> University Prints Series B Early Italian Art 500 Plates to Accompany Outlines for the Study of Art Volume I The University Prints Boston, Mass. 1916 53629 of Content0. INTRODUCTION EAKLY ITALIAN AUT v PLATES 1-500 x, 4 CATALOGUE vi-xxvii INDEX OF PLACES xxviii ^ TOPICAL INDEX xxxi INDEX OF ARTISTS xxxiv Series of Onitoersitp prints in bound volumes ($3.00 each}, and cut (one cent each, 80 cents per hundred.} SERIES A. Greek and Roman Sculpture (500) SERIES B. Early Italian Art (500) SERIES C. Later Italian Art (500) SERIES D. Art of the Netherlands and Germany (500) SERIES G. Architecture (500) in cut form only SERIES E. French and Spanish Art (250) SERIES F. British Painting (150) SERIES M. Egyptian Sculpture (25) lltalian Hrt The University Prints included in this volume cover the art of Italy from the earliest times to about the year 1500. The art of the High Renaissance following that date is covered in a separate volume. The prints are issued primarily in cut form for class use. The bound edition is designed for libraries, and for teachers whose selections for class use should be made from the prints themselves rather than from mere printed titles. The University Prints are designed for the use of scholars and art lovers. To meet their requirements, two facts have been constantly borne in mind. First, it has been the aim to give a record of Italian art, rather than a miscellany of pretty things. In such a series there are necessarily subjects that are not at- tractive. There are none that are not significant. Never do we so appreciate a masterpiece as when we lead up to it step by step along the rugged pathway of art endeavor. Second, it is necessary to sift with care the material carelessly handed down by tradition. Evidence accumu- lati > that the pedigree of many of our pictures is untrust- worthy or false. It is obviously misleading to form our ideas of Giotto from works which he did not paint. The University Prints offer two advantages. They are comprehensive. No really important artist or work is sd. They are edited. No work is assigned to any without the authority of reliable scholarship. It i> on the strength of these two vital characteristics that they commend themselves to a serious public. B 71 o s D CO * Ml SUPPLEMENTARY Seven subjects published by special request since the original series was chosen, are here inserted preliminary to the regular series. Numbers B. 71, 158, 243, and 376, replace the subjects originally published under those numbers, and are sent when those numbers are ordered unless the earlier subjects are specifically mentioned. Numbers M. 1,7 and 8 are additions. ANGEL (from frame of Linaiuoli Madonna) Uffizi, Florence HE UNIVERSITY PttlNTS FRA ANGELICO. 1387 1456 B 71 Ml ANGEL (from frame of Linaiuoli Madonna) Uffizi, Florence HE UNIVERSITY PHINTS BOSTON FRA ANGELICO. 1387 1455 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B 158 O t M 7 co h tr co LU O > 03 Z 3 til X B243 ANNUNCIATION Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MELOZZO DA FORLI. 1438- U94 UMBRIAN SCHOOL M 8 2 x 2 2 CO . z O < z cc. o u. ' 0. z ^ O B h 5 < ^ CC O Q co H tr co uj O > DO z B376 BRONZE DOORS Cathedral, Pisa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON Bl I.I.1VTO CHARIOT RACE Greek vase, Museo Nazionale, Naples UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON B 2 EOS AND KEPHALOS Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLY FIFTH CENTURY? B.C. B 3 MAIDENS PLAYING WITH JACKSTONES National Museum, Naples UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PAINTING ON MARBLE FROM HERCULANEUM B 4 SACRIFICE OF IPHIGENIA. (Fresco) National Museum, Naples THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON 5 DISCOVERY OF TELEPHOS National Museum, Naples UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HERCULANEUM B 6 MEDEA. (Fresco) National Museum, Naples THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS B 7 A BACCHANTE National Museum, Naples IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON B8 B 9 CO H cr co uj c5 > CO z 3 UJ z B 10 INFANT HERCULES STRANGLING SERPENTS Fresco, House of the Vettil THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON POMPEII Bll 5 Q ^ 00 H (C 00 uj O > a B12 V 4 IBS _ _ B13 UJ O < o: o: < e ! ^ I 1 11 E CQ IA. O Q OD 1- cr 09 uj O > m B14 v. -S il u- 5= 3 tl B15 ii "< CO h tt c LU C > c B 16 AQUATIC BIRDS. (Roman Mosaic) S. M. In Trasteuere, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON B17 co z a: Q. ES CO h- tr co ui O > CD B18 B19 B20 B21 If X I o B22 co ~ Q. < < o M I* SI M B23 . s < "5 E g O O -S iu cs B24 THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST Center of Dome, S. Giovanni in Fonte, Ravenna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MOSAIC, FIFTH CENTURY B25 II UJ B B26 ALLEGORICAL FIGURE S. Sabina, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MOSAIC, FIFTH CENTURY B27 B28 3 i 1 1 B29 B3O B31 in 3 CO et 0. . < 2 Q B32 .1 co 5 B35 gs < x % o oc ii: < c UJ "S B36 Z O or II 53629 B38 B39 TRIBUNE Cathedral, Monreale, Sicily THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MOSAIC. TWELFTH CENTURY B4O THE VIRGIN CHRIST 5. Marco, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MOSAIC, FOURTEENTH CENTURY B41 B42 O B43 B44 THE CRUCIFIXION S. Maria Antigua, Forum, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EIGHTH CENTURY B46 B46 ST. MARY MAGDALEN Academy, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TWELFTH CENTURY? B47 MADONNA ENTHRONED S. Maria Maggiore, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BYZANTINE B48 B49 MADONNA ENTHRONED, WITH SAINT3 AND ANGELS Academy, Florence THE UNIVER. ""Y PRINTS BO, UN CIMABUE. 12407 1302? FLORENTINE SCHOOL B50 MADONNA ENTHRONED (Rucellai Madonna) S. Maria Novella, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON -::. ' ' -t.. 12 UJ V 1302? FLORENTINEs'oCHOOL B51 CAMPANILE. DEL DUOMO Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1330 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B63 B54 CHAPEL OF THE ARENA (Interior) Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON B55 B66 B67 THE MEETING OF JOACHIM AND ANNA (Detail) Chapel of the A rena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B58 THE PRESENTATION OF THE VIRGIN Chapel of the Arena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL 8s II CO * CO LU - 5 d z B6O THE NATIVITY Chapel of the Arena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B61 THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT Chapel of the Arena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B62 THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST Chapel of the Arena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. I26G? 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B63 THE RAISING OF LAZARUS Chapel of the Arena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 1266? !336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B64 THE CORRUPTION OF JUDAS Chapel of the Arena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B65 8 CO CO CO LU 85 Z o ^ 'S cc 5 I = I -c Z O UJ UJ Z h B66 THE LAST SUPPER (Detail) Chapel of the Arena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 126671336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B67 THE CRUCIFIXION Chapel of the Arena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL ' B68 THE BEWAILING OF CHRIST Chapel of the A rena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL HOPE Chapel of the. Arena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B7O \ \ ENVY Chapel of the Arena, Padua GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL SCROVEGNO WITH ANGELS (Detail. Last Judgment) Chapel of the A rena, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B73 I 05 H B74 B75 _i 18 23 O UL B76 B77 HEADS OF TWO APOSTLES National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SCHOOL OF GIOTTO < o it- si O GO -3 . U. I o z = w I iu c B79 THE PRESENTATION OF THE VIRGIN Baroncelli Chapel, S. Croce, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TADDEO GADDI. 13007 1366 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B80 5 a > UJ ^ 1 I- o U. Oo6 tr o en * CHRIST APPEARING TO MARY MAGDALENE Rinuccini Chapel, S. Grace, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI DA MILANO. fl. 1366 FLORENTINE SCHOOL 2 * B PARADISE Strozzi Chapel, S. Maria Novella, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA ORCAGNA. I3O8 1368 FLORENTINE SCHOOL "2 5 B 3 1 B85 CHRIST AND THE VIRGIN (Detail, Paradise) Strozzi Chapel, S. Maria Ncuella, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA ORCAGNA. 1308 1368 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B86 MADONNA AND CHILD Palazzo Pubblico, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON QUIDO DA SIENA, fl. 1281 8IENESE SCHOOL B87 B38 I I B89 ENTRANCE INTO JERUSALEM (Panel from back of Altarpiece) Cathedral Museum, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DUCCIO Dl BUONINSEGNA. 126071339? SIENESE SCHOOL B9O B91 z O I- < s B92 VIRGIN OF MERCY Cathedral, Oru/eto THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LIPPO MFMMI. d. 1356 8IENESE SCHOOL B93 -. H .S Z I CO 1 O v. Q z O s I 8 _ UJ O 05 tr uj I- z B94 I- B Z 5 LU 2* Z o cc -S ui 5 > -o O (2 * 8l O B o - B95 PEACE (Detail, Good Government) Palazzo Pubbllco, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AMBROGGIO LORENZETTI. fl. 1323 1348 SIENESE SCHOOL B96 iu . 2 o S z "5 < Q. DC UJ 0. 2 UJ B97 MADONNA DEL BELVERDE Serut di Maria, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIACOMO Dl MINO DEL PELLICCIAIO. fl. 1362 1^89 SIENESE SCHOOL B98 B99 tU UJ I- ffl cr uj o a u. o> . D g B1OO t* UJ o 5 8* B1O1 B1O2 I c h Z < Q- ID . a 5 BIOS B 1O4 >- CO * cc -2 51 z I UJ -g O O CO - LJ ^ Q 'S UJ I. B1O6 SI \- 0- B1O6 ~ E 5 s rv I 2 O I "< V GROUP OF PORTRAITS (Detail, The Church Militant and Triumphant) Spanish Chapel, S. Maria Novella, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FOURTEENTH CENTURY B1O9 MADONNA, CHILD AND SAINTS Academy, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SANO Dl PIETRO. 14061481 SIENESE SCHOOL B110 MADONNA. CHILD AND ANGELS Academy, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MATTED 01 GIOVANNI. 14367 1495 SIENESE SCHOOL Bill u O o O CO II z < if < -o (0 < 5 1 < CO ^ B112 1 1 SI o ^ o Bll? MADONNA ADORING THE CHILD Museum, Pisa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GENTILE DA FABRIANO. 136071428? UMBRIAN SCHOOL 1U14 MADONNA AND CHILD Yale School of Fine Arts, New Haven THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GENTiLE DA FABRIANO- I38O7 1428? UMBRIAN 8OHOOL Bl 'd MADONNA OF THE LINAIUOLI Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA ANQELICO. 1387 1465 FLORENTINE SCHOOL Brie 5o ra O - I . O O W O uj -I Z < O fie -i u. u. CO Z oc Q. CO h tr co uj O > CD Z 3 B117 co O co o ~ I 6 CO < O DC -J u. u. B118 Q ai BH9 UJ . s st si 2 z CO O co O ~ I d co < o en _i LL LL B12O Z 5 g ^ I o < S 1* D a Z C B121 CHRIST APPEARING TO MARY Cell, S. Marco, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA ANGELICO. 1387 1455 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B122 co O ro O 8 -I Z UJ O t < O 0= _i a. u. Z -2 O ^ x S * B123 SAINTS (Detail of Crucifixion) Chapter House, S. Marco, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA ANGELICO. 1387 1455 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B124 ST. GEORGE (From frame of Deposition) Academy, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA ANGELICO. 13871456 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B125 GROUP OF PROPHETS Chapel of S. Brizio, Cathedral, Oruieto THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA ANGELICO. 1387 1455 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B126 THE CONDEMNATION OF S. LAWRENCE Chapel of Nicholas V., Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA ANGELICO. 1387 1455 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B127 QJ t: s 3 o a. <* (0 - a B142 HEAD OF CHRIST (Detail. Tribute Money) Brancaccl Chapel, Carmine, Florenc THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON i MASACCIO. 1401? I42d? FLORENTINE SCHOOL B143 S. PETER DISTRIBUTING ALMS Brancaccl Chapel, Carmine, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MASACCIO. 14017 1428? FLORENTINE SCHOOL B144 S. PETER BAPTIZING THE PAGANS Brancaccl Chapel, Carmine, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MASACCIO. 14017 1428? FLORENTINE SCHOOL B145 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MASACCIO? 14017 1428? FLORENTINE SCHOOL B146 I ST. JOHN TAKING LEAVE OF HIS MOTHER. (Detail) Cathedral, Prato THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA FILIPPO LIPPI. 14067 1469 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B147 B148 SALOME (Detail, Feast of Herod ) Cathedral, Prato THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA FILIPPO LIPPI. 14067 1469 FLORENTINE SCHOOL . O ^ -I CO ? O LU U. u. . O -S u. 1 i h- S < -g z O * K O O 111 I 1- B150 B151 MADONNA ADORING THE CHILD Kaiser Friedrioh Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA FILIPPO LIPPI. 1406? -1469 FLORENTINE SCHOOL MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH ANGELS Uffizl, Florence FRA FILIPPO LIPPI. I4O6? 1469 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B153 MADONNA AND CHILD Pittl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA FILIPPO LIPPI. 14067 1469 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B154 THE ANNUNCIATION Academy, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA FILIPPO LIPPI. 14067 1469 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B155 9: O -I CO O w ' ^ i'SS u. u. z f il <1 uj -S \ PRINT8 \ IVERSITY BOSTON * Z m I 1- B156 MADONNA. CHILD AND ANGEL Innocent!, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRA FILIPPO LIPPI? 14067 1469 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B157 :0 -I (0 O uj Q. Z u- u. \ ? eo .a " B168 MADONNA AND CHILD Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SCHOOL OF FRA FILIPPO LIPPI B159 it . 0. - _J J, 1 -S O "5 _; O ^ O I N O N CO N Bieo 3 fc| uj "5 z g. EC D 5 O - s s Q 2 UI "3 z 5 a u o HI I ^ B162 z < .0 u. * O -r Q. g 3* O o cc - O O N O N < O UJ O z O h N Z N UJ O CZ z O UJ -I THE STORY OF ABRAHAM (Detail) Campo Santo. Pisa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BENOZZO GOZZOLI. 1420 1497 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B165 o CO h UJ Z O uj z cc < o IT -i B166 THE TRINITY National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRANCESCO RESELLING. 1422 1457 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B167 10 _| T8 - CO . Ill - 1 ** i ss ^ rrt It B169 PALLAS AND THE CENTAUR Royal Palace, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BOTTICELLI. 1447 I6IO FLORENTINE SCHOOL B17O 183 JUDITH WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BOTTICELLI. 1447 1610 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B184 B185 _ <* i * o - CO _ 111 B186 ANGELS (Detail. Coronation of the Virgin) Academy, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BOTTICELLI. 1447 I5IO FLORENTINE SCHOOL B187 HERCULES OVERCOMING THE HYDRA Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIO DEL POLLAJUOLO. 142971498 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B188 PORTRAIT OF GALEAZZO MARIA SFORZA Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIERO DEL POLLAJUOLO. 1443 1496 El 89 PRUDENCE Uffizi, Florence PIERO DEL POLLAJUOLO. 14431496 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B190 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Uffizl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIERO DEL POLLAJUOLO? 1443 1496 THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST Academy, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA VEROCCHIO. 1435 1488 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B192 ANGELS (Detail, Baptism of Christ) Academy, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA VEROCCHIO. 14361488 LEONARDO DA VINCI. 1452 1619 B193 MADONNA. CHILD AND SAINTS Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON COSIMO ROSSELLI. 14391507 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B194 B195 O < 5 tc - l- 5 (D > i S I- o < s B196 SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Choir, S. Maria Novella, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIRLANDAJO. 1449 1494 FLORENTINE SCHOOL . o o > 3 u Is B188 B199 . o o Is O LL Z co g c ' B2OO B201 PORTRAIT HEAD (Detail, Birth of John the Baptist) Choir, S. Maria Novella, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIRLANDAJO. 1449 1494 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B202 O g CO o B2O3 S3 D o II o d> -3 LU o u. B204 THE VISITATION Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIRLANDAJO. 1449 1494 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B206 THE NATIVITY Academy, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIRLANDAJO. 1449 1494 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B206 OLD MAN AND CHILD Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIRLANDAJO. 1449 1494 FLORENTINE SCHOOL CHRIST APPEARING TO IVTARY Louvre, Paris , THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON Dl CREDI. 1459 1637 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B2O8 THE ANNUNCIATION Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LORENZO Dl CREDI. 1459 1537 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B209 ST. MARY OF EGYPT Kaiser Friedrlch Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LORENZO Dl CREDI. 1469 1537 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B210 THE VISION OF ST. BERNARD Badia, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FILIPPINO LIPPI. 1457 1504 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B211 THE VISION OF ST. BERNARD (Detail) Bad/a, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FILIPPINO LIPPI. 14571504 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B212 MADONNA WITH TWO SAINTS National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FILIPPINO LIPPI. 14671504 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B213 a IO ST ^ u. u. I 5 o Z ^"" B214 ST. PETER RAISING THE KING'S SON (Detail) Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FILIPPINO LIPPI. 1457-1504 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B215 ST. PAUL VISITING ST. PETER IN PRISON Brancaccl Chapel. Carmine, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FILIPPINO LIPPI? 1457. 1504 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B216 ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST RAISING DRUSIANA Chapel of Fllippo Strozzl, S, Maria Novella, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FILIPPINO LIPPI. 14571504 FLORENTINE SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FILIPPINO LIPPI? 1457. 1604 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B218 MADONNA. WITH FOUR SAINTS Ufflzt, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FILIPPINO LIPPI. 1467 1504 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B219 B22O THE PASSAGE OF THE RED SEA (Detail) Sistlne Chapel, Vatican, Rome THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIERO Dl COSIMO. 1462 1521 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B221 THE NATIVITY Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIERO Dl COSIMO. 1462 1521 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B222 MADONNA. WITH SAINTS AND DONORS Ufflzl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAFFAELLINO DEL GARBO. 1466 1624 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B223 2s V (I 2. f C Sfl B268 o *> D c OC c co O gi 0. D B269 THE DEPOSITION Pittl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PERUGINO. 1446 1624 UMBRIAN SCHOOL B27O MADONNA IN ADORATION Pittl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PERUGINO. 1446 1524 UMBRIAN SCHOOL B271 11 I O o ffl o z oc < E B272 THE HOLY FAMILY Academy, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PINTURICCHIO. 1454 1513 UMBRIAN SCHOOL B273 MADONNA, WITH ANGELS AND DONOR Plnacoteca, San Seuerino THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PINTURICCHIO. 1454 1613 UMBRIAN SCHOOL B274 AENEAS SYLVIUS PICCOLOMINI AS AMBASSADOR Library, Cathedral, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PINTURICOHIO. 14641513 UMBRIAN SCHOOL BU75 B276 B277 MADONNA, SAINTS AND ANGELS S. Francesco, Assist THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LO SPAGNA. d. 1528? UMBRIAN SCHOOL B278 MADONNA ENTHRONED, WITH FOUR SAINTS Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MARCO PALMEZZANO. 1456 1543? UMBRIAN SCHOOL B279 co 2 D o S* -1 s g 2 OC -s: O a 2 < - a B280 MADONNA ENTHRONED National Galleru, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON COSIMO TURA. 14237 1495 FERRARA B281 CO co O O O O co < HI E O < Z CE < DC SI g* or ? I ^ zl LL MADONNA AND SAINTS S. Giovanni In Monte, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LORENZO COSTA. 1460 1635 FERRARA B283 B284 u MADONNA ENTHRONED. WITH SAINTS Gallery, Bologna. THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IL FRANCIA. 1450 1517 BOLOGNA B285 THE ANNUNCIATION Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IL FRANCIA. 1450 1517 BOLOGNA B286 MADONNA AND CHILD. WITH ANGELS Alte Pinahotheh, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IL FRANCIA. 1450 1617 BOLOGNA B287 PORTRAIT OF GIOVANNI EVANGELISTA SCAPPI . Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON IL FRANCIA 1450 1617 BOLOGNA B288 o < z z < o 3 d B289 THE MARTYRDOM OF ST. SEBASTIAN Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VINCENZO FOPPA. fl. 1455 1492 MILAN B290 MADONNA AND CHILD Poldl-Pezzoli, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VINCENZO FOPPA. fl. 1456 1492 MILAN B291 ST. CATHERINE Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BORGOGNONE. 14657 1523 B292 THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BORGOGNQNE. 14557 1623 MILAN THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON THE CRUCIFIXION Ateneo, Pesaro SQUARCIONE? 1394 1474 PADUA MADONNA AND CHILD Kaiser Friedrlch Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SQUARCIONE. PADUA 1394 1474 THE CONDEMNATION OF ST. JAMES Chapel of SS. James and Christopher, Eremtta.nl, Padua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 I56 PADUA MADONNA AND CHILD. WITH SAINTS National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 14311606 PADUA B297 PORTRAIT OF CARDINAL SCARAMPI Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 14311606 PADUA B298 THE CIRCUMCISION (Detail of Altarpiece) Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 1506 PADUA B29O ST. GEORGE Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS _^____ __________ MANTEGNA. 14311506 PADUA B3OO COURT OF LUDOVICO GONZAGA (Detail) Camera degli Sposf, Ducal Palace, Mantua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 I6O6 PADUA B301 FRESCO OF VAULTED CEILING Ducal Palace, Mantua THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 1506 PADUA B302 THE TRIUMPH OF CAESAR (Second Panel) Hampton Court, England THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 1506 PADUA B3O3 THE TRIUMPH OF CAESAR (Third Panel) Hampton Court, England THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 14311506 PADUA B304 THE TRIUMPH OF CAESAR (Detail. Fourth Panel) Hampton Court, England THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 1506 PADUA THE TRIUMPH OF CAESAR (Detail. Fourth Panel) Hampton Court, England THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 1506 PADUA THE TRIUMPH OF CAESAR (Fifth Panel) Hampton Court, England THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 1506 PADUA THE TRIUMPH OF CAESAR (Eighth Panel) Hampton Court, England THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 14311606 PADUA CD OC C I ^ o UJ =< I H B309 MADONNA. WITH SS. JOACHIM AND ANNA Royal Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 14311506 PADUA B310 B311 MADONNA OF VICTORY Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 1506 PADUA B312 B313 B314 JUDITH (Drawing) Uffizt. Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 14311606 PADUA B315 B316 MADONNA APPEARING TO 88. ANTHONY AND GEORGE National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PISANELLO. 1380 1456? VERONA B317 DRAWING Louure, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PISANELLO. 1380 1456? VERONA B318 ST. MARTIN DIVIDING HIS CLOAK WITH A BEGGAR Piccolomtni Library, Cathedral, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LIBERALE DA VERONA. 14511536 VERONA B319 MADONNA. CHILD, AND ST. ANNE National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIROLAMO DAI LIBRI. VERONA 14747 1556 B32O MADONNA AND CHILD Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIROLAMO DAI LIBRI. 14747 1556 VERONA B321 MADONNA ENTHRONED, WITH SAINTS AND ANGELS Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BARTOLOMMEO MONTAGNA. 14607 1523 VICENZA B322 THE ANNUNCIATION (Detail of Ancona) Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LORENZO VENEZIANO. fl. 1357 VENETIAN SCHOOL B323 II if B324 Q< B325 B326 THE CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN S, Pantaleone, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JOHANNES ALEMANNU'S ANTONIO VIVARINI. 1400 1470 VENETIAN SCHOOL B327 SS. GIROLAMO AND GREGORIO (Detail of triptych) Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JOHANNES ALEMANNUS ANTONIO VIVARINI. I4OO 1470 VENETIAN SCHOOL B328 MADONNA AND CHILD Poldi-Pezzoll, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIO VIVARINI. 1400 1470 VENETIAN SCHOOL B329 ST. MARK, WITH SAINTS (Altarpiece) Frart, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BARTOLOMMEO VIVARINI. fl. I45O 1499 VENETIAN SCHOOL B330 < 5 N ^ N - < => ? s u co n z UJ < d I- B331 PORTRAIT OF DOGE LOREDANO Loctila Galltry, Bergamo THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GENTILE BELLINI. 1426 1607 VENETIAN SCHOOL B332 PORTRAIT OF SULTAN MOHAMET La.ija.rii Collection, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GENTILE BELLINI. 1426 1507 VENETIAN SCHOOL B333 fcS ST I CO CO 01 i il8 J w O UJ CO CO fr 2 U Sgg O a > B334 B335 ^6s336 1 Q * Z - < .v. II < e CO 1 o. B337 MADONNA OF THE TREES Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI BELLINI. 14281516 VENETIAN SCHOOL B338 MADONNA ENTHRONED. WITH FOUR SAINTS S. Zaccarla, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI BELLINI. 1428- 316 VENETIAN SCHOOL B339 MADONNA AND CHILD (Detail) S. Zaccarla, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI BELLINI. 1428 1516 VENETIAN SCHOOL B34O MADONNA BETWEEN SAINTS Frarl, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI BELLINI. 1428 1516 VENETIAN SCHOOL B341 MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH ANGELS (Central panel of triptych) Frarl, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI BELLINI. 1428 1516 VENETIAN SCHOOL B342 MARY MAGDALENE (Detail) Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI BELLINI. 14281516 VENETIAN SCHOOL B343 THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST S. Corona, Vicenza THE UNIVERSITY PRINT? BOSTON GIOVANNI BELLINI. 1428 1516 VENETIAN SCHOOL B344 PORTRAIT OF DOGE LOREDANO National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI BELLINI. 1428 1516 VENETIAN SCHOOL B345 B346 VENUS, QUEEN OF THE WORLD Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI BELLINI. 1428 1513 VENETIAN SCHOOL B347 w if S o > CO 5 =i _l UJ K B348 MADONNA ENTHRONED Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CRIVELLI. 143071496 VENETIAN SCHOOL B349 B350 ST. CATHERINE AND ST. DOMINIC (Detail of Ancona) National Qallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CRIVELLI. 143071495 VENETIAN SCHOOL B351 MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH SAINTS Kaiser Fried rich Museum. Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CRIVELLI. 14307 1496 VENETIAN SCHOOL B362 THE ANNUNCIATION National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CRIVELLI. 143071496 VENETIAN SCHOOL B353 IL CONDOTTIERE Louvre, Par/s THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONELLO DA MESSINA. 14447 1493 VENETIAN SCHOOL B354 CHRIST BOUND TO THE COLUMN Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONELLO DA MESSINA. 14447 1493 VENETIAN SCHOOL B355 MADONNA. WITH SIX SAINTS Kaiser Frledrlch Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALVISE VIVARINI. fl. 1464 1503 VENETIAN SCHOOL B366 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ST. CHIARA Academy, Venice ALVISE VIVARINI. fl. 14641603 VENETIAN SCHOOL B357 THE INCREDULITY OF THOMAS Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CIMA DA CONEGLIANO. I46O7 1617 VENETIAN SCHOOL ECCE HOMO National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CIMA DA CONEGLIANO. VENETIAN SCHOOL 1460? 1617 B369 MADONNA AND CHILD Academy, Venict THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CIMA DA CONEGLIANO. 14607 1617 VENETIAN SCHOOL \ B36O ST. URSULA'S DREAM Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARPACCIO. fl. 1478 1622 VENETIAN SCHOOL B361 . o B362 THE MEETING OF JOACHIM AND ANNA Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARPACCIO. fl. 1478 1622 VENETIAN SCHOOL B363 THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST (Detail) A cad emu, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARPACCIO. tl. 1478 1622 VENETIAN SCHOOL B364 ANGEL PLAYING LUTE (Detail. Presentation of Christ) Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARPACCIO. fl. 1478 1622 VENETIAN SCHOOL B365 h < CO 1 o tt =0 O c I O o" 1 < H Q. UJ tc z < UJ o > B366 THE PRESENTATION OF THE VIRGIN Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARPACCIO. fl. 1478 1622 VENETIAN SCHOOL B367 THE CALLING OF THE SONS OF ZEBEDEE Academy, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MARCO BASAITI. fl. 1490 1521 VENETIAN SCHOOL B368 if < =5 Z Z o a B369 ZO iu O H I < O o o> O Z N < z r- .5? O 5 2 < s; DC g oc oc B37O ST. STEPHEN Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VINCENZO CATENA, d. 1531 VENETIAN SCHOOL co 3 c -3 < Q. o o a: B372 6 2 S B373 < 5 UJ 3 D- oo < = ^ < B374 THE VIRGIN AS ORANTE S. Marco, Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ELEVENTH CENTURY B376 B376 BEHOLD, HE IS RISEN! (Ivory carving) Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CARLOVINGIAN PERIOD B377 THE SAVIOUR. BETWEEN SYMBOLS OF THE EVANGELISTS. WITH KINO DAVID ABOVE Oampo Santo, Pisa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ELEVENTH CENTURY B378 PULPIT S. Bartolommeo in Pantano, Plstoja THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GUIDO DA COMO. tl. 1250 B379 PULPIT Baptistery, Pisa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON NICCOLO PISANO. 12067 1278? B38O B381 B383 B384 TOMB OF ST. DOWN 1C S. Domenlco, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON NICCOLO PI- 120671278? B385 B386 B387 A STORY OF BACCHUS Marble Vase, Campo Santo, Pisa THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEK SCULPTURE FOURTH CENTURY B. C. B388 B380 MADONNA DELLA CINTOLA Cathedral. Prato THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI PISANO. 12607 1328? B39O B391 B392 ANGEL (Detail. Pulpit) S. Andrea, Plstoja THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI PISANO. B393 B394 SOUTH DOORS Baptistery (S. Olouannl), Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDRFA PISANO. 12707 1348? B395 B396 B397 THE CREATION OF EVE Campanile del Duomo, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667 1336 ANDREA PISANO. 12707 1348? B398 AGRICULTURE Campanile del Duomo, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOTTO. 12667-1336 ANDREA PI8ANO. '270? 1348' B399 FACADE Cathedral, Oruleto THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON B4OO v- >v *&** W - f T&ir ^r *S^ ' '/^V +t ?S^- 5i>JS2i- ?^^SvS ^*S -? *' : 5^^*^ ' ' VX '^- ;^^ H>W _:- '.' :A X// ^;^?^^^S T. vT -^ ', V .7 :>:-;l- */ ^ ,- Jr PILASTER AT EXTREME LEFT (Detail. Facade) Cathedral. Oruleto THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FOURTEENTH CENTURY B401 4- B402 * - ' ' ^ K~ * f * , ' j,' ^>^xrr < > ', . *?'.ty , ,AX. * .-; ' &;;"> ^>^ '^^^/^k^ft PILASTER AT EXTREME RIGHT (Detail, Facade) Cathedral, Oruleto THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FOURTEENTH CENTURY B4O3 B404 TABERNACLE Or San Michele, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA ORCAGNA. 1308 1368 FLORENTINE SCHOOL 3405 THE MARRIAGE OF THE VIRGIN (Detail, Tabernacle) Or San Michele, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA ORCAGNA. 1308 1368 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B406 THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE DEATH OF THE VIRGIN (Detail. Tabernacle) Or San Mlchele, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA ORCAGNA. 13081363 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B407 THE DEATH AND TRANSLATION OF THE VIRGIN (Detail, Tabernacle) Or San Michele, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA ORCAGNA. 1308 1368 FLORENTINE SCHOOL B408 B409 5" B410 B411 ADAM AND EVE LABORING S. Petronio, Bologna Vll THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOPO DELLA QUERCIA. 13711438 B412 ALLEGORICAL FIGURE Cathedral Museum, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOPO DELLA QUERCIA. 1371 1438 B413 FONT S. Giovanni, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOPO DELLA QUERCIA. 13711438 B414 THE VISION OF ZACHARIAS (Panel, Font) 5. Qlouannl, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOPO DELLA QUERCIA. 13711438 B415 FONT Chapel S. Giovanni, Cathedral, Siena THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SCHOOL OF JACOPO DELLA QUERCIA B416 THE SACRIFICE OF ABRAHAM (Competitive Panel) Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIBERTI. 1378 1455 B417 NORTH DOORS Baptistery, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIBERTI. 1378 1455 B418 CO* CO O cc O UJ I I- o z cc B419 CO 3 | GHIBERTI. 13 N ii O a ro a: Ul I e V ^ B420 EAST DOORS Baptistery, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIBERTI. 13781456 B421 THE STORY OF ADAM AND EVE (First Panel) Cast Doors, Baptistery, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIBERTI. 1378 1455 B422 THE STORY OF ABRAHAM (Fourth Panel) East Doors, Baptistery, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIBERTI. 13781455 B423 ISAAC AND HIS SONS (Fifth Panel) fast Doors, Baptistery, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIBERTI. 13781465 B424 DAVID AND GOLIATH (Ninth Panel) East Doors, Baptlsteru, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIBERTI. 1378 1455 B425 ST. STEPHEN Or San Michele, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHIBERTI. 1378 1455 B426 x 8 o s UJ "5 I E H O O * z 5 co-g II m B450 PORTAL OF PALAZZO VISMARA Castello, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHELOZZO. 13911473 B451 < t co k - 2 =s < >- Q . y B452 CO h- m z 3 UI X I- B463 B464 (Hi inn- unrig SINGING GALLERY (Upper Panel) Cathedral Museum, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCA DELLA ROBBIA. 1399 1482 B455 SINGING GALLERY (Lower Panel) Cathedral Museum, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCA DELLA ROBBIA. 1399 1482 B456 MADONNA AND CHILD Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCA DELLA ROBBIA. 1399 1482 B457 TOMB OF BISHOP FEDERIGHI (Faience Border) S. Trinita, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCA DELLA ROBBIA. 1399 1482 B458 co < z UJ o CO < UJ X I- o- 2 < OQ -I aS < EC O O -I < i < O CO t O o Z "5 h =5 BUST OF A CHILD (Faience) Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DELLA ROBBIA. 1435 1525 Yfi Vi.V/< MVU \':f MADONNA AND CHILD (Faience) Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DELLA ROBBIA. 1435 1525 B465 BAMBINO (Faience Medallion) Innocent!, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DELLA ROBBIA. 1436 1525 B466 BAMBINO (Faience Medallion) Innocent/, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DELLA ROBBIA. 1435 1525 B467 THE VISITATION S. Giovanni Fuorcivitas, Pistoja THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREA DELLA ROBBIA? 1436 1525 B468 THE NATIVITY (Faience Altar-piece) Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA. 1469 1529 B469 ** -2 Q * B470 MARIETTA PALLA 8TROZZI ? Kaiser Frledrlch Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DESIDERIO DA 8ETTIGNANO? 14281464 B471 TOMB OF CARLO MARSUPPINI S. Croce, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DESIDERIO DA SETTIGNANO. 1428 1464 B472 z a. 3 I * 8 31 00 O IL O B473 B474 TOMB OF LEONARDO BRUNI S. Croce, Florence BERNARDO ROSSELLINO. I4O9 1464 B476 TOMB OF CARDINAL JACOPO PORTUGALLO S. Minlato, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIO ROSSELLINO. 1427 1478 B476 MADONNA ADORING CHILD Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIO ROSSELLINO. 1427 1478 B477 r ' . ' MATTEO PALMIERI Bargello, Florence \E5zisSff9i'' J THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIO ROSSELLINO. 14271478 B478 MADONNA AND CHILD (Madonna del Latte) S. Croce, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIO ROSSELLINO. 1427 1478 B479 PIETRO DE' MEDICI Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MINO DA FIESOLE. 14311484 B480 U M 1 1 1 1 H I II 1 1 M II I M I nrrvvvYn'ivriFTTi ALTAR-PIECE Cathedral, Fleaolt THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MINO DA FIESOLE. 14311484 B481 MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN Via delta Forca, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MINO DA FIESOLE. 1431 1484 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIETRO MELLINI Bargello, Florence BENEDETTO DA MAJANO. 1442 1497 B483 PULPIT S, Croce, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BENEDETTO DA MAJANO. 14421497 B484 JOHN THE BAPTIST Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BENEDETTO DA MAJANO. 1442 1497 B485 PORTRAIT BUST Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LAST HALF OF FIFTEENTH CENTURY B486 ALTAR OF ST. REGULUS Cathedral, Lucca THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MATTEO CIVITALE. 14351601 B487 5 B488 FAITH Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MATTEO CIVITALI. 1435 1501 B489 HERCULES STRANGLING ANTAEUS Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIO POLLAJUOLO. 14297 1498 B49O BUST OF YOUNG WARRIOR Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIO POLLAJUOLO. 14297 1498 B491 B492 DAVID Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VEROCCHIO. 1436 1488 B493 MONUMENT TO BARTOLOMMEO COLLEONI Venice THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VEROCCHIO. 1436 1488 B494 THE INCREDULITY OF THOMAS Or San Michele. Fhrenoc THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VEROCCHIO. 1435 1488 B495 MADONNA AND CHILD Bargello, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VEROCCHIO? 1436-1488 BOY AND DOLPHIN (Fountain) Palazzo Veechlo, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VEROCCHIO. 1435 1488 B497 KNEELING ANGEL WITH CANDLESTICK Shrine of St. Dominic, S. Domenlco, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON NICCOLO DA BARI. 14141494 (Niccolo del Area) B408 TOMB OF BARTOLOMMEO COLLEONI Colleonl Chapel, Bergamo THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON OMODEO. 1447 1622 B499 z I -1 g o ? 03 O -c B5OO TOMB OF MEDEA COLLEONI Colleont Chapel, Bergamo OMODEO. 14471622 Series B Early Italian Art Painting Greek and Roman Painting B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " 1 Chariot-race: Greek vase Museum, Naples 2 Eos and Kephalos: Greek vase Museum, Boston 3 Maidens playing Jackstones: painting on marble Museum, Naples 4 Sacrifice of Iphigenia: fresco Museum, Naples 5 Discovery of Telephus: fresco Museum, Naples 6 Medea: fresco Museum, Naples 7 A Bacchante: fresco Museum, Naples 8 Cupids as Wine-dealers: fresco. .House of the Vettii, Pompeii 9 Cocks fighting: fresco House of the Vettii, Pompeii 10 Infant Hercules strangling Serpents: fresco, House of the Vettii, Pompeii 11 Punishment of Dirke: fresco House of the Vettii, Pompeii 12 Wall decoration Pompeii 13 Aldobrandini Marriage: fresco Library, Vatican, Rome Mosaics. I to XIII Century 14 Battle of Issus: Roman mosaic Museum, Naples 15 Doves at Fountain: Roman mosaic Capitoline, Rome 16 Aquatic Birds: Roman mosaic S. M. in Trastevere, Rome 17 Section of vaulted Ceiling S. Costanza, Rome 18 Section of vaulted Ceiling S. Costanza, Rome 19 Semi-dome of Apse S. Pudenziana, Rome 20 Semi-dome of Apse. , , , , , , , Baptistery, Lateran, Rome Early Italian Art vii B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " 21 Triumphal Arch and Apse S. Paolo Fuori le Mura, Rome 22 Semi-dome of Apse SS. Cosmo e Damiano, Rome 23 Decoration of Arch S. Giovanni in Fonte, Ravenna 24 Baptism of Christ S. Giovanni in Fonte, Ravenna 25 The Good Shepherd Tomb of Galla Placidia, Ravenna 26 Allegorical Figure S. Sabina, Rome < 27 Interior View S. Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna 28 Procession of Female Saints. . .S. Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna 29 Emperor Justinian and Courtiers S. Vitale, Ravenna 30 Empress Theodora and Court Ladies S. Vitale, Ravenna 31 Semi-dome of Apse S. Agnese Fuori le Mura, Rome 32 Semi-dome of Apse S. Marco, Rome 33 Tribune Arch and Apse S. Clemente, Rome 34 Transporting the Body of St. Mark. . . Facade, S. Marco, Venice 35 Tribune Arch and Apse S. M. in Trastevere, Rome 36 Nativity: detail of 35 37 Coronation of the Virgin Apse, S. M. Maggiore, RomeW^ . 38 Saints Cathedral, Cefalu, Sicily \/ 39 Tribune Cathedral, Monreale, Sicily x 40 Mosaic panels: Christ; The Virgin S. Marco, Venice \S Early Christian and Mediaeval Paintings 41 Details from Wall Decorations of the Catacombs 42 Details from Wall Decorations of the Catacombs 43 Fresco ,...-... Crypt, SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Rome 44 Crucifixion S. M. Antiqua, Forum, Rome 45 Madonna; Crucifixion Academy, Florence 46 Magdalen Academy, Florence / 47 Byzantine Madonna S. M. Maggiore, Florence \/ PRIMITIVE FLORENTINE SCHOOL Margaritone da Arezzo. 1216P-1293? 48 Altarpiece National Gallery, London Giovanni Cimabue. 1240P-1302? 49 Madonna enthroned, Saints and Angels ... Academy, Florence viii Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " 50 Madonna enthroned (Rucellai Madonna), S. M. Novella, Florence 51 Madonna enthroned, S. Francis and Angels, Lower Church, S. Francesco, Assisi Giotto (Ambrogiotto di Bondone). 1266P-1336 52 View of Campanile of Cathedral Florence 53 View of Interior Lower Church, S. Francesco, Assisi 54 View of Interior. 55 Obedience Lower Church, S. Francesco, Assisi 56 Poverty LowjEr Church, S. Francesco, Assisi 57 Meeting of Joachim and Anna: 58 Presentation of Virgin . Chapel of the Arena, Padua detail, , Chapel of the Arena, Padua \. . Chapel of the Arena, Padua 59 Annunciation Chapel of the Arena, Padua 60 Nativity Chapel of the Arena, Padua 6 1 Flight into Egypt Chapel of the Arena, Padua 62 Baptism of Christ Chapel of the Arena, Padua 63 Raising of Lazarus Chapel of the Arena, Padua 64 Corruption of Judas Chapel of the Arena, Padua 65 Entrance into Jerusalem Chapel of the Arena, Padua 66 Last Supper: detail Chapel of the Arena, Padua 67 Crucifixion Chapel of the Arena, Padua 68 The Bewailing of Christ Chapel of the Arena, Padua 69 Hope Chapel of the Arena, Padua 70 Envy ^ Chapel of the Arena, Padua 71 Resurrection Chapel of the Arena, Padua 72 St. Francis before the Sultan. .Bardi Chapel, S. Croce, Florence 73 Death of St. Francis Bardi Chapel, S. Croce, Florence 74 St. Louis of France; St. Clare, Bardi Chapel, S. Croce, Florence 75 Ascension of St. John Evangelist, Peruzzi Chapel, S. Croce, Florence 76 Feast of Herod Peruzzi Chapel, S. Croce, Florence 77 Heads of Two Apostles (School of Giotto), National Gallery, London Early Italian Art ix B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Taddeo Gaddi. 1300?-1366 78 Meeting of Joachim and Anna, Baroncelli Chapel, S. Croce, Florence 79 Presentation of the Virgin, Baroncelli Chapel, S. Cfoce, Florence 80 Marriage of the Virgin. .Baroncelli Chapel, S. Croce, Florence Giovanni da Milano. fl. 1366 8 1 Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene, Rinuccini Chapel, S. Croce, Florence Giottino. 1324P-1357? 82 Crucifixion Crypt, S. M. Novella, Florence Andrea Orcagna. 1308-1368 83 Paradise Strozzi Chapel, S. M. Novella, Florence 84 Saints: detail of 83 85 Christ and the Virgin: detail of 83 EARLY SIENESE SCHOOL Guido da Siena, fl. 1281 86 Madonna and Child Palazzo Pubblico, Siena Duccio di Buoninsegna. 1260P-1339? 87 Madonna and Child with Saints Cathedral Museum, Siena 88 Panel from back of Altarpiece Cathedral Museum, Siena 89 Panel from back of Altarpiece Cathedral Museum, Siena 90 Ancona: Madonna and Saints.. : Academy, Siena Simone Martini. 1283-1344 91 Annunciation Uffizi, Florence Lippo Memmi. d. 1356 92 Virgin of Mercy Cathedral, Orvieto x Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Pietro Lorenzetti. fl. 1305-1348 93 Madonna, Child, and Saints, Lower Church, S. Francesco, Assisi Ambrogio Lorenzetti. fl. 1323-1348 94 Good Government Palazzo Pubblico, Siena 95 Peace: detail of 94 96 Magnanimity, Temperance, Justice: detail of 94 Giacomo di Mino del Pellicciaio. fl. 1362-1389 97 Madonna del Belverde Servi di Maria, Siena Campo Santo, Pisa (Orcagna? Lorenzetti? Nardo di Daddo?) 98 Triumph of Death: right half of picture 99 Triumph of Death: left half of picture 100 Last Judgment: detail 101 Detail of 98 102 Detail of 99 Spanish Chapel, S. M. Novella, Florence (Attribution questionable) 103 Christ bearing the Cross 104 Descent of Christ into Limbo 105 Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas 106 Virtues and Sciences: detail of 105 107 The Church Militant and Triun >hant 108 Group of Portraits: detail of 107 Sano di Pietro. 1406-1481 109 Madonna, Child, and Saints Academy, Siena Matteo di Giovanni. 1435P-1495 no Madonna, Child, and Angels Academy, Siena Early Italian Art xi B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " EARLY UMBRIAN SCHOOL Ottaviano Nelli. fl. 1403-1444 in Madonna, Saints, and Angels S. M. Nuova, Gubbio Gentile da Fabriano. 1360P-1428? 112 Adoration of Magi Academy, Florence 1 1 3 Madonna adoring the Child . ) Museum, Pisa 114 Madonna and Child Yale Art School, New Haven FLORENTINE SCHOOL Fra Angelico (Fra Giovanni da Fiesole). 1387-1455 115 Madonna of the Linaiuoli (see p. 105) Uffizi, Florence 116 Last Judgment Academy, Florence 117 The Blessed: detail of 116 118 The Condemned: detail of 116 119 Dominican Monks meeting Christ, Cloister, S. Marco, Florence 420 Annunciation Upper Corridor, S. Marco, Florence 121 Christ appearing to Mary Cell, S. Marco, Florence 122 Crucifixion Chapter House, S. Marco, Florence 123 Saints: detail of 122 124 St. Michael: detail of frame of Deposition, Academy, Florence 125 Group of Prophets .... Chapel S. Brizio, Cathedral, Orvieto 126 Condemnation of St. Lawrence, Chapel Nicholas V, Vatican, Rome 127 St. Stephen preaching: Dispute with the Doctors Chapel Nicholas V, Vatican, Rome Masolino da Panicale. 1383-1447 128 St. Catherine exhorting Pagans to abandon Idolatry Chapel of the Passion, S. Clemente, Rome 129 The Eternal Father in Glory. .Baptistery, Castiglione d'Olona 130 Feast of Herod Baptistery, Castiglione d'Olona 131 Detail of 130 132 Resuscitation of Tabitha, Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence xii Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " 133 Detail of 132 134 St. Peter preaching ..... Brancacci Chapel. Carmine, Florence 135 Adam and Eve in Eden. . Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence 1390-1457 136 Portrait of Farinata degli Uberti, Convent S. Apollonia, Florence Paolo Uccello (Doiii). 1397P-1475 137 Battle of Sant' Egidio ............ National Gallery, London 138 Portraits of Giotto and of the Artist ........... Louvre, Paris Masaccio (Tommaso di S. Giovanni). 1401P-1428? 139 Expulsion from Eden,. . . Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence 140 Tribute Money ........ Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence 141 Central Group: detail of 140 142 Head of Christ: detail of 140 143 St. Peter distributing Alms, Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence 144 St. Peter baptizing the Pagans, Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence 145 Portrait of an Old Man .................... Uffizi, Florence Fra Filippo Lippi. 1406P-1469 146 St. John taking leave of His Mother ....... Cathedral, Prato 147 Obsequies of St. Stephen ................. Cathedral, Prato 148 Salome: detail, Feast of Herod ........... Cathedral, Prato L+9 Coronation of Virgin .................... Academy, Florence 150 Madonna with Saints and Angels .............. Louvre, Paris 151 Madonna adoring the Child. . . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 152 Madonna and Child with Two Angels ...... Uffizi, Florence 153 Madonna and Child: tondo ................. Pitti, Florence 154 Annunciation .......................... Academy, Florence 155 Annunciation: lunette ............ National Gallery, London 156 Madonna, Child, and Angel ............ Innocenti, Florence 157 Seven Saints: lunette ............. National Gallery, London 158 Coronation of the Virgin ................ Cathedral, Spoleto Early Italian Art xiii B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Benozzo Gozzoli. 1420-1497 159 Madonna, Child, and Saints Vanucci Gallery, Perugia 160 Detail, Journey of the Magi Riccardi Palace, Florence 161 Detail, Journey of the Magi Riccardi Palace, Florence 162 Group of Angels: detail Riccardi Palace, Florence 163 Building of the Tower of Babel Campo Santo, Pisa 164 Detail, Story of Abraham Campo Santo, Pisa Francesco Pesellino. 1422-1457 165 A Miracle of St. Anthony Academy, Florence 1 66 The Trinity National Gallery, London Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi). 1447-1510 167 Birth of Venus Uffizi, Florence 168 Allegory of Spring Academy, Florence 169 Pallas and the Centaur Royal Palace, Florence 170 The Leper's Sacrifice Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome 171 Detail, Life of Moses Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome 172 Detail, Punishment of Korah. .Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome 173 Calumny Uffizi, Florence 174 Portrait of Man with Medal \. . Uffizi, Florence 175 Adoration of Magi \Uffizi, Florence 176 Group of Heads: detail of 175 177 Madonna of the Magnificat ,lJlfizi, Florence 178 Madonna with Angels Borghese, Rome 179 Madonna and Child Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan 1 80 Madonna with Angels bearing Lilies, Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 181 Madonna, Child, and St. John Louvre, Paris 182 Madonna, Child, and Angels National Gallery, London 183 Judith with Head of Holofernes Uffizi, Florence 184 Allegory (fresco from Villa Lemmi) Louvre, Paris 185 Allegory (fresco from Villa Lemmi) Louvre, Paris 186 Angels: detail, Coronation of the Virgin. .Academy, Florence xiv Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Antonio del Pollajuolo. 1429P-1498 187 Hercules overcoming the Hydra Uffizi, Florence Piero del Pollajuolo. 1443-1496 188 Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza. Uffizi, Florence 189 Prudence Uffizi, Florence 190 Portrait of a Gentleman (attribution ques- tioned) Uffizi, Florence Andrea del Verocchio. 1435-1488 191 Baptism of Christ Academy, Florence 192 Angels: detail of 191 Cosimo Rosselli. 1439-1507 193 Madonna, Child, and Saints Uffizi, Florence 194 Incidents in Life of Moses. . . .Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome Ghirlandajo (Domenico Bigordi). 1449-1494 195 Death of St. Francis. . . .Sassetti Chapel, S. Trinita, Florence 196 Scenes from Life of John the Baptist, Choir, S. M. Novella, Florence 197 Presentation of the Virgin. . . .Choir, S. M. Novella, Florence 198 Sacrifice of Zacharias Choir, S. M. Novella, Florence 199 Group of Heads: detail of 198 -200 Birth of St. John the Baptist. .Choir, S. M. Novella, Florence 201 Portrait Head: detail of 200 202 Calling of the Disciples Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome 203 Last Supper Refectory, S. Marco, Florence 204 Visitation Louvre, Paris 205 Nativity Academy, Florence 206 Old Man and Child Louvre, Paris Lorenzo di Credi. 1459-1537 207 Christ appearing to Mary Louvre, Paris 208 Annunciation Uffizi, Florence 209 St. Mary of Egypt Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Early Italian Art xv B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Filippino Lippi. 1457-1504 2 10 Vision of St. Bernard Badia, Florence 211 Madonna and Angels: detail of 210 212 Madonna with Two Saints National Gallery, London 213 St. Peter raising the King's Son (Masaccio and Filippino Lippi) Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence 214 Central Group: detail of 213 215 St. Paul visiting St. Peter in Prison, Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence 216 St. John Evangelist raising Drusiana, Chapel of Filippo Strozzi, S. M. Novella, Florence 2 1 7 Portrait of the Artist Uffizi, Florence 218 Madonna with Four Saints Uffizi, Florence 219 Assumption of the Virgin S. M. sopra Minerva, Rome Piero di Gosimo. 1462-1521 220 Detail, Passage of Red Sea. . .Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome . 221 Nativity Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Raffaellino del Garbo. 1466-1524 222 Madonna with Saints and Donors Uffizi, Florence UMBRIAN SCHOOL Piero della Francesca. 1420P-1492 223 Malatesta kneeling before St. Sigismund, Chapel of the Relics, S. Francesco, Rimini "224 'Baptism of Christ National Gallery, London 225 Resurrection Museum, San Sepolcro 226 Portrait of Federigo da Montefeltro Uffizi, Florence 227 Portrait of Battista Sforza Uffizi, Florence 228 Detail, Visit of Queen of Sheba S. Francesco, Arezzo \^ 229 Madonna in Adoration. Louvre, Paris 230 Portrait of a Lady Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan 231 Portrait of a Lady Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 232 Vision of Constantine S. Francesco, Arezzo v- \ xvi Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Benedetto Bonfigli. 1425P-1496? 233 Angels bearing Emblems of the Passion, Vanucci Gallery, Perugia 234 Annunciation Vanucci Gallery, Perugia Fiorenzo di Lorenzo. 1440?-! 522 235 A Miracle of S. Bernardino Vanucci Gallery, Perugia 236 Adoration of the Magi Vanucci Gallery, Perugia Giovanni Sand. 1435P-1494 237 Madonna, Saints, and Angpls S. Domenico, Cagli Melozzo da Forli. 1438-1494 238 The Saviour in Glory Quirinal, Rome 239 Head of Apostle Sacristy, St. Peter's Rome 240 Angel with Viol Sacristy, St. Peter's, Rome 241 Angel with Lute Sacristy, St. Peter's, Rome 242 Angel with Timbrel Sacristy, St. Peter's, Rome 243 Annunciation Uffizi, Florence 244 Sixtus IV giving audience to Platina Vatican, Rome 245 Rhetoric National Gallery, London Signorelli (Luca d'Egidio di Ventura). 1441-1523 246 School of Pan Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 247 Holy Family Uffizi, Florence 248 Adoration of Magi Yale Art School, New Haven 249 Group of Patriarchs Chapel S. Brizio, Cathedral, Orvieto 250 Detail, Preaching of Antichrist, Chapel S. Brizio, Cathedral, Orvieto 251 The Resurrection Chapel S. Brizio, Cathedral, Orvieto 252 Calling of the Elect Chapel S. Brizio, Cathedral, Orvieto 253 The Condemned Chapel S. Brizio, Cathedral, Orvieto 254 Lucan, and Episodes from his Poems Chapel S. Brizio, Cathedral, Orvieto 255 Portrait of a Man Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Early Italian Art xvii B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Perugino (Pietro Vanucci deUa Pieve). 1446-1524 256 Strength and Temperance Sala del Cambio, Perugia 257 Venus: detail of Vault Sala del Cambio, Perugia 258 Madonna, Child, and Angels Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan 259 Sposalizio (questioned) Museum, Caen 260 Adoration of the Kings S. M. delle Lacrime, Trevi 261 Assumption of the Virgin Academy, Florence 262 Christ at Gethsemane Academy, Florence 263 Christ delivering the Keys to Peter Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome 264 Virgin adoring the Child; Archangels Mich- ael and Raphael (Certosa Altarpiece) National Gallery, London 265 St. Sebastian Louvre, Paris 266 Portrait of a Youth Uffizi, Florence 267 Vision of St. Bernard Alte Pinakothek, Munich 268 Crucifixion S. M. Maddalena dei Pazzi, Florence 269 Deposition Pitti, Florence 270 Madonna in Adoration Pitti, Florence Pinturicchio (Bernardo di Betto). 1454-1513 271 St. Jerome preaching S. M. del Popolo, Rome 272 Holy Family Academy, Siena 273 Madonna, with Angels and Donor. . .Cathedral, San Severino 274 ^Eneas Sylvius Piccolomini as Ambassador Library, Cathedral, Siena 275 Music Appartj-menti Borgia, Vatican, Rome 276 View of Piccolomini Library Cathedral, Siena Lo Spagna (Giovanni di Pietro). d. 1528? 277 Madonna, Saints, and Angels S. Francesco, Assisi Marco Palmezzano. 1456-1543? 278 Madonna enthroned, with Four Saints Brera, Milan xviii Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " SCHOOLS OF NORTHERN ITALY FERRARA Gosimo Tura. 1423P-1495 279 Triumph of Venus Schifanoia Palace, Ferrara 280 Madonna enthroned National Gallery, London Francesco Cossa. 1430P-1480? 281 Madonna enthroned, with Saints Gallery, Bologna Lorenzo Costa. 1460-1535 282 Madonna and Saints S. Giovanni in Monte, Bologna 283 Court of Isabella d'Este Louvre, Paris II Francia (Francesco di Marco Raibolini). 1450-1517 284 Madonna enthroned, with Saints Gallery, Bologna 285 Annunciation -. Brera, Milan 286 Madonna, Child, and Angels Alte Pinakothek, Munich 287 Portrait of Giovanni Evangelista Scappi Uffizi, Florence 288 Pieta: lunette National Gallery, London MILAN Vincenzo Foppa. fl. 1455-1492 289 Martyrdom of St. Sebastian Brera, Milan 290 Madonna and Child Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan Borgognone (Ambrogio da Fossano). 1455P-1523 291 St. Catherine Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan 292 Marriage of St. Catherine National Gallery, London PADUA Francesco Squarcione. 1394-1474 293 Crucifixion (attribution questioned) Ateneo, Pesaro 294 Madonna and Child Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Early Italian Art xix B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Andrea Mantegna. 1431-1506 295 Condemnation of St. James, Chapel SS. James and Christopher, Eremitani, Padua 296 Madonna and Child, with Saints. . National Gallery, London 297 Portrait of a Man Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 298 Circumcision: detail of Altarpiece Uffizi, Florence 299 St. George Academy, Venice 300 Court of Ludovico Gonzaga Ducal Palace, Mantua 301 Fresco, Vaulted Ceiling Ducal Palace, Mantua 302 Triumph of Caesar: 2d panel Hampton Court 303 Triumph of Caesar: 3d panel Hampton Court 304 Triumph of Caesar: detail of 4th panel Hampton Court 305 Triumph of Caesar: detail of 4th panel Hampton Court 306 Triumph of Caesar: 5th panel Hampton Court 307 Triumph of Caesar: 8th panel Hampton Court 308 Presentation Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 309 Madonna with SS. Joachim and Anna, Royal Gallery, Dresden 310 The Dead Christ Brera, Milan 31 1 Madonna of Victory Louvre, Paris 312 Allegory: Wisdom victorious over the Vices Louvre, Paris 313 Detail, Parnassus Louvre, Paris 314 Judith: Drawing Uffizi, Florence Marco Zoppo. 1445-1498 315 St. Christopher in search of the Greatest King, Chapel SS. James and Christopher, Eremitani, Padua VERONA Pisanello (Vittore Pisano). 1380-1456? 316 Madonna appearing to SS. Anthony and George National Gallery, London 317 Drawing Louvre, Paris Liberale da Verona. 1451-1536 318 St. Martin dividing his Cloak with a Beggar, Piccolomini Library, Cathedral, Siena xx Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Girolamo dai Libri. 1474P-1556 319 Madonna, Child, and St. Anne. .. .National Gallery, London 320 Madonna and Child Louvre, Paris VIGENZA Bartolommeo Montagna. 1450P-1523 321 Madonna enthroned, Saints and Angels Brera, Milan VENICE Lorenzo Veneziano. fl. 1357 322 Annunciation: panel of Ancona Academy, Venice Jacopo Bellini. i400?-1464? 323 Annunciation: Drawing Louvre, Paris 324 Pegasus: Drawing Louvre, Paris Antonio Vivarini. 1400-1470 325 Adoration of Kings Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 326 Coronation of Virgin (Antonio and Johannes Alemannus) S. Pantaleone, Venice 327 SS. Girolamo and Gregorio: detail of Triptych (Antonio and Johannes Alemannus) Academy, Venice 328 Madonna and Child Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan Bartolommeo Vivarini. fl. 1450-1499 329 St. Mark with Saints: Triptych Frari, Venice Gentile Bellini. 1426P-1507 330 Procession in Piazza San Marco Academy, Venice 331 Portrait of Doge Loredano Lochis Gallery, Bergamo 332 Portrait of Sultan Mohamet Layard Coll. Venice 333 Preaching of St. Mark at Alexandria (Gentile and Giovanni Bellini) Brera, Milan Early Italian Art xxi B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Giovanni Bellini. 1428-1516 334 The Dead Christ, Madonna and St. John Brera, Milan 335 Madonna, St. George, and St. Paul Academy, Venice 336 Madonna, Saints, and Doge Barbarigo, S. Pietro Martire, Murano 337 Madonna of the Trees Academy, 338 Madonna enthroned, with Four Saints. . .S. Zaccaria, Venice 339 Madonna: detail of 338 340 Madonna between Saints: Triptych Frari, Venice 341 Central Panel: detail of 340 342 Mary Magdalene: detail Academy, Venice 343 Baptism of Christ S. Corona, Vicenza 344 Portrait of Doge Loredano National Gallery, London 345 Two Portraits (questioned) Louvre, Paris 346 Venus, Queen of the World Academy, Venice 347 Religious Allegory Uffizi, Florence Carlo Crivelli. 1430P-1495 348 Madonna enthroned Brera, Milan 349 Madonna, SS. Peter, Dominic, Peter Martyr, and Gimignano: Triptych Brera, Milan 350 St. Catherine and St. Dominic: detail of Altarpiece National Gallery, London 351 Madonna and Child, with Saints. . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 352 Annunciation National Gallery, London Antonello da Messina, fl. 1465-1493 353 II Condottiere Louvre, Paris 354 Christ bound to the Column Academy, Venice Alvise Vivarini. fl. 1461-1503? 355 Madonna, with Six Saints Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 356 S. Chiara Academy, Venice xxii Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Cima da Conegliano (Giovanni Battisla Cima). 1460P-1517 357 Incredulity of Thomas Academy, Venice 358 Ecce Homo National Gallery, London 359 Madonna and Child Academy, Venice Vittore Carpaccio. fl. 1490-1522 360 St. Ursula's Dream Academy, Venice 361 English Ambassador received by the King, Academy, Venice 362 Meeting of Joachim and Anna Academy, Venice 363 Presentation of Christ: detail Academy, Venice 364 Angel playing Viol: detail of 363 365 St. George in Combat with the Dragon, S. Giorgio degli Schiavoni, Venice 366 Presentation of the Virgin Brera, Milan Marco Basaiti. fl. c. 1503-1521 367 Calling of the Sons of Zebedee Academy, Venice Vincenzo Catena, d. 1531 368 Madonna, Child, and Saints Museum, Padua 369 Warrior adoring Infant Christ National Gallery, London 370 St. Stephen Brera, Milan Sculpture Early Christian and Mediaeval Sculpture 371 Good Shepherds: sarcophagus Lateran, Rome 372 Story of Jonah: sarcophagus Lateran, Rome 373 Agape and Crescenziano: sarcophagus Lateran, Rome 374 The Virgin as Orante: relief S. Marco, Venice 375 Adoration of Magi: terra-cotta S. Stefano, Bologna 376 Bronze Doors Cathedral, Pisa 377 Christ between Symbols of Evangelists, with King David. (Tomb relief) Campo Santo, Pisa 378 Pulpit by Guido da Como, S. Bartolommeo in Pantano, Pistoja Early Italian Art xxiii B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Niccolo Pisano. 1206P-1278? 379 Pulpit Baptistery, Pisa 380 Adoration of the Kings: detail of 379 381 The Presentation: detail of 379 382 Pulpit Cathedral, Siena 383 Adoration of the Kings: detail of 382 384 Shrine of St. Dominic S. Domenico, Bologna 385 Trial by Fire: detail of 384 386 Fountain Perugia' For Comparison 387 Story of Bacchus: Marble Vase Campo Santo, Pisa 388 Phsedra and Hippolytos: sarcophagus. . . .Campo Santo, Pisa % Giovanni Pisano. 1250P-1328? 389 Madonna della Cintola Cathedral, Prato 390 Crucifixion: relief Museo Civico, Pisa 391 Birth of Christ: detail of Pulpit S. Andrea, Pistoja 392 Angel: detail of Pulpit S. Andrea, Pistoja 393 Tomb of Scrovegno Chapel of the Arena, Padua Andrea Pisano. 1270P-1348? 394 South Doors Baptistery (S. Giovanni), Florence 395 Feast of Herod; Beheading of John Baptist: details of 394 396 Fortitude: Temperance: details of 394 397 Creation of Eve: relief Campanile del Duomo, Florence 398 Agriculture: relief Campanile del Duomo, Florence Sculptures at Orvieto 399 Facade Cathedral, Orvieto 400 Detail of 399: Pilaster at extreme left 401 Creation of Man and Woman: detail of 400 402 Detail of 399: Pilaster at extreme right 403 Resurrection: detail of 402 xxiv Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Andrea Orcagna. 1308-1368 404 Tabernacle Or San Michelc, Florence 405 Marriage of the Virgin: detail of 404 406 Annunciation of Death of the Virgin: detail of 404 407 Death and Translation of the Virgin: detail of 404 Jacopo della Quercia. 1371-1438 408 Tomb of Ilaria del Caretto Cathedral, Lucca 409 Detail of 408 410 Architrave and Lunette; Principal entrance, S. Petronio, Bologna 411 Adam and Eve laboring: detail, Principal entrance S. Petronio, Bologna 412 Allegorical Figure Cathedral Museum, Siena 413 Font S. Giovanni, Siena 414 Vision of Zacharias: panel of Font S. Giovanni, Siena 415 Font (School of Jacopo) Cathedral, Siena Ghiberti (Lorenzo di Cione Ghiberti). 1378-1455 416 Sacrifice of Abraham (competitive panel) . . . Bargello, Florence 417 North Doors." Baptistery (S. Giovanni), Florence 418 Christ bearing the Cross; Crucifixion: details of 417 419 Transfiguration; Raising of Lazarus: details of 417 420 East Doors Baptistery (S. Giovanni), Florence 421 Detail of 420: 1st panel 422 Detail of 420: 4th panel 423 Detail of 420: 5th panel 424 Detail of 420: gth panel 425 St. Stephen Or San Michele, Florence 426 Reliquary of St. Zenobius Cathedral, Florence 427 St. John led to Prison: panel of Font. . . .S. Giovanni, Siena 428 View of Baptistery (S. Giovanni) Florence Filippo Brunelleschi. 1377-1446 429 Sacrifice of Abraham (competitive panel) . . Bargello, Florence 430 View of Cathedral Florence Early Italian Art xxv B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Donatello (Donate di Betto Bardi). 1386-1466 431 St. John Bargello, Florence 432 Annunciation: relief S. Croce, Florence 433 St. Mark Or San Michele, Florence 434 St. George Bargello, Florence 435 Detail of 434 436 Feast of Herod : panel of Font S. Giovanni, Siena 437 David Bargello, Florence 438 King David (II Zuccone) . . . .Campanile del Duomo, Florence 439 Singing Gallery Cathedral Museum, Florence 440 Detail of 439: upper panel 441 Detail of 439: lower panel 442 Pulpit Facade of Cathedral, Prato 443 Youthful St. John: relief Bargello, Florence 444 Gattamelata: equestrian statue Piazza del Santo, Padua 445 Putti S. Antonio, Padua" 446 St. Lawrence: bust Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence 447 Cherub (attribution questioned) . . Sacristy, Cathedral, Florence 448 Detail of Pulpit to left of entrance. (Dona- tello and Bertoldo) S. Lorenzo, Florence 449 Detail of Pulpit to right of entrance. (Dona- tello and Bertoldo) S. Lorenzo, Florence Michelozzo Michelozzi. 1391-1473 450 Portal of Palazzo Vismara Castello, Milan 451 Detail of Monument to Baldassare Coscia. Michelozzo and Donatello) Baptistery, Florence Bertoldo di Giovanni, d. 1491 ' 452 Battle: relief Bargello, Florence Luca della Robbia. 1399-1482 453 Singing Gallery Cathedral Museum, Florence 454 Detail of 453: upper panel 455 Detail of 453: lower panel 456 Madonna and Child: relief, marble Bargello, Florence xxvi Early Italian Art B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " 457 Tomb of Bishop Federighi S. Trinita, Florence 458 Ascension of Christ Cathedral, Florence 459 Meeting of St. Francis and St. Dominic. (Luca and Andrea) Loggia di S. Paolo, Florence 460 Madonna and Child: lunette Bargdlo, Florence Andrea della Robbia. 1435-1525 461 Bust of a Child Bargello, Florence 462 Mary Magdalene; St. Anthony. .Cloister, Ccrtosa, Vald'Ema 463 Madonna and Child, with Saints: lunette. .Cathedral, Prato 464 Madonna and Child: relief Bargello, Florence 465 Medallion: Bambino Innocenti, Florence 466 Medallion: Bambino Innocenti, Florence 467 Visitation S. Giovanni Fuorcivitas, Pistoja Giovanni della Robbia. 1469-1529 468 Nativity: relief Bargello, Florence 469 Feeding the Hungry; detail of frieze, Ospedale del Ceppo, Pistoja Desiderio da Settignano. 1428-1464 4 470 Marietta Palla Strozzi Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 471 Tomb of Carlo Marsuppini S. Croce, Florence 472 Detail of 471 Bernardo Rossellino. 1409-1464 473 Tomb of the Beata Villana S. M. Novella, Florence 474 Tomb of Leonardo Bruni S. Croce, Florence Antonio Rossellino. 1427P-1478? 475 Tomb of Cardinal Jacopo of Portugal. .S. Miniato, Florence 476 Madonna adoring the Child Bargello, Florence 477 Bust of Matteo Palmieri Bargello, Florence 478 Madonna and Child S. Croce, Florence Early Italian Art xxvii B. Order by Number, Specifying " Series B " Mino da Fiesole. 1431-1484 479 Bust of Pietro de' Medici Bargello, Florence 480 Altarpiece Cathedral, Fiesole 481 Madonna, Child, and St. John: relief, Via della Forca, Florence Benedetto da Majano. 1442-1497 482 Bust of Pietro Mellini Bargello, Florence 483 Pulpit S. Croce, Florence 484 Youthful St. John: statue Bargello, Florence Unknown Florentine Artist. Late XV Century 485 Bust of Young Woman Louvre, Paris Matteo Givitali. 1435-1501 486 Altar of St. Regulus Cathedral, Lucca 487 Feast of Herod : detail of 486 488 Faith: relief Bargello, Florence Antonio del Pollajuolo. 1429P-1498 489 Hercules strangling Antaeus. Bargello, Florence 490 Bust of Youth Bargello, Florence Andrea del Verocchio. 1435-1488 Death of Franresca Tornabuoni: relief. . . .Bargello, Florence David: statue .Bargello, Florence Bartolommeo Colleoni: equestrian statue Venice Incredulity of Thomas Or San Michele, Florence Madonna and Child: relief Bargello, Florence Boy and Dolphin: fountain group, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence Niccolo da Bari (Niccolo dell' Area). 1414P-1494 497 Kneeling Angel with Candlestick, Shrine of St. Dominic S. Domenico, Bologna Giovanni Antonio Omodeo (or Amadeo). 1447-1522 498 Tomb of Bartolommeo Colleoni . . Colleoni Chapel, Bergamo 499 Detail of 498 500 Tomb of Medea Colleoni Colleoni Chapel, Bergamo Art Map of Italy of places. AREZZO. S. Francesco. Piero della Francesca, 228, 232. ASSISI. S. Francesco. Lower Church, 53; Cima- bue, 51; Giotto, 55, 56; Lorenzetti, 93; Lo Spagna, 277. BERGAMO. Lochis Gallery. Gentile Bellini, 331. Colleoni Chapel. Omodeo, 498-500. U BERLIN. Kaiser Friedrich Museum. Botti- celli, 180; di Credi, 209; Crivelli, 351; Desiderio da Settignano, 470; Fra Filippo Lippi, 151; Mantegna, 297, 308; Piero di Cosimo, 221; Piero della Francesca, 2.31; Signo- relli, 246, 255; Squarcione, 294; Al- vise Vivarini, 355; Antonio Viva- rini, 325. BOLOGNA. Gallery. Cossa, 281 ; II Francia, 28t.