ni cseci, L. coli- cum dextrum. L. is'chio-capstda're, ischio-femoral ligament. L. juga'le car- tilag'inum Santori'ni, crieo-Santorinian ligament. L. juga'le or jugale ge'nu, transverse ligament of knee. L. kerato- cricoi'deum infe'rius, crico-thyroid liga- ment, inferior. L. lacinia'tum exter'- num, retinaculum peroneorum superius. L. lacinia'tum inter'num, internal annular liaament of ankle, a band of fa.scia passing from internal malleolus to calcaneum, con- fining tendons of tibialis posticus, flexor longus digitorum pedis, posterior tibial ves- sels and nerve, and tendon of flexor longus hallucis. L. lacinia'tum medul'lse spi- na'lis, ligamentum dentieulatum. L. lat- era'le den'tis inferio'ris, accessory atlan- to-axial ligament. L. latera'le exter'num ge'nu ante'rius or lon'gum, lateral liga- ment of knee, long external. L. latera'le exter'num ge'nu bre've or pos'ticum, lateral ligament of knee, short external. L. latera'le inter'num ge'nu ante'rius, lateral ligament of knee, loiiir internal. L. latera'le inter'num ge'nu pos'ticum, lateral ligament of knee, short internal. L. latera'le ulna're, funiculus ligamen- tosus. L. la'tum epistroph'ei, occipito- axial ligament. L. la'tum pulmo'nis. L. ligamentum pulmonale ; /'. ligament des poumons ; G. Lungenband. A tri- angular fold of pleura extending from root of lung backward to the thorax and downward to the diaphragm. Li. la'tum u'teri, liroad ligament of uterus. L. li'nese al'bae, triangular widening of linea alba just above symphysis pubis. L. longitudina'le : see Common lerfchral licj- aments. L. longitudina'le abdom'inis, linea alba. L. lon'gum dig'iti, slender vinculum tendinum which confines a flexor tendon some distance above its insertion. LIG LIG 59 L. lunato - pyramida'le, small bundle uniting semilunar anil cuneiform bones of wrist. L. lunato-scaphoi'deum, small bundle uniting scaphoid and semilunar bones of wrist. L. lunato-trique'trum, L. lunato-pyramidale. L. mal'lei ante'- rius, L. m. exter'num or laterale, L. m. poste'rius, L. m. supe'rius : see Lig- ameuts of ma/lciia. L. mal'lei tym'pani, L. mallei anterius. L. malle'oli exter'm intenne'dium, interosseous tibio -fibular ligaments. L. malleoli extemi supe'rius, lower part of L. interosseum cruris. L. manu'brii, la.xator tympani minor. L. maxilla're latera'le, external lateral lig- ament of temporo-maxillary articulation : see Temporo-mnxillo ry liijaments. Li.m.axil- la're media'le, internal lateral ligament of temporo-maxillary articulation : see Tevi- poi-o-nidxIUari/ /iijaments. L. mesenter'- ico-mesocol'icum, mesenterieo-mcsocolic fold. L. metatar'si transver'sum planta're, transverse metatarsal ligament. L. naviculari-luna'tum, L. lunato-sca- phoideum. L. ner'vi hypoglos'si, band passing across hypoglossal nerve at its exit from anterior condyloid foramen, extending from condyle of occipital bone to edge of jugular foramen [Luschka]. L. nu'chse. F. ligament cervical postérieur ; G. Nacken- band. Fascial band continuing supra- spinous ligament from 7th cervical- vertebra to occipital protuberance. From its deep surface fibres pass to spinous processes of cervical vertebras. L. obli'quum. Wal'- theri, band of capsular ligament of ankle- joint extending from external malleus to eminence for flexor longus pollicis on as- tragalus. L. obtec'tum, stria tecta. L. obturato'rium, obturator membrane. L. obturato'rium atlan'to-axia'le an'ti- ctim, sheet uniting anterior arch of atlas with axis, external to anterior common lig- ament. L. obturato'rium stap'edis, membrana obturatoria stapedis. L. oc- cipita'le poste'rius me'dium, name given by Meyer to combined superior and inferior crura of cruciform ligament of atlas. L. odontoi'deum me'dium, sus- pensory ligament of odontoid process. L. olecrano-humera'le. F. ligament huméro- olécranien. Posterior portion of internal lateral ligament of elbow-joint, passing from posterior portion of epicondyle to the olecranon. L. orbicula're, annular lig- ament of radius. L. os'sium cunei- for'mium, intercuneiform ligaments, dor- sal. L. ova'rii pro'prium, ligament of ovary. L. ova'rio-pel'vicum, L. in- fundibulo-pelvicum. L. palpebra'le, pal- pebral fascia. L. patel'lee or L. patellae pro'prium, strong flat band extending from patella to tubercle of tibia, and constituting the anterior investment for the knee-joint. It is a continuation of tendon of quadriceps extensor femoris. L. patel'lse exter'num or latera'le, L. patel'lse inter'num or media'le, ligamenta flabelliformia. L. patel'lœ or patella're infe'rius, lig- amentum patelhc. L. patella're, that portion of the capsular 1. of knee attached to patella beneath the L. patellœ. L. pectina'tum i'ridis, pectinate ligament of iris. L. pelvio-prostat'icum, trian- gular ligament of urethra [Luschka]. L. pelvio-prostat'icum capsula 're, process of pelvic fascia enclosing prostate gland. L. pel'vio ante'rius triangnla're, sub- pubic ligament. L. pel'vis pos'ticum mag'num, great .sacro-sciatic ligament. L. pelvis pos'ticum par'vum, lesser sacro-sciatic ligament. L. pericar'dii supe'rius, suspensory ligament of pericar- dium. L. peronseo'rum pro'prium, reti- naculum peroneorum .«uperius. L.peroneo- tibia'le, bundle of fibres at upper part of L. interosseum cruris, passing from tibia oblifjuely downward to the fibula. L. peti'oli epiglot'tidis, band uniting lower end of epiglottis to angle between ahic of thyroid cartilage. L. petrosphenoi'- deum, petro-sphenoid ligament, posterior. L. pharynge'um me'dium, process of pharyngeal aponeurosis attached to pharyn- geal spine of occipital bone, and extending downward as the posterior median raphe of pharynx. L. phren'ico-gas'tricum, gas- tro-phrenic ligament. L. phren'ico-he- pat'ictim, triangular ligament of liver. L. phren'ico-liena'le, spleno-phrenic liga- ment. L.phrenico-pulmona'le, that part of suspensory ligament of diaphragm pass- ing between roots of lungs and diaphragm. L. pi'so-hama'tum, short band passing from pisiform to unciform bone, usually considered as a continuation of insertion of flexor carpi ulnaris. L. pi'so-meta- car'peum, band passing from pisiform to fifth metaoarpal bone, usually considered as an insertion of flexor carpi ulnaris. L. piso-uncina'tum, L. piso-hamatum. L. pleu'ro-col'icum, phreno-colic ligament. L. pleuro-œsophage'um, band taking place of atrophied pleuro-œsophageus mus- cle. L. pli'cae synovia'lis, mucous liga- ment. L. poplite'um, ligamentum posti- cuni Winslowii. L. poplite'um arcua'- tum, band on capsule of knee, arising from 60 LIG LIG outer coiidjle of fomur with tendun of pop- liteus and looping; around opening of bursa Poplitea. The short external lateral lifra- ment blends with it. L. poplite'um ex- ter'num or L. popliteum infe'rius, lat- eral lisament of knee, .short external. L. poplite'um inter'num, or obli'quum, or supe'rius, oi- L. pos'ticum superfi- cia'le or Winslo'wii, .strong accessory band derived from tendon of semimem- branosus, passing obliquely across capsule of knee-joint posteriorly ; often incorrectly applied to whole jiosterior portion of cap- sule. L. proces'sus bre'vis incu'dis, ligament of incus. L. pro'prium mi'- nus, coracoid ligament. L. pro'prium patel'lse, ligamentum patella?. L. pro'- prium scap'ulae min'imum, ligamentum transversum scapulœ inferius. L. pro'- prium scap'ulee mi'nus, coracoid liga- ment. L. pterygo-mandibula're, ptery- go-niaxillary ligament. L. pterygo-pe- tro'sum, ligamentum pterygo-spinosum. L. pterygo-sphenoi'deum or L. ptery- go-sphenoi'deum inter'num, .strip of fascia lietween tensor and levator palati. L. pterygo-sphenoi'deum exter'num, saliiingo-pterygoid process. L. pterygo- spino'sum, small band of connective tis- sue passing from external pterygoid plate to spinous process of sphenoid. It some- times ossifies [Civinini]. L. pu'bicum Coo'peri, triangular ligament of abdomen. L. pulm.ona'le or pulmo'nis, L. latum pulmonis. L. pyramida'le, crico-thyroid ligament, middle. L. quadra'tum, part of capsule of elbow-joint, extending from lower border of lesser sigmoid fossa and lower edge of annular ligament to neck of radius [Denucé]. L. radia'tum, ligamen- tum car]ii ulnare ; costo-eentral ligament. L. radia'tum May'eri, L. carpi rectum. L. rec'tum abdom'inis, linea alba. L. rec'tum atlan'tis, part of anterior com- mon ligament of spine, extending from body of axis to occipital bone ; often described as an accessory or superficial occipito-atlan- tal ligament. L. rec'tum cu'biti, liga- mentum cubiti anticum. L. rec'tum me'- dium, suspensory ligament of odontoid process. L. rhomboi'deum car'pi, rhom- boid ligament of wrist. L. rotun'dum acetab'uli or rotundum fem'oris, liga- mentum teres. L. rotun'dum anti- bra'chii, oblique ligament of forearm. L. sa'cro-il'iacum interos'seum, sacro- iliac ligament, posterior. L. sa'cro-ili'a- cum. obli'quum, sacro-iliac ligament, long. L. sacro-ischiad'icum ma'jus, great sa- cro-sciatic ligament. L. sacro-ischiad'i- cum minus, lesser sacro-sciatic ligament. Li. sa'cro-spino'sum, sacro-sciatic liga- ment, lesser. L. sa'cro-tubero'sum, sa- cro-sciatic ligament, greater. L. salpingo- pterygoi'deum, saljiingo-pterygoid liga- ment. L.salpingo-pterygoi'deum (pro'- prium ), band passing from cartilage of Eustachian tube to inner pterygoid plate. L.scap'ulae poste'rius, coracoid ligament. L. scap'ulae pro'prium, coracoid ligament. L. scap'ulse proprium transver'sum majus, coracii-acromial ligament. L. sclerotico-choroida'le, ciliary ligament. L. serra'tum, denticulate ligament. L. Sœmmerin'gii, ligamentum Suspensori- um gianduia^ lachrymalis. L. spheno- maxilla're, internal lateral ligament of jaw : see Temjìoro-maxiììary ligament. L. spheno-petro'sum ante'rius, petro-sphe- noid ligament, anterior. L. spino'so-sa'- crum, lesser sacro-sciatic ligament. L. spinoso-sacrum supe'rius, band running from spina accessorii ischii to great sacro- sciatic ligament. L. spira'le, membrane on the outer wall of spiral of cochlea, to which the membrana basilaris and Reiss- ner's membrane are attached. L. spira'le accesso 'rium, prominentia spiralis. L. splenico-gas'tricum, gastro-splenic liga- ment. L. spleno-rena'le, spleno-phrenic ligament. L. sterno-costa'le interar- ticula're, fibres passing from disc between first and second pieces of sternum to costal cartilage of second rib. L. stemo-dia- phragmat'icum [Luschka], tendinous process bj' which the diaphragm is attached to visceral surface of ensiform process. L. stylo-auricula're. band passing from styloid process to cartilage of external auditory meatus ; vestige of stylo-auricu- laris muscle. L. stylo-mandibula're, stylo-maxillary ligament. L. stylo-my'lo- hyoi'deum [Luschka], stylohyoid lig- ament. L. stylo-myloi'deum, stylo-max- illary ligament. L. subcruen'tum, fibrous bands uniting triangular fibro-cartilage of wrist to ulna ; so called because tliey con- tain numerous vessels. L. supe'rius coxae, ilio-femoral ligament. L. superius dia- phrag'matis, that part of suspensory lig- ament of diaphragm attached to peri- cardium. L. supe'rius hu'meri, coraco- humeral ligament. L. suprascapula're, coracoid ligament. L. suspenso'rium den'tis or epistroph'ei, suspensory liga- ment of odontoid process. L. suspenso'- rium glan'dulae lachryma'lis, strong fibrous processes connecting capsule of LIG LIG 61 lachrymal ulaiid with |iorioi-liital membrane. L. suspenso 'rium hep'atis, .suspensory ligament of liver. L. suspenso 'rium hu'nieri, eoraeo-aeromial ligament. L. suspenso 'rium hyoi'deum, stjlo-hyoid ligament. L. suspenso 'rium incu'dis, ligament of iiieiis. superior. L. suspen- so'rium len'tis, zone of Zinn. L. sus- penso'rium lie'nis, spleno-phrenie liga- ment. L. suspenso 'rium me'dium pe'- nis, suspensory ligament of penis, supertieial. L. suspenso'rium os'sisfem'oris, L. Sus- pensorium troehanteris. L. suspenso 'rium pe'nis fibro'sum or profiin'dum: see Suspi usor^ iiyiimeiif of jìcìuk, ch'i'p. L. suspenso'rium trochante'ris, band of fascia extending from anterior superior spine of ilium and fascia on under surface of gluteus médius down to tendon of gluteus minimus and great troelianter [Gün- ther]. L. talo-calca'neum latera'le, external astragalo-ealcaneal ligament. L. talo-navicula're, astragalo-scaphoid lig- ament. L. talo-tibia'le, bundle of the deltoid ligament passing to the astragalus. L. tar'seum transver'sum latera'le, L. tarso-metatarseum jtlantare laterale. L. tarseum transversum me'diale, L. tarso- metatarseum plantare mediale. L. tar'si, palpebral fascia. L. tarsi ante'rius, an- terior annular ligament of ankle. L. tar'si (inferius et superius), septum orbitale. L. tarsi inter'num, anteridr annular lig- ament of ankle. L. tarso-metatar'seum planta're latera'le, bundle passing from the plantar surface of external cuneiform bone to tuberosity of fifth metatarsal. L. tarso-metatar'seum planta're media'- le, bundle passing from outer surface of internal cuneiform, obliquely outward and forward, to base of third metatarsal. L. tecto'rium, occipito-axial ligament. L. tec'tum, stria tecta. L. te'res acetab'uli or te'res fem'oris. F. ligament rond ; G. rundes Band ; /. legamento rotondo. Flat band of loose connectiye tissue, containing vesseLs, which passes from the depression on head of femur to bottom of acetabulum and transverse ligament ; generally believed to represent a process of synovial mem- brane which has become detached from wall of the capsule. L. te'res antibra'chü, oblique ligament. L. te'res hep'atis, round ligament of liver. L. te'res u'teri, round ligament of uterus. L. tib'io- calca'neo navicula're, inferior calcaneo- navicular ligament, so called because its fibres can be traced upward through del- toid ligament to tibia. L. tib'io-navicu- la're, special band of deltoid ligament of ankle-joint passing from internal malleolus to scaphoid bone. L. tibio-ta'lo-navicu- la're, tibio-navicular ligament. L. trans- versa'rium exter'num, costo-transverse ligament, posterior. L. transversa'rium inter'num, bundle arising from root of transverse process of dorsal vertebra, and passing to the rib below near its head. L. transver'sum acetab'uli, transverse lig- ament of hip-joint. L. transver'sum at- lan'tis, transverse ligament of atlas. L. transver'sum capit'uli cos'tae, inter- articular ligament of a costo-vertebral ar- ticulation. L. transver'sum car'pi dorsa'le, transverse dorsal ligament of wrist. L. transver'sum cartüag'inum, transverse ligament of knee. L. trans- ver'sum cru'ris, upper band of anterior annular ligament of ankle, a broad thick- ening of deep fascia of leg, stretching tran,s- versely between anterior b. linctus; /".,/. looeh ; G. Looch. A liquid medicine of the consist- ence of thick syrup, having for its basis an oil emulsion [Cod.] ; formerly sucked from the end of a liquorice-stick, whence the name. Linc'tus (L.). Lincture. L. bibora'- tis na'trici [P. Svec], borax honey. L. boraci'nus [P. Norv.J, borax honey. Lin'den. F. tilleul; G. Linde; /. tiglio. 1. The genus TUin. 2. Tilia eurojjsea, L., the common linden. Linden-flo"wers. L. flores tiliœ ; F. fleurs de tilleul ; G. Lindenbliitheu ; /. fiori di tiglio. The inflorescence of sev- eral species of Tilia, especially T. enropsta, L. ; used in infusion as a diaphoretic and antispasmodic. Lin'dera Benzo'in, IMeiss. Betizoin odoriferum, Nees. Lindernd (^.y Sedative. Linderungskur {G.). Palliative treat- ment. Linderungsmittel {G.). Demulcent, lenitive. Lind-WTirm (C). The elongated form assumed by the red blood-corpuscles under chemical action. LIN LIN 65 Line. L-, I. linea ; F. ligne ; G. Linie. 1. Geometricall}-, the path described by a moving point. 2. In crauioinetrj' a straight line connecting two cranial points, or tangent to a given surface : see Alveolo- nasal I. ; Bell, vertical line of ; Coronal I. ; Daubenton, I. of; Plano-basilar I.; Piano- spinal I.; Profile I. 3. Often used in anatomy to indicate superficial marks upon organs, or imaginary boundaries of re- gions. L. of accommoda 'tion, accom- modation line. L. of demarca'tion, def- inite boundary formed between dead and living tissue, or between a tumor and the surrounding tissues : see also Lines of de- iiiiircntion. L. of De Salle, nasal line. Li. of for'tune, sulcus palmaris longitu- dinalis. L. of the head, sulcus digitalis posterior. L. of the heart, sulcus digi- talis anterior. L. of Ja'delot, oeulo-zygo- uiatie line. L. of life, sulcus pollicis. L. of regard'. F. ligne de regard ; G. Blick- linie. The line connecting the centre of rotation of the eye with the point of re- gard ; for most purposes it may be taken as agreeing with the line of sight. The line connecting the fixation-point with a somewhat variable point between the eyes is called the binocular line of regard (^G. binoculare Blicklinie). The primary posi- tion of the line of regard {^F. position pri- maire de la ligne de regard ; G. Primärstel- lung, Normalstellung) is — 1. That position for normal eyes which the lines of regard assume when the head is erect and the lines of regard are directed parallel to the median plane to an infinitely distant horizon (^(}. Fernstellung). 2. That position from which the eye may move up and down and right and left without undergoing any torsion ; for many eyes a somewhat depres.sed posi- tion. The primary position for convergence [Bonders] is that position of the plane of regard in which the rotation of the eyes about the lines of regard in convergence becomes zero ; usually a depressed position. The secondary position (F. position secon- daire ; G. Secundärstellung) is a position reached by rotation about a horizontal or vertical axis, or any position other than the primary. Third positions are those involv- ing rotation about the antero-posterior axis. besides rotation about the horizontal and vortical axes. All these terms are applied t(i the eye as well as the line of regard. L. of sight. F. ligne visuelle, axe visuel ; G. Gesichtslinie. Sehaxe. Gesiehtsaxe. Vi.s- ual axis, visual line, visual ray. The line ^rawn from the point of direct vision on Vol. II. — 6 the retina to the fixation-point. It dues not agree in position with the geometric axis of the eye. The binocular line of sight, median line of sight, or middle vis- ual line {G. gemeinsame Sehrichtungslinie, Sehrichtung der Netzhautcentra, llaupt- sohrichtuug, mittlere Blickrichtung) is the line in which appear those things which image themselves on the points of direct sight of the two retinae ; practically, the binocular line of regard. The range of movement of the line of sight ( G. Bewe- gungsraum der Gesichtslinie) is an irregu- lar conical space enclosed by the line of sight in all the extreme positions that it can assume by movement of the eye alone. The apex of the cone lies at the centre of rotation of the eye. The field of move- ment of the line of sight (G. Bewegungs- feld der Gesichtslinie) is a section of the above-mentioned irregular cone by a plane (or by a curved surface whose centre of curvature is the centre of rotation of the eye) perpendicular to the line of sight in its primary position. L. of vis'ion, the line connecting the point of fixatimi with the fovea centralis retinas. Lin'ea, pi. ae (L.'). Line. L. alba. F. ligne blanche. Tendinous seam extend- ing from pubis to sternum, on median line, formed by union of layers of fascia invest- ing abdominal muscles. L-as. albican'tes, whitish streaks due to atrophy of cuticular elements seen upon skin (abdomen, mam- ma;) that has been stretched. L. arcua'ta exter'na, curved line of ilium. L. arcua'- ta inter'na, ilio-pectineal line or its puljic portion. L. as'pera. L. crista lemoris; F. ligne âpre ; G. Oborschenkelkainm ; 1. linea aspra. A prominent ridge for muscu- lar attachment on the posterior surface of the shaft of the femur. L. bucca'lis, buc- cal line. L. candid'ula abdom'inis or L. centra 'lis, linea alba. L. cephal'ica, line of the head. L. collatera'lis na'si, curved furrow extending from nose down- ward to chin. L. costo-articula'ris, ref- erence line drawn from sterno-clavicular articulation to tip of eleventh rib. L-ae. crucia'tae, internal occipital crest and ridge for attachment of tentorium, which intersect upon the cerebral surface of occipital bone. L. em'inens, crista mediana cartilaginis cricoide«. L. em'inens patel'lae, ridge separating the lateral facet of the patella from the middle portions. L-ae. eminen'- tes, ridges for attachment of subscapularis on costal surface of scapula. L. exter'na supe'rior, superior curved line of ilium. 66 LIN LIN L. glute'a, curved line of iliuin. L. glute'a, ante'rior, superior curved line of ilium. L. glute'a, infe'rior, superior curved line of iliuui. L. irmomina'ta, ilio-pectiueal line. L. intercondyloi'dea, edge separating intercondylar fossa from pi>|iliteal surface of femur. L. intercon- dyloi'dea fem'oris, transverse ridge lim- iting the popliteal surface of femur below. L. interme'dia cris'ta os'sis ü'inm, mid- dle line, crest of ilium. L. intertrochan- ter'ica, intertrochanteric line. L. labia'- lis, mento-labial line. L. mamma'lis or mamilla'ris, nipple line. L. me'dia, crista mediana eartilaginis cricoidea?. L. mensa'lis, sulcus digitalis anterior. L. mento-labia'lis, mento-labial line. L. mylo-hyoi'dea, mylo-hyoid ridge. L. nasa'Iis, line extending from upper border of ala nasi downward and outward. L. nu'chse infe'rior, inferior curved line of occipital bone. L. nu'chee media'na, ex- ternal occipital crest. L. nu'chae supe'- rior, superior curved line of occipital bone. L. nu'chse supre'ma, crescentic line found on the occipital bone above superior curved line, when the nuchal muscles are large, being the superior limit of the insertion of such muscles [Jlerkel]. L. obli'qua ex- ter'na, external oldiquc line of the jaw. L. obli'qua fem'oris, anterior intertro- chanteric line. L. obli'qua fib'ulse, an- terior border of fibula. L. obli'qua in- ter'na, mylo-hyoid ridge. L. obli'qua maxil'lse inferio'ris, oblique line of infe- rior maxillary bone, external. L. obli'qua, tib'iae, popliteal line. L. papüla'ris, nip- ple line. L. poplite'a, popliteal line, in- tercondyloid line. L. pubo-coccyge'a, that drawn between tip of coccyx and summit of pubic arch : see Pelvic dinme- ters. L. quadra'ti, tubercle of quadratus. L. satur'nia, sulcus palinaris longitudi- nalis. L-8B. semicircula'res, curved lines of occipital bone, temporal lines, middle and superior curved lines of ilium. L. semicir- cula'ris Douglas'ü or L. semüuna'ris Douglas'ii, Donglas, semilunar fold of. L, semiltuia'ris Spigel'ü, tendinous line on either side of rectus muscle, where the aponeuroses of abdominal muscles are blended. L. sinuo'sa ana'lis, whitish line at junction of skin and mucous membrane of anus. L. splen'dens, thickening of pia mater of spinal cord in front of ante- rior median fissure. L. termina'lis, line bounding inlet of pelvis, defined by the promontory behind and the ilio-pectineal lines on the sides. L. transver'sa, trans- verse ridge to which the tentorium is at- tached, upon cerebral surface of occipital bone. L-ae, transver'sse. 1. Transverse ridges on anterior surface of sacrum, indi- cating union of bodies of the vertebrae. 2, Medullary stri». 3. Inscriptiones tendi- nea;. L. vesica'lis, sulcus digitalis ante- rior. L. vita'lis, sulcus pollicis. Linea (/.). Line. L, di accomoda- zione or accomodamento, accommoda- tion line. L. bianca, linea alba. L, mi- lojoidea, mylo-hyoid ridge. Lin'eament. L. lineamentum. Out- line of features, form, mark. Lin'ear, L. linearis ; F. linéaire ; /. lineare. In a line ; term applied to a form of atrophy, a form of cataract extraction, and a form of fracture. L. extrac'tion. G. Linearextraktion. Methods of cata- ract extraction in which the corneal in- cision approaches to a plane passing through the centre of curvature of the globe. Line'ola {L.^, dim. of Linea. Small line. L, al'bida Genna'ri, A'icq d'Azyr's line. Line'olse mamma'rum (L.). White lines on the distended mamma, showing where the interlobular septa are attached to the skin. Lines of BaUlarger. G. Baillarger'sehe Streifen. Whitish streaks which appear on macrosoopical examination of a section of the cerebral cortex, running parallel to the surface. The outer line is also known as the line of Vicq d'.Vzyr ; the inner line is narrower and not always visible. Lines of demarca'tion. G. Tren- nungslinien. Luaginary lines upon the retina used to fix the position of corre- sponding points. In a more restricted .sense the central horizontal and vertical lines of demarcation alone are to be called Trennungslinien. Horizontal lines of de- marcation (G. Querschnitte, horizontale Trennungslinien) are lines ctit on the re- tina by planes passed through a horizontal axis perpendicular to the line of sight at the crossing-points of the lines of direction (or of vision lines) when the eyes are in their primary position. The central hori- zontal line of demarcation {F. horizon réti- nien ; G. Mittlerer Querschnitt, horizontale Trennung.slinie, Netzhauthorizont) is the horizontal line of demarcation which goes through the centre of clearest vision. Ver- tical lines of demarcation (6'. Längsschnitte, LIN LIN 67 verticalo Trennungslinien) are — 1. hines eut on the retina by planes passed tliruugh a vertical axis perpendicular to the line of sight at the crossing-point of lines of direc- tion, when the eyes are in their primary position. 2. Lines cut on the retina by planes passed through a line lying in the plane of the apparent vertical meridian, and also perpendicular to the line of sight at the crossing-point of lines of direction (or of visir-lines). The central vertical line of demarcation (ö. .Mittlerer Liings- schnitt, verticale Trennungslinie) is the line of demarcation cut as above (1) by a plane parallel to the median plane going through the centre of clearest vision. Lines of direc'tion. F. lignes de di- rection ; G. Hichtungslinien, Kichtungs- strahlen, Lichtrichtungen [Hering]. Lines drawn from points of the object seen to their representative points on the retina. The binocular lines of direction ( G. Sehrich- tungslinien, Sehriehtungen) are lines upon which are seen objects lying on correspond- ing visir-lines (or corresponding lines of di- rection). They are approximately the lines of direction of the cyclopean eye. The crossing-point of lines of direction {F. point de croisement des lignes de direction ; G. Kreuzungspunkt der Richtungsstrahlen, or K. der Richtungslinien, Lichtrichtungs- knoten [Hering], mittlerer Knotenpunkt) is a single point assumed between the two real nodal points through which the lines of direction are drawn, placed by Listing 0.4764 mm. before the posterior surface of the lens. Lines of projec'tion. G. Projections- linien. Those lines along which the retinal image is projected, according to the theory of projection. By some they are made to agree with the lines of direction ; by others with the visir-lines ; by others, again, with lines drawn from the stimulated point through the centre of curvature of the retina. Linfa (/.). 1. Lymph. 2. Sap. Lin- fadenite, lymphadenitis. Linfadenoma, lymphadenoma. Linfangettasia (/.). Lymphangiectasis. Linfang-ioma (/.). T>ymphangioma. Linfang-ite, lymphangitis. Linfatico (/.). Lymphatic. Linfa- tismo, the state of being lymphatic. Linfatocele (/.). Lymphatoeele. Linflte (/.). Lymphitis, lymphangitis. Linfogeno (/.). Lymphogenous. Linfoide (/.). Lymphoid. Linfoma (/.). Lymphoma. Linforragia (/.). Lynijihorrhœa. Ling. Giidus Molva, L. Linge troué (^F.). A fenestrated piece of linen used in making a compress. Ling'ism. A system of exercise. Lin'gua (i>.). 1. Tongue. 2. Name applied to several plants. L. ni'gra, black tongue, glossophyta. Lingua (/.). Tongue. L. di bue, bugloss. L.. di cane, Vijiwrflosxmn offici- nale, L. L. di serpente. 1. üphioglossus. 2. Small file used by dentists for the re- moval of tartar. Lin'gual. L. lingualis ; F. lingual ; 1. linguale. Pettaining to the tongue ; used substantively, especially in F., for the lin- gual muscle, artery, or nerve. L. ar'tery. Ij. arteria lingualis ; F. artère linguale ; (t. Zungenschlagader ; 1. arteria linguale. Branch from external carotid, arising opj)o- site great cornu of hyoid bone and dis- tributed to the tongue. L. bone, hyoid bone. L. branch of va'gus, twig from glosso-pharyngeal plexus to the hypoglossal nerve [Luschka]. L. cham'ber, that part of vocal tube between teeth and larynx. L. gang'lion [Valentin]. L. ganglion linguale molle. L A minute sympathetic ganglion on the lingual artery near its origin. 2. Submaxillary ganglion. L. glands. L. glandulœ linguales ; G. Lip- pendrüsen. 1. Numerous racemose or acino- tubular glands distributed upon the back part of the tongue. 2. Lymphatic glands on outer surface of hyo-glossus muscle. L. gy'rus, occipito-temporal convolution, medial. L. nerve of Hirscli'feld, stylo- glossal nerve. L. nerve of trifa'ciaL L. nervus lingualis ; F. nerf lingual ; G. Zungennerv ; /. nervo linguale. Important branch of inferior maxillary nerve distrib- uted to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, to which it aflbrds the sense of taste. L. nerves of glosso-pharyn- ge'al, branches distributed to cireumvallate papillaj of tongue. L. veins, col/ect blood from tongue, and have same general dis- tribution as lingual artery. Lingual inférieur (/•'■). Lingualis. Lingual supérieur {F.). Lingualis superficialis. Linguale inferiore (/.). Lingualis. Linguale superiore (/.). Lingualis superficialis. 68 LIN LIN Lingua'lis or L. inferior {L.). F. lingual iiitViiour ; 1. linguaio inferiore. 1. An intrinsic muscle of the tongue com- posed of fibres running longitudinally on the under surface, Ij'ing between insertions of genio-hyoid and hyo-glossus. 2. Soiue- tiuies inaccurately apjilied to the entire set of intrinsic muscles that supply the tongue : see Lùiguulis sujjerjicialis, Perpendicular k fxtrriiiii /ingiix, Tiaitsver.ius Ungux. Lingualis superficia'lis or L. supe'- rior {L.). F. lingual supérieur; /.linguale superiore. An intrinsic muscle of the tongue directi}' under the mucous membrane upon the upper surface, running from the hyoid bone to the tip. LingTiet'ta lamino'sa (i.). Lingula of cerebellum. Lin'gnla (/.), dim. of Lingua. F. lingule ; G. Ziingelcheii ; /. lingula. A small tongue-shaped structure; e.'specially a few small flat convolutions, which extend on to the anterior medullary velum from the median lobe of the cerebellum. L. carot'ica, lingula sphcnoidalis. L. fis'- tulse, epiglottis. L. mandib'ulse, sj)ine of Spix. L. sphenoid'alis. (i. Keilbein- züngelchen. A small, tongue-like process on upper surface of sphenoid, where the posterior border of the great wing joins the body. L. 'Wrisberg''ii, narrow strip of transverse fibres separating exit of roots of trifacial nerve. Li'ni fari'na (/.). Linseed meal. Li'ni sem'ina {L.). Flaxseed, linseed. Linienhoropter {G.). Horopter of lines. Lin'iment. L. linimentum ; /. lini- mento. A liquid or semiliquid preparation intended for application to the skin by fric- tion : see also Ammonia, Attodyne, Cam- phut\ Cantharides, C/duro/ann, Compoiiitd, Heijra's, Äentiah, Lime, Rosen's , Soap, St. John Long's, Sto/^es's. I'lirpen/ine, and Vt/la- tile linimen/. L. of ac'onite. L. lini- mentum aconiti. .\ preparation of the B. P. ; a camphorated tincture of aconite-root. L. of ammo'nia [B. P.]. F. liniment ammoniacal anglais : see Ammonia lini- ment. L. of belladon'na [B. P.], bella- donna liniment. L. of canthar'ides. L. linimentum cantharidis. Cantharides 15 parts, oil of turpentine q. s. to make 10(1 parts [U. S. ]'.]. L. of chlo'roform [B. P.] : see Cidoro/onn liniment. L. of cro'ton oil. L. linimentum crotonis. Croton oil 2 parts, oil of cajejiut 7 parts, alcohol T fluid parts ; mix [B. P.]. L. of i'odide of potas'sium and soap. L. linimentum potassii iodidi cum sapone. Curd soap l(j parts, water 80 fluid parts, glycerin 8 fluid ])arts ; dissolve with heat, and add the li()uid to jiotassium iodide in ]iowder 12 parts ; triturate until cold ; after- ward rub 1 fluid i)art of oil of lemon into the cream-like product [B. P.]. L. of i'odine. L. linimentum iodi. Iodine 5. potassium iodide 2, glycerin 1, alcohol 33.5 parts ; dissolve [B. P.], L. of lime : see Lime liniment. L. of mer'cury. L. lini- mentum hydrargyri. üintmoiit of mercurv 1 oz., liniment of camphor 1 fl. oz. ; liquefy with gentle heat, and add solution of am- monia 1 fl. oz. [B. P.]. L. of mustard, compovmd. L. linimentum sinapis com- positum. A solution of volatile oil of mus- tard, extract of meüereum, camphor, and castor oil in alcohol. Contains of oil of mustard 3 per cent [U. 8. P.] ; 2.5 per cent. [B. P.] ; a local stimulant. L. of o'pium. L. linimentum opii. Mixture of equal parts of tincture of opium and soap liniment [B. P.]. L. of subac'etate of lead. L. linimentum piumbi subace- tatis. A mixture of solution of subacetate of lead 40 parts, with cotton-seed oil (iO parts [U. S. P.]. L. of tur'pentine [1>. P.], turpentine liniment. L. of tur'pen- tine and acet'ic ac'id. L. lininientuni terebinthiiue aceticuiu. Oil of turjientine 4, glacial acetic acid 1, liniment of camphcir 4 ; mix [B. P.]. Liniment (/^.). Liniment. L. am- moniacal, ammonia liniment. L. am- moniacal anglais, liniment of ammonia [B. P.]. L. ammoniacal camphré, com- pound liniment of crtm])h()r. L. calcaire, lime liniment. L. camphré, camphor lini- ment. L. de Rosen, Bosen's liniment. L. savonneux camphré, soap liniment. L. térébenthine [Cod.], turpentine lini- ment. L. volatil, ammonia liniment. Linimento (/.). Liniment. L. am- moniacale, ammonia liniment. L. cal- care, lime liniment, L. canforato, cam- phor liniment. L. di cantaridi canforato, camphorated liniment of cantliarides. L. saponaceo, soap liniment. L. volatUe, ammonia liniment. Linimen 'turn (//.)■ Liniment. L. ac- oni'ti, liniment of aconite. L. ammoni- aca'le [Cod.], or L, ammoniaca'tum [P, Dan.], or L. ammo'niee, :ininiul)acetate of lead. L. potas'sii iodi'di cum sapo'ne, Uni- ment of iodide of potassium and soap. L. D. Rosen [Cod.], Rosen's liniment. L. sapona'to-camphora'tum [P. G.], opo- deldoc. L. sapona'to-camphora'tum liq'uidum [P. G.], li(|uid o|>odeldoc. L. sapo'nisor L. sapo'nis "camphora'tum, soap liniment. L. sapo'nis vir'idis, tinc- ture of green soap. L. sin 'apis compos'- itum, liniment of mustard, compound. L. Stokes'ii, .Stokes' liniment. L. terebin'- thinsB, turpentine liniment. L. terebin'- thinae acet'icum, liniment of turpentine and acetic acid. L. terebinthina'tum [P.G.], turpentine liniment. L. vola'tile, ammonia liniment. Linine (-f.)- /• linina. .Mucilage of linseed. Linition (F.). ment. Lini 'tis [/îVo/]. flammation of the stomach. Lino comune ( /.). ninni. L. Lino'leic ac'id. CisH^gO,. A colorless liquid acid found in lin.seed oil ; combined with glycerin, it forms linolein. Lino'lein. The peculiar glyceride con- tained in linseed oil. to which its drying property is due. Linosy'ris mexica'na, Schlecht. Aplo- piippus discoideus, DC. Linse (G.). 1. Lentil. 2. Lens. In composition Linsen, as. — artig, phacoid, lenticular; — bein, os orbiculare ; — fasern, fibres of crystalline lens; — fleck, freckle; — förmig, lenticular, lentiform ; — ganglion, lenticular nucleus; — glas, lens; — haken, hook for extracting lens; — haut, capsule of the lens; — kapsel, capsule of crystalline lens ; — kapsel- Application of a lini- Bv ccl inton s term for in- ular tissue of the Linum itsitatissi- staar, capsular cataract; — kern, nucleus lentis of crystalline lens; also the lentic- ular nucleus of the corpus striatum ; — kemschlinge, ansa lenticularis ; — knöchelchen, os orbiculare; — knoten, ciliary ganglion ; — maal, lens-shaped mole on the skin ; phaous ; — messer, a lentil- shaped knife tised in trephining ; — nähte, radii lentis; — säckchen, the cup-shaped involution of the ectoderm forming the crystalline lens; — staar, cataract of the lens ; — stem, collective radiations of the " Linsennähte." forming a star-shaped fig- ure; — trübung, cloudiness or opacity of the lens; — ■wirbel, vortex lentis. Lin'seed. F. graines de lin ; G. Lein- samen ; /. seme di lino. Flaxseed. L. meal. L. liid farina ; F. farine de Un ; G. Leinsamenmehl. Linseed reduced to powder [U. 8. P., B. P.]. Placentae sem- inis lini [P. G.] is the cake left after the expression of the oil. L. ou. F. huile de Un ; G. Leinsamenöl. Oil of flaxseed. L. poul'tice. L. cataplasma lini ; F. cat- aplasme de farine de lin ; G. Leinsainen- umschlag ; /. cataplasma di farina di lino. Flaxseed meal mixed with '2-, parts or a suflicient quantity of boiling water. Linseme (/. ). Lin.seed. Linsenähnliches Bein ((?•) Sesa- moid bone. Lint. Jj. linteum ; F.^ G. Charpie ; /. filaccia. Scraped or picked linen, or a .soft tissue, for dressing wounds. Li'num (X.). 1. Flaxseed. 2. The name of a genus of plants of the Nat. Ord. Linarex. L. cathar'ticum, L., purging flax, mountain flax, a European herb ; used as a domestic cathartic ; formerly official. L. usitatis'simum, L., common flax ; the seed (flaxseed) and the fibre (lint) are used for medicinal or surgical purposes. Liocome (F.). Leiotrichus. Lioder'mia (L.). Glossy skin. Liomyo'ma {L."). Leiomyoma. Li'on for'ceps. A strong instrument, with crossed litubs and a double row of teeth at the extremity of each blade, used for seizing and steadying bones in opera- tions, also for removing bones by twisting when great force is required. Lion's-foot. Pi-enaiitheK Fraseri, DC. Lion's-tooth. Taraxacum. Liotrique (F.). Leiotrichus. Lip. /y. labium; F. lèvre ; (?. Lippe ; /. labbro. 1 . One of the rausculo-mem- 70 LIP UP branous folds bounding the mouth orifice. 2. Hence the edges of any structure bounding an orifice : see Lips. Lipacidaemie {G.). Presence of fatty acids in the blood. Lipacidurie (6'.). Passage of fatty acids in the urine. Liipse'mia (^.) [i-i'iii, ai.n«]. /'. pi- arrhéniie ; G. Lipœmie ; /. lipoemia. Milky appearance of the blood due to an excess of fat. Lip'anin. Trade name for a form of olive oil of agreeable taste, easily emulsi- fied and absorbed ; proposed as a substi- tute for cod-liver oil. Lipa'ria (Z/.). Fatness. Lip'arOCele (X., 7.) [Airru/joç, xriXr,']. F. liparoci'le ; G. Fettbruch. A circumscribed fatty tumor growing from subperitoneal connective tissue, and making its way through the abdominal walls, simulating an abdominal hernia. Liparosquirrhe {F.). A hard liparo- cele. Lipar'otes (L.). Obesity. Liparotrich'ia {L.) [*/>'?]• Morbid oili- ness of the hair. Lipa'rus(L.). Fatty. Lipemarda (/.). Lypemania, melan- cholia. Liphse'mia (X.) [/.^iirw^ aï/««]. Ane- mia. Lipocar'diac [/.tV"j, zr/./."iiV/]. Pertain- ing to fatty heart. Li'pocele [y.rj'/.rj]. Fatty tumor resem- bling a hernia. Li'pochrine. A yellow pigment ob- tained from the retina of the frog. Li'pochromes \_yiiùi!i.a\. Krukenberg's term for animal pigments soluble in certain fat solvents, and showing bands in the blue and violet portions of the spectrum. Lipoderme {F.'). Circumcised. Lipoder'mia (X.) \kd-w, ôéfiiia\. Ab- sence of the prepuce. Lipoemia (/.). Lipaemia. Lipog'enous \_Ut:o<;, yhw]. Pertaining to fat production. Lipoide (/■'.). Resembling fat. Lipo'ma ( //., /.) [/'.fe»?]. F. lipome ; G. Fettgoschwulst. A circumscribed or diffuse cutaneous or subcutaneous tumor composed of fatty tissue. Lipo'mata (/y.), i)l. of Lipoma, q. v. L. cu'tis adna'ta, nuilluscum Lipom'atoid. Resembling lipoma. Lipomato'sis (7/.). F. lipomatosc. Abnormal production of fat, as of a fatty tumor or of fatty degeneration. L. cor'- dis, cor adiposum. L. luxu'rians mus- cula'ris progressiva or musculo'rum progressiva, pseudo-muscular hypertro- phy ; pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. L. universalis, fatty tumors diffused over the entire surface. Lipom'atous. F. lipomateux, euse ; G. lipomatos ; /. lipomatoso. Pertaining to, or resembling, a lipoma or lipomatosis. L. mus'cular at'rophy, pseudo-hypertro- phic muscular paralysis. L. neuri'tis, neuritis in which fat is formed in the in- flamed tissue. Lipome {F.'). Lipoma. Lipome'ria {L.) [).ti-m, /li/xii']. Con- genital want of one or more parts of the body. Lipom'phalus (X.). Liparomphalus. Lipopsy'chia (L.). F. lipopsychie. Leipopsychia. Liposarcie CF.). Emaciation. Liposarque {F.). Thin, emaciated. Lipo'sis (L ) [Aî'-nç]. Obesity. Liposphyx'ia (L.) [Aji'-w, rrç>oftç]. Pulselessness, syncope. Lipothym'ia (L.) ['9u,a"i-]. F. lipo- thymie. Fainting. Lipowitz's test : see Piuiqilmnia. Lippe (Cr'.). Lip. Li composition Lippen, as,- — bändchen, frena of lips; — bildung, cheiloplasty ; — drüsen, la- bial glands; — flechte, herpes labialis; — geschwür, ulcer of the lip; — krebs, carcinoma of the lip ; — räude, psoriasis labialis ; — röthe, the red portion of the lip ; — spalte, hare-lip ; — wangen- spalte, meloschisis ; — zug, labial line. Lippia {L.). A genus of indigenous VerhciKicnt. L. citriodo'ra, K., Vtrhnia triphi/Ua, L'Hér. L. mexica'na, a sub- variety of L. dulcis ; flowers and leaves used to check coughing. Lippitu'do (i.). /''. lippitude ; G. Augeiitriefen ; /. lippitudine. Blear-eye ; chronic blepharitis, with thickening and redness of the edges of the lids. Lips of lin'ea as'pera. L. labia linctE aspene. The inner and outer margins closely applied at the middle third of the shaft of the femur, diverging above to either trochanter, and below passing into the supracondylar lines. LIP LIQ 71 Lips of u'terus. Labia of uterus. Lip-salve. Rose cerate. Lipsotrich'ia (//.) [>.£îv''tS', 'V-']- Bald- ness. Lipu'ria (A.) [-ii-os-, (lù/iov']. F. lipurie. Presence of fat on the surface of urine ; chyliuia. Lipy'ria (//.) [-ii-o/)ta]. ./^. lipyric ; / lipiria. Pernicious fever. Liq., abbv. for Liquor (L.), liquor, fluiil. Liquato'rium (L.). Filter. Liquefa'cient [liquefacere]. 1. Having power to liquefy. 2. F. liquéfiant, ante ; G. Verflüssigungsmittel. An agent having such power. Liquefac'tion. L. liquefactio ; F. lique- faction ; G. Verfliissigung ; /. liquefazione. A making or becoming liquid. Liquéfiable {F.). Susceptible of lique- faction. Liquéfiant, ante (F.). Having the power to li(juofy ; liquefacient. Liqueflattibile (/.). Susceptible of lifiut'factiun. Liqueur (F.). A liquid; a solution. The term is technically applied to aromatic alcoholic liquids prepared by maceration and made very sweet with sugar [L'Off.]. L. de l'amnios, liquor amnii. L. anodine nitreuse, spirit of nitrous ether. L. arsenicale de Fowler, solution of ar- seuite of potassium. L. arsenicale de Pearson, solute d'arséniate de soude. L. de Belloste, solution of mercurous nitrate. L. de Boudin [Cnd.]. solution of arsenious acid. L. de Cadet, kakodyl. L. hémo- statique de Monsel, solution of basic ferrie sulphate. L. d'Hoffmann [Cod.], spirit of ether. L. de Labarraque, solu- tion of chlorinated soda. L. de Lam- padius, carbon bisulphide. L. de Laville : see LaviUc's liqaiil. L. nervine de Bang, Hoffmann's anodyne. L. du sang, the blood-plasma. L. séminale, semen. L. de Van Swieten, solution of perchloride of mercury. L. de Villate : see Liquor cor- rosivus. Liq'uid. A non-gaseous fluid : see B/is/eriny, Diitrli, Lnvilles, etc. liquid. L. a'ioes. L. aloe liquida ; F. aloès liquide. Aloes 500, sodium carbonate 10, water 440 ; dissolve with the aid of heat, strain, and add ammonia-water 50 [P. Belg.]. L. fer'ric oxychlor'ide. L. liquor ferri oxy- chlorati ; (/. flüssiges Ferrioxychlorid. A preparation resembling solution of dialyzed iron, prepared by submitting freshly iireci])- itated ferric hydrate to the action of hydro- chloric acid for three days, and diluting the resulting solution with water so as to make the spec. grav. 1.050 [P. G.]. L. glass, solution of silicate of sodium. L. opo- del'doc. L. opodeldoc licjuiduiu ; F. baume opodeldoch liquide ; G. flüssiger Opodeldok. A preparation almost identical with opodel- doc, except that it is liquid at ordinary tem- peratures [Cod., P. Gr.]. L. pep'sin, solu- tion of pepsin. L. ren'net, rennet wine. L. sto'rax : see Storax. Liq'uid ex'tract. L. extractum liqui- dum. The term employed in the B. P. for preparations like the fluid extracts of the Ü. S. P., except that they do not bear the same uniform relation of strength to the drug employed : see Fluid extract. L. e. ofba'el. //. extractum bebe liquidum. A liquid aqueous extract of bael-fruit. with the addition of sufficient alcohol for preser- vation ; a fluiddrachm represents a drachm of the drug by weight [B. P.]. L. e. of cas'cara sagra'da. L. extractum cascaras sagrad;e liijuidura. A fluid extract, repre- senting about an equal weight of the bark [B. P.]. L. e. of er'got. Ì. extractum er- gotiB liquidum. An aqueous extract, with the addition of 00 per cent, of alcohol by measure [B. P.] ; corresponds in strength to the fluid extract of ergot [U. S. P.]. "L. e. of liq'uorice. L. extractum glycyrrhizae liquidum. An aqueous extract, spec. grav. 1.160, to which is added one-sixth of its volume of rectified spirit [B. P.]. L. e. of male fern, oleoresin of aspidium. L. e. of o'pium. L. extractum opii liqui- dum. Extract of opium 1, water 16 parts ; macerate and add alcohol (sp. gr. 0.838) 3.35 parts ; filter [B. P.]. L. e. of parei'ra. L. extractum pareira; liqui- dum. A solution of extract of pareira 4 parts, in suflicient diluted alcohol to make Hi fluid parts [B. P.]. L. e. of sarsapa- ril'la. L. extractum sars, staphylion — alveolar point ; angle ;', posterior border of incisor foramen — alveolar point ; angle a, alveolar point — subnasal point ; angle it, nasion — alveolar point ; angle n', nasion — subnasal point ; angle i, bregma — nasion ; angle o, lambda — bregma ; angle >/, lambda — inion ; angle c, lambda — opisthion. The following are independent of the radius fixus : *S)«(/ =^ angulus summi palati, q. v. ; rif^ angle between lines drawn from na- sion to rhinion and to alveolar point; fr = frontal angle of Lissauer, q. v.; par ^pa- rietal angle of Lissauer, q. v. ; so = angulus summi occipiti, .'.0(aa'.i\. F. lithiase ; G. Steinbildung; /. litiasi. 1. The forma- tion of concretions, especially in the urinary passages. 2. The discharge of urinary con- cretions from the body. L. cu'tis, uridro- sis crystallina. Lith'ic ac'id [/I'^of]. F. acide lithique ; /. acido litico. Uric acid. Lith'ii, gen. of Lith'itim {L.'). L. ben'zoas, lithium benzoate. L. brom'- idum, lithium bromide. L. carbo'nas, lithium carbonate. L. ci'tras, lithium citrate. L. iod'idum, lithium iodide. L. salicy'las, lithium salic3"las, Lithine (F.'). Lithia. Lithiodialyse (F.). Solution of vesical calculi by chemical reagents or the voltaic current. Lithion (Ö.). Lithium: — carmin, carmine dissolved in a saturated aqueous solution of lithium carbonate ; a nuclear stain. Lithio-picrocar'mine. Stain used in microscopy. Carmine 2.5 grms., saturated solution of lithium carbonate 100 c.c. ; dis- solve and add 250 c.c. of picric acid. Lith'ium (L.). I. litio. A silver-white metal discovered by Arvedson (1817), harder than sodium, but softer than lead, oxidizing slowly in moist air ; the lightest of known solids, spec. grav. 0.59 ; a con- stituent of several minerals and mineral waters. L. ben'zoate. LiCjHjO.^. L. lithii benzoas ; F. benzoate de lithine ; G. Lithiumbenzoat ; I. benzoato di litina. A white salt, in the form of powder or small shining scales, having a slight odor of benzoic acid, a cooling sweetish taste, and faintly acid reaction ; soluble in water and alcohol ; obtained by decomposing lithium carbonate with benzoic acid ; used in treat- ment of gout and calculous disorders. L. benzo'ïctim [P. Ross.], lithium benzoate. L. broma'tum, lithium bromide. L. bro'mide. LiBr. L. lithii bromidum ; /'. bromure de lithium ; G. ßromlithium ; /. bromuro di litio. A white, granular [or crystalline. Cod.], very deliquescent, odorless salt, having a sharp, somewhat bitter taste, and a neutral reaction ; very soluble in water or alcohol ; prepared by dissolving lithium carbonate in hydrobro- mic acid and evaporating the solution, or by other chemical processes ; h3'puotic. L. car'bonate. Li^COa. L. lithii car- bonas ; F. carbonate de lithine ; G. Lith- iumcarbonat ; /. carbonato di litina. A light, white, amorphous or crystalline pow- der, permanent in the air, odorless, having an alkaline taste and reaction; soluble in 130 parts of water at 15° C, insoluble in alcohol ; obtained from petalite and other minerals or prepared from other salts of lithium ; antilithic and antacid. L. car- bon'icum [P. G.], lithium carbonate. L. ci'trate. LijC'eH^O;. L. lithii citras ; F. citrate de lithine ; G. Lithiumeitrat ; 1. citrato di litina. A crystallizable salt, usually found as a white amorphous pow- der, odorless, having a slightly cooling, faintly alkaline taste, neutral reaction ; sol- uble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol ; obtained by neutralizing citric acid with lithium carbonate ; medicinal properties same as those of the carbonate. L. cit'- ricum, lithium citrate. L. hy'drate. LiHO. A white, caustic, crystalline sub- stance resembling caustic soda ; obtained by boiling lithium carbonate with milk of lime. L. i'odide. Lil. L. lithii iodidum. A white, crystalline, deliquescent salt ; ob- tained by dissolving lithium carbonate in hydriodic acid, or by digesting a solution of calcium iodide with lithium carbonate in slight excess, and evaporating tn dryness. L. ox'ide : see Lithia. L. salic'ylate. 2LiC,HAH.;0. L. lithii salicylas; F. salicylate de lithine; G. Lithiumsalicylat ; /. salicilato di litina. A crystallizable salt, usually found as a white, deliquescent, odor- less, sweetish, faintly acid powder, very sol- uble in water and in alcohol ; prepared by saturating salicylic acid with lithium carbo- nate ; introduced as a remedy for gout and rheumatism. Lithium ( G.). Lithium; — benzoat, lithium benzoate; — bromid, lithium bro- mide ; — carbonati lithium carbonate ; — citrat, lithium citrate; — salicylat, lith- ium salicylate. Lithiu'ria (Z/.) [lithium, oopo-J\. Lith- uria. 76 LIT LIT Liithobex'is (Z/.) [ÀiOuç, /Sij^]. Cough with expuctiivation (if concretions. Lithoceno'sis (//.) [/.^>ujt7i/j. F. litlm- cénose ; I. Htocenosi. Operation of remov- ing fragments of calculus, after lithotrity, by scoop and other means in vogue before invention of litholapaxy. Lith'oclast [zAaw]. F. lithoclaste ; G. Lithoklast ; 7. litoclasto. Lithotrite, litlio- triptor. Lithoclysmie C-^'')- The solution of vesical calculi by chemical substances in- troduced into the bladder. Lithocystot'omy [y.nart^, ""/"?']■ Lith- otomy. Lithodecta'sia {L.). Lithectasy. Lithodial'ysis(Z.) \_5idlu(T'.i\. F.Wtho- dialyse ; /. litodialisi. Dissolution of a cal- culus in the bladder. Lithofel'lic acid. CjoH^dOj. F. acide lithofelliciue ; /. acido litofcllico. An occa- sional component of intestinal concretions (bezoar). Lithofelli'nic. F. lithüfelliui([ue ; /. litofellinico. Pertaining to biliary calculus. Lithogénèse or Lithogénie {F.'). The formation of vesical and other calculi. Lith'oid. /'. lilhoïde. Stone-like. Lithokelyphopasdion {O.). A litho- p;edion with adherent fœtal membranes. Lithokelyphos (.) [jL-r/rpa]. Ossification or calcification of the uterus. Lithonephri'tis [vryr/;«?]. Calculous nephritis. Lithonephrose ((?.)• Formation or existence of renal calculus. Lithonephrot'omy [ve^^»j, ro.ai;]. Nephrolithotomy. Lithontrip'tic ("t/hV'i?]. L. lithontrip- ticus; /''. lithontriptique ; ô. steinauflJsend ; /. litontrittico. Capable of dissolving a stone in the bladder. Lithontrip'tor. Lithotriptor. Lithopae'dion (i.) [-aîç]. A foetus converted into a stony mass in the body of the mother. Lithope'dion. Lithopaodiou. Lithoph'agus (X.) [yayerJ]. F. litho- phage. A stone-eater. Lith'ophone [c'lovij]. A flexible steth- oscope connected with a .sound, to detect contact with a calculus. Lithophthi'sis (L.) \jf:Oiaii\. I'hthisis with calcareous concretions in the lungs. Lithos \>Mh,i']. Stone. Lith'oscope [«•/<'-£!>]. An instrument used to reveal the presence of a calculus in the bladder. Lithosper'mum ( L.). A genus of Boraijiiu'n. L. frutico'sum, European species ; herb ofiicial in the P. Port. L. offlcina'le, gromwell, milium solis, Euro- pean herb ; the seeds have been regarded as lithontriptic and antidysenteric. Lith'otome [-"/*'?']• G. Lithotom ; /. litotomo. Instrument for cutting the neck of the bladder in the operation for stone. Lithot'omy. L. lithotom ia ; F. litho- tomie ; 7. litotomia. Operation of cutting into the bladder for the purpose of remov- ing a calculus. The principal varieties are — suprapu'bic, where the bladder is entered through the abdomen immediately above the pubic hone, and perine'al, which may be bilateral, where the incision extends across the median line; lateral, where the incision is to one side of the median line ; and median, where the incision is in the median line: see Ailurlntis njirratiint ; also Apparatus major and minrir. L. brace'- lets, padded leather manacles, connected in pairs by means of short chains, used to secure the hands to the feet when the lith- otomy position is to be maintained. L. posi'tion, patient lies on the back with the buttocks near the end of the operating- table. Thighs and knees are flexed, and the hands secured to the feet by means of lithotomy bracelets. Clover's orutch, or ordi- nary bandages. Lithotre'sis(/y.) [r/)?7p]. Puerperal fever. Lochiorrha'gia or Lochiorrhœa (L.) [iWiY>u:j>. or /jV(«]. F. lochiorrhagie ; /. lo- chiorragia. Excessive discharge of lochia. Lochios'chesis ( L.) [«■/f^Tiv']. Suppres- sion of the lochia. Lochoccelii'tis [/.mUa] tonitis. Puerperal peri- Ma- Lochodochi'um ( L.) [UDyeiir/^. ternity hospital. Lochometri'tis[/'r;7//«]. I'uerpcral me- tritis. Lochometrophlebi'tis. Puerperal phle- bometritis. Lochoöphori'tis \u)iiv. v;'/«"]- Puerperal ovaritis. Lochoperitoni'tis. Puerperal peritoni tis. LOC LOG 81 Lochop'yra (X.) [-"/']■ Puorporul fever. Lock hos'pital. Hospital for cases of venereal disease. Lock'jaw. Trismus. Lo'co or Lo'co disease'. Term ap- plied to a disease of horses and cattle in Kansas, supposed to be due to a poisonous plant : see Loco-weed. Locomo'tion. L. locomotio ; 7. loco- mozione, ^lovement from one place to another. Locomo'tor. /'. lociunoteur, trice. Per- taining to, or producing, locomotion. L. a'taxy. L- tabes dorsalis ; F. ataxic loco- motrice progressive ; /. atassia locomotrice. Sclerosis of posterior columns of spinal cord, fre(iuently involving a part of the lateral columns and of the gray substance, producing lightning pains, loss of patellar reflex, and ultimately disturbance of mus- cular coordination in lower extremities. Lo'co-'weed. The vernacular name for several species of As/ra(/aliis and the allied genus Orytiopü, said to be poisonous to horses and cattle, producing a peculiar form of delirium [doubtful] ; also said to be ecbolic. Loculamen'ta co'li {L.'). Sacculi of colon. Loc'ular. L. locularis ; F. loculaire ; G. fächerig ; /. loculare. Pertaining to loculi. Loc'ulated. L. loculatils ; F. loculé, ée ; G. vielfächerig ; /. loculato. Contain- ing, or divided into, loculi. Loculé, ée (7^.). Loculated. Loc'ulus (7/.). F. loculo. A small space or cavity. Lo'cus (/>.). G. Ort. Place, spot. L. csem'leus, dark spot on anterior part of floor of fourth ventricle. L. lu'teus, por- tion of olfactory region having a distinctly yellow color, caused by fat-granules in the columnar cells set between the olfactory cells. L. ni'ger, substantia nigra. L. perfora'tus, perforated space. Locust-tree. False acacia. Lodged. Stuck fast, impacted. Löcherig (.''iyiif\. L. lœmo- logia ; /', la'Uiologie. Jjoimology. Lœ'mos (7y.). Loimos. Loempoe. Name for beri-beri in Java. Lösemittel ( G.). Expectorant, resol- vent. Löserdürre {G.). Cattle-plague. Löserverstopfiing (C). Chronic in- digestion of cattle. Lösung (Cl. Solution. Lö'wenaussatz or Lö"wenkranklieit (C). Leprosy of the face, leontiasis. Lö'wenzahn {G.). Taraxacum; — ex- trakt, extract of taraxacum. Lö'we's ring. Appearance sometimes seen, in a strong light, of a bright area sur- rounding a position in the visual field cor- responding to the macula lutea of the ret- ina, but much larger, Lö'wre's test. For sugar in urine. A solution of bismuth subnitrate and sodium hydrate in water and glycerin. Logadi'tis [Xdyddsi^. Sclerotitis. Logado-blennorrhœ'a [Gräfe]. Puru- lent conjunctivitis. Loge du releveur [Riebet] (F.). In- terfa.scial space in which the levator ani is situated, bounded superficially by the anal fascia, deeply by the recto-vcsical fascia. Loge uréthro-prostatique [Dénonvil- liers] (7^.). Space between surrounding fascia and membranous portion of urethra and prostate. Loggia (/). Liiculus. Logia 'tros or Logia'trus (/>.) [/"^-of, iaTpóif\. A theoretical physician. Logonévrose (F."). Neurosis aflfecting speech. L. épueptique, .sudden and tem- porary loss of speech. Logop'athy [/'Y"ì-, -ùOti']. L. logo- pathia. Disordered speech due to cerebral disease. Logoplégie (^F.'). Loss of speech due to paralysis. 82 LOG— LON Liogorrhoe'a {L.) [/.«/-«s-, ßlu>~\. G. Logorrhöe. Excessive volubility of speech. Log'wood. Haäiuatüxylon. Lo'hoch. Ijiiictus. Loi'mia equo'inim (-£). Horse plague ; epidemic influenza in the horse. Loi'mic [/oî/jôi']. L. loimicus ; F. loï- mique. Pertaining to the plague, epi- demic. Loimocholo'sis {L.) \_x<''-n'\- Yellow fever. Loimol'ogy \J.i, /ioj-oi-]. L. loimo- logia ; F. loemologie. Doctrine of pesti- lential diseases. Loimophtlial'inia (L.) \Ji.). The middle one of the series of muscular columns into which the erector spin;« divides. It arises from that part of the erector which springs from the sacrum and lumbar fascia, and is inserted by tendons which pass generally from transverse processes to transverse processes. In different regions it receives different names: see Lungissimus dorsi. Tra- cheio-mdstnid, Transversaiis cerricis. L. cap'itis, trachelo-mastoid. L. cervi'cis or L. col'li, transversaiis cervicis. L. dor'si. F. long dorsal ; G. langer Riick- enmuskel ; 7. lungo dorsale. That part of the longissimus which belongs especially to the back. Arising from the erector spini«, it has two sets of insertions — one into ac- cessory processes of lumbar and transverse processes of dorsal vertebne ; another into transverse processes of lumbar vertebra (rib-elements") and lowest nine or ten ribs. Lon'gitude. Horizontal angle of dis- LON LOO 83 placement of the line of regard in the mo- tion of the eye. The name has its analogy to terrestrial longitude if the vertical axis of the eye is taken as the polar diameter. Longitu'dinal. L. longitudinalis. Per- taining to length, extending lengthwise. L. bun'dle, infe'rior, tract of fibres extending along outer wall of posterior and inferior horns of lateral ventricles of the brain, ap- parently connecting the occipital and tem- poral lobes. L. bun'dle, poste'rior. L. fasciculus longitudinalis posterior; F. fais- ceau longitudinal postérieur ; G. hinteres Liingsbündel. A quite distinct bundle of white fibres in upper portion of tegmentum (crus cerebri), next the gray matter lining Sylvian aqueduct and just below descending root of fifth nerve. L. bun'dle of pos- te'rior horn, fibres of posterior spinal nerve- roots that enter posterior horn, and then pass upward [KoUiker]. L. bun'dle, supe'rior. L. fasciculus longitudinalis superior ; F. faisceau arqué ; G. oberes Längsbündel. A bundle of fibres extending from frontal top of brain through insula to occipital lobe. L. fls'sure, great, interhemispheric fissure. L. fls'sures of liv'er : see Fif^- surex of liver. L. fur'ro-ws of heart. L. sulci longitudinales cordis. Those indicat- ing the interventricular septum. L. lig'a- ment, suspensory ligament of liver. L. sep'tum. L. septum longitudinale. Name given to two structures of somewhat dif- ferent character which extend throughout the length of the spinal cord. The ante- rior is a process of pia mater, lying in the anterior median fissure ; the posterior is a septum of connective tissue and blood-ves- sels prolonged from the pia mater, and sep- arating the lateral halves of the cord. L. si'nuses. L. sinus longitudinales ; F. si- nus longitudinaux; G. Längsblutleiter; /. seni longitudinali. Venous channels at upper and lower edges of falx cerebri. The supe'rior 1. s. extends from crista galli to internal occipital protuberance, where it ends in the torcular Herophili ; the infe'rior 1. s. arches backward over the corpus callosum and discharges into the straight sinus. L. spi'nal veins, me- ningo-rachidian veins. L. sul'cus. L. sulcus longitudinalis; F. tige du calamus scriptorius. ^Median groove on floor of fourth ventricle. L. vein, infe'rior, in- ferior longitudinal sinus. Longitudina'lis {L.). Longitudinal. L. infe'rior, lingualis. L. infe'rior lin'- gTise me'dius, genio-glossus accessorius. L. pharyn'gis, thin portion of stylo- pharyngeus inserted into upper edge of thyroid cartilage. L. supe'rior, lingualis superficialis. Long-sight'edness. Hyperopia, pres- byopia. Longueiu- focale {F.). Focal length. Lon'gns {L.). Long. L. atlan'tis, longus colli. L. cap'itis, rectus capitis anticus major. L. col'U. F. muscle long du cou ; /. muscolo lungo dell' collo. A compound muscle of the prevertebral re- gion, having a lower oblique portion (ob- liquus colli inferior), arising from trans- verse processes of cervical vertebra3 V. and VI., and inserted into bodies of dorsal ver- tebrae I. to III. ; an upper oblique portion (obliquus colli superior), arising from trans- verse processes of cervical vertebra; III. to v., and inserted into the tubercle on ante- rior arch of atlas ; and a vertical portion (rectus colli) uniting the insertions of the other two, arising from bodies of vertebra^ from cervical VI. to dorsal II., and inserted upon bodies of cervical I. to IV. Henle confines the name to the lower oblique and vertical portions. L. col'li accesso'rius, transversalis cervicis anticus. L. lumbo'- rum, rare muscular slip arising from sides of bodies of two upper lumbar vertebrae, and inserted on similar sides of three low- est lumbar vertebra;. Lonic'era (A). F. lonicère. A genus of Caprifolincex. L. Caprifo'lium. F. chèvrefeuille ; I. caprifoglio. Woodbine ; a twining shrub cultivated for ornament ; leaves astringent, flowers oflicial in the Cod. ; used in syrup as a cough remedy. L. Diervil'la, Diemlla trifida, Moench. L. sempervi'rens. Ait., trumpet honey- suckle, indigenous ; a syrup of the leaves has been used for asthma. Looc (/.). Lincture. Looch {F.. G., 1.) {Ar. la og]. Linc- ture. L. bianco (/.) or blanc (F.') : see Look album. L. huUeux {F.) or L. oleoso (/.), oil emulsion. Loodia'na disease'. Anthrax in the horse in India. Loo'fah. Luffa. Look [Cod.]. Lincture. L. al'bum. F. looch blanc. Sweet almonds 15, bitter almonds 1, sugar 15, tragacanth (1.25, orange-flower water 5, water 60 : make an emulsion [Cod.]. L. oleo'sum [Cod.], oil emulsion. Loop of Henle or Looped tubule of 84 LOO LOX Henle. L. tubulus laqueiformis ; F. anse de Henle; (1. schleifenfuruiifrer Canal. That part of a urinif'erous tubule which passes down for some distance toward the papilla and then returns. Loose'ness \^Goth. Husan]. Slight diar- rhœa. Loose'strife. L. lythrum ; F. sali- caire ; G. ruther Weiderich ; /. salicaria. The herb of Lijthrum Salicarm. L. ; con- tains tannin and mucilage; demulcent and astringent. Lo'pez-root. Toddalia acideatu. Lo'phia (i.) [Ao^ta]. The upper part of the back, the first dorsal vertebra. Lophoc'orQUs(Z/.) [/»^oç, zó//.ij]. Hav- ing the hair on the scalp in tufts and woolly. Lo'phos (i.) [xoifof]. Ridge, crest. Loqua'city. L. loquaeitas ; F. loqua- cité ; G. Geschwätzigkeit ; I. loquacità. Voluble speaking. Lo'quela (i/.). Speech. L. blse'sa, stammering. Loran'thtis etiropae'us, L. A small shrub, parasitic upon oaks and chestnuts in Europe; the Viscum quenim of the an- cients. Lorbeer {G.). Laurel; — blatter, laurel-leaves ; — öl, oil of laurel. Lorbeeren {G.). Laurel-fruit. Lordo'sis ( L.) [.io.oJó?]. F., G. Lordose ; /. lordusi. Curvature inward of a bone, especially curvature of the spine with the convexity anterior. Lordot'ic. L. lordoticus. Pertaining to, or affected with, lordosis. Loreta's meth'od. For treatment of aneurism by passing wire into the sac. Loreta's opera'tion. Digital dilatation of the pyloric orifice through an opening made in the stomach. Lorica'tio {L.). Encrusting; applica- tion or formation of a crust or coating. Lossartro (/). Loxarthrus. Lo'tiof/y.). Lotion. L. ammo'nico- camphora'ta [Cod.], camphorated am- moniacal lotion. L. fla'va, yellow wash. L. hydrar'gyri fla'va, yellow mercurial lotion. L. hydrar'gyri ni'gra, black mer- curial lotion. L. ni'gra, black wash. L. plum'bea [Cod.], diluted solution of sub- acetate of lead. Lo'tion. L. lotio ; G. Waschwasser ; I. lozione. A liquid preparation, usually aqueous, intended for external application ; generally applied by means of some ab- sorbent material, as lint or muslin : see also Goulard's, etc. lotion. Lotion à l'acétate de plomb (F.). Diluted solution of subacetate of lead. Lotion dite de Goulard (F.). Goulard's lead-water. Lo'tium (i/.). Urine. Lotu'ra car'nium (L.). The fibrinous shreds found in dysenteric stools, which have been compared to the washings of flesh. Louche (F.y Squint-eyed ; afifected with strabismus ; turbid. Louchettes (F.). Goggles. Louis, angle of. That between manu- brium and bodj' of sternum. Louis'ville Springs. Chalybeate wa- ters, Louisville, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas. Loup {F.). Lupus. Loupe (F.). 1. Wen. L. athéroma- teuse, wen containing chiefly epithelial cells, with or without crystals of Cholesterin. L. graisseuse, lipuma. L. des os, exos- tosis. L. stéatomateuse, steatoma. 2. A magnifying lens. Loup'ing-ill. L. chorea paralytica ovis. Hydrorachitis in sheep, producing para- plegia. Louse [.i. S. lus]. F. pou ; G. Laus; /. pidocchio. Ft:dìcnlìis cajntis, L. Louse-'wort. Gerardia pedicidarìa ; herb diaphoretic and sedative. Lov'age. L. levisticum ; F. livèche ; G. Liebstöckel ; /. levistico. The root or fruit of Levisticum officinale; carmina- tive, diuretic, and enimenagogue. Love apple. Tcunato, Lycoperskum es- culentum, Mill. Low-bush black'berry. The fruit of Rubìis triiùdis, Michx. Low mallow. Malva rotundìfolìa. Low'er chest reg'ister : see Register. Low'er po'lar cir'cle [Barnes]. The lower third of the uterine cavity. Lower, tu'bercle of. L. tubercuhmi Loweri. Slight projection of wall of right auricle between the openings for the supe- rior and inferior venae cavie. Lox'a-bark. G. Loxarinde. A com- mercial variety of pale cinchona, the prod- uct of Cinchona officinalis, Hook. Loxarthre (F.). Loxarthrus. LOX LUE 85 Loxar'thinis (L.) [-'.oc'lc, äftO/Hi>~^. F. loxarthre. Itet'ormity of a joint. Loxauche'nus {L.) [À"?"f, '"'/rj/']. Term aiipliiil to skulls in which the line joininp: inion and basion makes an anj;le of from 2(i° to 14° with the radius tixus [Lissauer]. Lox'ia (L.) [/.»Ifii]. Wry neck. Lox'ic. L. loxicus. Not in the natural or usual direction or position ; distorted, awry. Loxochor'dus (L.). Term applied to skulls in which the line joining the hor- mion and the basion makes an anjile of from 15.50° to 33° with the radius fixus [Lissauer]. Loxocor'srphus ( L.) [/.iiyrjçr;'\. Term applied to skulls in which the line connect- ing bregma and lambda makes with the radius fixus an angle of from 17° to 29° [Lissauer]. Loxocye'sis (L.) [z'Jr^rr^-]. Displace- ment of the pregnant uterus. Loxodon'tus (L.) [òiìnóc]. Applied to skulls in which a line joining the sub- nasal and alveolar points makes an angle of from 50° to 88° with the radius fixus [Lissauer]. Loxometo'pus(iy.) [/j/r;r(iv]. Applied to skulls in which a line drawn from bregma to nasal point makes with the radius fixus an angle of from 33.5° to 47° [Lissauer]. Loxophthal'mus ( L.) [òumbar verte- bra. Lum'bar. L. lumbalis ; F. lombaire ; (1. lumbal; /. lombare. Pertaining to the loins. L. ab'scess, abscess in the lumbar region, usually connected with disease of the spine L. aponeuro'sis, lumbar fascia. L. ar'teries. L. arteria» lumbales ; F. artères lombaires ; G. Lendenschlagadern ; /. arterie lombari. Branches from abdom- inal aorta supplying the lumbar region. They are metamerie arteries, resembling the intercostals, and are usually five in number on each side. L. colon, ascend- ing colon. L. enlarge 'ment. L. in- tumescentia lumbalis; /'. renflement lom- baire ; G. Lendenanschwellung. A spin- dle-shaped increase in size of the spinal cord, beginning about the 10th dorsal ver- tebra, corresponding to exit of nerves for the pelvic limbs. L. fas'cia. L. fascia lumbaris. The fascia lumbo-dorsalis of the lumbar region. It is a thick and strong sheet, from which processes extend as in- termuscular septa. These are described as separate layers of the fascia. The poste- rior layer is the fascia proper, extending from spines of vertebr» to latissimus dorsi and serratus po.sticus inferior; tlie middle layer stretches from the last rib to the crest of the ilium, attached medially to apices of transverse processes, meeting the posterior layer laterally, and thus enclosing the erec- tor spina; ; the anterior layer is a thin sheet springing from roots of transverse processes, and passing outward to meet the other two, thus enclosing the quadratus lumborum. L. gan'glia, those situated upon the .sympa- LUM LUN 87 thetic in the lumbar region. L. glands. L. gianduia; lunibares ; G. Lendendrüsen. Lymphatic glands of the lumbar region. A large group lies around the aorta and vena cava ; a smaller between the transverse proc- esses of the vertebrae. L. her'nia. G. Lendenbruch. Hernia in the lumbar re- gion. L. lymphat'ic trunk. L. truncus lyniphaticus lumbaris ; G. Lendenstamm. A small vessel often found which collects Ivraph from the lumbar glands, and dis- charges into the thoracic duet. L. neiges, i. nervi lumbales ; (r. Lendennerven. iSpi- nal nerves passing out below the lumbar vertebra;, five in number. L. plex'us. L. plexus lumbalis ; G. Lendengeflecht. Formed by anterior branches of first three lumbar nerves and part of the fourth. Its branches are distributed to lower part of abdominal wall and fore part and inner side of lower limb. L. re'gions, lateral por- tions of mesogastric region of abdomen, bounded mesiallj' by a vertical plane cut- ting the middle of Poupart's ligament. L. veins. L. venœ lumbales transvers» ; /. vene lombari. Correspond to the lumbar arteries, discharge into inferior vena cava : see also A^cmding luml/ar vn'n. L. ver'- tebrae. L. vertebraï lumbales ; F. vertè- bres lombaires ; G. Lendenwirbel ; /. ver- tebre lombari. Those of the lumbar region, five in number, in man, characterized by their large size and the absence of articular facets for ribs. Lumba'ris exter'nus ( L.). Quadratus lumborum. Lumba'ris inter'nus {L.). Psoas mag- nus. Lum'berman's itch. Pruritus or sca- bies. Lum'bi-costa'lis [Coues]. Sacrc-lum- balis. Lum'bi-dorsa'lis [Coues]. Longissi- mus dorsi. LtiTnbifra'gium (i/.). Lumbar hernia. Lum'bo-. A prefix signifying belong- ing to the loins or lumbai; vertebrae. Ltunbo-cos'tal lig'ament. L. liga- menlum lumbo-costale. A thin but strong band (process of middle sheet of lumbar fascia) passing from transverse process of first lumbar vertebra to twelfth rib. Lumbo-costa'lis (£■.). Ilio-costalis. Lumbo-dor'sal fas'cia. L. fascia lum- bo-dorsalis ; G. Riickenlendenbinde. An aponeurosis binding down the muscles in the vertebral groove, passing from the spines of the vertebra; and interspinous ligament across to the angles of the ribs, the posterior edge of the ilium, and the great sciatic ligament. The upper part is known as the vertebral fascia, the lower as the lumbar fascia, q. v. Lumbodyn'ia (i )• Lumbago. Lumbo-in'guinal nerve. L. nervus lumbo-inguinalis ; G. Lendcnleistennerv. Crural branch of genito-crural nerve, sup- plying integument of upper portion of thigh. Lumbo-sa'cral. Pertaining to the lumbar and sacral regions; also the lumbo- sacral cord. L.-s. cord. L. nervus lumbo- sacralis. Trunk formed b_y union of fifth lumbar nerve with part of the fourth. L.-s. lig'ament. L. ligamontum lumbo- sacrale. A thick bundle of fibres connect- ing transverse process of last lumbar verte- bra with base of sacrum. L.-s. ver'tebra, sacral vertebra which presents characteris- tics of the lumbar form. Lumbo-ver'tebral in'dex. Sum of posterior measurements of lumbar vertebra X 100, divided by sum of anterior measure- ments [Cunningham]. Lumbrica'les i L.). F. lombricaux ; G. Regenwurmmuskeln ; /. lombricali. Small fusiform muscles of the hand and foot, four in each member, arising from tendons of flexor perforans and inserted into the ex- tensor tendons. Lumbri'cus (/>•). F. lombric intestinal. Aiicaris linnhricoidi'S. Lu'men (.Z/.). G. Lichtung. The cen- tral vacant space of a tubular structure, which appears clear in cross-sections. Lumière {Fl). Light. Lu'na (i/.). An ancient alchemical name for silver. Lu'nacy [luna]. F. folie; G. Wahn- sinn; /.follia. Insanity; in earlier usage, periodical insanitv. Lu'nar caus'tic. Moulded nitrate of silver. Luna're os or Luna 'tum (i.). Semi- lunar bone. Luna'ria (/^.). Menstruation. Lu 'natie. X. lunaticus ; /'.lunatique; G. Wahnsinniger; /. lunatico. 1. An in- sane person. 2. Especially one with lucid intervals. Lunatisme (/".). /. Innatismo. Peri- odical ophthalmia. Lunatis'mus {L.). 1. p]fl^ect of the 88 LUN LUO moon on disease. 2. A disease aflected bj' the moon's changes. 3. Noctambulism. Lu'nenburgh Chalyb'eate Min'eral Spmig. Chalybeate water, Luiienburgh, Essex Co., Vermont. Lunes (/'.)■ Menses. Lunettes (F.). Spectacles. Lung. //. pulmo ; F. poumon ; G. Lunge; /. polmone. One of two elastic, membranous, multilocular air-sacs situated in the thoracic cavity on either side the heart, and serving for aeration of the blood. Lunge (G.), pi. en. Lung. In com- position Lungen, ax, — abscess, abscess of lungs; — aplasie, compression of the lung with atrophy, from narrowing of thoracic cavity in coiisei|uence of spinal curvature; — arterie, pulmonary artery; — atelectasie, atelectasis ; — athmungs- gerausch, respiratory sound ; — atrophie, atrophy of the lungs ; — band, ligamentum latum pulmonis ; — beschwerde, disease of the lung ; — blahung, abnormal dis- ten.sion of the lung with air; — bläschen or — blase, air-cell of lung ; — blausucht, cyano.sis from atelectasis ; — blutadem, pulmonary veins; — blutsturz, hemop- tysis; — blutung, pulmonary hœmor- rhage ; — brand, pulmonary gangrene: — bruch, pneumocele; — carcinom, car- cinoma of the lungs ; — catarrh, bron- chitis ; — druse, bronchial gland ; — emphysem, eniphyseiua pulmonum ; — entzündung, pneumonia ; — faule, gan- grene of the lungs; — fell, jileura pul- nioiialis; — fellentzündung, pleuritis; — feuchtigkeit, moisture i'rom the lungs; — fieber, pneumonia, bronchitis ; — flstel, pulmonary fistula ; — flügel, lobes of lung; — furrche, pulmonary groove; — gangrän, pulmonary gangrene: — ge- fässe, vessels of the lungs, including both bronchial and ])ulmonary blood-vessels and lyni|ihatics; — geflecht, pulmonary plexus; — gesch'WÜr, pulmonic ulcer; — ge- schwulst, tuniiir of the lungs ; — gewebe, pulniDiiary tissue; — haut, jìleura ; — herz, right side of the heart, pulmonic heart; — induration, induration of the lungs; — Infarkt, infarction of the lungs; — kranipf, spasm of the lungs, asthma ; — krankheit, disease of the lungs ; — kraut, lungwort, Pulmonnria officinalis, L. ; — krebs, cancer of the lungs ; — kreislauf, pulmonic circulation; — lähmung, paralysis of the lungs ; — lappchen, i)ulnionary lobule ; — läppen, lobe iif the lung; — leiden, affection of the lungs; — raagennerv, i)iieuuiogastric nerve ; — melanose, melanosis of the lungs; — messer, spirometer; — mittel, pulmonary remedy ; — ödem, «edema pul- monum ; — pforte, hilus pulmonis; — pigmentirung, )iii;nientatioii of the lungs; — probe, docimasia pulmonum; — rand, border of the lung; — rotz, glanders af- fecting the lung ; — schall, pvilmonic reso- nance ; — Schlagader, pulmonary artery; — schlagfluss, pulmimary apii]dexy; — schnitt, pneumoniitomy ; — Schrumpf- ung, contraction of the lungs ; — sch'warz, anthracosis ; — schTwindsucht, phthisis ; — seuche, pleuro-pneumonia contagiosa; — spitze, apex of the lung; — stein, pul- monary calculus ; — sucht, pulmonary con- sumption ; — tonus, spasm of muscular fibres of bronchial tubes; — tuberctilose, pulmonary tuberculosis; — venen, pul- monary veins ; — venensack or — venen- sinus, left auricle of heart; — Verhär- tung, induration of the lung ; — ver- knöcherung, ossification of the lungs ; — verschwärung, ulceration of the lungs; — Wassersucht, pulmonary œdema ; — - Wurzel, root of lung ; — zellen, air-cells of lung. Lung fever. Pneumonia ; the pleuro- pneuniiinia of cattle. Lungo (/.). Long. L. del collo, lon- gus colli. L. dorsale, longissimus dorsi. Lung'wort. /'. pulmonaire ; G. Lun- genkraut ; /. polmonaria. 1. Pulmoiiaria (ifficiìialls, L. ; formerly in repute in the treatment of pulmonary catarrh : see also Viiyinia luiiytcorl. 2. Sticta pidmonaria, Achar. Lu'nula or L. unguis (A.), dim. of Luna. Small crescent, onyx. L. of Gi- anuz'zi, demilune of Gianuzzi. L. lach- ryma'lis, small curved ]>late nf bone in front of opening of maxillary sinus, on in- ternal surface of superior maxillary bone. L. of nail. L. lunula unguis ; F. lunule ; G. Nagelfleck ; /. binale. A whiti.sh crcscen- tic area visible near the base of a nail, corre- sponding to the extension of the keratog- enous njcmbrane. L. scap'ulse, suprascap- ular notch. L. of semUu'nar val'ves, crescentic area in which the substance is thinned along the border of semilunar valves of heart, on either side the corpus Arantii. Luogo (A). Place, spot. L. d'elezi- one, place of election for a surgical o])era- tion. LUP LUR 89 Lupia(/.j. Wen. L. delle ossa, ex- ostosis. Lu'piform. Reseinbling lupus. Lu'pine. F. lupin ; /. lupino. 1. The genus Liipiiiiis. '2. Jjiipiniis iilliu.-', L. Lu'pinin. CogH^jOie- F. lupiniue ; /. lupinina. A glucoside, the bitter principle of Liipiiius idhus. Lu'pinine. CjiH^oNjOj. An alkaloid found in tiie seeds of Lupiiius luletis. Lupino'sis {L.). G. Lupinenkrankheit. Pernieious jaundice in tlie horse, due to eating lupines. Lupi'nus. 1. Lupine, a genus of Leffu- mino.<êc. 2. The seed of Lupinus albus, L. L. al'bus, L., white lupine, native of the Levant, cultivated ; the seeds are said to be anthelmintic, emmenagogue, and discu- tient ; after boiling in water to remove the bitter principle they are used for food. L. lu'teus, L., a European, cultivated species of Lupi lilts. Lupo (/.). Lupus. L. erpetiforme, her- petic lupus. L. eritematico or eritema- toso, lupus erythematosus. Lu'poid or Lu'pous. Resembling lupus. L. ac'ne, acne atrophica. Luppolino (/.). Lupulin. Luppulo (/.). Lupulus. Lu'pulin. L. lupulinum ; F. lupuline ; G. Hopfenniehl ; /. luppolino. The yellow, glanduhir, resinous powder separated from the strobiles of Iliimii/ii.i Lnpn/us ; composed principally of wax and resins ; has the same medicinal properties as hojis. Lupuline (F.). Lupulin. Lupulino (/.). Lupulin. Lupuli'num (L.). Lupulin. Lupulite {F.). Lupulin. Lu'pulus (/-.). Hops. Lu 'pus (//.). G. Hautwolf; I. lupo. A ohronic localized infiltration and ulcera- tion of the skin and subjacent tissues, probably produced by a bacillus : see C/rers, end' mir. L. cornu'tus, form in which the layers of epithelium are piled one upon another, producing the appear- ance of true cutaneous horns. L. de'vo- rans, lupus. L. discre'tus, form in which the papules are separated from one another. L. dissemina 'tus, form in which the pa- pules are comparatively few and spread over a wide surface. L. erythemato'- des or erythemato'sus, a small-cell new growth of the skin. a])pearing as one or more circumscribed round or irreirular. reddish patches covered with grayish-yel- low adherent scales. L. erythemato'sus discoi'des, an early form in which one or more spots, forming the primary efflores- cence, increase very slowly by pcri()lu'ral growth. L. erythemato'sus dissem.i- na'tus, form in which a number of patches present themselves after the primary efflo- rescence, showing no tendency to peripheral growth ; in many cases a large portion of the surface of the body is involved. L. ex'edens. G. fressender Hautwolf. Lu- pus vulgaris. L. exfoliati'vus, form of lupus vulgaris in which the papule gradu- ally disappears, leaving a more or less atropliied spot covered with shining and desquamating epidermis. L. excor'ti- cans, lupus vulgaris. L. exul'cerans, form of lupus vulgaris in which disinte- gration and ulceration of the infiltrated skin occurs. L. hypertroph 'icus, form having extensive warty outgrowths, with thickening of the skin and consolidation of tissues. L. non ex'edens, lupus vul- garis. L. seba'ceus, lu]ius erythemato- sus. L. seborrhag-'icus [^'olkmann], lupus erythematosus. L. serpigino'sus, an advanced stage of lupus in which the disease spreads from the peripheral zone. L. superficia'lis, lupus erythematosus. L. syphilit'icus, lupoid syphiloderma. L. tuberculo'sus, term applied to the aggregation and merging together of a number of lupus papules, forming large masses ; a common phase of lupus vulga- ris. L. tu'midus, lupus vulgaris. L. varico'sus, naîvus. L. veg'etans, pro- liferating form of lupus vulgaris. L. ver- ruco'sus, characterized by small papillary outgrowths. L. vo'rax, lupus. L. vul- ga'ris, neoplastic growth in the skin or mucous membrane, the lesions of which are reddish-brown nodules or pa|)ules, fol- lowed by ulceration and cicatrization. L. W^illa'ni, lupus vulgaris. Lupus {F.). Lupus. L. élevé, lupus characterized by papules and elevation of the diseased parts above the surrounding skin. L. mactileux or plan, lupus cha- racterized by macules or spots. L. per- forant, or L. phagédénique, or L. ron- geant, lupus exedens. Lupuscarcinom (G.). Carcinoma de- veloped on a base of lupus. Luridité (F.). The yellowish or dark appearance of the skin seen in certain cachectic states and in some forms of paralysis. 90 LUS LYC Luschka's arachnoi'dal vil'li. Pac- chionian bodies. Luschka's bur'sa. Bursa pharyngea. Luschka's car'tilage. A small nodule of elastic cartilage enclosed in the anterior portion of the true vocal cord. Luschka's gland. Coccygeal gland. Luschka's pharynge'al ton'sil: see J'/iinyngcti/ toiisil. Lusciosité (F.). Myopia. Luscio'sus (i-). Near-sighted, myopic. Lus'citas (L.). Ophthalmoplegia ex- terna [.Mackenzie] ; strabismus [PlenckJ. Lusci'ties (L.). Strabismus. Lu'sis [/d'Offiç]. Act of washing. Lussazione (/.). Luxation, dislocation. Lustdime (G.). Prostitute. Lustgarten's bacil'lus. Bacillus of syphilis. Lustiger Wahnsinn (C). Ameno- mania. Lus'tre. G. Glanz ; /. lustro. Shine. A visual characteristic of polished surfaces. In stereoscopy a phenomenon arising from the combination of fields of different illumi- nation or color. It appears best for colors if they are not too different. Wundt also obtains a monocular lustre by the use of a reflecting glass plate. Lustseuche ( G.). Venereal disease ; — nwuth, syphilomania. Lustsiech (G.). Venereal. Lusf'WOrt. Drosera rotundlfolia, L. Lu'sus natu'rae (i.). A freak or sport of nature, a monster. Lu'teins. Lipochromes Luteo (corpo) (/.). Corpus luteum. Lute'olin. CjoIInO». A yellow, vol- atile, cry.stalline principle found by Chev- reul (1830) in mignonette, //»'eofo odorata, L. Lu'teum o'vi {LI). Yolk of egg. Lu'teus, a, urn (L.). Yellow. Luttuoso (/.). Plaintive, sighing. Lu'tum cum lentis'co (L.) [Cod.]. Etliereal tincture of mastic. Lux (i/.). Light. Luxa'tion. L. luxatio ; G. Verrenkung ; /. lussazione. Dislocation. Luxationslähmung (G.). Paralysis of the arm from pressure on the nerves exerted by the luxated head of the hu- merus. Lux'us consump'tion. G. Luxus- consumtion. Assimilation of nutritive material in excess of the actual necessities of the organism ; excess of metabolism. Formerly used to express the theory that excess of proteids is directly oxidized, pro- ducing heat without being converted into tissue. Luxusathmung {G.). Term proposed by Mosso to express the fact that ordinary respiration is in excess of the actual needs of the organism. Luys'scher Körper {G.). Nucleus of Luys. Lycan'thropy {J-ón-nì, «vo/jcuttoç]. L. lycanthropia ; F. lycanthropie ; G. Lykan- thropie ; / licantropia. That form of zo- anthropy in which the person believes that he is at times changed into a wolf. Lych'nis {L.). A genus of Caryo- ji/ii/ikff. L. Githa'go, Lam., corncockle, rose campion, a European weed, naturalized in the U. S. ; the seeds were formerly used in cutaneous diseases, hemorrhages, etc. Ly'cine. CsXHnOj. An alkaloid ob- tained from Li/ciuin vulgare, said to be identical with betaine. Ly'cium (/>.). A genus of Solanacex. L. bar'barum, L., Lycium ndgare, Dun. L. europee'um, L., cultivated as a hedge- plant ; the leaves are official in the P. Port. ; the young shoots are employed as a culinary vegetable like asparagus. L. umbro'sum, H. et B., a South American species, said to be used by the natives as a remedy for erysipelas. L. vulga're, Dunal., matri- mony-vine, a shrub indigenous to Europe and Asia, cultivated and naturalized in the U. S. ; contains the alkaloid lycine. Lycoc'tonine. An alkaloid of Aconi- tum Lycoctoinim . L. Lycoma'nia (L.) [/.'Jz"i-, /lav:'«]. Ly- canthropy. Lycoper'don {LI). A genus of fungi, the puff-balls. L. gigan'teum, Persoon, common puff-ball, found generally in old pastures ; edible when young. L. Tu'ber, L., Tulier ciliarhim, Sibth. Lycoper'sicum esculen'tum {L.), Dun., Soldtnnn Lycoj>frsicu7n, L. Lycopodine {F.). L licopodina. Bitter alkaloid derived from lycopodium. Lycopo'dium {L.). F. lycopode ; G. Bilrlappsanien ; /. licopodio. 1. The spo- rules of Lycopodium clarnfiim, L., and of other species of Jjycopndimn [Ü. S. 1^.] ; ab- sorbent and protective. 2. A genus of LYC LYM 91 Lycopodiace^ . L. clava'tum, L , couimon club-moss, indigLMious to Europe and Amer- ica ; the principal source of h-copoJiuui. L. complana'tum, L., and L. annoti'num, L., are recognized sources of lycopodium [P. Svec.]. Li. sauru'rus, a South Amer- ican species, used as an emetic ; contains a poisonous alkaloid. Lyco'pus ( /y.). A genus of Lahiatx. L. etiropee'us, L., a European species which includes several American varieties; said to be used as an antiperiodic. L. sin- ua'tus, Ell., a variety of L. enropstus, L. L. virgin'icus, L., bugleweed ; an indig- enous perennial herb, reputed to be astrin- gent and sedative. Lycorex'ia ( L. ). F. lycorexie ; G. Heisshunger ; /. licoressia. Ravenous hun- ger, bulimia. Lye \_A. S. leah]. L. lixivium ; F. les- sive ; G. Lauge ; /. liscivia. The liquid product of the process of lixiviation, es- peciallv of the lixiviation of wood-ashes. Lyenceph'ala (/>. ) [/'««, /.€h : .see Axil- hiry, Bioiicho-medumtinal, Intestinal, Jiiguldr and Lmnhar 1. 1. ; also Li/mphritic duct, rfffiif, and Thoracic r/urt. L. ves'sels. L. vasa lymphatica; /T vaisseaux lymphatiques; G. Lymphgefilsse. Minute vessels with thin walls (often having a knotted appearance due to valves) which carry lymph and chyle. L. warts, lymphangioma cutis. Lymphatico-sangTiin, ine (F.). Re- lating to the lymphatic and sanguine tem- peraments. Lymphatisch (G.). Lymphatic. Lymphatisme (F.). The lymphatic state or temperament. Lymphatis'mus (L.). Excessive de- velüijmeiit of lymphatic tissue. Lymphati'tis. Inflammation of lym- phatics. Lymphdrüsen ( G.). Lymphatic glands ; — entzündung, lymphadenitis; — ge- schwulst, lym]ihadenonia ; — häufen, col- lecti'<«]. F. lymphorrhée ; G. Lymphfluss. The per- sistent escape of lymph from an opening in a lymphatic vessel. Lsnnpho-sarco'ma (i.) [^aà/r/.iuna]. A tumor resembling lymphoma, liut with cells larger than leucocytes and of different type. The term is also applied to infective lym- phoma. Lympho'sis (/>.). F. lymphose ; G. Lymphbildung; /. linfosi. Production of lymph. Lsraiphos'tasis (//.) [«rr'iffN-]. Stagna- tion of lymph. Lymphotomie ^F.). Dissection of lymphatic glands. Lymphotorrhce'a (Z.) ["5o, /'/<"]. Se- rous discharge from the ear. Ljrmphu'ria (L.) [ouom']. F. lymphu- rie. Chyluria. Lyngode (F.). Affected with hiccough. Lyomyo'ma, pi. ata (L.). Leiomy- oma. Ly'pe [/'^-rj. Sadness; pain. Lypema'nia (L.) \_fiav(a]. F. lypé- manie; G. Melancholie; / lipemania. Melancholia. Ljrpérophrénie {F.). Melancholia. Lypothy'mia (L.) [/.^J-»;, •S'u/z'ic]. F. lypothymie ; /. lipotimia. Melancholia. Ly'ra or Ly'ra Da'vidis or Lyra for'- nicis. F. lyre ; G. Leier ; I. lira. Under part of posterior portion of corpus callosuni, between the diverging posterior crura of fornix, where the obscure markings made by transverse, longitudinal, and oblique fibres have a vague reseinl)lance to the strings of a harp. L. uteri'na, arbor vitie uterinus. Lyre (F.). Corpus psallo'ides. Lysima'chia (//.). A genus of Priniu- laase. L. nummula'ria, L., moneywort, native of Europe, naturalized in the U.S.; astringent, antiscorbutic, vulnerary. L. quadrifo'lia, L., indigenous ; astringent and stomachic. Ly'sis (Z/.) [/''"Tu'], /lisi. Solution; gradual termination as opposed to crisis. Lys'sa (Z/.) [^/.ûaaa]. Babies. Lys'si. F. lysses. Pustules or vesicles seen near the fra'num of the tongue in cases of hydrophobia. Lys'sic [/.''i.7,-]. Bite of a mad dog. Lyssopho'bia i L.) [ç"i,î./ç]. Morbid dread of hydrophobia, producing some of the symptoms of that disease. Lsrth'nun (L.). A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Lt/f/iriicen:. L. ala'tum, Pursh, and L. hyssopifo lia, L., indigenous spe- cies, believed to have the same properties as the nest. L. Salica 'ria, L., loosestrife ; a European plant, naturalized in the LT. S., cultivated ; demulcent and astringent. Liyt'ta, (2/.). F. lytte. A genus of in- sects. Order Coleoptera. L. gi'gas, Fabr., an East Indian species of vesicating beetle., L. vesicato'ria, Fabr., Canlharù vesicato- ria, De Geer. 94 M- MAC M. M., abbv. for Misce (2/), mix, or for Minim, or for Myopia. ,« = micron. M.-a., abbv. for Metre-angle. Maal(6^.). Mole. Maasformel (.) \_!xdyatpa\. Penis. Machao'nian. L. machaonicus ; G. machaoniseh. Pertaining to a physician. Mâchelière {F.). Molar tooth. Macher (F.). To chew, to masticate. Machinal, ale {FJ). Automatic. Machlos'yne (L.) [^imylnaùvr,']. Nym- phomania. Mâchoire (F.). Jaw. M. diacrâ- nienne, inferior maxillary bone. M. syn- crânienne, superior maxillary bone. Mâchonnement {F.). The motion of chewing, occurring as a symptom in cere- bral diseases. Machtlosigkeit {G.'). Powerlessness, impotence, debility. Mâchure (F.). 1. Sc|uoe7,ing or crushing to control hfcmorrhage from the end of an artery [Vidal]. 2. Portion of lacerated tissue in crushed wounds. Ma'cies (/-)• Emaciation. M. infan'- tum, tabes mesenterica. MAC MAC 95 Macilen'tia (//.)• -^- aiacilence ; /. macilenza. Great emaciation. Maclntyre's splint. A swinging poste- rior splint tur fracture of the leg. It con- sists of two wooden side-pieces, joined by a number of flexible bands, and of a foot- piece. Ma'cis ( />.. F., I.). Mace. Mack'intosh. Thin rubber tissue or cloth. Macran'trus (X.) [,a«x/)Ó9, ù'ir/xii']. Term applied to skulls in which the vertical let fall upon the radius ii.xus from the most prominent part of the torus frontalis falls in front of that let fall from the nasion by a distance of from 4 to 9 mm. [Lissauer]. Macrauch'en (L.) [^naxpair/r,.'']. One who has a long neck. Macrenceph'alus (X.) \_iyii.oç]. Term applied to skulls in which the angle between lines drawn from hormion to nasion and iiiion is from 150.5° to 17U° [Lissauer]. Macrencra'nus (X.) [iv, xpwAo'j']. Term applied to skulls having a large cerebellar sector (20° to 27.50°) [Lissauer]. Macritu'do ( L.). Emaciation. Macro-angio'sis {L?) [^ijatpoc. à^^îîwv]. Congenital enlargement of blood-vessels of a limb without hypertrophy of other struc- tures. Macrobio'sis {L.) \_!iay.fi('ii, ßioi\. F. maerobie ; G. Langlebigkeit ; /. macrobi- otica. Longevity. Macrobiot'ic. L. macrobiotieus ; F. macrobiotique ; G. makrobiotisch ; /. ma- crobiotico. Relative to long life. Macrocefalo (/.). 1. Macrocephalus. 2. Macrocephalic. Macrocéphale {F.). 1. Macrocepha- lus. 2. Macrocephalic. Macrocephal'ic [y.ei- ^ ^^- crochilie. Enlargement of the lip, espe- cially if congenital. Macrochei'lus (i/-). One who has large lips. Macrochei'ria {L.) [/^i/)]. F. macro- chirie. The condition of having very large hands. Macrochei'rus (//.)• One who has large hands. Macrocito ( /.). Macrocyte. Macrocne'mius {L.) [z»;//r;]. One who has long legs. Macroco'lia (Z.) [ztù/iov]. Unusual length of limbs. Macrocor'nea (Z-.). Megalocornea. Mac'rocosm [xôff.aoç]. L. macrocos- mus ; F. macrocosme ; G. Makrocosmus ; 1. macrocosmo. The universe. Mac'rocyte [zóroj]. /. macrocito. 1. A large cell. 2. The large red blood-cor- puscle found in pernicious anaemia and other conditions. Macrodacty'lia (L.) [/iax/«^-, »îà/ro/iof]. F. macrodactylie ; /. macrodattilia. Exces- sive size of the fingers. Macrodac'tylus {L.). Long-fingered. Macrodon'tus (L.) [o'iîi/'Jç]. One who has a large jaw or teeth. Macroftalmo (/.). Macrophthalmus. Macrogas'ter (Z.) [yaiîTriii]. F. ma- crogastre. Large or dilated stomach. Macroglos'sia (L., I.) [yAwirtra]. F. makroglossie ; G. Zungenvorfall. Exces- .sive development of the tongue, often accompanying cretinism. Macrome'lia (i., /.) [/i/A»ç]. F. ma- cromélie. Monstrosity due to an enlarged limb. Mac'romere [.a//*"?]. A large segmen- tation sphere. Macrono'sia (i.), pi. se [•/««■"î']. Chronic disease. Macropanenceph'alus fi.) \T:àv, iyxi- tpakii^']. Term applied to skulls in which the angle between lines drawn from hormion to nasion and to basion is from 185.5° to 20G° [Lissauer]. Macrophal'lic \^(fakh'ii\. Having a large penis. Macrophal'lus (X.). 1. A large penis. 2. One who has a large penis. Macropho'nus {L.) [ifujv-q']. Strong- or loud-voiced. 96 MAC MAD Macrophthal'mus (/>) [oçr(?«;./i»ç]. F. luaoniplithalmc ; /. iiiacroftaluiü or macrot- taliiiu. Having large eyes. Macro'pia {L.). Macropsia. Macropi'per {L.). Long pepper. M. methys'ticum, Mi(j., Fiper mcthyslicum, Fors. Macropnœ'a {L.) \j:-Aw']. F. macrop- née. Deep breathing. Macrop'nous [->£<«]. Breathing slowly and dc_'e]>ly. Macropo'dia (i., /) [-«6?]. F. ma- cropodie ; G. Makropodie. Abnormal size of the feet. Macropo'dus or Macro'pus {_L.). F. niaoropude. Having a large foot. Macroproso'pia {L., I.) [-/«Ja-iu-«!-]. F. macTuprosopie. Excessive size of the face. Macrop'sia (X., /.) [mt}/]. F. macrop- sie ; G. Grossehen. A condition of vision in which objects appear abnormally in- creased in size. Macro'pus (7y.). Macropodus. Mac'ror (i/-). Emaciation. Macroirhi'nus (X.) [/!tV]. One who has a large nose. Macros'celes (/>.) \_(7/.ihi's]. Long- legged. Macrosce'lia (//., /.). F. macroscélie. Excessive length of limbs. Mac'roscope [ffz»n-;rv]. G. Makroskop ; /. macrcscopio. An instrument for redu- cing the apparent size of objects ; used by Volkniann in the study of irradiation. Macroscop'ic. F. macroscopique ; G. makroscopisch ; /. macroscopico. Easily seen without the use of magnifying appli- ances. Macro'sia or Macro'sis {L.). Increase of size or length. Macrosoma'tia or Macroso'mia ( L.) [ff(y/yaj. F. macrosomatie ; 1. macrosoma- sia. Excessive size of the whole body. Macros'toma (L.') [rrrôiia]. F. macro- stomie. Congenital fissure of the lips at the commissure, due to non-union of the soft parts of the maxillary processes. Macros'tomous. L. macrostomus ; F. macrostome. Having a large mouth. Macro'tes {L.) ["Sc]. Having large ears. Mac'rotin. F. macrotine. Resin ob- tained from root of Cimicifuga rwemosa, by precipitation from tincture by addition of water; cimicifugin. Macro'tis {L.). One who has large ears. Macro 'tys actaeoi'des, liai'. Cimici- fuga racemosa, EU. Mac'ula (i.), pi. ae. F. macule, tache ; G. Fleck ; /. macchia. A spot or stain with- out elevation or depression. M. acus'tica, in the internal ear, an oval area in the utri- cle and another in the saccule, to which are distributed filaments (if the auditory nerve. M. al'ba or al'bida. 1. Albinism. 2. Whitish spots seen on serous surfaces, es- pecially the pericardium, caused by a pre- vious circumscribed inflammation. M. ar- cua 'ta, arcus senilis. M. cœru'lea, a pe- culiar esanthem formerly supposed to be characteristic of typhoid fever, really due to bites of crab-lice. M. cor'nese. F. al- bugo ; G. Hornhautfleck ; 1. albugine. A dense white opaque spot on the cornea. M-se. cribro'sae. F. taches criblées; G. Siebflecken. Groups of minute openings in wall of vestibule for passage of auditory nerve-fibres. The superior leads into the utricle and ampulla^ of the vertical and horizontal semicircular canals ; the infe- rior, to the posterior semicircular canal ; the median, to the saccule. M. fla'va, macula lutea. M. g-erminati'va, germi- nal disc. M. hepat'ica, chloasma hepati- cum. M. lu'tea. F. tache jaune. A roundish spot on the retina in the visual axis, marked by diff'used yellow pigment. Retinal cones only are found upon it, and it appears to be the principal focus of vis- ion. M. ma'jor [Morgagni], macula crib- rosa anterior ; see Maculse cribroax. M. mater'na or M. mat'ricis, mother's mark, n;evus pigmentosus. M. ni'gra, blind spot. M. sola'ris, freckle. Mac'ular. L. macularis; F, maculeus, euse ; G. gefleckt ; /. maculoso. Pertain- ing to, or aflected with, maculai. Mac'ulated. Z. maculatus; /^.maculé; G. fleckig ; /. maculato. Spotted. Maculature {F.). Macula. Macula 'tus {L.). F. maculé, ée ; I. maculato. Spotted, maculated. Mac'uliform. l^ooking like a stain or spot. Mac'ulous. L. maculosus ; F. macu- leux, euse ; G. fleckig ; /. maculoso. Spot- ted. Mad [A. S. gemâd]. 1. Popular syn- onym for in.sane. 2. Afl'ected with rabies. M. itch, form of enzootic disease of cattle characterized by frantic scratching and rub- MAD MAG 97 birig of various parts, wiili tympanites ; often fatal. Ma'dar : see Mudar. Madaro'sis (i.) \_!LaSajiiU']. F. mada- rose ; 1. niachirosi. The production of ma- daroma — i'. e. loss of hair, especially of the eyelashes. Madarot'ic. L. madaroticus. Pertain- ing to niadarosis ; without eyelashes. Mad'der [A. S. mœddere]. L. rubia ; /'. garance ; G. Krapp, Färberröthe ; J. robbia. The root of Ruhia tinctorum, L. ; used in the arts as a dye ; formerly thought to be emmenagogue and diuretic. Mad-dog skull 'cap. Scutellaria lateri- flora, L. Mad-dog weed. Alisma Flantayu. Madéfaction {F.). L. madefactio ; /. madefazione. Moistening. Made'ma or Made'sis (Z.) [/jaòàiu]. Alopecia, madarosis. MadeEfwnrm (C). Oxyuris vermicu- larif. Ma'dia {L.). A genus of Compositse. M. oil, a bland fixed oil from the seeds of Madia sativa, Mol. M. sati'va, Mol., a Chilian herb cultivated in Europe and else- where for the seed. Mad'isis ( /..) [;/.diJifTtç^. Baldness. Mad'ison Springs. Chalybeate min- eral springs, in ^Madison Co., Georgia. Madiste'rium (L.). An instrument for removing liair. Mad'ness [A.S. gemâd]. F. folie; G. Verrücktheit; I. pazzia. 1. Disorder of the intellect of any kind, permanent, tran- sient, etc. 2. I'opular term for insanity. M., canine', hydrophobia. Ma'dor (L.). 1. Moisture. 2. Profuse perspiration. Madorrhée (F.). Syphilis. Madras' tur'meric. A commercial va- riety of turmeric, consisting of thick lat- eral branches of the rhizome, mixed with sliced tubers. Madre (/.). Mother. M. del vino, lees of wine. Madreperla ( T.). Mother-of-pearl. Madro'ne Min'eral Springs. Car- bonated water, (î miles N. of Gilroy Hot Springs, Santa Clara Co., California. Madu'ra foot. Mycetoma. Mad'weed. Scutellaria. Mad'wort. Camelina sativa, Crantz ; leaves vermifuge. Vol.. ri.— 7 Mae'a(7/.) [/Jiafa]. A midwife. Mae'eia, midwifery. Mädchenschneider or Mädchen- stecher lyO.). A mall having an insane desire to cut or wound girls. Mseeusioma'nia (//.) [^/mieuacç, /lavia]. Undue zeal in aiding labor. Mœeusiopho'bia (i/.) [y.) [/lày/xa']. G. Teig. 1. Any crude mi.Kture of mineral or organic matters in the state of paste. 2. The I'esi- duo after expression in certain pharmaceuti- cal operations. MAG MAG 99 Mag'nes epilep'siae (/-.)• Cinnabar. Magne'sia (/>.)• ^^gO- ^ niagnésie. Mii,i;nesium oxide, light magnesia, calcined magnesia. A white, very light, and very fine powder, odorless, having an earthy but no saline taste, and a faintly alkaline reac- tion ; almost insoluble in water, insoluble in alcohol [U. S. P.] ; prepared by exposing light magnesium carbonate to a low red heat ; antacid, laxative : see also Calcined, Fluid, and Heavy maijnesia. M. al'ba [P. Port.], magnesium carbonate. M. cal- cina'ta, magnesia. M. carbon'ica [P. Ross.], or M. hydrocarbon'ica, magne- sium carbonate. M. lev'is, light magnesia. , heavy magnesia. , magnesium sul- M. pondero 'sa [F. S. P M. stilfu'rica [P. Koss _ phate. M. us'ta [Cod.], magnesia. Magnesia (/.). Magnesia. M. bianca, carbonate of magnesia. M. solfata, Epsom salts. Magne 'sic-chalyb'eate. Term applied to mineral waters containing both magne- sium and iron. Magnésie (F.). Magnesia. M. blanche, carbonate of magnesia. M. calcinée, cal- cined magnesia. M. hydratée, magnesium hydrate. M. liquide, solution of carbonate of magnesium. M. phosphatée, phosphate of magnesia. Magnésien, enne (F.). Relating to, or containing, magnesia. Magne'sii (i.), gen. of Magnesium. M. ac'etas, magnesium acetate. M. car- bo'nas, magnesium carbonate. M. car- bo'nas lev'is [B. P.]. light carbonate of magnesium. M. carbo'nas pondero'sa [B. P.], heavy carbonate of magnesium. M. chlori'dum, magnesium chloride. M. cit'ras, magnesium citrate. M. cit'ras granula'tus, granulated citrate of mag- nesium. M. lac'tas, magnesium lactate. M. sul'phas, magnesium sulphate. M. sul'phis, magnesium sulphite. Magnesio-fer'ric cifrate. L. ferri et magnesii citras. Transparent, greenish-yel- low .scales, having a slightly ferruginous, somewhat acid taste, soluble in water, in- soluble in alcohol ; prepared by dissolving 2 ounces of freshly precipitated ferric hy- drate in an aqueous solution of 3 ounces of citric acid, saturating the liquid with magnesium carbonate, filtering, evaporat- ing to a syrupy con.sistence, and spreading upon glass plate to dry. Magne'sium (L.) [/jó/-v7;c]. Mg. /. magnesio. A brilliant, silver-white, mal- leable metal, spec. grav. 1.75, melting at a red heat, preserving its lustre in dry air, oxidizing slightly in moist air, burning in the flame of a candle or gas-jet with an intensely white light, existing widely dif- fused in nature as a constituent of various minerals and as sulphate or chloride in min- eral springs and sea-water ; obtained for commercial purposes by heating together anhydrous magnesium chloride, fluor spar, and sodium. M. ac'etate. Mg(C.,H30.i)2. L. magnesii acetas ; F. acétate de magné- sie ; G. Magnesiumacetat ; /. acetato di magnesio. A white, very deliquescent salt, soluble in water or alcohol, a product of the action of acetic acid upon magnesium car- bonate. M. bo'rate, a white powder of sweetish taste, soluble in 4 parts of water ; used as an antiseptic under the name of antifungin [Oppermann]. M. car'bonate. (MgC03)4.Mg(HO).,.5H,0. L. magnesii carbonas ; F. carbonate de magnésie ; G. Magnesiumkarbonat; /. carbonato di mag- nesia. 1. Light magnesium carbonate is a very light, partly amorphous, partly crys- talline powder, odorless, tasteless, almost insoluble in water; prepared by dissolving magnesium carbonate and sodium sulphate in cold water, boiling the mixed solutions for 15 minutes, washing the precipitate with boiling water, and drying [B. P.]. 2. Heavy magnesium carbonate is a white granular powder; other characters as above; prepared by dissolving magnesium carbo- nate and sodium sulphate in boiling water, evaporating the mixed solutions to dryness, digesting the residue in water, washing thoroughly and drying [B. P.] : antacid, laxative. M. carbon'icum [P. U.] or M. carbon'icum hydro-oxyda'tum [P. Aust.], magnesium carbonate. M. chlo'- ride. MgClj.GH.^O. L. magnesii chlori- dum ; F. chlorure de magnésium. A col- orless, deliquescent, crystalline salt, having a bitter saline taste, very soluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol ; prepared for me- dicinal purposes by treating magnesium car- bonate with hydrochloric acid, concentrating and crvstalliziuir the filtered liquid ; purga- tive. M. cifrate. Mg,(C6H,0,).14H,0. L. magnesii citras; F. citrate de magnésie; G. Magnesiumeitrat; /. citrato di magne- sio. A dull white, insipid, neutral salt, sol- uble in twice its weight of boiling water. The mode of preparation authorized by the Cod. is as follows : neutralize a solution of citric acid with magnesium oxycarbonate, filter while warm, and let stand 36 hours, express the caseous mass which forms. 100 MAG MAH divide into thin slices, and dry at a tem- perature of 20° to 25" C. ; catiiartic ; see also Granulated citrate of mnijiiesiinn. M. cit'ricum, majinesiuni citrate. M. cit'- ricum efiPerves'cens [P. G.]. granulated citrate of magnesium. M. hy'drate. Mg- (OH).;. i/. magnesii hydras ; 7\ magnèsie hydratée. A compound prepared by boiling magnesia in 20 to OÜ times its weight of water for 20 minutes, straining, and drying [Cod.]. M. hy'dro-oxyda'tum [P. Aust.], mag- nesium hydrate. M. lac'tate. Mg(C3Hä- 0.i)....3H20. L. magnesi! lactas ; F. lactate de magnésie ; G. Magnesiumlactat ; /. lat- tato di magnesia. A white crystalline salt, soluble in 30 parts of cold water, insolu- ble in alcohol ; prepared by double decom- position of calcium lactate with magnesium sulphate. M. ox'ide, magnesia. M. oxy- da'tum [P. Aust.], magnesia. M. sulfu'- ricum [P. G], magnesium sulphate. M. sulfa 'ricum sic'cum, dried magnesium sulphate. M. sulfuro'sum, magnesium sulphite. M. sul'phate. MgSO,.7HjO. L. magne.sii sulphas ; F. sulfate de magnè- sie ; G. Bittersalz ; /. solfato di magnesia. Epsom salt ; a colorless, odorless, bitter, neutral, slowly efflorescent, crystalline salt, in the form of small right-rhombic prisms or acicular needles ; soluble in water, insol- uble in alcohol ; a constituent of sea-water and many mineral springs ; prepared on the large scale from magnesite, kieserite, and (jther minerals ; purgative: see aXso Dried magnesivm sidphate. M. sul'phite. Mg- SOa.ßH.jO. L. magnesii sulphis ; F. sulfite de magnesie ; G. Magnesiumsulfit ; 7. sol- fito di magnesia. A white, crystalline, odor- less powder, having a slightly bitter and sulphurous taste ; soluble in 20 parts of water, insoluble in alcohol ; prepared by passing sulphurous acid gas through a mixture of magnesium carbonate and wa- ter: antizymotic. Magnesiumcitrat in Kömern (6-'.). Granulated citrate of magnesium. Magnesiumkarbonat (&'.). Magne- sium carbonate. Magnesiumlactat. Jlagnesium lactate. Mag'net opera'tion. Removal of frag- ments of iron or steel from the eyeball by means of a magnet. Magrneteisen ( G.). Ferroso-ferric ox- ide. Magnet'ic. L. magneticus; F. mag- nétique ; G. magnetisch ; I. magnetico. Pertaining to magnetism. M. ox'ide of i'ron, ferroso-ferric oxide. Mag'netism. L. magnetismus : F. mag- nétisme ; 7. magnetismo. The property of attraction possessed by a magnet. M., an'- ixnal, hj'pnotism. Mag'netite. F. magnetite. Ferroso- ferric oxide. Mag'netize. F. magnétiser ; G. mag- netisiren ; 7. magnettizzare. To bring under the influence of magnetism, to hypnotize. Magniduc'tor (7/.). Adductor ma^nus [Coues]. Magnipso'as (7>.). Psoas magnus [Coucs]. Magno'lia. G. Magnolie. 1. A genus of Magnoliacem. 2. The bark of Magnolia aciimiiiata, L., M. glauca, L., and M. tripe- tala, L. [U. S. P.] ; a stimulant, aromatic tonic, and diaphoretic. M. acumina'ta, L., cucumber-tree, grows in the U. 8. along the Alleghany range of mountains. M. glau'ca, L., sweet bay, white bay, beaver- tree, swamp sassafras ; a shrub or small tree of the Atlantic coast of the U. S. M. grandiflo'ra, L., the great laurel mag- nolia of the southern U. 8. M. mexi- ca'na, Moc. et 8essé., found in Mexico and Chili. The flowers are used as an antispasmodic and tonic [F. Mex.]. M. tripet'ala, L. (J7. (./morella. Lam.), um- brella tree ; indigenous to the U. S. M. Unibrel'la, Lam., Magnolia tripetala, L. Magno'lia Spring. Sulphuretted, cha- lybeate water. Plains of Dura, Sumter Co., Georgia. Magnolie (G.). Magnolia. Mag'nolin. A crystalline principle ob- tained by Proctor (1872) from the fruit of Magnolia tripetala. Mag'num os (L.). Os magnum. Mag'nus mor'bus (7/.). Epilepsy. Magrezza (7.). Leanness, emaciation. Magro, a, lean, emaciated. Magsamen (&'.). Poppy-seed. Maguey' (J/ear.). Agave. M. manso, Agare potatorum and A. salmiana, Hort. M. meco, Agave lutea. Maha murree. Pali plague. MahKr/.Y Mole. Mahlzahn ((?.). Molar tooth. Mahnflechte, or Mahnklatte.or Mahn- locke ( G.). Plica polonica. Mahog'any. F. acajou ; G. Mahag- onyholz ; 7. acaciù. The wood of Suie- taììia Maliagani, L. Mah'-wah but'ter. A concrete oil ex- MAH MAL 101 pressed from the seeds of Bassia longi/olia, L., and B. lalifolia, Rosb. Mah'wah spir'it. A» alcoholic liquor distilled from the fermented flowers of Bas- sin hitiftilid, Eoxb. Mahy's plas'ter. Plaster of carbonate of lead. Maiblume {G.). Lily of the valley, Conrnlliirid iiiiijalis, L. Maid'enhair. L. capillus veneris ; F. capillaire ; G. Frauenhaar ; /. capelvenere. The frond of Adiantum aipiUm- Veneris, L., and A. pet/atum, L. ; demulcent and slightly stimulant : see also Canada m. Maid'enhead. Maidenhood, virginity. Maiei'a (L.) [.u«;;:«]. Midwifery. Maier's si'nus. An inconstant divertic- ulum of the lachrymal sac into which empty the lachrymal ducts. Maieu'ma (X.) [/.taisóio]. Birth, that which is burn. Maieu'tics [aaürjiu]. Obstetrics. Maigre {F. ). Thin, emaciated, lean. Maigreiar {F.). Leanness. Mai'hem. Mayhem. Maüändische Rose (C). Pellagra. Maille {F.). 3Iesh ; a space in a net- work of capillaries. Maillot (F.). Swaddling-cloth. M. humide, a wet bandage or sheet. M. sec, heated cloth or blanket applied to produce diaphoresis. Maim'ing- [ÖW French, niehaigner]. De- priving of a limb, feature, or organ. Main {F.). Hand. M. bote, club- hand. M. en crochet or M. fermée, a deformity seen in glassblowers ; a perma- nent contraction of the third and fourth fingers, the thumb being unaffected. M. en griffe, a claw-like shape of the hand, due to paralysis of the interosseous and lumbrical muscles; sometimes found in progres.sive muscular atrophy. Maïs {F.). Maize, Indian corn, Zea J/'V/s L. Maisbrand {G.). Corn-smut. Maison {F.). House. M. d'accouche- ment, lying-in hospital. M. d'ahénés, insane asylum. M. mortuaire, mortuary. M. de santé, private hospital. M. de tolérance, house of ill- fame. Maispsychosen (G.). Psychoses con- nected with pellagra. Maissiat'scher Streifen (G.). Ilio- tibial band. Maisstärke {G.). Com starch. Maize. Indian corn. Ma'jor opera'tions. Surgical opera- tions involving immediate risk of life. Majorana (/.). ^Marjoram. Origanum Jlliijuruiiii, L. Majora'na horten'sis, Moench. Ori- ganum Mnjiirand, L. Majo'ri-rec'tus {L.). Rectus capitis anticus major [Coues]. Major'ity [major]. F. majorité ; G. Majorität, Mündigkeit ; /. maggioranza. The age at which the law recognizes inde- pendent responsibility ; in the United States and England the age of 21 years. Mak-. For words beginning thus, see also Mac-. Makintosh (F., /.). Mackintosh. Makro-, For words thus beginning, not found here, see under Macro-, Makrochilie (ö.) \_'/.-'^^-"^'\- Hyper- trophy of the lip. Makrocosmus (G.). Macrocosm. Maki'ocyte (©.)■ Maorocyte, Makronosie (G.). Chronic disease. Makroskop (C). Macroscope. Makroskopisch ((?.). Macroscopic. Makrosomie (&'.). Macrosomia. Makrostomia (C). Macrostoma. Makula (&'.). Macula. Mal (F.), pi. Maux, Sickness, disease, ailment : see also under Malndii . M, des Allemands, syphilis. M. d'âne, crapau- dine. M. anserine, anserine disease. M.des ardents, epidemic ergotism. M. des As- turies, pellagra. M. d'aventure, whitlow. M, de la baie de Saint-Paul, syphiloid. M. des Barbades, elephantiasis. M. de bassine, eruptive disease of hands of winders of silk from cocoons. M. de Boutry, posthitis in horses. M, de buas, syphilis. M. caduc, epilepsy. M. de cerf, tetanus in the horse. M. de chicot, tertiary syphilis. M. chimique, phospho- rus necrosis. M. des chrétiens, syphilis. M. de cœur, nausea. M. du coït or M. de coït, a specific disease of the horse, commu- nicable by coitus, characterized in the first stage by inflammations in the genito-urinary organs, and in la ter stages by cutaneous erup- tions and paralysis. M, de contagion, in veterinary medicine, anasarca. M, de Cri- mée, elephantiasis. M. curial, syphilis. M. des dattes: see Ulcers, endemic. M. de dents, toothache. M. divin, epilepsy. 102 MAL MAL M. d'enfant, labor-pains. M. d'enfer or M. d'Espagne, erysipelas. M. espagnol, sypliilis. M. d'estomac. 1. Cachexia aquosa. 2. Stomach-ache. M. de Piume, syphiloid. M. français, syphilis. M. de garrot, injury of the withers of the horse, produced by pressure or friction of harness. M. de gorge, anpiiia. M. de hanche, coxalgia. M. haut or M. intellectuel (grand), epilepsy. M. de Job, syphilis. M. de langue, anthrax of the tonsue. M. de los pintos, pinta. M. de lune, peri- odical ophthalmia. M. de mâchoire, tris- mus. M. de Melada, pellagra. M. de mer, seasickness. M. de mère, liysteria. M. de misère, pellagra. M. des mon- tagnes, mountain sickness. M. de mort, leprosy. M. de Naples, syphilis. M. de neige, the intense desire to sleep felt h}' persons travelling in the snow and intense cold. M. de nerfs, paralysis agitans ; neuras- thenia. M. noir, anthrax. M. de nuque, poll evil. M. d'oreilles, otitis, earache. M. de Paris, intestinal disorder to which strangers in Paris are subject. M. du pays, nostalgia. M. perforant du pied, Madura foot. M. de Piedra, syphilis. M. de pis, mastitis in cows. M. des Polonais, syphilis. M. de Pott, Pott's disease. M. de Puna, puna. M. de raquet, snowshoe disease. M. de reins, lumbago. M. de rose or rosso, pellagra. M. rouge, erysipelas. M. rouge de Cayenne, elephantiasis. M. rouge du porc, rothlauf. M. sacré, epilepsy. M. de saignée, phlebitis following venesection. M. saint, epilepsy. M. Saint-Antoine, erysipelas. M. de Sainte-Euphémie, tertiary syphilis. M. Saint-Jean, epi- lepsy. M. Saint-Lazare, elephantiasis. M. Saint-Main, iiellagra. M. de Saint- Mervuis or M. de Saint-Sement, syphi- lis. M. de Siam, yellow fever. M. del sol, pellagra. M. de taupe, poll evil. M. télégraphique, telegraphers' cramp. M. de tête, cephalalgia, headache. M. de théâtre, Paul's term for syncope in a theatre, especially occurring in women near the beginning of pregnancy. M. des Turcs, syphilis. M. des Ursulines, dem- onopathy of Loudon in 1G32. M. ver- tebral de Pott, Pott's disease. Mai (/.), contraction of Male. Sick- ness. M. di flume, falcadina. M. del higado, oi- M. del monte, or M. rosso, or M. del sole, pellagra. M. del verme, farcy. Ma'la (/v.). Cheek. Mal'abar car'damom. The official cardamom, fy. v. Mal'abar itch. A form of scabies ferox. Mal'abar ki'no. The official kino, East India kino. Malabath'rum (L.). Folia malabathr^; the leaves of Cinnamoinum nitidam and other species of C. Malac'ca bean. Fruit of Anacanlium. Malac'ca-nut. Oriental cashew-nut. Mal'achite green. F. vert malachite. Tetramethyl-diamido-triphenyl-carbinol ox- alate. A green dye, powder soluble in water or alcohol, used in contrast staining. Mala'cia (//., /.) [/ta^azôç]. F. malacie. ]. G. Erweichung. Softening. 2. G. Ge- lüste. Depraved appetite. Malacocatarac'ta {L^. Soft cataract. Malacogas'ter (X.) [j-aarij/']- 1. Soft- ening of the stomach. 2. A softened stomach. Malaco'ma (L.) [//«Aazdw]. A soften- ing. M. cer'ebri, softening of the brain. M. os'sium, osteomalacia. Malacopho'nUS (/>.) \_!i.akaxórj~\. Soft-voiced. Malacosarcose (F.). Softening of the muscles. Malaco'sis (X.) [/jaAazów]. Softening. Malacos'teon or Malacos'teum (L.) [oar/rc.-]. F. malacostéose ; G. Knochen- erweichung ; /. malacosteosi. Softening of the bones. Malac'tic. L. malacticus; F. ma- lactirpie ; /. malactico. Emollient. Ma- lac'tica, emollients. Malade {F.). 1. Patient, a sick per- son. 2. Sick, ill. Maladie (F.). pi. Maladies. Disease : see also under Milepsy. M. del fieno, bay fever. M. di Flajani, exophthalmic goitre. M. di Meniere, Meniere's disease. M. dei minatori. miners' disease, miners' anaemia. M. del paese, nostalgia. M. pedicolare, plithei- riasis. M. rossa, pellagra. M. sacra, epilejisy. M. di Siam, yellow fever. M. di Sologna, pellagra. M. venerea, syphilis. Malattinuccia (/.). Slight diseases. Malaxa'tion. L. malaxatio. A soften- ing, making soft, as by kneading ; a variety of massage. Malaxiren {G^. To soften. Malax'is (i.) [/^aAaxof]. A morbid softening. Malazissa'tus (//.). Effeminate. Mal-bouché, ée {F.). Mal-denté. Mal'ce {L.) [,u«/.xr;]. Frost-bite, chil- blain. Mal-cœur {F.). Chthonophagia. Malcubato (/.). Sickly, frail. Mal-denté, ée {F.'). Having a faulty disposition of the teeth. Male. F. mâle ; G. männlich ; /. maschio. Masculine, pertaining to males. M. blade : see Frmiile Udde. M. fern, aspidiuni. M. jal'ap, the tuberous root of Ijxjiinca Ori- zabciisis, Led., called also jalap-stalks, light, fusiform, or woody jalap, orizaba-root. M. nufmeg, wild or long nutmeg, the seed of Myrisdcd /dtiiii, Ilout. ; oblong in shape, less aromatic than the official nutmeg. M. or'gan, penis. M. pronu'cleus : see Pro- nucleus. Male (/.). Disease, sickness. M. d'amore, toothache. M. di anca, cox- algia. M. degli ardenti, ergotism. M. di ascensione, male di montagna. M. delle Asturie, pellagra. M. d'avventura, whitlow. M. azzurro, cyanosis. M. ben- edetto, or brutto, or caduco, epilepsy. M. di cervo, tetanus in the borse. M. chimico, mal chimique. M. di coito, mal ilu coït. M. di Crimea, leprosy. M. dei cristiani, syphilis. M. di cuore, pop- ular term fur nausea. M. di denti, tooth- ache. M. divino, epilepsy. M. fenicio, leprosy. M. del fianco or di fianco, colic. M. di Fiume : see Faìcodiiin. M. fi-ancese, syphilis. M. di fuoco, acute hepatitis in animals, attended with severe meningitis. M. di gola, angina, sore throat. M. d'incollatura, the chaf- ing produced hv the proloiiged friction of the harness in the horse. M. d'infante, labor-pains. M. di lingTua, glossanthrax. M. di luna, periodical ojihthalmia. M. della lupa, bulimia, lycorexia. M. di MAL MAL 105 madre, hysteiiu. M. maestro, e[iilo[)sy. M. di mare, sea-sickness. M. di mas- cella, trismus. M. di Melada, pellagra, as observed in the village of Jlelada in the province of Venice. M. del miserere, iliac passion. M. di miseria, pellagra. M. di montagna, mountain sickness. M. di \ morto, malum mortuum. M. di Napoli, syphilis. M. nero, anthrax, carbuncle. M. di neve, irresistible somnolence, due to cold. M. d'orecchio, earache. M. del padrone, hypochondria. M. del paese, nostalgia. M. perforante del piede, perforating ulcer of the foot. M. di Piedra, syphilis. M. dei Polacchi, syphilis. M. di poppe, mastitis. M. di Pott, Pott's disease. M. di reni, lumbago. M. di rischio, dangerous malady. M. di rose or M. rosso, pellagra. M. sacro, epili'iisY. M. di San Antonio, erysipelas. M. di San Eufemia, tertiary syphilis. M. di San Giovanni, epilepsy. M. di San Lazzaro, elephantiasis. M. di San Mano, leprosy. M. santo, epilepsy. M. del Santo Giobbe, syphilis. M. sarmato, plica. M. di Siam, yellow fever. M. del sole, pellagra. M. sottile, phthisis, tuber- culosis. M. di Spagna: see JLik di fuoco. M. spagnuolo, syphilis. M. di stomaco, stomach-ache. M. del suolo, pellagra. M. di talpa : see Mo/ df tanpt;. M. di terra, epilepsy. M. di testa, headache. M. dei Turchi or M. venereo, syphilis. Malefi'cium {L.^. Infliction of injury; poisoning. Malefico (/.). Hurtful, poisonous. Malegue'ta pep'per : see Melei/uela. Malerkolik (G.). Painters' colic. Malforma'tion. L. malformatio ; G. Missbildung. A departure from the nor- mal type in the development of the animal organism, usually applied to variations of minor importance as distinguished from monstrosities. Malgaigne's amputa'tion. 1 . Subas- tragaloid amputation. 2. A modification of the oval amputation, by making a longi- tudinal incision on the outer side of the limb, extending a short distance above and twice as far below the point of amputation, and from the junction of the middle and lower thirds of this incision commencing the lateral branches of the oval incision. Malgaigne's fos'sa. Superior carotid triangle : see Triangles of the neck. Malgaigne's hooks. Hooks used to keep together the two parts of a fractured patella. Malias'mus {L.). 1. Glanders. 2. Presence of animal parasites on or iu the skin. Ma'lic acid [malus]. CiH^Os. L. acidum malicum ; /'. acide mali(|ue ; G. Apfelsaure ; /. acido malico. A colorless, deliquescent, crystallizable acid, of very common occurrence, both in the free state and in the form of salts, in plants and par- ticularly in unripe fruits. Mahco'rium (i-). /■ malicorio. Pome- granate-rind. Malign, mâ-lîn'. Malignant. Malig'nancy. L. malignitas ; F. ma- lignité ; G. Bösartigkeit ; /. malignità. The state of being malignant, malignity. Malig'nant. L. malignus ; F. malin, igne ; G. bösartig ; /. maligno. Danger- ous to life; as applied to tumors it has the sense of cancerous. M. disea'ses. 1. Dangerous and rapidly fatal diseases. 2. Those which invade adjacent structures, spreading from foci. M. papillary der- mati'tis, Paget's disease. M. pus'tule, the disease produced in the skin by inocu- lation of the Bacillus anthracis. Malig'nity. F. malignité. Malignancy. Maligno (/.). Malignant. Malinconia (/.). Melancholia. Malin- conico, a, melancholic. Malin'ger \^F. malingre]. To feign sickness or disability ; hence Malin'gerer, one who so feigns. Ma'lis {L,'). 1. Maliasmus. 2. Para- sitic disease. M. aca'ri, the itch. M. dracun'culus. Filaria medinensis. M. pedic'uli, phtheiriasis. Malléaire {F.). Relating to the mal- leus. Malleare timpanico primo estemo (/.). Tensor tympani. Mallea'tio {L."). A form of chorea in which the hands make convulsive hammer- ing movements. Malle'dius (i-) Tensor tympani [Coucs]. Mallee. Eueali/ptus oleosa, Müll. Mal'lenders. F. malandrò ; G. Mauke. An old term for a scaly disease of the skin of the legs in horses ; psoriasis of the car- pus. Malle'olar. L. malleolaris ; F. malléo- laire ; /. malleolare. Relating to the mal- 106 MAL MAL leoli. M. ar'teries. L. arteria; inalleo- lares. Small liraiiches from tlie anterior and posterior tibial arteries ramifying over the malleoli. MaUe'olus (X.)- ^- malléole; G. Knöchel ; I. malleolo. Processes of the bones of the leg, extending downward on either side of the ankle. M. radia'lis, styloid process of the radius. M. ulna'- ris, head of the ulna. Mal'leus i^L-)- 1. F. marteau ; G. Hammer ; 1. martello. A lianimer-shaped ossicle of the middle ear, attached to the membrana tympani externally, transmitting its vibrations to the incus internally. 2. Glanders. M. farcimino'sus, farcy. Mallo'tus Philippinen 'sis, Müll. -Arg. Rottlera tiucloria, Koxb. A shrub or small tree, Nat. Ord. Eupliurbiaccae. growing in Asia and Australia, the source of kamala. Mal'low [J. .S'. malu]. L., I. malva; F. mauve; G. Malve. The name given to various plants belonging to the Order Mal- vacex : see /udiaii mallow, etc. Malograna'tum {L.). Pomegranate. Malpighi. Italian anatomist, 1628-94. M., glan'dules of, M., glom'erules of, Malpighian corpuscles, glomerules of kidney. M., pyr'amids of. L. pyramides renum ; F. pyramides de Malpighi ; G. Malpighi'sche Pyramiden ; /. piramidi di Malpighi. Divis- ions of the medullary substance of the kid- ney, corresponding to the lobules which exist in the fœtus. Each constitutes a separate group of tubes, discharging at a single papilla. Malpigh'ian bod'ies. Glomeruli of the kidney. Malpigh'ian cor'puscles. L. corpus- culi Malpigliii ; F. glandules de ^Malpighi ; G. Rindenkörpcrchcn. 1. Small rounded bodies in cortical substance of kidney, con- sisting of an expansion of the proximal end of a uriniferous tubule over a tuft of blood- vessels. 2. Splenic corpuscles. Malpigh'ian lay'er. L. Malpighii rete ; /'. couche de Malpighi. Rete muco- sum. Malpighi'scher Glomerulus (G.). Glomerulus of the kidney. Malpig-hi'sche Körperchen ( G.). Mal- pighian rorp\iscles. Malpighi'sche Pyramiden ( G.). Mal- pighian pyramids. Malposi'tion. Wrong position, espe- cially of the fœtus, so as to impede labor. Malprac'tice. /^. malapraxis. 1. Pro- fessional misconduct. 2 (legal). Medical or surgical treatment resulting in injury to the patient, and due to ignorance, neglect, or criminal intent on the part of the practi- tioner. Malpresenta'tion. A presentation of the fœtus which may prevent a speedy and safe delivery. Malt [A. ,S. mealt]. L. maltum ; G. Malz ; 7. malto. The seed of Hordeum dis/ìchoìi, L., caused to enter the incipient stage of germination by artificial means, and dried [U. S. P.]; tonic and nutritive; used to promote the digestion of amylaceous food ; chiefly consumed in the making of ale and beer: see also Amber and Barley malt. M. vin'egar, official vinegar of the B. P., prepared from a mixture of malted and unnialted grain by the acetous fermenta- tion ; should contain 5.41 per cent, of real acetic acid. Mal'tese cros.=. F. croix de Malte ; G. Maltheserkreuz ; /. croce di Malta. Square compress cut out at the corners in ibrm of a Maltese cross. Malthac'ticus {L.). Emollient. Mal'tin. F. maltine. The diastase of malt. Mal'tine. Name of certain commercial preparations of malt. Mal'tose. C,2H,,0,„H.,0. A kind of sugar produced by the action of diastase upon starch. Mal'tum {L.). Malt. M. hor'dei, barley malt. Ma'lum (i.). Disease. M.Cotun'nii, sciatica. M. mor'tuum, leprosy. M. per'forans pe'dis, perforating disease of the foot. M. sen'ile, chronic arthritis of the -old. Ma'lum {L.) [/.tòÀio]. Apple. M. per'sicum, peach. M. pu'nicum, the fruit of Punica Granatum. Ma'lus {L.). Apple-tree. M. com- mu'nis, I'l/rus Malus, L. Mal'va {L.'). A genus of Malvacem. M. rotundifo'lia, L.. low mallow ; a npt- uralizod Euro]iean plant; demulcent and emollient. M. sylves'tris, L, high mallow ; native of Europe, somewhat naturalized in America; the flowers, leaves, seed, and root are official in .some of the European pharnia- copœias. M. vulga'ris, Fries, the leaf of this species is official in the 1*. G. Malvat du Languedoc ( F.). Anthrax in ruminants. MAL MAM 107 Malvavisco (/.). Marshmallow. Mal'^wa o'pium. A varietj- of India opium. Maiz (_G.). Malt; — extrakt, extract of malt. Mania pian. The initial growth in yaws, the uiother-yaw. Mamelle {f-)- Mammary gland. Mamelon (F.). Nipple. Mamelons du rein {F.). Papilla of the kidney. Mamelonné, ée (F.). Mammillated. Mamilla (X.). Nipple; see Mammilla. Mamillalinie (G.). Nipple-line. Mam'ülary. F. mamillaire ; /. mam- millare. 3Iammillar_y. Mam'ma, ee (i.). 31ammary gland. Mammacarcinom. (ff.). Cancer of the breast. Mammaire {F.). Kelating to the mam- ma, mammary. M. externe inférieure, inferior branch of external mammary ar- tery. M. exteme supérieure, superior branch of external mammary arterj-. M. interne, internal mammary artery. Mam'mary, L. mammarius ; F. mam- maire ; /. mammario. Relating to the breast. M. are'ola, that around the base of the nipple, pinki.sh in virgins, brown in those having had children. M. ar'teries. L. artericB mammari» ; F. artères mam- maires ; G. Brustschlagadern ; /. arterie mammarie. Those supplying the mammary region. The internal mammary is a branch of the subclavian that descends be- hind the costal cartilages to the diaphragm. The external mammary is the long thoracic arterj-. The name is also given to the perforating arteries which supply the mammary gland. M. glands. L. mamm;B: F. mamelles; G. Brustdrüsen; /. mammelle. The milk-glands situated in the subcutaneous tissue in the pectoral region ; extending in the female from the 3d to the 6th rib. M. re'gion. L. regio mammalis ; G. Brustdrüsengegend. That region of thorax containing the mamm?e. M. veins, those accompanying arteries of same name. M. veins, ex'temal [Braune]. L. venae mammaria; externa; ; G. Brust- blutadern, iiussere. Cutaneous veins that carry blood from the anterior wall of the thorax toward the axilla, discharging either into the axillary, subclavian, or internal jugular. M. veins, internal. L. venae mammarise interna; ; G. Brustblutadern, innere ; /. vene mammarie interne. Cor- respond generally in distribution to arteries of same name. Two in number on each side, each set uniting to form a single trunk, which discharges into the innomi- nate vein of same side. Mamme'a (L.). A genus of Gutd/erx. M. america'na, L., a large tree of tropical America, bearing an edible fruit known as mammee apple ; the seeds are anthelmintic. Mammea'ta ( L.'). Having large breasts. Mam'mee ap'ple. 1. The fruit of Maiiimea americana, L. 2. The fruit of Luruma mammosa, Juss. Mammaria (L.). Nipple. Mam'miform. //. mammiformis ; F., I. mammiforme ; G. zitzenformig. Breast- shaped, mastoid. Mammil'la (L.). 1. Nipple. 2. Male breast. M. of kid'ney, papilla of kidney. Mammillarlinie (6-'.j. Nipple-line. Mam'millary. L. mammillaris ; F. mamillaire ; G. warzenf örmiu; ; I. mam- millare. Nipple-like. M. em'inences, mammillary tubercles. M. proc'ess. L. processus mammillaris ; /'. tubercule mamil- laire ; G. zitzenf örmiger Fortsatz, Warzen- fortsatz. 1. A tubercle projecting from the posterior margin of the superior articular processes of the vertebra in the lower dor,sal and lumbar region. In some ani- mals {Atelex, Priodontes) they are much larger, and have important functions either for strengthening the spine or supporting the exoskeleton. 2. An oval area which appears in a cross-section of the medulla through the decussation of the pyramids. It is situated anteriorly and on the median line, and is composed of the obliquely di- rected fibres which cross from the lateral columns [Stilling]. M. tu'bercles. L. corpora albicantia ; F. tubercules mamil- laires ; G. Markkügelehen ; /. tubercoli mammillari. Two small white, rounded eminences in the interpeduncular space, base of the brain. Externally they repre- sent fibres of the anterior pillars of the fornix, here reflected to ascend to the optic thalami ; internally they contain ganglionic matter. Mam'mUlated. L. mammillatus ; F. mamelonné. Having small nipple-shaped projections on the surface. Mammilla 'tion. Condition of being studded with little rounded elevations. Mammil'liform. L. mammilliformis ; 108 MAM MAN F. mamillif'orme ; G. zitzenförmig. Nip- ple-shaped. Mam'millose. L. mammillosus ; F. niaiuilloux, ouse. Having nipple-like promi- nences. Mammi'tis. F., I., luammite ; G. Brust- driisenentziindung. Inflammation of the mammary gland. Mam'mose. L. mammosus. Having large breasts. Mam'mula (i.), dim. of Mamma. F. mammiile. A small breast. Man., abbv. for Manip'ulus {L.), a handful. Man [..1. S. mann]. L. homo, vir ; F. homme; G. Mensch; /. uomo. 1. The species Homo sapiens. 2. An adult human male. Man-root : see Wild Jalaj}. Manaca. The Brazilian name for Franci.^cea unißora, Pohl. The bark is used by the natives as an antisyphilitic remedy, diuretic, purgative, and emmena- gogue. Man'akin. Manikin. Mancenillier (/'.). Hippomane Manci- nt'Ud. L. Manche (F.). Manubrium. M. du miarteau, handle of the malleus. Manchette (F.). Flap (in amputa- tion). Manchineel'. Flippoinane Mancinella, L. Manchon arachnoïdien (F.). The sheath of arachnoid membrane continued upon the facial and auditory nerves in the internal auditory meatus. Manchot (F.). One having lost a hand or a portion of the arm. Mancinel'la. Manchineel. Manco 'na-bark. Erythrophlœum. Man'darin or'ange. The small round fruit, with smooth, thin, very fragrant rind, produced by CittiiK siiteiisis, Willd. Mandel (6'.). 1. Almond. 2. Ton.sil ; — arterie, tonsillar artery ; — artig, amygdaloid; — bräune, tonsillitis; — emulsion, almond mixture ; — entzün- dting, tonsillitis ; — kem, amygdaloid tubercle ; — milch, almond mixture ; — öl, almond nil ; — syrup, syrup of almond. Mandel des Kleinhirns (G.). Amyg- dala cerebelli. Man'dible. L. mandibula ; F. mandi- bule ; G. Kinnbacken ; /. mandibola. In- ferior maxillary bone. Mandib'ular. Pertaining to the lower jaw. M. an'gle. L. angulus mandibuhe ; F. angle mandibulaire ; G. Unterkiefer- winkel. The inclination of ascending ramus of jaw to plane of lower border of its body. M. arch, h»mal arch of frontal vertebra, composed of tympanic bone and lower jaw [Owen]. M. plate. G. Unterkieferfortsatz. Process which in the embryo forms, with its fellow, the first post-oral or visceral arch, afterward developing into the lower jaw. Mandibula'ris exter'nus (L.). Mas- seter. Mandibulo-condy'Ual tri'ang'le. G. Unterkiefercondylialdreieck. That having its apex at the symphysion, its base be- tween the two condylia [v. Törok]. Mandibulo-coro'nial tri'ang'le. G. Unterkiefercoronialdreieck. That having its apex at the symphysion, its base be- tween the two coronia [v. Tiiriik]. Mandibulo-fa'cial in'dex. G. Unter- kiefer-Gesichtshohen-Index. Vertical pro- jection measurement of lower jaw, com- pared with that of f;iee. the latter being taken as KM) [v. Török]. Mandibulo-gon'ial tri'angle. G. Un- terkiefer-Gonialdreieck. That having its apex at the symphysion and its base be- tween the two gonia [v. Törok]. Mandibulo-infrafa'cial in'dex. G. Un- terkiefer- Untergesichtshöhen-Index. A'er- tical projection measurement of lower jaw, compared with the vertical projection of the lower face, the latter being taken as 100 [v. Török]. Mandibulo-suprafa'cial in'dex. G. Unterkiefer-Obergesichtshohen-Index. Ver- tical projection measurement of lower jaw, compared with that of upper face, the lat- ter being taken as 100 [v. Török]. Man'dioc. Maidiiol utilissima. Pohl. Mandorla (/.). Almond. M. amara, bitter almond. M. dolce, sweet almond. Mandorlo (/.). Almond-tree. Mandrag'ora {L.). F. mandragore. Atrojja Miiiii/nif/iirn, L. M. autumna'lis, Bert., or M. officina'lis, Mill., or M. ver- na'lis, Bert., Atropa j}f(nìdì-iii/uì'(i, ],. Man'drake. L., I. mandragora ; F. mandragore; G. Alraun. 1. Atropn Mmi- dragora, L., a poisonous narcotic resembling belladonna. 2. The common name in the U. S. for Podoplii/llum prltatum, L. MAN MAN 109 Manduca'tion. L. nianducatio ; /. man- dncazione. Mastication. Manducato'rius I i/.). Masseter. Man'ducatory nerve. Trigeminus, especially its motor root. Manec's opera'tìon. For tying the innominate artery. The external incision extends transversely outward about 3i inches, from a point midway between the two sterno-mastoid muscles. ManègebewegTing ( G.). Circus move- ment. Man'ganate. G. mangansaures Salz ; /. manganato. A salt formed by the union of manganic acid (H..,Mn04) with a base. Man'g'anese. Mn. L. manganum ; F. manganèse ; G. Mangan. A gray or red- dish-white metal having the appearance of iron, very hard and brittle, spec. grav. about 8.0, quickly oxidized when exposed to the air, occurring in nature chiefly as the diox- ide or pvrolusite. For salts of manganese see Maiigaiioiif and Manganic. M. diox'- ide. MnO^. L. mangani oxidum nigrum ; F. bioxyde de manganese ; G. Mangan- superoxyd ; 1. ossido di manganese. Black oxide of manganese, peroxide of manga- nese. A heavy, grayish-black, odorless, tasteless, somewhat gritty powder, or crys- talline masses having a metallic lustre, in- soluble in all simple solvents, giving off oxygen when heated to redness, and caus- ing the evolution of chlorine when heated with hydrochloric acid ; fnund native as the mineral pyrolusite, or may be prepared artificiali}- ; tonic, alterative ; used for ob- taining chlorine. M. perox'ide. M. diox- ide. Mangane'sii ox'idum ni'gnim (L.) [B. P.]. Manganese dioxide. Mangane'sii STil'phas {L.). Manga- nous sulphate. Mangane'sium {L.^. Manganese. M. vitrario'rum, manganese dioxide. Man'gani carbo'nas {L.). Manganous carbonate. Man'gani chlori'dum (i.). Manga- nous chloride. Man'gani ox'idum ni'grum (Z.). Manganese dioxide. Man'gani sul'phas (X.). Manganous sulphate. Mangan'ic. The name given to that scries of manganese compounds whose radical is the sexivalent group (Mn.^)" ; designating the higher salts of manganese. Manga'nium (i)- Manganese. Manganocarbonat (6^.). Manganous carhunatc. Manganoclorid ( G.). Manganous chlo- ride. Manganosulfat (ff-). Manganous sul- phate. Man'ganous. The name given to that series of manganese compounds whose rad- ical is the bivalent atom 3In" ; designating the lower salts of manganese. M. car'bo- nate. MnCOj. L. mangani carbonas ; F. carbonate de manganèse ; G. Manganocar- bonat ; /. carbonato di manganese. A white or slightly rose-colored, tasteless powder, in- soluble in water, completely soluble with effervescence in acetic acid ; obtained by precipitation from a solution of manganous sulphate by sodium carbonate [Cod.]. M. chlo'ride. !MiiCL.-m.;0. /y. mangani chlo- ridum ; /''. chlorure de manganèse ; G. Man- ganoclorid. A pale rose-colored crystalline or granular salt, soluble in water or alcohol ; formed when the metal is burned in chlo- rine gas, or when hydrochloric acid is passed over heated manganous carbonate ; tonic, antiseptic. M. sul'phate. MnSO,. L. mangani sulphas ; F. sulfate de manga- nese ; G. Mangano.sulfat ; /. solfato di man- ganese. A colorless or pale rose-colored, crystalline, slightly eiflorescent salt, odor- less, having a slightly bitter and astringent taste, freely soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol ; prepared by mixing commercial manganese dioxide to a paste with sul- phuric acid, heating the mixture to strong redness, lixiviating the residue, and evap- orating; cholagogue, purgative. Mangansaures Salz ( G.). Manganate. Mangansuperoxyd (G.). Manganese dioxide. Man'gannm (.Zy.). Manganese. M. carbon'icum, manganous carbonate. M. hyperoxyda'tum [P. Helv.], manganese dioxide. M. sulfu'ricum, manganous sul- phate. Mange [/". démangeaison]. F. gale; / rogna. A contagious skin disease of ani- mals, analogous to scabies. Mangel (G.). Absence. M. an Zu- sammenhang, incoherence. M. an Mit- ■wirkung, asynergia. Mangeur, euse {F.). Eater. M. d'ar- senic, arsenic-eater. M. de terre, earth- eater. Mangifera in'dica, L. The mango- tree, Nat. Ord. Anacardiaccic, native of 110 MAN MAN India, cultivated in the tropics ; the root- l)ark is astringent ; the leaves are used as toothbrushes and in pulmonary affections ; the gum-resin as an antisyphilitic; the seeds as an anthelmintic. Man'go [Malay, manggistan]. F. mangue. Mangi/era indica, L., and its fruit. Man'gosteen. The fruit of Garcinia Miiiiiiostiiiia. L. Man'gostln. C^H.^jOs. A crystalliza- ble principle obtained from the pericarp of Garcinia Mangostana, L. Man'gTOve. Rhizopliora Mangle, L. ; fruit and bark astringent, leaves vulnerary. Manguier {F.). JMango-tree. Ma 'nia (i.) [.«avia]. F. manie ; G. Tobsucht. 1. Madness. Insanity charac- terized by excitement, hallucinations, and delirium. 2. Loosely used as a synonym for insanity. M. furio'sa, violent in- sanity. M. period'ica, simple periodical insanity, increasing and diminishing in vio- lence, but not changing type. M. a po'tu, mania following prolonged alcoholic excess ; more violent than delirium tremens. M. puerpera'lis, puerperal mania. M. seni'- üs, insanity of old age. M. transito'ria, a form of insanity sudden in its attack and lasting but a few hours. Mania (/.). Mania. M. delle perse- cuzioni, delire des persécutions. M. ragionante, moral insanity. Ma'niac. F. maniaque ; G. Tobsüchti- ger ; I. maniaco. A person affected with mania. Mani'acal. L. maniacalis ; F. maniacal, ale ; G. tobsüchtig ; /. maniaco. Pertain- ing to. or affected with, mania. Maniaque {F.). Maniac. Manica (/.). Filter. Manichetto (/.). Flap. Manico (/.). Handle, manubrium. Manicocomi'um (//.). F. manicomé; /. manicomio. Insane asylum. Manicotto (/.). Strait-jacket. Manie {F.). Mania. M. sans délire, moral insanity. Manifestation morbide {F.\ The occurrence of a local lesion, as indicating the existence of a general morbid condi- tion. Man'ihot. A genus of Euphorhiacem. M. Ai'pi, Pohl, sweet cassava ; differs from M. ulilissima in having a sweet and wholesome root ; used as a culinary veg- etable. M. palma'ta, J. Miil., Manihot Aipi, Pohl. M. utilis'sima, i'ohl, bitter cassava ; a shrubby plant of tropical Amer- ica, with large fleshy, tuberous roots, the source of tajiioca and Brazilian arrow- root; the juice of the root of this species is poisonous, containing hydrocyanic acid. Man'ikin. F. mannequin ; (i. Männ- chen ; /. fantoccio. An artificial figure for showing the anatomical structure of the body or for instruction as to bandaging or obstetrical operations. Manila el'emi : see Elemi. Manilu'vium (L.). Hand-bath. Man-in-the-ground. Con voivnlus pan- Jnratus. Man'ioc. Manihot ìitiUssinia, Polli. Manioc {F.). Manihot. M. amer, Manihot utilissima, Pohl. M. doux, Ma7ii- hot Aipi. Pohl. Manipula 'tion. L. manipulatio; /. manipolazione. Skilled use of the hands ; handling; manual treatment or adjust- ment. Manip'ulus (L.). F. manipule. A handful. Man'itou Springs. Carbonated, saline, chalybeate waters, Manitou Springs, El Paso Co., Colorado. Man-midwife. Obstetrician. Mann {G.). Male, man ; — bar, mar- riageable ; — barkeit, jiuberty, manhood ; — sucht or — tollheit, nymphomania; — weib, hermaphrodite ; — 'wuth, nymph- omania. Man'na. F. manne. 1. The concrete exudation of Fraxinus ornus, L. [U. S. P.], flowing natusally or from incisions; laxa- tive : see Fat and Flake manna. 2. The name applied to exudations from various other plants: see Anslralian. Brianron, Lehanon, Oak. Pi-rsiaii, and Tamarisk manna. M. briganti'aca, Briançon man- na. M. cannula 'ta, flake manna. M. commu'nis, manna in sorts. M. grass, Russian salad. M. loz'enges. L. tabella} cum manna ; F. tablettes de manne. Pre- pared from manna, sugar, acacia, and orange- flower water ; each lozenge to weigh 1 gm. and contain of manna about 0.15 gm. [Cod.]. M. metallo'rum, mercurous chloride. M. pin'guis, fat manna. M. in sorts, com- mon manna ; consists of small ciystalline fragments united by a soft, viscid matter, identical with fat manna : see also Flake manna. MAN MAR 111 Manna. M. in lagrime, in sorte, manna in sorts. G.). Mannite. Manna. M. d'Austra- uinu. M. de Briançon, M. grasse, tat manna. flake manna. M. du manna. M. de Perse, M. du Sinai, tamarisk Manna (/.). flake manna. M. MannastofF ( Manne {F.). lie, Australian m: Brian<,on manna. M. en larmes, Liban, Lebanon Persian manna, manna. Mannequin {F.). Manikin. Man'nikin. Manikin. Man'nite. CglluO«. Z'., /. mannite ; G. ' Mannazucker. A white, inodorous, crystal- lizable, sweetish substance, the principal constituent of manna, and found in very many plants ; chemically considered, a hex- atomic alcohol ; officiai in the Cod. Man'nitan. CeHuOj. F. mannitane ; /. mannitana. A sweetish, syrup_v lirjuid product of the dehydration of mannit by heat ; is also a derivative from the gluco- side kinovin, and may be prepared arti- ficially from glucose. Mannit'ic ac'id. C^Hi^O,. F. acide mannitique ; /. acido mannitico. A prod- uct of the o.xidation of mannit. Man'nitose. CgHi.jOe. /. mannitosa. A product of the oxidation of mannit. Mannstreu (&'■). Erj/ngium campes- tre. L. Mano (/.). Hand. M. di Dio, manus Dei. Man-of-the-earth. Ipomma pandurata, Myer. Manom'eter [.aavoj, /i^r/^ov]. F. man- omètre ; /. manometro. An instrument, like a barometer, which serves to indicate the pressure of gases or liquids. Manom'etry. F. manomètrie ; G. Manometrie. Application of the manom- eter. Man. prim., abbv. for Mane primo (L.), early in the morning. Man 'slaughter [-1. .S'. manslyht]. F. homicide involontaire ; G. unvorsätzlicher Todtschlag ; /. omicidio involontario. Un- lawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought ; may be involuntary fin the heat of passion), never "justifia- ble." Variously defined by statute. Manstupra'tio (Z/.). Masturbation. Manteau {F.). Mantle. Manteca (/.). Liniment. Mantel (G.). Mantle; — herz, cor villosuui ; — kante, tlie edge where any two surfaces of the hemispheres of the brain meet ; — spalte, great longitudinal fissure; — tasche, hintere, posterior trans- verse cerebral fissure. Mantello (/.). Mantle, amnion. Man'tle. F. manteau des hemispheres ; G. Mantel ; /. mantello. That part of the hemispheres of the brain which is of sec- ondary formation, folding over the primi- tive portion, or brain-stem. Some include the caudate and lenticular nuclei of the corpora striata, others do not. Manu'brium iL.). G. Handgriff; /. manubrio. Handle ; applied to portions of bones which are shaped like a handle. M. mal'lei, handle of the malleus. M. ma'nus, radius. M. squa'mse occipi- ta'lis, the narrow portion of the supraoc- cipital bone that contributes to the forma- tion of the foramen magnum [Virchow]. M. ster'ni, the first segment of the ster- num, often remaining distinct throughout life. Manuélisation or Manuélisme (F.). Self-handling, masturbation. Manulu'vium (L.). F. manuluve ; I. maniluvio. Hand-bath. Ma'nus (Z.). Hand. M. DeL L Opium. 2. Emplastrum manus Dei. Manustupra'tio (L.). F. manustupra- tion ; /. manustuprazione. Masturbation. Manustupriren (C). To masturbate. Man'yplies. Omasum. Manz, glands of. L. crypt» mucosae conjunctiv;i3 ; G. Manz'sche Drüsen; /. ghiandole di Manz. Saccular glands found in swine, and occasionally in man, at the conjunctival border of the eyelid. Manzanita {Sp.). The name applied in California to Arctostaphylos glauca, Lind. Ma'ple-su'gar. A kind of sucrose or cane-sugar, obtained by the evaporation of the sap of the sugar maple, Acer sacrhari- num, Wang. Maran'sis (L.) \_/iapa{vu)']. Marasmus. Maran'ta (L.). 1. A genus of Scitami- nesß. 2. Arrow-root. M. arundina'cea, L., a native of the West Indies and trop- ical America, extensivelj* cultivated : the rhizome yields arrow-root. M. Galan'ga, L., Alpinia Gakuiga. Schw. M. in'dica, Tuss., a variety of M. arundinacea, L. Maran'tic. L. maranticus. Marasmic, atrophic ; debilitating. 112 MAR MAR Marasmopy'ra {L.) [/ia/zu^.u"«,", 'T'V]- Hectic fever. Maras'mus (L.) [/iu/zatr/ioj]. L. tubi- tudo ; F. iiiariisme ; / luarasrao. General atrophy, due to defective nutrition ; ema- ciation. Marau'gia {L.) [/ia/wau;-6u]. The sub- jective sensation of seeing sparks or scin- tillations. Mar'ble. L. niarmor ; F. marbre ; /. marmo. Native granular calcium carbo- nate. White marble is used in pharmacy for producing carbonic-acid gas. Marc. Residue after expression of grapes or other fruit. Mar'casite. Bismuth. Marces'cent. L. niarcescens. Decay- ing, withering. Marchan'tia. A genus of JLpatiav, liverworts; imier Marchaiiliacar. M. poly- mor'pha, Ji., said to be diuretic, alterative, and aperient ; formerly much used in he- patic diseases. Marche (F.). Walk, gait. Marcia ( /.). Pus. Mar'cor (L.). Emaciation. Mare's tail. Erigeron camuhnse, L. Margar'ic ac'id. CnHjiO-^. 1. A syn- thetical product obtained by chemical proc- esses from cetyl cyanide. 2. The name given to an acid substance obtained from lard, subsequently found to be a mixture of stearic and palmitic acids. Mar'garin [^ijAfiyafin'J^. F. margarine ; G. Magarinfett ; /. margarina. A mixture of stearin and palmitin. Margari'ta {L.'). Pearl ; a tumor on the eye which resembles a pearl. Margarita'ceous. Pearly, pearl-like. Margarit'ic. G. perlenartig. Having a pearly appearance. Mar'garoid tu'mor. Cholesteatoma. Mar'ginal. L. marginalis ; G. rand- stiindig; /. marginale. On the margin or border. M. cells. G. Randzellen. Within the acinus of a gland those containing albu- min, and staining only as to the nueleu.s; .see Central n/k [Ileidenhain]. M. con- volu'tion : see Fmntdl convolutimif. M. proc'ess. L. processus marginalis. A projecting angle found upon the temporal edge of the malar bone in those who have the temporal muscle strongly developed. M. si'nus, continuation of the occipital sinus around the edge of the loramen mag- num. Mar'ginate. L. marginatus ; /'. mar- gine, ée; G. gerändert; /. marginato. Hav- ing a distinct edge or border. Mar'go (L-). Border, edge. M. acu'- tus. 1. Right or lower border of heart. 2. Anterior border of spleen. 3. Anterior border of liver. M. alveola'ris, alveolar border. M. convex'us, upjier free border of the ovary. M. corona'lis. 1. Edge of frontal bone that contributes to form the coronal suture. 2. Same of parietal bone. M. crena'tus or M. crista'tus, anterior border of spleen. M. denta'lis, alveolar process. M. denta'tus, ora serrata. M. frontalis, I\I. coronalis. M. infragle- noida'lis, surface around superior articular facets of condyles of tibia. M. infraor- bita'lis, inferior edge of orbit. M. lach- ryma'lis, anterior edge of sulcus lachry- malis. M. lambdoi'deus, lanibdoid mar- gin. M. lim'itans, internal limiting mem- brane of retina. M. mastoi'deus, mas- toid margin. M. naso-orbita 'lis, inner edge of orbital portion of frontal bone. M. obtu'sus. 1. Rounded upper or left border of heart. 2. Posterior border of spleen. I-!. Po.stcrior border of liver. M. occipita'lis, jiosterior border of occipital bone. M. orbita'lis, jiosterior edge of orbital surface of great wing of sphenoid. M. parieta'lis, lambiloid margin. M. parieto-fronta'lis, u]i|ier edge of great wing of spheiH)id. M. pupilla 'ris, pu- pillary edge of the iris. M. rec'tus, at- tached edge of ovary directed downward and outward. M. sagritta'lis, superior portion of parietal bone. M. semUu- na'ris, free edge of lamina modioli of cochlea. M. sphenoida'lis, antero-infe- rior angle of j)arietal bone. M. sphe'no- tempora'lis. G. Sehuppenrand. Infe- rior border of parietal bone or superior border of temporal. M. squamo'sus, M. spheno-teniporalis. M. supraorbita'lis, orbital arch. M. tempora'lis. 1. Infe- rior edge of parietal bone. 2. Posterior edge of body of malar bone. M. tyva- pan'icus, boundary between squamous and tympanic porti(jns of temporal bone, marked by descending portion of posterior root of zygoma. M. undulo-denta'tus ret'inae, ora serrata. Margo'sa. The nim-tree, Melia Azadi- raclitd, ]j. Mar'gosin. A bitter crystalline prin ciplc from azedarach. MAR MAR 113 Ma'rian meth'od or Ma'rian opera'- tion. Apparatus major. Marienbad. Alkaline sulphate mineral waters, Bohemia. Marienkraut (6?-). Amica montana. Mar'igold. Cakndtda : see also Afri- can and French marigold. Marine' ac'id. H^'drochloric acid. Marine' asth'ma. Beri-beri. Marine glue. A solution of caoutchouc and shell-lac in naphtha. Mariot'te's spot. G. 3Iariotte'scher Fleck. Blind spot of the retina. Maris'ca (L.). F. marisque. A fig- shaped condyloma or haemorrhoid. Marjolaine (F.). Sweet marjoram. M. sauvage, wild marjoram, origanum. Maijolin's u'lcer. Form of malig- nant ulcer with peculiar wart-like parallel growths, usually commencing on a cica- trix ; of slow progress, ultimately producing glandular enlargement. Mar'joram : see Sweet and Wild m. Mark ( a.). ^larrow, medulla; — baum, arbor vit« ; — blatter, lamina^ medulläres , — bogen, forni.K ; — bündel, medullary fasciculus; — fortsatz, peduncle of cere- bellum ; — gesch-wnlst, medullary tumor; — gewebe, medullary tissue ; — haltig, medullary ; — haut, retina ; — höhle, medullary cavity ; — hügel, mamniillary tubercles; — kanälchen, Haversian canal; — kanal, medullary canal ; — karcinom, medullary carcinoma ; — kegel, conus me- dullaris ; — kern, medullary nucleus; — knopf, medulla oblongata; — knopf- schenkel, peduncle of cerebellum, infe- rior; — körper, medullary body or nu- cleus ; — krebs, medullary cancer ; — kiigelchen, mammillary tubercles ; — lager, sagittales, a bundle of fibres con- necting the occipital lobe with the optic tract, optic thalamus, external geniculate body, and the anterior corpus quadrigemi- num ; — lamelle, medullary layer; — ■leisten, medullary laminae; — los, with- out marrow ; — lücke, medullary space ; — mantel, white substance of spinal cord ; — plättchen, myelo)>laxes; — raum, me- dullary space; — röhre; medullary canal; — sarkom, medullary sarcoma ; — scheide, medullar}- sheath, myelin sheath of a nerve-fibre; — schiebt des Bulbus, stratum medulläre; — schwamm, medul- lary fungus, glioma ; — segei, medullary velum; — stamm, brain-stem; — stoff, VüL. II.— 8 medullary substance ; — strahlen, pyra- mids of Ferrein ; — sträng, spinal cord ; — Strang or — Substanz des Haares, medulla of hair; — streifen, medullary stria? ; — zapfen, medullary cone; — zwiebel, medulla oblongata. M. der Zwinge, cingulum. Markig (ff.). Medullary. Mark'ing-nut. Oriental cashew-nut. Marktschreier (ff-). Quack. Marmar'yga {L.) [//.«,(//7.«!//^]. Ma- raugia. Marmeggiato (/.). Pock-marked, pit- ted. Mar'mor (L.). Marble. M. al'bum [B. P.], white marble. Marrobbiina (/.). IMarrubiin. Marrobbio (/.). Marrubium. M. bianco, Marndriuni vidgare, L. M. nero, Ballot 1 1 nigra, L. Marron {F.). Chestnut. M. d'Inde, horse-chestnut. Marrone (/.). Chestnut. Marronnier {F.). Chestnut. M. d'Inde, ^Fsculus Hippocastanum, h. Mar'row \_Sax. mearh]. L. medulla ; F. moelle ; ff. Mark ; /. midolla. Formerly applied to any pulpy mass that filled the cavities of bones, the spinal cord being called the spinal marrow. The marrow of long bones is composed of very loose and vascular adipose tissue, containing corpus- cular elements. Mar'row soap. L. sapo cum medulla bovina [Cod.] ; F. savon de moelle de bœuf. A soap prepared from soda and ox-marrow [Cod.]. Marrube {F.). Marrubium. M. blanc, Marruìiiuni vìdgare, L. M. fétide or M. noir, Ballota nigra, L. Marrubias'trum (L.). Ballota nigra, L. Marru'biin. F. marrubiine ; 7. mar- robbiina. A bitter principle of marru- bium. Marru'bium (X.). F. marrube blanc ; ff. Andornkraut ; /. marrobbio. 1. Hore- hound ; the leaves and tops of 3farruhiiini vidgare, L. [Ü. S. P.] ; expectorant, dia- phoretic, tonic. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Laliidix. M. al'bum, M. vidgare. h. M. aqua'ticum, Lympus europœiis, L. M. vulga're, L.. horohound, white hore- hound ; a perennial European herb, nat- uralized in the U. S. Mars (L.). Iron. 114. MAR MAS Marschfleber ((?.)• Malarial fever. Marschki-ankheit (tf.). Marsh or ma- larial di.'^ea.so. Marsde'nia Conduran'go, Reich. Goìujliibiii ('iiìiduruìii/o, Triaiia. Marseilles vin 'egar. Aruniatic vinegar. Marsh cis'tus. Lcdxan palustre, L. Marsh cress. Xnaiuiiinm palustre, DC. Marsh fe'ver. Malarial fever. Marsh flea'bane. Pluchca camphnrata, DC. ; plant stimulant and antispasinodic. Marsh gas. CII,. Methane. A color- less, inodorous, tasteless, non-poisonous, in- flammable gas, one of the principal constit- uents of coal gas, and one of the usual products of the destructive distillation of' organic substances. It is a product of the decomposition of vegetable matter in stag- nant pools ; hence its name. Marsh mar'igold. CaltJia jxtlustris, L. Marsh pars'ley. Sclinum palustre, L. Marsh rose'mary. Siatice Limonium, L. Marsh sam'phire. Glasswort, Sali- corìiia lurhacia, L. ; stems eaten as pickles. Marsh tea. F. lédon ; G. Forsch ; /. ledo. Ledum palustre, L. Marsh tre'foil. Mvìtynìithes trifoliala, L. Marshall Hall's meth'od: see Arti- ficial ri'splratiiiii. Mar'shall's ce'rate. Palm oil 37J, calomel ,5J, lead acetate gss., ointment of nitrate of mercury gij. Marshall's vestig'ial fold. A'estigial fold of pericardium. Marsh'mallo-w. Althaea. M. paste. F. pâte de guimauve. A paste made of gum acacia, sugar, and white of egg, fla- vored with orange-flower water. Marsh's test: see Arsenic. Marsupia'lis {L.). Obturator internus [Cowper]. Marsu'pium (Z.) [//a/j^rétov]. A pouch, scrotum. M. cer'ebri, transverse cerebral fissure. M. musculo'sum, dartos. M. patella're, alar ligament. Marteau {F.). Malleus. Martelage (/''.). /martellamento. Cas- trat inn b\- contusion of the spermatic cord. Martello (A). Malleus. Mar'tial. L. martialis ; F. martial, ale ; G. eisenhaltig ; /. marziale. Pertaining to, or containing, iron. M. se'thiops, protox- ide of in Ml. Martin's depU'atory. Prejiared by pas.sing hydrogen sulphide into a mixture of slaked lime 2 parts and water ?> parts. Martin's hsemostat'ic. Surgeon's agaric — spunk — saturated with ferric chlo- ride. Martin's opera'tion. Posterior and anterior colporrhaphy. with circular ampu- tation of the cervix, for prolapsus uteri. Maru'ta Cot'ula, DC. ÌNIayweed, wild or dog ehaniomile ; a compo.site herb indig- enous to Europe, naturalized in the U. S., having a fetid odor and an acrid juice; used as a nervous stimulant, sudorific, and antispasmodic. Mar'vel of Peru. Mirabilis Jalapa, L. Mary this'tle. Si/j/hum Mariauum, Ga?rtn. Marylandische Spigelie {G.). Spi- gelia. Maryland pink. Spigelia marilan- dica, L. Marza (/.). Graft. Marziale (/.). Martial. Mascella (/.). Maxillary bone. Mascellare (/). Maxillary. M. glos- sico, genio-glossus. mylo-hyoid muscle, genio-hyoid muscle, dalis nasi. M. ioideo estemo, M. ioideo intemo, M. nasale, pyrami- Mas'chale [/j.aerxdXri'j. Axilla. MaschaUatri'a ÇL.) [lazpeia']. Treat- ment by inunction in the axilla. Maschalon'cus ( L.) [a;-««?-]. Swelling or tumor in the axilla. Maschalyperidro'sis (^L.)\_ûnip, ISpwç']. Excessive axillary sweating. Maschengerüst or Maschenwerk (G.). Meshwork. Maschenraum (G.). Mesh-space, in- terstice in tissue. Maschera ( /.). Mask. Maschinennäherinnen - Affection (G.). A neurosis affecting sewing-machine women, and characterized by symptoms re- sembling locomotor ataxy. Maschio (/.). * Male. Maselsucht (C). Leprosy. Masel- süchtig, leprous. Masern ( G.)- Measles ; — diphtherie, diphtheritic pharyngitis developing in the course of measles. MAS MAS 115 Masig (); u a] . That which is masticated. Massena, or Saint Regis, Springs. Saline, sulphuretted waters, Massena, St. Lawrence Co.. New York. Massenligatur (G.). Ligature in mass. MassentheUchen (]. F. masscjter; G. Kaumuskel ; 7. massetere. A strong muscle of the side of the face, arising from the zygomatic arch and inserted into outer surface of ramus of lower jaw, in- cluding the coronoid process. Masseter'ic. F. massétérin, ine ; /. masseterico. Relating to the masseter muscle. M. ar'tery. L. arteria masse- terica. Branch from internal maxillary to masseter muscle. M. fas'cia, that cover- ing the masseter : see Farot idco-masseteric fascia. M. nerve. L. nervus masse- tericus ; F. nerf massétérin. Branch from inferior maxillary nerve to masseter niu.s- cle. M. veins. L. venie masseteric». 1. Those which take blood from external surface of masseter and empty into facial vein. 2. Those which take blood from the substance or deep surface of ma.sseter and empty into internal maxillary vein. Massétérin, ine {F.~). Masseteric. Masseur, fern. Masseuse {F.). One who performs massage. Mas'sicot. A yellow amorphous pow- der of lead monoxide, formed when lead is heated in the air to the point of fusion only. Massiren (G.). Massage. Massother'apy. L. massotherapia ; F. massotherapie. Use of massage in thera- peutics. Mass. pU., abbv. for Massa pilularum (/y.), pill mass. Mastadeni'tis [jiatrzi'ic. àVìr,^]. Inflam- mation of the mammary gland. Mastader (G.). Hœmorrhoidal vein; — fluss, bleeding piles, haemorrhoids. Mastal'gia {L.) [aaaroi', à'/î^«?]. F. mastalgie. Neuralgia of mammary gland. Mastatroph'ia (i.) [«, rpniptj']. G. Mastatrophie. Atrophy of the mammary gland. Mastdarm (G.). Rectum; — blasen- stich, recto-vesical puncture; — bruch, rectal prolapse ; — entzündung, proc- titis ; — fistel, rectal fistula; — geflecht, hajmorrhoidal plexus ; — gekröse, meso- rectuni ; — knoten, hajmorrlmids ; — krebs, cancer of rectum; — lähmung, paralysis of the rectum ; — nerv, hicmor- 116 MAS MAS rhoidal nerve ; — scheidenfistel, recto- vaginal fistula; — Schlagadern, haemor- rlioidal arteries ; — sitzbeingrube, ischio- rectal fossa ; — Spiegel, rectal sjieculum ; — tripper, rectal gonorrhœa ; — Veren- gerung, stricture of the rectum ; — Vor- fall, prolapse of the rectum; — vrurm, Afciiris verm icii/nri''. Mastecchymo'sis ( L.) [.aa^rwi-, èxyu- fióiu']. Eccliymosis of the breast. Mas'terwort. Imperatoria Ostruthium, L., an umbelliferous plant indigenous in the south of Europe; a stimulant aromatic; roots sometimes mixed with aconite : see also Hcrncliiiiii luitntum. Mastfettherz {C). A heart with fatty infiitnuioii cjf the muscular tissue. Masthelco'sis (L.) [yua-róc, ïUwmi^. Ulceratiun of the breast. Mas'tic [ptaa-Ti^i;]. L. mastiche ; G. Mastix ; /. mastice. A concrete resinous exudation from Pistacia LeìUiscus, L. ; . obtained principally from the island of Scio ; used as a temporary filling fur de- cayed teeth and as a styptic ibr leech- bites. Mastic dentaire (F.). Ethereal tinc- ture of mastic. Masticateur, trice (F.). Aiding or performing mastication. Mastica 'tion. L. masticatio ; G. Kauen ; /. masticazione. The act of chewing. Masticatoire (F.). 1. Masticatory. 2. Relating to mastication. Masticatorio (/.). 1. Masticatory. 2. Relating to mastication. Mas'ticatory [masticare]. F. mastica- toire ; G. Kaumittel ; /. masticatorio. A substance to be chewed for the purpose of exciting the salivary secretion, or as a means of obtaining the general physiolog- ical effects of the drug. Mas'ticatory nerve. Ramus superior nervi inframaxillaris. Mastice (/.). Mastic. Mastich [B. P.]. Mastic. Mas'tiche (L.). Mastic. Mastich'ic ac'id. Cj„H.,jO.,. An acid resin, soluble in cold alcohol, the principal constituent of mastic. Mas'ticin. F. masticine ; /. masticina. Beta resin of mastic, that portion of mastic not soluble in alcohol. Mastigo'sis (L.) [^fiaaTrf/itu]. Flagella- tion, whijiping. Mastikation {G.). Mastication. Masti'tis [//aiTTÓi,-]. F., I. mastite. In- flammation of the mammary gland. Mastix ((?.). Mastic. Mastkömer (G.). Haemorrhoids. Mastkur (G.). System of treatment by forced nutrition and passive exercise. Mastocarcino'ma (/>.). Carcinoma of the breast. Masto-carotidien (/'.). A muscular fascicle from the sterno-mastoid, inserted into the carotid sheath [Festal]. Mastocar'pus mamillo'sus, Kütz (7/.). Chomirìis cri.sjttt.". Lyngb. Mastochondro'sis {L.) [/kkttóc, yùv- 5/«)^']. Production of mastochondroma. or enchondroma of the breast. Mastodsm'ia (i.) [cùìói'i;]. F. masto- dynie ; /. mastodinia. Mastalgia. Mas'toid [/xaiTTÓi-, £75(19]. L. mastoid- eus ; /'. mastoïde ; G. zitzenf örmig ; /. mastoide. 1. Nipple-like. 2. Relating to the mastoid process. M. an'gle. h. angulus mastoideus. Postero-inferior an- gle of parietal bone. M. an'trum, mas- toid cavity. M. ap'erture, petro-mas- toid foramen. M. ar'tery. 1. Branch of occipital: see Mmingial arteries, pos- terior. 2. Branch of posterior auricular over insertion of sterno-mastoid. M. ca- nalic'ulus. L. canaliculus mastoideus ; G. Warzenkaniilchen. A small passage from the jugular fossa of temporal bone to tympanic mastoid fissure, transmitting au- ricular branch of the vagus. M. cav'ity. L. cavitas mastoidea. A large, single cav- ity sometimes formed on the mastoid proc- ess by coalescence of the mastoid cells. M. cells. L. cellulas mastoidea;. Cavities formed in the mastoid process by absorp- tion of bony tissue. They communicate with each other and with the mastoid an- trum. M. diam'eter, infe'rior, bimastoid diameter. M. diam'eter, supe'rior. G. Zitzenbreite, obere. That measured be- tween the entomia of opposite sides. M. em'issary vein. L. emissarium mastoid- euni. Communication between the lat- eral sinus, and either the occipital or pos- terior auricular vein, through the mastoid foramen. M. fontanelle': see Fintandle. M. fora'men, a short canal for an emis- sary vein usually found either near the posterior border of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone or in the masto- occipital suture. M. fos'sa, sulcus sinus transversus. M. glands. L. glandul» MAS MAT 117 mastoideaî. A few lymphatic glands be- hind and below the ear. M. groove, digastric groove. M. mar'gin. L. niargo mastoideus. Border of occipital bone ar- ticulating with mastoid process of the tem- poral. M. por'tion. L. pars mastoidea ; F. portion mastoïdienne ; G. Warzentheil ; /. porzione mastoidea. The lower and back part of the temporal bone, distinguished in the adult by the prominent mastoid process. It is not embryologically distinct from the petrous portion. M. proc'ess. L. pro- cessus mastoideus ; F. apophyse mastoïde ; G. Warzenfortsatz ; 1. apofisi mastoide. A nipple-shaped projection of variable size on the temporal bone behind the ear. M. si'nuses, mastoid cells. Mastoideal'gia {L.) [à'À^»s-]. Pain in the mastoid process. Mastoideo (/.). Relating to the mas- toid process. Mastoideocente'sis (L.) [yhrT^ati]. Perforation of the mastoid process. Mastoi'des {L.) [.aaa-roc, îT'5"ç]. Nip- ple-shaped. Mastoi'deum (/^.)- Mastoid process. Mastoi'deus (/v.). Pertaining to the mastoid process. M. col'li, sterno-cleido- mastoid. M. latera'lis, trachelo-mastoid. Mastoïdien, ieime {F.). Relating to the mastciid process. Mastoidi'tis [.aaffrós-]. F. mastoïdite ; G. Warzenfortsatzentziindung ; /. mas- toïdite. Inflammation of the mastoid proc- ess. M. exter'na, of the mastoid peri- osteum. M. inter'na, of the mastoid cells. Mastoïdo-auriculaire (F.). Posterior auricular muscle [Chaussier]. Mastoido-conchinien {F.). Posterior auricular muscle. Mastoïdo-génien {F.). Digastric mus- cle [Chaussier]. Mastol'ogy [.uaiTTóf, koyiKf^. L. mas- tologia. Discourse on the breast. Mastomascellare (/.). Digastric mus- cle. Mastome'nia (//.) [//v--]. Vicarious menstruation from the breast. Maston'cus ( L.) [pyxiKi]. Tumor of the breast. Mas'to-occip'ital su'ture. Occipito- mastoid suture. Mastoparec'tama (//.) {jiaptxTtv^u)^. Distension of the breast. Mas'to - pari'etal su'ture. Parieto- mastoid suture. Mastopath'ia {L.) [TzàOoi\. Disease of the breast. Mastopimelon'cus or Mastopion'cus (L.) [-!//-;/>;■, l'iY/.iii\. Lipoma of the breast. Mastorrha'gia (/>.) liWjy^u/it']. Hiemor- rhage from the breast. Mastoscir'rhus (i.) {/t^'-!'/'"":-]- Scir- rhus of the breast. Masto'sis (L.). Enlargement of the breast. Mastospargo'sis (L.) [rr-a/iydw']. Dis- tension of the breast with milk. Mastosy'rinx (i.) [n, Blaton. Matratzennath ( G.). Quilt suture. MatrhËemato'ma (L.) \_ii7jTrjp, al;ia- Tfim]. Hematoma produced from the cere- bral meninges. Matricaire (F.). Feverfew. Matrica'lis or Matrica'lius (i.). F. matrical, ale. Pertaining to the uterus. Matrica'ria (L.). F. camomille com- mune ; G. Kamille ; /. camomilla ordina- ria. 1. German chamomile-flowers ; the flower-heads of Matricaria (Jhamomilla. L. ; carminative and anthelmintic. 2. The name of a genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Compositx, iSenecioiiidse. 3. The Italian name for fever- few, Fi/relhriim Parthfuium, Smith. M. Chamomil'la, L., German chamomile; a commun European herb, nf which the flow- ers are official. M. Parthe'nium, L. : see Pyrnthrum Prirthi'ninm, Smith. Matrice {F.). Uterus, matrix. M. des ongles, matrix of nails. M. des poils, hair-iollicles. Mat 'rimony- vine. Common name for plants (if the genus Li/cium, especially for the species Lyciuni vulgare, Bun. Ma'trix (X.) [.uijVr^/»]. 1. A producing or containing tissue ; ground substance. 2. Uterus. M. of nail. L. matrix unguis; F. matrice de l'ongle. That part of the corium forming the nail. Matrone {F.). Midwife. Mattee (/.). Maté. Mat'ter. L.. I. materia ; F. matière ; G. Stoff, Materie. 1. Substance. 2. Pus (popular). Matthe'ws' Warm Springs. Alkaline, saline thermal waters, 114°-122° F., Galla- tin Co., Montana. Mattigkeit ( C). Debility, languor, lassitude, exhaustion. Matto (/.). A stupid lunatic. Maturatif, iva {F.). Favoring suppu- ration. Matura'tion. X. maturatio; Cr'. Reifen; /. maturazione. Process of full develop- ment, ripening. Maturativo (/.). Favoring suppura- tion. Matu'rity. 1. L. maturitas ; F. matu- rité ; G. Keife ; /. maturità. Ripeness, complete development. 2. F. âge adulte; G. erwachsenes Alter ; /. età adulta. The age of physical perfection, from legal ma- jority to about 60 years in men, and to the menopause in women. Maturo (/.). Mature, ripe. Mauchart'sches Flügelband ( ff.). Odontoid ligament, lateral. Maud'lin or Maud'lin tan'sy. Achil- lea Af/eratiini, L. Mauke (G.). Mallenders. Grease in horses. Maul und Klauenseuche (G.). Ec- zema epizootica. Maulbeere f G.). Mulberry. In com- position Maulbeer, as, — geschwulst, mulberry growth or tumor ; — kugel, morula; — mal, najvus; — saft, mulberry- juice; — warze, yaws. Maulfäule (G.). Eczema ejuzootica. Maulgrind (G.). Aphthous stomatitis. Maulhöhle ((ì.). Mouth-cavity. Maulklemme or Maulsperre (G.). Trismus. Maulseuche (G.). Thrush. Maul-wxtrfgeschvmlst ( G.). Mole. Maumené's test. For glucose in urine by reduction of perchloride of tin ; a black precipitate : see Gli/cosurla. Maurerkrätze {G.). Bricklayers' itch. Mauri'tius el'emi. The resinous prod- MAU MAX 119 uct of Colophoni'tì ìnauriliuìia, Comm. ; re- sembles Manila demi in general characters. Mauve (/^.)- ^lallow. M. comestible, Hibiscus escu/eiifiis. L. M. grande, Mnlva sylvestris, L. M. sauvage. Mahn sylvestris, L. Maux {_F.), pi. of Mal. M. de nerfe, neuroses. Maw [^4. S. maga]. Stomach. Ma'w-bound. Impaction of the rumen. Maw-seed. Poppy-seed. Maw-worm. Ascaris vermicuhiris. Maxil'la (Z/.) [/iairao/imi]. G. Kiefer- bein ; I. mascella. Maxillary bone ; jaw- bone. M., infe'rior, inferior maxillary bone. M., supe'rior, superior maxillary bone. Maxillaire (F.). 1. Maxillary bone. 2. Relating to the maxillae. MaxUlarbreiten(G.). Maxillary diam- eters. Max'ülary. L. maxillaris ; F. maxil- laire ; /. mascellare. Relating to the jaw. M. an'gle : sqs Amjle of prognathism. M. arch, hivmal arch of nasal vertebra formed by palate, maxillary, and premaxillary Vjone [Owen]. M. ar'tery, exter'nal, facial artery. M. ar'tery, inter 'nal. L. arteria maxillaris interna ; F. artère maxillaire in- terne ; G. innere Kieferschlagader ; /. ar- teria mascellare interna. Largest branch of external carotid ; passes behind the jaw into spheno - maxillary fossa, supplying deeper structures of face and dura mater. M. bone, infe'rior. L. os maxillare in- ferius ; F. maxillaire inférieur ; G. Unter- kieferbein ; I. mascellare inferiore. An un- paired, symmetrical bone of the face, the lower jaw. It articulates with the two temporal bones, and in man has a paraboli- form curve for the insertion of the teeth. M. bone, supe'rior. L. os maxillae ; F. maxillaire sujx'Tieur ; G. Oberkieferbein ; /. mascellare superiore. A paired bone of the face which, with its fellow, forms the upper jaw. It is irregularly cuboidal in shape, composed of rather thin walls, en- closing a large cavity (antrum of High- more), and assists in forming the orbit, the nasal cavity, the roof of the mouth, and the zygomatic and spheno-maxillary fossic. M. cells. L. cellula; maxillares. That portion of the ethmoidal cells sometimes formed by union with the superior maxil- lary bone. M. diam'eters. G. Oberkiefer- breiten. The maximum or inferior m. d. = facial diameter, middle anterior. The minimumm. d.=: distance between points just above alveolar processes. The supe- rior m. d. = distance between opposite Z'ygo-orbital points. M. glands, inter'nal. L. gianduia; maxillares intern;«. Lymphatic glands lying along the internal maxillary artery and its ramifications, some known as zygomatic, others as buccal, according to situation. M. in'dex. F. indice maxil- laire ; G. Oberkieferbreiten-lndex. Ratio of maximum maxillary diameter to alveolo- nasal line, the latter taken as 100 [Topi- nard]. M. line, infe'rior, connects the two zygo-maxillary points ; supe'rior, connects the two zygo-orbital points [v. Torok]. M. nerve, infe'rior. L. ramus inframaxil- laris ; F. nerf maxillaire inférieur; J. nervo mascellare inferiore. Third division of fifth or trifacial nerve, leaving the cranium by the foramen ovale, is joined by motor- root of the fifth, and then sends branches conveying sensation to side of head, ear, and face, the mucous membrane of the mouth, and tongue and the lower teeth ; also motor branches to the muscles of masticatioii, mylo - hyoid. and posterior belly of the digastric. M. nerve, supe'- rior. L. ramus supramaxillaris ; /'. nerf maxillaire supérieur ; /. nervo mascellare superiore. Second division of fifth or tri- facial nerve, leaves the cranium by the foramen rotundum, crosses the spheno- maxillary fossa, and, entering the infra- orbital canal, takes the name of inferior orbital nerve. It is sensory in function, being finally distributed to integument of middle region of face, mucous membrane of antrum, nose, pharynx, and upper teeth. M. plate. G. Oberkieferfort.satz. Process which in the embryo springs from the first visceral arch and joins the fronto-nasal proc- ess to form the upper jaw. M. proc'ess. L. processus maxillaris. 1. Of malar Imne, the rough triangular portion that articu- lates with the superior maxillary. 2. Of inferior turbinate bone, that portion of the upper edge that hooks over the border of the opening to the antrum of Ilighmore. 3. Of palate-bone, a thin lamina which as- sists to close in the opening to the antrum. M. ridge. G. Kieferwall. The thicken- ing of the mucous membrane of the jaw from which the teeth are developed. M. sector. />. sector maxillaris. Area in median plane of skull between lines drawn from hormion to nasion and to alveolar point [Lissauer]. M. si'nus. F. sinus maxillaire; /. seno mascellare. Antrum of Highmore. M. vein, ante'rior inter'- 120 MAX MEA nal, facial voiii, deep. M. vein, inter'- nal. L. vena iiiaxillaris interna ])ostelior ; G. innere Kiet'ervene. A short vein pass- ing from pterjgoid plexus to temporal vein, in company with the first part of internal maxillary artery. Maxillo-alvéoli-nasal {F.). Depressor a\x nasi. Maxillo-fa'cial in'dex. G. Oberkiefer- Gesiclilsliijlieri-liidex. I'rojection measure- ment of the distance from the lower border of the orbits to the prosthion, compared with that from metopion to gnathion, the latter being taken as 100 [v. Törok]. Maxillo-labial [Chaussier] {F.). De- pressor anguli oris. Maxillo-labi-nasal (F.). Levator labii superioris al:0()ue nasi. Maxillo - narinal or Maxillo - nasal (i^.). Compressor naris. Maxillo-palpébral {F.). Orbicularis paljiebraruni. Maxillo -phai'smge'al space. That between ramus of jaw and superior con- strictor muscle. MaxUlo-scléroticien (F.'). Inferior ob- lii|ue muscle of the eye. Maxillo-suprafa'cial index. G. Ober- kiefer-Obergesiohtshöhen-Iiulex. Projec- tion measurement of distance from the lower border of orliits to the prosthion, compared with that of the upper face, the latter being taken as 100 [v. Töriik]. Maxil'lo-tur'binal. Inferior turbinate bone. Maximalempflndung (G.). Greatest degree of sensation. Maximalreiz {G.). Htimulus producing the greatest effect. May ap'ple. Pudophyllimi j>.. Arkansas, 17 miles west of Hilt Springs. May-flower. Epigsea repens, L. May'hem [Tmw L. mahemium]. The act of violently dejiriving a person of the use of a member, so as to render him less able to fight or to defend himself; maim- ing. Mays. Zen Mni/s, L. May'^^eed. Maruta Cottila, DC. Mazal'ysis (/>.). Mazolysis. Maz'ic [/"i'«]. L. mazicus. Pertain- ing tn the ]ilacenta. Mazis'chesis {L) [f;?'"]- Retention of the placenta ; hence Mazischet'ic, per- taining to such retention. Mazocacoth'esis (A.) {_ßa^a, xaxóc, >?£/cliiiph_)/si('\. A short endoscope or speculum for examining the urethra near the meatus. Meatot'omy. Section of the meatus urinarius to enlarge the opening. Mea'tus (L.). Canal. M. acus'ticus or M. audito'rius. F. méat auditif; G. Gehürgang ; /. meato uditivo. Auditory meatus. M. na'rium, meatuses of the nose. M. semina 'rius. 1. Mediastinum testis. 2. Fallopian tube. M. urina'rius, old term for urethra, now used to indicate its distal or cutaneous orifice, situated at the summit of the glans penis in the male, on the roof of the vestibule between the nymphae in the female. Mea'tuses of the nose. L. meatus narium ; F. méats des fosses nasales ; G. Nasengänge ; /. meati delle fosse nasali. Passages between and below the turbinate bones on the outer side of the nasal fossae, distinguished as superior, middle, and in- ferior. Mécanique animale (F.). Animal me- chanics. Mec'ca bal'sam. Balm of Oilead. Meccanica animale (/.). Animal me- chanics. Mech'ameck. Convolvulus pandurahis. Mechan'ical. L. mechanicus ; F. mé- canique ; G. mechanisch ; /. meccanico. Pertaining to mechanism, or to physical forces and stimuli, as distinguished from chemical or vital. Mech'anism [.''>;/"'•";]■ ^- mécanisme ; G. .^Iecllanisnlus ; /. meccanismo. 1. Ar- rangement and construction of any part of the bod}' considered as a machine. 2. Mode of action or occurrence, as in mech- anism of labor. Mechano-ther'apy. F. méehanothé- rapie. The tieatment of disease by me- chanical means, such as massage, exercise, etc. Mèche (F.). A mass of parallel threads of charpie twisted at the middle : see Forte- mèdie. Mechoacan'. The root of a plant sup- posed to be Batatas Jalapa, DC, Nat. Ord. Coiivolvuhicex. A drastic purgative [Far. Mes.]. Mechoacan du Canada (F.). Root of Fhytolaci II decaiidra, L. Mechoaca'na ni'gra. Exoyimium Pur- ga, Benth. Meck'el's car'tilage. L. cartilage Meckelii ; F. cartilage de Meckel ; G. Mec- kel'scher Knorpel; /. cartilagine di Meckel. A cartilaginous rod forming the skeleton of the first, or mandibular, visceral arch. The lower jaw is formed about it, but it disappears by the 7th month of fœtal life, except at its proximal extremity, which becomes the malleus. Meck'el's divertie 'ulum. Diverticu- lum .Meckelii. Meck'el's gan'glion. Spheno-palatine ganglion. M.'s g., lesser, submaxillary ganglion. Meck'el's lig'ament. That portion of the anterior ligament of the malleus pass- ing from processus gracilis down through the (jlaserian fissure to spine of sphenoid and internal lateral ligament of the jaw ; believed to be a vestige of Jleckel's carti- lage [Schwalbe]. Meckel'scher Knorpel (G'.). Meckel's cartilage. Meckerstimme (G.), jïlgophony. Mécomètre (F.). Instrument for meas- uring the length of a fuetus. Meconal'gia (L.) [^iirjy.a),', ò'/i;-«?]. Se- vere ]iain due to disuse of opium. Méco-narcéine (F.). Name proposed by M. Laborde for the mixture of alkaloids in opium which are insoluble in ether. Mec'onate [ftrjxwv']. F. méconate ; G. mekonsaures Salz ; /. meconato. A salt of meconic acid. 122 MEC^MED Meconeuropath'ia (//.) [viT'/jov, ttwöhv-]. The condition iiioiluced by the opium habit. Mecon'ic ac'id. CjII^O;. L. aeicliiin mecoiiicuin ; /'. acide nicconique ; G. Me- konsaure ; /. acido nieconico. A crystal- lizable organic acid existing in opium in combination with morphine and other allia- loids. Its characteristic test is a blood-red color produced with ferric salts, and not re- moved by corrosive sublimate ; it has little or no physiological action, and is not used separately in medicine. Mecon'idine. CjiH^jNO,. F. méconi- dine. An amorphous alkaloid discovered in opium by Hesse (1770). Mec'onin. t'„JIioO,. F. méconine ; G. Mekouin ; 1. meconina. A neutral, non- nitrogenous, crystallizable princij)le found in opium by Dubbine (1832). Meco'nium {L.)- F. meconium ; G. Kindspech ; /. meconio. The dark green- ish excrement contained in the intestinal canal of the newborn infant ; also an old name for opium. Meconkörper (C). Peculiar corpuscle found in meconium. Mecono'isin. CsHioO.^. A crystallizable, neutral principle discovered in opium by T. and H. Smith (1878). Médecin {F.). Physician. M. des fous, alienist. Médecine (/".). 1. Remedy. 2. Art of medicine. M. blanche, calcined magnesia. M. clinique, clinical medicine. M. légale, state medicine. M. noire, infusion of senna, compound. Medeï'tis [//i;o;a]. Inflammation of the genitals. Mede'la {L-)- Cure, healing. Me'dia, refrac'tive. Refractive appa- ratus. Me'dia, transpa'rent, of the eye. The cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vit- reous humor. Mediate). Mesial. Mediales Feld {G.). Anterior area: see Ariiia of the midulla nLloiii/ata. Me'dian [medio]. F. medial, ale, mó- dian, ane ; J. mediano, fem. a. Occupying, or relating to, tlu; middle line or centre. M. ar'teries of medul'la oblonga'ta. L. arteri;c inedian;c l)ulbi ; F. artères mé- dianes du bulbe. Small twigs from verte- bral or basilar artery, or some of their branches, which pass through raphe to floor of fourth ventricle [Duret]. M. ar'tery. L. arteria comes nervi mediani ; F. artère du nerf médian ; /. arteria medi- ana del braccio. Small branch from ante- rior interosseous artery of arm, passing down with the median nerve and suppl_y- ing it. M. ar'tery of spi'nal cord. F. artère médiane de la moelle épinière ; G. gemeinsame, vordere Küekenmarksarterie ; / arteria mediana del midollo spinale. A small vessel formed by union of the anterior spinal arteries, which passes down the cord on the anterior median line. M. basil'ic vein. L., I. vena mediana ba.silica ; F. veine médiane basilique. A short trunk connect- ing the median with the basilic vein at the bend of the elbow. M. brown line, a narrow, brownish discoloration of the skin extending from the ensiforiu appendix to the symphysis pubis in the median line. M. catarrh', otitis media catarrhalis. M. cephal'ic vein. L. vena mediana cephal- ica ; F. veine médiane céphalique ; J. vena mediana cefalica. A short trunk connect- ing median witli cephalic vein at bend of elbow. M. line. 1. F. ligne médiane; G. Mittellinie ; /. linea mediana. That where the mesial plane cuts the surface of the body. 2. F. ligne médiane du plan de regard ; G. Medianlinie. Line of intersec- tion of median plane of head with the plane of regard. M. nerve. F. nerf mé- dian ; G. Mediannerv ; /. nervo mediano. That supplying the pronator and most of the flexor muscles of the arm. It arises by two heads from inner and outer cords of brachial plexus in up])er arm, and lies be- tween the deep and superficial flexor in the hand, supplying the palmar surface, three outer digits, and half the fourth. M. lithot'omy. F. lithotomie mediane ; G. Medianlithotomie ; /. operazione mediana. Lithotomy by median incision of perineum, urethra, and prostate. M. plane. /'. jdan médian; G. Medianebone, mittlere Vertikal- ebene. That vertical plane which cuts the head into symmetrical halves. It is per- pendicular to the base-line at its middle point, and to the plane of regard. M. plane of space, that vertical plane which agrees with the median plane of the head when the head is in a naturally erect posi- tion. M. vein. L. vena mediana anti- brachii ; F. veine médiane ; G. mittlere Ilautvene des Vorderarmes ; /. vena medi- ana del braccio. A superficial vein of the lower arm, gathering blood from the palm and wrist. At the bend of the elbow it divides into median cephalic and median , basilic. The deep m. v. is a branch which MED MED 123 near its bifurcation connects the median with the deep veins of the arm, piercing the deep fascia. Medianebene (G.). Median plane. Medianschnitt (. charta ; F. pa- pier médicainenté . //. medieinirtes l'apicr; /. carta da medicazione. Non-absorbent 124 MED MED paper upon wliich substances resembling plasters have been spread, or absorbent pa- per imprejinated with a chemical or medici- nal solution. Med'icated vin'egar : see Vinei/dr. Med'icated wa'ter. L. aqua medicata; F. eau mi^dicinale ; G. Gesundbrunnen ; /. acqua medicinale. 1. Water imprefjnated with volatile substances by distillation or other processes. 2. A term occasionally applied to a solution in water of non-vola- tile substances. Médicateur, trice (F-)- Having reme- dial jMjwer. Medica 'tion. L. medicatio ; F. médi- cation ; G. Kurmethode ; /. medicazione. Treatment by medicines. Medicatura (/.). Dressing, topical ap- plication. M. alla Lister, Lister's anti- septic dressing. M. per occlusione, oc- clusive dressing, tor wounds. M. all' ovatta, cotton-batting dressing. Medicazione (/.). Medication. Medicerebel'lar ar'tery. Cerebellar a., anterior inferior [Wilder]. Medicer'ebral ar'tery. Cerebral a., middle [Wilder]. Medici 'na (//.). Medicine. M. foren'- sis, forensic medicine. M. pub'lica, state medicine. Medic'inal. L. niedicinalis ; F. méde- cinal, ale ; G. medicinisch ; /. medicinale. 1. Having remedial power. 2. Medical. M. bis'cuits. F. biscuits médicinaux. Biscuits into which a medicinal substance has been introduced during their prepara- tion. M. oils. L. olea infusa ; F. huiles médicinales; G. gekochte Oele; /. olii medi- cinali. Oleo-infusions ; solutions of vege- table principles in fixed oils, prepared by solution, infusion, digestion, or decoction. M. soap. L. ,sapo medicatus ; F. savon médicinal ; G. niedicinische Seife ; /. sapone medicinale. A soda soap prepared from oil of almond [Cod.] ; from olive oil and lard [P.O.], Medicinal (ff.). Medical; — anstalt, medical establislinient, hospital ; — beamte, medical officer; — behörde, board of health ; — Ordnung, sanitary regulation; — po- lizei, iiifdioal police; — rath, member of a medical board; — Verordnung, medical regulation. Med'icine. />., /. medicina ; F. méde- cine ; G. .Mediciii. 1. The healing art in ail its branches. 2. That part of the art which is devoted to internal diseases, in contradistinction to surgery, ob.stetrics, etc. 3. A medicament. M., foren'sic, medical jurisprudence. Médicinier (F.). Citrcas purgans, Adans. Medicinisch, er, e, es (G.\ Medical. medicinal. M. Jurisprudenz, medical jurisprudence. M. Seife, medicinal soap. Medicinkasten {G.). Medicino-chcst. Medico (/.). I'iiysician. M. militare, army surgeon. M. di marina, naval sur- geon. Medico, fern, a ( /.). Medical. Med'ico-le'gal. F. médico-légal, ale ; 7. medico-legale. Pertaining to medical jurisprudence. Medicommissu'ra (L-)- Soft commis- sure of brain [Wilder]. Médico-psychologique (F.). Relating to mental medicine. Medicor'nu (A.) Middle cornu of dorsal ventricle [Wilder]. Medico-statis'tical. Pertaining to med- ical statistics. Med'icus (L.). 1. Physician. 2. Med- ical. MedUcaster (G.). Quack. MedinaTvurm ( (?.). Filaria medinensix. Medinogor'dius {L.). Fihnia nwdi- nensis. Medio (/.). Middle, median ; middle fin- ger. M. gluteo, gluteus médius. Medio-col'ic ar'tery. Colic artery, middle. Medio-fron'tal gy'rus. Frontal con- volution, middle. Medi'ola virgin'ica, L. India cucum- ber, cucumber-root ; an indigenous peren- nial herb, Nat. Ord. Lilincex. The root is edible ; in large doses said to be diuretic. Medio - occip'ital gy'rus. Occipital conviiiution, middle, Médio-palatin, ine (F.). Lying in the median line of palate. Medio-pon'tine ar'teries. F. artères médio-protubérantielles. Branches from basilar artery along median line of pons Varolii [Duret]. Me'dio-tar'sal articula'tion. F. ar- ticulation médio-tarsienne ; /. articolazione medio-tarsica. The joint between the as- tragalus and calcancum behind, and sca- phoid and cuboid in front. Medipedun 'cuius (L.). Middle pe- duncle of cerebellum [Wilder]. MED MED 125 Medi -scale 'nus. Scalenus médius [Coues]. MediteiTa'nean fe'ver. Form of re- mittent fever. Medi-tri 'ceps. Middle or long head of the triceps [Coues]. Meditul'lium (L.). 1. Di])loë. 2. Cen- tral medullury substance of cerebellum [Luschka]. Me'dium (L.). 1. F. milieu. Inter- vening or surrounding substance ; the sub- stance in which specimens are placed for preservation. 2. F. moyen ; G. Mittel ; /. mezzo. Jleans, agency through which a force is applied ; an agent. Me'dium car'damoms. Short-longs; a commercial variety of Malabar cardamom. Me'dius(/^.). /'.médius. Middle finger. Medoblennorrhœ'a (/>.) [," v>"ç. ß>.i'^'^a. /)7(u]. Mucous discharge from the genitals ; gleet. Medorrhoe'a (i.) [,a'j'5"C, /!'<"]. Dis- charge from the genitals. Medul'la (L.). F. médulle, moelle : G. Mark ; / midolla. Marrow. M. of hair. L. substantia meduUaris pili ; F. substance médullaire du poil ; G. Marksubstanz, des Haares. The axial portion, composed of soft cubical cells with interspersed air-bub- bles. M. nervo'rum, neurin. M. ob- longa'ta. F. bulbe rachidien, moelle al- longée ; G. verlängertes Mark ; /. midolla allungata, bulbo rachidiano. A prolonga- tion of the spinal cord contained within the skull. Begins below just above first cer- vical nerve, ends above at the pons in front, and at an imaginary line drawn through widest part of fourth ventricle behind. M. spina'lis, spinal cord. Medullar (6'.). Medullary; — carci- nom or — krebs, medullary carcinoma; — rohr, medullary canal ; — sch"wamm, medullary fungus. Med'ullary. L. medullaris ; F. médul- laire ; Ö. medullar; /.midollare. Pertain- ing to marrow or to spinal cord. M. ar'- teries. L. arteriae medulläres ; F. artères médullaires ; G. Markarterien ; /. arterie midollari. Those supplying the medullary substance of the brain or cord. M. canal'. L. canalis medullaris ; F. canal central de la moelle ; G. Medullarrohr. The tube formed by closure of original medullary groove, represented in the adult by a mi- nute passage throughout the spinal cord in the substance of the gray commissure. M. cav'ities. /. cavitates medulläres ; F. canaux médullaires des os ; G. Markhohlen ; /. canali midollari delle ossa. Those formed in long bones by absorption of osseous tis- sue and filled with marrow. M. groove. G. Medullarfurclio, Medullargrube. Longi- tudinal furrow on the surface of the young embryo, which gives rise by its deepening and closure to the medullary canal. M. juice, marrow. M. lam'inse. /. laminae medulläres. G. JIarkleisten. Thin strata of white matter interposed between the gray substance in various parts of the brain, as in lenticular nucleus, separating the zones ; in cerebellum, extensions from the central white mass into the convolu- tions in optic thalamus, separating the in- ternal and external nucleus (internal m. 1.), or representing the inner thickened edge of the stratum reticulatum (external m. 1.). M. lay'ers, medullary laminre. M. mem'- brane of bone. F. membrane médullaire des os ; /. membrana midollare. A delicate layer of connective tissue, not detachable as a membrane, which lines the medullary canal of bone. M. nu'cleus. /. nucleus medullaris ; G. JIarkkern. Central white fibres of cerebellum. M. plates, thick- ened edges of medullary groove which unite to form the medullary tube. M. rays of kid'ney. F. rayons médullaires. The bundles of straight tubes giving a striated appearance to the parenchyma of the kid- ney. M. rid'ges, the two longitudinal protuberances bounding the medullary groove. M. sarco'ma, Funguf hmmatoden. M. sec'tor, area in median plane of skull between lines drawn from hormion to opis- thion and to basion [Lissauer]. M. seg'- ments, portions of nerve-fibre between two consecutive incisions of Schmidt. M. sheath, a homogeneous, highly glistening, and refractive substance which surrounds the axis cylinder. M. spa'ces. G. Mark- räume. Areas excavated in growing bone by subperiosteal vessels ; filled with em- bryonic marrow. M.stri'ae. Z. stri» medul- läres ; G. Hörehorden ; /. strie acustiche. Transverse white lines on floor of fourth ventricle, extending from posterior longi- tudinal fissure to apparent origin of audi- tory nerve, of which they are believed to be fibres of origin, but have not been traced to any definite central nucleus. M. sub'- stance. F. substance médullaire ; /. sos- tanza midollare. The internal portion of several organs (kidney, suprarenal capsules, and thymus gland). ÌVE. sys'tem [Bichat], marrow of bones and its related structures considered as a whole. M. tube, primitive 126 MED MEG tube formed by closure of moduUary plates on the median line. M. ve'li. L. veli medulläres ; F. voiles médullaires ; G. Mark- segel ; /. veli midollari. Certain triangular laininœ in roof of fourth ventricle. The anterior or superior medullary velum stretches across the interval between the superior peduncles of the cerebellum, and is composed of white matter with super- posed gray. The posterior or inferior medullary velum is constituted by two membranous folds passing from nodulus of cerebellum to the lateral recesses on either side. Med'ullated. Having a medullary shcatii. MéduUe {F.). Medulla. Médullique {F.). Relating to the me- dulla. Medul'li-spi'nal veins. L. venae me- dullas spinalis. Those from the spinal cord, forming a fine plexus upon the pia mater. Medulli'tis. F. médullite ; /. midollite. Myelitis, of bone-marrow especially. Médullocelle (F.). Cell of bone-marrow. MéduUo-encéphalique ( F.). Relating to medulla and brain. Medusenhaupt (G.). Caput medusae. Meer {G.). The sea; ^ eiche, Fucus vexiculums, L. ; — rettig, horseradish ; — schäum, a native magnesium silicate (2MgO.3SiO0. ■ Meereskrankheit {G.). Sea-sickness. Meerzwiebel {G.). S(|uill ; — essig, vinegar of squill ; — extrakt, extract of squill ; — sauerhonig, oxymel of squill ; — tinktur, tincture of squill. Mefite (/.). A bad odor. Mefitico, mephitic. Mefitismo, mephitism. Megacephal'ic [^lUya^, zey-a/ij']. F. mégacéphale , 1. megalocefalico. In crani- ometrj', applied to crania having a capacity exceeding 1450 c. c. [Quain]. Megaceph'alus (L.). Having a large head. Megachei'lus (/>.) [/eT/!"?]. F. mega- chile. One who has large lips. Megacoc'cus {L.). Large forms of coccus. Megagnath'us {L.) \j./i(hii\. F. m6ga- gnatho. Having a large jaw. Megalocar'dia (/>.) {^n^yAXni;, y.apdia]. The condition of having a very large heart. Megalocephal'ia (i.) [^x.^4'^. F. mégalopsie. Seeing objects as appa- rently larger than they are. Megalo'pus (7/.). Maeropus. Mégalosplanchnie {F.). Great enlarge- ment of abdominal viscera. Megalosple'nia {L.) [<î-).ri.i~\. F. mé- galosplénie. Enlargement of the spleen. Megascop'ic [.). F. mélanome. A tumor containing dai'k pigment. Melanopath'ia (X.). Melanoderma. Melanophy'ma {L.) [ç^V^«], Ergot. Melanopi'per (/-•). Black pepper. Melanorrha'gia {L.) [/'irjyvurj.i']. Me- Ifena. Melanorrhce'a (L.) [/!='»]■ A dark discharge. Melano-sarco'ma {L.). G. Melano- sarkom. A sarcoma containing black pig- ment. Melanoscir'rhus (X.) \_rTxipjUii']. Mel- anotic scirrhus. Melanose (F.). Melanosis. M. du poumon, anthracosis. Melanosen {G.). Cutaneous disorders with darkening of the skin [Fuchs]. Melano'sis (L.) [/x£/à>S'ij>i/ti/acex. The leaves are used externall}- in the treatment of ulcers and certain parasitic skin diseases. Melias'mus (L.). Glanders. Melice'ra (L.) [_!ié/.'., z///^«^]. 1. Honey- comb. 2. Porrigo favosa. Mélicérique (F.). Relating to, or affected with, meliceris. Melice'ris (/v.) [.«sAizr^/^V]. /'. meliceris ; G. Honiggeschwulst ; I. meliceride. A cystic tumor tilled with a substance re- sembling honey; generally applied to hy- groma. Melice'rous [ju£/rzr^ /)!>]• Honey-like, pertaining to melicera. Mélide (F.). Glanders in the ass. Melikeris (Cr.). Meliceris. Mel'ilot. /'. mélilot; 6^. Steinklee ; 7. nieliloto. The herb of MelUotus officinalis, Desr., and of M. uttissimus, Thuil. Melilot'ic acid. CgH.oOj. F. acide mélilotique. Found in the herb of MelUo- tus oßcinnh's associated with coumarin. Melilo'tus ( T^.). A genus of Legumi- iioscf:. M. al'bus, Desr., white melilot, naturalized from Europe ; resembles the succeeding in projierties. M. altis'simus, Thuil., yellow melilot, a European plant naturalized in the Ü. S. ; this as well as other species of .)/. has the odor of the Tonka bean, due to the presence of cou- marin. M. arven'sis, Wallr., MdUotiis oßcinalis, Desr. M. difPu'sa, Koch, Mrli- ùjtuf officinalis^ Desr. M. oflacina'Ms, Desr., melilot, sweet clover, native of Eu- rope ; the herb is official in the European pharmacopijeias ; a mild astringent and bechie. M. officina'Us, \\\\\à., Mrlitotu.'^ ì;ì.,i,ix nil, IIS. Desr. Melis'sa (/>.). 1. Agenusof plants, Nat. (Jrd. Labia/H. M. Calamin'tha, L., cal- anient. M. Clinopo'dium, Cliiiopodium vulvare, L. M. cordifo'lia, Pers., a vari- ety of M. ofncnKil! . L.. indigenous to south- ern Europe. M. officina'lis, L., balm, Vol.. II.— y lemon balm ; a perennial European herb, naturalized and cultivated in the U. S. : see Melism. M. pulegioi'des, L., Hnleoma pulegioiJes. Pers. 2. F. mélisse ; G. Melisse. Balm ; the leaves and tops of Jlelixsa offici- nalis, L. [U. S. P.] ; used as a diaphoretic. M.-wa'ter. L. aqua melisste. Melissa 1 part, water q. s. ; distil 10 parts [P. G.]. Mélisse (F.y Melissa officinalis. M. de Moldavie, Dracoecphalum nwhlavica, JLi. Melissenblätter (C). Melissa. Melitse'mia (L.). Melithœmia. Meüta'gra (L.). Impetigo, crusta lac- tea. M. flaves'cens [Alibert], eczema of the face with honey-colored crusts. M. ni'gricans [Alibert], eczema of the face with dark crusts. Melithee'mia (L.) [ßeXczTa, alßo]. F. mélithémie ; G. Melithaemie ; / melitemia. Glyeohaimia. (X.) [u;rt,o, ou/îoi-]. Inflammation of the (^F.). Presence of F. mélitose ; I. MeUtlijrperu'ria Diabetes mellitus. Meli'tis [ai^ì^ov]. cheek. Mélitoptyalisine sugar in the saliva. Mel'itose. CjHjgO». melitosa. A peculiar saccharine matter, isomeric with glucose, found in Australian manna. MeUtu'ria (X.) Ißüi, ijupuv']. F. méli- turie. Glycosuria. Melkekrampf (G.). Milkers' cramp. Mella'go (L.). A medicine having the consistence of honey ; an extract of syrupy consistence. MeUitaemie (G.). Glycohaemia. Mellite (F.): see Boney (2). M. de mercuriale, honey-of-mercury herb. M. de roses rouges, honey of rose. M. simple, clarified honey. M. de vinaigre: see Oxyniel. Mellito (/.) ; see Honry (2). M. sem- plice or sciroppo di miele, clarified honey. MeUi'tum {L.) : see Honry (2). M. rosa'rum, honey of rose. M. sim'plex [Cod.], clarified honey. M. cum suc'- co mercuria 'Ms [Cod.], honey of mercury- herb. Melliturie (G.). Melituria. Mellone (/.). Melon. Melodid'ymus (L.) [//./;.<>?, Siüu/ioc'j. \ monster with a double extremity. Melo'e (X.). A genus of coleopterous 130 MÉL MEM insects. M. proscarabse'us, L., a Euro- pean beetle ; used as a substitute lor can- tharides. M. vesicato'rius, L., Cautharis vesiatloria, Dc Geer. Mélomélie {F-)- The condition of a melouielus. Melome'lus (i)- I^- mi lomèle ; /. melomele. A monster with supernumerary limbs inserted at the bases of the principal limbs. Mel'on. G. Melone ; /. mellone, popone. Cucumis Melo, L. ; the seeds are official, and used as a diuretic. M. pumpkin, Cucur- bita maxima, Duchés. M.-tree, Carica Papaya, L. Melon d'eau (/^.). Watermelon. Melon'cus (/>.) [^ii-rjì.m, Uy/.uÌ\. a tumor of the cheek. Melonenbaum (G.). Papaw-tree. Mel'oplasty \_n7,hn, ~Xda.) \jTy{. meningeus; Z'. ménin- gé, ée; /. meningeo, a. Relating to the men- inges. M. ap'oplexy, that due to rupture of a meningeal blood-vessel. M. ar'teries. L. arteri;« meninge:« ; F. artères méningées ; G. Ilirnhautartericn ; /. arterie meningee. Those that sujijily the meninges. Of these the anterior m. a. is from the anterior ethmoidal branch of the ophthalmic, and supplies the anterior fossa ; the middle or great m. a. is from the internal maxillary, enters the cranium by the foramen spino- sum, and supplies t!ic dura of the entire side of the head ; the posterior external m. a. is from the oci-ipital. enters at the mastoid foramen, and supjtlies the posterior fossa, associated with the posterior internal m. a. from the vertebral, wliicli enters at the foramen magnum. There are, besides, a number of small twigs that enter by the foramen ovale (small m. a. from internal maxillary), foramen lacerum medium (from ascending pharyngeal), the jugular furamen, and the anterior condyloid. M. grooves. L. sulci meningei. Those fin inner surface of cranial bones in which the meningeal arteries lie. M. nerve. L. nervus menin- geus. Branch from jugular i;anglion of MEN MEN 133 pTK'iiiiiogastric which turns h-.ick into cra- nium and supplies incnini;cs, M. veins, internal, acconipanv arteries iif same name. M. veins, middle, two tributaries of ptery- i;oiil plexus accompanying artcrj- of same name. Meningealapoplexie ( G.). Spinal men- inj;eal li;emorrhage. Menüig-ealblutung- ( ''>'.). .Meningeal hemorrhage. Meningealtumor ( G.). Tumor of men- inges. Menin'g-es (Zy.) [,'/;>;;-f], pi. of Meninx. F. méninges; G. Gehirnhäute, Rückennuirk- hiiute ; /. meningi. Membranes of the brain or spinal cord. M. spina'les, memiiranes of sjiinal cord. Meninghaemato'ma (Z/.). Matrhaema- toma. Méningite (F.). Meningitis. Meningitico (/.). Relating to the men- inges or to meningitis. Méningitiforme (F-)- Resembling men- ingitis. Méningitique (F.). Relating to the njeiiiiiges or to meningitis. Meningi'tis [,a?>!;-?]. /'. méningite ; /. meningite. Inflammation of meninges, es- pecially of meninges of the brain. M. epidera'ica cer'ebro-spina'lis, cerebro- spinal fever. M. tuberculo'sa, tubercu- lar meningitis ; acute hydrocephalus. Meningitopho'bia(//.) [ipoßdi^. Symp- toms of cerebro-spinal meningitis produced from fear of the disease. Menin'gocele (L.) [xTjArj']. F. meningo- cele. A congenital protrusion of a portion of the membranes of the brain through an opening in the skull, containing fluid but tio cerebral substance. Meningocephali'tis [^/.£ipa).yj']. Menin- goencephalitis. Meningococ'cus {L.). Microorganism supposed to be the cause of cerebro-spinal fever ; resembles Micrncocais Pastemi. Stern- berg. Menin'go - encephali'tis [^tyy.i.) {^p.iiViyS'l. Membrane, more especially a membrane of the brain : see Mruiiiffis. M. flbro'sa, dura mater. M. sero'sa, arachnoid membrane. M. vasculo'sa, pia mater. Menis'chesis (L.). Menoschesis. Menis'ci ( /..), pi. of Meniscus. In- terarticular fibro-cartilages. Menisco (/.). Meniscus. M. inter- articolare, interarticular fibro-cartilage. Menis'cus (L.) [/ir/zjVzoç]. F. mé- nisque; I. menisco. 1. A form of lens. 2. A semilunar cartilage. Menisper'mine. /^. ménispermine; G. Menispermin ; /. menispermina. A crys- talline, tasteless alkaloid found in the shell of Coccii/iis imlicus. Menisper'mum (L.) [.ai^'vTj, fn:if);xa]. F. ménisperme ; G. canadisches Mohnkorn ; I. menispermo. 1. The rhizome and rootlets of Menispprmimi Canadcììse, L. ; a tonic and reputed alterative and diuretic. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Menhpermacere. M. canaden'se, L., a North American climbing plant, the source of Canadian moonsoed and Texas sarsaparilla. M. Coc'culus, L., Anomirta Cocrvlus, Colehr. M. Colum'ba, Roxb., Ja/forhiza Cfdnrnha, Miers. M. palma'tum, Lam., Jnteorhiza Cnhimhn, Miers. Ménisque (F.), pi. Ménisques. Me- niscus. M-s. inter-articulaires, inter- articular fibro-cartilages. Mennige ( 6'.). Minium, red lead. 134 MEN MEN Menoke'lis [/iijV, xtjXIç']. G. .■Menstruul- fleck. Livid sputs on the skin ofcuriing in suppression of the menses [Fuclis]. Menolip'sis ( L.) [/^'ji', AiiV':?]- Amenor- rhœa. Ménométastasie {F.). Vicarious men- struation. Men'opause Iprjv, -aljan-]. L. meno- pausis ; F. menopause ; G. Menstruations- ende ; /. menopausa. Final cessation of menstruation. Menopla'nia (L.) [-A«/7j]. F. méno- planie. Vicarious menstruation. Menorragia (/.). Menorrhagia. Menorrea (/.). Menorrhœa. Menorrha'gia {L.) [/Jij^-w//!]. F. mé- norrhagie ; /. menorragia. Excessive men- struation. Menorrhœ'a (L.) [/Sito']. F. ménorrhée ; /. menorrea. Prolonged menstruation. Menos'chesis (L.) [^Tyi<7ti\. Amenor- rhœa. Menossenia (/.). Menoxenia nosis. Menosta'sia {L.) [trrdati] stase : G. 31euostasie menses. Menos'tasis (L.) [oTart-f^-]. strual moliuien. 2. Menostasia Menoxe'nia (L.) [Jcvof]. menstruation. Menoxeno'sis (/j-)- F. ménoxénie; /. menossiiiia. Vicarious menstruation. Mens (L.). Mind. Mens sa'na in cor'pore sa'no {L.). A sound mind in a sound body. Mensch (G.). Man. In composition Menschen, as, — blättern, smallpox ; — masslehre, anthropometry ; — pocken, smallpox; — zergUederer, anthropoto- mist. Men'ses. Monatsfluss blood discharged catamenia. Men'sium reten'tio (L.) of the mcn.ses. Men'strua (//.). 1. The menses. 2. PI. of Menstruum. Men'strual. F. menstruel, elle ; /. mestruale. Concerning the menses or men- struation. M. flow, menstruation. M. moU'men, tendency or effort toward men- strniifioii M. or'gan, the lining nieinbran«' of the uterus considered as a special organ, menoxe- F. méno- Suppression of the 1. Men- Irregular F. menstrues, règles ; G. I. mestrui, regole. The in menstruation ; the Retention analogous to adenoid glands (tonsils, i^ic ), with reference to menslruatiim [A. \v'. Johnstone]. M. pe'riod. G. Monatszeit. The monthly period for recurrence of men- struation. Menstrual (6r.). Menstrual; — aus- schlag', cutaneous eruption connected with nien.struation ; — blutung, menorrhagia; — dyschymosen, vicarious menstruation ; — exanthème, skin eruptions connected with menstruation or its disorders; — fleck, menokelis ; — geschAVÜr, menel- cosis ; — schweiss, nioiiidrosis ; — Ver- setzung, vicarious menstruation. Menstrua'tio ( L.). Menstruation. M. diflBc'üis or doloro'sa, dysmcnorrhœa. M. prse'cox, menstruation at an ab- normally early age. Menstrua 'tion. L. menstruatio; G. Monatsfluss ; /. mestruazione. A period- ical disturbance in the female, manifested by increased vascular tension, pelvic hyper- femia, renovation of uterine raucous mem- brane, and a discharge of blood from the uterus. Menstruationbef ordernd {G.). Em- menagogue. Menstruationsende (G.). M enopause. Menstruationsstöriuig (G.). Men- strual disturbance. Menstruel, elle {F.). Menstrual. Menstrues (F.). Menses. Menstruiren (G.). To menstruate. Men'struum (L-)- The fluid used as a solvent in pharmaceutical operations. Men'ta (L.). Penis. Menta (/.). Mint. M. di cavallo, Monarda pvnc/iitn, L. M. piperita, Mentha pipi-riia. L. M. romana, spear- mint. M. verde, Mtiìthn viridis, L. Men'tagra (L.) [mentum, ùrfî]. F. mentagre. Sycosis. Mentagrophyte {F.). Tricliophyton. Men'tal. 1. L. mentalis; 7^. mental, ale ; G. psychisch ; /. mentale. Kelating to the mind. 2. F: nientonnier. ère ; /. mentoniero. Relating to the chill. M. ar'tery. />. arteria mentalis. Terminal branch of iiifciior dental artery, supplying the chin. M. fora'men. i/. foramen mentale; F. ixoxi mentoiinier ; /. forame mentoniero. External orifice of inferior dental canal, on the lower jaw, be- tween the two bicuspid teeth. M. nerve. L. nervus mentalis; F. nerf nientonnier ; /. nervo mentoniero. Branch of inferior dental nerve, supplying integument and MEN MEN 135 mucous membrane of lower lip aud chin. M. plex'ns. F. plexus mentoiiiiier. In- terlacement between the mental and facial nerves at the mental foramen. M. point. F. point mentonnier. In craniometry the most antero-inferior point of the inferior maxillary bone. M. proc'ess, mental prominence. M. prom'inence. L. pro- tiiberantia mentalis; /. apofisi mentoniera. Triangular eminence of inferior maxillary bone, forming the chin. M. spines. L. spini« mentales ; F. apophyses du menton ; 1. eminenze del mento. Two pairs of tu- bercles on inner surface of lower jaw, at the symphysis. M. veins, tributaries of the facial vein Mentalbreite {G.). Distance between the two mental foramina. Menta'lis (i/.)- Levator labii inferioris. Mentastre (i^-). Mentha rotundifoUa, L. [Far. Esp.]. Mentastro (/.). Mentha rotundifoUa, L. Mentecattaggine (/.). Amentia, de- mentia. Mentecatto (/.). Mad, demented, in- sane. Mentene (/.). Menthene. Men'tha (i-)- Mint, a genus of plants, Nat. Od. Lfìhia'if. M. aquat'ica, L., water-mint. M. arven'sis, DC, corn-mint. M. canaden'sis, L., Canadian mint, wild mint; indigenous; medicinal properties like the other species of M., but less agreeable to the taste. M. cris'pa, L., crisped mint. M. horten'sis [P. Port.]. Mentha rotundi- I'llic, L., var. glabra, Brot., et M. viridis, L. M. piperi'ta, L., a perennial European herb, naturalized and cultivated in the U. S. : see Peppermint. M. Pule'gium, Euro- pean pennyroyal. M. viridis, L., spear- mint, cultivated and naturalized in the U. S. ; probably a cultivated variety of M. syh-e..) [,«r;.^<«?]. Chin. M. prominu'lum, prominence of the chin. Ményanthe {F.). Buckbean. Menyan'thes trifolia'ta, L. F. mény- anthe. Buckbean, bogbean. marsh trefoil, water shamrock, a perennial herb, Nat. Ord. Gfiitianest, native of Europe and North America ; the leaves are official in the 136 MEN — MER European pharmacopoeias, and are reputed to be tonic, antiscorbutic, emmenagogue, and vermifuge. Menyan'thin. CjsHhOis- F. mény- antliine. The bitter principle of Menyantlics trlftiliatu, L. Menyan'thol. A volatile, oily product of the tiction of hot dilute acid upon menyanthin ; odor resembles that of bitter almonds. Mephit'ic. L: mephiticus ; F. méphi- tique ; 6'. mephitisch ; /. mefitico. Per- taining to mephitism ; foul, unwholesome, from gas or vapor. Mephi'tis (-^>.). F. méphite ; J. mefite. An unwholesome, offensive, or irrespirable air. Meph'itism. L. mephitismus ; F. mephi- tisme ; /. mefitismo. The condition of air containing offensive or unwholesome gases or effluvia. Meramatiro'sis (L.) \_!i'f>n<;. lì/j.aupów']. Partial amaurosis. Meramaurot'ic, par- tiality amaurotic. Meranaesthe'sis (L.). Partial anaes- thesia. Meratro'phia (L.) [,"'/'"«']• 1- Partial atrophy. 2. F. mératrophie [/ìtj/joc]. Atrophy of the thigh. Mercorella (/.). Mermrialis annua, L. Mercur or Merkur (G.'). Mercury. Mercurammo'niuin chlo'ride. Am- moiiiated mercury. Mercure (/'.). Mercury. M.doux, mer- curous chloride. M. saccharin, œthiops saccharatus. M. soluble de Hahnemann, mcrcurous ammonium nitrate. Mercureux, euse {F.), Mercurous. Mercu'rial. L. mercurialis ; F. mercu- riel, elle ; G. merkurialisch ; / mercuriale. Containing, pertaining to, or resembling mercury. M. oint'ment. L. unguentum hydrarg3'ri ; F. pommade mercurielle à parties égales ; G. graue Quecksilbersalbe ; 7. unguento mercuriale doppio. 1. 3Iercury 450, comjiound tincture of benzoin 40, mer- curial ointment 100 ; triturate and add lard 225, suet 225 parts; again triturate until the mercury is extinguished [U. S. P.]. 2. Mercury 16, lard 1(>, suet 1 [B. P.J. 8. Mercury 10, lard I'J. suet 7 [P. (J.]. 4. Mercury 10, bcnzoinated lard 10 [Cod.]. M. pill [B. P.], mass of mercury. M. plas'ter. L. emplastrum hydrargyri ; F. emplâtre mercuriel ; G. Quecksilberpflaster ; I. empiastro mercuriale. 1. Resin 10, olive oil 10; melt together; when cold, triturate with mercury 150 parts, and add lead plaster, previously melted, 50 parts [U. S. P.]. 2. Lead plaster G6, olive oil 1.4, sulphur 0.2, mercury 33 parts [B. P.]. 3. Mercury 100, turpentine, with a little oil of turpentine added, 50, yellow wax 50, lead plaster 300 [P. G.]. For formula of Cod. see Fmplâtre de Vigo cum mircurio. M. suppos'itories. L. suppositoria hydrargyri. Oil (jI' theo- broma 120 parts; melt with gentle heat, and add ointment of mercury 00 parts [B. P.]. M. tre'mor, tremor due to mer- curialism. Mercuriale (F.'). Mercurinlin amuKi, L. Mercurialeczem ( G.). Eczema due to internal or external use of mercury. Mercuriali (/). Mercurials. Mercu'rialine. CHäN. A volatile alka- loid, isomeric with methj'lamine ; discovered by Keichart in Mirniriuiis annua. Mercuria'Hs an'nua, L. A Euro])eaii herb, Nat. Ord. Eupitnrliim-v.r ; official in the Cod. ; purgative and emmenagogue. Mercu'rialism. L. mercurialismus ; F. mercurialisme ; G. Merkurialismus ; I. mer- curialismo. The condition produced by prolonged use of mercurials. Mercu'rials. L. mercurialia ; F. mercu- riaux ; /. mercuriali. Medicaments con- taining mercury or its salts. Mercu'ric. /'. mercurique. The name given to that series of mercury compounds whose radical is the bivalent atom of mer- cury (Hg)" ; designating the higher salts of mercury. M. alan'inate, a crystalline salt, readily soluble in cold water, forming a clear, permanent solution ; prepared by dissolving oxide of mercury in a boiling aqueous solution of alanine ; recommended by R. de Lucca (1888) for hypodermic use in the treatment of syphilis. M. bro'mide. HgBrj. Obtained by digesting niereuro\is bromide in water containing bromine; an irritant poison. M, car'bolate, 7/. hy- drargyri carbolas ; F. phénato de mercure ; G. Quecksilbercarbolat ; /. fenato di mer- curio. A bright orange-colored powder, becoming brick-red after complete desicca- tion ; obtained by the action of potassium carbolate upon mercuric chloride ; recom- mended in the treatment of constitutional syphilis in doses of 0.04 gms. and upward. M, chlo'ride, llgCl^. L. hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum ; F. bichlorure de mercure ; G. ätzendes Quecksilberchlorid ; I. sublimato corrosivo. (Corrosive chloride MER MER 137 of mercury, corrosive sublimate, perchloride of mercury, bichloride of mercury ; heiivy, colorless, rlnmibie crystals or crystalline masses, permanent in the air, odorless, having an acrid and persistent metallic taste, an acid reaction ; soluble in 16 parts of water and in o parts of alcohol at 15° C. ; obtained by subliming a mixture of mercuric sulphate, sodium chloride, and manganese dioxide ; local stimulant, escha- rotic, antisyphilitic, alterative, antiseptic. A powerful irritant poi.son. The powder sublimes unchanged, and is decomposed with sublimation of mercury when heated with sodium carbonate. Potassium iodide precipitates tlie bright scarlet mercuric iodide. ^Metallic mercury is deposited upon clean copper immersed in acidulated solu- tion of the salt. A drop of the solution upon a gold surface, touched by a knife-blade, will deposit mercury, which amalgamates with the gold : see Table of antidotes. M. cy'- anide. Hg(CN)2. i/. hydrargyri cyanidum; F. cyanure mercurique ; G. Quecksilbercya- nid : /. cianuro di mercurio. Cyanide of mer- cury ; a colorless or white crystalline salt, odorless, having a bitter metallic taste, sol- uble in 12.8 parts of water and in 15 parts of alcohol at 15° C. ; obtained by dissolving mercuric oxide in hydroc3'anic acid ; a vio- lent poison ; occasionally used in syphilis. M. i'odide. Hgl,. L. hydrargyri iodidum rubrum ; F. iodure mercurique; G. Queck- silberjodid ; /. ioduro di mercurio rosso. Biniodide of mercury, red iodide of mer- cury ; a soarlet-red, crystalline powder, per- manent in the air. odorless and tasteless, nearly insoluble in water, soluble in 120 parts of alcohol at 15° C. ; prepared by double decomposition of mercuric chloride with potassium iodide [U. S. P.] ; a violent irritant poison : used in treatment of syphi- lis. M. meth'ide. HgCCH,),. A color- less, highly refractive, very poisonous liquid, of a persistent and disagreeable odor ; ob- tained by the action of zinc methyl in ex- cess upon mercuric chloride or by other chemical processes. M.ni'trate. Hg(N0;i)2. L. hydrargyri nitras ; F. azotate mercu- rique ; G. Mercurinitrat. A very deli- quescent, crystalline salt ; obtained by boil- ing mercury with nitric acid, evaporating, and crystallizing. M. o'leate. L. oleatum hydrargyri. Yellow mercuric oxide 10, oleic acid 90 parts ; mix with sentie heat [U. S. P.] ; triturate [B. P.]. M. ox'ide, red. IIg( ). L. hydrargyri oxidum rubrum ; F. oxycie mercurique rouge; G. rothes Quecksilberoxyd ; /. ossido di mercurio rosso. Red oxide of mercury, rod precipi- tate ; heavy, orange-red, crystalline scales or powder, permanent in the air, odorless, tasteless, insoluble in water or alcohol ; ob- tained by decomposing mercuric nitrate by heat ; stimulant, escharotic, for external use only. M. ox'ide, yellow. HgO. L. hy- drargyri oxidum flavoni ; F. oxyde mercu- ri(jue jaune ; G. gelbes Quecksilberoxyd. Yellow oxide of mercury ; a light orange- yellow, heavy, amorphous, impal]iable pow- der, odorless, tasteless, insoluble in water or alcohol ; obtained by ])recipitation from a solution of mercuric chloride by means of solutiim of potassa or soda ; a stimu- lating application u.sed in skin and eye diseases. M. sul'phate. HgSOj. L. hydrargyri sulphas; /v sulfate mercurique; G. Mercurisulfat ; /. solfato di mercurio. Persulphate of mercury, sulphate of mer- cury ; a white, crystalline, heavy powder, rendered yellow by affusion of water ; ob- tained by heating mercury 2(1 oz. with sul- phuric acid 12 il. oz. until a dry white salt remains [B. P.]; used in the preparation of other mercury salts. M. sulphate, ba'sic. Hg(HgO).,804. L. hydrargyri subsulphas flavus ; F. sulfate sous-mer- curique ; G. Mercurioxysulfat ; J. .solfato basico di mercurio. Yellow subsulphate of mercury, oxymerouric sulphate, subsul- phate of niercury, turpeth mineral ; a heavy, lemon-yellow powder, permanent in the air, odorless, with a slight metallic taste ; insol- uble in water or alcohol, becoming red on heating, and yellow again on cooling ; pro- duced by the action of boiling water upon the normal mercuric sulphate ; alterative, emetic, errhine ; an irritant poison. M. sul'phide. HgS. L. hydrargyri sul- phidum rubrum; F. sulfure mercurique; G. Quccksilbersulüd ; /. solfito di mer- curio. Bed sulphide of mercury, cinnabar ; brilliant, dark-red. crystalline masses, or a fine, bright scarlet powder, permanent in the air, odorless and tasteless, insoluble in water, alcohol, nitric or h\-drochlüric acid, or in dilute solutions of alkalies ; prepared by heating together mercury and sulphur and subliming the product. Mercurial, elle (F.). Mercurial. Mercurielle annuelle {F.). 3Icrcuna/is annua, L. Mercurinitrat (C). Mercuric ni- trate ; — lösung, solution of mercuric nitrate. Mercurio (/.). Mercury. M. bianco or dolce, mercurous chloride. 138 MER^MER Mercurioxysulfat(ü.) Mercuric sul- phate, basic. Mercurisulfat ( 6'.). Mercuric sulphate. Mercu'rius (L.). Mercury. M. alka- liza'tus, liytlrargyruin cuiu creta. M. borus'sicus, mercuric cyanide. M. cal- cina'tus, red mercuric oxide, in the form lit' crystalline scales ; obtained by prolonged heating of metallic mercury in a loosely- covered flask. M. corrosi'vus, mercuric chloride. M. corrosi'vus ru'ber, mer- curic oxide, red. M. cyana'tus, mercuric cyanide. M. dul'cis, mercurous chloride. M. eraet'icus fla'vus, liasic mercuric sul- phate. M. ioda'tus ru'ber, mercuric iodide. M. joda'tus fla'vus, mercurous iodide. M. precipita 'tus al'bus, am- nioniated mercury. M. praecipita'tus fla'vus, mercuric oxide, yellow. M. praecipita'tus per se, mercurius ealei- natus. M. solu'bilis Hahneman'ni, mercurous ammonium nitrate. M. sub- lima'tus or M. sublima'tus corrosi'vus, mercuric chloride. M. vitriola'tus, mer- curic sulphate. M. vi'vus, mercury. Mercuronitrat (G.). Mercurous ni- trate; — lösung, solution of mercurous nitrate. Mercu'rous. F. mercureux ; /. nier- curosi. Tlie name given to that series of mercury compounds whose radical is the bivalent group (Hg.j)"; designating the lower salts of mercury. M. ammo'niura ni'trate. L. hydrargyrum oxydulatum nitrieum ammoniatum ; F. nitrate mer- cureux ammoniacal. Halinemaiin's .soluble mercury ; a black powder of variable chem- ical composition, prepared liy partial pre- cipitation, with ammonia, of a solution of mercurous nitrate in water slightly acid- ulated with nitric acid. M. bro'mide. Hg.Br^. A salt of mercury formed by double decomposition of potassium bro- mide and mercurous nitrate ; has the same medicinal properties as mercurous iodide. M. chlo'ride. Hg.^Clj. L. hydrargyri chloridum mite; F. chlorure mercureux; T/. Quecksilberclilorur; /.calomelano. Mild chloride of mercury, calomel, subchloride of mercury, jirotochloride of mercury ; a white, impalpable powder, permanent in the air, odorless, tasteless, insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether ; prepared by sev- eral proces.ses as follows : 1. By subliming a mixture of mercury sulphate, mercury, and sodium chloride, and condensing the vapors in a large chamber. 2. By sublim- ing the mixture as above, and condensing by means of steam injected into the cham- ber. 3. By ]irecipitating a solution of mercurous nitrate with hydrochloric acid or sodium chloride ; alterative, purgative, anthelmintic. M. i'odide. Hg.J.,. L. hydrargyri iodidum viride ; F. iodure mer- cureux ; G. Quecksilberiodur ; /. ioduro di mercurio giallo. Green iodide of mer- cury, protiodide of mercury ; a dull green to greenish-yellow powder, becoming darker by exposure, odorless and tasteless, insol- uble in alcohol, almost insoluble in water; obtained by triturating iodine with mer- cury kept moist with alcohol [U. S. P.]; an alterative used in scrofula and syphilis. M. ni'trate. Hg,(N0,,).,.2H,0. L. nitras hydrargyrosus [Cod.] ; F. azotate mer- cureux. A colorless, crystalline salt, sol- uble in a small quantity of water, but de- composed by a larger quantity; prepared by dissolving mercury 100 j)arts in nitric acid 100 and water 50 part,s, and allowing the mercurous nitrate to crystallize out [Cod.]; used in the form of ointment for ringworm. M. ni'trate, ba'sic. Hg,,(N0,)2Hgü.H.,0. L. subiiitras hydrargyrosus; F. sous-acétate mercureux. A pale greenish-yellow pow- der, insoluble in water, soluble in nitric acid; prepared by triturating mercurous nitrate in boiling water. M. tan'nate. L. hydrargyri tannas ; F. tannate de mer- cure ; 6;. Quecksilbertannat ; /.tannato di mercurio. A dark-gray mass, of resinous appearance, with difficulty reduced to pow- der ; prepared by precipitating a solution of mercurous acetate with tannic acid ; em- ployed in the treatiuent of .syphilis. Mer'cury. L. hydrargyrum ; F. mer- cure, vif-argent ; G. Quecksilber ; /. mer- curio, argento vivo, idrargirio. A lus- trous, silver-white, volatile metal, odorless and tasteless, liquid at tenqieratures above — 40° C.jSpec. gray. Ki.5; found in nature principally as the sulphide or cinnabar. It unites with oxygen in two proportions, and forms two series of salts, the mercurous and mercuric. Metallic luercury is medici- nally inert ; its .soluble salts are all ]ìiiÌMin- ous : see Tuile of antiihitta. M., amnio '- niated : sec Ammonidletl mi-min/. M. bichlo'ride, mercuric chloride: see Tulile tif untidotfs. M. bini'odide, mercuric iodide. M. car'bolate, mercuric carbo- late. M. -with chalk. L. hydrargyrum cum creta. Prepared by triturating 38 parts of mercury with 12 parts of suiiar of milk and 50 parts of prepared chalk, moistening with equal parts of ether and alcohol during the trituration [U. 8. 1'.]. MER MER 139 M. cy'anide or M. cyan'uret, mercuric cyanide. M., green i'odide of, mer- curous iodide. M., mild chlo'ride of, iiiercurous cliloride. M. per'chloride, mercuric chloride. M. per'oxide, mercuric oxide. M. per'sulphate, mercuric sul- phate. M., precipitated ox'ide of, mer- curic oxide. M. protochlo'ride, mercur- ous chloride. M. proto-i'odide, uiercurous iodide. M., red i'odide of, mercuric iodide. M., red ox'ide of, mercuric oxide, red. M., red sul'phide of, mercuric sulphide. M., red sul'phuret of, mercuric sulphide. M. subchlo'ride, merourous chloride. M. subsul'phate, mercuric sulphate, ba.sic. M. sul'phate, mercuric sulphate. M., yel'lo'w i'odide of, mercurous iodide. M., yel'low ox'ide of, mercuric oxide. M., yel'lovT^ svd'phate of, mercuric sul- phate, basic. Mer 'cury -herb. Mercurialis aiaïua, L. Mer'cury, three-seeded. Acalypha vir- ginicn, L. Mer'cury-vine. Rhus Toxicodendron, L. Mer'cury-weed. Acalypha virginica, L. ; expectorant, diuretic. Mer'da r//., /.). i^. merde. Excrement. M. del diabolo (/.), asafetida. Meremphrac'tic. L. meremphracticus. Pertaining, or due to, or causing, merem- phraxis. Meremphrax'is {L.) \_,uipt)ç, È'/jwpa^'.ì]. Partial obstruction. Mères de girofle (F.). Mother-cloves. Mer'etrix (^L.), pi. Meret'rices. Pros- titute. Mericismo (/.). Merycismus. Mericologia (/.). Merycologia. Mer'icus (L.) [,af/)oç]. Partial, per- taining to a part. Merid'ian. F. méridien ; /. meridiano : see Meildiniif. M. horop'ter : see Horop- ter, meridian. M. planes. F. plans mé- ridiens ; G. Meridianebenen. 1. Planes passed through the line of sight and the meridians of the retina. 2. Planes passed through the axis of the eye and the merid- ians of the eye. M. planes of field of regard. F. plans méridiens du champ de regard. Planes passed through the lines of regard and the lueridians of the field of regard. The horizontal meridian plane of the field of regard is a plane passed through the base-line and the point of regard when the eyes are in their primary position. It is identical with the plane of regard in its primary position. M. planes of visual field. /^. plans méridiens du champ visuel; G. Meridianebenen des Sehfeldes. Planes passed through the visir-line which goes to the fixation-point (practically through the line of regard) and through the meridians of the visual field. Meridiane des Sehfeldes ( G.). Merid- ians of the visual field : see Meridians. Meridianebenen {G.). Meridian planes. Meridiankreise des Bhckfeldes (G.). Meridians of the field of regard : see Mi- ridi(Ui.<. Merid'ians. F. méridiens ; G. Merid- iane ; /. meridiani. Imaginary lines on the eyeball, retina, or visual field at the inter- section of planes passing through the axis of the eye or through the line of sight. The horizontal meridian is that described on the eyeball or on the retina by the plane of regard passing through centre of retina. The horizontal meridian of the visual field (G. Netzhauthorizont) is that coinciding with the horizontal meridian of the field of regard when the eyes are in their pri- mary position. The vertical meridian is the line of intersection on the eye or retina of a plane passing through the visual axis and perpendicular to the plane of regard. Apparent vertical meridians ( F. méridiens verticaux apparents; G. scheinbar verticale Meridiane) are those meridians of the field of vision which seem vertical, and coincide in the binocular field of view when the eyes have their primary position. They vary slightly from the true vertical meridian, separating above and approaching below. The term is also applied to the meridians of the retina which correspond to these. M. of the field of regard. F. méridiens du champ de regard ; G. Jleridiane or Me- ridiankreise des Blickfeldes. Lines cut in the field of regard bj- planes passed through the line of regard in its primary position. When the field of regard is conceived as infinitely removed from the eye, these me- ridians are true for the binocular as well as the monocular field. M. of the visual field. F. méridiens du champ visuel. Lines of intersection in the visual field of planes laid through the visir-line which goes to the point of regard, practically through the line of regard. Meridro'sis (L.) \_iiepi?, lSpd>i\. Local perspiration. Merise (F.). The fruit of Prunus avi- um, L. 140 MER MES Merisier (^'O. Prumis avium, L. M. de Virginie, Cerasus virginica, Michx. Merismat'ic [iLlpia!xa\. F. mérisma- tii|ue; (j. merisuiatisch ; /. nierismatico. Ot-currint; by tlivisioii. Merismope'dia (L.). F. mcrismopédie. Geiius of t otCKfta, according to Zopf, cha- racterized by division in two directions, forming plates; not distinguishable in most cases from sarcina or micrococcus. M. gonorrhœ'se, Micrococcus gonorrita^ee . M. Goodsir'ii [Husem] or M. ventric'uli [lîoliin], Sarcina uenlriculi. Meriwether Warm Springs. Min- eral s]>rings in .Meriwether Co., Georgia, having a temperature between 90° and 95° F., and containing magnesia, lime, and iron. Merk'el, horizon'tal plane of. Plane passing through auricular points and touch- ing inferior border of orbits. Merk'el's cor'puscles. Small bodies in the epidermis of man composed of a cap- sule enclosing two, three, or more large, granular, somewhat flattened, nucleated, and nucleolated cells, piled one on the Ktlier in a vertical row; each corpuscle re- ceives a medullated sensory nerve-fibre, which branches to terminate in the cells themselves or in the disc lying between the cells, or [Klein] in minute swellings in the interstitial substance between the cells. Also known as the corpuscles of Grandry. Merk'el's mus'cle. Cerato-crieoid. Merkel'sche Tastzellen (G.). Corpus- cles of (irandry. Merkur (G.). Mercury. Merkurialkrankheit (G.). Disease caused by mercury. Merkurialkur (G.). Mercurial treat- ment. Merlan (F.). I. merluzzo. Whiting, (jfiiìns /tn-r/ttngiis, Tj. Merobal'neum {L.) l^ßipo?, ßaXavetm'^. A partial or topical bath. Meroblas'tic [/3/^a.) [^ii-zaapawJ]. L. mesa- raicus; F. mésaraïque; /. mesaraico. Mes- enteric. Mesarteri'tis. F. mésarterite. Inflam- mation of middle coat of an artery. Mesaticephal'ic [,«£fakiii\. Tenu applied to skulls in which the uiikIc between lines drawn fiuiu huruiion to nusion and inion is from 142.5° to 156.5° [Lissauer]. Mesen'chyma (X.) [,a'">]. L. mes- entericus : F. mésentérique ; G. mesente- risch ; J. mesenterico. Relating to the mes- entery. M. ar'teries. L. arteri» mesen- tericae ; F. arti'res mésentériques ; (t. Darm- schlagadern ; /. arterie mesenteriche. Large branches of abdominal aorta passing be- tween layers of mesentery to the intestines. The superior mesenteric supplies the je- junum, the ileum, and half of the colon; the inferior mesenteric, the lower half of the large intestine. M. fe'ver, enteric fever. M. glands. L. glandul» mesen- tericae; G. GekrosdriUsen. Lymphatic glands between the layers of the mesen- tery. M. plex'uses. L- plexus mesen- terici. Offsets of solar plexus accom- panying mesenteric arteries. M. veins. L. ven» mesenteric;«; G. Gekriisblutadern. Correspond in general distribution to arte- ries of same name. The superior mesen- teric joins with the splenic to form the por- tal vein ; and the inferior mesenteric dis- charges either in the angle formed by these or in the adjacent part of either of them. Mesenter'ico-mesocol'ic fold. L. lig- amentum mesenterico-mesoeolicum. A Ijand of peritoneum passing from the mesentery to the sigmoid mesocolon ; it contains the superior hemorrhoidal artery [Gruber]. Mésentérie (F.). Tabes mesenterica. Mesenterio f^/ ) Mesentery. Mesenterio 'lum proces'sus vermi- for'mis (/v.). A little duplicature of peri- toneum, connecting the vermiform process with the mesentery. Mésentérique (F.). Mesenteric. Mesenteri'tis. F. mésentérite. Inflam- mation of the mesentery. Mesente'rium (/..). Mesentery. Mesera'ic. L. mesaraicus ; raïque ; G. mesenterisch ; /. Mesen'teron [MtV«v, eVtc/jov], I. The whole of the embryonic digestive tract lined by the entoderm, in distinction from the buccal and anal portions, which are lined by ectoderm. 2. Old term for mes- entery. Mesenterophthi'sis (L.). Tabes me- senterica. Mes'entery [,ucit"s-, è'-yze/jnv]. L. mes- enterium ; F. mesentère ; G. Gekröse ; J. mesenterio. The double fold of peritoneum connecting the small intestine with the body-wall ; the superior mesenteric vessels and their branches lie within its folds. F. mésa- mesaraico. Mesenteric. Meseth'moid [^;(^^''s^ ;ì<ì"s-]. Perpen- dicular plate of ethmoid bone. Mesi (/.). Popular term for menses. Me'sial [,'jL=(T(iv]. F. median ; G. medial : /. mediano. In, or directed toward, the mid- dle of the body. M. plane. F. plan me- dian ; G. Medianebene. An imaginary plane dividing the body into right and left sym- metrioal halves Mesitalkohol {G.). Acetone. Mesit'ylen. CaH,.;. A mobile, color- less, liquid hydrocarbon, having a slight alliaceous odor ; one of the constituents of coal-tar. Mesmer'ic. Pertaining, or due, to mes- merism. Mes'merism. F. mesmérisme ; /. mes- merismo. The form of hypnotization by strokings and passes introduced by Mes- mer. Mes'merized. Hypnotized. Me'so- [/«t'-Toy]. A prefix signifying medium or middle ; often used to designate structures (folds of peritoneum, etc. ) which unite others to contiguous walls. Mesoa'rium {L.'). I. mesoario. Meso- varium. Mes'oblast [(Ì/^tt'Ìc]. F. mé.soblaste. Mesoderm (used chiefly in England) ; pro]>- erlv applied to each of the large segmenta- tion spheres from which the mesoderni arises. Mésoblastique (F.). llelating to the mesoblast. Mesobrachycephal'ic. Mesocephalic. Mesobreg'mate [.î/)////'/]. Having a breirnia of medium width, as in European skulls [Prieliiinl]. 142 WIES MES Mesobreg'mus (/>•)• Term applied to skulls ill wliioh the line drawn f'runi hor- niion to bregma wakes with the radius fixas an angle of iVom 68° to 82° [Lis- sauer]. Mesobron'chium (Z^-)- Principal bron- chus of birds. Mesocae'cum (//). /■ mesoceco. The fold of peritoiieuni connecting the caecum with the body-wall ; not always present. Mesocar'dium (i.). G. Herzgekrose. Fold of serous membrane which in the em- bryo enfolds the heart, passing dorsally to the primitive intestine (51. posterius), veii- trally to the body-wall (M. anterius). Mésocéphale {F.). I. mesocefalo. 1. Mesocephahis. 2. Pons Varolii. Mesocephal'ic [i'.t.). Mediastinum. Mesodmi'tis [,'/îff'«î//rJ. Mediastinitis. Mesoepidid'ymis (X.) {ì-i, oiSußO's]. F. mésoépididynie ; /. mesoepididinio. The double fold of tunica vaginalis uniting the epididymis to the scrotum. Mesofrio (/.). Glabella. Mésogastre (/".). Mesogastrium. Mesogas'tric re'gion \ja(jTrjfi\. F. zone mésogastrique; &.5Iittelbauchgegend; /. zona niesogastrica. That portion of ab- domen limited by horizontal planes — above, touching the last ribs ; below, the iliac crests. Mesogas'trium (//.). /. mesogastro. The double fold of peritoneum which in foetal life connects the great curvature of the stomach with the body-wall ; in the adult it becomes a part of the great omentum. Me'sO-glos'sUS(//.) [^i->.m/Taa]. F. méso- glosse ; /. mesoglosso. Genio-glossus. Mesognath'ion \jvnûiif\. L. postinter- maxillare. The outer of the two premax- illary bones described by Albrecht. carry- ing the lateral incisor on either side : see Eìidoijmithiiiìi, Incisive Jisaiires. Mesognath'ism. G. Mosognathie. State of being mesogiiathous. Mesognath'ous. 1. Having a gnathic index from US to lUo [Flower]. 2. Ortho- gnathous [Frankfort agreement]. Mesogon'ion or Mesogon'ium (L.) [//î/Tii^ir/! ()■/]. Internode. Mesokonche (ö.). Mcsoserae. Mesolo'bar. F. mésolobaire. Relating to the corpus callosum. M. ar'tery, cere- bral artery, anterior. Mesolo'bus (L.) [/"/Sw^-]. /'. mésolobe. Corpus callosum. Mesol'ogy [/";-"i']- F. mésologie; /. mesologia. Doctrine of the influence of the environment upon life and health. Mesome'ria (L., I.) [f/r/pói']. F. méso- mérie. Parts of the body situate between the hips and thighs of cither side. Mesome'rion (//.). Perineum. Mesometri'tis. Inflammation of the substance of the uterus. WIES MES 143 Mesome'tron (/>.) \_;jrjzpa]. F. mè- somi'tre ; /. mesoiuetro. That part of the broad ligament which attaches the uterus. Mesom'phalum (//.) [òpipa^.óc]. F. niésoiiiiiliale ; /. uiesomfalo. Umbilicus. Mesoneph'ron {L.) [vô^/^ii-]. /. me- soiicfro. Name given to a fold of peri- toneum which in case of displacement of the kidney may attach it to the body-wall. Mesoneph'ros (L ). The Wolffian body. Mesopanenceph'alus (//.) [-"vs)-xi(fa- Àm^. Terra applied to .skulls in which the angle between lines drawn from honnion to nasioii and to basion is from l(io° to 185.5° [Lissauer]. Mesophlebi'tis [f^^'/'l- F. mÉ^sophlé- bite. Inflammation of the middle coat of veins. Mesoph'ryon {L.) \_ò■)■ /■ mesoretto. The triangular double fold of peritoneum con- necting upper part of rectum with the body-wall. Mésorganisé, ée {F.). Of organic ori- gin. Mesorop'ter [ii'tTupo^, Sizrdßai]. F. mésoroptre ; /. mesoroptro. Measure of field of accommodation ; distance within which a small object can be seen distinctly. Mes'orrtdne [/«'?]. F. mésorrhinien, ienne ; /. mesorrinico. Having a nasal in- dex from 48 to 52. 'J [Broca] ; from 47.1 to 51 [Frankfort agreement]; from 48 to 51 [Knllniaiin]. Mesorrhinie ((?.). State of being mes- orrhine. Mesoscap'ula (L.). Spine of the scapula [Parker], MeSOS'celocele ( L.^ [irxéhiç, r.rj/.rj']. Perineal hernia. Mesos'celon ( L.) [t/JIi'ì']. Perineum. Mesoscelophy'ma (i.) [ir/.é^.oç, cjD/ì«]. Perineal tumor or abscess. Mesos'celum (//.) [«rz^/î«?]. Perineum. Mes'oseme [r7/~/i«]. Having an orbital index between 84 and St) [Flower] ; be- tween 83 and 89 [Broca]. In the Frank- fort agreement an equivalent term (meso- konche) indicates an index between 80.1 and Sd, , Mesostaph'ylic l(Trahalan- giennes ; /. articolazioni metacarpo-falangee. Those between the metacarpal bones and the phalanges. Metacar'po-phalan'geal lig'aments, anterior. Digital fibro-cartilages. Metacarpo - phalangien du pouce {F.). Adductor pollicis [('haussier]. Metacarpo - phalangiens latéraux palmaires {F.). Palmar interossei [Chaus- sier]. Metacarpo - phalangiens latéraux sus-palmaires (/'.). Dorsal interossei of the hand [Chaussier]. Métacarpo-phalanginien, erme {F.). 1. Adductor pollicis. 2. Relating to that muscle. Metacar'pus (L.'). F. métacarpe ; G. Mittelhand ; /. metacarpo. That portion of the thoracic limb between the carpus and the phalanges. Metacheirex'is or Metachiris'mus {L.) [/£t/']- Surgery. Metachlo'ral. An insoluble modifica- tion of chloral ; formed when chloral is kept for a long time in a sealed tube with a little water or in contact with sul|)huric acid. Metacho'resis (L.) [,aer«. ■/(ui>i«i'\. F. métachorèse ; /. metacoresi. 1. Metastasis. 2. Displacement. Metachro'matism [//««/j«]. L. meta- chromatismus ; F. metacliromatisme ; G. Verfärbung ; /. metacromatismo. Modifi- cation or change of color, whether phj-siol- ogi('al or pathological. Metach'ysis (//.) \_/J"''-^'\- Transfusion. Metacine'sis {L.) [x!>/<«]. 1. Transpo- sition, metastasis. 2. Metakinesis. Metacis'mus (//•)• /• metacismo. Too fre((uent repetition of the sound of the letter in in speaking. Metaccele or Metacœ'lia. Fourth ven- tricle [Wilder]. MET MET 145 Metacon'dyle [>:ó><ì(v/«y]. F. méta- condyle ; /. metaeondilo. The last joiüt of a finger. Metacopai'vic acid. C^lìsfì,. An acid obtained by Strauss from copaiba. Metacoresi (/.). Metachoresis. Metacromatismo (/). Metachronia- tisni. Metacye'sis (L.) [z'/r^ö-ic]. F. méta- cyèse. Extra-uterine pregnancy. Metadermato'sis (L.) [òt'/)//«]. Mor- bid cutaneous development. Metadioxyben'zol. Resorcin. Metadiscoi'dal [òiirxoc, ù^hì']. Term applied to the placenta in jirimates (mon- keys, apes, and man), in distinction from the discoidal placenta of rodents. Metad'rasis (L.) [lipàatç']. Over-exer- tion. Metafa'cial [facies]. F. métafacial, ale ; /. metafaeciale. Behind the face. M. an'gle. F. angle métafacial ; /. an- golo metafaeciale. In craniometry, the angle made by the pterygoid processes with the base of the cranium. Metafisicomania (/.). Metaphysical mania. Metaflogosi (/.). Metaphlogosis. Metagen'esis (L.) [/-cKsa-tc-]. F. méta- genèse. Alternation of generation. MetagTim'mic acid. Metarabic acid. Metakine'sis [zivcw]. 1. F. métaki- nèse. Stage of formation of the equato- rial plate in karyokinesis. 2. Metacinesis. Metal'bumin, F. métalbumine. Form of albumin found in urine and in some ovarian cysts ; said by Hammarsten to be a mixture of paralbumin with other pro- teids. Metal'dehyde. A crystalline, polym- eric modification of aldehyd. formed when the latter is kept at or below 0° C. in the presence of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid or calcium or zinc chloride. Metalep'tic [^,'i.trd).r^£f/îoç]. The per- manent kidney. Met'anil yel'lo'w. Phenylamidobenzol- metasulphunate of soda. A yellow dye used in double or contrast staining of tis- sues. Metapec'tic acid. F. acide méta- pectique. An acid similar to, or identical with, cerasin ; prepared from the sugar- beet. Metapep'tone. F. métapeptone ; G. Metapepton. A product sometimes found in the digestion of proteids with gastric juice or its equivalent, intermediate be- tween parapeptone and dyspeptone. Not well understood [Meissner]. Metaphase {G.). Stage of the equa- torial crown ; the stage of indirect division of cells, when the nuclear spindle has an 146 MET MET equatorial accumulation of chromatine fragments [Flcnimin«:]. Metaphlogo'sis (/>.) [.). Choroid plexus, fourth ventricle [Wilder]. Metapodia'lia (L.) \_-óSto>']. Bones of the metacarpus or the metatarsus [Marsh], Metapo'dium (X.). Metatarsus. Metapoph'ysis {L.')[à.T:ó(fu(tii\. Mam- millary process of lumbar vertebra. Metapteryg'ium (L.) [-r.^o?]. Prox- imal element of limb of fishes, probably corresponding to the humerus. Metapto'sis (L.) [rrm-rif], F. mé- taptose ; /. metaptosi. Change of place ; transformation of one disease into another. Metar'abic ac'id. An acid identical with cerasin, the product of the prolonged action of heat on dry gum acacia. Metaschematis'mvis (//.) [a-/^rj!J.aTÌZ]. Change, transformation. Metas'tasis (i.) [/lera-Traffiç]. F. mé- tastase ; G. jMetastase ; /. metastasi. The shifting of a disease or of its manifesta- tions from one part to another or to vari- ous organs of the body. Metastat'ic. L. metastaticus ; F. raé- tastatique ; G. metastatisch ; I. metastatico. Pertaining or due to, or characterized by, metastasis. Metaster'num (Z/.). Ensiform process. Métastome ( F.). Behind the mouth. Metasyn'crisis ( L.) [auyxpivui]. F.mé- tasyncrise. Recomposition, regeneration. Metasyn 'critic. F. métasyncritique; I. metasincritico. Pertaining to metasyncri- sis ; reconstituent. Metatar'sal [to/jitóc]. L. metatarsalis ; F. métatarsien, enne ; I. metatarsico. Ke- lating to the metatarsus. M. ar'tery. L. arteria metatarsea ; F. artère dorsale du métatarse ; G. Mittelfussarterie ; I. arteria dorsale del metatarso. Branch of dorsal artery of foot, passing outward over bases of metatarsal bones and supplying the mus- cles and the interosseous arteries. M. ar- ticula'tions. F. articulations métatarsi- ennes; /. articolazioni metatarsiehe. Joints between lateral surfaces of bases of meta- tarsal bones. M, bones. //. metalarsalia; F. métatarsiens ; G. Mittelfussknochen ; I. ossa metatarsiehe. The five long prismoid bones which constitute the metatarsus; dis- tinguished by numbers from within out- ward. M. mus'cles. L. metatarsales. Interosseous muscles of foot. Métatarse (F.). Metatarsus. Metatar'seus {L.). Abductor minimi digiti pedis. Metatarsico (/.). Metatarsal. Metatarso (/.). Metatarsus. Metatar'so - phalan'geal articula'- tions. L. articulationes nietatarso-plialaii- geae ; F. articulations métatarso-phalangi- ennes ; G. Zehentarsalgelenk ; /. articola- zioni metatarso-falangee. Those between the metatarsal bones and the proximal row of phalanges of the toes ; imperfect ball- and-socket joints. Metatar'so-phalan'geal lig'aments, ante'rior. Digital fibro-cartilages. Metatarso - phalangien transversal du gros orteil {F.). Transverse head of adductor hallucis [Chaussier]. Metatarso - phalangiens latéraux plantaires {F.). Plantar intero.ssei [Chaus- sier]. Metatarso - phalangiens latéraux sus-plantaires {F.). Dorsal interossei of the foot [Chaussier]. Métatarso-sous-phalangien du gros orteu {F.). Adductor hallucis [("haus- sier]. Metatarso-subphalan'geus pol'licis (L.). F. métatarso-sous-phahuigicn du pouce. Oblique head of adductor hallucis. Metatar'sus. F. métatarse : G. Mittel- fuss; /. metatarso. That portion of the foot between the tarsus and the phalanges. Metate'la {L-). Tela ohoroidea inferior [Wil.ler]. Metathe'ria (A.). Marsupial mammals [Huxley]. Metath'esis (X.) [/x£r«(?j^(ç]. F. mé- tathrse; /. metatesi. Transportation; caus- ing change of ])lace ; derivation. MET MET 147 Meta tithme 'nia (X.) [/i;raTiö»;/ni, ftijv']. Vicarious menstruation. Metato'cia (X.) [rozoç]. Preternatural labor. Metatro'phia (L.) [r/9»y>;]. F. méta- trophie ; /. ruetatrofia. Atrophy from in- flammation ; abnormal nutrition. Metazo'a [rà"'>]- Collective term for all animals developed with germ-layers [Haeckel]. Metemerina (/.). Fever with daily parox\ sm.s ; quotidian fever. Metemoglobina (/.). Methaemoglobin. Metenceph'alon (L.) [^èj-xéçiaXoç]. F. mésencéphale ; G. Nachhirn. 1. Subdivi- sion of the brain originating from the pos- tero-inferior part of primitive posterior cerebral vesicle, and corresponding to me- dulla oblongata and membrana tectoria. 2. Epeneephalon. Météorisation (F.). Formation of gas in the body ; pneumatosis. Me'teorism [,aî7-/uj|0»ç]. L. meteoris- mus ; F. météorisme ; /. meteorismo. Tym- panites. Meteorizzazione (/.). Pneumatosis. Meteorol'ogy [/.ó^»?]. L.. J. meteoro- logia ; F. météorologie ; G. Lufterschei- nungslebre. The science which treats of the atmosphere and its phenomena. Me'ter-an'gle. F. mètre-angle ; G. Me- terwinkel. Abbv. M. A. The unit of con- vergence, being the angle formed by the visual axes when directed upon an object situated on the median line one metre from the line uniting the centres of rotation of the eyes [Nagel], Me'ter-lens. G. Meterlinse ; 7. metro- lente. The standard lens used by oculists, having a focal distance of one metre ; a dioptry. Metessifrenesia (/.). Delirium tremens. Metessomania (/.). Insanity due to alcoholism. Methaemochy'inia (L.) \_a'ißa, /J/ßo]. Transfu.^iuii of bluod. Methaemoglob'in. F. méthémoglobine ; I. metemoglobina. A substance interme- diate between haemoglobin and oxy-hsemo- globin, giving a peculiar spectrum. Methaemoglobinu'ria (/>.). Passage of mothîcmoglobin in urine. Methsemoglob'ulin. Methaemoglobin. Meth'ane. F. méthane. Marsh-gas. Méthémérine {F.). Quotidian fever. Meth'od [,a;öo(5()i-]. L. methodus ; F. méthode ; G. Methode ; /. metodo. A reg- ular mode or manner of doing a thing : see Psychophysical methods; also under names of authors. Méthode (F.). Method. M. antisep- tique, antiseptic method. M. ectrotique, use of means to abort the pustules of small- pox. M. hypodermique, hypodermic treatment. M. intensive, intensive meth- od. M. sous-cutanée, subcutaneous mode of ojieration, as in tenotomy. Meth'odists. An ancient sect of physi- cians who attributed all disease to undue constriction or relaxation, or to both con- jointly. Methogastro'sis (L.) [li'dr,, j-arrrrjp']. Gastric disorder due to alcohol. Methoma'nia (L.) [ßedrj, i/.wjìa]. F. méthomanie. Irresistible desire for alco- holic stimulants. Meth'onome. F. méthonome. An in- strument used in the treatment of stutter- ing. It is placed beneath the tongue to in- duce measured speech. Meth'yl [ß^'d", &'''■'?]• CH,. F. méthyle ; /.metile. A hydrocarbon, the hypothetical radical of methyl alcohol and its derivatives. M. al'cohol : see Methylic alcohol. M. chlo'ride. CH3CI. A colorless gas pre- pared by heating a mixture of methylic alcohol 1, sodium chloride 2, and sulphuric acid 3 parts. A jet from a cylinder con- taining the compressed gas is used for pro- ducing local anaesthesia by refrigeration. M. hyd'rate, methylic alcohol. M. i'odide. CIIjI. L. methyli iodidum ; F. iodure de méthyle ; G. Jodmethyl ; I. ioduro di metile. A colorless, very volatile liquid, spec. grav. 2.20 ; obtained by the action of phosphorus upon a solution of iodine in methylic alco- hol, or by other chemical processes ; a pow- erful but dangerous anassthetic. M. ox'ide, methylic ether. M. salic'ylate. CH:,- CiHjOj. Methylsalicylic acid, methylsali- cylic ether ; the principal constituent of oil of gaultheria, of which it forms about 90 per cent. M. theobro'mine, cafl'ein. Methyläther (G.). Methylic ether. Meth'ylal. CH-XCH^O).,. Methylene dimethylate ; a limpid, colorless liquid with an acetous odor and an aromatic burning taste, spec. grav. 0.855, soluble in water, alcohol, or ether ; obtained by distilling a mixture of methylic alcohol, sulphuric acid, and manganic oxide ; hypnotic ; used by subcutaneous injection as an antidote for strychnine-poisoning. 148 MET MET Methylalcohol {G.). Methylic alcohol. Methyl'amine. CH3H2N. A colorless, inflammable gas of a strongly ammoniacal odor ; regarded chemically as ammonia (NH3) in which one atom of hydrogen is replaced by methyl (CH3). Meth'ylated spir'it. A mixture of common (ethylic) alcohol with at least one- ninth its bulk of methylic alcohol, whereby it is rendered unfit for drinking, but its usefulness for most purposes in chemistry and the arts is not afl'ected. Methylben'zol. Toluene. Méthylchloroforme {F.). Methylic chlorof'urni. Methylchloriir ((?.). Methylalcohol. Methylco'nine. C„H„NCH3. An al- kaloid of conium, generally present in com- mercial conine. Methylenblau {O.). Methylene blue. Methylenchlorid ( G.). Methylene bi- chloride. Meth'ylene. CH^. /. metilene. A hy- pothetical radical, the first term of the series of hydrocarbons. CoH^n. M. bichlo'- ride. CHjClj. Dichlorniethane, chloro- methyl ; a colorless, very volatile liquid, with an odor like chloroform, formed by the action of chlorine gas upon methyl chloride ; has been used as a general anaes- thetic. M.blue. G.Methylenblau. Ani- line dye of intense blue color, soluble in water or spirit. A nuclear stain ; used principally for staining bacteria and as a contrast following some red dye. M. dimeth'ylate, methylal. M. hy'drate, methylic ether. Meth'yl-gTian'idine. C^tN,. A pois- onous ptomaine obtained from putrefying horse-flesh and from mixed cultures in beef-broth. Meth'yl - hydan'toin. O.K^N^O.,. A leucomaine found in fresh muscle. Methy'li iodi'dtun {L.). Methyl iodide. Methyl'ic. F. méthylique ; /. metilico. Pertaining to, or supposed to contain, methyl. M. al'cohol. Cllfì. L. alco- hol mcahylicum ; /'. alcool m^'thylique ; G. Methylalcohol ; /. alcool metilico. Pyro- ligneous spirit, wood-naphtha ; a colorless, limpid liquid of a peeiiliar penetrating odor and disagreeable burning taste, spec. grav. at 15.5° C., Ü.8021 ; one of many products of the destructive distillation of wood ; chemically, hydrate of methyl ; principally used in the arts. M. chlo'roform, chlo- roform in the preparation of which wood- spirit is used instead of ordinary ethylic alcohol. M. e'ther. (CH3).,0. L. aether methylicus; F. ether méthylique; G. Methyläther ; /. etere metilico. A color- less, inflammable gas, heavier than the air, having an ethereal odor and aromatic taste ; obtained by distilling a mixture of methylic alcohol and sulphuric acid ; atuusthctic. M. ethyl'ic e'ther, methyl-ethyl ether; a saturated solution of methylic ether in common ether (ethylic ether) at 0° C. ; anaesthetic. M. hy'dride, marsh gas. Methylki'none. CjUgO.;. A decom- position product of arbutin. Methylpelletier'ine. An alkaloid i'ound by Tanret in pomegranate-bark. Methylpropyloxyben'zol. Thymol. Methylsalicyl'ic ac'id. CH3,C,Il503. Methyl salicylate, mono - methylsalicylic ether ; the principal constituent of oil of gaultheria ; is prepared artificially for use in the arts. Methyl-ur 'amine. Methyl-guanidine. Methylviolet {G.). Aniline dye of in- tense reddish-blue color, partially soluble in water, freely so in alcohol. A nuclear stain, used principally for bacteria. Meth'ysis {L.).\ji'0u(tìì\. Drunkenness. Methys'tic. L. methysticus ; F. mé- thystique ; /. metistico. Intoxicating. Methys'ticin. /. metisticina. A color- less, tasteless, crystalline principle obtained by Cuzent (1860) from the root of Fiper metlii/stirum. Meticcio (/.). Métis. Metilene (/.). Methylene. Métis, issa (F.). The oifspring of a European and an Indian ; half-breed ; also applied to persons having one-sixteenth negro blood. Métissage (F.). Causing reproduction by coitus of animals of different species ; hybridization. Metisticina (/.). Methysticin. Metistico (F). Methystic. Metoa'rion (//.) [/ier«, œd/nuf']. Cor- pus luteum. Metodo (/.). Method. M. abortivo, abciriivc treatment. M. intensivo, inten- sive method. Metodonti'asis (L.) [/jctó, ó'imriamc]. 1. Secondary dentition. 2. Irregular den- tition. MET MET 149 Metomania (/.). Methomania. Metop'agUS(Z,.) Ißino-oy, Tzrjyvu.ut']. F. métopage ; /. metopago. A double monster united by the foreheads, the bodies distinct. Metopantral'gia (i.) [avrpuv, aXyoç]. Pain in the frontal sinus. Metopantri'tis [«/r/»)/]. Inflammation of the frontal sinus. Metopan'tron or Metopan'tnim (X.). Frontal sinus. Metopiallänge ( G.). Metopic antero- posterior diameter. Metop'ic [,a/T<üToy]. F. métopique. Pertaining to the forehead. M. antero- poste'rior diam'eter. F. diamètre anté- ro-postérieur métopique; G. Metopiallänge. From metopion to occipital point [Broca]. M. su'ture. F. suture métopique. Front- al suture. Meto'pion (L.) [.'lérw^o-^']. Point where intertuberal and median lines cross. Meto'pium (X.). Glabella. Metopodsm'ia (L.) [oVîv/t;]. Z meto- podinia. Frontal neuralgia. Meto'pon (i.) [ßlrw-u-y'j. Forehead. Metopos'copy [«rxo-iu«]. L., I. meto- poscopia ; F. métoposcopie ; G. Metopo- skopie. Physiognomical, investigation. Me 'tra (//.) Ißrjrpaj. Uterus. Metrae'mia (L.) laißo]. Congestion of the uterus. Metrsemorrha'gria (L.) [at,aa, prj-^ofit]. Uterine hemorrhage. Metral'gia ( L., I.) [àV.^oç]. F. métral- gie; G. Gebärmutterschmerz. Hysteralgia. Metrargic. G. Metralgisch. Pertain- ing to metralgia. Metranse'mia (Z.) [àv, al/j«]. Uterine anœmia. Metranas'trophe {L.) [àMaarpoipyf]. In- version of the womb. Metratome (F.). Instrument for am- putating the cervix uteri. Metrato'nia (i.) [àrovi'a]. Uterine atony, or want of contractility. Metratre'sia (i.) [à, zpr,a:i\. Atresia of the uterus. Metratro'phia (X.) [à, -rpixfr^. Atro- phy iif the uterus. Metraux'e (L.) [«'"?);]. Hypertrophy of the uterus. Mètre (Z'.). French measure = 39.371-1- inches. Me'tre-angle, Me'tre-lens: see Meter- angle, Mcti r-iiii.f. Metrecta'sia (L.) [.uîjrpa, è'xra.)■ Fallopian tube. Metroscir'rhus (//.) [tr/.in/'d-']. Scir- rhus of the uterus. Metroscolio'ma {L.) [ö-zii/iw/ia]. Ob- liquity of the uterus. Met'roscope [»rxoz-^iu]. F. metroscope ; /. nietroseopio. An instrument for listen- ing to the sounds of the fœtal heart in utero through the vagina. MetrossUo (/.). Metroxylon. Metrostax'is (L.) [ard^iç']. Non-men- strual, uterine haïmorrhage. Metrosteno 'sis (L.) [tt^'hu-tìc]. F. métrosténose ; G. Gebarmutterverengerung; /. metrostenosi. Contraction of the uterine cavity. Metrostere'sis (L.) [ffr^'/iija-jc]. Hys- terectomy. Metrosynize'sis (//. ) [«-ovt'TjcTt?]. Ute- rine adliesion. Met'rotome [-"/-"}]• F. metratome ; /. metratomo. Hysterotome. Metroto'mia (//.) [ßrjzpa, ro/irj]. F. métrotomie ; G. Gebärmutterschnitt. Hys- terotomy. Métroxyle {F.). Metroxylon. Metrox'ylon (i>.). A genus of jìalms, Palimt. M. lae've, Mart., Melnixi/lun Sagù, Roxb. M. Rum'phii, 3Iart., prickly sago- palm, native of East Indies, cultivated ; one of the principal sources of sago. M. Sa'go, Kœnig, Metroxì/hm Sagù, Rottb. M. Sa'- gTl, Roxb., spineless sago-palm, native of East Indies, cultivated ; one of the jirinci- pal sources of sago. Metrydrorrhœ'a (/>.) [/vi; -na. oSpi'iji- ßoui]. Discharge of watery fluid from the uterus. Metryperae'mia(L.) [ójr'.o, ai^ja]. Ute- rine congestion. Metryperœsthe'sis (i.) [pr.ip, aiaOrj- (7(ç]. Irritability of the uterus. MetrsTJercine'sis ( L.) [J>-ép, zt'i-jjfrtc]. Excessive force of labor-pains. Me'um Pœnic'ulum, Spreng. Fœnicu- lum vu/gare, Gaertn. MEU MIC 151 Meurtri, ie (F)- Bruised, contused. Meurtrissure (F.). Bruise, contusion. Me'viuTQ (L.). Syphilis [Dunglison]. Mex'ican. Pertaining to, or coming from, Mexico. M. el'emi, a resinous product supposed to bo derived from Ami/- rise/emt/cra, Royle. M. goose'foot, Che- 7iopndiiim amlirosioiilfs, L. M. sarsapa- ril'la, the root of Smilax medica, Schi, et Cham. M. snake'root, Asclepiodora <ìe- ciimLens, Gray ; plant used as a specific for snake-bite. M. tea. L. herba botryos mexicauce; F. ambroisie du Mexique; G. mexicanisches Traubenkraut ; J. chenopo- dio ambrosioide. The herb of Chenopndi- um ambroaioides. L. ; tnnie and stomachic. Mey'nert's claus'tral forma'tion. A layer of spindle-shaped branc-hod cells found in the cortical layer of the brain. Mey'nert's fascic'ulus. Fasciculus re- troflexus. Mey'nert's foun'tain decussa'tion. G. Meynert'sche fontainenartige Hauben- kreuzung. A decussation of fibres of the crusta under the posterior longitudinal fas- ciculus ; so called from its appearance. Mey'nert's gran'ular forma'tion. A narrow layer of numerous small-branched, irregular ganglionic cells found in the cor- tical layer of the brain. Meynert'sche fontainenartige Hau- benkreuzung (&.)■ .^leynert's fountain decussation. Meynert'sche Querebene ((?.). Sec- tions of the brain taken vertically to its axis. Meynert'sches Bündel (G.). Fascicu- lus retroflexus. Mez'cal (J/t'.r.). A spirituous liquor distilled from pulque, the fermented juice of several species of agave. Meze'reon. 2/. mezereum ; /T mézéréon, garou ; G. Seidelbastrinde; /.mezereo. The bark of Daphne Mezerenm, L., and other species of D. [U. S. P.] ; a local irritant and vesicant, used internally as an altera- tive. M. fruit. L. fructus mezerei ; F. graines de garou ; G. Kellerhalskörner. The berry-like fruit of Dapline Mezereuvi and other species of D. ; an acro-narcotic poison. M. oint'ment. L. unguentum mezerei ; F. pommade épispastique au garou. 1. Fluid extract of mezereon 25, lard 80, yellow wax 12 parts; mix, with gentle heat [U. S. P.]. 2. P^xtract of me- zereon 4, alcohol 9, lard 90, white wax 10 parts [Cod.]. Mezere'um (/.). Mezereon. Mez'quite gum. Mesquite gum. Mialgia {!.). Myalgia. Mi'asm \jiiaaiia]. L., I. miasma ; F. mi- asme ; G. Sumpfluft. A substance, either gaseous itself or only known as convej'ed by the air, capable of causing disease ; communly a paludal emanation. Miasmat'ic. L. miasmaticus ; F. mi- asniatiijue; G. miasmatisch; 1. miasmatico. Pertaining, or due, to miasm. M. fe'ver, malarial fever. Miasmatisch (G.). Miasmatic. Also a term applied to specific — or, as German writers call them, ''infectious" — diseases which are due to a specific cause coming from without, but not directly from a dis- eased organism. Mi'ca pa'nis (i/.). F. mie de pain ; /. mica di pane. Crumb of bread. Mica'tion. L. micatio. Rapid wink- ing. Miceliale(/.). Mycelial. MiceUo, my- celium. Michel's diplococ'cus. Micrococcus of contagious conjunctivitis. Michel's paste. A mixture of asbestos 1 part with concentrated sulphuric acid 3 parts. Micoglicosio (/.) : see MymgJycose. Micomiringite (/.) : see My corny rin gite. Micosa (/.). Mycose. Micosi (/.). Mycosis. M. fungoide, granuloma fungoides. Mie. pan., abbv. for Mica panis (i.), crumb of bread. Micran'trus (X.) [.aiz/iôç, «vr/«)/]. Term applied to skulls in which the vertical, let fall upon the radius fixus from the most prominent point of the torus frontalis, falls in front of that let fall from the nasion, by a distance of from to 4 mm. [Lissauer]. Micrenceph'alus (L.) [ÌYy.i"i]- Abnormally small size of the gyri of the brain. Mic'rohm. f^lectro-magnetic resistance of one-millionth of an ohm. Microkine'sis [^xhrjacç]. . The invol- untary movements of young infants while awake [Warner]. Microlente (/.). Congenital abnormal smallness of the crystalline lens. Microl'ogy [^ô^-oç]. Discourseon micros- copy. Microma'nia (/>.) [/javi'a]. F. délire des petitesses. Delusion of belittlement, as that the body or some part of it has be- come small. Microme'lia (/>.) [.'nx/n'/'c, /at'/«^]- F. micromélie ; 6'. Mikronielia. Congenital smallness and imperfect development of the extremities. Microme'lus (/>■)• A monster with small and imperfectly formed extremities. Microme're [^fiépoç]. Small segmenta- tion sphere. Microme'ria (L.). A genus of Lnhùtlx. M. Douglas'sii, Bcnth.. yerba buena, a trailing sweet-scented herb growing in Cali- fornia ; recommended as an aromatic stimu- lant and anthelmintic. Microm'eter [^/uxpi'iç, /urpeì:'']. F. micromètre ; G. Mikrometer ; J. micro- metro. A scale for minute measurciuents under the microscope. It may be inserted in a special form of eyepiece, " eyepiece micrometer," or be for use on the stage, " stage micrometer." MicromU'limetre ^ 0.000001 milli- metre. Symb. //.//. In histology used for micron, which is preferable. Micromma'tus (L.) [ô////.«]. Microph- thalmos. Mi'cron. Unit of measure = O.OOl mil- limetre ; symbol //.. Microör'gaiiism. L. microiirganismus ; F. mierorganisme ; G. Mikroorganismus. A very minute organism. Micropanenceph'alus ( L.) [-àv, èyxé- ^a/.d^-]. Term ap]ilied to skulls in which the angle between lines drawn from hor- mion to nasion and to basion is from 138° to 1(;:5° [Lissauer]. Mi'crophone \_7J]. G. Mikrophon; /. microfono. An instrument used to am- plify sounds. It can be applied to render audible the sounds of the pulse, etc. Micropho'nia (X.) [f """;]- Having a weak voice. Micro-pho'tograph. A very small photograph. Micro-photog'raphy. Making very small photographs, often used erroneously for ]ihotomicrography. Microphthal'mia (/> ) [^^'^«/.//(ij]. F. microphthalmie ; G. Mikrophthalmus ; 1. microftalmia. The condition of having an abnormally small eye. Microph thai 'mus {L.). A small eye; one who has small, imperfectly-developed eyes. MIC MID 155 Mi'crophytes [yurilv]. /. juicrofiti. Minute vegetable organisms. Microphy'tic. F. niicrophytique ; /. mierofitico. Relating to niicvophytes. Micro'pia {L., I.). Micropsia. Microp'orus (X.) [T:ópoi\. The minute opening in the head of certain spermatozoa opposite the insertion of the tail. MicroproSO'pUS (L.) [rr/jocrwr»/]. A monster with a small face imperfectly de- veloped. Microp'sia (L., I.) [,'icxpóc, wç'-]. F. mieropsie ; G. Kleinsehen. Vision in which objects appear abnormally diminished in size. Micro'pus (L.) [ttoó?]. One who has small feet. Mi'cropyle [n-'V.j;]. An opening through an egg-shell, serving as an entrance for the spermatozoon. Micror'chides (L.) [o,n/is']. F. micror- chidie; (i. .^likrorchia; /. microrchide. Con- genital smallness and imperfect develop- ment of testicles. Micror'chis {L.) läpyji\- One who has small testis. Mi'croscope [tzk^c'ìu]. G. Mikroskop ; /. microscopio. Optical instrument giving enlarged images of minute objects. Microscop'ic. F. microscopique ; G. mikroskopisch; /. microscopico. 1. Per- taining to microscopy. 2. Only visible when magnified. Microscop'ical anat'omy: see Anat- omy. Micros'copist. F. microscopiste ; /. microscopista. One skilled in the use of the microscope. Micros'copy [<7z(>-/w]. F. microscopie ; 6r. Mikroskopie ; /. microscopia. The use of the microscope, and the preparation of objects to be examined by it. Microscosmograph'ia (X.) [xotrßoc, Ypàifui^. Biology of man. Mi'croseme []. A spectroscope attached to a mi- croscope. Microsphyx'ia {L.) [., /.) [rrrw.aa]. F. micro- stomie. Abnormal smallness of the labial ori- fice, congenital or acquired. Microsto'mus {L.). One having an abnoriuall}' small mouth. Microte'sia (X.) \_iii/.fi('iTrfi']. Small- ness. Micro'tia {L.) [,««/)<;>>■, .). Mix. Mischfärbung (G.). Mixed staining, the production of a single tint in a tissue by the use of two staining fluids. Mischgeschwulst (C). A tumor con- taining several kinds of tissue. Mischinfection (G.). A mixed infec- tion, as by the simultaneous growth of two or more pathogenetic forms of bacteria. Mise au point (F.). Focussing. Miselsucht (G.). Jlorphœa. Vol. it.— Il Miselsüchtig ( tr.). Leprous. Misère physiologique (F.). Condition of great phj'sical depression, induced by defective hygienic surroundings and in- suifieient alimentation. Misere're me'i {L.). Colic due to in- testinal obstruction. Misog'yny [//(,-, rraitJri'«]. F. misopédie. Morbid dislike of children, leading to cruel treatment by parents of their offspring. Misopsy'chia (X.) [4''J'/yi\ Melan- cholia, weariness of life. Misplaced' menstrua'tion. Vicarious menstruation. Misplace 'ment. Congenital displace- ment. Missartung (C). Degeneracy. Missbegriff ((?.). Misconception. MissbUdung (C). Deformity, mal- formatidii. Missed la'bor. Retention of a dead foetus in utero for a lengthened period after expiration of the usual term of pregnancy. Missfärbung (C). Discoloration. MissfaU (6'.). Miscarriage. Missfarbig {G.'). Dyschromatic, dis- colored. Missförmig {G.). Deformed, mis- shapen. Missgebären (/.s7.-.< of musdv-ßhrr ; — schmerz, intermenstrual pain ; — stück, middle piece, a]iplied to the intermediate portion next the head of mammalian sper- matozoa [Schweiggcr-Seidcl] ; — stück des Zungenbeins, liody of hyoiil lume ; — Windung, seecjnd turn of cochlea ; — zahn, incisor tooth. MIT MOE 163 Mittelfell {O.). Mediastinal portion of the pleura ; — arterien, mcdiastitial arteries; — driisen, mediastinal friands; — räum, mediastinum; — Schlagadern, mediastinal arteries. Mittelfleisch ( G.). Perineum ; — bruch, perineal hernia ; — grübe, ischio- rectal fossa; — nerv, perineal nerve. Mittelfuss (G.). Metatarsus; — ar- terie, metatarsal artery; — beine or — knochen, metatarsal bones: — piilsader or — Schlagader, metatarsal artery. Mittheübar (.), left mento-posterior position of the foetus in labor. :i. !i. = ^licromillimetres. Mo'büe spasm. Term applied by Gow- ers to slow, irregular movements, especially of the hands, after hemiplegia. Mobü'ity. L. mobilitas ; F. mobilité ; G. Beweglichkeit ; /. mobilità. The qual- ity of being moved easily. Moc'casin-flo'w'er or Moc'casin- plant. The genus Cypripedium, Nat. Ord. Orcii idacese. Moc'casin-root. Cypripedium pubes- cens, Willd. Moccio (/.). Glanders. Moccioso, afiected with glanders. Mock'-orange. Philadelphus coronarius, L. ; leaves detergent. Mocsa (/.). Moxa. Mod. prsescript., abbv. for Modo prse- scripto (L.), in the manner directed. Mod'erator band. A considerable fib- rous or muscular band stretching across right ventricle of heart, from base of ante- rior papillary muscle to the septum ; well marked in some lower animals (horse, ox, birds), frequent in man. Mod'ifled lin'ear extrac'tion. F. ex- traction linéaire modifiée. Name given by v. Graefe to his method of extracting cata- racts, in which the incision was nearly linear, with its base in the sclera, combined with an iridectomy. Modi'olus (L.). F. raodiole de l'oreille ; I. modiolo. Central stem of bony cochlea, composed of cancellated tissue. Mo'dus operan'di (i.). Mode of doing. Möhre (G.). Carrot. Moelle (F.). Marrow. M. adipeuse, the marrow, principally of long bones. M. 164 MON MOL allongée, medulla oblongata. M. épinière, tapinai cord. M. des os, marrow ol' bones. M. des poils, tlio central tissue of the hair. M. vertébrale, spinal cord. Möndchen ((?.). Lunula of nail. Mofette {F.y I. mofeta. Any irre- spirable gas. Mog'ador gnim. A variety of gum acacia. Mogigraph'ia (L.) [/I'Yts-, y/m.). Effort, struggle, im- pulse. M. menstrua'le, menstrual tend- ency or impulse. Molken ( G.). Whey ; — eiweiss, hemi- albumose ; — kur, whey cure. Molles'cence. Softening. MoUet (/'.). Calf of the leg. Molletta (/.) Windgall. Mol'lin. A soajj made from kidney fat, suet, and cocoanut oil, with glycerin added; used as a vehicle for remedies to the skin. MoUi'ties (//.). Softening. M. os'si- um, osteo-malacia. Moll's glands. G. .^loll'sche Drüsen. Small tubular glands, resembling cerumi- nous glands of ear, found in edge of eye- lids. MOL MON 165 Mollus'cum (Z/.). G. Schwammge- sehwulst ; /. mollusco. A cutaneous dis- order consisting of tubercles or tumors of slow growth, without coiistitutiouiil sj-mp- toms. M. adeno'sum, M. contagiosum. M. albino 'sum, M. fibrosum. M. conta- gio'stim. /'. acné varioliforujc. Bj- some considered to be a disease of the sebaceous glands, by others as an affection of the rete mucosum.- The lesions are globular or wart- like papules and tubercles of semitranspar- ent whitish or pinkish color, varying in size from that of a pinhead to that of a pea. Its contagiousness is doubtful. M. epi- theliale, M. contagiosum. M. flbro'- sutn, a connective-tissue new growth of the skin, characterized by sessile or adhe- rent, rounded, painless soft or firm tumors, varying from the size of a split pea to that of an egg or larger. M. non-contagio'- sum or pen'dulum, >I. tibrosum. M. seba'ceum or ses'sile, M. contagiosum. M. sim'plex, 51. fibrosum. Molluscum fungoïde {F.) : see Pian. Molluscumkörperchen (G.). Pecu- liar, oval, highly refractive bodies found in the growths of moUuscum contagiosum. Mo'lops [.'/oJ/.(«ç'']. Vibice«. Moltang-olo (/.). Trapezoid bone of the wrist. Moltifldo (/.). Multifidus. Moltiloculare (/). Multilocular. Molybdopare'sis (L.) [,a»,io/95os-, TzaptT]- p:]. Lead palsy. Molybdo'sis (Z.). Lead-poisoning. Molyb'dus (L.) [wX^jßüoi']. Lead. Momie (F.). Mummy. Momification (F.). Mummification. Momor'dica (L.). A genus of Cuair. hiiiicex. M. balsam'ina, L., balsam apple ; an East Indian species ; the root and fruit are active purgatives ; an oily infusion of the seed was formerly used as a vulnerary. M. Elate'rium, L., EcbalHum Elaterium, A. Rich. Momor'dicin. F. momordicine. Elat- erin. Mon'ad [,'/">aç]. F., G., I. Monade. A particle, a minute animalcule. Monar'da (L.). A genus of Laliatm. M. did'yma, L., Oswego tea, a species found in the Alleghanies and northward. M. flstulo'sa, L., wild bergamot, grows in the middle and southern States ; diaphoretic and febrifuge. M. puncta'ta, L., horse- mint, a perennial, indigenous herb ; used as Stage of erjuatorial Monthly, an aromatic stimulant ; contains a pungent volatile oil. Monar'din. A crystalline stearopten, isomeric with thymol, obtained from oil of horsemint. Mon'as prodigio'sa (i.). Micrococcus proiliiyiasux. Monas'ter [.«ó^oc, àarrjfi], karyokinesis when there is an crown or plate. Monatlich, er, e, es (G.). menstrual ; M. Reinigung, menses Monatsfluss (G.). Menses. Monatskind ( G.). Embryo of a month. Monatsreiterei ((?.). Nymphomania, satyriasis. Monatszeit (G.). Menstrual period. Monco (/.). Deprived of a hand or part of the arm. Moncone (/.). Stump. Mondato (/.). Decorticated, cleansed. Mondbein rf?.). Semilunar bone. Mondblindheit (G.). Moon-blindness. Mondé, ée ( F.). Decorticated, cleansed. Mondförmiges Bein (G.). Semilunar bone. Mondiöcatif, ive (F.). Detersive. Mondkalb (ff.). Mole. Mondkom (G.). Moonseed. Mondkrankheit C^-)- Madness, in- sanity. Mondsucht (G.). Lunacy: somnam- bulism. Mondwind (G.). Mole. Mone'sia. L. cortex Buranhem ; F. monésia. The bark of Cftn/sophi/llum gly- ciphlœum, Casar. ; digestive tonic and as- tringent. Mon'esin. Saponin. Mon'ey-pro'bang. Coin-catcher. Mon'ey~wort. Li/simachia nummularia, Li. Monil'ia can'dida {L.). SaccJtaromyces candida. Monil'iform. L. moniliformis; F.. I. moniliforme ; G. ro.senkranzfiirmig. Like a string of beads, with alternate expansions and contractions. Mon'iplies (/y.). Omasum. Mon'key-bread. Cream-of-tartar fruit, Ethiopian sour-gourd ; the fruit of Adan- sonia dif/itdta, L. ; the juice is regarded as a specific in pestilential fevers. 166 MON MON Monks'hood. Aconite. Monni'na {L.). A genus of Folj/guleim. M. Ocam'pi, lier., a Mexican herb ; leaves used as a tonic [F. Mes.]. M. polystach'- ya, R. et Pav., a Peruvian slirub ; the root- bark contains saponin ; used in diarrhœa and as a detergent. Monobas'ic phosphor'ic ac'id : see GhiCKil jiliosphoni: acid. Monoblep'sis {L.) [/jów-ì-, ßXe-w^ F. monoblepsie ; 1. monoblepsia. A condition where there is perfect single but imperfect binocular vision. Monobra'chius {L.). One having but one arm. Monobro'mated cam'phor. CioH,5- BrO. L. camphora monobromata ; F. cam- phre monobromé ; G. Blonobromkampfer. A compound of camphor in which one atom of its hydrogen is replaced by bro- mine ; in white or colorless prisms, insolu- ble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, and fixed oils, having a mild camphoraceous odor and taste ; a nervous sedative. Monobro'mide of cam'phor. F. mo- nobromure de camphre ; /. monobromuro di canfora. Monobromated camphor. Monoceph'alus (L.) [xî^-a/ii;']. F. mo- nocéphalien. Synce])halus. Monochloracet'ic ac'id. Fine, color- less, needle-shaped crystals or rhombic plates, soluble in water, alcohol, or ether ; the product of the action of dry chlorine gas upon glacial acetic acid ; caustic. Monochlo'rinated hydrochlo'ric e'ther. Ethylidene chloride. Monochromat'ic aberra'tion. G. mo- nochromatische Abweichung. Aberration in refraction due to form, and not to chro- matic dispersion ; spherical aberration. Monocle {F.). Monoculus. Monococ'cus (L.) [xóxxo(f\. F. mono- coccos. Micrococci in which each coccus is single and distinct. Monocra'nus (X.) [xpanm']. Synceph- alus. Monoc'rotous [x/)«toç]. Term applied to the normal jiulse, as giving a single beat for each cardiac systole. Monoc'ular. F. monoculaire ; /. nio- nocolare. Pertaining to one eye. Monoc'ulus ( //.). F. monocle ; G. Monokel; /. monocolo. 1. Cyclops. 2. A single eyeglass. 3. A bandage for one eye. Monocys'tic [x'/TTtc]. Having but one cyst. Monodiplo'pia (//.) [^i^Aóh;,-]. Double vision with a single eye. Monogen'esis (L.) [j^wdoi^. F. mo- nogenèse; /. monogenesi. 1. Ordinary sex- ual generation. 2. Doctrine of the descent of man from a single pair. Monokel (G.). Monoculus. Monoloc'ular. L. monocularis. Hav- ing but one cell or cavity. Monoma'nia (X.) \_ii('ni)ç, ßwAa]. F., G. Monomanie. Insanity confined to a sin- gle idea or subject: see also Olii/oììiaiiia. Monoma'niac. F. monomaniaque ; G. Monomane ; /. monomaniaco. One afiected with monomania. Monomanie (F.). Jlonomania ; often synonymous with delire. M. anthropo- phagique, longing for human flesh as food. M. boulimique, bulimia. M. erotique, insane venereal desire. M. expansive or gaie, amenomania. M. incendiaire, py- romania. M. orgueilleuse, megalomania. M. du vol, kleptomania. Monomer'ic mus'cles [Krause]. Those lying between two consecutive metameres, like the intercostal muscles. Monom'phalus ( i. ) [o/iya/.rlj]. F. nm- nomphalien, ienno ; /. monomfalico. Double monster, each fœtus being nearly complete, but having a common umbilicus. Monooxybenzol ( G.). Carbolic acid. Monop'athy [-«ö);]. Uncomplicated disease of a single organ. Monope'gia (L.) [-r;;-i/ó(o]. F. niono- pégic. Sliarply localized pain in the head. Monophthalmisch {G.). Monocular. Monophthal'mus (i.) \_.). Measles. MorbUlifonne (/'). Resembling mea- sles. MorbDloso (7.). Relating to measles. Morbo (/.). Disease : see Malattia. M. ceruleo. 1. Cyanosis. 2. Lepra. M. coc- culato, whooping cough. M. coitale, mal de coït. M. cossario, coxalgia. M. fenico or M. ceruleo, lepra. M. del Flajani, exophthalmic goitre. M. gallico, syphilis. M. di Legal, Legal's disease. M. nero, mchena. M. pedicialare, phthei- riasis. M. petecchiale, typhus exanthe- maticus. M. regio, jaundice. M. sacro, epilepsy. Morbo'sus (L.). Tending to produce disease. Mor'bus ( L.). Disease. M. ampulla'- ceus, ponipholyx. M. atton'itus, cata- lepsy. M.Basedow'i, exophthalmic goitre. M. Bright'ii, Bright's disease. M. buUo'- sus, ponipholyx. M. cadu'cus, epilepsy. M. cseru'leus, cyanosis. M. canaden'sis, radesyge. M. cirrho'rum, plica. M. cox'ae or coxa'rius, hip-joint disease. M. ditmar'sicus, syphilis. M. el'ephas, elephantiasis. M. femina'rum, Scythian disease. M. gal'licus, syiihilis. M. Her- cu'leus, epilepsy. M. in'dicus, syphilis. M. infan'tüis, epilepsy. M. maculo'sus Werlhoffii, purpura h;vniorrhagica. M. mag'nus, ejiileiisy. M. marit'imus, sea- sickness. M. medico'rum, disease produced by excessive medication. M. Meniere, Meniere's disease. M. müia'rls, miliaria. M. ni'ger, melœna. M. pedicula'ris, phtheiriasis. M. pe'dis entophyt'icus, madura foot. M. phlyctenoï'des, pem- phigus. M. re'gius, jaundice. M. resic- cato'riusciiM.ructuo'sus, liypochdMclria. M.sa'cer, epilepsy. M. Scyth'icus, Scyth- ian disease. Morceau du diable or Morceau fran- gé (/•'.). Fimbriated extremity of Fallo- pian tube. Morcellement (F.). Act of breaking up or dividing into small pieces. Mor'dax (L.). Biting, pungent. Mor'dicant [mordicare]. F. inordicant, ante ; G. bcisscnd ; /. mordicante. Burn- ing, pungent. Mor. diet., abbv. for More dicto (//.), in the manner directed. Mordtrieb (G.). Homicidal mania. Morelle (F.). Solanum ni^/rum, h. M. furieuse, belladonna. Morel'sches Ohr ( '.' ; < 'ollcctive term MOR MOR 169 for various abtiormities or deformities of the ear observed in the insane. Morfea (/.). JMorphœa. Morfina (/.). Morphine. Morfologia (/.). Morphology. Morgag'ni, liquor of. Liquor Mor- gagni. Morgag'ni, si'nuses of. Sinuses of Valsalva. Morgag'nian cat'aract. (x. Mor- gaguischer Staar. A form of cataract in which there is a small, hard nucleus floating in a liquetied cortical portion. Morgagni's glands. Littré's glands. Morgagni's hydat'ids. F. hydatidea de Morgagni; G. Morgagni'sche Hydatiden; /. idatidi del Morgagni. Vestigial struc- tures found between head of epididymis and the testis, and upon fimbria of Fallo- pian tube. The pedunculated hydatid is a vesicular body connected by a pedicle with the epididymis, of a doubtful nature, but believed to be a vestige of the upper end of Müllers duct ; the non-peduncu- lated hydatid is usually solid, and con- nected with the tunica vaginalis testis. This also, with more probability, is be- lieved to be the upper end of Müllers duct, by some a homologue of the ovary. The hydatids of the fimbria of the Fallo- pian tube are vestiges of the upper end of .Midler's duct or of the Wolffian body. Morgagni's lacu'nae. L. sinus mu- cosi urethra?. Small pouches in mucous membrane of urethra into which Littré's glands open. Morgagni'sche Tasche {G.'). Ventri- cle of the larynx. Morgenham ((?•)• Urine pas.?ed on rising in the morning. Morgue {F.). A place where persons found dead are deposited and kept for rec- ognition. Mo'ri suc'cus {_L^. Mulberry juice. Mor'ibund. L. moribundus ; F. mori- bond ; G. sterbend ; /. moribonde. In the act of dying. Morici (/.). Haemorrhoids. Morin'ga oleifera, Lam. J/, pterygo- spnni'i, Ga?rtn. Morin'ga pterygosper'ma, G.-ertn. The horse-radish tree, native of India: see Be>i. Morioplastìe (F.). Autoplasty. Mor'ning glo'ry. Common name for plants of the genus Ipomsed. Mor'ning sick'ness. Nausea occurring in pregnant females, generally during the first four months of gestation. It has been known to occur in the husband. Moroc'co gum. Mogador gum. Moroidi(/.). ILemorrhoids. Morphäa or Morphea ((?.). Morphœa. Mor'phia. Morphine. Mor'phine. C„H,<,N03,H,0. L. mor- phina ; G. .Morphin ; 7. morfina. One of the alkaloids of opium ; a white crystalliz- able, levogyre. alkaline, bitter, narcotic sub- stance, reddened by nitric acid, and becom- ing blue by the action of ferric chloride ; slightly soluble in cold water or chloroform, soluble in 500 parts of boiling water or in 100 parts of alcohol, almost insoluble in ether. It is the chief narcotic principle of opium. Because of its difficult solu- bility in water its salts are generally pre- ferred for administration: see Taiile of iintì- dotes. M. ac'etate. C,;H,<,N(>,.HCJl3Ü,,- •3II.,0. L. morphin;« acetas ; F. acétate de morphine ; G. essigsaures .^Iorphin : I. ace- tato di morfina. A crystalline or amorphous, bitter, neutral salt, soluble in ti parts of wa- ter; identical in medicinal properties with the other .salts of morphine. M. habit, morphinomania. M. hydri'odate. <",;lli. morphinae sulphas; /".sul- fate de morphine ; G. schwefelsaures Mor- phin ; /. solfato di morfina. A crystalline, odorless, bitter, neutral salt, soluble in 24 parts of water, sparingly soluble in alcohol ; formed by the action of sulphuric acid on morphine ; a jiowerful narcotic. M. sup- 170 MOR — MOR pos'itories. L. suppositoria morphinas. Suppositories each containing 0.03 gm. (î gr.) of hydrochlorate of morphine [B. P.]. M. suppos'itories ■with soap. L. suppositoria morphinae cum sapone. Mor- pliia hydrochlorate 6 grs., glycerin of starch 30 grs., curd soap 100 grs., starch cj. s. ; make 12 suppositories [B. P.]. Morphine, ée {F.'). Containing mor- phine. Morphinisation {F.'). The ])riiJuctton of the physiological effects of morphine. Mor'phinism. L. morphinismus ; F. morphinisme ; 1. mortini.smo. The condi- tion produced by excessive use of mor- phine. Morphinoma'nia [.'/yv;'«]. F. morphéo- nianie, morphinomanie ; G. Morphiomanie ; /. morfinomania. Morbid uncontrollable desire for morphine, the morphine habit. Morphi'num ( L.y Morphine. M. acet'- icum [P. llelv.], morphine acetate. M. hydrochlor'icum [P. G.], morphine hy- druchlorate. M. sulfur'icum [P. G.], mor- phine sulphate. Morphioma'nia {L."). Morphinomania. Morphiomanie (C). Morphinomania. Mor'phium ( L.) [P. Eoss.]. Morphine. M. acet'ictun [P. Ross.], morphine ace- tate. M. hydrochlora'tum [P. Ross.], morjihino h_ydrochlurate. Morphium (C). Morphine; — esser, morphine-eater; — sucht, morphinomania. Morphoe'a (i^-)- F. morphée ; G. Mor- phea ; /. morfea. Scleroderma localized ; called, improperly, Addison's keloid. Morphog'raphy \_iJ.(>p.) [Ai'xu]. Destruction of organized form. Morpho'sis (L.) [/jupifùtu^. F. morpho.-ta/is, L. Mortiflciren ( G.). To mortify. Mort-né, née (7^.). Stillborn. Mor'ton, plane of. Plane passing thruugh mo.-it salient ]ioints of parietal and occi]iital protuberances. Mor'tuary. 7y. mortuarius ; /'.mortu- aire; /. mortuario. 1. A place for the re- ception of dead bodies before interment. 2. Pertaining to funerals or burial. Mor'ula. 7^. corps mfirilbriue ; G. ^Maulbeerkugel. Stage of development of ovum when segmentation has so far ad- vanced as to produce a spheroidal mass of small rounded cells, without segmentation- cavity. Mor'ulus (L.). Yaws. Mo'rum idae'um [P. Port.]. Rasp- berry. Mo'rus (L.). 1. Mulberry. 2. A genus of trees, Nat. Ord. irficaceae. M. ni'gra, L., the black mulberry, indigenous to the Levant, cultivated; fruit ptirplish- black : see Mn/hei-ri/ juice. M. ru'bra, L., an indigenous species, with dark-purple fruit of the same character as the preced- ing. MOR MOU 171 Mor'van's disease. /'. maladie de Morvan. Analgesia with paresis of the upper extremity, with trophic lesions, due to disease of the central nervous system. Morve (/'.). /.morva. Glanders ; nasal mucus (pop.). Morveux, euse (_F.). Afl'ected with, or relatiiiji to, glanders. Morvig-lione (/.). Measles. Mos'chatine. Ci,H..,jNO;. An aro- matic bitter principle found in Achillea ntuschata. Mosche volanti (/). JIusceb voli- tante.<. Mos'chus {L.). 1. Musk. 2. A genus of RiiiniitKiitin. M. facti'tius, artificial musk. M. moschif erus, L., the musk deer, a ruminating mammal, native of Cen- tral Asia : see Mask. Moschus {G.). Musk; — kömer, musk-.seed ; — tinkttir, tincture of musk ; — Wurzel, sumbul. Mosqui'to cul'tures. Cultures of blood obtained from stomach of mosquito just after it has been feeding on a sick person, especially one affected with yellow fever. Mostro (/.). Monster. Mostruosità (/.). Monstrosity. Moteur, trice {F.). Motor. M. ocu- laire commun, oculomotor nerve. M. oculaire externe, abducent nerve. Moth mul'lein. VcìLasc/im Blatlaria, L. ; leaves demulcent; seeds narcotic and purgative. Moth'er-cell. Parent cell. Moth'er-cloves. L. anthophylli ; F. mères de girofle ; G. Mutternelken. The fruit of the clove-tree, Eugenia caryophyl- laiit. Moth'er-of-pearl. L. mater perlarum ; F. nacre; G. Perlmutter; /. madreperla. The inner portion of the shell of Mdearjrina margariti/i ra, Lara. ; prepared for medici- nal use by porphyrization and elntriation [F. Ksp.] : antacid and absorbent. Mother-of-thyme. Tliymus Serpyllum. Moth'er's mark. Naevus pigmentosus: see also Muf' rwi/ imprissions. Moth'erwort. F. agripaume ; G. Herz- gespann. Lc.iiuurns Ciirdiucn, L. ; tonic, stimulant, diuretic, and cmmenagogue. Moth -free 'kle. Chloasma. Mo'tUe. ."^elf-moving or movable. Motüitätsneurosen ( G.). Neuroses affecting organ» of locomotion. Motiütätsstörung {G.). Disturbance of jiowcr of locomotion. Motü'ity. /''. motilitc ; G. Motilität ; /. motilità. 1. Power of motion. 2. Mo- bility. Mo'tor (A.). F. moteur, trice; /. motore. Causing motion. M. end-plate, granular disc or mass in which the axis cylinder of a motor nerve-fibre terminates on the mus- cular fibre. M. nerves. F. nerfs moteurs; G. Bewegungsnerven ; /. nervi motori. Those connected peripherally with a muscle. M. oc'uli commu'nis, oculomotor nerve. M. oc'uli exter'nus, abducent nerve. M. point, point at which a motor nerve enters a muscle, and over which an electrode is to be placed to effect contraction. M. root, a nerve-root that e.vcitcs motion only, conveying no sensation. Motorisch, er, e, es (G.). Motor. M. Vagusglossopharyngeuskem, nucleus ambiguus. Mo'torpathy. Kinesipathy. Motric'ity. F. motricité. The power to produce or convey a motor impulse. Mo'tus (L.). Motion. M. assimi- latio'nis, plastic force. Mou, molle (F.). Soft. Mou de veau (F.). Calf's lung. Mouche (F.). 1. Fly. 2. Cantharides. 3. Slight premonitory pains of labor. M-s. d'Espagne, cantharides. M. de Muan. L. emplastruni vesieans Jlediolanenso. A plaster composed of cantharides 50, yellow wax .50, burgundy pitch 50, Venice turpen- tine 10, oil of lavender 1, oil of thyme 1 ; the plaster to be dispensed in masses weigh- ing about 1 gram, enveloped in black taffeta 6 centimetres in diameter; when required for use the plaster is spread upon the taf- feta. Mouches volantes (F.). Muscse voû- tantes. Mouchetures (F.). Slight superficial scarifications; small spots. Moul'ded ni'trate of sü'ver. L. argenti nitras fusus ; F. nitrate d'argent fondu ; G. salpetersaures Silberoxyd ; /. nitrato d'argento fuso. Silver nitrate in the form of thin cylinders or jwinted cones, prepared by fusing the crystals and pouring into proper moulds. To render the cylinders less brittle 4 per cent, of hydrochloric acid is added to the melted salt [U. S. P.] ; used externally as a local stimulant or escharotic. 172 MOU MTT Moules des tubes urinifères {F.). Tube-casts. Moul'tan sore : see U/cers, ench-mic. Mount Clem'ens Spring. Saline purg- ative waters, Macomb Co., ^Michigan. Mount Ne'bo Springs. Chalybeate waters, ô-S miles from Dardanelle, Yell Co., Arkansas. Moun'tain ash. F. sorbier ; G. Vogel- beerbauiii ; /. sorbo. Sorbus acuparia, L., the European mountain ash, and S. ameri- caim, Marsh., the American mountain ash. The bark and unripe fruit are extremely astringent ; the ripe fruit is acidulous and astringent. Moun'tain balm. Eriodictyon califar- iiiciiiii, Benth. Moun'tain cigar'-bush. UeJi/osmum nutans. Moun'tain dam 'son. Simaruha medicl- iKilü, End!. Moun'tain fe'ver. Fever occurring in mountainous regions, usually enteric, but ioineiiines malarial. Moun'tain flax. Llmim catharticum, L. Moun'tain Glen Hot Springs. Sul- phuretted, thermal waters, ti(»°-100° F., Santa Barbara Co., California. Moiui'tain grape. Berheris aqin'ftdi- wm, Pursh. Motui'tain lau 'rei. Kalmia loti/olia, L. Moun'tain machineel. Rhus Metopi- um, L. Moun'tain mint. Fi/cnanthemiim inca- cimi. Michx. Moun'tain pine. /V»">/'((H(/7/'i.Iiaenke. Moun'tain siok'ness. F. mal de mon- tagne ; G. Bergkrankheit ; /. male di mon- tagna. A form of di-sease produced by great elevations, where the air is much rarefied, in persons unaccustomed to such a locality ; characterized by headache, ver- tigo, and dyspnœa. Moun'tain su'mach. Rkm copul/imi. h. Moun'tain tea. Gaultheria pcoc»//;- /«■'?(.s, L. Moun'tain tobac'co. Arnica montann, L. Moun'tain Val'ley Springs. Calcic waters, 12 miles N. W. of Hot Springs, Garland Co., Arkansas. Moun'ting. F. montage. Arranging an object for exhibition and preservation. Mouron (F.). Pimpernel. Mouse-ear. Antennuria iilitntiKjinifnlia. Mousse {F.). Mo.s.s. M. de Ceylan, Ceylon moss. M. de Corse, Corsican nu).ss. M. d'Islande, cetraria. M. per- lée, Irish moss. Mousse (/^.). Frothy mucus. M. écu- meuse, "foam at the mouth ' in epilepsy and hydrophobia. Moussena (i^. ). Musenna. Moutarde ( F.). Mustard. M. blanche, white mustard. M. des buissons, Fri/- siiiiiiiii (ißriiinl, , L. M. des moines, horse- radish-root. M. noire, black mustard, M. sauvage, Sin'i/ii" unrnxix. L. Mouth l^Goili. munths]. L. os ; F. bouche ; G. Mund ; /. bocca. 1. The ori- fice by which an animal receives food. 2. By analogy, the entrance to any cavity or hollow organ. M. cav'ity. L. cavum oris; F. cavité buccale; G. .Mundhohle; /. cavità boccale. In a restricted scuse, the space between the teeth and the fauces; often used, however, to include also the vestibule of the mouth. Mouth'root. Gopiis tri/olia. Mouvement {F.). Movement, motion. M. de manege, circus movement. M. moléculaire, Brownian movement. M. sarcodique, amteboid movement. Mov'able kid'ney. Floating kidney. Mov'able liv'er. A mobile condition of the liver due to abnormally long liga- ments. Move'ment cure. Treatment by move- ments, especially passive movements. Mox'a. G. Brenncylinder. Japanese term applied to a cylinder or cone of pith or fibres which is burned slowly on a part when' its efleet is desired. Moxibustion (F.). Cauterization by moxas. Moyen, enne (F.). Median, middle. M. fessier, gluteus médius. M. péro- nier, peroneus brevis. M. sus-maxillo- labial, levator laì)ii sujicrioris proprius [Chaussier]. Mozambique' or Zambe'zi o'pium. The product oi' the poppy cultivated in Mozambi(|ue. Mozambique' ul'cer: see Ulcers, cn- i7cm ir. Mt., abbv. for Membrana tympani Mtt., abbv. for Membranae t3rmpano- rum (i/.). MUC MUC 173 Muca'go (//.) Mucilage. M. cum gum'mi ara'bico [Cod,], mucilage of acucia, M. cum giim'mi tragacan'tha [Cod.]. mucilage of tiagacautli. M. e semin'ibus cydo'niae [Cod.], mucilage (if cjdonium. Mu'cedin. F. mucédine. A product obtained from the motber-litiuor after sep- aration of gluten-übrin from au alcoholic solution of gluten. Mu'cic ac'id. CßHioO». A white, crys- talline acid, isomeric with saccharic acid, produced by the action of nitric acid upon gum, m\ieilage, sugar of milk, etc. Mu'ciform. F., I., muciforme. Re- sembling mucus. Mu'cilage. CäH,oOo. L. mucilago ; G. Schleim ; /. mucilagine. A vegetable prin- ciple isomeric with cellulose, gum, and dextrin, found in parts of many plants, not- ably in the testa of quince- and flaxseeds. Its solution in water is more viscous than that of gum, which it otherwise resembles in properties. In pharmacy, the term is ap- plied to a medicament of more or less viscid consistency, the viscidity being due to gum or analogous principles held in sulution or suspension in water [Cod.]. M. of aca'- cia. L. mucilago acaci:B ; F. mucilage de gomme arabiijue; G. Gummischloim ; 1. mucilagine di gomma arabica. A simple .solution of gum acacia in water ; largely used as a vehicle for other medicines. M. of cydo'nium. L. mucilago cydonii ; F. mucilage de coing ; G. Quittensamen- schleim ; I. mucilagine di semi di cotogno. An infusion of nuince-seeds in water, in the proportion of 1 to 50 [U. S. P.] ; 1 to 10 [Cod.]. M. of elm. L. mucilago ulmi. Elm G, boiling water 100; macerate and strain [U. S. P.]. M. of salep'. L. muci- lago salep ; G. Salepsclileim. Salep in powder 1. cold water 10. ixiiling water 90 ; mix and shake until cold [!'. G.]. M. of sas'safras pith. L. mucilago sassafras medulhe. Sassafras pith 2, water 100 ; macerate and strain [U. S. P.] ; demulcent. M. of starch. L. mucilago amy li. Starch 120 grs., distilled water 10 fluidounces; triturate and boil for a few minutes [B. P.]. M. of trag'acanth. //. mucilago traga- oanthis ; /'. mucilage de gomme adragante ; /. mucilagine di gomma adragante. Traga- cantha G, glyceriniim 18, aqua q. s. to make 100 parts [U. S. 1'.] ; tragacantha 1. alco- hol 1.8, water To [B. P] ; tragacantha 1, aqua 9 [Cod.] ; used as a vehicle in the preparation of pills and troches. Mucilage {F.). Mucilage. M. de coing, mucilage of cydonium. M. de gomme adragante, mucilage of traga- canth. M. de gomme arabique, mu- cilage of acacia. M. de semences de lin, infusion of linseed. Mucilagine (/. ). Mucilage. M. di gomma adragante, mucilage of traga- canth. M. di gomma arabica, mucilage of acacia. M. di linseme, infusion of linseed. M. di semi di cotogno, muci- lage of cydonium. Mucilag'inous. F. mueilagineux, euse ; G. schleimig ; I. mucilaginoso. Slimy, like mucilage. M. glands, Haversian glands. Mucila'go (L. ). 3Iucilage. M. aca'- cise, mucilage of acacia. M. amy'li, niu- cilage of starch. Mu'cin. F. mucine; G. Schleim.stofl'; /. mucina. Substance present in mucus and in embryonic tissue, soluble in water, precipitated by alcohol, not coagulated liy heat ; does not contain sulphur. Mu'cinoid glob'ulin. Dr. Halliburton's name for a pniteid found in lymph-cells; it resembles mucin in many respects, but is precipitated by tannin and is not a glu- coside. Mucip'arous [mucus, parere]. F. mu- cipare ; G. schleimbildend ; /. muciparo. Mucus-producing. Muco (/.). Mucus. Mu'cocele [mucus, xijV.t;]. F. mucocele. Tumor containing mucus ; enlarged, dis- tended lachrymal sac. Mu'coid. F. mucoïde. Resembling mucus. M. degenera'tion, transforma- tion into a hyaline substance resembling mucus. Muco-pur'ulent. F. mucoso-purulent, ente. Containing mucus and pus. Mu'co-pus, Mucus containing numer- ous leucocytes. Mu'cor (/>.). A genus of physomycetous fungi. M. pusil'lus, Lindt., mycelium at first white, then gray, fertile filaments very short, sporangia black, spores small, color- less ; jiathogenetic in dogs. Muco'sa (/v.). F. muqueuse; G. Schleimhaut. Mucous membrane. Mu'cosin. Mucin. Mucos'ity. F. mucosité ; /. mucosità. Mucus, or that which resembles it. Mu'cous. L. mucosus ; F. rauqueux, euse; G. schleimig; /. mucoso. Pertain- ing to, containing, or producing mucus. 174. MUC MUL M. connec'tive tis'sue, a jelly-like tissue containing a ibw connective-tissue bundles, found in the umbilical cord of the young embrj'o and in lower animals. M. fe'ver. F. fièvre mu(|ueuse ; Ü. Katarrhaltìeber ; /. febbre mucosa. Catarrhal fever. M. lig'- ament. L. ligamentum mucosum. A tri- angular prolongation of the anterior por- tion of the synovial membrane of the knee, indicating an imperfect division of the joint- cavity. M. mem'brane. L., I. membrana mucosa ; /'. munueuse ; G. Schleimhaut. That lining most of the natural cavities and passages of the body communicating with the exterior. Composed of pavement or columnar epithelium, seated upon a base- ment membrane, and richly supplied with vessels, nerves, and various glands. De- generation of its cells produces mucus. M. patches, condylomata. Mu'cro-ba'seos cartilag'inis aryte- noi'deae (/>■)• Vocal process. Mucrocor'dis. Apex of heart. Mucroster'ni. Body of sternum. Mucu'na [L.). 1. A genus of Lei/iim- ixosse. 2. Cowhage. M. pru'riens, DC, a twining tropical plant, cultivated in both the East and West Indies ; the botanical soupce of cowhage. M. pru'rita, Hook., Mitciiiia pruiiens, DC. M. u'rens, DC, admitted by the P. Port, as a source of cowhage. Mu'cus [//■')?«]. G. Schleim ; /. muco. The secretion of mucous membranes. Mudar'-bark. The root-bark ol' Calo- tropix procerii, R. Br., and of C. ylijaiitea, R. Br. ; an alterative tonic, diaphoretic, and in large doses emetic [P. Ind.]. Mud'arin. F. mudarine ; /. mudariiia. Bitter principle extracted from mudar- bark. Mücken {G.). Gnats; — auge, myio- cephalon ; — fangen, carphology ; — kopf, staphyloma; — sehen or —tanz, musc.)• Love of women. Mu'lier (L.). Woman. Mull. A very thin and soft kind of mu.). F. multifidc; G. viel- spaltig; /. moltifido. Having many divis- ions ; multifid. M. spi'nae. G. vielthei- ligcr Riickgratsniuskel. A muscle belong- ing to the deeper portion of the transverso- spinalis system of the back, composed of a series of small slips which arise from the sacrum and transverse processes, and, pass- ing over from two to three vertebraj, are inserted upon spinous processes. Multifœta'tion. Pregnancy with more than twci fuetuses. Multi^av'ida, pi. ae (L.). A woman who has been pregnant more than once. Multiloc'ular. L. multilocularis ; F. multiloculairc : G. vielfücherig ; /. niulti- loculare. Divided into many loculi or cav- ities. Multinu'cleate. . F. multinucléé, ôèe. Having more than two nuclei. Multip'ara. F. multipare. A woman who has borne more than one child. Multip'arous. F. multipare ; G. viel- gebiihrond; /. multiparo. Producing many at one birth. Mul'tiple neuri'tis. Neuritis affecting several nerves in rapid succession or simul- taneously. Mul'tiple preg-'nancy. Pregnancy with more than one child in the uterus. Multip'olar cells. F. cellules multi- polaires. Nerve-cells having more than two processes. Mulungù. The inner bark of Erì/tìiriaa cuniUodew/ron, L., growing in Brazil ; used as a nervous sedative. Mu'mia ( L.). Mummy. Mumification {G.}. Mummification. Mummia ( /.). Mummy. Mummiflca'tion. F. momification ; G. Mumiticution. The desiccation of a tissue, the contents of a cyst, etc., so that it resem- bles a mummy in color and texture. Mum'my. L. mumia ; F. momie ; G. JIumie; /. mummia. A dead body pre- served by embalming or by drying. Mum.ps \_I)i(f. mommen]. L. parotitis ; F. oreillons ; G. Ziegenpeter ; /. orecchioni. A specific contagious inflammation of the pai'otid gland. MundC?.). ^louth ; — arzt, dentist ; — büdung, stomatoplasty ; — blutfluss, hiiemorrhage from the mouth; — bucht, storaadœum ; — dann, portion of embry- onic intestinal tract extending from mouth to duodenum; — deckel, mouth-cover or protector; — entzündunc, stomatitis; — faule, ulcerative stomatitis; — fliissig- keit, fluid of the mouth ; a mixture of se- cretions of its mucous membrane and of the salivary glands ; — geruch, odor of the mouth ; — geschTsriir, ulcer of the mouth ; — grübe, depression of ectoderm of em- bryo which develops into the buccal cav- ity ; — höhle, buccal cavity; — höhlen- puls, pulsations of the air in the mouth when the glottis is closed: — klemme, trismus; — krankheit, disease of the mouth ; — krebs, cancer of the mouth ; — rachenhöhle, pharyngo-buecal cavity; — schwamm or — sch-wämmchen, 176 MUN — MUS thrusb, aphth» ; — spalte, rima oris ; — Spatel, tongue-spatiila ; — sperre, tris- mus; — sperrer, moutli-jrajj: ; — Spiegel, oral speciihiin ; • — -winkel, aiijrle of tlie mouth ; — winkelheber, levator anguli oris. Mundiflcan'tia (L.) [mundus, faeio]. Substances which cleanse. Mtm'gel's Springs. Sulphuretted and chalybeate waters, Wasliinirlon Co.. Mr- ginia. Mu'nich plane. Auriculo-int'raorbital plane. Mu'nich-Frank'fortan'gle: see Facial aiii/ie. Munk's vis'ual centre. Outer convex part of occipital lobe (in dog's brain). Muqueuse (F.). Mucous membrane. Muqueux, euse (F.). Mucous. Mural, ale (F.). Mulberry-like. Mu'ral preg'nancy or gesta'tion. Tubo-uterine gestation. Mur'der [J. N. roordhur]. F. meurtre; G. Mord ; /. omicidio. Act of killing a human being with malice aforethought ; limited by statute as murder in first or second degree, according to degree of criminal intent of the murderer. Mûre (F.). 1. Mulberry. 2. Black- berry (popular). Murex'id [mure.K]. C,H,NA- F-, I- inurexide ; G. purpursaures Ammoniak. Acid purpurate of ammonia. Murex'id test. G. Murexidprobe. For uric acid or urates: Heat the deposit gently with nitric acid, evaporate to dry- ness, and add a drop of aqua ammonia ; a purplish-red color is produced, turning blue on addition of caustic potash. Mu'rias (A. ). Giuriate or chloride. M. animo'nise, ammonium chloride. M. fer'ri ad min'imum, ferrous chloride. M. stib'ii, antimony chloride. Mu'riate. Chloride. M. of ammo'- nia, anininnium chloride. Muriat'ic ac'id. Hydrochloric acid. Muriat'ic e'ther. Ethyl chloride. Mu'riform. /■'. mi"iriforuic ; /. raori- fornie. .Mulberry-like. Mur'mur. F. murmure; <7. Athmungs- geräusch ; / mormorio. A low, indistinct, more or less continuous sound. MuiT. ^Murrain. Mur'rain [-1. S. myrran]. A contagious and fatal disease of cattle ; applied to sev- eral e]iizootics. Mu'sa sapien'tum, L. Banana-plant, cultivated in all trü])ical regions; the fruit is nutritive ; the root is said to be alter- ative. Muse (/'.). Musk. Muscade {F.). Nutmeg. Muscadier (^F.). Myristka officinalix, L., M. frmjians, L., and other species of M. Mus'cadine. Southern grape. Tills ml- pina. L. Mus'cse Hispan'icee ( L.). Cantharides. Mus'cse volitan'tes (i/.). F. mouches volantes; G. Mückensehen; /. mosche vo- lanti. Small bodies which apjiear floating before the eyes, due to congenital opacities in the vitreous humor. They are to be dis- tinguished from pathological products. Mus'cardine. L.. I. muscardina. A disease of silk-worms caused by the Bolri/tis Bas.fiaiia. Mus'carine. CäH„Nl).i. Alkaloid dis- covered by Schmiedeberg and K(ip]ie in A.)■ Faulty pronuucia- of the letter m or tendency to pronounce »! for other letters. Mute. L. mutus ; /•'. muet, ette ; G. stumm ; /. muto. Speechless, dumb. Muthlosigkeit (G.). Discouragementi despondency ; athymia. Mutilamento (/.). Mutilation. Mutilant, ante (F.). Mutilating. Mutila'tion. L. mutilatio ; G. Verstüm- melung ; J. mutilazione. 1. Loss, by vio- lence, of the whole or a part of a member. 2. The act of mutilating. Mutiren {G.}. Change of voice in boys at puberty. Mutisme (F.). Dumbness. Mu'titas (/>■)• Dumbness. Mutter (G.). 1. Mother. 2. Uterus; — bander, ligaments of the uterus; — bälg, uterus; — besch'werde, uterine dis- order, hysterics ; — bett, childbed ; — blutfluss or — blutung, metrorrhagia ; — boden, stroma; — bruch. 1. Hys- terocele. 2. Kupture of womb; — cyst, a primary cyst from which others are de- veloped ; — druse, cotyledon; — ent- zündung, metritis ; — fleber, puerperal fever; — flecken, chloasuia uterinum ; — fluss, lochia ; • — gebilde, stroma, matrix ; — geschwiir, ulcer of uterus ; — ge- schwulst, primary tumor; — gewächs, mole ; — ge'webe, matrix ; — grimmen, uterine colic; — hals, cervix uteri; — halter, uterine pessary ; — harz, gal- banum ; — haus, lying-in hospital ; — husten, hysterical cough ; — kalb, mole ; — katarrh, leucorrhœa ; — kern, parent nucleus; — knäuel, the .«kein of the nu- cleus before division; — knorpel, carti- laginous matrix ; — knoten, a ]irimary nodule from which others arc derived ; — — korn, ergot ; — kombrand, gangrene from ergotism ; — komextrakt, extract of ergot; — komvergiftung, ergotism; — krampf, uterine spasm ; — krankheit, disease of the uterus ; — kränz, pessary ; — kraut, feverfew; — krebs, primary cancer; — kuchen, placenta; — kuchen- geräusch, )ilaeental souffle ; — kuchen- verhärtung, sclerosis of the placenta ; — kummel, cumin ; — lauge, brine or moth- MUT M YE 181 er-lye ; — leber, placenta ; — lippen, lips of cervix uteri; — maal, n;i;vus pig- mentosus ; — meissel, uterine pessary ; — mund, OS uteri ; — mundslippe, lip of OS uteri; — nelken, niotlier-cloves ; — pflaster, empUistrum fuscuiu eamplior- atum ; — plage, lu'steria ; — poljrp, ute- rine polypus ; — ring, pessary ; — röhre, Fallopian tube; — schmerz, hysteralsiia ; — schnitt, hysterotomy ; — schwinde!, uterino vertigo: — Senkung, prolapse of the uterus; — Spiegel, uterine speculum ; — spritze, uterine syringe; — stäupe, hysteria; — stein, uterine concretion; — stem, the primary aster in kar\-okinesis ; — Substanz, matrix : — sucht, hysteria ; — trompete. Fallopian tube ; — Vorfall, prolapse of the uterus; — Wassersucht, hydrometra: — weh, labor-pains ; — wind- sucht, physometra ; — wnth, nymphoma- nia; — zapfen, pessary; — zeichen, nîevus ; — zufall, hysterics. Mutterscheide r 6^.). Vagina. In com- position Mutterscheiden, as, — blutfltiss, vaginal hasmorrhage ; — bruch, prolapse of vagina; — polyp, polypus .>f vagina; — ring, ring pessary; — schleimfluss, leucorrhœa ; — vorfaU, vaginal prolapse. Mut'ton-su'et : see Suet. Myal'gia (Z.) [,«D?, aAyac]. F. myalgia ; /. mialgia. Pain in a muscle. Myasthe'nia (L.) [«»r^/^r;«]. G. Myas- thenic. Muscular weakness. Myasthen'ic. Pertaining, or due, to muscular weakness. Mycelium (L.) [.aOzr^j]. /". myctMium ; /. micelio. The filamentous threads or " spawn " of fungi. Mycetol'ogy. Mycology. Myceto'ma (L.) [.yjxijj]. F. mycétome. Fungus foot. An endemic disease of India affecting the foot, characterized by swelling, followed by fistulous ulceration destroying bone, etc.; supposed to be due to a fungus, the C hìoìn/yilip Oarteri. Myccder'ma (i.) [.v.vzo?, »î//)//«]. Pel- licle formed by mycelium or .schizomycetes, M. ace'ti, the ferment of vinegar. Mycodermi'tis. Inflammation of a mucous membrane. Mycopro'teïn [-oòìt'ic]. Necke's term for a peculiar albuminoid substance pro- duced by the bacteria of putrefaction, My'cose, C.JIjjOn -f 211,0. /, micosa. A peculiar saccharine principle found in ergot. Myco 'sis {L., F.) [//ûzijç]. G. Mykose ; /. micosi. A fungous growth ; a disease due to, or resembling, a funsrus. M, fun- goi'des. 1. Granuloma fungoides. 2. Yaws. 3. Molluscum. M. intestina'lis, morbid growth of fungi in the intestines. M. microsper'ma, tinea versicolor. Mycosis fi'amboisé (/■'.). Yaws. Mycot'ic. Pertaining, or due, to my- cosis. Mycter'ic ^'wxrrj/j'j. L. myctericus. Pertaining to the nasal fossa;. Mycteropho'nia (i.) [jf«"»;]. Nasal voice. Mycteroxero'sis (L.') [ßr,pOTrii^. Dry- ness of the pituitary membrane. Mydal'eine \^!wlia}.iiii\. A poisonous ptomaine obtained from putrefying liver, spleen, etc. ; it produces vaso-motor paral- ysis. Mydatox'ine. C'eHisNO,. A ptomaine obtained from slowly-decomposing flesh ; poisonous. My'dine. CsH„NO, Non-poisonous ptomaine obtained from putrefying human viscera. Mydri'asis (L.) \^;i.uòfiiaa'.i\. F. niydri- ase ; G. I'upillenerweiterung ; I. midriasi. An abnormally dilated state of the pupil. Mydriat'ic. L. mydriaticus; F. mydri- atii|ue ; G. pupillenerweiternd; /. midriatico. Pertaining to, or causing, mydriasis. Myecto'pia (Z.) \_!iJJ?, è'zrorriç]. Ab- normal situation of a muscle. Myelal'gia (i.) \_ixou.oq, akY<>i\. Pain in the spinal cord. Myelanalo'sis {L.) [iha/.uxT-.^']. Myela- trophia. Myelapoplex'ia {L.) [à-orr/.i;;/«]. In- traspinal luvmorrliage. Myelate'lia (i.) [«r^/ij'c], F. myéla- télie. Incomplete development of the spi- nal cord. Myelatroph'ia(L.) [fi-nnçiii]. Atrophy of till' s]iinal cord, tabes dorsalis. Myelaux'is (X.) [a^^^rj. Dilatation or hyprrtrciphy of the spinal cord. Myélaxe {F.'). Neural axis. Myelenceph'alon (L.') [auî/î.oç, iyy.iif^a- ^.»ç] /•'. niyrlineéphale ; /. mielencefalo. 1. Jlotencephalon. 2. Cerebro-spinal axis. Myeletero'sis {L.') \hTÌfìw(s{\. Organic disease of the spinal cord. My'elin \jMth'ii\. F. myéline ; I. niic- lina. 1. A highly refractive semisolid, fatty 182 MYE — MYL albuniiiKiid, wliic'h surrounds tlio axis cylin- der of tiic nerves. 2. Tliudiclium's name for a phospliorized fatty substance of vary- ing foruuila3 extracted from the brain. Myelin'ic. F. myélinique ; G. mye- linisch. Kclating to, or having a sheath of, myelin. Myélique (/'.). Kclating to marrow. Myélite (F.). Myelitis. M. cavitaire, syringoniyclitis, excavating myelitis. M. interstitielle, myelitis with special involve- ment (if the neuroglia. M. parenchyma- teuse, myelitis with special involvement of the nerve-cells. M. à rechutes, recurrent myelitis. Myeli'tis [//oî.'.'Jî-]. F. myélite ; /. mie- lite. Inflammation of the spinal cord. M. convulsi'va, electric chorea. My'elo-bra'chium. Inferior peduncle of cerebellum [Spitzka]. My'elocele [x);'/j;]. A variety of spina bifida in which the defective portion of the spine is occupied by a reddish tissue, in which is a median furrow leading to the central canal of the cord. The tissue on each side of the furrow is composed of nerve-eells mixed with nsevoid .structure. Myelo-cerebel'lar tract. Cerebellar lateral tract. Myeloch'ysis(i.) [/f''«''?]. Spina bifida. My'elocytes [z'jroj]. F. myelocytes ; G. Gehirnmarkslauben ; /. mielooiti. Nu- clei of cells of gray substance of the ner- vous system. Myelogren'ic. Marrow-producing. My'eloid [elfJo?]. F. myéloïde ; / mieloide. lîesembling marrow. Myelo'ma (X.) [/a')î/.oç]. F. myólome; G. Myelom, myeloid Geschwulst; /. mielo- ma. Medullary tumor. Myelomala'cia (Z.) [/ia/«/;'«]. F. myélomalaoie ; /. mielomalacia. Softening of the spinal cord. Myelomeningi'tis [//?7i'r;-ç]. F. myélo- méningitc ; 7. miclomeningite. Spinal men- ingitis. Myelomenin'gocele [,"'>trf. zi'''/]. Form of spina bifida in which the cord is blended with tiie sac. My'elon (X.). The medullary tube, the spinal cord. Myeloparal'ysis(/y.) [-a/)«/.-««]. Spinal paralysis. Myelopath'ia (i.) [-«o./ç]. Disease of the spinal cord. Myelophthi'sis (i.) \^ifOi.«;]. /'. mycloplaques, myéloplaxcs ; G. Kiesenzellen ; / niielo- jilas.si. Term proposed by Kobin for the giant-cells or osteoclasts of bone-marrow. Myelople'gia (//.) [-;,);V-t.) [,aùj, ^^//-^-ei«]. Mus- cular eiiergv. Myen'tasis (Z.) [èVraffi?]. Stretching or extension of a muscle. Myentère (_F.). Muscular coat of in- testines. Myenter'icus (i.) \_hTîjiir/\. F. myen- térique. Relating to the muscular coat of the intestines. Msri'asis {L.) [//ufa]. F. myiase. Dis- ease produced by the larvae of flies on the surface or in the cavities of the body. Myioceph'alum (Z.) [zj^'«/.);]. /■". myiocéphale ; /. miocefalo. Prolapse of iris through a small opening in the cornea. Myiodesop'sia (X.) [.auK/Jr^?, ô^'iç], F. myiodopsie. The seeing of m use» voli- tantes. Myiokeph'alon. Jlyioccphaluni. Myi'tis [,«"?]. Myositis. M. oc'uli, inflammation of the eye-muscles and their sheaths. Myko-. For words thvis commencing see corresponding words beginning Mi/co. Mykoflbrom ((Ï.). Tumui' due tu the MicrdC'icciif {laco/orinanx. Myla'bris (L.). A genus of beetles, Colenpterd. M. cicho'rü, Fabr.. Tclini fly: see Chimsi /Ji.'ifen'iif/ßir.t. JI any other .species of Mi/inhn's. common in India, are used for vesicating purposes. Mylaceph'alus (L.) [/"'v.);, «, z.-yaAy;]. /'. mylffci'phale ; /. milacefalo. Accphalus. Myléen, enne (F.). Molar. My'lo-. Used in composition to indi- cate the jaw, especially the lower jaw. My'lo-glos'sus (L.) [/^c'/'j, /-/<««•«•«]. /'. mylo-glosse ; /. milo-glosso. 1. 3Iylo- pharyngeus. 2. A muscular slip which ap- I MYL MYO 183 parently belongs to the stylo-glossus, arising iVoni the angle of the jaw and inserted into the side of the tongue [Wood]. My'lo-hy'oid. L. mylo-hj-oideus ; F. invlu-hyoulien ; 1. milo-joidoo. Kelating to the lower jaw and liyoid bone. M.-h. ar'- tery. L. arteria niylo-hyoidea. Branch iVoni inferior dental to niylo-hyoid uiu.scle. M.-h. groove. X. sulcus niylo-hyoideus. .V furrow (sometimes a short canal) on inner surface of inferior maxillarj' bone, running downward and forward from the inferior dental foramen. It lodges the mylo-hyoid vessels and nerves. M.-h. mus'cle. F. mylo-hyoidien ; G. Kiefer- zungenbeinmuskel ; /. milo-joideo. A flat muscle arising from the mylo-hyoid ridge of the lower jaw, and inserted into body of hyoid bone and median raphe. M.-h. nerve. L. nervus mylo-hyoidens ; /', nerf uiylo-hyoïdien ; G. Zungenbeinkiefernerv ; /. nervo milo-joideo. Branch of inferior dental nerve to mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of the digastric. M.-h. ridge. L. linea niylo-hyoidea ; F. ligne mylo-hyoïdienne ; /. linea milo-joidea. A well-marked line on inner surface of lower jaw. running from anterior border of as- cending ramus downward and forward just below the mental spines. It affords attach- ment to the mylo-hyoid muscle. Myloïde or Myloidien (/".). Mylo- hyoid ridge. My'lo-pharynge'us {L.) [ç, /m/zo-'Ï]. F. myo- cardite ; /. miocardite. Inflammation of the muscular tissue of the heart. Myocar 'divini (L.). F. myocarde; /. miocardio. 31uscular wall of the heart. My'ocele (/..) [«15/1]. F. myocele; /. miocele. Protrusion or displacement of a muscle. Myoceph'alon (L-). Myioccphaluni. My'ochrome [/^tù,««]. Jlyohœmatin. Myoclo'nia congenita (Z.) [x/.óy»s-]. Paramyoclonus multiplex. Myoclonus (L.). G. Jlyoelonie ; /. mioclono. 1. ^luscle-t witching. 2. Para- myoclonus multiplex. Myocoelii'tis [z«;/.!a]. F. myocœlite ; J. miocelite. Inflammation of the abdomi- nal muscles. Myocom'ma, pi. ata (X.). Myotome. Myoctone i^F.). Aamitum Li/cocli/num, L. Myode'mia (L.) ['Ìtj/ìÓv-J. F. myodémie ; J. miodemia. Fatty degeneration of mus- cle. Myodeop'sia or Myodesop'sia (L.). F. ujyodésopsie. Myiodesopsia. Myodias'tasis (Z.) [^iitàaraaiç]. Sep- aration or rupture of muscle. Myodyna'mia (L.) [o'nafuç]. F. myo- dynamie ; / miodinamia. Muscular force Myodynamom'eter [^on-^aiitç. ///r/)«/] F. myodynanionu'tre ; /. miodinamometro Dynamometer. Myodynia (X.) [o'î'';^;]. /^. myodynie /. miodiuia. Myalgia. Myoepithelium (L.). Myothelium. Myo-flbro'ma (L.). A tumor com- posed of unstriated muscular and fibrous tissue. Myogen'esis (L.) [;'=»«<«]. F. myo- genic ; /. miogenia. The production of muscular tissue. Myoglob'ulin. A proteid of muscle- plasma, resembling serum globulin, but co- agulated by heat at 63° C. Myogna'thus (L.) [/»iOo:']. F. myo- gnatlif. A variety of epignathus in which the supernumerary head is connected by muscle and skin only. My'ogram. The curve drawn by the myograjili. My'ograph [yp'iç^iy']. F. myographe; G. ^lyographion ; /. miografo. An instru- ment which records muscular movements. Myog'raphy [/7"/ç'ï;>]. F. myographie; /. miografia. A description of muscles. Myohae'matin [al.'/a]. The peculiar 184 MYO MYO jìignient of uiuselc, being one of the histo- ha'uiatins. and having a peculiar spectrum. My'oid [îÎ'Îkç]. /'. myoide ; /. mioide. Kesenililing muscle. Myoide'ma (L.) [»irJr,//«]. /"'. myo- œdiuio ; 1. mioedema. A local contraction of a muscle, caused by jiercussion, and pro- ducing a nodular swelling which soon sub- sides. Myolem'nia (L.) \_).ìii!jm.']. F. myo- kniiiie; 7. miolenima. Sarcolemraa. Myolemmat'ic. /•'. myolemmatique. Kelating to the uiyolcmiua. Myol'ogy [/jtDç, koyn'i]. L. myologia ; F. myologie ; G. Muskellehre ; 1. niiulogia. That part of anatomy relating to the mus- cular system and its annexes. Myo'ma {L.) \_:i~>i\. F. myome ; G. Myom ; /. mioma. A tuniur composed of muscular tissue. M. cavemo'sum, myoma teleangiectodes. M. Isevicellula're, leio- myoma. M. striocellula're, rhabdomyoma. M. teleangiecto'des, myoma with exces- sive vascular development. Myomala'cia (/>.). Softening of mus- cle, generally from fatty degeneration. Myome {F.). Myoma. Myomec'tomy \J.y-iiiJ.rf\. F. myo- mectoniie. Removal of a uterine myoma by abdominal section without opening the uterine cavity. Myomélanose {F.). Melanosis of mus- cles. My'omere. F. myomere. That part of a metaniere which relates to the muscles. A myotome. Myomot'omy [ti)/'vj]. G. Myomotomie. Removal of fibroid tumors of the uterus by abdominal section. My'on (//.) [,«ocûv]. Muscle. Myonarco'sis (/>.) [i-ri^ozr^]. Benumb- ing of the muscles. Myoneoplas'ma, pi. ata (/^.) [v/«?, ttA'/t/;//]. m y ulna. My'onine. Muscle-substance. Myoni'tis. Myitis. Myon'osus (A.) [vwffd^]. Myopathia. Myoœdème (F.). 1. Myoidcma. 2. Œdcina of muscles. MyopachjTl'sis (A.) \j:à/'j\,rt>.i\. Mus- cular iiypertro|diy or pseudo-hypertrophy. M. lipomato'sa, p.scudo-hypertrophy of muscle, with fatty degeneration. Myopal'mus (X.) [z-aA/zw^-]. Twitching of muscles. Myoparal'ysis {L.) [Tzannhnu^. F. myo])aralysie. .^luscular paralysis. Myopathi'a (i.) [-««»s]. F. myo- pathic. l>isease of the muscles. Myopath'ic. /'. niy(ipalhii|ue. Re- lating to myopathia. M. at'rophy, local- ized muscular atrophy. M. paral'ysis, paralysis due to aHectiims of the muscles. Myopathie atrophique progressive (F.). J'rogressive muscular atro|>liy. Myopathie progressive primitive (^F.). Charcot's term for all juogressive muscular atrophies, including pseudo-hy- pertrophic paralysis. Myope (/'.). Jlyopic. My'ophone [/iO'/y'viv']. Instrument to hear and measure the intensity of sound produced by muscular contractions. Myo'pia (i.) [.«'O;:/, ««v'']. F. myopie; G. Kurzsichtigkeit; 1. miopia. That re- fractive condition of the eye in which parallel rays are brought to a focus in front of the retina ; short-sightedness. Myop'ic. L. myopicus ; /'. myopi(|ue; G. myopisch ; 1. miope. Pertaining to, or affected with, myopia. Myo-presbyte {F.). Myopic in one eye, jireshyopic in the other. Myopsie {F.). Myiodesopsia. Myop'sin. According to Defresne (1878), one of the constituent ferments of pancreatin, capable of digesting albu- min ; trypsin. Myorrhexis (A.) [/Jtyj, ß,^ti\. Rup- ture of a luuseie. Myo-sarco'ma { L.) [t'/,"?]. A myoma containing sarcomatous elements. Myosclero'sic or Myosclerot'ic par- al'ysis. l'seudo-hypertro|diic paralysis. Myosclero'sis ( L- ) [rTy./.r,iiiii^. F. myo- sclérose. Induration of muscle. Myose {F.). Myosis. My'osin. F. myosine ; /. miosina. The albuminoid which se)iarates from muscle- plasma as a coagulum. It is changed into syntonin by heat and dilute hydrochloric acid. Myosin'ogen. A proteid of muscle- plasma, coagulated by heat at 56° C. ; weak acetic acid added to its saline solu- tions gives a characteristic stringy pre- cipitate. Myosino'ses. Cleavage products formed in the digestion of myosin with gastric juice or its eciuivalent, preeipitablc MYO MYR 185 by ammonium sulphate in substance : see PioO/m^osinuse. Myo'sis {L.) l/vjw']. F. myose ; G. Pupillenverengerunj: ; 1. miosi. Abnormal contraction of tlie pupil. Myosite (F.). Myitis. Myosit'ic [juy^^j. 1. Pertaining to myo- sitis. 2. Myotic. Myosi'tis. F. myitis ; /. iniite. Inflam- mation of muscle. M. ossificans, ossifi- cation of muscle : see Drill-hanc and Riders' hone. Myospas'mus (X.) [,-]. >Ius- cular spasm. Myostyp'ses [,«5?, ffrDc''.'?]. Diseases connected with muscular spasm of ex- creting ducts. Myotase crurale (F.). Dislocation of the external ischio-tibial muscle in horned cattle. Myotat'ic [razi/Mi]. Pertaining to a stretched muscle, applied to the so-called tendon reflexes [Gowers]. Myothe'lium (L.). The muscle-plate, epithelium of the myotome. Myother'mic \_itip!,r^'\. G. myother- misch. Relating to the production of heat bv muscle. Myot'ics [/i'Jïii']. Agents which con- tract the pupil. Myotil'ity. F. myotilité ; G. Myotili- tät ; /. miotilità. Muscular contractility. Myotique {F.). Relating to pupillary contraction. My'otome [r/avw]. 1. Instrument for myotomy. 2. One of a series of dark paired masses which arise from the dorsal part of the eoelom. constituting a row on each side of the notochord in the very young embryo. The myotomes give rise to the muscular segments of the body ; they have been named also protovertebrie. mesoblastic somites, protosomites, myomeres, etc. Myot'omy \jiJJi, To.aij]. F. myotomie ; G. Muskelzerlegung; I. miotomia. The opération uf cutting a muscle. Myoto'nia congen'ita (Z.). Thorn- sen s disease. Myot'onus (i.) [rihni\. G. Myotonic. Tonic muscular spasm. Myotyr'be (L.) \_iv>i, t'V,?';] /• mio- tirbe. Dyskinesia, chorea. Msnr'cia a'cris, DC. Wild clove, wild cinnamon, buyberry, a tree indigenous to the West Indies and Venezuela, the leaves of which yield by distillation oil of myrcia or oil of bay. Myri'ca ( L). A genus of Myrkacex. M. asplenifo'lia, Blum., Comptunia aspln- nifolln. Ait. M. cerifera, L., bayberry, wax-myrtle, candleberry, an indigenous aro- matic shrub; the bark is acrid, stimulat- ing, astringent, and en-hine ; the berries yield myrtle wax or bayberry tallow. M. Compton'ia, DC, Comptonin axpleni/olia, Ait. M. Ga'le, L., sweet gale, Dutch myrtle; grows in Europe and North Amer- ica ; the fruit is used instead of pepper. Myr'icin, /'. myricine ; /. miricina. 1. Myricil-palmitate, one of the constituents of beeswax. 2. Name inappropriately given to an alcoholic extract of bayberry-bark. MyrLngite (F.). Myringitis. M. épi- phsrtaire, niyringomycosis. Myring-i'tis. F. myringite ; G. Trom- melfellentziindung; /. miringite. Inflam- mation of the membrana tympani. -• Myringodec'tomy [s/rfViij]. F. my- ringodectomie ; /. miringodettomia. Incis- ion of the membrana tympani. M5n:ingomyco'sis (L.) [/i'^/i;j]. In- flammation of the membrana tympani and neighboring parts, caused by AspergillKs or other fungcius growth. Myrin'goplasty l-).à(TT;iy']. Plastic ope- ration on the membrana tympani. My'rinx. Membrana tympani. Myris'ma (L.) [fiupi^oi^. Inunction. Myris'tic ac'id. ChH.,„0,. F. acide myristiniriue. A product of the saponifi- cation of myristin. Mjrris'tica iL.). 1. Nutmeg. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Myristicex. M. aromat'ica, Lam., M. fraip-ans. Haut. M. Becuhy'ba, Schott., a Brazilian tree, the source of Becuiba tallow. M. fra'- grans, Haut., the nutmeg-tree, native of the Molucca Islands ; cultivated in the tropics. M. moscha'ta, Tluinb., M. fra- grant, Haut. M. officina'lis, L., 31. /ra- grans. Haut. M. sebifera, Sw., a large tree growing in Guiana and Brazil ; the seeds vield ocuba wax. Myris'ticae a'deps (2/.). Expressed oil of nutmeg. Myristica'tion. Term applied to the production of the so-called " nutmeg " liver. Myris'ticene. F. myristicine ; G. Mus- katnussfett ; /. niiristicina. The stearopten of volatile oil of camphor. 186 MYR MYR Mj^is'tin. CjjH^Oc. F. m}-ri>tiiie. A white, pulverulent, inodorous constituent of expressed oil of nutmeg ; a jrlucoside of mj'ristic acid. Mynneci'asis or Myrmecias'mus (L.) \_;v'i/jfirj~^. Formication. Myrmeco'sis (L.). Epidemic ergotism; forniicaticMj. Mjrrob'alan [m'j,'«"'i /SaAoKoc]. L. niy- robalanus; 6^. Balsamnuss ; /. mirobalano. The fruit of several species of TrriiiiiinUa, from the East Indies ; contains much tan- nin, and is reputed laxative as well as as- tringent ; largely used in the arts. Myrobal'ani beller'icse (i.). F. my- robalans bellirics. The fruit of Terminalia beliti if (I. Roxb. Myrobal'ani cheb'ulee (L.). F. my- robalans chébules. The fruit of Terminalia citehiilii, Retz. Myrobal'ani em'blicae (L.). F. my- robaians emblics. The fruit oi Phyihiidlius Emblica, L. ; when fresh, they are consid- ered to be refrigerant, diuretic, and laxa- tive ; when dry, they are astringent. MyTobal'ani in'dicse (i>.). F. myro- balaijs indiens. Jlyrobalani nigrœ. Myrobal'ani ni'grae {LI). The unripe fruit of Teniiiitalia chebula and of T. hil- lerica. Myr'onate. /. mironato. A salt of myronic acid. M. of potas'sium, sini- grin. Myron'ic acid. F. acide myrcmique ; 7. acido mironico. A peculiar acid existing in black mustard in combination with po- tassium. Myr'osin [/.«V"'-']- i^. myrosine ; /. mi- rosina. An albuminoid ferment jiresent in mustard-seed. By its action upon the sinal- bin and sinapin of white and black mustard are produced the compounds upon which the acrid properties of those seeds dejiend. Myrosper'mum (L.). A genus of P(ipilioiiact!f:. M. Perei'rœ, Royle. ^fl/- roxylon Perelrx, Klotzsch. M. toluif- enim, A. Rich. Myroxylon lohiißra, Kunth. Myroxocar'pin. Co.HjjOj. F. myrox- ocarpine. A neutral crystallizable resin obtained from white Peru balsam. Myrox'ylon (i.) \_/itjpoy, Sò/.m']. F. myroxyle. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Lefjuminosx. Papilionaceit. M. Perei 'rae, Klotzsch., a handsome tree growing in San Salvador, the source of balsam of Peru. M. peruiferum, L. f.. a South American tree formerly supposed to be the source of balsam of Peru. It is said to yield, by in- cision, the balsamum I'cruvianum siccum of the P. Port. M. toluifera, Kunth, a tall evergreen tree, native of Venezuela and Xew Granada, from which balsam of tolu is (ilitaiiied. Myrrh [,"',",""]. L- myrrha ; F.. G. 3Iyrrhe ; J. mirra. A gum-resinous exu- dation from the stem of Bahamoileiuhon Myrrha, Nees ; astringent and expecto- rant ; used from the earliest times as a con- stituent of incense, perfumes, and oint- ments. Myrrhentinktur {(i.). Tincture of myrrh. Myr'sine (i-)- A genus of Myrcinex. M. afiica'na, Sehimp., an African shrub; the fruit has been used as a tîenifuge. Myrte {F., G.). Myrtle. Myrtenheide {O.). Sweet gale. Myrthenblattsonde (G.). Probe with leaf-shaped expansion at one end. M3rr'tifomi. F. myrtiforme ; I. mirti- forme. Having the shape of a myrtle-leaf. M. fos'sa, incisive fossa. Myrtifor'mis (7/.). F. myrtiforme. De- pressor ala; nasi. Myrtille {F.). Vaccinium myrtitlii.i, L. Myr'tle [myrtus]. F., G. Myrte; /. mirto. Myrtus contili hiìÌ!:, L. ; the leaves and fruit are astringent and aromatic. Myrtle-flag, Acunis Calamus, L. Myrtle wax, F. cire de myrica ; G. grimes Wachs; /. cera di mirica. Bay- berry tallow ; a vegetable wax incrusting the fruit of Myricti ceri/era, L., from which it is separated by boiling in water ; slightly astringent ; principally used in the arts. ; Myr'tol, A volatile oil distilled from Myrtus cummunis, L. ; antiseptic, stimulant ; 1 recommended in catarrhal affections. M37T'tus (L.). A genus of Myrlacur. M. a'cris, Swartz, Myrcia acris, DC. M. Caryophyl'lus, Spreng., Eugenia caryo- pltyllititi, Tliunb. M. Checkan', Spreng., cheken. chekan. ehcquen, a Chilian shrub ; the aromatic slightly astringent leaves have been recommended as a remedy for mucous catarrhs. M, commu'nis, L., myrtle; a fragrant shrub or small tree, native of western Asia, naturalized in Europe, cul- tivated ; the leaves and fruit were formerly in high repute as remedies for various dis- eases, M, Pimen'ta, L., Eugenia Pimenta, DC, MYS NAB 187 Mysopho'biai />.) [,a'«i»i-, ^o^oç]. Mor- bid fear of jiersonal impurity or uucloan- ness. Mystach'ial [.y^-KTrac]. Pertaining to the upper lip. Mys'tax {L.). Mustache. Mytilotox'ine [.uunV-of, Tucwoy]. CgHisNO. Poisonous leucomaine found in poisonous mussels ; resembles curare in physiological action. Myxagène (-f-)- Mucus-producing. Myxio'sis (//.) \jw^a\. Mucous dis- charge. Myxoadeno'ma i L.) \_ii'i^a, àlìr,/\. Adenoma with myxoma. My^ochondro'ma {L.) [;^.;wî/)»i-]. Chondroma with myxoma. Myxœde'ma (i>.) [/j'';?«, ot^ij/ia]. F. myxœdème ; G. Myxödem ; /. mixodema. A disease chiefly affecting adult women, more rarely men or children, characterized by infiltration of the skin and other organs with a gelatinous, mucus-yielding oedema and by dulness of the senses, impairment of intellect, slow, monotonous, nasal speech, and by producing a cretinoid a.spect. It is pr(ibal)ly connected with atrophy or disease of the thyroid gland. Myxœdème opératoire (/■'.). Form of myxœdenia occurring after excision of the thyroid gland. Myxoflbro'ma (i/-). Fibroma with myxoma. Myx'oid \_!'''i^a, £((î.;ç]. F. myxoide. Ke.-icnibling mucus. Myxo'ma (/>.) [//';!«]. F. myxome; G. Jlyxom ; /. missoma. A tumor com- posed of mucous tissue. Myxora'atous. F. myxomateux, euse. llelating to, or resembling, myxoma. Myxoneuro'ma ( A.) [>ì5/)"v]. Neu- roma with myxoma. Myxopoèse {F.). Secretion of mucus. Myxosarco'ma (/>.) \jTâpf\. F. myxo- sarcome. Sarcoma with myxoma. Myze'sis (//.) [,uóC'«]. Sucking. N. N. 1. Sign of index of refraction. 2. Symbol of nitrogen. Na. Symbol of natrium = sodium. Nab'alus al'bus, Hook. Frenanthes alba, L. Nabel (G.). Navel, umbilicus; — bläschen or — blase, umbilical vesicle; — blasengang, vitelline duct; — blut- ader, umbilical vein; — blutbruch, um- bilical hernia, the sac of which contains blood; — blutfluss, omphalorrhagia; — blutung, umbilical hemorrhage ; — bruch, umbilical hernia; — bruchband, truss for umbilical hernia ; — darmbruch, enter- omphalocele ; — darmflstel, omphalo-en- teric fistule; — fleischgewachs, sarcom- phalos ; — förmig, umbilicated, omphalic ; — gefasse, umbilical vessels ; — gegend, umbilical region; — geschwulst, umbil- ical tumor; — grubs, umbilical fossa; — • kraut, navelwort ; — loch or — öfEhung, umbilical aperture ; — ring, umbilical ring; — Schlagader, umbilical artery; — schnitt, omphalotomy; — sch'wamm, fungus of the umbilicus ; — spalt, ab- dominal fissure ; — Steinbruch, porom- phaloccle ; — sträng, umbilical cord ; — Stranggeräusch, murm\ir produced in the uniliilical cord; — vene, umbilical vein ; — wasserbruch, hydromphalus. Nabelschnur ( G.). Umbilical cord : — bruch, umbilical hernia; — geräusch, umbilical souffle; — repositeur, instru- 188 NAB N/EV ment for replacing a prolapsed umbilical cord; — rest, stump of umbilical cord in newborn infant ; — umschlingnng, liga- tion of umbilical cord ; — Vorfall, pro- lapse of umbilical cord. Naboth'ian glands. L. Nabothi gland- uUb or ovula ; G. Nabothseier. Ovula Na- bothi. Nachbehandlung {G.). After-treat- ment. Nachbilder (G.). After-images. Nachblutung {G.). Secondary haem- orrhage. Nachempfängniss (G.). Superfœta- tion. Nachempflndungen {G.). After-sen- sations, indicating that sen.sation usually lasts longer than the stimulus producing it. Nachfleber (G.). Secondary fever. Nachgeburt (G.). After-birth. In composition Nachgeburts, as, — blut- ung, post-partum hemorrhage; — ent- femung, removal of after-birth; — pé- riode, the fortnight after labor; — Vor- fall, prolapse of placenta ; — zange, pla- centa-foroops ; — zeit, post-partum period. Nachhirn ( G.). Metencephalon. Nachimpfiing (G.). Revaccination. Nachkrankheit (C). Consecutive dis- ease. Nachlassen (G.). To abate, to inter- mit. Nachstaar ((?.). Secondary cataract. Nacht ( G.). Night ; — blatter, pom- pholyx epinyctis; — bhndheit, night- blintincss; — druck, nightmare, incubus ; ■ — ganger, night-walker, somnambulist; — ham, urine secreted during the night; — kerze, evening primrose ; — mähre, nightmare ; — nebel, night-blindness, hom- eralojiia ; — schweiss, night-sweat ; — sichtigkeit, day-blindness, nyctalopia ; — stuhl, close-stool; — "w^andeln, somnam- bulism ; — -wandler, somnambulist. Nachtripper {G.). Gleet. Nachwehen (G.). After-pains. Nacken (G.). Nape of the neck; — band, ligamentiim nuchfe; — beuge, cer- vical bend ; — blutader, cervical vein ; — fistel, cervical fistula; — ^ geflecht, cervical ple.vus ; — gegend, cervical re- gion ; — grübe, nuchal fossa ; — höcker, cervical eminence; — krümmung, cervi- cal bend; — linie, curved lines of occip- ital bone ; — mark, medulla oblongata ; — Schlagader, oberflächliche, super- ficial cervical artery ; — stamm, arteria cervicalis princeps ; — starre, cerebro- spinal meningitis ; — Steifigkeit, stiff neck, torticollis ; — ■wirbel, cervical ver- tebr;c. Nacre (.f.). IMother-of-pearl. Na'creous. /'. nacré, ée ; G. perlen- artig; /. madreperlaceo. Like mother-of- pearl in color, pearly. Nadel (G'.). Needle; — halter, neodic- holder ; — punktirung, or — stechen, or — stich, acupuncture; — trephine, a strong lanciform needle with an eye near the point, used to perforate diseased or de- formed bone and draw a seton through the orifice made. Nae'gele obliq'uity. Lateral flexion of child's head toward its posterior shoul- der during labor. Nägelein (G.). Cloves. Nae'gele's pel'vis. An obliquely-dis- torted pelvis. Nähepunkt (G.). Near-point. Nähren (G.). To nourish. In compo- sition Nähr, as, —gang, alimentary canal; — gelatine, gelatine mixture prepared for cultures; — geschäft, nutrition ;' — kraft, nutritive power; — saft, chyle; — stoflf, nutritive matter. Nährig ( G.). Nutritive. Närbchen (G.). A little scar, the cica- tricula. Näseln (G.). To snuffle, to speak through the nose ; rhinophonia. Nässende Feig'warze (G.). Condylo- ma latum. Nässender Grind (G.). Impetigo. Nae'vus (X.), pi. Neevi. G. Maal or jNLahl. 1. INIother's mark, birth-mark, mole. A congenital circumscribed discoloration of the skin, due to increase of pigment or to vascular enlargement ; the coriuni, papil- lary body, and corneous layer may also be hypertrophied. 2. Angioma of the skin. N. mater'nus. F. n;uvus maternel; G. Muttermaal ; /. neo materno. Localized increase of pigment without vascularity. N. pila'ris, hairy nœvus. N. vascula'- ris. /'. nievus vasculaire ; G. Gefässmaal; /. nevo vascolare. Vascular nrevus. Naevus (F.). N.-cvus. N. hypertro- phique, nmvus in which the epidermis, hair, and dermis are hypertrophied. N. pigmentaire, iiigmented naevus without hj'pcrtrophy. NAF NAP 189 Nafta (/.) Naplitlia. Naftalina, naplithalin. Naftolo, iiaplithol. Nagekrankheit (G.)- Lecksucht. Nagel (G). Nail, clavus; —bander, ligaiufiita unguicularia ; • — bein, laelnv- malbone; — bett, nail-bed ; — culturen, nail-shaped cultures, such as appear in gel- atin in a test-tube when inoculated b\- punc- ture with a uiieroiirganism which does not liquefy the gelatin, and which grows faster at the surface than in the dejiths of the cul- ture; — einwachsung, ingrown toe-nail; — falz, nail-fold ; — fleck, lunula, spot on the nail; — geschwiir, paronychia; — • gheder, ungual phalanges; — körper, middle portion of nail ; — krankheit, dis- ease of nails; — krümme, curvature of nail; — matrix or — mutter, matrix of nail : — phalanx, ungual phalanx ; — räude, paronychia ; — schaden, onychia ; — schwinde, atrophy of nail; — spitze, thickest portion of nail; — 'wall, nail- wall; — Wlirm, Tinea Irichophylina un- (/ut'um ; — -WTirzel, root of nail ; — 2rwang, paronychia arctura. Nahepunkt ( (?.). Near-point. Nahrhaft ( G.). Nutritious. Nahrung (G.). Aliment, food. In composition Nahrungs, as, — brei, chyme; — dotter, food-yolk; — flüssig- keit, chyle ; — kanal, alimentary canal ; — klystier, nutritive enema; — milch, chyle; — mittel, aliment; — röhre or — rohr, alimentary canal ; — saft, chyle; — scheu, sitophobia ; schlauch, alimentary canal; — stoflf, aliment; — trieb, sense of want of food, appetite; — Verweige- rung, sitophobia ; — Vorschrift, dietetics. Naht (G.). Suture. N. der vier Meister, suture of the four masters; — knochen, Wormian bones. Nail [-4. .S'. naegel]. L. unguis ; F. ongle ; G. Nagel ; /. unghia. A hard, horny plate derived from the epithelium, found at the distal extremities of the fingers and toes. Nail-bed. L. lectulus unguis ; F. lit de l'ongle ; G. Nagelbett. The anterior portion of the matrix which lodges the body of the nail. Nail'ers' consump'tion. Nail-makers' phthisis, a form of siderosis. Nail-fold. L. sinus unguis ; G. Nagel- falz. That which connects the nail-wall with the nail-l)cd. Nail-ma 'trix : see Matrix of nail. Nail-wall. L- vallum unguis ; G. Nagel- wall. Elevation of skin around the root and at the sides of a nail. Nail'wort. Draha incana, L. ; seed pungent, detersive. Nain, aine (F.). Dwarf. Naissance (/'.). Birth. Naissant, ante {F.). Nascent. Nalardoü. Icelandic name for a pecu- liar endemic nervous disease characterized by pricking pains and numbness in the haiul. Namangiologia (/.). Lymphangiology. Nan'ism [^avc]. L. nanismus ; F. nanisme ; / nanismo. Dwarfishness. Nanoceph'alism [z;^«/,);]. F. nano- céphalie ; / nanucefalia. The condition of having a very small head. Nanoceph'alus (X.). A dwarfish or abnormally small head — one less than 490 mm. in circumference if male ; less than 475 mm. if female. Nan'oid [i-àwf, eTòkc], L. nanoides ; G. zwergartig. Dwarfish. Nanom'elus ( L.) [/jiA«c]. A monster with a dwarfish limb. Nanoso'mia (L.) [.). A dwarf. Na'pa So'da Springs. Carbonated, saline waters, Napa Co,, California, Napacon'itine. Aconitine. Nape of the neck. G. Nacken. Back of the neck. Napel (F.). I. napello. Aconitum A'apclÌKS, L. Napel'line. /. napellina. Acolyctine. Naph'talin. Naphthalin. Naphtha (Z.).nap'tha [v«ç'^'«]. A mix- ture of hydrocarì)ons separated from pe- troleum by fractional distillation, having the boiling-point below 50° C. N. ace'ti, acetic ether. N. pe'trae, petroleum, crude. N. vegetab'ilis, acetic ether. N. vitri'- oU, ether. Naph'thalene. Naphthalin.' Naph'thalin. C,oHf,. L. naphthalinum ; F. naphtaline ; G. Naphtalin ; /. naftalina. A colorless, transparent, crj'stalline sub- stance derived from coal-tar ; powerful an- tiseptic, u.sed internally ; dose, 0.20 to 1.00 gram. Naph'thalol. CsH.OHCOOC.oH,. ß naphthol-salicylic ether, known in commerce 190 NAF -NAR as betol ; crystalline, tasteless, odorless, in- soluble in water ; used internally as an an- tiseptic in doses U.3-0.C gram. Naph'thol. CauIIaOj. L. naphtholum ; F. naphtol ; /. naftolo. Exists in two isomeric t'orras — a naphtliol and ß naplithol or hydro-naphtliol ; the latter only is used in medicine. It is a colorless, crystalline, nearly odorless substance, slightly .soluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform ; obtained by synthetical chemical ])rocesses from naphthalin. A powerful anti.septic ; used in solution or ointment as an application lor skin dis- eases. Naphtosa'lol. Betol. Nap'ifonn, L. napiformis ; F., I. napi- fornie ; G. rübenförmig. Like a turnip in shape. Na'ples fe'ver. Typhoid fever. Narbe (G.). Scar, cicatrix. In com- position Narben, as, — bildung, cicatriza- tion ; — conti'actur, cicatricial contrac- tion; — ektropium, ectropion due to cicatricial contraction; — fleck, cicatrix, vitiligo; — geschwnlst, keloid: — ge- webe, cicatricial tissue; — keloid, keloid growth of a cicatrix ; — krebs, cicatricial carcinoma ; — los, without sear ; — sar- kom, cicatricial sarcoma ; — streif, cica- ti'icial line or streak; — strictur, stricture resulting from the contraction of cicatricial tissue ; — verengerung, cicatricial con- traction. Narbicht or Narbig (&'.). Scarred, pitted, cicatricial. Narcei'a (i.). Narceine. Nar'ceine [>«/«j;]. C,3H._,9N09. L., I. narceina ; F. narc(5ine ; G. Xareein. A crys- tallizable, inodorous, bitter, feebly basic alkaloid, discovered in opium by Pelletier (1832). It is insoluble in ether, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol and water; in thera- peutic properties closely resembles mor- phine. Narce'sis (/>.). Narcosis. Narcis'sine. An amor])hous alkaloid found bv .) [v«/'z«//>:(«r!z»i]. F. narcotique; G. Betäubungsmittel, Narkoticum ; /. nar- cotico. 1. Having the power of producing lethargy or stupor more or less profound. 2. A substance having such power. Narcotico-acre (F.). Producing nar- coti.-m and intestinal irritation. Nar'cotine [v«/^z»(«]. C^.H^aNO,. L., I. narcotina ; G. Narkotin. One of the alkaloids of opium ; white, odorless, taste- less, crystallizable, feebly basic, insoluble in cold water, soluble in alcohol and boil- ing water, very soluble in ether ; feebly narcotic ; recommended as an antiperiodic. Nar'cotism [i-à/'zrj. L. narcotismus ; F. narcotisme ; G. Narkotismus ; I. narco- tismo. The condition of deep sleep or stupefaction produced by narcotics in large do.ses. Nard. L. nardus; G. Narde; /. nardo. An old generic name for several aromatic roots ; spikenard. Nardos'tachys Jataman'si, DC. An East Indian jilant, Nat. Ord. Valerianex ; its aromatic fragrant rhizome is the true spikenard of the ancients. Nar'dus {L.). Nard. N. america'- nus, Anilid racemosa, L. N. cel'tica. F. nard celti(|ue ; /. nardo celtico. The aromatic rhizome of Valeriana critica, L. ; a nervous stimulant. N. in'dica, spike- nard. Na'res (//■). F. narines; G. Nasen- Öffnungen ; /. nari. The main openings of the nasal fossae. Those in front, open- ing upon the fiice, are the anterior n. ; those behind, opening into the pharynx, the posterior n. N. exter'nse. G. Na- senlöcher. Nostrils. N. inter'nse, nasal fossa'. Narici (/.). Nostrils. Narines {F.'). Nostrils, nares. Narkose (G.). Narcosis. Narkotisch ( 6'.). Narcotic. Narrenhaus ( G.). Insane asylum. Narrheit ( G.). Folly, foolishness. NAR NAS 191 Nar'thex asafœt'ida, Fale. Ferula A'arlhe.r. Boiss. Na'sal. L. nasulis ; F. nasal, alo ; /. nasale. Relating to the nose. N. an'gle. 1. That made by the articulateil inferior ends of nasal bones. 2. Of Kanke, that between alveolo-nasal line and auriculo- intraorbital plane. '.i. Of Weleker. that between naso-basilar and iiaso-subnasal lines. N. ap'erttire, width of. F. largeur de l'ouverture nasale. Greatest widtii of anterior nares wherever found [Frankfort agreement]. N. arch, arch formed by union of the two frontal veins over root of nose. N. ar'teries. L. arteriaî nasales ; F. artères nasales ; G. Xasenarterien ; /. arterie nasali. Those supplying the nose or nasal passages. From the fiicial artery are derived the ar- tery of the septum (L. arteria septi iiarium ; F. artère de la sous-cloison ; / arteria del setto nasale) and the lateral nasal ( L. arteria lateralis na.si ; F. artère de l'aile du nez ; G. seitliche Nasenarterie ; /. arteria dorsale del naso) ; from the inter- nal maxillary comes the posterior nasal {L. arteria nasalis posterior ; F. artère nasale postérieure ; G. hintere Nasenarterio ; /.arteria sfeno-palatina). which divides into a lateral posterior branch ( L. arteria nasalis lateralis posterior) and a median or naso-palatine branch {L. arteria naso- palatina). The anterior nasal artery {L. arteria nasalis anterior) is a small twig from the ethmoidal to the upper meatus ; and the dorsal nasal (L. arteria dorsalis nasi ; G. Nasenrückenarterie) is one of the terminal branches of the ophthalmic. N. bone. L. os nasi ; F. os propre du nez ; G. Nasenbein ; /. osso nasale. A paired bone of the face which, with its fellow, forms the bridge of the nose, articulating with the frontal above and the ascending process of the superior maxillary exter- nally. N. car'tilages : see Cni-h'/ai/es of the nose. N. catarrh'. G. Nasenkatarrh. Coryza. N. crest. L. crista nasalis. Ele- vated ridge on palate process of superior maxillary bone, which, with its fellow, re- ceives the vomer. N. douche, an a]ipa- ratus for washing out and applying medi- cated fluids to the nasal fossas ; consists of a reservoir placed above the patient's head, a flexible tube, and a nozzle to be inserted into the nose. The water passes in at one nostril and out at the other. N. duct. L. ductus naso-lachrymalis ; /'. canal nasal ; G. Thrjinennasengang. Nasal portion of lachrymal . Median protuberance of the embryonic face, which by uniting with the maxillary proces.^es forms the nose. N. sec'tor, area in median plane of skull between lines drawn from hormion to subnasal point and to nasion. N. sep'- tum. L. septum narium ; F. cloLson des fosses nasales ; G. Nasenscheidewand ; /. setto del naso, setto nasale. That sepa- rating the two nasal fossae. It is situated on the median line or nearly so, and formed by the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, the vomer, the processes by which these are united to the adjoining bones, and the septal cartilage. N. spine. L. spina na- salis ; F. épine nasale ; G. Nasenstachel ; I. spina nasale. Name applied to several processes about the nasal foss» on the me- dian line. The superior n. s. descends from the frontal bone, articulating with the two nasal bones and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid ; the anterior n. s. projects from the surface of the superior maxillary bones at the anterior nares; the posterior n. s., from the palate -bones at the posterior nares. N. sur'face. L. su- perficies nasalis ; G. Nasenfliiehe. That part of superior maxillary bone forming outer wall of either nasal fossa. N. veins. L. venae dorsales nasi. Gather blood from the side and dorsum of the nose and discharge it into the angular vein. Nasa'le (L.). Nasal bone. Nasa'lis (L.). 1. The depressor al;B nasi, compressor naris, and dilatatores naris considered as a single muscle [Houle]. 2. Compressor naris. 3. Naso-labialis. N. la'bii superio'ris, naso-labialis. Nas'cent. L. nascens ; /■". naissant, ante; Centstehend; /.nascente. 1. In the act of being born. 2. Term applied to elements or radicals just freed from chem- ical combination, at which moment their chemical affinity is most active. Nase (G.). Nose. In composition Nasen, as, — arterie, hintere, spheno- palatine artery ; — ast, nasal nerve ; — athmen, breathing through the nose ; — augennerv, nasal nerve; — bein, nasal bone: — bildung, rhinoplasty; - — blen- norrhöa, oza-na; — bluten, epistaxis; — damm, agger nasi ; — feld, a thickening of the external germinal layer on either side of frontal process of embryo, where the olfactory organ is to be developed ; — fliigel, alas nasi ; — fliigelknorpel, alar cartilages; — fortsatz, nasal process; — furche, nasal i'urrow ; — gauge, meatuses of the nose; — gaumengangr, Stcnson's duct ; — gaumenkanal, incisor canal ; — gaumenknoten, Cloquct's ganglion ; — gaumennerv, naso-i)alaiine nerve ; — gaumenplexus, ('loi|uet's ganglion ; — gesichtshöhen-Index, projection meas- urement of nasal height, nasion to akan- thion, compared with projection measure- ment of entire face, the latter taken as 100 [v. Törok] ; — geschwür, ulcer of tlie nose ; — ge'wächs, nasal growth, nasal polypus; — grübe, nasal pit: — haut, pituitary membrane; — höhe, distance from nasion to akanthiun ; • — höhle, nares; — höh- lenschlagadern, nasal arteries, posterior; ■ — knorpel, nasal cartilage; — knospe, gutta rosea; — knoten, sphenopalatine ganglion; — länge, nasu-subnasal line; — läppen, ahv nasi; — hppenlinie, nasal line; — loch, nostril; — löcher, nares; — muscheln, turbinated bones ; — ner- ven, nasal nerves ; — obergesichtshöhen- Index, projection measureuient of nasal height, compared with projection measure- ment of upper face [v. Tiirök] ; — Öff- nungen, nares ; — öEEhungs-Index, in- dex of anterior nares, made by comparing vertical height (rliinion to akanthion) with greatest breadth, the latter taken as 100 ; — platte, vertical plate; — polyp, nasal polypus ; — punkt, unterer, subnasal point; — rachengang, meatus of nose; — rachenpolyp, naso-jiharyngeal polypus; — rachenraum, nasu-jiliaryngeal cavity; — rachenspiegel, rhinoscope ; — rinne, amabile ; — rüssel, rudimentary nose formed in cases of cyclopia ; — scheide- ■wand, septum of the nose; — scheide- ■wandnerv, nasopalatine nerve ; — Schlag- ader, seitliche, arteria lateralis nasi ; — schleim, mucus of the nose; — Schleim- haut, [iituitary membrane; — schlund- polyp, naso-pliaryngeal polypus; — spie- gel, nasal sjteculum ; — spitze, tip of the nose; — spräche, speaking through the nose ; — spritze, nasal syringe ; — Sta- chel, nasal spine; — stein, rhinolith : — stimme, nasal t(me, rhinophonia ; — stü- bergeräusch, bruit de clii(|uenaudc ; — Winkel, internal angle of the eye ; — winkelgeschwulst, anchilops; — Wur- zel, root of nose ; — zacke, pyramidalis nasi ; — zug, nasal line. ( NAS NAS 193 Naseau (f). Nostril of animals. Nasenrücken (G.). Bridge of the nose ; — arterie, dorsal nasal artery ; — mus- kel, pyramidalis nasi ; — Schlagader, ar- teria dorsalis nasi ; — 'wangenreliefdrei- eck, laterales, triangle with apex at rhin- ion. base between the two malar points [v. Török] ; — -wangenreliefdreieck, mediales, triangle with apex at rliinion, base between the two zygo-urbital points. Nash'vüle Sul'phur Spring- (arte- sian). 8aline. sulphuretted water, Nash- ville. Davidson Co., Tennessee. Na'si-labia'lis (i.). Levator labii su- periiiris ahvijue nasi [Cones]. Nasülement (F.). A slight na.sal tone of voice. Nasion (L.). In craniometry a point on the median line at the naso-frontal suture. Nasion (C). Nasion. N.-Alveolar- dreieck, triangle with apes at nasion, its base being the greatest breadth of the alve- olar arch [v. Ti)ri)k]; N.-Gaumenpyram- idendreieck, triangle with apex at nasion, base betweentwo pyramidal processes of pal- ate bone [v. Török] ; N.-Gelenkgniben- dreieck, triangle with apex at nasion, base between the two articular eminences in front of glenoid fossje [v. Török] ; N.- Goniondreieck, triangle with apex at nasion. base between the two gonia [v. Török] ; N. -Hinterhauptgelenkdreieck, triangle with apex at nasion, base between posterior extremities of the eondvles of oc- cipital bone [v. Török] ; N.-Inteijugular- dreieck, triangle with apex at nasion, base between the two interjugular processes [v. Török] ; N.-Interorbitaldreieck, triangle with apex at nasion. base between the two antero-supericir laclirymal points [v. Török] ; N.-Jochbogendreieck, triangle with apex at na.sion, and for its base the greatest malar diameter [v. Török] ; N.-Joch- piinktdreieck, triangle with apex at nasion and base between the jugal points [v. Török] ; N.-Jugulardreieck, triangle with apex at nasion, base between the two occipital processes of occipital bone [v. Töriik] ; N.-KeUengedreieck, triangle with apex at nasicm. its base beinir min- imum spheiKiidal diameter [v. Török]. N.-KeUstachelfortsatzdreieck, t ria nglc with apex at nasion, base between spinous processes of sphenoid bone [v. Török] ; N.- Kronenfortsatzdreieck, triangle with apex at nasion. base between the two coronia [v. Török] ; N.-Nasenrücken- VoL. II.— 13 dreieck, oberes, triangle with apex at nasion, base between the supero-cxtcrnal angles of nasal bones [v. Török] ; N.- Nasenrückendreieck, unteres, triangle with apex at nasion, base between infero- external angles of nasal bones [v. Török] ; N.-Ohröfftiungsdreieck, oberes, triangle with apex at nasion, its base between the two auricular points [v. Török]. N.- Ohröfiftiungsdreieck, unteres, triangle having its apex at nasion. its base between the two basal auricular points [v. Török] ; N. -Schädelbreitendreieck, triangle with apex at nasion, having for its base the maximum transverse diameter of skull [v. Török] ; N. -Unterkiefergelenkdreieck, triangle with apex at nasiun. its base be- tween the two condylia [v. Török] ; N.- Wangendreieck, triangle with apex at nasion, base between two molar points [v. Török] ; N. -Zitzendreieck, triangle with apex at nasion. its base between the apices of the two mastoid processes [v. Török] ; N.-Zwischenkieferdreieck, triangle with apex at nasion, its base being the breadth of the two intermaxillary bones [v. Török] ; N.-Zygomaxillardreieck, triangle with apex at nasion. base between two zygo- maxillary points [v. Török]. Na'sitas (/>■). Nasal speech. Nasi'tis. Inflammation of the nose. Nas'myth's mem'brane. Enamel cu- ticle. Naso (/.). Nose. Naso-antri'tis. Inflammation of the antrum. Na'so-ba'sal an'gle. Nasal angle of Weleker. Naso-bas'üar line. That connecting nasion and basion. Naso-bregmat'ic arc. Frontal arc. Naso-fron'tal ar'tery. Ophthalmic a., beyond origin of supraorbital artery. Naso - in'iac plane. That passing throuirh the nasion and the inion. Naso-la'bial. Eclating to nose and lip. N.-l. line. L. sulcus nasodabialis ; G. Nasen-Lippenlinie. Nasal line. Na'so-labia'lis (L.). G. Niederzieher der Xasen,scheidewand. Fascicles from orbicularis oris muscle to septum of the nose. Na'so-lach'rymal canal' or duct. Nasal duct. Naso-ma'lar an'gle [Flower]. F. angle naso-nialaire. That obtained by draw- 194 NAS NAT ing lines from the nasion to summit of frontal process of either malar bone. Na'so-max'illary su'ture. That be- tween nasal bone and nasal portion of su- perior maxillary. Nasonné, ée (F.). Having the cha- racter uf nasal speech. Nasoiinement (K). Nasal speech. Naso-occip'ital arc. That measured on surface of cranium from nasion to inion. Naso-opis'thiac plane. That passing through nasion and opisthion. Naso-opis'thio-bas'ilar curve, an- tero-poste'rior [Topinard]. F. cuuibe antéro - postérieure naso - opisthio - basilaire. Sagittal circumference of cranium. Naso-pal'atine. Relating to the nose and palate. N.-p. ar'tery. L. anterior septi. Branch from spheno-palatine artery to septum of nose. N.-p. groove. L. sulcus naso-palatinus. Groove for naso- palatine nerve on lateral surface of vomer. N.-p. nerve. L. nervus naso-palatinus; F. nerf sphéno-palatin interne ; G. Nasengau- mennerv ; /. nervo naso-palatino. Branch descending from spheno-palatine ganglion forward along septum nasi to anterior pala- tine canal and mucous membrane behind incisor teeth. Naso-palpébral (F.). Orbicularis pal- pebrarum [Chaussier], Naso-pharynge'al. F. naso-pharyn- gien, enne. Relating to the nose and pharynx. Naso-septi'tis. Inflammation of sep- tum nasi. Naso-sourcilier (F.). Corrugator su- pereilii [Chaussier]. Naso-subna'sal line. Distance from nasion to subnasal point [Benedikt]. Nassolog'ical [vaffcw, A«;'»?]. Pertain- ing to the stuffing of animal bodies or skins. Nastur'tium (L.). A genus of Cnicif- erx. N. armora'cia, Fries, CocMearia Ar- moracia, L. N. officinale, R. Br., water- cress ; grows about ponds and brooks; cul- tivated and naturalized from Europe. N. palus'tre, DC, marsh-cress. N. sylves'- tre, R. Br., yellow cress ; medicinal prop- erties same as those of water-cress. Na'sus (L.). Nose. Natal' al'oes. A variety of aloes im- ported from Natal, differing in appearance and in character of its active principle from other kinds of aloes. Natal' ar'ro-w-root. East-India arrow- root. Natal' boil ur sore. A form of indo- lent painful ulcer on the hands, feet, or legs, ob.served in South Africa, and sup- posed to be of scorbutic origin ; known also as Transkeian scab or Veldt sore : see also riierx, endemic. Natalité {F.). Ratio of births to popu- lation ill a given time. Natal'oin. F. nataloine. The crystal- lizable active principle of Natal aloes. Na'tes (-/>.). F. fesses ; G. GesUssback- en ; /. natiche. 1. The large rounded prom- inences at the postero-inferior portion of the trunk, caused by the muscles of the seat and an accumulation of fat; common- ly called the buttocks. 2. Formerly used for the anterior corpora quadrigemina. Na'tive albu'mins. Proteids in the solids and fluids of the body, soluble in water, and not precipitated by alkaline car- bonates or by very dilute acids. Nativis'tic the'ory. F. théorie nati- vistique ; G. nativistische Theorie. Innate or intuitive theory. A general term u.sed to designate those psychological theories which assume that visual sensations give rise to perceptions of space, form, distance, etc., not through a psychic interpretation of them guidedi by experience, as the em- piricists hold, but, in part at least, directly and because of the make-up of the organ- ism or through the agency of some native or innate power. Nato-morto (/.). Stillborn. Na'trium {L.). Sodium. N. acet'- icum [P.G.], sodium acetate. N. arsen- i'cicum [P. Helv], sodium arseniate. N. benzo'ic-um [P. G .], sodium benzoate. N. biborac'icum, borax. N. bicarbon'- icum [P. G.], sodium bicarbonate. N. borac'icum [P. Aust.], sodium borate. N. broma'tum [P. G.], sodium bromide. N. carbon'icum [P. G.], sodium carbo- nate. N. carbon'icum cru'dum [P.G.], sal soda, coinniercial sodium carbonate. N. carbon'icum dilap'sum [P.nolv.],dried sodium carbonate. N. carbon'icum sic'- cum [P. G.], dried sodium carbonate. N. caus'ticum, soda. N. chlora'tum [P. G.l sodium chloride. N. chlo'ricum [P. Helv.J, sodium chlorate. N. hy'dricum, soda. N. hydrocarbon 'icum [P. Aust.], sodium bi- carbonate. N. hypophosphoro'sum, so- dium hypophosphitc. N. hyposvilftiro'- sum, sodium hyposulphite. N. joda'tum NAT— NAV 195 [P. G], sodium iodide. N. ni'ti-icuin [P. (}.], sodium nitrate. N. phosphoricum [P. G.], sodium phosphate. N. pyi'obo'- ricum, sodium borate. N. pyxophos- pho'ricum [P. Helv.], sodium pyio|ihos- phate. N. psrrophospho'ricum ferra'- tum, sodio-t'erric jiympluisphate. N. sal- icyl'icum [P. G.], sodium salicylate. N. santon'icum [P. Helv.], sodium santo- iiiiKite. N. süi'cicum liq'uidum [P. Hunt;.], solution of sodium silicate. N. subsulfiiro'sum, sodium hyposulphite. N. sulfoichthyol'icum, sodium ichthyo- late. N. sulfu'ricum [1'. G.], sodium sul- phate. N. sulfu'ricum dilap'sum [P. IIclv.], dried sodium sulphate. N. sulfil'- ricum sic'cum [P G.], dried sodium sul- phate. N. sulfuro'sum, sodium sulphite. N. valerian 'icum, sodium valerianate. Natrium (yra- mis vermis accessoria ; — Scheibe, acces- sory disk: see Ditks of musc/e-fiùrex ; — schUddrüsen, accessory thyroid glands ; — Schlagader des Armes: see Arteria coUiitcrulìs mi'dìn. Arteria col/citeratia rmlid- lis. Arteria collât' ra/is ulnari^ ; — Schlag- ader, obere, innere, inferior profunda ar- tery of the arm ; — Speicheldrüse, ac- cessory parotid gland ; — thränenbein, OS lachrymale accessorium ; — thymus, thymus accessorius ; — trommelfell, mem- brana tympani .secundaria ; — vene, collat- eral vein; — -windung, second convoluted tubuh- of the kidney : see Courolutecl tithulis. Neben-Nebennieren (6-'.). Accessory suprarenal capsules. Nebenniere ( C). Suprarenal capsule. In composition Nebennieren, as. — blut- adem, suprarenal veins ; — geflecht, su- prarenal plexus; • — Schlagader, suprare- nal or capsular artery. Neb'ula(/v.) [•/£y-//'.rj. 1. A cloud or haze ; a cloudy spot on the cornea. 2. A spray ; a li((uid intended for local appli- cation by means of the atomizer. N. cor'- neee, a superficial opacity of the cornea. Neb'ulize. To make into a spray or cloud. Neck [vl. »S". hnecca]. L. collum ; F. cou ; (r. Hals ; /. collo. 1 . That portion of the body between the head and the shoulders. As a region the neck is accu- rately limited as follows on either side : Above, by the lower border of the body of the jaw, a line extending from its angle to the mastoid process, and the superior curved line of the occipital bone ; below, by the sternum, the clavicle, and a line drawn from the acromion to the spine of the seventh cervical vertebra. 2. L. cer- vix; F. eoi. By analogy, a narrow jiortion of an organ. N. of blad'der. L. collum ve.sicai; F. col de la vessie; G. Blasenhals; I. collo della vescica. The lowest part of the bladder, from which the urethra leads off. N. of calca'neum, the slightly- constricted jiart in front of the tuberos- ity. N. of fe'mur. L. collum femoris ; F. col du fémur ; /. collo del femore. The somewhat flattened and constricted portion which connects the head with the shaft. N. of gall-blad'der, the upper narrowed ]>ortion. N. of hu'merus. L- ciilluin humeri ; 7. collo dell' omero. The surgical neck is the constriction below the tiiberosities, so called betMUsc fi'('i|U('ntly fractured. The anatomical neck is the very slight narrowing which surrounds the articular surface of the head. N. of low'er ja'W, constricted portion just below the con- dyle. N. of scap'ula. />. collum scapuhc. The porti(m connecting the glenoid fossa with the body. N. of a tooth, //.cervix dentis; F. collet; /. colletto. The con- stricted portion where the enamel and crusta meet on the dentine. N. of urin- if erous tu'bule. L. collum ductus urin- NEC NEL 197 iferi. Constricted portion between the cap- sule of Bowman and the first convoluted tuhule. Neck'lace pop'lar. Cotton-wood, Pop- uliis maidlifeia, Ait. ; bark tonic, stomachic, and t'l'lirit'ugo. Neck'weed. Veronica peregrina, L. Necrae'mia (Z/.) [vix/ooc, oî/ia]. Death of the blood. Necrobio'sis {L.) [/îi'witîç]. F. nécro- biose ; /. necrobiosi. Slow death of a part due to tissuo-desjeneration. Necrocomi'um (L.) [xtü//t.ii/] {F. necro- come) or Necrodochi'uin (i/.) ['ì'^rìuv]. A house for the care of the dead, a mor- tuary. Necrog'enous [^^t-/.p('i<;, yhzfni]. L. ncerogenus ; F. nécrogène ; I. necrogeno. Living in dead organic matter. Necromime'sis (i.) [/ju'ar^Ttç]. Term proposed by Miekle for the delusion in which one believes himself to be dead. Nécrophilie (^F.'). Insane sexual desire for a corpse. Necropho'bia (//.) [^ó/ìo?]. F. nécro- phobie ; /. necrofobia. Morbid fear of a corpse, erroneously used for thanatophobia. Ne'cropsy or Necrop'sis. L., 1. ne- crop.sia ; F. necropsie. Error for necros- C0|)V. Necros'copy [ny.n-éta^. L., I. necro- scopia ; F. nécroscopie ; G. Nekroskopie. Examination of a dead body. Necrosemiot'ic [ar^/ieioi/]. L. necro- semeioticus ; F. nécrosémiotique. Indi- cating death. Necro'sis {L.') [;^E/.pów']. F. nécrose ; G. Nekrose ; 7. necrosi. Death in mass of a tissue, especially of a bone or a part of a bone. Necrosozo'ic [tw'««]. Preservative of the cadaver. Nécrosteose (F.). Necrosis of bone. Necrot'omy [jì/jmj'J. L., I. necrotomia ; /'. nécrotomic. 1. Autopsy, dissection. 2. Operation for removal of necrosed bone. Nectan'dra (L.). F. nectandre. A genus of Ldurinea:. N. Pu'chury ma'- jor, Nees, a Brazilian tree, the botanical source of pichurim beans; the bark is aro- matic, and has been used in the treatment of diarrhœa and dysentery. N. Pu'chury mi'nor, Nees, habitat same as above; bears a smaller fruit. N. Rodiae'i, Schomb., bibiru, bebeeru, or greenheart tree, native of British Guiana, the source of bebeeru- bark. Nectan'dree cor'tex (i/-)- Bebeeru- bark. Nectan'drine. CjoH^NO,. An alka- loid found in the wood of Neclandra Kodixi, bebeeru. Neel'sen's meth'od. For staining tu- bercle bacilli with hot solution of fuchsin, and decolorization with 15 per cent, watery solution of sulphuric acid. Neel'sen's solu''tion. For staining. Fuchsin 1 gm., absolute alcohol 1Ü c. c, 5 per cent, solution of carbolic acid lüO c. c. Neft'algia (/.). Nephralgia. Nefiia, or Nefrite, or Nefritide (/.). Nephritis. Nefrolito, nephrolith. Ne- fropiosi, nephropyosis. Nefrotomia, nephrotomy. Neg'ative conver'gence : see Diver- gence. Neg'ative eye'piece. Huyghenian eye- piece. Neg'ative menis'cus : see Lens. Negro cachex'y. Cachexia africana. Negro leth'argy. Nelavan. Negro-vine. Gonolohus hirsutua, Michx. ; root drastic cathartic, juice narcotic; poi- sonous. Neigung (C). Inclination, declivity. Neigungsströme (G.). The electrical current produced when the obtuse and acute angles of an oblique section of muscle are connected. Neis'ser's gonococ'cus. Micrococcus ffonorrhaac. Nekrobiose (G.). Necrobiosis. Nekrose or Nekrosis (C). Necrosis. Nélaton, French surgeon, 1807—73. N.'s fi'bres, circular muscular fibres of rectum. N.'s line, one drawn on the sur- face from anterior-superior spine of ilium to tuberosity of ischium. When the bones are in their proper relations, it touches the top of the great trochanter. N.'s meth'- od, suspending a person head downward in case of failure of respiration or of the heart's action in an;iesthesia. N.'s opera'tion, enterotomy, the inci.sion being usually in the right groin, above Poupart's ligament. N.'s probe, probe with a small ball of unglazod porcelain at the end ; used to de- tect bullets in wounds. Nel'avan. iVfrican sleep disease. An endemic disease of negroes on the west 198 NEL NEP coast of Africa, characterized by headache, morbid somnolence, and emaciation. It is usually fatal. Nelke (G.). Pink. In composition Nelken, pi., as, — öl, oil of cloves; — pfefifer, pimenta ; — rinde, cinnamon ; — stiel, clove-stalk; — zimmt, clove-bark. Nelum'bo. Sacred bean, Ä^elitmbium. N., yel'lo'W, A'clKnihium luteum, Willd. ; root, leaves, and seed refrigerant, laxative, and emollient. Némathelminthe ( F.). Nematoid worm. Nem'atoblasts [yr^ßa, ßXaarosJ. Sper- matocytes. Nematochom'eter [v^//«, ni^fui, tii- T/;»>]. /'. néniatochoniètre. Instrument to measure velocity of impulse in a nerve. Nematoforo (/.). Sertoli's column. Nematoi'dea or Ne'matoid ■worms [yrj/xa, eiôuç^. F. nématoïdes ; (/. Nema- toden ; /. nematoidi. An order of Entozoa comprising round worms with a cylindrical, elongated, and elastic body and true intes- tinal canal, having a distinct anus. Ascaris, Strour/yliis, Trk-hocepludus, and others be- long to this order. Nénuphar (/'.). Nijmphxa. N. blanc, Ni/mphsea alba, L. N. jaune, Nymphxa luted, L. Neo (/.). Nsevus. Neoblas'tic [v/"Ç, ßXanznf^. Giving rise to new tissue. Néoflbrine {F.). Fibrin of recent for- mation. Néofonnation {F.). New growth. Néogène {F.^. Of new formation. Neole'pra (A.) \)Ji:pa\. Pellagra. N. Parisien'sis, aerodynia. Néo-membrane {F.). False membrane. Ne'omorph. An organ or structure newly acfjuired, not derived by inherit- ance. Neomor'phism [^impçr^. G. Neubil- dung. I^roduction of new form or rela- tions. Neona'tus (7^.). Newly born. Ne'oplasm [^A(i<;, TrXairnnLJ. F. néo- plasme ; (r. Neoplasma ; /. neoplasma. A new growth characterized by histological diversity from the matri.x in which it grows, and by its frequent tendency to increase. Neoplas'tic. F. néoplastirjue. Term applied to the new building of a tissue. Neoter'icus (7^.) [vEtore/ouriç]. Pertain- ing to youth, youthful. Neotocogalactoze'mia {L.) [ró/»?, yd/.H, 'r,/ji;«]. Presence of a milky fluid in the brea>t of a newborn infant. Neotocophthal'mia (/>.) [riixo^, òicOak- Atói-]. Conjunctivitis in the newborn infant. Nep'aline. Pseudaconitine. Ne'paul ac'onite: seti BiA-lt. Ne'paul car'damom. The fruit of an undetermined spaaies o{ A inoiitiim ; resem- bles Bengal cardamom. Ne'paul tu'mor. A pendulous tumor, containing a thick whitish fluid, springing from the external surface of the concha, usually on both ears ; seen in one of the valleys of Nepaul ; more frequent in women than in men ; grows to a diameter of 3 inches, then shrivels. Nepen'thes (L.) [■/r^-oyflijy]. F. nepen- thes ; /. nepente. Ancient term for a nar- cotic. Nep'eta (L.). F. népéta. A genus of Lahiatx. N. Cata'ria, L. /' cataire ; /. cataria. Catnep or catnip, a naturalized European plant, cultivated ; used in domes- tic practice as a stimulant and antispas- modic. N. Glecho'ma, Benth., Glechoma hedtriifid, L. Nephablep'sia (Z.) [>'9-'"ç, ß).'-ui]. Snow-blindness. Neph'ela (X.) \^^e.). Dimmed or cloudy vision, due to diminished transparency or other abnormal condition of some of the ocular media. Nephraemorrha'gia ( L.) [^-sçj/jôf, af^»/5- fiayiri]. Renal hœmorrhage. Nephral 'già (L.) [òV.;-»?]. F. ni^'phral- gie ; (t. Nierenschmerz ; /. nefralgia. Pain in the kidney. Nephranu'ria {L.) [rJv, «ofio/l. Sup- pression of renal secretion. Nephrapos'tasis(/^.) ['/r'iirraa-tc]. Re- nal abscess. Nephrarc'tia (L.). Contraction of the kidney. Nephrato'nia (i.) [«rovi'a]. Renal atony. Nephrecta'sia (/>.) [ïxraa'.i\. Dilata- tion of the kidney. NEP NEP 199 Nephrec'tomy [ixr^/ivsiv]. /'. né- phrectomif. Excision of the kidney. Nephrelco'sis (/-.) [;/«. pomatum nervinum ; F. baume nerval ; I. balsamo nervale. An ointment composed of ox- marrow, oil of almonds, nutmeg butter, balsam of Tolu, cam]diiu', oil of rosemary, and oil of cloves [('od.]. Ner'vine. Ci/piipediumpuhescens. AVilld. Nervmuskelpräparat (sc'ipular nerves. N. masticate 'rius, ramus superior nervi in- framasillaris. N. mastoi'detis poste'- rior, digastric nerve. N. membranae interos'seae antibra'chii. G. Zwisch- enknochenbandnerv des Vorderarms. Twig from anterior interosseous nerve, supply- ing interosseous membrane and bones of forearm [Rauber]. N. membra'nse tym- pa'ni, twig from une of the branches of the auricular nerve that supplies the audi- tory canal, parsing to membrana tynipani. N. menin'getis poste'rior. 1. Meningeal nerve. 2. Branch from hypoglossal and superior cervical ganglion, supplying the blood-vessels about the anterior condyloid foramen. N. moto'rius lin'guse, hypo- glossal nerve. N. mus'ciili mal'lei ex- ter'ni, delicate branch from otic ganglion, described by Krause as passing to laxator tympani. N. nnis'culi mal'lei ("interni), branch frum otic ganglion ur from internal ptervgoid nerve to ti'nsor tvmpani. N. mus'culi tenso'ris ve'li palati'ni, branch from otic ganglion tci the tensur tynipani. N. mus'culo-cuta'neus pe'dis, musculo- cutaneous nerve of leg. N. musculo- urethra'lis, deep perineal nerves. N. nasa'lis ante'rior, nasal nerve. N. na- sa'lis exter'nus, branch of ethmoidal nerve passing down on posterior surface of nasal bone ; pierces wall of nose between nasal bone and triangular cartilage, and sup- plies skin III' apex. N. naso-cüia'ris, nasal nerve. N. naso-denta'lis, anterior one of the superior dental nerves. N. naso-ocu- la'ris, nasal nerve. N. naso-palati'nus, naso-palatine nerve. N. naso-pharynge'- us, pharyngeal nerve. N. obturato'rius accesso'rius, accessory obturator nerve. N. occipita'lis ante'rior, small occipital nerve. N. occipita'lis extemus, small occipital nerve. N. occipita'lis inter'- nus, great occipital nerve. N. occipita'- lis mag'nus, or ma'jor, or N. occipita'- lis max'imus, great occipital nerve. N. occipita'lis mi'nor or par'vus, small occipital nerve. N. occipita'lis mi'nor secun'dus, second small occipital nerve : see Ui-cipitiil nerves. N. occipita'lis ter'- tius, third occipital nerve : see Occipital nervex. N. oculo-moto'rius commu'- nis, oculo-motor nerve. N. oculo-moto'- rius exter'ntis, abducent nerve. N. oc- ulo-muscula'ris or N. oculo-muscula'- ris commu'nis, oculo-motor nerve. N. oculo-muscula'ris exter'nus, abducent nerve. N. oculo-muscula'ris supe'- rior, trochlear nerve. N. oculo-nasa'lis, nasal nerve. N. olfacto'rius, olfactory nerve. N. op'ticus, optic nerve. N. or- bita'lis, ophthalmic nerve. N. pathet'- icus, trochlear nerve. N. pectora'lis poste'rior, nervus dorsalis scapulœ. N. peda'lis ante'rior, nervus cutaneus dorsi pedis medialis. N. pe'nis, dorsal nerve of penis. N. per'forans bra'chii, musculo- cutaneous nerve. N. per'forans Cas- ser'ii, musculo-cutaneous nerve. N. per'- forans ligamen'ti tubero'so-sa'cri, per- forating cutaneous nerve. N. perine'i, perineal nerve. N. perine'i latera'lis, superficial external perineal nerve. N. perine'i media'lis, superficial internal perineal nerve. N. perone'us, external popliteal nerve. N. perone'us inter'nus, nervus cutaneus dorsi pedis medialis. N. perone'us profun'dus, anterior tibial nerve. N. perone'us superficia'lis, musculo-cutaneous nerve of leg. N. pe- tro'sus: see Petrosal nerves; also for any of the following specific names : N. pe- tro'sus in'flmus, small superficial petrosal nerve. N. petro'sus profun'dus ma'- jor, great deep petrosal nerve. N. pe- tro'siis profun'dus mi'nor, small deep petrosal nerve. N. petro'sus super- flcia'üs in'flmus, external superficial pe- 206 NER NER t rosai nerve. N. petro'sus superäcia'lis ma'jor, great supertit-ial pctrDsul nerve. N. petro'sus superficialis me'dius, small su]ierficial petrosal nerve. N. petro'sus superflcia'lis mi'nor, small su]nn-tieial petrosal nerve. N. petro'sus super- flcia'lis ter'tius, external su|>erficial pe- trosal nerve. N. petro'sus vascula'- ris, small siiperticial petrosal nerve. N. phren'icus accesso'rius, delaclied fila- ment of origin of phrenic nerve, sometimes seen detaelied from 3d cervical nerve, and running independently for some distance. N. phren'icus secunda'rius, nervus phrenicus accessorius. N. planta'ris digita'lis commu'nis IV., branch of ex- ternal plantar that supplies the fourth dig- ital interspace. N. planta'ris hal'lucis media'lis, branch of internal plantar to inner side of great toe. N. planta'ris latera'lis, plantar nerve, external. N. planta'ris latera'lis dig'iti min'imi, branch of external plantar to outer side of little toe. N. planta'ris media'lis, in- ternal plantar nerve. N. poplite'us in- ter'nus, internal popliteal nerve. N. pos- te'rior commu'nis, small sciatic nerve. N. pro'prius dec'imi ner'vi [Andersch], a .separated strand of the vagus which leaves the trunk below the jugular fora- men, gives twigs to the spinal accessory and hypoglossal, and rejoins the parent stem near the transverse process of the third cervical vertebra. N. puden'do- hsemorrhoida'lis, common trunk from which pudic and inferior luemorrhoidal nerves are derived. N. puden'dus, pudic nerve. N. puden'dus commu'nis, nervus pudendo-hwmorrhoidalis. N. puden'dus exter'nus, genito-crural nerve N. pu- den'dus infe'rior or N. puden'dus in- ter'nus, perineal nerve. N. puden'dus IngTiina'lis, genito-crural nerve. N. pu- den'dus lon'gTis infe'rior, inferior pu- dendal nerve. N. puden'dus supe'rior, dorsal nerve of penis. N. quin'ti recur'- rens, Vidian nerve. N. radia 'lis, muscu- lo-spiral nerve. N. radia'lis proftin'dus, posterior interosseous nerve of arm ; see Inierosspous nerves. N. radia'lis super- flcia'lis, radial nerve. N. recur'rens, spinal accessory nerve. N. recur'rens inft'amaxilla'ris, recurrent branch of in- ferior maxillary. N. recur'rens inter'- nus, Vidian nerve. N. recur'rens op- thal'mici, nervus tentorii. N. recur'- rens ra'mi pri'mi, nervus tentorii. N. recur'rens ra'mi secun'di, recurrent branch of superior maxillary. N. recur'- rens ra'mi ter'tii, recurrent branch of inferior maxillary. N. recur'rens supra- maxilla'ris, recurrent branch of superior maxillary. N. rena'lis poste'rior: see Sji/iiiichiiic iii-rn-, sma/h/ff. N. respirato'- rius exter'nus infe'rior, lung thoracic nerve. N. respirato 'rius exter'nus su- pe'rior, sjiinal accessory nerve. N. res- pii'ato'rius inter'nus, phrenic nerve. N. saccula'ris ma'jor, branch from vestigial nerve to the saccule. N. saccula'ris mi'- nor, branch from cochlear nerve to saccule. N. saphe'nus bre'vis or N. saphe'nus infe'rior, external saphenous nerve. N. saphe'nus ma'jor, internal saphenous nerve. N. saphe'nus mi'nor. 1. Inter- nal cutaneous nerve of thigh. 2. External saphenous nerve. N. saphe'nus perone'- us, communicans peronei N. saphe'nus supe'rior, internal cutaneous nerve of thigh. N. scapula'ris or N. scapula'- ris supe'rior, suprascapular nerve. N. scrota'lis infe'rior, inferior pudendal nerve. N. scrota'Us poste'rior, super- ficial internal perineal nerve. N. sep'ti na'rium, naso-palatine nerve. N. sinu- a'lis, nervus tentorii. N. spermat'icus commu'nis, pudic nerve. N. sper- mat'icus exter'nus, genital branch of genito-crural nerve. N. spheno-eth- moida'lis, ethmoidal nerve, posterior. N. spino'sus, recurrent branch of inferior maxillary. N. spira'lis, musculo-cuta- neous nerve. N. splanch'nicus i'mus, smallest splanchnic nerve. N. splanch'- nicus infe'rior, or N. splanch'nicus me'dius, or N. splanch'nicus secun'- dus, small sjilanchnic nerve. N. splanch'- nicus supe'rior, great splanchnic nerve. N. splanch'nicus supre'mus, great splanchnic nerve. N. splanch'nicus ter'- tius, smallest splanchTiie nerve. N. stape'- dii, branch from facial to stapedius muscle. N. styloi'deus, branch of facial which divides into stylo-byoid. digastric, and com- municating nerves. N. subcuta'neus col'li, cervical nerve, superficial. N. sub- cuta'neus col'li facia'Us, superior super- ficial ci^rvical nerve: see ('irricaf vrrre, siip'-riiir. N. subcuta'neus col'li infe'- rior, inferior branch of superficial cervical nerve. N. subcuta'neus col'li me'dius or N. subcuta'neus col'li supe'rior, su- perior superficial cervical nerve : see ( 'I'l-- vicnl urne, mipi i-jicin/. N. subcuta'neus ma'lse, orbital nerve. N. subcuta'neus mandib'ulse, branch of facial running along border of lower jaw. N. subcuta'- neus maxil'lae inferio'ris, nervus sub- NES NET 207 cutaneus mandibule. N. sublingna'lis, J sublingual nerve. N. superflcia'lis col'- | li, cervical nervo, superficial. N. super- flcia'lis scap'ulee, one of the eupra-acro- mial nerves. N. supraniaxilla'ris, supe- rior maxillary nerve. N. sui'a'lis or N. SUra'lis mag'nus, external saphenous nerve. N. sympathet'icus me'dius, pneumogastric nerve. N. sympath'icus mag'nus, symiiatlietic nerve. N. sym- path'icus me'dius, triüvcial nerve. N. sympath'icus par'vus, facial nerve. N. tempora'lis cuta'neus or N. tempora'- lis superflcia'lis, auriculo-teniporal nerve. N. tenso'ris tym'pani, formed by branch from internal pterygoid nerve and one from otic ganglion : supplies tensor tympani mus- cle. N. tenso'ris ve'li palati'ni, formed by branch from internal pterygoid nerve and one from otic ganglion; supplies tensor palati muscle. N. tento'rii, recurrent branch from ophthalmic nerve, supplying tentorium. N. thorac'icd-brachia'lis, intercosto-humeral nerve. N. thorac'ico- dorsa'lis, nervus dorsalis scapuhu. N. thorac'icus ante'rior or N. thorac'- icus ante'rior ma'jor, external anterior thoracic nerve : see Thoracic nerves. N. thorac'icus ante'rior mi'nor, internal anterior thoracic nerve. N. thorac'icus ante'rior pri'mus or N. thorac'icus exter'nus, external anterior thoracic nerve : see Thoracic nei-ves. N. thorac'icus in- ter'nus, internal anterior thoracic nerve. N. thorac'icus poste 'rior: see Thoracic iierri'n and Xerviis dorsaiis ncapidx. N. thorac'icus secun'dus, internal anterior thoracic nerve : see Thoracic nerves. N. thy'ro-hyoi'deus, thyro-hyoid nerve. N. tibia'lis, internal popliteal nerve. N. tibia'lis an'ticus, tibial nerve, anterior. N. tibia'lis exter'nus, calcani'o-plantar cutaneous nerve. N. trigem'inus, trifa- cial nerve. N. triradia'tus, Ihering's term for the fourth lumbar nerve, because it divides into three branches — the obtura- tor, anterior crural, and lumbo-sacral nerves. N. trisplanch'nicus, sympathetic nerve. N. tu'bae Eustachian'se, twig from tym- jianic plexus to mucous lining of Eustachian tube. N. tym'pani, liranch from facial, or from one of the twigs which supjily the ex- ternal auditory meatus, which passes to the membrana tympani. N. tympan'ico-lin- gxia'lis, chdvda tympani nerve. N. tym- pan'icus supe'rior, tympanic nerve. N. ulna'ris dorsa'lis, dor-al branch of ulnar nerve. N. ulna'ris vola'ris, continuation of ulnar nerve below where it gives off dor- sal branch. N. ulna'ris vola'ris pro- fun'dus, branch of ulnar nerve supplying deei) muscles of the palm. N. iilna'ris vola'ris superflcia'lis, branch of ulnar nerve, supplving the skin of little and ring fingers. N. voca'hs, pneumogastric nerve. N. Wrisberg'ii, lesser internal cutaneous nerve: see Cutaneous nerves of arm. N. zygomat'icus, orbital nerve. Ne'sis {L.) [>?;/'">]. F. neural, ale ; G. neuralisch ; /. neurale. Relating to a nerve or to the nervous s3'stcni. N. arch. /. arco neurale. That formed by pedicles, laminw, and spinous process of a vertebra. N. ax'is, cerebro-spinal axis. N. canal', spinal canal. N. crest. G. (ianglieMlcistc. Bridge from which the dorsal nerves grow out in the embryo ; it is an inwardly pro- jecting strip of ectodermal cells running along the upper edge of the medullary groove on each side. N. fora'men, verte- bral foramen. N. lam'ina, lamina of a vertebra. N. ridge, neural crest. N. sep'tmn, the series of processes of deep fascia found on the median line posteriorly. N. spine, spinous process. Neuraler Schenkel (Cr.). Ampullary limb. Neural'gia (/y.) [^^thpny, "v, /s,u/jta]. F. név- rilènie ; (/. Nervenseheide ; /. nevrilemma. The delicate, structureless membrane which invests the nerve-fibre. Neuril'ity. F. neurilité; G. Neurili- tät; /. neurilità. The mode or power of action, or of transmitting stimuli, which exists in the cells and fibres of the nervous system. Neu'rine. F. névrine ; /. neurina. 1 . The albuminoid peculiar to nerve-cells and their axis cylinders (De Hhnnville). 2. Ptomaine met with in products of cadav- eric putrefaction. riiemically, the hy- drate of trimcthylvinammoniura. C5H|.iN- (OH), produced by duplication of the molecule of lecithin. Poi.sonous to most animals, with action similar to that of cu- rare and nuiscarin. Neurique ( F.). Terfn applied to a theo- retical nerve-force — -fiira- ncnnqne. Neuriser {F.). To influence by the use NEU NEU 209 of a special supposed nerve-force ; animal magnetism [Baréty], Neurisme (F.). Nervousness. Neurit'ic. L. neuriticus ; G. neuritisch. Pertaining to neuritis or to the nervous system. Neuriti'des (-£<.). Neuroses. Neiiri'tis [vìD/>hi']. F. névrite ; G. Nerv- enentzündung ; /. nevrite. Inflammation of a nerve. N. mi'grans, neuritis extend- ing along the stem of an affected nerve. N., mu'ltiple, form affecting several nerves. Neuritisch (6-'.). Neurotic. Neuroasthe'nia (L.). Neurasthenia. Neurobla'cia (i.) [/W«?]. Partial in- sensibility of the nerves ; paresis. Neu'roblast [/3/.aìÀij^'\. The cavity ■of the central nervous system. Neurocyte (F.). Nerve-cell. Neurodeal'gia (i.) [vîm/xÛ'Î);?, âX-fnç]. Pain in the retina. Neurodeatro'phia (Z>.) [aV^ooyjuy]. Ret- inal atrophy. Neurodeomyelo'ma (i.) [.aos,).«?]. JVIyeloma of the retina. Neuro-dermatro'phia [5:/'.'^«) àr/m- ^c'«]. Neurosis of the skin. Neurodermtheü [W. Müller] (G.). Cerebral layer of retina. Neuro'des (L.) [■/îo/îtû'îr^v]. Composed of nerve-substance, the retina. Neurodias'tasis ( L.) [vòDo»/, (îî^rt-rairîç]. Displacement or separation of nerves. Neurodyna'mia (/,.) [ò'Jvauìy]. Ner- vous piiwer. Neurody 'nanus Nerve-force. Neurodyn'ia (L.) [«oZ/vv;]. Continued ncrve-pain, ache. Neuro-epider'mal layer. Ectoderm. Neuro-epithe'lium. Nerve-epithelium. Neuro-flbro'ma (L). F. neurofi- brome. Fibroma developed fnim a nerve- sheath, and presenting neuromatous cha- racters. Vol. II.— U Neuro-fron'tal arch. Prosencephalic arch. Neuroga'mia (L.) [yanéw'^. Animal magnetism. Neurog'eny [j{ys:tni]. L. neurogenia. Nerve-production. Neurog'ha (i>.) [yvjpov, yXia]. F. név- roglie; tr. Nervenkitt. An extremely fine reticular substance which lies between and supports the ganglionic cells and nerve- fibres in the brain and spinal cord. It is considered by many as a form of connec- tive tissue, but differs from it in its chemi- cal reactions and in its origin. Neurogliaschicht {G.'). Molecular layer of cortex. Neuroglio'ma (i/.)- Glioma. Neurog'raphy \^f-pàp,ç]. F., G. Neuropathologie. 1. Pathology of the nervous .system. 2. Pathology founded on the theory that all disease is due to nervous influences. Neurop'athy [yeù/xiv^ mö»?]. F. névro- pathie ; G. Neuropathie ; /. nevropatia. A di.sease of a nerve or of the nervous sys- tem. Neuro - physiol'ogy. Physiology of the nervous system. Neu'roplasty [zXamro)'^. Plastic sur- gery of nerves. Neuro-purpu'ric fever. Cerebro-spinal fever. Neuropy'ra ( /^.) ["■^Z']. Nervous fever. Neuropyret'ic. Pertaining to, or caus- ing, fever due to nervous influence. Neuro-retini'tis. Inflammation of the optic nerve and retina. Neuror'rhaphy [/îa^ij]. Nerve-suture. Neuro'sis ( L.) [vsù/xw]. F. névrose ; G. Nervenleiden j 7. neurosi. A nervous disease, more especially one in which no definite lesions are found. Neuroskel'eton. P^ndoskeleton. Neurospas'mus (//•). F. névrospasme ; 7. nevrospa.smo. Nervous twitching. Netirospon'gitim (L.). Inner granular layer of the retina [W. Müller]. Neurostrem'ma (7,.) [^arpißini]. A nerve-ganglion. Nevirothhp'sis (L.) [o/ic'-tv]. Irritation of a nerve. Neurot'ic [vlj/'"^]. />. neuroticus ; F. névrotique ; G. neurotisch ; 7. nevrotico. 1. Relating or due to the nervous system. 2. Remedy, drug, or poison, especially affect- ing the nervous system. Neu'rotome. F. névrotome ; G. Neu- rotom. The nervous apparatus of a soma- tome. Neurot'omy [■/î'),ooi/, ro/irj^. L. neuro- tomia: F. névrotoraie ; G. Neurotomie; /. nevrotomia. Section of a nerve. Neu'rotripsy [r/JiV'i?]. F. neurotripsie. Crushing a nerve. Neurotro'ma (L.) [rz-tu//.«]. Wound of a nerve. Neuro varico 'sis (7y.). Formation of swellings or varicosities on nerve-fibres. If these afl'ect the axis cylinder only, it is filovaricosis ; if the myelin sheath only, it is myelovaricosis [Adamkiewicz]. Neu'tral mix'ture. Mixture of citrate of potassium. Neu'traline. Commercial name of a kind of petrolatum. Neutraliza'tion. L. neutralisatio ; F. neutralisation ; G. Neutralisirung ; 7. neu- tralizzazione. Destruction of peculiar prop- erties, making inactive. Neu'trophile [neuter, tpiXni^ Readily colored by staining agents of neutral re- action. Neuvième paire (F.). Ninth pair of nerves, the glosso-pharyngeal nerves. Neva'da Min'eral Springs. Sul- phuretted waters, Nevada, Vernon Co., Mis- souri. Névragmie (71). Rupture of a nerve, tearing it from its attachments. Névralgie (7^.). Neuralgia. N. épi- leptoïde, epileptiform neuralgia. N. fémoro-poplitée, sciatica. Navrasse (/.). Cerebro-spinal axis. Névrasthénie (/'.). Neurasthenia. Névraxe (7'.). Cerebro-spinal axis. Nevrectomie (T'.). Neurectomy. Névrilème (7^.). Neurilemma. NévrUémite (7^.). 7. nevrileramite. Perineuritis. IMÉV NIC 211 NéATTilité (F.). Neurility. N. centri- ftige, motricity. N. centripète, s^ensibil- ity. Névrilome (F.). Neuroma originating in tiie neurilemma. Névrimotilité (F.). Motricity. Névrine {F.). I. nevrina. Neiirine. Névrite (F.). Neuritis. N. segment- aire, form atfecting .sever;il portiuii-s of the same nerve-fibre, the intermediate portions being unchanged. It affects the myelin sheath, hut not the axis cylinder. N. symptomatique, neuritis caused by dis- ease of an organ which the nerve traverses. Névritique (F.). Relating to the nerves, neuritie. Névro-choroïdite (F.). Choroiditis complicated by ciliary neuritis. Nevroflogosi (/.). Neuritis. Névrog-lie (F.). I. nevroglia. Neu- roglia. Névrographie {F.). I. nevrografia. Neurography. Névro-hjrpnologie (F.). Hypnotism. NévTome (F.). Neuroma. Névromiinosie (F.). Neuromimesis. Névromyalgie (F.'). Jlyalgia. Névropathie (F.). Neurosis. Névropathologrie (F.). Neuropathol- ogy- Névrosclérose (F.). Sclerosis of ner- vous tissue. Névrose (F.). Neurosis. Névro- sisrae, nervousness. Névrospasme (F.). Nervous spasm. Névrosthénie (F.). Excessive excita- bility of nerve-centres. Névrotique (F.). Neurotic. Névrotomie (F.). Neurotomy. N. optico-cUiaire, optico-ciliary neurotomy. Névroviscérite (/■'.). Visceral inflam- mation with neuralgic manifestations. New'bury Springs (Montebello Sprinjis). Sul])huretteJ, calcic, and cha- lybeate waters, Newbury, Orange Co., Ver- mont. New Grana'da bark. A variety of cinchona-bark. New Hol'land Springs. Calcic waters, near (laiiiosville. Hall Co., Georgia. New Jer'sey tea. Cfanotfim: nmeri- New'som's Arroy'o Gran'de Warm Springs. Sulphuretted, thermal waters, 40°-lU0° F., San Luis Obispo Co., Califor- nia. New Zea'land flax. Phormium tenajc. Fors. Nez (F.). Nose. Ngai cam'phor. C,oH,80. A variety of camphor, having the .same composition as Sumatra camphor, obtained in ('bina and Burmah by the distillation of Ji/.iimca i/(i/sii»iifrr(i. DC. Nican'dra physaloi'des, Gan-tn. Apple of I'eru, naturalized in the U.S. from Peru ; the berries are diuretic. Niccoli bromi'dum (/>.). Nickel bro- mide. Nick'el. Ni. L. niccolum ; O. Nickel ; /. nichelio. A silvery-white, ductile, malle- able metal, spec. grav. about 8.5 ; not oxid- ized by exposure to moist air ; existing in various ores, genei'ally associated with arse- nic, antimony, or cobalt. N. bro'mide, NiBrj. L. niccoli bromidum ; tr'. Niekel- bromiir; F. bromure de nickel. Green, odorless crystals, of an acrid, burning taste, sparingly soluble in water, alcohol, or ether ; obtained by the action of bromine upon heated metallic nickel ; extolled as a rem- edy for epilepsy, melancholia, and hysteria. N. chlo'ride. NiCI.;. L. niccoli chloridum ; F. chlorure de nickel ; G. Nickelchlorür ; /. cloruro di nichelio. A yellow, crystalline, unctuous salt, formed by heating nickel in a current of dry chlorine gas ; the hydrated salt is green and very deliquescent ; has been recommended as a tonic in anaemia. N. sul'phate. NiS0.,7FL0. /.. niccoli sulphas; /'. sulphate de nickel; G. Nickel- sulfat : I. solfato di nichelio. A green, crystalline, efflorescent salt, having a sweet- ish and styptic taste, readily soluble in wa- ter, insoluble in alcohol ; prepared bv dis- solving nickel carbonate in diluted sulphuric acid, concentrating, and crystallizing; rec- ommended by Simpson (1852) as a tonic and antiperiodic. Nick'er-seed ou. Oil expressed from bonduc-seed ; used as an embrocation. Nickhaut ( G.). Nictitating membrane. Nick'ing [-1. .S'. knik]. 0|)erati<)n of cutting through the deprejisor muscles of the tail in horses. Nickkrämpfe (G.). Spasm of muscles of neck ; wry-neck. Nic'ol's prism. Prism of Iceland spar, use. A colorless, liquid, volatile, strongly alkaline, very soluble alka- loid, the active principle of tobacco ; a de- pressant neurotic and rapidly fatal poison. A drop in a watch-glass, covered by another containing a drop of nitric or hydrochloric acid, will evolve white fumes, less dense than those from conine, and not producing crystals. Platinum bichloride throws down a yellow precipitate, becoming crystalline and soluble in hydrochloric acid. Mercuric chloride produces peculiar white crystalline precipitate, changing to yellow (distinction from other precipitates caused by this rea- gent, excepting with strychnia, which dif- fers decidedly in crystalline form) ; a deli- cate test : see Table of antidotes. Nictazione (/.). Nictitation. Nic'titating. Winking. N. mem'- brane. L. membrana nictitans ; F. mem- brane clignotante; 6-'. Blinzhaut, Nickhaut; /. membrana nittitante. \ fold of the con- junctiva which in lower vertebrates (birds, reptiles) answers the purpose of a third eyelid, being actuated by special muscles. It is not as well developed in mammals, and in man and primates is reduced to a vestigial condition (plica semilunaris). Nictita'tion. L. nictitatio. Winking. Nid ( F.). Nest. N. d'hirondelle, nidus hirundinis [Reil]. Nida'tion [L. nidus]. Periodical de- velopment iif epithelial lining of body of uterus during the intermenstrual period [Aveling]. Ni'dorous. Ij nidorosus. Smelling like rotten eggs. Ni'dus (/>.). 1. A nest. 2. -\ focus or central [iciint of infection. 3. Collection of nerve-cells; nucleus; nerve-centre. N. a'vis, nidus hirundinis. N. hirun'dinis. F. nid d'hirondelle ; G. Nest, Schwalben- nest ; I. nido di rondine. Deep fossa be- tween amygdala and uvula on under sur- face of cerebellum. Niederkunft ( G.). Parturition. Niederschlag (G.). Precipitate. Niederschlagend ( G.'). Depressing, depressant. Niederschlagsmembran {G.'). Film formed by coagulation or j)recipitation. Niederschlagung {G.). Precipitation. Niederzieher (6'.). Depressor. N. des Mundwinkels, dejiressor anguli uris. N. der Nase or N. des Nasenflügels, de- pressor ahe nasi. N. der Nasenscheide- wand, naso-labialis. N. des Penis, ischio- cavernosus. Niere (G.). Kidney. In composition Nieren, as, — abscess, pyonephrosis ; — adenoma, adenoma of kidney ; — affec- tion, kidney disease ; — arterie, renal artery ; — artig, renal, kidney-like ; — atrophie, renal atrophy; — becher, renal calyx; — beckenentzündung, pyelitis; — beckenerweiterung, hydronephrosis ; — beschwerde, kidney complaint ; — be- weglichkeit, mobility of the kidney's; — blutadem, renal veins ; — blutung, ne- phrorrbagia ; — bruch, nc]dirocele ; — carcinom, carcinoma of kidney ; — cir- rhose, cirrhosis of the kidneys ; — defekt, malformation or deficienc}' of the kidney ; — degeneration, degeneration of the kid- neys; — einschnitt, hilum of kidney; — eiterung, suppuration of the kidney ; — entzündung, nephritis; - — fett, fat sur- rounding the kiilney ; — flstel, renal fis- tula ; — förmig, kidney-shaped ; — gang [Kupffer], primitive organ from which ure- ter and permanent kidney are developed, appearing as a tubular passage near the lower end of the Wolttian duct ; above, it branches and forms the urinifcrous tubules; below, it opens independently into the uro- genital sinus; — geflecht, renal plexus; — gegend, renal region ; — gries, grav- elly concrement in the kidney ; — haut, renal capsule; — infarct, kidney infarc- tion; — kanälchen, urinifcrous tubule; • kapsel, 1. Adipose ca|)sule of the kid- ney. 2. Suprarenal cap; kelch, renal calyx ; — kern or — knäuel, glomerulus of kidney ; — kolik, nepbrit ic cuiic ; — kom, Malpighian corpuscle ; — kl'ankheit, re- nal disease; — krebs, renal cancer; — lähmung, renal paralysis; — läppen or NIE NIP 213 — läppchen, lobe of the kidney ; — lehre, nephrology; — leiden, renal disease; — mark, medullary substance of kidney ; — papille, papilla of kidney; — Pyra- miden, pyramids of Malpighi ; — sand, renal gravel ; — sarcom, sarcoma of the kidney ; — Schlagader, renal artery ; — schmerz, noplirali.'ia ; — schnitt, neph- rotomy ; — Schrumpfung, contraction of the kidney ; — sklerose, chronic intersti- tial nephritis; — stein, renal calculus; — steinschnitt, nephro-lithotomy ; — Stru- men, peculiar cystic liponiatous growths in the kidney ; — süchtig, having diseased kidneys; — trichter, nephrostome; — ty- phus, lumbago with hemoglobinuria in the horse; — venen, renal veins; — Vereite- rung, pyonephrosis ; — vergrösserung, enlargement of the kidney ; — Verhär- tung, induration of the kidney ; — Verö- dung, destruction or wasting of kidneys ; — Verstopfung, renal obstruction ; — Wärzchen, papilla of kidney ; — ■Wasser- sucht, hydronephrosis. Niesefleber (G.). Hay fever. Niesekrampf or Niesskrampf (G.). Spasmodic sneezing. Niesemittel (.) [vó»?, à^Oév^ia']. Men- tal weakness. No'ble parts. F. parties nobles ; G. edle Theile ; I. parti nobili. Organs of the body essential to life or to generation. Noce (/.). 1. Nut. 2. The genus Juglans. N. del ginocchio, patella. N. di sassafrasso, sassafras-nuts, pichurim beans. N. vom'ica, nux vomica. Noctambvda'tio or Noctisur'gium (Z. I. Somnambulism. Noctur'nal blind'ness. Hemeralopia. Noctur'nal emis'sion or pollu'tion. F. pollution nocturne. Ejaculation of se- men in a dream. Noctur'nal ver'tigo. Sudden sensa- tion of falling from a height just after going to sleep. Nocuité {F.'). The quality of being hurtful or noxious. No'dal points. F. points nodaux ; G. Knotenpunkte. Two points on the prin- cipal axis of a refracting system so situ- ated that every ray that before refraction is directed to the first nodal point is after refraction directed to the second, and the incident and refracted rays are parallel. Nod'ding spasm. Spasmus nutans. Nod'ding tril'lium. Tiillium cernuum, L. Node. L. nodus ; G. Knoten ; /. nodo- sità. A knob or hard flattened tumor on a bone, ligament, or tendon. Nodi perlacei (/.). Pearly bodies. Nodo (/). Knot. N. dell' encefalo, pons Varolii. N. vitale, vagus nucleus. Nodose'. L. nodosus ; F. noueux, euse ; G. knotig; I. nodos50. Knotted; containing alternate swellings and contractions. Nodosités de Bouchard ( F.). A knot- ty condition of the second joints of the fin- gers, supposed by Bouchard to be sympto- matic of dilatation of the stomach. Nodos'ity. i. nodositas; /^.nodosité; G. Nodositut; / nodosità. A small knot- like tumor. 216 NOD NOR Nod'ular. F. nodulaire; G. verknoted ; / nodulare. Pertaining to, or affected with, nodes or nodosities. Nod'ule. L. nodulus ; F. nodule ; G. Knötchen; /. nodulo. 1. A little node or knot. 2. F. nodule cérébral. Pointed ante- rior termination of inferior surface of the vermis of the cerebellum. Nod'uli Albi'ni. Nodules of connective tissue sometimes found upon free edge of auriculo-ventricular valves. Nod'ulus (7y.). Nodule. N. Aran'tii, corpus Araiitii. N. Morgag'ni, corpus Arantii ; sometimes applied more particu- larly to the corpora Arantii found on the pulmonary valves. No'dus (jf/.). Node. N. cer'ebri, pons Varolii. N. extenso'rius or N. ex- ter'nus hu'meri, e]iicondyle. N. flexo'- rius, epitrochlea. N. g-uttura'lis, Adams aj)ple. N. inter'nus hu'meri, epitrochlea. N. val'vtdae atrio-ventricula'ris. G. Knoten der linken Atrioventicularklappe. A cartilaginous thickening in wall of heart at either side of anterior segment of mitral valve. N. val'vulae mitra'lis, nodus val- vulae atrio-ventricularis. Nœud (F.). Knut N. de l'encéphale, pons Varolii. N. vital [Flourcns], vagus nucleus. Noir {F.). Black. N. animal, animal charcoal. N. de fumée, lampblack. N. d'ivoire, ivury-black. Noir-museau {F."). Sarcoptic scabies in the sheep. Noisetier (F.). Corylus Avcììnna. Noisette {F.). Filbert. N. purgative, purging nut, Joliopìia nnil/ÌJìi/d, L. Noiset'tia pyrifo'lia, !Mart. AncJiietea salutaris, St. Hil. Noix (F.). Nut. N. d'arec, areea-nut. N. de coco, cocoanut. N. de galle, nut- gall. N. du genou, patella (popular term ). N. de Gourou or de Kola, cola-nut. N. muscade, nutnieg. N. de palme or de palmier, the seed of Fiais yniurensis, L. N. de sassafi-as, pichurim beans. N. vomique, nux vomica. No'li me tan'gere (L.). A term for various eroding ulcers, such as lupus, epi- thelioma, etc., of the face. No'ma (/v.) [i-'/jw]. Gangrenous in- flammation of the mouth or female genitals in young children. N. puden'di or pu- dendo'rum, noma of the genitals. see Relating to intel- Nombril (/•'.). Umbilicus. N. de Vénus, navelwort. No'menclature. L., I. nomenclatura ; G. Nonienclatur. The terms peculiar to a science or art. The nomenclature of dis- eases adopted as a standard in this work is that recommended by the Koyal College of Physicians of London in 1880. Non com'pos men'tis (X.). Not of sound mind. Nonan, ane {F.). Returning every ninth da v. Non'do. Liijusticum acini/olium, Michs. Non-nat'urals. The six non-naturals which were the chief subjects of ancient hygienic advice were air, food, exerci.se, secretion and excretion, and mental phe- nomena. Nonnengeräusch ( G.). Humming sound in the veins. Non-pedun'culated hydat'id : Morgagn /'s lii/dalii./s. Non-vi'able : see Viahiliti/. Noosténique (F.) lectual activity. Noöstere'sis (L.) [vóoj, aTÌpr^i7'.>;'\. De- mentia. Nopal {F.^. (Jpiiiitid coccinrlli/era, Miller. Nordhau'sen ou of vit'riol. L. acidum sulfuricuni fumans. Sulphuric acid con- taining more or less sulphur trioxide (SO3) ; obtained by the di.stillation of dried ferrous sulphate; spec. grav. 1.860 to 1.900. Nor'ma {L.). Rule, model, line. N. facia'lis, norma frontalis. N. ft'onta'lis [I'richard], a line drawn from in front per- pendicular to frontal plane of skull ; used for com]iaring crania from their frontal aspect. N. infe'rior [Owen], a line drawn from below vertical to horizontal plane of skull ; used for comparing crania from below. N. latera'lis, a line perpendicular to sagittal |)lane of skull ; used for com- parinir lateral aspects of crania. N. oc- cipita'lis, a line drawn from behind per- pendicular to frontal plane of skull ; used for comparing the posterior or occipital aspect of crania. N. parieta'lis, norma verticalis. N. poste'rior, norma occipitalis. N. sagitta'lis, aspect of skull seen on a mesial sagittal section [Lissauer]. N. tempora'lis, norma lateralis. N. ver- tica'lis [Blumenbach], a line drawn from above vertical to horizr)ntal plane of skull; used for comparing crania frcun above. NOR NOT 217 Nor'mal. L. normalis ; /. imniiale. Natural, usual, perpendicular. N. con'ju- gate diam'eter : .~=oe I'lcic diumci' rs. N. solu'tion, one coutainins in lÜOO c. c. an amount of the active constituent just suf- ficient to combine with or replace 1 gramme of hydrogen. Nonnalconjugata {^(r.). Normal con- jugate diameter. Normaldistanz (C). Standard dis- tance : see Spulitil error. Normallösuxig (G.). Normal solution. Normalsichtigkeit {0.). Emmetropia. Nosaetiolo'gfia (L.) [^ôaoç, airia, i-ùyoç]. Etiiilogj- of disease. Nose. L. nasus ; F. nez ; G. Na-se ; /. naso. The organ of smell, particularly that portion which forms a prominent fea- ture of the face. Nose-bleed. 1. Epistaxis. 2. Achil- lea Mille/uliun), L. Nose'ma (L.) [v.nii<;. /.njäiii]. A hospital or infirmary. Nosoc'omus (A.). Jlale hospital nurse. Nosocrat'ic [kì^oc, z/vart««]. F. noso- cratifiue ; J. nosocratico. Specific. Nosoctonologia (/.). Geographical nosology. Nos'ode [^''rt-tóòijv']. An isopathic reme- dy. Nosodochi'um (i.) [i-ôrt-oç, iî»;fii«/]. A hospital. Nosogen'esis (Z/.) [yt^sn-.c]. F. noso- genic. Production or etiology of disease. Nosog'eny. L., I. nosogenia ; F. noso- genic. Arrangement of diseases by classes. Nosog'raphy [^-^«ic-w]. L. nosograph- ia ; /'. (J. Nusngraphie ; J. nosografia. Descriptinn of diseases by classes. Nosokomie (^G.). Care of the sick. Nosolog'ical. L. nosologicus ; F. noso- logique ; (t. nosologisch : 1. nosologico. Pertaining to nosology. Nosol'ogy [/'Jtoc, Ài'iyiii]. h-, L nosolo- gia ; /'., (J. Nosologie. The science of the cla.ssification or methodical arrangement of diseases. Nosomanie (i"'.). Hypochondria with erroneous belief that one is diseased. Nosomyco'ses [y.^zr^v]. Diseases pro- duced by fungi. Noson'omy [vriaoç]. A. nosononiia. Doctrine of the laws of disease. Nosopoiet'ic [-";='<«]. F. nosopoétique. Disease-producing. No'sos {L?) [■/'/m/v']. Diseaise. Nosotroph'ic \jpitifr^. Favoring dis- ease. Nostal'gia (//.) [v». nostalgicus ; F. nos- talgique ; G. nostalgisch. Pertaining to, or affected with, nostalgia. Nostoma'nia (L.) \_!i.(vjia\. F., G.Nos- tomanie. Excessive nostalgia. Nos'trils. /y. niiresextcrna3; 7^. narines; G. Nasenlöcher ; /. narici. Two oval open- ings at under surface of nose by which air is drawn into the nasal fossœ. Nos'trum (//.). A secret or ((uack medicine. No'ta primitiva (/>■)■ Primitive streak. Notal'gia (A.) [vwr-s-, "i).yn<;'\. F. no- talgie ; G. Rückenschmerz. Pain in the back. 218 NOT NUC Notaxiencepha'lia (//.) [^èyxéipaÀni']. Congenital absence of the back part of the cranium. Notch. L., I. incisura ; F. cchancrure ; G. Einschnitt, Ausschnitt. Used in anat- omy to indicate a somewhat angular depres- sion or interruption in the surface of organs, particularly at their edges. N. of the con'- cha, incisura intcrtragica. N. of Rivinus. /y. incisura Rivini ; G. Kivini'scher Aus- schnitt. A small gap in the bony ring to which the membrana tynipani is attached. N. of a ver'tebra. L. incisura vertebra- lis ; F. échancrure vertébrale ; G. AVirbel- ausschnitt ; /. incisura vertebrale. The concavity above and below the pedicle. Notches of the cerebel'lum. Inter- vals separating the hemispheres, distin- guished as anterior and posterior. Notencephal'ocele. Congenital ence- phalocele at the back of the head. Notenceph'alus ( L.) [v(u7»ì-, iyxéfa- /"s"]. F. notencéphale ; / notencefalo. iMonster with notencephalocele. Nothimpfung (C). Vaccination when smallpox is prevalent as an epidemic. Nothschlinge ((?•)■ Temporary liga- ture. Nothverband (&'.). Temporary band- age. Nothzucht ( C). Rape. No'tochord [^(ùr»^-, y«iiürf\. L. chorda dorsalis ; F. notocorde ; G. Wirbelsaite ; 1. notocorda. A rod of cellular cartilage formed under the medullary groove at an early stage of the embryo, and correspond- ing to the centres of the future vertebral bodies. It extends as far forward as the sella turcica. When ossification sets in it gradually disappears, although traces of it may be found both in the bodies and in the intervertebral discs. Notoforo (I.). Notophore. No'to-g-los'sus (//.) \jXùi(ttTa\. Lingua- lis superficialis. Notome'lus (//.) [vcSri/s-, /x^-io?]. F. notoniMe ; /. notomelo. A monster with supernumerary limbs attached to the hack. Notomia (/.). Anatomy. Notomyeli'tis \_ij.u->.<'ii\. F. notomyé- lite ; /. notiimielite. Inflammation of the spinal cord. No'tophore [ç'/k«]. L. notophorus ; /. notoforo. Monster with spina bifida. Nottambulismo (/.). Somnambulism. Nottambulo (/.). Somnambulist. Nouag'e(F.). Rachitis; tying. Noué, ée, rachitic ; tied. Nouveau-né {F.). Newborn. Nox'ious. L. noxius ; F. nuisible ; G. schädlich ; 1. nocivo. Injurious, harmful. Noyau {F.). Nucleus. N. amygda- lien, amygdaloid tubercle. N. de Balbi- ani, lialbiani's nucleus. N. caudé, eau- date nucleus. N. du cordon grêle, nu- cleus funiculi gracilis. N. des corps restiformes, nucleus funiculi cuneati. N. du cristallin, central portion of crystalline lens. N. extra-ventriculaire, nucleus lenticularis. N. (grand) pyramidal, me- dial accessory olivary nucleus. N. intra- ventriculaire, nucleus caudatus. N. lenticulaire, lenticular nucleus. N. du limaçon, modiolus. N. masticateur, motor nucleus of trigeminus : see Trigemi- nal nuclei. N. de l'œuf, iemale pronu- cleus. N. des poils, ]ia|iilla of hair-fol- licle. N. post-p5Tamidal or N. des pyramides postérieures, nucleus funic- uli gracilis. N. rouge de Stuling, red nucleus. N. spermatique, luale pronu- cleus. N. de Stuling, Clarke, column of. N. vitellin, germinal vesicle. Noyaux (-F.), pi. of Noyau. Nuclei. N. de l'acoustique, auditory nuclei. N. juxta-olivaires, accessory olivary nuclei. Noyé, ée {F.'). Drowned. Noyer {F.'). Walnut. N. commun, JiKjldns regia, L. N. gris, Jugions cinerra, L. Nu, Nue (F.y Naked. Nuage {F.). I. nube. 1. Nephelium. 2. Cloud in urine. 3. Musc* volitantes. Nubec'ula (//., /.). F. nubécule. A little cloud or film. Nu'bile. L. nubilus ; G. mannbar. Marriageable, at the period of puberty. NubU'ity. L. nubilitas; F. nubilité; G. Nubilitat; I. nubilita. Fitness for mar- riage. Nu'cha {L.). F. nuque ; /. nuca. Nape of the neck. Nu'chal. F. nuchal, ale. Relating to the nucha. N. fas'cia. X. fascia n neh» ; G. Nackenbinde. That part of the cervical fascia enveloping the tra])ezius. N. fos'sa. />. fossa nuchae ; Cr. Nackengrube. A triangu- lar depression on the middle line at the back of the neck, just below the occipital bone. N. tu'bercle. /y. tuberculum nuch;« ; G. Nackenhilcker. The prominence on the surface of the back of the neck, caused NUC NUC 219 by the spine of the seventh cervical ver- tebra. Nu'cin. F. nucine. A crystalline sub- stance found by Keischauer and Vogel (1856) in the pericarp and leaves of Jiiijldns reyia, L. Nu 'cit. CJI.A-HoO. A crystallizable, non-fermentable sugar found in the leaves of Jugions regìa. L.. probably identical with inosit. Nuck, canal' of. L. canalis Nuckii ; G. Nuck'scher Canal. Passage in the female corresponding to inguinal canal in the male. It commences at internal ab- dominal ring, ends at labium majus, and contains round ligament of uterus. Nuck, divertie 'ulum of. Diverticulum Nuckii. Nu'clear. /'. nucléaire, nuck'al, ale ; /. nucleare. Pertaining to a nucleus, to a central group of nerve-cells. N. lay'ers. F. couches granuleuses ; G. Koriier- schichten. Strata of central layers of retina. The inner n. 1. is between the inner and outer molecular layers, and is sub- divided into the layer of spongioblasts and the layer of the ganglion retin», which see. The outer n. 1. is the inner portion of the visual cell-layer, composed of the cone- granules and rod-granules. N. paral'ysis. G. Nuclearlahmung. Paralysis due to cen- tral causes. N. spin'dle, the spindle- shaped arrangement of fibres and chro- matin fragments into which the nucleus is transformed during karyokinesis. N. zone. G. Kernzone. That formed around the crystalline lens by the uniform arrange- ment of the nuclei of the superficial fibres. Nuclearlahmung (C). Nuclear pa- rai 3' .sis. Nu'cleated or Nu'cleate. L. nucleatus ; F. nucléé, éée ; /. nucleato. Having a nucleus. Nuclei ( L.). pi. of Nucleus, 7. v. N. cerebel'li secunda'rii, nucleus fastigii, nucleus globosus, and nucleus emboli- fonnis. N. colliculo'rum, gray masses found within the corpora quadrigemina. N. trigem'ini, trigeminal nuclei. Nu'clei myris'ticae (//.). Nutmegs. Nucléiforme (/'.). Itesembling a nu- cleus. Nu'clein. F. nucleine. 1. Chromatin. 2. Nucleoplasm. Nucleochile'ma (L.). Collective term for .ill tlie sulistance occupying the meshes of the reticulum of the nucleus. Nucleohy'aloplasm. Chromatin. Nucle'olus (/-.). F. nucléole ; G. Kern- korpcrchen ; /. nucleolo. Separate spot of substance within the nucleus, consist- ing wholly or chiefly of chromatin ; dis- tinguished by its larger size from the nu- clear granules. Nu'cleoplasm [::/.«.t/ìan. 2. Applied principally to tliat differeiitiuted body in the protoplasm ol' a cell which contains the chromatin, and which may or may not be separated from the proto|)lasm by a mem- brane. 3. A group of cells forming the central termination of a nerve or of a bun- dle of nerve-fibres. N. abducen'tis, ab- ducens nucleus. N. accesso'rii, spinal accessory nucleus. N. accesso'rius acus'tici : see Atuliton/ itiicki. N. acus'- tici, auditory nucleus. N. ambig'uus, in the medulla oblongata a nuclear mass in the form of a gray cord directed dor.so- ventrally along the fibres of origin of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. N. amyg'dalae, amygdaloid tubercle. N. amygdalifor'mis. I. Amygdaloid tuber- cle. 2. Nucleus of Luys. N. angu^la'- ris : .see Andifor^ ìiucÌci. N. of ante 'ri or root-zone. X. nucleus funiculi anterioris; G. Kern des Vorderstranggrundbündels. A detached group of nerve-cells found in the medulla oblongata, ventrally and me- dially from lowest fibres of origin of hypo- glossal nerves. N. ante'rior thal'ami: see Thalamic nvch-i, N. antero-latera'- lis, nucleus funiculi lateralis. N. arcifor'- mis. G. kleinerer Pjramidenkcrn. A small mass of gray matter among the super- ficial arcuate fibres of the medulla. N. arcua'tus triangula'ris, nucleus arci- forrais. N. of Balbia'ni, lîalbiani's nu- cleus. N. basa'lis, olivary nucleus. N. of Bech'terew : see Aiiditonj ntnlei. N. blastoder'matis, germinal spot. N. bul'bi for'nicis, gray substance found within corpora mammillaria. N. cau- da'tus, caudate nucleus. N. centra'lis infe'rior, in the pons a mass of gray cells, rather diffusely scattered, situated near the raphe and the posterior border. N. centra'lis supe'rior, in the pons a gray mass near the dorsal and anterior surface. N. cerebel'li, dentate nucleus of cerebellum. N. cine'reus, ])osterior gray commissure : see Spinal commissures. 220 NUC NUC N. cochlea 'ris : see Auditory n)ic/(i. N. cunea'tus exter'nus, a small detached nucleus of giay matter lying superficially to the nucleus cuncatus of the medulla oblongata. N. cursa'rius, portion of gray matter in head of corpus striatum, irritation of which in animals produces irresistible tendency to run or jump [Noth- nagel]. N. of Dei'ters, outer or superior auditory nucleus: see Aiuitlory nuclei. N. denta 'tus cerebel'li, dentate nucleus of ceriliclluni. N. denta'tus par'tis com- missura'lis, nucleus olivaris superior. N. denta'tus oli'vee, olivary nucleus. N. denticula'tus, dentate nucleus of cere- bellum. N. den'tis, pulp of tooth. N. embolifor'mis. (1. l'l'ro])fkern. A nu- cleus of gray matter in the cerebellum, lying close to the ecjrpus dentatum toward the median line. N. exter'nus thal'ami : see Thihimir nuclei. N. fas'ciae denta'- tse, irregularly arranged pyramidal cells fiund in the centre of the fascia dentata. N. facia'lis, facial nucleus. N. fasti'gii, rodf nucleus. N. flmbria'tus, dentate nucleus of cerebellum. N. flbro'sus lin'- gnae, septum fibrosum lingu;e. N. funic'- uli anteiio'ris, nucleus of anterior root- zone. N. funic'uli cunea'ti, cuneate nucleus. N. funic'uli gi'a'cilis, davate nucleus. N. funic'uli latera'lis. G. Kern des Seitenstrangs. In the medulla oblon- gata, a portion of the continuation of ante- rior horn of spinal cord, vehich lias become separated by fibres cros.sing from the lateral column to the opposite anterior jivramid. N. funic'uli tere'tis, a nucleus lying in the funiculus teres, Hoor of the 4tli ventricle, mesially and dorsally from the hypoglossal nucleus. N. gelatino'so-cartilagin'eus or N. gelatino'sus, nucleus pulposus. N. globo'sus. O. Kugelkern. A nucleus of gray matter in the cerebellum, near the corpus dentatum, to the median and under side of the nucleus emboliformis. N. glossopharynge'i, glossopharyngeal nucleus. N. hypoglos'si, hypoglossal nucleus. N. hypoglos'si accesso'rius or ante'ro-exter'nus, nucleus funiculi lateralis. N. infe'rior acus'tici, acces- sory auditory nucleus: see AxKlii'ni/ nuclei. N. inter'nus thal'ami : see Thalamir nu- clei. N. jux'ta-oliva'ris, nucleus of the pyramid. N. latera'lis, claustrum. N. latera'lis ante'rior, anterior division of nucleus funiculi lateralis. N. latera'lis me'dius, nucleus ambiguns. N. latera'- lis poste'rior, posterior division of nucleus funiculi lateralis. N. latera'lis thal'ami : sec Thalamic nuclei. N. lemnis'ci latera'- lis, a collection of cells in the lateral lem- niscus tract, about on the level of the upper termination of the fourth ventricle. N. lenticula'ris, lenticular nucleus. N. lenticula'tus, Nut: — gelenk, ball-and- socket joint. Nuss'baum's narco'sis. The condi- tion produied liy a full «lose of morphia, followed by inhalation of chloroform. Nut [A. S. hnut]. L. nux ; F. noix: G. Nuss ; /. noce. A dry, indéhiscent fruit, commonly one-celled and one-seeded, consisting of a hard shell enclosing a ker- nel : see also /iarbadnex, Ben, Betti, Bun- due, Brazil, C'lshew, Clenring, Cream, Guru, Indian gum, Kola, Malacca, Marking, Oil, Oriental cashew. Para, Pecan, Physic, Poi- son, Sassafras, Soap, etc. nu/. Nuta'tion. L. nutatio , /. nutazione. An oscillation or nodding. Nutation de l'utérus {F.). Normal antevcrsioii of uterus in second month of pregnancy. Nuta'tor cap'itis (L.). Sterno-cleido- mastoid. Nut'gall. L., I. galla : /'. noix de galle ; G. Gallapfel ; /. noce di galla. Excres- cences on (jueixus lusitanica, Webb, var. infertiiria. DC, cau.sed by the punctures and deposited ova of Ci/uìps galhx tinctoriec, Oliv. [U.S.]'.]; astringent: see also -l/nc/-- ica/( nuti/alls. N. oint'ment. L. unguen- tum gallœ. l'owdered nutgalls 1, beiizoin- ated lard 9, U. S. P. [5i, B. P.]. Nut-grass. Cypmis rotundus, L., var. Iiydrn, Cìray ; indigenous ; root aromatic ; used in cholera. Nut'meg. L. myristica ; F. noix mus- cade ; G. Muskatnuss ; 1. nocemoscata. The kernel of the seed of My risi tea fnigraiis, Hout., deprived of its testa [U. S. P.] ; aromatic and narcotic : see also Brazilian, California, Female, Ijong, Male, and Vi'ild nutmeg. N. but'ter, expressed oil of nutmeg. N. ce'rate. L. balsaraum nu- cistcB ; G. Miiskatbalsam. Yellow wax 1, olive oil 2, expressed oil of nutmeg 6; melt together [P. G.]. N.-flow'er, Nigella na- tiva, L. N. liv'er, congested liver. N.- tree, .Vyristica fragrans, Ilout. Nut oil. A drying, fixed oil obtained from the kernels of the English walnut. Nut-pine. Pinus Sabiniana, Doug. Nu'trient. L. nutriens ; F. nutritif, ive ; G. nahrhaft : /. nutriente, nutritizio. Giving nourishment. N. ar'tery. F. artère nourricière ; I. arteria nutritizia. medullary artery. N. canal'. L. canalis nutritius: F. conduit nourricier; G. Hrnäh- rungskanal ; /. condotto nutritizio. The passage by which the medullary artery enters a bone. N. foram'ina. L. foram- ina nutritia ossium. The openings by which the nutrient arteries penetrate the bones. Nutrilité (F.). Metabolism. Nutri'tious. F. nutritif, ivo ; G. nahr- haft : y. nutritivo. Having the power of nourishing. N. ar'teries, medullary arte- ries. Nu'tritive. L. nutritivus ; F. nutritif, ive ; G. ernährend ; 7. nutritive. Aflbrd- ing nourishment, relating to nutrition. N. yolk. (/. Nahrungsdottcr. Portion of ovum containing most yolk-granules, and 222 NUT NYX serving principally as a food reservoir, in distinction to the formative yolk, .) [>''>i, âXaùt, «i^]. F., G. Nyctalopie, Tagblindheit ; /. nittalopia. Now used to mean day-blindness, but by all ancient authorities, except Hippocrates, it is used in the sense of night-blindness. Nyc'talops (/>■)■ G. Tagblinder. One who sees best in a dim light or at night. Nyctamblyo'pia (L.) [^^'î, aßßXoc, <ûç'']. Night-blindness. Nyctiplanc'tos, Nyctiplanc'tus, Nyctip'olos, Nictip'olus, or Nyctip'o- rus (/>. ) [^".c, TTid-cu or tto/vï'""]- A som- nambulist. Nyctoba'dia, Nyctob'asis, Nyctoba- te'sis, or Nyctoba'tia (L.) [yOS, ßahiu or ßariu)^. Somnambulism. Nyctopho'nia {L.) [(piuvnf]. Ability to speak only at night. Nyctotyphlo'siS (L.) [rn(f)M)nii\. Night-blindnes.s. Nygroat'lcus {L.) [v'y//«]. Pertaining to a puncture or stab. Nym'phse (L.) [^/^V?"'/]- L. labia pu- dendi minora ; F. nymphes vulvaires, pe- tites lèvres; (7. Wasserlcfzen ; /. ninfe, piccole labbra. Two folds of mucous mem- brane containing vessels and glands, situ- ated one on each side of the vagina within the labia majora. Nymphae'a (//.). Water-lily ; a genus of Nympiixacex. N. adve'na, Michx., Nupitar atlvfiui. Ait. N. al'ba, the Eu- ropean white water-lily ; the flowers con- tait; mucilage and are oflBcial in the Cod. N. lu'tea, small yellow pond-lily ; the rhi- zome is official in the Cod.; sedative and antispasmodic. N. odora'ta, Ait., sweet- scented water-lily ; indigenous ; the rhi- zome is astringent and demulcent. Nymphen ((^/.). Nymphas. Nymphique {F.). Relating to the nymphic. Nymphi'tis. F. nymphite ; G. Seham- lefzenentziindung ; /. ninfite. Inflamma- tion of the nymphae. Nym'pholepsy [)a,(!'ii\. G. Nympho- lepsie. Excision of the iiymphiB. Nymphoma'nia. (//.) \_iiavia\. F. nymphomanie; (/. Manntollheit; 1. ninfo- mania. Insane desire, in females, for coitus. Nymphon'cus (/>.) [iV'"?]- Tumor or swelling of the nymphi« or clitoris. Nymphot'omy [i-o/i^rry, rourf^. F., G. Nyniphotomie ; 7. ninfotomia. Excision of the nympha;. Nys'sa (/^.). A genus of Cornacex. N. can'dicans, Michx., Ogeechec lime; grows in the swamps of Georgia and Flor- ida. N. capita'ta, Walt., K. cmuiicanx, Michx. N. grandidenta'ta, Michx. fil., iV. uniflvra, Walt. N. uniflo'ra, Walt., large tupelo, cotton-gum, grows in the southern U. S. ; the spongy roots of the above species are used for corks and for surgical tents. Nystag'mus (Z.) [v(j<77«^/ji;^-]. F. nystagnie ; G. Augenapfelkrampf ; /. nis- tagmo. An involuntary rapid movement of the eyeball. Its two principal forms are the oscillating and rotatory : see also MillPIs' Ilj/Sfdl/Ilt us. Nysta'leus (L.) \j^n/rraÀ-oç]. Somno- lent, sleepy. Nystax'is (//.). Nystagmus. Nyx'is (Z/.) [vo^iç]. Paracentesis. -OBE 223 o. O. Symbol of oxygen ; also abbv. for Octarius (L.), a pint. Oak [.1. S. ac or aec]. L. quercus; F. chêne ; (J. Eiche ; /. (juercia. The com- mun name of the trees of the genus (Jiier- ciis: see also Black, Ghestimt, Coric, J)i/er's, Jirnsa/em, Lire. I'uisoii, Spnnis/i. and While ijiik. O. -balls : see Ca/i/oniin uak-lxiUs. O.-bark. L. quercus cortex ; /'. écorce de chêne : G. Eichenrinde ; /. corteccia di quercia. Tlie dried bark of the smaller branches and young stems of Qiwrcus robur, L., collected in spring from trees growing in Britain [B. P.]; astringent. O.-galls : see Nntgall. O.-man'na, Diarbekir or Ar- menian manna, obtained from leaves of Quercus va/loneti, Kotschy, and Q. persica, Jaub. et Spach ; consists chiefly of grape- sugar. Oak Or'chard Ac'id Springs. C'halyb- eate springs, in Genesee Co., New York, containing a notable quantity of free sul- phuric acid. Oak'um \_A. S. œcemba]. G. Werg. Loose hemp impregnated with tarry mat- ter, obtained by picking old rope into fibres. Oaralgie {F.). Ovaralgia. Oa'ric [<ùa/j !«■/]. L. oaricus. Relating to the ovary. Oariocèle (F.). Ovarian hernia. Oariocye'sis (L.) [^xiirjirtç]. Ovarian pregnancy. Oa'rion or Oa'rium (L.) \_cù/iptiiv'j. Ovary. Oarion'cus (L.) [ù/xaç']. Tumor of the ovar\'. Oariop'athy [-'iooç]. L. oariopathia. Ovarian disease. Oariophy'ma (L.) [yù/ia]. Cystic tu- mor of the ovary. Oariot'omy. F. oariotomie. Ovarioto- my. Oari'tis. Ovaritis. Oar'iule ["ù/ìij]. Corpus luteum. Oat [-1. S. ata, ate], L., I. avena; F. avoine; G. Hafer. 1. The common name of plants of the genus Avena. 2. Used in the plural to indicate the grain of Ai;eiui saliva, L., and other cultivated species of -4. Obaudi'tio (//.)• Incomplete deafness. Obbiettivo (/.). Objective of a micro- scope. O. a correzione, one with means for cover-correetion ; O. ad immersione, immersion objective. Obdormi'tio (//.). Sleep, numbness. Obduciren {G.). To make an autopsy. Obduc'tio lega'lis (L.). Medico-legal autopsy. Obduction (F.). The examination of a cadaver previous to the medico-legal au- topsy. Obduktionsbericht (.). F. verrou; G. Riegel. Thin layer of white matter crossing poste- rior median fissure of medulla at calamus scriptorius. Obier (/'■). Vibununn iijiitliis, L. Ob'itus(L.). Dead, death. Objectif {F.). Objective. O. à im- mersion, immersion objective. Objec'tive. i^. objectif; G.Objektiv; /. obbiettivo. An object-glass ; the com- bination of lenses used next the object in a coiupound microscope. Objektivmikrometer {G.). Stage mi- crometer. Objektträger ( (7.) . Slide. Obliquatore del carpo ( /.). Pronator radii tores. ObUquatori dell' occhio (/). Obliijue muscles of the eye. Oblique'. L. obliquus ; G. schief, schräge ; 7. obliquo. Applied in anatomy to structures that have an obliciue direction relative to the axis of the body, of a limb, or of an organ. O. lig'ament. L- liga- mentum obli(|Uum ; /. liganiento di Weit- brecht. Thin fibrous band, apparently a detached portion of the interosseous mem- brane, extending from coronoid process of ulna to radius just below tubercle. O. line of clav'icle, trapezoid line. O. line of flb'ula, posterointernal border, com- mencing at inner side of head and running into interosseous crest at lower fourth ; gives attachment to fascia separaring tibi- alis posticus from superficial muscles. O. line of low'er jaw, exter'nal. L. linea obliqua externa. Impression for depressor muscles, extending downward and forward from anterior border of ramus. O. line of low'er jaw, inter'nal, mylo-byoid ridge. O. line of ra'dius, upper jiart of anterior border. e.\tending downward and outward from the tuberosity, and af- fording attachment to supinator brevis, flexor sublimis digitoruin, and flexor lon- gus pollicis muscles. O. line of thy'roid car'tilage. L. linea obli(ina eartilaginis thyroidei. Line for insertion oi' sterno- thyroid and thyro-hyoid muscles on great wing of thyroid cartilage. O. line of tib'ia, popliteal line. Ó. line of ul'na, ridge running from posterior extremity ot lesser sigmoid cavity to posterior border. OBL OBS 225 and afforiliiii; ;ataelinient to sujiiiiator bro- vis. O. mus'cles of abdo'men, larj;e sheet-like muscles of abdominal wall. The external oblique arises froui the lower eiirlit ribs, and passes downward and for- ward to be inserted upon crest of ilium, Poupart's ligament, crest of ])ubis. and linea alba. The internal oblique arises from lumbar fascia, crest of ilium, and outer half of Poupart's lipimeiit, and is inserted, mainly with upward-directed tilires, into last three ribs, linea alba, and ilio-pec- tineal line, in common with transversalis. O. mus'cles of eye. A. musculi obli(|ui oculi ; G. schiefe Augonniuskclii. Those inserted upon the eyeball obiiciuely to the antero-posterior axis. The superior o. m. arises near the optic foramen, pa.s.ses for- ward, and forms a tendon which pa.sses through a fibro-cartilaginous ring (trochlea) attached to trochlear fossa, and is thus re- flected outward, backward, and downward to its insertion. The inferior o. m. arises from a depression on the orbital plate of su- perior nia.xillary bone, near nasal duct, and passes directly outward, backward, and up- ward to its insertion. O. proc'esses of ver'tebrse, articular processes. O. ridge of mo'lar tooth, thick ridge of enamel connecting anterior internal cusp with pos- terior external cusp in upper molars; found in man and some apes. O. ridge of tra- pe'zium. L. tuberculum ossis multanguli majoris. Eminence on palmar surface of trapezium to which is attached the liga- meiitum carpi volare proprium. O. vein of heart, small vein found in vestigial fold of pericardium, the remains of fœtal left superior cava [Marshall]. Oblique (F.). O. ascendant, obliquus internus abdominis. O. descendant, or O. externe, or O. (grand) de l'abdo- men, obliipius externus abdominis. O. (grand i de l'oeu, superior oblique muscle of the eye [Chaussier]. O. (grand) de la tête, oblirjuus capitis inferior. O. inférieur. 1 . Inferior oblique muscle of eye. '1. 0bli((uus capitis inferior. O. interne or O. ( petit ) de l'abdomen, ob- liquus internus abdominis. O. (petit) de l'œU, inferior oblique of eye [("haussier], O. (petit) de la tête, obliquus capitis su- perior. O. supérieur. 1. Superior obli(jue muscle of eye. '1. übli(|uus cajiitis supe- rior. Obliquo (/.). Oblique. O. inferiore, obliquus capitis inferior. O. superiore, obliquus capitis superior. Vol.. II.— 15 Obli'quus (i). Obli(iue. O. abdom'- inis ascen'dens, obliquus internus ab- dominis. O. abdom'inis exter'nus mi'- nor or O. abdom'inis secun'dus, rare muscle arising from tenth or eleventh rib, and passing to Poupart's ligament , the sheath of the rectus, or to the middle of the crest of the ilium (rectus lateralis abdominis). O. abdom'inis descen'dens, obli(|uus ex- ternus abdominis. O. abdom'inis pro- fun'dus, obliquus intin-nus alMli)niinis. O. abdom'inis superficia'lis, olilii(uus exter- nus abdominalis. O. accesso'rius oc'uli, gracillimus oculi. O, auric'ulse. A few muscular fibres found on medial surface of external ear, extending from eminent ia conche« to eminentia fossœ triangularis. O. au'ris, obliquus auricuhe. O. cap'itis in- fe'rior. F. oblique inférieur de la tête ; /. obliquo inferiore. A small muscle arising from spinous process of axis, and inserted into transverse process of atlas. O. cap'- itis ma'jor, obliquus capitis inferior. O. cap'itis minor, obliijuus capitis superior. O. cap'itis supe'rior. /'. obli((ue supérieur de la tète ; /. obliquo supcriore. A small muscle arising from transverse process of atlas, and passing upward and backward to an insertion between curved lines of oc- cipital bone. O. col'li infe'rior, lower oblique portion of longus colli muscle [Luschka]. O. col'li supe'rior, upper oblique portion of longus colli muscle [Henle]. O. exter'nus abdom'inis, ex- ternal oblique muscle of abdomen ; see Olili(jiie muarlfs of abdomen. O. infe'rior oc'uli, inferior oblique muscle of eye : see Ohi itine nnisc/es of I'ljf. O. inter'nus ab- dom'inis, internal oblique muscle of ab- domen : see Obliqw muscles of' (ilttlniiieii. O. ma'jor, obliijuus superior. O. mi'nor, obli(|uus inferior. O. oc'uli accesso'rius, gracillimus oculi. O. supe'rior oc'uli, superior oblique muscle of eye : see Oblique niiii-cles of s, Oihilu-iniipiliit aiii/le, Bdsi/ar an- gles. 2. That between lines drawn from the inion to the lambda and to the opi.s- thion [Lis.sauer]. 3. Postero-superior angle of parietal bone. O. arc, that meas- ured on surface of cranium from lambda toopisthion. O. a'rea : see Areds of skull. O. ar'tery. L. arteria occipitalis ; F. artère occipitale : G. Ilinterhauptsehlaga- der ; /. arteria occipitale. Branch of ex- ternal carotid distributed to back of head as far as the vertex. O. ar'tery of brain, L. arteria occipitalis cerebri ; /'. artère oc- cipitale du cerveau. Branch of the poste- rior cerebral a. that supplies the occipital lobe [Duret]. O. bone. //. os occipitis; F. occipital ; (r. Hinterhauptsbein ; 1. os- so occipitale. An unpaired, symmetrical bone, of a rhombuidal form, situated on median line at back and lower part of skull, and above first cervical vertebra, with which it articulates. It gives passage to continuation of spinal cord through a large aperture, and has a general resem- blance to a vertebra with greatly expanded lamina. O. convolu'tions. L. gyri oc- cipitales ; F. circonvolutions occipitales ; G. Windungen des Hinterhauptlappens ; / circonvoluzioni occipitali. Those situa- ted upon occipital lobe of the brain. The following are described: On the convex surface three — the superior, middle, and inferior, or first, second, and third. To the superior behuigs a triangular lobule on the median surface (the cuneate lobule). These connect with the convulutions of the frontal and temporo-sphenoidal lobes by small annectant convolutions. The three are united posteriorly by the descending con- volution, C-shaped, and embracing the forked extremity of the calcarine fissure. Upon the tentorial surface the following convolutions pass without notable cliange into those of the lobes lying in front: The superior OC- cipito-temporal {L. gyrus occipito-tempo- ralis mcdialis ; F. cin((uièmc circonvolu- tion temporale ; G. Zangenliippchen ; /. circonvoluzione occipito-femporale interna) lies between the calcarine and the collateral fissures, and is continuous in front with the uncinate convolution. The inferior oc- cipito-temporal {L. gyrus occipito-tem- poralis lateralis ; /'. (juatrième circonvolu- tion temporale ; G. Spindelläppchen ; /. circonvoluzione oceipito-temporale esterna) lies between the collateral fissure and the inferior temporal sulcus, and extends from the posterior extremity .of the hem- isphere to near the anterior extremity of the temporo-sphenoidal lobe. O. crest. //. crista occipitalis ; /". crête oc- cipitale ; G. Hinterhauiitskamm ; 1. cresta occipitale. Name given to two median ridges upon the occipital bone, distin- guished as external and internal. O. di- am'eter, max'imum. F. diamètre occipi- tal maximum ; G. Hinterhauptsbreite. Diam- eter of skull from asterion to asterion. O. em'issary vein, small branch occasionally seen originating from the torcular Ileroph- ili, and passing through a foramen in the occipital protuberance to one of the occipi- tal veins. O. font'anelle : see Fontanelle. O. fora'men, I'oramen magnum. O. fos'- sse. L. fossic occipitales ; F. fosses occipi- tales ; G. Occipitalgruben ; /. fosse occi- pitali. Concavities on cerebral surface of occipital bone. The superior or cerebral receive the occipital lobes of cerebrum; the inferior or cerebellar receive the lobes of cerebellum. O. glands, suboc- cipital glands. O. groove. L. sulcus arteriae occipitalis. Impression made by occipital artery on mastoid ]Mirtion of tem- poral bone. O. line of Dau'benton, Daubenton, line of. O. lobe. L. lobus oc- cipitalis ; F. lobe occi])ital ; G. Hinter- hauptslappen ; /. lobo posteriore. The postero-inferior portion of the hemispheres. It is pyramidal in shape, with a convex, a medial, and a tentorial surface. Upon the medial surface its limits are clearly marked oflF by the parieto-occipital .sulcus ; on the convex surface less so by the transverse occipital, or, as some think, by the anterior occipital sulcus ; upon the tentorial surface it passes without definite limits into the temporal lobe. O. lob'ule, cuneate lobule. O. nerves F. nerfs occipitaux. The great o. n. is the internal branch of the posterior division of second cervical nerve, and supplies the complexus and skin of the occipital region. The small o. n. is a branch of the cervical plexus, de- rived from second and third cervical nerves, ascending along posterior border of sterno- mastoid to region behind ear, where it sup- plies the integument. A portion of it sometimes arises .separately from the plexus, and is distributed to region of mastoid pro- 228 OCC OCC cess ; this is sometimes called the second small O. n. The internili branch of the posterior division of third cervical nerve sometimes pierces the trapezius and rami- fies in the integument over ocei]iital pro- tuberance ; it is then knuwn as the third o. n. O. point. 1. Point on occi[iital lione and in mesial plane farthest removed from the glabelht. 2. F. point occipital du champ de regard ; G. Occipitaljuuikt. Point of the spherical field of regard behind the head, diametrically opposed to the principal fixation-point. O. pole. L. extremitas occipitalis ; G. Oceipitalpol. Hounded end of occipital lobe of the cerebrum. O. pro- tu'berances. L. protuberantiœ occipi- tales ; F. protubérances occipitales; G. Hinterhauptshocker; /. protuberanze oc- cipitali. Two prominent elevations on oc- cipital bone. The external o. p. is at the junction of the superior curved lines and the occipital crest, and aftords attachment to the ligamentum nuclia\ The internal O. p. is on inner surface of the bone in a nearly corresponding situation, being at intersection of internal occipital crest with transverse ridge, to which the tentorium is attached. O. sec'tor, area in median plane of skull between lines drawn from hormion to lambda and inion [Lissauer]. O. si'nus. L. sinus occipitalis ; G . Ilinter- hauptsblutleiter ; /. seno occijutale. A passage for venous blood within the falx cerebelli, extending from posterior spinal veins to torcular Herophili ; sometimes double. O. sul'ci, furrows on convex surface of occipital lobe of brain, usually described as follows : The anterior o. s. (/>. sulcus occipitalis anterior), running obliquely upward and backward from the prajoccipital notch ; placed by some in the parietal lobe. The inferior o. s. {L. sul- cus occipitalis inferior), near lateral edge of occipital lobe. The middle o. s. (/>. sulcus occipitalis médius), slight and incon- stant, about midway between the other two. The transverse o. s. {L. sulcus occipitalis transversus ; G. Aftenspalte) is directed outwardly from a little behind the parieto- occipital fissure, believed to be homologous with external perjicndicular fissure of ape's brain. O. tri'angles. G. Hinterhauptdreiecke. Measurements of oc- cipital region proposed by Welcker. The superior o. t. has for base the biparietal diameter, its apex at the inion ; the inferior O. t. has for base the bimastoid diameter, apex at inion. Lateral o. ts. are the triangu- lar spaces between superior and inferior. O. veins, veins collecting blood from the oc- ciput, emptying either into deep cervical, internal jugular, or external jugular vein. 0. ver'tebra, the occipital bone, so called with reference to the vertebral theory of the skull ; see Cruninl vertelirsc. Occipital, ale {F.). Occipital ; used substantively for the occipital bone. O. latéral, exoccipital bone. O. supérieur, supraoccipital bone. Occipitalbündel, senkrechtes {G.). Fasciculus occipitalis perjiendicuiuris. Occipita'le basila 're (L.). • Basilar process. Occipita'le supe'rius (f^-)- Supra- occipital bone. Occipitalftirche (C). Occipital sulcus. Occipitalgruben (6r.). Occipital fosssc. Occipita'lialatera'lia(X.). Esoccipital bones. Occipita'lis (/>•)■ F. muscle occipital ; 1. muscolo oecijiitale. Epicranius occipi- talis. A subcutaneous muscle of the oc- cipital region, arising from superior curved line of occipital bone and inserted into epi- cranial aponeurosis. O. ma'jor nerve, great occipital : see Occijiital iii'rvfs. O. mi 'nor, occipitalis transversus. O. mi'nor nerve, small occipital : see Occipilul nerves. O. te'res, occipitalis transversus. O. transver'sus. F. peaussier sous-occipital. Muscle fre(|uently found [35 per cent., Maealister] arising from inner portion of superior curved line of occipital bone, and proceeding outward to be inserted upon the tendon of the stcrno-mastiiid or upon the bone. Oceipitalpol (G.). Occipital pole. Occipitalwindimg(6'.). Occipital con- volution. Occipite (/.). Occiput. Occip'ito-. In composition, relating to the occiput. Occipito-atlan'tal. Relating to the occi]iital bone and the atlas. O.-a. ar- ticula'tion, that found between condyles of occii)ital bone and superior articular processes of atlas. O.-a. lig'aments. /-. ligamcnta occipito-atlantia ; /•'. ligaments occipito-atlo'idiens ; /. legamenti occipito- atloidei. Membranous sheets connecting occipital bone wiih arches of atlas. The thickened median portion is .sometimes de- scribed as an accessory O.-a. ligament, but should rather be considered as a continua- tion of the anterior common ligament. OCC OCE 229 Occip'ito-at'loid. Occipito-atlantal. Occipito-ax'ial lig'ament. L. liga- miiiuiui iicoipito-axiale ; F. ligament oc- cipito-axoidien. A strong, wide band pass- ing from body of axis to basilar groove of occipital bone over the cruciform and odontoid ligaments. It is often considered as the continuation upward of the poste- rior common ligament. Some authors de- scribe two layers, designating the super- ficial as the posterior common ligament, the deep as the occipito - cervical or cervico-basilar ligament. Occipito-ax'oid. Oeeipito-axial. Occipito - cer'vical lig'ament : see Oct ipitii-nxiiil li'jumeiit. Occipito-fron'tal. 1. Relating to the occiput and to the frontal region. 2. (Z^-) Occipito-frontalis. O.-f. aponeuro'sis, epicranial aponeurosis. O.-f. diam'eter, distance between occipital and frontal pro- tuberances — about \\ inches in fœtus at term. Occipito-frontalis (//.). F. occipito- frontal ; /. occipito-fVontale. The occipi- talis and frontalis muscles, together with the epicranial aponeurosis which connects them. Occipito-hae'mal arch. Pectoral arch. Occipito-hy'oid mus'cle. An anom- alous muscle, apparently an appendage to the digastric and stylo-hyoid, arising from occipital bone, and passing over sterno- cleido-mastoid to an insertion upon hyoid bone [Perrin]. Occipito-mas'toid. Relating to the mastoid process and the occipital bone. O.-m. su'ture. L. sutura occipito-mas- toidea ; G. Warzennaht. That between occipital bone and mastoid portion of the temporal. Occipito-meninge'al ar'tery. Menin- geal artery, jiosterior inferior. Occipito-men'tal diam'eter. Distance from posterior fontanelle to chin — about 5i inches in fuetus at term. Occip'ito-pari'etal. L. occipito-pari- etalis ; /'. rjfiipito pariétal, ale. Relating to occipital and parietal regions. O.-p. in'dex, relation between bi-asterie diameter and maximum transverse diameter of skull, the latter taken as 100. O.-p. su'ture, lambdoid suture. Occipito-pharsmge'us (Z.). Super- numerary musili' arising from basilar proc- ess of occipital bone and inserted into pharyngeal wall. Occipito-scapula'ris (i-). llhombo- occipitalis. Occipito-staphyli'nus (J^.)- Portion of superior constrictor of pharynx arising from pterygoid process, palate-bone, or soft palate, and passing backward to be inserted u])on occijiital bone. Occip'ito-tem'poral. Relating to oc- cipital and temporal regions. O.-t. con- volu'tions. L. gyri occipito-temporales. Those common to the occipital and temporal lobes of the brain. There are two, situated on the ventral surface, and known respectivelj' as the medial, internal, or superior o.-t. c, also as the fifth temporal c, inferior internal temporal c, lobulus lingualis, and the lateral, external, or inferior o.- t. c. ; also the fourth temporal c, mid- dle internal temporal c, lobulus fusi- formis. O.-t. sul'cus, collateral fissure. Occipito- (^F.). In composition, oc- cipital. O.-atloïdien, ienne, occipito- atlantal. O.-axoidien, ienne, occipito- axial. O.-bregmatique, relating to the occiput and bregma. O.-cotyloïdien, ienne, term applied to vertex presentation in which the occiput of the fœtus cor- responds with the right or left cotyloid cavity of the mother. O. -sacré, ée, terra applied to vertex presentation, in which the occiput of fœtus corresponds to the sacro- vertebral angle of mother. O.-staphyUn, oecipito-staphylinus. Occipito- (/.). In composition, occip- ital. O.-assoideo, occipito-axial. O.- atlantoideo or O.-atloideo, occipito-at- lantal. O.-epistrofeo, occipito-axial. O.- stafilino, ocei])ito-staphylinus. Oc'ciput (Z.). G. Hinterhaupt ; I. occijiite. The posterior inferior portion of the head. O., soft, craniotabes. Occlu'sion. L. occlusio ; G. Verschlies- sung ; /. occlusione. The congenital or ac(iuired closure or stoppage of an orifice or canal. O. of pu'pil: see Pupil. Occlusion intestinale (/".). Intestinal obstruction. Occult'. L. occultus ; F. occulte ; G. gela-ini ; /. oppulto. Hidden, mysterious. Occupa'tion neuro'ses. Nervous dis- orders in which spasmodic symptoms ensue upon an attempt to perform some act which has been a marked feature of an habitual occupation : see Milker's, Telegraphist's, and Writer s crump, etc. O'cean Springs. A health resort on the Gulf coast in Jackson Co., .Mississippi. 230 OCH O. D. A. The waters are saune, chalybeate, and con- tain sulphuretted liydrogen. O'cheus (X.) [o;^^««]. The scrotum. Ochle'sis (/v.) [ó//ii'9]. Cr()wd-]>oison- in«:, tlie result of overcrowding and defec- tive ventilatiiiM. Ochron'osis (/.-.) [wyfioi. vóy'r;]. Atrophy of the teeth. Odon'tia ( //.) ["«»'Js']. Toothache. Odonti'asis (i.). F. odontiase. Den- tition. Odontia'ter {L.) ['«rr;//]. Dentist. Odontia'tria (Z/.) [lar/ziii-J. Dentistry. Odontite (^F.). Inflammation of the pa])illa of the dental follicle. Odon'to- [o'î"oç]. In composition, tooth, (ir tooth-like process. Odonto- atlan'tal articula'tion. L- articulatio atlanto-odontoidea ; F. articulation atloi- do-odontoidienne ; /. articolazione atloido- odontoidea. Pivot-joint between odontoid process of axis and anterior arch of atlas. Odon'toblast [^'ì/anróc^. F. odonto- blaste. A cell which produces, or forms, dentine. Odontoceram'ic [z/oa/zoî-]. Relating to porcelain teeth. Odontoc'lasis {L.) \j/J,n.(T'.i\. Fracture of a tooth. Odontocne'sis (//.) [x>7^t!ç]. Sensation preceding the cutting a tooth. Odontodyn'ia(/<.) [dJóvrJ. Toothache. Odontog'sny [/-rw/oi]. F. odontogénie. Developuient of the teeth. Odon'toid [o'îxvç]. F. odontoïde. Tooth-like. O. bone, separate bone, found in amphibia, correspond' ng to the odontoid process of the axis. O. lig'aments : see Alnr oilonliiiil li:s. O. proc'ess. L. processus odontoideus ; F. odontoide ; G. Zahnfortsatz. Pointed ])rojection from up- per surface of body of axis, passing through ring of atlas, articulating with posterior sur- face of anterior arch. ( )ntogenetically, it represents the body of the atlas coalesced with tiie vertebra below, instead of the arch of the vertebra with which it was originally developed. Odontoide {F.). Odontoid process. Odontorithus {L.) p.i'ff»?]. F. odonto- lithe. UcMtal calculus, tartar of the teeth. Odontol'ogy [''.''>'"s-]. F. odontologie. A treatise on the teeth. Odontolox'ia (A.) [/"^ric]. Irregular- ity of the teeth. Odon'tome. An irregular, wart-like neo]ilasm. coniiiosed of dentinal tissues arising from tooth-germs or teeth. Odonto-perios'teum (Z.). Periodon- tium. Odontophy'ia (/-. ) [v'""]- F. odonto- ]ilivie. Dentition. Odontopri'sis (/v.) [ò'Uiòi, -piaiì]. Grinding of the teeth. Odontos'chisis (i.) \ß/J'"i\- Splitting of a tiiotli. Odontosei'sis or Odontoseis'mus (Z.) [T£:rt-:ç]. Loosening of the teeth. Odonto'sis (//.). F. odontose. Den- tition. Odontosmeg'ma {L.) [_.) [rrii^ìw']. A tooth- powder. Odon'trs^py [t/ji/t«»»]. The operation of ]ierforatiun of a tooth. O'dor ['.''(«]. F. odeur; /. odore. That which produces sensation through the sense of smell. Odorat (F.). The sense of smell. Odora'tio (i.). F. odoration. Smell- ing, olfaction. 232 ODO ŒSO Odoriferous glands. Sebaceous glands. O. D. P., abbv. for Occipito-dextra posterior (L.) — (. e. right occipito-poste- rior ])üsitiün of the foetus in labor. O'Dwy'er's meth'od. Intubation of the larynx. Odynepho'bia (/>.) [oò-j/ij, yii^îo^]. Morbid fear of pain. Odynopoe'ticus (X.) [oò'j»;, nutéw"]. F. odynüpoetii|ue. Causing pain. CEcioma'nia (L.) [i>ixii(i»//r/ç]. Order, phm, arrangement. GBde'ma (X.) [".ò);//.«]. F. œdème ; G. Oedeni ; 7. edema. Swelling due to ab- normal accumulation of serous fliiid in the interstices of the tissues. CE. malig'num, a variety of anthrax. CB. palpebrale, oedema of the lids. CB. pulmo'num, oedema of the lungs, usually due to a weak- ening of the left side of the heart. Œdématié, ée (F.). Œdematous. Oedematisch ( G). Œdematous. Oedematisiren ( G.). To become œde- matous. Œdem'atous. L. œdeniatosus ; F. œdé- nuiteux, euse ; G. ödematös ; /. edematoso. Aftectcd with, or pertaining to, œdema. Œdème (F.). Œdema. CE. malin, malignant pustule. CE. des nègres, Cuban name for beri-beri. OeflEhend (G.). Opening, laxative. Oefftiung ( G.). Opening, foramen. In composition OefiEhungs, as, — mittel, lax- ative, aperient ; — tetanus, tetanic con- traction produced in a muscle wiien a con- stant electrical current passing thnuigh it is interrupted; — zuckung, clonic eon- traction of muscle when a constant electri- cal current passing through it is inter- rupted. Œil (F.). Kyo. Œ. de bœuf, buph- tbalmus. Œ. de lièvre, lagophthalmus. Œ. de perdrix or de pie, a hard corn on the toe. Œuler (F.). A small vase for bathing the eye. Œillère (F.). Eye-tooth. Œillet (/''.). Pink. Œ. rouge, clove- pink. Oel I G.). Oil ; — baumharz, elemi ; — einreibung, inunction of oil ; — harz, oleoresin ; — säure, oleic acid ; — Schen- kel, elephantiasis ; — seife, soap [IT. S. P.] ; — süss, glycerin ; — system, a luunogene- ous immersion objective; — zucker, oil- sugar, Œnan'the (/>.). A genus of Umhdlif- erx. Œ. croca'ta, water drop wort, dead- tongue, hemlock, a poisonous European per- ennial, producing symptoms like those due to conium ; root has been used externally in treatment of certain skin diseases, piles, etc. Œ. fistulo'sa, a conimon European species, having acro-narcniic pr(i|ii'rtics sim- ilar to the above. Œ. PheUan'drium, Lam., fine-leaved water licmlock, a com- mon European plant ; the highly aromatic fruit is official : see Pkcllitndn'wn . Œnan'thic e'ther. An ethereal licjuid, the odiirous principle of wine, Œnan'thin. An acrid, emetic ])rinciple obtained by Herding (1S41(J from (Eimnthe JiSt>lli>f<". ç-«;-;?/]. /•'. a-^opha- gieii.oiiMf; /. osotaiTOO. lîelatinirtulliea'sopli- agus. Œ. ap'erture. 1. lliatiisa'soiiliajroiis. 2. Cardiac oritice of stomach. CE. ar'teries. L. arteriie œsophage:«. Brandies troni tho- racic artery to œsoptiairiis ; from three to sis in number. (E. fora'men, hiatus œsophageus. Œ. glands. L. gianduia; œsophagene. L'onipouiul racemose glands in mucous and submucous tissue of n'sojili- agus. especiallj" at lower end. Œ. lym- phat'ic glands. Ij. gianduia; lynijihaticiu î\. Softening (if the o-sojihagus. Œsophagop'athy [raooç]. L. œsoph- agopatliia. hiscase of œsophagus. Œsophagople'gia (L.) \j-''r,yr^. Pa- ralysis of a>ophai_'Us. Œsophagorrha'gia (//.) [/îîjyvy//.!]. Œsophageal haemorrhage. Œsoph'agoscope \f;/ii-Lui\. A kind of endoseo])e for examination of the œsoph- agus. Œsophagospas'mus (/-.). Spasm of œ.'ophagus. Œsophagosteno'sis (/!..) [Tr^^xua-^-]. Stricture ol' the œsojihagus. Œsophagos'tomy. Operation for es- tablishing a tistula of the œsophagus. Œsophagot'omy [-".«ï;]. F., G. Œso- phagotomie ; /. esofagotomia. Operation of cutting the œsophagus. When the in- cision is made from the exterior, it is ex- ternal ce. ; when a stricture of the organ is divided by an instrument introduced through the mouth, it is internal oe. Œsoph'agTis (i.) \}>i(!uipà-(u^\ F. œso- phage ; G. Speiserohre; /. esofago. Por- tion of alimentary canal extending from pharynx to stomach. Oesophagus (G.') ; — driisen, œsopha- geal glands ; — ectasie, dilatation of œso- phairus ; — krebs, cancer of œsophagus ; — lähmung, paralysis of œsophagus; — ruptur, rupture of œsophagus; — sténose, stricture of œsophagus. Œstre (/".). Œstrus. Œ. du bœuf, (EsfrHH bovis. Œstri'asis. Effects produced by the larv;e of Œ.-haritis. O. difterica, diph- theritic ophthalmia. O. flittenulare, phlyctenular keratitis. O. glandulosa, blepharitis. O. purulenta dei neonati, ophthalmia nennatunim. O. secca, sclcr- tjphthalmia. O. simpatica, symiiathetic Ophthalmia. Oftalmico (/.). Ophthalmic. Oftal- mite, ojihthalmitis. Oftalmoblemiorrea, ophthaluKi - bleiinorrliiL'a. Oftalmocele, ophthalmnfL'le. Oftalniocopia, asthenopia. Oftalmodinia, ophthalmodynia. Oftal- mografia, ophthalmography. Oftalnioi- atria, ophthalmiatria. Oftalmologia, ophthalmology. Oftalmometro, (i]ihthal- iiiometer. Oftalmoplegia, o|)hthalmo- plegia. Oftalmoponia, ophthalmnponia. Oftalmoptosi, (iphthalmojitosis. Oftal- moiTagia, ojihthalmnrrhagia. Oftalmo- Scopia, ophthalmoscopy. Oftalmoscopio, ophthalmoscope. Oftalmostato, ophthal- mostat. Oftalmotomia, ophtlialmotomy. Oftalmotropo, opht hai mot rupe. Oftalmozoario (/.). Animal parasite in the eye. Ogee'chee lime. Xi/i'.'n condiaint:. Mich.x. Og'ston's opera 'tion. 1. For flat foot, excision of wedge-shaped portions of tarsal bones to restore the arch. 2. For knock- knee, sawing or chiselling off obli((ucly inner condyle of femur, and forcibly straightening the limb. Ohi'obuck'eye. ^E^oilux ginhm , WiJld. Ohi'o scratch'es. Pruritus ; scabies or eczema. Ohra. Practical electro-magnetic unit of resistance. The legal o. (Paris Con- gress of 1884) is the resistance of a column of mercury lot! centimetres liigh and one square millimetre in cross-section at 0° C. About the resistance of 100 metres of tele- graph wire ; 10'' times the absolute unit. Ohm's law. G. Ohm'sches Gesetz. That the strength of an electric current varies directly as the electro-motive force, and inversely as the resistance of the cir- cuit ; or, current =^ electro-motive force divided by resistance. Ohnmacht (Cr.). Fainting, swoon, syncope. Ohr ((?•). Ear; — anzieher, attrahens aurem ; — bildung, otoplasty; — bläs- chen, otocyst ; — blutgeschwiilst, h;ema- toma auris ; — brausen, tinnitus aurium ; — drüsenbräune, mumps; ■ — driisen- gang, Steiisdiis duct ; — drüsengeflecht, ])arotid plexus; — drüsengegend, jiarotid region; — driisengeschwulst, tumor of parotid gland ; — einschnitt, iricisura inter- tragica; — finger, little tinger; — fluss, otorrhoea ; — fortsatz, äusserer, external auditory process; — furche, incisura au- ris ; — gegend, auricular region ; — ge- schwTilst, tumor of the ear; — heber, attoUcns aurem ; — heilkunde, otology ; — höhe, auricular lu'ight ; — index, au- ricular index; — kiemenfistel, congeni- tal fissure of neck involving the ear: — klappe, hintere, antitragus; — klappe, vordere, tragus ; — klemme, ear-trumjiet ; — klingen, tinnitus aurium; — knorpel, cartilages of external ear; — knoten, otic ganglion ; — krankheiten, diseases of the ear; — krempe, helix ; — krystaU, otolith, ear-sand; — läppchen, lobule (jf external ear; — läge, ear presentation (in labor); — laufen, otorrhœa ; — leiste, helix; — löflfel, ear-scoop ; — muschel, auricle ; — muschelrand, helix; — nerven, au- ricular nerves; — Oberfläche, auricular surface ; — pulsader, hintere, posterior auricular artery; — rohr, ear-trumpet; — rose, erysipelas of ear; — schläfen- nerv, auriculo - temporal nerve ; — schmalz, cerumen ; — schmalzdi'üse, ceruminous gland: — Speicheldrüse, jia- rotid gland; — Spiegel, ear-speculum; — spritze, ear-syringe; — stein, otolith; — tönen, tinnitus aurium; — trichter. 1. Aural speculum. 2. A funnel-shaped ear-trumpet; — trompete, Fustaciiian tube, ear-trumpet ; — vene, hintere, poste- rior auricular vein ; — 'wachs, cerumen ; — zehe, little toe. In composition also Ohren, as. — arzt, aurist; — ausfluss, discharge from the ear. otorrhœa : — beulen, mumjis ; ■ — blutfluss, otorrhagia ; — brausen, tinnitus aurium; — breiten, parietal diameters of skull, taken in au- ricular region ; viz. between apices of OIC OIL 235 parietal notches [Weissbach] ; between post- auditory fossi« [Benedikt]; — druse, pa- rotid gland ; — eiterung, purulent otor- rhoea ; — entzündung, otiiis; — fluss, otorrhœa ; — heilkunde, otiatria; — ka- tarrh, otorrhcca , — klingen, tinnitus aurium ; — knorpel, auriiular cartilasc ; — krankheit, oar disease ; — laufen, otorrhiea ; — mittel, remedy for disease of ear; — sausen, tinnitus aurium; — schleimfluss, catarrlial otorrluea ; — schmalz, cerumen; — schmalzdriise, ceruminous gland of the ear ; — schmerz, otalgia ; — spalt, fissure of the ear ; — • Spiegel, ear-spcculuni ; — spritze, ear- syringe; — ■weh, otalgia. Oicofobia (/.). Oikophobia. Oicoid. Oikoid. Oid'ium abortifa'ciens. Par. Clai-i- ceps jiiirjjiirtui, Tulasne. Oignon (F.). 1. Onion. 2. An irritated bursa mucosa ; bunion. Oikeioma'nia(/y.) [»Izoc, .aa/ra]. Œcio- mania. Oikiomias'mata (L.) [,uia<7/ia]. House- hold miasms. Oi'koid. Term proposed by Brücke for the hyaline, unstainable stroma of the red blood-corpuscle, the other substance of which, containing the hajmoglobin, he calls zout\l. Oikopho'bia [^''i,3w?]. /. oicofobia. Morbid dislike or fear of home. Oil [-1. N. «el]. L. oleum ; F. huile ; G. Oel ; /. olio. A generic term applied to the members of a series of bodies of diverse chemical character and physical properties, obtained from animal, vegetable, and min- eral sources, having in common the charac- ters that they are compounds of carbon and hydrogen, principally or exclusively, are readily inflammable, and are mostly insol- uble in water; see also Almond. Ain'mal, Ajtple, /iiiiiA-iil, Bei'ch, Behen, Bilgranm, xcalinil, Ben, Benne, Bone. British. Coinphor, Campliointid, Conaiiga, Ciind/e-ßsit. ('aiid/e- nuf, Camp, Carron, Co.t«]. Dip- somania. Oint'ment [/'. oindre.]. L. unguen- tum ; F. onguent ; G. Salbe ; I. unguento. 1. A topical apjilication of such consistence that it may be easily nibbed on the skin, becoming gradually liiiucfied. \1. Lard 80, yellow wax 20 parts ; mix with the aid of heat [U. S. P.] ; white wax 2, benzoinated lard 3, expressed oil of almond 3 parts ; mix [B. P.] ; see ahso Ammniiia, Antimoinal, ßasUiron, BcUadniiiia, Ulne.. C/iniilmnf/ra, Umiipoiinii, Diarhi/loii. /Ji/tra'x. Hellnnind's, Hclmfricli's, Luliw. Imloform, Jariclis, Ki'iilisii, Merciin'id. Mrzirion, Nfrriiie, Nut- r/id/. Paraffin, I'drol'iim, Regent's, Simple, Sframoniuni, Tar. Veralrine, and Will.in- son's ointment. O. of ac'etate of lead. OIN OIN 239 L. ungiieiituin plunibi acetatis. Lead acetate 2, bcnzoated lard 73 parts ; mix [B. 1'.]. O. of acon'itine. L. Ungiien- tum aconitiiuB. A mixture of acoiiitiiie and lard in the )irn|»irtiiin i>f 1 to .")."i [B. P.]. O. of ammo'niated mer'cury. L. unguentuin hydrargyri aiumoiiiati ; G. weisse Queeksiltjersalhe. A mixture of 1 part of ammoiiiated mercury with 9 parts of lard [U. Ö. P.], or simple ointment [B. P.], or petrolatum [P. CI.]. O. of at'ro- pine. J'- unguentum atropina}. Atropine 8, alcohol 215, henzoated lard 440 ; mix [B. P.]. O. of belladon'na. L. un- guentum belladonn» ; /'. pommade de belladone. A mixture of extract of bella- donna with lard, 1 to 10 [U. S. P.] ; 1 to 7.5 [Cod.]. O. of ben'zoin, benzoinated lard. O. of bo'ric acid. 1j. unguentum acidi borici. Boric acid 1, soft paraffin 4, hard paraffin 2 parts; mix [B. P.]. O. of cal'araine. L. unguentum calamin;«. Turner's cerate; prepared calamine 1, ben- zoated lard 5 parts [B. P.]. O. of can- thar'ides. h. unguentum cantharidis ; F. pommade épispastique jaune ; G. Spa- nischfliegensalbe. Prepared by infusing can- tharides in olive oil [lard, Cod.], and to the strained or filtered product adding yellow wax ; represents of cantharides about 12 per cent. [B. P.] ; 20 per cent. [P. G.] ; »5 per cent. Cod.]. The French preparation is colored with turmeric and aromatized with oil of lemon. O. of carbol'ic ac'id. L. unguentum acidi carbolici. 1. Carbolic acid 10, ointment 90 parts [U. S. P.]. 2. carbolic acid 60, soft paraffin 72(1, hard paraffin 360 [B. P.]. O. of car'bonate of lead. L. unguentum plumbi carbona- tis ; /'. pommade au carbonate de plomb ; G. Bleiweisssalbe ; /. unguento di rhasis. A mixture of lead carbonate with benzoin- ated lard or simple ointment, in the propor- tion of 1 to 9 [U. S. P.] ; 1 to 7 [B. P.] ; 1 to 5 [Cod.] ; 3 to 7 [P. G.]. O. of cevadil'la. L. unguentum sabadilh«. Cevadilla in powder 50, simple ointment 200. nil of lavender 2 ; mix [P. Aust.]. O.of chrysaro'bin. L. unguentum chry- sarobini. A mixture of chrysarobin and benzoated lard, 1 to 9 [U. S. P.] ; 1 to 24 [B. P.], O. of cre'asote. L. unguen- tum crea.soti. Creasote 1 fluiddrachm, simple ointment 1 ounce; mix thoroughly [B. P.]. O. of el'emi. L. unguentum elemi ; F. onguent d'Arcaeus. Klemi 1 part, simple ointment 4 parts [B. P.] ; elemi 150, Venice tur])entine 150, mutton .suet 200, lard 100 [Cod.] ; mix sec. art. O. of eucaljrp'tus. L. unguentum euca- lypti. Oil of eucalyptus 1. hard paraffin 2, soft paraffin 2 ; mix [B. P.]. O. of gal'lic acid. L. unguentum acidi gallici. Gallic acid 10, benz.iinatedlard 90; mix [U.S. P.]. O. of galls [lì. P.] : see Xiit'jidl innlment. 0. of gaUs and o'pium. L. unguentum •ralke cum opio. Powdered njiium 1. oint- ment of galls 1.17; mix [B. P.]. O. of glyc'erin. L. unguentum glycerini. A glycerite of tragacanth, made by dissolv- ing 1 part of tragacanth in 50 partsof glyce- rin [P. G.]. O. of glyc'erin of subac'e- tate of lead. L. unguentum glycerini plumbi subacetatis. A mixture of glyce- rin of subacetate of lead '■) parts with soft paraffin 12 parts, and hard paraffin 4 parts [B. P.]. O. of i'odide of lead. L. un- guentum plumbi iodidi ; F. pommade d'io- dnre de plomb. A mixture of lead iodide 1 part with benzoinated lard 9 parts [U. S, P., Cod.]. O. of i'odide of potas'sium. L. unguentum potassa indidi ; F. pnuiuiade d'iodure de potassium ; (r. Jodkaliumsalbe. Potassium iodide 12. sodium hyposulphite 1, water 6, benzoinated lard 81 parts [U.S. P.]. Potas.sium iodide 16, potassium car- bonate 1. water 4. lard 110 [B. P.]. Po- tassium iodide 10. water 10. benzoinated lard 80 [Cod.]. Potassium iodide 10, water 5. paraffin ointment 85 [P. G.]. The salts are dissulved in the water and mixed thoroughly with the lard. O. of i'odide of sulphur. L. unguentum sul]duuis iodidi. Iodide of sulphur 5, hard paraffin 18, soft paraffin 55 parts ; triturate the iodide of sulphur with the melted mixture of paraffins [B. P.]. O. of mer'cury [B. P.]. mercurial ointment. O. of ni'trate of mer'cury. L. unguentum hydrargyri nitratis; F. pommade citrine; G. Queck- silbernitratsalbe ; /. unguento citrino. Citrine ointment; an ointment of mercuric nitrate, prepared by mixing, with the aid of gentle heat, mercury, nitric acid, and lard oil [U. S. P.]. nr lard and olive oil [B. P., Cod.]. O.of o'leate of zinc. A. unguentum zinci oleati. Mixture of equal parts of zinc oleate and soft paraffin [B. P.]. O. of ox'ide of zinc. L. unguentum zinci oxidi ; F. pommade d'oxyde de zinc; G. Zinksalbe. A mixture of zinc oxide with benzoinated lard in the proportion of 1 to 4 [U. S. P.] : 1 to 5.5 [B. P.] ; 1 to 9 [Cod.. P. G.]. O. of pop'lar-buds. L. unguentum populeum : /•'. pcmimade de bourgeons de peuplier. Poplar-buds 8. fresh leaves of belladonna, hyoscyamus. poppy, and Solanum nigrum, each 5, lard 240 OIN OLE 40 parts ; iliuest. exiiress, and strain [Cod.]. O. of red i'odide of mer'cury- ^ ""- gueiitum hydrargvri iodidi rubri. Mercu- ric iodide 1, simple ointment 27.3 parts; mix [B. P.]. O. of red ox'ide of mer'- cury. L. unguentum hydrarityri oxidi rubri ; F. pommade d'oxyde rouge de mer- cure ; G. rothe Quecksilber.salbe. Pre- pared by triturating 1 part of red oxide of mercury with 1) parts of simple ointment [U. 8. P.], or paraffin ointment [P. G.]; with 15 parts of vaseline [Cod.] ; with 1Ö7 parts of hard jiaraffin and 5.3 parts of soft paraffin [B. P.]. O. of rose-wa'ter. L. unguentum atjuœ ros;e. An ointment pre- pared with rose-water, white was, sperma- ceti, and oil of almonds ; an agreeable, soothing protective, everywhere known by its popular name, cold cream. O. of sav'- in [B. P.] : see Sa vine cerate. O. of sper- mace'ti. L. unguentum cetacei. Sperm- aceti 5, white wax 2, expressed oil of almond 18.5, benzoin 0.5 parts; mix with the aid of heat [B. P.]. O. of staves'acre. L. unguentum staphisagriie. Stavesaere- seeds 1 part, benzoated lard 2 parts; crush the seeds, macerate in the melted lard, and strain [B. P.]. O. of sto'rax. L. un- guentum cum styrace [Cod.] ; /". onguent de styrax. Storax 100. olive oil 150, white wax 100. colophony 180, elemi 100; mix [Cod.]. O. of subchlo'ride of mer'cury. L. unguentutn hydrargyri subchloridi ; F. pommade de chlorure mercureux. A mix- ture of calomel and benzoinated lard in the proportion of 1 to 5.5 [B. P.] ; 1 to 9 [Cod.]. O. of sul'phur [B. P.] : see Sul- phur oininifnit. O. of sul'phuratedpot'- ash. L. unguentum potassae sulphuratae. Sulphurated potassa 5, hard paraffin 18, soft paraffin 5(3 parts; triturate the potash with the melted paraffins [B. P.]. O. of tan 'nate of lead. L- unguentum plumbi tannici; G. gerbsaure Bleisalbe. Tannic acid 1, solution of subacetate of lead 2, lard 7 parts ; mix [P. G.]. O. of tan'nic acid. L. unguentum acidi tannici. Tannic acid 10, benzoinated lard 90; mix [U. S. P.]. O. of tar [B. P.]: see Tar o'wtment. O. of tar'tarated an'timony. L- ungueii- tum antinionii tartarati ; /•'. pommade sti- biée: G. l^ickensalbe. Prepared by mix- ing antimony and potassiuiu tartrate with simple ointment [benzoinated lard, Cod.] in the proportion of 1 to 4 [B. P.. P. G] ; 1 to 3 [Cod.] ; used as a counter-irritant, producing a characteristic pustular erup- tion. O. of tur'pentine. />. unguentum terebinthinro ; G. Terebinthinsalbe. Oil of turpentine 7, resin 1, white wax 4. lard 4; mix [B. P.]; turpentine 1, oil of turpen- tine 1, white wax 1 [P. G.]. O.of ver'a- trine [B. P.] : see Viratritie oinlnicnt. O. of yel'low ox'ide of mer'cury. L- un- guentum hydrargyri oxidi flavi ; F. pom- made à l'oxyde jaune de mercure. IMixture of yellow oxide of mercury and simple ointment [vaseline, Cod.] in the proportion of 1 to 9 [U. S. P.] ; 1 to 15 [Cod.]. O. of zinc [B. P.], ointment of oxide of zinc. OLnt'ment-pos'itor. An instrument used for applying ointments to the vagina and rectum. It consists of a tube and a piston. Ojo Calien'te. Hot springs in Rio Ar- riba Co., New ^lexico. Ojo Calien'te (Joseph's). Alkaline and saline thermal waters, 108°-122° F., Taos Co., New Mexico. O'kra. Hibiscus esciileittus, L. Okularmikrometer (G.). Eyepiece micrometer. Ol., abbv. for Oleum (L.). oil. O. L. A., abbv. for Occipito-laeva an- terior (L.), left occipito-anterior position of foetus in labor. Old fleld-pine. Pimis TxJa, L. Old man. Southernwood. Old-man's beard. Fringe-tree; Chio- nan/hiis i-in/inica, L. O'lea (2/.). Oils. O. coc'ta, medici- nal oils. O. ethe'rea, volatile oils. O. flx'a, fixed oils. O. infu'sa, medicinal oils. O. pin'gTiia, fixed oils. O. vola- til'ia, volatile oils. O'lea (L.). A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Oleacex. O. europe'a, L., medium- sized tree, native of the Levant, cultivated; the leaves and bark are used as a febrifuge [F. Mex.], and the fruit yields olive oil. Oleag'inous. L. oleosus; F. oU'agi- neux. euse ; G. ölig ; /. oleaginoso. Oily. Olean'der: see Neriiim Oleander. Olean'drine. F. oléandrinc. A poison- ous alkaloid obtained from Nerium Olean- der, L. O'leate. /^. oleatum ; F. oleate. A compound formed by union of oleic acid with a base. O. of ver'atrine. i>. olea- tum veratrin;e. Veratrine 2, oleic acid 98 parts ; mix [U. S. P.]. Olea'tum (/>.). Oleate. O. hydrar'- ! gyri, mercury oleate. O. veratri'nse, I oleate of veratrine. O. zin'ci, zinc oleate. OLE OLE 241 Olecranaxthri'tis. Inflanimation of the elbow-joint. Olecranartliro'caçe ( A.) [apUpo-^, xdxri'\. F. olécraiiarthrucaec. Ulceration of the el- bow-joint. Olécrâne {F.). Olecranon. Olec'raxial or Olecra'nial. /'. olé- cranien. enne. Relating to the olecranon. Olec'ranon [ap/^x/«z^ov]. L. processus anconiBus ; F. olécrâne ; G. Elleubogen- fortsatz; /. olecrano. A thick, curved, beak-like process arising from upper and back part of ulna, and assisting in the formation of the great sigmoid cavity. O. fos'sa. L. fossa olecrani. Depression on posterior surface of lower end of humerus for the reception of the olecranon. O. proc'ess, olecranon. defiant gas. (',H,. Ethylene, ethene ; the chief illuminating constituent of coal- gas. O'leflns. Name given to members of the series of hydrocarbons having the for- mula C„H2„. Ole'ic a'cid. HCjsHjjOj. L. acidum oleicum ; F. acide oléique ; G. Oelsaure ; /. acido oleico. An odorless, tasteless, neutral, yellowish, oily liquid, becoming brown, rancid, and acid when exposed to the air, crystallizing at 4° C. ; product of the saponification of olein ; used in the preparation of the oleates. O'lein. C3H5(C,gH330,)3. F. oléine ; G. Elain ; /. oleina. Chemically, triolein or trioleate of glyceryl ; the fluid portion of non-drying oils and fats. Oleo-infa'sions. Medicinal oils. O'leols. Oil infusions, medicinal oils. Oleomar'g'arin. F. oleomargarine. Arti- ficial butter made from animal fat. Oleores'in. L. oleoresina ; F. oleo- rèsine ; G. Oelharz. Preparation consist- ing of fixed or volatile oil holding resin and sometimes other matters in solution ; obtained by exhausting the drug employed with ether and subsequent evaporation of the menstruum ; an ethereal extract. O. of aspid'ium. L. oleoresina aspidii [U. S. P.], extractum filicis liquidum [B. P.] ; F. extrait de fougère mâle ; G. Wurm- farnextrakt. Thick liquid ethereal extract of male fern. O. of cap'sicum. A. oleo- resina capsici. Liquid oleoresin extracted from capsicum. O. of cu'beb. L. oleo- resina cubebaj ; F. extrait de cubèbe; G. Kubebenextrakt ; /. estratto di cubebe etereo. Prepared by percolation of cubeb Vol. 11.-16 with strong ether [U. S. P.] ; by maceration in equal parts of ether and alcohol [P. G.] ; by percolating first with ether, then with alcohol, and evaporation of the two tinc- tures separately [Cod.]. O. of gin'ger. L. oleoresina zingiberis. Concentrated ethereal tincture of ginger. O. of lu'i pulin. L. oleoresina lupulini. Semifluid ethereal extract possessing all the médici- nal properties of lupulin. O. of male fern : see Oleuresin of aspidium. O. of pep'per. L. oleoresina piperis. An ethe- real extract from which the crystals of piperine have been removed. Oleoresi'na (L.). Oleoresin. O. as- pid'ii, oleoresin of aspidium. O. cap'- sici, oleoresin of capsicum. O. cube'bae, oleoresin of cubeb. O. fil'icis, oleoresin of aspidium. O. lupuli'ni, oleoresin of lu|iuliii. O. pi'peris, oleoresin of pepper. O. zingib'eris, oleoresin of ginger. Oléo-résine (F.). Oleoresin. O. de copahu, copaiba. Oleosaccarato or Oleosaccaro (/.). Oil-sugar. Oleosac'charum (L.). Oil-sugar. Oléosaccharure {F.). Oil-sugar. O. de carvi, oil-sugar of caraway. O. d'orange, oil-sugar of orange. Oleosaccharure'tum ani'si {L.). Oil- sugar of anise. Oleozuccherato (/.). Oil-sugar. O'leum (Z.). Oil. O. absin'thii [P. Ilelv.], oil of absinthium. O. ad'ipis, lard oil O. aethe'reum, volatile oil. O. amyg'dalae ama'rae, oil of bitter almond. O. amyg'dalae dul'cis, almond oil. O. amyg'dalae expres'sum, almond oil. Q. amygdala'rum [P. G.]. almond oil. O. amygdala'rum aethe'reum, oil of bitter almond. O. androp'agi citra'ti, oil of leinon-gvass. O. ane'thi, oil of dill. O. anima'le aethe'reum, animal oil. O. anima'le Dippel'ii, animal oil. O. ani- ma'le empyreumat'icum, animal oil. O. ani'si, oil of anise. O. ani'si aethe'- reum, oil of anise. O. ano'nee, ylang- ylang oil. O. anthelmin'ticum Cha- ber'ti, Chabert's antlielmintic oil. O. anthem'idis, oil of chamomile. O. an'- thos, oil of rosemary. O. ar'achis [P. Itid.]. groundnut oil. O. auran'tii cor'ticis, oil of orange-peel. O. auran'tii dul'cis, essence de Portugal. O. auran'- tii flo'rum, oil of orange-flowers. O. bac'cae junip'eri, oil of juniper. O. badia'ni, oil of star-anise. O. bal'- 242 OLE OLE sami copai'bae, oil of copaiba. O. ber- gram'ii or O. bergamot'tae, oil of ber- gaiuot. O. bet'ulee empyreumat'i- cum, birch tar. O. betuli'num, oleum rusci. O. bu'bulum, neat's-foot oil. O. caca'o, oil of tlieobroma. O. cadi'num, oil of catle. O. cajupu'ti, oil of cajuput. O. cal'ami, oil of calamus. O. cam'pho- rae, oil of camphor. O. camphora'tum [P. G., Cod.], camphor liniment. O. can- tharida'tum [1*. jç]. Term ap- plied to skulls in which the line joining hormion and staphylion makes an angle of from 20° to '2'i° with the radius fixus [Lis- sauer]. Oligocho'lia (L.) [/'"'•';■]. Want of bile. OligOChromse'inia ( L.) \_yfH7i;ia, a'a«]. Deficiency of hremoglobin in red blood-cor- puscles. Oligocitemia (/.). Oligocythsemia. Oligocolia (7.). Oligocholia. Oligocop'ria {L.) [zô-^oç]. Constipa- tion. Oligocys'tic [xyffTtc]. Having few cysts or cavities. Oligocsrthse'mia {L.) [zùmc, aî.aa]. F. oligocythemic ; 6-'. Oligocythämie ; /. oligo- citemia. Diminution in number of red cor- puscles of the blood. Oligoeritrocitemia (i.). Oligfcmia. Oligogalac'tia (X.) [^«.'.a]. Deficient lactation. Oligohae'inia {L.) [«î/i«]. Oligremia. Oligohydram'nios ( L.) \uSu)i>, u'/zvoc]. Deficiency of amniotic fluid. Oligohy'dria (//.) [uôwp]. Deficiency of fluids or humors. Oligoma'nia (/».) [,««•/['«]. Term pro- posed as a substitute for monomania, to signify a form of insanity aflfecting only a part of the mental faculties, and having well-defined and systematic manifestations. Oligopep'sia (X.) [-c-rtu]. Weak di- gestion. Oligopirenemia (/.). Oligœmia. Oligopsy'chia {L.) [.m'\. Deficiency of saliva. Oligosper'mia (X.) [t-^/î/zo]. F. oligo- spermatie. ])efioiency of semen. Oligospon'dylus (L.) \a-!:mi^uhii\. A monster with defective vertebrae. 01igotrich'ia(X.) ['V'']- J^- Oligotrichie. Absence or thinness of hair. Oligotroph'ia {L.) [r/)"çi;]. F., G. Oli- gotrophie ; /. oligotrofia. Defective nutri- tion. Oligure'sia or Oligu'ria {L.) ["ù^/w]. /. oligouresi. Deficient urinary secretion. O'lii medicinali (/.). Medicinal oils. Olio (/■). Oil. O. di anice, oil of anise. O. animale etereo, animal oil. O. di arachide, groundnut oil. O. di cade, oil of eade. O. di cajeput, oil of cajuput. O. di canfora, oil of camphor. O. cantaridato, oil of cantharides. O. di carvi, oil of caraway. O. di cocco, oil of thoobruma. O. di croton tiglio, croton oil. O. etereo, volatile oil. O. di fegato di merluzzo, cod-livor dil. O. fenicato, carbolized oil. O. de firinocchio, nil "f fennel. O. fisso, fi-xed oil. O. grasso, fixed oil. O. di legno, gnrjun balsam. O. di linseme, oil df flaxseed. O. di mandorle dolci, almond oil. O. d'oliva, olive oil. O. di palma, palm oil. O. di patate, amy lie alcohol. O. di ricino, castor oil. O. di sesamo, oil of scsanmni. O. di succino, oil of amber. O. di tre- OLI OMA 245 mentina, oil of turpentine. O. di uova, oil of eggs. O. volatile, volutile oil. Oliozuccherato (A). Oil-sugar. Olisthe'ma ( />.) [oAiVö);/ia]. 1. olistema. A slipping, dislocation. Oli'va (Z/.). I.Olive. 2. Olivary body. O. infe'rior, olivary body. O. supe'rior, nucleus ulivaris sujierior. Ol'ivary. L- olivarius ; /'. olivaire ; G. olivenartig; /. olivare. 1. Shaped like an olive. 2. Relating to the olivary body. O. bod'y. L. corpus olivarium. An oval pro- tuberance containing a large nucleus found on lateral surface of medulla ju.st below the pons. O. body, supe'rior, nucleus oliva- ris superior. O. em'inence, olivary proc- ess. O. fascic'ulus, lateral column of medulla oblongata. O. nu'cleus. L. nu- cleus olivae ; G. Olivenkern. A collection of gray matter folded like an empty pocket within" the olivary body. O. pedun'cle. L. pedunculus olivfe. The fibres which, after surrounding the gray nucleus of the olivary body within and without, are col- lected into a bundle ; they end in the deep arcuate fibres. O. proc'ess. L. processus olivœ ; G. Sattelknopf. A rounded promi- nence on upper surface of body of sphenoid in front of pituitary fossa. O. sul'ci, grooves which separate the olive from neighboring portions of medulla oblongata. The lateral olivary sulcus ( L. sulcus oli- vae lateralis) separates it from the lateral tract ; the medial olivary sulcus ( L. sul- cus oliv;e niedialis) is a continuation up- ward of the posterior lateral sulcus of the medulla. Ol'ive. Olivary body. O., infe'rior, olivary body. O., supe'rior, nucleus olivaris superior. Ol'ive. L.. I. oliva. The fruit of Olea europxa, L. O. oil. L. oleum olivae ; F. huile d'olive ; ff. Olivenöl ; /.olio d'oliva. A fixed oil expressed from the ripe fruit of 0/ea europien, L. [U. S. P.] ; a bland, nearly odorless, pale-yellow or greenish-yellow, oily lir(uid, sp. gr. .915 to .918; sparingly solu- ble in alcohol, freely soluble in ether; nu- tritious and mildly laxative ; principally used in pharmacy as a constituent of lini- ments, ointments, cerates, and j)lasters. Olive (ff.)- In composition Oliven, as, — kern, olivary nucleus ; — kembündel, funiculus olivaris; — kemstrang, funicu- lus olivaris; — nebenkem, nucleus oli- varius accessorius ; — öl, olive oil; — Strang, lateral column of medulla oblon- gata ; — Zwischenschicht, interolivary layer. Olive cérébelleuse or O. du corps rhomboidal (/'.)• Nucleus olivaris supe- rior. Ol'iver Springs. Suljihuretted and chalybeate waters, Oliver Springs, Ander- son Co., Tennessee. Oliver's test. For bile in urine, a solu- tion composed of 30 gr. pulverized peptone, 4 gr. salicylic acid, 30 m. acetic acid, and 8 fS of distilled water; filter until perfect- ly transparent. 20 m. of the urine added to fgj of the solution will cause, an opales- cence proportionate to the amount of bile present. Ol'ivile. A crystalline principle ob- tained from the exudation from the bark of the olive-tree. Ol'ivine. /. olivino. See Ruiilin. Ollier's meth'od or O.'s opera'tiop. A rhinoplastic operation in which an in- verted flap, including periosteum, is taken from the forehead, and side-flaps are taken, by preference, from the stump of the nose. Olo-orromenite (/.). Inflammation of several serous membranes at once or in quick succession. Olophlyc'tis (L.') [ù).nnnç, à, x£.) [«-'•r"?]- gie. Pain in the shoulder. F., G. Ornai- 246 OMA OMO Omalografla (/.). Honiolojxraipliy. Omarthritis [«//(?/)ov]. Inflammation of the shoulder. Omarthroc'ace {L.) [^u/idpav, xuxrl^]. Disease of the shoulder-joint. Oma'sum (//.). F. feuillet; I. omaso. The third stomach, or maii\plies, of rumi- nants. Omato'cia (L.) [(ù/^tHì-, rózof]. G. Oma- tocie. Premature birth. Ombelicale (/.). Umbilical. Ombeli- cato, umbilicated. Ombelicazione, um- bilieation. Ombelico (/.). Umbilicus. Ombuic (i^.). Umbilicus. Ombilical, ale (F-)- Umbilical. OmbiHcation (-f.). Formation of a central depression, as in the pustules of vaccinia and smallpox. Ombiliqué, ée {F)- Umbilicated. Omen'tal. F. omental, ale ; I. omen- tale. Relating to the omentum. Om.enti'tis. F. omentite ; G. Netzent- ziindung. Inflammation of the omentum. Omento (/). Omentum. Omen'tocele (i.). Epiplocele. Omen'tula ( L.). Appendices epiploïca3. Omen'tulum. (L.). Smaller omentum. Omen'tum (L.). F. epiploon ; G. Netz ; /. omento. A double fold of peritoneum passing from one viscus to another. O. col'icum. 1. That portion of great omen- tum which in fœtal life is an appendage to the colon only, and afterward becomes united with the mesogastrium. A part remains in the adult as the hepato-colic ligament. 2. Hepato-colic ligament. O. gas'tro-col'icum, gastro-colic omentum. O., great, gastro-colic omentum. 0.,less'- er, gastro-hepatic omentum. O. ma'jus, gastro-colic omentum. O. mi'nus, gastro- hepatic omentum. Omieopatia (/.). Ilomœopathy. Omerale (/.). Humeral. Omero, hu- merus. Omero-cubitale (/.). Brachialis an- ticus. Omero-olecranico (/.). Triceps bra- chialis. Omero-sopra-metacarpico (/.). Ex- tensor carpi radialis longior. Omero-sopra-radiale (/.). Supinator longus. Omero-stüoideo ( /.). Supinator longus. Omfalelcosi (/.). Ulceration of um- bilicus. Omfalocele, umbilical hernia. Omiche'sis (i.) [o>!;^^w]. Jlicturition. Omich'ma (L.) [ößf/ßa']. The urine. Omicidio (/.). 1. Ahirdir, if death re- sults from the injury within forty days. 2. Minaldwjliter, if death does not result within forty days, or is not necessarily due to the injury alone. Omicidiomania (/.). Insanity, homi- cidal. Omi'tis [(ù/i"f]. Inflammation of the shoulder. Omn. bih., abbv. for Omni bihora (i.), every two hours. Omn. hor., abbv. for Omni hora {L.), every hour. Omniv'orous. F. omnivore. Eating all sorts of food, both vegetable and ani- mal. Omn. man., abbv. for Omni mane {L.'), every morning. Omn. noct., abbv. for Omni nocte (Z/.), every night. Omnubüa'tion. A making or becom- ing obscure or confused. Omo-ancone'us (/>.). Dorso-epitroch- learis [Devis], Omo-atlan'ticus {L.). Levator cla- vicul». Omocentrico (/.). Homocentric. Omo-cervica'lis (A-). Levator cla- vicula. Omo-clavicula'ris (//.). Coraco-cla- vicular muscle. Omo-cleido-hyoi'deus (/>.). Acces- sory heail of omo-liyoid, arising from the clavicle, apparently an extension of mus- cular fibres into the process of cervical fascia which confines the posterior belly and intermuscular tendon. Omocotile (/.). Glenoid cavity. Omodyn'ia (2/.) [dyui]. G. Onuiphagie. The eating of raw food. Omoph'agxis (//.). F. omophage ; /. oinofago. One who eats raw food. Omopla'ta (//.) [<ù/i»ç, rrAarov]. F. omophite. Stapuhi. Omoplata-ioideo (7.). Omo-hyoid. Omoplat-hyoidien {F.). Omo-hyoid. Omosi'tia (L.) [(ù/iórt-in/i,-]. Omophagia. Omoster'num (L.). Iiitorarticular cartilage of .sterno-clavicular joint. Omostropho'sis (X.) [«rr/'ïf w]. Dislo- cation of shovilder. Omo-thy'roid. An aberrant form of the omo-hyoid muscle in which it sends a fascicle to be inserted upon the superior horn of the thyroid cartilage. Omoto'cia (L.) [, òidu,unf^. A double monster, in which the umbilical cord or rudiment of one foetus is attached to the cranium of another. Om'phaloid. F. oniphaloide. Navel- like, umbilicated. Omphalomesera'ic. Omphalomesen- teric. O. vein, main venous stem return- ing blood from the yolk-sac to the embryo. Omphalomesenter'ic duct. L. ductus omphalij-mesentericu.s. Passage in fœtus connecting small intestine with umbilical vesicle. A vestige of it is often found in the adult as a small diverticulum. Omphalomesenter'ic ves'sels. F. vaisseaux oniphalo-mésentéri<|ues ; G. Dot- ter.sackgef asse ; /. vasi onfalo-mesenterici. Two very fine vessels on the parietes of the umbilical vesicle. Omphalon'cus (L.) [^ùyzoç]. Umbilical tumor. Omphaloneu'ron (L.) [yeùpov'j- The umbilical coni. Omphalop'ag'us(/y.) [-rjy^un:']. F. om- phalopage ; 1. nnfalopago. Double mon- ster united by the anterior aspects of the bodies, and having a single umbilicus at the lower point of fusion. For species see Giistrud'uli/mim, Pro&opudulymus, Sleriw- dlili/m us, Xipliodidym us. Omphalophlebi'tis. /•'. omjihalophle- bite ; /. oiifaloflebite. Inflammation of the unibilieal vein. Omphalophy'ma (L.) [^ù/i«]. Um- bilical phlegmon. Omphalopropto'sis (L.) [TzpuzToiirtf]. F. omjiluiloproptose. Protrusion of the navel. Omphalorrha'gia (L.) [/Jij^vu/xi]. F. oniphalorrhagie ; I. onfalorragia. Haemor- rhage from the umbilicus. Omphalorrhex'is (i.) [|o);?[c]. Rup- ture of the navel. Omphalorrhœ'a {L.) [/j'^w]. Umbilical discharge. Omphalosite (F). A monster incapa- ble of independent life when the umbilical cord is severed. Omphalosoter (F.). Instrument to re]iluce prulapsed funis. Omphalot'omy [rdiirj'^. F. omphalo- tomie ; 1. onfalotomia. Section of umbilical cord. Om'phalus (i.) \àiiç]. F. oncome ; /. oncoiua. Tumor. Onde (/'.)■ Wave. O. musculaire, musolo-wavc ; swelling travelling alung a musele-fibre during contractiiin. Ondulation {F.). I. ondulazione. Os- cillatory movement, undulation, fluctuation. Oneirodyn'ia(//.) [ovsj/joy, 0(5ûvrJ. Dis- agreeable dreaming. Oneirog'mus (i^.) [oyst/^iu^uiiç], F. onirogme; /. univogma. Lascivious dream, nocturnal pollution. Oneirol'ogry [-'■"/'"i']- The science of dreams. Onglade {F.). Ingrowing nail. Ongle {F.). Nail. O. incamé, in- growing nail, onyxis. Onglée {F.). Numbness of ends of fingers, resulting from cold. Onguéal, ale {F.). Unguial. Onguent {F.). Ointment. The Codex limits the term to such ointments as con- tain a resinous sub.stance : see Fuììimat/e. O. d'arcaeus, ointment of elemi. O. ba- silicum, resin cerate. O. blanc de Rha- zès. ointment of carbonate of lead. O. citlin, ointment of nitrate of mercury. O. diachylon, diachylon ointment. O. gris, [lüinatuin cum hydrargyro simplex. O. mercurial double, mercurial ointment. O. de la mère Thècle [Cod.], brown plas- ter. O. Napolitain, mercurial ointment. O. de populéum, ointment of poplar-buds. O. soufré, sulphur ointment. O. de sty- rax, ointment of storax. Onicatrofla (/.). Onychatrophia. Onicaussi (/.). Onychogryphosis. Onice (/.). 1. Onyx. 2. Pterygium. Onichia (/.). Onychia. Onicofima, onychophyma. Onicomicosi, onychomy- cosis. Onicoptosi, onychoptosis. Onico- si, onichoses. Onion, un'yun [L. unio]. 1. F. oignon ; G. Zwiebel; 7. cipolla. The bulb of .4W- nm Vejxj, L. ; stimulant, diuretic, expecto- rant, and rubefacient. 2. Old English term for ìninioìì. Onirodynie (F.). Painful dream. Onirog'ma (L.') [ôi/eîjooç]. F. onirogme. Seminal emission in a dream. Onis'cus asel'lus, L. Wood-louse, an isopod cru.stacean common in cellars and dark, moist places. Onissi (/.). Onyxis. Onkinocele (G.). The swelling accom- panying inflammation of sheaths of ten- dons. Onkologie (6'.). Oncology. Onomatolo'gia (i.) [Jyo.ua, U/ui]. No- menclature. Onomatoma'nia ( L.) [;j.a>iii]. Mental distress at inability to recall names of per- sons or things, or irresistible impulse to re- peat, or morbid dread of, some particular word. Ono'nin. C3„H„0,3. F. ononine : I. ono- nino. A erystallizablc. tasteless glucoside obtained from the root of Omniis spinosa. Ono'nis spino'sa, L. Ke.st-harrow, a common European herb; the root is official, and is used as a diuretic. Onopor'don Acan'thitim (L.). F. ono- porde ; 1. onopordu. Cotton thistle; a Eu- ropean coni])Osite plant; the juice has been recommended as an external application for cancer. Onosmo'dium virginia'num, DC. False gromwell ; Nat. Ord. BariKiiiiex ; indigenous; root and seeds diuretic and tonic ; said to di.ssolve calculi. Ontano (/.). Alder-tree. Ontog'eny [mv, y'-^oì\. F. ontogénie; G. Ontogénie ; 1. ontogenesi. The devel- opment or genesis of the individual. Ontol'ogy [w/, h'lyii^'^. L., I. ontologia ; F. ontologie. Doctrine of being, in the ab- stract. Medical ontology treats of diseases as distinct entities in and by themselves, without reference to the part or parts af- fected. Onychatroph'ia (Z.) [ò>u^, «r/)»çta]. F. onychatruphie ; G. Nagelschwinde; /. onieatrofia. Atrophy of the nails. Onychau'xe {L.) [aò^r^. Onychogry- phosis. Onychexallax'is (Zi.) \J.^iU.a^ii\. De- generation of the nail. Ony'chia (7i.) [ô^ul]. F. onyehie. In- flammation and suppuration at the side or root of the finger-nail. Onychocla'sis (A.) [xldaii^. Fracture of a nail. OnychocU'ne (i.) [z.).!VrJ. Bed of the nail. On'ycho-crypto'ses {L.) [y.nur.zói\. Diseases of the nail-follicles. Onychogrypho'sis (/>.) [«^.-y?. ypu-ni]. Hypertrophy of the nails, with curvature. Onychomyco'sis (/y.) [//óxi;?]. Tinea trichophytina afi"ecting root of nail. ONY OPH 249 Onychon'osi (i.) [/o-to^-]. Diseases of the nails. Onychopath'ic [jzdOuçj. Pertaining to disease of the luiils. Onychophy'ma ( L.) [çù/ia]. F. onychophyme ; O. Xagelgeschwulst ; /. onicotima. Thick and roughened condition of the nail, as in syphilis and lepra. Onychopto'sis (i.) [_r:rwa'.ç]. F. onychoptose. Falling oif of the nails. Onycho'ses (L.). Diseases of the nails. Onychostro'ma (L.) [«r/xù.aa]. Bed of the nail. Onyc'lein. Brownish granules found in the matrix of the nail, resembling kerato- hyaline granules of stratum granulosum of epidermis. O'nyx (L.) [ôvof]. Infiltration of pus in the layers of cornea, generally at the lower part, resembling a finger-nail in ap- pearance. Onyx'is {L.'). Ingrowing nail. Onyxi'tis. Paronychia. Onzième paire (^F.). Eleventh pair of nerves. Ooblaste {F."). Cell which develops into an ovule. Oöcye'sis (i.) [«'«■.', xôr^mç]. Ovarian pregnancy. OoforaIgia(/.). Oophoralgia. Ooforite, oophoritis. Oökine'sis (//.) [z!'>7;(t.'ç]. The series of movements and form-changes of the ovum during maturation, fecundation, and first segmentation. Oölem'ma (L.) p.^.u/i«]. Vitelline membrane. O. oliv., abbv. for Oleum olivae (L.), olive oil. Oölo'gia (L.) [/."^"i-]. Description of the ovum. Oön (L.) [çù'Jv]. Ovum. O'öiüne. Albumen. Oöphoral'gia (L.) [wóv. çipuj, ùV.^-oj]. F. oopboralgie ; /. ooforalgia. Pain in ovarian region. Oöphorec'tomy [iz, ""/i);']. Excision of the ovary. Oöpho'ria ( L.') [tù'iv, f //»«]. Hysteria. Oöphori'tis. F. oophorite ; /. ooforite. Ovaritis. Oöph'oro-ep'üepsy. Epilepsy depend- ing on ovarian disease. Oöph'oro-ma'nia (/^.). Insanity re- sulting from ovarian disease. Oöph'oron [ux'.', yô/xiç]. That region of the ovary in which ova are developed. Oöphoropath'ia {L.) [zàOn^']. Diseases of ovaries. Oöphoro-salpingec'tomy [^n'ü.r.iy^, U, roiiri'\. Excision of ovary and Fallopian tube. Oöphor'rhaphy [/J'i-r<«]. Operation for treatment of di.'placed ovary, con.sist- ing in suturing hilus of ovary to the re- laxed infundibulo-pelvic ligaments. Ooplastie (^F."). Fecundation. O'öscope [nxn-iw^. An apparatus for observing the development within the egg. O'ösperm [uJ">, !J.a\. The fertilized ovum [Balfour]. O'öspore \jrr.ópni^. Ovum, egg-cell. Oozoaire {F.). The ovule. O'paline. L. opalinus; jP. opalin, ine. Of a milky, bluish tint. O. plaques of mouth, leucoplasia buccalis. Ope'ocele i^L.). Obturator hernia. Opera 'tion. L. operatic ; F. opération ; I. operazione. 1. A doing. 2. A thing done. For surgical operations named after persons see under their names. Operationslager ( G.). Operating-table or stand. Operationslehre ( G.). Doctrine of operations. Operationstisch ((?.). Table for opera- tions. Operazione (/.). Operation. Oper'culum (i.). F. opercule ; /. opercolo. A covering, a lid. O. il'ei, ileo- caecal valve. O. in'sulse, triangular emi- nence between posterior and ascending branches of fissure of Sylvius, formed by a portion of inferior frontal atid of praecen- tral convolutions, and covering over a con- siderable portion of the Lsland of Reil. O. laryn'gis, epiglottis. O. sel'lse, sheet of dura mater passing over pituitary fossa of sphenoid bone, binding down the pituitary body. Operment (C)- Orpiment. Oph., abbv. for Ophthalmoscope, Oph- thalmoscopia, or Ophthalmia. Ophelia Chira'ta, (uise. An annual plant, native of northern India, Nat. Ord. Geii/i'dmr : see Chlra/n. Ophe'lic acid. CuHjjOio- A bitter 250 OPH OPH acid principle isolated by Holin (1869) from chirata. Ophi'asis {L.) lSi\- In craniometry the point where the supraorbital line cuts the median line. Ophryo-opis'thiac arc. F. courbe ophryo-opisthiaque. That measured on surface of cranium from ophryon to opis- thion. Ophryo-spi'nal angle. Jacquart's angle ; see Facial angle. Ophry'tic {òcp;ji\. L. ophryticus. Per- taining to the eyebrow. Ophthalmal'gia (i.) [ficOal'ioi. «//-"0- F., G. C)i>hthalnialgie ; /. oftalmalgia. Op- tic neuralgia. Ophthalmatro'phia {L.) [«t/v.-v-i«]. Atrophy of the eyeball. Ophthalmenceph'alon {L-^ {ir^ifi- ;.»?]. That portion of the eye which is de- veloped from the brain. Ophthal'mia [^'Jçda).!,oi\. F., G. Oph- thalmie ; /. oftalmia. Term used by the older writers for any inflammation of the eye, but especially for conjunctivitis. O. asiat'ica, or beVlica, or contagio'sa, or Egypti'aca, or milita'ris, nr pu'- ro-muco'sa contagio'sa. Contagious form of conjunctivitis, probably due to microorganisms, and tending tn become chronic with granular lids. O. neonato'- rum, purulent conjunctivitis of the new- born, O. neiiroparaljrt'ica, form occur- ring in paralysis of sensation of conjunc- tiva, resulting in corneal perforation. O. sympathet'ica, inflammation of one eye, caused by disease or injury of the other. O, tar'sa, blepharitis. Ò, virulen'ta, purulent conjunctivitis. Ophthalmia'ter (X.) [larpoî]. An oculist. Ophthalmiat'rics [';ffla/./ioç, Urntia']. F. ophthalmoiatrie ; G. Augenheilkunde; /. oftalmojatria. That part of medicine pertaining to treatment of diseases of the eye. Qphthahniatrisch (6;,). Ophthalmia- trie — (■. e, pertaining to treatment of eye diseases. Ophthalmie. L. ophthalmicus; F. ophthalmique ; G. ophthalmisch ; /. oftal- mico. Relating to the eye. O. ar'tery. L. arteria ophthalmica ; F. artère ophthal- mique ; G. Augenschlagader; /. arteria oftalmica. A considerable branch of inter- nal carotid entering orbit by the optic fora- men ; supplies the visual apparatus. O. gan'glion, L. ganglion ciliare ; /'. ganglion ophthalmique ; G. Ciliarganglion ; /. ganglio oftalmico. A small reddish structure at back of orbit, composed of fibres and mul- tipolar cells and serving as a centre for the nerve-supply of eyeball. It is supplied by three roots — motor from oculomotor nerve, sensory from nasal nerve, and sym- pathetic (trophic) from carotid plexus^, O. nerve, L. ramus ophthalmicus ; F. branche ophthalmique; G. Augiiiast ; /. nervo oftalmico. First division of fifth or trifacial nerve; purely sensory. Leaves cranium bv sphenoidal fissure, and divides into lachrymal, frontal, and nasal nerves, which supply bulb of eye, lachrymal gland, and mucous membrane of eye and nose. O. plex'us. L. plexus ophthalmicus. Filaments of cavernous plexus, extending to ophthalmic artery. O. si'nus, cavern- ous sinus. O. veins. L. venre ophthal- mic»;; Z'. veines ophthalmii|Ucs; 6r'. Augen- blutadern ; /. vene oftalmiche. Usually two in number, superior and inferior; collect blood from the orbit, communicating with angular and supraorbital veins, and dis- charge into cavernous sinus. Ophthalmie (F.). Ophthalmia. O. blennon-hagique, gononlmal ophthal- mia. O. catarrhale épidémique, Egyp- tian oi)hthalmia. O. cUiaire, blepharitis. O, d'Égsrpte, Egyptian ophtlialmia ; Jiuru- lent conjunctivitis. O. diphthéritique, conjunctivitis with formation of false mem- branes. O. granuleuse, trachoma, gran- ulated eyelids. O. purulente des nou- veau-nés, ophthalmia neonatorum. O. sèche, sclerophthalmia. O. sympathique, svmpathetic ophthalmia. Ophthalmique {F.). 1. Ophthalmic. 2. First branch of fifth pair of nerves. OPH OPH 251 Ophthalmi'tis. F. ophthalmite. Oph- thalmia ; choroiditis. Ophthal'mo- [ojröa/./ioi-]. In compo- sition = eye. Ophthalmoblennoirhoe'a (i.) [/S/swa, /5^]. /^. ophthalmodynamomètre. In- strument for measuring power of converg- ence [Landolt]. Ophthalmodyn'ia (i.) [o<5''r/i;]. F. ophthalmodvnie. Neuralgia of the eye- ball. Ophthalmoede'ma (X.) [o'ôr,iia\. Con- junctival œdema. Ophthalmog'raphy [j-.oójriu]. F. oph- thalmographie. Description of the eye. Ophthalmoïatrie {F.). Ophthalmia- tries. Ophthalmorogist. G. Ophthalmolog. Oculist. Ophthalmol 'ogy [/»/"'O- I^- ophthal- mologia ; F. Ophthalmologie ; /. oftalmo- logia. That part of medical science re- lating to the structure, functions, and affections of the eye. Ophthalmomacro'sis {L.) [.aax/xîç]. Enlargement of the eyeball. Ophthalmomala'cia (i.) \jia).axia\. F., G. Ophthalmomalacie. Softening of eyeball : see Phthisis hulhi. Ophthalmom'eter [/j/r/)oy]. F. oph- thalmoniitre ; /. oftalmometro. Instru- ment for measuring the eye, and the radius of curvature of the cornea in particular. The principal forms in use are those of Helmholtz and of Javal and Schiiitz. Ophthalmom'etry [<'i.) [v-, /i/r/)«v]. Instruuioiit for determining the tension of the eyeball. Ophthalmotonom'etry. Measurement of the tension of the eyeball. Ophthai'motrope [r,oi-<ü]. G. Oph- thalmotrop. Apparatus for deiuoustrating the various movements of the eyes. Ophthalmotropom'etôr. An instru- ment for measuring the movements of the eyes. Ophthalmotropom'etry \tj><>-ùì, läTjjir,^ The measurement of the move- ments of the eyes. Ophtlialmoxero'sis(L.) {ßr,poi\- Dry- ness of conjunctiva. Ophthalmoxy'sis (i.) [ßoafi]. F. ophthalnioxyse; 7. oftalmossisi. Scarifica- tion of conjunctiva. Ophthalmozo'a (i.) [f<ù">]. F. oph- thahiiozoaires ; /. oftalmozoarii. Animal parasites in the eye. Ophthalmsmieni'tis [;>!",'-']■ Con- junctivitis. Opiacé, ée ( F?). Containing opium. O'pianyl. F. opianyle; /. oppianile. Meconin. Opiat {F.). Term formerly applied to any electuary containing opium ; at present used as a synonym for electuary in general. O. de copahu composé, electuary of copaiba. O. dentifrice, électuaire denti- frice. O'piate. L. opiatum ; F., G. Opiat ; /. opiato. Medicine containing opium. Opia'tum (L.). Opiat. O. cum copa'hu compos'itum [Cod.], electuary of copaiba. Opio (/.). Opium. Opistenare (/.). Opisthcnar. Opisthan'trus (7^.) [û-itOî, â:,Tpm']. Term applied to skulls in which the verti- cal let fall upon the radius fixus from the most projecting point of the torus frontalis falls behind that let fall from the nasion by a distance of from 1 to li mm. [Lissauer]. Opis'thenar \_ÒT:taOi^ap]. Back of the hand. Opis'thion [oTiVotoç]. L. punctum foraminis magni posterius. 1. Point where median line meets posterior border of for- amen magnum [Broca]. 2. The lambda or posterior end of sagittal suture [Lis- sauer]. Opis'tho- {L.) [fT.i,7e:ùi\. In compo- sition - back, behind. Opisthobreg'miis(//.) [òr.iiO'., ,î/'£V//«]. Term apjilied to skulls in which the line drawn from hormion to bregma makes with the radius tixus an angle of from 55.5° to 68° [Lissauer]. Opisthochas'mus (L.) [/«-^M«]' Term applied to skulls in which the line joining staphvlion and basion (Chasmaebene) looks forward when referred to the radius fixus as a horizontal, making with it an angle of from 13° to 26°. Opisthocrâne {F.). Occiput. Opisthocsrpho'sis {L.) {^'J-a.) [m^-^"?, u>\ F. opisthomélophore ; /. opisto- melofiiro. Notomelus. Opisthophalacro'sis (i.) \jpakdxpwaii\. Baldness of oeeiiiut. Opisthopo'ria {L.) [-../).-;«]. Involun- tary going backward in attempting to walk. Opisthot'ic [cut«?]. F. opisthoti(iue ; I. opistotico. Behind the ear. O. bone, posterior part of petrous portion of tem- poral bone; separate bone in fishes. O. cen'tre, a separate ossifie centre for the temporal bone, forming that part of petrosal seen at base of skull [Huxley]. Opisthotique {F.). 1. Opisthotic. 2. Opisthotic bone. Opisthot'onos {L.) lZTu, T(y^<^',x£(^a/.rj'\. F. opoci''phale ; /. opocefalo. Synotus. Opodel'doc ( L.). F. baume opodeldoch ; G. (^podeldok ; /. balsamo opodeldoch. A soft-solid liniment, resembling in composi- tion and properties the soap liniment of the U. S. P., prepared from soap, camphor, oil of rosemary, oil of thyme, ammonia, and alcohol [Cod., P. G.] : see also Liquid opn- di/doc. O. liq'uidumi, F. baume opodel- doch li(|uide ; liijuid opodeldoc. Opod'eocele (L.)\_ò-rj, xrj/.r,']. F. opo- déocèle. Subpubic, or obturator, hernia. Opodid'ymus (L.) [^ùnp, Sißoßocj. F. opodyme ; /. opodimo. Diprosopus. Opop'anax. F., G. Opopanax ; /. opo- panaco. 1. A genus of UndteUiferse.. 2. A gum-resin obtained from Opopanax Chiro- nium. Koch [Cod.] ; i'ormerly esteemed as an antispasmodic and eninienagogue. O. Chiro'nium, Koch, an herb of southern Europe, resembling the parsnip ; the wound- ed root yields a milky juice which when dry is called opopanax. Opos'sum-tree. Sweet-gum, Liquidam- bar stynirißua, L. Oppiaceo (/). Containing opium. Oppianile (/.). Opianyl. Oppiato (I.). Opiat. OppUa'tion. L. oppilatio ; G. Verstop- fung ; /. oppilazione. Obstruction. Oppio (/.). Opium. Oppo'nens (i.)- Opposing, bringing into opposition. O. hal'lucis. A super- numerary muscle often found associated with the adductor hallucis, but inserted into metatarsale I. O. min'imi [Cones], opponens minimi digiti. O. min'imi dig'- iti. F. opposant du petit doigt ; G. .Anzie- her des Kleinfingers. Small muscle of radial side of hand, arising from the ligamentum carpi volare proprium and unciform process, and inserted into metacarpale V. O. min'- imi dig'iti pe'dis, supernumerary muscle often found associated with flexor brevis minimi digiti pedis, but inserted separately into metatarsale V. O. pol'licis. F. oppo- sant du pouce ; G. Gegensteller des Dau- mens ; /. opponente del pollice. A small muscle of tlie hand, arising from the liga- mentum carpi volare proprins, and from the trapezium, and inserted into metacarpale I. Opponente (/.). Opponens, often used alone for opponens polliois. Opposant (F.). Opponen.s. Opposi'tion. L. oppositio ; / opposi- zione. Angular motion. Oppres'sion. L. opprcssio ; G. Beklem- mung ; /. oppressione. Condition of feeling 254 OPS OPT a sense of weight, especially on the chest, in certain forms of respiratory disturbance. Opsial'gia (/>.) [<ûç'', üX-fi-i'j. Facial neuralgia. Opsiomètre (F.). Instrument for meas- uring the distance of distinct vision. Opsionu'si (L.) [vó<7i(v]. F. opsionoses; /. opsionosi. Diseases affecting vision. Opsioto'cia (L.) [oV'c, ró/«9]. Delayed labor, iirolonged pregnancy. Opsoma'nia (L.) [oV'ov, /ia»ia]. F., I. opsomane. In.sane desire for dainty food. Opsophagie ((?.). Morbid daintiness as to food. Op 'tic [(/'rruwç']. i. opticus; F. optique; G. optisch ; /. ottico. Pertaining to the eye or vision. O. an'g'le. F. angle optique or visuel ; /. angolo ottico or visuale : see lV.sì(((/ aiiffle. O. ar'teries. L. arteriae thalamicae; F. artères optiques. Small branches supplying optic thalamus. The external o. a. are from the striate arte- ries ; the inferior o. a. are twigs from the posterior cerebral artery that pass through the posterior perforated space. O. chi'- asm, optic commissure. O. com'mis- sure. L. chiasma opticum; F.,I. chiasma; G. Sehnervenkreuzung. The junction and decussation of the two optic nerves at the base of the brain upon the body of the sphenoid. O. cup. G. Augenbecher. That formed by the involution of the dis- tal extremity of the primary optic vesicle. O. disc. L. papilla optici ; F. papille du nerf optique ; /. papilla del nervo ottico. The nearly circular pinkish area on the back part of the retina, where the optic nerve pierces it and expands to form its inner layer. O. fora'men. L. foramen opticum ; F. trou optique ; G. Sehloch ; /. forame ottico. The round orifice at the base of either lesser wing of the .sjihenoid through which pass the optic nerve and the ophthalmic artery. O. gan'glia, cor- pora quadrigemina. O. gan'glion, ba'sal [Meynert]. L. ganglion basale opticum ; G. basales Opticusganglion. A collection of cells in the tuber cinereum, near the optic tract, with which it is said to com- municate. O. groove. //. sulcus opticus; F. gouttière optique. The narrow groove in which the optic commissure is lodged in front (if the olivary eminence, upper surface of the sphenoid. O. lobes, corpora (juadri- gemina. O. nerve. L. nervus opticus ; F. nerf optiijue ; G. Sehnerv ; I. nervo ottico. The special nerve of vision. It arises through optic tract from the optic thalami and corpora quadrigemina, emerges from the cranium by the optic foramen, and is distributed to the retina. It is believed that its fibres may be traced to the occipital lobe of the cerebrum and the upper portion of the spinal cord. The nerves of the two sides constitute the second pair of cranial nerves. O. neurot'omy, division of the optic nerve. O. papU'la, optic disc. O. pedun'cle. (/. Augenstiel. The con- tracted stalk uniting the optic nerve with the optic vesicle. O. radia'tions. F. faisceaux opti((ues ; G. Sehstrahlungen. That portion of the corona radiata of the optic thalamus jiassing to the occipital lobes. O. tharamus. L. thalamus opti- cus ; F. couche optique ; G. Sehhügel ; I. talamo ottico. One of the principal col- lections of gray matter at the base of the brain. It appears on either side of the third ventricle as a club-shaped mass, bent from before backward, and continuous from behind downward and forward with the optic tract. O. tract. L. tractus opti- cus; F. bandelette du nerf opti(|ue ; G. Sehstreifen ; /. bandeletta di origine dei nervi ottici. The first part of the optic nerve, a flat band of fibres which winds around the crus cerebri of either side, extending from the corpora geniculata to the optic commissure. O. tu'bercles, corpora quadrigemina. Op'tical. Optic. O. ax'is, line pass- ing through centre of cornea and posterior pole of the eye. O. cen'tre. F. centre optique ; G. optischer Mittelpunkt ; /. centro ottico. A point situated on the principal axis of an optical system, which is characterized by the property that every incident ray which after refraction by the first surface passes through it emerges in a parallel direction after its refraction by the second surface. Op'tice (L.). Optics. Op'tici {L.). Spitzka's term for the anterior pair of corpora quadrigemina. Opti'cian. /'. opticien ; G. Optiker ; /. ottico. A maker of optical instruments. Opticist. One skilled in the theory and principles of optics. Optico-cil'iary. Relating to the optic and ciliary nerves. O.-c. neurec'tomy, removal of sections of the optic and ciliary nerves. O.-c. neurot'omy, operation of dividing the optic and ciliary nerves, leav- ing the globe in situ. Optico-trochléi-scléroticien (F.). Su- perior oblique muscle of eye. OPT ORB 255 Op'tàcs, physiolog'ical ['Jznxt'i-;]. F. opti(iue ; G. Ojitik ; /. (ittica. That part of optical science which treats of the op- tical properties of the eye, comprehending also the various phenomena of vision, such as color-perception, single vision with the two eyes, visual field, etc. Op'ticus (/- )■ Optic; optic nerve. Opticus-ellip'soid. Strongly refrac- ting ellipsoidal body found in the basal portion of the cones of the retina. Opticusfasem ( G.). Optic nerve-fibres. Opticusganglion, basales (G.). Optic ganglion, basal. Optik ((;.). Optics. Optiker (G.). Optician. Optikiis C'-^' )• 1- Optic nerve. 2. Optician. Optique (F.). 1. Optic. 2. Optics. Optisch, er, e, es ((?.). Optic. O. Mittelpunkt, optical centre. Op'togram. F. optogramme ; /. otto- gramma. The image formed on the retina by action of light on the retinal purple [Kühne]. Optog'raphy. L. optographia ; F. opto- graphie ; /. ottografia. The fixation of images on the retina. Optom'eter [^ù<^'o/iai, /ì^t/)»/]. F. opto- mètre ; G. Sehmesser ; I. ottometro. In- strument for measuring limits of distinct vision of an eye. Op'toscope [.)• Prickly pear, Indian fig ; a genus of plants. Nat. Ord. Ciictese. O. cochinillif era, Mill., nopal ; cultivated in Mexico and Central America as food for the cochineal insect. O. vulga'ris, Mill., prickly pear: native of tro]iieal and sub- tropical America. The fruit is edible ; the leaves are mucilaginous and demulcent ; in powder an excellent material for poultices. Or (F.). Gold. O. blanc, platinum. O. en feuilles, gold-leaf. O'ra (Z^-). 1. An edge or seam. 2. PI. of OS, mouth. O. fenes'trae ova'lis, a slight raised process surrounding the oval window. O. serra'ta, a wavy edge in- dicating limit of nervous portion of retina, a little behind the outer edge of the ciliary processes. O'ral [os]. F. oral, ale ; 7. orale, lle- lating to the mouth. O. whiff, Drum- moiid's whiff'. Oranatoio (/.). Urinal. Or'ange [^Ar. narandj]. L. aurantium ; F. orange ; G. Pomeranze ; I. arancia. The fruit of several species of the genus Citrus, Nat. Ord. Äuranliaceaß : see also Bitter, Forlmjal, Seville, and Sweet ormige. O.- ber'ries. X. fruetus aurantii immaturi ; F. orangettes ; G. unreife Pomeranzen. The small unripe fruit of the bitter orange. Citrus vulgaris. Risso. The volatile oil ob- tained by distillation of orange-berries with water is known as essence Je petit grain. O.-flo'w'ers. L. aurantii flores ; F. fleurs d'oranger ; G. Pomeranzenbliithen ; /. fiori d'arancio. The partially expanded, fresh flowers of Citrus vu/garis a.nd C. Aurantium, Risso ; used in infusion as a gentle nervous stimulant. O.-flow'er wa'ter. L. aqua aurantii florum ; F. eau distillée de fleurs d'oranger; G. Orangenbliithenwasser ; /. acqua di fiori d'arancio. Product of the distillation of fresh orange-flowers with water ; a fragrant vehicle for other medi- cines. O.-juice, the juice expressed from the sweet orange ; an agreeable beverage, used in febrile and scorbutic afiiections. O,- peel : see Bitter-orange peeL O. wine. L. vinum aurantii. Wine made in Britain, by the fermentation of a saccharine solu- tion to which the fresh peel of the bitter orange has been added [B. P.] ; used as a flavoring ingredient and excipient. Orange amère {F.). Bitter orange. Or'ange-graSS. Hypericum samthrn, Miohx. ; the tops are used for the same purpo.se as f't. John's wort. Orangenblüthen ( G.). Orange-flowers ; — wasser, orange-flower water. Or'ange-root. Golden seal, TTydmstis cnnuiii nsis, L. Orangettes {F.). Orange-berries. Or'bes cartüagino'si (/v.). Cartilag- inous rings of trachea. Orbicolare (/.). Orbicular. O. deUe labbra, nrliicularis oris. O. delle pal- pebre, orbicularis palpebrarum. Orbiculaire (/■'.). 1. Orbicular. 2.0s orliiculare. O. des lèvres, orbicularis oris. O. des paupières, orbicularis palpebrarum. Orbic'ular. L. orbicularis, re ; F. orbiculaire ; G. ringförmig ; /. orbicolare. 256 ORB ORB Applied to structures having a somewhat circular or spherical form. O. bone, os orbicularc. O. lig-'ament, annulai' liga- ment of radius. Orbicvila'ris, re (/>■)• 1- Orbicular. 2. The orbicularis palpebrarum [Coues]. O. a'ni, sphincter ani externus. O. ex- ter'nus, orbicular part of orbicularis pal- pebrarum. O. inter'nus, palpebral part of orbicularis palpebrarum. O. la'tus, orbital part of orbicular!.« palpebrarum. O. mala'ris, malaris. O. oc'uli. 1. Or- bicularis palpebrarum, li. Orbicularis pal- pebrarum -f ctn-rugator supcrcilii -f tensor tarsi, consiilcred as a single muscle [Hcnle]. O. or'bitae or O. orbita'lis, orbital jnirt of the orbicularis palpebrarum. O. o'ris. F. orbiculaire des lèvres ; G. Schliessmus- kel des Mundes; /. orbicolare delle labbra. Tlie sphincter muscle of the mouth, con- sisting partly of elliptical fibres which run around the opening (labial portion), partly of fibres which blend with the muscles that converge at the mouth (facial portion). This is considered by some as a continua- tion of the buccinator. A few fibres are attached to the septum of the nose (naso- labialis) ; others penetrate the substance of the lips (compressor labii). O. palpe- bra'lis, palpebral part of orbicularis ]ialpe- brarum. O. palpebra'rum. /'.orbiculaire des paupières ; G. Schliessmuskel des Augenwinkels; /.orbicolare delle palpebre. The sphincter muscle of the eyelids. A palpebral portion, thin and pale, is sit- uated upon the lids ; an orbital portion surrounds the orbit, arising from the in- ternal tarsal ligament and the adjacent por- tions of the frontal and superior ma.xillary bones ; a slip also arises from the lachrymal crest : sec Tensor tarisi. O. supe'rior and infe'rior, orbital part of orbicularis palpe- brarum. Orbicules (F.). Sugar-drops. Orbic'ulus (/>.), dim. of Orbis. A small di.sc. O. cilia'ris, that region of the choroid coat of the eye between the ora serrata and the ciliary processes. O. ganglio'sus [Krause], the deeper, softer layer of the ciliary body of the choroid coat, containing many nerves. O. liga- mento'sus [Krause], the external, strong- er layer of the ciliary body. Or'bit. L., I. orbita; F. orbite; G. Augenhöhle. One of the two cavities of the skull which contain the eyes and their annexes. Or'bital. L. orbitalis ; /'. orbitaire ; /. orbitale or orbitario. Relating to the orbit. O. an'gle, biorbital angle. O. arch. L. margo supraorbitalis ; F arcade orbitaire; /. areata orbitale. Upper margin of the orbit. O. ar'tery. X. arteria supraorbi- talis externa ; J. arteria orbitale. Hranch of middle temporal, running above zygoma to external angle of eye. O. canals', in- ter'nal, ethmoidal foramina. O. convo- lu'tions, those situated on the orbital sur- face of the frontal lobe of the brain ; usu- ally considered as a continuation of the fron- tal convolutions and distinguished as inner (straight, medial, gyrus rectus), middle (intermediate), and external (lateral). Since the last two are frequently cut by a cross-furrow, the portions in front and behind are sometimes called the ante- rior and posterior o. c-s. A presylvian or transverse convolution sometimes runs in front of the fissure of Sylvius. O. f£is'- cia. L. fascia orbitte ; F. aponévrose or- bito-oculaire. The capsule of Tenon ; sheaths of the ocular muscles, with their dependencies and the palpebral fascia. O. fos'sa. F. fosse orbitaire; / fossa orbitale. Excavation in orbital plate of frontal bone, forming up]ier part of orbital cavity. O. fronto-ma'lar diam'eter. G. orbitale Frontomalarbreite. Distance between ojipo- site external orbital points. O. in'dex, in craniometry the ratio of the vertical height of the orbit to its transverse width, taken as 11)0. O. nerve. /. nervus orbitalis; /'. nerf temporo-malaire; G. Joehwangenncrv ; /. nervo orbitale. Branch of superior max- illary division of trifacial, distributed to the temple and cheek. O. plane, Broca. vis- ual plane of. O. plate. /. lamiiui orbita- lis ; G. Orbitalplatte ; 7. lamina pa|)iracea. 1. A thin bony partition, being the part which the ethmoid contributes to the inner wall of the orbit. 2. The part of the fron- tal bone which roofs the orbit. O. point. G. Orbitalpunkt. Lowest point of inferior border of orbit. O. point, exter'nal, that where the outer edge of the orbit meets the fronto-zygomatic suture. O. proc'ess. L. processus orbitalis ; F. apophy.se orbitaire ; G. Augenhbhlenfortsatz ; /. apofisi orbita- ria. 1. A pyramidal portion of the palate- bone, which by one of its surfaces contrib- utes to form tiie orbit. 2. Orbital portion of malar bone. O. sill'ci, furrows on the orbital surface of the frontal lobe of the brain. Three are usually described: The medial or internal orbital (/. sulcus orbitalis medialis), usually called thé a/f'^tc- tory sulcus, which see ; the intermediate ORB ORC 257 orbital {L. sulcus orbitali« intoruictlialis), which begins behind at the side uf the ol- factory tubercle and runs forward with a slight outward convexity ; the lateral or external orbital {L. sulcus cu-bitalis lat- eralis), which commences u little to the median side oi" the fissure of Sylvius, and runs forward with a slight convexity in- ward. The last two are connected by a cross furrow : see also Triradiale aniens. O. sur'face. />. superficies orbitalis ; G. Augenliiihlenfiache. That part of the supe- rior maxillarv bone that forms the floor of the orbit. Ó. vein. L. vena zygomatico- orbitalis. Gathers blood from eyelids, and, acconipauviiig orbital artery, discharges into middle temporal vein. Orbital ( Cr'.). Orbital ; — fllamente, rami orbitales from spheno-palatine gan- glion ; — fläche, orbital surface ; — flügel, lesser wings of sphenoid; — höhe, height of orbit taken vertically below frontal prom- inence ; — platte, orbital process or plate ; — ■Windungen, orbital convolutions. Orbitaler Frontomalarpunkt (G.). Orbital ]ioint. external. Orbita'Hs (/-)■ Orbital ; used substan- tively fur the orbital portion of orbicularis pal])ebrarum. Or'bitar. Orbital. Orbite ( F.ì. Orbit. Orbito-Alveolarhöhe ( (r.). Distance from lower edge of orbit to alveolar mar- gin of upper jaw, taken vertically under frontal prominence. Orbito-alve'olo-con'dylar angle. That between orbital axis and alveolo-con- dylcan ]ilane. Or'bito-bas'ilar an'gle. F. angle orbito-basilaire. Angle between the lower border of the inferior maxillary bone pro- duced and the orbital axis. Orbitocèle (F.). Exophthalmos. Orbito-extra-sclerotico (/.). Rectus esternus oculi. Orbito-extus-scléroticien (F.). Rec- tus extcnius oculi. Orbito-intra-sclerotico (/.). Rectus internus oculi. Orbito-intus-scléroticien (F.). Rec- tus internus ficuli. Or'bito-ma'lar in'dex. (r. Augen- hiihlen-WangoM breit pn-lndex. Ratio of su- perior facial and bi/.ygomatic diameters of skull, the latter taken as KM». Vol. II.— 17 Orbito-masceUo-labiale (/.). Levator labii superioris proprius. Orbito-maxilli-labial {F.). Levator labii superioris proprius. Or'bito-occip'ital an'gle. F. angle orbito-occipital. In craniometry an angle whicli expresses the inclination of the plane of the foramen magnum to the axis of vision. Orbito-octilaire {F.). 1. Relating to the orbit and the eye. 2. Capsule of Tenon. Or'bito-palpebra'lis (L.). F. muscle orbito-pal|)ébral ; /. muscolo orbito-palpe- brale. The middle sheet of the expansion by which levator palpebras is inserted, com- posed of smooth muscular fibres. Or'bito-sphe'noid. F. orbito-sphénoïde. One of the lesser wings of the sphenoid considered as a separate ossifie integer ; it constitutes a separate bone in many ani- mals. Orbito-sus-palpébral (F.). Levator palpebra superioris. Orcanette {F.). I. orcanetto. Alka- net. Orchal'gia (i.) [<>^;^<9, a^yil- Orchi- algia. Orchei'tis. Orchitis. Or'cheocele (L.) [xTJArj"]. F. orehiocèle. Scrotal hernia. Orcheot'omy. Orchiotomy. Orchestroma'nia {L.). Chorea. Orchialgia (L.) [o/>;ftç, äkyo'i]- F- Orchialgie. Pain in the testicle. Or'chic. L. orchicus. Pertaining to the testicle. Orchichore'a (i.) [■/i>pî(a']. Twitching of the testicles. Orchidato'nia {L.) [àzovia']. Relaxa- tion of the testicles. Orchidatroph'ia {L.)[àTpo^ia\. Atro- pliv of the testicle. Orchidi'tis. Orchitis. Orchid'ocele (L.) [^^i'*'/]. Tumor of the testicle. Orchidodyn'ia {L.) [àSirjr^. Pain in the testicle. Orchidomyelo'ma {L.) [/jiu^^oç]. Med- ullary fungus of the testicle. Orchidon'cus (i.) ['V''>s-]. Tumor of the testicle. Orchidot'omy [tx/ìtj]. Castration. 258 ORC ORG Orchil, or'kil. F. orseille ; G. Lakmus- fleditc ; / uriccllo. A deep reddish-purple, seiiiiliquid coloring matter obtained from different species of RoccWi and from other lichens. Orchil'la-weed. Species of Boccila, yielding orchil. Or'chiocele (L.) [_ôpx'i, xrj/.r^]. F. orciii- ocèle. Hernia or tumor of the testicle. Orchiodsm'ia (/>.) [oiî'j»;]. F. orchio- dynie ; /. orchiodinia. Pain in the testi- cle. Orchiot'omy [~"/j"j]- L., I. orchioto- mia ; F. orchiotomie. Castration. Or'chis {L.). 1. Testis. 2. /. orchide. A genus of Oirhidcx ; several species yield salep, as 0. moriu, L., 0. mascula. L., etc. Orchi 'tis [^ofi/tç]. F., I. orchite; G. Hodenentzundung. Inflammation of the testicle. Orchito'mia (L.) [ro/^jj]. Castration. Orchitomie (&'.). Castration. Orchot'omy. F. orchotomie ; /. orcoto- mia. Castration. Orcin, or'sin. CjHgOj. F. orcine ; /. orcina. A dihydrooxyltoluol, found in lichens ; has local anaesthetic powers ; used in external applications in skin diseases. Or'deal-bark. Erythrophlucum. Or'deal-bean. Physostigma. Orde'olum ( L.). Hordeolum. Ordinaires (F.). Jlen.ses. Ordinazione (/. ). Prescription. Ordonnance (F.). Prescription. Orecchietti (/.). Auricles of the heart. Orecchio (/.). Ear. Orecchioni (/.). Mumps. Orec'tic [^òpépi/mt]. L. orecticus. Ex- citing appetite. Or'egron grape. Berheris aqui/olium, Pursli., and other species of B. Oregon tobac'co. Vnlinana ediilis, Nutt. ; used as an article of food by the Indians. Oreule (F.). Ear. O. interne, laby- rinth. O. moyenne, tympanum. Oreille de souris (F.). Hieracium plliisillii, \,. Oreülette {F.). Auricle of the heart. OreUlons (F.). Mumps. Orella'na (//.). Annotta. Orel'lin. F. orelline ; /. orellina. A yellow coloring matter contained in annotta. Oreodaph'ne califor'nica, Nees. Um- belluhiria call/oriiica, Nutt. Oreos'elin. C|,H|.,0,. A crystalline principle obtained by partial decomposition of imperutorin or peucedanin. Or'gan [ô/j^axjyj. L. organum : F. or- gane ; /. organo. A part of a plant or ani- mal more or less distinct from the rest, and having a more or less specific function. O. al'bumin, the albumin which i'orms an integral part of the tissues. O. of Cor'ti: see C'orli, oiymi of. O. of Giral- dès, paradidymis. O. of Ro'senmüller. F. organe de Rosenmüller ; 7. organo di Rosenmüller. Parovarium. Org'ane {F.). Organ. O. de l'émail, enamel-organ. O. du langage, posterior part of frontal convolution, considered as seat of faculty of articulate speech. O-s. vermiformes, Wolffian bodies. Organ-Eiweiss (f'.). Organ albumin. Organ'ic. L. organicus ; F. organique •, G. organisch ; /. organico. Pertaining to an organ or to organization ; to structure, as opposed to functional. O. com'pound, a product of vital action (or, in .some in- stances, of chemical synthesis) possessing a definite composition and often e.xhibitiiig a crystalline structure ; in these particulars distinguished from an organized body, which exhibits no tendency to crystalline arrange- ment and is not invariable in composition. O. disease', disease due to change of struc- ture. O. life, Bichat's term for tlie sum of the functions whicli are common to living animals and vegetables, as opposed to those which he supposed to be peculiar to animals. It is now a redundant expres- sion for " life." Organ'icism. L. organicismus ; F. organicisme ; /. organicismo. Doctrine that all disease is due to organic change Organisa'tio (//•). Organization. Organisch (■) [''X'.v.«]. Statement of the laws of organic life. Organopath'ia (L.) [-«ö"s-]. F. organo- pathie. Disease of an organ ; organic dis- ease. Organopathisme (F.). Doctrine of the pathology of each organ studied bj' itself. Organop'athy. Term used by W. Sharp to express the local action of drugs. Organotroph'ic [rpnçrjl. Pertaining to the nutrition of organs or of organized being.>. Organs of genera'tion. F. organes de la generation ; /. organi della genera- «iune. The parts concerned in reproduc- tion. In mammals the male organs are the testicles and penis, with connecting and in- cluded ducts and glands ; and the female organs are the ovaries, oviducts, uterus, vagina, and vulva. Or'gamam (Z/.). Organ. Or'gasm ["/<;"''"]■ -''• orgasmus; F. orgasme; G. Blutwallung ; 7. orgasmo. The fieight of venereal excitement in sexual in- tercourse. Orgas'tic. Z,. orgasticus ; F. orgastique ; G. orgastisch. Pertaining to orgasm. Orge ( F.). Barley. O. mondé, hulled barley. O. perlé, pearl barley. Orgelet or Orgeolet {F.). Hordeolum. Orgo'sis (/>.) ['YY'''"]' Orgasm or its production. Annotta. Orchil. Oriana ( L). Oricello ( f. Orien'tal. from, the ea.«t. Pertaining to, or coming O. cash'ew-nut, marking- nut, Malacca-bean, marsh-nut ; the fruit of ASimicarpus Aitacaiuììum, L. fil.; the hard shell contains a corrosive juice ; the kernel is used for food. O. el'emi : see African eli-mi. O. ring'worm, tinea circinata tropica. O. sal'ep, the tubers of various species of Eukiiihia, growing in India. O. sore: see Ulcers, endtmic. Orienta'tion. G. Orientirung. In general, getting one's l)eariiigs ; recogni- tion of the points of the compass. As ap- plied to the eye it refers to the recognition of horizontal and vertical lines as such, and to the recognition of the stability of objects when their images shift on the retina through the motion of the eye. As ap- plied to a building it refers to the point of the com]iass to which it faces. Orientbeule {G.). Oriental sore. Orientirung (,&'.)• Orientation. Orifa'cial an'gle. F. angle orifacial. In craniometry the angle formed between the facial line of Camper (see Facial avglr) and the plane drawn through the masti- cating surfaces of the upper teeth. Or'iflce. L. orificiuni ; G. Mündung; /. orificio, orifizio. Opening. Orifice {F.). Orifice. O. abdominal, internal abdominal ring. O. œsophagrien, hiatus (lesophageus. O. palpebral, palpe- bral opening. O. de Scanzoni, Bandl's ring. Orifl'cium (Z/.)- Opening. O. cuta'- neum, external opening of urethra. O. epiplo'icum, foramen of Winslow. O. infundib'uli, helicotrema. O. uteri'num cana'lis cervi'cis, os uteri internum. O. vaginale cana'lis cervi'cis, os uteri ex- ternum. O. vesica'le, vesical opening of urethra. Orifizio (/.). Orifice. Origan (ZT). Origanum. O. vulgaire, Origanum vulgare, L. Orig'anum ^opiyavov^. F. origan ; G. Dosten ; /. origano. 1. The herb of Orig- aiium rulgare, L., wild marjoram ; dia- phoretic, cmmenagogue; applied externally in fomentations as an anodyne. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Labia'se. O. cre'ti- cum, L., grows in southern Europe, and vields an aromatic volatile oil like that from other species of O. O. Dictani'nus, native of the Levant, cultivated ; a pungent aromatic ; official in the Far. Esp. O. Majora'na, sweet marjoram ; native of Eunjpe, cultivated as a garden herb. O. vulga're. F. origan vulgaire ; I. origano comune. Wild marjoram ; a perennial Eu- 260 ORI ORT ropeau herb, naturalized in the U. S. : see Oriyunitm. Or'igin. L. origo ; F., I. origine ; G. Ursprung. 1. The more fixed or central attachment of a muscle. 2. 'J'he connection of a nerve with the cercbro-spinal axis. The apparent o. is its place of appear- ance on the surface ; the deep o., the nucleus of cells to which its fibres pene- trate. Orig'inal. A male deer whose testicles have not descended. Ori'go (//.). Origin. Orina (/. ). Urine. Orinale, urinal. Orinario or Orinatorio, urinary. Orin- azione, urination. Orinifero, uriniferous. Orinoso, urinous. Orismol'og-y [pftiaiia, koyu^']. L., J. orismologia. Science of explanation of technical terms. Oriza'ba-root. Male jalap. Ork'ney Springs. Alkaline, sulphur, and chalybeate springs, in Shenandoah Co., Virginia. Orlea'na (Z^.). Annotta. Orletto (/.). Convolution of the corpus callosum. Orlo (i.). Edge, margin. Orme (F.). Elm. O. blanc, or cham- pêtre, or commun, Fhims cumpestris. L. O. fauve or jaune, i^mus fulva, Michx. O. pyramidal, Flmus vnmpestn's, L. Omo or Omello (/.). Fraxi/ius ortius, L., and other s|iecies of ash. Or'nus europee'a, Pers., Fraxinusornus, L. Oro ( /. ). (iold. O. bianco, ])latinum. Oroban'che ( //.). A genus of Oro- hiDiciuicese. O. america'na, L., Con- opho/is amerianid, Wallr. O. uniflo'ra, L., A/iìii/1/oii wiißonim, Torr, et (ìray. O. virginia'na, L.. Ej>iphegiix vinjinidint, Bart. Oron'osus (Z/.) [ßp"?, kîiT"?]. G. Berg- krankheit. A disease of mountainous re- gions. Oroptero or Orottero (L). Horopter. Or'piment [A. aurij)igmentum]. AsjSj. L. sulphuretum arseniosum [Cod.] ; G. Operment ; /. orpimento. King's yellow; a native trisulphide of arsenic, formerly much used as a pigment, occasionally as an ingredient of certain depilatories. The pure s'dh " iSii/fiire (jaune) (/'nrnoiic nßci- nul" [Cod.], is prepared by precipitation from a solution of arseuious acid in dilute hydrochloric acid b)' means of hydrogen sulphide. Or'pine. The genus iSedum. Nat. Ord. Crassu/acix. Orrhoche'zia (L.) ["/'.»'"V, /^Cs:"]- F. orrhochézit'. Diurrhœa with milk-like stools. Orrhocys'tis (L.) [/ûirrif]. /'. orrho- cyste ; I. orrocisti. A serous cj'st. OiThohymeni'tis [ù//)jv]. Inflammation of a serous membrane. Orrhopo'sia (L.) [ò/)/„i--(,tìuj']. Milk- drinking, milk diet. Orrhorrhœ'a (/>. ) ["'/'/'"i.'. /'''•']■ ■^'- tir- rhorrbée ; /. orrorrea. A milky or serous discharge. Orrhymeni'tis ['j/^v]. / orrimenite. Inflammation of a serous membrane. Orrimenite, or Orrimenitide, or Orro- menite (/.). Orrbymeiiitis. Orripilazione (/.). Horripilation. Or'ris-root. Florentine orris. Orrore (/.). Horror. O. uterina, nymphomania. Orseüle {F.). Orchil. O. de terre, cudbear. Orteü (F.). Toe. O. à marteau, bammer toe. Orthiauche'nus (L.) [J/v^i./^-, (f'/j/^]- Term applied to skulls in which the line joining inion and basion makes an angle of from 4!t° to 38° with the radius fixu» [Lissauer]. Orthiochor'dus (L.) [/"/"5)j]- Term applied to skulls in which the line joining the hormion and the basion makes an angle of from 33° to 52° with the radius fixus [Lissauer]. Orthiocor'yphus ( A.) [xiipu.) [c'-ìffO»- »pd>!">]. Terni ;i]iplÌL'il to skulls in which the line drawn through lambda and opis- thion makes with the radius tixus an angle of from 107° to 119° [Lissauer]. OrthioprOSO'pUS (//.) [rru-i.riu-«;']. Term a|i|ilifd to .skulls in which a line drawn from nasion to alveolar point makes with the radius fixus an angle of from 89.5° to 100° [Li.s.sauer]. Orthiopy'lus ( />.) [-''/jj]. Term applied to skulls in which the foramen magnum looks very markedly forward (15.50° to 24°) when referred to the radius fixus as a hfirizoiital [Lissauer]. Orthiorhi'nus ( L.) [/•':>]. Term applied to skulls in which the line drawn from nasion to subnasal point makes with the radius fixus an angle of from 87.5° to 98° [Lissauer]. Orthiuranis'cus (/>.) [u/iOkh;, nnpaviir- i("ç]. Term applied to skulls in which the line connecting posterior border of incisive foramen and alveolar point looks backward when referred to the radius fixus as a hori- zontal, making with it an angle of from 40° to 00° [Lissauer]. Orthoceph'aly ["'joo«?, r.^ipakij]. F. or- thocéphalie ; G. Orthocephalie. Condition of having a vertical index from 70.1 to 75 [Frankfort agreement]. Orthodioxybenzol (/' ) Brenz cate- chin. Orthodon'tia (j&.) [C^pOôw, òdoói;']. F. f'rthodontosie ; /. ortodontosia. The cor- recting of irregular and faulty positions of teeth. Orthog'nathism \_ùr,uói, yWOu.}]. F. or- tliogiiathisnu'. State of being orthognath- ous, having little or no forward projection of the jaws; distinguished from prognath- ism and opisthognathism. Orthog'nathous. F. orthognathe ; /. ortcigtiato. 1. Having a gnathic index be- low 08 [Flower]. 2. Having a profile line inclined to the auriculo-infraorliital plane from .^:-;°-90° [Frankfort agreemeni]. Orthomor'phia or Orthomorpho 'sis (//. ) ['/«oc'ów]. F. orthomorphie ; /. orto- morphia. A making straight or normal. The term includes both orthopaedia and plastic surgerv. Orthooxybenzoesäure(G?.). Salicylic acid. Oiiihopsedi'a (/*.) [ffaîy]. F. orthopé- die ; l! . Ortluipaedie ; 1. ortopedia, ürtho- pxdic surgery. Orthopaed'ic. /'. orthopédii|ue ; il. or- thopaedisch ; /.ortopedico. Relating to the cure of deformities. O. sur'gery, treat- ment of distortions and contractions. Orthopädie ( G^. Orthop;edia. Orthopee'dist. F. orthopédiste. One who practises orthopedic surgery. Orthoped'ic. Orthopa'die. Orthophe'nol-sulphon'ic acid. Asep- tol. Orthopho'nia (/>.) [c/joos-, v>]. Making or be- coming straight. Orthoskelie (G.). The condition of carrying the body in an erect position. Orthospo'rum anthelmin'ticum, R. Br. (Uli ii(ip.) [_uaTÌpa, izrw- trtv]. Prolapse of the uterus. 262 ORT OS Ortica (/.). Nettle. O. bianca, dead nettle. Orticaria (/.). Urticaria. Orticato (/.) : see Orde, ee. Orticazione (/.). Urtieatiou. Ortie {F.). Nettle. O. blanche, dead nettle. O. brûlante, nettle. O. rouge, Stachys palustris, L. Ortie, ée (F.). Resembling the erup- tion produced by nettles. Ortighetta (A). Horse-bair seton. Ortodontosia (/.). Orthodontia. Ortofonia (/.). Ortbophouia. Ortognato (/). Orlhognathous. Ortomorfia (/.). Ortbomorpbia. Ortopedia (/.). Orthopajdia. Orto- pedico, .), left eye. Os (.t.). Bone. O. acetab'uli, ace- tabular bone. O. acromia'le, a distinct bone sometimes formed by tbe failure of tbe acromion process to unite with the rest of the scapula. O. aleefor'me, or O. ala're, nr O. ala'tum, sphenoid bone. O. antiepilep'ticum, name given by Paracel- sus to a Wormian bone fornu'd in the ante- rior fontanelle. O. ap'icis squa'mae (oc- cipita'lisj. O. Spitzenknocheii. A trian- giilar Wormian l)one formed from the upper angle of tbe occipital ; interparietal bono. O. basila're. 1. Basilar bone. 2. Basi-occipital bone. O.bra'chii, bunicrus. O.bregma'- tis, parietal bone. O. cal'cLs, calcaneiim O. cana'Us naso-lachryma'lis, os lacbry- male externum. O. capita'tuni, os mag- num. O. centrale, centrale. O. clu'- nium, sacrum. O. coccy'gis, coccyx. O. cogitatio'nis, parietal bone. O. coracoi'deum, coracoid bone ; in man the element that forms the coracoid proc- ess, distinct until the seventeenth year. O. cor'dis, bone found in the fibro-cartilag- inous tissue at base of ventricles of heart in some animals. O. corona'le, frontal bone. O. Cortes'ii, ossieuhim liiolaui. O. cox'ee, bip-bcmo. O. coxen'dicis, ischium. O. cribrifor'me or O. cribro'- sum, ethmoid bone. O. crotaphit'icum, temporal bone. O. cuneifor'me. 1. Sphenoid bone. 2. Cuiieit'orm bone of wrist. O. epacta'le pro'prium, inca bone. O. ' fonticula're poste'rius or quadra'tum, lambdoid bone. O. gut'tu- ris, hyoid bone. O. hama'tum, uncifurm bone. O. il'ei, ilium. O. in'cse, inter- parietal bone. O. incisi'vum, iiilermaxil- lary bone. O. innomina'tum, hip-bone. O. interme'dium, an element of the primi- tive carpus and tarsus, lying between the distal extremities of the radius and ulna or tibia and fibula. It becomes in the carpus the semilunar bone ; in the tarsus it unites with tbe tibiale to form the astragalus. O. japon'icum, os zygomaticum superius. O. juga'le, malar bone. O. ju'guli, clav- icle. O. lachryma'le accesso'rium. G. Nebenthränenbein. An independent bone sometimes found formed at the extreme of the superior maxillary by the persistence of the sutura im]ieri'ecta Weberi. O. lach- ryma'le ante'rius, os laebryniale acces- sorium. O. lachryma'le exter'num, a bonelet sometimes found in tiie hR-hrymal notch and lachrymal groove of tbe superior maxillarv lione in young subjects; later it unites either with tbe sujicrior maxillary or with the palate-bone. O. lachryma'le latera'le, os lacbrymale externum. O. Iachr37ma'le poste'rius, separate ossifica- tion of the orbital plate of the ethmoid; sometimes seen. O. lapido'suni, temporal bone. O. lenticula're, os (irbieulare. O. lin'guse, hy(jid bone. O luna'tum, semi- lunar bone. O. mag'num. /'. grand os ; G. Kopfbein ; 1. grande osso. Largest bone of wrist, being the third of the distal row ; corresponds tu carpale III. of primi- tive car|)us. O. maxU'lae, superior maxil- lary bone. O. maxülo-tempora'le, os zygoniaticus inferius. O. multan'gulum ma'jus, trapezium. O. multan'gulum mi'nus, trapezoid. O. navicula're, seaph- OS — ose 263 oid bone. O, odontoi'deum [Bergmann], odontoid process of axis, considered as a separate osseous integer. O. orbicula're. G. Linsenknochelelien ; /. osso lenticolare. 1. A small spherical bonelet. separate in foetal life, but united after birth to the long process of the incus. 2. Pisiform bone. O. orbita 'le, os zygomaticus superius. O. parietale infe'rius, temporal bone. O. patella're, sesamoid bone sometimes ob- served at tip of the olecranon. O. pec'- tinis, pubis. O. pec'toris, sternum. O. pel'vis or O. pel'vis laterale, liip-bone. O. petro'so-mastoi'deum, pctro-niastoid ponion of temporal bone. O. petro'- sum, petrous portion of temporal bone. O. pla'num, orbital plate of the eth- moid. O. preemaxilla're, intermaxil- lary bone. O. pri'api, penis-bone. O. pu 'bis: see I'nhif. O. pu'bo-ischiad'- icum, pubo-ischiatic bone. O. pyra- mida'le, trapezoid. O. quadra'tiim, lanibdoid bone. O. raphogem'inans os'- sis petro'si, ossiculum Riolani. O. rhom- boi'des, trapezium. O. Riola'ni, ossicu- lum Riolani. O. rotun'dum, pisiform bone. O. sagitta'le, interparietal bone. O. se'pise, cuttle-fish bone. O. sincip'- itis, frontal bone. O. Sömmering-'ii, processus marginalis, malar bone. O. sphenoi'deum, sphenoid bone. O. sphe- noi'deum ante'rius, pnvsphenuid. O. sphenoi'deum poste'rius, basisphenoid. O. spongio'sum, inferior turbinate bone. O. squamo'sum, temporal bone. O. sub- rotun'dum, jiisiform bone. O. tem'po'ris or O. tem'porum, temporal bone. O. tetrag'onum, parietal bone. O. trape'- zium mi'nus, trapezoid. O. trapezoi'- des. 1. Trapezoid bone. 2. Trapezium bone. O. triangnla're, cuneiform bone of the wri.~t O. tribasila're, spheno- occipital bone. O. trique'trum, cunei- form bone of the wrist. O. trique'trum squa'mse (occipita'Hs), os apieis squamœ. O. tjrmpan'icum, tympanic portion of temporal bone. O. uncina'tum, unciform bone. O. un'guis, lachrymal bone. O. un'gnis mi'nor, os laehrymale externum. O. us'ttmi, bone-ash. O. ver'ticis, parie- tal bone. O. vespertilio 'nis or O. ves- pifor'me, sphenoid bone. O. xiphoi'des, sternum. O. zygomat'icum, malar bone. O. zygomat'icum accesso 'rium, us zygo- maticus superius. O. zygomat'icum in- fe'rius and O. zygomat'icum supe'rius, two portions into which the malar bone is sometimes divided by a horizontal suture. Os(i.). Mouth. O. tin'cae. /'.museau de tanche ; I. muso di tinca. Os uteri ex- ternum. O. u'teri. G. Muttermund. Mouth of uterus, a transverse aperture of variable size which opens into the vagina. As the lower end of the uterine canal this is sometimes called the O. u. exter'num, while the contracted portion at the junction of the canal with the main cavity is called the O. u. inter'num. Os {F.). Bone. O. anonyme, ilium. O. basüaire, basilar process (if occipital bone. O. calciné, bone-ash. O. du cœur, os cordis. O. coronaire nr O. coronal, friiiital boue. O. cotyloïdien, os acetabuli. O. coxal, liip-bone. O. crochu, unciform bone. O. épactal, interparietal boiu-. O. fondamental, sacrum. O. glénoïdien, a separate point of ossification on the border of the glenoid fossa, analogous to the os ace- tabuli or OS cotyhyidien. O. de la hanche, hip-bone. O. des iles, ilium. O. uiaque, hip-bone. O. uium, ilium. O. des Incas, interparietal bone. O. incisif, intermaxillary bone. O. innominé, hip-bone. O. jugal, malar bone. O. lingual, hyoid bone. O. maxillaire, superior maxillary bone. O. du palais, palate-bone. O. papyracé, eth- moid bone. O. de la pommette, malar bone. O. primaire, ossifie centres of bone. O. propre du nez, nasal bone. O. de seiche or O. de sèche, cuttle-fish bone. O. sous-ethmoïdal, inferior tur- binate bone. O. ■wrormiens, Wormian bones. O. zygomatique, malar bone. Osce'do {L.). Yawning. Oschsematœde'ma {L.) [^ùaytn-^, aiiia, »rVr^.u'i]. Bloody swelling of the scrotum. Oschei'tis [ô.) [^y.aa]. 0.scheon- cus. Oscheoplas'tic [irh'Kraiu]. F. oschéo- plasti<|ue; I. oscheoplastico. Pertaining to plastic surgery of the scrotum. 264. ose OSS Os'cheoplasty. F. oscbéoplastie ; /. oscheoplastica. Plastic surgery of the scro- tum. Os'chio-amor'phus (//.) [a, /^''/'V';']- An amorphous tumor of the scrotum con- taining fiotal organs. Oschi'tis. Oscheitis. Oschocarcino'ma (^)- Oscheocarci- Domu. Oschophy'ma {L.). Oscheophyma. Oscilla'tion. L. oscillatio ; G. Schwin- gung ; /. oscillazione. A swinging to and fro, vibration. Os'citancy. Tendency to yawn. Os'citant fever. /. febbre oscitante. Fever with yawning. Oscita'tion. L. oscitatio ; /. oscita- zione. Yawning. Oscitiren ( G.). To yawn, to gape. Oscultazione (/.). Auscultation. Oseille {F.). 1. Orchil. 2. Sorrel. O. commune, Rumex acetosa, L. Osfalgia or Osflalgia (/.). Osphyalgia. Osfresiologia (/). Osphresiology. O'sier. The common name for several species of the genus Salix, willow. Osier (F.). Su/i.r alba. L. Osmat'ics. Animals in whom the sense of smell is strongly developed [Broca]. Os'mazome [^oa/nj, l^tu/iócj. G. Osina- zom ; /. osmazoma. A complex extractive from muscular fibre, having the odor and taste of cooked meat [Thénard]. Osme'sis {L.) [^òajirj']. The act of smelling. Os'mic acid. OsO,. L. acidum osmicum ; F. acide osnii(|ue ; G. Osmiumsiuire ; /. acido osmico. Perosmic acid, hyperosmic acid, osmium tetroxide ; a crystalline, volatile solid, subliming at ordinary temperatures, slowly soluble in about 5(1 parts of water; obtained by heating m.etallic osmium in a current of oxygen ; its vapor is exceedingly pungent and poisonous ; used for hardening tissues for microscopic investigation, and has been injected hypodermically for neur- algia and for sarcomatous tumors. Osmidro'sis (L.) ["V/zi;, iòpw,-']. F. osmihidrose ; /. osmidrosi. Odorous perspi- ration. Os'mium. Os. A rare metal, spec, grav. 21.4, infusible, occurring in nature associated with platinum. Os'mium tetrox'ide. Osmio acid. Osmiumsäure {G.}. Osmic acid. Osmodyspho'ria ( L.) [iJuiryo/d'a]. Con- dition of being intolerant of certain odors. Osmom'eter [orr/wç, /ì/t/ikv]. 1. An instrument to measure osmosis. 2. Appa- ratus to measure acuteness of sense of smell. Osmomet'ric sense. Power of appre- ciating differences of odors. Osmon'osus, pi. osi (/y.) [v/iiTo^^]. Dis- ease or ilisorder of the sense of smell. Osmorrhi'za longis'tybs, DC. Sweet cicely; an indigenous perennial plant. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferx ; the root is aromatic, carminative, and expectorant. Os'mose [oV/jioç]. L. osmosis ; /. os- mosi. 1. The passage of crystalloids in so- lution through organic membranes, where- by they may be separated from colloid bodies. 2. The reciprocal transudation of two fluids through a separating membrane. Osmim'da (/^) A genus of ferns, Fila-vu. O. cinnamo'mea, L., cinnamon fern ; indigenous to the U. S. ; the rhizome is said to bo demulcent, tonic, and astringent. O. rega'lis, L., flowering fern, buckhorn ; a common, indigenous swamp fern ; the rhizome is said to be demulcent, astringent, and tonic. O. specta'bilis, NVilld, indig- enous to the U. S. ; medicinal properties similar to those of 0. ciiiiiamomea. Ospedale or Ospitale (/.). Hospital. Ospedaliero, relating to hospitals. Ospe- dalismo, hospitalism. Osphra'sia or Osphre'sis (//.) \j'ia(fiiai- voua;]. Olfaction. Osphresiol'ogy [uittpftriHi^, knyn^'\. L. osphresiologia ; F. osphrésiologie ; /. osfre- siologia. Doctrine of odors and smelling. Osphyal'gia (//.) [or, aXYoi\. F. osphialgie ; /. osfialgia. Pain in the loins. Osphyomyeli'tis [ot^/jç,//^^/«^]. Lum- bar nivclitis. Ospizio (/.). Almshouse. Os'sa (//.). Bones. O. carpa'lia, bones of wrist. O. epistema'lia, suprasternal bones. O. costa'lia, ribs. O. intema- sa'lia, independent bones .sometimes found at anterior superior angle of the perpendic- ular plates of the ethmoid. O. prsenasa'- lia, ossa internasalia. O. sesamoi'dea, .sesamoid bones. O. sphenoi'dea tar'si, cuneiform bones of tarsus. O. spongio'- sa, turbinate bones. O. sutura'rum or O. trique'tra. Wormian bones. O. tar- sa'lia, bones of tarsus. Ossa (/.). pi. of Osso. Hones. O. OSS OSS 265 caxpiche, carpal bones O. di sepia, cuttle-fish bone. O. Wormiane, Wuriuiau bones. Ossalato (L). Oxalate. Ossalide (/.). Wood-sorrel. Ossaluria (/.). Oxaluria. Ossatura (/.). Skeleton. Ossature (F.). Skeleton. Os'sein. F. osseine ; G. Knoehensiib- stanz ; /.osseina. The albuminoid of bone connective tissue. Osselet (F.). Ossicle. O. de Bertin, sphenoidal turbinated bone. O-S. de l'ouïe, ossicula auditus. Osseo (/.). Osseous. Osseolato (/.). Oxeolat. Os'seous. i. osseus ; i^. osseux, euse ; G. knöchern ; /. osseo. Bony, resembling bone. O. lab'yrinth. L. labyrinthus os- seus; F. labyrinthe osseux; G. knöchernes Labyrinth. A series of cavities within the petrous portion of the temporal bone, con- taining the parts to which the auditory nerve is distributed. It comprises the ves- tibule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea. Ossicefaüa (/.). Oxycephalia. Ossi- cefalo, oxycephalus. Ossicini dell' udito (/.). Ossicles of the ear. Os'sicle. L. ossiculum ; F. osselet ; G. Knöchelehen; /.ossicino. A small bone. O-s. of the ear. L. ossicula auJitus ; F. os,selets de l'ouïe ; G. Gehörknöchelchen ; /. ossicini dell' udito. The malleus, incus, and stapes, forming a chain which stretches across the cavity of the middle ear from the membrana tympani to the fenestra ovalis Ossiclomro di mercurio ammoni- acale (/.). Ammoniatcd mercury. Ossic'ula (/-•)• Ossicles. O. au'di- tus, ossicles of the ear. O. Berti'ni, s|ilienoidal turbinate bones. O. epacta'- lia. Wormian bones. O. epistema'lia, i-pisternal bones. O. intercala 'ria, or O. raphogeminan'tia, or O. sutura'i-um, or O. trique'tra, or O. WoiTnia'na, Wormian bones. Ossicula calcoidea (/.). Cuneiform bones of tarsus. Ossictile (F.). Sesamoid bone. Ossic'ulum (/v.). Ossicle. Oi foram'- inis lac'eri posterio'ris, ossiculum .iugu- lare. O. jugula're, small bone, rarely found, in the jugular foramen, probably the result of separate ossilication of ilio intra- jugular process. O. lenticula're, os or- bieulare. O. Riola'ni, a small bonelet occasionally fouiul lying free in the (ìla- serian fissure. O. sesamoi'deum Corte'- SÜ, ossiculum Kiolani. O. Syl'vü, os or- biculare. O. tegmen'ti tym'pani cunei- for'me, a small bonelet, rarely foun.). 1. Carcinoma of bone. i. Ossifying carcinoma. Os'teocele (7>.) ['"}''■'?]• F. ostéocèle. Hernia with a sac which resembles bone. Gsteocephalo'ma {L.) [xsyjo^i;]. En- cephaloid disease of bone. Gsteochondri'tis \^y6-^S/>iii\. Chondritis involving adjacent bone. Gsteo-chondro'ma {L-)- A combi- nation of osteoma and chondroma. Gsteochon'drophyte [;^ovö/)os-, ^ótoi/]. Osteophyte which is in part cartilaginous. Gsteocla'sis (7/.) [z/J.ria-tç]. 7^. ostéo- clasie; (x. Knochenbrechung; 7. osteoclasia. The operation of fracturing a bone for the purpose of correcting a deformity. Gs'teoclast [x/de;/]. F. ostéoclaste ; G. Knochenbrocher ; 7. osteoclasto. 1. An apparatus to facilitate osteoclasis. 2. A giant-cell of bone-marrow ; a large multi- nucleate granular body, supposed to effect the resorption of growing bone. Gs'teocope [zotttu*]. L. osteoeopus ; 7^. ostéocope ; G. Knochenschmerz ; /. osteo- copo. Aching pain in a bone, especially that occurring in syphilis. Gsteocop'ic. Pertaining to osteocope. Gsteoden'tine. G. Elfenbein, sccun- diires. A hard substance sometimes found within the pulp-cavity of a tooth, resem- bling bone in structure, but having branched tubules like dentine. Gsteodias'tasis (X.) [ôidaraffiç]. 7^. ostéodiastase. Separation of bones, as of the epiphysis of a long bone. Gsteodyn'ia (7y.) \òSó-^rf\. F. ostéo- dynie ; 7. osteodinia. Bone-ache, osteo- cope. Gsteoflto (7.). Osteophyte. Gsteogen'esis (L.) [fii-siT'.i]. J. osteo- genesi. Osteogeny. Gsteogenet'ic or Gsteogen'ic. Per- taining to osteogeny, producing bone. Gsteog'eny. F. osteogenic ; G. Knochen- bildung ; /. osteogenia. Bone-genesis or growth. Osteog^raphy [jpàew']. F. ostéo- graphie ; 7. osteografia. A description of bones. Gs'teoid [et'îoç]. 7^. osteoide ; 7. osteo- ide. Bone-like. G. can'cer, malignant tumor of bony hardness, most fre((uent about the femur. Gsteolisi (/.). Osteolysis. Gsteol'ogy [/'yoç]. L., 7. osteologia ; F. osteologie ; G. Knochenlehre. That portion of anatomy which treats of bones. Gsteol'ysis (L.) [/.óaif]. F. Osteolyse ; OST OST 267 G. Kiiochoiiauflösuiig ; 1. osteolisi. Disso- lution and absorption of bone. Osteo'ma i Z..). F. Osteome ; G. Osteom. A tumor comjiosed of osseous tissue. Osteomala'cia (L.) \ji.akaxia\. F. ostéo- nialaoie ; G. Knoehi'nerweiebunü;. Morbid .softening of formed bone. Osteomalaco'sis (i>.). Softeoing of bone Osteo'mata cu'tis {L.). Osseous tu- mors of the skin. Osteomyeli'tis [jxutkói]. F. ostéo- myélite; G. Knoelienmarkeutziindung : /. osteomielite. Inflammation, usually trau- matic, of the medulla of bone. O. gum- mo'sa, syjihilitic osteomj-elitis, with for- mation of gammata. G. infectio'sa, a suppurative infectious osteomyelitis. Osteomyelitiskokken ( G.). Micro- coccus pi/oji'ncf: •fiirnis. Osteomy'elon (L.) [//ueAós']. Bone- marrow. Osteonabro'sis(i.) [aydßpiuini]. Atro- phy of bone. Osteonco'sis (L.) [&;-z"9]. Formation of a bony tumor. Osteon'cus (X.) [o;'Z"i']. F. ostéoncie. Tumor of a bone, exostosis. Osteonecro'sis (L.) [vsz^óc]. F. ostéo- nécrose. Death of a mass of bone. Osteon'osos or Osteon'osus ÇL.) [vóti»,]. Bone disease. Osteopee'dion (L.) [-a?f]. F. osteo- pedion ; /. osteopedio. Lithopsedion. Osteopalin'clasis (L.) [r«/iiy, xXàatç]. Refracture of a badly-united bone. Osteoparec'tasis (L.) [Tzuijixramç]. Abnormal lengthening of a bone. Osteop'athy [-'iörj. L. osteopathia ; F. osteopathia. Bone disease. Osteoperiosti'tis {-^pi, o/rriw']. F. ostéopériostéite ; /. osteoperiostite. Peri- ostitis involving the bone. Osteopha'ges (L.) [^'a^-e?,.]. Myelo- pla.xes. Os'teophone [vwi/ij]. F. osteophone. Audiphuniv Osteoph'ony. Hearing through the dermatophime sounds supposed to be pro- duced by the vibration of long bones when percussed. Osteophy'ma (L.) [ydßo]. Osteoncus. Os'teophyte [y^'"]- ^- osteophyte ; G. Osteophyt ; /. osteofito. A circumscribed hyperostosis. Os'teoplaque. A bony plate formed in a muscle or other abnormal situation ; a flat osteoma. Os'teoplast. Osteoblast. Osteoplas'tic. F. ostéoplastique ; G. osteopla.stisch ; /. osteoplastico. Pertain- ing to osteoplasty. Os'teoplasty [r/«-^i»v, Ttopoç]. F. Osteo- porose ; G. Osteoporose ; /. osteoporosi. In- terstitial ab,sorptioii, producing a spongy condition in bones. O., fatty, form cha- racterized by an abundant production of adipose cells in the medullary spaces and in the Haversian canals. Osteopsathyro'sis (X.) [v''«ö'j/)«c]. /. osteopsatirosi. Fragility of the bones. C, arthrit'ic, chronic rheumatic arthritis. Osteor'raphy. I. osteorafia. Operation of suturing bone, as for fractured patella. Osteosarco'ma (L.) [aàpf\. F. ostéo- sareome ; G. Ostcosarcom. A combination of osteoma and sarcoma. Osteosarco'sis ' L.). Ossification of a sarcoma. Osteosclero'sis (i.) [«-z/ij/jiurT.s-]. F. ostéosclérose ; 1. osteosclerosi. A form of chronic osteitis, with development of new osseous tissue, increasing the density, and sometimes the size, of the bone. Osteospongio'ma (L.) [a-óryi»;']. A spongy or fungous tumor of bone. Osteosteato'maÇZ.) [«-r/a/i]. Z'. ostéo- stéatomo. Fatty tumor of bone. Os'teotome [t»,«}]. F. osteotome; 1. osteotomo bone ; a bone-saw Osteot'omy \_''ir;Tém. ro/'îj]. F. ostéo- tomie ; G. Osteotomie ; /. osteotomia. The operation of cutting a bone, especially when performed subcutaneously to correct de- formities. Os'teotrite [rpißuj^. An instrument for removing carious bone ; it consists of a shank having a conical head with spiral cutting edges. Ostetrice (/.). Midwife. Ostetricia, obstetrics. Ostetrico, obstetrician. Osthel'cus (//.) [^ùaréov, îÀxui^. Caries. An instrument for cutting 268 OST OTI Ostìal, ale (F.). Relatinj: to orifices | of tlie hod}'. Ostio (/.). Ostium. O. arterioso, ostium arteriosum. O. vaginale, o.stium vauiii;«.'. O. venoso, ostium venosuiu. Osti'tis. Osteitis. Os'tilOXQ (L.). An oritice. iiaiticularly the entrance to a passage. O. abdomina'le, ahdominal orifice of FaUopian tuhe. O. arterio'sum, opening in either ventricle of the heart hy which it communicates with tlie artery arising from it. O. arterio'sum aor'ticum, aortic opening of heart. O. arterio'sum pulmona'le, ojiening of pul- monary artery, right ventricle. O. atrio- ventricula're or O. auric'ulo-ventricu- la're, auriculo-ventricular opening. O. duodenale, pylorus. O. frontale, open- ing from middle meatus of nose into the infundibulum. O. maxiUa're, opening from middle meatus of nose into antrum , of Highmore. O. maxiUa're accesso'- rium, a second opening into the antrum of Highmore, found in about 10 per cent, of subjects [Zuckerkandl]. O. œsopha- g-e'um, cardiac orifice of stomach. O. ovar'icum, abdominal orifice of Fallopian tube. O. pharyngé 'urn, pharyngeal orifice of Eustachian tube. O. pharynge'um laryn'gis, ujiper entrance to the laryii.x. O. si'nus. 0'. Utriculus-JIiindung. In ampulUe of inner ear the opening toward the utricle. O. tu'buli. G. Bogengang- Mündung. In ampulla; of inner ear the opening toward the semicircular canal. O. tympan'icum, tympanic orifice of Eusta- chian tube. O. u'rachi, small opening often found at vertex of bladder, leading into the urachu.s. O. ureter'icum, ojien- ing of ureter into bladder. O. urethra'le, opening from bladder into urethra. O. u'teri supe'rius, os uteri internum. O. uteri'num, uterine orifice of Fallopian tube. O. vagi'nœ, vulvar opening of vagina. O. veno'sum, auriculo-ventricnlar opening. O. veno'sum cor'dis, left au- riculo-ventricular opening. O. ventric'- uli dex'ter or O. ventric'uli infe'rius, pylorus. O. ventric'uli sin'ister or O. ventric'uli supe'rius, cardiac orifice of th(' stonuich. Os'toid. Osteoid. Osto'ma (/./.)• Osteoma. Os'trea (A.). A genus of acephalous mollusks, Ord. LnmellHirdnciiia. O. ed'u- lis, E., the edible oyster of Europe. O. virginia'na, the common oyster of the Atlantic coast of the Ü. S. The shells, consisting principally of calcium carbonate, are used in the iorin of powder for the same purpose as prepared cluilk. Ostruente (/.). Obstruent. Ostruzione (/.). Obstruction. Oswe'go tea. Monardo didi/mu, L. OtaCOUS'tic \ù)raxouaTÌw'\. F. otacous- ti(jue ; J. otacustico. Aiding audition. Otal'gia {L. ) ["5?, aXy,,^']. F. otalgie. Neuralgia of the ear. Otal'gic. G. otalgisch. Pertaining to otalgia. O'taphone [yw/;;]. A small clamp fas- tened behind the auricle, causing it to pro- ject farther from the head, thus increasing its power of collecting sound-waves. Ote'chus {L.) \_oui, r,/<>i]. Tinnitus aurium. Othsemato'ma (L.) ["ov, «i/i«]. F. othématome ; G. Othämatom ; /. otemato- ma. An effusion of blood or .sanguineous fluid under the perichondrium of the auri- cle ; it may result from perichondritis. The form occurring in the insane indicates dis- ease of the base of the brain. Othelco'sis (A.) [iA>r<»,T!s-]. F. othel- cose ; /. otelcosi. Ulceration of the ear. Otia'ter (/..) [«Zç, carrjp']. Aurist. Otiatri'a ( L. ) [«Sc, («v-cf-i]. Z'. otiatrie. Aural therapeutics. Otiatrie ((?•)• Otiatria. O'tic ["5v-, gen. wroç']. Relating to the ear. O. gan'glion. L. ganglion otieum ; F. ganglion otique ; G. Ohrknolen ; 7. gan- glio otico. A small oval body containing multipolar ganglion-cells, situated directly below the foramen ovale upon the median side oi' the inferior maxillary nerve. Otico (I.). Otic. Oticodinose (F.). Meniere's disease. Otique (F.). Otic. Oti'tis. /'.otite; G.Ohrenentzündung; /. otite. Inflammation of the ear. It may be acute, subacute, or chronic, and prolif- erous or sclerotic (attended with atrophy of the mucous membrane) ; also catar- rhal and purulent. O. exter'na, inflam- mation of external ear. O. inter'na, in- flammation of internal ear or labyrinth. O. me'dia, inflammation of middle ear or tympanum, including mastoid cells. O'tium ( />.) [(òri.,y]. Auricle. Otiyndim'ba. Painful pustular skin di.sea.se, endemic in Damara land during hot weather. OTO OTT 269 Oto'ba but'ter. A cuncrete oil es- presseli from the seeds of Myrktica Otuba, H. et B. Otoceph'alus (A) [/•òi, x€ça/.rj'\. F. otocéphale ; I. otocefalo. A monster whose lower jaw is absent, and the ears brought close together beneath the rest of the face ; synotus. Otoclei'sis {L.) \_x/.£iuj'j. Occlusion or obstruction of the ear. Otoco'nia (^L.) [z'o.'V/]. G. Otocouie. Small collections of carbonate and phos- phate of lime, finer than the otoliths and amorphous in character, fuund in the mem- branous labyrinth of the inner ear. Otocra'nitxm (i-) [zpavt'ov]. F. oto- crâne ; /. otocranio. The petrous portion of the temporal bone considered as the in- vestment of the organs of hearing. O'tocyst. F. otocyste; G. Horbläschen. The embryonic epithelial sac. which devel- ops into the membranous labyrinth of the adult. Otodyn'ia (L.) [cVVJ/i;]. F. otodynie ; 7. otodinia. Persistent pain in the ear. Otofono ( / ) Oto|>hone. Otog'lyphis ur Otog'lyphum {L.) [/•/.■jyïiu]. Kar-pick or scoop. Otografia (A). Otography. Otog^'raphy [yißnicw^. F. otographie ; /. otografia. A description of the ear. Otoiatri'a (/>.). Otiatria. Otolithenmembran (G.). A delicate cuticular covering of the otoliths. O'toliths ["0Ç. kidiii]. F. otolithes; G. Horsteinchen ; I. otoliti. Crystalline par- ticles of carbonate and pho.sphate of lime found within the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear. Otol'ogy [/."/-"v']- L., I. otologia ; F. otologie : G. Ohrlehre. That part of medi- cal science which treats of the structure and afFectidiis of the ear. Otomy'ces (/v.) [/inzj;?']. Fungus grow- ing in the ear. O. ptirpu'reus (Wreden). form characterized by presence of a color- ing-matter resembling blood. Otomyco'sis ( />.). Presence of fungi, usually Aspi ii/i//ii.t niyriaiiis. in the audi- tory meatus. Oton'cus ' //.) [ó/-):"i-]. Tumor of the car. O'topathy. L. otopathia ; F. otopathie ; /. otopatia. Aural disease. O'tophone [fooi;]. I. otofono. An instrument for improving the hearing ; an ear-trumpet. O'toplasty [-/.»/fr^<"] F. otopyorrhée; J. otopiorrea. Purulent otor- rha-a. Otopyo'sis (//.) [-'J">]. Suppuration in the ear. Otorrea ( /. ) . Otorrhuea. Otorrha'gia (L.) [/îijpu//;]. F. otorrha- gie ; L otorragia. Flow of blood from the ear. Otorrhœ'a (L.) [/!=<"]. F. otorrhée ; G. Ohrfluss, Otorrhöe ; I. otorrea. A dis- charge from the ear, generally of pus. Otosal'pinx (Z,.) [(u]. F. ototomie ; /. ototomia. Dissection of the ear. Otricolare (/.). Utricular. Otricolo, I utricle. Ottalmia (/.). Ophthalmia: see O/inl- I mia. Ottalmico (/.). Ophthalmic. Ottalmografla (/.). (iphthalmogra- I phy. Ottalmojatria (/.). Ophthalmiatrics. Ottalmojatro (/.). Oculist. Ottalmologia (/.). Ophthalmology. Ottalmometro (/.) Oplithalmometer. Ottica ( /.). Optics. Ottico. 1. Op- I tic. 2. Optician. Ottico-trocleo-sclerotico (/.). Supe- rior oblitjue muscle of eye. Otto in cifra (/.). Figure-of-eight bandage. Ot'to of ro'ses. Oil of ro.se. Ottografla (/.). Optography. Otto- gramma, optogram. Ottometiia, optom- etry. Ottometro, optometer. Ottumwa Med'ical Springs. Alka- line, saline waters, Ottumwa, Wapello Co., Iowa. Otturamento (/.)- Obturation. Ottu- ratore, olitiirntor. Otturazione (/.). Obturation. O. del denti, tìlliiiL' of the teeth. 270 OUA OVA Ouaba'ïne. Gluco^siJe obtained from ouabaio. Ouabaio, wa-bä'yo. An arrow-poison used by tlie Souialis on the east coast of Africa, derived from a species of Carissd. It acts on the medulla oblongata, slowing respiratory and cardiac action ; has no in- fluence on sensation or motility. Ouate (F.). Wadding, cotton batting. Oublie (F.) : see Pain azyme. Ouïe (/^.). Audition, hearing. Oulachon oil. Candle-fish oil. Ouli'tis ["S/.^v]. Z'., /. ulite. Gingivi- tis. Ou'loid. Gum-like ; applied to a form of cicatrix without an open sore or ulcer, the result of destruction or disorganization of skin beneath the epidermis [Wilson]. Ouraque (/^.). Urachus. Oura'ri. Curare. Ouray Mineral Springs. Alkaline, carbonated, sulphuretted thermal waters, 12U°-140° F., Ouray, Ouray Co., Colorado. Oure'ma {L.') \imp7i;irî\. Urine. Ourles {_F.~). Mumps. Ourlet {F.'). Convolution of the corpus callosum. Ourlien, enne {F^. Pertaining to, or caused by, mumps. Ourol'ogy. Urinology. Ouros'copy. Uroscopy. Out-knee. Bow-leg. Out'let of pelvis. L. exitus pelvis ; F. détroit inférieur; /. stretto inferiore. Lower aperture of pelvic canal, bounded by the ischio-pubic rami, tuberosities of the ischium, sacro-sciatic ligaments, and the coccyx. Ouverture {F.'). Opening. O. aor- tique, aortic foramen. Ouvre-bouche {F.'). Mouth-gag. Ov., abbv. for Ovum (/>.), egg. O'va (X.), pi. of Ovum, egg. O. Graafla'na. Graafian follicles. Ovaia or Ovaio (/.). Ovary. Ovaire (/".). Ovary. O'val ■win'dow. Fenestra ovalis. Ovalbu'men. Egg-albumin. Ovales Fenster (G.). Fenestra ovalis. Ovales Loch (C). Foramen ovale. Ovalschnitt C?.). Oval amputation. Ovaral'gia (/>.) [ovum, «V.;''^,-]. F. oaralgie. Pain in the ovaries. Ovaria (/.). Painful ovary. Ova'rial. Ovarian. Ovarialgeschwulst (G. i. Ovarian tumor. Ovarial'gia. Ovaralgia. Ovarialschläuche (C). Egg-tubes. Ova'rian. F. ovarien, ienne; 7. ovari- co, a. Relating to the ovary. O. ap'o- plexy, rapid effusion of blood into the ovarian tissue. O. ar'tery. L. arteria ovarii ; F. artère ovarique ; 6". Eierstockar- terie ; 7. arteria ovarica. Homologous with spermatic artery of male ; arises from aor- ta below renal ; passes down and runs be- tween layers of broad ligament to ovary. O. lig'ament, 1. of ovary. O. plex'us, bulb of ovary. O. tubes. G. EisehUluche. Tube-like groups of egg-germs imbedded within the stroma of the ovary by the infolding of the general epithelium. O. veins. L. venae ovarii. Have the same general course as ovarian arteries, discharg- ing into the ascending vena cava. Ovarico, a (/.). Ovarian. OvarieC/'.). Condition of congested or painful ovary. Ovariec'tomy. Excision of the ovary. Ovario (/.). Ovary. Ova'riocele {L.') [ovarium, zy.rj. F. oarioccle. Hernia of the ovary. Ovariocente'sis (//.) [x/^rr,T0r,iT!ç]. -Vbnormaliy acute power of sensation. Oxyakoia (G.). Oxyecoïa. Oxya'phia (L.) [âyijj. Abnormal acuteness of sense of touch. Oxyarthri'tis la/jO/Jin^iJ Acute arthri- tis. Oxybenzol ( G. ). Phenol. Oxyblep'sia (L.) [ßXe7:w'\. Acute vis- ion. Oxybo'lia (L.) [,5(-/r;]. Kapid ejacula- tion of semen. Oxycan'nabin. C.,(,H..,„N.jO,. A prod- uct of the oxidation of cannabin by hot nitric acid. Oxycephal'ia (X.) [^ò^ù^, zsya/rj, /' oxycephalic ; /. ossicefalia. The condition of oxycephalus. Oxyceph'alus (L.). F. oxycéphale ; J. ossicefalo. Head in which there is synosto- sis of the parietal with the occipital and temporal bones, with compensatory devel- opment of the skull in the region of the anterior fontanelle, giving it a pointed ap- pearance. Oxychlorure {F.). Oxychloride, a (•(im- pound (if chlorine with an oxide. O. am- moniacal de mercure, ammoniated mer- cury. O. de bismuth, bismuth oxycldo- ride. Oxychlorure 'tum antimo'nii (/>.). [P. Belg.]. Antimony oxychloride. Oxycopai'vic ac'id. ('.„H^^Os. An acid obtained from resin of copaiba. Oxycre'sol. Guaiacol. Oxyde ( /■'.). Oxide. O. d'antimoine, antimony oxide. O. d'argent, silver ox- ide. O. d'azote, nitrogen monoxide. O. blanc d'arsenic, arsenious acid. O. (ses- qui) de fer anhydre, ferric oxide. O. (sesqui) de fer bihydraté, tenie hy- (Irate. O. de fer noir (jr O. ferroso-fer- rique, ferroso-ferric oxide. O. (bi ) de manganèse, manganese dioxide. O. de mercure par précipitation, mercuric ox- ide, yellow. O. de mercure par voie sèche, mercurie oxide, red. O. mercu- rique jaune, mercuric oxide, yelhiw. O. mercurique rouge, mercuric oxide, red. O. de méthyle, mctliylie ether. O. noir de cuivre, copper oxide. O. rouge de fer, ferrie oxide. O. rouge de plomb, minium, red lead. O. de zinc, zinc oxide. O. de zinc par voie sèche, zinc oxide prepared by sublimation [Cod.]. Oxyden 'dron arbo'reum, DC. Sorrel - tree, sour-wond, an indigcmuis tree with pleasantly acid leaves ; used in decoction as a refrigerant drink. OXY OXY 273 Oxyder'cia (L.) ['î^/jz««]. G. Scluuf- siehtigkeit. Acuteiiess of vision. Oxydiabro'sis (L.) [^Stdßpwan']. Rapid corrosion. Oxydimor'phine. Pseudomorphine. Ox'ydum (/--.). ().\iJe. O. antimo'- nii [P. Belg.], antimony oxide. O. argen'- ticum [F. Me.x.], silver oxide. O. azoto'- sum [F. Mex.], nitrogen monoxide. O. cal'cicum [P. Dan.], lime. O. cardcum a'qua solu'ttim [Cod.], solution of lime. O. cu'pricum, copper oxide. O. fer'- ricTxm ig'ne para'tum [Cod.], ferric oxide. O. fer'ri ni'grum or O. ferro'so- fer'ricum, ferroso-ferric oxide. O. hy- drargyr'icum, mercuric oxide. O. mag'- ne'sicum ig'ne para'tvim [P. I'ort.], magnesia. O. magne'sicum le've [P. Dan.], magnesia. O. magne'sicum pon- dero'sum [P. Dan.], heavy magnesia. O. mangan'icum [Cod.], manganese dioxide. O. plum'bicum [P. l>an.], lead monoxide, litharge. O. plum'bicum fu 'sum [Cod], lead monoxide, litharge. O. plum'bicum ru'brum [Cod], minium, red lead. O. potas'sicum [F. Mex.]. potassa. O. stib'icum [P. Dan.], antimony oxide. O. zin'cicum^ [Cod], zinc oxide. Oxyeco'ïa fZ.) [à/.a'nu']. /". oxyécoïe ; /. ossiecoia. Morbid acuteness of hearing. Oxyg'ala {L.) \j<«]. O. Z. oxygenium; F. oxygène ; G. Sauer.stoiï; /. ossigene, os- sigeno. A colorless, invisible, tasteless, in- odorous gas, spec. grav. 1.1056; slightly soluble in water, entering into combination with all the other elements, except fluorine, forming oxides ; obtained by heating a mix- ture of potassium chlorate and manganese peroxide or by other chemical processes ; has been used by inhalation as a remedy in various diseases, and as an application to ulcers. Oxyg'enated ■water. F. eau oxygénée; /. ac(|ua ossigenata. Hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution. It is made commer- cially for bleaching purposes in the strength of 8 per cent. Medicinally, it has been administered for many diseases with doubt- ful advantage ; externally applied, it is a useful lotion for ulcers. Oxygena'tion. F. oxygénation ; I. os- sigenazione. Supplying, or combining with, oxygen. Oxygène (F.). Oxygen. Oxygenirt (C ). Oxygenated. Vor.. II.— IS. Oxygenirung (C). Oxygenation. Oxyge'nium (//.). Oxygen. Oxygeu'sia (X.) [^'sDmc]. Morbid acuteness of sense of taste. Oxyhsemoglo'bin. F. oxyhemoglobine ; /. os.siemogloliina. A peculiar combination of hxinoglobin with oxygen in the propor- tion of 1 gramme to 1.511 c.cm. when sat- urated. The combination is easily made or dissociated, and it is by this means, largely, that oxygen is conveyed from the lungs to the tissues. Oxyic'terus (L.). Acute jaundice. Oxyleu'cotin. C^H.^O,. A proximate principle of paracoto-bark. Ox'ymel (L.). G. Sauerhonig; /. ossi- mele. 1. Clarified honey 40 ounces, acetic acid and distilled water each 5 fluidounces ; mix [B. P.]. 2. Honey 200, vinegar 50 ; mix, evaporate to sp. gr. 1.2(5, clarify, and strain [Cod.]. O. simplex [Cod.], oxymel. O. of squill. L. oxymel seillœ ; F. oxymel scilliti(|ue ; G. Meerzwiebelsauerhonig; /. ossimele scillitico. 1. Vinegar of squill 5, clarified honey 8 ; mix and evaporate to sp. gr. 1.32 [B. P.]. 2. Vinegar of squill 5, clarified honey 10; mix and evaporate to 10 parts [P. G.]. 3. Vinegar of squill 5, clarified honey 20 ; mix and evaporate to sp. gr. 1.26 [Cod.]. Oxymel 'litum (L.). F. oxymellite. Oxymel. Oxsrmercu'ric sul'phate. Mercuric sul|iliate, basic. Oxymor'phine. Pseudomorphine. Oxymu'riate. /. ossimuriato. Chlo- rate. Oxymyeli'tis. Acute myelitis. Oxynaphtoesaure (a) (G.). CnHsOj. A white powder, soluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in water; a powerful germicide. Oxyneu'rin. Betaïne. Oxynose'm.a ( L.) [vntrrjßa']. Acute disease. Oxyn'tic cells. Parietal cells of cardiac glands of stomach, believed by Heidcnhain to produce the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice. Oxyoko'ïa (//.) [«/(oi;']. Production of a peculiar disagreeble sensation in the ear when loud sounds are heard [WoW]. Oxyoöphori'tis [<ù«y, j^>j<;, <û^.'']. F. oxyopie ; G. Scharfsichtigkeit ; /. ossiopia. Abnor- mal acuteness of vision. 274 OXY OZO Oxyosphra'sia or Oxyosphre'sia {L.) \!j.) ['j/j";'^]- Thicken- ing of the skin. Pachymen'ic. L. pachymenicus. Thick- skinned. Pachsrmeningi'tis [ßy^ty^^. F. pachy- méningite; /. pachimeningite. Inflammation of the dura mater. P. acu'ta, acute, usually suppurative, form. P. chron'ica, chronic form, causing thickening of the membrane by new formation of connective tissue. P. chronica hœmorrha'gica, chronic pachymeningitis with hœmorrhage from newly-formed blood-vessels. P. ex- ter'na, librous thickening of dura mater with adhesion to skull. P. inter'na, P. chronica. Pachyme'ninx (//■). Dura mater. Pachjm'sis (A.) [jzayiiMn']. Thickening. Pachjm'tic. L. pachy nticus. 1. Hav- ing the power to thicken or incrassate. 2. Fleshy, obese. 276 PAC PAG Pachy-pelviperitoni'tis. Pelvic peri- tonitis, with uiembraiious deposits over the uterus. Pachys'mus or Pachis'mus (i.)- Ohesitv. Pach'srtes (_//.). Thickness, obesity. Pach'ytic. L. pachyticus. 1. Thick, obese. 2. I'acliyntic. Pachsrvaginalite (/'.). Inflammation of the tunica vaginalis of the testicle. Pacific Con'gress Springs. Saline, chalybeate waters, 12 miles west of San José, Santa (Mara Co., California. Paci'ni, cor'puscles of, or Pacin'ian bod'ies. L. corpu.scula Vateri ; F. corpus- cules de Pacini ; G. Vater'.sche Körperchen ; /. corpuscoli di Pacini. Terminal nerve- organs found in many situations, especially in the hands, feet, and mesentery. Oval in form, composed of lamellae of connective tissue, surrounding a soft core where the axis cylinder of the nerve ends in a bulbar enlargement. Paci'ni's meth'od : see Artificial respi- rât inn. Pacini'sche Körperchen ((?.). Pacin- ian bodies. Packdarm iO.). Rectum. Packetkokken ( G.). Microorganisms which increase by division in the three di- rections of space ; the Sarcinx. Pack'ing. Term applied to the ope- ration of closely enveloping the body in wet cloths, with dry sheets or blankets outside. Pack-wax. Ligamentum nuchae. Paculo'sis (L.). Pachylosis. Pad [A. S. paeth]. A little cushion. P. of cor'pus callo'sum, splenium. Padella (/.). Patella. Padiglione dell' orecchio (/.). Au- ricle. Padiglione della tuba del Falloppio (/.). Fimbriated extremity of Fallopian tube. Paedarthroc'ace [ïraiç, af)Opm. xa/.('>i\. Fungous inflanmiation of joints in chil- dren. Psedatro'phia (/>.) [«Tjooyi«]. Maras- mus of children. Tabes mesenterica. Psederas'tia (L.) [=>«<«]. G. Päde- rastie. Pctlorasty. Paediaph'tha (i.) [vaiSiov, ä-//£T!ç]. Sexual reproduction during the larval stage of the parent [v. Baer]. Paedonosol'ogy [wl^rxc, h'lyni]. L. paedo- no.sologia. Discussion of the diseases of chil- dren. Paedon'osos or Paedon'osus [i'«alatine canals. P. fora'men, poste'rior. L. fora- men palatinum posterius. Inferinr opening of posterior palatine canal. P. fos'ssB, palatine canal, inferior. P. glands. L. glandulae palatin« ; G. Gaumendrüsen. /^ UNIVERSITY OF ' ^ COIOKADO SCHUOL OF MEOICINC ^■^^lijOW/AL LIBR^Ö' 278 PAL PAL Many small racemose glands between mu- cous membrane and periosteum of roof of mouth. P. nerves. L. nervi palatini ; F. nerfs palatins; 1. nervi palatini. Descend- ing branches from spheno-palatine ganglion, suppljing hard and soft palate and tonsils. P. proc'ess of supe'rior max'illary, palate process. P. rid'ges. G. tiaunien- leisten. Dense eminences of mucous mem- brane of hard palate, less marked in the adult than in the fa'tus and lower animals, being in the latter important masticating organs. A median one is the raphe ; others run obliquely backward from incisor teeth. P. sec'tor, area in median plane of skull between lines drawn from hormion to sta- phylion, and to alveolar point [Lissauer]. P. spine, nasal spine, posterior : see Nasal spine. P. SU 'ture. L. sutura palatina; 6'. Gaumennaht. That formed by union on middle line of palate-bones behind and palate processes of superior maxillary in front. P. su'ture, trans'verse. L. su- tura palatina transversa. That between horizontal plates of palate-bones behind and palate processes of superior maxillary bone in front. P. veins. L. venae pala- tina?. Those supplying soft palate. The inferior p. v. is tributary to facial, the superior p. v. to internal maxillary. Palatino (/.). Palatine. Palati'tis [palatum]. F. palatite ; G. Gaumenentzündung; /. palatite. Inflam- mation of the palate. Palato (/.). Palate. Palato-faringeo (/.). Palato-pharyn- geus. Palato-glos'sal fold. Anterior pillar of fauces. Palatoglos'sus {L.). F. palato-glosse; /. palato-glosso. A muscle of the fauces arising within the soft palate and inserted into side of the tongue. Palatogna'thus (Z.) [yvàOiii\. One having congenital fissure of the palate. Palato-labiale (/.). Facial artery. Palato-max'Ulary arch. Maxillary arch. Palato-max'Ulary ar'tery. Palatine artery, superior. Palalxj-pharynge'al fold. Posterior pillar of fauces. Palato-pharynge'us f/>.). /'. palato- pharyngien, ienne ; /. palatofaringite. A muscle of the fauces arising from soft palate and haniular process, and inserted into thyroid cartilage and wall of pharynx. Palato - pharyngo - larynge'us ( L. ) . Palato-pharyngeus. Pal'atoplasty [-'m'ht/ho]. F. palatoplas- tie ; /. palatoplastica. Uranoplasty. Palator'raphy [/!«^);]. Staphylorrha- Palato-salpingien {F.). Tensor palati muscle. Palatos'chisis (i.) ["/('r:^']. Cleft pal- ate. Palato-staphyli'nus (Z.). F. palato- staphylin ; /. palato-stafilino. Azygos uvulae [Henle]. Palato-uvula'ris (/>.). Azygos uvulœ. Pala'tum (/..). Palate. P. du'rum, hard jialate. P. mo'bile or P. mol'le, soft palate: see Pulnii . P. os'seum, hard palate. P. pen'dulum, soft palate. P. sta'bUe, hard i)alate. Pale. L. pallidus ; F. pâle ; /. pallido. Pallid, not ruddy, whitish. P. bark, pale einehona. P. cat'echu : see Gamhiir. P. cincho'na. i. cinchona pallida; i-T quin- quina gris; G. braune Chinarinde; /. china bianca. The name is applied, on account of the color of the powder, to several com- mercial varieties of cinchona-bark, derived principally from Cinchona oßicinalis, Hook., C nitida, R. et P., and C micrantha, 11. et P. Chemically characterized by containing a much larger proportion of cinchonine and quinidine or cinchonidine than of quinine. P. lau 'rei, Kalmia f/linica, Ait. P. rose. L. rosa centifolia ; F. rose pâle ; G. Centi- folienrose ; /. rosa pallida. The petals of Roita centifolia, L., cultivated in innume- rable varieties all over the world ; used in various forms as a fragrant vehicle. Paleontol'ogy [-rahjuof, ùvra, yló;-»?]. F. paléontologie ; G. Palaeontologie ; /. pa- leontologia. Discourse on ancient organ- isms or fossils. Paleron (F.). Shoulder-blade. Pâles couleurs (F.). Chlorosis. Paletta (/.). »Scapula. Palette à pansement (/■'■). A small thin splint. Pâleur (F.). Pallor. Pa'li piagne. Form of plague which first appeared in Pali in 18;^6. characterized by tendency to pulmonary h.-cmorrhage. Palim'bolus (i.) [xd/.tv, /îa^^i«]. Very changeable. Palincote'sis (i.) [TraXtyxihr^irif']. Re- lapse. PAL PAL 279 Tending Pal'indrome \_3pó,uoi'j- L., I. palin- dromia ; F. paliudromie ; G. Rückfall. Ke- lapse. Paling-en'esis {L.) [/ivcaiç']. L. palin- gcnesia ; F. paliugéaésie ; G. Wiedergeburt ; I. palingeuesia. Régénération. Palino 'dia {L.) [■'•<")''><]. 1. A bending backwiud. 2. Relapse. Pal'liative. L. palliativus ; /'. palliatif, ive ; G. palliativ ; 1. palliativo to lessen or mitigate, but not to cure. Palliativpunction (C). Paracentesis as a palliative measure. Pallium cer'ebri {L.). Mantle. Pal'lor. F. pâleur ; G. Blässe ; /. pal- lore. Paleness. Palm. 1. L. vola manus; F. paume; /. palma. The slightly hollowed anterior sur- face of the body of the hand. 2. /'. palme. A palm tree. P. but'ter, palm oil. P. oil. L- oleum palmae ; F. huile de palme; G. Palmöl ; /. olio di palma. A bland fixed oil of the consistence of butter, orange- yellow in color, of agreeable odor; obtained from the outer coating of the fruit of Eixis guineeiif is, 3vi.c(\. P.-sugar, jaggery ; sugar made from the juice of various species of palm. P. ■wax, a vegetable wax obtained from the bark of Ceruxylon andicula, a South American palm. Pal 'ma Chris'ti. Castor-oil plant. Ri- cinus roniiìtìtiiis, L. Pal'ma ma'nus {L-}- Palm of hand. Pal'mse plica'tae (L.). Arbor vitie, def 2. Palmaire (F.). Palmar. P. cutané, palmaris brevis. P. grand, flexor carpi radialis. P. grand, grêle or long, palmaris longus. P. petit, duplication of the pal- maris longus ; sometimes met with. Pal'mar. Pertaining to the palm of hand. P. aponeuro'sis, palmar fascia. P. arches. L. arci volares ; F. arcades palmaires ; G. Hohlhandbögen ; /. archi palmari. Arterial arches formed between the radial and ulnar arteries, extending transversely across the palm. The super- ficial p. a. is formed by the palmar poi-tion of the ulnar artery, which may anastation. Palpita 'tion, L. jialpitatio ; G. Herz- klojifen ; I. palpitazione. Convulsive mo- tion, throbbing of the heart ; rapid and irregular pulsation. Palpitiren (6'.). To throb, to palpi- tate, Pal'sy, Paralysis. Pal'sywort, Marsh marigold, Coltha palustris, L. Palu'dal. L. paludosus ; F. paludéen, enne; G. sumpfig ; 7. palustre. Relating to swamps or marshes. P, fe'ver, malarial fever, Paludeux, euse (F.). Paludal. Pal'udism. F. paludisme. The mor- bid condition produced by exposure to marsh malaria. Paludoso (/.). Paludal. Pa'lus sanc'tus {L.). Guaiac-wood, Pambio'ma I^L.) [-àç, ßi(uu'\. Vital principle. Pâmoison (F.). Hysterical swooning, Pampho'bia (L.) [,3"i']. Panophobia. Pampin'iform, L. pampiniformis ; F., /. pamjiiniforme ; G, rankenartig. Tendril- like. P. plex'us. L- plexus pampini- formis. The much-convoluted portion of the spermatic and ovarian veins, where they lie in the spermatic cord or broad ligament, Pample'gria (L.) [-A);' ta- to]. General paralysis. Panace'a (/>•) ["«vrtzu«]. /•'. panacée; G. Universalniittel. A remedy for all dis- eases. P. An'glica, magnesia. P. dupli- ca'ta or P, Holsat'ica, potassium sul- phate. P, lapso'rum, arnica. P. mer- curia'lis, mercurous chloride. Panace'a Springs, Saline, carbonated, and chalybeate waters, Halifax Co., North Carolina. Pan'acon, C„n,,,0,. A white, taste- less substance, the ]ir(idiict nf the action of strong sulphuric acid upon paiunjuilon. PAN PAN 281 Pana'da {^Sj>. paiiado]. F. panade. Bread boiled in water to a pulp or pap. Pan'ama fe'ver. Sometimes malarial and sometimes yellow fever. Panamalähmung {O.). Beri-l)eri. Panaq'uilon. Ci-.n.jsOg. /■'. paiiat|uilone. An amorphous sweet principle found in ginsentr. Panaris analgésique (F.). Morvan's disease. Panari 'tium (£.). F. panaris; G. Nagelseschwiir ; /. patereccio. Felon, whitlow — /. e. periplialangeal cellulitis. Panari'tium tendino'sum (L.). G. Sehnenscheidenentzündung. An acute in- fective inflammation of the sheath of a tendon, generally of a finger, more rarely of a toe. Panarthri'tis \_-ay. àpOpir/\. Inflamma- tion of all of the tissues of a joint. Panato (/•). Composed of, or prepared with, liread. Pa'nax. A genus of Antlince». P. quinquefo'lium, ginseng, an indigenous herb with a sweet, slightly aromatic, de- mulcent root, collected principally for ex- port to China. P. Schin'seng, Nees, said to be the source of the Chinese ginseng. Panblas'tic [-5/, ß).ai7Ti)i\. Originating from all the germinal layers. Panchres'ton (L.) \^ypr^(!TÓi\. F. panchreste; G. I'anchrestum ; /. pancresto. Panacea. PanchjTIl'agOgUes \_/'J!jOç, aywyo';']. I. panchimagoghi. Drugs which cause the excretion of portions of the elements of the blood and of the humors. Pancia (/.). Paunch. Pancce'ntis (//.) [/.<>:y<'>i\. Epidemic. Pancrat'ic [-ä/, xjifiriii\. L. pancrati- icus. All-powerful, very potent. Pan'creas (//.) [z/>iaç]. F. pancréas; G. Bauchspeicheldrüse. A long, spindle-shaped gland lying along the posterior wall of the abdomen behind the stomach. P. acces- so'rium [Kolb]. G. Nebenpancreas. Pan- creatic lobules detached from the main gland. Such have been found between the membranes of the stomach near the great curvature, in the wall of the jejunum, and even as far as the diverticulum ilei. P. Asel'li. F. pancreas d'Aselli: /. pancreas d'Aselli. An aggregation of mesenteric glands into a somewhat distinct mass ; more marked in lower mammals [I'hoca. Del- phinus]. P. par'vum, lower part of head of pancreas, bending round superior me- senteric vein. P. par'vum Winslo-wr'ii, pointed process of lower portion of head of pancreas, which sometimes passes up- ward behind the main gland, following di- rection of transverse jiortion of the duo- denum. P. secunda'rium or P. suc- centuria'tum, Brunner's glands. P. "Winslow'ii, pancreas parvuin W'inslowii. Pancreas-pty'alin. Substance in pan- creatic juice resembling ptyalin, but acting more energetically on starch. Pancreatargia(//.) [«'/.^<<ç]. Z'. pancréa- talgie ; G. Baueh.speichcldrüsenschmerz. Pancreatic neuralgia. Pancreatemphrax'is (Z-.) \_iii.']. F. pancréatemphraxis ; /. pancreatenfrassi. Pancreatic engorgement. Pancreathelco'sis (L.) [f/z"w]. Ul- ceration of pancreas. Pancreat'ic. L. pancreaticus ; F. pan- créatique ; G. pankreatisch ; /. pancreatico. Pertaining to the pancreas. P. ar'teries. L. arteriae pancreatic« ; F. artères pancréa- tiques ; G. Bauchspeicheldrüsenschlaga- dern ; /. arterie pancreatiche. Those sup- plying the pancreas. From the splenic a. are derived the arteria pancreatica magna, following the pancreatic duct, and the ar- terife pancreatic« parvae, a number of small twigs. Other small branches are derived from the hepatic a., and are known as the arteria} pancreatic« medi«. P. dias'tase, name given by Roberts (1881) to the amy- lopsin of Defresne. P. duct. L. ductus pancreaticus ; /. canale pancreatico. Ex- cretory duct of pancreas formed by union of smaller ducts from the lobules. It dis- charges into duodenum, together with com- mon bile-duct, three or four inches below the pylorus. P. duct, acces'sory : see ArcesSDiij pancrfiitic ihict. P. emul'sion, prepared by mixing the pancreas of the pig with lard and water, pounding, straining, exhausting with ether, and emulsifying the residual fat with rectified spirit and water by agitation. P. juice, ff. Bauchspeichel ; /. succo pancreatico. The fluid secreted by the pancreas, capable of emulsifying fats, of converting starch into glucose, and of completing the work of the gastric juice in digesting the albuminoids. P. plex'us. offshoot from splenic plexus of sympa- thetic, Ivitig about the pancreatic vessels. P. veins, branches from pancreas, empty- ing into splenic vein. Pancreatico, pi. che (/.). Pancreatic. 282 PAN PAN Pancreat'ico-duode'nal. F. paiicré- atico-duüdciial ; /. paiicrcatico-duodeiiale. Kelatiiiir to (lancreas and duodenum. P.- d. ar'teries. L. arteriw pancreatico-duo- denales ; F. artères pancréatico-duodénales. Those supplving pancreas and duodenum. The supe'rior p.-d. a. is a Inancli of sras- tro-duodenal ; the infe'rior p.-d. a. is from superior ine.senteric. P.-d. plex'us, brunches of liepatic plexus extendini; to paiicreatico-duodenal arterj'. P.-d. vein, tributary of portal vein, which gathers blood from pancreas and duodenum. Pancreat'ico-splen'ic lig'ament. F. epiploon paneréatico-spléniijue. A fold of peritoneum extending from the tail of the pancreas to the spleen, connecting with the gastro-splenic omentum. Pan'creatin. F. pancreatine ; G. Pan- kreatin ; /. panereatina. A soluble ferment jirepared from the pancreas of the ox. hav- ing the property of emulsifying and decom- posing fats and of converting starch into sugar : see also Amylopsin, Mi/opsiii, and Stmpsin . Pancreati'tis. F. pancreatite ; G. Bauchspeicheldriisenentziindung ; /. pan- creatite. Inflammation of the pancreas. Pan'creatoid [y.filaç, ùSnf]. Resem- bling the pancreas. Pancreat'omy [tkujj]. Excision of the pancreas. Pancreaton'cus (i.) [o^x"ç]. Swell- ing of the pancreas. Pancreatorrha'gia (L.) [/-'); ;vy//!]. Pancreatic lurmorrhage. Pancreec'tomy \_iy-=!i>w']. Pancreat- omy. Pancreopath'ia (i.) [rdö«?]. Diseases of the pancreas. Pandali'tium or Pandari'titun (-^.). Paronychia. Pande'mia (Z.) [äy/Hc]. F. pandémie. A pandemic disease. Pandem'ic. L. pandemicus ; F. pandé- mique ; G. pandemisch ; 1. pandemico. Af- fecting all the people; a general and wide- spread epidemic. Pander'scher Kern {G). Minute cen- tral swelling on the germinal disc of the fowl s egg. Pandicula'tion. /,. pandieulatio ; G. Dehnen ; /. paiulicolazione. Autonialic movements of extensor muscles in stretch- ing. It is usually accompanied by yawn- ing. Pandochi'iim (A.). A general hospi- tal. Pane (/.). Bread. P. azzymo : see Paia azyme. P. porcino, cyclamen. Panereccio (/.). Panaritium. Pang [.1. S. pyiigan]. A sudden, sharp pain. Pangen'esis (L.) [^='vr«T[ç]. F. pange- nèse ; 7. pangenesi. Theory that the germ of an organism contains special germs of all its parts and of its offspring. Paiihidro'sis (L.^. Panidrosis. Pan h i stophy 'tum ova'tum, Lebext (2/.). The parasite of pébrÌTie. Panhysterec'tomy \_''>TT{pa, ixruinj']. G. I'anhysterectomie. Total removal of the. uterus. Panicaut commun (/^.). Eryngium campestri-, L. Panidro'sis {L.) [Ißpe^']. I. panidrosi. General perspiration. Pa'nis (X.). Bread. Pankreas {G.). Pancreas; — atro- phie, atrophy of jiancreas ; - — blutung, pancreatic hanuorrhage ; — carcinom, car- cinoma of pancreas; — krebs, cancer of pancreas; — safb, pancreatic juice. Pan'na {L.'). Aspidium athamanticum. P.-root, the rhizome of Afpidi'iini atlmman- tiruìiì. Kunze; used by the natives of South Africa as a vermifuge — uncomocomo. Panne (F.). Pannus, nrevus, pannicu- lus. P. hépatique, chloasma hepaticum. P. lenticulaire, lentigo. P. melane, me- lasma niaculosum. Panneuri'tis epidem'ica (L.). Beri- beri. Pannicolo (/.). Panniculus. P. adi- poso, paiinicuhis adiposus. P. camoso, panniculus carnosus. Pannicule (F.). Panniculus. P. adi- peux, superficial fascia, panniculus adipo- sus. P. charnu, panniculus carnosus. Pannic'ulus ( L). A skin-like mem- brane. P. adipo'sus, superficial fascia. P. camo'sus. /'. pannicule charnu ; /. pannicolo camoso. A subcutaneous mus- cle of large extent which in lower animals moves the integument ; represented in man by the platy.sma myoides, occipito-frontalis, and some other integumentary muscles. Panno (f.). Pannus. Pan 'nus (A.). F. panne; 0. Augen- fell ; /. panno. A vascular web or excres- cence on the cornea. P. camo'sus or P. PAN PAP 283 cras'sus, tliick, fleshj- form of jianiius. P. eic'cus, panniis associated with xerosis. Panopho'bia (//.) [v'«;,îi»i-]. F. panto- phobie ; G. l'urclitsaiiikeit ; 1. pantofobia. Morbid, vague sense of fear, witliout clear conception of object feared. Panophthal'mia ^L.) \òi']. F. pan- ophthalmie ; 1. panottalmittide. Inflam- mation of all the tissues of the eyeball. Panoti'tis (i/.) [tòv, "(Üy~]. Inflamma- tion lit the middle and internal ear. Panottalmittide (7.). Panophthalmitis. Panse f^F.). Paunch. Pansement {F.). Dressing. P. de Lister, Lister's met hud. P. occlusif, pe- clusive dressing. P. phéniqué, carbolized dres.sing. Pansen or Panzen {G.). Rumen. Pansper'mia (i., 7.) [o-tt//),««], F., G. Panspermie. Theory that germs are every- where present. Pansphyg'mograph [aifu-pió-;, i'päpw]. Cardiograph. Pan'sy. Viohi tn'coior. Pantamor'phic ['///"/i^'-;'«]. L. panta- morphicus. Generally amorphous or de- formed. Pantancylobleph'arum (L.) [àyxùXTj, ßAi(papii>^. Complete adhesion of eyelids to eyeball and to each other. Pantanencepha'lia (i.) [òv, tfxiifa- /."c]. Total absence of hrain. Pan'tas. Dysentery in cattle. Pantatro'phia (L.) [3iTpo]. L. pan- zootia. .\n epizootic affecting many diff'erent kinils of animals. Pa'o perei 'ra. Geissuspprtmim Iseve, Bail. Papain, jia-pah'in. L papainum ; F. papaine; /. papaina. The albuminoid fer- ment obtained from the juice of the half- ripe fruit of Gnn'fii P/a, L. Papayer (7''.). Papaw. Papa'yotin. /. papaiotina. The dried juice of the half-ripe fruit of the papaw tree, Carica Papaya, L. Papel ( G.). Papule. Pa'per [rrri-u/jov]. L. charta; F., G. Papier; 7. carta: see Aiitir/ieiinialic, H/ister- tiiff, Cantliaridcs, Litmus, MiJicated, Mus- tard, and Turmerir paper. Pa'per birch. Bitula papi/racea. Ait. Papier (7^.). Paper. P. arsenical, arsenical cigarettes. P. à cautères. !.. charta ad cautères. A mi.xtureof Hurgundv pitch, wax, and Venice turpentine spread upon paper [Cod.]. P. chimique ( L. charta chemica), tissue-paper is rendered impermeable by a mi.xture prepared from linseed oil 100, garlic 10, oil of turpentine 80, ferric oxide 40, lead carbonate ground with oil 15 parts ; to this impermeable paper is applied a plaster prepared from olive oil 200, red lead 100, yellow wax 6 parts [Cod.]. P. épispastique, cantliar- idcs paper. P. Joseph, filtering paper. P. moutarde, mustard-paper. P. nitre, nitrateof-potassium paper. P. sinapisé [P. Belg.], mustard-paper. P. de tourne- sol, litnnis-papor. Papiernes Bein ( ''.'.). Os ]jlaiaini. 264- PAP PAP PapU'la (L.). F. papille; G. Warze, Wärzchen ; /. capezzolo. The nipple. By analogy, any small conical eminence, par- ticularly oi" the skin or mucous membrane. P. acus'tica basila'ris, the patch of nerve- endings on the wall of the cochlea. In am- phibia and reptiles this is a .small rounded eminence; in man it is lenjrthened out to the organ of ("orti. P. basila'ris, organ of Corti. P. of hair. A. papilla pili. A .small vascular eminence found at the bot- tom of the hair-follicle which appears to control the growth and nutrition of the hair. P. of kid'ney. L. papilla renalis ; F. mamelon du rein ; G. Nicrcnwärzchen ; /. papilla del rene. The conical projection of apex of a pyramid of Maipighi into a calyx of the ureter; the uriniferuus tubules open upon its free surface. P. lachryma'- lis. L. tuberculum lachryraale. Elevation found on either eyelid where the lachrymal canaliculus opens. P. mam'mee, nipple. P. ner'vi op'tici or P. op'tici, optic disc. P. palati'na. G. Gaumcnwarzc. Emi- nence on anterior portion of palate just behind anterior palatine foramen. P. pi'li, papilla of hair. P. of ret'ina, o]itic disc. P. saliva'lis bucca'lis, eminence within the mouth ojiposite second molar tooth of upper jaw, where Stenson's duct discharges. P. saliva'lis infe'rior, sublingual carun- cle. P. saliva'lis supe'rior, jiapilla sali- valis buccalis. P. semiluna'ris, crista acustica. P. spira'lis, projection made by Corti's organ in a preparation showing a cross-section of the ductus cochlearis. P. sublingrua'üs, sublingual caruncle. P. umbilica'lis, the rounded cicatricial stump of the umbilical cord remaining at the bot- tom of the umbilicus. Papula del nervo ottico (/.). Optic disc. Papü'lse (//.), pi. of Papula. P. arcu- a'tse, filiform papilhv. P. calicifor'mes, or P. capita'tsB, or P. circum valla 'tae, circunivallate papilhv. P. clava'tse, fun- giform papilla}. P. con'icse, conical pajiil- lae. P. corallifor'mes, filiform papilhe. P. co'rii, papilhv of skin. P. cutaneo- acus'ticse, papilliform eminences. P. cu'- tis, ]iapill;e of skin. P. filifor'mes, fili- form ]iapill;>e. P. fungifor'mes, club- shaped papilhv found in mucous membrane of tongue, and connected with sense of taste. P. gns'tus, papilhv of tongue. P. interlocula'res, foliate papilhe. P. of kid'ney : see I'api/ln nf kidney. P. len- tictila'res, fungiform papilhe. P. lin'- gruae, papillne of tongue. P. max'imae, circunivallate papilhv. P. me'diae, fungi- form |)apilhv. P. min'imee or P. mino'- res, filiform papilhv. P. muco'sae, papilla) circumvalhita-. P. nerve 'se, Pacinian bod- ies. P. obtu'sae, fungiform papilhv. P. petiola'tse, circumvallate papilhe. P. py- ramida'les, conical papilhv. P. rena'les or P. re'num, papilhv of the kidney P. semilenticula'res, fungiform jiapilhe. P. of skin. L. papilhe corii ; F. papilles de la peau; G. Ilautwärzchen ; /. papille della pelle. Small and very numerous eminences of the coriuin, containing blood-vessels and tactile cor])uscles. P. tac'tus, tactile pap- illie. P. of tongue : see Vircumvallute, Conical, FiUt'onn. Fi/iatf, and Fimi/iforiii papiUx. P. trunca'tœ or P. valla'tae, circumvallate papillae. P. vascula'res, vascular papilhe. P. villo'sœ, filiform papillae. Papular {(r.). Papillary; — ge- schfWTilst, papilloma ; — körper, capil- lary layer of skin; — linie, nipple-line; — muskeln, papillary muscles. Pap'illary. A. jiapillaris ; F. papillaire ; G. ]ia)iillar; / papillare. Itelating to, or provided with, papilhv. P. ar'teries. L. arteri;v papilläres. Main branches of arte- ria centralis retina". The superior runs upward, the inferior downward over the optic disc. P. body, papillary layer of corium. P. lay'er of co'rium or of skin. L. pars papillaris. The external layer containing the papilhv. P. mus'- cles. L. musculi papilläres ; G. Warzon- muskeln ; 1. muscoli papillari. The col- umnae carneìv of the heart, that are at- tached only at their base to the walls. P. tu'bercle of liv'er. L. tuberculum pap- illare ; /'. prolongement antérieur du lobe de Spigel. A rounded projection from the S|iigelian lobe opposite the transverse fis- sure. Papille (F.). Papilla. P-s. calici- formes, circumvallate papilhe. P. du nerf optique, optic disc. P-s. de la peau, pa]>ilhc of skin. P. pileuse, jïapilla of hair. P-s. du rein, papilhv of kidney. Papille (C). Nipple. Papille (/.), pi. of Papilla. P. cir- convallate, circumvallate pajiilhi'. P. gnstatorie, jiajiilhv of tongue. P. lagn- mali, papilhv lachrymales. P. del rene, papilhv of kidney. Papilleux, se (F.). Provided with papilku. PAP PAR 285 Papil'liform. /-. papilliforiiiis ; F.. I. papillüormo ; H. warzont'öniiig. Nipple- shaped. P. em'inences. L. jiapilhv cu- taneo-acustie;«. l'iujeotiuns IVoiii wall uf Tuenibranous semicircular canals, appearing to be of a similar nature to the papilke of the skin. Papilli'tis. /■'.. 1. papillite ; G. Papillen- cntzinulung. Inflammation of the optic nerve-entrance, not necessarily involving the rest of the nerve-trunk. It is usually symptomatic of lesions, particularly morbid growths, in the brain, and in such cases commonly affects botli eyes at once. Papillös ((r'.). Papillary. Papillo'ma {L."). F. papillome ; G. Papillom. A surface growth whose gen- eral structure is the same as that of the papillœ of the skin. P. difFu'sum, form described by Smith ; the lesions are small tumors, generally seen on the legs and but- tocks, varying in size from 5 mm. to 2 cm. in diameter. P. neuropath'icum [Ger- hardt], Nervennœvus. P., zymot'ic, yaws. Papilloso (/.). Provided with papillae. Pappelknospen ((?■). Poplar-buds. Pappoose'-root, Caulophyihtm /ha/if- troide^. Michx. Pap'pus (L.). G. Zwickelbart. First downy hair upon the chin. Pappverband (G.). Starch bandage. Pap'ula, pi. ae (L.). F. papule; G. Papel. Knötchen. A pimple or small in- flamed elevation of the skin, containing no fluid visible to the naked eye. P. a'gria, lichen agrius. P. fe'ra. 1. Lupus vul- garis. 2. Lichen agrius. P-se. sic'cee, lichen. P-se. sudora'les, sudamina. P. syphilit'ica hu'mida, condyloma latum. Papula mucosa (/.). Syphilide. Pap'ular. F. papulaire. Kesembling, or composed of, papulae. Paptilation (F.). Production of pap- ules. Papule (F.). Papula. Papuleux, euse (/'.). Papulose. Pap'ulose. L. papulosus ; F. papule, ée ; y. papuloso. Having, or covered with, papules. Papyracé (F.). I. papiraceo. Eth- moid bone. Papyra'ceus (L)- F. papyracé; /. papiraceo. Paper-like : tliin and dry. Pap3^a'ceou8 fœ'tus. Fœtus papy- raceus. Paquelin's cau'tery. Form of thenno- cautery in which the hollow cauterizing jioint is of platinum, and contains plati- num sponge. It is heated in a lam)), and the heat is maintained bj' forcing on the sponge, by means of a hand s])ray-appa- ratus, vapor of benzole. Par nervo'rum (L.). A pair of nerves. Par no'num (L.). Hypoglossus. Par va'gum ( //. t. Pneumogastric nerve. Para- [tt^/z'Ì]. A prefix signifying near, through, corresponding with. 2 para, 3 para, etc., indicates the number of chil- dren borne by a woman. Para' cress. Spiidiii/ies ulerdcea, Jaoq. Para' sarsaparil'la. Known also as Rio Negro, Brazilian, and Lisbon sarsa- parilla, probably derived from Smilax ' pnpyracea, Poir. ; a mealy sarsaparilla. Para-ansesthe'sia (A.) [«>, aiVor/a-iç], Ana'sthesia on both sides of the body. Paraban'ic ac'id. CjHjNjOj, F. acide parabani(|ue ; G. Parabansäure ; I. acido parabanico. Artificial derivative of uric acid by treatment with nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.3), at 70° C. Thin, colorless, six-sided prisms. Par'ablast [,î/«fr7r,]. F. parablaste ; G. Nebendotter; 7. parablaste. Nucleated layer of yolk immediately underlying peripheral portions of germinal area in niesoblastic vertebrate ova [Hi,s]. Parablas'tic. Pertaining to, or derived from, the parablast. Parablep'sis (//.) {ßlinui]. False vision. Parabu'lia (X.) [j5"!^/i;]. Disordered will. Parabux'ine, C-.H^sN^O. An alkaloid found by Pavia in the bark of Luxus sem- pervireus. Parabys'ma ( L.) [n-«/ia,9/«u]. Engorge- ment, turgescence. • Paracan'thoses [àzav^^a]. Diseases cha- racterized by anomalies of growth of prickle- layer of skin. Par'acary. Pellodon radicans, P. et B. Paracefalo (/.). Paracephalus. Paracente'sis iL.) [z£>rt'(u]. F. para- centèse; G. Anstechen, Paracentèse, Punk- tion ; /. paracentesi. The operation of punc- turing a cavity. Paracen'tral lob'ule. L. lobulus para- centralis; /'. lobule paracentrale; /. lobulo para-rolandico. On median surface of hemi- spheres the area cut off between calloso- 286 PAR PAR marginal and paracentral sulci. It corre- sjionds to upper end of anterior central convolution of the convex .surface. Paracen'tral sul'cus. /^. sulcus para- ceiitralis. Shallow furrow on median sur- face of the hemispheres, running upward from the calloso-marginal sulcus. Paraceph'alus ( L.) [ziya/i;']. /'. para- céphale ; /. jiaracefalo. A monster with an imperfectly formed head, a distinct mouth, and rudimentary organs of special sense. Parachor'dal [x"l"^\ Term applied to the cartilaginous mass investing anterior extremity of notochord in the embryo, and subsequently forming part of chondro- craiiiuni. Parachro'ma (/>. ) [;//'(ù//a]. False per- ception of color. Parachromatoblep'sia or Para- chromoblep'sia [///<«/;.«, ßke-Kw]. F. parachromatoblepsie. False vision of colors. Parachro'sis (L.) \^yjim(!ii\. 1. Dis- coloration. 2. Production of parachroma. Parachymo'sis {L.) [;f(;/j<;>,]. Disorder of secretion. Paracine'ses [rapd, xivr^tn^^. F. para- cinèses. 1. Diseases affecting muscular mo- tion. 2. Displacements. Paraclo'nus {L.). Paramyoclonus. Parac'masis (//.) [ùx/jî;]. Decline, re- mission. Paracmas'tic [«z.uaaruwî']. L. parac- mastieus ; F. paracmastique ; /. paracmas- tico. Declining; becoming less acute or vigorous. Parac'öe ['izoxw]. /. paracoe. Disor- dered hearing, false hearing. Paracolpi'tis [xiiAroç], Inflammation of external coat of vagina. P. dis'secans, form ending in suppuration and a dissecting out of the entire vaginal tube. Paracorpium (/-.). The connective tissue around the vagina. Paracon'dyloidproc'ess. L. processus paramastoideus. A process sometimes seen which is continued from the condyles of the occipital bone outward and downward, and articulates with the transverse process of the atlas [Uhde]. Parac'onine. F. paraponieine. An ar- tificial alkaluid ]irepared by Schifi', isomeric with natural conine, and having its physio- logical properties. Parac'ope [-«/;a/ó;:r(u]. 1. Insanity. 2. Delirium. Paracop'ic. Slightly delirious. Paracop'ticus {L.). Insane, pertaining to insanity. Paraco'to-bark. A bark of undeter- mined botanical origin, brought from Bo- livia, resembling Coto-bark in appearance and properties. Paraco'toïn. C,s,H,._,06. A crystallizable, tasteless, jnoximate principle obtained from paracoto-bark ; used in doses of 1 to 'ii grains in the treatment of diarrhœa and night-sweats. Paracou'sia (L.) [-«/»««nurt-tç]. F. para- cousie ; F. Falschhiiren ; /. jniracusia. False sensations of hearing. Paracru'siS (A.) [j:af>axfiu'')iiiiar\. Slight delirium. Paracrus'tic. L. paracrusticus. Slightly delirious. Paracu'sis {L.) ['Jz."««]. Disordered hearing, paracousia. P. duplica'ta, dipla- cusis. P. imagina'ria, haliuciiuition of hearing. P. imperfec'ta, deafness. P. lo'ci, inability to tell from what direction sound proceeds. P. Willisia'na, a condi- tion of the auditory apparatus in which acuteness of hearing is increased in the midst of a noise. Paracus'ma (i/.). Paracusis. Paracye'sis ( />.) [z/jr^.) [ra/i«')";:«]. Appearance of sexual instincts, masturba- tion, etc. in early childhond before the gen- ital organs are developed. Paradox'ical contrac 'tion. Contrac- tion of a muscle caused by passive approxi- mation of its extremities. PAR PAR 287 Paradoxie (G.). That which is ab- normal as to the time or age in which it appears, as precocious sexual desire, etc. Paraepidid'jrmis i^L.). Paradidymis. Paraesthe'sia»(//.) [a.'a-ör^iTjs-]. F. paraes- thésie ; (V. Pariisthesie ; /.parestesia. Ab- normal or perverted sensation. P. sexua'- lis, disdvilei- of the sexual instinct. Paraesthet'ic. Having abnormal ses- sation. Par'affin [parum. affinis]. L. paraffinum ; F. paraffine ; /. paraffina. 1. A solid or liquid product of the destructive distilla- tion of many organic substances, and a nat- ural constituent of petroleum, from which it is commerciali}" prepared. 2. A solid, mierocrystalline, inodorous mass, melting at a temperature of 74° to 80° C. ; pre- pared from petroleum [P. G.]. 3. In chem- istry, the term applied to a series of hydro- carbons homologous with methane or mar.sh gas. having the general formula t\H,,„^2: see also Baril and So/l pamßn. P. jel'ly, petrolatum. P. oil. Z. paraffinum liquidum. A limpid, oily liquid prepared from petro- leum, having a specific gravity • not less than .840, and boiling at a temperature not below 360° [P. G.]. P. oint'ment. L. unguentum paraffini; .). Paraffin. P. du'- nim, hard paraffin. P. liq'uidum, jiar- affin nil. P. mol'le [B. P.]. petrolatum. P. sol'idum, solid paraffin. Parafimosi (/.). Paraphymosis. Parafonia ( L). Paraphonia. Parafrenesia or Parafrenite (/.). Paraphrenitis. Paragene'sia (L.) [yi-^tan']. F. para- gcnésie. Hroca's term for the defective fecundity of a hybrid which is sterile with similar hybrids, but fertile when crossed with one of its parent race. Parageu'sis (/>.) [^-^y^iv-]. F. para- geustie ; /. parageustia. Perversion or abnormity of the sense of taste. ParagloTDin. Paraglobulin. Paraglob'ulin. F. paraglobuline ; /. paraglobulina. A form of globulin ob- tained from blood-.serum, supposed to exist in the white blood-corpuscles, and to be one of the constituents of plasmine ; known also as fibrino-plastin or serum-globulin. Paraglos'sa (L.) [y/.murj'i]. F. para- glosse; G. Zungenvorfall. 1. Swelling and prolapse of the tongue. 2. Disease of the parts near the tongue. Paragna'thus (//.). F. paragnathe; /. paragnato. Kpignathus. Paragompho'sis (L.) [/-".'if''"']- F. paragomphosi> ; /. paragonfosi. Impaction of the fœtal head in the pelvis. Paragra'phia (L.). G. Paragraphia. Manifestation of cerebral disorder by mak- ing mistakes in writing, as writing one word when another is intended. Par'aguay tea. /'. thé du Paraguay. Maté, Jesuit's tea, St. Bartholomew's tea ; the leaves of Ilex parugHdyeiisis, St. Hil. ; a decoction of the roasted leaves is used as an habitual drink by the inhabitants of cer- tain portions of South .\merica ; contains caffein. Paraguay -roux (F.). A tincture of Para cress and pcllitory, used for the re- lief of toothache. Parahypno'sis ( L.) [6r-/o<«]. Abnor- mal sleep, as in hypnotism or somnambu- lism. Parai'so Springs. Thermal waters, said to resemble those of Carlsbad, Ger- many. Mud-baths, Monterey Co., Califor- nia. Parakanthosis (C). A term used by Auspitz for cancer of the skin. Parakerato'ses ["''.««, y.(fiaf\. Diseases of the skin characterized by development of horny tissue of abnormal character. Parakine'sia ['ìz;»;^!«]. Irregular move- ment. Parakre'sol. C;H,0. Hydroxyltoluol, found in urine. Parakyesie : G.). Kxtra-uterine preg- nancy. Paralac'tic ac'id. F. acide paralactique ; /. acido paralattico. Sarcolactic acid. Parala'lia (L.) \).a).iìJ]. F. paralalia. Disordered speech. Paralamp'sis (L.') \j:apa?Aii-ui'\. F. paralampsie ; /. paralampsi. Leucoma cor- ne;iD. Paralbu'min. F. paralbumine : /. par- albumina. An albuminoid found in the 288 PAR PAR fluid of ovarian cysts and of effusions; co- agulates incompletely Viy heat ; its precipi- tate by alcohol is soluble in water. Paral'dehyd. (CUI.Oi,. /'.paralde- hyde. A colorless liquid, or below 50° F. a crystalline solid, obtained by treating al- dehyde with sulphuric or gaseous hydro- chloric acid ; hypnotic and anodyne. Paralere 'ma or Paralere 'sis (X.) [^^.rjfjr^rju']. Slight delirium. Paralex'ia (L.) [-«/)«]. F. paramétrite ; Vol. II.— is /. parametrite. Inflammation of tissues in the vicinity of the uterus. Paramet'rium (i.). Subserous connec- tive tissue on lateral surfaces of uterus and vagina, and at the origin of the broad ligaments. Paramilchsäure (.) [-apir/iu']. Partial paraplegia. Parapath'ia (L.). Moral insanity. Parapep'tone. A body formed by the digestion of albumin with an insufficiency of pepsin, or with dilute hydrochloric acid alone at 40° C, insoluble in water, soluble in dilute acids and alkalies, and convertible into peptone only through the action of tryptic digestion ; identical with antialbu- inate [Meissner]. Parapha'sia (L.) [àpTJ''']- F. para- ]>hrénésie ; / parafrenesia. Delirium sup- posed to depend upon inflammation of the diaphragm ; strictly, the inflammation itself. Paraphrone'sis (L.) [y/^ivry^ric]. Para- phrosyne. Paraphros'yne [raprjKfpntrn.^ri']. I. para- frosine. Delirium, mental disorder of a mild or transitory type. Par'aplasm [-A««T(Tiia{]. I. parapsi. Abnormity of the sense of touch. Parapyram'idal suPcus. L. sulcus parapyramidalis. In the medulla oblongata a slight furrow which runs obliquely from the anterior median fissure, upward and outward, to the sulcus lateralis ventralis. Parar'abin. A constituent of the sugar- beet, convertible by long boiling with alka- lies into arable acid. Pararec'tal pouch. L. fossa ]iararec- talis. Depression in the peritoneum behind the broad ligament and at the sides of the rectum. Pararhotacis'mus (//.). Defect in speech from the substitution of some o'ther sound for that of the letter r. Pararrhyth'mus iL.) [puOpói']. I. pararritmo. Disordered rhythm. PAR PAR 291 Pararthre'ma or Pararthro'ma (//.) rä//<'/'">]. F. panirthrème ; 7. parartrema or parartrouia. Partial dislocation. Parar'thria (A.) [à/»«/).;««]. Disordered and difficult articular speech. Pararthro'sis (//.) [«/»"/"i««]. /. parar- tro.si. Production of parartlirema. Parasalpingi'tis [»r^/.-.y;]. Inflamma- tion around or near a Fallopian tube. Parasecre'tion. Abnormal secretion, excessive secretion ; continuous secretion when it should be intermittent. Parasinoi'dal spa'ces. (r. Parasinoid- alriuune. Hollow spaces in the dura mater near the superior longitudinal sinus, into which the cerebral veins discharge before reaching the sinus; the Pacchionian bodies lie in them. Parasi'ta, pi. ae (L.). A parasite. Parasitäre Bartflnne ( G.). Tinea tri- coplii/tiiiii harbnt. Par'asite [jra,oa, .tTt-oç]. L. parasitus; G. Parasit; I. parasite. 1. An organism, animal or vegetable, which lives during the whole or part of its existence on or in the body of some other organism. 2. A foetus or part of a foetus which lives by means of the circulation of another foetus. Parasit'ic. F. parasitique ; G. para- sitisch ; 1. parasitico. Having the charac- ter or nature of a parasite. Parasit'icide \_L. csedere]. /. parasiti- cida. Having the power to kill parasites. Parasitisch {G.). Parasitic. Par'asitism \j:apd, (tîtoç]. L. Para- sitismus ; F. parasitisme ; /. parasitisme. Condition of being parasitic ; that in which a fœtus or portions of one are nourished at the expense of another foetus. Parasor'bic ac'id. CsHgO.^. F. acide parasorbiiiue. An aromatic oily liquid acid obtained by Merck from mountain-ash ber- ries. Paraspa'dia {L.) [rrrotw]. An opening of the urethra at the side of the penis. Parassitologia (/.). Doctrine of para- sites. Paras'tata f/>.). F, 7. parastato. Epi- didymis. P. adenoi'des, prostate gland. P. cirsoi'des, epididymis. Parastatadeni'tis. Prostatitis. Parastati'tis. 1. Epididymitis. 2. Pros- tatitis. Paraster'nal line. G. ParaSternallinie. That drawn from the claTicle to the costal arch parallel to the edge of the sternum, and about 8 centimetres from it. Paraster'nal re'gion. That between the margin of the sternum and the para- sternal line. Parastrem'ma {L) [Tr/<',u,aa]. Spas- modic distortion of the face. Parastrep'sis (L.) [/7zi,içui\ Parar- throsis. Parasynovi'tis ["'''■-', m\ Inflamma- tion of the tissue around a joint. Parasys'tole {L.) [-Tu[>wi\. Change in character of perspiration ; includes chromi- drosis, osmidrosis, etc. Parie'ra. Pareira brava. Pariétaire {F.'). AVall-pellitory. Pari'etal. L. parietalis ; F. parietal, ale ; /. parietale. Relating to the wall or sides of a cavity, particularly the side of the head ; used substantively for the pa- rietal l(one, especially in French. P. an'- gle of Broca, between lines from auricu- lar point to bregma and lamlida. P. angle of Lissauer. G. Kriimmungswinkel des Scheitelbeins. One between lines drawn in the median plane of the skull from most prominent part of parietal bone to l)regma and lamlida. P. angle of Quatrefages. F. angle parietal. In cranionu^try, an angle expressive of the projection of points on the parietal bone with reference to the zygomat- ic arch. The anterior is measured by two lines drawn on either side from the most prominent point of the arch through the PAR— PAR 293 stophanion, the posterior from the same point througli the summit of the ]iarietal protuberance. P. arc, that measureil on sur- face oforaiiiuiii from brejima to lauilnla. P. arch'es. G. Sclieitelbogen. Tliosc formed by convolutions of convex surface of hemi- splicres, curving around tlie end of the fis- sure of Sylvius. More apjiarent in the brain of lower animals than in man. P. a'rea : see Arras of the skit/l. P. ar'teries. L. arteria; parietales ; F. artères pariétales. Branches from middle cerebral sujijilying central convohitions. parietal lobe, and outer surface nf tempural lobe of the brain [Duret]. P. bend or flex'ure. (/. Kopf- beuge. Flexure occurring at tlie most pro- jecting portion of the mesencephalon in the course of development of the cerebro- spinal axis. P. bone. L. os parietale ; F. pariétal ; G. Scheitelbein ; /. osso parie- tale. A paired bone of quadrilateral shape, forming a considerable portion of the sides and roof of the skull, in front of the oc- cipital and behind the frontal ; it is ossified entirely in membrane. P. convolu'tions. L. gyri parietales; F. circonvolutions pa- riétales ; G. Windungen des Scheitellap- pens ; /. circonvoluzioni parietali. Those situated upon the parietal lobe of the brain, three in number : The ascending parietal, passing upward and backward along the central sulcus ; the superior and inferior parietal, separated from each other by the intraparietal sulcus, and from the ascend- ing parietal by the postcentral sulcus. The superior parietal appears on the median sur- face as the quadrate lobule, also called the praecuneus ; the inferior parietal borders upon the posterior branch of the fissure of Sylvius above, and is there called the supramarginal gyrus. Posteriorly it winds around the end of the parallel sul- cus, and connects with the middle tem- poral convolution, being there known as the angular gyrus. P. diam'eters. G. Interparietalbreiten. Those relating to the parietal regions of skull, usu- ally the biparietal d., or distance be- tween parietal protuberances. The maxi- mum p. d. does not necessarily coincide with this [Topinard]. The inferior p. d. is taken between points upon the poste- rior root of the zygoma, vertically over upper edge of auricular foramen : sec also Ohreiihriilen. .Jnrliìnir-eìlirfite, Bi-auriciiliir diameter. P. em'inence. L. eminentia parietalis ; /'. bosse pariétale ; G. Scheitel- höcker ; /. gobba or bozza parietale. The most protuberant part of the external sur- face of the parietal bone. P. em'issary vein. L. emissarium parietale. Commu- nication between the superior longitudinal sinus and the veins of tiie scalp through the parietal foramen. P. eye, an eye- like extension of the pineal gland, found between the parietal bones in certain lower vertebrates. P. fora'men. L. foramen parietale ; F. trou pariétal ; G. Schcitelbein- loch ; /. forame parietale. Small opening for an emissary vein, usually found near postero-superior angle of parietal bone. P. fos'sa. //. fossa parietalis ; F. fo.sse pari- étale ; /. fossa parietale. Deepest part of the excavation found on internal surface of parietal bone. P. lobe. L- lobus parieta- lis ; G. Scheitellappen. The posterior and upper portion of the hemispheres. Of its two surfaces, the convex is bounded in front by the central sulcus, below by the posterior branch of the Sylvian fissure and the temporal lobe, behind by the parieto-occipital fissure, the transverse oc- cipital sulcus, and the occipital lobe ; the median surface is bounded in front by the ascending part of the calloso-marginal sul- cus, below by the subparietal sulcus and the falciform lobe, behind by the parieto- occipital sulcus. P. lob'ules. A. lobuli parietales. Those portion.s of the parietal lobe situated behind the ascending parietal convolution, distinguished as superior p. 1. and inferior p. 1., separated by the intra- parietal sulcus. P. nerves, branches from auriculo-temporal nerve to parotid gland. P. notch. L. incisura parietalis. Indenta- tion between squamous and mastoid por- tions of temporal bone, into which is re- ceived the postero-inferior angle of the pari- etal. P. peritone'um: see Fi rilciuiim. P. pleu'ra : see Pleura. P. por'tion of pericar'dium. L. pericardium externum. ( )uter p., /). F: pariétaire. 1. A genus of Urticaceat. 2. P. officinalis, L. P. lusita'nica, L., a species of P. official in the P. Port. P. officina'lis, L., wall- pellitory. a European herb, growing on walls and heaps of rubbish. P, pennsyl- van'ica, Muhl., indigenous; has been used as a diuretic and emmenagogue. Pari'etes {L.). pi. of Paries. Walls, enclosing tissues, boundaries. Pari'eto-hae'mal arch. Hyoidean arch. Pari'eto-ju'gal in'dex. Ratio of great- est transverse and bizygomatic diameters of skull, the latter taken as 100. Pari'eto-mas'toid. Belonging to the parietal bone and mastoid process of tem- poral bone. P,-m. su'ture, L. sutura parieto-mastoidea. That between parietal bone and mastoid portion of temporal. Pari'eto-occip'ital fls'sure. L. fissura parieto-occipitalis ; P. scissure occipitale ; /. scissura occipito-parietale. A deep cleft appearing mainly on the median surface of the hemispheres of the brain, where its upper end corresponds very nearly to the vertex of the lambdoidal suture of the skull, whence it descends downward and a little forward, and ends in the calcarine fissure. A small part is continued upon the convex surface, and is sometimes called the external parieto-occipital fissure. Pari'eto-sphenoi'dal ar'tery. Parie- tal a., inferior. Pari'eto-sphenoi'dal notch. L. in- cisura parieto-sphenoidalis. A slight in- dentation of the upper margin of the squamous portion of the temporal bone, between that part which articulates with the parietal and that which unites with the great wing of the sphenoid. Pari'eto-tem'poral su'ture. L. sutura parieto-temporalis. That between the parie- tal and temporal bones, composed of the squamo-parietal and the parieto-mastoid sutures. Par'ig-lin. Parillin. Paril'lin. P. parigline ; 7. paraglina. Smilacin, pariglin, salseparin ; a crystal- lizable glucoside, the active principle of sarsaparilla. Par'is blue. Prussian blue, ferric ferro- cyanide. Par'is Chalyb'eate Springs. "Chalyb- eate waters, Lawrence Co., .^lissouri. Par'is green. Aceto-arsenite of copper, prepared by boiling together solutions of copper acetate and arsenious acid : see Tiibte of antidotes. Par'is red. 1. Red sulphide of mer- cury. 2. Red lead, minium. Par'is ■white. Very white and soft chalk, reduced to fine powder by elutri- ation. Paris yel'low. Lead Chromate. Parisac'ticus ( L.). Intussuscepted. Paristh'mic [cVÖ/i'Jc]. L. paristhmicus. Pertaining to the tonsils. Paristhmi'tis [iVo,«»?]. Ludwig's an- gina, tonsillitis. Par'ity. 1. Equality. 2. Condition of being able to bear children. Parivago (/.). Par vagum. Park'inson's disease'. Paralysis agi- tans. Parme'Ua parieti'na, L. A common yellow lichen from which chrysopbanic acid was first obtained by Schrader (1819). Parmentière {P.). Potato. Pamas'sus Springs or Red Creek Springs. Carbonated, saline, and sul- phuretted waters, Red Creek, Pueblo Co., Colorado. Paroa'rion or Paroa'ritun (i.). Paro- varium. Paroccip'ital. Jugular process of occip- ital bone ; separate in some apes. P. fls'- sure, Wilder's name for posterior part of interparietal fissure. Parocheteu'sis (X.) [-«/>«;fir;'«u]. Derivation. Par'odyn. Name suggested by Nicot for antipyrine. ParodsTi'ia (£.) [cùrît?]. Difficult labor. Paroftalmia f/.). Parophthahuia. Paroi {P.). Wall, parictes. P. ab- dominale, abdominal wall P. crâni- enne, roof of tympanum. P. jugulaire, floor of tympanic cavity. P. labyrinthique, inner wall of tympanum. Parole {P.). I. parola. 1. Speech. 2. Word. Parol'ivary body. Nucleus of anterior root-zono. Parom'phalocele (/-.) [-«/*d, oiieaXAi, PAR PAR 295 xij/j;]. F. paromphiiloci'le ; /. paronfalo- cele. Ilerniii at the side of the umbilicus. Pajoni'ria (i/. ) [J>i-',""^']. Had Jreani- ing. P. am'bulans, somiiaiubulism. P. sa'lax, nocturnal pollution. Paronych'ia [-«/y«, ò>oc]. F. Paro- nychie, touriiiüle; /. paronichia. 1. In- flammation about the nail. 2. F. panaris ; /. patereccio. Feriphalangeal cellulitis, panaritium. P. latera'lis, cmychogrypho- sis. P. syphilit'ica, .sypliilitic dactylitis. P. tendino'sa, jianaritium tendinosuni. P. ungula 'ris o'vium malig'na, foot-rot. Paroophore (^F.). Parovarium. Paroöphori'tis [üJ"-f<',o"c]. Inflamma- tion near the ovary. Parooph'oron (/^.). Parovarium. Paropho'bia (L.). Hydrophobia. Par Ophthal 'mia (L.) \_('ÇidaXaoç]. F. parophthalmie ; I. paroftalmia. Periocular inflammation. Paro'pium {L.) [-«/ci, wç']. An eye- shade. Paroplex'ia (L.) [-a/ja-zr,^:'«]. Para- plegia. Parop'sis (/>.) [oç';v]. F. paropsie ; /. paropsia. Disordered vision, fal.se vision. Paropte'sis (X.) [-a/jó-rriati]. Giving a hot-air bath. Par'oquet Springs. Saline sulphur springs, in Bullitt Co., Kentucky. Parora'sis (L-) ["«/)"/>«<«]. False vision. Parorchid'ium (L.) [ô,o^iç]. F. pa- rorchidie ; /. parorchidia. ^lalposition of the testicle. Parosismo or Parossismo (/.). Par- oxysm. Paros'mia (i>.) [t/V.u);']. Parosphresis. Parosphre'sis (L.) [ö]. F. paro- vaire ; /. parovario. Remains of urinary portion of Wolflian body, granular cysts found in broad ligament of uterus between ovary and Fallopian tube, distinct from epo- öphoron, q. v. Par'oxysm [zapn^oxu]. Z.paroxysnius; F. paroxysme ; G. Paroxysmus ; /. paros- sismo. 1. Attack of a disease ; fît. 2. In- crease in symptoms to the highest point. Paroxys'mal. Pertaining to, or cha- racterized by, paroxysms. 296 PAR PAR Par'rot's nodes. Syphilitic osteophytes of the skull. Pars (/>•)• A part. P. acetabvila'ris, acetubular bone. P. ascen'dens, vertical plate of palate-bone. P. basila'ris os'sis occip'itis, ba.-;ilar process of occipital bone. P. btilbo'sa ure'thrae, bulbous portion of urethra. P. carno'sa ure'thrae, nieuibran- ous portion of urethra. P. cartilagin'ea tu'bee, the cartilaginous portion of the Eustachian tube, about two-thirds of its length. P. cavemo'sa ure'thrae, spongy portion of urethra. P. chorda'Hs, portion of base of skull occupied originally by the chorda dorsalis, extending from foramen magnum in the body of the occipital and sphenoid bones as far forward as the sella turcica. P. cilia'ris ret'inse, the thinned and reduced continuation of the retina for- ward over the ciliary body. P. conjunc- tiva'lis cor'neae, epithelial layer of the cornea. P. cuneifor'mis tegmen'ti tym'pani, the anterior jturtion of the teg- men. P. descen'dens substan'tise per- fora'tse an'ticae me'diae, lamina tennina- lis. P. fronta'hs, squama frontalis. P. horizonta'lis, horizontal plate of palate- bone. P. horizonta'hs duode'ni, hori- zontal portion of duodenum. P. horizon- ta'lis infe'rior duode'ni, transverse por- tion of duodenum. P. horizonta'lis su- pe'rior duode'ni, horizontal portion of duodenum. P. interfascia'lis ure'thrae, membranous portion of urethra. P. in- terme'dia, intermediary nerve. P. irid'- ica ret'inae, pars retiruilis iridis. P. ii'id'ica u'veae, pars uvealis iridis. P. mala 'ris. G. Wangcnplatte. That por- tion of the malar bone which forms the prominence of the cheek. P. mammil- la'ris or P. raastoi'dea, mastoid por- tion of temporal bone. P. membrana'- cea sep'ti, area at upper part of inter- ventricular septum of heart that remains thin and membranous. P. membrana'- cea ure'thrae, membranous portion of urethra. P. muscula'ris ure'thrae, membranous portion of urethra. P. nasa'- lis. 1. Horizontal part of frontal bone be- tween the two orbital plates. 2. Vertical plate of palate-bone. P. nu'da, membran- ous portion (if urethra. P. obli'qua as- cen'dens duode'ni, transverse portion of duodenum. P. occipita'Us, supraoccipital bone. P. os'sea tu'bee, osseous jioriion of Eustachian tube, forming about one- third of 'its length. P. palati'na, hori- zontal plate of palate-bone. P. papüla'- ris, papillary layer of skin. P. pelvi'na ure'thrae, membranous portion of urethra. P. perinea'hs ure'thrae, spongy portion of urethra. P. perpendicula'ris. 1. Squama frontalis. 2. \ orticai plate of pal- ate-bone. P. petro'sa, petrous portion of temporal bone. P. prostat'ica ure'thrae, prostatic portion of urethra. P. pylor'- ica, pyloric portion of stomach. P. retic- ula'ris, reticular layer of skin. P. reti- na'lis ir'idis, epithelial portion of iris, formed originally from the secondary optic vesicle. P. sclera 'lis cor'neae, Bowman's membrane. P. spongio'sa ure'thrae, spongy portion of urethra. P. squamo'- sa, si|uamüus portion of temporal bone. P. transver'sa duode'ni, transverse portion of duodenum. P. triangnla'ris, anterior portion of third frontal convolution of brain. P. tsnnpan'ica, tympanic portion of tem- poral bone. P. urethi'a'lis levato'ris a'ni [Luschka], an erroneous designation for the fibres of inferior sheet of ischio-rec- talis, which loop around the urethra. P. uvea'lis cor'neae, membrane of Descemet. P. uvea'lis ir'idis, connective-tissue por- tion of iris, forming its external layer. Pars'ley. L. petroselinum ; /'. persil ; G. Petersilie ; /. prezzemolo. Fetro.teliintm sdtinim. Hoflh).; used for culinary purposes and medicinally. P. cam'phor. ('i2H,,0,. A stearojiton obtained from volatile oil of parsley. P. fruit, the fruit of Filrosi /ûium .•^(i/ìvum, Hotïm. ; contains a volatile oil and apiol ; carminative and antiperiodic. P.- root, the root of I'ltrosillnvm sativum, Iloffm. ; carminative, diuretic, and em- menagogue. Pars'nip. F. panais; /. pastinaca. 1. The genus Passtinaca, Nat. Ord. Vmbel- liferit. 2. The common or garden parsnip, Pastinaca saliva, L. Par'son's disease'. Exophthalmic goi- tre. Part. L. pars ; F. partie ; G. Tlieil ; /. parte. An essential portion, member, or organ. Part, aeq., al)ln-. for Partes aequales (Z.). e(|'ual parts. Parte, pi. i (/.). Part. P-i. nobili, external genital organs. P-i. pudende, genital organs. Partenogenesi (/■). Parthenogenesis. Par 'tes (Z/.). pi. of Pars. P. jugula'- res or P. latera'les os'sis occip'itis, exoccipital bones. P. orbita'les, orbital jilates. Par'thenine. CIL^NOs- An alkaloid PAR PAS 297 obtained from Parthenium hi/steropkorus, L., said to be a substitute for quinine as a feb- rifuge. Parthe'nium (L.). A genus of Com- pi'sitx. P. hysteroph'orus, L., wild wormwood, bastard feverfew, West Indian njugwort ; indigenous to tbe West Indies, Florida, and Louisiana ; said to contain an alkaloid, partlieiiine, which inaj- be substi- tuted for (|uinine as a febrifuge. P. integ'- rifo'lium, L.. grows in the U. S. ; the ex- tremely bitter flowering tops have been used as a febrifuge. Parthenochloro'sis (L.) [jrapOho^, ]().tuiiùf^. Chlorosis of girls. Parthenogen'esis (L.) [/-//£a-;ç]. F. parthénogenèse ; G. l'arthenogencsie ; /. partenogenesi. Reproduction by means of ova. but without the intervention of the male element. Paxthenol'ogy [/.'Y'>ç]. Discussion of virginity. Parthenon 'ostis (/..) [>".) [r.dnntu^. A powder for sprinkling. Paso Robles Springs. Thermal saline sulphur s[irings, in California. ^>an Luis Obispo Co., Pasque-flower. Passe-fll {F.). Anemone patens, L. Thread-holder for su- tures. Passiflo'ra (L.). Passion-flower; a genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Passißoi-x. P. incama'ta, L. ; grows in the southern U. S. ; the fruit known as maypops. P. lu'tea, L.. also indigenous ; the expressed 298 PAS PAT juice of the leaves of these two species, dried and powdered, has been used for tetanus and neuralgia. P. quadrangula'- ris, L., granadilla ; native of the West In- dies ; fruit edible, root thought to be a nar- cotic poison. P. ru'bra, L., a West Indian plant ; the flowers are used as a narcotic. Pas'sio (i.). Aifection, disease. P. cadi'va, epilepsy. P. cardi'aca, cardi- algia. P. cceli'aca, cœliac passion. P. fellif lua, cholera. P. hyster'ica, fit of hysteria. P. ili'aca, ileus. Passion (F.). Affection, disease. P. cardiaque or du cœur, cardialgia, angina pectoris. P. colique, intestinal occlusion, coeliac passion. P. hystérique, fit of hys- teria. P. ilia,que, iliac passion, ileus. Passione (/.). Affection, disease. P. cardiaco or del cuore, cardialgia. P. colica, cœliac passion. Pas'sion-flower. Paxmßora. Pas'sive. L. passivus ; F. passif, ive ; G. passiv ; /. passivo. Not active ; per- taining, or due to, weakness or absence of activity. P. mo'tion, motion caused by external force, and nut b_v muscular efforts of tlie patient. Pas'sulse (i.)- Kaisins. P. majo'res, Malaga raisins. P. mino'res, Corinthian raisins. Pas'ta(-L.). Paste. P. althse'a, marsh- mallow paste. P. Canquoi'ni, paste of zinc chloride. P. glycyrrhi'zae, liquorice paste. P. guara'na [!'. lielv.], guaranà. P. gummo'sa, gum paste. P. Londinen'- sis, potassa with lime [U. S. P.]. made into a pa.ste with alcohol. P. Viennen'sis, potassa with lime. P. zin'ci chlo'ridi, paste of zinc chloride. Pasta (/.). Paste. P. di altea, marsh- mallow paste. P. arsenicale, pate arseni- cale, q. V. P. di Canquoin, paste of zinc chloride. P. caustica di Vienna, Vienna paste. P. di giuggiole, jujube paste. P. di lichene, pâte de lichen, ij. v. P. di regolizia nera, massa cum succo glycyr- rhiz;c. Paste [-«irr«]. L. massa, pasta ; F. pâte ; G. Teig ; / pasta. A pharmaceuti- cal preparation, composed of sugar and gum or mucilage, of such consistence that it will preserve the form given it without becoming brittle : see also Vniu/uoùi's, Cos- ter's, Diipìit/tri'n's.Jìijiilie, Lii/iiorice, Loniion, Marsh ni(t//i/tr, ^fil^ìli■^s, and Viiiind paste. P. of zinc chlo'ride. L. pasta zinci chlo- ridi ; /'. causticjue au chlorure de zinc. Canquoin's paste ; zinc chloride 32, water 4 parts ; dissolve, and add zinc oxide 8, wheat flour 24 parts ; dry thoroughly [Cod.] ; es- charotic. Pastel (F.). Isatis tinctoria, L. Pastenstift (G.). Medicated soluble pencil or crayon made with a paste. Pastèque (F.). Watermelon. Pas'tem. F. paturon ; G. Fessel ; I. pastoia. The part between the fetlock-joint and the hoof in the horse ; the homologue of the phalanges. Pasteuriza'tion. G. Pasteurisiren. The treatment of milk or wine so as to destroy the contained microorganisms, and thus to prevent decomposition. Pasteur's flu'id. Cane-sugar 100 gm., ammonium tartrate 10 gm., ashes of yeast 0.75 gm., distilled water 1.000 c. c. ; used as a culture-medium. Pastiglia (/.), pi. Pastighe. 1. Pastil. 2. Troche, sugar-drop. P-e. di menta, peppormint drops. Pas'til. L. pastillus; F., G. Pastille; /. pa.stiglia. 1. A mixture of aromatic sub- stances with nitre, formed into various shapes, and used by slow combustion for the purpose of fumigation. 2. A term used as a synonym for troche, sugar-drop, or lozenge. Pastilles {F.). Pastils, troches, or sugar- drops. P. de menthe anglaises [Cud.], troches of peppermint. P. de menthe à la goutte [Cod.], peppermint drops. Pastü'li (i. ), pi. of Pastillus. Troches or pastilles. P. na'trii bicarbon'ici [P. Ilelv.] or P. de Vichy, troches of bicar- bonate of sodium. Pastina'ca Opop'anax, L. Ojiopanax ChironiiiiH, Koch. Pastoso, a (/. ). Pasty, doughy. Patata or Batata (/.). 1. Sweet po- tato. 2. I'otato. Patchou'ly. The dried tops of Pnyas- temoli I'atchoiili, Pell. ; used in perfumery. Pâte {F.'). Paste. P. arsenicale, a caustic con.sisting of cinnabar, dragon's blood, and arscnious acid, the latter form- ing S per cent, of the mixture. P. de Canquoin, paste of zinc chloride. P. de gomme, gum paste. P. de guimauve, marshmallow paste. P. de jujvibe, jujube paste. P. de lichen, a paste made of cetraria, gum Senegal, and sugar, and con- taining 0.02 gms. of extract of opium in each 100 gms. of the paste [Cod.]. P. de PAT PAT 299 réglisse brune. L. massa cum succo gly- cyrrhizie. A liquorice paste containing 0.02 per cent, of extract of opium [Cod.]. Patel'la. i../. rotula; /'.rotule; G. Kniescheibe. A flattened, chestnut-shaped bone situated in front of the knee-joint, re- garded as a sesamoid developed in tendon of quadriceps extensor femoris. P. bra- chia'lis, OS patellare. Patel'lar. /'. patellaire. Relating to the patella. P. fos'sa. L. fos.sa patellae. Depression on trochlea of femur receiving the patella. P. plex'us, formed in front of knee by branches of internal saphenous and internal and middle cutaneous nerves. P. re'flex, knee-jerk. Patellarflrste ((!.)■ Slight ridge on condyles of femur separating the portion articulating with the patella from the re- mainder. Patel'liform. L. patelliformis ; F. pa- tellifornie. Shaped like a patella or small dish. Pa'tent. L. patens. 1. Open. 2. Evi- dent, public. P. med'icine. A mixture for the sale of which the manufacturer ob- tains exclusive privilege under the patent law. Patereccio (/.). Whitlow. Patemostererbse ( G.). Jequirity. Patemosterwerkzeug (6r'.). A snare for the ablation of small tumors, the thread of which passes through a row of beads forming a flexible handle. Patetico (/.). Pathetic nerve. Pâteux, euse (/'.). Doughy, pasty. Pathe'ma (X.) [raö»v-]. Disease. Pathengenet'ic [-'iöuc, ìyyevrji^. Pro- duced by disease. Pathet'ic muscle. L. patheticus. Su- perior obli(|ue mu,my"Ì\- Pathology. Patholog 'ical. L. pathologicus ; F. pathologique ; G. pathologisch ; /. pato- logico. 1. Pertaining to pathology. 2. Morbid, abnormal, due to disease. P. anat'omy, anatomy of diseased bodies, organs, or structures. Pathologie (F.). Pathology. P. externe or chirurgicale, surgical pathol- ogy. P. interne or médicale, pathology of diseases treated by medication rather than by surgery. Pathol'ogist. F. pathologiste ; G. Pa- tholog; I. patologo. One who makes a special study of pathology. Pathol'ogy [-«(?"«■, /ó^»?]. L. patho- logia ; F., G. Pathologie ; / patologia. The doctrine of disease, and especially of its nature and results. Pathol 'ysis {L.) [-i'';»*]. Decomposition of substances in the living body under the influence of disease. Pathoma'nia (£.) [.«a'.'!«]. Moral in- sanity. Pathono'mia (//.) ['./«//(k]. F. patho- nomie. Classification of pathological con- ditions ; study of laws of disease. Pathopatridal'gia (//.) [jra-rpa, «/;-<>?]. r. patiipatridaliria. Nostalgia. Pathopho'bia (/>.) [-àOuç, 9'»,î-;ç]. /. patofobia. 1. Morbid fear of disease, hv- pochondria. 2. G. I'athophobie. Morbid dread or fear, including such forms as agorajihobia, claustrophobia, etc. Pathopoie'sis (L.) [r.oiiii/]. F. patho- poèse ; /. patopoesi, Prodtiction of dis- ease. Path'os [rr/floç]. Emotion, disease. Patience {F.). Name of various spe- 300 PAT PAZ cies of Riimex [Cod.]. P. sauvage, root of liiiiitex ohtiisi/olius, L. Pa'tience dock. Runux Patientia, L. ; root used as an alterative. Patìen'tìae mus'culus (/>.)• Levator scapuliB. Patina (/.). Coating. P. del denti, sordes. P. della lingua, coating of the tongue in disease. Patofobia (/.). Hj'pochondriasis. Patogenesi or Patogenia (/.). Pa- thogenesis. Patologia (/.). Pathology. Patolo- gico, pathological. Patologo, pathologist. Patopatridalgia (/.). Nostalgia. Patopoesi (/). Pathopoiesis. Patte d'oie {F.). 1. Pes anserinus fascile latae. 2. The wrinkles radiating from outer angle of the eye in the aged. Pat'terson's pow'der. A mixture of bismuth subnitrate and magnesia. Pat'ulous. L. patulus. Open. Paturon {F.). Pastern. Patur'sa (/-■). Syphilis. Patz {G.). Scab; — kopf, porrigo. Pauke (G^.). Tympanum. In compo- sition Patiken, as in — bein, tympanic bone ; ■ — decke, tegmen tynipani ; — druse, gianduia tympanica ; — geflecht, tympanic plexus; — kiemendrüse, giand- uia tympanica ; — mündung, ostium tym- jianicum ; — nerv, tympanic nerve; — ring, tympanic plate; — rinne, sulcus tympanicus ; — röhrchen, bougie for the Eustachian tube ; — saite, chorda tym- pan! ; — saitenkanal, canalis chordie tym- pani ; — Schlagader, tym|)anic artery ; — theil, tympanic portion of temporal bone ; — treppe, .scala tympani ; — •wand, tympanic wall ; — winkel, tympanic an- gle. Paukenfell (G.'). Membrana tympani ; — entzündung, myringitis; — falz, tym- panic griiove ; — nerv, chorda tymjiani ; — spanner, tensor tympani ; — tasche, plica nicmbran:« mucosae tympani. Paukenhöhle (ff.). Tympanic cavity. P., obere, attic of tympanum. In com- position Paukenhöhlen, as in — arterie, tympanic artery ; — boden, floor of tym- panic cavity ; — dach, roof of tympanum ; — decke, tegmen tym])ani ; — enge, istli- raus of tympanum; — platte, tympanic portion of tcm])oral hone. Paullin'ia. F. pauUinie. 1. A genus of Sapinrlacese. 2. Guaranà. P. pinna'- ta, L., a Brazilian tree; all parts of the plant are acronarcotic and poisonous ; root- bark used as an anodyne externally and internally. P. sor'bilis, Mart., a Brazil- ian climbing shrub, the source of guaranà. Paul's bet'ony. Common speedwell, i'efljllicd o/ficilKl/is, Li. Paume (F.). Palm. Paupière (F.). Eyelid. Pausbacke {G.). A full, chubby cheek. Pausime'nia (L.) [-aDö-if, n-']. Ces- sation of menstruation. Pava'na-wood. Croton Tiijlium. Pave'ment epithe'lium. F. epithe- lium pavimenteux : G. Pflastercpithel ; /. epitelio pavimentoso. Flattened, .scaly, ir- regular-shaped, nucleated cells, arranged in several superposed layers, lining the mu- cous (in part) and dcrnial tissues. Pavilion de l'oreüle (F.). Auricle. Pavilion de la trompe utérine {F.). Finibriatcd extremity of Fallopian tube. Pavimento anteriore del terzo ven- tricolo (/.). Lamina terminalis. Pavimen'tum or'bitse {L.). 1. pavi- mento deir orbita. Floor of the orbit. Pa 'vor (//.). 1. Fear. 2. Old term for scabies. P. noctur'nus, night-terrors. Pavot (F.). Püjipy. P. blanc or à opium, Fn/ßdfer somìiij'mini, L. Pa'vy's disease'. Intermittent cyclic albuminuria. Pavy's solu'tion or test. Copper sul- phate 16 gr., potassio tartrate 32 gr., caus- tic potash 64 gr., water 1 oz. ; 100 milli- grams of this mixture has all its copper reduced by half a grain of grape-sugar, shown by loss of blue color. Paw'pa'W. 1. Ashniiia triloba, Dun. 2. See Pu paw. Pay'ta-bark. A variety of pale cin- chona-bark, shipped from the port of Payta, Peru. Pay'tamine. .\n amorphous alkaloid accompanying paytine in white payta-bark. Pay'tine. Cj,n.,,N.,0,II,0. A natural crystallizable alkaloid found in white payta- bark. Pay'ton or Snow'den Min'eral Spring. Alkaline waters, Douglas Co., Oregon. Pazzia (/.). Folly, madness, insanity. Pazzo, an insane person ; mad. PB PEC 301 Pb., abbv. tur Plumbviin (L.^, lead. P. B., abbv. for Pharmacopoeia Bri- tannica (L.), Britisli l'li;irniaoi)|iii'ia. P. Bor., abbv. tur Pharmacopoeia Bo- russica (i.), Prussian l'iiarmacujia'ia. P. D., abbv. for Pharmacopoeia Dub- linensis (L.), Dublin Pliarmacopœia. P. e., abbv. for Pars equalis (//.), an equal part. P. E., abbv. for Pharmacopoeia Edi- nensis (L.), Edinburgh Fiiariiiacopœia. Peach. L. persica ; F. pêcher ; G. Pfir- sich ; /. persico or pesco. Persica viiìffaris, DC., and its fruit ; leaves and flowers used as a gentle la.xative. P. bran'dy, an alco- holic liquor distilled from the fermented juice of fniit of the peach. Peach'w^ort. Poli/gonum Persicaria, L. Péan's opera'tìon. Laparotomy for removal of uterine fibroid tumors. Pea'-nut. Ground-nut. P.-n. ou, ground-nut oil. Pear. F. poire ; G. Birne ; /. pera. The fruit of Pyrus communis, L. Pearl bar'ley. L. hordeum perlatum ; F. orge perlé ; G. Perlgerste ; /. orzo per- iato. Barley deprived of all its invest- ments, and afterward rounded and polished in a mill. Pearl sa'go. iSago in small grains, prepared by passing the moistened sago- meal through a sieve, and drying the small fragments by constant stirring over a fire. Pearl 'ash. L. potassii carbonas impurus ; F. carbonate potassique du commerce ; G. rohes kohlensaures Kali. An impure potas- sium carbonate prepared from the crude potash of commerce by .solution in the minimum of cold water required to dis- solve the carbonate, and evaporating the clear solution. Pearl-plant. Lithoapcrmum officinale, L. ; seed diuretic, lithontryptic. PearP'white. Bismuth oxychloride. Pearl'y bod'ies. F. globes épidermi- ques ; G. Cancroidperlen ; /. globi epi- dermici. Collections of concentrically lami- nated, flattened, fiVjre-like cells found in epithelioma ; known also as birds-nest bodies or epidermic spheres. Pearl'y everlets'ting. Antennaria mar- gririhveji^ K. Br. Pearly tu'mor. 1. Cholesteatoma. 2. G. Perlsucht. Tuberculosis in cattle. Alkaline, sul- , California. /. pero. Pyrus opera 'tion. Superficial Pear'son's arsen'ical solu'tion. L. li((uur arsenicalis Pearsonii ; F. .solution arsenicale de Pearson ; /. li(iuore arsenicale di Pearson. An aqueous solution of sodium arseniate containing about 0.1 per cent, of tlie anhydrous salt [Cod.]. Pear'son's Springs, phuretted waters. Lake Co Pear-tree. /'. poirier ; communis. L. Peas'lee's trachelotomy. Peat. F. tourbe; G. Turf; 7. turba. Brown or black unctuous substance, con- sisting of decomposing vegetable matters, found in bogs beneath the surface of the turf. It contains humic, phosphoric, and sulpluiric acids, and is used for baths and poultices. Peau (F.). Skin. P. anserine, goose- flesh. P. brillante, glossy skin. P. divine, condom. Peaucier or Peaussier, ère (F.). 1. Platysma myoides. 2. Cutaneous. P. du cou, Platysma myoides. P. du crâne, occipito-frontalis, together with the muscles of the ear and the orbicularis oculi [Cruveil- hier]. P. de la face, muscles of upper face, taken collectively. P. palmaire, pal- maris brevis. P. sous-occipital, occipitalis transversus. Pébrine (F.). I. pebrina. A disease of silkworms, known also as gattine, mala- die des corpuscules, or petechia. It is due to a parasitic organism consisting of irreg- ularly oval, colorless corpuscles about 3 — l/x in length, known as the corpuscles of cor- nalia, sporospermia, the Panhistophyfon ovatum of Lebert, the Nosema Bombycis of Naegeli. Pecan'-nut. The fruit of Carya olivx- formic, Nutt. Pec'cant. L. peccans ; F. peccant, ante ; I. peccante. Morbid, vitiated. Pece ( /.). Pitch. P. bianca, or gialla, or di Borgogna, Burgundy pitch. P. liquida, tar. P. nera, black pitch. Pech (G.). Pitch; — kappe, pitch- cap or pla.ster used to tear out the hairs in fa vus. Pêche {F.). Peach. Pêcher (Fl). Peach-tree. Pechia'gra (L.) [t^;^oç, àypa]. F. péchyagrc. Oout in the elbow. PechöUC). Oil of tar. Pechu'rim. Pichurim. 302 PEC PEC Pecquet, duct of. Thoracic duct. Pecquet, res'ervoir of. F. réservoir de Pecquet ; 1. cisterna di Pecquet. Re- ceptaculuni chyli. Pec'tase. /. poetasi. An albuminoid ferment found in unripe fruit, roots, etc. Pec'ten {L.). A comb. P. den'tium, a row of teeth. P. ma'nus, metacarpus. P. os'sis pu'bis, or P. pubicum, or P. pubis, crest of pubis. Pec 'tin. F. pectine ; /. pectina. A neu- tral, uncrystallizable substance, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol ; the gelatinizing principle of vegetable juices. Pectina'lis (i). Pectineus. Pec'tinate lig'ament of i'ris. A pe- culiar .sponge-like connective tissue arranged in trabecula;, which fills up the angle where the cornea and iris meet. Pectine (F.). Pectinate, substantively the pectineus. Pectine'al bur'sa. Bursa subtendinea pectiiiei. Pectine'al fas'cia. L. fascia pectinea. That part of fascia lata covering over the pectineus and adductor longus ; attached above to crest of pubis. Pectine'o-fem'oral band. Pubo-fem- oral ligament. Pectine'us(i.). /".pectine; G. Kamm- muskel ; /. pettineo. A flat muscle of upper and medial part of thigh, arising from ilio- pectineal lino, and inserted on femur be- tween lessor trochanter and linea aspera. Pectin'iform. L. pectiniformis ; F. pectiniforme ; /. pettinato. Like a comb. P. sep'tum. L. septum pectiniforme. Median septum of connective ti.ssue be- tween the two corpora cavernosa. Pec'tinous. F. pectineux ; /. pectinoso. Pertaining to pectin. Pec'toral. L. pectoralis ; F. pectoral, ale; /. pettorale. 1. Relating to the brea.st. 2. A medicine for the relief of diseases of the chest. P. aor'ta, thoracic aorta : see Aorla. P. arch. L. cingulum humeri ; F. ceinture claviculaire ; G. Schultergürtel ; /. cintura scapolare. The bony ap])aratus by which the pectoral limb is attached to the a.xial skeleton. It consists in man of the clavicle and scapula. P. frem'itus, vibration of chest-walls on speaking or singing. P. fruits. L. fructus pectorales ; F. fruits pectoraux ; /. frutti pettorali. Dates, figs, jujubes, Corinthian raisins equal parts ; cut and mis [Cod.]. P. glands, lymphatic glands lying along the long thoracic artery. P. intercos'tal nerves, the upper six, supjilying the thorax only. P. limb. L. extremitas thoracica ; F. membre thoracique ; G. Brustglied ; /. arto toracico. That attached to the trunk by the pectoral arch ; the upper extremity of man and the anterior extremity of quad- rupeds. P. nerves: see Thoracic mrvis. P. ridge. L. spina tuberculi majoris. Ex- ternal lip of bicipital groove, to which is attached the pectoralis major. P. tea. L. species pectorales ; /'. espèces pecto- rales ; G. Brustthee ; /. specie pettorali. A mixture of althœa, glycyrrhiza, mullein- flowers, orris-root, colt's-foot, and anise [P. G.] ; of the flowers of althaa, mallow, mullein, mouse-ear, violet, colt's-foot, and poppy [Cod.] ; used in the preparation of a demulcent infusion or tisane. P. tu'ber- cle. L. tuberositas pectoralis. Impression for pectoralis major on anterior surface of clavicle near its sternal end. Pectoral (grand) {F.). Pectoralis ma- jor. Pectoral (interne) {F.). Triangularis sterni. Pectoral (petit) (/'•)• Pectoralis mi- nor. Pectora'üs (£). 1. Pectoral. 2. Pec- toralis major [Coues]. P. inter'nus. F. pectoral interne ; I. pettorale intorno. Tri- angularis sterni. P. ma'jor. F. grand pectoral ; G. grosser Brustmuskel ; /. grande pettorale. A large radiate muscle forming the principal fleshy mass of the breast, aris- ing by three divisions from clavicle, from sternum and costal cartilages, and from apo- neurosis of external oblique muscle of al)do- men ; inserted into pectoral ridge of humerus. P. min'imus, supernumerary muscle some- times found arising from first rib, and in- serted into coracoid process [Gruber]. P. mi'nor. L. serratus anticus minor; F. petit pectoral ; G. kleiner Brustmuskel ; /. piccolo pettorale. A thin, triangular mu.s- ele of the upper thorax, extending from 3d, 4th, and 5th ribs to coracoid process, over axillary artery. Pectoriloquie aphone {F.). Baccelli's sign. Pectoril'oquy. F. pectoriloquie ; G. Brustreden; /. pettoriloquia. Transmission of articulate sounds through the chest-wall. Pec'tose. /. pectosi. A neutral, un- crystallizable principle, insoluble in all neu- tral solvents, found in unripe fruits and in PEC PED 303 some fleshy roots; by the action of acids, pectase, etc. convertible into pectin. Pec'tous. .Gelatinous. Pectun'culus {/■■)■ A series of fine longitudinal furrows seen with a slight magnifying power on the wall of the Syl- vian aqueduct [Arnold]. Pec'tus ( /v.). Thorax. Pe'dal. L- pedalis; F. pedal, ale; /. pedale. Relating to the feet. P. aponeur- o'sds, fascia dorsalis pedis. P. ar'tery, dorsal artery of foot. Peda'lium Mu'rex, L. Gokhru ; a large, succulent, East Indian herb, Nat. Ord. Pednliitex ; the leaves and seeds are very mucilaginous, and are in high repute as a remedy for urinary disorders. Pedatrofla i J.). Psedatrophia. Pédatrophie (F-)- Paedatrophia. Peddig (/x.). Ovary. Ped'erasty (also Paederasty) [^raîj, è/jaiTTiji]. L. puerile officium ; F. pédéras- tie ; Cf. Knabenschändung ; /. pederastia. Unnatural copulation with males, especially boys. Pede'sis(Z.) [Tzrjâdui']. Pulsation, throb- bing. Pedeth'mus (L.). 1. Subsultus. 2. Visible pulsation. Pedise'us exter'nus (i.). Extensor brevis digitorum pedis. Pedise'us inter'nus (L.). Flexor brevis digitorum pedis. Pedial'gia ( L.) [-^o^'»;-, ä/.pii']. Pain in the foot. Pediatria (/.). Pîediatrics. Ped'icle. L. pediculus ; /'. pédicule ; G. Stiel ; /. pedicciuplo. Stem, stalk, the contracted neck of certain tumors. P. of ver'tebra. L. collum vertebrale ; F. pé- dicule ; G. Hals ; /. peduncolo. The nar- rowed portion connecting the lamina with the body. P-s. of op'tic thal'ami, pe- duncles of optic thalamus. Pedicula'ria ' L.). Pediculosis. Pedic'iilated. L. pediculatus ; F. pé- dicule, ée ; /. pediculato. Having a pedi- cle. Pédicule (F.). Pedicle; pedicle of a vertebra. P. perdu, pedicle of ovarian or other abdominal tumor ligated, cut short, and dropped into the cavitj-. Pédicule, ée (F.). Pediculated. Pédiculisation {F.). Fortnation or de- velopment of a pedicle. Pediculopho'bia i /-.) [vó,ì»4-]. Morbid dread of phtlieiriasis, with erroneous belief that one is affei'ted with it. Pediculo'sis ( L.). Phtheiriasis. Pedic'ulus ( L. ) [dim. of Pes], /'. pou; G. Laus ; /. pidocchio. A genus of para- sitic, wingless, non-metamorphosing insects, order llfDiiplera. living by suction on the blood and secretions of the body ; louse. P. cap'itis, head-louse. P. cor'poris, body-louse. P. inguina'lis, P. pubis. P. pu'bis, crab-louse, found about tlie pubis and in the axilla ; smaller than head- or body-louse ; body short, flat, and broad ; head large. P. vestimen'tae, P. corporis. Pédicure {F.). Care of the feet ; one who professes to treat diseases of the feet. Ped'icus {L.}. Extensor brevis digito- rum pedis. Pedidia (/. ). Dorsal artery of foot. Pedidio (/.). 1. Relating to the foot. 2. Extensor brevis digitorum pedis. Pédieuse {F.'). Dorsal artery of the foot. Pédieux, euse C^.). Relating to the feet ; substantively the extensor brevis digitorum pedis. Pedignone (/.). Chilblain. Pediluve {F.). Foot-bath. P. sina- pisé, mustard foot-bath. Pedilu'vium (X.). F. pediluve ; G. Fussbad ; 1. pediluvio. Foot-bath, Pedional'gia (L,) {jtidiov, àVj-oç]. F. pédionalgie. Pedialgia. Pédoctonie {,F.), Murder or torture of children bj' cruel or unusual punish- ment. Pédonculaire {F.). Peduncular. Pédoncule (/■'.1 pi. Pédoncules. Pe- duncle. P-s. cérébelleux, ]ieduncles of cerebellum P-s. cérébraux, crura cere- bri. P-s. du corps calleux, peduncles of corpus calldsum. P-s. supérieurs du conarium or P-s. de la glande pineale, stri;« medulläres thalami optici. Pédoncule, ée {F.). Pedunculate. Pédotrophie (F.). /.pedotrofia. Hy- giene of infants' food. Pedun'cle. L. pedunculus ; F. pé- doncule ; G. Stiel ; /. peduncolo. A stalk- like process by which an organ is attached. P-s. of brain. L. pedunculi cerebri ; F. pédoncules cérébraux ; /. peduncoli del cer- vello. Crura cerebri. P-s. of cerebel'- lum. L. pedunculi cerebelli ; F. pédon- 304 PED PEL cules cérébelleux ; G. Kleinbirnschenkel ; /. peduncoli del cervelletto. Bundles of white commissural fibres connecting the cerebel- lum with other portions of the brain — the inferior with the medulla, the middle with the pons ; the superior with the cor- pora i|uadrigemina. P-s. of cor'pus cal- lo'sum. F. pédoncules du corps calleux ; I. peduncoli del corpo calloso. Two white bands continuous with the longitudinal striiB above, diverging below to the ante- rior perforated space of either side. P-s. of op'tic tharamus, bundles of white fibres connecting it with other parts of the brain. The anterior p. pa.sses from the frontal end and external nucleus of the ganglion to the frontal lobes ; the inferior or internal p. passes downward and out- ward from the zonal stratum and internal nucleus to near the fissure of Sylvius under the optic tract. A superior p. is consti- tuted by the anterior pillars of the fornix and the bundle of Vicq d Azyr, taken to- gether. The posterior p. is constituted by the optic radiations. P-s. of pin'eal gland. A. pedunculiconarii ; /^.pédoncules de la glande jiinéale or supérieurs du cona- rium ; G. Zirbelstiele ; /. peduncoli della glandola pineale. Attachment of pineal gland to optic thalami, continued along sides of third ventricle as the stri;e medul- läres. P. of sep'tum lu'cidum. //. pe- dunculus septi pellucidi ; G. Stiel der durchsichtigen Seheidewand. White fibres running up on either side in front of the septum lucidum to the corpus callosum [Reichert]. Peduncolo (/."). Peduncle ; pedicle of a vertebra. P. pituitario or P. sopra- sfenoidale, infundibulum. Pedun'cular. F. pédonculaire ; /. pe- duncolare. Relating to a peduncle. P. ar'teries. L. artcri;e pcdunculares. Twigs supplying crura cerebri. The medial P. a. arises from the posterior communicating artery ; the lateral P. a., from the poste- rior cerebral or choroid arteries. P. 1am'- inse. L. lamin;e pedunculorum. That por- tion of the pineal gland above the recessus pinealis. P. sul'ci, those on either side the crus cerebri, separating crusta from teg- mentum. The inner one is also knowfi as the oculo-motor sulcus (sulcus pedunculi medialis). the outer as the lateral sulcus of the mesencephalon (sulcus lateralis mesen- cephali). Pedun'culate or Pedun'culated. F. pédoncule, ée ; /. peduncolato. Having a peduncle or fruit-stalk. P. fi'broid, my- oma of uterus attached to mucous mem- brane by a pedicle. P. hydat'id: see Morgagni' s hyddtids. Pedun'crdus (/-■). Peduncle. P. cerebelli infe'rior, restiform body. P. cona'rii, peduncle of pineal gland. P. cor'poris mammilla 'ris, superficial bun- dle of fibres in trigonum interpeduneulare, connected with the mainmillary tubercles. P. fioc'culi, ciinimissure of the flocculus. P. gan'glii haben'ulee, fasciculus retro- flexus. P. hjrpophys'eos, infumlibulum of brain. P. medul'lae oblonga'tae, res- tiform body. P. nuc'lei globo'si, stem- like process of the nucleus globosus directed forward. P. oli'vse, olivary peduncle. P. pulmo'nis or P. pulmo'ntim, root of lung. P. sep'ti pellu'cidi, ]>eduncle of septum lucidum. P. substan'tise ni'grae. G. dorsale Grenzschicht des Ilini.schenkel- fusses. Fibres of crusta between pyram- idal tract and substantia nigra, passing up to the caudate nucleus ; degenerate down- ward. Pedunculusbahn (C). Crusta. Pee'nash. Maggots in the nasal pas- sages [India], Peg-leg. F'. pilon. Simplest form of artificial leg, consisting of a socket ibr the stump, with a straight rod for support. Peg'ma (/>.) [-ijyvoa:]. Concretion. Pegmat'icus (/>.). F. pegmatinue. Producing coagulation or concretion. Peg'u cat'echu. Black catechu ; of- ficial catechu of the U. S. P. Peg'^wood. Euoiiymus airopurpureus, Jac(|., wahoo. Pei'na {L.) [-£!>«], Hunger, Peinotherapi'a (L.)[^fHpar.î^nw]. Hun- ger cure. Peitschen wurm ((?.). Filaria medi- tieiixis. Pelade (F.). Alopecia areata. Pel'agra. Pellagra. Pelargonio ac'id. C,H,sO.. F. acide pélarguni(|ue ; G. Pelargonsiiure ; 7. acido pelargonico. A fatty acid obtained by the action of nitric acid upon oil of rue. Pelargo'niuna antidysenter'icum (Z/.). A South African plant used as a remedy for dysentery. Pelargo'nium ro'seum, Willd. Rose- geranium, Nat. Ord. Arisliß/iicitiacea:, culti- vated ; yields oil of rose-geranium. PEL PEL 305 Pelatina (/.). Porrigo decalvans. Pel'ican. F. pélican ; /. pellicanu. An instrument formerly' used tor the extraction of teeth, similar in principle to the " key uf Garengeot.' Pel'ican - flower. A'irginia .snakeroot, Ari.]. Pelvimeter. Pelidno'ma (L.) [-ïAi(î>«v-]. Pelioma. Pelikan ( G.). Pelican. Pelio'nia {L.) [t//;»^-]. F. péliome. A livid spot, an ecchymosis. Pelio'sis (//.) [-//.!"?]. /^. péliose; G. Blutfleckeiikrankheit ; /. peliosi. Purpura. P. heemorrhag'ica, purpura h;cniorrhag- ica. P. rheumat'ica. /'. péliose rhuma- tismale. A form of rheumatic purpura. Pel'lagra [-i/./.a, «V/'«]. F. pellagre ; G. Mailandische Rose. An endemic disease of Italy, characterized by chronic erythe- matous, desquamative inflammation of the skin, with digestive derangement and neur- oses. Pel'lagTOUS. F. pellagrenx, euse; G. pellagrös ; /. pellagroso. Relating to, or aifected with, pellagra. Pellar'sis (L)- Pellagra. Pelle (&'.). Skin, pellicle. Pelle (/.). Skin. P. anserina, cutis anserina. P. di camoscio, chamois skin. P. di Lixa, a form of confluent smallpox met with in Brazil. P. d'oca, goose-flesh. Pelletierine. F. pelletierine ; /. pelle- tierina. An oily, aromatic alkaloid, the active principle of pomegranate-bark. P. tan'nate, an amorphous salt of pelletier- ine ; an efficient tsenifuge in the dose of 0.50 gm. Pellicano (/.). Pelican. Pelliciaio (/.). Platysma myoides; pan- nieulus carnosus. Pellicello (/.). Pulex penetrans. Pel'licle. L. pellicula ; F. pellicule ; G. Iliiutchen ; /. pellicola. A thin membrane, a film. Pel'lis (/>.) [rJJJ.a']. Skin. Pel'litory. 1. Pyrethrum. 2. Paricta- ria : see also Bastard, G< rman, Sjtninsh, and Wall pellitory. P. of Spain, pyre- thrum. Pel'lous [-e.^..i.)• A genus of Aroniese. P. virgin'ica, Raf., arrow-arum, indig- enous, grows in swamps ; the root is said to be stimulant, diaphoretic, and diuretic. Pel'todon rad'icans, Pohl, et Benth. Paracary, a Brazilian herb ; used in asthma and as an antidote for snake-poison. Peluria ( L). Down. Pelveo-peritoni'tis. Pelvic peritonitis. Pelvi (/.). Pelvis. P. renaU, pelvis of kidney. Pel'vic. i/. pelvicus ; F. pelvien, enne ; I. pelvico, a. Pertaining to the pelvis. P. aponeuro'sis. /'. aponévrose pelvienne; /. aponevrosi pelvica. Pelvic fascia. P. arch. L. cingulum pelvinum : G. Becken- gürtel; /. cintura ]K']vica. The bony ap- paratus by which the pelvic limb is attached to the axial skeleton ; in man comprises the hip-bone. P. ax'is, line drawn from cen- tre of conjugate diameter of inlet parallel to face of sacrum and coccyx, to centro of conjugate diameter of outlet. P. brim, in'dex of: see Index of pelvic brim. P. canal', cavity of true pelvis considered as a passage through which a child passes at birth. P. cav'ity. A. cavitas pelvis; F. cavité pelvienne ; G. Beckenhöhle ; A cavità pelvica. That enclosed by walls and floor 306 PEL PEL of true pelvis. P. diam'eters. (<'. iJureli- messerdes Beckens. Measurements express- iuf; dinien>iiiiis of pelvic cavity. At inlet, the antero-posterior ov]. F. pelvi- uii'tre ; G. Beckenmesser ; I. pelvimetre. An instrument for measuring the pelvis. Pelvim'etry. /'.pelvimetrie; (/. Becken- niessung ; 1. pelvimetria. The process of measuring the pelvis. Pelvino ( /). Pelvic. Pelviot'omy. Section of the bones of the pelvis ; sym]>hisiotomy. Pelvipéritonite ( F.). Pelvic peritonitis. Pel'vi-prostat'ic fas'cia. L. fascia pelvi-prostatica. Offset from tlie recto- vesical fascia, making a sheath for the prostate gland. Pelvi-rectal, ale {F.). 1. pelvi-rettale. Relating to the pelvis, rectum, and adjacent tissues. Pel'vis [-î>.:ç]. F. bassin ; G. Becken ; /. bacino, pelvi. The large bony girdle at the caudal extremity of the trunk by which the abdominal limbs articulate with the body; composed of the two innominate or hip bones laterally, and the sacrum behind. The true pelvis is the porticjii which forms the girdle proper, and is below the promon- tory of the sacrum and the ilio-j)ectineal line ; the false pelvis is the expanded por- tion of the hip-bone above that line. P. sequabil'iter justo-mi'nor : see .Fqua- li/ittr Jiistit-miwr jx/ris. P. au'ris, tym- panum. P. au'rium, cochlea. P., beaked, pelvis triradiate. P. cer'ebri, iiifundibu- Jum of brain. P. fal'sa, false pelvis : see Peli-is. P., flat, one in which the antero- posterior diameter of the inlet is less than normal, the other diameters being little changed. P., infe'rior, true pelvis: see Ffli'is. P. of kid'ney. L. alvus renum ; F. bassinet du rein ; (r. Nierenbecken ; /. bacinetto renale. Upper expanded por- tion of ureter into which the uriniferous tubules discharge. P. ma'jor, false pelvis : see Pdvis. P. mi'nor, true pelvis : see Pelvis. P., Nae'gele's: aco Naeijeles pel- vis. P. obtec'ta, kyjihotic pelvis. P. ova'lis, an elliptical fossa above the prom- ontory on the inner wall of the tympanum, in the bottom of which appears the fenes- tra ovalis. P., Rob'ert's, an uncommon form of deformili pelvis, the oblii|ue and transverse diameters lieing much dimin- ished. P., ros'trated, malacosteon. P., spondylolisthet'ic : see Spoiidi/lolkthesis. P. supe'rior, false pelvis: see Pilris. P., thom'y: see Acniiihopflis pilvì». P. tri- lo'ba, pseudo-o.stcomalacic pelvis. P., tri- ra'diate, one in which the .«acrum and lumbar vertebriB project inward toward the PEL PEN 307 centre of the brim. P. ve'ra, tiuo pelvis: see I\lrig. Pelvitomie (F.). Pel3Cotomia. Pelycochiroinetre'sis(//.) \_-i/.o^,x^'p, jut-]. IV'lviinctry witli the hand. Pelycog'raphy \jp'i.) [t«/ì)}]. F. pelyco- tomie. Section of the os puliis. Pelyochirometre'sis (L.). Pelvimetry with the hand. Pelycochirometresis. Pelyometre'sis. Pelyeonietresis. Pelzigsein (6^.). Fornication. Pera'mican. A concentrated food com- posed of dried meat and fat. Pem'phigoid. F. pemphigoide ; /. pen- figoide. Kesembling pemphigus. Pem'phigus (/>.) [-^/ipi?]. G. Blasen- ausschlag; /. penfigo. A skin disease cha- racterized by the successive formation of variously sized bulk«, seated on a slightly inflamed base, usually with fever. P. apy- ret'icus, form without fever. P. chron'- icTis mor'ta, pompholyx. P. circina'- tus, firm in which new bulhe rise in cir- cles around an older one. P. diphtherit'- icus, form in which the espo.sed cutis at bases of bulb« is covered witii a whitish- yellow layer. P. diu'tinus, P. vulgaris, in which the attack is prolonged, the erup- tion following in quick succession. P. fo- lia'ceus, form with flaccid bulhe which are only partly filled with fluid. P. hsemor- rhag'icus, form in which the blebs contain bloody fluid. P. hungar'icus, anthrax. P. lepro'sus, the prodromic vesicles of lepra nervorum. P. malig'nus, form in which the blebs are large, form rapidly, and result in ulceration. P. prurigino'sus [Hardy], dermatitis circurascri])ta herpeti- formis [Duhring]. P. veg'etans, first ap- pears as a few blebs, which break, and are followed by warty growths resembling con- dylomata ; it is fatal. P. vulga'ris, pem- phigus. Pemphigusartig (C). Pemphigoid. Pem'phix (//.)■ Pemphigus. Penae'a < /^.). A genus of Penxnci-ai. P. mucrona'ta, L., and P. sarcocoPla, L., small shrmbs growing in central and southern Africa ; exude the peculiar gum resinous substance called sarcocoUa. Pen'cil-flow'er. Stylosauthea elatior, Sw. Pen'cil-wood. Junlpirus communis. L. Pendaison (/•'.). Hanging. Pendin'ski ul'cer or Pend'jeh sore. Alejip" button : see Ulcers, cmleinic. Pen'dulous. Hanging down, dependent. Pene (/.). Penis. Penetra'tion [penetrare]. F. péné- tration ; /. penetrazione. 1. The ])ower of an objective to give good definition of several planes of an object at once. 2. Entrance of the male organ within the labia majora. Proof of penetration is necessary to the establishment of the crime of rape, but it is not essential that the hymen should have been ruptured. Penflgo (/.). Pemphigus. Penicü'li lie'nis (L.). Tufts of fine twigs into which small arteries of the spleen suddenly break up. Penicil'liform. L. penicillatus, peni- cilliformis; F. péiiicillé.ée; G. pinselförmig: 7. peiiicillato. Arranged in a tuft-like or radiate manner. Pénicillium (i.). 1. i^. pinceau. Tuft arising from the radiation of a number of vessels or fibrous structures from a single point. 2. A genus of fungi. Penicil'lus (L.). F. pinceau. A group or pencil of arterioles. Pénien, ienne {F.). I. penieno. Re- lating to the penis. Péniform. F. pénifornie. Penis-shaped. Pénil (F.). Mons A'eneris. Pe'nile. F. pénien, ienne ; /. penieno. Pertaining to the penis. Pe'nis. L. membrum virile ; F. pénis, verge; G. Ruthe ; /. pene, verga. The organ of copulation of the male, composed mainly of erectile tissue arranged in two paired cylinders, the corpora cavernosa, and a third median one, the corpus s])on- giosuiu, surrounding the urethra. P.-bone. //. OS penis ; G. Penisknochen. Ossification found in the corpora cavernosa in many animals. Traces of it are occasionally seen in man. P. cer'ebri, pineal gland. P. femine'us or P. mulie'bris, clitoris. Penis'chisis (/>.) ['^;^u'"]. Fissure of the penis, producing epispadias or hypo- spadias. Penisknochen (G). Penis-bone. Peni'tis. Inflammation of the penis. 308 PEN- PEP Penjdeh ul'cer : see Ukers, fudemic Pennello elettrico (/.)• Klcctrical brush. Pennsylva'nia su 'mach. /iVi »,< gluhm. Pen'nycress. Mithridate mustard, Tldaspi urvtnisc, L. ; used same as mus- tard. Permyroy'al : see Iledeoma. Pen'ny^p^ort. 1. Cotyledon UmhUicus, L. 2 [P. Tnd.]. Hydrocotyle asiatica, L. Pen-palsy. "Writers' palsy or cramp. Pensée sauvage (F.). Viola tricolor. ■Pen'sUe. L- pensilis. Pendeut, hang- ing by a ]iedicle. Pensil'ia ( L.). The male genitals. Pentabro'mide of i'odine : see Iodine bromid). Pentamethylenedi'amine. G. Penta- methyloiidiamin. Cadaverine. Pen 'tane : see .4»!^/ hydride. Pentas'toma. f. pentastome; 7. penta- stoma. A genus of Acaridex. P. con- stric'tum, Siebold, larval form found en- cysted in the liver and lungs; length J inch, width U.l inch. Céphalothorax has 4 foot-claws, abdomen 23 rings. P. den- ticula'tum, Rudolphi, the larval form of Pentastoma txuioides, found encysted in the liver of man. Pen'tene. Amylene. Pentho'rum (/>■). A genus of Crassu- lacese. P. sedoi'des, L., Virginia or ditch stonecrop ; a common North American plant ; used as an astringent in catarrhal affections. Pen'tyl ac'etate. Amyl acetate. Pen'tyl al'cohol. Amylic alcohol. Pe'ony. PiBonia. Peot'omy [-'oc, Tefivw^. L. peotomia. Amputation of the penis. Pepas'tic. F. pépastique ; I. pepastico. Tending to concoct or mature. Pepe (/.). Pepper. P. aromatico, black pepper. P. di Betel, betel. P. bianco, white pejijier. P. cubebe, cubeb. P. della Giammaica, pimento. P. di Guinea or P. d'India, capsicum. P. lungo, long pepper. P. nero, black pep- per. Peperone (/.). Capsicum annuitm, L. Pépie (F.). Pip. Pe'po (7.): see Pumpkin-seed. Pep'per. L. piper ; F. poivre ; G. Pfeffer; 7. pepe. 1. The genus T^/jjer. 2. Black pepper ; the unripe fruit of Piper nil/rum, L. [U. S. P.^ ; a warm carminative stimulant : see also African, A.':hant]. F.. G. Peptotoxine. Poisonous alkaloid extracted from peptonized albumin, disappearing as putrefaction progresses. Per sal'tum (L.). By jump, by jerk ; said of the flow of arterial blood. Pera (/.). Pear. Peraceph'alus (L.) [-'/>«, àzi.). F. perforé; G. durch- bohrt ; 7. perforato. Perforated, a])plied to several structures as follows : P. Casse'rii. 7. perforato di C'asserio. Coraco-brachialis. P. mus'cle. 7^. muscle perforé; I. mus- colo perforato : see Flexor brevis digitorwni pedis and Flexor sìihlimis digitorum. Perfrica'tion. L. perfricatio. Inunc- tion. Perfi'igera'tio (7/). General chill or rigor. Perfumed' spir'it. L- spiritus odora- tus; /'. teinture d'essence de citron compo- sée, eau de Cologne; G. kölnisches Wasser ; 7. acqua di Colonia. An ah'fiholic solution of volatile oils, principally of orange-flowers, lierganiot, lemon, rosemary, and lavender, with sometimes cinnamon, cloves, and or- ange-peel; commonly known b}' the name of Cologne-water. Perfti'sio (/>.). Pouring over, fomen- tation. Perfu'sion can'ula. A double-way cannla. Pergamenaceo (/.). Parchment-like. Pergamenthaut ( G.). Parchment skin ; xeroderma. PER PER 311 Pergamentklemme ( (?.)• Parcbmcnt- like striictui'i'. scleriKleriua. Pergamentknittem (ö). Parchment crcpit;iti(iii. Peri- ["=/':']■ Prefix signifying envelop- iiit; or surrounding. Periadeni'tis [«òr,i.]. Inflammation :u"ouik1 a gland. Perial'gia (7/.) [«7^»^-]. Excessive pain. Peria'nal. F. perianal ; /. pcriaiiale. Around the anus, periproctic. Periangeio'ina(i/.) [àyyCiov]. A growth or tuintu- around a vessel. Periarteri'tis. F. périartórite ; /. peri- arteritide or periarterite. Inflammation of the outer coat or adventilia of an artery, Periarthri'tis [ù'/JO/joy]. Inflammation of the tis.sues around a joint. Periartic'ular. Around a joint. P. car'tilages, circumferential cartilages. Periblast [,î/.a^r»ir]. F. jiériblaste ; /. periblasto. The substance surrounding the cell-nncleus. Péribléma {F.). Outer coating. Periblep'sis {L.) \_ß/.l-oi\. F. périblep- sie ; 7. periblessia. Staring wildly around. Periboricus(2/.) [-i//:,5"/r,]. Surround- ing, encasing. Peribronchi'tis [,?^»;-/»s']. Inflamma- tion of the cellular tissue around the bron- chi. Peribro'sis (X.) [-£/)r,î/««rt-!s-]. Ulcera- tion at the corners of the eyelid,s. Pericse'cal. Surrounding the cœcum. Pérical {F.). Madura foot. Péricarde (F.). Pericardium. P. fi- breux, external or fibrous layer of peri- cardium. P. séretix, internal serous layer of j)ericardium. Pericar'diac [-=-,"'', napHifi]. F. péri- cardiaque ; /. jiericardiaco. Relating to the pericardium. P. ar'teries. L. arteriae pericardiac;e. Small ofl^sets derived from internal mammary and from aorta. P. pleu'ra, mediastinal pleura. P. veins. L. venjB pericardiac;«. Small branches collecting blood from pericardium, and dis- charging into superior vena cava. Pericardiaco - phren'ic ar'teries. Branches of internal mammary, supplying the diajiliragm and jiericardium. Pericar'dial. I'ertaining to the peri- cardium. Pericardialhöhle (G.). Cavity of peri- cardium. Pericardico (/.). Pericardiac. Pericardio (/). Pericardium. Pericar'dio-pleu'ral cav'ity. G. Hals- hohle. That ])art of tiie body-cavity which in the embryo extends into the neck. Pericardiopneumato'sis {L.). Efl"u- sion cjf air in tlie pericardium. Pericar'dio-thyroi'deus {L.). Mus- cular bundle running from outer surface of pericardium to body of thyroid glaiul, re- garded as an independent fascicle of the sterno-thyroid. Peiicardi'tic. L. pericarditicus. Per- taining to pericarditis. Pericardi 'tis. F. pericardite ; G. Herz- beutelentzündung ; 7. pericardite. Inflam- mation of the pericardium. Pericar'dium. {L.). /^.péricarde; G. Herzbeutel ; 7. pericardio. The double membranous sac enclosing the lieart. con- sisting of an external or fibrous laj'er and an internal or serous layer, reflected over the surface of that organ and united inti- mately with its sub,stance. P. exter'num, parietal portion of pericardium. P. inter'- num or P. viscera'le, visceral portion of pericardium. Pericementi'tis. Periodontitis. Pericephal'ic ar'tery. External caro- tid arterj'. Péricérébrite (7^). Polyparesis [Bru- nei], Pericholecysti'tis [xf'"'-';, ^fV-tf]. 7^. péricholécystite. Inflammation around the gall-bladder. Perich'olus (L.) [/^"^-)j]. Very bilious. Perichondri'tis [/"kJ/xij], 7^, péri- chondrite ; G. Knorpelhautentzündung ; /, perieondrite. Inflammation of perichon- drium. Perichon'drium (7^.). F. périchondre ; G. Knorpelhaut ; 7. pericondrio. The fibro- vascular membrane which surrounds a car- tilage and serves for its nutrition. Périchondrome (7^.). Tumor of peri- chondrium. Perichoroi'dal space. G. Pericho-- roidalraum. A lymph-space between the chcjroid and sclerotic coats of the eve. Perich'risis (7/.) [//>!'"']• Inunction, liniment. Pericistite (7.). Pericy.stitis. Peric'lasis (//.) [xAriff!?]. F. jiériclase ; /. pendasi. Fracture with comminution. 312 PER PER Pericne'mius (A.) [/^yjij]. Pertaining to the leg or tibia. Pericoloni'tis [/ó/J.'-v]. Inflauiiuatiun of the ti.-sues around the colon. Pericolpi'tis [/'i/roc]. /'. péricolpite ; /. j>oricericranium. Pericraniœde'ma (L.) ["Ffîij.aa]. Œde- ma of the pericranium. Pericrani'tis [-^/'i', z/yavt'ui-]. F. péri- cranite ; G. Schädelhautontziindung. In- flammation of the pericranium. Pericra'nium (L.). F. péricnlne ; /. pericranio. Periosteum of external sur- face of cranium. Péricyste (F.). The layer of tissue surrounding the sac of cystic tumors. Pericysti'tis [/cWris-]. F. péricystite ; /. (lerieistite. Inflammation around the bladder. Pericystomati'tis. Inflammation of the surrounding coat or membrane of an ovarian cystoma. Peridecto'mia (7^.). Removal of a band of conjunctiva from around the base of the cornea ; peritomy. Péridentaire {F.). Surrounding the teeth. Peridenti'tis. Periodontitis. Periderse'a (L.) [^iiifia']. The coiling of the cord round the neck of the foetus. Peridesmi'tis ['îrrr//'iç]. Inflammation of the fieridesmium. Perides'mium ( L.) ['ks-uó^-]. Areolar tissue sheathing a ligament. Peridid'ymis ['ìiVìo,««?]. F. pérididyme ; /. (lerididimo. Tunica albuginea. Perididsrmi'tis. F. pérididymite ; /. perididimite. Inflammation of the peri- didymis. Periencephali'tis. F. périencé]ihalite ; /. ))erionccfalite. Inflammation of tlie pia mater and superficial layer of the l)raiu. Perienteri'tis [I'-^ts/xi-^']. Inflammation of the subperitoneal cellular tissue around the intestine. ! Perien'teron (Z.) [zvt^/kj-^']. The primi- tive ]ierivisceral cavity. Periepatite or Periepatitide (/.). Peri- hepatitis. Périer's opera'tion. Removal of in- verted uterus by elastic ligature. Periferico (/.). Perijiheral. Periflebite (/.). Periphlebitis. Periganglii'tis [^a;->-/!»!/]. Inflamma- tion of the cyst-wall of a ganglion. Perigastri'tis [^-a-rri;/»]. Inflammation of the peritoneal coat of the stomach. Periglot'tis ( L.) [yMhrra']. F. péri- glotte ; y. periglottide. Kjiidermis of the tongue. Perihepati'tis [';-«/']. F. périhépatite ; I. periepatite. Inflammation of the perito- neum covering the liver. Perikardisch (G.). Pericardic. Perilaryngi'tis. Inflammation of the cellular tissue around the larynx. Per'üjrmph. F. périlymjihe ; G. Peri- lymphe ; /. perilinfa. The fluid which sur- rounds the membranous labyrinth. Peril3nnphangei'tis. Inflammation of the tissue ariiunil a Ivmjihatic. Peril ymphan'gial nod'ules. Lym- phoid cells develo]>ed around lymphatic ves- sels. Perimad'arous [ao'îa^/«,-]. L. peri- madarus. Term applied to spreading ul- ceration of the skin. Perimeningi'tis. Pachymeningitis. Perim'eter [-ï/«'. fiérpa^'j. F. périmètre ; /. ]ierimetro. 1. Circumference. 2. An instrument for measuring the visual field. Perimefric. Pertaining to perimetry. Perimetri'tis. F. périmétrite ; /. peri- metrite. Inflammation of tissues around the uterus ; pelvic peritonitis. Perimetro (/.). Perimeter. Perim'etry. The measuring of the visual field. Perimy'elis ( L.) [/iuî-i'lç]. Medullary membrane of Ijone. Perimyeli'tis. Spinal meningitis. Perimysii'tis [/^vç]. Inflammation of the )icrimysiiiin. Perimy'sium [-î/]. /'. périnéoplastie ; G. Perineoplastik ; /. peri- neoplastia. Operation for restoring the ruptured perineum, when performed after involution has taken place, and the sur- faces of the fissure must be freshened or denuded before they are sewed together. Perineor'rhaphy [."'/y'l;]. F. péri- néorrhaphie ; U. Perineoraphie ; /. peri- neorrafia. The operation of suturing the ruptured perineum. Perineosyn'thesis [^^''ryffsmc]. Langen- beck's operation for ruptured perineum, in which a flap of mucous membrane is taken from the vagina to cover the new perineum. Perineph'ric [-£/);', vre.oó?]. F. péri- néphriijue. Around the kidney. Perinephrit'ic. F. périnéphritique ; /. perinefritico. Pertaining to perinephritis. Perinephri'tis [^;ç',""v]. F. périné- phrite ; 7 periiiefrite. Inflammation of the cellular tissue around the kidney. Perine'um ["/«v;«»!']. L. regio uro- genitalis ; F. périnée ; G. Mittelfleisch. Damm ; I. ]ierineo. That region of the body corresponding to the outlet of the pelvis in front of the anus, and limited laterally bj- the tuberosities of the isch- ium. Perinetiri'tis [•>;D/)"-.']. F. névrilémite or périnévrite : /. perinevrite. Inflamma- tion of the neurilemma. Perineu'rium (L.). F. périnèvre ; /. perineurio. The special connective-tissue sheath of a di.stinct bundle of nerve-fibres. PérinéAmte (F.). Perineuritis. Perinyc'tis (L.) [i-'c]. Epinyctis. Perioc'ular space. That between the eyeliall and the orbit. Periodeu'tic \j:;p:(i3:')iu]. Pertaining to a ]ieriodcnta or perambulating quack. Periodic or Period'ical fe'ver. Ma- larial fever. 314 PER PER Period'ical. F. périodique, ale ; G. jie- riddiseh ; J. ]ieriodicü. Appearing at stated times. Periodic'ity \_-î/H(iSiiç]. F. périodicité ; G. I'eriodieität ; /. periodicità. Tendency to recur at definite intervals or periods. Periodinia (/.). I'eriodynia. Periodisches Fieber (G.). Intermit- tent tV'vor. Periodon'tal mem'brane. Periosteum of alveolii.s ut' a tooth. Periodonti'tis [f;<5'"''j]. F. périodontite ; /. périodontite. Tnflaiiiniation of the perio- dontal or alveolo-dental membrane ; alveolar )ieri(jstitis. Periodon'tium (L.). Periodontal mem- brane. Period'oSCOpe [-£,oi"'î"Ç, rrxoTreTv]. A dial invented by Tyler Smith to assist in the jiredietion of the day of labor. Pe'riods. Menses. Periodyn'ia (i/.) [-e/o:, òlìmr^. F. pé- riodynie ; /. periodinia. 1. Violent, wide- spread pain. 2. Cardialgia. Periœsophagi'tis. Inflammation of the cellular ti.ssue surrounding the œ.sophagus. Périone (/''■). I- perionio. Decidua. Perioöph'oric. Surrounding the ovary. PeriOptometrie (6r.). Testing the pe- ripheric or indirect vision by measuring the field of sight, as by the use of a perim- eter, q. V. Perior'bital mem'brane. L., I. peri- orbita ; F. périorbite. The fibrous mem- brane lining the orbit, constituting the pe- riosteum of the bony wall and bridging over the fissures. Periorbi'tis. Inflammation of the peri- osteum of the orbit. Periorchi'tis [i',"/;^']- F. périorchite ; /. periorchite. Inflammation of the tunica vaginalis testis. Periost (G.). Periosteum. Périoste (F.). Periosteum. ■ Perios'teal. F. periosteal, ale ; J. peri- osteale. Relating to the periosteum. Périostéique (F.). T. periosteieo. Pe- riosteal. Périostéite (F.). Periostitis. Periosteo'ma (L.) [(iör/i/y]. Periosteal tumor. Périostéo-médullite (F.). I. periosteo- midollitc. Combined periostitis and medul- litis. Periosteopby'ma (L.) [yù/^/a]. 1. Swelling of the jieriostcum. 2. Perioste- ophyte. Perios'teophyte [v'mt^v]. /'. iiériosté- ophytc ; 7. jieriosteofito. A bony growth from periosteum. Periosteot'omy [^uirridv, to/ìjj]. F. jiériostéotomie ; J. periosteotomia. Incision of periosteum. Perios'teum (L.) ['J^t/kv]. F. pério.ste ; 6'. ISeinliaut ; /. jieriostio. A fibro-vascular memljrane which surrounds the bones and aft'ords them nutrition. P. den'tis, jierio- dontium. P., inter'nal, medullary mem- brane of bone. P. or'bitse, jieriorbital membrane. Periostio ( /.). Periosteum. Periostite (F.). Periostitis. P. albu- mineuse, subacute form occurring in youth, usually near a joint. Characterized by the presence of a greenish-yellow fluid contain- ing metalbumin and paralbumin, with j)hos- phate and carbonate of lime. Periosti'tis. /'.periostite; C Knochen- hautenzündung ; 7. periostite. Inflamma- tion of ]ieriosteum. Periosto'ma (7>.). A bony growth around a bone. Periosto'sis (L.) [-r/)t".TT£i!, "5ç]. F. périotique ; /. periotico. About or around the ear. P. por'tion, pctro-mastoid portion of tempo- ral bone. Peripachymening'i'tis [-a;f'''9, menin- gitis]. Purulent inflammation of the con- nective tissue between the dura mater and the vertebrae. Per'i-pe'nial mus'cle. F. muscle pé- ripénien. Name given by Sa]i]>ey to the dartos-like envelope of smooth muscular fibres surrounding the penis. Periphaci'tis [fax-if]. Supposed in- flainiuation ol' the capsule of the lens. Periph'erad. Toward the perijiheral as]>ect. Periph'eral. 7^. périphéricpie ; 7. peri- ferico. Pertaining to the circumference or outer surface. P. ansesthe'sia, cutaneous anesthesia. P. as'pect, aspect toward the circumference of an organ. P. lay'er. G. Deckschiehte. Outer portion of molecular layer of cortex of brain, eom]iosed entirely of medullated nerve-fibres. P. veins, inter- lobular veins. PER PER 315 Peripher'ic lin'ear extrac'tion. Modi- fied liiioar extrai'tiiiii. Periphimo'sis (/>■)■ Paraphimosis. Periphlebi'tis [ç/.;(,'']- -/■'■ périphlébite ; /. periflebite. Inflammation of the exter- nal coat of a vein. Periplast. Periblast. Peripleuri'tis. Inflammation of the tis- sue between the costal [ileura and the ribs, often terminating in abscess. In many cases it is due to actinomycosis. Perip'loca (//■)■ A genus of Ascle- piadese.. P. emet'ica. Hetz., llrmùlmmus indicHS, R. Br. P. in'dica, Willd., ILiiii- desinux im/iciis, R. Br. Perip'lysis (L.) [-/.v]. F. péripyème ; /. peripiema. Suppuration around a part or organ . Peripylephlebi'tis [-'^/.)j. çv.=\'']. In- flammation of the tissue surrounding the ]>ortal vein. Per isalpingi 'tis [!(Tr///(u]. L. peri- staltieus ; /'. péristalti(|ue ; G. peristaltisch ; / peristaltico. Pertaining to peristalsis. Peristaphyli'nus (/>.) ['rrayu/);]. F. pérista]iliylin ; /. |icristafilino. Around '.ari)/.rj~\. Peristaltic move- ment. Peristro'ma (L.) [^irr/jw/ia]. F. péri- stroma. The mucous coat of the intes- tines. Perisys'tole iTurrraXrj']. /'.perisystole; /. perisistole. Interval between systole and diastole of heart. Perit'asis (L.) [-;//;rar7.'c]. Extension or swelling in all directions. Peritendin'eum (//.). The loose cap- sule or sheath of connective tissue sur- rounding tendons, and containing blood- vessels, lym]>hatics, and nerves. Perithorac'ic. F. périthoracique ; /. peritoracico. Around the thorax. Peritiflite (/.). Perityphlitis. Perito (/.). Expert. Péritoine (F.). Peritoneum. Perit'omy. F. péritomie ; /. peritomia. Circumcision, especially of the cornea. Peritoneeal'gia (L.) [Tz^ptruvia, lUyni]. F. péritonéalgie ; /. peritonealgia. Perito- neal neuralgia. Peritone'al [-roird^atoc]. F. peritoneal, ale; 7. peritoneale. Belonging to the peri^ toneum. P. cav'ity. i. cavum |)eritonei; F. cavité peritoneale ; G. Peritonealhöhle : /. cavità peritoneale. The space included by the layers of the peritoneum : see also Sacs of the peritoneum. P. fe'ver, peri- tonitis. P. fos'sœ : see Ahdomino-vesi- cal poiirh, C^cit/ fossa, Duoiknal-jejunat recess, J/'O-atcal fossx. liif/iiina/ fosspc, In- tersigmoiil fossa, J'ara-recln! poìic/i, Para- vesical pouches, Ricto-Viiijiiiai pouch, Rato- 316 PER PER vesicdl pouch, Subcxcal /ossa, and Visicu- uteriiie jiouili. Peritoneo (/). Peritoneum. Peritoneoc 'lysis (/..) [z/fW.-s-]. Injec- tion uf fluids into the peritoneal cavity. Peritone'um ( L.) [TTö/crit'xu]. i'. péri- toine ; (/. Bauchfell ; /. peritoneo. The most extensive and complicated of the se- rous membranes, being the lining of the abdominal portion of the cwlom or body- cavity. It api)ears a.s a thin sheet com- ]>osed of endothelial cells, its parietal por- tion s)iread over the interior of the abdomi- nal wall, its visceral portion reflected over the abdominal and pelvic viscera, forming complicated folds and processes, known as omenta, mesenteries, and ligaments of vari- ous organs. P. parietale, parietal por- tion of peritoneum. P. viscerale, visce- ral portion of peritoneum. Péritonisme {F-)- Peritoneal neurosis simulating peritonitis. Péritonite C^')- Peritonitis. P. géné- rale, ]K'ritoMÌtis involving the entire perito- neum. P. partielle, peritonitis involving a part of the iioritoneum. P. puerpérale des femmes en couches, puerperal peri- tonitis. P. puerpérale des nouveau-nés, an affection of infants with symptoms re- sembling ]ieritonitis. Peritonite or Peritonitide (/.). Peri- tonitis. P. puerpérale, puerperal perito- nitis. Peritoni'tis [-^/l'-mam^']. F. péritonite ; G. Bauchfelleiitzüiidung ■; /.peritonite. In- flammation of the peritoneum. Perityphli'tis [-:,":', ruç']. F. péri- typhlite; /. peritiflite. Inflammation of the connective tissue aro\ind the CjBcum and vermiform appendix. Periu'terine. F. péri-utérin, ine ; /. peri-uterino. Around the uterus. Perivas'cular. F. périvasculaire. Around a vessel. P. canals', conduits formed by the j)ia mater around the vessels of the brain. P. lymphat'ics, lymphatic vessels or plexuses ensbeatliing bluod-ves- sels. P. sheath, the sheath of pia mater forming a jierivasi-ular canal. P. spa'ces. G. ]ierivasculare Räume : see JJiss perivas- cular spaerà and Vlrclmw-Robin' s spticr. Perivasculi'tis. Inflammation of the perivascular sheaths, applied especially to the retinal blood-vessels. P. specifica, form due to specific bacteria or their prod- ucts, as in tuberculosis, glanders, or lep- rosy. Perivis'ceral. F. perivisceral, ale. Around the viscera. Perivi tel 'line space. Space left be- tween the zona pellucida and the vitellus, when the latter shrinks. Per'iwinkle. /'. iiervenchc ; G. Sinn- griin ; 1. ]ierviiiea. 'I'ln' common name for plants of the genus Vim-n. Perizo'ma {L.) \j:tii:'\. io'nes (L.) [zeiryaj. Chil- blain. Pemocta'tio (L.). Insomnia. Pero (/.). I'ear-tree. Perobra'chius (L.) [->;/)"«•, idpayim.'']. Wanting arms, or much malformed as to the arms Perocefalia (/.). Malformation of the head. Peroceph'alus (L.) [-r^/jnç, xe^'a/i;']. F. pérocéphale ; /. perocefalo. A monster with defective formation of the head. Perochi'rus (L.) [/si//]. Having a malformed hand. Perocor'mus (/>.) [/»/(.a»?]. Having a deformed body, due to the absence of one or more vertebne. Perodactyl'eus (L.) ISâxTuhiç]. Flexor longus digit! jnim pedis. Perodac'tylus (L., G.). Malformed as to the lingers. Perodyn'ia {L.) [o'îf'^i-rj. Cardialgia. Pero'ma {L.) [înj/xu.aa]. Paralysis. Peromel'ia (X.). Malformations of the limbs. Perom'elus {L.) [i:r^//oç, ////,"ç]. F. péromèle ; /. peroraelo. A monster with imperfectly formed limbs. Peronœ'us (//.) : see Pemieiis. Peronarthro'sis (L.). Saddle-joint. Per'one (//.). F. pC-roné. Fibula. Péroné cannelé (F.). Fibula deeply grooved at insertion of peroneal muscles, believed by Broca to be characteristic of certain prehistoric races. Perone'al [-./^-«v/J. F. peronier, ière ; /. peroneo. Pertaining to the fibula. P. ar'tery. L- arteria peronea; F. artère péroniire ; (t. Wadenbcinarterio ; /. arteria peronea. Uraneh of posterior tibial Iving deeply along the back of the leg close to the tilmla. It divides into anterior and posterior peroneal, just above the ankle. Tile former passes forward to anastomose with the anterior tibial ; the latter passes down to join the arterial network about the ankle. P. bone, fibula. P. commu'ni- cating nerve, liranch from external pop- liteal which joins the short saphenous nerve. P. groove. L. sulcus peronei. That in which the tendon of the peroneus longus lies, on the outer and under surface of the cuboid bone. P. mus'cles : see Pcmiiens hirrix, Fermieiis loiii/us, and I'eruiiiiis fi rtiii.<. P. nerve, external popliteal nerve. P. ridge or P. spine, //.processus infraniaiieoiaris. Ixidge separating grooves for tendons of the peroneal muscles on outer surface of ealca- neum. P. veins, accompan}' artery of same name, discharging into posterior tibial. Peronedactyl'ius (L.). Flexor longus digitorum ]iedis. Peroneo (/.). Peroneal. P. anteriore, peroneus tertius. P. laterale corto, pe- roneus brevis. P. laterale lungo or P. laterale maggiore, peroneus longus. P. piccolo, peroneus brevis. P. terzo, pe- roneus tertius. Perone 'o-calca'neus inter'nus (L.). Accessorius ad aeeessorium. Péronéo-dactyHen (F.). I. peroneo- dattileo. Flexor longus digitorum pedis. Péronéo-maUéolaire (F.). I. peroneo- malleolare. External saphenous vein. Peroneo-sotto-tarsiano (/.). Flexor longus hallucis. Péronéo-sous-phalangettien du gros orteil (F.). J. peroneo-sotto-falangettiano del pollice. Flexor longus hallucis [Chaus- sier]. Péronéo-sous-tarsien(/'.). /. peroneo-* sotto-tarsico. Peroneus longus [Chaussier]. Péronéo-sus-méta tarsien (F.). I. pe- roneo-sopra-metatarsico. 1. Peroneus bre- vis. 2. Peroneus tertius. Peroneo - sus - métatarsien f grand) (/'.). Peroneus brevis [('haussier]. Péronéo-sus-métatarsien Cpetit) (i^.). Peroneus tertius [Chaussier]. Péronéo-sus-phalangettien commun (F.). I. peroneo-sopra-falangcttiano co- mune. ILxtensor longus digitorum pedis [Chaussier]. Péronéo-sus-phalangettien du pre- 318 PER PER mier orteil (^')- /■ peroneo-sopra-f;il;in- gettiaiKi dt'l pollice. Kstensor jiroprius hal- lucis [('haussier], Peroneo - tibi - sopra - falangettiano (/.). Extensdi- longus digitorum pedis. Peroneo-tibialis {L.). F. peroneo-tibi- al ; 1. peroiieo-tibiale. I'ronator tibiae. Perone'um (L.) [r:tj,ó-,r^']. Fibula. Perone'us (L.). Peroneal. P. acces- so'rius, a|i|iarentl3' a t'luni of the peroneus quinti digiti, /y. v. P. ante'rior or P. an'- ticus, peroneus brevis. P. bre'vis. /'. court jiéronier latéral ; G. kurzer Waden- muskel ; y. corto peroneo-laterale. Muscle of outer side of leg arising from the fibula ; its tendon passes behind external malleolus to be inserted in base of metatarsale V. It usually sends a tendinous slip forward from this insertion to join the extensor tendon for little toe. P. lon'gTis. F. long péronicr latéral ; U. langer Wadenbeinmuskel ; /. lungo peroneo laterale. 1. Muscle of outer side of leg arising from the fibula and de- veloping a tendon which passes behind the external malleolus, around the outer .side of the foot, and across the sole, lying in the peroneal groove and inserted into cunei- forme I. and metatarsale I. 2. Also the pero- neus quinti digiti. P. me'dius. 1. Pero- neus brevis. '1. Peroneus quinti digiti. P. pos'ticus or P. pri'raus, peroneus longus. P. pos'ticus bre'vis, peroneus brevis. P. pos'ticus lon'gus, peroneus longus. P. quar'tus, apjiarently a form of the pero- neus quinti //«]. A monster with an imperfectly developed body. Perosplanch'nica {L.) [Ayy^ir^'\. Malformations of the viscera. Perossido (/.). Peroxide. P. di ferro idrato, ferric oxyhydrate. P. d'idrogeno, hydrogen peroxide. Perox'ide. L. peroxidum ; F. peroxyde ; G. llyperoxyd ; /. perossido. That one of a series of oxides of the same base which contains the most oxygen. P. of hy'drogen, hydrogen peroxide. P. of i'ron [B. P.], ferric oxyhydrate. P. of man'ganese, manganese dioxide. P. of mer'cury, mercuric oxide. Perox'idum (/-.). Peroxide. Peroxyde {F.). Peroxide. P. de fer, ferric oxyhydrate. P. d'hydrogène, hy- drogen peroxide. Perpendic'tilar line of til'na. A ridge on the posterior surface separating attach- ment of extensor carpi ulnaris from that of supinator brevis and the extensors of the tlmnib and index finger. Perpendic'ular plate. L. lamina per- pendiciilaris ; /'. lame perpendiculaire ; G. senkrechte Platte; J. lamina perpendicolare. The central, vertical portion of the ethmoid, a thin lamina of bone on the median line, separating the nasal fossa\ It is ossified separately. Perpendicula'ris exter'nus lin'guae (//.). An intrinsic muscle of the tongue, composed of vertical fibres wliich pass downward, forming curves with the con- cavity outward [Zaglas]. Perplica'tion [/^. per. plicare]. Draw- PER PER 319 ing the end of a cut artery tlirounh an in- cision in the side of the vessel near the end, thus everting the distal portion. Per'ry. F. poire; G. Birnmost; /. sidro di pera. The fermented juice of the pear. Per'ry Springs. Saline, sulphuretted, and chalybeate waters, I'ike Co., Illinois. Per'sea (/>.)• F- persée. A genus of Laurineœ. P. gratis'sima, (l»rtn., avo- cado or alligator pear, native of West In- dies and tropical America ; fruit edible and highly esteemed ; leaves and bark said to be antiperiodic. P. Sas'safras, Spreng., Sassfi/ids oßiciiialu. Nées. Per'sian. Pertaining to, or coming from, Persia. P. bal'sam, compound tincture of benzoin. P.-ber'ries. F. graines d'Adrianople. The fruit of liham- niis amyijdalina, Desf., and of other species of Ä. ; furnish a yellow dye used in the arts. P. fire, anthrax. P. in'sect-pow'- der, powdered flowers of Fi/rethnim roseian and Pyrethrum carneum, Bieb. ; used for killing insects. P. man'na. F. manne de Perse. A saccharine exudation from HedyMtrinn Alhdgi, Pall., resembling man- na ; used in India and Persia. P. o'piura, opium from the poppy grown in Persia. It is variable in quality, and is used only by the manufacturing chemist in the prepa- ration of opium alkaloids. P. pel'litory. F. pyrèthre du Caucase ; G. persischer Bertram. Pj/rethrum roseum and P. car- iieum. Bieb. ; the powdered flowers are known as Persian insect-powder. P. ul'- cer : see i'lcers, endemic. Per'sica {L.). 1. Peach. 2. A genus of Romcex. P. vulga'ris, DC., peach- tree, native of China, cultivated in tem- ' perate climates ; the leaves and flowers are official ; the young branches, leaves, flowers, and seeds yield, after maceration in water, a volatile oil identical with oil of bitter almonds. Persica 'ria (Z/.). Polyqonnm persicaria, L. Per'sicus ig'nus (L.). Anthrax. Persil (F.). Parsley. Persim'mon. The fruit of Diospyros virginiaiia, L. ; edible when fully ripe, very astringent when unripe: see also (jhi- Jie.te and Japunest prrsimtnoii. Persischer Bertram (G.). Persian pellitory. Persisches Feuer (.)■ Bloody sweating. Persul'phate of mer'cury. Mercuric sulphate. Persulta'tio ( L.'). Profuse perspiration. Perte de connaissance (F.). Loss of consciousness ; '■ fainting-fit." Pertes blanches [F.). Leucorrhuea. Pertes rouges (F.). Menses. Pertosse (/.). Pertussis. Perturba'tion. L. perturbatio ; G. Störung ; /. perturbazione. Disturbance of normal function. Pertus'sis {L.'). Whooping cough. Peru Balsam (G.). Balsam of Peru. Peru'vian bark. Cinchona. Peru'vian ipecacuan'ha. Striated or black ipecacuanha ; the root of P.vjchotrin emetica, Metis; contains emetine; occasion- ally appears in commerce as a substitute for the official ipecac. PervenchefF.) Periwinkle. P. grande, Vinco major, L. P. petite, T7//rr( mlnur, L. Perver'sion. L. perversio ; G. Verderb- niss, A'erkehrheit ; /. perversione. Changing from good to bad; depravation. Perversione morale (/.). Moral in- .sanity. Pervigü'ium (/>.)■ Morbid sleepless- ness. Pervinca (/.). Periwinkle. P. mag- giore, Vinca major, L. P, minore, Vinca viinor, L. 320 PES PET Pes (-^)- The foot. P. accesso'rius, emiueiitia coUateralis. P. anseri'nus fas'- cise la'tse. F. patte d'oie ; G. Giinsofuss der Sclionkelbinde. Radiating bands formed by the insertion of the sartorius. gracilis, and seniitendinosus on the inner side of the knee. P. anseri'nus ma'jor. L. plexus parotideus ; F. plexus sous-jiarotidien ; G. Gänsefus.sgoflecht. I'lexus formed by in- terlacement of branches of facial nerve in the substance of parotid gland and (Jii side of face. P. anseri'nus mi'nor, infraor- bital plexus. P. anseri'nus ner'vi me- dia 'ni, plexus anserinus nervi mediani. P. calcan'eus, talipes calcaneus. P. ca'vus, talipes cavus. P. coro'nse radia'tae, foot of the corona radiata. P. equi'nus, talipes equinus. P. Fabric'itans, elephantiasis cruris. P. hippocam'pi ma'jor. F. pied d'hippocampe; G. grosser Seepferdefuss; /. grande piede d'ipi)ocampo. The enlarged extremity of the hippocampus major. It is indented on its edge, and has a slight re- semiilance to an animal's paw. P. hippo- cam'pi mi'nor, hippocampus minor. P. olfacto'rius [Wilder], inner fibrous layer of the olfactory lobe. P. pedun'culi, crusta. P. val'gns, talipes valgus. P. va'rus, talipes varus. Pesa-latte (/.). Galactometer. Pesanteur de tête {Fl). Sense of weight in the head. Pesca (/.). Peach. Pesco, peach-tree. Pèse-bébé (F.). Instrument for weigh- ing newly-born children. Pèse-lait {F.). Galactometer. Pesogne (F.). Phlegmon of the foot in domestic animals. Pessaire {F.). Pessary. P. à res- sorts, spring pessary. Pessaire-levier (F.). Lever pessary. Pes'sary [-j^T^r»^]. L. pessarium ; F. pessaire; G. i^lutterkranz ; /. pessario. An instrument introduced into the vagina to be worn to correct or alleviate malpositions of the womb. Pesse (F.). Abies exetha, Poir. Pessi'ma {L.). A skin disease, the le- sions of which are hard, brownish-yellow pustules, surrounded by inflammatory are- olx, covering the entire body and producing a checkerboard appearance [Berghl. Pest. L. pestis ;/".,/. peste. Pestilence, the plague. Pest (Ö.). Pestilence; — ähnlich or — artig, pestilential ; — beule, plague- sore; — blatter, plague-pustule; — dunst, pestilential vajior, miasm ; — essig, aro- matic vinegar; — fleber, pestilential fever; — flecken, plague-spot ; — geschwulst, plague-boil or bubo; — gift, ]iestilontial virus; — luft, pestilential air; — mittel, remedy for the jilague ; — Ordnung, sani- tary regulation during ])estilence ; — stoff, pestilential matter or virus ; — zeit, plague- time. Peste {F.). Plague, pestilence. P. bovine, cattle-plague. P. à bubons, plague. P. d'Orient, plague. Peste (/.). I'estilence, plague. P. bovina, cattle-plague. P. dall' oriente, Jilague. Pestich'ise or Pestic'iee (//.). Pete- chi;e. Pestiferous. F. pestifere ; /. pestifero. Tending to produce pestilence. Pes'tilence. L. pestilentia ; G. Pesti- lenz ; 1. pestilenza. A malignant epidemic disease, especially the plague. Pes'tüence-'weed. Pctasites vulgaris, Desf. ; leaves detergent, flowers diaphoretic, root vermifuge. Pestüen'tial. L. pestilentialis ; F. pestilentiel, elle ; G. pestilenzialisch ; /. pestilenziale. Pertaining to, or causing, pestilence. P. fe'ver. F. fièvre pesti- lentielle; /. febbre pestilenziale. Malig- nant fever, generally typhus fever. Pestilenz (G.). Pestilence. Pestiloch'ia (/>■). Aristaìocìiia Serpen- taiid. Pes'tis (L.). Pest, plague ; a destruc- tive epidemic. P. america'na, yellow fever. P. bel'lica, tyiihus. P. bovil'la, rinderpest. P. britan'nica, sweating sick- ness. P. bubona'ria orienta'lis or P. inguina'ria, plague. P. ni'gra, black death. P. orienta'lis, jilague. Pes'tle. L. pistilliim ; /•'. jiilon ; G. Stossel ; /. pestello. The instrument used to pound with in a mortar. Peta'la (/..). Petals. P. rhcea'des, red-poppy petals. P. ro'sse, pale rose. P. ro'see gal'licse, red rose. Pet'als [r^ra/oi']. L. petala ; F. pétales ; G. Blumenblatter; /. petali. The leaves of the corolla of a flower. Pete'chiae (/>.). F. pótéchies ; G. Pete- chien or Peteschen ; /. petecchie. Small red or purplish spots on the skin, like those caused by flea-bites. P. si'ne fe'bre, pur- pura. PET PET 321 Pete'chial. F. petechial, ale ; /. petec- chiale. Relatincr to, resembling, or accom- panied by. petechia. P. fe'ver. 1. Ty- phus fever. 2. Cerebro-spinal fever. P. fever of the hog, rothlauf. P. scur'vy, purjiura, Petechialtyphus (6'.). Typhus fever. Petechiano'sis {L.) [voo-o^]. F. pété- chianose ; /. peteechianosi. 1. Formation of petechise ; purpura hämorrhagica. 2. Typhus. Petechien ( G.). Petechia;. Pe'tersen's bag. A rubber bag to be introduced into the rectum, and distended during suprapubic lithotomy. Petersilie (&'•)■ Parsley. PetersLlien-Camphor ((?.)■ Parsley camphor. Peteschen (G.). Petechiœ. Petic'ulae (/>.). Petechiae. Peti'go (/>■) Impetigo. Peti'olus epiglot'tidis (i.). The lower narrow end of the epiglottis. Peti'olus mal'lei (/-.). Handle of the malleus. Pet'it, can'al of L. canalis Petiti ; F. canal de Petit ; G. Petit'scher Canal ; /. canale di Petit. A sacculated passage en- circling the lens of the eye, lying within the two layers of the suspensory ligament. Petit, ite {F.). Little. P. casse [Cod.], a kind of purging cassia, smaller than Cassia fistula, the fruit of Cassia moschatd, HBK. P. chêne, Teucrinm Chamsedrys. P. chiendent, Triticum n-- ptns. P. chirurgie, minor surgery. P. ciguë, fool's parsley. P. houx, Rusrus aciJfatus, L. P. h37poglosse, lingual nerve. P. hystérie, mild form of hys- teria. P. lit français, labor-bed. P. mal, mild form of epilepsy. P. mauve, Mdim rotundifoUa. L. P. molaire, bicuspid tooth. P. oblique, inferior obli(|ue muscle. P. racine, motor root of fifth nerve. P. sympathique, pneumogastric nerve. P. vérole, small]iox. Petit-lait {F.). Whey. P.-l. alumi- neux, alum whey. P.-l. de Weiss, Doc- tor Weiss's whey. Petites lèvres {F.^. Labia minora. Petits grains {F. ). Orange-berries. Petit's opera 'tion. G. Petit'scbe Herni- otomie. Herniotomy without opening the sac. Pétreux, euse (/^. ). Petrous. Vol.. II.— 21 Pétrissage {F.). Kneading; an opera- tion in massage. Pe'tro -bas'ilar fls'sure. L. fissura petro-basilaris. A narrow, irregular space at the base of the skull, between the petrous portion of the temporal bone and the basilar process of the occipital 4- body of the sphe- noid on the other ; filled during life by the basilar fibro-cartilage. Pe'tro-hy'oid mus'cle. An aberrant form of the stylo-hyoid in which it ari.ses from the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Petrola'tum (Z.). F. pétroléine ; G. Vaselin. I'etroleum ointment ; the purified residue after distilling ofi" the lighter and more volatile portions from American pe- troleum [U. S. P.]. A yellowish, fluorescent, amorphous, tasteless, odorless, neutral, fat- like mass, melting at 40° to 51° C, insol- uble in water, soluble in ether, chloroform, carbon bisulphide, oil of turpentine, ben- zin, benzol, and in the fixed and volatile oils. Protective ; used in pharmacy as a substitute for lard. Pétrole {F.). Petroleum. Pétroléine {F.). Petrolatum. Petro'leum [jTirpa, oleum]. F. pétrole; G. Steinöl ; /. petrolio. Rock oil, coal oil ; an abundant natural product, flowing spon- taneously or pumped from wells sunk in the earth, composed of a large number of hydrocarbons belonging to the marsh gas and olefiant gas series. It varies in con- sistence from thin limpidity to the thick- ness of tar, and in color from pale yellow to black ; used externally as a stimulating application for rheumatic pains and for skin diseases ; internally as an expectorant and tasnicide : see T■)• 1. A- genus of Umlil/i/ersc. 2. Parsley. P. sati'vum, Hofl^m., parsley, a European herb, culti- vated for culinary purposes ; the fruit and the root are ofiicial : see Pardei/. Petrosello (/.). Parsley. Petroso (/.). Petrous. Substantively, petrosal bone. Pe'tro-sphe'noid lig'ament, ante'- rior. L. ligamentum petro-sphenoideum anterior. The connective tissue and fibro- cartilage filling up the foramen laccrum medium at base of skull. Pe'tro-sphe'noid lig'ament, poste'- rior. Band stretching from apex of pe- trous portion of temporal bone to posterior clinoid process over sixth nerve. Pe'tro-sphenoi'dal. F. pétro-sphéno- ïdal ; /. petro-sfenoidale. Belonging to pe- trous portion of temporal bone and to sphe- noid bone. P.-s. su'ture. /. sutura petro- sfenoidale. That formed by union of pe- trous portion of the temporal with great wing of sphenoid. Pe'tro-squamo'sal fis'sure. Petro- squamosal suture. Pe'tro-squamo'sal su'ture. The seam which at birth separates the si|uainous and petrous portions of the temporal bone. Traces of it are usually visible in the adult skull, limiting the anterior surface of the petrous portion within the cranium. Pe'tro-squa'mous si'nus. A venous passage of the dura mater, sometimes found at the junction of petrous and sijuamous portions of temporal bone, discharging into lateral sinus. Pe'tro-staphyli'nus (/>.)■ F. jiétro- staphylieii. Levator palati. Petro'sum (/>.). Petrous portion of temporal bone. Pe'trous. /". pétreux. euse ; 7. petroso, a. 1. Resembling a stone. 2. Relating to petrous portion of temporal bone. P. bone. F. OS pétreux ; /. osso petroso. I'etrous portion of temporal bone. P. gan'glion. L. ganglion petrosum ; /'. ganglioir ]H'treux ; /. ganglio d'Andersch. On glosso-pharyn- PET PFL 323 geal nerve at its exit from jujrular foramen. P. por'tion of tem'poral bone. A. pars petrosa ; F. portion pétrouse ; G. Felscn- theil ; /. porzione petrosa. That part of temporal bone containing the essential or- gans of hearing. It is hard, dense, and of the form of a three-sided prostrate pyra- mid, with the base toward the external auditory meatus. Some authors include with this the tympanic portion, q. v. P. si'nuses. /. seni petrosi. Petrosal si- nuses. Pet'tenkofer's reac'tion or test. G. Pettenkofer'sche Reaktion, lleddish-purple produced by eholalic acid in presence of cane-sugar and sulphuric acid ; a test for bile acids. Pettignone ^l.). i'ubes. Pettinato (/.). Pectinate, comb-like. Pettineo (/.). Pectineus. Petto (/.). Thorax. Pettorale (/.). Pectoral. P. grande, peetoialis major. P. piccolo, jiectoralis minor. Pettorali (/. j. Pectoral species and fruits. Pettoriloquia, pectoriloquy. Pet'tymorrel. Alalia racemosa, L. Peuceda'num (i.). F. peucédan ; /. peuoedano. A genus of Fmhelli/erx. P. grave'olens, Hiern, Anff/tum graveolens, L. P. palus'tre, INIoench, Selinum pahis- tr.. L Peu'mus (.t.). A genus of MonimiacrBt. P. Bol'dtis, Mol., a Chilian evergreen shrub; the leaves are called boldo : the bark is used for tannini;, and the wood for charcoal-mak- insr. P. fra'grans, Pers., Penmus Boldus, ?Iol. Peur des espaces (F.). Agoraphobia. Pex'is (//■) ["ij/"-"""]- Coagulation, con- cretion. Pey'er's glands. L. glandulse Peyeri ; F. glandes de Peyer ; G. Peyer'sche Drü- sen ; /. glandole di Peyer. Oblong aggre- gations of closed lymphoid follicles, 20 to 40 in number, found in the wall of the ileum, and, more sparingly, of the jeju- num. Pey'er's pat'ches. F. plaques de Pey- er : G. Peyer'sche Platten : /. placche di Peyer. Peyer's glands. Pfaflfenröhrchen (C). Taraxacum. Pfanne ( (t.). l'an ; shallow cavity. In composition Pfannen, as. — bruch, frac- ture of acetabulum ; — einschnitt, coty- loid notch ; — grübe, acetabular, or glen- oid, fossa ; — knochen, os acetabuli ; — ■ lippe, cotyloid or glenoid ligament ; — rand, cotyloid margin. Pfebenkürbiss (G.). Pumpkin. Pfeflfer ((?.). Pepper; — kraut, pep- perwort, dittander. Pfeffermünze (G.). Peppermint. In comp. Pfeffermünz, as, — campher, men- thol ; — essenz, spirit of peppermint ; — kuchen, peppermint drops ; - — öl, oil of peppermint ; — syrup, syrup of pepper- mint ; — -wasser, peppermint-water. Pfeififencanule (C). Whistle-shaped canula, used in vaginal atresia. Pfeifferdampf (ff.). Roaring; laryn- geal asthma in the horse. PfeUerzellen (6?.). Rods of Corti. Pfeilgiffc ((?■). Arrow-poison, curare. Pfeilhöhle (G.). Longitudinal sinus, superior. Pfeünaht (G.). Sagittal suture. Pfeilsonde {G.). Retention sound, winged catheter. Pfeil-WTirz (G.). Arrow-root. Pferdearzt (ç, -vr«?, Z);V.i;]. Dislocation of lens into anterior chamber. Phachymeni'tis. Phacohymenitis. Phaci'tis [ç'azoç]. F. phacite ; /. fa- chite. Inflammation of the lens (theoret- ical). Phacocatapi'esis {L.) [zara-iVa-;?]. Depression of the lens. Phacocys'ta or Phacocys'te {L.) [z(JÌT/im'\. F. phacomètre ; /. facometro. An instrument for measuring the refracting power of lenses. Phakosclero'ma (L.). Cataract. Phak'oscope [ffzon^^w]. An instrument for observing the changes in the form of the lens during aceonimodation, by dou- bling the reflected image with prisms. Phal'acra (L.) [ya/.«z^ós-]. F. phala- crose ; G. Kahlheit ; I. falacrosi. Bald- ness of the head. Phalacro'des, or Phalacro'ma, or Phalacro'sis ( L.). Baldness. Phalangarthri'tis. Gout in the fingers or toes. PHA PHA 325 Phalange (F.). Phalanx, especially one ui' the first row. Phalange'al. F. phalangien, ienne; /. falangiaiio. Like a phalanx, or relating to the pliahmgos. P. proc'ess. /'. bâtonnet ; G. Phahingenfortsatz. 1. Process of head- plate of outer rod of Corti, which joints with the outer hair-cells. 2. A slender prolongation of the ceils of Deiters of the organ of Corti, attached above to the phalanges of the reticular lamina. Phalangenmesser (G.). Knife for amputation of finger. Phalan'ges (//•), pi- of Phalanx. /. falangi. The bones of the fingers and toes, fourteen in each member, arranged in three rows, those of the proximal row being known as basilar phalanges ; of the middle row, mid- dle phalanges ; and of the distal row, un- gual phalanges. Chaussier used the term phalanges only for those of the proximal row. P. basila'res, basilar phalanges. P. of Dei'ters : see Deiters, phalanges of. P. me'diae, those of second row. P. un- guicula'res, ungual phalanges. Phalangette {F.). An ungual phal- anx. Phalangine {F.). Second phalanx of those digits that have three. Phalango'sis (//.). F. phalangose ; /. falangosi. Trichiasis. Phal'anx (Z.) [': ■'■'Y"?]. F. pharmacologie : (t. I'liarmakologie ; /. farma- cologia. That division of materia medica which treats of the action of drugs upon the living body [Brunton]. Pharmacomor'phic. Pertaining to the form or appearance of drugs. Pharmacopse'us (L.). Pharmacist. Pharmacopée {F.). Pharmacopœia. Pharmacopce'ia [(fdpßaxov, n-uteìi/]. F. pharmacopée ; G. Pharmakopoe ; /. farma- copea. A book containing directions for the identification and ]ireparation of medi- cines, published by authority. Pharmacopœ'ial. Pertaining to. or contained in, a ]>liarniacopœia. Pharmacopo'sia ( L.) [^ómi]. Taking a liquid medicine. Pharmacothe'ca (L.) ['>5jz)j]. Medi- cine-chest. Pharmacotherapi'a {L.). Treatment with drugs or medicines. Phar'macum or Phar'macon (L.) [fàfilia/.ir/^. A drug or medicine, a poison. Phar'macy \jfni>iiaxn-j\. F., G. Pharma- cie; /. farmacia. 1. That division of ma- teria medica which treats of the iden- tification, collection, and preservation of medicines, and of their preparation and combination for administration. 2. The shop of an a|iothecary or pharmacist. Pharmakolog:ie (G.). Pharmacology. Pharmakopoe ( G.). Pharmacopoeia. Pharyngae'a ascen'dens (/'■)• As- cending I inferior) pliaryngeal arter}'. Pharyngal'gia (A.) [^ifàpu/ì, äi.^oc]. Pain in the jiluiryn.x. Pharynge'al. F. pharyngien, enne ; /. faringeo, ea. Belonging to the pharynx. P. aponeuro'sis. L. aponeurosis pharyngis. The fibrous li.ssue forming the walls of the pharynx, strong above, where it is attached to the base of the skull — weak beloW, where it is covered with muscles. P. ar'teries. F. artères pharyngiennes; J. arterie fa- ringea. Those supplying, or in relation with, the pharynx. The ascending p. a. {L. arteria pharyngea ascendens ; /'. artère pharyngienne inférieure ; G. aufsteigende Schlundkopfschlagader ; /. arteria faringee inferiore) is a branch of the external caro- tid. The superior p. a. (L. pharyngea suprema ; /'. pharyngienne supérieure) is a branch from the internal maxillary. Below, it is supplied by small unnamed branches from the inferior palatine, the superior, and inferior thyroid arteries. P. bur'sa, bursa pharyngea. P. cav'ity. L. cavum pharyngis ; G. Rachenhohle. That part of the alimentary canal and respiratory passages extending from mouth and nasal cavities above to oesophagus and larynx below. P. gan'glion [\'alentin]. L. ganglion pliaryngeuni wolle. A mi- nute, sj'mpathetic ganglion on the ascend- ing pharyngeal artery near its origin : also see Pliarymjeul piexits. P. glands. G. Schlunddrüsen. Mucous glands on poste- rior wall of pharynx opposite posterior nares. P. nerves, the pharynx is sup- plied with branches from the trifacial, the glosso-pharyngeal, and the pneumogastric, but the name is especially applied to a branch which passes from Meckel's gan- glion backward through the pterygo-pala- tine canal to the mucous membrane of the pharynx. P. plex'us. L. plexus pha- ryngeus; F. plexus pharyngien ; /. plesso fa- ringeo. 1. Formed by pharyngeal branches of pneumogastric nerves, with contributions from glosso-jiharyngeal and sympathetic; contains small ganglia. 2. A rich net- work of veins covering outer surface of pharynx. P. spine, pharyngeal tubercle. P. ton'sil. L. tonsilla pharyngis ; G. Schlundniaiidel. A considerable collection of adenoid tissue and lymph-follicles found in the pharynx at upper end of posterior wall on median line. P. tu'bercle. L. tubcrculum pharyngeum ; G. Schlund- höcker. Tubercle to which the pluu-yngeal raphe is attached, on uiuler surface of basilar process of occipital bone. P. veins, those collecting from pharyngeal plexus and emptying into internal jugular. Pharyngec'tomy [^zTo/aij]. Excision of the pharynx. Pharsmgemphrax'is (L.) [r/zf/jafic]. Obstruction of the pharynx. PHA PHA 327 Pharynge'us (A.). Pharjngeal. Pharyngis'mus {L.), F. pharyngisme ; /. favingismo. Spasm of the pharj-ns. Pharyngi'tis. F. j)haniigite ; G. Schluiidkopf'entziinduiig ; /. faringite. In- flammation of the pharynx. Pharyn'go-. In composition indicates relation to the pharynx. Pharyngo-buccinateur, trice {F.). Bucco-pharyngeal. Pharyn'gocele (X.) [z)5/r,]. A pouch or diverticulum of the pharynx. Phar3rngocjman'che {L.) [xuvdyyri^. Pharyngitis. Pharyngodsm'ia (-L.) [o56vr/]. Pain in the pharynx. Pharyn'go-epiglot'tic fold. L. arcus pharyngo-epiglotticus. The concave plica- tion of mucous membrane passing on either side the epiglottis to the pharynx. Pharyn'go-epiglot'ticus {L.'). Fibres of stylo-pharyngeus inserted into side of epiglottis and pharyngo-epiglottic ligament. Phai-yn'go-glos'sal. F. pharyngo- glosse ; 1. fariugo-glosso. Belonging to the pharynx and tongue : see Glosso- pharyngeal. Phanmgo-glosse {F.'). Glosso-pharyn- geus muscle. Pharyngog'raphy [ypd^w]. F. pha- ryngographie ; /. faringografia. Descrip- tion of the pharynx. Pharyn'go -larynge'al cav'ity. L. cavum pharyngo-laryngeum. That part of the pharyngeal cavity below the soft palate during deglutition. Pharyn'go-larynge'al si'nus. Sinus pyriformis. Pharyngol'ogy [A'^oc-]. F. pharyn- gologie ; /. faringologia. That part of medical science which treats of the phar- ynx. Pharyngol'ysis {L.) [/'Ja-!?]. Paralysis of the muscles of the pharynx. Pharyn'go-mastoi'deus (//.). A su- pernumerary muscle arising from the mas- toid process, and inserted into the pharyn- geal wall [Ketel]. Pharjmgomyco'sis (L?) [//.'«>;?]. F. pharyngomycose. Growth of fungi, usually a form of leptothrix, in the pharynx. Pharyn'go-na'sal cav'ity. L. cavum pharyngo-nasale ; F. arrière cavité des fosses nasales, pharynx nasal ; I. cavo faringo-na- sale. That part of the pharyngeal cavity above the soft palate during deglutition. Pharyn'go-palati'nus (^L.'). Palato- pharyngeus ; also that part of the palato- pharyngeus inserted into the pharynx only. Pharyngoparal'ysis {L.). I'haryngeal paralysis. Pharyngopath'ia (X.) [-aöi/s-]. Disease of the pharj'nx. Pharyngople'gia {L.) {j^^yri]. Paraly- sis of the pharynx. Pharyngorhini'tis [/'''^]- Inflammation of the pharyngo-nasal cavity. Pharyn'go-rhinos'copy [/Ì!V, axuT:éiu\. Examination of the posterior nares and adjacent parts by means of a small mirror held in the upper pharyngeal space behind the soft palate. Pharyngorrha'gia (i.) [/Jij^i/o/ti]. Pharyngeal h.-vmorrhage. Pharyn'goscope [axoTzivi]. I. faringo- scopio. Modified laryngoscope for exami- nation of the pharynx. Pharyngos'copy. F. pharyngoscopie ; /. faringosco]iia. Inspection of the pharynx. Pharyngospas'mus (Z.) [a-;Taß"i\- Photophobia. Phengophobisch (G.). Photophobie. Phen'ic ac'id. F. acide phénique; /. acido fenico. Carbolic acid. Phen'icin. F. phcnicine ; /. fenicina. Indigo carmine. Phe'nion. Anemone PidsatiUn, L. Phe'nol. F. phénol ; /. fenolo. Car- bolic acid : sec also Iodized phenol. P. sulphon'ic ac'id. CsHsSOJI. Unimpor- tant constituent of normal urine, much in- creased by vegetable diet or ingestion of phenol or benzol ; and by peritonitis result- ing from ileus or lympho-sarcomatous ab- dominal tumor. Phénol sodé dissous {F.). Solution of carbolate of sodium. Phenol-cam'phor. Camphorated car- bolic acid. Phenoloxyhydrat (G.). Carbolic acid. Phe'nol-phthal'ein. CjoHuO^. A nearly colorless, crystalline substance, readily sol- uble in alcohol, insoluble in water, produced by the action of phenol upon phthalic an- hydride ; in alcoholic solution used as a delicate test for alkalies in volumetric proc- esses. Pheno'lum ioda'tum (7/.). Iodized phenol. Phénozyge {F.). Phaenozygous. Phen'yl. F. phényle ; /. fenile. Di- phciiyl. P. al'cohol or P. hy'drate, car- bolic acid. P. hy'dride, benzol. Phenylacet'amid. Antifebrin. Phenylalkohol (G.). Carbolic acid. Phenyl'amine. Aniline. Phenylben'zene. Diphenyl. Phenyl'ic ac'id or al'cohol. Carbolic acid. Phenyl-methyl-ac'etone. Hypnone. Phenylsäure {G.). Carbolic acid. Phenylschwefelsaure {G.). Sulpho- carbolate. Phenylsch'wefelsaures Natron (C). Sodium sulphocarbolate. Phi'al. L. phiala ; F. fiole ; /. fiala. A small glass bottle, a vial. Phüadel'phia flea'bane. Erigeron philiidelpiiioim, L. PhUia'ter (//.) [ptUo?, (ar/)««-]. F. phili- âtre ; /. filiatre. An unskilled lover of medical science ; a medical amateur. Phillyr'ea latifo'lia. An evergreen shrub, Nat. Ord. Olearese. native of the Mediterranean shores ; cultivated for orna- ment. Phü'lyrine. Alkaloid obtained from Pliillyrea lafi/nlin. Philogyn'ia(/y.) [r^v);]. Love of women. Philomime'sia (i/.) [//t^T^a-i?]. Morbid tendency to min)ie. Phüopatridal'gia or Philopatrido- ma'nia {L.) \naTpi<;, àkYÓ.) [v'!,""s-]. G. Phimose; /. fimosi. Constriction of the opening of the prepuce in front of the glans. Phimot'ic. Pertaining to phimosis. Phlas'ma (/>.) [aXàsii't]. Contusion. PHL PHL 329 Phlebangio'ma cavemo'sum (L.). Acquired angioma caveriio.sum. Phlébartérie (F.). I. flebarteria. Va- riety of artorio-venous aneurism [Broca]. Phlebarteriecta'sia(i>.) [?''^'^''> "P'^^jP''^^ exraffts]. G. Plilebarteriecktasie. Varicose aneurism. Phlebarteriodial'ysis (L.) ^d'.à/.u/!'.i\. Arterio-veiious aneurism. Phlebec'tases. Varicose veins. Phlebecta'sia ( L.) [«-/.tV. è'xraffiç]. F. phlObeetasie ; G. Krampfader ; /. flebectasia. Dilatation ol' veins. Phlebecto'pia (L.) [^zro^os-]. Abnor- mal position of a vein. Phlebemphrax'is (L.) [^iriif/jiiaauj']. Obstruction or plugging of a vein. Phlébentérisme (F.). I. flebenterismo. Theory that in some invertebrata the di- gestive canal act« also as an organ of cir- culation of blood. Phlebepati'tis [^Trarinc]. Hepatic phlebitis. Phlebeurys'ma (L.) [^EÒpói\. F. phlé- bévrysme ; /. flebeurisma. Varix. Phlebis'mus {L.). The swelling of an obstructed vein ; abnormal prominence or perceptibility of veins. Phlebi'tis [y/^V]- F. phlébite; G. Venenentzündung; /. flebite. Inflammation of a vein. Phlebocarcino'ma (L.). Cancer of a vein. Phlebocholo'sis (i.) l^/tûXwacç']. Ven- ous paralysis. Phleb'ogram. A sphygmographic tracing of the movements of a vein. Phlebog'raphy [■/■pri^io']. F. Phlebo- graphie ; /. flebografia. Description of the veins. Phleb'olith [^/=V, ;.!Ö»c]. L. phlebo- lithus ; F. phlébolithe ; G. Venenstein ; /. flebolito. A calcareous concretion formed in a vein. Phlebolithi'asis {L-)- Formation of venous concretions. Phlebol'ogry [•'■"/'"?]• F. phlébologie ; /. flebologia. That part of anatomy which treats of the veins. Phlebometri'tis. Uterine phlebitis. Phlebopa'lia (L.) [îra^Jw]. F. phlébo- palic ; /. flebopalia. Venous pulsation. Phlebophlogo'sis (L.) [(pXo^'wtnç']. Phlebitis. Phlebophthalmoto'mia (//.) [_o'<"]■ Catarrh. Phleg'mon (L.) [.) [ifhixrai-ya, -Miaoç]. F. phlycténoso. Herpetic disorder. P. aggrega'ta, skin disease characterized by an eruption of vesicles of jiin-head size, thickly set on an intensely red base, ap- pearing in succession on diflî'erent )iarts of the body, with intense itching. P. labia'- lis, herpes labialis. P. spar'sa, herpes. Phlyctsen'ula (L.). A minute phlyc- taena occurring on the conjunctiva or cor- nea. Phlyctène (F.). Phlyctitna. Phlyc'tenoid. Phlyctrenoid. Phlycten'ular ophthal'mia. An in- flammation of the cornea or conjunctiva characterized by the formation of siuall vesicles; herpes corneie or conjunctivas. Phlyctid'ium (L.) y^.ù^m]. Phlyctis. Phlyc'tis (//.). A small inflammatory papule or vesicle ; a phlycttena. Phlyktasna. Phlyctaena. Phlyza'cia (L.) [y/'^-Cw], Ecthyma. Phlyza'cion or Phlyza'cium (L.). Phlyctaena. Phobodip'sia (L.) [f ójìos-, ^tV'«]. Hy- drophobia. Phocom'elus (L.) [v<ûxry, /ic'/ì»?]. F. phoconiile ; J. focomele. Monster in which the hands and feet appear to be attached to the trunk, without arms or legs. Phœn'icine. Indigo carmine. Phœnicis'mus (/>.). Measles; rotheln. Phœni'cius mor'bus (L.). Leprosy. Phœnig'mus (L.) [^oti/tVa-w]. Ilube- faction, redness. Phœ'nix dactylif'era, L. The date- palm, cultivated in the tropics, particularly in Africa and Western Asia. Phœnix'is (Ly Phœnigmus. Phœn'odine. Hxmatin, PHO PHO 331 Phona'tion [piu/ij]. L. phonatio ; G. Stinimbililung ; /. fonazione. Production of voice. Phone'sis (Z<.). Phonation. Phonet'ic. F. phonétique. Kelating to sound or the voice. Pho'nic \yi'ivij]. L. phonicus ; F. pho- nique ; G. phouisch ; /. fonico. Pertaining to sound or to voice. Pho'no^aph [^,-ó<7os-]. Disorder of the voice. Phonopath'ia (i/.) [^rdö«?]. Disease of the vocal organs. Phono 'sis '.L.). Phonation. Phonospas'raia {L.) [ar.atjjio-i^. F. phonospasrae ; G. Stimmkrampf; /. fono- spasmia. Spasm of the vocal organs. Phoraden'dron flaves'cens, Nutt. Vis- ciim ßavescois, Pursh. Phor'mine. Pseudomorphine. Phor'miurti (L:). A genus o( Liliace». P. te'nax, Fors.. Xew Zealand flax ; native of Xew Zealand, cultivated for ornament ; a decoction of the root and leaf-bases is recommended as a lotion for wounds. Phorom'eter [f "/509, ,u/t/)»v]. An in- strument for determining insufficiencies of external ocular muscles, as shown by the tendency to deviation of the visual axes from their normal relations [Stevens]. Phoromet'ria (L.) [^(«^«j, ixeTp{iu\. Measurement of movement. Phos'phas (L.). Phosphate. P. am- mon'icus [P. Port.], ammonium phos- phate. P. ammon'ico-so'dicxis [Cod " microcosmic salt. P. bical'cicus [Cod neutral calcium phosphate (CaHPO,). P. cal'cicus [Cud.], calcium phosphate. P. ferro'so - fer'ricus, ferroso-ferrie phos- phate. P. na'tricus [P. Dan.] or P. so'- dicus [Cod], .sodium ph.) {l"v]. 1. Phos- ]iliuria. 2. Passage of urine which is luniinous in the dark. Phos'phorus. P. [yòJi, v't/''"]- ^- phos- phore ; G. Phosphor ; /. fosforo. A trans- lucent, nearly colorless, wax-like, non-metal- lic element, spec. grav. 1.83; soft and flex- ible at common temperatures, melts at 44° C. ; emits white fumes when exposed to the air ; ignites at a temperature slightly above the melting point ; is insoluble in water, sol- uble in absolute ether, fatty oils, and abun- dantly in carbon bisulphide ; a nerve tonic and stimulant. An active irritant poison. In cases of acute phosphorus-poisoning the vomited matters and tissues are luminous in the dark. Lipowitz's test: Acidulate the suspected liquid with sulpimric acid, and boil with sulphur, whicli abstracts and combines with the phosphorus, which may be recogniüed by its luminosity or as phos- plioric acid: see Table o/ antidotes ; see also Amoiplioux and Bed phosphorus. P, pills [B. P.], pills of phosphorus. Phosphure de zinc {F.). Zinc phos- ]ihidc. Phosphure'tum zin'cicum [Cod.]. Zinc pliosphide. Phosphu'ria (L.) [ç-wç, <'>, oZpn/^. Excess of phosphates in the urine. Photal'gia (L.) [ù'/^oç]. Pain caused by liuht. Photodyspho'ria (L.) [^Sutrifopl(o'\. In- tolerance of light. Photogen'ic [;-/><«]. F. photogénique ; /. fotogeno. Light-producing. Photohaemotachom'eter [v'ùç, «ì,"«, ra^C'i-;, /i;r/("v]. Instrument for registering photographically the velocity of current in a blood-vessel [Cybulski]. Photom'eter [f(ù?, /i^r/>o>]. F, pho- tomètre ; G. Lichtmesser ; / fotometro. Apparatus for comparing the intensity of two sources of light : see f/nV, pholomilric. Photomet'ric. F. photométrique ; G. photometrisch ; J. fotometrico. Pertaining to pliotonietrj'. P, unit: see Unit. Photom'etry. F. photometric ; G. Liclitmessung ; / fotometria. Measure- ment of the intensity of light. Photomi'crograph [ntxfu'ii. ypdß"i\- F. photopliobie ; G. Liehtscheu ; /. fotofobia. Extreme sensibility of the eye to light. Photophob'ic, F. photophobe. Fear- ing light ; pertaining to photophobia, Photophobie {F.). Photophobia. Pho'tophone [yùç, tfiuvrì]. An appa- ratus in which the transmitting substance — selenium, for example — is so affected by the waves of sound that there is a change in the character of the transmitted light for each alteration in the wave-lengths of the sound. Photophore {F.). Electric lamp for illuminating the interior of canals or cavi- ties of the body. Photop'sia (L.) [ywç. aç'':ç]. F. Pho- topsie; G'. Funkensehen ;/. fotopsia. Sub- jective Sensation of light. Photoptom'eter [wç'', iiÌTf>«.,\ Instru- ment for measuring acuteness of vision for homogeneou.s light [Parinaud], Photo-shootur. Indian name for a pus- tular disease of camels resembling vaccinia [Mayne]. Photox'yhn. Name given to a kind of pyroxylin made by nitrating wood-pulp; recommended for use in the preparation of collodion. PHO PHT 333 Photu'ria {L.) [«Ò/j«!-]. Passage of phosphorescent urine. Phra'sis (L.) [çj/iâa-tç]. Speaking a connected sentence. Phren [v',"'/']- 1- Mind. 2. Diapliragm. Phrenal'gia (L.) [m/.^ós-]. (J. Phre- nalgie ; /. frenalgia. Psychalgia. Phren'es {L.). Diaphragm. Phfenesie {F.). Febrile delirium, frenzy. Phreneti'asis (L-)- Delirium, phrenitis. Phrenet'ic. F. phrénéti((ue ; G. phre- netisch ; /. frenetico. Frenzied, wildly delirious. Phren'ic [v7";^]- ^- jihrenicus ; F. phré- nique ; /. frenicci. Relating to the dia- phragm. P. ar'teries. L. arteriœ phre- nic»; F. artères diaphragmatiques ; G. Zwerchfellschlagadern ; /. arterie freniche. Those supplj'ing the diaphragm. The su- perior p. a. is from the internal mam- mary ; the inferior p. a., from the abdom- inal aorta. P. cen'tre. F. centre phré- nique ; /. eentro frenico. Central tendon of diaphragm : see Diaphragm. P. gan'- glion. L. ganglion diaphragmaticum. Small ganglion in the diaphragm connected with right phrenic nerve and with the solar plexus. P. nerve, i. nervus phrenicus; F. nerf phrénique ; G. Zwerchfellnerv ; /. nervo frenico. The principal motor nerve of the diaphragm, derived from cervical plexus (mainly from the 4th cervical nerve). It passes across the scalenus an- ticus, in front of subclavian artery and root of lung, between pericardium and pleura (to which it gives filaments) to the diaphragm. P. plex'us. L. plexus phre- nicus. Division of solar plexus accom- panying inferior phrenic artery. P. veins. L. ven» phrenic» ; G. Zwerchfellsblut- adern ; 1. vene diaframmatiche or freniche. Correspond to arteries of same name ; dis- charge into inferior vena cava. Phren'ica (X )■ Mental diseases. Phren'ico-col'ic lig'ament. Phreno- colic ligament. Phrenicuslähmung (G.). Paralysis of parts supplied by phrenic nerve. Phrénite (^F.). I. frenile. Diaphrag- mitis. Phrenit'ic. Pertaining to phrenitis. Phreni'tis. F. phrenitis. Encepha- litis, acute delirium. Phre'no-col'ic lig'ament. L. liga- mentum phreno-colicuin. A fold of peri- toneum passing from diaphragm opposite 10th or 11th rib to splenic flexure of colon. It assists to support the spleen, forming the splenic recess. Phréno-costal, ale (/'')■ Relating to diaphragm and ribs. Phre'no-gas'tric. /'. phréno-gastrii(ue; /. freno-gastrico. Gastro-phrenic. Phréno-glottisme (F.). I. freno-glot- tismo. Spasm of diaphragm and muscles of glottis. Phren'ograph [f/";'^, yfjà(fuj~\. F. jdiré- nographe ; /. frenografo. An instrument to register the movements of the dia- phragm. Phrenolep'sia erotemat'ica {L.). Doubting insanit}. Phrenol'ogy [f/";>, -'.";-"?]• F Phre- nologie ; /. frenologia. Doctrine of the correspondence between mental character- istics or faculties and the shape of the skull. Phrenonarco'sis (L.) [>«//>rr pulmo'num, tubercular dis- ease of the lungs. P. vermina'lis, hoose. Phthis'is-"weed. Liu/ici(/ia jMiliuslris, Ell. Phthisu'ria (L.) [..J,«.,v]. F, G. I'htbisurie. Diabetes. Phtho'icus (L.) [(pOóri]. Phthisical. Phthongodyspho'ria (L.) \_à, XTïîVw]. l"ci-ticide. Phy'cit. A kind of sugar obtained from the alga Fiodjcoccus vulgaris. Phycocysti'tis. Capsulitis. Phygan'trus (/v.) [^(psùyo),a>Tpiiv'\. Term applied to skulls in which the vertical let fall upon the radius fixus from the most projecting point of the torus frontalis falls bcbiiul that let fall from the nasion by a distance of from G to 10 mm. [liissauerj. Phygeth'lon [(fj-feOhr,]. Boil. Phygœde'ma {L.) [çi>/-ij, niar^ßa]. Wandering œdema. Phygogalac'tics [yì''<;-<«, yii/.it]. Agents which check the secretion of milk and pro- mote absorption of that which has been secreted. Phygometo'pus (/>.) [.a/nu-rr/]. Tenu applied to skulls in which a line drawn from bregma to nasal point makes with the radius fixus an angle of from 8° to 33.5° [Lissauer]. Phygopis'thius (/...) [ò-(tO£]. Term applied to skulls in which the line drawn through lambda and inion makes with the radius fixus an angle of 10li° to 127° [Lis- .■iauer]. Phygoproso'pusC//.) [-/j»*««-»!']. Term ap]ilied to skulls in which the line drawn from nasion to alveolar point makes with the radius fixus an angle of 38° to GG.5° [Lissauer]. Phygorrhi'nus [/j'.'V]- Term applied to skulls in which the line drawn between nasion and subnasal puiint uuikes with the radius fixus an angle of from 3ü° to GG.5° [Lissauer]. PhyUan'thus ( L.). A genus of En- phoi-hitimc. P. Em'blica, L.,a tree com- mon in Dulia, the source of mvrobalani cm- blicœ. P. nÜTi'ri, L., and P. urina'ria, L., indigenous to India ; in repute among the natives as tonic, diuretic, aiul deobstruont. Phyllosteophy'tum (/>.) [•^'•ùXai', òn- -iir/j t"'""]. A laminated osteo])hyte. Phylogenet'ic \_>.iiv. yswaui^. Per- taining to genealogical development or to lines of descent. Phylog'eny []. F. phys- conie ; /. fisconia. Abdominal enlargement or tumor. P. adipo'sa, tatty enlargement of the abdomen. P. bilio'sa, enlargement of the gall-bladder. P. lie'nis, enlarged spleen. P. strumo'sa, scrofulous enlarge- ment of mesenteric glands. Physe'ma (L.) [^u«7a(u]. Tympanites, emphysema. Physe'ter macroceph'alus, L. The sperm whale, Class Mammulid, Ord. Cela- ciii : see Spermaceti and Ambtiyn's. Physiatreusiolo'gia (L.). Doctrine of the powers of medicine. Physiat'rics [v'"T!ç, i'ar/jür/]. G. Physi- atrik. 1. That part of medicine relating to therapeutical applications of the physical forces, such as heat, light, electricity, etc. 2. Old term for the healing power of nature. Physiautocrati'a (i.) [^aòzo - xparrjç]. The power of nature. Physiautotherapi'a (L.) [aùróy, >9cpa- z-cOcu]. E.xpeetant treatment. Physic, fiz'ik [i\. L. medicus ; /'. médecin ; G. Arzt ; /. medico. One who devotes himself to the science or art of medicine, and more especially to internal diseases or those treated by medicines. A medical man. In the U. S. it is nearly synonvmous with "general practitioner." Phys'ic-nut. Purging-nut. Phys'ic-root. Leptandra, Culver's root, Veronica virginica, L. Phys'ics. F. physique : G. Physik ; /. fisica. Study of the phenomena of bodies, and of the forces acting on them, exclud- ing those acting on atoms, wliich pertain to chemistry. P., med'ical, physics as ap- plied to physiology, pathology, diagnosis, or treatment. Physiog'nomy [ç'Ja-;?, /-vâ/zî;]. L. physiognomia ; F. phj-siognomonie ; /. fisio- nomia or fisonomia. 1. Appearance of the face or features. 2. The judging the men- tal and moral character of a person by ex- amination of his face. Physiolog ( G.). Physiologist. Physiolo'gia (2/.) [/(Y"?]. Physiology, Physiolog'ical, L. physiologicus ; F. physiologi((ue ; G. physiologisch ; 1. fisio- logico. Pertaining to physiology. P. anat'omy : see Anatomi/. P. an'tidote, one which, when given to a healthy person, produces effects opposite to those produced by the poison for which it is administered. P. doc'trine, Broussaism. P. salt so- lu'tion : see Sail sointio». P. test, trial by its j>hysiologieal action upon animals of a substance suspected of being a poison : see Alropin, Sfri/dinia, Piii/.'^ostiipna, etc. Physiol 'ogist, L. physiologus ; F. physiologiste; (r. Physiolog; /. fisiologista. One who devotes himself to the study of physiology, Physiol'ogy, L. physiologia; F.. G. Physiologie ; /. fisiologia. The doctrine of the vital phenomena of organisms, and their relations to chemical and physical laws. Physiol'ysis (L.) [>.vtu]. The process of natural decomposition of organic matter by oxidation, putrefaction, etc. Physiono'mia (A.) [>'V"'s']. F. physio- nomie; I. fisionomia. 1. Natural piiilos- ophv. 2. Phvsiognomy. Physiotherapi'a ( L.). Expectant treat- ment. Phy'sis ( L.) [çrùfl-îs-]. Nature, the na- ture of a thing. 336 PHY PHY Phy'socele [zijV.i;]. F. physocèle; /. fisocele. A liernia containing gas. Physocœ'lia (i.) [xwi/.:«]. Tympanites. Physocol'ic5a (L.). Flatulent colic. Phy'so-hsematome'tra ( L.) [«:/ia, ,«);'- T/ia'^. An accumulation, in the wouib, of sanguineous fluid antl gas. Physome'tra (L.) \_;j:rj-rpa]. F. physo- nictrie ; /. fisonietria. Accumulation of gas in the womb. Physon'cus (L.) [5yzoy]. 1. A tumor containing air. 2. Emphysema. Physos'cheocele (/>.) [i/r/jv^, xrj/.t/']. Flatulent oscheocele. Physospas'mus (L.) [ff-aa-/.tói-]. Colic with flatulence. Physostig'ma. F. fève du Calabar ; G. Kalabarliohne ; /. fava del Calabar. The seed of P/ij/.'«is/iipn(i venenosum, Half., a leguminous, woody climbing plant of western Africa; Calabar bean, ordeal bean. Contains the alkaloids physostigmine and calabarine (q. r.) ; used by the natives in trial by oideal. Physostig'matin. Eserin. Physostig-'mia (/-.). Physostigmine. Physostigmi'nse salicy'las {L.). Phy- sostigmine salicylate. Physostig'mine. G. Physostigmin ; /. fisostigmina. Eserine ; an amorphous alka- loid, the poisonous principle of Calabar bean ; used locally to produce contraction of the pupil ; internally in paralysis and as an antidote to strychnine and atropine. A powerful depressant neurotic poison, slightly soluble in water, soluble in alco- hol, ether, chloroform, and benzol. Bro- mine in potassium bromide gives a red color (very delicate) ; said to react with sulphuric acid and potassium bichromate like strychnia ; most satisfactory test is application to pupil : see Cw/>a;'\. Pneu- matothorax. Phytalbumose (G.). Form of albu- mose found in plants. Phjrtoalope'cia (L.) [.). Phytolacca- berries. Phsrtolac'cse ra'dix (X.). Phytolacca- root. Phytolac'cic ac'id. .\n amorphous principle separated by Terrell (1881) from phytolacca-berries. Phytolaccin, fï-to-lak'sin. Name in- appropriately given to a powdered alco- holic extract of poke-root. Phytolo'gia (L.) [fU7">, k('iYui\. F. phytologie ; /. filologia. Botany. Phytomen'tagra {L.). Sycosis. Phytopar'asite [-apdatri>if\. I. parasita. A vegetable parasite. Phytopathol'ogy [-'/ft"ç, /'V"'>'] Phytopathologie; J. fitopatologia. 1. The pathology of plants. 2. The jiathology of diseases due to vegetable organisms. Phy'toplasm \_-Xd(7nm~^. Protoplasm of the vegetable cell. Phyto'sis (L.) [v'jróv]. /'. phyto.se; I. filosi. Production of disease by vege- table parasites. P. annula'ta, tinea cir- cinata. P. favo'sa, tinea favosa. P. ton'surans, tinea tonsurans. P. versic'- olor, tinea versicolor. Phytos'terin. F. physo.stérine. A neu- tral principle obtained by liesse from phy- sostigma. Phytovitel'lin. Vegetable vitellin ; a globulin-like body resembling animal vitel- lin ; found in the seeds of many plants, as in the pumpkin. fito- F. PIA PIC 337 Pi 'a ma'ter {L-). F. pie-mòre; G. weiche Haut, licfUstihaut ; I. pia madre. The vascuhir plexiform membrane imme- diately investiiit; the brain and spinal cord. P. m. tes'tis, tunica vaseulosa. Pi'a me'ninx (,J^.). Pia mater. Piaga (/.). Wound, ulcer. P. di Delhi, Delhi boil. Pi'al sheath. G. Pialscheide : see Sheaths nf optic mrvr. Pialtrichter {G.). The funnel-.shaped entrance by which blood-vessels penetrate the pia mater to supply the spinal cord or brain. Pi'an. Yaws. Piani del bacino (/.). Planes of pelvis. Piani fiiocaü (/.). Focal planes. Piani principali (/.). Planes, prin- cipal. Pianifoi-me {F., I.). Kesembling pian. Piano (/. ). Plane. Pianoforte-players' cramp, i^. crampe des pianistes ; G. Klavierspielerkrampf. Painful spasm of muscles of forearm, due to excessive piano practice. Pianta (/.). Plant. P. del piede, sole of the foot. Piantatine (/.). Plantago. P. mag- giore, Plantago major, L. Pi'ar (Z,.) [-?a,o]. Fatness. Piarhse'mia (i.) [al/j«]. F. piarrhé- mie ; /. piarremia. Lipœmia. Piarolyt'ic [xutixoç]. Fat-decomposing or emulsifying. Piarrhémie {F.). Lip:cmia. Piartrosi (/.). Pyarthrosis. Piattola (/.). Pedicidus pubis. Pi'ca (/>.)• /. picacio. Morbid appe- tite for unusual articles of food. Picacis'mus ( L.) [pix]. Depilation by use of a pitch plaster. Picamar. /. pieamare. Name given by Reichenbach to a bitter oily compound found in heavy oil of tar. Kccolo, a (/.). Small, little. P. com- plesso, traclielo-mastoid. P. gluteo, glu- teus maximus. P. palmare, palmaris longus. P. pettorale, pcetoralis minor. P. psoas, psoas parvus. P. pterigoideo, external pterygoid muscle. P. rotondo, teres minor. P. testa, capitellum. Pic'ea {L^- A genus of Coulferse,. P. balsa'mea, Loud., Abies ha/sanua, Marsh. P. canaden'sis. Link., Abies caiiadensis, Vol. II.— 22 Michx. P. excel'sa. Link., Abies exceka, DC. Pichi. Wood of Fabiami imhricntn, Chili ; used in decoction for diseases of the bladder. Pichu 'rim-beans. L. fab:c puchury; F. fèves pichuiini ; G. Pichurinibcjhnon ; /. fava di pichurim. Sassai'ras-nuts, Bra- zilian nutmegs, the cotyledons of Nectaii- dra Puchury major, Nees, and N. Puchury minor, Nees ; contain a volatile oil, a soft and a solid fat ; aromatic stimulant. Picoline (/■'.). Ci.iH,N. One of the pyridines. Picotement {F.). Prickling sensation. Picotin or Picotte {F.). Sheep-pox. Picra'conine. Cj^HjiNOs. F. piero- aconiiie. A derivative of picraconitine by saponification with an alkali. Picracon'itine. C„H4äN0,„. F. picro- aconitine. An alkaloid derived from Aconi- tum Xapel/us, L., either preexisting in the plant or an accidental product due to the method of preparation. Picrse'na excel'sa, Lindi. Quassia- tree, Nat. Ord. Simarubex, native of the West Indies : see Quassia. Picram'nia (L-). A genus of Sima- ruhi'x. P. antides'ma, a shrub growing in Mexico and the West Indies ; the bark, cascara amarga, llonduras-bark, is recom- mended as an alterative in syphilis. P. ciha'ta, native of Brazil ; bark used as a substitute for cascarilla. Pic'ras (/>.) Picrate. P. ammon'- icus, ammonium picrate. P. potas'sicus [F. .Mex.], potassium picrate. Picras'ma excel'sa. Planch. Picrxna excclsd. .Swartz. Pic'rate [-.'z/)«ç]. L. picras ; F. picrate; I. picrato. A salt of picric acid. Picrate d'ammoniaque (F.). Am- monium picrate. Picrato (/.). Picrate. P. di ammoni- aca, ammonium picrate. Pic'ria {L.) [rtzoïiç]. Bitterness. Pic'ricacid. CeH..(NO,);,OH. /.. aci- dum picricum ; F. acide picri((ue ; G. Pik- rinsäure ; /. acido picrico. Carbazotic acid, trinitrophenic acid, nitrophenisic acid; a bright-yellow, inodorous, crystalline sub- stance, having an acid and extremely bitter taste, staining organic matter permanenti}' yellow ; soluble in SO parts of water at 15° C, readily soluble in alcohol or ether; ob- tained by heating a mixture of carbolic and 338 PIC PIE stnmg nitric acids, evaporating, and crys- tallizing ; used for hardening tissues for microscopic examination, as a test for al- bumin in the urine, and internally in inter- mittents and other diseases. Pic'ric-ac'id test. For glucose in urine, by deei)-red coloration of picric-acid solu- tion in presence of liquor potassae. Pic'ro-car'mine. F. picro-carminate ; G. Pikrukarmin ; 1. picro-carminio. A staining fluid made by adding to picric acid an ammoniacal solution of carmine. Picroglyc'ion. /. picroglicio. A pe- culiar principle, having a bitter and sweet taste, isolated from dulcamara. Pic'romel [riz/xij, ßHi]. I. picromele. A bitter mixture obtained from bile. Picropodophyl'lin. An intensely bit- ter, crystallizable compound produced by the action of ammonia upon podophyllo- toxin. Pic'rotin. CjäHaoOis. F. picrotine. Ac- cording to Barth and Kretschy (1880), one of the constituent principles of pierotoxin. Picrotox'in. CgHjoOv L. picrotoxinum ; F. Picrotoxine ; G. Pikrotoxin ; /. picro- tossina. A neutral, crystalline, very bitter principle prepared from the seeds of ^4«/- mirta paiiicuhita, Colebr. ; according to Barth and Kretschy (1880), it is a mix- ture of picrotoxinin, picrotin, and ana- mirtin ; a motor stimulant and parasiticide. Sparingly soluble in water, very soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform ; hot sul- phuric acid gives an orange-yellow color, paler on cooling ; nitric and hydrochloric acids do not affect it. Acts like grape-sugar in Trommer's test : see Table of antidotes. Picrotox'inin. C.sHieOeiHoO. Accord- ing to Barth and Kretschy. one of the con- stituent principles of pierotoxin. Piero tox'inum (L.) [^txpûç, thJìzóv]. Pierotoxin. Picurim (/.). Pichurim. Pidocchio (/.). Louse. Pie'bald skin, acquired. Vitiligo. Piecchisi (/.). Efi'usion of pus. Pied {F.). Foot. P. de canard, podo- phyllum. P. de chat, Antennaria dioiai, Gajrtn. P. du diaphragme, pillars of the diaphragm: see DinjihraipiK P. d'élé- phant, elephantiasis. P. d'hippocampe, pes liipiiocampi. P. de loup, lycopodium. P. de Madura, Madura foot. P. du pé- doncule cérébral, crusta. P. de pou- lain, tussilago. P. de veau, Arum macu- /atum, L. Pied-bot (F.). Club-foot. Pied-creux (F.). Foot with abnormal arching of the instep. Piede (/.). Foot. P. cavo, abnormal arching of the instep. P. del diaframma, pillars of the diaphragm. P. d'elefante, elephantiasis. P. equino, pes equinus. P. d'ippocampo, pes hippocampi. P. di Madura, Madura foot. P. piatto, flat- foot. P. torto, club-foot. P. valgo, pes valgus. P. varo, pes varus. Pied'mont Springs. Sulphur springs, near Oakland, Alameda Co., California. Also chalybeate waters, near Danbury, Stokes Co., North Carolina. Also sul- phuretted and chalybeate waters. Piedmont Springs, Burke Co., North Carolina. Pied-plat (F.). Flat-foot. Pie'dra. A form of trichorexis nodosa. Piega (/.), pi. Pieghe. Fold. P. ari- teno-epiglottica, aryteno-epiglottic fold. P. del Douglas, fold of Douglas. Piegatura (/.). Fold. Pieghe cerebrali (/). Cerebral eon- volutions. Pieghe genitali (/.). Genital folds. Piehte or Pielitide (/.). Pyelitis. Pielometro (/.). Pelvimeter. Pieloneft-ite (7.). Pyelo-nephritia. Piemasia (/.). Pyaemia. Pie-mère {F.). Pia mater. Piemesi (/.). Vomiting of purulent matter. Piemia (/.). Pyaemia. Pienezza (/). Plenitude, fulness, ple- thora. Pie-plant. Rhemn Rhaponticum, L. Pierre (F.'). Stone, concretion, calcu- lus. P. auditive, otolith. P. à cautère, potassa moulded into cylinders. P. divine, aluminated copper. P. infernale, moulded nitrate of silver. P. infernale diluée, di- luted nitrate of silver. P. intestinale, en- terolith. P. ophthalmique, crystallized coi)per sulphate. P. ponce, pumice-stone. P. stercorale, enterolith. P. de vin, po- tassium bitartrate. Piétin (F.). Foot-rot of sheep. Pietra (/.). Stone. P. da cauterio, potassa moulded into cylinders. P. divina, aluminated copper. P. infernale, moulded nitrate of silver. P. infernale mite, di- luted nitrate of silver. P. intestinale, en- terolith. P. ottalmica, crystals of copper sulphate. PIE PIL 339 Pietrante (/.). Calculous. Pietre stercoracee (/.). Enteroliths. Pig ty'phoid. Swine-plaguc. Pig'eon lice. Dermani/ssus avium. Pig'eon-ber'ry. Phytolacca ckcamlra, L. Pig'eon-breast. Projection forward of the sternum in a keel-like form. Pig'ment. L. pigmentum ; G. Farb- stoff; /. pigmento. Coloring matter. P.- cells, cells containing pigment-granules. Pigment (C); — ablagerung, pig- mentary deposit; — anhäufang, accumu- lation of pigment ; — anordnung, arrange- ment of pigment ; — atrophie, want of pig- ment, leucopathia ; — -bactérien, chromog- enous schizomjcetes ; — bildung, forma- tion of pigment; — flechte, tinea versi- color; — geschwulst, pigment-tumor; — hypertrophie, excessive production of pigment, as in certain naevi ; — indura- tion, induration of the lungs, with deposit of pigment ; — kömchenkugeln, large cells with granular pigment found around old blood-extravasations; — körperchen, pigmentary corpuscle: — krebs, melanotic cancer ; — los, without pigment ; — maal, naävus pigmentosus ; — mangel, deficiency of pigment, albinism; — sarkom, melan- otic sarcoma ; — 'warze, pigmental naevus. Pigmen'tal. Pertaining to, or produ- cing, pigment. Pig'mentary. L. pigmentarius ; /". pigmentaire ; G. pigmentarisch ; /. pigmen- tario. Pigmental. P. lay'er. L. tapetum nigrum. The outer stratum of the retina, composed of pavement epithelium thickly filled on the inner surface with pigment. Pigmenta'tion. G. Pigmentirung ; I. pigmentazione. Production or arrangement of pigment. Pigmentato, a (/.). Pigmented. Pigmenté, ée (F.). Containing pig- ment ; colored. Pigmenteux, euse (F.). Pigmental. Pigmento (/.). Pigment. Pigmentoso, a (/.). Pigmental. Rgmen'tum ( /y). A pigment, a dye. P. glas'ti or P. in'dicum, indigo. P. io'di et o'lei pi'cis. Coster's paste. P. ni'grrum, black pigment of the choroid of the eye. Pignon d'Inde (F.). Seed of Julropha Ciirras. Pig-nut. Broom hickory, Carya porcina, Nutt. Pigodidimo (/.). Pygopagus. Pigo- melo, dipygiis. Pigopago, pygopagus. Pigo-parasitico, pygo-parasiticus. Pig'weed. Chenopodium album, \j.; said to be sedative and antihaemorrhoidal. Piico (/.). Pyic. Puna (/.). Pyin. Pii'tis. F., I. piite. Inflammation of the pia mater. Pikrinsäure (G.). Picric acid. Pikrinschwefelsätire ((r.). Sulpho- pierie acid. Pikrokarmin ( ff.). Picrocarmine. Pikrope'gae (/>.) [-txpoç, tt'j?-'/']- Bitter mineral springs. F*ikropodophyl'lin. Picropodophyllin. Pikrotoxin ( G.). Picrotoxin. PU., abbv. for PUula (X.), pill. Pilar. L. pilaris ; F. pilaire ; G. haar- ig ; /. pilare. Pertaining to, or covered with, hair. P. mus'cles, arrectores pilo- rum. Pilastri (/.). Pillars. P. posteriori del trigono, crura of fornix. P. del tri- gono, pillars of the fornix. Pi'lea pu'mila. Gray. Richweed, clear- weed. Indigenous species of Uiticacex ; juice used in rhus-poisoning. Pileflebite (/.). Pylephlebitis. Pilenfrassi (/.). Pylemphraxis. Pi'leous. L. pilosus ; F. pileux, euse ; /. piloso. Pertaining to hair, hairy. P. sys'tem, comprises the different species of hair upon the human body. Piles. Hsemorrhoids. Piletrombosi (/.). Thrombosis of por- tal vein. Pi'leus (i.). Cap, shield. Pileux, euse {F.). Pileous. Pile'wort. 1. Ranunculus bulhosus, L. 2. Erechthites hie raci folia, Raf. 3. Ama- rantus hypochondriacus, L. Pi'li, pi. of Pilus {L.). Hairs. P. ci- bo'tii, the hairs of the fern Cibotium Baro- melz. Smith [P. Ross.] ; used as a styptic in haemorrhage from wounds. P. cu'tis, la- nugo. P. gossyp'ii, cotton. P. subax- illa'res, hircipili. Piliation (F.). Production of hair. PUiers (F.). Pillars. P. postérieurs du trigone, crura of fornix. P. du tri- gone, pillars of the fornix. Püif erous. L. piliferus ; F. pilifere ; 340 PIL PIL G. haartragend ; /. pilifero. Hair-produ- cing. Pi'liform. Z(. piliforniis; /". jiililoniic ; G. luiarfórmig ; 1. piliformo. Hair-shaped. Pi'ligran. South American name for Li/copadium saururus. Pilig'anine. Amorphous alkaloid ex- tracted from Lìjcdpiidium saururus, Lam. ; poisonous, producing cmesis and convul- sions. Pilig'erous. L. piligerus ; F. piligere. I'iliferous. Pilimic'tion. L. jiilimietio ; G. Haar- harnen ; /. piliniictione, pilimizione. Pass- age of hair in the urine. PiU. L. pilula ; F. pilule ; G. Pille ; /. pillola. Medicine in the form of a small globular mass that ma}' be swallowed with- out mastication : see also Pith. P. of car'- bonate of i'ron [B. P.] : see Mass of car- boiiiitc of iron. P. of col'ocynth and hen'bane. Tj. pilula colocynthidis et hy- oscyami. Compound pill of colocynth 2 parts, extract of hyoscyamus 1 part ; mix [B. P.]. P. of ipecacuan'ha ■with squill. L. pilula ipecacuaiilias cum scilla. Com- pound powder of ipecac 3, squill 1, ammo- niacum 1, treacle q. s. ; make a mass [B. P.]. P. of lead and o'pium. L. pilula plumbi cum opio. Lead acetate 6, opium 1, confection of roses 1 ; beat into a uni- form mass [B. P.]. Pil'lar. F. pilier ; G. Säule ; /. pilas- tro. In anatomy a structure of a columnar form serving as an appendage to a vaulted organ. P-s. of Cor'ti, rods of Corti. P-s. of di'aphragm : see Dinphragm. P-s. of exter'nal abdom'inal ring. L. crura annuii inguinalis. Two diverging bundles of fibres implanted on either side the ring, the inner to the anterior surface of the symphy.sis pubis, the outer with Poupart's ligament upon the spine of the pubis. P-s. of fauces. Jj. arcus palato- glossus ; G. (jraumenbogen. Curved arches at the sides of passage from mouth to pha- rynx, formed by prominence of muscles. The anterior p. is occupied by the palato- glossus, the posterior p. by the palato- pharyngeus. P-s. of for'nix. L. col- umn;« fornieis ; F. piliers du trigone; G. Gewölbesäulen ; I. pilastri del trigono. Continuations of fornix downward toward base of brain. The anterior p-s. pass down in front of the foramina of Monro, and can be traced as radices ascendentes fornieis to thomammillar}' tulierclcs, thence reflected upward as radices descendentes fornieis, or bundles of Vicq d'Azyr, to the basis of the anterior nucleus of the optic thahimus. The posterior p-s. are usually called the crura of the fornix, which see. P-s. of ve'lum pala'ti, pillars of f;uices. Pill'box, hydatid. Endogenous echi- nococcus cyst. Püle(r;.). Pill. Pillicosh'y or Pilliocau'sia. Hiera picra. Pillola (/.). Pill. Pülolare, i>ilular. Puis: see Asiatic, Bouitva', Bellostes, Blancard's, Biaud's, Bhie, Coiiijiouud, Com- poiind cathartic, Dinner, Dupuytren s, Frank's, Fu//er's, Gri^ffitli's, Hooper's, Lady Webster's, Larlii/ue's, Meglin's, Morrison's, Mercuria/, Plummers, J'hosp/iorus, Pufus', Picord's, Taujore pills. P. of al'oes. L. pilulas aloes; F. pilules aloéticiues savon- neuses. Made of equal parts of aloes and soap [U.S. P., Cod.] ; of aloes ili. soap 8, con- fection of roses 1, oil of nutmeg 1 [B. 1'.]. P. of al'oes and asafet'ida. L. pilul» aloes et asafœtidae. Contain of aloes, asa- fetida, and soap, each IJ grs. [U. S. P.]. P. of al'oes and i'ron. L. pilulai aloes et ferri; G. italiäiiische Pillen. 1. Aloes 100 grs., dried sulphate of iron 100 grs., aromatic powder 100 grs., confection of roses a sufficient quantity; make 100 pills [U. S. P.]. 2. Aloes -i, sulphate of iron U, compound powder of cinnamon 6, confec- tion of roses 8 ; make a mass [B. P.]. 3. Aloes, dried sulphate of iron, equal parts; make a mass with alcohol and divide into pills, each to weigh 0.10 gms. [P. G.]. P. of al'oes and mas'tic. L. pilulac aloes et mastiche. Lady Webster's dinner ])ills. Aloes 200 grs., mastic 50 grs., red rose 30 grs. ; to make 100 pills [U. S. P.]. P. of al'oes and myrrh. L. piluhc aloes et myrrlur. 1. Aloes 200 grs., myrrh 100 grs., aromatic powder .50 grs., .syrup q. s. ; make 100 pills [U. S. P.]. 2. Aloes 2, myrrh 1, crocus J, treacle 1, glycerin a suf- ficiency to make a mass [B. P.]. P. of asafet'ida. L. piluhii asafuetid;e. A.sa- fetida 19.5 gm., soap (if) zm. ; make 100 pills [U. S. P.]. P. of i'odide of i'ron. L. pilulae ferri iodidi ; F. jiilules d i.), pi. ae. Pill. P-se. al'oes, pills of allies. P-ae. al'oes et asafcet'ida, pills of aloes and asafetida. P-ae. al'oes et fer'ri [B. P.] or P-ae. aloet'icae feira'- tae [1*. tj.], pills of aloes and iron. P-ae. al'oes et mas'tiche, pills of aloes and mastic. P-ae. al'oes et myr'rhae, pills of aloes and myrrh. P-ae. ante-ci'bum, dinner pills. P-ae. antimo'nii compos'- itae, compound pills of antimony. P-ae. asafoet'idae, pills of asafetida. P. asa- fcet'idae compos'ita [B. P.], compound pill of asafetida. P. cambo'giae com- pos'ita [B. P.]. compound pill nf gamboge. P-ae. CTiin carbon'ate ferro'so [Cod] : see Muss of carhoniiti' of iron. P-ae. cathar'ticae compos'itse [U. S. P.]. com- pimnd cathartic pills. P. colocynth'idis compos'ita, compound pill of colocynth. P. coni'i compos'ita [B. P.], compound pill of hemlock. P-ae. D. A n 'derson [Cod.]: see ('onipoiiinl pill of gamboge. P-ae. D. Belloste [Cod.], Belìoste's pills. P-ae. D. Blaud, Blaud's pills. P-ae. D. Bon'tius, Boiitius' pills. P-ae. D. Dupuy- tren, Dupuytrcn's pills. P-ae. D. Méglin, Méiîlin's pills. P-ae. ferra'tse Blaud'ii [P.'^ Helv.]. Blaud's pills. P. ferra'tae Valle 'ti [P. Helv.] : see Moss of carbonaie of iron. P. fer'ri carbona'tis [B. P.] or P-ae. fer'ri carbon'ici, mass of carbonate of iron. P-ae. fer'ri compos'itae, com- pound pills of iron. P-ae. fer'ri iodi'di, pills of iodide of iron. P-ae. Franck, Franek's pills. P-ae. Fui 'Ieri, Fuller's pills. P-ae. galba 'ni compos'itae, compound pills of galbanura. P. hydrar'gyri [B. P.], mass of mercury. P-ae. hydrar'gyri subchlo'ridi compos'itae [B. P.], com- pound pills of antimony. 1'lummer's pills. P-ae. cum hydrar'gyro [Cod] ; see Mass ofmrreiiri/. P-ae. oum iodure'to ferro'so, pills of iodide of iron. P. ipecacuan'hae cum Scilla, pill of ipecacuanha with squill. P-ae. Ital'ioae ni'grae, pills of aloes and iron. P-ae. jala'pae, jalap pills. P-ae. o'pii, pills of n])ium. P-ae. phos'phori, pills of phosphorus. P. plum'bi cum o'pio [B. P.], pill of lead and opium. P-ae. Plum'meri [P. Belg.], compound pills of antimony. P-ae. rhe'i, pills of rhubarb. P-ae. rhe'i compos'itae, compound pills of rhubarb. P-ae. sapo'nis compos'itae [B. P.]: see Pills of opium. P. scammo'- nii compos'ita, eoni|iOund seammony [lill. P. scil'lae compos'ita, compound .squill pill. P-ae. Vallet' : see Mass of carbonate of iron. 342 PIL PIN Pil'ular. L. pillularis ; F. jiilulaire ; G. pilleuartig ; /. pillolare. I'ertaiiiini: to pills. Pilules (/'.)• Pills- P- d'aloès et de gomine-gutte, compound pill of gaiuboge. P. aloétìques savonneuses [Cod.], pills of aloes. P. d'Andei-son, eoniiiound pill of gamboge. P. ante-cibum, diuiier pills. P. bleues: see Muss nf mn-cury. P. de Bontius, Bontius' pills. P. de chlorure mercurique opiacées, Dupu\ trous pills. P. de coloquinte composées ; see Com- jxiuuJ pt7t of colocynth. P. de Dupuytren, Dupuytren's pills. P. écossaises, com- pound pill of gamboge. P. ferrugineuses de Blaud, Blaud's pills. P. de Franck, Franck's pills. P. de Fuller, Fuller's pills. P. d'iodure ferreux, pills of iodide of iron. P. de jusquiame et de valériane composées, Méglin's pills. P. deMéglin, Meglins pills. P. mercurieUes purga- tives, Belloste's pills. P. mercurieUes simples : see Mass of mercury. P. de Rufus, pills of aloes and myrrh. Pi'lus, pi. Pili {_L.) [-!/»s-]. Hair. Pilz ((r.). Fungus; — büdung, fun- goid growtli or formation of fungus; — förmige PapUle, fungiform papilla ; — förmige "Wärzchen, fungiform papillae ; — krankheit, mycosis. Pimele {L.) [ri.as-ij;]. Fat, fatness. Pimel'icus (//.). F. pimélique; /. pimelico. Pertaining to fat, fatty. Pimeli'tis. F. pimélite ; /. pimelite. Inflammation of adipose tissue; cellulitis. Pimelo'ma (i.). Fatty swelling, lipoma. Pimelorrhœ'a (i.) [/î'^]. F. pimé- lorrhée ; /. pimelorrea. Morbid fatty dis- charge, seborrhœa, fatty diarrhœa. Pimelo'sis (/y.). Z'. pimélose; 7. pime- losi. 1. Obesity. 2. Fatty degeneration. Pimelu'ria (L.) [hüoo^]. F. pimélurie. Passage of fat in urine, chyluria. Piment {F.). Capsicum annuum, L. P. de Cayenne, Capsimm frulescens, L. P. de la Jamaïque, pimenta. P. des jar- dins, Capsictim (innuuì)ì, L. P. rouge, capsicum. P. royal, Myrka Gale, L. Pimen'ta. F. piment de la Jamaïque ; G. Nelkenpfeffer ; J. pimento. Allspice, Jamaica pepper, pimento ; tlie nearly ripe •fruit of Eiif/enia J'imenta, DC. ; contains 3 to 4 per cent, of volatile oil ; a warm aromatic stimulant. P. ac'ris. Wight, Myrcia ncris, Sw. P. ofucina'lis. Lind., Eugenia Pimenta, DC. I*imen'to. Pimenta. P.--wa'ter. L. aqua pimcMt:e. Pimenta 14. ac|ua IGO; distil 80 [B. P.]; a stimulant carminative. Pim'pemel. F. mouron ; G. Pimpi- nelle ; /. anagallide. Aìuuj■). A genus of plants, Nat. Urd. i'mbtllifrx, OrtkosjH-niix. P. Ani'sum, L., a native of Egypt and the Levant; cultivated for its aromatic fruit: see Anise. P. mag'na, L., a European species, one of the recognized sources of Radix pimpinella [P. G.]. P. Saxifra'ga, L. E. burnet saxifrage; F. grand boueage; G. Pimpinell. Native of Europe ; the root is considered diaphoretic, diuretic, and stom- achic. Pimpinellwnrzel ( (?.). Pimpinella Sax- if raya. Pim'ple. F. bouton ; /. bottone. A small acuminated elevation of the skin ; a papule. Pin {F.). Pine. Pin and ■web. Opacity of the cornea ; pterygium. Pinash. Peenash. Pince I F.). Forceps. P-s. à anneaux, ringed forceps. P-s. à artères, artery for- ceps. P,-érigne, hooked forceps. P-S. hémostatiques, forceps used to control bleeding from ends of arteries. P. de Museux, form with hooks at the points. P. à pansement, dressing-forceps. P. pédicule, pedicle-clamp. P. à pression continue, s]iring clip-forceps. P. serre- pédicule, pedicle-clamp. P. de Seutin, Seutin's ])liers for cutting starch or plaster bandages. P. de Wude, Wilde's snare. Pinceau (F.\ Pénicillium, jiencil, bun- dle of filaments. P. électrique, wire brush used in electrotherapy. Pincement (^F.). Pinching, a pinching sensation. Pince-nez (F.). Eye-glasses. Pin'cers. F. pincettes; /. pinzette. Forceps. Pincette {F.). Forceps. Pinched. Contracted, shrunk. Pinck'neya pu 'bens. Pinhneya puhens. Pine. 1. F. sapin ; I. pino. A tree of the genus Pimm, Nat. Ord. Con>ferir. 2. A pineapple. P.-sap. L. lynipha pini. PIN PIN 343 An aqueous opaline liquid obtained by in- jecting from one end, under strong pres- sure, the wood of Piiiiis man'/ima, and col- lecting the juice which exudes from the other end [P. Port.]. P.-shoots. i/. gein- nit« pini ; F. bourgeons de sapin ; G. Fich- tensprossen ; J. turione di pino. The young shoots of J'iiìKs s^hes/n's, L. Pin'eal. L. pinealis ; F. pineal, ale ; /. pineale. 1. Having the shape of a pine- cone. 2. Relating to the pineal gland. P. gland. L. gianduia pinealis ; F. glande pineale ; G. Zirbel ; /. ghiandola or glando- la pineale. A small cone-shaped body on the median line, above and behind third ventricle of brain, projecting backward and downward between the superior pair of corpora quadrigemina. Thought by some comparative anatomists to be an aborted eye. P. lam'ina. L. lamina conarii. That part of the pineal gland below the recessus pinealis. P. ven'tricle. L. ventriculus conarii. The hollow sometimes found in the pineal gland, being the remains of the foetal condition of that body. Pine'-apple. F. ananas ; G. Fichten- apfel ; /. ananasso. The fruit of Bronidia ananas, L. ; a delicious refreshing and anti- scorbutic fruit. Pine-needle bath. G. Fichtennadelbad. A bath to which is added an extract made from the small branches and leaves of species of pine or spruce. Pi'neus pur'gans. Jatraplm Curcas. Pine'-weed. Hypericum Sarothra, Michx. Pin'gue (L.). Fat. PingTiecola (/.). Pinguicula. Pingued'inous. Fatty, greasy. Ping-ue'do (L.). Fat, fatness. Plnguic'ula (L.). I. pinguecola. A small fatty tumor of the conjunctiva. Pin'gTiid. Fatty. Pingnitu'do (L.). Fatness, obesity. Pinguo'leum theobr orna 'turn (L.). Oil of theobroma. Pin'hole os. Very small os uteri, gene- rally accompanies conoidal cervix. Pin'hole pu'pü. Strongly contracted pupil. Pinho'nes in'dici (L.). Seeds of Jtilriijihn l 'lirais. Pin'iform decussa'tion. Decussation of the pyramids, superior ; interolivary layer. Pinipic'rin. Cj,ir„,0,,. F. pinipicrine. A glucoside found in the leaves and bark of Finiif: at/h'estris and in leaves of Thuja occii/tnlalis. Pi'nit. C,H,,,()5. F. pinite. A crystal- lizable sugar found in the manna-like exu- dation from I'inu!< Lamhrrtiana. Pini'tes succin'ifer, Goep. An extinct coniferous tree, the principal source of amber. Pink : .ipe, Munotropa uiiif/orii, L. Pi'per (/..). Ì. Pepper [U. S. P.]. 2. A genus (]f plants, Nat. Ord. Pipi-riicex. P. adun'cum, L., a tropical American species, the leaves of which have ajipeared as substitutes for matico ; the I'ruit is used in Brazil in place of cubcbs. P. al'bum, white jiepper. P. angustifo'lium, 11. et P., Artduthe e/'iii(/(ilii, 3Iiq. P. Be'tel, L., a climbing .shrub, native of India, culti- vated ; the leaves are used as a mastica- tory : see Bete/. P. Carpun'ya, R. et P., a small tree of Chili and Peru, the leaves of which are iised in affections of the diges- tive organs. P. cauda'tum, cubeb. P. Clu'sii, DC, a species common in tropical Africa ; yields Ashantee or West African Jiejiper. P. Cube'ba, L. fil., ('nbrba iiffici- iiii/ix, Mi(|. P. elonga'tum, "\'abl.. ..l)-- iiiutlie e/uiii/ata, Miq. P. hispan'icum, (}i/i.iici!m (iiiiiiiiim, L. P. jamaicen'se, pimenta. P. lanceœfo'lium, IIBK., ^1;-- tmithe litncefr/oliii, Mic|. P. lon'gum, L., Vhnvica lioxhiirgltii, Mi(|. ; a shrub grown in India, Ceylon, and the Philippines; yields long pepper. P. Lusitan'icum, cap.sicum annuum. P. methys'tictim, Forst., native of the Pacific islands: see Kava. P. ni'grum, L., the pepper vine ; a climbing shrub, native of India, culti- vated. P. ofiBcina'rum, DC, Chavica oßiaiifiruni, Mi(|.. a shrubby plant, native of the Indian Archipelago, the principal source of the long jiepper of commerce. P. sanc'tum, Moç. et Sessé, a Mexican species ; the leaves are used as a condi- ment [Far. .Mex.]. P. Siribo'a, L., leaves used like those of Piper Beli/. PIP PIS 345 Piper'idine. CjHnN. /'. pijieridiiie ; /. piperiiliiKi. A liquid, strongly alkaline principle, derived from piperine by the ac- tiiin ot" potassa ; may also be derived from cadaverine. Piperi'na {L.). Piperine. Pi'perine. CnHigNO:,. /■'.piperine; G. Piperin ; /. piperino. A proximate prin- ciple of feebly alkaloidal power, prepared from pepper ; occurring also in other plants of the Nat. Ord. Pijieniceie [U . S. P.]. Pipermint (F.). Peppermint. Piper'onal. ('sHsOj. F. pipcnmal. An aldehyde, a product of the oxidation of piperine. White prismatic scales, with the odor of vanilla and a pungent taste; in- soluble in water, soluble in alcohol ; an antiseptic and antipyretic. Pipette'. /. pipetta. A small tube open at each end ; used for adding or re- moving small c|nantities of fluid. Pipita (/.). Pip. Pipitzaho'ac. The rhizome and root- lots of Ferezia /ruf icona, La Llav. et Lej. [F. Mex.] ; drastic cathartic. Pipitzaho'ic acid. C,5H,oO:i. A yellow crystalline resimiid substance, the active principle of pipitzahoac ; a drastic cathar- tic in the dose of 0.30 to 0.60 gm. Pipmen'thol. The trade name of a kind of menthol prepared from the oil distilled from Meiithn pipisrita. Pipsis'sewa. Chlmaphila umhelliita. Piptony'chia {L.) [t-U-zw, Jvo.?]. F. piptonychie ; /. piptonichia. Onychoptosis. Piqueté, ée (/^.)- Spotted, punctate. Piqûre (F.). Punctured wound ; sting of insect. P. anatomique, dissection wound. Piramidale (/.). 1. Pyramidal. 2. f'uneiform bone of the wrist. P. dell' addome, pyramidalis abdominis. P. del naso, pyramidalis nasi. P. della pelvi, pyrilbrmis. Piramide (/.). Pyramid. P. di La- louette, pyramid of thyroid gland. P. lamellare di Malacarne, nodule of cere- bellum. P. del palatino, pyramidal pro- cess. P. del trapano, modiolus. Piressia (/. ). Pyrexia. Piretico, pyretic. Piretogene, fever - producing. Pireto^afia, descri|iiiiiM nf fvir. Pire- tologia, pyretoiogy. Piretontologia, dis- course on the nature of fever. Piretro (/.). Pyrethrum. Pirettico (/.). Feverish. Piridina (/.). Pyridin. Piriforme {F., I.). Pear-shaped; used substantively for the pyriformis muscle. Piroflittide (/.). Inflammatory pustule. P*irofosfato (/). Pyrophosphate. P. di soda, sodium pyrophosphate. Pir'ogoff's amputa'tion. A modifi- cation of .Syme's amputation of the foot. The tuberosity of the os calcis is retained in the heel-flap, and its cut surface is placed in contact with the divided extremities of the tibia and fibula. Pirola (/.). Wintergreen. Piromania (/.). Pyromania. Piro- puntura, ignipuncture. Pirosi, pyrosis. Pirossilina orPirossUo, pyroxylin. Piro- tico, caustic, burning. Pirotonide (/.). Pyrothonide. Pis {F.). Udder. Piscid'ia. Jamaica dogwood ; the root- bark of Piscidia Erythrina, Jacq., a legu- minous tree, native of the West Indies ; narcotic ; has been used for poisoning fish. Pis'cidin. A neutral substance, sup- posed to be the active principle of piscidia. Pis'iform. L. pisiformis; F., I. pisiforme. Pea-shaped ; often used substantively for the following: P. bone. /'. pisiforme; G. Erbsenbein ; 1. osso pisiforme. A small round bone on the inner side of proximal row of wrist, articulating with the cunei- form. Generally thought not to be a true carpal element, but a sesamoid developed in the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris ; but held by some to correspond to the entire calcaneum of the tarsus. Pisohama'tus (A). Piso-uncinatus. Piso-uncina'tus {L.). A rare muscle, taking the place of the ligamentum piso- haniatum. Pisse {F.). 1. Urine. 2. Polyuria in the horse. Pissement {F.). Urination. Pissenlit ( F.). Taraxacum. Pisse-sang {F.). Sang-de-rate, q. v. Pistacchio (/.). Pistachio-nut. P. di terra, ground-nut. Pistache (/'.). Pistachio-nut. P. de terre, gmund-nut. Pistach'io-nut [-■.rrrà/.ri']. L. pistacia ; F. pistache ; G. Pistazie ; /. pistacchio. The seed of Pistacia vera, L. Has a sweetish, oily taste, resembling sweet aim- 346 PIS PIT onds ; used as an article of diet and in the preparation of an emulsion. Pista'cia (L.). A genus of Anacardi- acex. P. cabul'ica. Stocks, and P. TCin '- juk, Stocks, grow in India and yield Bom- bay mastic. P.-galls, excrescences upon the leaves and branches of Pislatia Tere- binthus, caused by the punctures of a spe- cies oi' Aphis ; formerly used in the treat- ment of bronchial complaints. P. Len- tis'cus, L., a. small tree or shrub, indig- enous to the basin of the Mediterranean ; the source of mastic. P. Terebin'thinus, L., a small tree found in southern Europe, northern Africa, and Asia ; the source of Chian turpentine. P. ve'ra, L., a tree, native of western Asia, cultivated in Eu- rojie, which yields the pistachio-nut. Pistazie (G.). Pistachio-nut. Pistolet (F.). Aconite. Pistolochi'a (L.). Aiixfoloc/iiii Pùtolo- cht'a. Pit of the stom'ach. Infrasternal de- pression. Pitay'a-bark. A variety of Cartha- gena-bark obtained from Cinchona pitayen- sis, Wedd. Pitch [-taira or TrtVra]. L. pix ; F. poix ; G. Pech ; /. pece. A resinous mat- ter obtained from coniferous trees. The term is commonly used as a synonym for black pitch : .see Black, Burgundi/, Canada, and Hemlock pitch. P. pine. 1. Finns australis. 2. J'inus riijida. P. plas'ter. L. emplastrum picis. Burgundy jiitch 52, yellow wax 9, turpentine 26, resin 9, oil of nutmeg 2, olive oil -1, water 4 parts ; mix $cc. art. [B. P.]. P. plas'ter with can- thar'ides. L. emplastrum picis cum can- tharide. Cantharides cerate 8 parts ; melt, strain, and add Burgundy pitch 92 parts; mix with the aid of heat [U. S. P.]. Pitch'er-plant. Sarracenia purpurea. Pitch'er's arm : see Baseball pitcher's arm. PithecoUo'bium Avaremote'mo, Mart. A Brazilian tree, the bark of which is official in the P. Port, under the name of avaremotimo or barbatimao ; astringent. Pitia (/.). Colostrum. Pitiriasi (/.). Pityriasis. Pit'ted teeth. Teeth with pits or de- pressions in the enamel, due to defective development. Pit'ting. Formation of depressed cic- atrices from ]iustules, as in smallpox. Pitu'ita (L.). F. pituite. Product of secretion of mucous membranes ; phlegm, mucus. Pituitaire {F.). Pituitary ; used sub- stantively for the pituitary membrane. Pituitario (/). Pituitary. Pitu'itary. L. pituitarius; F. pitui- taire ; G. schleimig ; /. pituitario. Kela- ting to the secretion of mucus or phlegm. P. bod'y. L. gianduia pituitaria, hypophy- sis cerebri ; i^. glande pituitaire; G. Hirn- anhang ; /. glandola pituitaria. A small ovoid reddish-gray body situated in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone, and attached to base of brain by the infundib- ulum. It consists of two lobes — a poste- rior, containing nervous elements ; and an anterior, resembling in structure a ductless gland. P. divertic'ulvun. G. Hypo- physentasche. Flask-like outgrowth from mucous membrane of back part of phar3'nx, which assists in forming pituitary body. P. fold. F. repli pituitaire. The two sheets of dura mater that enclose the pitu- itary body : see Operculum sellx. P. fos'- sa. L. fossa pituitaria ; F. fosse pituitaire ; G. Hypophysenurube ; I. fossa pituitaria. An excavation in which the pituitary body rests on the upper surface of the body of the sphenoid. P. g-land. pituitary body. P. mem'brane. X. membrana )iituitaria ; F. jiituitaire ; G. Nasenschleimhaut ; /. memlirana ])ituitaria. The mucous mem- brane of the cavities of the nose, particu- larly the thick, very vascular portion which lines the turbinate bones. P. space, space between the trabeculse in which the pitui- tary body is developed. Pituite (F.'). Pituita. Pitu'itous. L. ]iituitosus; F. pitui- teux, euse ; G. pituitijs ; 1. ]>ituitoso. Con- taining, or resembling, mucus. Pit'uri. Duboisia IJopwoodii, F. v. Mill. Pit'urine. CeHsN. A volatile liquid alkaloid ibuiid in the leaves of Duboisia Hopu-oodii. Pityox'ylon succiniferum, Kraus. Pinitea succinifer, Gœp. Pityri'asis (//.) l-irupm']. G. Kleien- grind; /. pitiriasi. A non-inflammatory skin disease producing a superficial exfolia- tion of scales. P. cap'itis, alopecia fur- furacea. P. gravida'rum, chloasma ute- rinum in pregnancy. P. lin'gxise, leuco- plasia buccalis. P. macula'ta et circi- na'ta, a non-contagious, exudative disease, the lesions of which are macular or mac- PIT PLA 347 ulo-papular. These are dry, covered with furfuraceous scales, and varj' in color from yellow to deep red ; they appear generally over clavicles, ribs, and scapul». P. neo- nato'rum, seborrhœa of infants. P. ni'- gra, melasma. P. pila'ris, keratosis pila- ris. P. ro'sea or ru'bra, inflammatory form, in which the whole surface is gener- ally involved, characterized by deep-red color and an abundant exfoliation of thin whitish scales. P. tabescen'tium, sebor- rhœa sicca. P. versic'olor, tinea versic- olor. Pityriasis (F.). Pityriasis. P. cir- ciné I ir maculeux, seborrhœa corporis. Pityris'ma ( Z/.). Pityriasis. Pityroi'des or Pityro'des [rirtijoov, £7<î"s-]. Scurfj-, furfuraceous. Piumacciuolo (/.). Pledget. Piuria (/.). Pyuria. Piurico, relating to pyuria. Pivoine (.f.). Pxonia officinalis, L. Piv'oting. The operation of attaching an artificial crown to the root of a tooth by a pin or pivot. Piv'ot-joint. L. trochoides ; G. Dreh- gelenk. (Jne in which the movement of rotation is predominant, as in the atlo-odon- toid and the superior radio-uliiar. Pix (L.) [-!Wa]. Pitch. P. al'ba, resina pini. P. bet'ulae, birch tar. P. Burgrun'dica, BurguTidy pitch. P. Can- aden'sis, Canada pitch. P. liq'uida, tar. P. nava'lis, or P. ni'gra, or P. sol'ida, black pitch. P. suto'ria, pitch. Pizzicore (/.). A prickling sensation. P. L., abbv. for Pharmacopoeia Lon- dinensis ( L.), Londun Pharmacopœia. P. 1., abbv. for Perception of light. Placca (/.), pi. Placche. Plate, patch, plaque. P. mucosa, condyloma latum, mucous patch. P-e. a nuclei multipli, myeloplaxes. P-e. di Peyer, I^eyer's patches. Place'bo (L.) [placco]. A medicine given more to please the patient than for any other purpose. Placen'ta[-/ax"5ç]. After-birth. Organ formed by intimate union of fœtal chorion with a specialized thickened area of mater- nal uterine mucosa. The human placenta is a discoid spongy mass, containing a large quantity of blood ; it serves for the nutri- tion of the fœtus in utero, and is discharged a short time after the birth of the child. P., adhe'rent, one which has contracted firm adhesions to the uterine wall, due to inflammation during pregnancy. P., bat'- tledore, form in which the cord is attached to the edge of the placenta. P. cruo'ris. F. placenta cruorique. Blood-clot. P. prae'via. /. ]ilaeenta previa. Placenta implanted upon the lower third of the ute- rine wall. P. san'guinis (obs.), blood- clot. P. succentu'ria, a subdivision of the placenta forming two or more placentas, situated at difl'erent points in the uterine walls. Placen'tse sem'inis li'ni (L.) : see Linsieil miai. Placen'tal. L. placentalis ; F. placen- taire ; G. placentar ; /. placentare. Per- taining to, or having, a placenta. P. a'rea, portion of uterine wall to which the pla- centa is attached. P. ar'tery, umbilical vein [Ridge]. P. m.ur'mur or souffle. F. souffle placentaire; G. Placentarge- räusch ; /. soflio placentare. A peculiar whispering sound heard upon auscultation of the pregnant uterus, supposed to be due to circulation of blood through the pla- centa. Placentar ((?.). Placental; — ge- räusch, placental murmur; — kreislauf, placental circulation ; — reste, portions of retained placenta; — stelle, point of fixa- tion of placenta on uterine wall. Placentare (/.). Placental. Placenta 'tion. Shape and mode of arrangement of the placenta in different mammals. Placente, ée (^F.). Having a placenta. Placen'tiform. L. placentiformis ; F., I. placentiforme. Resembling a placenta or a round flat cake. Placenti'tis. F., I. placentite. Inflam- mation iif the placenta. Placen'toid [-/azuùç, ilòo.) [-,i)i/-i;]. A stroke, a wound. Plagiocephal'ic [r/.«^;»?, xe^aXrj']. Hav- ing a plagiocephalous skull. 348 PLA PLA Plagioceph'alouS [xe^ra-'.);]. L. plagio- cephalus ; F. plagiocéphalc ; 1. plagioeel'alo. Having an asymmetric skull, in which the anterior part of one side and the posterior part of the other are more strongly devel- oped tlian the corresponding jiortions of the opposite side, thus giving the head a twisted appearance. Caused by premature synostosis of frontal bone with one of the parietal bones. Plague [-/li;-!}]. L. pestis ; F., I. peste ; G. Pest. An acute infectious disease which has at various times appeared in Europe and Asia in epidemics attended with great mortality. It is characterized by severe fever, prostration, and the apperancc of malignant buboes. P. of Athens, typhus ; see also Puli plague. Plaie {F.). Wound. P. d'armes à feu, gunshot wound. Plain mus'cles. Unstriated muscles. Plan (Z'.). Plane. P. des axes orbi- taires, Broca, visual plane of. P. biorbi- taire, visual plane of Broca. P. median, mesial plane. Pla'na orbita'lia (L.). Orbital plates. Plana'ria latius'cula (i>.). Distoma hipiiliiiim. Plana'tion. Term proposed by Dr. H. Allen to indicate movement of the hand in the plane of flexor surface of forearm. Plancher iF."). Floor of a cavity. P. antérieur du troisième ventricule, lam- ina terminalis. P. perineal, the perineal body. Plane. L. planum ; F. plan ; G. Ebene ; /. ])iano. In anatomy any flattened, smooth surface. Also certain surfaces used as standards of reference for describing the position and direction of the organs of the body. Six of these, tangent to the sur- faces of the body, are known as the ante- rior, posterior, inferior, and two lateral p-s. The mesial p. divides the body into two symmetrical halves. For craniometrie planes named after special per.sons see under names of persons: see also Alveolo-condyli- an, Auricii/n-iii/rdorhilal, Biorhifa/, Frontal, and Sagittal plane. P. of mastica'tion, that tangent to masticating surfaces of teeth of upper jaw [Barclay]. P. of re- gard'. F. plan de regard ; G. Blickebene, V'isirebene. Plane containing the linos of regard, and therefore al.so the fixation point. The primary plane of regard is the plane containing tlie lines of regard in their jiri- mary position, a horizontal plane through the centres of rotation of the eyes. P-s. of mo'tion. G. Bahnebenen. Planes in which the line of sight is moved in motions of the eye. Primary planes of motion are those passed through the line of sight in the primary position of the eye. Secondary planes of motion are those passed through the line of sight in other than the primary position. P-s., prin'cipal. /■'. plans princi- paux ; G. Hauptebeiien ; / piani princijiali. The planes passing through the principal points perpendicularly to the principal axis of an o]itical system. Plane'sis (^L.) [-/'.ó»;!J.ai, rJ^ôç]. A false passage, Planoma'nia (i.) [,aa/t'u]. Insane de- sire to wander from home and live an un- civilized life. Pla'no-spi'nal line. That drawn in the mesial plane from anterior border of planum sphenoidale to spinal (subnasal) point. Plans focaux (F.). Focal ]>lanes. Plans méridiens (F.). Meridian planes. Plans principaux (F.). Planes, prin- cipal. Plan'ta (L.). Sole. Plan'ta noc'tis (L.). Hydroa, suda- mina. Planta'go (L.). F. plantain ; /. pian- taggine. 1. A genus of Flantagineir. 2. Plantago major, L. P. arena 'ria, Waldst., a European species, a doubtful source of psyllium [Cod.]. P. Ispaghu'la, Roxb., native of India; the seeds, ispaglnil-seeds, are demulcent and astringent [P. Ind.]. P. lanceola'ta, L., rib-grass, ripple-grass, English plantain, a European herb, natu- ralized in the U. S. ; may be substituted PLA PLA 349 for P. major [Cod.]. P. ma'jor, L., com- mon plantain ; indiïï;enous to Europe, natu- ralized in the U. 8. ; said to be refrigerant, diuretic, and astringent ; the fresh leaves are used externally as a stimulating appli- cation. P. Psyl'lium, L., grows in Eu- rope ; the seeds are (iffieial in the Cod. : see F/taseecl. P. virgin'ica, L., indigenous ; properties same as the common plantain, Piantagli major, L. Plan'tain. Plantago major, L. Plan 'tain-leaved everlas'ting. ^4«- tennaria plantogiìiij'iìiit. Hook. Plantaire {F.). Plantar. P. grêle, plantaris. Plan 'tar. L. plantaris; F. plantaire; G. plantar; /. plantare. Relating to the sole of the foot. P. arch. L. arcus plantaris ; F. arcade plantaire : G. Sohlen- bogen ; I. areata plantare. Formed by union of external plantar artery from the po.sterior tibial with communicating branch from dorsal artery of foot. P. ar'teries. L. arteriae plantares; F. artères plantaires; G. Sohlenarterien ; /. arterie plantari. Two branches derived from posterior tibial that supply the sole of the foot. The internal plantar lies along the inner side ; the ex- ternal plantar, longer, passes outward to the base of the fifth metatarsal bone, then runs obliquely inward, and joins the dorsal artery in the first interosseous space, form- ing the plantar arch. P. cuta'neous nerve. L. nervus calcaneo-plantaris cu- taneus. Branch of posterior tibial, sup- plying heel and inner side of .sole. P. dig'ital ar'teries, twigs from plantar interosseous a-s,, distributed to sides of toes. P. fas'cia. L. fascia plantaris ; G. Fusssohlenbinde. A strong resistant sheet of fibrous tissue confining the deeper structures of the sole, attached behind to tubercles of calcaneum. in front to sheaths of flexor tendons. P. fibro-cartilag'inous plates, digital fibro-cartilages. P. inter- os'seous ar'teries. L. arteria; interossere plantares. Branches from plantar arch in interosseous .spaces, dividing into collateral digital a-s. P. interos'seous mus'cles : see Interosseoits musclis. P. lig'aments, those belonging to the sole of the foot, but more especially the calcaneo-cuboid ligaments, usually called the long and short plantar. P. metatar'sal ar'teries, plantar interosseous arteries. P. mus'- cle, plantaris. P. nerve, exter'nal. L. nervus plantaris externus ; G. äusserer Sohlennerv. Smaller end-branch of pos- terioi tibial, supplying intrinsic muscles of foot and skin of the little toe and one- half of the fourth. P, nerve, inter'nal. L. nervus plantaris internus ; (t. innerer Sohlennerv. Jjarger end-brauch of poste- rior tibial, supplying three inner toes and one side of fourth, the abductor hallucis and flexor brevis digitorum and flexor brevis hallucis. P. re'flex, movements of toes, or of toes and foot, produced by tickling the sole of the foot [Bastian]. P. tu'bercle. L. tuberculum plantare. A rough prominence on the plantar sur- face of base of first metatarsal bone, for attachment of tendon of peroneus longus. P. veins, ven;i; comités of plantar arteries. Plantaraponeurôse ( G.). Plantar fas- cia. Plantarbogen (C). Plantar arch. Plantare (/.). Plantar. P. gracile, plantaris. Planta'ria (L.). Dengue [Dunglison]. Planta'ris (L.). L. gracillimus suras ; F. plantaire grêle; G. langer Sohlenmuskel; /. plantare gracile. A small muscle arising in common with outer head of gastrocnemius, and extending downward by a long slender tendon which either unites with the tendo Achillis or may be traced to the plantar fascia. In many mammals it is a powerful flexor of the foot. P. mi'nor, duplication of the plantaris muscle, very rarely ob- served, arising from the planum popliteum or from the capsule of the knee-joint. Plante {F.). Plant. P. du pied, sole of foot. Planti-soprafalangei (/.). Lumbri- cales muscles of foot. Planti-sous-phalangiens [Chaussier] (/'.). Lumbricales muscles of the foot. Plan'ula (X.). Gastrula, a term used by older writers. Pla'nnm {L.'). Plane. P. aponeu- rot'icum diaphrag'matis, central tendon of diaphragm : see Diaphragm. P. au- ricula're, auricular surface of ilium. P. circula're elas'ticum, sphincter vesic;«. P. flbro'sum dorsa'le transver'sum, transverse dorsal ligament of wrist. P. in- fraorbita'le, that part of orbital surface of superior maxillary bone on outer side of infraorbital suture. P. is'chii, internal smooth surface of ischium. P. nucha'le, surface between superior curved line of oc- cipital bone and foramen magnum. P. occipita'le, smooth surface above superior curved line of occipital bone. P. orbi- 350 PLA PLA ta'le, that part of orbital surface of superior maxillary bone on inner side of infraorbital suture [Henle]. P. os'sis isch'ii, inner flat surface of ischium. P. poplite'tun, popliteal surface. P. semicircula're, tem- poral surface. P. semiluna'tum, cres- centic surface by which the ends of the crista acustica are attached to the ampulla. P. sphenoida'le, the flattened surface in front of optic groove, on upper surface of sphenoid bone. P. sternale, anterior sur- face of thorax. P. tempora'le, temporal surface. Planu'ria {L.) \_-Xavdoßiii., iiujt(i\>~\. Uro- plania. Plaque {F.^. Plate or patch. P. equa- toriale, equatorial plate. P. de feu, num- mular or disc-shaped cautery. P. mu- queuse, condyloma latum ; mucous patch. Plaqueminier (^F.'). Diospyros virgin- ira, L. Plaques (Fl). Plates or patches: see also B/oii(/-jillasm(idio. A separate multinucleate mass of protoplasm ; usually applied only to such masses formed by the fusion of sev- eral unicellular animals or plants. Plasmo'dium mala'rise (L.). Name proposed by Marchiafava and Celli for a parasitic organism discovered by Laveran and named by him Osciliaria malaria:. It is found in the blood of persons suff'ering from malaria, as a minute mass of proto- plasm, having amœboid movements in one stage of its development. Plasmol'ysis {L.) \_h'iuj'\. Separation from the cell-wall of the enclosed proto- plasm. Plasmo'ma (L.). Vague term for a fibroid tumor. Plasmoso'mata (Z.) [amiia]. Term applied by Gaule to those karyosomata which are specially stained by safranin. Plasmosténose (F.'). Direct division of the protoplasm during cell-division. Plasson (F.). Blastema. Plastaux'ia (i.) \j:>.à(!au), aûcr,]. /. plastaussia. Increase of plasticity, of tend- ency to unite. Plas'ter \^k!n:Xân, English, (/(dhamim. Hemlock, /siiiglass, Leaii, Litharge, Midiy's, Mercuriiil, Miraculous, Opium, Pitch, Forons, Rade- mac/ier's. Resin, Soap, Spice, Stickimg, Stramonivm, Slrenglhciiini/, Tliapsia, Warm- ing, etc. plaster. P. of i'odide of lead. L. emplastrum plumbi iodidi. A mixture of lead iodide 1 part with lead i)laster 8 parts and resin 1 part [B. P.]. P. jack'et : see Sayre's method. P. mull, a plaster composed of a thin sheet of gutta-percha backed by undressed muslin, and coated with the substance to be applied to the skin. P. of Par'is. L. gypsum ; /•'. plâtre ; /. gesso. Calcined gypsum. P.-of-Par'is jack'et. G. Gypspanzer, Gypskorset : see Sayre'.-i method. Plas'tic [;r/,«(T(j'(ü]. L. plasticus ; F. plasticjue : G. plastisch ; I. plastico. ~ Per- PLA PLA 351 taininp to formation or nutrition. P. anat'omy : see Auafomi/. P. appara'- tus. /■'. appareil plastique. .Splints, etc. tVirmetl with materials, sueh as starch, gyp- sum, or silicate of potash, which are ap- plied in a soft condition and harden after- ward. P. el'einent. G. Bildungselement. Formative element. P. force. G. Bil- dungskraft. Formative power in organized bodies. P. lymph, plasma. P. sur'gery. F. chirurgie plastique ; /. chirurgia plastica. Repair of loss of tissue or correction of deformities by incisions and bringing tis- sue from the same or another person to fill the gap. Plastic'ity. L. plasticitas ; F. plasticité ; G. Bilduniïsvermogen ; /. plasticità. Ca- pacity for formation or organization. Plasticule (F.). Theoretical molecule of substance in process of organization. Plastide {F.). A cell or distinct mass of protoplasm. Plastidule (F.). Theoretical molecule of living matter. Plastiljrt'ic [/.'jtu]. Tending to diminish or destrdv plasticity or plastic matter. Plas'tin. Zacharias' term for the proto- plasmic substance of a nucleus enmeshed in the chromatin. Plastique (F.). Plastic. Plastisch {G.). Plastic. Plastocol'ysis (L.) \_xdiXu">]. Broad- chested. Platys'tomous [-rró.a«]. F. platystome. Having a broad mouth. Platzangst, Platzfurcht, or Platz- schwindel (G'.). Agoraphobia. Pledget, plej'et. F. plumasseau ; G. Bauschen ; /. piuniacciuolo. A compress or small flat mass of lint. Plegapho'nia (L.). G. Plegaphonie. Diagno.sis by i)ercussion of the larynx while the glottis is open. Plegom'eter. Pleximeter. Pléiade ganglionnaire (F.). Multiple bubo. Plein (F.). Full ; the middle part of a bandage. Pleiomas'tia (L.). Pleomastia. Pleioma'zia (L.). Pleomazia. Plejade ganglionare (/.). Multiple bubo. Plemmiria (/.). Plethora. Plenal'via (/>•). Impaction of the stomach in the horse. Plenitu'do (i.). /".plénitude. Fulness; plethora. Pleno ri'vo (L.). In a full stream; said tjf flow of blood from a wound. PleOCatan'teS (L.) [^iz/.'ar/, xara'vrijç]. Term applied to skulls in which the line joining the hormion and the staphylion makes an angle of from -15° to 07° with the radius fixus [Lissauer]. Pleo-epigna'thus (L.). Epignathus. Pleomas'tia (L.) [-/î/wv, iia/rnh}- F. pléomastie ; /. plcomazia. Condition of having more than one nipple on a single mammary gland. Pleoma'zia (L.) [^ij.a^óf\. F. pléomazie. Condition of having more than the normal number of manunary glands. Pleomor'phism \_-/.ituw, /j.nfiarj'j. Poly- mor]iliism of inorganic compounds, Pleonas'mus (/>.) [v«»r,""?]. Malfor- mation by excess of number or size. Pleonex'ia (L.) [-/c-r/cc!«]. /. pleo- nessia. ^lorbid selfishness or greediness. Plero'sis (/y.) [-;.i;7-M(uTu«ç]. L. pleroticus ; PLE PLE 353 F. plérotif|ue ; /. plerotico. Tending to fill up, to regenerate lost tissue. Plessim'eter. F. plessimètre ; /. ples- simetro. I'lexinieter. Plessimetria (/.). Plexiinetry. Plesso (/.). I'ie.xus P. coroideo, choroid plexus. P. emorroidario, li;vni- orrhoidal plexus. P. faringeo, jiliiu-vn- geal plexus. P. impari del Santorini, pudendal plexus. P. ipogastrico, hypo- gastric plexus. P. nodoso, ganglion of trunk of pneumogastric. Plethome'ria {L.) [-/.^ö-i-, ////x-ç]. G. Pletlionierii" ; /. pletonieria. Excess of parts Pleth'ora (/y.) [-À);7y<.-]. /'.pléthore; G. Vollblütigkeit ; I. pletora. Excessive fulness of the blood-vessels. Plethor'ic. L. plethoricus ; F. plétho- rique ; I. pletorico. Aifeeted with, or per- taining to, plethora. Plethys'mograph [-/îoot.'/oç, yimifu)]. F. Plethysmographe. An instrument to register variations in the volume of a limb. Pleu'ra {L.) [r/jopa]. F. plèvre; G. Brustfell. The closed serous sac surround- ing each lung, composed of a parietal layer lining walls of thorax, and a visceral layer reflected upon the luiiir. P. costa'lis, cos- tal pleura. P. pericardi'aca, mediastinal pleura. P. phren'ica, diaphragmatic pleura. P. pulmona'lis, pulmonary pleura : see Pleura. Pleuraexsudat {G.). Pleural effusion. Pleu'ral. Pertaining to the pleura. P. sac. G. Pleurasack. Closed sac formed by the pleura of either lung. Pleural'gia (L.) [«/,;-r<ç]. Intercostal neuralgia. Pleurapoph'ysis (X.) [à-ntpòw]. F. pleurapophyse. A rib, considered as a por- tion of the typical vertebra. Pleuraposte'ma {L.) [à-ónrrip.a']. Kni- j.yema. Pleurarthroc'ace (A.) [z«zmç]. Dis- ease of a rib or of a costal articulation. Pleuraschnitt ((?.)• Opening the pleura by incision. Pleure'sia (/>.). F. pleurésie; /. pleu- risia. Pleuritis. Pleurétique (F.). Pleuritic. Pleu'risy. Pleuritis. Pieu 'risy -root. Asdepias. Pleurit'ic [_-/.toptTuói\. F. pleurétique ; Vol. II.— 2.S G. i^Ieuritisch ; /. pleuritico. Pertaining to, (ir affected with, pleurisy. Pleuri'tis. /•'. pleurésie ; /. ])leurite -or pleuritide. Inflammation of the pleura. Pleuritisch {G.). Pleuritic. Pleu'ro- [-/.£'']. Adhe- sion .) \_-ls:ufji'n, laXn^']. F. pleuromèle ; /. pleuromelo. A monster with supernumerary members inserted into the lateral regions of the trunk. Pleuro-œsophage'us ( L.'). A broad band of unstrijied muscle-fibres passing from left pleura to oesophagus (Hyrtl). Pleuropath'ia iL.') [-«fli/ç]. /. pleuro- patia. Disease of the pleura. Pletiropericardi'tis. F. pleuropéri- cardite ; /. plfurii)ieri<-ar(lite. Pleuritis with pericarditis. Pleuropéripneumonie (F.). I. pleuro- peripneumonia. Pleuropneumonia. Pleuro-peritone'al cav'ity. The main body-cavity of tiie enilirvo after the separa- tion of the pericardial and niyotomic cavi- ties from the ca-lom. Pleuropiesi (/.). Pyothorax. Pleuropneu'ma (L.) [ffi/eù/jt«]. Pneu- mothiirax. Pleuro-pneumo'nia {L.) [-vîo//.»/;'«]. F. pleuropneumonie. Pneumonia with pleurisy. P. contagio'sa. F. péripneu- monie contagieuse ; G. Lungen.scuchc. A contagious febrile disease peculiar to horned cattle. Pleuropye'sis ( L.) [-''.ir^ffivj. F. pleuro- pyose. Pyothorax. 354 PLE PLE Pleurorrha'gia (/>.) [/Iij^vo//.']. /'. iilcu- ronluiüic ; /. plountriagia. Ihumotlioiax. Pleiirorrhoe'a (//.) [/^'''"]- F. pleuror- rhi'O ; /. pleurorrea. Effusion into the pleural caviiy. Pleurorthopnoe'a {L?i \j,jiii('i<. -^">;]. /'. pleiii(iitlii)|)iu'c ; /. plouroitopnca. ]Jys- pnœa fvoni piouritic effusion or from ]>li'ur- ali;ia. Pleuroso'mus \ L.) [lied usually to nerves or vessels. P. alveola'ris, alveolar veins. P. anseri'nus, |ies anserinns. P. anseri'- nus ner'vi media'ni, bundles from eighth cervical nerve passing to form the median nerve. P. aor'ticus abdomina'lis, aortic ])lexus. P. aor'ticus thorac'icus, syni- patlietic ]ilexus mi the thoracic aorta. P. arte'riae hepat'icse, branches of hepatic plexus upon hepatic artery. P. articula'- ris, venous net formed by temporo-maxil- lary vein around articulation of lower jaw. P. of Au'erbach, Auerbachs plexus. P. axilla'ris, brachial jilcxus. P. basila'ris, transverse sinus. P. bulbo-caverno'sus [Lenhossek]. offsets from ]iudendal jilexus lying within the urogenital diaphragm. P. cap'itis, union of fine branches of trigem- inus and cervical nerves over the ei)icra- niuni. P. cardi'acus ante'rior or P. car- di'acus infe'rior, superficial cardiac plex- us : see Cardiac plfjKs. P. cardi'acus poste'rior or P. cardi'acus supe'rior, deep cardiac plexus : see Vurdloc ji/exim. P. carot'icus inter'nus, carotid plexus. P. cavemo'sus pe'nis or clitor'idis, con- tinuation forward of prostatic sympathetic plexus. P. cervico-brachia'lis. 6'. oberer Kumpfplexus. The cervical and brachial plexuses considered together. P. choroi'- deus cerebel'li latera'lis, lateral proc- esses of choroid plexus of 4th ventricle. P. choroi'deus glan'dulse pinea'lis or P. choroi'deus ter'tius, choroid jilexus of lid ventricle : see Choroid plexus. P. cilia'ris, canal of Schlemm. P. cir- cula'ris flexu'rœ ter'tiae carot'idis cerebra'lis, cavernous plexus. P. cir- cula'ris foram'inis mag'ni, marginal sinus. P. coccyge'us, cnccygeal plexus. P. corona'rius ventric'uli, coronary plexus of stomach. P. corona'rius ven- tric'uli infe'rior, gastro-c)iiploic jilexus. P. cra'nii exter'nus, wide-mesbed net- work of veins over ejiicranial aponeurosis. P. crura'lis. 1. Branches of anterior crural nerve, forming a jdexus about the femoral artery [Krause]. 2. Lumbar plexus. P. deferentia'lis, extension of the vesical plexus upon the vasa defL-rentia, the seminal vesicles, and the prostate. P. diaphragraat'icus, phrenic jilexus. P. divisio'nis aor'tse abdomina'lis, sym- pathetic plexus recognized by .some be- tween the renal and the hypogastric plex- uses. P. dorsa'les spi'nse, dorsi-spinal veins. P. duc'tus choled'ochi, branches of hepatic plexus ramifying upon the bile- ducts. P. enter'icus, -Meissner's plexus. P. epigas'tricus, solar plexus. P. fem- ora'lis, lumbar plexus. P. gangliifor'- mis Vieusse'nii, (iasserian ganglion. P. gangliofor'mis, ganglion of trunk of PLE PLE 355 pneumogastrio. P. ganglio'sus, connoc- tioii of pelvic plexuses nt' either side with each other.'over floor of pelvis, hy means of a gangliateJ net. P. of Ger'lach : see Gerlach, piixus a/. P. gu'lae, a-sophageal plexus. P. hepat'icus nervo'so-arte- rio'sus, hepatic ple.Kus. P. hepat'icus veno'so-nervo'si, plexus vciue portie. P. hypogas'tricus, hypouastric jilesus, pel- vic plexus [llenlo], P. hjrpogas'tricus im'par, hypogastric plexus. P. hypo- g-as'tricus infe'rior or P. hypogas'- tricus lateralis, pelvic plexus. P. hypo- gas'tricus me'dius, hypogastric plexus. P. hypogas'tricus pel'vicus. pelvic plexus. P. hypogas'tricus supe'rior, hypogastric plexus. P. ili'acus exter'- nus, lymphatic plexus under peritoneum around external iliac artery. P. il'io- hypogas'tricus, hypogastric plexus. P. interlamina'ris, network of lymphatics between circular and longitudinal muscular fibres of small intestine. P. intermesen- ter'icus lum'bo-aor'ticus or P. mter- mesera'icus, renal plexus. P. Lnter- pterygoi'deus, extension of the internal pterygoid plexus between the pterygoid muscles. P. intestina'les. Peyer's jiatches. P. ischia'dicus, sciatic jtlexus. P. Jacob- so'nii, tympanic jilexus. P. latera'lis fren'uli, lym])hatic network found on either side the frenulum of the prepuce. P. hena'lis, splenic plexus. P. lingua'- lis, extension of external carotid ]>lexus upon the lingual artery. P. longitudi- na'Us colum'nae vertebra'hs, meningd- rachidian veins. P. lum'bo-sacra'lis. G. unterer Kumpfplexus. The iumljar. sacral, and coccygeal plexuses considered together. P. mamma'rius inter'nus, formed by brandies from the inferior cer- vical ganglion around tiie internal niain- mary artery. P. maxilla'ris exter'nus, extension of external carotid plexus upon the facial artery. P. maxilla'ris infe'- rior, formed by inferior dental nerves within substance of lower jaw. P. max- illa'ris inter'nus. 1. Extension of ex- ternal carotid i>lexus of the sympathetic upon the internal maxillary artery. 2. Pterygoid plexus. P. of Meis'sner : see Mn'ssiier s plexus. P. menin'geus, exten- sion of external carotid plexus of the .sym- pathetic upon the middle meningeal artery. P. myenter'icus exter'nus, Auerbachs plexus. P. myenter'icus inter'nus, Meissner'« plexus. P. naso-palati 'nus, Cloi|uet. ganglion of P. ner'vi va'gi, lateral processes of choroid plexus of 4tli ventricle. P. nervo'rum mol'lium, ex- ternal carotid plexus. P. nervo 'so-arte- rio'sus, cavernous jilexus. P. nodo'sus, ganglion of trunk of pneumogastric. P. occipita'lis, extension of the external caro- tid ]ilexus upon the occipital artery. P. omenta'lis, epiploic plexus. P. ophthal'- micus, extension (j1' interiuil carotid plexus upon the ophthalmic artery. P. ova'rii, bulb of ovary. P. pampinifor'mis, pam- ])iiiiform plexus. P. parot'icus, jiarutid plexus. P. parotide'us, pes anserinus major. P. pel'vicus, plexus gangliosiis. P. pharyngo-basUa'ris, extension of ex- ternal carotid plexus upon the ascending pharyngeal artery. P. pharyngo-laryn- ge'us, pharyngeal ])lexus uf veins. P. planta'ris, venous net on umler surface of foot. P. poplite'us, continuation of plexus cruralis (def 1) upon the popliteal artery. P. prostat'ico - vesica'hs, pu- dendal plexus. P. pterygoi'deus ex- ter'nus, superficial portion of pterygoid plexus, receiving buccal and masseteric veins [Zuekerkandl]. P. pterygoi'deus inter'nus, posterior portion (pf pterygoid plexus. P. pu'bicus im'par, ])udendal plexus. P. pu'bicus par [Leninissek], veins on either .side of pudendal ]ilexus, connecting it with plexus bnllid-eavernosus. P. puden'do-haemorrhoida'lis or P. puden'do-vesica'lis, pudendal plexus of veins. P. pulmon'icus, pulnnmary plexus. P. reticula'ris, choroid plexus. P. reti- for'mis, corpus eavernosum vaginae. P. sacra'lis an'ticus, formed by sacral veins over anterior surface of sacrum. P. sacro-coccyge'us, coccygeal plexus. P. of Santori'ni. A. plexus Santorinianus. 1. Pudendal plexus. 2. Plexus formed by the motor root of the trigeminus nerve, at its union with the sensitive root as it passes out at the foramen ovale P. semiluna'- ris, cceliac plexus. P. semina'lis, rete testis. P. spermat'icus, iKimpiniform plexus. P. spermati'cus inter'nus or P. spermat'icus supe'rior, spermatic plexus. P. sphenoida'lis, upper part of internal carotid plexus, where it is particularly thick and close-meshed. P. spina'les exter'ni, dorsi-spinal veins. P. spina'les inter'ni, nieningo-rachidian veins. P. stomach'- icus, C(U'onary plexus of stomach. P. subarachnoi'deus [llinriehsen], fine branches of roots of s|)inal nerves, some- times seen, uniting to form a plexus upon the jiia mater. P. subcuta'neus abdom'- inis, wide-meshed venous nt'tW(n-k upon anterior wall of abdomen, connecting with 356 PLE PLI jilexus of thorax above ami of pelvis below. P. sublingua'lis [Calori], jilexifonii ar- rangement (if nerves supplying sublingual gland. P.submuco'sus, .Meissner'sjilexus. P. supramaxilla'ris poste'rior, a elo.sely- meshed pari of tlie superior dental plesu.s, sometimes observed above the seeoud molar tooth. P. testicula'i'is, spermatic jilexus. P. thyroi'deus Lm'par, tluit fornu'd by inferior thyroid veins in front of the trachea. P. tonsilla'ris, branches of the palatine vein aliout tlic tonsil. P. transver'si an- terio'res, venous channels crossing in front of vertebral canal, behind bodies of ver- tebrae, between them and ])osterior common ligament. P. triangnla'ris, that formed by sensory root of trifacial nerve, just before it enters the Gasserian ganglion. P. uteri'- nus commu'nis, hypogastric plexus. P. uteri'nus complic'itus, that part of the jiosterior uterine plexus behind the lower extremity of the ureters ; very closely meshed. P. uteri'nus infe'rior, i)lexus gangliosus. P. uteri'nus mag'nus [Tiede- niann]. lower jiart ol' hypogastric plexus. P. uteri'nus supe'rior, pelvic plexus. P. utero -vagina'lis, uterine and vaginal pk'xuses of veins considered together. P. va'sis deferen'tis, deferential plexus. P. ve'nse por'tse. branches of he])atic plexus ramifying upon ]iortal vein. P. veno'sus ve'naB dorsa'lis pro'prius [J.enhossek], that part of ])udendal plexus into which dorsal vein of penis discharges, P. verte- bra'lis cervica'lis, venous plexus around transverse processes and anterior surfaces of cervical vertebra^, discharging into verte- bral vein. P. vertebra'les dorsa'les, dorsi-spinal veins, P. ver'tebro-basi- laris, vertebral plexus. P. vesi'cee fel'- leae, cystic plexus. P. vesic'ulse semina'- lis, deferential i)lexus. P. vidia'nus, plexiform arrangement of Vidian nerve around Vidian artery. Plexus (/■'■). P. bronchiques, bron- chial plexus. P. du canal déférent, offset from spermatic plexus acconi|ianying vas deferens. P. cardiaque, cardiac jilexus. P. ganglifonne, 1. (Jasserian ganglion. 2. (ianglion of trunlir of pneumogastric. 8. Plexiform enlargement of )ineumogastric below inferim- laryngeal. P. intercaro- tidien, carotid plexus. P. mentonnier, mental plexus. P. opisthogastrique, eœliac jilexus. P. pubio-prostatique, prostatic plexus. P. ramiformes, mutual interlacement of nerves by jiassage of bundles from each to tlie other, P, réti- forme-réticulaire, bulb of vestibule, P. sciatique, sacral plexus. P. solaire, solar plexus. P. sous-diaphragmatique, diaphragmatic plexus. P. sous-mésenté- rique, hypogastric plexus. P, sous- orbitaire, infraorbital plexus. P. sous- parotidien, i>es anserinus major. P. trachélo-sous-cutané, cervical jilexus. P. veineux de Schlemm, canal of Schlemm, P. zygomatique, pterygoid plexus. Plexuslähmung (C). Paralysis of several nerves, due to disease of a nerve- plexus. Pli (F.). Fold. P. de l'aine, sulcus inguinalis. P, ascendant ( deuxième) [Gratiolet], parietal convolution, ascending. P. du bras, fossa cubitalis. P. du corps calleux, convolution of corpus callosum. P. du coude, fossa cubitalis. P. courbe [Gratiolet], angular gyrus, su])ramarginal gyrus. P. marginal supérieur [Gratiolet], supramarginal gyrus. P. simien, charac- teristic sulcus digitalis anterior, fre(|uently found in the hand of negroes. Instead of stopping between the index and middle fingers, as is usual in Caucasians, it is carried forward to the radial border of the hand. P. sourciller, inferior i'rontal con- volution ; see Jùniitn/ t-oìivulittiaiix. P, transverse de Vater, plica transversalis duodeni. P, de la zone interne, convo- lution of corjius callosum, Pli'ca (L.) [t;./xw]. /'. i,li(iue; G. Weichselzopf. An entangled, felted, filthy condition of the hair and scalp, formerly considered a special disease. P. polon'- ica, jilica. Pli'ca {L.). Fold, P. antitrag'ica, projection of the folded border of the anti- helix of the external ear into conchal cav- ity, just above the antitragus. P. arte'rise umbilica'lis, hypogastric fold. P, ary- epiglot'tica, aryteno-epiglottic fold. P. centra'lis ret'inae, small iolds appearing in the retina after death, running from pajiilla ojitica to fovea centralis. P. co'li, \ip]ier fold of ilio-c;vcal valve. P, cu'biti, fossa cubitalis. P. Doug'lasi, semilunar fold of Douglas. P. duodeno-mesocol'- ica, duodi'iio-jcjunal fold. P, falcifor'- mis, falciform process of fascia lata. P. flmbria'ta, wavy-edged fold of mucous nieml)rane, found on under surface of tongue laterally from frenuiii ; believed to represent the sublingua or primitive tongue found in many mammals. P. gubema'- trix, fold of peritoTienni whi(di in fcetal life encloses the gubernatrix of the testes. PLI PLU 357 P. hyo-epiglot'tica, fold of nmeous mem- brane occasionally seen between the lateral eilirc of the epiirlottis and the hyoid bone. P. il'ei, lower lold of ileo-c;vcal valve. P. ligamen'ti triangula'ris sinis'tri, trian- gular fold frei|uently found near the left end of the left triangular liframent of the liver, caused by gradual atrophy of the liver substance. P. longitudina'lis duo- de'ni or P. longitudina'lis Va'teri, plica traiisversalis duodeni. P. luna'ta, semi- lunar fold of eye. P. ner'vi larjmge'i, fold of mucous membrane of larynx, stretching from arytenoid cartilages to op- po.site great cornu of hyoid, and cimtaining the superior laryngeal nerve. P. pterygo- mandibula'ris, fold of mucous membrane passing from the haniular process of sphe- noid to the alveolar process of the lower jaw. P. pterygo-maxilla'ris, pterygo- maxillary fold. P. pu'bo-umbilica'lis, hypogastric fold. P. salpin'go-palati'- na, salpingo-nasal fold. P. salpin'go- pharynge'a. G. Wulstfalte. Triangular fold of mucous membrane, extending from lower end of pharyngeal end of Eustachian tube to upper surface of soft palate. P. semiluna'ris (conjuncti'vae), semilunar fold of eye. P. semiluna'ris fas'ciae transversa 'lis [Krause], sharp edge of traiisversalis fascia, bounding internal ab- dominal ring upon its internal and inferior sides. P. sigrmoi'dea co'li, sigmoid fold. P. sigmoi'dea rec'ti, plica recti. P. sub- lingua'lis, fold of mucous membrane where it is reflected from floor of mouth to under surface of tongue. P. thyro-arytenoi'- dea infe'nor, true vocal cords : see Vucal coi-i/x. P. thyro-arytenoi'dea supe'rior, false vocal cord. P. transversa'lis duo- de'ni. /'. pli transverse de Vater. Fold (if mucous membrane of duodenum, imme- diately above opening of pancreatic duct. P. transversa'lis ret'inœ, plica centralis retina;. P. u'rachi, urachal fold. P. ureter'ica, ureteric fold. P. urogenita'- lis, projecting fold in embryonic peritoneal cavity, containing upper end of Wolffian duct. P. Va'teri or P. vertica'lis duo- de'ni, plica transversalis duodeni. P. ves'- ico-vunbUica'lis latera'lis, hvpogastric fold. Pli'cae (L.), pi. of Plica. P. adipo'- sae, synovial ligaments. P. adipo'sse pericardi'acae, processes formed by ile- velopment of adipose tissue beneath peri- cardial investment of heart. P. alifor'- mes, alar ligaments of knee. P. cilia'- ree. 1. Folds of ciliary body lying be- tween the ciliary processes, and much smaller than they. 2. Ciliary processes. P. conniven'tes, valvuhc conniventes. P. membra'nse muco'sae tympa'ni. G. I'aukenfelltaschen. Folds of mucous mem- brane of tympanum where it cros.scs over neck of malleus and invests chorda tyni- pani nerve ; an anterior and posterior fold are described. P. palma'tae, arbor vit» uterinus. P. rec'ti. /•'. sphincter supé- rieur ; G. Falten des Mastdarms. Semi- lunar folds between sacculations of rectum, extending in a nearly transverse direction, and from two to five in number [Oti.s]. P. semiluna'res Doug'lasi, recto-uterine folds. P. synovia'les patella'res, alar ligaments. P. transversa 'las rec'ti, pli- cae recti. P. vagi'nse, rug;e of vagina. P. villo'sse, small villous-like folds of mucous membrane of stomach, between t lie rugae ; more marked near pyloric ori- fice. Pli'cate. L. plicatus ; F. plicacé, ée ; /. piegato. Folded, plaited. Pli'catile. L. plicatilis. Capable of being folded. Pli'ers. F. pinces, tenailles ; /. pin- zette, tanaglia. A short, stout forceps or scissors. Plique polonaise (F.). Plica polonica. PHs ( F.). pi. of Pli. Folds, plications. P. cérébraux, convolutions of the brain, P. de locomotion, palmar folds. P. de passage, annectant convolutions. P. du vagin, rugîe of vagina. Ploca'ria lichenoi'des, Montag. S2)hx- rococcus licÌKìiiiùlef, Agardh. Plomb {F.). Lead. P. de chasse, small shot, bird-shot. Plombage des dents {F.). Filling of the teetii ; dental obturation. Plombé, ée {F.). 1. Lead-colored, re- sembling lead. 2. Filled, as a tooth, with lead (as formerly), gold, or other material. Plora'tio ( L). Weeping. Ploucquet's test : see Docimasia. Plough 'share bone. Vomer. Plug'ger. An instrument for filling or plugging cavities in teeth. Plum. Common name for plants, or the fruit of plants, of the genus J'niinis, Nat. Ord. Rosacex. Plumaceau or Plumasseau {F.). A small ruU of charpie, the threads being ar- ranired side by side ; a ])ledget. Plumba'go i L.). (!ra]'hite. 358 PLU PN E Plum'beous. L. pluiubeus; F. plombé, ée ; (V. bleifarbig ; 7. pluuibcu. Lead-col- ored, livid. Plum'bi {Ij), gen. of Plumbiom, 7. v. P. ac'etas, lead acetate. P. carbo'nas, lead carbonate. P. chlor'idum, lead chloride. P. iod'idum, lead iodide. P. ni'tras, lead nitrate. P. ox'idum [V. S. 1'.], lead nioiio.xide. P. ox'idum ru'- brum, Illinium, red lead. P. ox'idum semivit'reum, lead oxide, litharge. P. tan'nas, lead tannate. Plum'bism. Lead-poisoning. Plum'bum (L.). Lead. P. acet'i- cum [P. (i.]. lead acetate. P. acet'icum ba'sicum solu'tum [P. Aust.], solution of subacetate of lead. P. carbon'icum [P. Aust.], lead carbonate. P. cor'neum, fused lead chloride. P. hsrperoxyda'- tum ru'brum [P. Au.st.], minium, red lead. P. joda'tum [P. G.], lead iodide. P. ni'tricum [P. Ross.], lead nitrate. P. oxyda'tum [P. Aust.], lead monoxide. Plume'ria ( />.). A genus of Apocy- naccff. P. dras'tica, Mart., grows in Bra- zil ; tlie fresh juice is a drastic cathartic. P. lancifo'lia, also a native of Brazil ; the bark, agonia-bark, used as a febrifuge. P. phageden'ica, Mart., a Brazilian tree, with a niiiky juice said to be anthelmintic. Plu'miform. Feather-like. Plum'mer's pills. Compound pills of antimony. Plu'mula ( L.. I.) [Arnold]. F. plu- mule. A series of transverse furrows seen with low power on the upper wall of the Sylvian aipieduct. Plun'ket's caus'tic. Uaiuinculus acris 1 oz., ranunculus flaramula 1 oz. ; bruise and add arsenious acid 1 drachm, sulphur 1 scruple ; make a paste, form into balls, and dry in the sun. Plu'ral birth. Delivery of more than one child at a birth. Plurifétation (/'')• J- plurifetazione. Fecundation of two or more ova at once. Pluriloc'ular. //. plurilocularis ; F. pluriloculairc ; G. mehrf ächcrig ; I. pluri- loculare. Having numerous loculi. Plurimamme (F.). An individual with more than two breasts. Plurinucléé {F.). Having several nuclei. Pluripar'ity. The condition of having borne several children. Pluripar'tite. /. plurijiartito. Having numerous divisions. Plutomania (/.). Insane belief in the possession of large property ; a kind of megalomania. Pneobiogno'sis or Pneobioman'tia (/y. ) [~/ti", (5;kç, /"/lùrTif. or iiiiyT:tii}. I)oci- masia pulnioiiuni. Pneodynam'ics ['îova/uxoç]. F. pnéo- dynanii(|ue. Science of the forces and me- chanism of respiration. Pne'ograph lj-pfiaTr/,iia]. Ab- scess of the lung. Pneumapyothorax (/■'.) [tzòov, êwfia^']. Pyopneumothorax. Pneumarthro'sis (L.) [ìl/iOpm']. F. Pneumarthrose ; /. pneumartrosi. Effusion of air into a jcjint. Pneumatelec'tasis ( />.) ['Ì7£/>jc, ïxra- 'i.çvr\. A curve tracinfr uf the rc-^piratorj- movements. Pneumatom'eter [iJ.i-pn-^']. F. pneu- inatomitro : /. pneuniatometro. Spirometer. Pneumatompharocele [•viç:«/.»^-, zij/t/]. F. pneuniatuniphalucèle ; G. Nabehvind- bruch. Umbilical hernia containing flatus. Pneumatop'athy \j:àOiii\. .Mind-cure. Pneu matopericar dio or Pneumoperi- cardio l /. ). Pneumopericardium. Pneumatorace (/.). Pneumothorax. Pneumatorachide (/.). Collection of gas in the vertebral canal. Pneumato'sis ( L.") [->£y/iar«io]. F. pncumatose : (i>- /*«!]. Air and blood in the pleural cavity. Pneumohydrotho'rax (/>) [JUhufi. fim- //«!]. Air and water in the ])lcural cavity. Pneumokonio'sis. I'neumoconiosis. Pneu'molith [/:ö"c]. /'. jineumolithe ; G. Lungenstein ; /. pneumolito. Pulmo- nary concretion. Pneumolithi'asis (A.). F. pneumo- lithiase; C Lungensteinliildung ; /. pneu- molitiasi. Formation of concretions in the lungs. Pneumol'ogy [.'.'V"0- ^ pneumologie; /. pnenniologia. That part of medical sci- ence which treats of the lungs. Pneumomala'cia (/>.) [//«/axt'«]. Soft- ening of lung without putrefaction. Pneumom'eter [//'r/v«>]. Pneumonom- eter. spirometer. Pneumomyco'sis (//.) [/.iùx«ç]. Growth 360 PNE PNE of iinceliiiiii or of schizomycetes in the bronchial tubes. Pneumonae'mia {L.) [«'//«]. Conges- tion uf the lungs. Pneumonal'gia (L.) [àkyn^']. F. pneu- nionaliiie ; (1. Lungensehnierz. Fain in the lungs. Pneumonaposte 'ma (Z.) [à-ùfs-rritia^. Absfess in the lunir. Pneumonatelec'tasis (/>.) [«r;/,);'?, ïx- Tu<7:ç]. F. |ineunionatéleetasie. Atelectasis of the luniis. Pneumonec'tasis ( />.) [-v£'j/ji(uv, è'zr«- ff!ç]. F. pneunionectasie. Pulmonary em- physema. Pneumonemphrax'is {L.) [ïjKfpa^'.i]. Congestion of the lungs; pulmonary em- bolism. Pneumonhémie {F.). Congestion of the lungs. Pneumo'nia (L.) [-vrtj,a«via]. F., G. Pneumonie ; /. polmonite. Inflammation of the lungs ; see also Cntarriiit! and Croxp- oiix jmeumiiitin. P. dis'secans, an acute purulent pneumonia extending along the bronchi and blood-vessels. P. mi'grans. G. Wander]ineunionie. Insidious form, cree]iing from one jnirt of the lung to another. Pneumonia (/.). Pneumonia. P. acu- ta, croupous pneumonia. P. biliosa, pneu- monia with icterus. P. cronica, caseous pneumonia. P. fibrinosa, croupous pneu- monia. P. ipostatica, hypostatic pneu- monia. Pneumon'ic. /y. pneumonicus; /^. pneu- moni(|ue; (/. pneumoniseh ; J. pneumonico. Pertaining to, or affected with, pneumonia. Pneumonie (/'.). Pneumonia. P. ai- g^ë, croujious pneumonia. P. bilieuse, pneumonia with icterus. P. catarrhale, catarrhal pneumonia. P. chronique ca- tarrhale, catarrhal pneumonia aeeompany- iiig phthisis. P. chronique lobaire or caséeuse, caseous pneumonia. P. co- tonneuse, tabacosis. P. flbrineuse, croup- ous pneumonia. P. hypostatique, hypo- static ])neuni()nia. P. lobaii'e, cmupous pneuincjtiia. P. lobulaire or P. mame- lonnée, catarrhal ]ineumoiiia. P. massive, form with obstruction of the bronchial tubes by exudation, producing complete dulness. Pneumonite (/.). Pneumonia. Pneumoni'tis. /'.,/. pneumonite. Pneu- monia. Pneumonocarcino'ma (A.) [xapAMii]. Carcinoma of the lungs. Pneumon'ocele (L.) [zi;V.);]. F. pneu- moiuiccle. Hernia of the lung. Pneumonocirrho'sis(/y.) [z.yVìói-]. Cir- rhosis of the lung. Pneumonodsm'ia (A.) [o'>;>rJ. Pneu- monaigia. Pneumonœde'ma (A.) [.) \^iWjm;i-C\. F. pneumonorrhagie. Pulmonary hemor- rhage. Pneumonorrhce'a ( />.) [/!'<"]. F. pneu- nionorrhée. A gradual discharge from the lungs, especially of blood. Pneumonosapro'sis (/>.) [ija-f>i'ii\. Gangrene of the lung. Pneumonosarcie ( /•'.) [-^'V'-]- Hepati- zation of the lung. Pneumon'oscope [fi/ji-itu^. I. pncu- monoseo])io. Stethoscope. Pneumonosep'sis ( L.) [fl-^v''-?]- Gan- grene of the lung. Pneum'ony. Pneumonia. Pneumon37pos'tasis (L.^ [ù^iVrij//;]. Hviiostatic congestion of the lungs. Pneumopar'esis {L.) [-«/nV^/it]. An PNE POD 361 acute form of liing disease, eliaracterizod by progressive congestion, with infiltration of the vesicuhir structure, without fever, and preceded by distinctive nervous syiup- touis [B. W. Hicliards.m]. Pneumopericardi'tis. Pneumopericar- dium and jU'riiMnlitis. Pnetimopericar'dium (A.) [n-^-sù/ia, :7;-/i:z'i/>'5;/>a=]. (t. Luftbrust ; /. pneumotorace. An accumu- latiou of air or gas in the pleura! cavity. Pneumot'omy [tk/^'j]. L.. I. pneu- motomia ; F. pneumotoinie. Incision of the lung to open a cavity. Pneumotorace (I.). Pneumothorax. Pneumoty'phus {L.) [rOçdç]. /. pneu- motifo. Typhoid fever with croupous pneu- monia. I*neumotypo'sis ( L.). Intermittent pneumonia. Pneuobioman'tia ( L. ). Pneobiomantia. Pneusiobiogno'sis (L.) [t.Aiu, ßioi, T-xÙ'tn]. Docimasia pulmonum. Pneu'sis (L.) [-irvirif]. Respiration. Pneusom'eter. Spirometer. Pnig'ma i />. j [->;'/-(/)]. SuflFocation. Pnig'opho'bia ( L.) [r.-Ayw^ (foßo<;']. An- gina jiectoris. Pnix'is (Z<.) [-•/:'?]. Sense of suffoca- tion. Po di Bahia. Goa powder. Poche (F.). Bag, sac. P. anévrys- male, aneurismal sac. P. en boudin, projection of the bag of waters in a cylin- drical form from the cervix uteri. P. des eaux, bag of waters. Pock [.S'l.r. pocc]. A smallpox pustule. Pocken (.) [-"'H']. Spasm of the foot. Pododyn'ia {L.) [oòj^v;]. I'aiu in the foot, tarsalixia. Podœde'ma (/>.) ["."'Îî;.''«]. (Edema of the fo,,t. Podoflllina (/.). Podophyllin. Podoflllo (/.). Podophyllum. Podol'ogy [).i'>roi\. L., I. podologia; F. )iodoloü;ic. Discourse on the foot. Podophyl'li resi'na [B. 1'.]. Resin of podupliylhun. Podophyl'li rhizo'ma [B. 1'.]. I'odo- phylUmi. Podophyl'lin. F. podophylline ; /. podotiliina. Kesiii of podophyllum. Podophylli'nuin [P. G.]. Resin of podiiphylluiii. Podophyllotox'in. A crystallizable, very bitter, faintly acid, poisonous principle obtained from ])odophyllum. Podophyl'lum (i.) [-«"J?, yó;,/-//]. F. podophylle ; G. Pussblattwurzel ; 7. podo- flllo. The rhizome and rootlets of Foilo- phi/Uum peltatum. P. pelta'tum. L., niay- apple, mandrake. A common indigenous plant, Nat. Ord. Bii-bcridaccit ; hepatic stimulant and purgative; the source of podijphyllin. P. rhiz'ome [B. P.], ]iodo- phylluni. Podophyllumharz (G.). Resin of podophyllum. Podotrochili'tis [-"'Ji-, "/"'xf"î]. F. I., podotrochilite. Navicular disease. Pod'-pepper. Capsicum. Podyperidro'sis (L.) \_'''~'p, i'ìptó<;']. Excessive sweating of the feet. PœcUomelas'ina {L.) [7:(nxi/.(iç, /iéÀaf]. Senile gangrene. Poelé-bark. The bark of Ahtania spec/(tlti/ix, R. Br. ; contains the same alka- loids as dita-bark. Po'gon (X.) [scusali']. Beard. Pogoni'asis (L.). Excessive produc- tion of beard, especially in a woman. Pogon'ic. L. pogonicus. Pertaining to the beard. Pogoste'mon Patchou'li, Pell. .\ii East Inilian labiate plant ; the dried to]is are known in commerce as patchouly ; much used as a perfume. Po-ho-yo. Chinese oil of peppermint. Poignet (/'.). Wrist. Poi'kilocytes [-««I'/os]. Irregularly sha]u'd iir distorted red blood-corpuscles. Poikilocyto'sis (/>■)■ G. Poikilocytose. A condition of the blood in which it eon- tains cells altered in shape and broken up. Poikilomelas'ma (L.) [,a£Aa<7//"s-]. Se- nile gangrene. Poikil other 'mal [''''/'-'^l]- Varying in temperature ; applied to cold-blooded ani- mals whose temperature varies with that of the surrounding media. Polls (/■'.), ])1. of Poil, a hair. P. acci- dentels, hirsuties. P. du duvet, tine, downy hairs. P. follets or P. fugaces, lanugo. P. de remplacement, permanent hairs which succeed the lanugo. Poilu, ue {F.). Hairy, provided with hair. Point. L. punctum ; G. Punkt ; /. punto. 1. That which indicates position without itself having any extent. 2. Often used in anatomy to indicate minute dots or ori- fices : see Fixation, Identica/, Intfrsupcr- ciliari/, Mental, Nodal, Principili, Siiltnasiil, etc. point. P-s., car'dinal. /'. points cardi- naux ; G. Hauptpunkte; 7. punti cardinali. The six jioints on which the properties of refracting spherical surfaces depend. They are : two principal points, two nodal points, and two focal points. P-s., nodal, nodal points. Point (F.), pi. Points. Point. P. apophysaire, point over the spine which is tender on pressure, and indicates the locality of central disease producing neur- algia or other neurosis. P-s., cardinaux, points, cardinal. P. de côté, stitch in the side; a sudden sharp pain in the side. P. de croisement des lignes de direction : see Lines of direct ion. P-s., doulotu'eux, painful points. P. de fixation, tixatimi- point. P. intersourcilier, intersuper- ciliary point. P. lacrymal, punctum huh- rymale. P. mentonnier, mental point. P. métopique, metopiun. P-s. nodaux, nodal points. P-s. principaux, princijial points. P. de regard, fixation-point. P. de repère, ]iuint of reference, landmark. P. sous-nasal or P. spinal, subnasal point. P. sus-am-iculaire, supra-auric- ular point. P. sus-orbitaire, ojihryon. P. vital, mend vital. The jioint of the calamus scriptorius, the respiratory centre. Pointe {F.). Apex, end, summit. P. POI POL 363 du cœur, apes of heart. P. de feu, cauterization with a conical cautery. PointiUage (/'.). Massage performed witli the I'luis of the fingers. Pointillé, ée (/'•)• Punctate, spotted. Point'ing. Term applied to the conical projection of an abscess approaching the surface. Poire {F.). 1. I'ear. 2. Rubber ball- syringe. Poiré (/'.)- Perry, pear-cider. Poireau (/'.). 1. Leek, Ailium IKinum, L. 2. Wart, excrescence. P. de la sme, chimney-sweeps' cancer. Poirier (/'■). Pear-tree, Pyrus commu- nis, L. Pois {F.). Pea, t'isiim s„. P. lau 'rei, Fiiiniix LfiiiiDmiisHs, L. P.-nut, nux vomica. P. oak, Rluis T'lslcmli miinu. P. of Pho'nias, iiu-e. P. su'mach, Rhuf. venina'o, DC. P., tests for, are given under the several titles. P. -vine. Rims. r. pix alba ; G. weisses Pech. Name given to Uurgundy pitch coUecteil in some parts of Cicruiany. P. de Bourgogne, Burgundy pitch. P. du Canada, Canada jiitcli. P. jaiuie. Burgundy pitch. P. navale or P. noire, black pitch. P. résine, resina pini. P. des Vosges, Burgundy pitch. Poke. Rlii/tiiliitcd d'cimtiru. L. Poke'-berry. I'hytolacca-berry. Poke'-root. Phytolacca-root : see also Indian puke. Poke'vT^eed. l'in/tniuccn ilevuiidrii, L. Poland Sü'ica Water: see Fonntain Head ISpriny. Po'land Spring. Alkaline water, South Poland. Androscoggin Co., Maine. Polani'sia i L. ). A genus of < 'uppmidtfe. P. grave'olens, Kaf., daiuuiy-weed, stink- weed ; northern U. S. ; root anthelmintic. Po'lar. Having, or pertaining to, a pole. P. cat'aract. G. Polarstaar. Cataract with a central anterior projection or prominence. P. cell. F. globule polaire ; G. Polzelle. Polar globule. P. glob'ule, a small nu- cleated mass the separation of which com- pletes the maturation of the ovum. P. ves'icle, polar globule. Polarisirung (G.). Polarization. Polar'ity. F. polarité ; /. polarità. The property of having two opposite centres of force. Polariza'tion [tiì/.jic]. F. polarisation ; G. Polarisirung; / polarizzazione. Ar- rangement of molecules along an axis. P. of light, a property of light reflected from glass at the angle of 35° 2.5'. or transmitted through certain crystalline bodies, as tour- maline or Iceland spar, wherebj- a part of the ray becomes incapable of reflection in any other than the plane of incidence ; used to detect glucose, which rotates the polar- ized ray to tlie right. Polar-plant. Si/phiitm /ancinialum, L. Polarplatte [Lenho.ssek] (6'.). Pecu- liar formation aji]iearing as a clear, nucle- ated plate at the junction of a nerve-proc- ess with a unipolar cell of the spinal gan- glia. Polarstaar C/.). Polar cataract. Pole. r. polus ; F. pole ; G. Pol ; /. polo. Knd of an axis. P-s. of the eye, the ends of the axis of the eye — ('. e. the summit of the cornea and the point direct- ly opposite. P. of the ret'ina, the retinal point of direct vision. 364 POL POL Pole'cat-weed. Dmcondum /œtiilum, L. Polemocacophthal'inia ( L.) [roXe/iuç, xa/.ói, liçda/.jKJi^. l'olemophtlialniia. Polemo'nium rep'tans, L. Abscess- root, au indigenous herb of the nortliern U. S. The root is said to be alterative, astringent, diaplioretic, and expectorant. Polemophtharmia (L.) [otpOalßoc']. Epidemic conjunctivitis in soldiers. Poleoprophylax'is ( L.) [-»i-iii-, -fxxfó- /aç!i-]. .^Iuni^•ipai livgiene. Polfeld {(J-)- In karyokinesis that part of the nucleus toward which the nuclear threads converge. Poliandria (/.). Polyandry. Poliartrite (7.). Polyarthritis. Polia'ter {L.) [jróAiy, iaTpói\. F. poli- atre. City physician. Poliblerinia ( /.). Polyblennia. Polibrachia (/.). Polybrachia. Police médicale or Police sanitaire {F.). ."Medical jiolice, Police'man's disease'. Tarsalgia. Policitemia ( /.). Polycythsemia. Policlinica (/.). Polyclinic. Policolia (/ ). Polycholia. Policoria (/.). Polycoria. Policresto (/.). Polychrestus. Policroismo (/.). Polychroism. Policroite (/.). Polyehroit. Polidattüia (/.). Polydactylia. Polidipsia (/.). Polydipsia. Poliemia (/.). Plethora. Poliencephali'tis [-"/.'»i-, ÌY/.i.iii\. Acute localized encephalitis, affecting chief- ly the motor region of the cortex. P. acu'ta [StrünijK'll], paralysis, cerebral in- fantile. Polifagia (/.). Polyphagia. Polifarmacia ( /.). Polypharmacy. Poliflsia (/. ). Polypbysia. Poligala virginiana ( I.). Senega. Poligalattia ( /.). Polygalactia. Poliganglionare ( /.). Polyganglionic. Polignato ( /.). Kiiignathus. Poliklinik ( '■-•.). Polyclinic. PolimeUa ( /.)■ Polymelia. Polimenorrea T/") Menorrhagia. Polymer'ic muscles [Krause]. Those connectinjr non-cunt ij;uous metameres. Polimerismo (/.). Polymerism. Po- limero, polymer. Polimorfla, or Polimorfismo, or Poli- morfosi(/.J. Polymorphism. Polimor- fo. 1. Polymorph, li. Polymorphic. Polio-encephali'tis. Polience]ihalitis. Poliomyélite antérieure chronique (F.). Charcot's term for the disease ordi- narily termed jirogressive muscular atro- pliy Poliomyeli'tis [ri//.;»ç, //oï/'k]. F. po- liomyélite ; /. poliomielite. Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord. P. ante'rior, acute', paralysis, acute spinal. Poliomyelop'athy [^/wîXoç, mitfi;]. Dis- ease of the gray substance of the spinal cord. Poliopia or Poliopsia (/.). Polyopia. Polioressia ( /.). Polyorexia. Poliorromennite (/.). General inflam- mation of serous membranes. Polio'sis (//.) [ro/it'iç]. /'. poliose; J. poliosi. Canities. P. circumscrip'ta, vi- tiligo. Pol'iothrix (A.) [ri/zj'Jv, '''/«c]. Canities. Poliparesi ( /.). General jiaralysis. Poli- paretico, relating to general paralysis. Polipiforme (/.). Polypiform. Polipiosi (/.). Polypiosis. Polipo (/.). Polypus. Polipodia (/). Polypodia. Polipodio, poly podium. Poliposia (/.). Polyposis. Polisarcia (/.). Polysarcia. Poliscelia (/.). Polyscelia. Polisialia (/.). Polysialia. Polisomia ( /. ). Polysomia. Politi'a med'ica (L.). Medical police. Politrichia (/.). Polytrichia. Politrofla (/.)■ Polytrophia. Politzeriza'tion. Inflation of tympanic cavity thrimgli Kustaehian tube. Politzer's bag. Rubber bag used in inflating the middle ear by Pulitzer's method. Politzer's meth'od. G. Politzer'sches Verfahren. Inflation of the middle car by means of a tube attached to a compressible bag, introduced into the nares. The narcs are closed tightly around the tube, and the bag compressed during the act of swallow- ing; the air from the bag is forced into the Eustachian tubes. POL POL 365 Poliuria (/.). Polyuria. Polizia medica or Polizia sanitaria (/.). Medicai 1...IÌCC-. Pol'ka. Brazilian name lor dengue. Polkörper (tr.). Pelarceli. Pol 'lack. (ìadus poHachius, L. PoUakiu'ria {L.) [TToXXdxtç, uòpuv]. Fre- quent uriiuitidU. Pollemph3rteu'sis (/..) I-dXóc, ißtpn- Tiuati]. -Multiple vaccination. Poll'-evil. /'. mal de taupe; G. Genick- beule ; /. male di talpa. An abscess imme- •diately behind the ears of the horse, pro- ducing a fistula. Pol 'lex (//.). Thumb. P. pe 'dis, great toe. Pol'licar ar'tery. Arteria princeps pol- lieis. PoUice (/.). Thumb. Pollinctu'ra (/>.) [poUingo]. Embalm- ing. PoUu'tion. L. pollutio ; /. polluzione. 1. Additiun of excrement or other offensive matter to water or other articles of food or drink ; fouling, defilement. 2. F. souillure ; G. Befleckung. Emission of semen or pro- duction of orgasm without coitus. Polmo-aortico (/.). Pulmo-aortic re- gion. Pohno-cardiaca (/.). Pulmo-cardiac region. Polmo-epatico (/.). Pulmo-hepatic region. Polmo-gastrico (/.). Pulmo-gastric region. Polmonare (/.). Pulmonary. Polmonaria (/.). Pulmonaria. Polmone (/.). Lung. Polmonia or Polmonite (/.). Pneu- monia : see Piieumonid (/. ). Polmo-vasale (/.). Pulmo-vascular region. Polo (/.). Pole. Polon'ica (//.). Plica. Polpa (/.). Pulp. P. splenica, pulp of spleen. Polpaccio (/.). Calf of the leg. Polpastrello (/.). Pulp of digits. Polposo (/.). Pulpy. Polso (/.). Pul.se. Polster (G.). Cushion, compress: see also Tubercle, posterior, of optic thalamus; — verband, a cushioned or padded band- age. Polstrahlungen (G.). Radiations of nuclear threads from the pole of the nu- cleus. Poltaceo, a (/.). Pultaceous. Poltrona (/.). Gyiuccological chair. Polvere (/.). Powder. P. di Alga- rotti, powder of Alganith. P. composta, com|i(iuiid powder. P. di Dover, powder of ipecac and opium. P. di James, anti- monial powder. P. ociotocica, ergot. P. di Seidlitz, compound effervescing powder. Polverizzatore (/). Atomizer. Poly- [rro/^'À"]. Prefix signifying a large or iiKTca.sed number. Polyade'nia (L.) [«r5);i']. Pseudoleu- cajmia. Polyadenome büiaire {F.). Small epithelial masses formed by growth of epi- thelium of the bile-ducts, occurring in biliarj' cirrhosis. Polyse'mia (L.) [a!,a"]. F. polyhémie; /. poliemia. Plethora. Polysesthe'sia (L.) [«.V^'ij^rç]. Ab- normity of sensation, in which the touch or j)rick of a single point is felt as if two points had been touched or pricked. Polyan'dry [''^i;',"]. F. polyandrie; /. poliandria. Marriage of one woman by several men. Polyarthri'tis[àV'(?/«'v]. F. polyarthrite; /. poliartrite. Inflammation of several joints at once. Polyblen'nia (/>.) [ßli^a]. F. poly- bleiinie ; /. poliblennia. Excessive secre- tion of mucus. Polybra'chia (/>.) [ßpa/tui.,']. F. poly- brachie ; /. polibrachia. A malformation consisting of supernumerary arms. Polybreph'ia(//.) [ß/)i^uii>. a/ivjov]. Ex- cessive production of amniotic fluid; hy- draniiiiiiM Polyhydramnisch {G.). Having a large <|uantity of amniotic fluid. Polyidro'sis (/..) [W/zuivj- F. poly- hydrose. The sweating sickness, miliary fever, polyliidria. Polyklinik {G.). Polyclinic. Polykystique (/Vi. Polycystic. Polyma'zia or PoljTnas'tia (L.) [.a««-- TÔç]. Condition of having supernumerary breasts or nijiples. Polyme'lia ( L.) [//;'/.'/ç]. F. polymélie; /. polimeiia. .Malformation by development of supernumerary members. Polymélien, ienne {F.^. 1. Relating to pulymelia. 2. Polymelius. Poljrme'lius (i.)- -^ monster having more than tlie normal number of limbs. Pol'srmer [-"/.ó>-, //'/'«s-]. F. polymère; /. polimero. One of a polymerous series of chemical compounds. Polsnn'eric. F. polymère ; /. polimero. Exhibiting polymerism. Polym'erism {jûimi]. 1. F. polymé- risme ; G. A'ielgliederigkeit ; 1. ijolinierismo. Congenital existence of supeniumerarv or- gans. 2. F. polymeric ; I. polimeria. A kind of isomerism, in which the several forms are of the same proportional chem- ical composition, while the number of con- stituent atoms varies. Polym'erous. /'. polymère ; /. polim- ero. Pvelating to polymerism ; having many parts. Polyraetamer'ic [iura, iiifini^. Receiv- ing nerve-supply from two or more spinal roots : corresponding to many nietanieres. Poljrm'nia Uveda'lia, L. Bearsfoot? leaf-eu|> ; an indigenous composite herb, of which the root is thought to be tonic and stimulant to the secretory organs. Pol'ymorph [-««/'ssi;']. F. polymorphe ; / polimorfo. One of a series of Polymor- phie forms. Poljrmor'phic. F. polymorphe ; /. polimorfo. Relating to, or exhibiting, polymorphism. Polymor'phism [-».^."ç, iiiiip.) [?''/-'"]■ -^- ^- Po'.v- phagie ; /. polifagia. Bulimia ; voracious appetite. Polyphar'macy [ç'//v/.«)!<»v]. L. poly- pharmacia ; /'. polypharmncie ; /. polifar- 368 POL POL macia. Tho use of numerous ingredients in a prescription; use of too nianj- different medicines at the same time. Polyphra'sia (/>.) [ç'/ocriV]. G. Poly- plirasie. Logorrha'a, raml:iling speech. Polyphy'sia {L.) [çD-r«]. F. polyphy- sie ; /. polifisia. Flatulence. Pol'ypifonn. L. polypiformis ; /'. po- lypifornie ; G. polypf iirmig ; 1. polipiforuie. Shaped liiie a jiolypus. Pol3T)io'nia (L.) [-?iy/]. Excess of fat. Polypio'sis (i.). F. polypiosc ; /. poli- piosi. I'ruduction of polypionia, obesity. Polyplas'tic [-/affffiu]. Capable of dif- ferent forms of development. P. mus'- cles. G. polyplastische Muskeln. Those composed of small groups of muscle-tibres that do not reach the entire length of the m u. sol e [Krause]. Polypnea (^')- Abnormally increased re-ipiration. Polypodesme {F.). Instrument for ligatiiiii of a ptilypus. Polypo'dia (L.) [-'"Jc]. F. polypodie; 1. polipodia. Monstrosity of having more than two feet. Polypo'dium (i/.). F. polypode; /. polipodio. A genus of ferns, Filices. P. Calagna'la, Ruiz., the rhizome was for- merly used as a sudorific and alterative. P. Fi'lix foe'mma, L., Axphniwn ßlix fœ- mimi, liernli. P. Fi'lix mas, L., A^pid- iuni fili.r, mas, Swar. P. inca'num, Wilkl, indigenous; the root is said to be demul- cent, purgative, and vermifuge. P. mar- gina'le, Ij., Anp/eiiiuin tnarr/iindf, Willd. P. vulga're, L., common polypody, indig- enous ; the root is purgative, diuretic, and expectorant. Pol'ypody. Polypodium. Polypös (6-'.). Polypous. Pol'ypoid. F. polypoïde. Resembling a polypu.^. Polypore (F.). Polyporus. P. ama- douvier, Polyporus iijniailns, Fries, and Pob/porus /omeii/arnis, Fries. P. du mélèze, white; agaric. Foli/poiU!< oßirinn/is, Fries. P. ongulé, Puli/poras fomentar lus, Fries. Poljrp'orus (A.). F. polypore; /. po- liporo. A genus of hymcnomycetous fungi, order Poìi/porKÌ. P. fomenta 'rius, Fries., surgeon's agaric, touclnvuinl. spunk ; a fun- gus growing n]in of polypi on a mucous surface. Polypo'sis (X.) [rwfl-io]. /'. polyposie; /. poliposia. 1. Polydipsia. '1. llipso- mania. Polyp'otome [-("Ov-, rinir^. I. jiolipo- tumo. An instrument for excising polypi. Pol'ypous. L. polyposus ; F. polypeux, ease ; G. polypös. Pertaining to, having, or resembling a polj'pus. Pol'yptome. Polypotome. Pol'yptrite [t/h'/îo^]. An instrument for crushing polypi. Pol'ypus (/v.), pi. Polsrpi \_-(iXó<;, -irii\. F. i)olype; G. Polyp; /. polipo. A tumor arising from a mucous or serous membrane, more or less pediculated, and projecting into one of the natural cavities, such as the nasal fossîe, the uterus, rectum, etc. Polyrheonom {G. ). An apjiaratus for (letermining the variation of intensity of a galvanic current. Polysar'cia {L.) [t^/vc]. /". polysarcie ; G. Polysarkie; /. polisarcia. Increased bulk of body, obesity. P, cor'dis, cor adiposum. Polysce'lia (/>.) [nz//-/v]. F. \w\y- scélie ; J. poliscelia. Polycruria. Pol'yscope [rrzo-cw]. Instrument to light up the cavities of the body. Polysia'lia (/-.) [-r;'«^«!']. F. polysialie ; /. poli.siaiia. Excessive production of saliva ; salivation. Polysoma'tia (/>.) [rrw.au]. Polysarcia. Polyso'mia {L.). F. pidysomie ; /. polisomia. Monstrosity consisting of the having more than one body. Polysper'mic [/--'/'//'/]. Re(|uiring more than one spermatozoon to fructii'y the egg- Polysthen'ic [T^z/vriy]. Very strong. Polystich'ia (/>.) [«^'t/»?]- The exist- ence of two or more rows of eyelashes. , Polys'tichum Fi'lix mas, Roth. As- jìiiliiiiìi Filir mas, Swar. Polysulfure de potassium (/'.). Sul- jihunited potassa. Polysulfure de sodium (/'.)■ Sul- phurated soda. Polythe'lia ( />.) [•''i''';]- Condition of having supernumerary ni|)])les. POL POM 369 Polyto'cia (L.) [tóz»v-]. Fecundity, polycycsia. Polyto'kis. Bearing three or more cliildren at once. Polytrich'ia (L.) ['V:'?]- -f- Polytrichie ; /. politrichirt. Condition of having a great abundance of liair, or of its development in unusual situations. Poljrt'richum ( L.). A genus of mosses. P. juniperi'num, L., hair-cap moss. Robin's rye ; indigenous ; said to be a powerful diu- retic. Poljrtroph'ia {L.) [rpiKfrj]. F. poly- trophic ; /. politrofia. Excessive nutrition. Polyn'ria or Polsmre'sis (Z/.) ["òo»/]. F. Polyurie: G. VioUuirnen ; /. poliuria. Excessive excretion of urine. Polynrique (F.). Relating to, or affected with, polyuria. Pulzelle (G'.). Polar coll. Po 'ma (/>■). pi. of Pomum. Apples. P. aurantio'rum, bitter oranges. P. col- ocynth'idis, colocynth-fruit. Pomata (/.). Pommade. Poma'tum (L.). Pommade, ointment. P. ammoniaca'le [P. Span.], ammonia ointment. P. antìpsor'icum [Cod.], al- kaline sulphur ointment. P. camphora'- tum : see Campitor cerata. P. cerussa'- tum [F. Mex.]. ointment of carbonate of lead. P. cit'rinum [Cod], ointment of nitrate of mercury. P. D. Gondret [Cod.], ammonia ointment. P. D. Regent [Cod.], Regent's ointment. P. cum extrac'to belladon'nae [Cod.], ointment of bella- donna. P. cum hydrar'gyro [Cod], mercurial ointment. P. cum hydrar'gy- ro sim'plex [Cod.]. F. pommade mercu- rielle faible. Mercurial ointment 1, ben- zoinated 1 P. cum ointment of iodide of load. P. cum iodu- re'to potas'sico [Cod.], ointment of iodide of potassium. P. cum iodure'to potas'- sico iodura'to [Cod.] : see Fommitih- d' in- d)irf de potassium iodurée. P. lauri'num [Cod.] : see Pommmir de laurier. P. lu'- teum cum cantharid'ibus [Cod.] : see Ointment o/ Cdnlhnridis. P. nervin'um, nervine ointment. P. cum ox'ydo hy- drargryr'ico [Cod.], ointment of red oxide of mercury. P. cum pi'ce [Cod.] : see Tur oinlmeiil. P. popul'eum [Cod], oint- ment of poplar-buds. P. stibia'tum [Cod], ointment of tartarated antimony. P. sul- fura'tum [Coil.], sulpliur ointment. Pome'granate [pomura, granatuni] L. Vol.. II.— 24 lard 15 parts; triturate [Cod. . iodure'to plum'bico [Cod.], granatum ; F. ócorcc de racine de grena- dier; y. (jranatwurzelrinde ; /. corteccia di melagrano. 1. The bark of the root of Puniea Granaluw, L. Tiie bark of the trunk is also official in the P. G. ; anthel- mintic. ta;nicide. 2. i''. grenade ; tf. Granate; /. granata. The fruit of the pomegranate- tree. P.-flow'ers. L- granati flores ; F. fleurs de grenadier; G. Granatenbliitheu ; /. fiori di melagrano. The flowers of Punica Gnnifilum ; contain tannic and gallic acids; astringent ; formerly used in dyeing. P.- rind. L. granati fructus cortex ; F. écorce de grenade ; G. Granatenschalen : I. mali- corio. The rind of the fruit of Punica Granatum, L. ; contains a large proportion of tannin. Pomello (/.). Malar prominence. Pomeranzen (&'■)• Oranges, bitter oranges ; — geist, spirit of orange. Pomeranzenblüthen (G.). Orange- flowers ; — öl, oil of orange-flowers ; — syrup, syrup of orange-flowers. Pomeranzenschalen (G.). Bitter-or- ange peel; — syinip, syrup of orange; ■ — tinktur, tincture of bitter-orange peel. Pommade (/'.). i. pomatum. Anoint- ment having for its base sim])le or bcnzoated lard, a mixture of fatty bodies, or a hydro- carbon, such as petrolatum [Cod.] ; see 6*»- guent. P. ammoniacale, (rondret's pom- made. P. antipsorique, alkaline sulphur ointment. P. d'Autenreith, ointment of tartarated antimony. P. belladonée, oint- ment of belladonna. P. de bourgeons de peuplier, ointment of poplar-buds. P. camphrée, camphor cerate. P. de car- bonate de plomb, ointment of carbonate of lead. P. de chlorure mercureux, ointment of subchloride of mercury. P. citrine, ointment of nitrate of mercury. P. aux concombres. L. pomatum cum succo cucumeris sativi. Lard lOUO, veal fat GOO, balsam of tolu 2, rose-water 10, cucumber-juice 1200 parts; mix sec. art. To give it the usual consistence and ap- pearance, it is softened by heat and beaten with a wooden spatula until it has about doubled in volume [Cod.]. P. contre la calvitie, Dupuytrens ointment. P. épi- spastique au garou, mezereon ointment. P. épispastique jaune, ointniont of can- tliarides. P. de Gondret, tiondret's pom- made. P. d'Helmerich, alkaline sulphur ointment. P. d'iodure de plomb, oint- ment of iodide of lead. P. d'iodure de potassium, ointment of iodidi' of potas- sium. P. d'iodure de potassium iodu- 370 POM PON rèe, iodine 2, potassium iodide 10, water 10, benzoiiiatcd lard 80; dissolve the iodine and potassium iodide in the water, and triturate the solution with the lard [Cod.]. P. de latirier, laurel-i'ruit 5, I're.sh laurel-leaves 5, lard 10 parts; infuse until the moisture is dissipated, express, and strain [Cod.]. P. de Lyon, ointment of red oxide of mercury. P. mercurielle faible, poma- tum cum hj'drargyro simplex. P. mercu- rielle à parties égales [Cod.], mercurial ointment. P. nervale, nervine ointment. P. avec l'oxyde jaiine de mercure, ointment of yellow oxide of mercury. P. d'oxyde rouge de mercure, ointment of red oxide of mercury. P. d'oxyde de zinc, ointment of oxide of zinc. P. pour les lèvres, rose cerate. P. de Regent, Regent's ointment. P. soufrée, suljihur ointment. P. stibiée, ointment of tartara- ted aiitimonj'. Pomme (/''•)■ Apple. P. d'Adam, thyroid eminence. P. de chêne, oak-gall. P. épineuse, stramonium. P. de mer- veille, Miniiordica òulsamiiiii, L. P. de terre, potato. Pommelière (F.). Tuberculusi.s in cat- tle. Pom 'mei joint. Condyloid joint. Pommette (!''■)■ Cheek-bone. Pommier (F.). Piyrus Malus, L. Pomo (/.). Apple. P. d'Adamo, thyroid eminence. P. del diavolo or P. frastagliato, fimbriated extremity of Fal- lopian tube. P. spinoso, stramonium. P. di terra, potato. Pomodoro (/.). Tomato. Pompa (/.). Pump ; aspirator. P. gastrica, stomach-pump. Pompe (F.). Pump; aspirator. P. stomacale, stomach-pump. Pom'pholsrx (L.) [-«//fró/oc]. 1. G. Blasenausschlag; /. ponfolice. An acute inflammatory cutaneous aflcction character- ized b\' symmetrical development, ujion the palms, and generally also upon the soles, of deep-seated, clear vesicles, usually grouped, which become opaque, and in a few days disappear by rupture or absor]>tion ; a spe- cies of pemphigus. 2. Crude zinc oxide. P. benig'nus, lesions about the size of a pea; discharge their contents in three or jour days and soon heal. P. diut'inus, a chronic form with severe constitutional symptoms. Pom'phus, pi. Pom'phi (//.) [-o/^ît"?]. An evanescent firm elevation of the skin of a pale or slightly reddish color, and at- tended by much itching ; wheals. Pompo'leons. Large shaddocks. Po'mum (L.). Apple. P. Ada'mi, thyroid eminence. Ponce (F.). Pumice. Ponce de Le'on Spring. Chalybeate", water, Atlanta, Fulton Co., Georgia. Pon'cho Hot Springs. Thermal wa- ters, 90°-lGS° F., Poncho Springs, ChaflTee Co., Colorado. Ponction (F.). Puncture, paracentesis. Ponctionneur {F.y Instrument for making punctures. Ponctué, ée (F.y Punctate. Pond dog'wood. (Jephalnnthus occi- dentfi/is, L. Pond-lily. Water-lily. Ponfolice (A). Pompholyx. Ponga'mia gla'bra, A'ent. An East Indian tree, Nat. Ord. Legmniiitisx. The expressed oil of the seeds, poonga oil, is in high rej)ute in India as an application for scabies and other skin diseases, and as an embrocation for rheumatism. Pongitif, ive ( F.^. Sharp. Po'nos. An endemic disease of the Greek islands of Hydra and Spezzia, affect- ing young children onlv, and characterized by progressive emaciation, enlargement of the spleen, which is often painful, and a peculiar odor of the urine. It is usually fatal from dropsy, luemorrhage, and maras- mus. Pons (i.). F. pont ; G. Brücke ; /. ponte. A name applied to several bridge- like structures. When used alone it usually signifies the pons Varolii. P. basila'ris, basilar process. P. cerebel'li, pons Varnlii. P. hep'atis, prolongation from left lobe of liver, which sometimes bridges over the um- bilical fissure. P. Tari'ni. F. pont de Tarin ; /. ponte di Tarin, ^ledullary velum, posterior. P. Varolii. /•' jiont de \'arole : G. Brücke; /. ponte di \'arolio. A thick, flattened band lying across the brain-sten), between the medulla below and the crura above. The lateral boundaries are defined by an arbitrary line drawn through the apparent origins of the fifth and seventh nerves. Superficially, it appears to consist only of transverse fibres connecting the lateral hemispheres of the cerebellum and constituting its middle peduncles, but deep- ly it contains the entire mass of fibres as- PON POP 371 ceiiding from tbe medulla to the crura. P. zygoma 'ticus, zygoniatic arch. Pont de Tarin (F.). Pons Tarini. Pont de Varole {F.). Pons Varolii. Ponte (/.). Pons. P. di Tarin, pons Tarini. P. di Varolio, pons Varolii. Ponte spontanée (F.). Spontaneous ovulation. Pon'tefract cakes. Small liquorice loztMi>:e.-i. Pontibra'chium (/>.). Middle pedun- cle of cerebellum [Spitzka]. Pontic'uliis (/-.)• G- Flügel der Briieke. 1. Posterior portion of roof of fourth ventricle, bridging over space be- tween the clavaj. 2. Propons. P. atlric'- ulae, ridge on median surface of external ear. bridging over sulcu.« cruris helicis, and running downward to the isthmus. Upon it i.-^ in.^erted the retrahens aurem. P. promonto'rii, bony ridge on medial wall of tvmpanuui. just below the foramen ovale, connecting promontory with pyra- mid. Pool'root. Eiipatorium ageratoides, L. Pool'^wort;. Eiipafori'iim aromalioim, L. Poon'ga ou : see Pongamin glabra, Vent. Poop. English term for rupture of a muscle in tennis- or baseball-players. Poor. Thin, emaciated. Poor man's pep'per. Foli/gonum Hy- rlropipcr. Pop'lar. F. peuplier ; G. Pappel ; /. pioppo. 1. The genus Popuhts. '1. Fop- uliis lreniiihiuliia nigra, L. ; balsamic, vulnerary, antih;emorrhoidal. Poples (L.). Popliteal surface ; pos- terior part of knee-joint. Poplitae'us (!■'■)■ Popliteal muscle. Poplite (/.). Poples. Poplité, ée (F.). Popliteal ; used sub- ptantively for the popliteus muscle. Poplite'ad. Toward the popliteal as- pect. Poplite'al. F. poplité. éc ; /. pop- liteo. a. Relating to the calf or ham of the leg. P. ar'tery. L. arteria poplitca ; F. artère poplitéo ; G. Knickchlensehlag- adnr; /. arteria poplitea. That portion of the main arterial trunk for the lower limb extending from opening in adductor mag- nus to lower border of popliteus muscle. It is continuous with the femoral above, and divides below into anterior and posterior tibial arteries. P. as'pect, aspect toward the ham. P. btir'sa, bursa poplitea. P. fos'sa, popliteal space. P. glands. Z». gianduia; poplitere ; G. Kniekehlendrüsen. A few lymphatic glands near the vessels in loose fat of popliteal space. P. line. L. linea poplitea ; /. linea obliqua posteriore della tibia. Oblique ridge on posterior sur- face of tibia for attachment of popliteal muscle. P. nerve, exter'nal. L. nervus popliteus externus ; G. Wadenbeinnerv. End-branch of great sciatic, running out- ward over head of fibula, and dividing into anterior tibial and musculocutaneous nerves. P. nerve, inter'nal. L. nervus popliteus internus. Inner division of great sciatic nerve, lying in the popliteal space as far as lower border of popliteus muscle. Be- vond that point the trunk is called the pos- terior tibial, a name applied }>y many anat- omists to the entire nerve. P. notch. L. fossa intercondyloidea posterior. That sep- arating the condyles of the tibia behind. P. plex'us [Rüdinger]. L. plexus popliteus. Formed by fine branches from external and internal popliteal nerves around the pop- liteal artery. P. re'gion, popliteal space. P. space. L. fossa poplitea ; F. espace poplité ; G. Kniekehle ; / cavità poplitea. A rhomboidal interval behind the knee, be- tween the muscles which come down from the thigh and those going to the calf. Above, it is bounded externally by the biceps, internally by the semimembrano- sus ; below, by the two heads of the gas- trocnemius. P. sur'face. L. planum pop- liteum. Triangular space between diverg- ing supracondylar lines at lower end of pos- terior surface of femur. P. vein. L., I. vena poplitea ; F. veine poplitée ; G. Knie- kehlenblutader. Lies superficially to the popliteal artery in the popliteal space ; formed by union of venae comités of tibial arteries and continued as the femoral vein. Popliteo (/.). Popliteus. Poplite'us (L.). F. poplité ; G. Knio- kehlemuskel ; /. popliteo. A muscle of upper and posterior portion of leg, arising from external condyle of femur and inserted into tibia above the oblique line. P. ac- cesso'rius, or P. bi'ceps, or P. gem'- inus, popliteus minor. P. mi 'nor. 1. Duplication of the popliteus muscle some- times found arising in common with the 372 POP POR plantaris from the outer condj'le of the femur or from the sesamoid bone in the outer head of the gastrocnemius, and pass- ing to the capsule of the knee, for which it seems to act as a tensor. 2. Phmtaris mus- cle. P. supe'rior, plantaris minor. Popone {L). .Melon. Poppa (/.). Nipple. Poppatoio (/.). 1. Nursing-bottle. 2. Artitìeial iiijiple, breast-pump. Pop'py. L. papaver ; F. pavot ; G. Mohn ; 7. papavero. The vernacular name of a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the Nat. Ord. Papaverarese : see also Com and Pricklj/ poppi/. P. cap'sules. L. papaveris capsulas; F. capsules de pavot blanc ; G. Mohnköpfe ; /. teste di papavero. The nearly ripe, dried capsules of the white poppy, Piijxuer somnifermn, L. ; cultivated in Britain [B. P.] ; contain a small amount of morphine and meconic acid, with minute quantities of papaverine and papaverosine ; medical properties similar to those of opium, but weaker and uncertain. Pop'py-seed. L. papaveris semina ; G. Mohnsamen ; /. seme di papavero. The seeds of Papaver somniferum, L. Only the white seeds are used medicinally ; con- tain a bland oil. P.-s. oil. L. oleum papaveris ; F. huile de pavot ; G. Mohnöl ; /. olio di papavero. A bland, drying oil expressed from the seeds of Papaver somiti- /erinn. Populationsstatistik (G.). Demog- raphy. Pop'ulin. C.ioH.,j08. F. populine : /. populina. Benzoyl-salicin ; a crystalline compound found in the bark of several species of Populus. Pop'ulus ( L.). 1. A genus of Sali- cacex. 2. The leaf-buds of Populus nii/ra, L. P. balsamif era, L.. balsam poplar, tacamahac, indigenous; the bark contains salicin and is tonic and febrifuge ; the buds are covered with a resinous substance said to be a stimulant diuretic. P. can'dicans, Ait., balm of Gilead ; a variety of P. bal- samifera, with similar medicinal properties. P. ni'gra, L., black poplar, a European tree, of which the leaf-buds are official : see Poplar-buds. P. tremuloi'des, Michx., American aspen, poplar. Porcella'nae (//.). Urticaria. Por'cupine disease'. 1. Ichthyosis. 2. Hystriciasis. Pore [:t»^hç]. L. porus ; 7. poro. A small opening or interstitial space. Pore-canals'. G. Porencanälchen. Very fine channels supposed to exist through cuticular and other auhistic membranes. Porencepha'lia (L.) [^"^»ç, i-)-xS]. F. pornographie ; /. pornografia. Dissertation on prostitution. Po'rocele [ròi/xic, xijV.jj]. F. porocèle ; G. Porokele ; I. porocele. 1. A hard tu- mor of the scrotum. 2. A hernia with thickened, indurated sac. Poro'ma (L.) [-(ù^kç]. Callosity, indu- ration. Porom 'phalocele (7>.) [o.atsa^óy, /);,(rj Umbilical porocele. Poro'sis (/>.) \j:uìpóui\. F. porose Formation of poroma. Poro'sus (7y.). Porous. Porot'omy. Incision of the meatus of the urethra. Po'rous plas'ter. Spread plaster per- forated with small holes about h inch apart, in order to render it more pliable and less likely to wrinkle. Por'phyra (L.) [t'<,«ç"V'']- Purpura. P. graeco'rum, petechias. Por'phyra lacinia'ta, Harv. Laver ; a species of Ahja, said to be galactagogue. Por'phyra vulga'ris, Agh. P. lacin- iata, Ilarv. Por'phyrine. CjiH^iNjOj. An amor- phous alkaloid of alstonia-bark. Porphyrisation (/'.). Trituration. POR POR 373 Porphyris'mus or Porphyris'ma (/>) PorphjToty'phus (/>.) [r"'v"'v] Ì^Ia- lignant scarlatina. Porphyrox'in. F. porpliyroxine; /. portìrossina. A complex crystallizablü substance, consisting of several associated alkaloiJs. obtainml from opium. It was oriirinally annuiuicoJ as a proximate prin- ci]>le. Porphyru'ria ( f^.) ["ò,""^]. Passage of urine containing a purple pigment. Porpora (/.). 1. I'urplc. 2. Purpura. P. bianca, miliaria. P. emorragica, pur- pura h;eni(Hrliagica. P. visiva, retinal purple. P. di Werlhoff, ]iur|nira hemor- rhagica. Porporico (/.). Purpuric. Porporina (/.). Purpurin. Porreau (/"'.). Leek. Porret's phenom'enon of mus'cle. The swelling of the muscular fibre at the negative polo when the galvanic current is conducted through the living fresh sarcous substance. Porrigine f /.). Porrigo. Porrig'inous. L. porriginosus ; F. porrigineux ; /. porriginoso. Afiected with, or pertaining to, porrigo. Porri'go (/>.) \^L. porrum]. (7. Haut- kleie ; /. porrigine. Favus, scald-head ; a vague term for several diseases of the scalp. P. decal'vans, ophiasis or alopecia. P. favo'sa, tinea favosa. P. fur'fiirans, scborrhuea. tinea tonsurans, tinea tricho- phytina capitis. P. larva'lis, eczema capitis. P. lupino'sa, favus tinea favosa. P. scutula'ta, tinea tonsurans. Porro (/.). 1. Leek. 2. Wart, excres- cence. Porro's Csesa'rean sec'tion. O. Por- ro-Operation. Amputation of the uterus and ovaries immediately after performance of CiBsarcan section, the stum]> l)oing fastened at the lower angle of the alidoininal wound. Porro-Miil'ler opera'tion. In this the uterus is brought out of the abdominal in- cision ; an elastic ligature is applied around the cervix at the level of the internal os, and the uterus is then incised and the fœtus extracted. Porro-Veit opera'tion. Modification of Porro's operation, by dropping the stump into tlie ])elvis. Por'rum (/>.)• 1 The leek, Allium J'ornini, L. 2. A genus of Lilacrm. P. sati'vum, lleich., Allium sativum, L. Porsch {('.}. Ledum palustre, L. Por 'ta (/..). i='. porte ; G. Pforte. 1. Entrance; applied especially to that por- tion of an organ where its vessels enter. 2. Foramen of Monro [Wilder]. P. hep'- atis, transverse fissure of liver. P. jec'- oris, portal fissure. P. labjrrin'thi, fen- estra rotundum. P. lie'nis, hilus of the spleen. P. omento'rum, foramen of Win.slow. P. pulmo 'nis, root of lung. P. re'num, hilus of kidney. P. spa'tii in 'tra-aponeur ot'icae suprasterna'üs, opening between the spatium intra-aponeur- oticum su])rasternale and the saccus c.xcus retro-sterno-cleido-mastoideus [Gruber]. Porta-ago (/.). Needle-holder. Porta-candelette (/.). Bougie-carrier. Porta-caustico (/.). Caustic-holder. Porta-faldelle (/.). Porte-mèche, q. v. Porta-filo (/.). Ligature-carrier. Por'tal. F. portal, ale. 1. Relating to a porta. 2. Pertaining to the portal vein. P. canals', tubular passages formed within the liver by the capsule of Glisson, each containing a branch of the hepatic artery, portal vein, and hepatic duct. P. circula'- tion, that part of the circulation by which the blood from the spleen, stomach, and in- testines passes through the liver. P. fls'- sure, transverse fissure of liver: see Fis- sures of liv( r. P. fos'sa, transverse fissure of liver. P, sys'tem, .system of portal vein. P, sys'tem of kid'ney, venous plexus surrounding the convoluted tubules, so called because it both receives and emp- ties into veins. P. vein. L. vena porta; ; F. veine porte ; G. Pfortader ; /. vena porta. A large, short trunk formed by union of splenic and superior niesentcric veins. It passes in at the transverse fissure of the liver, and then divides into a right and left braneh, which subdivide for the supply of the liver. P. veins, acces'sory. L. ven.-B port» accessoriiie. Small vessels which col- lect blood from structures near the liver and discharge either into the portal vein or into some of its hepatic branches, by penetrating the liver substance. They establish a com- munication with the general venous system. P. veins of kid'ney, portal system of kidney. Porta-laccio (/.). Porte-lacs, q. v. Porta-legatura (/.). Ligature-carrier. Por'tal's antiscorbu'tic syr'up. F. sirop antiscorbutici uc de Portal. A syrup 374 POR POR prepared from horseradish-root, scurvy- grass, nasturtium, gentian, cincliona, and madder [CoJ.]. Porta-mano (/.)■ Porte-main, le of duse.t, prefixed to Vol, I. Possédé, ée (^'.). Demonomaniac. Pos'set [.V«.c beort]. F. zythogale. Hot milk curdled with wine or an acid, Post-arytaenoi'deus (i.). Crico-ary- tenoideus jiosticus [t'oues], Post-au'ditory fos'sa. In the tempo- ral bone a eresciiitic notch separating audi- tory plate from temporal ridge [Lcidy], Post-ax'ial, Situated caudad from a line drawn at riglit angles to the body-axis through the axis of a limb. Post-cen'tral convolu'tion, G. Post- centralwindung ; sec Ceiilrnl ronvoluliun. Post-cen'tral sul'cus. L. sulcus post- centralis ; /'. sillon postrolandique. Ill-de- fined furrow on convex surface of parietal lobe of the hemispheres, which lies posterior to the central sulcus and runs parallel with it; usually divided into two parts, the infe- rior being the commencement of the intra- parietal sulcus. Post-cerebel'lar ar'tery. Cerebellar a., posterior inferior [Wilder]. Post-cer'ebral ar'tery. Cerebral ar- tery, posterior [Wilder]. Post-cho'roid ar'tery. Choroid artery, posterior [Wilder], Post-ci'bal, Coming on, or occurring, after taking food. Post-commissu'ra ( L.). Cerebral com- missure, posterior [Wilder], Post-commun 'icant ar'tery. Commu- nicating artery, posterior [Wildei]. Post-cor'nu (i. ). Posterior cornu of lateral ventricle [Wilder]. Post-cor'nual bulb, Bulbus cornu posteriuris. Post-digas'tricus (7/.). Posterior belly of (ligustricus [Coues]. Post-dilata'tor {L). Dilatator uaris posterior [Coues], Poste'rior, F. postérieur, eure ; /. pos- teriore. In human anatomy, relatively nearer to a plane tangent to the dorsal j surface of the body. P, cav'ity of per- j itone'um, lesser sac of peritoneum : see hrit'iniuin. P, cham'bsr, cavity of eye posterior to lens. P. com'missure, point where the labia meet posteriorly. P. elas'- tic lam'ina, Descemet's membrane. P, font'anelle : see Fontauei/c P, longi- tu'dinal biin'dle, L. fasciculus longitu- dinalis posterior ; F. faisceau longitudinal, postérieur; G. hinteres Liingsbündel. A distinct bundle of white fibres occupying dorsal aspect of formatio reticularis, lying along the median raphe in the medulla, pons, and crura. It probably contains fibres which connect motor nuclei. P. vesic'ular col'umn, column of Clarke. Postero-lat'eral groove. L. sulcus intermedius posticus. Furrow of spinal cord from which posterior nerve-roots issue. Postero-pari'etal a'rea : see Ari'as of till' skull. Postero-pari'etal gy'rus. Post-central convolution [Huxley]; see Central cnnvnlu- tioiif. Postero-pari'etal lob'ule. Parietal lobule, superior [Huxley], Postero-pari'etal sul'cus. Central sulcus [Huxley], Postero-tem'poral sul'cus. Middle temporal sulcus. Poster'ula. That portion of naso- pharynx between salpingo-palatal fold and posterior nares [Allen], Post-genera'tion. Subsequent devel- opment. 376 POS POT Post-genìcula 'tum (//.)• Corpus genic- ulatum internum [Wilder]. Post-glen'oid proc'ess. F. tubercule auric iilairo. A !-niall eminence on the tem- poral liune behind the articular portion of the glenoid cavity. Posthal'gia (L.) [ró/rfljj, «/.^»9]. Pain in the peni-s or in the prepuce. Pos'the [T:ónOi,']. 1. Penis. 2. Pre- puce. Posthet'omy [ro/'i;']. Circumcision. Posthioplas'tic [-"<7Öt«v, 7rAa.). Posterior pair of the corpora quadrigemina [Wilder]. Post-o'ral. Situated caudad of the mouth. Post-par'tum {L.). After labor. P. haem'on'hage, hemorrhage during and after the third stage of labor. Post-pedun 'cuius (L.). Inferior pe- duncle of cerebellum [Wilder]. Post - perfora'tus (L-). Perforated space, posterior [Wilder]. Post-pharynge'al. Behind the pha- rynx. Post-pitu'itary. Situated caudad of pituitary liody. Post-plex'us (//.)■ General term for that plexus in vertebrates which corre- sponds to the lumbo-sacral plexus in man. Post-pyram'idal nu'cleus. Clavate nucleus. Post-scale'nus (i.). Scalenus posticus [Coues]. Post-scap'ula (L.). The plate-like portion of the scapula below the spine [I'arker], Post-scap'ular fos'sa. Infraspinous fossa. Post-scapula'ris {L.). Infraspinatus [Cc.ue.-]. Post-sphe'noid bone. Presphenoid bone. Pos'tural [i. postura]. Pertaining to posture or position. P. meth'od, Mar- shall Hall's method : see Artificial nspi- rcitioii. Post-Zygapoph'ysis (L.) [^uyov, àr.n- 1 ^'un-îs']. The inferior articular jirocess of j a vertebra. Pot., abbv. for Potio, Potassa. Po'table. L. potabilis ; /. potabile. Drinkable, fit to drink. Potage (F?^. A strong broth. Potamop'yra (//.) [-"r«'/»^', -D^ry]. River fever — i. e. malarial fever. Pot'ash. 1. Potassium hydrate, Potassa. 2. The commercial name for the crude po- tassium carbonate obtained by lixiviating wood-ashes, evaporating, and fusing the product. P.-'wa'ter [B. P.], effervescing solution of potash. Potas'sa (Z^.). KlIO. F. potasse caustique ; G. Aetzkali ; /. potassa caus- tica. A white, hard and dry. very deli- quescent, odorless solid, of a very acrid and caustic taste and a strong alkaline re- action ; soluble in 0.Ö part of water and in 2 parts of alcohol ; prepared by double de- composition of potassium carbonate in solu- tion and calcium hydrate ; principally used as an escharotie : see Table of antidote.^. P. al'um, the double sulphate of aluminium and potassium : see Alum. P. cum cal'ce, potassa with lime. P. caus'tica [B. P.] : see Potassa. P. with lime. L. potassa cum calce ; F. caustique de Vienne ; G. wiener Aetzpulver; /. caustico di Vienna. Pota.ssa and lime in the proportion of 5 to 5 [U. S. P.], 5 to otassium boro-tartrate. Potas'sio-fer'ric tar'trate. L. ferri et potassü tartras; /'. tartrate ferrico-potas- sique ; G. Ferrikalitartrat ; /. tartrate fer- rico-potassico. Tartrate of iron and po- tassium, tartratcd iron ; transparent, gar- net-red scales, odorless, having a sweetish, slightly ferruginous taste ; very .soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol ; prepared by dissolving, by the aid of heat, freshly pre- cipitated ferric hydrate in solution of po- tassium bitartrate, evaporating, and drying on plates of glass ; a readily soluble and agreeable chalybeate. Potas'sio-mercu'ric i'odide. (IlgL,- KI)2.2H.,0. A yellow crystalline salt, pre- pared by saturating a warm solution of po- tassium iodide with mercuric iodide ; the excess of the latter salt crystallizes out on cooling, and the remaining solution is evap- orated and crystallized ; used as a test for the alkaloids, and has been recommended for medicinal use in various diseases. Potas'sium (/y.). K. ^. Kalium; /. po- tassio. A silver-white, crystallizable, soft, light, volatile, metallic element, discovered by Davy (1807) ; spec. grav. 0.805, atomic weight 3i), atomicity univalent; strongly basic, with great affinity for oxygen, and separable witii difficulty from its combina- tions. P. ac'etate. KCilljü.j. L. potassii acetas, kaliuni aceticum ; /'. acétate de potasse ; G. essigsaures Kali ; /. acetato di potassa. A crystalline very delitjuescent salt, soluble in water and alcohol ; ])repared by saturating acetic acid with ]iiitassiuni carbonate ; diuretic. P. al'coholate. C.jHä.OK. Potassium ctliylate ; a crystal- lizable product obtained by dissolving me- tallic putassiuin in absolute alcohol ; in its formation one atom of hydrogen of the al- cohol is replaced by the metal. P. anti- mo'niate, diaphoretic antimony. P. ar- sen'iate. KH.^Asüj. Z<. arscnias kalicus; /'. bi-arséniate j)otassi(|Uc; G. Macquer's arsenikalisches Mittelsalz. A crystalline, colorless, inodorous, diacid salt, permanent in the air, soluble in water, prepared by li.\iviating the product of fusion of arsenious acid and potassium nitrate, cvajiorating, and crystallizing the solution. P. bicar'bonate. KHCO;,. L. potassa liicarbonas; F. bicar- bonate de potasse ; G. do|)peltkohlensaures Kali ; /. bicarbonato di ])otassa. A color- less, transparent, crystalline, odorless salt, having a saline and slightly alkaline taste and a feebly alkaline reaction, soluble in water, decomposed by boiling water, almost insoluble in alcohol [U. S. P.] ; prepared by passing carbon dioxide gas into a solution of potassium carbonate and evaporating at a low heat ; antacid, diuretic, antilithic ; a milder and more acceptable salt than the carbonate. P. bichro'mate. K.,('rjO,. L. potassii bichromas ; F. bichromate de po- tasse ; G. doppeltehromsaures Kali ; /. bi- cromato di potassa. An orange-red, trans- parent, odorless, permanent, crystalline salt, having a bitter metallic taste, soluble in 10 parts of water at 15° C, insoluble in alco- hol ; prepared commercially from chrome iron ore ; escharotic ; u.scd as a test and in the preparation of chromic and valerianic acids. A violent irritant poison in large doses ; precipitates yellow with lead acetate : see Tabic of (iHtidotcf. P. binox'alate. KHCOcHoÒ. L. potassii binoxalas; F. oxalate acide de potasse ; /. biossalato di potassa. A crystalline salt in the form of rhomboidal crystals, permanent in the air, having a very acid taste, soluble in 40 parts of cold water, insoluble in alcohol ; found in the juices of certain plants; the com- mercial salt is generally a mixture of the binoxalate and quadroxalate (KHCjO,,- /$y UNIVEBSITY Of ' - /*- COIORADO ( SCHOOL OF \ MEDICINE 378 POT POT ll2Ca04.2HO) ; poisonous in large doses ; in common use to remove iuk-stains. P. bisul'phate. HKSO,. Acid sulphate of potassium ; a colorless, transparent, acid, crystalline salt, soluble in 2 parts of cold water; found native, and formed as a by- product in the manufacture of nitric acid. P. bisul'phite. KHSO3. A white crys- talline salt prepared by passing sulphurous acid gas into a concentrated solution of ])olassium carbonate, and adding strong alcohol ; evolves sulphurous acid gas on exposure, and has been used externally as a deodorizer. P. bitar'trate. KHC,H,0,;. L. j)otassii bitartras ; F. bitartrate de po- tasse ; G. Weinstein ; /. tartrate acido di potassa. Cream of tartar; an acid salt, permanent in the air, odorless, having a pleasant acidulous taste ; soluble in 215 parts of water at 15° C, and in 15 parts of boiling water, very slightly soluble in alcohol ; occurring in commerce in color- less crystals or white, somewhat gritty powder ; obtained by purification of the crude salt, argol, deposited during the fer- mentation of the juice of the grape; cathartic, diuretic, and refrigerant. P. bo'ro-tar'trate. L. tartras borico-po- tassicus; /'. tartrate borico-potassique ; G. Bor.siiureweinstein. A white inodorous pow- der or thin transparent scales, having an acidulous taste, not deliquescent, readily sol- uble in water ; prepared by boiling pota.ssium bitartrate in an aqueous solution of boric acid and eva]>orating to dryness; purgative. P. bro'mide. KBr. L. potassii bromi- dum ; F. bromure de potassium ; G. Brom- kalium ; /. bromuro di potassio. A crys- talline, colorless, odorless salt, with a pun- gent saline taste, readily .soluble in water, less soluble in alcohol ; obtained by igniting and subsequently crystallizing the product of the action of bromine upon potassium hydrate; sedative, anfesthetic, hypnotic. P. car'bonate. K.^COj. L. potassii car- bonas; /'. carbonate de potasse; G. kohl- ensaures Kali ; /. carbonato di jiotassa. A white, crystalline or granular powder, very deliquescent, odorless, having a strong alka- line taste and an alkaline reaction, freely soluble in water, insolul)le in alcohol ; pre- pared by treating pearlash with its own weight of distilled water and evaporating the clear .solution to dryness while it is kept briskly agitated ; antacid, diuretic, an- tilithic ; used in the preparation of other potassium salts. P. chlo'rate. KCIÜ3. L. potassii chloras; F. chlorate de jiotas.se; G. cJilorsaures Kali ; /. clorato di potassa. A colorless, odorless, crystalline salt, hav- ing a cooling saline taste and a neutral reaction ; soluble in 1C.5 parts of water at 15° C, slightly soluble in alcohol ; pre- pared by passing chlorine gas through a moistened mixture of potassium carboiuite or chloride and slaked lime, boiling the product in water, evaporating, and crystal- lizing ; refrigerant, diuretic ; used locally in the treatment of mucous catarrhs and ulcerations : see Table of antidules. P. chlo'ride. KCl. L. potassa chloridum ; F. chlorure de potassium ; /. cloruro di po- tassa. A colorless, crystalline salt, having a saline slightly bitter taste ; soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol ; obtained commercially from Stassfurt potash-salt, which consists principally of a double chloride of potassium and magnesium : used in the preparation of other potassium salts. P. cifrate. KjCeHjOj.HjO. A. potassii cilras; /'. citrate de potasse; G. citronsaures Kali ; I. citrato di potassa. A white, granular, deliquescent, odorless pow- der, having a cooling, faintly alkaline taste; readily soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol ; obtained by neutralizing citric acid with potassium carbonate; a refrigerant dia- phoretic. P. cy'anide. KCN. L. potas- sii cyanidum ; F. cyanure de potassium ; G. Cyankalium ; /. cianuro di jìotassio. A crystallizable, deliquescent salt, found in commerce in white, opa(|ue, amorphous pieces or in white granular powder, having a peculiar odor, a sharp, somewhat alkaline and bitter-almond taste, and a strongl}- al- kaline reaction ; soluble in two parts of water at 15° C, sparingly soluble in alco- hol ; obtained by fusing together potassium carbonate and potassium ferrocyanide; po.s- sesses the medicinal and poisonous proper- ties of hydrocyanic acid. For tests see Ili/dro- ci/anic arid. Five grains have proved fatal: see Tdlile of nntidotex. P. eth'yl^te, jtotas- sium alcoholate. P. ferricy'anide. K,,Fe.;- Cy,2. L- cyanetum ferrieo-kalicum [P. Port.]. Red prussiate of potash ; a dark- red crystalline salt, having a saline and slightly astringent taste ; soluble in about 4 ])arts of water, onlj' slightly soluble in alcohol ; obtained by passing chlorine gas through a solution of potassium ferrocya- nide ; used as a test. P. feiridcy'anide, potassium ferricyanide. P. ferrocy'anide. KjFeCyo.SHjO. 7>. potassii ferroeyanidum ; /'. fcrrocyanurc de potassium ; G. Ferro- cyankalium ; I. ferrocianuro di pota.ssio. Yellnw prussiate of potash; a neutral salt found in commerce in the form of large, POT POT 379 coherent, lemon-yellow, translucent crys- tals; soluble in 4 parts of water at 15° C, insoluble in alcohol ; obtained by heatint: crude potash with iron filings and animal matter, lixiviating the resulting fused mass, and evaporating the solution ; used as a test and in certuia pharmaceutical opera- tions. P. fer'ro-tar'trate, tartrate of iron and potassium. P. hy'drate, potassa. P. hypophos'phite. Kil.jl't.)^. L. potassii hypophosphis ; /'. hypophosphite de po- tasse ; G. Kaliumhypophosphit. A de- liquescent, neutral, odorless salt, in the form of crystalline masses or white gran- ular powder, having a sharp, saline, slightly bitter taste; freely soluble in water, solu- ble in alcohol ; formed by the mutual reac- tion of calcium hypophosphite and potas- sium carbonate in solution, and may be obtained by other chemical processes ; em- ployed theoretically as a means of intro- ducing phosphorus into the system. P. i'odate, a crystalline salt prepared by .sat- uratiniT iodic acid with potassium bicarbo- nate or by other processes ; proposed as a substitute for potassium chlorate. P. iod- hydrar'gyrate. 2(HgI.,,KI).3H.,0. A yel- low crystalline salt obtained by adding mer- curic chloride to an excess of potassium iodideor by other processes. P.i'odide. Kl. L. potassii iodiduui ; F. iodure de potassium ; G. Jodkalium ; /. ioduro di potassio. A neutral salt, occurring in the form of color- less, translucent cubical crystals, having a pungent, saline taste ; freely soluble in water, soluble in alcohol ; obtained by di.s- solving iodine in a solution of potassa, evaporating to dryness, and roasting the powdered residue with charcoal ; alterative. P. man'ganate. K,.,MnO,. Chameleon mineral ; a ltccu salt, formed when man- ganese dioxide is fused with caustic pot- ash ; on boiling with water it is converted into the iicrmaiiganate. P. my'ronate, sinigrin. P. ni'trate. KNO^. L. potassii nitras ; F. azotate de potasse ; G. Kalium- nitrat; /. nitrato di potassa. Saltpetre, nitre; a neutral, colorless, crystalline salt, having a cooling, saline and pungent taste ; soluble in 4 parts of water at 15° C, slightly soluble in alcohol ; found native in certain soils and in the juices of certain plants; principally prepared by double de- composition of potassium chloride and na- tive sodium nitrate or Chili saltpetre; refrig- erant, diuretic, diaphoretic, and antiseptic, lias proved fatal in large (1 to 2 oz.) doses. P. perchlo'rate. KCK),. A colorless, crys- talline salt obtained by carefully heating potassium chlorate until it ceases to give off oxygen ; used in ]ircparing perchloric acid. P. perman'ganate. K,.Mii;0„. L. [iotassii pcrmanganas ; F. permanganate de potasse; G. Kaliumpermanganat; /. per- manganato di jìotassa. A deep purple- violet or nearly black, crystalline, neutral salt, inodorous, having a sweet astringent taste; soluble in 20 parts of water at 15° C, decomposed by alcohol, its solution in water decolorized by organic matter and oxidizing agents; obtained by calcining manganese dioxide with jiotassium chlorate and hydrate; antiseptic and disinfectant: ^ee Td/ilf o/ iiKtidoU'!'. P. pic'rate. C^H,- (N()j):,()K. />. j)ütassü picras. A golden- yellow, crystalline salt, with a bitter taste; sparingly soluble in water, almost insoluble in alcohol ; explosive when heated ; pre- pared by double decomposition of magne- sium picrate and potassium sulphate ; anti- periodic [F. Mex.]. P. pnis'siate, jiotas- sium ferrocyanide. P. sil'icate. K.SiO;,. L. potassii silicas. A colorless, translucent, deliquescent, vitreous salt ; obtained by fus- ing quartz or sand with potassium carbo- nate ; its syrupy solution is used in niakins; immovable bandages for injured limbs. P. so'dium bo'ro-tar'trate. L. tartarus bo- raxatus; G. Boraxweinstein; /. tartaro bo- rassato. A white, amorphous, deliquescent powder, having an acid taste and reaction ; soluble in its weight of cold water, insolu- ble in alcohol ; prepared by digesting po- tassium bitartrate in a solution of sodium borate and evaporating the filtered liquid; a mild laxative and diuretic. P. so'dium tar'trate. KXaC4H40,,.4H.iO. L. potassii et sodii tartras ; F. tartrate de potasse et de soude ; G. Seignettesalz ; /. tartrato doppio di potassa et di soda. Tartrate of pota.ssium and sodium. Hoehelle sait ; a neutral salt, in the form of colorless, transparent, rhombic crystals or white powder, odorless, with a cooling, saline, and slightly bitter taste; soluble in 2.5 parts of water at 15° C, very soluble in boiling water, insoluble in alcohol ; prepared by neutralizing potassium bitartrate with sodium carlionate ; a mild saline purgative. P. sul'phate. K.,SO,. L. jiotas.sii sulphas; /'. sulfate do potasse; G. Kaliumsulfat ; /. solfato di potassa. A colorless, odorless, neutral, crystalline salt, having a sharp, saline, slightly bitter taste ; soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol ; ob- tained as a secondary product of many chemical processes; purgative, alterative. Has proved fatal in large (1 oz.) doses. P. siilph'ite. K.jS03.2H.^O. L. potassii 380 POT POT sulphis ; F. sulfite de potasse ; G. Kalium- sultìt ; /. solfito di potassa. A white, crys- talline, delii(uesoent, neutral or feebly alka- line salt, havinfi a bitter, saline and sulphur- ous taste ; soluble in 4 parts of water at 15° C, sparingly soluble in alcohol ; obtained by passing a current of sulphurous acid gas into a solution of potassium carbonate until all the carbon dioxide has been expelled, and evaporating the solution ; antiseptic, antiparasitic ; see Table of anti- dotes. P. sulpho-car'bonate. K^CSs. An orange-yellow, crystalline, deliquescent salt; obtained by agitation of a solution of po- tassium monosulphide (KjS) with carbon bisulphide, and careful evaporation. P. sulph'uret, sulphurated potassa. P. tar'- trate. ( K..,C,H,06)2-H.^O. L. potassa tar- iras ; F. tartrate de potasse ; G. Kalium- tartrat ; /. tartrato di potassa. A somewhat deliquescent, white, crystalline or granular salt, having a .«aline, slightly bitter taste, and neutral reaction ; readily soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol ; prepared by neutralizing potassium bitartrate with po- tassium carbonate ; a mild purgative. P. thiocar'bonate, potassium sulphocarbo- nate. Pota'to. L. tuber solani ; F. pomme de terre ; G. Kartoffel ; /. pomo di terra. The tubers of Solniium tuhei-dsum.Ij. ; an import- ant article of diet; used in the manufacture of potato-starch. P. bacil'lus, Bacillus me- Sfnterims vulgatiix. P. fly, (_''aiitliaris i-ittata, Latr. P. poul'tice. L. cataplasma fascu- losum ; F. eatuplasine de fécule. Potato starch 100, cold water 1^00 : mix and add gradually to boiling water 800 ; boil for a few moments [Cod.]. P. spir'it oil, amylic alcohol. P. starch. L. amylum solani; F. fécule de pomme de terre ; G. Kartoffel- stärke ; /. fecola di pomo di terra. The fecula of the tubers of Solanum tuberoauvi, L. ; distinguishable under the micro.scope by the size and appearance of its granules. Pot'belly. Protuberant abdomen. Po'tency. Power, faculty. Potente ( /.). 1. Potent, 2. Able to accomplish the sexual act. Poten'tia ( L.). Force, potency. Poten'tial. /'. potentiel, elle; 7. poten- ziale. Having power, but not maniiestiiig it directly. P. cau'tery, a chemical caus- tic, such as nitrate of silver. P. galva- nom'eter, voltmeter. Potentil'la (/.., 7.). 7". potentille. A genus of liosaccx. P. anseri'na, L., sil- ver-weed, an herb growing in Europe and North America ; the flowering plant is of- ficial in the Cod. P. canaden'sis, L., common cinquefoil, fivetinger; indigenous; said to be diuretic and diaphoretic. P, rep'tans, L., creejiing cinquefoil, a Euro- pean herb, with astringent properties. P. sylves'tl-is. Neck.. /'. Tirmnilllla. Schrank. P. Tormentil'la, Schrank, tormentil. sept- foil, a European herb; the root was iormer- ly official in the Ü. S. P. ; see Tormentil. Potenza (7). Power; capability of ac- complishing the sexual act. Potenziale (/.). Potential. Po'thos fœ'tidus, ^Michx. Dracontiiim fœliilum, L. Po'tio (7.). Potion. P, antispas- mod'ica, antispasmodic mixture. P, bal- sam'ica [Cod.], Chopart's mixture. P. cardi'aca [Cod], potion cordiale, q. v. P. eflferves'cens, effervescing draught. P. ni'gra, black draught. P. River'ii, mix- ture of citrate of potassium. Po'tion [-»rói-]. L. potio ; G. Arznei- trank ; 7. pozione. A medicinal drink. Potion (7".). P. antispasmodique, anti- spasmodic mixture. P. antivomitive de Rivère, effervescing draught P.au baume de copahu or P. de Chopart, Chopart's mixture. P, cordiale, L. potio cardiaca. Red wine (de Banyuls) 1 10, syrup of orange- peel 40, tincture of cinnamon 1(1 parts; mix [Cod.]. P. emulsive g-onimée, look al- bum. P. emulsive huileuse, oil emul- sion. P. gazeuse, effervescing draught. P. gommeuse, gum mixture. Potiron (7^.). Pumpkin. Potoma'nia (7y.) [-»róv, /i«v!'a]. Dipso- mania. Pototroma'nia (L.) [r/;«//«?, /iw.'ia^ Delirium tremens. Pototromoparanœ'a (7.) [r/(ó,a(i?, ■izafiaviiiii)^. Delirium tremens. Pott fPercival), English surgeon [1713- 88]. P-'s an'eurism, aneurismal varix. P-'s cur'vature, G. Pott'scher Euekel. Posterior, median, acute curvature of spine, the result of Pott's disease. P-'s disease'. F. maladie de Pott; G. Pott'scbe Krank- heit; 7 malattia di Pott. Inflammaliun and caries of the vertebral bodies and in- tervertebral di.scs, resulting in curvature of the spine. P-'s frac'ture, fracture of lower end of fibula, with dislocation out- ward of the foot, and .sometimes fracture of the inner malleolus. P-'s gan'grene, senile gangrene. POT POW 381 Pott'sche Krankheit (G.)- Pott's dis- ease. Pott'scher Buckel {G.). Pott's cur- vature. Po'tus (L.) [rÓToi]. Drink. P. pur'- gans cum citra'to magnes'ico [Cod.], solution of citrate of uiairiiesium. Pou (F.). Louse. P. de corps, body- lou.se, FeJiciiius veslimeiiti seu corporis, L. P. du pubis, Pedicuhis pubis, L. P. de la tète, head-louse, Pediculus capitis, L. Pouce (F.). Thumb. Pouch of Doug'las. Recto-vaginal poueli. Pouch of We'ber. Prostatic vesicle. Pouched. Contained in a pouch or cyst. Pouch'es of peritone'um. Peritoneal fos.sav Poudre ( F.). Powder. P. antimoni- ale de James, antimonial powder. P. arsenicale de Rousselot, Rousselot's ar- senical powder. P. des Chartreux, an- timony oxysulphuret. P. composée, com- pound powder. P. de come de cerf, cal- cined hartshorn. P. dentifrice acide. L. dentifricium acidulum. Potassium bitar- trate 200, sugar of milk 200, carmine 0.40, oil of peppermint 1 ; mis [Cod.]. P. den- tifiice alcaline, alkaline tooth-powder. P. dentifrice de craie camphrée, camphor- ated tooth-powder. P. diurétique, diu- retic powder. P. de Dover ^l'. Belg.], powder of ipecac and opium P. escharo- tique arsenicale. Comes arsenical pow- der. P. gazeuse or P. gazogène alca- line, effervescing powder. P. gazogène laxative, compound effervescing pow- der. P. de Goa, Goa powder. P. de graines de lin, linseed meal. P. d'ipé- cacuanha opiacée, pnwder of ipecac and o|iiuni. P. de lycopode, lycopodium. P. pour limonade sèche au citrate de magnésie, granulated citrate of magnesia. P. de Seltz, effervescing powder. P. ster- nutatoire, sternutatory powder. P. thé- riacale. L. pulvis theriacalis. A com- pound powder, official in the Codex, com- posed of 54 ingredients, animal, vegetable, and mineral : contains .ï .") per cent, of opium ; used in preparing elect uaire thériacal. P. de viande, powder of dried meat. P. des voyageurs [P. Helv ], diuretic powder. Poudrette (F.). Dried and powdered excreta. Pouke (provincial Engli.sh). Papula. Poulain (/'.). I.Colt. 2. Inguinal bubo. Pouhe (F.). Trochlea. P. articulaire, trochlea. P. de l'astragale, trochlea of astragalus. P. fémorale, trochlea of fe- mur. P. du grand oblique, trochlea of superior oblique muscle. Pouliot américain (F.). Hedeoma. Pouliot commun (F.). MmtliaPuh- gium, L. Pouliot des montagnes {F.). Teucri- um Polium, L. Pouls (/'.). Puise. P. dicrote, dicrotic pulse. P. fébrile, febrile jiulse. P. re- bondissant or P. redoublé, dicrotic pulse. P. veineux, venous pulse. Poul'tice. Cataplasm : see also Char- coal, C'li/orine, FliLcseetl, Ucmloik, Linseed, Mustanl. Potato, Yeast, etc. poultice. Poumon {F.). Lung. Pounce. Common name for finely-pow- dered sandarac. Pou'part's lig'ament. L. arcus cru- ralis ; F. arcade crurale, ligament de Pou- part ; G. Schenkelbogen; /. arcato crurale, legamento di Poupart. Thickened edge of aponeurosis of external oblique mu.scle of abdomen, forming a band extending from anterior superior spine of ilium to spine of pubis. Pourpier {F.). Purslane. Pourpre (/^. ). I.Purpura. 2. Purple. P. rétinien, retinal purple. Pourre'tia lanugino'sa, R. et. P. Nat. Ord. Briiiiieiiitctif ; yields Chagual gum. Pourrette (F.). Eaux-aux-jambes, q. v. Pourri, ie (F.). Rotten, putrefied. Pourriture (F.). Putrefaction. P. d'hôpital, hospital gangrene. P. de Saint Lazare, measles of the hog. Pousse (F.). Asthma in the horse. Poussière (F.). Dust. P. auditive, otoliths. Poussif, ive pousse. Poussoir (F.') Poutres de crâne ( F.). cranii. Pouvoir (F.). Power. P. définissant, defining power of an objective. P. péné- trant, penetrating power of an objective. Pow'der. L. pulvis ; F. poudre ; G. Pulver; /polvere. A substance reduced into small particles by trituration, precipitation, granulation, or sublimation : see also Aitti- liionio/, Aromatic, Bliuiliiiifi^ (Bonn's arseni- cal, Compound, Compound citatic. Diuretic, {F.). Suffering from Probang. Trabcculae 382 POW PRA JJovd-'s,- Effervi'Siing, Gregory's, HofelaïuV/:, Jnsfcf, Jam€s'x,,hsuit's, I'li-dnud, Rousselot's, Stûlli'z, Sleniiildtort/, Stj/plic, Tullys, etc. poicdf-r. P. of Al'garoth, antimony oxy- chloriJe. P. of al'oes and canel'la. L. pulvis aloes et canelhc. Hiera picra ; a mixture of powdered aloes 4 parts, canella- l.ark 1 part [U.S. P. 1870]. P. of ip'ecac and o'pitim. L. pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii ; F. poudre d'ipécacuanha opiacée ; G. Dover'sches Pulver; /. polvere di Dover. Dover's powder ; a powder containing 1 part each of opium and ipecac to 8 parts of sugar of milk [U. S. P.]. The sugar of milk is replaced by potassium sulphate [B. P. and P. G.] ; "by equal parts of po- tassium sulphate and potassium nitrate [Cod.] ; anodyne and diaphoretic. P. of i'ron, reduced iron. Pow'dered ex'tracts: see Dry ex- tracts. Pox. Syphilis. Pozione (/.). Draught. Pozzo (/.). Well. P. nero, cess-pool, p. p., abbv. for pvmc'tum prox'imum (//.), near-point. Ppt., abbv. for Praepara'ta (iy.), pre- pared. p. r., abbv. for punc'tum remo'tum (/v.), far-point. Pr. or Py., abbv. for Presbyopia. Prac'tical anat'omy : see Anatomy. Prac'tice. F. i)ratique ; I. pratica. The special business of a medical man. Practi'tioner. F. practicien ; /. pratico. One who practises the art of medicine. Prœ-. A prefix signifying before, an- terior to. Prse'bium (//.). Dose. Praecen'tral con'volution. G. Prä- centralwindung: see (\ntral convolutions. Praecen'tral sul'cus. L. .sulcus pra;- centralis; F. sillon prérolandicjue ; G. Prä- centralfurche ; /. scissura prwrolandica. Furrow on convex surface of hemi.spheres in front of anterior central convolution, running parallel to central sulcus. It is usually interrupted by the frontal convolu- tions, and may be continuous with the as- cending branch of the fissure of Sylvius. Prsechor'dal. In front of the anterior end of tlic notochord. Präcipitat (G.). Precipitate ; — salbe, nnguontuni hydrargyri cinercum. Präcipitii-ter kohlensaurer Kalk ( G.). Precipitated calcium carbonate. Präcipitirtes Ferrosulfat {G.). Pre- cipitated ferrous sulphate. Preeclavicula'ris latera'üs {L.). Acromio-clavicularis. Prœclavicula'ris me'dius (i/.). Sterno- clavicularis. Praeclavicula'ris subcuta'neus (//.). F. cleido-aponévrotique ascendant. A loop- shaped muscular fasciculus rarely found extending from internal to external ex- tremities of clavicle in a fold of the cervi- cal fascia [Gruber]. Praecogni'tio (-&■)■ Prognosis. Preecommissu'ra (L.). Cerebral com- missure, anterior [Wilder]. Praecor'dia (/>.). Epigastric region ; diaphragm ; parts in front of the heart. Preecor'dial re'gion. F. region pré- cordiale ; /. regione precordiale. Ejiigastric region. Präcordialangst (C). Sense of un- easiness and oppression in the praccordial region. Prsecor'dium {L.). IntVastemal de- pression. Prsecor'nu (/^.)- Anterior cornu of lateral ventricle [Wilder]. Prœcu'neus {L.). Quadrate lobule of the brain. Prädilectionssitz {G.). Point of pref- erence or predilection. Praedisposition (C). Predis]iosition. Praeforma'tio {L."). Preformation. Praegenicula'tum {L.). Corpus genic- ulatum externum [Wilder]. Prägnant (C). Pregnant. Prägnanz ( G.). Pregnancy. Praegna'tio {L.). G. Prägnation. Im- pregnation. Praehal'lux (/-). Vestige of an extra toe on the tibial border of the foot, be- lieved to be represented in embryos of the second month by a distinct cartilage. Many lower animals have here a sojiarate bone [Bardeleben]. Praehen'sio (i.). Prehension. Prseintermaxilla're (/>.)■ Endogna- thion. Praelom'bo-Bu'pra-pubia'nus {L.). Psoas minor. Praemedul'la (/-.). Medulla oblon- gata. Prämolarzähne {G.). I'rcmolar teeth. PR>E- PRE 383 Pi-gena'ris (/>.)■ Antorinr naios [Wil- der]. Prœoccip'itaJ fls'sure. Pr«occipital notfh. R-seOCCip'ital notch. L. incisura pr:o- ocoipitalis. Notch on lower edge of exter- nal surface of hemisphere, marking separa- tion between occipital and temporal lobes. Prseop'ticus (//.). Anterior pair of the corpora iniadrigemina. Prae-o'raJ. Situated in front of the mouth. Präparat (C). Preparation. Praepara'tio {L.). Preparation. Präpariren (ff.) To prepare, to dis- sect. Präparirte Kreide (ff.). Prepared chalk. Praepedun 'cuius ( /> ). Superior pedun- cle of cerebeiliun [Wilder]. Praeperfora'tus t L.). Perforated space, anterior [Wilder]. Praeperitono'al. L- prœperitoncalis. Situated in front of the peritoneum. P. cav'ity. L. cavum praîperitoneale. A supposed space in the subperitoneal tissue of anterior wall of abdomen into which it was believed the bladder arose when much distended ; now known to be merely a series of rather loose areolar spaces. Praepitu'itary. Situated in front of the pituitary body. Praepol'lex (.^). Vestige of an extra finger found in young embryos as a small cartilage on the radial border of the hand [Albrecht]. Prœpu'bic an'gle. Bend in urethra in front of pubis, when penis is pendent. Praeputia'lis (L-)- Preputial. Praeputialstein (ff). Calculus of the prepuce. PVaepu'tium (/^.). Prepuce. P. cli- tor'idis, processes of the nymphae that cover the glans clitoridis. Praerecta'lis. Anterior portion of sus- tentator recti [llenle]. Praescap'ula (L.'). The plate-like por- tion of the scapula above the spine [Par- ker]. Prœscap'ular fos'ca. Supraspinous fossa. Praescrip'tio (L.'). Prescription. Prsesyl'vian convolu'tion : see Orbi- tai cdniolutiunK. PrœsyPvian stiPcus. L. sulcus pnc- sylvius. Name given to a furrow on orbital surface of iieinispheres, formed by posterior halves of intermediate and lateral orliital sulci with their connecting furrow. It is convex forward, and runs in the same gen- eral direction as the Sylvian fissure : see Trlriiilidti- sv/fus. Prceventivimpfung (ff.). Inoculation with attenuated virus. Prai'rie bur'dock. Si/p/u'um terehin- tldìiatìim, L. Prai'rie dock. Purfhiiiium inlegri'/n- lium. Prai'rie hys'sop. I'l/cnaiillnmum liui- ci'itldliiin. Pui.-li. ; indigenous ; plant stim- ulant, diajihoretic, carminative. Prai'rie in'digo. Bnptixin lewantlia. Torr, and Gray ; said to be emetic, purga- tive, and externally stimulant. Prai'rie itch. Vague term for several skin diseases characterized by pruritus and papulo-vesieular eruption. Prai'rie sen'na. Casavi Chammcrista, h Praktik (ff.). Praeticei Pravaz's syr'ingfe. A hypodermic syr- inge with a long tine trocar and canula; used to inject styptic fluids into the blood- ves.sels. Prax'is (/>.)• Practice; action. Pray'er-beads. Jequirity. Pre-. Used for prns- as a prefix. Preaor'tic. Situated in front of the aorta. P. plex'us, aortic plexus. Pre-arytenoi'deus (/^.). Crico-ary- tenoideus lateralis [Coues]. Préataxique (F'.). Preceding ataxia. Pre-ax'ial. Situated cephalad from a line drawn at right angles to the body-axis through the axis of a limb. Preca'va > L. i. Vena cava, superior. Preca'val si'nus. Cuvier, ducts of. Precerebel'lar ar'tery. Cerebellar ar- tery, sujierior [Wilder]. Precer'ebral ar'tery. Cerebral artery, anterior [Wilder]. Precho'roid ar'teries. Choroid ar- teries, anterior [Wilder]. Precip'itate. L. ])r;ecipitatum ; /'. pré- cipité ; (Ì. Niederschlag ; /. precipitato. The material which separates during the chem- ical process of precipitation : see also Red and While precipitate. 384 PRE PRE Precip'itated. Thrown down as a pre- cipitate. P. cal'cium car'bonate. L. calcii carbonas prœeipitatus ; /'. carbonate de chaux précipité ; G. präcipitirter kohlen- saurer Kalk. A very fine, white, impal- pable powder, permanent in the air, odor- less and tasteless, insoluble in water or alcohol, prepared by precipitation from a solution of calcium chloride by means of sodium carbonate. Astringent and antacid. P. cal'cium phos'phate. CajPO,. L. calcii phosphas prœcipitatus ; F. phosphate tricaleiijue ; G. phosphorsaure Kalkerde. Bone-phosphate, normal calcium ortho- phosphate ; a liiiht, white, amorphous pow- der, permanent in the air, odorless, taste- less ; insoluble in water or alcohol ; pre- pared by dissolving bone-ash in diluted hydrochloric acid and precipitating with solution of ammonia. The calcium phos- phoricum of the F. G. is mono-hydrogen calcium ortliophosphate (CaHPOJ, pre- pared by precipitation from a solution of calcium chloride by sodium phosphate. P. car'bonate of zinc. (ZnCÜ3).j.3Zn(HO)i.. L. zinci carbonas prrecipitatus; F. sous- carbonate de zinc hydraté. A white, impal- pable, odorless, tasteless powder ; insoluble in water or alcohol ; prepared by mixing and boiling solutions of zinc sulphate and sodium carbonate, and washing the pre- cipitate with boiling water ; absorbent and protective. P. fer'rous sul'phate. L. ferri sulphas prœcipitatus ; F. sulfate fer- reux précipité ; G. präcipitirtes Ferrosulfat. Granulated sulphate of iron [B. P.]; a crys- talline, pale bluish-green powder ; prepared by precipitatitm from an af|ueous solution of ferrous sulphate by means of alcohol. P. sul'phur. L. sulphur pmeeipitatum ; F. soufre précipité ; G. Schwefelmilch ; /. solfo precipitato. A very fine, yellowish- white, amorphous powder ; prepared by boiling in water a mixture of sublimed sulphur and freshly-slaked lime, and treat- ing the resulting solution of calcium sul- phide and hyposulphite with hydrochloric acid, whereby the sulphur is precipitated. Precipita'tion. F. précipitation ; G. Niederschlagung ; /. precipitazione. The separation of a solid, or sometimes of a liquid, substance in a fluid menstruum as the result of a chemical reaction. Precipitato (/). Precipitate. P. giallo, sulphate of mercury. Precipita 'turn al'bum. Calomel by precijiitation [P. Port.], or ammoniated mer- cury [P. Belg.]. Precipitazione (/.). Precipitation, Précipité {F.). Precipitate. P. blanc [Cod.], calomel by precipitation : see Mn-. enrolls chloride. P. blanc de Oharas or de Zwelfer, calomel by precipitation. P. blanc de Lémery, ammoniated mercury, P. rouge, mercuric oxide, red. Precoc'ity [L. prœcox]. F. précocité; /. precocità. Premature development. Preconunu'nicant ar'tery. Commu- nicating artery, anterior [Wilder]. Precordi (/.). Pr»cordia. Précordial, ale {F.). Prajcordial. Precordiale (/.). Prœcordial. Precu'neus (L-)- Quadrate lobule of the brain. Precur'sory [prae, currere]. F. pré- curseur ; /. precursore. Preceding. Prediastol'ic, F. prédiastolique ; /. prediastulico. Just before the diastole. Predicrot'ic wave. First oscillation in descending curve of the sphygmogram. Predigas'tricus (L.). Anterior belly of digastricus [Cones]. Prédigestion {F.). I. predigestione. That which is preliminary to digestion — i'. e. mastication, insalivation, etc. Predilata'tor (L."). Dilatator naris, anterior [Coues]. Predisposi'tion. L. prœdispositio ; F. prédisposition ; G. Pr'àdisposition ; /. pre- disposizione. A condition which tends to the production of disease by a compara- tively slight exciting cause. Prédorsal, ale {F.). I. predorsale. In front of the back. Prédorso-atloïdien (F.) [Chaussier] or Prédorso-cervical (F.) [Dumas]. / prcdorso-atloideo. Longus colli, Preforma'tion, L. praeformatio ; F. préformation ; J. preformazione. Prelimi- nary formation. Prefron'tal lobe. That ]iart of frontal lobe in front of ascending convolution. Prefron'tals, Lateral ma.sses of the ethmoid, forming distinct bones in croco- diles, lizards, and osseous fishes. Preg'nancy, L. pregnatio; /'.grossesse; G. Schwangerschaft ; /. gravidanza. The condition of a woman who has within her the product of a conception which has occurred within a year. P., hydat'id, form in which cystic degeneration of the villi of the chorion takes place, forming a hydatiform mole. P. inher'itance, term PRE PRE 385 applied to indicate the transmission of sj'philis through the mother during preg- nancy, as opposed to conception inherit- ance. P., intramu'ral, tubo-ovarian preg- nancy. P., tu'bal, extra-uterine pregnancy in tiie Fallopian tube. P., twin, /'.grossesse gi'raellaire ; /. gravidanza gemella. The con- dition of the female in which she contains two foetuses. Preg'nant. L. praegnans ; F. enceinte; G. schwanger ; /. gravida. In a state of pregnane}'. Prehen'sion [prehendere]. F. prehen- sion ; G. Aufnehmen. The act by which a thing is seized. Préiridien, ienne (F.). I. preirideo. In front of the iris or pupil. Prelach'rymal. F. prélacrynial, ale. In front of the lachrymal gland or sac. Prellschuss (&'.). Injury due to a ricochetting ball. Prélombaire {F.). I. prelombare. Pre- lumbar. Prelombo-pubico or Prelombo so- prapubico (/. ). Psoas minor. Prélombo-sus-pubien {F.) [Dumas]. Psoas minor. Prélombo-thoracique {F.'). I. pre- lombo-toracico. Great azygos vein [Chaus- sier]. Prélombo-trochantinien (F.). I. pre- lombii-trocantinianu. Psoas major [('haus- sier]. Préludes r F.). 7. preludii. Prodromes. Pre'lum abdomina'le {L.'). Abdomi- nal press ; the muscles which by their com- bined action produce expulsion of the con- tents of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. Prelum'bar. F. prólombaire ; /. pre- lombare. In front of the lumbar vertebrae or loins. P. sur'face, anterior surface of lumbar vertebrae. Premature' la'bor. F. accouchement prématuré; /. parto prematuro. Expul- sion of a viable fa'tus befcirc full term. Premature respira'tion. In breech presentation, after the body is born, contact with air may proiluce respiratory action and abolish the placental circulation. Premaxil'la (/>.). Intermaxillary bone. Premax'illary. F. prémaxillaire ; /. premascellare. Intermaxillary, in fnmt of the maxillary bone. P. an'gle, basifacial angle. P. bone, intermaxillary bone. P. eec'tor, area in median plane of skull. Vol. II.— 2ä between lines drawn from hormion to alveo- lar and subnasal points [Lissauer]. Premier {F.). First. P. adducteur superficiel, pectineus [Cruveilhier]. P. radial externe, extensor carpi radialis longior. P. sillon orbitaire, olfactory sulcus. Première {F.). fem. of Premier, first. P. circonvolution frontale, superior frontal convolution. P. circonvolution orbitaire, inner orbital convolution. P. enfance, from birth to 7th year of life. P. paire, first pair of nerves ; olfactory nerves. Prem'na taiten'sis, DC. A shrub or tree, Nat. Ord. Vtrliemici'x, growing in the Fiji Islands; the bark is used in the prep- aration of tonga. Premo'lar. L. praemolaris ; F. prémo- laire ; 7. premolare. In front of the molar teeth. P. tooth. L. dens prasmolaris ; F. dent prémolaire ; 7. dente premolare. One situated posterior to a canine tooth, repla- cing a milk tooth. Premon'itory [prie, raonere]. F. pré- monitoire ; G. vorhersagend ; /. premoni- torio. Giving warning. Prenan'thes (7>.). Rattlesnake-root; a genus of Cciììp'isì'tff. P. al'bus, L., white lettuce. P. Fra'seri, DC, lion's- foot. gall-of-the-earth ; North American perennial herbs with a milky juice and an exceedingly bitter root; the juice is a reputed antidote for snake-bite ; the root is used as a domestic tonic. Préoral (F.). Prasoral. Próosseux, euse (7^.). Preceding ossi- fication. Preparata (vena) (/.). Frontal vein. Prepara'tion. L. prreparatio ; F. pré- paration ; G. Präpariren ; 7. preparazione. 1. Making ready. 2. G. Präparat. That which has been prepared. 3. A body or part of a body prepared for exhibition. Prepared'. L. pr.vparatus ; F. préparé, ée ; G. pràparirt ; 7. preparato. Made ready for use. P. bar'ley flour. L. farina hordei prjv^parata ; G. präparirtes Gerstenmehl. TJarley flour which has been exposed to the heat of a steam-bath for 24 hours; contains dextrin and other deriva- tives of starch and of gluten. P. cal'- amine. L. calamina pncparata. Native carbonate of zinc, calcined, dried, and freed from gritty particles by elutriation [B. P.] ; mild astringent and desiccant. P. chalk. 7>. creta praeparata ; F. craie 386 PRE PRE pri'par<^e ; G. prSparirte Kreide ; / creta preparata. Chalk in fine powder, freed from coarse impurities by the process of elutriatioii ; usually dried in small masses of conical form. P. oys'ter-shell. L. testa pra'parata. The clean, white, inner layer of the shell of 0.), when retiuired. Proagoreu'sis (i.) \j:p(>aYUpsuatì\. Prognosis. Proam'nion (X.) [-/"', à,'/vi'"v]. Term applied by van Beneden and Julin to an area around the head of the very young embryo in which there is no mesoderm, the ectoderm and entoderm being in direct contact, and which is soon obliterated by the ingrowth of mesoderm ; in some ani- mals the proamnion forms part of the foetal envelope around the head. Prob'able life'tüne. F. vie probable ; /. vita probabile. The time which it is an even chance that a person at a given age will live. Pro'bang [/'. probe]. F. sonde œsopha- gienne ; /. sonda esofagea. A long, flexible, slender instrument designed for introduction into the larynx or oesophagus, to apply rem- edies, remove foreign bodies, etc. The or- dinary form consists of a whalebone with a sponge at the end. Mon'ey p. = coin- catcher. Probe. F. sonde ; /. sonda. A slender rod. usually of silver, with a bulbous end, used for exploring sinuses, wounds, etc. : see ßullet-prohe. P., u'terine. F. sonde uterine ; /. sonda uterina. xV long curved rod with a short handle, used for the ex- ploration of the uterine cavity, to determine displacements, etc. Probe (C). Proof, trial, experiment, test; — buchstaben, test-types; — lapa- rotomie, exploratory laparotomy ; — mahlzeit, test as to the duration of di- gestion, which should be completed in seven hours. If at the end of that time, after a simple meal, fragments of undi- gested food are found on washing out the stomach, digestion is not normal ; ■ — punc- tion, exploratory puncture; — trocar or troiscart, trocar, exploring. Pro'bing. Use of a probe ; testing. Probiren (ff-)- '^° ^^^^> ''° ''''J- Probirkunst (ff)- Docimasia. Procar'dium {L.). Pit of the stomach. Procatarc'tic [xara/jxruôç]. F. pro- catarctique ; I. procatartico. Predisposing. Procédé {F.). Process. P. de l'allu- mette, Garnier's method of applying an elastic ligature to the umbilical cord by means of a match, which prevents slipping. P. opératoire, method of performing a given operation. Procer'ebrum {L.). Prosencephalon. Proc'erus Santori'ni {L.). Pyramid- alis na.si. Procès {F.). Process. P. ciliaires, ciliary processes. Proc'ess. L. processus ; F. procès ; G. Fortsatz ; /. processo. A prolongation or eminence connected with the principal part of an organ. P-es. of calca 'neum, greater process = head of calcaneum ; lesser process = sustentaculum tali. P. of he'lix. X. spina helicis ; G. Dorn der Leiste. A spine-like protuberance of cartilage of external ear, where the crus helicis joins the helix. P. of in'cus, long. L. crus longus. Branch of incus, extending downward and articu- lating with the stapes. P-es. of Ingras'- sias. 1. Lesser wings of the sphenoid. 2. Spine of the sphenoid. P. of Lenhos'sek, reticular process of spinal cord. P. of Rau, long process of malleus. Processo, pi. i (/.). Process. P. cere- bellare, superior peduncle of cerebellum. P-i. cigliali, ciliary processes. Proces'sus (Tj.). Process. P. ab- domina'lis os'sis ü'ii, ex|iandod portion of the ilium. P. accesso'rius, accessory process of lumbar vertebra;. P. acces- so'rius spu'rius, rudimentary transverse process on the .sacrum. P. acromia'lis, acromion. P. acu'tus hel'icis, crus heli- cis [Krause], process of the helix [Al- binus]. P. alaefor'mes, alar ligaments. 390 PRO PRO P. ala'ris, alar process. P. alifor'mes, pterygoid processes. P. anconse'uB, ole- cranon process. P. annula'ris, pons Va- rolii. P. anon'ymus, jugular tubercle. P. ante'rior mal'lei, processus gracilis mallei. P. arcifor'mes, arciform fibres. P. Eiscenden'tes, superior articular proc- esses of vertebra?. P. ascen'dens, supe- rior maxillary bone. P. basila'ris, slender plate of bone projecting on either side from back part of body of sphenoid, and form- ing a portion of lateral wall of inferior petrosal sinus. P. Blumenbach'ii, unci- nate process. P. bre'vis incu'dis, short process of incus. P. bre'vis mal'lei. G. kurzer Fortsatz. A short spine upon the malleus to which the tensor tympani is attached. P. bul'bi olfacto'rii, fila olfac- toria. P. calcari'nus, bony continuation of osseous septum of nose, which may be found e.xtending into the cartilage from the vomero-ethmoidal suture. P. cartilag'in'ei (tu'bse Eustachia'nœ), nodules in the cartilaginous portion of J^ustachian tube, apparently sesamoid cartilages. P. car- tUagin'eus hel'icis, process of the helix. P. cerebel'li ad cer'ebrum, superior pe- duncles: see Pedunclt'n of cereheUum. P. cerebel'li ad medul'lam oblonga'tam, inferior peduncle : see Fedunclcg of cere- hellvm. P. cerebel'li ad pon'tem, mid- dle peduncle : see Peduncles of cerebellum. P. cerebel'li ad tes'tes, superior pe- duncle: see Pedunchs of cerehel/um. P. e cerebel'lo ad medul'lam oblonga'tam, inferior peduncles ; see J'eduììcle!< of cere- helium. P. e cerebel'lo ad pon'tem, middle peduncle : see Peduncles of cere- bellum. P. e cerebel'lo ad tes'tes, supe- rior peduncles : see Peduncles of cerebel- lum. P. cer'ebri latera'lis, liippocampus major. P. cer'ebri ma'jor, falx cere- bri. P. cUia'res, ciliary processes. P. clava'tus, clava. P. clinoi'dei, clinoid process. P. cochlea 'ris, cochleariform proc- ess. P. costa'rii, transverse processes of lumbar vertebrte, so called because they are believed to represent coalesced ribs. P. cricoi'deus, either of the two slight eminences on lower edge of thyroid carti- lage. P. cmcia'tus, the cross-like ar- rangement of tentorium, falx cerebelli, and falx cerebri, near the internal occipital pro- tuberance. P. cubita'lis, that part of lower end of humerus that has the articular surfaces. P. cuneifor'mis, uncinate proc- ess. P. denta'lis, alveolar process. P. denta'tus, odontoid process, P. descen'- dens fas'ciae pel'vis me'dius [Lcsshaft], process of recto-vesical fascia, extending between rectum and bladder. P. descen- den'tes, inferior articular processes of ver- tebrœ. P. du'rae ma'tiùs, falx cerebri, and tentorium. P. ensifor'm.es, lesser wings : see Wiììgs of tlie spiienoid. P. excep'ti, inferior articular processes of lumbar ver- tébrée, which are embraced by the superior. P. excipien'tes,superior articular processes of lumbar vertebras which embrace the in- ferior. P. falcifor'mis du'rae ma'tris, falx cerebelli. P. falcifor'mis ma'jor, falx cerebri. P. falcifor'mis mi'nor, falx cerebelli. P. folia'ceus, process of the ethmoid bone, projecting into the frontal cells. P. Folia'nus or P. Foli'i, processus gracilis mallei. P. fronta'lis, nasal proc- ess, frontal process. P. fron'to-sphe- noida'lis, frontal process. P. glot'tidis, vocal process. P. grac'ilis mal'lei. G. langer Fortsatz ; 1. apofisi di Rau. A slender slip of bone projecting from the body of the malleus and inserted in the Glaserian fissure. P. hama'tus, uncinate process, unciform process. P. hel'icis or P. hel'- icis cauda'tus, a tail-like process at the posterior and lower end of the helix. P. horizonta'lis incu'di, short process of the incus. P. incisu'rae trigem'ini, pro- jections rarely found on either side of im- pression for Gasserian ganglion, at apex of petrous portion of temporal bone ; appear to represent the ring that encloses that ganglion in some mammals. P. infe'rior, a wedge-like plate descending from tegmen tympani of temporal bone into inner end of Glaserian fissure. P. infe'rior incu'di, long process of incus, P. inframalleola'- ris, peroneal spine. P. innomina'tus, jugular tubercle. P. inter'nus calca'- nei, sustentaculum tali. P. Lntrajugula'- ris, small spine extending across the jugu- lar foramen from petrous portion of tem- poral bone, sometimes also from occipital bone. P. juga'lis, malar process, zygoma ; externa! angular process. P. jugula'ris accesso'rius or P. jugularis anterior, projection frequently found on occipital bone, forming anterior boundary of jugu- lar notch [Weber]. P. jugula'ris me'- dius, intrajugular process. P. lachryma'- lis, nasal process. P. lachrjnua'lis an- te'rior, lachrymal crest, anterior. P. lach- ryma'lis con'chee inferio'ris, lachrymal process, def 1. P. latera'lis, name given by some to that portion of transverse process of a lumliar vertebra believed to represent a rib. P. latera'lis calca'nei, sustenta- culum tali. P. latera'lis spu'rius, procès- PRO — PRO 391 su» supracondyloideus fomoris lateralis. P. lenticula'ris, os orbiculare. P. lon'gus incu'dis, Idiiir process of the incus on wliieh is set the os orbiculare. P. lon'gns mal'- lei, processus gracilis mallei. P. mala'ris, zygoma; external angular process. P.mam- miUa'res cer'ebri, uiamniillary tubercles. P. mammilla 'ris os'sis tem'poris, mas- toid process. P. mammilla'ris verte- bra 'rum, mammillarj' process, def. 1. P. margina'lis or P. an'gTilus margina 'lis infe'rior, an elevated ridge in the |)üsterior border of frontal process of malar bone ; fre- quent in some races. P. maxilla'ris con'- chse inferio'ris, maxillary jirocess of infe- rior turbinate bone. P. maxilla'ris os'sis zygomat'ici, maxillary |irocess of malar bone. P. muscula 'res vertebra 'rum, sec- ondary processes upon the vertebrœ for the insertion of muscles. P. muscula'ris, muscular process. P. nasa'lis, maxillary process of palate-bone; lachrymal process; nasal spine. P. na'si, pyramidalis nasi. P. obli'quo-mammilla'res, rudimentary ar- ticular processes of the vertebra; forming the sacrum. P. obli'quus, articular proc- ess. P. obtu'sus, processus brevis mallei. P. occipita'lis, processus basilaris. P. occul'tus, a small denticulate margin of the orbital plate of the superior maxil- lary bone, at the anterior end of the infra- orbital canal. P. orbicula'ris, os or- biculare. P. paracondyloi'deus or P. paramastoi'deus, parac(jndyloid process. P. petro'sus os'sis sphenoi'dei me'- dius, processus basilaris. P. petro'sus poste'rior et supe'rior os'sis sphenoi'- dei, posterior clinoid processes. P. ad pon'tem, middle peduncle of cerebellum. P. pri'mus, handle of the malleus. P. psn'amida'lis. 1. Pyramidal process of palate-bone. 2. Pyramid of the thyroid. P. rachidia'nus, spinal cord. P. Rav'ü, processus gracilis mallei. P. rostrifor'- rais, coraeoid process. P. Sömmering'ii, marginal process. P. spelae'us, process of ethmoid bone prnjeeting into the sphe- noidal sinuses. P. sphenoida'lis, prolon- gation from posterior inferior angle of car- tilage of septum of nose, which in young subjects is continued backward between the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and the vomer as far as the bodv of the sphe- noid. P. spheno-maxilla'ris, an unusual projection of the inferior extremity of ante- rior border of great wing of the sphenoid. P. spino'sus mal'lei, processus longus mallei. P. spino'sus sphenoida'lis, spine of the sfihenoid. P. sulca'tus, process of the palato-bonc sometimes unit- ing the orbital and sphenoidal processes. P. supe'rior incu'dis, short [irocess of the incus. P. supracondyloi'deus fem'oris latera'lis, a cunsideralile pnjcess sometimes seen above the outer condyle of the femur. P. supracondyloi'deus fem'oris medi- a'lis, an eminence above the inner condyle of the femur ujion which the inner head of the gastrocnemius is insei'ted. P. supracon- dyloi'deus hu'meri, hook-shaped process sometimes found 4 or 5 cm. above the inner condyle of the humerus. P. ta'U exter'- nus. /'. apophyse pyramidale de l'astragale. Projection which receives the articular facet or external surface of astragalus. P. ta'li inter'nus, at the posterior internal aspect of astragalus, grooved for tendon of flexor longus pollicis. P. tegmen'ti tym'pani pro'prius, plate-like portion of tegmen, roof- ing over cavities of the ear. P. tempora'- lis, process of frontal bone rarely found, ar- ticulating with the temporal. P. trans- ver'sus accesso'rius, processus aecesso- rius. P. transver'sus occipita'lis, jug- ular process. P. trochlearifor'mis, proc- essus cochleariforniis. P. trochlea'ris. G. Troohlearfortsatz. A groove in a bone for a tendon, effecting a change in its direc- tion [Ilyrtl]. P. trochlea'ris calca'nei, peroneal spine. P. tuba'rius, pointed pro- jection from internal pterygoid plate of sphenoid, supporting cartilaginous portion of P]ustachian tube [Rebsamen]. P. tu- berosita'tis navicula'ris, process some- times seen extending from the tuberosity of scaphoid bone of the foot. P. tym'- pani, tegmen tympani. P. uncifor'mis, coraeoid process. P. uncina'fMS, uncinate process, unciform process. P. unciiia'tus mi'nor, lamina of the ethmoid bone some- times seen covering the lachrymal or maxil- lary cells. P. vagina'lis, projection of body- cavity in male embryo to form cavity of scro- tum. P. vagina'Hs fas'ciae transver'sae [Nuhn]. infundibuliforni fascia. P. ver- mifor'mis, vermiform ajipendix. P. voca'- lis, vocal process. P. voca'lis ante'rior, small excrescence on inner surface of thy- roid cartilage, on median line, to which the vocal cords are attached. P. ad vo'- merem, vaginal process of sphenoid. P. vo'mero-sphenoida'lis, processus sphe- noidalis. P. xiphoi'deus, ensiform pro- cess. P. zygomat'ico-orbita'lis, malar process. P. zygomat'icus, zygoma ; malar process ; external angular process. Processus (/''.). P. cérébelleux, pro- cessus cerebelli ad testes. 392 PRO PRO Prochei'lon (X.) [/rï/oç]. Aiitelabium. Prochorion {L.). Term applied by Henseii collectively to the zona pellucida and albuminoid envelopes of the mamma- lian ovum. Procidence {F.). Prolapsus. P. du cordon, prolap.sus of the cord. P. utérine, prolapsus of the uterus. Prociden'tia (i.). Prolapse. P. ir'idis, prolapsus iridis. P. oc'uli, exophthalmia. P. u'teri, prolapse of the uterus. Procidenza (/.). Prolapse. P. del cordone ombelicale, prolapsus of the cord. Procne'mium (i.) [xi/jj.ujj]. Tibia. Procœ'lia (L.) [xndia]. Lateral ven- tricles [Wilder]. Procon'dylus {L,) [/.('r^liukoi^. F. pro- condyle; /.procondilo. First joint of the fingers. Procrea 'tion. L. procreatio ; F. pro- création ; G. Erzeugung ; /. procreazione. Act of begetting ; generation. Proc'tagra (L.) [r/jwzróf, àVi""]- Proc- talgia. Proctalgia [«/l)'i)s-]. F. proctalgie ; G. Afterschmerz ; /. prottalgia. Fain in the anus or rectum. Proctatre'sia (Z.) [«Vjor^TKs']. Imper- forate anus. Proctecta'sia (i>.) [ezraa-tc]. State of dilatation of the anus or rectum. Procten'clisis (/,.) [i^x-ieiw]. Constric- tion of the anus. Procteurjm'ter (Z.) \j:òpóvtu\. An in- strument for dilating the anus. Proctheemorrha'gia (Z.) [alßopi'Myia]. Rectal haemorrhage. Procti'tis \_-f)w/.T.) [zaz<;>]. Sloughing of the rectum. Proc'tocele ["?''•';]. F. proctocele ; /. prottoccle. Prolapse of mucous membrane of the rectum through the anus. Proctocystoto'mia {L.') [zôortç, to/ìi?']- Cystotomy through the lower part of the rectum. Proctodœ'um (/>.) [lîiîei'a]. Posterior portion of digestive tract, arising as an invagination of the ectoderm. Proctodsrn'ia (Tj.) [òHir^r^'^. F. procto- dynie. Proctalgia. Proctome'nia (/>.) [/j^'J'']- Menstrua- tion by the rectum. Procton'cus (L.) [yyxni^. Anal swell- ing or tumor. Proctoparal'ysis {L.). Paralysis of the sphincter am. Proctople'gia (L.) [r,Jïj^);]. Procto- paralysis. Proctopto'ma (L.) [-7-<ù/ia]. Prolapse of the rectum. Pi'octopto'sis (/>.) [xrfufTjc]. F. proe- toptose ; /. prottoptosi. Proctocele. Proctorrha'gia (i.) \_ijriyvuiii~\. F. proctorrhagie ; /. prottorragia. Haemor- rhage from the anus. Proctor'rhaphy [pa.") [t/muìVìtt^c]. Premature development of the sexual instinct. Profer'ment. Zymogen. Profes'sional neuro'ses. Those in- duced by a ])articular occupation. PRO PRO 393 Profetina (/.). Prophetin. Profilassi (/.)• Prophylaxis. Profi- lattico, l'iophylactic. Pro 'file line. G. Profillinie. One used for determininjr the general direction of the face. Camper's p. 1. is situated mesially in a plane tangent to the most prominent points of the upper and lower face. The Frankfort p. 1. is drawn through the intersuperciliary point and the alveolar point ; Topinard's p. 1., from the same point to the uio.st prominent point of the lower face. Proflllänge des Gesichts ( &'.). Alveo- lar radius, superior, or (Frankfort agree- ment) basi-alveolar length. Profilwinkel (C). Facial angle. Profisi (/.). Prophysis. Profiu'vium (Z..). A flowing out, a flu.x. P. al'vi, diarrhœa. Profond, onde (i^.). /. profondo, a. Profundus, deep-seated. Profumo (/.). Perfume. Profan'da ar'teries. Name given to several arteries taking a deep course. In the arm the superior p. a. is the largest branch of the brachial, winding around hu- merus in musculo-.spiral groove and taking part in the anastomoses about the elbow- joint ; the inferior p. a. arises from brachial and descends to elbow in company with the ulnar nerve. For profunda artery of thigh, see Femoral artery, iltep ; for profunda ar- tery of penis and clitoris, see Artery of the corpus ciieernositm. Profun'da ra'dial ar'tery. Termina- tion of superior profunda artery. Profun'da vein. Corresponds generally in distribution to the deep femoral artery. Profun'dum arcua 'turn (L.) : see Arcuiite liij'iini III (of the wrist). Profun'dus (L.). Deep; removed from the surface. Prog'eny [//. progignere]. F. progéni- ture ; /. progeiiitnra. Offspring. Proglos'sis (i.) [/-/(ùfl-rt-«]. I. proglossi. Apex lingUcB. Proglot'tis (Zy.), pi. ides. The sexually perfect segment of a tœnia. Progna'thism [y^nen^'^. F. prognath- isme. State of being prognathous. Prognathisme dentaire {F.). That duc to ])rnjcn<''i\- Fossa navicula- ris, vestibule of the vagina. Pronazione (/.). Pronation. Proneph'ric duct. Duct of the head- kidney, supposed by some to be homologous with Midler's duct. Proneph'ros (L.) [yiifpóc]- F. pro- nephros. Head-kidney. Pronœ'a (L.) [^pmn-^w']. Prognosis. Pronostic (F.). Prognosis. Pronos- tique, firiignostie. Pronu'cleus ( L.). F. pronucleus. G. Vorkcrn. The nucleus which, by fusing with its fellow within the ovum, forms the first segmentation-nucleus. There are two pronuclei: 1, the male, derived from the head of the fertilizing spermatozoon ; 2, the female, derived from the nucleus (germinal vesicle) of the ovum. Proödon'tus (L.) [-/o«, ódoóc']. Term applied to skulls in which a line joining the subiiasal and alveolar points makes an angle of from 2."i° to 50° with the radius fixus [Lissaucr]. Proof spir'it. Diluted alcohol ; spec, grav. Ü.'J2U [B. P.]. Proof spirit, accord- ing to the U. S. Revenue standard, has the spec. grav. 0.936 at G0° F., and contains 50 per cent., by weight, of absolute alcohol. Proöt'ic ["5v] F. proijtique. In front of the ear. P. cen'tre, a separate ossifie centre in the temporal bone which pro- duces most of the petrous portion seen m the cranial cavity, except that in the jugu- lar fossa [Huxley]. Propaga 'tion. L. propagatio ; G. Fort- pflanzung; 7. propagazione. Continuance by generation or successive production. Propagiren (G.). To propagate. Proparatere'sis (L.) [Tra/jarrjpriat?]. Prophylaxis. Propath'ia ( L.) \_-riei)ç']. /^. propathie ; /. propatia. First symptoms, prodromata. Prop-cells. Supporting cells. Propenden'tia (L.). Prolapsus. Propep'tone [-f-rt«]. A product of the gastric and pancreatic digestion of pro- teids ; also formed by the action of boiling dilute acids, and intermediate between the original proteid and peptone. Identical with hemialbumose. Propeptonu'ria (L.) [i)(ü/)»>]. Passage of urine containing propeptone. Prop'er light of the ret'ina. /"'. lumitre ]iropre : G. Eigenliclit. Idio- retinal light. The faint sen.sation of light perceived when exterior light is excluded, caused by faint internal excitation of the retina. Properitone'al [reojrsiViu]. Lying in front of the peritoneum. PropfCC). Plug, thrombus. Propfen ( G.). Inoculation. Pro'phetin. F. prophctine ; /. profe- tina. A crystallizable bitter principle found in the juice of the fruit and herb of Kri/a/- lium elaten'um and Cufumù prnphetnrum. Pr Ophthal 'mus (X.) [o's]. Ex- ophllialmus. I*rophylac'tic l^-pufukànaw^. L. pro- phylacticus ; F. prophylactique ; G. pro- phylactisch : /. profilattico. • Pertaining to prophylaxis ; preventive. Prophylax'isC/y.") [_-pos.) [wç, ß<>p- ç-r,]. Heniiatrophia facialis progressiva. Prosopol'ogy [-'.«r"«']- L. prosopologia. A treatise on the face ; physiognomy. Prosopoparal'ysis {L.). Facial pa- ralysis. Prosoposal'gia {L.) [«V»?]. Facial neuralgia. Proso'posis (i.) [-/)'i(T.). Prostate gland. P. infe'rior, Cowper's glands. P. mulie'- rum, name given by De Graaf to the mus- cular fibres surrounding the female urethra which have much connective tissue inter- spersed. P. supe'rior, prostate gland. Prostataflasche (.) [à'/;-"?]. Prostatic neuralgia. Prostatastein ((?•)• Prostatic calculus. Prostatatasche ( G.). Prostatic vesicle. Pros'tate [-joo, "turrjai^. L., I. prostata ; F. prostate ; G. Vorsteher. Literally, that which stands before, sr. the bladder ; used substantively for the prostate gland. P. body, prostate gland. P. gland. L.. I. prostata ; F. prostate ; G. Vor.steherdrüse. A firm body, resembling a large chestnut in size and shape, situated at the neck of the bladder, around the urethra and the ejacu- latory duets. It is composed of racemose glands, surrounded by fibro-muscular tissue. PrOStatec'tomy [-/xxrrar);?, ixTnixri^. E.Kcision of all or a portion of the prostate gland. P*rostatelco'sis (X.) \J.'/.Atua:i\. Ul- ceration of the prostate. Prostates inférieures {F.). Cowper'.s gland.s. Prostat'ic. L. prostaticus ; F. prosta- tique ; /. prostatico. Belonging or relating to the prostate gland. P. ducts, from twelve to twentj' short passai.'<'s by which the acini of the prostate discharge into the urethra on either side the crest. P. plex'- us of nerves. L. plexus prostaticus. Continuation of pelvic plexus forward be- tween prostate gland and levator ani. P. plex'us of veins, pudendal plexus. P. por'tion of ure'thra. L. pars ])rostatica urethra;. That passing through the prostate gland. P. si'nus, prostatic vesicle. P. ves'icle. L. sinus prostaticus; /. seno prnstatico. A small cul-de-sac on the mid- dle line of the highest part of crest of urethra, believed to be homologous with the uterus of the female. Idrostatico (/.). Prostatic. Prostat'icus ( L.). Prostate ; also, sub- stantively, prostate gland. P. inter'nus, superior transverse fibres of ischio-ureth- ralis. P. supe'rior, sphincter vesicae in- ternus. Prostati'tis. F., I. prostatite ; G. Vorsteherdrüsenentzündung. Inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostat'ocele (/>.) [z)}V.7;]. F. prestato- cele. Enlargement of the prostate. Prostato-cysti'tis [zórni\. C,6oH3„sNäPOs5. I. protagone. Name given by Liebreich in 1865 to a proximate principle found in the brain, blood-corpuscles, yolk of egg, etc. ProtaPbumose. Protoalbumose. Pro'tamine. Miescher's name for a basic substance found combined with nu- clein in salmon spawn. Pro'tea meUifera. South American shrub, Nat. Ord. I'rntKiax ; flowers secrete a nectar \ised as a cough remedy. Pro'tean. F. proteiforme ; 7. protei- forme. Assuming different shapes. Protec'tive. In antiseptic surgery the 398 PRO PRO piece of oiled or varnished silk which is placed in immediate contact with the wound. Pro'teids. Non-crj-stallizable bodies composed of C, H., 0., N., and S., found in all animal fluids and in nearly all the tissues ; include albumins, fibrin, globulins, etc. Pro'teiform. F. proteiforme. Variable in appearance. Pro'tein. An artificial albuminoid, once erroneou.sly suppo.sed to be the base or radi- cal of all proteids. Proteol'ysis (i.) [/'.ûa-iy]. The sepa- ration of proteids from a mixture. Proteol3rt'ic. Having the power to decompose or digest proteids. Pro'teoses. Primary cleavage-products formed in the digestion of proteids with gastric or pancreatic juices or their equiv- alents, or by the hydrolytic action of boil- ing dilute acids. They are intermediate between the original proteid and peptone, and as a group are characterized by being precipitated on saturation of the fluid with annaonium sulphate: see Albumoscs and Pijitonex. Pro'teus. A genus of ScMzomi/cefes, forming cocci and rods of variable length. P. capsula'tus sep'ticus, Banti, found in blood and fluids of a woman dying soon after labor — cocci and rods varying much in size and form, motionless ; rods encap- suled ; forms white colonies on gelatin; grows on agar and potato ; pathogenic for mice. P. hom'inis capsula'tus, Bor- doni- Ufl'reduzzi, form sujiposed to pro- duce a disease resembling anthracsemia ; rods resemble those of Bmilliis (intlu-acls, but are thicker, very variable in length ; found in lymphatics and intercellular spaces; varies greatly in form and size on diiferent culture media. P. mirab'ilis, forms cocci and rods, single or in chains, and zooglœa ; produces a thick whitish layer on gelatin, ultimately liquefying it. P. vulga'ris, Hauser, a species found in putrefying meat-juice ; forms cocci, rods, and spirals varying much in size; motile; li([uefies gelatin. P. Zen'keri, cocci and short rods ; forms thick whitish layer on gelatin ; does not liquefy it. Proth'esis (L.) ["/>", TÌOrinf\. F. pro- thèse ; /. protesi. The manufacture and application to the body of artificial parts, such as wooden legs, glass eyes, false teeth, etc. P. oc'uli, insertion of an arti- ficial eye. Prothet'ic. Pertaining to prothesis. Proti'odide of mer'cury. Mercurous iodide. Protis'tse \_-jiùì7rç'/»'/ç]. Primitive kidney. Protoni'trate of mer'cury. Mercur- ous nitrate. Proto-oxyde de plomb fondu (F.). Lead monoxide, litharge. Protopath'ia ( L. ) [^aöi^-]. Primary disease. Protopathique ( F.). Term applied to a primary lesion or disease. Protopep'sia (L.) [-'ç''iç]. Primary digestion, including the processes occur- ring in the stomach and small intestines. Pro'tophyte [cur»/], A vegetable or- ganism of very simple structure. Pro'topine. ('.„HisXOj. A crystal- lizable alkaloid obtained from opium. Pro'toplasm [--ia<7<7(«]. A semi-trans- lucent, semi-li(|uid, viscous substance with- out visible structure ; irritable, contractile, and metabolic ; common to all organisms, and essential to the phenomena of life. Protoplasmafortsatz (G-)- Proto- plasmic process. Protoplas'mic. Relating to protoplasm. P. proc'esses of Dei'ters, thickly-branch- ed processes of large central ganglion-cells. Pro'toplast \_-pwriic, -xaß-ffiu]. Small mass of protoplasm ; embryonic cell. Proto-quinam'icine. CnlLoNjOj. An amorphous artificial alkaloid produced by heating quinamine with dilute sulphuric acid to 12(1° C. Protoso'mites. Myotomes. Protossido d'azoto (/.). Hydrogen monoxide. Protover'tebra (L.). F. protovertèbre. Primitive segment of the mesoderm ; myo- tome. When the name was given the myotomes were supposed to be the rudi- ments of the vertebra. Pr oto verte 'bral column or plate. F. lame prévertébrale. .V thick column of cells lying along the medullary groove, from which by segmentation the proto vertebrae arc tormod. Protovi'tellose. A soluble cleavage- product of phytovitellin, obtained by action of gastric juice or its equivalent; precipi- tated in part by saturation of its solution with sodium chloride. By further action of pepsin and acid convertible into deutero- vitellose [Xeumeister]. Protoxyde d'azote (F.). Nitrogen mono.-îide. P>rotozo'a (X.) [-/)(ùt"ç, Cçùo:/]. G. Urthiere. Unicellular animalcules. Protozo'ids. Spermatozoa. Protracto'res an'guli o'ris (L.). Ac- cessores orbicularis oris. Protra 'hens len'tis (L.). Ciliary mus- cle. Prottalgia (/.). Proctalgia. Prottite (/.). Proctitis. Protu'berance. L. protuberantia ; F. protubérance ; G. Vorsprung ; /. protube- ranzia. Imminence, boss ; pons Varolii. Protubérance (F.). Protuberance. P. annulaire or P. cérébrale, pons Varolii. P. cylindroide, hippocampus major. Protuberan'tia (L.). Protuberance. P. annula 'ris Willis 'il or P. basila 'ris, pons \'arolii. P. cylin'drica, hi]i]ioeanipus major. P. larynge'a, thyroid eminence. P. stria 'ta, optic thahuni. Protuberanza (/.). Protuberance. P. annulare, pons Varolii. P. cilindroide, hippocampus major. Proud flesh. L. caro luxurians. Fun- gous or excessive granulations sprouting above and beyond the normally-healing margins of a wound. Prova (/.). Test. Prov'ence rose. Rosa centi/olia. Provenceöl ((V.). Virgin oil. Prover'sio (//.). A turning forward, antevcrsion. Prox'imal. Relatively nearer the at- tached end of a structure. P. con'voluted tu'bule: see Convohiteil tuhulus. Prox'imate prin'ciple. F. principe immédiat. A definite chemical compound believed to exist as such in an organic body, and separable from it by processes of analysis. Prozess ((?.). Process. Prüfung (r;.). Test. Prugna (/.). Prune. Prugnolino (/.). Buckthorn. Prune. L. prunum ; G. Pflaume ; / prugna. The dried fruit of Prunus do- 400 PRU PSE mestica, L., the plum-tree ; laxative and nutritious. Prune'-jviice spu'ta. The dark sputa in the latter stage of certain forms of pneu- monia. Prunella {L.). Brunella. PruneUe (F.). 1. Prunella. 2. Pupil. Pru'num. {L.). Prune. Pru'nus. A genus of plants. Nat. Ord. Rosacese, AmygJakx. P. Ainyg''dalus, Stokes, Amygdalns comm un is, L. P. a'vium, L., European hlack cherry. P. cer'asus, L., the cherr_v-tree, extensively cultivated ; the fruit and fruit-stems are official in the Cod. P. domes'tica, L., the plum-tree, cultivated in temperate climates ; the dried fruits of certain varieties are known as prunes. P. Laurocer'asus, L., cherry- laurel, a small evergreen tree, native of western Asia ; the leaves yield hydrocyanic acid. P. Pa'dus, L., bird-cherry ; cultivated for the fldwers. which are said to be anti- spasmodic. P. seroti'na, Khrenb., the wild black-cherry, a North American forest tree ; the bark is official under the name wild-cherry bark. P. virginia'na. 1. The official Latin name for wild-cherry bark. 2. The botanical name given by LinniBus to the species of P. known as choke-cherry. Prurigine or Pruriggine (/.). Prurigo. Prurig'inous. L. pruriginosus; F. pru- rigineux, euse ; G. pruriginös ; /. pruriggi- noso. Resembling, or pertaining to, pru- rigo. Pru'rigo (L.) [prurio]. F. strophulus prurigineux ; G. Juckblattern ; /. pruriggine. A chronic skin disea.se, the lesions of which are small, pale or reddish solid papules, with intense itching ; ultimately the skin becomes infiltrated and pigmented. P. a'gria or P. fe'rox, a severe form of prurigo. P. planta'ris. / pruriggine plantare. P. of the soles of the feet. Prurigo (F.). P. dermanyssique, pruritus ]iroduced by chicken-lice. P. furfurant or P. lichenoide, lichen. Prurigobubonen ( G.). Enlarged glands in chronic prurigo. Pruri'tus (L.) [prurio]. F. prurit; G. Jucken ; /. prurito, 1 . Itching. 2. Pru- rigo. P. hyema'lis, peculiar form occur- ring in the winter. Prus'sian blue. Ferric ferrocyanide. Prus'sias hydrar'gyri (L.). Mercuric cyanide. Prussiate jaune de potasse (F.). Po- tassium ferrocyanide. Pi-us'siate of pot'ash. Potassium fer- rocyanide. Prus'sic ac'id. Hydrocyanic acid. Psalid'oma (L.) [ç''a/«î"(u]. Inner sur- face or vault of the skull. Psaloide (F.). Vaulted ; used, substan- tively, for the psalterium. Psalter ( &.). Omasum. Psalte'rium (L.). 1. Lyra. 2. Pec- tunculus. 3. Third stomach of ruminants. Psammis'mus (//.) [(/lâ/i/z«?]. 1. Use of sand-baths. 2. Passage of gravel in the urine. Psammocarcino'ma (X.) Ixafixivac]. G. Psammocarcinom. A carcinoma con- taining calcareous concretions. Psammo'ma (L.) l_.). False joint. Pseudeco'ïa (/v.). Pseudacusis. PSE PSE 401 Pseudenceph'alus {L.) [^^oòr^s; ir'^i- ç'u/."v]. /'. psf luleneOplialc ; /. pseudoence- falo. Ji. monster with a vascular tumor derived from the pia mater, in jilace of the \irjiin. Pseudino'ma {L.) [.'s-]. Fibrous or scirrhous tumor. Pseudo-aconitine (F.). Pseudaconi- tine. Pseudoblep'sia (L.) [ßXi<;>f;]. F. pseu- Jlll)lep^;ia]. F. pseuiloi-hrimiie. False perception of color. Pseudociesi (/.). Spurious pregnancy. Pseudocœ'lia (L.) [x«:/:'«]. Fifth ven- tricle [Wilder]. Pseu 'do-croup. False croup, laryngis- mus stridulus. Pseudocura 'line. An alkaloid found bv Lukowski (IS61) in Nerunn 0/niatoi-ele. Pseu'do-hypertroph'ic paral'ysis. L. paralysis pseudohyjiertrophica; /'. paral- ysie pseudo-hypertrophi(|ue. A rare dis- ease of infancy and childhood, character- ized by loss of power in, and ap|iarent in- crease in size of, some or all of the muscles of the lower extremities, extending more or less to the trunk and u]iper extremities, with subsei|uent atrophy of many of the muscles. There is increase of connective tissue, with infiltration of fat in the muscle, and atrophy of the muscular fibre. Pseudohyper'trophy ['j-'/>, r/-/y<«]. Increase in size with degeneration of sub- Stance. Vol. 11.-2« Pseudojer'vine. CmIIjjNÜ,. One of the alkaloids of white hellebore. Pseudo-leucocythse'mia (//.) [.^ruz«?, xi'iriiç, aî,a»j]. Hodgkin's disease, pseudo- leukiiîniia. Pseudoleukse'mia (L.) [^.eoz»«,-, ai,«a]. G. Pseudoleukämie. F^nlargement of the spleen and lymphatic glands with anaemia, or Hodgkin's disease. Pseudo-mas'tich. .\n exudation from Atractyli!' ijHiiimih rti. L. Pseudomed'icus (//.)■ Quack. Pseudomem'brane. False membrane. Pseudomem'branous. Pertaining to, resembling, or having, a false membrane. Pseudomeningi'tis [/.1/7^!;-;]. Symj)- toms of meningitis without actual inflam- mation. Pseudo-menstrua'tion. A discharge of blood from the uterus resembling the menstrual flow, due to morbid processes. Pseudomor'phine. C^HiaNO,. L. pseudoinorphia ; G. Pseudomorphin ; /. pseudomortina. An alkaloid of opium dis- covered by Pelletier (1835). It responds to some of the characteristic chemical tests of morphine. Pseudomorpho'sis (i.) [//';," ç^ <« a- :>■]. Formation of diseased or abnormal struc- ture. Pseudomyxo'ma peritone'i {L."). Term applied by Werth to peritonitis due to contact of colloid contents of ovarian cysts. Pseudonar'cotism [ydpxrj]. Hysterical narcotism. Pseudonavicel'la, pi. ae {L.). Spindle- shaped cells produced in the development of the Gre.) [/'"^n']. False sen- sation of smell. Pseudotrichino'sis {_^tp(:\ Term ap- plied by licpp to a peculiar form of acute general myositis. Pseudot'ropine. CsHisNO. A color- less liquid alkaldid, a product of the action of baryta-water upon hyo.scyamine. Pseudo-vari'ola (L.). Varicella. Pseudoxan'thin [$«1-0»?]. C,oH,NjO,. F. pseudoxanthine. Leucomaine found by Gautier in muscular tissue, much resem- bling xanthin. Pseusmagenne'tus equatorien'sis, Husch. (,'oiii//obus Ciiiidurmigo, Triana. Psichiatria (/.). Psychiatry. Psichico (/.). I'sychical. Psichrometro (/.). Psychrometer. Psicologia ( /.). Psychology. Psico- patia, psychopathia. Psicosi, psychosis. Psi'dium (//.). A genus of Mi/rtacese.. P. pomif' erum and P. pyrif erum, guava- trees; small tropical .Vmeriean trees bear- ing an acidulous edible fruit; the bark and roots are astringent, the leaves vulnerary, and the fruit anthelmintic [F. Mex.]. PsUo'ma (/>.) [(/'dów']. Baldness. Psilo'sis (/>.) [ç''t/''<"]. 1. Stripping, removal of hair or flesh. 2. Sprue, hill diarrhoea. Psiloth'ric ['V:'-]- '^^- psilothrisch. De- pilatory. Psoad'ic [ç'"'«]. I-i- psoadicus. Per- taining to the loins or to the psoas. Pso'ae [i,''"«i]. The psoas magnus mus- cle P. ab'scess, abscess in or on the psoas muscle ; lumbar abscess. P. acces- so'rius. F. psoas acces.soire. jMuscular slip sometimes found external to the psoas magnus, and .se]iarated from it by the an- terior crural nerve. It should probably not be considered as a separate muscle. P. inter'nus, or P. mag'nus, i>r P. ma'jor : see liiii-jisoiis. P. nii'nor, jisoas parvus. P. mi'nor accesso'rius, reduplication of the p.soas minor, sometimes found. P. par'- vus. F. petit psoas ; /. piccolo psoas. An inconstant muscle (5(1 jier cent.) arising from the last dorsal and first lumbar ver- tebra, and inserted into the iliac fascia and ilio-pectineal line. In many mammals it is a constant and powerful flexor of the pelvis upon the spine. Psoas (F.). P. (grand), psoas mag- nus ; see Ilio-pnoaa. P. üiaque, ilio-psoas. P. petit, psoas parvus. Psoas dei lombi or P. piccolo (/.). Psoas jiarvus. Psoaslöcher {G.). Orifices between tendinous arches at origin of psoas and bodies of vertebrae. Psod'ymus (//■) [v'"'«. 'îiVîu/i'-ç]. F. psodvnie ; /. ])Südidynio. Dicephalus. Psoi'tis [(,'"«]. F. psoite ; (i. Lenden- muskelcntziindung. Inflammation of the psoas muscles and adjacent parts. Psolon'cus (L.) [ß-udr'i. -V^"?]- Swell- ing of the prepuce ; paraphimosis. Psora (/v.) [<,''ßl,"«]. Scabies. P. lep- ro'sa or P. squamo'sa, psoriasis. Psora 'lea ( L.)- A genus of Liy urn inosse. P. corylifo'lia, L., an East Indian species. The seeds are known as bauchee-seeds, and are used in leprosy. P. esculen'ta, l^ursh., grows on the prairies of the western U. S., and yields an edible farinaceous root known as bread-root. P. glandulo'sa, Ell., /' mehlnloidis, Michx. P. meli- lotoi'des, Miehx., Congo-root, Bob's root, Samson's snake-root ; an indigenous west- ern herb ; the root is said to be a nervous stimulant and tonic. Psorelco'sis {L.) [4'(ûf/a,ï'/M0(n>f\. Ul- ceration in scabies. Psorélytrie (/'.). Granular vaginitis. Psori'asis [(,''«"/'«]. F. dartre éeailleusc ; (7. Schuppenflechte; /. psoriasi. A chronic aff"ecti()n of the skin characterized by the formation of patches of slightly adherent lamelhc of whitish epithelial scales on a thickened, reddened, and easily bleeding base. P., buc'cal, leucoplasia buccalis. PSO PSY 403 P. circina'ta, form in which the disease extends periiiinTiill v. leaving a clear centre, like the lesions of tinea circinata. P. gTltta'ta, lesions covered with scales ; look like drops of mortar. P. gyra'ta, lesions present a figured, festooned, or ribbon-like appearance. P. lo'tricmn, form afi'ecting the hands of washerwomen. P. nummu- la'ris, lesions resemble coins. P. palma'- ria. /. psoriasi palma delle mani. Afteets the palms of the hands; grocers' itch. P. pila'ris, pityriasis capitis. P. pisto'ria, eczema of hands. P. puncta'ta, an early form in which the lesions are about the size of a pin's head. Psoriatisch ( G.). Caused by. or per- taining to. psoriasis. Pso'ric. G. psorisch. Relating to scabies. Psori'nvun i L.). Name for a homoe- opathic remedy alleged to be a mixture of pus from iteh-pustules with alcohol. Psorisch ((V.). Psoric. Psorocomi'um (L.) [ç''(u/>oç, xoßiw^. An itch hospital or ward. Pso'roid. Resembling itch. Psorophthal'mia ( L.) [ò/'"/';• la-'(>ó) '•Method of equivalents" (Methode der .äquivalenten). The object uf this method is to compare the sensibility of one jiart of the sensory surface with that of another. The relative pressure sensibility of the finger and forehead can be thus compared by find- ing what weight on the finger will seem equal to a given weight on the forehead, and vice versa. Psychophys'ical move'ment. A hy- pothetical activity assumed by Fechner to explain the discrepancy between the in- crease of the stimulus and that of the sensation. This movement is between a hypothetical tertium i|uid and the stimulus PSY PTE 405 on one side, and between it and the sensa- tion on the other. Psychophys'ics [^''"/15', voTtz"?]. F. ]isvchoiihy.si<|iie ; G. Psychophysik. 1. The I'xporimental study of the rchitions between pliysieai stimuli and psychic action in the production of sensations of various kinds, including tiiDe-incasurenients of psychic processes, lartro portions of phj'siological optics and acoustics, determination of the qualitativo and ((uantitative characteristics of sensations, etc., being in this sense near- ly synonymous with experimental psychol- ogy. 2. In a special sense it is the science of formulating the quantitative relations between intensity of stimulus and the re- sulting psychical manifestation or sensa- tion. 3. Sometimes used to mean the sci- ence of the general relations of mind and body. 4. Fechner uses the term " inner " or ''internal" psychophysics (G. innere Psychophysik) to denote the study of those processes which are intermediate between the stimulus and the sensation, and which is mostly theoretical. Outer psychophysics (6r. äussere Psychophysik) studies the re- lation between the stimulus and the sensa- tion, taking their connection as an empirical fact ; it is chiefly experimental. Quantita- tive relations include those of extension as well as these of intensity. Psycho-physioPogy. Internal psycho- physics. Psycho-sen'sory. Pertaining to con- scious perception of sensation. Psycho'ses {L.^. G. Psychosen. Men- tal disorders. Psychosex'ual cen'tre. Theoretical cortical centre connected with conscious sexual desires. Psycho'sis [4'"y.v\- F. psychose ; G. Seelcnkrankheit ; /. psicosi. General term for mental disorder. Psychotherapeu'tics \Jitfia-tia]. L. psycliothcrupeia. Treatment of disease by mental influence or suggestion; mind-cure. Psychot'ic. Psyehagogic. Psycho'tria emet'ica, Mutis. Grows in tropical America, and yields striated ipecacuanha. Psychrolu'siaCX.) {ipoypiiAouriu)]. Cold bathing. Psychrom'eter [0t«ç, /i^r/»»] F. psychromètre ; G. Psychrometer ; 7. psi- i-hrometro. Wet and dry bulb hygrome- ter ; often called '• Mason's " hygrometer. Psychropho'bia (L.') [^«/îoi,-]. Morbid fear of cold. Psy'chrophore [v'',"'"]- A double-cur- rent catheter without an eye; for the appli- cation of cold to the urethra, also called refrigerating .sound [Winternitz]. Psyclamp'sia {L.). Exaltation of men- tal activity and emotions. Psychodun'amy \Jt''na;Lt.) [-ra/j/ióc]. G. Niese- krampf. Spasmodic sneezing. Pte'Iea (L.). A genus of Rutacex. P. trifolia'ta, L., shrubby trefoil, hop-tree, wafer ash ; an indigenous shrub, of which the leaves are astringent and the root-bark aromatic and tonic. Ptel'eorrhine [-teA/«, ßii\. Term ap- plied to the anterior nares when the aper- ture is asymmetrical, one half being nar- rower and deeper than the other. Ptéréal {F.). Pterygoid bone. Pter'ic diam'eter. Superior frontal diameter of Davis : see Frotitni (finmeters. Pterigio (/.). Pterygium. Pterigo-angolo-mascellare (/.). In- ternal pterygoid muscle. Pterigo-coUi-masceUare (/.). Ex- ternal pterygoid muscle. Pterigo-faringo (/.). Inferior con- strictor of the pharynx. Pterigoidei (/.). Pterygoid muscles. Pterigo - mascellare (/.). Pterygo- maxillarv Pterigo-salpingo-ioideo (/.). Petro- hyiiid muscle. Pterigo-sindesmostafilifaringeo (/.). Superior constrictor of pharynx. Pte'rion [Tr.-/;»^]. In craniometry that region in th(; temporal fossa where the tip 406 PTE PTE of the great wing of the spliciioid meets the frontal, parietal, and temporal bones. Pte'ris (i.)- A genus of Filices. P. aquili'na, L., common brake ; said to be astringent and anthelmintic. P. atropur- pu'rea, rock brake ; common in the U. S. ; ])ossesses similar (iroperties to the above. Pterocar'pi lig'num (L.) [B. P.]. Red Saunders. Pterocar'ptis. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Ltguminosfe, Papilionacix. P. Dra'co, L., grows in the West Indies and Soul h America; from incisions in the stem cvudesa resinous substance known as dragon's blood. P. erina'ceus, Poir., a West African tree, the source of African kino. P. Marsu'- pium, Roxb., a large tree, native of India and Ceylon ; the source of official kino. P. santali'ntis, L., red saunders, red san- dal-wood, a tree native and cultivated in India. Pterocau'lon pycnostach'yum, L. Black-root ; a composite plant indigenous to the southern I'. S. ; the root is used as an alterative. Pteryg'ium ( L.), pi. ia [-r^^ó^!».']. F. ptérygion ; G. Fitigelfell ; /. pterigio. A circumscribed hypertrophy of the conjunc- tiva and subconjunctival tissue; usually triangular in shape, with its apex at the corneal margin or on the cornea itself. Its most common situation is on the nasal side of the eyeball. Pter'ygo-, In composition indicates re- lation or attachment to the pterygoid proc- esses. Pterygo-anguli-maxillaire (F.). In- ternal pterygoid muscle. Pterygo-colli-maxillaire (F.). Ex- ternal pterygoid muscle. Pter'ygoid [rr=V-üc]. Wing-like. P.ar'- teries. L. arteria^ pterygoide;c. Branches from internal maxillary to pterygoid mus- cles. P. bone. L. os pterygoidenin ; /'. ptéréal. The internal pterygoid plate, which ossifies separately, and is a separate bone throughout life in many vertebrates. P. canal', Vidian canal. P. fos'sa. />. fossa pterygoidea ; /'. fosse ptérygoïde ; G. Flügel- grube. 1. The hollowed space between the two pterygoid plates of the sphenoid, from which ari.scs the internal pterygoid muscle. 2. Condyloid fossa of lower jaw. P. mus'- Cles. Jj. musculi pti-rygoidei ; F. ptér^'go- ïdicns ; 6'. Flügelmuskeln ; /. pterigoidie. Muscles of mastication arising from the pterygoid processes, the internal p. m. from inner surface of external pterygoid plate -J- pterygoid fossa, and inserted upon inner surface of ramus of jaw near the angle ; the external p. m., by two heads — ; 1, from the outer surface of external ]>tery- goid plate ; 2, from zygomatic surface of great wing of sphenoid and inserted into condyloid fossa of lower jaw. P. nerves. L. nervi pterygoidei. Branches from in- ferior maxillary to pterygoid muscles. P. notch. L. incisura pterygoidea. In- terval between pterygoid plates of sphe- noid, into which is received the ]ivrainidal process of the palate-bone. P, plates. L. laminie pterygoidea' ; F. ailes ptérygo- ïdiennes ; /. ali pterigoidei. The two thin plates of bone forming the pterygoid proc- esses, distinguished as external and internal. P. plex'us. L. ])lexus pterygoideus ; F. plexus ])térygoïdien ; /. jilesso j)terigoideo. A rich network of veins in the spheno- maxillary fossa between the pterj'goid mus- cles. Corresponds to the 2d and 3d parts of the internal maxillary artery, and re- ceives tributaries which are ven;« comités of the branches of that vessel. P. proc'- esses. L. processus jiterj'goidei ; /'. apu- phy.ses ptérygoïdes ; G. Flügelfortsatze; / ali inferiore. 1. Bony lamella', bifid in form, which descend, one on either side, from the body of the sphenoid behind the great wings. 2. Pyramidal ])rocesses of palate-bone. P, ridge, infratemporal crest. P. tu'bercle. L. tuberculum pterygoi- deum. A rough surface on inner surface of lower jaw, just at the angle, for the at- tachment of internal pterygoid muscle. Pterygoi'deuB {L.). Pterygoid, sub- stantively pterygoid muscle. P. anom'- alus, a rare, muscular slip passing i'rom the spine of the sphenoid, or from the under surface of the great wing, to the external pterygoid plate or to the maxil- ! lary tuberosity. P. ma'jor, internal ptery- goid muscle. P. mi'nor, external ))tery- ' goid muscle. P. pro'pritis, muscular or tendinous band passing from infratem])oral crest to external pterygoid piate, tuberosity of palate, or superior maxillary btuie. P. ter'tius, muscular fascicle sometimes seen arising with external ))terygoid muscle, and passing to the interartieular cartilage of the temporo-maxillary articulation. Ptérygoïdiens (F.). Pterygoid inu.t- cles. Pterygo'ma {L.) [-rs/ouj-ui/ia]. Swell- ing of the labia pudendi. PTE- PTY 4.07 Ptérygo-maxillaire (grand) (/'.). in- ternal [)ter_Vi;oid [('haussier]. Ptérygo-niaxillaire (petit) ( t\ ). Ex- ternal ptory-iuiil muscle. ■ Pterygo-max'illary. Relatin-r to the ptery.unid processes and the superior max- illary bone. P.-m. fold, fold formed with- in llie mouth, behind the last molar tooth, by the ])tery,tro-maxillary ligament. P.-m. fls'sure. L. tissura spheno-palatina ; F. fente s]iiiéno-palatine. A vertical slit be- tween the pterygoid process and the supe- rior maxillary bone, by which tlie zygo- matic and spheno-maxillary fossa; commu- nicate. It transmits the internal maxillary artery. P.-m. lig'ament. L. ligamentum pterygo-maxillare ; F. ligament ptérygo- maxillaire. A thickened band of the bucco- pharyngeal fascia, extending from external pterygoid plate to posterior end of mylo- hyoid ridge P.-m. mus'cles, pterygoid muscles. Pterygo-pal'atal proc'ess. Palatal piNiei'SS. Pterygo-pal'atine. Relating to the pterygoid processes and the palate. P.-p. ar'tery, superior pharyngeal artery. P.- p. canal', canaliculus pharyngeus. P.-p. fora'men, palatine foramen, posterior. P.- p. groove. L. sulcus pterygo-palatinus. Name given to a shallow furrow extending downward along anterior surface of ptery- goid process of sphenoid ; also to a similar furrow on the inner surface of the superior maxillary bone and on perpendicular por- tion of palate-bone. These when united form the descending or pterygo-palatine canal. P.-p. mus'cle, detached portion of levator palati extending from hamular process to palate. P.-p. nerve. 1. Sjiheno- palatino nerve. 2. Pharyngeal nerve. Pterygo-pharynge'us (/y.). That part of superior {'onstrictor of pharynx arising from the internal pterygoid plate. P.-p. exter'nus, a supernumerary muscle arising from the hamular process, and inserted into the pharyngeal wall. Pterygo - salpin'go - hyoi'deus (//.). Pelro-hvoid muscle. Pterygo-salpingoi'deus (/<.). Mus- cular slip oi' tensor palati occasionally found attached to hamular process of sphe- noid bone. Pterygo-salpin'go-staphyli'nus in- ter'nus (/>). Levator palati. Pterygo -spino 'sus (/>)■ Muscular fascicle sometimes seen passing between spine of sphenoid and posterior edge of external pterygoid plate [Thane]. Pterygo-spi'nous lig'ament. Fibrous band counecling spine of sphenoid with ex- ternal pterygoid plate. Pterygo -staphy lin (/''.)■ Tensor palati [("haussier]. Pterygo-staphyli'nus exter'nus (A.). Tensor palati. Pterygo - syndesmo - staphyU - pha - ryngien (F.). Superior constrictor of the pharynx. PterystaphyU'nus ( />.). Tensor pal- ati muscle. Ptilo'sis {L.) [ff7-Wiü(j!s-]. Loss of eye- lashes. Ptisan, tiz'an. L. ptisana ; F., G. Tisane; /. tisana. A very dilute infusion or solu- tion of medicinal substances, intended for use as a frequent or habitual drink by the sick. Ptochi'ater {L.) \t:tw/óì, ('ut/)«ç]. A physician to the poor. Ptochocomi'um {L.) [TrTiiiyn^.Miii'^m']. Hospital for the poor. Pto'ma (//.) [ìrrtù/ia]. A corpse. Ptomaïnse'mia (L.) [a[/.:a]. Presence of ptomaines in the blood. Pto'maines [-rtùaa]. Strongly basic compounds, the result of putrefactive changes in animal tissues, closely simu- lating vegetable alkaloids. May be liquid, containing no oxygen, and of peculiar cadaveric odor; or solid (crystallizable), containing oxygen, soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol, chloroform, etc. All ptomaines are precipitated by phosphomo- lybdic acid, but there is as yet no general test distinguishing ptomaines from vege- table alkaloids. All have conspicuous re- ducing power: see Table of antidotes. Ptomatopsie {F.). Inspection of the cadaver. Pto'sis {L.) [-ròiTts-]. /. ptosi. A fall- ing, prolapse ; especially a drooping of the upper lid from paralysis of the levator pal- pebri«, or from undue thickening of sub- stance of lid. It may be congenital. P. ir'idis, prolapse of the iris. Ptotoster'eoscope [Trrwr«?, drepsóc, . arcus pubiens ; F. arcade pubi- enne; (1. Schanibogen. That fornicil by lower borders of jiubic bones joining at median line. P. 'ar'tery. A. arteria pu- bica. l?ranch from cpiirastric artery anas- tomosing with a small liranch from obtura- tor around internal inguinal ring. P. ar- ticula'tion, synijihysis pubis. P. bone, pubis. P. lig'aments. //. ligamenta pu- bica. Those connected with the syni|ihysis pubis. .\n anterior, posterior, superior, and subpubic or arcuate ligament arc de- scribed, and plates of fibro-cartilagc are in- terposed. P. por'tion of fas'cia la'ta. that part internal to the saphenous opening. P. vein, anastomotic branch from obturator vein tel external iliac. Pubico, che (/.). Pubic. Phibien, ienne {F.). Pubic. Pubio -caverneux {F.). Pubo-caver- nosus. Pubio-coccyge'o-annula'ris ( L.). The levatores ani and the coccygei muscles con- sidered as a single muscle on each side, uniting to form the rectal diaphragm. Pubio-fémoral (/'.). Adductor longus [Chaussier]. Pubio-infra-umbilica'lis (X.). Py- ramidalis abdominis. Pubio-ombeUcale (/). Pyramidalis abdominis. Pubio-ombüical {F.). Pyramidalis abdominis. Pubio-prostatico (/.). Levator pros- tatfe. Pubio-prostatique (/■'). Levator pros- tat». Pubio-rettale ( /.). Pubo-rectalis. I*ubio-sous-ombilical (F.'). Pyrami- dalis muscle of the abdomen [(^haussier]. Pubio-stema'lis (/-.)■ Rectus abdom- inis. Pubiot'omy [jiubes, T/.axo]. F. pubi otoiiiie ; /. pubiotomia. Section of the symphysis pubis. Pubio-umbUica'hs {L.). Pyramidalis abdominis [Humas]. Pubio-uréthral ( F.). Pubo-urethralis. Pu'bis [sc. os] ( L.). G. Schambein ; /. pube. One of the three constituents of the hip-bone, separate in early life. It forms the anterior part, and joins with its fellow on the median line. Pubo-cavemo'sus ( L.). Detached slip of ischiii-cavcrnosus, arising separately from the pubic arch. Piibo-coccyg'e'al ra'phé. Tendinous seam on median line, occasioned by union of levatores ani from either side ; inter- rupted by the anus and the membranous portion of the urethra in the male and the vagina in the female. Pubo-coccyge'us (Vv.) [Savage]. Tiie part of the levator ani arising from the pu- bis. Pubo-fem'oral hg'ament. A. liga- ment um pubo-1'eniorale. A strengthening band of the hip-joint capsule, passing from PUB PUD 409 tilt; [lectiiieul emiuence of the pubis to the lesser trochiinter. Pubo-ischiat'ic bone. L. os pubo- ischiadicuiii ; ^' Leisteiibcin. The com- binoil ischium and pubis [Houle]. Pubo-perinea'lis {Ij-)- Muscular fas- cicle, sometimes found passing from the pubis to the deep perineal fascia. Pubo-peritonea'lis (//.). Pubo-trans- versalis. Pubo-prostat'ic lig'aments. L. lifra- menta pubo-jirostatica. Processes of the recto-vesical fascia which pass from the pubis to the prostate gland ancl neck of the bladder. Some authors call them the lat- eral p.-p. 1-s. ; others apply that name to the lateral true ligaments of the bladder. Pubo-prostat'icus (i.). Wilson's mus- cle. Pubo-puden'dvis (^.). Muscular fas- cicle sometimes found passing from the pubis and blending with the ischio-pubicus. Pubo-recta'lis ( L.'). The anterior fibres of the sustentator recti. Formerly er- roneously described as belonging to the ischio-urethralis system (transverso - ure- thra I is). Pubo-transversa'lis I Z/.). Thin mus- cular fascicle arising from upper edge of the horizontal ramus of the jiubis, and in- serted into the transversalis fascia. Pubo-urethra'lis (/v.). 1. Fibres pass- ing from antt'rior insertion of levator ani to prostate gland in the male, and base of the bladder in the female. 2. Wilson's muscle. Pubo-ves'ical fos'sa. .Vbdomino-ves- ical p(mch. Pubo-ves'ical lig'aments. Pubo-pros- tatic ligaments. Pubo-ves'ical mus'cles. L. musculi pubo-vesicales ; F. abaisseurs de la vessie. That portion of superficial layer of muscu- lar fibres of bladder ari.sing from posterior surface of pubis and passing to the bladder in the substance of the anterior true lig- aments. Puccin'ia fa'vi (//.)• The crusts of tinea favosa. Puccoon'. Sanguinaria. Puce de Bourgogne {F.). Anthrax. Puce ox'ide of lead. Lead dioxide. Puce pénétrante {F.). Chigoe. Puce-chigue (F.). Chigoe. •Puced'anum Ostru'thium, Koch. Im- percitorid O-tiulhium, L. Pucelage (/*'.). Virginity. Puchu'ry. Pichurim beans. Puck'le (provincial English). Papula. Puden'da (-/j.)- External genital or- gans, particularly of the female. Pudenda'gra (L.) [«V/"']- ^- I"'- deiiilagre. 1. Pain in the genitals. 2. Syphilis. Puden'dal. Relating to the pudenda. P. heemat'ocele, tumor formed by clotted blood eti'used into the tissue of one labium, or the areolar tissue immediately surnuuid- ing the wall of the vagina. P. her'nia, hernia passing down one of the inguinal canals by the side of the round ligament in the female. P. nerve, infe'rior. L. nervus cutaneus jierinei. Branch of small .sciatic supplying skin of upper and inner part of thigh and outer part of scrotuiu (labium externum, female). P. plex'us of nerves. L. plexus pudendalis ; G. Scham- geflecht. Lower part of sacral plexus, com- posed of a porti(m of the anterior branches of the 3d. 4th, and 5th sacral nerves. P. plex'us of veins. L. plexus pudendalis. /. plesso impari del Santorini. Lies behind the pubis, around the urethra and neck of the bladder. Pudenda 'lis (//.). Pudendal. P. lon'- gus infe'rior, lesser sciatic nerve. Pudende (/.). Pudendum. Pudendo (/.). Pudic. Puden'dum or P. muliebre (/v.). Vulva. Pudibil'ia (L.). .Male genitals. Pu'dic. L. pudicus ; F. honteux ; /. pudendo. Relating to the genital organs. P. ar'teries. L. artcri;e ]indend,x ; F. artères honteuses ; G. Schanischlagadern ; /. arterie pudende. Those sujiplying the genital apparatus and adjacent regions. The internal p. a. is a branch of the internal iliac ; the exteiTial p. a. (superficial and deep or superior and inferior) are from the femoral. P. nerve. L. nervus pudendus communis; F. nerf honteux interne; G. gemeinschaftlicher Schamnerv. A consid- erable trunk derived from lowest part of sacral plexus, and distributed to the peri- neum and genital organs. P. vein, in- ter'nal. L. vena pudenda interna. Re- sembles in distribution the artery of same name, except that it does not receive the dorsal vein of the penis. P. vein, super- flc'ial exter'nal.tributary of internal saph- enous vein, collecting blood from genitals and inner part of the thigh. 410 PUL PUL Püllna. Bitter saline purgative water, twice the strength of Seidlitz — from Bo- hemia. Pu'erile. L. puerilis ; F. pu(?ril. Per- taining to childhood. P. respira 'tion, in- creased intensity of respiratory inininiir in the adult, analogous to the normal murmur of infants. Pueri'tia (/>•)■ Childhood. According to Varrò, the age from 15 to 30 years. Puer'pera (//.). A woman in labor or recently delivered. Puer'peral. L. puerperaiis. Pertain- ing to labor and its seiiuelœ. P. colpi'tis, vaginitis of lying-in women. P. convul'- sions. G. I'uerperalkriimpfe. Peculiar epileptiform convulsions occurring in the latter part of pregnancy or in the puerperal state, usually connected with albuminuria. P. diabe'tes, glycosuria sometimes seen in pregnancy and disappearing after deliv- ery. P. eclamp'sia, j)uer])eral convul- sions. P. fe'ver, fever occurring in women a few days after delivery, due to septic in- fection, which ma}' be autogenetic — ('. e. due to septic matters produced in the body of the patient, or heterogenetic — ('. e. due to contagium introduced from without in the form of pyogenic or other bacteria, or to malarial poison. P. ma'nia. L. mania puerperaiis. Form of mania beginning near the close of pregnancy ; deliriuiu with many hallucinations ; lasts six to eight months. P. septicae'mia, septicaemia following la- bor ; puerperal fever. P. state. L. Puer- perium ; F. puerpéralité. The period be- tween the beginning of labor and the return of the uterus to its normal condition. Puerperalgeschwür ((?■). Ulceration of genitals due to pressure during labor. Puerpéralité (F.). Puerperal state. Pueiperalkrämpfe {G.). Puerperal convulsions. Puerperalrunzeln {G.). Line:c albi- cantes of abdomen after pregnancy. Puerpérisme (/'.). Puerjìcral state. P. infectieux, jnuTperal septicasmia. Puerpe'rium (L.'). Puerjieral state. Puerpere - gonorrhœ'al salpingi 'tis. Inflammation of Fallopian tubes, due to gonorrhceal infection, occurring during the puerperal state. Puer'pery. Puerperal state. Puff-ball. 1. The genus Lyaiperdon. 2. L. . pulmonicus ; F. pulmo- ni(|ue . G. pulmonisch ; /. jiolmonico. Per- taining to the lungs. P. circula'tion. L. circulus sanguinis major: G. LuiiL'enkreis- lauf. That by which blood is carried through the lungs from right ventricle to left auricle. Pulmonie (/"■)• Pneumonia, pulmonary consumption. Pulmoni'tis. F. pulmonite. Pneumonia. Pulmo-vas'cular re'gion. Region of thorax where an edge of lung covers over origin of the great vessels. Pulp. L. pulpa; F. pulpe; G. Brei; /. polpa. Soft, moist ti.ssue readily yield- ing to the touch. P. cav'ity. L. cavum dentis ; G. Zahnhohle. Central hollow within a tooth containing vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. P. of dig'its. L. pulpa digiti ; F. pulpe des doigts ; G. Tastpolster; 7. polpastrello. The rounded elastic cushion of connective tissue and fat spread over palmar and plantar surfaces of last phalanx. P. of spleen. />. pulpa lienis ; /'. puljie sj)léni(|ue ; G. Milzpulpa; /. polpa splenica. Kcddish-brown substance exuding from a cut spleen upon pressure. It is composed of the Malpighian and anueboid corpuscles with a delicate net- work of fibres. P. of tooth. L. pulpa dentis; F. pulpe dentaire; G. Zahnpulpa ; /. polpa dentaria. A gelatiniform connect- ive tissue situated in the pulp-cavity, con- taining formative cells, vessels, and nerves, with some sustentacular fibres. Piil'pa (Z.). Pulp. P. cas'siae, cassia- pulp. P. cerebra'lis, substance of the brain. P. e fo'üis coni'i macula'ti [Cod.], pulp of conium. P. e fruc'tibus cas'siEB [Cod.], cassia-pulp P. lie'nis, pulp of spleen. P. pi'li, papilla of hair. P. tamarindo 'rum depura'ta [P. tì], tamarind-pulp. P. tes'tis, glandular sub- stance of the testis. Pulpa (C). Pulp. In composition, as, — • fortsätze, processes of a pulp of a tooth, extending into the dentinal tubules; — gewebe, peculiar tissue of the pulp of the spleen ; — höhle, pulp-cavity ; — strange, smaller trabecular of the spleen. Pulpe (F.). Pulp. P. de casse, cassia- pulp. P. de ciguë. L. pulpa e foliis conii maculati. Conium-leaves bruised and passed through a hair sieve [Cod.]. P. de colo- quinte, colocynth. P. splénique, pulp of spleen. P. de tamarins, tamarind-pulp. Pulque {Mex.). The fermented juice of several species of Ai/ave, especially A. potnim, Salm., and -4. Sulminiui. Hort. Puls {G.). Pulse; — geschwulst, aneurism; — -kurven, curves of a sphyg- mogram ; — lehre, sphygmology ; — losig- keit, pulselessness; — messer, .sphyg- mometer; — schlag, pulse-beat ; — schlag- messer, sphygmometer ; — Schreiber, sphygmograph ; — Spannung, arterial ten- sion ; — uhr, instrument for measuring the tension, fulness, and volume of the pulse ; — wage, pulsimetir ; — Welle, pulse- wave ; — weUenzeichner, sphygmograph. Ptilsader (C). Artery ; — blut, arte- rial blood; — geschwulst, aneurism ; — kropf, aneurismal goitre; — öflBlung, opening an artery, arteriotomy. 4.12 PUL PUL Pul'satile. Ij- jmlsatilis; G. pulsircnd. Piilsatiiiir, boating. Pulsatü'la. /.. pulsatilla ; /'. jiuLsa- tille; (.'. Küchenschelle. The herb of Anemoiw PuhiiliUa and A. pratensü, L., and of .1. pall Ili, L., var. Xuttulliaiia, (!ray. collected soon after flowering [U. S. 1'.] ; diaphoretic and enimenagogue. P. pa'tens, Mill., Aw^Dione patens, L. P. praten'sis, Ij., Anemoiie prateusin, L. P. vulga'ris, Mill., Anemone pulsatilla, L. Pulsatüle (F.). Pulsatilla. Pulsatülenkampher (6'.). Aneuionin. Pulsa 'tion [i>ulsus]. L. pulsatio ; /'. battement ; (i. Pulsireu ; /. pulsazione. A periodical throbbing or beating, as of the heart and arteries. Ihil'satory. Capable of pulsating or of causing pulsation. Pulse. Ij. pulsus ; F. pouls ; G. Puls ; /. polso. Short, ([uick motion regularly repeated, especially that of the arteries due to wave of blood propelled by the heart. P. clock, instrument to register tension, diameter of artery, and volume of pulse ujion a dial. P. curve, curve registered by the sphygmograph. P. meas'urer. G. Pulswage. Instrument communicating pulse-beat to a column of fluid, measured by a scale. Pulsüe'gium. A pulse-measurer. Pulsim'eter. A pulse-measurer. Pulsimètre (/'.). Sphygmometer. Pulsionsdivertikel (G.'). A diver- ticulum of a mucous membrane, due to pressure from within, and dependent on a defect, usually congenital, in the muscular coat. Pulsiren ( G.). To pulsate, pulsation. Pulsirender Kropf {G.). Pulsating goitre, Pulsographe (F.). Sphygmograph. Pul'sus ( //.) [pello]. Pulse. P. bicro'- tus or dicro'tus, dicrotic pulse. P. para- dox'us, feeble pulse during inspiration, usually due to abnormal adhesions of the heart or great vessels. Pulta'ceous. L. pultaceus ; F. pultacé, ée ; G. breiig ; I. pultaceo. Semifluid, pap- like. Pulv., abbv. for Pul'vis (i.), powder. Pulver ( ^t'. ). Powder. Pul'veres effervescen'tes {L.). Efier- vescing powders. Pulvérisateur {F.)- Atomizer. Pulvérisation {F.). Reduction of a fluid to spray ; the spray thus formed. Pulveriza'tion. L. pulverisatio ; F. pulverisation; fr. Pulverisirung ; /. pulveri- sazione. Dividing into jiowder or spray. Pul'verized i'ron. L. ferrum jmlvera- tum ; G. Eisenpuiver. A powder of iron prepared by the trituration of iron filings. Pul'vermacher's chain. Portable vol- taic piles composed of zinc wires wound in spirals upon wooden cylinders, and connected by copper clasps, so as to form a somewhat flexible chain. In use it is dipped into vin- egar and applied to the skin, producing de- cided local heat and perceptible electrolytic eflFect. Pulver'ulence. Condition of being pul- verulent. Pulver'ulent. L. pulverulentus. Dusty, powdery. Pulvi'nar (Z/,). Posterior tubercle of optic thalamus. P. epiglot'tidis, tubercle of epiglottis, P. ventric'uU, pancreas. Pul'vis {L.). Powder. P. aëroph'- orus. G. Brausepulver. Sodium bicar- bonate 10, tartaric acid it, white sugar lit parts; mix the well-dried powders [P. G.]. p. aëroph'orus an'glicus [P. G.], efl'er- vesciiig jiowder. P. aëroph'orus lax'- ans [P-G.] or P. aëroph'orus Seidlitz- en'sis, compound eflervcscing powdi-r. P. al'oes et canel'lae, powder of aloes and cancUa. P. amyg'dalae compos'itus, com- pound powder of almonds. P. antimonia'- lis, antimonial powder. P. aromat'icus [r. S. P.]. aromatic jjowder. P. arseni- ca'lis Cos'mi [P. Belg.], Cóme's arsenical powder, P. arsenica'lis Rous'selot, Kousselot's arsenical powder, P. carthu- siano'rum, antimony o.xysulphurct. P. caus'ticus [P. Helv.] or P. caus'ticus Viennen'sis, potassa with lime. P. cin- namo'mi compos'itus [B. P.], compound ]iowder of cinnamon. P. cum citra'te magne'sico et sac'charo [Cod.], grarju- latcd citrate of magnesium. P, comitis'- sse, powdered cinchona-bark. P. compos'- itus, compound powder. P. cre'tEe aro- mat'icus, aromatic powder of chalk. P. cre'tae aromat'icus cum o'pio, aromatic Jiowder of chalk and oi>ium. P. cre'tae compos'itus, compound chalk jiowdi-r. P. dentifric'ium cum cre'ta et cam'- phora [Coil.] or P. dentifric'ius cam- phora'tus [P. Helv.]. camphorated tooth- powder. P. diuret'icus, diuretic powder. P. Do'veri [P. Ausi], powder of ipecac and opium P. efiferves'cens an'ghcus PUM PUN 413 [P. Ilclv.j, fftervosfiiii; [lowiler P. efiPer- ves'cens compos'itus or P. efferves'- ceiiS laxati'vus [('nil.], comiimiml oHlt- veseiiij; powiU'r. P. elateri'ni compos'- itus [15. I'.]. i(mi]iouncl powder of clateriii. P. escharot'icus [Cotl.]. Còme s ars(Miical powder. P. glycjrrrhi'zEe compos'itus, c'Diiipound powder of jrhevrrhiza. P. g:um- mo'sus, Liuiu powder. P. h8em.ostat'icus [P. lîélLT.]. styptic powder P. infan'tium, eoiiipoiiiid |iiiwder of rlmliarlj. P. ipecac- uan'hae compos'itus [l>. 1'.], or P. ipe- cacuan'hae opia'tus [I', (i.]. or P. ipe- cacuan'hse et o'pü, or P. ipecacuan'hae theba'icus [1'. Uan.]. powder of ipeeae and o])iiuii P. Jaco'bi, antiinoiiial pow- der. P. jala'pae compos'itus or P. lax'- ans, cùiii]ioiiiid jiiiwder of jala]>. P. liqui- ri'tise compos'itus [P. U.], comitound powder of ülycyrrhiza. P. magne'sise cum rhe'o [P. G.]. Compound ]iowder of rhubarl). P. morphi'nae compos'itus, compound powder of moridiine. P. o'pii compos'itus, compound |iowder of opium. P. ox'idi aiitimo'nii compos'itus [F. .^Ie.>c.]. antimonial jiowder. P. pectora'lis Kurel'lse, compound powder of glyeyrrhi- za. P. pur'gans, compound powder of jalap. P. quer'cus mari'nse, a-thiops vegetabilis. P. rhe'i compos'itus, com- pound powder of rhubarb. P. scammo'- nii compos'itus, compound powder of scamniony. P. scarot'icus, arsenical pow- der. P. sem'inum li'ni [Cod.], linseed meal. P. ad stemutamen'tum [Cod.], sternutatory jiowder. P. stibio'sus [P. Port.], antimonial powder. P. styp'ticus, styptic powder. P. taracan'nœ, powdered cockroach. P. theriaca 'lis, poudre théri- acale. P. tragacan'thae compos'itus, compound powder of tragacanth. Pum'ice. L. pumex ; F. ponce ; G. Binistein ; /. pomice. A gray, porous, lij;lit. fibrous stone of volcanic origin; powdered, it is used as a dentifrice ; in the arts as a polishing jiowder. Pump'kin. F. potiron ; G. Pfebe, Kürbis ; /. popone. The fruit of Cacnr- l»'t/i Pepo, L. An article of diet ; the seeds are used medicinally. P. -seed. L. pepo; F. semences de potirons; G. Kiir- bissamon ; /. semi di popone. The seed of f^uciirhifn Pepo, L. ; an efficient treniafuge. Pu'na. South American term for the mountain sickness of the Andes. Punais, aise {F.). Aftected with ozxnu. Punaise (F.). Bug, bedbug. Punaisie (F.). Ozajna. Pun'cha Springs. Thermal springs, iu southwestern Colorado, temperature 120° F. I^inc'ta, i>l. of Punctum (L.). Points. P. vasculo'sa, the doited appearance of cut blood-vessels in a section of the brain. Punctic'ula ( A.). Ijittle points, pete- chia'. Punc'tio (L.). Puncture. Punc'tum (/..). Point. P. adhœsio'nis, origin of muscle. P. a'lse vom'eris, lior- mion. P. breg'matis, bregma, p. cae'- cum or coe'cum, blind-spot. P. ûx'um, origin of a muscle. P. foram'inis incis- i'vi, point on medial line, posterior border of incisive foramen [Lissauer]. P. foram'- inis mag'ni ante'rius, basion. P. fo- ram'inis mag'ni poste'rius, opisthion, 1. P. insertio'nis, insertion of muscle. P. lachryma'le. F. pointe lacrymale; G. Thraneiipunkt ; /. punto lagrimale. Open- ing on ]>apilla lachrymalis of either eyelid, leading to canaliculus lachrymalis. P. mo'bile, insertion of muscle. P. nasa'le infe'rius, rhinion. P. naso-fronta'le, nasion. P. occipita'le, lambda. P. prae- maxilla're, alveolar point. P. protube- ran'tise occipita'lis, inion. P. pi-ox'i- mum. G. Xabepunkt. The nearest point of distinct vision. P. remo'tum, far-point. P. sa'liens, the heart of the very young embryo; the term refers to projecting bend of the heart. P. spi'nae nasa'lis ante'- rioris, subnasal point. P. spi'nae nasa'- lis posterio'ris, staphylion. Punctura f /. ) . Puncture. Punctura'tion. Act of puncturing, es- pecially of making numerous punctures. Punc'ture. L. punctura; F. pi<|fire; G. Stich. Punktur; /. puntura. A small wound made with a pointed instrument ; the act or operation of making such a wound. Pun'gent. L. i)ungens. Pricking, bit- ing, sharp. Pu'nica Grana 'turn, L. : see Pomegran- ate. Puni'ceae ro'sae [P. Port.]. Ked rose. Pu'nicin. .Mannit from bark nf I'miicn graiinlinn. Punico-tan'nic acid. CooHuO,,. A variety of tannic acid found in pomegran- ate-bark. Punkt (G.). Point, dot; — horopter, horopter of points; — staar, Cataracta punctata. Punktion (^/.). Act of puncturing. 414 PUN PUR Punktur (r/.). Puncture. ■ Punti cardinali (7.). Points, cardinal. Punti principali (/.). Principal points. Punto (J.). I'uint. P. cieco, blind spot. P. lagrimale, punctum lacliryniale. P. prossimo, near-point. P. rimoto, far- point. Puogen'ia (A.) [-ù»v, yv^Au)~\. Vyo- genesis. Pu'pil. />. pupilla ; F. pupille ; G. Seh- loch ; y. pupilla. The round central open- ing in the iri.s through which light enters the eye. P., exclusion of, a condition in which the iris is bound down to the lens throughout the whole estent of the pupil- lary edge, the pupil itself remaining clear. P., occlusion of, where the pu])illary space is filled with inflammatory material. Pupil'lse ve'lum {L.). Pupillary mem- brane. Pupülarhäutchen, or Pupillarhaut, or Pupillarmembran {U.). l'ui>illary membrane. Pupillarrand (^''). Pupillary margin of the iris. Pu'pillary. />. ])u|iillaris ; /■'. ]iupillaire ; 6'. pujiilllir -. /. ]iupiliare. Pertaining to the pupil. P. mem'brane. X. membrana capsulo-pupilhnis ; F. membrane capsulo- pupillairc ; J. membrana capsulo-pupillare. A vascular mesodermic tissue which in foetal life invests the anterior portion of the lens and is reflected upon the iris, closing the pupil. It may persist, in whole or in jiart, after birth. Pupille (F.). Pupil. Pupille (G.). Pupil. In composition Pupillen, as, — bildung, coremorpho.sis ; — erweiterung, mydriasis ; — haut, pu- pillary membrane ; — sperre, closure of the pupil ; — starre, immobility of the iris; — Verengerung, myosis ; — ver- SChliessung, synizcsis. Pupillom'eter. An instrument for measuring (he size of the pupil. Pupillos'copy. Skiascopy. Pur'blind. Having dim vision, myopic. Pure e'ther. L. ivther purus. Ether free from alcohol and water ; spec. grav. 0.720 [H. P.]. Purgamen'ta (/<.). Pîxcreta, lochia. Purgamen'tum (//.). Purgative. Purganz ( <'»'.). Purgative. Purgatif ( A'. ) . Purgative. Purga'tion. L. purgatio ; G. Purgiren ; I. purgazione. The actiijn of a purgative ; catharsis; evacuation. Pur'gative [purgare]. L. jiurgativus; F. purgatif; /. purgative. 1. G. Purganz. A medicine which taken internally causes intestinal evacuations ; a cathartic ; may o]icrate either by quickening peristaltic action, by increasing secretion, or by di- minishing absorption from the intestinal cavity : see Drastic, HiidnKjngut, Chola- yiigue, Laxative. 2. G. abführend. Having power to produce purgation. P. en'ema. L. enema purgans ; F. lavement purgatif. Senna 15. boiling water 500 parts; infuse, strain, and add sodium sulphate 15 [Cod.]. Purgazione (/.). Purgation. Purge. 1. A purgative medicine. 2. To produce purgation. Purghe (/.). Menses. Purg'ing ag'aric. White agaric. Purging ber'ries. Fruit of Rhamnus cntliiifliciif:. L. Purging cas'sia. L. cassia fistula ; F. casse officinale ; G. Purgirca.ssie ; 7. cassia. The fruit of Cussia Fisfii/a, Jj. The pulp is used as a mild laxative. PurgLllg flax. Limi m ailhaiticnm, L. Purg'ing-nut. Physic-nut, Barbadoes- iint; tiie seed of fio'cu.s pH/v/ini.s, Adans. ; yields by expression a fixed oil resembling croton oil in physiological action, but less powerful. Purg'ing-root. Fiipharhin ciirnllnlii, L. Purgircassie ( ''/.). Purging cassia. Purgiren ( G'.). Purgation. In com- position Purgir, as, — fleber, diarrhoea with fever; — kömer, croton-seeds ; — lein, linum cathartieum ; — mittel, pur- gative ; — winde, scamniony. Purificans (/v.). Purifying. Pu'rifled. L. purificatus; 7^. purifié, ée; G. gereinigt. Freed from impurity, made pure. P. al'oes. Ij. aloes purificata. Aloes 100, alcohol 15; melt the aloes, mix with the alcohol, strain, and evaporate [U. S. P.] ; directed by tlw U. S. P. for all prep- arations containing aloes. P. ammo'niac. L. gummi ammoniacum ex]iurgatuni ; F. gomme ammoniaijue purifiée. Ammoniac purified by soluti(m in dilute alcohol, strain- ing, and cvajiorating [Cod.]. P. an'imal char'coal. L. carbo animalis purificatus ; /''. charbon animale purifié ; G. gereinigte Knochenkohle. Animal charcoal digested with hydrochloric acid, and thoroughly washed with water to remove the earthy PUR PUR 4.15 salts- F. an'timony sul'phide. A. ariti- monii sulphidum puriticatum ; /'. sulfure d'antimoine pur ; G. gereinigtes Scliwefel- antinion. t'oiumercial antimony sulphide freed from arsenic by levigation. elutriation. and maceration in water yohé- mie ; G. Pyamie ; /. piemia. A febrile af- fection due to absorption of pus or pus- poison, and eliaracterized by the production of luetastatic abscesses or difluse inflamma- tions in various organs. Pyarthro'sis (//.) [-ù»!-, af)Opo/\. F. pyarthrose. Formation of pus in a joint. Pycnan'themum inca'num, Michx. Wild basil, mountain mint ; a labiate herb, indigenous to the U. S. ; resembling horse- mint in properties. Pycnan'themum linifo'lium, Pursh. Virginia thyme, indigenous to the eastern and southern U. S. ; uses same as above. Pycno'sis (L.) [ttoxkìc]. A thickening, insjiissation. Pyeli'tis [rf';;,^"?]. /'. pyélite ; /. pielite, inflammation of the pelvis and calices of the kidney. Pyelocysti'tis [z'ktt!?]. Inflammation of the urinary bladder, with pyelitis. Pyelom'eter [r'Jc/"«,-, /ì^t/uui']. Pelvim- eter. Pyelo-nephri'tis [/iv'/"'^'] ^■ pyélo- néphrite ; /. pielo-nefrite. Inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney, extending to the substance of the organ. Py'elos or Py'elus [-us,!»?]. Pelvis. Pyem'esis (A.) [ttuov, e/iSiriy]. A vom- iting of pus. Pye'sis (//.) [-ùijffiç]. Suppuration. Pygmse'us (L.) [-uYiiaiii^'\. Dwarf. PYG PYO 417 Pygodid'ymus (/..) ["opj, ^i''"/^"?]- Dipygus. Pygom'elus (L.) [^ßiXoc]. F. pygomèle ; /. pigomelo. A monster with one or two supernumerary lower extremities. Pygop'agus (i.) [r);yi.o;/;]. F. pvgo- page ; /. pigopago. A double monster, the two bodies united by the sacrum. Pygo-parasit'icus (L.). A variety of pygojiagus. one fœtus being a parasite. Py'ic [-■)">]. L. pyicus. Purulent. Py'in [-!'"'i']. F. pyine. A proteid ob- tained from pus, a metalbumin. Pylae'ina (i.) ["■'•'■'/. aifia]. Blood of the portal vein. Pylemphrax'is (L.) [rO/.j;. h'/iç-pa^iç]. Obstruction of the portal vein. Pylephlebi'tis [çv/ç'']- F. pyléphlébite; /. pileflebite. Inflammation of the portal vein. Pylethrombo'sis (L.) [i^,o«,«(î»ç]. Thrombosis of the portal vein. Pylophlebi'tis. Pylephlebitis. Pylore (F.). Pylorus. Pylorec'tomy [-uAwpoc, exrußrj']. F. pylorectomie ; G. Pylorektomie. Excision of the pylorus. Pylor'ic [Tzu/.uipôç^. L. pyloricus ; F. pylorique ; / pilorico. Pertaining to the pylorus. P. ar'tery. L. arteria pylorica ; F. artère pylorique ; /. arteria pilorica. Branch of hepatic artery distributed to pyloric orifice of stomach ; usually extends along lesser curvature, anastomosing with the gastric artery. Some limit the term to a special twig supplying the pylorus only, calling the anastomotic branch the arteria coronaria ventriculi dextri. P. glands, L. glanduUe pyloncœ ; G. Pylorusdriisen. Those situated near pyloric orifice of stom- ach. P. mus'cle : .see Pi/hrns. p. or'i- flce, pylorus. P. plex'us, branches of he]iatic plexus upon the pyloric artery. P. valve, fold of mucous membrane guarding the pylorus. P. vein, runs along lesser curvature of stomach and discharges into portal vein. Pyloroclei'sis (Z.) [xAela-;?]. Obstruc- tion of the pylorus. Pylorosteno'sis (Z-,) \^arhu>at<;']. Con- striction of the pyloric orifice. Pylo'rus {L.'i [ro^J.w/xJç]. L. janitor; F. pilore ; G. Pförtner ; /. piloro. The opening by which the stomach communi- cates with the duodenum, guarded by a Vol. II.— 27 Strong sphincter muscle. P, pro'prius, pyloric valve. Pylorusdriisen (C). Pyloric glands. Pylorusgegend ( G. ). Pyloric region. Pyoblen'nicus (//•) [ßuov, /î/:v>«]. Muco-purulent. Pyoblennorrhoe'a (/>.) [jî/'i-v"?, /î;««], Mucu-purulent discharge. Pyoceno'sis {L.) [jd-^iuaii]. A dis- charging of pus. Pyochez'ia {L.) [/=:«<], Discharge of ]ius by the bowel. Pyocœ'lia {L.) [xnO.ia]. Pus in the abdominal cavity. Pyocol'pos (L.) [z»/.-»9]. Pus in the vagina. Pyocy'anin \_-'>m, x''ja>»ç]. F. pyocya- nine. Sub.stance extracted from blue pus, soluble in chloroform, colored red by sul- phuric acid, blue by alkalies ; doubtfully classed among leucomaines. Pyocys'tis {L.) [xoaTt^']. An encysted collection of pus, a vomica. Pyoede'ma (i.) []. Pus, Pyonephro'sis (2/,) [vî^/jôç]. F. pyo- néphrose ; I. pionefrosi. Acute interstitial nephritis, with formation of abscess. Pyopericar'dium {L.). Pns in the pericardium. Pyoperitoni'tis. Suppurative peritoni- tis. Pyophthal'mia (X.) [ò] Pyuria. Py'ra (i.) ["'"',"]• Fever, antlirax. Psrr'amid [-«/'«//tV]- L. pyrainis; /■'., G. Pyramide; /. piramide. Term applied to several conical structures, particularly the following: P. of cerebePlum, lubule of inferior surface i)f vermis of cerebellum. P-s. of Fer'rein. F. pyramides de Fer- rein ; G. Ferrein'sehe Pyramiden. Conoiil- al ])rolongatioiis of the medullary substance of the kidney which pass up into the curtical part. Ferrein appears to have applied the name to sejiarate conical areas which ap- peared in his preparati(Mis. now kniiwn to be caused by imperfect injection. Sometimes u.sed for the entire .system of tubules tribu- tary to a single straight tubule. P. of La- louette', P. of thyroid gland. P. of Mal'- acame, vermiforni process, inferior. P-s. of Malpig'hi : see Malplriiiian pymmiih. P-S. of medul'la oblonga'ta. /'. pyra- miiles bulbaires. Term applied to culumns of medulla oblongata, especially to that one which continues the anterior column nf the cord. P., poste'rior, dava. P. of thy'roid gland. //. pyramis gianduia? thyroide;e. .\ third lobe sometimes found arising from the isthmus or the adjacent portion of the right or left lobe. P. of tym'panum. L. eminentia pyramidalis. A small bony eminence in the tympanum, behind the fenestra ovalis, enclosing the stapedius muscle. P-s. of Wis'tar, sphe- noidal turbinate hones. Pjo'am'idal. Shaped like or relating to a pvramid. In Freindi used substantively for — 1. the pyriformis muscle ; '1. the cune- iform bone of the wrist. P. an'gle, pari- etal angle of Quatrefages, anterior. P. bone, cuneiform bone of wrist. P. cat'a- ract, Cataracta pyramidalis. P. em'inence. L. pyramis vestibuli. Ui>per part of crista vestibuli, inner ear. P. lay'er, large. A. stratum cellularum pyramidaliuni. Third layer of cortex of brain, according to Mey- nert, lying immediately under the small ]iyramidal layer; about 1 mm. thick, and characterized by large pyramidal cells sepa- rated into columns by bundles of nerve- fibres. P. lay'er, small. G. Schicht der kleinen Pyramidzellen. Second layer of cortex of brain, according to Meynert, lying immediately beneath the molecular layer; about 0.25 mm. thick, and charac- terized by a large number of small ])yram- idal nerve-cells with branching processes. P. nu'cleus, nucleus oliv;e acccssorius me- dialis. P. papil'lae, conical papilla;. P. proc'ess of cu'boid. F. apophyse pyra- midale du cuboïde. The somewhat elon- gated postero-interno-inferior angle of the bone. P. proc'ess of pal'ate-bone. L. processus pyramidalis ; /'. apophyse ptéry- goïdienne ; G. Pyramidenfortsatz ; /. tube- rosità del palatino. Portion fitting into notch between the pterygoid jilates. P. si'nus of lar'ynx, sinus pyriformis. P. tract. G. Pyraniidenbahn ; /. cordoni delle piramide. A tract of motor-fibres connecting central convolutions of brain and spinal cord. It occujiies the ante- rior two-thirds of posterior liuib of inter- nal capsule, then the middle two-fifths of the crust a ; in the pons it divides into a 1 series of bundles which in the medulla form the anterior pyramid. At the decus- sation of the pyramids one bundle Qronwd p. t.) passes over to the lateral column of i the opposite side of the cord, while the I remainder (jlirert p. t.) continues downward I in the anterior column of same side. j Pyramidal de l'abdomen {F.). Pyr- amidalis abdominis. Pyramidal de la cuisse (F.). Pyra- mis. Pyramidal du nez (F.). Pyramidalis nasi. Pjrramida'le (//.). 1. Cuneiform bone of wrist. 2. Trapezoid bone of wrist. Pyramida'lis (L.). Pyramidal, applied to several muscles having a conical or tri- angular shape, as the following : P. ab- dom'inis. /■'. muscle pyramidal. A mu.s- cle of variable size arising from front of pubis and in.serted into linea alba ; it ap- jiears to be a vestige of a muscle which in marsupials closes the mouth of the ab- PYR PYR 419 dominai pouch. P. auric'ulae, a few fibres of the tragicus nuisole passing to process of helix. P. fem'oris, pyriforniis. P. Jun'gii, pyramidalis auricula'. P. men'ti, depressor anguli oris. P. na'rium, levator lahii superioris aUeque nasi [Santorini]. P. na'si. F. muscle pyramidal ; G. Nasen- rückenmuskel. A small muscle at root of nose, often considered as a continuation of frontalis. Its fibres arise from the skin, and are blended below with the compressor naris. Pyramidalstaar (,G.). Cataracta pyra- midalis. Pyramide (/".), pi. es. Pyramid; pe- trous portion of temporal bone. P-s. btll- baires, pyramids of medulla oblongata. P. postérieure, upper part of column of (loll, belonging to the medulla oblongata. P. postérieure du cervelet, restiform body. Pjrramide(ff.). Pyramid. P., hintere, funiculus gracilis. In composition often Pyramiden, as follows : — bahn, pyra- midal tract ; — bein, cuneiform bone of wrist; — blutleiter, petrosal sinus; ^ bündel, pyramidal tract ; — fortsatz, pyramidal process, pyramid of Ferrein : — kern, nucleus of the pyramid ; — kreu- zxxng, decussation of the pyramids; — seitenstrangbahn or — sträng, crossed ]ivraniidal tract : see Fi/idini'lnl tnictf ; — vorderstrang or — vorderstrangbahn, direct pyramidal tract : see Pi/niinii/nl truci ; — zapfen, upper end of anterior pyramid of medulla oblongata. Pyram 'ides ( L.).p\. of Pyramis. Py r- amids. P. re'num, .Malpighi, pyramids of; [)apill;\i of kidney. Pyr'amid-flo'wer or P.-plant. Ameri- can columbo. Frasera carolinensis, Walt. ; bark tonic, febrifuge. Pyramidzellenschicht ((?■)■ Pyramidal layer, large. P37r'amis (I^) ["'j/'o/ì:'?]. Pyramid ; a]>plied to some objects of pyramidal shape without qualification, as: 1. petrous por- tion of temporal bone ; 2. anterior pyramid of medulla oblongata. P. latera'lis, resti- form body. P. poste'rior, fasciculus teres. P. thyroi'dei, jiyramid of thyroid. P. ver'mis accesso'ria. G. Xobenpyramide. Small accessory lobule of the inferior vermi- form process of cerebellum, sometimes seen at side of main lobe. P. vestib'uli, pyr- amidal eminence. Pyrec'tic. Pyretic. Pjn*enae'mia (L.) [-'',"';.', a'/ia]. The presence of nucleated red corpuscles in the blood. Pyrenoi'des (i>.). Odontoid process. Pyrèthre (F.). Pyrethrum. P. alle- mande, tîerman pellitory. P. du Caucase, Persian pellitory. Pyre'thrmn. /'. pyrèthre officinal ; G. Bertraniwurzel ; /. piretro. 1. The root of Auacyclus Fyrethrum, DC. ; sialagogue. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Vnm- posilre : see also German pellitory. P. car'neum, Bieb., grows in western Asia ; the flowers are used for killing insects : see Persian insect powder. P. cinerariaefo'- lium, Trev., botanical source of Dalmatian insect powder. P. Parthe'nium, Smith, Matricaria Partlieiiiiiiii. L. a perennial Euro- pean herb : see Feverfew. P. ro'seum, Bieb., habitat and uses same as F. cai neu m . P. Tanace'tum, DC.. Tanacelnm Bal- samita, L. Psrret'ic \_-opf:iif\. L. pyreticus; F. pyréticjue ; G. pyretisch, fieberhaft ; /. pi- retico. Pertaining to, or afi'ected with, fever. Pyretogen'esis (X.) [yr^-^du>~\. Pro- duction of fever. Pyretol'ogy [ry»£7'K', >-<>y()° C.) upon starch. P3n''odine. A white crystalline pow- der, sparingly soluble in cold water, nearly tasteless ; contains acetyl-phenyl-hydrozin, CeHjNjH./CjHaO) ; introduced as an anti- pyretic in doses of 8—12 grains. Pyrogal'lic ac'id. CgHsOj. L. aeidum pyrogallicuni ; /'. acide pyrogallique ; G. Brenzgallsiiure ; /. acido pirogallieo. I'yro- gallol ; a white, crystalline, bitter, soluble product of the action of heat upon gallic acid ; prepared from extract of galls by sublimation ; externally applied in treat- ment of certain skin diseases ; largely used in the arts. Pyrogal'lol. Pyrogallic acid. Pyrogen'ic \_~'ji', ytv^àuT^. Heat-pro- ducing ; term applied to substances which will cause increased bodily temperature when introduced into the circulation. PyrogTiai'acin. CigH.j^Os. A crystal- lizal)le prüd\ict of the dry distillation of guaiarotic acid. PjTT'ola umbella 'ta, Willd. /•'. pyrole ombellée. Chimaphila umbellata, Nutt. Pyro'leum (//.). An oil obtained by action of heat. P. anima'le, animal oil. P. junip'eri [P. Pan.] or P. oxyce'dri, oil of cade. P. pe'trae [1*. I>an.], ]ietro- leum, crude. P. pi'ni, tar. P. suc'cini, oil of amber. Pyroligr'neous ["■"<,'': lignum]. Obtained from wood by action of heat. P. ac'id. L. aeidum pyrolignosum ; F. acide pyro- ligneux ; G. Holzessigsäure ; /. acido piro- legnoso. One of the products of the de- structive distillation of wood ; purified from tarry and oily empj-reumatic products, it becomes the acetic acid of the pharma- co])ceias. P. al'cohol, methyl alcohol. P. spir'it, methylic alcohol. P. vin'egar, wood vinegar. Pyrol'usite. Native black oxide of manganese ; manganese dioxide. Pyrol'ysis ( L.) [A^Wt?]. Dry distillation, decomposing by heat. Pyroma'nia ( L.) [ßavid]. F. pyro- manie ; G. Fcuerwuth ; /. piromania. In- sane desire to produce fires; incendiary monomania. Pyr'omel. Treacle. Pyro-o'leous ammo'nium car 'bori- ate. L. ammonium carbonicum jiyrooleo- sura ; F. carbonate ammoniaque em]iyrcu- mati()ue. 1. A mixture of ammonium carbonate with from 1 to 5 per cent, of rectified animal oil. 2. The sublimate ob- tained by distilling stag-horns, bones, or other animal products; stimulant and anti- spasmodic. Pyrophlyctide sporadique (/■'.). An- thrax. Pyrophlyc'tis {L.) [~^'/', m, nhftiio^. F. pyurie ; G. Eiterharnen ; /. piuria. Passage of pus in the urine. Q. Q. 1., abbv. for Quan'tum li'bet {L-), as much as is ref[uisite. Q. p., abbv. for Quan'tum pla'cet (i.). as much as you please. Q. 8., abbv. for Quan'tum sa'tis or Quantum suflBcit (/>■), a sufficient quan- tiiy Quack [Doti, qvockke]. F. charlatan ; a (Quacksalber; / ciarlatano. One who pul)licly professes to have knowledge and skill which he does not possess. Quack'ery. F. charlatanisme; G. Quacksalberei ; 1. ciarlatanismo. The course pursued by a quack. Quacksalber ((?.). Quack doctor; — ei, i|uackery. Quaddei ((?.). Pimple, blotch. Quader r(/.). Precuneus. Quadran'gTilar lobe. Antero-superior - antero-median lobe : see Lohes of crre- hfthtni. Quadran'gTilar mem'brane. Mem- brana quadra ngularis. Quad'rate car'tilages. L. cartilagines quadrati«. Small quadrangular plates fre- (juently found in ahe of nose. Quad'rate lobe. Lobus quadrangularis of cerebellum : see also Lobes of liver. Quad'rate lob'ule. Z/. praecuneus; F. avant coin, lobule quadrilatère ; G. Vor- zwickel. A small ((uadrilateral lobule on median surface of hemispheres, bounded in front by ascending portion of calloso-mar- ginal sulcus, behind by parieto-occipital fis- sure, below by subparietal sulcus ; is a con- tinuation of superior parietal convolution. Quadrato (A). Quadratus. Q. del labbro inferiore, depressor labii inferioris. Q. lombare, quadratus lumborum. Quadra'tus (/>.). F. carré; / qua- drato. Square. 1. Quadratus femoris. 2. Quadratus lumborum [('(Jties]. Q. dor'si, quadratus lum))oruni. Q. fem'oris, a flat oblong muscle arising from tuberosity of ischium, inserted upon tubercle of (juad- ratus on the femur. Q. ge'nae, platysma myoides. Q. la'bii inferio'ris, depressor labii inferioris. Q. la'bii superio'ris, Ilenle's name for combined levator lal)ii 422 QUA QUA superinris al?eque nasi -> levator labii siipe- rioris proprius f zyfromaticus uiinor. tlii'se different portions being respectively named tlie angular, infraorbital, and zygomatic heads. Q. lumbo'rum, a flat scjuarisli muscle of the loins composed of" three por- tions: ilio-costal, arising from crest of ilium + ilio-lumbar ligament, inserted on 12th rib ; ilio-transverse, arising from crest of ilium, inserted on transverse processes of lumbar vertebra; ; transverso-costal, arising from those processes, inserted on 12th rib. Q. men'ti, depressor labii inferioris. Q. plan'tae, flexor accessorius plant;«. Q. ra'dii, pronator quadratus. Q. supe'rior, quadratus labii superioris. Quad'riceps (/>■)■ Having four heads. Q. exten'sor cni'ris, powerful extensor muscle of anterior and lateral aspects of thigh, having four portions : rectus fem- oris, spindle-shaped and bipenniform, aris- ing by two heads from anterior inferior spine of ilium, ati. (|uadraginta]. F. quarantaine ; (ì. Quarantäne ; /. (|uarantina. 1. Period of forty days. 2. System of in- spection, and treatment if found necessary, of ships or other conveyances, with their passengers and cargo, for the purpo.se of preventing the entrance of contagious or infectious disease into a jilace or country. 3. Period of detention and isolation of ships or persons suspected of being infected. 4. The place at which ships or persons are de- tained : see also Slint-gnn qunrantinc. Quar'tan a'gue or fe'ver. Form of malarial fever in which the ))aroxysm oc- curs every fourth day. Quar'ter-crack. Cleft or fissure of hoiif on inside of fore foot of the horse. Quar'ter e'vil or ill. Sympathetic an- thrax. Quartister'nal. L. ciuadristcrnalis. Fourth segment of foetal sternum. Quas'sia. F. quassie de la Jamaïque; G. Q\iassienh(ilz ; /. legno di quassia. The wood of Picisßiia cxce/sii. Lindi. {Quassia excdsa, Swartz) : a stomachic tonic, with- o\it astringency. Q. ama'ra. A lignum quassiic ; /'. i(uassie anitre; (ì.. 1. Quassia. 1. The wood of Qiiiissid (linara, L., a large shrub or small tree indigenous to Surinam. 2. The wood of I'icrxiia exciha, Jamaica quassia, is the official quassia of the U. S. and B. P. ; the Cod. admits both Pimeua excclsa and Quassia amara ; the P. G. per- mits the use of either indifferently. Q.- bark, bark of Picrxna excc/sa (quassia-bark of Jamaica) or of Quassia amara (quassia- bark of Surinam ) ; medicinal properties like those of the wood. Q. cups, vessels turned out of quassia-wood, in the form of cups or goblets. They yield for a long time the bit- ter principle to water, and are used as a QUA QUE 423 ready means of funiisliing a weak iut'usinn of quassia. Q. excel'sa, Swartz, Pkrxim exctlfu. Lindi. Q. Siruaru'ba, L. f , Sima- riiha nßci)i'ili-<. DC. Q.--wood, (|uassia. Quassia amère (/'.)• Quassia amara. Quassia de la Jamaïque (F.). Quas- sia. Quas'siae lig'num [B. F.] (L.). Quas- sia. Quassiaextrakt ( (/.). Extract of quas- sia. Quassienholz (G.). Quassia. Quas'sin. F. quassine : /. quassina. A crystallizalile. bitter principle obtained from qua.ssia. Quastengeflecht (G'.). Paiupiniform plexus. Quatre bois sudoriflques (F.). Guaia- cum. sassafras, sarsaparilla. and smilax. Quatre fi-uits (F.). Dates, jujubes, figs, and raisins or dried prunes. Quatre maîtres (suüire de) {F.). Suture of the Four ^Masters. Quatre semences (/'.). Anise-, fen- nel-, caraway-, and cumin-fruits. Quatrefages, an'gle of. Parietal angle. Quatrième r/'. ). Fourth. Q. circon- volution temporale, oocipito- temporal convolution. inferior. Q. fessier, scansorius. Q. paire (de nerfs crâniens), pathetic nerves. Q. sillon temporal, collateral fissure. Quebra'chine. C^iHisN^Oi. F. qué- brachine. An alkaloid isolated by Hesse from quebracho. Quebra'cho [.S/', quebrar liacho]. The bark of A.. (|uotidianus; F. quo- tidien, enne ; G. täglich ; /. quotidiano. Daily. Q. fe'ver, malarial fever with daily paroxysms. Quo'tient, respi'ratory : see Respira- ton/ (jiioticnt. Q. v., abbv. for Quantum volueris (i.), as much as you please. RAG 427 R. R., abbv. for Right or l'or Recipe (L.), take, r., abbv. for Radius of curvature. Rabarbaro (/. ). Khubarb. R. bianco, nii'cboat-aii. R. della Cina or R. di Mos- covia, Riti tun /Ki/iiKituiìi, L. R. di Francia, Rheum Khupviiiicutii. L. Rabbia (/.). Rabies. Rabbico, re- hiiiiiir to rabies. Rabbiflco, jmulueiiij;' or causing rabies. Rabbioso, affeeteJ with rabies. Rabdomioma ( / ). Rhabdomyoma. Raben- Armmuskel ((r'.j. Coraco-bra- chialis. Rabenbein ( 6'.). Coracuid bone. Rabenschnabelförmig (C). Cora- coid. Rabenschnabelfortsatz (G.). Cora- coid process. Rabenschnabeloberarmmuskel ( G.). Coraco-brachialis. Rab'id. L. rabidus ; F. rabiéique; G. wiithend ; /. rabbico. Mad ; aflFected with rabies. Rabiéique (F.). Rabid. Ra'bies L.). F. rage; /. rabbia. Hydro- phol)ia in animals. R. caiü'na, rabies in the dog. Rabifique i F.). Producing or causing rabies. Rabiforme (F.). Resembling rabies or its syni|ptcinis. Raccourcissement l F ). Shortening. R. des ligaments larges, Alexander's operation. R. musculaire, shortening of muscular fibre by its contraction. Race. /. razza. The aggregate of descendants from a common ancestor; a body of men presenting well-marked pecu- liarities in Color, sha()e, or sjieech. Racem'ic ac'id. /T acide racénii(|ue; /. ai'ido racemico. An acid isomeric with tartaric acid, but containing one more mole- cule of water. Racemose'. L. racemosus ; F. racé- meux. eusc ; /. racemoso. Clustered, formed in bunches. R. an'eurism, aneur- ism by anastomosis. R. cells, cells clu.^- tered around central ducts. R. glands. L. glandulae racemosa;; F. glandes en grappe ; G. traubcnformige Drü.seu ; /. ghiandole racemose. Those in which the acini are arranged around the duct like grapes on a stem. Rach. For words begiiming thus, and not found in the following list, see Rliach. Rache {F.'). Name applied to various eruptive diseases of scalp ; favus. Rachen ( (r.). Throat, fauces, jaws ; — bein, inferior maxillary bone; — bräune, diphtheria; — enge, isthmus of the fauces; — haut, pharyngeal membrane ; — höhle, fauces; — katarrh, pharyngeal catarrh; — mündung, ostium pharyngeum ; — - muskel, pharyngeal muscle; — raum, pharyngeal space ; • — schnürer, palato- pharyngeus muscle; — spalte, isthmus of the fauces ; — spiegel, pharyngeal speculum; — tonsUle, pharyngeal tonsil; a collection of glands in the mucous mem- brane of the upper part of the larynx, near the orifice of the Eustachian tube. Racheotom (/?.). Rachitome. Rachialgia (/.). Rhachialgia. Rachialgi'tis [('"i^X'-i, akyni^. INIyelitis. Rachide ( /. ). Rachis. Rachid'ian [/!ect looking toward the radius. R. car'pal ar'teries. L. arteriœ carpi radiales ; F. artères radiales du carpe. Branches from the radial, su]iplying front and back of wri.st. R. dig'ital ar'teries, those on radial border of fingers. R. fl'bres of ret'ina, Miiller's fibres. R. fos'sa. L. fossa capituli radii. Slight transverse depression above capitellum of humerus, for receiving head of radius in complete flexion. R. groove, musculo- spiral groove. R. head of hu'merus, capitellum. R. lymphat'ic glands, those in forearm along course of raart of back of hand, aiul aseendins; alontr radial RAD RAD 429 bonler of foreaini to iiiiilo witli median cephalic to form cephalic v. Radial, ale (/■'.). Radial. R. anté- rieur, flexor carpi radialis. R. externe (premier or long), exton.sor carjii radialis longior. R. externe (second or court), extensor carpi radialis brevior. R. inter- médiaire, extensor carpi radialis interme- dins. R. interne, flexor carpi radialis. Radiale (i/.). Scaphoid bone of wrist. Radiale ( /.)■ Radial. Radialfaserkegel (ff.). Conical proc- ess at liase of a fibre of Müller. Radialfasem der Netzhaut (('■)■ Müllers fibres. Radia'lis (L.). Radial. R. anti'cus, flexor carpi radialis. R. exten'sor bre'- vior, extensor carpi radialis brevior. R. exten'sor lon'gior, extensor carpi radia- lis lonjrior. R. exter'nus bre'vis or bre'vior, extensor carpi radialis brevior. R. exter'nus lon'gus or lon'gior, ex- tensor carpi radialis bmL'ior. R. exter'- nus pi^'mus, extensor carpi radialis lon- gior. R. exter'nus sectin'dus, extensor carpi radialis. R. in'dicis ar'tery. L. arteria radialis indieis ; /'. collaterale ex- terne de l'index ; /. collaterale esterna dell' indice. Branch from radial a., supplying outer si:viiS' liijinmiit. R.-c.trans'verse pal'mar ar'tery, radial carpal a., anterior. Ra'dio - carpe'o - metacarpe'us or Ra'dio-carpe'us (/>.). Flexor carpi ra- dialis brovis. Radio-carpien, enne (F.). /. radio- caqiico. Relating to the radius and caqius. Radio-carpo-metacarpa'lis (L-)- A flexor carpi radialis brevis inserted upon the carpus and metacarpus. Ra'dio-dig'ital. Radial nerve [Chaus- sier]. Radio-falangettiano del pollice (/.). Flexiir iimgiis |iiillicis [("haussier]. Ra'dio -hu'meral articula'tion. /. artiinilatio brachio-radialis. That jiart of elbdw-joint between opposed ends of radius and humerus. Ra'dio-hu'meral in'dex. Antibrachial index. Radi'olus ( L. ) A jirobe or sound. Ra'dio-metacarpa'lis (/>.). A flexor carpi radialis brevis inserted u])on metacar- pal bones. Ra'dio-pal'mar ar'tery. Volar artery, superficial. lìa'dio-palma'ris {L.). An inconstant muscle arising below superficial flexor from shaft of radius, and inserted with the pal- maris longus [Testut]. Radio-phalangettien du pouce (F.). /. radio-falaiigeltiano del pollice. Flexor longus pollicis [('haussier]. Radio-sus-palmaire {/'')■ /■ radio- sojira palmare. Carpal portion of radial arti'ry. Ra'dio-ul'nar articula'tions. 1j- ar- ticulatioties radio-ulnares. Those between radius and ulna. They are botli pivot joints; in the supe'rior, the head of ra- dius revolves in lesser siirnioid cavity of ulna ; in the infe'rior, the head of ulna is received int(.) sigmoid cavity of radius. Ra'dio-ul'nar fl'bro-car'tilage. Tri- angular cartilage of wrist. Ra'dio-ul'nar lig'aments. Tlmsc of inferior radio-ulnar articulation. Besides the capsular ligament, anterior and pos- terior accessory bands are described. Rad'ish. The genus Rapiiauus. R., gar'den, Raj>hanus sativns, L. ; root anti- scorbutic. Ra'dius (/..). G. Speiche; 7. radio. Outer of two long bones forming skeleton of forearm, articulating with humerus above, wrist-bmies below, and ulna at inner side. Ra'dius fix'us {L.). Linear distance from hdrmion to iuion [Lissauer]. Ra'dius of cur'vature. G. Krüm- mungsradius. A radius of the circle, of which a portion forms the boundary of a refracting or reflecting surface. Ra'dix (/>.) [/!'i'>u]. Root. R. acces- so'ria spheno-palati'na, additional fila- ment sometimes uniting the ciliary and sphenopalatine ganglia. R. aor'tse, bulb of the aorta. R. ascen'dens for'nicis. 1. Main portion of anterior jiillar of fornix, between the body and the mammillary tu- bercles. 2. Apjilied by Meynert to the ra- dix descendeiis fornicis. R. bre'vis (cil- iary ganglion), branch fnim oeulo-motor nerve tu ciliary L;aiii;liiiu mutor. R. bre- vis (sphe'no-pal'atLne ganglion), radix sensitiva of s]iheiio-pahitiiie uanglinn. R. bre'vis (submaxillary ganglion), radix sensitiva, submaxillary ganglion. R. ca- rot'ica, great dee]i petrusal nerve : see /V- trosdi iK'rvcs. R. cochlea'ris, cochlear auditory root. R. colum'nse for'nicis, anterior pillar of the fornix. R. cor'dis, base of heart. R. descen'dens for'nicis. RAD RAD 431 1. Butullc 1)1' \'ii-ii d'Auvr. -. lìadix as- cendons funiicis [Meviiert]. R. descen'- dens ner'vi acus'tici, dcscuiidinj; audi- tory root. R. epiglot'tidis, iiotiolu« cpi- •rlottidi.s. R. exter'na ner'vi saphe'ni exter'ni, pcronoal coiiiiiiunicatiiiy iierve. R. gangrlio'sa, ijreater or sensory root of tlii'tritri'iiiiiiu.s. R. lin'gruae, root oftuufrue. R. lon'ga I ciliary ganglion ), branch from nasal nervi' to ciliaiy L'anulion. sensory. R. lon'ga infe'rior gan'glü cUia'ris, radix reeurrons iraiifrlii ciliaris. R. lon'ga (o'tic ganglion), lesser superficial potrnsal nerve: see J'trosii/ ii-nrs. R. lon'ga (spheno- pal'atine ganglion), great siqierficial jie- trosal nerve: see l'itrofdl iirrri:<. R. lon'- ga (submaxillary ganglion), radi.x mo- toria R. lon'ga supe'rior accesso'ria ganglii ciliaris, additional tilanient some- tiiiies found unitini; the ciliary ganglion with the nasal nerve. R. nia'jor trigem'- ini, greater or sensory root of trigeminus. R. me'dia (cil'iary ganglion), hranch to it from carotid ple.Kus. sympathetic. R. mesente'rii, root of the mesentery. R. mi'nor trigem'ini, lesser or motor root of trigeminus mrve. R. mol'lis »v sym- pa'thica ganglii cüia'ris, hranch from carotid plexus to o]ihthalmic ganglion. R. mol'lis (o'tic ganglion), radix sympath- ica of otic L'angli(jn. R. mol'lis ( sub- max 'Ulary ganglion i, radix sympatliica. submaxillary ganglion. R. moto 'ria (cil'- iary ganglion), radix hrcvis of ciliary gan- glion. R. moto'ria (o'tic ganglion) [Arnold], branches derived from trigemi- nus nerve to that ganglion. R. moto'ria (spheno-paratine ganglion), great su- perficial petrosal nerve: !ìl'C I'lhusul m ,ri.<. R. moto'ria (submax'ülary ganglion) [.Vrnold], posterior fibres passing from lin- gual nervi' to ganglion. R. na'si, root of the nose. R. ner'vi op'tici, optic tract. R. pe'nis, crus penis. R. petro'sa, great superficial petrosal nerve : see Pihn.in/ iifi-ns. R. pi'li, root (d' hair R. pulmo'- nis, root of lung. R. recur'rens gangli'i cilia'ris, branch from naso-ciliary nerve which turns back and enters ophthalmic ganglion [Ilyrtl]. R. sensiti'va ('ciliary ganglion ). radix longa feiliary ganglion ). R. sensiti'va (otic ganglion) [Arnold], le.-ser superficial petro.sal nerve: see P<- iroutl nen-es. R. sensiti'va (spheno- palatine ganglion), short branch from in- fraorbital niTvc to that ganglion. R. sen- siti'va ('submaxillary ganglion) [Ar- n anteriorly from the .sublingual nerve to the <;anglion. R. sphe'no-palati'na, radix sensitiva of spheno-palatine ganglion. R. sympath'ica (cUiary ganglion», radix media (d' ciliary ganglion. R. sympath'ica (otic gan- glion) [Arnold], branches derived from middle meningeal artery ; probably not a true root of the ganglion, but symjiathetic twigs to vessels that sujiply it. R. sym- path'ica (spheno-palatine ganglion j, great deep petrosal nerve: see I'llrusul nerves. R. sjrmpath'ica (submaxillary ganglion), several twigs to the ganglion from the sympathetic plexus on the facial i-tcry. R. vestibula'ris, vestibular audi- tory root. Ra'dix (L.). Root. R. aeon 'iti [P. I'ort.]. aconite-root. R. ac'ori, calamus. R. alkan'nœ, alkanct-root. R. althae'ae [!'. (Ì.]. marshmall(jw-root. R. anchu'sae ru'brse, alkanct-root. R. angel'icse [I'. (!.], angelica-root. R. antidysenter'ica, ipecacuanha. R. armora'cise, horseradish- root. R. ar'nicae, arnica-root. R. aspar'- agi, the root of Aspitniffiix oficiioi:a. R. serpenta 'riœ, seiinntaria. R. sym'phyti, coin troy -n Kit. R, tarax'aci cum her'ba [P. (;.]. taiaxacHiii. R. thap'siae, tliajisia. R. tur'pethi [!'. litlj;.]. tiniicth-root. R. valeria'nae, valerian. R. valeria'nae majo'ris, the root of Vakrinim I'liu. R. valeria'nae mino 'ris, valerian. Räuchern ((r.). To funiijrate. Räuch- erung', fumigation. Räude ( G.). Scab, itch ; — milbe, acarus, tick. Räudig {G)- Scabby. Räudigkeit, .ptiri/(^/Ii. R. Ba'tis, L., the common skate ; see Rni/ uil. R. clava'ta, the thornback ray ; the skin is used for making isinglass for clarifying beer. Rakoc'zy. The chief mineral spring at Kissingen. Rales. G. Rasselgeräusch ; I. rantoli. Rattles; sounds of a bubbling character, often called moist sounds or râles, pro- duced in the bronchial tubes. They may be coarse or large, small or fine, crepitant, gurgling, cavernous, clicking, etc. Rama'lis ve'na ( !■'■)■ Vena porta and its brandies. Ramdòhr's su'ture. For union of a transversely divided intestine. The upper portion of the gut is invaginated in the lower, and secured by a single point of suture, which also attaches the intestinal to the parietal abdominal wound. Rame (/). Copper. Rameau {F.). Branch, ramus. R. auriculaire du pneumogastrique, .\r- nold's nerve. R. du canal nasal, small vessel from palpebral artery to nasal, duct. RAM RAM 433 R. crânien du nerf vidien, petrosal nerve, great suiierticial. R. moyen, frontal nerve. Ramen'ta (Z,.) [^'«wi«]. Scrapings, small shreds, filings. Ra'mex (L.). Varicocele, hernia. Ra'mi (/v. >. pi of Ramus, a branch. R. adipo'si, brauehes from lumbar arteries to adipose capsule of kidney. R. ala'res, branches from angular artery to ala; of nose. R. alveola'res, twigs from infra- orbital and inferior dental arteries that sup- ply the alveolar processes. R. articula'- res of auriculo-tem'poral nerve, branches suppiyiiiLT teniporo-ma.\iUary ar- ticulation. R. auricula'res, branches from posterior auricular artery to pinna of ear. R. bronchiales of arch of aor'ta, fine branches sometimes found springing from the arch and passing to the bronchi. R. bucca'les, twigs from alveo- lar nerves supplving mucous membrane of cheeks. R. cardi'aci of gas'tric ar'- tery, branches to cardiac orifice of stom- ach. R. cervi 'co-spina 'les, branches of ascending cervical artery to spinal canal. R. clavicula'res of trans'verse cer'vi- cal ar'tery, branches to subclavius mus- cle. R. communican'tes no'ni : see Commim l'ani-: unni. R. cuta'nei of in- tercos'tal nerves, branches of lateral perforating nerves, running forward (ante- riores) and backward (posteriores) after emergence from intercostal muscles. R. denta'les, branches from inferior dental ar- terv. supplying pulps of the teeth. R. di- plo'ici of infe'rior den'tal ar't»ry, rami alveolares. R. dorsales na 'si, twigs from angular artery to back of nose. R. epi- plo'ici, long branches from gastro-duode- nal artery to great omentum. R. episcle- ra'les, twigs passing backward from ante- rior ciliary arteries upon surface of Scle- rotic, anastomiising with posterior ciliary. R. exter'ni of intercos'tal nerves, rami perforantes laterales. R. facia'les of in- fraor'bital nerve, termination of that nerve on the face : see Paìpt-hnil nervs, in- ferior, N)■ Small branch. R. ampul'lse horizonta'lis, branch from vestibular nerve to ampulla of horizontal semicircular canal. R. ampul'lae infe- rio'ris, branch from cochlear nerve to am- pulla of inferior vertical semicircular canal. R. ampul'lae sagitta'lis, R. ampuihe su- perioris. R. ampul'lse superio'ris, branch from vestibular nerve to am]iulla of supe- rior vertical semicircular canal. R. coch'- lese, branch of cochlear nerve that supplies the cochlea only. R. reces'sus utric'uli, branch from vestibular nerve to utriculus. R. sac'culi, branch from cochlear nerve to sacculus. Ra'mus (XO- F. branche ; /. ramo, lîranch. R. abdomina'lis. 1. Branch from lumbar artery to abdominal walls. 2. Hypogastric nerve. R. acromia'lis, acromial artery. R. acus'ticus, ramus petrosus superficialis. R. anastomot'- icus profiin'dus, facial vein, deep. R. anastomot'icus pu'bicus, pubic artery. R. ante 'nor of great auric 'ular nerve, that portion which sujiplies the parotid gland and parotideo-mas.seteric region. R. ante'rior of inter'nal cuta'neus nerve, ramus cutaneus volaris antibrachii. R. ante'rior of lach'rymal nerve, ramus superior of 1. n. R. ante'rior na'rium, nervus iiasalis e.xternus. R. ante'rior of obtura'tor nerve, twig passing over upper edge of obturator extcrnus. and su])plying the adductor brcvis and longus and the gracilis. R. ante'rior radia'lis, nervus dorsalis pcdiicis radialis. R. ante'rior of spi'nal nerve, ramus ventralis. R. ar- ticula'ris ge'nu, branch of long saphe- nous nerve to medial side of knee-joint. R. articula'ris ge'nu supe'rior and R. articula'ris ge'nu infe'rior, twigs from peroneal nerve to outer side of knee-joint. RAM RAM 435 B. ascen'dens : soc Rumi d/ ischium and Bainiis of Jair. R. ascen'dens (or R. ante'rior) fos'sae Syl'vii, anterior hranoh of the fissure of Sylvius. R. ascen'dens of trans'verse cer'vical ar'tery, branch that passes up to s])K'nius and deep mus- cles of neck. R. auricula'ris Amol'di or R. auricula'ris va'gi, auricular branch of pneuniojrastrie. R. auricula'ris infe'- rior, ramus anterior of great aurimilar nerve. R. auricula'ris ner'vi glos'so- pharynge'i, tynipaiiio nerve R. auric- ula'ris poste'rior superficia'lis, ramus po.sterior of great auricular nerve. R. auric'ulo-ventricula'ris, ramus circum- flexus of left coronary artery. R. basi- la'ris, ramus meningeus of ascending pharyngeal artery. R. brachia'lis, ramus thoracieus of inferior thyroid artery. R. cana'lis spina'lis, branch from ramus spinalis of intercostal artery supplying walls of spinal canal. R. carot'ico-tym- pan'icus, carotico-tympanic artery : see Tyiiipiinir arleries. R. cerebella'ris, twig from posterior spinal artery that passes upward to cerebellum. R. cervica'lis, ramus ascendens of transverse cervical artery. R. cervica'lis prin'ceps, prin- ceps cervicis artery. R. cer'vico-facia'- lis, ccrvicn-facial division of facial nerve. R. circumflex'us of left cor'onary ar'- tery. L. ramus auriculo-veutricularis. Branch running around the heart in the auriculo-ventricular furrow. R. collate- ra'lis ulna 'ris of mus 'culo - spi 'ral nerve, twig passing down with the ulnar nerve, and supplying inner head of triceps. R. commu'nicans facie'i profun'dus, facial vein, deep. R. commu'nicans radia'lis, branch of radial artery which forms deep palmar arch. R. commu'- nicans of spi'nal nerve, ramus viscera- lis. R. crura'lis of gen 'ito - cm 'ral nerve, lumbo-inguinal nerve. R. cubita'- lis, ramus ciitaneus volaris aiitibrachii. R. cuculla'ris, branch of cervical plexus (third and fourth cervical nerves), supply- ing trapezius muscle. R. cuta'neo-ulna'- ris, ramus cutaneus ulnaris antibrachii. R. cuta'neus of exter'nal plan'tar nerve, ramus sujierficialis of external plantar nerve. R. cuta'neus of mus'culo-spi'ral nerve, radial nerve. R. cuta'neus obturato'rii, twig from anterior branch of obturator nerve, supplying skin on inner side of upper thigh ; varies inversely with devel- opment of internal cutaneous branches of crural nerve. R. cuta'neus palma'ria, ramus cutaneus volaris antibrachii. R. cuta'neus perone'us, branch from the communicans peronei nerve, supplying skin on outer side of lower leg. R. CUta'neuS ulna'ris antibra'chii, branch of internal cutaneous nerve, passing along medial side of basilic vein, and supplies ulnar side of forearm. R. cuta'neus vola'ris anti- bra'chii, branch of internal cutaneous nerve of arm, passing along outer side of basilar vein, and su])plies anterior surftice of forearm as far as possible. R. del- toi'deus of bra'chial ar'tery, branch to deltoid muscle. R. deltoi'deus of tho- rac ico-acro'mial ar'tery, deltoid artery. R. descen'dens, descending ramus : see Rami of puhis and Rami of ischium. R. descen'dens no'ni : see Dcsccmlcns noni. R. descen'dens of trans'verse cer'vical ar'tery, dursalis scapula; artery. R. diplo'icus, branch from supraorbital arterv tu dijiloë of frontal bone. R. dor- sa'lis antibra'chii, ramus cutaneus ulna- ris antibrachii. R. dorsa'Us of intercos'- tal ar'tery, branch passing backward along costo-transverse ligament, and supplying muscles near spine and the spinal canal. R. dorsa'lis ma'nus, dorsal manual nerve. R. dorsa'lis of musculo-spi'ral nerve, radial nerve. R. dorsa'lis of spi'nal nerve, its posterior division, supplying deep muscles along neural canal. R. dor'- so-spina'lis, ramus dursalis of intercostal artery. R. du'rœ ma'tris va'gi, twig passing from the ganglion jugulare back- ward through jugular foramen and supply- ing meninges. R. du'rior sep'timse con- jugatio'nis, facial nerve. R. epitrochle- a'ris, ramus cutaneus ulnaris antibrachii. R. exter'nus of genito-cru'ral nerve, lumbo-inguinal nerve. R. exter'nus of great auric'ular nerve, ramus anteriur of great auricular nerve. R. exter'nus of lach'rymal nerve, ramus inferior of 1. n. R. exter'nus na'rium, nervus na- salis externus. R. exter'nus radia'lis, nervus dorsalis pollicis radialis. R. facia'- Hs of great auric'ular nerve, ramus an- terior of great auricular nerve R. femo- ra'lis of genito-cru'ral nerve, lumbo- inguinal nerve. R. fibula'ris, twig from anteriur tibial or anterior tibial recurrent that runs df)wn along fibula. R. funicu- la'ris, cremasteric artery. R. genita'lis of genito-cru'ral nerve, spermatic nerve, external. R. horizonta'lis, horizontal ra- mus: see Rami <,/ llii jiuliis ; also the body of the luwer jaw. R. horizonta'lis or poste'rior fos'sae Syl'vii, ]>usterior branch of fissure of Sylvius. R. ili'acus, iliac 436 RAM RAM nerve. R. infe'rior, descending ramus: see Rami of th>- puliis and Rumi of the, ischiinn. R. infe'rior of lach'rjrmal nerve, that wliicli anastoiuo^os with or- bital norve. R. infe'rior ner'vi infra- maxilla'ris, hiwer and larjrer divisicm of inferior maxillary nerve. R. infe'rior of ociilo-mo'tor nerve, division supplying internal rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblii|ue muscles, and jrivinii a branch to ciliary ganglion. R. infe'rior of or'bital nerve, twig passing through malar bone to supply cheek. R. infracosta'lis, branch of an intercostal nerve running along lower edge of a rib. R. inframaxilla'ris, infe- rior maxillary nerve. R. infraspina'tus, branch of subscapular artery to infrasiiiiious fossa. R. inter'nus. 1. Of spinal nerve: see Ji. lateralis. '1. Of spinal accessory nerve: see Aiiastomntic hraiich. R. inter'- nus of genito-cru'ral nerve, spermatic nerve, external. R. inter'nus of great auric'ular nerve, rftmus posterior of great auricular nerve. R. inter'nus of lach'- rymal nerve, ramus superior of lachry- mal nerve. R. inter'nus radia'lis, dorsal manual nerve. R. intestina'lis of spi'- nal nerve, ramus visccralis. R. of jaw. L. ramus ascendens ; F. branche de la mâ- choire ; G. Unterkieferast ; /. branca or ramo ascendente. That portion of lower jaw ascending on either side upward and slightly backward from the body. R. lat- era'lis na'rium, branch from ethmoidal nerve to sides of nose. R. latera'lis of spi'nal nerve, external branch of poste- rior division, passing outward along trans- verse processes of vertebrre. R. mag'nus ner'vi media'ni, musculo-cutaneous nerve. R. mala'ris of or'bital nerve, ramus in- ferior of orbital nerve. R. margina'lis, nervus dorsalis pollicis radialis. R. mas- toi'deus. 1. Kanius occipitalis of poste- rior auricular artery. 2. Small occijjital nerve; also posterior branch of great auric- ular nerve. R. media'lis of spi'nal nerve, internal branch of posterior divis- ion passing backward along spinous proc- esses of vertebr;e. R. medul'lae spina'- lis or R. medulla'ris, branch from ramus spinalis of intercostal artery, supplying s|>i- nal cord. R. meninge'us of ascend'ing pharynge'al ar'tery. L. ramus basilaris. Branch dividing into several fine twigs whicli penetrate the cranium through the carotid canal, tlie foramen laccruni basis cranii, the jugular foramen, and the hypo- glossal canal, and supply the meninges. R. meningre'uB poste'rior, ramus durae matris vagi. R. mi'nor or R. superflcia'- lis ner'vi Vidia'ni, petrosal nerve, great superficial. R. muscula'ris, division of dorsal branch of intercostal artery which sujiplies deep muscles of back near spine. R. mus'culo - auricula 'ris, twig from posterior auricular nerve to retrahens aurem. R. nasa'lis of ante'rior den 'tal nerve, twig which supplies mucous mem- brane of anterior inferior portion of nasal fossa. R. ner'vi facia'lis, ramus petrosus superficialis. R. ner'vi saphe'ni inter'- nus, twig from anastoniotica magna artery of thigh, accompanying saphenous nerve asfar as insertion of sartorius. R. occipi- ta'lis of poste'rior auric'ular ar'tery. L. rauius mastoideus. lîranch passing up- ward and backward to the occipital region. R. occipita'lis of superflc'ial tem'poral ar'tery, posterior division of the artery that passes upward and backward. R. Ophthal 'micus, ophthalmic nerve. R. palma'ris lon'giis, palmar cutaneous nerve. R. palma'ris ulna'ris, slender branch of ulnar nerve, given oft' about the middle of forearm and accompanying ulnar artery. R. palpebra'lis of lach'rymal nerve, twig from its superior divisiiin to upper eyelid. R. parieta'lis, terminal twig from occipital artery that jiasses through the parietal foramen to the dura mater [Cruveilhier]. R. patella'ris of longr saphe'nous nerve, passes from above internal cdiulyle to anterior surface of patella. R. petro'sus superficia'lis, branch from middle meningeal artery that passes in at the hiatus Fallopii and anasto- moses with the stylo-mastoid artery. R. pharsnage'us descen'dens, lowest phar- yngeal branch of ascending pharyngeal ar- tery, which passes down to anastomose with branches from stiperior thyroid. R. pha- rynge'us of supe'rior thy'roid ar'tery, twig supplving iiifericjr constrietor of phar- ynx. R. phren'ico-abdomina'lis dex'- ter, one of the terminal branches of the right phrenic, passing throtigh foramen quailrilaterum of diaphragm to vena cava, diaphragmatic plexus ami liver. R. phren'- ico-abdomina'lis sin'ister, one of the terminal branches of the left phrenic to the left crus of diaphragm, sending thence filaments to cadiac plexus and suprarenal capsule. R. poplite'us, branch of poste- rior tibial nerve, supplying )iopliteus mus- cle and substance of tibia. R. poste'rior, ramus dorsalis of intercostal artery. R. poste'rior of great auric'ular nerve, that portion distributed to back of pinna RAM RAM 437 and iieighboriiii: region of scalp. R. poste'rior of inter'nal cuta'neous nerve, laiiins cutaiieus vilnaris aiitiljiacliii. R. poste'rior of lach'rymal nerve, rainus interior of 1. n. R. poste'rior of obtura'tor nerve, branch iierforatin«; ob- turator externus, and distributed to hip- joint and to adduetor minimus and mag- nus. R. preevertebra'lis, branch from ascending pharyngeal which passes upward into the priBvcrtebral fascia. R. pri'mus quin 'ti, ophthalmic nerve. R. profun'dus of ante'rior cru'ral nerve, ramus termi- nalis posterior of anterior crural nerve. R. profun'dus of exter'nal plan 'tar nerve, branch supplying outer interossei, adduetor hallucis. and outer head of flexor brevis hallucis. R. profun'dus ner'vi media'- ni, anterior interosseous nerve of arm : see 7///f(v/.s-.vfo»s lierres. R. profun'dus of obtura'tor nerve, ramus posterior of ob- turator nerve. R. pro stape'dio, branch from stylo-mastoid artery to stapes. R. radia'lis, nervus dorsalis pollicis radialis. R. recur'rens hsrpoglos'si, branch of hypoglossal given otf in anterior condyloid foramen, and ]iassing back to supply me- ninges. R. recur'rens va'gi, ramus duraî matris vagi. R. scapula'ris of trans'- verse cer'vical ar'tery, dnrsalis scapulae artery. R. secun'dus quin'ti, superior maxillary nerve. R. sep'ti na'rium, twig from ethmoidal nerve to septum of nose. R. sinua'lis, nervus tentoni. R. spina'- lis, division of dorsal branch of intercostal artery which passes in at intervertebral foramen, and supplies spinal canal and structures therein. R. ster'no-clei'do- mastoi'deus : see Steruo-mnxtoù/ nrten'cs. R. subscapula'ris ante'rior, twig from one of the subscapular arteries, passing under subscapular muscles to anterior sur- face of scapula. R. superficia'lis of ante'rior cru'ral nerve, ramus terminalis of anterior crural nerve. R. superficia'lis of brachia'lis anti'cus, branch of inferior jirofunda artery, or of the brachial, running down alou'^ the medial edge of the muscle. R. superficia'lis cuta'neus, end-branch of rausculo-cutaneous nerve, distributed to radial side of forearm. R. super- ficia'lis of exter'nal plan 'tar nerve, branch supplying the skin on fibular side of sole. R. superficia'lis of mus'culo- spi'ral nerve, radial nerve. R. supe'- rior, horizontal ramus: .see Rami of the pu/jia and Riinii nf llir iarhium. R. su- pe'rior of lach'rymal nerve, that sup- plying lachrymal gland and upper eyelid. R. supe'rior ner'vi infi'amaxilla'ris, upper or smaller division of inferior max- illary nerve. R. supe'rior of oc'ulo- mo'tor nerve, division supplying supe- rior rectus and levator palpebra^ muscles. R. supe'rior of orbi'tal nerve, twig run- ning under periosteum of orbit to anasto- mose with inferior branch of lachrymal. R. superio'ris quin'ti, ophthalmic nerve. R. supracosta'lis, branch of an inter- costal nerve that runs along upper edge of a rib. R. supramaxilla'ris, superior maxillary nerve. R. supraspina'tus, branch from transverse cervical artery to the supraspinous fossa. R. tempora'lis of or'bital nerve, ramus superior of orbi- tal n. R. tem'poro-facia'lis, temporo- facial division of facial nerve. R. ter- mina'lis ante'rior of ante'rior cru'ral nerve, that division of the main trunk supplying the skin and .sartorius. R. ter- mina'lis poste'rior of ante'rior cru'ral nerve, division of main trunk supplying quadriceps, and giving ofî' long saphenous nerve. R. termina 'lis radia'lis of me'- dian nerve, terminal branch supplying médius and ring fingers. R. temiina'lis ulna'ris of me'dian nerve, terminal branch supplying thumb and index finger. R. testicula'ris, cremasteric artery. R. thorac'icus of infe'rior thy'roid ar'- tery. L. ramus braehialis. Branch run- ning along trachea and bronchi into the thorax. R. thorac'icus of trans'verse cer'vical ar'tery, branch given off be- hind the clavicle, passing to outer surface of thorax. R. tonsilla'ris, branch from ascending palatine artery to tonsil. R. transver'sus, acromial artery. R. tro- chanter'icus, termination of external cir- cumflex artery, supplyingtrochanteric fossa. R. ulna'ris antibra'chii, ramus cutaneus ulnaris antibrachii. R. ulna'ris radia'lis, dorsal manual nerve. R. veno'sus pro- fun'dus facie'i, maxillary vein, internal. R. ventra'lis of spi'nal nerve, its ante- rior division, su]iplying muscles of ventral and lateral aspects of body, including the limbs. R. vertebra'lis, ramus niedullae spinalis. R. viscera'lis of spi'nal nerve, branch from anterior division which joins the sympathetic. R. vola 'ris profun'dus of ul'nar ar'tery, deep ulnar artery. R. vola'ris radia'lis, nervus dorsalis pollicis radialis. R. vola'ris superficia'lis of ul'- nar ar'tery, terminatidu of artery forming superficial jialinar arch. R. xiphoi'deus, branch of internal mammary artery to the ensiform process. 438 RAM RAP Ramus'cule. L. ramuseulus ; G. Aest- clieii. A minute branch. Ran'cid. L. raneidus ; F. ranee; G. ranzig; /. rancido. Term applied to fatty bodies wliieli have become partially decom- posed, and have a sour, acrid, offensive taste and smell. Rand (<7.)- Edge, rim, margin; — bogen, arched structures constituting up- per or prosencephalic edge of transverse cerebral fissure; — schiebt, peripheral lay- er [Krause]; — scblingennetz, ca]iillary loops surrounding cornea at its junction with sclerotic; — sinus, large sinus skirt- ing the edge of the placenta ; — spalte, transverse fissure ; — vene, sinus termina- lis ; — waubsthum, growth at the edge or border; — vnilst. 1. Term applied by Gotte to thickened portion of entoderm at circumference of the germinal area ; Kol- liker terms the same structure Keimwulst. 2. Convolution, gyrus; — -willst des See- pferdefusses, gyrus hippocampus ; — Zeilen, marginal cells; — zone. 1. Area seen on section of spinal cord near apex of posterior horn, in w4iich fibres from pos- terior roots take a longitudinal direction [Lissauer]. 2. In an ovum undergoing segmentation the cells lying between the smaller blastomeres (ectodermic) and the larger ones (entodermic) [Gotte]. Ran'dolph Med'ical Springs. Me- dicinal springs, Kandulph Co., Jlissouri. Ranella (/.). Ranula. Rangoon' tar. A greenish-brown, semi- solid petroleum found in India. Ra'nine ar'tery. L., T. arteria ranina ; F. artcTc ranino ; G. tiefe Zungenschlagader. Terminal part of lingual artery, passing tortuously along under surface of tongue. Ra'nine vein. Accompanies ranine ar- tery, discharging into common facial or in- ternal jugular vein. Ranke (^»'.). Vine-tendril. In compo- sition Ranken, as, — aneurysma, vari- cose aneurism : — arterie, helicine artery; — gefässe, helicine arteries; — geflecht, pampiniform ple.xus; — neurom, plexi- form neurii-übroma. Rankkom (O.). Glossanthrax. Rantolo f/ ), pi. Rantoli. Kale. Ran'ula (/>. ). 1. Under surface of the tongue ; hypoglossis. 2. F. ranule ; G. Froschgeschwulst ; /. ranella. A cystic tu- mor beneath the tongue. R. pancreat'- ica, term proposed by Virchow for cystic formation in. or in the immediate vicinity of, the pancreas. Ranuncolo (/.). Ranunculus. Ranun'culus (/j.). F. renoncule; /. ranuncolo. Crowfoot, buttercup ; a genus of Raituiiculacex. The .species all have an acrid juice, capable of producing vesication when applied to the skin ; may be used for counter-irritation. R. a'cris, L., tall crow- foot, buttercup, naturalized from Kurojie, a very common herb. R. bulbo'sus, L., bulbous crowfoot. R. Fica'ria, L., Ficaria rainincu/oides, Koth., lesser celandine, pile- wort, European species growing in damp and shady places ; roots consist of clusters of small tubers resembling luvmorrhoids ; hence the name pilewort and the '' signa- ture " for its use. The tubers contain a volatile acid, and ficarin. a principle re- sembling saponin. R. Flam'mula, L., spearwort. B. re'pens, L., creeping crow- foot. R. scelera'tus, L-, cursed crowfoot. Ran'vier's nodes. Constrictions at reg- ular intervals along a nerve-fibre : where they occur the myelin is interrupted and the neurilemma lies upon the axis cylinder. Rape. 1. 2y. raptus ; /'.viol; (?. Schänd- ung, Nothzucht ; /. stu]iro. Carnal know- ledge of a woman agaiii.'-t her will, or, if she be under a certain age (varying from 10 to 14 years in dift'orcnt States), by abuse of her ignorance. The law rc(|uires evidence of penetration, but not necessarily rupture of the hymen. Rape is legally a iclony. 2. F. navette ; G. Rübe ; /. rapa. Jhassica A'((p»,<, L, cultivated for salad and for the seed. R. oil. L. oleum rapae ; /'. huile de navette ; (ì. Riibenlil ; /. olio di rapa. A bland fixed oil expressed I'rom the seeds of Brassica A^apiis^ L. Rapha'nia (L.). F. rhaphanie ; /. rafa- nia. Krgotisui. Rapha'nus (A.). A genus of Crurì/erse. R. Raphanis'trum, L., wild radish, a com- mon weed, naturalized from Europe ; the seeds yield a volatile oil resembling oil of mustard. R. rustica'nus [F. Esp.], horse- radish-root. R, sati'vus, L., garden radish, cultivated ; the root is cateti raw as a relish ; said to be antiscorbutic and diuretic. Ra'phé [/îâyi;]- f- rhaphé ; G. Naht ; /. rafe. Seam or suture ; an appearance as if structures had been united by stitching. R. of ampul'la, longitudinal ridge on roof of ampulla of semicircular canal, internal ear, indicating point of union of the two sheets of fold of primitive labyrinth cap- RAP RAT 439 suie from which the seinuircular canals are formed. R. of cor'pus callo'sum. L. sutura corporis callosi ; G. Balketinath. A longitudinal furrow on median line of its upper surface. R. of medtd'la oblonga'- ta, median septum, composed of ncurojrlia and of fibres, running mainly in the median plane. R. of pal'ate. L. raphe palati : see Palatine ridyes. R. of pe'nis, con- tinuation of raphe of scrotum forward. R. of perine'um, that part of rapile of scrotum upon the perineum. R. of phar'- ynx. L. raphe pliaryngis. Median seam of connective tissue on posterior wall. R. of scro'tum. L. raphe scroti. Median seam extending from under side of penis to anus, indicating closure of lateral edges of cloaeal opening of foetus. R., supe'- rior. raphe of corpus callosum. R. of tongue, slight median furrow on the dor- sum. R. of ure'thra, continuation of crest of urethra as a slight ridge downward along the median line. Raphestreifen ((?•)• Raphe of am- pulla. Raphidoph'ora vitien'sis, Scemati. A creeping plant, Nat. Ord. Aroideir, growing in the Fiji Islands ; the root and .stem are u.sed in the preparation of tonga. Rapontico (/.). Rheum Raponticum. R. nostras, Ceutaurea Centaurium, L. Rappe (G.). Mallenders. Rap'tus (L.). Rape, violent seizure. R. hEeniorrhag''ictls, h;emorrhagic out- break. R. nervo'rum, cramp, hysterics. Rapvin'tium Syphilit'icum (L.). Ln- heiiii .ti/jilii/iti'a. Rarefac'tion. L. rarefactio ; F. rare- faction ; G. Rarificirung ; /. rarefazione. Making thin or expanded. Ra'refying ostei'tis. Osteoporosis. Rarificirung i^G.). Rarefaction. Rasce 'ta ( L.). Two or three transverse flexion lines across the wrist, indicating po- sition of radio-carpal articulation. Raschiatoio (/.). Raspatory. Raserei {G.). Rage, fury, delirium. Rash. A skin eruption with little or no elevation of the epidermis. Rasirmesser (G.). Razor. Raso'rium (L.). 1. Raspatory. 2. Ra- zor. Raspa ('romore di) (/.). .V rasping sound. RaspaU's sed'ative wa'ter. Cam- phorated ammoniacal lotion. Rasp'atory. L. raspatorium ; /'. raspa- toir. rugine ; G. Knochenfeile ; /. raschia- toio. An instrument for denuding bone of its periosteum. Rasp 'berry. L. rubus idicus ; F. fram- boise; G. Himbeere; /. lampone. The fruit of Riihiis [ilxiis, L. U.sed for making an agreeable flavoring syrup. The wild red raspberry of the northern U. S. is the fruit of Rtiljits striffosus, Michs. ; the wild black raspberry of the .Middle States is derived from A'. occiJenlalis, L. They may be em- ployed in place of the above [U. S. P.] : see also Black raspberry. R. vin'egar. L. acetum rubi idaîi; F. vinaigre framboise; /. aceto di lamponi. A mixture of syrup of raspberry with vinegar. Raspelgeräusch {G.). Rasping sound. Rasselgeräusch (G.). Râle, rhonchus. Rasseln (G.). Rattling, nlle, rhonchus. Rastiatojo (/.). Raspatory. Rasu'ra (X.). 1. Scraping, shaving. 2. .\ rasping or shaving, an erosion. Ra'sus {L.). Scraped. Ratafia {^F.). f. amarasco. An aromat- ic alcoholic liquid containing a large pro- portion of sugar ; a liqueur. Strictly ap- plied to the above preparation only when aromatized with the juice of fruits [L'Off.]. Ratanhawurzel (G.). Krameria. Ratan'hia ( L. ). Krameria. Ratan'hia-tan'nic ac'id. F. acide ra- tanhiatannique. A variety of tannic acid obtained from kranieria. Is not precipitated by tartar emetic ; gives a dark-green pre- cipitate with ferric salts. Rat'anhin. CjoHuXOa. F. ratanhine; /. ratanina. A crystalline principle found in extract of rhatanj-. Ratania (/.). Krameria. Rate (F.). Spleen. Rateleux, euse (F.). Splenetic, sub- ject to diseases of the spleen. Räteüer (F.). A complete set of false teeth. Rathke's pouch. G. Rathke'sche Tasche. Pituitary diverticulum. Rathke's trabec'ulse. (ì. Rathke'sche Schadelhalken. Trabecuhe eranii. Ra'tio (ly.)- Reason, mode, method. R. meden'di, method or means of treat- ment. Ra'tion. /. razione. A regular allow- ance, especially of food. The daily ration of the U. S. army for one man includes 1 lb. 440 RAT REA 4 oz. of fresh beef or mutton, or 12 oz. of pork or bacon ; 1 lb. 2 oz. of flour or soft bread ; 2| oz. of beans or peas, or 1| oz. of rice or houiiny ; If oz. of green cofi'ee or 7j^ oz. of tea; 2| oz. of sugar; with vinegar, salt, and pepper. Rats'bane. Arsenious acid. Rat'tlesnake. Crotalu.i fiornJus, L., and utlier species of C. R. fern, Botry- chium viri/iiiicuììì, 8w. ; astringent, vulner- ary. R. flag, button snakeroot, Erynyimn yuccxfoliuii), 3Iiolix. E. herb, Actxa api- cafa, L. R. plan'tain, Goodj/cra jmUcs- cens, \\. Br. R. pol'son : see Crotnlus. R.-root, I'reimntUef. R. vi'olet, Erythru- nium oinericanum, Sm. R.-weed, Ilkra- ciiim vi'iiosiini, L. Rat'tlesnake 's mas'ter. 1. Agave vir- ghiica. 2. Eryngium uquaticum, L. 3. Liu- /n's scuriosa, ÄVilld., and L. stiitarrosu, Willd. Rat'tleweed. 1. Loco- weed. 2. Actsea racemoaa. Rau, proc'ess of. Processus gracilis of inalk'us. , Rauber's lay'er. G. Rauber'sche Schicht. A superficial stratum of flat cells found in the middle of the embryonal spot at an early stage of the development of the blastodermic membranes. Rauce'do {L.). 1. raucedine. Hoarse- ness. Rauch (^.). Smoke, finne. vapor; — bad, steam bath; — belastigTing, efflu- vium nui.sance. Rauchende Salpetersäure (G.). Fum- ing nitric acid. Rau'citas (//.). /^. raucité; /. rauce- dine. Hoarseness. Rau'cous. L. raucus ; F. rauque ; /. rauco. Hoarse. Rauhhaarig (7rhiui!ii\. Rectal stricture. Rectot'omy \j(>nr[]. F. rectotoinie ; /. rettotduiia. Operation of dividing a stric- ture of the rectum. Rec'to-ure'thral fls'tula. A fistula connecting the urethra with the rectum. Rec'to-u 'tarine folds or lig'aments. //. plicne recto-uterina' ; /'. plis utéro-rcc- taux. Cre.scentic folds of peritoneum, containing unstriped muscle-fibres, passing from rectum to uterus on either side of recto-vaginal pouch. REC REC 443 Ree 'to-u 'teline fos'sa or pouch. Rec- to-vaginal imucll. Rec'to-vag'inal. F. recto-vaginal, ale ; /. rettü-vagiiKiie. Belonging to both rec- tum and vagina. R.-v. fis'tula, a fi.stu- lous opening between the vagina and the rectum. R.-v. her'nia, rectocele. R.-v. pouch. L. excavatio recto-uterina. Peri- toneal pocket between rectum behind and vagina and uterus in front. The ureter.s cross the floor of this space, and that part external to them i.s known as the lateral pouch of Douglas. R.-v. sep'tum, that common to the rectum and vagina. Rec'to-ves'ical. F. recto-vésical, ale ; /. retto-vescicale. Relating to both rectum and bladder. R.-v. fas'cia. L. fascia recto-vesicalis ; F. aponévrose recto-vési- cale. Part of pelvic fascia covering inter- nal surface of levator ani muscle, and pass- ing from it to rectum and bladder — in males to prostate gland, in females to ute- rus — forming folds known a.s the ligaments of those organs. R.-v. folds. L. plic;e recto-vesicales. Duplieatures of peritoneum passing between rectum and bladder in male : analoirous to recto-uterine folds of female. R.-v. pouch or fos'sa. L. es- cavatio-recto-ve.sicalis. Peritoneal pocket between bladder and rectum, bounded at sides by the semilunar folds. Rec'tum. L. intestinum rectum ; G. Mastdarm ; /. retto. Lowest portion of large intestine, extending from sigmoid flexure to anus. Rec'tus ( L.). Straight, applied to mus- cles from their direction. R. abdom'inis. F. droit abdominal ; G. gerader Baucb- muskel. A strong muscle of the abdom- inal wall situated on either side the me- dian line, arising from the pubis and ascending vertically to be inserted into 5th. 6th, and 7th costal cartilages and ensi- form process. R. abdom'inis anti'ctis ma'jor, rectus abdominis. R. abdom'- inis anti'cus mi'nor, pyramiilalis abdom- inis. R. abdom'inis posti'cus, <|uad- ratus lumborum. R. ante'rior, rectus femoris : see Quadriceps eclnisor cruris. R. ante'rior ma'jor, rectus capitis anti- cus major. R. cap'itis anti'cus, rectus capitis anticus minor. R. cap'itis anti'- cus ma'jor. F. grand droit antérieur ; /. retto anteriore maggiore. Muscle of pre- vertebral region, arising from transverse processes of iJd to (ith cervical vertebrae and in.serted into basilar process of occip- ital bone; appears to be a continuation \ip\vard of the system of the longus colli. R. cap'itis anti'cus me'dius, a muscle sometimes found (14 per cent.. Krause) between the recti capitis antici (major and minor), arising from lateral mass of the atlas and inserted upon the basilar process of the occijiital bone. R. cap'itis anti'- cus min'imus, rectus capitis anticus mé- dius. R. cap'itis anti'cus mi'nor. F. petit droit antérieur ; /. retto anteriore minore. Small muscle of prevertebral re- gion, arising from anterior surface of lat- eral mass of atlas and inserted into basilar process of occipital bone. R. cap'itis latera'lis, rectus lateralis. R. cap'itis ma'jor, rectus capitis posticus major. R. cap'itis mi'nor, rectus capitis posticus minor. R. cap'itis posti'cus latera'lis, rectus lateralis. R. cap'itis posti'cus ma'jor. F. grand droit postérieur de la tête ; /. retto posteriore maggiore. Small muscle arising from spinous process of axis, and inserted upon inferior curved line of occipital bone. R. cap'itis posti'cus mi'nor. F. petit droit postérieur de là tête ; /. retto posteriore minore. Small muscle arising from posterior arch()f atlas, and inserted below inferior curved line of occipital bone. R. cap'itis posti'cus pro- fun'dus, rectus capitis posticus minor. R. cap'itis posti'cus superflcia'lis, rectus capitis posticus major. R. cap'itis pos- ti'cus supe'rior, rectus capitis posticus major. R. col'li, vertical portion of longus colli muscle [Luschka]. R. cru'ris : see Quaiiriccp^ extenaox femori^. R. exter'- nus oc'uli. F. droit externe de l'œil ; G. äusserer gerader Muskel des Aug- apfels ; /. retto esterno dell' occhio. Mus- cle arising at apex of orbit from ring of ocular muscles, and inserted upon outer side of globe of eye. R. fem ' oris : see Quddriccps ejctnisor cruris. R. in- fe'rior oc'uli. F. droit inférieur de l'œil ; G. unterer gerader Muskel des Aug- apfels ; /. retto inferiore dell' occhio. Mus- cle arising at apex of orbit from ring of ocular muscles, and inserted upon lower part of gli>be of eye. R. inter'nus fem'- oris, gracilis muscle. R. inter'nus ma'- jor, rectus capitis anticus major. R. in- ter'nus mi'nor, rectus cajiitis anticus mi- nor. R. inter'nus oc'uli. F. droit in- terne de l'œil ; G. innerer gerader Muskel des Augapfels ; /. retto interno dell' occhio. Muscle arising at apex of orbit from ring of ocular muscles and inserted upon inner side of glol)e of eye. R. la'bii, museulus labii proprius. R. latera'lis. 1. Short REC RED muscle belongin": to intertransverse system passino; between the transverse process of atlas and the jugular process of occijiital bone. 2. Rectus externus. R. latera'liß abdom'inis : see Ohliquus nlx/omiiiis e.rter- nu.f minor. R. latera'lis accesso'rius, atlantico-mastoideus. R. latera'lis oc'uli, rectus externus oculi. R. media'lis, rec- tus internus. R. media'lis oc'uli, rectus internus oculi. R. poste'rior, choanoid . muscle. R. posti'cus ma'jor, rectus eaji- itis posticus luajcir. R. pos'ticus mi'nor, rectus ca]iitis poslieus minor. R. stema'- lis or ster'ni, sternalis muscle. R. supe'- rior oc'vili. F. droit supérieur de l'œil ; G. ollerer gerader Muskel des Augapfels; 7. retto superiore dell' occhio. Muscle arising at apex of orbit from ring of ocular muscles and inserted upon upper part of globe of eye. R. thora'cis, an extension of the rectus abdominis upon the thorax, beyond its usual insertion upon the 5th, 6th, and 7th ribs [Turner]. R. thora'cis superflcia'lis, sternalis muscle. Rectusscheide {G.). Sheath of rectus. Recur'rens (/>.). Recurrent. Recurrensfaden (G.). Spirillum of relapsing fever. Recurrenslähmung ( G.). Paralysis of recurrent laryiigea! nerve. Recurrensnephritis ( 6'.). The changes in kidneys (jccurring in the course of recur- rent fever. Rectirrenstyphus (G.). Relapsing fe- ver. Recur'rent. />. recurrens; /'.récurrent, ente ; G. zuriieklaufend ; /. ricorrente. Turning back ; ajiplied to branches of ves- sels and nerves that take a direction the reverse to that of the trunk from which they are derived. R. artic'ular nerve, branch from external popliteal to knee- joint, accompanying the anterior tibial re- current artery. R. branch of infe'rior max'illary nerve. L. nervus recurrens inframaxillaris. Twig that passes back through foramen spinosum to great wing of sjiheniiid and mastoid cells. R. branch of supe'rior max'illary nerve. L. ner- vus recurrens sii]irama.\il]aris. A twig that leaves the trunk and turns back to supplv the middle meningeal artery. R. choroi'- dal ar'teries. //. arteria^ récurrentes cho- roidea\ Twigs from anterior ciliary a-s. that pass back to posterior ciliary. R. fe'ver, relapsing fever. R. larynge'al nerve, inferior laryngeal nerve. R. nerves of dor'sal, nervi sinu-vertebrales. R. sensi- bil'ity, term applied to the power of sensa- tion in the anterior or motor root of a spi- nal nerve, due to fibres from the posterior root running centripetally after the junction of the two roots. Red ant. Fnrmica ru/a, L. Red bark. Red cinchona. Red bay. Feisea cnrolinenai.i, Xees ; in- digenous ; fruit edible, leaves pectoral and vulnerary, seeds astringent. Red buck'eye. ^Esculus J'uvid, L. ; the cotyledons are said to contain a poi- sonous alkaloid. Red bud. .hulas tree, Cercis ranadensis, L. ; fruit edible, flowers antiscorbutic. Red cab'bage. Brassica oleracea rubra, a cultivated variety of the wild cabbage ; comestible. Red ce'dar. Jnnijwrux virt/iniana, L. The leaves are .said to have medicinal prop- erties similar to savine. Red cen'taury. Sabbatia auqularis, Pursh. Red chalk. Reddle ; native hydrated aluminium silicate, containing a large pro- portion of ferric oxide. Red chick'^weed. Anagallis iinvnsis, L. Red cincho'na. L. cinchona rubra ; F. quini|uina rouge ; G. rothe Chinarinde ; /. china rossa. The bark of the trunk of Cinc/iotid siiccirubra, Pav., containing at least 2 per cent, of quinine [U. S. P.] ; the bark of the stem and branches, yielding be- tween 5 and t) ))er cent, of total alkaloids, of which not less than half shall consi.st of quinine and cinchonidine [B. P.] ; yield- ing 2 per cent, of sulphate of quinine [Cod.]. Red cinchona is chemically dis- tinguished by containing considerable (juan- titics of both quinine and einchonine. Red clo'ver. Trifolium pratense, L. Red cohosh'. Aetsta rubra, Big. Red cor'al. A species of coral, Coral- Hum rubrum. Lam. (^Isis nobilis, L.), found in the Mediterranean. Red cur'rants. L. grossularia rubra ; F. groseilles ; G. Johannisbeere ; / ribes. The fruit of Riìies rubrum, L. ; agreeably acid ; used in the preparation of a syrup and jelly. Red elm. Ulmus fulva, Michx. : see Elm. Red gown. Red gum. Red gnm. 1. Popular term, originally used to designate any skin eruption in in- RED RED 445 fiuits appearing espocially during dentition. Probably a corruption of " red gown,' used to indicate general erythema in cliildren, gown being a translation of stropliulns, which word has been applied by Willan and Batetuan to the papular eruptions of infants. 2. Eucalyptus gum. Red. in pulv., abbv. for Redactus in pulverem ( L.). reduced to powder. Red io'dide of mer'cury. Mercuric iodide. Red lead : see Minium. Red ma'ple. Aar rubrum, L. Red nu'cleus. L. nucleus tegmenti ; F. noyau rouge de Stilling ; G. rother Kern. Collection of reddish-gray nerve-cells found in the tegmentum on either side ventrally from anterior corpora f|uadrigcniina. Red oil. Oleum hyperici. Red o'sier. Conms sericea, L. Red ox'ide of lead: see Minium. Red ox'ide of mer'cury: see Mercuric oxide. Red pep'per. Powdered capsicum. Red phos'phorus. Amorphous phos- phorus. Red pop'py - pet'als. L. rhosados pelala ; F. pétales de coquelicot ; G. Klatsch- rose ; /. petali di rosolaccio. The fresh petals of Pnpaver Kliœas, L. (from indig- enous plants) [B. P.] ; have little or no physiological action ; used to give color to solutions. Red precip'itate. Mercuric oxide, red. Red prus'siate of pot'ash. Potassium ferricyanide. Red puccoon'. Blood-root, Sanguinana canniii nsis. L. Red rasp'berry. The fruit of liubus sti iyo.ins, Michx. Red root. 1. Ccanotkua americanus, L. 2. Lacltndnthes tinctoria, Ell. Red rose. L. rosa gallica ; F. rose rouge ; G. Essigrose ; /. rosa domestica. The petals of Rosti ffullica, L., collected before expanding [U. S. P.] ; a slightly as- tringent vehicle. Red san'dal-'wood. lied saunders. Red saun'ders. L. santalum rubrum ; /'. santal rouge ; G. rothes Santalholz ; /. santalo rosso. The wood of Flcrocnrpus aaniiiliiium, L. ; u.sed only as a coloring agent. Red sol'dier. Rothlauf. Red sul'phide of mer'cury. Mercuric sulphide. Red Sul'phur Springs. .Sulphur. springs, in Monroe to., West N'irginia, containing a peculiar substance resembling hydrosin. Red tar'tar. The crude potassium bi- tartrate deposited i'rom red wines during feruieiitation. Red wa'ter. A disease of horned cattle due to insutiicient and improper food, and characterized by the emission of red or chocolate-colored urine ; asthenic haema- turia. Red weed. Fliyliil.), gen. Re'nis. Kidney. R. mo'bilis, floating kidney. Re'nal. L. renalis ; F. rénal, ale ; /. renale. Relating, or due, to the kidneys. R. ap'oplexy. 1. Total suppression of urine. '1. H;emorrhage into the substance of the kidney. 3. Apoplexy connected with renal disease. R. ar'teries. L. arteriaî renales; F. artères rénales or émul- gentes ; G. Nierenschlagadern ; 1. arterie renali. Large branches from abdominal aorta to kidneys. R. cal'culus. F. calcul rénal ; /. calcolo renale. A concretion formed in the kidney. R. cap'sule : see Capsule of kiilnei/. R. gan'glia, small ganglia in the renal plexus. R. glands, suprarenal capsules. R. nerve, poste'- rior : see Sjilanchnic nerre, sma/hat. R. plethysmom'eter, oncometer. R. plex'- us. L. plexus renalis ; F. plexus rénal ; /. plesso renale. Branch of solar plexus ex tending upon renal artery. R. splanch' nie nerve, smallest splanchnic nerve. R, veins. L. ven;« renales ; F. veines émul gentes ; G. Nierenblutadern ; I. vene emul genti. Those which remove blood from substance of kidneys, emptying into infe- rior vena cava. Ren'culi (L.). Lobes of the kidney. Ren'culine [renculus]. Albuminoid principle of the suprarenal capsules [Thud- ichum]. Ren'cvdus (L.). Reniculus. Rene (/.), pi. Reni. Kidney. R. chirurgico, surgical kidney. R. mobile, movable or floating kidney. R. prov- visorio. Wolffian body. R-i. succen- turiati, suprarenal capsules. Rène du conarium or R. de la glande pineale {F.). Stria meduUaris of optic thalamus. Reneal'mia Cardamo'mum, Rose. Flrtlnriit Cardnmoniain. Mat. Renella (/.). 1. Gravel. 2. Brick- dust sediment (urates) in urine. Re'nes loba'ti {L.). Lobed condition of kidneys found in newborn children. Re'nes succenturia'ti (/>.). Supra- renal capsules. Re'nes succenturia'ti accesso'rii (A.). Accessory suprarenal capsules. Renflement (F.). Swelling, enlarge- ment. R. brachial or R. cervical, cer- vical enlargement. R. crural or R. lom- baire, lumbar enlargement. R. mame- lonné, clava 450 REN REP Renic'ulus (/^). Lobe of kidney. Reniflement (A^.)- Sniffing. Ren'iform. F. reniforme ; G. nieren- förniig; 1. reniforme. Kidney-shapeil. Reni'tent. L. renitens ; /'. renitent, ente ; /. renitente. Firm, resisting pres- sure. Renken {G.). To bend, twist, wrencb, sprain. Renkung, turning, twisting, wrenching, spraining. Ren'net [^4. .S'. gerunnen]. F. présure; G. Lab ; /. ((uaglianiento. The inner coat of the fourth stomach of the calf or other young sucicling ruminant, or an infusion or other preparation of the same; used for coagulating milk. R. fer'ment, special ferment in gastric juice, quite distinct from pepsin, and independent of the acid ; capable of coagulating casein. R. wine. L. liquor seriparus ; G. Labessenz. Pre- pared by macerating 3 parts of rennet with 2Ü parts of white wine and 1 of so- dium chloride [I'. Ross.]. Rennthiersehnenf äden ( G.). Rein- deer-tendon threads for ligature, suture, etc. Renoncule (/^.i. Rnnunculuf. R. acre, Riiiiniiciilini arris. L. R. flamme, Runun- culiix jìiiiiiniilìd. L. Renouée des oiseaux (F.). Poly- gonum avicttlaie, L. Renouée Sarrazin «r noire (F.). Poly- gonum /di/n/ii/nnii, L. Renuen'tesmus'culi(/y.). Recti capitis postici muscles, so called from their action of drawing back the head. Renun'culi succenturia'ti ( L.). Ac- cessory suprarenal capsules. Renversement (F.). A turning inside out ; cversion ; a folding or falling over. Renvoi ( F.). Belching, eructation. Reoforo (/.). Rheophore. Reometro (/.). Rheometcr. Réophore (F.). Rheophore. Réorganisation {F.). Regeneration. Reoscopico (/.). Rheoscopic. Reostato (/.). Rheostat. Rep., abbv. forRepetatur (Z/.), let it be repeated. Repar'ative. /•'. réparateur, trice ; 7. rijiaratorc, trice. Tending to repair or re- store. Repercola'tion. Name given by Squibb to a modification of the process of percola- tion, consisting in the successive application of the same percolating menstruum to fresh portions of the substance to be percolated. Repercus'sion [re, percussio]. F. réper- cussion ; G. Zuiücktreibung ; /. ripercus- sione. 1. A driving in or back ; term ap- plied to the disappearance of a swelling or tumor as a supposed result of some external application. 2. Production of a fracture by a stroke, but not at the point of impact ; it includes contrecoup. 3. Ballottement. Reple'tion. L. repletio ; /'. repletion ; G. Antullung; J. replezione. The state of being completely full. Repli (/'.). Fold, duplication. R. falci- forme, falciform process of fascia lata. R. longitudinal de la méninge, fal.x cerebri. R. pituitaire, jiituitavy fold. R. semi- lunaire, lachrymal caruncle. R. vésico- utérin, vesico-uterine i'old. Reponiren (irabile. That can be respired. Respirateur (/'.). Respirator. Respira'tio (/>■)■ Resi)iration. R. ab- domina'lis, rospiratio diaphragmaliea. R. costa'lis, respiration produced chiefly by the movements of the sternum and ribs. Costal type of respiration. R. diaphragrm- at'ica. Respiration produced ihiefly hy movements of the diaphragm. Respira 'tion. L. re.spiratio; G. Atli- men ; /. respirazione. 1. Breathing ; inha- lation and expiration of air. 2. Aeration of the blood by absorption of oxygen from the surrounding medium. 8. A synonym of respiratory murmur in auscultatory no- menclature: see also Artlßcial, Clieyne- Stoh-cs , and I^uerik reupìratìoìi . Respirationsbündel (G.). Solitary bundle. Respirationskem ( G.). Clarke, column of Respirationsluft (G.). Amount of air changed at each normal act of respiration. Respiratoire (F.). Respiratory. Res'pirator. F. respirateur ; /. respi- ratore. .\ screen of fine wire cloth or other material worn over the mouth to temper and purify the inspired air. RES RET 453 Respiratorio ( /. ) lìcsjiiraiory- Respirato 'rium ven'tris (A.). Dia- phragm. Respi'ratory. A. respiratorius ; F. respiratoire ; G. respiratorisch ; /. respira- t(MÌo. Pertainins; to respiration. R. bron'- chiole, lobular tube. R. bundle or R. column [Krause]. />. funiculus .«olitarius ; fr. Kes|)irationsbündel. Solitary bundle. R. cen'tre. F. nanul vital. V^agus nu- cleus. R. gfan'glia, respiratory centres of medulla oblongata. R. glot'tis. L- glottis posterior; F. espace inter- aryténoïdien. Posterior portion of glottis between aryte- noid cartilages. R. mur'mur. /^.murmure respiratoire ; G. Athemger'dusch ; /. mor- morio respiratorio. The sound heard in the lungs in respiration. R. nerve, ex- ter'nal, posterior thoracic nerve : see TUu- niric lièrent. R. nerve of face, facial nerve. R. nerve, inter'nal, phrenic nerve. R. nerves of Bell, facial nerve, phrenic nerve, and long thoracic nerve. R. pe'riod, time from commencement of one inspira- tion to that of the next. R. pulse, alter- nate condition of fulness and emptiness of the great vessels of the neck, synchronous with expiration and inspiration. R. quo'- tient, the relation of the inspired free oxygen to that expired in the form of car- co bonic acid. -^ in man = 0.87-0.9. R. re'grion of nose, lower part of nasal cavity, exclusive of the olfactory region. R. tract, that part of spinal cord whence originate the respiratory nerves [Bell]. Responsibil'ity. F. responsabilité ; G. Verantwortlichkeit: /. risponsabilità. State of being respon.sible or accountable for actions or words ; imputability. Resserrant, ante (F.). 1. Causing con- striction 2. Constipating. Resserré, ée (F.). 1. Constricted. 2. Constipated. Resserrement (F.). Constriction. R. du ventre, constipation. Restaurateur, trice (F.). Re.storative. relatinir to restoration of organs to their normal functions, and to the surgical resto- ration of missing parts. Restaura'tio (L.). Restoration, re- covery. Rest'-har'row. L. radix ononidis ; F. bugrane; G. Hauhechel wurzel. The root of ()iiiiii!< s/iiii'isij. Ij. ; diuretic. Restibra'chium (L.). Inferior peduncle of cerebellum [Spitzka]. Res'tiform. L. restiformis ; F., I. resti- forine ; G. strangfiirmig. Cord or rope- shaped. R. bod'y. L. corpus restiforme ; F. corps restifurnie ; G. strickformiger Körper ; /. corpo restiforme. I'ostcrior bundles of medulla oblongata, bounded in- ternally by posterior median fissure and border of ith ventricle, externally by poste- rior lateral sulcus. Composed of — 1, the funiculus ^acilis; 2, the funiculus cuneatus ; o, the lateral cerebellar tract. Some authors restrict the term to include only 2 and 3 ; others include only I), with such arciform fibres from 2 as pass up to the cerebellum. R. nu'cleus, cuneate nucleus. R. proc'esses, coracoid proc- esses. Restitu'tio ad in'tegrum (L.). Per- fect restoration to a healthy condition. Restitu'tion. L. restitutio. Restora- tion, applied to the turning of the child's occiput, when the head is born, toward the .side to which it presented in the beginning of labor. Restraint' neuro 'ses. Disordered ac- tion of the inhibitory system of nerves. Restringimento (/.). Constriction ; stricture. Resu'pinate [resupinus]. Having the lower surface upward. Resurrec'tionist [resurgo]. F. résur- rectionniste. One who provides cadavers for a dissecting-room by taking them from the grave or tomb. Resuscita'tion. L. resuscitatio ; F. reviviscence ; G. Wiederbelebung ; /. risus- citazione. The bringing back to life of those apparently dead. Retch'ing [Ä.r. hraecan]. Making efforts to vomit. Re'te (L.). F. réseau; G. Netz, Ge- flecht. Network ; applied in anatomy to interlaced fibres, vessels, or nerves. R. acromia'le, anastomosis between acromial thoracic artery and acromial branches of transverse scapular artery. R. arterio'- sum cap'itis, arterial network covering vault of cranium, formed by anastomosis of frontal temporal and occipital arteries. R. arterio'sum facie'i, that formed by terminal branches of the facial, infraorbital, ophthalmic, and internal maxillary arteries on surface of f\icc. R. articula're cu'- biti. G. Ellcnbogennetz. Rich arterial network surrounding elbow-joint, derived from superior and inferior profunda and ana.storaotic arteries above the joint, and 454 RET RET antorior aiid posterior recurrent, radial, and interosseous recurrent below the joint. R. articula're gen'u, arterial network surrounJing the knee-joint, consisting of anastomoses between the anastomotica luafrna, the articular arteries from the pop- liteal recurrent tibial, and small branches from posterior tibial. R. calca'neum. G. Ferscnnetz. Arterial network upon ball of heel, formed by branches from malleolar and calcanean arteries. R. carpe'um, carpal arches. R. car'pi dorsa'le, carpal arch, posterior. R. car'pi vola're, carpal arch, anterior. R. cubitale, rete articu- lare cubiti. R. dorsa'lis pe'dis. G. Fuss- rüekennetz. Arterial network on back of foot, formed by branches from tarsal and metatarsal arteries ; by perforating branches it communicates with the plantar arch. R. Halleri, rete testis. R. ma'jus, epiploon. R. malleola're exter'num, arterial net- work about the external malleolus, formed by anastomotic branches from external mal- leolar, tarsal, and anterior and posterior pe- roneal arteries. R. malleola're inter'- num, arterial network about the internal malleolus, consisting of anastomotic branches between internal malleolar and internal tar- sal arteries. R. mira'bile. G. Wunder- netz. 1. Net formed by a vessel of some size breaking up into smaller ones, which again unite to form a single trunk ; e. g. gloraerules of kidney. 2. IMeshwork formed by internal carotids (in lower animals) at base of lirain. R. mira'büe Malpighi, that of pulmonary artery over air-cells nf lungs. R.muco'sum. (r. .Schleimschichte. Deeper layer of the epidermis consisting of layer of elongated cells applied to the pa- pilla; and several layers of cells united by fine processes [prickle-cells]. R. tarse 'um dorsa'le, network formed by branches of tarsal arteries on back of foot. R. tes'tis or R. testis Halleri. F. réseau du corps d'llighmore. Closely anastomosing net- work of canals into which the straight tubules of the testes empty the secretion of seminiferous tubules after thoroughly mingling. R. vasculo'sum Malpigh'i, rete mirabile i^Ialpighi. R. vasculo'sum tes'tis, rete testis. R. veno'sum dorsa'- le ma'nus, that from which veins arise on back ol' hand. R. veno'sum dorsa'le pe'dis, venous ])lexus on the back of the foot. R. veno'sum. vola're ma'nus, that from which veins arise on palm of hand. Reten'tion. L. retentio ; F. retention ; G. Verhaltnng; /.ritenzione. A keeping back or holding in. The term, as ajiplied to a secretion such as urine, implies that the fluid has been produced, but not dis- charged. Retentionscyst or Retentionsge- sch'wnlst (G.). Tumor due to retention of an excretion by obstruction of the out- let of a follicle or gland. Retentionshsrpothese (. lamina reticularis ; G. durchbrochene Membran. A membrane having the appearance of network which stretches over region of outer hair-cells of organ of Corti. R. lay'er of skin. L. pars reticularis. Deeper portion of corium, a closely-woven tissue containing the hair-follicles and sweat-glands. R. lay'ers, molecular lay- ers. R. proc'ess of spi'nal cord. L. processus reticularis ; G. dritti' Saule. Net- like extension of gray matter into the late- ral column of cord between anterior and posterior horns. Retic'ulated white sub'stance. L. substantia reticularis alba. Net-like ar- rangement of white fibres on surface of uncinate convolution of brain — a continu- ation forward of longitudinal fibres border- ing the corpus callosuui. Réticule (/''.). lleticulum. Réticulé, ée (^F.). Reticulated. RET RET 455 Retìc'ulum i A.) 1. A network; the network of protoplasm in the cell or in the cell-nucleus. '1. Neuroglia. S. Second stomach of ruminants. R. cuta'neura, reticular layer of skin. R. muco'sum, rete mucosum. Ret'iform. /'. retiforme ; /. retiforme. Reticular. R. connec'tive tis'sue, cellu- lar tissue. R. tis'sue, adenoid tissue. Ret'ina (Z/.Ì. F. rétine ; G. Netzhaut. Inner coat of eyeball, consisting of the ex- pansion of the optic nerve, its peculiar ter- minal structures, and supporting tissue : see L'li/ers iif ret inn. R., physiolog'ical mid'- dle point of. G. physiologisches Netz- hautcentrum, Mittelpunkt der Retina. The point of direct and clearest vision, a little toward the temporal side from the geo- metric centre of the retina ; the fovea cen- tralis. Retinac'ulum (L.). pi. la. A tie, stay. R-a. cu'tis, handles of connective tissue passing from the deep layers of the skin to the superficial and deep fasci». R-a. of il'eo-cae'cal valve or R-a. Morga'gni, frena of ileo-c;veal valve. R. ligamen'ti arcua'ti, short esternai lateral ligament of the knee. R. muscula're ten'dinis subscapula'ris majo'ris, brachio-capsu- hiris. R-a. patellae [H. Meyer], arcuate bands passing from the tibia to the liga- nientum patellas. R. peroneo'rum in- fe'rius or R. ten'dinum peroneo'nim, band of fascia confining the peroneal ten- dons in the grooves on outer side of cal- caneum. R. peroneo'rum supe'rius, external annular ligament of ankle, a band of fascia passing from external malleolus to calcaneum, confining tendons of pero- neus longus and brevis. R-a. ten'dinum, ligamenta vaginalia. R-a. val'vulse co'li, frena of ileo-cœcal valve. Ret'inal. 7/. retinalis ; /*. rétinien, enne ; /. retinico. Pertaining to the retina. R. ap'oplexy, retinal haemorrhage. R. ar'- teries : see Arteria rentra/es rrtiiix, Arterix macularcs, Arterix meiUanx oculi, Arterix 7iasa'cs oculi, and Arterix piipillares. R. âeld of vi'sion, field of darkness ; the more or less colored, but undefined, ex- panse seen with motionless eyes when all external light is excluded. R. hori'zon. /'. horizon rétinien ; G. Netzhauthorizont. 1. That meridian of the eye which coin- cides with the plane of regard when the lines of regard are parallel in the primary position. 2. The plane of that meridian. R. pur'ple. F. pourpre rétinien ; G. Seh- purpur; /. porpora visiva. A peculiar pig- ment which during life imparts a purplish- red color to the retina; by action of light it soon fades to yellowish-white. R. red, retinal purple. Rétine {F.). Retina. Retinico (/.). Retinal. Rétinien, enne {F.). Retinal. Retini'tis. F. retinite ; G. Netzhaut- entziindung; /retinite. Inflammation of retina. R., albuminu'ric, forra due to Bright's disease. R., diabet'ic, furni asso- ciated with diabetes. R. pigmento'sa, an affection characterized by deposits of pig- ment in the retina, beginning at the periph- ery, and gradually progressing toward the posterior pole of the eye, associated with a concentric, progressive contraction of the visual field, leading to obliteration of vision and atrophy of the optic nerve. Retinos'copy [tüi<-/w] F. rétinoscopie ; 7. retinoseopia. 1. Ophthalmoscopy, with special reference to the retina. 2. Skias- kopy. Rétinoskiascopie {F.). Skiaskopy. Retort' [retorqueo]. F. retorte, cor- nue ; G. Retorte ; /. storta. A vessel of glass, metal, or earthenware with a long recurved neck, used for certain distillations. Retour {F.'). Age of fifty years and over. Rétracté, ée {F.). Retracted. Rétracteur {F.'). Retractor. Retrac'tion. L. retractio ; F. rétrac- tion ; G. Zurückziehung; 7. retrazione. A drawing in or back ; a shortening. Retrac'tor. F. rétracteur ; G. Zurück- zieher; /. retrattore. 1. Muscle which draws an organ backward. 2. An instru- ment used in effecting retraction of the soft parts in surgical operations. There are many forms, the commonest being a broad strip of metal curved at the ends ; another, used in amputations when the bone is divided, consists of a strip of woven fabric with a hole in it for the bone to pass through. R. an'gulio'ris, buccinator. R. bul'bi : see (^luKinnid mutrie. R. glot'- tidis, genio-epiglotticus. R. mus'cle of eye, choanoid muscle. R. rec'ti, posterior portion of sustentator recti. R. ure'thrae, separate muscular fascicle sometimes seen (35 per cent.. Krause) arising from the tuberosity of the ischium and inserted upon the corpus cavernosum urethnie, some dis- tance in front of the bulb. R. u'teri, un- 456 RET RET striped muscle-fibres passing from uterus to sacrum within the recto-uterine f'okls. Re'trahens au'rem or Re'trahens auric'tilam ur auric'ulse (/•'■)• ^' au- ricuhiiro postérieur; G. ßückwärtszieher, iiintoror Ohrmuskel ; /. auricolare posteri- ore. Small vestigial muscle arising from mastoid portion of temporal bone, and in- serted into back part of concha. As there are two fascicles, some anatomi.sts describe two muscles. Retrait (F.). Contraction to original dimensions. R. des artères, arterial sys- tole. R. présystolique, depression in thoracic wall at the level of apex of heart, at the beginning of the systole. R. de l'utérus, involution of uterus. Retratto, a r/.). Botracted. Retrattore, retractor. Retrazione, retraction. Rétrécissement {-f.). Piminution in the area of a cavity or canal : a narrowing. R. de l'urèthre, stricture of urethra. Retro-. Used as a prefix to indicate behind, backward. Retroac'tion. /. retroazione. Action contrary to that which has just preceded. Retroce'dent [retro, cedere]. Going back, relapsing, shifting about. Retrocentralwindung («;yt9, "rp"}- Pain in the spine. Rhachial'gia (L.) [aXyoç]. F. rhachi- algie ; /. rachialgia. Pain in the spine. Rhachidien, ienne (/•'.). Pertaining to the spine. Rhachiocamp'sis {L.) [z«/;V'ts^]. Spi- nal curvature. Rhachiocypho'sis (L.) [^xoipwatc]. Spi- nal cyphosis ; humpback. Rhachiodyn'ia(Z/.) [òSùvtj']. Backache. Rhachiomyeli'tis [/.loï^.ôç]. Inflamma- tion of the spinal cnrd. Rhachiomyelophthi'sis (L.) l/iusXùç, ^OitT-s^. Tabes dorsalis. Rhachioparal'ysis (/>.). Spinal paral- ysis, ]iaraplegia. Rhachiophy'ma (Zr.) [_(u]. /'. rluichitome; 7. racliitonio. Instrument for opening the spinal canal. Rhachiot'omy. F. rhachitomie ; /. rachiotoniia. Opening the spinal culuuin. Rhachip'agus {L.) [-'i;-"«-]. Double monster united at the spine ; pygopagus. Rha'chis (X.) [/î«/!?]. The spine. Rhachis'chisis (/>.) [«r;^!';««]. /. rachi- schisi. A defective formation of the ver- tebral column, the canal not being enclosed by the arches. Rhachi'tae (/>.)■ ^luscles of the spine. Rhachit'ic. L. rliachiticus ; F. rhachi- tii(ue ; J. rachitico. Pertaining to, or af- fected with, rachitis. Rhachi'tis. F. rhachitisme ; /. rachi- tide or rachitismo. Defective ossification ; rickets. Rhachitisme {F.'). Rickets. Rhacho'ma (i-). G- Rissgeschwür. Fissure, chap. Rha'chus (L.) [i'>à-/oi\. Wrinkle, fis- isure. Rhaco'ma (X.) [/lax«*«]. 1. Rhagade. 2. Pendulous scrotum. 'ò. Rhubarb [P. Port.]. Rhacose (/'^.). Rhacoma. Rhsebauch'en ( L.) [i'imßöi, «'"yij"]. Torticulli.s. Rhsebocra'nia ( L. ) [x/iavt'ov]. Torti- collis. Rhsebosce'lia or Rhsebo'sis (//.) [«tzi/J.ik]. Crookedness of the legs. Rhag'ades {L.) [^l'iayàil, pi. of Rhagas. Fissures, chaps, excoriations. Rhagoï'des [.ó«?, ^w.) [^Jiypy.a!]. F. rhegmate. Rupture. Rhegmate (f.). 1. Rupture. 2. Elaterin. Rhe'i ra'dix [B. P.] (/>.). Rhubarb. Rhe'in. /'. rhéine ; /. reina. Chrysarobin. Rhen'chus (//.). Rhonchus. Rhe'ocord [/I'ik-, X"/"''^]- Apparatus for regulating the intensity of an electrical current. Rheom'eter \_/''ii>i, iiir/nr/]. F. rhéo- RHE RHI 459 mètre ; /. reometro. An instrument for measuring a current, as of electricity; also ((?. Stroniuhr) an instrument for measur- ing the velocity and (|uantity of blood pass- ing through an artery. Rhe'ophore [y'/.o«»]. F. rhéophore ; G. llheophor ; /. reoforo. Electrode. Rhe'oscope \_p.a. iljiO iinj^. F. rhuinavthrite ; /. reum- artrite. Articular rhcuniati.sm. Rheumatal'glafi.) [«/;-os']. F. rhuma- talgie ; /. reumatalgia. Chronic rheumatic pain. Rheumat'ic. L. rheumaticus ; /'. rhu- niati(|ue ; G. rheumatisch ; /. reumatico. Pertaining to, or affected with, rheumatism. R. fe'ver. L. rhoumatismus acutus ; F. rhumatisme articulaire aigu ; G. acuter Gelenkrheumatismus ; /. reumatismo acuto. Acute articular rheumatism, a febrile dis- ease with inflammations of the large joints, usually temporary, shifting and non-sup- purating, with special tendency to involve the pericardium or heart, and accompanied i with profuse acid perspiration and dark- colored, very acid urine ; the attack usually lasting from three to six weeks. R. gout. F. rhumatisme goutteux ; G. rheumatische Gicht ; /. reumatismo gottoso. Form chief- l_y affecting the smaller joints, less acute and more persistent than rheumatic fever, without profuse perspiration or special tendency to cardiac complications, and rarely resulting in complete return to a normal condition of all the joints affected. Rheum'atism [."^Va] J^- rheuma- tisnius ; /'. rhumatisme ; /. reumatismo. A vague term including rheumatic fever, various forms of arthritis and of painful affections of joints, muscles, and fibrous and serous membranes or tissues ; sup- posed to depend on the presence in the system of some substance abnormal in quality or quantity, producing what is called the rheumatic diathesis. R.-root, Jeffersonia dipliyllii, Pers. Rheumatoce'les [/s^D.ua, zjj'/tj]. Pur- pura rheumatica. Rheu'matoid arthri'tis. Osteo-arthri- tis. Rheu'mic ac'id. C.oHigOa. F. acide rheumique ; /. acido reumico. A product of the action of dilute acids upon rheo- tannic acid. Rheumophthal'mia (L.) [l'^fdakiiùi']. Rheumatic ophthalmia. Rhex'is (L.) \_i'>r,^ii\. Rupture. Rhicno'sis (L.) [/ìiV/tu^r.-s-]. Shrivelling, corrugation. Rhig'olene. The lightest and most volatile of the liquid products of distil- lation of petroleum ; used in the form of spray from the common atomizer for the production of local anaesthesia by refrig- eration. I Rhinacan'thus commu'nis, Nees. Tong-pang-chong ; an East Indian plant, Nat. Ord. Aranthaceit ; the bruised leaves or root are used in India as a remedy for ringworm and other obstinate skin dis- ea.ses. Rhinsesthe'sis (L.) [aìnOr^nti^. Olfac- tion, sense of smell. Rhinae'us (/y.) [/'':'?]. Compressor naris. Rhinal'g-ia (i/.) [/jìV, àlyo^s]. F. rhi- nalgie ; /. rinalgia. Pain in the nose. 4-60 RHI- RHI Rhinantral'gia (//.) [«^v»™, »Xyo?']. Pain in the nose and frontal sinus. Rhinel'cus (L.) [J7z,„-]. TTIcer of the nose. Rhinencéphale (F.). Monster with a nose e.xtenileJ like an elephant's trunk. Rhinencephal'ic. [/Î!Ç, eyxe^akoc^- L. rhinencephalicus ; F. rhinencóphalique ; /. rinencefalico, a. Relating to nose and brain. R. arch, neural arch of nasal ver- tebra. Rhinenceph'alon. The olfactory lobe. Rhinenceph'alus (L.) \_pi.). Rhicnosis. Rhinostegno'sis (L.) \_tTri-^.'wa!ç']. Ob- struction uf the. nose. Rhi'notrix (L.) [•>/'!?]. Vibrissa. Rhiptas'mus (i.) [ps-r«'««]. Jactita- tion, tremor Rhizodon'trophy [/î'Xa, òSoóc, rpixa)']. Operation of pivoting an artificial crown on the root of a tooth. Rhizo'ma (A.)- Khizome. R. ari [P. Svec], the rhizome of ,l/(/m maculutum, L. R. ax'nicae [1*. Helv.]. arnica-root. R. asa'ri [P. Belg.]. the rhizome of Asurum eitropsetim, L. R. cal'ami [P. G.], cala- mus. R. car'icis [P. Helv.]: see ('iire.v arenaria. R. caryophylla'tse, the rhi- zome of Gcuni iirliiiiiiim, L. ; astringent and tonic. R. curcu'mse, turmeric. R. fll'- icis [P. G.] or R. fll'icis ma 'ris, aspid- ium. R. galan'gae, galangal. R. gram'- Lnis, triticum. R. imperato'riœ [1'. G.], niasterwort. R. ir'idis, Florentine orris. R. podophyl'li, podophyllum. R. ser- penta'riae [P. Koss.], serpentaria. R. tormentil'lae [P. G.], tormentil. R. ve- ra'tri [1'. (J.], white hellebore. R. zedo- a'riae, zedoary R. zingib'eris [P. G.], ginger. Rhi'zome [/ît'a]. L. rhizoma ; F. rhi- zome ; fw. Wurzelstock ; /. rizoma. A sub- terranean stem, consisting of a succession of joints, developing leaves in the form of .scales and producing axillary buds. Rhizome (F.). R. de gingembre, ginger. R. de podophyllum, podophyl- lum. Rhodeor'rhetin. Convolvulin. Rhododen'dron (/-). A genus of jihiiits. Nat. Ord. Kricacex. R. chrysan'- thmn, h., snow-rose; indigenous to Sibe- ria ; the leaves are stimulant, narcotic, and dia])horetic ; used in the treatment of rheu- matism and gout. R. ferrugin'eum, L , indigenous to Europe and Asia ; an oil in- fusion of the buds is used for articular rheumatism. R. max'imum, L., a North American species, with medicinal properties resembling /i. chrysnnthum. Rhodomèle (F.). Honey of rose. Rho'dophane [I'lonn-^, fi-^ói]. A rose- colored piirment obtained from the retina of birds. Rhodop'sin [/JoSoy, ««<&]. G. Sehroth. Visual purple Rhœad'ic ac'id. F. acide rhœadique. A coloring principle found by Meier (184(5) in rcd-]ioppy petals. Rhœ'adine. CjiH-^jNeO. A feebly basic alkaloid of opium, discovered by ïlesse (1805). Rhœ'ados pet'alae [ß. P.]. Red-poppy petals. Rhœ'as [P. Neer.]. Red-poppy petals. Rhoe'as {L.) [/îoiuç]. Atrophy of lach- rymal caruncle, producing epiphora. Rhœbde'sis {L.) [^fimßiiitu']. Absorp- tion, resorption. Rhog'mus (L.) [,"'r;?"']- Stertor. rhon- chus. Rhom'bo-atloi'deus {L.). Supernu- merary muscular slip, apparently belonging to spino-transverse system, arising from spines of lower cervical or upper dorsal vertebrœ, and inéerted into transverse proc- ess of atlas [Macalister]. Considered by some as an incomplete form of the rhombo- occipitalis. Rhom'boid [/îo/ijîi.ç]. /' rhomboïde : G. rautenförmig; /. romboidale or rom boide. Rhombus -shaped. R. impres'- sion. L- tuberositas costalis. A rough- ness for attachment of rhomboid ligament on the under surface of clavicle near its sternal extremity. R. Ug'ament, eos- to-clavicular ligament. R. lig'ament of wrist. L. ligamentum rhomlioideum carpi. Portion of posterior radio-carpal ligament extending from lower end of radius downward and inward to cuneiform and unciform bones. R. muscle. L. rhom- boïdes; F. rhomboïde; G. rautenförmiger Muskel ; /. romboide. Flat sheet extend- ing obli(|uely from the ligamentum nuch;B and spines of seventh cervical, and four upper dérsal vertebrœ to vertebral border of scapula. An interval for passage of vessels usually separates upper third from other portions, and these two parts are fre- i|ucntly described as separate muscles — rhomboideus major and minor, or su- perior iiiid inferior. Rhomboi'dal si'nus. Fourth ventricle. Rhomboïde (/'.). Rhomboid muscle. R. de la tête, rhombo-occipitalis. Rhomboi'des (L.) [/'","/3"?, e75'»y]. RhoMibiiiil niuscli". R. infe'rior and supe'- rior : see /i/ioml/nù/ muttclc. Rhomboï'deus ( L.). Rhomboid muscle. R. ante'rior, or R. cap'itis, or R. cenri- 462 RHO RIB ca'lis, ihdnihn-occipitalis. R. major and minor muscles: sec /ili>imtioi , red currant ; naturalized and cultivated : bears an airrecalile acid fruit, official in the Cod. Ribes, gan'glion of Described by him as situated upon anterior communi- cating artery at point of junction of sym- pathetic nerves from the two sides; not ciinfirnied. Rib'grass. Plantago lanceolata, L. Rib'wort. Plantain, the genus Plantago. Ricaduta (/.). Relapse. Rice. /v. oryza ; F. riz ; G. Reiss ; /. riso. The decorticated seeds of Ori/za saliva. \j.: a nutritious article of diet. R. bod'ies, corpora oryzoidea. R. starch. L amylum oryz«; F. fécule de riz; G. Reissstarke ; /. fecola di riso. Rice flour ; a variety of starch, with polygonal granules, the smallest of any of the commercial starches ; prepared from the seed of Oryza satira, L. Ricetta (/.). Receipt, formula, pre- seriptiiin. Richardso'nia sea 'bra, L. Native of Brazil ; yields an emetic root known as un- dulated or farinaceous ipecac. Rich'fleld Springs. Saline sulphur springs, in Otsego Co., New York. Rich'ter's her'nia. Strangulated en- teroeelc in which a part only of the cir- cumference of the gut is constricted, so that the lumen remains more or less open, Richtkreise ((?•). Circles of direction. Richtlinien ( G.). F. lignes directrices. 1. The projection on a plane field of regard of the circles of direction of the spherical field. They appear as hyperbolas, and, like the circles of direction, have the peculiarity that as the eye runs along them they are constantly imaged on one retinal line, and consequcntlj' seem straight. 2. The pro- jection on the plane field of regard of the meridians of the spherical field. They ap- pear as straight lines intersecting in the principal ])oint of regard. Richtung ( f/.). Direction. In compo- sition Richtungs, as — bläschen, polar globule : — gefiihl, direction feeling ; — körperchen, polar globule; — Unie des Beckens, axis of pelvis; — linden, lines of direction ; — spindel, the nuclear spin- dle which appears in the ovum during the formation of a polar globule ; — strahlen, lines of direction. Rich'weed. 1. Collinsonia canadensis, L. '1. Actita racemosa. Ricin {F.). Ricinis communis, L. Ricinela'idic ac'id. A product of the saiiiiniticatioa iif ricinelaidin. Ricinela'idin. F. ricinélaidine. A prod- uct of the action of peroxide of nitrogen upon castor oil. Ric'inine. /. ricinina. A crystalliza- ble substance obtained from castor oil, announced by Tuson (1864) as an alkaloid, but this character is not confirmed. Ricino (/.). Ricinus communis, L. Ricinole'ic ac'id. CisHj.Oa. F. acide ricinoléi(|ue ; /. acido ricinoleico. A liquid, fatty acid obtained by the saponification of castor oil. Ric'inus cormnu'nis (L.). The castor- oil plant, Nat. Ord. Knpliorhiacex, native of southern Asia, naturalized and cultivated extensively ; the seeds yield the castor oil of commerce. RicLnusöl f G.). Castor oil. Rick'ets [/'«/t?]. ^- rachitis ; F. rha- chitisme ; G. Rhachitis ; /. rachitide or rachitismo. A disease of infancy and childhood characterized by defective ossifi- cation of various parts of the skeleton, and consequent deformity. Ricord's pills. Mercurous iodide 0.3 gm., extract of lettuce 0.3 gm., extract of coniuin O.G gni.; make 24 pills [P. Helv.]. Ricord's syr'inge. A tubular vaginal syringe of hard rubber with rounded end pierced with a number of orifices. Ricorrente (/.). Recurrent. Ric'tus (L-)- Fissure, cleft. Ride (/-'.). Wrinkle. Ridé, ée {F.). Having wrinkles. Ri'ders' bone. A liony deposit in the adductor muscles of the thigh, due to con- tinuecl pressure against the saildle. Ri'ders' bur'sa. A bursa forming a fluctuating swelling in the groin, occurring 464 RID RIL under the same circumstance as riders' bone. Riducibile (/.). Reducible. Riduzione (/.). Ilcduction. Riechen (6'.). To smell ; smelling. In composition Riech, as in — bein, ctlinioid bone; — beinnerv, na.sal nerve; — be- zirk, olfactory rej^ion ; — bündel des Ammonshoms, a tract of fibres described by Zuckcrkandl in body of fornix, connect- ing bippocampus major and olfactor}' lobe ; — centrum, olfactory centre ; — chi- asma, olfactory chiasm; - — faden, filum olfaetorins ; — furche, olfactory sulcus; ■ — grübchen or — grübe, olfactory pit; — haar or — härchen, olfactory liair; — haut, olfactory membrane; — kolben, olfactory bulb; — läppen, olfactory lobe; — lehre, tispliresiology ; — nerv, olfactory nerve ; — nervenftirche, ,sulcus rectus ; — nervenschicht, layer of olfactory nerve- fibres ; — org'an, olfactory organ ; — säckchen, olfactory .saccule ; — Schleim- haut, olfactory mucous membrane ; — spalte, fissura olfactoria ; — Sphäre [M unk], olfactory area, region of cerebral cortex that appreciates olfactory stimuli ; situated, according to Ferrier, in the hippo- campal lobule ; — stelle, olfactory region ; — streifen, olfactory roots ; — Werk- zeug', olfactory apparatus ; — zellen, ol- factory cells. Riegel (G.). Obex. Riemchen (O.). Ligula. Riemen (G.). Ligula ; — muskel, splenius. Rieselfeld (G.). Sewage irrigation-field. Rieselig ( G.). Freckled. Rieseljauche (G.). Sewage for irriga- tion. RiesenbUdung (G.). Macro.somia. Riesenflechte (G.). Lupus. Riesenkropf ( G.). Huge goitre. Riesen-Urticaria (G.). Giant urtica- ria — i. <'. having ver}' large and markedly elevated wheals. Riesenwuchs ( 6'.). Excessive growth of the whole body or of a single part. Riesenzelle (C). Giant cell. In com- position Riesenzellen, as, — sarcom, gi- ant-cell sarcoma; — tuberkel, tubercle with giant-eell formation, Rieur de Santorini {F-')- Risorius Santorini. Riffelfortsätze (6',). Processes of pric- kle-cells. RLÊEzelle (6',). Crcnatod cell. Riflesso (/.). Reflex. Rifondamento (/.). Laminitis. Rifrattivo (/). Refractive. Rifrazione (/.). Refraction. Ri'ga bal'sam. Carpathian balsam. Rigal's su'ture. Twisted sutures in which rubber rings are used instead of threads. Rigenerazione (/.). Regeneration. Rigg's disease'. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Rigg's meth'od. Use of a large scton drawn through the sac, for the radical cure of hernia. Right and -wrong cases, meth'od of. G. Methode der richtigen und falschen Fälle : see Pfyclwpliyslcdl metlwds (2), Right Ijrmphat'ic duct : see Lymphat- ic lìtici, rii/lit. Right'-handed, /', droitier. Term ap- plied to a person who uses his right hand only for holding a pen, a knife, etc. Rigidità (A). Rigidity. R, cadaveri- ca, rigor mortis. R, del collo uterino, rigidity of the os uteri. Rigidité {F.). Rigidity. R. cadavé- rique, rigor mortis. R. du col utérin, rigidity of os uteri. Rigid'ity. L. rigiditas ; F. rigidité ; G. Starrheit ; /. rigidità. Want of mobility or suppleness ; stiffness. Rigoles (F.). Name given by Broca to the deep sulci separating the island of Reil from adjacent lobes of the brain. Ri'gor (//.) [/uj-t'w]. F. frisson; /.ri- gore. Shivering, chill. R. mor'tis. F. rigidité cadavérique; G. Todtenerstarrung; /. rigidità cadaverica. Cadaveric rigidity ; a legal evidence of death. Rigurgitazione (/. ). Regurgitation. RUassamento (/.). Relaxation. Rilassante (/.). Relaxing. Rilevatore (/.). Erector, elevator. R. dell' ala del naso. 1. Pyramidalis na.si. 2. Traiisversalis nasi. R. dell' ala del naso e del labbro superiore, pyramiila- lis nasi. R. dell' angolo delle labbra, musculus caninus. R. dell' ano, levator ani. R. del coccige, iscliio-coccygeus. R, delle costale, lovatores costaruni. R. R, dell' omoplata, angularis scapuhc. R. della palpebra, suiicrior rectus. R. deUa prostata, anterior fibres of levator ani [Santorini]. R. dell' Ugola, palato-sta- phylinu.s. RIM RIN 465 Ri'ma(/-.V Fissure, furrow. R. acque- duc'tus vestib'iili, slit on posterior sur- face of petrous bone through wliioh the dura mater passes ami becomes eciiitinucus with the periosteum of tiie vestibule. R. ad inftindib'ulum, vulva cerebri. R. cana'lis orbita'rii, iufraorbital tissure. R. clu'nium, gluteal furrow. R. glot'- tidis, slit between vocal coriç, o3oùç, T/ooJrd«*]. RIS ROB 467 The operation of boring a hole in the root of a tooth. Risolutivo (/). Ke>olvent. Risolvente ( /.). lìcsolvent. Risonanza {/.). Resonance. Riso'rius or R. Santori'ni (Z/.). G. Lachuniskel. /. risorio. A few muscular fibres arising from the parotid fascia and extending transversely to corner of mouth [SantoriniJ. Riss {G.). Rent, rupture; — ge- schwiir, rhachus ; — wiinde, lacerated wound. Rissig (G.). Fissured, craciied, chapped. Ri'sus {L.). A smile, laugh. R. cani'- nus, risus sardonicus. R. sardon'icus. F. rise sardoni(|ue ; G. sardonisclies Lachen ; I. riso sardonico. Tetanie grin. A peculiar facial expression seen in tetanus, caused by the drawing down of the corners of the mouth bv s])asm of the muscles of the face. Ritenzione ( /.). Retention. Rit'gen's meth'od. Fixing the head of child during labor by operator's fingers in rectum of woman, in order that the pe- rineum may not be too rapidly pressed upon. Ritmico (/.). Rhythmic. Ritmo, rhythm. Ritteln (*?.). Mea.sles. Rit'ter, fi'bre of. Fibre of Ritter. Ritter's tet'anus. Breaking tetanus, q.c. Rittersporn (G.). Larkspur. Rit'ter-Val'li laTV. If a nerve be separated from its centre, or if the centre dies, the excitabilitj' of the nerve is in- creased ; the increase begins at the central end, and travels toward the periphery : the excitability then falls until it disappears entirely. Ritz ( G.). Cleft, fi.ssure, crevice, scratch ; — messer, lancet, scarificator. Riunione (/.). Union, rennirni. R. immediata or per prima intenzione, union l)y Hist inti'ntir)n. R. mediata or per seconda intenzione, union by second intention. Rivaccinazione (/.). Revaccination. Ri'valry. Compctitinn, struggle for preeminence. R. of col'ors. F. antago- nisme des couleurs; G. Wettstreit der Farben. Rivalry of the visual fields when each presents a different color. R. of con- tours', that occurring in case of contours so placetl in the monocular fiebN lli.it they overlap in the binocular field, R. strife, The alternation or flickering of sensation occurring when the content of the fields of the two eyes is too difi'eretit to be combined into one visual object, and both have about e(|ual hold on the attention. R. or Stnag'- gle of vis'ual fields. F. antagonisme (or lutte) des champs visuels; G. Wettstreit der Sehfelder. Phenomena of rivalry affecting the visual fields in whole or in pait. Ri'vi (L.). Name given by Duret to smaller conduits formed in subarachnoid space: see F/iimina. Rivin'ian ducts, Rivi'ni's ducts, or Rivi'nus, ducts of Ducts of sublingual gland. Rivin'ian fora'men, G. Rivini'scher Ausschnitt. jS'otch of Rivinus. Rivi'nus (A. Q, Bachman), professor in Leipzig 1G52-1723. Riviviflcazione (/.), Revivification. Rivolgimento (/.). Manual version. Rivulsione (/.). Revulsion. Rivul- sivo, revulsive. Rivulsore, révulseur, q. v. Rivus lachryma'rum (//.). Canal of Ferrein. Riz {F.). Rice. Rizoma (/.). Rhizome. Rizzoli-Es 'march opera 'tion. Section of ramus of lower jaw, for lelief of anky- losis. R. M. A., atiliv. for Right mento-ante- rior position, Ro'anoke Red Sul'phur Spi-ings. Sulphuretted and chalybeate waters, near Salem, Roanoke Co., Virginia. Roar'ing. L. laryngismus paralytica ; F. cornage. A loud, unnatural sound in inspiration produced from obstruction or disease of the larynx in the horse, Roast'ed rhu'barb, L. rhabarbarum tostum [Far. Esp.]. Rhubarb in coarse powder roasted by gentle heat, in the man- ner of coffee ; especially recommended for diarrheea. Rob or Roob [vl/-. rolib]. The unfer- mented juice of fruit, evaporated to the consistence of thick honey. RobLafiecteur (Z'.). Comjmund syrup of sarsa|iarilla. Robbenglieder ( G.). Phocomelus. Robbia (/.). Madder. Rob'erts's pel'vis. An ankylosed, 468 ROB ROS transversely contracted, or double synostotic pelvis. Robin'ia Pseudaca'cia, L. Nat. Ord. Ligumiiiuf»: ; indigenous; see Falsi acacia. Robinier (/'.)• Locust-tree. Rob'in's eye. J'(jli/lri/chium juniper- inuiii. L. Robin's plan'tain. Eriyvion bellidi- joliiiiii. Mull). Robin's rye. Fulytrychhim juniper- innm. L. Rob'inson Spring. Chalybeate water, Chalybeate. Van Buren Co., Tennessee. Rob'orant. L. roborans ; F. roborant, ante ; /. roborante. Strengthening, tonic. Roborantien ((?•). Tonics, strength- eners. Rocca (/.). Petrous jiurtion of tem- poral bone. Roccel'la (i-)- A genus of Lichenes. R. fusifor'mis, Ach., one of the sources of litmus, orchil, and cudbear. R. tincto'- ria. Ach. F. roccelle. Also yields litmus and orchil. Roche al'um. A pale rose-colored alum, originally manutacturcd at Rocca in Syria. Rochelle' salt. Potassium sodium tar- trate. Rochenthran (G). Kay oil. Rocher {F.). Petrous bone. Rock can'dy. F. sucre candi. Sugar in the form of large transparent rhombic crystals. Rock'brake. Pteris atropurpitrca. Rock 'bridge Al'um Springs. A health-resort, in Rockbridge Co., A'irginia; waters chalybeate and astringent. Rock'-cress. Araitis iyratn, L,. diuretic and antiscoibutie. Rock-E'non Springs. Chalybeate and sulphur waters, used also for baths, Rock- Enon Springs, Frederick Co., Virginia. Rock'et. Eruca saliva, DC. Rock fe'ver. Intermittent fever. Rock'ingham Springs. Saline cha- lybeate waters, near McGaheysville, Rock- ingham Co., Virginia. Rock-ma'ple. A cer .tacchan'n mn, Wang. Rock'-oU. Petroleum. Rock'-rose. Jhilantlirmum rnri/mhosiim, Micli.x. ; herb aromatic, tonic, astringent. Rock'-salt. Native crystallized sodium chloride. Rock '-weed. Geranium Robertianum, h. Rocou {F.). Annotto. Ro'dent. L. rodens ; I. rodente. Gnaw- ing, eating away. R. ul'cer, a slowly- spreading ulcer, allied to epithelioma. Rod-fi'bres. G. Stäbchenfasern. Deli- cate fibrils connected with the base of the rods of the retina, and extending through the outer nuclear layer. Rod - gran'ules. G. Stäbchenkörner. Granules of the outer nuclear layer of the retina, connected with the rods. Rododendro (/.). Rhododendron. Rods of Cor'ti : see Corti, rods of. Rods of Hei'denhain. G. Heiden- hain'sche Stäbchen. Rods or fibrils found in the endothelial cells of parts of the tubules of the kidney and placed vertically to the basement membrane. They appear like the hairs of a brush pressed upon a plate of glass. Rods of ret'ina. L. bacilli retin:c ; F. bâtonnets de la rétine ; /. bacilli della retina. Minute elongated cylinders set per- pendicularly against pigmentary or outer layer of retina, except at the macula lutea. Rod'-wax. The crude semi-solid petro- leum which accumulates on the casings, etc. about oil-wells ; recommended for chronic bronchitis and incipient |ihthi.sis. Rœ'derer's obliq'uity. Chin-flexion of the child's head at pelvic brim in labor. Röhre ( C). Duct, tube, pipe, syringe, fistule. In composition Röhren, as, — artig, tubular, fistular ; — athmen, tubal respiration; — blutung, spinal lux'mor- rhage ; — cassie, juirging . cassia ; — ge- schwulst, cylindroma, siphonoma ; — grau, central tubular gray ; — knochen, long or tubular bone ; — stimme, bronch- ophony ; — Substanz, medullary substance of kidney; — theil, tiuit jiart of the am- pulla of a .semicircular canal lying between crista acustica and tube of the canal. Röhrgeschwür (C). Fistulous ulcer. Röhrig ( ''/'). Tubular. Römische Bertram'wrurzel ((?.). Pel- litory. Römische Kamille (C). Anthémis. Römische Minze {G.). Spearmint. Römischer Kümmel {G.^. Cumin. Römischer Quendel {G.). Garden thyme. Röschen (0'.). Roseola. ROT ROO 469 Röthe(6'.). Erythema. Roeth'eln. L. rubeola notha ; F. rosèole ; G. Kötheln ; /. roseola epidemica. German measles ; an acute infectious disease much resembling measles, but with smaller spots of erui>tion. which appear on the first day. are pale red. very slightly elevated, and are usually not followed by desiiuamation. The fever is slight, and disajipears with the erup- tion about the third day. Eöthend (G.). Kubefacient. Bogg-en ((?.). Rye; — katarrh, hay fever ; — mutter, spurred rye. Rogne (/■'.). 1. Psoriasis in dogs. 2. Inflammation of the skin in dogs, due to the presence of the Demodex follicidorum. Rognon {F.). The kidney, more espe- cial! v of animals used for food. Roh, er, e, es CC). Raw, crude. R. Carbolsäure, crude carbolic acid. R. kohlensaures Natron, sal soda. R. Salzsäure, commercial hydrochloric acid. Rohheit Cff.). Crudity. Rohrzucker {G.). Cane-sugar. Ro'hun-bark. L- soymidae cortex. The bark of Soi/mù/n ßiirl/ugu, Juss. ; astrin- gent, tonic, and antiperiodic [P. Ind.]. Roideur (F.). Stiffness, rigidity. Rolan'do, an anatomist of Piedmont, 177:^1831. R., fis'sure of, or R., fur'- ro'W of, central sulcus. R., tu'bercle of: see Tubercle of RolanJ'i. Rolando'scher Strang ( G.). Funicu- lus Itiilandi. Roll sul'phur. Crude sulphur, melted and run into cylindrical moulds. Rollbein (.). 1. Scarlatina. 2. Ery- thema. Rosato, a ( /.). Rose-colored. Rosbeen, Elephantiasis Arabum [Suri- nam]. Rose. 1. Erysipelas. 2. L. rosa, a plant of the Nat. Ord. Rosace« : see Calt- bage, Christmas, Corn, Dog. Pair. I'riaruce, Red, Rock, and Snoio rose. R. cam 'pion, ROS ROS 471 L]/chnis Glthago, Lam. R. ce'rate. L. ceratum rosatum ; F. cérat or onguent à la rose. /. unguento rosato. White wax, 50, expressed oil of almond 100 ; melt to- gether and add carmine 0.5, oil of rose 0.5 part [Cod.]. R. gera'nium, l\l''><" (Inmnsreini, L. R. pâle, pale ro.se. R. de Provins, red rose. R. deputeaux, A''>.v-'((/rt»ir/.<(VH(i. L. R. rouge, red ruse. R. sauvage, Rosa canina. L. R. de Sibérie, RIukÌh- deuiìron rlirysanthum, L. R. de tous le mois, R>isa damascena. L. R. trémière, hollyhock. Rose ((?.). Rose; erysipelas. In compo- sition Rosen, as. — ähnlich, erysipelatous; — fleckfieber, roseola. Rose'-apple. The fruit of Eugenia Janilins. L Rose'bay. Rhododendron. Ros'eine. F. roséine ; /. roseina. The commercial name for the acetate of rosani- line. Rose'mary [ros. marinus]. L. rosmari- nus ; F. romarin ; G. Eosmarin ; 7. ros- marino. The leaves of Rosmnrinus oßiei- nafis, L. [U. S. P.] ; the young flowering branches [Cod.] ; stimulant and carmina- tive : see also Marsh and Wild rosemary. Rosenader or Rosenblutader (ln /irpaticii, Di.-iloma iiepaticmn? 2. Putrefaction, decay. Rot (F.'). Eructation, belching. Rotacis'mus ( L.). F. rhotacisme ; 1. rotacismo. Khotacismus. Rota'tion. Tj. rotatio ; G. Drehung; /. rotazione. 1. Movement of a bone or limb around its own axis, the latter remaining stationary or nearly so. 2. A peculiar screw- like or spiral motion of the ftt-tal head in its descent through the pelvis during labor. Rotationsgelenk (G.). Pivot joint. Rotationsluxation ( C). A rare lux- ation of the knee in which the tibia is ro- tated outward. Rotationsverfahren (G.'). Reduction of a luxation by rotation. Rota 'tor (//.)■ F. rotateur, trice; G. Dreher ; / rotatore. In anatomy a mus- cle effecting rotation. R. car'pi, extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis. R. hu'meri, cor- aco-brachialis brevis. R. tri'ceps fem'- oris. G. dreiköpfiger Rullniuskel. Obtu- rator internus and the two gemelli, consid- ered as a single muscle. Rotatore (/.). Rotator. Rotato'res (X.), pi. of Rotator. R. dor'si, rotatores spina;. R. fem'oris, ob- turator muscles. R. oc'uh, oblii|ue mus- cles of the eye. R. spi'nae. G. Rücken- dreher. Deepest portion of transverso-spi- nalis system of muscles of back, composed of small slips arising from transverse proc- esses of dorsal vertebrœ. and inserted into lamina of some vertebra above. Some pass over one vertebra (rotatores longi), others are inserted on the vertebrae immediately above (rotatores breves). They occasion- ally appear in lumbar and cervical regions. Rotazione (/.). Rotation. Rotella ( A). Patella. Roth (6'.). Red; — blindheit, red- blindness; — machen, rubéfaction; — machend, rubefacient ; — scheu, morbid dread or dislike of red color ; — sucht. 1. Measles. 2. Roetheln ; — 'wein, red wine. Roth, er, e, es ( G.). Red ; R. China- rinde, red cinchona ; R. Enzian, Genlinna piinnunica ; R. Elrweichung, red softening of the nervous centres; R. Hund, roseola; R. Kern, red nucleus ; R. Kleienflechte, pityriasis rubra ; R. Lepra, polla^'ra ; R. Quecke, dirfx nrenana, L. ; R. Queck- süberoxyd, mercuric oxide, red ; R. Quecksilbersalbe, ointment of red oxide of mercury ; R. Ruhr, dysentery ; R. San- telholz, red Saunders ; R. Schwefelqueck- sUber, mercuric sulphide; R. Weiderich, Lì/lliTìim Siiììrariit, L. Roth'lauf. F. rouget du ]iorc, mal rouge du porc ; G. Schweineseuche ; /. an- trace erisipelatoso, fuoco sacro. An epi- demie contagious disease of swine. The leading symptoms are fever, redness of the skin, debility, weakness of the posterior extremities, and sometimes diarrhœa. The average duration of fatal cases does not exceed three days. The lesions are puncti- form ecchymoses, swellini; and redness of the lymphatic glands, eidargement of the spleen, ecchymoses and sometimes ulcera- tion of the intestine, hœniorrhagic paren- chymatous nephritis. The disease is caused by the bacillus of rothlauf; known also as red soldier, pig typhoid, hog cholera, swine plague, etc. ROT ROV 473 Rothlauf (<7.)- Erysipelas; — artig, erysipelutous ; — giirtel, herpes zoster. Rotispina'les (/.). Kotatores spinse [Cones]. Rottle'ra (Z.). l.Kamala. 2. A sreniis of Edjiliorhiaceir. R. Schim'peri, Hoch., a larsre Abyssinian tree, said by Martins and others to yield musenna-bark. R. tinc- to'ria, Koxb., Mallotus philippinensis, Müll. Arjr. Rott'lerin. /'. rottlérino ; /. rottlerina. A crystalline principle obtained by Ander- son (1855) from kaniala. Rottura (/. ). Rupture, hernia. Rot'ula I L.'). 1. Patella. 2. Capitel- lum. Rot'ulad. Toward the rotular aspect [Barclay]. Rot'ulBB (L.). Sugar drops. R. men'- thee piperi'tse [P. G.], peppermint drops. Rot'ular. L. rotularis : /'. rotulicn, ienne ; /. rotuliano. Pertaining to the patella. R. as'pect, toward the patella. Rotule (F.). Patella. Rotuliano (/.). Rotular. Rotulien, ienne (F.). Rotular. Rotz ((r.). Glanders; — bacillus, Ä7- cil/us mallei; — catarrh, catarrh accom- panying glanders; — entzündung, inflam- mation of glanders; — erkrankung, glan- ders; — geschwür, ulcer of glanders; — gift, virus of glanders; — jauche, sanies from glanders ; — knötchen ur — knoten, glanders, tubercles, tarcy-buds; — krank- heit, glanders. Rotz und Wurmkrankheit (G.). Glanders and farcy. Rotzig (Cr'.). Mucous; — keit, mucos- ity. Roucou {F.). Annotta. Roucoulement (F.). Cooing (mur- mur). Rouge. Ferric oxide, colcothar ; used as a polishing powder. Rouge {F.). Red, redness. R. d'ani- line, fuchsine. R. rétinien or visuelle, retinal purple. Rougeole (F.). Measles. Rouge's opera'tion. For exposure of nasal cavities to facilitate removal of tnniors or of necrosed bone as in treatment of ozœna. Cut the upper lip and lower pan of nose free from upper jaw, and raise the flap. Rouget (/'.). Leptus irritans. R. du porc, rothlauf. Rouget, bulb of. Bulb of ovary. Rouget's mus'cle. Circular portion of ciliary muscle. Rougeur (F.^. Redness. Rouille (/■'.). Rust, mildew. Rouulé, ée, rust}', rust-colored. Round car'damoms. L. amomum racemosum ; F. anionic en grappe. Cluster cardamoms; the fruits oï Anidmum Curdn- ■inoi>nij)t, L., from the East Indies. Round cu'bito-ra'dial Hg'ament. Ob- lique ligament. Round lig'ament of liv'er. L. liga- ment um teres hepatis. Thick tibrous cord, vestige of umbilical vein of fuctal life, lying along lower edge of suspensory lig- ament of liver, passing from umbilicus to left longitudinal fissure. Round lig'ament of u'terus. L. ligamentum teres uteri; F. ligament rond; G. Mutterband ; /. legamento rotondo dell' utero. Fibrous cord homologous with the gubernaculum testis, extendint; from eitlier corner of uterus, within folds of broad lig- ament, through inguinal canal to mons Veneris. Round wtn'dow. Fenestra rotunda. Round ■worm. Ascnris lumhrieoides. • Rousseau's lau'danum. L. laudanum ex Rousseau ; F. laudanum de Rousseau ; G. Rou.s.seau'sche Opiumtinktur; /. lau- dano liquido di Rousseau. A fermented aqueous solution of opium to which alcohol is added. 4 parts of Rousseau's laudanum represent 1 part of moist opium. Rous'selot's arsen'ical po'w'der. L. pulvis arsenicalis Rousselot ; F. poudre arsenicale de Rousselot ; I. polvere arseni- cale di Rousselot. Arsenious acid 6, mer- curie sulphide 47, dragon's blood 47 ; mis [P. Belg.]. Rou vieux or Roux-vieux (F.). 1. Eruptive disease at the roots of the mane of the horse. 2. Psoriasis in dogs. Roux's amputa'tion. Amputation of the entire foot, the tibia and fibula being divided as in Syme's amputation, and the flap derived mainly from inner side of foot. Rovere (/.). Quercus robur. L. Rovesciamento (/,). Inversion. Rovesciato, a, inverted, reversed. Rovo (/.). RuIjus /rulicosus, L. 474. ROW RUC Ro'w'land's Springs, ("halybeate min- eral ;^)irini:s. in ('as< Cu.. (ìoorgia. Roy'al stitch. Ligation of the neck of a liei'nial sac. Ruban (F.). Ribbon. R. fibreux oblique, fasciculn.« (jblii|uus. R-s. de la glotte or R-s. vocaux, vocal eonls. R. de Reil, lenmi.-icus. R. de Vicq d'Azyr, line of \'icii (I'Azyr. Rubefa'cient. L. rnbefacicns : F. rubé- tìant, ante : (1. rotheml, rotliinacliend ; / rubefacente. A mild local irritant, pro- ducing sinipl}' congestion and redness. Rubefac'tion. L. rubefactio ; F. rubi'- faction ; G. Kotlimachen ; /. rubefazione. The action of a rubefacient. Rubella (X). I.Rubeola. 2. Roetheln. Rube'ola (^.). 1. Measles (American usage). 2. F. rubèole. Roetheln. R. no'tha, roetheln. R. vulga'ris, measles. Rube'olae (//.), \<\. of Rubeola. Roe- theln. R. vesiculo'sse, erythema of miliary fever. Rubéoleux, ause, or RubéoUforme (^F. ). Resembling, or affected with, rubeola. Rubeoloso or RubioUco (/.). Re- sembling, or suff'ering from, rubeola. Ru'bia {L.). 2. Madder. 2. A genus of Ruhiaceet. R. tincto'rum. F. garance ; /. robbia. A perennial herb, indigenous to southern Europe and the Levant, culti- vated for the root, called madder; used as* a dye. Ru'bian. C,,..HfisO,,o. A bitter, brittle, anuirphous glucoside from madder. Rubig'inous. Rust-colored. Rubi'go (L.). Ferric hydrate. Rubijer'vine. C.,JI„Nü.,. An alkaloid found in white hellebore. Ru'bor {L?). Redness. R. labio'rum, red portion of lips. R. neuroti'cus, red- ness of skin from nervous influence; ery- thema. Ru'binca {L.). Red chalk. Ru'bula (//.)• Yaws [Good]. Ru'bus (/>.). 1. Blackberry. 2. A genus of plants. Nat. Ord. Rosacea:. R. canaden'sis, low blackberry-plant ; dew- berry. R. Prutico'sus. F. ronce sauvage. European blackberry ; the leaf is offi- cial in the Cod.; astringent. R. Idae'us, raspberry ; indigenous to Europe and northern Asia ; cultivated. R. occidenta'- lis, wild black raspberry of the middle U. S. ; may be employed in place of Riihus LÌPdis [V. S. v.] ; R. strigo'sus, Michx., wild red raspberry of the I'. S. ; may be emploved in ]ilace of Rul/in: Jdseus [r.'S.P.]; R.'trivia'lis, Michx., low-bush blackberry. R. villo'sus. Ait., common or high blackberry. Ructa'tio or Ruc'tus (/-.). [^èpeùyo/iat']. Eructation. Rudbeck'ia lacinia'ta, L. Cone-flower, thiinble-wced ; indigenous ; diuretic. Rudbeck'ia purpu'rea, L. Comb- flower ; indigenous West and South ; root pungent, diuretic, and alterative. Rude (F.). Rough, harsh. Ruder or ruderartiger Fortsatz (inal sclerosis; — verzehrung, tabes dor- salis, locomotor ataxy ; also in composition RUC RUM 475 Rückenmarks, as, — anämie, an;tniia of spinal oiiiih — arterien, spinal arte- ries; — compression, compression of the cord; — degeneration, degeneration of the cord ; — entzündving, myelitis ; — erkranktmg, «liseuse of the cord ; — erschütterung, concussion of tlie cord ; railway spine; — erweichung, softening of the cord; — haut, spinal or rachidian membrane ; — hüllen, nieinliranes of spi- nal cord; — hsrperämie, liy]ieriemia of the cord; — kanal, spinal canal ; — läh- mung, spinal jiaralysis; — loch, vertebral foramen; — nerven, spinal nerves; — pulsader or — Schlagader, spinal ar- tery; — rinde, cortex of spinal cord; — sclfwindsucht, myelophtliisis, tabes dor- salis ; — sclerose, sclerosis of spinal cord ; — seele, faculty of conscious volition, be- lieved by Pflüger to exist in the spinal eord of lower vertebrates ; — Verletzung, injury of the cord; — wasserbruch, hy- drorrhachis ; — vsrassersucht, spina bitida. Rückfall {(t.). Itelapse. In coinpo- sitiuii Rückfalls, as, — fleber or — ty- phus, relapsing fever. Rückgang (6r'.). Retrogression, re- lapse. Rückgegend ( &'.). Spinal region. Rückgrat C?.). Vertebral column; — gegend, s[iinal region ; — kanal, spinal canal ; also in composition Rückgrats, as. — entzündung, spondylitis; — höhle, vertebral canal ; — kriimmung, curvature of the spine ; — schmerz, rhacliialgia ; — spalte, spina bifida ; — Strecker, erector spime ; — Verbeugung or — verbiegung, scoliosis; — Verkrümmung, >) lina I curv- ature; — ■Wassersucht, hydrorrhachis ; — weh, rhacliialgia. Rückimpfling (G.). Hetrovaccination. Rücklagerung ((r.). A setting back; tenotomy for strabismus. Rücksaugung (G.). Reabsorption. Rückschritt (G.). Retrocession. Rückstauung (G.). Passive conges- tion. Rückstoss (G.). Back-stroke, diastolic impulse. Rückwärtsbeugen or Rückwärts- beugung (G.). Pictroflcxion. Rückwärtsbiegung der Gebärmut- ter (6r.). Retroversion of uterus. Rückwärtsdreher ( G.). Supinator. Rückwärtsdrehung {G.). Supination. Rückwärtslage (G.). Dorsal position. Rückwärtsneigung (G.). Uetrover- .sion. Rückwärtszieher des Ohres {'•'). Retrahens aurera. Rülpsen (G.). Belching, eructation. Rüster (G.). Elm; — rinde, el m -bark. Rütteln (G.). To shake, jolt. Rufus' puis. Pills of aloes and myrrh. Ru'ga, ]il. Rugae (L-)- Fold or wrinkle, esjiecially of skin or mucous membrane. R-ee. of bones. F. rugosités des os. The slightly roughened elevations on bones, gen- erally marking the points of insertion of ten- dons and ligaments. R-ae. pennifor'mes, arbor vitw ( uterine ). R-se. seni'les or R-ae. transver'sse fronta'les, transverse rugaj of forehead. R-ae. of vagi'na. A. rug;« vagina; ; F. rugosités du vagin. Small ob- lique folds occurring in mucous mcmljrane of vagina, particularly on its anterior wall, diverging from the columns. Ruggine (/.). Rust, mildew. Rugginoso, a (/.). Rusty, ru.st-col- ored. Rugination {F.). Rasping, scraping. Rugine ( F.). Rasp, bone-scraper. Rugos'ity. L. rugositas ; F. rugosité ; G. Rugosität ; /. rugosità. A roughness, wrinkling. Ru'gous. L. rugosus. Wrinkled, rough. Ruhelosigkeit ( G.). Restlessness, want of rest. Ruhepulver ( G.). Sedative, opiate. Ruhr (('■)■ Dysentery; — artig, diar- rhœal ; — krank, affected with dysentery ; — mittel, remedy for dysentery ; — rinde, simaruba ; — w^urzel, ipecac. Rui'zia fra'grans (L.), R. et P. Ffii- ÎHH.S- />o/(/».s-, ^lol. Rum [Sjt. ron]. L. spiritus Janiaicen- sis ; F.. 1. rhum. A spirituous liquor dis- tilled from fermented molasses. Choke-cherry, I'ninns Acne rosacea. Rum cher'ry. vijyiniiiiia. L. Rum-blos'som. Ru'men (L.). The paunch, or first stomach, of ruminants. Rumenot'omy [r/ax»]. The operation of o|icning the rumen. Ru'mex (/>.). 1. Yellow-dock; the root of Rnmc.r nispits, L., and other sjiecies of liumex [U. S. P ] ; astringent, tonic, and alterative. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. I'fili/gonucex. R. Aceto'sa. F. oseille com- 476 RUM RUÖ Illune. Kiiirlish sorrel ; a European species; the root and fresh phiiit are official in the Cod.; antiscorbutic. Inspissated juice has been used as an escharotic on cancerous ul- cers. R. Acetosella, ci>niiiion sorrel, field or sheep sorrel: naturalized from Huropi'. abundant ; antiscorbutic, diuretic, refrij;- erant. R. cris'pus. yellow dock, curled dock ; a European perennial, naturalized in the U. S. R. obtusifo'lius. /'. pa- tience. Bitter dock ; naturalized from Eu- rope ; the root is official in the C"od. under the name of patience. R. Patien'tia, pa- tience dock. Ru'micin. F. rumicine. A term inap- propriately used for the dry alcoholic ex- tract of yellow dock, Kum>x ciinpus. Rumina 'tion. i.ruminatio; C Wieder- kauen ; 1. ruminazione. Regurgitation of and rechewing the food ; chewing the cud. Rumine (/). Rumen. Rumore, pi. i ( /.). Bruit. .Murmur, sound. R-i. arteriosi, arterial murmurs or bruits. R-i. di collisione, sounds elicited by the rubbing or striking together of cal- culi in the gall- or urinary bladder. R-i. del cuore, heart-sounds. R. di diavolo, bruit de diable, q. v. R. di gnazzamento, splashing sound. R. idi'oaerico, sound due to agitation of fluid nii.\ed with air. R. di lima, rasping sound. R. metallico, metal- lic, tinkling sound. R. muscolare, sound heard by auscultation civer a contracting muscle. R. di pentola fessa, bruit de pot fêlé. R. di pergamena, •parchment" sound. R. respiratorio, respiratory mur- mur. R. di soffio, limit de .souffle; blow- ing murmur. R-i. venosi, venous humming sounds. R. vescicolare, vesicular murmur. Rump'-bone. Coccyx. Rumpf {(r."). Trunk: body; breech. — arterie, vordere, untere, epigastric artery, deep inferior: — läge, breech pres- entation ; — nervensystem, sympathetic system ; — plexus, oberer, jilcxus cervico- brachialis ; — plexus, unterer, plexus lunibo-sacralis ; • — röhre, tube formed by body-walls of embryo bending around and uniting at the ventral median line; — segrmente, metameres. Rund, er, e, es (G.'). Round. R. Band, ligainVntum teres; R. Bein or R. Hand\vurzelbein, pisiform bone ; R. Fenster, fenestra rutunda ; R, Loch, for- amen rotunduui ; R. Strang, fasciculus teres. Rundkopf ( G.). Trochocephalus. Rvmd'wurm (Cy. Aseark himhricoides. RundzeUensarcom {G.). Round-cell sarcoma. Runksen (G.). Pandiculation. Run'ning scali or tet'ter. Impetigo. Runzel {G.'). AVrinkle, fold, jiucker ; — häutig, wrinkled, rugous ; — haut, wrin- kled skin; — säulen, i-oliunna" rugarum. Runzeln {G.). To wrinkle. Runzler ( G.). Corrugato!-. Rupéal, e (/'.). I'etrous ; used sub- stantively for petrous bone. Rupfbart {G.'). 8tro])luilus, gum rash. Ru'pia (L.) \^i'i'i-iii\. F. rhypia : I. rupia. A torni formerly apjjlied to vesicular or pus- tular forms of skin disease, in which crusts are formed on the foul ulcers beneath ; usually a form of syphiloderm. R. ca- chec'tica, pompholyx epinyctis. R.escha- rot'ica, ]ieinphigus vulgaris. R. syphüit'- ica, an obsolete term, used to indicate the piled-up and stratified crusts of the large, flat, pustular syphiloderm. Rupofobia (/.). Morbid fear of the neigliborliood of clifl's. Ruprechtkraut (&'.). Geranium Ro- hertiaiiiim, L. Rupteur or Ruptoire {F.). Osteoclast. Ruptur ((?.). Itujiture, laceration. Rup'ture. 7^. ru]itura; G. Zerreissung; 1. rottura. 1. The act of tearing or burst- ing. 2. Hernia. Rus'cus aculea'tus, L. Butcher's broom, knee-holly, a European shrub. Nat. Ord. Aqutragineiz ; the rhizome is official ; diuretic. Rush. Name of plants of the Order .Tiiliritrr^. Rus'ma turco'rum (/>.). A depilatory composed of sulpliiin-t of arsenic and starch, each 2.5, and quicklime 15 parts. Ruspi'ni's styp'tic. A secret remedy, said to consist of gallic acid, zinc sulphate, and oiiiuin, dissolved in alcohol and rose- water. Russ (G-^. Soot. Rus'sian. I'ertaining to, or coming from, Russia. R. cas'tor. L. castoreum sibirieum. The variety of castor obtained from the Russian beaver. Castor fiber, L. ; principally collected in Siberia and eastern Russia ; is more highly esteemed than the Canadian castor. R. i'singlass, the official variety of isinglass. R. liq'uorice-root. //.radix lii|uiritia' iniuulala ; ^>'. Siissholz- RUS SAB 477 Wurzel. The decortieated roots and their simple stolons of (ì/j/i i/rrliho gluhni ((r/i/- lyn-liha g/iiiK/iiii/ci-a) [1*. G.] ; is official in several Kuropeari pharmacopoeias ; differs from Spanish li(|Uorice in beinjr more bit- ter. R. mus'taxd, seeds of Siiiapisjuiiccd, L.. cultivated ill southern Russia. R. rhu'- barb, a former commercial variety of rhu- barb of e.xcellent quality, transported over- land from China and entering commerce by way of Russia. Russo (/.). Snoring. Rust. F. rouille ; G. Rost ; /. ruggine. Oxide (if iron. Rut [A. rugitus]. G. Rrunst; /. frega. Desire for copulation on the part of female animals, not generally applied to the human female ; heat. Ru'ta (A.). 1. Rue. 2. A genus of Niifnctfe. R. grave 'olens, L.. common rue, a European perennial plant, cultivated in gardens ; the herb is official. Ruthe (G.). Penis. In composition Ruthen, as. — kopf, head of penis ; — krampf, priapism ; — krebs, epithelioma of the penis ; — muskel, erector penis ; — nerv, dorsal nerve of penis ; — • puls- ader or — Schlagader, dorsal artery of penis ; — schaft, body of penis ; — schwinden, phallocryjisis : — spalte, fis- sure of penis; — steifer, ischio-cavernosus. Ru'tic ac'id. F. acide rutique ; /. acido rutico. Capric acid. Rutido'sis (L.) [/îyrw]. Slirivolliiig or wrinkling of the cornea. Rutilant, ante {F.^. J. rutilante. Red, reddish. Ru'tUin. Olivine of Mulder ; a resinoid matter formed by the action of sulphuric acid upon salicin. Ruysch, Dutch anatomist, 1(538-1781. R.'s glom'erules, Mal]iighian corpuscles. R.'s mem'brane, tunica Ruyschiana. R.'s u'terine mus'cle, bundle of fibres at fun- dus which he believed to act independently. Rye. F. seigle ; G. Roggen ; /. segale. Secale cereale, L., and its fruit. Rjrtido'sis. Rutidosis. UNIVERSITY OF ' ^^ COtOWOO SCHOOL Of MEOICINC s. S., abbv. for Signa (L.), give direc- tions ; label ; also for Spherical lens ; also symbnl of Sulphur. S roma'num (L.). F. S iliaque. S romain ; /. S romano. Sigmoid flexure of colon. S. a., abbv. for Secun'dtim ar'tem (/,.), skilfully; accordiiiL' in the rules of the art. Sabadiglia (/.). Cevadilla. Sabadiglina (/.). Sabadilline. Sabadil'laf/>.). Cevadilla. S. offlcina'- rum, Hrandt. Schanocauton olficiitale. A. (iray. Sabadillgermer ('.). Drivelling. Sabberseuche (G.). Foot-and-inoutli disease. Sabbia (/.). Sand, gravel. Sabi'na(L.). Savine. Sabi'nae cacu'minse [B. P.]. Savine. Sabine (f.)- Savine. Sable (F.). Sand, gravel. Sablé, óe (F.). Having minute eleva- tions resembling sand. Sablier (F.). Hum crepitans, L. Sab'ulous. L. sabulosus. Sand-like, gritty. Sabur'ra (/>.). F. saburre. Sordes, foul stomacli. Sabur'ral. /. saburrale. Relating to, or depending upon, saburra. S. fe'ver. F. fii-vre saburrale ; G. Saburralfieber ; /. febbre saburrale. Fever with gastric irritability and a tongue coated with sordes. Sac. L. Saccus ; F. sac ; G. Sack ; /. sacco. A pouch-like envelope with mem- branous walls. S. of omen'tum, lesser sac of peritoneum. Sac (F.). Sack, bag, pouch. S. an- évrysmal, sac of aneurism. S. dartoique des grandes lèvres, pouch lornied by each labium majus, homologous with the scrotum ; may contain a jirolajised ovary. S. dentaire, dental follicle. S. herniaire, hernial sac. S. lacrymal, lachrymal sac. S. pulmonaire, left auricle. S. en sa- blier ur en chapelet, hernial sac, having several constricti(ins throughout its length. S. veineux, right auricle. Saccade (/•'.). Sudden movement due to muscular contraction; jerk. Saccadé, ée {F.). With a sudden, jerking movement ; interrupted. Interrupted, jerking. 1. Saccharate. 2. Sac- Saccadirt (G.). Saccarato (/.). charated. Saccarina (/.). Sac'cated. L. pouched. Sac'charate of unvc/miiilii. Sac'charated [saccharum]. F. sac- charate, ée. /. zuccherato. Ciuitaining. or prepared with, sugar. S. car'bonate of Saccharin. saccatus. Encysted, lime : see Cakaria iron. L. ferri carbonas saecharatus; F. carlionate de fer sucré ; G. zuckerhaltiges kohlensaures Eisen ; J. carbonato di ferro zuccherato. A mixture of ferrous car- bonate, ferric oxide, and sugar, contain- ing of the former about 15 per cent. [U. S. ]*.], 28 per cent. [B. P.]; prepared by adding sugar to moist, freshly-precipi- tated ferrous carbonate, and evajiorat- ing to dryness ; tonic, emmeiiagogue. S. fer'rous i'odide. A. ferri iodidum saccluiratum ; /'. .saecharure d iodure de fer ; G. Eisenjodurzucker. Saccharated iodide of iron ; ferrous iodide protected from oxidation by sugar of milk ; contains 2(1 jier cent, of the iron salt [I'. S. P.]. S. i'ron. L. ferrum oxydatum .saccharatum solubile ; G. Kisenzucker. A compound of ferric hydrate and sugar, in the form nf a reddish-brown powder: entirely soluble in water ; contains about H per cent, of iron [P. (Ì.]. S. pep'sin. Ij. |)epsinum .sac- charatum. I'c]isin. the digestive principle of the gastric juice, obtained from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the hog, mixed with powdered sugar of milk [('. S. P.]. S. solu'tion of lime. L. li(|Uor calcis saecharatus. Quicklime 1, sugar 2. water 2(1 parts; mix and separate the clear solution [B. P.]. Saccharephidro'sis ( A. ). Sweet per- s|iir;ili(in. Sac'chari fsex (A.). Treacle, molasses. Sac'charic ac'id. CuHioO,. F. acide saccliari(|uc ; /. acido saccarico. An amor- phous, colorless, deli((uescent acid, produced by the action of nitric acid uiion sugar. Sac'charin. /"".saccharine; /.saccarina. A coal-tar derivative in the form of a white crystalline powder, very slightly .soluble in cold water, more readily in hot water, freely in alcohol and ether ; odorless, having an intensely sweet taste, being equal in sweet- ening power to nearly 30(1 tinu's its weight of cane-sugar. It is without action upon the liver or other organs of digestion, and does not reduce Fchling's süluti(ui ; recom- mended as a substitute for sugar in the diet of diabetic patients. Sac'charogen. A sulistance found in milk, frciin which lactose is formed; not identical with glycogen. Saccharogen'esis (/>■)■ /' saccharo- génie. Formation of sugar. Saccharomy'ces (A.) [saccharum, ,«'')/r,s-]. A genus of aseomycetous fungi, including the forms commonly known as SAC SAC 479 yeast. The saccliaroiuycetes ;iro unicelluhir organisms. iuulti|ilyiiifr rapidly by buJdiiii.'. and also under s[iecial conditions rejiro- ducinç; by endogenous spores ; found eliiefly in solutions uiidorgning alcobolic i'ermeiita- tion. S. Cerevis'iae, spceies constituting brewers' yeast, of wiiat is known as the high fermentation ; forms ascospores at a temperature of ri2° F. only after ten days' isolation. S. Pastoria'nus, species found in low fermentation ; at 52° F. forms asco- spores in three days. Saccharorrhœ'a (L.) [piw'\. F. sac- charorrhée. Glycosuria. Sac'charose. / saccarosa or saccarosio. Cane-sugar. Sac'chamm (L.). 1. Sugar. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Graminex. S. can'didum, rock candy. S. chinen'se, Roxb.,a species of sugar-cane cultivated in China. S. hordea'tum, barley-sugar. S. lac'tis, milk-sugar. S. man'nœ, mannit. S. ofl3.cma'ruin, L.. the sugar-cane, native of southern Asia ; cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries for the produc- tion of sugar. S. puriflca'tum [B. P.J, refined sugar. S. satur'ni, lead acetate. Sacchamre (^'.> L- .saccharuretuni. A preparation having sugar as a basis with which a medicinal substance in solution is mixed ; the mi.xture is subsequenlly dried and powdered [Cod.]. S. d'iodure de fer, saccharated ferrous iodide. S. d'oxyde de fer soluble, saccharated iron. Saccharure'tum (L.). Saccharure. Sac'ci (/y.). pi. of Saccus. Sacs. S. co'li, sacculi of the colon. S. peritonea'- les, sacs of the peritoneum. Sac'ciform. L. sacciformis ; F., I. sac- cifornif. Sac-shaped. Sacco (/.). Sac. S. erniario, hernial sac. S. lagrimale, lachrymal sac. Sac'cular glands. Those in which the secreting acini have a saccular form. Sac'culated. 1. Encysted. 2. Con- taining sacs or pouches. Sac'cule. /<. sacculus; 6". S-ickchen ; /. sacculo. A small sac. S. of lar'ynx, ven- tricle of larynx. S. of ves'tibule. L. sacculus vestibuli. One of the cavities of the membranous labyrinth, a small sphe- roidal vesicle communicating with the due ' tu3 cochlearis and the ductus endolym- phaticus. Sac'culi (L.), pi. of Sacculus. Sac- cules. S. chalicoph'ori, lacunœ of bone. S. of co'lon. L. haustra coli. Irregular dilatations occasioned by the .shortness of ligaments of colon, as compared with inner coats. S. duc'tuum lactifero'rum, am- pulla^ of lacteal ducts. S. larynge'i, ven- tricles of the larynx. Sac'culus {L.). Saccule. S. cseca'lis, laryngeal pouch. S. chy'lifer, receptacu- lum chyli. S. commu'nis, utricle. S. cor'dis, pericardium. S. intes'tini cras'- si, ciccum. S. labjrrin'thi, saccule of vestibule. S. lachryma'lis, lachrymal sac. S. lactiferus, ampulla lactifera. S. laryn'gis, ventricle of the larynx. S. oblon'gus, utricle. S. pro'prius, sac- cule of vestibule. S. ro'rifer, receptacu- luiu chyli. S. rotun'dus, saccule of ves- tibule. S. semi-ova'lis, utricle. S. spher'icus, saccule of vestibule. S. vesica'lis, vesical sacculus. S. vestib'- uli, saccule of vestibule. Sac'cusÇL.). Sac. S. cae'cus co'li, cîBcum. S. cae'cus re'tro-ster'no-clei'- do-mastoi'deus, spatium interaponeuroti- cum suprasternale. S. cae'cus ster'no- clei'do-mastoi'deus [Gruber], diverticu- lum from the spatium intra-aponeuroticum suprasternale. lying behind clavicular ori- gin of sterno-cleido-mastoid. on either side. S. cae'cus ventric'uli, fundus of stomach. S, conjuncti'vae, conjunctiva. S. endo- lymphat'icus. G. Endolymphsack, Co- tugno-Biittcher'scher Sack. Flask-shaped expansion of ductus endolymphaticus, lying external to ac|ueduct of vestibule, on pos- terior surface of petrous portion of tempo- ral bone, under the dura mater. S. epidid- ym'idis, envelope which the visceral lay- er of the tunica vaginalis gives to the epi- didymis. S. epiplo'icus, greater sac : see Sues of periinneinn. S. hemiellip 'ticus, • utricle. S. lachryma'lis, lachrymal sac. S. lac'teus, receptaculum chyli. S, li- ena'lis, splenic pouch. S. omenta'lis, lesser sac : see .S'"''.« of jji'i-itoncuni. S. peritonea'lis mag'nus, greater sac : see Sacs of periioneiDii. S. peHtonea'lis mi'nor or S. peritone'i retroventricu- la'ris, lesser sac : see S>ics of prn'toutum. S. pleu'rae, pleura. S. tu'bo-tympan'- icus. G. Tuben-Paukensackchen. Com- bined Eustachian tube and tympanic cav- ity, considered as a diverticulum of the primitive intestine. S. vena'rum cava'- rum, right auricle of heart. S. vena'rum pulmona'lis, left auricle of heart. S. ventric'uli, fundus of stomach. S. vi- telli'nus, yolk-sac. 480 SAC SAC Sacelliforme (-f). Sacciform, vesicu- lar. Sa'cer ig'nis (L.). Herpes zoster; ery- sipelas. Sa'cer mor'bus (A.). Epilepsy. Sa'cer mus'culus {L.). Longissimus dorsi. Sachet {F.). In medicine, a small bag containing medicated substances. Sackförmig {G.). Saeciform, sac- shaped. Sackgeschwulst ((?.). Cyst, encysted tumor. Sackig(ff.). Encysted. Sackniere {G.). Cystic kidney. Sackwassersucht (G.). Accumulation of serous fluids in cavities lined with mu- cous membrane, after closure of the ducts leading from them. Sacoche (F.). I. sacco d'ambulanza. A bag containing instruments and dress- ings for the battlefield, as part of the fix- tures of an ambulance. Sa'cra me'dia ar'tery. Middle sacral artery : see Sacral arteries. Sacrache. Sacral pain. Sa'crad. Toward the sacral aspect [Bar- clay]. Sa'cral. L. sacralis ; F. sacré, ée ; /. .■^aerale. Pertaining to the sacrum. S. ar'- teries. L. arteri» sacrales. Those distrib- \ited to anterior surface of sacrum. The middle sacral, a vestige of the primitive aorta, arises just above bifurcation and de- scends along median line. The lateral sacral are metamerie arteries derived from posterior division of intestinal iliac. S. as'pect, that toward the sacrum. S. ca- nal. L. canalis .sacralis ; F. canal sacré ; G. Kreuzbeinkanal ; /. canale sacrale. Con-» tinuation of vertebral canal through sacrum. S. cor'nua. L. cornua sacralia ; /'. cornes du sacrum ; G. Krcuzbeiiihiirner ; /. corna del sacro. Two small articular processes at lower part* of sacrum, for union with simi- lar processes of the coccyx. S. flex'ure. L. flexura sacralis ; G. Kreuzbeinkrüm- mung. First curve of rectum, correspond- ing to that of sacrum and coccyx. S. fo- ram'ina. L. foramina sacralia ; /''. trous sacrés ; /. forami sacrali. Those whence sacral nerves issue, corresponding to inter- vertebral foramina of the other parts of the spinal column. S. gan'glia, those situated upon the .symjiathetic in the sa- cral region. S. glands. L. glandulie sa- crales. J.,yniphatic glands upon anterior surface of sacrum, receiving aflerents from pelvic viscera and walls. S. grooves. F. gouttières sacrées. That part of vertebral grooves over the sacrum. S. in'dex, the figure obtained by dividing the sacral breadth, multiplied by 100, by the sacral length. S, nerves. L. nervi sacrales; /'. nerfs sacrés ; G. Saeralnerven ; 7. nervi saerali. Spinal nerves leaving the spinal canal by the sacral foramina and the sacro- coccygeal notch ; usually five in number. S. nu'cleus. G. Sacralkern. A collec- tion of gray matter in the spinal cord, cor- responding to the column of Clarke, oppo- site the origin of the second and third sa- crai nerves. S. par'asites. G. Kreuz- beinparasiten. Malformations consisting of congenital tumors in the sacral region, which are either dermoid cysts or contain the rudiments of a second child connecteil with the first or autosite. S. plex'us. L. plexus sacralis. Formed by the lumbo- sacral cord and anterior divisions of first three sacral nerves and part of iburth. Its branches are distributed to the genital or- gans, perineal and gluteal regions, and pos- terior anil outer side of lower limb. S. plex'us of Ijrmphat'ics, lies on anterior surface of sacrum, along the saero-median artery, and receives vessels from rectum. S. plex'us, poste'rior, formed by union of small posterior divisions of first four sacral nerves. S. ribs. G. Sacralrippen, Separate ossifie points by which lateral por- tions of the sacrum originate. S. sur'face, posterior part of internal surface of ilium, comprising tuberosity of ilium and auricu- lar surface. S. terato'ma, a congenital tumor in the region uf the sacrum, contain- ing foetal organs. S. veins. L. venae sa- crales; G. Kreuzbeinblutndern. Correspond to sacral arteries, the middle sacral (two) emptying either into lei't common iliac or at angle of union of the two common iliacs, the lateral sacral forming with them a plexus over sacrum and discharging into internal iliac. S. ver'tebrae. L. vertebrae sacra- les ; F. vertèbres sacrées; G. Kreuzwirbol, Sacralwirbel ; /. vertebre saerali. Those uniting in the adult to form the sacrum, usuallv five in number in man. Sacralkern ( ^/.). Sacral nucleus. Sacralrippen (G.). Sacral ribs. Sacralwirbel (G.). Sacral vertebra. Sacré, ée ' /'.). Sacral. Sa'cred bark. L. rhamni ]iurshiani cortex [B. I'.J, cascara sagrada ; the dried SAC SAC 481 bark of Rhamniis Purshlanus, DC. ; a mild laxative. Sa'cred bean. Nelumbo. Sa'cri-lumba'lis (//■). Erector spinas [CoucsJ. Sa'cro-. A prefix, indicating the sacrum. Sacro (/.). Sac-rum. Sacro-coccyge'al. L. sacro-coccygeus ; F. sacro-cocej'gien, ieiiiie; /. sacro-coccigeo. Pertaining to the sacrum and the coccyx. S.-c. articula 'tion. L. articulatio sacro- coccygea. Tiiat between sacrum and coc- cyx ; resembles that between bodies of vertebne. S.-c. lig'aments. L. ligamenta sacro-coccygea. Those uniting sacrum and coccyx. The anterior corresponds to an- terior common ligament of vertebral col- umn ; the deep posterior tci posterior common ligament ; the superficial poste- rior to ligamenta subflava ; the lateral to intertransverse ligaments; the articular unite the cornua of the two bones. S.-o. notch. L. incisura sacro-coccygea. Nar- rowed portion of lateral edge of sacrum, just before it joins the coccyx. S.-c. re'gion. L. regio sacro-coccygea. That part of the posterior pelvic region corre- sponding to sacrum and coccyx. Sa'cro - coccyge'us anti'cus (//.). Curvator coccygis. Sa'cro -coccyge'us posti'cus (Z/.). Extensor coccygis. Sa'cro-costa'Us (L.). Ilio-costalis. Sa'cro-cot'yloid diam'eter : see Pelvic (liaiwtrrs. Sa'cro-coxal'gia. F. sacro-coxalgie. Disease of the sacro-iliac symphysis. Sacro - fémoral, ale (F.). I. sacro- femorale. Gluteus maximus [Chaussier]. Sa'cro-ü'iac. F. sacro-ilia(iue ; /. sacro- iliaco. Pertaining to both sacrum and ilium. S.-i. articula'tion. L. articulatio sacro-iliaca: G. Iluftkreuzbeingelenk. Joint between auricular surfaces of sacrum and ilium ; usually contains an imperfect syno- vial cavity. S.-i. lig'aments. ■ L. liga- menta sacro-iliaca. Anterior and posterior bands unitins- the sacro-iliac articulation. The posterior or interosseous s.-i. 1. is composeil of strong fasciculi, one of which, passing from posterior superior iliac spine to 3d and 4th pieces of sacrum, is known as the longr or oblique s.-i. 1. S.-i. syn- chondro'sis, sacro-iliac articulation. Sacro-ilio-trochantérien (/'.). Pyri- formis muscle. Vol. II.— ai Sacro-ischiatico (/.). Sacro-sciatic. Sa'cro-lat'eral ar'teries. Sacral ar- teries, lateral. Sa'cro-lumba'lis (i.). Ilio-costalis. Sa'cro-lum'bar. F. sacro-lombaire ; /. sacro-lombare. Lunibo-sacral. Ö.-1. lig'- ament, lumbu-sacral ligament. Sa'cro -me'dian ar'tery. Sacral ar- tery, middle. Sa'cro-pectine'al diam'eter: see Pel- vic diameters. Sa'cro-sciat'ic. L. sacro-ischiaticus ; F. saero-sciatii|ue ; I. sacro-ischiatico. Per- taining to both sacrum and ischium. S.-s. fold, a process of pelvic fascia skirting the foramen suprapy riforme, passing from upper part of sacro-iliac articulation to ischial spine. S.-s. foram'ina, sciatic foramina. S.-s. lig'aments. L. ligamenta sacro- ischiatica. Strong bands uniting sacrum and ischium. The great or posterior s.-s. 1. passes from posterior inferior iliac spine, side of the sacrum and coccyx, to ischial tuberosity ; the lesser or anterior s.-s. 1. passes from side of sacrum and coc- cyx to ischial spine. S.-s. notch'es, sciatic notches. Sacro-spinal, ale (^F.). I. sacro-spinale. Erector spinaj. Sa'cro-spina'Us (L.). Erector spinse. Sa'cro-subpu'bic diam'eter : see Pel- vic i/inmefcrs. Sacro - trocanteriano (/.). ]. Pyri- formis [Chaussier]. 2. Relating to "the sacrum and trochanter. Sacro-trochantérien, ienne (F.). Re- lating to the sacrum and trochanter; pyri- forrais. Sa'cro-ver'tebral. F. sacro-vertébral, ale ; /. sacro-vertebrale. Pertaining to the sacrum and the vertebrœ. S. -v. an'gle, promontory. S.-v. articula'tion. L. articulatio sacro-vertebralis ; G. Wirbel- kreuzbeingelenk. That between last lum- bar vertebra and sacrum. S.-v. hg'ament, lumbo-sacral ligament. Sa'crum (L.). G. Kreuzbein ; I. sacro. AVedge-shaped bone formed by union of five vertebrœ, situated at posterior part of pelvis, between last lumbar vertebra above and coccyx below, and articulating with the innominate bones at either side. Sacs of peritone'um. L. sacci peri- toneales ; F. cavités du péritoine ; G. Bauch- fcllsacke. Two separate cavities, the greater, in front of stomach, liver, and great omen- 482 SAD SAG tum ; the lesser, beliind stomacli and liver, extending into folds of great omentum. They conimunieatc by Winslow's foramen. Originally symmetrical right and left cav- ities, their relative position has been altered by development of viscera. Sad'dle-joint. L. peronartlirosis ; G. Sattelgelenk. One where are applied two surfaces, concave in one direction while convex in the other. Motion is most free in two planes. Example : carpo-metacarpal joint of tliumb. Sad'dle-nose. G. Sattelnase. Nose in which the bridge has collapsed, owing to necrosis of nasal bones. Sadebaum (C). Junipfi-us Sabina, L. — extrakt, extract of savine ; — öl, oil of savine ; — salbe : see Savine cerate ; — spitzen, savine. Sa'dra-bei'da. Brittle gum. Säbelbein ( G.). Bow-leg. Säbelfortsatz (G.). Processus ensi- formis. Säckchen (G.). Saccule. Säftemischung' (6'-). Mixture of humors, diathesis. Säfteverderbniss (G.). Dyscrasia. Säge {G.). Saw. Sägebockbein {G.). Genu valgum. Sägenaht ( G.). Sutura serrata. Sägemnuskel, grrosser {G.). Serratus magiius. Sägesprung {G.). Crusta lactea. Säng'er's operation. CiBsarean sec- tion, in which care is taken in suturing to bring together the surfaces of the perito- neum — ('. e. seroso-serous apposition. Sättigung (6'.), Saturation. Sättigungsgefiihl ((?.). Satiety. Säufer ( G.). Drunkard ; — dyskrasie, alcoholism; — leber, cirrhosis hepatis ; — pneumonie, croujious pneumonia of drunk- ards, characterized by early and active delirium ; — Wahnsinn or — zittern, de- lirium tremens. Säugamme {G.). AVet-nurse. Säugen ( G.). Suckling, nursing, lacta- tion. Säugling (G.). A nursing child. In composition Säuglings, as, — alter, in- fancy ; — Sterblichkeit, infantile mor- tality. Säulchen (G-). Columella. Säule (.). /^. sagapénum ; G. Sagapcngummi ; I. sagapeno. A gum-resin, the concrete juice of Fcrida persica, Willd. (?) ; formerly used in the treatment of men- strual disorders and chronic bronchitis, and externally as a discutient. Sage : see Salvia ; also Garden and Indian saije. S.-brush, Artemisia triden- tata, Nutt. ; shrub very common on the arid plains of western North America ; SAG SAI 483 contains a pungent, anthelmintic, volatile oil. S.-brush (dwarf), the low shrubs Artemisia firìnifciiìn. Nutt.. and -4. trijii/«, Nutt. ; anthelmintic. S.-tree, Bahama tea, Lantana cf. Spasmus nutans. Salabre'da. Brittle gum. Salac'ity. //. salacitas ; F. salacité ; G. Geilheit ; 1. salacità. Lust, especially in the male. Salsera'tus (i.) : see Saleratus. Salasso (/.). Bleeding or bloodletting. Salato, a (/.). Salty, containing sodi- um chloride. Salbaderei (liaryngeus arisinj; from cartilafre of Kustacliian tube. Salpin'go-pter'ygoid lig'ament. î^trip of bucco-pharyiigeal fascia exteiuliiig from spine of sphenoid to hamular process. Salpin 'go - staphyli 'nus exter 'nus (i.). /'. sal|iiniro-sta|iliylin ; /. salpiugo- stafilino. Tensor palati. Salpin 'go - staphyli 'nus inter 'nus (2/.). Levator palati. Salpingysterocye'sis (L.). [_^ contraction. Sand'wich Springs. Alkaline saline sulphur springs at .Sandwich, Canada, op- posite Detroit. The waters contain large amounts of chloride of magnesium, sul- phate of lime, and sulphuretted hydrogen. Sang (/'.). Blood. S. blanc, lilood- or lymph-plasma. S. noir, venous blood. S. rouge or S. rutilant, arterial blood. Sang de rate (F.). Anthrax. Sang-dragon (F.). Dragon's blood. Sanglant, ante (F.). Bloody, bleed- ing. Sanglot (F.). Sob, singultus. Sangsue (F.). Leech. Sangue (/.). Blood. S. cotennoso, blood with a buffy coat. S. di drago, dragon's blood. Sanguiduc'tus du'rae ma'tris (L.). Sinuses of dura mater. Sanguiferous. /. sanguifero. Con- taining or carrying blood. Sanguiflca'tion. L. sanguificatio ; G. Bluthilduiig, Sanguilicirung ; /. sanguifica- zione. Formation of blood from chyle. Sanguigno (/.). Sanguineous. Sanguin, ine {F.). Sanguineous. Sanguina'ria (//.). /'.sanguinaire; G. Blutwurzel. 1. The rhizome of Sanguina- ria canadensif. L., collected in autumn [II. S. P.] ; a stimulant expectorant. 2. The name of a genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Papavera- cex. S. canaden'sis, L., an indigenous herbaceous plant, the source of the officinal sanguinaria. Sanguinar'ine. F. sanguinarine ; /. sanguinarina. An alkaloid found in san- guinaria. Sanguin'eous. L. sanguineus ; F. san- guin, ine; 6r'. blutig ; /. sanguigno. Per- taining to blood, bloody. Sanguin'olent. L. sanguinolentus ; F. sanguinolent, ente; G. blutig; I. sanguino- lento. Tinged with blood, bloody. Sanguino'sus {L.). Full of blood ; sanguine. San'guis (//.). Blood. S. draco'nis, dragon's blood. Sanguisor'ba canaden'sis, L. Cana- dian burnet. an indigenous herb, Nat. Ord. lioaacem ; the root is slightly tonic and astringent. Sanguisu,'ga ( L.). Leech. San'icle. /. sanicela. Sauicula wrtri- landica, L. Sanic'ula {L.). A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Linhelliferpe. S. eviropse'a, L., an acrid, astringent, European herb ; used in hasmorrhages, diarrhœa, etc. S. mari- lan'dica, L., sanicle, black snakcroot, in- digenous to the U. S. ; said to be stimu- lant, diaphoretic, and antispasmodic. Sa'nies {L.). F., I. sanie ; G. Jauche. A serous greenish or reddish discharge from an ulcer, usually having an oflfensive smell. Sa'nious. L. saniosus ; F. sanieux, euse ; G. jauchig ; /. sanioso. Producing sanies. Sanità (/.). Health. 490 SAN SAP Sanität (G.). Ilealtli. In compo- sition Sanitäts, as, • — bericht, health report ; — dienst, sanitary service ; — Offizier, sanitary officer ; — polizei, sani- tary police ; — rath. 1. Board of health. 2. Member of a board of health ; — ■wesen, sanitary organization; — zug, sanitary train. Sanita'rium {L)- An establishment for the treatment of disease, more espe- cially mild or chronic cases ; a private hospital. San'itary. F. sanitaire ; G. sanitärisch ; /sanitario. 1. Pertaining to health, health- ful, wholesome. 2. Pertaining to hygiene, hygienic. S. cor'don, a line of guards surrounding an infected locality to prevent ingress or egress: see Shot-gun quarantiite. San'itas (L.). 1. Health. 2. The trade name of an aqueous solution of oxi- dized oil of turpentine; recommended as an antiseptic. Its principal active con- stituent is hj'drogen peroxide. Sanità 'tion. F. assainissement ; G. Assanierung. Making healthy ; the prac- tical application of the laws of hygiene. Sans'paire (F.). Azygos vein. Sanson's exper'iment. Observation of the reflections of a candle flame from the surfaces of the cornea and lens. Tho.se from the surface of the cornea and anterior surface of the lens are erect and large ; that from the posterior surface of the lens is inverted and small. Once much used in diagnosing cataract. San'ta A'na bark. Cuseo-bark. San'ta Bar'bara Springs. Thermal sulphur waters, in Santa Barbara Co., Cali- fornia ; temperature G5° to 1^5° F. Santal (F.). Saunders. S. citrin, Saiiiadim albut», sandal-wood. S. rouge, red Saunders. San'taün. CijHi.Os. F. santaline ; /. santalina. The coloring principle of red Saunders. Santalo (/.). Sandal. S. citrino, .SVni- tniiim (illium, L. S. rosso, red saunders. San'talum (//•). Saunders; a genus of plants, Nat. Ord. LegumiiWfx. S. al'- bum, L., sandal-wood, saunders, white or yellow saunders; a small tree growing in the East Indies, South Pacific islands, and South America ; the wood furnishes oil of santal. S. citri'num, Sniiialum album. S. ru'brum, red saunders. San'tal-wood. Sandal-wood. Santé (F.). Health. Santoli'na chamaecyparis'sus, L. A plant, Nat. Ord. Compvailn , which grows in the mountains of Europe, official in the Cod. : see Santoline. Santoline (/".). /• santolina. Santo- lina chamuci/pnrissns. L. [Cod.] ; aromatic, stimulant, and anthelmintic. Santo 'nas so'dicus [P. Port.]. Sodium santoninate. Santonate de soude (F.). I. santonato di soda. Sodium santoninate. Santon'ic ac'id. F. acide santonicpie ; /. acido santonico. An acid isomeric with santoninic acid, formed by prolonged boil- ing of santonin in concentrated baryta- water. Santon'ica (L.). F. santonine, semen- contra ; G. AVurmsamen ; /. santonina. Levant wormseed ; the unexpanded flower- heads of .4/Vphnsì'« maiitiina, L.. var. Stech- 7>ianniana, Bess. [U. S. P.] ; the botanical source of santonin ; anthelmintic. San'tonin. CisHi^O,. L. santoninum ; F. santonine ; /. santonina. A crystalliza- ble principle obtained from santonica ; be- lieved to be the anhydride of santonic acid, and not a glucoside ; anthelmintic. Santonin 'ic ac'id. CijH ,„0,. F. acide santoninique. Product of the action of alkalies upon santonin. Santoninpastülen (G.). Troches of santonin. Santoni'num (/•)• Santonin. Santoreggia (/.). Summer savory. Santori'ni, Venetian anatomist, 1G81- 1737. S., car'tilages of, cornieula laryn- gis. S., fis'sures of, fissures of Santorini. S., tu'bercles of, cornieula laryngis. S., veins of: see Fnu'ssaiy tv/zi.«. Santorini'sche Knorpel (c, "/'-çi/."ç]. /'. sarconiphale ; /. sarcomfalo. A solid tumor near, or at, the umbilicus. Sarcomycètes {F.). Fungi parasitic in animal tissues. Sarcoph'agy [y«;-;f/]. L. sarcophagia ; F. sarcophagie ; /. sarcofagia. Flesh-eating, animal diet. Sarcophy'ma (i.) [^oD//a]. Fleshy tumor. Sarcoplas'ma (L.) [RoUett]. Inter- stitial sub.'^tanee of muscle-fibre, surround- ing the rod-like filaments constituting the basis of the sarcous elements. Sar'coplasts [-/aa-ö-««]. F. sarcoplastes ; /. sareoplaste. Name given by Margo to round or cylindrical striated bodies seen in developing muscles of the frog, and sup- posed to develop into striated muscular fibre. They are the sarcolytes of S. Mayer, who considers them to be products of retro- grade metamorphosis of muscular fibre. Sarcopsyl'la pen'etrans (/>.). Chigoe. Sarcopte {F.). Sarcoptes. Sarcop'tes (L.) [fi,".?, y.i'i-T-.{/\. Genus of Araridri. S. ga'lei or S. hom'inis [Raspali], Acarus scabici. S. scabie'i, the itch mite, the cause of scabies, found at the blind ends of the burrows in the skin, the female being usually present alone. Sarcose (-f.). Sarcosis. Sar'cosin. CjHjNOo. F. sarcosine ; G. iSarkosin ; /. sarcosina. Obtained from kreatin by heating with baryta-water. Sarco'sis (X.) []. F. sarcos- tose ; /. sarcostosi. 1. Formation of oste- oma in muscle. 2. Production of osteo- sarcoma. Sarcothla'sia or Sarcoth'lasis (Z/.) [•V/.'itu]. Bruise with eechymosis; a deep bruise. Sarcot'ic. L. sarcoticus ; F. sarcotique ; G. fleischbildend ; /. sarcotico. Flesh-pro- ducing. Sar'cotome [rc'.a^iu]. /. sarcotomo. An instrument devised by Dr. HoUis for jiain- less cutting of soft tissues. Sarcotripteur {F.). Ecraseur. Sar'cous. F. sarccux, euse. Fleshy, muscular; pertaining to muscle. S. el'e- ments. G. Fleischtheilchen. Prismoid doubly refracting particles formed by the cleavage of a muscle-fibre, and believed by Bowman to constitute its primitive ele- ments. When the cleavage is lengthwise, they form the primitive fibrillre ; when it is transverse, the muscle-caskets. Sardi'asis (-£."). Risus sardonicus. Sardon'ic laugh. G. sardonisches Lachen. Risus sardonicus. Sarep'ta. Russian mustard. Sargas'sum baccif erum, Agh. Fucus ncttiinf. L., gulf-weed. Sar'kin. F. sarcine ; /. sarcina. A leuciimaine, and appears as a ptomaine in albuminous substances containing nuclein, esj)L'ciallv in yeast. Sar'koblasts. Sarcoplasts. Sar'kolsrfces. Sarcoplasts. Sarkom ( G.). Sarcoma. Sarkomatös (C). Sarcomatous. Sarkosis ((?■)• Sarcosis. Sarotham 'nus Scopa 'rius, Koch. Nat. Ord. Liguminosit, PupUioiiacex, an ever- green, European shrub, cultivated in gar- dens; Spnitium Scoparium, Genhla Scopa- r'ln : see Broom. Sarrace'nia {L.). Side-saddle plants; a genus of Sarraceniacex. S. fla'va, L., trumpet-leaf; indigenous; the roots have been recommended for use in dyspepsia. S. purpu'rea, L. F. sarracénie pourprée. Side-saddle flower, huntsman's cup, water cup ; indigenous ; formerly vaunted as a remedy for smallpox. S. variola'ris, Michx., grows in the southern U. S., where the roots are used as a remedy for dys- pepsia. Sarrasin (F.). Buckwheat. Sarriette (F.). Summer savory. Sar'sa. Jamaica sarsaparilla. Sar'ssB ra'dix (L.). Sarsaparilla. Sarsaparil'la. F. salsepareille ; G. Sas- 494 SAR SAU saparille ; /. salsapariglia. 1. The ruot of Sìiiiluj: oßicinnlis, K until., Smi/a.r midica, Scilicet, et Chaniis., and of other undeter- mined species of Smilax [U. S. P.] ; diu- retic, tonic, and alterative : .see also Bcard- eil, Brazitidii, /ùist /in/ia, J'\ilse, Gniitrma/ii, Gniiijaquil, German, /lontluran, Indimi, Jn- viaica, Lisbon, Meiily, Mexican, l'ara, Rio Kegro, and Texas sarsapari/ia. S. nos'- tras [P. Port.], the root of Smilax aspcru, L. Sar'tian disease. An endemic cuta- neous afi'ection of Taschkent, seen mostly on the face, commencing as a red .spot ; the skin becomes indurated and nodular, finally ulcerating. Polak declares it identical with the Biskra button. Sarto 'rius(i>.). F. couturier; 6'. Schnei- dermuskel ; /, sartorio. A long, ribbon-like muscle found on anterior surface of thigh, arising from anterior superior iliac spine and incisura semilunaris, and inserted upon inner side of shaft of tibia and fascia of lower leg. Sar'za. Sarsa. Sas'sa gnm. A variety of gum, of un- certain botanical origin, resembling traga- canth ; occasionally brought into market from the East. Sas'safras (L.). 1 . The bark of the root of Sassajhi.-i of/irina/is. Nées [U. S. P.] ; an aro- matic stimulant, astringent, and diaphoretic. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Laurinepp. S. medul'la, sassafras-jiith. S. nuts, pi- churini bcans. S. offlcina'lis, Nées, an indigenous North American tree, the source of sassafras-bark and pith. S.-pith. L. sassafras medulla. The pith of Sassafras ojficinajis. Noes [U. S. P.] ; mucilaginous, demulcent. S. ra'dix, sa.ssafras-root. S.- tree, Allwrospenna moscitala. Labil. S.- "wood. L. sassafras radix [B. P.]; F. bois de sassafras ; G. Sassafrasholz ; I. legno di sassafrasso or sassofrasso. The dried root of Sassafras ojficinalis. Nées, reduced to chips or shavings [B. P.]. Sassaparille {G-)- Sarsaparilla. Sassefrica (/.). Salsify. Sassifraga (/.). Saxifraga. Sassifrago (/.). 1. Saxifraga. 2. Lith- ontriptic. Sas'sy-bark. Erythrophlocum. Satiriasi (/.). Satyriasis. Sattel (C). Saddle; sella turcica; — fortsatz, cliiioid process ; — gelenk, sad- dh -jdint ; — grübe, pituitary fossa ; — knopf, olivary process; — kopf, clino- cejihalus; — lehne, dorsum sella?; — nase, saddle-nose ; — winkel, sphenoidal angle ; — 'wnlst, olivary process, Sat'ellite veins. Those that follow the course of arteries. Satiriasi (/.). Satyriasis. Satura'tion. L. saturatio; (?. Sättigung ; /. saturazione. 1. A chemical combination wherein each ingredient is present to the full amount of its niülecular weight. 2. The condition of a fluid which contains all of any substance that it can dissolve. Saturei (T/.). Summer savory. Sature'ia (L.). A genus of Lahiatx. S. horten'sis, !>.. summer savory, a Euro- pean herb cultivated for culinary use. S. monta 'na, L., winter savory ; habitat and uses same as above. Sat'umine. 1. F. saturnin, ine; /. sa- turnino. Pertaining to lead, leaden. 2. Gloomy. S. line, line of fortune. Satumis'mus (//.). F. saturnisme. Lead-poisoning. Satur'nus {L.)- Lead. Sat3rri'asis(//.) [ö-arü/)['a(Ti?]. 1. G.Geil- heit ; /. .satiriasi. Immoderate venereal ap- petite in the male. 2. Old term for lepro- Satze. The fruit of Myrsine africana, Schimp. ; used as a treniafuge. Satzzäpfchen (G.). Suppository. Sau'cy-bark. Erythrophloeum. Sauerbrunnen ( G.). Chalybeate spring. Sauerdom (G.). Barberry. Sauerhonig (G.). Oxymel. Sauerklee (G.). Wood-sorrel. Sauerkraut (G.). Sour crout. Sauerstoff (f»)- Oxygen; — pol, anode. Sauertraube (G.). Verjuice. Saufsucht (G.). Dipsomania. Saugader (6'.). Lym|)liatic vessel ; — druse, lymphatic gland; — entzündung, lymphangitis; — geflecht, lynijihatic plex- us ; — knoten, lymphatic gland ; — lehre, lyniphangiology ; — stamm, rechter, lym- phatic duct, right. Saugapparat (C). Aspirator. Saugblase ( (?.). Aphthous vesicle. Sauge {F.). Salvia. S. officinale, Salvia officinalis, L. S. Sclarèe, Salvia sclarea, L. Saugeflasche, or Saugeglas, or Saugehom {G-). Sucking-bottle. SAU SAY 495 Saugemaal {G.). Suggillation. Saugepfi-opfen (G.). Artificial nipple. Saugezahn ( fr.). Mille tooth. Saugfläschen (G.). Sucking-bottle. Sauggefäss (G.). Lymphatic vessel. Saugherz (G.). \ame used by Braune to indicate those areas of the venous .sys- tem alternately compressed and relaxed during movements of the limb, by reason of investing fascia and muscles, and which, being provided with valves at every outlet, empty and fill during such movements, as- sisting thereby the centripetal motion of the blood-stream. Saugkopf {'r.). Cupping-glass. Saugmuskel (G.). Musculus labii proprius. SaugTwarze (G.). Nipple. Saugzahn {G.). Milk tooth. Saule (F.). Salix. S. blanc, -SV/Z/.r fl/Òll. Saum (6'.). Fimbria; — naht, sutura limbosa. Saumure (f.). Brine. Saun'ders : see Santalum album and Siiiituhnn niljniìii. Saupoudrage (F.). The sprinkling of powder upon a wound. Saures kohlensaures Kali fG^.). Po- tassium bicarbonate. Saurio'sis (L.) [rraD/)»?]. Ichthyosis. Saurop'sida (L.) [aa'jpai, oc'-cc]. Term used by Huxley to include the reptiles, birds, and mammals, in contradistinction to the ichthyopsida. Sauru'rus ( L.). Genus of Piperace^. S. cer'nuus, L., Lizard's tail, breastweed; a conunon indigenous herb. Nat. Ord. Sau- riirace;r ; the bruised root is said to be emollient and discutient. Sau'sage-poi'soning. Botuli.smus, a form of poisoning probably due to pto- maines developed in decomposing sausages. Sausaris'mus ( L.) [/rauca/w ',-'}. Dry- ness of the tongue. Saut (F.). Jump. leap. Sau'ter's opera'tion. Kolpohysterec- tomy. Sauteur, euse (F.). Jumper: see Miri/iirhit. Savakin gum. Suakin gum. Savanil'la rhat'any. The root of Kriimi.ria loiiuntosa, .St. liil. : see Krame- ria. Saveur (^F.'). Savor, a ta.ste. Sav'in : see Savine. S. tops, savine. Sav'ine. L., I. sabina ; F. sabine ; G. Sadebaumspitzen. 1. The tops of Junip- erua Scibiiia, L. [U. S. P.] ; a local irritant and emmenagogue. 2. The plant Juitiperus Siil'iiiii, L. ; often used to procure abortion ; an irritant poison in large doses (1 drachm and upward) ; volatile oil is especially poi- sonous. S. ce 'rate. i/. ceratum sabin;«; G. îSadebaumsalbe. Ointment of savine [B. P.]. Fluid extract of savine 25, resin cerate 90 ; mix, with gentle heat continued until the alcohol is evaporated [U. S. P.] ; fresh savine 8, wax 3, lard Itì; digest and express [B. P.] ; extract of savine 1, cerate 9, mix [P. G.]. Saviot'ti's canals. Fine passages be- tween the secreting cells of the jiancreas ; now thought to be formed artificially. Savon (F.). Soaj). S. ammoniacal, liniment of ammonia. S. amygdalin, medi- cinal soap. S. animal, curd soap. S. blanc (de Marseille), .soap [U. S. P.]. S. calcaire, lime liniment. S. d'Espagne, soap [U. S. P.]. S. au jalap, j:ilap soap. S. médicinal, medicinal soap. S. de moelle de bœuf, marrow soap. S. noir or S. vert, green soap. Sa'vor. L. sapor ; F. .saveur ; G. Ge- schmack ; /. sapore. Quality of bodies by which they act upon the sense of taste. Saw [.4. S. saga]. F. scie ; G. Säge ; I. sega. A serrated blade or disc for cut- ting : see Butchers, Chain, a.nd Metacarpal saw. Saxifraga fi.). 1. A genus of iSaxi- frac/eir. 2. Pimpinella Saxifraga. S. granula'ta, L. F. saxifrage. A European species, bearing clustered tubercles which have been regarded as diuretic and lithon- triptic. S. sibir'ica, this and other species of . criLsta ; F. croûte ; G. Kruste ; /. cro.sta. A hard scale or crust of dried exudation formed on a superficial lesion. 2. A contagious skin disease in sheep analogous to scabies, produced by the Sarcoptes ovis. Scabbia (/.). Scabies. Scabbiosa (/.). Scahiosa succisa, L. Scabbioso (7). Affected with scabies ; scabby. Sca'bies (L.) [scabo]. F. gale; G. Krätze ; /. rogna. A contagious parasitic disease of the skin due to presence of Acorus scabiei, which burrows and deposits its eggs in the integument, jiroducing itch- ing and general dermatitis ; itch. S. feri'- na, psoriasis, mange. S. hu'mida, a chronic form in whicii there is much serous exudation. S. müia'ris, eczema. S. nor- ve'gica, Norwegian scabies or itch, chronic scabies with pustulation and crusting of the whole integument. S. papulo'sa, prurigo. S. sic'ca, psoriasis. Scabieuse (F.). Scahiosa succisa,!,. Scabieux, euse (F.). Affected with scabies, scabby. Scabiopho'bia (//.). G. Scabiophobie. Morbid fear of, or erroneous belief that one is affected with, scabies. Scabio'sa (fj-)- A genus of Bipsacere. S. arven'sis, L., field scabious, a European herb ; the root of this and the following species is said to appear as an adulterant of valerian. S. succi'sa, L., habitat as above ; tlio leaves and flowers are official in the Cod. ; used internally in the treat- ment of certain skin diseases. Sca'bious. 1. Scahiosa si(ccisa, L. 2. Erigerun philadelphicum, L., and other spe- cies of E. Sca'bish. Evening primrose, Œnothera hinnnis, L. Sea 'brate or Sca'brous. L. scaber; F. scabre ; G. rauli ; /. scabro. Rough, harsh. Scabri'ties (//.)■ Roughness. Scab'wort. Elecampane, Inula Helen- turn, L. Scafocefalia (/.). Scaphoeephalus. Scafoide (/.). Scaphoid bone. Scaglia (/), pi. Scaglie. Scale. Scala (/>.). F. échelle; G. Treppe; J. scala. Stairway, applied to passages of the cochlea. S. me'dia, cochlear duct. S. rhyth'mica, ala alba medialis. S. tym'- pani, tympanic passage. S. vestib'uli, vestibular passage. Scalar'iform. L. scalariformis ; F., J. scalarifornie. Resembling a ladder. Scald [calidus]. A burn by a hot liquid. Scald-head. Porrigo. Scald-weed. Dodder, Cuscuta ameri- cana, L. Scale : see Scales. Scalène (F.). Scalenus. S. intermé- diaire, scalenus minimus [Testut]. S. postérieur, the united scalenus médius and scalen\is posticus: see Scaleni musc/es. Scalene' tu'bercle. L. tuberculum scaleni. Pointed eminence on first rib, to which is attached the tendon of scalenus anticus muscle. Scale'ni mus'cles. L. museali tri- angulares ; F. muscles scalènes ; G. Rippen- lialter ; /. muscoli scaleni. Three strong muscles of side of neck, believed to rep- resent the fused intercostal and levatores costarum muscles of a region where the ribs have atrophied. They arise by ten- dinous slips from transverse processes of cervical vertebrae, the scalenus anticus from 3d to (ith ; the scalenus médius from all ; the scalenus posticus fmm öth to 7th. The first two are inserted upon 1st rib, the last upon 2d rib. Scaleno (/.). Scalenus. S. posteriore : see Scalciu: postérieur. Scale'nus (L.), pi. Scale'ni. Having unequal legs; applied in anatomy to certain muscles, as follows : S. accesso'rius, a fas- ciculus ajipearing to belong to scalenus mé- dius, but having separate insertion upon first rib [Macalistcr]. S. anti'cus, anterior scalenus muscle: see Si-dhni »nisi-hs. S. anti'cus accesso'rius, eleido-cervicalis. S. latera'lis, a fasciculus appearing to belong to the scalenus posticus, but liaving a sep- arate insertion upon 2d rib [Albiuus]. S. lumbo'rum, quadratus lumboruni. S. me'dius : see Scaleni musclcx. S. min'- imus. F. petit scalène. A fasciculus ap- pearing to belong to the scalenus anticus, but having separate insertion upon first rib [Albinus]. S. posti'cus: see Scaleni SCA SCA 497 muscles. S. pri'mus or S. pri'or, scale- nus amicus : see Seal' iti »iuicl<;S. S. Se- cun'dus, scalenus niedius : see Scaleni ìiiiDiclis. S. ter'tius, scalenus posticus : see Sciileni musc/ex. Scalenus-Lücken ( O). Interspaces between the scalenus anticus and the sterno- cleido-mastoid in front (vordere Scalenus- Liicke) and the scalenus médius behind (hintere Scalen us-Lücke). Sca'ler. An instrument for removing tartar from teeth. Scales. L. squamae ; F. squames ; G. Schuppen ; /. scaglie, squame. Small, thin plates or layers. S. of i'ron. L. ferri squamœ. A variable mixture of metallic iron and its oxides found about the black- smith's anvil ; formerly official, being pre- pared for use by washing with water, sep- arating from impurities by a magnet, and pulverizing. Scalesi'asis (L.). Measles in the hog. Scalfittura (/.). Scratch, slight scarifi- cation. ScaUed head. Porrigo favosa. Scal'ma. An acute infectious disease of the horse not communicable by direct contagion, affecting chiefly the nasal cav- ities and bronchia. Scalp. F. cuir chevelu ; G. Schädel- haube ; J. cuoio cai)elluto. Tegumentary coverings of the cranium. Scal'pel. L. scalpellum ; /. scalpello. A knife with a short, rather broad blade, having a convex cutting edge and pointed. Scal'prum i Z/.). Raspatory. Scalp'tor a'ni (L.). Latissimus dorsi. Scalp - tumor. Caput succedaneum ; cephalli;ematoma. Sca'ly epithe'lium. Pavement epithe- lium. Scaly tet'ter. Psoriasis. Scalzamento (/.). Loosening (of the teeth ). Scalzatoio (/.). Dental instrument for freeing the gums from the teeth. Scammonea or Scamoma(/.). Scam- mony. Scanmionée (F.). Scammony. Scammo'niae ra'dix(/y.). Scammony- root. Scammo'niae resi'na (L.). Resin of scammony. Scammoniaharz (G.). Resin of scam- mony. Vol. II.— 32 ScammoniawuTzel ( Cr.). Scammony- root. Scam'monin. Cj.HjsOis. F. scammo- nine ; /. seammonina. A glucoside, the principal constituent of scammony resin ; believed to be chemically identical with jalapin. Scam'mony. L., scammonium ; F. scammonèe ; I. scammonea. A resinous exudation from the roots of Otnvolrithis Srammoìiìci, L. [U. S. P.] ; obtained by in- cision of the living root ; a drastic purg- ative : see Aleppo, MonlpiUier, Smyrna, and Virgin scammony. S. mix'ture. L. mis- tura scammonii. Resin of scammony 1, milk 146 ; triturate [B. P.]. S. root. L. scammonias radix ; F. racine de scam- monee ; G. Scammoniawurzel ; /. radice di scammonea. The dried root of Convolv- uim Scammonea, L. [B. P.] ; used for the preparation of the resin of scammonj'. Scanalatura (/.). 1. Groove, minute canal. 2. Grooved director. Scandala'riusmus'culus (//.). Trans- versus pedis muscle. Scan'dix cerefo'lium, L. Anfln-iscus cere/olium, DC. Scan'ning ut'terance. Syllabic utter- ance. Scanso'rius (L.). L. gluteus mini- mus accessorius ; F. accessoire du petit fessier. Muscle found in apes, and occa- sionally in man, in front of gluteus mini- mus, arising from anterior portion of ilium below superior spine, and in.serted into great trochanter. Sca'pha (L.) [(T/Aifr^']. Fossa of the helix. Scaphocephal'ic [xstfaXrß. F. scapho- céphale ; /. scafocefalo. Having, or per- taining to, a boat-shaped skull. Scaphoceph'alus (L.). F. scaphoce- phale : 7. seafocefalia. Boat-shaped skull ; deformity resulting from premature union of the sagittal suture. Scaph'oid [S. maligna. S. urtica'ta, urticaria. Scarlatine (F.). Scarlet fever. Scarlatineux, euse (/'.). Pertaining to. or having, scarlet fever. Scarlatin'iform. F. scarlatiniforme ; Cr. .•«charlacliartig. Resembling scarlet fever or its eruption. Scarlat'inoid. /'. scarlatinuide ; /. scarlattinoide. Scarlatiniform. Scarlet fe'ver. L. scarlatina ; F. scar- latine ; G. Scliarlaclitìeber ; /. scarlattina. An acute specific infectious disease, chiefly aft'ecting children, characterized by sudden- ness of onset, high fever, angina, and a characteristic eruption appearing within 36 hours, beginning as crowded small red points, soon uniting in a diffuse scarlet ery- thema. It is followed by desquamation, and there is special tendency to nephritic trouble. Scar'let pim'pemel. Annijallis arven- •v/.f. L. ; |il;int stimulant, e.xpectorant. poison- ous. Scar'let rash. Scarlet fever ; also a scarlatiniform eruption without fever or angina, observed in some cases of septi- caemia. Scar'let straw'berry. Frngarla vir- r/iiiianit, Ehrh. Scarlie'vo. Scherlievo. Scarpa, an Italian anatomist and sur- geon, 1747-1832. S-'s fas'cia, deep layer of superficial fascia uf abdomen about the groin, it being there distinct and of con- siderable strength ; corresponds to tunica abdominalis of quadrupeds. S-'s foram'- ina : see Furaminn of Srurpn. S-'s gang'- lion, intumescentia ganglioformis. S-'s shoe, shoe with inm leg-brace ; used for club-foot. S-'s tri'angle. L. trigonum Scarpae ; G. Scarpa'sches Dreieck. Space at upper part of thigh bounded by adduc- tor longus on median side, sartorius later- ally, and Poupart's ligament above ; through middle passes the femoral artery. Scatacrati'a (Z..). \jT/.ù>p,àxpircia] In- voluntary passage of faeces. Scatol (/'.). Skatol. Scavenage. Scavenging. Scav'enging \_A. S. scafen]. Collec- tion and removal of filth, especially from streets and alleys. Sc. D. A., abb v. for Scapula-dextra antei-ior (i.), right scapula-anterior posi- tion. Sc. D. P., abbv. for Scapula-dextra- posterior {L."), right scapula-posterior position. Sceau de Salomon {F.). Solomon's seal. Scelal'gia (L.) [axé/MÇ, iuyoc]. Pain in the log. Sceleteu'sis {L.) \_nr.tKtr^'iiii'\. 1. Em- balming. 2. Preparing a skeleton. Sceletog'raphy [axt'/.tTuvi, ypdçxu']. A description of the skeleton. Scel'eton (L.) [^xû.ETÔy']. Skeleton. Sceletopœ'ia {L.) [-"['<«]. Manufac- ture of a skeleton. Scelocambo'sis {L.) \_aro - elytrotomy ; — klappe, hymen ; — klappenwärzchen, carunculœ myrtiformes; — mangel, absence of va- gina ; — naht, vaginal suture, elytror- rhaphy ; — pulsader, vaginal artery ; — raum, vaginal space ; — riss, laceration of vagina; — runzel, vaginal fold; — schleimfluss, leucorrluca; — schmerz, va^'inal pain; — schnitt, elytrotomy; — schnürer, sphincter vaginas ; — sch'wang- erschaft, vaginal pregnancy ; — Spiegel, vaginal speculum; - — spritze, vaginal syr- inge : — theil der Gebärmutter, vaginal portion of cervi.v uteri ; — Verengerung, colpostenosis ; — verschliessung or — verschluss, vaginal atresia ; — Vorfall, vaginal prolapse, elytroptosis ; — vorhof, vestibule of vagina ; — -wand, vaginal wall ; — "wiilste, columns of the vagina ; — zerreissung, rupture of vagina. Scheidebein (G'.). Vomer. Scheide'wand (C). Septum, septum lucidum ; — knorpel, cartilage of septum ; — höhle, ventricle of septum ; — läppen, parietal segment. Scheidewasser (G.). Nitric acid. Scheinbild {G.). Phantom, illusion. Schein'er's test. G. Scheiner'scher Versuch. When a diaphragm with two small holes in it closer together than the diameter of the pupil is held before the eye, if the eye is emmetropic a point of light or candle-flame appears single ; if ametropic, double. Scheinkrankheit {G.). Feigned dis- ease. Scheinreduction (C). Apparent re- duction of a hernia without relieving it from the sac. Scheinschwangerschaft {G.). False pregnancy. Scheintod ((?.). Apparent death ; sus- pended animation. Scheinzwitter (Cr.). Hermaphroditism, spurious. Scheitel (C). Vertex cranii ; — an- sieht, norma verticalis ; — band, urachal fold ; — beuge, parietal bend ; — breite, parietal diameter; — • furche, intraparietal sulcus ; — geburt, vertex presentation ; — gegend, parietal region ; — höcker, parietal eminence ; — höckerläppchen, quadrate lobule of hemispheres of brain ; — kriimmung, flexure of mid-brain of embryo; — läppchen, oberes, parietal lobule, superior; — läppchen, unteres, parietal lobule, inferior ; — läppen, {)ario- tal lobe ; — loch, parietal foramen ; — naht, sagittal suture ; — Windung, in- nere, obere [Bischoff], parietal lobule, superior ; — Windung, untere, parietal lobe, inferior ; — Wirbel, parietal vertebra. Scheitelbein (C). Parietal bone ; — höcker, parietal eminence ; — läppchen Hiisehke] or — lappenwindung, erste K. Wagner], parietal lobule, superior; — loch, jiarietal foramen ; — Stellung, pres- entation of parietal bone of foetus during labor. Scheitelbogen (G.). Parietal arch; S., oberer [Meynert]. angular gyrus ; S., unterer [I^Ieynert], supramarginal gyrus ; — Windung, parietal arches ; — Wind- ung, erste [Bischoff], supramargiual gy- 502 SCH SCH rus; — ■Windung, mittlere [IJisclioH], angular gyrus ; — Windung, vordere [Bischoff], supramarginal gyrus. Scheläugig (G.). Squint-eyed. Scheletrico (/.). Skeletal, relating to the skeleton. Scheletro (/.). Skeleton. Scheletropsa (/.). The art of prepar- ing and mounting skeletons. Schellack (G.). Shellac. Sche'ma (i.) [ff/^//«]. F. sehóma or scheme. Plan, arrangement, diagram. Schemat'ic eye. Reduced eye. Schenkel (G.). Thigh, crus; — an- zieher, adductor; — arterie, external iliac artery ; — bein, femur ; — blutader, fem- oral vein ; — bogen, crural arch ; — bruch, hernia, femoral ; — canal, crural canal ; — dannbruch, enteromerocele ; — gegend, region of the thigh; — gelenk, hip-joint; — geschwulst, tumor of the thigh; — grübe, eiförmige, saphenous opening: — hals, neck of the femur ; — halsbruch, fracture of neck of femur ; — harnblasen- bruch, hernia, femoral, containing a part of the bladder ; — hemie, hernia, femoral ; — höcker, trochanter; — kanal, crural canal ; S. des Kitzlers, crura of clitoris ; — knochen, femur ; — knorren, trochan- ter; — kopf, head of femur; — muskel, muscle of thigh, crureus ; — muskel, viereckiger, ([uadratus femoris; — nerv, anterior crural nerve ; — netzbruch, cru- ral epiplocele ; - — pulsader, i'cmoral ar- tery ; — ring, crural ring ; S. der Ruthe, crura of penis ; — schiene, thigh-splint; — schmerz, pain in the thigh; — sporn, spur of the femur ; S. des Steigbügels, branches of the .stapes ; S. des Zwerch- fells, crura of diaphragm. Scherhe'vo or Scherlje'vo. Skerlievo, falcadina. Schero'ma (L.) la/jpoil- Dryness; xerophthalmia. Scheurlen's bacü'lus. T5acillus alleged to be specially connected with cancer, but probably not peculiar to it. Schiaccia (/.). Wooden leg. Schiacciamento or Schiacciatura (/.). Contusion, flattening, crushing, écrase- ment. Schiacciatore (/.). Ecraseur. Schianza (f.). Crust, scab. Schicht (G.). Stratum, layer ; S. der grossen Pyramiden, i)yramidal layer, large ; S. der kleinen Pyramidenzellen, ]iyramidal layer, small; S. der Nerveu- aussätze [W. Müller], outer molecular layer of the retina ; S. der Opticus- fasem, layer of nerve-fibres ; S. der Seh- zellen, visual-cell layer ; S. der Spindel- zellen, spindle-eel 1 layer ; S. der Spongio- blasten, layer of spongioblasts ; S. der zerstreuten Rindenkörper, molecular layer of cortex. Schichten {G.). To stratify, to form layers. Schichtstaar (&'.). Lamellar cataract. Schichtung (G.). Stratification, lami- nation. Schiebegelenk (G.). Arthmdial joint. Schieber, or Schiebezahn, or Schief- erzahn ((?.). Milk-tooth. Schieberpincette ( G.). Torsion-for- ceps. Schief {G.). Awry, oblique, inclined, crooked; — bein, bandy leg; — glied- rigkeit, loxarthrus ; — hals, wry-neck; — halsigkeit, torticollis; — kopf, plagio- cephalus; — läge, obli(|ue position of fœ- tus; cross-birth; — sehen, squinting, stra- bismus ; — zähner, prognathus. Schiefrige Induration (C). Slaty in- duration. Schielen ( G.). Strabismus. Schielhäckchen or Schielhaken ( G.). Strabismus-hook. Schielmesser (G.). Strabismus-knife. Schieloperation ( G.). Strabotomy. Schielwinkel (G.). Angle contained between the visual axis of a strabismic eye and the normal line of regard. Schiena (/.). Spine, backbone. Schienanzia or Schinanzia (/.). Cy- nanche, angina. Schienbein (6'.). Tibia; — arterie, tibial artery; — druse, tibial gland, ante- rior ; — höcker, tubercle of tibia; — kante, crest of tibia ; — knon-en, con- dyles of tibia ; — muskel, hinterer, tibi- alis posticus; — muskel, vorderer, tibi- alis anticus ; — nerv, posterior tibial nerve ; — pulsadern or —Schlagadern, tibial arteries; • — stachel, tubercle of tibia. Schiene (G.). Splint. Schierling (G.). Conium ; — blatter or • — kraut, conium-leaves. Schiff bein (G.). Scaphoid bone; — gelenk, naviculo-cuboid articulation. Schiffermuskel (G.). Tibialis posti- cus. SCH SCH 503 SchifFförmige Grube (O.). F'ossa na- vicularis. SchifEspech ( G.). Black pitch. SchiflFwürfelbeinbänder ( (•'.). Navic- ulo-ciit)iiid liiranients. SchiflPwiirfelbeingelenk {(J-)- Navic- ulo-cul>oi(l articulation. Schilddrüse ( G.'). Thyroid gland. In composition Schilddrüsen, as, — arterie, thyroid artery : — blutader, thyroid vein.s ; — brücke, i.^thums of thyroid gland ; — entziindting, t hyreoiditis ; — geschwiilst, thyrocele ; — horn, mittleres, ]iyrainid of thyroid ; — nackenarterie or — nacken- stamm, thyroid a.xis; — pulsader or — Schlagader, thyroid artery. Schild - Giessbecken - Kehldeckel- muskel i G. ). Thyro-ary-epiglotticus. Schild-Giessbeckenmuskel or Schild- griesskannenmuskel ( G.). Thyro-aryte- noid mu.sole. Schildhömer ( GJ). Cornua of thyroid cartilage. Schüd - Kehldeckelmuskel ( ff . ) . Thyro-epiglotticus. Schildknorpel ( G.). Thyroid cartilage; — fläche, surface of thyroid cartilage ; — giesskannenknorpelband, thyro-arytc- noid ligament, superior; — kehldeckel- band, thyro-epiglottic ligauient ; — rand, border of thyroid cartilage; — zungen- beinmuskel, thyro-hyoid muscle. SchUdkrötengeschwulst (G.). Tes- tudo. Schild - Ringknorpelarterie i G.'). Cricothyroid artery. Schüdpulsader ( (ì. ). Thyroid artery. Schildzungenbeinmuskel ( G. ). Thyro- hyoid mu.scle. Schilferig (G.). Exfoliating. Schilf- erung, exfoliation. Schimmelmykose (ù.). Disease duc to growth, upon or in the tissues, of mycelium of a fungus, usually some spe- cies of Aspeiyi/liis. Schimmelpilz ( G.). Mould-fungus, hyphomyccte. Schindel (G.). Splint, splinter. Schindyl'esis (L.) [T/'.yiiuXioj']. F. schindyli se ; J. schindilesi. Insertion of one bone into a slit of another, as of the vomer into the .sphenoid. Schinkenmilz (C). Virchow's term for a spleen afibcted with amyloid degen- eration ; a ham-like spleen. Schinoceph'alus i L.) [/^/Ixi-i, zr^yaÀijJ. Having a pointed or peaked head. Schi'nus molle, L. A tropical Ameri- can tree, Nat. Urd. Aii//i;?]. F. schistocorme ; /. schistocormo. Schisto- somus. Schistoglos'sia(//.) [ì-Àùxraa]. Fissure of the tongue. Schistom'elus {L.) [,'jO.ii';']. A mon.ster with fissure of an extremitv. Schistoproso'pia {L.) [rz/ióniu-m^. Fis- sure of the face. Schistoproso'pus (L.). Monster with fissure of the face. Schistorrachia (/.). Spina bifida. Schistor 'rhachis (X. ) [/>/-i/.'ç]. Hydror- rhachis. Schistoso'mus (L.) [^■/■.ttó-;. tnußo]. F. schistosome ; /. schistosome. A monster with extensive abdominal fissure and im- perfect development of the lower extremi- ties. Schistostemia (/.). Fissure of the sternum. Schistotho'rax [''>a>pa^'^. F. scJiizo- tliorax ; G. Brustspalte; I. schistotorace. Congenital fissure of the chest, usually of the sternum. Schistotrache 'lus (//.) [Tpdy^ÀO'f\. Fis- sure of the neck. Schiuma ("/.). Foam, froth. Schi'za (L.) [tryi'ia']. Rima, deft. Schizatrich'ia (L.). Schizotrichia. Schizoeéphale (F.). I. schistocefalo. Schistocephalus. Schiz'ocœle (/>.). Split in blastoder- mic layers from which the pleuro-peritoneal cavity is developed. Schizomyce'tes ["/''(a, /wxijç']. F. sehizomycèle; G. Spaltpilze. A class of unicellular organisms allied to the algae. 504 SCH SCH They multiply by transverse division, and also in some eases by the formation of spores. Includes micrococcus, bacillus, spirillum, etc., commonl}- known as bacteria. Schizomyco'sis (Z^.). G. Scliizomy- cose. (truwtli of schizomycetes in the body. Schizotho'rax (/'.). /. schistotorace. Sehistothorax. Schizotrich'ia (L.) \/tnif\. F. .schizo- tricliie ; /. schistotrichia. Condition of split- tinii of the ends of the hairs. Schizzatolo (/.). Syringe. Schläfefortsatz desLinsenkems( G.). Temporal jinieess of lenticular nucleus. Schläfen C^r'.). Temples; — bein, tem- poral hone : — beinnaht, squamous suture ; — beinp3rraniide, petrous bone ; — fascie, temporal fascia ; — fläche, temporal sur- face ; — fliigel, great wings of sphe- noid ; — furchen, temporal sulci : — ge- g'end, temporal region; — grübe, tempo- ral fossa; — horn, inferior curnu of lat- eral ventricles of brain ; — knochenblut- ader, deep temporal vein ; — läppen, tem- poral lobe; — lappen'windung, temporal convolution; — leisten, temporal lines; — muskel, temporal muscle; — nerv, temporal nerve; — pol, anterior end of temporal lobe of brain ; — pulsader, tem- poral artery; — saugadem, temporal lym- phatics; — Schlagader, temporal artery; — schuppe, squamous portion of temporal bone; squamous suture; — Strahlung des Pusses, temporo-occipital tract of crusta ; — vene, temporal veins ; — "Wind- ungen, temporal convolutions; — z'weig, temporal branch. Schläfrig {G.). Sleepy, somnolent, drowsy. Schlafrigkeit (&'.). Sleepiness, somno- lence, drowsiness. Schlämmkreide (G.). Prepared chalk. Schlaf e ^r'.V Sleep; — arznei, a nar- cotic; — befördernd or — bringend, narcotic, soporific : — fleber, nelavan : — ganger, smnnambulist ; — krank, somno- lent, lethargic; — krankheit, abnormal somnolency, narcolepsy, nelavan ; — lähm- ung, paralysis of forearm and hand, usu- ally of parts supplied by radial nerve, due to pressure on brachial nerves by the head during .sleep ; — losigkeit, sleeplessness ; — machend, soporific; — mittel, hyp- notic; — sucht, somnolency, narcolepsy; — Suchtmittel, antihypnotic ; — trank, soporiferous draught, narcotic; — trunk- — "wandeln, somnambu- en, somnolent lism. Schlafader {G-)- Temporal vein. Schlafmuskel {G.). Temporal muscle. Schlafherv, oberflächücher (G.). Au- riculo-teniporal nerve. Schlafl"heit ( G.). Flabbiness, flaccidity. Schlag {G.). Blow, stroke, shock, paralysis; — anfall, attack of apoplexy; — fluss, apoplexy ; — wunde, contused wound. Schlagader (&'.). 1. Artery. 2. The aorta ; — entzündung, arteritis ; — er- öflEnung, arteriotomy ; — erweiterung, arteriectasy ; — gang, arterial canal ; — gesch'wulst, aneurism; — haut, arterial tunic; — kränz, coronary artery ; — ver- knöcherung, ossificati(ni of an artery ; — Verstopfung, obstruction of an artery, arterio-stenosis. Schlagen ((?•)• Pulsation, a beating. Schlangenbiss (G.). Snake-bite. Schlangengift (osition Schnecken, as, — fenster, fenestra rotundiim ; — förmig, helicine ; — gang, scala, cochlear canal ; — homer, canaliculi laclirymales ; — kanal, cochlear canal; — körper, body of tlie cochlea; — kopf, vonimontanum ; — loch, helico- trema ; — nerv, cochlear nerve ; — rohr, cochlear passage, a scala ; — scheide'wand, sejituni of cochlea : — wulst, promontory. Schneeblindheit ( G.). Snow-blindness. Schneerose (G.). Snow rose. Schneiden ( G.). To cut, cutting. Schneide'rian mem'brane. F. mem- brane de Schneider; G. Sehneider'sche Mem- bran ; /. membrana di Schneider. Pituitary membrane. Schneidermuskel {G.). Sartorius. Schneideschlinge (G.). A cutting loop ; chain of écraseur. Schneidezahn (G.). Incisor tooth ; — muskel, accessorius orbicularis oris. Schneidezange (G.). Cutting forceps. Schnepfenknorpel (G.). Arytenoid cartilage. Schnepfenkopf ( G.). Crest of urethra. Schnepper [G.). Spring lancet. Schnitt (G.). Cut, incision, section ; — fläche, cut surface ; — serie, a consecutive series of sections made by the microtome ; — Stichwunde, incised and punctured wound; — Strecker, a section-smoother; — vainde, incised wound. Schnittlauch ( C). Chives. Schnucken (C). Hiccough. Schniirfurche (G.). Oroove due to compression. Schnürleber (G.). Liver with a fur- row on the anterior surface, caused by con- striction of the waist. Schniirmuskel (t;.). Constrictor mus- cle. Schnürpincette {G.). Twisting for- ceps. Schnürringe (G.). Nodes of llanvier. Schnürstiefel (G.). A laced boot. Schnürverband (G.). Laced bandage. Schnufi'eln ( G.). To sniff, snuffles. Schnupfen (/»'.). Coryza; — artig, catarrhal; — fieber, coryza in children. Schnupfig ( G.). Catarrhal. Schnur ((/.). Cord, umbilical cord. Schnurrbart (G.). Moustache. SchnuiTen ((?.). Humming, whizzing, snoring. Schöllkraut (G.). Chelidonium. Schoenocau'lon oSicinale, A. Gray. A Mexican plant. Nat. Ord. Llllacisi:, the source of cevadilla. Schokolade (6-'.). Chocolate. Schollenmuskel {G.). Soleus. Schollige Degeneration (C). Hya- line degeneration. Schooley's Moun'tain Springs. A health-resort in Morris Co., New Jersey ; waters chalybeate. Schoosbein (G.). Pubis; — fuge or — gelenk, .symphysis pubis ; — hügel, mons veneris. Schopflavendel {G.). Lamudula Stadia s. Schorf ((r.). Crust, scab; — artig, scurfy; — flechte, scab-producing eczema in the horse ; — heUung, healing by a scab; — kopf, tinea cajiilis. Schorfig ((?.). Scurfy, furfuraceous, impetigcnous. Schomsteinfegerkrebs {G.). Chim- ney-swee]is' cancer. Schotendom (G.). Acacia. Schrägbruch (G.). 01)li(|ue fracture. Schrägdisparates Punktpaar ( G.). A pair of points lying upon disparate hori- zontals and disparate verticals. Schrägschiütt {G.). Oblique section. Schrägverengtes Becken ( G.). Ob- liquely-contracted pelvis ; Naegele's pelvis. Schrammen {G.). To scratch, to scar. Schrap'nell's mem'brane. Membrana flaccida. 508 SCH SCH Schraube ( G.). Screw. In composi- tion Schrauben, as in, — binde, tourni- quet ; — grelenk, coc-hlearthrosis ; — litho- tritor, screw lithotritc. Schrecken {('■). Terror, fright, dread. In composition. Schreck, as in, — läh- mting, paralj-.sis from fright ; — neurose, neurosis produced by fright. Schreger's lines. An appearance of concentric undulations presented by the dentine when viewed by a low magnifying power ; produced by the nearly parallel curvatures of the dentinal tubules. Schreibekrampf or Schreibers- krampf ( G). Writers' cramp. Schreibfeder (oiassium sul])hate ; S. Kalk, calcium sulphate ; S. Kupfer, copper sul- phate; S. Kupferoxyd-Ammoniak, am- nioniated copper; S. Magnesium, mag- nesium sulphate ; S. Manganoxydul, manganous sulphate ; S. Morphin, mor- phine sulphate ; S. Natl'on, sodium sul- phate ; S. QuecksUbersulfat, mercuric sulphate ; S. Salz, sulphate ; S. Strych- nin, sulphate of strychnine ; S. Thonerde, aluminium sulphate ; S. Zinkoxyd, zinc sulphate. Schwefelspiessglanz (G.). Antimony sulphide. Sch'weflige Säure (C). Sulphurous acid. Schwefligsaurer Kalk ((?.). Calcium sulphite. Schwefligsaures Kali (ff.). Potassium sulphite. Schwefligsaures Magnesium (yy.i,òpoi\. Scirrhous tumor. S. caminario'rum, epithelioma of scrotum ; chimney-sweepers' cancer. Scirrhophthalmie (F.). Scirrophthal- mia. SciiThosar'ca(i>.) [i«/'ï]. Scleroderma. Scirrhose (F.). Cirrhosis. Scirrho'sis (L.). Hardening, cirrhosis. Scir'rhous. L- scirrhosus ; F. squir- rheux, euse ; /. scirroso. Indurated; af- fected with, or resembling, scirrhus. Scir'rhus (L.) [ffxi/3/5»?]. F. squirrhe; G. Faserkrebs; /. scirro. A firm, hard tumor ; generally a firm fibrous carcinoma. Scirrosi (/.). Cirrhosis. Scis'sion (F.). I. scissione. Division, cleavage. Scissipare (/".). /.scissiparo. Repro- ducing by segmentation. Scissu'ra (L.). Cleft, fissure. S. au- ris, incisura auris. S. longitudina'lis, valley of cerebellum. S. perpendicula'- ris [Gratiolet], sulcus centralis. S. tra'go- helici'na, incisura trago-helicina. Scissura (/.). Cleft, fissure. S. gle- noidale or S. di Glaser, (Jlaserian fissure. S. (grande) epatica, transverse fissure of liver. S. perpendicolare [Gratiolet]. 1. Parieto-occipital fissure. 2. Central sulcus [Gratiolet]. S. di Rolando, central sulcus. S. di Suvio, Sylvian fissure. Scisstire (F.). Fissure. S. calcarine, calcarine fissure. S. festonnée, callusu- marginal sulcus. S. de Glaser or S. glenoidale, Glaserian fissure. S. grande du foie, transverse fissure of liver. S. grande médiane du cervelet, valley of cerebellum. S. (grande) oblique, Syl- vian fissure [Gratiolet]. S. des hippo- campes, calcarine fissure. S. occipitale, parieto-occipital fissure. S. parallèle, su- perior temporo-sphenoidal sulcus. S. per- pendiculaire. 1. Parieto-occipital fissure. 2. Central sulcus [Gratiolet]. S. perpen- diciüaire externe, transverse occipital sulcus. S. du petit hippocampe, calca- rine fissure. S. de Rolando, central sulcus. S. de Santorini, fissure of San- torini. S. sous-frontale, calloso-marginal sulcus. S. de Sylvius, Sylvian fissure. Sc. L. A., abbv. for Scapula leeva- anterior (//.), left scapulo-anterior position. Sclarea (/.). Salvia. Sole'ra (L.) [trxXi^puc]. Sclerotic coat. S. tes'tis, tunica albuginea testis. Scle'ral. Relating to the sclera or .scle- rotic coat. S. extrac'tion : see Modified linear extrnrtion. Scleralkranz {G.). Circulus arteriosus nervi optici. Scleralrinne {G.). Sulcus scleras inter- nus. Scleralstaphylom {G.). Staphyloma of sclerotic. Scleral-WTilst {G.). A slight bulging inward of the sclera on inner wall of Schleinm's canal. Sclerecta'sia (/>) [axXripóì, exraffic]. F. sclérectasie ; /. sclerectasia. Scleral staphyloma. Sclerec'tomy [Utoiit/]. L. sck-recto- mia ; F. sclérectomie ; /. sclercctomia. An incisiaii into the sclerotic. Sclere'ma (L.) [nïfir/ij.a']. F. sclérème ; /. sclerema. Scleroderma. S. neonato'- rum. G. Sclerem der Neugeborenen. Occurs a few days after birth, commencing usually on the lower extremities, and cha- racterized by œdema, discoloration, hardness, and coldness of the skin. Sclerencepha'lia (A) [i>-':V«'^"s"]- Cerebral sclerosis. Sclerery'thrin lif>uOp<>i\. F. scléré- rythrinc. The red coloring matter of ergot. Scleri'asis (/) [axX-^pó.) [«Tz/r^/»;^', òipiia]. F. sclerodermie ; G. Hiiutsclerem. A chronic, non-inflammatory affection of the skin, characterized by diffnse or circum- scribed, pigmented, rigid, liard and con- tracted condition of the integument. S. circumscrip'tum, morphoea. S. neona- to'nim, sclerema neonatorum. Sclerodermie en plaques (/.). 3Ior- phœa. Scleroftalmia (/.). Sclerophthalmia. Scleroiri'tis [.) \_nzivuitTi'f\. F. selérosténose ; /. sclerostciiosi. Induration with contraction ; scleroderma. Sclerosto'ma syn'gamus, Dies. Syn- gdìììus tnirhetili!^, Siebold. Sclerosto'mum duodena 'le {L.). An- kyi'istoin iim (htodenale. Sclero'tal [ffz/i;,owç]. Owen's name for the element that forms the sclerotic coat of the eye, osseous or cartilaginous in some vertebrates. Scler'othrix(//.) ['V'?]- Metschnikoffs name for the tubercle bacillus. Sclerot'ic [(tz/.j;/)»!,']. L. scleroticus ; /'.sclerotica!, ale; G. sklerotisch ; /. scle- rotico, a. Hard, tough ; often used sub- stantively for the following : S. coat. L. tunica albuginea oculi : /^.sclérotique; G. Sklera ; /. sclerotica. The outer tunic of the eye. a strong, white investment com- posed of interwoven bundles of coimective tissue. Sclerot'ic ac'id. Sclerotinic acid. Sclerot'ica (L., /.). Sclerotic coat. Sclerot'ico - choroidi'tis. F. scléro- choroidite ; I. selero-coroidcite. Conjoint inflammation of the sclerotic and choroid, generally at the posterior pole of the eye, S.-c, poste'rior ; when near the anterior part of the eye. it is called S.-C, ante'rior. Scleroticonyrx'is (//.) [«Tz/.r,,«';^. /v-t^.«]. F. scleroticonyxis ; /. scleroticonissi. Punc- ture of the sclerotic, as in the operation for cataract by couching. Sclerotin'ic ac'id. F. acide scléroti- niijue. An uncrystallizable, weak acid prin- ciple, soluble in water, obtained by Dragen- dorft" from ergot; used hypodermically as an ecbolio. Sclérotique (F.). Sclerotic coat. Sclero tisecto 'mia (L., /.) llxreßvui]. F. scléroticectoniie. Cutting out a piece of the sclerotic. Scleroti'tis [fz/'.'j/w/ç]. F. sclérotite; /. sclerotite or sclerotitide. Inflammation of the sclerotic coat of the eye. 514 SCL SCO Sclero'tium Cla'vus, DC". Kigot. Scler'otome. 1. The skeletal jioriiDii of a somatome. 2. Kuife used in making a sclerotomy. Sclerot'omy [rn/nj'^. F. sclerotomie ; /. sclerotomia. The operation of making a section of the .sclerotic just behind the cornea ; used principally against glaucoma. Sclerotonyx'is (//.) [v(W(t:i. ßhfxiv'j. Measurement of curvature, especially of curvature of the si)ine. Scolio'sis (/>.) [tz"/!«ì,-]. /■". scoliose; G. Skoliosis ; /. scoliosi. Curvature, espe- cially lateral deviation of the vertebral column. Scoliot'ic. L. scolioticus ; /'. scoli- otique ; G. skoliotisch. Pertaining or due tiit(:h, schop]. F. curette ; /. cucchiaio. A spoon-shaped instrument used for the extraction of foreign bodies or in the removal of cataract. Scoparla (A). Broom. Scopa'ril cacu'mlna (//.). Broom- tO]1S. Sco'parin. C.^iH;..,0„). F. scoparine ; /. scoparina. A crystallizable neutral prin- ciple obtained from broom-tops ; supposed to be the diuretic principle. Scopa'rius (/>.). Broom. Scopo'Ua japon'lca, Max. Said to be the botanical source of Japanese belladonna. Scop'oline. An alkaloid obtained from Japanese belladonna — SchjxjUh japoiiica ; an energetic mydriatic. Scorbut (/"'.). Scurvy. S. des alpes or S. apennin, pellagra. S. de terre, purpura lucmorrhagica. Scorbut ( G.). Scurvy ; — geschwür, ulcer from scurvy. Scorbu'tic. L. scorbuticus ; F. scor- butique ; G. skorbutisch ; /. scorbutico. Per- taining or due to scurvy. S. fe'ver, scurvy. Scorbu'tus (//.). /. .scorbuto. Scurvy. S. alpl'nus, ])ellagra. Scordine'ma or Scordlnls'mus (i.) \jr/.iiiii>'./(j.iiii.af\. Pandiculation. Scordlon {F.). Trum'uni scordami, L. Scorodos'ma fœt'ldum, Bunge. Frr- ìi/(i Scoroi/dsiìKi, Benth. and Hook. Scorticatura (/.). Scratch, abrasion, slight cut, excoriation. Scorza (/.). Bark : see Corficcin. S. di melagrana, pomegranate-rind. Scorzonera (L., /.). F. scorzonO're. A genus nf ( 'niiijiosifse. S. hu'mUis, L., a Kuropean plant, the root nf which is SCO SCR 515 thouj;ht to be stimulant and diaphoretic. S. hispan'ica, L.. viper's grass ; the roots are esculent. Scossa (/.). A jar, a blow ; sueeussion, shock, Scotas'ma (A.) [«rxuror««]. .Scotoma. Scotch pine. Pimts .«y/ces/riV, L. Scotodin'ia (L., I.) [tx«7oç, óih'r^rj']. F. scotodinie. Scotosis. Scoto'ma, pi. ata (L.) [<7zi;. scutiformis ; F., J. scuti- forme. Slncld-shaped. Scut'ter. Diarrhœa. Scu'tum (L.). Shield; thyroid car- tilage. S. cor'dis, sternum. S. ge'nu, patella. S. pec'toris, thorax. S. thora'- cis, scapula. S. tympan'icum, tympanic scute. Scyb'ala (L.) {<,xi,,3aMr,']. F. scybale; /. scibale. Dry, hard balls of excrement. Scy'phus (L.) \_■;']. _ A depression in anterior part of convex surface of cerebral hemispheres, caused by secondary sulci radiating from the fronto-marginal sulcus [Buschke]. S. Vieussen'ii. X. infundib- ulum cochlea;. The funnel-shaped space formed artificially by breaking in the cupola of the cochlea and removing the lamina modioli. Scyth'ian disease'. L- morbus femi- narum ; /•'. maladie des Scythes. Disease supposed to be not infrequent in the Cau- casus, but found occasionally elsewhere, characterized by atrophy of the testicles and penis, with loss of virility, coming on in adult life, and followed by mental ab- normity, leading to assumption of the dress and habits of women. Scyti'tis [<7xòTi>i']. Dermatitis. Scytoblaste'ma(L.) \_ß/.dnTr,!,.a]. Rudi- mentary skin ; first stage of skin formation. Scytoblaste'sis (i.) \_ß/.aarr,aii']. De- velopment of the skin. Sc3rtomorpho'sis(/v.) \_.). right sacro-postcrior position of the foetus in labor. Sea-ash. Southern prickly ash, Xantho- xylum caroliniamim, Lam. Sea - bur'dock. Clotbur. Xanthiuni strmnarium, L. Sea-girdles. Laminaria digitata. Sea-grape. Sabota kali, L. Sea-hol'ly. Eryngium maritimum. Sea-lav 'ender. Stative Limonium, L. Sea-salt. F. sel marin. Sodium chlo- ride. Sea-sedge. Acorns Calamus, L. Sea-sickness. L. nausea marina; F. mal de mer ; G. Seekrankheit ; J. male di mare. A peculiar indisposition character- ized by giddiness, nausea, vomiting, and depression ; produced by the motion of a vessel on the waves. SEA SEC 517 Sea'side bal'sam. Croton Bahamif- eruiii, li. Seaside grape. Cuccohha uvifera. L. Sea-tangle. Laminaria iligitatn, L. Sea-'wrack. Fucus ivsicnloxus, L. Sear'cy Springs. Sulphuretted, cha- lybeate waters, Searcy, Wiiite Co.. Ar- kansas. Sea'soning fe'ver. The fever to which newcomers in tropical regions are liable, especially a mild form of yellow fever. Seba'ceoTis. L. sebaceus ; F. sébacé, ée ; (i". talgartig ; /. sebaceo. Resembling or furnishing sebum. S. glands. L. glandula in median ]ihme of .«kull between lines drawn from hornjion to l)asioii and to staphylion [Lissauerj. Sec'undines. /y. secundinae; /l secon- dines ; /. .secondina. After-birth, placenta, cord, and membranes, exjielled from uterus after birth of a child. Secun'dum ar'tem (//•). According to art, in the proper way. Secun'dum par tubercule 'rum (/>.). Optic thalami. Sedano (/.). Celery. Seda'tion [sedare]. F. sedation ; G. Linderung; 7. sedazione. Lessening action, the effect of a sedative. Sed'ative. F. sédatif, ive. G. lindernd ; /. sedativo. A remedy which reduces the sensibility and irritability of a part, and con.scqueiitly its functional activity. S. salt, boracic acid. Sede (/.). Scat, fundament, buttocks. Sédentaire (7^)- 7. sedentario. The tuberosity of the ischium. Sédulot's amputa'tion. * )f middle or ujiper third (if leg by lateral flaps, the outer fla]i being much the larger. Sed'iment. L. sedimentum ; F. sedi- ment ; ^/. Satz ; /..sedimento. Tiiat which falls to the bottom of a li()uid. Sed'litz or Seidlitz. Jlineral sjirings in Bohemia ; waters purgative, containing sulphates of soda and magnesia. Sed'litz pow'der. Seidlitz powder. Se'dum (/y). F. sedon. A genus of Urassiilacix. S. acre, L. 7. sedo bruci- ante. Stonecrop, a small, moss-like plant, native of Europe, cultivated in gardens ; a SEE SEH 519 local irritant. S. Tele'phium, L. /. sedo telefio. Live-for-ever. jrardcii orpine ; Euro- pean species naturalized in the U. S. ; used as a vulnerary and as an astringent. Seebad {G.). Sea-bath. Seed. L. semen ; F. semence ; G. Samen : /. seme. In botany, the part of the fruit whicli contains the emliryo or uii- deveioped plantlet. by means (if whidi the higher plants are chiefl_v pro]iagated : see also Bauchee^ Benne. Bondtic, Chiti. Chaul- moogra. O'lchicum, Croton, etc. seeds. Seed-lac. F. laque en grains ; G. Kör- nerlack. The natural lac detached from the twigs on which it is found, and broken in small fra>:nients. Seekrankheit (C). Sea-sickness. Seele ( G.). Soul. mind. In composi- tion Seelen, as — arzt, alieni.-;t , — blind- heit, soul-l)lindness ; — forscher, psychol- ogist ; — -forschung, psychnlngy : — heil- kunde, psychiatry; — krankheit or — leiden, psycliopatiiy ; — lehre, psychol- ogy : — ruhe, atara.xia ; - — Störungen, psychoses ; — taubheit, loss uf intellectual perception of sound. Seepferdefass [G.). Hippocampus major. Seerose (&'.). Water-lily. See'saw ecze'ma. Eczema alternating with some other disease. Seescharbock (G.). Sea-scurvy. Seescorbut (G.). Scurvy. See'sel's pouch. A .small evagination of the embryonic mouth-cavitj'. which ap- pears close behind the evagination of the hypophysis. Seetang^meissel (G.). Sea-tangle tent. Sega (/.). Saw. S. a catena, chain- saw. Segale (I.). Rye. S. cornuta, ergot. Segel or SegelventUe (C). Segments of valves of heart. Segelklappen (G.). Segments of the auricuh)- ventricular valves. Segeln (6-'.). Sturdy. Seggiola (/.). Chair; gynaecological chair. Seg'ment. Z. segmentura ; /. segmento. 1. A part cut out. A distinct portion ; one of a series of homologous divisions. 2. A cell arising from the early division of the ovum. :>. One of the serial divisions of the mesoderm, a myotome. 4. Part of a limb between two joints : sec also isegmcnts. Segment de Bandi (F.'). Bandl's ring. Segment de la trachée (/'). Carti- lages of trachea. Segmen'tal. F. segment aire. Pertain- ing to segments or to segmentation. S. ar'teries, those distributed within tlie re- gion where they originate. S. duct, tlie duct into which the segnienlal tubules empty ; in sharks it divides during embry- onic life into two canals, .Müllers duct and the Wolffian duct ; it is found only in anamniota ; .its homologies in aniniota are unsettled. S. or'gan, an excretory epithe- lial tubule, with an internal o]icning into the body-cavity and an external opening on the surface of the body, or in vertebrates into a special longitudinal duct with an ex- terior orifice : typically, there are two tubules for each segment, the internal opening being in the segment in front of that in which the external opening is situ- ated. Segmental organs are believed to be the primitive form of excretory apparatus friini which the kidneys have been evolved. S. tube, segmental organ. Segmenta'tion. L. segmentatio ; G. Segmentirung, Furehungsprozess : /. seg- mentazione. Division into, or process of forming, segments. S. cav'ity, the space between the ectoderm and entoderm, formed during segmentation of the ovum, and sub- se(ju(Mitly filled by mesoderm. S. nu'cleus. G. Furchung.skern. The nucleus formed by union of pronuclei in the ovum. Segmentation complète {F.). Total segmentation. Segmentation incomplète {F.). Par- tial segmentation. Seg'ments. L. cuspides ; G. Zipfel, Segel. The separate portions of the valves of the heart. Sego or Sevo (/.). Suet. Segocefalotomo (/.). Saw-forceps, an instrument for oeplialotomy. Segond, an'gles of. Those made by drawing lines from basion to principal points on median circumference of the skull ; basilar angles. Seg'regate [segrego]. To separate, to set apart, to di.sassociate. Sehen (G.). A'ision, to see. In com- position Seh, as, — act, act of vision ; — apparat, visual apparatus; — axe, visual axis, line of siirht ; — bêcher, the eyeball ; — centrum [.^lunk]. visual centre, psycho- optic centre, region of the cerebral cortex 520 SEH SEI that appreciates visual stimuli ; the outer convex part of the occipital lobe of the dojî's brain. Fcrricr inchules also the an- gular fryrus ; — ding, a visual object in contradistinction to an actual object. That which tills or limits a portinn of visual space (Sehrauni), but not necessarily ex- actly like an actual object. It is a product of visual sensation; — fähigkeit, capa- bility of seeing; — feld, field of vision ; — hügel, optic thalamus: — hügelstiel, peiluMcle of optic thalamus; — hügel- strahlung, radiatiuthalami ojitici ; — kraft, power of vision; — kraftmesser, o])tonieier : — loch, |>upil, optic foramen; — lochhaut, iiupillarv membrane; — mal, object of vision. i)oint cif fixation ; — messer, optometer; — organ, organ of vi.~ion ; — proben, vision-tests; — Prüfung, testing of vision : — punkt, point of fixation, visual point ; — ptirpur, retinal purple ; — richtungen or — rich- tungslinien : see Lima n/ direction ; — roth, retinal purple, rhodopsin ; — schärfe, acuteness of vision ; — Sphäre, selicen- truni ; — stiel, pedicle of optic vesicle ; — Störung, disturbance of vision; — stoflf, visual purjile; — strahl, line of sight ; — Strahlungen, optic radiations ; — streifen, optic tracts; — Substanz, hypo- thetical substance to which color jierception is due ; — vermögen, faculty of seeing, sight ; — w^eite, size of field of vision ; — ■weitmesser, optometer; — ■Werkzeug, apparatus of vision ; — winkel, visual angle; — zellen [W. Midler], the neuro- epithelial layer of the retina, vision-cells. Sehne (<)naceous ; — balsam, opodeldoc ; — baum, soap-tree ; — cyst, cyst of the mamma containing saponified fat; — geschvrulst, lipoma; — kraut, soap-wort ; — pflaster, soap plaster ; — rinde, bark of (,)iiillai/n sapoiimin ; — Spiritus, tincture of soap; — ■wxirzel, soap-root ; — Zäpfchen, soap suppository. Seigle {F.). Kye. S. ergoté, ergot. Seigier Springs. Chalybeate waters, near Adam's S]irings, Lake Co., California. Seignette's salt. G. Seignettesalz. Po- tassium sodium tartrate. Seiher(G.). Filter. Seime {F.). Sand-crack. Sein {F.). 1. Breast, mammary region. 2. The gravid uterus. Seh-i'asis (Z/.) [nttpiauii^. Siriasis. Seis'mus ( L.') [(Tom/j.^v"]. -V shaking, concussion. Seite (r,]. Moon disease, lunacy. Selenoplex'ia (L.) [-/.y^r^]. So-called moon-strcikt'. Self-abuse'. Masturbation. Self-heal, linuulln rulyark, L. Self-infec'tion. Infection of the entire liody by absorption of a virus whose action had previously been local. Self- lim 'ited. Said of a disease which has a di'tiiiito course and period of termina- tion. Seli'num (/>■)■ F- si'lin. A genus of i'mliel/i/erx. S. palus'tre, L., marsh parsley, a European plant with a very acrid juice; the root has been used as a remedy for epilepsy. Sel'la (L.). A saddle. S. equi'na or S. sphenoida'lis, sella turcica. S. tur'- cica. /'. selle turci(|ue; G. Tiirkcnsattel. Pituitary fossa with l)oiiy processes sur- rounding it. Sella (/l). Fœcal dejection ; stool. Selle turcique {F.). Sella turcica. Sellerie C/. ). Celery. Selt'zer Min'eral Springs (formerly Pea'body Springs). Springdale, Boulder Co., Colorado. Sem., abbv. for Semen (X.), seed. Seme (/.). 1. Seed. 2. Semen. S. di colchico, colchicum-sceil. S. di cotogna, <|uince-sced, cydoiiiuni. S. di giusquiamo, hynsoyanms-sccd. S. di lino, flaxseed. S. di popone, jiumpkin-sei-il. S. santo, san- tonica. S. di stramonio, stramonium- seed. Semecar'pus Anacar'dium, L. fil. Marking-nul tree, Nat. Ord. Anucanlkicex, native of India ; yields the Orientai cashew- nut. Semeiog'raphy [<7r,/je?i<>, ^/)«^-w]. L. semeiographia. A treatise on symptoms. Semeiol'ogy [/.'Y"0 ^i^- semiologia; F. semiologie ; G. Krankheitszeichenlehro. Doctrine of the signs and symptoms of di.seases. Semeio'sis (Z/.) [ir^'/e!»!«]. Observa- tion of the signs of disease. Semeiot'ic. Pertaining to, or giving a sign or sym])tom of, disease. Semeiot'ics. L. semeiotica ; F. sémi- otique ; /. semiotica. Doctrine of signs or symptoms. Semelin'cident. Occurring but once. Semelle (^F.). A small thin wooden sjilint. Se'men (/<■). F. sperme; (r. Samen ; /. sperma. The composite product of the testes, Cowper's glands, the prostate gland, spermatic passages, and seminal vesicles ; a viscid white fluid of peculiar odor con- taining spermatozoa ; the active agent by which the ova of the female are impreg- nated. Se'men (L.). Seed. S. abelmos'chi, musk-seed. S. a'bri, jeiiuirity. S. alex- andri'num, santonica. S. amo'nii, pi- iiii'iita. S. ani'si stella'ti, star-anisc-seed. S. ani'si vulg'aris, aniseed. S. are'cse, areca-nut. S. badia'ni, illicium. S. caca'o, cacao. S. cal'abar, physostigma. S. calcitrip'pee, larks|iiir-seed. S. car- damo'mi mino 'ris, canlamom. S. cata- pu'tiae mino'ris, the seeds of Fii/ilinrhin Lathy rix, L. S. ci'nse or S. ci'nee Hale- pen'se, santonica. S. co'lae, cola-nut. S. corchici [P. (J. ].colchieum-seed. S. con- sol'idae. larkspur-seed. S. cydo'nise : see ('i/ddiiiiiin. S. eru'cœ, white mustard. S. fœnugrœ'ci, fenugreek. S. Igna'tise, igna- tia. S.lycopo'dii, lyco]>odiuni. S.msrris'- ticee, nutmeg. S. nu'cis vom'icae, nu.\ vciuiica. S. papav'eris[P. G.j.jiopiiy-sec'd. S. pedicula'ris, stapliisagria. S. quer 'eus, the acorns of Quercua Rolmr. S. quer'cus tos'tum, acorn coff'ee. S. rici'ni majo'- ris, purging-nut. S. sabadil'lae [P. Pan.], eevadiila. S. sanc'tum, santoiiiea. S. sina'pis [P. G.], black mustard. S. sina'- pis al'bse [P. Helv.], white mustard. S. sina'pis ni'grae [P. Belg.], black mustard. S. stramo'nii [P. Pan.], stramoniuin- seed. S. strych'ni, nux vomica. S. theobroma'tis, cacao. S. tig'lii, crotcm- seetls. Semence {F.'). 1. Seed. '1. Somen. S. de coing: see (^i/ddiihim. S. de col- chique, colchicnm-seed. S. de croton, cro- ton-seeds. S. de jusquiame noire, hyos- cyamus-seed. S. de lin, fla.xseed. S. de potiron, pumpkin-.seed. S. de stramoine, stramoni um-seed. Semences chaudes majeures (/•'.). Anise, fennel, c\imÌM, and caraway fruits. Semences chaudes mineures {F.). Celerv, ]iarsley, ammi. and «■arr(it fruits. Semences froides majeures {F.). Cucumber, melon, pumpkin, and gourd seeds. SEM SEM 523 Semences fi-oides mineures (' F.). Let- tuce, imrslanc, ondivo, and wild chicory seeds. Sémencine or Semen-contra (/''•)• Santonica. • Semenza (/.). pi Semenze. Seed. Semibul'bus cor'poris spongio'sum (L.). Bulbus vestibuli. Semi-canalic'ulus (i/.J. Sulcus. Semicana'lis (L.)- Deep and broad furrow, particularly in a bone. S. hu'meri, bicipital groove. S. ner'vi vidia'ni, groove which continues forward from the hiatus Fallopii on anterior surface of petrous portion of the temporal bone. S. tenso'- ris tym'pani, canalis tensoris tympani. S. tu'bse Eusta'chii, lower portion of eanalis musculn-tubarius. transmitting Eustachian lube. S. tympan'icus, sulcus Jacobsonii. Semicir'cular canals'. F. canaux semicirculaires ; /. canali semicircolari. Three curved tubular passages forming posterior part of labyrinth, internal ear. They are distinguished as superior, pos- terior, and external, and are so arranged that each is ]ierpendieular to the other two, the superior and jiusterior being vertical ; the external, horizontal. Each has a di- lated extremity (ampulla), and contains a passage (membranous semicircular canal. q. v.). Semicircula'ris nervo 'sus ante'rior car'diae (L.). Union between twigs from left vagus, œsophageal plexus, gastric plexus, sidanchnic nerves, and left semi- lunar ganglion, sometimes observed. Semicir'culi os'sei (A.). Semicircular canals. Semicir'culus exsculp'tus (/>.). Aor- tic foramen. Semicris'ta incisi 'va (L.). Xasal crest of superior maxillary bone. Semicupio ( /. ). Sitz-bath. Semidecussa'tion. /. semidecussa- zione. Partial decussation. Semifibula'ris f/y.). Peroneus brevis. Semi-hor., abliv. fur Semi-hora (//.), half an hour. Semi-interos'seus in'dicis (L.). Ab- ductor indicis muscle. Semi-interos'seus pol'licis ( f^.). Op- ponens ]iollicis muscle. Semiloculaire ( F.). I'artially divided ; subscptate Semilogisch CV.). Semeiological. Semilu'nar. //. semilunaris ; /•'. semi- lunaire; G. halbmondförmig ; /. semilunare, ('re.scentie, crescent-.shapcd. S. body: see .(ririiiiisr.i's n-cscents. S. bone. /y. lunatum ; F. scmilunaire ; G. Mondbein ; /. semi- lunare. Second bone in proximal row of wrist; crescentic in shape; articulates with radius above, os magnum and unciform below, scaphoid and cuneiform on either side ; represents the intermedium of primi- tive carpus. S. car'tilages. L. earli- lagines semilunares. Two sickle-shaped fibro-cartilaginous plates which deepen the articulating surfoces on the head of tibia; distinguished as internal and external. S. fas'cia, bicipital fascia. S. fold of Douglas : see Dowjlass fold. S. fold of eye. L. plica semilunaris; F. pli semi- lunaire. Vestige of membrana nietitans of quadrupeds and birds ; found as a small fold of (■niijunetiva at inner angle of eye. S. folds of peritone'um, recto-uterine folds. S. g-an'glia. L. ganglia semi- lunaria ; (j . halbmondförmige Ganglien. Principal ganglionic masses of solar plexuses of sympathetic, near suprarenal bodies, at side of ca'liac and superior mesenteric ar- teries. S. lobes. L. lobi semilunares. Di- visions of posterior lobe of cerebellum ; that above great horizontal fissure being supe- rior, that below inferior. S. notch of il'ium. L. incisura semilunaris ilii. 1. That on anterior border of ilium, between superior and inferior spines. 2. Also that on posterior border, between superior and inferior spines. S. notch of ster'num, suprasternal notch. S. sur'face. L. superficies lunata. Smooth cartilage-cov- ered portion of acetabulum surrounding acetabular fossa. S. tract, tract of fibres in the outer portion of hemispheres of the cerebellum. S. valves. L. valvuhv semi- lunares; /'^.valvules sigmoides ; G. Semi- lunarklappen ; /. valvoli semilunari, ("res- centie flaps found at entrance to aorta and liulmonary artery. There are three at each orifice, constituting aortic and pulmonary valves. Semilunare (I.). Semilunar bone. Semilunarklappen {G.). Semilunar valves. Semilu'nula un'guium(/^.). Lunula. Semimembrano'sus (/>.). F. demi- membraiieux; (/. halbhautiger Muskel ; /. semi-membranoso. Jjong flat muscle of posterior femoral region, arising from tu- berosity of ischium by a tendon with a membranous expansion and inserted into 524 SEM SEN inner tuberosity of tiliia. Its tendon ex- pands over (tosteriur part of capsule of knee- joint (ligamentum popliteuin obliquum). Sem'ina, id. of Se'men (/>."). Seeds. S. amyg'dali ama'ra [P. Ross.], bitter almonds. S. amyg-'dali dul'cia, sweet almond.s. S. bucera'tis [P. Port.], fenu- «rreek. S. caca 'o : .see Ciu-aa. S. carda- mo'mi [P. Sveo.], eardanioiii. S. col'- cllici[P. Koss.],culehieum-seed. S.croto'- nis, oroion-.^eeds. S. g-ossyp'ii, cotton- seed. S. hippocas'tani [P. Port.], horse- che.stnut-seed. S. hyoscy'ami, hyoscya- nius-seed. S. li'ni [P. 8vec.], flaxseed. S. papa'veris [P. Koss.]. poppy-seed. S. pepo'nis [1*. Port.], the seed.s of Cucumis Meìo, li. S. stramo'nii, stramonium-seed. S. theobro'mae [P. Port.], cacao. Sem'inal. L. seminalis ; F. séminal, ale ; /. seminale. Pertaininsr to seed or semen. S. animarcule. (!. Samenthier- chen. Spermatozoon. S. cells. (!. Sanien- kugcln. Amoeboid cells devoid of an en- velope and connected iiy processes, found in the seminal tubules. They seem to secrete the fluid part of the semen. S. cyst, cystic tumor of the testicle or sper- matic cord, eoMtainiiiir spermatozoa. S. ducts, ejaculatory ducts. S. fll'aments, spermatozoa. S. flu'id, semen. S. gran'- ules. (t. Samenkörnchen. K]iithclial cells from the seminal pas.sages, found in the semen. S. losses. F. pertes .séminales ; /. perdite seminali. àSpermatorrlnea. S. tu'bules, seminiferous tubules. S. ves'- icles. L- vesiculcE séminales ; F. vésicules .séminales ; G. Samenbläschen ; /. vesci- chette seminali. Two irregularly lobulated sacs for inclusion of semen, situated one on each side at base of bladder. They are convoluted tubular diverticula of the vas deferens, and discharge in common with it through the ejaculatory duct. Semina'le mem 'brum (/>.). Penis. Seminervo'sus i //.). Semitendinosus. Seminiferous tu'bules. L. tubuli seminiferi ; F. conduits séminifères ; G. Samencanälclieii ; /. condotti seminiferi. Glandular elements of testis, consisting of a large iiutTiber of closely convoluted small tubes, which lie within the lobules and dis- charge their secretion into the straight tubules. Semiog'raphy. Seraeiography. Semiol'ogy. L., I. semiologia ; F. sémiologie, Semeiology. Semiot'ic. Semeiotic. Semisidera'tio {LJ). Hemiplegia. Semispina'les [Coues] i^L.). Semi- spinalis dorsi et colli. Semispina'lis {L.). G. Halbdornmus- kcln. Su]ierticial portion of transverso- spinalis system of muscles of back. The S. dorsi arises from transverse processes of (jth to 10th dorsal vertebne. and is in- serted into spines of last two cervical and six upper vertebne. The S. col'li arises from transverse processes of upjicr six dor- sal vertebrœ. and is inserted into spines of 2d to 5th cervical vertebn«. The S. cap'i- tis is the complex us, etrous bone. Semistil'cus sag-itta'lis (L-). Scmi- s ulcus loiigitudinalis. Semitendino'sus (/>.). F. demi-tendi- neux ; (r. halbsehniger Muskel; /. .seuii- tendinoso. Long muscle of po.sterior femo- ral region, arising, in common with long head of the biceps, from tul)erosity of the ischium and inserted into inner surface of shaft of tibia. Semiter'tian fe'ver. F. fièvre semi- tierce ; /. febbre semiterziana. Malarial fever with daily paroxysms more severe every other day. Sempervi'vum tecto'rum, L. /. sem- previvo. Hou.seleek. an Al])ine jdant. Nat. Ord. Crdssii/iitrtr, common on roofs and old walls in Europe. Senape (/.). .^lustard. S. bianca, white mustard. S. nera, black mustard. Senapina (/.). Sina])iii. Senapismo (/.). Sinapism. Séné (/'.). Senna. S. américaine or S. d'Amérique, American senna. Sen'eca oil. Crude petroleum. Sene'cio (//.). A genus of Cnmixisilup; groundsel. S. au'reus, L.. golden rag- weed, sipiaw-weed, life-root, wild valerian, indigenous to North America ; said to be diuretic, diaphoretic, and nervine. S. SEN SEN 525 Jacobse'a, L., St. James's wort, ragwort ; a European species: said to be emollient, resolvent, and vulnerary- S. vulga'ris, L., common groundsel, a common European weed ; leaves official in the Cod. ; said to be antispasmodic, diuretic, and emmenagogue. Senecione (/.). Senecio vuignris, L. Séneçon (F.). Senecio vulgaris, L. Senec'tus ( L.). Old age. Sen'ega. L. senega ; F. sénóga poly- gala de Virginie ; G. Senegawurzcl ; /. poligala Virginiana. The root of Pol;/;iftla Sfiiri/d. L. ; a stimulating expectorant. S. snake'root, senega. Sen'egse ra'dix [B. P.]. Senega. Senegasyrup ' G.). Syrup of senega. Senegawvirzel (C)- Senega. Sen'egin. F. sénégine ; /. senegina. A glucoside, the active principle of senega ; nearly if not absolutely identical with saponin ; called also polygalic acid. Sene'ka. Senega. S.-root, senega. Senes'cence [sene.x]. State or condi- tion of growing old. Senf(G.). Mustard. — mehl, ground mustard; — papier, mustard paper; — öl, oil of mustard ; — pflaster, sinapism ; — samen, mustard-seed ; — spiritus, spirit of mustard; — teig, mustard-poul- tice. Sen'green. Seinjurvivnm tictorum. Seni (!■). pi. of Seno. Sinuses. S. dell' aoi^a or S. aortici, sinuses of aorta. S. del cuore, auricles of heart. S. fron- tali, frontal sinuses. S. del laringe, ven- tricles of larynx. S. mascellari, maxil- lary sinuses. S. di Morgagni, sinuses of Valsalva. S. mucosi, Morgagni, lacunae of. S. placentari, placental sinuses. S. rachidiani intravertebral veins. S. sagit- tali, longitudinal sinuses. S. sfenoidali, ^plh'noidal sinuses. S. uterini, sinus uteri. S. vertebrali, intravertebral veins. Se'nUe. L. senilis; F. senile; /. senile. Pertaining to old age. S. chore'a, paral- ysis agitans. S. gan'grene, form of dry gangrene of extremities, due to obstruction of blood-supply. Senil'ity. F. sénilité ; G. Senilitilt. The state or condition of diminished acuteness of the senses, activity of function, and of mental and physical power, usual in ex- treme old age. Senke C?.). Probe. Senkgrube (.). G. Em]ifindungssitz ; J. sensorio. The conunun centre iif sensa- tions ; the brain. S. commu'ne, hypo- thetical central seat of all sensibility. Sen'sory. Relating to, or connected with, sensation. S. cells, rod-shaped cili- ated cells serving as end-organs of nerves. S. cross'^wray, carrefour sensitif. S. gan'- glia. (•'. Empfinduiigsganglien. Those at base of brain connected with sensory nerves, as the optic thalami, corpora (|uadrigemina, etc. S. nerves. G. Empfindungsnerven. Those conveying impulses centripetally, producing sensation. S. root, a nerve- root exciting sensation only. Senteur (F.). Peculiar odor. Sen'tient [sentire]. Capable of sensa- tion. Sentiment (F.). J. sentimento. Sen- sation. Senti'na ( L.). Pituitary gland. Sep 'arate sys'tem: see Sewcnttje. Sep'arator. Instrument of metal used to correct malposition of teeth by constant pressure. Sepet'onOUS [irrjr:!,)]. Putrid, full of putridity. Se'pia (/'■)• 1. -V genus of cephalopod nioUusks. 2. The dried secretions of the ink-sac of Sepia Dßicinaii's. S. officinalis, L., the common cuttlefish; used as an arti- SEP SEP 527 eie of food, and yields cuttlefish-bone and sepia. Sepimento (/.). Septum. Seppelimento (/.). Burial. Sepsicol'ytin. Antiseptic obtained from tapioceawurzel. Sep'sin [«■/;"]■ ^' seiisinc or septine ; I. sepsina or septina. Alkaloidal extractive obtained by Panum and Her>rniann from putrefying animal matter ; supposed to be the cause of certain violent forms uf septi- cœmia. Sep'sis [»r^V'-'i']- F. sepsie. 1. Putre- faction. 2. Septic poisoning, infection. Sep'ta ( 7-. ). pi. of Septum, .). 8eptic;eniia. Sep'tal. Belonging to a septum. S. seg'ment, posterior segment of tricuspid valve of heart. Sep'tan fe'ver. F. fièvre septane ; G. siebentägiges Fieber ; /. febbre settana. Ma- larial fever with paroxysms every seventh day. Sep'tate. Having one or more parti- tions. S. u'terus, a uterus divided by a partition into two chambers. Sept'foil. Potentina TormentlHa, Sehr. Sep'tic [irri-rTuóc]. L. septicus ; F. septique ; G. septisch : /. settico. Per- taining, or due. to putrefaction. S. poi'- soning, that resulting from absorption of the products of putrefaction ; sepsis. Septicse'mia (L.) [^/rrjiziu, a?/ia]. F. septicémie ; G. Septiciimie ; I. setticemia. A febrile affection due to absorption of pu- trid substances or products of pus-forma- tion ; emboli of micrococci are found after death. Septicopyämie (G.). Pyremia from sepsis. Septième paire (F.). Seventh pair of nerves. Septimes'tris f/>.). Seven months, term applied to pregnancy terminating in labor at that time. Septina (/.). Sepsin. Septine (F.). Sepsin. Septique (F.). Septic. Septisch (G.). Septic. Septom'eter [septum, /lérpov']. An in- strument for measuring the thickness of the nasal septum at different points. Sep'tula fibro'sa (A.J. Trabecuhc passing from fibrous sheath of penis into corpus cavernosum. Sep'tula interalveola'ria (L)- Walls between alveoli of lungs. Sep'tula medul'lse spina'lis (//.). System of connective-tissue partitions sep- arating bundles of nerve-fibres of spinal cord. Sep'tula re'num (L.). Columns of Bertin. Sep'tula tes'tis (L.). Imperfect par- titions of coiiuective tissue given oft' from the front and sides of the mediastinum testis, and passing to the tunica albngiiiea. Sep 'turn (Ïj-)- g. Scheidewand; /. setto. A jiartition or separating wall. S. an'nuli crura'lis, septum crurale. S. aor'ticum, aortic segment. S. atrio'rum cor'dis, or S. a'trium, or S. auricula'- rum, auricular septum. S. bul'bi ure'- thrae, median septum of connective tissue in bulb of urethra. S. bursa'rium omen- ta'le, gastro-pancreatie ligament. S. car- tilagin'eum, cartilage of tlie se|ituni. S. cerebelli, faix cerebelli. S. cer'ebri, faix cerebri. S. cervica'le, septum postieuni. S. coch'leee audito'riae, spiral lamina. S. cor'dis, interventricular septum. S. crura'le, crural septum. S. enceph'ali, tentorium. S. fem'oris, thick lamina of compact tissue strengthening the femur internally, where the neck unites with the shaft. S. glan'dis, median septum of glans penis. S. ingnina'le exter'num, portion of superficial fascia of abdcunen attached to internal pillar of external al)- dominal ring [Petréquin]. S. lin'guse. G. ïollwurm. Fibrous median lamina di- viding the tongue into two symmetrical halves. S. longitudina'le, longitudinal septum. S. longitudina'le poste'rius, posterior median fissure : see Fisxitres or' apinal cord. S. lu'cidum. F. cloison transparente ; G. durchsichtige Scheide- wand ; /. setto lucido. A thin vertical partition of gray and white matter sepa- rating lateral ventricles of brain on me- dian line, limited above and in front by corpus callosum, behind hy anterior pillars of fornix. It is double, enclosing between its two layers the fifth ventricle. S. mea'- tus acus'tici or S. mea'tus audito'rii, lamina cribrosa S. me'dian, of medul'- la : see Raphi'. S. media'num dorsa'- le, posterior median fissure of spinal cord. S. me'dium : see Ruphi'. S. me'dium cer'ebri, septum lucidum. S. me'dium cor'dis, interventricular septum of heart. 528 SEP SER S. medulla 're triangula're, septum lucidum. S. membrana 'ceum, columna nasi. S. membrana'ceum au'ris, meni- brana tyiiijiaiii. S. mo'bile, columim nasi. s", na'rium or S. na'si, nasal sep- tum. S. ner'veum, crista acustica. S. os'sis ethmoi'dei, bony partition .sepa- rating ethmoidal cells. S. paramedia'- num dorsale, paramedian fissure, poste- rior. S. parietale, posterior segment of the mitral valve. S. par'vum occipitale, faix cerebelli. S. pectinifor'me, incom- jilete median septum, separating corpora cavernosa of penis. S. pellu'cidum, sep- tum lucidum. S. of pons Varolii. L. septum pontis. Kaphé formed in the middle line by decussating antero-posterior fibres. S. posti'cum, septum araehnoideuin. S. recto-vaginale, wall separating rectum from vagina. S. scalee, spiral himina. S. scro'ti," median wall separating the two pouches of the scrotum. S. sin'uum sphe- noidalium, sphenoidal septum. S. sphe- noidale, partition between the sphenoidal sinuses. S. subarachnoi'deum, imper- fect longitudinal membranous partition extending from the arachnoid to the pia mater, opposite the posterior median fissure of the spinal cord. S. ten'ue, septum lucidum. S. thora'cis, mediastinum (def. 2). S. transver'sum. 1. Diaphragm. 2. Crista acustica. 3. Term applied by His to the primitive dissepiment between the pericardial and abdominal cavities of the embryo. S. tu'bee, a thin scroll of bone dividing the canalis musculo-tubarius into two portions, separating tensor tympani muscle from Eustachian tube. S. ure'thrEe vaginale, anterior wall of vagina. S. vagi'nse vaso'rum crtiralium, that be- tween femoral artery and vein. S. val- vula're Lieutaudii, parietal segment. S. ventriculo'rum, interventricular septum. S. vestib'uli nervo'so-membrana'ce- um, macula acustica. Septum (F.). Septum. S. médian, septum lucidum [Chaussier]. S. médian du cervelet, ialx cerebelli. S. staphylin, soft palate. S. transverse, tentorium. Sequela, pi. ae {L.). That which fol- lows or succeeds ; result. Sequester (i- vision of aponeurotic tendon of internal oblique muscle of abdomen, to enclose the rectus abdominis. Below the fold of Doug- las the posterior layer of the sheath is want- ing. S. of Schwann, neurilemma. Sheep laurel. Kulmia angusti/olia, L. Sheep'-berry. Viburnum Lentago, L. Sheep'-poison. Kalmia angusti/olia, L. Sheep-pox. L. variola ovina ; F. cla- velée ; G. Schafpocke ; /. fuoco di San An- tonio. A contagious eruptive disease of sheep resembling cowpox. Sheep'weed. Soaproot, Saponaria of- ficinalis, L. Sheldon Spring. Alkaline, saline wa- ter, Sheldon, Franklin ("o., ^'ermont. Shel'lac. F. laque en écailles or en tablettes; G. Schellack. Seed-lac boiled with water to remove coloring matter, and then melted, strained, and congealed upon a smooth surface in thin layers. Shell'-bark or Shag'-bark. Hickory ; the fruit of (Jarija nlha, Nutt. Shell'flower. Bahnony. Shells. 1. F. coquilles. Concavo-con- vex spectacles not refracting, usually tinted ; used to protect the eyes from glare or dust. 2. The husks which surround the seeds of Theohroma Cacao, cacao-seeds ; used in in- fusion as an agreeable beverage. Shenando'ah Al'um Springs. Alum, chalybeate, and arsenic waters, Shenandoah Co., Virginia. Shep'herd's club. Common mullein, Verhaxciint T/iajisus, L. Shep'herd's purse. F. bourse à pas- I SHI SIB 533 teur; G. Hirtentäschlein. ötpsella Bursa pastorif. Moench ; a mild astringent. Shield, anti-ther'mic. A contrivance to prevent beat of cautery from burning the surrounding tissue. Shield-fern. Plant of the genus Aspid- ium, Nat. Ord. Filices. Shikimi. IHicium relifflosum. Shima-mushi. .Tajmnese name of a disease peculiar to certain districts of that country, and supposed to be caused by the bite or sting of an insect. The symptoms resemble somewhat those of syphilis, with severe fever. Shin. Term applied to that part of the leg where the tibia is immediately subcu- taneous. ShLn'-bone. Tibia. Shingles. Herpes zoster. Shin'-leaf. Plant of the genus Pyrola, Nat. Ord. Ericaccst. Ship fe'ver. F. fièvre des vaisseaux; I. febbre navale. Typbus fever. Shirt'-stud ab'scess. F. abcès en bou- ton de chemise. Abscess with two cavities, one superficial, the other deeper, connected by a sinus. Shoc'co Springs. Saline sulphur springs, in Warren Co.. North Carolina. Shock \^Dut. schokken]. F. choc trau- i mati(|uc ; G. Shrjk ; /. scossa. The nervous exhaustion and depression of the heart's action caused by a wound or injury. Shod'dy fe'ver. Febrile disturbance, attended with headache, nausea, dryness of the throat, and difficulty of breathing, oc- curring in shoddy-grinders. Shok(,G.). Shock. Shoote. A form of epidemic colic in calves. Shore''weed. Aralia spinosa, L. Short caj'damoms. Lesser cardamoms; a shortly ovoid or nearly globular variety of the official cardamom. Short com'missure : see Commissure. Short proc'ess of in'cus. L. proces- sus brevis. Conical projection from incus attached to wall of tympanum. Short-sight'edness. Myopia. Shot'-bush. Ai-'i/iii niidiccitilis, L. Shot-gun prescripltion. One contain- ing a number of drugs having very differ- ent powers and properties. Shot-gun quar'antine. Term applied in the southern U. S. to the forcible pre- vention, by persons not duly authorized by law, of intercourse with places suspected of being infected with yellow fever. Shoul'der [.1. S. sculder]. F. épaule; G. ."^chulter ; 7. spalla. Projecting part of trunk contiguous to attachment of pectoral limb ; comprises all from walls of thorax to where circumference of limb is free. S.- blade, scapula. S.-bone, humerus. S.- gir'dle, pectoral arch. S.-joint. L. ar- ticulatio humeri ; F. articulation de l'épaule ; G. Schultergelcnk ; /. articolazione della spalla. Articulation between shoulder- girdle and humerus. In animals that pos- sess a coracoid bone, that forms a part of the articulation. In man the embryonic coracoid fuses with the scapula, so that bone alone is recognized as forming the distal member. The joint is a very free enarthrosis. Sho'w. The first sanguineous discharge in labor. Shrub'by tre'foil. Ftelea trifolintn, L. Siagantri'tis [(rtaywv, avTpn-/\. Inflam- mation of the antrum of Highmore. Siagona'gra (X., /.) \a:aY6>, aypa]. F. siagonagre. Gout in the jaw. Sialadeni'tis [aiahr^, nrÎTjy]. F. sialadé- nite ; /. sialadenite. Inflammation of a sal- ivary gland. Sial'agogue \j7Ìalov, ayw]. G. speichel- treibend ; /. sialagogo. 1. Tending to in- crease the secretion of saliva. 2. An agent having such power. Si'aline. Ptyalin. Siahs'raus {L-^- F. sialisme; /. sia- lismo. Salivation. Si'aloid ['rr'a/'.rii']. L. sialoides : F. sialoide ; G. speicheliilinlich. Resembling saliva. Sial'olith \_i!ia).ov, ).iei>i\. F. sialolithe; G. Speichelstein ; /. sialolito. Salivary calculus. Sialolithi'asis (L.). Formation of sali- vary calculus. Si'alon [rt-ia/."/]. Saliva. Sialorrhoe'a (L.) [/i''«]. F. sialorrhée : G. Speichelfluss ; /. sialorrea. Continuous flow of saliva, ptyalism. Si'alos. Saliva. Sialos'chesis (£.) [f/^f;^]. Retention or suppression of saliva. Sialoze'mia (£.) [');.«:'«]. Ptyalism. Sib'bens. A name given to a severe 534 SIB SIF form of syphilis, with skin eruptions re- sembling yaws, endemic in Scotland in the 17th and ISth centuries. Sibe'rian piagne. Anthrax. Sib'ilant. L. sihilans; F. sibilant, ante ; G. pfeifend ; /. sibilante. Hissing or whistling in sound. Sibilo (/.). Whistling sound. Sibirische Blatter ( C). Anthrax. Sic'cant. L. siccans. Siccative. Sic'cative [siccare]. F. siccatif, ive ; /. siccativo. Tending to make dry, drying. Siccité {F.). Dryness. Sichel (G.). 1. Sickle; crescent; faix. 2. A transverse crescent, which marks the posterior extremity of the primitive streak of the germinal area of reptiles; — bein, interparietal bone ; — blutleiter, longitu- dinal sinuses ; — förmig, falciform ; — för'miges Band, falciform ligament ; — fortsatz, falciform process ; — läppen, fiilciform lobe; — rand des Grosshims, mesial edge of either hemisphere of cere- brum ; — rinne, the groove on the sichel. Sicherheitsnadel ((?.). Safety-pin. Sicherheitsröhre (G.). Upper part of lumen of cartilaginous portion of Eustachian tube, which remains open normally [Kiid- inger]. Sicht (rcx.J. sodium silicate. Sil'icate. L. silicas ; G. kieselsaures Salz : /. silicato. A salt of silicic acid (H.,8i03Ì. Silicate C^^.). i^ilicate. S. de soude, sodium silicate. S. de soude liquide, solution of silicate of sodium. Silicato (/.). Silicate. S. di potassa, silicate of potash, liquid glass. Süice {F., /.). Silica. Silic'ic ac'id. H^SO,,. F. acide sili- cique ; I. acido silicico. An acid substance known oidy in solution or in combination in the silicates. The term is incorrectly used as a svnonym for silicic anhydride or silica. Silicio (/. ). Silicon. Sili'cium (i.). Silicon. Sü'icon. Si. L., F. silicium ; G. Kiesel ; /. silicio. A tetratoniic elementary substance, not found in the free state, but existing widely diffused in nature in combi- nation with oxygen in the form of silica and the silicates. S. diox'ide, silica. Sil'iqua (L.. I.). F. silicjue. Husk. S. dul'cis, Saint John's bread. S. oli'vae, an arrangement of fibres occasionally seen about the olive, by which it appears as if cncapsuled. S. vanü'lae, vanilla. Silk-grass. Yucca jiiamen/osa, L. ; root alterative, detergent. Silk'weed. Asclepias cornuti, Decaisne. SU'ky cor'nel. Cornus sericea,!,.; bark tonic, diaphoretic, febrifuge. Sillon (Z'.). Furrow, sulcus. S. (grand) circonférentiel : see Fissure, gnat imri- zonlnl. S. collatéral antérieur, antero- lateral groove of spinal cord. S. collat- éral postérieur, postero-lateral groove of spinal cord. S. droit, olfactory sulcus. S. du corps calleux, calloso-unirginal sulcus. S. (grand) du lobe fronto-pariétal, cal- loso-marginal sulcus. S. interpariétal, intraparietal sulcus. S. occipital. 1. Parieto-oecipital fissure. 2. Occipital fur- row of fœtal head. S. occipital trans- verse, transverse occipital sulcus. S. orbito-palpébral supérieur, furrow form- ed by junction of upper eyelid with the orbit. S. perpendiculaire, parieto-oe- cipital fissure. S. postrolandique, post central sulcus. S. primitif, primitive groove. S. prérolandique, pra3ccntral sulcus. S. de segmentation, furrow on surface of the vitellus due to segmenta- tion. Sillonnée, ée (/".). Furrowed. Sillonnement {F.). Furrowing, the first stage of segmentation. Sillons frontaux (/'.). Frontal sulci. Sillons temporaux {F.). Temporal sulci. Siloam Springs. Alkaline, saline waters, Siloam Springs, UowcU Co., Missouri. Sil'phium (/v.). F. silphie ; /. silfio. A genus of Composita:. S. lancini'atum, L., rosin-weed, compass-plant ; grows on the prairies of the western U. S. ; is rich in resin, and is used as a tonic, diaphoretic, and emetic. S. perfolia'tum, L., cup-plant, western and southern V . S. ; resinous ex- udation said to be stimulant and antispas- modic. S. terebinthina'tum, L.. jnairie burdock ; habitat and properties similar to .S'. lancuiialum. SUpholog'ic. Larval. Silu'rian Spring. Alkaline diuretic water, situated fiftv feet aliove Fox Hiver, in Waukesha Co., Wisconsin. Sil'ver [.4. .S'. seolfer]. Ag. L. ar- gentum ; F. argent; G. Silber; /. argento. A brilliant, white, very ductile, malleable metal, of all metals the be.st conductor of heat and electricity; spec. grav. 10.47, fusing at about 1000° C. ; found native in the metallic state and in various combina- tions ; medicinally inert ; used for surgical instruments and in the preparation of the medicinal silver compounds ; see also Ger- man sih'tr. S. chlo'ride. AgCl. L. ar- genti chloriduin ; F. chlorure d'argent ; G. Silberchlorid ; /. cloruro d'argento. A salt of silver, obtained bj' precipitating a solu- tion of silver nitrate with sodium chloride, or by other processes. At first white, it is soon discolored by exposure to light. Has been used internally in syphilis, epilepsy, chronic dysentery, and diarrhoea. S. cy'- anide. AgCN. L. argenti cyanidum ; F. cyanure d'argent; G. Silbercyanid ; /. cianuro d'argento. A white, odorless, taste- less, amorphous powder, gradually turning brown on exposure to light, insoluble in water or alcohol ; obtained by passing hy- drocyanic acid into a solution of silver nitrate; used in the preparation of diluted hydrocyanic acid. S. i'odide. Agi. L. argenti iodidum ; F. ioduro d'argent ; G. Silberjodid ; J. ioduro d'argento. A heavy, odorless, tasteless, amorphous, light-yellow powder, unaltered by light if pure, insol- uble in water, alcohol, or dilute acids ; ob- tained by double decomposition of silver SIL SIM 537 nitrate with potassium iodide. S. lines, cement substance of epithelium, stained by silver nitrate. S. ni'trate. AgNOj. L. arsenti nitras ; F. azotate d'argent ; G. Sil- bernitrat ; /. nitrato d'argento. A color- less, transparent, odorless, crystalline salt, having a bitter, caustic and metallic taste and a neutral reaction, soluble in 0.8 parts of water and in 20 parts of alcohol at 15° C fusing at about 200° C. ; obtained by dissolving silver in nitric acid, evaporating and crystallizing ; tonic, antispasmodic, es- charotic : see also M'nddid nitrate of silver. S. ox'ide. Ag;0. L. argenti oxidum ; F. oxvde d'argent; G. Silberoxyd; /. ossido d'argento. -V heavy, dark brownish-black powder, odorless, having a metallic taste, very slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol ; liable to reduction by e.^cposure to light or by trituration with oxidizable or combustible substances ; a product of the action of lime-water upon solution of silver nitrate ; proposed for internal use instead of silver nitrate. S. stain, argyria. Silver fir. Abies pectinata. DC. Suver leaf. Stilliiiffia si/lvaticn, L. Sil'ver ■wat'tle. Acacia dealbata, Link, an Australian tree ; one of the sources of Australian gum. Sil'ver-'weed. F. argentine ; G. iSilber- kraut ; /. argentina. Fotentilla anserina, L. ; the whole plant is astringent. Silves'ter's meth'od : see Artificial respiratili». Sü'ybum Maria'num, Gasrtn. Milk- thistle, Nat. Ord. Compositse, native of Europe ; the seeds are official [P. Ross.]. Sima'ba ( L.). A genus of Simaruhex. S. Ce'dron, Planch, a small tree, native of Colombia ; the seeds are used as a tonic, febrifuge, and antidote to the venom of poisonous animals. S. femigin'ea, St. Hil.. a Brazilian species, with similar prop- erties to the above. Simaru'ba (/>., /.). F. siniarouba ; G. Ruhrrinde. 1. The bark of the root of Simaruiia officinalis, DC., and of .S'. medi- cinalis, Endl. ; a simple bitter resembling quassia. 2. A genus of Siniorubex. S. ama'ra, Aubl., SimaruLa officinalis. DC. S. ama'ra, Hayne, .S'. medicinalis, Kndl. S. excel'sa, DC., Picrxna excelaa, Lindi. S. glau'ca, DC, 5'. medicinalis, Endl. S. guianen'sis, Rich., Simandia ifficinalis, DC. S. medicina'lis, Endl.. mountain- damson, grows in the West Indies, Florida, and Central America. S. offlcina'lis, DC, a tall tree, native of tropical South America. Simbioto (/.), Symbiotic. Simblefaro (/.). Symblepharon. Simelo (/.). Syrapus. Simo'nea folliculo'rum (-t.). Demodex follicntunim. Simonisirung ( (?.). Forcible dilatation of female urethra. Si'mon's opera'tion. For complete rupture of the perineum. The rectal mucous membrane is first sutured, the sutures being tied in the rectum and cut short ; the rest of the lacerated tissues are then brought together in the usual way. Simpatico (/.). Sympathetic. Sim'ple. L. simplex ; G. einfach ; /. semplice. Uncomplicated, not complex ; composed of but two substances. S. ce'- rate, cerate [U. S. P.]. S. chol'era, sporadic cholera. S. contin'ued fe'ver. L. febris continua simplex ; F. fièvre con- tinue simple ; G. Fieber von unbestimm- tem Character; I. febbre continua sem- plice. Continued fever having no obvious distinguishing characters. S. elix'ir, elixir of orange. S. oint'ment : see Ointment, 2. S. ssn^'up. L. syrupus simplex [syrupus, U. S. P.] ; F. sirop de sucre ; G. weisser Syrup. A solution of sugar in water, in the proportion of about 65 to 8.5 [U. S. P.] ; 60 to 30 [B. P.] ; 51 to 30 [Cod.] ; 60 to 40 [P. G.] ; used as a vehicle for other medicines. S. tis'sues, those which con- sist of one kind of cell. Sim'ples. Uncompounded drugs, espe- cially herbs, roots, etc. Simplocarpo (/.). Symplocarpus foeti- dus. Salisb. Simp'son's opera'tion. Bilateral division of the cervix uteri. Simp'son's trac'tor. F. tracteur de Simpson. An India-rubl)er cupping appa- ratus, with pump attached, to assist in delivery by fastening to the fœtal head. Simptosi I /.). Syniptosis. Sims' depres'sor. A stout looped wire, used to depress the anterior vaginal wall in vaginal examinations. Sims' feed'er. A long-shanked, shallow- forked instrument designed to aid the pas- sage of a suture when introduced in such a direction that it would cut into the tissue if traction were made at a sharp angle to its course. 538 SIM SIN Sims' posi'tìon. Latero-abdominal po- gitioti. Sims' shield. An instrument with a semicircular open band at the end, used for steadying sutures and to act as a guide to the proper point at which the wires should be twisted. Sims' spec'ulum. Form of vaginal speculum, consisting of two blades, at right angles to either end a rigid stem, so that one blade serves as a handle while the other lifts the vaginal wall. Each blade is curved from side to side, and has its end shaped like a duck's l)ill, whence it is sometimes called a duckbill speculum. Simulatetir (F.). Malingerer. Simula'tion. L. simulatio ; /. .simu- lazione. 1. Feigning, pretending to have a disease. 2. Counterfeiting, a resembling. Simulatore (/.). Simulator, malingerer. Simulazione (/.). Simulation. Simuliren (C). To simulate, to feign. Sim'ulo. Capparis coriacea. Simultancontrast ((?.)■ Contrast, simultaneous. Sinadelfo (/.). Thoracopagus. Sinal'bin. C.joH^NjSjOij. A cry.stal- lizable principle found in the seeds of white mustard, Siiiapis alba ; by the action of the proteid myrosin it is converted into the acrid compound upon which the irritant properties of white mustard depend. Sinanche or Sinancia (/.). Cynanche pharyngea. Sin'apin. F. sinapine ; /. senapina. Sinalbin. Sina'pis [(Tt'vyy-t]. 1. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Cruci/erfc. 2. Mu.stard. 3. Black mustard-seeds and white mustard- seeds powdered and mixed [B. P.]. S. al'ba, L., white mustard ; a species of S. having white seeds ; a native of Europe, cultivated. S. al'bse sem'ina [B. P.], white mustard. S. arvensis, L., Brassica sinapistriim, Boiss. S. in'dica [P. Ind.], Indian mustard. S. jun'cea, L.. grown in India and southern Russia. The seeds are known as sarepta or Russian mustard. S. ni'gra. L., black mustard ; a species of S. bavins black seeds ; native of Europe, cul- tivated. S. ni'grae semina [B. P.], black mustard. Sin'apism [^hrenicits, S. pericni-dinai-cosfiilis, and S. phrenìco-costaìis. S. pocula'ris, prostatic vesicle. S. of por'tal vein. L. sinus venre port;e. Enlargement of vessel in transverse fissure just before it divides. S. praecervica'lis. 1. Pouch formed by invagination of posterior branchial arches in the amniote embryo ; according to W. His, the thymus gland is developed from the walls of this pouch. 2. S. cervicalis. S. prostat'icus, prostatic vesicle. S. pul- mona'lis or S. pulmona'Uum, left auricle of heart. S. pyrifor'mis, de])ression of mucous membrane at entrance to larynx, between edge of aryteno-epiglottic fold and side of pharynx. S. quar'tus, straight sinus. S. quar'tus aor'tse, great sinus of aorta. S. rec'tus, straight sinus. S. rena'- lis, a considerable notch sometimes found on medial border of kidney in the situation of the hilus. S. reu'niens, the large cavity into whidi the veins all unite in the embryo just before emptying into the heart. S. rhomboida'lis. 1. Cavity of the embryonic medulla oblongata. 2. Fourth ventricle ; also the terminal ven- tricle of the spinal cord. S. Rid'leyi, circular sinus. S. sagitta'les, longitudi- nal sinuses. S. sep'ti lu'cidi, fifth ven- tricle. S. sigmoi'deus, lateral sinus. S. sphenoida'les, sphenoidal sinuses. S. spheno-parieta'lis, s|ibeiio-parietal sinus. S. squamo'so-petro'svis, sinus ]ietroso- squamosns, S. subarachnoidea'les, sub- arachnoid confluents. S. sulcifor'mis, fos- sula suleiformis. S. sulcifor'mis Mor- gag'ni, cerebral opening of aquœductus vestibuli. S. supe'rior, crus commune. S. tar'si. F. excavation ealcanéo-astraga- lienne. The interval between the cal- caneum and the astragalus on the side of the foot, at the entrance to the tarsal canal. S. tento'rii, straight sinus. S. tento'rii latera'lis, superior petrosal si- SIN SIN 54.1 nus. S. tento'rii me'dius, straight sinus. S. tento'rii poste'rior, .sigmoid sinus. S. termina 'lis, the blood-vessel around edge of area vaseulosa of ovum. S. transver'- sus, lateral sinus. S. transver'sus ma'- jor, that one of the two lateral sinuses of the dura mater which receives the blood from the superior longitudinal sinus, the other being known as the sinus trans- versus minor [Riidinger]. S. trans- ver'sus pericar'dii [Henle]. a passage within the pericardium bet^Yeen the tub- ular sheath of it, which surrounds the united pulmonary artery and aorta, and the part which covers the auricle. S. tri- angrila'ris,- superior longitudinal sinus. S. tym'pani, a depression on the medial wall of the tympanum between the pyra- mid and the promontory, separated from the foramen ovale by the ponticulus pro- montorii, from the foramen rot und urn by the subiculum promontorii. S. un'gnis, nail-fold. S. of ure'thra, bulbous por- tion of urethra. S. u'teri, large veins in body of uterus, which become enlarged during pregnancy. S. utricula'ris sac'- culi, the upper end of the saccule which is closely adherent to the utricle. S. Val- sal'vse, sinuses of Valsalva. S. ve'nae corona'riae, coronary sinus of heart. S. ve'nae jugnla'ris, bulb of the jugular vein. S. ve'nae por'tae, sinus of portal vein. S. vena'rum cava'rum, right auricle of heart. S. vena'rum pul- mona'rium, left auricle of heart. S. veno'sus (cordis), main part of either auricle of heart into which veins empty. S. veno'sus ir'idis, Schlemm's canal. S. ves'icae imna'rise, lateral enlargements sometimes seen in the bladder. Sinus (F.). Sinus. S. de l'aorte or aortiques, sinuses of aorta. S. basüaire, transverse sinus. S. carotidien [Trolard], continuation of the cavernous sinus around the internal carotid artery. S. caverneux, cavernous sinus. S. choroidien, straight sinus. S. circulaire, circular sinus. S. circulaire inférieur, inferior intercavern- ous sinus. . S. circulaire de Ridley, circular sinus. S. circulaire du trou occipital, sinus circularis foraminis occipi- talis. S. du cœur, auricles of heart. S. condylien, vein in the anterior condyloid foramen. S. coronaire du cœur, cor- onary sinus of heart. S. du corps cal- leux, calloso-marginal fissure. S. crâ- niens, sinuses of dura mater. S. droit, straight sinus. S. falciforme inférieur, inferior longitudinal sinus. S. falciforme supérieur, superior longitudinal sinus. S. frontaux, frontal sinuses. S. d'High- more, antrum of Highmore. S. laiteux, ampulla lactifera. S. du larynx, ventri- cles of larynx. S. latéral, transverse sinus. S. longitudinal inférieur, infe- rior longitudinal sinus. S. longitudinal supérieur, superior longitudinal sinus. S. mastoïdiens, mastoid cells. S. max- illaire, antrum of Highmore. S. de Mor- gagni, sinuses of A'alsalva. S. occipital antérieur, transverse sinus. S. occipital postérieur, occipital sinus. S. occipital transverse, transverse sinus. S. oph- thalmique, sinus ophthalmicus. S. per- pendiculaire, straight sinus. S. petretix inférieur, jietrosal sinus, inferior. S. pé- treux supérieur, petrosal sinus, superior. S. placentaires, placental sinuses. S. rhomboidal, sinus rhomboidalis. S. sar- gittal, superior longitudinal sinus. S. sphéno - pariétal, spheno- parietal sinus. S. sphénoïdaux, sphenoidal sinuses. S. terminal, sinus terminalis. S. torctila- riens, sinuses of the dura mater discharg- ing into the torcular Herophili. S. trans- verse, lateral sinus. S. utérins, sinus uteri. S. de la veine cave inférieure, slight dilatation in vena cava at its junc- tion with right auricle. S. de la veine coronaire, coronary sinus of heart. S. de la veine porte, sinus of portal vein, S, vertébraux, intravertebral veins. Si'nuses, pi. of Sinus. S. of aor'ta. L. sinus aortae ; F. sinus de l'aorte ; /. seni dell' aorta. Dilatations which occur in the ascending portion of the arch : see Sinuses of YaUnlva. The great sinus is above these, along the right side of the vessel, and appears to result from impulsion of the blood. S. of du'ra ma'ter. L. sinus duriB matris ; F. sinus de la dure mère; G. Blutleiter der harten Hirnhaut; /. seni della dura madre. Various channels within that membrane having an endothelial lin- ing : see Cavernous^ Circulnr, Luterai, Lon- g Und inai, Marginal, Occipital, Petrosal, Sig- moid, Sphno-parietal, Straight, and Trans- verse sinus. S. of lar'jmx, ventricles of the larynx. S. of u'tricle, L. sinus utriculi. Enlargements connected with mouths of semicircular canals — the in- ferior or posterior s, with the ampul- lary end of the posterior canal, while the superior s. is the crus commune. S. of Valsal'va. L. sinus Valsalvae ; /. seni del Valsalva. Pocket-like expansions of wall of aorta and pulmonary artery behind semilunar valves. 542 SIN SIR Sinusgalvanometer (G.). Sine-gal- vannnioter. Sinusphlebitis (]. F. siròne ; G.Sirene; /. sirena. Sympus apus. Sirenenbildung ((?.)■ Sympus apus. Sirenom'elus (//.) [ae'prjy. /iih)ç]. F. sirénonièle ; 7. sirenomelo. Sympus apus. Siriase (F.). Insolation. Siri'asis (L.) [rrai'jotoç]. F. siriase ; /. siriasi. Sunstroke. Sirigxno (/.). Syrigmus. Sirigmofonia (/.). Syrigmophonia. Siringa (/.). Syringe. Siringite (T.). Syringitis. Siringotomia (/.). Syringotomy. Sir- ingotomo, syringotome. Sirop ( F.). Syrup. S. d'acide cit- rique, syrup of citric acid. S. d'amandes, syrup of almond. S. antiscorbutique de Portal, Portal's antiscorbutic syrup. S. balsamique, syrup of tolu. S. de baume de tolu, syrup of tolu. S. de belladone, syrup of belladonna. S. de cachou, black catechu 1, syrupus Hl< parts; mix [Cod.]. S. de cannelle, syrup of cin- namon. S. de chicorée composé : see Sirop (If rhul/dìlie composi'. S. de chloral, syrup of chloral. S. de chlorohydro- phosphate de chaux. L syrupus cum chlorohydrophosphale calcico [Cod.]. Neu- tral calcium phosphate 13.50, water 340, hydrochloric acid q. s. to dissolve, sugar 630, tincture of fresh lemon-peel 10 parts [Cod.]. S. de codeine, syrup of codeine. S. de cuisinier or S. dépuratif, com- pound syrup of sar.saparilla. S. de digi- tale [Cod.], tincture of digitalis 1, simple syrup 39 ; mis [Cod.]. S. d'écorce d'orange, syrup of orange. S. d'éther. L. syrupus cum »there. Syrup 711(1, alcohol 50, distilled water 'i.jd, ether 20 parts; mix [Cod.]. S. de fleurs d'oranger, syrup of orange-flowers. S. de framboises, syrup of raspberry. S. de gomme, syrup of acacia. S. de goudron, syrup of tar. S. de guimauve, syrup of althea. S. d'hy- pophosphite de chaux, syrup of hypo- phosphite of calcium. S. d'iodure de fer, syrup of ferrous iodide. S. d'ipécacu- ajiha, syrup of ipecac. S. de jaborandi, syrup of jaborandi. S. de karabé, a mix- ture of 2 parts of syrup of opium with 50 parts of tincture of amber [Cod.]. S. de lactophosphate de chaux, syrup of lac- tophosphate of calcium. S. de lactuca- rium opiacé [Cod.], a syrup of which 20 grams contain 0.01 gm. of extract of lactu- carium and 0.005 gm. of extract of opium. S. de limon, syrup of lemon. S. de menthe poivrée, syrup of peppermint. S. de miel, clarified honey. S. de mures, syrup of mulberries. S. de nerprun, syrup of buckthorn. S. d'opium, syrup of opium. S. d'orgeat, syrup of almond. S. de polygala, syrup of senega. S. de rhubarbe composé. L. syrupus de rheo compositus. A syrup prepared from rhubarb, chicory-root and herb, scolopendrium, fuma- ria, alkekengi. cinnamon, santalum album, sugar, and water [Cod.]. S. de roses, syrup of rose. S. de saccharate de fer, syrup of saccharated iron. S. de salsepareille, syrup of .sarsaparilla. S. de salsepareille composé, compound syrup of sarsaparilla. S. de séné, syrup of senna. S. simple, simple syrup. S. de stramoine, syrup of stramonium. S. de sucre, simple syrup. S. sudoriflque, compound syrup of sarsa- parilla. S. de sulfate de quinine, syrup of sulphate of quinine. S. de sulfate de strychnine, syrup of sulphate of strych- nine. S. de tartrate ferrico-potassique, syrup of potassio-ferric tartrate. S. téré- benthine, .syrup of turpentine. S. thé- baïque, syrup of opium. S. de Thridace : see '^^nip of laclucarium. S. de vinaigre, syrup of vinegar. Siroppo (/.). Syrup. S. di balsamo di Tolu, syrup of tolu. S. di belladonna, syrup of belladonna. S. di corteccia SIR SKE 543 d'arancio, syrup of oransc. S. di fiori d'arancio, syrup of orango-flowors. S. di gomma, syruji of acacia. S. di lattuca- rio iir lattugario, syrup of laotucarium. S. di mandorle, syrup of almoiKl. S. di more, svrup of iiiultierrios. S. d'oppio, syrup of opium. S. di rabarbaro, syrup of rhubarb. S. de salsapariglia, syrup of sarsaparilla. S. semplice, simple syrup. Siropposo (/.). Syrupy. Sirupeux, euse (F.). Syrupy. Siru'pus [P. Ross.]. Syrup. Sir'vens. Sibbens. Sissarcosi (/.). Syssarcosis. Sistaltico (/.). Systaltic. Sistema (I.). System. Sistematico (/.). Sy.stematic. Sistolare or Sistolico (/.). Systolic. Sistole (/.). Systole. Sistre (F.). Pedunculus. Sisym'brium {L.}. F. sisymbre ; /. sisiuibrio. A genus of CrMci/èras. S. allia'- ria, Scop., hedge garlic ; a European herb. S. Nastur'tium, L., Xasturtium ojficinak, R. Br. S. offlcina'le, Scop., hedge mus- tard ; a European herb, naturalized in the U. S. ; diuretic and expectorant. S. Sophi'a, L.. flax-weed : a European herb, naturalized in Canada ; the herb is applied to indolent ulcers ; the seeds are vermifuge. Sit'fast. Tumor on a horse's back, a chronic warble. Sitiofobia or Sitofobia (/.). Sito- phobia. Sitiol'ogy [t'.tìov, ^.ópicl. F. sitiologie ; I. sitiologia. Doctrine of foods. Sitiopho'bia or Sitopho'bia (L.) [<7!r!»v, Kfi'ißoc'^. F. sitiophobie ; G. Nah- rungsscheu ; /. sitiofobia. Insane aversion to food. Si'tis {L.). Thirst. Si'tus (L.). Position, place. S. ali- e'nus or perver'sus, abnormal jiosition. S. transver'sus, lateral transposition of viscera, the organs belonging to the right side lying on the left, and vice versa. Sitz (O-)- Seat; chair; bottom; but- tocks ; — bad, sitzbath — /. e. a bath for the pelvis and hips ; — höcker or — knorren, tuberosity of ischium. Sitzbein (G.). Ischium; — höcker or — knorren, tuberosity of the ischium ; — pulsader, .sciatic artery ; — schwell- körpermuskel, iscliio - cavernosus ; — Stachel, spine of ischium ; — zeUkör- permuskel, ischio-cavernosus. Si'um (A.) A genus of UmheUiferx. S. angustifo'lium. Ja, native of Europe, naturalized in the U. S. ; said to be poison- ous. S. latifo'lium, L., water-parsnip, also European, and asserted to be poison- ous. S. nodiflo'rum, S. angustifdllam, L. S. Sisa'rum, skirrot, native of China; cultivated for the roots, which arc used for culinary ])urposes. Siv'vans or Siv'vens. Sibbens. Six-year mo'lar. First molar of the permanent dentition. Sixième paire {F.). Sixth pair of nerves. Sixth sa'cral nerve. Coccygeal nerve. Si'zy. Viscous, glutinous. Skagg's Springs. Hot sulphur and chalybeate springs, in Sonoma Co., Cali- fornia ; temperature about loO° F. SkarificLren ((?•)■ To scarify. Skarlatinös ((?.). Scarlatinous. Skate oil. Ray oil. Ska'tol [ny.iìifì, a-/.aT('ii\. C9H9X. Me- thyl-indol. A putrefaction product of al- bumin and constant constituent of faeces ; delicate shining plates with faecal odor. Skatophagie {G.). Coprophagy. Skein. G. Knäuel. The stage of in- direct nuclear division when the filaments of the nucleus form a contorted network, and which immediately precedes the de- velopment of the nuclear spindle. Skelet (G.). Skeleton; — bildung, growth or formation of the skeleton. Skeletiren (C)- To prepare a skele- ton. Skeletog'raphy [^n/.z).tr<>v, yiìàipiu]. A description of the skeleton. Skeletol'ogy p.«?-''«']. F. squelettolo- gie ; /. scheletrologia. Treatise on the skeleton. Skel'eton [t^cî/.îtm^]. L. sceletum ; F. squelette ; G. Skelet ; /. scheletro. Assem- blage of bones and cartilages forming the more solid framework of the body. Skel'eto-troph'ic. Term applied by Ray Lankestcr to connective tissue. Skene's tu'bules. Small blind canals, 3 to 6 mm. in length, lying along the ure- thra of the female and opening near the meatus. Probably vestiges of the WoliBan ducts, and homologous with the vesicul* séminales of the male. 544 SKE SLI Skerlie'vo. An endcmio form of syphi- lis prevalent in Croatia and Dalmatia. Skias'copy [^axtd, trxo-iw']. G. Skias- kopie. A method of determining the re- fraction of the eye by observing the direc- tion and rapidity of motion of the shadowy edges of the images, real or virtual, of a flame, formed by the refracting media of the eye. Skin [.4. S. soin]. L. integumentuni commune, pellis; F. peau ; G. äussere Haut; /. pelle. Elastic, membranous, protecting envelope of the body, principal organ of the sense of touch. Skin re'flexes : see Rfflexes. Skin-bound. AfTected with scleroderma. Skin-graft'ing. F. greffe épidermique ; G. Hautüberpflanzung; 1. innesto epidei-- mico. Transplanting small fragments of skin or of epithelium to a raw or ulcerating surface to form centres for cicatrization. Skin'ny. Thin, emaciated. Skirr or Skirrhus (C). Scirrhus. Skir'ret. Sium Sharum. Sklera (C). Sclerotic coat. Skleradenite (C). Induration of lym- phatic glands. Skierai (G.). Sclerotic; — gefäss- kranz, circulus arteriosus nervi optici. Skleri'asis \_(7xXy]p(ii\. Scleroderma. Skleroder'ma. Scleroderma. Sklerotisch {G.). Sclerotic. Skoda'ic res'onance. F. bruit sko- dique ; /. rumore skodico. Tympanitic res- onance. Sko'da's sign. F. signe de Skoda ; /. segno di Skoda. A peculiar resonance heard on percussion in oases of extensive pleural effusion. Skorbut (G.). Scurvy. Skrofel ( G."). Scrofula ; — krankheit, scrofula ; — stoff, scrofulous matter ; — sucht, scrofula. Sku'lein. An acrid principle found in squill. SkuU \_A. S. scylan]. L. cranium; F. crâne ; G. Schädel ; /. cranio. Bony skel- eton of head. SkuU'cap. Scutellaria. Skunk cab'bage. Symphcarpus fœt- idus, Salisb. Skunk'weed. Diacontium fœtklum, L. S. L. A., abbv. for Sacro-lœva ante- rior (A), left sacro-anterior position of the fœtus in labor. Slaked lime. CaCHO),- X. calcii hy- dras ; F. chaux éteinte ; G. Kalkhydrat ; /. calce estinta. Calcium hydroxide ; hy- drate of calcium, with some impurities [B. P.] ; a soft white powder of a .strongly alka- line taste and reaction, soluble in about 750 parts of water at 15° C. ; prepared by pour- ing about one-half of its weight of water upon quicklime ; exposed to the air it is converted into calcium carbonate ; used in pharmacy in preparing lime-water ; see Solution of lime. Slattamento f/.). Weaning. Sla'ty. F. ardoisé, ée ; G. schieferig. Resembling slate ; applied to a form of in- duration of the lung in which there is a new formation of connective ti-ssue, with much pigmentation of the tissue. Slav'ering \^Dntcli slabben]. F. baveux, euse ; G. geifernd ; /. bavoso, a. Having the saliva flowing from the mouth. Sleep {A. S. shrp]. L. somuus ; F. sommeil; (ï. Schlaf ; I. sonwo. Anormal, more or less complete, periodical loss of consciousness, with comparative inactivity of the nervous centres. S. disease'. 1- Nelavan. 2. Narcolepsy. S. ep'ilepsy, narcolepsy. S. pal'sy, paralysis due to pressure made on a nerve during sleep. ^ S.- walk'er, somnambulist. S.-walk'ing, somnambulism. Sleep-drunk. G. schlaftrunken. Term applied to one who is only partially aroused from sleep, and is excited and irrational. Sleep'ing sick'ness. Nelavan. Sleep'wort. (ùirden lettuce, Laclma satif.). A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Liliacese. S. as'pera, L., grows in southern Europe, where the root is used in place of sarsaparilla. S. Chi'na, L., an Asiatic plant, yielding the drug known as China-root. S. glau'ca, Walt., an indige- nous species sometimes used in domestic practice. S. med'ica, Schlecht, et Cliamis., grows in Me.xioo. and yields ^Mexican sarsa- parilla. S. oflScina'lis, Kunth, indigenous to New Granada and other northern coun- tries of South America ; the principal source of Jamaica sarsaparilla. S. papy- ra'cea, Poir., the probable source of Para sarsaparilla. S. sarsaparil'la, L., bamboo brier; indigenous to the southern U. S. ; the root is an alterative tonic. Smith's ante'rior splint. Splint for suspension of lower extremity, applied on anterior surface of limb ; consists of a frame of stout wire about 3 J inches wide above and 2| inches wide below, extending from anterior spine of ilium to a little beyond the toes, and bent at ankle, knee, and hip to suit the case. Smiths' cramp. An occupation neur- osis occurring in blacksmiths. Smok'ers' patch'es. White patches on the mucous membrane of the lips, mouth, or tongue ; a form of leucoplasia buccalis. Smooth al'der. Alnus serntlata, Ait. Smooth mus'cle. F. muscle lisse. Un- striated muscle. Smooth su'mach. Rhus ra. Smooth win'terberry. Prinos Ixviija- tus. L. Smoth'ering [-4. .S'. smoran]. F. c'tduffenieiit ; (r. Ersticken; /. soffoca- mento. Suffocation by covering the mouth and nostrils. Smyrna galls. A ennimurcial variety 546 SMY SOC of Turkey frails, infcriiir in quality to the Alepjio trails. Smyr'na o'pium. A variety of Turkey opium, so tailed from the place of export. It is the most abundant variety in our markets. Smyr'na scam'mony. A former com- mercial name for irif»MÌi)r kinds of scam- mo ny. Snake Rtin Spring. Chalybeate water, Alleghany Co., Viririnia. Snake-head. Halmony. Snake-root. Koot of Arixtiilficliln Sir- pe)il.),gen.ofSodium. S. ace'tas, sodium acetate. S. et ammo'nii phos'- phas, microcosmic salt. S. arse'nias, sodium arseniate. S. ben'zoas, sodium benzoate. S. bicarbo'nas, sodium bi- carbonate. S. bicarbo'nas vena'lis, com- mercial .sodium bicarVjonatc- S. bisul'- ' phis, sodium bisulpliiic. S. bo'ras, so- I dium borate. S. brom'idum, sodium ' bromide. S. carbo'nas, sodium carbonate. j S. carbo'nas exsicca'tus, dried sodium earlionute. S. carbo'njis vena'lis, sal soda. S. chlo'ras, sodium chloiate. S. chlo'ridum, sodium eliKiriilc. S. ci'tras, sodium citrate. S. ci'tro-tar'tras eflfer- ves'cens [B. P.]. effervescent cilro-tarlralc of sodium. S. hippu'ras, sodium hippu- rate. S. hypophos'phis, sodium hypo- phosphite. S. hyposurphis, sodium hypo- sulphite. S. iodi'dum, s(]dium iodide. S. lac'tas, sodium lactate. S. ni'tras, sodium nitrate. S. ni'tris, sodium nitrite. S. perman'ganas, sodium permanganate. S. phos'phas, sodium phosphate. S. pyro- phos'phas, sodium pyrophosphate. S. salic'ylas, sodium salicylate. S. san- toni'nas, sodium santfminate. S. sil'icas, so. sodii sulphas ; /'. sulfate de soude ; G. Glauber- salz ; /. solfato di soda. Glauber's salt ; a crystalline, colorless, transparent, efflores- cent, neutral, odorless salt, having a cooling saline and bitter taste, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol ; found native, a con- stituent of many mineral springs; largely obtaineil as an intermediate or secondary product in certain chemical niunnfactures ; diuretic and purgative. S. sulphiben'zo- ate, prepared by dissolving sodium beiizo- ate in a strong solution of sodium sulphite; recommend(;d as an antiseptic. S. sul'- phite. Na^SO;„7IIiO. L. sodii snl|)his ; F. sulfite de soude ; G. Natriumsulfit ; /. solfito di soda. A crystalline, colorles.s, transparent, efflorescent, odorless salt, hav- ing a cooling, saline, and sulphurous taste and a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, soluble in water, nearly insoluble in alcohol ; obtained by passing sulphurous acid gas into a solution of sodium carbonate, and evaporating the solution ; antiseptic. S. sulphocar'bolate. NaC'6H5SO„2II.,0. 7/. sodii sulpluicarbolas ; F. sulphuplu'nate de soude ; G. ])henylschwefelsaures Natron. A colorless, transparent, neutral, nearly odorless, crystalline salt, soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol ; formed by double decomposition of barium sulphocar- bolate and sodium carbonate ; antisejitic. S. sulphoich'thyolate. ichthvol. S. sulpho- meth'ylate. NaCH,80„H."0. I'rcparedin the same manner as sodium sulphovinate, except that methyl alcohol is used in jirep- aration of the sulphovinic acid instead of ordinary alcohol; proposed by Rabuteau (1879) as an efficient and agreeable )>urga- tive. S. sulphophe'nate, sodium sulplio- carbolate. S. sulphovi'nate. NaC.lläSO,.- H.jO. L. sodii sul|iliovinas ; F. sulfovinate de sonde : 6-'. weinschwefelsaures Natron; /. solfovinato di soda. Sodium cthylsul|ihate ; a crystalline, efflorescent, nearly tasteless salt, soluble in water and alcohol, obtained- by neutralizing sulphovinic acid with caus- tic Sdda or sodium carbonate : laxative. S. thiosul'phate, sodiiim hyposulphite. S. vale'rianate. NaCjH.jO;. L. sodii vale- rianas ; F. valerianate de soude ; G. bal- driansaures Natron ; /. valeriaiiato di soda. A white, crystalline, neutral. delii|uescent salt, having the odor and taste of valerian, soluble in water and alcohol ; jirepared by distilling a mixture of sulphuric acid, potas- sium bichromate, ainylic alcohol, and water, .saturating the distillate with solution of soda, and evaporating to dryness ; a nerve stimulant; used in the preparatimi of zinc valerianate. Sodoniiterei (C). The continued prae- tice of sodomy. Sod'omy. G. Sodomie ; /. sodomia. Coitus per anum with males or females. Sömmering'sbone. Processus margi- nalis, malar bone. Sömmering's fora'men. Povea cen- tralis. Sömmering's lig'ament. Ligamontnm suspimsorium glanduhic lachrymalis. Sömmerinsr's spot. Macula lutea. Sofferenza (7.). Suffering. SOF SOL 351 Soffiamento (/. ). Insufflation. Soffio i^J.). Murmur, souffle, blowing sound. S. anforico, amphoric sound. S. fetale, fœtal murmur. S. placentare, placental murmur. S. respiratorio, res- piratory murmur. S. tubario, tubular sound. S. uterino, uterine souffle. SofiFocante (/.). Suffocating. Soffocazione or Soffocamento (/.). Suffocation. Sofisticazione (/.). Sophistication. . Sofomania (/.). Monomania of wis- dom ; a species of megalomania. Soft com'missure : see Cerebral com- missures. Soft pal'ate : see Palate. Soft soap. Green soap. Sogno (/.). Dream. Sohle (C). Sole. In composition Sohlen, as. — arterien, plantar arteries; — bander, plantar ligaments; — binde, plantar fascia; — bogen, plantar arch; — horn, development from the ventral surface of the primitive nail-bed, well marked in hoof-bearing animals, but re- duced in man to a rudimentarj' seam ; — muskel, langer, plantaris ; — muskel, viereckiger, flexor aceessorius pedis ; — nerv, plantar nerve ; — spanner, plantaris. Sohr i G.). Thrush, aphtlue. Soie phéniquée (F.). Carbolized silk. Soif {F.). Thirst. Soil-pipe. F. tuyau de chute; G. Klosetrohr. Pipe by which sewage is con- veyed from closets or sinks to the sewer. Sola'nia (L.). Solanin. Solan'icin. C\„H;sN,0. An amorphous, basic compound resulting from the action of strong hydrochloric acid upon solanidin. Solan'idin. Cj^HjaNO. F. solanidine ; /. solanidina. A product of the action of dilute acids upon the glucoside solanin. Sol'anin. C,3H„NO|6. /*. solanine ; /. solanina. A bitter, crystallizable, feebly basic poisonous glucoside found in several species of Suknium, as dulcamara, potato- plant, and garden nightshade. Solano'ma (//.). Term applied to a tumor which when cut resembles a potato ; a form of scirrhus. Sola'num (/<.). -V genus of plants. Nat. Ord. S liinnceif. S. Dulcama'ra, L.. bit- tersweet, woody niglitshadc ; a climbing shrub common to Europe and North Amer- ica ; the botanical source of dulcamara. S. esculen'tum, potato. S. fœt'idum, Diitnrn Stnuwiniiim, L. S. letha'le, Atropa BelkiiloiDia. S. Lycoper'sicum, L., tomato ; extensivel}' cultivateil l'or its nutritive, laxative, and antiscorbutic fruit. S. ni'gTum, lj., garden nightshade, black nightshade ; a European species, naturalized in the U. S. S. panicula'tum, L., juru- beba, a Brazilian plant; is in high local re- pute as an antiporioJic and deobstruent. S. pseudocap'sicum, Jerusalem cherry. S. tubero'sum, L., potato; native of America, extensively cultivated ; the leaves, stalks, and unripe berries said to be nar- cotic ; the tubers contain a large propor- tion of starch and are important food- products. Solar plex'us. /y. plexus solaris; F. plexus solaire ; G. Sonnengeflecht ; 7. plesso solare. Largest plexus of sympathetic; situated at upper part of abdomen in front of the aorta and pillars of the diaphragm, surrounding cœliac and superior mesenteric arteries ; it consists of ganglionic aggrega- tions with numerous interlacing cords, many of which form secondary plexuses. Sola'rium (/>■). A sun-bath ; a room arranged to provide for exposure of the naked body to the rays of the sun. Solariza'tion. Exposure to the direct rays of the sun ; sunning. Solasrre's obliq'uity. i]ntranceof long diameter of cliild's head in an oblique diameter of the pelvis. Solcamento (/.). A grooving or fur- rowing; the first step in the process of segmentation. Solcato, furrowed, grooved. Solco (/.). Sulcus. S. genitale, sul- cus genitalis. Soldatenfleber {G.). Camp fever, typhus. Soldatenflecken ( G.). Soldier spots. Sol'dier or Red sol'dier. Swine fever of Europe. Sol'dier spots. Macula alba (def. 2). Sole. L. planta ; F. plante du pied ; G. Sohle ; /. pianta del piede. Surface of foot resting on the ground when erect position is assumed. So'lea (//.). Sole of foot. So'lea verticüla'ta. Spreng. lonidiitm piììi/rjiilirfiìliinii, Vont, et DC. Soléaire (/'.). Soleus. Soleare or Soleo (/.). Soleus. Solen ( F.). 1. solcao. A form of frac- ture-box. 552 SOL SOL Solenochal'asis (//.) [. liquor atropinaj sulphatis. Atropine sulphate 1. camphor-water Itit ; dissidve [B. P.]. S. of ba'sic fer'ric sul'phate. L. liquor ferri subsulphatis ; /".liqueur hémostatique 554 SOL— SOL de Monsel. Solution of subsulphate of iron, Monsel's solution ; an aqueous solu- tion of basic ferric suljihate, FejO(SO,)ä, eontaininjr 4H.7 per cent, of the salt ; chiefly used as a styptic in cases of lianiorrhage. S. of car'bolate of so'dium. J^. liijuor sodii carbolici ; /'. phenol sodé dissous. Carbolic acid 7, solution of soda (spec, grav. 1.33) 10, water (j. s. to make 100 parts [Cod.] ; an acpicous solution of so- dium carbolate, containing free carbolic acid. S. of car'bonate of magne'sium. //. li(|Uor magncsii carbuiiatis ; F. eau magnésienne. Prepared by boiling to- gether solutions of magnesium sulphate and sodium carbonate, and dissolving the precipitate in water by the aid of carbonic acid gas in excess; contains of the official magnesium carbonate about 2 per cent. [H. P.]; 13 per cent. [Cod.]. S. of chlo'ride of ba'rium. L. liquor barii chloridi. A solution of 1 ounce of barium chloride in 3 fluidomice.-^-of water [F. S. P. l^^Tii]. S. of chlo'ride of cal'cium. L. li(|uor calcii chloridi. An aqueous solution of calcium chloride. 1 : 5 [H. P.]. S. of chlo'ride of i'ron [F. S. 1'.], solution of ferric chloride. S. of chlo'ride of zinc. Ij. liquor zinci chloridi ; F. chlorure de zinc liquide; G. Chlorzinklösung. An aqueous solution of zinc chloride (ZnCl.^) containing about 50 per cent, of the salt [U. S. P.] ; disinfectant. S. of chlor'inated lime. L. liquor calcis chlorinate«; F. soluté d'hypochlorite de chaux ; G. Chlorkalk- lijsung. An aqueous .solution of chlorinated lime, containing of available chlorine about 1 per rent. [I?. P.]; (I. (J per cent. [Cod.]. S. of chlor'inated potas'sa. L. liquor potass.TC chloratii; ; /'. eau de Javelle ; G. Chlorkalilösung ; /. ac((ua di Javelle. A preparation analogous in composition and properties to solution of chlorinated soda, and prepared in the same manner, substi- tuting ])0tassium carbonate for sodium car- bonate in the formula. S. of chlor'inated so'da. /y. li(|Uor sodœ chlurat;u ; F. chlo- rure de sou del i(|uido; CChlornatronlosung; /. liquore di Laharraque. Labarraque's so- lution, an aqueous solution of NaCI,NaCIO, prepared by double decomposition of chlori- nated lime with sodium carbonate ; contains of available chlorine about '1 percent. [U. S. P.. B. P.] ; 0.5 per cent. fCod] : stimulant, antiseptic, resolvent. S. of chlo'rine, cdilorine-water. S. of chrom'ic ac'id. />. liquor acidi chromici ; /'. soluti- d acide chro- mi(|ue. An a(|ueous solution of chromic acid, 1 : 3 [Ü. S. P.] ; equal parts [Cod.]. S. of cifrate of bis'muth and ammo'- nium. A. liquor bismuthi et ammonii citratis. Hub 800 grains of bismuth citrate with a little water to a paste ; add solution of ammonia gradually until the salt is just dissolved, and dilute with distilled water to form 1 pint [B. P.]. S. of cifrate of magne'sium. 7y. li(|uor magncsii citratis; F. limonade jiurgative an citrate de magné- sie ; G. Jlagnesiumeitratlösung. 3Iagnesium carbonate 13 gms., citric acid 2(! gius., syrup of citric acid 80 gms., potassium bicarbonate 2 gms., water q. s. to make 300 c. c. The citric acid and magnesium carbonate are dissolved in a portion of the water, the syrup and the flavoring ingredient added, and to the solution, ))roperly diluted and nearly tilling a strong bottle, the potassium bicarbonate is introduced and the bottle immediately corked [I'. S. P.] ; purgative. S. of cifrate of potas'sium. L. liquor potassi! citratis. Citric acid (i, potassium bicarbonate 8, water q. s. to make 100 parts; dissolve separately, mix, and trans- fer to a bottle after effervcsconce has ceased [U. S. p.]. S. of di'alyzed i'ron. L. lii|uor ferri dialysatus. A solution of highly basic ferric oxychloride (Fe./^le, 11 to 31 FcjOj). from which most of the acidulous matter has been removed by dialysis ; pre- pared by dissolving freshly precipitated fer- ric hydrate in solution of ferric chloride and dialyzing. S. of fer'ric ac'etate. L. liquor ferri acetatis ; F. acétate ferrique liquide; (?. essigsaure Eisenflüssigkeit. An aqueous solution of ferric acetate, con- taining 33 per cent, of the anhydrous salt [U. S. P.]. S. of fer'ric chlo'ride. L. liquor ferri chloridi ; /■'. chlorure iVrrique dissous ; G. flüssiges Kisenchlorid. Solu- tion of chloride of iron, strong solution of percliloride of iron [H. P.]; an a(|Ucous so- lutifui of ferric chloride, jirepareil by dis- solving iron in diluted hydrochloric acid, and treating the solution with nitric acid and moderate heat to convert the ferrous into the ferric salt ; contains of ferric chlo- ride about :i7.8 per cent. [U. S. P.], 3!) per cent. [B. P.], 20 per cent. [Cod.l 20.8 per cent. [P. G. j. S. of fer'ric cifrate. L. liquor ferri citratis. An a()ueous solution of ferric citrate, containing about 35.5 per cent, of the anhydrous salt ; prepared by dissolving freshly-prepared moist ferric hy- drate in citric acid [II. S. P.l. S. of fer'- ric ni'trate. Ij. liquor ferri nitratis. So- lution of nitrate of iron ; an aqueous solu- tion of ferrie nitrate (FcjONO,,) containing about (i per cent. [II. S. P ], 1 I pc-r cent. SOL SOL 555 [B. P.], of the salt. S. of fer'ric sul'- phate. L. liquor ferri tersulpliatis ; F. sulfate ferrique liquide; G. Ferrisulfat- liisung. Solution of tersulphate of iron, solution of persulphate of iron ; an aque- ous solution of normal ferric sulphate (FeXî'O,),), containing 28.7 per cent, of the salt [U. 8. 1'.]. 36.2 per eent. [B. P.]. 35.7 per cent. [P. G.] ; chiefly used in making other ferruginous preparations. S. of gnit'ta-per'cha. L. li(|uor gutta- perch;e. (iiitta-pereha V. ehloroform 70 (dissolve and add) phimbi earbonas ll), chlo- roform 21 ; mix. let subside, and decant [U. S. P.] ; a protective application. S. of i'odide of ar'senic and mer'cury. L. licjuor arsenii et hydrargyri iodidi. Dono- van's solution ; prepared by dissolving arsenious iodide and mercuric iodide, each 1 part, in 1(10 parts of water; an alterative used in skin diseases. S. ofi'odine [B. P.], compound solution of iodine [U. S. P.]. S. of i'ron and quinine' cifrate. L. liquor ferri et qiiiniMie citratis. A solution of aramonio-ferric citrate and quinine citrate, containing (i per cent, of quinine. S. of lactophos'phate of cal'cium. L. lacto- phospbas calcicus aqua solutus ; F. lacto- phosphate de chaux en solution. Precipi- tated calcium ])h()sphate 17, lactic acid 10, water WA parts ; dissolve and filter [Cod.]. The F. Esp. directs the solution as above to be evaporated to the consistency of syrup. S. of lime. //. liquor calcis ; F. soluté de chaux ; eau de chaux ; G. Kalk- wasser ; /. acqua di calce. A saturated a(|ueous solution of calcium hydrate; ant- acid, tonic, and astringent. S. of mercu'- ric nitrate. L. liquor hydrargyri nitratis; F. acétate mercurique liquide ; G. Mercu- rinitratlösung. Solution of nitrate of mer- cury, acid solution of nitrate of mercury, solution of pernitrate of mercury; a solu- tion of mercury [B. P., Cod.], or rod oxide of mercur}- [U. S. P.]. in slightly diluted nitric acid ; escharotic. S. of mer'ctirous nitrate. L. liquor hydrargyri nitrici oxydulati : F. liqueur de Belloste ; G. Mercuronitratl Isung. Mercurous nitrate 100, nitric acid 20, water 880 parts; dis- solve [P. Helv.]. S. of mor'phine ac'- etate. L. liijuor morpiii;e aeetalis; F. .soluté d'acétate de morphine ; (!. essigsaure Morphinlösung. Acetate of morphine 4 gr.; diluted acetic acid 8ni., alcohol 2 fl. dr., dis- tilled water IJfl.dr. ; make a solution [B. P.]. S. of mor'phine bimec'onate. L. liquor morj)hin;c bimeconatis. An aqueous liquid containing 1| per cent, of bimei'onate of morphine [B. P.]. S. of mor'phine hydrochlo'rate. L. liquor morphiniB hydrochloratus ; F. soluté de chlorhydrate de morphine ; G. salzsaure Jlorphinlösung. Morphine hydrochlorate 1, diluted hydrochloric acid 2, alcohol 20, water 73 parts by weight; make a solution [B. P.]. S. of nitrate of mer'cury, solution of mercuric nitrate. S. of pep'- sin. L. liquor pepsini. Saccbarated pep- sin 40, hydrocbloric acid 12. glycerin 400. water .i4S jiarts ; mix and filter [U.S. P.]. S. of perchlo'ride of i'ron. L. liquor ferri iterchloridi. Strong solution of per- cbloride of iron 7. distilled water l.i parts ; mix [B. P.]. S. of perchlo'ride of mer'- cury. L. liquur hydrargyri percbloiidi ; F. soluté de bichlorure de mercure. 1. Mercuric chloride, ammonium chloride, of each 10 grains, distilled water 1 pint (impe- rial) ; dissolve [B. P.]. 2. Mercuric chlo- ride 1, distilled water 900, alcohol 100 parts; dissolve [Cod.]. Prepared according to the latter formula, it is known also as Van Swieten's solution. S. of perman'- ganate of pot'ash. L. liquor potassii permanganatis. A 1 per cent, aqueous solution of potassium permanganate [B. P.]. S. of pemi'trate of i'ron [B. P.], solu- tion uf ferric nitrate. S. of pemi'trate of mer'cury, si>lutioi\ of mercuric nitrate. S. of persul'phate of i'ron. 1. Solu- tion of ferric sulphate. 2. Solution of basic ferric sulphate; Monsel's solution. S. of pot'ash [B. P.], solution of potassa. S. of potas'sa. L. liquor potassa;; G. .\etz- kalilauge. An ai|uenus solution of potas- sium hydrate (KHO). containing about 5 per cent. [U. S. P.]. 5. SI per cent. [B. P.], 15 per cent. [P. (J.] of the hvdrate ; spec, grav. 1.036 [U. S. P.]. 1.058 [B. P.], 1.142 to 1.146 [P.'']: aiitaoiil. diuretic, anti- lithic. S. of potas'sium ac'etate. L. kalium aceticum solutum. Prepared by neutralizing a solution of potassium carbo- nate with acetic acid. S. of potas'sium car'bonate. L. liquor kali carbonici. Potassium carbonate 1, water q. s. to make the spec. grav. of the solution 1.330—1.334 [P. G.]. S. of sil'icate of so'dium. L. liquor sodii silicatis ; F. silicate de soude liquide ; G. Natrinnisilikatliisung. A sili- cato di soda liquida. Liipiid glass; an aqueous solution of sodium silicate, found in commerce as a semi-transparent, colorless or yellowish, viscid liquid, having the spec, grav. 1.30 to 1.40; used in surgery for making immovable bandages. S. of so'da. L. liquorsodae ; F. soude caustique liquide; 556 SOL SOM G. Aetznatronlauge. An aqueous sdlution of sodium hydrate, containing of tlie hy- drate 5 per cent. [U. S. P.], 4.1 per cent. B. P.], 29 per cent. [Cod.], 15 per cent. ■p. G.j. S. of so'dium eth'ylate. L- 'iquor sodii ethylatis. A colorless liquid of syrupy consistence, becoming brown by keeping, "spec. grav. 0.8(17 ; prepared by dissolving metallic sodium 1 part in ethylic alcohol 20 fluid parts [B. P.] ; escharotic. S. of strych'nine hydro chlo 'rate. />. liquor strychnin« hydrocliloratis. Strych- nine 1, diluted hydrochloric acid 2, alcohol 20, water 73 parts by weight; make a solution [B. P.]. S. of subac'etate of lead. L. liquor plumbi subacetatis ; F. sous-acétate de plomb liquide ; G. Bleicssig; /. liquore di sotto-acetato di piombo. Goulard's extract; a colorless, aqueous liquid, having a sweet, astringent taste and an alkaline reaction, containing in solution about 25 per cent, of subacetate of lead [U. S. P., B. P.] ; prepared by dissolving lead oxide in solution of lead acetate, with aid of heat ; astringent and sedative, for external use: sec Diluted snlnfion of sub- ,i,;lale of lead. S. of SUbsul'phate of i'ron, solution of basic ferric sulphate. S. of tersul'phate of i'ron, solution of fer- ric sulphate. Solution (F.). 1. Solution. 2. Sepa- ration. S. arsenicale de Fowler, liquor potassa arsenitis ; Fowler's solution. S. arsenicale de Pearson, Pearson's arsen- ical solution. S. de continuité, solution of continuity. S. de Scudamore, Scuda- more's gout mixture. Solu'tion of continu'ity. Division of the skill or of a tissue by wound, rupture, ulceration, etc. Solu'tum alcohol'icum io'di [F. Esp.]. Tincture of iodine. Solu'tum cal'cis [F. Esp.]. Solution of lime Soluzione (/.). Solution. S. arseni- cale di Fowler, liquor potassi! arsenitis. Solv., abbv. for Solve (i.), dissolve. Sol'vent [solvere]. /. solvente. Cap- able of dissolving a body. So'ma (i.) [rrui/^«]. Body. So'macule [Foster]. Theoretical unit conceived as the smallest portion into which protoplasm can bo divided and retain its physiological properties. Somasce'sis ( L-) [aoj/m, «;«T(s]. /■''. Boniascétique ; /. somascetica. Physical exercise, gymnastics. Somat'ic. F. somatique ; G. somatisch ; [. somatico. Relating or pertaining to the body as a whole; bodily. S. death, doath of the body as a whole, although certain organs or cells may for a short time pre- serve their vitality. So'mato-catagonio'des (/>.). Somato- pagus with axes of the two bodies diver- gent. Somatodiditno (/.). Double monster united by the trunks. Somatodym'ia ( /-.) [■) [r/>!<îu/i<)ç]. F. somatotridyme ; /. somatotridirao. A mon- ster with three bodies. So'mites. Segments of the body ; seg- ments of the mesoderm. Sommacco (/.). Sumach. S. vele- noso, Rìius toxicodendron, L. Sommeil (F.). Sleep. Sonuner (G.). Summer; — fleber, summer fever; — fleck, freckle; — ka- tarrh, hay fever; — mal, freckle, ephelis; — sprosse, summer rash, trojucal lichen. Sommet (F.). 1. Apex. top. 2. The foetal head. S. du poumon, apex of lung. S. du sacrum, apex of sacrum. Sommità (/.). 1. Apex, summit. 2. Flowering tops, unripe flowers. Sommités (F.). Flowering tops, un- developed flowers. Somnambule (F.). /. sonnambulo. Somnambulist. SOM SOP 557 SomnamTaulisin [A. soninus, aiuljulu]. F. somnauibulisiiie ; ). Dark, foul matter. Sor'did. F. sordido -. /. sordido. Foul. Sordità or Sordaggine (/.). Deaf- ness. Sordo, a r/.). Deaf Sordomutezza or Sordomutismo (7.). Deaf-mutism. Sordomuto, deaf-mute. Sore [^1. «S'. sar]. 1. An ulcer, a chafe. 2. Tender. Sor'ghtim sacchara'tum, Pers. F. sorgho ; /. sorgo. Chinese sugar-cane, Nat. Ord. Gi-amhifFe, extensively culti- vated for the production of syrup, Sor'rel [vl. S. sur]. Field sorrel, sheep sorrel ; Kumrx acetoseiln, L. ; antiscorbutic, diuretic, refrigerant. S. tree, Oxydendron arlìorrìim , DC. Sospensore (/.). Suspensory. Sospensorio (/.). A suspensory. Sospiro (/.). Sigh. Sospiroso, sigh- ing. Sostitutivo (/.). Substitutive (medi- cation). Sos'trum (//.). Fee. Sot, Sotte (F.). 1. Fool. 2. Foolish. Soteriol'ogy [twdjTxoç, lóyn';']. The doctrine of hygiene. Sotto-acetato (/). Subacetate. Sotto-astragalo (/.). Subastragaloid. Sotto-carbonato (/.). Subcarbonate. SOT— sou 559 Sotto-clavicolare (/.). Siibclavîcular. Sotto - congiuntivale (/.). Subcon- junctival. Sotto-corneo (/.). Subcorneal. Sotto-costali (/.). Subcostal muscles. Sotto-cutaneo, a, or Succutaneo (/). Subcutaneous. Sotto-diaframmatico, a (/.). Infra- dia]iliraj;niatic. Sottofrenico, a (/.). Subphrenic. Sotto-ioideo (/.). Infrahyoid. Sotto-linguale (/.). Sublinjrual. Sotto-mascellare (/.). Submaxillary. Sotto-mentale (/.). Submental. Sotto-mucoso, a ( /. Î. Submucous. Sotto-nitrato di bismuto (/.). Bis- muth suliiiitrate. Sotto-occipitale (/.). S\ibi)coipital: Sotto-orbitale or Sotto-orbitario (/.). Infraurbitalis. Sotto-periosteo (/.). Subperiosteal. Sotto-peritoneale (/.). Subperitoneal. Sotto-plantare (/.). Subplantar. Sotto-pubico (/.). Subpubic. Sotto-scapolare (A). .^Subscapular. Sotto-solfato (/.). Subsulphate. Sotto-spinale (/.). Subspinal. Sotto-spinato or Sotto-spinoso (/.). InfVa.-^pinous. Sotto-sternale (/). Infrasternalis. Sotto-ungrueale (/.). Subungueal. Soubresaut (F.). Subsultus. Soubresauts des tendons (F.). Sub- sultus tendinum. Souci (F.). Calendula. Soude (F.). Sodium oxide S. caus- tique, soda. S. caustique liquide, solu- tion of soda. S. tartarisée, potassium so- dium tartrate. Soudure (F.y Union ; fusion of two edges of a divided tissue. S. des OS, patho- logical union of two bones, causing anky- losis. Souffle (F.). Murmur; a low sound; a blowing sound. S. bronchique, bronchial respiration, heard normally at the roots of the luncs. S. fœtal, fœtal murmur. S. ftiniculaire, sound heard in the uterus of the pregnant woman, seeniiiiL'ly in the heart or cord of the fcetus. S. glottique, a soft sound heard at the glottis during respira- tion. S. ombilical, umbilical murmur. 8. placentaire, sound of the placental circulation. S. respiratoire, sounds heard in the chest during respiration. S. utérin, uterine murmur. S. veineux, venous murmur. S. vésicTilaire, vesicular mur- mur. Soufflet {F.). Powder insufflator. Souffrance {F.). Suffering. Soufre (F.). Sulphur. S, précipité, preci]iitated sulphur. S. purifié, waslied sulphur. S. sublimé, sublinicy means of a corkscrew- like instrument twisted through the canal. Sparadrap {F.). L. sparadrapum ; f. sparadrappo. A plaster spread upon linen, cotton or silk cloth, paper, or leather. S. de cire, waxed cloth ; prepared by apply- ing to fine linen cloth a mixture of wliite wax 8, expressed oil (jf almonds 4, A'cnice turpentine 1 [Cod.]. S. de coUe de poisson, isinglass piaster. S. de thapsia : see Tliii/isia pla.t/er. S. vesicant, a plaster composed of yellow wax 25, black pitch 25, resin 25, olive oil 2, glycerin 4, Venice 562 SPA SPA turpentine 4, cantliarides 40 parts; spread upon waxed eloth [Cod.]. Sparadrappo (/). Sparadrap. Sparadra'pum {L.). Sparadrap. S. cera'ttim, sparadrap de cire. S. col'lae pis'cium [1'. Fort.], isinirlass jilaster. Sparagagiio or Spara vagno (/.). Spavin. Sparagf'mtlS (L.) [^a-r.anayiKii']. T. sparagmo. A laceration, a convulsion, a violent cranip. Spargano'sis (//.) [a-rapydw']. F. spargose : /. spargo.si. 1. Spargosis. 2. EIepliantia.sis Arabum. Spargel (Ir.). Asparagus. Spargo'sis [a-apydw']. F. spargose ; G. Milchverhaltung ; I. spargosi. Distension of the breast with milk. Spark'ling Cataw'ba Springs. Saline, carbonated waters, Catawba Co., North Carolina. Spar'rowgrass. Asparagus. Spar'tein. CjoHjgN.,. F. sparttnne ; /. sparteina. An oily, liquid, very bitter alka- loid derived from the tops of Spm-tium Scopariiim, L. ; introduced as a cardiac tonic. Spar'tium jvm'ceum, L. An ever- green European shrub, said to be diuretic, purgative, and emetic. Spar'tium scopa'ria. SaroÛiamnns Sco/xtftua. Sparviero (/.). Four-tailed bandage. Spa'sis (X.). Spasm. Spasm [iT-aiT/ióc]. L. spasmus ; F. spasme; G. Krampf; /. spasmo. Invol- untary contraction of muscles. S. centre. G. Krampfcentrum. Region in medulla oblongata above the ala cinerea, where stimulation produces general spasms. Spas'mafi.) [t-««]. Spasm, straining. Spasmat'ic. 1. Affected with, spasm. 2. Spasmodic. Spasmod'ic ['7-a<7//.ojòi;v]. A. spasmodi- cus ; jP. s]iasiuodi(|ue ; 6r. .spasmodisch ; /. spasmodico. Pertaining to, or characterized by. spasms ; sudden and irregular. Spasmodyspnœ'a (//.) [S'>ç, -■//(«]. Spasmol'ogy [A'»;-"?]. //. spasmologia ; F. spasmologie. Doctrine of spasms. Spasmolyg'mus (L.) [-io^/jió?]. Spas- modic hiccough. Spasmophil'ia (L.) l_•). Dracontium /lit ilium. Spa'tia (L.). pi. of Spatium. Spaces. S. intercosta'lia, intercostal spaces. S. interlobula'ria. interlol)ular fissures. S. intermuscula'ria, intervals at sides of popliteal space between tendons of the ham- string muscles and quadriceps extensor. S. interos'sea metacar'pi, intervals be- tween metacarpal bones. Spa'tial. F. extensive ; G. räumlich. Pertaining to space. S. er'ror. G. Fehl- distanz. The average deviation from the true distance (Cr. Normaldistanz) in at- tempting to adjust, b}' visual or tactile sen- sations, a second space, so that it shall be equal to a first or pattern space. Spa'tium (L.). Space, interval. S. cerebel'lo-medulla're, interval between inferior vermiform process of cerebellum and choroid plexus of fourth ventricle. S. interaponeurot'icum suprasterna'le, interval between superficial aiul deep layers of deep cervical fascia, above tlie manu- brium [Ciruber]. S. interpeduncula're, interpeduncular space. S. intervalvula're [Iletile], triangular interval between sinuses of Valsalva on outer surface of bulb of aorta. S. o'ris, liuccal cavity, mouth. S. suprachoroi'deum. G. Suprachoroidal- raum. Narrow interval between upper layer of velum ititerpositum and the lyra of the fornix. S. trigo'num, lyra. Spat'terdock. Xuphar adveiia, Ait. SPA SP E 563 Spat'ula (L.). F. spatule; /. spatola. An instrument with a broad, thin, flexible blade, with rounded end and blunt edges. Spat'ula mal'lei (/>.). Flattened ex- tremity of handle of malleus attached to umbo of membrana tympani. Spat'ulate. L. spatulatus; F. spatule; G. spatelförmig. Shaped like a spatula or battledore. Spaul'ding Springs. Saline, chalyb- eate waters. Ralls Co., Missouri. Spav'in. L. spavanus ; F. éparvin ; G. Spath ; /. spavenio. An exostosis on the inner and lower part of the hock of the horse : see also Bog-spavin. Spay [a-duj]. L., I. castrare ; F. châ- trer ; G. castriren. To remove the healthy ovaries. Spazio (/.), pi. Ü. Space. Spazzature (/.). Scavenging, garbage. Spear'mint. L. mentha viridis ; F. menthe verte; G. grüne Münze; /. mentha romana. The leaves and tops of Mcnthi virilità. L. ; an aromatic stimulant. S. ■water. L. aqua menthaj viridis. 1. Pre- pared by moistening cotton with 2 parts of oil of spearmint, and percolating sufficient water to make 1000 [U. S. P.]. 2. Prepared by distillation of the oil with water [B. P.]. Spear'^wort. Ranunculus Flammula, L. Specchio (/. ). Mirror, speculum. Spec'ialist [X. specialis]. F. spécialiste; /. specialista. One who devotes himself to the study and treatment of certain diseases. Specie or Spezie (/.). Species. S. pettorali, pectoral tea. Spe'cies. (L.). F. espèces ; G. Gemenge ; /. specie. A class of prepara- tions, official in the European pharmaco- pceias, consisting of mixtures of several plants or parts of plants of analogous medicinal properties, dried and cut into small fragments ; used for making decoc- tions, infusions, etc. : see Aromatic and Emollient species. S. anthelmin'ticae. F. espèces anthelmintifjues. Absinthium, tan- sy, chamomile, and santonica. equal parts ; the first three cut fine and mixed with the last [Cod.]. S. aromat'ioaB. /'. espèces aromatiques ; I. specie aromatiche. Aro- matic species. S. diuret'icae. F. espèces diurétiques; /. specie diuretiche. E<|ual parts of the roots of lovage, asparagus, fennel, parsley, and butcher's broom [Cod.]. S. emollien'tes. F. espèces émoUientes; /. specie emollienti. Emollient species. S. laxan'tes [P. G] or S. laxan'tes St. Germain, Saint Germain tea. S. ligno'- rum, wood tea. S. pectorales. F. espè- ces pectorales ; /. specie pettorali. Pectoral tea. S. purgati'vse [Cod.], Saint Germain tea. S. sudorificae. /'. espèces sudori- fi(|ues ; /. specie sudorifiche. Wood tea. S. vulnera 'riae. /. specie vulnerarie : see Espies vulnéraires. Specific \_L. species, facere]. F. spé- cifique ; G. specifisch ; I. specifico. 1. Pe- culiar ; possessed of distinguishing qualities. 2. Possessing especial curative power against a single disease. 3. G. Eigenmittel. A spe- cific remedy. 4. Syphilitic. S. diseases, diseases having a distinct course atid due to distinct causes, mostly microorganisms. S. grav'ity. F. poids spécifique ; G. specif- ische Schwere ; /. peso specifico. The ratio of the weight of a body to that of an equal volume of some substance which has been selected as the standard. For solids and liquids water is generally taken as the standard ; for gases, atmospheric air. Speciflc'ity. F. spécificité ; G. Specif- icität ; I. specificità. The quality of being specific, of having specific properties. Spécifique {F.). Specific. Specifisch, er, e, es {G.). Specific (adj.). S. Schwere, specific gravity. Specillo (/.). Probe, stylet. Specü'lum (i.). Probe. Speck (fr'.). Fat. lard; — artig, larda- ceous ; — beule, lardaceous tumor, steato- ma ; — bruch, steatocele ; — entartung, amyloid degeneration ; — gesch'wulst, lar- daceous tumor; — ge'wächs, steatoma, lardaceous tumor ; — haut, buffy coat of blood; — leber, liver affected with larda- ceous degeneration ; amyloid liver ; — milz, amyloid spleen; — niere, amyloid kidney; — stoff, amyloid or lardaceous substance ; — Substanz, lardaceous mat- ter. Speckig (G^.). Amyloid. Speck 'led leech. Ilirudo medicinalis, Ij. Specolo I /.). Speculum. Spec'tacles [spectarel F. lunettes; G. Brillen : /. occhioli. Lenses worn be- fore the eyes to correct optical anomalies. S., protec'tive, spectacles used to protect the eyes from the intensity of light, wind, dust, smoke, etc. They are usually gray (smoked glass) or blue; sometimes of wire gauze or mica. 564 SPE SPE Spec'tra (i.), pl- of Spectrum, q. v. : see After-images. S., oc'ular, the shadows cast on the retina by irreguhirities and im- perfections in the structure of the trans- parent media of the eye by a small pencil of rays thrown through the pupil. Spectres oculaires or perlés {F.). Muscas volitantes. Spec'trum (X.)- ^- spectre ; G. Far- benbild ; I. spettro. 1. An apparition, real or imaginary. 2. The seven-colored band into which white light is decomposed by passing through a prism. 3. The cha- racteristic change produced in such a decom- posed band of light by its passage through différent liquids or vapors. Spec'ulum (i.). F. spéculum; G. Spiegel ; /. specolo. 1. An instrument to be introduced into openings of canals, such as the vagina, rectum, nose, or ear, to per- mit a view of the interior or to dilate the cavity. 2. Name applied to certain tendi- nous structures, as, S. Helmont'ii, central tendon of diaphragm ; S. rhomboi'deum, shining rhomboid space fornied by tendon of the two trapezius muscles at lower cer- vical and upper dorsal spines. Spéculum à grüles (/".). Fenestrated speculum. Spec'ulum Ven'eris (i.). Achillea Mille/oliiim, L. Spedale (/.). Hospital. Spedalskhed or Spedalsk (Nor.). Lep- rosy. Speech [A. S. spaec]. F. parole; G. Sprache ; /. parola. Articulate voice. S. cen'tre, the third left frontal convolution of the cerebrum, except where, in a few instances, it is similarly located upon the right side. Speed'-weU. L., I. veronica ; F. vé- ronique ; G. Ehrenpreis. The common name for several species of Veronica, espe- cially for Veì-oiiìca officinalis, L. ; diuretic, diaphoretic, and expectorant. Speed'y cut. An injury of the fore leg of the horse by the opposite fore foot. Speiarzenei (G.). Expectorant. Speiche (G.). Eadius. In composition Speichen, as, — arterie, radial artery ; — bein, radius; — beuger der Hand, flexor carpi radialis ; — hauptblutader, cephalic vein; — hautvene, radial vein, cutaneous; — hohlhandarterie des Zei- gefingers, arteria radialis indicis ; — mus- kel, extensor carpi radialis longior ; — nerv, museulo-spiral nerve, radial nerve; — pulsader or — Schlagader, radial artery ; — Schlagader, zurücklaufende, recurrent radial artery ; — Strecker der Hand, kurzer, e.xten.sdr carjii radialis brevior ; — Strecker der Hand, langer, extensor carpi radialis longior. Speichel ( G.). Saliva ; — abgang or — abwurf, spitting; —artig, salivary; — ausleerend, sialagogue ; — auswurf, spitting; — druse, salivary gland ; — fer- ment, ptyalin ; — fistel, salivary fistula; — üüssigkeit, saliva; — fluss, flow of saliva, salivation ; — gang, salivary duct; — gangcyste, ranula •. — gangfìstel, sali- vary fistula; — geschwulst, salivary tu- mor; — körperchen, salivary corpuscle ; — kur, salivation ; — mittel, sialagogue ; — röhre, salivary duct ; — stein, a concretion in a salivary duct, salivary calculus; — stoff, ptvalin ; — treibend, sialagogue ; — überfluss, salivation; — zelle, salivary corpuscle. Speicheln (G.). To spit. Speien (G.). To spit. Speise (G.). Food; — brei, chyme; — fluss, lientery ; — gang or — kanal, alimentary canal ; — Ordnung, diet, regi- men ; — ruhr, lientery; — saft, chyle; — saftbereitung, chylopoiesis ; — saft- röhre, thoracic duct. Speisen (G.). To eat. Speiseröhre (G.). Œsophagus. In composition Speiseröhren, as, — ent- zündung, œsophagitis ; — eröftnung, œsophagotomy ; — Schlagadern, œsoph- ageal arteries; — schlitz, hiatus œsoph- ageus; —schnitt, œsophagotomy. Spellamento (/.). Excoriation. Spel'trum (L.)- F. spoltre ; /. speltro. Zinc. Spend'ing [.1. S. spendan]. l<;jaculation of semen. Sperm. L., I. sperma ; F. sperme ; G. Samen. Semen. S. transmis'sion, in- heritance from the father, as opposed to germ transmission. Sperm oil. L. oleum ceti; F. huile de baleine, huile de cachalot ; G. Walfisch- thran; /. olio di balena. A yellow or brown-yellow fixed oil obtained from the blubber and " head matter " of the sperm whale. Sperm whale. Fhi/sctcr macrocephalus, L. Sper'ma [irnipßo] or Sper'ma vir'ile (L.). Semen. SPE SPE 565 Spennabereitung {G-). Sperm pro- ductiou. Spermace'ti \_L. sperma, cetus]. L. cetaceum ; F. blanc de baleine ; G. Wall- rath. A white, pearly, translucent, crys- talline, neutral, fatty substance obtained, mixed with oil, from the head of the sperm whale, Physeter macrocepluilns, L. ; it is separated from the oil by filtration and pressure; a demulcent, principally used as a constituent of ointments and cerates. S. ce'rate. L. ceratum cetacei. Sperma- ceti 10. white wax 35, olive oil 55 parts ; mix with the aid of heat [U. S. P.]. Spermacra'sia {L., I.) [a-iptia, xpàai.,/,) [f.nàm^'^. Sem- inal pollution. SperrQatemphrax'is (//.) \_l;iapdi7rtio^. Obstruction to the discharge of semen. Spermat'ic [i\. F. sper- matoblastes ; G. Spermatoblasten, Samen- sprossen ; /. spermatoblast^ Epithelial processes of the seminal tubules, from which the spermatozoa develop. Spermat'ocele (i., /.) [zii'/).)}]. F. sper- matocele. Swelling of the testicle. Spermatochor'da (i.) [;^'>/«57;]. Sper- matic cord. Spermatoclem'ma (L.) [x>.ézzw]. In- voluntary seminal pollution. Spermatocyd'ia {L.). Seminal ducts. Spermato-cys'tis {L.) [zoartç]. Semi- nal vesicle. Spermatocysti'tis. Inflammation of the vesicuhe séminales. Spermat'ocyte [/'Jt'<ì'] [Flemming]. Epithelial cell from which a spermatozoon develops, the chromatogenous portion of the nucleus forming its head, the cell pro- toplasm forming the tail. Spermatofllm (C). Spermatozoa. Spermatogemmen ((?.). Protoplasmic processes within the spermatic tubules, containing spermatoblasts [La Valette]. Spermatogen'esis (L.) [>-£i/v«(u]. F. Spermatogenese. Formation of sperm. Spermatogo 'nia (L.) [/-"^'j']. 1. Ser- toli's column, with the included spermato- blasts. 2. Production of semen. Spermatolep'sis {L.) [/ì.?;^''!^']. Sper- matoclemma. Spermat'omere (/,.) \_;iéii;,a!a]. Ab- sence of semen. Spermatozo'a (i.). [Cti"^], pi. of Sper- matozoon. F. spermatozoaires ; G. Samen- fäden ; /. spermatozoi or spermatozoarii. The active generative elements of semen; thread-like bodies, in man 50// in length, with a pear-.shaped head, having the appear- ance and activity of independent flagellate cells. Spermat'ozoids. F. spermatozoïdes ; /. spermatozoidi. Spermatozoa. Spermazoaire or Spennazo'ide {F.'). Spermatozoon. Sperme {F.'). Samen. Sperm'iduct [ducere]. F. spermiduete; /. sperniidotto. Vas deferens. Sper'mine. C2H5N. Leucomaïne ob- tained from semen and other animal sources ; its phosphate forms Charcot- Neumann crystals. Sperm'oblast. Spermatoblast. Spermob'ole (/>.) \_ßp'\. Chicken-pox with globose vesi- cles. Sphärische Abweichung ( G.). Spher- ical aberration. Sphaerobacte'ria C^.)- /. sferobattc- rii. Micrococci. Sphserococ'cus {L.). A genus of Aipx. S. cris'pus, Ag., C/ioiulnis crkpiix, Lyngb. S. ed'ulis, Kiitz., Ilali/moiia ediiiiii, Ag. S. Helminthocor'tos, Ag. ; grows on the Mediterranean coasts ; one of several algic known as Corsican moss. S. lichenoides, Ag., Ceylon, Jaffna, or edible moss ; grows on the coasts of Ceylon. S. mamillo'sus, Ag., Chondrus mamillosus, Grev. Sphaero'ma (7>.) [^atfaipa]. A globular tumor. Sphagias'mus {L.) l,'a/-iaff^oç'\. Mar- SPH SPH 567 shall Hall's term for a spasm of the muscles of the neck. Sphaleroto'cia (i.) []. Apex of sphenoidal angle of parietal bone, on surface of skull [v. Türök]. Spheno-. Belonging to the sphenoid bone. Spheno-basila'ris (X.). /'. sphéno-ba- silaire ; /. sfeno-basilare. Basilar bone (def. 4). Sphenocepha'lia (Z.) [y.=:ça).rf\. F. sphénocéphalie ; /. sfemicefalia. Wedge- shaped head ; deformation of cranium caused by sj'nostosis of the sagittal su- ture, with compensatory development about anterior fgntanelle, causing a wedge-shaped head. Sphenoceph'alus (Z-)- F. sphénoce- phale ; 1. sfenocefalo. Head deformed by sphenocephalia. Sphéno-épineuse (artère) {F.). 3Ien- ingeal artery, middle. Spheno-eth moi 'dal nerve. L. nervus spheno-ethmoidali.s. Branch I'rom nasal nerve through posterior ethmoidal foramen to eth- moidal cells and sphenoidal sinus. Spheno-fron'tal crest. L. crista sphe- no-frontalis. Edge of malar bone articulat- ing with sphenoid below and frontal above. Spheno-fron'tal ver'tebra. Frontal vertebra. Sphe'noid ['^ç'ijx, eT'Îoç]. L. sphenoida- lis ; F. .sphénoïde, sphenoidal ; I. sfenoi- dale, sfenoidco. Wedge-shaped. S. bone. L. OS sphenoideum ; F. sphénoïde ; G. Wespenbein ; /. sfenoide. An unpaired, symmetrical bone at base of skull, wedged in between occipital bone, the other bones of cranium, and the bones of posterior part of face, and contributing to formation of orbits, nasal and zygomatic fossa;, and pos- terior walls of pharynx. In form it slightly resembles a bat with extended wings. It is of composite character, representing small bones distinct in foetal life and in lower mammals. Sphenoi'dal. X. .«phenoidalis; Z'. sphé- noïdal, ale ; /. sfenoidale. Relating to the sphenoid bone. S. an'gle. /'. angle sphe- noidal: /. ancolo sfenoidale. 1. Of Welcker, that formed by lines drawn from ophippium to basion and to nasion : see Auglr n/ Lmid- zerl. 2. Antero-inferior angle of parietal bone. S. ar'tery, branch of middle cere- bral a., distributed to sphenoidal lobe. S. cells. L- cellul» sphenoidales. Portion of ethmoidal cells formed by union with sphenoid bone. S. crest. L. crista sphe- noidalis ; F. crête verticale du sphénoïde ; /. cresta sfenoidale. Thin edge of bone on anterior surface of sphenoid, articulating with vertical plate of ethmoid. S. diam'- eter, niin'imum. 0'. kleinste Sjihenoidal- breite. Least transverse diameter of skull, measured in temporal fossa. S. fis'sure. L. fissura sphenoidalis ; F. fente spheno- idale ; G. obere Augenhöhlenspalte ; /. fis- sura sfeno-sfenoidale. Elongated triangular interval between greater and lesser wings of sphenoid (alisphenoid, orbitosphenoid, and presphenoid elements). It transmits to the orbit motor and sensory nerves of eye (3d, 4th, 6th, and ophthalmic division of äth) and ophthalmic vein. S. fon'- tanelle : see Fontanelle. S. fora'men. L. foramen sphenoidale. Opening by which sphenoidal sinus communicates with nasal fossa. S. proc'ess. L. processus sphe- noidalis; /'. apophyse sphenoidale; G. Keilbeinfort.satz ; /. apofisi sfenoidale. 1. Thin layer of bone curving upward and outward from the vertical plate of palate- bone and articulating with body of sphe- noid. 2. In ethmoid bone a triangular plate on middle line of horizontal surface, just in front of articulation with sphenoid. S. sep'tum. L. septum sinuum sphenoi- dalium. Mesial bony lamina separating sphenoidal sinuses. S. si'nuses. L. sinus sphenoidales ; F. sinus .sphénoïdaux ; G. Keilbeinh'ühlen ; I. seni sfenoidali. Large cavities, more or less subdivided by thin bony lamelhe, formed in body of sphenoid bone. They may extend also into basilar process of occipital. S. spine : see Spine of the sphenoid. S. spon'gy bones or S. tur'binate bones. L. cornua sphe- noidalia; F. cornets sphénoïdaux orde Ber- tin ; (r. Keilbeinmuscheln : /. cornetti sfe- noidali or di Berlin. Two curved triangu- lar lamelhe which close in the sphenoidal sinuses in front. They are separately ossi- fied, and do not unite with the sphenoid until about the twentieth year. Sphenoidalbreite, kleinste ( G.). Sphe- noidal diameter, minimum. Sphenoida'le basila're ante'riu8(/^.). Presphenoid. 568 SPH — SPH Sphenoida'le basila're posti 'cum (/,.). liasisplienoiil. Sphenoida'le laterale poste 'rius (Lì. Alispheiioid. Sphenoida'lia latera'lia (i.)- Wings of tlie sphenoid. Sphénoïde (-F.). Sptu'UDid bone. Sphenoi'des (/v.). Cunuiforni, .sphenoid. S. OS, spheiuiid bone. Sphénoïdien, ienne (F.). Sphenoid. Sphenoi'do-auric'ular in'dex. Ratio of uiininium s]iheiioid;il diiuiieter of skull (in temporal tbs.sa) with the biauricular diameter, the latter taken as 100. Sphenoido-fron'tal in'dex. I'elation between minimum sphenuidal diameter of skull and the minimum frontal diameter, taken as 100. Sphenoido-pari'etal index. Relation between minimum sphenoidal diameter of the skull and the maximum frontal diam- eter, taken as 100. Spheno - ma'lar su'ture. L. sutura spheno-zygoniatica. That between great wing of sphenoid and malar bone. Spheno-max'Ulary. L. sphenomaxil- laris ; F. spheno-masillaire ; 7. sfeno-mas- cellare. Belonging to the sphenoid and maxillary bones. S.-m. crest. L. eri.sta splieno-maxillaris. Ridge separating spheno- maxillary and infratemporal surfaces of sphenoid bone. S.-m. fos'sa. L- fossa spheno-maxillaris; 7. fossa sl'eno-mascellare. Triangular space beneath apex of the orbit between pterygoid processes of sphenoid be- hind, superior maxillary bone in front, and vertical plate of palate-Done internally. S.-m. sur'face. L. facies spheno-maxil- laris. That part of external surface of great wing of sphenoid presented to zygo- matic fossa. S.-m. fis'sure. L. fissura spheno-maxillaris ; 7^. fente sphéno-maxil- laire ; 7. fessura sfeno-maseellare. Interval occurring at back part of floor of orbit be- tween body of superior maxillary bone and great wing of sphenoid. Sphenom'eter ["^rjv, ,'/.t'-;0<»]. An in- strument to determine the size of the wedge- shaped piece to be removed in order to cor- rect deformity in a bone. Spheno-occip'ital bone. L. os spheno- oceipitalc ; F. sphéno-occipital ; ff. Grund- bciii ; /. sfeno-occipitale. Bone formed by union of occipital with sphenoid [Sum- mering]. Sphéno-orbitaire [Béclard] (7''.). 7. sfeno-orbitale. Presphenoid. Spheno-pal'atine. /.. spheno-palatinus; F. spliéno-|ialatin. ine; 7. sfeno-palatino. Relating to both sphenoid and palate-bones. S.-p. ar'tery. L. arteria spheno-palatina ; F. artère spliéno-jialatine ; ff. hintere Nasen- arterie ; 7. arteria sfeno-palatina. Contin- uation of internal maxillary arter)', which passes through sphenopalatine foramen and ramifies over po.sterior nares. S.-p. fora'men. L. foramen spheno-palatinum. That formed between palate- and sphenoid bones bj' bridging over of spheno-palatine notch. It transmits s))heno-palatine vessels and nerves. S.-p. gan'glion. L. ganglion sjiheiui - ]>alatinum ; F. ganglion sphéno- palatin ; ff. Keilgaumenknoten ; /. ganglio sfeno-palatino. Reddish-gray l)ody. of one- fifth inch diameter, deeply placed in spheno- maxillary fossa. It is connected with su- perior maxillary division of trifacial nerve, and with the sympathetic, of which some consider it the terminal ganglion ; from it branches pass to the orbit, palate and nose. S.-p. nerves, branches from superior max- illary nerve passing to spheno-palatine ganglion. S.-p. notch. Z. incisura spheno- palatina. Interval between orbital and sphe- noidal processes of palate-bone which con- tributes to form sjdieno-palatine foramen. S.-p. plex'us, a fine nerve-jdexus often seen replacing spheno-palatine nerves, and com- municating with spdieno-palatine ganglion. S.-p. veins, tributaries of jitorygoid plexus accompanying artery of same name. Spheno-palati'nus ( L.). Spheno-pal- atine ; used substantively, levator jialati. Spheno-pari'etal. //. spheno-parietalis ; /'. sphéno-pariétal, ale ; /. sfeno-parietale. Pertaining to both sphenoid and ])arietal bones. S.-p. si'nus. L. .sinus aliis parvte. Most anterior jiortion of cavernous sinus of dura mater, where it communicates with ophthalmic vein. S.-p. su'ture. //.sutura spheno-]>arietalis ; F. suture sphéno-parié- tale. Between tip of great wing of sphe- noid and anterior inferior angle of parietal bone. Spheno-petro'sal fis'sure. L. fissura spheno - petrosa. Interval at base of skull, between apex of petrous Itone and great wing of sphenoid. Spheno-petro'sal su- ture, Jietro-splienoidal suture. Spheno-pharynge'us ( />.). F. sphéno- pharyngien. /. sfeno-faringco. Detached portion of superior constrictor of pharynx arising from spine of sphenoid. Spheno-pter'ygo-palati'nus (7^.). F. SPH SPH 569 spbéno-ptérycro-palatin ; /. sfeno-pterigo- palatino. Tensor palati. Sphéno-salpingo-malléen (F.). Lax- atnr tymiKuii. Spheno-saipin'go-staphyli'nus (L.). F. splu'iio - salpingo - stapbylin ; /. sfeno- salpiiigo-statilino. Tensor palati. Spheno-spi'nous ar'tery. F. artère sphéno-épineuso ; /. arteria sfeiio-spinosa. Meningeal artery, middle. Spheno-squa'moussu'ture. L. sutura spheno-temporalis. That between great wing of sphenoid and S(|uamous portion of temporal. Spheno - staphyli'nus (L.). Tensor palati. Spheno-tem'poral. F. .sphéno-tempo- ral ; /. sfeno-temporale. Relating to both sphenoid and temporal bones. S.-t. su 'ture, that between sphenoid and temporal bones. Sphenotre'sia [fç-ijv, T/)^iglottic muscles of the two sides, which encircle superior orifice of larynx. S. of lar'37Tix, sphincter laryngis. S. oc'uli, orbicularis palpebrarum. S. oesophage'us, hiatus œsophageus. S. o'ris, orbicularis oris. S. o'ris exter'nus, superficial fibres of orbicularis oris, not derived from buc- cinator. S. o'ris inter'ntis, deeper part of orbicularis oris that derives its fibres from the buccinator [Krause]. S. pal- pebra'rum, orbicularis palpebrarum. S. pharyngo-laryn'geus, combined inferior constrictor (if the pharynx, crico-thyroideus anticus. and thyroideus transversus of the two sides, considered as a single muscular complex. S. prosta'tse, sphincter urethrae prostaticus. S. pupil'lse, sphincter iridis. S. pylo'ri, pylorus. S. ure'thrae pros- tat'icus, muscular fibres of the prostate which surround the urethra below the sphincter vesica; internus [Luschka]. S. vagi'nse. F. constricteur or sphincter de la vulve or du vagin ; G. Scheidensehniirer; /. constrittore or sfintere della vagina. Bulbo-cavernosus of female, a perineal muscle arising from central point of peri- neum, surrounding vaginal orifice and era- bracing bulb of vestibule ; inserted upon the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris. S. vagri'nae profon'dus, constrictor vaginae profundus. S. ventric'uli, pylorus. S. vesi'cae. F. sphincter de la vessie ; /. sfintere della vescica. Circular fibres of bladder, continued downward along its neck. S. vesi'cae inter'nus. L- pros- taticus superior. Muscular fii)res of pros- tate, coutiauous behind with sphincter vesicae. 570 SPH SPI Sphincter supérieur or S. de Nélaton (/•'.). PliciB recti. Sphinctéralgie (F.). Neuralgia of Sphinkter ani ur neighboring inucous mem- brane, Sphincterot'omy [rt^/i/w]. Cutting a sphincter to prevent its spasmodic action. Sphinx'is (A.) [ica, L. Spi'ca (7/.). 7. spiga. A reversed spiral bandage. Spi'ca cePtica (7,.). Valeriana celtica, L. Spi'ca nar'di {L.). I. spicanardo. Spikenard. Spice-berry. Checkerberry, winter- green, Guiilllirria jirocunihcns, L. Spice-bush. Benzoin odori/entm, Nees, Spiceplaster. A mixture of various spices with honey or water. Spic'ula (L.). F. spicule. A small sj)ike or sharp-pointed fragment. Spi'der's ■web. L. tela araneao ; F. toile d araignée ; G. Spinnengewebe ; 7. tela di ragno. The web of several species of Tegenaria ; used as a mechanical styp- tic ; once held in high repute as a remedy for ague and various nervous diseases. Spi'derwort. Tiinlrscnn/in riri/inica, L.. and other s])ecies of T. ; root demulcent. Spiegel (Cr.). Mirror, speculum ; — galvanometer, mirror (Thomson's) galva- nometer ; — Untersuchung, p.xamination with a Spekulum. Spieklavendel (G.). Lavandula spica. Spiessglanz or Spiessglas {G.). An- timony ; — butter, butter of antimony; — mittel, antimonial ; — säure, antimonic acid ; — sch"wefel, antimony sulphide ; — ■wein, wine of antimony. Spiga ( L). Spica. Spiganardo (7.). Spikenard. Spige'lia. 7'. spigelie du Maryland ; G. maryländische Spigelie ; 7. spigelia del Maryland. 1. Pinkroot ; the rhizome and rootlets of Sjiif/elia marilandica, L. [IT. S. P.] ; anthelmintic. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Lot/(iiii((ita'. S. anthel'mia. F. spigelie anthelminthif|ue dii Brésil ; 7. spigelia antelmintica del lîrasile. An annual plant of the West Indies and South America, oflieial in the Ccid. ; anthohnintie. S. marilan'dica, Maryland pink, Carolina pink, worm-grass ; an herbaceous plant with a perennial root, growing in the southern and middle States of the U. S. : see Spiffelia. Spige'lian lobe of liv'er. F. lobe de Spiegel ; 7. loba di Spigolio : see Lobes of liver. Spigelie ( F.^. S/iii/ih'd aiitheimln, L. S. anthelminthique, Sjiii/ilia niilhe/mia, L. S. du Maryland, spigelia. Spig'eline. F. spigéline ; I. spigelina. A volatiU' alkaloid obtained from spigelia. Spig'net. A lidia racemosa^ L. Spike la'v'ender. Lni-undula Spica. Spike'nard. L. nardus indica ; F. nard indien ; G. Narde ; /. spiga, nardo. The rhizome of Xiirdiistnchi/s Jatamansi, DC. ; stimulant and antispasmodic. Spilan'thes olera'cea, Jacq. Para cress, a South American composite herb, SPI SPI 571 naturalized and cultivated in India and other tropical countries ; used as a remedy for gout and rlieumatisui, and as a masti- catory for the relief of toothache. Spilo'ma (i/.) []. 1. Sen- sation as of sparks before the eyes. 2. Synchisis .scintillans. 574 SPI SPI Spinthero'pia {LI) \_i7r:iy0rjp, ot'']. F. sj)iutlu'iopio ; /. spinteropia. Sjnchisis scintillans. Spi'rae cer'ebri {L.). Cerebral con- volution.s. Spirse'a ( L.). A genus of Iiofdcae. S. toinento'sa, hardback, stec'iile-bush, wliitecap, a small North American .«hrub ; the root-bark and leaves are astringent and tunic. S. Ulma'ria, (|ueen of the meadows, meadow-sweet, a European species of S. ; the flower, leaf, and root are official ; astrin- gent and diuretic. Spi'ral. L. spiralis ; /. spirale. Turning or twisted like a screw. S. ban'dage. F. spirale ; G. Spiralbinde ; 7. fasciatura spi- rale. Common roller bandage applied spirally round a limb. S. canal' of modi'olus. G. Spiralkanal. Passage at a.xial margin of spiral lamina of cochlea containing gan- glion spirale. S. crest, sharp, denticulated edge of limbus of spiral lamina turned toward organ of Corti. S. fl'bre. G. Spiralfasor. One of the processes of a bipolar ganglion-cell that is coiled around the other. S. fls'sure. L. fissura .spiralis. That existing between the two plates of spiral lamina of cochlea, giving passage to filaments of cochlear nerve. S. groove. 1. The internal s. g., at the peri]ihery of the spiral lamina of the cochlea. The ex- ternal s. g. is on the outer wall of the cochlear duct, between the ligamentum spi- rale accessorium and the basilar membrane. 2. Musculo-spiral groove. S. lam'ina, bony lamina separating the scala tympani from the scala vestibuli of cochlea : see also Memhrannus spiral /anu'iia. S. lig'- ament, thickened portion of outer peri- osteum of cochlea, corresponding to coch- lear duct: see Crixla liaaihirix, Grialu mcm- hranx Reiasneri. S. line of fe'mur, inter- trochanteric line. S. nerve, musculo-spi- ral nerve. S. plate. ''/. Spiralplatte. Spiral lamina. S. tract. L. tractus sjii- ralis foraminosus ; /•', lame criblée spiroide. Impression at bottom of internal auditory meatus, by which filaments of cochlear nerve enter internal ear. It corresponds to the reverse of the cochlea. S. tu'bule of Schacho'wa, somewhat twisted portion of a uriniferous tubule intervening between first convoluted tubule and looped tubule of Ilcnle. Spiral (■ G.). Spiral ; • — binde, spiral band- age ; — blatt, lamina spiralis; — gelenk, joint in which a sagittal section of the articu- lar surfaces Isa portion of a spiral curve — e.g. knee-joint ; — kanal, spiral canal of modi- olus ; — körper, Hcnsen, corpuscles of; — platte, lamina spiralis. Spirale (F.). Spiral bandage. Spiramen'ta (//.). Canaliculus. Spira'tio ( //.) [spirare]. Respiration. SpLre'ma. F. spireme ; G. Mutter- knäuel, Spirem. First stage of karyo- kinesis, in which the chromatin of the nucleus becomes a continuous filament wound into a ball or skein, and the nu- cleoli disappear. Spiril'lum. (/>.). Spiral schizomycetes ; spirochivte. S. chol'erae asiat'icsB, chol- era bacillus. S. fe'ver, relapsing fever. S. tyrog'enum, found in cheese ; resem- bles the cholera bacillus, but liquefies gela- tin more rapidly, and does not grow on potato. Spir'it. L. Spiritus ; F. alcoolat, esprit ; G. Geist; / alcoolato. spirito. 1. In phar- macy denotes one of a class of preparations consisting of alcoholic solutions of volatile principles, procured by distillation or by simply dissolving the volatile jirinciples in alcohol. 2. A liquid product of distillation, especially alcohol and the alcoholic liquors, brandy, whiskey, gin, etc. : .sec also ßunc, Comjxiumi, Fetid. Malncah, Melhyluted, Pe- troleum, Perfumed, Potato, Proof, Pyroncelic, PyroUyneou^, Fi/ro.rdic, Reetijied, and Wood spii-it. S. ofam'ber. L. spiritus volatilis succini. The a((ueous acid product of the distillation of amber, remaining after sepa- ration of the volatile oil [Far. ^lex.]. S. of ammo'nia. L. spiritus ammonia;. An alcoholic solution of ammonia, containing 10 per cent., by weight, of the gas: see also Aromatic and Fetid spirit of ammonia. S. of an'ise. L. sjiiritus anisi [U. S. P.], essentia anisi [B. P.] ; F. teinture d'essence d'anis. A solution of oil of anise in alcohol, in the proportion of 1 to II [C S. 1'.] ; 1 to 4 [B. P.] ; 1 to 49 [Cod.]. S. of caj'uput. L. spiritus cajuputi. Oleum cajuputi 1, alcohol (sp, gr. .838) 44.5. dis.solve [15. P.]. S. of cam'phor, L. spiritus camphora; ; /''. teinture de camphre concentrée ; G. Kampferspiritus; I. spirito canforato. An alcoholic solution containing 10 per cent. of camphor [U. S. P., P. G., Cod.]; 13.3 per cent. [B. P.]. S. of chlo'ric e'ther, spirit of chloroform. S. of chlo'roform. L. spiritus chloroformi. Chloric ether, spirit of chloric ether; a mixture of chlo- roform and alcohol. 1 to [U. S. 1',], 1 to 10.6 [B. P.]. S. of cin'namon. /.. spiritus cinnamomi ; F. esprit de cannelle ; SPI SPI 575 G. Ziuimtspiritus. A solution of oil of cinnaiuuu in alcohol, 1 to 9 [U. S. P.], 1 to 41 [B. P.]. S. of cit'ron. /■■. teinture d'essence de cédrat. A 2 per cent, solu- tion of oil of citron in alcohol [Cod.]. S. of cochlea 'ria. L. spiritus coehleari;e ; G. Liiffelkrautspiritus. Fresh scurvysrass 8, alcohol 5, water ?> parts; distil 4 parts [P. G.]. S., com'pound, of horserad'ish. L. spiritus armoraciœ compositus. An al- coholic distillate from a mixture of horse- radish root, orantre-poel, and nutmejr [B. P.]. S. of e'ther. L. spiritus œtheris; F. ether sulfuriijue alcoolisé ; G. Hoff- mannstropfen. A mixture of ether and alco- hol in the proportions of 3 to 7 [U. S. P.] ; 25 to 57 [B. P.] : 1 to 3 [P. G] ; equal parts [Cod.]. S. of French wine, brandy. S. of Ga'rus. F. alcoolat de Gurus. Aloes 5, myrrh 2, clove 5, nutmeg 10, cinnamon 20, saffron 5, alcohol (sp. gr. .8G4) 5000 ; mace- rate, filter, and add water 1000 ; distil 4500 [Cod.]. S. of gaulthe'ria. L. spiritus gaultheriae. A solution of oil of gaulthe- ria 3 parts, in alcohol i)7 jiarts [U. S. P.]. S. of harts'hom. L. spiritus volatilis cornu cervi; F. esprit volatil de corne de cerf. The aqueous liquid resulting from the dry distillation of stag-horns, purified by redistillation. S. of hydrochlo'ric e'ther. L. spiritus ajtheris chlorati. A colorless, neutral liquid, spec. grav. 0.840, prepared by distillation from a mixture of potassium bichromate, hydrochloric acid, and alcohol [P. Helv.] ; anodyne and anti- spasmodic. S. of ju'niper. L. spiritus juniperi ; F. teinture d'essence de geniè- vre ; G. Wachholderspiritus. 1. Prepared by dissolving oil of juniper in alcohol, in the proportion of 3 to 97 [U. S. P.] : 2 to 98 [B. P., Cod.]. 2. Prepared by di.stilling alcolici from juniper-berries [P. G.]. S. of lav 'ender. /y. spiritus la vandulse; G. Lavendelspiritus. A solution of oil of lav- ender-flowers in alcohol, 3 to 97 [U. S. P.] ; 2 to 98 [B. P.] ; a distillate from lavender- flowers and diluted alcohol [P. G.]. S. of lem'on. L. spiritus limonis ; /'. teinture d'essence de citron ; G. Citronenessenz. Pre- pared by macerating lemon-peel in a solu- tion of oil of lemon in alcohol [U. S. P.] ; by simple solution of oil of lemon in alco- hol [Cod.]. S. of Mindere'rus. /. spirito di Minderero. -Solutioii of ammonium ace- tate. S. of mus'tard. L. spiritus sina- pis ; G. Senl'spiritus. .V solution of vola- tile oil of mustard in alcohol, 1 to öd [P. G.]. S. of myr'cia. A. spiritus myrcifle. Bay rum ; a mixture of oil of myrcia 16, oil of orange-peel 1, oil of pimento 1, alco- hol 1000, water 782 parts [U. S. P.]. S. of ni'trous e'ther. L. spiritus aetheris nitrosi ; G. versüsster îSalpetergeist. An . alcoholic solution of ethyl nitrite (C0H5- NO2), containing 5 per cent, of the crude ether, obtained by distilling a mixture of alcohol, sulphuric acid, and nitric acid, and adding alcohol to the distillate [U. S. P.]. S. of nut'meg. L. spiritus myristicae. A solution of volatile oil of nutmeg in alcohol, 3 to 97 [U. S. P.]; 2 to OS [B. ¥.]. S. of or'ange. L. spiritus aurantii ; /. teinture d'essence d'orange ; G. Pomeranz- engeist. A solution of oil of orange-peel in alc(diol, in the' proportion of (! to 94 [U. S. P.] ; 2 to 98 [Cod.]. S. of pep'- permint. L. spiritus menthii; piperit;e; F. teinture d'essence de menthe ; G. Pfef- fermünzessenz. 1. Peppermint herb 1, oil of peppermint 10, alcohol to make 100; macerate [U. S. P.]. 2. A simple solution of oil of peppermint in alcohol. 1 to 45.5 [B. P.] ; 1 to 9 [P. G.] ; 1 to 49 [Cod.]. S. of rose'mary. L. spiritus rosmarini ; F. teinture d'essence de romarin. A solu- tion of oil of rosemary in alcohol, 1 to 41 [B. P.] ; 1 to 49 [Cod.]. S. of tur'pen- tine, oil of turpentine. Spirito (/.). Spirit. S. canforato, spirit of camphor. S. di Minderero, so- lution of ammonium acetate. Spir'itus (i.). 1. Spirit. 2. Alcohol, sp. gr. 0.834 to 0.830 [P. G.] ; 0.910 to 0.908 [P. Xeer.]. S. serug'inis, aeetum radicale. S. aethe'reus [P. (r.], spirit "f ether. S. se'theris, spirit of ether. S. se'theris chlora'ti, spirit of hydrochloric ether. S. se'theris compos'itus, com- pound spirit of ether. S. œ'theris nitro'- si, spirit of nitrous ether. S. alcoholisa'- tus [P. Helv., P. Dan.], alcohol, spec. grav. 0.810 to 0.800 [P. Helv.] ; 0.S15 to 0.S12 'P.Dan.]. S. ammoniaca 'tus anisa'tus P. Dan.], anisated water of ammonia. S. ammo'nise, spirit of ammonia. S. am- mo'niae anisa'tus [P. Belg.], anisated water of ammonia. S. ammo'nise aro- mat'icus or S. ammo'nise compos'- itus, aromatic spirit of ammonia. S. am- mo'nise fcet'idus, fetid spirit of ammonia. S. angel'icae compos'itus, compound spirit of angelica. S. an'isi, spirit of anise. S. an'thos, spirit of rosemary. S. armora'cisecompos'itus,conipoun(i spirit of horseradish. S. auran'tii, s])irit of oran^'c. S. cajupu'ti, spirit of cajuput. S. camph'orse or S. camphora'tuis [P. 576 SPI SPI G.], spirit of camphor. S. cannelito'- rum. fr. Carmeliterjieist. Compound spirit of balm. S. chlorofor'mi, spirit of chioro- fonii. S. cinnamo'mi, spirit of cinnamon. S. cochlea 'riee, spirit of cochlearia. S. concentra'tus [1*. Dan.], alcoliol, spec, grav. (l.s.U to Ó.Sod. S. cor'nu cer'vi succina'tus, solution of ammonium suc- cinate. S. dilu'tus [P. G.], diluted alco- hol. S. formica'rum. G- Ameisen- spiritus. Formic acid 4, alcohol 70, water 26 parts ; mix [P. G.]. It is also prepared by maceratin«: wood-ants in diluted alco- hol, and distilling otf a portion of the re- sulting tincture ; stimulant and rubefacient. S. for'tior [P. Port.], alcohol, spec. grav. 0.834. S. frumen'ti, whiskey. S. g«.l'- licus, brandy. S. gaulthe'riae, spirit of gaultheria. S. Jamaicen'sis, rum. S. junip'eri, spirit of juni]>er. S. junip'eri compos'itus, compound spirit of juniper. S. lavan'dulae, spirit of lavender. S. lavan'dulae compos'itus, compound spirit of lavender. S. limo'nis, spirit of lemon. S. me'dius [P. Port.], alcohol of the spec. grav. 0.850. S. melis'see com- pos'itus [P. G.], compound spirit of balm. S. men'thse piperi'tee, spirit of pepper- mint. S. Mindere'ri, lii|uor ammonii acet- atis. S. mjrr'ciae, spirit of myrcia. S. myris'ticse, spirit .) [£//y/)'irr<7(u]. Obstruction or thrombus of the blood-ves- sels of the viscera. Splanch'nic. L. splanchnicus; F. .splanchni(|ue ; /. splancnico. Relating to the viscera. S. gan'glion. L. ganglion splanchnicuin. Found on great splanchnic nerve over 11th or 12th dorsal vertebra. S. nerve, great. L nervus splanchnicus major. Formed by branches received from thoracic ganglia (öth or llth to 9th or Idthj ; passes through diaphragm to semilunar ganglion. S. nerve, lesser, or S. nerve, small. L. nervus splanchnicus minor ; G. kleiner Eingeweidenerv. Formed by roots derived from 10th and 11th thoracic gan- glia, penetrates diaphragm and joins cocliac plexus. S. nerve, smallest. L. nervus splanchnicus minimus. Arises from 12th thoracic ganglion, and goes to renal plexus ; frequently is branch of small s]ilaTichnic, when it is known as posterior renal nerve. S. nerve, supe'rior, a rare nerve, de- -iribcd by Ludwig and Wrisberg as arising from cardiac plexus and vagus or inferior laryngeal, and passing down on right side along the aorta, on left along vena cava to cadiac plexus. Splanchnodias'tasis (X.) \ßi'i(tra(!ii\. Abnormal separation of viscera. Splanchnog'raphy [/-/"^ç-';]. L. splanch- nographia ; /'. splanidinographie; /. splanc- nografia. Description of the viscera. Splanchnohthi'asis ( Ij.) \_U0iti]. For- mation of visceral concretions. Voi,. II.— 37 Splanchnol'ogy [À'i/./ç]. F.. 6'. Splanch- nologie ; /. splancnologia. That part of anatomy relating to the viscera. Splanch'non m- Splanch'num (/>.) Splanchnopath'ia (/>.) [-'iöcc]. Vis- ceral disease. Splanch'nopleure. 1. Lower or inner leaf of the blastoderm, forming the aliment- ary canal and its appendages ; it is composed of entoderm and mesoderm. 2. Inner layer of mesoderm. Splanchnoptose (^■). A dragging forward and downward of the viscera. Splanchnosclero'sis {L.) [(T;t/j;|OÓs-]. Visceral sclerosis. Splanchnos'copy. L. splanchnoscopia; F. splaiiebnoscopie. /. splancnoscopia. Exploration of the viscera. Splanch 'no-skeleton. F. splanehno- squelette. Bones developed in connection with the sense-organs and viscera. Splanchnot'omy [-"/-"?']• L. splanch- notomia ; /'. splanchnotoraie ; G. Einge- weidezerlegung; 7. splanenotomia. Dissec- tion of viscera. Splay-foot. 1 . Talipes. 2. Flat-foot. Spleen [(jttAjjk]. L. lien ; F. rate ; G. -Milz , I. milza. An oval disc-.shaped organ situated in the abdominal cavity, between the 8th and 11th ribs on the left side. It is the largest of the blood-glands ; has a firm capsule, from which extend trabecule supporting a pulp of adenoid tissue, and giving to the vessels special sheaths which become lymphoid upon the arterioles and expand to form nodules, the splenic or Malpighian corpuscles. Spleen'wort. Asplenium. Splenadenom (C). Abnormal condi- tion of the pulp of the .spleen in pseudo- leuk.xmia. Splenal'gia (L., I.) lfT-?.rjy, ù'/^oç]. F. splénalgie. Pain in the spleen. Splenaux'e [«'j?);]. Enlargement of the spleen. Splen'culi ( L.). Supplementary spleens. Splenec'tasis (L.) \_k'xza(ni]. Enlarge- ment of the spleen. Splenec'tomy [izr^/ivw]. L. splenec- toiiiia ; /'. splénectomie. Removal of the spleen. Splenecto'pia (L.) [è'ztottos-]. Displace- ment of the spleen. Splenelco'sis (L.) [ßXxmatc]. Ulcera- tion of the spleen. *' UXIVfTOITY or ' -f" COtOfTADO r SCHOOi. Of 578 SPL SPL Splenemphrax'is ( //.) [£V/ç'/>«(t-t<«]. /'. spli'iioiiiiiln;ixii' : /. spleiionfrassi. Conges- tion lit' tln' siileeii. Splenet'ic [rrr/.);>]. Pertaininu; to the spK'c'i]. Splen'ic. />. splenieus ; /'. siilOiiii(UC ; /. splcnici). Kolatiiijr to. or coiinet'tcd witli, the spleen. S. anse'mia, lloilgkiii's dis- ease. S. ap'oplexy m- fe'ver, anthrax. S. ar'tery. L. arteria lienalis ; /''. artère .spK''nii|ue ; (ì. Milzschhigader ; /. arteria splenica. The largest branch of the eu'liae axis ; sup]ilies s])leen. stomach, and adjacent regions. S. cor'puscles. L. corpuscula lienis ; F. eorpuseiiles de la rate; (1. Milz- körperchen. Lyni])hatic nodules Iniind in spleen around the arterioles. S. fe'ver. 1. Texas cattle fever. 2. Anthrax. S. flex'iore. L. flexura splenica ; O. Milz- kriininiung. The sharp bend between the transver.se and descending portions of thé colon, near the spleen. S. plex'us. />. plexus lienalis ; G. Milzgefleeht. Division of eueliac plexus surrounding the .splenic artery. S. pouch. //. saccus lienalis : (!. Milzbeutel. Pocket formed by the phreno- colic ligament of peritoneum for reception of .s]deen. S. vein. L vena lienalis ; F. veine splénii|ue ; CV. Milzbhitadcr ; /.vena splenica. One of the principal tributaries of portal vein collecting blood from s]ileen. Lies below splenic artery. Splenico-pancreat'ic ar'teries. Arte- ri;e pancreatici»; parvie ; see J'aiicrealic arterites. Splenico-pancreat'ic glands. L. glanduhc splcnico-panereaticiv. Lvniphatic glands along the splenic vessels. Spleniflca'tion. F. splénification ; /. splenificazione. Splenization. Splenio (f.). Splenius. Splenisation (F.). Splenization. Spleni'sis (/>.). /. splenisi. Spleniza- tion. Spleni'tis [ff-Ai;;/]. F. splenite ; G. Milzentzündung; /. splenite. Inflamma- tion of the spleen. Sple'nitim (/-■). F. bourrelet ; G. Wulst, Haikonwulst. Posterior thickened border of corpus eallosum. Sple'nius (/^.). /'.splenius; G. Rie- menmuskel ; /. splenio. Muscle sheet aris- ing from vertebral spines (6th dorsa! up to 1st cervical) and from ligamentum nuchae, and passing up to transverse proc- esses of cervical vertebra; from 1st to 3d (splenius colli), and to mastoid process su- perior curvnl line of occipital bone (splenius ca]iitisj. S. accesso'rius, rhombo-atloid- eus. S. cap'itis, J. splenio della testa : see Sp/fiiiiis. S. cervi'cis or S, colli. / sjilenin del collo; see Spleniits. Spleniza'tion. /'. spl.) [z/«.«^-]. Hard- ening of the spleen. Spleno-col'ic lig'ament. L. liga- mentum colico-lienale. Fold of peritoneum occasionally found passing between spleen and transverse nie.socolon ; an extension of the gastio-splenic oincntuni. Splenodyn'ia ( L.) [«ùti^rj. Pain in the spleen. Splenography [^««p««]. L. spleno- grajihia ; F. sjilcnographie ; /. splenografia. Description of the spleen. Splenohse'mia (L.) \_T-?.rj-y, at;ia]. 8]ilenic congestion. Splen'oid. F. ,splénoïde ; /, splenoide, Spleen-like. Splenol'ogy [/."/"ç]. F. splénologie ; /. splenologia. That part of medical sci- ence that relates to the spleen. Spleno'ma (L.). Tumor of the spleen. Splenomala'cia {L.) [;ia/.axoç]. Soft- ening of the spleen. Splenon'cus (//.) [ô;-zoç]. F. splénon- cie ; /. splenonco. Splenic tumor or en- largement. Splenoparec'tasis ( L.) [-«/vc'xraT.'ç]. F. splcno]iarcctanie ; /. splenoparettama. Splenic enlargement. Splenop'athy [-àOn^'J. F. splénopathie ; I. spleniipatia. Splenic disease. Splenophrax'is ( A.) [y/j«''''^"']- -^plen- emphiaxis. Spleno-phren'ic lig'ament, A. liga- mentum jihrenico-licnale. Fold of perito- neum passing from diaphragm to spleen at Icl't of cardiac orifice of stomach. Splenophthi'sis (/>.) [yöiVrti-]. Wast- ing of the spleen. Spléno-pneumonie (F.). Congestion and intiltration of lower lobe of lung, on left side especially, simulating pleural effu- sion. Splenorrha'gia (L.) [/Sij^nu/ii]. F. s]iléniirrhagie ; /. splenorragia. Splenic haemorrhago. SPL SPO 579 Splenot'omy [-"/')! ]. L.. I. splenoto- luia ; F. spk'iiutoiuie ; G. Milzzerlegung. Excision or dissection of the spleen. Splint. L. spleiiiuni ; F. attelle ; G. Schiene, Bciiilade ; /. ferula, pi. e. An apparatus for keeping a fractured bone or injured limb in proper position. Split pel'vis. G. gespaltenes Becken. A congenital deficiency of the pelvis in which the pubic bones are not united at the sj'mphysis. Splitter ( G.'). Splinter, shiver ; — bruch, splintered fracture ; — zange, splinter-forceps, parrot-beaked forceps. Spo'dium ( L.'). F. spode ; /. spodio. Animal charcoal. Spo'gel-seeds. Ispaghul-seeds. Spondilartrocace (I.). Spondylarthro- cace. Spondilite (/.). Spondylitis. Spondilizema (/). Spondylizème. Spondilolistesi (/.). Spondylolisthesis. Spondylal'gia (i.) \jT-r:ù-j5uh)ì, a/^oç]. Pain in the s])Ìir'. Spondylarthri'tis [«//fl".»]. Inflamma- tion of verii-bral articulations. Spondylarthroc'ace (i.) [apOfxrj, xà/r,^. 1. spondilartrocace. Vertebral dis- ease. Spondylexarthro'sis {L.) \J.^,apepov'\. Spinal di.-liKMtion. Spondylisthe'sds(iy.) [o7c'ffoij(7iç]. Spon- dylolisthesis. Spondyli'tis \_<7-.û-^i'iuhii\. F. spondy- lite ; /. spondilite Inflammation of the vertebral column. S. defor'mans, spon- dylitis with deformity from ossification of cartilages, etc. Spondylizème (F.). Ilerrgott's term for a pelvic deformity produced by caries of the bodies of the lower lumbar vertebrae, leading to a bending forward of the spine and obstruction of the superior pelvic strait. Spondyloc'ace (L.) [zazT;]. Disease of the vertebra;. Spondylodyn'ia {L.) [o'^-o);]. Pain in a vertcljra. Spondylolisthe'sis (Z.) [okîjaer^a:i\. F. spondylolistliése ; /. spondilolistesi. A slipping forward of the last lumbar verte- bra on the sacrum, producing contraction of the conjugate diameter of the pelvis. Spondylopath'ia (//.) [Tzàdo^']. Verte- bral di..aaroi\. G. Spongioblasten. Granules in inner reticular layer of retina sending fine processes into rod and cone layer. Spongiös, er, e, es {G.). Spongy; S. Substanz, sjicjngy tissue. Spongiopi'line [-(/«ç]. A fabric com- posed of fragments of sponge and wool felted together, and coated on one surface with rubber ; soaked in warm water, it is used as a substitute for cataplasms. Spongioplas'ma (/..) [->.«î«^-]. F. spon- goïde ; /. spongoide. Resembling sponge, spongy. Spon'gy. L. spongiosus ; F. spongieux, euse ; 1. spongioso. Resembling a sponge in structure ; soft, compressible, and elastic. S. por'tion of ure'thra. //. pars spongiosa urethrie; /'. portion spongieuse de l'urètlire. That surrounded by corpus spongiosum. S. tis'sue. L. substantia spongiosa ; /'. tissu spongieux ; G. spongiöse Substanz ; /. tes- suto spugnoso. The less condensed tissue of bone, con.sisting of network of slender bars or cancelli arranged along lines of greatest stress. 580 SPO SPR Sponta'neous. L. spontaneus ; /'. spontané. Oc : G. selbsterzeugend ; /. spon- taneo, a. Oceuning without assistance or without direct ajiparent cause. S. cre'- tmism, that in persons not living, not having lived, in goitrous districts. The subjects arc young, usually idiots, and pre- sent atrophy or diminished size of the thy- roid gland. The condition is probably nivxœdema, beginning in childhood or ado- lescence. S, evolu'tion, evolution, spon- taneous, S, genera'tion. /^. spontóparité; G. Selbstcrzeuguug ; /, sponteparità. The production of" living from not living matter, S. ver'sion, evolution, spontaneous. Spontanluxation {G.). Spontaneous luxation. Spontanreduction (6'.). Spontaneous reduction. Spontéparité (/^.). /. sponteparità. Spontaneous generation. Spoon-saw, Thomas's, A spoon-shaped instrument with a serrated edge ; used for removing uterine or cervical tumors, Spoon'^wood. Kalmia lati/olia, L, Spoon'wort, < 'ochtearia ojfìrhìali!:, L. Spo'ra (A., /.) [(Tn;/)«]. Spore. Sporad'ic [•), sufficient. Squa'lus Carchar'ias, L. A species of shark : see Shark oil. Squa'ma, pi. ae (L.). F. écaille, squame; 6'. Schuppe. Scale, epithelial scale. S. fronta'lis. G. Stirnbeinschuppe. ^\>rti- cal portion of frontal bone. S. occipita'- lis, supraoccipital bone. S. occipita'lis supe'rior, inca-bone. S. os'sis fron'tis, si|uania frontalis. S. os'sis occip'itis, supraoccipital bone. S. os'sis tem'porum orS.tempora'lis. ^Z. Schuppentheil. Thin. shell-like part of squamous portion of tem- poral bone. Squamelle {F.). I. squamella. -Minute scale. Squamo - pari'etal su 'ture. L.. I. sutura squamosa; F. suture si(uameuse ; G. Schuppennaht. That between squamous portion of temporal bone and parietal. Squamo'sal. Scale-like ; used substan- tively for squamous portion of temporal bone. S. bone, squamous portion of tem- poral bone. S. su'ture. /'. suture s(iua- meuse ; G. Schu]i])ennaht. That formed by one l)one lap|)ing or bevelling markodlj' over another, especially the si|uanio-p;irietal suture. Squamoso-tem'poral a'rea : see Areas of the skull. Squamo-sphenoi'dal su'ture. That formed by union cjf .scjuamous jiortion of temporal bone with great wing of sphenoid. Squa'mous. L. squamosus. F. s(|ua- meux, euse ; G. schuppig; /. sqiianiosd, a. Scale-like or having scales. S. epithe'- lium, pavement epithelium. S. por'tion of tem'poral bone. Ij. pars sipiamosa ; /•'. portion écailleusc; G. Schuppentheil; /. porzione squamosa. Thin antero-supe- rior part, together with zj-goma ; a separate 582 SQU— STA 1 bone at birth in wan, and tliroiiiihout life in birdü, fishes, and reptiles. S. su'ture, squamo-parietal suture. Squamo-zygomat'icpor'tion. Sfiuani- OU.S ]iortiiiii (if teni|inral bune. Squam'ule. />. s(|uanuila ; F. squam- I'lK' ; / .•ii|iuiuie]la. Small scale. Squam'ulose or Squam'ulous. L. Miuainulosus. /'. .squamuleux, euse. Cov- ered with small scales. Square lobe of cerebel'lum. Lobus quailraULmlaris. Square mus'cle. F. carré des lombes. (JLiailratu;^ hiinbonim. Squaw'berry. Deerberry, Vaccinium stitnnnt'Uni, L. Squaw'-bush. Viburnum Opulus, L. Squaw-huck'leberry. Vacciniuyn xta- mintuin, L. Squa'W-root. Conopholis americdua, Wallr. Squaw-vine. MitcheUa repens, L. Squaw-weed. Senecio aureus, L. Squelettaire or Squelettique (F.). Relating to the skeleton. Squelette (F.). Skeleton. S. der- mique, exoskeleton. S. viscéral, splanch- no-skeleton. Squelettologie (F.). Skeletology. Squill. L., J. Scilla ; F. scille ; G. Meer- zwiebel. The .sliced bulb of li-ginea Scilla, Stein [U. S. P.] ; diuretic and expectorant. Squin'ancy. /. squinanzia. Tonsillitis. Squinante (/.). China-root. Squine {F.). China-root. Squint [Dutch schuin]. Strabismus. Squint-eyed. F. louche ; /. guercio. AftVotcd with strabismus. Squint'ingr. Strabismus. Squirrel com. Uicenfra canadensis, DC. Squirrhe (F.). Scirrhus. Squirrheux, euse (F.). Scirrhous. Squirt'ing cu'cumber. /'. concombre sauvage ; G. Springgurke ; /. cocomero selvatico. Eihaìlium Eluttrium, A. Rich. (^Momordica Elaterium, L.), Nat. Ord. Cu- curbilacerr, a common weed in southern Europe and eastward. Squirt'ing cu'cumber fruit. /-. ccballii fructus. The i'ruit, very nearly ripe, of Fcì/iillium Kliilerium, A. lìich." [15. 1>.] ; active princijile. elaterin ; hydragogue ca- thartic : see also Elaterium. Ss., abbv. of Semis, Semissis (i.), one half Staar {G.). Cataract. S., grüner, glauconia ; S., schwarzer, amaurosis ; S., "weisser, albugo, leucoma ; also in compo- sition, as follows: — äugig, catavactous ; — - auge, cataraetous eye , — blind, a per- son affected with cataract ; — brUle, sjiecta- cles to be used after extraction of cataract ; — fell, capsular cataract : — haken, cata- ract or lens hook; — linse, cataraetous lens; — messer, cataract-knife ; — nadel, cataract-needle; — operation, npcration for cataract ; — stechen, discission of a cataract ; — zange, cataract-forceps ; — Zerstückelung, discission of cataract. Staatsarzneiktmde {G.'). Medical jurisprudence. Stab'-culture. G. Stichcultur. Cul- ture made by thrusting the inoculating wire into a tube of gelatin or agar ; anœrobic bacteria grow best at the bottom of such a puncture. Stabkranz {G.^. Corona radiata. Stabsarzt {G.). Staff surgeon. Stachel (G.). Sting, prick, prickle, thorn ; spine, ]ioint. In com]iosition as fol- lows : — becken, a pelvis in which the ilio-pectineal eminence is remarkably ]iromi- nent or spine-like [Kilian] ; — fortsatz, spinous process; — haut, jirickle - skin, hystriciasis ; — kreuzband, lesser sacro- sciatic ligament ; — kreuzbeinband, sacro- vertebral ligament; — loch, foramen spi- nosuni : — schweinaussatz, hy.striciasis ; — Zeilen, outer hair-cells of the organ of Corti. Stach'ys palus'tris, L. Hedge nettle, a lal)ialc lu-rb, growing in Europe and North America ; said to be febrifuge. Sta'dium (//.) [(ttoai»;-]. /'.stade: /. stadio. Stage or period. Stadtarzt or Stadtphysikus (G.). Town physician. Stäbchen {G.). Small rod; bacillus. S. der Retina, retinal rods ; also in com- position, as in, — bactérie, rod bacteria; — fasern, rod - fibres ; — körner, rod- granules; — kömerlinie, membrana linii- tans externa [11. Müller]; — organ, striated border of epithelial cells lining the intestinal villus, considered as formed by a series of coalesced cilia ; — schiebt, layer of small rods ; — sehzellen, rod- visual cells of retina, each rod, rod-fibre, and rod-granule lieing considered as a sin- STA STA 583 gle celi [Schwalbe]; — zellen, iKiir-cclls of the organ of Corti. Stäbchen- und Zapfen-Schicht ( G.). Layer of rods and cones. Stärke (G.). 1. Strength, vigor, firm- ness, corpulence. 2. Starch ; — gummi, dextrin; — mehl, fecula. Starken {G.). To strengthen, invig- orate. Stärkend, er, e, es {G.). Analeptic. S. Pflaster, >trengthening plaster. Stärkmittel or Stärk trank {G.). A tonic, restorative, or cordial. Stärkung' I G.). Invigoratioii ; — smit- tel, restorative, tonic. Staff [-1. .S. stœf]. A grooved sound. Staffa (7.). 1. Stapes. 2. Figure-of-8 bandage. Stafford Springs. Chalybeate waters, Stafford .'Springs, Tolland Co., Connecticut. Staffordshire knot. Tait's knot. Staff'-tree. Ctlastrus svaii(/ens, L. Staff'-vine. Celaslnis scandens, L. Stafilino (/.). 1. Pertaining to jhe uvula. 2. Palato-staphylinus. Stafilite (/.). Staphylitis. Staflloma (/.). Staphyloma. Staflloplastica (/.). Staphyloplasty. Stafflorrafla (/.). Staphylorrhaphy. Stafllotomia (/.). Staphylotomy. Stafisagria (/.). Staphisagria. Staflsaina (/.). Staphisagrine. Stage [-4. S. stigan]. 1. F. stade; /. stailio. Period or degree of development 2. /'. platine. That part of a microscope on which the object is placed. S. mi- crom'eter. F. micromètre olijectif; G. Objeivtivmikrometer. Micrometer ruled on glass ; used on the stage of a microscope. Stag'ger-btish. Andronuila Mariana, Lt. Stag'ger-grass. Anuin/llls Atamnsco, L. ; root acrid and irritant ; plant supposed to produce ■' staggers in cattle. Stag'gers. /'. immobilité ; G. Koller. A term applied to disordered locoincition in the horse, which may be due to inflamma- tion of the brain, to iincmic poisoning, to distension of the stomach, etc. Stag'ger-"weed. Larksjiur, Dr/phiiiùim Coiisolii/d. L. Stag'hom su'mach. AVih.s- /i/phinn, L. Stagno (/.'. I.Tin. 2. Pond. Stahl (G.). Steel; —artig, chalyb- eate ; — arzenei, chalybeate medicine ; — kugeln, globuli martiales; — mittel, a chalybeate; — quelle, chalybeate spring; — wein, wine of iron. Stain'ing. /'.coloration; ^V. Fiirbung ; /. colorazione. Cse of dyes of variou.s kinds to diff"erentiate tissues or bacteria, or to make them readily perceptible under the microscope. Stale'ing. Old term for urination of the horse. Hœmatiiria in cattle. Strength, vigor, capa- Stallroth (G.). Stam'ina (L.). city for endurance. Stamm (G.). 1. Stem, trunk. 2. Generation, in the sense of race or breed ; — ganglien, cerebral ganglia ; — him, brain-stem ; — knoten, ganglion of trunk ; — läppen, island of Keil ; — Samen- zelle, spermatogonia ; — Strahlung, radi- atio caudicis ; — theU des Gehirns, part of hemispheres belonging to primitive de- velojiinent of brain — viz. lamina perforata anterior, insula, and olfactory lobes. Stamm des Balkens ((?.). Free mid- dle part of corpus callosum. Stammeln (G.). To stammer, stutter; stamniering. Stam'mering \_A. S. .stamer]. F. bé- gaiement ; /. balbuzie. Difficulty in pro- nouncing certain letters or words. Stammesgeschichte ((?.). Phylogeny. Stanchezza (/.). Lassitude, fatigue. Stand. /'. statif ; G. Stativ. The body of a microscope, including the reflecting mirror. Stan'dard [.4. .S". standard]. Something taken for comparison ; a rule or model. Stan'nic. F. stannique ; /. stannico. The name given to that series of tin com- pounds whose radicle is the quadrivalent atom Sn"' ; designating the higher salts of tin. S. chlo'ride. SnCl,. L. stanni chlo- ridurn. Tin tetrachloride ; a colorless, thin, fuming liquid, obtained by passing a stream of chlorine over tin-foil or fused tin ; has been used as a tœniafuge and antispasmodic. S. sul'phide. SnSo. Bisulphide or bisul- phuret of tin. mosaic gold, bronze powder; a crystalline golden-yellow salt, obtained bv heating a mixture of tin amalgam, sulphur, and ammonium chloride ; has been used as a t;rniafuge. Stan'num (L.). Tin. Stape'dius (L.). F. stapédien ; G. 584 STA STA Steigbiiyolmuskel ; /. stapedio. Small muscle of middle car arising williin pyra- mid and inserted upon neck of stapes ; appears to adjust the tension of the chain of ossicles. Sta'pes (L.). F. étrier ; d'. Steighügel ; /. statìa. A stirrup-shaped ossicle of middle ear. articulating by its head with long proc- ess of incus, and fixed by its base to the i'cnestra ovalis. Variously regarded as arising either from hyoid arch, from wall of auditory capsule, or acconling to recent observers [RabI, Salcnsky] from both sources. Staphisa'gria [«rray-îV, «'/-/. staphisagria; /'. staphisaigre ; G. iStephan.s- korner, Läusesamen ; /. stafisagria. Staves- acre ; the seed of Dilpiiiniiim S/np/iindgria, ij. ; used externally as a parasiticide. Staphisa'grine. F. staphisaine ; an alkaloid found in staphisagria. Staphisaine (F.). Staphisagria. Staphisaine (F). I. stafisaina. Staph- isagrine. Staphyleemato'ina (A.) [.r,, «i.a«]. llicmatoma of the uvula. Staph'yle {L.). Uvula. Staphylin {F.). Azygos uvulae. Staphylin, ine {F.). Kelating to the uvula. Staphylino-pharynge'us (L.). Palato- pharyngeus. Staphyli'nus (A.). Azygos uvuhe. S. exter'nus, tensor tympani. S. inter'nus, levator palati. Staphy'lion [/rTaus, but is more virulent, and if inoculated in small (|uantity produces great œdema. S. saUva'rius pyo 'genes, Bondi, found in human saliva ; round, 0.3- 0.5,v. in diameter; grows well on most culture media, giving a whitish opaline appearance on gelatin and an orange-yellow on agar ; produces suppuration when inoculated. S. vir'idis flaves'cens, (Juttmann, form found in jiustulcsof small-po.x and varicella; forms greenish-yellow colonies on gelatin, which it does not lii|Uefy ; not pathogenic. Staphylodial'ysis (L.) ['5;u/'«u]. Ke- laxation of the uvula. Staphylœde'ma (//.)[«r(î);,ua]. Œdema of the uvula. Staphylo 'ma (X.), pi. ata [trraç'i/MH'i]. F. staphylome ; G. Staphylom ; /. stafiloma. As applied to the eye, a bulging of any of its coats. There are two general forms : S. of the sclerotic and S. of the cornea ; also sometimes called posterior and ante- rior. S. cor'nese pellu'cidum, conical cornea. S. intercala're, staphyloma be- tween the basis of the iris and the ciliary body S. pellu'cidum, conical cornea. S. racemo'sum. /'. staphylome rameux. Protrusion of the iris at two or more points of the cornea. Staphylon'cus (L.) [a-rai^U/dj, òyxoi]. Swelling of the uvula. Staph'yloplasty [rrz-arTTw]. F. staph- yloplastie ; /. stafiloplastica. Plastic sur- gery of the palate. Staphylopto'sis (L.) [tttùkt'.ç]. Elonga- tion of the uvula. Staphylor'rhaphy [/Traco/.rj.fnK^-yj']. F. sta]diylorrhaphie ; 6'. tiaumeiinatli ; I. sta- filorrafia. Operation of suturing a cleft palate. Staphylot'omy ["",'";]. F., G. Staphy- lotomie. /. stdtìlotomia. Cutting ott' the end of the uvula. Staphylygro'ma (L.) [ir/"'»']- f^taph- yliedema. Star-an'ise or S.-an'ise fruit [B. P.]. Illicinm. Star Spring. One of the springs at Saratoga. Starch. L. amylum ; F. amidon ; G. Stärke; 7. amido. I. An abundant veg- etable )>riiu'ii)le, having the composition CoIlioOj, of definite form, white, taste- less, inodorous, insoluble in cidd water, alcohol or ether : rendereil blue l)y iodine; convertible bv dilute acids or diastase into STA STE 585 dextrin and dextrose. 2. The fecula of the seeds of Tn'/icnm viil,-]. F.. G. Stase; /. stasi. Stagnation of the blood with coag- ulation in the capillaries and small vessels. S. dermato'ses, skin affections character- ized b}- passive disturbance of circulation and impaired venoso-lyinpliatic absorption, such as gangrene. S. phleg'mons, deep- seated inflammations of the skin, such as phlegmonous er vsi pelas. State med'icine. L. medicina publica; F. police medicale ; G. gerichtliche Arznei- wissenschaft ; /. polizia medicale. 1. That part of the science of medicine which re- lates to the welfare of the community, as distinguished from that of the individual. 2. Loosely u.sed as a .synonym for medical jurisprudence and medical police. Stat'ic. F. statique ; 6'. statisch. Per- taining to force in ei|uilibriuni. S. refrac'- tion : see Refraction. Stat'ice. \ i^enns of J'/ii»ihiii/iiie^:. S. Limo'nium, L., marsh rosemary, sea-lav- ender, a Kuropean plant naturalized in the U. S. S. Limo'nium, var. Carolinia'na, Graj-, grows in the northern U. S. ; both species are very astringent. Statif (F.). Stand (of microscope). Statique (F.). Static. Statisch (G.). Static. Stativ (C). Stand of a microscope. Stat'ure. L.. I. statura ; G. Statur. Height (if a man. Sta'tus (//■). State, condition. S. epüep'ticus, form of epilepsy, with rapid succession of attacks during a day or sev- eral days. Staub ( G.). Dust ; — fleber, peculiar periodical disease due to inhalation of the dust of brass ; — inhalation, inhalation of dust; — inhalationskrankheit or — krankheit, imeumonokoniosis ; — zellen, cells found in the lung filled with particles of inhaled dust. Stauen ( ., /.) [zi;/r,]. F. stéato- cèle. Liparocele. Steato-crypto'ses {L.) [y.pó-zw']. Dis- eases of the sebaceous glands. Steato'des. F. stéatode. Containing or resembling fat. Steato'ma (L., /.). F. st(?atome ; G. Stcatum. Lipoma. Steatom'atous. L. steatoniatosus ; F. stéatomateus, euse ; /. steatonj atoso. Fatty; pertaining to steatonia. Steatopy'^a (L.) [nr/a,», 'urvl- ^^ stéatopyge ; G. Fettsteiss ; /. steatopigo. Collection of a large mass of fat in the gluteal region, a peculiarity of many women among South African races, Hot- tentots, Buslinien, etc. Steatorrhag'ia (L.) [/Jrjy^urti]. Sebor- rhœa. Steatorrhœ'a (L.) [/ît«']. F. stéator- rhée ; I. steatorrea. A fatty discharge, fatty diarrhoea. Steato'ses (L.) [<7r/«/']. Skin diseases, with abnormality of the sebaceous secretion. Steato'sis (L.) [»rr/a/)]. F. stéatose; G. Talgiiildung ; /. steatosi. Excessive fatty deposit in, or fatty degeneration of, a part. Steatozo'ön [tt/'/o, Ci"">] or S. fol- licula're ( L.). Démodes folliculorum. Stechapfel (G.). Stramonium; — blatter, stramonium-leaves; — samen, stramonium-seed. Stéchas (f.). /. stechas. Lavandula Sfochfis. Stechbecken (G.). Bed-pan. To prick, sting, punc- Stechen ((?.) ture. Stechpille (G.). Suppository. Steckhusten ( r/.). Whooping cough. Steel [Sax. stcl]. (r. Stahl. A com- bination of carbon with iron, used by older writers in the sense of any preparation of iron used medicinally. Stee'ple-bush. Spinr« tomentosa, L. Stefanie (/). Ste|ihanion. Steffen'sia elonga'ta, Kunth. Artan- tiie elungata, Miq. Stege (G.). Helmliolz's name for inner rods of Corti. Stegno'sis (A.) [ttì^';««]. F. stégnose ; G. Stégnose ; /. stegnosi. A checking of discliarges. Stegnot'ic. L. stegnoticus ; G. steg- notisch. Astringent. Stehlsucht ( G.). Kleptomania. StiflF neck, torticollis. Rigidity, rigor mortis. Stiffness, dyskinesia. Catalepsy, tetanus. Erection. Stapes ; — muskel, Steif hals ( G.). Steifheit (Tßa]. Term apjilied to skulls having a sector for the cavum naso-pharyngeum of from 04° to 74° [Lis- sauer]. Stenocho'ria (L.). Contraction of the lachrymal passages. Sténochorie (/'.). /. stenocoria. Con- traction (in general). Stenocori'asis (L.) [xi'i/ir^']. Contrac- tion of the pupil. Sténocrotaphie (F.). A condition of the cranium in which it is unusually narrow at the minimum sphenoidal diameter [Topi- nard]. Stenokardie (O.). Angina pectoris. Stenon'ian duct. Stenson's duct. Stenopse'ic [Trsi«;^, òj:ìj']. F. sténo- péi(|uc ; (r. stenopàisch ; 7. stenopeico. Having a narrow opening or slit. Ste'no's duct. Error for Stenson's duct. Sténose (F.). 1. Stenosis. 2. Direct division (of the cell or its nucleus^ [Car- noy]. Stenosengeräusch ( G.). Stridor. Steno'sis (L.) [rrr^vwc]. F. stónose. Narrowing or constriction of orifices or canals. Stenosto'mia (L.) [flT'i.a«]. /' sténo- stoinie. Contraction of the mouth or of the orifice of a duct. Stenotho'rax (//.) \_'tut/ia;'\. A nar- row, contracted chest. Stenot'ic. L. stenoticus ; F. stónotique ; (Ì. stenotiseh. Contracted, narrowed. Sten'son, fora'men of. Incisor canal. Sten'son's canal'. 1. Incisor canal. 2. Stenson's duct. Stenson's duct. L. ductus parotideus ; F. canal de Sténon ; G. Sten.son'seher Speichelgang; /. canale di Stenone. VjK- cretory duet of parotid gland, running for- ward over masseter and discharging into mouth opposite second molar of upper 588 STE STE jaw ; named from Nil Stenson (Nicolaus Stenonianus). Sten'son's exper'iment. Tj'in<; ab- dominal aorta of a dog above renal arte- ries, thus producing, by malnutrition, rigid- itj- of mu.scles of posterior extremities, dis- appearing when the ligature is removed. Stephan'ic diam'eter. Superior fron- tal diameter of Broca : see Frontal diam- eters. Stephan'ic in'dex. Frontal index (def 1). Stephan'ion \jTzl G.). Mortal, deadly. Sterblichkeit (6-'.). ^lortality, in the sense of liability to death. Sterbling (6-'.). Stillborn child. Stereo (/.). Excrement. S. del dia- volo ur S. infernale, asafetida. Stercobi'lin [/-. stercus]. F. sterco- biliiic ; /. stercobilina. Greenish-brown coloring matter of fieces ; a variety of uriibiiin. Stercora'ceous. L. stercoraceus ; F. stercoraire ; G. kothig ; /. stercoraceo. Re- lating to or containing faeces. Stercorae'mia (L.) [stercus, «î//«]. Xame proposed by Bouchard for systemic poisoning due to alkaloids absorbed from the intestines. Ster 'coral ul'cer. G. Stercoralge- schwiir. An ulcer produced by the pres- sure of hard f;ecal masses. Stercoration {F.). Formation of faeces. Ster'corin. /'. stercorine ; /. stercorina. A substance found in the faeces, closely allied to Cholesterin. Stercu'ha acumina 'ta, R. Br. A tropical American and African tree, pro- ducing the cola-nut. Stercu'ha acumina'ta, Beauv. Cola acumimilti. R. Br. Ster culier ('/''). A sterculia. Sterculia aciimiiKifii. U. Br. Ster'cus (i.). Excrement. S. diab'- oli, asafetida. Sterelmin'tha ( L. ) [.//;><■]. In- testinal worms without an abdominal cavity. Ster'eocyst [z'Wnv]. L. stereocystis. A hard cystic tumor. Stereomon'oscope [tte/îzôç, tKr^of. trxn. -£!^]. F. stéri'onionoseope ; (t. Stereo- monoskop. An instrument which by means of two lenses projects the two stereoscopic images of an object upon the same spot of a ground glass plate. Stereophan'tascope [^icope (/'. stéréosco])e à len- tilles ; G. Linsenstereoskop), or stereoscope of Brewster, accomplishes the same thing by portions of two lenses or prisms placed near the eye. Stereoscop'ic vis'ion. Binocular vi.s- ion. in which objects are seen in perspective; the power of uniting the two images of a stereoscopic ]iieture into one. Ster'ile. L. stcrilis ; F. sterile ; G. steril, unfruchtbar. Not productive, barren. STE STE 589 Steril 'ity. 1. L. stcrilitas ; F. sterilito ; G. L'nfi'uclitbarkeit ; /. sterilità. Harren- ness. 2. Incorrect synonym lor impotence. Steriliza'tion. F. stérilisation ; /. steri- lizzazione. The depriving of vitality of all iirganisuis or germs in or on a surface, a fluid, or a substance, by heat or other dis- infectants. Stem(G.). 1. Star. 2. Pupil of eye ; — band, ciliary ligament; — bruch, stel- late fracture; — staar, stellar cataract. Stem'ad. Toward the sternum. Stem'al. /. sternale. Pertaining to sternum. S.ar'teries. i. arteria; sternales. 1. Small twigs from internal mammary to anterior and posterior surfaces of sternum and triangularis sterni. 2. Internal mam- mary arteries. S. as'pect, that toward the sternum. S. bend. (1 Brustkriim- niung. That at internal ])ortion of clavicle. S. fora'men. L. foramen sternale. Per- foration occasionally found in lower part of sternum, caused by imperfect union of two lateral portions. S. glands. L. glandulae sternales. \ few lymphatic glands along course of internal mammary artery. S. groove, that shown upon sur- face of body over sternum and between pectoral muscles. S. line. L. linea ster- nalis. Median line drawn on the sternum ; used for reference in physical examination. S. nerves, descending branches of cervical jile.xus passing to sternal region. S. ribs. L. cost« sternales ; F. côtes sternales ; G. wahre Rippen ; /. coste sternali. Upper seven pairs, being those which are continued directly to sternum by means of costal car- tilages. Stemal'gia {L., I.) [nrifwn, «//'«$•]. F. sternalgie. Pain in the sternum. Stema'lis bruto'rum (L.). Sternalis muscle. Stema'lis mus'cle. L. musculus sterna- lis ; /'. muscle préstenial. A supernumerary muscle found in 'i or 4 per cent, of cases, running vertically, superficial to great pec- toral. Sometimes it has no attachment to bone, but may be attached to .sternum, costal cartilages, and ribs. Regarded va- riously as a vestige of panniculus adiposus, as an extension upward of rectus abdominis, as an extension downward of sterno-mas- toid, or as a new resjiiratory muscle pe- culiar to man. Innervated by anterior thoracic or by intercostal nerves, and said to be more frequent in females. Stemalspalt {G.). Fissure of the sternum. Stemanis ((?.)• IlHcium ; — öl, oil of star-anise. Stemdistel (G-)- Centaurea Calcilrapa, L Sterne'bra (/-.). F. sternèbre. Seg- ment of sternum. Stemfigur (G.). Aster. Stemo (/.). Sternum. Stemo-abdomina'Hs (/-.). Triangu- laris sterni and transversalis abdominis, considered together as a single muscle [Hosenmüller]. ^ Stemo-cervica'lis (/>.). Supernu- merary muscular slip arising from manu- brium and inserted into fascia of neck. Stemo-chon'dro-scap'ular muscle. Sterno-scapular mu.scle. Stemo-clavic'ular. F. sterno-clavi- culaire ; /. sterno-clavicolare. Relating to both sternum and clavicle. S.-c. articula'- tion. /y. articulatiosterno-clavicularis; F. ar- ticulation sterno-claviculaire; 6r. Brustbein- schlüsselbeingelenk ; 7. articolazione sterno- clavicolare. The arthrodial joint between inner end of clavicle and sternum ; an in- terarticular fibro-eartilage intervenes. S.-C. lig'aments. L. ligamenta sterno-clavicu- laria. Those of sterno-clavicular articula- tion. There are described an anterior, a posterior, and the interclavicular lig- ament or fibro-cartilage. Sterno - clavicula'ris anti'cus (L.). Supernumerary muscle sometimes found, arising from sternum near insertion of sterno-niastoid, passing in front of sterno- clavicular articulation, and inserted upon anterior surface of clavicle. Stemo-clavicula'ris posti'cus (/^.)- Rare muscular slip passing from inner end of manubrium to clavicle behind joint. Con- sidered as a variety of sterno-scapularis. Stemo-clavicula'ris supe'rior. Arises from sternum above sterno-elavicularis an- ticus, and passes to the clavicle ; may be united with sterno-mastoid. Stemo - clavio - humeral (F.). Pec- toralis nuijor. Stemo-clavio-mastoïdien (F.). Ster- no-eleido-mastoid. Stemo-cleido-brachia'lis ( L.). Pecto- ralis major. Stemo-cleido-hyoi'deus ( L.). Sterno- hyoid muscle. Stemo-cleido-mastoi'deus (Z^.)- F. sterno-cleido-mastoidien ; G. Kopfknicker; /. sterno-cleido-mastoideo. Large, thick 590 STE STE muscle rumiirig ol)lii|iioly over side of neck, arising below l)y two heads — 1st. from manubrium ; 2d. from inner third of clavicle — and inserted into mastoid process and superior curved line of occipital bone. Stemo-costa'lis (/>■)• i'' sterno-costal ; /. sterno-costale. Triangularis sterni. Stemo-costo-carot'icus (//.). Aber- rant insertion of sterno-thyroid upon carotid .-litMth. Stemo - costo - clavi - humeral {f-)- Pectoralis major. Stemo-costo-coracoi'deus (/>■)■ 1. Pectoralis minimus. 2. Aberrant in.sertion of deep fibres of sterno-thyroid upon cri- coid cartilage. Stemo-costo-epitrochlea'ris(i.). A muscular strip sometimes found attached to lower border of the pectoralis major, and inserted into the epitrochlea [Testut]. Stemo-costo-fascia'lis ( L.). Aberrant insertion of fibres of sterno-thyroid upon sternal fascia. Stemo-costo-glos'sus {L.). Sterno- glossus. Stemo-costo-hyoi'deus profiin'dus (/^.). 1. Fascicle of sterno-thyroid mus- cle, sometimes passing to great cornu of hyoîd bone. 2. Muscle formed by union of sterno-thyroid and thyro-hyoid muscles, the thyroid insertion being lost. Stemo-costo-thyroi 'detis ( L.) . Sterno- thyriiiil muscle. Stemodyn'ia (/>.) [/')v, ò'Voi;]. Sternalgia. Stemo-fascia'lis (L.). Sterno-cervica- lis. Stemo-glos'sus ( L.). Aberrant form of stenio-liyoid, in which it passes upward and unites with hyo-glossus muscle. Stemo-huméral C^^-)- Pectoralis ma- jor [L'haussier]. Stemo-hy'oid mus'cle. L. sterno- hviiideus; F. cleido-hyoidien ; G. Brust- bi-inzungenbeinmu.skel; /. sterno-joideo. A ril)bon-like muscle of the front of the neck ; arises from sternum (or variably outward as far as inner end of clavicle) ; inserted into bodv of hyoid bone. Stemo-mas'toid ar'teries. /.. arteriic sterno-mastoideae. Branches from external carotid or some of its divisions to sterno- mastoid muscle. Stemo-mas'toid mus'cle. L. nutator eajiilis intrrnus. 1. Sternal head of sterno- cleido-mastoid. in contradistinction to cla- vicular head (cleido-mastoid). 2. F. sterno- mastoidien ; /. sterno-mastoideo. Sterno- cloido-mastoid. Stemo - maxilla'ris (L.). Aberrant slip of sterno-mastoid inserted upon angle of jaw. Stemomphalody'mia (/>.) [^ußi, «'ji«]. Sterniijiagus. Sterno-omerale (/.). Pectoralis major. Stemo-omoi'deus (/>.). Sterno-clavic- ulavis su])erior. Stemop'agUS (i.) [«TrZ/oov, Triiyoi']. F. steruopage ; /. steriuipago. Xiphopagus. Stemo-pei^car'diac lig'aments. L. ligamenta sterno-pericardiaca. Two bands passing to pericardium from manubrium and ensiform process of sternum. Sterno-pubien {F.). I. sterno-pubico. Rectus abdominis [Chaussier]. Stemo-scap'ular mus'cle. Muscle constant in many animals ( ))acliyderms, ru- minants), and sometimes found in man, ex- tending from sternum to superior border of scapula ; sometimes attached also to first costal cartilage. Stemo-thy'roid mus'cle. //. sterno- thvroideus ; /•'. sterno-thyréoïdien ; G. Brustbeinschildknorpelmuskel ; /. sterno- tiroideo. Thin flat muscle of front of neck, arising from manubrium and inserted into obli(|Uf line of thyroid cartilage. Stemotrype'sis (A.) [ro'iDj^rj^]. Per- foration of the sternum. Stemo-xi'phoid Hg'aments. A. liga^ menta sterno-.xiphoidea. Bands which con- nect sternum with the -\iphoid cartilage. Ster'num. (A.) [-/-«cìu;]. /". stéthographe. An instrument for recording the movements of the chest-wall. Stethom'eter [•(/-'<">]. F. stéthomètre; /. stotomotro. An instrument for measur- ing the circumference of the chest or the extent of its movement. Steth'oscope [«TPtor'i«]. F. stétho.scope ; G. .Stethoskop ; /. stetoscopio. An instru- ment to convey to the ear sounds produced in the heart, lungs, or other viscera. Stethos'copy. F. stéthoscopie ; G. Stethoskopie ; /. stetoscopia. Use of the stethoscope in auscultation. Sthe'nia {L.) [adi -•!<;]. F. sthénie ; /. stenia. Strength, excessive force. Sthen'ic [to/wì^]. L. sthenicus ; F. sthénii|ue: (/. stheniseh ; Astenico. Strong. Stib'ialism \_tt{,ìì'\. The condition pro- duced by excessive doses of antimonials. Stibiation {F.). I. stibiazione. The administration of antimony in large doses. Stibié, ée {F.). I. stibiato. Contain- ing antimony. Stibio-ka'li tartar'icum [P. Ross.]. Antinimiv and potassium tartrate. Stib'ium (L.). Antimony. S. chlo- ra'tum [P. Aust.], antimony chloride. S. chlora'tum solu'tum, solution of anti- mony chloride. S. joda'tum, antimony iodide. S. oxyda'tum, antimonious ox- ide. S. oxydula'tum vit'reum, anti- mony glass. S. oxysulfara'tum, anti- mony oxysulphuret. S. sesqtiichlora'- tum, antimony chloride. S. sulfura'tum auranti'acum [P. G.], antimnny penta- sulphide. S. sulfura 'turn ni'grum [P. G.], antimony sulphide. S. sulfura'tum ni'grum laeviga'tum [P. i'.nss.], purified antimony sulphide. S. sulfura'tum ru'- brum, antimony oxysulphuret. Stib'ogram [<7rt'/î'.) : see I\i/uiic/'s o/ optic t/iii/iimidt. Sti'lus dUu'bUis or S. un'guens (//.). Medicated pencil. Stimato'sis (L.) [<7t~i/i«]. Hiemorrhage from the ]ienis, especially in priapism. Stimme {G.). Voice. In composition Stimm, as in — bander, vocal cords; — band, wahres, true vocal cord : see Vocal n/n/x ; — bandfortsatz, vocal process ; — bandlähmung, paralysis of the vocal cords : — bandmuskel, thyroarytenoid muscle, inferior; — beschwerde, plnuio- pathia; — bUdung, phonation; — fort- satz, vocal process ; — fremitus, vocal fremitus ; — gabel, tuning-fork ; — häute, vocal cords; — krampf, laryngeal spasm; — los, voiceless; — losigkeit, aphonia; — membran, membrana vocalis ; — nerv, pneumogastric nerve, inferior laryngeal nerve ; — organ, organ of voice ; — ritze, glottis; — ritzenbander, vocal cords; — ritzenkrampf, spasm of the glottis ; — - spalte, rima glottidis membranacea ; — umfang, compass of voice; — 'Wechsel, change of voice at puberty. Stimolazione (A). Stimulation. Stim'ulant. G. Jîeizmittel ; /. stimo- lante. An agent which increases the func- tional activity of any organ or scries of organs: see also Di/fiisih/e sdmuUtJit. Stimula 'tion. G. Reizung; /. stimo- lazione. The action of a stimulant. Stim'ulus (/>•)• ü.Keiz; /. stimolo. That which e.xcites energy or arouses the action of an organ or part. S. difference. G. Reizunterschied. Absolute stimulus difference is the difl'erence in force between two stimuli ; relative stimulus difference is the ratio of the difference of two stimuli to their mean. S. receptiv'ity. /'. récep- tivité à l'excitation ; (ì. Reizempfànglich- keit. Power of receiving and appreciating the maximum degree of stimulus, or Heiz- höhe. S. scope. /'. étendue de l'excita- tion ; G. üeizumfang. The extent between the limits of stimulus susceptibility and STI STO 593 stimulus receptivity. S. susceptibility. F. seusibilité il l'excitation ; (< . Koizcin- ptindlichkeit. Power of perceiving a stimu- lus. The lower the stimulus threshold, the greater the stimulus susceptibility. S. thresh'old. (!. Reizschwelle : see Tlucsh- olii (1). S. value, a. Reizwerth. Term applied in ]i.syeiiopliysies to indicate the sign or formula indicating the intensity of a stimulus. Stine. Hordeolum. Stinkasant ( 6'.). Asafetida; — milch, asafetida mixture; — pfiaster, asafetida plaster; — tinktur, tincture of asafetida. Stink -bush. lUicinm ßoridanum. Stinknase (^/.). Fetid nose, oz;cna. Stinknessel (6-'.). Slachys palustris, L. Stink'poke. Drficonlium fœtùlum. Stink'weed, Dutura S/ramoììium, L. ; Cheiiopudium aiilhe/mi'iiticum, L. ; Palnni- siii qraveoleiis. Raf. ; Nesxa verlici/Zdlu, Hiîk Stip'itate. L. stipitatus ; F. stipite, (-e ; /. stipitato. Having a stalk or pedicle. Stip'ites dulcama'ree (L.). Dulca- mara. Stip'ites lamina 'riae {L.) : see Lami- nun'ii Cloustmii, Edm. Stip'ticus (L.). Styptic. Stirace liquido (/.). S to rax. Stiracina ( /. ). Styracin. Stiramento dei nervi (/.). Nerve- stretching. Stiratura (/.). Stretching, elongation. Stirn ((r.). Forehead, brow, top, front ; — ader, frontal vein ; — arterie, frontal artery ; — band, licad-band. bandage for the forehead ; — blutader, frontal vein ; — bogen, frontal arc ; — breiten, frontal diameters ; — dreieck, frontal triangle ; — ecke, frontal angle ; — fontanelle, anterior fontanelle ; — fontanellen- knochen. Wormian bone in the situation of the anterior fontanelle ; — fortsatz, nasal process; — furche, frontal sulcus ; — ge- gend, frontal region ; — glatze, glabella ; — höcker, frontal eminence; — höhlen, frontal sinuses ; — höhlenentzündung, inflammation of the frontal sinus ; — höh- lenkatarrh, catarrh of the frontal sinuses ; — horn, anterior cornu of lateral ventri- cles of brain ; — hügel, frontal eminence ; — kopfschmerz, frontal headache ; — läge, forehead presentation ; — läppen, frontal lobe ; — muskel, frontalis muscle ; — nasenwulst, glabella ; — naht, frontal Vol. II.— :!8 suture ; — nerv, frontal nerve ; — pol, frontal extremity of a hemisphere of the brain ; — pulsader m- — Schlagader, frontal artery ; — schleimhöhle or — sinus, frontal sinus ; — theil, stjuama frontalis; — vene, frontal vein ; — Vier- eck, frontal ijuadrangular figure formed by lines connecting the two frontal protuber- ances and the orbital ends of the fronto- malar suture [Welcker] ; — Windungen, frontal convolutions ; — 'wirbel, frontal vertebra ; — wulst, torus IVontalis. Stirnbein ( G.). Frontal bone ; — loch, supraorbital foramen ; — schuppe, s(|uama frontalis; — viereck, sagittales, (|uad- rangle formed by connecting the ends of the maximum and minimum frontal diam- eters [v. Török] ; — viereck, verticales, quadrangle formed bj' connecting the fron- tal protuberances and the infraorbital fora- mina [v. Tijrok]. Stirolo or Stiroleno (/.). Styrol. Stirose (F.). Sterility. Stirpazione (/.). Extirpation. Stir'rup [.I. S. stige-rap]. L. stapes; F. étrier ; /. staffa. Stapes. Stitch [.1. .) [zózi}]. Stomacace. Stomatocathar'sis (i.) [xaOaiom']. Ptyalism. Stomatodsrn'ia {L.) [oo'i^r,]. Pain in the mouth. Stomatoiatri'a {L.) [iazfieia]. Dis- cussion of the diseases of the mouth. Stomatomala'cia(Z/.) [/ia/az«s-]. Soft- ening or sloLighing of parts in the mouth. Stomatome'nia (i.) [m)}>]- Vicarious menstruation by the mouth. Stomato'mia (L) ['".'"'/]• Incision of the OS uteri. Stomatono'ma (L.) [^"/oj]. Stomacace. Stomatopath'ia {L.) [;7«ooç]. Diseases of the mouth. Stomat'oplasty {jzhinaui^. F. stomato- plastie ; /. stomatoplastia. Plastic surgery of the mouth. Stomatorrhag'ia (X.) [^ßrjyvoiii]. F. stomatorrhagie ; /. stomatorragia. IIa;mor- rhage from the mouth. Stomatorrhoe'a ( L.) [,"/'"]. A flow or discharge from the mouth. Stomat'oscope [mo-itu^. G. Stomato- skop ; /. stomatoscopio. An instrument for examining the interior of the mouth by the eye. STO STR 595 Stomatosep'sis (//.) [(7r;v''tç]. Stoma- ciice. Stomatosyr'inx (L.) [iroptyS']. Eus- tachian tube. Stomenceph'alus nr Stomoceph'alus ( L. ) [rt-rdaa, x^ifaXrj^. F. stomocéphale ; G. Cvclops ; I. stoniocefalo. Cyclops. Stomodee'um ( L.) [^nrôna, iìaiio]. The invagination of the cetoderni to form the buccal cavity. Stomoman'icon (/>.) [.aavif?]. Phi- tj'siua myoides. Stone [&.r. Stan?]. L. lapis; F. pierre ; (i. Stein ; /. pietra. Calculus. Stone 'crop. Sid um acre, L. Stone'mint. Cimila Mariana, L. Stone-pine. 1. Pinus Ombra, the Si- berian stone-pine. 2. Piinix Pinea, the stone-pine of Italy. Stone-pock. Acne. Stone-root. Collinsonia canadensis, L. Stool [ffoCÄ. .stols]. /'.déjection; G. Darmausleerung, Stuhlgang ; /. evacua- zione. A faîcal discharge, a dejection ; a passage from the bowels. Stopfarzenei ÇG.). An astringent, a styptic. Stop'page [Dut. stoppen]. Popular term for obstruction of a natural dis- charge. Stop'ping. 1. The operation of filling the cavity of a carious tooth with some substance, to prevent the access of foreign matter. 2. The substance so employed. Stor'age albu'min. Circulating albu- min. Stor'age bat'tery : see Faure's batteri/. Sto'rax \_i7TT'ipaf\. L. styrax ; F. styrax liquide ; G. flüssiger Storax ; /. stirace liquido. Liquid storax ; a balsam prepared from the inner bark of Liijuiihinibar orien- tiilis, Mill. ; a stituulating expectorant ; used externally in the treatment of scabies : see also Stynix cnlnmlla and Liquid sforar. Storcimento (/.). Sprain. Stordimento (/.). A stunning. Stordi- to, stunned. Sto 'resin. CJTi.Oj. An amorphous substance, the most abundant constituent of storax. Storks'bill. Erodiiim ciculnrium. Stomarella (/.). Agala.sia contagiosa. Storpio or Stroppio (/.). Lame, bow- legged, knock-kneed. Storta (/.). 1. Retort. 2. Muscular rheumatism in the neck ; " stiff neck ;" ac- quired wry neck. Stortilatura (/.). Sprain. Stotterig (G.). Stammering, stutter- ing. Stotterkrampf (ff.). Clonic spasm. Stottern ( ff.). To stammer, stutter ; to have an impediment in speech. Stotteroperation (ff.). Section of the genio-glossus muscle or other operation for the cure of stammering. Stough'ton's elix'ir. L. tinctura ab- sinthii composita [Cod] ; F. elixir stoma- chique de Stoughton ; 7. elisire di Stough- ton. Wormwood, germander, gentian, rhu- barb, bitter-orange peel, of each 25 parts, aloes and cascarilla, of each 5 parts, alco- hol 1000 parts ; make a tincture [Cod.]. Strabico (/.). One aifected with stra- bismus, strabismic. Strabique (F.). One affected with straliisiniis, strabismic. Strabisme (F.). Strabismus. Strabis'mic [arpaßi^c]. F. strabique ; ff. strabotisch ; /. strabico. Pertaining to, or affected with, strabismus. Strabismo (/.). Strabismus. Strabismom'eter. Strabometer. Strabismom'etry [rrzpaßH^io, fiér/ìir.^']. Measurement of the degree or amount of strabismus. Strabis'mus ( L.) [tTzpaßo';']. F. stra- bisme ; ff. Schielen ; /. strabismo. A con- dition in which the visual axes of both eyes are not directed to the same point of fixa- tion. When the axes cress between the fixation-point and the eyes, causing one eye to turn in, it is convergent ; when the axes cross beyond the fixation-point or be- hind the eyes when prolonged backward, causing them to diverge, it is divergent; it is concomitant when both eyes are affected equally ; monolateral when con- fined to one eye ; other varieties are up- ward, down-ward, periodic, and para- IjTlic. S. incon'gruens, incongruence (if the retina. Strabom'eter [frrpaßi/c, pérpuv']. F. strabomètre ; /. strabometro. An instru- ment for measuring the degree of strabis- mus. StraboSCOp'ic disc [rrTpaßoc, axDizstii]. Z'. dis(juestraboscopi(|ue; ff. straboscopische Scheibe. Form of plienakistoscope in which the figures appear distorted. 596 STR STR Strabos'itas (i/.). Strabismus. Strabotisch ( G.). Strabismic. Strabot'omy [nrpaiióq, ro/ii;]. L., 1. strabotDuiia ; /'., G. Strabotouiie. Cutting operation for the cure of strabismus. Stränge des Rückenmarks (^ C). Col- umns of s[)iiial cord. Straffheit {G.). Tenseness, rigidity, stiffness. Strahlenbändchen, or Strahlenband, or Strahlenblättchen ( G.). Zone of Zinn. Strahlenblutader {G.). Ciliary vein. Strahlenkörper (G.). Ciliary body. Strahlenkranz or Strahlenkrone ( (?.). Corona ciliaris. Strahlenpilz (C). Actinomyces. Strahlenplättchen ( G.'). Zone of Zinn. Strahlenring (C). Annulus ciliaris. Straight si'nus. L. sinus rectus ; F. sinus droit ; G. Hirnzellenblutleiter ; /. seno retto. Venous channel at junction of falx cerebri and tentorium. It receives the in- ferior longitudinal sinus and great vein of Galen, and discharges into torcular Hero- phili. Straight tu 'buie. L. tubulus rectus ; G. Markcaniilchen. Central stem of a uriniferous tubule, receiving urine from collecting tubule. Straight tu 'bules of tes'tis. i . tubu li recti ; F. vaisseaux droits or effórents ; J. canalicoli retti. Short straight tubes which at mediastinum of testis receive secretion of seminiferous tubules, and discharge it info rete testis. Strain [/. stringo]. F. ótreinte : G. Spannung. 1. Alteration of form or vol- ume due to stress. 2. Effort, tension. 3. Sprain. 4. To remove suspended matters in a liquid by passing it through a sieve or cloth. Strait -jacket. F. camisole or gilet de fiircc ; G. Zwang.<;jacke ; /. camicinola di forza. A short sleeveless coat of strong material, used to confine the arms of the violently insane. It is sometimes made with sleeves without openings, which are strapped or tied behind the patient's back. Straits of pel'vis : see Inlet of pelvis and Oiitht of jii/ii.i. Stramoine (F.). Stramonium. Stramo'nii fo'lia (L.). Stramonium- leaves. Stramo'nii se'men (L.). Stramonium- seed. Stramo'nium (/^.). i''. stramoine ; G. Stechapfel ; /. stramonio. Valurcc S/ranm- n/»»i, L. ; thornapple, Jamestown weed. A poison, the seeds and fruit being espe- cially active. Physiologically and chemi- cally, not to be distinguished from bella- donna. Seeds may be recognized in ali- mentary canal. Its alkaloid, daturine, is not to be distinguished from atropine, with which it is generally regarded as identical : see T(thlf of antiiiotes. S.-leaves. /,. stramonii folia ; F. feuilles de stramoine ; G. Stech- apfelblätter ; I. foglie di stramonio. The leaves of Datura Sliamniiiin», L. ; anti- spasmodic and anodj'ne. S. oint'ment. L. unguentum stramonii. Ivxtnict of stramonium 10. water 5, luiizninalfd lard 85; mix [U. S. P.]. S. plas'ter. /•'. emplâtre d'extrait de stramoine. Hxtract of stramonium !I0, elemi 1(1, galbanum plaster 20 [Cod.]. S. -seeds. //. straiuonii semen ; F. semences de stramoine ; (t. Stechapfdsamen ; /. semi di stramonio. The seeds of Datura Stramonium, L. ; medicinal properties like those of the leaves, but more powerful. Strangdegeneration (G.). Degenera- tion of the tracts of white matter in llie cord. Strangförmig er, e, es (G.). Kesti- form. S. Körper, restiform body. Stran'gles [//. strangulo]. F. gourme; G. Strengel ; /. cimorro. A specific febrile disease of the horse, with catarrhal inflam- mation of the glands beneath the jaw, occurring, as a rule, but once in the same animal. Strangoglioni (/.). Angina in the horse. Strangolamento or Strangolazione (/.). Strangulation. Strangrinne (G.). Groove or furrow produced by drawing a cord tightly around a part, as around the neck. Strangsclerose (G.). Sclerosis of the tracts of white matter in the cord. Stran'gulated. Closely constricted. Strangula'tion. //. strangulatio ; G. Enlrossolung, Erwürgen ; /. strangolazione. 1. The act or state of choking. 2. Constric- tion. Stranguliren (G.). To strangle. Stran'gury. L-, I- stranguria ; F. stran- surie ; G. Ilarnstrenge. Painful dvsuria. STR STR 597 Strappamento (/). Avulsion. Strass'burg tur'pentine. L. tçre- binthina aiL;oiitoratensis ; F. térébenthine d'Alsace, des X'osges, or de Strasbourg. A variety of turpentine, resembling Canada turpentine, obtained by puncturing the vesicles which form in the bark of Abies perliiiiitn. IH'. Strassbtirger's cell '-plate. The e(iua- torial plate formed in karyokinesis. Strato (/.). Stratum. S. adiposo, panniculus adiposus. S. cinericcio, claus- trum. S. di Malpighi, rete Malpighii. S. profondo [(rulgi], Ilau]itzone, innere. S. superiore [Golgi], Ilauptznne. äussere. Stra'tum (/..). ''r. Schicht ; /. strato. Layer. S. ary-sjmdes'niicum, syndesmo- arytenoideus. S. bacUlo'rum, laver of roils and cones. S. Bowman'i, anterior elastic layer of cornea. S. cellula 'rum pyramida'lium, pyramidal layer, large. S. chorio-capUla're, tunica Ruyschiana. S. cine'reum. G. graue Schicht. 1. Layer of investing gray matter in anterior corpora quadrigemina, lying immediatelj* under superficial stratum zonale. 2. Layer of grav matter on floor of fourth ventricle. S. convolu'tum, Meynert's name for the stratum radiatum and the layer of large pyramidal cells combined. S. cor'neum, the superficial horny layer of the epider- mis, consisting of several layers of horny scales without nuclei. S. cor'porum nervo'rum arcto'rum, stratum granulo- sum. S. cuta'neum, dermoid layer of membrana tynipaiii. S.cylindrorum, layer of rods and cones. S. dorsa'le, dorsal layer. S. episclera'le, that part of cap- sule iif Tenon lying upon the sclerotic coat. S. g-elatino'sum, gelatinous layer. S. germinati'vum, germinal spot. S. glo- merulo'sum, glomerular layer. S. grran- ulo'sum. 1. In the fascia dentata of the brain a narrow layer of small pyramidal cells, of which the nuclei have but a slight protoplasmic investment ; corresponds to layer of small pyramidal cells of general eorte.t. 2. Granular layer of retina. 3. Most superficial portion of rete mucosum, containing cells with large nuclei. S. horizonta'le, superficial arcuate fibres of medulla, covering surface of the anterior pyramid turned toward the median furrow. S. interme'dium, in the crura cerebri a layer of fibres lying vcntrally from sub- stantia nigra, believed to connect with for- matio reticularis of medulla and pons below, and with cells of substantia nigra and of lenticular nucleus above. S. interme'- dium thal'ami, subthalamic tegmental region. S. lacuno'sum [Meynert], a layer of cortical cells in the hippocampus major of the human brain, characterized by the reticulate structure of its neuroglia ; appears to correspond to deeper portion of molecular layer of general cortex. S. lemnis'ci. (r. Schleifenschicht. Deepest layer of anterior quadrigemina, consisting of transverse fibres derived from lemniscu.s tract. S. lu'cidum, in the skin, a clear layer of cells which lies between the stratum granulosum and the horny layer. S. Mal- pigh'i, rete mucosum. S. media'num horizonta'le, stratum horizontale. S. medulla're. F. couche médullaire; G. Markschicht des Bulbus. A layer of medul- lated nerve-fibres in the olfactory bulb, about the central gray substance, represent- ing the oriirinal central canal. S. medul- la're me'dium, stratum lacunosum. S. molecula're. 1. Jlolecular layer of cor- tex. 2. Gelatinous layer of olfactory bulb. S. muco'sum, rete mucosum. S. mus- cula're lin'guae longitudina'le, a slender muscular bundle rareh' found, running in the middle glosso-epiglottic fold to the an- tero-superior surface of the epiginttis. S. ni'grum, substantia nigra. S. op'ticum, layer of fine longitudinal nerve-fibres with scattered cells, lying in corpora quadri- gemina under stratum cinereum. S. o'riens, in the cortex of the hippocampus major a thin layer of cells appearing to represent the spindle-cell layer of the gen- eral cortex ; lying between the layer of pyramidal cells and the alveus. S. pro- fìin'dum pon'tis, deep layer of transverse fibres of pons Varolii. S. radia'tum, a layer in the cortex of the hipiiocampus major immediately succeeding the layer of large pyramidal cells, and composed mostly of radiating processes derived from them. S. reticula're [Kupffer], stratum lacuno- sum. S. reticula'tum, latticed layer. S. semiluna're, spiral ligament. S. sub- thalam'icum, subthalamic tegmental re- gitm. S. superficia'le, pon'tis. G. Quer- faserschicht, oberflächliche. Superficial layer of transverse fibres of pons A'^arolii. S. supravascula're, external muscular coat of the uterus, composed partly of circular, partly of longitudinal, fibres. S. thyreo - ary - epiglot'ticum, thyro-ary- epiglotticus. S. thyreo-membrano'sum, thyro-epiglotticus muscle. S. transver'- sum, stratum zonale of medulla oblongata. S. vascula're, the middle muscular coal 598 STR STR of the uterus, containing large veins. S. zona'le, name given collections oi' white fibres appearing \ipon surface of cerebro- spinal axis in différent regions — viz. 1, upon medulla (collection of superficial ar- cuate fibres) ; 2, upon corpora quadrigem- ina ; 3, upon dorsal surface of oi)tic thal- amus ; 4, upon ventricular surface of corpus striatum. Stravaso or Stravasamento (/.). Ex- travasation. Stravenamento (/.)■ Exudation. Stra'w'berry. /^.fraisier; y. Erdbeere; I. fragaria. 1. Plants of the genus Fraga- ria : see Wood and Scarlet strawherry. 2. F. fraise ; /. fragola. Their fruit. S.- bush, Eiionytnui nmcricanus, L. S. to- ma 'to, Phys^aiU Alkchengi. S. tongxie, a red and papillated tongue, seen in scar- latina. Streblo'sis t L.) [.). Bacteria linked so as to form a chain. Strep'tococcus (/>.). A genus of the ('ucciiccii, chain cocci ; division occurring in one direction only. S. diphthe'rise, Prudden, found in diphtheritic membrane. Cocci U.75-1.2/Ì in diameter, in pairs or chains; forms granular colonies of slow growth on gelatin, which it does not lifjuefy ; on agar forms colonies with a faint yellow- ish shimmer ; in gelatin tubes forms a white streak ; no visible growth on potato. S. erysipela'tis, Fehleisen, or erysipelato'- SUS, Micrococcus eri/sij)e!alosiis. S. lanceo- la'tUS, Gamalcia. Micrococcus /'osfiiiri. Sternberg. S. pemicio'suspsittaco'rum, Eberth, coccus of a disease very common in the gray parrot, Psit/aciis irif/iaois. S. plicat'iiis, Lemaistre, a rapidly-growing form found in perleche, q. c, ami in drink- ing-water. S. pyog'enes, Koscnbach, coc- cus found in acute abscesses. S. sep'ticus, found in polluted soils ; growth on gelatin slow ; produces death when inoculated in dogs and mice. S. sep'to-pyœm'icus. Biondi, found in human saliva ; round, 0.7— O.S// in diameter; joined in long chains; patho- genic, like the erysipelas coccus. S. vac- ci'nae, cocci found in vaccine lymph. Strep'tothrix Förs'teri, f'ohn (X.). Cliiihit/tri.r Fo rxleri. Stretch'er [-I. S. streccan]. F. bran- card ; /. barella. Litter. Stretto (/.). 1. Constricted. 2. Strait. S. inferiore, inferior strait. S. superi- ore, superior strait. Strettura (/.). Stricture. Sti-etturotomia (/.). ITrethrotomy. Streupulver (6'.). Lycopodium. Stri 'a (L., I.). F. .strie; G. Streif Parallel groove or line. S. acus'tica, that part of wall of cochlear duct of inner ear to which filaments of auditory nerve are distributed ; contains organ of Corti. S. al'ba tub'eris, a white band some- times seen on the base of the brain, pass- ing from the lateral border of a corpus mammillare forward and outward over the tuber cinereum ; passes u])ward above optic chiasma to fornix. S. cor'nea, stria ter- minalis. S. dorsa'lis, dorsal olfactory root. S. exter'na, ligamentum tectum. S. lateralis, outer olfactory root. S. media'lis, inner olfactory root. S. me- duUa'ris ascen'dens, one of the medul- lary stri;c of fourth ventricle, frequcntlv seen, which runs obliquely upward ;nid outward. S. medulla 'ris of op'tic thal'- amus. F. rène or ])édoncle supéricui- du conarium ; G. Zirbclstiel ; /. abena. White STR STR 599 streak extendinj; from pineal gland ali«ng- side of optic thalamus to foramen of Mon- ro, indicating where the ependyma form- ing roof of third ventricle is reflected ujion side of that cavity. S. pinea'lis, stria medullaris. S. termina'lis. F. lame cornée; G. Grenzstreif; /. stria cornea. That portion of internal capsule which comes to surface of floor of lateral ven- tricle of brain as a thin white band, sepa- rating optic thalamus from corpus stria- tum. Many authors confine the term to medial portion somewhat undermined by vein of corpus striatum, calling deeper portion, under vein, the t;cnia semicircu- laris. S. vascula'ris, prominence on outer wall of cochlear duct, containing numerous blood-vessels. Stri'se (i.), pi. of Stria. S. acus'- ticae, medullary striae. S. atroph'icae, the linear le.-ions seen in atrophy of the skin. S. cilia'res, ciliary processes. S. gravida'mm, line;« albicante^. S. Lan- cis'ii, striœ longitudinales. S. lib'erae, median stn;\i longitudinales of corpus cal- losum. S. long-itudina'les cor'dis, mus- cular fibres of heart, which run in a nearly- vertical direction along ]iosterior longitu- dinal furrow. S. longitudinales of cor'- pus callo'sum, whitish antero-postorior striations on upper surface of corpus stria- tum. The lateral ones are edges of indu- sium griseum. S. medulla'res, medul- lary striae. S. obtec'tse, those stri» lon- gitudinales of corpus callosum situated laterally, so as to be covered over by mar- gin of hemispheres. S. olfacto'riae, ol- factory roots. S. ret'inae subjec'ti liga- men'ti cilia'ris, ciliary sulci. S. of Ret'zius, Retzius, stri;e of. S. semi- luna'res, t;enia semieircularis. S. tec'- tse, strile obtectaj. S. transversales ■Wülis'ü, Willis, cords of. Stri'ate ar'teries. F. artères striées. Small twigs from anterior and middle cere- bral arteries that penetrate anterior per- forated space, and supply corpus striatum [Duret]. Stri'ated. L. striatus ; F. strié, ée ; /. .striato. Having striae. S. coat, fene- strated membrane. S. ipecacuan'ha, Peruvian ipecacuanha. S. mtis'cles : see Musclef. Strib'ling Springs. Chalybeate and alum springs, in .Vugusta Co., Virginia; sometimes called Augusta Springs. Strichcultur ((?.). Scratch or streak culture, made by drawing the infected needle over the surface of a plate of gela- tin or agar. Strickförmiger Körper or Strick- körper (('.). llestiform body. Stricnina (/.). Strychnine. Stricnismo (/.). Strychnism. Stric'ture. X. strictura; /^ rétrécisse- ment ; G. Verengerung, Strictur ; /. stringi- mento, strettura. A contraction in a canal or duct. It may be spasmodic and tem- porary, or due to organic change and per- manent. Stricturot'omy. F. stricturotomie ; /. stretturotomia. Cutting a stricture. Stri'dor (X.). F. strideur ; /. .stridore. A grating noise. S. den'tium, grinding of the teeth. Strid'ulant. F. stridulant, ante. Term applied to a harsh, loud, grating sound. Strid'ulous. L. stridulus ; /'. stridu- leu.\, euse ; /. stridulo. Harsh, grating, creaking. Strie {F.). Stria. Strié, ée {F.). Striated. Striegelgeräusch ( (?.). A harsh, rough, cardiac murmur. Strigilation (/".). /. strigilazione. Forci- ble friction with the naked hand, a brush, or a glove of horsehair. Striktur ((?.)■ Stricture. String'halt. An irregular convulsive action of the muscles of the hind legs in the horse ; a species of chorea. Stringimento (/.). Constriction. Stri'olated. Somewhat striated. Striped dog'wood. Aar pennsylvani- Cìlììl, \j. Striped ma'ple. Acer pennst/lvam'cum. Striped mus'cle. Striated muscle. Strob'ila or Strobile (L.) [^rrrpi'ißchic]. F.. J. strobile. Segment of an adult t;enia. Stroh' He [^irr floß 'J.uç']. L. strobilus; 7. strobilo. A multiple fruit in the form of a cone or head, as that of the hop and the pine. Strob'ili lu'pili or Strob'ili tum'uli. Hops. Stroboscop'ic disc. G. stroboskopische Scheibe. 1. Phenakistoscope. 2. Stra- boscopic disc. • Strömen {G.). To stream, flow, gush out. Strömung (C). Current. Strofantina (/.). Strophanthin. 600 STR STR Strofanto (/.). Stroplianthus. Strofolo (A). Strophiilu.s. Strohladen (G.). Straw splint. Stroke [-1. .) [Tr/xiyj.yç, x£ç;a/)}]. F. strophocéphale ; /. strofocefalo. A monster with a distorted head. Strophoceph'aly. /''. strophocéphalie ; 7. strofocet'alia. The condition of stropho- ccphalus. Stroph'ulus ( L.) [-rr/Ki^-oç]. 1. .\ pa])u- lar eruption on an infant. 2. iMiliaria. S. al'bidus, popularly known as white gum. Appears as large whitish papules on the sides of the trunk, .shoulders, and arms of infants of one year or thereabouts, disap- pearing in about a week. S. can'didus, milium. S. confer'tus, tooth-rash. Stro'phus ( L.) \_'îTii<'iiftK'\. Tormina. Strotzen (^?.). Tobe puffed up, exu- berant, turgescent. Sti'ozzamento (/.). Strangulation. Struc'tural diseas'es. Those produ- cing, or due to. altiM-ation of tissues or organs. Strudelgef asse, or Strudelvenen ( G.). \e\\x vortii-iis;«. Stru'ma (L.). F. strume. 1. Scrofula. 2. (ioitre. S. cys'tica, S. flbro'sa, S. gelatino'sa, S. hyperplas'tica, S. os'- sea, S. parenchymato'sa, S. petro'sa, are various forms of goitre. Strumectomie (6'.). Excision of en- larged thyroid. Strumeux, euse (7^.). Strumous. Strumi'tis. /■'. strumite. Thyroiditis. Strunioder'ma (7/.). Scrofulous dis- ease of the skin and superficial glands. Strumös {G.). Strumous. Strumo'sis (7y.). Production of scrofula, tuberculization. STR STU 601 Strumosité {f'\i. Condition of scrofu- lous ciilari^omoiit of neck or otlicr parts. Stru'mous. L. struiuosus ; F. stru- mcux. cuse ; G. struiuös ; /. strumoso, a. Scrofulous. Struppig (G.). Hirsute. Struthine (F., /,). Saponin. Strych'nia. Strychnine. Strychni'na ( //. ). Strychnine. Strychni'nae sul'phas (A.). Strych- nine snl])hatc. Strychnine, strik'neen. CjiIIjoNjO-j. L. strychnina ; /•'. .strychnine ; G. Strychnin ; /. stricnina. .\ crystallizahle, odorless, in- tensely hitter alkaloid ; jircparcd from nux vomica or itrnatia.and also occurring in other plant.-i of the Nat. Ord. Lngitniaccse ; a spinal stimulant and violent convulsive poison: J grain is smallest fatal dose recorded ; yV grain' has produced alarming symptoms. Sublimes by heat, depositing penniform crystals ; melts under heat to a brown liquid, giving off dense white fumes and leaving carbon as residue. A drop of pure sulphuric acid applied to a small frag- ment of strychnine will dissolve it without color. If a bit of potassium bichromate or other oxidizing agent be brought into contact with the solution, a play of colors follows — deep-blue, violet, purple, pink, and red. Extremely delicate, but uncertain in presence of other alkaloids. Potassium bichromate throws down from solutions of strychnine a bright-yellow precipitate, which may be verified by sulphuric acid : see Curarin. Tardions test ; When a small stream of chlorine is passed slowly through strychnine, a copious white amorphous de- posit, .soluble in ammonia, falls. Physio- logical test : Injected beneath the skin of a frog, -5-^^ grain of strychnine has caused convulsions and death. May remain .sev- eral years unchanged in the body after death : see Tabk of antidotes. S. ac'etate, a salt of strychnine, crystallizahle only in the presence of excess of acid ; soluble in 96 parts of water. S. hydrochlo'rate. 2(C.,,II.,.,NA,HC1),3H.,Ü. F. chlorhydrate de strychnine. Prepared by dissolving the alkaloid in warm dilute hydrochloric acid ; crystallizes in delicate silky needles, soluble in 50 parts of water. S. sul'phate. L. strychnine sulphas [U. S. P.], sulfas strych- nicus [Cod.] ; /'. sulfate de strychnine ; G. schwefelsaures Strychnin ; J. solfato di Btrìcnina. A neutral, crystalline, very bitter salt, formed by the action of dilute sulphuric acid upon strychnine ; contains about 75 per cent, of the alkaloid, to which it is preferred for medicinal use because of its greater solubility. Strychni'num (i/.). Strychnine. S. ni'tricum, strychnine nitrate. S. sulfu'- ricum, strychnine sulphate. Strych'nism. F. strychnisinc ; G. Stryehiiisinus ; /. stricnismo. The condi- tion produced by an excessive dose of strychnine. Strych'nos. A genus of tropical trees or climbing shrubs, Nat. Ord. Lngnniacese.. S. Castelnaea'na, Wcdd., a Brazilian species, furnishing the principal constituent of curare, from the upper Amazon region. S. colubri'na, native of Malabar, fur- nishes one kind of snake-wood. S. Gaul- theria'na, Pierre, a Siamese species, the bark of which has been introduced by the name of hoangnan. S. Ignat'ii, I5erg., a large climbing shrub, native of the Phil- ippine Islands, the botanical source of ignatia. S. Nux vom'ica, a medium- sized tree, native of the East Indies, the source of nux vomica and of false angus- tura-bark. S. potato'rum, an Indian tree, the seeds of which are known as clearing-nuts. S. Tieuté, Lesch., a climb- ing shrub, growing in Java, yielding a juice used by the natives as an arrow-poison : sec [Tpas-tieuté. S. toxif'era, Schomb,, the bark of this species, together with .S'. cogens, Benth., and .S'. Srhfjinlninjkii, Klotzsch, is used in the preparation of the curare of British Guiana. Stryphnoden'dron Barbatiamâ'o, Mart. A Brazilian tree, the bark of which is authorized by the J'. Port, as a substi- tute for tha.t of Fit/i('co//ol)iiiin Aiarcmotinin. Stückbruch ((?.). A comminuted fracture. Stuello (/;). Dossil. Stummeln {G.). To mutilate, maim. Stiimmelungr, mutilation. Stützbein ((?.)• The supporting leg in locomotion : see llimrjhrin ; Stützfäden, Retzius, fibres of; Stützfasem, support- ing fibres, Muller's fibres ; Stützgew^ebe, supporting tissue ; Stützlamelle, support- ing lanieilii ; Stützsubstanz, neuroglia. Stützzellen {G.). Supporting cells — i.e. epithelial cells supporting cells of special function in terminal organa of special sense. S., äussere, cells of Henscn. Stufervjahr (Cr.). Climacteric. 602 STU STY Stahlausleerung ('».). Stool; alvine evacuation ; Stuhldrang, toncsni us; Stuhl- entleerung or Stuhlgang, alvine evacu- ation ; Stuhlmangel, or Stuhlretarda- tion, or Stuhlverhaltung, or Stuhlver- stopftmg, constipation, costiveness. Stuhlzäpfchen (G.). .Suppositories. Stuhlzwang ^O.). Tenesmus. Stulti'tia (Z.). Folly. Stumm {G.). Dumb, mute; — heit, dumbness. Stump \_l)ut. stomp]. F. moignon ; G. ytnmpt'; /. moncone. A sbort projecting end or part of a limb, pedicle, or other por- tion of the body, from which a part has been cut oflF or otherwise removed. Stumpf (6'.). 1. Stump. 2 (adj.). Blunt, obtuse; — gefüM, insensibility, in- difference, apathy; — heit, bluntness, dul- ness. stupidity ; — nase, pug nose : — sichtigkeit, dulness of vision, amblyo]iia ; — sinn, imbecility, hebetude; — sinnig- keit, stupidity, imbecility. Stunned [A. S. stunianj. F. étourdi, ie ; J. stordito, a. Made senseless or dizzy by a blow on the head. Stunt'edness [/ce/, stunta]. F. rabou- grissement. The state of being stunted or hindered in growtli. Stupe [(tto-t;]. a fomentation. Stupefa'cient [i. stupefacere]. F. stu- péfiant, ante; G. betäubend; /. stupefacen- te. Causing stupor, narcotic. Stupéfaction {F.). Stupor, narcotism. Stu'por (i.). F. stupeur ; /. stupóre. TTnconsciousness, insensibility. S. vig'- ilans, catalepsy. Stupriren ((?.). To ravish, to rape. Stu'prum ( //.). /. stupro. Rape. Stur'dy [Old F. estourdi]. G. Dreh- krankheit. 1. A disease of sheep caused by a hydatidiform parasite in the brain, the Cœnnru.i cerehralis. 2. Strong, vigorous. Sturmliut (C). Aconite; — blatter, aconite-leaves. Sturzbad ( ff.). Plunge-bath. Sturzgeburt (C). Sudden, rapid de- livery in labor while in the standing or sit- ting posture. Stut'terer [Dut. stotteren]. F. bègue; /. balbo. One affected with stuttering. Stut'tering [Diit. stotteren]. Obstruc- tion of speech due to .spasmodic neurosis of coördin.itioii. making it difficult to pro- nounce certain syllables or words in com- bination ; a severe form of stammering. Sty, Sty'an, or Stye [A. S. stigend]. F. orgelet; G. Gerstenkorn; 1. orzaiuolo. Hordeolum. Style, lach'rjrmal. A short metal wire worn in the nasal duct in the treat- ment of lachrymal obstructions. Sty'let [ffrù/loç], 1. Probe. 2. A rod passed through a tubular instrument, such as a catheter or trocar. Sty'liform. Styloid. Stylo-. A prefix indicating attachment or relation to the styloid process of tem- poral bone. Stylo-auricularis (i/.). Auriculo-glos- sus. Stylo-cerato-hyoi 'deus (//.). F. stylo- cérato-hyoïdien; /. stilo-cerato-joideo. Stylo- hyoid. Stylo-chondro-hyoi'deus (L.). F. stylo - Chondro - hyoïdien ; /. stilo - condro- joideo. Stylo-hyoideus alter. Stylo-glos'sal nerve. Branch of facial which supplies stjlo-glossus muscle and mu- cous membrane at base of tongue [Hirseh- fold]. Stylo-glos'sus (/>■)■ F. stylo-glosse; G. Griffelzungenmuski'l ; 1. stilo-glosso. A slender muscle springing from styloid process and stylo-maxillary ligament, in- serted into side of tongue. Stylo-hy'al bone. F. stylhyal. Styloid process. Stylo-hy'oid arch. Hyoidean arch. Stylo -hy'oid hg'ament. L. liga- nientum stylu-hyoidoinn ; /'. ligament stylo- hyoïdien ; /. ligamento stilo-joideo. Fibrous cord passing from tip of styloid process, temporal bone, to lesser cornu of hyoid bone. It represents a vestige of hyoid (second post-oral) arch of foetus, normally ossified in many mammals, and sometimes in man. Stylo-hy'oid muscle. L. stylo-hyoi- deus ; F. stylo-liyoulien : G. Griffelzungen- beinmuskel ; 1. stilo-joideo. Small muscle of upper neck, arising from styloid process and inserted into great cornu of hyoid bone. Stylo-hy'oid nerve. L. nervus stylo- hyoideus; F. nerf stylien. Branch of facial to stylo-hyoid muscle. Stylo-hyoi'deus (//.). Stylo -liyoid muscle. S.-h. accesso'rius, stylo-hyoi- STY STY 603 deus alter. S.-h. al'ter, muscular slip which replaces styln-hyoiil ligament, pass- ing from styloid process to hyoid bone, in- dependently of normal stylo-hyoid muscle [Albinus]. S.-h. mi'nor nr S.-h. no'vus, stylo-hyoideus alter. S.-h. profun'dus, stylo-hyoideus alter [Sappey]. S.-h. se- cun'dus, stylo-hyoideus alter [Maealister]. Stylo-hyoidien (F.). Stylo-hyoid; sub- stantively, stylo-hyoid muscle. Sty'loid [tTTn/.„i. ùôoç]. F. styloïde; / stiloide. Pointcd,-peg-shaped. S. cor'- nua, lesser coriiua : see Cornila of the hyoid hoHi'. S. proc'ess of fib'ula. L. tuberculum fibuUe. F. apophyse styloiJe ; / apotisi stiloide. Pointed eminence on postero-superior aspect of the head, giving attachment to short, external, lateral liga- ment of knee. S. proc'ess of ra'dius, F. apophyse styloïde du radius; 1. ajiolisi stiloide del radio. Conical outer part of lower extremity. S. proc'ess of tem'- poral bone. L. processus styloideus ; F. apophyse styloïde ; G. üriifelfortsatz ; /. apofisi stiloide. Tapering bony .spine of variable length, extending downward and forward from base of petrous portion of temporal bone ; separate in early life. It belongs to the series of osselets developed in the hyoid arch. S. proc'ess of third metacar'pal. L. processus styloideus metacarpalis III ; F. apophyse pyramidale ou styloïde du troisième métacarpien. Pro- jection on radial side and dorsal aspect of bone. S. proc'ess of ul'na. L. processus styloideus ulnœ ; F. apophyse styloïde du cubitus; /. apofisi stiloide della cubito. Pointed internal portion of lower extremity. Stylo-larynge'us (A.). That part of the stylo-pharyngeus inserted upon the thy- roid cartilage and epiglottis. Stylo-mas'toid. F. stylo-mastoïdien ; /. stilo-mastoideo. Relating to both styloid and mastoid processes. S.-m. ar'tery. L- arteria stylo-mastoidea. Branch from pos- terior aurioular a. to stylo-mastoid foramen, supplying Fallupian canal and tympanum. S.-m. fora'men. L. foramen stylo-mas- toideum ; F. trou stylo-mastoïdien; G. GriflFel warzenloch ; I. forame stilo-mastoideo. In temporal bone, lower outlet of facial canal near styloid and mastoid processes. Stylo-max'illary. L. stylo-maxillaris ; F. stylo-maxillaire ; /. stilo-mascellare. Re- lating to both styloid processes and to the jaw. S.-m. lig'ament. L. ligamentum stylo-maxillare. I'roces» of deep cervical fascia which runs from styloid process to posterior border of lower jaw, separating paroti, ç'-jr-iw]. A spike-like osteophyte. Stylostix'is (//.) [rt-rî'iu]. Acupunc- ture. Stylo-thyro-pharyngien (F.). Stylo- pharyngeus. Stylo-tonsilla'res ( L.). Fibres of stylo- pharyngeus whieh pass to tonsil [Luschka]. Sty'ma (L.) [frroßo]. Priapism. Stymato'sis (L.) [«rrù/i«]. F. styma- tose. Production of priapism with bloody discharge. Stypage (F.). Production of local anaesthesia bj' refrigeration due to the evaporation of methyl-chloride from a tampon of cotton. Stype (G.). Tampon-carrier for stypage. Styp'sis (//.) [iTryt''!9]. Application of, or condition produced by, a styptic. Styp'tic [(7Tu-T(xoç]. L. stiptieus ; /'. styptique ; G. blutstillendes Mittel; /. stitico. 1. An agent which arrests the flow of blood from wounded vessels, either me- chanically, by coagulation of the blood, or by causing contraction of the vessels them- selves. 2. Astringent. S. coUo'dion. A. collodium styptieum ; F. collodion au tan- nin. A solution of tannic acid in a mixture of alcohol, ether, and collodion ; contains 20 per cent, of tannin [U. S. P.] ; a local 604. STY SUB astringent and styptic. S. col'loid, s-typtic collodion. S. cot'ton. L. gossypiuni hsemostaticuni. /•'. coton Léniostatiquc. Absorbent cotton impregnated with solution of ferric chloride or ferric sulphate, and dried. S. pow'der. i. pulvis stypticus; F. poudre hémostatique. A mixture of equal parts of alum, gum acacia, and colo- phony [P. Ross.]; of argil, tragacanth, and colojihony [P. Belg.]. S. weed, Cassia occidciitnhs, L. Styptic'ity. F. stypticité ; G. Styptici- tiit ; / stiticitii. The quality of being styptic. Stjrptique {F.). Styptic. Styptisch ((?.). Styptic. Sty'racin. C,«H|80.,- F- styracine ; / stiracina. Styryl einnamate, found in storax and some other balsams ; crystalline, odor- less, tasteless, insoluble in water, very solu- ble in ether; by oxidizing agents converti- ble into benzoic acid and oil of almonds. Sty'rax (i.) [pa^\ I. stirace. 1. Sloras. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. S/i/racene. S. Ben'zoin, Dryand., a tall tree, native of Sumatra, Borneo, etc., the source of benzoin. S. calam'ita. F. styrax calamite ; /. stirace calamitato. A balsam obtained from incisions made in the trunk of Sti/rax officinalis, L. [P. Port.] ; as found in the market, it consists of a mixture of sawdust or residual liquidambar-bark, with li((uid storax. S. liq'uidus. F. styrax li(|uide; /. stirace liquido. 1. Storax. i. Liquidambar [P. Belg.]. S. oflacina'lis, native of the Levant ; the •■sotirce of true Styrax calamita. S. praepara'tus, prepared storax. Styrax liquide (/•'.). Storax. Sty'rol. /. stirolo or stiroleno. Cin- namcne. Sty'ryl cin'namate. Styracin. Sty 'sis [«-r/x«]. Erection. Suakim grum, a very inferior and brittle variety of gum acacia, the product of-lc«C(a sfi-Hocarpa, Hoch., and -4. seyal, Pel. Sub-. A prefix indicating inferiority in position or quality. Subace'tas (//.). Subacetatc. S. cu'- pricus [Cod.], verdigris. S. plum'bicus liq'uidus, solution of subacctate of lead. Subac'etate. L. subacetas ; F. sous- acétate; G. unteressigsaurcs Salz; /. sotto- acetato. A salt of acetic acid containing two or more equivalents of base to one of acid. Subacro'mial bur'sa. Tipper part of bursa deltoidca. Subacute. F. subaigu, uc ; /. sub- acuto, a. 3Iidway between acute and chronic in violence and rapidity of devel- opment. S. myeli'tis, a myelitis in which all symptoms reach their intensity in from two to six weeks. S. spi'nal at'rophy, progressive muscular atroph}'. Subala 'ris ve'na {L.). Axillary vein. Subancone'us (/>.). F. sous-anconé. One or more mu.scular fascicles arising from humerus above olecranon fossa (but distinct from triceps), and ÌTisertc(l into capsule of elbow-joint [Tlieile]. Many anatomists consider them a portion of the triceps. Subarach'noid [àfidy^T,']. F. sous- arachnoïdicn, ienne ; G. subarachnoidal ; /. sotto-aracnoideo, a. Beneath the arachnoid. S. con'fluents. L. cisternas subarachnoid- ales ; F. confluents .sous-arachnoidicns ; G. subarachnoidale Höhlen. Expansions of sub- arachnoid space : see under ('iatenia, the spe- cial names. S. liq'uid. F. liquide sous- arachnoidien ; /. liquido sotto-aracnoideo. Cerebro-spinal fluid. S. space. L. sjiatium subarachnoidale ; F. espace sous-arachiioï- dien ; G. Subarachnoidalraum ; /. spazio- sotto-aracnoideo. Interval l)etween arach- noid memlirane and pia mater. S. tis'sue. G. Subarachnoidalgewebe. Filamentous and trabecular connective tissue uniting arach- noid and pia mater. Subarachnoidal (G.). Subarachnoid; — flüssigkeit, cerebro-spinal fluid; — gewebe, subarachnoid tissue; — raum, subarachnoid space. Subarachnoi'dal space of op'tic nerve. The space between the arachnoid sheath and the optic nerve. Subatloi'deus (L.). Second [lair of cervical nerves [('haussier]. Subaxoi'deus (/>.). Third pair of cer- vical nerves [Chaussier]. Sub-brachycephal'ic. Having a ceph- alic index from 80 to 84 [Topinard]. Sub-bromhy'dras quin'icus [Cod.]. Quinine hydrotiromate. Subcae'cal fos'sa. L. fossa subcnecalis. Pocket sometimes found in the peritoneum behind the caecum, running up into folds of ascending mesocolon. Subcar'bonate. />■ subcarbonas; F. sous -carbonate; (r. basi.schkohlcnsaures Salz ; /. sotto-carbonato. A carbonate SUB SUB 605 having more than one ei|uivalent of base for one of ueid. S. of i'ron : see Crocus marta. Subcen'tral arch. Hivnial arch. Subcerebel'lar ar'tery. Cerebellar ar- ten' anterior inferior. Subchlo'rideof mer'cury. Jlercurous chloride. Subclavialdrüsen (.!;^oç, x;. caruncuin sublingualis ; /'. tuber- cule du conduit de Wharton. The papilla at which Wharton's duct opens, behind lower incisor teeth. S.gan'glion. A. ganglion sub- linguale ; F. ganglion sublingual ; /. ganglio sotto-linguale. 1. Group of ganglion-cells scattered among fibres of sublingual nerve, near the sublingual gland ; connected with SUB SUB 607 subuiaxillary ganglion. 2. Submaxillary gan- glion. S. gland. L. gianduia .sublingualis ; F. glande sublinguale : G. Unterzungen- driise; /.glandola sotto-linguale. Smallest of the sali vary glands, situated on floor of mouth under tongue, covered only by mucous membrane ; considered by some as a group of glands each of which discharges sepa- rately by one of the ducts of Uiviuus. S. nerve. L. nervus sublingualis. Branch of submaxillary ganglion, supplying sublingual gland, gums, and floor of mouth. S. vein. L., I. vena ranina ; F. veine ranine. Cor- responds to ranine artery, discharging into the lingual vein. Sublob'ular veins. /. vene sotto-lobu- lari. Brauches of hepatic veins that collect from base of lobules. Subluxa'tion. L. subluxatio ; /. sub- lussazione. Partial dislocation. Submam'mary ab'scess. Abscess behind the maniiuary gland, over the pec- toral muscle, pushing the gland forward in a i-haraeteristic way. Submatité {F.). Slight dulness, di- minished resonance. Submaxillardrüse (C). Submaxillary gland. Submaxillarspalte (G.). Separation of layers of cervical fascia for enclosing of submaxillary gland. Submax'iUary. F. sous-maxillaire ; G. submaxillar ; /. sotto-mascellare. Beneath the jaw. S. ar'tery. L. arteria submax- illaris ; G. Kieferdrüsenast. Branch from facial to submaxillary gland. S. duct, Wharton's duct. S. fos'sa. L. fossa sub- maxillaris. Depression on inferior maxil- lary bone, below the mylo-hyoid ridge, in which rests the submaxillary gland. S. gan'glion. L. ganglion submaxillare ; F. ganglion sous-maxillaire ; G. TTntcrkiefer- knoten ; /. ganglio sotto-mascellare. A spindle-shaped collection of gray nerve-cells connected with the sublingual nerve, near the submaxillary gland. S. gland. L. gianduia submaxillaris ; F. grand submax- illaire. G. Kinnbackendrüse. /. glandola sotto-mascellare. One of the salivary glands, situated immediately below, and in- ternally from, the angle of the jaw, above digastric muscle. S. lymphat'ic glands. L. glandulaj lymphatic;c submaxillarcs. A considerable group behind angle and body of jaw, receiving efferents from floor of mouth and salivary glands. S. re'gion. That between the hyoid bone and lower jaw. S. tri'angle: sec Trianrjlex .). Substance. S. ada- manti'na, enamel. S. cine'rea interme'- SUB SUC 609 dia, trifronuin intereruralo. S. cortica'lis cer'ebri, cortes cerebri. S. cortica'lis len'tis, esternai softer portion of crystalline lens. S. cortica'lis pi'li, cortes of hair. S. cortica'lis re'nis, cortes renis. S. cribro'sa latera'lis, anterior perforated space. S. cribro'sa me'dia, lamina ter- minalis. S. denta 'lis os'sea, or S. den- ta'lis pro'pria, or S. denta 'lis tubulo 'sa, or S. ebur'nea, ilentine. S. ferrugin'ea or S. ferrugin'ea Amoldi. G rostfar- bige Substanz. Pigmented cells over locus cceruleus, floor of fourth ventricle. S. ferrugin'ea supe'rior, roof-nucleus. S. fibro'sa pi'li, cortex of hair. S. fila- mento'sa den'tium, enamel of teeth. S. fla'va cer'ebri, deeper, lighter portion of cortex cerebri. S. ftindamenta'lis den'- tds, intertubular substance of dentine. S. fus'ca, substantia nigra. S. gelatino'sa. F. substance gélatineuse ; G. Ependymfa- den, gelatinose Substanz; /sostanza gelati- nosa. Collection of neuroglia having trans- parent jelly-like appearance, and found in spinal cord near tip of posterior horn (S. g. Rolandi;. and surrounding central canal (S. g. centralis). S. gris'ea centralis, substantia gelatinosa centralis. S. innomi- na'ta, ansa peduncularis. S. intertubu- la'ris den'tis, intertubular sulistance of dentine. S. medulla'ris pi'li, meclullaof hair. S. medulla'ris re'nis, medullary portion of kidney. S. ni'gra or S. nigra Sœmmeringu, layer of dark ganglionic cells in crura cerebri, separating crusta from tegmentum. S. os'sea den'tis, cement. S. os'sium compac'ta, C(Jinpact tissfle of bone. S. osteoi'dea den'tis, cement. S. perfora'ta ante'rior, or S. perfora 'ta anti'ca, or S. perfora'ta late- ra'lis, perforated space. anteri(jr. S. per- fora'ta media'lis, or S. perfora'ta pos- te'rior, or S. perfora'ta posti'ca, perfor- ated space, posterior. S. pulpo'sa den'- tis, dental pulp. S. pulpo'sa lie'nis, pulp of spleen. S. reticula'ris, reticular for- mation. S. reticula'ris al'ba, reticulated white substance. S. reticula'ris Ar - nol'di, delicate web-like white api>earance seen on surface of uncinate gyrus in fresh brains. S. ru'bra, pulp of spleen. S. spongio'sa. G. schwammige Substanz ; /. sostanza spongiosa. Portion of support- ing tissue (neuroglia, etc.) of spinal cord, enclosing ganglionic cells. S. subal'bida cer'ebri, s>ibstantia flava cerebri. S. tu- bulo'sa fre'nis), mcilullary substance of kidney. S. vasculo'sa, pulp of spleen. S. vit'rea, enamel. Vol. ir.— 39 Substanzverlust ((?•)• Loss of sub- stance. Subsul'fas hydrarg3rr'icus (//.) [Cod.]. Mercuric sulphate, basic. Subsul'phas (i/.). Subsulphate. S. cinchon'icus [Cod.], cinchonine sulphate. S. cinchonid'icus [Cod.], cinchonidine sulphate. S. quin'icus [Cod.], quinine sulphate. S. quinid'icus, i|uinidine sul- phate. Subsul'phate. L. subsulphas ; F. sous- sulfiite ; /. sotto-solfato. A sulphate con- taining more than one equivalent of base for one of acid. S. of mer'cury, mer- curic sulphate, basic. Subsul'tus (/.). F. soubresaut ; G. Zuckung ; /. sussulto. Twitching, jerk- ing. S. ten'dinum. G. Schnenhüpfen. Convulsive twitching of muscles. Subtarsa'lis (/.). Muscular fibres of palpebral portion of orbicularis palpebra- rum, that pass behind the tarsi, and do not reach the outer angle of the eye [Moll]. Subtem'poral point. F. point sous- temporal. That where the spheno-tem- poral suture is crossed by the infratem- poral crest [Topinard]. Subtem'poral •width. Infratemporal diameter: see ßn^iinr i/iamctrr. Subthal'amic tegmen 'tal re'gion. L. regio subthalamica ; G. llaubc des Zwisch- enhirns. The continuation of the tegmen- tum forward under the optic thalami as far as the corpora albieantia. Subthyroi'deus (L.). ^Muscle formed by the partial union of the superior and inferior portions of the thyro-arytenoid muscle. Subvag'inal space [Schwalbe]. Inter- vaginal space. Subzo'nal lay'er. The layer of cells in the mammalian ovum at the close of segmentation, next to the zona pellucida. Suc (F.). Juice. S. d'airelle, blue- berry-juice. S. de berbéris, barberry- juice. S. cancéreux, cancer-juiec. S. de citron, lemon-juice. S. de coing, quince-juice. S. de cresson, the juice expressed from the fresh leaves of Auxtia- tiuni officina/'', R. Br. [Cod.]. S. enté- rique, intestinal juice. S. gastrique, gas- tric juice. S. de grenades, the juice of pomegranates clarified by brief fermen- tation [Cod.]. S. intestinal, si'cretions of the intestines. S. lacté, chyle. S. de mures. 1. ^lulberry-juice. 2. Hlack berry- juice. S. de nerprun, buckthorn-juice. 610 SUC SUD S. nourricier, blood-plasnui. S. d'oranges douces, the expressed and filtered juice of fresh oranges [Cod.]. S. pancré- atique, pancreatic juice. S. pylorique, juice secreted by pyloric region of stomach, said by some to be alkaline in reaction. S. stomacal, gastric juice. S. de verjus, the expressed juice of unripe grapes, clari- fied by brief fermentation [Cod.]. Succeda'neum (i.). F. succédané ; 1. succedaneo. A substitute. Succenturia'tus (L.). F. succenturié, ée ; /. succenturiato. Substitute ; accessory. Succhiamento or Succiamento (/.). Suction. Succiasangue (/.). Leech. Succin {F.). Amber. Suc'cinas {L.). Succinate. S. am- mo'niee empyreumat'icus liq'uidus [P. Belg.]. solution of ammonium succinate. Suc'cinate. L. succinas ; G. bernstein- saures Salz ; /. succinate. A salt of suc- cinic acid. Succin'ic ac'id. L. acidum succinicuui ; F. acide sueeinique ; G. Bernsteinsiiure ; I. acido succinico. A crystallizable acid prod- uct of the dry distillation of amber ; it may also be formed artificially from many ani- mal and vegetable substances ; has been considered to be antispasmodic and dia- phoretic. Succino (/.). Amber. Suc'cinum (L.). Amber. S. cine'- reum or S. gris'eum, ambergris. Succlavio, a (/.). Subclavian. Succo (A). Juice. S. cancerigno, cancer-juice. S. gastrico, gastric juice. S. intestinale, intestinal juice. S. di limone, lemon-juice, lime-juice. S. pan- creatico, pancreatic juice. S. di ramno, buckthorn-juice. Suc'cory. Chicory. Suc'cubus (7v.). F. succube; /. suc- subo. 1. Nightmare. 2. A female demon, the supposed cause of lascivious dreams. Suc'culent. L. succulentus ; F. succu- lent, ente ; /. succulento. Juicy, full of juice. Suc'cus (/>.). Juice. S. belladon'- nse, juice of belladonna. S. coni'i, juice of hemlock. S. enter'icus, intes^tinal juice. S. e fruc'tibus cydo'niae [Cod.], i|uincc-juico. S. gas'tricus, gastric juice. S. hyoscy'ami, juice of hyoscyamus. S. junip'eri inspissa'tus [1'.*!], an inspis- sated j\iirr of fresh jimipcr-bcrries. S. limo'nis, lemon-juice. S. liquirit'iœ, ex- tract of glycyrrhiza. S. liquirit'ise de- pura'tus [y. G], an evaporated cold infu- sion of lic|uorice-root. S. moro 'rum, mulberry-juiee. S. sambu'ci inspissa'- tus [P. Dan.] : see Rooh sumhuci. S. sco- pa'rii, juice of broom. S. tarax'aci, juice of dandelion. S. theba'icus, opium. Succus'sion. L. succussio ; G. Schüt- teln : /. sueeussione. A shaking quickly and sliarpl\'. Succussionsgeräusch (G.). Sjilash- ing sound. Suchnadel (G.). Exploring-needle. Suchröhrchen {G.). Esploring-tube, hollow pirobe. Sucht ( (t.). Disease, distemper, plague. Sucidume (/.). 1. Sordes. 2. Suint. Suck'ing-bot'tle. F. biberon ; /. zam- pilletto. Nursing-bottle. Suçon (F.). Ecchymosis caused by suction. Sucre (F.). Sugar. S. de betterave, beet-sugar. S. candi, rock-candy. S. de canne, cane-sugar. S. du foie, glycogen. S. interverti, invert-sugar. S. de lait, milk-sugar. S. d'orge, barley-sugar. S. de raisin, grape-sugar. S. de Saturne, lead acetate. Sucré, ée {F.). Containing sugar. Su'crose. Cane-sugar. Sudam'ina (/>.). G. Schweissbläschen. 1. A non-inflammatory disorder of the sweat-glands, producing small translucent whitish vesicles. 2. Miliaria. S. aVba, form in which the epidermis forming the vesicle is macerated and the vesicular con- tents are of a milky color. S. crystalli'- na, form in which the vesicular contents are clear. S. malig'na, miliaria. S. ru'bra, form in which the papules or vesi- cles have a reddish base. Suda'tion. i. sudatio; G.Schwitzen; /. sudazione. Perspiration ; production of sweating. Sudato'ria milia'ria (A.). Miliary fever. Sudato'rium ( L.). A hot-air bath; the sweating-room in a bath-house. Su'datory. //. sudatorius ; .f^. sudatoire ; 7. sudatorio. Pertaining to perspiration. Sudazione (/.). Sudation. Su'dor (L.). Sweat. S. an'glicus, sweating sit'kness. S. areno'sus, uridrosis crystallina. S. cruen'tus, hiematidrosis. SUD SUG 611 S. lac'teus, gahietidrosis. S. sabulo'sus, uridru.sis crystalliiui. S. san^uin'eus, ba;niatidrosi:i. S. urino'sus. G. Ilarn- seliweiss. l'iidiosis. Sudoral, ale C^')- Pertaining to sweat or to sweating. Sudoration (-f). Production of sweat- ing. Sudore y /.). Sweat. S. anglico or S. inglese, .sweating sickness. Sudoriferous. /'. sudorifere; /. sudor- ifero. 1. Conveying per.spiration. 2. Often used erroneously for sudoriparous. Sudorific. L. sudorificus ; F. sudorif- ique ; G. schweisstreibend ; /. sudorifico. 1. An agent which causes sweating; differs from diaphoretic only in degree of action. 2. Producing sweating. Sudoriflcation {F.). I. sudorificazione. Production of perspiration. Sudorip'arous. F. sudoripare ; /. su- dorijiaro. Producing or forming sweat. S. glands, sweat-glands of the skin, consist- ing of convoluted and branched tubules located in the subcutaneous tissue, and lined with nucleated epithelium. The duct from each gland is undulating in its passage through the corium, nearly straight in the papillary layer, and twisted into a spiral in the epidermis, on the free surface of which it opens by a slightly expanded orifice. The total number of these ulands is over 2,000,000. Süchtig (G.). Tending to produce dis- ease ; morbific. Sülze (C). Jelly. Süsse Mandeln (Ö.). Sweet almonds. Süssholz (&.j. Glycyrrhiza ; — safb, extract of glycyrrhiza ; — wurzel, Rus- sian liquorice-root ; — zucker, glycyrrhi- zin. Süssmandelöl (C). Almond oil. Su'et [ ir. swyf] ; L. sebum ; F. suif; G. Talg; /. sego. 1. The internal fat of the abdomen of the sheep, Ocix Ariefs. L., purified by melting and straining [U. S.P.]. 2. The internal hard fat of any ruminant. Suette (/'.). Miliary fever. S. an- glaise, sweating sickness. S. mUiaire, miliary fever. S. des Picards, miliaria, sweating sickness. Sueur (F.). Sweat. Sufflmen'tum (/-.). A fumigation. Suffocant, ante {F.). Suö'ocating, causing suffocation. Suffoca'tio (/^). Suffocation. S. hys- ter'ica or uteri'na, globus hystericus. Suffoca'tion. L. suffocatio ; F. étouffe- racnt ; (i. Krstickung ; /. soffocazione. 1. Condition produced by stoppage of respira- tion, causing deficiency of o.xygen in the blood. 2. The act of stifling or choking. Suffumiga'tio ( /v.). Fumigation. S. Guytonia'na [Cod.], chlorine fumigation. Suflfumigio (/.). Fumigation. Suffu'sio (//.). Suffusion, especially effusion in the eye, causing dimness of vision. S. len'tis, cataract. SufiFu'sion. iy. suffusio; G. Krgiessung. /. suffusione. Act of spreading or flowing over; slight diflused congestion. Sug'ar [ÄtMsc. çarcarà]. L. saccharum ; F. sucre ; (/. Zucker ; I. zucchero. 1 . The name applied to members of a series of carbohydrates, mostly of vegetable origin, neutral, having a sweet taste, soluble in water, and in solution posses.sing the power of rotating the plane of polarization of polarized light to the right or left. Sugars may be classed as : a, true sugars, of wliich grape - sugar (CoHi.jOs) and cane - sugar (C,,H.„0,,) are the types, convertible by fermentation into alcohol and carbonic acid ; //, non-fermentable sugars, having the same chemical composition as grape- sugar, but not capable of fermentation, as inosit, etc.; c. saccharoids, saccharine vege- table principles, containing a larger rela- tive proportion of hydrogen in their chem- ical composition than the true sugars, as mannit, dulcit, etc. 2. The refined sugar of Sitcchaniin oßciminim, L. [U. S. P.] : see also Burle;/, Bid, Cane, Diabetic, Fruit, G rupe, Invert, Maple, Milk, Mit.ide, Mus- covado, Oil, Palm, Refined, and Starch suf/ar. S.-beet, Beta, vidi/aris, L. S.- cane, Sacchurnm officinarum, L. S.- drops. L. rotulae ; F. pastilles ; G. Zucker- pliitzcheii ; /. pa.stiglie. A form of troche prepared by melting sugar with a very little water, and pouring the semiliquid mass in drops upon a cold slab ; they may })«' mcclicated before or after being formed. S. of lead, lead acetate. S.-ma'ple, Acer sarciia rill lini, Wang., the sweet sap of this tree yields to commerce a considerable quantity of sugar. S. of mUk : see Mil/c- sugar. Sug'arberry. Celtis oceidentalis, L. Sug'ar-house molasses : see Treacle. Sugges'tion. L. suggcstio ; /. sugges- tione. Term employed to express the in- 612 SUG SUL flueiice exerted on a person, especially if in a state of hypnotism, by a command, promise, or affirmation of the operator. If the suggestion is made to a hypnotized person that he shall do or see a certain thing at a certain time after awaking, it is called post-hy]inotic suggestion. Suggestionner (/•'.). To give a sug- gestion to a hypnotized person. Suggilla'tion. L. sugillatio ; G. Sauge- maal Blutunterlaufung ; /. suggellazione. A more or less dift'use discoloration of a surface caused by slight superficial haemor- rhage or by passive congestion ; ecchy- niosis. SuggTondazione (/.) : see Suhgron- llaiinll. SuggTun'dium oc'uli or supercilio'- rum {L.). Superciliary arch. Sughero (/.). Cork. Sugna porcina (7.). Lard. Sugo {I.). Juice: see Succo. S. di liquirizia, extract of glycyrrhiza. Su'icide [sui, caedo]. G. Selbstmord ; /. suicidio. 1. Voluntary killing one's self; self-murder. 2. One who commits self-murder. Suie {F.). Soot. Suif (/'.). Suet. Suifeux, euse, suety, tallowy. Suint. L. oesypum ; G. Wollschweiss ; I. sucidume. Wool-fat ; the peculiar fat contained in sheep's wool, hair, feathers, skin, etc. Suintement (/•■). Leaking; passing out drop by drop ; applied to passage of urine through a strictured urethra. Sujet de dissection (/".). " Subject ;" body reserved fur dissection. Stil'cated. L. sulcatus ; F. sillonné, Oc ; /. solcato, a. Deejily grooved or fur- rowed. Sulcature (^.)- L solcatura. Abnor- mal groove or furrow due to pressure or erosion. Sul'ci (/-.), pi. of Sulcus, '/. V. S. arterio'si, grooves for meningeal arteries on inner surface of cranial bones. S. carot'ico-tympan'ici, grooves for carot- ico-tympanic nerves on promontory of mid- dle ear. S. of cerebel'lum. L. sulci cerebelli ; F. sillmis cérébelleux ; ''/. Klein- hirnfurchen. The fiilluwing are usually de- scribed : Sul'cus horizonta'lis mag'nus, or great horizontal fissure, along lateral edges of the organ ; Sulci vermicula'res, separating the vermis from either hemi- sphere ; the superior, anterior, and pos- terior sulci, laterally directed on U]i])er surface ; the inferior, anterior (sulcus of the flocculus), middle (also called ante- rior), and posterior; the Sulcus inferior lateralis, between the slender and digas- tric lobes ; and the Sulcus collatera'lis inferior, between the two portions of the digastric lobe. S. cüia'res, ciliary sulci. S. coUatera'les medul'lœ spinalis : see G I'oftrr^ lUiti ro-liif> rni, and Gi'onrt', jmstero- hileni/. S. cubita'les, two grooves lying on either side of biceps tendon as it de- scends into the fossa cubitalis. S. longi- tudina'les cor'dis, longitudinal furrows of heart. S. meninge'i, grooves for men- ingeal arteries on interior surface of cran- ium, particularly upon parietal bone. S. occipita'les, occipital sulci. S. poplite'i, grooves lying at the three principal angles of popliteal space, above between ham- string muscles, on either side between hamstring tendons and gastrocnemius. S. supraorbita'les longitudina'les, small longitudinal furrows that may appear on the orbital surface of the hemispheres, instead of the triradiate sulcus. S. tem- porales, tcmporo-sphenoidal sulci. S. temporales transver'si, transverse tem- poral sulci. S. vermicula'res, supe'rior et infe'rior, vermicular sulci. S. verté- brales, vertebral grooves. Sul'culus la'bii superio'ris (//.). Amabile. Sul'cus (L.). F. sillon ; G. Furche ; I. solco. A groove or furrow. In the hemi- spheres of the brain some limit the term to those furrows which involve only the gray matter of the cortex : see Fi'ssiire. S. ad acqueeduc'tum vestib'uli, fossula sulciformis. S. ala'ris, groove se]iarating the movable from the more fixed jiortions of side of nose. S. alve'olo-buccalis, groove in mucous membrane of the mouth, between the cheek and the gums. S. alve'- olo-lingualis, groove in mucous mem- brane of nioiith between gums and tongue. S. antero-temporalis, temporal sulcus median. S. antibra'chii radialis, slight skin-furrow on outer side of a muscular fore- arm, indicating interval between the mass of pronator and flexor muscles ainl the supina- tor longns. S. antibra'chii ulna 'ris, slight skin-furrow on inner side of a muscular fore- arm, indicating interval between flexor sub- liniis digitoruin and flexor caqii uhutris. S. aor'ticus, impression made by descending SUL SUL 613 aorta oii mediastinal surface of left lung. S. arcua'tus praecu'nei, a small inde- pendent furrow on medial surfaee of hemi- spheres, separating superior ])arietal con- volution from posterior end of gyrus cin- gali. S. arte'riae occipita'lis, occipital groove. S. arte'rise subcla'viae, sulcus suljclaviii-. S. articulatio'nis pri'mae ma'nus, middle line of rasceta. S. articu- latio'nis secun'dae ma'nus, lower line of rasceta. S. atrio-ventricula'ris ( cor'- dis). auriculo-ventricular furrow. S. au'- ris ante'rior. L. incisura auris. Deep furrow in external ear, separating helix from tragus. S. au'ris poste'rior, shal- low depression in external ear. where anti- helix joins antitragus. S. basila'ris, basilar groove. S. bicipita'lis bra'cidi, bicipital groove. S. bicipita'lis exter'- nus, external bicipital furrow ; sec Bicip- ital furnncs. S. bicipita'lis inter'nus, internal bicipital furrow. S. calca'nei, interarticular groove. S. calcari'nus, cal- carine sulcus. S. callo'so-margina'lis, calloso-marginal sulcus. S. callo'sus, sul- cus cinguli. S. carot'icus, carotid groove. S. carotide'us, furrow in front of sterno- mastoid muscle under which carotid artery lies. S. centra'lis, central sulcus. S. centra'lismodi'oli, continuation of canalis centralis of modiolus of cochlea as a slight groove upon lamina modioli. S. cerebel'li supe'rior ante'rior, groove between an- terior and median lobes of njijier surfaces of cerebellum. S. chias'matis, optic groove. S. choroi'deus, choroid sulcus. S. cin'gTlli, that between the corpus callo- suni and the gyrus cinguli. S. circula'ris cor'dis, auriculo-ventricular furrow. S. circula'ris Reil'ii, that separating island of lleil from surrounding lobes. S. cœ'- cus. F. fossette sus-olivaire. Deep groove se|)arating olive from posterior bonier of pons. S. coUatera'lis ante'rior medul'- lae spina'lis, groove, antero-lateral. S. coUatera'lis cer'ebri, occipito-teniporal sulcus. S. coUatera'lis infe'rior, that between the two portions of digastric lobe of cerebellum. S. coUatera'lis poste'- rior, groove, postero-lateral. S. CoUat- era'lis postre'mus, paramedian sulcus. S. condyloi'deus, small groove fre<|uently found between condyle and jugular notch of occipital bone. S. corona'lis cor'dis or S. corona 'rius, auriculo-ventricular fur- row. S. cor'porum quadrigem'inorum, longitudina'lis or sagitta'lis, median furrow separating corpor.i f|uadri;reniiiia. S. cor'porum quadrigemino 'rum trans- ver'sus, transverse furrow separating an- terior corpora i(uadrigeniina from jiostcrior. S. of cor'pus caUo'sum. L. sulcus cor- poris callosi. A well-marked groove on mesial surfaee of the hemispheres, sep- arating corpus callosum from gyrus forni- catus. S. costa'lLs or S. costa 'lis infe'- rior, subcostal groove. S. costa'lis su- pe'rior, snpracostal groove. S. crucia'- tus or S. crucifor'mis, triradiate sulcus. S. cru'ris hel'icis, groove in medial sur- face of external ear, corresponding to crus helieis of outer surface. S. deltoi'deo- pectora'lis, slight furrow on skin, indicat- ing interval between deltoid anil great pec- toral muscles. S. denta 'tus, sulcus hip- pocampi. S. digita'lis poste'rior. L. linea cephalica ; sterior arch of atlas. S. vertebra'lis lateralis at- lan'tis, sinus atlantis. Sul'fas {L.). According to the Cod. and 1'. Port., the Latin synonym for sul- phate. S. alumin'icus [Cod.], alumin- ium sulphate. S. alumino-potas'sicus [Cod.], alum. S. alumino - potassicus desicca'tus [Cod.], dried alum. S. ara- mo'nicus [1'. Port], ammonium sulphate. S. atropi'nae [Cod ] or S. atropin'icus [P. Port.], atro])ine sul]diate. S. cad'mi- CU6 [Cod.], cadmium suijdiatc. S. cu'- pricus [Cod.], copper sulphas. S. cupro- ammo'nicus [Cod.], ammoniated copper. S. eseri'nus, cscrine sul|)hate. S. fer'- ricus, ferric sulphate. S. ferro'sus [P. Dan.], ferrous sulphate. S. ferro'sus sic'cus, . sulphas : F. sulfate ; G. schwefelsaures- Salz ; /.solfato. A salt of sulphuric acid. Sul'phide. L. sulphidum ; F. .sulfure ; <7. Siliwi'lVlmetall ; /.solfuro. A compound formed hv the chemical combination of sul- jdiur with another liody. Sulphi'dum (L.). Sulpliidc. S. stib'- icum, aritiniony pentasulphiile. S. stibio'- sum nati'vum [P. Neer.], antimony .sul- |phide. Sulphindigo'tic ac'id. C|«H„X.^O.r (HSOjjj. /'. acide sulfo-indigotique ; I. acido solfo-indacotico. A product of the solution of indigo in sulphuric acid. Sul'phion [A. sulphur]. SO,. A hy- pothetical liody. supposed to combine with hydrogen to form sulphuric acid, or with metals to form salts. These combinations were called sulphionides. Sul'phis (A.). Sulphite. S. cal'ci- cus [F. .^le.x.]. calcium sulphite. S. mag- ne'sicus [P. Xeer.], magnesium sulphite. S. na'tricus [P. Neer.] or S. so'dicus [F. -Me.x.]. sodium sulphite. Sul'phite. A. sulphis ; F. sulfite ; G. schwefligsaures Salz ; /. sulfito or .solfito. A salt of sul])hurous acid. Sulpho-az'otized. F. sulfazoté, ée ; /. solfazotato. Containing sulphur and nitro- gen. Sulphobacte'ria (A.). F. sulfobacté- ries ; (r. .'^chwefclhacterien. Bacterial or- ganisms which grow in sulphurated waters, and which contain sulphur. Sulphocar'bol. Aseptol. Sulphocar'bolate. F. sulphophénate ; G. phenylschwefelsaures Salz. A salt of sulphocarbolic acid. S. of soda, sodium sulphocarbolate. Sulphocarbolate de chaux (/".). Cal- cium sulphocarbolate. Sulphocarbol'ic ac'id. CeHsHSO.. F. acide sulfocarholi(iue ; /. acido solfocarbo- lico. C)rthophenolsulphonic acid, formed by dissolving crystallized carbolic acid in an ei|ual weight of strong sulpliuric acid. Sulpho-car'bonated. F. sulfo-carbo- nate : /. solfocarbonato. Containing sul- phur and carbonic acid. Sulphoichthyol'ic acid. HoCjsHjsSjOs. A biliasic acid, in the form of a dusky semi- solid mass.obtainedby treating ichthyol with concentrated sulphuric acid, and washing with a stronir solution of sodium chloride. Sulphomethyl'ic ac'id. F. acido sul- phométhylii|ue ; /. acido solfometilico. An acid produced by the action of sulphuric acid upon methylic alcohol. Sul'phonal. (CH^O/YCJIsSO,).,. F. sulfoiial ; /. solfonal. Diethylsiilphondime- thylmethan. an oxidation product of the union of ethyl-inercaptan with acetone ; a tasteless, odorless, crystalline substance, soluble in loi) parts of cold water, readily soluble in alcohol ; highly recommended as a hv])notic in doses of 15 to 45 grains. Written also suifonal. Sulphophénate {F.). Sulphocarbolate. S. de soude, so(lium sulphocarbolate. Sulphophénol. Aseptol. 618 SUL SUL Sulpho-pic'ric ac'id [Kleinenlieri:]. (/. Pikriiiscliwefelsüuie. A«Ul 4 ce. pure sul- phuric acid to 200 ce. saturated solution of picric acid ; after an hour filter, and dilute the filtrate with GOO c.c. distilled water. Sulphovi'nate. /'. sulfuvinate : /. sol- fovinatn. A salt ut' suliiliovinic acid. Sulphovi'nic ac'id. F. acide sulfo- vinii|ue ; 7. acido .soli'ovinico. A syrvipy acid liquid, product of the action of sul- ].liuric acid upon ordinary alcohol. Sul 'phur (/>.). /'.soufre; G. Schwefel; I. solfo or zolfo. Symbol S. A non-metal- lic element, found native, widely distributed, in combination with metals and in many organic substances. It is a brittle, nearly tasteless, and inodomus substance, existing in several allotropie modifications — crystal- line, amorphous, or soft or oily — combusti- ble, a poor conductor of heat and electricity, negatively eleetrifiable : melts at 114.5° C, vaporizes at 440° C. ; insoluble in water, soluble in alkaline solutions, fixed and vola- tile oils, alcohol, other, chloroform, and es- peciallv in carbon bisul]ihide. Medicinally, it is laxative, diajihoretie. and resolvent : see also Golden, Prccipitatrd, Roll, Siiii- /imccl. Yfijetahh. and ^^'mh((^ sidpiitir. S. aura 'tum or S. aura 'turn antimo 'nil, antimonj' pentasulpliide. S. depura'tum, washed sulphur. S. diox'ide, sulphurous acid. S. lo'tum, washed sulphur. S. oint'ment. L- unguentum sulphuris ; F. pumniade soufrée ; G. Schwcfelsalbe. A mixture of sublimed sul|>hur and benzoated lard in the proportion of 3 to 7 [U. S. P.], 1 to 4 [B. P.], 1 to 8 (and 1 of almond oil) [Cod.]: see aho AlJidiine miìjiìiiir oôi/ment. S. prEecipita'tum, precijiitated sulphur. S. stibia'tum auranti'acum, antimony pentasulphide. S. stibia'tum ru'brum, antimony oxysulphuret. S. sublima'tum, sublimed sulphur. S. sublima'tum et lo'- tum [P. Ross.], washed sulphur. S vege- ta 'bile, lycopodium. S. vi'vum, horse brimstone. Sul'phurated. F. soufré, ée, or sul- furé, ée ; I. solforato. Containing sulphur. S. an'timony. SbjSsC + SbAV L. anti- monium sulphuratum : F. sulfure d'anti- moine précipité ; G. gefälltes Schwefellanti- inon. A reddish-brown [orange-red, B. P.], amorphous, odorless, tasteless powder, sol- uble in water and alcohol, consisting chiefly of antimonious sulphide, with a very small amount of antimonious oxide ; prepared by boiling antimony sulphide in solution of soda, and precipitating with sulphuric acid; alterative, dia]>h sulfuratum, oleum harlemanse. Prejiared by digesting sulphur in linseed oil, and to the product adding oil of turpentine until the mixture acquires a syrupy consi^tence. S. potas'- sa. //. potassa sulphurata ; F. sulfure de potasse; G. Kalischwefelleber; J. solfuro di potassa. l'otassium sulphuret, liver of sulphur; a hard, brittle, liver-brown, amor- phiius substance, having a faint, disagree- able odor, a bitter alkaline nauseous taste, an alkaline reaction, soluble in about 2 parts of water ; the product of fusion of 1 part of sulphur witli 2 parts of potassium carbonate: laxative, diaphoretic, alterative, antijiarasitie. S. so'da, L. trisulfuretum sodicum [Cod.] ; /•'. trisulfure de sodium solide. A conqiound obtained by fusing 14 parts of dried sodium carbonate with 10 parts of sublimed sul]ihur [Cod.]. S,- wa'ter. X. acpia sulfurata [Cod.]; F. eau sulfurée. A solution of sodium monosul- ]>hide and sodium chloride, each (l.l.ï gms. in 050 gms. of water wlii. summa]. Term ap- plied to the aec-uniulation of the effects of repeated .stimuli ap]ilied to a muscle, pro- ducing tetanic contraction. Summen (J'-)- Tinnitus aurium. Sum'mer catarrh'. Hay fever. Sum'mer complaint'. Diarrhuea. Sum'mer fe'ver. Hay fever. Sum'mer sa'vory. F. sarriette ; G. Sature! ; /. santoreggia. Satureia hortmsis, L. ; aromatic stimulant; used as a culinary herb. Sum'mit Min'eral Spring. Diuretic tonic and alterative water, Harrison. (Cum- berland Co., Maine. Sum'mit Springs. Effervescent alka- line, chalybeate springs, in Alpine Co., California. Summita'tes sabi'nse (L.) [P. G.]. Savine. Sum'mus hu'merus (X.). Point of shoulder. Sumpf ( G.). A marsh ; — cachexie, malarial cachexia ; — cirrhose, cirrhosis due t(i malaria; — fleber, malarial fever; — iofektion, malarial infection; — luft, marsh air, miasm ; — porsch. Ledum pal- ustre. L. ; — suge, Seìiiiiim pialustre, L. ; — wechselfleber, intermittent fever; — ziest, St.). 1. F. supérieur, cure; 7. superiore. In human anatomy relatively nearer a plane tangent to cephalic extrem- ity of body. 2. F. supere. In botany used to indicate those floral organs rela- tively higher than others. S. au'ris, at- tollens aurem. S. rotun'dus clitor'idis, ischio-cavernosus. Superlacta'tion. Excessive secretion of milk. Supema'tant. Floating above, on, or near the top of a fluid. Supemutri'tion. Excessive growth, hypertro|diy. SUP SUP 621 Supero-fron'tal a'rea : see .4;r<7.s uf the Supero-fi'on'tal gy'rus. Frontal con- volution, .suporiiir. Superox'ydum mangan'icum (/>.) [1*. l>an.]. Manganese dioxide. Superpurga'tion. /. superpurgazione. Excessive action of a purgative. Superscapula'ris (,//•). Supraspinatus. Supersécrétion (/'.). /. supersecre- zioiic. Excessive secretion. Superspina'Us {L.'). Spinalis. Superstib'ias potas'sicus (i.) [Cod.]. Diaphoretic antimony. Supinateur (/^.)- Supinator. Supina'tion. L. supinatio ; G. Zuriick- beuiruntr ; /. supinazione. 1. Situation of forearm and hand when, lying horizontally, the palm is up ; if hanging, directly for- ward. 2. Act of turning the hand into that position. Supinato-exten'sor mass. Assem- blage of i.iuscles arranged on dorsal and radial aspect of forearm. Supina'tor (//.). F. supinateur; /. supinatore. A muscle which by its action produces supination. S. bre'vis. F. su- pinateur court, a. kurzer liückwilrtsdre- her; /. supinatore corto. Muscle of fore- arm lying on dorsal and ulnar aspects of proximal ends of radius and ulna. Arises from ulna and lateral portion of capsule of elbow-joint, passes oblicjuely outward, and winds around the radius. S. bre'vis ac- cesso'rius, brachio-fascialis. S. lon'gTlS. F. supinateur long ; (j. Armspeichenmus- kel, langer Riickwartsdreher ; /. supinatore lungo. Muscle of radial side of forearm arising from external supracondylar ridge, and inserted into lower end of radius. S. lon'gus accesso'rius. L. brachio-radialis brevis. Muscular fascicle representing a reduplication of supinator longus, and having a separate insertion on radius. S. ma'nus, extensor ossis metacarpi pollieis [Iluniphry]. S. ra'dii bre'vis, supinator brevis. S. ridge, external sujiracondylar ridge. S. supe'rior, biceps bracini. Supinazione (/.). Supination. Suppeda'neus f />.). F. suppédané, ée. , 1. Pertaining or applied to the sole of the foot. 2. Poultice applied to sole of foot. Suppléance cérébrale (Z'.). Power of one part of the brain to assume and per- form the functions of another part in case of disease or injury of the latter. Supplenien'tary air. The air which may he ex]iired by effort after an ordinary eX]iiration has been made. Supplemen'tary spleens. />. sjilen- culi ; G. Nebenmilzen. Small roundish bodies sometimes found near the spleen, and similar to it in structure. Supporteur (/''.)■ Apparatus for sup- portini;- a part ; susi)en.sory bandage. Support'ing cells. G. Stiitzzelicn. Those supporting the outer and inner hair- cells of the organ of Corti. li Suppositoire (^.). Suppository. S-s. d'aloès, sujipositories of aloes. S-s. d'ex- trait de ratanhia, suppositories of krame- ria. Supposito'ria iL.'). Suppositories. S. ac'idi tan'nici, tannic acid suppositories. S. ac'idi tan'nici cum sapo'ne, taiDiic acid suppositories with soap. S. cum aloe [Cod.], sujìpositories of aloes. S. cum. extrac'to ratan'hiae [Cod.], suppositories of krameria. S. hydrar'gyri, mercurial suppositories. S. morphi'nse, morphine suppositories. S. morphi'nse cum sa- po'ne [B. P.]. morphine supjiositories with soap. S. plum'bi compos'ita [B. J'.], compound lead suppositories. Suppos'itories. L. suppositoria ; F. suppositoires; G. Stuhlzäpfchen; /. sup- positorii. Solid medicaments, intended for introduction into the rectum or vagina, of such composition that they will slowly liquefy at the temperature of the body or by the solvent action of the secretions : see also (Jumpoiind lead and Mt^rciirial supposi- tories. S. of al'oes. L. suppositoria cum aloe ; F. suppositoires d'aloès. Aloes 5 gms., oil of theobroma 45 gms. ; make 1(1 suppositories [Cod.]. S. of krame'ria. L. suppositoria cum extracto ratanhiie ; F. suppositoires d'extrait de ratanhia. Com- posed of dry extract of krameria 1 gm., oil of theobroma 3 gms. [Cod.]. Suppositorio or Supposta (A). Sup- pository. Suppres'sio (L.). Suppression ; stop- page of a secretion. S. men'sium, suj)- pression of the menstrual flow after it is once established. Suppu'rans (A.). Suppurating. Suppura'tion. L. suppuratio ; G. Eiterung ; /. suppurazione. The produc- tion or formation of pus. Suppurationsfieber { G.). Fever con- nected with suppuration ; the fever in the pustular stage of small-pox. 622 SUP SUP Sup'purative. L- suppurans; F. sup- puiatif, ive ; G. eiterig; /. suppurativo. Kelating to suppuration. S. fe'ver, fever accompanying suppuration. Supra-acro'mial ar'tery. Acromial arti-i'V. Ml perii ir. Supra-acro'mial nerves: see Supra- chivi'iil'ir iitrrrf. Supra-auric 'ular diam'eter. Parietal (liaiiietiT. inferior. Supra-auric 'ular point. F. point sus- aurii'ulaire. Point ju.«t above opening of external auditory meatus on posterior root of zygiiuKi. Suprachoroi'dal space. L. siiatinni suprai-lioroideuni ; G. SuprachoroiJalrauni. t'left-like interval between the velum inter- positum and the fornix with the lyra. Suprachoroi'dea {L)- Lamina sujira- eliorciidea. Supraclavic'ular. /'. sus-claviculairo or sLipraclavieulaire ; /. sopraclavicolare. Above the clavicle. S. fos'sa. F. creu.x sus-claviculaire ; G. Oberschlüsselbein- grube. Depression just above the clavicle in region of subclavian triangle. S. nerves. F. rameaux sus-clavieulaires ; 1. nervi sopraclavieolari. Series of branches derived from cervical plexus (lîd and 4th cervical nerves), which supply skin over sternum, clavicle, and shoulder. l)ivided into three groups, known bv their situation as supra- sternal, supraclavicular proper, and supra-acromial. S. plex'us of Ijrm- phat'ics. ]j. plexus supraclavicularis ; G. Oberschliisselbeingefleciit. Offshoot of jugular plexus, lying along subclavian vessels. Supraclaviculargegend (G.). Supra- clavicular region. Supraclavicula'ris (/>■). 1. Sterno- clavicularis anticus or sujienor. Prie- clavicularis subcutaneus. S. pro'prius, musculus anonymus clavicuhu. Supracon'dylar lines. Inferior con- tinuation of lips of linea aspera of femur as two diverging lines passing to condyles. Supracon'dylar proc'ess. L. proces- sus supracondyloideus. iiook-like projec- tion sometimes found in front of internal condylar ridge of humerus, representing a foramen found in some mammals. Supracon'dylar ridges. L. angulus oxtcrnus humeri. Those extending ujiward from epicondyle and epitrochlea of hu- merus. Supracon'dylar tu'bercles. L. tuber- cula supracondyloidea. Kminences at edges of popliteal surface above tuberosities of femur; to the internal is attached the me- dial head of th,e gastrocnemius ; to the ex- ternal, the plantaris. Supracon'dyloid. Supracondylar. Supraconstric'tor (/>.). Con.strictor superior [Coues]. Supracos'tal groove. L. sulcus cos- talis. Light furrow sometimes found along ujiper edge of the body of a rib, at its jios- terior extremity. Supracosta'les {L-)- Levatores costa- rum. Supracosta'lis, or S. ante'rior, or S. superficia'lis. iMuscle found in lower vertebrates (dog, rabbit, etc.). and rarely in man. arising from first rib and extending downward to a variable number of ribs be- low or to sternum [Testut]. Supracosta'lis profan'dus. Muscle- fibres extending from one rib over the one below to a third or fourth ; apparently a variety of the external intercostal muscles. Supragen'ual bur'sa. Bursa subcru- ralis. Supragle'noid tu'bercle. L. tuber- culuni supraglenoidale or supraglenoideum. Rough impression above glenoid fossa of scapula, where long head of biceps is at- tached. Suprahepat'ic veins. Hepatic veins. Suprahy'oid aponeuro'sis. Fascia connected with the intermediate tendon of the digastric muscle, attached to the body and greater cornu of hyoid bone. Suprahy'oid glands. /'. glandes sus- hvoidiennes; /. glandolo soprajoidee. Lym- phatic glands near median line between an- terior bellies of digastric muscles. Suprahy'oid re'gion. Submaxillary region. Suprain'guinal re'gion. L. regio su- prainguinalis ; G. Oberleistengegend. That part of abdominal wall limited above by a horizontal line drawn through crest of ilium, below by Poupart's ligament, internally by edge of rectus abdominis muscle. Supralabia'lis (A.). Levator labii su- perioris [Coues]. Supramar'ginal convolu'tion or gy'- rus. />. lobulus sujiramarginalis; F. lobule du pli courbe ; G. vordere Scheitclbogcn- windung. That part of inferior parietal SUP SUP 623 convolution which lie;- along upper edge of fissure of Sylvius : see l\triela/ ciiiroliitùms. Supramax'illary ar'tery. Branch from posterior dental arterj* to upper molar and liicuspid teeth. Supramax'illary gan'glion. Boch- dalek, ganglion of. Supramax'illary nerve. Branch of cervieo-facial division of facial nerve dis- trilinted to muscles of lower lip. Supraobli'quus (/>.)• Ublii|uus su- perior [Cones]. Supraoccip'ital. L. supraoccijiitalis ; F. sus-occipital, ale ; / sopraoccipitale. Above the occiput. S. an'gle, that be- tween lines drawn from auricular point to inion and lambda. S. bone. L. squama occipitalis ; F. sus-occipital ; G. Schuppe : /. porzione squamosa. Expanded part of occipital bone behind foramen magnum, ossifying by separate centre, and separate throughout life in many animals. Supraomphalody'mia (L.). Thora- copagus. Supraor'bital. L. supraorbitalis ; F. sus-orbitaire ; /. sopraorbitale. Above the orbit, S. arch. L. arcus supraorbitalis ; F. arcade sus-orbitaire ; G. Oberaugen- höhlenrand ; /. arco sopraorbitale. Curved margin of frontal bone, forming upper boundary of orbit. S. ar'tery. L. arte- ria supraorbitalis ; F. artère sus-orbitaire ; /. arteria sopraorbitale. Branch of oph- thalmic passing through supraorbital fora- men to forehead and eyelids. External s. artery, branch of superficial temporal to outer supraorbital region. S. fora'men: see Supraorbital notch. S. line. F. ligne sus- orbitaire ; G. Supraorbitallinie. One drawn horizontally across forehead just above root of external angular process of frontal bone. S. nerve. L. nervus supraorbitalis ; F. nerf frontal externe. Branch of frontal nerve from ophthalmic division of trifacial ; passes through supraorbital notch or over edge of orbit to eyelid, brow, periosteum, and mucous memVjrane of frontal sinus. S. notch. />. incisura supraorbitalis. Notch on inner portion of orbital arch of frontal bone, which transmits supraorbital vessels and nerve. It is frequently converted into a foramen on one or both sides. S. point, ophryon. S. sul'cus. L. sulcus supra- orbitalis. A short furrow on median sur- face of hemispheres, running forward from near anterior end of calloso-marginal sulcus parallel to orbital edge of brain. S. vein. L. vena supraorbitalis ; /'. veine sus-orbi- taire ; G. Oberaugenhohlenvene ; /. vena sopraorbitaria. Collects blood from lower part of forehead and upper eyelid, and dis- charges into facial. Supraorbitalbreite (6-'.). distance be- tween the two supraorbital foramina. Supraor'bitar. Supraorbital. Suprapon'tine ar'teries. F. artères sus-protubérantielles. Branches from basi- lar artery to upper edge of pons on median line [Duret]. Suprapu'bic nerve. F. nerf sus-pu- bien ; / nervo soprapubico. Internal branch of ilio-inguinal nerve. Suprarec'tus (/>■)• llectus superior [Coues]. Suprare'nal. L. suprarenalis ; F. sur- rénal, ale ; /. surrenale. Above the kidney. S. ar'teries. L. arterias suprarenales ; F. artères surrénales ; G. Nebennierenschlag- adern ; /. arterie capsulari. Those supply- ing the suprarenal capsules. The supe- rior are derived from inferior phrenic ar- teries, the middle from aorta, and the inferior from renal a-s. S. bod'ies, supra- renal capsules. S. cap'sules. L. gianduii« suprarenales ; /'. capsules surrénales ; G'. Nebennieren ; /. capsule surrenali. Two triangular flattened organs resting one upon superior end of each kidne}'. They consist of a network of trabecule enclosing large nucleated cells richly supplied with vessels and nerves. Though classed as blood-glands, their functions are not under- stood. S. nerves, large number of short stems (33. KiUliker) derived from solar plexus, and supplying sujirarenal capsules. S. plex'us. L. plexus suprarenalis ; G. Nebennierengefiecht. Formed by supra- renal nerves from solar plexus. S. veins. L. venie suprarenales ; F. veines surrénales ; G. Nebennierenblutadern ; /. vene surre- nali. Short but large trunks removing blood from suprarenal capsules. The right empties into either the inferior vena cava or the renal vein, the left into either the renal or a phrenic vein. Suprascap'ula ( L.). That part of ver- tebral border of seajiula formed by separate centre or centres of ossification [Parker]. Suprascap'ular. L. suprascapularis ; F. »us-scapulaire ; /. sopra-scapolare. Above the scapula. S. ar'tery. L. arteria supra- scapularis ; F. artère sus-scapulaire ; G. quere Schulterblattschlagader ; /. arteria scapolare superiore. Arises from thyroid axis or from subclavian artery, and passes 624 SUP SUR deeiily aeross root of neck to supraspinous fossa. S. bone, bone corresponding to base of the scapula in man ; found inde- pendent in many animals. S. fas'cia, on back of scapula attached to spine and other processes ; binds down supra- and infra- spinatus and the teres muscles. S. fora'- men, that formed by suprascajiular notch and coracoid ligament when latter ossifies, S. lig'ament, coracoid ligament. S. nerve. L. nervus suprascapularis. Branch from superior trunk of brachial plexus which passes through suprascayiular notch, and supplies supraspinatus. infraspinatus, and shoulder-joint. S. notch. L. incisura suprascapularis ; F. échancrure coraco- idienne. Found at base of coracoid process of scapula, and serving to transmit nerve of same name. S. re'gion. L. regio suprascapularis. That part of back above scapula. S. veins. L. venae transversae scapula}. Companions to artery of same name, discharging into subclavian or ex- ternal jugular. Suprascapula'ris {L.). Suprascapular. Substantively (/. sopra-scapolare superiore), the supraspinatus muscle. Supr aserra 'tus {L.). Serratus pos- ticus superior [Coues]. Supraspi'nal. L. sujiraspinalis, supra- spinatus; /^. surépineus, euse ; sur-spinal, ale ; /. sopra-spinoso, a. Above or upon a spine. Supraspina'tus (^L.). F. surépineux ; G. Obergriitenniuskel ; /. sopra-spinoso. Muscle of shoulder arising from supra- spinous fossa of scapula, and inserted into upper facet of groat tuberosity of humerus. Supraspino'sus (/>■). Supraspinal. Supraspi'nous ar'tery. Branch from posterior scapular or transverse cervical artery to supraspinous fossa. Supraspi'nous fos'sa. L. fossa supTa- spinata ; /'. fosse surépineuse ; G. Ober- griitengrube ; /. fossa sojira.spinosa. Smooth concave hollow above spine of scapula which affords attachment to supraspinatus muscle. Supraspi'nous lig'ament. L. liga- mentum apicum ; F. ligaimiit surépineux ; G. Spitzenband ; /. legamento scjpra-spinoso. Fibrous cord connecting spinous processes of vertebrae i'rom sacrum to seventh cer- vical, and continued from thence to occip- ital bone as the ligamentum nuch;r. Supraster'nal. F. sus-sternal, ale. Above the sternum. S. ar'tery, branch of suprascapular artery continued over sternum. S. bones. L. ossa supra- sternalia. Two small ossifie nodules; rarelj' found, articulating with sternum on either side of interclavicular notch ; appear to represent episternal bones of some low mammals. S. fos'sa. L. fossa supra- sternalis; (7. Kehlgrube. Depression seen above sternum between origins of sterno- mastoid muscle. S. nerves: see Supm- cldiiridar iiervis. S. notch, interclavicular notch. Suprastemalspalte ( G.). Spatium interaponeuroticum suprasternale. Supratroch'lear depres'sion. L. de- pressio supratrochlearis. Slight hollow on anterior surface of femur above trochlea, filled during life with synovial processes and fat. Supratroch'lear fora'men. That aris- ing from a perforation of thin plate between olecranon and coronoid fossas of humerus ; sometimes found, especially in young sub- jects. Supratroch'lear nerve. L. nervus supratrochlearis; F. nerf frontal interne. Branch of frontal nerve from ophthalmic division of trifacial ; passes out near inner angle of eye to skin of eyelid and forehead. Sûr, ûre (F.}. Sour, acid. Su'ra (i.). Calf of the leg. Sura (/.). 1. Fibula. 2. Calf of the leg. Suractivité (F.). Exaggerated activity (of an organ). Suraigu, uë (F.). Very intense or acute. Su'ral. L. suralis ; F. sural, ale; /. surale. Pertaining to tlie calf of the leg. S. ar'teries. L. arteriic surales ; F. artères jumelles; J. arterie gemelle. Branches from popliteal, usually two in number, supplying gastrocnemius and calf of leg. Sura'les {L-)- Gastrocnemius consid- ered as two muscles. SuraUmentation {F.). Over-feeding. Sura'hs (//■)• Sural, triceps surœ. Suranal, ale (F.). Above the anus. Surcharge graisseuse (F.). Fatty in- filtration. Surciher (F.). Corrugator supercilii. Surcostal, ale (F.). Supracostal. Surcostaux (F.). Levatores costarum. Surculation (F.). (iemmation. Surdent (F.). 1. Supernunierary or SUR SUS 625 extra tooth. 2. A permanent tooth which has appeared before the corresponding tem- porary one has been shed. Surdi-mutisme (F.). The condition prodiR-eJ by deaf-mutism. Surdi-mutité {F.). Dumbness result- ing from congenital deafness. Sur'ditas (L.). Deafness. S. verba'- lis, word-deafness. Surdité (F.). Deafness. S. paradox- ale, deafness which is more marked in a still place, and diminishes in the midst of noises S. verbale, word-deafness. Surdomu'titas {L.). Deaf-mutism. Sureau (F.). Elder. SureUe {F^. Oxalis. Sur-épineux, euse (F.). Supraspinous, supraspinatus. Stirface (F.). Surface. S-s. de frotte- ment or triturantes, grinding surfaces of the teeth. S-s. de glissement, slight, smooth excavations in bones for the passage of tendons. S-S. d'insertion, roughened surfaces of bones, where ligaments and tendons are inserted. Surfeit. L. acrasia ; F. excès de table ; G. Ueberladung; /.crapula. A feeling of fulness and oppression, occasioned by excess in eating and drinking. Sur'geon [contr. of chirurgeon]. F. chirurgien ; G. Wundarzt ; /. chirurgo. One who practises surger}-. Sur'geon's ag'aric. L. fungus chirur- gorum ; F. agaric de chêne or des chirur- giens ; G. Feuerschwamm ; /. agarico di quercia or dei chirurgi. S[)unk ; touch- wood ; the fungus Pulyporus /onientortus, Fries, prepared for use by slicing, boiling in weak lye, and beating until soft ; used to arrest haemorrhage ; impregnated with potassium nitrate, it becomes tinder. Sur'gery \^/^ip, è'/Y"/]. F. chirurgie ; G. Wundarzneikundc ; /. chirurgia. 1. That branch of medicine which deals with injuries, deformities, tumors, and such other affections as are chiefly to be treated by manual or instrumental aid. 2. The office or operating-room of a surgeon : see also Minar surgery. Sur'gical. F. chirurgical, ale; G. chi- rurgisch ; /. chirurgico, a. Pertaining to surgery. S. anat'omy : see Anaiom;/. S. kid'ney, diseased kidney, resulting from di.sease of the bladder or uretlira, or from catheterization or operations on the genito- urinary tract; usually pyelo-nephritis. S. Vol. II. — »Ü tubercvilo'sis, tuberculosis in parts amen- able to surgical treatment. Surinam quas'sia. Quassia amara. Surinam-bark. Worm-bark. Bark of Andini iiKrmis. Sur-irritation {F.). Exagerrated irri- tation. Surlangue {F.). A disease of domestic ruminants, characterized by fever, prostra- tion, oral and lingual ulceration, etc. Surlarjmgien, ienne (/"■)■ Situated above the l;ir3nx. Surmenage {F.). Excessive exertion, over-pressure ; the bodily or mental condi- tion thus produced. Suroccipital, ale(i^.). Supraoccipital. Suros {F.). Exostosis on the cannon- bone of the fore foot of the horse. Surox'alas (i.) [Cod.]. Binoxalate. S. potas'sicus [Cod.], potassium binox- alate. Surpeau (/'•)■ Epidermis, cuticle. Sur'ra. A disease of horses, mules, and camels in India, probably caused by a parasite in the blood, the Jlxmatomonas Evansi. The symptoms are those of per- nicious ansemia. Surrénal, ale {F.). J. surrenale. Supra- renal. Sursemi-orbiculaire {F.). Upper half of orbicularis oris. Sur-spinal, ale {F.). Supraspinal. Sursumduc'tion. Term proposed to express the power of uniting an image seen through a prism placed with its base down- ward before one eye, with the image of the same object as seen by the other eye. Surtout ligamenteux {F.). Common ligament of spinal column. Surumpe. Peculiar form of retinal hyperoesthesia observed at great heights on the Andes. Survi'val. F. survie ; G. Ueberleben ; /. sopravivere. Outliving, persistence of life. Sus-acromial, ale {F.). Above the acromion. Ilyper- Sus-brachycéphalique (/'.). brachycephalic. Sus-carpien {F.). 1. Above the wrist. 2. J)ursal artery of wrist [Chaussier]. SuBceptibil'ity. F. susceptibilité ; G. Empfänglichkeit ; /. suscettibilità. Ease of being affected ; sensibility. 626 SUS SUS Sus - claviculaire (F.). Above the clavicle. Sus-coccygien, ienne (F.). Above the coccjx. Sus - diaphragmatique (/'.). Above the diaphragm. Sus-épineux (F.). Supraspinatus. Sus-maxillaire {F.). Superior maxil- lary bone. Sus - maxillo - labial (grand) (F.). Levator labii superiori^ alœque nasi [Chaus- sier]. Sus-maxiUo-labial (petit) (F.). Lev- ator anguli ori.s [t'haiissier]. Sus-maxillo-nasal (F.). Compressor nasi [Chaus.sier]. Sus-mésaticéphalique (^F.). Hyper- mesatieephalic. Sus - metacarpo - latéri - phalangien (/'.) [Dumas]. Dorsal interosseous mus- cle of hand. Sus - metatarso - latéri - phalangien (^F.) [Duma.s]. Dorsal interosseous mus- cle of foot. Sus-occipital (F.). Supraoccipital bone. Sus-optico-phéni-scléroticien {F.). Rectus superior muscle of eye. Sus-orbitaire (F.). Supraorbital. Suspen'ded anima'tion. Asphyxia, catalepsy. Suspenseurs de l'abdomen (i^.). Pou- part's term for the two Poupart's ligaments. Sus'pensio (L.). Hanging. Suspensoir or Suspensoire (i^.). Sus- pensory bandage for the scrotum. Suspenso'rium (i.). A suspensory bandage, a sling. Suspenso'rius (Z/.Ì. Suspensory, hold- ing up. S. duode'ni, suspensory muscle of duodenum. S. hep'atis, coronary lig- ament of liver. S. tes'tis, cremaster muscle. Suspen'sory. 1. F. suspenseur. Sus- taininçj. 2. F. suspensoir ; /. sospensorio. A bag for supporting the scrotum. S. lig'ament of axil'la. F. ligament sus- penseur de l'aisselle ; /. aponeurosi clavi- pettorale. Deep layer of axillary fascia continued upward over pectoralis minor and great vessels to clavicle. S. lig'ament of clit'oris. L. ligamentum Suspensorium clitoridis. Structure similar to that of penis, attaching clitoris to symphysis pubis. S. lig'ament of lens, zone of Zinn. S. lig'ament of liv'er. L. ligamentum Sus- pensorium hepatis; 6r'. Aufhängeband der Leber. Fold of peritoneum passing from anterior body-wall in region of umbilicus to diaphragm and notch of liver above. It transmits umbilical vein in fœtus, and its remains in the adult. S. lig'ament of odon'toid proc'ess. L. ligamentum Sus- pensorium dentis. A band passing from summit of odontoid process upward to margin of foramen magnum. S. lig'ament of pe'nis, deep. L. ligamentum Suspen- sorium penis profundum. Band of fibrous tissue extending from symphysis pubis to dorsum of penis. S. lig'ament of pe'nis, superfl'cial, band of highly elastic fibres that passes from tissue of linea alba to penis [Luschka]. S. lig'ament of peri- car'dium. L. ligamentum pericardii su- perius. Strong process passing upward over great vessels at base of heart, and becoming continuous with deep cervical fascia, reaching spine at the 3d cervical vertebra. S. lig'ament of spleen, spleno- phrenic liizanient. S. lig'aments of di'aphragm, processes of prevertebral fascia descending from bodies of cervical and first dorsal vertebrae to pericardium and central tendon of diaphragm [Teutle- ben]. S. lig'aments of mam'ma. L. ligamenta suspensoria mammœ. Fibrous processes belonging to superficial fascia which connect septa of mammary gland with skin [Cooper]. S. mus'cle of duode'num. L. musculus suspensorius duodeni. Bundle of unstriped muscle- fibres passing backward from muscular coat of transverse portion of duodenum to region of cœliae axis and superior mesen- teric artery. It is regarded as of same nature as subperitoneal muscular tissue found in lower vertebrates. S. mus'cle of eye, choanoid muscle. Suspirieux, euse {F.}. Sighing, pro- ducing a sigh. Suspir'ium (■/>.). A sigh. Sus -pubio- fémoral (/".). Peetineus [Chaussier]. Sus-scapulo-tl'ochantérien (F.). Su- praspinatus [Chaussier]. Sus - scapulo - trochantérien (grand) (F.). Infraspinatus [Chaussier]. Sus-scapulo-trochitórien (F.). Teres minor [('haussier]. Sus-spini-scapulo-trochitérien (F.). Supraspinatus muscle. Sussulto (/.). Subsultus. Sustentac'ular fl'bres. Midler's fibres. Sustentac'ulum lie'nis (L.). Connec- tive-tissue corpuscles of the spleen-pulp. sus SUT 627 Sustentac'ulum ta'li (Z.). F. petite apophyse du calcanóum ; /. apofisi sosten- tacolo. Process of caleanomu projecting from internal surface, affording support for astragalus. Sustenta'tor pe'nis (//•)• Ischio-cav- ernosus. Sustenta'tor rec'ti (L.). Bundles of unstriped muscular fibres arising from ante- rior surface of coccyx, and passing to sides of rectum, and thence to upper covering of urogenital diaphragm [IIoU]. Sustenta'tor tu'nicee muco'sae (i). Corrugator cutis ani. Susur'rus (L.). A low muttering, humming, or rumbling sound. Su'terberry. Prickly ash. Suto'rius {L.). I. sutorio. Sarto- rius. Sutur(G.). Suture. Sutu'ra (L.). Suture. S. bregma'to- mastoi'dea, occipito-mastoid suture. S. corona'lis, coronal suture. S. cor'poris callo'si, raphe of the corpus callosum. S. cuta'nea, raphe of the palate: see Pnlu- litif- riii(fi:s. S. denta'ta, dentate suture. S. fronta'lis, frontal suture. S. fron'to- parieta'lis, coronal suture. S. harmo- nia'lis, harmonic suture. S. imperfec'ta "Web'eri, fine groove, sometimes a suture, on outer side of nasal process of superior maxillary in front of and below lachrymal crest. S. incisi'va, incisive suture. S. infraorbita'Us or S. infraorbita'lis lon- gitudina'lis, infraorbital suture. S. in- fraorbita'lis transver'sa, delicate suture sometimes found in young skulls, running from infraorbital suture to lachrymal notch, parallel to lower edge of orbit and about 2 mm. behind it. S. interendognath'ica, palatine suture. S. lambdoi'dea, lamb- doid suture. S. limbo'sa, limbose suture. S. longitu dina 'lis, sagittal suture. S. longitudina'Iis imperfec'ta, sutura im- perfecta Weberi. S. mastoi'dea, occipito- mastoid suture. S. mastoi'deo-squamo'- sa, fine line sometimes seen separating a small anterior portion of mastoid process from the remainder ; corresponds to the separation between mastoid and petrous bones occurring in embrj-o. S. mendo'sa. 1. Sutura notha. 2. Sutura transversa os.sis occipitis. S. no'tha. F. fausse suture ; G. falsche Naht ; /. sutura falsa. A suture articulating merely by rough surfaces. S. occipita'lis, lambdoid suture. S. occip- ito-mastoi'dea, occipito-mastoid suture. S. occip'ito-parieta'lis, lambdoid suture. S. palati'na, palatine suture. S. pari- eta'lis, sagittal suture. S. pari'eto-mas- toi'dea, paricto-mastoid suture. S. pari'- eto-tempora'lis, parieto-temporal suture. S. petro-basila'ris or S. petroso-basi- la'ris, that between petrous portion of tem- poral liiiiif and basilar process of occipital. S. petro-squamo'sa, petro-s((uamosal su- ture. S. rabdoi'des, or S. rhabdoi'des, or S. recta, nr S. sagitta'lis, sagittal su- ture. S. serra'ta, suture in which the in- terlocked edges are saw-like. S. sphe'no- ethmoida'lis, that between sphenoid and ethmoid bones. S. spheno-parieta'lis, spheno-parietal suture. S. spheno-tem- pora'lis, spheno-squamous suture. S. spheno-zygomat'ica, spheno-malar su- ture. S. spu'ria, sutura notha. S. squa- mo'sa. G. Schuppennaht. 1. A suture where one bone laps or bevels markedly over another. 2. Squamo-parietal suture. S. tempora'lis, temporo-parietal suture. S. transver'sa os'sis occip'itis, that separating upper part of scjuamous jiortion of occipital bone from the remainder. S. ve'ra, true suture, one that articulates by indentations. S. Wormia'na ante'rior, upper part of lambdoid suture. S. Wor- mia'na poste'rior, sutura transversa ossis occipitis. S. zygomat'ico-fronta'lis, fronto-malar suture. S. zygomat'ico- sphenoida'lis, union between orbital sur- face of great wing of sphenoid and malar bone. Sutura (/.). Suture. S. coronale, coronal suture. S. lambdoidea, lambdoid suture. S. parietale, parietal suture. S. per armonia, harmonia. S. rabdoide or S. sagittale, sagittal suture. Sutura I /.'). Suture ("surgical). S. ad ansa di Ledran, Le Dran's suture or stitch. S. incavigliata or S. piumata, f|uilled suture. S. intorcigliato, twisteil suture. S. perduta, buried suture. S. a punti staccati, interrupted suture. S. a sopraggitto, Glover's suture. Su'tural lig'ament. A thin layer of connective tissue found in a suture between opposed ends of bones. Su'ture. L., T. sutura; /'.suture; G. Naht. 1. Immovable joint by which bones of head are united. It consists of two bony surfilées closely applied to each other, and connected by thin layer of connective tissue : see Coronal^ Frontal, Lambdoid, Sagittal, etc. suture. 2. A uniting, a sewing together; the threads by which 628 SUT SWE thf lips of a wound are sewn together. S., dry, made by applying adhesive plas- ter on each side of a wound, and sewing the edges of the plaster together. S. of the four mas'ters. /'. suture des quatre maîtres ; (1. Naht der vier Meister. Used in transverse wounds of the intes- tines. The edges are stitched together over a piece of the trachea of an animal just killed. S., glover's, made by passing the needle from within outward through each lip of the wound. S., twisted, made by passing a pin through both lips of a wound, and twisting a thread round the protruding ends to draw the lips together. Suture {F.y Suture (anatomical). S. bi-pariétale, sagittal suture. S. coro- nale, coronary suture. S. frontale, coro- nal suture. S. lambdoide, lanibdoid suture. S. longitudinale or S. médiane du crâne, sagittal suture. S. occipitale, lambdoid suture. S. par harmonie, har- monia. S. squameuse, or S. écailleuse, or S. temporale, sijuamous suture. Suture ( F.). Suture (surgical). S. à anse, Le Dran's suture or stitch. S. empennée or S. emplumée, quilled suture. S. enchevillée, quilled suture. S. entortillée, twisted suture. S, entre- coupée, interrupted suture. S. perdue, buried suture ; one placed deep in a wound and allowed to encyst or be absorbed. S. en piquée, Gély's suture. S, des quatre maîtres, suture of the four masters. Sutureur {F.). Instrument used for applying the stitches in staphylorrhaphy. Suzanne's gland. A body about as large as a pea, having the structure of a mucous gland, said to be found under the sulcus alveolo-lingualis of mouth, near me- dian line; distinct from sublingual gland. Svenimento (/.). Swoon. Sventramento (/.). Eventration. Sverginamento (/.). Defloration. Sviluppo (/.). Development. Svisceramento (/.). Evisceration. Svogliataggine (/.). Malaise, disgust, S. v. r., abbv. for Spiritus vini recti- flcatus (i.), rectified spirit of wine. Svuotamento (/.). Evidement. Swab-stick. A rod of wood wrapped at one end with cotton, used in making ap- plications to the uterus or vagina. Swal'lowing \_A. S. swelgan]. Deglu- tition. Swallow's nest of cerebel'lum. Nidus hirundinis. Swal'low-w^ort. F. dompte-venin ; G. Schwalbenwurz ; /. vincetossico. The root of Yinceloxicum officinale, Moench ; emeto- cathartic. Swamp'-apple. Azalea niuUflorum, Torr. ; plant astringent. Swamp-cabbage. Skunk cabbage, Syinjiliicarpiis /atidds, Salisb. Swamp-dog'wood. Cornus sericea, L. Swamp-fever. Malarial fever. Swamp-hel'lebore. Veratrum viride, Ait. Swamp-hibis'cus. ILZiscus moscheu- tos, L. Sw^amp-hon'eysuckle. Azalea viscosa, L. ; astringent. Swamp-itch. Pruritus or scabies. Swamp-lau'rel. Kalmia glauca. Ait. Swamp-ma'ple. Acer rubrum, L. Swamp-niük'weed. Asclepias incar- naci, L. Swamp-pine. Piniis nnstralis, 31ichx. Swamp-pink. Azalea viscosa, L.. var. nitida, (iray ; plant astringent. Swamp-sas'safras. Magnolia glauca, L. Sw^amp-su'mach. Rhus venenata, DC. Swamp-tea. Wild rosemary, Ledum palustre, L. Swamp - wil'low - herb. Epilohium JJldllShc, Li. Sw^eat [-1. S. swœtan]. L. sudor; F. sueur ; G. Schweiss ; /. sudore. Perspira- tion ; the fluid secreted by the sweat-glands, especiallv when it collects in drops on the skin. S. canal'. G. Schwei.s.sgang. Ex- cretory duct of a sweat-gland. S. centre, theoretical centre in the medulla oblongata which when stimulated excites general per- spiration. S. -glands. L. glandular sudo- riparae ; F. glandes sudorifères ; G. Schweiss- drüsen ; /. glandolo sudorifere. Those se- creting the perspiration, composed of one or more blind, convoluted tubules lying ia the subcutaneous ti.ssue, discharging by a spirally-coiled excretory duet through the skin ; found everywhere on surfiice of body, except on glans penis and lips. Sweat'ing fe'ver. Sweating sickness ; miliary fever. Sweat'ing sick'ness. L- sudor an- glicus ; /'. suette miliairc ; /. sudore anglico. An epidemic disease, often fatal in a few hours, characterized by suddenness of at- SWE SWI 629 tack, high fever, intense thirst, and profuse sweating. It appeared in Eiighmd in the 15th and 16th centuries. Sweat-root. Poiemoninm reptans, L. Sweat-weed. 3Iarshmallow, Althxa officinalis, L. Swe'dish bit'ters. Compound tincture of aloes. Swe'dish g-ymnas'tics. A system of exercises for the treatment of partial paral- ysis, deformities, etc., in which active and passive movements are combined with mas- sage, etc. Swe'dish leech. Ilirudo medicinalis, L. Sw^eet al'mond. L. amygdala dulcis ; F. amande douce ; G. süsse Mandel ; /. mandorla dolce. The seed of Amygdalus rommuìds, L., var. dulcis, DC. ; contains fixed oil and emuLsin, but no amygdalin, and therefore does not develop hydrocyanic acid by maceration in water. Sweet bal'sam. Gnaphalium poly- cephiilum, Michx. Sweet ba'sil. F. basilic ; G. Basilien- kraut ; /. basilico. Ocymum Basdicum, L., cultivated as a kitchen herb ; aromatic stimulant. Sweet bay. 1. Lawns nobilis, L. 2. Mar/ ni ilia glauca. L. Sw^eet birch. Betula lenta, L. Sw^eet cassa 'va. Manihot Alpi, Pohl. Sweet Chalyb'eate Springs. A health- resort in Alleghany Co., Virginia, formerly known as the Red Sweet Springs. Waters calcic-chalybeate and purgative ; tempera- ture of bath. 75° F. Sweet cic'ely. Osmorrhiza longistylis, DC. Sweet clo'ver. Melilotus. Sweet flag. Calamus. Sweet gum. Liquidambar. Sweet lau'rel. Illicium, floridanum, Ellis. Sweet myr'tle. Acorus Calamus, L. Sweet oil. Olive oil. Sweet pep'per-bush. Clethra alni- folia, L. Sweet sca'bious. Erigeron annuum, L. Sweet sedge. Acorus Calamus, L. Sweet spir'it of ni'tre. Spirit of nitrous etht-r. Sw^eet Springs. .Saline waters, near Brownsville, Saline Co., Missouri ; also calcic waters, Sweet Springs, Monroe Co., West Virginia. Sweet tinct'ure of rhu 'barb. L. tinctura rhei dulcis. Rhubarb 8, glycyr- rhiza 4, anise 4, cardamom 1, diluted alco- hol q. s. to make lUU ; macerate and per- colate [U. S. R]. Sweet ver'nal-grass. Anthoxanthum odoratum. Sweet vibur'num. Vihwnum Lentago, L. Sweetbread. Pancreas. Sweet-fern. Ferngale, meadowfern, Comptoida asplenifolia, Ait.; stimulant and astringent. Sw^eet-gale. F. piment royal ; G. Myrtenheide ; /. pimento reale. Dutch myrtle, Myrica Gale, L. ; aromatic, astrin- gent, and bitter ; the fruit is said to be used instead of pepper. Sweet-leaf. Hopea tinctnria, L. Sweet-mar'joram. L. herba majorannc; F. marjolaine ; G. ]\Ieiran ; /. maggiorana. The herb of Origanum Majorana, L. ; used for seasoning food, and sometimes as an aromatic medicine. Sweet-or'ange. L. aurantiuni dulce ; F. orange douee ; G. Apfelsine ; /. arancia dolce. The fruit of Citrus Aurautium, Risso. ; an agreeable, refreshing, and di- gestible fruit ; called also China, Portugal, or Lisbon orange. S.-o. peel. L. aurantii dulcis cortex ; F. écorce d'orange douce ; G. Apfelsinenschale ; /. corteccia d'arancia dolce. The rind of the fruit of Citrus Au- rautium, Risso., the sweet-orange tree. The thin exterior layer contains a fragrant vola- tile oil ; used as a flavoring ingredient. Sweet-pota'to. The root of Batata edulif, Chuis. ; a food-product much used. Sweet-scent'ed shrub. Calycauthus ßoridus, L. Sweet-sop. The fruit of Anona squa- mosa ; edible. Sw^eet-su'mach. Rhus aromatica, Ait. Sweet'wood-bark. Cascarilla. Swieta'nia (L-). A genus of Meliacese. S. febrifuga, Willd., Soymida fehrifuga, Juss. S. Mahog'ani, L., mahogany-tree; a tall tree of trojucal America and the West Indies ; the bark is used as an anti- periodic [F. Mex.]. Swine plagxie. G. Schweineseuche. Infectious pneunio-enteritis, pig typhoid, hog cholera. An acute, epidemic, conta- gious, and usually fatal disease of swiae, 630 SWI SYM with the following symptoms : fever, dul- ness, weakness of the posterior extremi- ties, cough, rapid and labored respiration, and sometimes diarrluiea. The character- istic lesions are those of acute pneumo- nia and necrotic inflammation with ulcera- tion of the large, rarely of the small, intes- tine. The pneumonia or the intestinal lesion may exist alone, hut usually they occur in combination. The disease may appear as septicœmia, without the cha- racteristic local lesions. It is caused by the bacillus of swine plague : see also liothkui/. Swine-pox. Chicken-pox. Swiss tape'worm. Bothriocephalus laltia. Swoon. F. défaillance, évanouissement ; G. Ohnmacht ; 1. svenimento. Fainting fit. Swoon'ing [»S'((.c. swunan]. Fainting, syncope. Syco'ma (i.) [.) [«rW^.r^v''!?]- Conception. Sylvester's meth'od : see Artificial resjHialion. Syl'vian aq'ueduct. Aqueduct of Sylvius. Syl'vian ar'tery. F. artère sylvienne. Middle anterior central artery. Syl'vian fls'sure. L. fissura Sylvii ; F. scissure de Sylvius ; G. Sylvi'sehe Spalte ; /. scissura di Silvio. Karliest de- veloped fissure of cerebral hemispheres, re- sulting from folding of cortical surface over island of Reil. It extends from an- terior perforated space of brain laterally upward and backward, dividing into a short anterior or ascending branch and a longer posterior horizontal branch. Syl'vian fos'sa. L. fossa Sylvii. Deep pit on side of hemispheres of brain contain- ing island of Reil. Sylvian ven'tricle. Fifth ventricle. Sylvie (F.). Anemone nemorosa. Sylvien, enne (F.). Situated in or near the fissure of Sylvius. Sylvi'sehe Spalte {('■)■ Sylvian fis- sure. Sylvi'sehe Wasserleitung ( G.). Aque- duct of Sylvius. Symbio'sis (L.) l^ffu;ißiui(T'.c]. F. sym- biose. A living together ; association of different organisms in one community. Ssrmbiot'ie. Parasitic. Symbleph'aron [«róv, /îA/ya/)i;>]. F. Symblepharon ; G. Symblepharum ; /. sim- blefaro. An adhesion between the eyelid and eyeball. Sym'elus (L.). F. symèle. Sympus. Ssmie's amputa'tion. Amputation at the ankle-joint, the malleoli and articular cartilage being sawn off, and the ends cov- ered with a flap formed from the thick tis- sue of the heel. Sym'meles {L.) [/'.//"?]. Monsters with fused lower extremities. Symmet'rieal. F. symétrique ; G. sym- metrisch ; /. simmetrico. Possessing sym- metry ; corresponding in size and shape on each side ; properly proportioned. S. points. G. Gegenpunkto, (legenstellen. Points symmetrically situated on the retini» — i. e. points similarly related to the centre in the two outer halves or on the two inner halves of the retinœ. Sympathet'ic. F. sympathi(|ue ; G. syni]iatlietisch ; /. simpatico, a. Pertaining, or due, to sympathy ; substantively, the sympathetic nerve. S. an'thrax. F. charbon symptomatique ; (1. Hauschlirand. An endemic disease of cattle caused by the SYM SYM 631 bacillus of sympathetic anthrax. It is characterized by one or more painful nod- ules under the skin w in the muscles, with infiltration of bloody scrum and dark color of the flesh, whence its name of "black leg" or "quarter ill.' S. bu'bo, non-venereal bubo. S.mor'ningsick'ness or vom'iting, nausea in, or vomiting by, the husband when his wife is pregnant. S. nerve. L. nervus syrapathicus magnus ; F. nerf, grand sympathiijue ; G. Grenz- strang ; /. nervo grande simpatico. Com- missural cord extending along either side of spine, uniting sympathetic ganglia. S. ner'vous sys'tem. L. systema nervosum Vegetativum ; F. système nerveux sympa- thique ; G. sympathisches Nervensystem ; /. sistema nervoso simiiatieo. Consists of small ganglia oneither side of .spinal column, connected longitudinally with each other (sympathetic nerve), centrally with cerebro- spinal system (rami viscerales), and periph- erally sending branches to viscera, most of which are arranged in complicated plexuses containing ganglionic elements. S. ophthal'mia, inflammation of an eye- ball due to lesion of the other eye. S. eali'va, salivary secretion upon irritation of the sympathetic nerve [Thudichum]. Sympathet'icus mi'nor {L.). Facial nerve. Sympathicuslähmung (G.). Paraly- sis of the sympathetic nerve. Sym'pathy [-rùv, ràOuf']. F. sympathie ; G. Mitleidenschaft ; /. simpatia. A vague term to express the fact that injury or dis- ease of an organ may produce a change in another part with which it is not directly connected. Ssnnphore'ma (i.) [«J-oy, fnpiw']. Con- gestion. Sjrmphore'sis {L.). Production of congestion. Ssnnphoret'icus (L.). Congested. Symphyse (F.). Symphysis. S. car- diaque, pericardial adhesion. S. du menton, symphysis of the jaw. S. du pubis, symphysis pubis. S. sacro-iliaque, sacro-iliac symphysis. Symphys'eal an'gle. F. angle sym- physien. That between line drawn from lower incisor teeth to point of chin and the plane of lower border of inferior max- illary bone. Ssonphyseot'omy or Symphysiot'- omy [_'r'\'Lifu/T'.ç, tk/ìt;]. F. symphyséûtoniic ; G. Symphysentrennung ; I. sinfisitomia. Section of the symphysis pubis to enlarge the pelvic cavity and facilitate labor. Symphy'sion l_rTi'),fi.) [ffü.a-!—!«]. F. symp- tose. Collapse, atrophy. Sym'pus (L.) [«Tt»,a""tJ?]. F. symòle ; /. simpode. A monster with the lower ex- tremities united. S. a'pus, form in which the united lower extremities taper to a point without an}- trace of the feet. Synadelphe (F.). Thorocopagus. Synago'ge (L.) l^auvdyio]. Contraction. Synal'gia (L.) [a-'Ou, àV.j-«?]. F. synal- gie. Associated or .sympathetic pain. Synan'che (i.) [^^wày/r,']. F. synancie. Cynanphe. Synaphsrmeni'tis \_Twa(frj, tiijLrjv']. Con- junctivitis. Sjmap'tase [(roi-, am«]. /. sinaptasi. Emulsion. Synarthro'dia (L.) [«/jö/x/v]. Syn- arthnjsis. Synarthro'dial diarthro'sis. Amphi- arthrosis. Synarthro'sis (L.). F. synarthrose; I. sinartrosi. 1. Joint in which the con- nections have become so firm as to make it practically immovable. 2. Amphiarthrosis. Synathrois'mus (/^.) [Tuv«tf//«;(7,ua]. Congestion. Syncéphalien {F.'). Syncephalus. Synceph'alus (Z.) [tOv, xiifakyf]. F. syncé]ihalc ; /. sincefalo. A double mons- ter in which the heads are united. Synchi'lia (/>.) [/îî/icy]. Atresia of the lips. Synchi'ral [i-^V.-, /£;'"]. Term proposed by Dr. H. Allen to indicate the kind of movement when the right and left foot of a single pair move together, as in the gal- lop of the horse. Sjmchit'riumMiescheria'num [Zopf]. Miescher's tubes. Synchondro'sis {L.) \^yó.>dp(>'i\. F. syn- chondrose ; G. Knorpelgelenk ; /. sincon- drosi. An articulation nearly or (juite immov- able, in which articular surfaces are united bj' intervening cartilage. S. arycomicula'- ta, synchondrosis ary.santoriniana. S. ary- santorinia'na, connective tissue with car- tilage-cells uniting the cartilages of Santo- rini with the arytenoid cartilages. S. in- tersphenoida'lis, cartilaginous union between presphenoid and basisphenoid ; seen in early life. S. os'sium pu'bis, symphysis pubis. S. petro-occipita'lis, fibro-cartilage filling in the petro-occipital fissure, in front of jugular foramen. S. pu'bis, symphysis pubis. S. sacro-coc- cyge'a, sacrococcygeal articulation. S. sacro-Ui'aca, sacro-iliac articulation. S. spheno-basila'ris, cartilaginous union existing in early life between body of sphe- noid and basilar process of occipital bone. S. sphenoida'lis, the cartilaginous union between the basisphenoid and the presphe- noid ; disappears in man shortly after birth, but is persistent in many animals. S. spheno-occipita'lis, S. spheno-basilaris. S. spheno-petro'sa, fibro-cartilage filling in the fissura spheno-petrosa. Ssmchondrot'omy \_yù-/3po';, to/j.tj']. F. synchondrotomie ; I. sineondrotomia. Sym- physeotomy. Syn'chysis l^^óy/uffii']. G. Glasskör- perverflüs>iguug ; /. sinchisi. Fluidity of the vitreous humor. Its principal variety is the sparkling foriu, S. scin'tillans, in which there are a large number of crystals floating in the posterior chamber, which brilliantly reflect the light thrown into the eye by the o|ihthalinoscope. Synchytephlo'gia ( L.) {jT'iy/uir:^, tx- fXiiyiHti'^. Confluent small-pox. Syncinésie {F.). Associated reflex movement. Sjmclei'sis {L.) {^oyxktiui]. Occlusion. Sjmclit'ic [fuyyJ.iju)^. Without lateral obli(iuity or lateral flexion ; term applied to a mode of entrance of the fœtal head into the brim of the pelvis, in which the trans- verse and anteroposterior diameters of the brim intersect in the sagittal suture of the cranium. Syn'clitism. F. synclitisme. Parallel- ism of the planes of the foetal head to those of the pelvis. Syn'clonus (//.) \jToyxX(ném'\. Simulta- neous spasm of several muscles ; convul- sion. S. ballis'mus, paralysis agitans. S. beribe'ria or S. in'dicus, beri-beri. S. sal'tans, chorea major. S. tre'mens, tremor, i)aralysis agitans. Syn'copal [«ro;-/')^);]. F. syncopal", ale ; /. sincopale. Pertaining to, or accompanied by, syncope. Syn'cope. (r. Ohnmacht ; 7. sincope. Fainting, swoon : see also Unconsciousness. SYN SYN 633 Syncra'nius (i.) [«rûi-, xpav!«/]. Supe- rior inaxillarv bone. Syn'cretism [^auyxpr^TiZio]. Connection. Syncri'tivun {L.). A tissue consisting of ])rotoplasm and nuclei, but without cell- boundaries. Syndactyl'ia (L.) l'v']. Abnormal position or displacement of a ligament. Syndesmi'tis [«•yv.) [-döoj]. Dis- ease of ligaments. Ssmdesmo-pharjnige'tis (i.). Slip of middle constrictor of pharynx which arises from lateral thvro-hyoid lisament [Doug- la.s]. Syndesnio'sis(Z(.) [<7';^(Îî(t,u()ç]. /'.Syn- desmose ; G. Bandgelenk, Knochenfügung ; /. sindesmosi. Union of two parts of the skeleton by means of intervening connec- tive tissue. S. basila 'ris, masses of con- nective tissue uniting fi})rous portion of temporal bone to the basilar process of oc- cipital and to body of sphenoid. Syndesmo-thyroi'deus (L.). Subthy- roideus muscle, with an insertion upon the vocal cords. Syndesmot'omy [«■'■.) [tvv<Ìjoo/ji»ì-]. /. sin- drome. A group or concourse of symp- toms. Syndrome de Brown-Séquard {F.). Hemiparaplegia with hemianne.sthesia of the opposite side. Synechi'a ( i/.) [«tovc'/ü«]. /".Synechie; G. Synechie ; /. sinechia. An abnormal growing together of surfaces. As applied to the eye, an abnormal adhesion of the iris to its neighboring parts. S. poste'rlor, when it is adherent to the anterior capsule of the lens. S. ante'rior, when adherent to the cornea. Synectentérotome {F.). Enterotome of Delpech. Synencéphalocèle {F.). I. sinencefa- locele. Encephalocele in the foetus, with adherence of some part of the placenta or membranes to the protruded mass. Synenceph'alus (i.) {^''■', 'yxifako';']. I. sineiicefaliano. Syncephalus. Synergeten (G.). Muscles which pull in the same direction or which work to- gether. Synergi'a (i.). Synergy. Syner'gic [aûv, epyo-j']. F. synergique ; G- mitwirkend ; I. sinergico. Consentane- ous, working together. Synergisten (C). Co-workers; applied to muscles that assist the action of others. Syn'ergy [tó>. ^or"^]- I^- synenergia ; F. synergie ; G. Mitwirkung ; /. sinergia. Cooperation, active sympathy. SjTTiezi'sis (Z.) \_rrmi'^uj^. Complete clo- sure. Syn'gamus trachea'lis, Siebold (/>.). ' Species of nematode worm found in air- ! passages of birds ; has proved very destruc- tive to pheasants. Syngen'ic [/-=^<"]- L. syngenicus; F. syngénésiaque ; /. singenesico. Congenital. Synidro'sis {L.) [W/joj?]. A concur- rent sweating. Synize'sis (i.) [au-A'^iu]. F. synizésis ; I. .sinizesi. Closure of the pupil. Synkine'ses [z!V);?]. F. .synovie; G. Gliedwasser; I. sinovia. The fluid se- creted by synovial membranes ; colorless, stringy, alkaline fluid containing much mu- cin, together with albumin and traces of fat. Ssmo'vial. F. synovial, ale ; /. sino- viale. Pertaining to or producing synovia. S. bur'sse. G. Synovialbeutel. Formerly used to designate bursaj connected with joints, but often used to designate burs;e in general. S. cap'sules. /. capsule sino- viali. The capsular ligament of a joint. S. fluid, synovia. S. folds. O. Synovial- falten. Synovial ligaments. S. frin'ges. F. franges synoviales ; /. frange sinoviali. Synovial villi. S. glands, Havers' glands. S. lig'aments. L. ligamenta mucosa ; G. Synovialfortsätze. The larger folds of synovial membrane within joints. S. mem'brane. L. membrana synovialis ; /'. synoviale; G. Synovialhaut ; /. sinoviale. Thin layer of connective tissue that lines inner surface of a joint-capsule ; composed of flattened cells, thrown into many folds and fringes, and freely supplied with blood- vessels. S. sheath. Z. bursa vaginalis; F. gaine synoviale ; G. Sehnenscheide ; /. guaina sinoviale. Sheath-like process with bursal space formed about a tendon where it rubs over resisting surfaces. S. vil'li. L. villi synoviales; G. Synovialzotten. Delicate filamentous strictures composed of connective tissue which project from synovial membrane into interior of joints. Synovial (C). Synovial; — beutel, synovial bursa; — falten, synovial lig- aments; — fortsetze, synovial ligaments; — haut, synovial nieml)rane ; — sacke, bursit vaginales around flexor tendons of hand ; — tasche, synovial bursa; — zotten, synovial villi. Synoviale {F.). I. sinoviale. Synovial membrane. Synovie (/'■). Synovia. Synovine {F.). I. sinovina. Form of mucin found in synovia. Synovip'arous crypts. Diverticula from synovial membranes. Synovite {F.). Synovitis. S. fon- grueuse, tuberculous synovitis. S. à grains riziformes, synovitis liyperiilastica, with formation of free bodies by the break- ing oft" of villous growths. S. sèche, sj'novitis without decreased secretion of synovial fluid. S. urethrale, gonorrhœal rheumatism. Synovi'tis. F. synovite ; /. sinovite. Inflammation of synovial membranes. S. hyperplas'tica, synovitis with villous growths. Syn'tasis (L.) [fl-ùvrafftç]. Stretching, tension, distension. Syntat'ic. L. syntaticus. Making tense, tonic. Sjmtere'sis (i.) \jjo'jTripriou)muj]. Cicatriza- tion. Synulot'ic. Cicatrizant, promoting cica- trization. Synu'sia (L.) [aw^duaiit]. Coitus. Syphilelco'sis (/>.) [î/zoxrtç]. Syphi- litic ulceration. Syphilicome {F.). Hospital or dis- pensary for the treatment of syphilis. Syph'ilide. Syphiloderm. Syphihdoch'thus ( L.) ['v"'/] or S. dissemina'tus, syphilodernia tuberculo- sum. S. ro'dens, a form of syphiloderma tuberculosum with deep-seated ulcers. SYP SYR 635 Syphiligraphe (F.). SyphilorrrapIiLr. Syphiligraphie (f). Syphilngraphy. Syphili'num (-/>.)■ ^'^" isopathic- lioiua-- opatliic reinecly, said to be sypliilitie virus triturated with milk-sugar. Syphilipho'bia (//.)• Syphilophobia. Syph'ilis (L.). G. Lustseuche ; /.sifi- lide. A sj)eeific infectious disease, due to heredity or to direct contact with a virus, in the latter case usually through coitus, producing, after a period of incubation, the lesion known as chancre, and resulting in infection of the whole system. It is called primary while the manifestations of the disease are limited to the part inoculated and the lymph-glands adjacent ; second- ary, when its manifestations appear on the skin and mucous membranes ; and tertiary when it affects muscles, brain, and bones. S. In'dica, yaws. Syphuis du cheval (F.). Mal du coït. SyphUisé, ée {F.). Syphilized. Syphüisme (F.). The condition pro- duced by syphilis. Syphilispsychosen ((r.). Psychoses due to cerebral syphilis. Syphilit'ic. F. syphilitique ; /. sifi- litico. Pertaining to, or affected with, syphilis. SyphUiza'tion. F. syphilisation ; /. sifilizzazione. 1. Repeated inoculation of syphilitic virus, so as to produce more or less immunity from its effects. 2. The condition thus produced. Syph'üized. F. syphilisé. Affected with the results of syphilis, either by heredity or by direct inoculation, so as to be protected against primary chancre. Syph'üoderm [ò/o/j«]. L. syphilo- derma ; F. Syphilide ; /. sifilide, sifilo- derma. Syphilitic skin disease or erup- tion. Ssrphilographer. A writer on syphilis. Syphilogr'raphy [j-pàçtu'^. F. syphi- ligraphie. Treatise on syphilis. Syph'iloid. F. syphiloïdc ; /. sifiloide. Resembling syphilis. Syph'iloids [rl^xj]. Name of a group of endemic diseases due to syphilis in a severe form, with complications. In this group are included radesyge, skerlievo, etc. ■ Syphuol'spis (L.) [/'.î-jV]. Squamous .syphiioderm. S. gxitta'ta, a variety of syphiloderm, papulo-squamous. resembling psoriasis guttata. S. palma'ria, a form of papulo-squamous syphiloderm, affecting the palms of the hands. Ssrphilo'ma (L.). F. syphilome ; /. sifiloma. A syphilitic tumor or gumma. S jT)hilomane (/".). One suffering from syphiliiphiibia. Syphüomanie (F.). Syphilophobia. Syphüopho'bia (L.) [y»,?».?]. F. syphilopliobie ; /. sitìlofobia. Morbid fear of syphilitic infection, or delusion that one is so infected. Syphüophy'ma (L.) [fò.aa]. Syphilo- derma tuberoulosum. Sjrphilopsilo'ma (L.) \_■). East Indian tacamahac. Tac'ca. A genus of plants. Nat. Ord. Taccacese. T. ocean 'ica, Forst., grows in the Pacific islands and yields Tahiti arrow- root. T. pinnatif Ida, also indigenous to the tropical Pacific islands ; the tubers yield a kind of arrow-root. Taccate (/.). JIaculated, spotted. Tache (/•'.). Spot, macula. T. aveugle, blind spot. T. cérébrale, cerebral macula. T. colorée, n;cvus. T. congeniale, n;cvus matcrnus. T. criblée, macula cribrosa. T. embryonnaire, embryonic area. T. TAC T/EN 641 de feu, claret stain, dîbvus. T. germi- native, germinal spot. T. jaune, uiacula lutea. T. de Mariette, blind .spot. T. meningitique, cerebral maeula. T. de naissance, najvus. T. olfactive, tbat portion of the olfactor}- region having a yellowish eolor. Taches ( F.), pi. of Tache, spot. T. hépatiques or T. de rousseur, freckles. T. sanguines, mevi. T. vineuses, wine- spots. birth-marks ; nœvi. Tacheté, ée {F.). Spotted, maculated. Tachimetro (7.). Tachometer. Tachis'toscope ["«pf'^i', <7xu--iy'\. G. Tachistoskop. A falling screen-apparatus designed as a substitute for the use of the electric spark in the instantaneous exhibi- tion of stereoscopic views, etc. , Tachom'eter [ró;^o?, iiiTpw/^. Hœma- dromoiiieter. Tachycar'dia (X.) [zayiji, xnpri:a\. F. tacbvcardie. Rapid action of the heart. Tachythan'atous [fhivaToi\. L. tachy- thanatus. Killing quickly, rapidly fatal. Tact. L. tactus ; G. Tastsinn ; /. tatto. The sense of touch. Tac'tUe. L. tactilis ; G. fühlbar ; /. tattile. Pertaining to touch. T. cells. G. Tastzellen. Cells of epithelial origin forming the end-organs of nerves. T. cen'tre, theoretical centre for tactile sen- sation in the hippocampal region of brain. T. cor'puscles. L. corpuscula tactus ; F. corpuscules du tact ; G. Tastkörperchen ; I. corpuscoli tattili or del tatto. Small bodies representing nerve end-organs, found in the papillary layer of the skin of the hands, feet, lips, conjunctiva, and tongue. They appear to be composed of connective tissue, around which the axis cylinder of the nerve is wound. T. disc. /'. dis(|ue tactile; G. Tastscheibe. Expansion of the axis cvlinder of a nerve, lying between the cells of the corpuscles of (Jrandry. T. menis'ci, expansions of axis cylinder of nerves applied to cells of deeper layers of epidermis in those parts of the skin having special sensibility. T. papü'lae. G. Tast- papillen, Gefiihlswarzchen. Papillae of the skin, containing tactile corpuscles. T. re- flex'es, reflex movements due to stimula- tion of the nerves of touch. T. sensa'- tion, sense of touch, including apprecia- tion of pressure and temperature. Tac'tion [tactus]. L. tactio. Exercise of the sense of touch. Tac'tus (X-), Sense of touch, tact. T. Vol. ir.— 41 crudi'tus, the power of drawing proper conclusions from touch. T. exper'tus, fine sense of touch. Tae'nia (i.), pi-, ae [raivt'«]. A tape ; in anatomy applied to tape- or band-like structures. T-ae. acus'ticae, striœ medul- läres of fourth ventricle. T-ae. co'li, liga- ments of colon. T. cor'nea, stria termi- nalis. T. for'nicis, stria pincalis. T-ae. for'nicis, striic medulläres. T-ae. fo'veas rhomboida'Us or T-ae. medulla'res, striae medulläres of fourth ventricle. T.hippo- cam'pi, fimbria. T-ae. longitudinales, strile longitudinales. T. medul'lae ob- longa'tœ, ligula. T. nervo'sa Hal'leri, Gasserian ganglion. T. plexus choroi'- dei ventric'uli quar'ti, ala pontis. T. pon'tis, a bundle of fibres arising from furrow between superior and middle pe- duncles of cerebellum, and extending out- ward and downward just in front of the pons, on the surface of crusta, until lost in the sulcus pedunculi medialis. T. semi- circula'ris, stria terminalis. T. si'nus rhomboida'Us, ala pontis. T. stria 'ta or T. Tari'ni, stria terminalis. T-ae. tec'tse, striae tectae. T. thal'ami op'tici, stria medullaris thalami o|>tiei. T-ae, Valsai 'vae, ligaments of colon. T, ventric'uli quar'- ti, ligula. T. ventric'uli ter'tii, stria medullaris thalami optici. T, viola'cea, thin streak of pigmented cells on upper part of floor of fourth ventricle, extending upward from locus cœruleus along eminen- tia teres. Tae'nia (/'■) [rati-i'a]. G. Bandwurm ; /. tenia. A genus of the order Titniu'l^e, or cestoid worms ; tapeworms. T. cucu- meri'na, the species most frequently found in dogs and cats ; has been found in man. Head with four irregular rows of hooks, about GO in number ; total length of worm, about 11 inches. T. echinococ'cus, tae- nia of the dog, the scolex of which is the Echinococcus hominis, or hydatid found in man and other animals. T. margrina'ta, found in the dog. T. medio-canella'ta or T. iner'mis, the unarmed or beef tape- worm, the larval form existing as a Cysti- cercus or '■ mea'âlc " in the flesh of cattle, while the perfect strobile is fcjund in man. The head is without hooks, hut is provided with four suckers. T, na'na, Hilliarz., the dwarf tapeworm ; length of strobile ..5-1 inch ; found once in large numbers in man, T, os'culis margina 'libus, T. folium. T. os'culis superflcia'Ubus, Boilu-iorfj>hii/u3 latus. T, sagina'ta, Göze, T. mediocanel- 642 T^EN TAL lata, Küchenmeister. T. so'lium, the armed tapewürm of man, head having four suckers and two rows of hoolis ; strobile containing from 000 to 1200 segments. The scolex is the Cysticercus cellulosx, or measle of the pig. Tse'niafuge [fugere]. F. tsenifuge; /. tenifuge. A medicine which expels tcBnia. Tae'nicide [cœdo]. A medicine used to destroy tape-worms. Tseni'olsB ciner'eae (L.). Fasciolae cin- erei«. Tseni'olse cor'poris callo'si (L.). The continuation of peduncle of septum luci- dum upon anterior and superior surface of corpus callosum ; they become continuous with the striae longitudinales. Tätowiren or Tätowirung ( G. ). Tat- tooing. Täuschung (G.). Illusion. Tafel {G.). Table. Taffettà d'Inghilterra (/.). Isinglass plaster. Taffe'tasadhaesi'vum(Z/.). Isinglass plaster. Taffetas d'Angleterre {F.). Isinglass plaster. Tag al'der. AIkìis serni/atu. Ait. Tagblindheit (G.). Nyctalopia. Tage'tes (L.). A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Coiuposifte. T. erec'ta, L., a Mexi- can plant, cultivated; the flower-heads are often substituted for the official marigold. T. lu'cida, Cav., a Mexican species, official in the F. Mex. ; used as an antiperiodic. T. pat'ula, L., indigenous to Mexico; like T. erec'a, it is cultivated and known as French or African marigold ; the flowers are febri- fuge, aperient, and vermifuge [F. Mex.]. Taglia (/.). Stature. Tagliaco'tian opera'tion: see Talia- cotiiiii operation. Tagliare (/.). To cut ; to perform the operation of lithotomy ; to castrate (an animal). Taglio (/.). Incision, section. T. cesa- reo, CiBsarean section. T. ipsgastrico or Boprapubico, suprapubic lithotomy. T. del ventre, abdominal section. Tahiti ar'row-root. A kind of arrow- root obtained from Tacca oceanica, Forst., and T. pitinatißdia, Forst. Taie (i^.). White spot on the cornea. T. légère, nephelion. T. opaque, albugo ; leucoma. Tail of epidid'ymis. L. cauda epi- didymidis; F. queue de l'épididyme ; G. Schwanz des Nebenhodens. The lower pointed extremity. Tail of pan'creas. L. cauda pan- creatis. Extremity toward the spleen. Taillade {F.). A long, superficial in- cision or scarification. Taille {F.). 1. Cystotomy. 2. Height, stature. T. stomacale, gastrotomy for removal of foreign body in stomach. Tailler {F.'). To cut; to perform the operation of cystotomy ; to castrate (an animal). Tait's knot. Used in ligature of the pedicle in ovariotomy. The ligature is passed through the pedicle, and withdrawn so as to leave a loop, which is drawn over the tumor, and one of the free ends is then drawn through the loop ; both ends are then drawn through the pedicle, tightened, and tied. Tait's opera'tion. Removal of the broad ligament. Fallopian tube, and ovary for disease other than cystic tumor. Takamahakharz (Cr.). Tacamahac. Talamo ottico (/.). Optic thalamus. Talc. L. talcum ; G. Talk ; I. talco. A white, pearly, unctuous mineral, insolu- ble in water, not attacked by acids, fusible with difficulty, sp. gr. 2.5; chemi- cally, a native hydrated magnesium sili- cate, containing traces of iron and alumina. Talc de Venise (F.). Talc. Talea or Talka gum. Suakin gum. Talco or T. di Venezia (/.). Talc. Tal'cum [P. G.] or T. vene'tum {L.). Talc. Talg {G.). 1. Suet. 2. Sebum; — artig, sebaceous ; — cyste, sebaceous cyst ; — drüsen, sebaceous glands ; — foUikel, sebaceous follicle ; — zellen, cells lining the sebaceous glands. Taliaco'tian opera'tion. Rhinoplasty, in which the transplanted flap is taken from a distant part, usually the left arm of the patient. Tal'ipes (/>■). Deformity of the foot, due to muscular contraction or paralysis, mostly congenital ; club-foot. T. cal- caneo-val'gus, combination of T. calca- neus with T. valgus. T. calca'neus, form in which the toes are raised, often with slight cversion, and the heel depressed. T. ca'vus, form in which the plantar arch TAL TAN 643 is increased, and there is :i claw-like condi- tion of the toes. T. equino-va'rus, com- bination of T. equinus aiui T. varus. T. equi'nus, form in which the heel is drawn up without eversion or inversion. T. val'- gtis, flat-foot. T. va'rus, furin in which the foot is extended, with inversion and rotation of the anterior part ; the most com- mon form of cluh-foot. Talker;.). Tale. Talladega Sulphur Spring. Sul- phuretted water, near Fayetteville. Talla- dega Co.. Alaliania. Tallicoo'nah oil : see Kundah oil. Tallina (/.). Thallinc. Tallone (/.). Heel. Tal'low [Dt(f. talk]. Name applied to solid animal or vegetahle fats of firm con- sistence : see also Bayherry, Becuiba, Chinese, Ma/ura, and Viralo tallow. Tal'lo'wr-shrub. Wax myrtle, Myrica Cfrij'i III. L. Tal'low-tree. StiUinijia sebi/eru. Ta'lo-calca'neal. Relating to the as- tragalus and calcaneuni. T.-c. articula'- tion, astragalo-calcaneal articulation. Talo-fib'ular lig'aments. L. liga- mentuin talo-fibulare anticum et posticum. Anterior and middle fascicles of external lateral ligament of ankle-joint. Talon (F.). Heel. T. antérieur, ball of the foot. Talo-scaph'oid. Relating to the as- tragalus and scaphoid. T.-s. articula'tion, astragalo-scaphoid articulation. Talo-tib'ial lig'aments. L. ligamen- tum talo-tibiale anticum et posticum ; spe- cial bands of deltoid'ligament of ankle-joint, passing between the internal malleus and astragalus. Tal'pa (L.). Mole, naevus. Talpa (F.). 1. Abscess in superior and posterior part of head. 2. Wen. Tal'piform. L. talpiformis ; F. talpi- forme. Shaped like a mole. Ta'lus (L.). Astragalus. Talusrolle (G.). Sprungrolle. Tam'arack. Lnrix ami^ricana, Michx. Tam'arind. L. tamarindus ; F. tama- rin ; G. Tamarinde ; /. tamarindo. The preserved fruit of Tamarindus indica, L. [U. S. P.]. ; laxative and refrigerant. T. pulp. //. pulpa taraarindorum depurata [P. G.] ; F. pulpe de tamarins ; G. gerein- igtes Tamarindenraus ; /. polpa di tama- rindo. Prepared by softening tamarinds (or the crude pulp) in hot water, straining through a sieve, and evaporating to a proper consistence, with or without the addition of sugar. Tamarin'dus (i/-)- 1- ^ genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Liyumtnosfe, Cfesalpinrx. 2. See Tamarind. T. in'dica, L., the tamarind-tree, native of India, cultivated in all tropical countries. T. oflBcina'lis, Hook., T. indica, L. Tam'arisk. /'. taiuarisc ; / tamarisco. Tamarix gallica, Ehrh. T. galls, excres- cences upon the branches of Tninari.r ori- entalis, L. T. man'na. F. manne du Sinai. A saccharine exudation from Tama- riz manni/era, Ehrh. ; contains no mannit. Tam'arix marmifera, Ehrh. Grows in the valleys of the peninsula of Sinai ; the source of tamarisk manna. Tam'arix orienta'lis, L. A large tree of southern and southwestern Asia, the source of tamarisk galls. Tam'bor oil. An oil obtained from the seeds of Omphalea oleifera, Ilemsl., of Central America ; said to be purgative without griping. Tambour (/'.). 1. Drum; used to col- lect and transmit movements in graphic registering apparatus. 2. Tympanum. Tamp'icin. C68H,(|gO,i8- F. tampicine. The resin obtained from Tampico jalap. Tampico jal'ap. The tuberous root of Ipomifa xiinulans, Hanb. Tampon (F.). /. tampone, zaffo. A plug, usually of lint or cotton, for filling a canal or cavity. Tamponade. The application of tam- pons. Tamponcanüle (. tannas ; G. gerbsaures Salz ; /. tannato. ,V salt of tannic acid. Tannate de bismuth (/'.). Bismuth tannate. Tannate de quinine (F.). Quinine tannate. Tannato (/. ). Tannate. T. di chi- nina, tannate of quinine. T. di mer- curio, mercurous tannate. Tarine {F.). I. tanno. 8mall tumor formed by accumulation of epithelium or sebaceous matter in a sebaceous gland ; pustule of acne. Tan'nic ac'id. C„II|oO<,. L. acidum tannicuni ; F. acide tanni(iue ; O. Gerb- äüurc ; /. acido tannico. A solid, uncrys- tallizable, strongly astringent principle, of wide distribution in the vegetable king- dom ; readily soluble in water, precipitating' albumin, gelatin, and the organic alkaloids, and giving with ferric salts bluish-black, greenish-black, or olive-brown precipitates. It exists in several varieties having slight chemical difl'erenccs, the official tannic acid being that obtained from nutgall, and more precisely known as gallotannic acid : see Vaffeota it nie, Catechutaiinic, Ciiichulaniiic. Gallutanìiic, Kinutaniìic,Quri-citaniU(\ Qiiiiio- ffiiiiiic, and liatanliiataiinic acid. T. a. sup- pos'itories. L. suppositoria acidi tannici. Tannic acid oG, oil of theobroma 144, each suppository to contain '.'> grains of tannic acid [B. I'.]. T. a. suppos'itories ■with soap. L. suppositoria acidi tannici cum sapone. Tannic acid liö grs., glycerin of starch 30 grs., curd soap 10(1 grs., starch (p s. ; make 12 suppositories [B. P.]. Tan'nin. F. tatjin ; 7. tannino. Tan- nic acid. Tannin-glyc'erol. tilycerin of tannic acid. Tanni'num {L.). Tannic acid. Tan'sy. L. tanacetum ; F. tanaisie ; G. Rainfarn ; /. tanaceto. The leaves and tops of Tanacetum vulgare, L. [U. S. P.] ; diuretic, emmcnagogue, anthelmintic. Tanzkrankheit, or Tanzsucht, ur Tanzwnth (Ji.)- Dancing mania, chorea. Tape-grass. Eel-grass, Vailisntria s/d- ralis, L. ; plant said to be refrigerant and demulcent. Tapeinoceph'aly. Tapinoeephaly. Tape'tum (/>.). 1. /'. étui de l'hippo- campe ; a. Tapete ; /. astuccio dell' ippo- campo. The radiating tìbres of corjius cal- losum of brain, forming the roof .Yi>i\. F., G. Tar- salgie. 1. Fain in the tarsus. 2. Peculiar neuralgic aifection of the foot, often with some flattening of the arch and contraction of the plantar muscles; observed in police- men, soldiers, etc. Tarsa'Ms {L.'). Tensor tarsi [Coues]. Tarse {F.). Tarsus. Tarsec'tomy. L. tarsectoniia ; F. tar- sectomie. Excision of one or more of the bones of the tarsus. Tarsecto'pia (Z/.) \ß/.Tiir.ui\. Displace- ment of the tarsus. Tarse'us {L.). Tarsal. Tarsico (/.). Tarsal. Tarsien, ienne (F.). Tansal. Tarsi'tis [T«/;iia]. Tumor of the tarsus of the foot or of the tarsal car tilago of the eye. Tarsoplastie {F.). Plastic surgery of eyelid. Tarsor'rhaphy [^im(frf\. L. tarsorrha- phia ; F. tarsorrliaphie ; /. tarsorrafia. The operation of narrowing the palpebral aper- ture. Tarso-sous-phalangien du gros orteil (^F.). 1. tar.su-.'^dttu-falangiano. Flexor brevis hallueis [Chanssier]. Tarso - sous - phalangien du petit orteil {F.). I. tarso-sotto-fahingiano del dito piccolo del piede. Flexor brevis minimi digiti pedis [Chaus.sier]. Tarsot'omy [rafinó^, t"//);]. L., J. tar- sotomia ; F.. G . Tarsotomie. Excision of a portion of the tarsus of the eyelid to cor- rect deformity. Tar'sus {L.) [rapaù-i]. F. tarse ; G. Fusswurzel ; /. tarso. That portion of skeleton of pelvic limb between the shank and metatarsus. The primitive or typical T. is usually considered as composed of a proximal row of three bones, the tibiale, intcrmediuni, and fibulare, and a distal one of five, tar.sale I.. II., III., IV., V., count- ing from the tibial side. Between the rows is the centrale. In man the first row is represented by the astragalus and calca- neuin, the .second by the three cuneiform bones and the cuboid, while the scaphoid is the centrale. T. of eye'lid. F. cartilage tarse ; G. Augenlidplatte, Augeiilidknorpel. Thin plate of condensed connective tissue found in either eyelid ; thought by some to contain scattered cartilage-cells, but this is generally denied. Tar'tar. 1. L. tartarus ; /'. tartre; G. AVeinsteîn ; 1. tartaro. Argol ; the impure potassium bitartrate deposited from wine during fermentation : see also Red and Wiiile tartar. 2. Z. odontolithus ; /^.tartre dentaire ; /. tartaro dentario. The deposit formed on the exposed surfaces of the teeth, composed of earthy phosphates and animal matter. T. emet'ic. F. tartre émétique ; I. tartaro emetico. Antimony and potas- sium tartrate : sec Tabic nf antkhilft,. Tar'tarated an'timony [B. P.]. Anti- mony and potassium tartrate. Tar'tarated ir'on. Potassio-fcrric tar- trate. Tar'tarated so'da [B. P.]. Potassium sodium tartrate. Tartari crystallisa'ta (2^.). Sodium acetate. TAR TAS 647 Tartar 'ic ac 'id. 11,0, FI,0«. A. aeiduni tartaricuiu ; /'.acide taitrique; G. VVein- steinsUure ; /. acido tartarico. A crystal- lizable organic acid existing, free or in com- bination with bases, in many plants, and especially in grapes and other acidulous fruits ; it is prepared from the acid tartrate of potassium ; refrigerant ; chiefly u.sed in the pre]iiiration of effervescing draughts. Tar'tarized ir'on. Potassio-ferric tar- trate. Tartaro (/.). Tartar. T. borassato, potassium sodium boro-tartrate. T. den- tario, tartar of the teeth. T. emetico or T. stibiato, antimony and potassium tar- trate. T. vitriolato, potassium sulphate. Tar'tarus (L.). Tartar. T. ammo- nia'tus [P. Helv.], ammonium potassium tartrate. T. boraxa'tus [P. G.], potas- sium sodium boro-tartrate. T. cru'dus [Cod.], crude potassium bitartrate ; argol. T. depura'tus [P. G.]. potassium bitar- trate. T. emet'icus, antimony and potas- sium tartrate. T. ferra'tus [P. Uelv.], potassio-ferric tartrate. T. martia'tus, tartarus ferratus. T. natrona'tus [P. U], potassium sodium tartrate. T. solu'büis, potassium tartrate. T. stibia'tus [P. G], antimony and potassium tartrate. T. tar- tarisa'tus, potassium tartrate. T. vitrio- la'tus, potassium sulphate. Tar'tras (Z). Tartrate. T. anti- monico-potas'sicus [P. l'elg.], antimony and potassium tartrate. T. borico-potas'- sicus [Cod.], potassium boro-tartrate. T. ferrico - ammon'icus [Cod.], ammonio- ferric tartrate. T. ferrico-kaPicus [P. Dan.] or T. ferrico-potas'sicus [Cod], potassio-ferric tartrate. T. kalico-na'- tricus [P. Neer.]. potassium sodium tar- trate. T. kaPicus [P. Dan], potassium tartrate. T. kal'icus ac'idtis [P. Neer.], potassium bitartrate. T. natrico-kaPicus [P. Dan.] or T. potassico-sod'icus [Cod.], potassium sodium tartrate. T. potas'sicus [Cod.], potassium tartrate. T. stibico- kal'icus [P. Dan.] or T. stibico-potas'- sicus [Cod.], antimony and potassium tar- trate. Tar'trate. L. tartras ; G. weinsaures ïSalz ; y. tartrato. A salt formed by the chemical union of tartaric acid (H-jCjUjO«) with a base. Tartrate (F.). Tartrate. T. d'anti- moine et de potasse, antimony and po- tassium tartrate. T. borico-potassique, potassium boro-tartrate. T. de fer et d'ammoniaque, ammonio-ferric tartrate. T. de fer et de potasse, potassio-ferric tartrate. T. ferrico-ammonique, amnio- nio-fcrric tartrate. T. ferrico-potassique, potassio-ferric tartrate. T. de potasse acide, potassium bitartrate. T. de potasse neutre, potassium tartrate. T. de po- tasse et de soude, potassium sodium tar- trate. Tartrato (/.). Tartrate. T. acido, bitartrate. T. acido di potassa, potas- sium bitartrate. T. ferrico-ammonia- cale, ammonio-ferric tartrate. T. di po- tassa, potassium tartrate. T. di potassa e di soda, potassium sodium tartrate. Tartre {F.). Tartar. T. borate, po- tassium boro-tartrate. T. chalybé, potas- sio-ferric tartrate. T. dentaire, tartar of teeth. T. émétique, tartar emetic. T. martial, potassio-ferric tartrate. T. solu- ble, potassium tartrate. T. stibié, anti- mony and potassium tartrate. Taschenband (f,H,=,XSO,. F. acide taurocholi(|uè ; G. Taurocholsäure ; I. acido taurocolico. Acid abundant in human bile and in that of carnivora ; found also in ox-bile. Tauryric ac'id [raòpoc']. CJIgO (?). F. acide taurylique. A substance allied to phenol (probably an isomer of anisol), found ill urine by StLUicler. Tausendgüldenextrakt (ff.). Extract of centaury. Tavelé, ée (F.). Spotted. Tavoletta (/). Troche, tablet. Tax'is(Z.) [raidis-], /.tassi. The me- thodical use of manipulation and pressure in the reduction of a hernia. Taxo'dium (L.). A genus of Coni/erse. T. dis'tichum, Rich., American bald cypress ; yields a balsam used as a vulne- rary ; resin from the cones is diuretic and carminative. Taxol'ogy or Taxon'omy [r«|.'s-, /.lipiç or •/«,«"?]. F. taxinomie ; /. tassinomia. Classification of organisms. Tax'us (L.). Yew, a genus of Coni/crx. T. bacca'ta, L., an evergreen shrub of Europe and Asia, cultivated for ornament and naturalized in the Ü. S. ; the foliase and seeds are poisonous. T. brevifo'lia, Nutt., grows in Oregon and California. T. canaden'sis, Wilkl., American yew. ground hemlock, considered by Gray as a variety of T. Laccata ; supposed to have the prop- erties of the European yew. Tayu'ya. A Brazilian name for sev- eral ])huits belonging to the Nat. Ord. Gucui-bitacex, especially for Tiianoaperma ßcifuUa, Mart. The root is emeto-cathartic, thought to be stimulant to the lymphatic system, and is recommended for dropsies, syphilis, etc. T. d., abbv. for Ter in die {L^, three times a day. Te., abbv. for Tetanismus (//.), state of tonic muscular contraction produced by the voltaic current. Tea lCh!n. tcha]. L. thea ; /'. thé ; G. Thee ; /. tè or the. The dried leaves of several varieties of Thfa c/iincnsis, Sims. The commercial varieties of tea result from the age of the leaves when gathered and uiode of preparation, as well as from the botanical arul geographical sources; contains theinc, volatile oil. and tannin ; a TEA TEI 649 cerebral stimulant : see also Jamra' , Jesuits' , Labrador, .)f'irsii. Mixicaii, Motiiitain, New Jersey, Osuiyo, Poragìuui, Pectoral, Saint Bartholomew s. Saint Germain, Teanuiter's, Whorehouse, Wood, etc. tea. Tea'berry. (Taultheria. Teale's amputa'tion. Method of am- putatimi by a loiiir and a short rectanguhir flap. The long flap is taken from the side which does not contain the vessels, and its len<;th and width are halt" the circumference of the limb. The short flap is one-fourth the lenjjth of the long flap. Team'ster's tea. Ephedra antisi/philit- ica. Tear [-4. S. tear]. L. lachrj-ma ; /'. larme ; G. Thriine ; /. lagrima. A drop of the liquid secreted by the lachrymal gland. Tea 'sel. The genus Dipsacus. T., Ful- ler's, DipsacKS JuUorum, L. T., "wild, Dipsacus sylvestris. Mill. ; both species in- digenous ; root diuretic and diaphoretic. Teas'ing [-4. S. tsesan]. Pulling or scratching into fine shreds by means of needles, preparatory to examination with the microscope. Tebaico (/.). Relating to, or composed of. opium. Tebaina (/.). Thebaine. Technogo'nia or Technopoe'ia {L.). Tecnogonia. Techomy'za fiis'ca {L.). A dipterous insect, the larvae of which have been found in human stools and in vomited matters. Tecnocto'nia (L.) \tì/.wj, xröiVw]. In- fanticide. Tecnogo'nia {L.) [zi/.wv, ;-">i;']. F. tecnogonie : G. Teknogonie. Generation ; childbearing. Tecnol'ogy [^.«/-o?]. Discourse on chil- dren. Tecnotomia (/.). Infanticide. Teco'ma rad'icans, Juss. Trumpet- creeper, an indigenous climbing plant, Nat. Ord. Bifnoni(tcr:t ; root vulnerary, sudorific, a remedy for snake-bites. Tectocephal'ic [i/. tectum, x€.). F. calotte ; G. Haube ; /. ca- lotta. The postero-superior portion of the crura cerebri, separated from the crusta by the substantia nigra. Tegxaen'tum tym'pani (/v.). Tegmen tympani. Tegmen'tum ventric'uli latera'lis (L.). Centrum ovale majus. Tegolato (/.). Imbricated. Teg'ument. L. tegumentum ; F. tégu- ment ; /. tegumento. Covering membrane, integument. Tégument (F.). Integument, envelope. T. externe, skin. T. foetal, blastoderm. T. interne, mucous membrane. Tegumen'tary. F. tegumentaire ; /. tegumentario. Pertaining to integument, covering. Tégumenteux, euse (F.). Pertaining to integument, cutaneous. Tegumen'tum (L.). I. tegumento. Integument. T. au'ris, membrana tym- pani. T. ventriculo'rum cer'ebri, cen- trum ovale majus. Teich'mann's crys'tals. Crystals of hœmin. Teichop'sia (L.) [teI/dç, oç'tj]. G. Flimmerscotom. A temporary or transient blindness which begins at or near the centre of the visual field, and passes concentrically toward the periphery, generally with reen- trant angles like a fortification. It is often an accompaniment of migraine ; also called amaurosis partialis fugax. Teichoscopie ((?.)• Teichopsia. Teig ((?.). Paste. Teigne {F.). Eczema, favus, tinea. T. faveuse or T. scutulée, favus. T. ton- dante or T. tonsurante, tinea tonsurans. 650 TEI TEL Teigneux, euse (t\). l'ortaining to, or affected with, f'avus or tinea. Teina (/.). Théine. Teines'mus (//.) [t£(V(u]. Tenesmus. Teinodyn'ia (A.) [rsiVc«, o'Jóyr,]. Pain in tlie tt-ndons. Teinophlogo'sis (//.) [c'/ó^iua-.-c]. In- flaniniation of tendons. Teinture {F.). Tincture. T. d'ab- sinthe, tincture of absintliiuin. T. d'ab- sinthe composée : see Simightons elixir. T. d'aconit, a tinoture of the leaves, 1 to 5 [t'od.]. T. d'aloès, tincture of aloes. T. d'aloès composée, cunijiound tincture of aloes. T. d'aloès et de myrrhe, tinc- ture of aloes and uiyrrh. T. d'ambre gris. ambergris 1, alcohol (sp. gr. 0.8(J4) 1(1 parts ; macerate, express, and filter [Cod.]. T. ammoniacale. Ammoniated tincture. T. aromatique, aromatic tincture. T. d'asa fœtida, tincture of asafetida. T. de baume de Tolu, tincture of tolu. T. de belladone, tincture of belladonna. T. de buchu, tincture of buchu. T. de cachou, tincture of catechu. T. de cam- phre concentrée [Cod.] : see Spirit o/ camphor. T. de camphre faible [Cod.], camphor 1, alcoliol ((J0°) ;5;) ; dissolve. T. de cannelle, tincture of cinnamon. T. de cantharides, tincture of cantliarides. T. de cascarille, tincture of cascarilla. T. de castoréum, tincture of castor. T. de chanvre, tincture of Indian cannabis. T. composée, compound tincture. T. de cubèbe, tincture of cubcb. T. de digitale, tincture of digitalis. T. d'ellébore blanc, tincture of white hellebore. T. d'essence d'anis : ^cç Sjiirii of aiiisr. T. d'essence de cédrat, spirit of citron. T. d'essence de citron, spirit of lemon. T. d'essence de citron composée, perfumed spirit. T. d'essence de genièvre [Cod.], .«pirit of juniper. T. d'essence de menthe, spirit of peppermint. T. d'essence d'orange, spirit of orange. T. d'essence de roma- rin, spirit of rosemary. T. éthérée, ethe- real tincture. T. éthérée d'asa fœtida. L. tinctura œtherea cum asafœtida. Asa- fetida 1, ether (à 0.758) ."j ; macerate [Cod.]. T. éthérée de baume de Tolu, ethereal tincture of tolu. T. éthérée de belladone, belladonna-leaves 1, spirit of ether (sp. gr. 0.7(11)) 5 ; ])ercolatc [Cod.]. T. éthérée de camphre, ethereal tincture of camphor. T. éthérée de cantharides : see li/isieriiiff /ii/iiii/. T. éthérée de casto- réum, ethereal tincture of castor. T. éthérée de ciguë, eonii folia 1 , aether (à 0.758) 5 ; percolate [Cod.]. T. éthérée de digitale, ethereal tincture of digitalis. T. éthérée de valériane, ethereal tincture of valerian. T. d'eucalyptus, tincture of eucalyptus. T. d'euphorbe, an alco- hcilic tincture, 1 to 5 [Cod.]. T. d'extrait d'opium, tincture of opium. T. de feuilles de ciguë, tincture of conium. T. de fèves de Calabar, tincture of physostigma. T. de gayac, tincture of guaiacum-wood. T. de gentiane, tincture of gentian. T. de gentiane alcaline, gentian 10, sodium carbonate ;j, alcohol (sp. gr. O.itll^) lîOO ; macerate [Cod.]. T. de gingembre, tinc- ture of ginger. T. de girofle, tincture of cloves. T. de gomme ammoniaque, ammoniac 1, alcohol (sp. gr. 0.804) 5; mace- rate and filter [Cod.]. T. de houblon, tincture of hops. T. d'iode, tincture of iodine. T. d'ipécacuanha, tincture nf ipecac. T. de jaborandi, tincture of jaborandi. T. de jalap, tincture of jalap. T. de jalap composée. L. tinctura pur- gans [Cod.]. Jalap 80, turpeth-root 10, scammony 20, alcohol (()0°) 960; macerate [Cod.]. T. de jusquiame, tincture of hyoscyamus. T. de lobélie, tincture of Icibelia. T. de matico, tincture of matico. T. de musc, tincture of musk. T. de msnrhe, tincture of myrrh. T. de noix de galle, tincture of nut-gall. T. de noix vomique, tincture of nu.x vomica. T. d'opium camphrée, caïuphorated tinc- ture of opium. T. d'orange amère, tinc- ture of bitter-orange peel. T. de Pan- ama [Cod.], tincture of quillaia. T. de polygala de Virginie, tincture of senega. T. de quassia amara, tincture of (|uassia. T. de quinquina, tincture of cinchona. T. de raifort composée, antiscorbutic tincture. T. de résine de gayac, tinc- ture of guaiac. T. de rhubarbe, tincture of rhubarb. T. de safran, tincture of safl'ron. T. de savon, tincture of soap. T. de savon vert, tit)cture of green .=oaj>. T. de scille, tincture of squill. T. de seigle ergoté, tincture of ergot. T. de séné, tincture of senna. T. de stra- moine, tincture of stramonium. T. de succin, tincture of amber. T. de valé- riane, tincture of valerian. T. de vanille, tincture of vanilla. T. vulnéraire, tinc- tura vulneraria. Teknogorde ( G.) [réxvov, j'ovrj']. Tecno- gonia. Teknoktonie ( G.) [xr/wi^^. Infanticide. Te'la (L.). F. toile. Web, tissue, cellular tissue. T. adhsesi'va, i.singla.ss TEL TEM 651 plaster. T. ara'neae, spider's web. T. choroi'dea. /•'. toile cliorüidienue ; G. Adergeflecht ; /. tela coroidea. Pro- longation of pia mater over ventricles of brain where the roof is thinned to a mere epithelial layer (ependyma). The tela choroidea superior lies under the fornix and corpus callosum over the 3d ventricle : the tela choroidea inferior is over the roof of the 4th ventricle. T. choroi'dea cerebel'li, tela choroidea in- ferior. T. choroi'dea cer'ebri or T. choroi'dea me'dia, tela choroidea supe- rior T. elas'tica, yellow elastic tissue. T. subcuta'nea, panaiculus adiposus. T. subsero'sa, subserous tissue. Tela (/.). Web, tissue, cloth. T. co- roidea, tela choroidea. T. emplastica, sparadrap. T. d'ospedale or T. vulcan- nizzata, rubber cloth or sheet. T. di ragno, spider's web. Telangiec'tasis (i.) [-r/^xr, à-fyiim, ix- T«T!ç]. F. télangiectasie ; G. Gefasser- weiterung ; /. telangettasia. Dilatation of blood-vessels, more especially of capillaries or arterioles. Telangio'sis (X.) [^àj-ysîo,'']. Disease of capillaries. Teleangiecta'sia (L.) [àyysìnv, sxraatc]. Condition produced by telangiectasis, naevus. Teleg'raphers' cramp. F. crampe des télégraphistes. Neurosis analogous to writers' cramp, afiecting muscles of forearm of telegraph-operators. Teleol'ogy [^riXoç, ;.o^«ç]. L., I. tele- ologia ; F. teleologie. Doctrine of the pur- pose or intention, considered as a cause of shape or structure. Telep'athy [r?;^.-, raö.-v]. F. télépathie. The supposed power of one mind to impress, or to be impressed by, another mind, other- wise than through the recognized channels of sense ; thought-reading or transference ; hence Telep'athic, pertaining to telepathy. Teleph'ic. F. téléphien : G. telephisch; /. teleüa. Term applied to an ulcer that is difficult to cure ; malignant. Telesphore'sis (i.) [ri/ifl-pfY"!"''«']- Complete normal deliver}', Telester'eoscope [-Ç-s, ar^ptoç, «rzo-eiv]. F. télestéréoscope ; G. Telestereoskop. An instrument for increasing the stereoscopic relief of real objects. It consists essentially of four mirrors — two set as in the reflect- ing stereoscope, and two set to the right and left of these, nearly parallel and facing them. The eyes see objects on looking into the inner mirrors as each would if it were moved outward to the position of the outer mirror on its own side. Teli'ni fly, .ìfi/labrù cichorii, Fabr. Teilte or Telitide (/.). Thelitis. Tellu'ric. F. telluri(|ue ; J. tellurico. ' Feitaining to, or produced bj', the earth. Tellurisme {F.). Influence of soil in producing disease. ! Tel'oblast [t'^oç, ßAanTUc]. Segmenta- tion sphere at the end of the germ-band, producing cells which are added to the germ-band and cause its elongation. Telolec'ithal [^.éxcO" i" tendons. Tenare (/.). Thenar. Tenas'mus (i-.). Tenesmus. Te'nax. A commercial name for fine carded oakum for surgical dressings. Tenda del cervelletto {!.). Tentorium. Ten'demess. L. teneritas. G. Zart- gefühl. Condition in which slight pressure produces pain. Tendine (/.). Tendon. T. d'Achille, Achilles, tendon of T. reflesso, reflected tendon of rectus. Tendineo (/.). Tendinous. Ten'dines corona'rii {L.). Fibrous rings surrounding arterial openings of heart. Tendino'sus (L.). Semitendinosus [Couos]. Ten'dinous. F. tendineux, euse ; G. sehnig; /. lendinoso. Pertaining to or like a tendon. T. arch. L. arcus tendineus ; G. Sehnenbogen. Fascial structure thrown across a muscle or an artery, and giving origin to muscular fibres — c g. arcuate lig- aments of diaphragm, white line of pelvic fascia. Ten'do {L.). Tendon. T. AchU'lis, Achilles, tendon of. T. cordifor'mis, cen- tral tendon of diaphragm. T. cor'dis veno'sus, annulus fibrosus atrio-ventricu- laris. T. interme'dius. 1. Tendon in- tervening between the two bellies of a di- gastric muscle. 2. That part of superior obli(|ue muscle of eye passing through the trochlea. T. interme'dius diaphrag'- matis, central tendon of diaphragm. T. oc'uli, internal tarsal ligament. T. palpe- bra'rum, internal tarsal ligament. T. val'vulse Eustach'ii, tendinous band con- tained within the Eu.stachian valve. Ten'don. L. tendo ; G. Sehne ; /. ten- dine. A band or sheet of condensed fibrous tissue connecting the extremities of mus- cles to contiguous parts. T. cells or cor'- puscles. G. Sehnenzellen. Connective- tissue cells found in tendons and ligaments, arranged in rows following the course of the fibres. T. re'flex : see Rfjkxca. T. of Zinn : see Zìim, /i;/riment of. Tendon (/V). Tendon. T. d'Achille, Achilles, tendon of. T-s. orbitaires, Fas- cienzipfel. T. réfléché du droit antérieur, reflected tendon of rectus: see Quadriceps extensor cruris. Tendoph'ony [tendo, tpto^rj'^. Use of the dermatophone to detect sounds in the tendons supposed to be produced by mus- cular contraction. Teneoto'mia ( i.). Tenotomy. Tenes'mus {L.) [riivw]. F. tcnesme : G. Stuhlzwang. Harnzwang; /. tenesmo. Painful contraction of the sphincter ani or of neck of bladder, with straining and sense of desire for defecation or micturition. Tenia (/.). Tania. T. dell' ippo- campo, fimbria. T. semicircolare, stria terminalis. Tenifugo (/.). Taenifuge. Tenog'raphy {tì:>wv, ypritpio]. F. téno- graphie ; 7. Icnografia. Description of tendons. Tenol'ogy [A'V"?]- F. tónologie; /. • tenologia. That part of anatomy relating to tendons. Tenoni'tis. F. ténonite. Inflammation of Tenon's capsule. Tenonosto'sis (/>.). G. Sehnenvcr- kniicherung. Ossification of tendons. Tenon's cap'sule. G. Tenon'sche Fascie, or Kapsel. Capsule of Tenon. Tenon's space. Space between the episcleral and submuscular layers of Tenon's capsule. Tenont'agra (/>., /.). G. Flechsengicht. Gout in the tendons. Tenontodyn'ia (L.) [r/i/wv, riiìói-ij]. Painful crepitation of tendons. Tenontografia (/). Tenography. Tenontolo'gia (L.) [tìvmv, Xó/oì:']. G. Sehnenlehre. That part of anatomy re- lating to tendons. Tenontophy'ma (/>.) [v"j,a«]. Tumor of a tendon. Tenontotomia (/.). Tenotomy. Tenor'rhaphy [tìmov. fiaifr,']. F. té- norrhaphie ; G. Sehnennaht, Tenoraphie; /. tenorrafia. Sutjire of a tendon. Tenosynovi'tis. 1. F. téno.synite; /. tenosinite. Congestion of tendinous sheaths with insufficient .secretion. Inflamma- tion of tendons and their sheaths. Ten'otome [rhun, riiivut']. F. tenotome ; (1. Tcnotom : /. tenotonio. A small narrow- bladed knife used in tenotomy. Tenot'omy. /•'. ténotomie ; G. Sehnen- TEN TEN 655 schnitt; /. tenotomia. Tlie cuttitij; a tmi- don. Tenseur (F.). Tensor. T. de l'aponé- vrose cervicale, jtiœelavicularis subcuta- neus. T. de l'aponévrose crurale, ten- sor lascilo lat:e. T. de l'aponévrose sous-claviculaire, infraelavieuluris. T. du fascia lata, tensor t'asci;v lat:o. T. de la gaine du fléchisseur commun des doigts, a rare muscle arisintr from the ra- dius and interosseous membrane a little above the pronator (|uadratus, and inserted into the sheath common to the flexor tendons. T. de la synoviale du genou, subcrureus. Tensif, ive {F.). I. tensive. Producing or accompanied by tension or distension. Ten'sion. L. tensio; G. Spannung:; /. tensione. The condition of being stretched or drawn tight. Ten'sor (//.). F. tenseur; G. Spanner; /. tensore. A muscle that stretches or tightens an investing membrane or capsule. T. cap'sulse, muscular bundle arising from upper part of humerus, and inserted upon capsule of shoulder-joint ; appears to be a detached portion of the subscapularis. T. cap'sulse scap'ulo-humera'lis, deltoid- eus aceessorius. T. cap'sulae tibio-tar- sa'lis, tensor of capsule of ankle. T. of capsule of ankle. L. tensor capsulae tibio-tarsalis ; (j. Spanner der Kapsel des Knöeheigelenks. Muscular fasciculus arising low down on the tibia, either in front or behind, and inserted into the cap- sule of ankle-joint. T. choroi'dea, ciliary muscle [Brücke]. T. fas'ciae antibra'- chii, muscular slip rarely seen, arising from external head of triceps and passing to fascial origin of extensor carpi ulnaris. T. fas'ciae col 'li, pnvclavicularis subcutaneus. T. fas'ciae et cu'tis fo'veae axilla'ris [Knott], a slip, apparently a vestige of the panniculus carnosus. arising from tendon of subscapularis, and inserted on axillary fascia and skin. T. fas'ciae deltoi'deae [Popoff], vestiges of panniculus carnosus of lower animals, occasionally found at- tached to fascia covering the deltoid. T. fas'ciae dorsa'lis pe'dis, tibio-fascialis. T. fas'ciae la'tae. /' tenseur aiii. Tensorscheide (G.). Fibrous lining of canalis tensoris tjinpani, incorrectl3- supposed to be the sheath of the tensor tynipani muscle. Tensorwnlst (C.). Rounded ridge upon roof of Eustachian tube, caused by the canalis tensoris tympani. Tent. L. tenta ; F. tente ; G. Wieke ; /. tasta. A roll of lint, sponge, or other material, used for keeping open or dilating canals or sinuses. Tenta (/.). Probe, sound. Tentac'ulum cerebel'li (L.). Tento- rium. Tente (F.). Tent. T. du cervelet, tentorium. Tenti'go (L.). Priapism. Tento'rial an'gle. That between basi- crania! axis and plane of tentorium. Tento'rium (cerebel'li) (L.). F. tente du cervelet; G. Kleinhirnzelt; I. tenda del cervelletto. A tent-shaped proc- ess of the dura mater stretching across back part of cranial cavity between cere- brum and cerebellum. Ten'tum (L.). Penis. Teobromina (/.). Theobromine. Teomania (/.). Religious monomania. Teoplessia (/.). Sudden apoplexy. Tepeguaje (Mex.). The gum obtained from Acacia (trapulcensis, HB. ; used in ^lexico instead of gum acacia. TephromyeU'tis [r^ç-pôç, iiueXói]. I. tefromielite. Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord ; poliomyelitis. Tephro'sia (A.). F. téphrosie ; /. tc- frosia. A genus of Leguminosse. T. apol- lin'ea, DC, grows in southern Europe ; the leaflets are occasionally found in commer- cial senna. T. purpu'rea, I'ers., native of India ; the roots are considered alter- ative, diuretic, and deobstruent. T. toxi- ca'ria, Pcrs., native of Africa, naturalized in tropical America : the leaves are used to poison fish. T. virginia'na, Pers., goat's rue, Turkey pea, catgut ; an indigenous leguminous plant, the root of which is used in decoction as a vermifuge. Tephro'sis (L.) [rey/xiv]. Incineration. Tep'id. L. tepidus ; F. tiède ; 1. tiepido. Somewhat warm, neither hot nor cold. Tepida'rium (X.). /. tepidario. Warm room in a bath. Teplitz-Schönau. Health-resort and mineral springs in Roheniia ; waters ther- mal, alkaline, saline ; temperature, 95° to 125° F. Terapeutica (7.). Therapeutics. Terapia (A). Therapy. Tera'ta (//.), pi. of Teras [ri//«^-]. Mon- strosities. T. anacatadid'yma, double monstrosity with dichotomy at both ex- tremities of the cerebro-spinal axis. T. anadid'3rma, dichotomy from below up- ward. T. catadid'yma, double monstros- ity, with more or less separation of the cerebro-spinal axis from above downward. Teratog'eny \réi>ai, yt^àiu]. L., J. teratogenia ; F. teratogenic. Production of monsters. Ter'atoid [^ì'ì»?]. F. tératoïde; /. tera- toide. Resembling a monstrosity. T. tu'- mor. G. Teratoidgcschwulst. Congenital tumor due to inclusion in one foetus of por- tions of another. Teratolog'ical. F. tératologique ; (!. teratologisch ; /. teratologico. Pertaining to monstrosities. Teratol'ogy ["=/>«(.', /'.'V"?]- F- téra- tologie ; J. teratologia. That branch of pathology which treats of monsters. Terato'ma (A.). A tumor compo.sed of various tissues or .systems of tissue, as bone, teeth, etc., which do not normally exist at the place where the tumor grows. Terceron {SpJ). Oflspring of a white person and a mulatto. Terebel'lum (L.). Instrument for per- forating the cranium. Ter'ebene. CioHif,. F. térébène ; G. Tereben ; 1. terebeno. An oily, volatile liquid, with an odor resembling thyme, spec. grav. 0.860, derived from oil of tur- pentine by the action of concentrated sul- phuric acid ; used as a substitute for car- bolic acid in antiseptic dressings, and by inhalation or ingestion in the treatment of phthisis. Térébenthine {F.). Turpentine. T. d'Alsace, Strassburg turpentine. T. de Bordeaux c)r T. de cheval, Bordeaux turpentine. T. de Chio, Chian turpen- tine. T. au citron, Strassburg turpen- tine. T. commune, Bordeaux turpen- tine. T. cuite : see Teiebinthiiia coda. TER TER 657 T. de mélèze, Venice turpentine. T. du sapin or T. de Strasbourg, Strasslmig turpentine. T. Suisse or T. du Venise, Venice turpentine. T. des Vosges, Strass- burg turpentine. Terebentina (/.). Turpentine. Terebin'thina {L.). Tiirpontino. T. abi'etis [F. Esp.] or T. argentoraten'- BÌS, Strassburg turpentine. T. balsamo- den'dri [P. Port.], balm of Gilead. T. canaden'sis, Canada turpentine. T. chi'a, Ciiian turpentine. T. coc'ta, Strassburg turpentine boiled in "water until it will solidify on cooling. T. conunu'nis, com- mon turpentine. T. copaiferee [P. Port.], copaiba. T. csrp'ria, Chian turpentine. T. empyreumat'ica [Far. Mex.], tar. T. larici'na, \'enice turpentine. T. pistaci'- na, Chian turpentine. T. vene'ta, Venice turpentine. T. vulga'ris [P. Port.], Strass- burg turpentine. Térébrant, ante (F.). I. terebrante. Term apjplied to a localized, boring ])ain. Terebra'tion. L. terebratio ; F. téré- bration ; /. terebrazione. Boring, trephining. Te'res (L.). Round, cylindrical. T. ma'jor. F. muscle grand rond ; G. grosser runder Armmuskel ; /. muscolo grande rotondo. A muscle of the shoulder arising from external surface of scapula near its inferior angle, and inserted by a tendon common to it and the latissimus dorsi into the inner lip of the bicipital groove ; some- times considered as a head of the latissimus dorsi. T. min'imus. F. petit rond ac- cessoire. A muscle accessory to the teres minor, arising from axillary border of scapula and inserted upon the surgical neck of the humerus, just below the greater tu- berosity. T. mi 'nor. J', muscle petit rond; G. kleiner runder Armmuskel ; /. muscolo fiiccolo rotondo. A muscle of the shoulder, arising from axillary border of scapula and inserted into the lower front of great tu- berosity of humerus ; intimately blended with the infraspinatus, and con.sidered by some as a part of that mu.scle. Tereti-prona'tor (A.). Pronator radii teres [Coues]. Teretiscapula'ris ( L.). Teres major [Coue.s]. Ter'gal [tergum]. Dorsal. Teriaca ( /.). Theriac. Teriacologia (/.). Doctrine of anti- dotes. Teriatria (/.). Therapeutics of dis- eases of animals. Vol. II.— 42 Teriomorfla (/.). Human monstrosity producing resemblance to some animal. Teriotomia (/.). Zootomy. Termale (/.). Thermal. Tennalina (/.). Glairine. Termantico (/.). H eat -producing. Termasma (/.). Warm fomentation. Termat'ic ar'tery. Branch from an- terior cerebral or anterior communicating arteries to resrion of lamina terminalis [Wilder]. Terme (/.). Warm springs. Termiatria (/.). Use of heat as a remedy. Termico or Termale (/.). Thermic. Ter'minal. L. terminalis ; I. terminale. Pertaining to an end, ending. T. ar'tery- F. arteriole terminale ; G. Endarterie ; /. arteria terminale. An artery which does not anastomose with another arterv before it divides into capillaries. T. frames of Deiters : see Di iters, terminal frames of. T. ven'tricle. L. ventriculus terminalis. An enlargement of central canal of spinal cord in the conus meduUaris. Termina'lia (i.). A genus of tropical trees, Nat. (_)rd. dimhretace-x. T. beller'- ica, Hoxb., an Indian tree yielding myro- balani bellericœ. T. catap'pa, L., grows in India, cultivated for ornament ; the ker- nels of the fruit are edible, containing 50 per cent, of a bland fixed oil. T. cheb'ula, Retz, the botanical source of myrobalani cbebulse. Term i nalkörper chen (G^.). End-or- gans of nerves. Terminalsinus ( C). Lymph-sinus. Terminol'ogy [terminus, /iû^««']. X., /. terminologia ; F. terminologie. A system of names pertaining to a particular art or branch of science. Termocauterio (/.). Thermocauterj. Termometro (/.). Thermometer. Terms, flenses. Ter'nary. F. ternaire ; /. ternario. Consisting of, or pertaining to, three. Ter'pene. A generic name for a group of hydrocarbons represented by the formula C,oIl,f,, principal constituents of most of the essential oils. Terpenthin or Terpentin ((?.). Tur- pentine ; the product of Finns Pinaster, Ait., and r. Larieio, Poir. [P. G.] ; — liniment [P. G.] : see Turpentine liniment ; 658 TER TES — öl, oil of turpentine; — salbe, oint- nient of turpentine. Ter'pin. C',J1|,<). F. terpine; /. ter- pina. A uiunoliydrate (if oil of turpentine. The term is often incorrectly used for ter- pin hydrate, q. v. Ter'pin hy'drate. (",„H:,„0..- J^- hydrate de térébenthène or terpine ; /. hiidrato di trementina or terpina. A hihydrate of oil of turpentine, oceurrins; in the form of larjre, transparent, tastele.s.<, odorless crys- tals, soluble in 200 parts of cold water, very soluble in alcohol and ether; formed when oil of turpentine is allowed to stand in contact with water, more readily ]ire- pared by acting upon oil of turpentine with alcohol and nitric acid ; highly lauded as an expectorant and diuretic in doses of 0.10 gms. and upward. Ter'pinol. (C,„H,6)JL(). f. tcrpinole ; /. terpinolo. A colorless, mobile, oily liquid with the odor of jessamine, spec. grav. 0.sr)2, insoluble in water, soluble in alco- hol and ether ; produced by the action of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid upon terpin ; recommended as an expectorant in doses of 0.10 gms. Ter'ra (L.~). Earth. T. al'ba, argil. T. barit'ica, barium sulphate. T. folia'ta, sodium acetate, T. folia'ta minera'lis, sodic acetate. T. folia'ta tar'tari, potas- sium acetate. T. folia'ta tar'tari crys- tallisa'ta, sodium acetate. T. Japon'ica, catechu. T. lem'nia, an argillaceous earth of a yellowish color, similar to Armenian bole. T. pondero'sa, baryta. T. ponde- ro'sa sali'ta, barium chloride. T. sigü- la'ta. F. terre sigillée. Keddish-white argil, formed into small masses aii.). Jjatissimus dorsi. Tertiärfurclien or Tertiärwindungen (6^.). Inconstant sulci and convolutions associated with the more permanent ones in highly convoluted brains. Ter'tian. /terzana. Occurring every third day. T. fe'ver, malarial fever with a paroxysm every third day. Ter'tiary. F. tertiaire ; /. terziario. Term applied to the later stages of syphilis. Tertipare {F.). A woman pregnant for the third time. Terzo adduttore (/.). Adductor mag- nus. Tescalama. A Mexican drug, the resinous product of Ficus iiijmpliseifolia, L. Teschio (/.). Cranium. Tes'seUated epithe'lium. Pavement epithelium. Tessuto (/). Tissue. Test. 1. /'.épreuve; G. Prüfung; /. prova. An experiment undertaken to as- certain a single fact. '1. Reagent u.sed in such an examination. 3. To try by crit- ical experiment. T. tube, a glass tube, closed at one end, capable of enduring high temperatures. T. paper, pa]ier charged with a reagent, the indications of which are shown by a change of color ; as litmus and turmeric paper. T. types, let- ters of different sizes, singly or in words, used to test the acuteness of vision. Testa (■//.). Shell. T. o'vi, egg-shell. T. prsepara'ta, prepared oyster-shell. Testa (/.). Head. Testament'ary capac'ity. 1'he ca- ]iacity of a man to make a valid will, from the medico-legal point of view. Tes'tes (//.), pi of Testis. Testicles. T. cer'ebri, corpora (jiiadrigemina poste- riora. T. muli'ebres, ovaries. Testibra'chium (//.). Superior pe- duncle of cerebellum. Tes'ticle. L. testis ; F. testicule ; G. Hode ; /. testicolo. Genital gland of male, one of two tubular glands, ellipsoidal in shape, situated in the scrotum. Within them are formed the spermatozoa and a portion of the fluid elements of the semen, which is discharged by a long duct into the urethra at the base of the bladder. They are conipo.sed of an outer coat of firm, dense connective tissue, from which septa pass forming loeulamenta in which the tubules lie. Testicolo ("/.). Testicle. T. acces- sorio, epididymis. T. femminile, ovary. T. venereo, syphilitic sarcocela. TES TET 659 Testic'ular. F. testieulaire ; /. testico- laro. Pertaining to the testicle. T. ar'- teries, spermatic arteries. T. veins. L- ven;ie testieulares. Tributaries of the spermatic veins gathering blood from the testes. Testic'ulus (L.). Testicle. Tes'tis ( A.), pi. Testes. Testicle. T. muli'erum or T. muli'ebris, ovary. Testu'do (A.l G. Schildkrötenge- schwulst. A flattened tortoise-shaped tumor. T. cer'ebri, tbrnix. T. scap'u- Ise, dorsum of scapula. Tetania (/.). Tetany. Tetan'ic [r^ravii-]. F. tétanique ; G. starrkrampfig: /. tetanico. 1. Relating to tetanus. 2. Drug or apparatus producing the phenomena of tetanus. Tétanie (F.). Tetany. Tetan'iform. F. tétaniforme. Tetanoid. Tetanil'la {L.}. F. tétanille. Tetany. Tet'anine. Alkaloid produced by the bacillus of tetanus [Brieger]. Tétanique (F.). Tetanic, as relating to tetanus. Tetaniza'tion. F. tétanisaìion ; /. te- tanizzazione. Production of a tetanic con- dition. Tetano (/.). Tetanus. T. intermit- tente, tetany. Tet'anoid [r/ravn?, £lòiii~\. F. téta- noïde ; /. tetanoide. Resembling tetanus. T. fe'ver, cerebro-spinal fever. T. para- ple'gia, spastic spinal paral3'sis. Tetanomo'tor. F. tétano-uioteur ; /. tetano-motore. Electro - magnetic instru- ment for producing muscular tetanus by repeated shocks. Tétanos (F.). Tetanus. Tetanotox'ine. CslInN. A base ob- tained from beef-broth cultures of the tetanus bacillus. It produces spasm and paralysis. Tet'anus (L.) [r/ra^.^-]. F. tétanos; G. Starrkrampf; /. tetano. 1. A di.sease characterizeil by rigidity, with paroxysms of tonic convulsions, of the muscles of the jaw, and frequently of the most of the voluntary muscles ; generally follows a lesion of some sort, and is supposed by some to be due to a bacillus. 2. Tonic spasm of a muscle : see also Breakiiu/ tefantis. T. hydrophob 'icus, form with severe spasms of muscles of deglutition, simulating hydrophobia ; described by Rose as occurring after injury to cranial nerves. T. intermit'tens, tetany. T. neonato'- rum, tri.smus nascentium. Tet'any. F- tétanie ; /. tetania. A suc- cession of tonic muscular spasms, mostly symmetrical, following one another at ir- regular intervals ; not attended by fever, loss of consciousness, or intrinsic danger ; ceases during sleep. Tête (/■'.). Head, T, de l'épididyme, head of epididymis. T. fœtale, fcetal head. T. gélatineuse des comes posté- rieures, gray matter of tubercle of Rolando. T. (petite) de l'humérus, eapitellum. T. du poil, bulb of hair. Tétée '' F.). Amount of milk ingested by the child at each separate act of suck- ling. Téter (/:). Tosuck. Téterelle (F.). Breast-pump. Tétin (F.). 1. Teat of au animal. 2. Nipple-shield. Tétine (/".). Udder. Téton (F.). Nipple, breast. Tetrabra'chius {L.) [rirna, ßnayiun']. I. tetraliracliiii. A monster having four arms. Tetrachi'rus {L.) [r/r/-«, /=;/']. A monster with four hands. Tetrachlormeth'ane. Carbon tetra- chloride. Tetrago'num lumba'le (A.). \n ir- regularly rhomboidal space in tlie lumbar region under the aponeurosis of the latissi- mus dorsi, bounded below by upper edge of internal oblique muscle, above by ser- ratus posticus inferior and tip of 12th rib, medially by lateral edge of sacro-spinalis, externally by posterior edge of origin of external oI)li(|ue. Tetrago'nus (L.) \Ttznàyiu,iiii^. Pla- tysma myoides. Tetrago'nus fe'bris fla'vae, Finlay : see Micriii-occus lerxatilix, Sternberg. Tetrahydroparamethyloxyquinoline or Tetrahydroparaquinisol. Thalline. Tétramas'thous \_iia'7ih)i\. L. tetra- masthus ; F. tétramaze ; 1. tetramazo. Hav- ing four breasts. Tetramazie {F.'). Condition of having four })rcasts. Tetrameth'yl - diam'ido - triphen'yl- car'binol-ox'alate. Malachite green. Tetranthe'ra califor'nica, W. et Arn. UinheUularia caU/ornica, Nutt. 660 TET THA Tetraophthal'mus (//.) [-/-,"«, '''ifOak- !i<'if\. Having four eyes. Tet'rapus (L.) [r»r';s-]. Having four feet. Tetras'celus (//.) ['jxi}.iii\. I. tetras- celo. A munster with four lower extrem- ities. J Tetras'ter (/y.) [-/-/>«, àn-rrjp]. The figure presented when there are four cen- tres of radiation during tlie indirect di- vision of a nucleus into four daughter- 'nudei. Tetre th 'y 1-diam 'ido - triphen 'yl-car '- binol-ox'alate. C^Hj.N.O.C^H.O,. A dye, i<;>]. /'. tliaiia- tomètre ; /. tauatniiietro. Moans of test- ing the presence of death. Thanatopho'bia( //.) [c-",?!^-]. /'. thana- tophobie ; /. tanatofobia. Fear of death. Thanato'sis (A.) ['ïavaroy]. Mortifica- tion, «raiigrene. Thanatoty'phus (X.) [rvc'«^]. Malig- nant typhus. Than'atus (X.) [ßdvazDi]. Death. Thap'sia (/,.). F., G. Thapsie ; /. tap- sia. 1. A genus of UmheUifeiiK. 2. The root of Thapsia gar(jiinica, L. ; emetic and purgative ; a hjcal irritant and revulsive. T. gargan'ica, L., an herb of southern Europe ; see above. T. plas'ter. L. eni- plastrum thapsi;« ; /'. sparailra]i de thapsia. Yellow wax 42Ó, resin 150, Burgundy pitch 150. térébenthine cuite 150, \'enice tur- pentine 50, glycerin 50. thapsia resin 75 ; mix with the aid of heat and spread upon linen cloth [Cod.]. T. res'in. L. resina thapsiae ; F. résine de thapsia. A soft ex- tract prepared by digesting thapsia-root in hot alcohol [Cod.]. T. Sylph'ium, A'iviani, grows in northern .Vfrioa ; perhaps a va- riety- of 7! garr/ntiirii^ which it resembles in medicinal properties. Thau'matrope \Jta'j;ia. rn^i-r^. Instru- ment fur demonstrating duration of visual sensations, by a revolving card on which objects are depicted. The ditterent objects appear combined in one picture. Thamnatur'^cal \JhiU!iaT]. Sulphur. Theiother'mal springs [ö^?"/, />/,»//)j]. Hot sulphur springs. Theiother'min. Glairin [Manheim]. Thelalgie i F.). Pain in the nipple. Thela'sis or Thelas'mus(L.) \_hr^)A'^v>\ Suckling, lactation. The'le [«'î'I)?]. Nipple. Theli'tis \Jiv-r\ F. thé warzcnciitzündung ; I. telitc. of the nipple. Thelon'cus [J//"',-]. Tumor breast. Thelophlebostem'ma TA.) \t^/.uç, li/.airnii']. Term prdpo.'^ed by Minot to inelude mature ova and sperm-blastophores or seminal mother- cells. Thelygo'ma(7>.)['?ry/u;-»/!«]. 1. Abe- getting of females. 2. Generation in the female. 3. Nymphomania. Thelyto'cia (i.). F. thélytocie. Par- thenogenesis, the unfecundated eggs pro- ducing females only. The'nad. Toward the thenal aspect [Barclay]. The'nal ['''t^«/<]. Of, or belonging to, the palm of the hand. T. as'pect. Toward the palm [Barclay]. The'nar [•'';>«//]. F. thenar ; 7. tenare. The palm of the hand or sole of the foot. T. em'inence. L. thenar pollicis ; G. Daumballen. Fleshy prominence of thumb- muscles on radial border of the hand. T. pol'licis, thenar eminence. Theobro'ma. F. théobrome ; I. teo- broma. 1 . Cacao. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Slfi-ciifinccfe. T. Caca'o, L.,the cacao, cocoa, or chocolate tree, indigenous and cultivated in tropical America. Theobro'mine [''*^<'>f. ,5o«j//«]. CjHgN^O.,. F. theobromine ; (ì. Theobromin ; /. teo- bromina. A crystallizable. bitter, volatile alkaloid, nearly related to caflfein ; found in tlic seeds of Theohioma Cucnn. Theoma'nia [^•'hôç, naydi]. F. théo- manie ; 7. teomania. Keligious monomania. Theophyl'lin. C-H^N.Oj. A base iso- lated from tea by Kossel (1888), isomerie with theobromine. Theople'gia or Theoplex'ia [-/i;Vo-'t^f>'i-euzt/.oç]. F. théra- peutiijue ; (i. Therapie; 7. terapeutica. That branch of medical science which treats of the ap])licatinn of remedies to the cure or alleviation of disease. Therapeutik {(r.). Tlierapeutics. Thérapeutique (7"). Therapeutics. Therapeu'tist. /'. thérapeute ; /. tera- peuti). One who specially devotes his studies to therapeutics. Ther'apy. F. thérapie; (,'. Therapie. Therapeutics. Therenceph'alus(7y.) [^•'fif), è-/-y.itfa^.(>ç']. Applied to skulls in which the angle be- tween lines drawn from hormion to nasion and to inion is from 11 (i° to 12!!° [Lis- sauer]. Thereobro'ma (L.) [''*'f'"ç, ßpmiiii]. Summer diet. Theri'aca \JfTiptaxûi\. F. thériaque, électuaire thériacal ; /. teriaca. A very complex electuary, official in the Codex, composed of 58 ingredients; contains 1 part of opium in StI parts of electuary. Treacle [B. P.]. T. cœles'tis, laudanum. T. rustico 'rum, garlic. Theriat'rica ( A. ) \J>riP, laTpsia]. Veter- inary medicine. Theriocatar'rhus (L.) \_<'»if"i<\ xarap- /. ) ['''=>/"5]. Heat. Ther'mœ ( 7^.). ]il. of Therma. Warm springs. Thermaesthe'sis ( L.) [■''//vi';, aïtrOT^/rfi]. F. thermesthésie. Sensibility to heat; the faculty or power of i'celing heat. Ther'mal [•^•'/vr,]. L. thermalis; F. thermal, ale ; /. termale. 1 . Pertaining to heat. 2. Warm. T. atax'ia, loss of the regulating power over the temjierature of the body. T. fe'ver, fever occurring in the cour.se of treatment by hot baths. T. sense, the apjireciation of temperature considered as a special sense. T. springrs or •waters, those having a temperature above 70° F. Thermalquellen ( (7.). Warm springs. Therman'tidote. A remedy against excessive heat or fever. Therma'sia (L.) [>'>£/;//«C'"]. Heat, a making hot. Thermas'ma (L.). Fomentation. Thermesthésie {F.). Thermo-anœs- thcsia. Ther'mic fe'ver. Heat-stroke. Thermifugin. Methyl-trihydro-oxy- cjuinoline-carbunate of sodium. C|,Hj(CU3)- THE THI 663 N,COOXa. A yellowish-white lustrous salt, said to be antipyretic and to increase blood-jircssure. Thermo-axiaesthe'sia (/>). F. therra- esthésie. Loss of power of perception of heat and cold by the skin or mucous mem- branes. Thermo-cau'tery \Jno:ii>i. xaorrj/i']. F. thermocautère ; 1. termocauterio. An in- strument for heating to a red or white heat platina points, knives, etc., by directing on them a jet of benzine or jrasolene vapor. Thermogen'ic [/-'""]• Heat-producing. Thenno-inhib'itory. Term applied to that portitiM or fiuiction of the nervous sys- tem which is Concerned with the prevention of an uiidue pruduction of heat in the body. Thermolu'sia (/>.) [/.'««]. Warm bath. Thermolyt'ic. Heat-discharging. Thermom'eter ['^/'ft/ij;. ßirpm'^. F. thermomètre ; I. termometro. An instru- ment for measuring degrees of heat, usually by the expansion and contraction of mer- cury confined in an exhausted glass tube. The temperatures of melting ice and boil- ing water are generally taken as fixed points, the range between them being di- vided as follows in the different instru- ments : Cenligraiie or CeUu^t (used generally in Europe and in scientific research), 100 degrees; Reaumur (formerly used in France, and now in Russia), 80 degrees ; Fahrenheit (generally used in this country and Eng- land), 180 degrees, zero being placed 32 degrees below the temperature of melting ice, and the boiling-point of water at 212°. Clin'ical or " P hilli ps," an instrument of short range, between 90° and 115°, self- regi.stering by a small part of the column detached from the rest, which remains at the highest temperature to which it has been exposed. Thermoneuro'sis [^i^i/)":/]. F. thermo- névrose. Elevation of temperature not due to fever, and with or without symptoms referable to tiie I'cntral nervcms .system. Thermon'osus (/>.) [^»«■«v']. A disease caused by heat. Thermopheugoskop {('■) \_, ax<)7:ivt]. Instrument for estimating the loss of heat from a given spot on the skin. Thermopo'dium (L.) \_-ii>>i\. A hot foot-bath. Ther'moscope [n/.nT.ioi^. I. termo- scopio. Instrument for observing differ- ences of temperature ; one form is used to determine the amount and rapidity of loss of heat escaping from a surface. Ther'mostat [ftiniir,, ?^rr,,'x!]. Auto- matic contrivance for regulating supply of heat, operating usually by unequal expan- sion of different metals, expansion and con- traction of air, melting of a fusible alloy, or closure of a voltaic current by the move- ment of a column of mercury. Thennotax'ic [t««-(T(u]. Heat-regulat- ing. Thennotherapei'a (/-.) \jni)a-^ia\. Treatment liy heat. Theromor'phia (/>.) [■''>;,". ."'V'f'/]- I- teromorfia. An abnormity in human anat- omy resembling the normal structure in lower animals. Theve'tia (//.). F. thévétie ; /. teve- tia. A genus of shrubs or trees, Nat. Ord. Apocj/nacefe, growing in tropical America. T. iccot'li, DC, a Mexican species ; the seeds are poisonous, but are used by the natives in form of ointment for piles. T. neriifo'lia, DC, a West-Indian shrub, the seeds and the milky juice of which are poisonous ; the bark is used as an antiperi- odic. The'vetin. C„H„Oj,. F. thcvétine. A poisonous glucoside found by De Vrij in the seeds of Thevetia icculli, DC. Thi- or Thio- [•'fs'tm']. Prefix to the name of compounds having for a radical sulphur or a sulphur compound. Thibet musk : see Tonqtdn musk. Thielmann's drops. L. mistura Thiel- manni. A mixture of wine of opium, wine of ipecac, and tincture of valerian, flavored with peppermint ; 75 parts represent 1 part of opium. Thier (G.). Brute, animal; — arz- neikunde, veterinary medicine; — arz- neimittelkunde, zoöpharmaeology : — arzt, veterinary surgeon ; — beschreibung, zoography ; the natural history of lower animals ; — bildung im Augapfel, hel- minthiasis oculi ; — Chemie, animal chem- istry ; — gift, animal poison ; — heilkunde, veterinary medicine ; — heit, animality ; — keim, embryo; — kohle, animal char- coal; — Ijrmphe, bovine virus; — reich, animal kingdom ; — Schänder, one who has coitus with a beast ; — seuche, epizootic ; — versuch, experiment on animals ; — ■wahn, ziianthropy. Thierchen (^). Animalcule. Thierisch, er, e, es (G.). Animal. T. Magnetismus, animal magnetism. 664 THI THO Thieves' vin'egar. Aromatic vinegar. Thigh [-1. S. tlieuh] ; L. femur ; F. cuisse ; (t. Oberschenkel ; J. coscia. Tliat segment of the pelvic limb between pelvis and knee. T.-bone, femur. Thim'bleberry. The fruit of h'lihits Ot'Cidi itfaiis, ]_,. Thim'ble-weed. Rudheckia lanciniata, L. Third cor'puscles (blood). Blood- plates or ])lai|ues. Third eye'lid. .Membrana nictitans. Third trochan'ter. Gluteal tuberosity. Third ven'tricle. L. ventriculus ter- tius ; /'. ventricule moyen ; G. . Capsella Unroll jiiiftiiris. .Miicnch. Thlipsenceph'alus ( L.) \_Uißu>, ly/i- (fahii^. F. thlipsenci'phale : /. tlissencefalo. Monster with defective brain, supposed to be due to compression of the fuetal head. Thlip'sis (L.-) [.W.?ç''!s-]. F. thlipsie; /. tlissi. A crushing, compression. Thnétoblaste (F.). I. tnetoblasto. Can- cer-cell ur germ. Thomsen's disease'. Myotonia con- genita, a peculiar congenital affection cha- racterized by inability to relax the muscles immediately after contraction. Themu.scles are liyiicrtropliied. and the nuclei increased in nuiubcr. Thomson'ianLsm. A system of medi- cation l)y vegetable remedies only, espe- cially by cayenne pepper, lobelia, and steam-baths. Thomson's galvanom'eter. Mirror galvanometer. Thonerde ( G.). Alumina ; — hydrat, aluminium hydrate; — verband, earth- dressing. Thoracalnerven {G.). Dorsal spinal nerves. Thoracente'sis (L.). F. thoracentèse ; I. toraeeiitesi. Thoracocentesis. Thorac'ic \J>wiia^'\. L. thoracicus ; F. thoracique ; /. toracico. Relating to the chest. T. aor'ta: see Anrtn. T. ar'- teries. L. arteria; thoracic». Branches from axillary artery to thoracic walls ; distinguished as superior or short tho- racic, supplying the two pectoral mus- cles : acromio - thoracic, to deltoid, pec- toralis major and subclavius muscles; long or external thoracic, to ]>ectorals and serratus magnus ; and alar tho- racic, to glands and fat of a.xilla. T. ax'is, common trunk from which the acromio - thoracic and superior thoracic arise. T. cage. F. cage thoraci(|ue ; G. Brustkorb. Skeleton of the thorax with its ligaments. T. cav'ity. L. cavum thoracis; /^.cavité thoraci((ue ; G. Brust- höhle ; I. cavità toracica. The space within the thorax and above the diaphragm con- taining the heart and lungs. T. duct. L. ductus thoracicus ; F. canal thorai'i<|ue ; G. Milchbrustgang ; /. canale toracico. Main trunk of the lymphatic system, receiving lymph from the lower limbs, abdominal viscera and walls, and left thorax and arm. It arises in the upper lumbar region, passes up along the spine, and discharges into the subclavian vein at its origin. T. gan'glia. L. ganglia dorsalia. Those situated upon the symiiathctic in the thoracic region. T. glands. />. gianduia; thoracica;. Lym- phatic glands sometimes found upon the thoracic wall. A superficial set lies near the axilla; a deep set on the external sur- face of the serratus magnus. T. in'dex, ratio between the antero-posterior iliameter, taken from the lower end of the sternum to the opposite spinous process, and the maximum transverse diameter at .same level. T. limb. F. membre thoracique ; 7. arto toracico. Pectoral limb. T. nerves. The posterior thoracic nerve (long tho- racic, nerve of si'rratus magnus, external respiratory nerve) is derived from the 5th and (ith cervical nerves, and supplies the serratus magnus. The nervus dorsalis scapula; is sometimes improperly so called. The external anterior thoracic nerve (anterior pectoral) is derived from the outer cord of the brachial plexus, and sup- THO THR 665 plies the peetoralis major. Tlie internal anterior thoracic nerve (posterior pee- toral), from the inner cord, suiiplies Imth peetoralis major ami minor. T. veins, tributaries of the axillary vein, following the general course of the thoraeie arteries. T. ver'tebrae, dorsal vertebr;e. Thoracica (7..^. Peetoralis. Thoracico-abdom'inal re'gion. L. regio thoracico - abdominalis ; G. Brust- Bauch-lJegend. That jiart of thoracic wall Corresponding to cimeavity of diaphragm. Thoracocente'sis ( L.) \Jiu>iiaS, z/vtj;- ff:^]. /'. thoracentése ; G. Hrusthöhlenstich ; /. toracocentesi. Puncture of the thorax. Thoracocyllo'sis(i/.) [/.óX'Awin-}]. Cur- vature or deformation of the thorax. Thoracocyrto'sis (/v.) \j'.opTiii\. De- velopment of abnormal curvature or promi- nence of the chest. Thoracodid'ymus (//.) [òì'ìu/jiof]. F. thoracodidjme ; 1. toracodidimo. Double monster united at the thorax. Thoracodyn'ia (//.) [o-J'-vrJ. F. tho- racodynie; /. toraeodinia. Pleurodynia. Thoraco-faciaK F. ). Platysma myoides. Thoracogastrodid'ymus {L.) [-/-atTZTJ/), ò;òt);i.(c]. A double monster united by the chest and abdomen. Thoraco-gastros'chisis (L.) [^j-aiTTrjp, lyiT'-i]- Congenital fissure of the abdomi- nal wall extending into the thorax. Thoracom'eter [//'r/)«^]. F. thoraco- mi'tre ; /. toracometro. An instrument to measure movements of chest-wall during respiration. Thoracomonodid'jrme (//.) [.«»vç, ijiotjp.ii-f^ . Tlioracodid vm us. Thoracomyodsm'ia ( A.) \jvjc, ò'ìóvrj. P in the inter- F. thoracorayodynie. costal muscles. Thoracop'agxis TA.) [-r^y>v//;]. Double monster united at the thorax. Thoracopath'ia (//.) \_-'iOiii\. Disease of the chest. Thorac'oplasty [j:>.'ìit(tu>'\. F. thoraco- plastie. Plastic operation on the thorax, as excision of portions of ribs to close an abscess; Estlander's operation. Thoracos'chisis (/<.) [t/scw]. Fissure or cleft (jf the chest. Thoracos'copy [.) [''>"/"'v']. Semen. Thräne ( C). Tear. In composition Thränen, as in, — apparat, lachrymal apparatus ; — arterie, lachrymal artery ; — ^ ast, lachrymal nerve; — auge, epiph- ora ; — bach, canal of Ferrein ; — bein, lachrymal bone; — beinhaken, hamular process: — beinpunkt, lachry- mal point; — blutfluss, dacryluumorrhtea ; — bucht, lacus laehrynialis ; — canäl- chen, lachrymal eanalieuli ; — canal, lachrymal canal ; — eiterfluss, daeryo- pyorrhœa ; — feuchtigkeit, lachrymal fluid ; — fistel, lachrymal fistula ; — fluss, lachryniation ; — fortsatz, lachrymal proc- ess ; — furche, lachrymal groove ; — gang, lachrymal duct ; — gefässe, lachrymal vessels ; — gesch^vür, wgiiops ; — ge- sch'WTilst, daeryoncus ; — grübe, lach- rymal fossa ; — grubenpunkt, lachrymal point: — hügel, lachrymal caruncle; — kanälchen, lachrymal canaliculus ; — karunkel, lachrymal caruncle ; — mus- kel, lachrymal muscle ; — nasengang or — nasenkanal, nasal duct ; — nerv, lach- rymal nerve ; — organe, lachrymal appa- ratus ; — papule, papilla laohryrnalis; — punkt, punctum lachrymale; — rinne, groove between fronto-na.sal process and maxillary process on either side ; it be- comes the lachrymal canal ; — röhrchen, lachrymal canaliculus ; — Schlagader, lachrymal artery; — schlauch, lachrymal 666 THR THU duct; — see, lacus lachrymalis ; — stein, dac-ryolith ; — träufeln, lachryinatioii ; — warze, lachryinal ]iaiiilla ; — weg, laeh- 1 ynial pas,■.). Lachrymal sac ; — entzündung, dacryocystitis ; — flstel, fistula of lachrymal sac ; • — geschwulst, tumor of lachrymal sac ; — grübe, lachry- mal fossa ; — klappe, valve of lachrymal sac ; — muskel, tensor tarsi ; — stein, dacryolith ; — Vorfall, prolapse of lachry- mal sac. Thread'worm. 1. 0.iì/ì(nsv('rmìCìiIarì'.f. 2. Dru(:iiiicìihi!<. Three-leaved night'shade. TriUium. Threp'sis (/>.) ['V'V-'v"]- Nutrition. Threpsol'ogy [fifiitl'-.i. /.ly^ç]. Doctrine of nutrition. Thresh'old. F. seuil ; G. Sehwelle. Term applied in psychophysics to the limit of perceptibility of a stimulus or of a differ- ence between two stimuli. The principal varieties are — ( 1 . ) The ab 'solute or stim'- ulus threshold {G. Keizschwelle), indi- cating the amount of stimulus recjuired to produce an effect of which we are conscious — c.y. a weight must be .002 gram to be felt on the forehead. (2.) The differen'tial threshold ( G. Unterschiedsschwelle), indi- cating the ratio which the difference of two stimuli must bear to their half sum to make their difference just perceptible: see Pfiicho- lihipicnl methnils (1). (8.) The rela'tional threshold {G. Verhältnisssehwelle) is the ratio which two stimuli must have in order that their differenec may be perceptible. It is always 1 -|- the difl^erential threshold, also called the relational ctiistant. (4.) Fechner also mentions an inten'sive threshold, relating to sensations of inten- sity, and an exten'sive threshold, relating to sensations of extension. Thrid'ace [■V'-'«?]- G. Lattigextrakt; /. tridace. 1. An extract of cultivated lettuce, prepared by bruising, expressing, heating the juice to coagulate the albumen, and evaporating the strained liquid [Cod.]. 2. A synonym for lactucarium. Thrid'ax (7..). Thridace. Thrift. Arnurla !'»A/u;/s. Willd. ; indig- enous plant ; flower diuretic. Thrill [-1. .S'. thirlian]. /'. frémissement; /. fremito. Fremitus. Throat {A. S. throte]. L. gula ; F. gorge; ^x. Schlund, Kehle; /. gola. Anterior part of neck with its passages, the ]diarynx, larynx, and trachea. T. reg 'ister : see Ntyisfcr. Throat-root. Geum rirghiiainim. L. Throat'-w^ort. Button snakeroot, Lia- tris xpifuta, Willd. Throb 'bing. Pulsation. Thromboarteri'tis [fifiini-ßni, àpTr,p{a'\. Arteritis producing thiombus. Thrombolymphangi'tis. Lymphangi- tis due to obstruction. Thrombophlebi'tis [v^'V]- Phlebitis with embolism. Thrombo'sis (L.) [Apo/ißwati']. F.. G. Thrombose : 7. trombosi. Coagulation. The formation of a eoagulum in any part of the vascular system. Throm'bus {L.) [•'//) o//./îoç]. 7. trombo. A clot formed during life in the vascular system ; formerly used to mean a small tumor of extravasated blood under the skin. Throt'tling \_A. ,S. throte]. Compres- sion of the neck; strangulation, not by hanging. Thrush [A. S. thrisc]. Aphthae in the mouth. Thryp'sis ( L.) [i'/jO'Jv''ts]. A breaking up. comminution. Thryp'ticus (L.) [ttpii-rw]. Lithon- triptic. Thuja, thoo'ya. F. thuia ; G. Lebens- baum ; I. tuja. 1. Arbor vitae; the fresh tops of Thuja ocei(/eiifalis, L. [U.S. P.]; diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant. 2. A genus of plants. Nat. Ord. ('unifi'r^. T. articula'ta, Vahl. ('ullitrlf i/imi/riralvis, Vent. T. occidenta'lis, L., the arbor vitie or white cedar of the northern U. S. and Canada. Thujet'ic ac'id. C.^IIsìOis. F. acide thuiéti(|ue. A compound derived from th\ijin by boiling with barium hydrate. Thu'jetin. C„II„0,. F. thuiétine. A derivative from thujin. Thujig'enin. CJI,/),. F. thuigénine. A derivative from thujin. Thujin, thoo'yin. CjoHjAr Z'. thuiine; THU THY 667 2. Frank- turpentine Inflammation of T. serpolet, vulgaire, Thi/- Thymic asthma. L. thymus; F. timo. Garden /. tujina. A crystallizable glucoside found in thuja. Thumb [-1. ■*>'. thuina]. L. police ; /■'• jiouce ; (t. Daumen : /. pollice. The first digit of the hand, distiniruished from the others by its opposaliility and by havini; but two phalanges. Thus (/>.). 1. Turpentine, incense. T. america 'num, [U.S. P.]. Thuya : see Thuja. Thylaci'tis \Hn).ay.,ii\. sebaceous gland.s. Thym (F.). Thynn Tlìi/mìis serpi/Uiim, L. T. 7»iis vulgaris. L. Thymasth'ma (L.). Thyme, time [''/'v/«ç]. thym ; G. Thymian ; /. thyme; the herb of Tltymus vulgaris. \j.; aromatic stimulant ; cultivated for its vola- tile oil : see also (rardeii, Lemon, oil of, Vir- giiiin. and Wild thyme. Thymelco'sis (A.) [>!>'j/i"S', ikxu>aii\. Ulceration of the thymus gland. Thy'mene. C,oH,6. A liquid aromatic hydrocarbon, existing with thymol in oil of thyme. Thymian (6-'.). Thyme; — öl, oil of thyme. Thymia'sis (//.) [Jtuiudiu^. Fumigation. Thy'mic [''''V"?]. L. thymicus ; F. thymiijue ; /. timico. Pertaining to the thymus gland. T. asth'ma, spasm of the glottis, supposed to be caused by an en- larged thymus gland ; laryngismus stri.). 1. Yaws, 2. Thym- ium. Thsrmi'tis. Inflammation of the thymu.s gland. Thy'mium ( L.") [oó,a«v']. F. thymion ; G. W;ir/.cliiii. An old name for small warts, occurring chieflv about the genitals. Thjrmol, ti'mol. ('„iHi.O. I. timolo. A stearoptcn obtained from the volatile oils of T/ii/inus vidi/iiris. L., Munanla puiic- laia, L., and Plydiotis Ajowun, DC. ; in nearly or quite colorless crystals, of an aromatic odor, sparingly soluble in water, (juite soluble in alcohol; a powerful anti- septic ; used as an agreeable substitute for carbolic acid. Thymol'um [P. 0.]. Thymol. Thymopath'ia (L.) [('o/i^i-, -àOiii\. Mental disorder. Thy'mus { L.) [■'/■'i/i»?] or Thymus gland. G. Thymusdrüse; /. timo. An organ of glandular appearance found in the fœtus and young child at the root of the neck in front of the great vessels; grad- ually degenerates after two years. Its structure is lymphoid. T. accesso'ria. (t. Nclienthynius. One or more .separated portions of thymus gland sometimes found. Thy'mus ( L.). 1. Thyme. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Labiatx. T. citri- odo'rus, iSehreb., lemon thyme. T. Ser- pyl'lum, L., wild thyme ; indigenous to Europe, naturalized in America. T. vul- ga'ris, L., garden thyme; a European plant, cultivated. Thymusdrüse (G.). Thymus gland. Thyremphrax'is (L.) {Jioptùf, i/i- riius haiid-s which pass be- tween the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages within the vocal cords. The inferior are imich the best developed. T.-a. mus'cle. L. thyro-aryteiioideus ; G. Schild-tiiess- beckennniskel. A muscle of the larynx having two portions, the first (internal t.-a. m.) lying mainly within the plica thyro - arytenoidea inferior, and arising from angle of the thyroid cartilage, crico- thyroid membrane and edges of cord, and inserted upon the arytenoid cartilage and the fiilse vocal cord ; the second portion (external t.-a. m.) liaving a similar ori- gin, but passing outward and upward to end in the aryteno-epiglottic fold. The portion which arises from the erico-thyroid membrane is often called the inferior t.-a. m. ; the thin upper part, not always devel- oped, the superior t.-a. m. or lesser t.-a. m. Thyro-arytenoi 'deus ascen 'dens {L.). Thyro-arytenoideus inferior. Thyro - arytenoi'deus descen'dens (Zi.). Thyro-arytcMciideus superior. Th5rro-arytenoi'deus infe'rior {L.). Lower part of tliyro-arytenoid muscle, arising from anterior angle of thyroid car- tilage, and inserted in the middle of the interior and lateral surface of the arytenoid cartilage. Thyro - arytenoi'deus ma'jor ( //.). Thyro-arytenoid muscle. Thyro -arytenoi'deus mi 'nor (//.). Thyro-arytenoid muscle, lesser. ThjTo-arytenoi'deus obh'quus (/,.). Superficial bumlles of the inferior thyro- arytenoid mu.scle that unite with the inter- arytenoideus. Thsrro-arytenoi'deus supe'rior (L.). Tapper part of thyro-arytenoid muscle, arising from upper jmrtiiin of thyroid carti- lage near its anterior angle, and running to the aryteni)id cartilage. Thy'rocele {/■rj^']. Tumor of the thy- roid gland. Thyro-comicula'tus r/-.). Fibres of the thyro-arytiiicjjdeus inferior inserted upon the (■(jrnicnla laryngis. Thyro-cuneifor'mis (L.). Fibres of tlie thyro-arytenoideus inferior inserted upon the cuneiform cartilages. Thyro-epiglot'tic lig'ament. Band connecting lower end of epiglottis with edges of anterior thyroid notch. Thyro-epiglot'tic mus'cle. />. thyrj- epiglottideus. The part of the thyro-ary- tenoid muscle that extends to the epi- glottis. Thjrro - epiglot'ticus lon'gus {L.). Muscular fibres sometimes found passing from the neighborhood of the lower horn of the thyroid cartilage to the epiglottis. Thyro -epiglottid 'eus ma'jor (L.). Thyro-epigliittic muscle. Thyro-epiglottid'eus mi'nor or su- pe'rior. 3Iuscular fibres sometimes seen passing from the thyroid cartilage, along the thyro-epiglottie ligament, to the epi- glottis in front of the insertion of the pharyngo-ejuglottic fold. Thyro-glos'sus latera'lis (//.). Mus- cle sometimes seen arising from union of the thyro-hyoid and hyo-glossus muscles. Thjrro -glottid'eus (A.). Thyro-epi- glottideus [Cones]. Thyro-hy'al. The greater cornu of the- hyoid bone, considered as a separate osse- ous integer. Thyro - hy'oid. F. thyréo-hyoïdien, ienne ; /. tiro-ioidco. Pertaining to the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone. T.-h. arch, third visceral arch. T.-h. lig'a- ments, bands uniting thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone. The lateral t.-h. 1-s. pass from superior cornu of thyroid car- tilage to extremities of great cornu of hyoid bone. The middle t.-h. 1. is the thyro-hyoid membrane, or the thickened middle portion of the same. Gruber de- scribes an accessory t.-h. 1. sometimes fouiul separated from the regular ligament by the subhyoid liursa, and passing from the lower border of the hyoid bone to an insertion above the middle of the lower border of the thyroid cartilage. T.-h. mus'cle. L. thyro-hyoideus : /'. muscle thyréo-hvoïdien ; G. Zungeiibeinschildknor- pelmuskel ; /. muscolo tiro-ioideo. A short ribbon-like muscle of anterior region of neck, arising from oblii|ue line of thyroid cartilage and inserted upon body and great cornu of hyoid bone. T.-h. mem'brane. L. membrana thyro-hyoidea. 1. An elastic sheet passing between superior border of thyroid cartilage and upper margin of hyoid bone. 2. Thyro-hyoid ligament, mid- dle. T.-h. nerve. L. nervus thyro-hyoid- eus. Branch from hypoglossal to tliyro- THY THY 669 hyoid muscle. T.-h. space, depression above thyroid cartilajre. Thyro-hyoi'deus (//.). Thyrohyoid muscle. T.-h. accesso'rius, rare mus- cular bundle ruriniiii: from superior cornu of thyroid cartilage to irreater cornu of hyoid bone. T.-h. az'ygos nr T.-h. mi'- nor, thyro-hyoideus superior. T.-h. supe'- rior, accessory muscle arising from greater cornu of hyoid lione. and passing to upper edge of thyroid cartilage. T.-h. supe'- rior mi'nor, independent fascicle of thyro- hyoid, souletimes seen arising from upper edge of thyroid cartilage, near base of superior cornu, and inserted upon posterior part of greater cornu of hyoid bone. T.-h. sxipe'rior mi'nor az'ygos, independent and unpaired fascicle of thvro-hyoid some- times seen. T.-h. supe'rior mi'nor late- ra'lis, kerato-hyoideus. Thy'roid [•'/'un£Ùv-]. L. thyroideus. F. thyréoïde ; /. tiroide. Like a shield, shield- shaped ; relating to the thyroid cartilage or gland. T. ar'teries. L. arteria; thyroidea; ; F. artères thyriMiidiennes ; G. Schilddrüsen- Schlagadern ; /. arterie tiroidee. Those sup- plj'ing thyroid gland and neighboring re- gions. The superior thyroid is derived from the external carotid, the inferior thyroid from tiie subclavian through the thyroid axis. An accessoiT thyroid (thyroidea ima) is occasionally found, springing either from the arch of the aorta or some of the neigh- boring trunks. T. ar'tery of Neubauer, accessory th3-roid arterj- : see Thyroid ar- teries. T. ax'is. L. truncus thyro-cervi- calis : G. 8childdrüsennackenstanim. A short arterial trunk arising from the sub- clavian and dividing about C cm. from its origin into diverging branches — viz. the inferior thyroid, the suprascapular, and the transverse cervical. It is often wanting, and the method of division often varies. T. body, thyroid gland. T. car'tüage. L. cartilago thyreoides or thv'roides : F. cartilage thyréoïde or th\'roïde ; G. Schild- knorpel ; I. cartilagine tiroide. The largest cartilage of the larj-nx. It is situated at the upper part of that organ, and is com- posed of two flattened rectangular plates united medially at an angle. It articulates with the cricoid and with the epiglottis, and afford.*» attachment for the vocal cords. T. em'inence. L. eminentia thyroidea. The p)rominence caused by the thyroid cartilage on the median line, front of the neck. T. fora'men, obturator foramen. T. gan'- glion, middle cervical ganglion. T. gland. L. corpus thyroideum ; F. corps thyréoïde ; G. Schilddrüse ; /. corpo tiroide. A verj' vascular body of glandular structure and unknown function, situated in front of upper part of trachea and lateral parts of larjnx. Its duct (ductus thyrcoglossus) is obliterated in foetal life, and the gland remains as a mass of closed acini contain- ing a colloid sub.stance. T. nerves, branches given off from the middle cervi- cal ganglion of the sympathetic to the thy- roid gland. T. plex'us, formed in front of the upper part of the trachea by veins' coming from the thyroid gland. T. veins. L. vena; thyroide» ; F. veines thyréoï- diennes; G. Schilddrüsenblutadern ; 7. vene tiroidee. Those which collect blood from the thyroid body. There are usually three on each side — the superior, middle, and inferior t. v-s. The two former empty into the internal jugular, the latter into the innominate vein or into the .superior vena cava at the junction of the two in- nominate veins. There may also be an additional vein (vena thyroidea ima) which collects blood from the isthmus of the thy- roid gland, and discharges into the left in- nominate. Thyroi'dea i'ma (i.). Accessory thy- roid artery. Thsrroi'deal. Thyroid. Thyroidec'tomy [ßu/iiöi, £xrc',yv(u]. F. thyriMiidectomie. Excision of the thyroid gland. Thjrroi'deus (/>.). Thyroid, T. in- ter'nus, subthyroideus. T. pro'prius, muscular bundle passing from superior to lower edge of the thyroid cartilage, near the middle line. T. transver'sus, a va- riety of the cricothyroid muscle in which bundles pass between the two cricoid proc- esses of the thyroid cartilage. T. trans- ver'sus im'par, thyroideus transversus occurring on the inside onl}-. , Thyroidi'tis. Inflammation of the thy- roid gland. Thyroidot'omy. Section of thyroid gland. Thyro-larynge'al fas'cia [Hüter]. That which invests the thyroid body and is attached to the cricoid cartilage. Thyro-mediastina'lis ( L.). Pericar- dico-thyniideus. Thyro-membrano'sus (Z/.). That part of the thyro - arytenoid muscle inserted within the plica thyro-arytenoidea inferior. Thyro-œsophage'us (//.). Muscular 670 THY TIB bundles passing from œsophagus to thyroid cartilage. Thyro-palati'nus (A.) That part of palatd-iiliarviiueus inserted into the thyroid gland. Thsnro-pharsrnge'us (/>.). That por- tion of inferior eonstrietor arising from the thyroid eartilage. often separated from the remainder liy a distinet interval. Thyro'pharyngo-palati'nus or Thy- ro-pharyngo-staphyli 'nus (/-■)• Pa lato- jiharyngeus. Thyi'ophrax'ia (L.) [tfi)■). (J- Schienbein. The inner of the two bones which constitute the skeleton of the lower leg ; articulates with femur above, astragalus below, and with fibula externally. Tib'iad. Toward the tibial aspect [Bar- clay]. Tibiae 'us an 'ticus(Z.). Tibialis anticus. Tibise'us pos'ticus (/-.)■ Tibialis posti- cus. Tib'ial. L. tibialis ; F. tibial, ale ; I. tibiale. Relating to the tibia or to the leg. T. aponeuro'sis. F. aponévrosejambière. Fascial investment of leg, attached to prominences ab(uit the knee, and continuous below with the annular ligaments of the ankle. T. ar'teries. L. arteria" tibiales; F. artères tibiales : G. Schienlieinsehlaü- adern. /. arterie tibiali. Two large trunks arising from bifurcatiim of jiopliteal, and extending throughout the leg. The ante- rior tibial is the smaller, and extends from its origin at the lower border of the poplit- eus muscle along the front of the leur to the upper end of the interval between the 1st and "Jd metatarsal bones, where it becomes the ilorsal arterj' of the foot. The poste- rior tibial extends along the back of the leg. between the superficial and deep layers of muscles, to a point a little below the in- ternal malleolus, where it divides into in- ternal and external plantar arteries. T. as'pect, that directed toward the tibia. T. commu'nicating nerve, external saph- encius nerve. T. gland, ante'rior. A. i;laiulula tibialis anterior ; d'. Sehienbein- driise. Lymphatic gland found in front of the interosseous membrane of the leg. T. nerve, ante'rior. L. nervus tibialis anti- cus. Terminal branch of external ]io]iliteal nerve ; passes downward in front of the interosseous membrane, and supplies mus- cles on anterior aspect of leg and .skin of first interdigital space. T. nerve, poste'- rior. L. nervus tibialis posticus ; O. Schienbeinnerv. Continuation of internal popliteal nerve. Passes down back of leg between deep and su]ierficial muscles sup- plying the former, and divides below inner malleolus into external and internal ]ilaiitar. The term is sometimes extended to include the internal popliteal nerve also. T. recur'- rent ar'teries. L. arteri.B récurrentes tibiales ; F. artères récurrentes tibiales ; G. zurücklaufende Schienbeinarterien ; /. arterie ricorrenti. Small branches from anterior tibial that turn back up the leg and contribute to arterial anastomosis about the knee. T. veins, venaj comités of arte- ries of same name. Tibial antérieur (Z'.). Tibialis anticus. Tibial postérieur {F.). Tibialis posticus. Tibial postérieur de I'avant-bras (F.). Flexor carpi radialis brevis. Tibia'le (J^-). A bone of the primitive tarsus, represented in man by part of the astragalus. Tibiale anteriore (/.y Tibialis anticus. Tibiale posteriore ( /. ). Tibialis posticus. Tibia'lis anti'cus (L.). F. jambier antérieur ; (t. vorderer Schienbeinmuskel : /. tibiale anteriore. A mu.scie of anterior part of leg, arising from lateral surface of tibia and intero.sseous membrane, and ter- minating in a tendon pas«sing behind inner malleolus and in.serted into cuneiforme T. and metatarsale T. T. a. accesso'rius, tibio-faseialis. Tibia'lis grac'ilis (L.). Plantaris muscle. Tibia'lis posti'cus (//•). F. jambier TIB TIF 671 postérieur; 6^. hinterer Scliicnboiiinmskel ; I. tibiale postoriiire. Deep muselé of back of leg. arisini; from the tibia, interosseous membrane, and tibula. and developing a tendon which passes behind the inner mal- leolus, and is inserted into the tubercle of the scaphoid, whence bands pass to all the cuneiform bones, tlie cuboid, the ealeaneum, and metaearpalia 1!.. III., and 1\'. Tibia 'lis profun'dus (A.). Tibio-fasci- alis. Tibialis secun'dus (//•)• Tensor of capsule of ankle. Tibio-aponévTotìque (F.). Tibio-fas- cialis. Tibio-calcanéen {f.). I. tibio-calcaneo. Soleus [Chaussier]. Tibio-fascia'lis (A-)- -f- tibio-aponévro- tique. A small muscle sometimes found arising from anterior surface of tibia super- ficial to the tibialis amicus, and inserted into the deep fascia and the annular liga- ment. T.-f. anti'cus, tibio-faseialis. Tibio-fem'oral in'dex. Ratio between maximum length of tibia and that of femur. Tibio-flb'ular articula 'tìons. G. Tibio- fibulargelenke. Those between the tibia and fibula at their upper and lower extrem- ities. Tibio-flb'ular lig'aments. Those of the tibio-tìbular articulations. Above, are found the anterior and posterior superior t.-f. 1-s. ; belosv. anterior and posterior inferior and interosseous t.-f. 1-s. The lower part of the posterior inferior ligament is sometimes called the transverse t.-f. 1. Tibio-malléolaire (F.). ]. tibio-mal- leolare. Internal saphenous vein. Tibio-navic'ular lig'ament. L. liga- mentum tibio-talo-navieulare. A special band of deltoid ligament of ankle-joint, passing from internal malleolus to scaphoid bone. Tibio-péronéo-calcanien (F.). I. tibio- peroneo-calcaiiiano. .'^olens. Tibio-péronéo-tarsien {F.). I. tibio- peroiieo-tarsiano. Peroneus longus. Tibio-planta'risf/y.j. .\ supernumerary fascicle of the tibialis amicus which blends with the plantar fa.scia, and through it ter- minates in the great toe [Wood]. Tibio-sous - phalangettien commun (^F). J. tibio-sotto-falangottiano comune. Flexor longus digitorum [Chau.ssier]. Tibio-sous-tarsien (F.). I. tibio-sotto- tarsiano. Tibialis posticus [('haussier]. Tibio-sus-tarsien (/'.)■ Tibialis ami- cus [ChaussierJ. Tibio-tar'sal ligr'aments. L. ligamenta articulationis pedis. Anterior and posterior ligaments of ankle-joint, thin membranous sheets passing from tibia to astragalus, and representing the capsule. Tic ( F. ). Spasmodic action. T, con- vulsif, muscular twitching, mo.st frequent in the muscles supplied bj' the facial nerve ; it may or may not be accompanied by spas- modic pain. T. douloureux, spasmodic facial neuralgia. T. rotatoire, rotation of the head due to spasm of the splenius capitis. Tic or Ticchio (/.). Tic, q. v. T. doloroso, tic douloureux. Tick'ling. F. chatouillement ; /. solle- ticamento. Titillation. Tick 'seed. Coreopsis. T. sun 'flower, Cori'npsis till Iwspermn, Michx. Tick'weed. Iledioma ptdec/ioides, Pers. Tictolo'gia (L.) [zixTw, Xiiyiiç]. Doc- trine of childbearing. Tiçunus. Curare. Ti 'dal air. The air passing in and out in each ordinary respiration = about 20 inches. Tiède (F.). Tepid. Tief'à\igig(G.). Hollow-eyed. Tiefengefühl (G.). Depth-feeling. Tief, er, e, es (G.). Deep, distant from the surface : T. Bauchring, internal abdominal ring ; T. Hohlhandarterie, deep ulnar arch; T. Leistenring, internal ab- domiiuil ring ; T. Nackenschlagader, deep cervical artery ; T. Ohrarterie, deep auricular artery ; T. Ruthenarterie, ar- tery of the corpus cavernosum ; T. Sohlen- arterie, plantar digital artery ; T. Zungen- pulsader or T. Zungenschlagader, ranine artery. Tiefenwindungen (G.). Annectant convolutions which do not appear on the surface, but lie at the bottom of sulci. Tief hörigheit ((r.). Capacity for hear- ing tones low in the scale. Tierce ( F.). Tertian. Tiflcof/. ). Typhic. Tiflite or Tiflitide (/.). Typhlitis. T. stercoracea or copro-tiflite, typhlitis caused by hard fecal accumulations. Tiflo-diclidite (/.). Typhlo-dicliditis. 672 TIF TIN Tiflo-enterite (/.)• Typhlitis. Tiflosi (/.). Typhlosis. Tifo (./.). Typhus. T. abortivo, feb- ric-uhi. T. abdominale, enteric fever. T. americano, yelluw fever. T. contagioso dei bovini, cattle jilauiie. T. esante- matico, typhus. T. itterode, yellow fever. T. d'Oriente or di Africa, plague. T. ricorrente, relapsing: fever. Tifoemia (7.). Typhajniia. Tifoide (/.). Typhoid. Tifomania (/.). Typhomania. Tifotossina (/.). Typhotoxine. Tig'ala. Trehala. Tige (F.). Stern. T. du calamus scriptorius, longitudinal miIcus, floor of fourth ventricle. T. du poil, shaft of hair. T. pituitaire or T. sus-sphénoïdale, in- fundihuhun. Tiges de douce-amère {f.). Dul- camara. Tiglin'ic ac'id. CjHsOj. F. acide tiglifjue. A volatile acid found in croton oil. Tiglio (/.). Linden. Tig'lium (/>.) or T. oflBcina'le, Klotz., Croton Ti(jUum, L. Tigna (/.). Tinea. T. decalvante, tinea decalvans. T. favosa, favus. T. pelada, alopecia areata. T. tondente or T. tonsurante, tinea tonsurans. Tignoso, a (/.). One affected with tinea. Tigretier. Local name of a form of hysterical mania in Ahyssinia. Tilgung (C). Extirpation, destruction. Til'ia. Linden, a genus of Tiliacex. T. america'na, L., hasswood, indigenous ; the mucilage prepared by infusing the inner bark in water is recommended as a soothing a)iplieation to burns. T. eur^^pse'a, L., the common European linden, cultivated in America as an ornamental tree ; the flowers are oifieial : see Lindrn-ßoirers. T.-water. L. aqua tiliœ ; F. eau di.stillóe de tilleul. Linden-flowers 1. water q. s. ; distil 4 parts [Cod.]. Tilland'sia usneoi'des, L. Tiong moss, Spanish moss, Spanish beard ; grows upon trees in the southern V. S. and tropical America ; the whole plant is used as an astringent [F. Mex.]. Tilleul (F.). Linden. Til'ly-seeds. Seeds of Croton TiijUum. Til'mus (L.). Floccilation. Tim'bre. G. Khmgfarbe; Clang-tint; peculiar quality of a sound due to combina- tion of the fundamental tone with its har- monics or over-tones. Timo(/.). 1. Thymus gland. 2. Thyme. Timolo ( /). Thymol. Tinipanale (/.). I. Relating to the tympanum. 2. Tympanic bone. Timpanico (/.). Tympanic. Timpanismo (/.). The condition of tympanites. Timpanite (/.). Tympanites. Timpano (/.). Tyiupanum. Tin [.4. .S'. tin]. Sn. i. stannum ; F. étain ; G. Zinn ; /. stagno. A silver-white, soft, malleable, somewhat ductile metal, emitting a crackling sound when bent, having the spec. grav. 7.29, melting at 228° C, becoming brittle, so that it may be powdered, at 2U0° C. ; nearly unalterable in the air, but oxidized when heated, form- ing alloys with several other metals ; for- merly administered in the form of filings or powder as a t;vnicide. Tinag'mus or Tinas'mus {L.) [rvmy- /;,"s"]. Tenesmus. Tin'cal. Crude native borax. Tinct., abbv. for Tincture. Tinc'tion [tingo]. Staining. Tinctu'ra (/>.). Tincture. T. absin'- thii, tincture of absinthium. T. absin'- thii compos'ita : see Stnvghtons elixir. T. aconi'ti, tincture of aconite. T. aethe'rea, ethereal tincture T. aethe'rea cum asafcet'ida [Cod.], ethereal tincture of asafetida. T. aethe'rea de cam'phora [Cod.], ethereal tincture of camphor. T. aethe'rea casto'rei, ethereal tincture of castor. T. alexiphar'maca Huxham, compound tincture of cinchona. T. al'oes, tincture of aloes. T. al'oes compos'ita, compound tincture of aloes. T. al'oes et myrr'hae, tincture of aloes and myrrh. T. ama'ra [P. fì] : see Coinjintiiul tim-- ture of gentiiin. T. ama'ra secun'dum Beaumé : see Gonftes (unirei . titillatio ; G. Kitzeln; /. titillazione. Slight stimulation, more es- pecially of certain parts of the skin, pro- ducing a peculiar feeling, with tendency to laughter ; tickling. Tituba'tion. L. titubatio. Staggering. Tlatlancuaya (Me.c.). The whole plant Acityranllti-ii ciibn. Iban. Tsed in decoc- tion as a febrifuge [P. Mex.]. TlipsencefaUa (/.). A high degree of pseudencephalus. Tlipsi or Thssi (/.). Thlipsis. Tn., abbv. for Normal tension. Toad-flax. Linaria t« A/or (•('.<, Mill. Tobac'co. L. tabacum ; F. tabac : G. Taback ; I. tabacco. 1. The commercial dried leaves of A'icoliana Tabacum. L. [U. S. P.] ; sedative, antispasmodic, emetic, parasiticide ; little used medicinally : in sufficient doses a violent acro-narcotic poi- son : see Table of untidohs. 2. The com- TOB TOK 679 mon name for the various species of plants belonging to the genus Xiiotiana. and for the several forms in which their dried leaves are prepared for chewing, smoking, etc. : see also /ni/ian, Alatintoin, etc. tobac- cn. T.-bush, Ueilyosmum nutans. Tobsucht (tf.). Mania. Tobsüchtig, maniacal. Tocarex'is (i.) [tiIxoç, à'/)ijcfç]. Giving assistance in labor, obstetrics. Toccamento (/.). Touch. Tochterblase (G.). Secondary vesicle. Tochtergeschwulst (C). Secondary tumor. Tochterknaüel {G.). Dispirema. Tochterknoten (C). Secondary node. Tochterstem (G.). Dyaster. Tochterzelle (C). Daughter-cell. Tocodynamomètre (/'.). Tokodyna- monieter. Tocographe (F.). An instrument, de- signed by PouUet, Viy which the abdominal and uterine pressures during labor may be measured separately. Tocol'ogy [r'izxç, /ó;-«?]. F. tocologie ; /. tocologia. Obstetrics. Tod (G.). Death; — ähnlich, death- like ; — bringend, deadly, lethiferous, mortal : — geboren, stillborn, dead born ; — krank, fatally or dangerouslj' ill ; also in composition Todes, as in — angst, death-agony ; — anzeichen, sign of death ; — art, mode of dying; — bericht, death report; — fall, death, decease; — frost, death-chill; — kämpf, death-struggle; — krampf, death-cunvulsion ; — noth, death- agony ; schweiss, death-sweat : — stoss, death-blow ; — trank, deadly potion ; — ■WTinde, mortal wound, death-wound ; — zeichen, signs of death. Todda'lia aculea'ta, I'ers. A tropical Asiatic shrub with a bitter, pungent, aro- matic root-bark ; used as a tonic and stimu- lant [P. Ind.], Tod'dy. 1. The name given to the saccharine juice obtained by wounding the young flower-spikes of certain palms ; drunk freely it is laxative ; fermented, it becomes '•arrack'' [P. Ind.]. 2. The common name for a sweetened and aromatized mixture of spirit and water. TodtfC). Dead, deceased; — fauler Fœtus, fœtus sanfruiriolcntus ; — geboren, stillborn ; — schlag, murder. Todtenbericht (6''.). Mortality report. Todtenbeschau {G.~). Necroscopy. Todtenblume (C). Calendula. Todtenbrief (C). Death certificate. Todtenflecke (C). Dark-red or purple spots due til effusion of blood-pigment oc- curring after death. Todtenkrampf ( G.'). Deatb-spasm ; agony. Todtenkranz (C). The vascular circle around tlie crural ring, occurring in those rare cases where the obturator artery takes origin from the deep epigastric, passing to outer side of the ring. In this situation it may be wounded in the ojieration for fem- oral hernia. Todtenlehre (G^). Thanatology. Todtenschau (C). Inquest, coroner's inquest ; necroscopy. Todtenschauhaus ( G.'). Morgue, dead- house, necrocomium. Todtenschlummer (tf.). Trance, cata- lepsy. Todtenschweiss ( G.'). Death-sweat. Todtenstarre or Todtenerstarrung (G.J. Rigor mortis. Todtenverbrennung ( &.). Cremation of the dead. Todtenzettel (G.'). Death certificate. Tödlich 01- Tödtlich {G.). Lethal, deadly ; — keit, tendency to produce death, deadliness ; state of being fatal. Tödtung ( G.). Homicide. Tölpelkrankheit (ö.). Mumps. Toes. L. digiti pedis ; F. orteils ; G. Zehen; /.dita del piede. Terminal organs of foot, five in number, distinguished by num- bering from within outward. The 1st is also known as the -great toe, the 5th as the little toe. Tofaceo (/.). Tophaceous. Tofo (/.). Tophus. Toile d'araignée {F.). Spider's web. Toüe choroïdienne (/■'). Choroid plexus. Toile cirée {F.). Waxed cloth. Toile d'hôpital or T. vulcanisée {F.). Rubber clotli. ToUet of the peritone'um. F. toilette du péritoine. Cleansing the abdominal cavity after abdominal section. Toit des pédoncules cérébraux (/'.). Tegnientuni. Tokelau ringrworm. Tinea imbricata. 680 TOK TON Tokodynanom'eter [r»x»s-, Sma/uç, fii-r/iir^'j. All instruiiit'iit for measuring the force of uterino contractions. Tokol'ogy [t'i/.h^, ;.»/-»?]. Obstetrics. Tolenas Spring-s. Alkaline, carbonated watvrs. .j niik's north of Suisun City, So- lano Co., California. To'lene. C,„I1„,. /". toK'ne; /. toleno. A colorless, thin, volatile oil obtained by distillation from balsam of tolu. Tol'erance [/. tolero]. F. tolérance ; G. Duldung; 7. tolleranza. Power of en- durance whereby a dangerou.s drug can be safely taken in excessive doses ; may be congenital, the effect of habit, or the tem- porary result of disease or pain. Toll (C). Mad, distracted, frantic, raging, delirious ; — beere, belladonna ; — belt or — krankheit, madness, frenzy, insanity ; — kraut, belladonna-leaves ; — sinn, or — siimigkeit, or — sucht, mad- ness, insanity ; — wuth, rabies. Tollkirsche ( C/. ). Belladonna. In com- position Tollkirschen, as in — blatter, belladonna-leaves ; — extrakt, extract of belladonna ; — Wurzel, belladonna-root. ToUwurm (6'. ). Septum linguae. Tolomane (F.). Canna starch. Tolu'. 7. tola. Balsam of tolu. Tolubalsam ( G.). Balsam of tolu; — S3mip, syrup of tolu ; — tinktur, tinc- ture of tolu. Toluene. F. toluène; 7. tolueno. A colorless, oily, strongly refractive liquid, spec. grav. 0.8G, found in coal-tar and in the products of dry distillation of many organic substances. Toluif era Bal'samum, Mill. Myrox- ylon liiluifird. K until. Toluif era Perei'rae, Baili. Myroxyhn Pereinr, Klotzseh. Toluol. 7. toluolo. Toluene. Toma'to [M<.r. tornati]. /'. tomate; G. Liebesapfel ; 7. pomo d'oro. The fruit of Solanum Lycopersicinn, L. ; an esteemed article of food, believed to be nutritive, laxative, and antiscorbutic. Tomen 'tum cer'ebri (L.). The floc- culcnt .surface of the pia mater, next the brain or cord. Tomes's fl'brUs. Dentinal fibrils. Tomoto'cia (//.) {rnßrj, TÓno's]. F. tomotocie. Ca'sarean .section. Ton (/'.). Tone, sound. Ton (G.). Sound; — empfindung, perception of tone. Tonaca (7.). Tunic. Tone [tonus]. /'. ton ; /. tuono, tono. 1. Firmness, tension. 2. Character of a sound. Ton'ga. 1. A compound fluid extract prepared from the root or stem of Raphi- dophora vitiensis, Seem., and the bark of Fremna taitensk, DC. ; obtained from the Fiji Islands ; introduced as a remedy for neuralgia. 2. A skin disease of infants in the South Sea Islands, characterized by a vesicular eruption, often forming ulcers, and by diarrh(ea. Ton'gine. A volatile alkaloid found by Gerrard in tonga. Tong-pang-chong. Chinese name for Rhiiiacitidlain com muti is, Nees. Tongue [A. S. tunge]. L., I. lingua ; F. langue ; G. Zunge. A muscular organ e(iv(>red with mucous membrane, situated upon the floor of the mouth. It is the principal organ of the sense of taste, and is also used in the acts of mastication, deglutition, and speech. Tongue-tie. Abnormal shortness of the fr;enum lingua), or adhesion of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Ton'ic [tonu.s]. F. tonique ; G. Stärk- ungsmittel ; 7. tonico. 1. An agent which augments gradually and permanently the strength and vital activity of the body or its parts. 2. Term aiijilied to persistent contraction of a mu.scle. Tonic'ity. F. tonicité; G. Tonicität; 7. tonicità. The peculiar elasticity of a healthy living tissue. Tonique (F.). Tonic. Ton'ka bean. F. fOve tonka ; G. Tonka- bohne ; 7. fava tonka. The long, wrinkled, blackish-brown, fragrant seeds of Bipteryx odorata, Willd. Tonleiter (G.'). Musical scale. Tonnenabfiihr (G.). Collection and removal of excreta from a town by means of small casks or buckets. Tonnenform ( G.'). Intermediate stage between e(|uatorial plate and formation of dyaster in karyokinosis. Tono or Tuono (7.). Tone, sound. Tonom'eter [r«v«y, ßerpir^']. F. tono- mètre; 7. fonometro. 1. An instrument used to determine the number of sonorous vibrations produced by a body in a unit of time. 2. An instrument to measure the TON — TOR 681 degree of tension of the eyeball (von Graefe). 3. An instrument to measure the degree of pressure exerted by an organ. Tonom'etry- -f- tonométrie. Measure- ment (if tension. Ton'quin bean. Tonka bean. Ton 'quin musk. Chinese or Thibet musk, the best commercial variety of musk, usually imported in lead-lined boxes. Ton'sil. //.. /. tonsilla ; F. amygdale, tonsille ; (/. Mandel ; /. auiigdalo. One of two oval bodies situated on either side the isthmus of the fiiuces, between the anterior and posterior pillars ; composed of lymphoid follicles arranged about insular cr\pts. Tonsil'la (L.V Amygdala, tonsil. T. cerebel'li, amygdala cerebelli. T. pala'ti or palati'na, tonsil. T. pharynge'a or T. ter'tia, jiliaryngeal tonsil. T. tuba 'ria. G. Tubenmandel. Collection of lymphoid follicles in cartilaginous portion of Eusta- chian tube. Ton'sillar ar'tery. L. arteria tonsil- laris; F. artère tonsillaire ; G. Mandel- arterie : /. arteria tonsillare. Branch from the facial artery to the tonsils. Tonsille (F.). Tonsil. T. cérébrale, amygdaloid tubercle. T. du cervelet, amygdala cerebelli. T. pharyngienne, pharyntreal tonsil. Tonsülit'ic nerves. Branches from the glosso-jiharyngeal nerve to the tonsil. Tonsilli'tis. F.. I. tonsillite ; G. Man- delentzündung. Inflammation of the ton- sils ; <|uin-;y. Ton'sülotome. F. tonsillitome ; G. Tonsillotom. Tonsillenscheere ; /. tonsil- lotonio. Instrument for slicing off a por- tion of a tonsil. To'nus (i/.). Tonicity. Tooth [-4. S. toth]. L. dens ; F. dent ; G. Zahn : /. dente. One of a .series of epidermal appendages implanted in or near the mouth-cavity, characterized b_v possess- ing a dense calcified substance known as dentine, and serving for the prehension and mastication of food. In man they are in- serted into the alveolar processes of the maxillary bones. Tooth'ache-bush. Aralia apinosa, L. Tooth'ache-root. Di^iitnrifi (ìljihi/ìln, L. Tooth'ache-tree. Xant boxy 1 urn. Tooth-germ. The embryonic rudiment from which the tooth is developed ; it con- sists of an ingrowth of epithelium covering the dental ridge, and a papilla of connective tissue. Tooth-pulp. Vascular indistinctly fibril- lar connective tissue laden with cells, being the remainder of the dental papilla aroundi which the dentine was deposited. Tooth-rash. Strophulus. Tooth-sac. Connective-tissue structure enclosing the dentine germ and enamel- organ in the fœtal development of the teeth. Tooth'wort. Dentaria. Toot-plant. Coriaria rusci/olia, L. Topaesthe'sia (/>.) [riir/iç, aïrrOr/irci]. Local sense of touch. Topha'ceous. F. tophacé, ée ; /. tofa- ceo. Pertaining to, or consisting of, tophi. To'phus, pi. Tophi (L.). Calcareous concretion, gouty deposit. Tophsrperidro'sis (L.) [róroy, ÛTzép, lô/iiiii^. Excessive local sweating. Top'ical [r"-'/ç]. /'.topique; 6-'. topisch; /. topico. Pertaining to, or intended for, a particular part. Topinambour (F.). I. to])inamburo. Ileliitiilhiis taherosiis. Jerusalem artichoke. Topinard, angle of: see Facial angle, Olfartirr oikjIc. Topinard's profile Une : see Profile line. Topograph 'ical anat'omy : see Anat- omy. Toponarco'sis (X.) [ró-oj, va^ozwa-.'ç]. Local anœsthesia. Toponeuro'sis (X.) \yvjpo.i\ A limited topical neurosis. Topon'ymy [ni-oç, óvo/i«]. Designa- tion of place and direction. Top-yeast. F. levure haute ; G. Ober- hefe. The variety of beer yeast that forms on the .surface of the liquid, in which the Saccharonu/ces are found in branching fila- ments. It is the variety in general use. Torace ( /.). Thorax. Toracico, a, thoracic. Toracocentesi (/.). Thoracocentesis. Toracodidimo (/.). Thoracodidymus. Toracodinia (I.). Thoracodynia. Toracogastrodidimo (/). Thoracopa- gus. Toracogastroschisi (/.). Thoracic and abdoniinal fissure. Toracopago (/.). Thoracopagus. Toradelfo (/.). Dipygus. 682 TOR TOR Torcedura (/.). Sprain. Torcicollo (/.). Wry neck. Tor'cular Heroph'ili {L.). F. pressoir d'HiTujihile ; (•'. Aderprossc ; /. torcolare d'Erofilo. Press of Ileropliilus. the en- larged space at union of lateral, superior longitudinal, straight, and occipital sinuses of dura mater, llyrtl states that the name arose from a mistran.slation of the term /iiy'voç in Galen, it having the double signifi- cation of a cavity and a wine-press. Toriverband (<>".). Peat-dressing. Tori pjTamida'les (i). The two emi- nences on surface of pons caused by bun- dles of ascending fibres of pyramids. Tor'mentil. L., J. tormentilla ; F. tormentine ; G. Tormentillwurzel. The rhizome of Potentilla Tormciitil/a, Schrank : a simple astringent. Tormentil'la. 1. Tormentil. 2. A genus of Rosaceer. T. erec'ta, L.. Fotni- tilla Torment iUa, Schrank. T. offlcina'lis, Curt., Potentilld Tormentilla. Schrank. Tormentil-red. A coloring principle found in tormentil. Tor'mina {L.), pi. of Tonnen. F. tranchées ; I. tormini. Twisting, griping pains in the bowels. Torminal. F. tormineux, euse ; /. tormi- noso. Pertaining to tormina. Tomachetto (/.). Tourniquet. Tomac'ulum (,L.). Touriii(|uet. Tomasole (/.). 1. Litmus. 2. Sun- flower. T. in pani, litmus used for chemi- cal purposes. Tomwaldt's disease'. Hypersecretion of the so-called gland or pouch of Luschka, found on the median line of the upper wall of the pharynx. Torös (^'.). ^Muscular, fleshy, torose. Torose'. L. torosus. Beaded, swollen at intervals. Toros'ity. L. torositas ; G. Torosität. Muscularity. Tor'por ( A.). F. torpeur ; /. torpore. Slowness of feeling or action, numbness. Torquiren (6r.). Torsion. Torre'ya (L.). A genus of Coni/erx. T. califor'nica, Torrey, California nutmeg, an evergreen tree growing on the Pacific coast of the U. S. Tor'sion. L. torsio ; G. Torquiren ; /. torsione. 1. A twisting; the twisting the cut end of an artery to stop hjrmorrhage. 2. F. torsion de l'œil ; G. Kaddrehung. Rotation of the eye about the line of sight, the iris turning like a wheel. There are, however, two distinct kinds of motion cov- ered by this term : in one of these the turning about the sight-line is only appa- rent, as in the ease of the eye in moving from the primary to an oblique secondary position, according to Listing's law ; in the other there is a true rotation about tiie sight-line as on an axis, as in convergent motions. Hering would use Rdddrehwig for the first, Kolhtng for the second. Le Conte also limits torsion to Rnddriiiung in Hering's sense. Tor'sion bal'ance [L. torsio]. F. balance à torsion ; G. die Coulomb'sche Drehwage ; /. bilancia torsionale. Cou- lomb's device to show, by balancing the force of rejiulsion between two similarly electrified bodies against the tor.sion of a fine wire, that their repulsive force varies inversely as the scjuare of the distance between them. Torso. F. torse. Trunk of the body without head or limbs. Tortelle (J^.). Sist/mhrium officinale. Torticol'lis (L.). F. torticolis; G. Halssteifheit ; /. torcicollo. Wry neck. T. spas'tica, torticollis due to spasm of sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle. Torto'sa liq'uorice. A variety of Spanish liquorice-root. Tortue (F.). Flat atheromatous tumor or wen. Tor'ula cerevis'iae (X.). tSaccharomyces cerevisix. Tor'uloid. Pertaining to, or resembling, torula or yeast. Tor'ulus (/>.), dim. of Torus, 7. v. T. glan'dis, crown of the glans penis. To'rus (Z/.Ì. 1. A bulge or smooth elevation of considerable extent. '1. Mus- cle. T. fronta'lis. G. Stirnwulst. Pro- tuberance in region of frontal sinuses at root of nose, on median line and external surface of skull [Lissaucr]. T. ma'nus, metacarpus. T. occipita'lis, a ronndcd edge sometimes found on the occiiiital bone in the situation of the superior curved line. T. palati'nus [Kupffcr]. 6'. Gaunicnwulst. A protuberance often found upon the hard palate where the intermaxillary and jialato- maxillary sutures unite. T. spira'lis, stria acustica. T. u'teri, transverse rounded ridge found in median line where the peri- toneum is reflected from the uterus upon posterior wall of vagina ; formed of mus- TOS TRA 683 cular fibres from uterus and vagina and the pelvic fascia. Tosse (/.)• Cough. T. convulsiva or T. ferina, whooping cough. Tossico (/.). Toxic. Tossicoemia (/.). Toxaemia. Tossicologia (/). Toxicology. Tossillaglne (/.). Coltsfoot. Totalcommissur {G.). Vermis cere- belli. Totalfalte m- Totalfurche ((?.). Fis- sure (li). Totalhoropter {G.). Horopter of point.-;. Totalstaar ( G.'). Opacity of the whole lens. Touch. L. tactus ; F. toucher ; G. Fühlen; /. tatto, toccamento. 1. That sense which makes known to us contact with bodies. 2. Palpation ; use of the sense of touch in exploration, especially of the vagina and uterus. Touch-cor'puscles. Tactile corpuscles. Toucher (Z'.). Touch. T. rectal, rectal exploration. T. vaginal, vaginal explora- tion. Touch' -me -not. Impatiens pallida, Nutt. Touch'wood. Poli/porm fomentarius, Fries. Toule'ma. Canna starch. Tour de lune {F.'). Periodical oph- thalmia. Tour de maitre i,F.'). Term applied to a mode of passing a catheter into the male bladder by introducing it with the concavity downward, and bringing the external end round with a sweep as the internal end passes under the symphysis puWs. Tour de rein (F.). Lumbago, par- ticularly the form with a sudden attack. Tourbillon vasculaire (/•'.). Vasa vorticosa of choroid. Tournesol ( F."). Litmus. T. en pain, litmus used for chemical purposes. Toumette (F.). Turntable. Toumiole (Fl). Tinea trichophytina unguium. pari>nychia. Tour'niquet. G. Aderpresse ; 1. torna- chetto. An instrument for compressing an artery. Tournis (F.). Sturdy. Tournoiement (F.). Vertigo; .sturdy. Tous-les-mois {F.). Canna starch. Toute-épice {F.). Pimenta. Toux (/'.). Cough. T. convulsive, whooping cough. Toxœ'mia {L.) [mcuóv, aiij.a\. F. toxieoliémie ; 1. tossicoemia. A poisoned condition of the blood. Toxae'mic. Pertaining to toxxmia. Tox'ic or Tox'ical[rr'|( '.»>]. /'.toxique; G. giftig ; / tossico. Poisonous. Toxicse'mia {^L-). Toxœmia. Toxica'tio (/-■). A poisoning. Toxicoden'dric ac'id. F. acide toxico- don(lriiiii<|ui\ A volatile acid, the poison- ous jiriiiciple ol' /'hiis toxicodendron. Toxicoden'dron [U. S. P. 1870]. 1. Rhus Toxicodendron. 2. A genus of Eu- phorbiarex. Toxicoder'ma or Toxicodermati'tis [rti^i/.m, i^ii);i.a'\. Inflammation of the skin due to the application of poisonous sub- stances. Toxicodermi'tis. Dermatitis caused by a poison. Toxicohse'mia {L.). Toxœmia. Toxicolog'ical. F. toxicologique. Pie- lating to toxicology. Toxicologie {F.). Toxicology. Toxicol'ogist. G. Toxikolog. A spe- cialist in toxicology. Toxicol'ogy [rii^iy.ó.). /lyoç]. F. toxi- cologie ; G. Giftlehre. Giftkunde; /. tossi- cologia. The study and description of poisons, their action, and characteristics. Toxico'ses (/>•). Diseases due to poi- sons. Toxihse'mia {L.'). Tox;emia. Toxikolog (.), tincture. Trabec'ula cine'rea (X.). Soft com- missure of the brain. Trabec'ulse (i.). F. trabecules; G. Biilkchcn ; 1. trabccole. Connective or otlicr supporting tissue arranged in bands or cross-bridges, especially from wall to wall across a cavity or through the paren- 684 TRA TRA chynia of an organ. T. car'neœ or ccr'- dis, interwoven bands of muscular filires appearing free upon tlie walls of the ven- tricles of the heart. T. cor'porum cav- emoso'rum, bands of ecumective tissue passing throughout the vascular spongy tis- sue of the corpus cavernosum of the penis. T. cra'nii, the two bars of cartilage lying in front of the pituitary body, by growth and coalescence developing into the anterior portion of the chondrocraniuni. T. du'- rse ma'tris, bands of connective tissue running in considerable numbers across the sinuses of the dura mater, especially the superior longitudinal sinus. T. lie'nis or T. sple'nis, trabeculœ of spleen. T. "Willis'ii, Willis, cords of Trabec'ulated. F. trabecule, ée ; /. trabecolare. Helating to, or having, tra- beculœ. Trabecule {F.). Trabeeula. Trabekel (G.). Trabeeula. Traberkrankheit (ö.). Sturdy in sheep. Tra'bes car'nese (i.). Musculi pec- tinati. Tra'bes cor'dis {L.). Column» carne«. Trabs cer'ebri or T. medulla 'ris (i.). Corpus callosum. Tracciato (/.). Tracing. T. del pol- so or T. sflgmografico, sphygmographic tracing. Tra'chea {L.) [T(>aytia\. F. trachée; G. Luftröhre. Jlain trunk of system of ducts conveying air to the lungs, being a membrano-cartilaginous tube commencing at the larynx and jiassing down in front of the spinal column, to divide into the two bronchi. T. arte'ria. F. trachée- artère. Old term for trachea. Tracheaec'tasy [izrus'tc]. Dilatation of the trachea. Tra'cheal [ritayùa]. F. trachéen, enne ; I. tracheale. Pertaining to the trachea. T. ar'teries, branches from inferior thyroid artery to the trachea. T. glands, race- mose glands found in mucous membrane, posterior surface of trachea. T. mem'- brane. L. membrana trachealis. Poste- rior portion of trachea, having no car- tilages. T. nerves. L. nervi trachéales ; G. Lüftröhrennerven. Branches derived from the recurrent laryngeal nerve, sup- plying trachea and beginning of bronchi. T. plex'us, continuation of thyroid plexus of veins downward over the trachea. Trachealkatarrh {G.). Catarrhal in- flammation of the trachea. Trachealstenose (6-'.). Stenosis of the trachea. Trachée or T.-artère {F.). Trachea. Trachéen, enne {F.). Tracheal. Trachei'tis. F. trachéite ; /. trachéite. Inflammation of the trachea. Trachelalis {L.). Trachelo-mastoideus [Coues]. Trachelematoma (/.). Tumor of the sterno-mastoid muscle due to effusion of blood. Trachéli-atloïdo-basilaire {F.). I. tracheli-atloido-basilare. Rectus capitis lateralis. TrachéUen, enne {F.). I. tracheliano. Tracbelian. cervical. Trachélisme {F.). Trachelismus. Tracheiis 'mus (i.) [rpdyriknq]. F. trachélisme ; G. Halskrampf; /. trachelismo. Spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the neck, seen in epileptic or puerperal convul- sions, and interfering with the circulation and respiration. Tracheli'tis. Tracheitis. Trachélo-anguli-scapulaire (F.). /. trachelo-angolo-seapolare. Levator anguli scapulaj. Trachélo-atloïdo-occipital {F.). I. tracbelo-atloido-occipitale. Obliquus capitis superior. Trachélo-basilaire {F.). I. trachelo- basilare. Rectus capitis anticus major. Trache'lo-clavicula'ris i'mus {L.): see ( 'IriiÌD-trdnf^rirsiirìns. Trachélo-costal (F.). I. trachelo-cos- talc. Scalenus muscle. Trachelo - cos'to - scapula 'ris (L)- The .serratus magnus and levator anguli scapulae, considered as a single muscle. They are continuous in many lower ani- mals. Trachelocyllo'sis (/>.) [jfxiyTiko'i, xûX- ?.ot/T'.ç']. r)i.--torti(in of the nock. Trachelocyrto'sis(/-.) [z'';,or(«.). F. trachélo- occipital. ("omplexus. Tra'cheloplasty [-/A/tituj']. Operation for closure of a laceration of the cervix uteri. Trachelor'rhaphy [Jaç-j;]. F. traché- lorrhaphie ; I. trachelorrafia. Emmet's operation. Operation for lacerated cervix uteri by paring the edges of the wound and bringing them together with sutures. Trachélo-scapulaire {F.). J. trachelo- scapuhue. Levator anguli scapuli [Chaus- sier]. Trachelos'chisis {L.) [r/^a/jj/iov-, a/J'io']. Fissure of the trachea. Trachélo-sous-occipital Tgrand) (F.). Rectus capitis anticus major [C'haussier]. Trachélo-sous-occipital (petit) (F.). I. trachelo-sotto-oceipitale. Rectus capitis anticus minor [C'haussier]. Trachelot'omy \jp'i/^i'-"i, '<>,'"i'\- -dis- putation of tlie cervix uteri. Tracheoaë'rocele ['ii;',", xr/.r,']. Tumor containing air ccmnected with the trachea ; a tracheal hernia. Tra'cheocele [«liV.);]. F. tracheocele ; G. Luftröhrenbrueh. A tumor of the neck containing air and communicating with the trachea. Tracheo-clavicvila'ris supe'rior (L.). Tran.svtrsalis eervieis posticus minor. Tracheo-œsophage'us (L.). Muscular bundles ])assing from a-sophagus to trachea. Tracheo-pharynge'us (L.) [Macalis- ter]. Aberrant bundle of inferior con- strictor muscle of the pharynx, inserted upon the trachea. Tracheoph'ony [^sw";]. Laryngophony. Tracheophy'ma(/>.) [v^/^«]- /'tracbé- lophyine ; /. trachelofima. Goitre. Tracheorrha'gia (L.) {jjrjyyußt']. F. trachéorrhagie ; I. tracheorragia. Haemor- rhage from the trachea. Tracheos'copy [«tzo-ïT^]. Inspection of the trachea by the laryngoscope. Tracheosteno'sis (//.) [«n-^/uxrii-]. F. trachéosténose ; /. tracheostenosi. Narrow- ing of the trachea. Tra'cheotome [r^//.y.xw. traho]. A dragging or drawing. Tractionsdivertikel (G.). A diver- ticulum resulting from traction by means of adhesions, membranes, etc. Trac 'tors : see Ferkiiiism. Trac'tus (L.). Tract. T. crucia'tus tegmen'ti, posterior commissure of brain. T. ethmoida'lis, gyrus rectus. T. ilio- tibia'lis, ilio-tibial band. T. intermedio- latera'lis, lateral horn of spinal cord. T. intestino 'rum, intestinal tube. T. ner'vi op'tici, optic tract. T. olfacto'rius, ol- 686 TRA TRA factory tract. T. op'ticus, optic tract. T. parieta'lis ante'rior, central convolution, anterior. T. parieta'lis me'dius, central convolution, po.sterior. T. peduncula'ris transver'sus, fasciculus arcifomiis pedis. T. semicircula'ris [Stillini;], a bundle of fibres in the cerebellum, arising in lower part of hémisphères and arching over cor- pus dentatuiu to peduncles. T. spiralis foramino'sus, or T. spiralis foraminu- len'tus, or T. spira'lis foraminulo'sus, spiral tract. T. supracallo'sus infe'rior, gyrus fornicatus. T. supracallo'sus su- pe'rior, gyrus uiarginalis. Tractus longitudinaux (F.). Striœ longitudinales of corpus callosum. Trächtig (G-)- Pregnant, gravid. Trächtigkeit, pregnancy, fertility. Träger (G.). 1. Atlas. 2. The pro- tuberance by which the embryos of certain rodents adhere to the wall of the uterus. Trägerin (G.). Pregnant woman. Trägheit ÇG.). Inertia. Trägig ( G.). Pregnant. Traforazione (/.). Transforation. Trag'acanth [r/iayrixavOa']. L. traga- cantha ; F. tragacanthe. gomme adraganthe ; I. tragacanto, adragante. The gummy exu- dation from Aslriiijdlus gmnmifer, Labili., and from other species of A. [Ù. S. P.] ; consists essentially of two proximate prin- ciples very nearly identical with arabin and bassorin, the one soluble, the other insolu- ble in water ; medicinal use principally as a vehicle. Tragacan'tha (L-)- Tragacanth. Tragacan'thin. C|,TI;„0,|,. F. adra- ganthine ; (/. Traganthstoff; /. adragantina. The peculiar organic constituent of traga- canth. which swells, but does not dissolve, in water ; probably identical with bassorin. Tragant, Traganthine, or Tragantine. Tragacanthin. Traganta, Tragacantina, or Tragan- tina ( /.). Tragacanthin. Traganth ((?.). Tragacanth; — schleim, mucilage of tragacanth ; — stoflf, traga- canthin. Tragbahre (G.). Hand-litter. Tragband {G.). Sling, truss, Suspen- sorium. Tragbar ( G.). Pregnant. Tragbeutel (C). Suspensorium. Tragbinde {G.). Suspensory bandage. Trage'mata ( L.) [r/>'i^/ia]. Drag(?es. Tragen {G.). To carry; to be pregnant. Tragfàhig {G.). Capable of bearing. Tragi pili {L.). Hairs of the ear. Tragia'nus mus'culus {L.). F. tra- gien ; /. muscolo tragiano. 'Tragicus. Trag'icus (A.). L. muscuhis tragi; G. .^luskel der Ecke. A vestigial muscle of quadrilateral form on the anterior sur- face of the tragus of the external ear. Tragien {F.). I. tragiano. Tragicus muscle [Chaussier]. Tragitto (/.). Passage, course. T. fis- toloso, the course followed by a fistula. Tragleiste {G.). A ridge of compact tissue at under surface of neck of femur. Tragomascha'lia {L.) [rpàyix;, imu- y/i-'ril. The gciat-like odor of the axilla. Tragopho'nia {L.) [^funyf]. Egophony. Tragopo'gon Ci.). A genus of Com- pofif.r. T. porrifo'lium, L., salsify, a European plant ; the root is used a.s a culi- nary vegetable. Tra'gus (/>.) [-»«/-"i-]. G. Ecke; /. trago. A conical prominence in front of the concha of the external ear. usually covered with hairs. Tragusplatte (G.). Cartilaginous basis of tragus. Trail'ing ar'butus. Epigira icpeits, L. Train'ing. Systematic eftbrt to put the organism ur a particular part of it into the best possible working condition. Trait (F.). Mark, furrow, line. T. génal, buccal line. T-s. de Jadelot, .ladelot's lines. T. labial, labial line. T. nasal, nasal line. T. oculo-zygomatique, oculo- zygomatic line. Traitement (F.). Treatment. Trajet (/'.). Passage, course. T. flstu- leux, the course followed by a fistula. Tralcio (/.). Umbilical cord. Tra'me (/>.) [r/-«//;,,']. Kaphé, pe- rineum. Trance [transitus]. 1. Ecstasy. 2. Catalepsy. 3. The hypnotic state. Tranchées (F.). Griping pains, tormina. T. utérines, after-pains. Trank (a.). Hraught. ptisan. Transcenden'tal anat'omy : see Aliat- omi/. Transduc'tor hal'lucis (/>.). Trans- versus pedis [Coues]. Trans'ference. F., G. Transfert. Act TRA — -TRA 687 of carrying from one place or person to another, applied to so-called mind-reading or telepathy, and to certain hypnotic phe- nomena. Transfix 'ion. /. trasfissione. A pierc- ing through, as in cutting a flap from within outward. Transforateur (F-)- J- traforatore. An instrument used to perforate the foetal head. Transfora 'tion. /. traforazione. Re- peated perforation of the base of the fœtal skull ill craniotomy. Transforma 'tion. L. transformatio ; G. Umbildung ; I. trasformazione. Change of form. Transformation (F.). Degeneration. T. colloïde, colloid degeneration. T. granuleuse, cloudy swelling. T. mu- queuse, mucous degeneration. Transfu'sion. L. transfusio ; G. Blut- überleitung ; /. trasfusione. A pouring over; the injection of the blood of one per- son into the vessels of another. It may be direct or immediate, as when the blood passes through a tube from the vein in one person to that in another; or indirect or mediate, when the blood is drawn into a vessel and then injected. Tran 'stent blind'ness : see Teichopsia. Transil'ient : see Fihrae. iransi/ientes. Transke'ian scab. Natal boil. Translu'cid. L. translucidus ; F. trans- lucide ; G. durchscheinend ; /. traslucido. Capable of transmitting light, but not so as to permit objects to be distinctly seen. Transmigrra'tion. A moving across a limiting membrane or out of a vessel or cavity. Transmissibil'ity. F. transmissibilité ; /. trasmissibilità. Capability of being trans- ferred from one to another, as by heredity or contagion. Transpalma 'ris {L.). Palmaris brevis [Coues]. Transpa'rent. /'. transparent, ente; G. durch.sichtig ; /. tras]iareTite. Transmit- ting light and allowing objects to be dis- tinctly seen. Transperinae'us (L.). Transversus pe- rin;ei [Coues]. Transpina'les (L.). Intcrtrausversales [Cones]. Transpira'tion [//. trans, spirare]. G. Ausdünstung ; /. traspirazione. Cutaneous exhalation. Transplanta'tion. L. transplantatio ; G. \'er]iflaiizung ; /. traspiantamento. Re- moval of a portion of living tissue from its normal position, and uniting it with living tissue in another place, in order to repair a defect or lessen detorniit}'. Transport au cerveau (F.). Delirium (pop.). Transposition. /. trasposizione. A change of place, speciallj- applied to lateral change of place of the viscera, so that the heart is on the right side and the liver on the left. Transsegmen'tal ar'teries. Those which pass through a region to be distrib- uted beyond. Transudat (G.). Transudation (2). Transuda'tion. L. transudatio ; F. transsudation ; G. Durchschwitzen ; /. trasudamento. 1. The passage of the fluid constituents of the blood through the vascular walls. 2. A dropsical accu- mulation. Transudiren (f?.). To transude. Transversaire cervical {F.). Trans- versalis cervicis. Transversaire épineux (/'.). /. tras- versale spinoso. 1. Upper obliiiue portion of longus colli muscle. 2. The semispina- lis dorsi and cervicis, together with the multifidus and rotatores spinfe [Cruveil- hier]. Transversaire épineux antérieur (F.). Rectus capitis anticus major. Transver'sal lines. F. lignes trans- versales ; G. transversale Linien, Quere Linien. Lines perpendicular to the median plane, connecting corresponding points of the left and right halves of the head ; the line of intersection of frontal and trans- verse sections. Transversal du nez (/"■). Compressor naris. Transversale Naht (G.). Transverse suture Transversa 'lis, e (L.). Transverse. T. abdom'inis. /'. transverse de l'abdomen ; (ì. querer Hauchmuskel ; /. trasverso dell' addome. The deepest of the muscles of the abdomen, arising from the cartilages of lower six ribs, lumbar fascia, crest of ilium, and Poupart's ligament. ' Its fibres are mainly horizontal, and are inserted into the linea alba by a broad aponeurosis, and into the ilio-poctineal line with the internal oblique. T. anti'ctis pri'mus, rectus lat- 688 TRA TRA eralis. T. cap'itìs, trachelo-mastoid. T. cervi'cis. /'. transversaire cervical ; /. trasversale del collo. Cervical part of longissimus dorsi, arising from transverse processes of upper four or five dorsal ver- tebrae, and inserted into transverse proc- esses of 2d to tith cervical vertebnv. T. cervi'cis anti'cus, an aberrant muscle described bj- Ketzius ; probably an inter- transversalis longus. T. cervi'cis me'- dius, an alicrrant muscle described by Krau.se ; probably an intcrtransversalis longus. T. cervi'cis posti'cus mi'nor, an accessory muscle sometimes found aris- ing from the transverse process of one of the upper dorsal or lower cervical verte- bras, and inserted upon the transverse process of the atlas or upon the mastoid process. T. coUatera'lis col'li, ilio-cos- talis. T. col'li, transversalis cervieis. T. dor'si, longissimus dorsi. T. fas'cia. L. fascia transversalis ; G. quere Bauchbinde. Fascia lining visceral surface of muscles of anterior abdominal wall. Above, it is thin and becomes continuous with the fas- cia lining the diaphragm ; below, it is strong, blends with Poupart's ligament, and passes down over the femoral vessels. T. lumbo'rum, the transverso-costal por- tion of the quadratus lumborum, q. v. T. na'si, compressor naris. T. pe'dis or T. plan'tœ, transversus pedis : see Adductor h(d/tfcis. Trans'verse. L. transversalis, transvcr- sus; G. quer; /. trasverso. Running across; in anatomy relating to the trans- verse processes of the vertebras. T. ar'- teries. L. arterife transversas. Small branches given off at nearly right angles from the basilar. T. cer'ebral fls'sure, ante'rior. fj. fissura choroidea ; F. grande fente cérébrale, fente de Bichat ; G. grosse quere Hirnspalte; /. fissura grande di Bichat. A deep cleft caused by the bend- ing back of the hemispheres over the rest of the brain in the course of development. In the middle it is bounded above by the corpus callo.«um and f'orni.x, below by the corpora (|uadrigeinina and lateral part of the optic thalami. Laterally, it extends as far as the descending horn of the lateral ven- tricle. It is closed throughout its whole extent by a thin layer of cpitli<'liuni (epen- dyma) lining the velum intcrpositum and choroid plexuses. AVhen these are torn through, as usually happens in preparing the brain, an opening is made directly into the ventricles. T. cer'ebral fls'sure, pos- te'rior. L. fissura cerebri transversa pos- terior; F. petite fente cérébrale; C hintere Hirnspalte. That between the medulla ob- longata below and the cerebellum above. T. cer'vical ar'tery. L. arteria eervi- calis transversa ; F. artère seapulaire pos- térieure ; G. quere Nackenschlagader ; 7. arteria cervicale trasversa. Branch from thyroid axis or subclavian passing across the neck above the clavicle, and dividing into superficial cervical and posterior scap- ular arteries. T. cer'vical nerve, cervi- cal nerve, superficial. T. cer'vical vein. L. vena transversa colli. Companion of artery of same name, emptying into the external jugular or the subclavian. T. col'ic ar'tery, branch of middle colic a. to transverse colon. T. co 'Ion : see Colon. T. diam'eter of skuU. F. largeur maxi- mum du crâne. Usually understood by craniologists as the maximum breadth of the skull, wherever that may be, except be- tween tlie suprainastoid crests. T. dor'- sal lig'ament of wrist. L. ligameiitum transversum carpi dorsale. Distal jiortiiin of posterior radio-carpal ligament, extend- ing from scaphoid bone to cuneiform and unciform bones. T. fa'cial ar'tery. L. arteria transversa faciei ; F. artère trans- versale de la face; 6r. (piere Antlitzarterie; /. arteria trasversa della faccia. Branch from superficial temporal distributed to side of face. T. fls'sure of liv'er : see Fissitre.i of liver. T. fos'sa, transverse fissure of liver . see Fis.'.). A series or system of muscles of the back which ascend with an inward inclination, arising from transverse processes and inserted into spinous processes. It includes the semi- spinalis, multifidus spin», and rotatores spinœ, q. V. T.-s. lumbo'rum, multifidus spinse. Transver'so-urethra'lis {L.) [Jarja- vay]. The superior transverse fibres of the ischio-urethralis. Transver'sus (2/.). Transverse. T. abdom'inis, transversalis abdominis. T. auric'ulae. F. transverse de I'auricule ; G. Quermuskel des Ohres. A series of radiating muscular fibres found on the medial surface of the external ear, passing from one edge of the fossa anthelicis to the other, and from the eminentia scaphae to the eminentia conchae. T. au'ris, trans- versus auriculae. T. bul'bi [J. .Müller], transverse fibres of third sheet of ischio- urethralis, passing behind bulb of urethra. T. col'li, muscle arising from first co,staI cartilage, and running toward the median line of the neck ; appears to be a variety of the sterno-thyroid. T, lin'gruae, an in- trinsic muscle of the tongue, the fibres of which arise from the septum, and curve outward and upward to be inserted in the borders, blending with fibres of palato- glossus. T. mandib'ulae, mylo-hyoid muscle. T. ma'nus, external head of ad- ductor poUieis. considered by many as a distinct muscle. T. men'ti. F. muscle transverse du menton ; /, trasverso del mento. A muscular fascicle, considered by some as constant, connecting the depres- 690 TRA TRA sores anguli oris across the median line, and attached to the lower jaw by a few fibres. T. nu'chse, occipitalis transversus. T. or'bitœ [Bochdalek], a muscular slip snuu'times passing from os planum to outer wall (if orbit over the ball ; jirubably a dis- placed portion of the orbicularis pal]ic- brarum. T. pec'toris, triangularis sterni. T. pe'dis, transverse head of adductor hal- lucis. T. perine'i al'ter, prostatieus in- ferior. T. perine'i ante'rior et supe'- rior [Meckel], superficial transverse fibres of ischio-urethralis. T. perine'i me'dius or T. perine'i posti'cus infe'rior, trans- versus perinei superficialis. T. perine'i profun'dus, variously used, either for the entire ischio-urethralis muscle [Henle], for its superficial transverse layer, or for that portion of its deeper oblique layer which passes under the urethra [Krause]. T. perine'i superflcia'Us. F. transverse superficiel du périnée. A ribbon-like mus- cle arising from tuberosity of ischium, and crossing the perineum transversely to be inserted in the central point. T. pros'tatae, anterior fibres of levator ani, embracing the prostate gland. T. pros'tatae [Walter, Günther], musculi prostatici, superior et inferior. T. thora'cis anti'cus, triangu- laris sterni. T. thora'cis poste'rior, the sot of subcostal muscles taken together. T. ure'thrae [Lesshaft], fibres belonging to superficial layer of ischio - urethralis, passing between pubic arch and urethra without being attached to the latter. T. ure'thrae supe'rior et infe'rior [Kohl- rausch], constrictor urethra\ T. vagi'nse, F. ischio-bulbaire. Transverse fibres of ischio-urethralis in the female. Tra'pa ( //.). A genus of Onagrariex. T. bicor'nis, L.,and T.bispino'sa, Roxb., grow in the West Indies, where the fruit is largely used for food. T. na'tans, L., is a European species ; the spiny fruit, Cal- trops, Jesuits' nuts, contains much starch, and is nutrient and demulcent. Trapanazione (/.). Trephining. Tra- pano, tri'|ihine. Trapezbein (G)- Trapezium. Trapèze (F.). Trapezium. Trape'zial ni'dus. Superior olive [Spilzka]. Trape'zium (cerebri) {L.) [v-«-/'!"/]. /".corps trapézoïde. In the pons Varolii a set of transverse fibres situated dorsally from the pyramids. In many animals the poste- rior superficial part of the pons is so slightly developed that these fibres appear on the surface as an irregular quadrilateral area ; hence the name. Trape'zium (os) (7/.). /".trapèze; G. Trapezbein; /. trapezio. Inner bone of distal row of wrist, articulating with sca- phoid above, trapezoid and 2d metacarpal externally, 1st metacarpal below ; carjiale I. of primitive carpus. T. mi'nus, trapezoid bone. Trape'zius {!■'■)■ L- cucuUaris; /'. tra- peze; G. Kaiipenmuskel ; /. trapezio. A larsre, flat, triangular muscle which covers the upper back and neck, arising from occipital bone, ligamentum nuch;e, and spines of last cervical and all the dorsal vertebnc. and in- serted into outer third of clavicle, acromion process, and spine of scapula. Trapezkern {G.). Scattered ganglion- cells in the trapezium, ventrally and some- what medially from the superior olive. Trapezkörper (G). Trapezium cerebri. Trapezlappen ( G.). Anterior superior lobe of cerebellum. Trap'ezoid. F. trapézoïde ; T. trape- zioidc. Shaped like a trapezium. T. bod'y, trapezium cerebri. T. bone. L. trape- zoides ; F. trapézoïde ; G. Trapezoidbein ; /. trapezioide. Second bone of distal row of wrist, articulating with scaphoid above, 2d metacarpal below, trapezium externally, OS magnum inlernally ; car]jale II. of primi- tive carpus. T. lig'ament: see Coraco- claricular ligamrnt. T. line, a rough ridge for attachment of trajiezoid ligament on under surface of clavicle, near its acromial end. Trapezoidbein (G'.). Trapezoid bone. Trapézoïde {F.). Trapezoid. Trapiantamento or Trapiantazione (/.). Transplantation. T. cutanea, skin- grafting. Trapp's test. For vcratria ; warm the colorless solution of vcratria in concentrated hydrochloric acid ; a persistent dark-red color results. Trap'sia res'in. Thapsia. Trasflssione (I.). Transfixion. Trasformazione (/.). Transformation, degeneration. Trasfusione (/.). Transfusion. Traslucido ( A). Translucid. Trasmissibilità (/.). Transmissibility. Trasparente ( /.). Transparent. Traspirazione (A). Transpiration. Trasporto (A). Delirium (pop.). TRA TRE 691 Trasudamento or Trasudazione (/). Transudation. Trasversale (A). Transversalis. T. del coUo, transversalis cervicis. Trasverso (/.)■ Transverse. T. del collo, transversalis cervicis. T. del naso, compressor naris. T. profondo, ischio- urethralis. Trasverso-anale (/.). Transverso- analis. Trasverso-costali {!.). Le vate res cos- taruni. Trasverso-Uiaco (/.)• Quadratus lum- boruni. Trasverso-spinoso ( /.). Transversaire épineux, ij. >■. Trasverso-uretrale (/.). Transverso- urethralis. Trattamento /.). Treatment. Traube-Hering curves. G. Tranbe- Hering'sche Druckschwankungen. Bold, high curves in a blood-pressure tracing, following section of the vagi and sudden interruption of respiration ; supposed to indicate rhythmic activity of vaso-motor centres. Trauben (G.). Grapes; — auge, staphjloma of the cornea : — druse, race- mose gland ; — gesch-WTllst, staphyloma; — haut, tunica uvea ; — kur, grape-cure; — maal, vesicular mole ; — staphylom, racemose staphyloma of the cornea ; — zucker, grape-sugar, glucose. Traulis'mus (L.) [rpaijX'Xç]. L. theriaca [B. P.]. Sugar-house molasses, the unerystallizable residue of the refining of sugar. Treat'ment. F. traitement ; G. Be- handlung; /. trattamento. Management, method of applying remedies. Trechys'ma i //.) [rpiyui]. Trachoma. Tree : see Bay, Beaver, Coffee, etc. tree. Tree of heaven. Ailanthus. Trefina (/.). Trephine. Trèfle (f.). Trefoil. T. d'eau, il/en^- anthes trifulidln, L. Trèfle aponévrotique or T. tendi- neux du diaphragme i^F!). Central ten- don of diaphragm. Tre'foU. Clover ; the genus Trifolium, Nat. Ord. Ler/uminosse : see also Marsh and Shrubby trefoil. Treha'la. F. coques de tréhala. The cocoons of a coleopterous insect, Larinus maculatus, living in Asia Minor ; formed of the débris of plants and a peculiar sac- charine secretion of the insect. Tre'halose. C„H,A.'2H,0. F. tre- halose ; / trebalosa. A peculiar crystal- lizable sugar obtained from trehala. Treibeisen ( G.). Punch. Treibemuskel (G.). Accelerator mus- cle. Treibmittel CG.). Purgative, cathartic. Treibpulver (G.). Diaphoretic pow- der. Treib"wehen (C). Expulsive pains. Tremblement (F.). Tremor. Trem'bles. 1. Tremor. 2. Milk sick- ness. Trembleur, euse (F.). One affected with tremor ; choreic. Tremblotement (F.). Slight, regular, continued quivering or tremor; fibrillary tremor. Trementina (/.). Turpentine. T. del Canada, Canada turpentine. T. Cipria, 692 TRE TRI Chiari turpentine. T. giudaica, balm of Gilead. T. di Venezia, \'cnice turpen- tine. Tremito, Tremore, or Tremolio (/.). TroniKling, tremor. Tre'mor (i>.). F- tremblement ; G. Zittern ; /. tremore. An involuntary shak- ing or trenililing. Trémulation C^-)- ^- trcmulazioue. The tremor of paralysis agitans. Trémulence paralytique (F.). Paral- ysis agitans. Trem'ulous i'ris. X. iris tremula ; F. tremblement de l'iris ; G. Iriszittern ; /. iride tremolante. A quivering iris, due to loss of the support of the lens at its back. Trennen {G.}. To separate, divide, sever. Trennung ((?■)• Separation, division, segregation. In composition Trennimgs, as, — dotter, segregate yolk ; — linien, lines of demarcation. Trepan' [zpu-dui^. L. trepanum ; F. trépan ; G. Schädelbohrcr ; /. trapano. Trephine. Trépanation (F.). Trephining. Trepanirung (G.). Trephining. Trephine' [z/ii-w]. F. trephine ; /. trefiiia. A form of saw for cutting out a circular disc of bone. Trephi'ning. Application of the tre- phine. Trépied cœUaque {F.). Tripus Hal- len. Trépied vital (F.). Bichat's term for circulation, respiration, and cerebration. Treppe or Treppengang ( G.). Scala. Tressaillement {F.y Shuddering, hor- ripilation. Tri'al-glas'ses. A collection of gradu- ated convex and concave lenses, with cj'l- indrical and prismatic glasses; used in test- ing the refraction of the eye. Triangle {F.). Triangle. T. médul- laire, fornix [Vicq d'Azyr]. T. omo- hyoïdien, superior carotid triangle : see TiiiiHijles of till' neck. T. omo-trachéal, inferior carotid triangle : see Triaiiy/es of the neck. T. de Scarpa, Scarpa's trian- gle. Tri'angle of Petit. L. trigonum Potiti. A triangular interval usually existing just above the crest of the ilium, between the posterior border of the external oblique muscle in front and the latissimus dorsi behind, disclosing a few fibres of tlio intir- nal oblique. Tri'angles of neck. Topographical di- visions of the irregularly quadrilateral space between border of trajiezius behind and me- dian line in front. The sterno-cleido-mas- toid muscle runs oblii|uely through this, dividing it into anterior and posterior triangles. The anterior t. is subdivided by the posterior bell}' of the digastric and the anterior belly of the omo-hyoid muscles into a submaxillary t. above, superior carotid t. middle, and inferior carotid t. below. The posterior t. is subdivided by the posterior belly of the omo-hyoid into an occipital t. and a subclavian t. Triangolare (/.). 1. Triangular. 2. Depressor anguli oris. T. del coccige, coccygeus. T. delle labbra, levator an- guli oris. T. deUo stemo, triangularis sterni. Triangolo di Scarpa (/.). Scarpa's triangle. Triangulaire (F.). Triangular. T. du coccyx, coccygeus. T. des lèvres, de- pressor anguli oris. T. du nez, compressor naris. T. du sternum, triangularis sterni. Trian'gnlar. L. triangularis ; F. tri- angulaire ; /. triangolare. Having three sides ; applied to various structures of such shape. T. car'tUages of nose. L. car- tilagines triangulares ; F. cartilages latéraux du nez ; G. dreieckige Knorpel. Two plates, situated one on either side of the nose just below the nasal bones. T. fas'cia, trian- gular ligament of abdomen. T. flbro- car'tilage. L. cartilago triangularis ; /'. fibro-eartilage triangulaire ; G. dreieckiger Knorpel. .\. thick triangulär plate between the ulna and the bones of the wrist, being attached outwardly to the radius, and in- wardly to styloid process of ulna. T. lig'- ament of abdo'men. L. ligamentum tri- anguläre abdominis. Fibres derived from outer pillar of external abdominal ring, and from Gimbernat's ligament, passing upward and inward beneath spermatic cord to linea alba, where they interlace with those of the opposite side. T. lig'aments of liv'er. L. liganienta triangularia liepatis. The lateral folds made by peritoneum in pass- ing from liver to diajdiragm. T. lig'a- ment of ure'thra. 1. The middle and superior layers of perineal fascia. 2. Often used, especially by Gorman authors, for the middle layer only. Triangula're (//.). Cuneiform bone of wrist. TRI TRI 693 Triangxda 'ris (//.)■ Trianjrular, aiiplicd to tlie tollowiiiL: muscles; T. coccy'gris, coccj'geus. T. la'bii superio'ris, levator anguli oris. T. men'ti, depressor anguli oris. T. na'si, compressor iiaris. T. ster'ni. /'. petit dentelé antérieur; G. dreieckiger Brustuiuskel ; /. triangolare dello sterno. A thin muscular layer arising from deep surface of sternum and costal cartilages, and inserted into outer ends of cartilages or into the ribs from tìth to 2d. Trian'gnlus (A.). Triangle. T. in- gniina'lis, Scarpa's triangle. T. pubo- urethra'lis, triangular space on the peri- neum bounded internally by bulbo-caver- nosus, externally by ischio-cavernosus, pos- teriorly by transversus perinei. T. sub- inguina'üs, Scarpa's triangle. Trianosper'ma flcifo'lia, Mart. A Bra- zilian plant, Nat. OrJ. Caciir/jitucese : see Tayvi/a. Tri'badism [r«r,J'/'o]. F. tribadisme ; /. tribadismo. Copulation of one female with another, the clitoris being used as a penis. Tri'bas (/,.). F. tribade ; I. tribado. Woman who acts as a male in tribadism. Tribromphe'nol. A white, soft, odor- less, crystalline substance, soluble in alco- hol, ether, chloroform, and caustic alkalies, formed by action of solution of carbolic acid upon bromine-water; recommended as an antiseptic for wounds and for internal use. Tribu'tum luna're (L.). Menstrua- tion. Tri'cae ( L.). Plica. Tricangettasia (/.). Trichangiectasis. Tricaussi (I.). Trichauxis. Triceph'alus (L.) [tri, zrça;.)j]. F. tricéphale ; J. tricefalo. A three-headed monster. Tri'ceps (L.) [tri, capiu]. Having three heads. T. adduc'tor fem'oris, the ad- ductor brevis, adductor longus, and ad- ductor niagnus muscles. T. au'ris, retra- hensaurem. T.bra'chii. f. triceps brachial ; G. Vorderarmstrecker; /. tricipite. A large muscle of back of arm, arising by three heads — a long head, frcjni infra- glenoid tubercle of scapula, and internal (short or deep) and external heads, from corresponding sides of spiral groove of humerus, and inserted by a common tendon into olecranon. T. cru'ris or T. exten'sor cru'ris, f|uadriceps extensor cruris. T, exten'sor cu'biti, triceps brachii. T. mag'nus, adductor magnus. T. mi 'nor, adductor longus femoris. T. secun'dus, adductor brevis. T. su'rae, the combined gastrocnemius and soleus, considered as a single muscle. Triceps (F.). T. crural, quadriceps extensor cruris. T, sural, triceps surae, Trichangiec'tasis (L.) ['»fiS, «rr'^"". £zr«r::']. F. trichisme; /. trichismo. A fine hair-like fissure. Trichloracet'ic ac'id. F. acide chlor- acétiquc ; /. acido cloracetico. Colorless, rhombic, deliquescent crystals, freely sol- 694 TRI TRI üble in water or alcohol ; a product of the oxidation of chloral by means of nitric acid ; escharotic. Trichlorphen'ic ac'id. Triehlorphenol. Trichlorphe'nol. A volatile, crystalline substance of a disagreeable tarry odor and pungent taste, a derivative of carbolic acid, in which 3 atoms of hydrogen of the acid are replaced by chlorine ; disinfectant. Trichocar'dia {L.) [''',"!c, zu/^Jî«]. F. triehocardic ; /. tricoeardia. The so-called hairy heart of exudative pericarditis. Trichoceph 'altos (L.) [zr^a/ij]. /"". trichocéphale ; 7. tricocefalo. A genus of nematoid worms. T. dis'par. G. Peit- schenwurm. Species found in the large intestine of man. Tricho-crsrpto'ses [zoy-rij]. Diseases of the hair-follicles. Trichodangii'tis [«;-;-£(">]. Inflamma- tion of capillaries. Trichoglos'sia ( L.) [^i-'/.maaa]. State of the tontfue in which it appears to be cov- ered with fine whitish hairs, owing to hyper- trophy of the processes of the filiform papillae. Trichol'ogy \J>pi^, A«/-»?]. F. tricholo- gie ; /. tricologia. A discourse on the hair. Tricho'ma (7/.). /. tricoma. Plica. Tricho'monas (//.) [//oviç]. I. trico- inonado. A genus of infusoria. T. vagi- na'lis, Donné, species found in the vaginal secretions; body oval, about 0.015 mm. long, with three flagella and a lateral undu- lating comb of six or seven short hairs or cilia. Trichomyco'sis favo'sa {L.). Tinea favosa. T. trichophyti'na, tinea tricho- phytina. Ti^ichono'sis (/>.) [i-'i^oy]. Disease of the hair. T. ca'na or T. dis'color, cani- ties. T. furfara'cea, tinea trichophytina capitis. T. pli'ca, plica. Trichono'sus or Trichono'sos (//.) fyoffos']. Disease of the hair. Tricho'pathy \j:â(ini\. F., G. Tricho- pathie. Treatment of diseases of the hair [Mayne]. Trichophyti'asis (£.) [(soróv]. Condi- tion produced by the growth of Tiicho- plii/ti'n. Trichophytie {F.). Morbid condition produced by the tricophyton fungus; tri- chojihytosis. T. circinée, tinea circinata. T. sycosique, tinca trichoi)liytina barbae Trichophyti'na barbae (L.)- Tinea trichophytina barba;. Trichoph'yton ton'stirans {L.) [>V/)i;, '^. A specific fungus, thus far only found in the skin of mau and certain ani- mals, where it produces the disease known as tinea or ringworm. It exists in the form of septate mycelial tubes and of spores, or conidia, formed within these tubes. Trichophyto'sis iL.). Disease of the skin produced liy the tricophyton fungus. T. imbrica'ta, tinea imbricata. T. squa- mo'sa, a .scaly form of tinea. T. vesicu- lo'sa, a vesicular form of tinea. Trichopolio'sis (L.) [ro/.i'wa-.'ç]. Cani- ties. Trichoptüo'sis {L.) [rr-ri/.ioiri^']. F. trichoptilose ; / tricoptilosi. Trichorexis nodosa. Trichorex'is nodo'sa (L.). ['V'^' /î>;/-i"j(«]. Fragility of the hair of the head, with formation of small spindle-shaped bulbous swellings of the shafts. Trichorrhize {F.). Production of ab- normal eyelashes, having deeply implanted bulbs bent at an angle to the hair. Trichorrhce'a (L.) [/u'w]. Alopecia. Trichosan'thes cucumeri'na {L.). An East Indian plant, Nat. Ord. Cucurbitacest ; leaves and fruit used by the natives as feb- rifuge and laxative. Trichos'chisis (Z/. ) ['?/:'"']• Splitting of the hair. Tricho'sis {L.) \jiiiyoi<7i^'\. I. tricosi. Disease of the hair, plica. T. a'thrix, alo- pecia. T. seto'sa, hystrieiasis. Trichosyphüo'sis (L.). Disease of the hair due to syphilis. Trichter {G-)- 1- Funnel, speculum. 2. Inlundibulum ; — apparat, a funnel- shaped instrument with India-rubber tub- ing, used in vaginal irrigation ; — brust, funnel breast ; a depression of the lower sternal region; — förmig, funnel-sliaped, infundibuliform ; — fortsatz, embryonic rudiment of the infundibulum ; — gebiet, that part of third ventricle below and in front of the optic thalami ; — passar, fun- nel-shaped pessary ; — schnitt, the section preliminary to paracentesis ; — winkel, angle between sides of conical funnel, formed by the membrana tympani at the bottom of the external auditory meatus. Trichter der Cochlea ( Cr.). Scyphu« Vieu.ssenii. TRI TRI 695 Trichter des Gehirns (ü.) Infun- dibulum cerebri. Trichter des Thränenröhrchens {G.). Aiupulla canaliculi lachryinalis. Trichterförmige Binde (G.). Infun- dibulitVirm fascia. Trichu'ris (L.) [»pti, oùpd]. Tricho- cejihiilus. Tricipite (/.). Triceps brachii. Tricocardia (/.). Trichocardia. Tricocefalo (/.). Tricbocophalus. Tricofito (/.). Trichophyton. Tricol'ogy ['V'?, ^"r"^]- I- tricologia. Treatise ou the hair. Tricoma (/.). Trichoma. Tricomonade (/.). Trichomonas. TricoptUosi (/.). Trichoptilosis. Tricosi (/.). Trichosis. Tricrot'ic wave. The third curve of the sphygmogram. Tricus'pid valve. L. valvuUi tricuspi- dalis ; F. valvule tricuspide ; G. dreizipflige Klappe; /. valvola tricuspidale. That guarding the right auriculo- ventricular opening of the heart, composed of three segments. Tricuspidalinsufficienz (G.). Insuffi- cienc}' of the tricuspid valve. Tridace (/.). Thridace. Tridéroatlodyme or Tridérodsrme {F.). A triple munster. Trieb (ûn^w,rr;n']. G. Roll- hiigel ; y. trocantere. Name given to cer- tain bony processes upon the femur. The great t. is a large cuboidal prominence at the upper end and outer side of the shaft, giving attachment to the e.xternal rotator muscles of the thigh; the lesser t. is a rounded tuberosity on the inner side of the shaft near the neck, giving attachment to the tendon of the ilio-psoas muscle. The gluteal tuberosity is often called the third t. T. ter'tius. 1. (iluteal tuberosity. 2. Pro- cessus supracondyloideus femoris lateralis. Trochanter'ic fos'sa. Digital fossa. Trochantérien, ienne (F.). Relating to the great trochanter. Trochantin (F.). Lesser trochanter [Chaussier]. Trochantinien (F.). Relating to the lesser trochanter [Chaussier]. Troches [tro'tches]. L. trochisci; F. tablettes; G. Pastillen; I. tavolette. Small, dry, solid, usually flattened masses, consisting of nicdicinal substances incorpo- rated with sugar and mucilage. T. of aca'cia. L. tabell» cum gummi [Cod.]. Prepared from acacia 100, saccharum 90((, aqua aurantii flurum 75 [Cod.]. T. of ammo'nium chlo'ride. L. trochisci am- monii chloridi. Contain each 2 grains of ammonium chloride, with sun:ar. tragacanth, and tolu [U.S. P.]. T. of bicar'bonate of so'dium. />. trochisci sodii bicarbo-. natis ; F. tablettes de bicarbonate de soude ; G. Natronpastillen. Each troche contains of sodium bicarbonate 0.185 gms. [II. S. P.], 0.325 gms. [B. P.], 0.025 [Cod.]. T. of TRO TRO 699 bo'rax. L. tabcllae cum borate sodico ; F. tablettes de borate de soude. Troches of sugar and ^um tragacantb, flavored with benzoin, each containing 0.10 gm. of bora.K [Cod.]. T. of cat'echu. L. trochisci catechu; F. tablottc.-^ dc cachou. Troches each containinir 1 srrain of black catechu [U. S. P.] : 1 grain of pale catechu [ B. P.] ; 0.10 gramme of black catechu [t"od.]. T. of chalk. L. trochisci cretae. Prepared chalk 2Ü gms., nutmeg 1 gm., acacia 6.50 gms., sugar 39 gms. ; to make 100 troches [U. S. P.]. T. of char'coal. L. tabella; cum carbone ; F. tablettes de charbon. Charcoal 2oO, sugar 200, mucilage of traga- cantb 50 ; make troches each weighing 1 gram [Cod.]. T. of chlo'rate of potas'- sium. L. trochisci potassa chloratis ; F. tablettes de chlorate de potasse. Troches of gum and sugar, each containing of po- tassium chlorate 0.325 sms. [U. S. P., B. P.]; 0.10 gms. [Cod.]. T.'of cu 'beb. L. tro- chisci cubebas. Each contain \ grain of oleoresin of cubeb [U. S. P.]. T. of grin'- ger. L. trochisci zingiberis. Tincture of ginger 13 gm., tragacantb 3.25 gm., sugar 130 gm., sYrup of ginger a sufficient quan- tity to make 100 troches [U. S. P.]. T. of glycjrrrhi'za and o'pium. L. tro- chisci opii. Troches each containing of ex- tract of opium -^f^ of a grain [U. S. P.] ; y'^ of a grain [B. P.]. T. of ip'ecac. L. tro- chisci ipecacuanlu« ; F. tablettes d'ipécaeu- anha. Each troche contains of ipecac about 0.016 gm. [U. S. P., B. P.]; 0.010 gm. [Cod.]. T. of i'ron. L. trochisci ferri. Contain each 5 grains of ferric hydrate , [U. S. P.]. T. of ker'mes min'eral. /.. tabellse cum kermes minerale ; F. tablettes de kermes. Troches each containing 0.01 gram of antimony oxysulphuret [Cod.]. T. of krame'ria. L. trochisci kraraeriae. Contain each one grain of krameria. with sugar, tragacantb, and orange-flower water [U^S. P.]. T. of magne'sia. L. tro- chisci magnesi;e. Each troche contains of magnesia 3 grains, with sugar, nutmeg, and tragacantb [C S. P.]. T. of magne 'sium car'bonate. L. tabella: cum carbonato magnesico ; /'. tablettes de carbonate de magnésie. Contain each 0.20 gm. of mag- nesium carbonate, with sugar and traga- cantb [Cod.]. T. of mor'phine and ip'e- cac. L. trochisci morphin« et ipecacu- anhas. Troches each containing -^i^ of a grain of sulphate of morphine [U.S. P.]; ^'^ grain . of hydrochlorate of morphine [B. P.]. T. of pep'permint. L. trochisci menthae piperita: ; F. tablettes de menthe. Made of oil of peppermint, sugar, and mucilage of tragacanth or acaciae. T. of san'tonin. L. trochisci santonini ; F. tablettes de santonine ; G. Santoninpas- tillen. Prepared with sugar and muci- lage of acacia, each troche containing of santonin 0.065 gm. (1 gr.) [B. P.] ; 0.01 gm. [Cod.]: 0.025 gm. [P. G.]. T. of santon'inate of so'dium. L. trochisci sodii santoninatis. Contain each 1 grain of sodium santoninate. T. of sul'- phtir. L. tabcllae cum sulfure [Cod.] ; F. tablettes de soufre. Sulphur 10, sugar 1)0, tragacanth 1, orange-flower water 9 parts; make troches each weighing 1 gm. [Cod.]. T. of tan'nic ac'id. L. trochisci acidi tannici. Each troche contains of tannic acid 1 gr. [U. S. P.] ; * gr. [B. P.]. Trochimen, ienne (/^.). /. trochiniano. Relating to the lesser tuberosity of the humerus [ChaussierJ. Troch'mus(//.) [r/j";^»i']. F. trochin ; /. trochino. Lesser tuberosity of the hu- merus [Chaussier]. Trochis'ci (i.). Troches. T. ac'idi tan'nici, troches of tannic acid. T. am- mo'nii chlo'ridi, troches of ammonium chloride. T. bismu'thi, bismuth lozenges. T. cat'echu, troches of catechu. T. cre'- tsB, troches of chalk. T. cube'bee, troches of cubeb. T. fer'ri, troches of iron. T. fer'ri redac'ti, troches of reduced iron. T. ipecacuan'hae, troches of ipecac. T. krame'riae, troches of krameria. T. mag- ne'siae, troches of magnesia. T. men'thee piperi'tse, troches of peppermint. T. morphi'nae, morphine lozenges. T. mor- phi'nae et ipecacuan'hse, troches of mor- phine and ipecac. T. o'pii, troches of glycvrrbiza and opium. T. potas'sii chlo- ra'tis, troches of chlorate of potassium. T. santoni'ni, troches of santonin. T. so'dii bicarbona'tis, troches of bicar- bonate of sodium. T. so'dii santonina'- tis, troches of santoninate of soda. T. zingib'eris, troches of ginger. Trochis'cus (i/.). Troche. Trochisquesescharotiquesf./''.). Caus- tic arrows. Troch'iter (i.) \y(>."7/fi\. I. trochitero. Greater tuberosity of the humerus [Chaus- sier]. Trochitérien, ienne (Z'.). /. trochi- teriano. Eclating to the greater tuberosity of the humerus [Chaussier]. Troch'lea (//.) [r^oo^óy]. A pulley; a 700 TRO TRO surface grooved like a pulley. T. ("articu- laris). The grooved surface of bones form- ing a part of certain joints. T. of astrag'- a,lus. F. poulie de l'astragale. The supe- rior surface by which it articulates with the tibia. T. cartilagin'ea, that portion of plantar calcaneo-navieular ligament con- taining fibro-cartilage. T. of the fe'mur. F. poulie fémorale. The sinuous surface for articulation of the patella at the lower end, in front. T. humera'lis or T. hu'- meri. F. trochlee de l'humérus ; /. troelea omerale or dell' omero. Trochlear surface of humerus. T. labyrin'thi. /. troelea del labirinto. Cochlea. T. os'sea : see TrvMea. T. of supe'rior oblique' mus'- cle. F. poulie du grand oblique ; /. troelea dell' occhio. The fibro-cartilaginous ring by which the tendon of the muscle is re- flected : see Ohlupie muxcles of the eye. Trochlea der Augenhöhle (ff.). Trochlea of superior oblitjue muscle. Troch'leae digito'rum {L.). Digital fibro-cartilages. Trochlear. L. trochlearis ; F. trochlé, ée; /. troeleare. Resembling or relating to a pulley. T. fos'sa. L. fossa troch learis ; G. Rollgrube. A depression to which the pulley of the superior oblique muscle of the eye is attached on the orbital surface of the frontal bone, near the in- ternal angular process. T. neiTre. L. nervus trochlearis; F. nerf pathétique trochléateur; G. Rollnerv ; /. nervo patetico. Fourth cranial nerve, the motor nerve for the superior oblique muscle of the eye. It arises from a nucleus under the floor of the Sylvian aqueduct, emerging from the surface of the brain at the valve of Vieus- sens, and leaves tlie cranium by the sphe- noidal fi.ssure. T. nuclei. Jj. nuclei troch- leares : G. Trochleariskcrne. Those from which the fourth cranial nerve arises. The anterior t. n. appears to be a continuation downward of the oculo-motor nucleus ; lies dorsally from the posterior longitudinal bundle on a level with the posterior corpora quadrigemina. The posterior t. n. (West- phal's nucleus) is a rounded group of very small cells which lies immediately below the anterior nucleus. T. spine. L. spina troch- learis. A small spine-like process upon the orbital surface of the frontal bone, for at- tachment of the pulley of the superior ob- lique mu.scle of the eye. T. sur'face of hu'merus. L. trochlea humeralis ; F. trochlee de l'humérus; G. Rolle des Arm- beins ; /. troelea omerale. The pulley-like, articular surface for the ulna on the lower extremity of the humerus. Trochlearfortsatz (ff.). Processus trochlearis. Trochlea'ris (/..). 1. Relating to trochlea. 2. Trochlear nerve. T. mus'- culus, superior oblique muscle of the eye. Trochlea'tor (i.). F. trochléateur. Trochlear nerve. Trochlee (/".). Trochlea. T. fémorale, trochlea of the femur. Trochoceph'alus(X.) \yf>i>y<>i, zr^-a/jj']. F. trococéphalie; /. trococefalìa. Partial synostosis of the frontal and parietal bones, giving the head a round appearance. Trocho-gin'glymus (/>.) [yiyp.u!u>^\ Combination of a pivot- and a hinge-joint, as in the humero-radial articulation. Trochoi'des (i.) [-n<.;féç, elJoy]. F. trochoide ; /. trocoide. Pivot-joint. Trockenamme (ff.). Dry-nurse. Trockene Naht (ff.). Dry suture. Troelea omerale (/.). Trochlear sir- face of humerus. Tröltsch, cor'puscles of. ff'. Troni mei - fellkiirperchen. Appearances like the fi.xed corneal corpuscles seen among the radial fibres of the membrana tympani ; now be- lieved to be caused by connective-tissue spaces, with the flattened endothelial cells lining them. Troëne (i^.). Liffiislrum niii/nre, L. Trofico (I.). Trophic. Trofologia, trophology. Trofonevrosi, trophoneurosis. Trofonosi, trophonosus. Trofopatia, trophopathia. Troicarmesser (ff.). Knife -shaped trocar. Troisième paire (de nerfs crâniens) (F.). Third pair of cranial nerves. Trois-quarts (F.). Trocar. Trokar ( ff.). Trocar. Trolard, anastomot'ic vein of: see Anastomotic vein of Trolard. Trol'lius (i.). A genus of Rnmmcida- cex. T. lax'us, Salisb., globe-flower, in- digenous to the northern U. S. ; resembles the other ranunculaceous plants in medici- nal properties. Tromba (/.) Trumpet, tube. T. d'Eustachio, Eustachian tube. T. di Falloppio, Fallopian tube. Trombo (/.). Thrombus. Trombosi, thrombosis. TRO TRO 701 Trommel i^^'.). 1. Dr Ì. Tyni- paiiuiu ; — bauch, Jrum-belly, physconia ; — beinchen, tympanii;- bone; — höhle, tympanic cavity ; — höhlenraum, oberer, attic of tympanum: — sucht, tympanites. Trommelfell {G.). Tympanic mem- brane ; — ebene [Schwaltie], plane in which lies the attaeheil eilpje (if the mem- brana tympani ; — entzündung, myrin- gitis; — falte, plica meinbran;« tympani; — körperchen, TriUtsch. corpuscles of; — ring, tyni|ianic portion of temporal bone ; — taschen, pockets of mucous mem- brane of tympanum in front and behind the head of the malleus. Trom'mer's test. For glucose in urine by reduction of suboxide of copper in pres- ence of liijuor potasstC. Tromoma'nia (2/.) [rpàiioç, fiavia]. De- lirium tremens. Tro'mos or Tro'mus (L.). Tremor. Trompe {F.). Trumpet, tube. T. d'Eustache, Eustachian tube. T. de Fallope, Fallopian tube. Trompetermuskel (G.). Buccinator. Tro'na. A native sodium sesquicar- bonate found in Egypt. Tranci F.). Trunk. T. brachio-cépha- lique, innominate artery. T. coehaque, e.jeliae axis. T. des intercostales supé- rieures, left upjier azygos vein. T. tibio- péronier, posterior tibial artery before it L'ives oil' the peroneal. T-s. veineux brachio-céphaliques, innominate veins. Tronco (f.). Trunk. T. brachio- cefalico, iniinniinate artery. T. ceUaco, cœliac axis. T. tibio-peroneo : see Tronc Itbio-péruiió I . Tropae'olin. G. diphenylaminazoben- zolsulfusaures Kalium. Aniline dye of deep-yellow color ; a general protoplasmic stain, useful for marine invertebrates. Tropäohnpapier ( G.). Filter-paper sat- urated with an aicohulic solution of tropae- olin ; used as a test for the presence of hydrochloric acid in the contents of the stomach. Tropse'olum iL.). A genus of South American herbs. .Vat Ord. Gtranlacex. T. ma'jus, L., Indian cress, garden nastur- tium ; cultivated in gardens for ornament ; I lie flowers and leaves are antiscorbutic; frei|uently used in salads ; the buds are jiickled as a substitute for capers. Trop'eines. Atropines in which the tropic acid molecule is replaced by a mole- cule of another acid, such as salicylic, amygdalie, etc. Tropfen ( G.). Drop ; — zähler, drop- counter. Troph'aUs (//.) [z/xKfaUi]. Colostrum. Tro'phe [-/>"^i?]. Aliment. Troph'ic. F. trophique ; T. trofico. Re- lating to nutrition. T. cen'tres, supposed centres from which the nutrition of nerve- fibres is controlled, or which give rise to trophic fibres. Fibres of anterior roots of spinal nerves degenerate when separated from the cord, those of posterior roots when separated from their ganglia ; the hypothetical centres arc therefore su])posed to reside respectively in the cord and in the ganglia. T. fl'bres, nerve-fibres be- lieved to control the nutrition of the parts to which they are distributed. T. neuro '- ses, lesions suppo.sed to depend upon influ- ence of the trophic nerves. T. root of trigem'inus : see Trigemiual rooix. Trophol'ogy [rpoisr^. Inyni^. G. Tropho- logie ; /. trofologia. Science of nutrition. Trophoneuro'sis (//.) [rpnçr^, v£:D;0(iv]. F. trophonévrose ; /. trofonevrosi. Defec- tive nutrition connected with nervous dis- ease. Trophonévrose (/^. ). Trophoneurosis. T. faciale, hemiatrophia facialis, progres- sive. Trophon'osus (Z/.) [^'irr-^j]. / trofo- nosi. A disease with disordered nutrition. Trophopath'ia (i.) [-«o»î-]. F. tropho- pathie ; /. trofopatia. Diseases of nutri- tion [Bang]. Trophopath'ies [-:.) [r/w-ri*«]. A boring, trephining. Tryp'sin. F. tripsine. A hydrolytic ferment found in the pancreatic juice ; gometiraes called pancrcatin. It acts upon the proteids. Trsrpsin'ogen. Substance from which trypsin is formed. Trypsinprobe ( C). Test of the diges- tive power of trypsin. Tryp'sis ( ^ ) [7/)f)ç''(ç]. /. tripsi. Fric- tion, ruliliing. Tryp'tic. Relating or due to trypsin. T. pep'tone, a tryptonc. Tryp'tone. G. Trypton ; /. triptone. Product of action of trypsin on peptones ; pancreatic peptone. T-shaped bronchi. Name given by Ewart to bronchi bifurcating at nearly right angles to the parent stem, as found in those supplying narrow intcrtuliular inter- vals. Tu'ba (/>.). Tube, canal. T. acus'- tica or T. aristo tel 'ica, Eustachian tube. T. Bustach'ii os'sea, osseous portion of Eustachian tube. Tu'bage [tubus]. 1. tubaggio. In- sertion of a tube, intubation. Tu'bal. F. tubaire ; /. tubarlo, a. Re- lating tu a tube, especially the Fallopian tube. T. drop'sy, hydrosalpinx. T. preg'nancy. F. grossesse tubaire ; G. Tubargravidität ; 1. gravidanza tubarla. Development of the fœtus in a Fallopian tube. T. respLra'tion. (?. Tubenathmung. Tubular respiration. Tubargravidität (G.). Tubal preg- nancy. Tub-cam'phor : see Japan rainpiwr. Tube (F.J. Tube. T. collecteur, col- lecting tubule. T. à drainage, drainage- tube. Tube of the coch'lea. Ductus coch- learis. Tube-casts. F. cylindres urinaires ; /. cilindri dell' urina. Cylinders of variable size and consistency found in urine of sun- dry diseased conditions of the kidney ; may be granular, epithelial, or hyaline (small and very transparent). Tubenathmung ( 6r'.). Tubal respira- tion. Tubenbauchsch'wangerschafb ( G.). Tubo-abdominal pregnancy. Tubenerweiterer ((?■)• Tensor palati. Tubenknorpel {G.). Cartilage tubae. Tubenmandel {G.). Tonsilla tubarla. Tubenmesenterium ((?.). Upper por- tion of hrnad ligament of uterus. Tuben-Paukensackchen ( G.). Saccus tubo-tympanicus. Tubenschwangerschaft (6'.). Tubal pregnancy. Tubentonsüle (G.). Rachentonsille. 704 TUB TUB Tubentrichter (G.). Morsus diaboli. Tu'ber (L.). Tuberosity. T. annu- la're, pons Varolii. T. calca'nei or T. cal'cis, tuberosity of the ealcaneuni. T. of cerebel'lum, short commissure. T. cine'remn. /'. corps cernire ; G. grauer Höcker; /. tubercolo cinereo. A lamina of gray matter forming floor of third ven- tricle and e.xtending from corpora albicantia behind to optic commissure in front. T. coch'lese, promontory. T. cor'poris, callo'si, s])lenium of corpus callosuin. T. fronta'le, frontal eminence. T. ischiad'- icum or T. is'chii, tuberosity of the is- chium. T. maxil'lse or T. maxilla're, tuberosity of sujierior maxillary. T. ol- facto'riura, olfactory tubercle. T. omen- ta'le hep'atis, a prominence on lower end of left lobe of liver, corresponding to lesser curvature of stomach. T. omenta'le pancrea'tis, eminence on right end of middle portion of pancreas, corresponding to lesser omentum. T. parieta'le, parietal eminence. T. supraorbita'le, superciliary ridge. T. tsrm'pani, promontory of the tympanum. T. val'vulae, short commis- sure. Tu'ber (L.). A portion of a root-stock thickened by the deposition of nourishing matter. T. chi'nae, China-root. T. ciba'- rium, Sibth., the truffle. T. col'chici, colchicum-root. T. sola'ni, potato. Tu'bera (L.), pi. of Tuber, root. T. aconi'ti [P. G.], aconite-root. T. chi'nœ, China-root. T. jala'pae, jalap. T. sa'lep, salep. Tu'bercle. L. tuberculum; F. tuber- cule ; G. Höcker, Hügel ; /. tubercolo. In anatomy, any small rounded eminence. T-s. of calca'neum. L. tubercula calcanei ; F. tubérosités du calcanéum. The poste'- rior t-s. are two rough eminences on its under surface, supporting weight of body in standing. The anterior t. is an emi- nence on anterior part of under surface for attachment of short jilantar ligament T. of cu'boid. L. tuberculum ossis cuboidei. Prominent outer part of tuberosity around which turns the tendon of peroneus longus. T. of epiglot'tis. L. tuberculum cpi- glottidis ; G. Kehldeckelpolster. A cush- ion-like eminence caused by submucous connective tissue and fat at the anterior surface of the ba.se of the epiglottis. T. of fe'mur. L. tuberculum colli fem- oris. An eminence at the antero-suiierior aspect of the neck where it joins the shaft, between insertions of gluteus minimus, vastus externus, obturator internus, and the gemelli. T. of Lower : see Lower, tubercle of. T-s. of optic thal'amus, the ante- rior is on the antero-superior portion of the surface, corresponding to the anterior nu- cleus of that body; the posterior is on the postero-dorsal surface. T. of the qu.adra'tus. L. linea (|uadrati. A thick- ening about the middle of posterior inter- trochanteric line of femur, giving attach- ment to (|uadratus femoris. T. of ribs. L. tuberculum cost;« . G. Rippenhocker. Well-marked eminence behind the neck of a rib, for muscular insertions. T. of Ro- lan'do. L. tuberculum Kolandi ; /'. tu- bercule cendré. A protuberance in the funiculus cuneatus lateralis of the medulla oblongata, caused by thickening of upward continuation of head of posterior horn of spinal cord. T. of scaph'oid. L. tuber- culum ossis navicularis ; G. Kahnbein- hocker. 1. A prominence at the outer side of the scaphoid bone of the wrist, which affords attachment to ligamentum carpi volare proprium. 2. A siiuilar prominence on internal surface of the scaphoid of the foot, for attachment of part of tendon of tibialis posticus. T. of tib'ia. L. tuber- culum tibiie ; F. tuberosite antérieure du tibia; G. Schienbeinhöcker; 1. tuberosità anteriore della tibia. A rough, oblong por- tion on the anterior surface, near the head, for the attachment of the ligamentum patellœ. T. of ul'na. L. tuberositas ulnre. An eminence for the insertion of the brachi- alis anticus at the base of the coronoid process. T. of zygo'ma. F. tubercle de l'apophyse. A slight eminence at the point where the two roots divide, giving attachment to the external lateral ligament of the jaw. Tu'bercle. L. tuberculum ; F. tuber- cule ; (7. Tuberkel ; /. tubercolo. .\ nod- ule which varies in size from a pin's point to a goose's egg, non-vascular and composed of granulation-cells which have a marked tendency to caseation. They are formed in all parts of the body, and their presence constitutes the disease tuberculosis. T.- cells, small caseous necrotic cells or re- mains of cells described by Lebert in tuber- cle, and supposed by him to be character- istic of it. T., painful, neuroma. Tubercles. L. tubercula ; F. tubercles ; G. Knoten ; /. tubercoli. Circumscribed, solid, rounded or acuminated elevations of the skin, varying in size from that of a split buckshot to that of a cherry. TUB TUB 705 Tubercolizzazione ( /V Tubciculiza- tioti. Tubercolo ( /. ). pi. Tubercoli. Tuheiolo. T. carotideo, oaiotiil tul)erfli'. T. cine- reo. 1. Tulioi-clr 111' iliilaiiiln. 2. I'iluitary body- T-i. mammillari, iiiammillary proc- esses. Tubercolosi (/). TulxTculosis. Tubercoloso (/.). Tubercular, tuber- culous. Tuber'cula (L-). pi- of Tuberculum. 1. One of Willan's orders of skin diseases. 2. Eminences. T. doloro'sa, painful sub- cutaneous tumors. T. intercondyloi'dea, intercondyloid tuliercles. T. milia'ria, milium. T. obturato'ria, obturator tuber- cles. T. quadrigem'ina, corpora (|uadri- gemina. Tuber'ctilar. L. tubercularis ; F. tu- berculeux, ease; /. tubercoloso. Pertain- ing to, or affected with, tubercle. T. proc'- ess, the elevation, more marked in some animals than in man, upon which is situ- ated the facet on transverse process of dor- sal vertebra; with which the tubercle of a rib articulates. Tubercule (F.). 1. Tubercle. 2. Proc- ess, eminence. T-s. apophysaires, acces- sorv processes of lumbar vertebr;e. T. de l'apophyse, tubercle of the zygoma. T. aurictilaire, postglenoid process. T. caro- tidien, carotid tubercle. T. cendré. 1. Tubercle of Rolando. 2. Pituitary body. T. de Chassaignac, carotid tubercle. T. de Gerdy, eminence on which the adductor magnus is inserted, just above the internal condyle of the femur. T. malaire, malar tuberosity. Ts. mammillaires, mammil- lary processes. T-s. de Montgomery, Montgomery's glands. T-s. sus-sphenoid- aux, clinoid processes. T. zygomatique, tubercle of zygoma. Tuber'culize. F. tuberculiser ; I. tu- bercolizzare. To become tubercular. Tuberculo'sis. F. tuberculose ; G. Tuberkulose ; I. tubercolosi. An infectious disease produced by the lìarllìiix tuhr,- culosix, and characterized by the formation of tubercles and tubercular tissue. Tuber'culum I />.). 1. Tulicrcle. 2. Tuberosity, process. T. acus'ticum, acoustic tubercle. T. adino'sum, niol- luscum contagiosum. T, annula're, pons Varolii. T. ante'rius (atlan'tis), tuber- culum atlantis anticum. T. ante'rius or anti'cum fhu'meri), lesser tuberosity of humerus. T. articula're, articular Vol. U.—4Ó cmineMce. T. atlan'tis anti'cum, small tutiercle on anterior areii of atlas, to which the tendon of the longus eolli mu.icle is attached. T. atlan'tis posti'cum, small tubercle ou posterior arch of atlas, corre- sponding to spinous process of other verte- bra". T. ba'seos, musrular jirocess of ary- tenoid cartilage. T. calca'neum, tubercle of caleaneum. T. capit'uli fib'ulae lat- era'le, eminence upon head ol' tiliuhi for origin of peroneus longus. T. capit'uli fib'ulae media'le, eminence for oiigin of soleus, head of übula. T. carot'icum, carotid tubercle. T. cartUag'inis thy- roi'dese, triangular eminence at posterior part of upper border of thyroid cartilage, at commencement of the linea obli(jua. T. cauda'tum, caudate lobe of liver. T. cervica'le fem'oris : see Tahercnlum colli femoris. T. cine'reum, tuberculum Rolandi. T. col'li fem'oris (infe'rius), tubercle of the femur. T. col'li fem'o- ris supe'rius, eminence at upper end of intertrochanteric line. T. cos'tBe, tubercle of ribs. T. cunea'tum, protuberance in funiculus cuneatus inedialis of medulla ob- longata, near the calamus scri]itorius. It contains a gray nucleus. T. Darwin'ii, Darwinian tubercle. T. deltoi'deum (clavic'ulae), deltoid tubercle. T. ephip'- pii, olivary process. T. epiglot'tidis, tu- bercle of the epiglottis. T. exter'num (hu'meri), greater tuberosity of humerus. T. exter'num (mandib'uli), tubercle on lower border of inferior ma.xillary bone on either side of symphysis. T. fas'cias den- ta'tae [Zuckerkand!], proniinence in the dentate convolution (fascia dentata), just below the splenium of the corpus callosum. T. fib'ulae, styloid process of fibula. T. il'eo-pectine'um or T. ileo-pu'bicum, spine of pubis. T. il'ii ante'rius i'mum, spine-like projection sometimes found on upper surface of ilium, behind ilio-pecti- neal eminence, and forming with it a furrow in which the femoral vessels pass down. T. im'par [His], promberance on the floor of the mouth of the cml)ryo from which the tongue develops. T. infraglenoida'le or infraglenoi'deum, infraglen. tubiformis; F. tubi- forme. Tube-shaped. Tubo(/.|. Tube. Tubo-abdom'inal preg'nancy. Form in which the development of the ovum takes place, partly in the tube, partly in the ovary. Tu 'bilia medulla 'ris {L.). Straight tubule. Tu'bular respira'tion. The high- pitched blowing .sound heard typically over the trachea. Tu'buli (/v.), pi. of Tubulus, tubule. T. Bellinia'ni, straight tubules of kidnej-. T. Henlea'ni, loops of Henle. T. rec'ti, straight tubules of testis. T. rena'les, uriniferous tubules. T. semina 'les, or T. seminiferi, or T. seminiferi contor'ti, seminiferous tubules. T. urinif'eri, uri- niferous tubules. T. urinif eri Bellinia'ni, straight tubules. T. urinif eri contor'ti, convoluted tubules. Tu'bulus ( /^. ). Tubule. T. col'ligens, collecting tulmle. T. conjuncti'vus, junc- tional tubule. T. intercala 'ris, second convoluted tubule:' see Coiiiohitcd tnbuhs. T. laqueifor'mis, looped tubule of Ilenle. T. spira 'lis modi'oli, spiral canal of the modiolus. Tu 'bus (//.). tube. T. alimenta'rius or T. ciba'rius, alimentary canal. T. di- gestorius or T. digesti'vus, that part of alimentary canal below the diaphragm. T. ingesto'rius, that part of alimentary canal above the diaphragm. Tuckahoe. Indian bread, Lycoperdon soinhim, Groll. Tucum OÜ. An oil of a bright-red color and agreeable odor, obtained from the fruit of Aslrocaryum vtdgare, Mart. Tue-chien {F.). Colchicum aiitumnale, L. Tückisch. ( G.). Insidious. Tue-loup (F.). Aconitum Li/coc/onum , L. Türck, column of. Direct pyramidal tract: see Pyramiilut tnirts. Türkensattel {G.). Sella turcica. 708 TUR TUN Türck's bundle. Temporo - occipital tract of erusta. Türck'sches Bündel (O.). Direct pj-ra- midal tract : see Pyramidnl tracts. Also the teuiporo-occipitai tract of the crusta. Tufhell's meth'od. Treatment of aneurism by absolute rest and low or dry diet. Tuia (/.)• Thuya. Tuiiana (/.y Thujin. Tu'lip pop'lar. Liriodewiron tulipifera, L. Tu 'lip-tree. F. tulipier ; /. tulipifero. Liri'idi miroii tulipifera, L. Tu'lip-tree bark. F. écorce de tulipier. The bark of Liriodendrnn ttdipi/'era, L. ; a stimulant, tonic, and diaphoretic. Tully's pow'der. Compound powder of morphine. Tulpius, valve of. Ileo-c;Bcal valve. Tumefac'tion. L. tumefaetio ; F. tumefaction ; G. Aufschwellung, Tumefak- tion ; /. tumefazione. Swelling. Tumes'cence. G. Tumescenz ; /. tu- mescenza. Act of swelling. Tumesciren (C). To tumefy, to swell. Tumeur (F.). Tumor. T. adénoïde, lyniphuma T. adipeuse, lipoma. T. ascitique, ascites. T. blanche, white swelling. T. cérébrale encéphalique, intracranial tumor. T. cicatricielle, che- loid. T. composée, mixed tumor. T. cornée, cornu ciitaneum. T. cystoïde, cystic tumor. T. dentaire, odontoma. T. epitheliale, epithelioma. T. fibreuse, fibroma. T. fibreuse utérine, myoma. T. fibro-cystique, fibro-cystic tumor. T. fongeuse, fungous tumor. T.gommeuse, gumma. T. hématique, hivmatoma. T. hydatide, hydatid. T. maligne, malig- nant tumor. T. àmédulloceUes, myeloid tumor. T. papillaire, papilloma. T. per- lée, cholesteatoma. T. prostatique, pros- tatic tumor. T. sébacée, atheroma. T. simple, hi.stioid tumor. T. squirrheuse, .scirrhous tumor. T. variqueuse, varicose tumor. T. vasculaire, angioma. T. ver- ruqueuse des cicatrices, cheloid. Tumeurs dissimulaires (F.). Mixed tumors. Tu'mid. F. tumide ; /. tumido. Swol- len. Tumid'ity. State or condition of being swollen. Tummel ((?.). Giddiness, dizziness. Tu'mor (L.). F. tumeur; G. Ge- schwulst ; /. tumore. 1. A circumscribed new formation of tissue, not due to inflam- mation and not fulfilling any physiological purpose, but existing as a more or less in- dependent structure. 2. Swelling. T. albus, white swelling. Tumore (/.). Tumor. T. adiposo, lipoma. T. areolare, filn-oma. T. ate- romatoso, atheroma. T. bianco, white swelling. T. calcare, tophus. T. can- ceroso, cancer. T. cartilagrinoso, chon- dromo. T. di cicatrice, cluloid. T. den- tario, odontoma. T. desmoideo, fibroma. T. epiteliale, epithelion)a. T. erettile, erectile tumor. T. fi-eddo, abscess. T. fungoso, fungous tumor. T. gelatini- forme, colloid carcinoma. T. glandolare, lymphoma. T. innocente, licnign tumor. T. linfatico, white swelling. T. maligno, malignant tumor. T. melanotico, mela- notic tumor. T. mucoso, myxoma. T. muscolare, myoma. T. nevroso, neu- roma. T. osseo, osteoma. T. di parto, caput sueeedaneum. T. pulsante, pul- sating tumor. T. sieroso, udrma. T. urinoso, urinary infiltration. T. varicoso, varicose tumor. T. vascolare, angioma. Tumour. Tumor. Tumul'tus sermo'nis (L.). An irreg- ular or stuttering manner of reading, caused by disease of cerebral cortex. Tun'da oc'uh (L.). Conjunctiva. Tun'dus cor'dis {L.). Apex of heart. Tu'nic. Z., /. tunica ; F. tunique; G. Hülle; /.tonaca. A coat or membranous envelope. Tu'nica (L.). Tunic, T. abdomina'- lis, deep laj'er of superficial fascia of ab- domen of quadrupeds, composed of yellow elastic tissue, and having considerable strength. A'estiges of it are fcmnd in man : see Scarpa's fascia. T. adipo'sa (re'num), adipose capsule of kidney. T. adna'ta. 1. Visceral portion of tunica vaginalis testis. 2. Term used by older writers to designate that part of the conjunc- tiva covering the sclerotic. T. adventi'tia, outer coat of an artery, principally composed of fibrous tissue. T. albugin'ea cor'- porum cavemoso'rum pe'nis, strong connective tissue investing the corpora cavernosa. T. albugin'ea epidid'ymis, connective tissue investing the epididymis. T. albugin'ea Ue'nis, capsule of spleen. T. albugin'ea oc'uh, sclerotic coat. T. albugin'ea ova'rü, fibrous investment of TUN TUR 709 ovary. simil;ir to tlic tunica allmp;iiio:i tostis. T. albugin'ea re'nis, capsule of kidnc}-. T. albugin'ea tes'tis, a whitisli investing membrane of tlie testis, coniimsed of den.se fibrous tissue. T. arachnoi'dea, arach- noid membrane. T. arachnoi'dea oc'uli, lamina fusea selerotic;i>. T. ara'neae, cap- sule of the lens. T. car'nea, cremasteric fascia. T. cellulo'sa, mucous meml)rane. T. cellulo'sa Ruysch'ii, tunica Kuysch- iana. T. cer'ebri, dura mater. T. cer'- ebri pro'pria, pia luater. T. chorio-ca- pilla'ris, tunica Huyscliiana. T. choroi'- dea, choroid coat. T. cilia'ris, ciliary body. T. commu'nis, cremaster muscle. T. conjuncti'va palpebra 'rum, palpebral conjunctiva. T. cor'nea opa'ca, sclerotic coat. T. cor'nea pelluc'ida, cornea. T. dar'tos, dartos. T. Demoursia'na, Destemet's membrane. T. eiT^hroi'des, cremasteric fascia. T. fibro'sa oc'uli. G. Faserhaut des Auges. External fibrous coat of eye, forming sclerotic and cornea. T. fi- bro'sa re'num, fibrous capsule of kidney. T. fibro'sa of spleen, capsule of spleen. T. fibro'sa tes'tis, tunica albuginea testis. T. filamento'sa, villous surface of chorion. T. gla'bra, fibrous capsule of kidney. T. hyali'na pro'pria. G. Basalmembran. A layer of transparent tissue found in the membranous semicircular canals of the in- ternal ear. between the fibrous and epithe- lial layers. T. in'tima. 1. G. innere Ge- fässhaut. The inner coat of vessels. 2. Fibrous capsule of kidney. T. me'dia, tunica uvea. T. me'dia of ar'tery, mid- dle coat of an artery, jirincipally composed of unstriped muscular fibres. T. muco'sa pharyn'gis, mucous membrane of pharynx. T. ner'vea, submucous coat. T. ner'vea oc'uli, retina. T. pharyn'gis, jibaryngeal fascia. T. pro'pria hep'atis, subserous connective tissue, forminü: a firm investiuent for the liver. T. pro'pria lie'nis, ca])siile of spleen. T. pro'pria ova'rii, tunica albuginea ovarii. T. pro'pria pharyn'- gis, mucous membrane of pharyn.'î. T. pro'pria re'nis, fibrous capsule of kidney. T. pro'pria of spleen, capsule of spleen. T. pro'pria tes'tis, tuniea albuginea testis. T. Ruyschia'na. ./' membrane Ruyschi- enrie ; G. Chorioeapillaris. Capillary layer of choroid coat of eye. separated from the retina by the membrane of Bruch. T. scle'ra bul'bi, sclerotic coat. T. sero'sa, serous membrane. T. sero'sa tes'tis, tu- nica vaginalis propria. T. submuco'sa, submucou.s coat. T. u'vea, jiigini'nted layer of eyeball, embracing the choroid, ciliary body, and iris. T. vag-ina'lis bul'bi, capsule of Tenon. T. vagina'lis commu'nis. 1. Subserous tissue of pari- etal layer of tunica vaginalis. 2. Tunica vaginalis of cord and testis combined. T. vagina'lis oc'uli, capsule of Tenon. T. vagma'lis pro'pria funic'uli spermat'- ici, infuiidibulit'orm fascia. T. vagina'lis pro'pria (tes'tis), tunica vaginalis testis. T. vagina'lis reflex'a, )>arietal portion of tunica vaginalis. T. vagina'lis tes'tis. F. tunique vaginale ; G. Scheidenhaut des Hodens; /. tunica vaginale. A serous mem- brane, forming a closed sac, investing the testis ; originally a diverticulum of the peritoneal cavity carried down into the scrotum by the testis and afterward sepa- rated by the obliteration of the connecting passage. T. vasculo'sa, tunica uvea. T. vasculo'sa Hal 'Ieri, layer of the choroid, containing the pigment and larger vessels. T. vasculo'sa tes'tis [Cooper], layer of blood-vessels lining the inner portion of the tunica vaginalis testis. T. villo'sa, mu- cous membrane of the intestines. T. vit'- rea, vitreous body. Ttinica (/.). Tunic. T, eritroide, cremaster. T. innominata, sclerotic. Tunique (F.). Tunic. T. albuginée, tunica albuginea. T. commmie de Bi- chat, endothelium. T. érythroïde, cre- master. Tun'nel of Cor'ti : see Corti, tunnel of. Tunnelkrankheit {G.). Bergkachexie. Tun'nelled [F. tonnelle]. Term applied to sounds or other instruments having a short tube or tunnel, through which a fine bougie, previously introduced, passes and thus serves as a guide. Tunnelraum (G.). Space enclosed by rods of Corti. Tunnelstrang ( G. ). A spirally-running coni of non-niedullated nerve-fibres lying in the tunnel of Corti. Tuonicità (/.). Tonicity. Tuono (A). Tone. Tuorlo (/.). Yelk. Tu'pelo. F. tupelos. Xi/ssa. T. tents. G. Tupelostifte : see Tents, -uterine. Tur'binal. Turbinate bone, especially the inferior. Tur'binate. L. turbinatus ; F. turbine, ée ; /.turbinato. Top-shaped. T. bones. L. conch;«, ossa turbinata; F. cornets; G. Mu.se1ieln; /. lamine turbinate. Thin, scroll- like, bony lamelhc on wall of luiso-pharyn- 710 TUR TUR geal cavities. The superior and middle t. b-S. are processes lielonj;iiij: to tlie lateral masses of the ethmoid, while the inferior t. b-s. are separate bones. The sphenoidal t. b-s. close ill the sphenoidal sinuses, and co-ossify with the hody of the sphenoid. T. crests (infe'rior arid supe'rior). L. cristie turbinales. Horizontal ridges on nasal surface of superior maxillary and palate hones, for articulation with the infe- rior and middle turbinate bones. T. proc'- esses, turbinate bones. Tur'bines na'si (X.). Turbinate bones. Tiirbith (F.). Turpeth. T. minéral, mercuric sulphate, basic. T. nitreux, mercurous nitrate, basic. T. végétal, tur- peth-root. Turbitto (/.). Turpeth. T. minerale, mercuric sulphate, basic. T. nitroso, mer- curous nitrate, basic. T. vegetale, turpeth- root. Tiir'bo cer'ebri (//.). Pineal gland. Turges'cence [turgescere]. G. Turges- cenz ; /. turgenza. Swelling. Tur'gid. L. turgidus ; F. turgide : /. turgido. Swollen. Ttirio'nes (L.). pi. of Ttirio, a younsr shoot, unexpanded bud. T. aspar'agi, the young shoots lA' Asparagus officinalis, L. ; used as an article of food. T. pi'ni, pine- shoots. Tur'key com. Dinntra canadensis, DC. Turkey galls. Nut-galls from Asiatic Turkey, Turkey gum. The generic name applied to tlie various species of Egyptian gunis. Turkey o'pium. The official opium of the pharmaeopœias, jiroduced in Asia Minor, and shipped from Turkish ports. Turkey pea. Tephrosia rin/iniana, Vers. Turkey rhu'barb. A name formerly applied to Russian rhubarb. Tur'kish bath. F. bain turc ; /. bagno turcc]. Hot-air bath, with shampooing. ^ Tur'meric. ' L., F., I. curcuma. G. Curcuma. The rhizome of Curruma ion;/a, L. It is offered in two forms — round and long turmeric, so called from the shape of the rhizomes; a stimulant aromatic, much used in the Ka.st as a condiment: see also Chinese, fnr/ian, Jara.nni] Mailriis turmeric. T. paper, white unsized paper impregnated witli tincture or decoction of turmeric, and dried ; used as a test for alkalies in sobi'tion. Tur'merol. C,,H.,,0. An aromatic vola- tile product obtained by Jackson and .Menke (]882-8;î) from turmeric. Turn of Life. Period of cessation of menstruation. Tume'ra (i.). A genus of Tnmeracex. T. aphrodisi'aca. Ward, .Mexican plant, said to be a source of genuine damiana. T. microphyl'la, DC, native of Mexico, also' an attributed botanical source of true damiana. T. ulmifo'ha, L., a West Indian species ; aromatic tonic. Turner's ce'rate. Ointment of calamine. Tum'ing. In obstetrics, changing the position of the foetus in the uterus by manipulation. T., biman'ual, mode in which both hands are used, one within the uterus, the other over the abdomen. Tur'nip [turn, and A. S. noepe]. F. navet; G.Rübe; /navone. The several varieties of Brassica Rapa ; cultivated for the comestible root: see also Indian turnip. Tum'key. Tooth-key, key of Garengeot. Turns. .Menses. Tum'sick. Sturdy. Tum'-table. F. tournette. An appa- ratus with a revolving plate for making circular cells for microscopic mounts. Tur'pentine. L. terebinthina ; F. téré- benthine ; G. Terpenthin ; /. terebintina or trementina. 1. The name applied to cer- tain liquid or concrete oleo-resinous veg- etable juices, commonly obtained from different species of pine", fir, or larch by natural exudation or from incisions made in the trunk. 2. A concrete oleoresin ob- tained from Pinus australis, Michx., and from other species of Finns [V . S. P.]; common turpentine, common frankincense: see Taliie .). 1. Cdltsfoot. 2. A genus of Cuinpositpc. T. Far'fara, L., a European herb, naturalized in the U. S, : see Coltsfoot. T. Petasi'tes, L., a Euro- pean species, naturalized in the U. S. ; root said to be aperient. Tus'sis (L.). Cough. T. convulsi'- va, whooping cough, Tutam'ina {L-), pi. of Tutamen. Parts having a protecting function. T. cer'ebri, meninges ; bones of cranium and their cov- erings. T. oc'uli, lids, lachrymal appa- ratus, and other appendages of the eye. Tuten {G.). Sphenoidal turbinated bones. Tut'ty. L. tutia ; F. tuthie; /. tuzia. Impure zine oxide. Tuyau de chute (F.). Soil-pipe. 'T"wreen-brain. Portion of brain be- tween the hemispheres and the corpora (|uadrigemina : the term was proposed as an equivalent for the German Zwischen- hirn, the second of the five vesicles of the embryonic brain. T'win-leaf. Jeffrrmnia diphylin, Pers. T-wo-needles opera 'tion. G. Zweinadel- operation. Tearing through a secondar}- cataract by two needles introduced from opposite sides. Tylo'ma ( L.") [ró/Miia]. I. tiloma. Cal- losity. Tyloph'ora asthmat'ica, W. et A. A twining shrub. Nat ( )rd. A sc/'p in (lese, from India and Ceylon ; the leaves and root are used as an emetic, diaphoretic, .and ex- pectorant [P. Ind.] : see Iiidinn ipecnciiuiih/i. Tylo'sis [r'J/.»ç]. F. tylose ; /. tilosi. 1. An inflammatory thickening and harden- ing of the edges of the lids. 2. Leuco- plasia buccalis. 3. Callosity. T. bulbo'- sa, corn. T. gom'phos, davus. T3rmpan (F.). Ty m pa n u ni . Tympanals Belegschicht (6'.). Layer of ciiithelium lining the tympanal surface of the basilar membrane. Tympanals Wand des Schnscken- kanals ( fi. ). .Membranous sjiiral lamina. Tym'panic [T'),a~«>"-']. F. tympanique; /. tiiii]ianic(). Pertaining to the tympanum. T. an'gle. (t. Paukenwinkel. Angle of cochlear duct, where the liasilar membrane joins the cochlear wall. T. ar'teriss. /. arterie tympanicbe. Those supplying the tympanum. The anterior t. a., from in- ternal maxillary a., penetrates through Gla.serian fissure ; posterior t. a., from stylo-mastoid, through canaliculus chordae tympani ; superior t. a., from middle meningeal a., through upper opening of canaliculus tympanicus ; inferior t. a., from ascending pharyngeal a., through lower opening of same; and carotico- tjnnpanic a., from internal carotid, through canaliculus carotico-tympanicus. T. at'- tic : see A//ic of the tj/mpnmim. T. bons, tyn)panic plate, T. msm'brans, mem- brana tympani. T. nerve. L. nervus tympanicus; F. nerf de Jacobson. Branch from petrous ganglion of glosso-pharyngeal to tympanum. It becomes the small super- ficial petrosal nerve. T. or'iflce. L- aper- tura tympanica. Aperture at inner end of external auditory meatus, communicating with the tympanum. T. pas'sage. L. scala tympani ; G. Paukentreppe. That passage of the cochlea lying toward the base from the lamina spiralis. It commu- nicates with the tympanum. T. plats. L. OS tympanicum ; /'. cadre du tympan ; G. Paukenhöhlenplatte ; /. quadro del timpa- no. A scroll-like piate of bone surround- ing the auditory canal behind the Glaserian fissure and affording attachment to the membrana tympani ; originally a separate bone, but united with the temporal in the adult. T. plex'us. L. plexus tympani- cus; Ö. Jacobson'.sche Anastomose. Anas- tomosis between branches of glosso-pharyn- geal. facial, and sympathetic nerves, occur- ring on the promontory of the tympanum, T. ring, tympanic plate. T. scuts. L. scutum tympanicum. In the tenqioral bone a crescent-shaped surface which forms the external boundary of the upper portion of the tympanic cavity (Leidy). T. ten'- sor, tensor tympani. Tympanico-lingua'lis (/>.). /'. tym- panico-lingual ; /. timpanico-linguale. Com- mon trunk formed by chorda tympani and lingual nerves. Tympan'ico-mas'toid fis'sure. L. 712 TYM TYP fissura tyiiiiianico-mastoidea. Groove be- hind tympanic portion of temporal bone indicating the place wlicre it has ankylosed with the mastoid process. Tympanique (/■'.). Tympanic; sub- staiitivt-ly tile tympanic bone or ]ilatc. Tym'panism. L. tympanismus ; F. tyinpanismc; /. timpanismo. State of being distended with gas. Tympani'tes. /'. tympanite ; I. tim- panite. Distension of abdomen by gas in the intestines or stomach. Tympanit'ic. F. tympanique ; /. tim- panico. Affected with or resembling tym- panites. T. res'onance, a somewhat mu- sical sound of varying pitch, due to percus- sion over distended stomach, bowels, or pleural cavity containing air. Tympani'tis. Inflammation of the tym- panum. Tympano-Eustach'ian pas'sage. The tympanum and Eustachian tube considered together as a branchial cleft. Tympano-hy'al. Small separate ossi- cle found in fœtal life at base of styloid process of temporal bone. It soon unites with the adjoining bones. Tym'panum ( L. ). L. cavum tympani; F. caisse du tympan ; G. Paukenhöhle ; /. cassa timpanica. Cavity of middle ear, a chamber of irregular shape included be- tween the membrana tympani and the outer wall of the labyrinth. Tym'pany. Tympanites. Type [r^'iroç]. L. typus; G. Grund- form ; T. tipo. Characteristic form. Typh fe'ver. A name proposed by Dr. Thomas King Chambers to include both typhus and enteric fevers. Ty'pha(/v.). /.tifa. A genus of plants, Nat.Ord. Ti/phice^. T. aromat'ica, Mor., Ariiriis C(i/(imnx, L. T. latifo'lia, L., cat- tail flag, reed-mace; naturali/.ed I'rom Eu- rope ; the root has been used as an astrin- gent in dy.sentery, etc. Typhae'mia (L.) [typhus, aï/ia]. The condition of the blood in typhus. Ty'phic. F. typhique ; /. tifico. Ty- phoid. Typhin'ia (/'.). Kelajising fever. Typhisme (F.). Typhoid condition. Typhli'tis [TuyXui]. F. typhlite ; /. tiflile. Inflammation of the c;ccum and vermiform apjiendix. It is almost always accompanied by perityphlitis. Typhlo-diclidite (^F.). Inflammation of ileo-caeeal valve. Typhloenteri'tis [k'>7-p<})lenic fever. T. cholériforme, enteric fever. T. ex- anthématique, typhus. T. ictérode, yellow fever. T. des membres, osteo- myeliti.«. T. d'Orient, plairue. T. des tropiques, yellow fever. T. vénérien, mal du coït. Typhusähnlich (G.). Typhoid. Typhusartig ((r.). Typhous, typhoid. Typhusbacülen (. I'alling off of the hair. Tyro'ma (L.) [rOfxuna]. Morbid loss of hair. Tyr'osin [tu/)óv]. CaH„NO;,. F. tyro- sine ; /. tirosina. A product of pancreatic digestion, usuali)' found with leucin ; crys- tallizes in fine white leathery masses. Tyro'sis. {L.) l^zuo'iiu']. 1. Curdling. 2. Tyremesis. Tyr'othrix [-'j/''^", 'V^^]- -'^ genus of Bacteria found in cheese ; acts specially on casein ; ten species are described by M. Duclaux. Tyrotox'icon [r'jn«ç, tii;:/.<'>ì\. Chee.se- poison ; a puisunous product formed in cheese by a microorganism, and described as forming long needle-shaped crystals ; volatile at 212° F.. and soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. It produces dryness of the mouth and throat, nausea, diarrhoea, and nervous prostration. Ty'rous [t-j/«;^-]. Caseous, cheesy. Tyirel's hook. A fine hook for draw- ing out the iris in iridectomy. Tyson's glands. F. glandes de Tyson ; G. Vorhautdrüsen ; /. glandole di Tyson. Small sebaceous follicles found upon the inner lamella of the prepuce and corona of the glans penis. u. Ubbriacamento or Ubbriachezza (I.). Habitual drunkenness. Ubero (/.). Breast, nipple. Uccidere ("/.). To kill. Ucciso, a per- son dead by violence. Uditivo (/.). Auditory. Udito, Udimento, Udienza, or Udi- zione ( I. )■ Hearing. Udosadeni'tis [l'ìpé<;, ò5)jv]. Inflam- mation of the sweat-glands. Uebel (C). Evil, illness, malady; — gebildet, badly constructed ; deformed ; 714 UEB ULC — keit, sickness, nausea ; — riechend, smelling otFensivoly. fetid. UeberanstrengTing {O.). Over-strain. Ueberbärtigkeit {('■)■ The havinir excess ut' beard ; pugoniasis. Ueberbein (,(t,). Tumor of sheath of tendon ; ganglion. Ueberbinden (G.). To bind over; bandaging. Ueberbürdung ( G.). Over-pressure. Ueberbiirdungsfrage (C). Subject of over-pressure in schools. Ueberempfängniss ((?■)• Superfoeta- tion. Ueberfarbung (G.). Prolonged and deep staining. Ueberfluss (G.). Superfluity, exube- rance. UeberÔTichtung ( G.). Superfœtation. Ueberfütterung (G.). Overfeeding. Uebergalle (C). Cattle-plague, rinder- pest. Uebergangsconjunctiva ((?.). Ocular conjunctiva. Uebergangsepithel (&'■). Transitional epithelium : term applied to the epithelium of the urinary passages, cubical and in sev- eral layers. Uebergangsfalte (.) [«V/x.y-Hv-]. Atrophy or shrinking of the gums. Ul'cer [iV.zHv-]. L. ulcus; F. ulcère; G. Geschwür; /. ulcera. A solution of continuity in soft jiarts, with loss of sub- stance, accompanied l)y production of granu- lation-tissue and secretion of pus; a sore on an external or internal surface of the body. U., per'forating. F. ulcere perfo- rant : see Perforaliiif) iilcrrs of foot. Ul'cera ( A.), pi. of Ulcus, ulcers. Ü. menstrua 'lia, ulcers wliirli bleed at the menstrual period. U. urino'sa or U. urodialyt'ica, urelcosis. Ulcera ( /.). Ulcer. U. annamite or di Cocincina, Aden ulcer. U. della baia. ULC ULN 715 bay sore. U. contagiosa di Mozambico, yaws. U. di Ghè-ham, or U. della Guiana, or U. di Kenieba, or U. non- contagiosa di Mozambico, nr U. della Nuova Caledonia, er U. dell' Yemen, Aden ulcor. U. d'Oriente, Alopiio buttnii. U. pianiforme, yaws. Ulcérateur, trice i F.). ("ausing ulcer- ation. Ulcera 'tion. L. nleeratio ; F. ulcera- tion ; (i. \'erscii\varunir ; /. ulcerazione. 1. The molecular destruction which pro- duces an ulcer. 2. A superficial ulcer. Ul'cerative. /". ulceratif, ive ; G. schwärend; /. nlci5^.')i']. L. ulsticus. Pertaining to the gums. U'lex ( L.). A genus of Lrgumiitosse. U. europae'us, L., common furze, a Euro- pean shrub said to be an active diuretic. Ulex'ine. An alkaloid obtained from the seeds of Ulex eumpseus ; a nerve- and muscle-poison, a respiratory poLson, and a diuretic. U'licus (L.). Uletic. Uli'tis. F. ulite ; /. ulite or ulitide. Inflammation of the gums. Uliva (/.). Olive. Ulivo, olive-tree. Ulmaire (F.). Spirsea Ubiiaria, L. Ulma'ria (L.). Spirxa Ulmaria. Ulme ( G.). Elm. Ul'min. Humus. Ul'mus iL.). 1. Elm. 2. A genus of trees, Nat. Ord. Urtiaicaf. U. ala'ta, Michx., winged or Wahoo elm ; grows in the southern U. S. U. america'na, the white elm. much cultivated as a shade tree. U. campes'tris, source of official elm-bark of Europe. U. efEu'sa, Willd., black elm ; the bark is used like slippery elm. U. ftil'va, ^lichx., slippery elm, indigenous to the U. S. ; see Elm. Ul'na [ù,/.iyr,']. L.. F. cubitus ; G. El- bogenknochen ; /. ctibito. The outer of two long bones forming skeleton of fore- arm. Ul'nad. Toward the ulnar or inner side of the forearm. Ul'nar. L. ulnaris ; F. ulnairc ; /. ul- nare. Cubital, relating to the ulna or to the inner side of the forearm. U. ar'tery. ^.arteria ulnaris: /'. artère cubitale; (!. Elbogenschlagader ; /. arteria cubitale. The larger of the two terminal branches of the brachial artery, passing on inner side of arm to hand, which it supplies. U. ar'tery, deep. A/, arteria profunda vohe ; F. artère cubito-radiale; G. tiefe Ilohlhaiidarterie. Branch uniting ulnar artery with deep 716 ULN UMB palmar arcli. U. as'pect, that diiocteJ toward the ulna. U. dig'ital ar'teries, thoso oil ulnar border of fingers. U. glands. L. glandul» culiitales. A few lymphatic glands lying in front and hehind the e]iitroelilea of the humerus. A super- ficial and a deep set are described. U. groove. L. sulcus ulnaris. Groove re- ceiving ulnar nerve, between epitrochlea and trochlear surface of humerus. U. nerve. L. nervus ulnaris ; F. nerf cubi- tal ; (/. Elbogennerv ; /. nervo cubitale. Important branch of inner cord of brachial ple.xus. passing down behind elbow to lower arm, and supplying niu.scles and integu- ment on outer side of forearm and hand. U. profiin'da ar'tery, ulnar artery, deep. U. recur'rent ar'teries. L. arteri» ré- currentes cubitales ; F. artères récurrentes cubitales; /. arterie ricorrenti cubitali. Small branches from ulnar, passing up in front and behind the condyles of humerus to anastomose with branches of brachial. U. veins, the superficial u. v-s. are two trunks, anterior and posterior, gathering blood from the hand and along the ulnar border of the forearm to discharge into the basilic vein. They sometimes unite to form a common ulnar v. The deep. u. v-s. are companions to the ulnar artery. Ulna 're (//■): see Cuneiform hone of tcri^l. • Ulna'ris (L.). Cubital. U. exter'- nus, extensor carpi ulnaris. U. exter'nus bre'vis, accessory extensor carpi ulnaris. U. gra'cUis, palmaris longus. U. inter'- nus, flexor carpi ulnaris. U. inter'nus bre'vis [Jarjavay]. F. muscle eubito- carpien. A rare supernumerary muscle in the forearm, arising from lower fourth of anterior surface of ulna, and inserted upon the unciform. U. quin'ti, a variety of the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle, characterized by a slender prolongation sent to the little finger. Ulnarislähmung (G.). Paralysis of parts supplied by ulnar nerve. Uloc'ace(A.) [hJ/ov^ xaxjjjj- Sloughing of the gums ; noma. Ulocarcino'ma (/>. ) [no/ov, xapxi-^wßft]. Canc'cr of the gums. Ulon'cus (//.) ["òxiiy, ôz-z»?]. F. uloncie; / ulonco. Tumor of the gums ; epulis. Ulorrha'gia (L.) [/Wj^vuiu']. F. ulorrha- gie ; I. ulorragia. Bleeding from the gums. Ulo'8Ìs(/y.) [.('j/X:yói, xî- ç«/);]. Having a cephalic index of 04 and below [To]iiiiai. uncinatus, uncifornie ; /'., J. unciforme. Hook-shaped. U. bone, L. OS unciforme ; F. os crochu ; G. Haken- bein ; /. osso uncinato. Outer bone of distal row of wrist, corresponding to combined carpalia IV. and V. of primitive carjius. U. em'inence, hippocampus minor. U. proc'ess. Z. processus uncinatus; F.a^o- 718 UNC UNG physe unciforme ; <">'. Haken. The hook- shaped process projecting t'nmi palmar sur- face of uuciforra bone, and affording attach- ment to annular ligament. Uncifor'me (/>). Unciform bone. Un'cinate. L. uncinatus; F. unciné, ée ; /. uncinato. Ilmikod. U. convolu'- tion. />■ gyrus uncinatus; /'. circonvolu- tion unciforme; G. llakcnwindung ; /. circonvoluzione unciforme. The continu- ation of the gyrus fornicatus, connected with it by a narrow part called the isthmus. It is also considered as a continuation of the superior oceipito-temporal convolution, which joins it. It extends forward to near the end of the temiioral lobe, and there terminates in a houk-like extreiuity. U. fascic'ulus. L- fasciculus uncinatus ; F. faisceau unciforme ; G. Hakenbündel. A bundle of fibres in the brain passing across the base of the island of Kcil, and connect- ing the inferior frontal convolution with the uncinate gyrus. U. gyrus, uncinate convolution. Ù. proc'ess. L- processus uncinatus; F. apophyse unciforme; G. Ilakenfortsatz ; /. apofisi unciforme. A long, thin hook of bone extending down- ward from anterior portion of lateral mass (if ethmoid, and articulating with inferior turbinate. Another similar hook, extending backward from the anterior inferior angle of the orbital plate, is called the lesser u. p. Uncina'tum (L.). Unciform bone. Uncinetto (/.). Small hook ; uncus. Uncino (/.). 1. Hook. 2. Rostrum lamin;i3 spiralis. U. ottuso, blunt hook. Uncipres'sion. F. uncipression or un- ci]iressure ; /. uncipressione or uncipres- sura. Control of arterial hemorrhage by pressure with pins or hooks against the ad- jciiniiig tissues. Uncomocomo. Aspidium athamanti- cttni, Kunze. Uncon'sciousness [-1. ^'. un (priv.). L. conscious]. F. perte de connaissance ; /. perdita della cognizione. State of being in- sensible or unconscious ; may simulate death ; may be due to narcotism by opium, alcohol, etc., to ajioplexy, catalepsy, heat- stroke, freezing, asphyxia due to drowning, hanging, suffocation, etc., to syncope, or to concussion of the brain. In cases of ap- parent death where neither respiration, pulse, nor cardiac sounds can be detected, but the temperature of the body is above 27° ('■ (8(1.6° F.), and there areno signs of rigor mortis or putrefaction, the best test is a ligature tied firmly around the wrist, the radial and ulnar arteries being i)rotected from pressure. If in ten minutes the veins below the ligature do not enlarge, life is in all probability extinct. Unc'tio (L.). Inunction. Un'cus (gy'ri fornica 'ti or gy'ri hip- pocam'pi) (Z.). /".crochet; ^'. Haken ; y. uncinetto. Hook-like extremity of unci- nate convolution of the brain. Un'dulated ipecacuan'ha. White ipei'iicuanha. Un'dulating mem'brane. G. Klossen- membran. Delicate transparent membrane attadied to the tail of a spermatozoon ; doubtful in man. Unduldsamkeit i^G.). Intolerance. Undurchbohrt ( 6r.). Imperforate. Un- durchbohrtheit, imperforation. Un durchgängigkeit (G.). luiperfor- ation. Undurchlöchert {G.). Imperforate. Unehelig (G.). Illegitimate. Uneinathembar (G.). Irrespirable. Unempfänglich (G.). Insuscejitible. Unempftndbarkeit (G.). Insensibility. Unempfindlich ( G.). Insensible. Unempflndlichkeit or Unempflnd- samkeit ( G.). Defect or absence of sen- sibilitv ; dys:i?,sthesia, aniesthesia ; apathy. Unenthaltsamkeit (G.). Incontinence. Unentwickelt (G.). Undeveloped, ru- dimental. UnersättUchkeit (<•'■)■ Bulimia. Unerträglichkeit (G.). Intolerance. UnfreiwilHg (G.). Involuntary. Unfruchtbar (G.). Sterile. Unfrucht- barkeit, sterility. Unfühlbar (Tr'.). Impalpable. Ung.,abbv. for Unguentum (/..), oint- ment. Ungeburt ( G.). Fœtus, embryo. Ungegliedert (G.). Inarticulate. Ungeimpft ( G-). Unvaccinated. Ungenannt, -er, -e, -es (G.). Vn- named, innominate, annnynmus ; U. Belili innominate bone ; U. Schlagader, innomi- nate artery. Ungeschlechtsreif (G.). Impuber. Ungestaltet (G.). Deformed. Un- gestaltheit, deformity. Ungestielt (G.). Without a pedicle. UNG UNG 719 sessile. Ungestìelte Hydatide : see Uy- datid of Moigwjiil. Ungesundheit ((»'•)■ Unsoundness, ill- health, sickliness ; insalubrity. Unghia (/.). Nail. U. incarnata, ingrowing nail. Unghiella (/). Frost-bite of fingers. Ungleichartig ( G.). Dissimilar, hetero- gciieou.s. Ungleichmässig {O.). Anomalous. Un'grual. /'. uiiguéal ; /. unghiale, un- gueali' Ilolating or pertaining to a nail. U. bone. L. os unguis, lachrymal hone. U. ma'trix. F. matrice ungueale ; 1. matrice ungueale. Nail-bed. U. phal'anx. F. plialangette ; G. Nagelglied ; /. falangetta. That which bears the nail. Unguéal, ale {F.). Ungual. Unguento(/.). Ointment. U. basilico, resin cerate. U. citrino, ointment of ni- trate of mercury. U. mercuriale or U. merciiriale doppio, mercurial ointment. U. di Rhasis, ointment of carbonate of lead. Unguen'tum (//■)■ Ointment. U. ac'idi bor'ici, ointment of boric acid. U. ac'idi carbol'ici, ointment of carbolic acid. U. ac'idi gal'lici, ointment of gallic acid. U. axj'idi tan'nici, ointment of tan- nic acid. U. aconiti'nae, ointment of aconitine. U. ad fontic'ulos, ointment of cantharides. U. ad'ipis, ointment ; simple ointment. U. al'burn, ciiiitmcnt of carbonate of lead. U. al 'bum London- en'se, ointment of spermaceti. U. am- moniaca'le [P. Port.], ammonia ointment. U. antimo'nü tartara 'ti [B. P.]. ointment of tartarated antimony. U. antipsor'i- cum, alkaline sulphur ointment. U. a'quae ro'sse, ointment of rose-water. U. arcse'i, ointment of elemi. U. atropi'nae, oint- ment of atropine. U. basU'icum [P. G.] : see Renin cerate. U. belladon'nse, oint- ment of belladonna. U. benzo'ini, ben- zoinated lard. U. calam'inae, ointment of calamine. U. canthar'idis or U. can- thar'idum [P. ti.], ointment of canthari- des. U. ce'reum [P. G ] ; see Verote. U. cerus'sae [P. G], ointment of carbonate of lead. U. cerus'sae camphora'tum [P. G.], ointment of carbonate of lead '.I.") parts, camphor 5 parts ; mix [P. G.]. U. ceta'cei, ointment of spermaceti. U. chrysarobi'ni, ointment of chrysarobin. U. citri'num, ointment of nitrate of mer- cury. U. contrapedic'ulos, ointment of cevadilla. U. creaso'ti, ointment of crea- sote. U. cumstyr'ace [Cod], ointment of stora.x. U. diach'ylon, diachylon oint- ment. U. Dupuytren, Dupuytren's ointment. U. el'emi, ointment of elemi. U. emol'liens, simple cerate. U. euca- lyp'ti, ointment of eucalyptus. U. gal'lse, nutgall ointment. U. gal'lae cum o'pio, ointment of galls and opium. U. glyce- ri'ni, oiiitnuiit of glycerin. U. giyceri'ni plum'bisubaceta'tis[B. P.], ointment of glycerin of subacetate of lead. U. gyno- car'diae, chaulmugra ointment. U. He'brae [P. Helv.]. diachylon ointment. U. Hell- mun'di, Helimnnd's ointment. U. hy- drar'gyri, mercurial ointment U. hy- drar'gyri al'bum [I^. G ] or U. hydrar'- gyri ammonia'ti, ointment of ammoni- ated mercury. U. hydrar'gyri ciner'- eum [P. G.], mercurial ointment. U. hy- drar'gyri citri'num, ointment of nitrate of mercury. U. hydrar'gyri compos'i- tum [B. P.], i-onipouiul ointment of mer- cury. U. hydrar'gyri iod'idi ru'bri [B. P.], ointment of red iodide of mercury. U. hydrar'gyri nitra'tis, ointment of nitrate of mercury. U. hydrar'gyri nitra'tis dilu'tum [B. P.], diluted ointment of ni- trate of mercury. U. hydrar'gyri ox 'idi fla'vi, ointment of yellow oxide of mer- cury. U. hydrar'gyri ox'idi ru'bri or U. hydrar'gyri rub 'rum [P (j.]. ointment of red oxide of mercury. U. hydrar'gjrri subchlo'ridi [B. P.]. ointment of subclilo- ride of mercury. U. hydi'ato-carbona'tis plumbici [P. I)aii.]. ointment of carbonate of lead. U. io'di or U. iodin'ii, iodine oint- ment. U.iodin'ü compos'itum, compound iodine ointment. U. iodofor'mi, iodoform ointment. U. ir'ritans, ointment of can- tharides. U. kal'ii joda'ti [P. G.]. oint- ment of iodide of potassium. U. le'rüens [P. (t], ointment of rose-water. U. mer- curia'le, mercurial ointment. U. meze'- rei, niezereon ointment. U. neapoUta'- num, mercurial ointment. U. nervi'num, compound ointment of rosemary. U. de ni'hilo al'bo, ointment of oxide of zinc. U. opia'tum, extract of opium 1, water 1. simple ointment 18 parts; triturate [P. G. 1872]. U. paraffi'ni, paraffin oint- ment. U. petro'lei, petrolatum. Ü. pi'- cis liq'uidae, tar ointment. U. plum'bi [P. G] : see Cernie nf sniiacetate of lead. U. plum'bi aceta'tis [B. P.], ointment of acetate of lead. U. plum'bi sub- aceta'tis compos'itum, cerate of sub- acetate of lead. U. pltim'bi carbona'- tis, ointment of carbonate of lead. U. plum'bi iod'idi, ointment of iodide of 720 UNG UNI lead. U. plum'bi tan'nici [P. G.], oint- ment of tannato of lead. U. popule'um, ointment of poplar-buds. U. potas'see sulphura'tœ, ointment of .sulphurated piaasli. U. potas'sii iod'idi, ointment of iodide of potassium. U. praecipita'- tum ru'biaim, ointment of red oxide of mercury. U. resi'nœ [P. G.], resin cerate. U. rosmari'ni compos'itum, compound ointment of rosemarv. U. sabadil'lee, ointment of cevadilla. U. sabi'nee [B. P., P. G.] : see Savine cerale. U. sim'plex [B. P.] : see Ointment. U. sim'plex [P. Neer], cerate. U. sinapi'num [P. Dan.], mustard poultice. U. staphisag'riœ, oint- ment of stavesaere. U. stibia'tum [P. Norv.l or U. stibio-ka'li tartarici [P. Ross.], ointnicnt of tartarated antimony. U. stramo'nii, ointment of stramonium. U. sulfiira'tum or U. sul'phuris, sul- phur ointment. U. sul'phuris alkali'- num, alkaline sulphur ointment. U. sul'- phuris iod'idi, ointment of iodide of sul- phur. U. tan 'natis plum 'bici [P. Svec], freshly precipitated lead tannate mixture with glycerin. U. tar'tari stibia'ti [P. G.], ointment of tartarated antimony. U. terebin'thinee, ointment of turpentine. U. veratrin'ee, veratrine ointment. U. zin'ci [B. P.], ointment of oxide of zinc. U. zin'ci olea'ti, ointment of oleate of zinc. U. zin'ci ox'idi, ointment of oxide of zinc. Un^uiarola (/.). Onychia syphilitica. Un'gTiis (/>.), pi. Ungues. LA nail. 2. Onyx. U. a'vis, or U. Halleri, or U. ventric'uli latera'lis cer'ebri, hippo- campus minor. U. in car'ne, ingrowing nail. U. OS, lachrymal bone. Unguis {F.). Lachrymal bone. Unheilbar (G.). Incurable; — keit, incurability. Unheilsam (G.). T'nwhole.some. hurt- ful, noxious ; insalubrious. Unicel'lular. F. unicellulaire ; G. ein- zellig ; /. unicellulare. Term applied to organisms consisting of a single cell. U'nicist. /'. unici.ste ; /. unicisto. One who holds that there is but one specific venereal virus, as opposed t.). F. unipare. A woman who has had but one child. Unip'arous. F. unipare ; /. uniparo. Producing one at a birth. Unip'olar. L. unipoiaris ; F. unipo- laire ; /. unipolare. Having but one pro- jection or branch, applied to certain nerve- cells. Unisep'tate [unus, septum]. Having but one septum. U'nit \_L. unu.s]. F. unité; G. Einheit; /. unità. 1. The number represented by one (1). 2. A definite, relatively small quantity of matter, force, or time, selected for comparison or measurement of the same. U. ( electro-magnet'ic) strength of cur'rent, appears when one centimetre length of its circuit, bent into an arc of one centimetre radius (so as to be always one centimetre away from the magnet-pole) exerts a force of one dyne on a unit magnet- pole placed at the centre. U. of elec- tric'ity, that quantity which, when placed at a distance of one centimetre in dry air from a similar and equal quantity, repels it with a force of 1 dyne. U., photomet'ric. Bec-Carcel, a lamp burning 42 grammes of pure colza oil per hour with a flame 40 millimetres in height (French). 2. Candle, or Parliamentary standard, a spermaceti candle i inch in diameter burning 12(1 grains per hour (English); or a paraffin candle 20 millimetres in diameter burning with a flame 5 centimetres high (German); one Bec-Carcel = 9.5 English or 7.(J Ger- man candles. U. of heat, the quantity of heat required to raise unit mass of water (1 kilogramme, for instance) 1 degree in temperature : see Caloric. Univ'alent [unus, valere]. F. univalent, ente : see (Jnmillvalence. Universalarznei or Universalmittel (6^.). J'auaeea. UNI- -UNT 721 Universalpflaster ( 6'.). Emplastrum fuscum eaniphoratum. Unlebensfähig {G.). Not viable. Unmässigkeit (G). Intemperance. Unmündig, er, e, es ( G.). Under age, minor. U. Alter, minority. Unner'ving. Neurotomy. Unoc'ulus ( L.). Cyclops. Unordnung ( G.). Disorder, ataxy. Unorganisch (G.). Inorganic. Unor'ganized. Not endowed with organs ; not individualized, but not neces- sarily inorganic. Unpaar, er, e, es ( G.). Odd, without a fellow ; azygos. U. Blutader, right azy- gos vein. U. Vene, azygo.s vein. Unpaarig, er, e, es CG.). Azygos. Unregelmässig, er, e, es (G^.). Anoma- lous, irregular. Unregelmässigkeit ((?.). Anomaly. Unreif, er, e, es. Unripe, immature, crude. U. Pomeranzen, orange-berries. Unrein (0). Unclean, impure; dirty, foul. Unreinigkeit or Unreinlichkeit (G.). Impurity, uncleanliness. Unreizbar (C). Unexcitable, not irri- table. Unruhe or Unruhigkeit (G.). Kest- lessness. uneasiness. Unschädlich (G.). Innocent, not hurt- ful. Unschmerzhaft ( C). Not painful. Unsinnig ( G.). Mad, irrational. Un- sinnigkeit, madness, insanity. Unsound'. Not perfect, diseased. Unsound'ness of mind. Legal term for a state of mind unfitting the person for the management of his affairs, but not idiocy or well-marked insanity ; nearly equivalent to paranoia. Unstri'ated or Unstri'ped mus'cles : see Jlasc/'s. ■ Unter, er, e, es (G.). Under, inferior, beneath. U. Augengrubenspalte, infra- orbital jrroove. U. Gesässschlagader, sciatic artery. U. Hinterhauptswin- dungsgruppen, oceipito-temporal convolu- tions. U. innere Nebenschlagader, anastomotic artery of arm. U. Kehlkopf- nerv, inferior larynjreal nerve. U. Muschel or U. Nasenmuschel, inferior turliinato bone. U. Sprunggelenk, astragalo-cal- VoL. II.— 46 caneal articulation. U. Stiel, inferior peduncle of optic thalamus. Unterachselgegend {G.). Axillary space. Unterarzt (G.). Assistant surgeon. Unteraugenhöhlenarterie {G.). In- fraorbital artery. Unteraugenhöhlenkanal ((?.). Infra- orbital canal. Unteraugenhöhlenloch ((?•). Infra- orbital foramen. Unteraugenhöhlennerv (hosphoric acid. Unterphosphorigsaurer Kalk (G.). Calcium hypnfpliospliite. Unterphosphorigsaures Eisen (G.). Ferric hypoiibosphite. Unterphosphorigsaures Kali (G.). Potassium hypophosphitc. Unterphosphorigsaures Natron ( G.). Sodium hypophosphitc. Unterphosphorigsaures Salz ( G.). Hypophosphite. Unterrippe (G.). Lower rib, false rib. In composition Unterrippen, as, — ge- gend, hypochondriac region ; — muskel, subcostal muscle. Unterrollnerv (G.). Infratrochlear nerve. Unterscheidung (G.). Discrimination, diflFerential diagnosis. Unterschenkel ( G.). Leg ; — Streck- er, (juadriceps extensor cruris. Unterschiedsempflndüchkeit (G.). Differential sensibility. Unterschiedsschwelle (G.). DiflFer- ential threshold : see Threshold (2). Unterschläfenflrste (G.). Temporal ridge. Unterschläfengrube (G.). Zygomatic fossa. Unterschlüsselbeingegend (G.). In- fraclavicular region. Unterschlüsselbeingrube ( G.). In- fraclavicular fossa. Unterschlüsselbeinmuskel (G.). Sub- clavius muscle. Unterschlüsselbeinpulsader or Un- terschlüsselbeinschlagader (G.). Sub- clavian artery. Unterschulterblattgegend (G.). In- frascapular region. Unterschulterblattmuskel ( G.). Sub- scapularis Unterschulterblattnerven (G.). Sub- scapular nerves. Unterschulterblattschlagader ( G.). Subscapular arterj'. Unterschwefligsaures Natron (G.). Sodium hyposulidiito. Unterschwefligsaures Salz ( G.). Hy- posulphite. Unterste Grimmdarinschlagader (G.). Sigmoid artery. Untersuchung (G.). Examination, in- vestigation, exploring. In composition Un- tersuchungs, as, — läge, position for ex- amination ; — stuhl, gynaicological chair; — tisch, gynaecological table. Unterwundarzt (G.). Assistant sur- geon. Unterwurm ( G.). Vermis inferior. Unterzahn (G.). Lower tooth. Unterzunge fG.). Sublingual fold. In composition Unterzungen, as, — arterie, UNT— URA 723 sublingual artery ; — druse, sublingual gland ; — drüserxknoten, subuiaxillary ganglion ; — Schlagader, sublingual ar- tery ; — Speicheldrüse, sublingual gland. Unterz'wrerchfellmuskeln {G.). Mus- cular bundles of diajihragm occasionally seen inserted upon lower surface of central tendon. Unterzwickel (G.). Subcuneus. Unthätigkeit (G.). Inactivity, indo- lence, sluggishness. Unto-mool. Indian name of Tylophœa ast/imiilica. Untuoso (I.). Unctuous. Unverdaulich ( G.). Indigestible. Un- verdaulichkeit, indigesiibility ; Unver- dauung, indigestion. Unvereinbar ((?.). Incompatible. Unvermögen or Unvermögenheit (&'.). Impotence. Unverträglich (G.). Incompatible. Unvollkommene Wirbel ( G.). False vertebra^. Unvorsätzlicher Todtschlag (_G.). Manslaughter, homicide. Unvrell'. Popular term for menstru- ating. Un willkührlich ((?.■). Involuntary. Un'willkührlicher Muskel ( G.). In- voluntary or unstriated muscle. Unwohlsein {G.). Indisposition. Unzeitig ( G.). Untimely, immature. Unzeitling (.) \ohpm, EVj^on-ic], Ef- fusion (if urine into the cellular tissue. Urechi'tes suberec'ta, JIuell. (A.). Plant of the family Aporynacex, common in Jamaica; used as a poison by negroes; effects resemble those of strophanthus. Urechi'tin. C,>H,,0„. /'. uréchitine. Glucoside obtained from leaves of Urechitcs suherrctct ; insoluble in water; with strong sul])huric acid gives a yellow solution, changing to red and purple ; an active poison. Urechitox'in. CnH-^oOa. F. uréchitox- ine. Glucoside obtained from leaves of Ure- chifes suberecta, very poisonous ; color reac- tion same as for urechitin ; said to be an an- tidote to curare. Ure'do, inis {L.). Urticaria. U. May- dis, DC, Ustilago Mai/dis, Lev. Urée {F.). Urea. Urei (6?.). Primitive ovum. Urelco'sis (L.) [«/o/zo;/, tUu)iti$]. Ulcer- ation in the urinary passages. Uremia (7.). Uraemia. Uremico, urnemic. Urémie {F.). Uraemia. Urémique, uremie. Ureorrhœ'a (i.). Urorrhœa. Uresiœsthe'sis (L.) \aù'/«]. F. uré- throrrhée ; / uretrorrea. Discharge from the urethra. Ure'throscope [<)inr^. F. urodynie; /. urodinia. Pain in urination. Urœde'ma (/>.) [".^'ìij/ja]. Urinary in- filtration. Uroemia (/.) Uncmia. Uroër'ythrin ['/'"*/"''?]• F. uroérythrine ; /. urocritrina. Dark-red precipitate from urine of rheumatic patients (Heller) ; Prout's purpurine. Urogen'ital. L. urogcnitalis ; F. uro- genital, ale ; /. urogenitale. Genito-uri- nary. U. canal', a portion of the allantois from which are formed the bladder and part of the genitals. U. cord. (i. Urogenital- wulst. The mass of tissue investing poste- rior ends of Mullerian and Wolffian ducts of the embryo. U. or'iflce, common orifice of urinary and genital ducts in the embryo. U. si'nus, the common space into which those ducts open. Uroglau'cin \jlaux/:ioç]. Urinary gravel. r28 URO UTE Urorrha'gia (L.) [/iiypo//.-]. F. uror- rliagie. Diabetes. Urorrhœ'a (L.) [piw']. F. urorihóc; T. urorrea. Knurosis. Uros'cheocele (L.) [^òa^Tj, x;j7)}]. F. uroschóocòle. Urocele. Uros'copy [«u/)»!', •). Metralgia. Uterinblutung ( G.). Uterine hoemor- rhage. Uterindrüsen ( G.). Uterine glands. UTE UTE 729 U'terine. L. uterinus ; F. utt riii, ine ; /. uterino. Pertaining to the uterus. U. appen'dages, ovaries and Fallopian tubes. U. ar'tery. L., I. arteria uterina ; F. artère utérine ; G. Gebärmutterschlagader. Branch of internal iliac passing between layers of broad ligament and supplying the uterus. It corresponds to the artery of the vas deferens in the male. U. broth'er, a son of the same mother by another father. U. col'ic, pain in the uterus from inflammation or neuralgia of the organ. U. cor'nua, upper and outer angles of uterus. U. douche', an ap- paratus for throwing a jet of fluid into the cavity of the uterus or against the cer- vix. U. fa'cies, facies uterina. U. fury, furor uterinus. U. gesta'tion, the period from impregnation to natural labor. U. glands. L. gianduia; utrieulares ; G. Ute- rindriisen. Tubular glands lined with cili- ated epithelium, found in the mucous mem- brane of the uterus. U. haeniato'ma, uterine tumor formed by eff'usion of blood into the tissue of the organ, or on its outer surface e.^ternal to the peritoneal cavity. U. iner'tia, deficiency in power, length, or frei|uency of uterine contraction in labor. TJ. milk. G. Uterinmilch. A fluid rich in albumen and fitty particles formed from the epithelium of the maternal portion of the placenta in those animals (ruminants) in which the villi of the chorion are merely received into sinuses of the placenta ; thought by some to occur in man. U. plex'us. L. plexus uterinus. Venous channels at lateral portions of uterus and in the broad ligament ; greatly enlarged during pregnancy : di.scharge into ovarian veins. U. preg'nancy. F. grossesse uté- rine ; /. gravidanza uterina. Normal preg- nancy. U. si'nuses. F. sinus utérins ; /. seni uterini. Large venous canals in sub- stance of uterus, discharging into uterine plexus. U. souffle. F. souflle utérin ; G. Uteringeriiusch ; /. soffio uterino. A soft whirring sound resembling the word voo gently uttered, heard over the pregnant uterus, due to increased circulation and di- latation of blood-vessels in that organ. U. stran'gury, dysmenorrhœa. U. throm- bo'sis, formation of clots in the uterine sinu.ses. Uteringerausch {G.). Uterine souffle. Uterinkörper ( G.). Body of uterus. Uterinmilch (C). Uterine milk. Uterinseptum ((?.). Septum of a bi- locular uterus. Uteri'tis. F. utérite. Metritis. Utero (/.). Uterus. U'tero-cer'vical canal'. That part of the uterine cavity which represents the neck of the uterus during labor. Utero-gesta,'tion. Development of the embryo within the uterus. Utéro-inguinorrhaphie {F.). Alex- ander's operation. Uteroma'nia {L.) [/za/ja]. Nympho- mania. Utero-ova'rian ar'tery. F. artère utéro-ovarienne ; /. arteria utero-ovarica. Uterine artery. Utero-ova'rian var'icocele. Dilata- tion of venous vessels of utero-ovarian plexus, due to obstruction or repeated pregnancies. Utéropathie {F.). I. uteropatia. Ute- rine disease. Utéropexie (^F.). Ventro-fixation of the uterus. Utéro-placentaire (^F.). I. utero-pla- centare. Utero-placental — i. e. pertaining to the uterus and placenta. Utero-placen'tal vac'uum. A con- dition in which, the placenta being detached, traction upon the funis produces a vacuum between the placenta and uterine wall, con- verting it into a sucker. Utérorrhée (F.). I. uterorrea. A chronic discharge from the uterus. Utero-sa'cral folds. Recto-uterine folds. U'terotome. Hysterotome. Uterot'omy. Hysterotomy. Utero-vag'inal plex'us. Continuation of pelvic plexus between the vesical and haemorrhoidal plexuses. It lies at the sides of the upper part of the vagina and the cervix. Uterovaginalschlauch (G.). Uterus and vagina considered as a single tubular organ. Utero-ves'ical fos'sa. Vesico-uterine pouch. U'terus (£.). F. utérus ; G. Gebär- mutter ; /. utero. The organ of the female in which the young are developed ; a hol- low, muscular, pear-shaped body, situated medially in the pelvic cavity, partially in- vested with peritoneum. The Fallopian tubes discharge the ova into its upper por- tion, and its mouth opens into the vagina. U. bicor'nis, one with two cornua, due to 730 UTE UVU union of Miiller's ducts below the insertion of the round ligaments. U. bif idus, one having two cavities, arising from ini|ierfect union of Miillerian ducts. U. biToris, one with a single body and cervix, but with the external os divided into two parts by an antero-posterior septum. U. bilocula'ris orU.biparti'tus, one in which the dividing wall in the two parts of Miiller's duets is complete. U. diadel'phys or didel'- phys, uterus bifidus. U., double, 1'. bipartii us. U. du'plex, uterus bi])artitus. U., infantile, undeveloped uterus. U., inver'sion of, presentation of the inside of fundusat the OS uteri (partial inversion), or at or through vulva (complete inversion). U. masculi'nus, prostatic vesicle. U. sep'tus, uterus bipartitus. U. subsep'- tus, applied to a condition in which the uterine cavity is partially divided by a membranous partition. U., suspen'sion of: see Féneìnn-Malanro operation. U., ver'sion of: see Version. Utérus (F.). Uterus. U. en besace, anteflexed gravid uterus, due to relaxation of abdominal walls. U. pubescent, a ute- rus having reached its full development. U. unicorne, one-horned uterus, formed by development of one only of Miiller's ducts. Uterus (G.) ; — anhänge, uterine ap- pendages; — druck, uterine pressure ; — lageabweichung, displacement of uterus ; — naht, suture of uterus ; — redresseur, stem-pessary; — ruptur, rupture of uterus. U'tricle. L. utrieulus ; F. utricule ; G. eiförmiges Sackchen. One of the cavities of memljranous labyrinth of inner ear, an ellipsoidal sac at upjier and back part of vestibule. Into it open the semicircular canals and the canalis utrieulo-saccularis. Utric'ular. L. utricularis ; F. utricu-- lairo. Resembling or pertaining to a utricle. U. glands, uterine glands. Utric'ulus (/y.). A small sac; utricle. U. lachryma'lis, lachrymal sac. U. pro'- prius, middle and lower portions of utricle, comprising the superior and inferior sinuses. U. prostat'icus, jirostatic vesicle. Utrieulus - Miindvmg (C). Ostium sinus. Uva (/.). drape. U. d'america, Phy- tolacca. U. orsina, uva ursi. U. secca, raisin. U'va ur'si ( Tj.). F. arbousier, busserole ; G. Bärentraubenblatter ; I. uva orsina. The leaves of AreUDilnphylos Uva ursi, Spreng. [U. S. P.] ; astringent and diuretic. U'va ur'si fo'lia [B. P.], Uva ursi. U'vae(X.). Raisins. U. corinthi'acse [Cod.], Corinthian raisins. U. malacen'- ses [Cod.]. Malaga raisins, from fruit grown in Spain. U. pas'see or U. pas'sae ma- jo'res, raisins. U. pas'sae mino'res, Corinthian raisins, currants. Uva'tio (L.). Staphyloma of the cornea. Uve (/.). Grapes. U. passe, raisins. U'vea (i/.). F. uvee ; O. Traubcnhaut. Tunica uvea. U. versic'olor, choroid. U'veal ar'teries. F. artères uv<''ales ; /. arterie uveali. Ciliary arteries, short pos- terior. U'veal tract. G. Uvealtractus. Tunica uvea. Uvei'tis. F. uveite ; /. uveite. Liflam- mation of the uveal tract (choroid, ciliary body, and iris). U'vic ac'id. F. acide uvicjue ; I. acido uvico. Racemic acid. Uvola (/.). Uvula. Uvolare, uvular. U'vula (cerebel'li) (/.). F. luette du cervelet ; J. uvola del cervelletto. Lobule on inferior surface of vermis of the cerebel- lum. U'vula (pala 'ti). F. luette, uvule; G. Zäpfchen ; /. uvola. Conical organ pendent from soft free edge of palate in median line, composed of muscular tissue (azygos uvuIcB), covered by mucous membrane, and containing a few glands, U'vula ver'mis (X.). Uvula cerebelli. U'vula vesi'cse (L.). F. luette vési- cale ; /. uvola vesicale. An elevation, of variable size, caused by a thickening of the submucous tissue ; found at the neck of the bladder and continuing thence into the urethra. U'vular. F. uvnlaire ; /. uvulare. Per- taining to the uvula. U. glands, fol- licular glands on mucous membrane of uvula. Uvula'ria (L.). F. uvnlaire. A genus of LiiiiuriT. The roots of several indig- enous species are said to be mucilaginous ; used in decoction for sore throat. U.per- folia'ta, L., bellwort ; indigenous ; tonic, demulcent, and nervine. Uvula'ris (/>). Azygos uvula; [Coues]. U'vulatome [rinvw]. An instrument for performing uvulatomy. A common form is constructed on the principle of the ton- sillotome or guillotine, but is smaller. UVU VAC 731 Uvulat'omy. Excision of the uvula. Uvxili'tis. /. uvolite. loflammation of the uvula. Uvulopto'sis (^L.). F. uvuloptose ; /. uvuloptosi. Relaxation or falling of the uvula. V. v., abbv. for Vision or Visual acute- ness. V lingrual (F.). Two rows of circum- vallate papillae of the tongue uniting at the foramen caecum and forming a V-shaped figure. Vacca'ria vulga'ris, Host. Cow-herb, cow basil ; a European ornamental plant, cultivated ; said to be galactagogue. Vaccin {F.). Vaccine virus. Vacci'na (L.). Cow-pox. Vaccinable (F.). I. vaccinabile. Sus- ceptible of being vaccinated. Vac'cinal. /. vaccinale. Pertaining to vaccine or to vaccination. V. fe'ver, cow- pox. Vaccina 'tion [L. vacca]. L. vaccinatio; G. Kuhpockeniiupfung ; /. vaccinazione. Inoculation with the virus of cow-pox or vaccinia. Vaccinationsausschlag ('''•)■ Cu- taneous eruption following vaccination. Vaccinationszwang(G^.). Compulsory vaccination. Vaccinazione (/.). Vaccination. Vaccine (F.). Cow-pox. Vac'cine vi'rus. /'. vaccin ; G. Kuh- pockenstoff; /. vaccino. Lymph from a vesicle of vaccinia, either dried (cru.st or point) or fluid (tube). That derived from vesicles upon human beings is called hu- manized V. ; that obtained directly from heifers, bovine v. Vaccine! 'la (£.). The result of spurious vaccination. Vacciner (F.). I. vaccinare. To vac- cinate. Vaccin'ia (L.). Cow-pox. Vaccin'ifer. F. vaccinifère ; 7. vac- cinifero. The person or animal from which vaccine matter is taken. Vaccin'iform. F. vacciniforme. Re- sembling cow-pox or its pustules. Vac'cinin. A bitter principle, identical with arbutin, obtained from Vaccinium vit is idxa. Vacciniren ( G.). To vaccinate. Vaccin'ium (X.). /. vaccinio. A genus of Eriaicdf!. V. arbo'reum, Marsh., farkleberry ; indigenous ; berries and root very astringent. V. macrocar'pon, Ait., the large or American cranberry, cultivated for the fruit, which is used as an article of diet and a source of citric acid. V. Myr- til'lus, L., European blueberry ; the fruit is considered astringent. V. Oxycoc'cus, L., small cranberry, European species naturalized in the IT. S. ; a .syrup of the fruit is official in the P. Ross. V. Penn- sylvan'icum. Lam., dwarf blueberry ; grows in Canada and the northern U. S. ; astringent. V. stamin'eum, L.. deerberry, s(|uaw-hucklcberry ; indigenous ; the leaves are astringent. V. Vi'tis Idse'a, L., cow- berry, European species naturalized in New England ; the leaves are used to adulterate uva ursi. Vaccino (/.). Vaccine virus. 732 VAC VAG Vaccinogene (F.). Producing vaccine ; terni applied to the infant or animal from which vaccine is taken. Vaccinoide (F.). 1. Vaccinella. 2. Vaccinif'orm. Vac'cino-syph'Uis. Syphilis trans- mitted bj- vaccination. Vacuité postsystolique (F.). Nega- tive pressure in the interior of the ventricle during a certain phase of the heart's action ; coinciding with the diastolic dilatation (Goltz and Gaule), with the end of the systole fMarcy), or shortly before the sys- tole has reached its height (Moens). Vac'uole [L. vacuus]. G. Hohlraum ; I. vacuolo. A small cavity containing gas or fluid in an organ, tissue, or anatomical element. Vacuole, ée (F.). Having vacuoles. Vac'uum (L.). F. vide; G. Leere; /. vuoto. An empty space. Generally applied to a space from which the air has been pumped out. Vagabundenwahnsinn (C). Insanity with special tendency to travel or wander. Vagin (F.). Vagina. V. mâle, uterus masculinus. Vagi'na (L.). F. vagin ; G. Scheide, Mutter.seheide. A sheath, especially the tubular canal leading from vulva to uterus by whieh copulation is effected. V. bul'bi (oc'ulij, cajisule of Tenon. V. cellulo'sa. 1. Kpineurium. 2. Periray.sium. V. cor'dis, pericardium. V. fem'oris, fascia lata. V. fibro'sa, sheath of flexor tendons. V. fi- bro'sa ner'vi op'tici, outer sheath of optic nerve. V. Glisson'ii, capsule of Glisson. V. masculi'na, prostatic vesicle. V. muscula'ris, perimysium. V. nervo'- rum, neurilemma. V. pi'li, root-sheath of hair. V. proces'sus styloi'dei, vaginal process. V. radi'cis pi'li, root-sheath of hair. V. rec'ti, sheath of rectus. V. tendino'sa cru'ris, fascia lata. V. ten'- dinum, synovial sheath. V. vaso'rum crura'lium, crural sheath. Vag'inal. L. vafrinalis; F. vaginal, ale; /. vaginale. Pertaining to the vagina or to a sheath ; sheath-like. V. ar'tery. L. arteria vesico-vaginalis ; /■". artère va'='inale • G. Blasen-Scheidenschlagader ; /. arteria vaginale. Branch of internal iliac to vagina and base of bladder ; corresponds to inferior vesical in the male. V. bil'iary plex'us, plexus of biliary canalicnli within capsule of Glisson. V. bran'ches of ve'na por'- ta: see Vaginal pkj:us (2J. V. coat of eye, capsule of Tenon. V. coat of tes'- ticle, tunica vaginalis testis. V. douche, apparatus for bathing the vagina with fluids. V. gan'glia, branches from the spermatic ganglion. V. hysterec'tomy. /. vagino-isterotomia. Excision of the uterus through the vagina. V. ovariot'- omy, removal of an ovarian tumor by in- cision through the vagina. V. plex'us. L. plexus vaginalis. 1. Venous ana.-to- moses on walls of vagina, discharging into uterine plexus. 2. Radicles of portal vein, anastomosing on capsule of Glisson. V. plex'us of ner'ves, ofl'set from pelvic plexus distributed tu the vagina. V. proc'- ess of peritone'um. L. processus vagi- nalis. A process passing down from the internal abdominal ring. It is a vestige of the canal through which the testis de- scended. V. proc'ess of sphe'noid. L. processus vaginalis; G. Scheidenfort.satz. Raised edge of bone at base of internal pterygoid plate of sphenoid, articulating with edge of vomer. V. proc'ess of tem'poral bone, that part of tympanic portion of temporal bone enslieathi'ng base of styloid process, and terminating below as a sharp, irregular crest. V. sachets, small bags containing medicated substances for introduction into the vagina. V. syno'- vial mem'branes, synovial sheaths. V. ttin'ic, tunica vaginalis. V. veins, small tributaries of portal vein, collecting blood from walls of the portal canals. Vaginalite {F.). Inflammation of the tunica vaginalis. Vaginaltheil {G.). Vaginal portion. Vaginiglutae'us {L.). Tensor vaginae femoris [Coues.]. Vaginis'mus (L.). F. vaginisme ; /. vaginismo. Painful spasm of the sphincter vaginae. Vagini'tis. F., I. vaginite. Inflamma- tion of the vagina. Vaginodyn'ia (L.) [^CuVnr,']. F. vagino- dynie. Pain in the vagina. Vagino-isterotomia (/.). Vaginal hysterectomj'. Vaginot'omy. /. vaginotomia. Col- potomy. Vagi'tus (Z/.). F. vagissement; G. Wimmern ; /. vagito. Cry of newborn in- fant. V. intern teri 'nus, a sound made by a child in iilrro just before birth. V. uteri'nus, vagitus interuterinus. V. vagi- na'lis, sound made by the child when the head is in the vagina, just before delivery. VAG VAL 733 Vago-accesso 'rius (L.). Pneuraogas- tric and spinai accossory nerves considered together. Va'gus {L.). 1. Wandering. 2. F. vague ; G. herruuischweitender Nerv ; I. vago. The pneumogastric nerve. V. a'rea. L. area vagi ; F. aile grise ; G. Vagusfeld. Triangular space below inferior fovea, floor of fourth ventricle, corresponding to nuclei of pneumogastric and glosso-pliaryngeal nerves. V. nerve, |)neumogastric nerve. V. nu'cleus. L. nucleus vagi; G. Vagus- kern. Nucleus of origin of pneumogastric nerve on floor of fourth ventricle at the vagus area. Vagnsfeld (ff.V ^'agus area. Vag-us-Glossopharyngeushauptkem {G). Vagus nucleus. Vagus-Glossopharyngeuskem, mo- torischer ( G.}. Nucleus ambiguus. Vagusgruppe (G.). Name given by Gegenhaur to that group of cranial nerves of which the pneumogastric is the most important member, composed of the glosso- pharyngeal, pneumogastric, spinal acces- sory, and hypoglossal nerves. Vagruskem ■(•)■ Valerianate. V. am- mon'icus [Cod.], ammonium valerianate. V. atropi'nae [Cod.] or V. atropin'icus [P. Port.], atropine valerianate. V. quin'- icus, valerianate of (|uininc. V. sod'icus, sodium valerianate. V. zin'cicus [("od.], zinc valerianate. Valerate (F.). Valerianate. V. d'am- moniaque, ammonium valerianate. V. de quinine, valerianate of (|uiniiie. V. de zinc, zinc valerianate. Vale'rene. F. valérène. Amylene. Vale'rian. L-, I. valeriana ; F. val^'ri- ane ; (/'. Baldrian. The rhizome and root- lets of Villi rùiiKi ojlìcìnalis, L. ; stimulant, antispasmodic. V. root [B. P.], valerian. V. wa'ter, F. eau distillée de valériane, valerian 1, water q. s.; distil 4 [Cod.]. Valeria'na (L.). 1. Valerian. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Valeriauex. V. cel'tica, L., an Alpine species of T'. ; the root was known as Xarilus ccllica or Spica celtica. V. Jataman'si, Roxb., Xardo- stachi/sJtitamansi. DC. V. mexica'na, DC., a native Mexican species ; used as a substi- tute for T'. oßciualis. V. oflScinalis, L., an herbaceous perennial, native of Kurope, the source of ofiicial valerian. V. Phu, L., medicinal properties similar to V. offici- li alii. Valeria'nas (L.). Valerianate. V. ammon'icus, ammonium valerianate. V. bismu'thicus, bismuth valerianate. V. fer'ricus [F. Mex.], ferric valerianate. V. na'tricus or V. sod'icus, sodium va- lerianate. V. zin'cicus [P. Norr], zinc valerianate. Valerianate. L. valerianas, valeras ; F. valerianate ; G. baldriansaures Salz ; /. valerianato. A salt of valerianic acid. Valerianate (F.). Valerianate. V. d'ammoniaque, ammonium valerianate. V. d'atropine, atropine valerianate. V. de bismuth, bismuth valerianate. V. de fer, ferric valerianate. V. de soude, sodium valerianate. V. de sdnc, zinc vale- rianate. Valerianato (/.). Valerianate. V. di ammoniaca, ammonium valerianate. V. di bismuto, bismuth valerianate. V. di chinina, valerianate of quinine. V. fer- rico, ferric valerianate. V. di soda, sodium valerianate. V. di zinco, zinc valerianate. VaJerian'ic acid. C,„lI,„Oj. L. acidura valerianicum ; F. acide valériani(|ue ; G. Baldriansäure ; /. acido valerianico. A caustic lii(uid with a disagreeable odor, a product of oxidation of oil of valerian or 734 VAL VAL of amylie alcohol ; used medicinally only in coiubinatioii. Valeriansäure (G.). Valerianic acid. Valet à patin (^)- Forceps having a double slot, one on each blade, with fixing screws to arrange for any degree of expan- sion. Valetu'dinary. F. valétudinaire ; /. valetudinario. An invalid. Valetu'do. Health. Val'gTas(L.). 1. Bow-legged. 2. Talipes valjius. Valle del cervelletto (/.). Valley of cerebellum: Vallec'ula (L.) [dim, of Vallis]. Val- ley, a depression. V. cerebel'li, valley of cerebellum. V. cor'dis, slight furrow at apex of heart, connecting the anterior and posterior longitudinal furrows. V. glosso- epiglot'tica, fossa glosso-epiglottica. V. ova 'ta, fissure for the gall-bladder ; see Fissures of the liver. V. Reil'ii, vallecula Sylvii. V. Syl'vii, depression on base of brain, at bottom of which is the anterior perforated space. V. mi'guis, depression of skin in which root of nail is set. Vallec'ulse lin'guœ (L.). Glosso-epi- glottic fossïe. Valléix's points. F. points douloureux de Valléis. Certain points in the course of a nerve which are found to be tender on pressure in many cases of neuralgia. Vallejo Springs. Sulphur springs, near Vallcjo, .Solano Co., California. VaUet's mass. G. Vallet'sche Pillen. Mass of carbonate of iron. Val'ley of cerebel'lum. L. vallecula scissura; longitudinalis; F. scissure mediane du cervelet ; G. Thal ; I. valle del cerebello. A deep sulcus on under surface of cerebel- lum surrounding median lobe. VaUey View Springs. Sulphuretted, chalybeate waters, near Newmarket, Shenan- doah Co., Virginia. Val'lis(A.). Vallecula. V. ala'nun, axilla. Val'lum (/(.). The eyebrow. Valo'nia. F. velanède; G. Walonen. The acorn-cups of Qucrciis j'Egilops. L., and allied species of Q. ; contain a large per- centage of tannin ; principally used in the arts. Valsal'va, lig'ament of. L. ligamen- tura auriculare. A short band uniting the pinna of the ear to the temporal bone. Valsal'va, si'nuses of: see Sinuses of Vahaha. Valsal'va's exper'iment. The forcing of air through the Ku.staohian tubes into the middle ear by means of a strong ex- piratory efi"ort, with the nose and mouth closed. Valsal'va's meth'od. For treatment of internal aneurism : employment of re- peated bleeding, scanty diet, purgatives, and digitalis. Val'va Tul'pii (i-)- Ileo-c-ccal valve. Valve. L. valva, valvula; F. valvule; G. Klappe ; /. valvola. In anatomy a fold of membrane entirely or partly closing an orifice. V. of Amussat, Heister's valve. V. of Bauhin, ileo-c;ccal valve. V. of cystic duct, Heister's valve. V. of Fal- lopius, ileo-caecal valve. V. of gall blad- der, Heister's valve. V. of Hasner, Hasner, valve of. V. of Heister, Heister, valve of. V-s. of Kerkring, valvulœ con- niventes. V-s. of rectum, plic;e recti. V. of Tarinus, posterior medullary velum. V. of Thebe'sius, coronary valve. V. of Tul'pius, ileo-etecal valve. V-s. of veins. L. valvulär venarum ; /'. valvules des veines ; G. Venenklappen ; /. valvole delle vene. Folds of the lining membrane, strengthened with connective tissue, forming little pocket- like flaps which offer no resistence to blood flowing toward the heart, but prevent reflex by falling back and occluding the lumen of the vessel. V. of Vieus'sens, medullary velum, superior. Valvola (I.). A'alve. V. del Bauhin or V. ileo-cecale, ileo-c;t>cal valve. V. di Tebesio, valvula Thebesii. Valvole (7.), pi. of Valvola. Valves. V. aortiche, aortic valves. V. auricolo- ventricolari, auriculo-ventricular valves. V. bicuspidali, bicuspid valves. V. con- niventi or V. del Kerkring, valvuhe con- niventes. V. semilunari or V. sigrmoidee, semilunar valves. V. tricuspidali, tri- cuspid valves. Val'vula (i.). A little valve. V. Bauhin'i, ileo-crecal valve. V. bicuspi- dalis, mitral valve. V. cae'ci, ileo-cwcal valve. V. cerebel'li, anterior medullary velum. V. co'li, ileo-crecal valve. V. Eustach'ii, Eustachian valve. V. Fal- lop'ii, ileo-caecal valve. V. foram'inis ova'lis, interauricular valve. V. fos'sae navicula'ris, transverse fold of mucous membrane at posterior end of fossa navicu- laris of urethra. V. Heis'teri, cy.stic valve. V. hjmiena'lis ure'thrae viri'lis, VAL VAR 735 ▼alvula foss» navicularis. V. lachryma'- lis infe'rior, a. fold of mucous meinbnuie sometimes found in the laehrynial duet where the nasal portion eoinmences. V. lachuTnna'lis supe'rior, semilunar fold of mucous membrane found in the lachry- mal sac below the opening of the lachry- mal canals. V. pylo'ri, pyloric orifice. V. semiluna'ris, posterior medullary velum : see McdiiUari/ vili. V. semiluna'ris ar- terio'rum, semilunar valves of aorta and pulmonary artery. V. semiluna'ris cere- bel'li, posterior medullary velum. V. semiluna'ris (sep'ti atrio'rum), inter- auricular valve. V. si'nus sinis'tri, inter- auricular valve. V. Tari'ni, posterior medullary velum. V. Thebe'sii, valve guarding the opening of the coronary vein, v. tricuspida'lis or V. trigloch'is, tricus- pid valve. V. Tlilp'ii, ileo-c:ccal valve. V. ure'thrae pylor'ica, sphincter vesica\ V. vagi'nsB, hymen. V. ves'ico-urethra'lis, uvula vesica;. V. Vieussen'ii (cor'dis) [(jruber], valve where coronary vein of heart opens into coronary sinus. V. Wil- lisia'na, valvula Vieussenii. Val'viüae (L.), pi. of Valvula. Small valves. V. arterio'see, semilunar valves. V. atrio-ventricula'res, auriculo-ventric- ular valves. V. conniven'tes, crescentic transverse folds of mucous membrane found in the duodenum and jejunum. V. cor'dis, cardiac valves. V. cuspida'les, auriculo-ventricular valves. V. proces'- sus vermifor'mis, semilunar valve some- times found at mouth of appendix vermi- formis. V. semiluna'res or V. sigmoi'- deae, semilunar valves. V. spira'les Heis'teri, Heister's valves. V. vena 'rum, valves of veins. V. veno'sse, auriculo- ventricular valves. Val'vular. F. valvulairc ; /. valvolare. Pertaining to a valve. Valvule (F.), pi. Valvules. Valve. V-s. auriculo - ventriculaires, auriculo- ventricular valves. V. du col de la vessie, uvula vesicae. V. de Cruveühier, fold of mucous membrane at lower part of nasal duct. V. d'Eustache, Kustachian valve. V. de TaiUefer, fold of mucous membrane about the middle of the nasal duct. V. triglochine, tricuspid valve. Van Best's opera'tion. Subcutaneous suture of the rings for inguinal hernia. Vandel'lia difti'sa, L. A Brazilian plant, Nat. Ord. •Sirop/iulan'ne^ ; bitter, mucilaginous, and slightly acrid ; said to be purgative. Vaneggiamento (/.). Delirium, raving. Vanil'la ( L.) [.S>. vainilla]. F., G. A'anille ; /. vainiglia. 1. The fruit of Viini/la j>hiiii/it/i(ij And. [U. S. P.], gath- ered before quite ripe, and dried by special processes. Other species of V. also yield vanilla of commerce. Aromatic; principally used as a perfume and flavoring ingredient. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Orcliithicex. V. planifo'lia. And., the vanilla-plant, a climbing parasitic perennial, native of Mexico, cultivated. Vanil'la-plant. 1. Vanilla plani/olia. 2. Liatris oJoratissima, Willd. Vanilla (F.). Vanilla. Vanil'lic a'cid. C8H,0j. F. acide vanilliijue. Product of the o.xidation of vanillin. Vaml'lin. C,HA- F. vanilline; /. vaniglina. A crystalline compound, the odorous principle of vanilla ; prepared also synthetically from coniferin or from eugenol. Vanü'lism. F. vanillisme. The con- dition produced by working in vanilla-dust. Van Swieten's solu'tion. Solution of perchloride of mercury. Va'o. A Tariety of curare. Vapeur (F.). Vapor, steam. Vapeurs {F.). Hysteria, hypochondria. Vapor (L.). F. vapeur ; G. Dampf, Dunst ; /. vapore. The gaseous state of a body which is .solid or liijuid at ordinary temperatures. V. ac'idi hydrocyan'ici, inhalation of hydrocyanic acid. V. chlo'ri, inhalation of chlorine. V. coni'nse [B. P.], inhalation of conine. V. creaso'ti [B. P.], inhalation of creasote. V. io'di, inhalation of iodine. Vapora'rium (L.). Vapor-bath. Vaporazione (/.). Vaporization. Vapore (/.). Vapor, steam. Vaporeux, euse (F.). 1. Relating to vapors. 2. Sufl'ering from vapeurs, q. v. Vapwari (/.). Hysteria, hypochondria. Vaporiza'tion. F. vapori.sation ; G. Verdunstung ; /. vaporazione. The proc- ess of reducing liquids to a state of vapor. Va'pors ^popular). Hypochondriasis. Va'por-ten'sion. The elastic force of vapor ; generally expresses the expansi- bility of vapor of water contained in the air. Varaire (F.). Veratrum album. Varec or Varech (F.). Algœ of the r36 VAR VAS genus Fucus. V. vésiciueux, Fucus ve- siculosits, L. Varengeane (F). Egg-plant. Varice {F.). Yarix. V. anévrysmalej aneurismal varix. Varicel 'la (/>.). Chicken-pox. V. pru'- rigo, a peculiar form described by Hutchin- son, in which the eruption, instead of dis- appearing in a few days, is indefinitely prolonged by a succession of fresh crops, the spots ulcerating and sometimes becom- ing large sores. Varicelle { F.). Chicken-pox. V. pus- tuleuse ombiliquée, varioloid. V. papu- leuse, V. pustuleuse conoide, V. vé- ßiculeuse, different forms of the eruption in chicken-pox. Var'iciform. L. variciformis ; /. vari- ciforme. Resembling a varix. Varicifor'mes paras'tatae (L.). Con- voluted commencement of the vas deferens. Varicobleph'aron (L.) [^ß/Jcapof']. Varicosity in the eyelid. Var'icocele [zv-);]. F. varicocele. Va- rix of the veins of the spermatic cord or of the scrotum. Varicocele ovarique (F.) [Riebet]. Varicose condition of the ovarian and utero-ovarian blood-ve.ssels. Varicocélectomie (F.). Excision of a portion of the scrotum and of the dilated veins in varicocele. Var'icose. F. variqueux, euse ; /. varicoso. Affected with varix. V. an'eur- ism, an aneurismal sac communicating with both an artery and a vein. Varicos'ity. G. Varikosität. Condi- tion of being varicose. Vari'ety Springs. A health-resort on the Chesapeake and Ohio R. R., in Augusta Co., Va. The waters of the chief spring are alum-chalybeat«. Varikös (G.). Varicose. Varikosi- tät, varicosity. Vari'ola (//•)■ Smallpox. V. con'- fluens, severe form in which the lesions run together, forming large pustular mas.ses. V. discre'ta, the ordinary form, in which the pustules are separated from one another. V. hsemorrha'gica, variola, with cutan- eous hremnrrhage ; black smallpox. V. mitiga'ta or modifica'ta, varioloid. V. ovi'na, sheep-pox. V. sylves'tris or V. spu'ria, varicella. V. vaccin'ica, vaccina- tion. Variolapsychosen (C). Insanity due to smallpox. Variola'tion. Inoculation of smallpox. Variole (/'.). Smallpox. V. con- fluente, confluent smallpox V. hémor- rhagique, ha;morrhagic smallpox. V. du mouton, scab or foot-rot of sheep. V. des vaches, cow-pox. Variole, ée (/'.). Suffering, or having suffered from, smallpox. Varioleux, euse (F.). Variolous. Varioliza'tion. The inoculation of smallpox. Variolös (G.). Variolous. Va'rioloid. /"■. varioloide; /. vajuoloide. 1. Resembling or relating to smallpox. 2. A mild form of smallpox occuring toward the end of an epidemic, or in persons who have been partially protected by vaccina- tion. Vari'olous. F. varioleux. euse; G. variolös ; /. vajuoloso. Pertaining to small- pox. Variqueux, euse (F.). A''aricose. Va'rix {L.). F. /., varice; G. Krampf- ader. Permanent dilatation of a vein, with or without hypertrophy of its walls. Varo'Uan bend. G. Brückenbeuge. The flexure occurring between metenceph- alon and myelencephalon in the course of development of the cerçbro-spinal axis. Varo'Uus, bridge of. Pons Varolii. Varolsbriicke ((V.). Pons Varolii. Vars : see ir«/-;««. Va'rus (i.). 1. Talipes varus. 2. Acne. V.com'edo, comedo. V. puncta'tus, acne punctata. V. seba'ceus, seborrliwa. Varus-équin {F.). Deformity of the foot, consisting in its permanent flexion on the leg, with adduction of its point and lowering of its external border (F. Anne- quin). Vas (L.). Vessel. V. aber'rans Hal- leri, aberrant duct of testis. V. afferens, afferent vessel. V. deferens. F. canal déférent ; G. Samenleiter ; /. canale defe- rente. Excretory duct of testis, a contin- uation of canal of epididymis, commencing at lower end of that organ and passing up in the spermatic cord and through the in- guinal canal to the base of the bladder, where it ends by joining the seminal vesicle of the .same side to form the ejaculatory duct. V. deferens mtili'eris. Fallopian tube. V. efferens, efl'ercnt vessel. V. epididym'idis, canal of the epididymis. VAS VAS 737 V. Hal'leri, aberrant duct of testis. V. prom'inens, the blood-vessel contained in tin- lij;anientiini spirale accessoriuni of tlic cochlea. V. spira'le, a small vessel, prob- ably a vein, wliicli runs along the under surface of the basilar membrane of the cochlea, opposite tiie inner rods of (,'orti. Va'sa ( A.), pi. of Vas. Vessels. V. aberran'tia bilifera, aberrant duets of liver. V. aberran'tia me'dia, blind ducts frot|uently found leading' off fmm the efferent duets of the testi.s. V. bre'via, branches from splenic artery to fundus of the stomaeli. V. capreola'ria, spermatic vessels. V. centra'lia ner'vi op'tici : see Arteria cintrnlis rrlinn and I run fcntralis retinx. V. chylif era, lactcals. V. cilia'- ria, ciliary arteries and veins. V. efferen'- tia tes'tis or V. Graafla'na, efferent tu- linles of testis. V. hep'atis aberran'tia, aberrant ducts of liver. V. hep'atis in- terlobula'ria, interlobular veins of liver. V. inferen'tia, afferent vessels. V. in- testi'ni ten'uis, long, slender branches of .su]ieric)r mesenteric artery, distributing blood to the small intestine V. lac'tea, lacteals. V. lyniphat'ica, lym|iliatic ves- sels. V. rec'ta, straight tubules of testis. V. serpenti'na tes'tis, seminiferous tu- bules. V. vaso'rum, small vessels sup- plying walls of other vessels. V. vorti- co'sa, venae vorticosae. Vasco'a A. ) A genus of />»(/« »m«'»;» V. aniplexicau'lis, lii|uorice-busli ; a South African shruli; the roots are used as a sub- stitute for lii(uoriee. which the\' resemble in taste. V. perfolia'ta, also native of South Africa ; a decoction of the root said to be a powerful diuretic. Vas'cular. L. vascularis ; F. vaseu- laire ; d . vasculos ; /. vascolare. Pertain- ing to, or containing, vessels. V. a'rea, area vasculosa V. glands, blood-glands. V. papil'lse. ''/. (iefliss|iapillen. Papilhe of skin nut containing tactile corpuscles. V. stim'ulant, an agent which causes di- latation of the ]ieripheral vessels, and thus renders the flow of blood through theni more active [Brunton]. V. sub'stance of kid'ney, cortical substance. V. sys'- tem, in terme 'diate, or V. system, pe riph'eral, capillary system. V. ton'ic, an agent which causes increased contrac- tion of the arterioles or capillaries. Vascularapoplexie ( G.). Acute con- gestion. Vascvilarisation (F.)- V^ascularization. Vui.. II.— 47 Vascular'ity. F. vascularité ; 7. vas- colarità. The state of having vessels. Vasculariza'tion. F. vascularisation ; /. vascolarizzazione. The formation and development of vessels, more especially blood-vessels. Vasculeux, euse {F.). Va.çeular. Vasculos {(r.). Vascular. Vasculo-mo'tor {L.). Vaso-motor. Vas'culum (L-). A small vessel. V. aber'rans (tes'tis), aberrant duct (of testis). V. sanguinif erum, blood-vessel. V. serpenti'num, seniinilerous tubule. Vas'eline. A trade name for petrola- tum. Vasi (/.), pi. of Vaso. Vessels. V. aberranti, vasa aberrantia bilifera. V. assorbenti, lymphatics. V. chiliferi, lacteals. V. seminiferi, seminiferous tu- bules. V. dei vasi, vasa vasorura. j Vas'icine. Name given by Hooper j (1887) to an alkaloid from the leaves of Ad/uiloda I'dsica, Nees. Vasifac'tive. Producing vessels, an- gioplastie. Vaso (/. ). Vessel. V. deferente, vas deferens. I Vaso-constricteur, trice (F.). Pro- i ducing constriction of blood-vessels. Vasocoro'na (L.). The entire array of arterioles which penetrate radially the periphery of the spinal cord, and supply its substance. i Vasoden'tine. Form of dentine found in some fishes in which capillary vessels ex- tend into the substance. Vaso-dilatateur, trice (F.). Produ- cing dilatation of blood-vessels. Vaso-dila'tor cen'tre. A suppositi- tious centre in the medulla oblongata whose stimulation produces dilatation of the blood- vessels. Vaso-formateur, trice (F.). Vasifac- tive. Vasoformativ ( G.). Vasifactive. Vaso-hypoton'ic. Vaso-motor. Vaso-inhib'itory nerves. Nerves as- sumed to pass from a vaso-dilator centre to the blood-vessels, i Vaso-mo'tor (Z^)- F. vaso-moteur, I trice ; A vaso-motore. Causing contrac- tions or e.x]iansions of blood-vessels. V.- m. cen'tres. G. vasomotorische Centra. 1. Theoretical centre in the medulla oblon- gata, giving origin to the vaso-motor nerves. 738 VAS VEI 2. Similar local or subonliiiate centres in the spinal cord. V.-m. nerves. G. vaso- motorische Nerven. Nerves passing to blood-vessels from vaso-motor centres. Vaso-sensitif, ive {F.). Term applied to efferent nerves of blood-vessels. Vaste exteme or interne {F.). I. vasto externo or interno. Vastus esternus or internus : see Quadriceps extensor cruris. Vasto medio (/.) Crureus. Vas'tus ante'rior (L.). Crureus. Vas'tus exter'nus or inter'nus (i.) : see Çuaj/rice2)s extensor cruris. Vas'tus latera'lis (//.). Vastus ester- nus. Vas'tus media 'lis (L.). Vastus inter- nus. Vas'tus me'dius (L.). Crureus. Vater, ampul'la of: see AmpuHa of Vater. Vater, cor'puscles of. G. Vater'sche Körperchen. Pacinian bodies. Vater, divertic'ulum of: see Ampulla of Vater. Vater, fold of. Plica transversalis duo- deni. Vate'ria in'dica, L. An Indian tree, Nat. Ord. Diplerocarpex, the source of white dammar or Indian copal. Vater'sche Körperchen ( G.). Pacin- ian bodies. Vault of cra'nium. L. calvarium ; F. voûte du crâne ; G. Schädeldach ; / volta del cranio. That part above the orbits, the external auditory meatus, and the superior curved line of the occipital bone. Vecchiaja (/.). Old age. Veccia { /.). Vetch. . Vecor'dia (i/.) Idiocy. Vec'tis {Tj.). An instrument with a fenestrated curved blade, used as a lever or tractor to assist delivery. Veduta (/.). Sight. Veg'etable albu'min. The name given to certain jiroteid substances of slightly va- riable composition, coagulable by heat, ex- isting in the juices and acjueous extracts of plants, and notably in the cereal grains and oleaginous seeds. Vegr'etable an'timony. Thoroughwort, Eupnttirium per/oliatum, L. Veg'etable brim'stone. Lycopodium clavalum. L. Veg'etable cas'ein. A nitrogenous substance, resembling animal casein in chemical characters, found in certain plants. Veg'etable fi'brin. Gluten-casein. Veg'etable gold. Pipitzahoic acid. Veg'etable musk. Mimuius tnoschatiis, Dougl. ; cultivated ; plant stimulant. Veg'etable pole. Vegetative pole. Veg'etable sponge. The fibrous net- work of the fruit of Luffa xgyptiaca, Mill. ; sometimes used as a flesh-brush in bathing. Veg'etable sul'phur. Lycopodium. Veg'etable wax. A substance resem- bling beeswax obtained from various plants: see Japan, Myrtle, Ocuha, and Faim icax. Vegeta'rianism. F. végétarisme. The doctrine that man should live on vegetable food alone. Vegeta'tion. /'. végétation ; /. vege- tazione. A wart-like or granular excres- cence or growth. Vegetationskasten (G.). Incubator. Veg'etative [vegetare]. F. végétatif ive ; /. veejetativo. Pertaining to growth or nutrition. V. cells. G. vegetative Zellen. Those cells of the segmenting ovum nearest the vegetative pole. V. pole. G. vegetativer Eipol. Portion of ovum where there is most yolk, and where seg- mentation is least rapid. It usually be- comes entoderm. Vegetatives Blatt {G.). Splanchno- pleure. Veglia (/.). Vigil. Ve'hicle. L. vehiculum ; F. véhicule ; G. Vehikel ; /. veicolo. An excipient. The term is commonly applied to liquid excipi- ents only. VeUchen-wrurzel {G.). Florentine orris. Veüle (F.). Vigil. Vein. fj. vena; F. veine; G. Vene, Blut- ader; /vena. A vessel conveying blood in a general direction toward the heart. V. of cor'pus stria'tum. L. vena corporis striati. Lies in the velum interpositum, passing forward in groove between corpus striatum and optic thalamus, and joins choroid vein to form vein of Galen. V-s. of Galen, Galen, veins of. Veine (F.'). Xcm. V-s. anastomo- tiques cérébrales, venre ana.-^tomntic;« niagn:c cerebri. V. apoplectique, jugular vein. V. basilique, liasilic vein. V-s. broncho-pulmonaires, branches of pijl- nuinary vein that anastomose with bronchial veins. V. cave, vena cava. V. cépha- VEI VEN 739 lique, cephalic vein. V. céphalique du pouce, vena i-eph:ilica pollicis. V. cubi- tale cutanée, basilic vein. V. demi-azy- gos, left lower azygos vein. V. (grande i Ijrmphatique droite, lymphatic ihut. ritrht. V. grande trachélienne externe, cervical vein. deep. V. médiane basi- lique, median basilic vein. V. médiane céphalique, cephalic vein, median. V. pharyngo-condylienne, vein connecting anterior condylar confluence with pharyn- geal plexus. V. porte, vena porta. V. preparate, frontal vein. V. ranine, sub- liriL'ual vein. V. terminale, sinus termi- nalis of area vasculosa. V. trachéuenne interne, vertebral vein. Veineux, euse (/■'■)■ Venous. Veit oper'ation. Porro-Veit operation. Veitstanz {.). Vil- lous membranes, such as the mucous mem- brane of the small intestine. Velamen'ta cer'ebri (i/.). Meninges. Velamen'tous. F. vélamenteux, euse. Veil-like ; s]iread out into a thin sheet. Velanède {F.). Valonia. Ve'lar (^.). Sis^ymhriwn officinale. Veldt sore. Natal boil : see Ulcers, en- demic. Veleno (/.). Poison. Velenoso, poison- ous. Vellar'in. F. vellarine ; I. vellarina. An oily li(|uid announced by Lépine (1855) as the active principle of Hydrncotyle asiaticn. Vellica'tio {L.). Floccilation. Twitch- ing. Velo (/.). Velum, veil. V. midollare, medullary velum. V. palatino or V. pen- dule, velum palati. Velpeau, hernie de (F.). Femoral hernia in front of the blood-vessels. Velu, ue (/".)• Hairy. Ve'lum (L.). F. voile; G. Schleier; /. velo. Veil, screen ; applied to thin membranous partitions. V. interpos'i- tum, tela rhoroidea superior. V. me- dulla 're, medullary velum. V. medul- la're infe'rius, meilullary velum, poste- rior. V. meduUa're supe'rius, medul- lary velum, anterior. V. palati'num or V. pen'dulum pala'ti, soft palate : see I'lilnir. V. plex'ibus choroi'deis inter- pos'itum, velum interposilum. V. pu- pil'lse, pupillary membrane. V. Tari'ni, posterior medullary velum. V. triangu- la're, tela choroidea superior. V. vesi'cae urina'riae, trigone of bladder. V. Vieus- sen'ii, valve of Vieussens. Vel'vetleaf. Abut Hon avicennx, Gsertn. Ve'na (L)- Vein. V. accesso'ria, left upper azygos vein. V. anastomot'ica mag'na, anastomotic vein of Troiard. V. angula'ris, angular vein. V. an'guli o'ris, tributary to facial vein from corner of mouth. V. anon'yma bra'chio- cephal'ica, innominate vein. V. anon'- jrma ili'aca, common iliac vein. V. an- te'rior cer'ebri, anastomotic vein of Tro- iard. V. aquœduc'tus coch'leae or V. aquseduc'tus vestib'uli: see Auditori/ veins. V. arterio'sa, pulmonary artery. V. ascen'dens, Itasilar vein. V. axilla'- ris, axillary vein. V. az'ygos, right az- ygos vein. V. az'ygos accesso'ria, lei't u])per azygos vein. V. az'ygos cerebel'li poste'rior, vein running along inferior vermiform process of cerebellum. V. az'- ygos cona'rii, small vein collecting blood from region of pineal gland, and discharg- ing into internal cerebral vein. V. az'ygos lumba'ris, ascending lumbar vein. V. az'ygos mag'na or V. az'ygos ma'jor, right azygos vein. V. az'ygos mi'nor, or V. az'ygos par'va, or V. az'ygos sinis'tra, left lower azygos vein. V. basUa'ris (cer'ebri), basilar vein. V. basU'ica, basilic vein. V. basü'ica (an- tibra'chii), superficial ulnar vein. V. capita'lis bra'chii [Bardeleben], princi- pal venous trunk of arm in the fœtus, which afterward becomes the radial ->- me- dian basilic + basilic veins. V. caro'tis exter'na, temporo - maxillary vein. V. car'pea commu'nicans dorsa'lis, anas- tomotic branch, near the wrist, between deep veins of back of hand and vein of fourth metacarpal space. V. ca'va ab- domina'lis or V. ca'va ascen'dens, vena cava inferior. V. ca'va descen'dens, vena cava superior. V. ca'va infe'rior. F. veine cave inférieure ; G. untere Hohl- ader ; /. vena cava inferiore. Great trunk formed by union of the two common iliac veins. It lies on right of spine from 5th lumbar vertebra upward, collects blood from pelvis, abdomen, and lower extremi- ties, and discharges it into the right auricle. V. ca'va supe'rior. /'. veine cave supé- 740 VEN VEN rieure ; G. obere Hoblader ; I. vena cava su- periore. Large trunk formed by union of right and left innominate veins opposite first sterno-costal articulation. It colleets blood from head, nock, upper extremities, and thoracic wall, and discharjros it into the right auricle. V. ca'va supe'rior sinis'tra, vessel which in the fa'tus, before the fourth month, corresponds to the right descending vena cava. V.ca'vathorac'ica, superior vena cava. V. centra 'lis ret'- inse, vein receiving blood from the retina. It passes out of the eyeball through the centre of the optic disc, and discliargos either into the eavernuus or ii]ihtlialmic vein. V. centra'lis ( of suprarenal cap- sule), single trunk into whirli the venules of the suprarenal capsule discharge. V. cephal'ica, cephalic vein. V. cephal'ica ante'rior, rommon facial vein : see Fadul vein. V. cepharica antibra'chii, su])er- ficial radial vein. V. cephal'ica ascen'- dens [Hardeleben], the cephalic vein in foetal life, a comparatively insignificant vessel. V. cephal'ica commu'nis, jugu- lar vein, Common. V. cepharica de- scen'dens [Bardeleben], a branch which in fœtal life descends from the shoulder over the clavicle to unite with the cejihalic vein ; often persists. V. cephal'ica ex- ter'na, common facial vein : see Fiulnl vein. V. cephal'ica hu'meri, cephalic vein. V. cephal'ica inter'na, jugular vein, internal. V. cephal'ica pol'Hcis. F. veine céphaliciue du pouce. Vein wliioli gathers blood fmm thumb and index finger, passes over back of hand, and empties into radial vein. V. cephal'ica poste'rior, jugular vein, internal. V. cerebra'lis infe'rior, or V. cer'ebri ante'rior, m- V. cer'ebri ascen'dens, basilar vein. V. cer'ebri inter'na commu'nis, vena mag- na Galeni. V. cer'ebri inter'na ma'jor, vein of Galen. V. cer'ebri mag'na, vena magna Galeni. V. cer'ebri me'dia, vena fo-ssaj Sylvii. V. cer'ebri poste'rior in- fe'rior, tributary to veins of (.Jalen from posterior part of the hemispheres. V. cervica'lis profun'da, cervical vein, deep. V. cervica'lis superflcia'lis, jugular vein, posterior e.\tcrnal. V. choroi'dea, choroid vein. V. col'ica sinis'tra, inferior mesen- teric vein. V. co'mitans hypoglos'si, sublingual vein. V. commu'nicans ceph- al'ica pol'licis, an anastomotic branch between vena ie]ihalica jiollicis and deep palmar (venous) arch [Hrauno]. V. com- mu'nicans mag'na, anastomotic vein of Trolard. V. commu'nicans obturato'- ria [Braune], branch from dorsal vein of penis to obturator vein along anterior pel- vic wall. V. commu'nicans ulna'ris, anastomotic branch between superficial ul- nar vein and deep palmar (venous) areli [Braune]. V. cona'rii, branch from pineal gland to veins of Galen. V. cor'dis Gale'- ni, middle cardiac vein: see Cani iiic rt ins. V. cor'nu [Lenhossek], a vein passing from either lateral offset of pudendal plexus I cornu) and emptying into internal iliac. V. corona 'ria cor'dis mi 'nor or V. corona'ria cor'dis poste'rior, middle cardiac vein : see Cardiac c ói.s. V. coro- na'ria u'teri, trunk formed upon the ])rcg- nant uterus by enlargement of branches of uterine and vaginal plexuses. It encircles the OS uteri internum. V. corona'ria ventric'uli infe'rior, venagastro-cpiploica dextra. V. costa'lis supre'ma, su]>erior intercostal vein. V. cubita'lis cuta'nea, basilic vein. V. cuta'nea cervi'cis mag'- na, jugular vein, jiosterior external. V. cuta'nea col'li ante'rior, jugular viin. anterior. V. cuta'nea col'li infe'rior, arcus venosus juguli. V. cuta'nea col'li ma'jor or V. cuta'nea col'li poste'rior, jugular vein, external. V. cuta'nea ex- ter'na. 1. Cephalic vein. :i. Radial vein V. cuta'nea fron'tis mag'na, frontal veins. V. cuta'nea inter'na, su]icrficial ulnar vein. V. cuta'nea inter'na bra'- chii, basilic vein. V. cuta'nea media'- na, median vein. V. cuta'nea radia'lis, radial vein. V. cuta'nea radia'lis bra'- chii, cephalic vein. V. cuta'nea ulna'- ris, ulnar vein. V. cuta'nea ulna'ris bra'chii, basilic vein. V. epigas'trica infe'rior tegumento'sa [Braune], a sub- cutaneous vein, collecting blood from um- bilical and hypogastric regions, and dis- charging into femoral vein directly or through long saphenous. V. facia'lis ante'rior, facial vein. V. facia'lis com- mu'nis: see Farial nin. V. facia 'lis cuta'nea commu'nis, facial vein. V. facia'lis exter'na, tcmporo-maxillary vein, v. facia'lis inter'na, facial vein. V. facia'lis poste'rior, tcmporo - maxillary vein. V. falcifor'mis, inferior longitudi- nal sinus. V. fos'sae Syl'vii, vein collect- ing blood from anterior perforated space, and diseharginsr into anterior end of cavernous sinus. V. gasti'o-liena'lis, splenic vein V. hemiaz'ygos, left lower a/.ygos vein V. hemiaz'ygos accesso'ria, left upjier azygos vein. V. hepat'ica, right basi!i<' vein. V. hypogas'trica, internal iliac vein. V. ih'aca primiti'va, common VEN VEN 741 iliac vein V. ilio-lumba'lis, vein cov- lespoiidinj; in distribution to ilio-lumbar iirtery. (li^s^•har^inir into internal iliac vein. V. intercosta'lis supre'ma: see Inter- f'i./. V. maxilla 'ris inter'na ante'rior, facial vein. deep. V. maxüla'ris inter'na poste'rior, maxil- lary vein, internal. V. media'na, vein collecting blood from medial side of retina, anil discharging into vena centralis retin;e ; usiiallv two. superior ami inferior. V. media'na antibra'chia, median vein. V. media'na basil'ica, median basilic vein. V. media'na cephal'ica, eeiihalic vein, median. V. media'na col 'li, jugular vein, anterior. V. media'na commu'nis, median vein. V. media'na xiphoi'dea tegumento'sa [Braune], a subcutaneous vein carrying blood from umbilical region upward to vena transversa xiphoidea. V. mesenter'ica mag'na, superior mesen- teric vein. V. mesenter'ica mi'nor or V. mesenter'ica parva, inferior mesen- teric vein. V. metacar'pea ulna'ris, collects blood from venie intercapitulares. and runs parallel to vena salvatella along radial border of hand V. nasa'lis, branch collecting blood from nasal side of retina, discharging into vena papillaris inferior. V. nasa'lis supe'rior. branch eoUeeting blood from nasal side of retina, discharging into vena papillaris superior. V. ner'vi hypoglos'si, sublingual vein. V. obli'qua auricula'ris, obli(|ue vein of heart. V. ophtharmica cerebra'lis, superior oph- tlialmii- vein. V. ophthal'mica exter'na or V. ophthal'mica facia'hs, inferior ophthalmic vein. V. ophthal'mica in- ter'na, internal ophthalmic vein. V. oph- thalmo-meninge'a, a vessel of varying si/c passing from region of fissure of Syl- vius to s|dieno-]iarietal sinus or to ophthal- mic vein. V. papUla'ris, tributarj'of vena centralis retin;e, collecting blood from optic disc; usually two. superior and inferior. V. parumbüica'ns xiphoi'dea [Braunel, anastomotic branch connecting greater par- umbilical vein with left superior epigastric vein. V. petro'sa infe'rior, inner portion of inferior petrosal sinus. V. por'ta or V. porta'rum, portal vein. V. poste'- rior a'trii sinis'tri, oblique vein of heart. V. prsepara'ta, frontal vein. V. profun'da, vertebral vein. V. puden- do-glute'a [Lenhossek], springs from pu- dendal plexus, receives sciatic and gluteal veins, and discharges into internal iliac. V. pulmona'lis dex'tra me'dia, a sup- plementary pulmonary artery sometimes found on the right side [Meckel]. V. rani'na, sublingual vein. V. reflex'a, vein of corpus striatum. V. Rosenthal'ii, basilar vein. V. salvatel'la, annular vein. V. saphe'na mag'na, long sajibenous vein. V. saphe'na par'va, short saphe- nous vein. V. sem'ino-ure'tro-sacra'lis [v. Lenhossek], springs from pudendal plexus near seminal vesicles, receives spi- nal veins from 2d sacral foramen, and dis- charges into internal iliac. V. si'ne com'ite or V. si'ne pa're, azygos vein. V. splen'ica, left basilic vein. V. sub- cuta'nea col'H ante'rior, jugular vein, anterior. V. subcuta'nea col'li poste'- rior, jugular vein, posterior external. V. sul'ci centra'lis, one of the posterior su- perior cerebral veins lying in the central sulcus. V. superflcia'lis col'U ante'- rior, jugular vein, anterior. V. tempora'- lis commu'nis, temporo-raaxillary vein. V. tempora'lis infe'rior, tributary of vena pa]iillaris inferior, collecting from tem- poral side of retina. V. tempora'lis su- pe'rior, tributary of vena papillaris supe- rior, collecting from temporal side of retina. V. termina'lis, vein of corpus striatum. V. thorac'ico-epigas'trica lon'ga teg- umento'sa [Braune], a long anastomotic vessel connecting vena circumflexa ilii teg- umentosa and long thoracic vein. V. thy- roi'dea i'ma: see T/ij/roid veins. V. thy- ro-larynge'a, superior thyroid vein. V. transver'sa xiphoi'dea [Braune], sub- cutaneous vein, crossing sternum, connect- ing internal mammary veins of opposite sides. V. vela'ta, vein of corpus stria- tum. V. vertebra'lis exter'na, cervical 742 VEN VEN veil), deep. V. vertebra'lis exter'na an- te'rior, vertebral vein, anteritir. V. ver- tebra'lis poste'rior, cervical vein, deep. V. vertebra'lis supei-flcia'lis, cervical vein, deep. V. zygomatico-orbita'lis, orbital vein. Vena (A). Vein. V. ascellare, a.xil- lary vein. V. ascendente i>v V. basUare, basilar vein. V. cefalica, ccplialic vein. V. cefalica del pollice, vena ce]dialica pollicis. V. crurale or V. femorale, fem- oral vein. V. giugulare, jugular vein. v. intervertebrale, vertebral vein. V. ipogastrica, internal iliac vein. V. me- diana del colic, jugular vein, anterior. V. oftalmica, ophthalmic vein. V. pic- cola azigos, left lower azygos vein. V. piccola azigos superiore, left upper azy- gos vein. V. semiazigos, left lower azy- gos: see Azi/(/os veins. V. succlavia, sub- clavian vein. V. temporale comune, temporo-maxillary vein. V. vescicale, vesical vein. V. zigomato-orbitaria, orbital vein. Vena medinen'sis (/>•). Filaria medi- li ensis. Ve'nse (L.), pi. of Vena. Vein.s. V. advehen'tes, small veins which in the fœtus carry blood into the liver from the ductus venosus. V. advehen'tes cap- sula'res, tributaries of the portal vein collecting from capsule of liver. V. ala'- res na'rium, lateral nasal veins : see Xii.iai rfiiix. V. anastomot'icse mag'nse ca'vi cra'nii, ven;v aiiastomotica; magna? cerebri. V. anastomot'icae mag'nse cer'ebri. F. veines anastomotiques cérébrales. Those veins of the pia mater establishing a com- munication between the superior longitudi- nal sinus and sinuses at base of brain. Two are described — the anterior, which ])asses to the superior petr(jsal sinus ; and the posterior, to the lateral sinus. V. anon'- ymœ, innominate veins. V. atrabilia'rise, suprarenal veins. V. auditi'vœ inter'- nae, auditory veins. V. auricula'res, au- ricular veins. V. ba'sis vertebra'rum. G. AVirbclkiirperblntadern. Veins running within canals in the bodies of the vertelme, discharging into the meningo - rachidian veins. V. basi-vertebra 'les, venie basis vertebrarum. V. bulbo-urethra'les, veins from bulb of urethra, discharging into pu- dendal plexus. V. calca'neœ, branches collecting blood from region of heel, and discharging into posterior tibial veins. V. capsula 'res, suprarenal veins. V. cauda'- les, medial .sacral vein. V. caverno'sae, vessels collecting blood from corpora caver- nosa and corpora spongiosa of penis, dis- charging into pudendal plexus. V. cer- ebel'li, cerebellar veins. V. cer'ebri in- ter'nse or cer'ebri profun'dse. veins of (ialen. V. cilia'res posti'cae, veiuv vorti- cosa\ V. cLrcumüex'se ü'ii tegumento'- sse [Braune], comiianion veins of external circumflex iliac arteries, discharging either into femoral or epigastric vein. V. cir- cumflex'ae pe'nis [Kohlrausch], vessels which leave the corpus cavernosum on under surface of penis and pass super- ficially around to empty into the dorsal vein. V. comitan'tes [Langer], two or more small veins which accompany the fem- oral and popliteal arteries, furnishing not only vasa vasorum. but also small twigs to neighboring structures. They are united by frequent anastomoses, and may become enlarged so as to simulate a .«eccuid femcnal or popliteal vein. V. com'ites, those that accompany the arteries. Frequently there is one on each side of the artery, connect- ing with each other by frequent transverse anastomoses. V. cor'dis, cardiac veins. V. cor'dis min'imae, veins of Thebosius. V. corona'rise cor'dis, coronary veins of heart. V. costales, intercostal veins. V. diaphragmât 'icee inferio'res, phrenic veins. V. diploët'icse or V. diplo'icae, diploic veins. V. dorsa'les na'si, nasal veins. V. dorsa'les pe'dis, exter'na and inter'na, 1st and 4th metacarpal veins of back of foot, larger than the others. V. emulgen'tes, renal veins. V. gas'tricae bre'ves, short branches gathering blood from fundus of stomach and emptying into splenic vein. V. glandulo'sse, subnuixil- lary veins. V. hepat'icae advehen'tes, branches of omphalomesenteric vein con- veying blood to the liver. V. hepat'icaB revehen'tes, branches of omphalomesen- teric vein collecting blood from the liver. V. inguina'les, veins from region of groin, dischaiging into internal sajiheiious vein. V. innomina 'tae, innominate veins. V. intercapitula'res. (ì. Zwischenknöehel- venen. Anastomotic branches jiassing from palm of hand backward in the interdigital spaces [Braune]. V. interlobula'res, in- terlobular veins. V. intralobula'res, in- tralobular veins. V. lumba'les trans- ver'sse, lumbar veins. V. mag'nae spi'- nsB longitudina'les, meningo-racliidian veins. V. mamma 'riae tegumento 'sae, mammary veins, external. V. medul'lae spina'lis, medulli-spiiuil veins. V. mese- ra'icae, mesenteric veins. V. min'imae VEN VEN 743 cor'dis, small vessels eoUcetiiig blood from substance of heart, and dischar<;ing into the cavities. V. os'sium cra'nii, diploic veins. V. pinna 'les, latoral nasal veins: see AWi/ f- /«.<. V. pulmona'res, ]iulmonary veins. V. rec'tse of kid'ney, brauelies from papill« passing up between the tubes and joining the vena; renales. V. re- nales, renal veins. V. revehen'tes, venœ hepaticjB revehentes. V. satellites arteria'rum, vena; comités. V. sper- mat'icae inter'nse, spormatic veins. V. spinales exter'nse posterio'res, dorsi- spinal veins. V. spinales pro'priae, nie- dulli-spinal veins. V. stella'tae or stellu- la'tœ, stellate veins. V. sublobula'res, sublobular veins. V. Thebe'sü, smallest cardiac veins : see Cardiac veins. V. thsrm'icae, thymic veins. V. transver'- sae scap'ulse, suprascapular veins. V. vertebro-lumba'res, lumbar veins. V. Vieussen'ii, smallest cardiac veins : see Canliac vciiix. V. vortico'sse. G. Wir- belvenen. Fotir or five venous trunks situ- ated in external layer of choroid coat of eye, near equator of the globe. Their tributaries converge toward them from all directions ; hence the name. Venaesec'tio {L.). Venesection. Vene (/.). pi. of Vena. Veins. V. capsulari, suprarenal veins. V. diafram- matiche, phrenic veins. V, emorroidali, hiemorrhoidal veins. V. emulgenti, renal veins. V epatiche, hepatic veins. V. sottomentali, submental veins. V. tùn- iche, thymus veins. V. tiroidee, thyroid veins. Vena (G.). Vein. In composition Venen, as, — blut, venous blood; — binich, varicocele, vari.K ; — entziindung, phlebitis; — erweitening, phlebectasis ; — geflecht, venous ple.xus ; — geräusch, venous murmur; — klappe, valve of a vein; — krebs, cancer of a vein ; — netz, venous plexus ; — pfropfen, venous throm- bus ; — puis, venous pulse; — sack, bulb of jugular vein : — sinus, sinuses of the dura mater : — stamm, venous trunk ; — stautang, venous congestion ; — stein, Phlebolith : — system, venous system. Veneficliun (A-)- /■ veneficio. Pois- oning, Venefico (/.). 1. Poisoner. 2. Poisonous (applied strictly to poLsonous animals). Venella or Venerella (/.). Small vein. Vénéneux, euse {f-)- Poisonous. Vene'num {L.). Poison. Vene'real [Venu.s]. /'. vénérien, enne; G. venerisch ; /. venereo, a. Relating to, or caused by, se.xual intercourse, or venery. V. disease. /'. maladie vénérienne ; /, malattia venerea. A disease most frequent- ly commuiiieatod by coitus. The term in- cludes goMorrha'a, chancroid, and .syphilis, V. ■wart, condyloma. Venereologie (f.)- Discourse on vene- real diseases. Venerisch (G.). Venereal. Ven'ery, Coitus. Venesec'tion [vena, sectio]. Opening a vein, blood-letting. Venice tur'pentine, L. terebinthina larieina ; F. térébinthine du Venise ; G. venetiauischer Terpentin : /. trementina di A'enezia. A thick liquid oleoresin ob- tained from incisions made in the trunk of Larix europppM, DC. ; the commercial arti- cle is often a factitious substance consist- ing of a solution of rosin in oil of turpen- tine. Venimeux, euse {F.). Venomous, Venin (/".). Venom. Venös, er, e, es (6-'.). A''enous. V. Gang, ductus venosus. Ven'om, L. venenum ; F. venin ; G. Gift ; /. veleno. Poison secreted by the glands of certain animals, especially ser- pents : see Copper venom-.. Dialysis venom-, and Water venom-glohuiin. V. pep'tone, name given by Mitchell and Reichert to a substance obtained by dialysis from venom after the removal of the globulins. Ven'omous. F. venimeux, euse. Hav- ing venom. Venoslty. L. venositas ; F. vénosité ; /. venosità. 1. Having many veins. 2. Having the characteristics of venous blood. Ve'nous. X. venosus; i^. veineux, euse; G. venös ; /. venoso, a. Relating to, or composed of, veins. Vent (F.). Flatus. Ven'ter (/..). Belly. V. of il'ium, iliac fossa. V, re'num, pelvis of kidney. V, scap'ulse, subscapular fossa. V. su- pre'mus, cavity of cranium. Venteux, euse (F.). Flatulent. Ventila'tion. L. ventilatio ; G. Luft- erneuerung; /. ventilazione. Systematic, continuous renewal of respirable air in an apartment or enclosure. Ventiliren (G.). To ventilate. Ven- tilirung, ventilation. 744 VEN VEN VentilöShung (O.). Respiratory glot- tis. Ventilpneumothorax {G.). A ibrm of pneuiiicitluinix in whicli air enters the pleural cavity during inspiration, but can- not escape during expiration. Vento (/.). Flatus. Ventosa (/.). Cupping-glass. Ventos'ity. /. ventosità. Flatulence, tympanitis. Ventoso (/.). Flatulent. Ventousation {F.). The application of cupping-glasses. Ventouse (F.). Cupping-glass. V. de Junod, Junod's boot. V-s. scarifiées, wet cups. V-s. sèches, dry cups. Ven'tral. jL. ventrali« ;/. ventrale. Re- lating to the abdomen, or to the aspect of the body in which the abdomen is situated. V. her'nia, abdominal hernia. Ventra'le cuta'neum (//.). Velamen vulvas. Ventre (i^.). Abdomen. V. en besace or V. en surplomb, pendulous abdomen. V. musculaire, central portion of a mus- cle. Ventre (/.). Abdomen. Ven'tricle [dim. of Venter]. L. ven- triculus ; F. ventricule ; G. Ventrikel ; /. ventricolo. A cavity in any viscus or its connections, having walls of considerable thickness : see Third ventricle, Ffnirth ven- tricle. V. of Aran'tius. />. fovea triangu- laris ; F. ventricule d' Arantius ; /. ventri- colo d'Aranzio. Cul-de-sao at inferior angle of fourth ventricle, indicating former entrance to central canal of spinal cord. V-s. of brain, cavities containing fluid found within the brain, and representing portions of original neural canal : .see Lat- eral ventricles, Tliircl ventricle. Fourth ven- tricle, also Fifth ventricle, though this is not homologous with the others. V-s. of cer'e- bral hem'ispheres, lateral ventricles. V. of cor'pus callo'sum, sulcus of the corpus callosuni. V-s. of heart. L. ventriculi cordis ; F. ventricules du cœur; G. Ilcrzkanimcrn ; /. ventricoli del cuore. The inferior cavities, discharging blood re- ceived from the auricles into the pul- monary artery and the aorta. V-s. of lar'ynx. />. ventriculi laryngis ; F. ven- tricules du larynx ; G. Kehlknpftaschen ; 7. ventricoli della laringe. Pocket-like cavities opening at sides of larynx just above the true vocal cords. V. of sep'- tum or V. of Syl'vius, fifth ventricle. VentricoU (/. ). pi. of Ventricolo. Ventricles. V. anteriori, or V. superiori, or V. tricomi, lateral ventricles. Ventricolo (/.)■ Ventricle. V. del cervelletto, fourth ventricle. V. medio, third ventricle. V. quarto, fourth ven- tricle. V. quinto I ir V. del setto lucido, fifth ventricle. V. terzo, third ventricle. Ven'tricose. L. ventricosus. Having a well-marked belly. Ventric'ular. L. ventricularis ; /'. ventriculaire ; /. ventricolare. 15clongÌM.). Intralobular veins. Venusberg (O.). Mons veneris. Venusbeule (C I. Bubo. Venusbläschen or Venusblatter {G.). Syphilide. Venusblümchen or Venusblüthen (C). Venereal eruption; corona veneris. Venusfeuer (6-'.). Syphilide. Venushügel ( G.). Mens veneris. Venuskrankheit (6-'.). Venereal dis- ease. Venusperle (Cr.). Syphilide. Venusseuche ( ni. Verfallensein (. Vergiessen (G.). To efi'use. to spill out. Vergiessung, efl'usion. Vergiften ((I'.j. To poison. Vergiftung (fV.). Poisoning. In com- position Vergiftungs, as, — fall, case of poisoning; — Irresein, insanity due to toxic agents, as alcohol, lead, narcotics, etc. Vergine (/.). \'irgin. Verginità (/.). Virginity. Vergliederung (6?.). Synarthrosis. Vergrösserung (G.). Making larger. Verhältniss ( G.). Proportion ; — schwelle, relational threshold : sec Thivah- old (3). Verhärten ( ''/.). To harden. Verhär- tet, indurated. Verhärtung, imluration. Verhalten or Verhaltung ( G.). Re- tention, su|iprcssioM. Verharschen or Verharschung {G.). To beiome crusted, to get a crust ; to scab. Verheilen {G.). To heal up or over. Verheimlichung ( G.). Gelation ; con- cealment of pregnancy. Verheyen, stars of Stellate veins. Verholzung {(^,). Induration of a part ; making it hard like wood. Verhomung (6'.), Cornification. Verhütend (G.). Preventive. Verhungerung {G.). Starvation. Verid'ical [L. veridicus]. F. véridique. 1. Truthful. 2. In the jargon of the the- osophists, real, although seemingly super- natural, as a veridical phantasm. Ver'ine. CjeHjaNOg. A basic com- pound, product of the saponification of veratrine. Verjauchung (G.). Putrefaction, sani- ous discharge. Ver'juice [F. verd, jus]. L. omphacium ; F. verjus; G. Sauertraube; /. agresto. The expressed juice of unripe grapes. The term is also applied to the juice of other green fruits. Verkältung (C). Catching or taking cold. Verkäsung (C). Caseation. Verkalken ( G.). To calcify. Verkal- kung, I-alci tieation. Verkalkungspunkt (G.). Centre of calcilication ; point where a cartilage com- mences to ossif}'. Verkehrtsehen (G.). Distorted vision, metamorphopsia. Verkittung ( G.). Obturation. Verklebung (G.). Agglutination. Verkleinerung ((?.). Atrophy. Verklemmerung (G.). An adhesion. Verknöchern (6'.). To ossify. Verknöchernder Knorpel ( '''•). Tem- porary cartilage. Verknöcherung (G.). Ossification. Verknorpelung (G.). Chondrification. Verkohlung (G.). Carbonization. 748 VER VER Verkreidung (. vermis.fugo], Cr. Wurm- mittel ; / vermifuge. A remedy capable of causing the expulsion of intestinal worms; anthelmintic, helmintliagogue. Vermina'tion. //. verminatio ; /. ver- minazione. The being aft'ectcd with worms ; worm disease. Ver'minous. /'. vermineux, euse ; / verminoso. Pertaining, or due, to worms, V. fever, worm fever. Ver'mis (//). 1. A worm. i'. Wrmi- form process. V. dig'iti, Tinen tririo/i/u/- tiiiu tiwjiiia. V. guineen'sis or V. Med- inen'sis, FiUirin »ledinensis. Vermischen ( G.). To mix. adulterate. Vermont Spring. Alkaline, .sliglitly chalybeate spring, near She]ical countries, and especially to Peru, consisting of papilloma- tous growths, resembling yaws. Verrukös (C.y Warty Verrukosi- tät, verrucosity. Verruqueux, euse {F.). Verrucous, warty. Vers intestinaux (F.). Entozoa. Versailles Springs. Alkaline waters, near Versailles, Brciwn Co.. Illinois. Versamento (/.). Effusion. Verschiebung v G.). Displacement, dis- location, gliding. Verschiedenartige ''''. Y ITetcrngeneou.s. Verschiedenfarbige Schwertlilie ( 6r.). Iris versicolor. L. Verschleimung ( G. ). Copious secretion of mucus; covering with mucus. Verschliessmuskel {G.). Obturator muscle. Verschliessung ( G.). Occlusion, atre- sia. Verschlimmern {G.). To make worse, to deteriorate. Verschlimmerung, de- terioration, growing worse. Verschlingung (C). Devouring; swal- lowing; deglutition. Verschlossensein (G.). State of being closed, imperforation. Verschlucken ( G.). To swallow. Ver- schluckung, swallowing, deglutition. Verschlussband des Steigbügels ( G.). Membrana obtmatDria stapedis. Verschmachten ^ G. . LiuiL'uishing. pining, starving. Verschmachtigung, languishing, gradual atrophy. 750 VER VER Vei-schmälerung (G.). Diminishirig, narrowing. Verschmelzung- (C). Melting, coales- cence. Verschneiden (G.). To cut away, to castrate. Verschneidung, cutting away, castration. Verschnittener ( 6^.). Eunuch. Verschorfung (C). Seal) formation. Verschreiben ( G.). To prescribe. Ver- schreibung, prescription. Verschwären(G.). To ulcerate. Ver- schwarung, ulceration, exulceration. Verschwitzen ( G.). To sweat ; to ex- pel by sweating. Versehende.). Miss-seeing; supposed effect of emotion in the mother upon tlie foetus : see Muteiital impressions. Verseifung (ff.j. Saponification. Versetzung (C). Displacement, trans- position ; metastasis of disease. Ver'sion. /. versione. Operation by which the presentation of the child is changed. V., biman'ual, or V., bipo'lar, performed by manipulation, one hand on the abdomen, and two or more fingers in the uterus, v., cephal'ic, form in whicli tiie head is made to present. V., exter'nal, performed by external mani]mlation only. v., inter'nal, performed with tlio hand iii- side the uterus. V., podal'ic, form in which the feet or Ijreech is made to pre- sent, v., sponta'neous, conversion of an abnormal presentation of the fœtus into a normal one by action of the uterine walls. Verstärkung (C). Strengthening, in- crease, jiaroxysni. In composition Ver- starkungs, as, — bander, accessory liga- ments ; — mittel, means of reinforcing or strengthening. Verstand (G.). Understanding, intel- lect, sense. In composition Verstandes, as. — krankheit, mental di.sease ; — losig- keit, condition fif being deficient in under- standing; — schwäche, weakness of mind; —Störung, derangement of intel- lect; — Verwirrung, aberration of intel- lect. Verstandlos (G.). Wanting sense, ir- rational. Verstarren (G.). To be benumbed; to become torpid ; to benumb. Verstarrung, stiffness, torpidity. Verstauchen (G.). To sprain, wrench. Verstauchung, spraining, wrenching. Versteinerung (G.). Petrification, cal- cification. Versterben ((r.). To die. Verstopfen ( G.). To choke, to obstruct. Verstopfend, obstructive, oppilative. _ Verstopfiing (G.). Stoppage, constipa- tion. Ill composition Verstopfungs, as. — band, obturator membrane; — nerv, obturator nerve. Verstürmnein ( G.). To mutilate, maim, curtail. Verstümmelung, mutilation. Verstummtmg (6r'.). Loss of speech, aphonia. Versuchsthier (C). An animal which is the subject of experiment. Versuchs-Troicart (G.). Exploring trocar. Versüssen ( G. ). To dulcify, to sweeten. Versüsster Salpetergeist ( G.). Spir- it of nitrous ether. Vert de Guignet (F.). Emerald green. Vert-de-gris ( F.). A'erdigris. Ver'tebra (L.). F. vertèbre ; G. Wir- bel. One of the bony segments composing the spinal column. A typical vertebra pos- sesses a disc-like body, an arch spanning the spinal foramen, and a number of proc- esses. Toward either end of the column the vertebra; become considerably modified : see Cervical, Coccygeal, Craniai. Dorsal, Lumbar, and Sacral vertebra:. V. denta'- ta, axis. V. mag'na, sacrum. V. odon- toi'dea, axis. V. prom'inens. F. ver- tèbre proéminente; I. vertebra pronjinente. Seventh cervical vertebra, so called b<'eanse of its prominent spinous process. V. ve'- ra, true vertebra. Ver'tebrse ( /.. i, pi. of Vertebra, 7. r. V. abdomina'les, lumbar vertebrae. V. cauda'les, sacral vertebra. V. cervica'- les, cervical vertebne. V. coccygea'les, coccygeal vertebne. V. col'U, cervical vertebras. V. dorsales, dorsal vertebno. V. fal'sse, false vertebrae V. lumbales, lumbar vertebnt}. V. sacrales, sacral vertebrae. V. spu'riœ os'sis sa'cri, sa- cral vertebra'. V. thoracales or V. thor- ac'icaB, dorsal vertebra'. Ver'tebral. L. vertebralis ; F. verté- bral, ale ; /. vertebrale. Pertaining to the vertebrae, spinal. V. aponeuro'sis, verte- bral fascia. V. arch, neural arch. V. ar'tery. L. arteria vertebralis ; F. artère vertébrale; fr. Wirbelschlagader; 7. arteria vertebrale. Branch of subclavian, passing up the neck through foramina transversaria VER — VER 751 of corvical vertebra^, enteriii«: foramen mag- num, ami uniting with its fellow of tiie op- posite side to form the basilar artery. V. bor'der, internal or posterior border of scapula. V. canal', .«pinal canal. V. col'umn. L. colunina vertebralis ; F. co- lonne vertebrale ; U. Wirbelsäule ; /. co- lonna vertebrale. That formed by super- position of the vertebr;e. situated at posterior and median part of the trunk. V. fas'cia. i. fascia vertebralis; f^/. Riickenbinde. The fascia lurabo-dorsalis of thoracic part of the back. It is a thin lamina passing up- ward under the serratus posticus superior, and continuous with the fascia nuch:«. V. fora 'men. L. foramen vertebrale ; /'. trou rachidien ; G. Wirbelloch ; /. forame vertebrale. That formed by junction of arch and body of a vertebra. By their superposition they form the spinal canal. V. grooves. L. sulci vertébrales ; F. gouttières vertébrales ; G. Wirbelfurchen ; / doceie vertebrali. Furrows running lon- gitudinally along the back on either side of the spinous processes. Thev correspond to the lamime of the vertebne. and are bounded externally by the transverse and articular processes. V. nerve, sympathetic nerve. V. nerves, spinal nerves. V. plex'us. L. ple.xus vertebralis. Sympa- thetic plexus on the vertebral artery. V. ribs, floating ribs. V. sheath. L. theca vertebralis. That formed by dura mater about the spinal cord. V. vein. L. vena vertebralis; .F. veine vertebrale ; fx. Wirbel- blutader: /. vena intervertebrale. Formed by deep branches from occipital region and back of the neck. Passing downward with the vertebral artery, it discharges into the innominate vein. V. vein, ante'rior. L. vena vertebralis externa anterior. Receives blood from (ilexus over cervical vertebne, and accompanies ascending cervical artery, discharging into vertebral vein. V. vein, poste'rior, cervical vein, deep. Vertebralsegxaent (.)■ Crest of ure- thra. Verunglückung ( G.'). Miscarriage. Verunreinigung (G.). The making im- pure, pollution. Ver'vain. Z., 7. verbena; F. verveine; G. Eisenkraut. 1. The common name for plants of the genus Verbena. 2. Verbemi oßicinalis, L. Verveine (F.). Vervain. V. odorante, Verhena triplit/Ha, L'IIér. Verwachsen ( G.). To grow together, to coalesce. Verwachsung, adhesion. Verwachsungstheorie ( G. ). Theory of formation of double monsters by the growing together of two foetuses. Verwahrarznei (ir Verwahrmittel ( G.). A jirojdiylactic. Verwandlung ( G.). Transmutation, traiisforniatiun. Verwandtschaft ( G.). Consanguinity. Verwirrtheit i>r Verwirrung { G.). Confusion of ideas, hallueination. Verwitterung {G.). Decay by expo- sure. Verwundung (G.). Wounding. Verzehrung (6'.). Wasting, consump- tion. Verzerrtsehen (G.). Mctamorphojisia. Verzerrung {G.). Distortion, perver- sion. Verziehung (G"). Distortion, sprain, deformity. Verzückung (G.). Convulsinn, tit. Verzückung ( ^.). Delirium. Verzweigung {G.). Hamitication, branching. Vesa'hus, fora'men of: see Fora men if i'esa/iiix. Vesa'lius, glands of. Bniocliial glands. Vesa'lius, lig'ament of. I'oupart's liirament. VES VES 753 Vesa'nia (/.)• F. vésanic. G. Wahn- sinn. Unsoundness of mind. Vesce {F.). Vetch. Vescica (/.). Bladder. V. della bile or V. del fiele, gall-bladder. V. del cuore, pericardium. Vescicale (/.). Vesical. Vescicante, vesicating. Vescicatorio, vesicatory. Vescicazione, vesication. Vescichetta (/.), pi. Vescichette. Small bladder or bleb ; vesicle. V. om- belicale, umbilical vesicle. V. seminale, seminal vesicle. Vescicolare (/.). Vesicular. Vescicole polmonari (/.). Air-cells of the lungs. Vesic, abbv. for Vesicatorium (/>■)■ A blister. Vesi'ca (^L.'). A bladder or cyst. V. bilea'ria, gall-bladder. V. cor'dis, peri- cardium. V. fel'lea or V. fel'lis, gall- bladder. V. prostat'ica, prostatic vesicle. V. urina'ria, urinary bladder. Ves'ical. L. vesicalis ; F. vesical ; /. vescicale. Pertaining to the bladder. V. ar'teries. L. arteri* vesicae ; F. artères vésicales ; G. Bla.senschlagadern ; /. arterie vescicali. Those supplying the urinary bladder. The superior vesical is a ves- tige of the umbilical artery of the foetus, and is derived from the internal iliac ; middle vesical is usually a branch from the superior; and the inferior vesical or vesi- CO-prostatic is from the internal iliac. V. gan'glia, spermatic ganglia. V. Ug'a- ments, ligaments of bladder. V. plex'us, L. plexus vesicalis ; G. Blasengeflecht. Continuation of pelvic plexus upon the urinary bladder. V. plex'us of veins. L. plexus vesicalis ; /. plesso vescicale. Veins ramifying over surface of bladder and discharging into internal iliac vein. V.sac'- culus. L. appendix vesicae. A sacculus formed by protrusion of mucous lining of bladder through the fasciculi of the mus- cular coat. V. sphinc'ter, sphincter vesi- cae. V. tri'angle or V. tri'gone, trigone of the bladder. V. u'vula, uvula vesicae. Ves'icant. L. vesicans ; F. vesicant ; G. blasenziehend ; /. vescicante. An irri- tant sufficiently powerful to cause exuda- tion between the epidermis and the true skin, forming vesicles. Vesica'tion. L. vesicatio ; F. vesica- tion ; 1. vescicazione. The production of a blister. Vésicatoire {F.). Blister. Vol. II.— 48 Vesic'atory. Vesicant. Ves'icle. L. vesicula ; F. vésicule ; G. Bläschen; /. vescicola, vescichetta. 1. A small sac or cavity. 2. A circumscribed, rounded, or acuminated elevation of the epidermis, varying from pin-jiuint to sjilit- pea size, containing fluid. V. of Baer : see Boer's resale. V. of de Graaf : see Gnntfian folliclts. Ves'icocele [vesica, xrjhj]. Cystocele. Ves'ico-cer'vical fis'tula. One form- ing a canal between the bladder and the cervix uteri. Vesicoclysis (i.). The operation of injecting fluid into the bladder. Ves'ico-prostat'ic ar'tery. Vesical artery, inferior. Vesico-prostat'ic plex'us. Pudendal plexus. Vesico-spi'nal cen'tre. A nerve-centre influencing micturition, located between the 5th and 7th lumbar vertebrae in the dog. Vesico-umbil'ical lig'aments. L. ligamenta vesico-umbilialia. Three folds of peritoneum passing from bladder to umbilicus. In the middle one is the urachus ; in the two lateral the remains of the hypo- gastric arteries. Vesico-u'terine folds. L. plicae vesico- uterin;e. Two small semilunar folds of peritoneum passing from the bladder to the uterus and vagina. Vesico-u'terine pouch. L. escavatio vesieo-uterina. The peritoneal pocket be- tween the bladder in front and the uterus behind. Vesico-vag'inal ar'tery. Vaginal ar- tery. Vesico-vag'inal fis'tula. F. fistule vésico-vagiiiale ; 1. fistola vescico-vaginalo. An abnormal canal formed between the bladder and vagina. Vesicovaginalschnitt {G.'). Opening the bladder through the vagina. Vesic'ula (dim. of Vesica) (L-). A small bladder. V. al'ba, umbilical vesicle. V. fel'lea, gall-bladder. V. gangraenes'- cens, anthrax. V. germinati'va, germi- nal vesicle. V. omphalo-mesenter'ica or V. ova'lis, umbilical vesicle. V. pros- tat'ica or V. spermat'ica spu'ria, pros- tatic vesicle. V. umbilica'Us, umbilical vesicle. Vesiculae (/>.), pi. of Vesicula, q. v. V. cervi'cis u'teri, ovula Nabothi. V. GraaTii, Graafian follicles. V. gris'ese, 754 VES VET splenic corpuscles. V. pulmona'les or V. pulmo'num air-cells of lungs. V. san'gninis, blood-corpuscles. V. sem- ina'les, seminal vesicles. Vesic'ular. F. vésiculaire ; /. vescico- lare. I'ertuining to, or having, vesicles. V. col'umn: see Cl. vas ; F. vaisseau ; G. Ge- f äss ; /. vaso. Membranous canal for con- veying fluid: %plying vestibule of internal ear. V. pas'sage. L. scala ves- tibuli ; G. Vorhofstreppc. That passage of cochlea which lies toward the apex from the lamina spiralis. It communicates with the vestibule. V. por'tion of coch'lea. G. Vestibulartheil. The comparatively free and uncoiled part lying against the vesti- bule. V. root: sec Auditori/ roots. Vestibulartheu {G.). Vestibular por- tion of cochlea. Ves'tibule. X. ve.stibulum ; CVorhof; /.vestibolo. Entrance. V. of ear or laby- rinth. L. vestibulum auris ; /'. vestibule de l'oreille ; /. vestibolo dell' orecchio. An irregular ovoid chamber forming part of the labyrinth (internal ear). It communi- cates behind with the semicircular canals, in front with the cochlea. V. of mouth. L. vestibulum oris; G. Vorhof der .Mund- hohle; /. vestibolo della bocca. That part between the lips and cheeks on one side and the teeth on the other. V. of vagi 'na or vul'va. L. vestibulum vaginio. That portion immediately behind the nymphae. Vestibule (F.). Entrance, vestibule. V. de la glotte or V. du lar3rnx, upper laryngeal cavity. Vestib'tilum (/..). Vestibule. V. labyrin'thi, vestibule of ear. V. laryn'- gis, upper laryngeal cavity. V. na'si, vestibule of nose. V. o'ris, vestibule of mouth. V. pharyn'gis me'dium, isth- mus of the ftiuces. V. puden'di or V. vagi'nse, vestibule of vagina. V. ven- tric'uli laryn'gis, lower part of ventricle of larynx. Vestig'ial fold of pericar'dium. Fold of serous membrane of pericardium, found in front of root of left lung, and contain- ing vestiges of the left duct of Cuvier, Vestig'ium (//.). 1. Vestige. 2. The sole of the foot. V. foram'inis ova'lis, fovea ovalis. V. pe'dis, metatarsus. Ves'uvin. Triamidoazobcnzol. Ani- lin dve. of brown color ; a nuclear stain, both for alcoholic and chromic acid prep- arations ; most suitable for unicellular or- ganisms. Vetch. F. vesce. The botanical genus Vicia. Vetch'ling. The botanical genus Lathy- VET— VIC 755 Vetera'na (L.). Jlorbilli. Vétérinaire (/■'.). 1. Veterinary medi- cine, li. \ oteriiiariuu. 3. Relating to veter- inary medieine. Veterinaria (/.). Veterinary medicine. Veterina'rian. F. vétérinaire ; G. Thierarzt ; J. veterinario. A specialist in the studv of animal medicine. Veterinario (/.). 1. Veterinarian. 2. EetatinL' to veterinary medicine. Vet'erinary. L. veterinarius ; F. vété- rinaire ; /. veterinario. Pertaining to beasts of burden. V. anat'omy : see Aniitovij/. V. medicine. F. médecine vétérinaire ; G. Thicrarzneikunde ; /. veterinaria. Medi- cine in its relation to the welfare of do- mestic animals. Vetemos'itas (L.). Coma vigil. Vétiver {F.). Andropogon muricatus, Retz. Vetive'ria odora'ta (L.). Andropogon muricotiis, Ketz. Vetro solubile (/.). Soluble glass. V. F., abbv. for Visual field. Vi'a iL.). F. voie ; G. Weg. Passage, way. Viabü'ity. F. viabilité ; G. Lebensfä- higkeit ; I. vitabilità. Capability of inde- pendent life after birth. In suspected in- fanticide the law requires conclusive evi- dence of capability of separate e.^istence ; in questions of disputed inheritance or of tenancy by courtesy any evidence of sep- arate life, however brief, is sufficient. Vi'able. G. lebensfähig ; /. vitabile. Term applied to a child born after seven lunar months of pregnancy. In law, a child born before that period is considered as non-viable (G. unlebensfähig). Viande en poudre (F.). Meat-powder. Vibi'ces (//.), pi. of Vibex. G. Blut- schwielen ; /. vibici. Long, narrow, streak- like haemorrhagic lesions, varying in size from a few lines to an inch or more ; lesions of purpura simplex. Vi'bratUe cells. Ciliated cells. Vi'brator. Mechanical appliance used to produce passive e.xcrcise. Vibrion septique ( F.) [Pasteur]. Bacil- lus of malignant œdema [Koch]. Vibris'sae (L.). F. vibrisses ; /. vibrisse. Coarse, stiff, long hairs, particularly those about the mouths of animals ; nasal hairs of man. Vibur'nin. A neutral, bitter principle from viburnum. Vibur'num. 1. The bark of IViiovmm prunifuliam, L. ; said to be useful in dys- menorrhœa. 2. A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Cajtri/olidccit:. V. denta'tum, L., arrow-wood ; indigenous ; the bark said to be diuretic and detergent. V. Lenta'go, L., sweet viburnum, nanny-berry ; an in- digenous tree ; used as an antipcriodic. V. obova'tum, Walt., grows in the southern r. S. where it is used as an antipcriodic. V. Op'ulus, L. 1. Cranberry-tree ; native of Canada, northern U. S., Europe, and northern Asia; the bark is known as cr< imp-hark. 2. Guelder rose. V. pruni- fo'liuni, L., black haw; a tall shrub or small tree, indigenous to the U. S. : see Vihiinnim. Vicarietà ( /.). Vicariousness. Vica'rious. L. vicarius ; F. vicaire ; G. stellvertretend ; /. vicario. Acting as a substitute. V. menstrua'tion. Term applied to a bloody discharge from the rectum, nose, or other part of the body, or from an ulcer, occurring in the female at the menstrual period. Vice {F.). Fault, imperfection. V. cancéreux, cancerous diathesis. V. de conformation, malformation. V. scrofti- leux, scrofulous diathesis. V. ssrphi- litique, syphilitic cachexia. Vich'y- Celebrated watering-place in the département de l'Allier, France ; alka- line soda springs, temperature from 40° to 100° F. Some of the springs are ferrugi- nous. Vich'y Spring. 1. Alkaline, saline carbonated water, Saratoga Co., New York. 2. Alkaline calcic springs, near New Alma- den, Santa Clara Co., California. Vicié, ée (Z'.). Vitiated; affected with some morbid diathesis. Vicq d'Azyr, Bundle of: see Bundle of Vicq d' Azyr. Vicq d'Azyr's line. G. Mcq d'xVzyr'sche Streifen. A thin, whitish streak which appears on macroscopical examination of a section of the cortex of the brain ; well marked about the calcarinc fissure. Vicq d'Azyr 'sches Bündel ((?.). Bun- dle of \'icq d'Azyr. Vic'tor Spring. Acid saline water. Barien Centre, Genessee Co., New York. Victo'ria blue. A stain used for elas- tic fibrous tissue. 756 VID VIL Vidange (F.). 1. Scavenging. 2. Lochia. Vide (F.). Vacuum. Vid'ian ar'tery. L., /., arteria vidiana. Small twi<: from internal maxillary to A'idiuii canal and Kustachian tube. Vid'ian canal'. L. canalis vidianus; F. conduit vidien ; /. canale pterigoideo. A passage through sphenoid bone at base of internal pterygoid plate (between the basi- sphenoid, alisphenoid, and pterygoid ele- ments), which transmits the A'idian nerve and vessel.s. Vid'ian nerve. L. nervus vidianus ; F. nerf vidien ; G. A'idi'scher Xerv ; /. nervo vidiano. Formed by the union of great superficial petrosal and great deep petrosal nerves ; passes through Vidian canal to Meckel's ganglion. Vie (F.). Life. V. moyenne, after lifetime. V. probable, probable lifetime. Vieharzenei (&.). Medicine for ani- mals. Vieharzeneikunst (G.). Veterinary medicine. Vieharzt (G.). Veterinary surgeon. Viehpocke ((?.). Cow-pox. Viehseuche (. villi intestinales. Minute taper- ing vascular processes of mucous mem- brane, projectinir in great numbers from the walls, especially in the duodenum and jejunum. V. sjmovia'les, synovial villi. Vüli'tis. Coronitis. Vmosità(/.). Villi. VUlosité (/'.). 1. Villus. 2. The con- VIL VIN 757 dition of beine: proviJed with villi. V-s. foliacées or V-s. lamelleuses, villi of the duodenum. Vil'lous. L. villcsus ; F. villeus, ause ; /. villoso. Containing villi. V. growth, papilloma. V. mem'branes, those having villous appendages like the mucous mem- brane of the small intestine. Vin {F.). Wine. V. antimonial, wine of antimony. V. antiscorbutique, anti- scorbutic wine. V. aromatique, aromatic wine. V. blanc, white wine. V. de bulbes de colchique, wine of colcliicum- root. V. chalibé, wine of citrate of iron. V. de coca, wine of coca. V. de digi- tale composé de l'Hôtel Dieu [Cod.] : see Wine o/ iHgitali^. V. diurétique amer de la Charité, compound wine of squill. V. émétique, wine of antimony. V. ferrugi- neux, wine of citrate of iron. V. de gen- tiane, wine of gentian. V. d'opium or V. d'opium composé. Sydenham's laudanum. V. de pepsine, wine of pepsin. V. de quinquina, wine of cinchona. V. de quin- quma ferrugineux, wine of cinchona (fer- rated). V. de rhubarbe, wine of rhubarb. V. rouge, red wine. V. de seule, wine of squill. V. de scUle composé de la Charité, compound wine of squill. V. de semences de colchique, wine of col- chicum-secd. V. stibié, wine of anti- mony. V. de Trousseau: see Wine of digitalis. Vinage {F.). Alcoholization of wine. Vinaigre {F.). Abnegar. V. anglais. 1. See Are/Km hritunniciim. 2. Aromatic acetic acid. V. antiseptique, aromatic vinegar. V. aromatique [Cod.], aromatic vinegar of the hospitals. V. de bois, rec- tified pyroligneous acid. V. camphré, camphorated vinegar. V. cantharide, vinegar of cantharides. V. de colchique, vinegar of colchium. V. distillé, distilled vinegar. V. phénique, vinegar of carbolic acid. V. des quatre voleurs, aromatic vinegar. V. radical, acetum radicale. V. de rose rouge, vinegar of rose. V. de sanguinaria, vinegar of sanguinaria. V. de seule, vinegar of squill. Vin'ca (L.). A genus of Apoci/wicex. V. ma'jor, L., and V. mi'nor, L., official in the Codex ; leaves used as vulnerary, antihremorrhagic, and antigalactic. Vincetox'icum oflBcina'le, Moench. Afci'piiis Viiuclojicnm. L. Vin'cula accesso'ria ten'dinum (Z..). Vincula tcndinum. Vin'cula ten'dinum {L.). G. Haft- bändchen. 1. Small bands of connective tissue attaching a tendon to its sheath. 2. Ligamenta vagin alia. 'Ò. Juga ten- dinea. Vin'cula vasculo'sa {L-). Vincula tendinum. Vin'culum subfla'vum {L.). A small band of yellow elastic tissue belonging to the ligamentum breve digiti, and stretching from the flexor tendons to the head of the second phalanx. Vin'egar [F. vin, aigre]. L. acetum ; F. vinaigre ; G. Essig ; /. aceto. 1. Product of the acetic fermentation of dilute alcoholic liquids, due to the growth of a cryptogamic plant, Mycoderma areti; should contain 5 to 6 per cent, of acetic acid ; refrigerant and diuretic. 2. An infusion or solution of a medicinal substance in vinegar or acetic acid : see also Aromatic, Camphorated, Dis- tilled, Malt, Marseilles, Medicated, Pyrolig- neous, Radical, Raspberry, Thieves, Wine, and Wood vinegar. V. of canthar'ides. L. acetum cantharidis; /'. vinaigre cantha- ride ; G. Cantharidenessig. The liquid prod- uct of the digestion of cantharides in acetic acid, in the proportion of about 1 to 10 [B. P.]. V. of carbol'ic ac'id. L. acetum cum acido carbolico ; F. vinaigre phénique. A mixture of carbolic acid 1, acetic acid 20, water 980 parts [Cod.]. V. of col'- chicum. L. acetum colchici ; F. vinaigre de colchique. Fresh Colchicum corni 20, vinegar 98, glacial acetic acid 2 parts ; macerate, express, and -filter [Cod.]. V. of col'chicum-root. L. acetum colchici ; F. vinaigre de colchique ; G. Zeitlosenessig. Fresh colchicum-root 20, vinegar 98, glacial acetic acid 2 parts ; macerate [Cod.]. V. of digita 'lis. L. acetum digitalis ; G. Fingerhutessig. Digitalis 5, alcohol 5, di- lute acetic acid 9, water 36 ; macerate [P. G.]. V. of lobe'lia. L. acetum lobelias. Lobelia 10, diluted acetic acid q. s. to make 100; percolate [U. S. P.]. V. of o'pium. L. acetum opii ; F. gouttes noires anglaises ; /. aceto d'oppio. Black drop. A 10 per cent, solution of dry opium in dilute acetic acid, flavored with nutmeg [U. S. P.] ; a 40 per cent, solution contain- ing also safl"ron [('od ]. V. of rose. L- acetum rosatum ; F. vinaigre de rose rouge. Prepared by macerating red-rose petals in vinegar, 1 to 10 [Cod.]. V. of sangui- na'ria. L. acetum sanguiiiari;e ; /'. vinai- gre de sanguinaire ; G. Blutwurzelessig. Prepared by percolation of 10 parts of 758 VIN VIR sanguinaria with sufficient diluted acetic acid to make 100 parts [U. S. P.] ; emetic, expectorant, and alterative. V. of squill. L. acetum Scillae ; F. vinaigre de seule ; G. Meerzwiebelessig; /. aceto scillitico. Rep- resents 10 per cent, of squill [U. S. P., P. G., Cod.]; 12.! per cent. [B. P.]. Vinegar-plant. Staghorn sumach, Rhus tì/phinn, L. Vinettier {FJ). Berheris vulgaris, L. Vino (/.). Wine. V. bianco, white wine. V. rosso, red wine. Vi'num (/>.). Wine. V. al'bum, white wine. V. al'bum for'tius, stronger wliite ■wine. V. al'oes or V. aloet'icum, wine of aloes V. antimonia'le [B. P.] or V. antimo'mi, wine of antimony. V. anti- scorbu'ticum, antiscorbutic wine. V. aroma'ticum, aromatic wine. V. auran'- tü, orange wine. V. camphora'tum [P. G.], wine of camphor. V. chalibea'tum [Cod.], wine of citrate of iron. V. chaly- bea'tuni, wine of iron. V. chi'nee [P. G ] or V. de cincho'na [Cod.], wine of cin- chona. V. de cincho'na martia'tum [Cod.], wine of cinchona, ferrated. V. col'- chici [B. P.] : see Wine of colchicum-rout . v. col'chici [P. G.] : see Mine of culchi- cum-seed. V. col'chici radi'cis, wine of colchicum-root. V. col'chici sem'inis, wine of colchicum-seed. V. digita'leum compos'itum [Cod.], wine of digitalis. V. emet'icum, wine of antimony. V. ergo'tae, wine of ergot. V. fer'ri, wine of iron. V. fer'ri ama'rum, bitter wine of iron. V. fer'ri citra'tis, wine of citrate of iron. V. gentia'nae, wine of gentian. V. hippocrat'icum : see Hippocms. V. Hux'hami, wine of antimony. V. ipe- cacuan'hae, wine of ijiecac. V. martia'- tum, wine of iron. V. martia'tum [F. Mex.], wine of citrate of iron. V. o'pii, wine of opium. V. o'pii aroma'ticum [P. Neer.], or V. o'pii compos'itum E Cod.], or V. o'pii croca'tum [P. Xorv], ..ydenham's laudanum. V. pepsin'eum [Cod.], or V. pep'sini, or V. pep'ticum, wine of pepsin. V. Port'ense, port wine. V. quinin'ae, wine of quinine. V. rhe'i, wine cjf rhubarb. V. ru'brum, red wine. V. scil'lse, wine of scjuill. V. scillit'icum compos'itum [Cod.], compound wine of scjuill. V. stibia'tum [P. G.], wine of antimony. V. theba'icum [P. Dan.], wine of opium. V. theba'icum croca'tum [P. I)an.], .Sydenham s laudanum. V. xeren'se, or V. xer'icum, sherry wine. VioU/'.j. llape. Vio'la (Z.). A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Violacex. V. cuculla'ta, Ait., com- mon blue violet, V. odora 'ta, L. F. vio- lette odorante ; G. Märzveilchen ; 7. viola mammola. Sweet violet; native of Europe ; a syrup of the flowers is used as a lenitive. V. peda'ta, L., bird-foot violet ; expecto- rant and demulcent. V. tri'color. F. pensée sauvage ; G. Freisamkraut ; /. viola tricolore. Heart's-ease ; pansy; johnny-jump-up. The wild-grown, flower- ing herb of Viola tricolor, h. [U. S. P.] : expectorant, diuretic ; used externally for cutaneous eruptions. V. verticüla'ta. Ort., lonidium polygnlxfolium, Vent, et DC. Viola (/.). Violet. V. farfalla or V. tricolore, Viola tricolor, L. V. mam- mola, Viola odorata, L. Viola'tion. 1. Term used in some codes to indicate carnal intercourse with an idiot or with one who has been drugged, and without the violence which the term " rape " ordinarily includes. 2. General term indicating intercourse with a woman without violence, but by deception or treachery. Violazione (/.). Rape. Vi'olet blindness. G. Violetblindheit. Inability to distinguish violet rays of light. Violette (F.). Violet. V. odorante, Viola odorata. Vior'na. Clematis vitalba, L. Vi'per. L., I. vipera ; F. vipère. The ophidian reptile Colulier Berus, L. ; the dried and powdered animal was formerly a constituent of theriaca. Vi'per's bu'gloss. Echium vulgare, L.; indigenous ; root astringent, lenitive, and diuretic. Vi'per's-grass. Scorzonera hispanica, L. Vir(i.). Man. Virchow, horizon'tal plane of. Au- riculo-infraorbital plane. Vircho'w-Hölder angle. The Munich- Frankfort angle : see Facial angle. Virchow - Robin'scher Raum ((.'. Virgrin'ia poke. Phi/tolacca decandra, L. Virginia snake'root. Serpentaria. Virgin'ia stone'crop. Puititonim se- doidex, L. ; astringent ; used in catarrhal affections. Virgin'ia thyme. Fycnanthemum lini- J'olinrn. Pursh. Virginische Schlangenwxirzel (ff.). Serpentaria. Vir'gin's bow'er. Ckmatis. Vir'ide aë'ris {L.). Verdigris. Vir'ile. L. virilis ; F. viril, ile. Per- taining or peculiar to a man. Viri'le mem'bnim (L.). Penis. Viril'ia (L.). The male genitals. Virü'ity. L. virilitas ; F. virilité ; G. Virilitiit ; /. virilità. Manhood ; the gene- rative power of the male. Virilpotenz (ö.)- Virile power. Viro'la (/-.)■ A genus of Myristicex. V. sebiTera, Aubl., Sli/ristica sehifera, Sw. V. tal'loAW, a concrete oil obtained from the seeds of Virola {Myristica) Sfbi/era, from Guiana ; Oeuba wax. Vir'tual im'age. Image formed by rays prolonged after reflection or refraction. Vir'ulence. L. virulentia ; F. viru- lence : G. Virulenz ; /. virulenza. Condi- tion of being virulent. Vir'ulent. L. virulentus ; F. virulent, ente ; /. virulento. Pertaining, or due, to a virus. Vi'rus (L.). A substance, the result of a morbid process, capable of producing disease when inoculated ; the active agent in the production of any infectious disease. Vis {L.). Force, strength. V. forma- ti'va, plastic force. V. genera'trix, gen- erative force. V. medica'trix natu'rae, the healing power of nature. V. meta- bol'ica, metabolic force. V. muscula'- ris, muscular force. V. nervo'sa, nerve force. V. plas'tica or V. reproducti'va, plastic force. V. a tergo, force of impul- sion or propulsion. V. vi'tse or V. vita'- lis, vital force. Vis'cera ( />.). F. viscères ; /. viscere. PI. of Viscus, q. V. Vis'ceral. L. visceralis ; F. viscéral, ale ; / viscerale. Pertaining to the vis- cera. V. arch, hœmal arch. V. ar'ches, branchial arches. V. cav'ity, splanchnic cavity. V. cleft, branchial cleft. V. por'- tion of pericar'dium. L. pericardium viscerale. Inner portion of the sac, con- nected intimately with the heart and en- sheathing the vessels at the base. V. skel'eton. G. Yisceralskelet. Those parts of the skeleton that form the hœmal arches or their connections, such as the ribs, costal cartilages, and sternum. Visceralbogen (G.). Haemal arch. Visceral'gia {L.) [viscus, «/./-oc]. F. viscéralgie. Visceral neuralgia. Visceralhöhlen (G.). Visceral cavi- ties. Viscere (/), pi. of Viscera. Viscère (F.). Viscus. Vischio or Visco (/.). Mistletoe. Vis'cid. L. viscidus ; F. visqueux, euse ; /. viscido. Adhesive and thick ; sticky. Vis'cin. CooHjgOs. F. viscine ; /. vis- cina. Bird-lime ; a soft, elastic, extremely sticky and tenacious substance, insoluble in water or alcohol, soluble in ether ; a con- stituent of various plants, but especially of Viscitm album and Ilex aqul/olium. Visco (/.). Mistletoe. Viscos'ity. L. viscositas; F. viscosité; /. viscosità. The property of being viscid. Vis'cous. L. viscosus ; F. visqueux, euse ; /. viscoso, a. Adhesive. Vis'cum (//.). /. visco. Mistletoe, a genus of Loraii/hacex. V. album, L., mistletoe ; a small parasitic evergreen Eu- ropean .shrub, growing on deciduous trees. V. flaves'cens, Pursh.. American mistle- toe, indigenous ; properties like those of the 760 VIS VIT European mistletoe. V. quer'num, Lo- niìitlius europxus, L. Vis'cus (L.), pi. Vis'cera. /'. viscère ; G. Eingeweide ; J. viscera, pi. viscere. Term applied to organs contained within the three great cavities of the body, cranial, thoracic, and abdominal, particularly those of paren- chymatous character. Vi'sion. L. visus; F. vue; G'. Sehen; /. vista. That sense which gives us know- ledge of the external world through the medium of the eye. It embraces the per- ception of luminousness, color, and form, and indirectly of distance. V., cen'tral, vision when images are formed at the macula lutea. V., direct', vision, central, v., in'direct, vision, peripheral. V., pe- riph'eral, vision when images are formed oti the retina away from the macula lutea. Visirebene (C). Plane of regard. Visir-lines. F. lignes de visée ; G. Yisirlinien. Lines passed to the retina through points which seem to cover one another in space. Principal visir -line ( G. Hauptvisirlinie ; F. ligne de visée principale). The visir-line drawn from the point of regard, practically coincident with the line of regard. Crossing-point of visir-line {F. centre des lignes de visée, point d intersection des lignes de visée ; G. Kreuzungspunkt (Centrum) der Yisir- linien I. AU visir-lines cross at the centre of the image of the pupil formed by the cornea. VisirUnie (''7.). Visual line ; coUimat- ing axis of the eye. Visir'-plane. F. plan de visée ; G. Visirebene. .Strictly, the plane passed through the principal visir-lines. The term is also used for the plane of regard, with which it very nearly coincides. Visitireisen (G.). Probe. Visitiren ( G.). To visit ; to probe or search. Visivo (/.). Visual. Viso (/.). Face, facies. Visqueux, euse (/''.)• Viscous, viscid. Vista (I.). Vision, sight. V. breve or V. corta, myopia. V. debole, ambly- opia. V. dimezzata, homianopia. V. diuma, hemeralopia. V. doppia, di- plopia. V. lunga, presbyopia. V. man- cante, blindness. V. notturna, nyctal- opia. V. storta, strabismus Vis'ual. //. visualis ; /'. visuel, elle; 7. visuale. Pertaining to vision. V. angle. F. angle visuel ; G. Gesichtswinkel. The angle formed by the intersection of two lines drawn from the extremities of an object to the nodal ]K)int of the eye ; an object which subtends an angle of one minute is the smallest that can be distin- guished by the ordinary eye. The term is sometimes applied to cases where the eye, moving, sees two points in succession ; in this case the apex of the angle is at the centre of rotation of the eye. V. az'is. F. axe visuel ; G. Sehaxe ; /. asse visivo : see Line o/ sight. V.cells. G. Sichtzellen. Rods and cones of the retina. V. field. F. champ visuel ; G. Gesichtsfeld ; 7. campo visivo. The extent of the space throughout which objects are distinguisiiable when the eye is immovably fixed on one point. It is monocular when each eye is taken sep- arately ; binocular when for the two eyes combined. V. line : see Line o/ night. V. plane of Broca, Broca. visual plane of. V. pur'ple, retinal purple. V. ray : see Line of sight. V. space. G. Sehraum, Gesichtsraum. Space as it appears to us in anv instant is the visual space of that in- stant. Biiiociilnrer Gesichtxrauni is that part of space whose content is visible to both eyes in any given position. Binocniiirer Blickraum is that ])art of space within which the binocular fixation-point may be moved about. V. yellow, chlorophan. Vis'ual -cell lay'er. G. Schicht der Sehzellen. That stratum of the retina which apparently contains the active organs for receiving imjiressious of light, com- prising the outer granular layer, the mem- brana limitans externa, and the layer of rods and cones. Visuel, elle (7^.). Visual. ■ Vi'sus (7/.). Vision. V. deflgura'tus, metamorphopsia. V. dimidia'tus, old terra for hemianopsia. V. lu'cidus, photopsia. V. reticula'tus, seeing musca; voûtantes in form of network. Vi'ta(7..). Life. VitabUe (7.). Viable. Vitabilità (7.). Viability. Vi'tal. L. vitalis ; 7^. vital, ale ; 7. vi- tale. 1. Pertaining to life. 2. Essential to life. V. air, oxygen. V. capac'ity of lungs. G. Vitalkapazität. Term ap- plied to the volume of air which can be forcibly expelled from the chest after the deepest possible inspiration. V. cen'tre, the respiratory nerve-centre in the medulla oblongata. V. prin'ciple, term for the essential and peculiar cause of life. VIT VIT 761 Vital'ba (L.). Clematis Vitalba. Vi'talism. L. vitalismus; F. vitalisme; /. vitalisuiii. The doctrine that life is due to a special f\)rce distinct from the physical and chemical forces. Vital'ity. L. vitalitas; F. vitalité; G. Lebenskraft. Vitalität; /.vitalità. 1. The vital principle or force. 2. Vital action or movement. Vi'talize. To make alive or part of liviiii,' matter. Vitalkapazität (G.). Vital capacity of luiii;s. Vi'tals. L. vitalia. Organs necessary to life. Vitalwärme (G:). Vital or animal heat. Vite ( /.). Grapevine. Vitel'lin. F. vitelline ;/. vitellina. The chief proteid in the yolk of egg. It is also said to occur in the chyle and in the amni- otic fluid. Vitel'line. L. vitellinus ; F. vitellin, ine ; /. vitellino. Relating to the yolk. V. disc, discus proligerus. V. duct, hol- low stalk of the yolk-sac ; the omphalo- mesenteric duct. V. flu'id, fluid contained in the umbilical vesicle. V. mem'brane, cell-membrane of the ovum ; a very thin membrane found within the zona radiata. V. ped'icle, pedicle which attaches the umbilical vesicle to the embryo. V. pouch, umbilical vesicle. V. sac, yolk-sac. V. veins, omphalo-mesenteric veins. Vitellio (/.). Vitellus ; yolk. Vitellomesenter'ic. Omphalomesen- teric. Vitello'ses. Cleavage products of phy- to-vitellin, obtained by the action of gastric and pancreatic juice or their equivalents. Vitel'lus ( L.). G. Eidotter ; /. vitellio, tu.orlo. Volk ; the cellular protoplasmic body of the ovule. V. formati'vus. G. Bildungsdotter. Formative yolk. V. nu- triti'vus, nutritive yolk. Vi'tex (//.). /. vitiee. A genus of Verbi-nacese. V. Ag'nus-Cas'tus, a shrub growing in southern Europe; the fruit was formerly used as an antaphrodisiac. Vi'tia per exces'sum (L.). Abnormi- ties 1>\' excess of formation. VitUi'go (/..) [vitulus]. G. Kalber- fleck ; /. vitiligine. One or more oval or irregularly-shaped, sharply-limited, smooth, white spots, which tend to continuously in- crease in size, and are generally surrounded bv iibiiiirniaHy ilarkly pigmented skin. V. al'ba gra'vior, lepra maculosa. V. al'ba le'vior or V. al'phos, vitiligo. V. cap'- itis, alopecia areata. V. congenita'lis, partial albinism. V. gra'vior, lepra. V. hepat'ica, chloasma hepaticum. V. ni'- gra, ophiasis sordida. Vitiligoi'dea (/.). Xanthoma. V. pla'na, form of .xanthoma with tubercu- lated lesions. V. tubero'sa, V. jilana. Vi'tis (L.). A genus of plants, Nat. Ord. Vitacese. V. cordifo'lia, the frost- grapevine ; winter or chicken grapevine. V. Labrus'ca, L., fox-grape. V. vinif- era, the grapevine; cultivated in many varieties for its fruit. V. wilpi'na, L., fox-grape. Vi'tium (L.), pi. tia. Disease. V. pri'- mae conformatio'nis, malformation. Vit. ov., abbv. for Vitellum ovi (L.), yolk of egg. Vitreo-capsuli'tis. Hyalitis. Vit'reous. L. vitreus ; F. vitré, ée ; G. glasartig; /. vitroso. 1. Glassy, hyaline. 2. Vitreous body. V., artifl'cial. A ball of glass (or other material) inserted into the cavity of the sclera after evisceration [Mules]. V. bod'y. L. corpus vitreum ; F. corps vitré ; G. Glaskörper ; /. corpo vitreo. A transparent, jelly-like structure, apparently a low form of connective tissue, which fills the eyeball behind the lens. V. cham'ber : see Chambers of the eye. V. degenera 'Idon, hyaline degeneration of the inner coat of an artery. V. hu'mor, vitreous body. V. hu'mor of ear, endo- lymph. V. infiltra'tion, scattered small degenerations of inner layer of choroid, projecting into or through the retina, and appearing on ophthalmoscopic examination as small, round, pinkish or yellowish spots [Masselon]. V. ta'ble. /. lamina vitrea; G. Glastafel. The plate of compact tissue formed on the external and internal surface of the bones of the skull. Vit'reum (/.). Vitreous body. Vitri'na ocula'ris (/.). G. Glaskörper- flüssigkeit. The fluid portion which drains away from the vitreous body when it is placed upon a filter. Vit'riol [/>. vitrnm]. /. vitriolo. The ancient name for certain salts of sulphuric acid which have a glassy appearance : see Blue, Green, and J17iiV<; citrini and Oil of vitriol. Vitriol ( Z'.). Vitriol. V. blanc, zinc sulphate. V. bleu, copper sulphate. V. 762 VIT VOL vert, copperas; commercial ferrous sul- phate. Vit'riolated so'da. Sodium sulphate. Vit'riolated tartar. Potassium sul- phate. Vitriolo di rame (/.). Copper sulphate. Vitrio'lum (L.). Vitriol. V. al'bum, zinc sulphate. V. fer'ri, or V. mar'tis, or V. vir'ide, ferrous sulphate. V. zin'ci, zinc sulphate. Vit'nim (X.). Glass. V. antimo'nii, antimony glass. Vit'ulary fe'ver [vitulus]. Parturient apoples\' in cows. Vivant, ante (F.). Living. Viver'ra civet'ta, Schreb. Civet-cat, a small, carnivorous animal, native of Africa, from which is obtained the odorous secre- tion known as civet. Viver'ra Zibe'tha, Schreb. Zibeth, native of southern Asia ; yields a portion of the civet of commerce. Vivifikation (G.). Yivification. Vivip'arous. F. vivipare ; /. vivipare. Bringing forth the young alive. Vivisec'tion. L. vivisectio ; /. vivi- sezione. Act of cutting or operating on living animals for experimental purposes. Viziato, a (/.). Vitiated. Vizio (I.). Fault, imperfection. V, di conformazione, malformation. Vizioso ( /.). Abnormal, irregular, im- perfect. VI emingkx's solution. L. liquor calcii sulfurati Vlemingkx. Lime 1, sulphur 2, water 20 ; slack the lime, add the sulphur and water, and boil to 12 parts [P. Helv.]. Vliess (G.). Fleece; — fasern or — region, capsula nuclei cerebelli. Vo'caL L. vocalis ; F. vocal, ale ; /. vocale. Pertaining to the voice. V. cords, L. chord;e vocales ; F. cordes vocales; ^'.Stimmbänder; /. corde vocali. The margins of the folds of mucous mem- brane which stretch across the larynx from the angle of the thyroid cartilage to the arytenoid cartilages ; only the inferior ones are concerned in the production of voice, and are therefore known as the true v. c-s,, the superior being the false v, c-s. V. cords, poste'rior, oorniculo-pharyngeal ligaments. V, fi-em'itus : sec Fmnitus. V. glot'tis, L. glottis ligamcntosus ; F. glotte vocale. Anterior portion of glottis between the vocal cords only. V. proc'ess. L. processus glottidis ; G. Stimmbandfort- satz. Anterior puinted projection of ary- tenoid cartilage to which the vocal cord is attached. The anterior v. p. is a small excrescence for attachment of the vocal cords on the inner surface of the thyroid cartilage, at the median line. V. tube, air- passages above vocal cords. Vocalfremitus (G.): see Fremitus. Voce {J.). Voice. V. belante, aegoph- on}-. Vogelbeerbaum (G.). Mountain ash. Vogelbeersäure ( G.). Serbie acid. Vogelkirschbaum (G.). Wild-cherry tree. Vogelklaue f G.), Hippocampus minor. Vogelknöterig ( G.). Knot-grass, centi- nodia. Vogelleim (G.). Viscin. Vogelmübe (G.). Bmiuuit/xsus (iviiim. Vogelspom (tr'.). Hippocampus minor. Voglia materna (/.). Birth-mark. Vogt, angle of. That between naso- basilar and alveolo-nasal lines. Voice. L. vox ; F. voix ; G. Stimme ; J. voce. Sound produced by the apparatus of phonation as a means of expression. Voie (F.), pi. Voies, Passage, V-s. aériennes, air-passages. V-s. lachry- males, lachrymal apparatus. V-s. (pre- mières), prim;e \ix. V-s. urinaires, uri- nary passages. Voile (F.). Velum. V. médullaire, medullary velum. V. du palais, soft palate ; see Futaie. V, de la pudeur, velamen vulvae. Voix (/".). Voice. V. articulée, speech. V. chevrotante, œgophony. Vo'la ma'nus {L.). Palm. Vo'lar, L. volaris. Relating to the palm. V, ar'tery, superfi'cial, L. ar- teria volaris superficialis ; F. artère radio- palmaire. Small branch from radial, usually lost in the muscles of the thenar eminence, but sometimes completing the superlicial palmar arch. V. dig'ital ar'teries, pal- mar digital arteries. V. ra'dial ar'teries, palmar a-s., radial side. V. tuberos'ity, L. tuberositas volaris. Rough i-mincnoe of horseshoe form un jialniar surface of ungual phalanges, V. ul'nar ar'teries, palmar a-s., ulnar side. Volarfläche (Cr.). Palmar surface. Vol'atUe, L. volatilis; F. volatil, ile; /. volatile. Evaporating readily. V, al'- VOL VOM 763 kali, ammonia. V. lin'iment, liniment of ammonia. V. oil. L. oleum volatile ; F. huile volatile ; G. flüchtiges Oel ; /. olio volatile. A volatile |iri>xiniate principle, varying in compo.sitioii according to its source, existing in cells or found upon the surface of odoriferous plants, or sometimes developed bv chemical change from inodor- ous principles ; generally a limpid li(|uid of strong odor and pungent taste, scarcely sol- uble in water, soluble in alcohol, separating at a low temperature into a solid stcaropten and liquid ehuopten. V. oü of mus'tard. L. oleum sinajiis volatile ; F. essence de moutarde ; G. ätherisches Senf öl ; /. es- senza di senape. A pungent and acrid vol- atile oil obtained from black mustard by maceration in water and subsequent distil- lation [U. S. P.]. V. salt, ammonium car- bonate. Volca'no Springs. Extensive thermal spouting springs, in Lander Co., Nevada. Voli'tion [L. volo]. G. Wollen ; /. voli- zione. The act of exercising the will. Voli'tional. Kelating or due to voli- tion. Volkmann's canals. Vascular pas- sages not surrounded by Haversian sys- tems, found in the cortical layers of bone. Volksarzeneiktinde {G.). . Popular medicine. Volkskrankheit (C). Common dis- ease, epidemic. Volksmittel (. Full-blooded, ple- thoric. VoUblütigkeit, plethora. VoUgebaut (&'.). Full-formed, full- grown. Vollkräftig. Full of power, sthenic. VoUleibig^tf.). Stout, corpulent. Voll- leibigkeit, corpulence. VoUsaftigkeit (G.). Plethora, turges- ■ cenee. Vollwurzel (^G.). Hair-bulb. Vollzähnig (G'.). Having a complete set of teeth. Volsel 'la (//.). Vulsella. Volt. Unit of electro-motive force, a little less than that of one Daniell's cell. Volta (A). Vault, fornix. V. del cra- nio, cranial vault. V. palatina, ]ialatal arch. V. a 4 puastri, fornix cerebri. Volta'ic. F. voltaique ; /. voltaico. V. arc, the luminous arc connecting the carbon points in the " arc light." V. bat'- tery, galvanic battery. V. electric'ity, current electricity. V. pile, the first form of battery, a scries of pairs of plates of zinc and copper, the pairs being separated by discs of flannel moistened with brine, and all piled one above another. Voltam'eter. F. voltamètre ; /. vol- tametro. Instrument first devised by Fara- day, for measuring strength of electric currents by the amount of chemical action produced. "Water v., measures amount of hydrogen and oxygen produced by electrol- ysis of water. Edison's v., measures quantity of copper transferred from anode to kathode by passage of current ; some- times called coulombmetre. Volta's law^s. 1 . The difference of potential between any two metals is equal to the sum of the differences of potentials between the intervening metals in the con- tact-series. 2. In a series of cells arranged as a galvanic battery, the total electro- motive force of the series will be equal to the electro-motive force of one cell multi- plied by the number of cells. Volt'meter. F. voltmètre. Galvan- ometer of high resistance, used for measur- ing electro-motive force between any two points in a voltaic circuit, and giving result in volts ; called also potential galvanometer. Volto (/.). Face. Voltolini's disease'. Acute cerebral disease of childhood, re.sulting in loss of hearing. Volubüe (/•'.). Winding. Volumet'ric. F. volumétrique. Per- taining to measurement of volumes. Vol'untary. L. voluntarius. F. vo- luntaire ; C freiwillig; /.volontario. Under the influence of, or produced by, the will. V. mus'cle, striated muscle. Vol'vulus (Z.). /.volvolo. 1. Occlu- sion of intestine by the twisting of a loop on its mesenteric attachment. 2. Ileus. Vo'mer (X.). L. os vomeris ; G. Pflug- schaarbein ; /. vomere or vomero. An un- paired bone of face, on median line, forming lower part of bony septum of nose, below vertical plate of ethmoid. It is irregularly rhomboidal in shape, remotely resembling a ploughshare. V. cartilagin'etis, .Jacobson, cartilage of. Vom'erine. F. vomérien, ienne. Re- lating to the vomer. Vom'ica (Z^.). F. vomique ; G. Caverne. 764 VOM VOR A cavity formed in the lung, either from destruction of tissue in the course oftuber- cuUir phthisis or from dilatation of a bron- chus. Vomicazione (/.). Vomiting. Vomique (F.). 1. Atomica. 2. Relat- ing to nus vomica and its derivatives. Vomiquier {-F.). Strychnos nux vomica. Vomissement (/'•). Vomiting ; vomit. V. noir, vomito negro. Vom'it. 1. L., I. vomere ; F. vomir. To eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth. 2. L. vomitus ; F. vomisse- ment; J. vomito. The matter vomited. 3. F. vomitif; /. vomitorio or vomitivo. An emetic. Vom'iting. L. vomitio ; F. vomisse- ment ; /. vomito. The forcible ejection of matters from the stomach through the mouth. Vomitiv (G.). Emetic. Vomito negro ('S/>)- The black vomit of yellow fever. Vomituri'tion. /. vomiturizione. Retch- ing; repeated vomiting. Vom'itus (L.). Vomit. V. cruen'tus, bloody vomit. Voraussage (C). Prediction, prognosis. Vorbauungsmittel (G.). A preven- tive, a ]iro])hylactic. Vorbereitend (G.). Preparatory, pre- disposing. Vorberg (G.). Promontory. Vorbeugen (G.). To prevent, to obvi- ate ; to bend forward. Vorbeugend, pro- phylactic, preventive. Vorbeugiuig, pro- nation ; prophylaxis. Vorbeugungsmit- tel, prophylactic, Vorbotenstadium ()■ F. vulve; G. äussere Schani ; /. vulva. The pudenda or exter- nal organs of generation of the female, particuiarl}' the longitudinal slit between the labia majora. V. cer'ebri, slit be- tween anterior columns of fornix in third ventricle of the brain. 766 VUL WAS Vulvaire (F.). The leaves of Chennpo- dium Vulvuriu, L. [Cod.]. Vul'var. F. vulvaire ; /. vulvare. Be- longing to the vulva. V. ar'teries, exter- nal pudic arteries. Vulva'ria (L.). Chenopoiiium Vulvaria. Viilvis'mus (i>.). Vaginismus. Vulvi'tis. F., I. tion of the vulva. vulvite. Inflamma- Vul'vo-u'terine canal'. Vul'vo-vag'inal glands. Bartholin. Vuoto (/.). Vacuum. The vagina. Glands of w. Wabenkopfgrind (C). Tinea favosa. Wachholder ((?.). Juniper; — bee- ren, juniper-berrie.s ; — beeröl, oil of ju- niper; — branntwein, gin ; — ^harz, san- darac ; — mus, extract of juniper; — Spiritus, spirit of juniper. Wachs ( G.). Wax ; — artig, ceru- minous ; — baum, Mi/rica rrrì'fera, L. ; — bougie, wax bougie; — druse, ceru- minous gland; — entartung, amyloid de- generation ; — gagel, Myritii cerifera, L. ; — grind, tinea favosa; — kropf, amyloid goitre; — leber, amyloid liver; — milz, waxy spleen ; — niere, amyloid kidney ; — Präparat, wax preparation ; — röhr- chen, bougie of wax; — salbe, cerate; — sch'wamm, waxed sponge ; — sonde, bougie of wax. Wachsen (/(inth,a irlfolhtn, L. W.- shield, Bras« nia jieltata, Pursh. W.- smarf'weed, Poii/iionum acre, HBK. W. star'wort, Caäitriche verna. W.- tar'get, Brasenia pettata, Pursh. W.- ven'om-gflob'ulin, name given by Mitchell and Koii'liert t« a tomi of globulin obtained from serjieiit-vononi by dilution with water and precipitation. "Wa'ter-bed. 1. A water-tight mattress partly tilled with water ; used for ei|ualiz- ing pres.sure of the body and preventing bed-sores. 2. A bed used to reduce hyper- pyrexia, consisting of strong, elastic net- ting through which water readily passes to a rubber cloth below. Water-car'riers' paral'ysis. F. pa- ralysie des porteurs d'eau ; /. paralisi dei portatori d'acqua. Radiai ])aralysis. Wa'ter-cress. L. nasturtium ; F. cres- son de fontaine ; G. Brunnenkresse ; /. na,s- turzio. The fresh plant Ä^astiirtinm offici- nate, R. Br. ; antiscorbutic ; used as a salad herb. Wa'ter-cure. Hydropathy. Wa'ter-hem'lock. F. ciguë vireuse ; G. Wasserschierling. 1. Cowbane, Cicuta virosa, L., indigenous to Europe and North America ; an acrid narcotic jioison ; some- times applied as a local anodyne. 2. Œitantiie evocala, L. "W.-h., flne-leaved, Œiiaiithr Plwt/aiiJiiìim, Lam. Wa'ter-hemp. F. eupatoire d'Avi- cenne ; G. Wasserhanf. Evpalorùim can- nabinum, L. The leaves and the root are used as a diuretic, emetic, and purgative. Wa'ter-lily. F. nénuphar ; G. Was- serlilie ; /. nenufar. The common name for plants of the genus Xi/mi>tin'a. Wa'termelon. F. pastèque ; G. Was- sermelone ; /. cocomero. Citcuìiiia Citriittim, Ser. ; the fruit contains an agreeably sweet and refreshing juice ; the seeds are diuretic. "Wa'ter-pepper. Potygonum Hydropiper, Wa'ter-pox. ("hicken-po.x. Wa'ters, The. Liquor ainnii. Watt [James Watt, 1736-1819]. 1. Unit of electrical energy or work ; product of one volt by one coulomb of electricity (or by one ampere per second). 2. Some- times called volt-ampère : 1 kilogranimemetres, about ^Jg loatt = ,J,T horse-power. Watte (G.). Wadding; — bauschen, small compress, pledget ; — pfropf, stopper of loose cotton used in test-tubes in cul- ture-experiments. Wattenverband (G.). Wadded band- age. Wat'tle-bark. The bark of Acacia decurrens, Willd», and other species of A. growing in Australia. W^at'tle gnm. Australian gum. Wax. //., /. cera ; F. cire ; G. Wachs. 1. The product of secretion of glandular follicles situated on the sides of the ab- dominal rings of the bee, with which the insect forms the cells of the eomb. 2. A term applied to any fatty substance which is hard and more or less brittle at ordinary temperatures : see Bees, Brazit, Cumpirhy, Carnauba, Chinese, Eartli, Fossil, Gum, Japan, Minerat, Myrlte, Ocuha, Palm, Par- affin, Vegetatile, White, and Yellow wax. Waxed sponge. L. spongia cerata; F. éponge préparée à la cire ; G. Wachs- schwamm ; /. spugna cerata. Sponge cut into the desired shape, di]>ped in melted wax, and strongly compressed until cold; used for surgical purposes : see Tent. Wax-m37T'tle. F. gale à cire; G. Wachsbaum ; 1. mirica, lîayberry, candle- berry, Myrica cerifera, L. W^ax'-work. Cetastrus scandens, L. Wax'y degenera'tion. 1. An altera- tion of the muscular tissue occurring in typhoid fever and in other conditions, and consisting in a transformation of jiarts of the muscular fibres into a highly refractive hyaline substance with transverse fissures. It was first described by Zenker, and often bears his name. 2. Amyloid degeneration. Way'land's Springs. Saline chalybeate waters, Wayland Springs. Lawrence Co., Tennessee. Wean'ing. L. ablactatio ; F. sevrage. The permanent cessation of snckliiig the infant to accustom it to other food. W. brash, diarrhoea following weaning. Weath'erglass. Scarlet pimpernel, Aiiagallis nrvensis, L. Web of fln'gers or toes. Integu- mentary fold, stretching between the digits. Weber : see Ampère. Weber's exper'iment. G. Wcber'scher Versuch. When a vibrating tuning-fork is placed on the vertex, and one ear is closed with the finger, the fork is heard loudest in the closed ear. This is also the case in most affections of the conducting appa- ratus. Weber's glands. Mucous glands of the tongue. WEB WEI 771 Weber's law. The law sutrircsted by Ernst Heinricli Weber (prof, of anatomy and physiology at Leipsic, 1821-7S), that the distinguishability of two sensations depends not on the absidute difference in intensity of the two stimuli which gave rise to them, but on the rutin of these two stimuli. Fechner elaborated this into his more general psychophysic law, (/. v. Webster's conden'ser. An apparatus for condensing light on an object to be viewed by the microscope. It has a double convex lens below and an acbromatic lens above. Wechselfieber (C). Intermittent fever. Wechseltag (G.'). Critical day, day of change. Wechselzahn {G.). Milk tooth. Weed. 1. Mastiti.«. 2. Lymphangitis of a limb in the horse. Weg ( G.'). Passage. Weghusten (G.~). To cough up. Wegleitend ( G.). Efferent. Wegnahme (G?). Taking away, ex- tirpatiiin. Wegschaflfung (G.'). Elimination. Wegschneidung ( G.). Cutting away, resection. Wegweiser (G.). Guide, sound. Weh G.). Pain, ache, misery. Wehen ((?.)• Labor-pains; — ein- tritt, commencement of labor-pains ; — erreger, parturient ; — pause, intermis- sion in labor-pain ; — schwäche, inefficient labor-pains; — treibend, producing or in- creasing labor - pains ; — verstärkende Mittel, oxytocics. Wehfrau or Wehmutter (C). Mid- wil'.-. W^eib(^C). Woman. In composition Weiber, as, — gelüst, the longing of preg- nant women; — krankheit, female dis- ease ; — Schändung, rape ; — scham, female pudenda ; — tripper, gonorrhœa in the female ; — zeit, menstrual period. Weiblich (G.). Feminine. Weib- lichkeit, womanhood. Weich, er, e, es (G.), ,'^oft, yielding. W. Haut, pia mater. W. Markbänd- chen, soft commissure. Weiche (G.'). Flank, .side, groin. In composition Weichen, as in, — after, false or artificial anus in the inguinal re- gion ; — band. Fallopian ligament ; — bruch, inguinal hernia; — druse, ingui- nal gland ; — gegend, inguinal region. Weichleibigkeit (C). Looseness of the bowels. Weichselzopf (, especi- ally for Gaz/lussacia resinosa, Torr et Gray. Whytt's disease'. Acute hydrocepha- lus. Whytt's tinc'ture. L. tinctura chin» composita [P. G.] ; G. zusammengesetzte Chinatinktur. Cinchona (!, orange-peel 2, gentian 2, cinnamon 1, diluted alcohol 50; macerate [P. G.]. Wichtelzopf (6r.). Plica Polonica. wie WIL 775 Wickersheimer's fluid. Kor jirescrv- ing spécimens: aluni ll)(l, sodium eliloride 25, potassium nitrate 12, potassio carbonate 60, arscnious acid 20 grams ; dissolve in 3 litres boiling water; add 1.2 litres of gly- cerin and O.H litre of methylated alcohol. "Wico'py. Dirca palustrk, L. Widderhomi G.). Hippocampus major. Widernatürlich {G.). Preternatural. Wiederabfallen ( G.). Relapse. Wiederbelebung (G.). Revivification. WiedereinbringTing, or Wiederem- fügung, or Wiedereinlenkung, or Wie- dereinrichtung, or Wiedereinsetzung (G.). Reduction, reposition. Wiedererzeugen ( G.). To reproduce. Wiedererzeugung, reproduction, W^ie- dererzeugungskraft or Wiedererzeu- gungsvermögen, Reproductive power. Wiederherstelliing (arasites living in difierent portions of the human body, more particularly those inhabiting the intestinal canal, such as the tape-worm, round-worm, seat-worm, etc. W. fe'ver, fever caused by presence of worms in the intestinal canal. Worm-bark. Bark of Andini inei-mii, Kumli. W orm-grass. Spigvlla mtnilandlai , L. Wor'mian bones. L. ossicula Wornii- ana ; /•'. osWoriniens; G. Schaltknocben. Worni'sebe Knochen ; /. ossa Wormiane. Small irregular bones formed between the other bones in the sutures of the skull, particularly in the lambdoid suture. Worm-seed. Chenopodium anthelniin- ticum : see Vhcnopüdhun, Santonica. See also Aleppo, American, Alexandria, Bar- herry, Levant, and European irnrmseed. Woma'^ood. Absinthium ; see Creep- ing and Jiuman icornucood. Wort [-4. .S'. wyrt]. An infusion of ground malt. Wortblindheit (G.). Word-blindness. Wortgedächtnissverlust (G.). Loss of memory of words. Worttaubheit ( G.). Word-deafness. Wound. F. plaie; G. Wunde; /piaga. A solution of continuity of a part due to direct violence. Wound'weed. Solidago odora, Ait. Wound'^wort. The botanical genus Stacliys. Woura'li. Curare. Wour'nils. Warbles. Wredin's test. Disappearance of the gelatinous sulistanee found in the middle ear of infants before birth, as a sign of the establishment of respiration after birth. Wrick. Sprain. Wright'ia antidysenter'ica, K. IJr. An East Indian shrub. Nat. (^rd. Apocy- naecfe, the source of conessi-bark. Wright'ine. Conessine. Wrisberg, abdom'inal brain of. So- lar plexus. Wris'berg, car'tüages of. Cuneiform cartilages. Wrisberg, gan'glion of. L. ganglion cardiacum Wrisbergii. A small ganglion (sometimes microscopic) found in the su- perficial cardiac plexus, at the junction of the tìr.st left cardiac nerve of the sympa- thetic and the lower cervical cardiac branch of the left pnenmogastric. Wrisberg, nerve of. 1. Intermediary nerve. 2. Lesser internal cutaneous nerve of the arm. Wrisberg'sche Knorpel (G.). Cunei- form cartilages. Wrist. L. carpus ; F. poignet ; G. Hand- wurzel ; /. carpo. 1. The region between the arm and the hand. 2. The skeleton of that region, composed of eight bones — viz. a proximal row. the scaphoid, semilunar, cuneiform, and pisiform ; and a distal row. the trapezium, trapezoid, os magnum, and unciform. Wrist-drop. Paralysis of extensor mus- cles of wrist, usually due to lead-poisoning. Wrist-joint. L. articulatio radio-car- WRl WUT 781 palis. A condyloid articulation between the lower end of the radius -}- the triangular tihro-c-artilagc above, and the scaphoid 4 semilunar + cuneiform bones of the wrist below. Wri'ters' cramp. L- müirigra]ihia ; /■'. crampe des écrivains; (i. Schreibekrampf; /. crampo degli scrivani. A neurosis pro- duced by excessive writing, and character- ized by spasmodic action, tremor, and inco- ordination of certain muscles of the hand and arm, making writins difficult or inipo.s- siblo. Wry'-neck. A., /■'. torticollis; tf. Nick- krampf ; 1. torcicollo. A rheumatic affec- tion of the muscles of the neck especially affecting the sterno-eleido-mastoid. causing the head to be held in an inclined position. "Wucheratrophie (G.). Form of atro- phy of fat-cells seen in extreme emaciation, in which the nucleus of the cell proliferates [Flemniing]. Wuchern (G). To proliferate, prolif- eration. Wucherung, proliferation. Wucherungsheerd ( G.). Proliferation- centre. Würfelbein ( G.). Cuboid bone ; — gelenk, calcaneo-cuboid articulation. Würfelförmiges Bein (G.). Cuboid lione. Würgen (ff.). Choking, strangling. Würgreflex ( G.y. Spasmodic effort to vomit, ]iroJuced by titillation of soft palate or posterior wall of pharynx. Würmchen fff.). Cytozoa. Würmertreibend (ff-). Vermifuge. Wulst (ff'.). 1. A swelling, roll, crest, ridge, tuberosity, convolution. 2. Splenium ; — - falte, plica salpingo-pharyngea. Wulstung ('ff'.). Swelling. Wundarzenei (ff'.). Surgery; vulner- ary ; — kunst, surgical art ; — Wissen- schaft;, science of surgery. Wundarzt (ff.). Surgeon. Wunde iG.). Wound, injury, trauma. Ill composition Wund, as, — behand- lung, treatment otion ; — zustand, the condition nf injurv iir Wdiind. Wundergeburt (ff. ). Monstrous or missliaped liirth. Wundemetz (ff). Rete mirabile. Wurm (ff.). 1. Worm. 2. Vermiform process: see Lohcs of the cer)h<'lh(m. 3. Farcy; — abtreibend, anthelmintic; — ähnlich, peristaltic ; — anhang, vermi- form appendix; — artig, |ieristaltic ; — arzenei, vermifuge ; — bildung, lielmin- thiasis ; — essenz, vermifuge ; — fieber, worm fever; — förmig, peristaltic; — fortsatz, vermiform appendix; — fort- satzbruch, hernia of the vermiform ap- pendix ; — fortsatzschlagader, appen- dicular artery ; — gesch-WTllst, liclniin- thoncus ; worm tumor; — krankheit, helminthiasis; — kraut, tansy; — ku- chen, vermifuge cake ; — küchlein, worm lozenge; — mittel, vermifuge, antlielmin- tic ; — P3rramide, pyramid of cerebellum ; — Strang, verraifiirm funiculus; — trei- bend, vermifuge. Wurmfamextrakt or Wurmfamöl (ff.). Oleoresin of aspidium. Wurmfamwurzel (ff). Aspidium. Wurmsamen (ff.). Santonica; — öl, oil of wormseed. Wurstartig (ff.). Resembling a sau- sage. Wurstgift (ff). Sausage poison. Wtirsthaut or Wursthäutchen (ff.). Allantois. W^urstmaul ( ff'.). A marked swelling contour of the lips, notable in some African races. Wurzel ( ff.). Root ; — arterien, radi- cular arteries; — faser, root-fibre; — ganglion, ganglion of the trunk ; — haken, a hooked instrument for extract- ing roots of teeth ; — kapsel or — periost, periodontium; — scheide des Haares, root-sheath of hair; — stock, rhizome; — zone, root-zone. Wurzel des Mesenteriums ( ff'.). Root of the meseiitiTy. Wuth (ff). Rabies; — krankheit, hydrophobia. Wutzer's opera'tion. For radical cure of inguinal hernia. The scrotum is in- vaginated up to the internal ring by means of a lujllow wooden cylinder, concealing a needle which is passed through invaginated 782 WYA XAN scrotum, sae, and abdominal wall, and re- tained in position for a week by means of a boxwood ease. Wyandotte "WTiite Sulphur Spring. Sulphuretted water, Wayne Co., Michigan. Wyser's Spring. Sulphuretted water, 12 miles north of Huntsville, Walker Co.. Texas. Wytheville Springs. Chalybeate wa- ters, Wythevillc. Wythe Co., Virginia. X. Xanthelas'ma (//.) [^avOoç, eXaaiia]. Xanthoma. X. mtü'tiplex, raolluscum lipomatodes. Xanthelasmoi'dea (i.). Urticaria pigmentosa, .xanthoma. Xan'thic ox'ide. Xanthin. Xan'thin [ßa-^Ou^']. C,H,N,0.,. F. xanthine ; G. Krappgelb ; /. xantina. An amorphous extractive occupying an inter- mediate place between .sarkin and uric acid in the decomposition of muscle ; sometimes present in urinary calculi. Xanthinu'ria ( L. )[iiuf>(rj'\. I. xanturia. Passage of xanthin in the urine. Xan'thium (//.). Clotbur, cocklebur; a genus of Compo>tii,r. X. spino'sum, L., spiny clotbur, naturalized from P]urope ; a reputed specific for hydrophobia. X. struma'rium, L., common cocklebur, in- digenous ; a popular remedy for insect and snake bites. Xanthiu'ria (L.) [^nù/xiv']. Passage of xanthin in the urine. Xanthocreat'inine. CsHjoNO. F. xan- thoeréatinine. Jjeucomaïnc extracted from muscle. Fine siilphnr-yellow plates, bitter, of faint cadaveric odor, amphoteric reac- tion. Highly poisonous, producing weak- ness, stupor, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Xanthocroïde ( F.). Term applied to white races with mesaticephalic crania, blue eyes, and light-colored hair. Xanthoder'ma (L.) [iVp/ia']. I. xanto- derma. Yellowness of the skin. Xanthokyan'opy l_Sa>(li)ç, r.óaw;, aurij]. Color-blindness, such that only yellow and blue are distinguished correctly. Xantho'ma [ça^^''iv]. F. molluscum cholestérique [Bazin]. A connective-tis- sue new growth, characterized by forma- tion of yellowi-sh, circumscribed, irregularly shaped, variously sized, non-indurated flat or raised patches or tubercles. X. mul'- tiplex, form with numerous lesions. X. palpebra'rum, appears on the eyelid, the usual site. X. pla'num, form with macu- lar lesions. X. tuberculo'sum or tuber- o'sum, the lesions of this form are tuber- cles. Xanthopath'ia (/<.) \j:àOiii\. Xantho- derma due to pigmentary change. Xan'thophane [^.»awic]. An orange- yellow pigment obtained from the retina. Xanthopic'rit. A bitter principle iso- lated from Äant!i0.ri//iim cl/tva Herculis, probably identical with berberine. Xanthopro'teic acid. ('„II,,,0.i.jN,. /'. acide xanthoprotéique ; (1 . Xanthoprotein- säure. A non-crystallizahle acid produced by decomposition of proteids with nitric acid. Xanthopro'teic reac'tion. (1. Xantho- proteinreaktion. When proteids are boiled with nitric acid they coagulate, and give a XAN XER 783 yellow color ; on the addition of ammonia a deep-orange eolor results. Xanthop'sia ( L.) lô^'tç]. F. xanthopsie ; I. xantopsia. Yellow vision. Xan'thopsin. Yellow pigment of the retina. Xanthopsydra'cia (L.) [(^lodpa^]. Small yellow pimples or pustules. Xanthopuc'cine. Name proposed by Lerchen (1S78) for an alkaloid found in hydrastis. Xanthorham'nin. /'. xanthorluimnine. A yellow coloring principle found in the berries of different species of Rhumnus. Xanthorrhi'za (//.). A genus of Ra- nuuciifdc'te. X. apiifo'lia, L'Hér., yellow root ; a low shrub, native of the U. S. The root is very bitter, contains a small amount of berberine. and is used as a tonic. Xanthorrhoe'a res'in. L. resina lutea ; F. résine jaune de la Nouvelle-Hollande ; G. Botanybayharz. A yellow resinous sub- stanco brought from New Holland, the product of several species of A'inthorrhœa. When burned it gives out the odor of ben- zoin, and it is said to be a commercial source of benzoic acid. A red variety of the resin, blackboy gum, from the same source and having similar properties, is also obtained ; medical properties resemble those of storax and balsam of Peru. Xantho'sis (L.) [ça/o«v-]. F. xanthose; /. xantosi. Formation of a yellow skin or pigment. Xanthostru 'marin. A yellow, amor- phous glucosidc found in the fruit of Xan- llu'iun !^lruin,aa]. F. xero- dermic. Dryness of the skin ; atrophia cutis propria. X. ichthyoi'des or X. pigmento 'sum, ichthyosis. Xerofag-ia (A). Xerophagia. Xero'ma (/>.) [c>j/)óc]. F. xérome. The condition of being dry ; xerophthalmia. Xeromycte'ria (Z<.) [jj.u7i.rrip]. Dryness of the nose. Xeropha'gia {L.) [^aj-£!/]. F. xéro- phagie ; /. xerofagia. Use of dry food ; abstinence from liquids. Xerophthal'mia {L.) [iipOakfiói]. F. xcrophthalmic ; /. xerottalmia. Condition of dryness and corrugation of the conjunc- tiva. Xerosebacillus (C). Bacillus of xero- sis of the conjunctiva. Xero'sis (L.) [St,póì\. A drying, dry- ness. Xerosto'mia (7^.) [(tt-ó/ì«]. Dryness of the mouth. 784 XER YAW Xerot'ic. G. xerotisch. Dry, Xerotrip'sis {L.) [t/,-, sternum]. En.'^if'orni process. Xipho'des (X.). Xiphoid. Xiphodid'ymus ( L.) [çiVoç, didu/ioi^. F. xi])liotlyme. Xiphopagus. Xi'phoid. L. xiphoides ; F. siphoide ; (J. schwertförmig; /. sifoide, zifoide. Sword-like. X. car'tUage or X. proc'- ess, cnsiforni cartilage. Xiphop'agTis (t.) \ßilasma ; — schicht, cellular layer; — spross, Cellular bud ; — stoif, protoplasm ; — theilung, cell-division: — théorie, cell theory: — trümmer, cell fragments; — Vermehrung, cell- multiplication; — ■wand, cell-wall ; — Wanderung, migra- tion of cells; — wandung, cell-wall; — werk, system of cells; — Wucherung, cell-proliferation. Zellendkolben ( G.). Corpuscles of ( irandrv. Zellgewebe ((?.). Cellular tissue. In composition Zellgewebs, as, — entzün- dung, erysipelas plilegmoiiosum ; — sjTph- ilid, syphiloderma tuberculosum : — Ver- härtung, scleroderma ; — Verhärtung der Neugeborenen, sclerema neonatorum ; — Wassersucht, anasarca. Zellhaufen (G.). Collection of cells. Zellhaut (G.). Cellular coat. ZeUigCr/.). Cellular. Zellknospung ( G.). Gemination. Zellkörper (G.). The body of the cell ; the protoplasm of the cell ; — geflecht, plexus cavernosus. Zellkörper der Ruthe (G.). Corpora cavernosa penis. Zellplatte (6-'.). Cell-disc. Zellstoff ( G.). Cytoblastema. Zelltheilung (C). Cell-division. Zelotyp'ia (//.) [^^p.oç, t!J;t«?]. F. zélo- t^-pie. Morbid zeal or energy, as in prose- lytizing ; a form of religious monomania. Zelt ((?.). Pointed projection made by roof of fourth ventricle into medullary centre of cerebellum ; — blutleiter, straight sinus. Zeltchen ( G. ). Troche. Zement {G.). Cement of the teeth. Zem-Zem Spring. A cold sulphur chalybeate spring, in Napa Co., California. Zenker's degenera'tion. Waxy de- generation as seen in muscles after acute attacks of fever. Zentralkem (G.). Central nucleus. Zenzero or Zenzavero (/.). Ginger. Zerastelung (G.). Ramification. Zerblättem (G.). To strip of leaves; to exfoliate. Zerbrechen (G.). To break, fracture. Zerbrechhchkeit (. Animality ; the phenomena of animal life. Zolllinse {G.). Inch lens, old unit of measurement now supplanted by meter lens. Zo'na (L.) [^myrj^. A girdle ; herpes zos- ter. Z. arcua 'ta, inner zone of basilar mem- brane. Z. cartüagin'ea or Z. choria'cea, limbus of spiral lamina. Z. denticula'ta, used by Corti to include the limbus of the spiral lamina and the inner zone of the basilar membrane, which see. Z. fascicu- la'ta, portion of cortical substance of suprarenal capsule immediately beneath the zona gloraerulo.sa, in which radiating col- umns of cells appear. Z. gangliona'ris, ganglion spirale. Z. glomerulo'sa, outer layer of cortical portion of suprarenal cap- sule. Z. ig'nea, herpes zoster. Z. incer'- ta, a continuation of the formatio reticu- laris forward under the optic thalamus [Forel] Z. lae'vis, inner zone of basilar membrane. Z. media'na, limbus of spiral lamina. Z. membrana'cea, basilar mem- brane. Z. ner'vea, inner zone of basilar membrane. Z. orbicula'ris, circular fibres of hip-joint capsule, most ap])arent below and behind. Z. pectina'ta, outer zone of basilar membrane. Z. pelluc'ida. The clear eiivelü))e surrounding the yolk of the maninialian ovum ; it lies outside the vitel- line membrane, is formed in the ovary, and is traversed by numerous radiating pore- canals. Z. perfora'ta, labium tympani- cum. Z. radia'ta, applied to zona pellu- cida when the radiating pore-eanals appear distinctly in the living state. Z. reticula'- ris, inner layer of cortical portion of supra- renal capsule. Z. serpigino'sa, herpes zoster. Z. tec'ta, inner portion of lamina spiralis membranacea covered by the organ of Corti. Z. tendino'sa, annulus fibrosus atrio-ventricularis. Z. Valsal'vae, mem- branous spiral lamina. Zonale Fasern ( G.). Peripheral layer. Zo'nary. Term applied to the placenta of carnivora, forming a broad girdle around the chorion. Zone of Haller. Zone of Zinn. Zone des papules {F.). Glomerular layer. Zone radiculaire Root-zone, anterior. Zone radiculaire Funiculus cuneatus. Zone of Zinn. L. zone de Zinn ; G. Strahlenbändchen. An- terior thicker portion of hyaloid membrane where it passes to margin of crystalline lens. Zonen des Linsenkerns {G.). Ar- ticuli of nucleus lenticularis. Zones of the bas'Uar mem'brane. The inner z. extends from the labium tym- panicum to external edge of base of outer rods of Corti ; the outer z., from the rods to the spiral ligament. Zones fibreux du cœur (Z^.). Annuli fibrosa; atrio-ventricularcs. Zon'ula cartüagin'ea (//.). Crista spiralis. Zon'ula cUia'ris {L.). Zone of Zinn. Zon'ula ner'vea lam'inae spira'lis membrana'ceae (/'■). Crista spiralis. Zon'ula os'sea lam'inae spiralis {L.). Lamina spiralis ossea. Zon'ula of Zinn, /one of Zinn. Zooam'ylin. Animal starch, glycogen. antérieure {F.). postérieure (/^.). zonula ciliaris ; F. 794. ZOO ZUN Zoobi'otism [ïçùoi/, (ìiuf]. L. zoobiotis- mus. Animai life. Zooblaste {F.). Animal cell. Zoocam'bium {L.). Vital fluid, blas- tema. Zooche'mia (X.). F. zoochimie. Ani- mal chemistry. Zoodyna'mia (2/.) [oû>a,a!ç]. Animal vital force. Zoog'eny [^îvvaw]. L. zoogenia. Gen-* oration of animaLs. Zoogloe'a ['cuki/, yÌMia^. Term applied to a stage of development of certain micro- organisms in which they are gathered in masses and surrounded by gelatiniform matter. Z. pulmo'nise'qui : see Butrt/o- mj/Icose. Zoogo'nia (L.) [•/■rj'\. The production of living young; viviparous generation. Zoog'onus (i.). Viviparous. Zo'oid. Pertaining to an animal : see OìkoHÌ. Zoomag 'netism. Animal magnetism. Zoomeph'itism. The production of foul and dangerous exhalations from de- composing animal matter. Zoomyle (F.). The parasite in a double parasitic monster. Zoomyx'a (i.) [/^ófa]. Mucus. Zoono'ses [vóff«?]. G. Zoonosen ; /. zoonosi. Diseases due to animals — e. g. rabies. Zoonosol'ogy [•.'«(toc, Aó;'»?]. L. zoo- nosologia. The nosology of animals. Zoopharmacol'ogy [%ù>u.i, (pdpßaxnv^. G. Thierarzneiniittelkunde. The science of veterinary pharmacy. Zooplastique {F.). Term applied in plastic surgery to a portion of tissue taken from an animal. Zoo'sis (X.) [ïwoi-]. Making alive, vivification. Zoosper'mata or Zo'ospenns. Sper- matozoa. Zoospennien (C). Spermatozoa. Zoothap'sis (L.) [ßdTZTiu]. Burial alive. Zoother'apy ['9ï/>«-ry<«]. L. zoothera- pia. Therapeutics of animals. Zooto'cia (/>.) [rozoç]. Zoogonia. Zoot'omy [r/,«««]. F. zootomie. Dis- section of animals. Zopf ( (7.). Plica. Zopilote (.Ve.r.). The herb of Acourtiu moschala, DC. ; used as a digestive stimu- lant [F. Mex.]. Zoppagine or Zoppicamento (/.). Claudication, lameness. Zoppo (/.). Lame. Zomwuth ((?.). Frenzy. Zoroche. The mountain sickness of the Andes. Zos'ter (Z.) [^ujazrjp]. Herpes zoster. Z. aioricula'ris, herpes zoster affecting the ears. Zotte (C). Villus. In composition Zotten, as, — anhang, villous appendage; — falten, plicre villosœ ; — geschwulst, papillary tumor; — haut, tunica villosa; — herz, cor villosum ; — krebs, papillo- ma. Zottig (G.). Villous. Zottigkeit, vil- losity. Zucca C^). Pumpkin. Zuc'carum or Zu'charum (i.). Sugar. Zucchero (/.). Sugar. Z. candito, rock candy. Z. di latte, milk-sugar. Z. di saturno, lead acetate. Zuccone (/.). Bald. Zuchtlähme ( (?.). Disease of the horse characterized by paralysis of spinal origin, impotence, and skin eruption. Zuchtwahl {G.). Selection. Zucken {G.). To contract suddenly, to palpitate. Zucker (G.). Sugar; — bildung, gly- cogenesis ; — gussleber, the condition of the liver produced by diffuse fibrous thick- ening of the capsule ; perihepatitis fibrosa ; — haltiges kohlensaures Eisen, saccha- rated carbonate of iron ; . — hamen, glyco- suria; — hamruhr, diabetes mellitus; — hutkopf, oxycephalus; — kranker, one having diabetes mellitus ; — krankheit, diabetes mellitus ; — kügelchen or — • Plätzchen, sugar-drops ; — rose, red rose ; — satz, molasses; — stich, puncture of floor of fourth ventricle, which produces glycosuria. Zuckung (G.). Contraction. Zuckungskurve (G.). Graphic curve of contraction of a muscle. Züchtung (C). Breeding. Züchtungslehre ('>it--q, /î.«;-oy]. The doc- trine of fermentation. Zymic. Zumic. Zytn'ogren ['t'A";, y^y^àiu']. A sukstance capable of giving rise to animal ferments, such as pepsin or trypsin. Zymogen'ic. Producing fermentation. Zymogenkömer (C). Granules found in the layer of pancreatic cells, nest the lumen of the duct, strongly coloring with eosin. Zymol'ogy [Có/tij, Àôyoç]. F. zymolo- gie ; /. zimologia. Discussion of fermen- tations. Zymol'ysis [/.'Wtc]. Decomposition by means of ferments. Zymo'ma (i.) [Có/zó.«]. Ferment. Zy'mophytes. Baeteroid ferments that liberate fatty acids from neutral fats. Zymo'sis [C^'/itufffc]. G. Gährung. 1. Fermentation. 2. The biological history of zymotic disease-germs. Zjrmot'ic ['y/i(«T!zós-]. F. zymotique ; G. gährend ; /. zimotico. 1. Relating to fermentation. 2. Capable of producing fermentation. Z. diseases, those supposed to be caused by the growth of organized ferments. Z. the'ory, the theory that spe- cific diseases are caused by ferments or low organisms. Zsrthog'alum ['Dflo?, ^dXa"]. F. zytho- gale. A mixture of beer and milk. Zy'thum or Zy'thus [^veuç]. Beer. END OF VOLUME H. IS' "000781" 338 "9 J / o C.Z /\^ .s-<^^ ,(^