^lii'it'U' 'li-Hli ^ !i!>n-!H'!!f ;•!•;■;.; . i^'M\mu'.ru]:\-::i » GIFT or Contents. ^ The prophecy. 1794. By Dr. Timothy Dwight. (Poem). *^ Assernblv bill no. 49. Introduced by Mr. Holden Dec. 18, 1865. An act to establish an agricultural anc mechanical arts college in Sonoma County. •^3 Agricultural college. Address of Hon. A. A. Sargenl Sept. 21, 1865. t^4. Report of the Committee cof the Senates on /State university to whom was referred memorial of the Mechanics institute of San Francisco. Feb. 10, If Mining sdhools in, the U. S., by J. A. Church. 1871. (U.C. P.21-'' ----- Jan. 1R71). (u,C, p^2}.-22y (Repr. fr. 'North American review. ^ Report con the Oakland college block property. Nov.] 1871. ^ Our state university and th« aspirant to the preside cby Gustavus Schultei 1872. '^ Columbia's wrath, not sparing the Regents of the Sts university of California coy Gustavus Schulte 187^ \^ The resip^nation of the Board of regents, (the ex-ofi members excepted) dictated by a sense of honor and duty cby Gustavus Schulte ^ 1874, ^0 Reply of D. C. ^ilman to criticisms of the Univ. of California made by the Rev. Robert Patterson, of Oakland. cl8733 (With two letters concerning same, wil Report on the water supply of the Univ. of Californ: cby Frank Soule,jr.:» 1874, vl2 Report on the water supply of the Univ. of Calif orm cby a special committee of the Regents 3 Dec. 1877, kI3 Report of the Committees on pu- lie buildings and grounds of the Senate and Assembly, c 1875-76 3. *^14 Majority and minority reports of the Senate committf on education relative to Assembly bill no. 374, cl875-765 (Concerning abolition of Board of regenl etc. 3). *46 Report of the Com-^ittee on education to the As^embl^ !2d session. cl878i. ^6 Report' of the Senate committee on ediacation. Feb. 1,1 »^17 Report of the cAssemblyi committee on education. Fel 1883. 18 Report of cA's^aemblvD committee on Agricultural, Minn and Mechanics arts college. Feb. 13, 1883. 00 bO XT. ■n J2 P O — - •-" O O /-, '-' *» O p. c- ?r- o P- C»^^ CO r I »5 s o Cu !3 ^ o 2 s o 5 p OD o 3 o 3 P o •— ' o p o i 3 p- c" QD 1^ l-K c ^ t-J c-t- ^. p O ^ 2 o o p- o o 5" p p QD c o c-^ c-t- •-^) o C o- o ^ o •-J "•"* o P- o r+- 3 O crq P- C QD o P O C -. P °i p tr o p o E- > ^ 3 ?3 ■^ 3 o c^ XTj O c;+^ 3 o P o QD EL cr P w o o > o ^ ■ •-b , o' r^ P o o cr^ C o o o o *<< 'jV o c-^ c g" — 3 o -; O ^ 3 •z, ^_ p- o s;iji;j:| 1 ■ *• I' >' i' ■ ,):?t>:'r;;'? ) liiijiillll i •I' ^^^^B^»v- .^>N *>ji; ll 1 11 1 :ijUu5i i 'i j| mc^M i; mm ja |H^^pT** r^'