CAUF(%, ^OKAIIF(% ^lOSANCHflu a c T O 1 3 V O u_ ^ O O 1* -F o C ~ fe ^ -n -> I \ CO \ I I 1 * O Qj T O O I s 8 * E-UNIVERS/A San Francisco Public Library F IND I NG L I ST OF MUSIC SAN FRANCISCO 1912 San Francisco Public Library F I ND I NG L I ST OF MUSIC AND THE LITERATURE OF MUSIC SAN FRANCISCO 1912 The Hicks-Judd Co., Printers, 51-65 First St., San Francisco, Cal. pbrary SUfFF CONTENTS PART I. Music Alphabetical arrangement (according to composers) 5 Subject arrangement 24 Instrumental music 24 Pianoforte. Two hands 24 Dance music. Two hands 29 Pianoforte. Four hands 29 Pianoforte. Two pianos. Four hands 34 Pianoforte. Two pianos. Eight hands 34 Pianoforte. Instruction and study 34 Organ 35 Piano and Violin 35 Violin. Instruction and study 35 Piano and Flute 35 Flute. Instruction and study 35 Violoncello. Instruction and study 35 Mandolin and Guitar. Instruction and study 35 Chamber music 35 Orchestral music 35 Vocal music 35 Operas 35 Operettas ; Cantatas 39 Song collections (by individual composers) 39 Song collections (by various composers) 40 Part-songs 41 Songs for children 41 Church music 41 Oratorios ; Sacred cantatas 41 Masses 41 Hymns ; Anthems ; Motets 42 Singing and voice culture 42 PART II. LITERATURE OF Music General works 43 Bibliography 43 Dictionaries 43 Periodicals ; Societies 43 History 43 Criticism ; Essays 44 Theory ; Science ; Esthetics 44 Harmony ; Counterpoint 45 Musicians 45 General biography 45 Individual biography 46 Orchestral music 49 Musical instruments (including instruction and study) 50 General works 50 Pianoforte 50 Organ 50 Violin 51 Harp 51 Flute 51 Pianola 51 Vocal music 51 Opera 51 Songs 52 Church music 52 Singing and voice culture 52 TABLE OF KEYS English German Cb major Ces dur C major C dur C minor C moll C$ major Cis dur CJt minor Cis moll Db major Des dur D major D dur D minor D moll DJ minor Dis moll Eb major Es dur Eb minor Es moll E major E dur E minor E moll F major F dur F minor F moll FJ major Fis dur F# minor Fis moll Gb major Ges dur G major G dur G minor G moll GJ minor Gis moll Ab major As dur Ab minor As moll A major A dur A minor A moll AJt minor Ais moll Bb major B dur Bb minor B moll B major H dur B minor H moll French Ut bemol majeur Ut majeur Ut mineur Ut diese majeur Ut di&se mineur R6 b6mol majeur R6 majeur R mineur R di&se mineur Mi bemol majeur Mi b6mol mineur Mi majeur Mi mineur Fa majeur Fa mineur Fa diese majeur Fa diese mineur Sol b6mol majeur Sol majeur Sol mineur Sol diese mineur La bfemol majeur La bemol mineur La majeur La mineur La diese mineur Si bemol majeur Si bfemol mineur Si majeur Si mineur Signature 7 flats No signature 3 flats 7 sharps 4 sharps 5 fiats 2 sharps 1 flat 6 sharps 3 flats 6 flats 4 sharps 1 sharp 1 flat 4 flats 6 sharps 3 sharps 6 flats 1 sharp 2 flats 5 sharps 4 flats 7 flats 3 sharps No signature 7 sharps 2 flats 5 flats 5 sharps 2 sharp* PART I MUSIC Alphabetical Arrangement (ACCORDING TO COMPOSERS) ALBERTI, H. [Selections from the operas, arranged for the piano] 2v. . . 1786.4 AU4 ALBUM for piano, four hands. Modern composers, v. 1 in q786.4ALl5 ALBUM for piano, four hands. 12 original pieces by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, dementi, Kuhlau, Weber 786.4 ALlS ALBUM national croate f786.4 AL148 For pianoforte. ALBUM national franqais f786.4 AL147 For pianoforte. ALBUM national serbe f786.4 AL149 For pianoforte. ALBUM of popular French piano music. 36 pieces by modern composers. 2v. in 1. f786.4 AL146 ALBUM of popular piano music. .q786.4ALl44 [ALBUM of selections from French and Ger- man composers] f786.4 AL143 For pianoforte. [ALBUM of songs by various composers] f784.8ALl5 AMERICAN artist's edition album. Piano- forte pieces. 2v. in 1 in f786.4 AL1S4 ARENSKY, A. S. [Piano solos] f786.4 Ar33 AUBER, D. F. E. Les diamants de la cou- ronne. Opera q782 Aul3d English and Italian words. Fra Diavolo. Opera q782 Aul3f English and Italian words. Der maurer und der schlosser. Komische open Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. 786.4 Aul3m Die stumme von Portici. Grosse oper. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen 786.4 Aul3s [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4Au!3w AUDRAN, EDMOND. "La cigale". Comic op- era. Arranged for the pianoforte. q786.4 Au28 La mascotte. Opera comique q782 Au28m Olivette. Opera comique q782 Au28o AUVRAY, GEORGES. Les marionettes java- naises ; divertissement q786.4 Au88 BACH, J. S. Aria mit 30 veranderungen (die "Goldberg'schen variationen") Fur 2 pianoforte bearbeitet von J. Rheinberger. 2v f786.4B12a Christmas oratorio q783.3 B12c [Collection of works for two pianos, four hands] 2v f 786.4 B12c Compositionen fiir die orgel. Ausg. von Griepenkerl und Roitzsch. v.1-5, 7-9, in 4v q786.8 B12 Forty-eight fugues for the Wohltempe- rirte klavier. In score with proper clefs. Ed. by C. Vincent. 2v. in I... .q786.4 B12f Klavierwerke. Herausg. von Czerny, Griepenkerl und Roitzsch q786.4B12k Klavierwerke. Herausg. von A. Rut- hardt. 2v. in 1 f 786.4 B12e Englische suiten, nos. 1-6. Mass in B minor q783.2 B12 Latin words. Orgel-compositionen. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von F. X. Gleichauf. 2v. 786.4 B12o Passion of Our Lord according to S. John q783.3B12 Passion of Our Lord according to S. Matthew q783.3B12m [Passion of Our Lord according to S. Matthew] Matthaus-passion. Fiir pi- anoforte zu 4 handen von S. Jadas- sohn 786.4 B12m Piano compositions. Ed. by E. Prout. 2v f786.4B12 Short preludes and fugues for the piano- forte. Ed. by W. Mason. . .in q786.4 B12p Symphonies ou suites. Arr. pour piano a 4 mains par F. Gnuge et < M. Schmidt 786.4 B12s Two and three part inventions for the pi- anoforte. Ed. by W. Mason, in q786.4 B12p Das wohltemperirte clavier; 48 fugen und praludien. Fiir das pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Bertini. 2v.. .f 786.4 B12we [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4B12w BACHMANN, GEORGES. [Piano solos] in 1786.4 B124 BACON, Mrs. M. S. H., ed. Songs that every child should know j'784.8 B13 BALAKIREW, M. A. [Piano solos] in f786.4B124 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] ..786.4818 MUSIC BALFE, M. W. Bohemian girl. Opera. q782B19b English words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. Siege of Rochelle. Opera q782 B19s BANTOCK, GRANVILLE, ed. One hundred folksongs of all nations. For medium voice f784.4B22 BARGIEL, WOLDEMAR. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f 786.4 B23 BARNETT, JOHN. Mountain sylph. Opera. q782B26m BASSINI, CARLO. Art of singing f784.9 B29 BAYER, JOSEF. Der kinder weihnachtstraum. Ballet in q786.4 C674 Pianoforte arrangement. Sonne und erde. Ballet q786.4B34 Pianoforte arrangement. Ein tanz-marchen. Grosses ballet. q786.4 B34t Pianoforte arrangement. BEACH, A. M. ., "Mrs. H. A. A. Beach." [Pianoforte works] f786.4 B3S Song albums, nos. 1-2. 2v. in 1. . . f784.3 B35 [Songs and duets] f784.3 B3Ss BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN. An die feme geliebte (To the distant beloved) Op. 98. For high voice in q784.3 B39 English and German words. [Collection of sonatas, arranged for pi- ano, four hands] q786.4 B39s [Collection of symphonies arranged for piano, four hands] q786.4 B39sy [Collection of works, arranged for piano, four hands] 3v q786.4 B39w [Collection of works arranged for two pianos, four hands] 4v. in 8. . .f786.4B39c [Compositions arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4B39ca Concerte. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich. 4v 786.4 B39ce [Concertos arranged for piano solo] .f786.4B39co Concertos, nos. 1-5, for the pianoforte. Arr. by F. Kullak. 5v. in 1.. .q786.4B39ck Duos, trios, quartette, quintette, sextette. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich und R. Wittmann. 18v. . . 786.4 B39d Fidelio. Opera q782 B39f English and Italian words. Fidelio. Oper. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen bearbeitet 786.4 B39f Die geschopfe des Prometheus. Ballet. f786.4B39g Pianoforte arrangement. Mass in C q783.2 B39 English and Latin words. Missa solemnis. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von S. Jadassohn 786.4 B39m Musik zu Goethe's trauerspiel Egmont. f786.4B39e Pianoforte arrangement. BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN. Ouverturen. Fiir 2 pianofortes zu 8 handen von G. Ros- ier. 2v 786.4 B39ow [Overtures arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4B39o Piano compositions f786.4 B39 [Piano solos] 3v f786.4 B39p Quartette. Fiir piano solo von G. Rosier. .f786.4B39q Die ruinen von Athen. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von G. Rosier .... 786.4 B39r Sammtliche ouverturen. Fiir pianoforte solo yon H. Ulrich f786.4 B39ou Sammtliche ouverturen. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich. .. 786.4 B39ov Six songs. With notes by H. E. Krehbiel. For high voice in q784.3 B39 English and German words. [Sonatas, for pianoforte] 3v. . . f786.4 B39so Sonaten. Fur pianoforte solo. Herausg. von L. Kohler und R. Schmidt. 3v. f786.4B39sn Symphonien. Fiir piano solo von A. Horn f786.4B39syh Nine symphonies. Arranged for piano, four hands. 2v 786.4 B39syn [Symphonies, arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 B39sz [Symphonies, arranged for piano, four hands by O. Dresel] q786.4 B39syd 9te sinfonie Op. 125. Fiir 2 pianoforte gesetzt von F. Liszt. 2v f786.4 B39syL [Variations for the pianoforte; piano solos] f786.4B39v Werke (Orchester fur klavier iibertra- gen) v.6, v.8 f786.4 B39we [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4 f786.4 B39y BEHR FRANZ. [Hungarian dances] Unga- rische tanze. Fiir pianoforte. .f786.4 B395u [Hungarian dances] Ungarische tanze. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen . . f786.4 B395 [Piano solos] f786.4 B395p [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4B395w BELLINI, VINCENZO. Norma. Opera. q782B41no English and Italian words. Same f782 B41n Italian words. Norma. Oper '. . f786.4 B41no Pianoforte arrangement. Norma. Oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen 786.4 B41nr I Puritani. Melodramma serio q782 B41p Italian words. I Puritani. Oper f786.4B41p Pianoforte arrangement. [Romeo und Julie] I Montecchi ed i Capuleti. Oper f 786.4 B4 1m Pianoforte arrangement. La sonnambula. Opera in f782 B41s Italian words. MUSIC BELLINI, VINCENZO. La sonnambula. Ed. by E. Macfarren q782 B41so English and Italian words. [La sonnambula] Die nachtwandlerin. Oper f786.4 B41n Pianoforte arrangement [La sonnambula] Die nachtwandlerin. Oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen. 786.4 B41na BENDEL, FRANZ. Am Genfer See. Op. 139. f786.4B432 Bendel album. 12 pieces for the piano. f786.4B432a [Piano solos] f786.4 B432p [Works arranged for piano, four hands] .....f 786.4 B432w BENDL, KARL. Water-sprite's revenge. Cantata for female voices. q782.8 B43 BENEDICT, Sir JULIUS. Legend of St. Ce- cilia q783.4B43 Lily of Killarney. Romantic opera. f782B43L BENEDICT, Sir JULIUS, ed. Album classique. Oeuvres choisies pour piano. in f786.4A L 154 BENNETT, Sir W. S. Overture: The nai- ades. Op. IS. Pianoforte duet. in f786.4D86 Selected pieces for pianoforte. Ed. by K. Klauser and W. Scharfenberg. 2v. in 1 q786.4B43 BERLIOZ, HECTOR. Benvenuto Cellini. Op- era q782B4Sb French words. Episode de la vie d'un artiste. Sym- phonic fantastique. Op. 14. Pour le piano a 4 mains par C. Bannelier. q786.4B45e Faust [La damnation de Faust] Op. 24. q782.8B45d Harold en Italic. Symphonic. Op. 16. Pour le piano a 4 mains par M. Bala- kirew q786.4 B45h Partitur-beispiele zu Hector Berlioz' In- strumentationslehre. Mit den original- partituren verglichen. Von A. Dorffel. f781.6B45i' La prise de Troie. Opera q782 B45p First part of Les Troyens. French words. Romeo et Juliette. Sinfonie dramatique. Op. 17 q782.8B45r French and German words. Les Troyens a Carthage. Opera. . q782 B45t Second part of Les Troyens. French Words. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4B45w BERNICAT, FIRMIN. Frangois the radical. Opera comique q782 B457f BERUHMTE ouverturen yon Nicolai, Kreut- zer. Donizetti. Fiir pianoforte solo ..f 786.4 B46 BERUHMTE ouverturen von Nicolai, Kreut- zer, Donizetti. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen , in 786.4 UL7or Same in 786.4 Ov2 BILLEMA, CARLO. [Transcriptions of operas, arranged for piano, four hands, by C. Billema and R. Billema] f786.4 B49 BIRD, ARTHUR. [Piano compositions] 2v. f786.4 BS3 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4 B53w BISHOP, H. R. Selection of popular national airs. 4th-6th numbers. 3v. in 1. f784.4 B54 BIZET, GEORGES. L'Arlesienne. Arranged for piano, four hands in f 786.4 P57 L'Arlesienne. Deux suites de concert pour piano in q786.4 C674 Carmen. Opera q782 B55c Patrie. Ouverture dramatique pour piano. in q786.4 C674 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4B5S BLENDED voices ; vocal duets f 784.8 B61 BLODGETT, B. C. Anthems, responses and hymns for men's voices in 784.8 B62 Prodigal son. Scriptural cantata. Op. 32 in 783.4 B62 BOHM, CARL. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 B628 BOIELDIEU, F. A. Johann von Paris [Jean de Paris] Komische oper q786.4 B63J Pianoforte arrangement. Johann yon Paris [Jean de Paris] Oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von R. Wittmann 786.4 B63 Die weisse dame. Komische oper. 'Kla- vierauszug zu 4 handen 786.4 B63w BOITO, ARRIGO. Mephistopheles. Opera. q782 B63m English and Italian words. BRAHAM, JOHN. English fleet in 1342. Comic opera in f782 M87m BRAHMS, JOHANNES. [Collection of works arranged for pianoforte, two pianos, four hands] 3v. in 6 f 786.4 B73c Eighteen songs. For high voice, v. 1-2 in Iv q784.3 B73 English and German words. Fortv songs. Ed. by J. Huneker. For high voice f784.3 B73fh Forty songs. Ed. by J. Huneker. For low voice f784.3 B73f Gesange f786.4 B73g Pianoforte arrangement. Hungarian dances. Books 1-4. 2v. in 1. q786.4 B73 Hungarian dances. Books 3 and 4 in Iv. For piano, four hands in f786.4 D86 Same in q786.4 B73h [Piano solos] 2v f786.4 B73p Requiem [German requiem] Op. 45. q783.2 B73 English words. 8 MUSIC BRAHMS, JOHANNES. Selected piano com- positions. Ed. by R. Joseffy. .f786.4 B73se Song of destiny (Schicksalslied) Op. 54 q783.4 B73 Symphonies 1, 2, 3, 4. Arranged for piano, four hands 786.4 B73s [Works arranged for piano, four hands] lOv f786.4 B73wo [Works arranged for the pianoforte, two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4..f786.4 B73w BROUNOFF, PLATON. Jewish folk-songs. v. 1 f784.4 B79 1 BROWN, J. D., ed. Characteristic songs and dances of all nations q784.4 B81 BRUCH, MAX. Fair Ellen. Cantata. in 782.8 C16 Odysseus. Scenen aus der Odyssee. Op. 41 q782.8 B83 English and German words. BULOW, H. G. VON. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f 786.4 B87 BURGMEIN, J. Le roman de Pierrot et de Pierrette. Historiettes musicales. q786.4 B91 BURNAND, A. B. See Strelezki, Anton pseud. CAGNONI, ANTONIO. Porter of Havre. Opera q782 Clip CANTATAS for mixed voices 782.8 C16 CARYLL, IVAN, pseud. Lily of Leoville. Comic opera q782 C25L CELLIER, ALFRED. Dorothy. Comedy opera. q782 C33d CENTURY library of music. Ed. by I. J. Paderewski. 20v f786.4 C33 CHADWICK, G. W. [Pianoforte works] f 786.4 C34 Song album. 15 songs for soprano or tenor in f784.3 C34s [Songs] . f784.3 C34 CHAIKOVSKII, P. I. See Tschaikowsky, P. I. CHAMINADE, C. L. S. Callirhoe. Ballet symphonique. Partition piano seul par 1'auteur q786.4 C35c [Piano solos] 2v f786.4 C35p Pianoforte album f 786.4 C35 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 C35w CHENEY, A. M. See Beach, A. M. C., "Mrs. H. A. A. Beach". CHERUBINI, M. L. Ouverturen. Fiir piano- forte zu 4 handen 786.4 C42o Der wassertrager (Les deux journees) Oper f786.4 C42wa Pianoforte arrangement. Der wassertrager (Les deux journees) Oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von R. Wittmann 786.4 C42w [Works arranged for piano, four hands] q786.4 C42 CHOICE classics for piano f786.4 C448 CHOPIN, F. F. Complete works for the pi- anoforte. Rev. by C. Mikuli. 4v. ...f 786.4 C45wm CHOPIN, F. F. Oeuvres pour le piano. Corrigees par C. Klindworth. Rev. par X. Scharwenka. 3v f786.4 C45ws Sammtliche pianoforte-werke. Rev. von H. Scholtz. 3v f786.4 C45we Works. Instructive edition. Ed. by T. Kullak. 3v f786.4 C4Swk Ausgewahlte lieder. Fiir pianoforte solo von T. Kirchner in f786.4 C45L Ballades pour piano. Rev. par L. Kohler. f786.4 C45b Chopin-album. Rev. von H. Scholtz. f786.4 C45a L Compositionen. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von A. Horn. v. 1. Walzer. 786.4 C45wa 1 Concerte. Rev. by H. Scholtz. f786.4 C45co Concertos pour piano. Rev. par L. Kohler. f786.4 C45ck Forty piano compositions. Ed. by J. Huneker f786.4 C45fo Greater Chopin. Ed. by J. Huneker. f786.4 C45 Larghetto aus dem F moll concert, zum solovortrag von H. Scholtz. .in f786.4 C45L Mazurkas pour piano. Rev. par L. Kohler. f786.4 C45m New academic edition of favorite piano- forte compositions. Rev. by H. Germer. 3v. in 1 f786.4 C45f Same f786.4 C45a Nocturnes pour piano. Rev. par L. Kohler f786.4 C45n [Piano solos] 2v f786.4 C45p Polonaises. Ed. by C. Mikuli. f786.4 C45po Same in f786.4 C45wm J Romanze aus dem E moll concert. Zum solovortrag von H. Scholtz. .in f786.4 C45L Rondos et variations pour piano. Rev. par L. Kohler f 786.4 C45r Sammtliche klavier-etuden. Op. 10 und Op. 25. Mit anmerkungen von H. von Biilow. 2v. in 1 f786.4 C45eb Scherzos pour piano. Rev. par L. Koh- ler f786.4C45s Scherzos und fantasie. Rev. by H. Scholtz f786.4 C45sc Sonaten. Rev. by H. Scholtz. . J786.4 C45so 24 studies for pianoforte. Op. 10 and 25. Rev. by H. Germer. 2v. in 1. .f786.4 C45e Walzer fiir pianoforte. Rev. von H. Scholtz f786.4 C45w [Works arranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v f786.4 C45c CIMAROSA, DOMENICO. Die heimliche ehe (II matrimonio segreto) Oper. f786.4 C49h Pianoforte arrangement. Die heimliche ehe (II matrimonio segreto) Oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von R. Wittmann.. ..786.4 C49he MUSIC CLASSICAL pianist ; compositions from Liszt, Rubinstein, Rheinberger, Godard, Jen- sen, and others {786.4 C56 CLASSISCHE und moderne pianoforte-musik. Sammlung vorziiglicher pianoforte- werke von J. S. Bach bis auf die neues- ten zeiten. v.6 in f 786.4 Se48' CLAVIER-CONCERTE alter und neue zeit. Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Dussek, Field, Hen- selt, Hummel, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Reinecke, Ries, Schumann, Weber. Herausg. von C. Reinecke. v.2-3 in Iv. 786.4 C744 COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, SAMUEL. Hiawatha's wedding-feast. Cantata. Op. 30. in 782.8 C16 Twenty-four negro melodies. Op. 59. f786.4 C67 [COLLECTION of dance music] 2v. . .f786.46 C68 [COLLECTION' of music arranged for piano and flute] 6v f788.5 C68 [COLLECTION of music arranged for piano and violin] 2v. in 6 f787.11 C68 [COLLECTION of music arranged for piano, four hands] 6v f786.4 C685 [COLLECTION of music arranged for piano, violin, viola and cello] 6v f785.7 C68 [COLLECTION of music arranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v. in 4. . .f 786.4 C689 [COLLECTION of music for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4 q786.4 C66 [COLLECTION of piano solos] 8v f 786.4 C68 [COLLECTION of songs] f784.8 C68 [COLLECTION of vocal and instrumental music] 2v f784.8 C69 [COLLECTION of waltzes by Eduard Strauss, Johann Strauss, jr., Anton Strauss] f786.46 St82 [COLLECTION of works arranged for piano, four hands] 786.4 C666 COLUMBIA collection of classical piano music f786.4 C72 [COMPOSITIONS arranged for violin, violon- cello, and piano, four hands] 4v. in 18. f785.7 C73 [COMPOSITIONS for the piano. Arranged for four hands] 2v f786.4 C73 CONCONE, GIUSEPPE. Lessons in vocaliza- tion. The voice part of the Fifty les- sons, book 1, and the Twenty-five les- sons, Op. 10. Designed for class sing- ing in 784.9 P19a CONVERSE, F. S. Festival of Pan. Romance. Op. 9. Orchestra score f785 C76 Job. Dramatic poem. Op. 24 q783.3 C76 Night and Day. Two poems for piano- forte and orchestra. Op. 11. Orches- tral score f785 C76n Pipe of desire. Romantic grand opera. Op. 21 q782 C76p Quartet in A minor for two violins, viola and violoncello. Op. 18 f 785.7 C76 Serenade. Op. 25. Cantata in 782.8 C16 CRAMER, J. B. Celebrated studies for the piano forte. Books 1-2 in Iv. in f786.3 C84 CZERNY, CARL. [Etudes] f786.3 C99 CZIBULKA, ALPHONS. Whitsuntide in Flor- ence [Pfingsten in Florenz] Opera. q782 C99w English and German words. [Whitsuntide in Florence] Pfingsten in Florenz. Operette q786.4 C99 Pianoforte arrangement. DAMM, GUSTAV, pseud. See Steingraber, Theodor. [DANCE music, for the piano; waltzes] 4v. f786.46 D19 DANCLA, CHARLES. [Works arranged for piano and violin] 2v f 787. 11 D19 DAVID, FERDINAND. Violin school. Pt. 1. The beginner. Ed. By B. Listemann. f787.1 D277 1 DEBUSSY, A. C. Pelleas et Melisande. Drame lyrique f782 D35 French words. DE KOVEN, REGINALD. Algerian. Comedy opera q782 D36a Fencing master. Comic opera. . . .q782 D36f Gems for the pianoforte from the Fencing master f786.4 D36f Gems for the pianoforte from the Knick- erbockers f786.4 D36k Gems from the opera Robin Hood. f786.4 D36r Knickerbockers. Comic opera. .. .q782 D36k Rob Roy. Romantic comic opera. q782 D36r Robin Hood. Comic opera q782 D36ro DE KOVEN, REGINALD, ed. Songs of child- hood. Verses by Eugene Field, music by R. De Koven and others ... q784.4 D36 DELIBES, C. P. L. Lakme. Opera. Tr. and adapted by T. T. Barker q782 D37L English words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L English and French words. [Piano solos] f786.4 D37 Sylvia; ou, La nymphe de Diane. Ballet. q786.4 D37s Pianoforte arrangement. DEVIENNE, FRANCOIS. Method for the flute, with scales for the Boehm flute. f788.5 D49 DIABELLI, ANTONIO. Album of favourite compositions arranged in the sonatina style as pianoforte duets by A. Diabelli and J. Schmitt. Ed. by H. Germer. 786.4 D54a [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f 786.4 D54 DONIZETTI, GAETANO. [Daughter of the reg- iment] Die regimentstochter. Komische oper f786.4 D71re Pianoforte arrangement. [Daughter of the regiment] Die regi- mentstochter. Komische oper. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen 786.4 D71r 10 MUSIC DONIZETTI, GAETANO. Don Pasquale. Opera. q782D71d English and Italian words. L'elisire d'amore. Opera f7S2 D71e Italian words. La favorita. Opera q782 D71f English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. [La favorita] Die favoritin. Oper. f786.4 D71f Pianoforte arrangement. Lucia di Lammermoor. Opera. . . . q782 D71LU English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L Lucia di Lammermoor. Oper. Fur piano- forte zu 4 handen bearbeitet 786.4 D71 Lucrezia Borgia. Opera q782 D7lL English and Italian words. Lucrezia Borgia. Oper f786.4 D71ui Pianoforte arrangement. Lucrezia Borgia. Oper. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen 786.4 D7lL Marino Falliero. Tragedia lirica. 782 D71m Italian words. DONNAY, ANTHIME. Album. 7 pieces pour piano seul. Op. 45 in q786.4 C674 [DUETS, quartets, and vocal solos] 2v. f784.8 D86 DVORAK, ANTONIN. Compositions arranged for piano, four hands f786.4 D9Sf [Piano solos] f786.4 D95 Saint Ludmila. Oratorio. Op. 71. q783.3 D95 Spectre's bride. Dramatic cantata. q782.8 D95s Stabat mater. Op. 58 q783.4 D95 Latin words. Symphony no. 4, in G major. Op. 88. Pianoforte arrangement, four hands, by the composer f786.4 D95s [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 7v 786.4 D95w [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v f786.4 D95c EICHBERG, JULIUS. High school music read- er 784.8 Ei22 ELGAR, Sir E. W. Apostles. Oratorio. Op. 49 q783.3 E L 31 Dream of Gerontius. Oratorio. Op. 38. q783.3 EL31d ELLIOTT, J. W. National nursery rhymes and nursery songs. Set to music. q784.8 EL58 ESPOSITO, MICHELE, ed. Early Italian piano music f786.4 Es65 FAMOUS composers and their music. Ed. by T. Thomas, J. K. Paine and K. Klauser. 16v q780 F21 v. 1-6, text. v. 7-16, music. FAUST, CARL. [Dance music] f786.46 F27 FELIX, VICTOR. [Potpourris arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4 F33 FIELD, JOHN. 8 notturnos. Rev. by H. Ger- mer in f786.4 G31aL 17 nocturnes. Mit fingersatz versehen von L. Kohler und R. Schmidt f786.4 F45 FINCK, H. T., ed. Fifty mastersongs by twenty composers. For high voice. f784.8F49 Fifty mastersongs by twenty composers. For low voice f 784.8 F49f FLOTOVV, FRIEDRICH, freiherr VON. Alessan- dro Stradella. Romantische oper. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen arrangirt. 786.4F66a [Martha] Marta. Opera q782 F66m English and Italian words. Same q782 F66ma English, German and Italian words. Same [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and Italian words. Martha. Oper f786.4 F66 Pianoforte arrangement. Martha. Oper. Klavier auszug zu 4 handen 786.4 F66m Ouverturen. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. 786.4 F66o FOOTE, A. W. [Pianoforte works] . .f786.4F73 [Songs] f784.3F73s [Songs and duets] f784.3 F73 FRANCK, C. A. Beatitudes. Oratorio. q783.3F84 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 786.4 F84 FRANZ, ROBERT. Fifty songs. For high voice 784.3 F85f English and German words. Fifty songs. For low voice. .. .f784.3 F85L English and German words. Zwolf ausgewahlte lieder. Fur piano- forte von T. Kirchner f786.4 F85 FRIML, RUDOLF. [Piano solos] f786.4 F91 FUCHS, ROBERT. [Piano solos] f786.4 F95 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4F95w GADE, N. W. Erl-king's daughter. Op. 30. Cantata in 782.8 C16 Kalanus. Op. 48. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen von S. Jadassohn f786.4Gllk Die kreuzfahrer. Op. 50. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen von S. Jadassohn. f786.4Gllkr [Piano solos] f786.4 Gil Psyche. Dramatic poem q782.8Gllp [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4Gllw GARIN, J. M. [Church music] q783.4 G18 Messe a 2 voix egales in q783.2 G18 Messe solennelle in q783.2 G18 GENEE, F. F. R. Nanon. Comic opera. Piano score q786.4 G28 MUSIC 11 GERMER, HEINRICH. Etiiden-fibel fur die klavierspielende jugend. Op. 36. 3v. in 1 in f786.3G31s How ought one to study piano-technic? in q786.3G31 Klange der jugendzeit. Op. 34. 2v. in 1. ... in q786.4G31k Musical ornamentation. Appendix to Op. 28 in q786.3G31 Rhythmical problems. Op. 29. in q786.3 G31 School of octave- and chord-playing for teaching purposes in the middle grade. Op. 45. 3v. in 1 f786.3 G31o Technics of pianoforte-playing. Musical ornamentation. Manual of tone-pro- duction. Op. 28 and Op. 30, pt. 1. q786.3G31te Technics of pianoforte-playing rear- ranged as a methodical plan of instruc- tion. Op. 28 q786.3 G31t Theoretico-practical elementary piano- forte school. Op. 32 1786.3 G31e 36 studies for teaching purposes in the middle grade. Op. 31. 3v. in 1. in f786.3G31s GERMER, HEINRICH, ed. Academical edition of classical pianoforte works for edu- cational purposes. 5v f786.4 G31a Album of selected compositions from the pianoforte works of Schubert, Field, Mendelssohn, Schumann and Chopin. 2v. in 1 in f786.4 G31aL Elementar-album. 96 kurze vortrags- stiicke nach beliebten melodien von Mozart, Weber, Schubert, und vielen anderen, zu 2 und 4 handen bearbeitet. Op. 44. 3v. in 1 in q786.4 G31k Vorschule fur polyphones clavierspiel im contrapunktischen style. Methodischer lehrgang ausgewahlter tonstiicke von G. F. Handel, D. Scarlatti, W. F. Bach und J. S. Bach. Op. 35. 2v. in 1. in 786.4 G31 GIORDANO, UMBERTO. Andrea Chenier. Dramma f782 G43a Italian words. Fedora. Dramma f782 G43f Italian words. GLAZUNOV, A. C. Raymonda. Ballet. Op. 57 f786.4G46r Arranged for piano, four hands by A. Winkler. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4G46 [GLEES, choruses and quartets] f784.1 G47 GLUCK, C. W., ritter VON. Alceste. Oper. f786.4G52a Pianoforte arrangement. Armide. Grosse oper f786.4 G52 Pianoforte arrangement. Iphigenie in Aulis. Oper f786.4 G52i Pianoforte arrangement. GLUCK, C. W., ritter VON. Orpheus. Opera. q782G52o English and Italian words. Orpheus und Euridice. Oper. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen bearbeitet. 786.4 G52o GODARD, B. L. P. Album of twelve songs with French and English words. q784.3 G54 [Piano solos] 2v f786.4 G54 Vingt pieces pour le piano. Op. 58. . . ..... . q786.4G54p Same. Avec piano d'accompagnement (ad-libitum) par M. Jaell. 2v. q786.4G54q [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 786.4 GS4w GOLDMARK, KARL. Landliche hochzeit. Sym- phonic. Op. 26. Clavierauszug zu 4 handen f786.4 G56L Merlin. Oper q782 G56m German words. Merlin. Oper q786.4G56m Pianoforte arrangement. [Piano solos] f786.4G56 Queen of Saba. Opera. Op. 27. . . q782 G56q English words. [Queen of Saba] Die konigin von Saba. Oper. Op. 27 f786.4 G56k Pianoforte arrangement by F. G. Jansen. [Works arranged for piano, four hands.] 2v f786.4G56w GOTTSCHALK, L. M. Piano compositions. . 2v f786.4G71 [Piano solos] f786.4G71s GOUNOD, C. F. Faust. Opera q782 G74f English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c Messe solennelle (St. Cecilia) 783.4 B62 Mock doctor. Comic opera q782 G74m English and French words. Redemption. Sacred trilogy .... q783.3 G74r Romeo and Juliet. Opera q782 G74r English and French words. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 786.4 G74 GRIEG, E. H. Aus Holberg's zeit. Suite in attest style. Op. 40. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von T. Kirchner in 786.4 G87 [Collection of works arranged for piano, four hands] 786.4 G87c Deux pieces symphoniques. Pour piano a 4 mains. Op. 14. Ed. by L. Oesterle. in f786.4P57 Same in 786.4 G87d Fifty songs. Ed. by H. T. Finck. For high voice f784.3 G87fh English and German words. Fifty songs. Ed. by H. T. Finck. For low voice f784.3 G87f English and German words. 12 MUSIC GRIEG, E. H. Grieg-album. Songs for low voice. 2v. in 1 (albums 2 and 5) q784.3 G87a English and German words. Im herbst. Concert-ouverture. Op. 11. Arrangement fur pianoforte zu 4 handen vom componisten 786.4 G87i Same in 786.4 G87 Larger piano compositions. Ed. by B. F. Tapper f786.4 G87pi Lyrische stiicke fur pianoforte. Op. 12. f786.4G87 L y Norwegische tanze. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. Op. 35 786.4 G87n [Peer Gynt] 1st orchestra suite from the music to "Peer Gynt." Op. 46. Ar- ranged for piano, four hands, by the composer j n f786.4 PS7 Same in 786.4 G87 [Peer Gynt] 2te orchestersuite aus der musik zu "Peer Gynt." Op. 55. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen vom componis- ten in 786.4 G87 Piano lyrics and shorter compositions. Ed. by B. F. Tapper f786.4 G87L [Piano solos] 2 V f786.4 G87p Sigurd Jorsalfar. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen. Op. 22 in 786.4 G87d [Sigurd Jorsalfar] 3 orchesterstiicke (vorspiel, intermezzo, Huldigungs- marsch) aus Sigurd Jorsalfar. Op. 56. Arrangement fur pianoforte zu 4 handen vom componisten in 786.4 G87 [Works arranged for piano and violin] 2v f787.11G87 GURLITT, CORNELIUS. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f 786.4 G96 HALE, PHILIP, ed. Modern French songs. For high voice. 2v f784.8 H13f English and French words. Modern French songs. For low voice. 2v f784.8H13L English and French words. HALEVY, J. F. [Jewess] Die Jiidin. Grosse oper q782H13j German words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. HANDEL, G. F. [Collection of works ar- ranged for piano, four hands] . .q786.4H19 Concerte fur orgel und orchester. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von A. Rut- hardt 786.4 H19c Judas Maccabaeus. Oratorio.. . .q783.3 H19j Messiah. Sacred oratorio q783.3 H19m [Messiah] Der Messias. Oratorium. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von G. Rosier 786.4 H19m Samson. Oratorium 783.3 H 19 English and German words. Saul. Oratorio q783.3 H19s HANDEL, G. F. Songs and airs. Ed. by E. Prout. 2v f784.3H19 v. 1. For high voice. v. 2. For low voice. HARKER, F. F. Harmonium collection. f786.8H22h Organ collection. 27 pieces. 2v. in 1. f786.8H22 HAYDN, JOSEPH. Celebres symphonies. Arr. pour piano par L. Winkler. 2v. f786.4H32sz Complete pianoforte works. Arranged by H. Riemann. v.l and 5 in Iv. f786.4H32s v. 1. Sonatas, nos. 1-12. v. 5. Various pieces. Creation. Oratorio q783.3 H32 [Creation] Die schopfung. Oratorium. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von R. Wittmann 786.4 H32sc Seasons. Oratorio q783.3 H32s [Seasons] Die jahreszeiten. Oratorium. f786.4H32j Pianoforte arrangement. [Seasons] Die jahreszeiten. Oratorium. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von G. Rosier 786.4 H32ja Symphonien. Fiir pianoforte und violine von F. Hermann. 2v. in 4. ... 1787.11 H32 Symphonien. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich. 4v 786.4 H32su Symphonien. Fiir pianoforte zu 8 handen von T. Kirchner. 2v. in 4. . . .786.4 H32sv Pianoforte arrangement, two pianos, eight hands. [Symphonies, arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v .f786.4 H32sy Symphonies. Arr. pour piano a 4 mains par F. W. Markull. v.3-4 in Iv. f786.4H32sw Iste symphonic. E-flat major. Bearb. zu 4 handen von J. Rietz in f786.4D86 Trios, quartette und symphonien. Fiir pi- anoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich und R. Wittmann 786.4 H32t Twenty piano compositions. Ed. by X. Scharwenka f 786.4 H 32 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4H32w HAYTER, A. U. Church music; psalm and hymn tunes, chants, services, anthems, &c 783 H33 HELLER, STEPHEN. [Piano solos] 2v. ..f786.4H36 HENSELT, ADOLF VON. Selected pieces for pianoforte in q786.4 H39 Twelve characteristic concert-studies for the piano. Op. 2. Rev. by A. Jonas. in q786.4H39 HERBERT, VICTOR. Natoma. Opera. Book by J. D. Redding q782 H41n HEROLD, FERDINAND. Zampa. Komische oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen. .. 786.4 H43z MUSIC 13 HOFMANN, H. C. J. Aus meinem tagebuch. 12 compositions. Op. 46. For piano, four hands. Rev. by W. Scharfenberg. in q786.4H67 Italienische liebesnovelle. 6 pieces. Op. 19. For piano, four hands. Ed. by L. Oesterle in q786.4 H67 Same in q786.4 P57 [Piano solos] f 786.4 H67p [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 5v f786.4H67w HOPEKIRK, HELEN, "Mrs. W. Wilson," ed. Seventy Scottish songs. For high voice f784.8 H77 Seventy Scottish songs. For low voice. f784.8H77s HOUCK, J. A. Verzameling van nederland- sche volksliederen (Album national hollandais) f786.4 H81 For pianoforte. HUBER, HANS. [Piano solos] f786.4 H86 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 4v 786.4 H86w HUGHES, RUPERT, ed. Songs by thirty Americans. For high voice f784.8 H87 Songs by thirty Americans. For low voice f784.8 H87L HUMMEL, J. N. Piano-concertos. Op. 85 in A minor; Op. 89 in B minor. Ed. by C. Reinecke in f786.4 H88 Selected compositions for pianoforte. Ed. by K. Klauser. 2v. in 1. .in f786.4H88 Septett. Op. 74. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von G. Rosier 786.4 H88s HUMPERDINCK, ENGELBERT. Hansel and Gretel. Fairy opera q782 H88 English words. Hansel und Gretel. Marchenspiel. q786.4 H883 Pianoforte arrangement, with text JACKSON, VINCENT. English melodies from the 13th to the 18th century 784.8 J 13 JADASSOHN, SALOMON. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 786.4 J17 JENSEN, ADOLF. Eroticon. 7 piano-pieces. Op. 44. Rev. by W. Scharfenberg. in q786.4 J45 Hochzeitsmusik (Wedding music) for piano, four hands. Op. 45. .in q786.4 B73h [Piano solos] 2v f786.4 J45p Songs and dances. 20 short pianoforte pieces. Op. 33. Ed. by W. K. Bass- ford in q786.4 J45 Twenty-five pieces for pianoforte. Ed. by A. Spanuth. 2v. in 1 in q786.4 J45 Wanderbilder (Scenes of travel) 12 piano-pieces. Op. 17. Ed. by L. Oes- terle in q786.4 J45 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4 J45w JOHNSON, CLIFTON, ed. Songs every one should know 784.8 J63 JOHNSON, H. K., "Mrs. Rossiter Johnson". Our familiar songs *q784.8 J62 JOYCE, P. W. Old Irish folk music and songs 784.4 J85 JUNGMANN, ALBERT. [Piano solos] f786.4 J95 KALINNIKOV, V. S. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 K12 KAYSER, H. E. [Works arranged for piano and violin] 2v 787.11 K18 KELER, ALBERT VON. [Overtures arranged for piano, four hands] f 786.4 K27 KELER- BELA. See Keler, Albert von. KERKER, G. A. Belle of New York. Musi- cal comedy q 782 K45b KIRCH NER, THEODOR. [Piano solos] 2v f786.4 K63 KJERULF, HALFDAN. [Piano solos] _ in f786.4 K672 Selected pieces for pianoforte. Ed. by K. Klauser. 2v. in 1 q786.4 K65 KLASSISCHE kammer-music. Fur pianoforte zu 2 handen. v. 2. Mozart: Quar- tett-satze f786.4 K66 2 KLEFFEL, ARNO. [Piano solos] . .in f786.4 K672 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 K672w KLEINMICHEL, RICHARD. Ouverturen-album. Sammlung der beliebtesten ouverturen fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. 2v. 786.4 K673o [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4K673 KOHLER, Louis. Melodien-album. Beliebte melodien fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen. v. 2. Opernmelodien 786.4 K82 2 Menuett-album f786.4 K82m KRAUSE, ANTON. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4 K86 KREHBIEL, H. E., ed. Songs from the operas. For alto f784.2 K87sa Songs from the operas. For baritone and 'bass f784.2 K87b Songs from the operas. For mezzo so- prano f784.2 K87 Songs from the operas. For soprano. f784.2 K87so Songs from the operas. For tenor. 784.2 K87s KREUTZER, KONRADIN. Das nachtlager in Granada. Romantische oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen arrangirt. 786.4 K88 KUMMER, KASPAR. Instruction book for the flute f788.5 K96 LACHNER, FRANZ. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 LI 17 LACK, THEODORE. Lack album. 17 pieces for the piano f786.4 L118 LACOME [D'ESTALENX] P. J. J. Album na- tional espagnol f786.4 Lll For pianoforte. Album pyreneen q786.4 Llla For pianoforte. 14 MUSIC LACOME [D' ESTALENX] P. J. J. Jeanne, Jeannette and Jeanneton. Opera- comique q786.4 LI 1 j Pianoforte arrangement. LAHEE, HENRY. Sleeping beauty. Cantata for female voices in q782.8 B43 LALO, E. V. A. Le roi d'Ys. Legende bre- tonne. Opera q786.4 L15 Pianoforte arrangement. LANGE, GUSTAV. Lange album. 16 pieces for the piano f786.4 L26a [Piano solos] f786.4 L26 LANGEY, OTTO. Tutor for the flute. .q788.5 L26 Tutor for the violoncello q787.3 L26 LASSEN, EDUARD. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] in f 786.4 L33 LA VILLA, PAOLA. Album of 12 two-part songs in q784.8 L39a Novelty album ; quartets for male voices. ' in 784.8 B62 Novelty album ; quartettes for mixed voices in q784.8 L39a [Songs] f784.4 L39 LA VILLA, PAOLA, ed. Progressive organ- ist. Collection of preludes, postludes, offertoires, marches, etc 786.8 L39 LECOCQ, CHARLES. Girofle-Girofla. Opera bouffe q782 L49g LEHAR, FRANZ. Merry widow. Opera. q782 L52m LENZ, W. Album de chants nationaux tran- scrits pour piano f786.4 L54 LEONCAVALLO, RUGGIERO. Pagliacci. Opera. f782 L55p LESCHETIZKY, THEODOR. [Piano solos] in f786.4 LS6 LICHNER, HEINRICH. [Piano solos] f786.4 L61 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4 L61w LISZT, FRANZ. [Collection of works ar- ranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v. in 4 f786.4 L69 Legend of St. Elizabeth. Oratorio. q783.3 L69 [Piano solos] 3v f786.4 L69p Les preludes ; symphonic poem. Com- poser's arrangement for piano, four hands in f786.4 P57 Same in q786.4 B73h [Rhapsodies] f786.4 L69r Selection of the favorite songs of Schu- bert, transcribed for the pianoforte by Franz Liszt f786.4 L69f [Symphonic poems arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 L69sy [Symphonic poems, arranged for piano- forte, two pianos, four hands] 2v. in 4. f786.4 L69s Ten Hungarian rhapsodies. Ed. by A. Spanuth and J. Orth f786.4 L69h Thirty songs. Ed. by C. Armbruster. For high voice f784.3 L69 Thirty songs. Ed. by C. Armbruster. For low voice f784.3 L69t English and German words. LISZT, FRANZ. [Transcriptions for piano] f786.4 L69t Twenty original piano compositions. Ed. by A. Spanuth f786.4 L69tw Twenty piano transcriptions. Ed. by A. Spanuth f786.4 L69tr [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 L69w LORTZING, ALBERT. Undine. Romantische oper. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen. 786.4 L89u Der waffenschmied. Komische oper. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen 786.4 L89w Zar und zimmermann. Komische oper. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen 786.4 L89z Low, JOSEPH. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 L9S LUTZ, W. M., ed. Motets for the year. Col- lection of offertories q783.4 L97 Latin words. McCuRRiE, C. H. Rival queens. Fairy operetta f782.8 M13 MACDOWELL, E. A. [Piano solos] .786.4 M14 [Pianoforte works] f786.4 M14p Six idyls after Goethe. Six poems after Heine. Marionettes. Sea pieces. Fire- side tales. New England idyls. f786.4 M14s [Songs] f784.3 M14 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] in f786.4 L33 MACKENZIE, Sir A. C. Colomba. Lyrical drama q782 M19c Compositions for pianoforte. 2v. in 1. q786.4 M19 Rose of Sharon. Dramatic oratorio. Op. 30 q783.3 M19 MAGYAR dal-album. (Album national hon- grois) 2v f786.4 M277 MAHLER, GUSTAV. [Symphonies nos. 1 and 2, arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 M27 3me symphonic f 786.4 M27s Pianoforte arrangement, four hands. MAILLART, Louis. Das glocklein der ere- miten. Komische oper q786.4 M28 Pianoforte arrangement. MARKS, G. W. [Collection of potpourris from the best operas, for piano, four hands] 2v q786.4 M34p [Transcriptions of operas arranged for piano solos] f786.4 M34 MARZO, EDUARDO, ed. Gems of sacred song. 23 celebrated songs. High voice. f784.8 M36 Songs of Italy. 65 Italian folk- and pop- ular songs q784.4 M36 English and Italian words. MASCAGNI, PIETRO. Cavalleria rusticana. Melodrama f782 M37c Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. Friend Fritz (L'amico Fritz) Lyrical comedy q782 M37a English and Italian words. MUSIC 15 MASCAGNI, PIETRO. Iris. Opera .... q782 M37i Italian words. MASON, WILLIAM. Method for the piano- forte. By W. Mason and E. S. Hoad- ly f7S6.3M38m Touch and technic for jartistic piano playing. Op. 44. 4v f 786.3 M38 MASSENET, J. E. F. Manon. Opera. q782 M38m French words. fPiano solos] in f786.4 L56 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4M38 MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, F. J. L. [Col- lection of works arranged for piano, four hands] 3v q786.4 MS2co [Collection of works for the pianoforte, arranged for two pianos, four hands] 2y f786.4 M52c Elijah. Oratorio. Op. 70. Novello's ed. q783.3 M52e Same. Schirmer ed q783.3 M52eL [Elijah] Elias. Oratorium. Fur piano- forte zu 4 handen von R. Wittmann. 786.4 M52eL Die erste Walpurgisnacht. Op. 60. f786.4 M52e Pianoforte arrangement. Die erste Walpurgisnacht. Fur piano- forte zu 4 handen von A. Horn. .in 786.4 M52sm Lieder ohne worte. Fur pianoforte solo. Mit fingersatz versehen von T. Kullak. ...f786.4 M52u Lieder ohne worte. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von F. Hermann. . . .786.4 M52LJ Lobgesang. Sinfonie-cantate. Op. 52. f786.4M52 L Pianoforte arrangement. Lobgesang. Sinfonie-cantate. Fur piano- forte zu 4 handen vom componisten. 786.4 M52LO Loreley. An unfinished opera. Op. 98. in 782.8 C16 Musik zu Antigone von Sophokles. Op. 55 f786.4 M52m Pianoforte arrangement. Musik zu Athalia von Racine. Op. 74. f 786.4 M52a Pianoforte arrangement. Musik zu Oedipus von Sophokles. f786.4 M52oe Pianoforte arrangement. Octett, quintette, quartette, trios und con- certe fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. 786.4 M52oc Oedipus in Kolonos des Sophocles. Op. 93. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen. q786.4M52o Ouverturen. Fur pianoforte solo ar- rangirt f786.4 M52ou Ouverturen. Zu 4 handen arrangirt. ..786.4 MS2ov MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, F. J. L. [Piano solos] 2v f786.4 M52p Saint Paul. Oratorio q783.3 M52s [Saint Paul] Paulus. Oratorium. Op. 36 f786.4 M52pa Pianoforte arrangement. [Saint Paul] Paulus. Oratorium. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von G. F. Kogel. 786.4 M52pL Ein sommernachtstraum von Shake- speare. Op. 61 f786.4 M52so Pianoforte arrangement. Ein sommernachtstraum. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen in 786.4 M52sm Symphonien. Fur pianoforte solo von G. Rosier f786.4 M52s Symphonien. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen arrangirt. 2v 786.4 M52sym Symphonien fur orchester. Arrangement fur das pianoforte zu 2 handen. f786.4 M52sy 4me symphonic (Italienne) Op. 90. Pour piano a 4 mains in f786.4 D86 Thirty piano compositions. Ed. by P. Goetschius f786.4 M52t [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 M52w MERTKE, EDUARD. Technischen uebungen. in q786.3 St35 MESSAGES, A. C. P. La Basoche. Opera comica q782 M56b Italian words. METCALF, J. W. Album of selected songs. High voice in 784.4 M56a Album of selected songs. Low voice. in f784.4 M56a [Songs, v. 1. For high voice]., .f 784.4 M56 1 [Songs, v. 2. For medium voice] f784.4 M56* [Songs, v. 3. For low voice] . . .f784.4 M56* MEYER-HELMUND, ERIK. [Piano solos] in f786.4 M57 MEYERBEER, GIACOMO. [L'Africaine] Die Africanerin. Oper f782 M57a German and French words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Dinorah (Le pardon de Ploermel) Opera q782 M57d English and Italian words. [Huguenots] Gli Ugonotti. Opera. q782 M57h Les Huguenots. Grand opera. Arrange- ment pour le piano a 4 mains. .786.4 M575h Meyerbeer-album. Transcriptionen iiber motive aus Meyerbeer's opern fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von M. Schultze. in f786.4 P57 Der prophet. Grosse oper . . . . q786.4 M575p Pianoforte arrangement with text. [Der prophet] Le prophete. Opera. Arr. pour le piano a 4 mains 786.4 M575pr [Works arranged for piano, four hands] q786.4 M575 16 MUSIC MILLOCKER, KARL. Beggar student. Opera comique q782 M62b Der probekuss. Operette q786.4 M62 Pianoforte arrangement. MODERN song favorites. High voice. 2v. in 1 784.8 M72 MORCEAUX choisis concertants pour piano a 4 mains f786.4 M79 MOSCHELES, IGNAZ. 24 studies for piano- forte. Op. 70. Rev. by H. Germer. 2v. in 1 f786.4M849s [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 M849 MOSZKOWSKI, MORITZ. [Collection of works arranged for piano, four hands] 786.4 M85c Joan of Arc. Op. 19. Arranged for pianoforte duet by the composer. 786.4 M85J [Piano duets] f786.4 M85 [Piano solos] 3v f786.4 M85p [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v .786.4 M85w MOZART, W. A. Beruhmte clavier-concerte. Rev. von A. Dorffel f786.4 M87b [Collection of symphonies arranged for piano, four hands] 2y q786.4 M87c [Collection of symphonies, arranged for piano, four hands. Breitkopf ed.] 786.4 M87sy [Collection of works, arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 M87co [Collection of works, arranged for two pianos, four hands] 3v. in 6. . .f786.4 M87 Concertos for the pianoforte. Rev. by F. Kullak and others q786.4 M87cn Don Giovanni [Don Juan] Opera. q782 M87do English and Italian words. Same q782 M87d German and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. [Don Giovanni] Don Juan. Opera buffa f786.4M87d Pianoforte arrangement. [Don Giovanni] Don Juan. Opera buffa. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen. 786.4 M87do Die entfiihrung aus dem serail. Ko- mische oper f786.4 M87e Pianoforte arrangement. Die entfiihrung aus dem serail. Kom- ische oper. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen. 786.4 M87en Klavierstiicke. Rev. von L. Kohler und R. Schmidt f786.4 M87k [Magic flute] Die zauberflote. Deutsche oper f782 M87z Orchestral score. German words. MOZART, W. A. [Magic flute] Die zauber- flote. Oper f786.4 M87z Pianoforte arrangement. [Magic flute] Die zauberflote. Oper. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. .786.4 M87za [Marriage of Figaro] Le nozze di Figa- ro. Opera q782 M87n English and Italian words. Same. Adapted and arr. by H. R. Bishop. in f782 M87m English words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L English and Italian words. [Marriage of Figaro] Die hochzeit des Figaro. Opera buffa f786.4 M87h Pianoforte arrangement. [Marriage of Figaro] Figaro's hochzeit. Oper. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen. 786.4 M87f New academic edition of selected piano- forte works. Rev. by H. Germer. 3v. f786.4 M87a Ouverturen. Fiir piano solo von H. Ul- rich 786.4 M87o Ouverturen. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich 786.4 M87ou [Piano solos] f786.4 M87p Requiem f786.4 M87r Pianoforte arrangement. Requiem. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen arrangirt 786.4 M87re [Serenades, arranged for piano, four hands] 786.4 M87se [Sonatas, arranged for piano and violin] 3v 787.11 M87 Sonaten. Fiir pianoforte solo, herausg. von L. Kohler und R. Schmidt. f786.4 M87so Sonaten. Rev. von L. Kohler. in 786.4 M87s Symphonien. Fiir das pianoforte einge- richtet. v. 2 f 786.4 M87sw a Symphonien. Fiir piano solo von A. Horn.. f786.4 M87sz Symphonien. Fiir piano und violine von F. Hermann. 2v f787.11 M87s Symphonien. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich und A. Horn. 2v. 786.4 M87su Twelve celebrated symphonies. Arr. for piano, four hands by H. Ulrich and A. Horn. 2v. in 1 786.4 M87st Titus. Opera seria f786.4 M87t Pianoforte arrangement. Trios, quartette, quintette, concerte und Symphonien. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich und R. Wittmann. llv. 786.4 M87tr Twenty piano compositions. Ed. by C. Reinecke f786.4 M87tw Variations pour piano. Rev. par L. Koh- ler in f786.4 M87s Same 786.4 M87v MUSIC 17 MOZART, W. A. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 M87wo [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4 f786.4 M87w Music arranged for female voices. 2v. 784.8 M97 [Music arranged for piano, four hands] 43v f786.4 M995 [Music collection arranged for piano and violin] 17v. in 51 f787.11 M97 [Music collection arranged for piano, violin and cello] 8v. in 37. f785.7 M97 [Music collection for pianoforte. Two pianos, eight hands] I5v. in 30. f786.4 M97 [Music collection for- the pianoforte, ar- ranged for two pianos, four hands] 27v. in 54 f786.4 M98 [MUSICAL compositions arranged for piano, four hands] 8v f786.4 M986 [MUSICAL compositions arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v 786.4 M99 [MUSICAL selections, vocal and instru- mental] q784.8 M98 NAPRAVNIK, E. F. Francesca da Rimini. Oper. Op. 71 f786.4 Nl6f Pianoforte arrangement. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 N16 NESSLER, V. E. Der trompeter von Sak- kingen (The trumpeter of Sackingen) Oper q782 N37t German words. NEVIN, E. W. [Piano solos] 2v.. .f786.4 N41p [Songs] in q784.8 N41 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 N41 NICODE, J. L. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4 N54 NICOLAI, OTTO. [Merry wives of Windsor] Die lustigen weiber von Windsor. Komische oper. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen 786.4 N542 NIEMANN, R. F. [Piano solos] . . . J786.4 N55 NOSKOWSKI, SIGISMUND. [Piano solos] 2v f786.4N84 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 N84w OESTERLE, Louis. Instructive course for the piano, v. 3-4 in lv f786.4 Oe8* OFFENBACH, JACQUES. La fille du tambour major. Opera comique q786.4 Of3f Pianoforte arrangement. Grand duchess of Gerolstein. Comic opera [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and French words. La jolie parfumeuse. Opera comique. Partition piano solo, arr. par A. Chou- dens q786.4 Of3j Love tales of Hoffmann. Phantastic opera. [Libretto] in q782 D63L English words. OFFENBACH, JACQUES. Madame Favart. Opera comique q786.4 Of3m Pianoforte arrangement. La Perichole. Opera bouffe. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and French words. La vie parisienne. Opera-bouffe. Parti- tion piano seul reduite par V. Boullard. q786.4 Of3v ONSLOW, GEORGE. Beriihrnte sonaten fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. Op. 7 und 22. 786.4 On7 ORPHEAN lyre; collection of glees, catches and duets f784.1 Or7 ORTH, JOHN. [Piano solos] in f786.4 Or7 ORTH, L. E. B. Mother Goose songs with- out words. Op. 5 q786.4 Or8 On the white keys. Op. 18. 24 first grade pieces without accidentals for two and four hands f786.3 Or8 [Piano solos] in f786.4 Or7 Sixty songs from Mother Goose. .q784.8 Or8 OUR national war songs q784.4 Ou7 OURVILLE, LEON D'. Soirees musicales. Pieces pour piano a 4 mains. 3v. ...786.4Ou7s OUVERTUREN von Himmel, Schneider, Kal- liwoda. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen bearbeitet in 786.4 Ov2 Same 786.4 Ou9 PADEREWSKI, I. J. Manru. Opera. .q782 P13m English and German words. [Piano solos] f786.4P13 PANSERON, A. M. A B C of music; or, Easy solfeggi. ... in 784.9 P19a Methode de vocalisation pour soprano et tenor f 784.9 P 19 PARISOTTI, ALESSANDRO, ed. Anthology of Italian song of the 17th and 18th cen- turies q784.8P21 English and Italian words. PARKER, H. W. Hora novissima. Sacred cantata. Op. 30 q783.4 P22 PART songs for female voices. 2v. .. 784.8 P25 PERKINS, H. S. Perkins' festival choruses (First book) Secular and sacred choruses, glees, part sayings, etc. q784.8P41 t PETRELLA, ERRICO. lone. Opera [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. PHILIPP, I. E., ed. Anthology of French piano music. 2v f786.4 P53 [PIANO solos] 64v f786.4 P58 [PIANO solos by Bayer, Bizet, Donnay and Rubinstein] q786.4 C674 f PIANO studies] 3v f 786.3 P57 [PIANOFORTE duets] f 786.4 P57 [PIANOFORTE selections] f786.4 P55 PITTMAN, JOSIAH, ed. Prima donna's al- bum. 41 cavatinas and arias from the operas q784.2 P68p English and Italian words. 18 MUSIC PITTMAN, JOSIAH, ed. Tenor album 50 songs from the operas q784.2 P68t English and Italian words. PLANQUETTE, ROBERT. Bells of Corneville. Comic opera q782 P69b PONCHIELLI, AMILCARE. La Gioconda. Op- era q782P77g English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. I promessi sposi. Melodramma . . . q782 P77p Italian words. PUCCINI, GIACOMO. Bohemians. Opera. q782P96b Girl of the golden West [La fanciulla del West] Opera. (From the drama by David Belasco) q782 P96g English and Italian words. Madam Butterfly. Japanese tragedy. q782P96m English and Italian words. Manon Lescaut. Lyric drama . . . q782 P96ma English and Italian words. Tosca. Opera q782 P96t English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. QUARTETS for male voices 784.8 Q28 RADCLIFFE-WHITEHEAD, J. B. See White- head, J. B. Radcliffe-. RAFF, J. J. Lenore. Symphony no. 5 in E major. Op. 177. Arranged for pi- ano, four hands in 786.4 R12L Same 786.4 R12Le [Piano solos] 3v f786.4 R12p Selected pieces for pianoforte. .. .q786.4 R12 Suite de morceaux. Op. 75.. .q786.4 R12su [Symphonies arranged for piano, four hands] ._ f786.4R12s [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 3v f786.4R12w RANDEGGER, ALBERTO. Fridolin ; or, The message to the forge. Dramatic can- tata q782.8 RISf RAVINA, HENRI. [Piano solos] f786.4 R19 REEVE, WILLIAM. Cabinet. Comic opera. in f782M87m REINECKE, C. H. C. Bethlehem. Sacred cantata for female voices. Op. 170. q783.4R27b Music to the story of "Little Snowdrop." Op. 133. For female voices., in q782.8 B43 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4R27 REIN HOLD, HUGO. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 R275 REYER, L. E. E. Salammbo. Opera. Par- tition piano solo transcrite par E. Guiraud et H. Salomon q786.4 R33 RHEINBERGER, J. G. King Eric. Cantata. in 782.8 C16 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 3v . J786.4R34 RICCI, LUIGI. Un' avventura di Scaramuc- cia. Opera buff a f782 R35 Italian words. RIPLEY, F. H. Music readers, nos. 1, 3-4. By F. H. Ripley and T. Tapper. 3v. 784.8 R48 ROSSINI, G. A. [Barber of Seville] II barbiere di Siviglia. Comic opera. q782R73b English and Italian words. [Barber of Seville] Der barbier von Se- villa. Oper f786.4 R73b Pianoforte arrangement. [Barber of Seville] Der barbier von Se- villa. Komische oper. Fur pianoforte zu 4 hiinden 786.4 R73ba Mose. Melodramma sacro q782 R73m Italian words. [Othello] Otello; ossia, L'Africano in Venezia. Tragische oper q782 R73o Italian and German words. Othello. Oper f786.4 R73o Pianoforte arrangement. Semiramide. Melodramma tragico. .f782 R73s Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. Stabat mater (Tribulation) q783.4 R73 English and Latin words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L English and Latin Words. [William Tell] Guillaume Tell. Opera. q782R73w English and French words. ROTOLI, AUGUSTO. 12 melodies for the voice and piano in q784.8 N41 RUBINSTEIN, A. G. Bal costume; suite de morceaux caracteristiques. Pour piano a 4 mains. Op. 103 f786.4 R82b [Piano solos] 2v f786.4 R82p Symphonic dramatique no. 4, D minor. Op. 95. Arrangement pour le piano a 4 mains par R. Kleinmichel . . . f786.4 R82s [The vine] Die rebe. Ballet. . .q786.4 R82r Pianoforte arrangement. [The vine] Die rebe. Ballet. Clavier- auszug fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. f786.4R82v [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 4v. ... f786.4 R82w SACRED music for mixed voices 783.8 Sal4 ST. NICHOLAS songs f784.8 Sa24 SAINT-SAENS, CAMILLE. Etienne Marcel. Opera. Airs de ballet. Piano a 2 mains par A. Messager q786.4 Sa28e Henry viu. Opera. Partition piano solo par L. Roques q786.4 Sa28h [Piano solos] f786.4 Sa28p Samson and Delilah. Opera ... q782 Sa28sa English words. Same q782 Sa28s French and German words. MUSIC 19 SAINT-SAENS, CAMILLE. Le timbre d' ar- gent. Drame lyrique. Partition piano seul, par A. Choudens q786.4 Sa28t [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 3v 786.4 Sa28w [Works arranged for two pianos, four hands] 3v. in 6 f786.4 Sa28 SARASATE, PABLO DE. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f 786.4 Sa71 SAWYER, F. J. Graded school-song book. 784.8 Sa97 SCARLATTI, DOMENICO. 12 sonata-studies. 'Comp. by H. Germer in f 786.4 G31 Twenty-two pieces for the piano. Ed. by G. Buonamici q786.4 Sc74 SCHARFENBERG, WlLLIAM, ed. Collection of Italian overtures for piano, four hands, v. 2 786.4 SchlSS 3 SCHARWENKA, PHILIPP. [Piano Solos] f786.4Sch!6 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 3v 786.4 Schl6w SCHARWENKA, XAVER. Album fiir piano- forte. 2v. in 1 f786.4Sch!7 Suite de danses pour piano a 4 mains. Op. 41 786.4 Schl7s Walzer fiir das pianoforte zu 4 handen. Op. 44 786.4 Schl7w SCHEFFAUER, HERMAN. Sons of Baldur. Forest music drama. [Libretto] 782.8 Sch23 SCHINDLER. KURT, ed. Century of Russian song from Glinka to Rachmaninoff. f784.8 Sch34 SCHMIDT, GUSTAV. Alibi; oder, Die fahrt in's Philisterium. Komische operette. q782Sch53 German words. SCHMITT, HANS. Pedals of the piano-forte and their relation to piano-forte play- ing 786.3 Sch56 SCHOLZ, B. E. Golo. Romantische open q782Sch64 German words. SCHUBERT, F. P. Beriihmte klavier-compo- sitionen. Herausg. von L. Kohler und R. Schmidt f786.4 Sch78b [Chamber music, arranged for piano, four hands] q786.4 Sch78c Chor-gesangwerke. v. 3. Compositions for female voices q784.6 Sch78* [Collection of works arranged for piano, four hands] 4v f 786.4 Sch78co [Compositions arranged for piano, four hands] .786.4 Sch78cm Duos, trios, quartette, quintette, octett und symphonien. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich. 2v. in 1. in 786.4 Sch78sy Same. 2v 786.4 Sch78d Entr'acts und ballets zum drama Rosa- munde. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von F. Hermann in 786.4 Sch78sy Fifty songs. Ed. by H. T. Finck. For high voice f784.3 Sch78fh English and German words. SCHUBERT, F. P. Fifty songs. Ed. by H. T. Finck. For low voice ... f784.3 Sch78f English and German words. Grand quatuor arrange pour le pianoforte a four mains par R. Franz. Oeuv. posth in f786.4 Sch78g Jubilee edition of selected pianoforte works. Rev. by H. Germer. 3v. in 1. f786.4Sch78j Octett und quintette. Fiir pianoforte solo von L. Stark f786.4 Sch78o [Piano solos] 2y f 786.4 Sch78p Polonaises originales pour piano a 4 mains in 786.4 Sch78sy Premier grand trio en Si b, pour piano, violon et violoncell. Op. 99. Pour piano a 4 mains par C. Geissler.m f786.4 Sch78g Quintett und quartett f 786.4 Sch86q Pianoforte arrangement. Sammtliche tanze. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich 786.4 Sch78 Scheme miillerin, Winterreise, Schwan- engesang und 22 beriihmte lieder. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich. 4v. in 2 \786.4 Sch78L Songs. 3v. in 1 q784.3 Sch78 1. The maid of the mill (Mullerlieder) 2. Winter journey (Winterreise) 3. Dying strains (Schwanengesang) Symphonien. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen yon H. Ulrich 786.4 Sch78su [Symphonies arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4Sch78s H-moll symphonic. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich.. in 786.4 Sch78sy Vierhandige polonaisen. Fiir pianoforte solo von S. Jadassohn f786.4 Sch78v [Works arranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v f786.4 Sch78wo [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4 f 786.4 Sch78w SCHUMANN, R. A. Werke, fiir pianoforte solo. Rev. von A. Dorffel. 5v. 786.4 Sch86wd Carnival. Op. 9; Symphonic etudes. Op. 13 ; Fantasia. Op. 17 ; Carnival pranks. Op. 26. Rev. by H. Germer. f786.4Sch86c [Collection of works arranged for piano- forte, two pianos, four hands] 2v. in 4. f786.4Sch86 Dichterliebe. Op. 48. Fiir pianoforte von T. Kirchner f786.4 Sch86d Fifty piano compositions. Ed. by X. Scharwenka f786.4 Sch86fi Fifty songs. Ed. by W. J. Henderson. For high voice f784.3 Sch86f English and German words. Fifty songs. Ed. by W. J. Henderson. For low voice f784.3 Sch86fL English and German words. Genoveva. Oper. Op. 81 q782 Sch86g German words. 20 MUSIC SCHUMANN, R. A. Genoveva. Grosse oper. Op. 81 786.4 Sch86g Pianoforte arrangement by T. Kirchner. Genoveva. Grosse oper. Op. 81. Kla- vierauszug zu 4 handen von W. Bargiel. q786.4 Sch86ge Ouverturen. Fiir pianoforte solo von A. Horn. ... 786.4 Sch86o Ouverturen. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von A. Horn 786.4 Sch86oh Paradise and the Peri. Cantata. Op. 50. q782.8Sch86 [Paradise and the Peri] Das Paradies und die Peri. Op. 50. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von G. F. Kogel. 786.4 Sch86pa [Piano solos] 3v f786.4 Sch86p Quartette. Op. 41. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von T. Kirchner. ... 786.4 Sch86qu Romanzen und balladen. Op. 45, 49, 53, 64. Fiir pianoforte von T. Kirchner. f786.4Sch86r Sammlung auserlesener werke fur das pianoforte (originale und bearbeitun- gen) q786.4 Sch a Sammtliche lieder. Rev. von M. Fried- laender. v. 1. For low voice. q784.3Sch86s Scenen aus Goethe's Faust f 786.4 Sch86f Pianoforte arrangement by T. Kirchner. Scenen aus Goethe's Faust. Fiir piano- forte zu 4 handen von A. Horn. 786.4 Sch86fa [Songs] q784.3Sch86 Symphonien. Fiir pianoforte solo von A. Horn und T. Kirchner f786.4 Sch86sy Symphonien. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen von T. Kirchner 786.4 Sch86sk [Symphonies, arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4 SchfcSs Symphonies, arranged for piano, four hands, by T. Kirchner 786.4 Sch86sk Iste symphonic. Op. 38. B-flat major. Fur das pianoforte zu 4 handen von M. Schultze in f786.4D86 2te symphonic. Op. 61. C major. Fur das pianoforte zu 4 handen von F. G. Jansen in f786.4 D86 Trios fur pianoforte, violine und yiolon- cell. Fiir das pianoforte zu 4 handen. f786.4Sch86t [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 3v f786.4 Sch86wo , [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4 f786.4 Sch86w SCHUTT, EDUARD. [Piano solos] f786.4 Sch88 SCHYTTE, L. T. [Piano solos] .. .f 786.4 Sch99 SCRIABINE, A. N. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 Scr31 SELECTED classics for pianoforte, in f786.4 Se48 [SELECTIONS for the pianoforte] . . . f786.4 Se47 SHERWOOD, W. H. Compositions for the pianoforte q786.4 Sh58 SIEGEL-MYERS correspondence school of music, Chicago. Piano lessons, nos. 1-100. . f786.3Si!5 SILAS, EDUARD. Mass in C for four voices and organ. Op. 62 q783.2 Si31 Latin words. SINGELEE, J. B. [Works arranged for piano and violin] 2v f787.11 Si64 SMETANA, FRIEDRICH. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f 786.4 Sm39 SMITH, GERRIT. Twenty-five little songs. Op. 12 in q784.8 N41 SMITH, SYDNEY. [Piano solos] .... f786.4 Sm66 SMITH, W. G., ed. Grand army war songs. q784.4Sm68 SOLOMON, EDWARD. Virginia. Comic opera. q782So47v SOMMER, HANS. Hunold Singuf; ratten- fangerlieder. Op. 4. 2v. in 1. .q784.3 So55 [SoNG collection] f784.8 So56 [SONGS by various composers] 4v . f 784.8 So58 SPINDLER, FRITZ. [Piano solos] 2v. f786.4S P 46 SPOHR, LUDWIG. Calvary. Oratorio. q783.3Sp64 Jessonda. Oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen arrangirt 786.4 Sp64j Quartet in G minor. Arranged for piano- forte duet by A. Schlums 786.4 Sp64 Die weihe der tone, "The consecration of sound". Symphony. Op. 86. Arranged for pianoforte duet by M. Pauer. 786.4 Sp64w STAINER, Sir JOHN. Organ; a manual for beginners. Ed. and enl. by J. H. Rog- ers f786.7Stl5 STAINER, Sir JOHN, ed. Village organist; pieces for church and general use. Ed. by J. Stainer and F. C. Woods. Books 22-24 in Iv f786.8 StlS STANFORD, Sir C. V. Shamus O'Brien. Ro- mantic comic opera. Op. 61. . .q782 St24s STEINGRABER, THEODOR, ed. Uebungsbuch nach der klavierschule. 76 leichte etiiden. Mit Ed. Mertke's Technischen uebungen q786.3 St35 STEWART, H. J. Bluff King Hal. Romantic opera. Libretto by Daniel O'Connell. q782St49 Legends of the Yosemite in song and story. By Allan Dunn and H. J. Stew- art f784.3St49L Mass in honor of St. Anthony of Padua, for mixed voices, with organ accom- paniment q783.2 St49 Latin words. [Songsl f784.3 St49 STRAUSS-album. Sammlung der belieb- testen tanze von Joh., Jos. und Ed. Strauss, v. 3-4 in Iv f786.46 St815s Pianoforte arrangement. Same. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen. v. 2. 786.4651815* STRAUSS, EDUARD. Waltzes, concert music, etc f786.46 St8 STRAUSS, JOHANN, jr. Beriihmte ouver- turen zu operetten . . f786.4 StSlou Pianoforte arrangement. MUSIC 21 STRAUSS, JOHANN, jr. Beruhmte ouver- turen zu operetten f 786.4 StSlo Pianoforte arrangement for four hands. Die fledermaus. Operette f 786.4 St81 f Pianoforte arrangement. [Merry war] Der lustige krieg. Ko- mische operette q786.4 StSlL Pianoforte arrangement. Same. Piano score q786.4 StSlm Night in Venice. Comic opera .. q782 St82n English and German words. Prince Methusalem. Opera comique. q782St82p Prince Methusalem. Opera comique. q786.4St81p Pianoforte arrangement. Queen's lace handkerchief. Opera. q782St82q Queen's lace handkerchief. Ooera. q786.4St81q Pianoforte arrangement. Strauss-album ; danses celebres. Arr. pour piano par F. Corner, v. 2-3 in Iv. f786.46St81d STRAUSS, RICHARD. Forty songs. Ed. by J. Huneker. For high voice f784.3 N St82 English and German words. Forty songs. Ed. by J. Huneker. For low voice f784.3 St82f English and German words. Ein heldenleben. Op. 40 in 786.4 St82 Arrangement for two pianos, four hands. Salome. Musik-drama. Op. 54. f782St825s German words. Symphonia domestica. Op. 53. in f786.4St82 Arrangement for two pianos, four hands. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] ..f786.4St82w [Works arranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v f786.4 St82 STRELEZKI, ANTON, pseud. [Piano solos] f786.4St83 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4St83w [STUDIES for the piano] 2v q786.3 St94 SUK, JOSEF. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 Su45 SULLIVAN, Sir A. S. Cox and Box. q782Su53c Gondoliers. Opera q782 Su53g Gondoliers. Arr. for pianoforte by J. H. Wadsworth q786.4 Su53g H. M. S. Pinafore. Opera q782 Su53 Martyr of Antioch. Sacred musical drama q782 Su53m Mikado. Opera q782 Su53mi Mikado. Arr. for pianoforte by G. L. Tracy q786.4 Su53m Patience. Opera q782 Su53na Patience. Opera q786.4 Su53p Pianoforte arrangement. SULLIVAN, Sir A. S. Pirates of Penzance. Comic opera q782 Su53pi Princess Ida. Opera q782 Su53p Ruddygore. Opera q782 Su53r Ruddygore. Arr. for pianoforte by G. L. Tracy q786.4 Su53r Sorcerer. Comic opera q782 Su53s Trial by jury. Dramatic cantata. .q782 Su53t Yeomen of the guard. Opera. . . .q782 Su53y Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c Yeomen of the guard. Arr. for piano- forte by J. H. Wadsworth q786.4 Su53y SUPPE, FRANZ VON. [Boccaccio. Opera] q782Su76b Fatinitza. Operette q786.4 Su76f Pianoforte arrangement. 6 beliebte ouverturen. Fur pianoforte. 2v. f786.4Su76o 6 ouverturen fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. 2v 786.4 Su76ou Trip to Africa. Opera q782 Su76t English and German words. Trip to Africa. Opera q786.4 Su76t Pianoforte arrangement. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4Su76 SURETTE, T. W. Priscilla; or, The Pil- grim's proxy. Comic opera. . . .q782 Su77p SVENDSEN, J. S. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f 786.4 Sv24 fS-'EDisH songs] 784.4 Sw34 TANEIEV, S. I. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4 T15 TAYLOR, FRANKLIN. Technique and expres- sion in pianoforte playing q786.3 T21 TAYLOR, SAMUEL COLERIDGE-. See Cole- ridge-Taylor, Samuel. THALBERG, SIGISMOND. [Piano solos] in f786.4M57 THOMAS, AMBROISE. Mignon. Opera. q782T36m English words. Same q782 T36mi English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. TILKINS, FELIX. See Caryll, Ivan, pseud. TOCABEN, Louis. Complete method for the mandoline 787.6 T56 TOMLINS, W. L., ed. Children's souvenir song book .q784.8T59 TOWSEY, T. J. United States ship "Mary- Ann". Extravaganza. [Libretto] in q782 D63L TREHDE, G. [Song transcriptions arranged for piano solos] f786.4 T71 TRIOS and quartets for female voices. 784.8T73 [TRios for violin, violoncello and piano] 5v f785.7T73 TROVER, CARLOS. [Works] 2v f784.8T75 TSCHAIKOWSKY, P. I. [Collection of works for two pianos, four hands] 2v. . . f786.4 T78c 22 MUSIC TSCHAIKOWSKY, P. I. Compositions ar- ranged for piano, four hands. 2v. f786.4 T78f Eugene Onegin. Lyric scenes q782T78e English and German words. Le lac des cygnes. Grand ballet. Piano a 2 mains f786.4T78L [Piano solos] 2v f786.4T78p Selected pieces for pianoforte .... q786.4 T78 Suite tiree du ballet Casse-noisette. Op. 71A. Transcribed for pianoforte duet by S. Esipoff in f786.4 P57 [Suites arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4T78su [Symphonies arranged for piano, four hands] 2y f786.4T78s 5te symphonic fur grosses orchester. Op. 64. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen von S. Taneeff f786.4T78sy Symphonic pathetique. No. 6. Op. 74. Fur das pianoforte zu 4 handen. f786.4T78sp Same in 786.4 R12L [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v .f786.4T78wo [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v f786.4T78w ULRICH, HUGO. Ouverturen von Auber, Boieldieu, Herold, Spontini. Fiir piano- forte zu 4 handen in 786.4 Ov2 Same 786.4 UL7ob Ouverturen von Bellini und Rossini. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen in 786.4 Ui,7or Ouverturen von Boieldieu, Herold, Spon- tini, Auber. Fiir piano solo .. f 786.4 Ui.7ou Ouverturen von Gluck, Haydn, Mehul, Paer, Cimarosa. Fiir piano solo. f786.4 Ut7o Ouverturen von Gluck, Haydn, Mehul, Paer, Cimarosa. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen 786.4 UL7og Ouverturen von Schubert, Spohr, Lind- paintner. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. 786.4 Ui7os Ouverturen-album ; sammlung der belieb- testen ouverturen fur pianoforte solo. 2v f786.4U L 7 Ouverturen-album ; sammlung der belieb- testen ouverturen fur pianoforte zu 4 handen. 3v 786.4 Ui7oa Symphonic triomphale und Symphonic H moll, fur klavier zu 4 handen. 786.4 UL7s UNIVERSAL tanz-album fiir pianoforte, v. 2. f786.46Un3' VERDI, GIUSEPPE. ATda. Opera q782VS8ai English and Italian words. Same q782 V58a English and Italian words. I due Foscari. Melodramma lirico. q782V58d Italian words. Ernani. Dramma lirico q782VS8e Italian words. FalstafT. Commedia lirica q782 VS8fa Italian words. VERDI, GIUSEPPE. Falstaff q782 V58f English and Italian words. I Lombardi alia prima crociata. Dramma lirico q782 V58t Italian words. Macbeth. Opera q782 V58m Italian words. [Masked ball] Un ballo in maschera. Opera q782 VS8b English and Italian words. Nabucodonosor. Dramma lirico. .f 782 VS8n Italian words. Otello. Lyrical drama q782 V58o English and Italian words. Requiem q783.2 VS8 English and Latin words. Rigoletto. Opera q782 V58r English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Rigoletto. Oper f786.4 VS8r Pianoforte arrangement. La traviata. Lyric drama q782 VS8tr English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. La traviata. Oper f 786.4 V58t Pianoforte arrangement. II trovatore. Opera q782 V58t English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and Italian words. II trovatore. Oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen 786.4 V58 VILBAC, RENAUD DE. English national al- bum. ISO English, Irish, Scotch and Welsh national melodies for the piano forte f786.4 V71e [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4V71 VINCENT, C. J., ed. Fifty Shakespeare songs. For high voice f784.8 V74 Fifty Shakespeare songs. For low voice. f784.8 V74t [VIOLIN solos] 2v f787.1 V81 [VOCAL duets and quartets] f784.8 V85 [VOCAL music] 2v f784.8V855 VOLKMANN, ROBERT. [Piano solos] 2v. f786.4V88 f Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v '..1786.4 V88w VOLKSLIEDERBUCH fiir mannerchor. . .784.5 V88 WAGNER, RICHARD. [Collection of works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2y. in 4 f786.4 W12c Flving Dutchman [Der fliegende Hol- lander] Ed. by B. Tours q782 W12ft English and German words. Same. Ed. by J. Pittman 782 W12f English and German words. MUSIC 23 WAGNER, RICHARD. Gotterdammerung. Tr. by F. Jameson 782 W12go English and German words. Same. Tr. by H. & F. Corder. .q782 W12g English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63t Gotterdammerung f 786.4 W12g Pianoforte arrangement by R. Klein- michel. Gotterdammerung. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen von A. Heintz f786.4W12go Das liebesmahl der Apostel . . . q786.4 W12t Pianoforte arrangement, with text, by H. Sitt. Lohengrin. Romantic opera q782 W12L English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L Lohengrin. Romantische oper. Klavier- auszug zu 4 handen f 786.4 W12u> Lyrics for baritone and bass. Ed. by C. Armbruster f 784.2 W12Lb English and German words. Lyrics for soprano. Ed. by C. Armbrus- ter f784.2 W12LS English, and French or German words. Lyrics for tenor. Ed. by C. Armbruster. f784.2W12 L English and German words. Mastersingers of Nuremberg. [Die meis- tersinger von Nurnberg] Tr. by F. Jameson q782 W12ma English and German words. Same. Tr. by H. & F. Corder. .q782 W12ma English and German words. [Mastersingers of Nuremberg] Die meis- tersinger von Nurnberg q786.4 W12m Pianoforte arrangement, with text, by R. Kleinmichel. [Mastersingers of Nuremberg] Die meis- tersinger von Nurnberg. Klavieraus- zug zu 4 handen von A. Horn. f786.4W12me Parsifal. Opera .q782 W12p English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and German words. Parsifal [Selections arranged for the pianoforte, four hands, by E. Hum- perdinck] f786.4 W12p Das Rheingold. Tr. by F. Jameson. f782W12rh English and German words. Same. Tr. by H. & F. Corder. . .q782 W12r English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and German words. Das Rheingold f786.4 W12r Pianoforte arrangement. WAGNER, RICHARD. Das Rheingold. Kla- vierauszug zu 4 handen von A. Heintz f786.4W12rh Rienzi q782 W12ri English, German and Italian words. Rienzi f786.4 W12ri Pianoforte arrangement. Selections from the music dramas. Ar- ranged for the piano by O. Singer. f786.4W12mu Siegfried. Tr. by F. Jameson. .q782W12si English and German words. Same. Tr. by H. & F. Corder. . .q782 W12s English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and German words. Siegfried f786.4 W12s Pianoforte arrangement Siegfried. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen von A. Heintz f786.4W12si Tannhauser und der sangerkrieg auf Wartburg. Opera q782 W12t German words. Same. Ed. by N. Macfarren q782W12ta Engliah and German words. Tristan and Isolda q782 W12tr English words. Tristan und Isolde q786.4W12t Pianoforte arramgement, with text. [Vallo-rie] Die Walkiire. Opera. Tr. by H. & F. Corder q782 W12v English and German words. Same. Tr. b-" F. Jameson q782 W12va English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c [ Valkyrie! Die Walkiire f786.4 W12wa Pianoforte arrangement. [Valkyrie] Die Walkiire. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen von A. Heintz. . .q786.4 W12v [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 5v f786.4W12w [Works arranged for piano solos] 4v. f786.4W12 [WALTZ music] q786.46 W17 WALTZES. Pianoforte music f786.46 W18 WA-WAN press, Newton Center. [Musical publications] 6v f784.8 W36 WEBER, K. M. F. E., freiherr VON. [Collec- tion of works arranged for pianoforte, two pianos, four hands] 2v ... f 786.4 W38 Euryanthe. Romantic opera q782 W38e English and German words. Euryanthe. Oper f786.4 W38eu Pianoforte arrangement Euryanthe. Oper. Fur pianoforte zu 4 handen 786.4 W38e Der freischiitz. Opera. Ed. by A. Sul- livan and J. Pittman q782 W38f r English, German and Italian words. Same. Ed. by N. Macfarren q782 W38f English and German words. 24 MUSIC WEBER, K. M. F. E., freiherr VON. Oberon. Opera q782 W38o English and Italian words. Oberon. Romantische oper f786.4 WS8o Pianoforte arrangement. Oberon. Oper. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen 786.4 W38ob Ouverturen. Fiir piano .solo von H. Ulrich f786.4 W38ou Preciosa f786.4 W38pr Pianoforte arrangement. Preciosa. Fiir pianoforte zu 4 handen. 786.4 W38p Sammtliche ouverturen. Fiir piano zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich 786.4 W38ov [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4W38w WHITEHEAD, J. B. RADCLIFFE-, ed. Folk- songs and other songs for children. q784.8WS8 WICHTL, GEORG. [Works arranged for pi- ano and violin] 3v 1787.1 1 W63 WILM, NICOLAI VON. [Piano solos] _ f786.4W68 [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4W68w WILSON'S diagram method of chords for guitar 787.6 W69 WINKLER, Louis. Gavottes celebres, tran- scrites pour piano a 4 mains. . .q786.4 W72 WOLF, HUGO. Fifty songs. For high voice. f784.3W83h English and German words. Fifty songs. For low voice f784.3 W83L English and German words. Gedichte von Eduard Morike fur eine singstimme q784.3 W83 English and German words. 3 gedichte von Michelangelo fiir bass- stimme in q784.3 W83i Italienisches liederbuch. 3v. in 1. in q784.3W83i Lieder aus der jugendzeit. . . .q784.3 W83LJ English and German words. Lieder nach verschiedenen dichtern. in q784.3W83i Spanisches liederbuch. 4v. in 1 . q784.3 W83sL WOLLENHAUPT, H. A. Wollcnhaupt album. 11 pieces for the piano f786.4W83 ZAREMBSKI, JULES DE. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 Z18 SUBJECT ARRANGEMENT Instrumental music Pianoforte. Two hands ALBERTI, H. [Selections from the operas, arranged for the piano] 2v. . .f786.4 AL14 ALBUM national croate f786.4 AL148 ALBUM national frangais f786.4 AL147 ALBUM national serbe f 786.4 Ai.149 ALBUM of popular French piano music. 36 pieces by modern composers. 2v. in 1. . . f786.4 A L 146 ALBUM of popular piano music. . .q786.4 AL144 [ALBUM of selections from French and Ger- man composers] f 786.4 AL143 AMERICAN artist's edition album. 2v. in 1. in f786.4A L !54 ARENSKY, A. S. [Piano solos] ... .f786.4Ar33 AUDRAN, EDMOND. "La cigale". Comic opera. Arr. by Ivan Caryl 1. .q786.4 Au28 AUVRAY, GEORGES. Les marionettes java- naises q786.4 Au88 BACH, J. S. Forty-eight fugues for the Wohltemperirte klavier. In score with proper clefs. Ed. by C. Vincent. 2v. in 1 q786.4B12f Klavierwerke. Herausg. von Czerny, Griepenkerl und Roitzsch q786.4 B12k Klavierwerke. Herausg. von A. Ruthardt. 2v. in 1 f786.4B12e Englische suiten, nos. 1-6. Piano compositions. Ed. by E. Prout. 2v f786.4B12 Short preludes and fugues for the piano- forte. Ed. by W. Mason.. in q786.4B12p Two and three part inventions for the pianoforte. Ed. by W. Mason. in q786.4B12p BACHMANN, GEORGES. [Piano solos] in f786.4B124 BALAKIREW, M. A. [Piano solos] in f786.4B124 B [Master singers of Nuremberg] Die meistersinger von Niirnberg. Klavier- auszug zu 4 handen von A. Horn. f786.4W12me Parsifal. [Selections. Arr. by E. Hum- perdinck] f786.4 W12p Das Rheingold. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen von A. Heintz f786.4W12rh Siegfried. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen von A. Heintz f786.4W12si [Valkyrie] Die Walkiire. Klavierauszug zu 4 handen von A. Heintz. . .f786.4 W12v [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 5v f786.4W12w WEBER, K. M. F. E., freiherr VON. Euryan- the. Oper 786.4 W38e Oberon. Oper 786.4 W38ob Preciosa 786.4 W38p Sammtliche ouverturen. Fiir piano zu 4 handen von H. Ulrich 786.4 W38ov [Works arranged for piano, four hands] 2v f786.4W38w WILM, NICOLAI VON. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 W68w WINKLER, Louis. Gavottes celebres. q786.4W72 ZAREMBSKI, JULES DE. [Works arranged for piano, four hands] f786.4 Z18 34 MUSIC Pianoforte. Two pianos. Four hands BACH, J. S. Aria mit 30 yeranderungen (die "Goldberg'schen variationen") Fur 2 pianoforte von J. Rheinberger. 2v. f786.4B12a [Collection of works for two pianos, four hands] 2v f786.4B12c BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN. [Collection of works arranged for two pianos, four hands] 4v. in 8 f786.4 B39c 9te sinfonie. Op. 125. Fur 2 piano- forte gesetzt von F. Liszt. 2v. f786.4B39syL BRAHMS, JOHANNES. [Collection of works arranged for pianoforte, two pianos, four hands] 3v. in 6 f 786.4 B73c CHOPIN F. F. [Works arranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v f786.4 C45c [COLLECTION of music arranged for two pi- anos, four hands] 2v. in 4. ..f786.4C689 GODARD, B. L. P. Vingt pieces pour le pi- ano avec piano d'accompagnement (ad- libitum) par M. Jaell. 2v. . . . q786.4 GS4q LISZT, FRANZ. [Collection of works ar- ranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v. in 4 f786.4L69 [Symphonic poems, arranged for piano- forte, two pianos, four hands] 2v. in 4. f786.4L69s MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, F. J. L. [Col- lection of works for the pianoforte, arranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v f786.4M52c MOZART, W. A. [Collection of works ar- ranged for two pianos, four hands] 3v. in 6 f786.4M87 [Music collection for the pianoforte, ar- ranged for two pianos, four hands] 27v. in 54 f786.4 M98 SAINT-SAENS, CAMILLE. [Works ar- ranged for two pianos, four hands] 3v. in 6 f786.4Sa28 SCHUBERT, F. P. [Works arranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v. . . f786.4 Sch78wo SCHUMANN, R. A. [Collection of works ar- ranged for pianoforte, two pianos, four hands] 2v. in 4 f786.4 Sch86 STRAUSS, RICHARD. Ein heldenleben. Op. 40. ... in 786.4 St82 Symphonia domestica. Op. 53.. in f 786.4 St82 [Works arranged for two pianos, four hands] 2v f786.4 St82 TSCHAIKOWSKY, P. I. [Collection of works for two pianos, four hands] 2v. f786.4T78c WEBER, K. M. F. E., freiherr VON. [Col- lection of works arranged for piano- forte, two pianos, four hands] 2v. f786.4W38 Pianoforte. Two Pianos. Eight hands BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN. Ouverturen. Fur 2 pianofortes zu 8 handen von G. Rosier. 2v ... 786.4 B39ow [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4 f786.4 B39y BRAHMS, JOHANNES. [Works arranged for the pianoforte, two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4 f786.4 B73w [COLLECTION of music for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4 q786.4 C66 DVORAK, ANTONIN. [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. . . f786.4 D95c HAYDN, JOSEPH. Symphonien. Fur piano- forte zu 8 handen von T. Kirchner. 2v. in 4. 786.4 H32sv [Symphonies, arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v f 786.4 H32sy MOZART, W. A. [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4. f786.4 M87w Music collection for pianoforte. Two pi- anos, eight hands. I5v. in 30. . .f 786.4 M97 [MUSICAL compositions arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v 786.4 M99 SCHUBERT, F. P. [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4. f786.4Sch78w SCHUMANN, R. A. [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4. f786.4Sch86w TSCHAIKOWSKY, P. I. [Works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. f786.4T78w WAGNER, RICHARD. [Collection of works arranged for two pianos, eight hands] 2v. in 4 f786.4 W12c Pianoforte. Instruction and study CRAMER, J. B. Celebrated studies for the pianoforte. Books 1-2 in Iv. in f786.3C84 CZERNY, CARL. [Etudes] f 786.3 C99 GERMER, HEINRICH. Etiiden-fibel fur die klavierspielende jugend. Op. 36. 3v. in 1 in f786.3 G31s How ought one to study piano-technic? in q786.3G31 Musical ornamentation. Appendix to Op. 28 in q786.3 G31 Rhythmical problems. Op. 29.. in q786.3 G31 School of octave- and chord-playing for teaching purposes in the middle grade. Op. 45. 3v. in 1 f786.3 G31o Technics of pianoforte-playing. Musical ornamentation. Manual of tone-pro- duction. Op. 28 and Op. 30, pt. 1. ... .q786.3G31te Technics of pianoforte-playing rear- ranged as a methodical plan of instruc- tion. Op. 28 q786.3 G31t Theoretico-practical elementary piano- forte school. Op. 32 f786.3 G31e 36 studies for teaching purposes in the middle grade. Op. 31. 3v. in 1. in f786.3G31s MASON, WILLIAM. Method for the piano- forte. By W. Mason and E. S. Hoadly ..f786.3 M38m Touch and technic for artistic piano play- ing. Op. 44. 4v f786.3M38 MERTKE, EDUARD. Technischen uebungen. in q786.3St35 MUSIC 35 ORTH, L. E. B. On the white keys. Op. 18. 24 first grade pieces without acci- dentals for two and four hands. f786.3Or8 [PIANO studies] 3v f786.3 P57 SCHMITT, HANS. Pedals of the piano-forte and their relation to piano-forte play- ing 786.3 SchS6 SIEGEL-MEYERS correspondence school of music, Chicago. Piano lessons, nos. 1-100 f786.3Si!5 STEINGRABER, THEODOR, ed. Uebungsbuch nach der klavierschule. 76 leichte etuden. Mit Ed. Mertke's Technischen uebungen q786.3 St35 [STUDIES for the piano] 2v q786.3 St94 TAYLOR, FRANKLIN. Technique and expres- sion in pianoforte playing q786.3T21 Organ BACH, J. S. Compositionen fur die orgel. Ausg. von F. C. Griepenkerl und F. Roitzsch. v. 1-5, 7-9, in 4v q786.8 B12 HARKER, F. F. Harmonium collection. f786.8H22h Organ collection. 2v. in 1 f786.8 H22 LA VILLA, PAOLA, ed. Progressive organist ; a collection of preludes, postludes, of- f ertoires, marches, etc 786.8 L39 STAINER, Sir JOHN. Organ; a manual for beginners. Ed. and enl. by J. H. Rog- ers f786.7St!5 STAINER, Sir JOHN, ed. Village organist ; pieces for church and general use. Ed. by J. Stainer and F. C. Woods. Books 22-24 f786.8St!5 Piano and Violin [COLLECTION of music arranged for piano and violin] 2v. in 6 f 787. 11 C68 DANCLA, CHARLES. [Works arranged for piano and violin] 2v f787.11 D19 GRIEG, E. H. [Works arranged for piano and violin] 2v f787.11 G87 HAYDN, JOSEPH. Symphonien. Fiir pi- anoforte und violine von F. Hermann. 2v. in 4 f787.11H32 KAYSER, H. E. [Works arranged for pi- ano and violin] 2v f787.11 K18 MOZART, W. A. [Sonatas arranged for pi- ano and violin] 3v f787.11 M87 Symphonien von W. A. Mozart. Fiir piano und violine von F. Hermann. 2v f787.11M87s [Music collection arranged for piano and violin] I7v. in 51 ff&7.ll M97 SINGELEE, J. B. [Works arranged for pi- ano and violin] 2v f 787.1 1 Si64 [VIOLIN solos] 2v f787.1 V81 WICHTL, GEORG. [Works arranged for pi- ano and violin] 3v f787.11 W63 Violin. Instruction and study DAVID, FERDINAND. Violin school. Pt. 1. The beginner. Ed. by B. Listemann. f787.1D277 1 Piano and Flute [COLLECTION of music arranged for piano and flute] 6v f788.5 C68 Flute. Instruction and study DEVIENNE, FRANCOIS. Method for the flute, with scales for the Boehm flute. f788.5D49 KUMMER. KASPAR. Instruction book for the flute f788.5K96 LANGEY, OTTO. Tutor for the flute. q788.5L26 Violoncello. Instruction and study LANGEY. OTTO. Tutor for the violoncello. q787.3L26 Mandolin and Guitar. Instruction and study TOCABEN, Louis. Complete method for the mandoline 787.6 T56 WILSON'S diagram method of chords for guitar 787.6 W69 Chamber music [COLLECTION of music arranged for piano, viola and cello] 6v f785.7 C68 [COMPOSITIONS arranged for violin, violon- cello, and piano, four hands] 4v. in 18 f785.7C73 CONVERSE, F. S. Quartet in A minor for two violins, viola and violoncello. Op. 18 f785.7C76 [Music collection arranged for piano, vio- lin and cello] 8v. in 37 f785.7 M97 [TRIOS for violin, violoncello and piano] 5v f785.7T73 Orchestral music BERLIOZ, HECTOR. Partitur-beispiele zu Hector Berlioz' Instrumentationslehre. Mit den original-partituren verglichen. Von A. Dorffel f781.6B45i 3 CONVERSE, F. S. Night and Day. Two poems for pianoforte and orchestra. Op. 11. Orchestral score f785 C76n Festival of Pan. Romance. Op. 9. Or- chestra score f785 C76 Vocal music Operas [L'Africaine] Die Afrikanerin. MEYERBEER. f782M57a German and French words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. 36 MUSIC Aida. VERDI q782V58ai English an* Italian words. Same q782V58a English and Italian words. Algerian. DE KOVEN q782 D36a Alibi ; oder, Die fahrt in's Philisterium. SCHMIDT q782 SchS3 German words. (L'amico Fritz) Friend Fritz. MASCAGNI. q782M37a English and Italian words. Andrea Chenier. GIORDANO 782 G43a Italian words. Un' avventura di Scaramuccia. RICCI. 782 R3S Italian words. [Barber of Seville] II barbiere di Sivi- glia. ROSSINI q782 R73b English and Italian words. La Basoche. MESSAGER q782 M56b Italian words. Beggar student. MILLOCKER q782 M62b Belle of New York. KERKER q782 K45b Bells of Corneville. PLANQUETTE. . . q782 P6% Benvenuto Cellini. BERLIOZ q782 B45b French words. Bluff King Hal. STEWART q782 St49 [Boccaccio] SUPPE q782 Su76b Bohemian girl. BALFE q782 B19b English words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. Bohemians. PUCCINI q782 P96b Cabinet. REEVE in f 782 M87m Carmen. BIZET q782 BSSc Cavalleria rusticana. MASCAGNI ..f782M37c Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. Colomba. MACKENZIE q782 M19c Cox and Box. SULLIVAN q782 Su53c Les diamants de la couronne. AUBER. q782Au!3d English and Italian words. Dinorah CLe pardon de Ploermel) MEY- ERBEER q782M57d English and Italian words. Don Giovanni [Don Juan] MOZART. q782M87do English and Italian words. Same q782 M87d German and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o Don Pasquale. DONIZETTI q782 D7ld English and Italian words. Dorothy. CELLIER q782 C33d I due Foscari. VERDI q782 VS8d Italian words. L'elisire d'amore. DONIZETTI f782 D71e Italian words. English fleet in 1342. BRAHAM... f782 M87m Ernani. VERDI q782VS8e Italian words. Eugene Onegin. TSCHAIKOWSKY. ..q782T78c English and German words. Euryanthe. WEBER q782 W38e English and German words. Falstaff. VERDI q782V58fa Italian words. Same q782V58f English and Italian words. Faust. GOUNOD q782 G74f English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c La favorita. DONIZETTI q782 D7lf English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] i n 782 D63 English and Italian words. Fedora. GIORDANO f782 G43f Italian words. Fencing master. DE KOVEN q782 D36f Fidelio. BEETHOVEN q782 B39f English and Italian words. Flying Dutchman [Der fliegende Hollan- der] Ed. by B. Tours. WAGNER. q782W12fL English and German words. Same. Ed. by J. Pittman 782 W12f English and German words. Fra Diavolo. AUBER q782 Aul3f English and Italian words. Frangois the radical. BERNICAT q782 B457f Der freischiitz. Ed. by A. Sullivan and J. Pittman. WEBER q782 W38fr English, German and Italian words. Same. Ed. by N. Macfarren. ..q782W38f English and German words. Genoveva. SCHUMANN q782 Sch86g German words. La Gioconda. PONCHIELLI q782 P77g English and Italian words. Same . [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. Girl of the golden West [La fanciulla del West] PUCCINI q782 P96g English and Italian words. Girofle-Girofla. LECOCQ q782 L49g Golo. SCHOLZ q782 Sch64 German words. Gondoliers. SULLIVAN q782 Su53g Gotterdammerung. Tr. by F. Jameson. WAGNER f782 W12go English and German words. Same. Tr. by H. and F. Corder. q782 W12g English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L MUSIC 37 Grand duchess of Gerolstein [ Libretto] OFFENBACH in 782 D63o English and French words. Hansel and Gretel. HUMPERDINCK. q782 H88 English words. H. M. S. Pinafore. SULLIVAN q782 Su53 [Huguenots] Gli Ugonotti. MEYERBEER. q782M57h lone [Libretto] PETRELLA in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Iris. MASCAGNI q782 M37i Italian words. [Jewess] Die Jiidin. HALEVY q782H13j German words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Knickerbockers. DE KOVEN q782 D36k Lakme. Tr. and adapted by T. T. Barker. DELIBES q782 D37L English words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L English and French words. Lily of Killarney. BENEDICT f782 B43L Lily of Leoville. CARYLL q782 C25L Lohengrin. WAGNER q782 W12L English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L I Lombardi alia prima crociata. VERDI q782V58 L Italian words. Love tales of Hoffmann [Libretto] OF- FENBACH i n q 782 D63L English words. Lucia di Lammermoor. DONIZETTI q782D7lLU English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] m 782 D63 English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] j n q782 D63L Lucrezia Borgia. DONIZETTI q782 D7lL English and Italian words. Macbeth. VERDI q782 V58m Italian words. Madam Butterfly. PUCCINI q782 P96m English and Italian words. [Magic flute] Die zauberflote. MOZART. f782M87z Orchestral score. German words. Manon. MASSENET q782 M38m French words. Manon Lescaut. PUCCINI q782 P96ma English and Italian words. Manru. PADEREWSKI q782 P13m English and German words. Marino Falliero. DONIZETTI 782 D71m Italian words. [Marriage of Figaro] Le nozze di Figaro. MOZART q782 M87n English and Italian words. Same. Adapted and arr. by H. R. Bishop in f782 M87m English words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L English and Italian words. [Martha] Marta. FLOTOW q782 F66m English and Italian words. Same Q?82 F66ma English, German and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and Italian words. Martyr of Antioch. SULLIVAN. ...q782Su53m La mascotte. AUDRAN q782 Au28m [Masked ball] Un ballo in maschera. VERDI ... q782V58b English and Italian words. Mastersingers of Nuremberg [Die meist- ersinger von Niirnberg] Tr. by F. Jameson. WAGNER q782 W12ma English and German words. Same. Tr. by H. and F. Corder.q782 W12m English and German words. Mephistopheles. BOITO q782 B63m English and Italian words. Merlin. GOLDMARK q782 G56m German words. Merry widow. LEHAR q782 L52m Mignon. THOMAS q782 T36m English words. Same q782T36mi English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. Mikado. SULLIVAN q782 SuS3mi Mock doctor. GOUNOD q782 G74m English and French words. Mose. ROSSINI q782 R73m Italian words. Mountain sylph. BARNETT q782 B26m Nabucodonosor. VERDI f782 V58n Italian words. Natoma. HERBERT q782 H41n Night in Venice. STRAUSS q782 St82n English and German words. Norma. BELLINI q782 B41no English and Italian words. Same f782 B41n Italian words. Oberon. WEBER q782W38o English and Italian words. Olivette. AUDRAN q782 Au28o Orpheus. GLUCK q782 G52o English and Italian words. Otello. ROSSINI q782 R73o Italian and German words. Otello. VERDI q782 V58o English and Italian words. 38 MUSIC Pagliacci LEONCAVALLO 782 LSSp Parsifal. WAGNER q782W12p English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and German words. Patience. SULLIVAN q782 SuS3pa Pelleas et Melisande. DEBUSSY 782 D35 French words. La Perichole [Libretto] OFFENBACH. in q782D63c English and French words. Pipe of desire. CONVERSE q782 C76p Pirates of Penzance. SULLIVAN. . . q782 Su53pi Porter of Havre. CAGNONI q782Cllp Prince Methusalem. STRAUSS q782 St82p Princess Ida. SULLIVAN q782 Su53p Priscilla ; or. The Pilgrim's proxy. SURETTE. q782Su77p La prise de Troie. BERLIOZ q782 B4Sp First part of Les Troyens. French words. I promessi sposi. Melodramma. PONCHI- ELLI. ... q782P77p Italian words. I Puritani. BELLINI q782 B41p Italian words. Queen of Saba. GOLDMARK q782 G56q English words. Queen's lace handkerchief. STRAUSS. q782St82q Das Rheingold. Tr. by F. Jameson. WAG- NER f782W12rh English and German words. Same. Tr. by H. and F. Corder. q782 W12r English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and German words. Rienzi. WAGNER q782 W12ri English, German and Italian words. Rigoletto. VERDI q782 VS8r English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63 English and Italian words. Rip Van Winkle [Libretto] BRISTOW. in q782 D63c Rob Roy. DE KOVEN q782 D36r Robin Hood. DE KOVEN q782 D36ro Romeo and Juliet. GOUNOD q782 G74r English and French words. Ruddygore. SULLIVAN q782 SuS3r Salome. STRAUSS f782 St825s German words. Samson and Delilah. SAINT-SAENS. q782Sa28sa English words. Same q782Sa28s French and German words. Semiramide. ROSSINI f782 R73s Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. Shamus O'Brien. STANFORD q782 St24s Siege of Rochelle. BALFE. q782B19s Siegfried. Tr. by F. Jameson. WAGNER. q782W12si English and German words. Same. Tr. by H. and F. Corder. q782 W12s English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and German words. La sonnam'bula. BELLINI in 782 B41s % Italian words. Same. Ed. by N. Macfarren. ...q782B41so English and Italian words. Sorcerer. SULLIVAN q782 Su53s Tannhauser und der sangerkrieg auf Wart- 'burg. WAGNER q782 W12t German words. Same. Ed. by N. Macfarren. .. .q782W12ta English and German words. Tosca. PUCCINI q782 P96t English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. La traviata. VERDI q782 VSStr English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and Italian words. Trial by jury. SULLIVAN q782 SuS3t Trip to Africa. SUPPE q782 Su76t English and German words. Tristan and Isolda. WAGNER q782W12tr Der trompeter von Sakkingen. NESSLER. q782N37t German words. II trovatore. VERDI q782 VS8t English and Italian words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c English and Italian words. Les Troyens a Carthage. BERLIOZ . . q782 B4St Second part of Les Troyens. French words. United States ship "Mary-Ann". Extrava- ganza [Libretto] TOWSEY. inq782D63L [Valkyrie] Die Walkiire. Tr. by H. and F. Corder. WAGNER q782 W12v English and German words. Same. Tr. by F. Jameson q782 W12va English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in 782 D63o English and German words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c Virginia. SOLOMON q782 So47v Whitsuntide in Florence [Pfingsten in Florenz] CZIBULKA q782 C99w English and German words. [William Tell] Guillaume Tell. ROSSINI. q782R73w English and French words. Yeomen of the guard. SULLIVAN. q782 Su53y Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63c MUSIC 39 Operettas; Cantatas BENPL, KARL. Water-sprite's revenge. Can- tata for female voices in q782.8 B43 BERLIOZ, HECTOR. Faust [La damnation de Faust] Op. 24 q782.8 B45d Romeo et Juliette. Sinfonie dramatique. Op. 17 q782.8B45r French and German words. BRUCH, MAX. Fair Ellen. Cantata. in 782.8 C16 Odysseus. Scenen aus der Odyssee. Op. 41 q782.8B83 English and German words. CANTATAS for mixed voices 782.8 C16 COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, SAMUEL. Hiawatha's wedding-feast. Cantata. Op. 30. in 782.8 C16 CONVERSE, F. S. Serenade. Op. 25. Can- tata in 782.8 C16 DVORAK, ANTONIN. Spectre's bride. Dra- matic cantata q782.8 D9Ss GADE, N. W. Erl-king's daughter. Op. 30. Cantata in 782.8 C16 Psyche. Dramatic poem q782.8Gllp LAHEE, HENRY. Sleeping beauty. Cantata for female voices in q782.8 B43 McCuRRiE, C. H. Rival queens. Fairy op- eretta 782.8 M13 MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, F. J. L.' Lore- ley. An unfinished opera. Op. 98. in 782.8 C16 RANDEGGER, ALBERTO. Fridolin ; or, The message to the forge. Dramatic can- tata q782.8R!5f REINECKE, C. H. C. Music to the story of "Little Snowdrop". Op. 133. For fe- male voices in q782.8 B43 RHEINBERGER, J. G. King Eric. Cantata. in 782.8 C16 SCHEFFAUER, HERMAN. Sons of Baldur. Forest music drama [Libretto] 782.8 Sch23 SCHUMANN, ROBERT. Paradise and the Peri. Cantata. Op. 50 q782.8 Sch86 Song collections (by individual composers) BEACH, A. M. C, "Mrs. H. A. A. Beach". Song albums, nos. 1-2. 2v. in 1. 784.3 B3S [Songs and duets] f784.3 B35s BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN. An die feme ge- liebte (To the distant beloved) Op. 98. For high voice in q784.3 B39 English and German words. Six songs. With notes by H. E. Kreh- biel. For high voice in q784.3 B39 English and German words. BRAHMS, JOHANNES. Eighteen songs. For high voice, v. 1-2 in Iv q784.3 B73 English and German words. Forty songs. Ed. by J. Huneker. For high voice f784.3 B73fh Forty songs. Ed. by T. Huneker. For low voice. , ..f784.3B73f CHADWICK, G. W. Song album. 17 songs for alto or baritone in f784.3 C34s [Songs] f784.3C34 FOOTE, A. W. [Songs] f784.3 F73s [Songs and duets] 784.3 F73 FRANZ, ROBERT. Fifty songs. For high voice f784.3F85f English and German words. Fifty songs. For low voice. ..f784.3F85L English and German words. GODARD, B. L. P. Album of twelve songs with French and English words. q784.3G54 GRIEG, E. H. Fifty songs. Ed. by H. T. Finck. For high voice f784.3 G87fh English and German words. Fifty songs. Ed. by H. T. Finck. For low voice f784.3G87f English and German words. Grieg-album. Songs for low voice. 2v. in 1. (albums 2 and 5) q784.3 G87a HANDEL, G. F. Songs and airs. Ed. by E. Prout. 2v f784.3H19 v. 1. For high voice. v. 2. For low voice. LA VILLA, PAOLA. [Songs] f784.4L39 LISZT, FRANZ. Thirtv songs. Ed. by C. Armbruster. For high voice. . .f784.3 L69 Thirty songs. Ed. by C. Armbruster. For low voice f 784.3 L69L English and German words. MACDOWELL, E. A. [Songs] f784.3 M14 METCALF, J. W. Album of selected songs. High voice in f784.4 M56a Album of selected songs. Low voice. in f784.4 M56a [Songs, v. 1. for high voice] f 784.4 M56 1 [Songs, v. 2. For medium voice] f784.4M56* [Songs, v. 3. For low voice] .. f784.4 M56* NEVIN, E. W. [Songs] in q784.8 N41 ROTOLI, AUGUSTO. 12 melodies, in q784.8N41 SCHUBERT, F. P. Fifty songs. Ed. by H. T. Finck. For high voice f784.3 Sch78fh English and German words. Fifty songs. Ed. by H. T. Finck. For low voice f784.3 Sch78f English and German words. Songs. 3v. in 1 ci784.3 Sch78 1. The maid of the mill (Miillerlieder) 2. Winter-journey (Winterreise) 3. Dying strains (Schwanengesang) SCHUMANN, R. A. Fifty songs. Ed. b" W. J. Henderson. For high voice. f784.3Sch86f English and German words. Fifty songs. Ed. by W. J. Henderson. For low voice f784.3 Sch86fL English and German words. Sammtliche lieder. Rev. von M. Fried- laender. v. 1. For low voice. q784.3Sch86s [Songs] q784.3Sch86 SOMMER, HANS. Hunold Singuf; ratten- fangerlieder. Op. 4. 2v. in 1. q784.3So55 40 MUSIC STEWART, H. J. Legends of the Yosemite in song and story. By Allan Dunn and H. J. Stewart 784.3 St49L '[Songs] f784.3St49 STRAUSS, RICHARD. Forty songs. Ed. by J. Huneker. For high voice. . . f784.3 St82 English and German words. Forty songs. Ed. by J. Huneker. For low voice f784.3St82f English and German words. TROVER, CARLOS. [Works] 2v f784.8T75 WAGNER, RICHARD. Lyrics for baritone and bass. Ed. by C. Armbruster. f784.2 W12U) English and German words. Lyrics for soprano. Ed. by C. Arm- bruster f784.2W12 L s English, and French or German words. Lyrics for tenor. Ed. by C. Armbruster. f784.2W12 L English and German words. WOLF, HUGO. Fifty songs. For high voice. f784.3W83h English and German words. Fifty songs. For low voice f784.3W83L English and German words. Gedichte von Eduard Morike fur eine singstimme q784.3 W83 English and German words. 3 gedichte von Michelangelo fur bass- stimme in q784.3 W83i liederbuch. 3v. in 1. in q784.3W83i Lieder aus der jugendzeit q784.3 W83LJ English and German words. Lieder nach verschiedenen dichtern. in q784.3W83i Spanisches liederbuch. 4v. in 1. q784.3W83sL Song collections (by various composers) [ALBUM of songs by various composers] f784.8A L 15 BANTOCK, GRANVILLE, ed. One hundred folksongs of all nations. For medium voice f784.4 B22 BISHOP, H. R. Selection of popular na- tional airs. 4th-6th numbers. 3v. in 1. f784.4BS4 BROUNOFF, PLATON. Jewish folk-songs, v. 1. f784.4B79 1 BROWN, J. D.. ed. Characteristic songs and dances of all nations q784.4B81 [COLLECTION of songs] f 784.8 C68 [COLLECTION of vocal and instrumental music] 2v 784.8 C69 DE KOVEN, REGINALD, ed. Songs of child- hood. Verses by Eugene Field, music bv R. De Koven and others ...q784.4D36 FINCK, H. T., ed. Fifty mastersongs by twenty comnosers. For high voice. f784.8 F49 Fifty mastersongs by twenty composers. For low voice f784.8 F49f [GLEES, choruses and quartets] f784.1 G47 HALE, PHILIP, ed. Modern French songs. For high voice. 2v 784.8 H13f English and French words. Modern French songs. For low voice. 2 V 784.8 H13L English and French words. HOPEKIRK, HELEN, "Mrs. W. Wilson", ed. Seventy Scottish songs. For high voice. . f784.8H77 Seventy Scottish songs. For low voice. 784.8 H77s HUGHES, RUPERT, ed. Songs by thirty Americans. For high voice. . . 784.8 H87 Songs by thirty Americans. For low voice 784.8 H87 L JACKSON, VINCENT. English melodies from the 13th to the 18th century 784.8 J 13 JOHNSON, CLIFTON, ed. Songs every one should know 784.8 J63 JOHNSON, H. K., "Mrs. Rossiter Johnson". Our familiar songs *q784.8 J62 JOYCE, P. W. Old Irish folk music and songs 784.4 J85 KREHBIEL, H. E., ed. Songs from the op- eras. For alto f784.2 K87sa Songs from the operas. For baritone and bass f784.2 K87b Songs from the operas. For mezzo so- prano f784.2K87 Songs from the operas. For soprano. f784.2K87so Songs from the operas. For tenor. f784.2K87s MARZO, EDUARDO, ed. Gems of sacred song. High voice f784.8 M36 Songs of Italy. 65 Italian folk- and pop- ular songs q784.4 M36 English and Italian words. MODERN song favorites. High voice. 2v. in 1 f784.8M72 [MUSICAL selections, vocal and instrumen- tal] q784.8 M98 OUR national war songs q784.4 Ou7 PARISOTTI, ALESSANDRO, ed. Anthology of Italian song of the 17th and 18th cen- turies q784.8P21 English and Italian words. PITTMAN, JOSIAH, cd. Prima donna's al- bum. 41 cavatinas and arias from the operas q784.2 P68p English and Italian words. Tenor album. 50 songs from the operas. q784.2P68t English and Italian words. SCHINDLER, KURT, cd. Century of Russian song from Glinka to Rachmaninoff. f784.8Sch34 SMITH, W. G., ed. Grand army war songs. q784.4Sm68 [SONG collection] f784.8 So56 [SONGS by various composers] 4v. 784.8 So58 [SWEDISH songs] 784.4 Sw34 MUSIC 41 VINCENT, C. J., ed. Fifty Shakespeare songs. For high voice 784.8 V74 Fifty Shakespeare songs. For low voice. f784.8V74 L [ VOCAL music] 2v f784.8 V8S5 WA-WAN PRESS, Newton Center. [Musi- cal publications] 6v f784.8 W36 Part-songs BLENDED voices ; vocal duets f784.8 B61 [DUETS, quartets, and vocal solos] 2v. f784.8D86 LA VILLA, PAOLA. Album of 12 two-part songs in q784.8 L39a Novelty album ; quartets for male voices. in 784.8 B62 Novelty album; quartettes for mixed voices in q784.8 L39a Music arranged for female voices. 2v. 784.8 M97 ORPHEAN lyre; collection of glees, catches & duets 784.1 Or7 PART songs for female voices. 2v. . . 784.8 P25 PERKINS, H. S. Perkins' festival choruses (First book) Secular and sacred cho- ruses, glees, part sayings, etc. . .q784.8 P41 1 QUARTETS for male voices 784.8 Q28 SCHUBERT, F. P. Chor-gesangwerke. v. 3. Compositions for female voices. q784.6Sch78 TRIOS and quartets for female voices. 784.8 T73 [VOCAL duets and quartets J f784.8 V8S VOLKSLIEDERBUCH fur mannerchor. .. 784.5 V88 Songs for children BACON, Mrs. M. S. H., ed. Songs that every child should know j 784.8 B13 EICHBERG, JULIUS. High school music read- er 784.8 Ei22 ELLIOTT, J. W. National nursery rhymes and nursery songs. Set to music. q784.8E L 58 ORTH, L. E. B. Sixty songs from Mother Goose q784.8 Or8 RIPLEY, F. G. Music readers, nos. 1, 3-4. By F. H. Ripley and T. Tapper. 3v. 784.8 R48 ST. Nicholas songs f784.8 Sa24 SAWYER, F. J. Graded school-song book. 784.8 Sa97 SMITH, GERRIT. Twenty-five little songs Op. 12 in q784.8N41 TOMLINS, W. L., ed. Children's souvenir song book q784.8 TS9 WHITEHEAD, J. B. RADCLIFFE-, ed. Folk- songs and other songs for children. q784.8W58 Church music Oratorioi ; Sacred cantatas BACH, J. S. Christmas oratorio. ..q783.3B12c Passion of Our Lord according to S. John q783.3B12 Passion of Our Lord according to S. Matthew q783.3 B12m BENEDICT, Sir JULIUS. Legend of St. Ce- cilia. Cantata q783.4 B43 BLODGETT, B. C. Prodigal son. Scriptural cantata. Op. 32 in 783.4 B62 BRAHMS, JOHANNES. Song of destiny ( Schicksalslied) Op. 54 q783.4 B73 CONVERSE, F. S. Job. Dramatic poem. Op. 24 q783.3C76 DVORAK, ANTONIN. Saint Ludmila. Ora- torio. Op. 71 q783.3D95 Stabat mater. Op. 58 q783.4 D95 Latin words. ELGAR, Sir E. W. Apostles. Oratorio. Oo. 49 q783.3 EiJl Dream of Gerontius. Oratorio. Op. 38. q783.3E L 31d FRANCK, CESAR. Beatitudes. Oratorio. q783.3F84 GOUNOD, C. F. Redemption. Sacred tril- ogy q783.3G74r HANDEL, G. F. Judas Maccabaeus. Ora- torio q783.3H19j Messiah. Sacred oratorio q783.3H19m Samson. Oratorium 783.3 H19 English and German words. Saul. Oratorio q783.3 H 19s HAYDN, JOSEPH. Creation. Oratorio. q783.3H32 Seasons. Oratorio q783.3 H32s LISZT, FRANZ. Legend of St. Elizabeth. Oratorio q783.3 L69 MACKENZIE, Sir A. C. Rose of Sharon. Dramatic oratorio q783.3 M19 MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, F. J. L. Elijah. Oratorio. Op. 70. Novello's ed. q783.3M52e Same. Schirmer ed q783.3 M52eL Saint Paul. Oratorio q783.3 M52s PARKER, H. W. Hora novissima. Sacred cantata. Op. 30 q783.4 P22 REINECKE, C. H. C. Bethlehem. Sacred cantata for female voices. Op. 170. q783.4R27b ROSSINI, G. A. Stabat mater (Tribulation) q783.4R73 English and Latin words. Same. [Libretto] in q782 D63L English and Latin words. SPOHR, LUDWIG. Calvary. Oratorio. q783.3Sp64 Masses BACH, J. S. Mass in B minor q783.2 B12 Latin words. BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN. Mass in C. q783.2B39 English and Latin words. BRAHMS, JOHANNES. Requiem [German requiem] Op. 45 q783.2 B73 English words. GARIN, J. M. Messe a 2 voix egales. in q783.2G18 Messe solennelle in q783.2 G18 GOUNOD, C. F. Messe solennelle (St. Ce- cilia) in 783.4 B62 42 MUSIC SILAS. EDUARD. Mass in C. Op. 62. q783.2Si31 Latin words. STEWART, H. J. Mass in honor of St. An- thony of Padua q783.2 St49 Latin words. VERDI, GIUSEPPE. Requiem q783.2 VS8 English and Latin words. Hymns; Anthems; Motets BLODGETT, B. C. Anthems, responses and hymns for men's voices in 784.8 B62 GARIN, J. M. [Church music] q783.4 G18 HAYTER, A. U. Church music ; a collec- tion of psalm and hymn tunes, chants, services, anthems, &c 783 H33 LUTZ, W. M., ed. Motets for the year. A collection of offertories q783.4 L97 Latin words. SACRED music for mixed voices 783.8 Sal4 Singing and voice culture BASSINI, CARLO. Art of singing. ..f784.9B29 CONCONE, GIUSEPPE. Lessons in vocali- zation. The voice part of the Fifty les- sons, book 1, and the Twenty-five les- sons. Op. 10. Designed for class sing- ing in 784.9 P19a PANSERON, A. M. A B C of music. in 784.9 P19a Methode de vocalisation pour soprano et tenor. , .. 784.9 P19 PART II- -LITERATURE OF MUSIC General works Bibliography BAILEY, A. L. Bibliography of biography of musicians in English. [1899] in *17N48' BOSTON. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Allen A. Brown collection of music. Catalogue, v.l- 1908- *f!6.78B65 BREITKOPF & HARTEL, Leipzig, publishers. Verzeichniss des musikalien-verlages. [1886] *16B74 MATTHEW, J. E. Literature of music. 1896. 16.78 M43 NEW YORK. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lenox library short-title lists. No. xi: "Drexel musi- cal library." *16.78 N48 SON NECK, O. G. T. Bibliography of early secular American music. 1905. q!6.78So59 U. S. Copyright office. Catalogue of title- entries of books and other articles en- tered in the office of the Librarian of Congress, under the copyright law. New series, v. 1-date. July 1906-date. 1906-date m *18 Un3 Part 3 of each volume contains entries of musical compositions. Dictionaries BALTZELL, W. J. Dictionary of musi- cians. c!911 *780.2 ZB21 DE BEKKER, L. J. Stokes' encyclopedia of music and musicians. [1908] ...*780.3D3S ELSON, L. C. Music dictionary. c!905. *780.3E L 78 GROVE, Sir GEORGE. Dictionary of music and musicians. 5v. 1904-1910. *780.3G91 HUGHES, RUPERT. Musical guide. 2v. 1903. *780.3H87 NIECKS, FREDERICK. Concise dictionary of musical terms. [1884] *780.3 N5S RIEMANN, HUGO, Encyclopaedic dictionary of music, n. d. . ..*780.3R44 Periodicals; Societies BRAINARD'S musical world, v. 17. 1880. V80.5B73 Music teachers' national association. Papers and proceedings. 28th-32d annual meetings. 1906-191 1 *780.6 M97 MUSICAL America, v. 1 1-date, Nov. 1909- date *f780.5 M971 DIE MUSIK ; illustrierte halbmonatsschrift. 12v. Oct. 1901-Sept. 1904 *q780.5 M97 NEW music review and church music re- view, v. 7-date, Dec. 1907-date. *q780.5N42 PACIFIC coast musical review, v. 17-date, Oct. 1909-date *f780.5 Pll THEATRE; illustrated monthly magazine of dramatic and musical art. v. 1 1-date, July 1909-date *f792 T34 History BOISE, O. B. Music and its masters. 1902. 780.9 B63 BURTON, F. R. American primitive music. 1909 q780.9B95 COOKE, J. F. Standard history of music. c!910 780.9 C77 CROWEST, F. J. Story of the art of music. 1906 780.9 C88 DICKINSON, EDWARD. Study of the history of music, with an annotated guide to music literature. 1908 780.9 DS6 DUNCAN, EDMONDSTOUNE. History of mu- sic. [1908] 780.9 D91 ELSON, ARTHUR. Music club programs from all nations, giving an historic outline of each national school of music. c!907 780.9 EL78 ELSON, L. C. History of American music. 1904 q780.9 Ei78h ENGEL, CARL. Music of the most ancient nations. [1909] 780.9 En32 FILLMORE, J. C. Lessons in musical his- tory. c!888 780.9 F48 GALLOWAY, W. J. Musical England. [1910] 780.9 G13 GODDARD, JOSEPH. Rise of music. 1907. 780.9 GS4 HAMILTON, C. G. Outlines of music his- tory. c!908 780.9 H18 HENDERSON, W. J. How music developed. [1898] 780.9 H38 Story of music. 1907 780.9 H38s HOPE, R. C. Mediaeval music. 1894. ! 780.9 H77 HUNT, H. G. B. Concise history of music. 1907 . ... 780.9 H91c 44 MUSIC LISZT FRANZ. Des Bohemiens et de leur musique en Hongrie. 1859 914.3 L699 MAITLAND. J. A. F. English music in the 19th century. 1902 780.9 M28 MATHEWS, W. S. B. Popular history of the art of music. c!906 .780.9 M42 NAUMANN, EMIL. History of music. 2v. n. d 780.9 N22 NIECKS, FREDERICK. Programme music in the last four centuries. [1906].. .785 ZN55 O'NEILL, FRANCIS. Irish folk music. 1910. 780.9 On2 OXFORD history of music. 6v. 1901-1905. 780.9 Ox2 Contents: v. 1-2. Wooldridge, H. E. The polyphonic period. 330-1600. v. 3. Parry, C. H. H. The music of the 17th century. v. 4. Maitland, J. A. F. The age of Bach and Handel. v. 5. Hadow, W. H. The Viennese period. v. 6. Dannreuther, Edward. The ro- mantic period. PAINE, J. K. History of music to the death of Schubert 1907 780.9 P16 PARRY, Sir C. H. H., bart. History and de- velopment of mediaeval and modern European music, n. d in 780 P24 PIGGOTT, Sir F. T. Music and musical in- struments of Japan. 1909 q780.9 P62 PRATT, W. S. History of music. 1907. 780.9 P88 RIEMANN, HUGO. Catechism of musical his- tory. 2v. [1892] 780.9 R44 ROCKSTRO, W. S. General history of music. [1897] 780.9 R59 SMITH, HANNAH. Music; how it came to be what it is. 1907 780.9 Sm58 SONNECK, O. G. T. Early concert-life in America (1731-1800) 1909. . .q780.9 So59 WALKER, ERNEST. History of music in England. 1907 780.9 W 15 WALLACE, WILLIAM. Threshold of music; an inquiry into the development of the musical sense. 1908 780.9 W155 WHITCOMB, I. P. Young people's story of music. 1908 J780.9 W58 WINTHROP, R. C. Music in New England. 1908 in *973O443 5 Criticism; Essays AMBROS, A. W. Bunte blatter. Skizzen und studien fur freunde der musik und der bildenden kunst. 2v. 1872-1874. 780.4 Aml8 APTHORP, W. F. By the way ; short essays on music and art in general taken from the program-books of the Boston sym- phony orchestra. 2v. 1898 780.4 Ap84 BAUGHAN, E. A. Music and musicians. 1906 780.4 B32 BERLIOZ, HECTOR. Musikalische grotesken. 1864 780.4 B45m BLACKBURN, VERNON. Fringe of an art; appreciations in music. ' 1898 780.4 B56 DICKINSON, EDWARD. Education of a music lover. 1911 . .. 780.4 D56 ENGEL, CARL. Musical myths and facts. 1876 780.4 En32 FINCK H. T. Chopin and other musical essays. 1904 780.4 F49 GILMAN, LAWRENCE. Music of to-morrow. 1907 780.4 G42m Phases of modern music. 1904 780.4 G42 GREY, ROBIN, ed. Studies in music, by vari- ous authors. 1901 780.4 G86 HENDERSON, W. J. Preludes and studies ; musical themes of the day. 1901. 780.4 H38 HUME, DUNCAN. What music is ! n. d. 780 H88 HUNEKER, J. G. Overtones ; a book of tem- peraments. 1906 780.4 H89 KOBBE, GUSTAV. How to appreciate music. 1906 780 K79 KREHBIEL, H. E. How to listen to music. 1897 ; 780 K87 Music and manners in the classical period. 1899 780.4 K87 Review of the New York musical season, 1887-1888. 1888 *780.9 K87 1 LOMBARD, Louis. Observations d'un musi- cien americain. 1905 780.4 L83 MATHEWS, W. S. B. How to understand music. 2v. 1904 780.4 M42 NEWMAN, ERNEST. Musical studies. 1905. 780.4 N46 PATTERSON, A. W. Chats with music lov- ers. [1907] 780.4 P27c RUNCIMAN, J. F. Old scores and new read- ings. 1899 780.4 R87o SCHAUFFLER, R. H. Musical amateur. 1911. 780.4 Schl9 SCHUMANN, R. A. Music and musicians. 2v. 1880 780.4 Sch86 SURETTE, T. W. Appreciation of music. By T. W. Surette and D. G. Mason. 1908 780.7 Su77 UPTON, G. P. Standard concert guide. 1908 780Up8s Standard concert repertory and other con- cert pieces. 1909 780 Up8 WAGNER, RICHARD. Judaism in music. 1910. 780W12J YOUNG, FILSON. Mastersingers. [1905] 780.4 Y86m More mastersingers. [1911] 780.4 Y86 Theory; Science; Esthetics ANGER, J. H. Form in music. With special reference to the Bach fugue and the Beethoven sonata. c!900 781.5 An44 BAKER, F. C. How we hear; a treatise on the phenomena of sound. [1901] 781.1B17 BANISTER, H. C. Music. 1873 781 B22 BROATIHOUSE, JOHN. Musical acoustics. 1905 781.1B78 CORNELL, J. H. Primer of modern musical tonality. 1904 781.3 C81 CUMMINGS, W. H. Rudiments of music. [1877] in 780 P24 MUSIC 45 DRAESEKE, FELIX. Anweisung zura kunst- gerechten moduliren. 1876 781 D78 EDWARDS, J. H. God and music. [1903] 780Ed96 ELSON, L. C. Mistakes and disputed points in music teaching. c!910 780 EL78m FARNS WORTH, C. H. Education through mu- sic. [1909] 780.7 F23 GEHRING, ALBERT. Basis of musical pleas- ure. 1910 780.1 G27 GLYN, M. H. Analysis of the evolution of musical form. 1909 781.5 G52 GOODRICH, A. J. Music as a language. c!909. 780.1 G62 HANCHETT, H. G. Art of the musician. 1910 780H19a HANSLICK, EDUARD. Beautiful in music. 1891 780.1 H19 HAWEIS, H. R. Music and morals. 1904. 780H31m HELMHOLTZ, H. L. F. VON. Die lehre von den tonempfindungen, als physiologische . grundlage fur die theorie der musik. 1877 .781 H36 On the sensations of tone as a physiolog- ical basis for the theory of music. 1895. 781H36o HENDERSON, W. J. What is good music? 1908 780 H38 JUSTIS, E. L. Studies in musical rhythm, n. d q781.1J98 LAYIGNAC, ALBERT. Music and musicians. 1899 780 L39 Musical education. 1903 780.7 L39 LUCAS, CLARENCE. Story of musical form. 1908 781.5 L96 LUSSY, MATHIS. Musical expression, ac- cents, nuances, and tempo, in vocal and instrumental music, n. d 781 L97 Short treatise on musical rhythm. c!909. 781.1 L97 MANCHESTER, A. L. Music education in the United States. 1908 in *370.6 Un3' MARX, A. B. General musical instruction. n. d q780.7 M36 MASON, D. G. Child's guide to music. 1909. J780M38 PAUER, ERNST. Musical forms. [1878] 781.5 P28 PEARCE, C. W. Rudiments of musical knowl- edge, n. d 781.2 P31 PROUT, EBENEZER. Fugal analysis ; a com- panion to "Fugue". [1892] 781.5 P94f Fugue. [1891] 781.5 P94 RAYMOND, G. L. Rhythm and harmony in poetry and music. 1909 780.1 R21 RIEMANN, HUGO. Catechism of musical aes- thetics, n. d 780.1 R44 RITTER, F. L. Musical dictation. Pt. 1. 1886 in 780 P24 SHINN, F. G. Elementary ear-training. 2v. [1899-1910] 781.2 Sh63 Musical memory and its cultivation. [1898] 781.2 Sh63m WILLIAMS, C. F. A. Rhythm of modern music. 1909 781.1 W67 Story of notation. 1903 781.9 W67 WOHLFAHRT, HEiNRiCH. Manual of modu- lation, n. d in 781 G35 Harmony; Counterpoint BUCK, P. C. Unfigured harmony. 1911. 781.3 B85 CHADWICK. G. W. Harmony. c!897. 781.3 C34 DEHN, S. W. Lehre vom contrapunkt, dem canon und der fuge. 1859. . . .in 781.3 D36 Theoretisch-praktische harmonielehre mit angefugten generalbassbeispielen. 1860. in 781.3 D36 DUNCAN, EDMONDSTOUNE. Melodies and how to harmonize them. c!906. 781.3 D91 1 Key to "Melodies and how to harmonize them", n. d 781.3 D91' FOOTE, A. W. Modern harmony in its the- ory and practice. c!905 781.3 F73 HAUPTMANN, MORITZ. Nature of harmony and metre. 1893 781.3 H29 PAUL, OSCAR. Manual of harmony. 1885. 781.3 P28 PEARCE, C. W. Composers' counterooint, a sequel to "Students' counterpoint", n. d 781.4 P31c Students' counterpoint, n. d 781.4 P31 PROUT, EBENEZER. Counterpoint : strict and free. [1890] 781.4 P94 Double counterpoint and canon. [1891] 781.4 P94d Harmony : its theory and practice. c!903. 781.3 P94 RICHTER, E. F. Manual of harmony. 1880. 781.3 R41 RIEMANN, HUGO. Harmony simplified. [1895] 781.3 R44 SECHTER, SIMON. Correct order of funda- mental harmonies. 1882 781.3 Se23 STAINER, Sir JOHN. Harmony, n. d. in 780 P24 VINCENT. C. J. Harmony, diatonic and chromatic. c!900 781.3 V74 WHITE, W. A. Harmony and ear-training. c!907 781.3 W58 YORK, F. L. Counterpoint simplified. c!907. 781.4 Y82 ZUNDEL, TOHN. Treatise on harmony and modulation. 1862 781.3Z86 Musicians General biography APTHORP, W. F. Musicians and music-lov- ers. 1894 780.2 ZAp84 BALTZELL, W. J. Dictionary of musicians. c!911 *780.2ZB21 BARRETT, W. A. English church compos- ers. 1882 in 780.2ZG798 1 BENNETT, JOSEPH. Forty years of music, 1865-1905. [1908] 780.2 ZB43 BOURNE, C. E. Great composers. 1908. .. 780.2 ZB66 46 MUSIC BROWN, J. D. British musical biography. By J. D. Brown and S. S. Stratton. 1897 *780.2ZB81 CENTURY library of music ; ed. by I. J. Paderewski. 20v. 1900 q786.4 C33 Each volume contains biographical and critical articles followed by musical selections. CHAPIN, A. A. Masters of music. 1906. 780.2 ZC36 CROWEST, F. J. Great tone poets ; being short memoirs of the greatest musical composers. 1875 780.2 ZC88 DOLE, N. H. Score of famous composers. c!891 780.2 ZD68 EDWARDS, H. S. Prima donna, from the 17th to the 19th century. 2v. 1888. 780.2 ZEd96 EHRLICH, A. Beriihmte klavierspieler der vergangenheit und gegenwart. 1893. 780.2 ZEh89 Celebrated violinists. 1906. . . .780.2 ZEh89c ELSON, ARTHUR. Modern composers of Europe. 1905 780.2 ZEi78 FAMOUS composers and their music. Ed. by Theodore Thomas, J. K. Paine and Karl Klauser. 16v. [1901] q780 F21 v. 1-6, text. v. 7-16, music. FERRIS, G. T. Great Italian and French composers. 1903 780.2 ZF41g Great musical composers ; German, French and Italian, n. d 780.2 ZF41gc Great singers. 2v. 1907. 780.2 ZF41 Great violinists and pianists. 1904. 780.2 ZF41gv FILLMORE, J. C. Pianoforte music ; its his- tory, with biographical sketches and critical estimates of its greatest mas- ters. 1904 . 780.2 ZF48 FINCK, H. T. Success in music and how it is won. 1909 780.2 ZF49 GRAU, ROBERT Forty years observation of music and the drama. 1909 780.9 G77 GRAVES, C. L. Post-Victorian music. 1911. 780.2 ZG78 HADOW, W. H. Studies in modern music. 2v. 1905 780.2 ZH11 HAWEIS, H. R. My musical memories. 1884 780.2 ZH31 HUBBARD, ELBERT. Little journeys to the homes of great musicians. 1909. 780.2 ZH86 HUGHES, RUPERT. Famous American com- posers. c!900 780.2 ZH874f Love affairs of great musicians. 2v. 1904. .. 780.2 ZH874 HUNEKER, J. G. Mezzotints in modern music; Brahms, Tschaikowsky, Chopin, Richard Strauss, Liszt and Wagner. 1906 780.2 ZH89 KLEIN, HERMANN. Thirty years of musical life in London, 1870-1900. 1903. 780.9 K67 LAHEE, H. C. Famous pianists of to-day and yesterday. [19061 780.2 ZL13fp Famous singers of to-day and yesterday. 1898 780.2 ZL13f LAHEE, H. C. Famous violinists of to-day and yesterday. 1899 780.2 ZL13fv Organ and its masters. c!902 780.2 ZL13o MAITLAND, J. A. F. Masters of German music. 1894 780.2 ZM28 MAPLESON, J. H. Mapleson memoirs. 1848- 1888. 2v. 1888 782 ZM32 MASON, D. G. From Grieg to Brahms. 1908 780.2 ZM38f Romantic composers. 1906 780.2 ZM38r MASTERS in music. v. 1-6, Jan. 1903- Dec. 1905 V80.5M39 MATHEWS, W. S. B. Great in music ; a systematic course of study in the music of classical and modern composers. 2v. [1900-1902] 780.2 ZM42 Hundred years of music in America. 1889 780.2 ZM43 PHIPSON, T. L. Confessions of a violinist. 1902. ... .780.4 P55c Famous violinists and fine violins. 1903. 780.2 ZP55f Voice and violin ; sketches, anecdotes and reminiscences. 1898 780.4 P55v RIMBAULT, E. F. Gallery of German com- posers, n. d 780.2 ZR46 SAUNIER, B. S. Stories of the four great composers for young people; Mendels- sohn, Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn. c!906 j780.2ZSa87 SHARP, R. F. Makers of music. 1901. 780.2 ZSh23 SMITH, HANNAH. Founders of music; life sketches for young readers. [1903] j780.2ZSm5? STREATFEILD, R. A. Masters of Italian music. 1895 780.2 ZSt82 Modern music and musicians. 1906. 780.2 ZSt83m STRETTON, HESBA, pseud. See Smith, Hannah. UPTON, G. P. Musical memories. 1908. 780.9 Up8 Standard musical biographies. 1910. 780.2 ZUp8 WILLEBY, CHARLES. Masters of English music. 1893 780.2 ZW66 Individual biography Bach PARRY, Sir C. H. H., bart. Johann Sebas- tian Bach. 1909 780.2 B12p POOLE, R. L. Sebastian Bach. 1882. in 780.2ZG798 a SPITTA, PHILIPP. Johann Sebastian Bach. 3v. 1899 780.2 B12s WILLIAMS, C. F. A. Bach. 1906. 780.2 B12w ZIEMSSEN, LUDWIG. Johann Sebastian Bach. 1905 j780.2B12z Beethoven BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN. Letters. Ed. by A. C. Kalischer. 2v. 1909. 780.2 B393 CROWEST. F. J. Beethoven. 1908. .. 780.2 B393c MUSIC 47 FISCHER, G. A. Beethoven. 1905. 780.2 B393f GROVE, Sir GEORGE. Beethoven, and his nine symphonies. 1907 785 ZG91 HOFFMANN, FRANZ. Ludwig van Beetho- ven. 1904 j780.2B393h MOSCHELES, IGNAZ, ed. Life of Beet- hoven. [1841] 780.2 B393m NOHL, LUDWIG, Life of Beethoven. 1902. 780.2 B393n Bennett BENNETT, J. R. S. Life of William Stern- dale Bennett. 1907 780.2 B43b Berlioz BERLIOZ, HECTOR. Life of Hector Berlioz as written by himself in his letters and memoirs. 1903 780.2 B45 Brahms BRAHMS, JOHANNES. Herzogenberg cor- respondence. Ed. by Max Kalbeck. 1909 780.2 B73 COLLES, H. C. Brahms. 1908. ... 780.2 B73c DEITERS, HERMANN. Johannes Brahms. 1888 780.2 B73d DIETRICH, A. H. Recollections of Jo- hannes Brahms. By Albert Dietrich and J. V. Widman. 1904 780.2 B73di ERB, J. L. Brahms. 1905 780.2 B73e HENSCHEL, GEORG. Personal recollections of Johannes Brahms. 1907 780.2 B73h MAITLAND, J. A. F. Brahms. 1911. 780.2 B73m Bruneau HERVEY, ARTHUR. Alfred Bruneau. 1907. 780.2 B83h Billow BULOW, HANS VON. Early correspondence. Ed. by his widow. 1896 780.2 B87 CHAIKOVSKIL See Tschaikowsky. Chopin BENNETT, JOSEPH, Frederic Chopin, n. d. in 780 P24 HADDEN, J. C. Chopin. 1906. . .780.2 C455h HUNEKER, J. G. Chopin; the man and his music. 1908 780.2 C455hu KARASOWSKI, MORITZ. Frederic Chopin; his life and letters. 2v. 1906. 780.2 C455k Friedrich Chopin; sein leben und seine briefe. 1881 780.2 C455ka LISZT, FRANZ. Life of Chopin. [1899] 780.2 C4SSt NIECKS, FREDERICK. Frederick Chopin. 2v. [1902] 780.2 C455n OLDMEADOW, E. J. Chopin. 1908. 780.2 C455o SAND, GEORGE, pseud. Chopin. Sketches from George Sand's "History of my life". Selected by Laura Wieser. c!892. 780.2 C455s TARNOWSKI, STANISLAW, hrabia. Chopin ; as revealed by extracts from his diary. [1905] 780.2 C455t WILLEBY, CHARLES. Frederic Frangois Chopin. 1892 780.2 C455w Daniels DANIELS, M. W. American girl in Mu- nich; impressions of a music student. 1905 914.33 D228 Debussy LIEBICH, Mrs. LOUISE. Claude-Achille Debussy. 1908 780.2 D35L Elgar BUCKLEY, R. J. Sir Edward Elgar. 1905. 780.2 EiJlb Fay FAY, AMY. Music-study in Germany. 1908 780.2 F29 Franck INDY, VINCENT. Cesar Franck. 1910. 780.2 F84i Garcia MACKINLAY, M. S. Garcia the centena- rian and his times. 1908 780.2 G165m Gigliucci GIGLIUCCI, C. A. N., contessa. Clara No- vello's reminiscences. 1910 780.2 G367 Gluck NEWMAN, ERNEST. Gluck and the opera. 1895 780.2 G52n Grieg FINCK, H. T. Grieg and his music. 1909. 780.2 G87f Handel MARSHALL, Mrs. JULIAN. Handel. 1883. in 780.2 ZG798 1 STREATFEILD, R. A. Handel. [1909] 780.2 H19s WILLIAMS, C. F. A. Handel. 1904. 780.2 H19w Haydn HADDEN, J. C. Haydn. 1902. . . .780.2 H32h HADOW, W. H. Croatian composer ; notes toward the study of Joseph Haydn. 1897 780.2 H32ha NOHL, LUDWIG. Life of Haydn. 1902. 780.2 H32n TOWNSEND, P. D. Joseph Haydn. 1884. in 780.2 ZG798 4 Hoffman HOFFMAN, RICHARD. Some musical rec- ollections of fifty years. 1910. .780.2 H67 rlopkins PEARCE, C. W. Life and works of Ed- ward John Hopkins. [1910] . .780.2 H77p MUSIC Hopkinson SONNECK, O. G. T. Francis Hopkinson, the first American poet-composer (1737-1791) and James Lyon, patriot, preacher, psalmodist (1735-1794) 1905 q780.2H777s Joachim MAITLAND, J. A. F. Joseph Joachim. 1905 780.2 J57m Leschetizky HULLAH, ANNETTE. Theodor Leschetiz- ky. 1906 > 780.2 L56h POTOCKA, ANGELE, comtesse, Theodore Leschetizky. 1903 780.2 L56p Lind HOLLAND, H. S. Jenny Lind the artist, 1820-1851. 1893 780.2 L64h Liszt HERVEY, ARTHUR. Franz Liszt and his music. 1911 780.2 L69h HUNEKER, J. G. Franz Liszt. 1911. 780.2 L69hu LISZT, FRANZ. Letters. Ed. by La Mara [I. M. Lipsius] 2v. 1894 780.2 L69 NOHL, LUDWIG. Life of Liszt. 1902. 780.2 L69n RAMANN, LINA. Franz Liszt. 2v. 1882. 780.2 L69r WAGNER, RICHARD. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt. 2v. 1897. 780.2 W12co MacDowell GILMAN LAWRENCE. Edward MacDow- ell. 1906 780.2 M14g Mason MASON, WILLIAM. Memories of a musi- cal life. 1902 780.2 M38 Massenet FINCK, H. T. Massenet and his operas. 1910 782 ZM38f Melba MURPHY, A. G. Melba. 1909.. . .780.2 M48m Mendelssohn-Bartholdy DEVRIENT, EDUARD. My recollections of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and his letters to me. 1869 780.2 M52d HENSEL, SEBASTIAN. Mendelssohn fam- ily (1729-1847) from letters and jour- nals. 2v. [ 1881 ] 780.2 M52he HILLER, FERDINAND. Mendelssohn. Let- ters and recollections. 1874. ... 780.2 M52h LAMPADIUS, W. A. Life of Felix Men- delssohn Bartholdy. 1876 780.2 M52t MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, F. J. L. Let- ters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from 1833 to 1847. 1867 780.2 M52Le Letters to Ignaz and Charlotte Mosche- les. 1888 .. 780.2 M52 POLKO, Frau E. V. Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. 1869. 780.2 M52p ROCKSTRO, W. S. Mendelssohn. 1888. 780.2 M52r Same. 1884 in 780.2 ZG798' STRATTON, S. S. Mendelssohn. 1904. 780.2 M52s Meyerbeer BENNETT, JOSEPH. Giacomo Meyerbeer, n. d 780.2 M57b Moscheles MOSCHELES, IGNAZ. Recent music and musicians, as described in the diaries and correspondence of Ignatz Mosche- les. 1889 780.2 M85 Mozart BREAKSPEARE, E. J. Mozart. 1906. 780.2 M87b GEHRING, FRANZ. Mozart. 1883. in 780.2 ZG798' HOFFMANN, FRANZ. Mozart's youth. 1904 j780.2M87h NOHL, LUDWIG. Life of Mozart. 1902. 780.2 M87n WILDER, VICTOR. Mozart. 2v. n. d. 780.2 M87w NOVELLO. See Gigliucci. Paderewski BAUGHAN, E. A. Ignaz Jan Paderewski. 1908 780.2 P13b Paganini FETIS, F. J. Biographical notice of Ni- colo Paganini, with an analysis of his compositions. [1876] .. 780.2 P14f STRATTON, S. S. Nicolo Paganini. 1907. 780.2 P14s Pepys BRIDGE, Sir FREDERICK. Samuel Pepys, lover of musique. 1903 B P398b Phillips WATERSTON, A. C. L. Q., "Mrs. R. C. Waterston". Adelaide Phillips. 1883. 780.2 P54w Puccini DRY, WAKELING. Giacomo Puccini. 1906. 780.2 P96d Purcell CUMMINGS, W. H. Purcell. 1881. in 780.2 ZG798' Remenyi KELLEY, G. D. Edouard Remenyi. By G. D. Kelley and G. P. Upton. 1906. 780.2 R28k Rossini EDWARDS, H. S. Rossini and his school. 18S1 . 780.2 ZG798 1 MUSIC 49 Rubinstein M' ARTHUR, ALEXANDER. Anton Rubin- stein. 1889 780.2 R82m RUBINSTEIN, ANTON. Autobiography. Tr. by Aline Delano. 1903 780.2 R82 Ryan RYAN, THOMAS. Recollections of an old musician. 1899 780.2 R95 Santley SANTLEY, Sir CHARLES. Reminiscences of my life. 1909 780.2 Sa59 Schubert DUNCAN, EDMONDSTOUNE. Schubert. 1905 780.2 Sch78d FROST, H. F. Schubert. 1885. in 780.2 ZG798 1 Schumann MAITLAND, J. A. F. Schumann. 1884. 780.2 Sch86m Same. 1884 in 780.2 ZG798 4 PATTERSON, A. W. Schumann. 1903. 780.2 Sch86p REISSMANN, AUGUST. Life and works of Robert Schumann. 1908 780.2 Sch86r SCHUMANN, ROBERT. Letters. Ed. by Karl Storck. 1907 780.2 Sch86 Stradivari HILL, W. H. Antonio Stradivari. By W. H. Hill, A. F. 'Hill, and A. E. Hill. 1909 780.2 StSlh Strauss NEWMAN, ERNEST. Richard Strauss. 1908 780.2 St82n Sullivan FINDON, B. W. Sir Arthur Sullivan. 1904 780.2 Su54f LAWRENCE, ARTHUR. Sir Arthur Sulli- van ; life story, letters, and reminis- cences. 1900 780. 2Su54L Thomas THOMAS, Mrs. R. F. Memoirs of Theo- dore Thomas. 191 1 780.2 T36t THOMAS, THEODORE. Theodore Thomas, a musical autobiography. Ed. by G. P. Upton. 2v. 1905 780.2 T36 Tschaikowsky EVANS, EDWIN. Tchaikovsky. 1906. 780.2 T78e NEWMARCH, ROSA. Tchaikovsky. 1908. 780.2 T78n TSCHAIKOWSKY, M. I. Life and letters of Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky. 1906. 780.2 T78t Wagner CHAMBERLAIN, H. S. Richard Wagner. 1900 q780.2 W12c DANNREUTHER, EDWARD. Richard Wag- ner, his tendencies and theories. 1873. .. 780.2 W12d FINCK, H. T. Wagner and his works. 2v. 1907 780.2 W12f GAUTIER, JUDITH. Wagner at home. [1910] 780.2 W12g GLASENAPP, C. F. Life of Richard Wag- ner. 6v. 1900-1906 780.2 W12gL HENDERSON, W. J. Richard Wagner, his life and his dramas. 1901. .. .780.2 W12h HUEFFER, FRANCIS. Richard Wagner. 1881 780.2 W12hu Same. 1883 in 780.2 ZG798 1 JACKSON, J. P.' Bayreuth of Wagner. c!891 ; 914.33 J135 JULLIEN, ADOLPHE. Richard Wagner, his life and works. 2v. 1900 780.2 W12j LIDGEY, C. A. Wagner. 1907. .780.2 W12 L i NEUMANN, ANGELO. Personal recollec- tions of Wagner. 1908 780.2 W12ne NEWMAN, ERNEST. Study of Wagner. 1899 780.2 W12n NOHL, LUDWIG. Life of Wagner. 1902. 780.2 W12no PRAEGER, F. C. W. Wagner as I knew him. 1892 780.2 W12p WAGNER, RICHARD. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt. 2v. 1897.780.2 W12co Family letters. Tr. by W. A. Ellis. 1911. 780.2 W12 L e Letters to his Dresden friends, Theodor Uhlig, Wilhelm Fischer, and Ferdi- nand Heine. 1890 780.2 W12 Letters to Wesendonck et al. 1899. 780.2 W12 L My life. 2v. 1911 780.2 W12m Richard to Minna Wagner. Letters to his first wife. 2v. 1909 780.2 W12e Wagner and his Isolde. 1905. .780.2 W12w Walker WALKER, FRANCIS. Letters of a bari- tone. 1895 780.2 W15 Weber BENEDICT, Sir JULIUS. Weber. 1881. in 780.2 ZG798 4 Wolf NEWMAN, ERNEST. Hugo Wolf. [1907] 780.2 W83n Wood NEWMARCH, ROSA. Henry J. Wood. 1904 780.2 W85n Orchestral music BERLIOZ, HECTOR. Treatise on modern in- strumentation and orchestration. Rev. by J. Bennett, n. d q781.6 B45 1 CLAPPE, A. A. Wind-band and its instru- ments. 1911 788ZC53 COERNE, L. A. Evolution of modern or- chestration. 1908 785 ZC65 ELSON, ARTHUR. Orchestral instruments and their use. 1903 785 ZEL78 GILMAN, LAWRENCE. Stories of symphonic music. 1907 785 ZG42 GOEPP, P. H. Symphonies and their mean- ing. 1905. 785ZG55 Symphonies and their meaning. 2d series. 190.2. . ..785ZG55s 50 MUSIC HENDERSON, W. J. Orchestra and orches- tral music. 1908 785 ZH38 KILBURN, NICHOLAS. Story of chamber music. 1904 785.7 ZK55 MASON, D. G. Orchestral instruments and what they do ; a primer for concert-go- ers. c!909 785ZM38 PROUT, EBENEZER. Instrumentation, n. d. 781.6 P94 Orchestra. 2v. 1899 785 ZP94 RIEMANN, HUGO. Catechism of musical in- struments (guide to instrumentation). [1888] 785ZR44 SCHLESINGER, KATHLEEN. Instruments of the modern orchestra and early rec- ords of the precursors of the violin family. 2v. 1910 785 ZSch38 U. S. Library of Congress. Division of music. Orchestral music. Catalogue. Scores. 1912 *q!6.785 Un3 UPTON, G. P. Standard symphonies. 1905. 785ZU P 8 VINCENT, C. J. Brass band and how to write for it. 1908 788 ZV74 Scoring for an orchestra. [1897] .. .785 ZV74 WAGNER, RICHARD. On conducting (Ueber das dirigiren) 1897 785 ZW12 WEINGARTNER, FELIX. Post-Beethoven sym- phonists. [1906] 785 ZW43 Musical instruments (including instruction and study) General works ENGEL, CARL. Musical instruments. 1908. 780.9 En33m GALPIN, F. W. Old English instruments of music, their history and character. [1910] 780.9 G139 PIGGOTT, Sir F. T. Music and musical in- struments of Japan. 1909 q780.9P62 U. S. Bureau of the census. Census of manufactures : 1905. Musical instru- ments, attachments, and materials. 1907 in *q317.3 Un3b 9 Pianoforte BIE, OSKAR. History of the pianoforte and pianoforte players. 1899 786.1 B47 CHRISTIANI, A. F. Principles of expression in pianoforte playing. c!885. ... 786.3 ZC46 GALSTON, GOTTFRIED. Studienbuch. 1910. q786.4ZG13 GIBSON, LOUISA. First book on the theory of music applied to the pianoforte. [1876] in 781 G35 GOTTSCHALD, ERNST. Beethoven's piano- forte sonatas explained for the lovers of the musical art. 1903 786.4 ZB39g HAMILTON, C. G. Piano teaching. c!910. 786.3 ZH18 HIPKINS, A. J. Description and history of the pianoforte and of the older key- board stringed instruments. 1896. 786.2 H61 HOFMANN, JOSEF. Piano playing. 1908. 786.3 ZH67 JOHNSTONE, J. A. Art of teaching piano- forte playing. [1910] 786.3 ZJ65 a Touch, phrasing and interpretation, n. d. 786.3 ZJ65 JONSON, G. C. A. Handbook to Chopin's works, n. d 786.4 ZC45J KLECZYNSKI, JAN. Chopin's greater works. How they should be understood. n. d 786.4 ZC45k How to play Chopin, n. d 786.4 ZC45kL KREHBIEL, H. E. Pianoforte and its music. 1911 786ZK87p KULLAK, ADOLF. Aesthetics of pianoforte- playing. 1907 786.3 ZK95 Die aesthetik des klavierspiels. 1876. 786.3 ZK95a NORTON, E. Q. Construction, tuning and care of the piano-forte, cl 887.. . .786.2 C82 PARENT, H. Study of the piano. c!889. 786.3 ZP21 PERRY, E. B. Descriptive analyses of piano works. 1906 786.4 ZP42 PRENTICE, RIDLEY. Musician; a guide for pianoforte students. In six grades. 6v. 1898-1907 786.3 ZP91 RIEMANN, HUGO. Analysis of J. S. Bach's Wohltemperirtes clavier. 2v. [1890] 786.4 ZB12r Catechism of pianoforte playing, n. d. 786.3 ZR44 TAYLOR, FRANKLIN. Primer of pianoforte playing. 1906 786.3 ZT21 WEITZMANN, K. F. History of pianoforte- playing and pianoforte-literature. 1897. 786.1 W43 Organ HOPKINS, E. J. Organ; its history and construction. 1877 786.5 H77 PAGE, ARTHUR. On organ playing "Hints to young organists". c!899 786.7 ZP14 PEARCE, C. W. Mendelssohn's organ sona- tas, technically and critically discussed. [1902] 786.8 ZM52p Notes on old London city churches, their organs, organists, and musical associ- ations, n. d 914.21 P31 Organist's directory to the accompani- ment of divine service, n. d. 783.2 ZP31o Practical hints and suggestions (musical and theological) for the organ ac- companiment to the Psalms. n. d. 783.2 ZP31p ROBERTSON, F. E. Practical treatise on organ-building. 2v. 1906 786.6 R54 STATHAM, H. H. Organ and its position in musical art. 1909.. .. 786.5 St29 MUSIC 51 WEDGWOOD, J. I. Comprehensive dictionary of organ stops, English and foreign, ancient and modern. [1905] ... 786.6 W41 WILLIAMS. C. F. A. Story of organ music. 1905 786.8 ZW67 Story of the organ. 1903 786.5 W67 Violin ABELE, HYACINTH. Violin ; its history and construction, n. d 787.1 ZAb35 CHAPIN, A. A. Heart of music; the story of the violin. 1908 787.1 ZC36 COURVOISIER, KARL. Technics of violin playing. 1908 787.1 ZC83 DAVIDSON, PETER. Violin ; a concise exposi- tion of the general principles of con- struction. 1871 787.1 ZD28 HAWEIS, H. R. Old violins. 1905. . .787.1 ZH31 HERON-ALLEN, EDWARD. Violin-making. [1885] 787.1 ZH43 PETHERICK, HORACE. Repairing and resto- ration of violins. 1903 787.1 ZP44 SCHEBECK, EDMUND. Violin manufacture in Italy and its German origin. 1877. 787.1 ZSchZl STOEVING. PAUL. Art of violin-bowing, n. d. 787.1 ZSt65 Story of the violin. 1904 787.1 ZSt65s WINRAM, JAMES. Violin playing and violin adjustment. 1908 787.1 ZW73 Harp FLOOD, W. H. G. Story of the harp. 1905. 787.5 ZF65 Flute BOEHM, THEOBALD. Flute and flute-playing. cl908 788.5 ZB63 Pianola KOBBE, GUSTAV. Pianolist ; a guide for pianola players. 1907 789.9 K79 Vocal music Opera ANNESLEY, CHARLES. Standard opera glass. 1907 782ZAn76 APTHORP, W. F. Opera, past and present. 1901 782ZAp84 BENSON, E. F. Valkyries, a romance founded on Wagner's opera. By E. F. Benson. 1903 782 ZW12b BLACKBURN, VERNON. Bayreuth and Mu- nich ; a travelling record of German operatic art. 1899 782 ZB56 CHAPIN, A. A. Story of the Rhinegold, told for young people. 1905 . .j782ZW12r Wonder tales from Wagner, told for young people. 1899 J782 ZW12c DAVIDSON, GLADYS. Stories from the op- eras. [1906] 782ZD28 Stories from the operas. 3d. series. [1910] 782ZD28st Two hundred opera plots. 2v. 1911. 782ZD28t EDWARDS, H. S. Lyrical drama. 2v. 1881. 782ZEd96 ELSON, ARTHUR. History of opera. 1901. 782ZEL78 FINCK, H. T. Massenet and his operas. 1910 782ZM38f FROST, W. H. Wagner story book. 1905. j782ZW12f GILMAN, LAWRENCE. Aspects of modern opera. 1909 782 ZG42 Debussy's Pelleas et Melisande. 1907. 782ZD35p GOUNOD, CHARLES. Le Don Juan de Mo- zart. 1890 782ZM87d GUERBER, H. A. Stories of famous operas. 1910 782ZG93 Stories of popular operas. 1904. 782ZG93s Stories of the Wagner operas. 1899. 782ZW12gu HADDEN, J. C. Favourite operas from Mo- zart to Mascagni. 1911 782 ZH11 HALL, GERTRUDE. Wagnerian romances. 1907 782ZW12h HENDERSON, W. J. Some forerunners of Italian opera. 1911 782 ZH38 IRWIN, T. J. Guide to grand opera. 1907. in q782D63L KREHBIEL, H. E. Book of operas 1909 782ZK87b Chapters of opera; being historical and critical observations and records con- cerning the lyric drama in New York. 1909 782ZK87c Studies in the Wagnerian drama. 1891. 782ZW12k KUFFERATH, MAURICE. Parsifal of Richard Wagner. With the leading motifs in musical notation and illustrations of the scenes at the Metropolitan opera house 1905 782 ZW12p LAHEE, H. C. Grand opera in America [1910] 782ZL13 LAVIGNAC, ALBERT. Music dramas of Rich- ard Wagner and his Festival theatre in Bayreuth. 1905 782 ZW12L LEE, E. M. Story of opera. 1909. .. .782 ZL51 MAUD, C. E. Wagner's heroes, n. d. i782ZW12m Wagner's heroines, n. d j782ZW12ma MELITZ, L. L. Opera goers' complete guide. 1908 782ZM48 SHAW, G. B. Perfect Wagnerite; a com- mentary on the Ring of the Niblungs. 1909 782ZW12s SINGLETON, ESTHER. Guide to modern op- era. 1909 782ZSi64g Guide to the operas. 1902 782 ZSi64 52 MUSIC STREATFEILD, R. A. Opera ; a sketch of the development of the opera. 1902. 782ZSt83 TOWERS, JOHN. Dictionary-catalogue of op- eras and operettas which have been performed on the public stage. c!910. *782ZT65 U. S. Library of Congress. Division of music. Dramatic music. Catalogue of full scores, comp. by O. G. T. Sonneck. 1908 *16.782Un3 UPTON, G. P. Standard cantatas ; their stories, their music, and their compos- ers. 1903 782.8 ZUp8 Standard light operas. 1902 782 ZUp8 Standard operas. 1905 782 ZUpSs WAGNALLS, MABEL. Stars of the opera; a description of twelve operas and a series of personal sketches. 1899. 782ZW119 WAGNER, RICHARD. Dusk of the gods (Got- terdammerung) Tr. by Oliver Huckel. [1911] 782ZW12g Parsifal, mystical drama, retold in the spirit of the Bayreuth interpretation by Oliver Huckel. 1903 782ZW12ph Ring of the Nibelung. Explained by G. T. Dippold. 1906 782 ZW12r Stories from Wagner by J. W. McSpad- den. cl905 J782 ZW12mc Tannhauser, a dramatic poem. Tr. by Oliver Huckel. [1906] 782 ZW12t Valkyrie (Die Walkiire) a dramatic poem. Tr. by Oliver Huckel. [1909] 782ZW12vh WESTON, J. L. Legends of the Wagner drama. 1896 782 ZW12w WHEELOCK, E. M. Stories of Wagner op- eras told for children. [1907] j782ZW12w WINWORTH, FREDA. Epic of sounds ; an ele- mentary interpretation of Wagner's Nibelungen Ring. [1897] 782 ZW12ri YOUNG, FILSON. Wagner stories. 1907. 782ZW12y Songs BARRETT, W. A. English glee and madrigal writers. 1877 784.1 ZB27 DUNCAN, EDMONDSTOUNE.. Story of min- strelsy. 1907 784.4 ZD91 Story of the carol. 1911 783.6 ZD91 EMERSON, N. B. Unwritten literature of Hawaii ; the sacred songs of the hula. 1909 in *572.9 Un3b' T FINCK, H. T. Songs and song writers. 1905 784ZF49s FITZ-GERALD, S. J. A. Stories of famous songs. 2v. 1901 784ZF57 GILMAN, B. I. Hopi songs. 1908. 784.4 ZG42 KOBBE, GUSTAV. Famous American songs. [1906] 784ZK79 MARTINENGO-CESARESCO, E. L. H. C, con- tessa. Essays in the study of folk- songs. 1886 398.8 M36e MASON, REDFERN. Song lore of Ireland. 1910 780.9 M38 [SONG-BOOKS] 784.8 ZSo6 SONNECK, O. G. T. Report on "The star- spangled banner", "Hail Columbia", "America", "Yankee Doodle". 1909. *q784.4ZSo59 WILLIAMS, A. M. Studies in folk-song and popular poetry. 1894 398.8 W67 Church music BUMPUS, J. S. History of English cathedral music, 1549-1889. 2v. [1908] 783.2 ZB88 BURGESS, FRANCIS. Textbook of plainsong and Gregorian music, n. d. ...783.5ZB91 LORENZ, E. S. Practical church music. c!909 783ZL88 LUTKIN, P. C. Music in the church. 1910. 783.8 ZL97 MEES, ARTHUR. Choirs and choral music. 1901 783ZM47 PATTERSON, A. W. Story of oratorio. 1902. 783.3 ZP27 RICHARDSON, A. M. Psalms, their structure and musical rendering. c!903. 783.5 ZR39 UPTON, G. P. Standard oratorios. 1887. 783.3 ZUp8 Singing and voice culture AIKIN, W. A. Voice. 1910 784.9 Ai45v BREARE, W. H. Vocal faults. 1907. ... 784.9 B74v Vocalism, its structure and culture. 1904 784.9 B74vo BRENNAN, C. J. Words in singing, a prac- tical guide to the study of phonetics, and its application to song. [1905] 784 B75 BROWNE, LENNOX. Voice, song and speech. By Lennox Browne and Emil Behnke. 1904 784.9 B81 FFRANGCON-DAVIES, DAVID. Singing of the future. 1907 784.9 F43 FILLEBROWN, THOMAS. Resonance in sing- ing and speaking. c!911 784.9 F48 HEINRICH, MAX. Correct principles of clas- sical singing. [1910] 784.9 H36 HENDERSON, W. J. Art of the singer. 1906. 784.9 H38 KOFLF.R, LEO. Art of breathing as the basis of tone-production. c!897 784.9 K82 LEHMANN, LILLI, "Frau Paul Kalisch". How to sing. 1908 784.9 L52 MACKINLAY, M. S. Singing voice and its training. 1910 784.9 M21 MARCHESI, MATHILDE. Ten singing les- sons. 1901 784.9 M33 MILLER, F. E. Voice, its production, care and preservation. 1910 784.9 M61 MILLS, WESLEY. Voice production in sing- ing and speaking. 1906 784.9 M62 RICHARDSON, A. M. Choir training based on voice production, n. d 784.07 R39 MUSIC 53 RUSSELL, L. A. Commonplaces of vocal art. cl907 784.9 R91 SANTLEY, Sir CHARLES. Art of singing and vocal declamation. 1908 784.9 Sa59 SAWYER, F. J. Manual of sight-singing. 2v. c!899 784.07 Sa97 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Art of singing. c!910 q784.9Sh!5 SIMMONS, ROBERT. choral singers. Practical points for [1906] 784.07 Si47 TAYLOR, D. C. Psychology of singing. 1908. WATTS, H. E. and school. . 784.9 T21 Choir training in church n. d 784.07 W34 "' VLI i vn/fl> .OC"' vm.iiv/j/*> < m so 30 v > 1 tUV'^ - -- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRAR)L nn Los Angeles APR This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ^foinw-wv^ 315 ^ % s s I s 1 < Q S =3 o Q= T 3 i I 5J\E-NIVERS/A .^lOS-A ^ fez^ ^^. ft i %1JQNY-S01^ A 001 242 629 2