ZB8I Commonwealth club of California Catalogue of club library THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TRANSACTIONS OF THE COMMONWEALTH CLUB OF CALIFORNIA VOL. XII JANUARY, 1918 No. 12 Catalogue of Club Library The object of the Commonwealth Club shatt be to investigate and discuss problems affecting the welfare of the Commonwealth, and to aid in their solu- tion. Article 11, Constitution. The Commonwealth Club shall maintain itself in an impartial position as an open forum for the discussion of disputed questions. Rule VI adopted by the Board of Governors, 1910. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 1918 VOL. XII JANUARY, 1918 No. 12 CONTENTS PAGE CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY 531-570 Index i- General Works 531-33 Bibliography 531 Library Economy 531-2 General Cyclopedias 532 General Periodicals 532-3 Sociology 533-63 Statistics 534-5 Political Science 535-9 Political Economy 539-47 Law 547-9 Administration 549-56 Associations. Institutions 556-7 Education 558-60 Commerce 561-63 Useful Arts 564-69 Medicine 564-6 Engineering 566-7 Agriculture 568-9 Fine Arts 569 Amusements 569 History 569-70 OFFICERS OF THE CLUB President A. E. BOYNTON Vice-President C. E. GRUNSKY Secretary J. M. KEPNER Treasurer JOHN P. YOUNG Chairman Executive Committee T. D. BOARDMAN Executive Secretary E. A. WALCOTT GOVERNORS EDWARD F. ADAMS, T. D. BOARDMAN, F. W. BRADLEY, BEVERLY L. HODGHEAD, J. M. KEPNER, CLARENCE M. SMITH, GRANT H. SMITH, W. V. STAFFORD, H. WEINSTOCK, JOHN P. YOUNG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE T. D. BOARDMAN, Chairman BEVERLY L. HODGHEAD J. M. KEPNER GRANT H. SMITH The Governors, with the President and Vice-President, constitute the Board of Governors. All communications to the Secretary should be addressed to Room 402, 153 Kearny Street, San Francisco. J 2S31 TRANSACTIONS OF THE COMMONWEALTH CLUB OF CALIFORNIA VOL. XII SAN FRANCISCO, JANUARY, 1918 No. 12 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY INDEX (Figures refer to page numbers of catalogue following.) Abbott, James Francis, 536. Academy of Political Science, 533. Accidents, industrial, 541. Accounting. See Finances. Actuarial Society of America, 557, 565. Acworth, W. M., 562. Adams, Edward F., 545, 568. Adams, Frank, 569. Adams, Thos., 553. Administration of justice: criminal procedure, 549,557. juvenile courts, 556, 557. municipal courts, 551. public defender, 550. Agricultural Co-operation, 568. Agriculture, 537, 568-9. Alameda County: Centennial Year Book, 570. history, 570. Alaska: Boundary Tribunal, 538. climate, 537. geography, 537. Alexander, G. G., 549. Allen, Nellie B., 546. Allen, Stephen H., 548. Almshouse, 556. Altitudes, 538. American Academy of Medicine, 535, 556, 560, 565. American Academy of Political and Social Science, 533. American Association for Highway Improve- ment, 566. American Association for International Con- ciliation, 547. American Association for Labor Legislation, 539. American Association for Study and Preven- ' tion of Infant Mortality, 565. American Association of Law Libraries, 536. American Association of Medical Milk Com- missioners, 565. American City, 552. American Commission to Study Agricultural Co-operation and Rural Credits in Europe, 568. American Economic Association, 533. American Economic Review, 533. American Historical Association, 570. American Institute of Architects, 554. American Institute of Criminal Law & Crim- inology, 549. American Journal of International Law, 547. American Journal of Public Health, 565. American Journal of Sociology, 534. American Judicature Society, Journal, 547. American Labor Legislation Review, 539. American Labor Year Book, 539. American Library Annual, 532. American Library Association, 531. American Peace Congress, 547. American Political Science Association, 534. American Political Science Review, 534. American Prison Association, 557. American Public Health Association, 565. American Road Congress, 566. American Social Hygiene Association, 564. American Social Progress Series, 540, 556. American Society of International Law, 547. American Society of Municipal Improvements, American Sociological Society, 534. American Statistical Association, 534. American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 561. American Year Book, 534. Amusements. See Recreation. Apprenticeship: child labor, 541. labor organizations, 543. vocational education, 559. Arbitratio_n : industrial, 543. international, 547. Army Register, 555. Arnold, Bion J., 563. Aronovici, Carol, 534. Association of Life Insurance M'edical Direc- tors, 565. Atlas, 532. Australia : acts, 549. Official Year Book, 535. port charges, 563. Ayres, Leonard P., 558, 560. Backward children, 560. Bacon, Corinne, 557. Bailey, Gilbert E., 569. Bailey, L. H., 568. Baltimore: appropriations, 553. Comptroller, 553. financial history. 553. Banking, 544. Barnes, Mary Clark and Lemuel C., 535. Bay Cities Water Supply, 555. Beard, Chas. A., 552. Beaver River Power Co., 567. CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY Belgium, cost of living, 547. Beman, Lamar T,, 543. Berkeley: City Club Bulletin, 552. city planning, 554. Bersford, Thos., 565. Bibliography, 531, 532. criminology, 557. industrial relations, 539. labor, 540. municipal government, 551. trade unions, 543. unemployment, 544. Bingham, Theo. A., 550. Bishop, Wm. G-, 559. Bliss, Wm. D. P., 533. Block books, 569. Blue Books, 538, 551, 569. Bobbitt, Franklin, 558. Bogart, Ernest L., 545. Bogue, Virgil G., 554. Bonser, Fredk. G., 559. Book Review Digest, 531. Boston : auditor, 553. City Club Bulletin, 552. vocational education, 559. Brantford, Ont., city planning, 554. Brockway, Z. R., 556. Bruere, Henry, 551. Budgets : National Budget, 545. N. Y. City Budget Exhibit, 551. See also Finances. Buffalo, Charter, 552. Building Code, New York City, 542. Bullock, Edna D., 540, 541, 542, 543, 561, 568. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York City, 551, 553. Bureau of Social Hygiene, 550, 553. Burgess, Wm., 550. Burnham, D. H., 553. Business Digest, 532. Butler, Eliz. B., 542. Butler, Nicholas M., 548, 558. Byington, Margaret F., 542. Cabot, Richard C, 564. Cahill, J. R., 568. California: agriculture, 568. Appendix to Journals of Senate and As- sembly, 538. banking laws, 544. Blue book, 538. census abstract, 534. Civil Code, 549. Code of Civil Procedure, 549. Conservation Commission, 544. Consolidated Index to Codes, 549. Constitution, 549. Constitutional Convention, 549. Controller, 545. corporation laws, 549. Council of Defense, 566. earthquakes, 537. election laws, 535. Engineering Department, 566. Final Calendar of Legislative Business, 538. finances, 545. General Laws, 549. health, 565. history, 570. Index of Economic Material, 539. Industrial Accident Commission, 541. Insurance Commissioner, 557. irrigation, 569. Japanese Immigration, 535. Journal of the Assembly, 538. Journal of the Senate, 538. labor laws, 543. legislature, 538, 539. Mining Bureau, 566. Penal Code, 549. Petroleum, 566. Political Code, 549. Progressive Campaign Book, 539. public utilities act, 561. Railroad Commission, 562. revenue laws, 545. soils, 569. State Board of Agriculture, 568. State Board of Equalization, 545. State Board of Health, 565. State Library, 531. statutes, 549. Superintendent of Banks, 544. Supplement to Codes, 549. Tax Commission, 545. Water Commission, 567. California Law Review, 547. California's Magazine, 535. Cameron, Arnold Guyot, 545. Canada : city planning, 553. Commission on Conservation, 553. Department of the Interior, 567. periodicals, 532. Royal Commission on Industrial Training, 559. tariff, 538. tuberculosis, 566. water power, 567. Canals, 562. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 548. Carnegie Institution of Washington, 558. Carnegie Foundation for the advancement of Teaching, 558. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 531. Carrington, Thos. S., 566. Casualty Actuarial & Statistical Society, 540. Cassell's New French and English Diction- ary, 532. Cassell's New German and English Diction- ary, 532. Census 534-5. Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, 532. Chamber of Commerce Activities, 561. Journal, 561. Chamber of Commerce of the U. S., 533. Chapin, Robt. C., 546. Chaplin, H. W., 548. Charities, 556. Charities and the Commons, 533. Charters, 552. Chicago : Charter Convention, 552. City Club, 552, 554, 559, 563. City Club Bulletin, 552. city planning, 554. city transit, 563. % comptroller, 553. Daily News Almanac and Year Book, 534. railroad terminals, 563. social evil, 550. steam railroads, 563. vocational education, 559. Vice Commission, 550. Child Labor, 541. Chinese Immigration, 535. Chittenden, H. M., 555. Chosen, Korea, reforms and progress, 535. Citizenship, education, 558. City clubs: Berkeley, 552. Boston, 552. Chicago, 552, 554, 559, 563. Philadelphia, 552. City land values, 554. City Planning, 553-4. Civic Associations. 552. INDEX m Civic education, 558. Civil Code, 549. Civil Procedure, Code of, 549. Civil Service, 549-50. Clapp, Edwin J., 563. Clark, Earle, 558. Classification, 531. Cleveland : Director of Finance, 553. Education Survey, 558, 559, 569. Climate, 537. Closed Shop, 543. Codes, 549. Cole, G. D. H. ( 539. Collected Diplomatic Documents relating to the Outbreak of the European War, 570. Colorado Tax Commission, 545. Columbia University, 548. Commerce, 561-3. Commercial Club, 569. Commercialized Vice, 550. Commission Government, 551. Committee for Immigrants in America, 535. Commonwealth Club of California: luncheon addresses, 534. transactions, 534. Communicable Diseases, 566. Compulsory Insurance, 540. Conference of Governors, 544, 555. Conference on Social Insurance, 540. Conservation, 544. Constitutional Law, 548-9. Contagious diseases, 566. Convention Year Book, 557. Cooke, M. L., 558. Coolidge, Mary Roberts, 535. Co-operation : agriculture, 568. labor, 541. Copartnership, 541. Corporation Law, 549. Corporation Tax, 546. Cost of Living, 546-7. County Government, 551. Courts: juvenile, 556, 557. municipal, 551. Crane, Caroline B., 565. Crane, R. T., 559. Creighton, Louise, 564. Criminal Law, 549, 557. Criminology, 538, 556-7. Cruickshank, Lewis D., 560. Cuban affairs, 538. N Cumulative Book Index, 531. Current events, 532, 533. Current history, 570. Cutter's Alfabetic Order Table, 531. Cyclopaedia of Political Science, 533. Dancing, 569. Dawson, Miles M., 540. Dawson, W. Harbutt, 540, 544. Dealey, Jas. Q., 548. Dearie, N. B., 559. Debates, 560. Debaters Handbook Series, 536, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 551, 561, 562. DeForest, Robt. W., 542. Delinquency, 556-7. Delinquent, The, 556. Denmark, health insurance, 541. Dependent Children, 557. Des Moines, auditor, 553. Detroit, controller, 553. Devlin, Robt. T., 548. Dewey, Melvil, 531. Dictionaries, 532. Direct Legislation, 535. Directories, 569. Districting, 554. Docks, 563. Dodd, W. F., 548. Downey, E. H., 541. Dunnington-Grubb, H. B. and L. A., 554. Dutton, Saml. T., 558. Earthquakes in California, 537. Eastman, Crystal, 541. Eaves, Lucile, 543. Economic Club of New York City, 534. Economic World, 533. Education, 558-560. backward children, 560. negro, 560. vocational, 559. Educational Review, 558. Edwards, Richard Henry, 569. Efficiency : municipal, 551. state, 556. Eldredge, Zoeth S., 570. Election Laws, 535. Eliot, Thos. D., 556. Elliott, Albert W., 550. Elliott, Jonathan, 548. Elmira Reformatory, 556, 557. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 532. Encyclopedia of Social Reform, 533. Encyclopedias, 532, 533. Engineering, 566-7. periodicals, 532. England : criminal law, 549. criminology, 556. Equity, 535. Erie, Greater, 554. Estabrook, Henry D., 535. Estournelles De Constant, Paul H. D. d' 570. Eugenics, 565. Eureka, Charter, 552. European War, 570. Evans, Lawrence B., 548. Evansville, Ind., Vocational Education Survey, 559. Everhart, Elfrida, 536. Exceptional children, 560. Excess Condemnation, 546. Exposition, 564. Factory Inspection, 539, 540. Fankhauser, Wm. C, 545. Fanning, C. E., 544. Far rand, Max, 548. Federal law, 548. Federalist, The, 548. Feebleminded, 556. Finances: municipal, 553. public schools, 558. state, 545. Fitch, John A., 539. Flexner, Abraham, 550, 558. Flies, 566. Floods, 567. Ford, George B., 554. Foreign Relations, 536, 547-8. Forestry, 537, 569. Fosdick, Raymond B., 553. Foster, John W., 536. Foster, Wm. T., 564. France, cost of living, 547. Franchises, 561. Frankel, Lee K., 540. Freeman, John R., 555. French Dictionary, 532. Fuel, 566. IV CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY Galloway, T. W., 564. Garden Cities & Town Planning Assn., 554. Geddes, Patrick, 564. General Education Board, New York City, 558, 560. General Laws, 549. George, D. Lloyd, 540. George, W. L., 542. German Dictionary, 532. Germany: cost of living, 547. health insurance, 541. rural credits, 568. social insurance, 540. socialism, 545. Gibbon, I. G., 541, 544. Gilbertson, H. S., 551. Gleason, Arthur, 570. Godfrey, Hollis, 565. Goldman, Mayer C., 550. Good Government, 549. Good Roads Year Book, 566. Goring, Chas., 556. Government ownership, 562. Governors' Conference, 544, 555. Great Britain: Board of Agriculture, 568. change wrought by war, 570. rural credits, 568. See also United Kingdom. Greater Erie, 554. Greene, M. Louise, 559. Grunsky, C. E., 555, 561. Grunsky, Jr., C. E., 561. Gulick, Luther H., 560, 569. Gulick, Sidney L., 536. Guthrie, A. L., 531. Hague Peace Conference, 547. Haig, Robt. Murray, 546. Hall, Geo. F., 564. Hall, Winfield S., 564. Hamburg, Port of, 563. Hamilton, Alex., 548. Hamilton, Cosmo, 564. Handbook Series, 568. Harbors, 563. Hart, A. B., 548. Hart, Hastings H., 557. Harvard University Publication, 548. Hasse, Adelaide R., 539. Hatton, A. R., 552. Hayhurst, E. R., 542. Health, 542, 564-6. Health Insurance, 541. Hegemann, Werner, 554. Henderson, Chas. R., 557. Herrick, Myron T., 568. Hetch Hetchy water supply, 555. Hichborn, Franklin, 539. Hicks, Frederick C., 547. Higher Education, 559, 560. Highways, 566-7. History, 569-70. political, 533, 549. Hoare, H. J., 550. Hodges, LeRoy, 551. Hollander, J. H., 553. Home Rule, 551. Home University Library of Modern Knowl- edge, 541, 544, 557, 564. Hooker, George E., 563. Hours of Labor, 541. Housing, 542-3. inspector, 550. Howard, L. O., 566. Howe, Frederic C., 545. Kurd, R. M., 554. Hyde, Chas. G., 567. Ichihashi, Yamato, 535. Illinois: auditor, 545. Efficiency and Economy Committee, 556. Factory Inspector, 539. municipal revenues, 553. Immigration, 535-6, 537. Immigrants in America Review, 535. Index to Dates, 532. Indiana : Commission on Taxation, 545. State Board of Education, 559. Indianapolis, Vocational Education Survey, 559, Indians, 570. Industrial Accidents, 541. Industrial Arts Index, 532. Industrial Diseases, 542. Industrial disputes, 543. Industrial Education, 558, 559. Industrial relations, 539, 543. Industries, 546. Infant Mortality, 565. Information Annual, 532. Ingalls, R., 568. Initiative, 535. Insanity, 538, 556, 557. Insurance, 557. compulsory, 540. health, 541. social, 540. unemployment, 544. workingmen's, 540. Institutions, 556-7. Internal Waterways, 563. International Association of Industrial Acci- dent Boards and Commissions, 540. International Association of Navigation Con- gresses, 562. International Association of Road Congresses, 567. International Association on Unemployment, Quarterly Journal, 544. International Bureau of American Republics, 348. International Conciliation, 547. International Conference on Unemployment, 544. International Congress of Chambers of Com- merce, 561. International Congress on Hygiene & Demag- raphy, 565. International Congress on School Hygiene, 560. International Congress on Tuberculosis, 566. International Eugenics Congress, 565. International Labour Office, 540. International law, 547-8. International peace, 547-8. International Prison Congress, 537, 557. International Relations, 536, 547-8. Investments, 544. Iowa: Economic History Series, 541. Official Register, 538. State Historical Society, 534. Irrigation, 537, 569. Isthmian Canal Commission, 562. James, Harlean, 554. James, Herman G., 551. Japanese : foreign relations, 536. immigration, 535, 536. Jay, J., 548. Jenks, Jeremiah W., 536, 558. Johns Hopkins University Studies in History & Political Science, 541, 543, 547, 551, 553. INDEX Johnsen, Julia E., 544. Johnson, Alex., 556. Johnson, E. R., 562. Johnson, Geo. E., 569. Journal of American Judicature Society, 547. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 549. Journal of Delinquency,. 557. Journal of Political Economy, 533. Journal of Sociological Medicine, 565. Journalism in California, 570. Judiciary : juvenile courts, 556, 557. municipal courts, 551. Judd, Chas. H., 558. Juvenile Courts, 556, 557. Kaiser, J. B., 532. Kales, Albert M., 535. Kandel, I. L., 558. Kansas City Charter, 552. Kansas Tax Commission, 545. Kautsky, Karl, 546. Kawakami, Kiyoshi K., 536. Kellor, Frances A., 544. Kerr, J. W., 565, 566. Kerschensteiner, Georg, 559. King, Clyde L., 561. Kneeland, Geo. J., 550. Labor, 539-544. child labor, 541. colonies, 544. disputes, 543. factory investigation, 539, 540. health insurance, 541. hours, 541. housing, 542. industrial accidents, 541. legislation, 543. minimum wage, 541. occupational diseases, 542. organizations, 543. profit sharing, 541. social insurance, 540. statistics, 539-540. trade unions, 543. unemployment, 544. wages, 541. women workers, 542. workmen's Compensation, 540. Labour Gazette, 539. Lalor, John J., 533. Land: agriculture, 537, 568-9. conservation, 544. real estate transfers, 545. taxation, 545-6. values, 554. Lapp, John A., 548, 559. Laselle, Mary A., 559. Lauck, W. Jett, 536, 539. Lauder, Albert E., 551. Law, 547-9. banking, 544. constitutional, 548. corporation, 549. criminal, 549. educational, 558. health, 565. international, 547. labor, 543. statutes, 549. Law, legislative and municipal reference libraries, 532. League of Texas Municipalities, 552. League of Washington Municipalities, 552. Leathes, Stanley, 558. Leeson, Cecil, 557. Legal Aid, 550. Legislation, 536. Legislative Bodies, 536-9. Legislative Reference Libraries, 532. Le Rossignol, Jas. Edw., 545. Libraries, 532. Library Economy, 531-2. Library Journal, 531. Library of Congress: report, 532, State Publications, 538. Library Work, Cumulated, 531, 532. Life Tables, 534. Live Stock Insurance, 568. Liverpool, Port of, 563. London: Board of Trade, 547. County Council, 542. industrial training, 559. Labour Gazette, 539. New Statesman, 533. Royal Society, 532. School of Economics and Political Science, 544. Long, Percy V., 547, 555. Los Angeles: Auditor, 553. Board of Harbor Commissioners, 563. Municipal League, 552. Los Angeles Co., Probation Officers Manual, 557. Lowry, E. B., 564. Lutz, R. R., 559. Lyttleton, Hon. E., 564. Macauley, Ward, 535. MacDonald, J. Ramsay, 543. Madison, J., 548. Malloy, Wm. M., 547. Manson, Marsden, 555. Manufactures, 546. Marketing, 537, 546. Maryland: Bureau of Statistics and Information, 540. public education, 558. Public Service Commission, 561. Masaoka, Naoichi, 536. Massachusetts : arbitration, 543. Auditor, 545. Board of Education, 560. Board of Health, 565. Bureau of Statistics, 540, 553. Commission on Waterways, 563. education, 560. Harbor and Land Commissioners, 563. health, 565. Highway Commission, 567. Industrial Accident Board, 541. industrial arbitration, 543. labor statistics, 540. municipal finances, 553. Public Service Commission, 561. Railroad Commissioners, 562. State Board of Conciliation and Arbitration, 543. Tax Commission, 545. tuberculosis, 566. McBain Howard Lee, 551. McCann, Alfred W., 560. McCormick, Wm., 569. McKeever, Wm. A., 559. Mead, Elwood, 569. Mears, J. Ewing, 565. Medicine, 564-66. Meigs, Wm. M., 548. Mental Defectives, 556. Mental Hygiene, 556. , Merchants Association Review, 561. Mercier, Chas., 557. VI CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY Merritt, Ella A., 541. Metcalfe, Tristram W., 558. Michels, Robt., 564. Michigan : Department of Labor, 540. Official Directory, 538. Milk, 565. Miller, Frank C., 567. Millis, H. A., 536. Mine Taxation, 546. Minerals, 566. Mining, 537, 538, 566. Minnesota: Academy of Social Sciences, 534. sanitation, 565. Tax Commission, 545. Minimum Wage, 541. Mississippi River Floods, 567. Moll, A. A., 565, 566. Money, L. G. Chiozza, 540. Montclair, city planning, 554. Moody's Magazine, 544. Moody's Manual of Railroad and Corporation Securities, 544. Moore, Ernest C., 558. Moore, John B., 547. Morgan, Joy E., 561. Morley, Margaret W., 564. Morrow, Prince A., 564. Mortality Statistics, 534, 565. Mote, Carl H., 543, 559. Municipal: courts, 551. finances, 553. government, 551-5. ownership, 561. reference libraries, 531, 532. Municipal Record, 552. Munro, Henry F., 547. Munro, William Bennett, 535, 551. Napa, Charter, 552. Nation's Business, 533. National Association for the Study and Pre- vention of Tuberculosis, 566. National Association of Corporation Schools, 559. National Association of Railway Commission- ers, 562. , National Association of State Libraries, 536. National Board of Y. W. C. A., 564. National Child Labor Committee, 541. National Civic Federation, 540, 561. National Civil Service Reform League, 549. National Committee for Mental Hygiene, 556. National Conference of Charities and Correc- tion, 556. National Conference on City Planning, 554. National Conference on Marketing and Farm Credits, 546. National Conference on Prevention of Desti- tution, 541, 556. National Conservation Congress, 544. National Convention of Insurance Commis- sioners, 557. National Economic League, 535. National Educational Association, 558. Natjonal Housing Conference, 542. National Insurance Act, 540, 541. National League for Physical Education, 560. National Monetary Commission, 544. National Municipal League, 551. National Municipal League Series, 535, 554, 561, 569. National Municipal Review, 552. National Prison Association, 557. National Prisoners' Aid Association, 556. National Rivers and Harbors Congress, 562. National Short Ballot Organization, 551. National Tax Association 546. National Voters League, 536. Naturalization Laws, 535. Navigation, 562. Navy Register, 555. Nebraska Blue Book, 538. Negro Education, 560. New Jersey: Public Utility Commissioners, 561. New Mexico Blue Book, 538. New Republic, 533. New Statesman, 533. New York City: budget, 551. building code, 542. Bureau of Municipal Research, 551, 553. charter, 552. Charter Commission Report, 552. city planning, 554. Commission on Building Districts, 554. Commission on Pensions, 550. Committee on Taxation, 546. Comptroller, 553. cost of living, 546. Department of Docks and Ferries, 563. Department of Water Supply, 567. districting, 554. Economic Club, 534. education, 558, 560. finances, 553. General Education Board, 558, 560. harbor, 563. Heights of Buildings Commission, 554. housing, 542. Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, 567. Municipal Budget Exhibit, 551. Municipal Reference Library, 531. Municipal Year Book, 551. pensions, 550. Public Library, 557. public schools, 558. sewerage, 567. social evil, 550. taxation, 546. Tenement House Department, 542. tenement house laws 542. Times, 570. water supply, 567. New York State: agricultural co-operation, 568. banking laws, 544. Board of Charities, 555. Civil Service Commission, 549. Commission on Highways 567. Commission to Investigate Port Conditions, 563. Conference on Taxation, 546. Comptroller, 545. Conservation Commission, 544. Constitutional Convention Commission, 548. Department of Agriculture, 568. Department of Labor, 540. Education Department, 560. Factory Investigating Commission, 540. finances, 545. highways, 567. Industrial Commission, 540. labor, 540. mentally deficient, 556. ports, 563. Probation Commission, 557. Public Service Commission, 561. Reformatory, 556. 557. Rural Problems, 568. Senate Com. on Civil Service, 550. Tax Commission, 546. Tenement House Corn-mission, 542. tenement house law, 542. New York Times, 570. New Zealand, socialism, 545. Nolen, John, 554. North Dakota Blue Book, 538. Vll Oakland, city planning, 554. O'Connor, Chas. J., 556. Occupational Diseases, 542. Official Bulletin, 555. Official Index to State Legislation, 536. Ohio: Auditor, 545. finances, 545. State Board of Health, 542. Tax Commission, 546. Oil, 566. Oklahoma State Commissioner of Charities and Corrections, 556. Old Age Pensions, 550. Olmstead, Fredk. L., 554. Omaha, finances, 553. One chambered legislature, 535. Open Air Schools, 560. Open Shop, 543. Ordinances, 552. O'Shaughnessy, M. M., 555. Pacific Municipalities, 552. Pacific Ocean Commerce, 562. Pan American Road Congress, 566. Panama Canal, 562. health, 565. Panama Pacific International Exposition, 564. Parasites, 566. Parcel Post Guide, 555. Parliamentary Debates, 536. Pauperism, 544, 556. Peace, 547. Penal Code, 549. Pennsylvania Water Supply Commission, 567. Pensions: old age, 550. teachers, 558. Periodicals, 532, 533-4, 552. Perry Clarence A., 558, 559, 569. Petersburg, Va., Economic and Municipal, 551. Petroleum, 566. Phelps, Edith M., 562. Philadelphia: City Club, 552. Controller, 553. Department of City Transit, 563. Municipal Court, 551. Pierce, Henry J., 567. Pigou, A. C., 544. Pittsburgh : city planning, 554. departmental estimates, 553. Survey, 539, 541, 542, 551. transportation, 563. Plagues, 566. Playground Association of America, 569. Poe, Clarence, 568. Police, 553. Political Code, 549. Political Economy, 533, 539-547. Political History, 533, 549. Political Parties, 539. Political Science, 533, 535-9. Political Science Quarterly, 533. Population, 534-5. Port Sunlight, housing, 542. Ports, 563. Postal Guide, 555. Potts, Rufus M., 557. Potts, W. J., 563. Pouget, Emile, 543. Pratt, Edwin A., 568. Preferential voting, 535. President's Commission on Economy and Effi- ciency, 545, 550. Price, Geo. M., 550. Prices, 546-7. Prison Reform League, 557. Prisons, 537, 557. Pritchett, H. S., 558. Probation, 557. Production, 546. Profit sharing, 541. Progressive Campaign Book for 1914, 539. Proportional Representation, 535. Prostitution, 550. Public Affairs Information Service, 533. Public Budgets: National Budgets, 545. N. Y. City Budget Exhibit, 551. See also Finances. Public Defender, 550. Public Health, 565-6. Public Utilities, 561. Putnam, Helen C., 560. Race Problems: eugenics, 565. negroes, 560. Railroads, 562. Rand School of Social Science. 539. Readers Guide to Periodical Literature, 533. Supplement, 533. Reading, Pa., City Planning, 554. Real Estate Transfers, 545. Recall, 535. Recreation, 569. Red Plague. See Social Evil, Social Hygiene. Redlich, Jos., 558. Reeley, Mary Katherine, 536. Referendum, 535. Reformatories, 556-7. Registers, 538. Registration Laws, 535. Rhode Island Manual, 538. Richardson, Hamilton P., 548. Richmond, Ind., Vocational Education Sur- vey, 559. Roads, 566-7. Robbins, E. Clyde, 543, 551. Robins, Eliz., 550. Robinson, Chas. M., 554. Robinson, Humphrey, 544. Rodriguez, Jose I., 548. Roe, C. G., 550. Rotterdam, Port of, 563. Royal Commission on Land Transfer Act, 545. Royal Society of London, 532. Rubinow, I. M., 540, 541. Rural Credits, 546, 568. Rural Planning, 553. Russell, Geo. W., 568. Russell, Jas. E., 559. Russell Sage Foundation, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 546, 551, 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 569. Sabotage, 543. Sacramento : ordinances, 552. River, 563, 567. water supply, 567. Salinas City, Charter, 552. San Francisco: Auditor, 553. Block Book, 569. Blue Book, 569. Board of Health, 566. book of franchises, 561. Chamber of Commerce, 561. charter, 552. charter provisions re elections, 535. City Attorney, 547. city planning, 553. Commercial Club, 569. elections, 535. directory, 569. Vlll CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY San Francisco, cont'd: Exposition, 564. franchises, 561. history, 570. labor movement, 543. Merchants Association Review, 561. Municipal Blue Book, 551. Municipal Record, 552. Municipal Reports, 551. ocean trade, 562. ordinances, 552. opinions of City Attorney, 547. plague, 566. public school system, 558. Real Estate Board, 551. relief survey, 556. school survey, 558. survey report, 551. transportation, 563. water supply, 555. San Joaquin River, 563, 567. Sanitation, 565, 567. Scherer, James A. B., 536. School Gardens, 559. School Hygiene, 560. School Plant, 559. Schools, 558-60. Schussler, Hermann, 555. Scott, Jas. B., 547. Seager, Henry Rogers, 540. Searchlight on Congress, 536. Seattle, Municipal Plan Commissioiv. 554. Seligman, Edwin R., 550. Serials, 532. Severance, H. O., 532. Sewerage, 567. Sex Education, 564. Seybert Institution, 534. Shearman, Thos. G., 546. Short Ballot, 535. Short ballot charters, 552. Shriver, William P., 536. Shurtleff, Flaval, 554. Sickness insurance, 541. Single Tax, 546. Sloss & Co., Louis, 561. Smith, Eugene, 557. Snedden, David, 558. Social Centers, 559, 569. Social diseases, 564. Social Evil, 550. Social Hygiene, 564. Social Insurance, 540. Social Surveys, 534. Social Welfare, 556. Socialism, 545. See also Syndicalism. Sociology, 533-563. Soils, 569. Solenberger, Alice Willard, 556. Southern Sociological Congress, 534. Special Libraries, 532. Sperry, Lyman B., 564. Spring Valley Water Co., 555. Squier, L. W., 550. St. Louis: City Planning Commission, 554. Comptroller, 553. municipal survey, 551. St. Paul, Comptroller, 553. Stanford University, Register, 560. State: constitutions, 548-9. finances, 545. government, 556. highways, 566-7. publications, 538. registers, 538. Statistical Abstract of U. S., 535. Statistics, 534-5. Vital, 565. Statutes, 549. Steinhardt, I. D., 564. Stimson, F. J., 548. Stewart, Wm. D., 545. Stowell, Ellery C., 547. Street Railway Transportation, 541, 563. Strikes, 543. Suffrage, 535. Sullivan, J. W., 546. Stunner, Helen L., 541. Superior, Wis., Charter, 552. Surgeon-General's Office, 555. Survey, The, 533. Sydenstricker, Edgar, 539. Sykes, John F. J., 542. Syndicalism, 543. Syracuse, Moral Survey Committee, 550. Tacoma: charter, 552. v Controller, 553. Talbot, Winthrop, 539. Tax Payers' Association of California, 545. Taxation, 545-6. Taylor, F. Isabel, 544. Teaching, 558. Telegraph, 561. Telephones, 561. Tenement House Inspector, 550. Tenement Houses, 542-3. Terminals, 563. Texas Municipalities, 552. Thompson, J. Arthur, 564. Thorpe, F. N., 548. Torrens system, 545. Trade, 561. Trade Unions, 543. Transportation: river and_ocean, 562. city transit, 563. Treaties, 547, 548, 549. Tuberculosis, 566. Tucker, Henry St. George, 549. Turlock & Modesto Irrigation Districts, 555. Tuskegee, 559. Unemployment, 544. Unions, 543. United Kingdom: Catalogue of Parliamentary Papers, 536. colonies, 534. cost of living, 547. Labour Year Book, 539. land transfer act, 545. National Health Insurance, 541. National Insurance Act, 540, 541. old age pensions, 550. Parliamentary Debates, 536. Royal Commission on Land Transfer Act, 545. Statistical Abstract, colonies, 534. Year Book of Social Progress, 534. United States: agricultural co-operation, 568. altitudes, 538. America and her problems, 570. American Commission on rural credits, 568. Army Register, 555. Bibliographical Congressional Directory, 537. budgets, 545. Bureau of American Ethnology, 570. Bureau of Education, 558. Bureau of Forestry, 569. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 540, 541, 543. Bureau of Standards, 563. Bureau of Statistics, 535. Catalogue, 531. Census Office, 534, 545, 553, 557, 562. INDEX IX United States, cont'd: Chamber of Commerce, 533. child labor, 541. Children's Bureau, 541. city planning, 554. Civil Service Commission, 550. cost of living, 547. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 537. Commerce Reports, 561. Commission on Industrial Relations, 540. Commissioner of Corporations, 567. Commissioner of Education, 560. Commissioner of Labor, 539, 540. Commissioner of Navigation, 562. Committee on Public Information, 555. Congressional Directory, 537. Congressional Record, 536, 555, 567, 568. Congressional Record Index, 537. constitutional law, 548-9. Consular Reports, 537. Continental Congress, 538. Daily Consular and Trade Reports, 561. delinquency, 557. Department of Agriculture, 568, 569. Diplomatic correspondence, 536. Document Catalogue, 536. Document Index, 536. Education, 558. Experiment Stations, 568, 569. Financial Statistics, 545. Fish Commission, 537. foreign relations, 536. forestry, 569. Geological Survey, 537, 567, 569. government, 555. health, 565. history, 570. House Documents, 537-8. Housing, 542. Immigration Commission, 536. Indians, 570. Industrial Commission, 540. industrial relations, 540. Interstate Commerce Commission, 562. irrigation, 569. Isthmian Canal Commission, 562. Japanese Problem, 536. labor statistics, 539. Library of Congress, 532. mortality, 534. National Monetary Commission, 544. naturalization laws, 535. navigation, 562. Navy Register, 555. Official Bulletin, 555. Official Postal Guide, 555. Panama Canal Hearings, 562. Parcel Post Guide, 555. pensions, 550. periodicals and serials, 532. political history, 533, 549. port charges, 563. Postal Guide, 555. President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency, 545, 550. President's messages, 555. public documents, 536, 537, 539. Public Documents Catalogue, 537. Public Health Service, 565, 566. Rural Credits, 568. Secretary of Agriculture, 567. Secretary of War, 567. Senate, 567. Senate Documents, 538. State Publications, 538. suffrage, 535. Surgeon-General's Office, 555. taxation, 546. transportation by water, 562. water power, 567. wealth, debt and taxation, 546. women in industry, 542. University Debaters' Annual, 560. University Extension Journal, 560. University of California: Directory of Graduates, 560. President's Report, 560. Publications in Economics, 543, 545. Register, 560. Serials, 532. University of Chicago, 533. University of Illinois, Studies in Social Sci- ences, 545, 546, 547, 553. University of Washington, 546, 560. Upson, Lent D., 553. Utah Conservation Commission, 544. Vagrants, 544, 556. Van Ysselsteyn, H. A., 563. Veiller, Lawrance, 542, 543. Vermont: education, 5_58. Public Service Commission, 561. Vice, 550. Virginia, Joint Com. on Tax Revision, 546. Vital Statistics, 534, 565. Vocational Education, 558, 559. Von Hoist, Dr. H., 549. W Wages, 541. Wales, Criminal Law, 549. War and Labor, 539. Ward, Edward J., 569. Washington, Booker T., 559. Washington, D. C., 538. Washington Municipalities, 552. Water Power, 567. Water resources, 537, 538. Water supply, 555, 567. Weaver, E. E., 559. Webb, Sidney, 541. Weights and Measures, 563. Weinstock, Harris, 543. Western Economic Society, 533. White Slave Traffic, 550. Whittier State School, Journal of Delinquency, 557. Who's who in America, 569. Wilcox, Delos F., 561, 567. Wile, Ira S., 564. Wiley. Katherine E., 559. Wilhelm, Geo. H., 567. Williams, Aneurin, 541. Williams, R., 563. Willson, Robt. N., 550, 564. Wisconsin : Blue Book, 538. Tax Commission, 546. Wolff, Henry W., 568. Women in industry, 542. Women's Municipal League of Boston, 559. Woodruff, Clinton Rogers, 551. Workmen's Compensation, 540- 1._ World Almanac and Encyclopedia, 534. World Peace Foundation, 548. World's Purity Federation, 550. World's Social Progress Congress, 534. Wright, Benj. C, 562. Wright, P. Q., 547. Yearbooks, 534, 539, 551, 557, 568. Yeomans, Alfred B., 554. Young, Arthur N., 546. Young, John P., 570. Young, Lewis Emanuel, 546. GENERAL WORKS 531 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY GENERAL WORKS [This includes the books and bound periodicals only. The pamphlets will be catalogued during the year. A complete card catalogue may be con- sulted at the Club Library.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Book Review Digest. Devoted to the valuation of current literature, v. 9 date. 1913 date. Oil B644 U. S. Catalog. Books in Print Jan. 1, 1912. Supplement. Record of Cumu- lative Book Index, v. 15 date. 1913 date. 015.73 Un3 Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Classified Catalogue. Pts. 1 5. 1907 1911. 017.1 C215 N. Y. Municipal Reference Library Notes, v. 1 date. Oct. 28, 1914 date. 017-1 N42 California State Library. Supplementary Catalogue. General Department. Authors. 1898. 018.1 C128 LIBRARY ECONOMY American Library Association. Bulletin, v. 6 10. 1912 16. 020 Am35 Library Journal. Chiefly devoted to Library Economy and Bibliography. v . 3841. 19131916. 020 L616 Library Work Cumulated. 1905 1911. A bibliography and digest of li- brary literature. Ed. by A. L. Guthrie. 1912. 020 L616w (Continued in American Library Annual. 1914-15.) Cutter's Alfabetic-Order Table. 025.4 C981 Dewey, Melvil. Decimal classification and relative index. 9 ed. 1915. 025.4 D515d Dewey, Melvil. Library school rules. 5th ed. 1905. 025.4 D5151 Dewey, Melvil. Simplified Library School Rules. 1904. 025.4 D515s 532 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY Kaiser, J. B. Law, Legislative and Municipal Reference Libraries. An in- troductory manual and bibliographical guide. 1914. 026 K123 Special Libraries, v. 1 date. 1910 date. Index v. 1 6 in v. 5 6. 1914-15. 026 Sp31 United States. Library of Congress. Report of the Librarian of Congress and report of the Superintendent of the Library Building and Grounds. 1912 date. 027.5 Un3 GENERAL CYCLOPEDIAS Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. A work of universal reference in all departments of knowledge with a new atlas of the world, v. 1-10. 1906. v. 11-12. 1910. 030 C333 Cassell's New German and English Dictionary. Compiled from the best authorities in both languages. Revised and considerably enlarged. Karl Bruel. 1909. 030.3 C272 Cassell's New French and English Dictionary. Compiled from the best authorities in both languages. Revised and considerably enlarged. James Boielle. 1911. 030.4 C272 Encyclopedia Brittannica. A dictionary of arts, sciences, literature and general information. Ed. 11. 29v. 1910-11. v. 29 contains index. 032 E19 GENERAL PERIODICALS University of California. List of Serials in the Library. Library Bulletin No. 18. 1913. 050 C128 Royal Society of London. Library. Catalogue of the periodical publications in the library. 1912. 050 R812 Severance, H. O. A guide to the current periodicals and serials of the United States and Canada. 3d ed. 1914. 050 Se83 American Library Annual. Including Index to Dates of current events; bibliographies; statistics of book production; lists of library and book trade periodicals and organizations; select list of libraries; directories of publishers and book sellers, list of private collectors of books, etc. 1912-13, 1913-14. Including Index to dates of current events; "Library Work" cumu- lated; bibliographies; statistics of book production; lists of library and book trade periodicals and organizations; select list of libraries, etc. 1914-15. (Index to Dates continued as Information Annual.) Including "Library Work" cumulated; bibliographies; statistics of book production; lists of library and took trade periodicals and organ- izations; library summaries; select lists of libraries, etc. 1915-16. 050.9 Am35 Information Annual. A continuous cyclopedia and digest of current events, v. 1-2. 1915-1916. (Continued in Business Digest.) 050.9 C913 Business Digest. A current digest of business progress, v. 1 date. Jan., 1917 date. 050.9 C913b Industrial Arts Index. Subject index to a selected list of engineering and trade periodicals, v. 1 date. 1913 date. 050.9 In2 GENERAL PERIODICALS 533 Public Affairs Information Service. A co-operative clearing house of Pub- lic Affairs Information. Annual cumulated Bulletins, v. 1 date. 1915 date. 050.9 P96 Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. Author and subject index to a selected list of periodicals, v. 1, 1900-4; v. 2, 1905-9; v. 3, 1910-14; An- nual cumulations v. 15 date. 1915 date. 050.9 R22 Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature Supplement. Author and subject index to a selected list of periodicals not included in the Readers' Guide. 1907-15. Annual cumulations, v. 4 date. 1916 date. 050.9 R22s SOCIOLOGY Encyclopedias Cyclopedia of Political Science, Political Economy and of the Political His- tory of the United States, by the best American and European writers. John J. Lalor, ed. 3 v. 1883-6. 303 C992 Encyclopedia of social reform. William Dwight Porter Bliss, ed. 1897. 303 Enl9 Periodicals, Societies Economic World. A Weekly Chronicle of Facts, Events and Opinions, v. 12 date. July 1916 date. 305 Ec74 Journal of Political Economy. Pub. by University of Chicago in co-opera- tion with the Western Economic Society, v. 20 date. 1912 date. 305 J825p Nation's Business. Pub. by the Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. A. v. 4 date. 1916 date. 305 N213 New Republic, v. 1 date. Nov. 7/14 date. 305 N473 New Statesman. A weekly review of politics and literature. London, v. 1 date. Apr. 12/13 date. 305 N479 Charities and the Commons. A weekly journal of philanthropy and social advance, v. 20-21. Apr. 8, 1908-Mar. 27, 1909. 305 Su79 (Continued as the Survey.) Survey, The. A weekly journal of constructive philanthropy, v. 22 date. Apr. 3/09 date. 305 Su79 Academy of Political Science. Proceedings, v. 1 date. Oct. 1910 date. 306 Acl2p Political Science Quarterly. Pub. by Academy of Political Science, v. 26 date. 1911 date. 306 Acl2q American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals, v. 30 date. July, 1907 date. Sup. Sep., 1907 date. Index July, 1890-Jan., 1916 in Sup. Mar., 1916. 306 Am35a American Economic Association. Economic Bulletin, v. 1-3. 1908-10. 306 Am35eb American Economic Association. Publications, v. 10-11. 1909-10. Bulletin v. 1. 4th ser. 1911. 306 Am35ep American Economic Review, v. 1 date. 1911 date. 306 Am35er 534 American Political Science Association. Proceedings, v. 1-7. 1904-10. 306 AmSSpp American Political Science Review, v. 1 date. Nov. 1906 date. Index v. 1-10 in v. 11, August, 1917 Sup. 306 AmSSpr American Journal of Sociology, v. 16 date. July, 1910 date. 306 Am35sj American Sociological Society. Proceedings, v. 1 date. 1906 date. 306 Am35sp American Statistical Association. Publications, v. 12 date. 1910 date. 306 Am35st Commonwealth Club of California. Transactions, v. 1 date. Nov. 15/03 date. 306 C737 Commonwealth Club of California Luncheon Addresses. Dec. 23/11 date. 306 C7371 Iowa State Historical Society. Applied History Series, v. 1-3. 1912, 1914, 1916. 306 Io9 Minnesota Academy of Social Sciences. Proceedings, v. 1-8. 1907-1914. 306 M666 New York City. Economic Club. Year Book. v. 1-4. 1910-11 to 1913-14. 306 N42 Southern Sociological Congress. Proceedings. 1912-1915. 306 So88 World's Social Progress Congress. Addresses. 1915. 306 W893 SOCIAL SURVEYS Aronovici, Carol. The Social Survey. Bureau for Social Research of The Seybert Institution. 1916. 309.1 Ar67 STATISTICS American Year Book. A record of events and progress. 1910 date. 310 Am35 Chicago Daily News Almanac and Year Book. 1917. 310 C432 World Almanac and Encyclopedia. 1910 date. 310 W893 United Kingdom. Statistical Abstract for the several British Self-govern- ing dominions, colonies, possessions, and protectorates, v. 51-52. 1913- 1914. 314.2 Uk3s United Kingdom. The Year Book of Social Progress for 1913-14. 314.2 Uk3y United States. Census Office. Compendium. 10th and llth census. 1880 Pts. 1-2. 1890 Pts. 1-3. 317.3 Un3a United States. Census Office. Abstract of the 12th census. 1900. 317.3 Un3a United States. Census Office. Abstract with supplement for California. 1910. 317.3 Un3a United States. Census Office. Life Tables: 1910. 317.3 Un31 United States. Census Office. Mortality Statistics. 1905-7. 1909. 1911-14. 317.3 Un3m STATISTICS 535 United States. Census Office. A century of population growth in the United States. 1790-1900. 317.3 Un3p United States. Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Abstract of the U. S. 1905 date. 317.3 UnSst California's Magazine. Cornerstone Number. 1915. 317.9 C128 Australia Commonwealth Bureau of census and statistics. Official year book, containing authoritative statistics for the period 1901-1914 and corrected statistics for the period 1788 to 1900. v. 5-8. 1912-14. 319.4 Au78 Chosen, Korea. Annual report on Reforms and Progress. 1910-11 to 1915-16. 319.519 C456 POLITICAL SCIENCE Estabrook, Henry D. The Vengeance of the Flag and other occasional ad- dresses. 1914. 320.4 Es81 Form of State Equity. Devoted to improved processes of self-government, including the Initiative and Referendum, the Recall, Proportional Representation, the Short Ballot, the Preferential Ballot, the One-chambered Legislative Body and whatever methods tend to increase the efficiency and demo- cratic control of municipal, state, national and international government, v. 13 date. 1911 date. 321.4 Eq59 Munro, William Bennett. The Initiative, Referendum and Recall. National Municipal League Series. 1913. 321.4 M926 National Economic League. The Initiative and Referendum. Arguments pro and con by a Special Committee. 1912. 321.4 N213 Suffrage California. Registration and Election Laws. Including the Naturalization Laws of the U. S. Also Charter provisions relating to election in the City and County of San Francisco. 1913. 1915. 1917. 324 C128 Kales, Albert M. Unpopular Government in the United States. 1914. 324.2 K124 Macauley, Ward. Reclaiming the Ballot. 1916. 324.2 M119 Immigration American Academy of Medicine. Medical Problems of Immigration. Being papers and their discussion presented at 37th annual meeting, June 1, 1912. 325.1 Am35 Barnes, Mary Clark and Lemuel Call. The New America. A Study in Immigration. 1913. 325.1 B262 Coolidge, Mary Roberts. Chinese Immigration. 1909. 325.1 C778 Ichihashi, Yamato. Japanese Immigration. Its Status in California. 1915. 325.1 Ic3 Immigrants in America Review. Pub. quarterly by Committee for Immi- grants in America, v. 1-2. 1915-16. 325.1 Im6 (Publication discontinued.) 536 CA TAL O CUE OF CL UB LIBRARY Jenks, Jeremiah W. and W. Jett Lauck. The Immigration Problem. 1913. 325.1 J424 Millis, H. A. The Japanese Problem in the U. S. 1915. 325.1 M623 Reeley, Mary Katherine, Comp. Selected articles on Immigration. Debat- ers' Handbook Series. 1917. 325.1 R258 Shriver, William P. Immigrant Forces. Factors in the new Democracy. 1913. 325.1 Sh86 United States. Immigration Commission. Reports, v. 1-41. 1911. 325.1 Un3 U. S. Congressional Record. Articles on Immigration. Dec. 1912-Aug. 1916. Dec. 1916-Mar. 1917. 325.1 Un3c Foreign Relations Abbott, James Francis. Japanese Expansion and American Policies. 1916. * 327 Ab27 Foster, John W. A Century of American Diplomacy. Being a brief review of the foreign relations of the U. S., 1776-1876. 1900. 327 F814 Gulick, Sidney L. The American Japanese Problem. A study of the racial relations of the East and the West. 1914. 327 G951 Kawakami, Kiyoshi K. American-Japanese Relations. An Inside View of Japan's Policies and Purposes. 1912. 327 K179 Masaoka, Naoichi. Japan's Message to America. A symposium by repre- sentative Japanese on Japan and American-Japanese Relations. 1914. 327 M371 Scherer, James A. B. The Japanese Crisis. 1916. 327 Sc28 United States. General Index to the published volumes of the Diplomatic correspondence and foreign relations of the U. S. 1861-1899. Sundry Civil Act of June 6, 1900. 327 Un3 Legislative Bodies and Annals United Kingdom. Catalogue of Parliamentary Papers. 1801-1900 with a few of earlier date. 1901-10 Supplement. 328.422 Uk3ca United Kingdom. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons, v. 1-41. 1909-1912. 328.422 Uk3co United Kingdom. Parliamentary Debates. House of Lords, v. 1-11. 1909- 1912. 328.422 Uk31 Everhart, Elfrida. Handbook of U. S. Public Documents. 1910. 328.73 Ev27 National Association of State Libraries and American Association of Law Libraries. Official Index to State Legislation. A cumulative, numerical and subject index and a complete record of all bills introduced in all State Legislatures. 1915. 328.73 N213a National Voters' League. The Searchlight on Congress. Published monthly. Vol. 1 date. Feb. 1/16 date. 328.73 N213v United States. Document Catalogue, v. 2-11. 1895-6 to 1911-13. 328.73 UnSca United States. Document Index, v. 20-24. Mar. 4, 1913-Mar. 4, 1917. 328.73 UnSci POLITICAL SCIENCE 537 United States. Index to Monthly Catalogue U. S. Public Documents. 1913- 14 to date. 328.73 Un3cm United States. Congressional Record Index, v. 50 date. Apr. 7/13 date. 328.73 Un3cr United States Congress. A Biographical Congressional Directory with an outline history of the National Congress. 1774-1911. 328.73 Un3d United States. Congressional Directory. 62d Cong., lst-3d sess., May, Dec. 1911, Jan. 1913; 63d Cong., lst-3d sess., Apr. 1913, Feb. 1914, Jan. 1915; 64th Cong., 1st sess., Dec. 1915; 65th Cong., 1st sess., Apr. 1917. 328.73 Un3d United States. House Documents. 54th Cong., 1st sess., 1895-6. v. 77, nos. 311-314, 413-14. Geological Survey Bulletins 123-126, 128, 129. Earth- quakes in California, etc. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 56th Cong., 1st sess., 1899-1900. v. 98. nos. 505-611 (Except nos. 553, 572, 579, 588) Miscellaneous. Prison Systems of the U. S. Reports prepared for The International Prison Commission, etc. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 56th Cong., 2d sess., 1900-1. v. 32. nos. 171, 335, 368, 466. Agriculture in Porto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii. Water in Irrigation. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 58th Cong., 2nd sess., 1903-4. v. 56. Special Consular Reports, v. 27-30. Emigration to the United States, etc. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 58th Cong., 2nd sess., 1904. v. 84-87. U. S. Geological Survey, Professional papers Nos. 20-34. v. 84 Forest conditions in the S. F. Mountains Forest Reserve, Ariz., etc. v. 85 Forest conditions in the Black Mesa Forest Reserve, Ariz., etc. v. 86 Forest conditions in the Absaroka Division of the Yellowstone Forest Reserve, Mont., etc. v. 87 Preliminary report on the geology and underground water re- sources of the Central Great Plains Forest conditions in the Lincoln Forest Reserve, N. M. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 58th Cong., 2nd sess., 1904. v. 118, pts. 1-2. Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, v. 23. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 58th Cong., 3d sess, 1905. v. 46 U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1904. Triangulation in California, p. 489. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 58th Cong., 3d sess., 1905. v. 58-62. Special Consular Reports nos. 34-6; Monthly Consular Reports nos. 292-303. v. 58 Marketing goods in foreign countries, etc. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 58th Cong., 3d sess., 1905. v. 90-1. U. S. Geological Survey Professional Papers nos. 35-9. v. 90 The Southern Appalachian Forests, etc. v. 91 Forest conditions in the Gila River Forest Reserve, N. M., etc. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 59th Cong., 1st sess., 1905-6. v. 65-66. U. S. Geological Survey Professional Papers nos. 42-45. v. 65 Geology of the Tonopah Mining District, Nev., etc. v. 66 Geography and geology of Alaska, with a section on climate with a topographic map and description, etc. 328.73 Un3h 538 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY United States. House Documents. 59th Cong., 1st sess., 1905-6. v. 72 U. S. Geological Survey Professional papers nos. 54-55. Geology and gold deposits of Cripple Creek District, Colo., etc. 328.73 Un3h United States. House Documents. 59th Cong., 1st sess., 1905-6. v. 74. Geological Survey Bulletin 274 Dictionary of Altitudes in the U. S., 328.73 Un3h United States. Continental Congress. Journals. 1774-1789. v. 1-23. 1904- 1910. Ed. from the original records in the Library of Congress. 328.73 Un3j United States. Senate Documents. 54th Cong., 1st sess., 1896. nos. 156-213. Cuban Affairs and other Senate Documents. 328.73 Un3s United States. Senate Documents. 54th Cong., 1st sess., 1897. nos. 66-133. Canadian Tariff and other Senate Documents. 328.73 Un3s United States. Senate Documents. 55th Cong., 2d sess., 1897-8, v. 11, nos. 138-206, Miscellaneous. 328.73 Un3s United States. Senate Documents. 55th Cong., 2d sess., 1897-8, v. 22, nos. 238-289. Criminal insane in the U. S. and foreign countries, etc. 328.73 Un3s United States. Senate Documents. 56th Cong., 1st sess., 1899-1900, v. 33, nos. 338-387. Water resources of the U. S., etc. 328.73 Un3s United States. Senate Documents. 56th Cong., 1st sess., 1899-1900, v. 36, nos. 426-252. Miscellaneous. 328.73 Un3s United States, Senate Documents. 56th Cong., 2nd sess., 1900-1901. nos. 40-108. Improvement of the City of Washington, etc. 328.73 Un3s United States. Senate Documents. 58th Cong., 2d sess., 1904-5. v. 20, no. 162. Proceedings of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal. 328.73 Un3s United States. Library of Congress. Monthly List of State Publications, v. 4 date. 1913 date. 328-73 Un3st Iowa Official Register. 1911-1912, 1913-14, 1917-18. 328-79 Io9 Michigan Official Directory and Legislative Manual. 1913-14. 1917-18. 328.79 M582 Nebraska Blue Book and Historical Register. 1915. 328.79 N279 New Mexico Blue Book or State Official Register. 1913. 328.79 N462 North Dakota Blue Book. 1911. 1913. 328.79 N814 Rhode Island Manual. 1913-14. 1917. 328-79 R346 Wisconsin Blue Book. 1913. 1917. 328.79 W753 California Blue Book or State Roster. 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1899, 1903, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913-15. 328.794 C128b California. Final calendar of Legislative business and history of bills, etc. 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917. 328.794 C128h California. Journal of the Assembly. Journal of the Senate, 37th-41st sess. 1907-1915. Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly, 27th sess. 1887, v. 1-8; 28th sess., 1889, v. 1-8; 29th sess. 1891, v. 1-8; 30th sess. 1893, v. 1-8; 31st sess., 1895, v. 1-6; 32nd sess. 1899, v. 1-2; 34th sess., 1899, v. 1-2; 34th sess. 1903, v. 1-3; 36th sess., 1905, v. 1-3; 37th sess. 1909, v. 1-3; 39th sess., 1911, v. 1-4; 40th sess. 1915, v. 1-5. 1897, v. 1-7; 33rd sess. 1901, v. 1-4; 35th sess. 1907, v. 1-3; 38th sess. 1913, v. 1-4; 41st sess. 328.794 C128J POLITICAL SCIENCE 539 Haase, Adelaide R. Index of Economic Material in Documents of the United States. California. 1849-1904. Dec. 1908. 328.794 H277 Hichborn, Franklin. Story of the Session of the California Legislature. 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915. " 328.794 H524 Hichborn, Franklin, Legislative Bulletin, v. 1-2. Jan. 9/15-May 1/15. Jan. 13/17-Apr. 28/17. 328.794 H524b Political Parties California Progressive Campaign Book for 1914. Three years of Progressive administration in California under Gov. Hiram W. Johnson. 329.7 C128 POLITICAL ECONOMY LABOR AND LABORERS American Labor Year Book. Prepared by the Department of Labor Re- search of the Rand School of Social Science. 1916. 331. Am35y Cole, G. D. H. Labour in War Time. 1915. 331 C674 Fitch, John A. The Steel workers. The Pittsburgh Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, Charities Publication Committee. 1910. 331 F553 Lauck, W. Jett and Edgar Sydenstricker. Conditions of labor in Ameri- can Industries. A summarization of the results of recent investigations. 1917. 331 L363 Pittsburgh Survey. A close range study of living and industrial conditions in Pittsburgh made by a group of experts organized by a Committee of the New York Charity Organization Society. Bound Copy of "Chari- ties and the Commons," Vol. 21, Nos. 14, 19, 23, Jan. 2, Feb. 6, Mar. 6, 1909. 331 P687 Pittsburgh Survey. Wage-earning Pittsburgh. Russell Sage Foundation. 1914. 331 P687w United Kingdom. Labour Year Book. 1916. 331 Uk3 United States. Commissioner of Labor. Report on conditions of employ- ment in the iron and steel industry in the U. S. v. 1-4, 1911-13. 331 Un3cc United States. Commissioner of Labor. Regulation and restriction of output, llth Special Report, 1904. 331 Un3cr Talbot, Winthrop. A Select Bibliography of recent publications on the helpful relations of employers and employed. 1912. 331.01 T142 London. Board of Trade Labour Gazette, v. 24 date. 1916 date. 331.05 L846 American Association for Labor Legislation. Proceedings 1907-9. 331.1 Am351p American Association for Labor Legislation. Legislative Reviews 1-6. 1909-10. 331.1 Am351r American Labor Legislation Review, v. 1 date. 1911 date. 331.1 Am35r Illinois. Chief State Factory Inspector. 20th-22nd annual reports, 1912-15. 331.1 116 540 CA TALOG UE OF CL UB LIBRARY International Labour Office. Bulletin, v. 1 date. 1906 date. 331.1 In8b International Labour Office. Supplement Bibliography. 1907-11. 331.1 In8s Maryland Bureau of Statistics and Information. Annual reports. 24th date. 1915 date. 331.1 M369 Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics. Annual reports. Statistics of La'bor. 1870 date. 331.1 M382 Michigan Department of Labor. Annual reports. 32nd date. 1915 date. 331.1 M582 National Civic Federation. llth-12th annual meetings. 1911-1912. 331.1 N213 New York State. Department of Labor. Annual reports Commissioner of Labor. 1913-14. 331.1 N42d New York State. Department of Labor. Annual Report of Industrial Com- mission. 1915. 1916. 331.1 N42d New York State. Factory Investigating Commission. 1912-15. 331.1 N42f United States. Industrial Commission. Report, v. 1-19. 1900-1902. 331.1 Un3i United States. Commission on industrial relations. Final Report and Testimony submitted to Congress, v. 1-11. 1916. 331.1 Un3ir WORKINGMEN'S INSURANCE Bullock, Edna D. Selected articles on Compulsory Insurance. Debaters' Handbook Series. 1912. 331.2 B876 Casualty Actuarial and Statistical Society of America. Proceedings, v. 1 date. 1914 date. 331.2 C279 Dawson, W. Harbutt. Social Insurance in Germany, 1883-1911. Its history, operation, results and a comparison with the National insurance Act, 1911. 331.2 D328 Frankel, Lee K. and Miles M. Dawson. Workingmen's insurance in Europe. Russell Sage Foundation. Charities Publication Committee. 1911. 331.2 F852 Money, L. G. Chiozza. Insurance versus poverty. With an introduction by the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George, M. P. March, 1912. 331.2 M746 Rubinow, I. M. Social insurance. With special reference to American con- ditions. 1913. 331.2 R825 Seager, Henry Rogers. Social Insurance. A Program of Social Reform. American Social Progress Series. 1910. 331.2 Sel3 United States. Commissioner of Labor. 23d-24th annual reports. 1908- 1909. Workmen's insurance and benefit funds in the U. S. Workmen's Insurance and compensation systems in Europe, v. 1-2. 331.2 Un3 United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bull. Whole No. 212, June, 1917. Workmen's Insurance and Compensation, Series No. 10. Pro- ceedings of the Conference on Social Insurance called by the Inter- national Assn. of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. Wash- ington, D. C. Dec 5-9, 1916. 331.2 Un3s POLITICAL ECONOMY 541 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS California. Industrial Accident Commission. Decisions, v. 2 date. 1915 date. 331.21 C128 Downey, E. H. History of Work Accident Indemnity in Iowa. Iowa Economic History Series. 1912. 331.21 D758 Eastman, Crystal. Work-Accidents and the law. Pittsburgh Survey. Rus- sell Sage Foundation, Charities Publication Committee. 1910. 331.21 Ea78 Massachusetts. Industrial Accident Board. Annual reports. lst-3rd. 1912- 13 to 1914-15. 331.21 M382i United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Whole No. 203, Jan. 1917. Workmen's Insurance and Compensation Series No. 8. Workmen's Compensation Laws of the United States and Foreign Countries. 331.21 Un3 HEALTH INSURANCE Gibbon, I. G. Medical Benefit. A study of the experience of Germany and Denmark. 1912. 331.211 G352 Rubinow, I. M. Standards of Health Insurance. 1916. 331.211 R825s United Kingdom. National Health Insurance. Report on the administra- tion of the National Insurance Act. 1912-13, 1913-14. 331.211 Uk3 WAGES AND HOURS OF LABOR United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bull. Whole No. 204. Apr. 1917. Wages and Hours of Labor Series No. 23. Street railway em- ployment in the U. S. 331.23 Un3s MINIMUM WAGE Webb, Sidney. The case for the National Minimum. National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution. 1913. 331.22 W384 PROFIT SHARING Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. His- tory of Co-operation in the United States, v. 6. 1888. 331.24 J62 Williams, Aneurin. Co-partnership and profit sharing. Home University Library of Modern Knowledge, No. 77. 1913. 331.24 W671 CHILD LABOR Bullock, Edna D. Selected articles on Child Labor. Debaters' Handbook Series. 1911. 331.3 B876 National Child Labor Committee. Proceedings 3rd-7th annual Conferences. 1907-1911. 331.3 N213 National Child Labor Committee. Child Labor Bulletin, v. 1 date. June, 1912 date. 331.3 N213b United States Children's Bureau. Child Labor Legislation in the United States. By Helen L. Sumner and Ella A. Merritt. Industrial Series No. 1, Bureau Publication No. 10. 1915. 331.3 Un3c 542 CA TAL O CUE OF CL UB LIBRARY WOMEN IN INDUSTRY Bullock, Edna D. Selected articles on the employment of women. De- baters' Handbook Series. 1911. 331.4 B876 Butler, Eliz. B. Women and the trades, 1907-1908. Pittsburgh Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, Charities Publication Committee. 1911. 331.4 B976 United States. Commissioner of Labor. Report on Condition of Women and Child wage-earners in the United States, v. 1-3, 18-19. 1910-1912. 331.4 Un3 United States. Commissioner of Labor. Report on Condition of Women and Child wage-earners in the United States, v. 5-7, 9-17. 1910-1912. (v. 4 and 8 out of print.) B331.4 Unl-2 OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES Hayhurst, E. R. A Survey of Industrial Health Hazards and occupational diseases in Ohio. Ohio State Board of Health. Feb. 1915. 331.82 H331 HOUSING Byington, Margaret F. Homestead, The Households of a Mill Town. The Pittsburgh Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, Charities Publication Committee. 1910. 331.83 B992 De Forest, Robert W. and Lawrence Veiller. The Tenement House Prob- lem. Including 'the report of the N. Y. State Tenement House Com- mission of 1900. v. 1-2. 1903. 331.83 D362 George, W. L. Labour and Housing at Port Sunlight. 1909. 331.83 G293 London County Council. The Housing Question in London. 1855-1900. 331.83 L846 London County Council. Housing of the Working Classes. 1855-1912. 331.83 L846 National Housing Conference. Housing Problems in America, v. 1, 3-5, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1917. 331.83 N213 New York City. The Building Code with amendments to April 12/06. As amended to July 17/17. 331.83 N42cb New York City. Tenement House Laws. 1903. 331.83 N42cl New York City. Tenement House Department. 1st Report, v. 1-2, 1902-3. 3rd Report, 1906. 4th Report, 1907-8. 5th Report, 1909. 6th Report, 1910-11. 7th Report, 1912-14. .. 331.83 N42cr New York State. The Tenement House Law, including all amendments. 1911. 331.83 N42sl Sykes, John F. J. Public Health and Housing. The influence of the dwel- ling upon health in relation to the changing style of habitation. 1901. 331.83 Sy44 United States. Commission of Labor. 8th Special Report, 1895. The Hous- ing of the Working People. 331.83 Un3 Veiller, Lawrence. Housing Reform. A Handbook for practical use in American Cities. Russell Sage Foundation, 1910. 331.83 V534h POLITICAL ECONOMY 543 Veiller, Lawrence. A Model Housing Law. Russell Sage Foundation. 1914. 331.83 V534m Veiller, Lawrence. A Model Tenement House Law. Russell Sage Founda- tion. 1910. 331.83 V534mt LABOR LEGISLATION California. Labor Laws. 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917. 331.87 C128 Eaves, Lucile. A History of California Labor Legislation. With an intro- ductory sketch of the San Francisco Labor Movement. University of California Publications in Economics, Vol. 2, August 23, 1910. 331.87 EaS9 United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Whole No. 148, Apr 10/14. Labor Laws of the U. S. Series No. 3. Labor Laws of the United States with Decisions of Courts relating thereto. Pts. 1-2. 331.87 Un3 LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Bullock, Edna D. Selected articles on trade unions. Debaters' Handbook Series. 1913. 331.88 B876 Johns Hopkins University in Historical and Political Science. Studies in American Trade Unionism, v. 24-35. 1906-1917. 331.88 J62 The finances of American trade unions. By A. M. Sakolski. National Labor Federations in the U. S. By Wm. Kirk. Apprenticeship in American trade unions. By J. M. Motley. Trial Bibliography of American trade union publications. Geo. E. Barnett, Ed. Beneficiary features of American trade unions. By J. B. Kennedy. The trade union label. By E. R. Spedden. The closed shop in American trade unions. By F. T. Stockton. The standard rate in American trade unions. By D. A. McCabe. Admission to American trade unions. By F. E. Wolfe. The government of American trade unions. By T. W. Glocker. Jurisdiction in American Building trade unions. By N. R. Whitney. The helper and American trade unions. By John H. Ashworth. The boycott in American trade unions. By Leo Wolman. The control of strikes in American trade unions. By G. M. Janes. The organizability of labor. By W. O. Weyforth, Jr. MacDonald, J. Ramsay. Syndicalism. A critical examination. 1912. 331.88 M119 Pouget, Emile. Sabotage. 1913. 331.88 P891 LABOR DISPUTES Beman, Lamar T. Selected articles on the Compulsory arbitration of in- dustrial disputes. Debaters' Handbook Series. 1911. 331.89 B421 Massachusetts. State Board of Conciliation and Arbitration. 31st annual report. 1916. 331.89 M382 Mote, Carl H. Industrial Arbitration. A world-wide survey of natural and political agencies for social justice and industrial peace. 1916. 331.89 M856 Robbins, E. Clyde. Selected articles on the Open versus Closed Shop. Debaters' Handbook Series. 1912. 331.89 R534 Weinstock, Harris. Report on the Labor Laws and Labor Conditions of foreign countries in relation to strikes and lockouts. 1910. 331.89 W433 544 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY UNEMPLOYMENT Dawson, William Harbutt. The vagrancy problem. The care for measures of restraint for tramps, loafers and unemployables: With a study of Continental detention colonies and labour nouses. 1910. 331.9 D328 Gibbon, I. G. Unemployment Insurance. A study of schemes of assisted insurance. 1911. 331.9 G352 International Conference on Unemployment. Proceedings. 1910. 1913. 331.9 In8c International Association on Unemployment. Quarterly Journal. 1912-1913, Jan.-June, 1914. 331.9 In8j Johnsen, Julia E. Selected articles on unemployment. Debaters' Hand- book Series. 1915. 331.9 J623 Kellor, Frances A. Out of Work. A study of Unemployment. 1915.. 331.9 K294 Pigou, A. C. Unemployment. Home University Library of Modern Knowl- edge. No. 79. 1913. 331.9 P629 Taylor, F. Isabel. A Bibliography of Unemployment and the Unemployed. London School of Economics and Political Science. 1909. 331.9 T213 BANKS MONEY California. Superintendent of Banks. Annual reports. 2nd date. 1911 date. 332.1 C128 California. Banking Laws. 1907. Bank Act as amended 1917. 332.1 C1281 New York State. Banking Law. 1914. 332.1 N42 Robinson, Humphrey. A simple explanation of modern banking customs. 1910. 332.1 R562 United States. National Monetary Commission. 1910-11. Senate Docu- ments Nos. 332, 353, 399-401, 404-5, 407-8, 491-94, 507-8, 522, 538, 570-1, 573-6, 578-84, 586-8, 591, 593. 332.1 Un3 United States. National Monetary Commission. 1910-11. Senate Docu- ments Nos. 402-3, 406, 569, 572, 589, 658-9. B332.1 2 Moody's Magazine, v. 1-9. Dec. 1905-June, 1910. 332.6 M771g Moody's Manual of Railroads and Corporation Securities. 1901, 1906-7. 332.6 M771m LAND Conservation California. Conservation Commission. Report Jan. 1, 1913. 333.1 C128 Conference of Governors. Proceedings. 1908. (Called to consider meas- ures for the conservation of the country's natural resources.) 333.1 C76 Fanning, C. E. Selected articles on the conservation of natural resources. Debaters' Handbook Series. 1913. 333.1 F216 National Conservation Congress. Proceedings. lst-4th. 1909-12. 333.1 N213 New York State. Conservation Commission. Annual Reports. lst-4th. 1911-1914. 333.1 N42 New York State. Conservation Commission. Annual Reports. 5th date. 1915 date. B333.1 Nl Utah. Conservation Commission. 1st biennial report. 1913. 333.1 Utl POLITICAL ECONOMY 545 Real Estate Transfers Cameron, Arnold Guyot. The Torrens System. Its simplicity, serviceability and success. 1915. 333.3 United Kingdom. Royal Commission on the Land Transfer Acts. First and Second and Final Report. 1909. 1911. 333.3 Uk3 SOCIALISM Adams, Edward F. The Inhumanity of Socialism. The case against social- ism and a critique of socialism. 1913. 335 A17 Howe, Frederic C. Socialized Germany. 1915. 335 H838 Le Rossignol, James Edward and William Downie Stewart. State Socialism in New Zealand. 1910. 335 1,552 FINANCE Bogart, Ernest L. Financial History of Ohio. University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, v. 1, nos. 1-2, April, 1912. 335 B633 California. Controller. Biennial reports. 1912 date. 336 C128c California. State Board of Equalization. Biennial reports. 1914 date. 336 Cl28e California. Revenue Laws. 1916. 336 C128r Fankhauser, William C. A Financial History of California. Public Reve- nues, Debts and Expenditures. University of California Publications in Economics, v. 3, no. 2, Nov. 13, 1913. 336 F216 Illinois. Auditor's Biennial Reports. 1914 date. 336 116 Massachusetts. Auditor's Annual Reports. 1914 date. 336 M382 New York State Comptroller. Annual reports. Jan. 1915 date. 336 N42 Ohio. Auditor's Annual Report. 1914. 336 Oh3 United States. Census Office. Financial Statistics of States. 1916. 336 Un3c United States. President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency. The Need for a National Budget. 1912. 336 Un3p TAXATION California State Tax Commission. Report 1917. 336.2 C128r California Taxpayers' Journal. Official Publication of the Tax Payers' Association of California, v. 1 date. March, 1917 date. 336.2 Cl28t Colorado Tax Commission. Annual reports. 1st date. 1912 date. 336.2 C7K Indiana Commission on Taxation. Report to the Governor. 1916. 336.2 In2 Kansas Tax Commission. 5th biennial report. 1915-16. 336.2 K133 Massachusetts Tax Commission. Annual Reports. Nov. 30, 1915 date. 336.2 M382 Minnesota Tax Commission. Biennial Reports. 3rd date. 1912 date. 336.2 M666 546 CA TALOG UE OF CL UB LIBRAE Y National Tax Association. State and Local Taxation. Proceedings. 1st date. 1907 date. A Readers' Guide to the Proceedings, v. 1-6. 336.2 N213 National Tax Association. Bulletin, v. 1 date. 1916 date. 336.2 N213b New York City. Committee on Taxation. The exemption of improvements from taxation in Canada and the United States. A report prepared for the Committee by Robert Murray Haig. 1915. 336.2 N42cl New York City. Committee on Taxation. Excess Condemnation. 1915. 336.2 N42c2 New York City. Committee on Taxation. Some probable effects of the exemption of improvements from taxation in the City of New York. Report prepared for the Committee by Robert Murray Haig. 1915. 336.2 N42c3 New York City. Committee on Taxation. Final Report. Jan. 1916. 336.2 N42c4 New York. State Conference on Taxation. lst-6th, 1911-1916. 336.2 N42sc 7th, 1917 (In N. Y. St. Tax Bull. vol. 2, no. 3, June, 1917). B336.2 NY2 New York State. Tax Commission. Annual report. 1915. 1916. 336.2 N42st Ohio Tax Commission. Annual reports. 3rd, 5th date. 1912, 1914 date. 336.2 Oh3 Shearman, Thomas G. Natural Taxation. An inquiry into the practicability, justice and effects of a scientific and natural method of taxation. 1911. 336.2 Sh56 United States. Census Office. Special Reports. Wealth, Debt and Taxa- tion. 1907. 1913, v. 1-2. 336.2 Un3c Virginia. Joint Committee on Tax Revision. Report, 1914. 336.2 V819 University of Washington Bulletin, Aug. 1914, Genl. Ser. no. 84, University Extension Series No. 12. Taxation in Washington. Papers and Dis- cussions of the State Tax Conference, May, 1914. 336.2 W276 Wisconsin Tax Commission. Biennial Reports. 6th date. 1912 date. 336.2 W752 Young, Arthur Nichols. The Single Tax Movement in the United States. 1916. 336.21 Y86 Young, Lewis Emanuel. Mine Taxation in the United States. University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, Dec. 1916. Vol. v, No. 4. 336.27 Y86 PRODUCTION. MANUFACTURE. PRICES. Allen, Nellie B. Industrial Studies, v. 1 United States, v. 2 Europe. 1910. 338. A154 National Conference on Marketing and Farm Credits. Proceedings. 1913. 1915. 1916. 338.1 N213 Sullivan, J. W. Markets for the people. The Consumer's Part. 1913. 338.1 Su54 Chapin, Robert Coit. The standard of living among workingmen's families in New York City. Russell Sage Foundation. 1910. 338.5 C365 Kautsky, Karl. The high cost of living. Changes in gold-production and the rise in prices. 1914. 338.5 K168 POLITICAL ECONOMY 547 London. Board of Trade. Cost of living in American towns. 338.5 L846a Cost of living in Belgian towns. 338.5 L846b Cost of living in French towns. 338.5 L846f Cost of living in German towns. 338.5 L846g Cost of living of the working classes. United Kingdom. 338.5 L846u Reports of an inquiry into working class rents, housing and retail prices, together with the rates of wages in certain occupations in the principal industrial towns of America, Belgium, France, Germany, with an intro- ductory memorandum and a comparison of conditions with the United Kingdom. 1908-1911. LAW Hicks, Frederick C. Aids to the study and use of law books. A selected list, classified and annotated of publications relating to law literature, law study and legal ethics. 1913. 340 H529 San Francisco. Opinions of the City Attorney. Percy V. Long. 1908-9, 1910-12. 340 Sa52 American Judicature Society. Journal. Published Bi-monthly, v. 1 date. June, 1917 date. 340.05 Am33 California Law Review. Published bi-monthly, v. 1 date. Nov. 1912 date. 340.05 C128 International Law Moore, John Bassett. A Digest of International Law as embodied in diplo- matic discussions, treaties and other international agreements, inter- national awards, the decisions of municipal courts, and the writing- of jurists. 8v. 1906. 341 M784 Stowell, Ellery C. and Henry F. Munro. International Cases. Arbitration and incidents illustrative of international law as practiced by inde- pendent states, v. 1, Peace, v. 2, War and Neutrality. 1916. 341 St79 Wright, Philip Quincy. The enforcement of International Law through municipal law in the United States. University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, v. 5, no. 1, Mar. 1916. 341 W935 American Journal of International Law. v. 1-6. 1907-1912. 341.05 Am35j American Society of International Law. Proceedings. 1907-1912. 341.05 Am35p American Journal of International Law, Supplements, v. 1-6. 1907-1912. 341.05 Am35s Scott, James Brown. The Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907. A series of lectures delivered before the Johns Hopkins University in the year 1908. 2v. 1909. 341.1 Sc84 Malloy, William M. Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols, and agreements between the United States and other powers, 1776-1909. 2v. 1910. 341.2 M298 International Arbitration American Association for International Conciliation. International Concilia- tion, Jan. 1912 date. no. 50 date. 341.6 Am35 American Peace Congress. lst-5th. 1907-1915. 341.6 Am35p 548 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY Butler, Nicholas Murray. The International Mind. An argument for the judicial settlement of international disputes. 1913. 341.6 B977 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Year Books. 1912 date. 341.6 C215 World Peace Foundation. Pamphlet Series, v. 1 date. April, 1911 date. 341.6 W893 Constitutional Law Allen, Stephen H. The evolution of governments and laws. Exhibiting the governmental structures of ancient and modern states, their growth and decay and the leading principles of their laws. 1916. 342 A154 Chaplin, Herman W. Principles of the Federal Law as presented in de- cisions of the Supreme Court citing something over 3,500 cases. Con- gressional legislation to Feb. 1, 1917. 342 C365 Dealey, James Quayle. Growth of American State Constitutions. From 1776 to the end of the year 1914. 342 D342 Devlin, Robert T. The Treaty Power under the constitution of the United States. 1908. 342 D497 Dodd, Walter Fairleigh. Modern Constitutions. A collection of the funda- mental laws of 22 of the most important countries of the world, with historical and bibliographical notes. 2v. 1909. 342 D661 Elliott, Jonathan. The Debates in the several State Conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution, as recommended by the General Convention at Philadelphia in 1787. Sv. 1907. 342 E57 Evans, Lawrence B. Leading Cases on American Constitutional Law. 1916. 342 EvlS Farrand, Max. Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. 3v. 1911. 342 F241 Federalist, The, or the new Constitution. Alex. Hamilton, J. Jay and J. Madison. Consists of 85 articles or essays, contributed to certain New York journals from the autumn of 1787 to the spring of 1788. Every- man's Library. 342 F317 Hart, Albert Bushnell. Introduction to the study of Federal Government. Harvard University Publications. 1891. 342 H252 Lapp, John A. Important Federal Laws. 1917. 342 L318 Meigs, William M. The Growth of the Constitution in the Federal conven- tion of 1787. 1900. 342 M476 New York State Constitutional Convention Commission. Index Digest of State Constitutions. Prepared by the Legislative Drafting Research Fund of Columbia University. 1915. 342 N42 Richardson, Hamilton P. The Journal of the Federal Convention of 1787 analyzed. 1899. 342 R394 Rodriguez, Jose Ignacio. American constitutions. International Bureau of American Republics. 2v. July, 1905. 342 R618 Stimson, F. J. Law of the Federal and State Constitutions of the U. S. 1908. 342 St57 Thorpe, Francis Newton. Federal and State Constitutions, colonial char- ters, and other organic laws of the States, Territories and Colonies now or heretofore forming the United States of America. 1492-1908. 7v. 1909. 342 T398 LAW 549 Tucker, Henry St. George. Limitations on the treaty-making power under the constitution of the United States. 1915. 342 T795 von Hoist, Dr. H. The constitutional and political history of the United States. 1750-1833. 8v. 1889-92. 342 V89 California. Constitution of the United States and of the State of California and other documents. 1907, 1909, 1912, 1915, 1917. 342.1 C128 California. Debates and proceedings of the Constitutional convention con- vened at the City of Sacramento, Sept. 28, 1878. 3v. 1881. 342.2 Cl28c Criminal Law Alexander, G. G. The administration of justice in criminal matters. (In England and Wales.) 1915. 343 A27 American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. Journal, v. 1 date. May, 1910 date. 343 Am35 Statutes Australia. Commonwealth Acts. 1901-11. 2v. 1912, 1913. 345 Au79 California. Consolidated Index to Codes and General Laws in force 1910. 345 C128 California. Civil Code. Adopted March 21, 1872. With amendments up to and including those of the 38th session of the Legislature, 1909. With amendments tip to and including those of the 41st session of the Legislature, 1915. 345 C128c California. Code of Civil Procedure. Adopted March 11, 1872. With amendments up to and including those of the 38th session of the Legis- lature, 1909. With amendments up to and including those of the 41st session of the Legislature, 1915. 345 C128co California. General Laws. As amended up to the end of the session of 1909. As amended up to the end of extra session of 1916. 345 C128g California. Penal Code. With amendments up to and including those of the 38th session of the Legislature, 1909. With amendments up to and including those of the 41st session of the Legislature, 1915. 345 Cl28p California. Political Code. With amendments up to and including those of the 38th session of the Legislature, 1909. With amendments up to and including those of the 41st session of the Legislature, 1915. 345 Cl28po California. Consolidated Supplement to the Codes and General Laws of 1909 showing the changes affecting the codes and the general laws for the years 1911 and 1913. 345 C128s California. Corporation Laws. 5th ed. 1909. 347.1 C128 ADMINISTRATION CIVIL SERVICE National Civil Service Reform League. Good Government, v. 30 date. 1913 date. 351.1 N213 New York State. Civil Service Commission. Reports. 1914 date. 351.1 N42 550 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY New York State. Senate Committee on Civil Service. Reports. lst-2nd. 1916-7. 351.1 N42s Price, George M. Tenement House Inspector. A text book of civil service candidates for the positions of tenement house inspector and clerk, also for sanitary and building inspectors. 1910. 351.1 P931 United States. Civil Service Commission. Annual reports. 14th-15th, 18th, 21st-25th, 27th date. 1896-7, 1897-8, 1900-1, 1903-4 to 1907-8, 1909-10 to date. 351.1 Un3 PENSIONS Hoare, H. J. Old age pensions: Their actual working and ascertained re- sults in the United Kingdom. 1915. 351.5 H651 New York City. Commission on Pensions. Report on the Pension Funds of the City of New York. Pts. 1-2. 1916. 351.5 N42 Squier, Lee Welling. Old age dependency in the United States. A com- plete survey of the pension movement. 1912. 351.5 Sq44 United States. President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency. Re- tirement from the classified civil service of superannuated employees. 1912. 351.5 Un3p SOCIAL EVIL Bingham, Theodore A. The Girl that disappears. The real facts about the White Slave Traffic. 1911. 351.76 B513 Burgess, William. The World's Social Evil. A Historical review and study of the problems relating to the subject. 1914. 351.76 B912 Chicago Vice Commission. The Social Evil in Chicago. A study of existing conditions with recommendations. 1911. 351.76 C432 Elliott, Albert W. The Cause of the Social Evil and the Remedy. 1914. 351.76 E58 Flexner, Abraham. Prostitution in Europe. Bureau of Social Hygiene. 1914. 351.76 F639 Kneeland, George J. Commercialized prostitution in New York City. Bureau of Social Hygiene. 1913. 351.76 K733 Robins, Elizabeth. My Little Sister. 1913. 351.76 R554 Roe, Clifford G. Panders and their white slaves. 1910. 351.76 R62 Seligman, Edwin R. The Social Evil. With special reference to conditions existing in the City of New York. A report prepared (in 1902) under the direction of The Committee of Fifteen. 2d ed. revised, with new material. 1912. 351.76 Se48 Syracuse, N. Y. Moral Survey Committee. The Social Evil in Syracuse. Being the report of an investigation of the moral condition of the city conducted by the Committee of eighteen citizens. 1913. 351.76 Sy81 Willson, Robert N. The American Boy and the Social Evil. From a physician's standpoint. 1905. 351.76 W686 World's Purity Federation. The Light. Published bi-monthly. No. 91 date. May-June, 1913 date. 351.76 W893 PUBLIC DEFENDER Goldman, Mayer C. The Public Defender. A necessary factor in the ad- ministration of justice. 1917. 351.87 G569 ADMINISTRA TION 551 MUNICIPAL COURTS Philadelphia Municipal Court. Annual reports. 1st, 1914. B351.95 1 2nd-3rd. 1915-16. 351.95 P531 MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY GOVERNMENT American Society of Municipal Improvement. Proceedings. Annual Meet- ings. 6th, 8th, 10th, llth, 14th-22nd. 1899, 1901, 1903, 1904, 1907-1915. 352 Am35 Bruere, Henry. The New City Government. A discussion of municipal administration based on a survey of ten commission-governed cities. 352 B832 Gilbertson, H. S. The County. The National Short Ballot Organization. 1917. 352 G378 Hodges, LeRoy. Petersburg, Va. Economic and Municipal. Jan. 1917. 352 H666 James, Herman G. Applied City Government. The principles and practice of city charter making. 1914. 352 J233 Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Social Science, Municipal and Federal Government, v. 7. 1889. 352 J62 Lauder, Albert E. The Municipal Manual. A description of the constitu- tion and functions of urban local authorities. 1907. 352 L364 McBain, Howard Lee. The Law and the practice of municipal home rule 1916. 352 Mcl2 Munro, William Bennett. A Bibliography of Municipal Government in the United States. 1915. 352 M926 National Municipal League. Good City Government. Proceedings Annual Meetings. 1899. 1907-10. 352 N123 National Short Ballot Organization. Documents on County Government. 352 N123S New York City. Municipal Budget Exhibit. Photographic reproductions of charts and diagrams. 1911. 352 N42b New York City. Municipal Year Book. 1913, 1915, 1916. 352 N42y Pittsburgh Survey. Pittsburgh District, Civic Frontage. Russell Sage Foundation. 1914. 352 P687 Robbins, E. Clyde. Selected articles on the commission plan of municipal government. Debaters' Handbook Series. 1912. 352 R554 San Francisco. Municipal Blue Book. 1915. 352 Sa52b San Francisco. Municipal Reports. 1904-5 to date. 352 Sa52r San Francisco. Government of the City and County of S. F. Survey Report. Prepared for the S. F. Real Estate Board by Bureau of Municipal Re- search, N. Y. 1916. 352 Sa52s St. Louis, Mo. A preliminary survey of certain departments of the gov- ernment of the City of St. Louis with constructive suggestions for changes in organization and method. By Bureau of Municipal Re- search, N. Y. 1910. 352 St24 Woodruff, Clinton Rogers. City government by commission. 1911. 352 W86 552 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY CHARTERS AND ORDINANCES Beard, Charles A. Loose Leaf Digest of Short Ballot Charters. A Docu- mentary History of the Commission Form of Municipal Government. 1911. Corrected to Sept. 15, 1915. 352.003 B38 Buffalo. Charter as amended from time to time since adoption in 1891 and as now in force. 1908. Charter accepted by the electors Nov. 2/14. Operative Jan. 1/16. 352.003 B864 Eureka, CaL Charter and revised ordinances. 1911. 352.003 Eu72 Hatton, Augustus Raymond. Digest of City Charters together with other statutory and constitutional provisions relating to cities. Prepared under the direction of the Chicago Charter Convention. 1906. 352.003 H289 Kansas City, Mo. Charter and revised ordinances. 1909. 352.003 K133 Napa, CaL, Charter. Adopted Dec. 16, 1914. 352.003 N16 New York City. Charter Commission Report. 1909. Supplementary Re- port. 1909. 352.003 N42 New York City. Charter as amended to and including 1909, together with a History of Charter Making. Charter as amended to and including 1912. 352.003 N42 Sacramento, Cal. General Ordinances. Oct. 1, 1911. 352.003 Sal4 Salinas City, Cal. Charter and Ordinances. 1912. 352.003 Sa33 San Francisco. Charter of the City and County. As amended up to and including March, 1915. 352.003 Sa52 San Francisco. General Ordinances. 1853-54, May 1, 1910. Dec. 1, 1915. 352.003 Sa52o Superior, Wis. Charter and Ordinances. 1908. 352.003 Su76 Tacoma, Wash. Charter and General Ordinances. In force June 1, 1913. 352.003 Tl 19 PERIODICALS, BULLETINS American City. v. 2 date. 1910 date. 352.05 Am35 Berkeley City Club. Civic Bulletin, v. 1 date. Aug. 15/12 date. 352.05 B455 Boston City Club Bulletin, v. 6 date. Oct. 1/11 date. 352.05 B656 Chicago City Club Bulletin, v. 3 date. July 7/09 date. 352.05 C432 Los Angeles. Municipal League Bulletin. 1914 date. 352.05 L897 National Municipal Review, v. 1 date. 1912 date. 352.05 N123 Pacific Municipalities, v. 26 date. 1912 date. 352.05 PI 19 Philadelphia. City Club Bulletin, v. 1-6. 1909-1913. 352.05 P53 San Francisco. Municipal Record, v. 1 date. 1908 date. 352.05 Sa52m Texas Municipalities. Published by the League of Texas Municipalities, v. 1 date. 1914 date. 352.05 T318 Washington Municipalities. Official organ of the League of Washington Municipalities, v. 1 date. 1916 date. 352.05 W276 ADMINISTRATION 553 MUNICIPAL FINANCES Baltimore, Md. Comptroller. Annual reports. 1914 date. 352.1 B217 Baltimore, Md. Appropriations, 1917. 352.1 B217a Boston, Mass. Auditor's Reports. 1912-1913 to date. 352.1 B657 Chicago, 111. Comptroller. Report. 1914. 352.1 C432 Reports. 1915 date. B352.01 Miscl Cleveland, O. Director of Finance. General Ledger Reports. Jan. 1/1915 date. 352.1 C599 Des Moines, Iowa. Auditor. Annual reports. Mar. 31, 1909-1915. 352.1 D465 Detroit, Mich. Controller. Annual reports. 1913-4 to date. 352.1 D484 Hollander, J. H. The Financial History of Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. 1899. 352.1 H719 Los Angeles, Cal. City Auditor. Annual reports. 1911-1914. 1916. 352.1 L897 Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics. Municipal Finances. Nov. 30, 1909- Apr. 1, 1913. 352.1 M382 New York. Bureau of Municipal Research. Handbook of Municipal Ac- counting. Prepared by the Metz Fund from descriptive and critical data collected, and constructive recommendations made. 1914. 352.1 N42 New York City. Comptroller. Annual reports. 1915 date. 352.1 N42c Omaha, Neb. Financial Report. 1914 date. 352.1 Oml Philadelphia, Pa. 'Controller. Annual reports. 1912-1916. 352.1 P53 Philadelphia, Pa. Controller. Budget Statement. Oct. 1, 1914-1916. 352.1 P53b Pittsburgh, Pa. Departmental Estimates. 1914. 352.1 P687d San Francisco. Auditor. Annual reports. 1910-11 to date. 352.1 Sa52 St. Louis, Mo. Comptroller. Annual reports. April, 1911-12 to date. 352.1. St24 St. Paul, Minn. Comptroller. Annual reports. 1914 date. 352.1 St25 Tacoma, Wash. Controller. Annual reports. 1914-1916. 352.1 T119 United States. Census Bureau. Financial Statistics of cities having a popu- lation of over 30,000. 1906-7, 1909-13, 1915-1916. 352-1 Un3c Upson, Lent Dayton. Sources of Municipal Revenues in Illinois. Univer- sity of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, v. 1, Sept. 1912. 352.1 Up7 POLICE Fosdick, Raymond B. European Police Systems. Bureau of Social Hygiene. 1915. 352.2 F81 CITY AND TOWN PLANNING Adams, Thomas. Rural Planning and Development. Canada Commission of Conservation. 1917. 352.55 Adl9 Burnham, D. H. Report on the improvement and adornment of San Fran- cisco. 1905. 352.55 B935 554 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY Dunnington-Grubb, H. B. and L. A. City of Brantford, Ont. Preliminary report to the Parks Commission on future development and improve- ment. 1914. 352.55 D921 Ford, George B. City Planning Progress in the United States. 1917. Com- piled by the Committee on Town Planning of the American Institute of Architects. 352.55 F752 Garden Cities and Town Planning Association, v. 5 date. 1915 date. 352.55 G166 Hegemann, Werner. Report on a city plan for the municipalities of Oak- land and Berkeley. 1915. 352.55 H366 Hurd, Richard M. Principles of city land values. 1911. 352.55 H935 James, Harlean. The Building of Cities. Everychild's Series. 1917. 352.55 J233 National Conference on City Planning. Proceedings. 1910 date. 352.55 N213 National Conference on City Planning. The City Plan. Published quar- terly, v. 1 date. 1915 date. 352.55 N213c New York City. Reports of Heights of Buildings Commission, to the Com- mittee on the height, size and arrangement of buildings of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the City of New York. Dec. 23, 1913. 352.55 N42 New York City. Commission on Building Districts and Restrictions. Final Report. June 2/16. 352.55 N42c Nolen, John. City Planning. A series of papers presenting the essential elements of a city plan. National Municipal League Series. 1916. 352.55 N711c Nolen, John. Greater Erie. Plans and Reports for the extension and im- provement of the city. 1913. 352.55 N711e Nolen, John. Montclair. The preservation of its natural beauty and its im- provement as a residence town. 1909. 352.55 N711m Nolen, John. Replanning Reading, Pa. An industrial city of a hundred thou- sand. 1910. 352.55 N711r Olmsted, Frederick Law. Pittsburgh, Main thoroughfares and the down town district. Improvements necessary to meet the city's present and future needs. Feb., 1911. 352.55 OS Robinson, Charles Mulford. City Planning. With special reference to the planning of streets and lots. 1916. 352.55 R561 Seattle. Municipal Plans Commission. Plan of Seattle. Report submitting- report of Virgil G. Bogue. 1911. 352.55 Sel8 Shurtleff, Flavel. Carrying out the city plan. The practical application of American law in the execution of city plans. Russell Sage Foundation. 1914. .... 352.55 Sh93 St. Louis City Plan Commission. Problems of St. Louis. Being a descrip- tion from the city planning standpoint, of past and present tendencies of growth with general suggestions for impending issues and necessary future improvements. 1917. 352.55 St24 Yeomans, Alfred B. City Residential Land Development. Studies in plan- ning. Competitive plans for subdividing a typical quarter section of land in the outskirts of Chicago. Publication of the City Club of Chicago. 1916. 352.55 Y42 ADMINISTRATION 555 MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY Chittenden, H. M. The water supply of San Francisco. Report on the water supply system of the Spring Valley Water Co. 1912. 352.6 S52c Freeman, John R. The Hetch Hetchy water supply for San Francisco. 1912. 352.6 S52f Grunsky, C. E. and Marsden Manson. Reports on the water supply of San Francisco, Cal. 1900-1908. 352.6 S52g Long, Percy V. Written return of respondent to order to show cause. In the Matter of the Order issued by the Honorable Secretary of the In- terior, to the City and County of San Francisco, to show cause why certain portions of the Garfield Permit should not be revoked. 1908. 352.6 S521 O'Shaughnessy, M. M. Report on the Underground Water Supply of San Francisco County. May, 1913. 352.6 S52o Schussler, Hermann. The water supply of San Francisco, Cal. Before, during and after the Earthquake of April 18, 1906, and the subsequent conflagration. 1906. 352.6 S52scl Schussler, Hermann. Water Supply of San Francisco. The Past, Present and Future. 1908. 352.6 S52sc2 Spring Valley Water Company vs. City and County of San Francisco. Com- plainant's opening brief and argument. Rate suits 1903-6. 352.6 S52spl Spring Valley Water Company vs. City and County of San Francisco. De- fendants' Brief on final hearing. Rate suits 1903-6. 352.5 S52sp2 Spring Valley Water Company. The Future Water Supply of San Fran- cisco. Report to the Honorable the Secretary of the Interior and the Advisory Board of Engineers of the United States Army. Oct. 31, 1912. 352.6 S52sp3 Turlock & Modesto Irrigation Districts. Irrigation Development dependent on Tuolumne River Waters. 1912. 352.6 S52t United States. Congressional Record. Water Supply of San Francisco. May 29/13-Dec. 20/13. 352.5 S52uc United States. Hearings held before the Committee on public lands. San Francisco and the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. 1908. 352.6 S52uh UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT United States. Abridgement containing messages of the President of the United States to the two houses of Congress with reports of depart- ments and selections from accompanying papers. 1912-1914. 2v. each. 353.03 Un3 United States. Official Bulletin. Pub. daily under order of the President by the Committee on Public Information, v. 1 date. May 10, 1917 date. 353.05 Un3 United States. Official Postal Guide. July, 1916. July, 1917. 353.4 Un3 United States. Parcel Post Guide. 1914. With changes to June 1, 1916. 353.4 Un3p United States. Official Army and Navy Register. 1908. 353.6 Un3r United States. Official Army Register. 1916. 353.6 Un3r United States. Surgeon-General's Office, U. S. Army. Index Catalogue of the Library, v. 1-16. 1880-95. Second series, v. 1-21. 1896-1916. 353.6 Un3s United States. Navy and Marine Corps Register. 1916-1917. 353.7 Un3r 556 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY STATE GOVERNMENT Illinois. Efficiency and Economy Committee. Report 1915. 353.9 I16e Governors' Conference. Proceedings. 1912 date. 353.903 G747 ASSOCIATIONS. INSTITUTIONS CHARITIES National Conference of Charities and Correction. Proceedings, v. 16 date. 1889 date. 361 N213 National Conference of Charities and Correction. 'Cumulative Index of Proceedings. 1874-1906. 1907-11. 361 N213i New York State Board of Charities. Annual Reports. 47th date. 1913 date. 361 N42 Oklahoma State Commissioner of Charities and Corrections. 4th annual report. 1911-12. 361 Ok4 San Francisco Relief Survey. The organization and methods of relief used after the earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906. Comp. from studies by Charles J. O'Connor (and others). Russell Sage Foundation. 1913. 361 Sa52 MENTAL DEFECTIVES National Committee for Mental Hygiene. Mental Hygiene, v. 1 date. 1917 date. 362.2 N213 New York State. Report of the Commission to investigate provision for the Mentally Deficient. 1915. 362.2 N42m PAUPERISM Johnson, Alexander. The almshouse. Construction and management. Rus- sell Sage Foundation. Charities Publication Committee. 1911. 362.5 J63 National Conference on the Prevention of Destitution. Papers and Pro- ceedings, second conference. 1912. 362.5 N213 Solenberger, Alice Willard. One thousand homeless men. A study of original records. Russell Sage Foundation. Charities Publication Com- mittee. 1911. 362.5 S46 Reformatories. Criminology American Academy of Medicine. Physical bases of crime. A symposium. Papers and discussion contributed to the 38th annual meeting. June 14, 1913. 364 Am35 Brockway, Zebulon Reed, Supt. Elmira Reformatory, 1876-1900. Fifty years of Prison Service. Russell Sage Foundation. Charities Publica- tion Committee. 1912. ..364 B783 Delinquent, The. A monthly periodical published by the National Prison- ers' Aid Association, v. 4 date. 1914 date. 364 D379 Eliot, Thomas D. The Juvenile Court and the Community. American Social Progress Series. 1914. 364 E146 Goring, Charles. The English Convict. A Statistical Study. 1913. 364 G676 ASSOCIATIONS. INSTITUTIONS 557 Hart, Hastings H. Ed. Juvenile Court Laws in the United States. Rus- sell Sage Foundation. Chanties Publication Committee. 1910. 364 H252 Henderson, Charles Richmond. Ed. Correction and Prevention; prepared for the 8th International Prison Congress. 4v. 1910. Russell Sage Foundation. Charities Publication Committee. v. 1. Prison Reform. Ed. by C. R. Henderson. Criminal Law in the United States, by Eugene Smith. v. 2. Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Ed. 'by C. R. Henderson, v. 3. Preventive Agencies and Methods. By C. R. Henderson, v. 4. Preventive Treatment of Neglected Children. By H. H. Hart. 364H383 Leeson, Cecil. The Probation System. 1914. 364 L518 Los Angeles County, Cal. Report and Manual for Probation Officers of the Superior Court acting as Juvenile Court. 1912. 364 L897 Mercier, Charles. Crime and Insanity. Home University Library of Mod- ern Knowledge No. 17. 364 M537 New York Public Library. List of works relating to criminology. 1911. 364 N42 New York State Probation Commission. Manual for probation officers. 1913. 364 N42p New York State Probation Commission. Annual reports. 5th date. 1911 date. 364 N42pa New York State Reformatory, Elmira. Handbook. 1906. 364 N42r Prison Reform League. Crime and Criminals. 1910. 364 P938 United States. Census Bureau. Prisoners and Jevenile Delinquents. 1910. Bulletin 121. 364 Un3 Whittier State School. Journal of Delinquency, v. 2 date. 1917 date. 364 W618 Prisons National Prison Association. Proceedings of annual congress. 1883, 1886-1907. Name changed to American Prison Assn. 365 Am35 American Prison Association. Proceedings of annual meetings. 1908 date. 365 Am35 Bacon, Corinne. Prison Reform. Handbook Series. 1917. 365 B131 Insurance Actuarial Society of America. Proceedings, v. 1 date. 1889 date. 368 Ac88 California. Insurance Commissioner. Annual reports. 48th date. 1915 date. 368 C128 Convention Year Book. 1916. 368 C769 National Convention of Insurance Commissioners. Proceedings. 38th date. 1907 date. 368 N213 Potts, Rufus M. Insurance. Addresses and Papers. 1917. 368 P859 558 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY EDUCATION Carnegie Institution of Washington. Handbook of Learned Societies and Institutions. America. June, 1908. 370 C215 Ayres, Leonard P. 'Child accounting in the public schools. Cleveland Edu- cation Survey. 1915. 370 C599ca Ayres, Leonard P. The Cleveland School Survey. Summary volume. Cleveland Education Survey. 1917. 370 C599cs Perry, Clarence Arthur. Educational Extension. Cleveland Education Sur- vey. 1916. 370 C599e Clark, Earle. Financing the public schools. Cleveland Education Survey. 1915. 370 C599f Judd, Charles Hubbard. Measuring the work of the public schools. Cleve- land Education Survey. 1916. 370 C599m Bobbitt, Franklin. What the schools teach and might teach. Cleveland Education Survey. 1915. 370 C599w Button, Samuel Train and David Snedden. The administration of public education in the United States. 1910. 370 D954 Educational Review. Analytical Index to v. 1-25. 1891-1903. Ed. by Nicholas Murray Butler. 370 Ed83 Jenks, Jeremiah W. Citizenship and the schools. 1909. 370 J424 Leathes, Stanley. What is education? 1913. 370 L485 New York. General Education Board. Public education in Maryland. A report to the Maryland Educational Survey Commission. 1916. 370 M369 Metcalfe, Tristram Walker. Educational Data. Survey of the New York Public Schools. Clippings from N. Y. Globe and Commercial Adver- tiser. Oct. 5/15-July 25/16. 370 M565 Moore, Ernest Carroll. How New York City Administers its Schools. A constructive study. School Efficiency Series. 1913. 370 M782 National Educational Association. Index by authors, titles and subjects to the publications. 1857-1906. 370 N213i United States. Bureau of Education. Bulletin 1915, No. 47. Digest of State Laws relating to public education in force Jan. 1, 1915. 370 Un3d United States. Bureau of Education. The public school system of San 'Francisco. 1917. (Typewritten.) 370 Un3s Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Annual report of President and Treasurer. 5th date. 1910 date. Index of first ten annual reports. 1906-1915. 371.1 C215 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Bulletins, nos. 5-10. 1910-1917. 371.1 C215b Academic and Industrial Efficiency, by M. L. Cooke. Medical Education in Europe, by Abraham Flexner. A study of education in Vermont. Law and the Case. Method in American University Law Schools, by Dr. Jos. Redlich. A comprehensive plan of insurance and annuities for college teachers, by Henry S. Pritchett. Federal aid for vocational education, by I. L. Kandel. EDUCATION 559 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Bishop, Wm. G. A short course in business training for normal schools, high schools, common schools, teachers and independent students. 1912. 371.42 B54 Canada. Royal Commission on Industrial Training and Technical Educa- tion. Commissioners' Report. 4v. 1913. 371.42 C16 Chicago City Club. A report on vocational training in Chicago and in other cities. By a sub-committee of the Committee on Public Educa- tion. 1910-11. 371.42 C432 Lutz, R. R. Wage earning and education. Cleveland Education Survey. 1916. 371.42 C599w Crane, R. T. The utility of all kinds of higher schooling. 1909. 371.42 CBS Dearie, N. B. Industrial training, with special reference to the conditions prevailing in London. 1914. 371.42 D347 Indiana State Board of Education. Educational Bulletins, nos. 18, 19, 21. Report of the Richmond, Indiana, Survey for Vocational Education. Dec. 1/16. Report of the Evansville, Indiana, Survey for Vocational Education. Jan. 1/17. Report of the Indianapolis, Indiana, Survey for Vocational Education. 2v. Jan. 1/17. 371.42 In2 Kerschensteiner, Georg. The idea of the industrial school. 1913. 371.42 K472 Lapp, John A. and Carl H. Mote. Learning to earn. A plea and a plan for vocational education. 1915. 371.42 L318 Laselle, Mary A. and Katherine E. Wiley. Vocations for girls. 1913. 371.42 L334 McKeever, William A. The industrial training of the boy. 1914. 371.42 M194 National Association of Corporation Schools. Annual conventions. 1st- 3rd. 1913-15. 371.42 N213a National Association of Corporation Schools. Bulletins, v. 3 date. 1916 date. 371.42 N213b Russell, James E. and Frederick G. Bonser. Industrial education. 1912. 371.42 R925 Washington, Booker T. Working with the hands. Being a sequel to "Up from Slavery," covering the author's experiences in industrial training at Tuskegee. 1904. 371.42 W276 Weaver, E. E. Vocations for girls. 1913. 371.42 W379 Women's Municipal League of Boston. Handbook of opportunities for vocational training in Boston. April, 1913. 371.42 W84 SCHOOL PREMISES Greene, M. Louise. Among School Gardens. Russell Sage Foundation. Charities Publication Committee. 1911. 371.6 G834 Perry, Clarence Arthur. Wider use of the school plant. Russell Sage Foundation. Charities Publication Committee. 1911. 371.6 P429 560 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY SCHOOL HYGIENE American Academy of Medicine. Conservation of School Children. Being papers and discussions of a conference. April, 1912. 371.7 Am35 Ayres, L. P. Open air schools. 1911. 371.7 Ay74 Cruickshank, Lewis D. School Clinics at home and abroad. National League for Physical Education and Improvement. 1913. 371.7 C888 Gulick, Luther H. and Leonard P. Ayres. Medical inspection of schools. Russell Sage Foundation. Charities Publication Committee. 1908. 371.7 G951 International Congress on School Hygiene. 4th. 5v. 1913. 371.7 In8 McCann, Alfred W. Vital questions and answers concerning 15,000,000 physically defective children. 1913. 371.7 M126 Putnam, Helen C. School Janitors, Mothers and Health. 1913. 371.7 P983 EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN Ayres, Leonard P. Laggards in our schools. A study of retardation and elimination in city school systems. Russell Sage Foundation. Charities Publication Committee. 1909. 371.9 Ay74 NEGRO EDUCATION United States, Bureau of Education. Bulletins 1916, nos. 38-39. Negro Education. A study of the private and higher schools for colored people in the United States. 371.973 Un3 DEBATES University Debaters' Annual. Constructive and Rebuttal Speeches delivered in Debates of American Colleges and Universities during the College Year, 1916-17. 374.24 Un3 UNIVERSITIES University of California. Directory of Graduates of the University of Cali- fornia. 1864-1916. 378 C128ud University of California. Biennial report of the President. 1904-6 to 1910-12. Annual reports. 1912-13 to date. 378 Cl28up University of California. Register. 1910-11 to date. 378 Cl28ur Stanford Register. Leland Stanford Junior University. 1911-12 date. 378 St24r University of Washington. University Extension Journal, v. 1. 1914. 378.13 W276 PUBLIC EDUCATION Massachusetts Board of Education. Annual reports. 76th date. 1911-12 to date. 379.9 M382 New York City. General Education Board. An account of its activities. 1902-14. Report of the Secretary. 1914-15. 1915-16. 379.9 N42g New York State. Education Department. Annual reports. 1911-1915. 379.9 N42se United States. Commissioner of Education. Annual reports. 1910 date. 379.9 Un3 COMMERCE 561 COMMERCE PUBLIC UTILITIES California. Public Utilities Act. Compiled by Louis Sloss & Co. 1912. 380.1 C128 Grunsky, C. E. and C. E. Jr. Valuation, Depreciation and the Rate-Base. 1917. 380.1 G927 King, Clyde Lyndon.. The regulation of municipal utilities. National Mu- nicipal League Series. 1912. 380.1 K58 Maryland. Public Service Commission. Annual reports. 1910 date. 380.1 M368 Massachusetts. Public Service Commission. Annual reports. 1913 date. 380.1 M382 Morgan, Joy E. and Edna D. Bullock. Selected articles on Municipal Own- ership. Debaters' Handbook Series. 1911. 380.1 M822 National Civic Federation. Municipal and Private Operation of Public Utilities. Report. 3v. 1907. 380.1 N213 New Jersey. Board of Public Utility Commissioners. Annual reports. 1912 date. Statistics for years 1914-1915. 380.1 N4 New York State. Public Service Commission for the First District. An- nual reports. 1909-1915. 380.1 N42-1 New York State. Public Service Commission for the Second District. An- nual reports. 1909 date. 380.1 N42-2 New York State. Public Service Commission for the Second District. Re- ports of Decisions, v. 4-5. 1915-1916. 380.1 N42-2d San Francisco. Book of Franchises. 1910. 380.1 Sa52 Vermont. Public Service Commission. Report. 1916. 380.1 V592 Wilcox, Delos F. Municipal franchises. A description of the terms and conditions upon which private corporations enjoy special privileges in the streets of American cities. 2v. 1910. 380.1 W643 Domestic Trade International Congress of Chambers of Commerce. 1910-1912. 381 In8 San Francisco. Merchants Association Review, v. 2. 11-15. 1907-11. 381.05 Sa52a San Francisco. Chamber of Commerce. Journal, v. 1-2. 1912-13. 381.05 Sa52c San Francisco. Chamber of Commerce. Activities, v. 1 date. 1914 date. 381.05 SaSZca Foreign Trade United States. Daily Consular and Trade Reports. 1912-1914. 382 Un3 United States. Commerce Reports. 1915 date. 382 Un3 Telegraph. Telephone American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Commission Telephone Cases. 4v. 1907-12. 384 Am35 562 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY Railroads Acworth, W. M. The elements of railway economics. 1905. 385 Ac99 California. Railroad Commission. Annual reports. 1912-13 to date. 385 C128 California. Railroad Commission. Opinions and Orders. 1911 date. 385 C128o Massachusetts Railroad Commissioners. Annual reports. 1910-1912. Index- Digest of the Reported Decisions, Precedents and General Principles. 1870-1911. (Cont'd in Mass. Pub. Service Com. Reports.) 385 M382 National Association of Railway Commissioners. 1889-1911. 1914 date. 385 N213 Phelps, Edith M. Selected articles on Government Ownership of Rail- roads. Debaters' Handbook Series. 1912. 385 P512 United States. Interstate Commerce Commission. Annual reports. 2d. 4th date. 1888. 1890 date. 385 Un3 United States. Senate Interstate Commerce Committee Hearings. Pur- suant to a resolution directing the committee to investigate and report desirable changes in the laws regulating, and controlling corporations, persons and firms engaged in interstate commerce. 2v. 1912. 385 Un3h Canals Johnson, E. R. Panama Canal. Traffic and Tolls. 1912. 386 J631 United States. Isthmian Canal Commission. Annual reports. 1910-14. Governor of the Panama Canal. Annual reports. 1915 date. 386 Un3pa United States Senate. Panama Canal. Hearings before the Committee on Interoceanic Canals. 1912. 386 UnSph River and Ocean Transportation International Association of Navigation Congresses. Report of Proceed- ings and Section Reports. 10th-12th Congresses. 1905. 1908. 1912. 387 In8 International Association of Navigation Congresses. Bibliographic Notes. 387 In8b International Association of Navigation Congresses. Programmes of the Proceedings, Names of the Reports, Suggestions and Conclusions of the twelve International Navigation Congresses. 1885-1912. 387 In8p National Rivers and Harbors Congress. 1911. 1912. 1914. 387 N213 United States. Census Bureau. Special Reports. Transportation by water. 1906. 387 Un3c United States. Commissioner of Navigation. Annual reports. 1906. 1911 date. 387 Un3n Wright, Benjamin C. San Francisco's Ocean Trade. Past and Future. A story of the deep water service of San Francisco. 1848-1911. Effect the Panama Canal will have upon it. 1911. 387 W931 COMMERCE 563 Harbors Clapp, Edwin J. The Port of Hamburg. 1911. 387.2 C535 Liverpool, The Port of. Its Rise and Progress. 387.2 L756 Williams, R. The First Year's Working of the Liverpool Docks Scheme. 1914. 387.2 L756w Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners. The Port of Los Angeles. Annual reports. 1913-1915. 1915-16. 387.2 L897 Massachusetts Harbor and Land Commissioners. Annual reports. 1913- 1915. 387.2 M382 Massachusetts Commission on Waterways and Public Lands. (Consoli- dating Harbor and Land Commission and Directors of the Port of Boston.) 1st annual report. 1916. 387.2 M382 New York City. Department of Docks and Ferries. Annual reports. 1910 date. 387.2 N42 New York State Commission to Investigate Port Conditions. The com- merce and other business of the waterways of the State of New York, their relation to the port of New York and the ports of the world. April 1, 1914. 387.2 N42c Potts, W. J. Dues and Port Charges Throughout the World. 3y. 1914. v. 1. Europe and Africa, v. 2. America, Asia and Australasia, v. 3. United Kingdom. 387.2 P538 Van Ysselsteyn, H. A. The Port of Rotterdam. 3d ed. 1908. 387.2 V39 Internal Waterways United States. Examination and Survey of Sacramento River, California, from its Mouth to Feather River. 1909. 387.3 UnSsc United States. Reports of Examination and Survey of San Joaquin River, Stockton Channel, etc., from San Francisco Bay to Stockton, Cal. 1908. 387.3 Un3sj City Transit Arnold, Bion J. Report on Railroad Terminals, City of Chicago. Nov., 1913. 388 Ar64c Arnold, Bion J. Report on the Pittsburgh Transportation Problem. 1910. 388 Ar64p Arnold, Bion J. Report on transpotation facilities of San Fancisco. March, 1913. 388 Ar64s Hooker, George Ellsworth. Through Routes for Chicago Steam Railroads. The best means for attaining popular and comfortable travel for Chi- cago and suburbs. 1914. Pub. by City Club of Chicago. 388 H764 Philadelphia. Department of City Transit. Annual report. 1915. 388 P53 Weights and Measures United States Bureau of Standards. State and National Laws concerning Weights and Measures of the United States. 2d ed. 1912. 389 Un3s 564 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY USEFUL ARTS Expositions San Francisco. The Legacy of the Exposition. Interpretation of Intel- lectual and Moral Heritage Left to Mankind by the Celebration at San Francisco in 1915. June, 1916. 606 Sa52 MEDICINE SEX EDUCATION Galloway, T. W. Biology of Sex. For Parents and Teachers. 1913. 612.6 G138 Geddes, Patrick and J. Arthur Thompson. Sex. Home University Library of Modern Knowledge. No. 85. 1914. 612.6 G267 Hall, Winfield S. The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduc- tion. Also Sexual Hygiene. With special reference to the male. 1911. 612.6 Hl49r Hamilton, Cosmo. A plea for the younger generation. An intimate talk on the vital question of telling the truth to children from an altogether human and utterly unscientific point of view. 1913. 612.6 HIS Lowry, E. B. Teaching sex hygiene in the public schools. 1914. 612.6 L955 Lyttleton, Hon. E. Training of the young in laws of sex. 1910. 612.6 L989 Morley, Margaret W. The renewal of life. How and when to tell the story to the young. 1912. 612.6 M827 Sperry, Lyman B. Confidential talks with young women. 1898. 612.6 Sp37 Steinhardt, I. D. Ten sex talks to boys. Ten years and older. 1914. 612.6 St35b Steinhardt, I. D. Ten sex talks to girls. Fourteen years and older. 1914. 612.6 St35g Wile, Ira S. Sex Education. 1912. 612.6 W648 Willson, Robert N. The education of the young in sex hygiene. A text- book for parents and teachers. 1913. 612.6 W686 Social Hygiene American Social Hygiene Association. Social Hygiene. Pub. quarterly, v. 1 date. Dec., 1914 date. 613 Am35 Cabot, Richard C. The Christian Approach to Social Morality. Three lectures on the consecration of the affections and report of the Corn- mission on Social Morality. National Board Young Women's Chris- tian Associations. 1913. 613 C112 Creighton, Louise. The Social Disease and How to Fight It. A Rejoinder 1914. 613 C862 Foster, William Trufant. Ed. The Social Emergency. Studies in sex hygiene and morals. With an introduction by Charles W. Eliot. 1914. 613 F819 Hall, Geo. F. Sexology, or startling sins of the sterner sex. 1892. 613 H142 Hall, Winfield S. From Youth Into Manhood. 1910. 613 Hl49f Michels, Robert. Sexual Ethics. A Study of Borderland Questions. 1914. 613 M582 Morrow, Prince A. Social Disease and Marriage. 1904. 613 M834 USEFUL ARTS 565 EUGENICS International Eugenics Congress. Problems in Eugenics. Papers of 1st Congress. 1912. 613.9 In8 PUBLIC HEALTH Bersford, Thomas. Theories and Facts for Students of Longevity and Health. 1908. 614 B452 Crane, Caroline Bartlett. Report on a Campaign to Awaken Public Interest in Sanitary and Sociologic Problems in the State of Minnesota. 1911. 614 C85 Mears, J. Ewing. The Triumph of American Medicine in the Construction of the Panama Canal. 1911. 614 M463 Godfrey, Hollis. The Health of the City. 1910. 614 G543 American Journal of Public Health. Pub. by American Public Health As- sociation, v. 6 date. 1916 date. 614.05 Am35 American Academy of Medicine. Bulletin, v. 14-15. 1913-1914. Journal of Sociologic Medicine, v. 16 date. 1915 date. 614.06 Am35m California State Board of Health. Bulletin, v. 10 date. 1914-15 to date. 614.06 C128 International Congress on Hygiene and Demography. 15th. 9v. 1913. 614.06 In8c Massachusetts State Board of Health. Annual reports. 1908-1910. 1912- 1915. 614.06 M382 United States Public Health Service. Organization, powers and duties of health authorities. An analysis of the laws and regulations relating thereto in force in the United States. By J. W. Kerr and A. A. Moll. 1912. 614.09 Un3k United States Public Health Service. Municipal Ordinances, Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Public Health. Adopted by cities of the United States having a population of over 10,000 in 1910. 1912-1914. 614.09 Un3m VITAL STATISTICS Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors and the Actuarial Society of America. Medico-Actuarial Mortality Investigation. 2v. 1912. 614.1 As78 INFANT MORTALITY American Association for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality.. An- nual meetings. 1st date. 1910 date. 614.132 Am35 MILK American Association of Medical Milk Commissioners.. Annual Sessions. 1909-1916. 614.32 Am35 United States Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. Milk and its relation to the public health. By various authors. 1908. 614.32 Un3 566 CA TAL OGUE OF CLUB LIBRAE Y CONTAGIOUS DISEASES United States Public Health Service. Communicable diseases: An analysis of the laws and regulations for the control thereof in force in the United States. By J. W. Kerr and A. A. Moll. 1914. 614.4 Un3k PLAGUES San Francisco Board of Health. Eradicating plague from San Francisco. ^Report of the Citizens' Health Committee and an account of its work. March 31, 1909. 614.49 Sa52 TUBERCULOSIS Carrington, Thomas Specs. Fresh air and how to use it. National Asso- ciation for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. 1914. 616.246 C235 Massachusetts. Tuberculosis in Massachusetts. Prepared by the Massa- chusetts State Committee for the International Congress on Tubercu- losis, held in Washington, D. C, Sept. 21-Oct. 12, 1908. 616.246 M382 National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis.. Tu- berculosis Directory, containing a list of institutions, associations and other agencies dealing with tuberculosis in the United States and Canada. 1911. 616.246 N213 National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. An- nual meetings. 1915-1916. 616.246 N213p PARASITES Howard, L. O. The House Fly. Disease Carrier. An account of its dan- gerous activities and of the means of destroying it. 1911. 616.968 H834 ENGINEERING California Department of Engineering. 5th Biennial Report. 1914-16. 620 C128 Mining California State Mining Bureau. Bulletins 63, 68-70. 1913-1915. Petroleum in Southern California; Mineral Statistics for 1913, County Maps-Min- ing Laws; Petroleum Industry of California; Mineral Production for 1914, with Mining Law Appendix. 622 C128 Fuel California State Council of Defense. Report of Committee on Petroleum. 1917. 622.33 Cl28d Highways American Road Congress. Papers, Addresses and Resolutions. 1911-1914. 625.7 Am35p Pan-American Road Congress. Proceedings. 1915. 625.7 Am35pa American Association for Highway Improvement. Good Roads Year Book. 1912-1916. 625.7 Am35y USEFUL ARTS 567 International Association of Road Congresses. Proceedings and reports. 3rd Congress. 1913. 625.7 In8 Massachusetts Highway Commission.. Annual reports. 1893. 1896-1910. 1912 date. 625.7 M382 New York State Commission of Highways. Annual reports. 1909-1910. 1912. 1914. 1915. 625.7 N42 Water Power Beaver River Power Co. vs. United States. Briefs concerning water rights and rights of way under acts of Congress and State Statutes. 1915. 627 B386 Canada Department of the Interior. Water Powers of Canada. Water Resources Paper No. 16. 1916. 627 C16 Pierce, Henry J. Looking squarely at the water power problem. 627 P61 United States Commissioner of Corporations. Report on Water Power Development in the United States. March 14, 1912. 627 Un3 United States. Congressional Record. Articles on Water Power. Feb. 7/13-Mar. 17/16. Dec., 1916-Mar. 1917. 627 Un3c United States. Secretary of Agriculture. Electric Power Development in the United States. Letter transmitting report, in response to a Senate Resolution of Feb. 13, 1915, as to the ownership and control of the water power sites in the United States. 3 parts. 1916. 627 Un3s FLOODS United States Senate. Report on the Mississippi River Floods by the Com- mittee on Commerce. 1898. 627.5 Un3m United States. Secretary of War. Flood Control Sacramento and San Joaquin River Systems, Cal. 1911. 627.5 Un3s Sanitary Engineering WATER SUPPLY California State Water Commission. Report 1912. 1914. 1917. 628.1 C128 New York City. Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Re- port of Delos F. Wilcox in relation to the Queens County Water Com- pany, June 1, 1915. 628.1 N42 Pennsylvania Water Supply Commission. Annual reports. 1909-1915. 628.1 P384 Sacramento, Cal. A report upon possible sources of water supply for the City of Sacramento. April 15, 1916. By Charles Oilman Hyde. George H. Wilhelm and Frank C. Miller. 628.1 Sal4 United States Geological Survey. Water Supply Papers. Water Resources of California, pts. 1-3. 1912-13. 628.1 Un3g SEWERAGE New York City. Metropolitan Sewerage Commission. Reports. Aug. 1/12. Apr. 30/14. 628.2 N42 568 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY AGRICULTURE Adams, Edward F. The Modern Farmer. A study of some modern eco- nomic and social conditions from the standpoint of the farmer. 1899. 630 A17 Bailey, L. H. York State Rural Problems. 2v. 1913. 630 B153 Pratt, Edwin A. Agricultural organization. Its rise, principles and prac- tice abroad and at home. 1912. 630 P888 RURAL CREDITS Bullock, Edna D. Agricultural Credits. The Handbook Series. 1915. 630.332 B876 Great Britain. Report to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries of an enquiry into agricultural credit and agricultural co-operation in Ger- many, with some notes on German Live Stock Insurance. By J. R. Cahill. 1913. 630.332 G798 Herrick, Myron T. and R. Ingalls. Rural 'Credits. Land and co-operative. 1914. 630.332 H434 United States. Agricultural co-operation and rural credit in Europe. In- formation and evidence secured by the American Commission. 3v. 1913. 630.332 Un3 United States, Congressional Record. Articles on Rural Credits. Feb., 1913-Aug., 1916. Dec., 1916-Mar. 1917. 630.332 Un3c AGRICULTURAL CO-OPERATION New York State Department of Agriculture. Special report of New York State Delegates on the American Commission for the Study of Agri- cultural Co-operation in Europe. 1914. 630.334 N42 Poe, Clarence. How farmers co-operate and double profits. 1915. 630.334 P753 Russell, George W. Co-operation and nationality. A guide for rural re- formers from this to the next generation. 1913. 630.334 R913 Wolff, Henry W. Co-operation in Agriculture. 1912. 630.334 W833 SOCIETIES California State Board of Agriculture. Annual Statistical Reports. 1913 date. 630.6 C128 United States Department of Agriculture and Experiment Stations. Misc. Bulletins. 1889-1905. 630.6 Un3b United States Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations. Annual reports. 1902-1915. 630.6 Un3e United States Department of Agriculture. Yearbooks. 1904. 1906-15. 630.6 Un3y USEFUL ARTS 569 IRRIGATION Adams, Frank. Irrigation resources of California and their utilization. United States Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Sta- tions. Bulletin 254. Issued June 14, 1913. 631.1 A17 Mead, Elwood. Report of irrigation investigations in California. United States Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations. 1901. 631.1 M461 United States Geological Survey. Water Supply and Irrigation Papers. 1904-5. 631,1 Un3g SOILS Bailey, Gilbert Ellis. Introduction to the soils of California. 1913. 631.2 B152 FORESTRY United States Bureau of Forestry- Investigation of the Department of the Interior and of the Bureau of Forestry. 13v. 1911. 634.9 Un3 FINE ARTS AMUSEMENTS Edwards, Richard Henry. Popular Amusements. Studies in American Social Conditions. 8. 1915. 790 Ed98 Johnson, George E. Education through recreation. Cleveland Education Survey. 1916. 790 J632 McCormick, William. The boy and his clubs. 1912. 790 M136 Playground Association of America. Proceedings. 1907-9. 790 P699 Playground Association of America. The Playground, v. 4 date. 1910 date. 790 P699 Gulick, Luther H. The Healthful Art of Dancing. 1911. 793 G951 Perry, Clarence Arthur. Community center activities. Russell Sage Foun- dation. Department of Recreation. 1916. 790.1 P429 Ward, Edward J. The Social Center. National Municipal League Series. 1913. 790.1 W211 HISTORY Directories San Francisco Blue Book. 1913. 1915. 1917. 910 Sa52b San Francisco Commercial Club. By-laws, House Rules, Officers and Members. 1916. 910 Sa52c San Francisco Directory. 1911-1914. 1916 date. 910 Sa52d Who's Who in America, v. 8-9. 1914-15. 1916-17. 910 W62 Block Book San Francisco Block Book. 2v. 1906-7. 912.794 Sa52 570 CATALOGUE OF CLUB LIBRARY History Gleason, Arthur. Inside the British Isles. Changes and prospects of change wrought by the war in the social fabric of Great Britain. 1917. 914.2 G741 Estournelles De Constant, Paul H. B. d'. America and her problems. 1915. 917.3 Es87 Collected Diplomatic Documents Relating to the Outbreak of the European War. 1915. 940.913 C686 New York Times. Current History. The European War. v. 1. From the Beginning to March, 1915. 940.913 N42 United States Bureau of American Ethnology. Handbook of American Indians. North of Mexico. 2 pts. 1906-10. 970.1 Un3h American Historical Association. Annual reports. 1910-13. 973 Am35 Alameda County, Cal. Centennial Year Book. 1876. 979.4 Allc Alameda County, Cal. History, including its geology, topography, soil and productions. 1883. 979.4 Allg Alameda County, Cal. A History from its formation to the present. Its resources and many thriving industries. 1898. 979.4 Allh Eldredge, Zoeth Skinner. History of California. The rise and progress of an American State. 5v. 1915. 979.4 E24 Young, John P. Journalism in California. Pacific Coast and Exposition Biographies. 1915. 979.4 Y86j Young, John P. San Francisco. The Pacific Coast Metropolis. 2v. 1912. 979.4 Y86s TRANSACTIONS OF THE COMMONWEALTH CLUB OF CALIFORNIA A full list of the published Transactions of the Commonwealth Club of California will be found in the Progress Report for 1915, pages 603-605. A few numbers of Vols. II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX are still available. Also the following, which may be had by members and libraries at cost: Volume X No. 1. Rural Credits, January, 1915. Pp. 91. 19c. No. 2. The State's Delinquents, March, 1915. Pp. 55. 18c. No. 3. Appointment of Judges, April, 1915. Pp. 31. 12c. No. 4. State Commission Markets, May, 1915. Pp. 16. 12c. No. 5. The Land Settlement Bill, May, 1915. Pp. 42, 12c. No. 6. The Bay Cities Water Problem, June, 1915. Pp. 37. 12c. No. 7. Changes in Civil Procedure, July, 1915. Pp. 8. lie. No. 8. Exposition Day Addresses, July, 1915. Pp. 18. lie. No. 9. The County Hospital Problem, July, 1915. Pp. 42. 12c. No. 10. Exposition Architecture, August, 1915. Pp. 49, illustrated. 13c. No. 11. Dinner to ex-President Taft, September, 1915. Pp. 28. lie. No. 12. Constitutional Amendments of 1915 and Non-partisan Acts, Octo- ber, 1915. Pp. 62. 18c. No. 13. Fine Arts at the Exposition, November, 1915. Pp. 20. lie. No. 14. The City Manager Plan, December, 1915. Pp. 40. 12c. No. 15. Military Preparedness, January, 1916. Pp. 53. 18c. No. 16. Progress Report for 1915, January, 1916. Pp. 77. Volume XI No. 1. The Malaria Problem, March, 1916. Pp. 40. 12c. No. 2. Appellate Courts, May, 1916. Pp. 54. 18c. No. 3. A Bay Cities Water District, July, 1916. Pp. 78. 19c. No. 4. Municipal Elections, August, 1916. Pp. 60. 18c. No. 5. The State Highways Act, September, 1916. Pp. 51. 18c. No. 6. The Prohibition Amendments, October, 1916. Pp. 46. 12c. No. 7. The Land Tax Amendment, October, 1916. Pp. 42. 12c. No. 8. Land Settlement in California, December, 1916. Pp. 97. 19c. No. 9. The Twilight Zone of Authority, December, 1916. Pp. 135. 30c. No. 10. Progress Report for 1916, January, 1917. Pp. 82. Volume XII No. 1. The Land Settlement Bill of 1917, March, 1917. Pp. 66. 19c. No. 2. Scientific Research, April, 1917. Pp. 49. 12c. No. 3. The Russian Revolution, May, 1917. Pp. 30. 12c. No. 4. The Health Insurance Amendment, June, 1917. Pp. 56. 18c. No. 5. War Finance, June, 1917. Pp. 52. 17c. No. 6. Civilian Organization for War, July, 1917. Pp. 49. 12c. No. 7. Oriental Trade, September, 1917. Pp. 36. 12c. No. 8. Hetch Hetchy Construction, October, 1917. Pp. 46. 12c. No. 9. Science in Mobilization, November, 1917. Pp. 28. 12c. No. 10. Schools of San Francisco, December, 1917. Pp. 65. 18c. No. 11. Industrial Unrest, December, 1917. Pp. 4P. 12c. No. 12. Catalogue of Club Library, January, 1918. Pp. 40. 12c. A few bound copies of Volumes III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI are for sale at the office of the Secretary at $2.50 each. Index to any yol- tunc from II to XI can be furnished. Manu/tttuitd l%t eAYLORO 8RO$. U*. Syr.cu.., N. Y. Stockton, Clf. Z881 S231c A 000 901 789 8