ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK WILKINS \ \, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementaryspanisOOspanrich THE HISPANIC SERIES . UNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF John D. Fitz-Gerald, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF SPANISH, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MEMBER OF THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA CORRESPONDIENTE DE LAS REALES ACADEMIAS ESPANOLA Y DE LA HISTORIA DE MADRID ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Copyright by Underwood 6* Underwood, N. Y . La Alhambra con la Sierra Nevada THE HISPANIC SERIES ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK BY LAWRENCE A. WILKINS, A. M. HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SPANISH, DE WITT CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL, NEW YORK CITY ov TToXX' dXXa ttoXv BENJ. H. SANBORN & CO. CHICAGO NEW YORK BOSTON 1917 Copyright, 1Q17, By BENJ. H. SANBORN & CO, vrHHTiAT^ON DCPT. PREFACE This Spanish prose book has been prepared with these aims: To give the student a command of practical Spanish. Therefore only the most current locutions and vocabu- lary are introduced. These are used repeatedly while as the book progresses additional material is gradually and steadily worked in. To provide an elementary acquaintance with the life and customs of Spain and of Spanish America, as well as with the fundamental facts of the history, Hterature,and art of the Peninsula and of the repubHcs of South America. The last fourteen chapters are devoted ex- clusively to countries of the New World. The method followed in the preparation of the book is based upon the belief that it is preferable to write a considerable amount of fairly easy Spanish than to attempt to write a small amount of difficult prose. It is hoped that instructors using the book will insist first upon a careful study of the model Spanish text at the beginning of each chapter. This may be treated in class in the many ways that any reading lesson in Spanish may be treated. The Repasos de Gramdtica should be worked out preferably after a study of the Spanish text. The locutions should be committed to memory. The oral work may be done by the class while the stu- 890443 VlU ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK dents' Spanish version of the English paragraphs is being written on the board. The list of proverbs should be consulted for transla- tions of the proverbs. In the Appendix will be found tables of the verb endings of all regular verbs, the ir- regular forms of irregular verbs and of type-verbs of the kind known as radical-changing and orthographical- changing; also certain special cases of verb irregularities. Each verb or type that is irregular bears a paragraph number arid to these numbers are referred in the vo- cabulary and in the Repasos de Gramdtica all irregular forms. The student thus has at hand a ready refer- ence section to aid him in mastering that great difficulty in Spanish, the verb. The vocabulary is somewhat of an innovation. Into this one vocabulary are combined the Spanish-English and the EngHsh-Spanish vocabularies which are usually kept separate in foreign language prose books. It is believed that this combined vocabulary — which is arranged according to rules followed in Spanish dictionaries — will not only save the student's time by making it unnecessary for him to be always on the look-out for that one of the vocabularies he desires, but will also teach him the etymological relations that exist in many cases between Spanish and English words. For the idea of a combined vocabulary the author is indebted to Professor Charles Philip Wagner of the University of Michigan. The author desires also to express here his thanks to Senor Modesto Sole y Andreu for reading the manu- PREFACE ix script and for making several very helpful suggestions, also to Seiior Rafael Soto of the University of Illinois for help at several points. To Professor John D. Fitz- Gerald of the University of lUinois he tenders not only the thanks of an author to a learned and painstaking editor but also the gratitude and affection of a former student to an inspiring master. Lawrence A. Wilkins. New York City, June, 1917. TO THE STUDENT In using this book do not attempt to translate the English sections of the lessons without a previous care- ful study of the Spanish text and a faithful review of the grammatical points mentioned in the Repasos de Gramdtica. The latter and the Spanish text should be worked out together as is indicated by the fact that the illustrations of grammar are taken from the Spanish with which the lesson opens. Likewise the locutions should be memorized before you attempt the English- Spanish exercise. Let the Spanish text always serve you as the model for your translation from English into Spanish. Consult the vocabulary in the back of the book only as a last resort or to look up a word that you may find underlined in the English text. This under- lining indicates that the word has not previously oc- cured in the Spanish text of the lesson in which it is found nor in any previous lesson of the book. Numbers following verbs in the Repasos de Gramdtica and in the vocabulary of the book refer to the num- bered sections of the verb appendix preceding the vo- cabulary in which are found all the commoner irregular verbs, all the irregular forms of which are given. References to the grammar te'lxt used by the (plass may be supplied by filling in with pencil in the dashes left in the Repasos the number of the section or page which treats of the point in question. Proverbial expressions should be sought, not in the vocabulary, but in the list of proverbs preceding the verb appendix. CONTENTS Page Preface ......... vii To THE Student . . . . . . . x Miguel . i La Conversacion de Pedro y Miguel ... 5 Pedro Visita a Miguel; una Proposicion . . 9 Pedro acepta la Proposicion . . . . .14 Preparativos para el viaje . . . . .18 En la Agencia de Turistas . . . . .22 La Despedida 26 La Travesia . . , 31 Se Llega a Gibraltar . . . . . ^35 En Algeciras ........ 40 Trozo Tomado del Diario de Miguel ... 46 Una Carta . . . . . . . .53 La Llegada a Madrid* .63 Una Comida 68 PoR las Calles de Madrid, Villa y Corte . . 73 De Tiendas *. . -79 El Palacio Real; Porcion Sacada de los Apuntes de Pedro .85 diversiones de los espanoles . . . . qi Los PiNTORES DE ESPANA; APUNTES D£ MiGUEL . 97 En una Casa de Comercio Madrilena . . .105 En Segovia y La Granja iii El Escorla^l; una Cartage Miguel . . .121 PoR Leon y Castilla la Vieja . . . .127 CiuDADES Industriales de Espana . . . .137 La Guerra de la Independencia . . . , 144 XU ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK El Gobierno Moderno de Espana . . . .150 Oficios . . 156 Dos Grandezas de Espana 162 El Renacimiento de Espana 169 La Salida para Sud America . . . . .176 En Bahia 183 La Segunda Ciudad de Sud America; una Carta de Miguel 189 (Continuacion) 197 En Rio de Janeiro . . . . . 203 Sao Paulo; Extracto Tomado de los Apuntes de Pedro 210 En el Uruguay 215 Buenos Aires . . . . . . . . 223 Las Nacionalidades de la Argentina . . .232 PoR la Republica Argentina . . . 239 Chile; Apuntes Tomadas del Cuaderno de Pedro 246 PoR Chile 255 El Peru . . . . . . . . 262 La Instalacion de la Sucursal; una Carta de Miguel 270 Proverbios . . . . . . . .276 Apendice ......... 280 Verbos ........ 280 Tablas de las terminaciones de las tres conjugaciones regulares ........ 280 Verbos irregulares . . . . . .283 Verbos miscelaneos . . . . . .288 Verbos que tienen participios pasivos irregulares . 291 Vocabulario 295 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS' Page Frontispiece: La Alhambra, con la Sierra Nevada . . . . . . . . iv Mapa de Espana, con Indicaciones del Viaje de Pedro y Miguel ...... 4 Ronda: El Tajo Formado por el Guadalevin . 47 Granada: Tumba de los Reyes Catolicos en la Catedral 54 Sevilla: Un Patio 56 Cordoba: Interior de la Vieja Mezquita . .61 Madrid: La Fuente de Cibeles, el Banco de Espana y la Calle de Alcala . . . -74 Madrid: El Teatro Espanol .... 90 SOROLLA . . . . . . . . .98 Segovia y la Catedral . . . . . .112 Segovia: El Acueducto 114 La Granja: La Fama, Fuente de los Jardines . 116 Burgos: Monumentos que Conmemoran el Solar DEL Cid 128 Burgos y la Catedral . . . . . .130 San Sebastian: La Concha ..... 134 Barcelona: Monumento a Colon . . . 138 Valencia: La Calle de la Paz . . . .164 Mapa de Sud America, con Indicaciones del Viaje DE Miguel y Pedro . . Between pages 175 and 176 Bahia, Brasil: El Barrio Marinero y la Ciudad Alta 182 Rio de Janeiro, Mirado desde el Pan de Azucar 190 Rio de Janeiro: Una Vista Nocturna . . .194 XIV ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK: Rio de Janeiro: La Cascatinha de Tijuca Montevideo: La Plaza de la Republica Catedral ...... Montevideo: El Teatro Solis Buenos Aires: Los Elevadores Buenos Aires: El Palacio del Congreso Buenos Aires: La Avenida de Mayo El Ferrocarril Transandino Santiago: El Cerro de Santa Lucia . Lima: La Plaza de Armas y la Catedral Dos Jovenes Incas del Peru . Llamas en un Pueblo Minero del Peru Y LA 206 216 218 224 226 234 248 250 264 266 272 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK I A. MIGUEL Miguel es un joven de- unos veiAte afios de edad. Es norteamerjcario,' Kijo del ^,e^oi: P^oberto Davis y de la seiioi*a Teresa i'BU'ricQrdt^ 'i)avis, peruana, con quien se caso don Roberto cuando estuvo en Lima de viajante de una casa comercial5 norteamericana. Miguel nacio en Lima y cuando muy nino hablaba espanol, pero al trasladarse sus padres a los Estados Unidos, Miguel, que tenia entonces solo seis aiios, ingreso en una escuela elemental donde no se hablaba mas que lo el ingles. Asi se le olvido casi todo el espanol. Por eso, al entrar en la escuela superior de la ciudad, empezo el estudio del castellano, conforme al deseo de sus padres, y al cabo de dos aiios ya podia hablar bastante bien el idioma de su madre. 15 Su acento era muy bueno. Al graduarse de la escuela superior, no se matriculo en la universidad sino que entro en el comercio de su padre. Es un joven muy competente, trabajador y honrado. 2 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Su padre tiene en el mucha confianza y muchos asuntos importantes de comercio pasan por sus manos. En este momento Miguel va caminando por la scalle principal de la ciudad. Es un dia frio de primavera. Al doblar una esquina tropieza con Pedro Carter, antiguo amigo suyo, quien le saluda en espanol. Repaso de ^ramatlca. ,.,^ Regular conjugations in the isidicative, simple and compound tenses— Tenet i^-, ser 16. Tt^er in expressing age (tenia seis aflos)- — j. Al 'witFi tht. infinitive (al trasladarse) El with names of languages (el castellano) Predicate noun without article (es norteamericano) Plural of nouns and adjectives (joven, elemental) Use of sino que (sino que entr6 en el comercio) Locuciones para aprender de memoria. casarse con doblar la esquina estar de viajante ingresar en 1 1 se le olvido el espafiol entrar en / conforme a tropezar con caminar por la calle B Trabajo oral. Traduzcanse al espanol las ora- lociones que siguen. I. I v^as born in the United States and have entered this school to study languages. 2. I speak v^ell only English but my parents speal^ Spanish with a very ^Expressions here and elsewhere bracketed together are usually synonymous. MIGUEL . 3 good accent. 3. On beginning the study of Spanish my father was very young. 4. At the end of three years, I, too, shall speak it fairly well. 5. I shall not go into business but shall enter the high school. Traduccion. I was walking along the street one 5 day last spring when I came across an old friend of mine. When very young we entered together an elementary school of our city and at the end of several years he graduated from the high school and entered the university. I did not study in the university but 10 entered a commercial house where they have always had confidence in me and where important matters pass through my hands. On seeing this friend, I greeted him in Spanish. We had begun the study of that language in the high school. 15 He had not forgotten the Spanish language but spoke it with a good accent. He was always industrious and able. We turned the corner and, in keeping with his desire, we walked along the main street talking of the friends who had removed to other cities. Two of them 20 were in Lima as traveling salesmen and had married Peruvian ladies. An inhabitant of Peru is a Peruvian. II A. LA CONVERSACION DE PEDRO Y MIGUEL jHola, amigo! cque tal? — jHombre! ique sorpresa! jVd. por aqui! ,iDe donde sale Vd. ? Hace tanto tiempo que no le veo. lY donde ha estado Vd., Pedro? — Contestar a eso seria mucho contar; pero para abreviar, acabo de llegar hoys mismo a esta poblacion despues de haberme ausentado durante dos anos. — jY que hacia Vd. durante esa epoca ? — Pues, mi padre me mando a estudiar en la universidad donde me quede por un afio dedicandome sobre todo al estudio del lo hermoso idioma castellano, al cual siempre he tenido mucha aficion, como ya sabe Vd., Miguel. — Eso SI lo recuerdo muy bien por haber empezado nosotros a estudiar espanol en la misma clase de la escuela superior. Lo hablabamos siempre, Vd. 15 y yo, cuando nos encontrabamos juntos. Vd. fue siempre el mas aventajado de la clase mientras que yo no me aproveche tanto como Vd. a pesar de tener yo sangre espaiiola. Pero mi padre, que habia vivido muchos aiios en el Peru, se em- 20 peno en que yo lo estudiase, diciendo que era la lengua extranjera mas util para el norteamericano. En casa lo hablo con el y con mi mama. Pero 5 6 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK se conoce que Vd. lo habla mejor que nunca. (jHa practicado Vd. mucho recientemente? — Ya lo creo. Al dejar la universidad viaje por un ano como representante de la casa de mi tio por el 5 sudoeste de nuestro gran pais donde se habla mucho el espanol. Me aproveche de todas las ocasiones para hablarlo. — Bueno. Asi se ade- lanta. Se aprende a hablar hablando. Pero Vd. dispense, Pedro. Tengo que largarme 10 ahora. Desearia que Vd. viniese a visitarme esta noche o manana por la noche. Tengo un asunto de importancia que consultar con Vd. Hemos mudado de casa y residimos ahora en la calle Clark, numero 191 al oeste, donde tiene Vd. su 15 casa. — Muchas gracias. Vd. me vera por alli manana por la noche a las ocho sin faltar. — Esta bien. Pues, hasta la vista. — Que Vd. siga bien, Miguel. Repaso de gramatica. Haber 7, decir 5. Verbs in -zar, -car, -gar (empezar, dedicar, largar) 34, 30, 32. Imperfect and preterite distin- guished in usage Verbs taking a before a following infini- tive (empezar a estudiar; se aprende a hablar) The infinitive after prepositions (despues de haberme ausen- tado) . The .gerundio to express English present participle with by, while, etc (se aprende a hablar hablando) Por + infinitive to express on account of + present parti- ciple (por haber empezado nosotros) Negative adverbs after comparative (mejor que nunca) Time of day (a las ocho) . LA CONVERSACION DE PEDRO Y MIGUEL ^ Locuciones para aprender de memoria. hace tanto tiempo que no le ya lo creo veo tener que largarse acabar de llegar manana por la noche hoy mismo mudar de casa dedicarse a tener aficion a a pesar de tener yo sangre aprovecharse espanola se conoce empeiiarse en sangre espanola en casa consultar algo con alguien mejor que nunca donde Vd. tiene su casa B Trabajo oral. Substituyanse las palabras ingle- sas por espanolas. I. A pesar de having Vd. sangre espanola, Vd. no progress en esta lengua. 2. j For what lengua tiene Vd. aficion? 3. It is not las diez todavia. 4. J Have 5 you just llegar? 5. Hablamos mejor que ever. 6. Vd. no tiene to say it ahora. 7. They have learned hablar bien el espafiol. 8. Resido aqui donde I shall be glad to have you call. Traduccion. Hello! How goes it? You have been 10 away, haven't you? — Yes; to make a long story short, I devoted myself to my studies for two years and then on leaving this town, I traveled through the southwest of the United States where I profited by the many opportunities which are found there to speak Spanish. 15 You know that I have a great liking for that beautiful language. — Yes, my father has just asked me if you still speak it. He remembers that I used to tell him that you were the most remarkable student in our 8 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK class in the high school. I have told him that you speak it better than ever in spite of not having lived in a Spanish country. Well, I shall progress as well as you by practicing it more. But I must go now. — 5 Tomorrow I shall consult you about a matter of im- portance. Where do you live now.^ — My parents removed last year and we live now at 75 West Clark Street, where we shall be glad to have you call. It is a long time since my father has seen you. — Thanks, 10 I shall not be able to stay long. I shall have to be at home at nine o'clock. Ill A. PEDRO VISITA A MIGUEL; UNA PROPOSICION Buenas noches. — Muy buenas, don Pedro — (contesta la criada).. — ,iEsta en casa don Miguel? — Si, senor; pase Vd. Le esta esperando en el gabinete. {En esto sale Miguel al vestibulo a recibir a Pedro.) — Buenas noches, Pedro. Pases Vd. al gabinete. Alii estan mis padres. Mama, papa, aqui os traigo a Pedro a quien conocereis. — Si que le conozco. Tanto gusto en volver a saludarle, Pedro. — Para servir a Vd., serior Davis. Saludo a Vd., seiiora. — Estoy muy con- lo tenta de tenerle con nosotros. Sientese aqui cerca de la chimenea. Hace frio en la calle, ^'verdad.? — Si, seiiora, y no estoy acostumbrado por haber venido directamente de un clima caluroso, el sur de la California. (Todos se stent an 15 y el senor Davis entabla una conversacion con Pedro.) Me alegro mucho, Pedro, de oirle hablar espaiiol tan correctamente. Es la lengua de nuestra casa. La empleamos para no olvidarla, ya que no nos es posible servirnos de ella de otra2o manera. Aun tenemos criados de origen espaiiol o sudamericano. lo ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Pero lo que quiero decide especialmente es que intento establecer en Lima una sucursal de mi casa de negocios para vender sin intermediario en ese mercado la maquinaria que fabricamos aqui 5 mi hijo y yo. Voy a poner a mi hijo como jefe de dicha sucursal. Pero- antes deseo que el recorra mucho mundo espanol para que se entere a fondo de la vida, costumbres y tratos comerciales de Espafia y de los paises hispanoamericanos. Ya loconoce bastante bien el negocio que hacemos aqui desde las primeras operaciones de la fabricacion hasta los metodos que empleamos para vender nuestras maquinas. Pero se muy bien que le falta adaptar al uso espanol y hispanoamericano 15 sus conocimientos actuales. Por eso voy a enviarle a viajar por Espana durante unos meses y despues pasara un ano en las varias republicas de la America del Sur, antes de establecerse en Lima. Ese es el plan que he ideado. Pero el 2onecesita un compaiiero que pueda acompanarle y sacar del viaje igual provecho que el. A tal compaiiero le ofrezco una colocacion como ayu- dante de Miguel en la oficina en Lima de Davis e Hijo. Hemos pensado en Vd. por saber lo mucho 25 que aprecia Vd. todo lo que sea espafiol. Le costeare la mitad de los gastos del viaje y despues, si le conviene, le dare mil pesos anuales de sueldo al principio y un aumento anual que estoy seguro PEDRO VISITA A MIGUEL ri le convendra. Burgos: Monumentos que Conmemoran el Solar del Cid POR LEON Y CASTILLA LA VIEJA 129 saludarles muy amigablemente y tuvo mucho gusto en acompanarles explicandoselo todo. La Universidad fue fundada por Alfonso IX de Leon (f. 1230). El Papa Alejandro IV decreto en 1254 que fuese tenida en un igual con las uni- 5 versidades de Paris, Oxford y Bolona. Los Reyes Catolicos la hicieron reconstruir en 1480 y ahora es tal vez el ejemplar mas notable que existe en el mundo de estilo platerescp combinado con el del Renacimiento. El profesorado de esta universi-io dad transmitio a la Europa occidental los conoci- mientos de los arabes, muy instruidos en aquel entonces. Interesantisimo fue para los jovenes la sala antigua en donde conferenciaba Fray Luis de Leon, profesor de teologia, y donde, despues 15 de salir de cuatro anos de encarcelamiento por orden de los oficiales de la Inquisicion, reanudo el hilo de su discurso, diciendo: — Como deciamos ayer En una de las salas daba Colon sus conferencias sobre sus descubrimientos del Nuevo 20 Mundo. Hoy no hay mas de 1000 estudiantes en lugar de los 7,000 que habia en otro tiempo. La vieja catedral terminada en 1200, es de estilo romanico y la catedral nueva es una mezcla gran- diosa de lo gotico y lo plateresco. La inmensa25 Plaza Mayor descuella a cualquier otra de Europa por sus edificios suntuosos y de merito sin rival. En Valladolid fueron a ver la casa en que murio 130 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Copyright by Underwood 6* Underwood, N. Y. Burgos y la Catedral POR le(5n y castilla la vieja 131 Colon el 21 de mayo de 1506. Los restos del gran descubridor quedaron sepultados en el convento de la Cartuja de Sevilla hasta 1540 en cuyo aiio fueron trasladados a Hayti y de alii en 1796 a la catedral de la Habana. Terminada la guerra 5 entre Espafia y los Estados Unidos, fueron traidos de nuevo a Sevilla a fines de 1898. Visi- taron tambien la casa de Cervantes en la calle del mismo nombre, anteriormente nombrada la de Miguel Iscar. Se interesaron tambien en las 10 muchas tenerias y molinos de Valladolid; produ- ciendo estos la mejor harina de Espaiia y aquellas los mejores curtidos. Aqui se casaron los Reyes Catolicos en 1469. En tiempo de los reyes Carlos V y Felipe II fue Valladolid la capital del 15 imperio espanol hasta serlo Madrid en 1560. En Burgos vieron los viajeros la hermosa cate- dral gotica francesa, el asombroso Arco de Santa Maria y subieron al cerro del Castillo ahora de- rribado, donde fue puesta la primera fortaleza en 20 884, la cual dio principio a la ciudad. Aqui nacio en 1040 el valiente heroe nacional de Espana, llamado el Cid Campeador, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, casandose aqui con Jimena en 1074. Aqui se casaron tambien el rey Eduardo I de Inglaterra y 25 Eleanora de Castilla, en 1254; tambien vivieron aqui varios reyes fuertes de Castilla la Vieja. A mediados de septiembre entraron Pedro y 132 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Miguel en San Sebastian, la mejor playa de Es- pana y el lugar veraniego favorito de la gente pudiente de Madrid. Aqui esta la residencia oficial de la corte durante el verano y tanto aqui scomo en Santander veranea la familia real. No se hartaron nunca los americanos de tomar los bafios y tenderse despues en la arena, de ir a gan- dulear en la Concha, paseo muy concurrido por el mundo elegante, y de ver pasar en carruaje al rey loacompanado de su sequito. Una vez vieron a don Alfonso banandose con los infantes y holgan- dose en la arena. Pero los jovenes tambien se trataban a cuerpo de rey, Repaso de gramatica. Use of lo de, eso de, esto de, aquello de (lo de dejar Madrid) Synopsis of sentir 27, oir 10. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. a los pocos meses de estar reanudar el hilo de un decidirse a discurso llamarse andana dar una conferencia es favor que me hace dar principio a tener en un igual con hartarse de B Trabajo oral. Pongase en imperative afirmativo 15 cada una de las expresiones verbales que siguen, empleando para esto el singular de la forma cortes. I. explicarmelo 2. llamarse andana en eso 3. hacerle POR LEON Y CASTILLA LA VIEJA 133 saber de mi llegada 4. bajarse en la estacion 5. tenerlo en un igual 6. decirnoslo 7. interesarse en ello 8. casarse con el 9. tenderse en la arena 10. ir a gandulear alli Traduccion. San Sebastian, August i, 191—. 5 Dear father: We are living like kings here. We amuse ourselves taking sea baths in the mornings and loafing about in the Concha in the afternoons. We often see don Alphonso pass, accompanied by his suite. This is the favorite summer resort of the people of 10 consequence of Spain. The stylish set leave Madrid the middle of June and come to pass the summer here. We regretted having to leave Madrid because our liking had increased for the city and, court. I almost backed out when our Madrid friends begged 15 me to stay. Together with them I like to say, *Trom Madrid to heaven and in heaven a peep-hole to look back on Madrid.'' But everything must come to an end and one morning after being in Madrid a few months, our friends and acquaintances accompanied 20 us to the Northern Station to see us off. Although we were leaving for the Cantabrian coast, we decided to stop on the way in Salamanca, Valladolid and Burgos. I telegraphed to Mr. Contreras, pro- fessor of literature of the University of Salamanca, 25 informing him that we would arrive there at nightfall. You remember that I met him in New York a couple of years ago. He came to the station to greet us and 134 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK POR le(5n y castilla la vieja * 135 said that the next day he would explain to us the architectural monuments of the city. There are many of them. What particularly inter- ested us was the old university. It is doubtless the best example in the world of the Plateresque style 5 combined with that of the Renascence. Professor Contreras showed us in this building the room in which Fray Luis of Leon used to lecture. This was most interesting and we recalled how he said on taking up again the thread of his discourse, "As we were saying 10 yesterday" . . . And the poor man had just come from four years of imprisonment. I do not wonder that the faculty of this university was very famous. Their Catholic Majesties were interested in this university and a few years after its foundation, 15 the Pope Alexander IV decided to decree that Sala- manca should be considered the equal of Bologna, Paris and Oxford. There are very few students now although formerly 7,000 attended the courses of this university. 20 We thanked Professor Contreras for his kindness and left for Valladolid. Here we visited the house where Columbus died. We had already seen in Sala- manca the room in which he first lectured upon his discoveries. His remains were transferred from this 25 house to Seville, then to Hayti, then to Havana and finally in 1898 they were carried to Sevi^lle again. We also saw the house in which Cervantes lived and worked. The tanneries of Valladolid are famous for their leathers and the mills for their flour. Ferdinand II 30 136 * ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile were married in this city in 1469 and Philip II was born here in 1527. It was for a long time the capital of the empire. Burgos is a very ancient city and was once the capital 5 of Old Castile. It is famous for being the home of the Cid, the national hero of Spain. The high hill, where formerly was the Castillo, dominates the city and the fertile plain. In this place the Cid married Ximena and King Edward I of England Eleanor of Castile. 10 It is said that in Burgos is spoken the best Castilian. But I must finish now. I shall write you again from Barcelona. Don't forget to write me there. Your affectionate son, Michael XXIV A. CIUDADES INDUSTRIALES DE ESPANA Ahora dejemonos de la Edad Media — dijo Miguel al entrar en Bilbao — y pongamonos en medio del siglo XX. Es preciso que despertemos. jMucho ojo! — Bueno. Ya lo tengo a todo lo que pasa. Pero i que hermoso museo de lo antiguo 5 es esta bendita Espaiia! La tendre para siempre en grata memoria. — Si; pero ahora son los re- cursos del pais, lo que nos atrae. Mire el humo que despiden las fundiciones de Bilbao. Aqui se encuentran algunas de las mejores fabricas de 10 acero del reino. En la margen izquierda del Nervion que pasa por la ciudad y en las comarcas vecinas hay buenas minas de hierro. Solo en la provincia de Oviedo cerca de aqui, hay mas de 1 100 millas cuadradas de depositos de carbon deis piedra. — Por eso a Bilbao se le puede llamar el Pittsburgh de Espaiia, jno? — Precisamente. Ademas, tiene puerto y muelles a donde llegan buques de hasta 4000 toneladas. Estamos entre los vascongados, gente de tipo muy distinto de los 20 castellanos y los andaluces. Tienen su propia lengua, el vascuence, que no se parece en nada al castellano y conservan todavia sus fueros o 137 138 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Copyright by Underwood &' Underwood, N. Y. Barcelona: Monumento a Col6n CIUDADES INDUSTRIALES DE ESPANA 139 leyes concediendoles privilegios otorgados por reyes de epoca remota. — Si, y se dice que es tan dificil este idioma que trataba el diablo por siete afios de aprenderlo y habiendo dominado entonces solo una palabra se dio por vencido y no volvio a 5 acosar a los vascongados. — iQue raza mas afor- tunada! jOjala que yo fuera uno de ellos! Pero ruego me diga mas de los minerales de Espaiia. Es Vd. una enciclopedia minera. — Si, lo soy por haber tomado apuntes sobre estas minas. No 10 hay otro pais alguno de Europa que tenga tanta diversidad de minerales en grandes cantidades. En la produccion de cobre minado en Rio Tinto, provincia de Huelva, de plomo excavado en las provincias de Murcia y Jaen y de azogue extraido 15 en Almaden de la provincia de Ciudad Real, des- cuella Espaiia a cualquier otra nacion europea. Se explotan tambien buenas minas de plata, oro, cobalto, azufre, manganeso, antimonio, etc. Y hasta ahora apenas si se ha valido de estos re- 20 cursos. A mas de sus minas, esta region canta- brica es, a pesar de sus costas rocallosas y abrup- tas, muy productora de pescado y lo es tambien la costa de Levante. En el aiio de 1910 habia en Es- paiia 67,000 individuos que se ganaban la vida con 25 la pesca. El bonito, la sardina, el bacalao, y la merluza son los pescados mas comunes. Dedicaron los americanos un par de dias en I40 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK visitar las fundiciones y fabrlcas de Bilbao y en- tonces se pusieron en camino para Barcelona. Pasaron por paisajes muy variados; algunos se asemejaron a los de la Suiza; otros se parecieron 5 a Uanuras sin termino alguno. Mucho del reco- rrido fue pasando a orillas del rio Ebro. Si apellidaron a Bilbao moderno, supieron que Barcelona lo es en grado supremo. Hace tres siglos que la califico Cervantes como "una ciudad logrande, rica, y bien establecida". Hoy por hoy cuenta un millon de habitantes, la mayor ciudad de la Peninsula, y solo le falta poco para ser la mayor en las costas del mar Mediterraneo. Como poblacion maritima no hay ninguno de los 119 15 puertos de Espafia que le lleve ventaja. Por sus muelles pasa una cuarta parte del comercio extran- jero de Espaiia, y en ellos gasta el gobierno grandes sumas anuales en nuevas construcciones y re- formas. Domina el puerto y la misma ciudad el 2oelevado monumento a Colon, colocado en la Plaza de la Paz a orillas de las aguas del puerto y lindante con el hermoso Paseo de Colon. Los americanos habituados a todas las comodi- dades modernas las habian echado de menos en 25 muchos de los pueblos que visitaron anterior- mente, pero ahora tenian ocasion de volver a dis- frutar de todo lo mas comodo en su casa de hues- pedes. CIUDADES INDUSTRIALES DE ESPANA 141 Era Barcelona la capital del antiguo Principado de Cataluna, territorio que comprende hoy las provincias de Gerona, Lerida, Barcelona y Tarra- gona. Siempre ha sido el centro de las ideas mas avanzadas e independientes de Espafia, debido 5 al progreso de los catalanes que lo habitan. Repaso de gramatica. Omission of que after verbs of supplication (ruego me diga) Meaning of saber in the preterite tense (supieron que Barcelona) The optative expression ojala followed by the subjunctive (ojala que yo fuera) Omission of s and d in certain forms of reflexive verbs (dejemonos) Use of cardinal numerals instead of ordinals (el siglo XX) Synopsis of rogar 24, 32, valerse de algo 20, despertarse 23. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. dejarse de apenas si mucho ojo a mas de parecerse a j hoy por hoy asemejarse a J Uevar ventaja a darse por vencido echar de menos descollar a B Para expresar en buen espaiiol. Bilbao, situated near the Cantabrian coast, may be called the Pitts- burgh of modern Spain. To visit it after living a v^hile in certain Andalusian and Castilian towns is to leave 10 behind the Middle Ages and to place oneself suddenly in the twentieth century. Or it is to exchange a museum of antiquities for steel factories that send forth 142 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK smoke on every hand. To the docks of Bilbao, which are situated on the shore of the river Nervion, come boats from the four quarters of the world. In the neighboring regions are found many square miles of 5 coal beds. The inhabitants of this region are Basques who speak an ancient tongue called Basque, which in no way resembles Spanish and is so difficult that the devil could not learn it, though tradition says that he tried to learn it but finally gave up after studying lo seven long years. When I visited the Basque provinces a few years ago, the inhabitants told me that the devil no longer bothered them, that their laws were given them by kings of long ago and that they still keep them. They IS are fortunate people. The landscapes of that region resemble those of Switzerland. The mineral resources of Spain are immense and up to the present the Spaniards have hardly made use of them. They have developed them sufficiently to know 20 that there is no other land in Europe that has such a diversity of minerals. A Basque friend of mine lacks little of being a mining encyclopedia because of having read so much about Spanish mines and having taken notes about them. Would that I knew as much as 25 he! I begged him to tell me where the different kinds of mines were being developed. I learned that Spain surpasses other European nations in the production of copper, which is mined in the province of Huelva, of mercury, which is taken out in Almaden, Ciudad Real, 30 and of lead obtained in Murcia and Jaen. Manganese, CIUDADES INDUSTRIALES DE ESPANA 143 cobalt, sulphur, silver, gold, etc., are found in many places. On the rocky Cantabrian coast and on the Levant coast there are many who earn their living fishing for the cod, the sardine, and the tunny fish. Spain has 5 always been a great producer of fish. Barcelona is the most modern city of the Peninsula and has been so for many years. The Catalonians who inhabit it have always been famous for their advanced ideas and their progress and they enjoy all the modern 10 conveniences in their homes. The Spanish government nowadays spends a great deal of money each year upon the alterations of the docks and harbor. Barcelona surpasses the other 118 ports of Spain and is one of the largest maritime provinces on the shores of the 15 Mediterranean. Besides having the conveniences that I had missed in other Spanish towns, Barcelona recalled to me both Columbus and Cervantes. The monument to Colum- bus commemorates the greatest sailor that ever left 20 a Spanish port and the city itself Cervantes described in the seventeenth century as ''large, rich and well established". XXV A. LA GUERRA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA En Barcelona Miguel y Pedro llegaron a conocer intimamente a un anciano muy distinguido, don Jose Abreu y Llovet, catedratico jubilado de historia en la Universidad de alli. Con el trataron 5varios puntos historicos y mercantiles, por ser don Jose muy entendido en tales asuntos. Di- rigiendose a el Pedro le dijo un dia: — Quedaria reconocidisimo, don Jose, si quisiera Vd. decirme algo de la influencia que desempenaron los lo Franceses en la Peninsula. — De buen grado — replico el profesor. — Pregunte lo que se le ocurra y me esforzare en satisfacerle a Vd. Quien lengua ha a Roma va. Pues, actualmente los Franceses se interesan ismucho en el desarrollo industrial y comercial de Espana pero no tanto como los ingleses o los belgas quienes ban invertido un capital muy cuantioso en empresas espaiiolas. Nosotros los catalanes tenemos mas parentesco con los Franceses 20 que lo tienen los castellanos. Pero no somos ni Franceses ni castellanos, como lo demuestra nuestro idioma que no es de los unos ni de los otros, aunque es una lengua romana. Somos 144 LA GUERRA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA 145 mas asentados y juiciosos que aquellos a la vez que nos tenemos por mas vigorosos e inventivos que estos. Nos jactamos de ser el brazo y los sesos del pais mientras que a los andaluces se les puede llamar el corazon de Espana. Pero dis- 5 pense, voy seguidamente al grano. A los Fran- ceses, muy amigos nuestros, los llamamos en broma "gabachos" y todavia no nos hemos olvidado por entero de la Guerra de la Inde- pendencia. 10 Napoleon habia determinado apoderarse de Espana y en 1808 supo entretener con falsas promesas y halagos a Carlos IV, pasando sus ejercitos ocultamente por la frontera. Los reyes estaban para huir a America, ayudandoles en estois el ministro favorito Godoy. El pueblo se amotino, impidio la fuga, hizo destituir a Godoy y forzo a Carlos a abdicar, el 19 de marzo de 1808, la corona en favor de su hijo, Fernando VII. Napoleon consiguio que los reyes, padre e hijo, fuesen a 20 entenderse con el en Bayona, Francia. Al saber el 2 de mayo que los otros dos infantes tendrian que ir alia tambien, se alboroto la multitud y el general Murat a la cabeza del ejercito frances en Madrid, hizo disparar contra los madrilefios. 25 Dos heroicos oficiales, Daoiz y Velarde, llevaron a cabo, con unos cuantos soldados y paisanos, la defensa del Parque de Artilleria contra fuerzas 146 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK cien veces mayores. Fue un dia sangriento pero glorioso para los madrilefios quienes armados de palos, navajas y escopetas lucharon cuerpo a cuerpo con los veteranos franceses probados en 5 cien combates. El 6 de mayo renunciaba Fernando VII la corona en favor de su padre y este cedio sus derechos a Napoleon. Pero el pueblo en general se aprestaba a resistir al invasor de la patria. loEl 20 de Julio entro en Madrid Jose Bonaparte, nombrado rey de Espafia por su hermano Napoleon. En la batalla de Bailen que se dio el 19 de Julio, el ejercito espanol, bajo el mando del general C^stanos, derroto a las fuerzas fran- iscesas mandadas por el general Dupont quien tuvo que entregar su espada vencedora en num- erosos conflictos. Jose Bonaparte se retiro en- tonces a Burgos al enterarse de esta derrota, estable- ciendo su cuartel general en Miranda. Siguieron 20 las heroicas defensas de Zaragoza y Gerona cuyas ciudades se vieron finalmente precisadas a capi- tular despues de haber luchado con el mayor denuedo y de haberse cubierto de gloria inmar- cesible. Despues de varias victorias de las 25 armas espafiolas e inglesas, dirigidas estas por el duque de Wellington, termino la guerra con el tratado de Valenzey, celebrado en el ano de 1814. Realizando Napoleon lo inutil que era retener LA GUERRA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA 147 a Fernando VII y seguir con la campana contra Espana, puso en libertad al monarca espanol. Asi se ve que en Espana empezo la caida del gran dictador Frances. Repaso de gramatica. Impersonal reflexive verbs (se les puede Uamar) . Use of e for y (padre e hijo) Synopsis of conocer 38, poder II, querer 13. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. Uegar a conocer ir al grano ocurrirse algo a uno luchar cuerpo a cuerpo esforzarse en aprestarse a tenerse por ' darse una batalla entenderse con verse precisado jactarse de poner en libertad B Para hacer oralmente. Substituyase el infinitive 5 subrayado de cada frase que sigue por la forma con- veniente de subjuntivo. Despues traduzcanse al ingles las oraciones asi formadas. i. Fue preciso que el irse. 2. Haga Vd. que el nifio esforzarse en contestar. 3. Digales Vd. que no jactarse de eso. 4. Le pedimos 10 a Vd. que ir al grano. 5. Voy a conseguir que ellos darmelo. 6. Me rogaron yo poner en libertad al Catalan. Version. Make use of your tongue and you'll find out, is a useful proverb. Believing that it v^as true, 15 it occurred to me to ask a distinguished old gentleman to tell me something about the War of Independence, 148 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK as it is called in Spain. He was a Catalonian and a retired professor of European history and he told me to ask him what I wished and he would try hard to satisfy me. I was most grateful to him for having 5 consented to discuss historical matters with me. He continued by explaining to me the influence that the French had exercised in Spain during the past century. For many years they, the Belgians, and the English have been investing abundant capital in 10 Spanish railways, factories, and mines, but the Span- iards have not yet entirely forgotten the year 1808 when Napoleon tried to take possession of Spain. Neither have they forgotten Gibraltar which the English took in 1704. 15 When the invader Napoleon sent his armies across the boundary Charles IV and Maria Cristina, helped by Godoy the favorite, were about to flee to America, but the people stopped the flight and Charles abdicated the crown in favor of his son Ferdinand. Attracted 20 by the promises and the cajolery of Napoleon, father and son went to Bayonne to have an understanding with Napoleon. The people of Madrid began to riot when they learned this and General Murat had the French army fire upon the peasants and soldiers who 25 resisted the French. Although they were armed only with k;iives, clubs and shotguns, the Madrilenians fought hand to hand during the whole day against the much larger forces of the French veterans. Ferdinand had abdicated the crown in favor of his 30 father Charles who renounced his rights to it; therefore LA GUERRA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA' 149 Napoleon proclaimed his brother Joseph King of Spain and the latter went to reside in the Royal Palace of Madrid. General Castanos later routed the army of General Dupont at the battle of Bailen, and Joseph, or "Joe Bottles", established his headquarters at 5 Miranda, withdrawing from Madrid. After having covered themselves with imperishable glory, the cities of Zaragoza and Gerona were compelled to surrender to the French. Afterwards followed several victories of the Spanish and of the English who, under the com- 10 mand of the Duke of Wellington, were aiding the Spanish. The treaty that ended the war was effected in 1814. Napoleon liberated Ferdinand VII who returned to Spain and to his throne. The great French dictator realized how useless it was to continue 15 with his campaign against Spain and withdrew his forces from that land. It is interesting to remember that his fall began in Spain. The professor said that the Catalonians were more closely related to the French than the Castilians were, 20 since they had always lived in a province close to the French frontier. He boasted of the Catalonian tongue which, he said, was neither French nor Spanish but a language different from them both. He said that the Catalonians were more calm and sensible than the 25 "gabachos" and more inventive than the Castilians or the Andalusians. He said to me, "We consider our- selves the brains and the arm of Spain and, if you wish, you may call Andalusia, with its poetry and pictur- esque life, the heart of Spain." 30 XXVI A. EL GOBIERNO MODERNO DE ESPANA Encontramos que en el centro del pais — ^dijo Miguel un dia a don Jose — el pueblo con raras excepciones se entusiasma a la primera alusion al rey don Alfonso XIII. Hacian lenguas de el 5por todas partes. jCaramba! jEso no es ser popular que digamos! Vd., como vecino de la poblacion que mas fama tiene de republlcana y revolucionaria, Jcree Vd. que va a ser republica este pais? — iCuando? — Pongamos dentro de 20 loarios. — No, serior; dado caso que viva por tanto tiempo don Alfonso. — eComo es eso? — Que si hubiese republica el primer presidente elegido por votacion popular seria el rey actual. — jLo cree Vd.? — Sin ningun genero de duda. — J En que se 15 funda Vd. para poder creerlo asi? — En el temple de los espaiioles; en la tradicion, de la cual somos muy amantes y en el caracter mismo del rey actual. Tenemos nuestros males en numero grande pero el adoptar un gobierno republicano, siendo rey 20 Alfonso, solo seria salir del lodo y caer en el arroyo, Muchas gracias : aunque soy republicano, Catalan y por eso quejumbroso arraigado, me contentare con la monarquia. Algun dia . . . pero iquien sabe? ISO EL GOBIERNO MODERNO DE ESPA5TA 151 — ^'Por que hay tanta confianza en el rey? — Se puede citar muchas razones. Ahi van algunas. Primero, nacio en un periodo critico de nuestra historia, cuando nos hizo falta un soberano en quien pudieramos concentrar nuestras esperanzas; 5 segundo, encarna en su persona el espanolismo jun- to con las ideas mas modernas: tercero, es aplicado y sagaz y anhela intensamente el bien de la patria, dedicandose muchas horas al dia a los grandes problemas que le confrontan. — Es borbon, ino? 10 — Si; desde el principio de la Edad Moderna ha habido dos casas reales en Espaiia, la de los Hapsburgos y la de los Borbones. Carlos I de • Espaiia y V de Alemania, el nieto de los Reyes Catolicos, era el primer rey austriaco. El entro 15 de rey en Valladolid en 1517. Los cinco reyes de la casa de Austria fueron Carlos V el emperador y Felipe II en el siglo XVI; Felipe III, Felipe IV y Carlos II en el siglo XVII. Carlos II no tenia sucesion y lego la corona a Felipe de Borbon, 20 duque de Anjou, nieto de Luis XIV de Francia. Asi es que la casa de Borbon principio a reinar en Espaiia en el aiio 1700 y esta dinastia continua sin otra interrupcion que la de 1868 a 1875. Los reyes . borbones eran Felipe V, Fernando VI, 25 Carlos III y Carlos IV en el siglo XVIII; Fernando VII, Isabel II, interregno durante el cual fue el breve reinado del italiano Amadeo de Saboya y 152 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK la republica, Alfonso XII y Alfonso XIII en el siglo XIX. Habiendo sido malisimo el reinado de Isabel II de 1843 a 1868, fue ella destronada por la revolu- s cion de septiembre de este ano. Al general Serrano se le puso a la cabeza del gobierno provisional hasta que las Cortes eligieron al trono a D. Amadeo de Saboya quien entro en Madrid el dia 2 de enero de 1871 y abdico la corona el 11 de lofebrero de 1873. En el acto se proclamo la republica que duro hasta diciembre de 1874, ocupando la* presidencia cuatro estadistas, a saber: Figueras, Pi y Margall, Salmeron, y Castelar. En dicho mes el general Martinez 15 Campos, al frente de sus tropas, proclamo rey de Espana a D. Alfonso XII, el Pacificador, en quien habia abdicado la corona Isabel II su madre el 25 de junio de 1869. Entro en Madrid el 14 de enero de 1875. Bajo D. Alfonso XII habia 2otolerancia y renovacion, se mejoro el estado de la hacienda, se desarrollo la instruccion publica y se aumento la riqueza del pais. Murio este soberano el 25 de noviembre de 1885 quedando como reina regente Da. Maria Cristina de Haps- 25burgo quien se hizo amar dando a luz el 17 de mayo de 1886 un hijo varon proclamado rey Alfonso XIII el dia que nacio. Este es el que rige hoy los destinos de la nacion. EL GOBIERNO MODERNO DE ESPATsTA 1 53 — Gracias, don Jose, por su buena conferencia. Aunque soy ciudadano orguUoso de la mayor y mejor republica del mundo, aqui me tiene Vd. dispuesto a lanzar el grito monarquico de: — jViva el reyJ 5 Repaso de gramatica. Use of article with infinitives used as nouns (el adoptar un gobierno) Exclamatory expressions in Spanish (icaramba!) Synopsis of saber 14, continuar 40, enviar 39, elegit 37. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. hacer lenguas de uno ser amante de eso no es ser popular que hacer falta algo a uno digamos en el acto poner tantos anos a saber fundarse en hacerse amar dado caso que viva dar a luz tener fama de B Deberes orales. Para contestar en espanol. i. iPor que es popular el rey don Alfonso XIII? 2. jDe que casa es el rey actual? 3. jEn cuales anos existio la republica espanola? 4. jQuienes eran los cuatro presidentes de la republica? 5. Nombre Vd. los reyes 10 borbones de los siglos XVIII y XIX. 6. Cite Vd. los reyes hapsburgos del siglo XVI; del siglo XVII. 7. J Por que se le llamo a D. Alfonso XII el Pacifi- cador? 8. ^De que nacion procedio Amadeo de Saboya ? 15 154 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Traduccion. Who was the father of the present king of Spain ? — Alphonso XII, who was called the Pacificator. — And who ruled the destinies of the nation before him ? — His mother was Isabella II, 5 daughter of Ferdinand VII. But between the years 1868, when Isabella was dethroned, and 1875, when Alphonso entered Madrid as king, the government changed often. First there was a provisional govern- ment until the Cortes chose Amadeus of Savoy king. 10 He reigned two years, giving up the crown the nth of February, 1873. The republic, which was at once proclaimed, lasted less than two years, Castelar being the last of four statesmen who occupied the presidency. f^ In December 1874, General Martinez Campos at the 15 head of his troops proclaimed Alphonso XII king of Spain. His mother had given up the crown in his favor soon after fleeing to Paris. — What did Alphonso XII do for the welfare of his country? — During the ten years of his reign the country settled down, the 20 condition of the treasury was improved and the country's wealth increased. The Carlists, who had been very active during the interregnum, no longer troubled the government. He even made himself beloved by the Catalonians who have always been 25 reputed as republicans and revolutionists. — And is Spain going to be a republic within a few years.? — Not So long as Alphonso XIII lives. — How is that.f^ Is there such confidence in him? — Great Scott, man, he is so popular that he is praised 30 on every hand. Alphonso would at once be elected EL GOBIERNO MODERNO DE ESP ANA 155 president by popular vote if there were a republic in Spain. — That is not being popular, is it? On what do you base your opinion? — On the character of the king, on the temperament of the Spaniards and on tradition, of which we Spaniards are very fond. We 5 already have a constitutional monarchy. We do not need a republic. To establish a republican form of government would be out of the frying-pan into the fire. — Although you are a chronic fault-finder and a Catalonian, you become enthusiastic at the first men- 10 tion of your Bourbon king. — Yes, although a Repub- lican, here I am, ready to ut:ter the cry, "Long live the king!" It is true that he is a Bourbon and that his mother, Maria Cristina, is a Hapsburg but in the person of don Alphonso is incarnated true devotion 15 to Spain. He is industrious, energetic and discerning. He enjoys excellent health and is fond of sports, though he gladly devotes several hours a day to the problems that confront a king. — He was born after his father's death, was he not? 20 — Yes, Maria Cristina, the father's second wife, gave birth to a male child the 17th of May, 1886, at a critical period in the history of Spain. Upon him we have centered all our hopes. I could cite many reasons why we are proud citizens of a monarchy, but I content 25 myself by asking you to read the history of our land in the volumes written by Mr. Martin Hume. XXVII A. OFICIOS No hay mejor sitio en el mundo hispano para estudiar los oficios que aqui en esta bendita Bar- celona — dijo don Jose. — Hay muchos barrios y arrabales entregados exclusivamente a las in- 5 dustrias manufactureras. Por ejemplo, en Sans hay fabricas de algodon, chocolate, harina, maquinas y productos quimicos mientras que en San Andres de Palomar y San Martin de Pro- vensals hay fundiciones, tintorerias, fabricas de lolana, seda y porcelana. Sobre todo hay muchas fabricas de tejidos de algodon por todas partes. — Si — dijo Pedro — por el humo que echan las chimeneas nos creeriamos en un centro manu- facturero de Nueva Inglaterra. Quisieramos ver 15 de cerca algo de este hormigueo industrial. (iPuede Vd. o su sobrino servirnos de guia? — Yo no; no me siento bastante fuerte para poder acompafiarles. Pero el si. Pablo ira con Vds. gustosisimo, i.no es cierto, Pablo .^ — De mil 2oamores, tio mio. Era Pablo muy listo e inteligente y como guia no hubiera podido ganarle nadie. Mientras cami- naban a paso lento por la Rambla los americanos 156 OFICIOS 157 aprendian mucho en su trato con Pablo acerca de las artes mecanicas, logrando a la vez datos suficientes para poder discutir los diferentes oficios. Por ejemplo: que a los empleados de las fabricas se les llama obreros u operarios, los $ cuales cobran por jornales o a destajo; que son hilanderos e hilanderas los que hilan en las fabricas de tejidos; que el jefe se llama el patron; que un tintorero tine los panos en una tintoreria; un sastre hace trajes en una sastreria; un armero 10 fabrica armas blancas y de fuego; el cuchillero hace cuchillos, navajas y tijeras; el herrero labra el hierro en un yunque por medio de martillos, tenazas y una forja; el herrador pega herraduras a las patas de los caballos y asnos; el curtidor curteis o zurra los cueros en una teneria; el sombrerero hace o vende sombreros; el panadero hace los panes que se cuecen en el horno y se venden en la panaderia; el zapatero hace del cuero zapatos, zapatillas y botas; el albanil se sirve de ladrillos 20 o piedra y argamasa para construir casas y otros edificios; el molinero muele en su molino los cereales como el trigo, el centeno, la cebada; el carpintero construye de madera casas, etc.; el relojero tiene relojeria y fabrica y compone2s relojes de varias clases; el joyero fabrica prendas de oro y plata y las adorna con multitud de piedras preciosas. 158 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Para aprender un oficio — advirtio Pablo — hay que ponerse de aprendiz y-trabajar con ahinco y sin sueldo por varios aiios. Yo no me pinto para estas cosas; me traen arrastrado. Prefiero 5 una profesion y estoy estudiando para abogado. Tal vez me diga alguien algun dia: — Zapatero^ a tus zapatosy queriendo decir que no me conviene una profesion tan encumbrada. — Nos hemos fijado — dijo Miguel — en que en Espafia hay unos looficios, si se puede denominarlos asi, muy raros. Por ejemplo, hay el de sereno quien canta las horas de la noche. Tambien hay en algunos hoteles un despertador el cual despierta a los individuos que tienen que levantarse temprano. 15 Eso constituye en verdad una division de labor muy detallada. Le agradecieron mucho a Pablo su amabilidad en guiarles por las fabricas y talleres pues sus servicios les resultaron de suma utilidad. Repaso de gramatica. Use of si and no in elliptical sentences (yo no ; el si) Synopsis of ver 22, tenir 29, 42, cocer 26, 35. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. ver de cerca con ahinco ir gusto sisimo pintarse para de mil amores traer arrastrado a uno ganar a uno como guia querer decir a destajo estudiar para ponerse de aprendiz resultar OFICIOS 150 B Trabajo oral. Completese el siguiente cuadro. Articulo Oficio Taller tienda Verbo reloj relojero relojeria cornponer, fabricar pan zapato sombrero ^ ^ cuchillo ^^______ . joy a cueros (curtidos) hilo herradura Traduccion. Paul, I should like to discuss with you the different trades. — All right. Most willingly. Or I would gladly serve you as guide, if you would like to visit the industrial districts of the city or of the suburbs. — Thank you. Tomorrow I should like to 5 see at close range the manufacturing centers of this region. — There are some districts given up entirely to foundries and dye-works. Flour, chocolate and chemical products are made in certain suburbs of Barcelona. In all this industrial hurly-burly the 10 textile mills predominate. — Let's take a walk along the Rambla and as we go along slowly you can tell me what I ought to know i6o ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK about the mechanic arts as they are seen in Spain. — Well then, let us begin by speaking of the employees in different industries. Barcelona surpasses all the other cities of the Spanish world for its opportunities 5 to study them. It would be well for you to ask me questions and I shall try hard to answer them. — All right. How are the workmen or the operators in the factories paid ? — By the piece or by day-wages, according to the work they do. — How are the employ- lo ees of a textile mill called i^ — Spinners, male and female. — What does a mason do ? — He constructs buildings, using stone or bricks and mortar. The carpenter uses wood to build them. — What is sold in a bakery.? — The loaves and rolls that the baker makes and bakes 15 in the oven. A person who is very good a Spaniard calls ''better than bread". The miller grinds cereals in his mill and sells the flour to the baker. — Who makes fire-arms ? — The armorer, who also makes steel arms, that is, swords and daggers; the 20 cutler makes knives, razors, and shears. — Who makes and repairs timepieces I — The watchmaker does this in his shop. He may also sell gold and silver, jewels and precious stones and he is then called a jeweler. — What do they call the factory where cloth is dyed ^ — 25 A dye-works, and the employees are dyers. The tailor uses the cloth to make suits. — Where is leather tanned i^ — In a tannery which produces tanned hides with which the shoemaker makes in his shop boots, shoes, and slippers. We also need a hat-maker to 30 provide us with hats and caps of various kinds. — OFICIOS i6i What do they call those who work iron in forges? — They are blacksmiths or horseshoers. The blacksmith fashions many kinds of iron articles. The horseshoer attaches horseshoes to the feet of donkeys, mules, oxen, and horses. 5 Thanks for these data. There is no one who could excel you as a guide through the factory district. Are you going to be an artisan ? — Not I, but my brother is. These trades bore me. I am not apt in these things. I am studying earnestly to be a doctor. lo I hope you will not tell me, ''Shoemaker, to your shoes." — What does that mean ? — It means that one should not seek a lofty profession or position which does not suit him. — Here comes the night-watchman. What a queer trade his is! I have also noticed that in 15 some hotels there is an awakener who awakens those who have to get up early. Good night. Thanks for your kindness. Come tomorrow. I know that your services will prove to be useful. XXVIII A. DOS GRANDEZAS DE ESPANA Nos halagaria mucho, don Jose, oirle hablar del Cid. Vimos en Burgos su solar, su cofre fuerte y sus restos mortales. No sabemos si se debe creer todo lo que se dice de el en leyendas, 5 poesias y tradiciones. — Pues, existia realmente, no cabe duda, y lo creible referente a el parece que es de este modo: Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, fuerte vasallo del rey Alfonso VI de Castilla, fue muy celebrado por sus hazaiias guerreras que le lovalieron el nombre de El Cid Campeador. Cid es una palabra derivada del arabe Sidi o Said que significa en espafiol, caudillo o jefe. Cuando los espaiioles nombraron rey a Alfonso VI en el alio 1073, le exigieron que jurase no haber tenido 15 parte en la muerte de su hermano don Sancho. No habia sino el Cid que tuviese valor para pedir tal juramento al rey, quien no le perdono nunca tamaiia osadia, desterrandole de Castilla y despo- seyendole de sus bienes. 20 El Cid fue entonces en auxilio del rey Alcadir de Valencia contra varios alcaides rebeldes, obligan- doles a pagar a su senor el tributo que acostum- braban. Vencio a Berenguer de Barcelona y le 162 DOS GRANDEZAS DE ESP ANA 163 hizo aliado, recibiendo tribute de el, del rey de Valencia, de los musulmanes de Tortosa, Jatiba y Denia y de los senores de otras muchas regiones. Cuando volvio a Castilla en 1092 olvidando sus agravios, para ayudar a Alfonso contra los 5 almoravides, nueva tribu de arabes que apretaban a los castellanos, encontro que todavia le aborrecio ese ingrato monarca. En esto regreso el poderoso vasallo a su tierra de Valencia donde en 1094 derroto a unos insurrectos que habian quitado la 10 corona y vida al rey valenciano. Esto lo repitio cuando en 1096 un numeroso ejercito de almora- vides pretendia apoderarse de Valencia. Muerto el Cid en 1099, su esposa Dona Jimena conserve a Valencia durante tres aiios y todavia hoy se honra 15 esta ciudad con el nombre de Valencia del Cid. De desagradecidos estd el infierno lleno. — i Bravo! — exclamaron los jovenes — ahora cuentenos algo . de ese otro heroe, el Manco de Lepanto. — Cuando los turcos tomaron a Constantinopla 20 y se enseiiorearon del Mediterraneo con sus escuadras, formaron una liga para hacerles la guerra Venecia, Genova, el papa Pio V y Felipe II. Don Juan de Austria, hermano natural de Felipe, mando la escuadra de la liga, que se hizo 25 a la mar el 16 de septiembre de 1571 y trabo batalla con los turcos el 7 de octubre, en el Golfo de Lepanto. La victoria, mucho tiempo indecisa, 1 64 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Copyright by Underwood &• Underwood, N. Y. Valencia: La Calle de la Paz DOS GRANDEZAS DE ESPAIN^A 165 se inclino al fin en favor de los cristianos, pere- ciendo 20,000 turcos y quedando presos 12,000. Enfermo de calentura en la galera Marquesa yacia un joven espanol alistado en la compania de Diego de Urbina. Al escuchar el ruido del 5 combate, abandono la cama; sin armarse apenas, tomo su espada y tambaleandose salto a cubierta. En vano sus camaradas intentaron disuadirle; se empeiio en pelear y peleaba bizarramente, siendo herido en el pecho y teniendo mutiladaio para siempre la mano izquierda, ^*para la mayor gloria de la derecha" como solia el decir. Recibida su licencia en 1575, embarcose para Espaiia pero fue apresado por un corsario y quedo cautivo en los banos de Argel hasta que, despues de muchos 15 sufrimientos y de arriesgar la vida cien veces por salvar a sus compaiieros de cautiverio, fue res- catado. El Manco de Lepanto se llamo Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, el regocijo de las musas, el 20 inmortal autor de don Quijote de la Mancha. Durara su nombre mientras haya una persona que sepa leer en el hermoso idioma de Castilla. Para el escribio Leopoldo Cano, poeta ilustre, tambien sol- dado: 25 Si por la gloria de Espaiia que en el Quijote se encierra Europa nos arm a guerra, 1 66 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK decid con desden profundo: el mejor libro del mundo lo escrlbio un manco en mi tierra. Repaso de gramatica. Synopsis of haber 7, obligar 32, creer 43. Locuciones para aprender de memoria tener parte en hacer la guerra a tener valor para hacerse a la mar pedir juramento a ensenorearse de desposeer de trabar batalla con ir en auxilio de enfermo de quitar algo a alguien embarcarse para Trabajo oral. a. Traduzcanse al castellano las sfrases que siguen. i. Have you heard about the Cid ? 2. It is said that his deeds won for him the name 'The Valiant". 3. I had no part in that. 40 I shall go to aid my brother. 5. I compelled the man to leave. 6. Cervantes was wounded in the left hand. 10 7. I stumbled about on entering the room. 8. Is there anyone here who can read Arabic ? 9. As long as you have fever, do not leave your bed. 10. I have insisted on seeing you. 11. He has taken it away from me. b. Aprendase de memoria los versos de Leopoldo Cano. B 15 Version. Many of the authors of Spain were also soldiers celebrated for their war-like deeds. It is said that Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was prouder of DOS GRANDEZAS DE ESP AN A 167 the name *'the one-handed man of Lepanto" than of that of "author of Don Quijote of La Mancha." It was in the battle with the Turks the 7th of October, 1571 that Cervantes had his left hand mutilated *'for the greater glory of the right", as is wont to be said. 5 He had been ill with fever on one of the galleys of the fleet of the allies, who were waging war on the Turks. When he heard the noise of the fight, he left his bed and seizing his sword jumped on deck where he fought bravely. In this battle many thousands of 10 Turks perished and many were captured, the Chris- tians losing about 8000 men. It was the last great battle between great fleets of galleys. The Turks were thus dispossessed of much of the territory of which they had had control. Philip II, Venice and Genoa, to- 15 gether with Pope Pius V, formed this league which routed their common enemy. After having received his discharge, Cervantes set sail for Spain but was captured by a Moorish pirate who took him to Algiers. Here he remained in a 20 Moorish bano or prison until at last he was ransomed by his family in 1580. Many times he risked his life to save his comrades from their captivity. As long as Spanish is read and spoken the name of Cervantes will last. He and the immortal Shakespeare died April 23, 25 1616. Cervantes was buried in the church in Canta- rranas Street, Madrid. Another great man of Spain was the Cid, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, who was born near Burgos in 1030. He was not an author but he was one of the greatest 30 l68 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK soldiers Spain has ever had, although we know that much of what has been told of him in legends and poems can not be true. At any rate, we know that he was a vassal of Alphonso VI of Castile, whom he aided 5 against the Moors. These tribes had had control of the larger part of Spain for many years and Alphonso pressed them hard and took possession of much of their territory. This ungrateful monarch could never forgive the Cid for having made him swear that he had lo had no part in the death of Sancho, the brother of Alphonso. He exiled the Cid and dispossessed him of his property. The Cid put himself at the head of his small army and went to aid other leaders, some of whom were 15 Spaniards and others Moors. He conquered various kings and chieftains and received tribute from them after making them his allies. He took Valencia in 1094 when certain rebels deprived his friend, the King Alcadir, of life and throne. Later he routed the Almora- 20 vides who tried to gain possession of that city. He died in 1099 on learning that this tribe had finally defeated his army at Cuenca, but his widow, Ximena, for a few years after his death held the city for Alphon- so, who never ceased to hate the name of the Cid. 25 Hell is full of ingrates, says the proverb. The Cid and his wife, Ximena, were buried in the Convent of San Pedro of Cardena near Burgos, but his remains have been transferred to the town hall of Burgos where they may now be seen together with his 30 strong-box in which he kept his gold. XXIX A. EL RENACIMIENTO DE ESPANA Miguel pregunto a don Jose una vez: — jPor que desconocen los espanoles a mis paisanos? iNo le parece que se debe a la guerra que hubo entre ambos paises? — No; absolutamente no. No existe en Espafia rencor alguno contra los 5 Estados Unidos. No; los dos pueblos se hallan alejados por pura indiferencia del uno al otro. Y esta indiferencia se debe a dos cosas muy sencillas pero importantes: la distancia y la lengua. La raza espanola siempre ha mostradoio poca aptitud en aprender el ingles, idioma que nos resulta dificil por sus muchas irregularidades de pronunciacion y de gramatica, asi como por lo poco que se asemeja al castellano. Se estudia aqui el Frances mucho mas que el ingles. — (i Pero 15 no cree Vd. que, siendo inglesa la reina de Espana, se deberian establecer mas cursos en ingles en los institutos, colegios y universidades? — J Que tiene que ver la procedencia de la reina con el estudio del ingles en el reino? Poco o nada. Con los 20 Franceses tenemos ciertas aproximaciones de raza, vecindad y comercio; por eso, es logico estudiar Frances en Espana. Y Vds. los norteamericanos 169 I70 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK se interesan en Espafia tan poco, y ese poco pro- cede principalmente del interes que tienen Vds. en los paises hispanoamericanos donde esperan "capturar el comercio". 5 — Dispense Vd. que le interrumpa, don Jose, pues me parece que se equivoca Vd. hasta cierto punto. En • nuestras escuelas el estudio del castellano ha tornado recientemente un gran incremento. Si es verdad que nuestros comer- lociantes se interesan en el espanol solo por ser la lengua de 60 millones de habitantes del Nuevo Mundo, no obstante hay que tener en cuenta el que corra parejas ahora con los otros idiomas modernos en los programas academicos y que en 15 muchas universidades se acepte ahora a la par con el Frances y el aleman como materia de estudio requerida a los matriculantes. Tambien los alumnos yanquis estan interesados en conocer la gloriosa historia de Espafia en tiempos en que 20 su poderio fue predominante en el mundo, la Espafia de los Reyes Catolicos, de Carlos V y de Felipe II, Espafia vencedora, descubridora y colonizadora. Tambien America admira y venera de Espafia los grandes literatos del '*siglo de oro", 25 Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Calderon, y Ercilla. Principiamos tambien a apreciar debidamente la literatura moderna espaiiola como lo indican las recientes palabras de nuestra gran escritor y EL RENACIMIENTO DE ESPANA 171 critico, William Dean Howells: — La literatura novelesca espanola supera facilmente a la de cualquier otro pueblo contemporaneo.^ En Nueva York hay el magnifico Museo Hispanico el cual da a conocer a nuestra nacion lo que es Espafia 5 y las republicas espaiiolas en arte, historia y literatura. — Gracias, amigo, por habermelo explicado con tanta claridad. jY que nos dice Vd. sobre la carencia de turistas yanquis en la Peninsula? — 10 Creo que es debido al aislamiento en que se encuentra y a la ignorancia de lo que tiene que ofrecer Espaiia al turista juntamente con el descuido de Vds. en hacer la debida propaganda para atraer a los extranjeros. Francia, Alemania, 15 Suiza e Italia, todos se esfuerzan para ganar los duros americanos. — Si; tenemos mucho que aprender en estos asuntos y la letra con sangre entra. Pero toda la nacion, aunque pareciendo dormida, se estremece2o y despierta a una vida nueva. El espanolismo florece como nunca y la perdida de nuestras co- lonias de ultramar fue un verdadero beneficio dandonos causa y ocasion para reconcentrar nuestros empenos en la rehabilitacion y explota-25 cion de recursos interiores. Por ejemplo: el ^W. D. Howells, Harper's Monthly Magazine, vol. cxxxi, p. 957. 172 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK gobierno ha contribuido unos 50 millones de duros para restituir los sistemas de riego construidos hace siglos por los romanos y los arabes, y tan necesarios para la agricultura de Espana. La 5producci6n del arroz valenciano y del trigo se esta mejorando y ensanchando cada dia. El vino se exporta en cantidades crecientes y bajo marcas espanolas. La exportacion del aceite de oliva sigue aumentando lo mismo que la de las 10 aceitunas. La caiia de azucar de Europa solo se produce en Espana y se cultiva en cantidades siempre crecientes. Hay mas de cincuenta fabricas de remolacha en la vega granadina. Si Europa fuese a pique en el mar, solo Espana 15 podria sobrenadar, siendo productora de seis libras de corcho para cada habitante. Se exportan a la Argentina y al Uruguay mucha sal y patatas, tambien caballos, toros y mulas. Se mejoran por el gobierno y por capital privado los puertos, 2ocanales5 plantas de telegrafia inalambrica, asti- Ueros e instalaciones electricas. Las Islas Canarias exportan millares de racimos de bananas y muchas hortalizas. Aunque es Espana quince veces menor en territorio que los Estados Unidos, su 25 poblacion equivale aproximadamente a una quinta parte de la que puebla la nacion americana. — Una autora americana lo resumio bien diciendo: **E1 mas joven y liberal monarca de EL RENACIMIENTO DE ESP ANA 173 Europa parece que infunde vitalidad de un extremo al otro de su reino y la Fortuna, que destina el levantamiento y la caida de las naciones, seiiala ahora la senda hacia la cumbre."^ Repaso de gramatica. Synopsis of reir 29a, desconocer 38. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. tener que ver con correr parejas con tomar incremento dar a conocer tener en cuenta estremecerse B Deberes verbales. Formense en espanol diez 5 preguntas basadas sobre el texto antecedente. Despues, contestese a esas preguntas. Traduccion escrita. Is there ill-will in Spain against us Yankees? — No; the Spaniards are strangers to us because we are separated from them by distance and 10 language. — Then the indifference of one people to the other is not due to the war of 1898.? — Absolutely not. — I have noticed the lack of North American tourists in Spain. — Yes, there exists a great ignorance in the United States of what Spain has to offer to the tourist, 15 who usually does not know how interesting and pictur- esque Spain is. He travels in Italy, Switzerland, France, England and Germany but does not think of Spain, which nation does not try hard to attract ^'''Espana pacific a y prospera' per Harriet Chalmers Adams. La Revista del Mundo, N. Y., Octubre de 191 5. 174 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK foreigners. — That's so. The geographical isolation of the Iberian Peninsula and the negligence of the Spaniards in carrying on a propaganda to attract tourists make that nation appear asleep. 5 — Is English studied much in Spain ? — No; Spaniards have never shown much aptitude in learning English. It is a language which proves to be hard for them because of its irregularities of grammar and of pro- nunciation. French is studied there more than English lo because of relations of race, commerce and proximity. Spaniards learn it more easily than English because of its resemblance to Spanish. English is spoken in very few places in the Peninsula. — Queen Victoria is an Englishwoman, the cousin of 15 the King of England. — Yes, but that has little to do with the study of English in the kingdom. — The students in our schools have always been interested in the history of Spain in the period when she was a discovering, conquering, and colonizing nation. *, We 20 owe much to Spain of the 15th, i6th and 17th cen- turies. — We are also beginning to appreciate properly how much modern Spanish fiction surpasses that of many other nations. Our great literary man and critic, William Dean Howells, made known to North 25 America the names and the works of Galdos and Valdes and today praises a great deal the novels of Blasco Ibanez. — Excuse me for interrupting you, but one must take into account also the great increase that the study of 30 Spanish has recently taken on in North American EL RENACIMIENTO DE ESP ANA 175 schools. It is true that tradition says that one should study French and German, but if we wish to "capture the South American trade", we must learn the language of the merchants of South America, which is either Spanish or Portuguese. Moreover, Spanish is now on 5 a par with French and German in most of the courses of study of our high schools and universities. Most of the latter now accept it on a par with other modern languages as a subject of study required of entering students. — We are also learning much about the 10 80 million inhabitants of the Hispano-American republics although it is true that learning is not an easy matter. — They say that the renascence of Spain is wonder- ful. — Yes, the nation is awakening to a new life. The loss of her last overseas colonies made her concentrate 15 her efforts upon the development of her internal resources. Public and private capital is being con- tributed to restore and improve the harbors, irrigation systems, beet-sugar factories, electric plants, canals and wireless stations. The exportation under Spanish 20 brands of olive oil and wines continues to increase. The production of rice, sugar-cane, wheat, garden produce, and potatoes is daily increasing. Spain is the greatest producer of cork in the world and could, it seems, keep afloat if the Peninsula sank into the sea. 25 Her donkeys, mules, horses, and bulls are exported in increasing numbers to Argentina. Devotion to Spain seems to flourish as never before. Peaceful and prosperous, the land of don Alphonso seems to be journeying now on the upward path, 30 XXX A. LA SALIDA PARA SUD AMERICA De Barcelona fueron los jovenes a visitar Valencia, la tercera ciudad del reino por su importancia comercial y la de mas aspecto oriental que hay en Espana con su cielo tan azul y sdespejado, su clima benigno y su vegetacion tropica. Segun dice la cancion antigua, se lamen- taron asi los moradores arabes, al ver acercarse al Cid para darles batalla: Cuanto mas la vee hermosa lo Mas le crece su pesar . . . O Valencia, O Valencia, Dios te quiera remediar. La rodean extensos y fertiles huertos poblados de naranjos que le valen el titulo de "Jardin de 15 Espaiia''. A mediados de diciembre dijo Miguel a Pedro: Vamos a veranear ahora. — d'Que me dice Vd. de su veranear? Pero, Jen donde? Ya ha pasado el verano y estamos en pleno invierno. 20*1 Que cosas tiene Vd.! Vd. esta burlandose de mi, (jno.^ — Que no. Que nos precisa ahora partir para la America del Sur donde reina actualmente 176 LA SALIDA PARA SUD AMfiRICA 1 77 el verano. — Ah; jesas tenemos! Eso es ya otro cantar. Pero, Miguel, dice el refran: — Planta muchas veces traspuesta^ ni crece ni medra. Me gusta con delirio esta vida barcelonesa. Aunque es invierno, no hace frio y casi siempre hay sol. 5 \Y que vida tan agradable es la que se pasa holgandose en las aceras y en los cafes de la Rambla o en el Paseo de Colon! iQue ratos mas divertidos son los pasados en el Gran Teatro del Liceo o en las Novedades. Si me quedase 10 aqui durante algunos meses mas, podria aprender a hablar Catalan y gozar de las representaciones del Teatro Catala. — En todo eso estamos com- pletamente de acuerdo pero estoy en que conviene cumplir con nuestro plan original, saliendo a 15 visitar aquellas tierras tan desconocidas por nosotros como lo fue Espana. Y nos cabe re- cordar que es en esas republicas sudamericanas que vamos a establecernos y no en la vieja Espana. — iCree Vd. que nos divertiremos y nos apro-20 vecharemos alli tanto como aqui? — A muertos y a idos no hay amigos — repitio Pedro al bueno de don Jose a quien le peso mucho la proyectada partida de los americanos. — Pero para Vds. los hay, — replico el an- 25 ciano tristemente; — no pierdo nunca de mi memoria a los que tanto aprecio. Y les pido a Vds. que me envien a menudo sus noticias y me 178 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK pongan entre el numero de sus buenos amigos. — Se lo prometemos, don Jose. Por fin se despidieron en un vapor de la Com- pafiia Trasatlantica que salio del Muelle Nuevo, 5 paso por las aguas del Mediterraneo y el estrecho de Gibraltar, entrando en alta mar. A medida que avanzaron desde los 36 grados de latitud septentrional de Gibraltar hacia el sudoeste iba poniendose bochornoso el tiempo hasta llegar el iccalor a una altura casi inaguantable al cruzar el ecuador. Todos los ventiladores electricos fun- cionaban de dia y de noche y los pasajeros se vestian de bianco, se quedaban quietos a la sombra y hacian todo lo posible para buscar el bienestar. 15 Cuando cruzaron el ecuador, se efectuo una ceremonia curiosa, la del ''bautizo de la linea" en la cual los que cruzan la linea por vez primera se someten a ser bautizados por el que representa al dios Neptuno, quien en traje ridiculo y acom- 2opanado de su sequito extravagante, bautiza a estos neofitos en un tanque de la cubierta. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. I que cosas.tiene Vd.! enviar uno sus noticias a iesas tenemos! otro eso es otro cantar efectuarse estar de acuerdo someterse a estar en que {-^clause) nos cabe recordar cumplir con el bueno de don Jose pesar a uno LA SALIDA PARA SUD AMERICA 179 B Trabajo oral. Pongase la forma conveniente del verbo pasearse en los espacios en bianco de las siguien- tes expresiones. i. despues de 2. para que el 3. sin 4. si me Vd., se tam- bien. 5. al 6. el me da gusto. 7. habi- 5 endose 8. para 9. el esta Traduccion. A rolling stone gathers no moss, but it behooved Peter and Michael to remember that it was necessary for them to leave for lands unknown where they were going to settle. They were exceedingly 10 delighted with Barcelona life and with that of Valencia, the city of the Cid. The latter city is surrounded by tropical vegetation and fertile orchards set with orange trees. These orchards and the mild climate have won for the region the name of "the garden of 15 Spain". When the Moorish residents saw the Cid approaching, they gave him battle and cried: "Oh, Valencia, may God be willing to help you!" Although it was mid-winter it seemed to the travelers that summer reigned there. The sky was clear and blue, 20 it was not cold and the sun shone always. Before beginning their proposed journey to South America, the middle of December the Americans went to visit good don Jose. He thought that the young men were making sport of him when they told him that 25 soon they were going to leave to pass the summer in other lands. "How you do carry on!" he exclaimed. But on learning that they had to establish in Peru a l8o ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK branch of the business house of Michael's father, he said, "So that's it! That is indeed another story. But what do you tell me about passing the summer somewhere? We are now having winter. Ah, yes, 5 1 remember. When winter reigns here, they are enjoying summer there." What entertaining times they spent idling on the Rambla and enjoying the performances in the Lyceum Theatre! They were of the opinion that the Cata- lolan language was highly interesting. They said that if they had remained longer in Barcelona they would have been able to speak it. Don Jose agreed with them. But at last the two Americans had to fulfill their 15 duty and they had themselves taken to the New Pier in the magnificent harbor of Barcelona where they went on board a steamer of the Transatlantic Company. Don Jose accompanied them to the boat. "Don't forget us, don Jose," said the two Americans. "The 20 dead and the absent are friendless, says the proverb. Let us hear from you often." "I never forget my friends," replied don Jose; "please count me in the number of your good friends." "Most gladly. That we promise you willingly." 25 Having passed through the Strait of Gibraltar and entered upon the open sea, the heat kept on increasing in proportion as they advanced towards the southwest. The weather became sultry and almost unendurable. The passengers had to dress in white and it was neces- 30 sary for them to remain in the shade, seeking comfort LA SALIDA PARA SUD AMfiRICA l8l there. Day and night the electric fans were working. They traversed some 36 degrees of latitude before reaching the equator which they crossed at mid-day. Those of the passengers who were crossing the line for the first time had to be christened by the retinue of the God Neptune who appeared on deck. The names which these neophites received were quite ridiculous. l82 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK XXXI A. EN BAHIA El primer puerto en que hace escala el buque es el de Bahia que esta a unos 13 grades al sur del ecuador a orillas de la bien abrigadaensenada de Todos OS Santos de la costa oriental del Brasil. Despues de su travesia tan larga, en que mas 5 padecieron de nostalgia de Espana que de mareo, Pedro y Miguel se alegran de volver a pisar tierra firme. Fondeado el vapor, se desembarcan los jovenes, aprovechandose de la ocasion para estirar las piernas y familiarizarse un poco con 10 su primera ciudad hispanoamericana durante la breve estancia alli del buque. Para salir del barrio marinero y subir a la ciudad alta, los pasajeros se valen de algunos de los ascensores; otros hacen uso de los tranvias 15 movidos por cables. La subida desde la ciudad baja es muy empinada pero una vez en lo alto se goza de la vista muy hermosa de la bahia punteada de barcos de todos los tamanos entre los cuales se destacan varios trasatlanticos. Ninguno de los 20 dos puede hablar portugues, el idioma del Brasil, pero se encuentran con que se entiende el espaiiol muy comunmente en las tiendas y cafes, aunque 183 1 84 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK exista cierto desagrado contra el uso del castellano a causa de la antigua rivalidad entre el Brasil y la Argentina. Se sorprenden mucho de ver tantos negros por Stodas partes, pero un cuerdo tendero brasileno informa a Pedro en espanol muy castizo que algunos Uaman a Bahia *Ma ciudad de los negros'' por consistir en ellos una gran parte de los 250,000 habitantes. — En todo el Brasil, — continua, — hay 10 mas de 20 millones de personas y solo hay 6 millones que son blancos puros. — Es la nueva Africa, al parecer. — No, seiior; porque conviene tener presente que hay casi un millon y medio de indios y los restantes son de sangre mixta. Por iseso aqui no se porien reparos en los matrimonios de los de distintas razas. En cuanto a los negros, fueron importados por vez primera en el Brasil en 1563 por los hacendados que necesitaron *'brazos" u obreros en su cafetales y fincas. 2oMedraron aqui y se les dio la libertad en 1888 sin efusion de sangre alguna. — d'Que exportan Vds. de Bahia. ^ — Principalmente cacao, azucar, tabaco, naranjas y palo del Brasil, la madera colorante. Se conocia esta madera en Europa, tres siglos 25 antes del descubrimiento de America, siendo importada del Asia, y al traer Amerigo Vespucci al rey de Portugal una cantidad de ella, se empezo a nombrar la nueva tierra que la produjo el Brasil. EN BAHIA 185 Al volver a abordar su buque se ponen los nor- teamericanos a discurrir sobre sus experiencias y sobre los datos que antes tenian apuntados referentes al Brasil. — Es mas grande el Brasil — dijo Pedro — que los Estados Unidos si se exceptua 5 Alaska. Tiene 2000 millas de longitud y 2000 millas de latitud. Un solo estado, o mejor dicho el territorio de Amazonas, es casi tres veces mas grande que Tejas. Si se reuniesen en Amazonas todos los 1600 millones de seres humanos del 10 mundo, cada uno tendria por suyo un cuadrado de tierra cuyos lados medirian 115 pies de longitud. No solo es grande el pais, sino que tambien florecen alii algunas industrias vastisimas y variadisimas como la produccion de cafe, de "hule" o caucho, 15 y de ganado. La clase gobernante es de raza portuguesa o lusitana. — Dejelo, Pedro — grit a Miguel al fin — por el amor de Dios. Son chocantes tantos informes a un tiempo. Me rompen los cascos. Dejelo 20 hasta otra vez. Repaso de gramatica. Difference between tener and haber with the past participle (que antes tenian apuntados) Locuciones para aprender de memoria. hacer escala en romper los cascos padecer de constat de poner reparos en l86 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK B Trabajo oral. Para expresar negativamente en imperative, usando el singular de la forma cortes. I. romperme los cascos 2. hacer escala en Bahia 3. poner reparos en 4. desembarcarse en el puerto 55. tenerlo presente 6. reunirse aqui 7. dejarlo hasta otra vez 8. familiarizarse con ellos 9. sorpren- der a Pedro 10. continuar el viaje Version. As soon as the steamer anchored in the bay of Todos os Santos, I disembarked and got ac- 10 quainted a bit with the city. This was the first Hispano- American city at which our boat had stopped. During the trip across I had suffered from seasickness and I longed to tread terra firma and stretch my legs by taking a walk through the streets. Our stay there was 15 to last an entire day. I took advantage of it at once. The ascent from the water front or the lower town being very steep, I used the elevator which carries people to the upper town. Other travelers used the cable cars to ascend. Having once reached the top, 20 one saw the beautiful bay dotted with many boats. The transatlantic steamers of course stood out among the other boats of all sizes. The houses of this city of many thousands of inhabitants were of many colors, similar to those I had seen in towns of southern Spain. 25 A shrewd old Castilian shopkeeper, speaking to me in the purest Spanish, said that although I could not speak Portuguese, I would find that Spanish was quite generally understood in the cafes and shops. He also EN BAHIA 187 told me that Bahia was called by some "the city of the negroes" because of so many of that race being found there. The rich landowners needing **hands" on their coffee plantations, first imported the negroes into Brazil from Africa in 1563. They were given their 5 liberty in 1888. They are found now in large numbers in the states to the north of Bahia. "But," said the shopkeeper, "we must bear in mind that in Brazil there are many Indians, negroes and those of mixed blood. It behooves us not to give heed to the race of 10 an individual." The governing class is of Portuguese origin. I was surprised to find that there existed in Bahia and in other Brazilian cities a certain dislike for the Spanish language, although many of the inhabitants 15 spoke it well. Perhaps this was on account of the ancient rivalry between the Brazilians and the Argen- tinians. CoflFee, cattle, sugar cane, rubber, oranges, and Brazil wood thrive in Brazil. This dye-wood was imported 20 into Europe from Asia even in the 12th century and was known as hrasile or hresill wood. Therefore when this wood was found by Amerigo Vespucci in this part of South America, this name was given to the new land. Before reaching South America, I had many data 25 noted down and they proved to be very useful. For example, I knew that Brazil was larger than the United States excepting Alaska and that the single territory of Amazonas was nearly three times as large as Texas. There would be ropm for all the human beings 30 1 88 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK in the world in the state of Amazonas and each would have some 13,000 square feet of area. Brazil measures about 2000 miles in length and 2000 miles in width. But in order that I may not rack your brains 5 by giving too much information at once, I shall leave the rest until later. XXXII A. LA SEGUNDA CIUDAD DE SUD AMERICA; UNA CARTA DE MIGUEL Rio de Janeiro 2 de febrero de 191- Mi muy querido padre: Hace mas de un mes que te escribi pero no queria volver a hacerlo antes de llegar a esta. 5 Espero que tu y mama sigais bien de salud. Pedro y yo estamos sin novedad. Nos parece mentira que vosotros tengais ahora invierno con sus heladas y nevadas mientras que aqui rige el verano. Hoy Uueve a cantaros, lo 10 cual ocurre muy frecuentemente en los meses de enero y febrero cayendo 12 pulgadas de agua en enero y mas de 40 en todo el ano. Aqui la nieve es cosa desconocida. No es facil darse cuenta de que Rio dista 4775 millas de Nueva York poris via de vapor y que Nueva York esta a mas de 2000 millas al oeste de Rio. Cuando es mediodia en Nueva York, aqui son las dos y siete de la tarde. Ya sabes tu que viste a Rio hace veinte aiios cuan hermosa es la ciudad dotada por la naturaleza 20 con sitio y contornos tan excepcionales. Vista del mar, parece mas hermosa que Napoles o 189 190 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK LA SEGUNDA CIUDAD DE SUD AMERICA 191 Constantinopla; las islitas de la bahia superan a las del Mar Egeo. Al entrar en la bahia se ve a la izquierda la roca llamada Pao de Assucar (Pan de Azucar) levantandose precipitosamente del agua de la bahia hasta mas de 1200 pies de 5 altura. Las escarpadas montaiias que circundan el puerto tienen la belleza de las rias orilladas de altas rocas de la costa noruega, realzada la belleza por la vistosa vegetaclon tropica. Y el mismo puerto por sus calidades practicas es unoio de los mejores del mundo. Los vapores de mayor calado vienen de las cinco partes del mundo y fondean aqui facilmente. En nuestro buque 01 discutir a porfia a tres viajeros los meritos respectivos de los puertos dei5 San Francisco de California, Sidney y Rio. Resulto que dos de ellos, un ingles y un danes, convinieron en que Rio se gana la palma. Pero . me dicen que en nada se parece la ciudad de hoy por hoy a la de 20 aiios atras y creo que tu la recono- 20 cerias ahora a duras penas. Los muchos caserios apartados que se vislumbraban por los valles entre los varios montes al lado del agua no co- municaban aspecto urbano al Rio de entonces. Para mejorar y modernizar la villa se necesitaron 25 60 millones de dolares, una contribucion estu- penda. Se duda que jamas se hayan efectuado reformas tan grandes en una ciudad. 192 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Primero se construyo un muelle de dos millas de largo, conformandose este a la curva de herradura de la orilla. Detras del muelle hicieron un paseo o avenida muy ancha llamada Beira Mar, la cual 5 se extiende casi cuatro millas. Hay un canal de la ciudad denominado el Mangue. Este lo enderezaron de una manera admirable, embe- lleciendo la margen con una calzada lindada de focos electricos. Por el centro de la poblacion locondujeron una calle esplendida, la que titularon Avenida Rio Branco, hoy un gran centro de comercio. Se mejoraron las calles pavimentan- dolas de asfalto; se engrandecio el alcantarillado y el sistema de abastecimiento de agua. La IS electricidad, desarroUada en plantas hidroelec- tricas, da vida al alumbrado y a la gran red de tranvias. Donde hay gana hay mana y por causa de tantas mejoras es Rio una ciudad modernizada a pedir de boca, colocada al lado de un puerto 2oaparatoso, una verdadera joya en una soberbia montadura natural. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. seguir bien de salud conformarse a estar sin novedad a pedir de boca parece mentira ganarse la palma Hover a cdntaros a duras penas darse cuenta de vislumbrar a porfia JLA SEGUNDA CIUDAD DE SUD AMERICA 193 Deberes orales. Substituyanse las expresiones subrayadas por otras sinonimas. i. No queria volver a hacerlo. 2. Hoy llueve a cantaros. 3. No es facil darse cuenta de eso. 4. Ya sabes cuan hermosa es la ciudad. 5. Las islitas superan a las del Mar Egeo. 5 6. Las montanas circundan el puerto.. 7. Fondean aqui facilmente. 8. Convinieron en que Rio se gana la palma. 9. La ciudad de hoy por hoy. 10. La que titularon Avenida Rio Branco. Traduccion. Well, Michael, at last we are in Rio de 10 Janeiro, the second city in size of South America. It seems strange that summer prevails here in the middle of February. — Yes; snow, frost and snowfalls are unknown here at any time. But it often rains hard here in this season. They say that yesterday therein fell about two inches of water. — How exceptional are the site and the environs of this city! Rio has been endowed by nature with great beauty. Its showy harbor, its bright tropical vegeta- tion, the steep mountains that surround it and the 20 isles that are found in the bay heighten the beauty of the city itself. When I saw it for the first time from the boat yesterday, it seemed to me that Rio surpassed Naples or Constantinople for its picturesque quaHties. — My father was here twenty years ago. He 25 used to tell me that the fiords of the Norwegian coast were not so beautiful nor so wonderful as the harbor of Rio.— Before our boat anchored yesterday, I heard you and the Dane discussing heatedly the respective 194 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK LA SEGUNDA CIUDAD DE SUD AMERICA 195 merits of the harbors of this city, Sidney, and San Francisco. How did the discussion turn out ? — It turned out that we all agreed that Rio carried off the palm. I should like my father to see the capital of Brazil now. — Why ? Does it not resemble the city 5 of twenty years ago ? — Of course it resembles it, and he would recognize it easily. But it has been improved and modern- ized as much as one could ask. Huge appropriations were needed to carry out the plans. I doubt whether 10 any other city has brought about such great altera- tions in its streets, drives and avenues. They straight- ened some streets and paved them all with asphalt. Many millions of dollars were used to give a city-like appearance to the separate settlements which could 15 be seen in the valleys among the several hills. A dock was constructed two miles long which con- formed to the horseshoe curve of the shore. The drive which was made behind it was called Beira Mar and 'it extended several miles. The sewerage system, the 20 water supply system, the street car system and the electric lighting were enlarged and improved. The bank of the Mangue Canal was beautified by a highway well paved and bordered with electric lights. Great hydro-electric plants now develop the electric power 25 which the city needs. Rio Branco Avenue was laid out through the center of the city. This street is today the most important one in the commercial district. — Thus it is seen that where there is a will there is a way, and Rio has proved to be a real jewel in a superb 30 196 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK natural setting. How far are we now from New York ? — About 4800 miles by boat. — New York is to the north, is it not? — Yes, and more than 2000 miles to the west. — It is hard to reahze that. What time must 5 it be now in New York, it being now three seven in the afternoon in this city .? — It is now one o'clock in New York. — Have your parents written to you since your having arrived here.f* — Yes, and I have already answered their letter. — Do they keep well ? — Yes, 10 thanks. They are in their usual health. XXXIII A. CONTINUACION Al Uegar sin amigo ni conocido brasileiio a quien recurrir, nos dirigimos a la Y. M. C. A. o Asociacion Cristiana para Jovenes donde nos recibieron con mucha cordialidad y atencion. Por casualidad tropezamos alii con Juan Tucker, 5 antiguo amigo de escuela con quien estudiamos espanol Pedro y yo. Es buen chico, como quien dice, y se ofrecio para todo lo que desearamos. Primero le tratabamos en ingles pero al pro- ponerle nosotros hablar castellano, consintio en 10 ello de buena voluntad. Hacia casi cuatro anos que no lo hablaba ya y experimento al principio alguna molestia por venirle a menudo a la lengua la palabra portuguesa en lugar de la espanola. Esto fue a causa de la gran semejanza que existe, 15 como tu sabes, entre el portugues y el espaiiol. Pero no tenia vergiienza de hablar, lo cual dificulta a muchas personas la adquisicion de un idioma extranjero. Tucker nos explico lo util que le fue su conocimiento del espanol al principiar a 20 estudiar el portugues. Habiendo adquerido ya un idioma romance el aprenderotro fue tarea harto facil. 197 198 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Todos los tres fuimos en tranvxa el otro dia a lo mas alto del Corcovado, un pefion de forma de hombre jorobado. Es la roca mas saliente de la region que descuella a las demas. Desde alii 5 gozamos sobremanera de una vista insuperable. Al otro dia nos decidimos a subir tambien al Pao de Assucar (Pan de Azucar). Para trepar por ella nos servimos de una especie de tranvia aereo en que pareciamos nadar por la atmosfera. 10 El viaje era sumamente conmovedor, tanto que se desmayo un caballero en medio de la carrera. Volvio en si al Uegar el carro a la cumbre, solo para perder otra vez el sentido al empezar la vuelta. Me dijo una anciana: — Parece que el i5pobre tiene cascos de calabaza. La Rua do Ouvidor (Calle del Auditor) merece fama como centro de tiendas. No se admiten vehiculos a esta calle, la cual esta atestada de gente durante todo el dia. En los estableci- 20 mientos se venden al menudeo sus articulos que consisten en una infinidad* de cosas preciosas traidas de todas las partes del mundo y que valen cada una un sentido. Uno se pone a mirar los escaparates, y. cede a la atraccion hipnotica de 25tantas cosas bonitas y sin decir tus ni mus entra y gasta lo que tiene. En esta calle siempre hay que echar manos a la bolsa. Como me lo instaste, vine en conocimiento, continuaciOn 199 hace poco, del estado del mercado de aqui, en lo que se refiere a la maquinaria. Actualmente hay una . demanda bastante activa de maquinas norteamericanas pero hasta ahora son los ale- manes quienes tienen ventaja sobre todos suss competidores en ese ramal. Esto es debido en gran parte a la actividad de los agentes alemanes que ban sabido constituir un mercado para sus manufacturas. Estudian muy cuidadosamente los gustos y las necesidades de los brasileiios, 10 logrando comprender mejor que nadie lo conve- niente en cada caso. Nosotros tendremos que hacer otro tanto si intentamos poder apoderarnos de una porcion de este comercio. Habra que estudiar a fondo las leyes de impuestos que rigen. Pero te 15 escribire mas extensamente sobre este asunto. Anhelo verte lo mismo que a mama pero ten- dremos que esperar hasta mas tarde. Da un fuerte abrazo a mama y tu recibe otro de tu hijo que te quiere muchisimo, 20 Miguel. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. recurrir a uno merecer fama como quien dice vender al menudeo ofrecerse para valer un sentido tener vergiienza de sin decir tus ni mus trepar por echar manos a la bolsa volver en si venir en conocimiento de tener cascos de calabaza 200 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK B Trabajo oral. Para traducir al espanol. i. Let's look at the show window. 2. We know how useful a knowledge of Spanish is. 3. Don't be bashful about speaking. 4. I haven't spoken Spanish for two years. 55. I hadn't spoken Spanish for two years. 6. Tell him not to spend all he has. 7. If I acquired Portuguese, I would speak it with you. 8. Let's consent to it. 9. Don't use the aerial tramway. 10. Climb up the rock on foot. Version escrita. By chance the two young men 10 came upon an old schoolmate at the Young Men's Christian Association. They had no Brazilian ac- quaintance to whom to resort. Hence, they had experienced some trouble on seeking a hotel in which to lodge. But this friend Tucker volunteered to take 15 them to his boarding-house and they gladly consented to accompany him. It was several years since they had seen Tucker who told them that he had learned to speak Portuguese easily after having studied Spanish previously. They had been addressing each other in 20 English until then but soon the two travelers proposed to Tucker that all should speak Spanish. Tucker was not bashful about speaking it although often the Portuguese word came to his tongue instead of the Spanish one. The great resemblance between these 25 two Romance languages frequently makes difficult the acquisition of one of them if one has already learned the other. To recall his knowledge of Spanish was, however, for Tucker a rather easy task. CONTINUACION 20I They all went one day to visit the shopping center which was crowded with people. They were strolling along the Rua do Ouvidor, looking at the show windows when they stopped before one shop where were sold "^at retail valuable things from all parts of the world, 5 some of them being worth a fortune. Without saying aye, yes or no, they all yielded to the hypnotic attrac- tion and entered the establishment. They did not, however, often have to loosen their purse strings. Tucker understood better than anyone what was 10 proper and succeeded in getting the others out of the store before they could buy anything. One day the three youths went to the top of the Sugar Loaf from where they enjoyed an unexcelled view of the city and bay. They used the aerial tramway 15 to ascend this rock, paying somewhat more than a dollar for the trip. The summit is 1383 feet high and overtops all other cliffs of the environs of the city. While they were swimming through the air John cried, **Watch out! Peter is about to faint. Let him sit 20 down." And indeed Peter lost consciousness before the car reached the top. An old Spanish lady ex- claimed: "Poor man! He must be easily upset, as they say. This kind of vehicle does not suit him. But he will soon regain consciousness." And that was 25 w^hat happened when the car stopped at the summit. 'T am sorry I fainted," said Peter on opening his eyes. "Don't worry about that," the others told him. "Come and enjoy the view. Soon we shall have to begin the return trip." 30 202 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Michael's father had urged him to find out about the demand for North American machinery in the market of Brazil. He learned that the Germans had the advan- tage over their competitors in this line, having known 5 how to create a market for their machines. They had studied the tariff laws in force and the needs of the Brazihans. Michael wrote his father that the Yankees would have to do the same thing in order to get hold of South American commerce and that it would be lo necessary to send active agents to do business there. XXXIV A. EN RIO DE JANEIRO Amigo mio — dice Pedro a Miguel — estoy can- sado esta manana a mas no poder. — Y ipor que? — pregunta Miguel, sonriendose ; — digamelo. — iPara que decirselo cuando ya lo sabe Vd.? Si es que Vd. y Tucker se empefiaron ayer en tratars de recorrer toda la ciudad en un solo dia. Aqui y alia me llevaron Vds. a la rastra, primero por todo el Jardin Botanico, despues a la Biblioteca Nacional y mas tarde al Palacio Monroe. Y anoche aceptaron Vds. ese convite a comer con lo los Gonzalez en el barrio de Cattete y yo tenia que acompanarles. jUf! Aqui me tiene Vd. muerto de cansancio. Me quedo plantado en esta butaca todo hoy. — iQue lastima que este tan postrado! Pero ^*no valio la pena tantais actividad.^ Asi uno conoce la ciudad y su vida. — Quizas tenga Vd. razon. Pero quien mas corre menos vuela. Mire, i quien esta en la puerta? — Es Tucker riiuy endomingado que viene a entretenernos con sus cuentos de Rio. Pase2o Vd. — Bom dia, amigos. Gracias, no puedo sen- tarme. Vengo a secuestrarles, a llevarles a Petropolis y a Tijuca, y en honor delaocasion me 204 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK he prendido de veinte y cinco alfileres. — j So- corro! jDios me ayude! — grit a Pedro; — por piedad, dejenme Vds. descansar hoy.— ^Nada. No hay remedio. jEn marcha! — Pues^ lo que 5 no se puede remediar hay que aguantar. Adios, mi deseado dia de descanso. iPor donde vamos? Por la Avenida Rio Branco hasta el muelle donde . tomamos un vaporcito. A una hora de navegar, nos desembarcamos, subiendo luego por ferro- locarril hasta llegar a unos 3000 pies de altura. Al volver, vamos en automovil a Tijuca. Asi lo hicieron los tres y tuvieron su recom- pensa, como lo confeso Pedro mismo, en las hermosisimas vistas que presenciaron desde alli. 15 Con razon goza Petropolis de fama de popular. Aqui reside tambien el cuerpo diplomafeico. En Tijuca vieron con asombro la Cascatinha, una magnifica caida de agua, la Cascada Grande, la Mesa del Emperador, las Grutas de Agassiz y 20 la de Pablo y Virginia. Lo que les impresiono a los norteamericanos fue la falta de largos ferrocarriles en el Brasil. Aunque es tan grande el pais, tiene solo unas 12,000 millas de vias ferreas mal encadenadas. Ha impedido 25 el desarrollo ferroviario el ser dificultosa de atravesar la cordillera paralela a la costa sudeste, donde estan las ciudades principales. Ademas, estas ciudades distan mucho unas de otras. De EN RIO DE JANEIRO 205 ellas arrancan unas lineas cortas que no se enlazan con las salidas de otros centros de poblacion. Pertenecen al Estado la mayoria de los caminos de hierro, siendo algunos arrendados a varias com- panias que los operan. Estan en proyecto otros 5 muchos con ayuda de capital extranjero, ingles en su mayor parte. La navegacion de la costa concentrada en Rio la tienen que mantener buques brasileiios segun las condiciones de la constitucion del pais, y las 10 muchas vias fluviales estan recorridas por barcos subvencionados por el gobierno. Una vez unido el sistema de rios con una gran red de ferroca- rriles se desenvolvera el Brasil a las mil mara- villas. 15 Por estar empleados Pedro y Miguel en un comercio basado en la mineria, pasaron varios dias en la region minera del estado de Minas Geraes (Minas Generales), penetrando en tren y lomo de mula hasta tierra muy adentro. Aqui2o se explotan depositos de oro,. diamantes, hierro y manganeso, plata y cobre. Se calcula que la cantidad de quijo ferruginoso de Minas Geraes equivale a lo restante aun en las minas de la comarca del Lago Superior en los Estados Unidos. 25 Pero hasta ahora falta un buen sistema de trans- portacion, lo mismo que carbon para poder fundir y trabajar el hierro crudo. 2o6 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Copyright by Newman Traveltalks and Brown 6» Dawson, N. F. Rio de Janeiro: la Cascatinha de Tijuca EN RIO DE JANEIRO 207 Locuciones para aprender de memoria. a mas no poder valer la pena Uevar a la rastra prenderse de 25 alfileres quedar plantado a una hora de navegai gozar de fama de tierra adentro la navegacion la tienen que a las mil maravillas mantener buques brasilefios B Para hacer oralmente. Pongase en la debida forma del subjuntivo el verbo subrayado en cada una de las frases que siguen. i. Me gusta el que aceptar ellos el convite. 2. Lo creo sin que Vd. empenarse en repetirlo. 3. Digale que no sonreirse. 4. Pedi que el nos entre- 5 tener. 5. Quiso que yo conocer a fondo la ciudad. 6. Quizas no creer el el cuento. 7. Si Valer ia pena, lo iria a ver. 8. Nos mando que venir endomingados. Traduccion. Rio de Janeiro, March i, 191-. Dear father: Tucker kidnapped us yesterday and 10 dragged us all through the Botanical Garden and several suburbs of the city. Today I am dead tired. We dressed up in our best in honor of the occasion. I wanted to stick in an arm chair all day but the others would not let me rest. There was no help for it and I 15 said to myself, *'Well, what can't be cured must be endured." Hither and thither we went at full speed. . They insisted that I should accompany them every- where, only smiling when I cited to them the saying, ^*The more haste the less speed." 20 2o8 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Taking a small steamer we sailed for an hour, then disembarked and got into a train which took us to Petropolis, a city of some 20,000 souls, situated 27 miles to the north of Rio. Here we beheld many beau- 5 tiful views and saw the homes of many of the diplo- matic corps. On returning to town we went to dine with a family in the ward of Botafogo where many of the moneyed people reside. I did not enjoy myself because of being 10 so tired. And tomorrow we shall go to Tijuca to see the Great Falls and the Agassiz grottoes and we shall visit the Monroe Palace which indeed is worth while seeing. The railway lines of Brazil seem short and poorly 15 linked up. Railway development has been hindered by the fact that the mountain chain parallel to the coast is difficult to cross and by the fact that the cities are far from each other. Several private companies rent and operate the railways, the majority of which 20 belong to the State. Many lines which start from some towns do not connect with those that leave other centers of population. The constitution requires that coast navigation be maintained by Brazilian ships. The boats that traverse the rivers are subsidized by 25 the government. The mines of Brazil are developed fairly well, but coal and good transportation are lacking. One state, called General Mines, has deposits of silver, gold, diamonds, copper, manganese, and iron. The iron ore 30 of the region equals what is left in the mines near Lake EN RIO DE JANEIRO 209 Superior in the United States. Some day these mines will be wonderfully developed. We shall go far inland in this region on mule back. I long to see you. Write me soon. Tell mother to write also. My love to you and her. Your loving son, Michael. XXXV A. SAO PAULO: EXTRACTO TOMADO DE LOS APUNTES DE PEDRO Por fin partimos de Rio de Janeiro, saliendo en un tren expreso del Estrado de Ferro Central do Brazil (Camino de Hierro Central del Brasil) para Sao Paulo, o San Pablo, para decirlo en castellano, 5 la segunda ciudad del Brasil por su poblacion numerosa y comercio extranjero. Es la capital del estado del mismo nombre y tiene un vecindario de 400,000 personas mientras que Rio cuenta un millon redondo. Solo hay seis ciudades en el pais 10 con una poblacion de mas de 100,000 habitantes. Sao Paulo esta situado a unas 300 millas al sudoeste de Rio y a 35 millas al noroeste de Santos, su puerto. Es el centro de una red ferroviaria de mas de 3,500 millas de rieles. El i5Tr5pico de Capricornio pasa muy cerca de este municipio. Nuestro tren era de lujo y su comodo equipo nos proporciono un viaje muy ameno. Dudo que haya un tren norteamericano que tenga tantas 2ocomodidades como las del tren referido. Estamos en la tierra del cafe. En el piensan y suefian todos los de este estado. Todo se expresa SAO PAULO 211 en terminos de este grano. Siendo buena la cosecha de los cafetales o fazendas, como se llaman en portugues, y bueno el mercado, florecen los cafeteros dandose una vida en grande. Fracasando la cosecha, se necesitan paciencia y cautela. Al 5 puerto de Santos llegan buques de todas las partes del mundo civilizado para cargarse de cafe brasileno. Los cafetales de Sao Paulo estan dispuestos en terreno elevado que varia de 1000 a 3000 pies 10 de altura. Se extienden de manera que cubren miles de millas cuadradas de terruno. Tan vastas son algunas de las plantaciones de cafe que se emplean en ellas ferrocarriles particulares para recoger el producto. El suelo preferible para el 15 cultivo del grano tiene color rojizo debido a las trizas de hierro depositadas en el. Es menester todo un ejercito de jornaleros para cosechar, lavar, secar y ensacar el cafe. Viven estos en pequenas aldeas en los cafetales y son por I020 general negros, aunque ahora trabajan en ellos muchos colonos italianos. Se encuentran de vez en cuando jornaleros japoneses y chinos. Pero el cafeto no es la unica planta que sirve para aderezar una bebida de uso bastante comun. 25 En los estados de Santa Catharina y Rio Grande do Sul, donde viven muchos hacendados alemanes y especialmente en todo el Parag.uay se recoge la 212 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK hierba mate, especie de acebo silvestre. De ella se hace una infusion, que se prepara echando las hojas ^'en una cascara de calabaza con agua caliente y azucar, para sorber despues el liquido 5 con una bombilla de plata. En el Brasil suele tomarse en taza, como el te, y en toda la America Meridional se considera como bebida estomacal, excitante y nutritiva.'' Se exporta del Brasil mucho mate para la Argentina, donde se bebe losiete veces mas mate que cafe. La gente del Uruguay, del Paraguay y de Chile lo prefiere al te y al cafe, y ya se empieza a usar en Francia. Fui hoy con Miguel a Santos a ver cargar alii los buques de flete destinados a Europa. Tragaron 15 sus inmensas bodegas montones de cafe, carne de vaca, palo de rosa y tapioca. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. por lo general darse una vida en grande B Deberes orales. Pongase en castellano cada una de las frases siguientes. partir; decirlo en castellano; vivir en el pais; pasar cerca de alli; pensar en el; expresarse J I en otros terminos; darse una vida en grande; cargarse de el; cubrir el suelo; secar el cafe; recoger el acebo; empezar a usarlo; ver los buques; tragar el cafe. SAO PAULO 213 Traduccion escrita. Well, Michael, here is the coffee country which we were longing to see. How large these coffee plantations are! I do not know whether there are many North American wheatfields as large as that coffee plantation yonder. — They say that all the coffee 5 • growers of the State of Sao Paulo dream and think only of coffee. Usually they lead a prosperous. life if the crop is good. If the crop should fail, patience and caution would be needed. — I have heard say that the best soil for the cultiva- 10 tion of coffee is of reddish color and is found in land at an altitude which varies from 1000 to 3000 feet. This color is due to particles of iron deposited in the soil. The coffee plant flourishes especially on the plateaus near the southeastern coast of the country. 15 Here the climate as well as the soil provides the best conditions for this plant. — Who are the laborers who harvest the coffee ? — A whole army of negroes gathers, washes, dries, and sacks the berry. Many Italians also work here and occasionally a few Chinese 20 are found employed in this way. — But look! We are approaching a large city. Yes, that is the municipahty of Sao Paulo, the capital of the state of the same name, the second city of Brazil in population and commerce and one of the six 25 cities which have a population of more than 100,000 souls. The railway system of which Sao Paulo is the center comprises more than 3500 miles of track. — I am not anxious to leave this comfortable train of the Central Railway of Brazil. It is a long while since I 30 214 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK have taken such a comfortable and pleasant trip by train. But here we are. Let's get out and see if we can get lost in this city of 400,000 people. — What shall we do tomorrow .f^ — I think that it 5 behooves us to spend a few days in Santos, the port of Sao Paulo. It is situated 35 miles southeast from here and there, are many trains a day which will take us there. — What is to be seen in Santos ^ — A fine harbor excellent docks, great coffee warehouses and a large 10 number of ships whose great holds swallow up piles of freight destined for many cities of the world. — Of what does the freight consist .f* — Of beef, tapioca, rosewood and especially coffee. — Is coffee the only common drink of this region ? — Indeed not. Paraguay IS tea is drunk in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and especially in Paraguay. — What is this drink .? — It is a kind of wild holly. Its leaves are put in a gourd called mate or cuya together with hot water and sugar. The liquid is sipped up with a bomhilla which has 20 the shape of a spoon. — Thanks. I prefer coffee to Paraguay tea, although the latter is beginning to be used in Europe and although it is called good for the digestion and is nutritious. XXXVI A. EN EL URUGUAY Una mafiana de sol se acerco al muelle del puerto de Montevideo el vapor del Lloyd Brazileiro que saliendo de Santos trajo a bordo a nuestros dos amigos. De pie en la cubierta miraron estos la primera ciudad espaiiola que iban a visitar en 5 el Nuevo Mundo. Calificaron de esplendido el puerto ancho de seis millas y provisto de darsenas y muelles espaciosos, algunos aun en via de construccion. Al oeste se alza el cerro o monte de donde se deriva el nombre de la ciudad. Les 10 dijo el piloto que aqui tenia el Rio de la Plata 50 millas de anchura. Este mismo piloto les dio la direccion de un hotel, el Oriental, a donde iban a parar. Ahora — dijo Miguel — podremos hacernos entender en 15 cualquier parte porque desde aqui en adelante estaremos entre gente de habla espanola. Algun dia voy a conquistar el portugues pero ahora no. — (jYa ha notado Vd. como se diferencia el habla de aqui del castellano de Esparia? — Si; pero es 20 poca cosa. Hablaban asi hasta cierto punto los andaluces; por consiguiente estamos acostum- brados a ello. A mi no me disgusta. No sere 215 2l6 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK I S EN EL URUGUAY 217 yo quien dicte a los sud americanos su manera de hablar espafiol. — Ni yo tampoco. Pero sigamos con la zeta; aunque no la usan aqui la entienden pcrfectamente y se le respeta a quien la use. — Por lo que a mi toca, voy a tratar de adoptar el 5 uso sudamericano con respecto de la pronunciacion de la 2; y de la c que precede a las vocales i o e^ aunque no importan mucho estas distinciones a causa de la manera muy variada en que hablan los varios habitantes de la America Espanola. 10 Un viajante espafiol les cercioro a los jovenes de muchas cosas de su pais. Entre otros datos les dio estos: Que el Uruguay, aunque es una de las republicas mas pequefias del continente, tiene mas millas de rieles en proporcion a su tamaiio que 15 ningun otro pais de Sud America y es casi dos veces mas grande que el Estado de Nueva York; que no hay barrera de montaiias entre la costa y el interior como en el Brasil; que las extensas llanuras del pais suministran abundante pasto 20 para la cria de ganado y por eso es una tierra casi exclusivamente ganadera. Aunque el suelo es muy feraz los campesinos no se dedican mucho hasta ahora al cultivo de cereales, cultivandose solo una sexagesima parte del terreno. No 25 existen muchas poblaciones grandes pero son numerosas las aldehuelas esparcidas por los llanos, siendo ellas las mas veces muy nuevas, modernas 2i8 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK EN EL URUGUAY 219 y adelantadas. El ^^gaucho" o ^^llanero" pre- domina entre los uruguayos. Resulta de esta industria vacuna, lanar y caballar que exporta el Uruguay estupendas cantidades de lana, carne congelada, cecina y tasajo, y cueros de bueyes y 5 de caballos. Hay muchas plantas refrigeradoras en que se enfria la carne. Es muy funesta la historia anterior del Uruguay, por ser el pais el tope, o una especie de Belgica, por decirlo asi, entre la Argentina y el Brasil,recla- 10 mandolo estos dos paises grandes. Finalmente por mediacion de Inglaterra en 1828 se creo la repu- blica independiente del Uruguay, llamada tambien la Banda Oriental. Siguieron guerras civiles sin limite ni termino y no se calmaron las revueltas 15 hasta tiempos muy recientes. Impulsadcs por estos relatos Miguel y Pedro iban por tren a Fray Bentos en el departamento de Soriano al lado del rio Uruguay, a ver el gran establecimiento industrial de la compania Liebig2o fundada en 1861 y llamada la Cocina del Mundo. Aqui se matan 4000 reses diarias que se consumen en la confeccion de extracto de carne de vaca y en otros productos nutritivos. De vuelta a Montevideo visitaron los hermosos 25 edificios publicos y parques y vieron que toda la ciudad era notable por su limpieza y condiciones sanitarias. En el magnifico Teatro Soils pasaron 220 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK muchos ratos agradables y se maravillaron de la hermosura de las mujeres montevideanas que se veian por las calles y en funciones publicas. — No hay que tardar aqui. Nos llaman otras stierras, — observe Pedro. — Vamonos. Y otra vez en camino los dos, a las seis de la tarde se metieron a bordo de uno de los comodos vaporcitos de la linea Mihanovich, el cual surcaba las cien millas de agua amarillenta del Rio de la Plata con lorumbo a Buenos Aires. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. de pie ni yo tampoco en via de construccion por decirlo asi desde aqui en adelante maravillarse de es poca cosa con rumbo a B Trabajo oral. Contestese a las preguntas que siguen, empleando en la contestacion un pronombre en lugar de cada nombre empleado en la pregunta. i. J Dio el piloto la direccion a los jovenes ? 2. i Iban a visitar 15 la ciudad.? 3. J Gusto a Pedro la pronunciacion andaluza.^ 4. jVa Vd. a conquistar el portugues .? 5. J Precede jamas la 2, a la z? 6. ^Cercioraron los jovenes al piloto de muchas cosas ? 7. i Hay muchas plantas refrigeradoras en el Uruguay.? 20 Version. We noticed that the speech of Uruguay differed somewhat from that of Castile. The Uruguay- ans spoke, up to a certain extent^ like the Andalusians; EN EL URUGUAY 221 consequently we had no difficulty in understanding them perfectly nor in making ourselves understood either. I continued using the zeta and was respected on account of that, but Peter and John adopted the South American and Andalusian pronunciation of the 5 2 and c before the vowels e or z, that is, like an s. We were glad to be again among people of Spanish tongue and were not the ones who would dictate to the Uru- guayans their manner of speaking Spanish. If we had remained longer in Brazil, we should have mastered 10 Portuguese, just as we should have learned Catalan in Barcelona. We arrived in Montevideo a week ago. Standing on the deck of the ship that brought us to this port we beheld the first Spanish city that we were going to 15 visit in South America. In the distance could be seen the mountain whence the city derives its name. As for us, the harbor delighted us greatly. We character- ized it as splendid with its basins and docks. Some 14 millions of dollars have already been spent on them 20 and more are in process of construction. The city has many beautiful public buildings and its parks are unsurpassable. When we went to the Solis Theater we always spent a very pleasant time, enjoying thoroughly the fine performances and wondering at 25 the beauty of the women of Montevideo. Uruguay was for many years the buffer, so to speak, between its neighbors, Argentina and Brazil, and both these countries claimed the Banda Oriental, as it was called. The independent republic created in 182830 222 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK owes its existence to the mediation of England. Al- though Uruguay is small, being only twice as large as New York State, it has many miles of railway and its extensive and fertile plains provide forage for the 5 raising of cattle, horses and wool-bearing animals. Many small villages are scattered here and there in the plains and the cowboys predominate among the inhabitants. Wool, frozen beef, jerked beef and dried beef are exported. Only one sixtieth of the land is cul- lotivated at present. In Fray Bentos, department of Soriano, is situated the World's Kitchen, an establishment of the Liebig Company. Many beeves are used up daily to make beef extract and other products. Moved by the reports 15 we had heard, we went to visit this industrial plant and saw that everything was noteworthy for its cleanliness and sanitary conditions. Back in Montevideo again we decided that we should not delay there since other lands were calling us and it 20 was necessary for us to leave at once. We got aboard a steamer of the Mihanovich line which set sail in the evening, setting its course for Buenos Aires where we were to arrive the next morning. We plowed swiftly through the 100 miles of yellowish water. XXXVII A. BUENOS AIRES Parandose los dos jovenes cerca del brazal del puente fijaron la vista en la villa que se divisaba a lo lejos en una ribera baja, y que iba creciendo rapidamente. Al principio habia silencio a bordo pero cuando empezo a tocar la banda se emociono 5 la muchedumbre de inmigrantes en la proa de manera que echaron en alto sus sombreros y gritaron con acentos tan variados como las lenguas que hablaban: — i Buenos Aires! i Buenos Aires! Esto me recuerda — dijo Miguel a Pedro — 10 aquel pasaje de " Los Argonautas " de Blasco Ibanez, que pinta a Buenos Aires como ^'una mujer de porte majestuoso, blanca y azul como las virgenes de Murillo, con el purpureo gorro simbolo de libertad sobre la suelta cabellera; una matronais que sonreia, abriendo los brazos fuertes, dejando caer de sus labios palabras amorosas: — Venid a mi los que teneis hambre de pan y sed de tran- quilidad; venid a mi los que llegasteis tarde a un mundo viejo y repleto. Mi hogar es grande yao no lo construyo el egoismo: mi casa esta abierta a todas las razas de la tierra, a todos los hombres de buena voluntad." 223 224 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK BUENOS AIRES 225 — A mi manera de ver — advirtio Pedro — parece muy chato y aplastado el sitio de la ciudad de Santa Maria de Buenos Aires, como la llamo don Pedro de Mendoza al fundarla en 1535. — Si; y jque distinta de la situacion de Rio! Pero as pesar de que le falten cercanias pintorescas, tengo vivisimas ganas de verla como cualquier inmi- grante para quien sea la Tier^a Prometida. jLa primera ciudad por su tamaiio de todo el mundo espaiiol, la tercera del hemisferio occidental, el Paris 10 americano, el Chicago argentino! Algun dia le tendra que ceder paso tal vez misma laNueva York. Con mas de millon y medio de almas com- prende una quinta parte de los habitantes de la republica. 15 — iVa a venir a nuestro encuentro el seiior Fe, representante de la compania de su padre? — Asi lo creo. Le escribi pidiendo que viniese, en caso que pudiera. Si no me engano, es el del traje gris al pie de la escala. Vamos a ver ... 20 Tanto gusto, seiior Fe. Creia que era Vd. y no me equivoque en ello. Le presento a Vd. a mi amigo, el sefior Carter. — Caballero. — Servidor de Vd. — J Que tal el viaje? — Regular. Sin novedad. Aqui nos tiene Vd. como dos aventureros o con- 25 quistadores, afanandose por conocer a fondo todo lo argentino. — Bueno. Principiaremos por en- contrar hospedaje para Vds. en un buen hotelito 226 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK P o "A o < -M. ^ .:s^^ ^^-;^- -fee- ^^^Hr^jsjmS dfl LAS NACIONALIDADES DE LA ARGENTINA 235 — i'Cuales son los periodicos mas conocidos de Buenos Aires ? — La Prensa y La Nacion son dos de los mejores del mundo entero. La Prensa es nias que un diario, es una institucion que tiene una magnifica casa de administracion con habi- 5 taciones reservadas para el entretenimiento de las personas ilustres que visitan la republica, salas de lectura, un servicio gratis de distribucion de cartas, despacho de informaciones, etc. — J En donde residen los pudientes de la ciudad ? — En los 10 arrabales de Belgrano de Flores, en la Avenida Al- vear y en los contornos del Parque Palermo llamado tambien el del Tres de Febrero. Ocupa la villa un rectangulo de 72 millas de extension y la prin- cipal arteria es la Avenida de Mayo que fueis acabada en 1906 y en que se gastaron mas de 6 millones de pesos oro. Ahora hace unos 40 afios que se principio a mejorar el alcantarillado y el sistema de aguas de Buenos Aires, resultando que al costo de 30 millones de pesos goza la 20 ciudad de perfectas condiciones sanitarias. En casi todos estos mejoramientos se conto con capitales ingleses. En las plazas del Retiro (o de San Martin), Once de Septiembre, y Consti- tucion tienen sus estaciones los grandes ferro-25 carriles argentinos. — (iSe divierten mucho al aire libre los portenos? — Ya lo creo. Su Jockey-Club es famoso y las 236 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK carreras sin igual. Son muy dados al football, polo, pelota, paseos en canoa en el Delta y a otros deportes por el estilo. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. como el que mas servir de tener a uno por contar con asemejarse a ya lo creo influir en ser dado a B Trabajo oral. Para contestar en castellano. i. J Que 5 significa gringo ? 2. i Como apodan los argentinos a los nacidos en Espafia? 3. J Por que temen algunos al Tio Sam ? 4. i Por que son los Estados Unidos esen- cialmente de indole anglosajona? 5. jQue se dice aqui de La Prensa? 6. J Con que conto Buenos Aires para lomejorar sus condiciones sanitarias? 7. J A que juegos son dados los bonaerenses ? Version. We were walking through the poor part of the city yesterday when we heard some small children cry, *Took at the gringos! No, they are 15 Goths or big-wigs." This was not said with ill-will but in jest. The Yankees and those of other lands are nicknamed ''gringos" not only in Mexico but also in Argentina, while the Spaniards are branded as Goths or Saracens. Mr. Fe explained to us that gringo was a 20 perversion oi griego and that he who speaks an unknown tongue speaks gringo and therefore is called gringo. North Americans are respected more and more in Argentina although there are some Argentinians who fear LAS NACIONALIDADES DE LA ARGENTINA 237 that Uncle Sam wishes to seize the southern continent. The better informed know that he is a strong, pro- tecting neighbor and say that the Monroe Doctrine proves how absurd is such a behef or suspicion. An Argentinian as good as the best of them said that in 5 his opinion ignorance was the cause of ill-will in such cases and that what was needed was that the relations between the northern republic and Latin America should be made closer. We had a very good time last Sunday at the famous 10 Jockey Club of Buenos Aires. The races were excellent. We have noticed that the people of Buenos Aires are very fond of polo, football, canoeing on the Delta and many other open air sports. Two of the newspapers of the city are well known 15 everywhere. They are La Prensa and La Nacion, The former is more than a daily; it is an institution and its headquaiters is provided with beautiful rooms (reserved for the entertainment of famous people), information bureau, reading rooms, etc. There are 20 also Enghsh, French, Italian and Jewish daihes, although the prevailing language is, of course, Spanish. ItaHan is heard spoken everywhere, the Italians being those who have emigrated in greatest numbers to Argentina. Nothing but Italian is spoken in certain 25 districts of the city. I have heard some individuals speak a frightful mixture of Spanish and Italian. Thus it is seen that Italian influences greatly the speech of that city. On account of the very similarity that exists between Spanish and Italian, one should not 30 238 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK confuse the two languages. A knowledge of Portu- guese or Italian often serves as a hindrance rather than a help to him who is learning to speak Spanish. What one learns in chilcjhood always stays with one, says 5 the proverb. What especially called my attention in Buenos Aires was how much the composition of the popula- tion resembles that of New York, the two cities being great melting pots for fusing elements of European 10 life. When they began to improve this city some forty years ago, they relied upon English capital. Now the inhabitants enjoy an unsurpassed water system and sewerage system and possess several beautiful railway 15 stations. The well-to-do reside in Belgrano, Palermo, and Alvear Avenue. Six million dollars gold were spent in laying out the principal artery, the Avenida de Mayo. » XXXIX A. POR LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA — ^'Cuanto tiempo llevamos aqui, Miguel? — pregunta Pedro. — Miguel responde: — Cosa de dos meses. Hay que pensar en largarnos. — Si; lo de siempre: Mas alia, Creo que congeniamos bien con los argentinos. — Si, pero nos cabe conocer 5 a los chilenos, a los peruanos y . . . — J A donde van a parar estas correrias? — A Lima, como ya sabe Vd., donde nos dedicaremos de Ueno a hacer valer nuestra experiencia de varias partes. — Desearia yo que estuvieramos alii ahora porque 10 quiero abandonar la vida errante y asentarme, haciendo otra vez una vida comercial. — J A quien me recuerda Vd? Seguramente no es a aquel Pedro entusiasta de hace un afio que queria verlo todo. — Si, el es, pero tantas veces va el 15 cdntaro a la fuente que al final se quiebra. Pero veo que se trama algo. ^A donde vamos, al Polo Sur? — No, hacia el norte. Tomando vapor en el muelle, salen rio arriba por el canal del rio. Les explica el seiior Fe que 20 aqui el Plata tiene 30 y pico de millas de ancho, que no es un rio en verdad sino un estuario en donde desembocan el Parana, con su afluente el 239 240 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Paraguay, y el Uruguay. Trae el Parana 50 por ciento mas agua al oceano que el Misisipi y al mismo tiempo tanta tierra de aluvion que impiden mucho la navegacion. Se practican sin 5 cesar operaciones de dragado para tener abiertos los canales navegables. Para efectuar el comercio fluvial se emplean boyas iluminadas, practices muy expertos, y barcos de menor calado. Dice el sefior Fe: — Podriamos ir a Rosario, lonuestro destino, por ferrocarril pero deseaba que Vds. viesen el trafico inmenso del Parana. Miren estos navios. Van con rumbo a Europa o Norte America, cargados todos de trigo, maiz, carne congelada, cueros de ganado y alfalfa, productos 15 originarios del Gran Chaco y las provincias de Santa Fe y Cordoba. Es la Argentina un pais esencialmente agricola aunque pasan por Rosario muchos productos de las minas de La Rioja y Catamarca del noroeste de la republica donde se 2oexplotan minas de cobre, hierro, oro y plata. Rosario, que dista 200 millas de Buenos Aires, puede llamarse con sus 220,000 vecinos la segunda ciudad del pais, siendo .centro ferrocarrilero y teniendo calles anchas y edificios muy modernos. 25 La rodean en el campo muchas colonias prosperas alemanas, italianas y suizas. De alli salen los tres hombres por ferrocarril a visitar a Tucuman a unas 600 millas al noroeste, cuna de la libertad POR LA REPtJTBLICA ARGENTINA 241 argentina. Aqui se declare el 9 de julio de 1816 en congreso de diputados la independencia de **las provincias unidas del Rio de la Plata". Visitaron alii con mucho interes la Casa de la Independencia, pequeiia construccion conservada 5 con cuidado por los argentinos lo mismo que se hace con el Independence Hall de Filadelfia. Situado entre ricos naranjales y limonares en una region bien regada, Tucuman es muy pintoresco y muy ''crioUo". Llegara un dia a ser una 10 gran ciudad en el camino de Bolivia por via de Jujuy. Tiene la Argentina menos de una mitad de la extension de los Estados Unidos y mas de una mitad de la poblacion de Nueva Inglaterra, 15 contando con mas millas de vias ferreas que ningun otro pais sudamericano, es decir, unas 20,000 millas con muchas mas en proyecto. Facil es construir caminos de hierro a traves del "campo" o pampas. Hay un trecho de via 20 donde no hay curva alguna en 200 millas de recorrido. Al parar durante algunos dias en una "estancia" cerca de Rafino, se despidio el seiior Fe camino de Buenos Aires. Les agrado mucho a Pedro y a2s Miguel la vida de las inacabables pampas con sus gauchos, grandes rebafios de ganado, molinos de viento, poblaciones de vizcachas, iiandus o 242 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK avestruces sudamericanos y sus muchas aves silvestres. Una vez les trajo un gaucho un guanaco que habia sorprendido y matado. Tomando un tren en el Ferrocarril Gran Oeste sviajaban con la mayor comodidad en la via de 5>^ pies de ancho y con el equipo mas moderno. Faltan solo 38 horas para cruzar las 888 millas que separan a Buenos Aires de Valparaiso en Chile, pero en Mendoza, a 635 millas al oeste de Buenos 10 Aires, se apearon los jovenes con motivo de visitar la comarca. Vieron con asombro miles de acres de vinedos,cultivados por expertos viiiad- ores Franceses e italianos, donde se producen uvas de una calidad superior, base de un excelente vino 15 que se consume casi enteramente dentro de la republica. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. llevar tanto tiempo en un de lleno lugar hacer valer cosa de la quien me recuerda Vd.? lo de siempre tramar algo congeniar con camino de caberle a uno B Trabajo oral. Traduzcanse^al espanol las oraciones que siguen. i. How long have you been here? 2. Whom does he make me think of? 3. What is being POR LA REPt?BLICA ARGENTINA 243 hatched up now? 4. He had to leave at once. 5. We shall put our experiences to account. 6. They were leading a busy life. 7. I want you to see the river traffic. 8. They did not get alohg well with her. 9. Tucuman has come to be an important city. 5 Traduccion escrita. Although the Plata is called a river it is not one but is really only an estuary which at Buenos Aires is thirty-odd miles wide. Into it empty the Parana, with its tributary the Paraguay, and the Uruguay. We saw dredging operations carried on 10 ceaselessly so as to be able to effect river commerce in the navigable channels. Only light draught boats can be used here but these boats can also cross the ocean, setting their course for North America or Europe and carrying in their holds frozen beef, corn, beef hides, 15 wheat and some mining products. In order that we might see this vast river traffic we took boat and went up-stream to Rosario. We should have made the trip of 200 miles by train had not Mr. Fe wanted us to see the river and the boats on it. 20 The Parana carries to the sea 50 per cent more water than the Mississippi. Rosario, a railway center of some 220,000 population, is surrounded by many Italian, Swiss and German colonies. Its streets are wide and up-to-date. At the 25 docks of this city are loaded the many boats we saw. The Gran Chaco and the provinces of Cordoba and Santa Fe and likewise the copper, iron, silver and gold mines of La Rioja and Catamarca send their agricultur- al and mining products to Rosario. 30 244 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK From Rosario we went to Tucuman, the cradle of liberty, where we desired to see the Independence House in which, July 9, 18 19, was declared the inde- pendence of the provinces of the River Plata. This 5 small building is now preserved inside of another larger one. Tucuman is 600 miles to the northwest of Rosario and is situated among irrigated orange and lemon groves. We called it very characteristically South American. 10 There is a stretch of railway across the "camp" or pampas of Central Argentina in which there is no curve in a run of 200 miles. It has been easy to build across the interminable plains the 20,000 miles of railway that this land possesses. Having less than 15 half the area of the United States and more than half the population of New England, it is evident that there is room in this republic for many more colonists. We stayed a few days on an "estancia" in the central part of the country, enjoying greatly the life there. 20 The great herds of cattle, the many wild birds and the windmills reminded us of the western plains of our own country. But there were animals there which we had never seen before; the nanduy the guanaco, and the vizcacha. The cowboys amused themselves bring- 25 ing to us some of these animals. We had been there a week when we remembered that we had to leave soon although we got along well with the Argentinians. We had also to get acquainted with the Chileans, the Peruvians, and other nations. Peter 30 was no longer the enthusiastic traveler of a year POR LA REPtJBLICA ARGENTINA 245 before. He said he wished now to settle down and devote himself fully to a commercial life and that some- thing was always being hatched up to make him abandon the place he was in. "The same old story," he said. **Keep going. But bear in mind that *so often 5 does the pitcher go to the well that at last it is broken'." After taking a train for Chile, we got off at Mendoza to visit the thousands of acres of vineyards of that region. The managers were always French or Italian wine growers and a superior grade of wine was produced 10 here, all of which was consumed in the nation. XL A. CHILE: APUNTES TOMADOS DEL CUADERNO DE PEDRO Subimos a un tren del Ferrocarril Transandino que consistia en angostos vagones a causa de la norma angosta de la via y principiamos a ir cuesta arriba a poco de partir de Mendoza. 5 Ponen 250 millas de Mendoza a Valparaiso pero para atravesar esta distancia hay que ascender a una altura de casi 13,000 pies, unos 10,000 pies encima de la region mendocina. Por supuesto no fue rapida la marcha del convoy. Al llegar a 10 la frontera chilenoargentina, nos apeamos y fuimos a ver la renombrada estatua del Cristo de los Andes, usada como hito y erigida aqui por las dos naciones el 13 de marzo de 1904, en serial de haberse arreglado para siempre la cuestion de islimites entre ellas por medio de la mediacion del rey Eduardo VII de Inglaterra, quien dio su fallo en 1902 despues de unos sesenta anos de querella entre los dos paises. Se leen inscritas en la estatua estas palabrais: Se desplomaran primero estas 2omontaiias antes que Argentinos y Chilenos rom- pan la paz jurada a los pies del Cristo Redentor. Vblviendo al tren pasamos por un tunel de dos 246 CHILE: APUNTES 247 millas de largo, excavado a una altura de 10,460 pies. Saliendo en medio de los Andes, vimos alzarse en el cielo ese volcan gigantesco, el Acon- cagua, el pico mas elevado del Nuevo Mundo, que tiene unos 23,000 pies de elevacion. Daba 5 gloria y miedo a la vez el contemplarlo. Del lado de Chile abarcabamos con la vista un labe- rinto multicolor de Cordilleras nevadas extendien- dose majestuosamente en hileras hacia el norte y hacia el sur. Bajo el tren con rapidez por uno 10 de los muchos valles transversales y al llegar a Llai-Llai, cambiamos de tren para ir .a Santiago, la cual ciudad nos propusimos visitar primero. En el centro de Chile se crian muchas uvas, pastos y ganado. Las vifias, al igual que las del 15 Rin, se encuentran en las laderas de los montes. Santiago, capital y ciudad mayor, esta tan cerca de la Cordillera que esta la sombrea por la manana. En comparacion con el caotico Buenos Aires, San- tiago parece con sus 400,000 almas muy quedita y 20 tranquila. Esta a la cabeza del valle longitudinal que se extiende unas 500 millas por en medio de la faja estrecha de tierra que se llama Chile. Las calles son anchas y rectas con edificios publicos notables: entre otros se puede citar el Palacio del 25 Congreso y la catedral. Por todas partes se hallan monumentos y estatuas de marmol que hermosean las alamedas y parques. El monte 248 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK CHILE: APUNTES ' 249 Santa Lucia que se eleva en el centre de Santiago es monte, jardin y paseo. Vamos alia todas las tardes a rodar por entre los platanos, resales, floreros, esculturas, cocoteros y cascadas de agua. Asistimos a las representaciones del teatro 5 "Alcazar de la Montana" y comemos en una de las fondas con galerias de vidrio. A la puesta del sol solemos subir al pico mas alto donde hay un mirador desde el cual se domina la ciudad con sus contornos llamativos: la gran cordillera 10 nevada al este y al oeste la larga linea de montes que lindan con el mar, detras de los cuales se hunde el sol en las aguas del Pacifico. Aunque se ven muchos ingleses y algunos alemanes en Chile, rige aqui una solidaridad de 15 raza que no se encuentra en igual grado en otros muchos paises hispanoamericanos. A la Argentina vienen emigrantes de todos los rincones del universo: se puede oir hablar alii todos los idiomas. Pero en Chile es cosa rara oir hablar otra lengua 20 que el castellano. El elemento criollo tuvo por " base los vascongados inmigrantes, gente laboriosa y leal como pocas, que tras aiios y anos de pelea con los quechuas, aimaras y sobretodo con los araucanos produjo en una raza robusta, modesta, 25 muy amante de la ley y de la justicia. Hay pocos mestizos de indio y espanol tal como los hay en otras partes de la America Meridional. El roto y el 2SO ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK CHILE: APUNTES 251 huaso son elementos preciosos de la sociedad chilena. "El roto — dice un escritor* — es de pura sangre espanola, conserva las costumbres y el vestuario del pueblo peninsular. El traje y el arreo del huaso es casi identico al del ganadero 5 asturiano. La mujer del pueblo, en Chile, usa el manton, la pollera vistosa, las flores en el cabello, la guitarra, la copla arrebatada y senti- mental de las mujeres sevillanas." Hay que poner a los rotos entre los mejores 10 soldados del mundo. Sus condiciones naturales y su amor a la patria hacen que se les llame a los chilenos los Romanos de la America. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. dar un fallo a la vez ver alzarse proponerse dar gloria hundirse en dar miedo tal cual hay B Trabajo oral. Substituyase el infinitive de cada una de las siguientes frases per la forma debida del verbo. i . 15 Me alegre de que la marcha no ser rapida. 2. Enseneme Vd. un florero que hermosear el parque. 3. Puede que los quechuas hablar espanol. 4. Se hundio el sol en el mar sin que yo verlo. 5. Citeme Vd. un pais donde haber mas extranjeros que en Chile. 6. Los 20 *B. Vicuna Subercaseaux, Un Pais NuevOy Paris, 1903, p. 103. 252 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK contornos Uamativos de la ciudad hacen que todos subir al monte para verlos. 7. Permita Vd. que nos- otros citar la catedral y el Palacio del Congreso. Traduccion escrita. Santiago de Chile, November 11, 191 — . 5 My dear friend: At Mendoza I changed from the broad gauge to the narrow gauge track of the Trans- andean Railway and soon after leaving Mendoza the train began to go up-grade and had to reach a height of 13,000 feet above the sea. One of the boundary marks 10 that may be seen on this Chilean-Argentinian frontier is the famous statue of the Christ of the Andes. For many years there had been a quarrel between the republics about their common boundary line and the question was not settled until 1902 when King 15 Edward VII of England gave his decision regarding it. This statue was erected to express the intention of Argentina and Chile never to make war on each other regarding this question or any other. After going through the long tunnel of the Uspallata 20 pass we found ourselves in the midst of huge peaks towering into the sky. It was inspiring to behold the gigantic Aconcagua, the loftiest mountain of the hemisphere. Northward and southward I took in with my eyes many rows of, snowy mountain chains 25 stretching out in a many-colored labyrinth. Then the train began to descend through a cross valley and at Llai-Llai I had to change cars, intending to go and visit Santiago first. CHILE: APUNTES 253 Santiago seems to me very quiet in comparison with chaotic Buenos Aires. It is a rare thing here to hear any language spoken other than Spanish, while in the Argentinian capital nearly all the languages of the universe may be heard. It is said that the solidarity 5 of race which prevails in Chile can not be found in equal degree in many other Spanish-American lands, although many Germans and English have settled in Chile. The Indians in the narrow strip of land now called Chile were the Kechuans, Aimaras and 10 the Araucanians. With them (and especially with the Araucanians) the Spanish colonists had to fight years and years. But there are few half-breeds in Chile. There are those who describe the rotos and the huasos 15 as the most valuable element of Chilean society. They are of Spanish blood, Asturiah or Basque, but were born in the republic, still keeping the dress and the trappings of Spain. The women still use the guitar, the flowers in the hair and the shawl of Sevillian 20 women. It is fitting to call these people, because of their love of country and of justice, the Romans of the New World. I go to Santa Lucia hill every evening to stroll among the rose bushes, statues and fountains, at sunset going 25 up to the lookout from which one overlooks the whole city. To the east I behold the snowy range which in the morning shades the city, and to the west I see the sun sinking behind the rows of mountains border- ing the coast. The longitudinal valley in which 30 254 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Santiago is situated is one of the most wonderful in the world. Write me soon. I long to hear from you. Your friend, Michael. XLI POR CHILE — iSabe Vd., Pedro — pregunto Miguel — que fueron los chilenos los que prim.ero levantaron el estandarte de la libertad en Sud America? — Si; fue el alio 1780, y en 1783 en el Ecuador broto la famosa revolucion de los "comuneros". Pero 5 fracasaron por entonces estos intentos los cuales no se renovaron hasta 1810 cuando prendio en todo el continente el fuego de la independencia, siendo Bolivar el jefe del norte y San Martin el del sur. Ocho paises reunieron sus fuerzas en contra de los 10 espaiioles, que se vieron derrotados finalmente en la .batalla de Ayacucho en 1824. Los chilenos ya habian conseguido su libertad derrotando a los espanoles en la batalla de Maipo el dia 5 de abril de 1818. — He leido que los primeros horn- 15 bres del pais eran entonces el general O'Higgins y don Diego Portales. — Si; y este era un hombre muy energico y capaz y se le puede llamar el verdadero fundador de la republica. — Hay quienes llaman a los chilenos los "Yanquis del 20 Sur'\ — Si, y creo que se lo merecen. Los primeros vapores del sur salieron de Valparaiso en 1844; el primer ferrocarril sudamericano se 255 256 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK construyo de Caldera a Copiapo en 1851. No existen, parece, delineaciones marcadas entre las diferentes clases de la nacion. Los de alta categoria hacen vida comun con los que se elevan sdesde abajo por el ejercicio del talento y la laboriosidad. Esto es muy yanqui, a mi parecer. — Me dijo hoy un anciano que los chilenos fun- daron la ciudad de San Francisco de California en 1848. Me sorprendio el saberlo. ,iY ha lonotado Vd. el atletismo de los chilenos? — Si; hay carreras, juegos de foot-ball, polo, criquet y lawn-tennis: casi todos los deportes anglosajones. El clima templado parece que invita a las activi- dades fuertes lo mismo que en nuestro pais. 15 En Lota, pueblo costanero al sur de Santiago, encontraron los norteamericanos por primera vez en sus viajes por Sud America minas carboniferas que se explotan segun los metodos mas cientificos. En esto es Chile muy afortunado aunque todavia 20 se tiene que importar carbon gales y australiano para hacer marchar su maquinaria. Parecen inagotables los depositos de bulla que se extienden por debajo de la bahia. La empresa minera tiene establecidos alii para sus obreros buenos hos- 25 pitales y escuelas. Aqui estan el famoso Parque y Palacio Cousino, a cuya familia pertenecen los depositos de bulla. Chile cuenta con 15 puertos mayores y 38 POR CHILE 257 menores o caletas, de los cuales el de Valparaiso es el mas importante. Es tambien la ciudad mas grande de la costa entera del Pacifico, a excepcion de San Francisco de California. Aqui Miguel y Pedro pasaron mucho tiempo visitando los asti- 5 lleros y diques de carena, las fabricas de locomoto- ras, de maquinaria y de vagones, y la escuela naval. Se pusieron en contacto con los fabricantes mas poderosos de la ciudad esperando asi llegar a establecer relaciones comerciales mas tarde. 10 Aunque se han gastado 50 millones de pesos en el mejoramiento del puerto, todavia faltan facili- dades suficientes al comercio de aqui. — Ahora para acabar con Chile — dijo Pedro — nos falta ver la region salitrera del norte, la 15 que ha hecho millonarios a tantos ingleses y chilenos. Dicen que se diferencia sumamente la costa del norte de la del sur, donde hay innumerables islas y bahias. Embarcandose en uno de los grandes vapores chilenos, partieron para los 20 tristes desiertos de Atacama y Tarapaca. Al tercer dia en medio de un gran calor anclo el barco en el surgidero de Caldera. El capitan les conto algo de los dias de antafio en que las minas de cobre de Copiapo y Coquimbo surtian el 25 70 por ciento de ese mineral usado en todo el mundo. En Chuquicamata — les dijo — hay una montaiia de cobre que algun dia se reducira en 2S8 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK fundiciones establecidas en la costa, abasteciendo por medio del canal de Panama a todas las nece- sidades de los paises del norte. En Antofagasta se desembarcaron los dos 5 jovenes y subieron a un tren del ferrocarril chileno- boliviano que remontaba la escarpada ladera cortada a pico sobre el mar, llegando a una de las ''oficinas" donde se preparaba el caliche o nitrato de sosa. En los yacimientos del mineral, lo a ras de la superficie del desierto interminable, se rompe el suelo por medio de dinamita, se trans- portan los fragmentos en pequeiios carros a la oficina, donde se machaca por medio de grandes maquinas molientes. Lo resultante se hierve 15 con agua hasta que se asimile el nitrato. Entonces se deja evaporar el agua y queda la sal blanca y deslumbrante que se ensaca y se envia por tren a los navios, los cuales lo llevan a los cuatro puntos cardinales. 20 Iquique, con unos 45,000 habitantes, es el centro salitrero mas grande y aqui existe mucha sociedad anglochilena que goza de todas las comodidades de la vida, aunque circuida por desiertos abrasa- dores. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. el fuego prendio en los dias de antaflo hacer vida comun con cortado a pico contar con a ras de POR CHILE 259 B Deberes verbales. Para traducir al castellano. I. Chile must possess about fifty ports. 2. The Anglo-Chileans of Iquique had always enjoyed all the comforts of life. 3. What made the machinery go? 4. Forty-four hours are needed to make the journey 5 from Antofagasta to La Paz. 5. I like the name Chuquicamata. 6. This copper mountain will supply 60 per cent of the needs of the world. 7. Nitrate of soda makes fields more fertile. 8. The resultant was boiled with water. 10 Version. It is known that the first attempts of the South Americans to obtain their liberty failed. It was not until 18 10 that the fire of independence took hold in all the Spanish viceroyships. Bolivar raised the standard of liberty in the northern colonies and Sani5 Martin in the southern. The latter was an Argentinian and he and the Chilean, Bernardo O'Higgins, gathered their forces in Mendoza in the spring of 18 17 and, crossing the Andes, routed the Spaniards in the battle of Chacabuco, February 12, 1 817. 20 O'Higgins being named director-general of Chile, San Martin renewed the struggle further north against the Spaniards who were defeated near the river Maipo, April 3, 1818. Bolivar finally won liberty for all South America by defeating the forces of La Serna in the 25 battle of Ayacucho, Peru, in 1824. General O'Higgins and Diego Portales may be called the founders of the republic. 26o ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK — Today I heard an old man call the Chileans the Yankees of the south. Do they deserve this title? — Yes, indeed, in my opinion. It was in Chile that the first South American railway was Built in 1851 5 and it was from a Chilean port that the first South American steamships sailed. Moreover, those of high rank live as do those who by their industry and ability have raised themselves from a lower rank. They are fond of outdoor sports just like us, and all this makes 10 them very Yankee, don't you think .? — I should say so. And I have noticed that they work their coal mines according to the latest methods. You remember that the mining company in Lota has the best machinery for extracting coal from the beds 15 that extend under the waters of the bay. These mines belong to the Cousifio family which has good hospitals and schools established there for the workmen. — Yes, and don't forget those dry docks, shipyards and locomotive factories we saw in Valparaiso, the 20 largest city on the Pacific coast excepting San Francisco. And the latter city, they say, was founded by Chileans. When we came in contact with the manufacturers of the city they said that they hoped to establish com- mercial relations with us and I hope they will do «o. 25 — This nitrate region of the north coast differs greatly from the south coast, doesn't it ? — Yes, here you have the unending Atacama and Tarapaca deserts where the beds of mineral are found. Countless bays, islands, woods and mountains are seen along the 30 south coast. I was greatly surprised yesterday to see POR CHILE 261 the many smelters in operation in Antofagasta. Yes, they smelt the ore that comes from the mines in the interior. — But look at those great grinding machines! The caliche is found near the surface, is broken up with 5 dynamite, brought here to the oficina and placed in these machines which crush it. Then it is boiled in water which assimilates the nitrate. Afterwards the water is allowed to evaporate until only the white salt remains. This is sacked up and put on shipboard. 10 The oficinas are surrounded by blazing deserts. XLII A. EL PERU Deslizabase perezosamente por la costa chilena y peruana el barco que llevaba a Miguel y Pedro, recorriendo la distancia de unas 800 millas de Iquique al Callao y de paso haciendo breve sescala en los varies puertos y caletas situados cerca de la boca de algun rio que da vida a las poblaciones de alli con sus aguas de riego. — Estoy muy ansioso — dijo Pedro — de ver el Peru donde se planto primero en el oeste de Sud America la civ- ic ilizacion europea. Desde que lei por vez primera cuando nino los escritos de Prescott, he abrigado ideas muy risuenas de la *' tierra de los Incas". i Que sociedad tan avanzada la de los Incas! — \Y que crueldad — agrego Miguel — la de Pizarro, el cual 15 destruyo en corto tiempo la civilizacion de cien siglos! — ^Todo fue por amor al oro, lo unico que buscaban. los conquistadores de esa epoca. Asi empezaron mal los espanoles en el Peru, y en el Peru acabaron mal trescientos anos mas tarde, 2operdiendo en la batalla de Ayacucho la ultima colonia del continente. Surto el vapor en el muelle ferreo flotante del Callao, tomaron los jovenes el tren para Lima, 262 EL PERtJ 263 la capital, llamada tambien "la perla del Pa- cifico", situada a diez millas del Callao y con la cual ciudad esta ligada por ferrocarril, tranvia y ca- rretera. Se albergaron en el hotel Roma y al dia siguiente se hicieron conocer al senor Monteverde, 5 agente alii de la fabrica del padre de Miguel. Este caballero puso en conocimiento de los dos jovenes algunos datos esenciales sobre el Peru y Lima. — El pais — dijo — se compone de tres regiones distintas, a saber: la Costa, la Sierra y la Mon-io taiia. La primera se halla entre la cordillera y el mar; es arenosa y en ella Uueve poco o nada. La segunda se extiende entre Ja cordillera y los Andes. Aqui el clima es benigno; la abundancia de las aguas, notable; la calidad del suelo, excelente. 15 Lo templado del clima hace que la salubridad sea imponderable y cuantos ban vivido en la Sierra se hacen lenguas de su situacion y condiciones. La tercera zona o la Montaiia, la mas oriental y la mas extensa, arranca de la vertiente de los 20 Andes y termina cortada por las fronteras bra- sileiia y boliviana. En esta vegetan arboles gigantescos que forman selvas sin fin, cortadas aqui y alia por corrientes que van a llevar sus aguas al Atlantico. En la costa hay grandes 25 depositos de salitre y sal comun, y al norte petroleo. Los pozos de petroleo los explotan compaiiias inglesas, norteamericanas e italianas. Se envia 264 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK EL PERtJ 265 mucho de ese mineral a California para ser refinado alli. Es el Peru un venero de riquezas maravillosas de caucho, guano, cafia de azucar, lana de alpaca y algodon. Hay fabricas de calzado, tabaco, 5 sombreros de paja y objetos de alfareria. Las minas de las montanas siempre han sido fabulosas y producen cobre, plomo, plata, oro, hierro, estano, niquel, mercurio y bulla en abundancia. La mejor region minera es la de Cerro de Pasco 10 que esta servida por el Ferrocarril de Oroya (o el Central del Peru). El primer trecho de este camino lo construyo el ingeniero yanqui Henry Meiggs de 1870 a 1877. Despues de su muerte en 1877 se prolongo la linea hasta Oroya, costandois 22 millones de pesos las 138 millas de via desde el Callao a Oroya. Es el ferrocarril mas elevado y mas maravilloso del mundo con su famoso tunel de Galera colocado a 15,665 pies sobre el nivel del mar. Se prolongo mas tarde 20 hasta Cerro de Pasco y ahora se esta construyendo un ramal de esta linea^ hasta el rio Ucayali, afluente del Amazonas. Al terminarse, se pondra en comunicacion la cuenca del Amazonas con el Pacifico. Otra via va desde el puerto de Mollendo 25 a Puno en el Lago Titicaca. Los puertos del Peru son ventajosos para el comercio por sus modicos derechos en los articulos 266 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Copyright by Newman Traveltalks and Brown 6* Dawson, N. Y. Dos JOVENES InCAS DEL PERtJ EL PERtJ 267 de maquinaria y las herramientas para la agricul- tura y para la explotacion de minas estando todos estos exentos de derechos a su entrada en el pais. — Gracias, senor. Es Vd. muy amable en participarnos tantos detalles. Lo de la maqui- 5 naria nos es de sumo interes. Nos conviene ahora alquilar algun buen local en el centro de la ciudad en donde podamos establecer la sucursal de la compania de Davis e Hijo. No vamos a reparar en gastos para montarlo lujosamente. 10 Vamonos a arreglar eso. Locuciones para aprenderse. albergarse en participar algo a uno hacerse conocer componerse de poner en conocimiento de reparar en uno B Trabajo oral. Ponga Vd. deseo que delante de cad a una de las frases que siguen, cambiando debidamente Ids verbos subrayados. Despues, haga Vd. lo mismo anteponlendo desearia que. 15 ellos albergarse alii. deseo que desearia que el participarnoslo construirse un ramal del ferrocarril Vd. no reparar en gastos ! Vds. establecer una sucursal en Lima ^ ellos enviar el petroleo a California Vd. poner en conocimiento de el algunos datos 268 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Traduccion. I have been anxious for years to see Peru, of which Prescott, the North American historian, wrote much and where European civihzation was first set up on the West coast of South America. I still 5 cherish very flattering ideas of the advanced Inca so- ciety as well as very opposite ideas of Pizarro who, out of love for gold, destroyed that civilization of a hundred centuries. The only thing the Spaniards sought being gold, they thus began badly in Peru what lo they finished badly there three centuries later. But one must not forget, nevertheless, how much America owes to the Spaniards, none of whom showed so great cruelty to the Indians as did these first conquerors. While we have been gliding by the Chilean and 15 Peruvian coast, I have made out many roadsteads and harbors at some of which we have stopped. Near the mouth of the river that empties into such a harbor one sees a small town to which the irrigation water of that river gives life. 20 Now we are approaching the floating iron dock of El Callao and the boat being anchored, I am going to disembark and take the train for Lima which is only a few miles distant. I am going to put up at the Hotel Maury and make myself known to Mr. Monteverde. 25 Here he is now! Delighted to see you, sir. — At your service. I have been expecting you for several days. Let's go up to your room. I have a good one reserved for you. Then I wish you to dine with me. — Thanks very much. — Now then, tell me about this country. I must 30 learn about it at once, rent premises and establish the EL PERtJ 269 branch of our company. My father told me not to heed expenses in equipping it. — Well, sir, there is a good market here for machinery and agricultural and mining implements, all of which enter the country exempt of duties. — Inform me, please, of the different 5 regions of Peru. — There are, one may say, three, namely: the Costa, the Sierra and the Montana. We are now in the first mentioned,which is sandy and in which it seldom rains. The Sierra, which is found between the coast range and the Andes, enjoys a temperate 10 clirriate whose healthfulness all praise who have lived there. The Montana, starting from the east slope of the Andes, extends to the Brazilian and Bolivian frontiers. It consists of endless forests through which pass streams carrying their waters to the Atlantic. 15 Peru has always been famous for its mines which are found in the Andes. They have produced fabulous amounts of gold, iron, copper, lead, tin and nickel. The mining region of Cerro de Pasco was first worked by the Indians and for the conquerors it was the source 20 of marvelous riches which they sent to Spain. The Oroya Railway serves this region. This is the loftiest railway in the world. When a branch of this line is completed to Ucayali, the basin of the Amazon will be put in communication with the Pacific coast. 25 Pottery, tobacco, straw hats and vast quantities of rubber, sugar cane and alpaca wool are produced, as well as nitrate of soda and petroleum. — You have been very kind in informing me of all this. It is of the greatest interest. 30 XLIII A. LA INSTALACION DE LA SUCURSAL: UNA CARTA DE MIGUEL Lima, diciembre 20, 191 — . Mi querido padre: Segun me instruiste arrende un local central que hice equipar de manera que en la planta sbaja estan colocadas muestras de las varias maquinas y herramientas que fabricamos y arriba en el piso principal tenemos instaladas nuestras oficinas montadas segun lo mas moderno. Creo haber reunido un personal inteligente y capaz, y lobien entendido en nuestro comercio especial. Pedro va a ser el jefe de los comisionistas y mi ayudante principal. Ya se ha mostrado muy cuerdo y perserverante y ha logrado gran exito en la venta de maquinaria para montar ingenios 15 azucareros. Trabaja con mucho ahinco y dice que porfia mata la caza. Se califica a si mismo como contentisimo de volver a ejercer su oficio de vendedor viajante y no hay ninguno de los listos competidores alemanes que le haya podido 2oaventajar en la venta de maquinaria. Casi todos los pedidos que te he remitido los consiguio Pedro. Los peruanos y otros le encuentran muy sim- 270 LA INSTALACION DE LA SUCURSAL 271 patico. EI senor Monteverde sigue de comision- ista y sale muy airoso en sus empresas. Los demas del cuerpo de vendedores son regulares. Los negocios estan todavia muy estancados a causa del terrible conflicto europeo y solo nosotros 5 los yanquis nos vemos en posicion de importar generos. Si no escasean demasiado los buques de flete podremos sacar gran provecho de esta oportunidad para ensanchar el mercado para utensilios americanos. Sin embargo, los plazos 10 de pago los tendremos que conceder muy largos. Haz el favor, padre, de hacer empaquetar todas las maquinas segun las instrucciones dadas en mi ultima carta. He enviado recientemente la siguiente carta 15 circular a los gerentes de varios ingenios, minas y oficinas salitreras. Muy sefiores nuestros: Tenemos el honor de participarles que con esta fecha hemos establecido en Lima una sucursal de 20 nuestro comercio del cual era representante unico el senor Monteverde quien continua sirviendonos de comisionista viajante. Por ser bien conocida en esta republica nuestra maquinaria, nos permitimos dirigirnos con con- 25 fianza a todos nuestros parroquianos antiguos asi como a los senores a quienes hasta ahora no hemos tenido el honor de tratar comercialmente. 272 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK LA INSTALACION DE LA SUCURSAL 273 Suplicamos que visiten nuestro local, si les es dable, para inspeccionar las maquinas y herramientas que manufacturamos. Esto lo hacemos en la seguridad de que encontraran Vds. aqui lo mas moderno y eficaz que haya para las instalaciones 5 de ingenios, oficinas y otras industrias mercantiles y agricolas. Nuestros precios son muy venta- josos si se comparan con los de otras casas. Condiciones muy liberales. El fundador de esta casa, don Roberto Davis, 10 residente en Lima hace anos, ha enviado como director de esta sucursal a su hijo don Miguel Davis y Blanco, quien conoce bien el negocio y anhela saludarles personalmente. Aprovechamos la presente ocasion para ofrecer- 15 nos de Vds. muy attos. y S. S. Davis e Hijo por Miguel Davis y Blanco, Gerente. Locuciones para aprender de memoria. lograr gran exito 1 seguir de comisionista salir airoso en J esmerarse en aventajarle a uno ensanchar el mercado mano de obra ser dable B Trabajo oral. Para decirse en castellano: i. April 6, 1917. 2. July 4, 1776. 3. January i, 1863. 4. Dear 20 Sir. 5. Dear Sirs. 6. Yours truly. 7. We have sent 274 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK you many orders. 8. February 2, 1848. 9. They were renting the premises. 10. Have the books packed according to instructions. Version. Lima, December 27, 191 — . Messrs. Antiquera and Castro, City. 5 Dear Sirs: In reply to your esteemed letter of the 21 st inst., we wish to inform you that we should be glad to have you visit our establishment and inspect the 10 tools and machines that we make. We have had our premises fitted out according to the most up-to-date manner. We have got together a staff capable and well versed in machinery. Mr. Monteverde, whom you must know, continues to be one of our representa- i5tives and Mr. Peter Carter is our head traveling salesman. This gentleman and the rest of the selling staff have proved to be very agreeable to their Peruvian customers. They have worked with great ardor and none of their competitors can excel them. 20 Therefore, if you desire us to sell for you the small machine that you make, we place at your disposal this shrewd body of commission salesmen who will come out successful in whatever enterprise we entrust to them. They always do their best and usually obtain success 25 in selling our machines. They believe that *'it is dogged that does it" and describe themselves as glad to follow their occupation of salesmen. Doubtless you know that, being a North American house, we have been able to continue importing goods LA INSTALACION DE LA SUCURSAL 275 although business is still dull, owing to the European conflict. We shall not be able to extend a great deal the market for our goods, however, if freight boats become scarce. We are having all our machines packed according to the South American usage. We are pre- 5 pared to set up sugar-mills, nitrate plants, and mercan- tile factories. It is possible that we may establish a factory in Pradera, Colombia. It is said that beds of coal and iron are found together there and that there is plenty 10 of labor there. We should be glad to greet personally the principal of your firm. We can say with confidence that our prices are advantageous; and we shall grant long terms of payment to our customers. 15 We have written you so at length in the assurance that you are interested in seeing this branch of our house established here, since, as you say, you knew personally the founder of this house, Mr. Robert Davis, when he lived here years ago. 20 We take this opportunity to subscribe ourselves. Yours very truly, Davis and Son. By Michael Davis y Blanco, Manager. PROVERBIOS (Los numeros se refieren a los de las lecciones que contienen los proverbios.) Per dinero baila el perro, y per pan, si se lo dan. (VI) Money is better than bread. Dineros son calidad. (VI) Money makes the mare go. Con plata nada falta. (VI) Money talks. Si aprender quieres a orar Vete a la orilla del mar. (VIII) If you wish to learn to pray, Go to the seashore and stay. Quien madruga Dies le ayuda. ( X) God helps the early riser. En menos que canta un gallo. ( X) In a jiffy. Hizo Dies a la Alhambra y a Granada Per si le cansa un dia su morada. ( XI) The Alhambra and Granada God made to please His eye, Lest some day He should weary of His heavenly home on high. La sal andaluza vale mas que hermosura. (XII) Better is Andaluisian wit than beauty. Hambre y esperar hacen rabiar. (XIII) To wait when you are hungry drives you frantic. 276 PROVERBIOS 277 De la mar el mero, y de la tierra el carnero. ( XIV) From the sea give me the sea-bass; from the pastures I prefer mutton. Contra el vicio de pedir hay la virtud de no dar. ( XV) The bad habit of begging may be counterbalanced by the good habit of not giving. Oir, ver y callar. (XVIII) Hear, see, be silent. A palabras locas, orejas sordas. (XVIII) To foolish words give a deaf ear. Per donde fueres, haz come vieres. (XVIII) When in Rome do as the Romans do. Quien tiene tienda que atienda ; y si no, que la venda. (XX) _ Let him who owns a shop either give it his attention or sell it. Ira de hermanos, ira de diablos. (XXI) The worst hatred is that between brothers. Do quieren reyes, alia van leyes. ( X XI) Laws are made as kings require. Religions are chosen as kings will. A rey muerto, rey puesto. (XXII) No sooner does one king die than another takes his place. The king is dead! Long live the king. De Madrid al cielo y en el cielo un ventanillo para ver a Madrid. (XXIII) From Madrid to heaven and in heaven a peep-hole to look back on Madrid. 278 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK No hay bien ni mal que cien aiios dure. (XXIII) All things come to an end. Quien lengua ha a Roma va. ( X XV) Make use of your tongue and you'll find out. Salir del lodo y caer en el arroyo. (XXVI) Out of the frying-pan into the fire. Zapatero a tus zapatos. (XXVII) Shoemaker, to your shoes. Shoemaker, stick to your last. De desagradecidos esta el infierno Ueno. (XXVIII) Hell is full of ingrates. La letra con sangre entra. ( X XI X) Learning is not an easy matter. Planta muchas veces traspuesta, ni crece ni medra. (XXX) A rolling stone gathers no moss. A muertos y a idos no hay amigos. (XXX) The dead and the absent are friendless. Donde hay gana hay mafia. ( X X XII) Where there's a will there's a way. Quien mas corre menos vuela. ( X X XIV) The more haste the less speed. Lo que no se puede remedial hay que aguantar. (XXXIV) What can't be cured must be endured. Lo que se aprende en la cuna siempre dura. (XXXVIII) What one learns in childhood always stays with one. Tantas veces va el cantaro a la fuente que al final sequiebra. (XXXIX) PROVERBIOS 279 So often does the pitcher go to the well, that at last it is broken. Porfia mata la caza. ( XLIII) It's dogged that does it. APENDICE VERBOS Tablas de las terminaciones de las tres conjugaciones regulares. PRIMERA CONJUGACI6N Infinitivo — ar Gerundio — ando Participio pasivo — ado MODO INDICATIVO Tiempos simples Tiempos compuestos Presente Perfecto 0, as, a, amos, ais, an. he, etc, -\- participio pasivo Imperfecto Plus cuam perfecto aba, abas, aba, abamos, habia, etc.+p.p. abais, aban Preterito Preterito perfecto e, aste, 6, amos, asteis, hube, etc+p.p. aron. FUTURO FUTURO PERFECTO Infinitivo+e, as, a, emos, habre, etc+p.p. eis, an CONDICIONAL CONDICIONAL PERFECTO Infinitivo+idiy ias, ia, habria, etc.+p.p. iamos, iais, ian. 280 APfiNDICE 281 Presente e, es, e, emos, eis, en. ImPERFCTO, I * FORMA ase, ases, ase, asemos, aseis, asen. ImPERFECTO, 2 a FORMA ara, aras, ara, aramos, arais, aran. FUTURO are, ares, are, aremos. MODO SUBJUNTIVO Perfecto haya, etc+p, p, Pluscuamperfecto, I* hubiese, etc.-{-p, p. Pluscuamperfecto, 2* hubiera, eic.+p, p. FuTURO PERFECTO hubiere, etc,-\-p, p. areis, aren. MODO IMPERATIVO a ad SEGUNDA CONJUGACION Infinitivo — er Gerundio — iendo Participio pasivo — ido MODO INDICATIVO Tiempos simples Presente 0, es, e, emos, eis, en. Imperfecto ia, ias, ia, iamos, iais, ian. . Preterito i, iste, io, imos, isteis, ieron. FuTURO Infinitivo +6^ as, a, emos, eis, an. Tiempos compuestos Perfecto he, etc.+p, p. Pluscuamperfecto habia, etc.+p. p, Y asi sue e sivamente como para la primera conjugacion, CONDICIONAL Infinitivo-\-ieiy ias, ia, iamos, iais, ian. 282 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK MODO SUBJUNTIVO Presente a, as, a, amos, ais, an. Imperfecto, I ^ FORMA Como iese, ieses, iese, iesemos, ieseis, iesen. P<^^^ Imperfecto, 2^ forma iera, ieras, iera, ieramos, ierais, ieran. FUTURO iere, ieres, iere, ieremos, iereis, ieren, la primer a conjugacion. MODO IMPERATIVO e ed TERCERA CONJUGACION Infinitivo — ir Gerundio — iendo Participio pasivo — ido MODO INDICATIVO Tiempos simples Tiempos compuestos Presente 0, es, e, imos, is, en. Todas las otras termi- Como naciones de los modos para indicativo y subjuntivo la son identicas con las de primera la segunda conjugacion, conjugacion. MODO IMPERATIVO e id APfiNDICE 283 VERBOS IRREGULARES (Aqui se dan solo las formas irregulares de estos verbos. Las que faltan son, por lo tanto, regulares.) Presente de Indicativo caigo (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo caiga, caigas, caiga, caiga- mos, caigais, caigan. Preterito cayo (3* per. sing.), cayeron (3^ per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo cayese, etc.; cayera, etc.; cayere, etc, 4. dar Presente de Indicativo doy (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo de (i^ y 3* per. sing.). Preterito di, diste, dio, dimos, dis- teis, dieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo diese, etc.; diera, etc.; dieie, etc. 5. decir Gerundio diciendo. Parti ciPio Pasivo dicho. 1. andar Preterito anduve, anduviste, anduvo, anduvimos, anduvisteis, anduvieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo anduviese, etc.; anduviera, etc.; anduviere, etc. 2. caber Presente de Indicativo quepo (i^ per, sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo quepa, quepas, quepa, que- pamos, quep^is, quepan. Futuro y Condi cional cabre, etc.; cabria, etc. Preterito cupe, cupiste, cupo, cupi- mos, cupisteis, cupieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo cupiese, etc.; cupiera, etc.; cupiere, etc. . 3. caer Gerundio cayendo Parti ciPio Pasivo caido 284 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Presente de Indicativo digo, dices, dice; dicen (3^ per. plu.), Presente de Subjuntivo diga, digas, diga, digamos, digais, digan. FuTURO Y Condi cioNAL dire, etc.; diria, etc. Preterito dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijisteis, dijeron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo dijese, etc.; dijera, etc.; dijere, etc. Imperativo di (sing.), 6. estar Presente de Indicativo estoy, estas, esta; estan (3* per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo este, estes, este; esten (3* per. plu.). Preterito estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos, estuvisteis, estuvieron. 7. haber Presente de Indicativo he, has, ha (hay), hemos; han (3^ per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo haya, hayas, haya, haya- mos, hayais, hayan. Preterito hube, hubiste, hubo, hubi- mos, hubisteis, hubieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo hubiese, etc.; hubiera, etc.; hubiere, etc. Futuro y Condi cional habre, etc.; habria, etc, Imperativo he (sing.). 8. hacer Parti ciPio Pasivo hecho. Presente de Indicativo hago (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo haga, hagas, haga, haga- mos, hagais, hagan. Futuro y Condi cional hare, etc.; haria, etc. Preterito hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicisteis, hicieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo hiciese, etc.; hiciera, etc.; hiciere, etc. Imperativo haz (sing.). APfiNDICE 28s 9. IT Gerundio yendo Presente de Indicativo voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van. Presente de Subjuntivo vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayais, vayan. Preterito fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo fuese, etc.; fuera, etc.; fuere, etc. Imperativo ve; vamos (i* -per. plu.). 10. oir Gerundio oyendo Parti cipio Pasivo oido. Presente de Indicativo oigo, oyes, oye; oyen (3* per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo oiga, oigas, oiga, oigamos, oigais, oigan. Preterito oyo (3* per. sing.); oyeron (3* per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo oyese, etc.; oyera, etc; oyere, etc. Imperativo oye {sing.). 11. poder Gerundio pudiendo. Presente de Indicativo puedo, puedes, puede; pueden (3^ per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo pueda, puedas, pueda; puedan (3* per. plu.), Futuro y Condi cional podre, etc; podria, etc Preterito pude, pudiste, pudo, pudi- mos, pudisteis, pudieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo pudiese, etc; pudiera, etc; pudiere, etc. 12. poner Participio Pasivo puesto. Presente de Indicativo pongo (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo ponga, pongas, ponga, pon- gamos, pongaiS) pongan. 286 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK FuTURO Y Condi cioNAL pondre, etc; pondria, etc. Preterito puse, pusiste, puso, pusi- mos, pusisteis, pusieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de subjuntivo pusiese, etc.; pusiera, etc.; pusiere, etc. Imperativo pon {sing.), 13. querer Presente de Indicativo quiero, quieres, quiere; quieren (3* per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo quiera, quieras, quiera; quieran (3^ per. phi.). Futuro y Condi cional querre, etc.; querria, etc. Preterito quise, quisiste, quiso, quisi- mos, quisisteis, quisieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo quisiese, etc.; quisiera, etc.; quisiere, etc. 14. saber Presente de Indicativo se (i^ per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepais, sepan. Futuro y Condi cional sabre, etc.; sabria, etc. Preterito supe, supiste, supo, supi- mos, supisteis, supieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo supiese, etc.; supiera, etc.; supiere, etc. 15. salir Presente de Indicativo salgo (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo saiga, saigas, saiga, salga- mos, salgais, salgan. Futuro y Condi cional saldre, etc.; saldria, etc, Imperativo sal {sing.). 16. ser Presente de Indicativo soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son. Presente de Subjuntivo sea, seas, sea, seamos, seals, sean. Preterito fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron. APfiNDICE 287 Imperfecto y Futuro de subjuntivo fuese, etc.; fuera, etc.; fuere, etc. Imperativo se {sing.), 17. tener Presente de Indicativo tengo, tienes, tiene; tienen (3^ per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo tenga, tengas, tenga, ten- gamos, tengais, tengan. Futuro y Condi cional tendre, etc.; tendria, etc. Preterito tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo tuviese, etc.; tuviera, etc.; tuviere, etc. Imperativo ten {sing.). 18. traducir Presente de Indicativo traduzco (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo traduzca, traduzcas, tra- duzca, traduzcamos, tra- duzcais, traduzcan. Preterito traduje, tradujiste, tradujo, tradujimos, tradujisteis, tradujeron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo tradujese, etc.; tradujera, etc.; tradujere, etc. (Todo verbo que tenga la terminacion -ducir se con- juga del mismo modo que traducir.) 19. traer Gerundio trayendo. Parti cipio Pasivo traido. Presente de Indicativo traigo (i^ per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo traiga, traigas, traiga^ trai- gamos, traigais, traigan. Preterito traje, trajiste, trajo, traji- mos, trajisteis, trajeron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo trajese, etc.; trajera, etc.; trajere, etc. 20. valer Presente de Indicativo valgo (i^ per. sing.). 288 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Presente de Subjuntivo valga, valgas, valga, valga- mos, valgais, valgan. FuTURO Y Condi cioNAL valdre, etc.; valdria, etc, Imperativo val {sing.), 21. venir Gerundio viniendo. Presente de Indicativo vengo, vienes, viene; vienen (3* per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo venga, vengas, venga, ven- gamos, vengais, vengan. FuTURO Y Condi CIONAL vendre, etc.; vendria, etc. Preterito vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinisteis, vinieron. Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo viniese, etc.; viniera, etc.; viniere, etc. Imperativo ven {sing.). 22. ver Participio Pasivo visto Presente de Indicativo veo (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo vea, veas, vea, veamos, veais, vean. 22a. proveer Gerundio proveyendo Participio Pasivo provisto, proveido Preterito proveyo (3* per. sing.); proveyeron (3* per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo proveyese, etc.; proveyera, etc.; proveyere, etc. VERBOS QUE CAMBIAN LA VOCAL DEL RADICAL 23. pensar Presente de Indicativo pienso, piensas, piensa; piensan (3^ per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo piense, pienses, piense; piensen (3^ per. plu.). Imperativo piensa {sing.), 24. contar Presente de Indicativo cuento, cuentas, cuenta; cuentan (3* per. plu.). APfiNDICE 289 Presente de Subjuntivo cuente, cuentes, cuente; cuenten (3^ per. plu,). Imperativo cuenta (sing.). 24a. jugar Presente de Indicativo juego, juegas, juega; juegan (3^ per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo juegue, juegues, juegue, juguemos, jugueis, jueguen. ( Fease la seccion 32). Imperativo juega {sing.). 25. perder Presente de Indicativo pierdo, pierdes, pierde; pierden (3* per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo pierda, pierdas, pierda; pier dan (3* per. plu.). Imperativo pierde (sing.). 25a. adquirir Gerundio adquiriendo. Presente de Indicativo adquiero, adquieres, adquiere; adquieren (3* per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo adquiera, adquieras, ad- quiera; adquieran (3* per. plu.). Imperativo adquiere (sing.). 26. mover Presente de Indicativo muevo, mueves, mueve; mueven (3* per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo mueva, muevas, mueva; muevan (3* per. plu.). Imperativo mueve (sing.). 26a. oler Presente de Indicativo huelo, hueles, huele; huelen (3* per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo huela, huelas, huela; huelan (3* per. plu.). Imperativo huele (sing.). 27. sentir Gerundio sintiendo. Presente de Indicativo siento, sientes, siente; sienten (3*^ per. plu.). 290 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Presente de Subjuntivo sienta, sientas, sienta, sin- tamos, sintais, sientan. Preterito sintlo {2^ per, sing.); sintie- ron (3* per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo sintiese, etc.; sintiera, etc.; sintiere, etc. 28. dormir Gerundio durmiendo. Presente de Indicativo duermo, duermes, duerme; duermen (3* per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo duerma, duermas, duerma, durmamos, durmais, duer- man. Preterito durmio (3^ per. sing.)', durmieron (3* per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo durmiese, etc.; durmiera, etc.; durmiere, etc. 29. servir Gerundio sirviendo. Presente de Indicativo sirvo, sirves, sitve; siven (3^ per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo sirva, sirvas, sirva, sirva- mos, sirvais, sirvan. Preterito sirvio (3^ per. sing.); sir- vieron (3* per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo sirviese, etc.; sirviera, etc.; sirviere, etc, 29a. reir Gerundio riendo. Parti cipio Pasivo reido. Presente de Indicativo no, ries, rie; rien (3^ per. plu.). Presente de Subjuntivo ria, rias, ria, riamos, rials, rian. Preterito rio (3^ per. sing.); rieron (3* per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo riese, etc.; riera, etc.; riere, etc. APfiNDICE 291 VERBOS QUE TIENEN CAMBIOS ORTO- GRAFICOS 30. sacar Presente de Subjuntivo saque, saques, saque, saquemos, saqueis, saquen. Preterito saque (i* per. sing.), 31. delinquir Presente de Indicativo delinco (i^ per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo delinca, delincas, delinca, delincamos, delincais, de- lincan. 32. pagar Presente de Subjuntivo pague, pagues, pague, paguemos, pagueis, paguen. Preterito pague (i^ per. sing.). 33. distinguir Presente de Indicativo distingo (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo distinga, distingas, dis- tinga, distingamos, dis- tingais, distingan. 34. rezar Presente de Subjuntivo rece, reces, rece, recemos, receis, recen. Preterito rece (i^ per. sing.). 35. veneer Presente de Indicativo venzo (i^ per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo venza, venzas, venza, ven- zamos, venzais, venzan. 36. averiguar Presente de Subjuntivo averigtie, averigiies, averi- giie, averigiiemos, averi- giieis, averigiien. Preterito averigiie (i* per. sing.), 37. coger Presente de Indicativo CO jo (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo coja, cojas, coja, cojamos, cojais, cojan. 292 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK VERBOS MISCELANEOS 38. conocer Presente de Indicativo conozco (i* per. sing.). Presente de Subjuntivo conozca, conozcaS) conozca, conozcamoS) conozcais, conozcan. 39. enviar Presente de Indicativo envio, envias, envia ; envian (3* per. plu.), Presente de Subjuntivo envie, envies, envie ; envlen (3* per, plu.). Imperativo envia (sing.), 40. continuar Presente de Indicativo continuo, continuas, con- tinua; continuan (3* per. plu^). Presente de Subjuntivo continue, continues, con- tinue; continuen (3* per. plu.). Imperativo continuo (sing.): 41. buUir Gerundio buUendo. Preterito buUo (3* per. sing.); bu- ll eron (3^ per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo buUese, etc.; bullera, etc.; buUere, etc. 42. plafiir Gerundio planendo. Preterito piano (3^ per. sing.); plafieron (3^ per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo plafiese, etc.; planera, etc.; planere, etc. 43. leer Gerundio leyendo Preterito ley6 (3* per. sing.); leyeron (3* per. plu.). Imperfecto y Futuro de Subjuntivo leyese, etc.; leyera, etc.; leyere, etc. 44. huir Gerundio huyendo Presente de Indicativo huyo, huyes, huye; huyen (3* per, plu.). APfiNDICE 293 Presente de Subjuntivo Imperfecto y Futuro de huya, huyas, huya, huya- Subjuntivo mos, huyais, huyan. huyese, etc.; huyera, etc.; Preterito huyere, etc. huyo (3^ per. sing,) \h.\xyQXon Imperativo iS^per.plu.), huye (sing.). VERBOS QUE TIENEN PARTICIPIOS PASIVOS IRREGULARES Infinitivo abrir cubrir elegir escribir imprimir morir prender romper soltar solver surtir volver 45. Participio pasivo abierto cubierto electo {0 elegido) escrito impreso muerto preso {0 prendido) roto suelto suelto surto vuelto Los verbos compuestos de los aqui citados tambien tieneii participios pasivos irregulares. VOCABULARIO In this vocabulary both English and Spanish words occurring in this book are listed together and both are alphabeted according to the method used in Spanish dictionaries. For instance, initial or medial ch follows c, // follows / and n follows n. Thus all is found after alzar, cana after canvas^ dicho after dictator^ etc. All English words beginning with ch will, of course, be found in the cA'j and not in the cs; for instance, chico, chief, etc. The number given after a Spanish verb is that of the paragraph or paragraphs of the Apendice in which is found that verb or a type verb to which it is similar. In the case of radical-changing verbs, the vowel change or changes of the accented syllable are given in parentheses; thus, dormir {ue, u). In addition, a paragraph number is given as with other verbs having irregularities. All adjectives are given in the masculine singular form and the feminine ending is not indicated unless it is formed in manner not mentioned in the following two rules: (1) Adjectives ending in o in the masculine singular change o to « to form the feminine. (2) Adjec- tives ending in the masculine singular in any other vowel than o or in a consonant remain unchanged in the feminine. Cognate words, such as nouns ending in cion in Spanish and tion in English, which are identical in meaning (in this book), are given but once, and that in the Spanish form. In some cases, however, other considerations not worth mentioning here have made it seem desirable to list cognate words under both their English and Spanish forms. In a great many cases will be found given in parentheses the preposition that is generally to be used with a given verb or adjec- tive. In every case meanings and uses given are those found in this book only. For further information*about a word or expression the stu- dent is referred to Appleton's New Spanish Dictionary by Cuyas, 295 296 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK ABBREVIATIONS USED ^., adjective. adv.y adverb. art.y article. aug., augmentative. cond.y conditional. conj.y conjunction. def.y definite. dem.^ demonstrative. dimin.y diminutive. dir.y direct. e., east, eastern. esp., especially. int., future. imper., imperative. imperf.y imperfect. ind.y indirect. indef.f indefinite. indie, indicative. inf., infinitive. interj.y interjection. interr.y interrogative. intr.y intransitive. m.y masculine. n., north, northern. neut.y neuter. obj.y object. p.y participle. pers.y person. pl.y plural. Port.y Portuguese. poss.y possessive. p. p.y past participle. prep.y preposition. pres.y present. pret.y preterite. pron.y pronoun. refl.y reflexive. rel.y relative. s.y substantive, noun; also south, southern. 5. A.y South America, South American. sing.y singular. subj.y subjunctive. tr.y transitive. v.y verb. w.y west, western. — , word repeated. +, followed by. = , is equal to. ist.y first. 2nd.y second. ^rd.y third. a, prep., to, at, by, on, from, for; sign of the personal accusative', — + time ex- pression = after + time expression. a, an, indef. art., un(o), una. aba jo, adv.y below. abalanzarse, 34, to rush. abandon, v. tr., abandonar, dejar. abandonar, v. tr., to leave. abanico, m., fan. . abaratar, v. tr., to cheapen, reduce. abarcar, 30, v. tr., to take in, embrace. abastecer, 38, v. intr., to sup- ply. abastecimiento, m., supply. A B C, a Conservative morn- ing daily of Madrid. abdicar, 30, v. tr. and intr., abdicate, give up. Abencerrajes, m. pi., Aben- cerrages, a family or faction prominent in the Moorish kingdom of Granada in the 15th century. They are said to have been treacherously massacred in the Alhambra. ability, aptitud, /. abismado, pp. and a., ab- sorbed. VOCABULARIO 297 able, a.y capaz, competente; be — , poder. aboard, adv., a bordo; go — . subir a bordo, embarcarse (30) en; abordar; all — ! isenores viajeros al tren! abode, domicilio, m., hogar, m. abogado, w., lawyer. abolish, v. tr., derogar 32, anular. abordar, v. tr., to go aboard. aborigenes, m. pi., aborigines, earliest native inhabitants of a land. aborrecer, 38, v. tr., to hate. about, prep., {concerning) de, acerca de, referente a, tocante a; {round about) alrededor de; {with verbs of motion) por; {approximate- ly) unos, cosa de, aproxi- madamente; at — , {time of day) 2i eso de; be — to, estar para, estar a punto de. above, ^r^^.,sobre, encima de. abrasador, a., burning hot, blazing. abrazar, 34, v, tr., to embrace. abrazo, m., embrace; un fuerte — a, my best love to. Abreu y Llovet, Jose, a fictitious name, abreviar, v. tr. and intr., to abbreviate, make a long story short, abrigar, 32, v. tr., to shelter, cherish, abril, m., April, abrir, 45, v. tr., to open, abroad, adv., al extranjero. abrumar, v. tr., to overcome, overwhelm, abrupto, a., abrupt, steep, absence, ausencia, /. absent, a., ausente, ido. absolutamente, adv., abso- lutely, absoluto, a., absolute, absorbed, pp. and a., abis- mado, ensimismado, sumer- gido. absurdo, a., absurd, abundancia, /"., abundance, plenty, abundant, a., cuantioso, abundante. abundante, a., abundant, abundar, v. intr., to abound, acabar, v. tr. and intr., to finish, end; — de (+ inf.), to have just (-}- pp.). academico, a., academical, academy, academia, /. 298 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK accent, acento, m. accept, V. tr,j aceptar; — our respects, a los pies de Vd. {to a lady). accompany, v. tr., accom- panar, ir (9) con. according to, prep., segun, con forme a. account, cuenta, /.; — books, libros de contabilidad; on — of, prep., a causa de, por. accustomed, pp. and a., acos- tumbrado; become — to, acostumbrarse a. acebo, m., holly. aceite, m., oil; — de oliva, olive oil. aceituna, /., olive. acento, m., accent. aceptar, v. tr., to accept. acequia, /., ditch, small canal. acera, /., side-walk. acerca de, prep., about, con- cerning. acercar, 30, to place near, hand to; — se (a), v. refl., to approach. acero, m., steel. acierto, m., skill. aclararse, v. refl., to clear up. acompanar, v. tr., to accom- pany; to enclose (corre- spondence) . Aconcagua, the highest peak of the Andes, 23,097 ft. high, near the Uspallata pass between Chile and Argentina, acordar (ue), 24, v. intr., to agree; — se de, v. refl., to remember, acosar, v. tr., to bother. harass, acostarse (ue), 24, v. refl., to go to bed, retire, acostumbrado (a), pp. and a., accustomed to, used to. acostumbrar, v. intr., to be accustomed, wont, acquaintance, conocido, m. acquainted, become or get — with, conocer 38, familiar- izarse (34) con. acquire, v. tr., adquirir 25a. acquisition, adquisicion, /. acre, m., acre, acreedor, m., creditor, across, adv., a traves; prep.y a. traves de. act as, V. intr., hacer (8) de. active, a., activo. actividad, /., activity, activo, a., brisk, active, acto, m., act; en el — , at once, actress, actriz. /. VOCABULARIO 299 actriz, /., actress. actual, a., present; del — , of the present month. actualmente, adv.^ at present. acudir (a), v. intr., to hasten (to). acueducto, m., aqueduct. acuerdo, in., agreement, har- mony. ^adagio, m., proverb, adage. adaptar, v. tr., to adapt. address, direccion, /.; to — , tratar, dirigirse (37) a; to be addressed to, ir dirigido a. adelantarse, v. refl., to pro- gress, advance. adelante, adv., forward; desde aqui en — , henceforth. ademan, m., gesture; en — de, by way of, as a signal of. ademas, adv., moreover, be- sides; ■ — de, prep., besides. adentro, adv., within, inside. aderezar, 34, to prepare. adinerado, a., m o n i e d, wealthy. adi6s, m., good-bye. administracion, /., adminis- tration; casa de — , head- quarters. administrativo, a., adminis- trative. admirable, a., admirable. admiracion, /., admiration, wonder. admirador, m., admirer. admirar, v. tr., to admire. admiration, /. admiracion, admire^ v. tr., admirar. admitir, v. tr., to admit, per- mit. adopt, V. tr., adoptar. adornar, v. tr., to adorn. adorno, m., adornment. adquirir (ie), 25a to acquire. adquisici6n, /., acquisition. aduanero, m,, customs officer. advance, v. intr., avanzar 34; in — , adelantado. advantage, ventaja, /.; take — of, aprovecharse de; valerse (20) de; have — over, aventajar a, tener (17) ventaja sobre. advantageous, a., ventajoso. adventurer, aventurero, m. advertir (ie, i), 27, to warn, inform, remark. advertisement, anuncio, m. advise, v. tr., aconsejar (+ inf. or suhj.). dereo, a., aerial. afamado, pp. and a., famed, famous. afanarse (por). v. refl., to be eager (to). 300 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK afectisimo, a., very affection- ate. affair, asunto, m. affectionate, a., carinoso. affectionately, adv., carinosa- mente. affix, V. tr., pegar 32. aficion, /., liking. aficionado, m., amateur; a., fond of. afirmativo, a. and j-., affirma- tive. afluente, m., tributary. afoot, adv., a pie. afortunado, a., fortunate. afraid, be — , tener (17) miedo, temer. Africa, /., Africa. after, prep., despues de, {he- hind) tras; conj, despues a una hora de partir; — being a few months, a pocos meses de estar. afternoon, tarde, /. ; in the — , por la tarde; {with the hour) de la tarde; good — , buenas tardes. afterwards, adv., despues, luego, mas tarde. again, adv., otra vez, de nuevo; frequently expressed by volver a (+ inf.). against, prep., contra. agasajar, v. tr., to enter- tain. Agassiz, Jean Louis Ro- dolphe (1807-1873), a Swiss geologist and natural- ist of great renown; pro- fessor at Harvard 1847- 1852; trip to Brazil in 1865. After him are named the grottoes found in the forest of Tijuca near Rio de Janeiro. age, edad, /.; Middle Ages, Edad Media, /.; Golden Age, Siglo de Oro, m. agenda, /., agency. agency, agencia, /. agent, agente, w.; encargado, m. agente, m., agent. agigantado, pp. and a., gigan- tic, huge; a pasos — s, rapidly, by leaps and bounds. agilidad, /., agility. agitar, v. tr., to wave; — se, V. reft., to become rough. ago, hacer + time expression', time expression + ha; atras. agolparse (a) v. refl., to rush. agradable, a., agreeable, fine. agradar, v. tr., to please. VOCABULARIO 301 agradecer, 38, to be grateful for, to thank for; — algo a uno, to be grateful to one for something. agradecimiento, m., gratitude. agraviar, v. tr., to insult. agravio, m., insult, harm re- ceived. agree, v, intr., convenir 21 (en); — with, estar de acuerdo con. agreeable, a, agradable, risuefio; (person) simpatico. agreed, pp., convenido, cosa hecha; be — , estar de acuerdo. agregar, 32, v. tr. and intr. to add. agricola, a., agricultural. agricultura, /., agriculture. agricultural, a., agricola. agua, /., water. aguantar, v. tr., to endure. aguardar, v. tr. and intr., to wait, await. agujerear, v. tr., to pierce. ahi, adv., there; de — , thence, hence; por — , there. ahinco, m., ardor, earnest- ness; con — , earnestly. ahora, adv., now; — mismo, right now; por — , for the present. ahumado, pp. and a., smoked. aid, ayuda, /., auxilio, m.\ V. tr., ayudar, auxiliar. aimaras, m. pL, Indians of a tribe found in what is now Peru and Bolivia. About a half million of them still exist. Their lan- guage is similar to that of the Kechuans. Though conquered by the Span- iards they refused to speak any but their own lan- guage. air, atmosfera /., aire, m.', open — , a. and adv., al aire libre. aire, m., air; al — libre, out- doors, in the open. airoso, a., successful. aislamiento, m., isolation. ala, /., wing, brim (of hat). alameda, /., walk, promen- ade, mall. alargar, 32, to extend. Albaicin, m., the oldest sec- tion of Granada in the northern part of the city. .albanil, m., mason. albergarse (en), 32, to lodge at, put up at. alborotarse, v. refl.. to get excited. 302 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Alcadir, name of a Moorish king of Valencia in the eleventh century. alcaide, m., governor. Alcala, name of one of the principal streets of Madrid; — de Henares; a town 17 miles n. e. of Madrid of about 10,000 population; seat of a great university from 1 5 10 to 1836. Birth- place of Cervantes. alcantarillado, w., sewerage system. alcanzar, 34, to attain, reach, obtain, succeed, secure. Alcazar, m., alcazar, a royal • castle or fortress. alcoba, /., bed-room. alcornocal, m., cork-tree grove. aldea, /., village. aldehuela, /., dimin. of aldea. alegrarse (de), v. refl., to be glad (of). alegre, a., joyful, merry. Alejandro, w., Alexander. alejar, v. tr., to separate; — se (de) V. refl.y to withdraw, go away. aleman-a, a. and j-., German. Alemania, /., Germany. Alexander, Alejandro, m. alfalfa, /. alfalfa, alfareria, /., pottery, alfiler, m., pin. Alfonso, Alphonso. — VI (1065-1109), a great leader in the Reconquest of Spain from the Moors. Reunited Castile, Leon and Galica under his control. — X (el Sabio) (1252- 1284), a writer and scientist but a weak ruler. — IX de Leon (i 188-1230), first cousin of Alphonso VIII of Castile. — XII (el Pacificador) (1857-1885), son of Isabella II and Francisco de Assisi. Called to throne in 1875. — XIII (1886-). son of Alfonso XII. Assumed control of the government when sixteen. May 31, 1906, he married Princess Ena of Battenberg, niece of Edward VII of England. algazara, /., shouting. Algeciras, a Spanish town on the bay of Algeciras, oppo- site Gibraltar. Algiers, Argel, m. algo, pron. and adv., some- thing, somewhat. VOCABULARIO 303 algodon, w., cotton. alguacil, m., constable. • alguien, indef. pron., some- one. alguno, (algun), alguna, indef. a. and pron.y some, some one; any {after negative).- Alhambra, /., the ancient palace of the Moorish kings of Granada; built 1248- 1554, covers an area of 35 acres and is today the best preserved and most beauti- ful monument of old Moor- ish architecture. aliado, m., ally* alimenticio, a., pertaining to food, nourishing. alistar, v. tr., enlist. aliviar, v. tr., to alleviate, les- sen. alma, /., soul. almacen, m., ware-house; de- partment store (S. A.). Almaden, a town in the prov- ince of Ciudad Real, Spain, celebrated for its mercury mines. alamanaque, m., almanac. almendral, w., almond-tree grove. alminar, m., minaret; turret. almirante, m., m., admiral. Almoravides, m. pL, a Berber tribe from n. Africa who embraced Mohammedan- ism and in 1086 crossed into Spain under the leader- ship of Yusef I to aid the Moors against the Chris - tians. almost, adv.y casi. alms, limosna, /. almuerzo, m., lunch. alojar, v. tr., to lodge. alone, a., solo. along, adv., por, a lo largo de; go — , caminar por. aloud, adv., en voz alt a. alpaca, /., alpaca, an animal of S. A. much prized for its wool. Alphonso, Alfonso, m, alquilar, v. tr., to rent. already, adv., ya. alrededores, in. pL, environs. also, adv., tambien. altar, m., altar; — mayor, high altar. alteration, reforma, /. Alteza, /., Highness {a title). although, conj., aunque, bien que. altiplanicie, /., highland, plateau. altitude, altura, /., elevacion./. 3^4 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK alto, a., high, upper; lo mas — the top; en lo — , at the top. altura, /., height, elevation. aludir (a), v. intr., to allude (to), mention. alumbrado, w., Hght, lighting system. alumno, w., student. alusion, /., mention. aluvion, m., alluvion, sedi- ment. Alvear (Avenida), a street of Buenos Aires, noted for its elegant residences. always, adv., siempre. alzar, 34, v. tr.y to raise, lift; — se, V. refl.y to tower, rise. all, a. and pron., todo; — who, todos cuantos; — right, bueno, esta bien; it is — the same to me, lo mismo me da, no me im- porta, me es igual; not at — , nada, de ningun modo; — of which, todo el cual. alia, adv.y there, thither {with verb of motion) ; — van, there you have; — veremos, we shall see about that; mas — , farther on; keep going; aqui (or aca) y — , hither and thither. allegar, 32, v. tr., to bind, unite. alii, adv., there (with verb of rest), •How, V. tr., permitir, admitir, dejar; be ed, permitir- sele a uno. amabilidad, /., kindness. amable, adj., kind, friendly; — para con, kind to. Amadeo, Prince of Savoy, the second son of Victor Em- manuel II of Italy, elected king of Spain, Nov., 1870. Treated unfairly by" the Spanish, he resigned in Feb. 1873. amaneramiento, m., manner- ism. amante de, a., fond of. amar, v. tr., to love. amarillento, a., yellowish. amarillo, a., yellow. amaze, v. tr., aturdir, asom- brar. Amazonas, m.. Amazon, the chief river of S. A.; also the name of a vast state in western Brazil. ambassador, embajador, m. ambicionar, v. tr. and intr., to be ambitious to, aspire to. ambiente, m., atmosphere. VOCABULARIO 305 ambos, — as, pron. and a., both. ameno, a.y pleasant, delight- ful. America, /., America; Norte — , — del Norte, — Septen- trional, North America; Sud — , — del Sur, — Meridional, South Ameri- ca; — Central, Centre — , Central America. American, a. and j., ameri- cano; North — , norte- americano; South — , sud- americano, suramericano. americano, a. and j-., Ameri- can; espanol, Spanish- American. amigo-a, m. and /.. friend; — de escuela, schoolmate. amigablemente, adv., in a friendly way. amistosamente, adv., amica- bly, in a friendly manner. among, prep., entre, por entre, en medio de. amor, m., love; — a, love for; de mil — es, most gladly. amoroso, a., loving. amotinarse, v. refl., to riot. amount, cantidad, /., suma, /.; — to, V. intr.y ascender (23) a. amparar, v. tr., to protect. amparo, m., protection. ample, a., amplio. amplio, a.y ample, wide, roomy, amuse oneself, v. refl., diver- tirse 27, holgarse, 24, 32. amusement, diversion, /. amusing, a., divertido. anaranjado, a., orange col- ored. ancestor, antepasado, m. anciano, a. ands., old, ancient; m., old gentleman; /., old lady. ancient, a., antiguo, anciano; in — times, antiguamente. anclar, v. tr. and intr., to anchor. ancho, «.,wide; w., width; de — , in width; a sus anchas, at one's ease, comfortable. anchoa, /., anchovy. anchor, v. intr., fondear, echar anclas, anclar, surtir. anchura, /., width. and, conj., y; e {before i or hi). Andalucia, /., Andalusia, ancient kingdom of south- ern Spain. andaluz-a, a. and s., Andalu- sian. andar, i, to go, travel, walk. 3o6 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK anden, w., platform. Andes, m. pL, Andes. andrajoso, a., ragged, shab- by. Anglochileno, a. and /., Anglo- Chilean. Anglosaj6n-a, a. and j., Anglo-Saxon. angosto, a., narrow. anhelar, v. tr., to long, to long for. animacion, /., animation, bustle. animal, m., animal. animo, m., soul, mind. aniiiado, pp. and a.y child- ish. » aninarse, v. refl.y to grow childish. Anjou, the old countship of western France correspond- ing to the greater part of the present department of Maine-et-Loire. announce, v. tr., anunciar. annoy, v. tr., molestar, es- torbar. annual, a., anual. annul, v. tr., derogar 32, anular. anoche, adv., last night. another, a. and pron., otro. ansioso, a., anxious. answer, v. tr., contestar, re- plicar 30, responder, re- poner 12; s., con testa cion, /., respuesta, /. antano, adv., long ago. ante, prep., before, in the presence of. anteayer, adv., day before yesterday. antecedente, a., preceding. antepasado, m., ancestor. anteponer, 12, v, tr., to pre- fix. anterior, a., former, early. anteriormente, adv., formerly, previously. antes, adv., before, previously, first; — de, prep., before {in time expression); — (de) que, conj., before; cuanto — , as soon as possible. anticipacion, /., anticipation; de — para, in advance of, before. anticuario, m., antiquarian, antique dealer. antiguamente, adv., in ancient times, formerly. antigiiedad, /., antique, antiq- uity. antiguo, a., old, ancient, old- fashioned; a lo — , in old- fashioned way. VOCABULARIO 307 Antillas, /., Antilles. antimonio, m., antimony. antique, antigiiedad, /.; — shop, casa de antigiiedades. antiquity, antigiiedad, /. Antofagasta, a city and prov- ince of northern Chile, the former having about 17,000 population. • Shipping cen- ter and starting point of railway to La Paz, Bolivia, 730 miles. antojarsele a uno, v. reft., to take it into one's head, to fancy. anual, a., annual. anular, v. tr., to annul. anunciar, v. tr.y to advertise, announce. anuncio, m., advertisement. anxious, a.y to be — , tener (17) ganas; afanarse (por); estar (6) ansiosoj no ver (22) la hora de. any, a. and pron., most often omitted in translation if unemphatic; cualquier(a), algun(o); {after negatio7i), ningun(o), {before noun), . algun(o) {after noun). anyone, pron., alguien, cual- qmer {3.); {after a negation or comparative) nadie. anything, pron., algo, alguna cosa; {after negative) nada, ninguna cosa, cosa alguna; — else, otra cosa. anyway, adv., de todos modos. anywhere, adv., en or por cualquier parte; {after nega- tive), por ninguna parte. aiiadir, v. tr., to add. ano, m., year. aparatoso, a., showy, striking. apartado, a., remote, separate. apartment, habitacion, /. apearse, v. refl., to dismount, get out. apellidar, v. tr., to call, name. apenas (si), adv., hardly scarcely. apetecible, a., desirable. apetito, m., appetite. aplastar, v. tr., to flatten out, crush. aplicado, a., industrious. apodar, v. tr., to nickname. apoderarse (de), v. refl., to seize, take possession of, get hold of. Apolo, Teatro de — , a theater of Madrid on Alcala Street. apoyar, v. tr., to bear, support. appear, aparecer 38, parecer 38; presentarse. appearance, aspect©, m. 3o8 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROS^E BOOK appetite, apetito, m, appoint, V. tr., nombrar. appreciate, v. tr., apreciar. approach, acercarse (30) a; aproximarse a. appropriation, contribucion, /. approve, v. tr., aprobar 24. apreciar, v. tr. to esteem, appreciate, apremiante, a., pressing, urgent, aprender, v. tr., to learn; — de memoria, to learn by heart. aprendiz, m., apprentice. apresar, v. tr., to capture. aprestarse (a), v. refl., to pre- pare (to). apresuradamente, adv., hasti- ly, quickly. apresurarse (a), v. refl., to hasten, hurry. apretar (ie), 23, press hard, clasp, harass; — la mano a uno, to shake hands with some one. apret6n, m., pressure; — de manos, hand-clasp; dar un — de manos a uno, to shake hands with some one. April, abril, m. aprisa, adv., quickly, aprobar (ue), 24, to approve. aprovechar, v. tr., to make use of, take; — se,^'. refl., to pro- gress favorably, prosper, succeed; — se de, to profit by; I que aproveche! may it do you good! aproximacion, /., relation. aproximadamente, a d v., about, approximately. aproximarse (a), v. refl., to approach. apt, a., be — in, pintarse para. aptitud, /., aptitude, ability. apuntacion, /., note. apuntar, v. tr., to note down, jot down. apunte, m., note. apurarse (por), v. refl., to worry (about). aqueduct, acueducto, m. aquel, (aquella, aquellos, aquellas), dem. a., that, those; aquel, etc., dem. pron., that, those, the former. a qui, adv., here; por — , around here, here; por — y por alia, here and there; por — cerca, near here. Arab, arabe, m. arabe, a. and s., Arabic, Arab; Arabic language. VOCABtJLARIO 309 Arag6n, a former kingdom of northern Spain. Now divided into the provinces of Huesca, Teruel and Saragossa. Aranjuez, a town laid out in Dutch style on the left bank of the Tagus, some 30 miles south of Madrid; contains a beautiful royal estate and palace. arana, /., chandelier. araucano, w., Araucanian, an ancient Indian tribe of Chile, still vigorous and largely independent. arbol., m., tree. arco, m.y arch; Arco de Santa Maria; an arch at the west end of the Espolon prome- nade, Burgos. Built in 1536-52; adorned by statues of the Cid, Charles V., Lain- calvo and other celebrities. architect, arquitecto, m. architectural, a., arquitec- tonico. architecture, arquitectura, /. ardor, ahinco, m. area, area, /., extension, /. arena, /., sand. arena (of bull-ring) ^ redon- del, m. arenoso, a., sandy. arenque, w., herring. argamasa, /., mortar. Argel, m.y Algiers. Argentina, /., la Republica — , (strictly and officially) Ar- gentina. Argentinian, argentino, a. and s. argentino, a. and s., Argentin- ian. argonaut, argonauta, m. argonauta, m., argonaut, sailor. Argtielles, A., a Spanish statesman who died 1844; also a ward in n. e. Madrid. Arica, a seaport of n. Chile, from which runs a railway to Puno, 300 miles. arise, v. intr., provenir 21. arm, brazo, m.; (weapon) arma, /.; fire — , arma de fuego; steel — , arma blanca; v. tr., armar. arma, /., weapon, arm; — blanca, steel arm; — de fuego, fire arm. armada, /., fleet, navy. armar, v. tr., to arm; — guerra a, to wage war upon. armeria, /., armory. 3IO ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOX Armeria Real, a building in the s. w. corner of the Plaza de Armas of the Royal Palace, Madrid, con- taining a world-renowned collection of arms and armor. armero, m., armorer. armorer, armero, m, army, ejercito, in. aroused, pp. and a., conmo- vido, emocionado; to be- come — , conmoverse 26, emocionarse. arquitectura, /., architecture. arquitecto, w., architect. arquitectonico, a., architec- tural. arrabal, w., suburb. arrancar, 30, v. intr.y to start from. arrangement, arreglo, m. arraigado, pp. and a.., rooted, chronic. arrastrar, v. tr., to drag, pull. arrayan, m., myrtle. arrebatado, pp. and a., im- petuous. arrebatamiento, m., rapture. arreglar, v. tr., to arrange, pack, settle. arreglo, m., arrangement, settlement. arrendar (ie), 23, v. tr., to let, lease, rent. arreo, w., trappings. arriba, adv., up, above; rio — , upstream. arriesgar, 32, v. tr., to risk. arrinconar, v. tr., to pile up in a corner. arrival, Uegada, /. arrive, llegar 32. arrobamiento, m., rapture. arrojar, v. tr., to throw. arroyo, m., gutter. arroz, m., rice. arte, m. and f., art. arteria, /., artery, channel. article, efecto, m., articulo, m. articulo, m., article; — s colo- niales, overseas products. artilleria, /., artillery. artisan, artesano, m. artist, artista, m. andf. artistico, a., artistic. as, adv., como, de, tal cual; — for, en cuanto a, tocante a, por lo que toca a; — if, como si, cual si; — ... — , tan . . . como; — many — , tantos . . . como; — much — , tanto como; just — , como. asado, pp. and a., roasted; poco — , rare, underdone. VOCABULARIO 311 asar, v. tr., to roast. ascend, v. tr. and intr., subir a, trepar por, ascender 25. ascender (a) (ie), 25, v. intr.y to ascend, amount to, come to. ascensor, w., elevator. ascent, subida. /. asemejarse (a), v. refl., to re- semble. asentado, pp. and a.y calm. asentarse (ie), 23, v. refl., to settle down. asfalto, w., asphalt.. ashore, adv., go — , desembar- carse 30. asi, adv., thus, so; - — que, as soon as; y^ — sucesivamente, and so forth. Asia, /., Asia. asiento, m., seat; ticket. asimilar, v. tr., assimilate. asistencia, /., attendance. asistente, m. and /., one * present. asistir (a), v. intr., to attend. ask, {to question) preguntar, hacer (8) una pregunta a, interrogar 32; — about, preguntar por; — a ques- tion, hacer una pregunta; — for, pedir 27; — some- thing of someone, pedir algo a alguien; as much as one could — , a pedir de boca. asleep, pp. and a., dormido. asno, m.y donkey, ass. asociaci6n, /., association. asociarse (a), v. refi., to join» asoleado, pp. and a., sunny, sun-lit. asombro, m,, amazement. asombroso, a., astonishing, marvellous. aspecto, m., appearance. asphalt, asfalto, m. assimilate, v. tr., asimilar. association, asociacion, /. assume, v. tr., asurnir. assurance, seguridad, /. astillero, w., shipyard, dock- yard. astonished, pp. and a., pas- mado, asombrado; be — , pasmarse. asturiano, a. and s., Asturian. asumir, v. tr., to assume. asunto, m., matter, affair. asustar, v. tr., to frighten. at, prep., a, en casa de; {no motion) en. Atacama, a province of n. Chile, in which are found great deposits of nitrate of soda. 312 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK atacar, 30, v. tr., to attack. atencion, /., attention. atender (a) (ie), 25, v. intr., to pay attention to, look after. atentamente, adv., solicitous- ly, politely, cordially. atento, a., attentive, polite; — servidor, yours truly. atestado, pp. and a,, crowded. Atlantico, a. and j., Atlan- tic. atletismo, w., athletic qual- ities. atmosfera, /., atmosphere, air. atmosphere, atmosfera, /., ambiente, m. atraccion, /., attraction. atraer, 19, v. tr., to attract, interest. atras, adv., back, past, ago. atravesar (ie) 23, v. tr., to cross, transfix. atreverse (a), v. refl., to dare. atrevimiento, tw., daring, boldness. atropellar, v. tr., to trample upon, knock down, run over. attach, V. tr., pegar 32. attempt, intento, m., esfuerzo, m. attend, v. tr., {he present at), asistir a, concurrir a; — to, V. tr., atender 25; business to — to, negocios que hacer; well — -ed, muy concurrido. attendance, asistencia,/., con- currencia, /. attendant, criado, m. attention, atencion, /. atto., ahhrev., see atento. attract, v. tr., llamar, atraer 19; entretener 17. attraction, atraccion, /. aturdir, v. tr., to amaze, as- tound. augusto, a., august, solemn. aumentar(se), v. intr. and refl., to increase. aumento, m., increase. aun, aun, adv., still, yet, even, aunque, conj., although, even if. ausencia, /., absence. ausente, a., absent. ausentarse, v. refl., to be away, absent. australiano, a. and s., Aus- tralian. Austria, /., Austria. austriaco, a. and s., Austrian. author, autor-a, m. and /.; escritor, m. VOCABULARIO 3^3 automovil, m., automobile. autor-a, m. and f., author. auxiliar, v. tr., to help, aid. auxilio, m.y help, aid. avanzar, 34, v. inir.y to ad- vance, progress. ave, /., bird. avenida, /., avenue; Avenida de Mayo, the chief avenue of Buenos Aires. aventajado, pp. and a., re- markable, bright. aventajar (a), v. tr., to excel, outdo. aventurero, m., adventurer. avenue, avenida, /., calzada, /., paseo, m. averiguar, 36, v. tr., to ascer- tain, find out. avestruz, m., ostrich. await, V. tr., aguardar, espe- rar. awaken, v. tr., despertar 23. awakener, despertador, m. away, adv., lejos; be — , ausentarse, estar fuera; (be distant) distar; be two miles — , distar dos millas. awning, toldo, m. Ayacucho, m., a city (and a department) of s. Peru. Scene of the ultimate de- feat of the Spanish forces by the republican troops under General Sucre, Dec. 9, 1824. ayer, adv., yesterday. ayuda, /., aid, help. ayudante, m., aide, assist- ant. ayudar, v. tr., to help, aid. ayuntamiento, m., city hall, town hall. azogue, m., mercury. Azores, m. pi., Azores (the islands). azucar, m., sugar. azucarero, a., pertaining to sugar. azufre, m., sulphur. azul, a., blue. azulejo, m., tile (glazed). B bacalao, m., codfish. back, (0/ animal) lomo, m.; a., (rear) trasero; — in, de vuelta en. back out, V. intr., llamarse andana. bad, a., malo; — ly, adv., mal. bag, (traveling) maleta, /., saco de mano, m. baggage, equipaje, m, bahia, /., bay. 314 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Bahia, also called Sao Sal- vador, a city and port of e. Brazil; population about 250,000. bailar, v. intr., to dance. baile, m., dance. Bailen, a town of 7500 in- habitants in the province of Jaen, Spain. Here 17,000 French surrendered to the Spaniards, July 22, 1808. Also the name of a street in the w. part of Madrid, running past the Royal Palace. bajar(se), v. intr. and refl,, to go down, descend, get out. bajo, prep.y under; ^., low. lower. bake, v. tr., cocer 35. baker, panadero, in. bakery, panaderia, /. balanceo, m., rocking. balcon, m., balcony, balcony window. balde, en — , adv.. in vain. Baltasar Carlos, the Spanish crown prince, son of Philip III, often painted by Velaz- quez. ball, bola, /. bambu, m., bamboo. banana, /., banana. banco, m., bank. banda, /., band. Banda Oriental, name former- ly given to Uruguay, as the strip or band of land on the e. side of the River Plata and w. of the Brazil bound- ary. banderilla, /., dart (in bull- fights). banderillero, m., banderillero, dart thrower. bank, banco, m.; (of stream), orilla, /., ribera, /.; on the — of, a orillas de; — note, billete de banco, m. b^nqueta, /., stool. banarse, v. refl., to bathe. baflo, m., bath; also a Moor- ish prison. barato, a., cheap. Barcelona, province and city of Catalonia, Spain. The city has about one million inhabitants. barcelones, -esa, a., of or per- taining to Barcelona; Bar- celona (as a.). barco, m., boat, bark. bargain, v. intr., regatear. barranco, m., ravine. barren, a., yermo. VOCABULARIO 315 barrera, /., barrier. Barrientos, Maria,' the famous Spanish coloratura soprano; born in Barcelona; sings in Spain, Buenos Aires and New York, barrio, m., district, ward, — marinero, water front. basar, v. tr., to base. base, /., basis, base, base, V. tr., — one*s opinion on, fundarse en; j-., base, /• bashful, a., be — about, tener (17) verglienza de. basin, {of river), cuenca, /., {of harbor) darsena, /. Basque, a. and s., vascongado, vasco; {language)Y2iSQ.\iQncQy vasco. bastante, a. and adv., enough, rather, quite, sufficiently. bastar, v. intr., to suffice, be enough. baston, m., cane, stick. batalla, /., battle. bath, bafio, m.; — room, cuarto de bano. battle, batalla, /. haul, m., trunk. bautizar, 34, v. tr., to bap- tize, christen; to dilute {of wine). bautizo, m.y baptism. bay, bahia, /., ensenada, /. Bayona, Bayonne, a city of s. w. France. be, V. intr.y ser 16, estar 6, encontrarse 24, hallarse, quedarse; — from a coun- try, ser de un pais; — to, haber (7) de; are you not, Jno es verdad?; there is, etc., hay, etc.; is it?, {im- plying ironically that it is), que digamos; is it not?, J no es verdad?, 2>^ ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK continente, m., continent. continuar, 40, v. tr., to con- tinue. continue, v. tr., seguir 29, 33, continuar 40. continue, a., continuous. contornos, m. pL, environs, surroundings. contra, prep., against; en — de, prep., against. contrabandista, m., smuggler. contrario, a., opposite, con- trary; al — , adv., on the contrary. contribucion, /., appropria- tion, contribution. contribuir, 44, to contribute. control, have — of, v. tr., ensenorearse de. convendra, from convenir 21. convenga, from convenir 21. convenido, pp., agreed. convenience, comodidad, /. conveniente, a., fitting, prop- er, suitable. convenir, 21, e'. tntr., to agree, behoove, be suitable; — en, to agree to. convento, m., convent. conversacion,/., conversation. conviene, /row convenir 21. convite, m., invitation. convoy, m., train, convoy. cook, cocinero-a, m. and / cool, a., fresco; be — , {of weather) hacer (8) fresco. copa, /., crown {of hat). copia, /., copy. Copiapo, the capital of Ata- cama province, n. Chile; population about 10,000. Between this city and Caldera on the coast was built the first railway in S. A. in 1 85 1 by William Wheelwright, a native of Massachusetts. copla, /., couplet, rhyme. copper, cobre, m.; {coin) calderilla, /. coque, m., coke. Coquimbo, a city and prov- ince of n. Chile. City has a fine port and population of about 10,000. coral, m., coral. Coran, m., Koran, the Mo- hammedan scriptures. coraz6n, m., heart. corcovado, a. and s., hunch- backed; hunchback. Corcovado, a peak 2300 feet high, w. of Rio de Janeiro; may be reached by trolley car and rack railway. corcho, m., cork. VOCABUJ.ARIO 337 cordialidad, /., cordiality. cordially, adv., atentamente. Cordillera, /., range, moun- tain chain. Cordoba, capital of a province of the same name in s. Spain; population about 50,000. Also a city and province of n. central Argentina; population of former about 80,000. cork, corcho, m., — -tree, alcornoque, m., — -tree grove, alcornocal, m. corn, maiz, m. corner, esquina, /. Cornwall, the most s. w. county of England, noted for ages for its tin. coro, m., choir. corona, /., crown. coronar, v. tr., to crown. coronel, w., colonel. corps, cuerpo, m. correctamente, adv., correctly. correctly, adv., correctamente. correcto, a., correct. correo, m., mail. correr, v. intr., to run; — parejas con, be on a par with; no corre prisa, there is no hurry; corre la voz, the report goes. correria, /., short journey, trip, excursion. correspond, v. intr., corre- sponder (a). Correspondencia de Espaiia, La, a Madrid daily, chief organ of the Conservative- Monarchist group; gives the best foreign news of any Madrid paper. correspondent, corresponsal, m. corresponder (a), v. intr., to correspond. correspondiente, a., corre- sponding. corresponsal, w., correspon- dent. corrida, /., bull-fight. corriente, a., current; del — , of the present month; /., stream. corsario, w., pirate, corsair. cortar, v. tr., to cut, cut off, interrupt; cortado a pique, cut perpendicular, from peak to base. corte, /., court (royal); also applied to Madrid, the capital city. Cortes, /. pL, the national senate and chamber of deputies of Spam. 33^ ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK cortes, a., polite. corto, a.y short. cosa, /., thing; — de, about, approximately; — hecha, agreed, the matter is settled; es poca — , that is a small matter; gran — , much {of importance); I que cosas tiene Vd.!, how you do carry on! cosecha, /., crop. cosechar, v. tr., to gather, harvest. cosilla, dimin. of cosa. cosmopolita, a., cosmopolitan. cost, V. intr.y costar 24; s. costa, /. costa, /., coast; cost, expense. costanero, a., coastal, on the coast. costar (ue), 24, v. intr., to cost. costear, v. tr., to bear the ex- penses of. costoso, a.y costly, expensive. costumbre, /., custom, habit. cotton, algodon, m., — fac- tory, fabrica de tejidos, /. count, V. tr., contar 24; — me in the number of your friends, pongame entre el numero de sus amigos. countless, a., un sinnumero de; innumerable. country, pais, m., tierra, /.; {opposed to city) campo, m. couple, par, m. courageously, adv., con de- nuedo. course, {of study) curso, m., asignatura, /.; {direction) rumbo, m.; of — , por supuesto (que). court, corte, /.; {courtyard) patio, m. cousin, primo-a, m. andf. Cousino, Luis (183 5-1873), a Chilean philanthropist and industrial leader. Tra- versed all Europe in search of ideas for beauti- fying his native city, Santi- ago. Constructed the park there which bears his name. The same family possesses coal mines in Lota. cover, V. tr., cubrir, 45. cow, vaca, /.; — boy, {esp. in Chile) vaquero, m.; {esp. in Uruguay) llanero, m.; {esp. in Argentina) gaucho, m. cradle, cuna, /. crear, v. tr., to create. create, v. tr., constituir 44, crear. crecer, 38, v. intr., to grow, increase. VOCABULARIO 339 creciente, a., increasing, credit, credito, m. creencia, /., belief, creer, 43, v. tr., to believe; ya lo creo, I should say so. creible, a., credible, cresta, /., crest, summit, cria, /., raising, criado-a, m. and /., servant, attendant, criar, v. tr., to raise, produce, criollo, a., indigenous, native; characteristically South American, cripple, CO jo, m. criquet, m., cricket, crisol, m., melting-pot. cristiandad, /., Christianity, cristiano, a. and s.. Christian. Cristo, w., Christ. Cristobal, m., Christopher, critico, w., critic; a., critical, crop, cosecha, /. cross, V. tr.y atravesar 23, cruzar 34, recorrer; — street, bocacalle, /.; — valley, valle transversal, m. crowd, muchedumbre, /., gentio, m. crowded, pp. and a., atest- ado. crown, corona, /.; {of hat) copa, /.; V. tr., coronar. crudo, a.y crude, raw. cruel, a.y cruel, crueldad, /., cruelty, cruelty, crueldad, /. crush, V. tr., machacar 30. cruzar, 34, v. tr., to cross; — se, V. reft., to cross each other, cry, V. tr. and intr., {aloud) gritar; {colloquial) cantar; {proclaim) pregonar; j., grito, m. cuaderno, m., notebook, cuadrado, a. and j., square, cuadrilla, /., team, staff {of bullfighters) . cuadro, m., picture, cual, adv., like. cual, el — , la — , etc., rel. pron., which, that, who; a cuales mas altas, vying with each other in height, icual?, etc., interr. pron., which ?, what 1 cualquier(a), rel. and indef. pron. and a., any, any whatsoever, some ... or other. icuan!<2Jz;.,how! 5^^dcuanto? cuando, conj., when, dcuando?, adv., when? cuantioso, a., abundant, con- siderable. 340 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK cuanto, a. and pron., all that, as much as; todo — , all that; (todos) — s, all who; en — a, as for; — mas . . . (tanto) mas, the more . . . the more. d cuanto?, a. and pron.y how much?; pl.y how many?; a cuantos estamos?, what is the date? cuartel, w., barracks; — ge- neral, headquarters. cuarto, a.y fourth; m. room; small coin; sin un — , with- out a cent. cubano, a. and s.y Cuban. cubierta, /., deck. cubrir, 45, v, tr.y to cover. cubierto, pp. of cubrir. cuchilleria, /., cutlery. cuchillero, m.y cutler. cuenca, /., basin, valley. Cuenca, a town 125 miles e. of Madrid. cuenta, /., bill, account. cuento, m., tale, story. cuerdo, ^., shrewd. cuero, w., hide, leather. cuerpo, m.y body, corps, staff; — a — , hand to hand. cuesta, /., hill, slope; — arriba, adv., uphill, up- grade. cuestion, /., question (undef discussion) . cueva, /., cave. cuidado, m., care; i — !, watch out! cuidadosamente, adv., care- fully. culminar, v. intr., to cul- minate, finish. cultivar, v. tr., to cultivate. cultivo, m., cultivation. cumbre, /., summit. cumplir (con), v. intr., to fulfill, execute, carry out. cuna, /., cradle, -cuiiado, w., brother-in-law. cup, taza,/. cure, V. tr.y remediar. curiosidad, /., curiosity, sight, object of interest. curioso, a., strange, curious. curso, m., course of study. curtido, m.f leather. curtidor, w., tanner. curtir, v. tr., to tan. curva, /., curve. customer, parroquiano, m., cliente, m. customs, (duties) derechos, m.; (habits) costumbres, /.; — oflftcers, aduaneros; a.y de aduana. cut (off), V. tr.y cortar. VOCABULARIO 341 cutler, cuchillero, m. cutlery, cuchilleria, /. cuya, /., squash, gourd, cuyo, rel. a., whose, which, dcuyo?, a.f whose.? CH Chacabuco, m., a transversal ridge of mountains in cen- tral Chile. Chaco, el Gran, a great plain of Argentina. chair, silla, /.; sillon, m,; rock- ing , sillon mecedor, m.; arm — , butaca, /. chalan, m., horse-dealer. chamber, camara, /. chance, casualidad, /. chandelier, araiia, /. change, cambio, m.; in — , de vuelta; v. tr. and intr., cambiar, transferirse (27) a; — boats, cambiar de buques; — '■ cars, cambiar de tren(es). channel, canal, m. chaotic, a., caotico. chap, chico, m. chapado, a., brainy, level- headed. chapel, capilla, /. chaqueta, /., jacket. character, caracter, m. characteristic, a.y caracteris- tico; — ly South American, a.y criollo. charge, v. tr., encargar 32; j. cargo, m.; in — of, encar- gado de. charlar, v, intr., to chat, talk. Charles, Carlos, chat, V. intr., charlar. chato, a., level, flat, check, cheque, m., talon, m.; V. tr., facturar. checking-room, oficina de consignaciones, /. cheese, queso, m. chemical, a., quimico. cheque, m., check, cheque. cherish, v. tr., abrigar, 32. chicken, polio, m., galHna, /. chico, m., boy, lad, chap. chief, a., principal; s., jefe, m.; — ^ly, adv., mayormente. chieftain, caudillo, m., jefe, m. child, nino, m., chico, m.; small — , chiquillo, m, childhood, niiiez, /. Chile, m., Chile, chilenoargentino, a. and s., Chilean-Argentinian, chilenoboliviano, a. and s., Chilean-Bolivian, chillar, v. intr., to screech. 342 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Chimborazo, m., an extinct volcano, the highest peak in Ecuador; 20,500 feet high. chimenea, /., fireplace, chim- ney, smoke-stack. chino, a. and j., Chinese. chiquillo, dimin. of chico. chocante, a., overwhelming, striking. chocolate, w., chocolate. cholos, w. pL, in Chile and Peru, the lower class of people, of mixed Spanish and Indian blood. choose, elegir 29, 45. chorro, m., stream. Chuquicamata, a mountain of copper ore in n. Chile, about 100 miles inland. It is being developed by North American capital. Christ, Cristo, m. christen, v. tr., bautizar 34. Christian, a. and j., cristiano. chronic, a., arraigado. church, iglesia, /. dable, «., possible, dado, pp.y considering, dagger, daga, /. daily, s., diario, m.; adv., diariamente. dance, v. intr., bailar; s., baile, m., danza, /. Dane, j., danes-esa. danes-esa, a. and j., Danish, Dane. danza, /., dance. Daoiz, Luis, a captain of artillery who, with Captain Pedro Velarde, led the popu- lar rising of Madrid citizens who, with the aid of five cannon, resisted Murat's soldiers. May 2, 1808. dar, 4, V. tr., to give; — a, to look out upon; — a conocer, to make known; — a luz, to give birth to; — con, to come upon; — en el bianco, to hit the mark; — gloria, to be inspiring; — la gana, to feel like; — la ultima mano a, to finish off; — la vuelta a, to make the cir- cuit of; — las gracias, to thank; — miedo a, to inspire fear in, frighten; — principio a, to begin, give rise to; — un paseo or una vuelta, to take a stroll, walk; — se, to take place; — se cuenta de, to realize; — se por, to consider one- self as; — se por vencido. VOCABULARIO 343 to give (it) up; — se una vida en grande, to lead a prosperous life. dare, v. hitr.y atre verse (a). darkness, obscuridad, /. darsena, /., basin, inner har- bor. dart, b a n d e r i 1 1 a, /.; — -thrower, banderillero, m. data, datos, m. pi. date, fecha,/.; sixty days from — , a sesenta dias fecha. datos, w., pl.^ data, informa- tion. daughter; hija, /. day, dia, m.; — after tomor- row, pasado manana; — -wage, jornal, m.; a — , al dia; all — , todo el dia; every — , todos los dias; good — , buenos dias; by — , de dia. de, prep.y of, from, by, with, as, in, on; than {after a comparative); — lo que, than {before a clause). dead, pp., a. and s.^ muerto. deaf, a.y sordo. deal, a good — (of), mucho, bastante. dear, ^., querido; — sir, muy sefior mio (nuestro); — sirs, muy sefiores mios (nuestros). death, muerte, /. debajo de, prep., under, be- neath; por — de, prep.y under. deber, v. tr., to owe, ought; debe de estar (ser), it must be {to express probability); m., exercise, task. debidamente, adv., duly, prop- erly, justly. debido, pp. and a., correct, fitting, due. decadente, a., late {in history of art), decadent. December, diciembre, m. decide, v. tr. and intr., de- cidirse a. decidirse (a), v. refi., to decide. decision, fallo, m. decimo, a. and s., tenth. deck, puente, m., cubierta, /.; on — , a cubierta. decir, 5, to say, tell; — la buenaventura a uno, to tell one's fortune; es — , that is; por — lo asi, so to speak; sin — tus ni mus, without saying aye, yes or no; como quien dice, as they say; que digamos, is it? {implying the opposite of a preceding negative state- ment). 344 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK declarar, v. tr.y to declare; a 1 g o que — , anything dutiable. declare, v. tr., declarar, anun- ciar. decree, v. tr., decretar. decretar, v. tr., to decree. dedicar, 30, v. tr., to devote; — se a, V. refl., to devote oneself to. deed, hazafia, /. deep, a.y profundo; (in depth) de profundidad; — ly, adv., profundamente, h o n d a- mente. defeat, v. tr.y derrotar. defensa, /., defence. degree, grado, m.; in a greater — , en mayor grado. dejar, v. tr., to leave, allow, drop; — se de, to leave behind; — selo a uno en S2 pesetas, to let one have it for 12 pesetas; no — nada que desear, to leave noth- ing to be desired. delantero, a., front. delay, v. intr., tardar. deleitar, v. tr., to delight. delicioso, a., delicious. delight, V. tr., deleitar, agra- dar, encantar, halagar 32; delighted to, tanto gusto en; be delighted with, deleitar algo a uno: complacerse (38) en. delightful, a., ameno. delineacion, /., delineation. delirio, m., rapture, fervor; con — , exceedingly. Delta, el, a famous rowing and sailing resort, just w. of Buenos Aires, formed by the Rivers Lujan, Capitan, and de las Conchas, as they enter the Plata River. deluge, diluvio, m. demand (for),demanda (de),/. demanda, /., demand. demora, /., delay. demostrar (ue), 24, to show. Denia, a town of 12,000 in- habitants in the province of Alicante, on the eastern coast of Spain. denominar, v. tr., to name, call. densamente, adv., densely. dense, a., denso. dentro, adv., inside; por — , adv., inside; — de, prep., within. denuedo, m., boldness, bra- very. departamento, m., compart- ment, department. VOCABULARIO 345 department, departamento, m.; — store, almacen, m. departure, partida, /., salida, /• depend, v. intr., depender (de); that depends, segun y conforme, eso depende. depender (de), to depend upon; eso depende, that depends. dependiente, m., clerk. deporte, w., sport. deposit, deposito, m.; v. tr., depositar. depositar, v. tr.y to deposit. deposito, m.y deposit, bed (of mineral). deprive of, v. intr., quitar. derecho, a. and adv., right, straight, straight ahead; a la derecha, on the right; w., right, duty, tax. derivar, v. tr., to derive. derive, v. tr., sacar 30, derivar. derogar, 32, v. tr., to abohsh. derramar, v. tr., to scatter, pour out. derribar, v. tr., to tear down. derrota, /., defeat. derrotar, v, tr., to defeat, rout. desagradecido, a. and s., un- grateful; ingrate. desagrado, ' m., dislike, dis- pleasure. desandar, i, v. tr., to go back over the same road; — lo andado^ to retrace one's steps. desaparecer, 38, v. intr., to disappear. desarroUar, v. tr., to develop. desarroUo, m., development. desayunarse, v. refl., to take breakfast. desayuno, m., breakfast. descansar, v. intr., to rest; que descanse Vd. bien, pleasant dreams, may you sleep well. descargar, 32, to unload. descend, v. intr., bajar. descollar (ue), (a), v. intr., to surpass, outstrip, overtop. desconocer, 38, v. tr., to be a stranger to, not to know. desconocido, pp. and a., un- known, strange. describe, v. tr., describir 45, calificar 30; — oneself as, calificarse como. descubierto, pp. of descubrir. descubridor-a, a. and s., discovering, discoverer. descubrimiento, m., dis- covery. 346 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK descubrir, 45, to discover, descuido, m., negligence, desde, prep.y from, since; — hace, for, since {in time); — que, conf.., since {in time) . desden; m., disdain, desear, v. tr., to desire, wish. desembarcadero, m., landing place, dock, desembarcarse, 30, v. refl., to go ashore, disembark, desembocar, 30, v. intr., to empty. desempeiiar, v. tr.y to exercise, perform, discharge, desenvolver (ue), 26, 45, to develop. deseo, m., desire, deseoso, a., desirous, desert, desierto, m. deserve, v. tr., merecerse 38. desfiladero, m., pass, desfilar, v. intr., to pass by. desierto, m., desert, desilusionado, pp, and a., disappointed, disillusioned, desinteresado, pp. and a., disinterested, desire, v. tr., desear, querer 13, tener (17) ganas de. deslizarse, 34, v. refl.y to glide, deslumbrante, a., dazzling. desmayarse, v. refl., to faint. despacho, m., office; — de informaciones, information bureau. despedida, /., departure, parting, leave-taking. despedir, 29, v. tr., to send out, send off, see off; — se, V. refl., to leave, — se de, to take leave of. despejado, a., clear, cloudless. despertador, m., awakener. despertar (ie), 23, v. tr., to awaken. desplomarse, v. refl.y to fall in ruins. desposeer, v. tr., to dis- possess. despues, adv., afterwards; — de, prep., after; — que, conj., after. destacarse, 30, to stand out, be in relief. destajo, m., piece work; a — , by the piece. desterrar (ie), 23, v. tr., to exile. destinar, v. tr., to destine, de- cree. destined, pp. and. a., destina- do. destine, m., destiny, destina- tion. VOCABULARIO 347 destiny, destine, m. destituir, 44, v. tr., to dismiss from office. destreza, /., skill. destronar, v. tr., to dethrone. destroy, v. tr., destruir 44, derribar. destruir, 44, v. tr,, to destroy. destruyendo, from destruir 44. desviado, pp. and a., remote, out of the way. detail, detalle, m. detallado, pp. and a., de- tailed. detalle, m., detail. detallista, m., retailer. determinar, v. tr., to deter- mine. dethrone, v. tr., destronar. detras de, prep., behind. detuve, from detener 17. develop, v. tr., desarroUar, desenvolver 26, 45, ex- plotar. development, desarrollo, m., explotacion, /., desenvolvi- miento, m. devil, diablo, m. devolver (ue), 26, 45, v. tr., to return, give back, bring back. devote, v. tr., dedicar 30; — oneself to, dedicarse a. devotion to Spain, espanolis- mo, m. di, etc., from dar 4. dia, m., day; al — , daily, a day; ial — siguiente, the next day; de — , by day; ocho — s, a week. diablo, m., devil. diamante, m., diamond. diariamente, adv., daily. diario, a., daily; m., diary, newspaper. Diario Universal, El, an in- dependent daily of Madrid with leanings to the Liberal Democratic group. Diaz, Rodrigo, see Cid. Diaz de Mendoza, Fernando, one of the leading actors of present-day Spain. He is the Marquis of Fontanar, Count of Balazote, Count of Lalaing, Grandee of Spain. Since 1910 the Princesa Theater of Madrid has been under his control. He often visits S. A. with his wife, Maria Guerrero, the actress, and their com- pany. dibujo, m., drawing, illustra- tion. dice, from decir 5. 348 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK diciembre, m., December. diciendo, from decir 5. dictador, m., dictator. dictar, v. tr., to dictate. dictator, dictador, m. dicho, pp., of decir 5; afore- said; mejor — , better said, rather; w., saying, proverb. die, old form of 616, from dar 4. die, V. intr.y morir(se) 28, 45. Diego de Urbina, the captain of a Spanish galley, battle of Lepanto. diestro, a., skilful; w., bull- fighter. diez, ten. diferenciarse (de) v, refl-,, to differ (from). diferente, a., different. differ, v. intr.y diferenciarse (de). different, ^., diferente, distinto. difficult, a., dificil. difficulty, dificultad, /., in- conveniente, m.; with much — , a duras penas. dificil, a.y difficult, hard. dificultar, v. tr., to make difficult, hinder. dificultoso (de), a,, difficult (to). diga, from decir 5. digestion, digestion,/.' digno, a., worthy. digo, from decir 5; ddigo algo?, am I right?, am I saying anything (to the point) ? dije, from decir 5. dilatado, a., wide. dilatarse, v. refl., to stretch out, extend. diluted, pp. and a., bautizado. diluvio, m., deluge, torrent. diminuto, a., tiny, small. dinamita, /., dynamite. dinastia, /., dynasty, royal house. dine, v. intr., comer, tomar comida. dinero, m., money. dining-room, dining-saloon, comedor, m. dinner, comida, /. Dios, m.f God. diplomatico, a., diplomatic. diputado, w., deputy, repre- sentative, congressman. dique, m., dike, jetty, dock; — de carena, w., dry dock. dire, from decir 5. direccion, /., direction, ad- dress. direct, v. tr., dirigir 37; a., directo. directamente, adv., directly. VOCABULARIO 349 direction, direccion, /. directly, adv., directamente. director, m., director. director-general, w., director- general. dirigirse (a, hacia), 37, v. refl., to turn towards, ad- dress, make one's way towards. disappear, v. intr,, desapmrecer 38. discern, v, tr., divisar. discerning, «., sagaz. discourse, discurso, m. discovering, a., descubridor -a. discovery, descubrimiento, m. discurrir, v. tr.j to discuss. discurso, m., discourse, speech. discuss, V. tr., tratar, discutir, discurrir. discussion, discusion, /., de- bate, m. discutir, v. tr., to discuss. discharge, licencia, /. disembark, v. intr., desem- barcarse 30. disengaged, pp. and a., libre. disfrutar {6.0), v. intr., to enjoy. disgustar, v. tr., to displease. dish, plato, m. disillusion, v. tr., desilusionar. dislike (for), desagrado (con- tra), m. disminuir, 44, v. tr. and intr., to slacken, diminish. disparar (contra), v. tr., to fire upon. dispensar, v. tr., to excuse. displease, v. tr., disgustar. disponer, 12, to put, arrange; — se a, to get ready to. disponible, a., available. disposal, disposicion, /. disposicion, /., disposition, disposal; a la — de Vd., at your service. dispossess, v. tr., desposeer 43. dispuesto, pp. and a., ready, disposed, arranged. disputar (a), v. tr., to dispute (with). distance, distancia, /.; in the — , en lontananza, a lo lejos. distancia, /., distance. distant, a., lejano; be — , v. intr., distar. distar, v. intr., to be distant. distincion, /., distinction. distinguido, pp. and a., dis- tinguished. distinguir, 33, v. tr., to dis- tinguish, perceive, make out. 3 so ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK distinguish, v. tr,, distinguir 33, divisar. distinto, a., different, dis- tinct. distraer, 19, to distract, amuse. distrajo, from distraer 19. distribucion, /., distribution. district, region, /.; {of city) barrio, m. disturb, v. tr.y estorbar, moles- tar, turbar. disuadir, v. tr., to dissuade. diversidad, /., diversity, vari- ety. diversion,/., diversion, amuse- ment. divertido, pp. and a., amusing, entertaining, funny. divertirse (ie, i), 27, v, refi., to amuse oneself, enjoy oneself, have a good time. dividir, v. tr., to separate, divide. divisar, v. tr., to perceive, make out, discern. division, /., division. do (Port.), = del, of the. do, adv., old form for donde. do, omitted if auxiliary, other- wise, hacer 8; — business, hacer negocios; — one's best, esmerarse (en); — without, pasarse sin, omitir; may it — you good, i buen provecho!, I que aprovechel doblar, v. tr., to turn, fold; — la esquina, to turn the corner, doble, a., double, doce, twelve, docena, /., dozen, dock," muelle, m., desembar- cadero, m.; dry — , dique de carena, m. doctor, medico, m. doctrina, /., doctrine, dolar, m., dollar, doliente, a., aching, dollar, dolar, m., peso, m. domiciliarse, v. refl., to dwell, domicilio, m., abode, dominar, v. tr., to dominate, be master of, look out over, overlook, dominate, v. tr., dominar. Don, m., untranslatable, used only with the baptismal name. d donde?, adv., where?; ipor — se va?, how does one go?, which is the way? donkey, burro, m. Don Quijote, Don Quixote, the hero of Cervante's great work of that name. VOCABULARIO 351 door, puerta, /.; — -jamb, quicial, m. dormido, pp. and a., asleep. dormir (ue, u), 28, to sleep; — se, V, refl.-, to fall asleep. dos, two; Dos de Mayo, May 2nd (1808), date of the heroic resistance of the people of Madrid to the Napoleonic troops under Murat, a day still much celebrated in Madrid. doscientos-as, two hundred. dot, V. tr., puntear. do tar, V. tr., to endow. double, a., doble. doubt, dud a, /.; no — , sin duda; there is no — , no cabe duda, no hay duda; V. ^tr.y dudar. doubtless, adv., sin duda, indudablemente. down, adv., abajo; — hill, adv., cuesta abajo; — >stream, adv., rio abajo. doy, from dar 4. drag, V. tr., llevar a la rastra. dragado, m., dredging. dragar, 32, v. tr., to dredge. drama, m., drama, play. drama, drama, m., comedia,/. dramatico, a., dramatic. draught, {of boats) calado, m.; light — , de menor calado. draw, V. tr., trazar 34, dibujar; — upon, librar sobre, girar contra. drawing, sorteo, m. dream (of), v. tr. and intr., sonar (con, en) 24. dreamy, a., sonoliento. dredge, v. tr., dragar 32; dredging operations, opera- ciones de dragado, /. pi. dredging, dragado, m. dress, vestido, m.; {charac- teristic) vestuario, m.; v. tr., vestir 29, v. intr., vestirse; — in white, vestirse de bianco; — up in one's best, prenderse de veinticinco alfileres, endomingarse 32. dressing, salsa, /. drink, v. tr., beber; s. bebida,/. drive, paseo, m., calzada, /.; V. tr., guiar 39, conducir 18; — into, ^. tr., clavar en; — one frantic, v. tr., hacer (8) rabiar; — to distraction, v. tr., enloquecer 38. driver, cochero, m.; truck — , carretero, m. drunkard, borracho, m, ' dry, V. tr., secar 30. 352 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK duda,/., doubt; sin — , doubt- less. due, a., debido. dueno, w., possessor, owner. duke, duque, m. dulce, a., sweet, {of water) fresh. dull, a., {of business) estan- cado, inactivo. Dupont de L'Etang, Pierre Antoine (1765 -1840), a French general of much ex- perience and fame; met defeat at the battle of Bailen by the Spanish gen- eral Castafios for which he was court-martialled and imprisoned by Napoleon. duque, ?n., duke. duracion, /., duration. durante, -prep., during. durar, v. intr., to last. during, prep., durante. durmiendo, from dormir 28. duro, m., duro, a coin of Spain, worth about one dollar. Duse, Eleanora (1859-), an Italian actress of wonderful individuality and natural- ness. dutiable, anything — , algo que declarar. duty, deber m.; {tax) derecho, w., impuesto, m.; on — , de servicio. dye, tinte, m.; — -wood, madera colorante, /.; v. tr., tenir 29, 42. dyer, tintorero, m. dynamite, dinamita, /. e, conj., used instead of y before a word beginning with i or hi. each, <2.,cada; pron., cada uno, cada cual; — other, uno a otro {with reciprocal verbs). eager, a., be — to, v. intr., afanarse por. ear, oreja, /., oido, m. early, adv., temprano; — in the day, de madrugada; — riser, quien madruga. earn, v. tr., ganar(se). earnestly, adv., con ahinco. earthquake, terremoto, m. ease, be at one^s — , estar (6) a sus anchas. easily, adv., facilmente. east, este, m. eastern, a., oriental, del este. easy, a., facil. eat, V. tr., comer; — enough for four, comer por cuatro. VOCABULARIO 353 Ebro, the only one of the five great rivers of Spain that empties into the Mediter- ranean; it flows s. e. through the n. e. part of the country. Ecuador, El, Ecuador. ecuador, m., equator. ecuatoriano, a, and s.y pertain- ing to Ecuador, Ecuadorian. echar, v. tr., to throw, cast out, put; — a pique, to sink; — en alto, to throw up (in the air) ; — de menos, to miss; — manos a la bolsa, to loosen one's purse strings; — se a, to start, abandon oneself to. edad, /., age, epoch; Edad Media, Middle Ages. edificar, 30, v. tr., to build, erect. edificio, m., building. Eduardo, Edward; — I (1239- 1307), King of England, married Eleanor of Castile, Oct. 1254; — VII (1844- 1910) king of England, son of Queen Victoria. efecto, m., effect; article {of commerce); pL, goods. efectuar, 40, v. tr., to carry on, accomplish; — se, to take place. effect, V. tr.y celebrar, efectuar 40. effort, esfuerzo, m. eficaz, a.y eflRcacious, effective. efusion, /., effusion; shedding. Egeo, a., Egean, Aegean. egg, huevo, m. egoismo, m., selfishness. eight, ocho. eighteenth century, el siglo XVIII (diez y ocho). either, conj.y 0; nor . . . — , ni . . . tampoco. ejemplar, m., copy, example. ejemplo, w., example; por — , for example. ejercer, 38, to exercise, to fol- low {a trade, etc.). ejercicio, w., exercise. ejercito, m., army. el (la, los, las), def, art., the; that {before de and que). el, pers. pron., he, it; him {after a prep.). Eleanora, Eleanor; — de Castilla, the half-sister of Alfonso X of Castile; she married Edward I of Eng- land, Oct. 1254. elect, V. tr., elegit 29, 37. electricidad, /., electricity. electrico, a., electric. elegante, a., elegant, stylish. 354 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK elegir (i), 29, 37, to choose, elect. element, elemento, m. elemental, ^., elementary. elemento, w., element, factor. elenco, w., cast {of singers or players) . elevacion, /., elevation. elevado, a., high. elevador, w., elevator. elevar, v. tr., to raise, lift; — se, V. refl.y to rise. elevator, ascensor, m., eleva- dor, m, eleven, once. elocuencia, /., eloquence. eloquence, elocuencia, /. ella, pers. pron.y she, it; her (after a prep.), ello, pers. pron. neut., it, that. embajador, m., ambassador. embarcarse, 30, v. reft., to go aboard; — para, to set sail for. embargo, sin — , neverthe- less. embarque, w., embarcation. embellecer, 38, to beautify. embestir (i), 29, v. tr., to at- tack, strike. embrace, v. tr.y abrazar 34. emerald, esmeralda, /. emigrante, w., emigrant. emigrar, v. intr.y to emigrate. emigrate, v. intr., emigrar. eminencia, /., height, emi- nence. emocionarse, v. refi., to get excited, to have one's emo- tions stirred. emotion, emocion, /. ; to have one*s — s stirred, emocio- narse. empalme, m., junction. empaquetar, v. tr.^ to pack. empenarse en, v. refi., to in- sist upon. empeiio, m., effort, insistence. emperador, m., emperor. emperor, emperador, m. empezar (ie), 23, 34, (a) v. tr., to begin. empinado, a., steep. empire, imperio, m. empleado, m., employee. emplear, v. tr.y to use, em- ploy. • employ, v. tr., emplear. employee, empleado, m. emprender, v. tr., to under- take; — el camino, to set out. empresa, /*., management; enterprise, undertaking. empty, v. intr.y {of rivers) desembocar 30. VOCABULARIO 355 en, prep., in, on, to, at, into, encadenar, v. tr., to link (together). encaje, m., lace, encantador-a, a., charming, encantar, v. tr., to charm, delight, encanto, m.y enchantment; por — , by magic, encarcelamiento, m., impris- onment, encargado, w., agent, encargar, 32, v. tr., to charge, order; — se de, to take charge of; encargado de, in charge of. encargo, w., order (for goods). encarnar, v. tr., to incarnate, embody. encerrar (ie), ?3, to enclose; — se en, to be contained in. enciclopedia, /., encyclope- dia, encima, or por encima, adv., above; — de, prep., above, encoger, 37, v. tr., to contract; — se de hombros, to shrug one's shoulders, encontrar (ue), 24, to find; — se, to find oneself, to be; — se con, to find, meet, encuentro, m., meeting; a nuestro — , to meet us. encumbrado, a., lofty. encyclopedia, enciclopedia, /. end, cabo, m., final, m., fin, m.; at the — of, (in time) al cabo de, (in space) al final de; V. tr., terminar, acabar, concluir, 44. enderezar, 34, to straighten. endive, escarola, /. endless, a., inacabable, inter- minable. endomingado, pp. and a., dressed up; dressed in one's "Sunday - go - to -meeting" clothes. endow, v. tr., dotar. endure, v. tr., aguantar, sopor- tar. enemy, enemigo, m. energetic, a., energico. energicamente, adv., with energy, forcibly. energico, a., energetic. enero, m., January. enfermo, a., sick, ill. engaiiar, v. tr., to deceive; fool; — se, to be mistaken. engine, locomotora, /. engineer, ingeniero, m.; (en- gine driver) maquinista, m. England, Inglaterra, /. English, a. and n., ingles, -esa. engrandecer, 38, to enlarge. 356 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK enjaezar, v. tr., 34, to harness, hitch; — en fila, to hitch tandem. enjoy, v. tr., gozar (34) de, disfrutar de, {taste) sabo- rear; — oneself, divertirse 27, distraerse 19. enlarge, v. tr.y engrandecer 38. enlazar 34, v. intr., to connect; — se con, V. refl., to con- nect with. enloquecer, 38, to drive to distraction, rnadden. enorgullecerse, 38, (de), v. refl., to feel proud (of). enorme, a., enormous. enormous, a.y estupendo, enorme. enough, a. and pron., bas- tante, suficiente. enrich, v. tr.y enriquecer 38. enriquecer, v. tr.y to enrich; — se, to become rich. ensacar, 30, v. tr.y to sack. ensalada, /., salad. ensanchar, v. tr.y to extend, widen, develop. ensenada, /., bay. ensenar, v. tr.y to teach, show. enseiiorearse (de), v. refl.y to have control of, hold do- minion over. ensimismado, pp. and a.y absorbed, abstracted, entablar, v. tr.y to initiate, open up. entender (ie), 25, to under- stand; — se con, to have an understanding with, entendido en, pp. and a.y versed in. enter, v. intr., entrar (en), penetrar (en); (matriculate) matricularse (en); meterse (en). enteramente, adv., entirely, enterar, v. tr.y to inform; — se de, to find out about, entero, a.y whole, entire; por — , entirely, enterprise, empresa, /. enterrar, (ie), 23, v. tr.y to bury, entertain, v. tr.y agasajar. entertaining, a.y divertido. entertainment, fiesta, /., en- tretenimiento, m. enthusiastic, <2, entusiasmado, entusiastico; become — , entusiasmarse. entire, a.y entero, todo. entirely, adv.y enteramente, completamente, por com- pleto, por entero. entonces, adv., then; en or por aquel — , at that time. VOCABULARIO 357 entrada, /., entrance, admis- sion. entrar (en), v. intr., to enter. entre or por entre, prep., be- tween, among. entregar, 32, v. tr., to deliver, give up; — se a, give oneself up to. entremes, m., side-dish. entretanto, adv., meanwhile. entretener, 17, v. tr., to enter- tain, attract. entretenimiento, m., enter- tainment. entristecer, 38, v. tr., to sadden. entrust, v. tr., confiar (a) 39. entry, partida, /. entusiasmado, pp, Mfid a.y enthusiastic. entusiasmarse, v.refl., to be- come enthusiastic. entusiasmo, m., enthusiasm. entusiasta, m., enthusiast. entusiastico, «., enthusiastic. enumerar, v. tr., to enumerate. enviar, 39, v. tr., to send. envio, m., shipment. environs, contornos, m. pi., alrededores, m. pL, cer- canias, /. pi. envolver (ue), 26, v. tr., to wrap up. epoca, /., period, epoch. Epoca, La, a Madrid daily, the organ of the Maura branch of the Conservative party. equal, a., igual; v. tr., equivaler 20. equator, ecuador, m. equip, V. tr., montar. equipaje, m., baggage. equipar, v. tr., to equip, fit out. equipo, m., equipment. equivalente, a. and s. in., equivalent. equivaler, 20, v. tr., to equal. equivocarse, 30, v. refl., to be mistaken. era, /., era, period. era, from ser 16. Ercilla y Zufiiga, Alonso de (1533-1595). a Spanish soldier and poet. Prin- cipal work, "La Araucana", a poem based on the wars he had fought in against the Araucanian Indians of S. A. erect, v. tr., edificar 30, con- struir 44, erigir 37. erigir, 37, to erect, build. errante, a., wandering. es, from ser 16. escala, /., ladder, steps; stop (0/ a boat) . escalera, /., stairway. escalon, m., step. 358 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK escape, v. intr., escaparse (de). escaparate, m., show window. escarola, /., endive. escarpado, a., steep, craggy. escasearse, v. refl., to become scarce. escaso, a.y scarce. escena, /., scene. escoger, 37, v. tr,, to choose. escopeta, /., shotgun. Escorial, El, the name of the town and building 31 miles n. w. of Madrid; a library, church, palace, monastery and pantheon; in area, one of the largest buildings of the world. Constructed by Philip II. escrito, pp. of escribir ; por — , in writing; m., writing, literary work. escritor, m., writer. escuadra, /., fleet, squadron. escuchar, v. tr., to hear, listen. escuela, /., school. escultura, /., (piece of) sculp- ture. ese (esa, esos, esas), de7n. a., that those. ese (esa, esos, esas), dem. pron.y that, those, the former; iesas tenemos!, so that's it! esencial, a., essential, im- portant, esencialmente, adv., essential- ly. esforzarse 24, 34, (en), v. refl.y to try hard to. esmeralda, /., emerald. esmerarse, (en) v. refl., to take pains (at), to do one's best. eso, dem. pron. neut., that; por — , therefore, conse- quently; a — de, at about (time of day 07ily). espacio, w., space; — en bianco, blank space. espacioso, a., spacious. espada,/., sword, rapier. espaldillas, /. pL, shoulder- blades. Espana, /., Spain; las Es- pafias, term applied to Spain because the united kingdom was made of vari- ous kingdoms and principal- ities, such as Leon, Castile, Navarre and Aragon. espanol-a, a. and j-., Spanish, Spaniard; a la espaiiola, in Spanish fashion. espaiiolismo, m., devotion to Spain. esparcir, 35, v. tr., to scatter. VOCABULARIO 359 especia, /., spice, medicinal drug. especial, a., special. especially, adv., sobretodo, especialmente. especialmente, adv., espe- cially. especie, /., species, kind. espectaculo, m., sight, spec- tacle. espectador, m., spectator. espejismo, m., mirage. espejo, m., mirror. espera, /., espectation; en — de, awaiting. esperanza, /., hope. esperar, v. tr., to hope; expect; await, wait for. esplendido, a., splendid, fine. esposa, /., wife. esquina, /., corner. essential, a., esencial; what is most — , lo mas esencial. establecer, 38, v. tr., to es- tablish; — se, to settle. establecimiento, m., establish- ment. establish, v. tr., establecer 38. establishment, estableci- miento, m. estacion, /., station, season; — de ferrocarriles, railway station. estadista, m., statesman. estado, m., state, condition. Estados Unidos, m. pL, United States. estallar, v. intr., to break out. estancia, /., stay; {in S. A.) farm. estancado, pp, and a., in- active, dull. estanco, m., tobacco shop {run by the government). estandarte, m., standard. estanquero, m., tobacconist. estano, m., tin. estar, 6, v. intr., to be, be at home; — a punto de, to be about to, on the point of; — a sus anchas, to be at one's ease, comfortable; — de acuerdo, to be agreed; — de vuelta, to be back, to have returned; — en caja, to be well; — enproyecto, to be planned; — en que, to be of the opinion that; — en via de, to be about to; — para, to be about to, on the point of; — sin novedad, to be in usual health; esta bien, very well; ya estamos, here we are. estatua, /., statue. S6o ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK este (esta, estos, estas), dem. a., this these. este (esta, estos, estas), dem. pron., this, these, - the latter; esta, this city. esteem, v. tr.y apreciar; es- teemed letter, apreciable, /. estilo, m., style; por el — , of that kind. estirar, v. tr., to stretch. esto, dem. pron. neut., this; en — , hereupon. estomacal, a., good for the digestion. estoque, w., rapier, sword. estorbar, v. tr., to disturb. estorbo, m., bother, hin- drance. estrado de ferro (Port.), = ferrocarril. estrechar, v. tr., to tighten, make close, — la mano a uno, to shake hands with one. estrecho, m., narrows, strait. estremecerse, 38, v. refl., to quiver, tremble. estrepitoso, a., noisy. estribor, w., starboard, right side of a boat. estuario, w., estuary. estuary, estuario, m. estudiante, m. and/., student. estudiar, v. tr., to study; — para, to study to be. estudio, m.y study, studio. estupendo, a., stupendous, huge. estuve, from estar 6. etcetera, adv., and so forth, et cetera. etimologia, /., etymology, the origin and derivation of words as shown by their analysis. Europa, /., Europe. europeo, a. and j., Euro- pean. evaporar, v. intr. and tr., to evaporate. even, adv., aun, hasta; — yet, aun todavia; not — , ni, ni . . . siquiera. evening, noche, /., tarde, /.; all — , tod a la noche; every — , todas las noches; good — , buenas (noches); in the — , por la noche; {indicat- ing the hour) de la noche. event, suerte, /. ever, adv., jamas. every, a., todo, cada. everybody, pron.., todo el mundo. everything, pron., todo; — Spanish, todo lo espanol, VOCABULARIO 361 todo lo que sea espanol; — must come to an end, no hay bien ni mal que cien anos dure. everywhere, adv., por or a todas partes. evident, it is — , se conoce, ya se ve. evidently, adv., ya se ve, se conoce. evitar, v. tr., avoid, prevent. exact, a.^ exacto; — ly, pre- cisamente. exacto, a.y exact. exaggerate, v. tr., ponderar. examine, v. tr., revisar, regis- trar. example, ejemplo, m.; ejem- plar m.; for — , por ejem- plo. excavar, v. tr., to excavate, dig up. exceder, (a or de) v. intr., to exceed. exceed, v. tr., exceder a, pasar de. exceedingly, adv., sobre- manera; con delirio, de una manera imponderable. excel, V. tr.y ganar a, superar a, descollar (24) a, aventajar a, llevar ventaja a; v. intr., sobresalir. excelente, a., excellent, excellent, a., excelente; most — , sobresaliente. excepcion, /., exception; a — de, excepting, excepcional, a., exceptional, unusual, excepting or except, prep., excepto, a exce.pcion de, si se exceptua. excepto, prep., except, except- ing, exceptuar, 40, v.tr., to except; si se exceptua, excepting, exceso, m., excess; pagar — , to pay for over-weight {of baggage, etc.). excitante, a., stimulating, exclamar, v. tr., to exclaim, exclusivamente, adv., exclu- sively. excursi6n, /., excursion, excusado, — es decir, (it is) needless to say. excuse, v. tr., dispensar. exchange, v. tr., cambiar. executive, a. and s., ejecutivo. exento, a., exempt, free from, exercise, ejercicio, m., deber, m.', v. tr., desempenar, ejercer 35. exigir, 37, to demand, require, exact. 362 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK exile, V. tr., desterrar 23. exist, V. intr.y existir. existence, existencia, /. existente, a., existing. existir, v. intr., to exist. exito, m.y success. expect, V. tr.y esperar, aguar- dar, atenerse (17) a. expedienteOj m., red tape. expedir (i), 29, v. tr., to des- patch, ship. expense, costa,/.; at the — of, a costa de; — s, gastos m. pi. expensive, a., costoso. experience, experiencia, /.; V. tr., experimentar. experiencia, /., experience. experimentar, v. tr.y to expe- rience. experto, a., expert. explain, v. tr., explicar 30. explicar, 30, v. tr., to explain. explotacion, /., development, exploitation. explotar, v. tr.y to work, ex- ploit, develop. exportacion, /., exportation. exportar, v. tr.y to export. exportation, exportacion, /. exposicion, /., exhibition, ex- position. expresar, v. tr.y to express. expresion, /., expression. expreso, a. and s.m.y express, express, expreso, m.; v. tr.y expresar. expression, expresion, }. exquisito, a.y exquisite, extend, v. intr.y extenderse 25; V. tr.y — the market, en- sanchar el mercado. extenderse (ie), 25, v. refl.y to extend, stretch, reach, extensamente, adv., exten- sively, at length, extension, /.; area, extension, extenso, a., extensive, extent, to a certain — , hasta cierto punto. exterior, a.y outside, exterior, extra, to have — , v. tr.y so- brarle a uno, v. intr. extract, extracto, m.; v. tr., extraer, 19. extracto, m.y extract, extraer, 19, v. tr., to take out, extract, extranjero, a. and s.y foreign, foreigner; al — , abroad, extranar, v. tr.y to make or cause to wonder; me ex- traiia, I wonder, extraordinario, a.y extraor- dinary, extravagante, a.y ridiculous, freakish. VOCABULARIO 3^3 extraviarse, 39, v. refl., to get lost. extremeno, m., native of Extremadura. extreme, w., end, extreme. exuberante, a., rich, exuber- ant. eye, ojo, m.; — s, vista, /. f ., abbreviation for f allecio, died. fabrica, /., factory, mill; — de tejidos, textile mill. fabricacion, /., manufacture, construction. fabricante, w., manufacturer. fabricar, 30, v. tr., to manu- facture. fabuloso, a., fabulous, won- derful, facil, a., easy. facilidad, /., facility. facilitate, v. tr., facilitar. facilmente, adv., easily. fact, hecho, m.; often ex- pressed by a clause contain- ing el (iViQ-\rsubj. factor, m., factor. factor, elemento, m., factor, m. factory, fabrica, /. factura, /., bill. facturar, v. tr., to check (trunks). faculty, profesorado, m. fachada, /., fagade. faeton, m., carry-all. fail, V. intr., faltar, dejar de; {to be a failure) fracasar; without — , sin faltar, sin falta. faint, V. intr., desmayarse. fairly, adv., bastante, harto. faith, fe, /. , faja, /., strip. falda, /., skirt, foothill. falso, a., false. falta,/., lack, scarcity; sin — , without fail. faltar, v. intr., to fail, be lack- ing; — le a uno, to be neces- sary to or for one. fall, V. intr., caer 3; — asleep, dqrmirse 28; — ' down, caerse; — due, veneer 35; s., caida,/. fallecer, 38, v. intr., to die. fallo, m., decision. falls, caida, /. fama, /., fame, reputation. familia, /., family. familiarizarse 34, (con), v.refl., to get acquainted (with). family, familia,/. famoso, a., famous. famous, a., famoso, afamado, ilustre, renombrado. 3^4 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK fan, abanico, m. fancy, v. tr.y antojarsele a uno, imaginar(se). far, a.y lejano; adv.^ lejos; — away, lejos; — ■ in the dis- tance, muy a lo lejos; how — is it from here?, icuanto dista de aqui?; how — are we?, da cuanta or que distancia estamos?; be — from, distai: (mucho) de. Farnese, Isabel, of Parma, the second wife of Philip V, mother of Charles III. fascinar, v. tr., to fascinate. fascinate, v. tr., encantar, fascinar. fast, adv.y aprisa, de prisa, rapidamente. fat, «., graso, gordo. father, padre, m. fault, falta, /.; — finder or — finding, j". and a.., que- jumbroso. favor, m.y favor; es — que Vd. me hace, you flatter me. favorite, a.y predilecto, pre- ferido, favorito; s% favori- to, m. favorito, a. and j-., favorite. fazenda (Port:) = hacienda, coffee plantation {of Brazil), fe,/., faith. fear, v. tr., temer, tener (17) miedo de; /., temor, w., miedo, m. febrero, m., February. fecundidad, /., fertility. fecha, /., date; con esta — , under date of today; sesenta dias — , sixty days from date. feel, V. tr.y sentir 27; — ill; sentirse malo or enfermo; — like, darle (4) a uno la gana; — proud of, enorgu- llecerse (38) de; — sorry, sentir. Felipe, Philip; — II (reigned 1 556-1 598), took the throne on the abdication of his father, Charles V; — III (reigned 1598-1621), son of Philip II; — IV (reigned 1621-1665), son of Philip III; — V (reigned 1 700- 1 746), as grandson of Maria Teresa (daughter of Philip IV), and Louis XIV of France, he became the first Bourbon king of Spain, by right of the will of Charles II. feliz, a.y happy, fortunate. felt, fieltro, m. feo, a.y ugly, unpleasant. VOCABULARIO 365 feraz, a., fertile. Ferdinand, Fernando. feretro, m., bier. Fernando, Ferdinand; — II of Aragon; married Isabella I of Castile in 1479, thus uniting the crowns of Cas- tile, Leon and Aragon; — VI (reigned 1746- 175 9), son of Philip V; — VII (reigned 1808-1833), son of Charles IV; repealed the Salic law established in Spain by Philip V. ferreo, ^., of iron, iron. ferrocarril, m., railway. Ferrocarril Gran Oeste, the Great Western Railway, constructed in the early eighties between Villa Mer- cedes and Mendoza, Argen- tina, and planned as a part of the transcontinental line. It is now leased to the Ferrocarril Buenos Aires y Pacifico. ferrocarrilero, a., pertaining to railways. ferroviario, a., pertaining to railways. fertil, a., fertile. fertile, a.y feraz, fertil. fertility, fecundidad, /. fever, calentura, /. few, pron. and «., pocos; a — , unos pocos, unos cuantos. fiction, literatura novelesca, /. fideos, m. pi. vermicelli. §eld, campo, m, fielmente, adv., faithfully. fieltro, w., felt. fiery, a., fogoso. fiesta,/., entertainment, festi- val. fifteen, quince; — th cen- tury, el siglo XV (quince). fifty, cincuenta. fight, combate, m.; v. intr., pelear(se) (con), luchar (con); V. tr., {with a hull) torear, lidiar. fighter, {of bulls) torero, m. Figueras y Moragas, Es- tanislao (1819-1882), first president of the Spanish republic; held office from Feb. 12 to June 8, 1873. figura, /., figure. figurar, v. tr., to represent. fijar, V. tr., to establish, fix; — la vista en, to gaze at; — se en, to notice. fijo, de — que no, adv., surely not, certainly not. fila, /., file, row; en — , tandem. 366 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Filadelfia, Philadelphia. film, pelicula, /. fill an order, servir (29) un pedido. fin, m., end, purpose; al, en, or por fin, at last, finally; a — de que, conj., in order that, so that; a fines de, at the end of {the month). final, m., end; al — , at last. final, <^., ultimo; — ly, adv., finalmente, por fin. finalmente, adv.,, at last. finca, /., country estate, farm. find, V. tr., hallar, encontrar 24, encontrarse con; — one's way, orientarse; — out, averiguar 36, enterarse de, venir (21) en conoci- miento de. fine, a.y magnifico, elegante, bueno; — !, iexcelente! finish, V. tr., acabar, terminar; — off, dar (4) la ultima mano a. fiord, ria orillada de altas rocas, /. fire, incendio, m., fuego, m.; — -arm, arrna de fuego; — upon, V. tr., disparar contra. firm, casa, /.; — name, razon social, /. firma, /. signature. firmar, v. tr., to sign. first, a. and adv., primer(o) {abbreviated) i ; adv., por vez primera; — floor, piso principal, primer piso; at — , al principio. fish, pescado, m.; v. tr. and intr., pescar 30. fit out or up, V. tr., montar, equipar. fitting, be — , v. intr.,convtmT 21, ser (16) conveniente. five, cinco. flat, a., aplastado, chato. flattering, a., risuefio. flee, V. intr., huir 44. fleet, escuadra, /., flota, /., armada, /. flete, m., freight. flight, fuga,/.; first — up, en el primer piso. floating, a., fiotante. flood, V. tr., inundar. floor, piso, m.; first — (up), primer piso, m., piso prin- cipal, m.; ground — , piso bajo, m. flor, /., flower. florecer, 38, v. intr., to flour- ish, prosper. florero, m., flower bed. floresta, /., forest. VOCABULARIO Z^l Florida, /., Florida. flota, /., fleet. flotante, a.y floating. flour, harina, /. flourish, V. intr., florecer 38, medrar. flower, flor, /. fluvial, a., water, pertaining to rivers; via — , water- way. foco, m., street light. fogoso, a.y fiery. follow, V. tr.y seguir 29, 33; — an occupation, ejercer (35) un oficio; — a street, seguir por una calle; — the direction or road, llevar {or seguir) el camino. fond, be — of, ser (16) parti - dario de, ser aficionado a, ser dado a, ser amante de; tener (17) aficion a. fonda, /., restaurant. fondear, v. intr., to anchor. fondo, m. bottom; a ~, thor- oughly. food, alimento, w.; — prod- uct, producto alimenticio, m.; the — is good, se come bien. fool, ton to, m,, bobo, m.; V. tr., engaiiar. foolish, a.y ton to. foot, pie, m.; (of animals) pata, /.; ball, foot-ball, m.; on — , a pie. foothills, faldas, /. pi. for, prep., (destination) para, a; (time expressions) dur- ante, por; (in exchange for) por; (continued time) hacer + time + que; conj., pues, puesto que, ya que. forage, pasto, m. forastero, w., foreigner. force, fuerza, /.; be in — , regir 29, 37, estar (6) vigente. forcibly, adv., energicamente. foreign, a., extranjero, ex- trafio. foreigner, extranjero, m., forastero, m. forest, selva, /., floresta, /., bosque, m.; a., forestal. forestal, a., sylvan, pertain- ing to forests. forge, forja, /.; v. tr., fraguar. forget, V. tr., olvidar, olvidarse de, olvidarsele a uno. forgive, v. tr., perdonar. forja, /., forge. form, forma, /.; v. tr., for- mar. forma, /., form, shape. formar, v. tr., to form. 368 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK former, a., anterior; the — , pron., aquel, etc.; — ly, anteriormente, en tiempos pasados. fortaleza, /., fortress. fortnight, quincena, /. fortuna, /., fortune. forty, cuarenta fortunate, afortunado. forzar, (ue), 24, 34, to force, compel. found, V. tr.f fundar; be — , encontrarse 24, hallarse. founder, fundador, m. foundling asylum, inclusa, /. foundry, fundicion, /. fountain, fuente, /. four, cuatro. fracasar, v. intr., to fail. fragmento, m., fragment. fraguar, v. tr., to forge. France, Francia, /. frances, — esa, a., French; a la francesa, in French fashion. Francia, /., France. Francisco, Francis. franquear, v. tr., to pay post- age on, to stamp. franqueo, m., postage. frase, /., phrase, sentence. fray, m., friar. Fray Bentos, a city of Uruguay on the Uruguay river, 200 miles by rail n. w. from Montevideo; population about 15,000. frecuencia, /., frequency; con — , frequently. frecuente, a.y frequent. frecuentemente, adv., fre- quently. free, a., libre; (without pay- ment) gratis. freight, flete, w., carga, /.; — boat, buque de flete or carga. frente, /., forehead; m. front; — a, en — de, opposite, frequent, a., frecuente; — ly, frecuentemente, con fre- cuencia. fresco, a., cool, fresh; hacer — , to be cool (of the weather). fresh, a., fresco; (not salt) dulce. friend, amigo-a, m. and f. friendly, a., amable. frighten, v. tr., asustar, es- pantar, aterrar, dar (4) miedo a. frightful, a., que asusta. frigorifero, m., refrigerating plant, frio, a. and j., cold, from, prep., de, desde. VOCABULARIO 3<^9 front, a.y delantero; in — (seat), en el delantero; in — of, en frente de, delante de; water — , barrio mari- nero, m. frontera, /., frontier, bound- ary. frontier, frontera, /., limites nacionales, m. pi. frost, helada(s), /. frozen, pp. and a., congelado. fruit, fruta, /. fruta, /., fruit. fruto, w., product, fruit; — s, produce. fue J from ir 9, or ser 16. fuel, combustible, m. fuente, /., fountain. fuersiy from ir 9, or ser 16. fuera, adv.y outside, away; — de, prep., except, out- side of, out of. fuere, from ir 9, or ser 16. fuero, m.y local statute law, privilege granted to a prov- ince. fuerte, a., strong, enduring, vigorous. fuerza, /., force. fuese, from ir 9, or ser 16; por pequenas que — n, however small they may be. fuga, /., flight. fui, from ir 9, or ser 16. fulfill, V. tr.f cumplir con. full, a.y lleno, atestado; there is a — house, hay un lleno. fully, adv.y de lleno. fumador, m., smoker. fumar, v. tr., to smoke. funcion, /., function, per- formance (theatrical). funcionar, v. intr., to operate, work; {of drama or opera) to play. fundacion, /., founding. fundador, m., founder. fundar, v. tr., to found; — se, to base one's opinion. fundicion, /., foundry, smel- ter. fundir, v. tr., to smelt, fuse. funesto, a., gloomy, ill-fated. funny, a., divertido, gracioso. furia, /., fury. further, adv., — on, mas alia; — north, mas al norte. fuse, V. tr.y fundir. futuro, a. and s., future. gabacho, m., a term used in derision of the French, gabinete, tn., sitting-room. Gabriel, w., Gabriel. 370 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK gachupin, m.y nickname given to Spaniards in S . A. gala, /., gala; habitaciones de — , state apartments, gala rooms. galera, /., galley; van, wagon. Galera, name of a tunnel on the Oroya Railway of Peru; the highest tunnel in the world, 15,665 feet high and 3855 feet long. galeria, /., gallery. gales, -esa, a. and s., Welsh. Galician, a. and j., gallego. gallego, a. and j-., of or per- taining to Galicia, a region of n.w. Spain; in the New World, often applied as a nickname to Spaniards. gallery, galeria, /.; picture — , galeria de pinturas,/., pina- coteca, /., top — (0/ a theater)^ paraiso, m. galley, galera, /. gallina, /., hen. gallo, m.j rooster; en menos que canta un — , in a jiffy. gana, /., desire; de buena — , willingly, gladly, ganadero, m., cattleman; a., cattle-raising, ganado, m., cattle. ganar, v. tr., to gain, care, win; — a, to excel; — se la vida, to earn one's living; — se la palma, to carry ofF the palm. gandulear, v. intr., to loaf. gangplank, tablazon de em- barque, m., escala, /. Gaona, Rodolfo, a Mexican bull-fighter who is very popular in Spain. garden, jardin, m.; — produce, hortaliza, /., frutos, m. pL^ garment, vestido, m. gas, gas, m. Gasparini, an Italian artist who decorated one of the rooms of the Madrid palace with silk brocade. It re- quired 32 years to complete the work. gastar, v. tr., to spend, waste, wear. gastos, m. pl.y expenses. gate, puerta, /. gather, v. tr., recoger 37, reunir, (of crops) cosechar. gaucho, m., cowboy. This term is used especially in Argentina. gauge, norma, /. gay-colored, a.y de colores vivos. VOCABULARIO zn gaze at, v. tr., fijar la vista en; mirar, observar. gemir (i), 29, to moan, whine. general, a. and s., general; por lo — -, generally. Generalife, m., an ancient building of Granada, the summer residence of the Moorish kings. General Mines, Minas Geraes iPort)y f. pL; in Spanish, Minas Generates, generally, adv., por lo general, comunmente. genero, m., kind; pl.y goods. genio, m.y temperament, spirit. Geneva, Genoa, gente, /., people; — pudiente, people of consequence or means, gentio, m., throng, crowd, swarm, gentleman, caballero, m., seiior, m. geografico, a., geographical, geography, geografia, /. gerente, w., manager. German, a. and s., aleman, -ana. Germany, Alemania, /. Gerona, /., the most north- eastern province of Spain. gerundio, m., gerund, present participle. get, V. tr.y conseguir 29, 33, obtener 17; {of tickets) tomar; — aboard, embar- carse 30, meterse a bordo; — along well with, conge- niar bien con; — acquainted with, conocer 38, familiari- zarse con; — a scare, llevar un susto; — into or on, subir a, meterse en; — lost, extraviarse 39, perderse 25; — out, V. tr,, llevar fuera; V. intr.y bajar, salir 15; — out of, V. intr.y prescind ir de; — permission to, conseguir permiso para; — passage, tomar pasaje, — ready, V. tntr., prepararse; — rough (of the sea), agitarse, picarse 30; — seasick, marearse, ponerse (12) mareado; — to be, llegar (32) a ser; — up, levantarse; — up early, madrugar 32. Gibraltar, m., Gibraltar. gigantesco, a., gigantic, huge. Gil de Ontafion, Juan, a Spanish architect of the i6th century. His son Rodrigo was more famous than he. 372 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Giordano, Luca (163 2-1 705), a very facile Italian painter who, at the invitation of Charles II of Spain, spent 13 years working in Madrid. Giralda, La, the tower of Moorish origin, the finest specimen of its kind in the world, which stands at the n. e. corner of the Seville cathedral. The upper part of the belfry and the vane were added in 1568 by Fernando Ruiz in Renais- sance style. giraldillo, in., vane. girar, v. intr.y to turn, whirl; — contra, to draw upon. girl, muchacha, /., nina, /. gitano, a. and s., gypsy. give, V. tr.y dar 4; — an order {fo^ goods), hacer (8) un pedido; — attention to, atender (25) a; — battle to, dar batalla a; — birth to, dar a luz; — up, v. intr., darse por vencido; v. tr., abdicar 30, renunciar, en- tregar 32. glad, a., contento; be — , alegrarse (de), estar (6) contento; where we shall be — to have you call. donde Vd. tiene su casa; — ly., adv.y de buena gana, de buen grado, de buenii voluntad; most — ly, de mil amores. glass, vidrio, m. glide, V. intr.y deslizarse 34. glimmer, v. intr., rielarse. globe, globo, m.y mundo, w. globo, m., globe. gloria,/., glory. glorioso, a.y glorious. glove, guante, m. glow, brillo, m. go, V. intr.y ir 9, largarse 32 (colloquial), marcharse, (to be in motion) andar i, mar- char; — aboard, subir a bordo (de), embarcarse (30) en; — afoot, ir a pie; — ashore, desembarcarse 30; — down stairs, bajar la escalera; — far in some- thing, meter las manos hasta los codos en algo; — for a walk, ir a pasearse; — in, into, entrar (en); — on one*s way, seguir (29, 33) su camino; — out, {of a light) apagarse 32; — out on, salir (15) a; — driving, ir a paseo en coche; — to bed, acostarse 24; — to VOCABULARIO 373 sleep, dormirse 28; — to the aid of, ir en auxilio de; — through, pasar por; — up, subir a or por, ascender 25, trepar por; — up on deck, subir al puente or a la cubierta; how does one, — ? J por donde se va? gobernacion, /., government, gobernante, a., governing, gobernar (ie) 24, v. tr., to govern. gobierno, m., government. God, Dios, m. godo, m.y Goth; also applied as nickname to Spaniards in S. A. Godoy, Manuel de (1767- 185 1), Duke of Alcudia and Prince of Peace; prime minister and royal favorite of Charles IV and of his wife, Maria Luisa of Parma, whose lover he was. gold, oro, m. golf, m., golf. golfo, m., gulf. gone by, pp. and a., pasado. good, buen(o); — for the digestion, estomacal; — day, buenos dias; — night, buenas noches or buenas (tardes); be — {valid), valer 20; s. bien, m. — s, generos, m. pL, efectos, m. pL; mercancias, /. pL; mercaderias, /. pi. good-by, adios, m. gordo, a. and s., fat; el pre- mio — , or el — (in speak- ing of lottery prizes), first prize. gorge, tajo, m. gorro, m.y cap. gota,/., drop; gout. Goth, godo, m. Gothic, a., gotico; late — , gotico decadente. g6tico, a.y Gothic. gout, gota, /. govern, v. tr., gobernar 24. governing, a., gobernante. government, gobierno, m. governor, gobernador, m. Goya y Lucientes, Francisco (1748-1828), a versatile and facile Spanish painter who used the pencil, brush or graver with equal power. His etchings are widely known. His tapestry de- signs are numerous and varied. He excelled in portraiture. gozar (de), v. intr., 34, to enjoy. 374 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK gracia, /., grace, pleasing ap- pearance; — s, /. pL, thanks. grade, calidad, /. graderia, /., flight of stairs or steps. grado, m., degree; pleasure; de buen — , willingly, gladly. graduarse, v. refl.^ to graduate, to be graduated. gramatica, /., grammar. Granada, the capital of the province of the same name in s. Spain; former capital of the Moorish kingdom of Granada; population about 70,000. granadino, a. and s., Grana- dine, of Granada. grande or gran, a., great, large, grandeza, /., size, greatness, hugeness, glory, great char- acter, great man. grandiose, a., splendid, won- derful. grandisimo, a., very large. granito, w., granite. Granja, La, The Grange, a favorite summer palace of the king and queen of Spain; in the province of Segovia, on w. slope of the Guadarramas; construction begun by PhiHp V, in 171 9. grano, m., grain; berry (of coffee). grant, v. tr., conceder. grape, uva, /. graso, a., fat. grateful, a., agradecido. gratis, a., gratis, free of charge. gratitude, agradecimiento, m. grato, a.y pleasant, welcome. great, a., gran(de); — er, mayor, mas grande; — est, sumo, el mayor, el mas grande; the — er part, la mayor parte, la mayoria; — ly, adv., mucho, sobre- manera. Great Scott!, inter j., icaramba! greatness, grandeza, /. green, a., verde. greet, v. tr., saludar. gridiron, parillas, /. pi. griego, a. and j-., Greek. grind, v. tr., moler 26, ma- chacar 30. grinding, a., moliente. gringo, m., term applied in several Spanish-American countries to foreigners, es- pecially to North Ameri- cans. According to the Academy dictionary, a cor- ruption of griego. VOCABULARIO 375 gris, a,, gray. gritar, v. tr. and intr., to shout, cry out. grito, m.y cry, shout. grosero, a.y coarse, rude, crude. grotto, gruta, /. ground, suelo, m.y terreno, m. grupo, m.y group. gruta, /., grotto, cave. Guadalevin, w., a small river flowing through Ronda, s. Spain. Guadalquivir, m., a river of s. w. Spain. It is 360 miles long, flowing s. w. into the Atlantic. Navig- able to Seville, 54 miles, by vessels up to 1500 tons. Guadarrama, Sierra de, the chain of mountains which, with the Sierra de Gredos, divides Old from New Castile; about 50 miles n. w. of Madrid. guanaco, m.y guanaco, a species of alpaca or llama. guano, m.y guano, seabirds* dung used as fertilizer. guard, (the corps) guardia, /.; (the member of the corps) guardia, m.; civil — , guardia civil {with the same distinc- tion in genders). guardarse, v. refl., to keep, put away. guardia, {the corps) /.; {the member of the corps) m., guard; — de orden publico, policeman. guarnecido, m., stucco-work. guarnicion, /., garrison. guerra, /., war. guerrero, m.y warrior; a.y war- like. Guerrero, Maria (1868-), the leading Spanish actress of today. Studied under Coquelin, Paris. Married in 1896 Fernando Diaz de Mendoza. guest, huesped, m. guia, /., guide book; m.y guide. guiar, V. tr.y to drive, guide. guide, {person) guia, m., cicerone, {Italian word) m.; {book) guia, /. guitar, guitarra, /. guitarra,/., guitar. gustar, V. intr.y to please. ( Used mostly in the ^rd. per. sing, and pi.); me gustan los libros, I like the books. 376 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK gusto, m., pleasure, taste; tanto — , delighted; a su — , to one's taste; sobre — s no hay nada escrito, tastes difFer. gypsy, a. and j-., gitano. H haber, 7, to have (as auxil- iary); — de, to be to; hay, there is, there are; habia, there was, there were; habia de todo, there was something of everything; muchos aflos ha, many years ago. habitable, a., habitable. habitacion, /., room. habitante, m. and f.^ inhabit- ant. habitar, v. tr., to inhabit. habituar, v. tr., to accustom. habia, /., speech. hablar, v. tr., to speak. habre, from haber 7. hacendado, m., land-owner. hacer, 8, v. tr., to make, do; — calor, to be hot {weather); — de, to act as; — el favor, (to) please; — entrar, to show in; — escala en, to put in at, stop (0/ boats); — le falta algo a uno, to need some- thing; — la guerra a, to make war on; — (se) lenguas de, to praise; — rabiar, to drive frantic; — saber, to inform, make known; — una pregunta, to ask a question; — una propaganda, to carry on a propaganda; — una vida, to lead a life; — un pedido (de), to give an order (for); — un viaje, to take a trip; — valer, to put to account; — ver, to show; — se, to become; — se a la mar, to set out to sea; — se cono- cer, to make oneself known; — se entender, to make oneself understood; — se llevar, to have oneself taken; hace frio, it is cold; hace tanto tiempo, a long while ago; hace poco, a short time ago. hacia, prep., toward, hacienda, /., treasury, haga, from hacer 8. hago, from hacer 8. hair, cabello, m.; long — , or head of — , cabellera, /. halagar, 32, v. tr., to delight, halago, m., cajolery. VOCABULARIO 377 half, a.y medio; /., mitad, /.; — breed, mestizo, m.; — past, {of the hour) y media. hall, salon, m. hallar, v. tr., to find; — se, V. reft,; to be found, to be. hambre, /., hunger. hand, mano, /.; {workman) brazo, m.; — to — , cuerpo a cuerpo; by — , a mano, on every — , por tod as partes; on the other — , en cambio; v. tr., entregar 32, acercar 30. handbag, maleta, /. handkerchief, panuelo, m. handle, v. tr., manejar. hang (up), V. tr., colgar 32. hangings, colgaduras, /. pi. happen, v. intr., pasar, ocu- rrir, suceder, acontecer 38. hapsburgo, a. and s,. Haps- burg, the Austrian royal family. From Philip I to Charles II, the Spanish kings were Hapsburgs. harbor, puerto, m. hard, a., dificil; {to the touch) duro; work — , trabajar de firme. hardly, adv., apenas (si); casi no, dificilmente. hare, from hacer 8. harina, /., flour. hartar, v. tr., satiate, tire, weary. harto, adv., rather, sufficiently. harvest, v. tr., cosechar. hasta, prep., to, up to, even, as far as, until; I — otra vez!, so long!; — que, conj., until. hastily, adv., apresurada- mente, de prisa. hat, sombrero, m.; — -store, sombrereria, /.; maker, sombrerero, m. hatch up, V. tr., tramar. hate, V. tr,, aborrecer 38. have, V. tr., {possession) tener 17; {of meals) tomar; {cau- sation) hacer (8) (+ inf. or subj.); {auxiliary) haber 7; — a good time, divertirse 27, pasar un buen rato; — a liking for, tener (17) afici6n a; — an understand- ing with, entenderse (25) con; — extra, sobrarle a uno; — left, quedarle a uno; — oneself taken, hacerse llevar; — part in, tener parte en; — to, tener que (+ inf.); — to do with, tener que ver con; — to spare, sobrarle a uno. 378 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK hay, from haber 7, there is, there are; — que, one must. hay a, from haber 7. Hayti, Haiti, m. haz, from hacer 8. hazaiia, /., deed. he, has, ha, etc., from haber 7. he, inter j., behold; hele por aqui, here he is. he, pers. pron., el; (before of or that) el; — who, el que, quien. head, cabeza, /.; — travel- ing salesman, jefe de los comisionistas. headquarters, centro, m.; casa de administracion, /.; (of army) cuartel general. health, salud, /.; — first, la salud ante todo; be in good — , estar (6) en caja, estar bien de salud ; be in usual — , estar sin novedad. healthfulness, salubridad, /. healthy, a., sano. hear, v. tr., oir 10, escuchar; — about, oir hablar de; — from, recibir las noticias de; — say or said., oir decir; — speak or spoken, oir hablar; let — from, enviar (39) uno sus noticias a otro. heart, corazon, m. heat, calor, m. heatedly, adv., a porfia. heaven, cielo, m. heavy, a., pesado. hecho, pp. 0/ hacer 8 ; m,, fact. heed, v. tr., reparar en, hacer caso de; give — to, poner (12) reparos en. height, altura, /., elevacion, /., eminencia, /. heighten, v. tr., realzar, 34. helada,/., frost. help, V. tr,, ayudar, auxiliar, remediar; s., ayuda, /., auxilio, m., remedio, m.; there is no — for it, no hay remedio. hell, infierno, m. hello, interj., hola. hemisferio, m., hemisphere. hence, adv., de ahi; conj., de ahi que. her, poss. a., su, de ella {often expressed hy the def. art.)', pers. pron. indir. ohj., le; dir. ohj., la; {after a prep.), ella. Heraldo, El, a Madrid daily which supports Radical- Monarchist politics; owned by the Sociedad Editorial de Espaiia. herd, rebaiio, m. VOCABULARIO 379 here, adv.y aqui; — and there, por aqui y por alia; — is, • are, (dem.) he aqui, aqui esta(n); — we are, ya esta- mos; — you are, tome Vd. herir, (ie, i), 27, v. tr., to wound, strike. hermano-a, m. and/., brother, sister. hermosear, v. tr., to beautify. hermosisimo, a., very beauti- ful. hermoso, a., beautiful. hermosura, /., beauty. heroe, m., hero. heroically, adv., heroicamente. heroico, a., heroic. heroina, /., heroine. herrador, m., horseshoer. herradura, /., horseshoe. herramienta, /., tool, imple- ment. herrero, w., blacksmith. hervir (i)^ 29, v. tr. and intr., to boil. hice, from hacer 8. hide, cuero m.; beef — , cuero de ganado, m.\ tanned — , curtido, m. hidroelectrico, a., hydro-elec- tric. hierba, /., grass; — mate, Paraguayan tea. hierro, m., iron. high, <2., alto, elevado; {in height) de altura; to be so many feet — , tener (17) tantos pies de altura; — school, escuela superior, /. — ly, adv., en sumo grado, sumamente. highland, meseta, /., alti- planicie, /. paramo, w. Highness, Alteza, /. highway, carretera, /., cal- zada, /. higo, m., fig. hijo, w., son, child. hilandero-a, m. andf., spinner. hilar, v. tr., to spin. hilera, /., row. hilo, m., thread. hill, monte, m., cerro, m. him, pers. pron., dir. obj. and indir. obj. le; (after a prep.), el. himself, pers. pron. refi., se; intensive, mismo, propio. hinder, v. tr., impedir 29, dificultar, estorbar, moles- tar. hindrance, estorbo, m., moles- tia, /. hipnotico, a., hypnotic. hipodromo, m., race-track. hire, v. tr., alquilar. 38o ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK his, poss. a., su, de el; often expressed by the def. art. Hispanic, a., hispano, hispa- nico. hispano, «., Spanish, Hispanic; — americano, a. and s., Spanish-American, historia, /., history, historian, historiador, m. historico, a.., historical, history, historia, /. hit, V. tr., golpear; — the mark, dar (4) en el bianco, hitch, V. tr., enjaezar 34. hither, adv., (aqui, aca (with verb of motion); — and thither, aqui (or aca) y alia, hito, m., boundary mark, hizo, from hacer 8. hogar, m.y home, fire-side, abode, hoja, /., leaf, sheet, page, hola, inter j., hello, hold, V. tr., conservar, tener 17; — in pleasant memory, tener en grata memoria; get — of, apoderarse de; s., bodega, /. holgar, (ue), 24, 32, v, intr., to be useless; — se, to idle, amuse oneself; huelga decir, needless to say. holly, acebo, m. hombre, m., man; {in excla- mations) man alive! hombro, m., shoulder. home, hogar, m., casa, /., domicilio, m., residencia, /., vivienda, /. ; — soil, terruno original; adv., a casa. homesickness (for), nostalgia (de),/. hondo, a., deep. honor, m., honor. honrado, pp. and a., honest, honored. honrar, v. tr., to honor. hope, esperanza, /.; v. intr., esperar. hora, /., hour; por — s, by the hour. horizonte, m., horizon. hormigon, m., cement. hormigueo, m., hurly-burly. horno, m., oven. horse, caballo, m.; — power, caballo de fuerza, w.; — dealer, chalan m. horseshoe, herradura, /.; — curve, curva de herradura,/. horseshoer, herrador, m. hortaliza, /., garden produce. hospedaje, m., lodging. hospedar, v. tr., to lodge, give lodgings, put up; — se en, to put up at, to lodge at. VOCABULARIO 381 hospital, m., hospital. hot, «., caliente, calido, {of weather) caluroso; it is — {weather) y hace calor. hotel, m., hotel. hotel, hotel, w., posada, /., small — , hotelito, w.; — keeper, hotelero, m. hotelero, w., proprietor {of a hotel) y hotel keeper. hotelito, dimin. of hotel. hour, hora, /.; — after — , hora tras hora; an — after, a una hora de; an — before, con una hora de anticipa- cion; by the — , por horas. house, casa; /.; country — , casa de campo, /.; little — , casita, /.; v. tr.y domiciliar, alojar, almacenar {of things). household, familia, /. how?, adv.y dcomo?; — goes it?, dque tal?; — long?, dcuanto tiempo hace (hacia) que?; much?,tcuanto? — ibeautiful!, ique {or !cuan) hermoso!; {indirect exclamations) \o-\-a. or adv. Howells, William Dean (183 7-), the foremost Am- erican novelist, editor and critic of today. He has for many years been deeply interested in things Spanish. however, adv., sin embargo, empero; — much, por mucho que + suhj.', — small it may be, por peque- iio-a que sea. hoy, adv., today; — dia, nowadays; the present time; — mismo, this very day; — por — , nowadays; todo — , this whole day. huaso {or guaso), m.., rustic {Chilean). hubiera, from haber 7. hubiese,/rom haber 7. hubo, from haber 7. huele, from oler 26a. huelga, /., strike. huelguista, m., striker. Huelva, a maritime province of s.w. Spain, noted for its copper times. huerto, m., orchard. huesped-a, m. and f., guest. huevo, m.y egg. huge, a.y inmenso, enorme, estupendo. huir, 44, V. intr.y to flee. hule, w., rubber; {S. A. term), huUa, /., soft coal. humano, a., human. 382 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp (1847-1910), an English army officer and author. He was educated in Spain; wrote many books on Spanish and EngHsh his- tory; editor of the Spanish State papers; wrote "Mod- ern Spain", "Spain, 1479- 1788", "PhiHp II of Spain", etc. humillar, v. tr., to humble, humiliate. humo, w., smoke. humor, m. humor. hunchback, a. and s.y cor- covado, jorobado. hundirse, v. refl,, to sink. hundred, one — , ciento, or cien {before its noun); two — , doscientos-as. hunger, hambre, /. hungry, a., hambriento, con hambre; *be — (for), tenet (17) hambre (de). hurly-burly, hormigueo, m. hurry, prisa, /.; there is no — , no corre prisa; v. intr., apresurarse (para); be in a — , tener prisa, estar de prisa, darse prisa. husband, esposo, m., marido, m. hydro-electric, a., hidro- electrico. hypnotic, a., hipnotico. I, pers. pron., yo. iba, from ir 9. Iberian, a. and j., iberico. iberico, a. and j-., Iberian. ida, /., going, departure; — y venida, going and coming, bustle; de — y vuelta, round trip, idea,/., idea. idear, v. tr.^ to plan, think out. identico, a., identical, identificar, 30, v. tr., to identify, idioma, m., language, idle, V. intr., holgarse 32. ido, pp. and j., one departed, absent, if, conj., si. iglesia, /., church, ignorancia, /., ignorance, igual, a.y equal, like, same: sin — , unequalled, igualmente, adv., equally, likewise, the same, iluminar, v. tr., to illuminate, ilustrado, a., illustrated, learned, informed, ilustrar, v. tr,, to illustrate. VOCABULARIO 383 ilustre, a., illustrious, cele- brated. ill, a., enfermo; — -will, rencor, m., malquerencia, /. illustrate, v. tr., ilustrar. imaginacion, /., imagination. imaginar(se), v. tr. and refl., to imagine. imagine, v, tr., imaginar(se), figurarse. imitar, v. tr., to imitate. immediately, adv., en seguida, seguidamente, inmediata- mente. immense, a., inmenso, enor- me; — ly, sobremanera. immigrant, inmigrante, m. immortal, a., inmortal. Imparcial, El, a Madrid daily owned by the Sociedad Editorial de Espafia; sup- ports the Liberal-Mon- archist program; circulates widely among the working classes of the provinces. impart, v. tr., prestar. impedir (i), 29, v. tr., to pre- vent, stop, hinder. imperative, a, and s,, im- perative. imperio, m., empire. impsrishable, a., inmarcesible. implement, herramienta, /. imponderable, a., inexpres- sible. imponente, a., imposing. imponer, 12, v. tr., to impose, establish. import, V. tr., importar. importancia, /., importance. importante, a., important. importar, v. tr. and intr., to import, be important, amount to; no importa, it doesn't matter, never mind. impose, v. tr., imponer 12. imposibilitar, v. tr., to block, make impossible. imposing, a., imponente. impossible, a., imposible, no dable. impresionar, v. tr., to impress. impress, v. tr., imprimir, im- presionar. imprimir, 45, v. tr., to print, impress. imprisionar, v. tr., to im- prison. imprison, v. tr., imprisionar. imprisonment, encarcela- miento, m. improper, inconveniente. improve, v. tr., mejorar, re- formar. impuesto, m., duty, tatifF, impost. 384 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK impulsar, v. tr., to move, im- pel. impuse, from imponer 12. in, prep., en, por, de (after a superlative^ ; (within) den- tro de; — population, por su poblacion. inacabable, a.y interminable. inactividad, /., stagnation. inagotable, a., inexhaustible. inaguantable, a., unendurable. inalambrico, a., wireless. incalculable, a., inestimable, incalculable. incarnate, v. tr., encarnar. Incas, m. pL, "the people of the sun", who developed a high civilization in the Cuzco valley and else- where in Peru. Their em- pire was at its height in the 13th and 14th centuries. incendio, m., fire. inclinar, v. tr., to incline, turn. inclined to, a., partidario de. include, v. tr., comprender. inclusa, /., foundling asylum. inconveniente, a., improper, not fitting, unsuitable; m., difficulty, obstacle. increase, aumento, m.; v. tntr.y aumentarse, tomar aumento. increasing, a., creciente. increible, a., incredible, un- believable. incremento, m., increase. inch, pulgada, /. indagacion, /., investigation. indecible, a., inexpressible; de una manera — , beyond words. indeciso, a., indecisive. indeed, adv., ya, si que + clause; — not, ya no; yes indeed, ya lo creo. independencia, /., indepen- dence. independiente, a., independ- ent. Indian, a. and s., indio. indicacion, /. indication. indicar, 30, v. tr., to indicate, point out. indicate, v. tr., indicar 30, marcar 30. indication, indicacion, /. indicativo, a. and s., indicative. indiferencia, /., indifference. indio, a. and s., Indian. indispensable, a., indis- pensable, necessary. individualismo, m., individr ualism. individuo, m., individual. indole, /., nature* charactsr. VOCABULARIO 38s indudablemente, adv., with- out doubt, doubtless(ly). industrial /., industry. • industrial, a., industrial. industrious, a., trabajador-a, aplicado. industry, industria, /.; {of persons) laboriosidad, /. inexpressible, a., indecible, imponderable. infante-a, m. and /., royal prince or prinVess of Spain. infierno, m., hell. infinidad, /., infinity, large number. infinitivo, m., infinitive. influence, influencia, /.; v. tr., influir (44) en. influencia, /., influence. influir en, 44, v. intr., to influence. inform, v. tr., enterar, poner (12) en conocimiento de; hacer (8) saber, participar, informar. informar, v. tr., to inform. information, datos, m. pL; — bureau, despacho de in- formaciones. informe, m., news, informa- tion; pedir — s, to ask for news or information. informed, pp. and a., ilustrado. infundir, v. tr., to inspire. infusion, /., infusion, steep- ing. ingeniero, m., engineer. ingenio, w., wit, cleverness; (in S. A.) sugar mill, sugar- refining plant. Inglaterra, /., England. ingles, esa, a. and s., English, Englishman. ingrate, a. and j., ingrato, desagradecido. ingrato, a. and j., ungrateful, ingrate. ingresar (enj, v. intr., to enter, matriculate. inhabit, v. tr., habitar. inhabitant, habitante, m. inhospitalario, a., inhos- pitable. iniciativa, /., initiative. inimitable, a., inimitable. inkstand, tintero, m. inland, adv., tierra adentro; far — , muy tierra adentro. inmarcesible, a., imperish- able. inmejorable, a., unsurpass- able. inmenso, a., huge, immense. inmigrante, m., immigrant. inmortal, a., immortal. innegable, a,, undeniable. 386 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK inner, a., interior. innumerable, a., countless, in- numerable. inolvidable, a., unforgetable. Inquisicion, /., Inquisition, the term applied to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction dealing with detection and punishment of heretics or those offending the Catho- lic orthodoxy. A special national Inquisition was founded in Spain in 1480 by Ferdinand and Isabella and without the help of the papacy. Iquique, a port of n. Chile, 2000 miles from Panama; population about 45,000; capital of the province of Tarapaca. It is the great- est nitrate port in the world. inscribir, 45, v, tr. to inscribe; — el nombre, put one's name. inscripcion, /., inscription. inscrito, pp. of inscribir, 45. inside, adv,, adentro; — of, prep., dentro de. insignificancia, /., insignifi- cance. insignificance, insignificancia, /., nulidad, /. insist on, v. intr., empefiarse en (-f- inf. or subj.); in- sistir. insistir, v. intr., to insist. insoportable, a., unendurable. inspeccionar, v. tr., to inspect. inspiring, be — , dar (4) gloria. instalacion, /., plant, equip- ment, establishment, fitting up. instalar, v. tr., to install, set up. instant or inst., adv., del actual, del corriente. instar, v. tr., to urge. instead of, prep., en lugar de, en vez de. institucion, /., institution. instituto, m., institute, semi- nary. instruccion, /., instruction, education. instruction, instruccion, /. instruido, pp. and a., learned, instruir, 44, v. tr., to instruct. instrumento, m., instrument. insult, V. tr., agraviar. insuperable, a., unsurpass- able, unexcelled. insurance, seguro, m.; — company, compaiiia de seguros, /. VOCABULARIO 387 insurrecto, w., rebel. inteligente, a.y intelligent. intend, v. intr., pensar 23, tener (17) la in tendon de; intentar, proponerse 12. intendencia, /., management; — general, superintend- ent's office. intensamente, adv,, deeply, intensely. intentar, v, ir,y to intend, attempt. intention, intencion, /. intento, m., attempt. interesante, a., interesting. interesantisimo, a., most in- teresting. interesar, v. tr., to interest. interest, interes, m.; v. tr., interesar. interesting, a., interesante; most — , interesantisimo. interior, a. and j., internal, inner; interior. intermediario, m., middle- man, jobber. interminable, a., inacabable, interminable. interminable, a,, unending, interminable. internal, a.y interior. interpret, v. tr.y interpre- tar. interpretacion, /., interpreta- tion. interpretar, v, tr,y to inter- pret. interpretation, interpretacion, /• interregno, m., interregnum. interrumpir, v, tr.^ to inter- rupt. interrupcion, /., interruption. interrupt, v. tr., interrumpir. intervencion, /., intervention. intimamente, adv., intimately. intimate, a., mtimo. introduce, v. tr., presentar. introduction, presentacion, /.; letter of — to, carta pre- sentando uno a otro, carta de presentacion, /. inundacion, /., flood. inundar, v. tr., to flood. inutil, a., useless. invading, a., invasor-a. invador, invasor, m. invasor, a. and s., invader; invading. inventivo, a., inventive. invertir (ie, i), 27, v. tr., to invest. invierno, m., winter; pleno — , mid-winter. invitacion, /., invitation. invitar, v. tr., to invite. ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK invite (to), v. tr., invitar (a); (to a meal) convidar. ir, 9, V. intr.^ to go; — a paseo, to go walking; — a pie, to go afoot; — a pique, to sink; — al gra^io, to come to the point; — en auxilio de, to go to the help of; ahivan, there are; — se,^'. r^yZ.jtogoaway. ira, /., rage, ire. Irene, /., Irene. Irish, Irishman, a. and s., irlandes, -esa. iron, hierro, m.; «., ferreo. irregular, a., irregular. irregularidad, /., irregularity. irreprochable, a., irreproach- able. irrigate, v, tr., regar, 23, 32. irrigation, riego, m. Isabel, /., Isabella; — I (reigned 1 474-1 504), mar- ried Ferdidnand II of Ara- gon in 1479; — II, (reigned 1833-1868), daughter of Fer- dinand VII, made queen be- cause her father repealed the Salic Law. Her uncle, Don Carlos, opposed her in vain with his army. She was de- posed in 1868 and went to live in Paris where she died in 1904. Infanta — (185 1- ), aunt of Alphonso XIII and widow of Prince Gaetano of Bourbon-Sicily, Count of Girgenti. She is noted for her good nature and kind- ness of heart. Iscar, Miguel, former name of a street of Valladolid where Cervantes once re- sided; now bears that au- thor's name. isla, /"., island. island, isla, /. isle, islita, /. islita, /., dimin. of isla. isolation, aislamiento, w. it, pers, pron.; obj., lo, le, la; {as subject and after a prep.), el, ella, ello. Italia, /., Italy; italiano, a. and j-., Italian. itself, mismo; in — , por si mismo. ivory, marfil, m.; vegetable — , marfil vegetal, m. izquierdo, a., left; a la izquierda, on the left. jacket, chaqueta, /. jactarse (de), v, refl., to boast. VOCABULARIO 389 Jaen, m.y a. province of s. e. Spain, noted for its lead mines. January, enero, m. japones, -esa, a. ands., Japan- ese, jardin, m., garden, jarron, w., vase, urn. jaspe, w., jasper. Jatiba, a town of 12,000 in the s. part of the province of Valencia, Spain, jefe, m., chief, manager, head, master, jest, broma, /.; in — , bro- meando, en broma. jewel, joya,/., alhaja,/. jeweler, joyero, m., relojero, m. jewelry, joyas, /.; store, joyeria, /., relojeria, /. Jewish, a., judio. Jimena, /., Ximena, wife of the Cid. Jockey-Club, an exclusive club of Buenos Aires which possesses one of the finest race-courses in the world. * It has a sumptuous city headquarters in Florida Street. Joe, Pepe. John, Juan. joke, chiste, m. jomal, m,, day-wage. jornalero, m., laborer {hy the day), jorobado, a. and /., hunch- backed. Jose, m., Joseph. Joselito, nickname of Jose Gomez, the present idol of the bull-fighting enthusi- asts of Spain. jot down, V. tr., apuntar. journey, viaje, m.; v. intr.y viajar, caminar. joven, a. ands., young; youth. joy, jubilo, m.; algeria, /. joya,/., jewel. joyeria, /., jewelry-store. joyero, m., jeweler. Juan, m., John; — de Austria, the natural brother of Philip II, commander of the combined fleet of the Chris- tians at the battle of Le- panto Oct. 7, 1571. jubilado, pp. and a., retired, pensioned. jubilo, m.y joy, jubilation. judio, a, and j., Jewish, Jew. juego, m., game. jugar (ue), 24a, 32, to play; — al tejo, to play shuffle- board. 390 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK juicioso, a., sensible. Jujuy, a city and province of n. Argentina; population of former about 10,000. . Julio, m., July. jump, V. intr., saltar. junction, empalme, m., esta- cion de empalme, /. June, junio, m. juntamente, adv., together, jointly. juntar, v. tr., to put together, assemble. junto, a., adjoined, close at hand; — s, together; — a, prep.y near; — con, prep., together with. juramento, m., oath; pedir — a uno, to demand an oath of someone, to put some- one under oath. jurat, V. tr., to swear. just, adv., solo, precisamente; — as or like, lo mismo que; to have — -i-pp-y acabar de +inf. justice, justicia, /. justicia, /., justice. Juvara, Filippo (1685-173 5), a Sicilian architect, design- er of the Royal Palaces of Madrid and of La Granja. juzgado, m., tribunal, court. K Kechuan, a. and s., quechua. keep, V. tr. and intr., conservar, guardarse; — afloat, sobre- nadar; — on {imper.), mas alia; — on+ pres. part., seguir (29, 33) or ir (9) + pres. part.', — on rising, irse elevando; — one's eyes open, tener (17) mucho ojo; — oneself in good health or keep well, seguir bien de salud; — silence, guardar silencio; — straight ahead, seguir derecho. keeping, in — with, prep., conforme a. kidnap, v. tr., secuestrar. kilogramo, m., kilogram, 2K pounds. kilometer, s., kilometro; a., kilometrico. kilometrico, a., kilometer. kilometro, m., kilometer. killing, matanza, /. kind, clase, /., genero, m., especie, /., of this (that) — , por el estilo; a., amable (para con) ; be — enough toj tener (17) la amabilidad de {or la bondad) de (+ inf.). kindness, bondad,/., amabili- dad,/. VOCABULARIO 391 king, rey, w.; — and queen, los reyes. kingdom, reino, m. kiss, beso, m.; v, tr., besar. kitchen, cocina, /. knife, navaja, /., cuchillo, m. knock {at a door)^ v. intr., llamar. know, V. tr., {a fact) saber 14; {persons or things) conocer 38; — how to, saber {+mf.). knowledge, conocimiento, m. known, well — , a., bien conocido. la, def. art., the; that {before de or que) ; pers, pron., it, her, you. laberinto, m., labyrinth. labor,/., labor. laborer, jornalero, m. laboriosidad, /., industry. laborioso, a., laborious, hard- working. iabrar, v. tr., to work. labyrinth, laberinto, m. lace, encaje, m. lack, carencia, /., falta, /.; V. tr., carecer (38) de, faltarle a uno. lacking, be — , v. intr., faltar, hacer (8) falta. ladera, /., slope, side. lado, m., side; del — de, towards. ladrillo, m., brick. lady, seiiora, /., senorita, /. lago, m., lake. laja, /., slab. lake, lago, m, lamentarse, v, refi., to lament, grieve. lamp, lampara, /.; street — , foco, m, lana, /., wool. lanar, a., sheep-raising, wool- bearing, pertaining to wool or sheep. lancha, /., launch. land, tierra, /., terreno, m., terruiio, m.', — owner, hacendado, m. lando, m., landau, open carri- age. landscape, paisaje, m. language, lengua, /., idioma, m., lenguaje, m. lanzar, 34, v. tr,, to utter; — se (a), to rush; — se al encuen- tro de, to rush to meet. La Paz (de Ayacucho) , the cap- ital of Bolivia (since 1898) and of the province of the same name; founded 1548; population about 70,000. 392 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK largamente, adv., at length. largarse, 32, v. refl., to go, leave. large, a., grande, mucho; — r, mayor, mas grande. largo, a., long; de — , in length; a lo — de, alongside of, along; m., length. las, def. art. /. pL, the; they, those {before de or que) ; pers. pron.y them, you. La Serna, the last Spanish viceroy of Peru, defeated by General Sucre at Ayacucho in the War of Independence. last, a., {in time) pasado, {in order) ultimo; - - night, anoche; at — , al, en, or por fin, al final; v. intr., durar, permanecer 38. lastima, /., pity; ique — !, what a pity, too bad, what a shame! lata,/., tin can; en — , canned. late, adv., tarde, con retraso, atrasado, {up-to-date) mo- derno; — r,mas tarde, luego, despues; see you — r, hasta mas tarde, hasta luego. Latin, a., latino; American, a. and s., latinoamericano. latino, a., Latin; — americano, a. and s., Latin-American. latitud, /., latitude, width, latter, the — , dem. pron., este, etc.; dem. a., este, etc. laugh, V. intr., reir(se) 29a; — at, reirse de, burlarse de. launch, lancha, /. law, ley,/.; {local) fuero, m. Lawrence, Lorenzo, m. lawyer, abogado, m. lay out, V. tr., {a street) condu- cir 18, construir 44. le, pers. pron., him, to him, to her, you, to you. lead, plomo, m. lead, vanguardia, /.; v. tr., conducir 18, llevar; — a life, hacer (8) una vida; — a prosperous life, darse (4) una vida en grande. leader, caudillo, m., jefe, m. leading, a., sobresaliente. leaf, hoja, /. ' league, liga, /. leal, a., loyal. lean, a., magro. leaps, by — and bounds, a pasos agigantados. learn, v. tr., aprender; saber de, enterarse de, informarse de, venir (21) en conoci- miento de. least, a., el menor; at — , por lo menos. VOCABULARIO 393 leather, curtido, m., cuero, m. leave, v. tr., dejar, abandonar; (a place) salir (15) de, par- tir de, largarse (32), de; (a person) despedirse (29) de; (of boats) zarpar de; — aside, prescinder de; — nothing to be desired, no dejar nada que desear; — behind, dejarse de; what is left, lo restante. lectura, /., reading. lecture, conferencia, /.; v. tr., conferenciar. leer, 43, v. tr., to read, left, a., izquierdo; on the — , a la izquierda. leg, pierna, /. legar, 32, v. tr., to bequeath, legend, leyenda, /. legumbre, /., vegetable. lejano, a., distant, lejos, adv., distant; — de, far from; a lo — , in the distance, lemon, limon, m.; — grove, limonar, m. length, longitud, /.; in — , de largo; at — , extensamente, (at last) al fin, finalmente. lengua, /., language, tongue, lenguaje, m., language, lentamente, adv., slowly, lento, a., slow. leiia, /., wood. leon, m., lion. Leon, m., the ancient kingdom of n. w. Spain, now divided into the provinces of Sala- manca, Zamora and Leon. Lepanto, the battle of — , occurred Oct. 7, 1571, near the n. coast of the Gulf of Corinth, resulting in a vic- tory of the Christians over the Turks. Lerida, a province and city of n. w. Spain. les, pers. pron., them, to them, you, to you. less, adv., menos. lesson, leccion, /. let, V. tr., dejar, permitir, consentir 27; — one have it at so much, dejarselo a uno en tanto; — us, ex- pressed by the 1st. pers. pi. pres. subj. of the verb in questio7i; — us go, vamo- nos; — us see, (vamos) a ver. letra, /., letter (0/ the alphabet), letrero, m., sign. letter, carta, /.; (of alphabet) letra, /.; — of credit, carta de credito; — of introduc- tion, carta de presentacion. 394 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK levantamiento, w., rise. levantar, v. tr., to raise; — se, V. refl., to rise. Levante, m., Levant, the eastern region of Spain. level, nivel, m.; sea — , nivel del mar, m. ley, /., law. leyenda, /., legend. leyo, from leer 43. liberacion, /"., liberation. liberal, a., liberal; used also as the name of a political party. Liberal, El, the chief daily of the Liberal - Monarchist party; published in Madrid with local editions in Bil- bao, Murcia, Barcelona, and Seville; the most wide- ■ ly read newspaper of Spain; owned by the Sociedad Editorial de Espafia. liberate., v. tr., poner (12) en libertad. libertad, /., liberty. liberty, libertad, /. libra, /., pound. librar (sobre) v. tr., to draw (upon). library, biblioteca, /. libre, a., free, unoccupied, disengaged. libreria, /., book store. libro, m., book; — de con- tabilidad, account book; — de entradas, register (of a hotel) . licencia, /., permission; dis- charge. liceo, w., lyceum. lie, V. intr., acostarse 24, {usually of the dead) yacer; -f., mentira,/. lienzo, w., canvas. life, vida, /. lift, V. intr., levantarse, {of clouds) disiparse. liga, /., league. ligar, 32, V. tr., to join, bind. ligero, a., light {in weight). light, luz, /., alumbrado, m., lumbre, /., {of street) foco, m.; a., {in weight) ligero, {in color) claro. lighting, alumbrado, m. like, adv. or prep., como, cual, asi como; a., semejante a, parecido a; v. tr., gustarle a uno; I — the books, me gustan los libros; would you — ?, iquisiera Vd.?, die gustaria a Vd.? likewise, adv., igualmente, lo mismo. liking (for), aficion a,/.; amor a, m. VOCABULARIO 395 Lima, the capital of Peru, founded in 1535 by Pizarro; population about 150,000; ten miles from El Callao, its port. limit, V. tr.y limitar; /., limite, w., termino, m. limitar, v. tr., to confine, limit. limite, m., limit, boundary; sin — , unlimited. limonar, m., lemon grove. limosna, /., alms. limosnero, m., beggar. limosnita, /., dimin, of limosna. limpiabotas, m., boot-black. limpieza,/., cleanliness, neat- ness. lindante (con), ^., bordering. lindar (con), v. intr., to border. Lindaraja, /., the popular name for the Mirador de Daraxa, a small vestibule of the Alhambra. line, linea, /., renglon, m.; (of business) ramal, m.; railway — , linea or via ferroviaria, /., camino de hierro, m., ferrocarril, m.; Spanish — , Compania Trasatlantica Espaiiola. linea, /., line; equator (popu- larly). link (up), V. tr., encadenar. liquido, m., liquid. Lirico, m., Lyric, name of the opera house on the Rambla del Centro, Barce- lona. Seats 3600. ItaHan opera chiefly is given here. lista, /., list; — de platos, bill of fare. listo, a., shrewd, active; ready. literary, a.y literario; — man, literato, m. literato, m., literary man. literatura, /., literature; — novelesca, fiction. little, a.y pequeno; often ex- pressed by the dimin, of the noun; adv.y poco; s,, poco, m. live, V. intr.y vivir, residir; — as do, hacer (8) vida comun con; — like a king, tratarse a cuerpo de rey; long — !, iviva(n)! lively, a.y vivo. living, vida, /. lo, pers. pron., him, it; that (before de or que); how (before a. or adv. in in- direct exclamations) ; so (with ser); def. art., — de, the matter of; — de siempre, the same old story. 396 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK load (with), v. tr., cargar (32) de. loaf, pan, m.; v. intr., — about, gandulear. local, m., premises. localidad, /., seat, place {in public). locate, V. tr.y colocar 30, situar. loco, <2., mad, crazy. locomotora, /., locomotive, engine. locuaz, a.y talkative, loqua- cious. locucion, /., locution, phrase, idiom. lodge, V. tr., hospedar; v. intr.y parar; v. refl., alo- jarse, albergarse 32, hospe- darse. lodging, hospedaje, m. lodo, w., mud. lofty, a., encumbrado, eleva- do. 16gico, a.f logical. lograr, v. tr., to obtain, get, succeed in, be successful. lomo, w., back {of an ani- mal) ;a — de mula, on mule- back. long, a., largo, {of time) mucho (tiempo), {in length) de largo; — er, {of time) mas tiempo; no — er, ya no; adv., so — !, ihasta luego!; of — ago, de muchos anos ha, de tiempos remotos, de antaiio; as {or so) — as, mientras (que); — live!, iviva(n)!; be — in, tardar en; v. intr., anhelar. longitud, /., longitude, length, longitudinal, a., longitudinal, lontonanza,/., distance; en — , in the distance, afar, look at, V. tr.y mirar, ver 22; look out upon, dar (4) a; look into, mirar en. lookout, mirador, . m. loosen, V. tr., soltar 45; — one's pursestrings, echar manos a la bolsa. loosened, pp. and a., suel- to. Lorenzo, m., Lawrence, los, def. art. m. pL, the; those, they {before de or que); pers. pron., them, you. lose, V. tr., perder 25; — oneself, extraviarse 39, per- derse; — sight of, perder de vista. loss, perdida, /. Lota, twin port of Coronel, 250 miles s. of Valparaiso; the site of coal beds ex- VOCABULARIO 397 tending under the sea and of Cousino Park and chateau, the pride of Chile. loteriaj/., lottery. loudly, adv., a voces llenas. love (of), amor (a), m.; my — to, da un abrazo a. loving, a.y carinoso, afec- tuoso. low or lower, a., bajo. lowest, a., {of price) ultimo. luck, suerte, /. luchar, v, intr., to* fight, battle. luego, adv., then, soon, after- ward. lugar, m.y place, town, spot; — natal, place of birth; en — de, instead of. Luis, w., Louis; Ponce de Leon, Fray— (1527-1591), an Augustinian monk, pro- fessor of theology at the University of Salamanca, imprisoned by the officers of the Inquisition for having translated into Spanish the Song of Solomon. He was acquitted of the charge of interpreting the scriptures according to Hebrew belief. lujo, m., luxury. lujosamente, adv., luxuriously. lumbre, /., fire, light. luna, /., moon, lunch, almuerzo, m. lusitano, a. and s., Portu- guese, Lusitanian. luz, /., light, lyceum, hceo, m, LL Llai-Llai, junction, on the Chilean Railway, of the Val- paraiso-Santiago line and the line to Los Andes where connection is made with the Transandean Railway. llama, /., llama, the S. A. beast of burden. llamar, v. tr., and intr., to call, knock {at a door); — la atencion, to attract atten- tion; — se, to be called {of names); — se andana, to back out. llamativo, a., attractive. llano, m., plain. Uanura, /., plain. Have, /., key. Uegada,/., arrival. Uegar, 32, v. intr., to arrive; — a, to get to, reach. Ueno, a., full; de — , absolute- ly, completely; hay un — , there is a full house. 398 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK llevar, v, tr., to carry, bear, wear; — a cabo, to carry out, execute; — a la rastra, to drag; — el camino, to pursue the way; — los libros, to keep the account books; — ventaja a, to sur- pass, get the better of; — tanto tiempo en un lugar, to spend a certain time in a place; — se un susto (mayusculo), to get a (ter- rible) scare. Hover (ue), 26, v. intr., to rain; — a cantaros, to rain hard, pour. Lloyd Brazileiro (Port.), a Brazilian steamship line. M machacar, 30, to crush. • machine, maquina, /. machinery, maquinaria, /. madam, ma*am, seiiora, /., senorita, /. Madeleine, the famous church of Paris, madera, /., wood, madre, /., mother. Madrid, the capital of Spain; population 600,000. Madrilenian, a. and j-., madri- leno. madrileiio, a. and j,, of Madrid, Madrilenian. madrugada, /., dawn; de — , early {in the morning). madrugar, 32, to be an early riser, rise early. maestro, m., master. magazine, revista, /. Magdalena, the most import- ant river of Colombia and the chief means of trans- portation in that country. It flows n. 'about 1600 miles into the Caribbean. magic, as if by — , como por encanto. magnifico, a.y magnificent, fine. magnolia,/., magnolia. magro, a., lean. mahogany, caoba, /. Mahoma, m., Mohammed, the founder of the Moham- medan religion; died 632. maid, criada, /.; {of the court) menina, /. mail, correo, m. main, a., principal, {of streets) mayor. maintain, v. tr.y mantentr 17, sostener 17. Maipo or Maipu, a river near Santiago de Chile, scene of VOCABULARIO 399 the defeat of the Royalists in 1818 by the forces of the Colonists. maiz, w., corn, maize. majestic, a., majestuoso; — -ally, adv., majestuosa- mente. majestuosamente, adv., ma- jestically. majestuoso, a., majestic. majesty, majestad, /.; Their Majesties, Sus Majestades (SS. MM.); Their Catholic Majesties, Los Reyes Cato- licos. majority, mayoria, /. make, hacer 8, fabricar 30; — a long story short, para abreviar; — closer, estre- char; — difficult, dificultar; — known, dar (4) a cono- cer; — one's mouth water, traerle (19) a uno el agua a la boca; — one's way to, dirigirse (37) a; — oneself known, hacerse conocer; — oneself understood, ha- cerse entender, — out, divisar, distinguir 33; — sport of, burlarse de, reirse (29a) de; — the circuit of, dar la vuelta a; — one think of, recordar 24; — use of. servirse (29) de, valerse (20) de; — war on, hacer la guerra a; — yourself at home (imper.), Vd. esta en su casa. mal, m., evil, trouble; adv., badly, poorly. male, m., varon. malec6n, m., embankment, breakwater. maleta, /., valise, bag, hand- bag. malisimo, a., very bad. malogrado, a., unfortunate. malquerencia, /., ill-will, dis- like. mama,/., mother. man, hombre, m., young — , joven, m., old — , viejo, m., anciano, m. management, empresa, /. manager, gerente, m. manantial, m., spring, source. manco, a. and s., one- handed. Mancha, La, a region of s. central Spain. Manchegan, a. and s., man- chego. mandar, v. tr., to send, com- mand, order. mando, m., command. mane jar, v. tr., to handle. 400 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK manera, /., way, manner; de ninguna — , by no means; de otra — , other wise; de una — , in a way; a mi — de ver from my point of view; de — que, conj., so that. manganeso, w., manganese. Mangue, w., the name of the canal and avenue in Rio de Janeiro. The avenue is 1320 yards long, the canal is in the center, double rows of palms and double road- ways are found on each side. The canal is continued 1800 yards beyond the avenue and drains a marshy part of the city. maniobrar, v. tr. and intr., to maneuver. manner, manera, /., modo, rn. mannerism, amaneramiento, m. mano,/., hand; a — , by hand; — s a la obra, now to work; — de obra, help, "hands", labor (collective), manso, a., quiet, gentle, mantener, 17, to maintain, support. mantequilla, /., butter. mantilla, /., mantilla, the Spanish head shawl. manton, m., shawl. manufactura, /., manufacture. manufacturar, v. tr., to rnanu- facture. manufacture, v. tr., fabricar 30, manufacturar. manufacturer, fabricante, m., manufacturero, m. manufacturer©, a., manufac- turing; J-. m., manufacturer. manufacturing, fabricacion,/.; a., manufacturero. manuscrito, m., manuscript. many, muchos-as; so — , tan- tos-as; how — ?, dcuantos- as? many-colored, a., multicolor. manzana, /., apple; block (of houses). Manzanares, el, m., the small river skirting the western slopes of the plateau on which Madrid is located. maiia, /., skill. manana, /., morning; adv., tomorrow; — de sol, sunny morning; pasado — , day after tomorrow. maquina, /., machine. maquinaria, /., machinery. maquinista, m., engineer. VOCABULARIO 401 mar, m. andf.f sea; en alta — , on the open sea, on the high seas, maravilla, /., wonder; a — , marvellously, in a fine way; a las mil — s, wonderfully, maravillarse, (de) v. refl., to wonJer (at); no es de — que, no wonder that, maravilloso, a., wonderful, marble, marmol, m. marca, /., brand, marcar, 30, v. tr., to mark, indicate, Marconi, the name of a theater of Buenos Aires, marcha, f.y speed. marchar(se), v. intr. and refl., to go, walk, travel, set out; — se, to leave, mareado, pp. and a., seasick, marearse, v. refl.y to become seasick, maremagnum, {Latin), m., confusion, mareo, m., seasickness, marfil, w., ivory, margen, /"., bank, margin. Maria Cristina (of Naples), the fourth wife of Charles IV of Spain. Maria Cristina de Hapsburgo, the Austrian archduchess who became, Nov., 1879, the second wife of Alphon- so XII and, on May 17, 1886, the mother of Alphon- so XIII, six months after the death of her husband. Queen Regent till 1902; is still living. marido, m., husband. maritimo, a., maritime. mark, v. tr.y marcar 30; — out, trazar 34. market or market place, mer- cado, m. marmol, m., marble; — ■ brecha, breccia. marquesa, /., marchioness. marry, v. tr., casarse con. martillo, m., hammer. Martinez Campos, Arsenio (1831-1900), a Spanish marshal, knight and sena- tor; he proclaimed Alphon- so XII king on Dec. 29, 1874; he pacified Cuba in 1878 but failed to do so in 1895. A street of n. e. Madrid bears his name. marvellous, a., pasmoso, ma- ravilloso, asombroso. Mary, Maria, /. marzo, w., March. 402 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK mas, adv.,, more; el — , most; — de, more than {before numbers)', a — de, besides; a lo — , at the most; a — no poder, utterly, exceedingly; como el que — , (as good) as the best of them. mason, albanil, m. mass, {in church) misa, /.; say — , v.y rezar (34) la misa. master, maestro, w.; be — of, V. tr., conquistar, domi- nar. masterpiece, obra maestra, /. matadero, m., slaughter house. matador, 'w., matador, chief bull-fighter. matar, v. tr., to kill; — el hambre, to satisfy one's hunger. mate, w., wild holly; gourd vessel. materia, /., matter, subject. Matheu, m., name of an alley in Madrid. matriculante, m., an entering student. matricularse, v. refl., to ma- triculate. matriculate, v. intr., matricu- larse. matrimonio, m., marriage. matriz, a., first, principal, chief, matrona, /., matron, matter, asunto, m., cosa, /., materia, /.; v. intr., im- portar. mattress, colchon, m. maxima, /., maxim. May, mayo, m. may, v. intr., poder 11; often the sign of the subj.; (se) puede (que). mayo, m., May. mayor, a., larger, greater. main; el — , largest, great- est; al por — , wholesale, mayoria, /., majority, mayormente, adv., mostly, chiefly, mayusculo, /., capital letter; a., big, capital; un susto — , a terrible scare, me, pers. pron., me, to or for me. me, pers. pron., me; {after a prep.) mi. meal, comida, /.; at time, a la hora de comer, mean, v. intr., querer (13) decir. means, medio, m.; by no — , de ningun modo, de nin- guna manera; by — of, por medio de, mediante. VOCABULARIO 403 measure, v. intr. and tr.y medir 29; beyond — , sobre- manera. mecanico, a., mechanic. mecanografo, m., typist. mediacion, /., mediation. mediados, a — de, prep., the middle of {the month). medianoche, /., midnight. mediante, prep., by means of. mediar, v. intr., to intervene, lie between, to be (0/ dis- • tance between places), medico, w., physician, doctor. medida,/., measure; a — que, conj., as, while, in propor- tion as. medio, m., way, means; por — de, by means of. medio, a., half; y media, half past (0/ the hour of day); m.y middle; en — , in the middle; en — de, in the midst of. mediodia, /., noon, south. medir (i), 29, v. tr., to meas- ure. Mediterraneo, s. and a., Mediterranean. meet, v. intr., reunirse; v. tr., {to know) conocer 38; en- contrar 24, encontrarse con, tropezar (23, 34) con; till we — again, hasta la vista. meeting, reunion, /. Meiggs, Henry (1811-1877), born in Catskill, N. Y. Being unsuccessful in busi- ness in Boston and New York, he went to Cali- fornia in 1849 and to S. A. in 1857 where he accumu- lated a fortune and built the Oroya Railway, called the eighth wonder of the world. mejor, a., better; el — , best. mejora, /., improvement. mejoramiento, m., improve- ment. mejorar, v. tr., to improve. melon, m., musk-melon, can- taloupe. melting pot, crisol, m. member (of a circle of friends), tertuliano, m.; fellow — , contertuliano, m. memoria, /., memory. mencionar, v. tr., to mention. mendicante, a. and s., beggar; begging. mendigo-a, m. and f., beggar. mendocino, a., of or pertain- ing to Mendoza. 404 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Mendoza, a city and province of w. Argentina; former has 30,000 population. The province is a great wine- growing district. Mendoza, Pedro de (1487- 1537), a Basque nobleman who obtained a grant from Charles V of the region comprising a large part of what is now Argentina. He founded Buenos Aires Feb. 2, 1535. menear, v. tr., to wave, shake. menester, w., necessity; ser — , to be necessary. menina, /., maid (0/ the royal court). menor, a., less; el — least. menos, adv.y less, least; prep. except; a — que, conj.y unless. mente, /., mind. mention, alusion, /.; v. tr.^ mencionar, citar; don't — it, de nada, no es nada, no hay de que. mentira, /., lie; parece — , it seems strange. menudeo, m., repetition, re- tail; al — , at retail. menudo, a., small; a — , adv., often. mercaderia, /., merchandise. mercado, w., market, market place. mercancia, f., ware, , mer- chandise. mercantil, a., mercantile, com- mercial. merced, /., mercy, grace. mercurio, w., mercury. mercury, azogue, w., mer- curio, m. merchant, comerciante, m., mercante, m., negociante, m. merecer, 38, to deserve, merit, attain; — se algo, to de- serve something. meridional, a., south, south- ern. merito, m., merit, worth. merluza, /., hake. mero, m., sea-bass. mes, m., month. mesa, /., table. Mesa del Emperador, a large, flat rock in the forest of Tijuca near Rio de Janeiro. meseta, /., plateau, table- land. Messrs., Sres. (senores), m. pi. mestizo, w., half-breed {Indian and white), metalico, a., metalic. metalurgico, a., metallurgical. VOCABULARIO 405 meter, v. tr., to put, place; — - las manos hasta los codos en algo, to go far in something, commit one- self to; — se en, to get into, enter; metersele en la cabeza a uno, to take it into one's head. metodo, w., method. metropoli, /., metropoHs. metropolitano, «., metropoH- tan; Museo — , Metropoli- tan Museum (of Art, New York City). Mexico, Mejico, m. mezcla,/., mixture, confusion. mezquino, «., poor, miserable. mezquita, /., mosque. mi, poss. a.y my. mi, pers. pron.y (after prep.) me. middle (of the month), a mediados de. midnight, medianoche, /. midst, in the — of, en medio de. mid-summer, pleno verano, m. mid- winter, pleno invierno, m. miedo, m., fear. mientras (que), conj., while; mientras tanto, adv.y mean- while. might, usually the sign of the imperf. subj., sometimes of the cond. of poder. Miguel, w., Michael. mil, thousand. milagroso, a., wonderful, mir- aculous. Mildn, Milan, a city of Italy, famous as a music center. mild, a., benigno. mile, milla, /"., — after — , milla tras milla; to be so many — s between A and B, median tantas millas entre A y B. mill, molino m. milla,/., mile. miliar, m., thousand. miller, molinero, m. millon, m.y million. millonario, m., millionaire. mina, f.y mine. minar, v. tr., to mine. Minas Geraes (Port.), Gen- eral Mines, the chief mining State of Brazil; area about 220,000 square miles. mind, mente, /".; (opinion) parecer, m.; never — (imper.), lo mismo da, no importa. mine, mina,/.; v. tr., minar. 4o6 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK mine, foss. fron., el mio, la mm, etc. ; a friend of — , un amigo mio. mineral, a. and s. m., mineral. minero, a.<, mining. ministerio, w., ministry; — de la Gobernaci6n, Depart- ment of the Interior, Home Office. ministro, w., minister. mint, Casa de la Moneda, /. minuto, m., minute. mio, poss. a.y my; el — , la mia, etc., poss. pron.y mine. miraculous, a., milagroso. mirador, m., lookout. Miranda (de Ebro), a town of 4500 inhabitants in the province .of Burgos, Spain. mirar, v. tr., to look at, behold. misa, /., mass. mismo, a. and pron., same, very, self; yo — , tu — , etc., myself, thyself, etc.; lo — que, as well as, just as; lo — da, it's all the same, never mind. Misisipi, m., Mississippi. miss, V. tr.y echar de menos. Miss, senorita, /. mitad, /., half. mixto, a., mixed. mixture, mezcla, /. moda, /., style (of apparel, etc.). modern, a., moderno. modernisimo, a., very modern, very up-to-date. modernizar, 34, v. tr., to modernize. moderno, a., modern, up-to- date; segun lo mas — , in the most up-to-date fashion. modesto, a., modest. modico, a., moderate. modo, w., way, manner, mood, de este — , in this way; de ningun — , by no means; de todos — s, at any rate; de — que, conj., so that. mole,/., mass. moler (ue), 26, v. tr., to grind. molestar, v. tr., to trouble, annoy. molestia, /., bother, annoy- ance, trouble. moliente, a., grinding. molinero, m., miller. molino, m., mill; — de viento, windmill. Mollendo, a seaport of s. Peru, department of Arequipa; population of about 6000; 1700 miles from Panama. It is a port of entry for BoHvia. VOCABULARIO 407 momento, m., moment. monarca, m., monarch. monarchist, monarquista, vi. monarchy, monarquia, /. monarquia, /., monarchy. monarquico, a., monarchical. moneda, /., coin; Casa de la Moneda, /., Mint. money, dinero w.; plata {col- loquial), f. monied, pp. and a., adinerado. monje, m., monk. monk, monje, m. Monroe, James (1748-183 1), fifth president of the U. S., who, in his message to Con- gress, Dec. 1823, said: "We should consider any attempt on their part (European powers) to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as danger- ous to our peace and . safety." His enlargement of t\\h statement is called the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Palace, built in six months for the Pan American Congress of 1906, stands in Rio de Janeiro at the junction of the Avenues Rio Branco and Beira Mar. It is a reproduction of the Brazil building at the St. Louis Exposition, montadura, /., setting, montana, /., mountain, montaiioso, a., mountainous, montar, v. tr., to mount, ride, equip, fit out, set up. monte, w., hill, mountain, montevideano, a. and j., per- taining to Montevideo, Montevidean. Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay; it has the best harbor on the River Plata; population about 400,000; 5750 miles from New York. Also the name of a boat of the Spanish Line, month, mes, m. monton, m., pile, heap, monumento, m., monument, moon, luna, /. Moor, moro, m.\ — ish, a., moro, morisco; — ish-Gran- adine, a., morogranadino. morada, f., dwelling, house, morador, w., resident, dweller, more, a. and pron., mas; — and — , cada vez mas. moreover, adv., ademas. morir(se) (ue, u), 28, v. intr. and refl., to die. 4o8 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK morisco, a., Moorish. morning, mafiana, /.; in the — , por la manana, {indi- cating the hour) de la mana- na; good — , buenos dias. moro, a. and s.. Moor; Moor- ish. morogranadino, a.^ Moorish- Granadine. morrillo, w., nape of the neck {of animals). mortal, a., mortal. mortar, mortero, w., arga- masa, /. mortero, m., mortar. mosque, mezquita, /. most, el mas, la mas, etc.\ at the — , a lo mas; (the) — of, los or las mas (de). mostly, adv., mayormente. mostrar (ue), 24, v. tr., to show, indicate, motejar, v. tr., to nickname, mother, madre, /"., mama,/, motivo, m.y purpose, reason ^ con — de, for the purpose of. mount, V. tr., subir (a); {set up) montar. mountain, montana,/., monte, m.; — ridge, serrania, /.; — chain, cordillera, /. mouth, boca, / move, v.tr., mover 26, impul- sar; {zvith emotion) con- mover 26. mover (ue), 26, to move. moving-pictures, peliculas, /. pi.; moving-picture the- ater, house or show, cine- matografo, or " cine", m. mozo, m., boy, porter. Mr., sefior, m., caballero, m, Mrs., senora, /. much, a. and pron., mucho; muy {with pp. or a.) \ how — ?, dcuanto?; how — are they?, dcuanto valen?; so — , tanto; too — , demasiado; very — , muchisimo. muchacho, m., boy. muchedumbre, /., crowd. muchisimo, a. and pron., very much. mucho, a. and pron., much; — s, many; por — que, however much. mud, lodo, m. mudar, v. tr. and intr., to change; — de casa, to change one's residence, remove. mudejar, a., mudejar, per- taining to the Mohamme- dans who became subjects of a Christian king in Spain. VOCABULARIO 409 In architecture the term 'is applied to subjects treated after the Arabic taste and manner. muelle, w., dock, pier, wharf; muerte, /., death. muerto, pp and a., dead; — de cansancio, dead tired; s. m.y a dead person. muestra, /., sample, model. mujer, /., woman, wife. mula, /., mule. mule, mula, /.; on — back, a lomo de mula. multicolor, a., many-colored. multitud, /., crowd, multi- tude. mundial, a., world-wide. mundo, m., world; — elegan- te, stylish set; todo el — , everybody. Mundo, El, a Conservative daily of Madrid. municipality, municipio, m. municipio, w., city, munici- pality. muralla,/., (outer) wall. Murat, Joachim ( 1767-18 15), aide-de-camp to Napoleon, general, and later King of Naples, when Joseph Bona- parte was transferred to be King of Spain. Murcia, a maritime province of s. e. Spain, noted for its lead mines. muriendo, from morir 28. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban (1617-1682), the Spanish painter of religious sub- jects, especially of the Vir- gin. Best known other works: "Moses Striking the Rock", " Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes", "The Return of the Prodigal", " The Beggar Boys", etc. musa, /., muse. museo, w., museum. Museo del Prado or Museo- Nacional de Pintura y Escultura, the chief art museum of Spain; building was begun 1785. Its col- lection of old paintings is one of the oldest and best of Europe. Museo HispAnico, the build- ing of the Hispanic Socie- ty of America, on Broadway between 155th and 156th Streets, New York City. This society was founded in 1904 and the building opened in 1907. It is the chief center in the U. S. for 410 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK information concerning the literature, the art and the life of Spain, Portugal and Hispanic America. musica, /., music. must, V, intr. and defectivey tener (17) que +inf.; deber (de); also expressed hy the future if denoting proba- bility at present; one — , hay que+inf.; I — have been, debo haber sido, debi ser. musulm^n, w., Mussulman. mutilar, v. tr., to mutilate. mutton, camero, m. muy, adv.y very; — amigo, very good friend; — nino, very young. my, poss. a., mi(s); (after the noun) mio, mi a, etc. myrtle, arrayan, m. myself, pers. pron. refi., me; intensive, yo mismo, -a; a mi mismo, -a. N nacer, 38, to be born. naci6n, /"., nation. Naci6n, La, an important morning daily of Buenos Aires, nacional, a., national. nacionalidad, /., nationality. nada, pron., nothing, anything, (after a negative); adv., not at all; de — , no es : — , don't mention it. nadar, v. intr., to swim. nadie, pron., m. andf., no one., anyone (after a negative or comparative) . name, nombre, m. namely, adv., a saber. Napoles, Naples. naranja, /., orange. naranjal, m., orange grove. naranjo, m., orange tree. narrow, a., angosto, estrecho. natal, a., native. nation, nacion, /. national, a., nacional. native, natural, m.; a., natal. natural, a., natural; m., na- tive. naturaleza, /., nature. naturalidad, /., naturalness. naturalismo, m., naturalism. naturalist, naturalista, m. and /• naturalmente, adv., naturally, of course, naturalness, naturalidad, /. nature, naturaleza, /. navaja, /., knife, clasp-knife, naval, a., naval. VOCABULARIO 411 Navarra, /., the old kingdom, now a province, of n. Spain. navegable, a., navigable. navegacion, /., navigation. navegar, 32, to sail, navi- gate. navio, m., ship. navy, armada, /. near, adv., cerca; prep., cerca de, junto a; a., cercano, proximo; — ly, casi; {with verb) faltar poco para que +subj. necesario, a., necessary; lo — , what is necessary. necesidad, /., necessity, need. necesitar, v. tr., to need. necessary, a., necesario, pre- ciso; be — , ser menester, ser preciso, ser necesario; what is — , lo necesario. neck, nuca, /.; (of an animal) morrillo, w. need, v. tr., necesitar, faltar algo a uno, hacer (8) falta algo a uno; be needed, faltar; s. necesidad, /., falta, /. needless to say, excusado es decir, huelga decir; it is — , huelga. negarse (ie), 23, 32, (a) V. refl., to refuse. negativamente, adv., nega- tively, in the negative. negative, a., negative. negligence, descuido, m. negociacion, /., negotiation. negocio, m., business; — s, business. negro, a., black; m., negro. neighbor, vecino-a, m. and f, neighboring, a., vecino. neither, conj., ni, tampoco; — ... nor, ni . . . ni. neofito, m., neophite. Neptuno, m., Neptune, the god of the sea. Nervion, the river flowing through Bilbao which has been canalized so that ocean steamships of 4000 tons may anchor at its docks. neutral, a., neutral. nevada, /., snowfall, snow. nevado, pp. and a., snowy, snow-capped. never, adv., nunca, jamas; as — before, como nunca. nevertheless, adv., sin em- bargo. new, a., nuevo. newspaper, periodico m.; daily — , diario, m. New York, Nueva York, /. 412 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK next, a.y proximo, siguiente, que sigue; the — day, al dia siguiente. ni, conj.y nor, niether, not even; ni . . . ni, neither . . . nor; ni . . . siquiera, not even. nice, a., {of persons) simpa- tico. nickel, niquel, m. nickname, v. tr,, motejar, apodar. nicho, m., niche, recess in a wall. nieto, m., grandson. nieve, /., snow. night, noche, /.; good — , buenas noches; last — , anoche; pass the — , per- noctar; — -watchman, sereno, m.; at or by, adv., de noche. nightfall, caida de la tarde, /.; anochecer, m. nightingale, ruisenor, m. nine, nueve. ninguno (before its noun ningun), ninguna, indef. a. and pron.y no, none, no one, any (after a negative or com- parative) ^ neither. niiiera, /., nurse maid. nineria, /., childish action. ninez, /., childhood, nino-a, m. a?id f.^ child, niquel, w., nickel, nitrate, nitrato, w., salitre, m.y caliche, m.; a.y sali- trero; — plant, oficina saHtrera. nitrato, m., nitrate, saltpeter, nivel, w., level, no, adv., no, not; dno?, is that not so? no, adv., no; a., ninguno (ningun) ; — longer, ya no. nobody, indef. pron., nadie, ninguno. nocturno, a., nocturnal, of the night, noche, /., night; de — a maflana, over night; de — , by night; during the night; esta — , tonight; por la — , in the evening; todas las — s, every night, noise, ruido, m. noisy, a., estrepitoso. nombrar, v. tr., to name, appoint, nombre, m., name, none, indef. pron., ninguno -a. noon, mediodia, m.; at — , a mediodia. nor, conj., ni; — . . . either, ni . . . tampoco. VOCABULARIO 413 noria, /., water-wheel. norma, /., gauge, standard. noroeste, m., northwest. norte, m., north. nortealeman -ana, a., North German. norteamericano, a, and s., North American. north, norte, m.; — west, noroeste; to the — of, al norte de. northern, a.y del norte, sep- tentrional. northward, adv., hacia el norte. noruego, a. and s., Norwegian. nos, pers. pron., us, to us, - ourselves. nosotros, pers. pron., we; us {after a prep.). nostalgia (de), /., homesick- ness (for). not, adv., no; — at all prob- able, poco verosimil; — he, el no. nota, /., note. notable, a., noteworthy, no- table. notar, v. tr., to notice, note. note, nota, /., {memorandum) apunte, m.; {promissory) pagare, m.; bank — , billete (de banco); v. tr., notar, fijarse en, reparar en; — down, apuntar. noteworthy, a., notable, nothing, indef. pron., nada; — but, solo, solamente. noticia, /., a piece of news, notice; — s, /. pi., news; enviar, uno sus noticias a otro, to let another hear from one; sus noticias de Vd., news of you. notice, v. tr., fijarse (en); reparar (en), notar. novedad, /.', novelty; sin — , as usual, novela, /., novel, novelesco, a., pertaining to the novel; literatura nove- lesca, fiction. November, noviembre, m. now, adv., ahora; — that, ya que, ahora que; — then, pues bien, ahora bien; not — , ahora no; right — , ahora mismo. nowadays, adv., hoy dia, hoy en el dia, hoy por hoy. nuca, /., nape, neck, shoulder, nuebo, a., old form 0/ nuevo. nuestro, poss. a., our; el — , la nuestra, etc., poss. pron., ours. Nueva York, /., New York. 414 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK nuevo, «., new; dque hay de — ?, what's the news?; de — , adv., again. Nuevo Mundo, one of the leading illustrated weeklies of Madrid. nuez, /., nut. nulidad, /., nothingness, in- significance. number, numero, m.; great — -, sinnumero, m., in- finidad, /. numero, w., number. numeroso, <2., numerous. nunca, adv.^ never, ever {after a comparative) \ como — , as never before. nurse-maid, ninera, /. nut, nuez, /. nutritivo, a., nutritious. N nandu, m., nandu, the Ameri- can ostrich. o, conj., or. obelisco, m., obelisk, shaft. obelisk, obelisco, m, object, objeto, m.; — of art, objeto de arte, ni. objeto, m., object; — de arte, art object. obligar, 32, v. tr., to oblige, compel. obra, /., work; — maestra, masterpiece. obrero, w., workman. obscuridad, /., darkness. observacion, /., observation. observar, v. tr., to observe, watch. obstante, pres. p. of obstar, to object; no — , adv., never- theless; no — de, in spite of. obtain, v. tr., obtener 17, lograr, conseguir 29, 33, alcanzar 34. obtener, 17, to obtain, secure. obtuve, from obtener 17. ocasion, /., occasion, opportu- nity. occasionally, adv., de vez en cuando. occidental, a., western. occupation, oficio, m., pro- fesion, /. occupy, V, tr., ocupar; oc- cupied in reading, ocupado en leer. occur, V. intr., ocurrir, pasar. ocean, oceano, m. o'clock, la or las + numeral of the hour. octavo, eighth. octubre, m., October. VOCABULARIO 415 ocultamente, adv., secretly. ocupadisimOf a., very busy. ocupado, pp. and a,, busy. ocftparse en, v. refl. to be busj^ at. ocurrir, v. intr., to occur. ocho, eight. odd, thirty — ,treinta y pico de. Ode6n, m., a theater of Buenos Aires. oeste, m., west. of, prep., de, en. offer, V. tr., ofrecer 38. office, oficina, /.; — build- ing, edificio destinado a oficinas. oficial, a., official; s. m., officer. oficina, /., office (in Chile and Peru) nitrate reducing plant; — de consignaciones, checking room. oficio, m., occupation, trade, business. ofrecer, 38, to offer; — se para, to volunteer for. ofrezco, from ofrecer 38. often, adv.y a menudo, muchas veces. 0*Higgins, Bernardo (1778- 1842), first dictator of Chile, 1817 to 1823; a strong, energetic character who did much for the emancipation of Chile but became over-fond of power. oil, aceite, m. oir, 10, V. tr.y to hear. ojal, m., button-hole. iojala!, would that!, O may! ojear, v. tr.y to gaze at, to eye. ojeroso, a., having circles about the eyes. ojo, m., eye; imucho — !, keep an eye open!, be alert! old, a.y (former) antiguo; (aged) viejo, anciano; — fashioned, antiguo; — gentleman, anciano, m.; in an — fashioned way, a lo antiguo; to be so many years — , tener (17) tantos aiios. oler (ue), 26a, (a), v. intr. to smell (of). oliva, /., olive. olivar, m., olive orchard. Olivares, Gaspar de Guzman, Count of Olivares and Duke of San Lucar (1587- 1645), a favorite of Philip IV of Spain. olive, aceituna, /., oliva, /.; — orchard, olivar, m. 4i6 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Oloroso, a., fragrant. olvidar, v. tr.y to forget; — se de, or olvidarsele a uno, to forget. omelet, tortilla, /. omit, V. tr., pasar por encima de; omitir. omitir, v. tr., to do without, omit. omnibus, w., carry-all omni- bus. on, prep.y en, sobre, a, de; — the dollar, por el dolar; — + pres. part, is expressed by al + inf. once, eleven. Once de Septiembre, m., an important square of Buenos Aires. once, adv.y una vez; at — , en seguida, en el acto, seguidamente, inmediata- mente; — more, otra vez, de nuevo. one, un(o); as pron., one is often omitted in translation; if subject^ it is often ex- pressed by a reft, verb; the — who, el que, quien; it is not — , no lo es. one-handed, a., manco. only, adv., solo, solamente; a., solo, unico; the — thing, lo unico; not — . . . but also, no solo . . . sino tambien. open, V. tr., abrir 45; — up a conversation, entablar una conversacion. opera, /., opera, opera house, teatro de la opera, m. operacion, /., operation, operar, v. tr., operate, operario, m., operator, operate, v. tr., operar; v. intr., funcionar, obrar. operation, operacion, /.; in — , funcionando. operator, operario, m. opinar, v. intr., to think, hold an opinion, opinion, parecer, w., opini5n, /.; be of the — that, ser del parecer que, estar en que; in my (his) — , a mi (su) parecer; in the — of, al parecer de. oportunidad, /., opportunity, opportunity, ocasion, /., opor- tunidad (para), /. opposite, a.y opuesto, con- trario. optimista, a., optimistic, opuesto, a. and pp., opposite, oracion, /., sentence, prayer. VOCABULARIO 417 oral, <3., oral, oralmente, adv., orally, orange, naranja, /.; — grove, naranjal, m.; — tree, naranjo, m.; — color (ed), anaranjado. orar, v. intr., to pray. orchard, huerto, m. orden, /. and m., order; a las drdenes de Vd., at your service, order, v. tr., pedir 29, encar- gar 32, ordenar; s., {for goods) pedido, m., encargo, m.y orden, /.; in — to, para; in — that, para que (+ subj.). ore, quijo, m., mineral, m. oreja, /., ear. 6rgano, m., organ. orguUoso, a.y proud, oriental, a., oriental, eastern, orientar, v. tr., to put on the right way. origen, m., origin, original, a., original, home, originar, v. tr., to originate, originario (de), a.y originating (m). orilla, /., shore; a — s de, on the bank or edge of. orillar, v. tr., to border, oro, m.y gold. Oroyo, a city of Peru, junc- tion on the main line of the Oroya Railw^ay, 138 miles from Callao. From here runs a branch line to Cerro de Pasco, 88 miles. OS, pers. pron.y you. OS, {Port.)y def. art. m. pL, • = los in Spanish. osadia, /., daring. ostentaci6n, /., display, os- tentation. other, a. and pron.y otro. otorgar, 32, to grant, concede.- otro, a. and pron.y other, another. ought, V. intr.y deber. our, a.y nuestro; pron.y el nuestro, la nuestra, etc. out of, prep.y fuera de; (^^- cause of) por. outdoor (s), a. and adv.y al aire libre. outlet, salida, /. outside, a.y exterior; — of, fuera de. ouvidor {Port.)y = auditor in Spanishy judge. oven, horno, m. over, prep.y {across) por; {above) sobre, encima de. overcome, v. tr., abrumar. overflow, v. intr.y rebosar. 4i8 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK overlook, v. tr., dominar. overseas, ^., ultramarino, de ultramar; — products or goods, ultramarinos, w., articulos coloniales, m. overtake, v. tr.y rendir 29, alcanzar 34. « overtop, V. tr., descoUar 24. overwhelm, v. tr., abrumar. Oviedo, capital of the mari- time province of the same name in n. w. Spain; popu- lation about 25,000. owe, V. tr., deber. own, a., propio; f. tr., tener 17, poseer 43. owner, dueno, m. ox, buey, m. Oxford University, England; founded in the latter part of the 1 2th century. oyeron, from oir 10. oyo, from oir 10. Pablo, m., Paul; — y Virginia, the masterpiece of the French writer Jacques Henri Bernardin de Saint- Pierre (173 7-1 8 1 4); a senti- mental story glorifying youthful love and a return to nature. A grotto of that name is found in the forest of Tijuca near Rio de Janeiro, paciencia, /., patience, paciente, a., patient. Pacific, a. and s. m., Pacifico. pacificador, m., pacificator. pacifico, a., peaceful, pacific. pack, V. tr., {of trunks) arreg- lar; empaquetar. padecer, 38, to suffer, padre, m., father, priest; pL, parents, pagar, 32, to pay (for), repay; — al contado, to pay cash; — por quincenas adelanta- das, to pay two weeks in advance. pagare, m., promissory note. page, pagina,/., hoja,/. pago, m., payment. paint, V. tr., pin tar. painter, pin tor, m. painting, pintura, /. pair, par, m., {persons) pareja,/. pais, m., country. paisaje, m., landscape. paisano, m., peasant, fellow- countryman. paja,/., straw; — toquilla, the grass or reed of which Panama hats are made. palabra, /., word. VOCABULARIO 419 palacio, w., palace. Palermo, w., a park of Buenos Aires, officially called Tres de Febrero. palma, /., palm (tree or of the hand), hand-clap. palo, w., pole, stick, club, wood; — del Brasil, Brazil wood; — de rosa, rose- wood. palpitar, v. intr., to throb. pampa, /., pampa, plain (S.A.). pan, m., bread, loaf; — de azucar, sugar loaf. panaderia,/., bakery. panadero, w., baker. Panama, El Panama; — hat, sombrero de Jipi-japa, som- brero toquilla. panameno, a. and j., Pana- manian. panecillo, m., roll. panteon, m., pantheon, mau- soleum. pafio, m., cloth. pafiuelo, w., handkerchief. Pao de Assucar {Port.), Sugar Loaf, a rock 1383 feet high in the s. part of the bay of Rio de Janeiro, the top of which is reached by an aerial tramway in cars holding 16 passengers and suspended on cables. The first stop is on Mt. Urea (four minutes), hence to Sugar Loaf (six minutes more). papa, m.y pope. papa, w., father. papel, m.y paper; role. paquete, m., package. par, w., pair; un — de, a couple of; adv., a la — de, equally, on a par with. par, on a — with, a la par de; be on a — with, correr parejas con. para, prep., for, in order to, about; — con, prep., towards, with, to; I — que?, why?; — que, in order that. parado, pp. and a., standing still. Paraguay, El, Paraguay; also the river of the same name. paraiso, m., paradise; top gallery of a theater. paraje, m., place, spot. paralelo, a., parallel. paramo, m., paramo, an ele- vated highland usually a desert. Parana, El, the great river of n. e. Argentina. parar(se) (en), £>. intr. and refl., to stop (at), stand; to lodge. 420 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK parchment, pergamino, m. Pardo, El, a small town lo miles n. of Madrid where there is a royal lodge built by Charles V. in 1543. parecer, 38, v. intr., to appear; ique le parece?, what do you think of it?; dno le parece?, don't you think so?; — se a, to resemble; s. m., a mi — , in my opinion; al — , apparently; al — de, in the opinion of. parecido, m., resemblance; «., similar. pared,/., wall. pareja, /., pair, couple. parentesco, w., relationship. parents, padres, m. pi. parezca, from parecer 38. parillas, /. pL, gridiron. Paris, Paris; the University of Paris was founded about 1 160. parisiense, a., Parisian; a la — , in Parisian fashion. park, parque, m. parliament, parkmento, m. parque, m., park. parroquiano, m., customer. part, parte, /.; the greater — , la mayoria, /. parte, /., part, direction; en — , partially, en alguna — , somewhere; por todas — s, everywhere, on every hand; las cinco — s del mundo, the four quarters of the globe; a — que, conj., while. participar, v. tr., to inform. particle, triza, /. particular, «., private. particularmente, adv.^ par- ticularly. partida, /"., departure; entry, record; — doble, double entry. partidario (de), a., fond (of), inclined to. partido, w., party. partir, v. intr., to leave. partner, socio, m.; silent — , socio comanditario. pasaje, w., passage, passage- way. pasajero, w., passenger. pasar, v. intr.y to pass, step in, happen, occur; — por, to call; — por encima de, to omit; — se sin, to get along without, do without; v. tr., to send across; — un buen rato, to have a good time. paseante, m., pedestrian, pas- serby. VOCABULARIO 421 pasearse, v, refl., to stroll, walk, drive. paseo, w., walk, drive, prom- enade, boulevard; dar un — , to take a walk. Paseo de la Merced, a park and a point of vantage in the w. part of Ronda, Spain, 600 feet above the stream below. pasillo, m., aisle, passage- way. pasmarse, v. refl., to be aston- ished, to wonder. pasmoso, a., wonderful, mar- vellous. paso, w., step, passage; de — , in passing, on the way, incidentally; a — lento, slowly; a — s agigantados, rapidly, by leaps and bounds. pass, V. intr., pasar, (of time) transcurrir; — through, pasar por; v. tr., acercar 30; J-., desfiladero, m. passage, pasaje, w., way, pasaje, m.\ take — , tomar pasaje. passenger, pasajero, m. passerby, transeunte, w., pa- seante, m. past, pasado, a. and s. m. pasto, w., forage, pasturage, pata, /., foot (of animals). patata, /., potato, path, senda, /. patience, paciencia, /. patient, paciente, a. and s. m. patio, w., courtyard, patria, /., native land; madre — , /., native land, patron, m., foreman, rnanager, boss. pave, V. tr.y pavimentar. pavimentar, v. tr., to pave, pay (for), pagar 32; — cash, pagar al contado; be paid, cobrar. payment made, pagando; — — a week in advance, pagando por semanas ade- lantadas, por los ocho dias adelantados. paz,/., peace, peace, tranquilidad, /., paz, /. peaceful, a., pacifico, tran- quilo. peak, pico, m. pearl, perla, /. peasant, campesino, m., paisa- no, m. pecho, m., breast, pedido, m.y order (for goods), pedigiieno, «., persistent. 422 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK pedir (i) 29, to ask for, seek, beg, order; — algo a uno, to ask someone for something; a — de boca, as much as one could ask; — informes, to ask for news or informa- tion; — juramento a uno, to demand an oath of some- one, to put someone under oath. Pedro, m., Peter. peep-hole, ventanillo, m. pegar, 32, v. tr., to affix, attach, stick. peldaflo, m.y step (of stairs). pelea, /., fight, struggle. pelear(se), v. intr. and refl.y to fight. pelicula, /., film. pelota, /., ball; a game similar to hand-ball. pelucon, m.y big wig; applied as a nickname to Spaniards in S. A, pena, /., sorrow, difficulty; a duras — s, with great diffi- culty. penetrar (en), v, intr,, to en- ter. peninsula, /., peninsula; ap- plied specifically y when capi- talized, to the Iberian Pen- insula. peninsular, a., peninsular, per- taining to the Iberian Pen- insula. pensar (ie), 23, to think, con- sider; — en, to think of. penon, w., cliff, rock. people, sing, or pL, gente, /.; personas, /. pl.\ {nation) pueblo, w.; — of conse- quence, gente pudiente. Pepe, m., nickname for Jose; Joe. — Botellas, "Joe Bot- tles**, a name given by the Spaniards to Joseph Bona- parte when he was King of Spain. pequeflo, a., small. pera, /., pear. per cent, por ciento. percibir, v. tr., to perceive. perder, (ie), 25, to lose; — de vista, to lose sight of. perdida, /., loss. perdonar, v. tr., to pardon, forgive, excuse, spare. perecer, 38, v. intr., to perish. perezosamente, adv., idly, lazily. perfeccionar, v. tr., to per- fect. perfectamente, adv., very well, perfectly. perfecto, a., perfect. VOCABULARIO 423 performance, funcion, /., re- presentacion, /. pergamino, m., parchment, vellum. perhaps, adv.^ tal vez, quiza(s) period, era, /., epoca, /., periodo, m. periddico, m., newspaper. periodo, w., period. perish, v. intr,, perecer 38. perla,/., pearl. permiso, m., permission. permission, permiso, m.; get — to, conseguir (29, 33) permiso para. permit, v. tr., permitir, admitir. permitir, v. tr., to permit, allow. pernoctar, v. intr., to pass the night. pero, conj.f but. perra, /., female dog; a collo- quial term for a Spanish copper coin; — chica, five centimos, one cent; — gorda or grande, ten centi- mos, two cents. perro, m., dog. perseverance, porfia, /. perseverante, a., persevering. persist, v. intr., empeiiarse (en). persistent, a., porfiado. persona,/., person. personal, m., staff; a., per- sonal. personalmente, adv., person- ally. pertenecer, 38, to belong, per- tain. Peru, El, Peru. peruano, a. and s., Peruvian. perversion, /., perversion. pesado, a., heavy. pesar, v. tr. and intr., to weigh, to grieve; s. m., sorrow, grief; a — de, in spite of. pesca, /., fishing. pescado, m., fish. peseta, /., the standard coin of Spain, worth about 20 cents. peso, m., dollar. Peter, Pedro, m. petroleo, m., petroleum. Petropolis, a city of about 35,000 inhabitants 27 miles n. of Rio de Janeiro and the summer seat of the diplo- matic corps. Philadelphia, Eiladelfia. Philip, Felipe, m. photograph, fotografia, /. picador, m., picador, a mount- ed bull-fighter. 424 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK picarse, v. refl., to become rough. pick up, V. tr., recoger 37. pico, m., peak; small amount; veinte y — de, twenty-odd. picture, cuadro, m., grabado, m., {portrait) retrato, m., {painting) cuadro, w., pin- tura, /.; — gallery, pinaco- teca, /., galeria de pinturas; V. tr.y pintar.. picturesque, a., pintoresco. pie, m., foot; de — , standing; a — , on foot; a los pies de Vd., accept my respects {to a lady), piece, {coin) pieza, /.; by the — , a destajo. piedad, /., pity. piedra, /., stone. pier, muelle, m. pierna, /., leg. pieza, /., coin; room; compo- sition. pike, vara, /. pilastra, /., square column, pilaster. piloto, w., pilot. pinacoteca, /., picture gallery. pintar, v. tr., to paint, to picture; — se para, to be apt in. pintor, fn., painter. pintoresco, «., picturesque. pintura, /., painting. pifia, /., pineapple. Pio V, Pius V (Michele Ghis- lieri), pope from 1 566-1 572, a leading spirit of the In- quisition. pirate, corsario, m. pisar, V. tr., to tread (upon). piso, m., floor, story, flight; primer — or — principal, first flight up, second floor; — bajo, ground floor. pitcher, cantaro, m. Pius, Pio, m. Pi y Margall, Francisco, (1823-1901), a prominent republican and one of the presidents of Spain during the short-lived republic. placard, rotulo, w., cartel, m. place, V. tr., poner 12, colocar 30; J-., lugar, m.y sitio, w., colocacion, /.; — of birth, lugar natal, m. placer, v. tr., to please; m., pleasure. plain, vega, /., llanura, /., llano, m.'y planicie, /.; {in Argentina) pampa, /. plan, w., plan. plan, plan, m., proyecto, m.'y V, tr., proyectar, idear. VOCABULARIO 425 planicie, /., plain. piano, m.y design, plan, map. plant, instalacion, /., planta, /.; V. tr.j plantar. planta,/., plant, station, floor; — baja, first floor. plantacion, /., plantation. plantar, v. tr.^ to plant. plaster, yeso, m. plata, /., silver, money. plataforma, /., platform. platano, m., banana tree. Plata River, Rio de la Plata, m. plateau, meseta, /., altiplani- cie, /., paramo, m. plateresco, «., plateresque, a style of architecture char- acterized by elegance and delicacy of execution, sug- gesting the work of "pla- teros" or silversmiths. plateresque, «., plateresco. platform, anden, m., plata- forma, /. platino, m., platinum. platinum, platino, m. plato, w., dish. play, V. tr. and intr., jugar 24a (a); {of an opera or drama) funcionar; /., come- dia,/. play a,/., beach. plaza,/., public square, plaza; — de toros, bull-ring; — f u e r t e, stronghold; — mayor, main square; Plaza de Armas, a square in the s. wing of the Royal Palace, Madrid; — de la Con- stitucion, name given to the Plaza Mayor in many Spanish cities; — de San Fernando, the chief square of Seville; — 25 de Mayo, the chief square of Buenos Aires, so named in honor of May 25, 1 8 10, when a great armed assembly met in that city and superseded the power of the royal viceroy, the birthday of Argentinian independence. plazo, m., term, period. pleasant, a.y risueno, agra- dable, ameno, grato; — dreams!, I que descanse(n) bien! please, v. tr., gustar, agradar, complacer 38, caerle (3) a uno en gracia; {entreaty) haga(n) el favor (de), tenga(n) la bondad (de), srrva(n)se; pleased to meet you, tanto gusto en cono- cerle {or la) a Vd. 426 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK pleasure, gusto, m., placer, w., with — , con gusto, con placer, gustosamente; with great — , gustosisimo, con mucho gusto, de mil amores; take — in, com- placerse (38) en. plenty, abundancia, /.; — of labor, buena mano de obra. pliego, m.f envelope; bajo — suelto, under separate cover. plomo, w., lead. plow (through) v. tr., surcar 30. poblacidn, /., town, popula- tion. poblar (ue), 24, v. tr., to populate, fill, cover. pobre, a., poor. pocket, bolsillo, m. . poco, a,, adv. and pron., little, small {in amount); pi., few; — a — , gradually; a — de, soon after; hace — , a short time ago; a los — s meses de estar, after being for a few months; — falto para que fuese atropellado, he was almost run over. poder, II, to be able; a mas no — , utterly, exceedingly; no — menos de, not to be able to help or avoid; m., power. poderio, m., power. poderoso, a., powerful, force- ful. podre, /row poder 11. podria, from poder 11. poem, poema, w., poesia, /. poesia, /., poetry, poem. poeta, w., poet. poetical, a., poetico; the — , lo poetico. poetico, a., poetical. poetry, poesia, /. point, punto, m.; — of view, pun to de vista; from my — of view, a mi manera de ver. police, policia, /. policeman, guardia de orden publico, m., guardia mu- nicipal, m. politely, adv., cortesmente. politico, a., political. polo, m.y pole; polo. polvo, m., dust, powder; hay — , it is dusty. poll era, /., hooped petticoat. ponderar, v. tr., exaggerate, overstate. poner, 12, v. tr., to put, place, estimate; — en claro, to make clear; — en cono- cimiento de, to inform; — VOCABULARIO 427 en libertad, to liberate; — reparos en, to give heed to; — un telegrama, to send a telegram; — se, to become, to set {of the sun); — se en camino, to set out; pongamos, let us say, sup- pose. ponga, from poner 1 1 . poor, a., pobre; (miserable) mezquino; — ly, mal. pope, papa, m. popular, a., popular, popularmente, adv., popularly, population, populacion, /., vecindario, m., habitantes, m. pi. populate, V. tr., poblar 24. por, prep., by, for, through, along, in, for the sake of, because of, in exchange for; — entre, amid. porcelana, /., porcelain. porcion, /., portion, part. pordiosero, w., beggar, mendi- cant. porfia, /., persistence, "stick- to-it-iveness" ; a — , heated- ly, obstinately. porfiado, a., persistent. porfido, m., porphyry. ipor que? interr., why? port, puerto, m. Portales, Diego (1793 -183 7), the leader of the Con- servative party in Chile which brought order out of chaos after the resignation of O'Higgins. He was the chief minister in the presi- dency of General Prieto. porte, w., bearing, mien. porteno, a. and s., of or per- taining to Buenos Aires, the chief port of Argentina. portrait, retrato, m. Portugal, m., Portugal. portugues, -esa, a. and s., Por- tuguese. Portuguese, a., portugues, -esa, lusitano. porvenir, w., future. poseer, 43, v, tr., to possess. posesion,/., possession. posible, a., possible; todo lo — , everything possible. posici6n, /., position. position, puesto, m., posicion, /., colocacion, /. possess, tener 17, poseer 43, contar (24) con. possession, /., posesion, /., take or gain — of, apode- rarse de. possessor, dueno, m. possible, a., posible, dable. 428 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK postage, franqueo, m. poster, cartel, m. postrado, a., exhausted, pros- trate. potato, patata, /. pottery, alfareria, /. power, energia, /.; (govern- ment) poderio, m. powerful, a.y poderoso, pu- jante. pozo, m.y well. practicar, 30, v. tr.^ to practise, carry on. practico, m., harbor or river pilot; a., practical. practise, v. tr.y practicar 30. Pradera, a small town near Bogota, Colombia, and the center of Colombian iron mines and iron manufac- tures. prado, w., meadow. pragmatica, /., pragmatic sanction. praise, v. tr,y haCer(se) len- guas de, alabar. pray, v, intr., orar, rezar 34. preceder (a), v. intr., to pre- cede. Preciados, an important street of Madrid, running n. w. from the Puerta del Sol. precio, m., price. preciosidad, /., value, worth. precioso, a.y fine, valuable, precious. precious, a., precioso. precipitacion, /., haste. precipitarse, v. refl., to rush. precipitosamente, adv., sheer- ly, precipitously. precisamente, adv., precisely, exactly. precisar, v. intr., to be neces- sary; V, tr., to compel. preciso, a., necessary. predilecto, a., favorite, chosen. predominante, a., predomi- nant. predominar, v. intr., to pre- dominate. predominate, v. intr., pre- dominar, sobresalir 15. preferible, a., preferable. preferir (ie, i), 27, v. tr., to prefer. pregonar, v. tr., to proclaim, cry. pregunta, /., question; hacer (8) una — a, to ask a ques- tion of. preguntar, v. tr., to ask; — de, to ask about (a thing); — por, to inquire about {the welfare of a person). VOCABULARIO 429 premiar, v. tr., to reward. premio, w., prize. premises, local, m. sing. prenda, /., token, piece of jewelry, garment; — de recuerdo, /., souvenir. prender, 45, v. tr., to seize, fasten; (of fire) to take hold, burst forth; — se de veinte y cinco alfileres, to dress up in one's best. Prensa, La, The Press, a morning daily of Buenos Aires. preparar, v. tr., to prepare. preparativo, m., preparation. prepare, v. tr., preparar (para). preposicion, /., preposition. prescindir (de), t. intr., to be superior to, leave aside; get out of. Prescott, William Hickling ( 1 796-1 859), the American historian, best known for his "Conquest of Mexico", "Conquest of Peru", "The Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella", "Phihp 11", etc. presenciar, v. tr., to witness, behold. present, a., actual, de ahora; at — -, al presente; up to the — , hasta ahora; be — at, V. intr., asistir a, concurrir a. present, v. tr., ofrecer 38, {a gift) regalar; {introduce) presentar. presentacion, /., introduction, presentar, v. tr., to present, introduce, offer; — se, appear, presente, a. and s. m., present, preserve, v. tr., conservar. presidencia, /., presidency, presidente, m., president, preso, pp. and a., captured; J-. m., prisoner, press hard, v. tr., apretar. pressing, a., apremiante. prestar, v. tr., to lend, impart, pretend, v. tr., fingir 37. pretender, v. tr., to attempt, preterite, m., preterite, past definite, past absolute {tense). pretty, a., bonito, lindo. prevail, v. intr., regir 29, 37, predominar, prevalecer 38. prevailing, a., regente. prevalecer, 38, v. intr., to prevail, prevent, v. tr., impedir 29; — from, impedir que -j- subj, previously, adv., previamente, anteriormente. 430 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK price, precio, m. primavera, /., spring. primer (o), (abbreviated i°), a., first, early; lo — , the first thing; adv., first. prince, principe, m. princesa, /., princess. principado, m., principality. principal, a., main, principal; s., jefe, m. principality, principado, m. principalmente, adv., chiefly, principally. principiar (a), v. tr., to begin. principio, m., beginning; al — , at first. prisa, /., haste, speed; a toda — , at fufl speed; de — , fast, rapidly. prison, prision, /., carcel, /., bano {among the Moors), m. privado, a., private. private, a., particular, priva- do. privation, privacion, /. privilegio, m., privilege. prize, premio, m.; first — , premio gordo. proa, /., prow. probable, a., probable, vero- simil. probably, adv., probable- men te; often expressed by the future tense for present probability and the con- ditional for past probability. probar (ue), 24, v. tr., to try, taste, prove; — se, v. refl. to try on. problem, problema, m.; how great a problem it is, lo grande que es el problema. problema, m., problem. procedencia, /., origin, source. proceder, v. intr., to spring from. procesion, /., procession. process, in — of, en via de. proclamar, v. tr., to proclaim. procurar, v. tr., to try. produccion, /., production. produce, s., frutos, m.; v. tr., producir 18. producer, productor-a, m. and f. producir, 18, v. tr., to produce. production, produccion, /. productive, productor -a, m. and m. producto, m., product. productor-a, a., productive. produje, from producir 18. produjo, from producir 18. profesion, /., profession, oc- cupation. profesor, m., professor. VOCABULARIO 431 profesorado, m., faculty. professor, profesor, m., cate- dratico, m. profeta, m., prophet. profit by, V. intr., aprovecharse de, valerse (20) de. profundamente, adv., soundly, deeply. profundidad, /., depth. profundo, a., deep, profound. programa, w., program, cur- riculum. progreso, m., progress. progress, progreso, m.; v. intr.y aprovechar(se), ade- lantar(se). project, V. tr., (to plan) pro- yectar. prolongado, «., long. # prolongar, 32, v. tr., to prolong. promedio, m., average. promenade, paseo, m. promesa,/., promise. prometer, v. tr., promise. promise, promesa, /.; v. tr., prometer. promptly, adv., con prontitud. pronombre, w., pronoun. prontitud,/., promptness; con — , promptly. pronto, adv.y soon, quickly. pronunciacion, /., pronuncia- tion. propaganda, propaganda, /.; carry on a — , hacer (8) una propaganda, proper, a., conveniente; what is — , lo conveniente; — ly, adv., debidamente. property, bienes, m. pi. prophet, profeta, m. propina,/., tip; de — , as a tip. propio, a.y self, very, proponer, 12, v. tr., to propose; — se, V. refl. to intend, proporcion, /., proportion, proporcionar, v. tr., to afford, supply, provide, proportion, proporcion, /., in — as, a medida que. propose, V. tr., proponer 12. proposed, pp. and a., pro- yectado. proposicion, /., proposition, proposito, m., plan, inten- tion, proprietor, propietario, m.; {of a hotel) hotelero, m. pr6spero, a., prosperous, protect, V. tr., proteger 37, amparar; — against, res- guardar de. protecting, a., protector-a. protection, amparo, m.] pro- teccion, /. protector-a, a., protecting. 432 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK protegedor, m., patron, pro- tector. proteger, 37, v. tr., to protect. proud, a., soberbio, ufano, orgulloso; feel — of, en- orguUecerse (38) de. prove, V. tr., probar 24; — to be, resultar. provecho, w., benefit; ibuen — !, may it do you good! proveedor, m., purveyor. proveer (de), 43, v. tr., to provide. provenir, 21, ?;. intr., to arise. proverb, proverbio, m., re- fran, m., adagio, w., dicho, m. proverbio, m., proverb. provide, v. tr., proveer (de); proporcionar, suministrar. provided, conj., con tal que, dado caso que {both + subj.); a., — with, provisto de. provincia, /., province. provisional, a., provisional. provisto, pp. of proveer. proximity, vecindad, /. proximo, a., next; — pasado, ultimo, the preceding month. proyectar, v. tr., to plan, pro- pose. proyecto, m., project, plan. pua, /., metal point. public, publico, a. and s. m.. publicar, 30, v. tr., to pub- lish. publico, a. and s. m., public. publish, V. tr., publicar 30. pude, from poder 11. pudiendo, /row poder 11. pudiente, a., w^ell-to-do, powerful, rich. pudiera or pudiese, from poder II. pueblo, m., town, people. pueda, from poder 11. puedo, /rom poder 11. puente, m., deck, bridge. puerta, /., door, gate. Puerta del Sol, the most important of the public t squares of Madrid, deriv- ing its name from the for- mer eastern gate of the oity which was removed in 1570. puerto, m., port, harbor. pues, adv., well, then; — bien, well then, so then. puesta, /., — del sol, sunset. puesto, m., post, position. puesto, pp. of poner 12; {of clothing) on. puesto que, conj., since {causal). VOCABULARIO 433 pujante, ^., powerful, strong. pulgada, /., inch. pull, V, tr., tirar (de), arrastrar; — in, V, intr., {of trains) llegar 32. puntear, v. tr,, to dot. punto, w., point, period; en — , sharp, on the dot; hasta cierto — , to a certain extent, after a fashion. purchaser, comprador, m. pure, a., puro; {of. a language) castizo. purisimo, a,, very pure. puro, a.y pure; m., cigar. purpureo, a.y purple. purveyor, proveedor, m, puse, from poner 12. put, V. tr., poner 12, colocar 30; — a question to, hacer (8) una pregunta a; — foot on, poner pie en; — in, meter en; — in at, hacer escala en; — on, ponerse; — on the right way, orien- tar; — one's name, in- scribir el nombre; — out one's head, sacar (30) la cabeza; — to account, hacer valer; — together, juntar; — up at, hospedarse en, albergarse (32) en, parar en. qualify, v. tr. and intr., califi- car 30. quality, calidad, /. quantity, cantidad, /. quarrel, querella, /. quarters, the four — of the globe, las cinco partes del mundo. que, rel. pron., who, which, that; el — , la — , etc., rel. pron., he who, the one that, which; lo — , rel. pron., that which, what; conj., that, for, because, so that, than; introductory to the subj. in hortatory expressions. ique?, which, what?; I — tal?, how goes it?, how is or are?; y ique?, and what of that? ique!, how!; ique (+«. or s.) I what a! quebrar, 23, v. tr., to break. quechua, m., Kechuan, mem- ber of a tribe of Indians in w. S. A. quedar(se), v. intr. and refi., to remain, to be; quedar algo a alguien, to have something left; — plantado, to stick {intr.)', — se.con, to take, keep. 434 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK quedito, a., quiet. queen, reina, /. queer, «., raro. quejumbroso, a. and s. w., fault-finding; fault-finder. quemar, v. tr., to burn. querella, /., quarrel. querer, 13, v, tr., to wish, be willing; — decir, to mean. querido, pp. and a., dear. queso, w., cheese. question, pregunta, /.; {sub- ject for discussion) cuesti6n, /; ask a — of, hacer una pregunta a. Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gomez de (1580-1645), a shrewd and satirical poet of the courts of PhiHp III. and Philip IV. quicial, w., door-jamb. quickly, adv., aprisa. quien, rel. pron., who, he who, the one who, whoever. d quien?, interr. pron., who? quiet, a., quedito, quieto, tranquilo; — ^ly, tranquila- mente. quieto, a., quiet.. quijo, w., ore. Quijote, Don, Don Quixote, the hero of Cervantes' mas- terpiece of the same name. quimico, a., chemical, quina, /., Peruvian bark, quincena, /., fortnight, two weeks, quinto, fifth, quise, from querer 13. quisiera, I should like; from querer 13. quitar, v. tr., to take away or off, to deprive of. quite, adv., bastante, muy. quiza(s), adv., perhaps, quote, V. tr., citar, repetir 29. rabiar, v. intr., to rage; hacer — , to drive frantic. race, raza, /., (of the running of horses) carrera, /. racimo, m., cluster, bunch. rack one's brains, v. tr., romperle los cascos a uno. radical, m., root, radical. ragged, a., andrajoso. rail, {of a boat) brazal, m.\ {of a railway) riel, w.; by — , por via de ferrocarril. railway, ferrocarril, m., linea ferrea, /., camino de hierro, m., via ferrea,/.; estrado de ferro {Port.); — system, red ferroviaria, /.; — sta- tion, estacion de ferroca- VOCABULARIO 435 rriles; — center, centre ferrocarrilero. rain, Uuvia,/. ; v. intr,, Hover 26; — hard, Hover a cantaros. raincoat, impermeable, m. raise, v. tr., elevar, levantar. raising, cria, /. ramal, m., branch of railway; Hne of business. Rambla, /., one of the chief streets of Barcelona, about a mile long, bearing different names in different sections, range, at close — , de cerca; {of mountains) cordillera, /. rango, m., rank, class, rank, categoria, /., rango, m. ransom, v. tr., rescatar. rapid, a., rapido; — ly, rapida- mente. rdpidamente, adv., rapidly, rapidez, /., rapidity, rapido, a., rapid, rapier, estoque, m., espada, f. rapture, arrebatamiento, m. rare, a., raro, {of meat) poco asado. raro, a., rare, queer. ras, w., level; a — de, level with, rascacielos, m,, skyscraper, rastra, /., trail, act of dragging along. rate, what is the — of ex- change?, da como esta el cambio?; at any — , de todos modos. rather, adv., bastante, harto. rato, m., while, time; a poco — de, soon after. ravine, barranco, m. ray, rayo, m. rayo, m., ray, beam. raza, /., race. razon, /., reason; — social, firm name; con — , rightly. razor, navaja (de afeitar), /, reach, v. tr., llegar (32) a. read, v. tr., leer 43. reading, j., lectura, /. ready, a.y dispuesto, listo. real, a., verdadero; s., {coin) real, m. real, a., royal; s. m., real, a coin worth about five cents; no longer coined. Real Academia Espaiiola (de la Lengua), founded in 1 714, having as its object the standardization of the Spanish language. Its first dictionary appeared in six volumes (1726-1739). It publishes at intervals the dictionary and a gram- mar. 436 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK realista, a. and s. m., realist, realistic, realizar, 34, v. tr., to realize, realize, v. tr., realizar 34, llevar a cabo; v. refl., darse (4) cuenta de. really, adv., en verdad, real- mente, verdaderamente. realm ente, adv., really, realzar, 34, v. ir.., to heighten, reanudar, v. tr., to take up again, to continue, rear, a., trasero. reason, razon, /. rebajar, v. tr. and intr., to come down, to lower, rebaiio, m., flock, herd, rebel, insurrecto, m., rebelde, m. rebelde, a. and s., rebel, rebellious to, a., refractario a. rebosar (de), v. intr., to over- flow (with). rebuild, v. tr., reedificar 30, reconstruir 44. j recall, v. tr., recordar 25. receipt, recibo, m. receive, v. tr., recibir. recently, adv., recienternente. recepcion, /., reception, receptaculo, m., receptacle, recibir, v. tr., to receive, recibo, m., receipt. reciente, a., recent. recienternente, adv., recently. recio, a., strong, vigorous. reclamar, v. tr., to claim. recoger, 37, v. tr., to gather, pick up. recognize, v. tr., reconocer 38. recomendaci6n,/, recommen- dation. recompensa, /., recompense, reward. reconcentrar, v. tr., to concen- trate. reconocer, 38, v. tr., to recog- nize. reconocidisimo, a., very grate- ful, much obliged. reconquest, reconquista, /. Reconquista, /., Reconquest, the period in Spanish his- tory from 711 to 1492 which saw the invasion of Spain by the Moors, their pre- dominance in nearly all the Peninsula and their final expulsion therefrom. reconstruir, 44, v. tr., to re- construct. recordar, 24, v. tr., to remind, recall, remember; to make think of; da quien me re- cuerda Vd.?, whom do you make me think of? VOCABULARIO 437 recorrer, v. tr.^ to traverse; — mucho mundo, to travel over a great deal of or to see much of the world. recorrido, m., run, distance traversed. recover, v. intr., restablecerse 38- recrearse, v. refl., to amuse oneself. recreo, w., diversion, sport. rectangulo, w., rectangle. recto, a., straight. recuerdo,^ w., souvenir, re- membrance, memory, re- gard, respect. recurrir a, v, intr., to resort to, betake oneself to. recurso, m., resource. red, /., net, rack, network, system; — ferroviaria, rail- way system. red, a., rojo; tape, expe- dienteo, m. reddish, a., rojizo. redentor, m., redeemer. redondel, m., arena. reducir, i8, v. tr., to reduce. reembolso, m., reimburse- ment, payment. refer, v. tr., referir 27. referente a, prep.y regard- ing. referir, 27, v. tr., to relate, tell, refer, mention; — se a, to refer to; lo referido, what has been related. refinar, v. tr., to refine. reflection, reflejo, m. reflejo, w., reflection. reforma, /., alteration, im- provement. refractario, a., rebellious, re- fractory, opposed to. refran, m., proverb, maxim. refrigerador-a, a.,, refriger- ating. refrigerating plant, frigorifero, m.y planta refrigeradora, /. refuse, v. tr., rehusar, negarse (23, 32) a. regain consciousness, volver (26) en si. regalar, v. tr., to present. regar (ie), 23, 32, to irrigate. regarding, prep., referente a, tocante a, respecto a, por lo que se refiere a. regatear, v. intr., to bargain, haggle. regente, a. and s., ruling, pre- vailing; regent. region, /., region. region, comarca, /., region, /. regir, 29, 37, v. tr. and intr., to rule, prevail, be in force. 43^ ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK register, v. tr., {of mail) cer- tificar30; j., (of a hotel) libro de entradas, m. registrar, v. tr. to examine. registration, certificacion, /. regocijado, a., glad, joyful. regocijo, w., delight, joy. regresar, v. intr.y to return. regret, v. tr., sentir 27. regular, a., regular, fair, not unusual, ordinary. rehabilitacion, /., rehabilita- tion. rehusar, v. tr., to refuse. reign, reinado, m.; v. intr., reinar, prevalecer 38. reigning, a., reinante. reina, /., queen. reinado, w., reign, rule. reinante, a., reigning, pre- vailing. reinar, v. intr., to reign. reino, w., kingdom. reintegrar, v. tr., to restore. reir(se) (i), 29a, v. intr. and refl., to laugh. reja, /., window-grating. relacion, /., relation. related, be more closely — to, tener (17) mas parentesco con. relation, aproximacion, /.; re- lacion, /. relative, pariente, m. and f, relato, m., report, account, religioso, a., religious, reloj, m., time-piece, watch, relojeria, /., jewelry store, relojero, m., watchmaker, jeweler, rely upon, v. tr., contar (24) con. remain, v. intr., quedar(se). remains, restos, m.pl. remark, v. tr., advertir 27, observar, decir 5. remarkable, a., aventajado {of ability as a student) . remediar, v. tr., to help, free from danger, cure, remedy, remedio, m., remedy; no hay — , there's no help for it. remember, v. tr., recordar 24, acordarse (24) de. remind, v. tr., recordar 24. remitir, v. tr., to remit, send, remolacha, /., beet, remolcador, m., tug-boat, remontar, v. tr., to ascend, remote, a., remote, remove, v. intr., trasladarse a, mudar de casa; v. tr., sacar 30, quitar. renacimiento, m., renascence, awakening; {as a proper noun) the Renaissance or VOCABULARIO 439 Renascence, the period of transition from the middle ages to the modern age, marked chiefly by a revival of learning and self-eman- cipation. Society, art, literature and science un- derwent vast changes for the better. renaissance or renascence, renacimiento, m. rencor, m., ill-will. rendicion, /., surrender. rendir (i), 29, v. tr., to over- take; — se, to surrender. renew, v. tr., renovar 24. renombrado, a. and pp., re- nowned, famed. renounce, v. tr., renunciar. renovacion,/., reform, change. renovar (ue), 24, to renew. renowned, a. afamado, cele- brado, renombrado. rent, v. tr., arrendar 23, al- quilar. renunciar, v. tr., to renounce, give up. repair, v. tr., componer 12. reparar (en) v. intr., to notice, note, heed. reparo, m., notice, remark. repasar, v. tr., to review, recall. repaso, m., review. repay (for), v. tr., pagar (30) (de) repeat, v. tr., repetir 29. repente, de — , suddenly. repetir (i), 29, v. tr., to repeat. repleto, a., filled. replicar, 30, v. mtr., to answer. reply, v. intr., contestar, re- plicar 30, responder, repo- ner 12; in — to, en contes- tacion a. reponer, 12, v. zn/r., to answer. report, voz, /., relato, m.', the — goes, corre la voz; be reported to be, tener (17) fama de ser. represent, v. tr., figurar, sim- bolizar 34, representar. representacion, f., perform- ance. representante, m., represen- tative. representar, v. tr., to repre- sent, to give {of perform- ances) . representative, representante, m. republica, /., republic; — hermana, sister republic. republicano, a. and s., repub- lican. repuse, from reponer 12. reputado (por),^., famous (for). 440 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK reputation, reputacion, /., fama, /., have the — of, tener (17) fama de, estar reputado como. reputed, be — as, tener (17) fama de, estar reputado como. requerir (ie, i), 27, v. tr., to require, require, v. tr., requerir (27). res, /., head of cattle, beef, rescatar, v. tr., to ransom, resemblance, semejanza, /., parecido, m. resemble, v. tr., parecerse (38) a; asemejarse a. reservar, v. tr., to reserve, resguardarse (de),v. refl., to protect oneself (against). reside, v. intr., residir, domi- ciliarse. residence, casa, /., residencia, /.; fine — , palacio, m. residencia, /., residence, resident, morador-a, m. and/. residente (de), a., resident (in). residir, v. intr., to reside, dwell, resistir (a), v. intr. and tr., to resist, resort (to), t^. intr., recurrir (a). resource, recurso, m. respect, v. tr., respetar; s.y respecto, m.; in certain — s, en ciertos respectos. respective, a., respective. respecto, m., respect, relation; con — de, regarding. respetar, v. tr., to respect resplandeciente, a., brilliant, resplendent. resplendent, a., resplande- ciente, a. responder, v. intr., to answer. respuesta, /., answer. rest, resto, m., lo restante; {the others) los demas; v, intr., descansar. restablecerse, 38, v. refl., to recover. restante, a., remaining; lo — , what is left. restituir, 44, v. tr., to restore. resto, m., remainder, rest; los — s, the remains. restore, v. tr., reintegrar, re- stituir 44. resultado, m., result. resultante, a., resultant; lo — , the resultant. resultar, v. intr., to prove to be, turn out, result; no resulto gran cosa de, not much came from. resumir, v. tr., to summarize. VOCABULARIO 441 retail, at — , a menudeo. retener, 17, v. tr.^ to retain. retinue, sequito, m. 'retirar(se), v. intr. and reft., to retire, withdraw. retire, {to rest) acostarse 24; retirarse. retired, pp. and a., jubilado. retire, w., retreat, retirement. Retire, Plaza del {also, called San Martin), an important square of Buenos Aires. Retire, (Buen), the chief park of Madrid, in e. part of the city; contains 353 acres. retrace one's steps, desandar (i) lo andado. retrato, m., portrait, photo- graph. return, v. intr., volver 26, 45, regresar; v. tr., devolver 26, 45. reunion, /., meeting. reunir, v. tr., to collect, get together; — se, to meet. revisar, v. tr., to examine. revista, /., magazine. revolucion, /., revolution. revolucionario, a. and s., revo- lutionary; revolutionist. revuelta,/., revolt, revolution. revuelto, pp. of revolver 26, 45 ; stirred up. rey, m., king; los reyes, the king and queen; Los Reyes Cat61icos, The Catholic Sovereigns, name given to Ferdinand II and Isabella I. rezarj 34, v. tr. and intr., to pray; — - la misa, to say mass. rhyme, rima, /.; without — or reason, a tontas y a locas. ria, /., estuary, mouth of river; — orillada de altas rocas, fiord. ribera, /., shore. Ribera, Giuseppe (1588- 1656), a Spanish painter nicknamed in Italian Lo Spagnoletto when he studied in Rome; he had a forceful pictorial style. Among his best works are: "Adoration of the Shep- herds", and "Descent from the Cross". There are 25 of his works in the Louvre gallery in Paris. Ricardo, m., Richard. rice, arroz, m. rico, a., rich. rich, a., rico, {of soil) fertil, exuberante; riches, s., riquezas, /. ride, v. tr., {a horse) montar. 442 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK ridiculous, a., extravagante. riego, w., irrigation. riel, w., rail. rielarse, v. refi.<, to glimmer. right, a., be — , tener (17) razon; all — , bueno, esta bien; on the — , a la derecha {indicating apartment in a house), derecha; j., derecho, m. rightly, adv., con razon. Rin, m., Rhine. rincon, m., corner. ring, {of hull-ring) redondel, m.; V. tr., tocar 30. rio, m., river; — arriba, up- stream. Rio Branco {Port.), a fine avenue of Rio de Janeiro, formerly called Avenida Central; bears its present name in honor of Brazil's late minister of foreign affairs. Rio de Janeiro {Port.), the capital of Brazil, situated on the w. side of the bay of the same name. It lies in a federal district of 538 square miles; population about one million. Rio de la Plata, m., the River Plata, the great estuary formed by the confluence of the Parana and Uruguay rivers. Rio Grande do Sul {Port.), the most s. province of Brazil; area about 90,000 square miles. Rioja, La, a city and province of n. w. Argentina. riot, V. intr., amotinarse. Rio Tinto, a copper mining town and region in the province of Huelva, s. w. Spain; population about 12,000. riqueza, /., wealth. rise, V. intr., levantarse, surgir 45; {of the sun) salir 15. riser, el que se levanta; early — , quien or el que madruga. risk, V. tr., arriesgar 32. risueiio, a., pleasant, agree- able, flattering. rival, m., rival; sin — , un- rivalled. rivalidad, /., rivalry. river, rio, m.; as a., fluvial; — traffic, trafico fluvial. road, camino, m., carretera, /.; be on the right — , ir (9) bien. roadstead, caleta, /. VOCABULARIO 443 roast, asado, m.; v. tr., asar. Roberto, m., Robert. robusto, a., robust. roca, /., rock, clifF. rocalloso, <2., rocky. rock, roca, /., penon, m. rocking, balanceo, in. rocky, a., rocalloso. rodar (ue), 24, v. intr., to stroll. rodear, v. tr,, to surround. Rodrigo, w., Roderick. rogar (ue), 24, 32, to beg. rojizo, a., reddish. rojo, a., red. rdle, papel, m. roll, {of bread) panecillo, m. Roma, /., Rome. Roman, a., romano. romance, ^., Romance, de- rived from the language of Rome. Romanesque, a., romanico. romanico, a.y Romanesque. romano, a.y Roman. romper, 45, v. tr., to break; — le los cascos a uno, to rack one's brains. Ronda, /., a town of about 19,000 inhabitants in Anda- lusia; one of the oldest and most interesting of Spain. roof, tejado, m. room, habitacion, /., cuarto, m., sala, /., salon, m,: be — for, caber 2. rosa, /., rose. rosal, w., rosebush. Rosario, the second city and port of Argentina, about 200 miles by rail n. w. of Buenos Aires; population about 220,000. rose, rosa, /.; — bush, rosal, m. rosewood, palo de rosa, m, roto, m.y lower-class Chilean, rotulo, m., sign. rough, a.y agitado, picado; get — , (0/ sea) agitarse, picarse 30. round-trip, a., de ida y vuelta. rout, derrota, /.; v, tr.y de- rrotar. row, hilera, /. royal, a., real. rua (Port.), /., street. rubber, caucho, w., hule, m. Ruffo, Titta, an Italian bari- tone of great reputation who sings in Italy, Spain, S. A. and N. A. Rufino, a town and railway junction 250 miles w. of Buenos Aires on the Buenos Aires & Pacific Railway. ruido, m.y noise, sound. 444 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK ruisenor, m., nightingale. rule, V. tr., gobernar 23, regir 29, 37; V- intr.y reinar. rumbo, m., course, direction; con — a, setting one's course for; towards. run, {of a train) recorrido, w., {of a boat) singladura, /.; V. intr.y correr, {be in mo- tion) marchar; — over, v. tr., atropellar. rush, V. intr., lanzarse 34, abalanzarse 34, precipitarse agolparse; — to meet, lanzarse al encuentro de. saber, 14, to know, know how to; {in fret.), found out, learned; a — , namely. sabio, fl., wise. saborear, v. tr., to enjoy {the taste of). Saboya, /., Savoy. sabroso, a., tasty. sacar, 30, to take out, derive, bring out; — la cabeza, to put out one's head. Sacchetti, Giovanni, an Ital- ian architect of the i8th century who constructed the royal palaces of Madrid and La Granja. sack (up), V. tr., ensacar 30. sacro, a., sacred, holy. Sacro Monte, m., a hill in e. Granada. sadden, v. tr., entristecer 38. sagaz, a., discerning. Said, the Arabic suffix mean- ing "Lord". sail, V. tr., navegar 32; z^. intr., zarpar, partir, salir 15. sailor, marinero, m. saint, san(to), m., santa, /. sal, /., salt, wit. sala, /., room; — de espera, waiting-room. salad, ensalada, /. Salamanca, the capital of the province of the same name in w. Spain; population about 25,000. Its univer- sity was founded about 1230 by Alfonso IX of Leon. salary, sueldo, m. saldre, from salir 15. salero, m., salt-cellar; witti- ness, grace. salesman, vendedor, m.; traveling — , viajante, m., comisionista, m. saiga, from salir 15. Salic, salico. salico, a., Salic. VOCABULARIO 445 salidi, /., departure, outlet, exit, rising {of the sun). saliente, a.y prominent, con- spicous. salir, 15, V. intr., to leave, go out, set forth, come out; — airoso, to come out suc- cessful. salitre, w., nitrate of soda, saltpeter, commonly called "caliche". salitrero, a., nitrate-bearing. Salmeron y Alfonso, Nicolas (1838-1908), a Spanish statesman and president, for two months, of the Spanish republic. salon, w., salon, saloon, hall; — de limpiabotas, shoe- shining parlor. Salon del Prado, the wide promenade running n. and s. between Alcala and San Jeronimo streets, Madrid. It is continued northward as the Paseo de Recoletos. salsa, /., dressing, sauce. salt, sal, /. saltar, v. intr., to jump. salubridad, /., healthfulness. salud, /., health. saludar, v. tr., to greet. salvar, v. tr., to save. same, a., mismo; the — thing, lo mismo; the — as, el mismo que; — to you, igualmente; it is all the — to me, lo mismo me da, me es igual. San Andres de Palomar, a manufacturing suburb to the n. of Barcelona. San Bernardo, a street of n. w. Madrid, on which is situated the Universidad Central. sand, arena, /. sandia, /., watermelon. sandy, a., arenoso. San Francisco el Grande, a church in s. w. Madrid, partially modelled on the Pantheon of Rome; built 1761-1784. sangre, /., blood. sangriento, a., bloody, san- guinary. San Ildefonso, see La Granja. sanitario, a., sanitary. San Martin de Provensals, a manufacturing section of the n. part of Barcelona. San Martin, Jose de (1778- 1850), the S. A. stateseman and soldier; born in Uru- guay, educated for a milli- 446 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK tary career in Spain, fought in the battle of Bailen. Volunteered in 1814 to aid S. A. independence which he, more than any other one man, secured for Argentina, Chile and Peru. Also the name of an important square of Buenos Aires. San Miguel, a high hill in the n. e. part of Granada. San Pedro de Cardena, a con- vent about 8 miles s. e. of Burgos where the Cid and Ximena were buried. San Quintin, Saint Quentin, a town of the department of the Aisne, France; in a battle here on Aug. 10, 1557 the forces of Philip II routed the French army. Sans, a manufacturing section of s. Barcelona. Santa Catharina (Port.), a province of s. Brazil; area 28,000 square miles. Santa Fe, a city and prov- ince of n. Argentina; popu- lation of former about 30,000. Santa Lucia, a hill and park in the center of Santiago de Chile. Santa Maria de la Sede, the cathedral of Seville, the largest church in the world except St. Peter's of Rome. Santander, the capital of a maritime province of the same name in n. Spain; population about 48,000; seat of a royal palace, Miramar. Santiago de Chile, the capital of Chile, about 115 miles n. e. of Valparaiso. Population 370,000. san(to), santa, m. andf., saint. Santo Domingo, Plaza de, a square n.w, of the Puerta del Sol, Madrid. Santos, a city and port of Brazil, 227 miles s. of Rio de Janeiro; population about 41,000. Chief coffee shipping port of the world. Sao Paulo {Port.), a city and state of s. Brazil; the popu- lation of the former is about 300,000. In Spanish, San Pablo. Saracen, a. and j., sarraceno. sarcofago, m., sarcophagus, tomb. sardina, /., sardine. VOCABULARIO 447 sarraceno, s. and s., Saracen; applied as a nickname to Spaniards in S. A. sastre, m., tailor. sastreria, /., tailor shop. satisfacer, {forms similar to hacer 8), v. tr., to satisfy. satisfecho, pp. of satisfacer and a., satisfied, content. satisfied, pp. and a., satis- fecho. satisfy, v. tr., satisfacer 8; — one's hunger, matar el hambre. save, V. tr.y salvar. Savoy, Saboya, /. say, V. tr.y decir 5; — to one's self, decir para si; as they — , como quien dice; I should — soi, iya lo creo!; without saying aye, yes or no, sin decir tus ni mus. saying, sentencia, /., refran, m., adagio, m. scarcely, adv., apenas (si). scare, susto, m. scattered, pp. and a., espar- cido. scene, escena, /. school, escuela, /., colegio, m. schoolmate, amigo de escuela, m. scrambled, a., revuelto. se, pers. pron. refl., oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves, yourself, your- selves. se, pers. pron., substitute for le or les before another ^^d, pers. obj. pron. se, from saber 14. sea, from ser 16; ya — ... o — , either ... or. sea, mar, m. and /.; on the open — , en alta mar; — bass, mero, m. seabath, bafio de mar, m. seacoast, costa maritima, /. seashore, orilla del mar, /. seasick, a., mareado; become or get — , marearse, ponerse, (12) mareado. seasickness, mareo, m. season, estacion, /. seat, asiento, m., sitio, m.; {in public places) localidad, /.; — oneself, v. refl.., sen- tarse 23. seated, pp. and a.y sentado. secar, 30, v. tr., to dry. seccion, /., section. second, a., segundo; — class, a., de segunda clase; {of the date of the month) el dos de. secret, secreto, m. section, seccion, /. 448 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK secuestrar, v. tr., to kidnap, secure, v. tr., conseguir 29, 33, obtener 17, alcanzar 34- sed, /., thirst. seda, /., silk. see, V. tr.y ver 22; — ! or — here! (imper.), imire(n) Vd(s).!; — much of the world, recorrer mucho mun- do; — off, despedir 29; let's — , vamos a ver, a ver. seek, V. tr., buscar 30. seem, v. intr., parecer 38. Segovia, /., the capital of the province of the same name in n. central Spain; popula- tion about 15,000. segoviano, a. and j., Sego- vian. seguida, /., succession; en — , at once, immediately. seguidamente, adv., immedi- ately, directly. seguir (i), 29, 33, v. tr., to fol- low, continue; — el camino, to go on one's way; — de, to continue as. segun, prep., as, according to; — y conforme, that de- pends. segundo, a., second. seguramente, adv., surely. seguridad, /., assurance. seguro, a., sure, safe; s. m., insurance; compafiia de — s, /., insurance company; — servidor, {abbreviated S. S.), yours truly. seis, six. seize, v. tr., coger 37, tomar, apoderarse de. seldom, adv., raras veces; pocas veces. selva, /., wood, forest, sell, V. tr., vender, seller, vendedor, m. sello, m., stamp, semana, /., week;' por — , weekly, a week, semanal, a., weekly, sembrado, m., sown field (0/ grain). semejanza, /., resemblance, similarity, senado, m., senate, sencillo, a., simple; {of tickets) one way. send, V. tr., enviar 39, mandar; {of a telegram) poner 12; — across, pasar; — forth, despedir 29; — with, acom- pafiar. senda, /., path, sensible, a., juicioso. VOCABULARIO 449 sentar (ie), 23, v. tr., to seat; to become, to fit; — se, V. reft.., to sit down. sentencia, /., sentence, say- ing. sentido, w., sense, conscious- ness. sentimiento, m., sentiment, feeling. sentinel, centinela, m.; — -city, ciudad-centinela, /. sentir, (ie, i), v. tr., to feel, regret; — a lo antiguo, to smack of bygone ages; — se, V. refl., to feel. senal,/., signal; en — de, as a sign of. sefialar, v. tr,, to point out. senor, m., gentleman, sir, mister, lord. seiiora, /., lady, madam. senorita, /., miss, young lady. sepa, /rom saber 14. separar, v. tr., to separate. separate, v. tr., alejar, separar; a., apartado, alejado. septentrional, a., north, nor- thern. se(p)tiembre, (7bre., one ab- breviation), m., September. sepulcro, m., tomb. sepultar, v. tr., to bury. sequito, m., suite, retinue. ser, 16, V. intr., to be; — dado a, to be fond of; — del parecer, to be of the opin- ion; — menester, to be necessary; soy asi para, that's the way with me about, I am that way about; J-. m., being. sereno, m., night-watchman. seriamente, adv., gravely, se- riously. serie,/., series. serrania, /., mountain ridge. Serrano y Dominguez, Fran- cisco (1810-1885), the Spanish statesman and sol- dier; one of the chief sup- porters of the Queen Regent, Maria Cristina, and Queen Isabella II in the war upon the Carl- ists. serve, v. tr., servir 29; — as, servir de. service, servicio, m.; at your — , para servir a Vd(s)., a la disposicion de Vd(s)., a las ordenes de Vd(s). servicio, m., service; de — , on duty. servidor, m., servant; — de Vd(s)., at your service. 45 o ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK servir, 29, v. tr., to serve; — de, to serve as; — para, to be useful for; — un pedido, to fill an order; para — a Vd(s)., at your service; — se, please; — se de, to make use of. sesenta, sixty. sesos, m. pL, brains. setenta, seventy. set, V. tr., poner 12, colocar 30, {of the sun) ponerse; — out, salir 14, partir, irse 9, ponerse en camino; — sail, hacerse (8) a la mar, zarpar; — sail for, embarcarse (30) para; — up, montar, plan- tar, establecer 38; setting the course for, con rumbo a. setting, montadura, /. settle, V. tr., arreglar; — (down), V. intr.y estable- cerse 38, asentarse 23. settlement (of houses), case- rio, m. seven, siete. seventeen, diez y siete; the — th century, el siglo XVII (diez y siete). seventy, setenta. several, a. and pron., varios. severe, a., severo, austero, duro. Sevilla, Seville, the capital of the province of the same name and the leading city of Andalusia, 54 miles from the Atlantic coast on the Guadalquivir. Ocean-going ships anchor at its docks; population about 150,000. sevillano, a. and s., Sevillian. sewerage system, alcanta- rillado, m. sexagesima, sixtieth. shade, sombra, /.; v. tr., sombrear. shadow, sombra, /. shaft, obelisco, m. shake hands, apretarle la mano a uno, darle un apre- ton de manos a uno, estre- charle la mano a uno. shall, usually the sign of the future tense; if indicative of obligation, deber. shape, forma,/. sharp, a., {of the hour) en punto. shawl, manton, m. she, pers. pron., ella; {before of or who) la. shears, tijeras, /. pi. shelter, v. tr., cobijar, abri- gar 32, take — , albergarse 32. VOCABULARIO 451 shine, v. intr., brillar; the sun — s, hay sol. ship, buque, w., barco, m., vapor, m.y navio, m. shipboard, on — , a bordo de un buque or navio. shipment, envio, m. shipyard, astillero, m. shoe, zapato, m ; shining parlor, salon de limpia- botas, m.; v. tr., {of horses) herrar 23 ; — maker, zapa- tero, m. shoeshop, zapateria, /. shop, tienda, /., — keeper, tendero, m.\ work- — , taller, m. shopping, adv., de tiendas. shore, orilla, /., ribera, /., costa, /.; on the — of, a orillas de. short, a., corto. shotgun, escopeta, /. should, usually the sign of the pres. or imperf. subj., or of the cond.; if indicative of obligation, deber. shoulder, hombro, w.; — -blade, espaldilla, /. shout, V. tr. and intr., gritar. shouting, algazara, /. show, V. tr., ensenar, mostrar 24, manifestar 23, demos- trar 24, hacer (s) ver; — in, hacer entrar; — one to, conducir (18) a; — win- dow, escaparate m. showy, a., aparatoso. shrewd, a., cuerdo, listo. shriek, v. tr. and intr., gritar, chillar. shrug one's shoulders, enco- gerse (37) de hombros. shuffle-board, tejo, m. si, conj., if; why. si, adv., yes; — que, indeed, surely. si, pers. pron., refl., used after a prep., himself, herself, itself, themselves, yourself, yourselves; por — mismo, for yourself, etc. side, lado, m., {of a moun- tain) ladera, /.; by the — of, al lado de; on all — s, por todas partes. side-walk, acera, /. Sidi, see Said. Sidney, a city of Austra- lia. siempre, adv., always; para — , forever. Sierpes, Calle de las, a very narrow but important street of Seville. sierra, /., mountain, range. 452 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Sierra Nevada, a range of mountains in the s. part of Spain, some 15 miles from Granada. siete, seven. sigsiy from seguir 29, 33. sight, vista, /.,curiosidad, /., espectaculo, m.; at — , a la vista. siglo, m., century; — de oro. Golden Age. sign, cartel, w., letrero, m. signal, serial, /. significado, m., meaning. sigue, from seguir, 29, 33. siguiendo, from seguir 29, 33. siguiente, a., following, next. silbar, v. intr., to whistle. silbido, m., whistle. silencio, m., silence. silent, a., callado; be — , V. intr., callar(se). silver, plata, /. silvestre, a., wild. silla, /., chair. sillon, aug. of silla, arm chair; — mecedor, rocking-chair. simbolizar, 34, to typify, rep- resent, symbolize. simbolo, m., symbol, sign; en — de, representing. similar, a., parecido, seme- jante. similarity, semejanza,/. simpatico, a., congenial, nice, agreeable. simpatizar, 34, to sympathize. sin, prep., without; — que, conj.y without. since, prep., desde, {after time expressions) que; conj., {causal) ya que, puesto que, pues; {temporal) desde que. singer, cantor, w., cantante, m. singladura, /., day's run {of ' boats). single, a., solo. singular, a., singular. sink, V. intr., ir (9) a pique, hundirse; v. tr., echar a pique. sinnumero, m., great number; un — d'e, countless. sino, conj., but {adversative)', only {after a negative)', — que, but {with an adversa- tive clause). sinonimo, a., synonymous. sinopsis,*/-? synopsis. sip (up), v. tr., sorber. siquiera, adv., no; ni . . . — , not even. sir, caballero, m., sefior, m.; dear — , muy sefior mio (nuestro); dear — s, muy senores mios (nuestros). VOCABULARIO 453 sistema, m., system, sister, hermana, /. sit (down), v. intr., sentarse 23. site, sitio, w., lugar, m. sitio, m., place, seat, spot, site, sitting-room, gabinete, m. situacion, /., location, site, situation, situado, pp. and a., located, situated, situar, v. tr., to locate, situate, situated, pp. and a., situado. six, seis. sixteen, diez y seis; — th century, el siglo XVI (diez y seis). sixtieth, sexagesimo; one — , la sexagesima parte, sixty, sesenta. size, tamafio, m.; in — , por su tamafio. skilful, a., diestro, habil. skill, acierto, w., destreza, /., habilidad, /. skilled, a., perito, diestro. sky, cielo, m. skyscraper, rascacielos, m. slab, laja, /. slag, escoria, /. slap, bofetada, /. slaughter-house, matadero, m. sleep, V. mtr.y dormir 28. slipper, zapatilla, /. slope, vertiente, /. slowly, adv.y a paso lento, despacio, lentamente. small, a., pequeno, diminuto. smell, V. intr., oler 26a. smelt, V. tr., fundir. smelter, fundicion, /. smile, V. intr., sonreirse 29a. smoke, humo, m.; v. tr., fumar. smuggler, contrabandista, m. snow, nieve, /. snowfall, nevada, /. snowy, snow - crowned, a., nevado. so, adv., asi; (degree) tan; (with tr. verb or ser) lo; — as to, para; — much, tan to; and — forth, y asi sucesivamente, etcetera; — that, conj., de manera que, para que, a fin de que. soberano, m., sovereign, ruler. soberbio, a., grand, superb. sobrante, lo — , what is left over. sobrar, v. ifitr., to have to spare, have extra. sobre, prep., on, upon, about, in. sobremanera, adv., immense- ly, beyond measure. 454 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK sobrenadar, v. intr.^ to keep afloat, sobresaliente, ^., excellent, most excellent, superior, leading, sobresalir, 15, to excel, sur- pass. sobretodo, adv.^ especially, sobrino, m., nephew, sociedad, /., society, socio, w., partner; — co- manditario, silent partner, socorro, m., help, succor, soda, /., sosa, /. sofocante, a.^ stifling, soil, suelo, w., terrufio, m.; home — , terrufio original, sol, w., sun, sunlight; hay — , the sun shines, it is sunny, solar, m., ancestral home or estate, soldado, m., soldier, soldier, soldado, m. solemnidad, /., solemnity, solemne, a.^ solemn., soler (ue), 26, to be wont or accustomed, solicitously, adv.^ atenta- mente. solidaridad, /., solidarity. Soils, Juan de (1470-15 16), a Spanish explorer who in 151 5 explored the River Plata region, solo, <2., alone, sole, single, solo, adv., only, just; no — . . . sino (tambien), not only . . . but also, soltar, V. tr.y to loosen, sombra, /., shade, shadow; a la — , in the shadow, sombrear, v. tr., to shade, shadow, sombrerero, w., hat-maker, sombrereria,/., hat store, sombrero, w., hat. some, a. and pron.y alguno (algun); algunos, un poco de; unos (before indef. nu- merical expressions). someter, v. tr., to submit, something, indef. pron., algo, alguna cosa; there is — of everything, hay de todo. sometimes, adv., algunas veces. somewhat, adv., algo, un poco. somewhere, adv., en alguna parte, son, from ser 16. son, hijo, m. sonar (ue) 24, v. intr., to sound, strike (0/ the hour). sonoro, a., sonorous, musical. VOCABULARIO 455 sonreir(se) (i), 29a, v. intr. and refl.,, to smile. sonar (ue), 24, (con, en) v. intr., to dream (of). sonolencia, /., drowsiness, sleepy appearance. soiioliento, ^., sleepy, drowsy. soon, adv., pronto, dentro de poco, a poco rato; — after, poco despues de, a poco de; as '- — as, tan pronto como, luego que, asi que. sopa, /., soup. soplo, m., gust, breath. Sorata, a peak of the Cordi- llera Real near La Paz, Bolivia; elevation, 21,490 feet. sorber, v. tr., to sip (up). sordo, a.y deaf. Soriano, a department of w. Uruguay. SoroUa y Bastida, Joaquin (1863- ), the acknowl- edged head of the modern Spanish school of painting. sorprender, v. tr., to sur- prise. sorpresa, /., surprise. sort, especie, /., clase, /. sorteo, m., drawing (of the lottery). sosa, /., soda. sospecha, /., suspicion. soul, alma, /. sound, ruido, w., sonido, m, soundly, adv., profundamente. soup, sopa, /. source, manantial, m., venero, m. south, J-., sur, m., sud, m.; a., meridional, sur, sud; — Station, Estacion del Mediodia, /. South America, America del Sur,/., Sud America,/. South American, a. and s., sudamericano. southeastern, a., sudeste. southern, a., del sur, del mediodia. southward, adv., hacia el sur. southwest, sudoeste, m. souvenir, prenda de recuerdo, /., recuerdo, m. soy, from ser 16. space, espacio, m. Spain, Espafia, /. Spaniard, espanol, m. Spanish, a., espafiol-a, cas- tellano; — -speaking, de habla espafiola. Spanish-American, a. and s., hispanoamericano. speak, V. intr., hablar; so to — , por decirlo asi. 456 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK spectator, espectador, m., concurrente, m. and /., asistente, m. and f. speech, habla, /. speed, velocidad, /., marcha, /.', prisa, /.; at full — , a toda prisa, a toda veloci- dad. spend, V. tr., (of time) pasar; (of money) gastar; — the night, pernoctar. spice, especia, /. spin, V. tr.f hilar, spinner, hilandero-a, m. andf. spinning-mill, hilanderia, /., fabrica de tejidos, /. spirit, genio, m. spite, in — of, prep., a pesar de, a despecho de. spoon, cuchara, /. sport, deporte, m. spot, sitio, m.f lugar, m., paraje, m. spring, spring-time, prima- vera, /.; (metal) muelle, m. square, plaza, /.; main — , Plaza Mayor; a., cuadrado. S. S., abbreviation for se- guro(s) servidor(es), yours truly. SS. MM., Sus Majestades, Their Majesties, stable, caballeriza, /. staff, personal, m., cuerpo, m.; {of bull-fighters) cuad- rilla, /.; selling — , cuerpo de vendedores, m. stage, teatro, m. stagnation, inactividad, /. stairway, escalera, /. stamp, sello, m., timbre, m.; V. tr., (of letters) franquear. stand, V. intr., {of buildings) levantarse; — out, desta- carse 30; — (still), estar parado, pararse; ponerse 12. standard, estandarte, m. standing, a., de pie, parado. start from, v. intr., arrancar (30) de. state, estado, m.; a., de gala. statesman, estadista, m. station, estacion, /. statue, estatua, /. stay, estancia, /.; v, intr., quedarse, estarse; {at a ■ hotel) hospedarse, alber- garse 34, parar(se). steadily, adv., cada vez mas. steam-heated, a., calentado por (medio de) vapor. steel, acero, m. steep, a., empinado, escar- pado. step, paso, m., operacion, /., {of stairs) peldano, m., ■ VOCABULARIO 457 escalon, m.; pL, graderia, /.; manufacturing — s, opera- ciones de fabricacion, /. pi. steward, camarero, m. stick, V. intr.y qued^r plantado. still, adv., todavia, aun. stock, {of goods) surtido, m. stone, piedra, /. stool, banqueta, /. stop, V. intr., parar(se), detenerse 17, cesar (de); — at, (of boats), hacer (8) escala en; v. tr., impedir 29. store, tienda, /.; book — , libreria, /. story, piso, m. stormy, a., borrascoso. story, cuento, m., the same old — , lo de siempre; that is indeed another — , eso es 3^a otro cantar. straight ahead, adv., derecho. straighten, v. tr., enderezar 34. strait, estrecho, m. strange, a., extrano; it seems — , parece mentira. stranger, extranjero, m.; be a — to, desconocer 38. straw, paja,/. stream, corriente^/., chorro, m. street, calle, /.; car,'tran- via, m.; ■ car line, linea de tranvias. strength, fuerza(s), /. stretch, v. tr., estirar; — out, V. intr., extenderse 25, dila- tarse; s., trecho, m. strike, v. intr., {of clocks) sonar 24, dar 4; s., huelga, /. striker, huelguista, m. strip, faja, /. stroll, v. intr., pasearse, rodar 24; — along, pasearse por. strong, a., fuerte, recio; — -box, cofre fuerte. stronghold, plaza fuerte, /. structure, construccion, /. struggle, lucha, /.; v. intr., luchar. student, estudiante, m. and f., alumno, m.; entering — , matriculante. studio, estudio, m. study, estudio, m.; v. tr., estudiar; — to be, estudiar para, stumble about, v. intr., tam- balearse. stupid, a., torpe. style, estilo, m., moda, /.; in French — , a la francesa. stylish, a., elegante; — set, mundo elegante, su, poss. a., his, her, its, their, your, subdito, m., subject. 4S8 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK subida, /., ascent. subir, (a, en), v. intr., to go up, get into, come up, ascend; v. tr., to bring up. subject, subdito, m.; — of study, materia de estudio. subjuntivo, w., subjunctive. subrayar, v. tr., to underline. subscribe, v. tr., subscribir 45. subsidize, v. tr., subvencionar. substituir, -44, v. tr., to re- place. substituya, from substituir 44. subterraneo, a., underground; ferrocarril — , subway. suburb, arrabal, m., suburbio, m. suburbio, w., suburb. subvencionar, v. tr., to sub- sidize. subway, ferrocarril subterra- neo, m. succeed (in), v. intr., tener (17) exito en + inf., lograr + inf., alcanzar (34) + inf.; {in office) suceder a. success, (buen) exito, m. successful, a., airoso. suceder (a), v. intr., to follow in succession, to succeed. sucesion, /., succession, ofF- soring. sucesivamente, adv., suc- cessively; y asi — , and so forth. sucesor, m., successor. sucursal, /., branch {of a business). such, a., tal; — a, un tal. sud, m., south. sudamericano, a. arid j.. South American. suddenly, adv., subitamente. sudeste, m., southeast; a., southeastern. sudoeste, m., southwest; a., southwestern. sueldo, m., salary, wages. suelo, m., floor, soil, ground. suelto, pp. of soltar and a.; loosened. sueiio, m., dream, sleep. suerte, /., lot, luck, event. suffer, V. intr., padecer 38, sufrir. suffice, V. intr., bastar. sufficiently, adv., bastante, lo suficiente, harto. suficiente, a., sufficient, enough. sufrimiento, m., sufi^ering. sugar, azucar, w.; — cane, cafia de azucar; — loaf, pan de azucar, pao de • assucar {Port.), — -mill, . VOCABULARIO 459 ingenio (azucarero), m.; — -plant, ingenio, m. sugerir (ie, i), 27, to suggest. suit, traje, m.; v. tr., convenir 21. suite, sequito, m. Suiza, La, Switzerland. suizo, a. and j., Swiss. sujeto, w., fellow. sulphur, azufre, m. sultry, a.y bochornoso. sum, cantidad, /., suma, /. suma, /., sum. sumamente, adv,y highly, greatly. sumergirse, 37, (en) v. intr. and reft., to become ab- sorbed. sumergido, pp. and a., ab- sorbed. suministrar, v. tr.^ to supply, provide. summer, verano, m.; — re- sort, lugar veraniego, m,; pass the — , veranear. summit, cumbre, /., lo mas alto, n. sumo, a., greatest, highest. sun, sol, m.; in the — , a I sol. sunbeam, rayo del sol, m. Sunday, domingo, w. sunlight, luz del sol, /. sunlit, pp. and a., asoleado. sunrise, salida del sol, /. sunset, puesta del sol, /. suntuoso, a.y rich, sumptuous, superar (a), v. intr., to sur- pass. superb, a., soberbio. superficie, /., surface, superior, a., high, superior, very good, upper, better, supiese, from saber 14. suplicar, 30, v. tr., to request, beg. supo, from saber 14. suponer, 12, v. tr., to suppose, supply, abastecimiento, m.; V. tr.y suministrar, abastecer 38, proporcionar, surtir. support, V. tr., apoyar. suppose, V. tr., suponer 12. supremo, a., supreme, highest, supuesto, por — (que), of course, sur, m., south. surcar, 30, v. tr., to plow, sure, a.f seguro. surely, adv., ciertamente, seguramente, si que + clause. surface, superficie, /. surgidero, m., roadstead, anchorage, surgir, 37, v. intr., to spurt, issue, shoot forth. 460 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK surpass, v. tr., superar a, descollar (24) a, ganar a, llevar ventaja a, aventa- jar a. surprise, sorpresa, /.; v. tr., sorprender, extranar; I am surprised, me extrafia, me sorprende. surrender, rendicion, /.; v. tr., rendir 29; v. intr., rendirse capitular, surround, v. tr., rodear, cir- cundar, circuir 44. surtido, m., stock, supply, surtidor, m., spout, jet. surtir, 45, v. tr. and intr., to supply; to anchor, surto, pp. of surtir, anchored, suspicion, sospecha, /. sustento, m., sustenance, nourishment, suyo, poss. a., his, her, its, their, your; el — , la suya, etc., poss. pron., his, hers, its, theirs, yours, swallow (up), V. tr., tragar 32. swear, v. tr., jurar. sweet, a., dulce; — ly, adv., dulcemente. swiftly, adz^., rapidamente, velozmente. swim, V. intr., nadar. Swiss, a. and s., suizo. Switzerland, La Suiza. sword, espada, /., estoque, m, sympathize, v. intr., simpa- tizar 34. system, sistema, m.; account- ing — , contabilidad, /., street car — , red de tran- vias; sewerage — , alcan- tarillado, m. tabacal, m., tobacco planta- tion. tabaco, m., tobacco; — s, cigars. tablazon, m., plank; — de embarque, gangplank. table, mesa, /.; — -land, meseta, /., altiplanicie, /.; wine, vino de mesa, m. tailor, sastre, m. tajo, m., gorge. take, V. tr., tomar, quedarse con; {motion to or from) lle- var, conducir 18; aprove- char; — advantage of, aprovecharse de, valerse (20) de; — a stroll or walk, dar (4) un paseo, pasearse; — a turn, dar tina vuelta; — a trip, hacer (8) un viaje; — away (from), quitar (a), llevar (a); — boat, tomar VOCABULARIO 461 vapor, embarcarse (30); — care of; cuidar; — dinner, tomar la comida, comer; — for a ride, Uevar a paseo; — four days, faltar or tardar cuatro dias; — hold {of fire), prender 45; — in, abarcar 30; — into account, tener (17) en cuenta; — on an increase, tomar incre- mento; — it into one's head, metersele en la cabeza a uno, antojarsele a uno; — leave of, despedirse (29) de; — out, sacar 30, extraer 19? — place, verificarse 30, tener lugar; — pleasure in, complacerse (38) en; — shelter, albergarse 32; — up again, reanudar; have oneself taken, hacerse Ue- var; how long does it — for you to reach?, icuanto tiempo tarda Vd. en llegar a ? tal, indef. a. and pron., such, such a; so and so; — o cual, this or that; — vez, adv., perhaps; — cual, as; con — que, conj., provided. talento, w., talent. talk, V. intr., hablar; — with- out rhyme or reason, hablar a tontas y a locas. talon, w., check, stub. taller, m., work-shop. tamano, m., size; a., so great, such. tamarindo, m., tamarind. tambalearse, v. refl., to stum- ble about. tambien, adv., also. tampoco, adv., neither, nor; either {after a negative), tan, adv. so, as. tan, v. tr., curtir, zurrar, tanda, /., section {-part of a performance for which a separate ticket is bought). tandem, adv., en fila. tanner, curtidor, m. tannery, teneria, /. tanque, m., tank. tanto, indef. a. and pron., so much, as much; — s, so many; algun — , somewhat; otro — , likewise; por lo — , therefore; mil y — s, thou- sand and one; tanto . . . como, both . . . and. tapioca, /., tapioca. Tarapaca, a province (also a city) of n. Chile, consisting mostly of arid desert where are found deposited vast beds of nitrate of soda. tardanza, /., delay. 462 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK tardar (en), v. intr., to delay (in), be long (at). tarde, /., afternoon; buenas ( — s), good afternoon, good evening; adv., late. tarea, /., task. tarifa, /., tariff. tariff, tarifa, /., impuesto, m. tar j eta, /., card. Tarragona, the capital of the province of the same name in n. e. Spain. It has a fine seaport. Population about 25,000. tartana, /., tartana, a two- wheeled cart with a curving top. tasa, /., tax, rate. tasajo, in., jerked beef. task, tarea, /. taste, gusto, m.; to one's taste, a su gusto; — s differ, sobre gustos no hay nada escrito. tasty, a., sabroso. tax, impuesto, m., tasa, /., derecho, m. taximetro, m., taxicab. taza, /., cup. te, m., tea. te, pers. pron., thee, you. tea, te, m.; Paraguay — , hierba mate, /. teach, v.tr., enseiiar. teacher, profesor-a, m. and f.; maestro-a, m. and f. team, (of bull-fighters) cua- drilla, /. tear down, v. tr., derribar. teatral, a., theatrical. teatro, w., theater; the stage. Teatro Colon, the chief opera house of Buenos Aires and one of the finest in the world. Teatro Espanol, the home of high-class drama in Madrid; situated on the Calle del Principe, Madrid. Tejas, Texas. tejido, m., textile, cloth. tejo, m., quoit used in shuffle- board. telegrafia, /., telegraphy. telegrafiar, v. tr., to telegraph. telegrama, m., telegram. telegraph, v. tr., telegrafiar. tell, V. tr., decir 5; contar 24, referir 27; — one's fortune, decide a uno la buenaven- tura. temer, v. tr., to fear. temor (a), w., fear (of). temperament, temple, m. temperate, a., templado. temperatura, /., temperature. VOCABULARIO 463 templado, a., mild, temperate. temple, m., temperament. templo, /n., temple. temprano, adv., early. ten, /rom tener 17. tenazas, /. pl.y pincers. tender, v. tr., to stretch out. tendero, m.y shop-keeper. tendido, m., front seat in an amphitheater. tenedor de libros, m., book- keeper. tener, 17, to have, possess, maintain; — aficion a, to have a Hking for; — cascos de calabaza, to be easily upset; — en cuenta, to take into account; — en un igual con, to consider as the equal of; — fama de, to be repu- ted as; — ganas (de), to be anxious, want; — hambre, to be hungry; — la ama- bilidad de, to be kind enough to; — la bondad de, (to) please, to have the kindness; — mucho ojo, to keep one's eyes open, be alert; — parentesco con, to be related to; — parte, to take part; — placer en, to take pleasure in; — por or como, to regard or con- sider as; — presente, to bear in mind; — prisa (para), to be in hurry; — que + inf.y to have to -^inf.; — que ver (con), to have to do (with); — sed, to be thirsty; — sueiio, to be sleepy; — valor, to be brave; — ver- giienza de, to be ashamed to, to be bashful about; donde Vd. tiene su casa, where I shall be glad to have you call. teneria, /., tannery. tenga, from tener, 17. tennis, tennis, m. tenth, decimo, m. tehir (i) 29, 42, v. tr., to dye. teologia, /., theology. tercero, a., third. Teresa, /., Theresa. term, termino, m.; (of pay- ment) plazo de pago, m. terminar, v. tr., and intr. to end, finish. termino, m., term, limit, bound; terminus. terminus, termino. terra firma (Latin), tierra firme, /. terremoto, m., earthquake. terreno, w., land, tract, ground. 464 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK terrible, ^., terrible; a — scare, un susto mayusculo. territorio, m., territory. terruno, m., soil, ground, land, ■ — original, home soil. tertulia, /., circle of friends; a meeting of a circle of friends ; party. tertuliano, m., member of a circle of friends. tesoro, w., treasure. textile, tejido, m.; — mill, fabrica de tejidos. texto, in., text. than, conj., que, {before num- bers) de. thank, v. tr., dar (4) las gracias a, agradecer (38) algo a uno; — Jieaven!, Igracias a Dios! thanks, gracias, /. pL; — very much, mil gracias. that, dem. a., ese, esa, etc, aquel, aquella, etc, dem. pron., ese, esa, etc., aquel, aquella, etc, neut. forms, eso, aquello; that one, ese, aquel, {before de or que) el, la; — - is, es decir; so that's it!, iesas tenemos!; rel.pron., que. the, def. art., el, la, los, las; {of boats) el. theater, teatro, m.', moving- picture — , cinematografo or "cine", m. theatrical, a., teatral. their, poss. a., su; de ellos or ellas. them, pers. pron., los, les, las; {after a prep.) ellos, ellas; — selves, refi., se; {after a prep.) SI (mismos). then, adv., entonces, luego, despues; well — , pues bien. theology, teologia, /. Theotocopuli Dominico, El Greco, (died 161 4), a pain- ter born in Crete; went to Spain in 1577; painted *The Burial of the Count of Orgaz", " The Disrobing of Christ", etc. there, adv., alli, {with verb of motion) alia; — is, — are, hay, {when demonstrative) alli esta(n); — was, habia, hubo; — will be, habra. therefore, adv., por eso, por consiguiente, por lo tanto. Theresa, Teresa, /. thereupon, adv., en esto. these, dem. a., estos, estas; dem. pron., estos, estas. they, pers. pron., ellos, ellas; {before of or that) los, las. VOCABULARIO 465 Thibet, Tibet, m. thick, fl., grueso, fuerte. thing, cosa, /.; little — , cosiila, /. think, pensar 23, creer 43; parecerle (38) a uno; — of, pensar en; — out, idear; what do you — about it? or what do you — of, dque le parece(n) ?, don't you — (so)?, dno le parece?, ino cree Vd. asi? third, a.y tercer(o). thirsty, to be — (for), tener (17) sed (de). thirty, treinta; — -odd, treinta y pico de. this, dem. a.y este, esta; dem. pron.y este, esta, esto; — one, este, esta. thither, adv., alia, thoroughly, adv., a fondo. those, dem. a., esos, aquellos; dem. pron., esos, aquellos. though, fon/.,aunque,bien que. thousand, mil; miliar, m.; — and one, mil y tantos. thread, hilo, m, three, tres. thrive, v. tntr., medrar. throne, trono, m. throng, tropel, m. ; in a — , en tropel. through, prep.y por. throughout, prep., por (todo). throw, V. tr., arrojar, echar; — up, echar en alto, thus, adv.f asi. Tibet, Thibet, a country of central Asia, the highest in the world. ticket, billete, m. tie, {of a railway) travesia, /. tiempo, m., time, epoch; weather; tense; en — de, in the time of; en otro — , for- merly; con el — , in the course of time; de algun — a esta parte, for some time past. tienda, /., shop, store. tiene, /row tener 17. tierra, /., land, country; — de a 1 u V i 6 n, sediment; — firme, terra lirma, land; — muy adentro, far inland, tijeras, /. pl.y scissors, shears. Tijuca, a mountain 3400 feet high and a forest n. of Rio de Janeiro; may be reached by trolley car. tildv, ^. tr., to brand, stigma- tize. tilings, azulejos, m. pi, till, prep., hasta. timbrado, pp. and a., stamped. 466 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK timbre, w., stamp. time, tiempo, m., rato, w., vez, /. ; at the same — (that) al mismo tiempo (que), a la vez (que); at that — , por aquel entonces; of that — , de aquel entonces; some — , alguna vez; it is a long — since, hacemucho tiempo que; three — s a month, tres veces por mes; three — s as large as, tres veces mas grande que; what — is it?, J que hora es?; at any — , en todos los tiempos; at — s, a veces; for some — past, de algun tiempo a esta parte; from — to — , de vez en cuando; it is — that, ya es hora que (-^subj.); have a good — , divertirse 27, pasar un buen rato; spend a — , pasar un rato. timepiece, reloj, m. tin, estano, m. tintero, m., inkstand. tintoreria, /., dye-works. tintorero, m., dyer. tiny, a., diminuto. tio, m.y uncle. tip, propina, /.; as a — , de propina. tipico, a., typical. tipo, m.y type. tirar, v. tr., to throw, shoot; — de, to pull. tired (out), a., cansado; dead — , muerto de cansancio, cansado a mas no poder. title, titulo, m. titubear, v, intr., to waver, vacillate. titular, V. tr., to name, call. titulo, m.y title. tiza, /., chalk. to, prep., a; para (before an inf. to show purpose and before a s. to show destina- tion) . tobacco, tabaco, m.; — farm, tabacal, m.; — shop, estanco, m. tobacconist, estanquero, m. tocador, m., boudoir. tocar, 30, V. tr. and intr., to touch, ring, play (of a mu- sical instrument); — le a uno, to fall to (the lot of) one; — a, to concern; — en, to stop at; por lo que a mi me toca, as for me, as far as I am concerned. todavia,' adv., yet, still; — hoy, still today. today, adv., hoy; of — , de hoy dia. VOCABULARIO 467 todo, indef. a. and pron.y all, every, everything. Todos OS Santos {Port.), the bay upon which is. situated Bahia, Brazil. together, a,, junto; — with, prep.f junto con. toldo, w., awning. toledano, a. and s., of or per- taining to Toledo. Toledo, the capital of the province of the same name in central Spain; a city of immemorial antiquity; pop- ulation about 23,000. tolerencia, /., toleration. tomar, v. tr., to take; — comida, to dine, to take dinner; — incremento, to take on an increase; — parte en, to take part in; — ^pasaje, to engage pas- sage; tome Vd., here you are. tomb, tumba, /., sarcofago, w., sepulcro, m. tomo, m., volume. tomorrow, adv., manana. tonelada, /., ton. tongue, lengua, /.; habla, /. tono, m., tone. tonto, a., foolish; a tontas y a locas, without rhyme or reason. too, adv., (also) tambienj (degree) demasiado. tool, herramienta, /. top, lo mas alto, n., cumbre, /.; on — , por encima. tope, m., buffer. toquilla, / , bonnet, head- dress; grass^used in making Panama hats. torear, v. tr., to fight (bulls). torero, m., bull-fighter. toro, m., bull; los — , bull- fight. torre, /., tower. Torre del Oro, m., a. duode- cagonal tower on the bank of the Guadalquivir, Se- ville, built 1220; the prin- cipal survival of the towers that surrounded the Alca- zar of Seville. Bears its name because of the gold- en color of its interior til- ings. torrente, m., torrent. tortilla, /., omelet. Tortosa, a city of the province of Tarragona, n.e. Spain, on the Ebro river, 22 miles from the mouth; popula- tion about 25,000: tortuoso, a., winding. total, m., total, sum. 468 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK touch, V. tr., tocar 30; — at, {of boats) hacer (8) escala en, tocar en. touching, ^., conmovedor-a. tourist, turista, m. and f. toward, prep.y hacia. tower, torre, /.; Tower of Gold, Torre del Oro; v. intr.y alzarse 34. town, poblacion, /., pueblo, m.y ciudad, /.; — hall, ayuntamiento, m. trabajador-a, a., industrious; s. m.y workman, trabajar, v. intr. and tr.^ to work, trabajo, m., work, difficulty, trouble. trabar, v. tr,, to join; — batalla con, to fight, track, via, /., rieles, m. pi. trade, oficio, m.; (commerce) comercio, m.; v. tr., trocar 24, 30, cambiar. tradicion, /., tradition, tradicionalista, a., traditional; old-fashioned, traduccion, /., translation. traducir, 18, v. -tr., to trans- late, traduzca, from traducir 18. traer, 19, v. tr.y to bring, carry; — arrastrado, to bore; — le a uno el agua a la boca, to make one's mouth water. trafico, m., traffic. traffic, transito de vehiculos, m.y trafico, m. tragar, 32, v. tr., to swallow. traiga, /rom traer 19. traigo, from traer 19. train, tren, m.; by — , por tren, por ferrocarril. traje, m., suit, garb. trsLJey from traer 19. * tramar, v. /r., to plot, "hatch up". tramway, tranvia, m. tranquilamente, adv., quietly, tranquilly. tranquilidad, /., quiet, peace. tranquilo, a.y calm, tranquil. Transandean, a.y transandino. transandino, a., Transandean. transatlantic, a.y tra(n)sat- lantico; — steamer, trasat- lantico, m.. transcurrir, v. intr.y to pass by. transeunte, m. and /., passer- by, pedestrian. transfer, combinacion, /.; v. intr.y trasladarse; v. tr., trasladar, remover 26. transferirse 27, (a), v. refi.y to change (to). transfix, v. tr.y atravesar 23. VOCABULARIO 469 trdnsito, w., transit. transmit, v. tr., transmitir. transmitir, v. tr., to trans- mit, hand down. transportacion, /., transporta- tion. transportar, v. tr., to trans- port. transportation, transporte, m., transportacion, /. transporte, m., transporta- tion. transversal, a., transversal, cross. tranvia, m., street car, trolley car, tramway. trappings, arreo, m. tras, prep., after. trasatlantico, a., transatlan- tic; J-. m.j transatlantic steamer. trasero, a., rear, back. trasladar, v. tr., to transfer; — se a, to remove to. traspuesto, pp. and a., trans- planted, transposed. tratado, m., treaty. tratar, v. tr., to treat, discuss, address, have dealings with; — de, to try; -^se de, to be a question of; — se a cuerpo de rey, to Hve like a king. trato, m., usage, mtercourse; — s comerciales, ways of doing business. travel, v. intr., viajar; — in, viajar en; — about, re- correr; — light, viajar con poco equipaje; — through, viajar por. traveler, viajero, m., pasa- jero, m.; commercial — , viajante, m. traverse, v. tr., atravesar 23, recorrer, cruzar 34. travesia, /., trip across. traviesa, /., tie {of railway). traza, /., aspect, appearance. trazar, 34, v. tr., to trace, draw, mark out, lay out. tread, v. tr., pisar. treasure, tesoro, m. treasury, hacienda, /. treaty, tratado, m. trecho, m., stretch, space, distance. tremendo, a., tremendous, ter- rific. tren, m., train; — de lujo, especially well equipped train; ial — !, all aboard! trepar (por), v. intr., to climb up, ascend. tres, three. trescientos-as, three hundred. 470 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Triana, a suburb of Seville, across the Guadalquivir river. Inhabited mostly by gypsies and lower classes; a pottery center, tribu, /., tribe, tributary, afluente, w., tribu- tario, m. tribute, w., tribute, trigal, m., wheatfield. trigo, m., wheat, trip, viaje, m.; — across, tra- vesia, /.; return — , vuelta; /., round — , de ida y vuelta. triste, a., sad. tristemente, adv., sadly, triza, /., particle, trocar (ue), 24, 30, v, tr., to trade, exchange, trolley car, tranvia, m. trono, m., throne, troop, tropa, /. tropa, /., troop, tropel, w., crowd; en — , in a throng, in confusion, tropezar (ie), 23, 34, v. intr., to stumble; — con, to come across, tropical, a., tropico. tr6pico, a. and s. w., tropic; tropical, trouble, molestia, /., estorbo, m.y inconveniente, w., tra- bajo, m.; v. tr., molestar, estorbar, incomodar, acosar. trozo, m.y selection, passage. truck, carro, m., camion, m.; — driver, carretero, m. true, a.y verdadero; it is — , es verdad. truly, adv., verdaderamente; yours (very) truly, atento y seguro servidor (Atto. y S. S.). trumpet, bocina, /. trunk, haul, m., cofre, m. trust, V. tr.y confiar 39. truth, verdad, /.; in — , en verdad. try, V. intr., tratar de, probar 24, intentar; — hard, es- forzarse (24, 34) en. Tucum>dn, a city and prov- ince of n. Argentina, popu- lation of former about 75,000. tug, remolcador, m. tumba, /., tomb. tunel, m., tunnel. tunny (fish), bonito, m. tupido, a., thick, luxuriant. turbar, v. tr., to disturb. turco, m., .Turk. turista, m. and f., tourist. turn (about), v. intr., volverse 26, girar; — out, resultar; VOCABULARIO 471 — towards, dirigirse (37) hacia; v. tr., — the cor- ner, doblar la esquina; j., vuelta, /. tutela, /., tutelage, protection. tuve, from tener 17. tuviera or tuviese, from tener 17. twelfth, a., duodecimo; in the — century, en el siglo XII (doce). twelve, doce. twentieth, a., vigesimo; — century, siglo XX (veinte). twenty, veinte. twice, dos veces; — as large as, dos veces mas grande que. two, dos; the — , ambos-as. typify, V. tr., simbolizar 34. typist, mecanografo, m. U u, conj., or. Used for o before words beginning with u or hu. Ucayali, m., a tributary of the Amazon, flowing n. e. in e. Peru, iuf!, inter]., whew!; denotes weariness or annoyance. iiltimo, a.y last, final, lowest. Ultramar, m., country or place beyond the sea. ultramarines, m. pL, (fine) overseas products, espe- cially from Asia or the Americas. un, una, def., art., a, an; unos or unos cuantos, some, a few, several. unbelievable, a., increible. uncle, tio, m. undeniable, a., innegable. under, prep., bajo; {position) debajo de. understand, v. tr., entender 25, comprender. undertake, v. tr., empren- der. unending, a., inacabable, in- terminable. unendurable, a., inaguan- table. unexcelled, a., insuperable. unforgettable, a., inolvidable. ungrateful, a., desagradecido, ingrato. unhealthful, a., de poca salu- bridad, malsano. unico, a., unique, sole, only. union, /., union. unir, V. tr., to join, unite. United States, Estados Uni- dos, m. pi. universal, a., universal. universidad, /., university. 472 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Universidad Central, /., on San Bernardo Street, Madrid. The University at Alcala de Henares was removed to this place in 1836 and received the present title. universe, m., universe. unknown, a., desconocido. unless, conj., a menos que, a no ser que. unload, v. tr., descargir 32. unpleasant, a., feo, desa- gradable. unsurpassable, a., insupe- rable. until, prep., hasta; conj., hasta que. up, adv., arriba; — hill or grade, cuesta arriba; — till now, hasta ahora; be — , estar levantado. upon, prep., sobre, en. upper, a., superior. upset, be easily — , tener (17) cascos de calabaza. upstairs, adv., arriba. upstream, adv., rio arriba. up-to-date, a., moderno; in the most — manner, a lo mas moderno. upward, adv., hacia arriba; hacia la cumbre. urbano, a., city-like, urban, city {as a.). urge, V. tr., instar. Uruguay, El, Uruguay; also a river separating that country from Argentina, uruguayo, a. and s., Uru- guayan, us, pers. pron., dir. and indir. obj., nos; {after a prep.) nosotros. usage, uso, m. usar, V. tr., to use. use, s., uso, m.; v. tr., usar, emplear. used to, a., acostumbrado a; also often the sign of the imperfect tense. useful, a., util. useless, a., inutil. uso, m., use, usage. Uspallata, the best known pass over the Andes, 12,870 feet high. Through it passes the Transandean Railway, usted, pers. pron., m. and /., you; abbreviated Vd., Ud., V.,U. usual, a., consagrado. usually, adv., genera Imente, usualmente, por lo general, comunmente. VOCABULARIO 473 utensilios, w., utensil, tool, implement. util, a., useful. utilidad, /., utility, useful- ness; de — , useful. utilizar, 34, v» tr,, to utilize, use. utter, V. tr., lanzar 34. uva, /., grape. va, from ir 9. vaca,/., cow. vacante, a., vacant. vacuno, a., bovine. vagon, m., coach, carriage. Valencia, the capital of the province of the same name in e. Spain; population about 215,000- Oriental in appearance, has an excel- lent harbor and is the cen- ter of the orange growing region of Spain. valenciano, a. and j., Valen- cian. Valenzey, Valengay, a town of the department of Indre, France, where the Spanish royal family was held cap- tive by Napoleon from 1808 to 1 8 14. Here a treaty was signed in Dec, 1813, in which, on certain condi- tions. Napoleon recognized Ferdinand VII as king of Spain. valer, 20, v. intr., to be worth, be valid or good; — le a uno, to win for one; — la pena, to be worth while; — un senti- do, to be worth a great deal, a fortune; — se de, to make use of. valiant, a,, campeador, va- liente. valiente, a., brave, valiant. valise, maleta, /. valor, m., value; bravery. Valparaiso, Chile, the chief city of w. coast of S. A.; population 150,000; 3200 miles from Panama. valuable, <^., precioso. Valladolid, the capital of the province of the same name in n. e. Spain; population about 70,000. Capital of the Spanish empire till Philip II made Madrid the capital in 1560. valle, w., valby. vamonos, from irse 9; let's go. van, galera, /. vanguardia, /., vanguard, lead. 474 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK vanidad, /., vanity, vano, a., vain, vapor, w., steamship, vaporcito, m., dimin. of vapor, vara, /., pike, pole, variadisimo, a., greatly varied, variado, a., varied, different, variar, 39, v. tr.y to vary, varied, a., variado. variedades, /. pL, variety show, vaudeville, variety, diversidad, /. varios, a.y various; pron. and a.y several, varon, m. male, vasallo, w., vassal, vascongado, a. and s.^ Basque, vascuence, a., Basque, vase, jarron, m, vassal, vasallo, m. vast, «., vasto, inmenso, tremendo. vastisimo, a.y very large, vasto, a.y vast, huge, vaya, from ir 9; que se — Vd. con Dios {to one leaving) y good-bye. Vd. see usted. vecino, m.y neighbor, in- habitant; a.y neighboring, adjacent, vecindad, /., proximity, vecindario, w., population. vee, old form of ve from ver 22. vega /., plain. Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de (1562-1635), the greatest figure among Spanish dram- atists. He wrote more than 1500 plays and hundreds of autos sacramentales and entremeses. Most of his plays belong to the two classes called "drama of cape and sword" (de capa y espada). vegetable, legumbre, /. vegetacion, /., vegetation. vegetal, a.y vegetable. vegetar, v. intr.y to vegetate, grow. vehiculo, m.y vehicle. velnte, twenty. Velarde, Pedro, see Daoiz. Velazquez, Diego de Silva y (1599- 1 660), the head of the Spanish school of paint- ing and one of the greatest artists of all time. veleta, /., weather-vane. velocidad, /., speed, velocity; a toda — , at full speed. vencedor-a, a., victorious. veneer, 35, v. tr.y to conquer; {of bills) to fall due. VOCABULARIO 475 vendedor, m., seller. vender, v. tr., to sell. Venecia, /., Venice. venerar, v. tr., to reverence. venero, m., source, spring. venga, from venir, 21, Venice, Venecia, /. venir, 21, to come; — en conocimiento de, to find out about; — le a la memoria a uno, to come to one's mind; — -{-pres. part., to be + pres. part. venta, /., sale. ventaja, /., advantage. ventajoso, a., advantageous. ventana, /., window. ventanillo, m., peep-hole. ventilador, m., fan, ventila- tor. veo, from ver 22. ver, 22, V. tr., to see; a — , let's see; ya se ve, it is evident; alia veremos, we shall see about that; no — la hora de, to be anxious to; — se precisado a, to be com- pelled to. veranear, v. intr., to pass the summer. veraniego, a., pertaining to the summer; lugar — , sum- mer resort. verano, m., summer. yeras, de — , adv., really, in truth. verbal, a., oral; containing a verb. verbalmente, adv., orally. verbo, m., verb. verdad, /., truth; l — ?, Ino es — ?, isn't it so?, etc, en — , truly, really. verdaderamente, adv., truly, really. verdadero, a., true, real, veritable. verde, a., green. verificarse, 30, v. refl., to take place, come off. vergiienza, /., shame, bash- fulness. veritable, a., verdadero. vermicelli, fideos, m. pi. verosimil, a., likely, probable, plausible. versatil, a., versatile. versed (in), (^.,entendido (en). version, /., translation. verso, m., verse, line of poet- ry- verter (ie, i), 27, v. tr., to translate. vertiente, /., slope. very, adv., muy; a., propio, mismo. 476 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK Vespucci, Amerigo ( 1 45 1 - 15 12), an Italian adventure^ who claimed to have made four voyages to the New World and to have discov- ered the mainland of N. A. in 1497 before John Cabot. On his name Amerigo was based the word America, according to the theory of some scholars. vessel, buque, in., barco, m., navio, in,, vapor, m.; pas- senger — , buque de pasa- jeros. vestibule, m., vestibule, hall. vestido, m., garment, dress. vestir(se) (i), 29, v. intr. and refl.y to dress, clothe. vestuario, m., dress, apparel. vete, from irse 9. veterano, a. and s., veteran. vez, /., time; a la — , at the same time; a la — que, conj., while; a veces, adv., at times, sometimes; cada — mds, steadily, con- stantly; de — en cuando, from time to time, oc- casionally; muchas veces, often; otra — , again; tal — , perhaps. vi, from ver 22. via,/., way, track, road, road- bed; — ferrea, railway; en — de, in process of; por — de, via, by way of. viajante, m., traveling sales- man; a., traveling. via jar, v. intr., to travel. viaje, m., trip, voyage; — por mar, sea voyage; ifeliz — !, pleasant journey! viajero, m., traveler. viceroy, virrey, m. viceroyship, virreinato, m. vicio, m., vice. victoria, /., victory. Victoria, Queen of Spain (1887-), consort of Alphon- so XIII to whom she was married May 31, 1906. She is the first cousin of King George V of England and was the Princess Eugenia Ena of Battenberg. Vicuna Subercaseaux, Benja- min (1876-), a Chilean writer; wrote " La ciudad de las ciudades", 1905; " Gobernantes y literatos'*, 1907; " Un pais nuevo", 1903. vida, /., life, living. vidrio, m., glass, viejo, a., old. VOCABULARIO 477 viento, m., wind; — s alisios, trade-winds, viere, from ver 22. view, vista, /., panorama, m. vigente, «., in force, valid. vigoroso, a., vigorous, forceful. villa, /., city; — y corte, a term used only of Madrid, the capital city, village, aldea, /.; small — , aldehuela, /. vine, from venir 21. vineyard, vifiedo, w., vina, /. viniese, from venir 21. vino, m.y wine; — bautizado, diluted wine; — de mesa, table wine; — tinto, red wine, vina, /., vineyard, vinador, m., wine-grower, vifiedo, m., vineyard, virgen, /., virgin, virtud, /., virtue, visit, V. tr., visitar; s., visita, /. visita, /., visit, visitante, m., and f., visitor, visitar, v, tr., visit, visitor, visitante, m. and f. vislumbrar, v. tr., to perceive, catch sight of. vista, /., sight, view, gaze; a la — , at sight; hasta la — , till we meet again. visto, pp. of ver 22 ; por lo — , apparently. vistoso, a., showy, conspicu- ous. vitalidad, /., vitality. Vivar, a small village about six miles n. of Burgos; the birthplace of the Cid. vivir, V. intr., to live; iviva(n)!, long live!, hail to! vivisimo, a , very keen or lively. vivo, a.y bright, gay, lively. vizcacha, /., viscacha or Peru- vian hare. It lives in towns on the Argentine plains in a manner similar to the prairie dog of North America. vocal, /., vowel. . voice, voz, /. volar (ue), 24, v. intr., to fly, to hurry. volcan, m., volcano. volume, tomo, m. voluntad,/., will; de buena — , gladly, willingly. volunteer, v. intr., ofrecerse (38) para. volver (ue), 26, v. intr., to rt- turn, turn; — a + inf., to do again the act of the inf.; — en si, to regain con- sciousness; — se, to turn around; to become. 478 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK votacion, /., vote, voting. vote, votacion, /.; v. intr., votar. vote, votacion, /.; v. intr,, votar. vowel, vocal, /. voy, from ir 9. voyage, viaje, m. voz, /., voice; corre la — , the report goes; en — alta, aloud; a voces llenas, loudly. vuelta, /., turn, return, revo- lution, return trip; de — , in change; de — a, back in. vuelto, pp. of volver, 26, 45. vying with each other in height, a cuales mas altos- as. W wage war on, hacer (8) or armar la guerra a. wagon, galera, /. waiter, camerero, m., mozo, m. walk, V. intr., caminar, ir (9) a pie; — about, pasearse, dar vueltas; take a — , dar (4) un paseo, dar una vuelta, pasearse; J-., paseo,m. wall, (outer) muralla, /., (in- ner) pared, /. want, V. tr., querer 13, desear, tener (17) ganas de. war, guerra,/.; — ship, buque de guerra, m. ward, barrio, m. warehouse, almacen, m. warm, a., caluroso; it is —, hace calor; become — er (of the weather), hacer (8) mas calor. wash, V. tr,, lavar. waste, V. tr., gastar. watch, V. tr., observar, mirar, (lurk in hiding) acechar; — out!, Icuidado!; s., reloj (de bolsillo), m. watchmaker, relojero, m. water, agua, /.; — fall, cas- cada, /., — front, barrio marinero, m.; — wheel, noria, /. wave, V. tr., agitar, menear; J-., ola, /. waver, v. intr., titubear. way, manera, /., modo, m., camino, m.; — of living, manera de vivir; — s of doing business, tratos co- merciales; by — of, en ademan de; in a — , de una manera; in a fine — , a mara villas; in such a — , de tal manera; on the — to, en camino para; camino de; one way, (of tickets) VOCABULARIO 479 sencillo; that's the way with me about soy asi para. we, pers. pron., nosotros-as. wealth, riqueza, /. wealthy, ^., adinerado, rico. weapon, arma, /. wear, v. tr., llevar (puesto). weary, a., cansado. weather, tiempo, m.; — vane, veleta, /., giraldillo, m. week, semana, /., ocho dias, m. pl.'y a — , por semana; two — s, quince dias, m. pi. quincena, /.; two — s in advance, por quincenas ade- lantadas. weekly, a.y semanal. weigh, V. tr., pesar. welcome!, I sea(n) bienveni- do(s)! welfare, bien, w. well, adv. J bien; (as expletive) pues; — then, pues bien; as — as, tanto . . . como, asi . . . como; be — , (suit- able) convenir 21, ser (16) bueno, (in health) estar (6) bien de salud, estar en caja; to-do, a.f pudiente. well-being, bienestar, m. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, first Duke of (1769-1852), great English general who won victory for the English in the Peninsular war and later with Bliicher defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. were you not, I no es verdad? west, oeste, w.; (street num- bers) al oeste. western, a., del oeste, occi- dental. wet, a. J mojado. what, rel. pron., (that which) lo que; interr. pron., dque?, dcual?; and — of that?, y ique what!, icomo!, ique!; what a large room!, ique cuarto mas (or tan) grande! whatever, indef. pron.y or a., cualquier(a). wheat, trigo, w.; — field, trigal, m. wheel, rueda, /. when, rel.y adv. and conj., cuando; — very young, cuando muy nifio; interr. adv., d cuando? whence, .rel. adv., de donde. whenever, conj., cuando quiera que. where, rel. adv., donde; interr., i donde?; (place in which) den donde?; (place towards which) la. donde? 48o ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK whether, conj., si; {after dudar) que. which, rel. pron., que, el que, etc., el cual, etc.; rel. a., cuyo. while, J., rato, m.; conj., mientras (que), a parte que, a la vez que. whistle, silbido, m.; v. intr., silbar. white, a., bianco, who, rel. pron., que, quien, el que, etc., el cual, etc.; interr., d quien? whole, a., entero, completo, todo. wholesale, at — , al por mayor, whom, rel. pron., a quien, que, al que, etc., al cual, etc.; interr., la. quien? whose, rel. pron., de quien, cuyo; interr., dde quien?, t cuyo ? why?, interr. dpor que? wide, a., ancho; {in width) de ancho. width, latitud, /.; in — , de ancho, de anchura. wife, senora, /., mujer, /. wig, peluca, /., big — , pelu- con, m. wild, a., silvestre. will, gana, /.; — yo'u? {before or after a request), ime hace Vd. el favor? willing, be — , querer 13. willingly, adv. de buen grado, de buena voluntad, de buena gana, gustosamente; most — , de mil amores. win, V. tr., conseguir 29, 33, ganar; — for one, valerle (20) a uno. wind, viento, m.; trade s, vientos alisios. winding, a., tortuoso. windmill, molino de viento, m. window, ventana, /.; show — , escaparate, m. wine, vino, m.; — grower, vinador, m. winter, invierno, m. wireless, a., inalambrico, sin hilos. wise, a., sabio. wish, V. tr., querer 13, desear as you — , como Vd. quiera wit, sal,/., ingenio, m. with, prep., con, de. withdraw, v. intr., retirarse. within, prep., dentro de. without, prep., sin. witness, v. tr., presenciar. witty, a., ingenioso, salado. woman, mujer, /. VOCABULARIO 481 wonder, no — , no es de maravillarse (de que with clause) . wonderful, a., maravilloso, milagroso, asombroso; — ly, adv., a (las mil) maravillas. wont, be — , soler 26. v/ood, madera, /., palo m.; — s, bosque, m. wool, lana, /.; bearing, a., lanar. word, palabra,/., voz, /. work, trabajo, m., obra, /.; V. intr., trabajar, funcionar; V. tr., labrar, explotar. workman, obrero, m., traba- jador, m. world, mundo, m.; New — , Nuevo Mundo; — -wide, a., mundial. worry (about), v. tntr., apu- rarse (por); tener (17) cuidado de; don't — about that, pierda Vd. cuidado de eso, no se apure Vd. por eso. worth, valor, m., preciosidad, /., merito, m.; be — , v.intr., valer 20; be — a fortune, valer un sentido; be — while, valer la pena, mere- cer 38; make — while, hacer que valga(n) la pena. worthy, a., digno. would, usually the sign of the cond.; if indicative of past willingness use .imperf. of querer; — that!, iojalal {-\-suhj.). wound, V, tr., herir 27. wrap up, V. tr., envolver 26. write, V. tr., escribir 45. writing, in — , por escrito. X Ximena, Jimena, /. Y y, conj., and. ya, adv., already, indeed, now; — que, conj., since {causal), now that; — sea, conj., either; — se ve, it is evi- dent. yacer, v. intr., to lie. yacimiento, m., bed, deposit {of mineral) . Yankee, a. and s., yanqui. yanqui, a. and s., Yankee; per- taining to or of the United States; not restricted to New England. year, afio, m.; all — , todo el ano; last — , el afio pasado; — s ago, hace afios; — s and — s, afios tras afios. yellow, a., amarillo. yellowish, a., amarillento. 482 ELEMENTARY SPANISH PROSE BOOK yermo, a., barren, waste. yes, adv., si; — indeed -|- clause, SI que-{- clause. yeso, m.y plaster. yesterday, adv., ayer. yield, v. tr., ceder. yo, pers. pron., I; — que Vd., if J were you. yonder, adv., alia; that — , dem. a. or pron., aquel or aquel. you, pers. pron., (subject) US ted (abbreviated Vd.), ustedes (Vds.); (dtr. obj.) le or lo; la; (irtdir. obj.) le; (familiar forms) tu, voso- tros; (dir. and indir. obj.) te; (prep, forms) same as subject forms except ti. young, a., joven; very — , muy nifio; — man, joven, m. your, poss. a., (before the noun: polite) su; (familiar) tu; (after the noun: polite) suyo; (familiar) tuyo. yours, poss. pron., de Vd.(s); el suyo, la suya, etc.; — truly, atento(s) y seguro(s) servidor(es), abbreviated to Atto(s). y S. S. yourself, pers. pron. refl., se; intensive, mismo; for — , por si mismo. youth, joven, m. and f, yunque, m., anvil. zanahoria, /., carrot. zapatero, m., shoemaker. zapatilla, /., slipper. zapato, m., shoe. Zaragoza, /., Saragossa, the capital of the province of the same name in n. e. Spain; population about 75,000. zarpar, v. intr., weigh anchor. zarzuela, /., musical comedy. zeta, the name of the let- ter z. zona, /., zone. Zorrilla y Moral, Jose (1817- 1893), a Spanish dramatist and poet, best known for his "Don Juan Tenorio". Zuloaga, Ignacio (1870- ), the Spanish painter whose work is based on the national tradition of Velazquez, Zurbaran and El Greco. Zurbaran, Francisco (1598- 1662), a Spanish painter who has been called "the Spanish Caravaggio" ow- ing to his realistic style. zurrar, v. tr., to tan leather. m 36316 890443 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY